stringlengths 36
| bug_id
int64 1
| description
stringlengths 1
⌀ | bug_severity
stringclasses 7
values | bug_status
stringclasses 3
values | resolution
stringclasses 8
values |
{'$oid': '52e9b48854dc1c25ebdb2075'} | 1,522 | DW (9/27/00 11:12:31 AM)
Currently, the "type" of an object is shown in the variables view for
its value.
Only Strings and primitive types show concrete values. We should display
the "toString()" of each object as its value.
DW (10/23/00 11:22:02 AM)
Comments from CM:
First I need to define "thread" <g> because there are 2 of them:
1) when I say "thread", I mean a Java Thread, i.e. an object of type
2) when I say "vm thread", I mean the debugger's represenation of a thread in
the VM,
i.e. an object of type com.oti.defrogger.model.DbgThread
So, when asked for an object's toString, the debugger creates a new thread
to do the following:
- lock the vm thread so that no other thread can invoke toString on that vm
- set a flag on the vm thread: fIsInvokingToString = true
- use INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED to send toString() to the object in the vm thread
- set fIsInvokingToString = false
- unlock the vm thread
The fIsInvokingToString flag is checked on a breakpoint, watchpoint, or
so that we don't stop on "debugger-invoked" toStrings.
The debugger will stop if the USER runs through a toString method in the
manner (if a breakpoint, watchpoint, or exception is encountered).
DS (10/23/2000 4:14:16 PM)
3 days
EG (11/8/00 4:54:47 PM)
I've worked with toString enabled for some time in VAME. It introduces
performance and run-time behaviour problems. I had to switch it off
DW (12/7/00 5:14:30 PM)
Created simple implementation that is not robust. Needs to account for
breakpoints, exceptions , and timeouts.
DW (12/7/00 7:18:38 PM)
Added breakpoint support, but did not release implementation into
plugin file.
If an infinite loop is hit, how can we stop it? It is a client
thread - we cannot
kill it.
A "evaluation server thread" would be cool, but I don't see how we can
one without adding code to the target - which cannot always do.
DW (12/8/00 9:26:18 AM)
Found that LeapFrog debugger does not handle infinite loops. For
public class Junky {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Junky j = new Junky();
public void doit() {
public String toString() {
int i = 0;
boolean yes = true;
while (yes) {
return "never";
DW (12/8/00 9:40:38 AM)
Locking not handled either:
public class Lock {
public synchronized void lock() {
System.out.println("While in this method, 'this' is locked");
int i = 0;
boolean yes = true;
while (yes) {
public synchronized String toString() {
return "un-locked";
public class Locking {
public static void main(String[] args) {
(new Locking()).doit();
public void doit() {
final Lock lock = new Lock();
Runnable r1 = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Thread t = new Thread(r1);
DW (12/8/00 12:13:39 PM)
Moved to inactive, as there is no safe way to do evaluation.
DW (10/2/01 1:16:46 PM)
Use pop-up text widget to display toString() | enhancement | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48854dc1c25ebdb2076'} | 1,523 | DS (11/14/00 2:59:11 PM)
You can set a breakpoint that is in an invalid location
for example:
public class Inner implements Enumeration {
private int count;
private Object[] contents;
The breakpoint creator allows breakpoints to be positioned on the two
variable declaration lines. These breakpoints are not hit.
DW (1/2/01 2:07:02 PM)
This seems like it should be a problem for the Java parser or complier, and
hidden in the Java breakpoint creator.
There is a BreakpointLocationVerifier for jdt.debug. It could be improved. | enhancement | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48854dc1c25ebdb2077'} | 1,525 | DW (10/23/00 11:22:46 AM)
Support to show which threads are waiting on which monitors.
DS (10/23/2000 4:30:48 PM)
3 days
EG (1/4/01 6:00:41 PM)
this could be a simple list with all the active monitors.
more advanced would be to integrate deadlock analysis.
DS (7/9/01 11:12:19 AM)
JDI: ThreadReference#currentContendedMonitor()
Returns an ObjectReference for the monitor, if
any, for which this thread is
currently waiting
JDI: ThreadReference#ownedMonitors()
Returns a List containing an ObjectReference
for each monitor owned by the thread.
| enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48854dc1c25ebdb2078'} | 1,524 | DW (10/23/00 11:08:55 AM)
We currently show the instruction pointer by highlighting code. We
also use an instruction pointer marker as in VAME (red arrow).
DS (10/23/2000 4:06:12 PM)
0.5 day
DW (11/29/00 10:17:47 AM)
Issue: the types of markers is defined by the platform. We would need a
type of marker.
DW (12/6/00 2:09:36 PM)
Deferred until we get new marker support.
JGS (1/17/01 10:51:04 AM)
With the new desktop, it seems there are still only 6 predefined marker
However, could we use type OTHER and the "getAdapter()" method from the
IAdaptable interface to allow an InstructionPointerMarker to provide an
(and anything else required)?
DW (1/23/01 2:59:59 PM)
Waiting on new marker support.
DW (3/8/01 4:55:11 PM)
How will editors know how to render the instruction pointer?
What will the marker be associated with? I.e. how will it work
with non-resources?
DW (3/23/01 9:47:32 AM)
On Hold - Waiting for Workbench support for marker
DW (3/30/01 9:18:40 AM)
Support is coming - URL attribute on the marker to refer to an image.
DW (4/20/01 8:51:01 AM)
For now use existing instuction pointer that we use to highlight
source lines. Give it an image, and the Java editor will add it
as a known marker type.
DW (4/23/01 6:21:24 PM)
Changed to use a instruction pointer marker, stored with IWorkspaceRoot.
DS (4/25/01 11:08:56 AM)
On hold waiting for the image. Look at IMarkerImageProvider
DW (4/30/01 11:25:56 AM)
Replace with real image when
received. Define an extension point for IMarkerImageProvider, using
a class that dynamically returns either the top stack frame image
(solid arrow),
or other stack frame image (hollow).
DW (4/30/01 3:16:00 PM)
Added marker image support to our IP marker. Available in 102.
Marker type is "org.eclipse.debug.ui.instructionPointer"
Moved to JUI. Java Editor should display this marker type.
KUM (5/11/01 4:45:51 PM)
The instruction pointer is not displayed. The reason for that is that
the DebugView creates the instruction pointer marker
which is associated with the workspace root. An editor only displays
those markers which are associated with its
input element. Thus, the instruction pointer is never displayed as it
is not associated with any editor input.
Moved back to inbox.
DW (5/11/01 11:00:02 AM)
Problem is knowing what resource to associated the marker with - i.e.
the debugger UI only knows of editor
inputs, not resources.
DW (5/11/01 2:34:52 PM)
Suggest to not implement instruction pointer feature.
DW (5/16/01 12:21:08 PM)
Has been removed for GA. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48854dc1c25ebdb2079'} | 1,526 | I want to write code like this in a snippet file
import com.ibm.swt.widgets.*
Shell shell= new Shell();
EG (11/13/00 2:36:42 PM)
moving to ITPJCORE
PM (11/13/00 11:08:57 AM)
Import statements are not supposed to be declared inside snippets, however there is a mechanism to attach them to the
page, along with global variables.
We would need a new parser in order to process imports amongst regular statements+expressions, and it does not fit along
with the intent of copying the snippet and paste it inside some method body, and it still works.
Moving back to ITPJUI.
EG (11/17/00 12:35:31 PM)
the "attach" mechanism isn't useful enough to surface in the UI.
>>with the intent of copying the snippet and paste it inside some method body, and it still works
this is not a very stron argument. The goals of snippet support is to experiment with code not
to write it so that it can be pasted into a method.
Moving to Active Issues. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48854dc1c25ebdb207a'} | 1,528 | Can start the following snippet two times without terminating the Snippet-VM
com.ibm.swt.widgets.Shell shell= new com.ibm.swt.widgets.Shell();
shell.setBounds(10, 10, 100, 100);
shell.open ();
com.ibm.swt.widgets.Display display = shell.getDisplay();
while (!shell.isDisposed ()) {
if (!display.readAndDispatch ()) display.sleep ();
{'$oid': '52e9b48854dc1c25ebdb207b'} | 1,529 | jkca (11/10/2000 5:21:39 PM)
The user should be able to control whether run/debug sessions started in the desktop
are terminated when the desktop exits. | enhancement | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48854dc1c25ebdb207c'} | 1,527 | Coloring the snippet output in java style results in funny result. For example an output of the
form //text in rendered in red since it is a Java comment.
NOTES: | enhancement | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb207d'} | 1,530 | DM (11/13/00 11:56:46 AM)
The normal behavior of Eclipse when selecting a file is to
- do nothing if the file is not yet open
- go to the file if it is open
The "Breakpoints" view of the Debugger Perspective does not
go to an already opened file: a double-click is always needed.
EG (11/13/00 12:17:18 PM)
"The normal behavior of Eclipse when selecting a file is to..."
This is only the case when the Editor Linking preference is
When editor linking is enabled than the single click behaviour
from above should be implemented.
Not for Nov15.
Moving to ITPDUI
DW (11/30/00 1:44:11 PM)
Waiting for new desktop - not clear how we get at the preference via API.
possibly: get the IDesktop, get the plugin class for it, cast it to
an AbstractUIPlugin, and then get the preference store.
EG (1/4/01 12:27:19 PM)
There should be an official API to get at the this preference setting.
See 1G70YNA: ITPUI:WIN2000 - "Editor Linking" preference issue.
DS (1/22/2001 8:56:23 AM)
I am assumming that the DebugView should follow the same behavior?
Framework in place but waiting on above pr
DW (2/26/01 11:51:24 AM)
The debug view should not have the same behaviour - i.e. we always show
source when a stack frame is selected.
DS (3/28/2001 12:56:35 PM)
Still waiting on official API to get at the workbench preference for editor linking.
DW (6/1/01 11:28:50 AM)
See also
1GEN72P: ITPDUI:ALL - Single select of breakpoint prompts for source | enhancement | CLOSED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb207e'} | 1,531 | EG (1/24/01 9:46:25 AM)
"Open on Selection" support in Console View. The console can show
references to resources in the
case of a walkback. An open on selection command would allow to open
the referenced resource.
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle
java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key Editor.GotoLine.dialog.title
at com.ibm.eclipse.ui.editors.text.GotoLineAction.actionPerformed
Open On Selection with "GotoLineAction.java:69" will open an editor on
EG (1/24/01 9:57:02 AM)
low priority
DW (3/15/01 10:50:59 AM)
Could be done with an #editorAction that is dynamically contributed by
Java Debug UI.
JGS (9/25/01 1:51:22 PM)
The implementation of OpenOnSelectionAction depends on internal classes
in JDT core
via the ICodeAssist interface (which only ClassFile & CompilationUnit
implement). Thus
there is no obvious path to add this functionality to the ConsoleViewer.
JGS (10/4/01 10:38:46 AM)
Response from EG:
I wouldn't stick to the OpenOnSelectionAction it is based on
code select
and code select is only helpful inside Java code.
Let's assume that this is the output in the console:
what does the user have to select to do a Go To (file)?
Is it enough to put the cursor on the line and you parse
the "SomeType:89" or do
you want to use the qualifed method name for navigation.
If you go for the file name then you can use the workspace API
to find the
resource with the name. If the file name is ambigous show a
dialog and
open the editor via the workbench API. Finally use the
ITextEditor API
to reveal the line.
If you go via the fully qualified type name you can use the
search engine
and look for a type with the given name (see
AllTypesSearchEngine for an example) find
the matching package and open the IJavaElement. You can give
the search engine
the package as a scope to constrain the search. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb207f'} | 1,532 | DW (12/11/00 1:39:04 PM)
We should contribute "Run" and "Debug" actions to the pop-up menu for the resource
navigator and packages views.
DW (12/11/00 1:53:04 PM)
Waiting for new desktop.
EG (1/4/01 2:32:39 PM)
I agree that having run and debug in the pop-up menu would be handy.
However, we have to be very careful to not overpopulate the Navigator pop-up menu.
It is already large, in particular since run and debug are not context sensitive they
will always be in the menu.
In addition there is no good support to position a pop-menu contribution.
Until there is better support or clear guidelines from the desktop regarding
pop-up menu contributions to the navigator we should hold back from doing this.
DW (9/6/01 1:14:55 PM)
We need to make our "run" and "debug" actions API. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb2080'} | 1,533 | DW (12/8/00 4:03:27 PM)
The old VAME debugger displayed variables that changed on the last step
in a different color. We cannot control color but could use a special
to present this.
JGS (8/8/01 1:55:20 PM)
Waiting to hear from VI regarding styling TreeItems.
JGS (8/14/01 11:42:53 AM)
Example code from VI for bolding items in a tree.
public static void main (String [] args) {
final Display display = new Display ();
Shell shell = new Shell (display);
final Tree tree = new Tree(shell, SWT.NONE);
tree.setBounds(10, 10, 200, 200);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
TreeItem item = new TreeItem(tree, SWT.NONE);
item.setText("item "+i);
final TreeItem treeItem = new TreeItem(tree, SWT.NONE);
treeItem.setText("accented item ");
final Canvas accent = new Canvas(tree, SWT.NONE);
FontData[] data = tree.getFont().getFontData();
Font font = new Font(display, data[0]);
accent.addListener(SWT.Paint, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event e) {
e.gc.drawText( treeItem.getText(), 1, 1);
accent.addListener(SWT.FocusIn, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event e) {
tree.setSelection(new TreeItem[] {treeItem});
accent.addListener(SWT.FocusOut, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event e) {
TreeEditor editor = new TreeEditor(tree);
editor.horizontalAlignment = SWT.LEFT;
GC gc = new GC(accent);
editor.minimumWidth = gc.textExtent( treeItem.getText()).x;
editor.grabVertical = true;
editor.setEditor(accent, treeItem);
shell.open ();
while (!shell.isDisposed ()) {
if (!display.readAndDispatch ()) display.sleep ();
display.dispose ();
JGS (8/14/01 11:43:22 AM)
The trick is to do this enhancement at a language independent level.
This really
means something like bolding or coloring variable tree items, since
text or icons is model presentation specific. But since TreeItems
don't support
any styling options, we'd have to extend TreeViewer and do some fairly
work to get bolding behavior as outlined above. If we had support for
styling individual tree items, this could be easier. Filed PR
[1GIGJK4: ITPUI:ALL - Feature request: styled tree items] to track this
Moving to Inactive. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb2081'} | 1,535 | EG (1/4/01 3:34:24 PM)
JDI supports debug on demand.
One comment from user testing was:
· Debug - Must explicitly run in debug mode for breakpoints to hit.
I'm so used to the way VAJ works (no explicit debug mode) that I
ended up running the program first, realizing my breakpoints weren't
hit, and then running it again in debug mode.
With debug on demand breakpoints will not be hit but it brings it
closer to the VA/java model.
DW (1/10/01 10:27:17 AM)
To implement this, the launch should work as follows:
* A launcher will need to launch the VM using a command line that specifies the --Xrunjdwp options
"transport=dt_socket ,address=HOST:PORT,onuncaught=y,suspend=n" (server=n, by default).
* A listening connector must be created with a map specifying a port number of PORT.
* The launcher will create a DebugTarget with the JDI Factory method that takes an IProcess and
a configured ListeningConnector. The debug target will use the listening connector to wait for a connection
(if ever). It will be the debug target's repsonsibility to use the #startListening, #accept, and #stopListening
methods on the connector.
We will have to implement a "JDI proxy debug target" that simply waits for a connection (and has no threads, etc.,
unless a connection is made). It will have the above specified associated system process to show console output.
We can implement the example launcher to experiment with this.
The caveats are (since not running in debug mode until an exception is hit):
* Breakpoints will not be hit
* caught exceptions will not be hit (although we may be able to handle this via the "onthrow" parameter)
* You will not be able to manually suspend & inspect any threads
It is yet unclear if this is signifigantly faster than simply running in full debug mode that will support
all debugging features. It may not become clear until we self-host. | enhancement | CLOSED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb2082'} | 1,537 | jkca (7/24/2001 4:40:29 PM)
While working on the JSP breakpoints, DW suggested I add an attribute to the JSP breakpoint
named "classFilePattern". This is used by the JDIDebugTarget to install breakpoints in JSPs.
It would be a useful optimization for all breakpoint factories to add this attribute as it would
simplify the getTopLevelTypeName code. If we use this mechanism as the sole class file
pattern provider, then each debug model could add it's own breakpoints without having
to modify the JDIDebugTarget code. This enables us to debug many languages which
eventually get compiled to java byte code without futher modifying the Debug Model. | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb2083'} | 1,534 | JGS (12/11/00 2:39:52 PM)
For involved debug sessions, it would be nice to have the ability to "snapshot"
the contents of the variables view. This could be a toolbar button/context menu
item that would save the current tree of variables in some format so that at a later
time, perhaps on a different launch, the snapshot could be inspected and perhaps
compared to the current variables view. In addition, a "diff" ability would be handy to
allow two different snapshots to be quickly compared for differences. This could
look and function like the catchup browser in VAME. I think users tend to be cautious
about debug sessions, trying to make sure that everything is just right before launching
them, and moving slowly within them so that they don't miss anything. The ability to
snapshot variables might reassure them so that if for instance they forgot to check to see
if the "foo" variable was null just before their program blew up, they didn't have to redo a
painful debug session. | enhancement | CLOSED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb2084'} | 1,538 | DW (1/26/01 4:05:15 PM)
Suggestion from JJ - be able to add variables (fields/locals) to the watch list before
running/debugging a program.
Also, the ability to add expressions. | enhancement | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb2085'} | 1,536 | DS (1/11/2001 1:41:08 PM)
The debugger grids to a halt with big stacks.
Investigate optimizations to handle this case.
Hit pause and the step return until you can step over "loop()", press pause - the UI wil lock up...
possible due to update callbacks on the creation of the stack frames.
Sample program:
package com.ibm.itp.dui.tests;
public class InfiniteLoop2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
(new InfiniteLoop2()).loop();
public void loop() {
int i = 0;
while (true) {
System.out.println("Looping " + i);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
DW (1/16/01 5:19:54 PM)
We no longer fire creation/terminate events for stack frames or variables. So this
might be working better now - it depends on how efficient the viewer.refresh() is.
DS (1/23/2001 2:17:44 PM)
The refresh with a big stack is still slow and could use some busy cursors
but it does not lock up in the original test case. Probably best to revisit once
the platform is more stable.
DW (6/2/01 12:54:57 PM)
Performance is not bad. Currently, we retrieve all frames on a thread
suspend, and update variables lazily. However, could investigate JDI
implementation to see if it is more efficient to retreive frames one at
a time as/if required. The implementation would have to know the underlying
stack frame is invalid and needs refreshing. Must investigate JDI code,
as it might retrieve all frames anyway.
DS (8/3/2001 3:13:06 PM)
With our current implementation both the DebugUIPlugin and the DebugContentProvider are doing
refresh on suspension we end up updating all of the labels in the stack twice.
Reworking so that all of the work is done in one place (DebugUIPlugin), we could remove the spurious
second update. | enhancement | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb2086'} | 1,539 | JGS (2/8/01 11:41:12 AM)
We should modify our I18N of messages so that integer arguments in
formatted messages are indicated as such.
For example, the following:
Error occurred at line {0} in {1}
would have to be changed to:
Error occurred at line {0,number,integer} in {1}
This also means changing the value sent to the MessageFormat object
from a String to an Integer.
This would allow for automatic conversion to the number rendering style
appropriate for the current locale.
DW (4/20/01 11:38:45 AM)
E-mail from GA:
Numbers & Money have different internationalized
representations (e.g. whether to use "," or ".") . Typically an application
would allow users to enter & printer-back numbers by respecting the locale
specific format.
Usually this tends to apply mostly to apps dealing seriously with numbers etc
(e.g. excel).
Tradionionally there are a bunch of number related places where we
do not bother to "locale print" a number. For example
N errors were detected << we typically don't both with pretty printing
I believe you do not need to NL the format of the case below unless
for readability reasons you want to show a line number (for a brkpt) at 2,304
rather than 2034. If you decide this, then you should use the local info to
format that large number.
Thus, we will not format integers. | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb2087'} | 1,540 | DS (1/31/2001 2:43:09 PM)
Provide support to drag and drop variables from the variables view to the inspector. | enhancement | CLOSED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb2088'} | 1,541 | DW (3/2/01 10:38:40 AM)
The "propertiesAction" and the "viewFilterAction" extensions should be merged into one
extension point called "debugAction". A debug action is an implementor of
IAction & ISelectionChangedListener. The plugin xml should specify attributes
for which views the action is in, and if the action should be in a menu and/or toolbar.
We also need API on the action to determine when it should be visible.
DW (3/15/01 9:56:40 AM)
Leverage the workbench extensions #viewActions, #editorActions, #popupMenu.
The "propertiesAction" extension point is subsumed with the #popupMenu extension
defined by the eclipse ui.
The "viewFilterAction" cannot be directly converted as we have extra functionallity
which is required - i.e. dynamic contribution based on which debug model is currently
being debugged.
To accomodate the dynamic behavior, we can add a "IDebugViewAdapter" that provides
this interface:
#addDebugViewListener(IDebugViewListener) : provides access to the current
debug model in a view, and when it changes, such that buttons can be
added/removed dynamically.
#getViewer() -> StructuredViewer : allows access to the viewer to add/remove filters
DW (3/19/01 3:27:02 PM)
Replaced "propertiesAction" with #popupMenu extension. Made menu group constants
and debug views API. @see IDebugViewConstants & IDebugActionConstants.
Replaced "viewFilterActions" with #viewAction. No allowance for dynamic appearance
Should add manual way to add/remove actions from toolbar - i.e. a "configure tool bar" action
that presents a dialog similar to the action sets dialog in the workbench.
DW (3/28/01 12:18:00 PM)
Sent mail to EG & JW to ask if toolbar configuration is required.
DW (3/29/01 5:52:20 PM)
EG has agreed to hold off on toolbar configuration until after June. Workbench may
provide more support.
DW (6/19/01 9:44:24 AM)
API request for workbench - allow dynamic configuration of toolbars for views - like
action sets in the workbench. Could allow contribution of action sets to views.
DS (8/3/2001 1:30:08 PM)
@see 1GHW7P7: ITPUI:ALL - Should have action sets for views as well | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb2089'} | 1,542 | TM (13.03.2001 12:19:27)
ITPUI 80/platform 33
1) launch junit.ui.TestRunner under the debugger (JDK 1.2.2)
2) suspend the AWTEventQueue thread
3) observe: The source file for java.lang.Object is opened, but wait(long) is not selected
DW (3/14/01 9:03:35 AM)
I believe that native methods do not provide line numbers for debug attributes.
Need to investigate.
DW (3/14/01 10:08:13 AM)
When we ask a native stack frame's location for it's line number - it returns -1.
We would have to do some special case handling and use the Java Model to do
better (i.e. JDI does not help us).
Deferred post March 16 drop. | enhancement | CLOSED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb208a'} | 1,543 | AK (3/13/01 6:56:07 PM)
1. create a snippet file
2. open the file in the editor
3. hit the 'run in package' button
note: there are folders on the list
EG (24.07.2001 23:09:10)
should provide option to filter them out. | minor | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb208b'} | 1,544 | DW (3/13/01 4:06:25 PM)
We cannot create a ThreadDeathInstance until the VM is stopped by a user request.
If there are no breakpoints/classloads before the user suspends a thread, they are
unable to terminate a thread. If no more classes get loaded, they still are unable to
terminate a thread.
DW (6/19/01 9:45:35 AM)
Investigate thread termination. Is there a better way? Can we terminate a thread
on demand, rather than making an instance of ThreadDeath pro-actively? | enhancement | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb208c'} | 1,545 | DW (3/15/01 3:34:15 PM)
New feature: Breakpoint groups
line breakpoints
DW (6/2/01 1:55:35 PM)
Groups should be dynamic/extensible as breakpoints are extensible.
Can we derive it from the set of defined breakpoints? Is a group an
extension point? Must all breakpoints specify a group attribute?
The presentation should allow to show/hide groups. | enhancement | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb208d'} | 1,546 | DW (3/23/01 10:03:32 AM)
Our deployment of class files for HCR and Evaluation does not support
remote targets.
DW (4/25/01 2:03:16 PM)
Could provide a pluggable "deployer" onto a java debug target to handle.
We only provide the local implementation.
DW (7/31/01 3:33:59 PM)
The JDK 1.4 spec uses the approach of replacing types over the wire.
A map of (old) reference types and a collection of bytes that should be loaded
as the new class are provided at the JDI layer. This takes care of the remote
case (i.e. JDI handles it).
This seems like a good design to follow. The part missing from the Sun 1.4
spec is a way to distinguish versions of types.
DW (8/3/01 9:36:14 AM)
In the case of evaluataion, we need to deploy new class files. In the case of
HCR, we need to deploy if remote, otherwise deployment is already done by
the builder.
The launcher knows how to deploy class files - it knows where the target is
and the classpath of the target. Thus, it should supply the deployment policy.
The new JDI API for HotSwap takes care of loading (but not deployment) - i.e. bytes over the wire.
For evaluation we need a deployment policy since the types are new.
IDeploymentPolicy - public void deploy(byte[][] classFileBytes, String[][] typeNames) throws DebugException.
The IJavaDebugTarget will support a #setDeploymentPolicy(IDeploymentPolicy), which the
launcher will provide.
For hotswap, we could still deploy files, and then also use JDI API's to notify target
of updates.
DW (9/17/01 11:32:05 AM)
Using AST evaluation would not require file deployment. | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb208e'} | 1,547 | DW (3/26/01 5:23:39 PM)
If a subclass defines an inst var with the same name as in a supertype,
they are difficult to distinguish in the UI - we should show the defining
type name in this, when the "qualified" button is pressed. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb208f'} | 1,548 | DW (3/30/01 10:37:39 AM)
Embedded users would like extensible launch modes to be able to
define "profile" & "analyse" modes.
DW (3/30/01 2:55:01 PM)
For June release we will not provide extensible launch modes.
The launch modes are:
1) debug - starts a debug session - i.e. results in a debug target
that is under "debug" control
2) run - runs a program that cannot be debugged.
Profiling, analyzing, tracing can fit into the above story.
For example, if tracing does not result in a debuggable target,
then it is "run" mode. If it is possible to "debug" and trace at the
same time, then it is debug mode. Thus, launchers can be written
in the current framework to support tracing/profiling/etc. | enhancement | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48954dc1c25ebdb2090'} | 1,549 | AK (4/5/01 4:27:00 PM)
1. start debugging
2. open another workbench window to java debug
3. when you step through yr program both windows get in synch and show the same thing.
e.g. in both you see the same line selected in the same editor etc.
this is not what i want as a user - i want the other window be at my disposal - i could browse code,
do other stuff.
it's hard to understand why stepping into a method in one window opens an editor in the other.
or why the focus changes randomly between these windows when you step through the code.
EG (4/5/2001 11:58:04 AM)
Serious issue when user debugs 2 programs and wants to step through them at the same
DW (4/5/01 4:10:14 PM)
Perspective switching is also troublesome - i.e. a launcher specifies the java perspective
as a debug layout. When I manually switch to the normal debug layout and then
step, I end up back in the java perspective.
DW (4/6/01 11:21:06 AM)
No action on > 1 window. This is a fundamental model/view problem that we do not intend
to solve. Multiple views will synch. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb2091'} | 1,550 | DW (4/5/01 11:04:06 AM)
When no launcher can be determined, we present all launchers to the user
to choose from. This list could be reduced if we had a project nature to
to filter the list - i.e. a C project only cares about C launchers.
DW (5/1/01 11:19:13 AM)
Another proposal was to allow a launcher to be attached to any resource - not
just the project.
DW (5/10/01 10:56:53 AM)
Should consider this PR at the same time - they are related issues:
1GC2T2D: ITPDUI:ALL - Launching from Outliner
DW (6/2/01 12:24:29 PM)
Launching from outliner has been fixed via IProject adapter.
DW (6/2/01 12:25:20 PM)
Question: What is a launcher be bound to?
Current Implementation: A launcher is bound to a project.
Issue: Should/Can we allow more flexibility/specification here? I.e. can we
support project natures? arbitrary resource? is there a need for anything more? | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb2092'} | 1,551 | jkca (4/11/2001 12:02:47 PM)
jre-sdk 043
I attempted to change the value of a char to be a newline. I tried both
\n and '\n' and neither of them worked. I suspect there are problems with
tabs and other escaped characters. Also, there should be support for (char)86.
DS (4/11/2001 2:52:48 PM)
We should handle the escape chars. (char)86 support is on hold.
Need the valid set of escape chars.
DS (4/17/2001 1:58:55 PM)
Test with '\n'.
DS (4/17/2001 3:30:46 PM)
Implemented the escape chars.
Verify and then move to inactive.
DW (4/18/01 4:42:53 PM)
Verified. We might also want to support unicode sequences.
DW (6/2/01 12:46:40 PM)
Possible enhancements:
For characters, allow
For numbers, allow
hex input
For Strings
allow specification of "null"? | normal | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb2093'} | 1,552 | DS (4/11/2001 12:10:08 PM)
Method entry breakpoints do not show in the breakpoints ruler for source types.
Method entry breakpoints do not work for source types...the signatures are different
e.g. ScopeTest#go(String)
IMethod#getSignature --> (QString;)V
Method#signature --> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
DS (4/11/2001 2:39:25 PM)
Temp fix was to disable the action for methods that are not binary.
DW (4/16/01 1:53:54 PM)
Could be re-enabled in future. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb2094'} | 1,553 | (4/12/2001 11:43:12 AM) AB: When I step into a class that doesn't have source in the "Project" an empty source window is
opened with the title set to "<classname>.class" This window is blank.
I would expect to be asked where the source can be found. It is not an option to bring all of the source into a project.
I may not even have the source.
Something similar to "Step Debug" would be good. This would step until source was found. I avoid stepping into
the class loader/security check etc.
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb2095'} | 1,554 | jkca (4/11/2001 11:47:37 AM)
I added one method entry breakpoint to PingPong.java on the pong() method. When I ran,
the program halted at System.arraycopy(). See stack trace below. When I hit resume, it
halted on pong(), but the next time I hit resume it landed on the System.arraycopy() again.
Continuing to hit resume I get pong(), arraycopy(), pong(), arraycopy(), etc.
Thread [main] (Suspended)
System.arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int)
String.getChars(int, int, char[], int) line: 542
BufferedWriter.write(String, int, int) line: 205
BufferedWriter(Writer).write(String) line: 132
PrintStream.write(String) line: 271
PrintStream.print(String) line: 411
PrintStream.println(String) line: 534
PingPong.pong() line: 27
PingPong.ping() line: 21
PingPong.loop() line: 8
PingPong.main(String[]) line: 4
DS (4/11/2001 4:17:49 PM)
This is a problem with source method entry breakpoints.
Currently fixed by not enabling method entry breakpoints action on source methods.
jkca (4/12/2001 10:42:06 AM)
This does not occur if running against sun jdk1.2.2-005.
It does occur with the VM that ships with the Eclipse SDK 043. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb2096'} | 1,555 | (4/12/2001 2:00:04 PM) AB: I have added breakpoints on the line that contains the method declaration
e.g. public int myMethod() {
The breakpoints take but when I run the application in debug they don't get hit. Since the only way to
stop a program is by breakpoints it might be good to alert the user that certain breakpoints were removed/
not installed otherwise they may not know why their program didn't stop.
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb2097'} | 1,556 | TM (4/20/2001 15:31:45)
DBG 46
1) put a breakpoint in a java program (VectorTest) and debug it wiht J9.
2) when you hit the breakpoint, suspend the thread
called "DebugResponseServer"
3) "Suspend" is still enabled for the "DebugResponseServer" thread.
4) click on different stack frames.
5) observe: you wait a long time until the UI follows. In the variable
window, you see: "this = deallocated".
I see two problems here:
1) I don't know whether "this" has been deallocated, but I figure we
have a timeout problem.
We should announce this to the user
2) We need a busy cursor when clicking around.
Also, it would be nice to have a "don't know" or "waiting to be
suspended" state for threads.
DW (4/20/01 9:12:44 AM)
We should likely not allow suspending the debug server thread. However,
it looks like the
request (suspend) should throw an exception and be caught by the UI?
Further attempts
to terminate threads & Vm also fail but do not report an exceptions.
DS (4/23/2001 4:28:05 PM)
The exception is "expected"...TimeoutException. We call
jdiLogException and silently fail for
this exception. This will require some deep thought.
DW (5/4/01 4:43:39 PM)
The exception is properly propogated to the UI now - Exception occurred
suspending thread.
DW (5/8/01 12:57:46 PM)
The workbench does not display a busy cursor when getting children. The
UI locks up
while getting children in a non-responding debug target.
I got stack frames to show as "<not responding>", but the threads and
target remained with old
names & state since their state & names are cached.
When attempting to resume/suspend a thead in non-responding target, the
error message
just says "Exception occurred suspending thread". However, it does not
specify what
exception occurred or if it was a timeout.
DW (5/10/01 10:58:35 AM)
The only optimization I can see here is to have a debug target/model
bail after a few
timeouts so we do not lock up the UI.
DW (5/10/01 11:24:57 AM)
Just make a read-me note for this as a known problem.
DW (6/15/01 10:30:03 AM)
Added to README. | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb2098'} | 1,557 | DW (4/27/01 9:53:54 AM)
1) Run com.ibm.itp.dui.tests.InfiniteLoop with breakpoint on line 11
2) When program suspends, try to terminate thread
3) instead of terminating, thread resumes, and re-suspends at breakpoint
DW (4/27/01 10:11:25 AM)
Reproduceable - when I debugged there was no indication of why it is failing.
The thread death instance was valid, and the thread was asked to stop.
Resuming the thread so it could die just resumed without death.
Same problem occurrs with running thread - does not terminate.
I am able to terminate the VM.
DW (5/11/01 2:30:29 PM)
Make this into a readme note.
DW (6/15/01 10:34:05 AM)
Added to README. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb2099'} | 1,558 | DW (4/30/01 12:26:07 PM)
Show when a stack frame's source is in/out of synch with the running target.
Queued until May 7.
DW (5/9/01 2:58:01 PM)
Proposal - let the java editor, in the debugger, display whether the source
is in/out of synch.
Reason - showing on a stack frame basis is less efficient, since more look-ups
must be performed. For a stack frame, a type must be resolved from the stack
frame's delcaring type name (which the source locator is already doing). From
the type, bytes must be resolved (output folder of type's project, or if a binary
type, the bytes are already available). From the bytes, a CRC is computed.
Here's the sequence of events:
1) The debugger UI asks the source locator to map a stack frame to an object to
be displayed.
At this point, the source locator could cache a (runtime) CRC for the stack
frame's associated type (we will add #getCRC to IJavaStackFrame). The
development time CRC can also be cached, if not already. This cache
must be cleared when a resource delta indicates the type may have changed.
2) The debugger UI asks the model presentation for an editor input for the object
returned in (1).
The editor input created can have a special name & icon if CRC are out
of synch.
This is more efficient since we only display sync info for type that we display
source for, rather than every stack frame. Type lookup is minimized.
DW (5/10/01 3:38:59 PM)
Above story not sufficient. The updating of the editor must be done dynamically with
each save/modification. Thus:
* source lookup could generate special "debug editor inputs", by returning a special
object that the editor utility uses to build "debug editor inputs".
* When a java editor has a special debug editor input it must know to update
* A debug target could be queried for the CRC of a type (given a fully qualified name)
* the java ui plugin would maintain a cache of type CRC's in the ide.
* When > 1 debug target, which taget is querried (or do we show source out of synch with
at least one target?).
* Do we attempt to show in relation to "selected" target?
DW (8/2/01 1:27:36 PM)
I experimented with calculating CRC's. I was able to use Java model API to get from a CU
to its corresponding class file (and calc a CRC with java.util.CRC32). I had to use non-public
API to get the bytes for a class file in a zip to calc the CRC. I did not cache the CRCs - just
computed on demand (which is less efficient). However, it showed that we will be able to
tell what is in/out of synch.
Unclear if we want to show in-synch info in the target & stack frames (debug view), or in the editor. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb209a'} | 1,560 | DW (5/1/01 1:28:47 PM)
Thread groups could be displayed for threads - see what other debuggers do.
Perhaps we only show when "show qualified" is on? | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb209b'} | 1,561 | MA (5/2/01 6:42:39 PM)
1. create your own plugin.
In the startup method set a breakpoint
2. create a preference page in the plugin
in the preference page contsructor set a break point
3. start eclipse, go to the preference page, select your plugin's preference page.
4. observe
the break point in the plugins startup is not reached.
The constructor is invoked but it's plugin has not been started
JM (5/6/2001 1:17:16 AM)
The mechanism for starting a plugin when a class is loaded is clearly working as it is this
mechanism which creates and initializes the underlying workspace. I suspect some sort of
configuration problem with your environment.
Need more information. For example:
- what is the execution environment
- what is the development environment
- possible code example
MA (07.05.01 16:44:15)
Windows, started from Vame or Eclipse (SH)
1. start with empty workspace
2. Set a breakpoint in ImportOrganizePreferencePage-Constructor (at the super call) and one in initDefaults
initDefaults is called from JavaPlugin.startup
3. When started up, Windows->Preferences->Java->ImportOrder (do not look at any other pages) -> first class from Java plugin
4. The constructor breakpoint is reached first
JavaPlugin.startup is only reach due to the usage of the Java Plugin in the ImportOrganizePreferencePage-Constructor
JM (6/5/2001 11:30:21 PM)
JM (6/8/2001 1:45:17 PM)
Moving to DJH for investitgation
DJH (6/12/01 4:53:02 PM)
JohnA (10/3/2001 10:11:44 AM)
Weird! This seems to me like a debugger problem. If I add a System.out.println in the plugin startup()
and the preference page constructor, they seem to be run in the correct order, but it never hits the breakpoint!
I tried this with the readme plugin example. Here are the exact steps I followed:
1) Added a no-arg constructor to ReadmePreferencePage
2) Added a println statement in the constructor, and put a breakpoint on the println.
3) Added a startup() method to ReadmePlugin, with a println and a breakpoint
4) Ran the workbench, went to the preference page, and selected "Readme Example"
5) Both printlns occur, then it hits the breakpoint in the pref page constructor, but doesn't show any stack.
Moving to ITPDUI for further investigation.
DS (10/3/01 2:00:36 PM)
Cannot reproduce the problem
Did exactly the steps above except of course 4) should read "Debugged" instead of "Ran" | critical | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb209c'} | 1,562 | DS (5/3/01 10:38:38 AM)
When a breakpoint is hit, we should select that breakpoint in the breakpoints view. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb209d'} | 1,563 | DS (5/4/01 2:07:47 PM)
The debug/run history needs to have the full qualified name of the launch element. | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb209e'} | 1,564 | Self hosting Core.
Trying to track some problems in the core library, I added some printf's to get some information.
The messages only show up in the console when I exit my workbench.
DW (5/9/01 7:47:28 PM)
Note from RP:
"I'm calling flush in Java after calling the native code."
DS (5/11/01 3:23:47 PM)
Behavior is identical to VAME. We are not getting any notification
of the streams being appended for the printfs. Appears that this will be a known
limitation specified in a README.
DW (6/12/01 3:37:45 PM)
Using "flushall()" in the native makes the printf's appear.
DW (6/15/01 10:45:07 AM)
Added to README. | normal | RESOLVED | INVALID |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb209f'} | 1,565 | DS (5/8/01 10:24:28 AM)
If you change the structure of a class, say by adding a instance variable, HCR fails
but there is no indication of this to the user.
DW (5/8/01 1:01:00 PM)
For example:
Internal error logged from JDI debug model:
org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException: Hot code replace failed.
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIDebugElement.targetRequestFailed(JDIDebugElement.java:284)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIDebugTarget.typesHaveChanged(JDIDebugTarget.java:478)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JavaHotCodeReplaceManager.notify(JavaHotCodeReplaceManager.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JavaHotCodeReplaceManager.resourceChanged(JavaHotCodeReplaceManager.java:108)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.NotificationManager$1.run(NotificationManager.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.InternalPlatform.run(InternalPlatform.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run(Platform.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.NotificationManager.notify(NotificationManager.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.NotificationManager.broadcastChanges(NotificationManager.java:34)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.NotificationManager.broadcastChanges(NotificationManager.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.broadcastChanges(Workspace.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.endOperation(Workspace.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.run(Workspace.java:1092)
at org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceModifyOperation.run(WorkspaceModifyOperation.java:79)
at org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor.doSave(AbstractTextEditor.java:486)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.CompilationUnitEditor.doSave(CompilationUnitEditor.java:190)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorManager.saveEditor(EditorManager.java:677)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.saveEditor(WorkbenchPage.java:859)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.SaveAction.run(SaveAction.java:33)
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.handleWidgetSelection(ActionContributionItem.java:366)
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.handleWidgetEvent(ActionContributionItem.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem$ActionListener.handleEvent(ActionContributionItem.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.notifyListeners(Widget.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.run(Workbench.java:554)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.boot.InternalBootLoader.run(InternalBootLoader.java:825)
at org.eclipse.core.boot.BootLoader.run(BootLoader.java:280)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:66)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:314)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.UIMain.main(UIMain.java:46)
DW (5/8/01 4:31:20 PM)
Currently we have no way to report the failure to the UI - we are in core debug support,
in a resource callback, with no knoweldge of the UI.
DW (5/9/01 7:01:02 PM)
Could be addressed by showing "synch" info in UI.
1GD0ANF: ITPDUI:ALL - CRC's and in synch
TM (5/23/2001 14:16:55)
I just got this behaviour when adding this line:
String sourceName= frame.getSourceName();
to BuildPathSourceLocator.getSourceElement(IStackFrame stackFrame).
Do we understand why I'm not getting HCR in this case?
DW (8/3/01 9:07:21 AM)
Propose to a IHotSwapListener service to the Java debug mdoel, reporting
failures to registered clients.
- public void hotSwapFailed(IJavaDebugTarget target, String[] classNames, DebugException exception) | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb20a0'} | 1,559 | - self hosting workspace.
- break point in ExceptionAnalyzer
- when break point is hit, Eclipse IDE doesn't come to front.
DS (5/4/01 2:45:44 PM)
Does the Eclipse debugger come to the front of the development
ide windows? Currently, the debugger will only come to the front
of the active workbench windows of the development ide.
It does not become the active "Windows" window. Our behavior is similar
to VAME.
DB (07.05.2001 09:48:47)
Yes, the debugger comes to the front of the development ide windows.
I also opt that the debugger becomes the active Windows window.
DW (5/8/01 8:14:56 AM)
Comment from EG: "the debugger is brought to the front of the windows in
its application group and this is what I'd expect. Bringing the window to front
even when the eclipse window group isn't active is problematic and feels
anti-social to me. On some platforms (Mac, win2000) there is an alerting
feature when a background application wants to get attention."
Moved to inactive. | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb20a1'} | 1,566 | AK (5/8/01 7:02:07 PM)
i'd like to be able to run programs from package view and from the outliner (if there's a main method )
from the outliner - it'd be also acceptable if the run/debug entries showed up only after selecting the main method
EG (5/9/2001 12:00:27 PM)
DW you have looked into this earlier, pls comment.
DW (5/10/01 8:23:57 AM)
Launching from the packages view works. What is the problem with the package view?
Launching from the outliner is problematic.
1GC2T2D: ITPDUI:ALL - Launching from Outliner
AK (5/10/01 3:31:25 PM)
i'm talking about the ui
i'd like to have a popup menu entry in the package: run
DW (5/10/01 10:57:32 AM)
How can we/others contribute the run action to other menus?
DS (5/10/01 3:29:31 PM)
From IWorkbenchPartSite#registerContextMenu
* Registers a pop-up menu with the default id for extension.
* The default id is defined as the part id.
* <p>
* Within the workbench one plug-in may extend the pop-up menus for a view
* or editor within another plug-in. In order to be eligible for extension,
* the target part must publish each menu by calling <code>registerContextMenu</code>.
* Once this has been done the workbench will automatically insert any action
* extensions which exist.
* </p>
* <p>
* A menu id must be provided for each registered menu. For consistency across
* parts the following strategy should be adopted by all part implementors.
* </p>
* <ol>
* <li>If the target part has only one context menu it should be registered
* with <code>id == part id</code>. This can be done easily by calling
* <code>registerContextMenu(MenuManager, ISelectionProvider).
* <li>If the target part has more than one context menu a unique id should be
* defined for each. Prefix each id with the view id and publish these
* id's within the javadoc for the target part. Register each menu at
* runtime by calling <code>registerContextMenu(String, MenuManager,
* ISelectionProvider)</code>. </li>
* </ol>
* <p>
* Any pop-up menu which is registered with the workbench should also define a
* <code>GroupMarker</code> in the registered menu with id
* <code>IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS</code>. Other plug-ins will use this
* group as a reference point for insertion. The marker should be defined at an
* appropriate location within the menu for insertion.
* </p>
So the menus we are interested in must be registered and then our plugin must specify the
action in the plugin.xml?
DW (5/10/01 4:49:29 PM)
I believe this goes along with "viewerContribution" extension point. However, we cannot
contribute to views that we do not know about (i.e. the packages view).
EG (9/24/2001 8:32:54 AM)
right, but the JUI doesn't want to add the run action to all its views.
instead of a viewer contribution, we could consider an object contribution on
IJavaElements. This requires that all views support object contributions.
Rework should wait until we have a proposal for launch configurations. | enhancement | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb20a2'} | 1,567 | DW (5/9/01 1:24:17 PM)
I did a full build with an HCR target active, and got this in the console.
Internal error logged from JDI debug model:
org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException: Hot code replace failed.
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException.<init>(CoreException.java:30)
at org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException.<init>(DebugException.java:36)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIDebugElement.targetRequestFail
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIDebugTarget.typesHaveChanged(J
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JavaHotCodeReplaceManager.notify(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JavaHotCodeReplaceManager.resourc
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.NotificationManager$1.run(Notificati
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.InternalPlatform.run(InternalPlatfo
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run(Platform.java:388)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.NotificationManager.notify(Notificat
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.NotificationManager.broadcastChanges
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.NotificationManager.broadcastChanges
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.broadcastChanges(Worksp
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.endOperation(Workspace.
java(Compiled Code))
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.build(Workspace.java:11
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.GlobalBuildAction.build(GlobalBuildAction.jav
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.GlobalBuildAction$1.run(GlobalBuildAction.jav
at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(Modal
DW (5/9/01 1:34:08 PM)
Is reproduceable with self host env, but when I try a smaller workspace example,
it does not happen.
DW (5/14/01 4:13:04 PM)
Still reproduceable with 5/11/2001 J9. | critical | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb20a3'} | 1,568 | I set a breakpoint on the first line of the method below (i.e., on "LaunchInfo li") and ran
the program. The breakpoint was not hit even though the method was run.
private static LaunchInfo restoreProfile(URL base) {
LaunchInfo li;
URL info;
try {
DW (5/14/01 8:41:39 AM)
See what LF does.
DS (5/14/01 9:07:47 AM)
Behavior is identical to VAME...you are not on an executable line of code.
Proposed feature for post-JUNE. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb20a4'} | 1,570 | DW (5/14/01 10:19:36 AM)
Readme note:
Breakpoints can be set on un-executable lines. For example:
Object x;
DW (6/15/01 9:22:41 AM)
Added to README. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48a54dc1c25ebdb20a5'} | 1,569 | After inspecting new Main(), I would like to send foo() to the result.
Currently this is not possible.
JW (5/11/01 12:26:21 PM) Not a show stopper, but a nice improvement.
DW (5/11/01 2:32:56 PM)
I believe this would require a new evaluation context - i.e. we have a stack
frame context and a global context, but we would need a way to tell the compiler
about the inspected result, and how to resolve/refer to it.
Would also need a UI to allow the snippet to be associated with the
inspect item - i.e. like a VAJ or Smalltalk inspector. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20a6'} | 1,571 | DW (5/16/01 1:57:33 PM)
ISession might be a better term for an ILaunch.
DW (7/30/01 1:31:42 PM)
Currently, a launcher launches a debug session, system process,
or connects to an already running program. In the future there could be other
launchers that may do things such as start a tracing session, or start
profiling session, etc. The term "Launch" (as a noun, i.e. the result of launching)
feels awkward and could be better described as a session.
Propose to rename
ILaunch to ISession
ILaunchManager to ISessionManager
ILaunchListener to ISessionListener
Launch to Session
Change DebugPlugin accessor
#getLaunchManager -> #getSessionManager
ISession would be defined as: [
package org.eclipse.debug.core;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
* A session is the result of launching a program in debug mode, connecting
* to a program that is already running in debug mode, and/or
* starting one or more system processes (which may or may not be in debug mode).
* <p>
* This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients. Clients
* should create instances of this interface by using the implementation
* provided by the class <code>Session</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> This class/interface is part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to
* change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback
* from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken
* (repeatedly) as the API evolves.
* </p>
* @see Session
public interface ISession extends ITerminate, IAdaptable {
* Returns the debug target associated with this session, or <code>null</code>
* if no debug target is associated with this session.
* @return the debug target associated with this session, or <code>null</code>
IDebugTarget getDebugTarget();
* Returns the object used to create this session - for example the program that
* was launched. Cannot return <code>null</code>.
* @return the launched object
Object getElement();
* Returns the launcher that was used to create this session. Cannot return <code>null</code>.
* @return the launcher
ILauncher getLauncher();
* Returns the processes associated with this session,
* or an empty collection if no processes are associated with
* this session.
* @return array of processes
IProcess[] getProcesses();
* Returns the source locator to use when locating source elements associated
* with the debug target of this session, or <code>null</code>
* if source mapping is not supported.
* @return the source locator
ISourceLocator getSourceLocator();
* Returns the mode this session was launched in - one of the mode constants defined by
* the session manager.
* @return the launch mode
* @see ISessionManager
public String getMode();
An ISessionListener would be defined as: [
package org.eclipse.debug.core;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
* A session listener is notified of sessions as they
* are added to and removed from the session manager.
* <p>
* Clients may implement this interface.
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> This class/interface is part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to
* change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback
* from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken
* (repeatedly) as the API evolves.
* </p>
* @see ISession
public interface ISessionListener {
* Notifies this listener that the specified session has been removed
* from the session manager.
* @param session the deregistered session
void sessionRemoved(ISession session);
* Notifies this listener that the specified session has been added to
* the session manager.
* @param session the registered session
void sessionAdded(ISession session);
ISessionManager would be defined as: [
package org.eclipse.debug.core;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IDebugTarget;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IProcess;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
* The session manager manages the set of registered sessions, maintaining
* a collection of active processes and debug targets. Clients interested
* in session notification may register with the session manager.
* <p>
* For convenience, a default launcher may be associated with a project.
* The preference is stored as a persistent property with the project.
* The debug UI plug-in uses this preference to help determine which
* launcher to invoke when the the run or debug button is pressed, based on
* the selection in the workbench. If a launcher cannot be determined,
* the user is prompted to choose a launcher.
* </p>
* <p>
* Clients are not intended to implement this interface.
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> This class/interface is part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to
* change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback
* from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken
* (repeatedly) as the API evolves.
* </p>
* @see ISession
* @see ISessionListener
public interface ISessionManager extends IAdaptable {
* A session in a normal, non-debug mode(value <code>"run"</code>).
public static final String RUN_MODE= "run";
* A session in a special debug mode (value <code>"debug"</code>).
public static final String DEBUG_MODE= "debug";
* Adds the given listener to the collection of registered session listeners.
* Has no effect if an identical listener is already registerd.
* @param listener the listener to register
void addSessionListener(ISessionListener listener);
* Removes the specified session and notifies listeners. Has no effect
* if an identical session is not already registered.
* @param session the session to remove
void removeSession(ISession session);
* Returns the session the given process is contained in, or <code>null</code>
* no registered session contains the process.
* @param process the process for which to find a session
* @return the session containing the process, or <code>null</code> if none
ISession findSession(IProcess process);
* Returns the session the given debug target is contained
* in, or <code>null</code> no registered session contains the debug target.
* @param target the debug target for which to find a session
* @return the session containing the debug target, or <code>null</code> if none
ISession findSession(IDebugTarget target);
* Returns the collection of debug targets currently registered with this
* session manager.
* @return an array of debug targets
IDebugTarget[] getDebugTargets();
* Returns the default launcher for the given project,
* or <code>null</code> if no default launcher has been set.
* The default launcher is stored as a persistent property
* with a project.
* @param project the project for which to retrieve a default launcher
* @return the defualt launcher, or <code>null</code> if none
* @exception CoreException if an error occurs accessing the
* persistent property
ILauncher getDefaultLauncher(IProject project) throws CoreException;
* Returns the collection of registered launchers that can operate in the
* specified mode - run or debug.
* @return an array of launchers
ILauncher[] getLaunchers(String mode);
* Returns the collection of registered launchers.
* @return an array of launchers
ILauncher[] getLaunchers();
* Returns the collection of sessions currently registered
* with this session manager.
* @return an array of sessions
ISession[] getSessions();
* Returns the collection of processes currently registered with this
* session manager.
* @return an array of processes
IProcess[] getProcesses();
* Adds the specified session to the session manager.
* Has no effect if an identical session is already registered.
* @param session the session to register
void addSession(ISession session);
* Removes the given listener from the collection of registered session listeners.
* Has no effect if an identical listener is not already registerd.
* @param listener the listener to deregister
void removeSessionListener(ISessionListener listener);
* Sets the default launcher for the given project as a persistent property.
* @param project the project for which to set the preference
* @param launcher the launcher preference
* @exception CoreException if an error occurs setting the persistent property
void setDefaultLauncher(IProject project, ILauncher launcher) throws CoreException;
] | enhancement | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20a7'} | 1,572 | JGS (5/10/01 7:03:19 PM)
The icons for variables underneath InspectItems in the Inspector
look squished. They don't seem to get as much horizontal space
as in the variables view, and consequently look different.
JGS (5/16/01 7:22:24 PM)
In fact, the whole inspector tree looks like things are squeezed
more than in the variables view tree.
JGS (5/17/01 11:50:37 AM)
The reduced space in the inspector also results in the 'S' for static
getting chopped off.
JGS (5/18/01 10:47:58 AM)
The problem is that the icons of children of an InspectItem are
which are 22 pixels wide, whereas the icon for an InspectItem is a
icon, which is only 16 pixels wide. Apparently, the Tree decides how
space to allow for icons for TreeItems based on how much space the
item requires (or it could be how much space the *first* TreeItem
Because of this, 22 pixel wide icons were getting squeezed into 16
There are a number of ways to fix. We could make InspectItem public
so that JDIModelPresentation could handle its icon, thus allowing it to
become an OverlayIcon. But for now, this is fixed by simply widening
InspectItem icon ("expression_obj.gif") to be 22 pixels wide. This
doesn't require any code changes. After verifying,
move this PR to Inactive for reconsideration after first release?
DW (5/21/01 6:46:53 PM)
Verified. | minor | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20a8'} | 1,573 | DW (5/16/01 11:26:07 AM)
It would be good if the model presentation were also the content provider
for a view. This would allow the presentation to handle sorting/filtering on
its own.
DW (8/10/01 11:15:47 AM)
Currently, the debug UI implements content providers for the debug views.
This means that it controls the sorting of elements in the view. The JDI
debug model has to do sorting for variables - i.e. args, locals, statics, etc.
It would be more desirable to have sorting handled in the presentation layer.
DW (9/20/2001 10:13:38 AM)
We use actions to add/remove filter (eg. final & static filters). There is no simple
way for a presentation to add a sorter to a view. Currerntly the model implements
However, the only view where sorting is applicable is in the "variable" view.
Order is defined in the debug/launch view (eg. stack frames are top-down).
In views where there are elements from different debug models (breakpoints view),
we would have to have a top level sorter that first grouped elements (by debug model),
and then sorted within groups. This would require an API on the presentation to
"get a sorter for a specific view".
Deferred to P3. | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20a9'} | 1,574 | DW (5/16/01 11:28:45 AM)
The toggles that we contribute - qualified names & show types - could
have their state persisted across workbench invocations.
JMB (8/17/2001 9:50:50 AM)
Deferred. Need ActionContributionItems to properly set their ids.
They don't yet. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20aa'} | 1,575 | Steps to see the problem:
1) Set a breakpoint in some code, and run to it.
2) Notice that the "current" line of code is selected
3) Now click somewhere in the editor
4) The "current" line is no longer selected (because the "selection" folows the caret)
Would be nice if the user always knew where the current line was, even if they select
somewhere else in the text editor.
You could do this by setting the background color in the StyledText widget.... (maybe)
Or you could do it the "VAME" way, by having a little red arrow in the "breakpoint bar"
to the left of the text.
DS (5/17/01 2:05:51 PM)
Duplicate of 1G3A7CG: ITPDUI:ALL - Displaying Instruction pointer
DW (5/17/01 5:48:23 PM)
Deferred to post June. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20ab'} | 1,577 | DW (5/18/01 8:58:12 AM)
Can we re-use editors? And just re-set the input? Can we look at editor IDs?
DW (5/18/01 1:37:06 PM)
EditorPart.setInput(IEditorInput) is not part of the API - just the implementation.
DW (6/19/01 9:37:28 AM)
Requires API request/change from workbench.
DS (8/3/2001 3:39:38 PM)
@see 1GHWE4M: ITPUI:ALL - Reuse of editors: changing the input | enhancement | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20ac'} | 1,578 | DW (5/18/01 12:43:36 PM)
We only install BPs in the first class with a given name - not all.
And not any others that get loaded with the same name.
DW (5/18/01 2:54:42 PM)
This could cause trouble with snippet editor that reloads classes
on each evaluation.
DW (6/15/01 9:34:52 AM)
Added to README.
DW (8/7/01 3:13:56 PM)
Should be re-worked when breakpoints are re-done as objects.
DW (9/20/2001 10:09:08 AM)
Fixed with breakpoint re-work. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20ad'} | 1,576 | DS (5/17/01 4:23:29 PM)
The remove all terminated launches, deregisters the launches one at a time.
This causes flash and is inefficient.
Would require changes to IlaunchManager#deregisterLaunches or something similar
DW (5/17/01 4:51:19 PM)
Deferred. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20ae'} | 1,579 | Most of the time (but not allways) I don't get a + sign in front of UIMain when I debug Eclipse using J9. Also hitting a breakpoint
stops the program execution but doesn't reveal the corresponding method on the stack frame.
Zipped my workspace if it helps.
DW (5/21/01 8:02:00 PM)
Sounds like unable to retrieve threads from VM on startup.
Try J9 on Win2000.
DW (5/22/01 3:35:13 PM)
Unable to reproduce - asked DB to use debug options to look for error messages.
DB (23.05.2001 10:18:24)
Got the following on my console when I started J9 in debug mode. Had no plus in front
Internal error logged from JDI debug model:
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.connect.PacketReceiveManager.getReply(PacketReceiveManager.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.connect.PacketReceiveManager.getReply(PacketReceiveManager.java:127)
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.MirrorImpl.requestVM(MirrorImpl.java:152)
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.MirrorImpl.requestVM(MirrorImpl.java:208)
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.VirtualMachineImpl.getIDSizes(VirtualMachineImpl.java:704)
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.VirtualMachineImpl.packetSendManager(VirtualMachineImpl.java:231)
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.MirrorImpl.requestVM(MirrorImpl.java:148)
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.MirrorImpl.requestVM(MirrorImpl.java:170)
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.request.EventRequestImpl.enable(EventRequestImpl.java:200)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIDebugTarget.initializeRequests(JDIDebugTarget.java:233)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIDebugTarget.initialize(JDIDebugTarget.java:197)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIDebugTarget.<init>(JDIDebugTarget.java:165)
at org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.JDIDebugModel$1.run(JDIDebugModel.java:144)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.run(Workspace.java:1099)
at org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.JDIDebugModel.newDebugTarget(JDIDebugModel.java:148)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.launcher.J9DebugLauncher.run(J9DebugLauncher.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.launcher.JavaApplicationLauncher$1.run(JavaApplicationLauncher.java:190)
at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:102)
DB (23.05.2001 10:30:01)
BTW: the walkback doesn't show up in the normal .log file.
DB (23.05.2001 10:30:57)
After terminating the target I got the following on the console
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIDebugTarget.removeAllChildren(JDIDebugTarget.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIDebugTarget.terminate0(JDIDebugTarget.java:1212)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIDebugTarget.handleVMDisconnect(JDIDebugTarget.java:706)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.EventDispatcher.dispatch(EventDispatcher.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.EventDispatcher$1.run(EventDispatcher.java:153)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.run(Workspace.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.EventDispatcher.run(EventDispatcher.java, Compiled Code)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:479)
DW (5/23/01 10:49:35 AM)
Increasing the timeout fixes the problem.
Fixed NPE by safeguarding the removeAllChildren with a null check.
DW (5/23/01 1:46:51 PM)
We could propogate creation/init failures by having the debug target creation methods throw a debug exception on
failure - this way, the launch could report the failure to the user.
Would require an API change.
DW (5/25/01 9:08:29 AM)
Add a readme note for this - increase timeout if the problem occurrs.
DW (6/15/01 10:20:39 AM)
Added to README. | critical | CLOSED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20af'} | 1,580 | DS (5/21/01 10:51:52 AM)
When selecting a new context, the current context should be selected.
DW (5/24/01 9:35:14 PM)
JGS (5/29/01 4:16:15 PM)
This works for real packages and package fragments, but for default packages,
if I select the default package for my project, then come back in, the default
package for rt.jar is selected.
DW (5/30/01 1:58:34 PM)
Not easily improved. The interaction between the "run in package" action and
the scrapbook is via package name - not package handles. Would require
changing the interaction to use element handle, and persisting the handle id.
DW (5/30/01 3:04:47 PM)
Deferred to post-june.
DW (8/10/01 11:09:22 AM)
This is a non-breaking change that we can fix in ZRH code.
JGS (8/15/01 3:22:09 PM)
Made changes to RunInPackageAction and JavaSnippetEditor to persist the IPackageFragment
handle identifier instead of just the package name. Outstanding problem is that the SelectionDialog
returned by JavaUI.createPackageDialog() only seems to take package names in its
setInitialSelection() method. We need a way to set the intial selection on the dialog with the
actual IPackageFragment. Sent mail to EG for advice.
JGS (8/16/01 5:13:15 PM)
Changes made to JavaSnippetEditor:
Changed member def:
private String fPackageHandle= null;
Changed method def:
protected void doSetInput(IEditorInput input) throws CoreException {
fPackageHandle = getPage().getPersistentProperty(new QualifiedName(JavaPlugin.getPluginId(), PACKAGE_CONTEXT));
Changed methods def:
* Set the handle identifier of the run-in package fragment
public void setPackage(String packageHandle) {
fPackageHandle= packageHandle;
// persist
try {
getPage().setPersistentProperty(new QualifiedName(JavaPlugin.getPluginId(), PACKAGE_CONTEXT), packageHandle);
} catch (CoreException e) {
ErrorDialog.openError(getShell(), SnippetMessages.getString("SnippetEditor.error.packagecontext"), null, e.getStatus()); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Get the handle identifier of the run-in package fragment
public String getPackage() {
return fPackageHandle;
Changed method def:
protected IEvaluationContext getEvaluationContext() {
if (fEvaluationContext == null) {
IJavaProject project= getJavaProject();
fEvaluationContext= project.newEvaluationContext();
if (fPackageHandle != null) {
String packageName = JavaCore.create(fPackageHandle).getElementName();
return fEvaluationContext;
Changes made to RunInPackageAction:
Changed methods def:
* The user has invoked this action.
public void run() {
Shell s= fEditor.getSite().getShell();
IPackageFragment result= choosePackage(s);
if (result != null) {
private IPackageFragment choosePackage(Shell shell) {
try {
IJavaProject p= fEditor.getJavaProject();
//fix for 1G472LK: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Package selection dialog must qualify package names regarding source folders
SelectionDialog dialog= JavaUI.createPackageDialog(shell, p, IJavaElementSearchConstants.CONSIDER_BINARIES);
dialog.setTitle(SnippetMessages.getString("RunInPackage.dialog.title")); //$NON-NLS-1$
dialog.setMessage(SnippetMessages.getString("RunInPackage.dialog.message")); //$NON-NLS-1$
String pkgHandle= fEditor.getPackage();
if (pkgHandle != null) {
//String pkgName = JavaCore.create(pkgHandle).getElementName();
IPackageFragment pf = (IPackageFragment)JavaCore.create(pkgHandle);
dialog.setInitialSelections(new Object[] {pf});
Object[] res= dialog.getResult();
if (res != null && res.length > 0)
return (IPackageFragment)res[0];
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return null;
JGS (8/17/01 10:42:55 AM)
Need to integrate above code, as well as whatever fix is found for setting initial selection on dialog.
JGS (8/20/01 9:43:14 AM)
New PR created to address inability to set initial selection.
[1GIRGYV: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - SelectionDialog.setInitialSelection broken for all JDT dialogs] | minor | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20b0'} | 1,581 | DS (5/21/01 7:05:24 PM)
If you evaluate a method that has "void" as its return type
out of ThreadEvaluationContext#convertResult
ReferenceType ref= fResultType.reflectedType();
String sig = ref.signature();
sig on JDK1.2.2, is "Lvoid;"
sig on J9, is "V"
Currently ThreadEvaluationContext is handling this difference.
DW (5/22/01 12:41:16 PM)
Not critical - we have a temp fix in to look for "Lvoid". | normal | CLOSED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20b1'} | 1,582 | JW (5/22/2001 7:25:22 AM)
I put a breakpoint in a loop.
Everytime I resume, all of the state is flushed, and then immediately reconstructed.
I believe you have already handled this case for step.
DW (5/22/01 9:28:22 AM)
We cannot assume anything about a resume - i.e. where we will end up on the
next suspend. Thus we throw state away. When stepping we can assume that we
will end up close to where we left off.
Too risky of a change for now - would have to change incremental computation of
new/removed stack frames.
DW (9/27/2001 4:37:00 PM)
This will be useful for evaluations too. An evaluation causes a thread to resume/suspend.
This causes a UI flash and the variables view to collapse. | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20b2'} | 1,583 | It is a bit odd that the "Step" actions on the Debugger tool bar are separated
from the "Resume", "Suspend", "Terminate" actions by the "Disconnect" and
"Remove all terminated" tools. It would seem more natural to have the "run"
and "step" tools side-by-side.
One configuration that makes more sense to me is:
Step In, Step Over, Step Out || Resume, Suspend, Terminate || Remove all terminated, Disconnect || other...
CM (5/22/2001 11:46:27 PM)
Note that I also swapped the order of Remove all terminated & Disconnect so that
Terminate was immediately followed by Remove all terminated. (after the separator)
DW (5/24/01 10:37:47 AM)
Deferred. | normal | CLOSED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20b3'} | 1,584 | Not sure if this is desired behaviour. If you create a Scrapbook page, execute some code, you get an associated VM in the
list of process'.
If you rename the scrapbook page and execute some other code, you get a new process with the new Scrapbook name
and the old one is still left running.
Should it be terminated?
EG (5/23/2001 11:42:18 AM)
it is not the desired behaviour.
KUM what is the method to hook into for tracking whether an editor is renamed.
DS (9/6/01 5:39:29 PM)
Have added code to terminate the VM on a name change of the editor but
1GJNB52: ITPUI:ALL - ToolItems in EditorToolBarManager can get out of synch with the state of the IAction
results in the tool item in the tool bar still being enabled (initially) when the editor is reactivated. | critical | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20b4'} | 1,585 | I went to debug a CU by selecting it and clicking the debug tool item. I was
prompted to select a launcher and I also had to select the only available
class on the second page.
The second step shouldn't be necessary. The next button on the first page
should be disabled.
DW (5/25/01 2:35:01 PM)
The first time you launch something in your workspace, you must go through
this pain...This is due to the debugger being pluggable for different lauguages.
In this case, the launcher selection is generic debug support and the choosing
of a class to launch is java specific debug support. To promote lazy plugin
loading and to avoid launchers doing exhaustive searching for launchable
targets, the "launcher selection page" does not poll the "pluggable launch page"
to see if it can finish with the current selection.
Once you have selected a defualt launcher for a project, the launcher selection
page will not bother you again.
Moved to inactive for post-June consideration. | enhancement | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20b5'} | 1,586 | The UI allows you to add breakpoints beside a method definition, yet we don't break
on enter of the method. We either need to support break on enter (my preference <g>)
or disallow setting them there.
DW (5/24/01 8:59:23 AM)
This actually causes a "break on exit". Notice that if you step out of a method, the last
line executed is the method declaration - this is an artifact of JDI (or java?). We support
method entry breakpoints for .class files only (see pop-up menu in outliner). We do
not intend to support method entry breakpoints for .java's for June.
Will add a README note to describe "break on exit" behavior. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20b6'} | 1,587 | EG (5/24/2001 4:14:09 AM)
The current API to set an exception breakpoint requires passing in an IType. This requires
that the type is present in the workspace. Could the API be extended so that we can also
add an exception breakpoint by passing in a String? This is a request for after June.
DW (5/24/01 10:08:20 AM)
We need to create a marker - that is why we need the IType (i.e. to associate the
marker with the IType or its project). We would need to change the API so we know
where to create the marker.
Moved to Inactive (after June). | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20b7'} | 1,588 | DW (5/24/01 9:58:51 AM)
I evaluated "VectorTests.main(new String[]{})"
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.snippeteditor.JavaSnippetEditor.evaluationComplete(JavaSnippetEditor.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.ThreadEvaluationContext.run(ThreadEvaluationContext.java:115)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:479)
I think the thread died after the eval because the program does a "system.exit(0)".
The page remained disabled and I could not do anymore evals.
Had to close/re-open page.
DW (5/24/01 10:01:32 AM)
System.exit kills us because the target dies, and we have no more access to the
value (result).
DW (5/24/01 11:36:43 AM)
A call to #evaluationEnds should be made when the VM terminates.
DW (5/24/01 3:56:26 PM)
Added call to #evaluationEnds when VM Terminates.
Remaining problem is System.exit(0) & NPE.
DW (5/25/01 2:18:19 PM)
Fixed NPE. The user now sees a "VMDisconnect' stack dump in the snippet editor
showing that the target disconnected. Could fix (with Security Manager?) or
leave as a README note.
DW (6/15/01 9:59:56 AM)
Added to README. | critical | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20b8'} | 1,589 | DW (5/24/01 12:38:30 PM)
Currently the launch API returns a boolean (launch success). However, it
would be better to return the resulting launch, and have the debugger automatically
register the launch. Rather than having the client register the launch.
This would have avoided
1GDQJE7: ITPDUI:WINNT - Launch did not change perspective & console output
DW (7/30/01 9:12:24 AM)
Currently, an ILauncher returns a boolean indicating if a launch was successful, and
is responsible for registering each successful launch with the launch manager.
We propose that a launcher should instead return the session that resulted in the
call to #launch, or null if the launch did not succeed, or was cancelled. It will be
the debug plugin's responsibility to register the session returned from the launcher,
thus relieving the clients of this responsibility (which is something every client would
have to do, which should reduce duplication of functionality among clients). | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48b54dc1c25ebdb20b9'} | 1,590 | DW (5/24/01 1:14:15 PM)
Placing a line breakpoint on a method declaration line causes execution to
stop when exiting the method (not while entering). This is an artifact of
DW (6/15/01 9:42:12 AM)
Addded to Readme. | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20ba'} | 1,593 | JGS (5/29/01 12:14:31 PM)
Swipe "InfiniteLoop.main(null);" in a scrapbook page and run.
Once running, click main toolbar Terminate button. Consistently
get following walkback:
com.sun.jdi.VMDisconnectedException: Got IOException from Virtual Machine
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.connect.PacketReceiveManager.getReply(PacketReceiveManager.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.connect.PacketReceiveManager.getReply(PacketReceiveManager.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.MirrorImpl.requestVM(MirrorImpl.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.MirrorImpl.requestVM(MirrorImpl.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.ObjectReferenceImpl.invokeMethod(ObjectReferenceImpl.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIThread.invokeMethod(JDIThread.java:426)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.ThreadEvaluationContext.runSnippet(ThreadEvaluationContext.java:264)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.ThreadEvaluationContext.acceptClassFiles(ThreadEvaluationContext.java:209)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.eval.RequestorWrapper.acceptClassFiles(RequestorWrapper.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.eval.EvaluationContext.evaluate(EvaluationContext.java:221)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.eval.EvaluationContext.evaluate(EvaluationContext.java:239)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.eval.EvaluationContextWrapper.evaluateCodeSnippet(EvaluationContextWrapper.java:166)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.ThreadEvaluationContext.doEvaluation(ThreadEvaluationContext.java:128)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.ThreadEvaluationContext.run(ThreadEvaluationContext.java:114)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:479)
DS (5/30/2001 11:23:48 AM)
Walkback shows in scrapbook.
Try to be more friendly in the future (usability)
DW (6/15/01 10:02:14 AM)
Added to README. | minor | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20bb'} | 1,594 | If I create a simple Java class and set a breakpoint in the code, then move the file to another package then the breakpoint is lost.
eg (6/1/2001 3:39:19 AM)
moving to DUI.
preserving the breakpoint would be nice, but isn't critical.
DW (6/1/01 9:20:23 AM)
Deferred. This changes the type name etc, and is tricky to preserve. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20bc'} | 1,595 | DW (5/31/01 8:28:26 AM)
Put a method entry breakpoint on ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(String).
When the breakpoint is hit, press step over...
(This is related to the step causing a resume...)
com.sun.jdi.IncompatibleThreadStateException: Thread was not suspended.
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.ThreadReferenceImpl.frames(ThreadReferenceImpl.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.ThreadReferenceImpl.frames(ThreadReferenceImpl.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIThread.getUnderlyingFrames(JDIThread.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIThread.getChildren0(JDIThread.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIThread.setRunning(JDIThread.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIThread.handleStep(JDIThread.java:609)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.EventDispatcher.dispatchStepEvent(EventDispatcher.java:131)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.EventDispatcher.dispatch(EventDispatcher.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.EventDispatcher$1.run(EventDispatcher.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.run(Workspace.java, Compiled Code)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.EventDispatcher.run(EventDispatcher.java, Compiled Code)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:479)
DW (5/31/01 4:50:10 PM)
Could not reproduce after fixing the step/resume problem.
DW (5/31/01 5:01:43 PM)
However, placing an entry breakpoint in that class and then stepping twice causes:
org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException[5010]: com.sun.jdi.InvalidStackFrameException
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.MirrorImpl.defaultReplyErrorHandler(MirrorImpl.java(Compiled Code))
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.StackFrameImpl.thisObject(StackFrameImpl.java:176)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIStackFrame.getChildren0(JDIStackFrame.java:186)Internal error logged from UI:
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.JDIDebugElement.getChildren(JDIDebugElement.java:151)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.VariablesContentProvider.doGetChildren(VariablesContentProvider.java:29)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.BasicContentProvider.getChildren(BasicContentProvider.java:95)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.VariablesContentProvider.getElements(VariablesContentProvider.java:43)
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer.getRawChildren(AbstractTreeViewer.java(Compiled Code))
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer.getRawChildren(AbstractTreeViewer.java(Compiled Code))
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.getFilteredChildren(StructuredViewer.java(Compiled Code))
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.getSortedChildren(StructuredViewer.java(Compiled Code))
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer.createChildren(AbstractTreeViewer.java(Compiled Code))
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer$3.run(AbstractTreeViewer.java:651)
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.preservingSelection(StructuredViewer.java:534)
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer.inputChanged(AbstractTreeViewer.java:643)
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ContentViewer.setInput(ContentViewer.java:239)
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.setInput(StructuredViewer.java:647)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.VariablesView.setViewerInput(VariablesView.java:73)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.VariablesView.selectionChanged(VariablesView.java:52)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.selectionChanged(DebugUIPlugin.java:599)
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer.fireSelectionChanged(Viewer.java(Compiled Code))
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.updateSelection(StructuredViewer.java:891)
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.setSelection(StructuredViewer.java:671)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.LaunchesViewer.setSelection(LaunchesViewer.java:77)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugView.autoExpand(DebugView.java:469)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$3.run(DebugUIPlugin.java:304)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.RunnableLock.run(RunnableLock.java(Compiled Code))
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Synchronizer.runAsyncMessages(Synchronizer.java(Compiled Code))
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runAsyncMessages(Display.java(Compiled Code))
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java(Compiled Code))
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java(Compiled Code))
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.run(Workbench.java:602)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.boot.InternalBootLoader.run(InternalBootLoader.java:820)
at org.eclipse.core.boot.BootLoader.run(BootLoader.java:285)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:66)
DW (5/31/01 5:20:41 PM)
Problem only occurrs on JDK.
1GEM3UQ: ITPDUI:WIN2000 - JDK ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(String) throws NativeMethodException
Low Priority.
DW (6/2/01 10:59:37 AM)
It appears that the thread is resuming after the step completes, and then the
method entry breakpoint is hit. This means our strack frames are stale.
The thread is resuming and not telling us (i.e. it appears the VM is resuming
the thread). There is something magical about this #loadClassInternal() method.
No action at this time.
DW (6/7/01 4:46:05 PM)
Make into a README.
DW (6/15/01 10:48:45 AM)
Added to README. | normal | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20bd'} | 1,591 | JGS (6/4/01 11:58:37 AM)
If I am trying to set a bp on last line of method, but miss and actually click in ruler on the closing {,
the bp actually gets set on the next executable line, even though it is 3 lines down, whereas the
line I wanted is only 1 line above. Shouldn't the guess at bp location be bidirectional? | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20be'} | 1,592 | DebugPlugin when it attempts to see if there is a previous launch entry doesn't check to see if there are no elements before getting the element.
My suggested fix (see below) is to check for a null element first.
According to the documentation launches are allowed to have 0 elements.
Existing code (in 105):
for (index= 0; index < history.length; index++) {
ILaunch historyLaunch= history[index];
if (historyLaunch != null && historyLaunch.getElement().equals(launch.getElement()) &&
launcher.equals(historyLaunch.getLauncher())) {
found= true;
Suggested change (>>):
for (index= 0; index < history.length; index++) {
ILaunch historyLaunch= history[index];
if (historyLaunch != null &&
>> historyLaunch.getElement() != null &&
historyLaunch.getElement().equals(launch.getElement()) &&
launcher.equals(historyLaunch.getLauncher())) {
found= true;
DS (5/29/01 4:38:23 PM)
From ILaunch in 113
* Returns the object that was launched. Cannot return <code>null</code>.
* @return the launched object
Object getElement();
No action required.
AB (5/30/2001 11:01:48 AM)
Part of the problem is that the javadoc for the "Launch" class constructor is missing the "launchedElement" parameter.
Everything seemed to work without the element parameter except for the history processing.
Perhaps I hadn't tested enough to find other problems.
The launch that I create doesn't know which project or resource it will be associated with until the debugging starts.
That is why I need to run the launch with no associated element.
But, I still have a problem with requiring an element to do a launch.
What if I want to debug an application where I don't have the main class in a project?
Eventually the debuggee will call classes that are in a project. Do I have to pass in an arbitrary project to get things going?
DW (5/31/01 10:37:26 AM)
AB will use non-null placeholder for now. We will revisit post-june. | minor | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20bf'} | 1,596 | Try debugging:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Turn on static fields... I don't think I should see synthetic static fields like class$0.
DW (5/31/01 4:44:20 PM)
Deferred. | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20c0'} | 1,597 | DW (5/31/01 5:40:02 PM)
Before putting in a safeguard to catch NativeMethodException
when trying to get the location for a linenumber in ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(String),
it threw a NativeMethodException. However, the method is not declared
as native, and inspection revealed that it does not think it is native.
Only happends in JDK.
Related to
1GELEBF: ITPDUI:WIN2000 - Exception while stepping
DW (6/1/01 9:37:38 AM)
Low priority. | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20c1'} | 1,598 | jkca (5/31/2001 8:22:55 PM)
jre-sdk 116
This is an issue with the algorithm for determining which element to launch.
To Duplicate:
1. Create Java Project
2. Create java file, Main.java, with a main method
3. Create java file, Other.java, without a main method
4. Select Other.java and hit run.
5. Click next in the launch wizard.
6. Nothing shows up in the list to run (but Main is right there!).
Proposed algorithm:
If the leaf of a resource tree cannot be launched, check it's parent
node to see if it can be launched. If you only check the parent, and
not up the entire tree, you can be fast and correct 98% of the time.
Perhaps the correct way to change this is for the java launcher to
do the parent check. This way you don't have to change the debug core
right now, but the behaviour is much more user friendly.
DW (6/1/01 7:29:12 AM)
Yes. Suggest the fix is in the java launcher - i.e. if there are no targets found
then go back up the hierarchy looking for a target - or jump right to the project
to look for more targets.
DW (6/1/01 9:02:16 AM)
Deferred. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20c2'} | 1,599 | jkca (5/31/2001 10:06:41 PM)
This is a nit.
Inspecting anonymous types in a scrapbook gives a bizzare type name.
For example, I inspected
new Object() {
int foo= 5;
and got as a name CodeSnippet_14$1
I suspect this is as good as we can do right now. It is unfortunate that it
exposes the underlying infrastructure.
DW (6/1/01 6:52:44 AM)
Propose no action.
PM (6/15/2001 11:50:36 PM)
This is a debugger problem, it should not deploy the evaluation temporary file in a visible area.
This file should probably go into the metadata.
Moving to ITPDUI for documenting and plus later. | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20c3'} | 1,601 | While debugging 1GEBP07: ITPDUI:WIN2000 - Debug view flicker when doing an inspect,
I was using Display instead of Inspect.
I found that it kept appending the result to the same line in the Display view,
rather than giving each one its own line.
DW (6/1/01 12:11:49 PM)
Moved to JUI.
DS (10/10/2001 4:27:48 PM)
Fixed in the 2.0 stream. | minor | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20c4'} | 1,600 | When debugging a program, it uses the bug icon for the program being debugged.
This has a negative connotation for the user's program.
Should indicate that it's a Java Application, not a Buggy Java Application.
DW (6/1/01 10:04:28 AM)
Deferred. | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20c5'} | 1,602 | jkca (6/1/2001 11:04:14 AM)
jre-sdk 116
If you mess with the System class in the inspector, all following
inspections (until you terminate the scrapbook) can be effected.
This is not necessarily obvious to the end user.
For example, if you inspect System.out and change autoFlush
to false, all System.out.println calls following will appear to fail.
Something to doc I guess.
DW (6/15/01 10:06:27 AM)
Added to README. | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20c6'} | 1,603 | DS (6/1/01 3:35:32 PM)
On 116
Test Case
Have a program running and paused at a breakpoint
Go to the display view
With nothing selected, hit the Inpsect or Display actions
An evaluation occurs on the empty String.
GDA (6/5/01 11:40:48 AM)
DS (10/10/2001 4:29:14 PM)
This is still the current behaviour...but have proposal/prototype to select the entire current line
of an empty selection.
@see 1GJ6GR9: ITPDUI:ALL - Display window enhancement | major | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20c7'} | 1,604 | Debug perspective.
In the processes view, a terminated process (top-level item in the tree)
still has a running man instead of a standing man as its icon.
Its children properly have the standing man as their icon.
EG (6/2/2001 7:51:02 AM)
moving to DUI. Is this a linux only problem?
jkca (6/2/2001 1:52:33 PM)
likely not a linux problem as the motif 117 drop was missing the swt natives (read, does not launch)
DW (6/2/01 2:24:00 PM)
We do not change the icon of the top level item (launch) - only the debug target or process. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20c8'} | 1,605 | DW (6/2/01 2:00:35 PM)
A Watch List to store expressions that are evaluated on each suspend.
Binding expressions to locations in code.
When to evaluate. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20c9'} | 1,606 | DW (6/2/01 2:08:48 PM)
If source lookup fails, can we somehow prompt for source?
Is the best we can do to provide a resource navigator? | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20ca'} | 1,609 | JGS (6/4/01 5:33:40 PM)
Rebooted, launched stand-alone Eclipse (118), then tried to debug simple program under J9.
Blew up on OutOfMemoryErrors every time.
JGS (6/4/01 5:42:01 PM)
Actually, this only happens if Eclipse is launched with the -debug option. WIthout it,
can debug on J9 fine. | normal | CLOSED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20cb'} | 1,607 | DS (6/4/2001 11:24:31 AM)
In the debug menu, the relaunch last action is always enabled...this differs from all the
other elements in the menu
DW (8/7/01 9:34:10 AM)
Fix in conjunction with
1GAHLUB: ITPDUI:WINNT - Feature: API Change: Persist debug/run history
(However, not sure if possible to fix without more desktop support, as this
is an action delegate).
EG (9/24/2001 8:31:30 AM)
this requires more workbench support. JUI needs this as well and it is
on our wish list. | minor | CLOSED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20cc'} | 1,610 | DS (6/4/2001 3:43:48 PM)
These actions are not friendly | normal | CLOSED | INVALID |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20cd'} | 1,611 | DS (6/4/2001 2:57:07 PM)
Changing the font is immediate and retroactive
Changing the colors is only on subsequent output. | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20ce'} | 1,608 | Running Eclipse in Eclipse under debugger/J9, I get the dialog "Cannot connect to VM - time out" quite often. Is there something that can be done to improve this ?
Why is it happening at all in fact ?
PM (6/5/2001 2:42:46 PM)
I am guessing that when telling it to retry, the timeout could be lengthened a little, given the user explicitly chose to retry, so it is likely he wants to wait if necessary.
DW (6/5/01 9:38:14 AM)
This happens when it takes longer than the timeout preference setting to launch and
connect to a VM. When this happens, the workaround is to increase the timeout on the
preference page. You get to the preference fron the "edit" dialog from an installed VM.
Will make this into a README.
DW (6/15/01 10:51:29 AM)
Added to README. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20cf'} | 1,612 | DS (6/4/2001 3:14:09 PM)
In the top toolbar we display the actions to create Java elements.
We do not list these same elements in the new menu pull down. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20d0'} | 1,614 | You have probably had this PR reported before, but just in case...
When a breakpoint is hit, and the Debugger opens the editor, it
should scroll the current line to the center of the screen.
Also, when the stack frame is selected, the current line should be
scrolled to the center.
The current method of always showing the source editor scrolled so that
the current line is at the top of the screen is very disconcerting,
it doesn't let the user see where they have come from. I find I always
to scroll a little bit after stepping - which makes stepping through
kind of slow...
CM (6/6/2001 1:17:40 PM)
The code to do this is in the old VAME debugger. This is
actually one of the more
important - albeit non-critical - PRs, because it is annoying
for every
single line of code debugged in the debugger.
We though about where to scroll to, and decided to go for the
and everybody was much happier. Note though that you have to
scroll if the current line is not visible at all. If the user
stepped and the
new current line is visible, do not scroll. | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48c54dc1c25ebdb20d1'} | 1,613 | If the debugger cannot start the VM properly, an indication
of why the debugging VM will not start should be given.
This was discovered on Solaris but I believe it might apply
to all platforms.
On the Solaris system, only the Java 1.3 JRE was installed, which
does not include the shared libraries libdt_socket.so and libjdwp.so.
These libraries are required when the VM is started with the switches:
-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,addesss=...
In eclipse, if the debugger is started for an application, the process
dialog for "Starting VM..." is displayed and after several seconds, the
timeout dialog (Timeout while waiting for VM to connect. Retry?) appears
but does not give any indication of what went wrong. I intercepted the
Java command that eclipse used to start the VM and I tried it in an xterm
(console) and the following error message was output:
Can't load libjdwp.so
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
This error message should be caught by eclipse and displayed to the user,
otherwise he has no indication of why eclipse could not connect to the
debugging VM.
NOTES: | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48d54dc1c25ebdb20d2'} | 1,616 | 1. Add a breakpoint for "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: caught and uncaught"
2. Run the code which follows
3. When the program stops at the illegal index access, select the Main.foo() method in the
execution stack display
4. Go to the Display view and evaluate "aVector.size()"
Rather than give the correct output (1), an exception is thrown:
Test code:
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
private Vector aVector;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Main().foo();
public Main() {
aVector = new Vector();
public void foo() {
aVector.add(new Integer(1));
DW (6/18/01 5:00:20 PM)
I found that if the top stack frame is in a binary type, but the selected stack frame
is in a source type, I get the same error. I tried Infinite Loop, and stepped into
the System.out.println(). From the calling stack frame I did an evaluation of a constant
and got a ClassNotFoundException.
Not sure why this matters.
DW (6/19/01 9:23:34 AM)
OT (14/08/2001 4:10:38 PM)
The problem seems to come from the stack frame used for the evaluation. I need to find out which stack frame is used. The top one seems to be a good guess and like this
class is classes.zip the bootstrapclassloader is used instead of the classloader. The consequence of this that the code snippet classes are not found.
OT (23/08/2001 2:29:52 PM)
We should always use the stack frame in which the code is evaluated and not the top one.
DW (8/28/01 10:20:10 AM)
The stack frame comes from the UI selection in "EvaluateAction.#getContext()".
This needs to be debugged. A quick look at the code looks like it should get the
selected stack frame properly.
DS (9/10/01 1:37:59 PM)
The top stack frame is not being used...the stack frame is the one that the evaluation occurs in.
DS (9/10/01 4:20:24 PM)
Talking with JW, this is the known problem of not being able to perform evaluations in classes
that have been loaded from the BootClassLoader as this loader will not find our snippet class. | minor | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48d54dc1c25ebdb20d3'} | 1,617 | AK (6/5/01 2:38:29 PM)
1. debug a class with a String variable (let's say 's')
2. add s.value[2] (for instance ) to the inspector
3. you see sth like
no indication that [2] is a char
DW (6/5/01 12:03:22 PM)
There is a usability problem. We do not show types in the RHS of expressions/variables. Top
level expressions do not show types for primitive data types.
NOTE: types appear if you "Display" rather than "Inspect". | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9b48d54dc1c25ebdb20d4'} | 1,615 | - write a hello world example
- launch it using J9
observe a dos console pops up and disappears when program has terminated.
DB (05.06.2001 15:49:16)
In debug I get a dos console for j9.exe and j9proxy.exe
EG (6/5/2001 4:02:52 AM)
for JDK we can use javaw to launch a program without a dos box. There
no analog for the J9. Not criticial, SDK does not ship with J9.
Moving to DUI
DW (6/5/01 9:39:14 AM)
Should make this into a J9 request. | critical | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9b48d54dc1c25ebdb20d5'} | 1,619 | AK (6/5/01 4:02:47 PM)
see title
EG (6/5/2001 4:59:19 AM)
setting breakpoints on empty lines is not allowed and as a user I'd expect the same
for comments. The JavaEditor knows about comment ranges (partitions) and
this knowledge should be leveraged.
Not critical, the user will see that the breakpoint didn't get installed from the
icon. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48d54dc1c25ebdb20d6'} | 1,620 | DW (6/5/01 10:26:25 AM)
Remote evaluation/inspect is not supported.
DW (6/15/01 10:46:23 AM)
Added to README. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48d54dc1c25ebdb20d7'} | 1,618 | AK (6/5/01 3:17:42 PM)
1. debug a program
2. modify the source in some way - like organize imports, format or sth
3. note: the debugger does not notice that and still shows you the previous line numbers.
and selects wrong lines too.
EG (6/5/2001 3:20:29 AM)
support for distinguishing between the source seen by the debugger and the source currently
worked on in an editor didn't make it in for June.
Moving to ITPDUI, should be mentioned in the Readme. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9b48d54dc1c25ebdb20d8'} | 1,621 | When a breakpoint is hit, and the debugger is minimized, it doesn't come to front as VAJ's debugger does.
NOTES: | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |