[ 14 ]
[ "optical coherence tomography" ]
an increase in macular thickness due to fluid accumulation in the macula in DM OCT oct has been shown to be highly reproducible in measuring macular thickness in normal individuals and diabetic patients oct can detect subtle changes of macular thickness the aim of this T0 is to compare central macular thickness cmt of diabetic patients with type diabetes without clinical retinopathy and NCs in order to assess possible increased macular thickness associated with diabetes mellitus
[ 192 ]
[ "important difference" ]
the effects of betahistine hydrochloride serc on the clinical features of ménières disease were assessed in two doubleblind placebocontrolled crossover clinical studies the diagnosis was based on a IP fluctuating recruiting cochlear sensorineural deafness in one or both ears tinnitus usually of low tone and paroxysmal attacks of rotational vertigo appropriate AEP and vestibular analyses confirmed the diagnosis twentyfour patients were admitted to the studies T3 careful screening over twoandahalf years twentytwo patients completed the studies ten of whom received betahistine and PL for eight weeks each whereas the remaining twelve were given betahistine and placebo for twelve weeks each the dose of betahistine was the same mg tid in both studies daily symptom score cards kept by all patients throughout the studies showed a statistically significant preference for betahistine over placebo with regard to vertigo p tinnitus p and fullness of the ear p symptom scores of deafness and vomiting indicated trends in favour of betahistine but these did not attain statistical significance objective measurements of deafness mean db loss however showed a highly significant improvement in favour of betahistine when compared with placebo p less than vestibular testing revealed no MID between betahistine and PL no unwanted effects or adverse reactions attributable to betahistine were observed during the studies
[ 17 ]
[ "xray absorption spectroscopy" ]
the local structure of the iron site in ferric superoxide dismutase from p shermanii was analyzed by XAS the metalligand cluster of the enzyme is found to be similar to the crystallographically investigated ferric superoxide dismutase from e coli at ph the enzyme is fivefold coordinated with three histidines an AST and a water molecule the average bond lengths between the metal and the histidines are about a between metal and aspartate they are about a and between metal and water a with an increase in ph a NC in the coordination number from five to six is observed both in preedge peak and exafs spectra analysis however the bond lengths of the ligands do not change dramatically they are conserved for the AST and increase slightly to a for the average metalhistidine distance at ph the observation of the increase in CN is correlated with a decrease in enzymatic activity which occurs in the high ph range the zinc exafs spectra of p shermanii superoxide dismutase have shown that zinc can be incorporated in the AS center instead of the iron
[ 71 ]
[ "hearing aids" ]
this T0 compares speech discrimination and the use of HAs of the pc peacclipping system and the agc compression system after random selection subjects were used and grouped according to the unit system they had been supplied with both CG were tested under the same conditions during noise exposure the group supplied with the agc aids achieved better results significantly at a level the results indicate that the assumption that pc HAs operate better in noise than agc aids cannot be substantiated
[ 20 ]
[ "food and agriculture organization of the united nations" ]
in the th GA session of the world assembly of the world organisation for animal health oie and the th FAO fad conference adopted a resolution declaring the world free from rinderpest and recommending followup measures to preserve the benefits of this new and hardwon situation eradication is an achievable objective for any livestock disease provided that the epidemiology is uncomplicated and the necessary tools resources and policies are available eradication at a national level inevitably reflects national priorities whereas global eradication requires a level of international initiative and leadership to integrate these tools into a global framework aimed first at suppressing transmission across all infected Az and concluding with a demonstration thatthis has been achieved with a simple transmission chain and the environmental fragility of the virus rinderpest has always been open to control and even eradication within a zoosanitary RPA however in the post drive for more productive agriculture national and global vaccination programmes became increasingly relevant and important as rinderpest frequently spread from one region to another through traderelated livestock movements the key to global eradication was to ensure that such vaccination programmes were carried out in a synchronised manner across all regions where the disease was endemic an objective to which the EU the united states agency for international development the international atomic SE agency the african unioninterafrican bureau of animal resources fa and oie fully subscribed this article provides a review of RP eradication from the seminal work carried out by giovanni lancisi in the early th century to the global declaration in
[ 107 ]
[ "bronchiolitis obliterans" ]
a yearold man was referred to our department because of exertional dyspnea and a year history of coughing and sputum production he had never smoked and had had an T0 for chronic paranasal sinusitis coarse crackles and rhonchi were audible over both lower lung fields the cold hemagglutinin titers were high pulmonary CF tests showed airflow one and a sputum SC revealed hemophilus influenzae a chest xray film and a ct scan showed diffuse micronodular shadows in the centrilobular regions mild ectasis of bronchioles mainly in the lower lung fields and mild hyperinflation a specimen of lung tissue was obtained by thoracoscopic biopsy and histologic examination showed BO with bronchiolar narrowing or obliteration due to submucosal fibrosis and inflammation rheumatoid arthritis was diagnosed months after the operation the patient was treated with clarithromycin for years respiratory symptoms were relieved and pulmonary function gradually improved
[ 155 ]
[ "schistosoma mansoni" ]
the metacestode stage of echinococcus multilocularis is the causative agent of AE ae a lethal zoonosis with very limited treatment options chemotherapy of ae currently employs benzimidazoles bzs however these exert only a parasitostatic action in vivo and have to be given lifelong in the search for novel drug targets we have concentrated on parasite signalling pathways here we report significant antiparasitic effects of imatinib an abl kinase inhibitor that is in clinical use to treat certain cancers at concentrations of μm imatinib was highly effective in killing echinococcus stem cells metacestode LDV and protoscoleces in vitro moreover already at concentrations as low as μm imatinib significantly inhibited the formation of metacestode vesicles from parasite stem cells inactivated of vesicles T3 days and induced morphological alterations in the metacestode upon ST treatment we also demonstrate that e multilocularis larvae express enzymes with high homology to previously identified abllike kinases that act as imatinib targets in Sm in particular amino acids known to mediate the binding of imatinib to target kinases are well conserved between human and echinococcus abl kinases taken together these data demonstrate ERP inactivation of echinococcus larvae using imatinib concentrations that do not significantly affect cultivated human cells indicating that imatinib might be a promising alternative to bzs in antiae chemotherapy furthermore imatinib can also act as a lead substance for the identification of related compounds with higher antiparasitic activity the ID of which will be facilitated by the echinococcus abl kinase sequences determined in this study
[ 55 ]
[ "neural progenitor cells" ]
tweakfn signaling regulates progenitor cell proliferation differentiation and survival in multiple organ systems this T0 examined the effects of tweak TN factorlike weak inducer of apoptosis treatment on cultured mouse NPCs the receptor for tweak is expressed by NPCs from the early embryonic stages through postnatal OD although embryonic day e and PN day pn NPCs both express the receptor for tweak tweak treatment of cultured e and pn progenitor cells resulted in agedependent effects on proliferation and on neurite extension by neuronal progeny tweak treatment did not alter proliferation of e neural progenitor cells but shifted pn progenitor cells toward cellcycle phases g and g and reduced the rate at which they incorporated cldu conversely the effects of tweak on axon elongation were more prominent in the earlier developmental stage tweak induced extensive neurite outgrowth by the neuronal progeny of e but not pn progenitors treatment of the e progenitor cells with a tweakneutralizing antibody repressed neurite extension indicating that endogenous activation of this pathway may be required for neurite extension by the embryonic neuronal progeny these studies indicate that tweakfn receptor activation exerts different effects on neural progenitor cells and their progeny depending on the developmental stage of the cells
[ 6 ]
[ "standard therapy" ]
patients with MBC mbc refractory to ST have a poor prognosis we assessed prognostic AF and clinical outcomes for patients with mbc referred to a phase i clinic focused primarily on targeted agents
[ 49 ]
[ "aortic constriction" ]
the aim of the present T0 is to investigate the differences in cardiac function and the expression and activity of calcium regulatory proteins between rb SHF shf and DHF dhf models new zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into three groups sham T0 so group dhf group receiving abdominal AC and shf group receiving AV destruction and abdominal AC the cardiac CF was detected by echocardiographic and hemodynamic assays the mrna expression levels of sarcoplasmic reticulum ca atpase a sercaa and phospholamban plb were evaluated by rtpcr the protein expression levels of sercaa plb phosphoserine plb pserplb and protein kinase a pka were evaluated by western blot and the phosphorylation status of plb was determined by the ratio of pserplb protein level to that of plb the activity of sercaa was measured through inorganic phosphate the activity of pka was measured by gammap atpbinding assays compared with so group there were significantly increased ventricular wall thickness raised left VVI end diastolic pressure lvedp reduced diastolic CF in dhf group p or p and significantly increased ventricular cavity size and lvedp reduced systolic function in shf group p or p the expression C2 of sercaa in dhf and shf CG were lower than that in so group p while the expression and activity of pka in dhf and shf groups were higher than that in so group p or p and there was no significant difference between dhf and shf groups the expression C2 of plb and pserplb as well as the phosphorylation status of plb and activity of sercaa in shf group were lower than those in dhf and so CG respectively posing a contrast the phosphorylation status of plb and activity of sercaa in dhf group were higher than that in so group p these results indicate that the shf and dhf models were successfully established and there are some differences in the expression and activity of calcium RII proteins between two models
[ 14 ]
[ "aplastic anemia" ]
this case report examined whether a yearold man with a year history of nonsevere AA could perform aerobic training and whether exercise was beneficial testing was performed at baseline and at and weeks and included complete blood tests graded GXT with breathbybreath gas analyses and health status assessment with the medical outcomes survey sf health survey training consisted of TM walking for T2 days a week for weeks at of maximal heart rate the patient successfully completed weeks of training and had no adverse effects from testing or training training did not produce changes in diseaserelated measures hematologic values or impairment measures cardiopulmonary measures of eudopods alternatively membrane extension could result from the localized insertion of IM into the plasmalemma next to the particle here we show focal accumulation of vampcontaining LDV likely derived from recycling endosomes in the vicinity of the nascent phagosome using green FL protein gfp as both a FL indicator and an exofacial epitope tag we show that polarized fusion of vamp vesicles precedes phagosome sealing it is therefore likely that targeted delivery of endomembranes contributes to the elongation of pseudopods in addition to mediating pseudopod formation receptortriggered focal secretion of endosomes may contribute to polarized membrane extension in processes such as lamellipodial elongation or chemotaxis
[ 132 ]
[ "total solids" ]
present study was carried out to evaluate the potential of lactobacillus acidophilus l acidophilus for OD of wheat based probiotic beverage and to optimize the proportion of different ingredients viz sprouted wheat flour sprouted WB oat and stabilizer using response surface methodology pH ph and probiotic count of samples prepared with l acidophilus ncdc was higher than that of l acidophilus ncdc culture being more compatible l acidophilus ncdc was selected for this study pH in terms of lactic acid ph and probiotic count of the different samples ranged from to to and to log cfu ml respectively probiotic count increased with increasing amount of sprouted wheat and oat optimized C2 for sprouted wheat flour oat WB and guar gum were and g respectively per ml of water optimized probiotic beverage provided TS protein fat ash CF mg iron calcium mg carbohydrates kcal calories and log cfu ml probiotic count thus lactobacillus acidophilus ncdc can be used for development of potentially probiotic beverage with sprouted wheat and oat
[ 22 ]
[ "longissimus dorsi" ]
a large data set of hanwoo korean cattle ests was analyzed to obtain differential mRNA results for the following three libraries IMF LD muscle and liver to better understand the gene expression profiles we identified differentially expressed genes degs via digital mRNA analysis hierarchical clustering of genes was performed according to their relative abundance within the six separate CG hanwoo fat versus nonhanwoo fat hanwoo muscle versus nonhanwoo muscle and hanwoo CL versus nonhanwoo CL producing detailed patterns of mRNA we determined the quantitative traits associated with the highly expressed genes we also provide the first list of putative regulatory elements associated with differential tissue expression in hanwoo cattle in addition we conducted evolutionary analysis that suggests a subset of genes accelerated in the bovine lineage are strongly correlated with their expression in hanwoo muscle
[ 0 ]
[ "membranetype matrix metalloproteinases" ]
MT-MMPs mtmmps have been shown to activate prommp on the cell surface and are suggested to be key enzymes in tissue remodelling under various physiological and pathological conditions to investigate the role of mtmmp in progressive renal injury the gene expression and enzymatic activity of mtmmp were examined in crescentic glomerulonephritis induced by antiglomerular basement membrane gbm antibody in wky rats isolated glomeruli were subjected to rna and protein extraction and days after intravenous injection of rabbit antigbm antibody semiquantitative rtpcr analysis revealed that among the three members of the mtmmp family mrna expression of mtmmp remained unchanged and that of mtmmp was not observed in glomeruli during the development of nephritis however mtmmp gene expression increased from day and reached maximum C2 at day fold increase over day closely associated with macrophage accumulation crescent formation and increased PU gelatin zymography showed that the active from of mmp emerged from day and remained during the exp period accompanied by increased prommp while no AS form of mmp was found in control rats using an AS crna probe intense signals of mtmmp mrna were observed mostly in cells within the crescent and in some cells in the mesangial Az most of these cells were edpositive macrophages based on immunostaining of sequential sections these results suggested that in the mtmmp family mtmmp was induced in infiltrating macrophages during the development of crescentic glomerulonephritis and possibly contributed to pathological Kd of glomerular extracellular matrices through the activation of prommp
[ 102 ]
[ "cysteinerich domain" ]
the CRD of the haemorrhagic metalloproteinase atrolysin a was shown to inhibit collagenstimulated platelet aggregation and to interact with mg OSA cells via integrin alphabeta to inhibit adhesion to collagen i in addition we demonstrate by solidphase binding assays that atrolysin a binds to NTx and to vwf von willebrand factor via exosites in the CR domain interestingly the binding site of the CRD on collagen i is distinct from the cell adhesion site since the incubation of collagenicoated plates with the CRD did not prevent the adhesion of mg cells to collagen finally we show by SPR biacore analyses that the CRD can block vwf binding to collagen i as well as the IB of collagen i to vwf taken together these results indicate that this domain may CF as a cellsurfacereceptorbinding site andor a substrate recognition exosite and may thus play a role in the pathologies associated with atrolysin a
[ 31 ]
[ "t cell antigen receptor" ]
a case with the triad of pure red cell aplasia prca MG and malignant thymoma is reported there was a clonal proliferation of TA within the thymoma as demonstrated by a Ti tcr delta chain gene rearrangement however despite a C1 granular lymphocytosis clonality could not be shown in the peripheral blood either before or after thymectomy there was no evidence of human t cell lymphotrophic virus type htlv infection it is postulated that the clonal thymic t cell population secreted cytokines which stimulated the polyclonal proliferation of C1 granular lymphocytes which in turn suppressed erythropoiesis thymectomy removed the CS- to the C1 granular lymphocytes and hence there was a resurgence of erythropoiesis
[ 116 ]
[ "ncyclohexyl adenosine" ]
this study examined the effects of bistrimethoxy benzoyloxypropyl perhydrodiazepine dilazep comelian on central DA cholinergic and P2 neuronal systems in rats intraperitoneal i.v. of dilazep mgkg produced yawning responses the most effective dose being mgkg dilazep potentiated physostigmineinduced yawning but not pilocarpine and bromocriptineinduced yawning dilazepinduced yawning was not affected by low doses of haloperidol or sulpiride but was CR inhibited by atropine a muscarinic m receptor antagonist dilazepinduced yawning as well as physostigmineinduced yawning were markedly inhibited by i.c.v. with sk f a dopamine d receptor agonist and were potentiated by sch a dopamine d receptor antagonist that alone does not elicit yawning caffeine an adenosine receptor antagonist inhibited dilazep and physostigmineinduced yawning responses but CHA cha and nlphenylisopropyl adenosine lpia adenosine a receptor agonists were inactive these results suggest that because the effects of dilazep on central cholinergic neurons are similar to those of physostigmine dilazep may potentiate indirectly the action of endogenous acetylcholine ACh SN activated by dilazep may be modulated by postsynaptic dopamine d receptor activity but may not be affected by dopamine d receptor activity furthermore the stimulatory effects of dilazep on ACh neuron may not be due to an inhibition of dopamine d receptors via P2 adenosine a receptor stimulation by dilazep
[ 110 ]
[ "campaniform sensilla" ]
histamine is known to be the neurotransmitter of insect photoreceptors histaminelike immunoreactivity is also found in a number of interneurons in the CNS system of various insects here we demonstrate by immunohistochemical techniques that in drosophila melanogaster acalypterae most or all mechanosensory SN of imaginal hair sensilla selectively bind antibodies directed against histamine the histaminelike staining includes the cell bodies of these SN as well as their axons which form prominent fibre bundles in IP nerves and their terminal projections in the central neuropil of head and thoracic ganglia the specificity of the IS is demonstrated by investigating a drosophila mutant unable to synthesize histamine other mechanosensory organs such as CS or scolopidial organs do not stain in the calypteran flies musca and calliphora we find no comparable immunoreactivity associated with either hair sensilla or the nerves entering the central nervous system observations in agreement with earlier studies on calliphora thus histamine seems to be a L1 mechanosensory transmitter candidate of the AD NS of drosophila but apparently not of musca or calliphora
[ 43 ]
[ "total homocysteine" ]
previous studies suggest that elevated blood homocysteine C2 and the MTHFR mthfr ct polymorphism are risk factors for schizophrenia however the effects of gender and mthfr ct genotypes on blood homocysteine levels in schizophrenia have not been consistent we first investigated whether plasma tHcy C2 were higher in patients with schizophrenia than in controls with stratification by gender and by the mthfr ct genotypes in a large cohort n second we conducted a metaanalysis of association studies between blood homocysteine levels and schizophrenia separately by gender n third we performed a casecontrol association T0 between the mthfr ct polymorphism and schizophrenia n and conducted a metaanalysis of genetic association studies based on japanese subjects n finally we assessed the effect of plasma total homocysteine levels on schizophrenia by a mendelian randomization approach the ancova after adjustment for age demonstrated a significant effect of diagnosis on the plasma total homocysteine levels in all strata and the subsequent metaanalysis for gender demonstrated elevated blood homocysteine levels in both male and female patients with schizophrenia although AP medication might influence the outcome the metaanalysis of the japanese genetic association studies demonstrated a significant association between the mthfr ct polymorphism and schizophrenia the mendelian randomization analysis in the japanese populations yielded an or of for schizophrenia per sd increase in plasma total homocysteine our study suggests that increased plasma total homocysteine C2 may be associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia
[ 278 ]
[ "oral leukoplakia" ]
oral erythroplakia oe is considered a rare potentially malignant lesion of the OM reports entirely devoted to oe are very few and only two reviews none of which are of recent date have been published only the true velvety red homogeneous oe has been clearly defined while the terminology for mixed red and white lesions is complex illdefined and confusing a recent case control study of oe from india reported a prevalence of a range of prevalences between and from different geographical areas has been documented oe is predominantly seen in the middle aged and elderly one T0 from india showed a femalemale ratio of the soft palate the floor of the mouth and the buccal mucosa is commonly affected a specific type of oe occurs in chutta sm in india lesions of oe are typically less than cm in diameter the etiology of oe reveals a strong association with tobacco consumption and the use of alcohol histopathologically it has been documented that in oe of the homogenous type showed invasive carcinoma carcinoma in situ and mild or moderate dysplasia recently genomic aberrations with dna aneuploidy has been demonstrated p mutations with different degrees of dysplasia may play a role in some cases of oe transformation rates are considered to be the highest among all precancerous oral lesions and conditions surgical excision is the treatment of choice data on laser excision are not available recurrence rates seem to be high reliable data are however missing more studies on oe are strongly needed to evaluate a number of so far unanswered questions the natural PH of oe is unknown do oes develop de novo or are they developing from OL through several intermediate stages of whitered lesions the possible role of fungal infection candida microorganisms is not clear as is the possible role of hpv coinfection in the development of oe more data on incidence and prevalence biological behaviour and adequate treatment are urgently needed
[ 0 ]
[ "percutaneous tracheostomy" ]
PT has been touted as the preferred route of tracheostomy however to date no prospective randomized T0 comparing bedside percutaneous bp to bedside open bo tracheostomy has been performed surgical intensive ECU sicu patients were randomized to receive either a bp or a bo tracheostomy patients were monitored for complications procedure time was documented a group of MICU patients had open tracheostomies in the operating room or and served as contemporaneous controls over months there were SICU patients randomized to receive either bp tracheostomy or bo tracheostomy in each group fortysix MICU patients received standard open tracheostomy in the or the number of ventilator days before placing the tracheostomy was similar between the bp and bo groups and respectively the clinical indications for tracheostomy were similar between the two CG the procedure time for the bp group was T2 whereas minutes for the bo group there were no postprocedure complications in the bp and bo groups there was a trend toward more complications in the bp group including the loss of the airway leading to death the procedure time and complications were similar between the bo and or CG these data do not support that bp tracheostomy is the preferred route of tracheostomy when compared with bo tracheostomy these data support that experienced surgical intensivists can perform bo tracheostomies with lower risk and cost when compared with bp tracheostomy
[ 177 ]
[ "temporal difference" ]
the simulation of enzymatic reactions using computer models is becoming a powerful tool in the most fundamental challenge in biochemistry to relate the catalytic activity of enzymes to their structure in the present T0 various computed parameters were correlated with the ln of experimental rate constants for the hydroxylation of various ATP derivatives catalysed by wildtype parahydroxybenzoate hydroxylase phbh as well as for the hydroxylation of the native substrate phydroxybenzith fMRI fmri we studied BB activity during different types of mismatch in a paradigm where contrastingcolored lights signaled the delivery of painful heat nonpainful warmth or no stimulation when painful heat stimulation was unexpected there was increased fmri signal intensity in Az of the hippocampus superior FC gyrus cerebellum and superior parietal gyrus that was not found with mismatch between expectation and delivery of nonpainful warmth stimulation when painful heat stimulation was unexpectedly omitted the fmri signal intensity decreased in the left superior parietal gyrus and increased in the other regions these contrasting activation patterns correspond to two different mismatch concepts in theories of associative learning rescorlawagner TD vs pearcehall mackintosh searching for interventions to specifically modulate activation of these brain regions therefore offers an approach to identifying new treatments for chronic pain which often has a substantial associative learning component
[ 145 ]
[ "proteinase k" ]
OM is an inflammatory disease of the mucosa lining oral cavity which leads to atrophy of the epithelium and to its ulceration to form chronic lesions many studies both in vitro and in vivo haver smallscale dna isolation which were tested by six laboratories for their ability to recover reproducible amounts of good SQ dna suited for pcrbased str analysis the protocols included two direct lysis methods with and without detergents and PK and two commercial columnbased kits the direct lysis method using detergents and proteinase k showed the highest dna REC and the best performance in the multiplex powerplex str CA dna isolated with this method also showed the highest sensitivity in chimerism analysis using singleplex pcr reactions of eurochimerism str markers sensitivity was reached ranging from to of recipient cells in a donor background in conclusion the direct lysis method using detergents and PK is a standardized dna isolation method well suited for chimerism studies on low cell numbers
[ 57 ]
[ "generalized born" ]
the prediction of protein side chain conformations from backbone coordinates is an important task in structural biology with applications in structure prediction and protein design it is a difficult problem due to its combinatorial nature we T0 the performance of an mmgbsa SE CF implemented in our protein design program proteus which combines molecular mechanics terms a GB and SA gbsa solvent MM with approximations that make the model pairwise additive proteus is not a competitor to specialized side chain prediction programs due to its cost but it allows protein design applications where side chain prediction is an important step and mmgbsa an ERP energy MM we predict the side chain conformations for proteins the side chains are first predicted individually with the rest of the protein in its crystallographic conformation next all side chains are predicted together the contributions of individual energy terms are evaluated and various parameterizations are compared we find that the gb and sa terms with an appropriate choice of the dielectric constant and surface SE coefficients are beneficial for single side chain predictions for the prediction of all side chains however errors due to the pairwise additive approximation overcome the improvement brought by these terms we also show the crucial contribution of side chain minimization to alleviate the rigid rotamer approximation even without gb and sa terms we obtain accuracies comparable to scwrl a specialized side chain prediction program in particular we obtain a better rmsd than scwrl for core residues at a higher cost despite our simpler rotamer library proteins © wiley periodicals inc
[ 3 ]
[ "heterogeneous nuclear rna" ]
in eukaryotic cells hnRNA is associated with a set of abundant nuclear proteins to form complex ribonucleoprotein structures hnrnp autoantibodies to hnrnp g protein have been previously reported in german shepherd dogs with lupuslike syndrome in the present study we describe the characterization of a novel antigen recognized by a SS from a schnauzer dog with a nonerosive polyarthritis the autoantibodies give by indirect immunofluorescence a nuclear DP with staining close to one of the nucleoli immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation data reveal that the autoantigens are in fact two closely related basic proteins average pi with apparent molecular weights of kda p and kda p the results of IP with antihnrnp antibodies and dna affinity column chromatography strongly suggest that these autoantigens correspond to hnrnp i proteins this point was confirmed by cloning and sequencing a cdna clone encoding the complete CS of the antigens in addition we found that antihnrnp i antibodies preferentially stain certain loops of the pleurodeles waltl lampbruch chromosomes these data added to previous ones on antiphnrnp g protein in german shepherd dogs with lupuslike syndrome confirm the interest of this category of antibodies to hnrnp proteins in autoimmune disorders
[ 272 ]
[ "karnofsky index" ]
the ability of immunotherapy with heatkilled mycobacterium vaccae nctc as an addition to the available chemotherapy to improve the outcome in patients with multidrugresistant tubercle bacilli mdrtb who had not been cured by chemotherapy CT was evaluated in tuberculosis centres in estonia iran kuwait new zealand romania vietnam and the uk a total of patients in the above countries received intradermal injections of m vaccae in addition to chemotherapy patients were grouped according to the length of their histories of disease less than or greater than years duration initially single doses of m vaccae were given but subsequently up to doses at month intervals were given chemotherapy varied from INH CT to drugs selected according to susceptibility tests most patients had failed to respond to repeated courses of chemotherapy and the majority were expected to die from their disease results were assessed by sputum smear and SC and by clinical observations cured patients were followed for months to exclude relapse eighteen of patients with disease for less than years were bacteriologically cured by one or two doses of m vaccae among chronic patients were cured after one dose T3 seven doses and T3 doses sixtysix chronic patients were lost to followup or died during the multidose regimens nine of patients with advanced disease unaffected by several courses of chemotherapy and discharged on isoniazid alone in vietnam were cured by injections of m vaccae the data provide preliminary evidence that the addition of immunotherapy with m vaccae to chemotherapy improveudy was determined by the gehans method for a response rate of and a beta error of in the first step patients age median KI median with recurrent malignant glioma after surgery radiotherapy and nitrosourea were enrolled glioblastomas AAs docetaxel at the initial dose of mgm was administered every weeks until progression or unacceptable toxicity a total of cycles was po patients received a median of two cycles range no CR or partial response was observed therefore according to the design of the T0 no additional patients were enrolled and the trial was terminated two stabilizations were observed and weeks median ttp was weeks days median overall survival from recurrence was weeks months grade neutropenia was observed in patients but no lifethreatening toxicity was observed other toxicities were uncommon and mild dose reduction was performed in patients this T0 suggests that docetaxel displayed no significant activity in patients with malignant recurrent gliomas
[ 55 ]
[ "osteitis fibrosa" ]
with the markedly reduced usage of aluminum salts in renal failure parathyroid hormone pth has become the major determinant of currently seen bone disease clinicians now must consider what pth level should be sought too low a level may lead to the aplastic bone lesion low turnover bone and too high a level may cause OF furthermore conventional normal pth levels may not be a suitable target because of the wellknown resistance to pth in uremic patients in this report we derive the pth levels that best distinguish patients with low and high bone formation states from those with normal bone formation in a group of dialysis patients without aluminum toxicity using bone histological parameters we propose that ideally pth levels should be maintained between pmoll pgml and to pmoll to pgml in chronic dialysis patients levels two to four times the upper limit of values found in normal subjects
[ 6 ]
[ "breast adenocarcinoma" ]
membranetype matrix metalloprotease mtmmp expression in MCF-7 stimulates RT growth and metastatic spreading to the lung however whether these protumorigenic and prometastatic effects of mtmmp are related to a proteolytic action is not yet known through site directed mutagenesis mtmmp has been inactivated in CA cells through glu substitution by alanine in the AS site AS mtmmp triggered an angiogenic switch at day after tumor implantation and drastically accelerated subcutaneous RT growth as well as lung colonization in recombination activating genedeficient mice all these effects were abrogated upon mtmmp inactivation in sharp contrast to most mmps being primarily of stromal origin we provide evidence that tumorderived mtmmp but not hostderived mtmmp contributes to angiogenesis a genetic RPA using mtmmpdeficient mice revealed that the status of mtmmp produced by host cells did not affect the angiogenic response despite of this RT intrinsic feature to exert its tumor promoting effect mtmmp requires a permissive microenvironment indeed tumorderived mtmmp failed to circumvent the lack of an host angiopromoting factor such as plasminogen activator inhibitor overall our study demonstrates the key contribution of mtmmp catalytic activity in the RT compartment at the interface with host cells it identifies mtmmp as a key intrinsic RT cell determinant that contributes to the elaboration of a permissive microenvironment for M1 dissemination
[ 5 ]
[ "root cause analysis" ]
while hospitals have been using RCA rca to identify the reasons for problems and errors for many years experts note that the results of these efforts have been uneven at best to improve the rca process a team of experts from the national patient safety foundation npsf have assembled bestpractice guidelines to both standardize the rca process and guide organizations in their improvement efforts further they have renamed the process rca squared or rca to emphasize the need for action steps once an analysis is completed report authors say prioritization methods need to be devised so that nearmisses and close calls receive more attention from rca teams rca teams should be nimble including four to six members one of whom is a patient representative when problems or PE emerge the rca process should commence within hours and the rca team should complete its investigative work in to days experts say causal statements should outline what the solutions to a problem or error should be
[ 142 ]
[ "proteinuria" ]
sirolimus is a potent immunosuppressant which may permit the avoidance of nephrotoxic calcineurin inhibitors cni however cases of proteinuria associated with sirolimus have been reported following renal transplantation here we report three cases of PU and gday developing during therapy with sirolimus plus lowdose tacrolimus following clinical islet transplantation cit in type i NIDDM the proteinuria resolved after discontinuation of sirolimus substituted by mycophenolate mofetil mmf combined with an increased dose of tacrolimus a renal biopsy in one case indicated only the presence of diabetic glomerulopathy five other cit recipients developed microalbuminuria while on sirolimus which all resolved after switching to tacrolimus and mmf the resolution of proteinuria from the native kidneys of cit recipients T3 the discontinuation sirolimus suggests that at least in some individuals sirolimus itself may have adverse renal effects sirolimus should be used cautiously with close monitoring for PU or RD
[ 18 ]
[ "hydrophobic organic compounds" ]
the traditional oneliquid phase biofilter olpb with water as the selected liquid phase demonstrated low performance to volatile HOCs in this T0 a novel twoliquid phase biofilter tlpb using silicone oil and water was established to treat gaseous dichloromethane dcm a comprehensive investigation of removal performance kinetic analysis biomass accumulations pressure drops co
[ 221 ]
[ "viridans streptococci" ]
this T0 was performed to assess the incidence of infectious complications in patients undergoing autologous and allogeneic HSCT hsct the characteristics of microbiologically documented infections in consecutive patients undergoing hsct autologous allogeneic were analyzed conditioning and the preengraftment period until one month was defined as the early period the postengraftment period until one year was defined as the late period all patients received antibiotic prophylaxis and HGF during neutropenia febrile patients received imipenemcilastatin or cefepime plus amikacin or ceftazidime plus amikacin a total of episodes with microbiologically documented infections were seen of patients and of the patients experienced at least one febrile episode during their posttransplant course of these episodes were in the early period and were in the late period in the early period of causative organisms were grampositive were gramnegative and were fungi the most common pathogens were CoNS cons and e coli in the early period in the late period of causative organisms were GP were gramnegative and were fungi cons and e coli were also the most commonly isolated agents in this period resistance to methicillin was detected in of s aureus and of cons isolates the isolation rate was in accordance with previous reports similar percentages of grampositive and GN isolates were found in patients undergoing hsct in both periods however a remarkably low rate of VS and fungi were observed the spectrum of pathogens detected in these cases serves as the basis for recommendations on the choice of empiric antimicrobial treatment regimens therefore studies reporting local microbiological findings are necessary we suggest that local microbiologic surveillance should be known before empiric antimicrobial therapy is started in each institution
[ 24 ]
[ "advanced life support" ]
this T0 sought to determine whether using the resuscitation council uks iresus© application on a smart phone improves the performance of doctors trained in ALS in a simulated emergency thirtyone doctors advanced life supporttrained within the previous months were recruited all received identical training using the smart phone and the iresus application the participants were randomly assigned to a control group no smart phone and a test group access to iresus on smart phone both CG were tested using a validated extended CA simulation test castest scoring system the primary outcome measure was the overall cardiac arrest simulation test score these were significantly higher in the smart phone group median iqr range compared with the control group p use of the iresus application significantly improves the performance of an T3 life supportcertified doctor during a simulated medical emergency further studies are needed to determine if iresus can improve care in the clinical setting
[ 38 ]
[ "obstructive airways disease" ]
environmental and genetic AF contribute to familial chronic obstructive airways disease the genetic component could be polygenic or in some families be associated with one or two major genes it is assumed that most cases of familial chronic OAD are polygenic but this conclusion is based on insufficient data the use of linkage analysis using dna probes for specific genes that may have a direct role in the disease process should facilitate our understanding of the genetics genetic deficiency of alphaantitrypsin is associated with predisposition to PE in the absence of alpha antitrypsin deficiency i suggest that a T0 of serineproteinase inhibitors on chromosome may identify a significant proportion of families where only one L1 gene is important
[ 33 ]
[ "esophageal cancer" ]
the aim of this T0 was to determine the benefits of ffluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography petcomputed tomography ct compared to ct alone in the preoperative assessment of lymph node metastasis in patients with EC
[ 76 ]
[ "receptorassociated protein" ]
recently antibodies with a wide range of binding specificities have been isolated from C1 repertoires of antibody fragments displayed on filamentous phage including those that are difficult to raise by immunization we have used this approach to isolate an antibody fragment against chicken very low density lipoprotein vldl receptor it binds to the receptor with good affinity kaff x m as measured by plasmon surface resonance and competes for binding of natural ligands vitellogenin vldl and RAP the antibody also binds to other members of the low density lipoprotein ldl receptor family including rat ldl receptor and human and rat low density lipoprotein receptorrelated protein lrpalpha mr and it competes for binding of receptorassociated protein to lrpalpha mr moreover the antibody fragment inhibits infection of human fibroblasts deficient in ldlr but expressing lrpalpha mr by human rhinovirus binding of the antibody is abolished upon reduction of the receptors and is strictly ca dependent the phage antibody thus recognizes the ligand IB sites of several members of the ldl receptor family in contrast to antibodies produced by hybridoma technology
[ 65 ]
[ "thioglycollate" ]
an i.t. of thioglycollate into the peritoneal cavity of mice produced a peak of exudate at h a peak of total leukocytes at h when the predominant cell was the polymorphonuclear PMNL and a secondard macrophage phase beginning days T3 TG the PR of nacetylglucosaminidase ec into the peritoneal fluid paralleled the macrophage phase the amount of enzyme released was related to the dose of TG neither zymosan micrograms nor endotoxin micrograms produced a marked inflammatory response when injected into the peritoneal cavity
[ 86 ]
[ "georgia" ]
tumefactive demyelinating lesions are a known but uncommon complication of multiple sclerosis a disease rarely reported in children this is the case of a yearold african american patient with multiple sclerosis who developed tumefactimore TPS recombinant immunoblot CA riba for confirmation out of of investigated samples were confirmed by riba as positives in this survey we found that of the surveyed individuals were hcv seropositive according our study which was based on very strict epidemiological design we concluded that prevalence of hcv in general population of GA is the part of our investigation was to assess hcv genotypes CSD among GP of GA based on our results the following distributions of hcv genotypes were found hcv b hcv a hcv ac hcv a our study found high prevalence of hcv among GA population of georgia besides these surveys found an extensive spread of hcv b TT the profile of hcv genotypes CSD in general population of GA was similar to that of usa and russia and different compared to asia africa and most of european countries unfortunately the hcv genotype b is less sensitive to current treatment regimens the treatment effectiveness in patients with hcv genotype b is about in comparison to for non genotypes
[ 221 ]
[ "phrenic motoneurons" ]
motor units are the final element of neuromotor control in manner analogous to the organization of neuromotor control in other skeletal muscles diaphragm motor units comprise phrenic MNs located in the cervical spinal cord that innervate the diaphragm muscle the main inspiratory muscle in mammals diaphragm motor units play a primary role in sustaining ventilation but are also active in other nonventilatory behaviors including coughing sneezing vomiting defecation and parturition diaphragm muscle SF comprise all fiber types thus diaphragm motor units display substantial differences in contractile and fatigue properties but importantly properties of the motoneuron and muscle SF within a motor unit are matched as in other skeletal muscles diaphragm motor units are recruited in order such that motor units that display greater fatigue resistance are recruited earlier and more often than more fatigable motor units the properties of the motor unit population are critical determinants of the function of a skeletal muscle across the range of possible motor tasks accordingly fatigueresistant motor units are sufficient to generate the forces necessary for VE behaviors whereas more fatigable units are only G1 during expulsive behaviors important for airway clearance neuromotor control of diaphragm motor units may reflect selective inputs from distinct DP generators distributed according to the mu properties necessary to accomplish these different motor tasks in contrast widely distributed inputs to PMNs from various DP generators eg for breathing coughing or vocalization would dictate recruitment order based on intrinsic EP properties
[ 22 ]
[ "human immunodeficiency" ]
a retrospective T0 was conducted in france in to determine the clinical features of visceral leishmaniasis vl in patients infected cocomitantly with HIV virus our data suggest that the clinical manifestations of vl may be influenced by the immunological status with atypical locations of leishmania amastigotes more frequently found in severely ICP in such patients the involvement of atypical locations may lead to the discovery of vl
[ 48 ]
[ "guar gum" ]
dietary fibre consumption is known to be beneficial to increase stool bulk and frequency in contrast it is unclear whether chronic dietary fibre deficiency affects colonic motor functions especially neuronally mediated muscle contractions in this study rats were fed a fibrefree diet or diet containing DF cellulose or GG for days furthermore neurogenic and myogenic contractions were evaluated in circular and longitudinal muscle strips of the distal colon additionally the number of EC ec cells which play important roles in the initiation of the peristaltic reflex was also examined by immunohistochemistry for serotonin myogenic contractions induced by carbachol or substance p were examined in the presence of tetrodotoxin circular muscle was hyposensitive to carbachol but LM was hypersensitive to substance p in the fibrefree group nervemediated circular hz and longitudinal hz muscle contractions evoked by EFS were att in the fibrefree group and the latter response was almost abolished by atropine suggesting PET changes of cholinergic SN ec cell number was decreased in the fibrefree group in conclusion changes in neurogenic and myogenic contractions and a decrease in ec cell number observed may affect colonic motility of the fibrefree group
[ 117 ]
[ "early asthmatic response" ]
the effect of suplatast tosilate which has been proven to inhibit tcell synthesis of il and il on the response to antigen inhalation challenge was investigated in sensitized guinea pigs the animals were given an oral dose of or mgkg of suplatast or vehicle DW daily for wk before antigen challenge measurement of pulmonary resistance for h was followed by bronchoalveolar lavage and lung fixation T3 antigen challenge all guinea pigs in the vehicle group displayed dualphase airway one and accumulation of eosinophils and lymphocytes in the airways after wk of treatment with the high dose of suplatast the late asthmatic response and the recruitment of eosinophils and lymphocytes into the airways were significantly inhibited but the ear was not affected in situ hybridization revealed that challengeinduced increases in il mrnapositive cells in lung tissue were significantly inhibited after treatment thus suplatast inhibited airway one in the late phase by specifically inhibiting the inflammatory process T3 mast cell degranulation
[ 68 ]
[ "conventional insulin treatment" ]
enhanced rhoarhokinase pathway plays antierectile role and is associated with reduced response to type phosphodiesterase inhibitor pdei in diabetic animals we tested whether adjunctive simvastatin to CIT would restore pdeiinduced as well as basal erectile response in diabetic rat model of ED forty weekold SD rats were equally divided into four groups n ie the DM d agematched control c conventional insulin treatment i and adjunctive simvastatin to CIT s following weeks of intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin stz mgkg the group i and s received insulin u nphday for weeks concurrently group s received simvastatin mgkgday following weeks of diabetes induction basal and pdei intravenous mirodenafil mgkgelicited erectile response were assessed during cavernous nerve electrostimulation then penile tissues were processed for molecular assessment although group i failed to restore basal and pdeiinduced erectile response group s showed normalized erectile responses furthermore group i showed improvement of only enosrelated pathway whereas group s effectively controlled both enosrelated and rhoarhokinase pathway conclusively adjunctive use of simvastatin to CIT showed more effectiveness in restoring erectile responses of diabetic rats by controlling the rhoarhokinase pathway than CIT alone
[ 7 ]
[ "ureteroscopy" ]
to compare the efficacy and safety of URS plus intracorporeal lithotripsy ult with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy eswl for treating distal ureteric calculi in childhood as such stones are commonly treated by eswl as the first option in adults but there is no PA on the method of treating them in children
[ 30 ]
[ "anterior pituitary glands" ]
a useful system to evaluate the angiogenic activity of hormones and growth AF is the chorioallantoic membrane cam of chick embryos the present studies examined the angiogenic activity of chicken APs and both fibroblast growth factor fgf and growth hormone gh grafts of anterior pituitary gland evoked an angiogenic response on the cam which was lost if the adenohypophyseal tissue was first boiled the magnitude of the angiogenic response to APs increased with the age of the donor from a minimum days of embryonic development to a maximum between and weeks old in view of the similarity of the profile of the angiogenic response and the reported changes in gh secretion the angiogenic activity of gh was then examined considerable angiogenic responses were observed with gh there being increases p in number of new blood vessels on the cam of chick embryos on which native chicken gh or native bGH or recombinant bGH were added these data support gh having an angiogenic action
[ 75 ]
[ "cardiotoxin" ]
a healthy skeletal muscle mass is essential in attenuating the complications of obesity importantly healthy muscle function is maintained through adequate repair following overuse and injury the purpose of this T0 was to investigate the impact of DIO dio on skeletal muscle repair and the functionality of the muscle satellite cell sc population male cblj mice were fed a standard chow or highfat diet kcal fat dio for weeks muscles from dio mice subjected to CTX injury displayed att muscle regeneration as indicated by prolonged necrosis delayed expression of myod and myogenin elevated collagen content and persistent embryonic MHC chain expression while no significant differences in sc content were observed scs from dio muscles did not activate normally nor did they respond to exogenous hepatocyte growth factor hgf despite similar receptor cmet density furthermore hgf release from crushed muscle was significantly less than that from muscles of chow fed mice this T0 demonstrates that deficits in muscle repair are present in dio and the impairments in the functionality of the muscle sc population as a result of altered hgfcmet signaling are contributors to the delayed regeneration
[ 18 ]
[ "parathyroidectomized" ]
the present T0 evaluated the effect of ohvitamin dohvit d on the phosphaturic action of calcitonin in anesthetized PTX rats in group calcitonin was given intravenously over six clearance periods in group T3 three periods of calcitonin given intravenously ohvit d was added and given together with calcitonin for three additional periods during calcitonin infusion cpcin mean se in group was not different from the corresponding cpcin in group but when ohvit d was added cpcin in group was lower p less than than the corresponding cpcin in group with intravenous calcitonin the urinary excretion of cycle amp ucamp in group did not differ from the corresponding ucamp pmolmin in group but when ohvit d was added ucamp in group was lower p less than than the corresponding ucamp pmolmin in group this study demonstrated that ohvit d blocks the phosphaturic action of calcitonin the associated fall in uctamp suggests that ovvit d acts possibly by inhibiting the calcitonininduced activation of adenylate cyclase in the kidney however other alternative mechanisms of action have not been excluded
[ 56 ]
[ "concentric" ]
limb acceleration and deceleration during exercise on an isokinetic device encounter no machineoffered resistance the purpose of this T0 was to quantify the relationship between velocity and range of motion that is sustained at a predetermined isokinetic velocity termed load range during con KE and flexion exercise nine male and nine female subjects performed three maximal con reciprocal KE and flexion repetitions at and degreessec extension and flexion results revealed a significant p increase in acceleration and deceleration range of motion while load range significantly decreased with increasing velocity males exhibited greater load range and less acceleration range of motion than females at and degreessec while deceleration range of motion was not different between genders at any speed these results demonstrate an inverse relationship between isokinetic velocity and load range and suggest a need to carefully consider velocity selection when performing exercise on an isokinetic device
[ 0 ]
[ "uterine natural killer" ]
uNK nk cells are pivotal for successful rat reproduction however insights on functionally distinct subpopulations of uterine nk cells are largely elusive furthermore translation of findings from murine into human pregnancy has been overshadowed by the limited number of mutual phenotypic nk cell markers we here prs of EC in PM women
[ 261 ]
[ "sinus rhythm" ]
the aims of present T0 were to verify the topography of the intracardiac nerve subplexuses ins by using electrophysiological methods its relations with SAN sa node CF and to investigate possibility of selective surgical sa node denervation fifteen mongrel dogs of either sex weighing to kg were used for EP studies both cervical vagosympathetic trunks were isolated and crushed by tight ligatures nervus subplexuses destructions were performed by cryocoagulation in three zones located around the RA SVC ventral lateral and dorsal the sinus rhythm sa node function REC time av node conductivity av node and atrial ERP refractory period were measured five experiments in each of three zones were performed exp data show that destruction of the Epi nerves has different effect on electrophysiological parameters T3 destruction of the anterior zone of the RA atrium the sinus rhythm decreased on an average by sa node function recovery time prolonged by av node conductivity decreased by av node effective refractory period prolonged by and atrial effective refractory period by measurements of EP parameters after intravenous injection of atropine sulphate show that SR decreased on an average by sa node CF recovery time increased by the conductivity of av node decreased by av node ERP refractory period prolonged by and atrial ERP refractory period by T3 destruction of the intracardiac SN of the lateral zone the sinus rhythm decreased by sa node function REC time increased by av node conductivity decreased by av node ERP refractory period and atrial effective refractory period prolonged by and respectively after the atropine sulphate intravenous injection the SR decreased on an average by sa node CF recovery time prolonged by av conductivity decreased by av node effective refractory period increased by and atrial ERP refractory period prolonged by T3 destruction of the SN in the dorsal zone the changes of EP parameters were opposite to those obtained after destruction of the nerve tracts in the anterior or lateral zones the sinus rhythm increased on an average by sa node function REC time shortened by av conductivity increased by av node and atrial effective refractory period decreased by and respectively after intravenous atropine sulphate infusion sinus rhythm decreased on an average by sa node function REC time prolonged by av node conductivity decreased by av node and atrial effective refractory period prolonged by and respectively the average changes of electrophysiological parameters before and after ins destruction shows that cryocoagulation of VP and lateral zones eliminates the effects of sympathetic tone to sa and av nodal activity cryocoagulation of dorsal zone eliminates the effects of nervus vagus to both nodal structures these findings shows the possibility alter or correct sa node function by making selective surgical sa node denervation
[ 15 ]
[ "arkansas childrens hospital" ]
we evaluated the results of microsurgical flaps for wound coverage in limb salvage cases at ACH ages ranged from one to years with a mean of years sixteen children with soft tissue defect in limbs were reconstructed with free tissue transfer only one out of free flaps failed which necessitated a second free flap giving an overall initial flap success rate of one flap developed SF muscle necrosis requiring debridement followed staged skin graft all limbs were successfully salvaged our series confirms that microsurgical flap surgery is safe and ERP in children with limb salvage approaching percent
[ 25 ]
[ "space invasion" ]
the purpose of this pilot study was to determine whether the biomarker human epididymis protein he correlates with depth of MI histologic grade CL vascular LVSI positive cytologic washings and nodal metastases in patients with endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the uterus
[ 49 ]
[ "knockout mice" ]
TN factor tnf and lymphotoxinalpha ltalpha are proinflammatory cytokines involved in host defense and pathogenesis of various diseases in addition there is evidence that tnf is involved in sleep tnf and ltalpha both bind to the tumor necrosis factor receptors tnfr recently it was shown that tnf receptor tnfr KO rko sleep less during the light period than controls we investigated the effect of a tnf and ltalpha double deficiency on sleep in mice ligand ko and compared their sleep with that of rko tnfr KO rko mice and wildtype wt controls all mice were adapted to a h lightdark cycle and their electroencephalographs eeg and electromyographs emg were continuously recorded during a baseline day h sleep ED sd and h recovery ligand ko and rko had less rapid eye movement rem sleep during the baseline light period due to a reduction in rem sleep episode frequency T3 sd all genotypes showed an initial increase in slowwave activity swa eeg PD between and hz in nonrem sleep which gradually declined in the following hours in ligand ko the increase was mainly caused by an increase in fast swa hz which was also increased in rko in contrast in rko mice the increase was limited to the slow portion of swa hz rko and wt mice showed increases in both frequency ranges the subdivision into fast and slow swa frequencies corresponds to previous electrophysiological data where the two types of slowwaves were induced by either excitatory or inhibitory stimuli our data suggest that in ligand ko the swa increase is caused by an increase in excitatory input to the cortex whereas in rko this input seems to be almost absent
[ 115 ]
[ "residual urine volume" ]
a total of patients with symptomatic bladder outlet one due to benign prostatic hyperplasia was entered into a prospective trial of laser prostatectomy performed with the rightangle firing neodymiumyag laser fiber at watts power setting mean estimated resectable prostatic weight was gm with a mean prostatic urethral length of cm nine patients were in UR requiring catheterization before treatment mean SE delivery was joules range to with a mean operative time of T2 efficacy of treatment was assessed at and months postoperatively by standardized american urological association symptom scores peak UF rates and postvoid residual urine volumes at preoperative baseline the mean symptom score was mean peak UF rate cc per second and mean postvoid PVR cc at year postoperatively mean symptom score was mean peak UF rate was cc per second and mean postvoid PVR was cc two patients required retreatment for residual tissue there were complications including BN contractures requiring incision and case of postoperative prostatitis requiring antibiotic therapy of evaluable sexually active patients reported preservation of antegrade ejaculation postoperatively
[ 97 ]
[ "mononuclear phagocyte system" ]
the erythroid status and levels of splenic PFCs pfc to sheep red blood cells srbc were monitored in mice subsequent to acute phenylhydrazine phzinduced hemolytic anemia from ferrokinetic measurements we noted a shift in IDE from bone marrow to spleen the C2 of splenic pfc were significantly depressed following phzinduced erythroid differentiation although this immune depression may reflect competition at the stem cell levels whereby pluripotent stem cells cfus are preferentially differentiated into the erythroid L1 at the expense of lymphopoietic pathways other possibilities cannot be excluded in this regard we have shown that loading of the MPS mps by phzdamaged erythrocytes effected profound depressions in splenic pfc numbers lastly in addition to the welldocumented increases in cfus migration from marrow to SP during enhanced IDE we noted increased migration of b lymphocytes as assessed by pfc in marrowshielded lethallyirradiated mice given phz we also provide data which show that phzdamaged rbc evoke increased migration of cfus in NM indicating a possible involvement of the mps in stem cell migration
[ 45 ]
[ "plasma potassium" ]
the VR to ME is potentiated during hypoxia in goats causing paco to decrease more from rest to exercise than in normoxia we investigated the hypothesis that this response is due to the VE CS- provided by an interaction between exercise induced hyperkalemia and hypoxia PK concentration k arterial blood gases and ventilation were measured in normoxia and hypoxia pao torr at rest and during steadystate exercise kph grade in seven goats paco decreased during normoxic exercise tor p less than and decreased significantly more during hypoxic exercise torr p less than k increased in both normoxic meql p less than and hypoxic meql p less than exercise but these changes were not significantly different from each other on a different day resting goats were infused intravenously with mm kcl for min at a rate sufficient to obtain k similar to exercise mlmin in normoxia and hypoxia hyperkalemia at rest caused similar paco decreases in normoxia torr p less than and hypoxia torr p less than but had no statistically significant effect on ventilation in either condition these data indicate that hyperkalemia at levels approximating those during moderate exercise has a mild stimulatory effect on VA however hypoxia does not affect this response we conclude that hyperkalemia does not provide sufficient ventilatory stimulation to account for exercise hyperpnea nor does hypoxia potentiate the VE stimulation from hyperkalemia at rest
[ 25 ]
[ "galactose" ]
extracellular production of a novel galactose oxidase from fusarium acuminatum using submerged fermentation was studied glucose wv was used as the sole carbon source maximum Gal oxidase production approximately uml was obtained when fermentation was carried out at degrees c with orbital shaking rpm and an initial medium of ph for h using a vv inoculum made from a homogenized fourdayold liquid SC in the presence of copper manganese and magnesium the enzyme was purified by OS AC with a REC of of the initial activity the purified enzyme ran as a single band of kda in sdspage optimal ph and temperature for the enzyme activity were and degrees c respectively the enzyme was thermoinactivated at temperatures above degrees c the purified enzyme was AS toward various substrates including Gal dihydroxyacetone guar gum lactose melibiose methylgalactopyranoside and raffinose sds was an inhibitor but edta tween nh na mg k and glycerol were not the K(m) km for Gal was estimated to be mm while maximal velocity vmax was micromol of ho ml min
[ 4 ]
[ "recombinant tissuetype plasminogen activator" ]
clinical studies on rtpa rt-PA treatment of stroke showed a favorable outcome however there are reports of harmful effects of tpa via the potentiation of excitotoxic injury we used combined xray angiography and mri imaging to study the balance between the beneficial effect of reperfusion and secondary detrimental effects of rtpa therefore rats n were assigned to three CG according to recanalization or lack thereof of the M1 mca and rtpa or saline treatment in an embolic stroke MM diffusion and perfusion mri showed that animals had significantly improved perfusion values and final IS when recanalization was successful however final infarct volumes at h post stroke onset were greater in the rtpa group compared to controls at comparable perfusion values when the mca did not recanalize after treatment versus of ipsilateral hemisphere p our results demonstrate that the combination of angiography and mrimaging is useful to further evaluate rtpa treatment of TE stroke
[ 4 ]
[ "galactosephosphate uridyl transferase" ]
rapid loss of erythrocyte GALT in hemolysates from an infant days after transfusion led to investigation of the possiblity of an unstable enzyme or other variant of galactosemia however the child was found to have the classic type of galactosemia the seeming GOT instability was attributable to loss of enzyme activity in hemolysates from blood containg aged transfused cells the source of the enzyme thus when transfusion is necessary GOT CA for diagnosis of the enzyme deficiency before transfusion avoids confusion attributable to the enzyme supplied in the transfused cells
[ 2 ]
[ "antidepressants" ]
while TCA ADs tcas have now long been used in treatment for depressive and panicphobic disorders we reviewed and reported on their tau in generalized anxiety states these illdefined states usually have admixtures of anxiety and depression while there is no neat diagnostic categorization to fit this wasteland of yettobedefined disorders they show surprising responsiveness to imipramine the onset of efficacy appears to begin at about weeks or later and is probably superior to at least one wellknown benzodiazepine chlordiazepoxide well beyond that time it is not possible to dismiss these observed antianxiety effects as AA to antidepressant effects or as attributable to the unintended inclusion of a peculiarly CS subset of individuals such as panicphobic patients these findings indicate that affect regulation by tcas applies to socalled generalized anxiety as well as to depression and panicphobic disorder brief reminders and guidelines are outlined for the possible clinical use of tcas in anxiety disorders but there remain more questions than answers several replication studies concerning the results reviewed here are now under way
[ 9 ]
[ "acute mountain sickness" ]
if the body fails to acclimatize at high altitude AMS ams may result for the early PCD of ams changes in cardiac autonomic function measured by HRV hrv may be more CS than clinical PS alone the purpose of this study was to ascertain if the changes in hrv during ascent are related to ams
[ 140 ]
[ "forward angle light scatter" ]
the PBDEs pbdes are ubiquitous environmental contaminants whose residues are increasing in fish wildlife and human tissues however relatively little is known regarding the mechanisms of cell injury caused by pbde congeners in fish in the present study we employed flow cytometrybased analyses to understand the onset and mechanisms of cell injury in rainbow trout gill cells rtgillw cells exposed to tetrabromodiphenyl ether bde substantial optimization and validation for flow cytometry protocols were required during CA development for the trout gill cell L1 SE to micromolar concentrations of bde elicited a significant loss in rtgillw cell viability that was accompanied by a decrease in nadph autofluorescence a marker associated with disruption of cellular redox status this loss in nadph content was accompanied by a decrease in NAO fluorescence indicating mitochondrial membrane lipid peroxidation furthermore low doses of bde altered cellular FALS fs a measure of cell diameter or size and side light scatter properties ss a measure of cellular internal complexity consistent with the early stages of apoptosis these changes were more pronounced at higher bde concentrations which led to an increase in the percentage of cells undergoing frank apoptosis as evidenced by subg dna content apoptosis was also observed at a relatively low dose mum of bde if cells were exposed for an D2 period of time h collectively the results of these studies indicate that SE of rainbow trout gill cells to bde is associated with the induction of apoptosis likely originating from disruption of cellular redox status and mitochondrial oxidative injury the current report extends observations in other species demonstrating that oxidative AS is an important mechanism of bde mediated cellular toxicity and supports the use of oxidative stressassociated biomarkers in assessing the sublethal effects of pbdes and their replacements in fish the application of FC endpoints using fish cell lines should facilitate T0 of the mechanisms of chemical injury in aquatic species
[ 52 ]
[ "pathological gambling" ]
the rapidly expanding gambling offline and online have resulted in an increasing number of gamblers and the problem is likely to get worse in the future however online pathological gambling is a not well known this rapidly developing modality of gambling which requires to be studied notably in its links with regular PG and internet addiction depression and PDs are known to be often associated with PG PDs have an influence on pathological gambling increasing its severity online gamblers seem to have a particular personality profile compared to offline gamblers and could present different personality disorders depression is a common comorbidity among online gamblers as well as offline gamblers both types of gamblers have PDs but the nature of these disorders differs prevalency of personality disorders of cluster b dramatic emotional or erratic disorders is more important in offline gamblers whereas cluster c anxious or fearful disorders is more present in online pathological gamblers in france few studies have specifically examined this subject
[ 97 ]
[ "seminal plasma" ]
eight AD landrace boars were housed for mo in one of two social environments socially nonrestricted boars were penned adjacent to and allowed minimal physical contact with ovariectomized gilts hormonally induced into estrus every wk socially restricted boars were penned behind solid walls to eliminate visual and PCS contact with other pigs all animals were subjected to natural changes in daylength semen was collected weekly gelfree volume gel weight sperm concentration and number per ejaculate sperm motility percent and type and semen ph were determined total protein citric acid contents and ALP phosphatase activity were measured in SP testis length and width and various body temperature measurements were recorded monthly except for percent motile sperm and alkaline phosphatase activity all semen characteristics varied p less than with month the DP of seasonal change in semen volume was modified by social environment group x month p less than sperm numbers were highest in winter and lowest in spring and summer ejaculate protein and citric acid contents were highest in fall and winter decreases in spring were associated with moderate ambient temperatures and increases in daylength r p less than testicular length for socially nonrestricted boars was maximum in november through january and minimum in april through july and did not vary as extensively for socially restricted boars scrotal temperature was elevated during periods of high AT but not to values detrimental to spermatogenic functionabstract truncated at words
[ 149 ]
[ "wildtype controls" ]
the abcbtype multidrug resistance efflux transporter pglycoprotein pgp has been hypothesized to regulate HPA activity by limiting the access of glucocorticoids to the brain in vivo SVR administration studies using pgpdeficient mice have shown increased glucocorticoid entry to the BB compared with WT however these studies did not control for the presence of radiolabeled drug in the capillaries verify an intact bloodbrain barrier or confirm stability of the GCs used in the present T0 an in situ brain perfusion method coupled with capillary depletion and hplc analyses was used to quantify BB uptake of hdexamethasone hcortisol and hcorticosterone in pgpdeficient and control mice a vascular marker was included in these experiments the results show that BB uptake of hdexamethasone was increased in the frontal SC hippocampus hypothalamus and cerebellum of pgpdeficient mice compared with WT BB uptake of hcortisol was increased in the hypothalamus of pgpdeficient mice compared with WT but no differences were detected in other regions brain uptake of hcorticosterone was not increased in pgpdeficient mice compared with wildtype controls in any brain Az after our SVR administration of the same radiolabeled glucocorticoids hplc analysis of plasma samples identified additional radiolabeled components likely to be metabolites this could explain previous findings from systemic administration studies showing an effect of pgp not only for dexamethasone and cortisol but also for corticosterone this in situ study highlights the different affinities of dexamethasone cortisol and corticosterone for pgp and suggests that the entry of the endogenous glucocorticoids into the mouse brain is not tightly regulated by pgp therefore our current understanding of the role of pgp in hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal regulation in mice requires revision
[ 28 ]
[ "portacaval shunted" ]
venlafaxine ven pharmacokinetics and effects on the brain monoamine SO were investigated in the context of exp hepatic HIVE he SVR ven mgkg subcutaneous was administered to chronic PCS pcs and shamoperated rats their neocortical extracellular levels of ht hiaa na and da were then assessed using microdialysis SS BB extracellular and BB tissue C2 of racemic ven and its main metabolites were also investigated in a doseequipotent manner the ven challenge increased the ht levels in pcs rats compared with ventreated controls whereas the hiaa C2 decreased similarly with time after the challenge in pcs and controls brain extracellular na levels increased similarly in pcs and controls T3 ven but da increased predominantly in controls a similar single dose challenge resulted in clearly higher ven levels in serum BB ECF and BB tissue in the pcs rats compared with controls however the ven BB tissueserum ratios were in the same order of magnitude for the two CG of the main ven metabolites only odesmethylvenlafaxine odv could be detected in pharmacologically significant amounts the odv concentration was also elevated in all three investigated biomatrices of the pcs rats versus control rats the authors concluded that a typical novel brain monoamineacting drug such as ven exhibits both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic alterations in experimental he accordingly the results of this study suggest that this frequently used type of drug should be further studied for its potential combined kineticdynamic actions in compromised patients with CL impairment
[ 49 ]
[ "cystic dysplasia of the testis" ]
cystic dysplasia of the testis is a rare disorder characterized by irregular cystic spaces within the mediastinum or rete testis ipsilateral renal defects are seen in many patients with CDT although CDT is considered a benign lesion it has typically been treated with orchiectomy we report a child with CDT in whom spontaneous regression of the us findings occurred this suggests that conservative management through regular observation with us may be the more desirable initial course of treatment for patients with this disorder
[ 13 ]
[ "polycystin" ]
mutations in pkd and pkd the genes encoding the proteins PC1 pc and PC1 pc cause autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease adpkd although the leading cause of mortality in adpkd is cardiovascular disease the relationship between these conditions remains poorly understood pc is an intracellular calcium channel expressed in LLC-PK1 cells and in cardiomyocytes and is thus hypothesized to modulate intracellular calcium signaling and affect cardiac CF our first aim was to study cardiac function in a zebrafish model lacking pc pkd mutants next we aimed to explore the relevance of this zebrafish MM to human adpkd by examining the mayo clinics adpkd DB for an association between adpkd and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy idcm pkd mutant zebrafish showed low cardiac output and atrioventricular block isolated pkd mutant hearts displayed impaired intracellular calcium cycling and calcium alternans these results indicate HF in the pkd mutants in human adpkd patients we found idcm to coexist frequently with adpkd this association was strongest in patients with pkd mutations our results demonstrate that pc modulates intracellular calcium cycling contributing to the OD of HR failure in human subjects we found an association between adpkd and idcm and suggest that pkd mutations contribute to the development of HR failure
[ 0 ]
[ "flexible bronchoscopy" ]
FB with BAL lavage and transbronchial biopsy has contributed significantly to the success of lung transplantation to detect AAR and infections bacterial fungal viral and protozoal it permits the visualization of the airway anastomosis and also allows for the management of airway complications using interventional bronchoscopic techniques such as balloon dilatation stent insertion and laser a new classification tegla thickness extent of injury GT loose sutures anastomotic complications for uniform reporting of airway ICM injury is proposed the common complications during flexible bronchoscopy include acute hypoxemia one and pneumothorax the management of these complications during FB and the value of surveillance and followup transbronchial biopsy and BAL lavage is discussed BAL lavage and transbronchial biopsy are also used for research purposes and might hopefully allow recognition of bronchiolitis obliterans at an earlier stage
[ 109 ]
[ "chloroethylclonidine" ]
the alpha adrenoceptormediated responses of the rat urethra to phenylephrine have been examined in vitro phenylephrine caused concentrationdependent contractions of the isolated urethra which were antagonized by wb nm and prazosin nm but not idazoxan microm schild plot analysis of the antagonism by prazosin and wb yielded straight lines with slopes not significantly different from unity the pa value of for wb was significantly greater than the value previously obtained at the alpha badrenoceptor of the rat spleen methylurapidil nm and abanoquil nm caused dextral shifts of concentrationresponse curves yielding pkb values of and respectively maximal responses to phenylephrine were also reduced by this concentration of abanoquil preincubation with CEC microm for min failed to alter responses but removing extracellular calcium or the presence of nifedipine microm almost abolished contractions to phenylephrine these results indicate that the responses of the rat urethra to phenylephrine are mediated via the alpha aadrenoceptor AT1 and are dependent on the influx of extracellular calcium
[ 7 ]
[ "bacterial pneumonia" ]
influenza infection predisposes the host to secondary BP which is a major cause of mortality during influenza epidemics the molecular mechanisms underlying the bacterial coinfection remain elusive neuraminidase na of influenza a virus iav enhances bacterial adherence and also activates tgfβ because tgfβ can upregulate host adhesion molecules such as fibronectin and integrins for bacterial IB we hypothesized that activated tgfβ dking the notch pathway to both mcc and ionocyte specifications here we show that a mab family gene mabl represents the missing link in xenopus embryonic epidermis mabl expression is specifically found in mccs and ionocytes and is downregulated by the notch pathway knockdown of mabl in xenopus downregulates both mccspecific and ionocytespecific master genes resulting in drastic loss of mccs and ionocytes in mouse TE cells mabl expression is also downregulated by the notch pathway and is required for mcc differentiation moreover conditional gain of function of mabl rescues notchinduced loss of mccs and ionocytes in xenopus these results indicate that mabl acts downstream of the notch pathway in cell fate specifications of mccs and ionocytes
[ 55 ]
[ "human colon adenocarcinoma" ]
lycopene betacyclase tlcyb tomatoes obtained by modulating carotenogenesis via genetic engineering contain a large amount of betacarotene as clearly visible by their intense orange colour in the present T0 we have subjected tlcyb tomatoes to an in vitro simulated digestion and analysed the effects of digestate on cell proliferation to this aim we used ht Caco-2 cells grown in monolayers as a model digested tomatoes were diluted ml ml and mll in culture medium and added to the cells for different incubation times h h and h inhibition of cell growth by tomato digestate was dosedependent and resulted from an arrest of cell cycle progression at the gg and gm phase and by apoptosis induction a downregulation of cyclin d bcl and bclxl expression was observed we also found that heat treatment of samples before digestion enhanced betacarotene PR and therefore cell growth inhibition to induce with purified betacarotene solubilised in tetrahydrofuran the same cell growth inhibition obtained with the tomato digestate a higher amount of the carotenoid was necessary suggesting that betacarotene micellarised during digestion is utilised more efficiently byersed by dte indicating that it was caused by the covalent reaction of omeprazole with cys residues of the transporter similar results were found with IN brush border LDV the residual inhibition of the transport in the presence of dte indicated the occurrence of an alternative inhibition mechanism of noncovalent nature the ic of the two inhibition modes derived from DRCs were microm and microm respectively kinetic studies of the inhibition showed that in the absence of dte omeprazole behaved as noncompetitive inhibitor on the contrary in the presence of dte competitive inhibition was found the ki of the transporter for the inhibitor was microm or microm in the absence or presence of dte ie under condition of covalent noncompetitive or noncovalent competitive interaction of the inhibitor with the transporter the presence of the ATP during the incubation of the omeprazole in the absence of dte with the proteoliposomes facilitated the covalent reaction of the pharmacological compound with the transporter omeprazole did not inhibit when present in the internal proteoliposomal compartment indicating that the inhibition was specifically due to interaction with external sites of the protein the pharmacological compound was not transported by the reconstituted transporter the possible in vivo implications of the interaction of omeprazole with the transporter are discussed
[ 73 ]
[ "fish meal" ]
effects of various forms of fish meal on microbial metabolism were investigated in continuous cultures of rumen contents five diets were formulated to contain RDP and to nonstructural carbohydrate soybean meal was the L1 protein source in the control diet whereas in the other four diets various fish meals were substituted for of total diet dm fish meals were fish meal containing ffa FM containing ffa with cacl added FM containing ffa and FM defatted using ethanolether extraction the five treatments were fermented with ph either held constant at or not controlled when ph was maintained at the inclusion of any FM except defatted fish meal reduced the acetatepropionate ratio decreased protein digestion and reduced microbial n producedper kilogram dm digested when compared with the soybean control when not controlled ph decreased T3 FF to or lower under these conditions the soybean control had a lower acetatepropionate ratio and lower ndf digestion than all diets containing FM in this study oilcontaining fish meal affected microbial metabolism more negatively when the fermentation ph was held at than when the ph was or lower
[ 92 ]
[ "isosafrole" ]
the larvicidal activity of phenylpropanoids including phenylpropenoate phenylpropenal phenylpropene and their semisynthetic analogues were evaluated against the tobacco armyworm spodoptera litura fab to identify promising structures with insecticidal activity amongst various phenylpropanoids isosafrole a phenylpropene showed the best activity with an lc value of microgleaf cm followed by its hydrogenated derivative dihydrosafrole lc microgleaf cm the overall larvicidal activity of various phenylpropene derivatives was observed in the following order ISF dihydrosafrole safrole anethole methyl eugenol eugenol betaasarone dihydroasarone dihydroanethole dihydrosafrole might be a promising compound although presenting a lower larvicidal activity than ISF because of its better stability and resistance to oxidative Kd due to the removal of the extremely reactive olefinic bond in comparison to ISF such structureactivity relationship studies promote the identification of lead structures from NK sources for the development of larvicidal products against s litura and related insect pests
[ 20 ]
[ "iodine deficiency disorders" ]
the article presents data by foreign authors and those in our country who substantiate the urgency of the problem of IDDs diagnosis and prophylaxis thereof
[ 96 ]
[ "pregnancy rates" ]
oocyte donation affords women with ovarian failure advanced reproductive age heritable conditions or recurrent implantation failure the ability to conceive recipients must be medically screened carefully prior to attempting pregnancy egg donors should also be healthy and pose no infectious or genetic risk to the recipient or F1 donor and recipient menstrual cycles are synchronized so that embryos are transferred to a receptive endometrium donors are prescribed injectible gonadotrophins to achieve multifollicular growth recipient endometrial priming begins with weeks or more of oestradiol with progesterone added to the regimen days prior to the transfer of embryos PRs following egg donation are among the highest observed following assisted reproduction despite advanced reproductive age perinatal and obstetric outcomes are generally good techniques ie germinal vesicle transfer donor ooplasm and ovarian cryopreservation and transplantation techniques may permit the recipient to provide some genetic contribution to offspring and are currently under investigation
[ 6 ]
[ "chronic hemodialysis" ]
hypercalcemia is a frequent complication in CHD chd patients a rare cause of this condition is sarcoidosis and has only been reported times in chd herein we report on cases of sarcoidosisrelated hypercalcemia in chd patients an overt case a probable case and a recurrence of predialysis sarcoidosis hypercalcemia is a frequent complication in chronic HD it is often related to uncontrollable AA hyperparathyroidism or to the inappropriate use of calcium phosphate binders alphahydroxylated vitamin d metabolites high dialysate calcium concentrations or to aluminiumrelated bone disease uach and bover however other rare causes should also be considered such as multiple myeloma nonhodgkin lymphoma uach and bover vitamin a intoxication fishbane et al or granulomatous diseases such as sarcoidosis the latter has only been described in a total of hemodialysis patient reports barbour et al barnard et al herrero et al kalantarzadeh et al kuwae et al naito et al in the present paper we report on cases of sarcoidosisrelated hypercalcemia in chronic HD with different patterns ie overt sarcoidosis probable sarcoidosis and recurrence of predialysis SA
[ 176 ]
[ "postmenopausal osteoporosis" ]
endosteal BR is the principal mechanism of BL in involutional OP and in ROD in the cortical bone it is often accompanied by juxtaendostal BR using finedetail radiographs and x magnified viewing longitudinal radiographic observations and measurements were made on these two forms of BR in the metacarpals ii iii and iv in three CG of women premenopausal postmenopausal and patients with endstage renal disease BL was found to be negligible in the premenopausal women but in PM and renal patients both endosteal and juxtaendosteal bone resorption were frequently demonstrable it is suggested that when a baseline finedetail hand radiograph is obtained at the time of the menopause followup radiographs may permit detection of relatively early endosteal and juxtaendosteal BL by comparing the respective Az in metacarpals with those of the original radiograph since the methodology does not require expensive equipment has a low intraobserver error and is simple to perform it may deserve to be further evaluated in studies aimed at developing a simple and inexpensive RPA as a screening method for early detection of PMO
[ 206 ]
[ "discoid lupus erythematosus" ]
the results obtained from the first cases of discoid lupus erithematosus treated with thalidomide showed evidence of its great efficacy evident from the first days of treatment in the incipient cases the results were even spectacular the minimum dosage used by the authors seems to be adequate on the basis of the results obtained the precise mode of action of thalidomide but it is thought that in acts on the hypothalamus the intolerance to thalidomide and its undesireable SE consisted slight somnolence only one case had fever cephalea arthralgia vertigo nausea and urticaria which is unknown made it necessary to discontinue the medication the teratogenic effect of thalidomide obliges us to redouble the vigilance in women in age of reproduction by using of parenteral contraceptives applied by or in presence of the investigator this study included one case that started treatment during the th month of pregnancy without any problem and with an excellent result the patient gave birth to a healthy full term infant it is recognized that this preliminary study should be continued with a greater number of cases and that these should be continued for a longer followup DUE at the present time the authors believe that thalidomide is the best treatment for DLE
[ 21 ]
[ "rat male accessory glands" ]
the present paper describes a mechanism responsible for the induction of inducerphase suppressor cells ERP to suppress the autoimmune response to RAG rag in fact we reported here that marked suppression of delayed type hypersensitivity dth reaction and humoral response to chemically modified rat male accessory glands mrag can be obtained when previously to be immunized with mrag in complete freunds adjuvant cfa syngeneic rats were pretreated with peritoneal cells pc coupled with a FI of rag containing the autoantigen the involvement of mragspecific inducerphase suppressor cells was demonstrated by adoptive transfer experiments of spleen mononuclear cells from unresponsive donors to normal syngeneic rats h prior to immunization of the recipients with mragcfa the pc used to treat the animals show a large proportion of nonspecificesterase positive ox bearing macrophagelike cells moreover the antigencoupled pc able to trigger the suppressor cells showed the presence of the autoantigen of rag on their surface the role of the antigen presenting cells in the induction of mragspecific inducerphase suppressor cells is discussed
[ 122 ]
[ "postnatal age" ]
the electrolyte lactose total protein and lipid composition of neonatal milk has been examined electrolyte values were similar to those found in maternal milk the sodium concentration of milk from one infant with AI and two infants with cystic fibrosis were normal inflammation of the breast was associated with high sodium and low potassium values the concentrations of lactose and total protein were similar to maternal milk neonatal milk contained significant amounts of fat with a full range of fatty acids total fat concentrations was less but the relative amount of shorter chain fatty acids was greater than in maternal milk milk from malnourished newborns contained less fat than the secretion of healthy infants total milk fat level appeared to increase with PNA it is concluded that the neonatal breast produces a complex secretion that neonatal milk is indeed a true milk the T0 of neonatal milk sheds CS on the physiology of lactation and on metabolic processes in the newborn
[ 55 ]
[ "cacalmodulin" ]
a number of factors have been reported to affect insulin synthesis in betacells although gl is the most important regulator of insulin gene expression in pancreatic betacells the mechanisms whereby gl stimulates INS transcription in response to changes in gl concentration have not been clarified yet in this T0 we examined the role of the CaM camdependent protein kinase camk cascade in transcriptional activation of insulin rtpcr western blotting and immunohistochemical IF analysis revealed that camk kinasealpha camkkalpha and camkiv were localized in rat pancreatic betacells and their cell L1 ins SE of ins cells to mmoll glucose elicited an increase of insulin promoter activity as well as upregulation of camkiv activity within min after stimulation we investigated the influence on insulin promoter activity of the CA form camkivc or dominantnegative mutant camkivdn of camkiv in transfected ins cells camkivc alone was sufficient and the UP kinase camkk was enhanced to upregulate the insulin promoter activity in ins cells furthermore cotransfection of camkivdn suppressed to a significant degree the glucoseupregulated activity of the insulin promoter taken together these results indicated that the camkkcamkiv cascade might play an important role in glucoseupregulated transcriptional activation of the INS
[ 92 ]
[ "genetic suppressor element" ]
melanoma transformation progresses in a multistep fashion from F0 lesions such as congenital naevi exposure to ultraviolet uv light promotes this process betulinic acid ba was identified by our group as a selective inhibitor of melanoma that functions by inducing apoptosis the present T0 was designed to investigate the effect of ba and uvc nm on cultured congenital melanocytic naevi cmn cells using the singlecell gel PACE comet assay to detect dna damage exposure to uv CS induced a fold increase in cmn cells p when compared with controls when a p GSE that encodes a dominant negative polypeptide termed gse was introduced into the cmn cells the transfected cells were more sensitive to uvinduced dna breakage this suggests that p can protect against uvinduced dna damage and subsequent melanoma transformation pretreatment with ba microm for h resulted in a reduction in uvinduced dna breakage in the cmn cells p but no changes were observed in the transfected cells however western blot analysis revealed no changes in the p or p levels in batreated cells suggesting that ba might mediate its action via a nonp pathway these data indicate that ba may have an application as a chemopreventive agent in patients with congenital naevi
[ 72 ]
[ "colon carcinoma" ]
a number of transmembrane proteins have been recently reported to be modified by the covalent addition of saturated fatty acids which may contribute to membrane targeting and TPS proteinlipid interactions such modifications have not been reported in cellassociated heparan sulfate proteoglycans although these macromolecules are known to be hydrophobic here we report that a cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan is acylated with both myristate and palmitate two longchain saturated fatty acids when Caco-2 cells were labeled with hmyristic acid a significant proportion of the label was shown to be specifically incorporated into the protein core of the proteoglycan characterization of fatty acyl moiety in the purified proteoglycan by RP OHP liquid chromatography revealed that approximately of the covalently bound fatty acids was myristate we further show that this relatively rare carbon fatty acid was bound to the protein core via a hydroxylamine and alkaliresistant NH bond the remaining was the more common carbon palmitate which was bound via a hydroxylamine and alkalisensitive thioester bond palmitate appeared to be added posttranslationally and derived in part from intracellular elongation of myristate a process that occurred within the first two hours and was insensitive to inhibition of protein synthesis acylation of heparan sulfate proteoglycan represents a novel modification of this gene product and could play a role in a number of biological functions including TPS interactions with membrane receptors and ligand stabilization
[ 120 ]
[ "antipyrine" ]
possible effects of multipledose administration of ATV on the pharmacokinetics of singledose antipyrine were evaluated in this drugdrug interaction study twelve healthy male volunteers received three mg capsules of antipyrine on days and and two mg atorvastatin tablets in the morning on days through serial blood and urine samples were collected after administration of each antipyrine dose plasma was analyzed for antipyrine and urine samples were analyzed for antipyrine hydroxyantipyrine and norantipyrine by validated highperformance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection overall AP and atorvastatin doses were well tolerated in healthy volunteers mean AP concentrations in plasma T3 administration of a single oral dose of AP during coadministration of multiple doses of ATV were nearly superimposible on concentrations after administration of AP CT individual and mean parameter values for plasma pharmacokinetics of AP were similar in both treatment periods atorvastatin did not significantly alter the fraction of clearance of antipyrine in plasma that occurred by urinary excretion of hydroxyantipyrine and norantipyrine these results indicate that the recommended highest daily dose of ATV has negligible effects on antipyrine pharmacokinetics and on oxidative pathways responsible for the metabolism of AP
[ 56 ]
[ "polar body" ]
nonspecific ltype calcium channel blockers such as verapamil or microm induce metaphaseii mii arrest and apoptosis in aged rat eggs cultured in cadeficient medium however the effects of extracellular ca on verapamilinduced mii arrest and apoptosis have not yet been reported we have demonstrated that postovulatory aging induced exit from mii arrest by extruding a second PB a morphological sign of spontaneous egg activation sea verapamil inhibited sea and induced egg apoptosis in a dosedependent manner in cadeficient medium the initiation of AI features was observed at microm of verapamil extracellular ca mm reduced intracellular ho level bax protein expression ICE activity dna fragmentation and protected against microm but not higher concentrations of or microm in verapamilinduced egg apoptosis these results suggest that extracellular ca ions have a role during sea and protect against verapamil induced apoptosis in aged rat eggs
[ 130 ]
[ "electrophoretic mobility shift" ]
it has been proposed that sexual orientation related differences in cognitive performance are either due to the actions of prenatal factors early in OD or the influence of gender role learning this T0 examined the performance of healthy RH heterosexual and homosexual males and females n per group on a battery of cognitive tasks comprising mental rotation judgement of L1 orientation jlo verbal fluency perceptual speed and object location memory measures were also taken of the psychological gender birth order sibling sex composition and the nd to th finger length ratios of the right and left hands a series of stepwise regression analyses revealed that sex and sexual orientation were the strongest prede responsible for the matrix association of the whole CS rme was used as a probe in an EMS CA emsa and with the use of southwestern blotting a rat liver nuclear protein which binds specifically to it was identified its molecular mass was estimated by sdspage as kda p polyclonal antibodies raised against proteinrme complexes caused a supershift of TPS complexes in emsa and bound to p in nuclear extracts of rat CL in western blotting the immunofluorescence labelling of a rat embryonic fibroblast cell monolayer with antip antibody revealed a mainly intranuclear DP of IF
[ 52 ]
[ "human monocytic ehrlichiosis" ]
borrelia miyamotoi bm is a recently emerging bacterial agent transmitted by several species of ixodid ticks diagnosis of bm infection can be challenging as the organism is not easily cultivable we have developed and validated a multiplex RT pcr to simultaneously identify bm infection and the agents causing human granulocytic anaplasmosis and HME anaplasma phagocytophilum and ehrlichia chaffeensis respectively the assay is specific highly sensitive detecting gene copies of bm dna in both whole blood and CBF spinal fluid and provides rapid results in less than two hours a retrospective T0 of clinical specimens collected between the years and and a prospectivls in the fibronectinfunctionalized scaffold exhibited different aggregation patterns to those in the collagenfunctionalized scaffold a R2 that could be related to the distinct mrna expression levels of cell adhesionrelated genes based on these results we can conclude that different ecm proteins such as fibronectin and collagen indeed play distinct roles in the phenotypic regulation of cells cultured in a d environment
[ 0 ]
[ "rubredoxin" ]
Rd was purified from desulfovibrio vulgaris miyazaki it was sequenced and some of its properties determined Rd is composed of amino acids it is highly homologous to that from d vulgaris hildenborough its nterminal methionyl residue is partially formylated the millimolar absorption coefficients of the rubredoxin at nm and nm are and respectively and the standard redox potential is mv which is slightly higher than those of other rubredoxins rubredoxin as well as cytochrome c was reduced with lactate by the action of lactate dehydrogenase of this organism and the reaction was stimulated with methylnaphthoquinone it is suggested that rubredoxin in collaboration with membranous quinone functions as a NK electron carrier for cytoplasmic lactate dehydrogenase of this organism whereas cytochrome c plays the same role for periplasmic lactate dehydrogenase
[ 0 ]
[ "rheumatoid factors" ]
RFs rf recognize conformational determinants located within the fc portion of igg by analyzing a panel of monoclonal RA ICA raderived rfs we previously demonstrated that the somatically generated light chain complementaritydetermining region cdr contributes to rf specificity we have now generated a panel of heavy chain mutants of the b ab a high affinity raderived igm rf b also binds avidly to protein a and weakly to ssdna and tetanus toxoid b a rf negative ab that is highly homologous to b but does not bind any of the ags tested and rc a low affinity polyreactive rf were used to generate heavy chain mutants with FR fr and cdr switches the mutated HCs were cotransfected into a myeloma cell L1 with the germline counterpart of the b CS chain and the expressed ig tested for antigenic specificity we show that both rf specificity and polyreactivity of b is dependent on its unique heavy chain cdr region replacement with a b cdr shortened to the same length as the b cdr and with only CAA differences did not restore fc IB conversely absence of proteither electromorphs or alleles whereas little difference was found in a mellifera uncovering size homoplasy led to a more marked population structure in b terrestris and b truncatus we also showed in a mellifera that the detection of size homoplasy may alter phylogenetic reconstructions
[ 33 ]
[ "medical examiner" ]
firearm violence is an everincreasing element in the lives of the us urban population this study examined the trends in firearm violence and victims during a year period in the city of philadelphia ME records of all deaths in philadelphia county in and were reviewed demographic autopsy and criminal record information was analyzed there were firearm homicide victims in versus in a increase this was primarily because of deaths among young age years black male victims handguns were involved in at least of firearm homicides in both study years the use of semiautomatic handguns increased from to during the T0 period in of revolver homicides died at the scene versus in however of victims of semiautomatic weapons fire died at the scene in versus in the decrease in survival of semiautomatic weapon victims occurred despite the implementation of six trauma centers within the county and probably reflects a shift toward highvelocity highcaliber ammunition antemortem drug use and criminal PH was common a total of of victims were intoxicated in and were in cocaine became the most common intoxicant in with of victims using it during the antemortem period the percentage of victims with a criminal record increased from to although the duration of criminal PH decreased from to years the number of patients with previous drug offenses increased from to abstract truncated at words
[ 138 ]
[ "glutathione content" ]
on the basis of numerous animal experiments a pilot T0 was undertaken to evaluate the effect of undenatured biologically AS dietary WP in hivseropositive individuals over a period of months WPC was prepared so that the most thermosensitive proteins such as serum Al which contains glutamylcysteine groups would be in undenatured form whey protein powder dissolved in a drink of the patients choice was drunk cold in quantities that were increased progressively from to g per day patients took whey proteins without adverse SE in the patients whose body weight had been SD in the preceding months weight gain increased progressively between and kg with of the patients reaching ideal body weight serum proteins including albumin remained unchanged and within normal range indicating that protein replenishment per se was not likely the cause of increased body weight the GSH of the blood mononuclear cells was as expected below normal values in all patients at the beginning of the study over the month period glutathione levels increased in all cases in conclusion these preliminary data indicate that in patients who maintain an adequate total caloric NI the addition of bioactive WPC as a significant portion of total protein intake increases body weight and shows elevation of glutathione gsh content of mononuclear cells toward normal levels this pilot study will serve as a basis for a much larger clinical trial
[ 0 ]
[ "randomized controlled clinical trials" ]
RCTs are considered to provide the highest level of evidence for clinical practice public health policy and evidencebased systematic reviews although all RCTs share basic design characteristics to assess the outcome of a particular trial one must carefully evaluate TPS details of its design and analysis that might bias the study and influence its results in this article the authors review key points that practitioners should consider when assessing randomized controlled PCTs so they can determine the applicability of T0 results to clinical practice
[ 109 ]
[ "olfactory tubercle" ]
a technique was worked out for quantitative analysis of accurate neuron drawings obtained from the S9 impregnated after golgi the analysis according to parameters was performed to T0 the dendritic system within one main class of longaxonal SN in SL ii in Az having heterogenous structures of the polyfunctional formation in the dog CBF olfactory tubercle the most SD parameters were demonstrated to be the linear dimension of the cell body branching of the apical and basal dendritic systems as well as branching of the whole neuronal dendritic system values of other parameters NC with statistical significance depending on the fact to what Az with heterogenous structures of the OT the SN belong the data obtained demonstrate a greater pyramidization of the neural class studied in the rostral portion and their similarity in the median and caudal portions of the olfactory tubercle and the neurons of highly differentiated subcortical nuclei
[ 84 ]
[ "assay" ]
comparative efficacy of faecal culture and is PCR reaction pcr CA of faecal samples was investigated in clinically suspected cases of johnes disease in dairy cattle the sensitivity of faecal culture and pcr assay in this T0 was and respectively all isolates appeared only on the mycobactin j supplemented herrolds egg yolk medium heym at weeks postinoculation were acidfast and were positive for is pcr yielding a single amplicon of bp a total of faecal samples out of were positive by is primary pcr CA for MAP map yielding an expected product of size bp twelve faecal samples which gave negative results in the primary pcr were subjected to secondary pcr CA of the samples gave positive results in the is nested pcr npcr which yielded a pcr product of bp proving better sensitivity of npcr assay than single amplification pcr pcr could detect additionally samples as positive which were negative by faecal culture the chisquare analysis showed a highly significant difference between the tests p this T0 suggests that ispcrbased PCD of map could be used as a potential diagnostic tool for rapid and ERP johnes disease surveillance
[ 78 ]
[ "fluorescence energy transfer" ]
induction of heme oxygenase ho inhibits HC virus hcv replication of the products of the reaction catalyzed by ho iron has been shown to inhibit hcv ribonucleic acid rna polymerase but little is known about the antiviral activity of BV bv herein we report that bv inhibits viral replication and VP expression in a dosedependent manner in replicons and cells harboring the infectious jjfh construct using the sensolyte hcv protease assay with a wide wavelength excitationemission nm nm FET peptide we found that both recombinant and endogenous nonstructural a nsa protease from replicon microsomes are potently inhibited by bv of the tetrapyrroles tested bv was the strongest inhibitor of nsa activity with a median GABA concentration ic of μm similar toed neuromuscular disease T3 ID of the mutation in the index patient family members can be reliably investigated carriers should be informed about their risk of having offspring with the disease and about their own risk for cardiomyopathy for which regular cardiac surveillance is recommended in a small country like the netherlands with wellorganized genetic services one would expect that most dmd families are adequately informed about the above mentioned risks for carriers we have investigated whether women at risk had been tested at a molecular level in the national duchennebecker database dmd and becker muscular dystrophy bmd patients had been registered up to july these patients were asked to give information about the number of sisters and maternal aunts of the dmdbmd patient and anything that was known about their genetic status and that of the mother this information was compared with the information known at the genetic laboratory thirtyfive of adult sistersmaternal aunts of dmd patients with a risk of being a carrier and of adult women with a risk because of germ line mosaicism for dmd had not been tested by dna analysis our T0 indicates that about one third of the potential carriers have not been tested given the possible farreaching clinical consequences of being a carrier further studies are needed to investigate the reasons why potential female carriers have not been tested
[ 38 ]
[ "nationwide inpatient sample" ]
syncope in pulmonary embolism pe could be the first sign of haemodynamic compromise we aimed to investigate pathomechanisms of syncope and its impact on mortality for this study patients aged ≥ years were selected by screening the german NIS for pe and stratified included patients by syncope we analysed predictors of syncope in haemodynamically stable pe impact of syncope on inhospital mortality in haemodynamically stable and unstable pe and benefit of systemic thrombolysis in haemodynamically SD pe with syncope pe syncope were analyzed the german nationwide inpatient sample comprised haemodynamically SD and unstable pe patients among them had syncope RVD rvd was a key predictor for syncope inhospital mortalityrate was lower in haemodynamically stable vs p and unstable pe syncope than in pesyncope vs p with reduced risk for inhospital death in SD or ci p and unstable or ci p inpatients independent of age and sex haemodynamically SD pe syncope patients were more often treated with SVR thrombolysis vs p SVR thrombolysis was associated with reduced inhospital mortality in haemodynamically stable pe syncope vs p independently of age rvd and ART or ci p in conclusion inhospital mortality was in haemodynamically SD pe syncope haemodynamically stable pe syncope patients were more often treated with SVR thrombolysis and showed a trend to improved survial
[ 7 ]
[ "nnitrosobisoxopropylamine" ]
an enhancement of pancreatic CA induced by BOP bop was reported previously in syrian hamsters fed highfat diet following carcinogen treatment the purpose of our research was to determine if this enhancement was due to the consumption of more calories by the hamsters fed the highfat diet male hamsters were treated with a single i.t. of bop mgkg body weight sc at weeks of age one week later they started either on a lowfat diet CO or a highfat diet CO that was fed until the end of the experiment at weeks T3 bop diets were fed either ad libitum or in a controlfed protocol the controlfed CG had equivalent calorie intakes and were restricted slightly in comparison with the ad libitumfed hamsters bop treatment reduced survival slightly but survival did not differ significantly in accordance with dietary assignment body weight was elevated in the hamsters fed highfat diet AL in comparison with those fed lowfat diet AL however differences were not observed in hamsters fed low and highfat diets by the controlfed protocol pancreatic carcinogenesis was enhanced about to fold when hamsters were fed highfat diet by either protocol the degree of enhancement did not differ with the FF regimen however the higher death rate with pancreatic CA occurred earlier in the ad libitumfed hamsters than in the controlfed hamsters
[ 86 ]
[ "favorable histology" ]
cyclindependent kinase cdk inhibitors represented by the ink family including pinka cdkna pinkb cdknb pinkc cdknc and pinkd cdknd are regulators of the Tc shown to be aberrant in many types of human cancer we tested the hypothesis that these cdk inhibitors are a target for altered mRNA in wilms RT using rtpcr mRNA of the ink family was found to be decreased in of wilms RT samples obtained from the national wilms tumor study group nwtsg tissue bank all the affected RT samples were of FH methylationspecific pcr revealed that methylation in the p promoter region may be responsible for altered expression the incidence of loss of p expression may increase with increasing RT stage ie with stage iii fh wilms tumor with stage iii fh wilms tumor and with stage iv fh wilms RT thus determining the expression status of the ink family may have potential prognostic value in the management of wilms RT
[ 40 ]
[ "progressive supranuclear palsy" ]
diagnosing degenerative forms of parkinsonism still relies on a thorough clinical assessment which in parkinsons disease involves the presence of an asymmetric bradykinesia with rest tremor andor rigidity that respond substantially to LD conversely atypical forms including multiple system atrophy PSP and corticobasal degeneration exhibit additional features cerebellar or pyramidal signs early postural instability a poor response to dopamine replacement therapy and a bad prognosis consensus diagnostic criteria have excellent specificity but lack sensitivity and a clear diagnosis solely based on clinical DUE is not always accurate hence the need for diagnostic biomarkers nuclear medicine imaging is definitely one of them allowing a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of in vivo functional integrity of monoaminergic eg dopaminergic pathways brain metabolism and protein deposition and representing a unique window into these complex diseases it has proved useful for early and accurate diagnosis and possibly represents a valid biomarker of disease pathogenesis progression and response to neuroprotective therapies this review focuses on the nigrostriatal pathway dysfunctions demonstrated with presynaptic dopamine positron emission tomography pet and single photon emission computed tomography spect ligands that confirm a degenerative form of parkinsonism in addition imetaiodobenzylguanidine cardiac scintigraphy can unveil postganglionic autonomic failure specifically encountered in parkinsons disease brain ffluorodeoxyglucose pet may also show a distinct hypometabolism for each degenerative form of parkinsonism since a few years ago the proteins that aggregate in the brain of subjects with neurodegenerative diseases tau and AS can be evaluated in vivo by novel radioligands these developments open new perspectives both as diagnostic tools and to understand the regional topography and burden of PD on motor impairment and cognitive decline the last part of the review proposes a strategic workup in the practical DUE of a patient with PD