{"turn_id": ["test_816_0", "test_816_1", "test_816_2", "test_816_3", "test_816_4", "test_816_5", "test_816_6", "test_816_7", "test_816_8", "test_816_9", "test_816_10", "test_816_11", "test_816_12", "test_816_13", "test_816_14", "test_816_15", "test_816_16", "test_816_17", "test_816_18", "test_816_19", "test_816_20", "test_816_21", "test_816_22", "test_816_23", "test_816_24", "test_816_25", "test_816_26", "test_816_27", "test_816_28", "test_816_29", "test_816_30", "test_816_31", "test_816_32", "test_816_33", "test_816_34", "test_816_35", "test_816_36", "test_816_37", "test_816_38", "test_816_39", "test_816_40", "test_816_41", "test_816_42", "test_816_43", "test_816_44", "test_816_45", "test_816_46", "test_816_47", "test_816_48", "test_816_49", "test_816_50", "test_816_51", "test_816_52", "test_816_53", "test_816_54", "test_816_55", "test_816_56", "test_816_57", "test_816_58", "test_816_59", "test_816_60", "test_816_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi.", "Hey there, how's it going?", "Great. Do you have any pets?", "Yes! I have a parrot. His name is tasha. What about you?", "Yes! Only one parrot named tasha..", "Cute name! What's your favorite thing to eat?", "I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian so no meat! Favorite drink?", "I am as well, I like scrambled eggs with sprite.", "What do you like to do for fun.", "I take my parrot on hikes through the woods. What about you?", "I'm really outdoorsy as well. Enjoy hikes with my 0 dogs.", "Lol I love it. Is your hair red, too?", "Yeah you know it. But I'm a blonde at heart.", "It's like we're twins. Take care!", "Do you think it's weird that we both have parrots with the same names?", "That's so weird! Haha! What kind of parrot is Tasha?", "Tasha is a cockatoo. She's so cute. What is yours?", "My Tasha is a Macaw, she's bright blue and loves to eat all kinds of berries. She's so funny always stuffing her face even though I tell her if she keeps eating all those berries she's gonna turn into one herself. LOL", "That's so funny. Does she talk to you? Mine is such a chatterbox. ", "Not so much talking as much as whining when she want's food. It's so funny because I also have a dog named Spike and he whines for food a lot and I think Tasha picked it up from him. Now whenever she wants food she just whines like a dog it's so crazy!", "Wow, I'd love to hear that. I'll bet is funny. How does your dog get along with Tasha?", "Well, I got Tasha from a rescue and she's clipped so she likes to stay high off the ground and sometimes Spike yips at her but for the most part they get along just fine. What about you do you have any other pets? ", "No, I don't have any other pets. Just Tasha. I like to go hiking a lot and I don't have time for any more pets. How do you manage?", "For the most part, I just take Tasha with me wherever I go and Spike usually stays home to guard the house unless its his turn for a walk or something.", "Oh, that's right! How do you take a parrot on a hike? I know she's clipped, but how do you keep her with you?", "She just sits on my shoulder like I'm some kind of pirate!! HAHA!", "My parrot said the funniest thing today!", "Let's hear it! My Tasha isn't much of a talker.", "He said it in \"parrot\" and I only speak english, but he seemed very amused by what he said and I think that's just great", "Oh! Hahaha I thought you meant it was saying words like some parrots do! Haha my macaw \"talks\" all the time if that's what you mean!", "Oh I wish I could understand him...I bet he really is hilarious, but so far he only knows how to say \"no\" in english. The day he learns how to say \"yes\" to things is the day his life improves", "That's so funny. Do you ask him questions?", "I do and they are obviously geared towards a \"yes\" answer. Do you want the fancy food I bought you? \"No\" he replies...he chooses the budget food instead of a fancy dinner. The day he says yes he's going to be a very happy parrot", "Aw poor guy! He needs to learn yes soon! Have you thought about getting any other pets?", "I thought about it, but once again I asked my parrot and he said \"no\" so what can you do?", "Hahaha that's funny. I love having a dog and Spike and Tasha are buddies! It's really cute!", "Yeah...i'd love a dog. Lousy parrot just won't allow it. ", "Well that's a shame. You might thinking about phrasing the question in a different way.", "My parrot and I worked on saying the word \"yes\" this week.", "Do you find that your parrot is easy to train to speak?", "Yes, as long as I give her plenty of treats, how about yours? Funny how we have the same names for them but mine is a cockatoo. ", "I know. Right? I always liked the name \"Tasha\"...lol I actually haven't had her very long so haven't tried to train her to speak yet. Any tips?", "Well I am sure if you talk to her regularly on your hikes she will start to pick up on some things naturally. The rest just comes with time! ", "That's good to know! How long have you had your parrot?", "I have had her almost as long as I can remember. She was a childhood pet and her species lives for quite some time. How has Spike been doing?", "That's a long time! Spike is great! We went on a hike just this morning. I'm trying to be healthier, and I'm also giving up meat. Its been hard, though. ", "Yeah haha, a lot of great memories. That is awesome, very admirable. I love hiking too you know, we should definitely go together sometime!", "That would be great! It would be more fun having someone to talk to along the way.", "Of course! Then you could let me in on all your new tasty vegan recipes. I hardly know my way around the kitchen as it is.", "Lol! I'm still learning myself, but that has been the fun of it. Some of the recipes I've tried have been quite good. Others, not so much.", "I taught my parrot to say a few new words!", "Awesome! what words? and does she use them in sentences or by themselves?", "She says \"Hi!\" and \"Feed me!\" She doesn't really say them at appropriate times, but it's still better than listening to a cockatoo meltdown that sounds almost like words, LOL.", "That's so funny. I should try to train my parrot to say things, how did you teach yours?", "Just kept saying the same thing over and over and giving her a treat when she repeated it. There was a story in the news a while back about a macaw named Barney who was donated to a petting zoo in London. Turned out he'd belonged to some anarchist truck driver who'd retired to Spain, and liked to swear. He dropped the f-bomb to a priest, the mayor and some cops, among others.", "Oh gosh...wouldn't that be a sight to behold. I think I read that former president Andrew Jackson had a parrot who like to swear too, and it went to Jackson's funeral and swore the whole time. Parrots are so cheeky.", "I love it. Mostly Tasha just melts down and says things that sound like she's chewing me out, that don't actually have any recognizable words.", "I guess she's learning tone and cadence before she learns specific words? She sounds very smart.", "She thinks she is, LOL. Does your parrot talk to Spike?", "She squawks if Spike gets too close for comfort, but he's good about looking and not touching. How great would it be if I could train the parrot to tell Spike to get my newspaper in the morning?", "You probably could! You should try it, if she can give commands he recognizes.", "I'll teach her to say hello for starters, then sit. I like to bring them both to the park, maybe she can keep an eye on him there."], "init_persona": [[["I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian.", "I like to hike.", "I have red hair.", "My favorite drink is sprite.", "I have a pet parrot named tasha."], ["I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian.", "I like to hike.", "I have red hair.", "My favorite drink is sprite.", "I have a pet parrot named tasha."]], [["I have a pet parrot named Tasha.", "I don't eat meat.", "I like being outdoors. I like hiking.", "I'm a redhead, but I feel blonde."], ["I have a pet parrot named Tasha. I like taking my parrot on hikes.", "I like to eat scrambled eggs with Sprite."]], [["I don't eat meat.", "I like being outdoors. I like hiking.", "I'm a redhead, but I feel blonde.", "My parrot, Tasha, is a cockatoo. My parrot speaks frequently. I have no other pets."], ["I have a pet parrot named Tasha. I like taking my parrot on hikes. My parrot is a Macaw. I bring my parrot places.", "I like to eat scrambled eggs with Sprite. I have a dog named Spike.", "My pets mostly get along well."]], [["I don't eat meat.", "I like being outdoors. I like hiking.", "I'm a redhead, but I feel blonde.", "My parrot, Tasha, is a cockatoo. My parrot speaks frequently. I have no other pets.", "I only speak English. My parrot can speak English."], ["I have a pet parrot named Tasha. I like taking my parrot on hikes. My parrot is a Macaw. I bring my parrot places.", "I like to eat scrambled eggs with Sprite. I have a dog named Spike.", "My pets mostly get along well."]], [["I don't eat meat.", "I like being outdoors. I like hiking.", "I'm a redhead, but I feel blonde.", "My parrot, Tasha, is a cockatoo. My parrot speaks frequently. I have no other pets.", "I only speak English. My parrot can speak English.", "I give my parrot a lot of treats to train it.", "I have had my parrot since childhood.", "I'm not good in the kitchen."], ["I have a pet parrot named Tasha. I like taking my parrot on hikes. My parrot is a Macaw. I bring my parrot places.", "I like to eat scrambled eggs with Sprite. I have a dog named Spike.", "My pets mostly get along well.", "I haven't had the parrot that long and I haven't trained her to speak.", "I'm giving up meat and trying to be healthier. I'm still learning to cook."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_819_0", "test_819_1", "test_819_2", "test_819_3", "test_819_4", "test_819_5", "test_819_6", "test_819_7", "test_819_8", "test_819_9", "test_819_10", "test_819_11", "test_819_12", "test_819_13", "test_819_14", "test_819_15", "test_819_16", "test_819_17", "test_819_18", "test_819_19", "test_819_20", "test_819_21", "test_819_22", "test_819_23", "test_819_24", "test_819_25", "test_819_26", "test_819_27", "test_819_28", "test_819_29", "test_819_30", "test_819_31", "test_819_32", "test_819_33", "test_819_34", "test_819_35", "test_819_36", "test_819_37", "test_819_38", "test_819_39", "test_819_40", "test_819_41", "test_819_42", "test_819_43", "test_819_44", "test_819_45", "test_819_46", "test_819_47", "test_819_48", "test_819_49", "test_819_50", "test_819_51", "test_819_52", "test_819_53", "test_819_54", "test_819_55", "test_819_56", "test_819_57", "test_819_58", "test_819_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi. How was your day?", "Great! Took the air boat out to catch some gators this morning.", "That sounds like fun. I've seen gators, but never caught one.", "You gotta try it some day! It's thrilling.", "I believe that. I do love trying new things outside.", "Ever been on an air boat before?", "Once on a swamp tour outside new orleans.", "Is that where you are from?", "Yeah, but my mom is from canada.", "I can't go to canada, got in trouble wth the law too many times.", "That's too bad. What did you do?", "I went hunting on private property.", "I watched a gator hunting video this week and wanted to ask you some questions.", "Honestly, other than getting eaten, I think the best feeling is when you experience a hunt first hand. Gator hunting videos are great resources, but it's best to be one with the wild, and not overly research.", "That is probably a good philosophy to have. I guess the thing that stood out was how they would jump on the gator and keep its jaws shut. I heard about it, but I keep thinking they would surely be able to open their mouths.", "I assure you, it's safe. However, I will say, most creatures find ways to open their mouths just when you don't want them to... (Thinking of my kid who always finds ways to say the most embarrassing things at the most inconvenient time.) Do you have any kids?", "No kids for me, but I do hope to have a big family some day. My fiance and I are planning to get married next Summer. She is finishing up school. We are hoping to be homesteaders which is a lot different than my life in NO!", "Congratulations! What is she studying in school. I come from a big family and also hope to have a large family of our own. We have a daughter, with another daughter on the way. We also are foster parents, and had a sibling set of 6 living with us last year. Lots of craziness in our household. ", "Thank you and WOW! She is going to be a veterinarian. The plan is to have our own livestock and maybe she can get a side gig helping those in the same region. She actually grew up on a farm and knows so much already.", "That's awesome. My grandfather grew up on a farm in Kansas. He always speaks fondly of it. One of my sisters wants to be a veterinarian, but she is only going into 7th grade so who knows if she will change her mind by then.", "It's possible, but I think your sister can definitely do it. I once asked my wife when she knew she wanted to be a vet and she said about 3rd grade she just knew. She had just helped birth a calf. Has your sister worked at a farm? They are always looking for volunteers during the summer.", "No, but she watches a lot of vet shows and documentaries. She also has two dogs, a cat and a bird that she helps take care of, and does extra science and biology assignments to help her learn. She might volunteer with horses soon, but no work experience on a farm, unfortunately.", "That's a great start though! You can always mention that Mc", "Yes, and maybe there will be good programs at her high school to help her get a head start with that career path and make sure it's what she wants to do.", "I signed up to join a gator hunt next weekend.", "Wow! I am excited for you to try it out. Will you be on vacation when you go?", "Yeah...blasting a gator is a vacation experience and I guess the flip of that is hunting a human trying to hunt me is a gator vacation so it's win win for both sides...may the best creature win I guess", "Haha true! Good luck! Do you know what to expect?", "Well I know they will take me out in a fan boat to where gators are known to roam...then I think they just spot it and hand you the gun. If they hand me a knife instead I think the gators going to win the fight", "Oh wow. I think you will love the experience. Is it a group of friends going with you?", "Me and my fiance...this is an experience you want to share with the one you will be with forever. ", "Congratulations on the upcoming marriage! Do you have it all planned out?", "Well the gator hunt has us pretty occupied at the moment, but if all goes well i'll have that gator's head as the centerpiece for our wedding table...here's hoping!", "That would be amazing! Haha. Your veterinarian fiancee must be thrilled to be out in the wildlife for the gator hunt.", "You'd think so, but it's one of those \"don't tell my patients i'm going out to kill a living animal\" scenario. I think my fiance will change their mind when we down that sucker", "Oh yeah that's interesting. I didn't think of it like that! Sounds like a conundrum for her.", "My fiance said she is very excited about the hunt and showed me pictures from the hunting area.", "Hey - how's it going? DO they have air boats down there on the bayou? lol", "They do, indeed. Can you tell me why you're not allowed to go to Canada?", "Oh- nothing too major. I just crossed the border when I was living in the tip of Maine and I had some drinks over in New Brunswick and when I was driving back home into Maine I did not stop at the border. I was afraid they'd check me for drinking- anyway- not a good thing . So maybe we can get together and hunt some gators. Is the first time for you nex tweek? Do you actually kill them?", "Sounds like you had a good time! This will be my first time and I'm hoping to get to kill one! How many have you killed?", "I've killed 4 but at least 10 escaped me. I also love to hunt Moose but when I was living in Maine there was a lottery every year to get a moose license. I never got picked but I have hunted deer a lot. How does your fiance feel about you hunting- being a veterinarian and all??", "He encourages killing anything we can and will eat. I love deer meat!", "I'm surprised a vet would encourage hunting. IDK- I would assume the opposite. Yeah venison stew is my favorite. Is a fan boat similar to an air boat? Is it the first time your fiance has gone with you on a hunt?", "It is essentially the same thing. And yes, he has never gone before. Should be an interesting experience for us both.", "So your mom is from Canada- where abouts? Do you get to see her or is she now living in the states? I wish I could go there someday but looks unlikely. I used to love to shop over there. ", "She's from Quebec originally, but she now lives close to me.", "Oh a Frenchie. You must be bilingual then? I tried to learn French but even after taking it in all through school and into college, I still am awful. It is nice to have your mom so close now. ", "I entered the Maine moose hunting lottery! You should enter it too!", "That sounds cool. Have you hunted moose before? I know you have gone gator hunting before, how was that?", "I haven't. Thought it would be more challenging. What have you been up to?", "Well, I have been practicing my French and I am still struggling with it. I have been hunting deer around my house, but haven't killed any yet. I always wished I could hunt moose!", "You've been busy. I find French difficult too. What help me learn was the Dummy's Guide to speaking French book. Have you tasted deer meat?", "Ya I like venison stew a lot! There are a lot of things to do with deer though. Wait, so I didn't hear if you killed a gator to wear at your wedding - did you?", "No, I wasn't that lucky. We decided to skip that one for now and save on it. Who knows what surprises expenses would arise from the wedding?", "Very true, weddings are very expensive in general. What do you do with deer after you kill it? Any favorite recipes?", "I normally smoke dry the meat. That way we could store it for later but my dadd loves making jerky.", "Oh those are both great ideas. I will have to remember those for next time I catch a deer. I just built a tree stand to hunt from. Where do you hunt?", "A tree stand sounds like fun. So do you camp in it, waiting for them to show up?", "KInd of, I don't sleep there. I just hang out on it and try to not make a sound! It makes me harder to smell I think too since I am up higher. "], "init_persona": [[["I am short.", "I like basketball.", "My father drives a truck.", "I like to work outside.", "My mother is from canada."], ["I am a gator hunter.", "I have an air boat.", "I've been in trouble with the law before.", "My dream car is an'81 camaro.", "I went hungry to buy 33 inch truck tires."]], [["I have been on a tour. I have been near New Orleans.", "I am from New Orleans. My mom is from Canada."], ["I have an air boat.", "I have been in trouble. I am not allowed to go to Canada.", "I like to hunt."]], [["I have been on a tour. I have been near New Orleans.", "I am from New Orleans. My mom is from Canada.", "I have no kids. I am engaged to be married. I plan to be a homesteader.", "My fiance is a veterinarian."], ["I have an air boat.", "I have been in trouble. I am not allowed to go to Canada.", "I like to hunt. I hunt gators.", "I have a daughter and am going to have another. I am a foster parent.", "My grandfather is from Kansas. My sister has several pets."]], [["I have been on a tour. I have been near New Orleans.", "I am from New Orleans. My mom is from Canada.", "I have no kids. I am engaged to be married. I plan to be a homesteader.", "My fiance is a veterinarian.", "I am going on a gator hunt next weekend. I will be on vacation next weekend. I will be riding on a fan boat to gator hunt. I am engaged and my fiance is going with me.", "I would like to decorate my wedding with my kill."], ["I have an air boat.", "I have been in trouble. I am not allowed to go to Canada.", "I like to hunt. I hunt gators.", "I have a daughter and am going to have another. I am a foster parent.", "My grandfather is from Kansas. My sister has several pets."]], [["I have been on a tour. I have been near New Orleans.", "I am from New Orleans. My mom is from Canada. I live close to my mom.", "I have no kids. I am engaged to be married. I plan to be a homesteader.", "My fiance is a veterinarian.", "I am going on a gator hunt next weekend. I will be on vacation next weekend. I will be riding on a fan boat to gator hunt. I am engaged and my fiance is going with me. This is the first time I am hunting with my fiance.", "I would like to decorate my wedding with my kill.", "I love deer meat."], ["I have an air boat.", "I have been in trouble. I am not allowed to go to Canada.", "I like to hunt. I hunt gators.", "I have a daughter and am going to have another. I am a foster parent.", "My grandfather is from Kansas. My sister has several pets.", "I used to live in Maine. I crossed the border into Canada, had some drinks, and then did not stop at the border coming back into Maine.", "I've hunted gators before, killing 4 but 10 got away. I love to hunt Moose. I never won the lottery for a moose hunting license when I lived in Maine. I've hunted deer many times.", "I like venison stew.", "I want to go to Canada. I liked to shop there.", "I tried to learn to speak French. I'm not good at it."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_821_0", "test_821_1", "test_821_2", "test_821_3", "test_821_4", "test_821_5", "test_821_6", "test_821_7", "test_821_8", "test_821_9", "test_821_10", "test_821_11", "test_821_12", "test_821_13", "test_821_14", "test_821_15", "test_821_16", "test_821_17", "test_821_18", "test_821_19", "test_821_20", "test_821_21", "test_821_22", "test_821_23", "test_821_24", "test_821_25", "test_821_26", "test_821_27", "test_821_28", "test_821_29", "test_821_30", "test_821_31", "test_821_32", "test_821_33", "test_821_34", "test_821_35", "test_821_36", "test_821_37", "test_821_38", "test_821_39", "test_821_40", "test_821_41", "test_821_42", "test_821_43", "test_821_44", "test_821_45", "test_821_46", "test_821_47", "test_821_48", "test_821_49", "test_821_50", "test_821_51", "test_821_52", "test_821_53", "test_821_54", "test_821_55", "test_821_56", "test_821_57", "test_821_58", "test_821_59", "test_821_60", "test_821_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello! Netflix watching grammy here! How are you?", "I love netflix. Im good. Watching my favorite team the chicago bears football.", "I prefer documentaries, as I used to be a librarian, just like my mother.", "Nice! I went to a strict h.s. Where dad was the headmaster.", "That doesn't sound fun. My grandchildren have their mother and aunt as a teacher.", "It was hard. I also have all older silblings. I was not babied though.", "I'm an only child, that's why I had seven of my own.", "Oh wow whats it like having a huge family.", "Very fun. What do you do for a living?", "Nothing right now for im moving to another state next month to restart.", "Very nice, I am working on doing that myself.", "Great are you going very far away?", "I am moving cross country. You?", "Oh my that sounds fun. Im only going afew states over.", "I have researched different moving companies. There is a lot to moving!", "Yeah! Seriously! At this point I'm thinking of just renting a truck myself and having some friends help me move.", "It's so expensive too. I worry about my things getting broken or lost with movers. I'd love to be able to do it ourselves, but that's just sooo much!", "Oh I'm sure! I wonder if your children would be willing to help if they have some spare time, but maybe you'll need to rent out a semi-truck to move your stuff Haha.", "Yes, too many mementos over the years for me to actually do the moving myself. And because it's so far, I can't spend that much time in the car. I'll just have to pay it. I'm sure my children could pitch in for the cost. So what do you think the Bears chances are for this coming year?", "I'd say pretty harsh considering their placement currently. I hear their projected to win 8.7 games moving into post season but we'll see. What do you think we're going to see moving forward?", "I'm more of a baseball fan than football, so I really don't know about how the Bears are going to do. I like the Packers, and that's a rival of yours, right? I'm interested to see what happens with Aaron Rodgers. ", "Yeah we'll see if they can find some way to keep him but I think theres probably a pretty low chance of him leaving. What's your favorite baseball team?", "I like the Chicago White Sox. They really have a good team, if they can just stay consistent! It was a tough series loss this weekend against the Yankees.", "That sucks! I was raised a Mariners fan myself but I hear they haven't been doing so well recently.", "Raised a Mariners fan but a Chicago Bears fan. I know they are different sports, but they are totally different states. That's very interesting, how did that happen?", "The boarding school I grew up in was in Washington state but I live in Chicago currently with my older brother!", "I found this great new series on Netflix that I think you might like.", "Great, I need a new series to watch what's it called?", "It's a sports series called The Playbook; not quite a documentary, but I think it's a good cross between what we both enjoy.", "Great I haven't seen that yet, I will add it to my list. How is the move coming along?", "Slowly but surely! I am trying to go through all my things to determine what I really have an attachment to and what I can get rid of. It's emotionally draining and satisfying at the same time.", "I can imagine! I'm sure you have accumulated a lot of mementos from your children and grandchildren. What I've learned is that the memories are still there even if you don't have the physical item to trigger it.", "I keep trying to remind myself of that. How is your move going?", "I'm on track to be there by the end of this month. I'm really looking forward to having my own place and a new job", "It must be exciting to be at the this turning point in your life! What is the new job?", "I'll be working for an ecommerce company in their warehouse. Benefits are great and pay isn't bad for starting out", "That's great! It's so nice to see a young person acknowledging the importance of good benefits. Do you know anyone else at the company? Or will you be on your own?", "I will be on my own, but I think a fresh start is what I need. How about your move? will you be closer to your children?", "I have a lot of extra boxes leftover from packing. Do you want to use them for your up coming move? ", "Heck yeah. I need all the boxes I can get my hands own. It's not like the old days where big box stores had surplus boxes you could get for free.", "Yeah, it can be a pain! Are you hiring movers?", "No. Luckily, my siblings are going to help me.", "That's good. Have you visited your new place yet or only seen pictures?", "I did a mini tour of the area to get my bearings.", "What kind of area is it in? Big city or more suburban?", "It's less than 60K. It's not Chicago but it'll do.", "What are you going to miss most about Chicago?", "I'll miss seeing Bears games and hanging out with my brother. I just couldn't pass up this opportunity.", "Hopefully you'll be able to visit enough. What are you looking forward to about the new place?", "I like nature and the area has plenty of woods I can hike and ride my dirt bike.", "I can drop off the extra boxes I have before the game tonight. ", "That would be great! You think you have enough and then you don't.", "I'll bring plenty, no worries. The White Sox play the Mariners tonight, are you going to watch it?", "You bet I am. It will be a much needed break. How about you, got plans for the game?", "Watching it at home tonight, although 2 of my grandchildren will be visiting!", "Very nice. Are they baseball fans too? I would put them to work packing!", "Nah, they're too young. My daughter is a Cubs fan! I'm planning to move in with her in Seattle.", "That's cool. I do miss going to Cubs games. While I'm not there biggest fan its a wonderful place to see a game. Does the moving company pack too? I have no experience with that sort of thing.", "They do and it's very expensive. Have you seen a Mariners game in their stadium?", "I would love to but I haven't. That's a long trip for a game! One day I will. For now the TV will have to do.", "Is anyone going to help you move?", "My brother is helping. The good new is I don't have that much big stuff to move. Its taking longer to get rid of the stuff I'm not moving than anything else."], "init_persona": [[["I am a senior citizen.", "I have eight grandchildren.", "My mother was a librarian.", "I am a very quiet person.", "I like to watch movies on netflix."], ["I am moving to another state next month.", "My favorite football team is the chicago bears.", "I went to a very strict high school.", "My father used to be the headmaster in my school.", "My siblings are all older than me."]], [["I am a grandmother and I watch Netflix. I like documentaries. I used to be a librarian, like my mother.", "My grandchildren are taught by their mother and aunt.", "I have seven children.", "I am working on moving across the country."], ["I love Netflix. The Chicago Bears is my favorite football team.", "I went to a strict high school. My dad was the headmaster.", "I have older siblings.", "I am currently out of work because I am moving to another state next month.I am moving a few states over."]], [["I am a grandmother and I watch Netflix. I like documentaries. I used to be a librarian, like my mother.", "My grandchildren are taught by their mother and aunt.", "I have seven children.", "I am working on moving across the country.I'm currently researching moving companies.", "My favorite baseball team is the Chicago White Sox."], ["I love Netflix. The Chicago Bears is my favorite football team.", "I went to a strict high school. My dad was the headmaster. I went to a boarding school in Washington.", "I have older siblings.", "I am currently out of work because I am moving to another state next month.I am moving a few states over.", "I'm a Seattle Mariners fan.", "I live with my older brother in Chicago."]], [["I am a grandmother and I watch Netflix. I like documentaries. I used to be a librarian, like my mother.", "My grandchildren are taught by their mother and aunt.", "I have seven children.", "I am working on moving across the country.I'm currently researching moving companies.", "My favorite baseball team is the Chicago White Sox.", "I like to watch Netflix. I enjoy watching sports."], ["I love Netflix. The Chicago Bears is my favorite football team.", "I went to a strict high school. My dad was the headmaster. I went to a boarding school in Washington.", "I have older siblings.", "I am currently out of work because I am moving to another state next month.I am moving a few states over.", "I'm a Seattle Mariners fan.", "I live with my older brother in Chicago.", "I enjoy watching TV series. I like watching Sports on TV.", "Family is important to me.", "I am getting a new job. I will be moving into my own place. I have been hired to work in a warehouse for an ecommerce company. I am excited to have a fresh start with my new job."]], [["I am a grandmother and I watch Netflix. I like documentaries. I used to be a librarian, like my mother.", "My grandchildren are taught by their mother and aunt.", "I have seven children.", "I am working on moving across the country.I'm currently researching moving companies.", "My favorite baseball team is the Chicago White Sox.", "I like to watch Netflix. I enjoy watching sports.", "I have a lot of extra boxes."], ["I love Netflix. The Chicago Bears is my favorite football team.", "I went to a strict high school. My dad was the headmaster. I went to a boarding school in Washington.", "I have older siblings.", "I am currently out of work because I am moving to another state next month.I am moving a few states over.", "I'm a Seattle Mariners fan.", "I live with my older brother in Chicago.", "I enjoy watching TV series. I like watching Sports on TV.", "Family is important to me.", "I am getting a new job. I will be moving into my own place. I have been hired to work in a warehouse for an ecommerce company. I am excited to have a fresh start with my new job.", "I am moving and need boxes.", "I live in an area with less than 60k population. I used to live in Chicago. I liked going to baseball games.", "I like nature. I like to hike and ride my dirt bike."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_825_0", "test_825_1", "test_825_2", "test_825_3", "test_825_4", "test_825_5", "test_825_6", "test_825_7", "test_825_8", "test_825_9", "test_825_10", "test_825_11", "test_825_12", "test_825_13", "test_825_14", "test_825_15", "test_825_16", "test_825_17", "test_825_18", "test_825_19", "test_825_20", "test_825_21", "test_825_22", "test_825_23", "test_825_24", "test_825_25", "test_825_26", "test_825_27", "test_825_28", "test_825_29", "test_825_30", "test_825_31", "test_825_32", "test_825_33", "test_825_34", "test_825_35", "test_825_36", "test_825_37", "test_825_38", "test_825_39", "test_825_40", "test_825_41", "test_825_42", "test_825_43", "test_825_44", "test_825_45", "test_825_46", "test_825_47", "test_825_48", "test_825_49", "test_825_50", "test_825_51", "test_825_52", "test_825_53", "test_825_54", "test_825_55", "test_825_56", "test_825_57", "test_825_58", "test_825_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey how you doin?", "I'm fine. My name is darla. What about you.", "John, nice to meet ya. I just walked back from work, what's new?", "I'm about to go play basketball. I'm pretty short but I like it.", "Oh nice, I mainly just do pilates for exercise. Not that big into sports.", "Yeah I work outside too. I like it.", "What do you do for work?", "I'm a landscaper. Good exercise.", "Yea, lots of sun too, must be tiring after a long day!", "Oh it does. My dad's a truck driver but I didn't want to follow those steps..", "Any brothers and sisters? I have one older brother, he guided me a lot.", "Nope. Just me mom and dad. Mom is from canada, dad from us.", "How's the landscaping business treating you?", "It's good. Long day of work just ended so I'm looking forward to relaxing. How have you been?", "I've been great! Just walked home from work and got a little workout in. Planning on doing some relaxing myself.", "Ahh. What do you like to do to relax? I need some ideas. I was thinking of watching some TV or something.", "I've actually been planning on building my own keyboard for work recently, so I really like to watch YouTube video tutorials on the subject.", "Oh, that's cool. Some DIY projects. What kind of keyboard? I'm assuming a keyboard for a computer, not the musical instrument? What is your job?", "Yeah, one for a computer. I do video editing for a local independent editing company. Which means I spend almost all day using a keyboard. I figured I should spice up my job a little bit and build a new keyboard for editing.", "Well that sounds more productive than my tv watching ideas. You actually know how to edit clips, when all I do is plop down on the couch and watch someone else's finished editing work. Lol. What kind of videos do you edit?", "All kinds of small commercial projects really. Recently the company I work at has been working with a local law firm to help make a new TV advertisement for them.", "Oooh, I like to watch shows about lawyers, though I know that's not the same thing. It sounds like your job would be a great way to get to know some of the local community members and businesses.", "It really is! Before I started working there, I could barely name a locally owned restaurant. Now I can hardly make it home from work without getting stopped by someone I know walking down the street. ", "That's awesome! Hopefully they give you some discounts at the local shops too. What kind of restaurants do you like?", "How's the landscaping business treating you?", "It is really busy this time of year! Everyone wants their beds cleaned out and mulched!", "Oh I bet...I usually get really motivated to work on my landscaping at this time of year and one month later i've completely given up and plow it over. You've got to his this month hard for those seldom motivated individuals like myself", "Yes, the rest of the summer will be spent just dodging rain and making sure all the lawns get cut. Have you started working on building that keyboard yet?", "It is a lot more technically intensive than I thought it would be and then at the end of the day it's the same thing i've been using for the past 20 years so the motivation is waning", "I would love a keyboard that is backlit and I always have to have the 10 key number pad. But I guess other than that there isn't many other options. I wonder if you could have a talk to text feature built into it", "I think smarter people can build macros into specific keys for streamlining their work but man if that doens't make you want to walk into the ocean I don't know what", "I'm definitely not that smart! Speaking of the ocean, got any vacation plans?", "Well once my inevitable decline of my garden happens I guess i'll have some free time to visit someplace else so I guess I should start planning that out", "I can never take vacation in the summer, but I'm looking forward to some time off in the fall before the leaves fall. The beach is calling my name", "I burn super easy so it's like an hour routine to get my body ready to not be miserable for the next month with sunburns...i've to psyche myself up to get out in that super sun", "Sunscreen is always necessary, does your job have any slower times where its easy to take a vacation?", "I am making slow progress building my keyboard, but I did decide to customize the keys to make it more colorful. Do you think the letters should be colored or the tiles outlining the letters?", "I'd like to see it both ways but I'm thinking off the top of my head the letters.", "Yeah- that was what I was thinking too. So have you got to play basketball lately? i have been so busy that I have not gotten out of the house like I usually do.", "I have played a little with friends and coworkers but I have been busy too. I saw the beach last week", "Nice! It has been so hot lately. Must have been good to hit the beach. I gotta get outside. My lawn is ridiculous and needs to be mowed but I don't want to get sunburned so I think I will wait and mow it in the dark-lol- that will really stir up the neighbors with the noise. So have you seen any good law shows? WOuldn't it be funny if one of my ads was on the commercial for one of your shows? ", "I visited the beach briefly with my dad on a trip. That would be great if your ad showed up during one of my shows! That would be great! I wouldn't stir up your neighbors if I was you, they can make you miserable take it from me, try to get along lol", "haha- yeah I certainly like to keep the peace in the neighborhood. hey- got any suggestions on how to keep weeds away? ", "They say weed killer during the right temp is good. you dig it up and put plastic down if you're over excited but I've never had that much energy", "I figured you being a landscaper and all that you may have some secret tips that the average Joe wouldn't know. Did I ever tell you that my brother John wanted to be a landscaper but unfortunately he suddenly developed sever allergies to cut grass. ", "oh no that's terrible for your brother. some people swear by putting plastic or even carpet down. I just use weed killer and stay on top of it weekly, no secret tips. you can pull weeds and get your vitamin D that way!. ", "Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. So I know you don't like vacations but any chance you'd want to go on a short trip with me?", "Maybe, depending on where you want to go. I think we both need to be careful in the sun but we can handle it!", "How was your basketball game yesterday? Did you enjoy that?", "We won! It was a close game, but I had fun! ", "That's great! I'm really happy to hear you won! Hey, I'm nearly finished on the keyboard I'm working on..", "What colors did you choose, and how loud did you make the keys?", "I went for electric blue and white, it looks awesome! well, I like a quiet keyboard personally, but just a little noise so it's still satisfying, you know?", "That's how I feel. I like them to be quiet and easy to press. The loud ones cause me to hate typing. ", "Totally agree! Plus, if I'm in a Zoom meeting or anything I hate it when you can hear nothing but someone's keyboard typing away.", "I had never considered how that would be on Zoom meetings. I am glad you pointed that out so that I am aware from now on.", "Great! How have you been finding the hot weather recently? It's it as hot where you are as it is here? I really have to be careful or I burn so easily.", "It's storming here right now. It has been miserably hot, but the rain has cooled it down. The stick sunscreen is the best one I have found to keep me from burning.", "Really? I might have to check out the stick kind too. I'm going to have a look on Amazon right now actually, even just going grocery shopping today made my skin pink!", "Amazon is usually cheaper to buy things like that off of anyway! It's the best option for me a lot of the time."], "init_persona": [[["I walk instead of drive to work.", "I live in the city.", "I read a novel a week.", "My favorite exercise is pilates.", "I have one brother."], ["I am short.", "I like basketball.", "My father drives a truck.", "I like to work outside.", "My mother is from canada."]], [["My name is John.", "I enjoy doing pilates.", "I have an older brother."], ["My name is Daria.", "I play basketball.", "I work as a landscaper.", "My dad's a truck driver.", "I'm an only child."]], [["My name is John.", "I enjoy doing pilates.", "I have an older brother.", "I want to build my own keyboard.", "I edit videos for a living. We do advertisements for a law firm.", "I'm popular about town."], ["My name is Daria.", "I play basketball.", "I work as a landscaper.", "My dad's a truck driver.", "I'm an only child.", "I like shows about lawyers."]], [["My name is John.", "I enjoy doing pilates.", "I have an older brother.", "I want to build my own keyboard. I know how to build keyboards.", "I edit videos for a living. We do advertisements for a law firm.", "I'm popular about town.", "I live in a home with a yard.", "I hate creating macros for online work.", "I have not made any plans for going on vacation.", "I get sunburned very easily"], ["My name is Daria.", "I play basketball.", "I work as a landscaper. I have a landscaping business. I am very busy at my job this time of year.", "My dad's a truck driver.", "I'm an only child.", "I like shows about lawyers.", "I use an old keyboard. I like the 10 key on my keyboards. I prefer keyboards that are backlit.", "I rarely go on vacation. I like going to the beach. I wear sunscreen when I go out in the sun."]], [["My name is John.", "I enjoy doing pilates.", "I have an older brother.", "I want to build my own keyboard. I know how to build keyboards.", "I edit videos for a living. We do advertisements for a law firm.", "I'm popular about town.", "I live in a home with a yard.", "I hate creating macros for online work.", "I have not made any plans for going on vacation.", "I get sunburned very easily", "I'm making customized colorful keyboard. I'm not leaving in my house I have been busy at my work.", "I keep peace with my neighborhood."], ["My name is Daria.", "I work as a landscaper. I have a landscaping business. I am very busy at my job this time of year.", "My dad's a truck driver.", "I'm an only child.", "I like shows about lawyers.", "I use an old keyboard. I like the 10 key on my keyboards. I prefer keyboards that are backlit.", "I rarely go on vacation. I like going to the beach. I wear sunscreen when I go out in the sun.", "I play basketball with my friends and co worker.", "I visited the beach briefly with my dad on a trip.I think we both need to be careful in the sun."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_826_0", "test_826_1", "test_826_2", "test_826_3", "test_826_4", "test_826_5", "test_826_6", "test_826_7", "test_826_8", "test_826_9", "test_826_10", "test_826_11", "test_826_12", "test_826_13", "test_826_14", "test_826_15", "test_826_16", "test_826_17", "test_826_18", "test_826_19", "test_826_20", "test_826_21", "test_826_22", "test_826_23", "test_826_24", "test_826_25", "test_826_26", "test_826_27", "test_826_28", "test_826_29", "test_826_30", "test_826_31", "test_826_32", "test_826_33", "test_826_34", "test_826_35", "test_826_36", "test_826_37", "test_826_38", "test_826_39", "test_826_40", "test_826_41", "test_826_42", "test_826_43", "test_826_44", "test_826_45", "test_826_46", "test_826_47", "test_826_48", "test_826_49", "test_826_50", "test_826_51", "test_826_52", "test_826_53", "test_826_54", "test_826_55", "test_826_56", "test_826_57", "test_826_58", "test_826_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Im in my beetle listening to moonlight sonata from beethoven.", "Im painting a portrait of a clydesdale, I love my work but animals dont like staying still.", "My grandmother used to paint when she lived in italy. She was born there.", "I simply love italian rock music its my favorite.", "Beethoven is my go to. I have 2 guns. A 9mm and 40mm.", "My mother is a nurse so she disproves of my guns.", "Im watching a nurse show now. Im only into british tv.", "I like nature so I watch a lot of nova and bbc.", "Bbc! They always play my favorite song. Moonlight sonata.", "They dont play enough italian rock music.", "Did I tell you my grandma was born in itait?", "You mentioned it, did she cook a lot? I love italian food.", "I found a great new British TV show!", "Thats great! i love to watch BBC and Nova. Whats the show about?", "Well, it isn't a new show, but it is new for me to watch. The Office (UK), have you heard of it?", "I have heard of it but ive only ever watched the first few episodes. Do you have any hobbies?", "I love running and playing football. Those are the main two sports-based ones. Intellectually, I love chess and puzzle books and logic puzzles. What about you?", "I enjoy painting, specifically animals, i also collect guns. ", "What is your favourite animal to have as a pet? Also, what is your favourite animal to paint?", "I like to have cats as pets, and enjoy painting turtles. Whats your favorite genre of music?", "My favourite genre of music is hip-hop. Although, my dad has recently been introducing me to 80s and 90s music. Yourself?", "Oh i thought you liked classical music, like Beethoven? I enjoy Italian Rock", "Yes, so Beethoven is my favourite artist. But, genre-wise, I like the impressive use of words and metaphors in hip-hop. It is fascinating, don't you think?", "I dont really enjoy hip hop myself, so i cannot relate, but it", "I don't know anything about Italian rock! What are you favorite Italian bands?", "I'm partial to Litfiba. They rock harder than anyone else!", "I will have to listen to some of their music later today! Maybe they will be a great band to listen to when I run! Do you have a favorite song I should start with?", "I think they're a great one to start out with. Really any of their songs are going to be a good starting point. You might be going down a rabbit hole real soon!", "I love new music experiences, so I look forward to it! Thank you for the advice. Have you been doing any painting lately?", "Yeah, I just painted my neighbor's cat yesterday. If you wanted me to paint anything, what would it be?", "I would love you to paint me something! Maybe a picture of the outdoors?", "Sure, any specific scene of the outdoors?", "Are there any mountain scapes around you? Maybe the mountains and trees or something along those lines. A nice outdoor piece I can relax and look at?", "I do have some nice mountains I can paint! I'll send it to you by Wednesday.", "That would be amazing, thank you! No rush. I forgot to tell you, I got a new puzzle with turtles on it and it reminded me of your turtle paintings! ", "Oh that's awesome! My favorite painting ever was of a turtle filled beach in Costa Rica.", "I listened to a couple Litfiba songs on my run! You were right, they are awesome!", "Oh great, but i am not much interested in music, but i love Italian rock genres. ", "I love listening to new music, thanks for reccomending them! How did you get into Italian rock anyhow?", "Italy has played a significant role in the history of European music. Many music instruments, such as the violin and piano, were invented in Italy. That's why i dump in to the music", "Very true! HAve you ever been to Italy? I bet you'd love painting there.", "No much, i love some Italian foods.", "So do I, what's your favorite", "A typical Italian meal begins with an antipasto followed by a primo. Especially pasta", "Do you ever share the food with your cats? How are they, by the way?", "Sometime, if i drink too much at that time i shared my food to my cat Hahaha!!!!", "I bet your cat is happy when that happens..especially with a seafood dish!!", "Hahahaha!!!! Yeah that time i share fish finger fries.", "So can you recommend any other Italian rockers that you like?", "Sure! There is another band called Diaframma that I really like too. You should check them out.", "Sounds good, I'll have to check them out. How do you prefer to listen to your music? Radio, CD's or old school cassette or vinyl?", "Well, you can't beat old school vinyl! So, vinyl if I have the option. But, it's not always so convenient so most of the time just digitally! How about you? What is your preference?", "I'm with you, I like vinyl too, but like you said it's hard to come by. I'm fairly new to computers so is digital, right now it's all CD's for me.", "Cool! I do have a CD collection but I find that digitally you can keep up to date with the new releases easily too. I recently signed up to Spotify. Have you heard about it before?", "Yes I have heard of them. It's a subscription service isn't it? I absolutely love to listen to my music when I'm cooking and doing house work, how about you?", "Exactly, you stream as much as you want for a monthly subscription. I like it, but at the same time I like the old-school way of actually 'owning' music and contributing to the artist too. I also love listening when I'm cooking and doing chores, music is the best when you've had a tough day and need to relax.", "Oh I hear you there, especially with a nice glass of wine, and a good plate of pasta doesn't hurt either.", "You literally read my mind! It doesn't get much better than paired with some good food and a glass or two of good wine! What is your favourite wine?", "Homemade actually, my father has made it since I was a child, and he always has a couple bottles ready as soon as I'm empty, he's the best! lol", "Oh wow, homemade wine? I've never tried it. I like a red wine myself, a Merlot is my usual go-to."], "init_persona": [[["My favorite song is moonlight sonata by beethoven.", "I drive a volkswagen beetle.", "My grandmother came from italy.", "I own two handguns.", "I only watch british television."], ["I am an artist.", "I like to be in nature.", "My mom is a nurse.", "My favorite music genre is rock.", "I work with animals."]], [["I drive a Beetle.", "Beethoven is my favorite. I own guns.", "I like British television."], ["I like to paint animals.", "Italian rock is my favorite music.", "I own guns.", "I watch Nova and BBC.", "I love Italian food."]], [["I drive a Beetle.", "I own guns.", "I like British television. I've been watching The Office (UK) lately.", "I love running. I love playing football. I love playing chess. I love puzzle games.", "Hip-hop is my favorite genre of music. I have recently been listening to '80s and '90s music.", "Beethoven is my favorite musical artist. I like the word play in hip hop."], ["I like to paint animals.", "Italian rock is my favorite music.", "I own guns.", "I love Italian food.", "I like watching the BBC and Nova. I've only seen the first few episodes of The Office (UK).", "I collect guns. I enjoy painting animals. I like having cats as pets. I enjoy painting turtles.", "I'm not a fan of hip hop."]], [["I drive a Beetle.", "I own guns.", "I like British television. I've been watching The Office (UK) lately.", "I love running. I love playing football. I love playing chess. I love puzzle games.", "Hip-hop is my favorite genre of music. I have recently been listening to '80s and '90s music.", "Beethoven is my favorite musical artist. I like the word play in hip hop.", "I don't listen to Italian rock. I like listening to new music.", "I would like a painting of the outdoors.", "Mountains and tree landscapes are relaxing to me.", "I work on puzzles."], ["I like to paint animals.", "Italian rock is my favorite music.", "I own guns.", "I love Italian food.", "I like watching the BBC and Nova. I've only seen the first few episodes of The Office (UK).", "I collect guns. I enjoy painting animals. I like having cats as pets. I enjoy painting turtles. I painted a cat yesterday.", "I'm not a fan of hip hop.", "I like the Italian band Litfiba. I like all of Litfiba's music.", "I can paint the outdoors. I live near mountains. My favorite painting is of turtles in Costa Rica. I have painted turtles before."]], [["I drive a Beetle.", "I own guns.", "I like British television. I've been watching The Office (UK) lately.", "I love running. I love playing football. I love playing chess. I love puzzle games.", "Hip-hop is my favorite genre of music. I have recently been listening to '80s and '90s music.", "Beethoven is my favorite musical artist. I like the word play in hip hop.", "I don't listen to Italian rock. I like listening to new music.", "I would like a painting of the outdoors.", "Mountains and tree landscapes are relaxing to me.", "I work on puzzles.", "I like to go for runs. I enjoy hearing new music.", "I like Italian food."], ["I like to paint animals.", "Italian rock is my favorite music.", "I own guns.", "I love Italian food.", "I like watching the BBC and Nova. I've only seen the first few episodes of The Office (UK).", "I collect guns. I enjoy painting animals. I like having cats as pets. I enjoy painting turtles. I painted a cat yesterday.", "I'm not a fan of hip hop.", "I like the Italian band Litfiba. I like all of Litfiba's music.", "I can paint the outdoors. I live near mountains. My favorite painting is of turtles in Costa Rica. I have painted turtles before.", "I like learning about the history of music.", "I enjoy Italian cuisine. I enjoy antipasto and I like pasta.", "I have cats. Sometimes I share \"people\" food with them.", "I enjoy drinking alcohol, sometimes to excess."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_830_0", "test_830_1", "test_830_2", "test_830_3", "test_830_4", "test_830_5", "test_830_6", "test_830_7", "test_830_8", "test_830_9", "test_830_10", "test_830_11", "test_830_12", "test_830_13", "test_830_14", "test_830_15", "test_830_16", "test_830_17", "test_830_18", "test_830_19", "test_830_20", "test_830_21", "test_830_22", "test_830_23", "test_830_24", "test_830_25", "test_830_26", "test_830_27", "test_830_28", "test_830_29", "test_830_30", "test_830_31", "test_830_32", "test_830_33", "test_830_34", "test_830_35", "test_830_36", "test_830_37", "test_830_38", "test_830_39", "test_830_40", "test_830_41", "test_830_42", "test_830_43", "test_830_44", "test_830_45", "test_830_46", "test_830_47", "test_830_48", "test_830_49", "test_830_50", "test_830_51", "test_830_52", "test_830_53", "test_830_54", "test_830_55", "test_830_56", "test_830_57", "test_830_58", "test_830_59", "test_830_60", "test_830_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey do you like tattoos.", "Heya. Yes I do. I enjoy hamburgers too mm mm.", "Yes hamburgers are nice! My mum sells really good one's at her coffee shop.", "Nice. Tasty. I worked for cisco it was crazy. I just snowboard a lot now.", "Cool. Cisco.. So it? You must make good money!!", "Yup. Lots. I'm retired now. So I'm buying a nice new car. What do u drive?", "I don't have a car yet.. Sponsor me? Lol.", "Maybe I can. I'm young and retired. I am going to see charlie parker. He's great.", "Never heard of him. I just watch friends.", "That's an older show. So you asked about tats. You have any?", "I actually have five! Full sleeve. One of my mom.", "Nice. So you two are close then?", "I only got it so she would give me free items from her coffee shop for life.", "Wow. That's a pretty sweet deal. Lucky you.", "Do you think you could get me in the door at Crisco?", "I can definitely try! It has been a few years since I retired though. Some of their employees still use me as a consultant. What type of job are you looking for?", "Anything that pays well. My mom wants me to get a job and take her out to eat every now and then instead of just mooching off her baked goods. Lol. I don't have much experience. Do think there might be a starter position available?", "Haha! Mama always knows what's best! I will definitely keep an ear out for any entry-level openings. Have you been working at her coffee shop?", "Yup! Taste testing. So far so good! I don't think I can put that on my resum\u00e9 though.", "I am sure there is a way to make it work on a resume! You should look into some guides on resume writing. You can turn almost anything into experience with the correct wording!", "In that case, I also have experience with counting the money in the cash register and distributing the proper percentage to myself, and also, I'm good at stealth. I'm able to hide pretty effectively when my grandma (who still squeezes my cheeks and calls me \"little bunion\") visits the shop... but that could also be because her eye sight has been going for a while. You are making me realize my skills may be better suited as a secret agent. But I suppose Cisco could also be the jump start to that career path.", "Well it is always good to keep your options open!", "You should've been a motivational speaker! It's never too late, you know.", "Well, did you know I do give lectures to college students every now and then!", "Are your lectures about how you were able to retire young? Or what do you lecture about?", "It varies! It depends on what type of event school/program hired me for. Most of the events topics are focused on strong leadership.", "I think I got a temp job at the local ad agency!", "Hey good for you! Maybe you can start making your own money and give your mom a break lol!", "Thanks! And yeah, you're probably right. Maybe soon I can buy a nice new car like you. What model are you getting?", "A Toyota Camry. I know it's not exciting, but I need something solid that will last a long time!", "That's smart. Can it fit all of your snowboarding gear?", "Yeah because the trunk is big and then I can fold the back seats down to fit the longboard. It's pretty sweet!", "Ah yes, cargo space. Good for road trips. I'm thinking I might get a rental car and go on one to celebrate my new job!", "Cool where do you want to go? I love a good road trip.", "I was thinking out west somewhere, maybe Arizona or Montana. I love the scenery out there. The people seem friendly too.", "Oh yeah the desert is so beautiful and there are so many cool national parks out there too.", "For sure. Now that my tax dollars are going to keep them open I figured I might as well go and enjoy them.", "Haha, that's a good way to look at it! Might need to do the same myself!", "I just had a phone call from the ad agency, they gave me the temp job. I am soooo happy now. ", "Congratulations!! When do you start?", "I start next week. I'm so excited. I hope I'll learn a lot of new skills. ", "I hope they put you to work and you're not just doing coffee runs all day, haha! What did your mom say when she found out?", "no worries! I think I'll be doing a lot more than coffee runs! and I think I can save up money for road trips and maybe meet you somewhere. My mom just hoped that I would still have time for tastings at her shop. ", "Yes, we still need to take that road trip to Arizona! I'm sure you'll still find time to help your mom out too. ", "Right! Route 66 here we come! It's quite a bit south but Tombstone would be neat to walk around in too! Whatever you are up to! I know she worries but I'll always help my mom out. ", "The good thing about roadtrips is that you don't have to plan them 100%...you can just follow your whims! I was thinking about getting a Rt. 66 tattoo too. Maybe a full themed sleeve would be cool too, but you have to start somewhere! What tattoo was your first?", "My first was pretty simple. flower on my upper arm. which grew into a vine. look into it that way, start little and think what can it grow into if you want it too? ", "Maybe mine can be a road instead of a vine! I'm sure together we could come up with tons of ideas.", "I would love to help you and go with you! maybe it's a vine symbolic of a road? Tattoos are great", "I agree - they are great reminders of your life's story! Do you have any coffee tattoos?", "So have you made up your mind yet about your \"Route 66\" tattoo?", "I think so! I think I am going to get it. I have taken that drive before and it was one of my most memorable trips. What is your next tattoo going to be?", "I am going to get a sleeve floral tattoo. I want it to be all black and white. Do you prefer color or greyscale tattoos?", "I like black and white best. Are most of your tattoos black and white? ", "I have two that are colored, and the rest are black and white. I will probably only get black and white from now on.", "I think they look better over time personally. How is your temp job going? ", "It's going well. I'm hoping to be hired on full time soon. The pay is nice, and I don't mind the work.", "Yeah, just try and save as much as you can early and then invest it. That's how I was able to retire so early! Have you thought anymore about taking a road trip? I really love Arizona and have good tips if you decide to go.", "I would love to take a road trip. Arizona seems like it would be a fun trip! You will have to give me ideas of where to visit and what to do.", "Sedona was my favorite- so many cool hiking areas and it was a lot cooler temps then the rest of Arizona. ", "I'll have to keep that in mind! I want to go to the coolest place in Arizona that I possibly can!", "Grand Canyon is also amazing- but a pretty touristy. Honestly just driving through the highways is like being in the movie \"Cars\"."], "init_persona": [[["I have five tattoos in total.", "I like visiting places with graffiti.", "My mom owned a little coffee shop.", "My favorite tv show is friends.", "I do not own a car yet."], ["I enjoy food and eat meat.", "I like snowboarding.", "I used to work for cisco.", "My favorite performer is charlie parker.", "I'm going to buy a new car."]], [["My mom has a coffee shop. My mom sells hamburgers at her coffee shop.", "I don't have a car.", "I have tattoos. I have a full sleeve tattoo. I have a tattoo of my mom. I got my mom tattoo so my mom would give me free stuff from her coffee shop for life."], ["I like tattoos. I enjoy hamburgers.", "I once worked for Crisco. I snowboard.", "I made good money. I am retired. I am buying a new car. I am young."]], [["My mom has a coffee shop. My mom sells hamburgers at her coffee shop.", "I don't have a car.", "I have tattoos. I have a full sleeve tattoo. I have a tattoo of my mom. I got my mom tattoo so my mom would give me free stuff from her coffee shop for life.", "I mooch off of my mother.", "I taste taste coffee at my mom's coffee shop.", "I'm stealthy."], ["I like tattoos. I enjoy hamburgers.", "I once worked for Crisco. I snowboard.", "I made good money. I am retired. I am buying a new car. I am young.", "I give lectures to college students."]], [["My mom has a coffee shop. My mom sells hamburgers at her coffee shop.", "I don't have a car.", "I have tattoos. I have a full sleeve tattoo. I have a tattoo of my mom. I got my mom tattoo so my mom would give me free stuff from her coffee shop for life.", "I mooch off of my mother.", "I taste taste coffee at my mom's coffee shop.", "I'm stealthy.", "I think I got a temp job.", "I want to go on a road trip in a rental car to Montana or Arizona, I love the scenery there."], ["I like tattoos. I enjoy hamburgers.", "I once worked for Crisco. I snowboard.", "I made good money. I am retired. I am buying a new Toyota Camry. I am young.", "I give lectures to college students.", "I love road trips. I find the desert beautiful."]], [["My mom has a coffee shop. My mom sells hamburgers at her coffee shop.", "I don't have a car.", "I have tattoos. I have a full sleeve tattoo. I have a tattoo of my mom. I got my mom tattoo so my mom would give me free stuff from her coffee shop for life. I like to be able to help out my mom.", "I mooch off of my mother.", "I taste taste coffee at my mom's coffee shop.", "I'm stealthy.", "I think I got a temp job.", "I want to go on a road trip in a rental car to Montana or Arizona, I love the scenery there.", "I got hired for a temporary job at an advertising agency! The job starts next week. I hope to save enough money to take a road trip on Route 66.", "I'd like to visit Tombstone.", "I like tattoos. I have a flower tattoo on my upper arm that later became a vine."], ["I like tattoos. I enjoy hamburgers.", "I once worked for Crisco. I snowboard.", "I made good money. I am retired. I am buying a new Toyota Camry. I am young.", "I give lectures to college students.", "I love road trips. I find the desert beautiful.", "I want to take a road trip to Arizona. I'm considering getting a tattoo of \"Route 66.\" I think tattoos are a great record of one's journey through life."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_832_0", "test_832_1", "test_832_2", "test_832_3", "test_832_4", "test_832_5", "test_832_6", "test_832_7", "test_832_8", "test_832_9", "test_832_10", "test_832_11", "test_832_12", "test_832_13", "test_832_14", "test_832_15", "test_832_16", "test_832_17", "test_832_18", "test_832_19", "test_832_20", "test_832_21", "test_832_22", "test_832_23", "test_832_24", "test_832_25", "test_832_26", "test_832_27", "test_832_28", "test_832_29", "test_832_30", "test_832_31", "test_832_32", "test_832_33", "test_832_34", "test_832_35", "test_832_36", "test_832_37", "test_832_38", "test_832_39", "test_832_40", "test_832_41", "test_832_42", "test_832_43", "test_832_44", "test_832_45", "test_832_46", "test_832_47", "test_832_48", "test_832_49", "test_832_50", "test_832_51", "test_832_52", "test_832_53", "test_832_54", "test_832_55", "test_832_56", "test_832_57", "test_832_58", "test_832_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi how are you.", "Not too bad. Heading home in the truck after a long day fishing. How about yourself?", "Me too cant believe it another fisherman.", "Nice! What you catch today?", "Some wicked tunas kid! That what we got in new england.", "Small world man. Same here!", "Dont you just love the lasagna out here kid!", "That and baseball, am I right?", "Nothing like some dunkins to go with my sox games.", "The red sox aren't that great man.", "Im about to drive my truck at ya bro!", "I would turn around and do the same but the wife is making lasagna tonight!", "I ate some of the tuna I caught yesterday. It was great!", "Nice! Do you mainly fish for tuna? It's been a while since I've caught a good sized tuna.", "I usually go for smaller fish if I'm going out by myself, but I'll go for tuna if I can get a larger group together", "That sounds like a lot of fun. Hey, if you are ever looking for 1 more to join, I'd be more than happy to go with you.", "I'll keep you in mind. What have you been up to today?", "I've been working most of day on installing some new lights on the top of my truck for when I take it off-roading. I have some friends who are into off-roading, so I thought I would join them one of these days.", "What kind of a truck do you have?", "I have a 2004 Ford F150 raptor that I bought used a few months ago. It's already been roughed up a bit so I'm not too worried about it getting beat up.", "Sounds perfect for hitting the trails. Do you do any hunting or just off roading?", "I've been hunting with my father in law the past few years. He's been hunting since before I was alive, so he has been a great teacher.", "What do you usually hunt?", "Mostly we hunt deer. Recently we went on a turkey hunt though.", "I just found out that I am off from work next weekend and am going fishing. I thought I would invite you if you are available?", "Heck yeah i'm down to fish. We can take my giant truck to haul our giant fish we are sure to catch", "Sounds awesome. I've heard good things about those Raptors. Bet it'll look sick with those new lights!", "Well I wired them wrong initially and they produced bright, piercing red light and it kind of felt like I was driving a chariot from hell, but it's all good now and back to blue", "Whoa, right on. I'll bring some doughnuts. Sounds like the Raptor is pretty durable, too.", "Yeah so far it's held up to all the stuff I keep running into becuase it's gigantic so i'd say that's a plus", "That's cool. Lots of bed space for all those fish we're going to catch!", "or lots of space to hold my tears when I catch nothing... win win", "Ha ha. Your father-in-law ever fish or just hunt?", "He's more of a hunter...he thinks fishing is a weak man's activity. I think he is foolish in his regards to hunting vs fishing though", "Ha. Guess they take two different mindsets. Fishing you can kind of just sit back and relax. Hunting you gotta stay alert.", "Yeah...relaxation is way better than hyper focus and it's not like those turkeys or deer are going to fight me", "I had to get some doughnuts on the way from work, they had a new flavour in Dunkin donuts. I am gonna bring some of them when we go fishing, I loved the taste.", "That sounds good. I can't wait to try them. I love doughnuts but I have been trying to avoid the amount of sweets I am eating as I am trying to become fitter. I even started a new workout routine. Do you work out?", "I used to have a gym membership and worked out a few times a week, but I haven't worked out in the past five years or so. I need to follow your lead and start exercising again! If you don't want to try the donuts, I will gladly eat them all myself!", "I will definitely try one... or two! What new flavour is that? I hope not strawberry! I am allergic to strawberries.", "No, don't worry. They are not strawberry. They are hot cinnamon flavored. Does that sound good to you?", "That sounds great. I like cinnamon. Reminds me of Christmas. Is dunkin donuts your favourite doughnut place?", "Oh yes, absolutely. I have always favored donuts from Dunkin. But I must admit, the kolaches from my local family-owned donut shop cannot be beaten by anyone.", "That's so nice that your family owns a donut shop. Maybe you could bring something from there as well, I would love to try it. Do your parents work in the shop?", "Good idea. I will definitely bring some of the kolaches they make so well. My parent used to work in the shop, but they retired, and now my older brother runs the place.", "I see. Is he your only brother or do you have any other siblings? I am an only child and I always wished I had a brother.", "Yes, he is my only sibling. We get along really well. I'm sorry you always wanted a sibling but never had one. It is the most satisfying relationship I have. But hey, I could be your stand-in big brother!", "Haha, yes! I can already tell we are getting along very well. I cannot wait for our fishing trip! ", "Work let out early today, do you want to grab something at the donut shop my brother owns? I can get us a discount.", "I would love to! Do they have only donuts, or do they do other food too?", "They do other things too, there are pastries and other stuff available. Even your favourite cinnamon flavour!", "We should definitely go! I would love to hang out and eat donuts for the day.", "Sounds great! I'll introduce you to my family too whist where there. Have you been on any more hunting trips recently?", "I recently went on a hunting trip that allowed us to go to a state I have never been before. It was really fun and we saw some pretty cool animals!", "That's awesome, I go fishing a lot but never hunting. I think I would like to try it out for myself sometime.", "It takes a lot of patience, just like fishing. I think you would really enjoy it!", "Well, fishing really does teach you patience! So, I think I've got that part covered. True! Maybe you could join me sometime and teach me the basics.", "I would love to! We can do a little hike to a clear section of the woods. I know the perfect place to go! There is even a waterfall.", "Oh wow! That's one of the best things about fishing too. The nature that you get to experience whilst you're doing it.", "I love being outdoors so much. It's so nice to have friends that enjoy the same thing!"], "init_persona": [[["I'm a fisherman.", "I come from new england.", "I like watching baseball.", "I drive a truck.", "My favorite food is lasagna."], ["I'm a fisherman.", "I come from new england.", "I like watching baseball.", "I drive a truck.", "My favorite food is lasagna."]], [["I fish.", "I live in New England.", "I love lasagna.", "I like the Red Sox. I like dunkin donuts.", "I own a truck."], ["I fish. I own a truck.", "I live in New England.", "I love lasagna and baseball.", "I don't like the Red Sox.", "I am married."]], [["I fish.", "I live in New England.", "I love lasagna.", "I like the Red Sox. I like dunkin donuts.", "I own a truck.", "I went fishing yesterday and caught a tuna. I ate some of the tuna and I liked it. I usually fish for smaller fish than tuna if I fish alone. I fish for larger fish like tuna if I am part of a group."], ["I fish.", "I live in New England.", "I love lasagna and baseball.", "I don't like the Red Sox.", "I am married.", "I have not caught a tuna in a while.", "I go off-roading. I am installing new lights on my truck. I have friends who like to go off-roading and I would like to join them one day.", "I have a 2004 Ford F 150 raptor. I bought it used a few months ago. My truck is a bit beat up.", "I hunt with my father in law and he has been a great teacher. I usually hunt deer but recently hunted turkey with my father in law."]], [["I fish.", "I live in New England.", "I love lasagna.", "I like the Red Sox. I like dunkin donuts.", "I own a truck.", "I went fishing yesterday and caught a tuna. I ate some of the tuna and I liked it. I usually fish for smaller fish than tuna if I fish alone. I fish for larger fish like tuna if I am part of a group. I am going fishing next weekend."], ["I live in New England.", "I love lasagna and baseball.", "I don't like the Red Sox.", "I am married.", "I have not caught a tuna in a while.", "I go off-roading. I am installing new lights on my truck. I have friends who like to go off-roading and I would like to join them one day.", "I have a 2004 Ford F 150 Raptor. I bought it used a few months ago. My truck is a bit beat up. I got new lights for my truck.", "I hunt with my father in law and he has been a great teacher. I usually hunt deer but recently hunted turkey with my father in law.", "I like to fish.", "I like relaxation more than hyper focus."]], [["I fish.", "I live in New England.", "I love lasagna.", "I like the Red Sox. I like dunkin donuts.", "I own a truck.", "I went fishing yesterday and caught a tuna. I ate some of the tuna and I liked it. I usually fish for smaller fish than tuna if I fish alone. I fish for larger fish like tuna if I am part of a group. I am going fishing next weekend.", "I have a job.", "I used to work out, but stopped about 5 years ago. I want to start exercising again.", "My family owns a donut shop. My parents are retired. My older brother runs the family donut shop."], ["I live in New England.", "I love lasagna and baseball.", "I don't like the Red Sox.", "I am married.", "I have not caught a tuna in a while.", "I go off-roading. I am installing new lights on my truck. I have friends who like to go off-roading and I would like to join them one day.", "I have a 2004 Ford F 150 Raptor. I bought it used a few months ago. My truck is a bit beat up. I got new lights for my truck.", "I hunt with my father in law and he has been a great teacher. I usually hunt deer but recently hunted turkey with my father in law.", "I like to fish.", "I like relaxation more than hyper focus.", "I am working on being healthier. This means that I must avoid one of my favorite foods, donuts.", "I'm allergic to strawberries. I enjoy cinnamon flavored food.", "I am an only child. I wish I had a brother."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_833_0", "test_833_1", "test_833_2", "test_833_3", "test_833_4", "test_833_5", "test_833_6", "test_833_7", "test_833_8", "test_833_9", "test_833_10", "test_833_11", "test_833_12", "test_833_13", "test_833_14", "test_833_15", "test_833_16", "test_833_17", "test_833_18", "test_833_19", "test_833_20", "test_833_21", "test_833_22", "test_833_23", "test_833_24", "test_833_25", "test_833_26", "test_833_27", "test_833_28", "test_833_29", "test_833_30", "test_833_31", "test_833_32", "test_833_33", "test_833_34", "test_833_35", "test_833_36", "test_833_37", "test_833_38", "test_833_39", "test_833_40", "test_833_41", "test_833_42", "test_833_43", "test_833_44", "test_833_45", "test_833_46", "test_833_47", "test_833_48", "test_833_49", "test_833_50", "test_833_51", "test_833_52", "test_833_53", "test_833_54", "test_833_55", "test_833_56", "test_833_57", "test_833_58", "test_833_59", "test_833_60", "test_833_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello! How are you?", "I'm great because I have god in my life how are you?", "That is great! I've been better. We're moving to fl next month :(.", "I'm jealous I love living near the water as long it's warm and sunny.", "That is nice. But dad lost his job as headmaster at my school so we gotta go.", "Well as long as you'll be with family. My family is my life.", "Same here! I have 5 older siblings who are my world.", "I have my family and friends and my grandchildren!", "That's great! Do you like sports? I love da bears!", "I do. I love to read and read about sports all of the time!", "Love to read too. My school's very strict and we're required to read a lot.", "I would love your school then! Are you religious at all?", "I am! Jesus is my life!.", "Have you read the bible?", "I went to church on Sunday.", "Me too! I hope that you found it as uplifting and aspiring as I did! Do you attend with any of your family?", "Yep! All five of my siblings attended. My dad is still a little down since losing his job, but I think church really helped uplift him. And we also treated him to his favorite ice cream afterwards. It never fails.", "Blessings to you all! Church and sweets: a perfect combination. Are you worried about leaving your family when you move to Florida?", "No, all of my family is moving together, but I will miss my friends. And my favorite local ice cream shop. What is your favorite sweet?", "Oh, I am so glad and sorry I misunderstood. Family is so important. It is hard to leave friends, but blood ties are so important and you will always find more friends!", "That is true, although sometimes it doesn't have to be blood. Two of my older siblings were adopted and they still feel just as much like family as my other three siblings.", "Yes. I consider that blood because, as you know, the Lord set all of you apart to become a family. His ways are always mysterious, but true!", "Ah, I see. I'm just used to people sometimes not understanding our family or saying because we aren't blood we aren't really family. I agree with you on this.", "When we are with the Lord we are all family in a way! So, what are you currently reading? I am reading \"My Savior, My Friend.\" So inspiring.", "I haven't been reading too much lately. Mostly packing and trying to spend as much time with friends as possible. I'll have to read \"My Savior, My Friend\" once I get settled in at the new home.", "That makes sense. It's a busy time for you and your family for sure. I have been praying for your father to find work in Florida. I have a feeling God has much in store for you yet.", "I'm feeling pretty nervous about my upcoming move. I'm afraid I won't make any new friends in Florida.", "I can understand you are nervous, but at least you will have your siblings to lean on. You will eventually make friends, it just takes time ", "I don't know. I've never moved before. People don't there might be mean or something. ", "Anywhere you go there are mean people and nice people. As long as you steer clear of the mean ones, you will do great. I have always found that church is a great way to meet new friends! Maybe start there?", "That's a good idea. Hopefully we find a new one soon My dad is just so down about everything that he doesn't do as much as he used to.", "Well maybe church is exactly what the whole family needs, your dad to help with his depression and you for friends! In my life, I have always leaned on my faith to pull me through the tough times. ", "I'll tell him that! Also, I know maybe this sounds dumb, but I'm worried I won't be able to watch my Bears down there. It's just dolphins, gators and hurriance", "Oh that is important too! I am sure if you can not watch them on local tv, you can stream them on a phone or tablet! The internet makes sports watching very easy these days! ", "You've got all the good advice today! Actually making me feel a lot better. Have you ever moved before? ", "I love giving advice. My grandkids often come to me as well. Yes! I have moved a few times in my life. Each move was scary but I found something amazing everywhere I lived. ", "I've heard from others that I wont miss the winters once I move. So that might be a plus.", "Absolutely! The warm weather of Florida offers year round beach days! That would be amazing, right!", "How is the book My Savior, My friend going? Have you ready anything inspiring today?", "I love the book so far. It's a wonderful story that provides a ton of spiritual and moral insight. How are things going with the move to Florida? Are you excited? I've been praying things go well for you.", "That is great I would like to read it as well, maybe I can find a copy in Florida. I am honestly so nervous, I will miss everyone so much, but I know Jesus is looking out for me. Thank you for your prayers.", "If you'd like, I can just mail you my copy when I'm done with it. I generally have no use for a book after I read it, other than the Bible. And you're very welcome! I just want to see you find happiness! Aren't you going to miss the winter in Florida, though?", "I would love that! Thanks so much. I know what you mean, I will have mine with me every step of the way. You are such a good friend to me. I really will, the snow is the most beautiful thing ever.", "I'm sure you'll find plenty of things to enjoy down there, too. You're such a wonderful and friendly person, I think you'll have no problem fitting in and making new friends. Have you looked into any churches down there you'd be interested in trying?", "Well thanks so much! I am sure if I can just find a fellow football fan, things might be easier. I have been so busy packing and hanging out with friends I have not had the time yet. Have you seen your grandchildren lately?", "I'm sure you'll find tons of football fans. Are you a Florida Panthers fan at all? If so I'm sure you'll fit right in with that crowd, too. Yes, I saw my grandchildren just yesterday! We went out for breakfast together, I had a really great time. They're growing up so fast!", "I really am more of a Chicago Bears fan, but maybe I could pick up another team! That is great it is important to keep your family close. It has been hard seeing my Dad so sad lately.", "I've been praying for your father, as well. He just has to keep his faith in God and God's plan. He is a very skilled man and should have no problem finding a good place to work. ", "You are so right about that and I will have to remind him. Thanks for all your advice. I will really miss you, and everyone else. I hope we can keep in touch.", "Just know, I'm never far! I'm always just a phone call away, so never feel afraid to call if you need something. God put me here to help others, I believe. In helping others, we help ourselves.", "How much further do you have to go in \"My Savior, My Friend\"\u2014are you close to being finished?", "I just finished; it was lovely! Have you had a chance to start it yet? Do you happen to have any recommendations for something I can read next?", "That's great! I was planning to start today, but haven't had a moment to sit down yet. Have you ever read \"The Alchemist\"? It also has some really lovely lessons about life.", "I haven't read it yet, but I have heard of it. If I get a chance to head out to the bookstore today, I'll pick it up! I don't think it's available on ebook. Do you have a copy of \"My Savior, My Friend\"? ", "I'm sure every bookstore carries it, since it's such a classic. I downloaded \"My Savior, My Friend,\" since I figure I shouldn't collect any more objects that need to be packed. I can't believe how much stuff I have!", "That's right, I almost forgot about your big move! How is it going? All you siblings are pitching in to help, right?", "Yes! I think if I had to do it all alone, it would be much harder. The problem is just knowing where to start, but then there's also all the little decisions about what to get rid of. I'm donating a lot of things, so that does make me feel a little better.", "I remember you saying your siblings are all older; has anyone found a job in Florida yet? Or will everyone start searching when you arrive.", "Oh, actually I forgot to tell you the good news! My dad got an offer for a part-time job at the church we are joining down there. It's just a stepping stone, but I think he's going to be really happy working close to the church community. I'm so relieved for him.", "Thats amazing! It's so nice that you've already found a solid church community that's willing to help out! Any luck for anyone else yet too?", "Not quite yet, but my sister has a phone interview tomorrow. I think it'll go well. She's really nervous about making an impression before we get down there.", "I'm sure the Lord will provide; I feel good about this move for you and think that there are some great things on the horizon for your family."], "init_persona": [[["I am moving to another state next month.", "My favorite football team is the chicago bears.", "I went to a very strict high school.", "My father used to be the headmaster in my school.", "My siblings are all older than me."], ["I love to spend time with family and friends.", "My grandchildren especially bring great joy.", "I want to always live near water, and in a warm sunny climate.", "My favorite activity is reading.", "And my favorite place to be is worshipping god."]], [["I am moving to Florida next month.", "I have to move because my father lost his job.", "I am very attached to my 5 older siblings.", "I love the sports team called the Bears.", "I love to read.", "I am religious and believe in Jesus."], ["I believe in a god.", "I am very attached to my family. My family includes my grandchildren.I also have friends.", "I love sports.", "I love to read."]], [["I am moving to Florida next month with my family. I will miss my friends after I move. I have to move because my father lost his job.", "I am very attached to my 5 older siblings. Two of my siblings are adopted.", "I love the sports team called the Bears.", "I love to read.", "I am religious and believe in Jesus.", "My dad is depressed after losing his job.", "I haven't been reading much lately. I have been packing for my move and spending time with friends."], ["I believe in a god.", "I am very attached to my family. My family includes my grandchildren.I also have friends.", "I love sports.", "I went to church last Sunday. I found it very uplifting.", "I believe family is very important.", "I love to read. I am reading \"My Savior, My Friend."]], [["I am moving to Florida next month with my family. I will miss my friends after I move. I have to move because my father lost his job. I am nervous about not having friends in Florida.", "I am very attached to my 5 older siblings. Two of my siblings are adopted.", "I love the sports team called the Bears.", "I love to read.", "I am religious and believe in Jesus. I go to church.", "My dad is depressed after losing his job.", "I haven't been reading much lately. I have been packing for my move and spending time with friends.", "I have never moved before. I am afraid of mean people.", "I like to watch football. I like the Chicago Bears football team.", "I enjoy winter."], ["I believe in a god.", "I am very attached to my family. My family includes my grandchildren.I also have friends.", "I love sports.", "I went to church last Sunday. I found it very uplifting. I like the people that are in my church. I depend on faith when life gets too hard.", "I believe family is very important.", "I love to read. I am reading \"My Savior, My Friend.", "I have moved multiple times. I have lived at a few different places.", "I like going to the beach."]], [["I am moving to Florida next month with my family. I will miss my friends after I move. I have to move because my father lost his job. I am nervous about not having friends in Florida.", "I am very attached to my 5 older siblings. Two of my siblings are adopted.", "I love the sports team called the Bears.", "I love to read.", "I am religious and believe in Jesus. I go to church. I believe Jesus watches over and protects me. I derive comfort from the Bible.", "My dad is depressed after losing his job.", "I haven't been reading much lately. I have been packing for my move and spending time with friends.", "I have never moved before. I am afraid of mean people.", "I like to watch football. I like the Chicago Bears football team.", "I enjoy winter.", "I am going to miss everyone when I move away. I will miss the winter season; I think snow is beautiful. I want to read \"My Savior, My Friend.", "My dad is unemployed and going through a hard time right now. He is very sad. I think family is very important."], ["I believe in a god.", "I am very attached to my family. My family includes my grandchildren. I also have friends.", "I love sports.", "I went to church last Sunday. I found it very uplifting. I like the people that are in my church. I depend on faith when life gets too hard.", "I believe family is very important.", "I love to read. I am reading \"My Savior, My Friend. I love the spiritual and moral teachings it contains.", "I have moved multiple times. I have lived at a few different places.", "I like going to the beach.", "I believe in prayer. I read the Bible regularly. I feel like I've been put here by God to help people.", "I took my grandkids for breakfast recently."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_835_0", "test_835_1", "test_835_2", "test_835_3", "test_835_4", "test_835_5", "test_835_6", "test_835_7", "test_835_8", "test_835_9", "test_835_10", "test_835_11", "test_835_12", "test_835_13", "test_835_14", "test_835_15", "test_835_16", "test_835_17", "test_835_18", "test_835_19", "test_835_20", "test_835_21", "test_835_22", "test_835_23", "test_835_24", "test_835_25", "test_835_26", "test_835_27", "test_835_28", "test_835_29", "test_835_30", "test_835_31", "test_835_32", "test_835_33", "test_835_34", "test_835_35", "test_835_36", "test_835_37", "test_835_38", "test_835_39", "test_835_40", "test_835_41", "test_835_42", "test_835_43", "test_835_44", "test_835_45", "test_835_46", "test_835_47", "test_835_48", "test_835_49", "test_835_50", "test_835_51", "test_835_52", "test_835_53", "test_835_54", "test_835_55", "test_835_56", "test_835_57", "test_835_58", "test_835_59", "test_835_60", "test_835_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi: tell me something about yourself. I'm pretty nice.", "Well, I'm a librarian, so I'd like to think I'm pretty nice, too.", "I ', a reader, too. What's your favorite book?", "I like the classics, but am currently reading some star wars novels. You?", "Just finished pachinko. I have a dog named wylie.", "That's cool. No dogs here, but I have three kids.", "I want kids some day. My mom is pediatrician so, she's around kids all day.", "Kids are great, but having three of them is definitely a handful.", "My pop is a fireman, he's sleeping so I'm being quiet on the computer.", "That's an exciting job. What do you do for fun?", "I like to be outside but mom wants me in right now.", "I like to be outside, too. I'm lucky that I commute by boat every day to work.", "What do you do that you take a boat to work and not a car?", "I'm a librarian, but I live in amsterdam so there are a lot of canals.", "Where do you plan to spend the vacation this year? Do your kids have any preferences?", "Our plan is to go to Greece! I am so excited. I will have a chance to visit so many of those historical places. It's not Coruscant, but it's a place I've longed to visit.", "In elementary school, one of my teachers was obsessed with Greek mythology. She got to travel to Greece, and she met someone with the name \"Persephone\". Have you ever been to Greece before, or if this your first time?", "This will be my first time. We were supposed to visit when I went to Rome three years ago, but it was a rough time in Greece and figured \"discretion is the better part of valor.\u201d Do you like the Greek myths? Who is your favorite? ", "I used to like them, but I don't remember them now. Hercules comes to mind, but that's mainly because of the Disney movie. I have a book on Greek Mythology. I'll have to dig that up. What about you? ", "I really love Athena. What a perfect goddess for a librarian. She is known for her reason, wisdom, intelligence, and skill. Spring directly from Zeus' head and fully formed is such a wild story. I love it.", "Doesn't she have fiery red hair, or am I thinking of someone else?", "Sometimes she is depicted with red, but I often see her with black hair. You might be thinking of Aphrodite. Either way, you can't go wrong with those strong women.", "Strong women! The world needs more of them, and there is no better time than the present.", "Oh yes! I know just what you mean. Perhaps a \"goddess\" will rise from the ashes and show the world how important women are! I always liked that there were 12 goddesses! There is something to that number.", "I agree about the number 12, although my lucky number is 7. Do you have a lucky number?", "It might be obvious after I tell you. It's three! That's the number of kids I have, but I was also the third born in my family and it was the uniform number when I played handball! ", "When do you leave for Greece?", "Probably in the next three months. Still sorting out flights and stuff.", "That's great. Have you looked at places yet that you'd like to visit?", "Athens is a must. Probably will also go to Santorini. One of my colleagues told me that Thessaloniki is interesting -- it's in the north, and quite different from the southern cities.", "Yes, I'm sure you will love Thessaloniki, it is amazing. Are you going to stay for a couple of weeks or have you not decided yet?", "Around that -- two to three weeks. Still have a few details to sort out. Not easy taking a family of five overseas.", "I can imagine. Sounds like a lot of fun though. I can't wait to have kids one day and go on a proper family holiday with them! Are you going on a summer holiday every year?", "We try. Better doing something than having kids bored and screaming at home :-). Do you like travelling?", "I do, but it's not as fun going on my own. I used to do a big trip around Europe a few years ago, visiting all the capital cities of each country. That was fun!", "Wow... that sounds amazing!!! What were your favourite cities?", "My favourites were Rome, Berlin, Madrid and Helsinki. So much lovely, old architecture in those places. I took Wylie as well and he loved just exploring the cities with me.", "What's Helsinki like? I have been fascinated with Finland for some time, but still have not managed to get over there.", "You got me thinking of traveling, and I decided to book a plane ticket to Rome on a whim!", "That is awesome, when do you leave?", "Two weeks! I'm so excited! When is your trip?", "I am hoping to leave later this summer, probably a month before school starts.", "That sounds great. Are the kids excited?", "They are, they have never been to Greece. I bet you can't wait to be sipping coffee outside the Colosseum. Where are you going to go first?", "I haven't really planned the trip out as it's so last minute! What would you do first?", "I would have to say the Parthenon. Athena is my favorite among the Greek gods/goddesses.", "That sounds wonderful. I haven't been there.", "You have to put it on your itinerary, along with the Acropolis of Athens and the beach on Corfu Island.", "I sure will. Thank you.", "Is your trip more for relaxation or for sight seeing because that will really determine where you should go.", "I booked an excursion to visit the Acropolis in Athens, thank you so much for your advice. Can you tell me about it?", "Yes! You can't miss it, especially if you are staying in the Plaka neighborhood. The acroplis sits on the top of the big hill. You can see if from much of the surrounding neighborhoods. I would recommend visiting the museum that is there first to learn all about what you are about to see. ", "I definitely will, this sounds like such an amazing trip. How long has it been since you've been there yourself?", "I was in Greece last two years ago. I am excited to go again soon! At somepoint I would like to take a cruise around the islands there. It seems like a neat way to see all the Islands in an easy way. Have you ever taken a cruise?", "Only once before when I was very young, so I don't remember much. It sounds like such a relaxing way to enjoy the day, though. Maybe we can plan a cruise together sometime.", "That would be fun! I go to Europe a lot so maybe a cruise in the Caribbean would be nice. I would like to see Saint Lucia and Saint Thomas. ", "Oh, Europe? I'm already sold on the idea, sounds like a blast! I've never had a negative experience in Europe. Should we visit some of the capital cities?", "I would like to go to Paris. Since I live in Amsterdam I could take the train down. I have seen much and Italy and Greece but would love to go to Paris. Have you been there before? ", "Only once, and I had a really great time there. The buildings were so beautiful and the food was delicious. Do you like French food?", "I do like French food- but it is very rich. I especially love French desserts like macarons. I would like to see the museums in Paris. ", "That's a good idea! I definitely haven't seen enough of them. Should we bring anyone else along on our trip?", "Well I have my 3 kids and husband. What about you? Are you dating anyone you would want to bring?"], "init_persona": [[["I love to read.", "I love animals.", "I am a really kind person.", "My mom is a doctor.", "My dad is a fireman."], ["I have 3 children below the age of 9.", "I work as a librarian in the city.", "My name means grown up in german.", "I love playing the flute.", "I go to work by boat everyday."]], [["I am a reader.", "I have just finished Pachinko. I have a dog named Wylie.", "I want kids some day. My mom is pediatrician.", "My pop is a fireman.", "I like to be outside."], ["I'm a librarian.", "I like the classic books, but am currently reading some star wars novels.", "I have three kids.", "I like to be outside. I commute by boat every day to work.", "I live in Amsterdam so there are a lot of canals."]], [["I am a reader.", "I have just finished Pachinko. I have a dog named Wylie.", "I want kids some day. My mom is pediatrician.", "My pop is a fireman.", "I like to be outside.", "I used to enjoy Greek mythology but have forgotten much of what I learned.", "I am a fan of strong women.", "Seven is my lucky number."], ["I'm a librarian.", "I like the classic books, but am currently reading some star wars novels.", "I have three kids.", "I like to be outside. I commute by boat every day to work.", "I live in Amsterdam so there are a lot of canals.", "I am going on vacation to Greece with my family this year. I have never been to Greece. I traveled to Rome three years ago. I enjoy Greek mythology, especially Athena.", "I am a fan of strong women.", "Three is my lucky number. I have two siblings. I used to play on a handball team."]], [["I am a reader.", "I have just finished Pachinko. I have a dog named Wylie.", "I want kids some day. My mom is pediatrician.", "My pop is a fireman.", "I like to be outside.", "I used to enjoy Greek mythology but have forgotten much of what I learned.", "I am a fan of strong women.", "Seven is my lucky number.", "I have been to Thessaloniki.", "I want to have kids someday.", "I like to travel. I have been on a few trips to the capital cities of Europe. My favorite cities are Rome, Berlin, Madrid, and Helsinki."], ["I'm a librarian.", "I like the classic books, but am currently reading some star wars novels.", "I have three kids.", "I like to be outside. I commute by boat every day to work.", "I live in Amsterdam so there are a lot of canals.", "I am going on vacation to Greece with my family this year. I have never been to Greece. I traveled to Rome three years ago. I enjoy Greek mythology, especially Athena.", "I am a fan of strong women.", "Three is my lucky number. I have two siblings. I used to play on a handball team.", "I am planning a trip to Greece with my family of five. I plan to go to Athens. I would like to go to Santorini. I might go to Thessaloniki. My trip to Greece will be about two weeks.", "I try to go on a vacation with my family every summer.", "I am interested in Finland."]], [["I am a reader.", "I have just finished Pachinko. I have a dog named Wylie.", "I want kids some day. My mom is pediatrician.", "My pop is a fireman.", "I like to be outside.", "I used to enjoy Greek mythology but have forgotten much of what I learned.", "I am a fan of strong women.", "Seven is my lucky number.", "I have been to Thessaloniki.", "I want to have kids someday.", "I like to travel. I have been on a few trips to the capital cities of Europe. My favorite cities are Rome, Berlin, Madrid, and Helsinki. I have never been to the Parthenon in Greece.", "I will be travelling to Rome.", "I like to drink coffee."], ["I'm a librarian.", "I like the classic books, but am currently reading some star wars novels.", "I have three kids.", "I like to be outside. I commute by boat every day to work.", "I live in Amsterdam so there are a lot of canals.", "I am going on vacation to Greece with my family this year. I have never been to Greece. I traveled to Rome three years ago. I enjoy Greek mythology, especially Athena.", "I am a fan of strong women.", "Three is my lucky number. I have two siblings. I used to play on a handball team.", "I am planning a trip to Greece with my family of five. I plan to go to Athens. I would like to go to Santorini. I might go to Thessaloniki. My trip to Greece will be about two weeks.", "I try to go on a vacation with my family every summer.", "I am interested in Finland.", "I find travel exciting. I am going on a trip this year. I have children that are school children.", "I have been to Greece before. My children have never travelled to Greece.", " I will be visiting the Parthenon in Greece. I have visited the Acropolis of Athens and Corfu Island previously and I enjoyed it."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_836_0", "test_836_1", "test_836_2", "test_836_3", "test_836_4", "test_836_5", "test_836_6", "test_836_7", "test_836_8", "test_836_9", "test_836_10", "test_836_11", "test_836_12", "test_836_13", "test_836_14", "test_836_15", "test_836_16", "test_836_17", "test_836_18", "test_836_19", "test_836_20", "test_836_21", "test_836_22", "test_836_23", "test_836_24", "test_836_25", "test_836_26", "test_836_27", "test_836_28", "test_836_29", "test_836_30", "test_836_31", "test_836_32", "test_836_33", "test_836_34", "test_836_35", "test_836_36", "test_836_37", "test_836_38", "test_836_39", "test_836_40", "test_836_41", "test_836_42", "test_836_43", "test_836_44", "test_836_45", "test_836_46", "test_836_47", "test_836_48", "test_836_49", "test_836_50", "test_836_51", "test_836_52", "test_836_53", "test_836_54", "test_836_55", "test_836_56", "test_836_57", "test_836_58", "test_836_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there, is this a dating app thing? I'm male, single, no children...", "Hi, no, I don't think so, lol. But I'm single, too.", "Oh, well I am also not looking to get married, so it's whatever anyway.", "Do you have any pets? A dog maybe?", "No, I prefer to read outdoors alone, without other humans or animals around.", "You must be an introvert. Do you like hiking?", "Hiking is okay, I only worry about running into wild animals.", "They usually stay away from people. I hike a lot, so I know.", "I would probably scare them away...i scare away humans enough.", "Do you have shaggy hair and a huge beard? Haha.", "Sometimes, when I haven't shaved in a day or 2.", "I see. My red hair is sometimes scary too. When it's windy.", "I have red hair, too. That's pretty cool. I rarely run into other red heads.", "It's the best kept secret that someday redheads will take over the world. What kind of books do you like to read?", "Absolutely! If you want to carpool to the next redheaded illuminati meeting let me know lol. I really like horror novels. Lots of Stephen King mostly.", "Maybe we should write one. Document the \"Rising of the Redheads\". What's your favorite Stephen King book or movie?", "I love it! Speaking of conspiracies, my favorite is probably 11/22/63 since it was the first of his that I read.", "Conspiracies are the best. I'll have to check that out. Stephen King is always a classic for horror. I also enjoy classic Alfred Hitchcock movies. Do you enjoy movies as well?", "I have probably seen Psycho like 10 times. I have loved all of the movies I have seen of his, but I haven't seen as many as I would like to. Any recommendations?", "For my film studies class, we watched Psycho, Vertigo, Rear Window, The Birds, Strangers on a Train, North by Northwest. I think my top three are Vertigo, Rear Window, and North by Northwest. I have issues with birds in general, so that movie was more terrifying that I think Hitchcock even intended.", "I'm not the biggest fan of birds either, so I'll probably have to watch that one during the day. I've always wanted to see North by Northwest though. I'll have to see if I can find somewhere to watch it sometime this week after work.", "Good idea! Where do you work?", "I work from home. I do programming and web design for the customer service division of a big consumer marketplace website. I know it sounds too good to be true lol. ", "That seems like a perfect job for someone on the introverted side. How long have you had that position?", "I just bought North by Northwest. I think I'm going to watch it tonight.", "Let me know if its a good one. I watched city of lies last night. It was pretty good. I want to see wanderer next.", "I think most hitchcock's hold up but man he was kind of a jerk", "Lol, really? I may have to agree. Or watch a few more of his movies.", "YEah this dude would have definitely had issues in the \"metoo\" era, but his films are still really well made and engaging", "They defiantly do a better job writing than I would. I have no skill at writing or acting. I good at watching or reading.", "I think that counts...people always need others to view and read their work", "This is true. I try to stay open for anything. ", "Now if you can turn that type of availability into a career you would have it made in the shade", "No kidding. Would beat what I do now for a living. Financially AND more interesting. I work a boring 9-5.", "And the thing is these jobs exist for some lucky people...they get to watch a movie and review it or read a book and review it. That stuff exists in the world, but it is just never available for normal people", "I have heard that they exist. I was actually looking into stay at home computer jobs and ran across a couple of sites that offer this. Just havent had the time to dig deeper into the subjects", "Can you recommend any other Hitchcock movies?", "If you have not seen it yet, \"Psycho\" is an all-time classic! How about you, can you recommend a good Stephen King book for me?", "I have seen it. One of my favorites. I really like the book It.", "How about \"Topaz\"? It has more intrigue, and is based on spies. ", "I haven't heard of that one.", "It was done back in 1969. It was based on the novel by the same name, which was written by Leon Uris. Good for suspense and making you think.", "Sounds like a good watch. I'll be sure to check it out.", "Be sure to let me know what you think! Which Stephen King novel do you recommend I start with?", "Desperation is a good one and makes you think.", "I like that idea! I'll make a note to pick it up this weekend. Another good Hitchcock movie to watch is \"Vertgo\", it has a real twist that will keep you on the edge of your seat.", "Perfect! Thank you for your suggestions.", "You are so welcome! I am such a fan of Hitchcock, so it's fun to share recommendations. Just might make a note to avoid watching \"The Birds\". You and I both have a dislike for them, which makes that film much more terrifying.", "I just watched Vertgo. What a great movie!", "I thought you'd like it! Vertigo is such a classic. What are you going to watch next?", "I think I'm going to take your recommendation and watch Topaz next. Have you seen any good movies lately?", "Good call! I haven't seen any movies lately, but I've been watching old episodes of \"The Golden Girls\" online. I needed a good palate cleanser between scary films. Do you like that show?", "I have never watched it, would you recommend giving it a go?", "Absolutely! You might not think you'd love a show about a bunch of rich old white ladies in Florida, but it's just hilarious. Hard to believe the show is so old, too. Definitely give it a try if you need something light.", "that does sound funny, I'll give it a go, sounds like a good way to relax after work! ", "Let me know what you think! Speaking of work, how is it going? I am so jealous you have such flexibility with your working location. It would be lovely to not have to commute.", "it's been good, thanks. I enjoy being able to work from home, just have to be careful not to get distracted when I'm on a task! Are you still looking for a new job?", "I've been looking casually, but maybe this week I'll schedule some time to dig into some of those online jobs. I might need to learn more computer skills first, though. ", "I know a few websites that have really good online courses for improving your computing skills. They definitely helped me get my current job. I can send you the links if you like", "Are they expensive? I'd like to learn some basics, but I don't need to become an expert or anything. And I understand that computer skills are evolving so fast that you have to keep studying all the time just to stay relevant. Is that right?"], "init_persona": [[["I am a male.", "I enjoy the outdoors and reading.", "I have no children.", "I am single.", "I am single and have no plans to marry."], ["I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian.", "I like to hike.", "I have red hair.", "My favorite drink is sprite.", "I have a pet parrot named tasha."]], [["I am male. I am single. I do not have kids. I do not want to get married.", "I do not have pets. I like to read.", "I like to hike. I am afraid of wild animals.", "I don't always shave."], ["I am single.", "I like to hike.", "I have red hair."]], [["I am male. I am single. I do not have kids. I do not want to get married.", "I do not have pets. I like to read.", "I like to hike. I am afraid of wild animals.", "I don't always shave. I have red hair.", "I like reading horror novels. I read a lot of Stephen King novels. My favorite Stephen King book is \"11/22/63.\" It was the first Stephen King book I read. I have seen Psycho about 10 times. I love Alfred Hitchcock movies, but I haven't seen all of them.", "I don't like birds. I want to watch North by Northwest.", "I work from home doing programming and web design. I work for a big consumer marketplace website."], ["I am single.", "I like to hike.", "I have red hair.", "I like conspiracy theories. I enjoy Alfred Hitchcock movies. My favorite Hitchcock movies are Vertigo, Rear Window, and North by Northwest. I watched a lot of his movies in a film studies class. I don't like birds. I found The Birds to be very scary."]], [["I am male. I am single. I do not have kids. I do not want to get married.", "I do not have pets. I like to read.", "I like to hike. I am afraid of wild animals.", "I don't always shave. I have red hair.", "I like reading horror novels. I read a lot of Stephen King novels. My favorite Stephen King book is \"11/22/63.\" It was the first Stephen King book I read. I have seen Psycho about 10 times. I love Alfred Hitchcock movies, but I haven't seen all of them.", "I don't like birds. I purchased the film North by Northwest.", "I work from home doing programming and web design. I work for a big consumer marketplace website."], ["I am single.", "I like to hike.", "I have red hair.", "I like conspiracy theories. I enjoy Alfred Hitchcock movies. My favorite Hitchcock movies are Vertigo, Rear Window, and North by Northwest. I watched a lot of his movies in a film studies class. I don't like birds. I found The Birds to be very scary. I have watched city of lies.", "I am not good at writing or acting. I am good at watching and reading.", "I work a 9-5 job. I wanted to have a stay at home computer job."]], [["I am male. I am single. I do not have kids. I do not want to get married.", "I do not have pets. I like to read.", "I like to hike. I am afraid of wild animals.", "I don't always shave. I have red hair.", "I like reading horror novels. I read a lot of Stephen King novels. My favorite Stephen King book is \"11/22/63.\" It was the first Stephen King book I read. I like Stephen King. I like the book It. I have seen Psycho about 10 times. I love Alfred Hitchcock movies, but I haven't seen all of them.", "I don't like birds. I purchased the film North by Northwest.", "I work from home doing programming and web design. I work for a big consumer marketplace website.", "I have not watched the movie \"Topaz\". I like the book Desperation."], ["I am single.", "I like to hike.", "I have red hair.", "I like conspiracy theories. I enjoy Alfred Hitchcock movies. My favorite Hitchcock movies are Vertigo, Rear Window, and North by Northwest. I watched a lot of his movies in a film studies class. I don't like birds. I found The Birds to be very scary. I have watched city of lies.", "I am not good at writing or acting. I am good at watching and reading.", "I work a 9-5 job. I wanted to have a stay at home computer job.", "I like Stephen King books.", "I have watched the movie \"Topaz\". I like suspenseful movies. I have watched \"Vertgo\"."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_837_0", "test_837_1", "test_837_2", "test_837_3", "test_837_4", "test_837_5", "test_837_6", "test_837_7", "test_837_8", "test_837_9", "test_837_10", "test_837_11", "test_837_12", "test_837_13", "test_837_14", "test_837_15", "test_837_16", "test_837_17", "test_837_18", "test_837_19", "test_837_20", "test_837_21", "test_837_22", "test_837_23", "test_837_24", "test_837_25", "test_837_26", "test_837_27", "test_837_28", "test_837_29", "test_837_30", "test_837_31", "test_837_32", "test_837_33", "test_837_34", "test_837_35", "test_837_36", "test_837_37", "test_837_38", "test_837_39", "test_837_40", "test_837_41", "test_837_42", "test_837_43", "test_837_44", "test_837_45", "test_837_46", "test_837_47", "test_837_48", "test_837_49", "test_837_50", "test_837_51", "test_837_52", "test_837_53", "test_837_54", "test_837_55", "test_837_56", "test_837_57", "test_837_58", "test_837_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey do you like animals?", "I guess so, I'm a very loving person. You?", "I absolutely adore animals. I have 2.", "What do you do for a living? I paint.", "I work in retail at my local mall... Unfortunately.", "That stinks, I love being my own boss..", "Dont be a show off. I am getting there. This is just a start.", "So, do you have any hobbies? I also make music on the side too.", "I like renovating and working on my unfinished house.", "That's cool. Sounds like a lot of work.", "It definitely is. But I enjoy it and reward myseld with a nice bbq.", "I don't usually bbq, I try and live as frugally as possible, its too expensive.", "I finished up a major renovation on my house yesterday, and I decided to hold a get together with others to eat BBQ. You should come over, there will be plenty to eat. I was thinking of hosting the BBQ next weekend, sometime in the afternoon.", "Oh my. That does sound delicious! Who is grilling?! Like I said earlier, I am not the best at BBQ. LOL", "I'm grilling of course! What's your favorite BBQ food? I'll make sure to make plenty of it!", "I like pulled pork and coleslaw! My uncle used to make the BEST coleslaw. What's your fav?!", "Anything and everything, my friend. Pulled pork it is, and I'll do my best with the coleslaw, but do me a favor and don't compare it to your uncle's (unless mine is somehow better, then you can compare away. lol). All that's left is to figure out some entertainment. Would you be willing to perform some of the music you've made? ", "Haha. No worries! I will not compare! I would love to perform a few songs. Is it okay if I invite a few friends to play with me?", "That would be more than okay! What instruments are we talking?", "Guitar, drums, banjo, and a little bit of harmonica!", "What a great ensemble! What genre of music do you play?", "A wide variety. What type would you like us to play?!", "Does anyone double as a singer? I love me some rock n roll and soul music.", "I can reach out to my cousin! She does great with vocals and has practiced with my friends and I before.", "I just got a big pork shoulder to barbecue! You're going to love it!", "Oh that sounds so good! I haven't had barbecued pork for ages, I'm so bad at grilling!", "Well, it's something that can be learned just like I am trying to learn painting. You mentioned that you are a painter. Can I come for some lessons sometime?", "Of course you can! I'd love to teach you painting. What kind of things would you like to paint?", "I love to paint humans and animals. Most especially black people. They look so good in paintings.", "Oh yes so beautiful! I don't often paint people but I paint animals all the time. Remind me, what animals do you own nowadays?", "I have two dogs. They are both of the German shepherd breed.", "That's amazing, I'd love to have dogs but I just don't have the time to look after them. I'm too busy with my painting and music!", "I totally understand you. Looking after animals can be very stressful. What type of music do you mostly make with your band?", "We play a wide range of genres but lately we've been focusing on rock. You should come and see us sometime, you're into rock music aren't you?", "Yeah. I am totally in love with Freddie Macquarie. He's my favorite rockstar", "I agree he's amazing! We've done a few covers of his songs, it works surprisingly well on banjo and harmonica!", "The barbecue went really well! It was great to have you there!", "It was really fun! I am glad my band played as well. We will have to learn some more songs for next time. ", "You guys were so awesome! I hope you all can come another time. How about we make some tentative plans for next month?", "That sounds like a plan. What songs would you like us to try to learn? Any artist or band you want to hear?", "I do like Doobie Brothers. I know, I know old but you can't deny they have some great songs.", "\"listen to Music\" is one of my favorites! I will definitely put them on the list when I talk to the band. We like to keep things open and play as much variety as possible.", "I'm sure whatever you guys play will be enjoyable. I'm looking forward to visiting with you next week when you come over for the painting lesson.", "We can decide on the date and time during the lesson. I think we will work on adding people to those landscapes we started last time. Maybe even some animals to really round out the picture. Anything you want to add?", "An indication of the weather in the painting would be nice. Maybe some storm clouds or something like that.", "That is a great idea. One of the keys to painting is knowing when you have enough though. Whether it is animals or people or clouds! We just don't want things to look cluttered.", "True. I will just go with the flow. My dogs can't wait for you to come toss the ball for them. I think they are as excited to see you as I am!", "I really enjoy seeing them as well. I think seeing them and playing with them keeps me from needing a dog of my own!", "I just heard the most catchiest song on the radio in my car, and I think you should give it a listen. I think it would be an excellent source of inspiration for your band, it is very unique and sounds like it is really up your band's alley.", "Cool! Did you catch the title or name of the artist?", "No I didn't! I am so aggravated at myself! I wonder if I can find out what songs were played by the date and time?", "Maybe if you call the station! I'd tell you to hum it to me but...hahaha", "Haha I don't want to make your ears fall off! My poor dogs must think I'm one of them. They howl when I sing.", "Oh, maybe they're just singing along! So was it in the rock or soul genre that you like?", "It was a bit on the rock side with a hint of soul. I think that is what made it so good. It was really unique.", "Did you catch any of the lyrics? Sometimes you can do a Google search for lyrics. I've had to do that for songs I've heard on the Muzak at the grocery store before...", "I didn't catch the lyrics but the tune is still going round in my head. Is there an app for recognizing tunes?", "I don't know of one but there may be one! Sometimes I get a song stuck in my head and it can drive me crazy...", "I know right! Maybe I'll hear it again soon. Working in the mall I usually hear a lot of variety of songs.", "Do they still have music stores in malls anymore with everything digital now?"], "init_persona": [[["I love pets and have 2 dogs.", "I work at the mall near my home.", "I have a house that is not yet finished.", "I am looking for a furniture shop to buy furniture.", "I love grilling steak and hotdogs."], ["I'm a painter.", "I like making music.", "I don't want a boss.", "I try to love everyone.", "I live within my means."]], [["I adore animals. I own two of them.", "I work at a local mall store.", "I like renovating and working on my house, which is unfinished.", "I like to reward myself with BBQ."], ["I like animals. I consider myself a loving person.", "I am a painter. I am my own boss. I make music on the side.", "I rarely do BBQ. I try to be frugal in my life."]], [["I adore animals. I own two of them.", "I work at a local mall store.", "I like renovating and working on my house, which is unfinished. I like to reward myself with BBQ. I just finished renovating my house. I am planning a BBQ to celebrate. I love all kinds of BBQ foods.", "I love rock and soul music."], ["I like animals. I consider myself a loving person.", "I am a painter. I am my own boss. I make music on the side.", "I rarely do BBQ. I try to be frugal in my life.", "I'm not good at grilling. I like pulled pork. I like coleslaw.", "I am a musician. My band includes guitar, drums, banjo, and harmonica. My band plays a wide variety of musical genres."]], [["I adore animals. I have two German shepherds.", "I work at a local mall store.", "I like renovating and working on my house, which is unfinished. I like to reward myself with BBQ. I just finished renovating my house. I am planning a BBQ to celebrate. I love all kinds of BBQ foods.", "I love rock and soul music.", "I'm trying to learn to paint. I like painting people. I like painting black people. I like painting animals.", "My favorite rock star is Freddie Macquarie."], ["I like animals. I consider myself a loving person.", "I am a painter. I am my own boss. I make music on the side.", "I rarely do BBQ. I try to be frugal in my life.", "I'm not good at grilling. I like pulled pork. I like coleslaw. I haven't barbecued pork in a long time.", "I am a musician. My band includes guitar, drums, banjo, and harmonica. My band plays a wide variety of musical genres.", "I can teach speaker 2 to paint. I don't paint people often. I often paint animals.", "I want dogs, but I'm too busy to look after them.", "I play in a rock band. My band has played a few Freddie Macquarie songs. My band features banjo and harmonica."]], [["I adore animals. I have two German shepherds. I own pet dogs that like to play fetch with me.", "I work at a local mall store.", "I like renovating and working on my house, which is unfinished. I like to reward myself with BBQ. I just finished renovating my house. I am planning a BBQ to celebrate. I love all kinds of BBQ foods.", "I love rock and soul music.", "I'm trying to learn to paint. I like painting people. I like painting black people. I like painting animals.", "My favorite rock star is Freddie Macquarie. I like the Doobie Brothers and their songs.", "I hosted a barbecue recently. I plan on having a friend over next week for a painting lesson."], ["I like animals. I consider myself a loving person.", "I am a painter. I am my own boss. I make music on the side.", "I rarely do BBQ. I try to be frugal in my life.", "I'm not good at grilling. I like pulled pork. I like coleslaw. I haven't barbecued pork in a long time.", "I am a musician. My band includes guitar, drums, banjo, and harmonica. My band plays a wide variety of musical genres.", "I can teach speaker 2 to paint. I don't paint people often. I often paint animals.", "I want dogs, but I'm too busy to look after them.", "I play in a rock band. My band has played a few Freddie Macquarie songs. My band features banjo and harmonica. We have performed at barbecue events.", "I love the Doobie Brothers. Listen to Music is one of my favorite songs. The band I am in play a variety of songs and genres.", "I am going to a painting lesson next week.", "I enjoy seeing dogs, I wish I owned one as a pet."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_838_0", "test_838_1", "test_838_2", "test_838_3", "test_838_4", "test_838_5", "test_838_6", "test_838_7", "test_838_8", "test_838_9", "test_838_10", "test_838_11", "test_838_12", "test_838_13", "test_838_14", "test_838_15", "test_838_16", "test_838_17", "test_838_18", "test_838_19", "test_838_20", "test_838_21", "test_838_22", "test_838_23", "test_838_24", "test_838_25", "test_838_26", "test_838_27", "test_838_28", "test_838_29", "test_838_30", "test_838_31", "test_838_32", "test_838_33", "test_838_34", "test_838_35", "test_838_36", "test_838_37", "test_838_38", "test_838_39", "test_838_40", "test_838_41", "test_838_42", "test_838_43", "test_838_44", "test_838_45", "test_838_46", "test_838_47", "test_838_48", "test_838_49", "test_838_50", "test_838_51", "test_838_52", "test_838_53", "test_838_54", "test_838_55", "test_838_56", "test_838_57", "test_838_58", "test_838_59", "test_838_60", "test_838_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, how are you today?", "I am doing good and how are you.", "About to get off work at the warehouse and go get some za's you?", "I like to drink goes well with za.", "That and punk rock, dropkick murpheys rock!", "Yeah I sang them at karaoke one night.", "I like their appearance in boondock saints.", "I didn't know they had a cameo.", "Music in the opening credits, its culloden.", "Oh I know they play it a lot in that scorcese one.", "I love movies, im surprised im not sure which scorsese film.", "The departed with dicaprio and jack nickolson and damon.", "Oh yea! I loved it. It had good cinematography.", "I don't know about that.", "Are you a good singer? Since you've done karaoke", "Oh, I've only done karaoke one time, so I don't think that drunken night was a good judgement of my singing abilities!", "Yeah, I think people who enjoy karaoke are either very brave or very drunk. How did you pick a song for your performance? ", "I just flipped through the book and picked one I knew I could sing. Actually, the Dropkick Murpheys would be a good karaoke choice. Do you think you could ever get up there?", "Well, I would definitely need to be drunk. After I get off work, I like to have a glass of beer. Do you have a favorite drink?", "I prefer beer, or sometimes whiskey drinks. Are there any good pubs near your place?", "I am usually too tired for a pub and being social after work. Warehouse work is hard! So I usually buy a six pack at the grocery store and watch a good movie and drink a beer to relax. Have you tried any microbrews? They are pretty popular now.", "Yeah, but usually I prefer beer from the tap. There are some great pubs with microbrews on tap near my house.", "That's a good point. I don't think what comes out of a can or bottle can really compare to beer from a tap. I will have to check out one of your favorite pubs. Are there any that are more quiet? Or are they all loud?", "I usually aim for the loud ones...drown my sorrows both in booze and noise! So maybe not for you. See any good movies lately? Maybe another Scorcese?", "I haven't seen any good new ones, but I am excited because I hear they are going to make a sequel to The Departed. That should be great.", "Any news about who will be starring?", "Someone told me Dropkick Murpheys are playing at Punk Rock Bowling this year. If so, I definitely need to figure out how to get my hands on some tickets and airfare. ", "You definitely should! That'd be awesome. It sounds like it could end up being pretty expensive though.", "I know, would you go with me if I buy tickets for both f us?", "I don't know.. I would feel too guilty. I'm not sure I could make it up to you.", "Oh, it is nothing. You can make it up to me by buying a beer or something!", "Wow, really? You such a great friend! When are they playing? I'd have to figure out my schedule.", "They are playing next Friday. It starts at 8pm, let me know if you can go. I would really love to go with you!", "Oh, you know I don't think I can go. I'm pretty sure I have a shift then. I'll have to see if I can get it covered.", "It is ok if you can't. I know how hard it is sometimes to get a day off.", "Do you have someone else you could go with? You know I'd really love to. I'll see what I can do.", "I don't, but I could ask around and see if someone is open for that Friday night.", "Okay, I guess it's better if you do that. I think my boss would be pretty angry if I try to get time off again.", "I talked to my friend Pete, and he said he'd be down for the show if you can't make it, so no worries if you can't.", "You know, I really wanted to go and I am so pissed at my boss. Every request I have put in lately has been denied and I am afraid he will just fire me if I keep trying. I hope you have fun though!", "Are you SERIOUS? They aren't letting you go? You put in for that time off request so long ago! That's seriously ridiculous. If I was you, I'd start looking for another job.", "Nope! I guess my boss doesn't remember what it's like to have fun. Maybe I should look into starting my own punk rock band, and you could be coming to my concerts one day!", "I've always wanted to sing for a punk rock band, but I don't know if I'm any good at singing. But then again, maybe that's exactly what it takes to sing punk rock lol!", "If you get some beer in ya and channel that punk spirit you will be just fine. Although since you like the quiet scene better it might not really be your thing.", "Eh, you're right about that. I do like the quiet scene... that is, until I've had like 5 or 6 beers in me. Then I feel like a totally different person lol. We should go to karaoke soon, I want to scream obscenities into a microphone.", "I have only been the one time, but it was so much fun I would love to go again! You know I love that kind of scene.", "Awesome. Well, I'm really sorry you can't make it to the Dropkick show, but next time they come around, promise that you won't let your boss decide whether you go or not! You're going!", "I can't argue with that, make sure to take plenty of pictures for me!", "Oh, I will. You'll be there in spirit. Do you want me to buy you any merch while I'm there? I can get whatever you want, as long as you pay me back later.", "I could wear a whole closet full of their stuff, but I think I'll save my extra money for some fine whiskey!", "Are you free to go to karaoke next week?", "I think I can make it.", "Awesome! How does Friday sound?", "Friday sounds great, what time are you thinking?", "I need to get some drinks in me before I can sing, but I also don't want it too crowded, so maybe we can go early, like 7pm? That way I won't embarrass myself in front of a crowd.", "I would like to go early as well. Do they have a great drink selection? I am looking to try some new beer. ", "Yep, lots of draughts to choose from. I believe they have Guinness on tap, though I like a good IPA. Do you like dark beers?", "I will drink a dark beer but I prefer a good IPA as well. Maybe we can have a few before we get on stage. Do you have a song in mind to sing?", "I will certainly need more than a few! I'm thinking about something a little different this time, like Man of Constant Sorrow, or something else country. If it's not too busy I'll feel more experimental. How about you?", "I love Man of Constant Sorrow! I was thinking maybe some classic country, like Willie Nelson or Johnny Cash. Ring of Fire is one of my favorites. How many people do you think will be there? ", "It's a small place, so I doubt more than 10-15 people before 8pm, but then I bet all the college students will flood in. If we get there early maybe we can get a few songs in a row and not have to wait.", "That sounds like a good plan. We need to beat the rush. Do you think you will be nervous? I am getting nervous already."], "init_persona": [[["I like watching movies.", "I work part time in a warehouse.", "I like punk music.", "I like pizza and burgers.", "I enjoy cruising."], ["I grew up in mexico.", "I enjoy drinking and socializing with friends.", "I hang out at a karaoke bar most nights.", "I own a construction company.", "I have two daughters."]], [["I work at the warehouse.", "I like the appearance of dropkick murpheys rock in boondock saints.", "I love movies.", "I loved The departed."], ["I like to drink.", "I sang punk rock at karaoke one night."]], [["I work at the warehouse.", "I like the appearance of dropkick murpheys rock in boondock saints.", "I loved The departed.", "I could only do karaoke if I was drunk. After work, I enjoy a beer.", "I enjoy watching movies after work. I am looking forward to the movie sequel to The Departed.", "I prefer quiet pubs over noisy ones."], ["I sang punk rock at karaoke one night. I have done karaoke once. I drink alcohol.", "I like beer. I sometimes like whiskey drinks.", "I prefer draught over canned or bottled beer.", "I prefer loud pubs over quiet ones."]], [["I work at the warehouse.", "I like the appearance of dropkick murpheys rock in boondock saints.", "I loved The departed.", "I could only do karaoke if I was drunk. After work, I enjoy a beer.", "I enjoy watching movies after work. I am looking forward to the movie sequel to The Departed.", "I prefer quiet pubs over noisy ones.", "I want to go see Dropkick Murpheys at Punk Rock Bowling with speaker 2."], ["I sang punk rock at karaoke one night. I have done karaoke once. I drink alcohol.", "I like beer. I sometimes like whiskey drinks.", "I prefer draught over canned or bottled beer.", "I prefer loud pubs over quiet ones.", "I want to see the Dropkick Murpheys with speaker 1. I can't see Dropkick Murpheys because I have a shift at work.", "I have tried to get time off from work recently. I'm afraid of making my boss mad."]], [["I work at the warehouse.", "I like the appearance of dropkick murpheys rock in boondock saints.", "I loved The departed.", "I could only do karaoke if I was drunk. After work, I enjoy a beer.", "I enjoy watching movies after work. I am looking forward to the movie sequel to The Departed.", "I prefer quiet pubs over noisy ones.", "I want to go see Dropkick Murpheys at Punk Rock Bowling with speaker 2.", "I have a friend named Pete. I always wanted to sing for a punk rock band.", "I drink beer.", "I am going to a Dropkick show."], ["I sang punk rock at karaoke one night. I have done karaoke once. I drink alcohol.", "I like beer. I sometimes like whiskey drinks.", "I prefer draught over canned or bottled beer.", "I prefer loud pubs over quiet ones.", "I want to see the Dropkick Murpheys with speaker 1. I can't see Dropkick Murpheys because I have a shift at work.", "I have tried to get time off from work recently. I'm afraid of making my boss mad.", "I like fine whiskey."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_840_0", "test_840_1", "test_840_2", "test_840_3", "test_840_4", "test_840_5", "test_840_6", "test_840_7", "test_840_8", "test_840_9", "test_840_10", "test_840_11", "test_840_12", "test_840_13", "test_840_14", "test_840_15", "test_840_16", "test_840_17", "test_840_18", "test_840_19", "test_840_20", "test_840_21", "test_840_22", "test_840_23", "test_840_24", "test_840_25", "test_840_26", "test_840_27", "test_840_28", "test_840_29", "test_840_30", "test_840_31", "test_840_32", "test_840_33", "test_840_34", "test_840_35", "test_840_36", "test_840_37", "test_840_38", "test_840_39", "test_840_40", "test_840_41", "test_840_42", "test_840_43", "test_840_44", "test_840_45", "test_840_46", "test_840_47", "test_840_48", "test_840_49", "test_840_50", "test_840_51", "test_840_52", "test_840_53", "test_840_54", "test_840_55", "test_840_56", "test_840_57", "test_840_58", "test_840_59", "test_840_60", "test_840_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey! I'm mark, what's your name?", "Hey mark, I'm ryan, I am at school.", "Cool. I dropped out of college, too much partying.", "Oh I am going to college next year, I don't want to do that.", "Yeah, learn from my mistakes dude. Where do you want to go?", "Somewhere with a good neuroscience program.", "I know nothin about that, I know cars tho.", "Cool, do you sale or work on them?", "Work on them. My girlfriend is having our kid and I am saving up.", "Cool, I am saving the money from my job at fast food restaurant.", "That's the way to do it..", "Thanks, I am also trying to become an eagle scout.", "Nice, I hear that is hard..", "It is, been working on it for years.", "Hey Ryan! I just got back from a doctors check-up with my Girlfriend. The pregnancy is going smoothly, fingers crossed it stays that way!", "Oh wow! I hope so too. When do you find out if it's a boy or a girl?", "We don't want to find out until the day of the birth! I will be happy with either a boy or a girl :) ", "Don't you want a little Mark Jr? I'll bet you could get him in the boy scouts and teach him all sorts of stuff.", "Oh yes, I would love that! Even if it is a girl, she will love the outdoors too!", "Does your girlfriend like the outdoors too? I went on a hike with my girlfriend and she freaked out about snakes and stuff.", "Oh she loves it! That's how we originally connected. Most of our first dates involved hiking. Maybe if we did a double date on a hike, your girlfriend might feel a little more comfortable. Animals tend to stay away from larger groups.", "That would be cool, but I don't know if I can get her to. I'm afraid she's gonna break up with me because we've decided to go to schools in different states.", "You never know. Sometimes distance makes the heart grow fonder. Plus, with all of the modern technology available, it is much easier to stay connected with loved ones.", "I don't know dude. Maybe you could help me get my car ready for some seriously long road trips. That might make her think twice, lol.", "I can definitely try! Are you free this weekend?", "Man, I have to work. Maybe I could drop it off with you before my shift?", "Since you're good with cars, any chance you're good with assembling furniture, too? I'm having an awful time putting together a baby changing table we picked up at IKEA last night.", "I have a poor skill in assembling furniture. Really wished I could with that. When is your girlfriend expecting to put to birth?", "Don't worry, I'm sure I will find someone to help! She's due next month, I'm so excited to be a dad!", "That's really great. What gender do you hope your child will come out as?", "I honestly don't mind the gender - I'd be so happy with a girl or a boy! I think my girlfriend is secretly hoping for a girl though. Do you want children when you're older?", "I definitely want children. A girl child would be so adorable.", "I hope you get to have a little girl some day! I guess it's not something you're planning at the moment, as your girlfriend lives in a different state?", "Yeah. We live in different states but I can always drive to where she is. I mentioned I have a car. ", "It's great that you are still able to drive to see each other. Will you be going to the same college next year?", "I doubt. I'm in love with my school and she loves her school. Although we always communicate through virtual communication platforms.", "Well I dropped out of college so all I can say is good for you - I'm glad you are enjoying school!", "You dropped out? Why? Well at least you are really good with cars. That's an invaluable skill you know.", "Have you been to visit your girlfriend lately?", "Unfortunately not - still need to plan a weekend to visit. How is your girlfriend feeling today?", "Much better. She wants to done being pregnant. It's pretty uncomfortable for her. It must be hard for you two to maintain a relationship being so far apart.", "Well she doesn't have long to go! Haha. It can be hard. I'm trying to work as many weekends as I can to pay for college so little time to plan a visit. She might be coming home next weekend though!", "Do you mean coming home for a visit or coming home to stay?", "Just to visit unfortunately. I'm scheduled to work Saturday night but at least I can see her in the morning and on Sunday.", "You could always call in sick...", "True! Haha. It's just fast food. Worst case they have to wait a few extra seconds for someone to cook their burger! I might just do that.", "Just don't through the drive thru for a late night snack! LOL", "LOL. I still can't believe you don't want to know what your baby is going to be. I could never wait to find out.", "I love the suspense! I can't wait to hold Faith or Fin. As long as it's healthy it's all good!", "True! Those are great names. Are they family names or just some you like?", "My girlfriend had her baby!", "oh wow, congrats! Is it a boy or a girl?", "Thanks! It's a girl. We are both very excited and happy, though we haven't had enough sleep since she went into labor!", "oh I would imagine! did you ever manager to get that baby changing table put together?", "Oh yeah, I had to search for videos on how to assemble the table. We started using the table and it is definitely worth every buck! ", "very cool, I don't think I could have figured out. i imagine you're busy with the baby but have you had a chance to work on any cars?", "Not at all. My girlfriend doesn't get enough sleep at night, so I figured I should help out with some chores in the house during the day. I would want to get back to working on cars once I have more time. Did your girlfriend end up visiting you?", "that's great, always good to do that extra help since your girlfriend probably needs the rest! my girlfriend hasn't had a chance to visit yet, I imagine we're just going to have to wait for Thanksgiving break the way our semesters are going", "Her parents are going to be here tomorrow and my mom is coming next week. They will probably help us out as well because we are both not very experienced as of yet in handling our baby Faith. Aww, that's still a long way to go, but Thanksgiving should be great for both of you! ", "great that you're getting that local help! yeah, it's a long time to wait, but she's worth it!", "That's sweet. Is she also interested in Neuroscience or something completely different?", "no she's doing accounting, so she'll likely be a high-powered business woman"], "init_persona": [[["My name is mark.", "I'm an alcoholic.", "My dad was an alcoholic too.", "Now I'm a mechanic.", "I've got a baby on the way."], ["I will be going to college next year.", "I study neuroscience and volunteer in a research lab.", "I am working on becoming an eagle scout.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "I like to eat ice cream."]], [["My name is Mark.", "I am a college dropout.", "I work on cars. My girlfriend is pregnant."], ["My name is Ryan. I attend school. I am going to college next year. I am interested in neuroscience.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "I have been in the boy scouts for years."]], [["My name is Mark.", "I am a college dropout.", "I work on cars. My girlfriend is pregnant.My girlfriend and I want the sex of our baby to be a surprise.", " I enjoy the outdoors."], ["My name is Ryan. I am going to college next year. I am interested in neuroscience.", "I work at a fast food restaurant. I work weekends.", "I have been in the boy scouts for years.", "I'm a student. My girlfriend and I are going to different schools in different states.", "I have a car."]], [["My name is Mark.", "I am a college dropout.", "I work on cars. My girlfriend is pregnant. My girlfriend and I want the sex of our baby to be a surprise. The gender of the baby doesn't matter to me.", " I enjoy the outdoors.", "I bought a baby changing table from IKEA and having a hard time putting it together. Our baby is due next month. I can't wait to be a dad."], ["My name is Ryan. I am going to college next year. I am interested in neuroscience.", "I work at a fast food restaurant. I work weekends.", "I have been in the boy scouts for years.", "I'm a student. My girlfriend and I are going to different colleges in different states.", "I have a car.", "I am not skilled at assembling furniture. I am good at working on cars.", "I want a girl child."]], [["My name is Mark.", "I am a college dropout.", "I work on cars. My girlfriend is pregnant. My girlfriend and I want the sex of our baby to be a surprise. The gender of the baby doesn't matter to me. I do not know the sex of my baby yet.", " I enjoy the outdoors.", "I bought a baby changing table from IKEA and having a hard time putting it together. Our baby is due next month. I can't wait to be a dad."], ["My name is Ryan. I am going to college next year. I am interested in neuroscience.", "I work at a fast food restaurant. I work weekends.", "I have been in the boy scouts for years.", "I'm a student. My girlfriend and I are going to different colleges in different states. I have not seen my girlfriend in some time.", "I have a car.", "I am not skilled at assembling furniture. I am good at working on cars.", "I want a girl child."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_841_0", "test_841_1", "test_841_2", "test_841_3", "test_841_4", "test_841_5", "test_841_6", "test_841_7", "test_841_8", "test_841_9", "test_841_10", "test_841_11", "test_841_12", "test_841_13", "test_841_14", "test_841_15", "test_841_16", "test_841_17", "test_841_18", "test_841_19", "test_841_20", "test_841_21", "test_841_22", "test_841_23", "test_841_24", "test_841_25", "test_841_26", "test_841_27", "test_841_28", "test_841_29", "test_841_30", "test_841_31", "test_841_32", "test_841_33", "test_841_34", "test_841_35", "test_841_36", "test_841_37", "test_841_38", "test_841_39", "test_841_40", "test_841_41", "test_841_42", "test_841_43", "test_841_44", "test_841_45", "test_841_46", "test_841_47", "test_841_48", "test_841_49", "test_841_50", "test_841_51", "test_841_52", "test_841_53", "test_841_54", "test_841_55", "test_841_56", "test_841_57", "test_841_58", "test_841_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi do you like ice cream?", "I do vanilla is my favorite, how about you?", "I like chocolate and vanilla mixed. I work in fast food and eat it alot!", "Gotta watch how much you eat so you don't get sick! I work for the government.", "That's cool. I plan on attending college next year.", "What will be your major? My kids keep me too busy to go back to school!", "Neuroscience I am also in scouting. I am almost an eagle scout.", "Congrats! I am thinking of getting my kids into the scouts, do you enjoy it?", "I love it and camping! I also volunteer at a research lab.", "Sounds like a very busy life! Do you have any time for hobbies?", "Lol I always have time for ice cream.", "Of course! But do you have any time for sports, movies, or any other hobbies to relax?", "Did you have time to look into scouts for your children? ", "No, not yet. Its been a hetic week at the office.", "Yeah? What's been happening at work?", "Alot is going on, we have one division tracking a dangerous serial killer loose around New York. And i just got promoted into a higher level division and i was just given a classified case. ", "Sounds intense. I get stressed when someone mixes up the orders at the restaurant. I couldn't imagine what it's like going after serial killers.", "Yeah, now that i am working with international affairs its even more stressful ", "At least the pay makes it worth it, right?", "Haha good one. CIA doesnt pay as well as you may think. ", "No? Too bad. I always imagined the government organizations just threw money around at everything", "Well it has a a decent pay but i dont think its worth the danger i put my self through. Getting an MBA would allow me to earn more in a safer environment. What about you, have you found a good college for neuroscience yet", "I can't afford a good college. I'm going to go to the local community college for my pre-med. Hopefully I'll get a scholarship so I can afford something decent when I get into medicine.", "community college is so underrated, thats what i did for my bachelors than i transfered after my second year. Just be careful many people grow lazy in community. ", "Any updates on that killer that I should know about?", "I'm not allowed to say as it's classified information - but all I can say is you have no reason to be scared - we have the situation under control!", "That's really good. I feel much safer now. Are you able to live a normal life while working as a CIA agent?", "It's long working hours but I manage to find time to spend with my kids in the evenings and weekends. That reminds me, I really want to get my kids into the scouts. Do you have any advice?", "I think getting them into the scout would be a good idea. It will help them get a sense of purpose I think. Can a neuroscientist work as a CIA agent?", "I agree. I'll definitely sign them up as soon as I can. I'd say that neuroscience would be a useful major to have if you want to be a CIA agent, but you'll need to take a specialist course afterwards as well. I thought you wanted to go into medicine?", "Yeah I wanted to go into medicine but I have also wanted to be an undercover agent for the FBI or the CIA or for some agency. The lifestyle and adventure thrills me. It must be thrilling for you, isn't it?", "It's really thrilling, especially when we have a high profile case like our current one. If you love adventure and thrills, I think it would really suit you. But you don't have to decide yet - you could still go either way with a neuroscience degree.", "I'll definitely think about it after having this conversation. Doesn't your work as a CIA agent endanger your family?", "There are a lot of privacy measures in place to make sure my family don't get endangered. We can never be completely sure, but I feel confident that they are safe.", "That's great to here. I bet you must have really good martial skill working as a CIA agent. Is that a mandatory drill all CIA agent must go through?", "We all have to go through physical fitness drills to make sure we are in good shape. Martial arts aren't mandatory but I have taken a few classes in jujitsu which have really helped.", "Have you gotten any closer to catching that killer?", "We have a good lead but there isn't much else I can say on the topic. We sent some agents to New Jersey - we think he's on the move.", "That's exciting. Leads are good. They will make a mistake eventually and then you will find him.", "Yeah, let's just hope no one else is harmed. How are the scouts going?", "Good good. Earning a lot of badges. I think it makes me well-rounded.", "That's great! I was a scout too and honestly it gave me great structure before college.", "That's good to hear. Sometimes I wonder if it's a waste of time, but I really enjoy the activities and the social aspect.", "Most of my job is social engagement - speaking to witnesses and coworkers. Really can't be understatated.", "That's true. I feel like so many people lack that because of the overuse of technology today. I'll be sad when my time in the Scouts is over. Maybe I can still volunteer. ", "Volunteering is great too - you already work at a lab. Just make sure you get something to do where you're paid! :-)", "That's true! I forget about paying bills and loans sometimes.", "You know there are paid internships across the country for local FBI and CIA locations. Ever think about applying? Would look great on any application or resume.", "did you join your kids in scouts ? what are they doing now?", "I'm planning for them to join the scouts in the fall when there's a sign up period when they go back to school. Currently they are on summer vacation and doing a lot of swimming in the pool.", "Ahh for sure, that will be great for them! I bet they will enjoy the scouts very much. Got to love being a kid and getting summers off!", "Yes, and I'm trying to teach them some jujitsu. Do the scouts have badges for swimming or jujitsu?", "Too cool! That sounds like a lot of fun. The scouts do have swimming badges but no martial arts or any self defense badges.", "What did you get badges in? To be an Eagle Scout you must have earned a lot!", "I have a variety of badges from wilderness survival to volunteer work, most of it is focused on outdoor activities but there is social learning as well.", "So to become an Eagle Scout, do you have to do some kind of community service project?", "Yes, they generally have you work on a year long project that involves some aspect of the community to help you build skills for a career.", "So do you think your project would have something to do with medicine or studying neuroscience?", "Im planning on trying to incorporate some sort of health initiative in my project, perhaps something involving the homeless and their health issues.", "That sounds great! I have a friend in Canada with paranoid schizophrenia who is homeless. I'm very interested in helping the homeless."], "init_persona": [[["I will be going to college next year.", "I study neuroscience and volunteer in a research lab.", "I am working on becoming an eagle scout.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "I like to eat ice cream."], ["I have two kids.", "I love horror movies.", "I paint pretty well.", "I have a government job.", "I like to take naps."]], [["Chocolate vanilla swirl is my favorite ice cream. I eat ice cream often. I work in fast food.", "I plan on going to college next year.", "I want to major in neuroscience. I'm almost an eagle scout.", "I love camping. I volunteer at a research lab."], ["Vanilla ice cream is my favorite.", "I work for the government.", "I have children. I am too busy to go back to school. I want to get my kids into the scouts."]], [["Chocolate vanilla swirl is my favorite ice cream. I eat ice cream often. I work in fast food restaurant.", "I plan on going to college next year. I'm going to go to the local community college for pre-med studies.", "I want to major in neuroscience. I'm almost an eagle scout.", "I love camping. I volunteer at a research lab."], ["Vanilla ice cream is my favorite.", "I have children. I am too busy to go back to school. I want to get my kids into the scouts.", "I work in an office. We have a division tracking a dangerous serial killer in New York. I was promoted into a higher level division and given a classified case. I work in international affairs. I work for the CIA.", "I don't have an MBA. I went to community college for my bachelors. I transferred in my second year to university."]], [["Chocolate vanilla swirl is my favorite ice cream. I eat ice cream often. I work in fast food restaurant.", "I plan on going to college next year. I'm going to go to the local community college for pre-med studies.", "I want to major in neuroscience. I'm almost an eagle scout. I think scouting is good for kids.", "I love camping. I volunteer at a research lab.", "I'm interested in working in medicine. I also want to work undercover for the CIA or FBI. I like a lifestyle of adventure and thrills."], ["Vanilla ice cream is my favorite.", "I have children. I am too busy to go back to school. I want to get my kids into the scouts.", "I work in an office. We have a division tracking a dangerous serial killer in New York. I was promoted into a higher level division and given a classified case. I work in international affairs. I am a CIA agent. We are currently tracking a serial killer.", "I don't have an MBA. I went to community college for my bachelors. I transferred in my second year to university.", "I work long hours. I want to get my kids into scouting.", "I am in good physical shape. I have have training in jujitsu."]], [["Chocolate vanilla swirl is my favorite ice cream. I eat ice cream often. I work in fast food restaurant.", "I plan on going to college next year. I'm going to go to the local community college for pre-med studies.", "I want to major in neuroscience. I'm almost an eagle scout. I think scouting is good for kids. i earned a lot of badges. i enjoy activities in scout.", "I love camping. I volunteer at a research lab.", "I'm interested in working in medicine. I also want to work undercover for the CIA or FBI. I like a lifestyle of adventure and thrills."], ["Vanilla ice cream is my favorite.", "I have children. I am too busy to go back to school. I want to get my kids into the scouts. i was a scout.", "I work in an office. We have a division tracking a dangerous serial killer in New York. I was promoted into a higher level division and given a classified case. I work in international affairs. I am a CIA agent. We are currently tracking a serial killer. my job is to speak with witnesses and co workers.", "I don't have an MBA. I went to community college for my bachelors. I transferred in my second year to university. i have completed my college.", "I work long hours.", "I am in good physical shape. I have have training in jujitsu."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_842_0", "test_842_1", "test_842_2", "test_842_3", "test_842_4", "test_842_5", "test_842_6", "test_842_7", "test_842_8", "test_842_9", "test_842_10", "test_842_11", "test_842_12", "test_842_13", "test_842_14", "test_842_15", "test_842_16", "test_842_17", "test_842_18", "test_842_19", "test_842_20", "test_842_21", "test_842_22", "test_842_23", "test_842_24", "test_842_25", "test_842_26", "test_842_27", "test_842_28", "test_842_29", "test_842_30", "test_842_31", "test_842_32", "test_842_33", "test_842_34", "test_842_35", "test_842_36", "test_842_37", "test_842_38", "test_842_39", "test_842_40", "test_842_41", "test_842_42", "test_842_43", "test_842_44", "test_842_45", "test_842_46", "test_842_47", "test_842_48", "test_842_49", "test_842_50", "test_842_51", "test_842_52", "test_842_53", "test_842_54", "test_842_55", "test_842_56", "test_842_57", "test_842_58", "test_842_59", "test_842_60", "test_842_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey what is your fave band?", "Im into bruno mars, my 2 daughters always play his music.", "Ah that is sweet. I like 21 pilots/.", "Im actually painting some art for them. Im really good at it.", "Maybe you could commission something for the restaurant I work in?", "Lets do it. I am also an assistant to the potus..", "No way?! Is he as horrible as they claim?", "Could be. I watch a lot of horror movies with him. We love them.", "I love horror movies too! That and rockclimbing are tied.", "I love climbing also! But not as much as taking naps in the forest.", "Oh cool! Do you like walking?", "I do. I walk a lot with my two girls.", "That is great for bonding. You are a great parent.", "I am. Well gotta go take a nap before heading to the white house.", "Have you seen the trailer for that new Zombie movie? It was just uploaded on Youtube and I'm so excited for it be in theaters! Come on man, wake up already so we can be hyped together!", "I can get get hyped for that. Do you know when it comes out?", "I think it comes out in like two weeks. I might have to take the day off work.", "Wow, you must be very excited for this. I'm going to have to check that out soon. You want to try to see it on opening day?", "Definitely. I've got my trip next weekend but other than that my schedule is totally open.", "Terrific. Should we grab lunch before or after?", "Why don't you meet me at my restaurant before and we can grab something on our way over.", "Sounds good to me. You don't want to just eat at your spot?", "Nah, the waitresses are being super lame right now. I think they're mad that I broke up with Heather.", "Oof. That's a tough scene. What do you feel like instead? I always want pizza, but can do some ramen despite the heat. ", "Pizza's good with me. You're girls haven't made you eat too much of that lately?", "I feel fairly confident that it is impossible for me to have too much pizza. We should slide by the spot by the theater, yeah? ", "Hey you still want to catch that zombie movie opening day?", "I would definitely love to. We could grab a pizza on that day together. How do you like your pizza?", "I love thin crust pizza with lots of toppings! Ahh I'm really in the mood for pizza now, I can't wait to grab pizza with you! ", "Same here. Do you have pizza with Heather while the both of you were together?", "We used to have pizza all the time... but I don't want to talk about Heather. I'm still sad about the break up.", "I'm really sorry about that. The restaurant you work at, do they make pizza there?", "No, it's a ramen restaurant! You should visit sometime, I can get you a discount! You still love ramen right?", "\"Ramen\" The name is somewhat unfamiliar to me. Tell me about it please.", "Ramen noodles! I thought that was one of your favourite foods?", "Oh sorry! Yeah it is. I was thinking about something else. I'll definitely love to get some ramen at the restaurant you work at. You'll still be able to get me that discount right?", "No worries! Yep I can definitely get you a discount there! The restaurant is right next to a rock climbing place, so how about we go climbing together sometime and get food after?", "That'll be totally awesome! I'll bring some of my painting tools so I get a good picture of the scenery", "Have you painted anything interesting recently? ", "I have. I saw this sun beam come through my skylight the other day and it inspired me to to paint a new piece. It's like a sunburst.", "Oh my, that sounds absolutely beautiful! I am not very artistic myself. What kind of paint medium did you use? And, how long did the painting take you to complete?", "I like to use oil or watercolors. Both difficult to work with but I love the end result.", "Yes, it must be hard to use those types of paint, but I bet the end result was definitely worth it. Do your daughters ever paint with you? Do they have your same artistic talent?", "We have paint nights. We make it fun with snacks and music, and we just use that time to talk about things. It's a good bonding moment.", "That is fantastic, you are a great dad. How old are your daughters? I have read that when children participate in art projects at an early age, it helps to boost their language skills.", "One is 12 and the other is 6. They bring up the weirdest things to talk about. It's precious time though.", "Yes, kids do say the darndest things. Aside from creating your own art, do you ever take them to art museums to look at paintings? I don't know if that is something they would be interested in.", "We go to some local art fairs - they really enjoy the vibe. I think it's important for them to step away from technology. ", "Oh fantastic, I am sure that also expands their cultural knowledge and worldview.", "I hope so. That's what I want for them. ", "did you paint anything recently?. if yes, what have you painted?", "I painted a beautiful watercolor of the Cherry Blossoms in DC back in the spring when they were in bloom. It was a gift for a good friends birthday. This summer has been super busy so I haven't been able to do anything new, hopefully in the fall I can pick it back up. How has your summer been? Have you gone on your trip yet?", "wow that sounds amazing, bet your friend was really appreciative of that! My trip is planned for the end of this month, we fly out to australia, two weeks there then across to new zealand for another two weeks. have you any plans for the summer?", "That sounds like an amazing trip! I've always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand, what inspired you to go to those places? We have spent a lot of time visiting friends and family, both going to them and having folks up here for a visit. We are also going camping at the end of the summer in the Shenandoah National Park. Hoping to get in some rock climbing while there.", "my brother recently moved to australia he said I should come out and visit, so I couldn't turn down that offer! I'm jealous that you're going to get some rock climbing in. Have you climbed there before?", "No, it'll be a first, so I'm super excited. And the weather should be nice and not too hot as well, which always makes a climb easier. I hope you have an amazing time and enjoy your visit out there! What brought him out there? Work?", "yeah it is shaping up to be the perfect summer for it! Have you managed to get your daughters into climbing yet? It was for work that he moved, his company is starting a big new project out there and he got a position as one of the site managers, all very exciting ", "I have done some easy climbs with my 12 year old. She is starting to enjoy it a little more, so long as they aren't to arduous or take too long. My younger daughter isn't quite ready for the real thing, but we have done some fun, indoor wall climbs like what you see at the mall or an amusement park.", "that's good, I'm glad that they're both getting into it, that must make you very happy. Does your partner like to climb as well?", "I'm excited that we all have something in common that we like to do. I'm hoping that the girls continue to enjoy it, thought I'm expecting some pushback in the teen years. My husband does enjoy it. I will say thought that it's getting tougher on the joints as we get older. So we may have to start scaling back a bit and find another hobby. Are you going to try to find some climbs when you are in Australia or New Zealand? I wonder what that scene is like out there. ", "well yeah I guess you need to enjoy it as much as possible while you still can! I'm hoping to do a bit of climbing when I'm away, my brother isn't super into it but he has said there's a few good spots for it near where he stays, so I'm sure we'll give them a visit", "That's great that you will try to dabble in it a bit while you are there. Do you have any other plans during visit?"], "init_persona": [[["I am omnivorous.", "I like rock climbing.", "My favorite band is 21 pilots.", "I work in a restaurant.", "I enjoy going for a walk."], ["I have two kids.", "I love horror movies.", "I paint pretty well.", "I have a government job.", "I like to take naps."]], [["I listen to 21 pilots.", "I work at a restaurant.", "I enjoy horror movies. I enjoy rock climbing."], ["I listen to Bruno Mars. I have 2 daughters.", "I am a good painter.", "I am the Presidents assistant.", "I enjoy horror movies.", "I enjoy rock climbing."]], [["I listen to 21 pilots.", "I work at a restaurant.", "I enjoy horror movies. I enjoy rock climbing.I like zombie movies.", "I'm taking a trip.", "I broke up with Heather.", "I like pizza."], ["I listen to Bruno Mars. I have 2 daughters.", "I am a good painter.", "I am the Presidents assistant.", "I enjoy horror movies.", "I enjoy rock climbing.", "I like pizza and ramen."]], [["I listen to 21 pilots.", "I work at a restaurant.", "I enjoy horror movies. I enjoy rock climbing.I like zombie movies.", "I'm taking a trip.", "I broke up with Heather.", "I like pizza."], ["I listen to Bruno Mars. I have 2 daughters.", "I am a good painter.", "I am the Presidents assistant.", "I enjoy horror movies.", "I enjoy rock climbing.", "I like pizza and ramen. Ramen noodles is one of my favorite foods.", "I like zombie movies."]], [["I listen to 21 pilots.", "I work at a restaurant.", "I enjoy horror movies. I enjoy rock climbing.I like zombie movies.", "I'm taking a trip.", "I broke up with Heather.", "I like pizza.", "i am not very artistic."], ["I listen to Bruno Mars. I have 2 daughters. One of my daughter is 12 and the other is 6 years old.", "I am a good painter.", "I am the Presidents assistant.", "I enjoy horror movies.", "I enjoy rock climbing.", "I like pizza and ramen. Ramen noodles is one of my favorite foods.", "I like zombie movies.", "i have painted a new piece. I like to use oil or watercolors. i went to some local art fairs. i want to expand my daughters cultural knowledge."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_844_0", "test_844_1", "test_844_2", "test_844_3", "test_844_4", "test_844_5", "test_844_6", "test_844_7", "test_844_8", "test_844_9", "test_844_10", "test_844_11", "test_844_12", "test_844_13", "test_844_14", "test_844_15", "test_844_16", "test_844_17", "test_844_18", "test_844_19", "test_844_20", "test_844_21", "test_844_22", "test_844_23", "test_844_24", "test_844_25", "test_844_26", "test_844_27", "test_844_28", "test_844_29", "test_844_30", "test_844_31", "test_844_32", "test_844_33", "test_844_34", "test_844_35", "test_844_36", "test_844_37", "test_844_38", "test_844_39", "test_844_40", "test_844_41", "test_844_42", "test_844_43", "test_844_44", "test_844_45", "test_844_46", "test_844_47", "test_844_48", "test_844_49", "test_844_50", "test_844_51", "test_844_52", "test_844_53", "test_844_54", "test_844_55", "test_844_56", "test_844_57", "test_844_58", "test_844_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, my name is cat.", "Hi cat! How are you? I'm 27.", "I am very old, I have lots of brothers and sisters, over 11.", "I love fun! My dad served in the army.", "I know a few people who are related to army people.", "We moved around a lot which wasn't fun but I developed a love for reading.", "I like horses and always spend time with them to relax.", "I love horses. Do you ride? I love chocolate ice cream, thats how I relax :).", "Yes I ride on the beach near me.", "Oh nice! The small business I work for doesn't let me get to the beach much.", "That is mean. I want to have a new house so saving up now.", "I need a new house too but it'll take me awhile.", "What's the most recent book you've read?", "It's a book about how to grow a small business. I need to help the owners bring in some new clients.", "Interesting! I admire your dedication to your job! ", "I don't love it, but I need it in order to get that house. ", "I hear you on that! I am working my butt off trying to save up for mine! I am grateful it is almost summer time and tourist season at the beach.", "Hey, do they have horseback riding down the beach near you? I might be convinced to give the sun another shot if I could do that.", "Yes!! They do! I am friends with one of the trainers. Just let me know when you can make a trip down and I will schedule a ride with her. ", "That would be great! I'm going to try and get away from work in a couple weeks, before it gets too hot out.", "Great idea! Thankfully, there is usually a breeze by the water. It still gets hot though! Make sure you bring a hat and sunscreen!", "Yes, for sure!! You know me, if I don't put on gobs of sun screen, I turn into a tomato.", "Yikes!! Sunscreen is great for everyone!! The sun can be so powerful and skin cancer is no joke.", "Oh I know! My mom already has had to have some removed twice.", "I spoke with my friend, the horse trainer, about someone I know being interested in riding horses on the beach. ", "You must be going through a lot right now. How do you feel?", "I'm doing okay, I'm just busy with work as I'm trying to save up to buy a new house! How are you doing? Is your mom recovered from her skin cancer now?", "I'm sorry. I read \"spoke\" as \"broke up\" in your last message. An honest mistake on my part. No, she's still in the hospital. I feel so sad about it. Can someone recover from having skin cancer?", "That's okay, a mistake easily made! I'm so sorry to hear that she's still in hospital. I don't know a lot about skin cancer, but surely it's possible to recover? I will keep my fingers crossed for her and I really hope she makes a full recovery!", "Thanks. I usually go to church to pray for her. I really hope she recovers. I don't want to talk about that anymore. It makes me sad.", "Of course, let's talk about something else. Do you still fancy going horseback riding on the beach? We could definitely go together.", "I would definitely love that but I'll have to get a sunburn protection lotion as I sunburn easily. Any recommendations?", "I don't sunburn easily so I don't really know which sunburn lotion is the best sorry - I just use the cheapest one from the supermarket! You'll definitely need it though, it gets hot on the beach. We will definitely need ice cream too!", "Yeah, we'll definitely need to get some ice cream. What's your best flavor?", "My favourite is mint choc chip - how about yours?", "I'll go to the end of the world for Vanilla.", "I'm still craving ice cream since our last conversation. I think you put me in the mood for vanilla! Why don't we plan our horseback riding beach day for next weekend?", "Chocolate and horse riding on the beach - any better combination? It would be nice to get away. Sunday afternoon work for you?", "That's perfect! I have some errands to run on Saturday. It'll be nice to relax on Sunday and do something for me! I'll bring the sunscreen!", "I meant ice cream and not chocolate - just craving sugar I guess! Can you get your friend who trains horses to come too? I'm a bit rusty and could use the help.", "Absolutely! She'd love that. I feel like she doesn't have any 'girl' time so this is perfect. Maybe we could get a drink after.", "This is sounding like a fantastic day! I'd like an Island Breeze... my go to on a nice beach day.", "Ahhh - that sounds delicious! I usually get Long Island Ice Tea, a few of those and it's an epic day. We should do days like these regularly.", "We should! Every few weeks. Long Island Iced Tea's are dangerous hahaha! Once you get 2 in you don't realize you should stop!", "That's so true! They go down so easy. I wish they weren't so delicious! But I could say that about sweets as well.", "I'm going to need to work out all next week to make up for this weekend! A ton of sugar and spice and everything nice.", "Same here! But it'll be worth it. It's good to treat yourself every once in a while.", "Yeah. Things have just been so hectic here with my mother. I can't remember the last time I had a day away.", "How is your mother doing?", "She is in the hospital. I am a Christian. I am praying for here. It seems they caught it in time. It is difficult to see your mom like this.", "I am so sorry. Is there anything that I can do for you?", "You could say a prayer for her. Unlike you my mom burned easily. She spent a lot of years in the sun. How come you don't get sunburn very easily?", "My skin is naturally darker so I just don't burn . But maybe I should be using sunscreen any way. I do worry about skin cancer. I will say a prayer for your mom. ", "I would love to live near the beach like you. Do you like it? Do you go swimming every day?", "I like to surf more then swim- but anything in the water is great! Do you enjoy swimming?", "I do like swimming. I worry about getting sunburned. I know we both have want to ride a horse on the beach. It seems like a scene from a movie.", "I hope to go horseback riding on the beach soon for my birthday. Do you live anywhere near the water?", "I don't live that close. I am trying to stay close to my mom while she is sick. She does not live near any beaches. ", "That makes sense. Are you staying close to the hospital?", "Yes, I live close to the hospital. I am constantly there checking up on her."], "init_persona": [[["I have twelve brothers and sisters.", "I live on the beach with my parents.", "I want to buy my own house.", "I love having horses and riding them.", "I will move to the country soon."], ["I am 27 years old.", "I enjoy reading.", "My dad was in the military.", "I love ice cream, chocolate is my favorite.", "I work for a small business."]], [["My name is Cat.", "I am older. I have more than 11 siblings.", "I have friends who's relatives are in the army.", "I like horses, and spend a lot of time with them.", "I know how to ride a horse. I live near a beach.", "I am saving up to buy a new house."], ["I am 27 years old.", "I have a dad who served in the army.", "I love reading.", "I like horses. I like chocolate ice cream.", "I work for a small business. I don't spend a lot of time at the beach.", "I would like to get a new house."]], [["My name is Cat.", "I am older. I have more than 11 siblings.", "I have friends who's relatives are in the army.", "I like horses, and spend a lot of time with them. I am friends with a horse trainer.", "I know how to ride a horse. I live near a beach.", "I am saving up to buy a new house. I work hard."], ["I am 27 years old.", "I have a dad who served in the army.", "I love reading. I read books about business.", "I like horses. I like chocolate ice cream.", "I work for a small business. I don't spend a lot of time at the beach.", "I would like to get a new house.", "I do not love my job.", "I am interested in horseback riding on the beach.", "I sunburn easily.", "I have a mother who has had skin cancer."]], [["My name is Cat.", "I am older. I have more than 11 siblings.", "I have friends who's relatives are in the army.", "I like horses, and spend a lot of time with them. I am friends with a horse trainer.", "I know how to ride a horse. I live near a beach. I want to go horseback riding on the beach.", "I am saving up to buy a new house. I work hard.", "I do not know a lot about skin cancer. I don't sunburn easily.", "My favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip."], ["I am 27 years old.", "I have a dad who served in the army.", "I love reading. I read books about business.", "I like horses. I like chocolate ice cream.", "I work for a small business. I don't spend a lot of time at the beach.", "I would like to get a new house.", "I do not love my job.", "I am interested in horseback riding on the beach.", "I sunburn easily.", "I have a mother who has had skin cancer.", "I have a mom with skin cancer in the hospital. I pray and go to church. I am sad about my mom's condition.", "My favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla."]], [["My name is Cat.", "I am older. I have more than 11 siblings.", "I have friends who's relatives are in the army.", "I like horses, and spend a lot of time with them. I am friends with a horse trainer.", "I know how to ride a horse. I live near a beach. I want to go horseback riding on the beach.", "I am saving up to buy a new house. I work hard.", "I do not know a lot about skin cancer. I don't sunburn easily.", "My favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip. I like alcohol and ice cream.", "I enjoy a Long Island Ice Tea. I don't get together with these friends often enough."], ["I am 27 years old.", "I have a dad who served in the army.", "I love reading. I read books about business.", "I like horses. I like chocolate ice cream.", "I work for a small business. I don't spend a lot of time at the beach.", "I would like to get a new house.", "I do not love my job.", "I am interested in horseback riding on the beach. I haven't been horseback riding in a while.", "I sunburn easily.", "I have a mother who has had skin cancer.", "I have a mom with skin cancer in the hospital. I pray and go to church. I am sad about my mom's condition.", "My favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla.", "I don't get together often enough with these friends. I have been with my mother for some time."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_846_0", "test_846_1", "test_846_2", "test_846_3", "test_846_4", "test_846_5", "test_846_6", "test_846_7", "test_846_8", "test_846_9", "test_846_10", "test_846_11", "test_846_12", "test_846_13", "test_846_14", "test_846_15", "test_846_16", "test_846_17", "test_846_18", "test_846_19", "test_846_20", "test_846_21", "test_846_22", "test_846_23", "test_846_24", "test_846_25", "test_846_26", "test_846_27", "test_846_28", "test_846_29", "test_846_30", "test_846_31", "test_846_32", "test_846_33", "test_846_34", "test_846_35", "test_846_36", "test_846_37", "test_846_38", "test_846_39", "test_846_40", "test_846_41", "test_846_42", "test_846_43", "test_846_44", "test_846_45", "test_846_46", "test_846_47", "test_846_48", "test_846_49", "test_846_50", "test_846_51", "test_846_52", "test_846_53", "test_846_54", "test_846_55", "test_846_56", "test_846_57", "test_846_58", "test_846_59", "test_846_60", "test_846_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, I prefer to spend time with animals over humans but I guess we can chat for a bit.", "Hi, yes, let's chat. Where are you from?", "I'm kind of a nomad, I tend to hike and camp out wherever. You?", "Originally from england, now live in seattle.", "Ah, seattle. I'm kind of an expert on coffee.", "Really? What is your favorite coffee?", "That would be starbucks and I enjoy brewing it in different ways.", "Do you add creamer? I like vanilla creamer in mine.", "I do, I like a nice iced coffee while engaging in leisure activities..", "Yes, iced coffee is tasty on a hot summer day.", "It is, I like it after I go for a run or hike.", "Do you have family? Children?", "My dogs are my family.", "What breeds are they? How many?", "I've been on the move a lot lately and might find myself in the seattle area soon. You feel like meeting up if I find myself in your neck of the woods?", "Absolutely! Are you planning to bring your dogs? I could find some great hiking trails that are pet-friendly for us to explore", "For sure, taking the dogs on a hike would be great. Do you have any dogs?", "I do have one, he's a nine-year-old Irish wolfhound. He's huge but very gentle and he loves hanging out with other dogs.", "He sounds wonderful! I have an 11 year old German Shepard and a 1 year old Husky. ", "Oh wow, you must deal with a lot of shedding in the house! Do you have to vacuum every day?", "Most every day haha, the German Shepard really sheds a bunch if I don't brush her often.", "We had a Husky when I was a kid and she shed everywhere, all the time. It was a lot of grooming work but she was the sweetest dog. Do your dogs do well with all the travel you do?", "Somewhat, I have my neighbor watch them for me, but she tells me they miss me a lot. We should meet up for coffee and let the dogs get to know each other.", "Absolutely. There are a lot of Starbucks around here and most of them have patios so we could sit outside", "I do like Starbucks!! Maybe this next weekend if you're available?", "I have to take the dog to the vet on Saturday morning for a check-up but otherwise, I'm free", "How do you like living in Seattle compared to England?", "I definitely love seattle. The people here are just amazing.", "I'm so glad to hear that because I'm planning to be in the Seattle area soon! My wife and I are planning a trip there.", "That's really awesome. I love to meet up with you and your lovely wife. When will you be arriving?", "Probably next month sometime but we haven't finalised the date yet. I'd love to meet up with you! We are planning to bring our dogs too - are you okay with dogs?", "I definitely love dogs. Most especially German Shepherds. I'm definitely okay with you bringing your dogs. I hope they get along with my Irish wolfhound dog.", "That's great! My older dog is a German Shepherd so I think you will love him. I also have a young husky. They are really friendly so I'm sure they will get along with your dogs! Maybe we can go for some hikes together?", "That'll be totally great. Your wife loves hiking too, doesn't she?", "She loves it! We go for a lot of hikes everywhere we visit. I'm also a fan of running but my wife isn't, so I run on my own.", "I love running too. We have so much in common! What's the longest distance you've ran?", "I ran a half-marathon once! Fuelled by coffee of course. But usually my runs are a lot shorter. I hope there are some good coffee places in Seattle?", "Yeah, there's one a few blocks away from where I live. They make the best iced coffee.", "Me and my wife are planning a hike for when we visit.", "Sound fun! Do you have any particular hikes in mind or are you still researching?", "We are still researching but if you have any suggestions, please pass them along! ", "Discovery Park is nice. I was just there with a friend this past weekend. It's not super challenging, though.", "Okay, we will look into it. Any easy hike sounds nice to get us started. So do you miss England at all?", "Some days I miss it a lot, but more my family than England... The weather in Seattle isn't too different. lol Lots of drizzle and cloudy skies. Where are you from?", "I live in California, so we get a lot of sun but I do enjoy the rain especially because we don't get too much of it. ", "You're in for a treat when you visit then! Don't forget your umbrellas and/or raincoats. I'm a bit tired of the rain myself but the area is so gorgeous overall that I'm not planning to move in the foreseeable future.", "I can understand getting tired of the rain especially if it keeps you inside. So have you thought about getting a dog? I know you said you love german shepards.", "I would love to get a German Shepherd! I'm not sure if I have enough time to train a puppy right now, though. Would you say it was easier to train your Husky or your German Shepherd?", "The german shepherd was much easier to train. The husky's energy is unmatched so it really takes a while for him to calm down, he is very young too.", "Ah, that makes me somewhat more optimistic about me being able to train a German Shepherd puppy. I already have an older dog (Irish Wolfhound) but I don't think he'll be too interested in the new puppy. It's like he just can't be bothered with other dogs these days. How is your German Shepherd getting along with your Husky?", "I have decided to hike at Discovery park.", "What made you decide to hike there?", "I researched online and it looked beautiful and like a good hike for my wife and I. What was your experience there like?", "It was really lovely. It was a bit more difficult than the hikes I'm used to, but not too bad. My friend really enjoyed it too. We got pretty scared when came across a couple of bears though!", "I was going to ask you if you'd seen any bears! My wife's afraid of that! What happened?", "We had to turn around and go back a bit, then take a different trail. It was a shame too, because it looked like there were some great sights over that way. Luckily, the bears didn't come after us or anything.", "Wow. Maybe Discovery Park is not such a good idea for us! Do you have any suggestions for easier hikes for us?", "Well, there's always the chance you'll come across some sort of risk when you're hiking. I'd be much more worried about the people than any of the critters.", "That's true. Years ago I hiked near Rocky Mountain National Park with a friend. We saw people feeding the animals. I didn't think that was a good idea, especially since the signs said not to!", "Yeah, that's not a great idea. But I'm talking more about incidents like stalking or grow operations. A park near me was having all sorts of issues a few years back, and I've avoided it since then.", "Do you ever hike with your Irish Wolfhound along?", "Once in a while I do, but I get nervous about taking him out. He could run away or get into a fight with something. Plus I have to pick up his poo. I only take him if it's a very short hike."], "init_persona": [[["I am a very easy going person who loves to partake in leisure activity.", "I am a dog owner who loves spending time with all animals.", "Furthermore, I consider my self a coffee connoisseur and love trying new ways to brew.", "I also enjoy going outside to run, hike, and camp."], ["I am british.", "I am a metal worker.", "I have immigrated to the united states.", "I am divorced.", "I have 1 child."]], [["I like animals more than I like humans.", "I live a nomadic lifestyle.", "I am a coffee expert. My favourite coffee is Starbucks. I like iced coffee.", "I like running and hiking.", "I have pet dogs."], ["I am from England. I live in Seatle.", "I like vanilla creamer in my coffee. I like iced coffee."]], [["I like animals more than I like humans.", "I live a nomadic lifestyle.", "I am a coffee expert. My favourite coffee is Starbucks. I like iced coffee.", "I like running and hiking.", "I may be in Seattle area soon.", "I have one young Husky and one older German Shepard."], ["I am from England. ", "I like vanilla creamer in my coffee. I like iced coffee.", "I live in the Seattle area. I enjoy hiking.", "I have an older Irish wolfhound dog. I had a Husky as a kid."]], [["I like animals more than I like humans.", "I live a nomadic lifestyle.", "I am a coffee expert. My favourite coffee is Starbucks. I like iced coffee.", "I like running and hiking. I ran a half-marathon.", "I may be in Seattle area soon.", "I have one young Husky and one older male German Shepard.", "I have a wife. Me and my wife hike a lot."], ["I am from England. ", "I like vanilla creamer in my coffee. I like iced coffee.", "I live in the Seattle area. I enjoy hiking. I love living in Seattle.", "I have an older Irish wolfhound dog. I had a Husky as a kid. I love dogs. I love German Shepherds.", "I love running."]], [["I like animals more than I like humans.", "I live a nomadic lifestyle.", "I am a coffee expert. My favourite coffee is Starbucks. I like iced coffee.", "I like running and hiking. I ran a half-marathon.", "I may be in Seattle area soon.", "I have a wife. Me and my wife hike a lot. I am planning a hike on a trip. I am researching places to hike. I prefer easy hikes.", "I live in California. I enjoy rain.", "I have an older male German Shepherd and a Husky. My Husky is young and energetic."], ["I am from England. I used to live in England. I miss my family in England. My family lives in England.", "I like vanilla creamer in my coffee. I like iced coffee.", "I live in the Seattle area. I enjoy hiking. I love living in Seattle.", "I have an older Irish wolfhound dog. I had a Husky as a kid. I love dogs. I love German Shepherds.", "I love running.", "I went to Discovery Park with a friend last weekend. I am an experienced hiker.", "I am tired of rainy weather. I plan on continuing to live in Seattle.", "I am busy currently."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_847_0", "test_847_1", "test_847_2", "test_847_3", "test_847_4", "test_847_5", "test_847_6", "test_847_7", "test_847_8", "test_847_9", "test_847_10", "test_847_11", "test_847_12", "test_847_13", "test_847_14", "test_847_15", "test_847_16", "test_847_17", "test_847_18", "test_847_19", "test_847_20", "test_847_21", "test_847_22", "test_847_23", "test_847_24", "test_847_25", "test_847_26", "test_847_27", "test_847_28", "test_847_29", "test_847_30", "test_847_31", "test_847_32", "test_847_33", "test_847_34", "test_847_35", "test_847_36", "test_847_37", "test_847_38", "test_847_39", "test_847_40", "test_847_41", "test_847_42", "test_847_43", "test_847_44", "test_847_45", "test_847_46", "test_847_47", "test_847_48", "test_847_49", "test_847_50", "test_847_51", "test_847_52", "test_847_53", "test_847_54", "test_847_55", "test_847_56", "test_847_57", "test_847_58", "test_847_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi. What have you been up to today?", "Getting ready for my trip to hawaii. I've been there three times but, still can't get enough.", "That sounds like fun. Are you going for business or pleasure?", "Pleasure, I recently got a divorce so I need some me time.", "Sorry to hear that, but good job doing something for yourself!", "I was a marine and was stationed in hawaii. Love to scuba dive.", "Me too. I was raised in mexico so I spent a lot of time in the water.", "Wow, mexico. Do you live in the united states now?", "Yeah, california. I work in construction here.", "Any pets? I have two snakes bert and ernie.", "Nope, just twin daughters. That's enough for me.", "I guess so, how old are they. I'll bet they're cute.", "What about your snakes? I'll bet THEY are cute! Do they eat live mice?", "I usually use frozen, but they take live when I'm able to get them.", "Wow I didn't realize there was such a thing as frozen mice! Are they cheaper to buy that way?", "yeah, it's easier to buy in bulk. Have you thought about getting any pets for your girls?", "My twin girls have been begging me to get a dog, but I'm not sure they're prepared to do the work involved in taking care of it. My youngest girl, Amanda, really wants to get a Pomeranian dog.", "Meh, little dogs are the worst! You need something big and protective, like a German shepherd or a Great Pyrenees. Those are great for families. ", "German Shepards are really scary to me. If they wanted to, they could really hurt someone, especially my young girls. When I lived in Mexico, Chihuahuas and Mexican hairless dogs were quite popular.", "You're way more likely to get bit by a Chihuahua than a German Shepherd. They're great family dogs. But I understand being cautious with the kids. Maybe start with something easy, like fish!", "I certainly won't be buying any snakes! I had some close calls with sea snakes when swimming in the Rio Grande and Colorado River back home. Have you gone scuba diving lately, or will you be doing that when you go to Hawaii?", "Not lately, too land locked here in Oklahoma. But the next trip I'll be sure to get tons of diving time in.", "I've never been scuba diving, but I bet you get to see some fascinating stuff underwater. Will this Hawaii vacation be the first without your ex-spouse?", "No, I was there with the Marines before I met her. We got married there but then moved back to the mainland when I got out.", "I just booked tickets to Mexico this summer. I want to surprise the twins.", "That's amazing! Have they been to Mexico before? I bet they will love it! I'm going to Hawaii again this year.", "No, they have never been there. They have several cousins there they haven't met. That's good for you. We both are going to back to our roots in a way.", "That will be great for them to meet their cousins! Yes I see what you mean! I miss working in Hawaii but it's great to visit there often. The only problem is finding someone to look after the snakes while I am away!", "I think it would be a great idea to bring a dog back from Mexico for my girls to keep. I bet it would be hard to find someone to look after snakes. Some of my neighbors have already told me if I ever get a dog, they'd be happy to look after it if I ever need someone to do that. ", "A dog is a great idea! What breed of dog are you hoping to get? I'd recommend a big protective dog like a German Shepherd. It's great that your neighbours would be happy to look after it! My neighbours hate snakes so I have to get my sister to look after them.", "Maybe a Chihuahua. I don't think I need a big protective dog. My neighborhood has a community watch organized, so my house is safe. That's nice of your sisters. My daughters are both 7 years old. I am excited because they are still relatively young enough to absorb some of my native culture and language.", "I don't like little dogs, but you have to do what's best for you! I can imagine how excited they are! Is your wife from Mexico too?", "No, she was born in the United States. This won't be her first time going there. Are any of your parents or relatives from a different country?", "No my family is all from Oklahoma. I wish I had relatives from a different country because it would be a good excuse to visit! I'd love to visit the coast more often and go scuba diving - that's one thing I can't do in Oklahoma!", "I am looking forward to scuba diving in Mexico. My wife has scuba dived before. I also want to bring my daughters to some archaeological sites while we are there. Also, I want to get them some t-shirts. My wife already has a few from previous visits.", "It sounds like you have a lot planned out for your trip to Mexico! I remember you love spending time in water. Have you been swimming in any more rivers lately?", "What type of snakes do you have?", "Bert is a Cape House Snake and Ernie is a Dekay's Brown snake. They are both great snakes for beginners and very friendly actually! Do you like snakes?", "I don't actively dislike them, but I don't think I can really say that I like them either. I think I just don't know enough about them to have a solid opinion. Do yours require a lot of care?", "Not really. I have to feed them twice a day and I sometimes take them out of their enclosure and let them enjoy nature, while I clean their homes. In my opinion they require less care than a cat or a dog. Have you ever owned a pet? ", "Just small dogs when I was younger, nothing exotic. I'm surprised they eat so often, I thought that a snake's digestion takes a long time. I bet it is interesting to watch them eat!", "It is very interesting! They are very curious animals so it's nice to watch them explore their surroundings especially when I let them out of their homes. What breeds of dogs did you own?", "Mostly mutts, my family liked to rescue from shelters. I'd rather rescue another than pay for the pomeranian that my daughter wants, but I'm still doubtful about her ability to take care of a pet at her age. When you let the snakes out, do they move quickly? Or do they mainly stay in one area so that they're easy to catch?", "They mainly stay in one area. They are very curious but they are also extremely shy, so they don't venture too much. It's tricky when they hide behind things, but I built a nice area for them in my back garden where there is only grass, so I can keep an eye on them. ", "Do you feel that they have distinct personalities? ", "They do actually! Ernie is a smaller breed and he is calmer and much easier to handle. Bert can get angry sometimes. He tried to bite me once, but since he is also a small breed their bite isn't that dangerous. Would you every consider getting a pet snake? They can be really fun!", "I don't know if I'm quite ready for snakes yet, but I love that they have such interesting personalities! Is Ernie actually affectionate? Or just calm and tolerant?", "He does enjoy being pet sometimes. He is very unbothered by anything, so he doesn't care if you pick him up or move him around. He's a very chilled out guy! I'm sure you would like him.", "My daughter has been trying to show that she is more responsible so that we will get the dog that she wants. ", "Will you get your daughter the Pomeranian that she wants? I think those are small dogs if I am not mistaken.", "Yes they are a small dog breed. If she keeps acting responsibly, we will consider getting her a dog. We were thinking about adopting one first, to see how she handles that.", "It's too bad you scared of German Shepards. Big dogs can be good around kids and are an extra layer of protection.", "I know its strange that I am scared of them, don't really know why. Funny because growing up with mutts was really kind of cool. Most of them were mid sized though. ", "Big dogs could be helpful with you neighborhood watch. My pet snakes are unusual pets to have I know.", "I think you're safe because the neighbors are probably too scared to run into your snakes. Our neighborhood is pretty safe, at least in this day and age. But it's always nice to have some extra protection. Do you recommend any other breed of large dog?", "Pit Bulls are a good breed for protection. They are known for being aggressive. If you raise them right they can be friendly. How come your community started your neighborhood watch? I think it's a good idea many communities don't do.", "A couple of young parents basically got the ball rolling on the neighborhood watch. Nothing, thank goodness has happened in the neighborhood, but I thought it was a good idea and it's made the neighborhood more friendly as well. Who watches your snakes when you're away? Aren't you going back to Hawaii soon?", "My neighbor will watch them for me. I am really looking forward to that trip. Going back to Hawaii will bring back a lot of memories from when I was stationed there. The scuba diving is incredible. The water is so clear. ", "I here Hawaii is amazing, one day I will get there. There are so many places I want to travel in Europe.", "What is your favorite place to go swimming. The place with the clearest water, best views, not too many people. Do you have any recommendations?"], "init_persona": [[["I grew up in mexico.", "I enjoy drinking and socializing with friends.", "I hang out at a karaoke bar most nights.", "I own a construction company.", "I have two daughters."], ["My favorite hobby is scuba diving.", "I've been to hawaii three times.", "I'm a us marine veteran.", "I have two pet snakes.", "My wife and I just got divorced."]], [["I was raised in Mexico. I spent a lot of time in the water growing up.", "I live in California. I am a construction worker.", "I have twin daughters."], ["I am going on a trip to Hawaii soon. I have been to Hawaii three times.", "I am recently divorced.", "I used to be a Marine stationed in Hawaii. I love to scuba dive.", "I have two pet snakes called Bert and Ernie."]], [["I was raised in Mexico. I spent a lot of time in the water growing up.", "I live in California. I am a construction worker.", "I have twin daughters. They want a dog. My youngest daughter is Amanda. Daughter Amanda wants to get a Pomeranian dog. I'm scared of German Shepards.", "I have been swimming in the Rio Grande and Colorado rivers."], ["I am going on a trip to Hawaii soon. I have been to Hawaii three times.", "I am recently divorced.", "I used to be a Marine stationed in Hawaii. I love to scuba dive.", "I have two pet snakes called Bert and Ernie. I have snakes that eat mice.", "I don't like little dogs. I think big, protective dogs are great for families.", "I live in Oklahoma. I'm going to Hawaii on vacation. I was married before."]], [["I was raised in Mexico. I spent a lot of time in the water growing up.", "I live in California. I am a construction worker.", "I have twin daughters. They want a dog. My youngest daughter is Amanda. Daughter Amanda wants to get a Pomeranian dog. I'm scared of German Shepards.", "I have been swimming in the Rio Grande and Colorado rivers. My wife has scuba dived before. I love spending time in water.", "I have family in Mexico.", "I regularly speak to my neighbors. My community has a neighborhood watch. They are 7.", "I have a wife. She was born in the United States. She has gone to Mexico before."], ["I am going on a trip to Hawaii soon. I have been to Hawaii three times.", "I am recently divorced.", "I used to be a Marine stationed in Hawaii. I love to scuba dive.", "I have two pet snakes called Bert and Ernie. I have snakes that eat mice.", "I don't like little dogs. I think big, protective dogs are great for families.", "I live in Oklahoma. My family is from Oklahoma. I'm going to Hawaii on vacation. I was married before. I would like to go scuba diving.", "I speak to neighbors often. I have a sister."]], [["I was raised in Mexico. I spent a lot of time in the water growing up.", "I live in California. I am a construction worker.", "I have twin daughters. They want a dog. My youngest daughter is Amanda. Daughter Amanda wants to get a Pomeranian dog. I'm scared of German Shepards.", "I have been swimming in the Rio Grande and Colorado rivers. My wife has scuba dived before. I love spending time in water.", "I have family in Mexico.", "I regularly speak to my neighbors. My community has a neighborhood watch. They are 7.", "I have a wife. She was born in the United States. She has gone to Mexico before.", "I don't know a lot about snakes. I'm not ready to have a snake as a pet. I have only had small dogs as pets. The dogs I've had have been rescues. My daughter wants a Pomeranian. I think she might be too young to care for a dog."], ["I am going on a trip to Hawaii soon. I have been to Hawaii three times.", "I am recently divorced.", "I used to be a Marine stationed in Hawaii. I love to scuba dive.", "I have two pet snakes called Bert and Ernie. I have snakes that eat mice. One is a Cape House snake and one is a Dekay's Brown snake. My snakes do not require a lot of care. I feed my snakes twice a day, and let them out when I clean their enclosure.", "I don't like little dogs. I think big, protective dogs are great for families.", "I live in Oklahoma. My family is from Oklahoma. I'm going to Hawaii on vacation. I was married before. I would like to go scuba diving.", "I speak to neighbors often. I have a sister.", "I live in a home with a backyard. I built an area for my snakes in the back garden.", "I find snakes to be very interesting. I know my snakes well enough to distinguish their personalities. Bert can sometimes get angry. Ernie is a very calm snake."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_848_0", "test_848_1", "test_848_2", "test_848_3", "test_848_4", "test_848_5", "test_848_6", "test_848_7", "test_848_8", "test_848_9", "test_848_10", "test_848_11", "test_848_12", "test_848_13", "test_848_14", "test_848_15", "test_848_16", "test_848_17", "test_848_18", "test_848_19", "test_848_20", "test_848_21", "test_848_22", "test_848_23", "test_848_24", "test_848_25", "test_848_26", "test_848_27", "test_848_28", "test_848_29", "test_848_30", "test_848_31", "test_848_32", "test_848_33", "test_848_34", "test_848_35", "test_848_36", "test_848_37", "test_848_38", "test_848_39", "test_848_40", "test_848_41", "test_848_42", "test_848_43", "test_848_44", "test_848_45", "test_848_46", "test_848_47", "test_848_48", "test_848_49", "test_848_50", "test_848_51", "test_848_52", "test_848_53", "test_848_54", "test_848_55", "test_848_56", "test_848_57", "test_848_58", "test_848_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Heya. Just finished planting my ferns and roses. Nice snell. What's up?", "I just finished talking to my sister and her husband.", "Nice I have a sister and she's married too. They like john grisgam novels like me.", "I have been employed at mcdonald's for 10 years.", "Cool. That's crazy I work there too..", "John grisham books are great to read.", "They are. Sometimes they are scary though. I don't like scary stuff. Like horror movies.", "I do not like stay movies either.", "We seem like we have a lot in common lol.", "I buy roses every week.", "Because they smell great... Am I right lol.", "The smell is calming and refreshing.", "Sure are. Plus I bet you love ferns to like me...", "Cool I do like term mixed with my rose bouquet.", "What do you do at McDonald's?", "I work as a cashier and a drive thru manager.", "That's great! How did you get to be a manager? I am still only a cashier", "When you work at McDonald's for ten years, you learn just about everything about the restaurant which makes you more inclined to be a decent manager!", "That makes sense! I have only been there for 2 years. I admire your accomplishments!", "Thank you! How is your sister doing?", "Oh she is doing wonderful! Thanks for asking. I just went to visit her and her husband last weekend. I had such a good time.", "Oh, that's awesome to hear! What did you guys end up doing together?", "We visited a local sunflower farm/field! They were almost twice as tall as me! You should check it out! It's not far from the outlet malls.", "Holy cow that sounds incredible! Did there happen to be any nice rosebushes in the area? If the sunflowers are as incredible as you describe, I can only imagine the roses that could be grown! I'll definitely need to check it out soon!", "You know what? I did notice a few bushes along the fence line near the parking lot! I was just so distracted by the crazy amount of sunflowers that I almost forgot!", "I'm going to have to go there now! Because just imagining the refreshing smells that would come from the roses and the view of the sunflowers makes me antsy to check it out!", "As a manager at McDonald's can you give me some tips about how to get promoted?", "A big part of it is a willingness to show initiative. Volunteering to do things that everyone else can't be bothered with and taking an interest in the business as a whole can really line you up for a promotion in your boss's eyes.", "wow does a really good one. i never thought of it. I'll do more volunteering now. How do you like being a drive thru manager at McDonald's?", "It can be difficult managing other people sometimes. You never know what to expect, especially when people come and go so quickly in this line of work. You've really got to stay on your toes when it comes to how you deal with people. Sometimes no matter what you do, there's no good answer. But I try to make the most of it and enjoy myself each day. It's important not to let yourself get burned out.", "I totally understand you. What do you do with your spare time whenever you are not working?", "I do some reading and gardening here and there, much like you. I also like to watch football and go fishing. Do you have any other hobbies?", "I like playing chess but I mostly spend my time reading John Grisham's books. You said you love reading his books, didn't you?", "Yes, although I haven't had a chance to look at any in a decently long time now. Do you have any suggestions?", "Yeah, try reading \"Before the fall\". Really interesting.", "My sister gave me that for my birthday a couple of months back, but I hadn't gotten around to it yet. Maybe I'll give that one a try soon then.", "I just made an Audiobook account, maybe that is something to consider in your busy day-to-day", "That might not be a bad idea. What book have you downloaded so far?", "I'm working my way through the \"Sooley\" by Grisham. The reading of \"The Mist\" by Stephen King is fantastic too.", "That King book is definitely too scary for me. Does it cost money? How much is it?", "You pay $5 a month. You do get one book free a month so the value is there for the subscription. The books vary", "That would be good for me to listen to while I garden. Thanks again for the idea. Got any cool plans coming up?", "Nothing yet - I might try and go into the city for some shopping to change things up. One week country, one city.", "I wish I had time for some of that. They've got me working 70 hours next week.", "Wow! Overtime must be nice but that's not sustainable. What do you do to take time for yourself besides gardening?", "Well, over the summer I still do my fishing. but in a few months football is finally back!", "I know! I hope the Jets have a decent year, but there is zero indication they well.", "Zach Wilson might be good! At least maybe they would be worth watching.", "I've started reading a new Grisham book.", "Which one are you reading now?", "I do not remember the title, but it is about a self-inflicted hanging in the south and will that some rich guy had. I am about 2 chapters into it and it is very great so far!", "Gee, I don't think I have read that one yet. I first got interested in his work from movies like \"The Firm\". I see \"The Pelican Brief\" is on Netflix now. I'll have to watch it sometime. Do you like movies about lawyers and their cases? ", "I do like some of the lawyer/legal movies. They are good sometimes. I prefer watching these at home, though. Even if I have to wait some before they come out on the internet or cable. How is your gardening going? Have you made anything to eat from the garden yet?", "The gardening is going well. We've been getting a lot of rain in the past two weeks. I see I have some green tomatoes. I grew lettuce for salads so I've eaten that. ", "Very nice! You will maybe be able to make your own mixed salad at some point. I like the idea of growing your own food. I wish I could do it. I just do not have the space for it right now. But I try to get to the farmer's market every couple of weeks.", "I'd love to hear about your visit to the sunflower farm with your sister and brother in law!", "Well that was a fun trip. When we got there the guide took us through the entire process from getting the land ready, growing the sunflowers, then harvesting them. Quite a bit you can do these plants, more than I thought. I kind of think it would be fun to work on a farm with multiple crops one summer.", "Oh I think so too. Farming is a lot of work, though. I've only grown a few decorative sunflowers. I remember one cultivar was named Vincent Van Gogh, and I grew it because I like him so much. ", "Well that is an interesting reason to grow something. I definitely can tell the difference in farm fresh food vs. stuff that has been in a store or shipped around. Maybe I am just too picky. A smaller family farm would be better for me than a large commercial farm.", "That is so true about farm fresh food. Since I started growing tomatoes it has ruined me for grocery store tomatoes. I actually threw out a grocery store tomato because it just tasted like water. I tried canning tomatoes last fall for the first time. I like the idea of homesteading."], "init_persona": [[["I work in a fast food restaurant.", "I love the smell of roses and fern.", "I am terrified of watching horror movies.", "My favorite author is john grisham.", "I have one sister who is married."], ["I work in a fast food restaurant.", "I love the smell of roses and fern.", "I am terrified of watching horror movies.", "My favorite author is john grisham.", "I have one sister who is married."]], [["I have ferns and roses. I like the smell of fresh plants.", "I have a sister who is married. I like John Grisham's books. I don't like scary books or movies.", "I work at McDonald's."], ["I have a sister and a brother-in-law.", "I have been working at McDonald's for 10 years.", "I like John Grisham's books. I don't like scary movies.", "I buy roses every week.", "I like calming and refreshing smells.", "I like ferns."]], [["I have ferns and roses. I like the smell of fresh plants.", "I have a sister who is married. I like John Grisham's books. I don't like scary books or movies.", "I am a cashier at McDonald's. I have worked at McDonald's for 2 years.", "I went to visit my sister and her husband last weekend. I had a fun weekend. I visited a sunflower farm last weekend with my sister."], ["I have a sister and a brother-in-law.", "I have been working at McDonald's for 10 years.", "I like John Grisham's books. I don't like scary movies.", "I buy roses every week. I like to grow roses.", "I like calming and refreshing smells.", "I like ferns.", "I am a cashier and a drive thru manager at McDonald's. I have worked at McDonald's for 10 years."]], [["I have ferns and roses. I like the smell of fresh plants.", "I have a sister who is married. I like John Grisham's books. I don't like scary books or movies.", "I am a cashier at McDonald's. I have worked at McDonald's for 2 years.", "I went to visit my sister and her husband last weekend. I had a fun weekend. I visited a sunflower farm last weekend with my sister.", "I like playing chess and reading. I like reading John Grisham books. I have read the book \"Before the Fall\"."], ["I have a sister and a brother-in-law.", "I have been working at McDonald's for 10 years.", "I like John Grisham's books. I don't like scary movies.", "I buy roses every week. I like to grow roses.", "I like calming and refreshing smells.", "I like ferns.", "I am a cashier and a drive thru manager at McDonald's. I have worked at McDonald's for 10 years.", "I like to read and garden. I also fish and watch football."]], [["I have ferns and roses. I like the smell of fresh plants.", "I have a sister who is married. I like John Grisham's books. I don't like scary books or movies.", "I am a cashier at McDonald's. I have worked at McDonald's for 2 years.", "I went to visit my sister and her husband last weekend. I had a fun weekend. I visited a sunflower farm last weekend with my sister.", "I like playing chess and reading. I like reading John Grisham books. I have read the book \"Before the Fall\".", "I have an Audiobook account. I am listening to the book \"Sooley\" by Grisham. I have also listened to \"The Mist\" by Stephen King and liked it.", "I don't have any plans soon. I live in the country. I might go shopping soon.", "I am a Jets fan."], ["I have a sister and a brother-in-law.", "I have been working at McDonald's for 10 years.", "I like John Grisham's books. I don't like scary movies. I don't like scary books.", "I buy roses every week. I like to grow roses.", "I like calming and refreshing smells.", "I like ferns.", "I am a cashier and a drive thru manager at McDonald's. I have worked at McDonald's for 10 years.", "I like to read and garden. I also fish and watch football. I fish in the summer.", "I am busy. I work 70 hours next week.", "I also watch the Jets."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 10, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_849_0", "test_849_1", "test_849_2", "test_849_3", "test_849_4", "test_849_5", "test_849_6", "test_849_7", "test_849_8", "test_849_9", "test_849_10", "test_849_11", "test_849_12", "test_849_13", "test_849_14", "test_849_15", "test_849_16", "test_849_17", "test_849_18", "test_849_19", "test_849_20", "test_849_21", "test_849_22", "test_849_23", "test_849_24", "test_849_25", "test_849_26", "test_849_27", "test_849_28", "test_849_29", "test_849_30", "test_849_31", "test_849_32", "test_849_33", "test_849_34", "test_849_35", "test_849_36", "test_849_37", "test_849_38", "test_849_39", "test_849_40", "test_849_41", "test_849_42", "test_849_43", "test_849_44", "test_849_45", "test_849_46", "test_849_47", "test_849_48", "test_849_49", "test_849_50", "test_849_51", "test_849_52", "test_849_53", "test_849_54", "test_849_55", "test_849_56", "test_849_57", "test_849_58", "test_849_59", "test_849_60", "test_849_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Good afternoon, what are you up to?", "Good afternoon. I am reading, that enjoy..", "Okay I play more video games than read.", "How old are you. I'm 27 years old.", "24.. Do you work? I work at best buy.", "Any of your family in the military, my father was in it.", "Oh nice, no military in this family.", "Do you love ice cream it do.", "Chocolate is my favorite. Do you play league of legends?.", "Chocolate is my favorite too. No I do nto play league..", "Alistar is my favorite champion but u may not understand that then lol.", "Do you work for a busines.", "Best buy. Just used my discount on a new laptop for gaming.", "Okay I work for a very small business.", "How was work today? What is the business you work for? I don't think I ever caught that detail.", "Since I got my college degree in marketing, I work for a mom and pop advertising agency that designs ads for clients. I like it since it's basically a 9-5 job, so I have plenty of time to relax and read during the evenings.", "I would like a 9-5 job so that I always knew my schedule. Are you close with the business owners since it is a small company?", "We are very much like friends and they treat me very well. I get paid time off, a holiday bonus, and health insurance, which is great since I'm too old to be on my parents' policy now.", "That is nice that they offer the benefits even though they are a small company. I work at Best Buy and sometimes I wish I worked at t smaller company because I feel it would be a more close experience.", "You get that great employee discount, though! How much did you save on that gaming laptop you bought from Best Buy?", "Yes, the employee discount is nice. I should take that into consideration. I was able to buy an open box one, which they had on display, so it was marked 30% off, then I also go my 20% employee discount. I would not have splurged otherwise!", "You made out like a bandit on that deal! What video games have you been playing?", "I have been playing a lot of fortnite. So you said your family was military. Did you travel around a lot?", "\"Fortnite\" seems to be really popular among young people these days. No, we didn't travel, since my father completed his military service before I was born.", "Yes, Fortnite really is. Oh, there is something else we have in common (besides chocolate ice cream) my dad was also in the military before I was born. He travelled a lot. I know he was stationed in Germany for a stretch.", "Does he like to talk about being in the military? My dad goes on and on about it sometimes. He's never pressured me to enlist, though.", "I just bought the biggest tub of chocolate ice cream.", "Really, did you enjoy it?", "I haven't eaten it yet but I know it's going to be amazing, I love chocolate ice cream so much! Do you want to come round later and share it?", "I would love to. I definitely love chocolate ice cream.", "Great, come round later and we can eat ice-cream and play some video games, if you're up for that? I just bought a new laptop for gaming!", "Awesome! Have you installed any game yet?", "Yes, I've installed fortnite and I've been playing it all week! Do you play any video games?", "I love fortnite. I usually love playing pubG. The game is just really engaging and amazing. ", "That's great, I didn't know you played pubG! I thought you were more of a reading person. I guess you have a lot of time off from your job so you have time for both!", "I usually play it during your spare time. What do you do during your spare time?", "I play video games most of the time. To be honest, sometimes I get bored with the amount of spare time I have. I really want a 9-5 job to keep me busy. What's it like working at an advertising agency?", "It's great! You'll learn a lot. It also increases your creativity and it gives you a better understanding of human psychology and the patterns humans follow. You'll learn a lot everyday.", "I've started applying for some office jobs, I need to escape from Best Buy!", "That is great news! I am so happy to hear that you are working towards leaving Best Buy. I know how much you disliked it. What kind of jobs are you applying for?", "I would like to work at a small company like you do. Since most of my skills are just in the retail sector, I am not sure. I like using computers so maybe some sort of computer work? Do you have any suggestions?", "If you would like, I can put in a good word for you at the advertising agency that I work for. We are always having trouble with our computers. Maybe they would be open to creating some sort of IT position. I can't guarantee it but it is worth a shot, right?!", "That would be great! Do you know what kind of computer systems they use?", "I think that we use Windows 10 at my work. Is that a system that you are familiar with? ", "Yes I am. I will need to update my resume, but I really appreciate your offer. Any kind of job with your company I would be interested in learning more about. Getting into a company like yours where you have set hours and good benefits is important for me.", "I feel that the tech knowledge that you gained form Best Buy and your personal interest in gaming systems will make you a great candidate for IT. I will also reach out to some of our partners and clients to see if they have any tech positions open for you. ", "Thank you! I don't want to oversell myself too much though. I don't have programming experience, I am just good with computers so maybe a regular office job would be better.", "Okay, I will keep that in mind. A 9-5 job with full benefits is the end goal, regardless of what the work will be. Have you heard back from any of the places that you have applied to so far?", "Not yet. I don't know when I should follow up with them. But yes, full benefits and a regular work schedule are key. Could I send you my resume too look at after I have update it?", "Absolutely. I would love to take a look at it. Can I have your permission to forward your updated resume to some of my colleagues? ", "I started hearing back from the companies that I applied to. Some seem promising, but I was rejected from a few for not having the right experience. ", "Oof, sorry to hear about that. It's difficult to get the \"right experience\" when entry level positions expect you to already have this experience. I've talked to a few people, and they said I can bring your resume to them and that they don't mind taking a look.", "That would be so great, thank you so much! Having another set of eyes on my resume might help pinpoint what is turning prospective clients off. ", "Are you fine if I look at it first and give some feedback on what to fix before I give it to them? They can be a bit nitpicky, but I know what they are looking for. Also, if you have spare time, why don't you try live streaming your game play? It's fun and a good way to make some pocket money. It's what I do.", "Oh really? I didn't realize you could make extra money that way. That's super cool. So you do that playing fortnite?", "I do it with both Fornite and PubG. I enjoy being on camera and doing funny things. So far, I have made about $50 a month. It's not a lot but it's still being paid to play games. You also don't have to be good at it, just be yourself.", "That's cool. Is it weird being on camera? I feel like I might be self conscious. How do you just be yourself in that situation?", "Well, I personally love the attention.And thanks to my degree in marketing, I've been advertising myself on different platforms, which helps me bring in new people. I've even created channel points where my followers can make me say something or do something. You don't have to be on camera, though. Just have a good mic and talk a lot. I recommend you trying it! I don't mind helping you start it too.", "Thanks! It would be fun to learn from you. Do you have a lot of time for it and still hold down your job? I meant to ask where you work.", "Well, I just do it for a couple hours at night. My title is \"Boozy Woozy game time\", which brings people in. Plus, thanks to my job, I do have a good amount of free time to work on my own projects. It's really just a small company that is close to where I live. I don't make bank, but I do make a comfortable amount. I know you said you want a new job, but what's wrong with Best Buy?", "I just think I have been there long enough that I want to branch into tech more with my skill set. And honestly dealing with cranky customers all day gets really draining. Have you ever worked retail? The holiday season is the worst. ", "I've tried working retail and I got fired so fast after a customer said something rude to me. It's something I refuse to ever go back into, so I understand what you mean. Luckily, my school funds got me through life, same with living at my parents house for awhile. I hope you are able to get a better job soon. Don't forget to send me your resume!"], "init_persona": [[["I am a gamer.", "I like playing league of legends.", "My favorite champion is alistar.", "I got a new gaming laptop last month.", "I love playing video games with friends."], ["I am 27 years old.", "I enjoy reading.", "My dad was in the military.", "I love ice cream, chocolate is my favorite.", "I work for a small business."]], [["I prefer playing video games than reading.", "I am 24 years old. I work at Best Buy. I used my employee discount at Best Buy to buy a laptop for gaming.", "I don't have any family members in the military.", "Chocolate is my favorite flavor of ice cream.", "Alistar is my favorite champion."], ["I enjoy reading.", "I am 27 years old.", "My father was in the military.", "Chocolate is my favorite ice cream flavor too. I do not play league of legends.", "I work for a very small business."]], [["I prefer playing video games than reading.", "I am 24 years old. I work at Best Buy. I used my employee discount at Best Buy to buy a laptop for gaming. I have a gaming laptop that I bought on display for 30% off. I have a 20% employee discount.", "I don't have any family members in the military.", "Chocolate is my favorite flavor of ice cream.", "Alistar is my favorite champion.", "I would like a 9-5 job. I wish I worked at a smaller company.", "I have been playing a lot of fortnite.", "My dad was also in military prior to my birth. He traveled a lot and was stationed in Germany."], ["I enjoy reading.", "I am 27 years old.", "Chocolate is my favorite ice cream flavor too. I do not play league of legends.", "I work for a very small business. I have a college degree in marketing. I work for a mom and pop advertising agency. I have plenty of time to relax and read in the evenings.", "I am friends with the business owners and they treat me very well. I get paid time off, a holiday bonus, and health insurance. I'm too old for my parents' policy.", "My father was in the military prior to my birth. My dad did not pressure me to enlist."]], [["I prefer playing video games than reading.", "I am 24 years old. I work at Best Buy. I used my employee discount at Best Buy to buy a laptop for gaming. I have a gaming laptop that I bought on display for 30% off. I have a 20% employee discount.", "I don't have any family members in the military.", "Chocolate is my favorite flavor of ice cream.", "Alistar is my favorite champion.", "I would like a 9-5 job. I wish I worked at a smaller company.", "I have been playing a lot of fortnite.", "My dad was also in military prior to my birth. He traveled a lot and was stationed in Germany.", "I spend most of my time playing video games. I want a 9-5 job."], ["I enjoy reading.", "I am 27 years old.", "Chocolate is my favorite ice cream flavor too. I do not play league of legends. I love Fortnite. I love playing pubG.", "I work for a very small business. I have a college degree in marketing. I work for a mom and pop advertising agency. I have plenty of time to relax and read in the evenings.", "I am friends with the business owners and they treat me very well. I get paid time off, a holiday bonus, and health insurance. I'm too old for my parents' policy.", "My father was in the military prior to my birth. My dad did not pressure me to enlist.", "I love chocolate ice cream."]], [["I prefer playing video games than reading.", "I am 24 years old. I work at Best Buy. I used my employee discount at Best Buy to buy a laptop for gaming. I have a gaming laptop that I bought on display for 30% off. I have a 20% employee discount.", "I don't have any family members in the military.", "Chocolate is my favorite flavor of ice cream.", "Alistar is my favorite champion.", "I would like a 9-5 job. I wish I worked at a smaller company.", "I have been playing a lot of fortnite.", "My dad was also in military prior to my birth. He traveled a lot and was stationed in Germany.", "I spend most of my time playing video games. I want a 9-5 job. I don't like it so I'm applying to other jobs. I have work experience in retail. I like working with computers.", "I am familiar with Windows 10. I would like to work at the same company as my friend. I am looking for a job with set hours and good benefits. I don't have programming experience.", "I have not heard back from any of the jobs I have applied to. I am looking for input as I update my resume."], ["I enjoy reading.", "I am 27 years old.", "Chocolate is my favorite ice cream flavor too. I do not play league of legends. I love Fortnite. I love playing pubG.", "I work for a very small business. I have a college degree in marketing. I work for a mom and pop advertising agency. I have plenty of time to relax and read in the evenings.", "I am friends with the business owners and they treat me very well. I get paid time off, a holiday bonus, and health insurance. I'm too old for my parents' policy.", "My father was in the military prior to my birth. My dad did not pressure me to enlist.", "I love chocolate ice cream.", "I use Windows 10 at my job.", "I am happy to help my friend in their job search. I have colleagues that might be interested in someone with IT experience."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_850_0", "test_850_1", "test_850_2", "test_850_3", "test_850_4", "test_850_5", "test_850_6", "test_850_7", "test_850_8", "test_850_9", "test_850_10", "test_850_11", "test_850_12", "test_850_13", "test_850_14", "test_850_15", "test_850_16", "test_850_17", "test_850_18", "test_850_19", "test_850_20", "test_850_21", "test_850_22", "test_850_23", "test_850_24", "test_850_25", "test_850_26", "test_850_27", "test_850_28", "test_850_29", "test_850_30", "test_850_31", "test_850_32", "test_850_33", "test_850_34", "test_850_35", "test_850_36", "test_850_37", "test_850_38", "test_850_39", "test_850_40", "test_850_41", "test_850_42", "test_850_43", "test_850_44", "test_850_45", "test_850_46", "test_850_47", "test_850_48", "test_850_49", "test_850_50", "test_850_51", "test_850_52", "test_850_53", "test_850_54", "test_850_55", "test_850_56", "test_850_57", "test_850_58", "test_850_59", "test_850_60", "test_850_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, I'm a mom in my mid forties.", "Hi, I'm a fellow mother. 30 years of age.", "What do you do for work, I'm in rental real estate.", "I'm a stay at home mother. I like to cook healthily for my children.", "That's nice. What kind of things do you like to do for fun?", "I like watching movies mainly, what about you?", "Me too! I'm a big movie fan.", "Great, whats your absolute favorite film?!", "It's probably fight club. Weird I know..", "That's a deep movie, I like more romantic films like the notebook.", "A romantic huh? How many kids do you have?", "I have 2 little boys, what about you?", "A son and daughter both older.", "That's nice. Very nice to meet you!", "I saw a great movie yesterday, and I have to tell you about it.", "That's awesome! What was it called?", "The Fifth Element. I've never seen it before but it was GREAT.", "I've never seen that one. What's it about?", "It's a science fiction adventure. It's been out for years. I hadn't watched it before because it looked campy. And it kind of is. But it is also hilarious and exciting. Do you like Bruce Willis?", "I haven't seen a lot of his stuff, since he isn't in a lot of romance movies. My sons like the old movie, Over the Hedge. He does a voice in that, lol.", "How cute! He plays the strong silent type in this movie. His one word responses are hilarious. AND this movie has a great romance line in it. Perfect woman. Imperfect man. Match made by fate in the heavens. I really think you would like it even though the romance isnt the sweet and mushy type.", "Maybe I'll have to get my husband to watch it with me on date night. Sounds like something he would like.", "I think you both will like it, because of taking itself seriously like some sci-fi, it has a lot of humor. And what's the last movie you've watched?", "The boys had me watch Cars for like the hundredth time this week. I'm so sick of it. I wish I could watch more things for myself, but since I'm home all day with the, I don't get the chance.", "Kids grow so fast. I know you will look back on these days with so much joy. With my kids it was Beauty and The Beast. I bet you could quote all of Cars at this point. ", "Probably in my sleep. Did you like Beauty and the Beast? I wish I had a daughter to watch the princess movies with.", "What did you and your sons do today?", "We did a bit of gardening together, did some chores around the house, and tried out a new Thai restaurant.", "Sounds like a nice, relaxing day! How old are your sons?", "One of them is 10 and the other is 7. How about your children?", "My son is 5 and my daughter is forever 12. She died about a year ago.", "I'm so sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what that must have been like.", "It's terrible. I'd do anything or pay any price to get her back.", "Well we don't have to talk about it if you're not comfortable with it. Are there any activities you like to do with your son, like I do gardening with my boys?", "Yeah, we do some gardening, but he gets bored quickly. Sometimes I read to him. We both like that.", "That really brings back memories of when I used to read to my boys. One day they had just grown out of it and I had to think of other ways to spend time with them. But I'll always treasure the nights we spent reading together.", "You can always suggest it to them again! My daughter and I had a several year period where we didn't read together too, but we picked it back up again the year before she passed.", "I'll have to think about that. I wonder what kind of books I could read to them that they'd enjoy.", "Are your sons into comic books, that could be something you could read together?", "They have seen all of the marvel movies, but never read the books. That is a great idea - I will try that!", "You should try it out for sure! I think they would really like that. My son also loves the Marvel movies although he is probably too young to actually know what's going on LOL", "Has he seen fight club yet? Might not be ready for that at his age!", "Haha no he hasn't seen that yet. Definitely too young! But I know he would probably love it. He likes action type movies. How did the gardening go today? Any new blooms?", "We have had so much rain that everything is blooming and beautiful! It is so cheerful in my garden.", "That's awesome! Must be so pretty, you'll have to send me a picture one of these days. What kind of flowers and plants do you have?", "I have dandelions, lillies and sunflowers. They are bright, bold, and healthy! I will email you a picture this afternoon.", "That sounds lovely. I would like to start a garden but I do not have a green thumb. What are the easiest to grow in your opinion?", "Lilies are a great starter flower. They are okay in all weather and require very little attention. I am happy to guide you!", "Ok great. Thank you! I need all the help I can get so I might be bugging you often for advice! ", "Bug away! I am so happy to help!", "Did you pick up the Marvel comic books for your boys to read?", "Yes, I was able to find some Spiderman and Avengers comic books. I must say they are much more expensive than they used to be.", "I know it's crazy how pricey things can get when they are the current fad. And speaking of saving money, I would like to grow a vegetable garden. Do you have any tips for starting out?", "Patience and research. Start simple with a couple of plants and see what works in your yard. Tomatoes are easy and so are green beans. ", "I have done a little research, and it seems carrots could be easy too. I love tomatoes, but I really like green beans. My mom used to make them all the time with dinner right out of the garden. I bet your flower garden is very zen like!", "I try, but then maybe not too much. That's pretty zen, isn't it? Yes, I try to remember to be patient and that nature is not easily controlled. Fresh vegetables sound good. How about fruits?", "Funny you mention fruits. My husband and I looked into getting some fruit trees last year... they are soooo expensive. But we did pick up a peach tree. It may be a few years before I get a healthy crop, but the tree is quite lovely.", "Yes, but they are worth it if you can get them to fruit. I like the dwarf varieties so the harvest doesnt get out of control. I have a small orange and lemon tree. ", "Oh I would looooove a lemon tree. Are they hard to grow?", "Lemon trees are pretty easy. I suggest that you start with a citrus tree like that. I have a meyer lemon tree. I like having fresh lemons available in the back yard.", "I have seen meyer lemon trees at the nursery. Just hesitant to try growing one... my track record isn't the best :) but I am getting more comfortable caring for plants these days so I will seriously consider getting one. Does your orange tree produce fruit?", "Yes. I have a nice little harvest every winter. I like to make orange juice out of it. However, it only lasts a week or two, but it is so enjoyable. "], "init_persona": [[["I am a mom and sister.", "I am in my forties.", "I have a son and a daughter.", "I own rental properties and maintain them myself.", "I am a fan of movies."], ["Im a mom.", "I like to cook healthy.", "I like to watch movies.", "I live in ca.", "Im 30 yrs old."]], [["I'm a mother. I'm in my mid-40s.", "I work in real estate.", "I'm a movie fan. My favorite film is Fight Club.", "I have a son and a daughter."], ["I am a mother. I am 30 years old. I have two sons.", "I do not work.", "I like romantic movies. My favorite film is The Notebook."]], [["I'm a mother. I'm in my mid-40s.", "I work in real estate.", "I'm a movie fan. My favorite film is Fight Club.", "I have a son and a daughter. I have a husband. I stay home with my sons. I do not have a daughter.", "I watched The Fifth Element."], ["I am a mother. I am 30 years old. I have two sons.", "I do not work.", "I like romantic movies. My favorite film is The Notebook. I have never seen The Fifth Element. I like romance movies."]], [["I'm a mother. I'm in my mid-40s.", "I work in real estate.", "I'm a movie fan. My favorite film is Fight Club.", "I have a son who is 5. I have a daughter who died last year when she was 12. I have a husband. I stay home with my sons. I do not have a daughter.", "I watched The Fifth Element.", "I also garden with my son. I read to my son."], ["I am a mother. I am 30 years old. I have two sons. My sons are 10 and 7.", "I do not work.", "I like romantic movies. My favorite film is The Notebook. I have never seen The Fifth Element. I like romance movies.", "I like to garden with my sons. I used to read to my sons but they have grown out of it now."]], [["I'm a mother. I'm in my mid-40s.", "I work in real estate.", "I'm a movie fan. My favorite film is Fight Club.", "I have a son who is 5. I have a daughter who died last year when she was 12. I have a husband. I stay home with my sons. I do not have a daughter.", "I watched The Fifth Element.", "I also garden with my son. I read to my son. He has watched the Marvel movies. My son has not seen Fight Club. He likes action movies.", "I don't have a garden. I don't think I'm a very good gardener."], ["I am a mother. I am 30 years old. I have two sons. My sons are 10 and 7. They have watched the Marvel movies.", "I do not work.", "I like romantic movies. My favorite film is The Notebook. I have never seen The Fifth Element. I like romance movies.", "I like to garden with my sons. I used to read to my sons but they have grown out of it now.", "Everything in my garden is blooming. I have dandelions, lilies, and sunflowers in my garden. I think lilies are easy to grow."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_854_0", "test_854_1", "test_854_2", "test_854_3", "test_854_4", "test_854_5", "test_854_6", "test_854_7", "test_854_8", "test_854_9", "test_854_10", "test_854_11", "test_854_12", "test_854_13", "test_854_14", "test_854_15", "test_854_16", "test_854_17", "test_854_18", "test_854_19", "test_854_20", "test_854_21", "test_854_22", "test_854_23", "test_854_24", "test_854_25", "test_854_26", "test_854_27", "test_854_28", "test_854_29", "test_854_30", "test_854_31", "test_854_32", "test_854_33", "test_854_34", "test_854_35", "test_854_36", "test_854_37", "test_854_38", "test_854_39", "test_854_40", "test_854_41", "test_854_42", "test_854_43", "test_854_44", "test_854_45", "test_854_46", "test_854_47", "test_854_48", "test_854_49", "test_854_50", "test_854_51", "test_854_52", "test_854_53", "test_854_54", "test_854_55", "test_854_56", "test_854_57", "test_854_58", "test_854_59", "test_854_60", "test_854_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello how are you?", "Good, I just fed my pets!", "What kind of pets do you have?", "I have a raccoon and a bearded dragon. Do you have any?", "I foster dogs till they find a forever home, but none that stay with me permanently.", "Gotcha, that is a great thing to do!", "Yea, I hope more people adopt! What do you do for a living?", "I work at the zoo.", "That sounds very fun and rewarding, do you enjoy it?", "I love being a zoo keeper. What do you do for a living?", "I do software solutions for tech companies. Nothing as exciting as working in a zoo.", "Well, I imagine your job is more useful for most people.", "Most days it is just \"did you try turning it on and off again?\".", "My bro owns a grocery store and he says people are dumb there too.", "Out of curiosity, what do you feed your raccoon and bearded dragon?", "My bearded dragon eats insects often crickets or meal worms and My raccoon Bandicoot eats a variety of food mostly dog kibble coupled with fish and egg!", "How long have you had them? ", "Bandicoot is 3 and my bearded dragon Bob is 7 months old.", "Have you had Bandicoot since he was a baby too? ", "Yes, he was a rescue, but he and I work at a Raccoon Cafe so he's been there since he was a baby and I take care of him when he isn't working.", "That's so cool. I love raccoons but have never gotten very close to one. I see wild ones occassionally. ", "Wild ones can be very ornery they always come around trying to steal the working raccoons food! Such intelligent creatures though, very funny little animals. ", "They are, we have to make sure the garbage is raccoon proof but they still figure out how to get in most of the time haha", "Yeah, it's those little thumbs I swear, they are master escape artists.", "For sure, but cute little escape artists! Have you had Bob for long? ", "I've had him only about a month now!", "I visited the pet store yesterday and saw a bearded dragon. It was my first time seeing one up close. How big do they get?", "That is cool you saw one. They can get up to about 24 inches. Quite big really but does happen slowly over the years. Would you like to get one?", "I don't know , with my fosters dogs, I don't think it would be a good idea. Each case is different, I don't want to stress them more with a reptile. How your racoon is dealing with you bearded dragon ? ", "If you think your foster dogs would become stressed by the dragon then it is probably a good idea not to get one. My raccoon is quite relaxed and isn't bothered at all by the bearded dragon. It helps because it doesn't make much noise so I don't think it notices that it is there.", "Do you think it could eat your bearded dragon ? To me, racoons seem to eat everything.", "Bob is in a cage so Bandicoot cannot get to it. He is fine and soon he grow bigger. Raccoons like to eat small creatures. Once it gets to a certain size Bandicoot will leave it alone.", "I hope soo, some racoons can be very territorial, every four-five night I hear a racoon and a cat fighting in my neighborhood. ", "They can be. Especially wild ones. Now my raccoon has been with me for over a month it has grown to me and is quite relaxed and behaved around me. I think it would be interesting to research whether racoons could be trained.", "Do you think they would make great pet ? Do they stink ? I know ferrets can smell and foxes literally stink. ", "No they don't stink really if you feed it correctly. But I am used to the smell really now being around so many of them. Maybe to others they might. I think they make a good pet, but only if you have time to really look and care for it.", "But aren't they considered wildlife by the law ? So they can't be legally pets, if so some pet shops would sell them, like ferrets.", "That it true. Yes we cannot sell them. But we can rescue them and take care of them before releasing back in the wild", "One of my foster dogs is going to her forever home tomorrow, I'm excited for her but will be sad to see her go at the same time!", "I understand, it must be tough to give away a dog you have fostered for such a long time. Surely you still have other dogs to foster that have yet to be adopted?", "They always come and go. It's sad, but I am a little used to it. But you're right, I'm sure by next week another cutie will be joining me. You should bring bandicoot over!", "I'd be happy to do so, he would love the extra company and attention. Would you ever consider fostering other types of animals other than dogs, such as cats?", "I'm allergic to cats. That's why I don't foster them. Has he ever met a dog before?", "He has, he mostly is friendly around them, although I can't say many dogs are friendly around bandicoot. I guess dogs in general aren't really used to seeing racoons at times.", "Probably not. Or maybe they see them, and worry they are going to steal their food next!", "That is true of other racoons, but Bandicoot seems to play fair. Speaking of which, have you been able to handle your raccoon problem?", "Not yet. I need to buy some aluminum sheeting I think. To cover the holes up from the inside. Those raccoons are too smart", "True, racoons are much more craftier than you think. Has any other types of animals tried to enter your garbage, or is it mostly racoons? I would be scared if a bigger animal like a bear was attracted to my garbage.", "Luckily we don't have bears around. The other animals don't seem interested in the garage though.", "Good to hear, then aluminum sheeting should be able to handle just the raccoons then. My garbage has a lock, helps keep it shut especially when it gets very windy outside.", "I was able to get the aluminum sheeting for my garbage. I'm going to install it today and I'll let you know how my raccoon problem goes. ", "I hope it goes well for you. How come you don't just leave small bowls of food out and befriend the raccoons? It would solve your problem a lot faster, especially because raccoon's are so smart. Bandicoot knows how to open and unlock so many things, it's makes it difficult to keep him out of trouble. Which is why I take him to work with me.", "Ohhh. That would be bad. I really do not want more raccoons or other animals coming around. I like them OK, but I do not want to have some diseased ones get close to the house. ", "Understandable. Have you ever tried contacting animal control? That's how I got Bandicoot. I was working that day and animal control came by explaining about needing fosters for raccoons. I thought it was weird, so I did it and began to work at the small raccoon cafe that is part of the zoo. I love it. ", "That is a good idea. Maybe they could help move them to a safer area. I have a lot of traffic around and they could get hit if they are coming to my place all the time. Have you been able to teach your raccoon any tricks?", "The only trick I was able to teach him, that I deeply regret, was how locks worked. I thought it was cool at first, you know, to see a raccoon unlock a door. And now, I regret it so much. I've had to change the layout of my apartment and put deadbolts on my doors so that Bandicoot can't get out. And, he is sneaky about it. One time, he unlocked the pantry and was eating some cookies! It's like having a toddler that never grows up.", "That is bad I guess. Do you keep all of your chemicals, poisons, and medications up and locked? I would hate to think what might happen if Bandicoot got into any of that. Hey, when you drive do you lock him up in a cage or let him wander around in the car? That could be dangerous for you driving and he freaks out.", "All the chemicals and poisons are in a gated lock in the basement. The lock requires a specific key, which I have hidden in my drawers. For medication, I have a small box that I also keep locked up, but it's a combination lock, so Bandicoot isn't able to get into it. For driving, I bought a harness that keeps him strapped in the back seat, he can move a bit, but mostly sturdy. I put blankets down and his favorite toys so that he stays calm. Sometimes, I'll pass small snacks to keep him occupied. I also take the side streets to work so that it's not too much for him. What about you? When you foster dogs, do you put them in a cage when you drive?", "I do keep the dogs secured. You never knwo how they are going to react. Most of them I only have for a few days, so I really do not get a chance to see how they will act in all situations. ", "Oh, does that make you want to adopt a dog? I know you said it makes you sad to see them come and go, so why not adopt one?", "It easer to foster them right now. If I go out of town for a few days and I had my own dog, I might not be able to take it with me. So the foster stuff is best. I can take in a dog for only the time I can spend a lot of time with it. I think this is best for the dog.", "Oh, I see. Do you get paid to do this, or at least do they provide the food and what not? For Bandicoot, they provide his meals and insurance for any damages he may do to my house. I use to only feed him what they gave, but then, I began to spoil him."], "init_persona": [[["I am an immigrant.", "I came here from europe in 2004.", "I am in the tech industry and work on software solutions.", "I love dogs and have fostered several of them.", "I run in half marathons."], ["I work in the zoo as a zoo keeper.", "I have a pet racoon and a bearded dragon.", "I love flying kites during a windy day.", "My brother owns a grocery store.", "I own 2 cars and both are mustangs."]], [["I do not have pets. I foster dogs.", "I do software solutions for technology companies."], ["I have a raccoon and a bearded dragon as pets.", "I am a zoo keeper.", "I have a brother who owns a grocery store."]], [["I do not have pets. I foster dogs.", "I do software solutions for technology companies.", "I love raccoons but I have only seen wild ones. I have to raccoon proof my garbage."], ["I have a bearded dragon as pets who eats crickets and worms.", "I am a zoo keeper.", "I have a brother who owns a grocery store.", "I have a raccoon who eats dog kibble, fish and eggs among other things. My raccoon is named Bandicoot. He is 3 years old, and my 7 month old bearded dragon is named Bob. I have had Bob for 1 month.", "I work at a raccoon cafe with bandicoot. My raccoon was a rescue."]], [["I do not have pets. I foster dogs.", "I do software solutions for technology companies.", "I love raccoons but I have only seen wild ones. I have to raccoon proof my garbage.", "I went to a pet store yesterday. I saw a bearded dragon for the first time.", "I hear a raccoon fighting with a cat in my neighborhood."], ["I have a bearded dragon as pets who eats crickets and worms.", "I am a zoo keeper.", "I have a brother who owns a grocery store.", "I have a raccoon who eats dog kibble, fish and eggs among other things. My raccoon is named Bandicoot. He is 3 years old, and my 7 month old bearded dragon is named Bob. I have had Bob for 1 month.", "I work at a raccoon cafe with bandicoot. My raccoon was a rescue. I have had my raccoon over a month. I am used to my raccoon's smell. I think raccoons make a good pet.", "We cannot sell raccoons."]], [["I do not have pets. I foster dogs.", "I do software solutions for technology companies.", "I love raccoons but I have only seen wild ones. I have to raccoon proof my garbage.", "I went to a pet store yesterday. I saw a bearded dragon for the first time.", "I hear a raccoon fighting with a cat in my neighborhood. I am allergic to cats. I don't foster cats. I have a raccoon problem. I am trying to solve it. The raccoons are getting into my garbage.", "I find it difficult to see the dogs I foster come and go, but I enjoy fostering dogs. "], ["I have a bearded dragon as pets who eats crickets and worms.", "I am a zoo keeper.", "I have a brother who owns a grocery store.", "I have a raccoon who eats dog kibble, fish and eggs among other things. My raccoon is named Bandicoot. He has met dogs and is friendly toward them. He is 3 years old, and my 7 month old bearded dragon is named Bob. I have had Bob for 1 month.", "I work at a raccoon cafe with bandicoot. My raccoon was a rescue. I have had my raccoon over a month. I am used to my raccoon's smell. I think raccoons make a good pet.", "We cannot sell raccoons.", "I keep my garbage locked to keep the animals out and the wind from blowing it open."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_856_0", "test_856_1", "test_856_2", "test_856_3", "test_856_4", "test_856_5", "test_856_6", "test_856_7", "test_856_8", "test_856_9", "test_856_10", "test_856_11", "test_856_12", "test_856_13", "test_856_14", "test_856_15", "test_856_16", "test_856_17", "test_856_18", "test_856_19", "test_856_20", "test_856_21", "test_856_22", "test_856_23", "test_856_24", "test_856_25", "test_856_26", "test_856_27", "test_856_28", "test_856_29", "test_856_30", "test_856_31", "test_856_32", "test_856_33", "test_856_34", "test_856_35", "test_856_36", "test_856_37", "test_856_38", "test_856_39", "test_856_40", "test_856_41", "test_856_42", "test_856_43", "test_856_44", "test_856_45", "test_856_46", "test_856_47", "test_856_48", "test_856_49", "test_856_50", "test_856_51", "test_856_52", "test_856_53", "test_856_54", "test_856_55", "test_856_56", "test_856_57", "test_856_58", "test_856_59", "test_856_60", "test_856_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, im jake. Im 26 and a raging alcoholic.", "Hey. I'm close to your age and was a navy brat.", "Im usually thiking bout my job. Im in some debt. Always want to work.", "Do you have any siblings? I'm an only child but I have 2 dogs,bounty and snickers.", "I dont. All ido is work. I work for black sabbath.", "Awesome! I don't have a job yet but was educated in spain and france.", "Yeah im lucky to work for my favorite band. What do you eat?", "With no job mostly hamburgers and french fries. Do you prefer alcohol to food?", "No. I drink as much as I eat stake and chicken.", "I miss eating steak. Do you hang out with ozzy osbourne?", "At work all the time. He doesnt pay well tho, so im in some debt.", "Sorry:-( my dad was a navy guy and he was always in debt too-gambling.", "I love to work but I dont make much money.", "Mega millions is very high this week.", "I just started a tour with Black Sabbath. I'm excited to see so many different places.", "Where is the first place you are headed? Do you get a lot of free time to explore when you're on tour?", "We're going to be in California for a good amount of time, hitting all the major cities there! Then we head east. And yes, I should have a good amount of time to check out places! How is the job hunt going?", "I have an interview next week. It's entry level at a bank, so it feels a bit soul destroying, but at this point I'll take anything. I'm happy for you though - I know it might be hard but if you can lay off the booze a bit, you might make enough to put a dent in your debt.", "That's great! Hey it's a step in the right direction - maybe you'll love it. Yeah, the good thing is everything is pretty much paid for on the tour. Kind of hard to stay away from the drink when it's everywhere you turn at work lol.", "Yeah, maybe I'll find out that banking where I'm meant to be - my dad's experiences with gambling have made me very careful with money. Have you been working for Black Sabbath long? I didn't think they toured that often, do you work for them even when they're not touring?", "Well Black Sabboth actually had their \"final\" tour in 2017. But now they're kind of coming back for one more. So this is the first tour I've done in four years! I'm usually just working with their marketing team outside of touring.", "That's awesome that you can work full-time for them. I've known a few other people who work for bands that have to find other jobs when not on tour. It sounds like you have the perfect gig - did you have to have a degree in marketing to score your job?", "Yup I'm pretty lucky to be honest! Yes I do have a marketing degree which was really helpful in helping me get this job...but it's also the reason I'm in so much debt, ha! How are Bounty and Snickers doing??", "They're doing well. They're a little stir-crazy from living in this tiny apartment, but I try to take them out pretty frequently. I'm hoping to afford somewhere with my own yard if I get this job.", "What kind of dogs are they again? ", "Both are medium-sized mutts; I rescued them from a local shelter. Snickers looks like he might have a bit of German Shepherd in him, and Bounty maybe some Golden Lab?", "How are Bounty and Snickers doing in the heatwave? Does your apartment have AC?", "Ugh we are are all struggling! I have AC, but hate to run it because it really increases my ultity bill.", "Oh it can really run it up high this time of year. Do you have any energy efficient air units? ", "No, but I have been meaning to look into that. You guys must have some powerful AC during concerts. It must get really hot on stage.", "Yes we do. I mean it can get unbelievably hot up here. Even with the AC going full blast it still can be steaming. It's all worth it though to perform. You kind of build a tolerance to it of sorts.", "What a cool gig you have. Tell me more about ozzy!", "As wild as you think he is, he's even more wild than that. That guy is crazy but is ultra cool to hang out with and get to know. We aren't close friends but I know him well. Maybe I can help you meet him one day.", "I would love that! In the meantime, I will settle for an autograph!", "I'll see what I can do for you then! Any luck in searching for jobs lately?", "Nothing besides the bank next week. Pray for me!", "Oh right that is next week? My bad I forgot you told me that. I'll be praying for you and wishing you good luck. Just stay calm and you'll nail that interview.", "I hope so. I am in big trouble if this doesn't work out.", "I am heading out to an AA meeting now. Do you want to practice some questions for your bank interview when I get back?", "Yes that would be super super helpful. Thank you for offering! I really need this job. You excited for your meeting?", "I always look forward to meetings. They keep me on the straight and narrow.", "That's good. Does anything else help keep you off the booze?", "Just keeping busy. I get into trouble when I am bored!", "Ha, I understand that. I've just been so bored lately too without a job. I need something to keep me sane.", "Do you want me to see if there are any open spots on the tour? I know they are always looking for extra help.", "If I don't get this banking job... then YES! That would be really awesome. I still hope I get the banking job because the pay and benefits are supposedly good. But if not, I'd be willing to give touring a shot for sure. ", "It is a wild ride, but certainly has to be more interesting than wearing a suit in an office all day!", "Yeah I bet. Seems like a super exciting and unique job for sure. Hanging out with Ozzy doesn't sound too bad lol", "He is such a cool guy. What a life he has lived!", "Right?! I would love to pick his brain but I'm sure he has way too many stories to tell. I'd be happy with just an autograph!", "Did you search any job provided website?", "yeah i've been checking out loads of job websites, I hope that I'll get some more interviews soon", "I am sure you will! I bet there's plenty of banking jobs out there, you just need to keep looking and soon something will come your way!", "thanks! you're right I need to just keep trying. How have you been enjoying work lately, have black sabbath been performing?", "Work is really good! They haven't been performing much lately so I've been more focused on the marketing aspect, but we are trying to organize a tour! ", "do you know where the next tour will be?", "Well right now we are working on setting up stops in U.S. cities, and once we're done with that, we will gauge interest in other countries and try to set up a world tour.", "that sounds amazing, you're so lucky that you get to travel so much with your job! Where's your favourite place that you've been for work?", "I don't know if I could pick one place, but something I really enjoy is trying the local foods from whatever city we are in. I love steak and chicken, and it seems like every major city and region has its own take on them. Like Philly is famous for cheese steaks, and Buffalo is famous for their chicken wings, so it's really fun trying all the local delicacies.", "I bet you'll find some even more exciting variations once you leave the US! Do you get a lot of time to explore the city you're in when you're travelling?", "Sometimes, we try not to set up concerts too close to each other. That way we aren't stressed out about making flights and packing up everything fast enough, and so we can all rest a little bit in between shows. We usually have at least a night to hang out in whatever city we are in.. ", "that's cool, I'm jealous that you're getting to see so much of the world! How long does it take to pack up after a concert?"], "init_persona": [[["I'm a carnivore, I eat meat.", "I'm 26 years old and I am a workaholic.", "I frequently think about going to work.", "I'm slightly in debt.", "My favorite band is black sabbath."], ["I am the only child of my parents.", "My father was in the navy.", "I went to school in france and spain.", "I have two dogs named bounty and snickers.", "I like eating burgers and fries."]], [["My name is Jake. I am 26 years old. I am an alcoholic.", "I have debt. I work a lot. I love my job.", "I have no siblings. I work for Black Sabbath.", "I like to eat steak and chicken.", "I know Ozzy Osbourne."], ["One of my parents as in the Navy.", "I have no siblings. I have two dogs named Bounty and Snickers.", "I am unemployed. I went to school in Spain and France.", "I like to eat hamburgers and french fries. I don't eat steak.", "My dad was in the Navy. My dad was a gambler."]], [["My name is Jake. I am 26 years old. I am an alcoholic.", "I have debt. I work a lot. I love my job.", "I have no siblings. I work for Black Sabbath. I'm on tour with Black Sabbath.", "I like to eat steak and chicken.", "I know Ozzy Osbourne.", "I have a problem with alcohol. I am in debt.", "When not on tour, I work on Black Sabbath's marketing team. I have a marketing degree."], ["I have no siblings.", "I am unemployed. I went to school in Spain and France.", "I like to eat hamburgers and french fries. I don't eat steak.", "My dad was in the Navy. My dad was a gambler. My dad had a gambling problem.", "I am desperate to find a job. I have a job interview at a bank next week.", "I live in a tiny apartment.", "I have two rescue dogs, named Bounty and Snickers."]], [["My name is Jake. I am 26 years old. I am an alcoholic.", "I have debt. I work a lot. I love my job.", "I have no siblings. I work for Black Sabbath. I'm on tour with Black Sabbath. I perform concerts. I enjoy performing on a stage. I don't mind hot weather.", "I like to eat steak and chicken.", "I know Ozzy Osbourne.", "I have a problem with alcohol. I am in debt.", "When not on tour, I work on Black Sabbath's marketing team. I have a marketing degree.", "I am friends with Ozzy. I like to hang out with Ozzy.", "I am religious."], ["I have no siblings.", "I am unemployed. I went to school in Spain and France.", "I like to eat hamburgers and french fries. I don't eat steak.", "My dad was in the Navy. My dad was a gambler. My dad had a gambling problem.", "I am desperate to find a job. I have a job interview at a bank next week. I really want the bank interview to go well.", "I live in a tiny apartment.", "I have two rescue dogs, named Bounty and Snickers.", "__", "I live where the weather is hot. I have an Air Conditioner. I don't like to pay high utility bills. I am interested in finding out about energy efficient air conditioners.", "I like concerts. I am a fan of Ozzy Osbourne. I would love to meet Ozzy. I want Ozzy's autograph.", "I am religious."]], [["My name is Jake. I am 26 years old. I am an alcoholic.", "I have debt. I work a lot. I love my job.", "I have no siblings. I work for Black Sabbath. I'm on tour with Black Sabbath. I perform concerts. I enjoy performing on a stage. I don't mind hot weather.", "I like to eat steak and chicken.", "I know Ozzy Osbourne.", "I have a problem with alcohol. I am in debt.", "When not on tour, I work on Black Sabbath's marketing team. I have a marketing degree.", "I am friends with Ozzy. I like to hang out with Ozzy.", "I am religious.", "I get into trouble when I am bored. I don't like banking job."], ["I have no siblings.", "I am unemployed. I went to school in Spain and France.", "I like to eat hamburgers and french fries. I don't eat steak.", "My dad was in the Navy. My dad was a gambler. My dad had a gambling problem.", "I am desperate to find a job. I have a job interview at a bank next week. I really want the bank interview to go well.", "I live in a tiny apartment.", "I have two rescue dogs, named Bounty and Snickers.", "I live where the weather is hot. I have an Air Conditioner. I don't like to pay high utility bills. I am interested in finding out about energy efficient air conditioners.", "I like concerts. I am a fan of Ozzy Osbourne. I would love to meet Ozzy. I want Ozzy's autograph.", "I am religious.", "I'm bored without job. I like to work in banking job."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_857_0", "test_857_1", "test_857_2", "test_857_3", "test_857_4", "test_857_5", "test_857_6", "test_857_7", "test_857_8", "test_857_9", "test_857_10", "test_857_11", "test_857_12", "test_857_13", "test_857_14", "test_857_15", "test_857_16", "test_857_17", "test_857_18", "test_857_19", "test_857_20", "test_857_21", "test_857_22", "test_857_23", "test_857_24", "test_857_25", "test_857_26", "test_857_27", "test_857_28", "test_857_29", "test_857_30", "test_857_31", "test_857_32", "test_857_33", "test_857_34", "test_857_35", "test_857_36", "test_857_37", "test_857_38", "test_857_39", "test_857_40", "test_857_41", "test_857_42", "test_857_43", "test_857_44", "test_857_45", "test_857_46", "test_857_47", "test_857_48", "test_857_49", "test_857_50", "test_857_51", "test_857_52", "test_857_53", "test_857_54", "test_857_55", "test_857_56", "test_857_57", "test_857_58", "test_857_59", "test_857_60", "test_857_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi. What have you been doing today?", "I just got off work. I work at mcdonald's.", "I work in food service, too. A coffee shop.", "How fun. Do they serve ice cream, I love soft serve ice cream.", "No, but that would be good. What do you do for fun?", "I'm a scout. Soon to be an eagle scout, hopefully.", "Congrats. That's hard to achieve. A lot of kids in my high school did it.", "I'll be in college next year. I'm going for a degree in neuroscience.", "Good luck. I'm moving soon, so I'm not sure what I'll od about school.", "Oh, I also volunteer in local research lab near me. Hope this helps me in college.", "I'm sure it will. My dad is a headmaster and encourages all the kids to volunteer.", "Wow. Your dad sounds really cool. Where are you moving to?", "New york. I live in chicago now. Go bears!", "I used to live in cincinnati so, I'm a reds fan.", "I have decided I will be attending school when I move to New York. But I will not be rooting for the Jets.", "I think both decisions are good. LOL. What school will you attend?", "I am thinking about going to NYU, what college are you thinking about going to?", "My first choice is actually University of Chicago. I want to major in Linguistics and they have a great program. How about you? do you know what you will major in? ", "I think that I am going to major in Engineering. I am leaning towards either mechanical or electrical. I love building things, and I am fascinated by the mechanics on how everyday things work.", "That sort of thing facinates me too. But I could never handle the math for the courses. What kind of things have you built?", "I have built a small, basic 2-stroke engine, and several radios. What kind of things are you looking to do with the Linguistics degree that you are going to go to school for?", "I have a deaf friend and I've learn sign language. I want to study the difference between spoken and signed languages. I don't even know what to do with the degree. Except get more degrees until I become a professor. I like that idea.", "That's pretty cool. At the very least you could eventually go into academia and pass along the knowledge you have learned to other students. I feel like there could be a lot of freedom in what you do.", "I hope that in undergrad I will get to travel and learn about sign languages in different countries. ", "Keep your ears and eyes open. I bet your university will have many opportunities to go on international trips.", "What is your plan once you get your degree. ", "I told my parents I've decided on going to college. They're excited for me and the idea of New York. I hope I get in!", "That's great! Which college did you apply to! I love UChicago but I always wanted to live in New York for a while.", "I applied for NYU. I hope I get it. I think it's gonna be fun", "What things do you like building? Engineering is so cool and I'd love to learn more about it. I'm more of a linguistics person myself, but I've always wondered what engineering majors do. Did you end up deciding on mechanical or electrical engineering?", "Engineering is great. It's involves building really awesome machines and structures. It's what innovates the world", "True, engineering is a really cool subject. Hopefully you can tell me more about the kinds of things you like building. Do you have any plans for the summer before college? I'm thinking of taking a gap year to travel and learn different languages. Maybe I will do study abroad as well.", "That's just awesome. What languages would you be learning?", "Honestly, I'm open to learning anything. I think knowing many languages is a really cool trait and that you can also learn so much about other cultures this way. I've always heard Tokyo, Singapore, Dubai, and Thailand were some cool places to study abroad. Whats your opinion on traveling?", "I really think you should travel. Travelling helps you in opening your mind and seeing the world through the eyes of different cultures and different people. I'll love to travel too. Maybe I'll travel to a different continent when I'm done with college.", "You should really consider studying abroad! For the same price as college, you can also get the perks of seeing different countries. Although, maybe you might want to maximize your time in New York. Did you know what continent you'd like to travel to? Or would you prefer to just soak in NYC?", "I'll like to travel to Europe. I heard it's a good place to start a life and a business. Although, I'd like to enjoy NYC before travelling.", "Are you interested in starting your own business one day? What industry are you interested in? As for NYC-- do you have any specific areas you'd like to see? I'm planning on visiting soon!", "What sparked your interest in linguistics?", "That\u2019s what my grandfather did and I always wanted to follow in his footsteps, and make him proud. ", "Oh that's so nice! For some reason I thought it was because you have a deaf friend. Did you learn sign language because you have a deaf friend or did you meet your friend after you learned it? ", "I learned sign language as a child actually my parents tried to teach me many different kinds of languages to help me later on in life when I went to get a job and it really helps knowing sign language. ", "I would love to learn sign language even though I do not know any deaf people. It is cool that you already know what you want to do. I still haven't decided if I even want to go to college. Are you going to go to NYC soon to look at colleges?", "Yeah I will be visiting colleges soon. You should look into engineering classes I\u2019m sure you would enjoy that. ", "Yeah- if i do go to college it will definitely have something to do with engineering. So if you find a college in NY will Chicago be no longer an option? I think between the 2 I'd choose NY. I will probably go to the college my dad works at because I can get a huge discount- may even be free. So after college do you plan on traveliing? Any places in particular?", "Yeah I may go to NY college but as of right now I am pretty set on Chicago just because I have people and know the area. Once I finish college I defiantly want to travel, state side I would love to visit LA and Hawaii and many other countries too eventually. And that\u2019s amazing that your dad works at a college that\u2019s a great help financially. Would you like to travel anywhere other than Europe? ", "Yeah my dad loves his job and he bugs me constantly about going to school there. I have travelled some but I have always wanted to go to Europe so that is really the only place I am thinking about visiting. Are you planning on going the Europe yourself someday?", "I bet he does well I hope whatever you decide it works out well for you. I would like to go to Italy and England someday and maybe some other European countries. Anywhere in particular you would like to go in Europe? ", "Italy! Italy! Italy! After that I would probably take the Eurorail around to other countries. I also would like to go through the Chunnel from France to England. Maybe when we both get out of college we can plan a trip together. ", "I never thought about taking the eurorail that would be incredible. Oh that sound like a great plan, I would love to go on a trip with you to Europe. ", "I met a lady at work the other day that taught me a few phrases in sign language!", "that's cool, did you find it easy to get to grips with sign language?", "Yes, I think all of the signs I learned made sense with their meaning so I caught on quick. It's remembering them that I might struggle with.", "yeah, they can be difficult to remember. The key is just to keep practicing! Are you interested in learning more?", "I'm not sure. I think it's nice to know multiple languages but I'm not sure if I would ever use it enough. Do you sign often?", "I sign quite often yes, I see my deaf friend quite a lot and also I volunteer with a couple of charities that support deaf children, so it's a very worthwhile skill for me! Have you decided what sort of engineering you'd like to study?", "I like working with my hands, so maybe mechanical engineering would be good. i'm not sure i want to go to college though; maybe i could just start working as a welder and make money now.", "that sounds like a good idea, there's loads of options outside of going to college that you can explore. If you're already skilled enough to do welding and you enjoy it then you should definitely go for it", "thanks! my parents aren't thrilled, but hopefully they can come around if that's what i end up doing. which colleges are you hoping to visit in NYC?", "I'm sure they'll support your decision! I'd like to visit columbia and Bordham, those are my top choices at the moment. What college does your dad work at?", "He works at NYU's journalism school, that's why he wanted me to apply there too. Do you have a strong preference for Columbia or Bordham over the University of Chicago?", "ah okay, so not same subjects as you're interested in. I think chicago is still my top choice, but i want the NY ones as back ups"], "init_persona": [[["I am moving to another state next month.", "My favorite football team is the chicago bears.", "I went to a very strict high school.", "My father used to be the headmaster in my school.", "My siblings are all older than me."], ["I will be going to college next year.", "I study neuroscience and volunteer in a research lab.", "I am working on becoming an eagle scout.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "I like to eat ice cream."]], [["The coffee shop I work at does not serve ice cream. I also like soft serve icecream.", "I went to high school with a lot of eagle scouts. I have not decided whether I will be attending college.", "My father works at a college.", "I currently live in Chicago but am moving to New York. I like football."], ["I am employed by McDonald's.", "I like soft serve ice cream.", "I am a part of the boy scouts.", "I am a senior in high school.", "I volunteer in my free time. I care about succeeding in college.", "I also live in Chicago currently. I like baseball."]], [["The coffee shop I work at does not serve ice cream. I also like soft serve icecream.", "I went to high school with a lot of eagle scouts. I have not decided whether I will be attending college.", "My father works at a college.", "I currently live in Chicago but am moving to New York. I like football. I will go to school in New York. I am not a Jets fan. I am thinking about going to NYU.", "I want to major in engineering. I love building things. I dont know if ill study mechanical or electrical engineering. I am fascinated by mechanics and how everyday things work. I have built an engine and several radios."], ["I am employed by McDonald's.", "I like soft serve ice cream.", "I am a part of the boy scouts.", "I am a senior in high school.", "I volunteer in my free time. I care about succeeding in college. I want to major in Linguistics. I want to go to University of Chicago.", "I also live in Chicago currently. I like baseball.", "I'm fascinated with engineering.", "I have a deaf friend. I know sign language. I want to study the difference between spoken and signed languages.", "I want to travel and learn in different countries."]], [["The coffee shop I work at does not serve ice cream. I also like soft serve icecream.", "I went to high school with a lot of eagle scouts. I have not decided whether I will be attending college.", "My father works at a college.", "I currently live in Chicago but am moving to New York. I like football. I will go to school in New York. I am not a Jets fan. I am thinking about going to NYU. I applied to NYU. I want to be an engineer.", "I want to major in engineering. I love building things. I dont know if ill study mechanical or electrical engineering. I am fascinated by mechanics and how everyday things work. I have built an engine and several radios.", "I have both parents in my life.", "I am interested in traveling in the near future. I'd want to travel to Europe."], ["I am employed by McDonald's.", "I like soft serve ice cream.", "I am a part of the boy scouts.", "I am a senior in high school. I am thinking about taking a gap year. I am interested in doing study abroad.", "I volunteer in my free time. I care about succeeding in college. I want to major in Linguistics. I want to go to University of Chicago.", "I also live in Chicago currently. I like baseball.", "I'm fascinated with engineering.", "I have a deaf friend. I know sign language. I want to study the difference between spoken and signed languages.", "I want to travel and learn in different countries.", "I want to live in New York. I plan on visiting NYC soon.", "I want to learn about many languages and cultures."]], [["The coffee shop I work at does not serve ice cream. I also like soft serve icecream.", "I went to high school with a lot of eagle scouts. I have not decided whether I will be attending college. I have not decided what job I want to do.", "My father works at a college.", "I currently live in Chicago but am moving to New York. I like football. I will go to school in New York. I am not a Jets fan. I am thinking about going to NYU. I applied to NYU. I want to be an engineer.", "I want to major in engineering. I love building things. I dont know if ill study mechanical or electrical engineering. I am fascinated by mechanics and how everyday things work. I have built an engine and several radios.", "I have both parents in my life.", "I am interested in traveling in the near future. I'd want to travel to Europe. I have travelled. I have never been to Europe.", "I do not know any deaf people.", "My dad works at a college. My dad wants me to go to college."], ["I am employed by McDonald's.", "I like soft serve ice cream.", "I am a part of the boy scouts.", "I am a senior in high school. I am thinking about taking a gap year. I am interested in doing study abroad.", "I volunteer in my free time. I care about succeeding in college. I want to major in Linguistics. I want to go to University of Chicago.", "I also live in Chicago currently. I like baseball.", "I'm fascinated with engineering.", "I have a deaf friend. I know sign language. I want to study the difference between spoken and signed languages.", "I want to travel and learn in different countries.", "I want to live in New York. I plan on visiting NYC soon. I will be visiting colleges.", "I want to learn about many languages and cultures.", "My grandfather was a linguist. I learnt sign language as a child."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_861_0", "test_861_1", "test_861_2", "test_861_3", "test_861_4", "test_861_5", "test_861_6", "test_861_7", "test_861_8", "test_861_9", "test_861_10", "test_861_11", "test_861_12", "test_861_13", "test_861_14", "test_861_15", "test_861_16", "test_861_17", "test_861_18", "test_861_19", "test_861_20", "test_861_21", "test_861_22", "test_861_23", "test_861_24", "test_861_25", "test_861_26", "test_861_27", "test_861_28", "test_861_29", "test_861_30", "test_861_31", "test_861_32", "test_861_33", "test_861_34", "test_861_35", "test_861_36", "test_861_37", "test_861_38", "test_861_39", "test_861_40", "test_861_41", "test_861_42", "test_861_43", "test_861_44", "test_861_45", "test_861_46", "test_861_47", "test_861_48", "test_861_49", "test_861_50", "test_861_51", "test_861_52", "test_861_53", "test_861_54", "test_861_55", "test_861_56", "test_861_57", "test_861_58", "test_861_59", "test_861_60", "test_861_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Good day! What is your favorite band?", "Hmm. Jonas brothers definitely. Probably because of my kids.", "Cool! Mine is black sabbath. I'm a workaholic so I miss the concerts often.", "Concerts are a rip off anyway. I love movies. You?", "I totally agree! I mostly think about going.", "Cool. What is your fave film?", "Paid in full, which is ironic being that I am in debt slightly.", "Interesting.. Do you like that streetlife inner city genre?", "No, I often don't have free time being that all I think ab.", "All you think about is?", "Sorry, I mostly think of going to work. No time to explore other genres.", "That is so unfortunate! What is it you do?", "I am ceo of a fortune 500 company at 26 years old, I'm the youngest.", "Oh wow!! How much do you make per annum?.", "How are your kids? Seen any good movies?", "My kids are doing well. I recently watched some horror movies, theyre my favorite", "Cool. What was the best one you watched?", "I recently watched the conjuring series, theyre one of my favorite series.", "I didn't know there was a series of them. What's makes it your favorite series?", "ITs just been one of the longest running series ive kept track of. Do you like music?", "I like rock music. And classical. But that's about all. ", "I enjoy the Jonas Brothers band", "Have you ever seen them in concert? ", "No i havent, im usually busy with the kids. Hows work?", "Taking up way too much of my time. As usual. But all these hours in the office will pay off. I will pay off my debt, build up my savings and retire early. Then I will go to all the concerts and movies I want. Right? ", "Of course! thats the end goal right? Be debt free and not have to penny pinch all the time", "After talking to you the Jonas Brothers came on earlier. Now its been in my head all day.", "That's funny! What song is in your head? They have a lot!", "I've been listening to their entire discography and I was surprised to find I loved a lot of their songs, even though its super different than my usual tastes! I really liked the songs Burnin Up and Year 3000! I know they are kind of old school, but they felt nostalgic to me. What are your favorite Jonas Brothers songs! I bet you must have a million.", "I like them all!! They are coming to my area in concert this year. I may go...want to come with me?", "Wow I didn't know they would still be in concert, I thought they were all old by now! Hmm.. I'd love to go, but I'm not sure if I can get off work. I really need to stop being such a workaholic but running my own company is so hard.", "I bet. Are you still super busy? Just keep your eye on the end goal, but don't forget to have some fun along the way!", "Yes, my days are super busy - not sure how long this will last. What do you do in your job?", "I wish I could work for the Jonas Brothers haha. ", "That would be a cool job, would you want to be their tour manager? What industry are you in currently?", "I'm a secretary in a local company. I like it, and the hours are convenient for my kids. They keep me active!", "What activities do you like doing with your kids? I hope to have kids one day but I don't know when I'll ever find the time.", "They are involved in sports. Baseball and volleyball are the two big sports they play. It keeps them busy and they really like it. ", "Would you recommend the newest Conjouring movie to a non-horror movie fan?", "I mean, no probably not. They aren't the scariest movies I've ever seen, but they are still definitely scary. If you're not a fan of horror movies, you're not going to enjoy it.", "I like thrillers but I'm not a big fan of horrors unless your watching it with a lot of friends, as I think it fun then.", "Okay. Well in that case, maybe it might be okay for you then. I just don't want to recommend it to you, and have you come out the other side traumatized! LOL", "I meant to ask what sports do your kids play?", "I thought I told you a few days ago? They play baseball and volleyball. They're great at it. I love seeing them get so much enjoyment out of it. They're such good sports, as well.", "No you mentioned they played sports but not which ones. That's great. I love volleyball. Did you play sports when you were a kid?", "I sure did, but that's okay. As far as I go, I've never really been a sporty one. I prefer staying at home, watching movies, or listening to music. I do enjoy going out to concerts or to the theatre, though.", "I don't mind sports but I'm just average at them. Have you been to a concert or the theatre recently?", "I haven't been to a concert in a really long time, but I'm super excited for the Jonas Brothers show coming up this year! Did you ever manage to take any time off work to go?", "It is super exciting. Are you going to book into a hotel for after the concert? Yes, I got the time off, thank goodness.", "I guess that's up to you? I'm okay with staying in the city for the night if you are! I'd like to check out a few bars after if that's cool?", "i have listened Jonas brothers new album. i think you should also give it a try. its awesome.", "I definitely should. I'll check Amazon for it. ", "Good! I think they're going on tour soon. Maybe we can go see a concert together!", "Yeah, that would be great! Re Black Sabbath, I get a lot of flack for this from fans of death metal and the like, but I think just about everything worth doing in metal was done by Deep Purple of Black Sabbath. Since then it's just been making the guitars louder or the voices growlier.", "I totally agree. It's nice to finally find someone that feels the same way.", "I think the real creative energy went into punk in the 80s. Are you a punk fan at all?", "Not really. I've been moving away from that kind of music lately and listening to a lot more classical music.", "I'm in the mood for that sometimes too. I don't like the bombastic 19th century stuff so much, but I like Bach and Mozart", "I do too, plus Beethoven and Tchaikovsky too. I don't mind some of the more modern stuff either.", "I like Beethoven -- that's about as far into the Romantic era as I really care for.", "What's your favorite classical piece?", "Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 5. How about you?"], "init_persona": [[["I'm a carnivore, I eat meat.", "I'm 26 years old and I am a workaholic.", "I frequently think about going to work.", "I'm slightly in debt.", "My favorite band is black sabbath."], ["I am a mom and sister.", "I am in my forties.", "I have a son and a daughter.", "I own rental properties and maintain them myself.", "I am a fan of movies."]], [["My favorite band is black sabbath. I'm a workaholic.", "I love movies. My favorite film is Paid in full. I'm in debt.", "I'm a CEO of a fortune 500 company. I'm 26 years old. I'm the youngest CEO."], ["My favorite band is the Jonas brothers. I have kids.", "I love movies."]], [["My favorite band is black sabbath. I'm a workaholic. I work in an office.", "I love movies. My favorite film is Paid in full. I'm in debt.", "I'm a CEO of a fortune 500 company. I'm 26 years old. I'm the youngest CEO.", "I like rock music. I like classical music."], ["My favorite band is the Jonas brothers. I have kids.", "I love movies.", "Horror movies are my favorite. I watched the conjuring series, its one of my favorite. The conjuring is one of the longest running series ive kept track of.", "I like the Jonas Brothers. I haven't seen the Jonas Brothers in concert."]], [["My favorite band is black sabbath. I'm a workaholic. I work in an office.", "I love movies. My favorite film is Paid in full. I'm in debt.", "I'm a CEO of a fortune 500 company. I'm 26 years old. I'm the youngest CEO.", "I like rock music. I like classical music.", "I listen to the Jonas Brothers.", "I do not have kids."], ["My favorite band is the Jonas brothers. I have kids.", "I love movies. Horror movies are my favorite. I watched the conjuring series, its one of my favorite. The conjuring is one of the longest running series ive kept track of.", "I like the Jonas Brothers. I haven't seen the Jonas Brothers in concert.", "I am a secretary for a local company.", "My kids play sports."]], [["My favorite band is black sabbath. I'm a workaholic. I work in an office.", "I love movies. My favorite film is Paid in full. I'm in debt.", "I'm a CEO of a fortune 500 company. I'm 26 years old. I'm the youngest CEO.", "I like rock music. I like classical music.", "I listen to the Jonas Brothers.", "I do not have kids.", "i am a non horror movie fan. i like thrillers.", "I love volleyball. i am average at sports."], ["My favorite band is the Jonas brother.", "I love movies. Horror movies are my favorite. I watched the conjuring series, its one of my favorite. The conjuring is one of the longest running series ive kept track of.", "I like the Jonas Brothers. I haven't seen the Jonas Brothers in concert.", "I am a secretary for a local company.", "My kids play sports.", "i am a horror movie fan.", "i have two kids. they are good sports. they are great at baseball and volleyball.", "i like staying at home, watching movies, or listening to music."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_862_0", "test_862_1", "test_862_2", "test_862_3", "test_862_4", "test_862_5", "test_862_6", "test_862_7", "test_862_8", "test_862_9", "test_862_10", "test_862_11", "test_862_12", "test_862_13", "test_862_14", "test_862_15", "test_862_16", "test_862_17", "test_862_18", "test_862_19", "test_862_20", "test_862_21", "test_862_22", "test_862_23", "test_862_24", "test_862_25", "test_862_26", "test_862_27", "test_862_28", "test_862_29", "test_862_30", "test_862_31", "test_862_32", "test_862_33", "test_862_34", "test_862_35", "test_862_36", "test_862_37", "test_862_38", "test_862_39", "test_862_40", "test_862_41", "test_862_42", "test_862_43", "test_862_44", "test_862_45", "test_862_46", "test_862_47", "test_862_48", "test_862_49", "test_862_50", "test_862_51", "test_862_52", "test_862_53", "test_862_54", "test_862_55", "test_862_56", "test_862_57", "test_862_58", "test_862_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, my name is even, pleased to meet you.", "Hello, I'm schmitty. Nice to meet you as well.", "Winter sports is my passion, what is yours?", "I really enjoy working outside, in my garden.", "I am from an it background.", "I am in the car business..", "I need to buy a new car, we need to swap details.", "Sounds great, I would be happy to help.", "I want a crossover for my snowboard to fit in.", "I don't think that would be aproblem.", "Did I mention my previous employer was cisco?", "Did I mention I love to read, especially murder mysteries.", "Did you buy a car? What about your previous employer?", "I've been in business for myself since 2006. Before that I was working my way through college. ", "That's great. Were you also studying something automotive-related during college?", "In college I studies Business Administration. But not automotive businesses exclusively. I remember you wanted to buy a new car. Are you still interested?", "I'm very much interested! I'm looking for something that is reliable during the winter and has some space. Any recommendations?", "Sounds like you need an SUV. Do you have any preference of Make? ", "Good advice! Well I suppose a cool one that is within my budget... perhaps a Honda? What do you think?", "Honda makes some great models, the Pilot and Passport. I don't think you and I are in the same city or I would invite you down to my showroom.", "Oh wow what a coincidence. You work at a Honda dealership!", "My dealership sells Hondas and Toyotas. And used cars of all makes and models. ", "Wonderful! Well I suppose I should also ask about any Toyotas that you recommend?", "I think you might like a 4Runner. Sporty and economical. ", "Have you found the car of your dreams yet?", "Not yet, I am really wanting to get a newer Lexus ES 350. They are super nice cars, well built, and reliable.", "Oh, that's nice. Why not a Honda or a Toyota? Those are well built and reliable as well, and much more affordable. Is it because you're looking for something high-end?", "Lexus is Toyota's luxury brand. They use a lot of the same parts as the regular Toyotas. I have had several Toyota's and I am just looking for something a little fancier.", "Oh, I didn't know that. Makes a lot of sense. Are you considering any other Lexus models other than the ES 350?", "I would consider some of the IS models too, but I am really wanting to get an ES 350. What are you driving right now?", "I'm just driving a Toyota Corolla. It's cheap and reliable, and gets me where I need to go. No complaints about it.", "Yep, those are great cars. Good for you. What are you doing now that you are no longer with Cisco?", "I'm now working for Salesforce as a software engineer. It's a great gig. Good benefits and excellent pay.", "That's great. Technology is a great field to be in. Great starting salaries, and a lot of opportunity to increase your income down the road if you continue to make yourself stand out.", "Absolutely. Tech is probably the best industry to be in at the moment. Great hours, flexible work schedule, and great pay. Can't really ask for much else.", "What do you like to do in your spare time when you are not working?", "I'm considering buying a Honda. Do you think Hondas are better than Toyotas?", "That is hard to say. It depends on the model that you are looking for, how old it is, and how many miles are on the cars, just to name a few considerations. Are you leaning towards a certain model?", "I think I can get a good deal on a 2010 Toyota Corolla. It surprisingly only has 2000 miles on it! Do you think that might be a good option. The seller is only asking $5555.55", "Wow. Yes, given that information, I think you found a good deal. Will it be big enough to fit your snowboard and snowboard equipment?", "Well, I'm pretty sure that equipment won't be able to fit inside the car, but I have seen people put racks on top of their Corollas for similar reasons, and it looks like it works well for those who go that route. ", "Yeah, that could work. With the money you are saving you could get a really nice hood rack. You might also want to invest in some winter tires.", "We're on the same page on that topic. I've been scouring the internet for deals on winter tires, as well as tire chains. I've seen good prices for all that stuff, so I'm not too worried about the additional costs of that. Let me ask you a question. The Corolla I'm looking at has been garaged for over 10 years without being driven. Do you think that is going to present any problems for me?", "Okay. Now that changes things. It depends on how well the owner keep up the maintenance. If he literally let it sitting there ten years, you should have it looked at by a mechanic before buying it. If he took it out occasionally and prevented rust from accumulating, you might still be good. ", "Okay, thanks for all that advice. Now for a more trivial question: what do you think is the coolest color I could paint the car if I buy it? As it is today, it is a boring off-white. I'm thinking of going neon pink with sparkly gold detail. Does that sound as awesome to you as it does to me?", "Awesome is a matter of perspective. I'm a more primary colors guy. However, you should do you. If the pink with gold detailing gives you a nice happy feeling, go for it! However, if you are thinking you might sell the car in the near future, I would suggest sticking with the old boring white for greater resell value.", "Once again, your advice is stellar. I hope some day I can return the favor by giving you some expertise advice on snowboarding if you ever become interested in that subject matter!", "This old fuddy duddy is too old for the young man's sport of snowboarding, but I appreciate the offer! If you need someone to look over that car or any suggestions for a painter, just let me know.", "Have you heard about the upcoming Winter Olympics? So excited to watch the snowboarding!", "Yes, looking forward to it. Who are you supporting?", "I don't know yet. I always just watch and start rooting for whoever has the best nickname. I used to root for the flying tomato, but I think he retired.", "Haha that's a funny name. I'll be watching out for the athletics especially track and fields.", "Oh, did you ever compete in track and field before? I used to run track when I was in middle school.", "I represented my high school in 100m. Miss those days. What did you do? Track or field?", "I ran the 800 and the 1500. But it was more to keep me in shape in the off season. Truth be told, I'm not a big fan of running in circles.", "Haha. I always found those too stressful. I'm better off at quick bursts of energy than long distance. Have you bought a car yet?", "Not since we spoke earlier today. I haven't even left my couch since then!", "I was browsing online for good deals. Too many options out there now.", "Did you see anything interesting? I gave up looking and have decided to watch Adam Sandler movies all day. ", "Didn't find anything I liked. I'm thinking of watching Netflix myself. Any show recommendations?"], "init_persona": [[["I enjoy food and eat meat.", "I like snowboarding.", "I used to work for cisco.", "My favorite performer is charlie parker.", "I'm going to buy a new car."], ["I am a car salesman.", "I enjoy murder mystery novels.", "My mother was a police officer.", "My favorite band is 5 finger death punch.", "Sometimes, I like to garden."]], [["I'm Even.", "I have interest in Winter sports.", "I want a new car.", "I should fit my snowboard to crossover.", "My previous employer was Cisco."], ["I'm schmitty.", "I like to work on my garden.", "I am in the car business.", "I like to read murder mysteries."]], [["I'm Even.", "I have interest in Winter sports.", "I should fit my snowboard to crossover.", "My previous employer was Cisco.", "I'm interested in buying a new car that is reliable during the winter and has some space."], ["I'm schmitty.", "I like to work on my garden.", "I am in the car business. I have a vehicle showroom. My dealership sells Hondas and Toyotas.", "I like to read murder mysteries.", "I've been in business for myself since 2006. Before that I was working my way through college. In college I studied Business Administration."]], [["I'm Even.", "I have interest in Winter sports.", "I should fit my snowboard to crossover.", "My previous employer was Cisco.", "I'm interested in buying a new car that is reliable during the winter and has some space.", "I own a Toyota Corolla.", "I work for Salesforce as a software engineer."], ["I'm schmitty.", "I like to work on my garden.", "I am in the car business. I have a vehicle showroom. My dealership sells Hondas and Toyotas.", "I like to read murder mysteries.", "I've been in business for myself since 2006. Before that I was working my way through college. In college I studied Business Administration.", "I am looking to buy a car. I have owned several Toyotas."]], [["I'm Even.", "I have interest in Winter sports.", "I should fit my snowboard to crossover.", "My previous employer was Cisco.", "I'm interested in buying a new car that is reliable during the winter and has some space.", "I own a Toyota Corolla.", "I work for Salesforce as a software engineer.", "I am thinking of buying a car. I am trying to get a good deal. I would like a sedan. I am preparing to drive in the snow. I do not know very much about cars.", "I am a snowboarder.", "I enjoy vibrant colors."], ["I'm schmitty.", "I like to work on my garden.", "I am in the car business. I have a vehicle showroom. My dealership sells Hondas and Toyotas.", "I like to read murder mysteries.", "I've been in business for myself since 2006. Before that I was working my way through college. In college I studied Business Administration.", "I am looking to buy a car. I have owned several Toyotas.", "I know a bit about cars.", "I enjoy primary colors. I am pragmatic and think of the future often.", "I am older than speaker 1."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_863_0", "test_863_1", "test_863_2", "test_863_3", "test_863_4", "test_863_5", "test_863_6", "test_863_7", "test_863_8", "test_863_9", "test_863_10", "test_863_11", "test_863_12", "test_863_13", "test_863_14", "test_863_15", "test_863_16", "test_863_17", "test_863_18", "test_863_19", "test_863_20", "test_863_21", "test_863_22", "test_863_23", "test_863_24", "test_863_25", "test_863_26", "test_863_27", "test_863_28", "test_863_29", "test_863_30", "test_863_31", "test_863_32", "test_863_33", "test_863_34", "test_863_35", "test_863_36", "test_863_37", "test_863_38", "test_863_39", "test_863_40", "test_863_41", "test_863_42", "test_863_43", "test_863_44", "test_863_45", "test_863_46", "test_863_47", "test_863_48", "test_863_49", "test_863_50", "test_863_51", "test_863_52", "test_863_53", "test_863_54", "test_863_55", "test_863_56", "test_863_57", "test_863_58", "test_863_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Do you know anything about property investing?", "Not a single thing, sorry!", "Well I have a couple rental properties. Maybe I could show you a thing or two.", "Maybe you could, I just moved to a new city actually.", "Oh wow which city? Are you still hunting for a place?", "New york city baby! I found a little overpriced apartment.", "Aw ok that is good! I own developments on staton island and in manhattan.", "Ohh wow, that's close. I drove 1k miles before to see a band so I can travel.", "Well what is your price range for rent?", "650 a month! I'm going to be homeless if I didn't ask my brothers to help me.", "Oh wow. Cant help. My apartments start at $2,000 a month for a studio.", "Well you can make a deal for a friend, no?", "I found a group of people looking for another roommate for a large apartment, rent would be way cheaper than what you pay now if you share an apartment with these guys!", "That sounds interesting. Where is it?", "It's in Long Island, the rent is only $1200 and split between four people would only be $300 a month for you!", "That sounds VERY interesting. Would I have my own room? My own or shared bathroom?", "Yes, you would have your own bedroom but there is a shared bathroom. They even allow pets if you have any!", "I don't have pets. I am interested in the place. I have another question. Do you have the time?", "Yes, it's 11:28 pm. When were you thinking of moving in?", "Is it near a subway or train or something to Manhattan. I don't mind a commute but I don't want to drive.", "Yes, it's right beside the subway, only a 5 minute walk. You can take the subway right to Manhattan. I do have some apartments in Manhattan, but they start at $2,000 which is out of your price range.", "You're right. $300 would be great on my budget of $650. I just want to make sure I'm not eating that other $350 in commuting. You know these guys?", "Yes, they have been renting from me for about 5 years. One of the roommates is getting married and moving out so they're looking for someone else.", "I'd sure like to see the place and meet a couple of them. Can you set that up?", "I have gotten in touch with the current renters and I have their schedules, when is it convenient for you to meet?", "I could meet this weekend! If not, I can check my schedule for sometime next week.", "Sounds good. Do you plan to plan to have any roommates? My usual apartments are bit out of your budget if you'll be alone but I can ask a friend of mine who is also a landlord what he has available.", "I could ask my brothers, we are currently renting together so they might be willing. What does your friend have to offer?", "I'm not positive. Why don't you bring your brothers and take a look at what I have and if it's not within your budget then I can give him a call.", "That'll be great! What does your apartment have to offer?", "I have a few with amazing views but slightly longer commutes. I have a few with average views but are in the center of everything you could need in the city. It all depends on what you're looking for and willing to pay for.", "How long are the commutes to Manhattan?", "That'll depend on whether you take the bus, train, or walk/bike. When we meet I would suggest putting some of addresses into google maps and estimating your commute time to work.", "That'll be great! What are some of the local business in the area, like gyms and restaurants?", "There's a gym a short walk from one. Most have decent restaurants nearby and of course your NY street cart food.", "This is so exciting! Can't wait to see you this weekend!", "I might be getting some more apartments in the next couple months that you may like.", "That's great, thank you so much for keeping me in mind. My budget of $650 is very low for the area. Are the apartments that you mentioned within that budget?", "Sadly, I'm one of the cheapest renters in this area, and my cheapest apartments start at $2,000/month rent. I do have some properties located a little further outside of the city, if that might be more affordable for you?", "Yes, I will definitely consider apartments in other parts of New York if they are more affordable to me. I am also open to multi-bedroom apartments with a higher rent, but then having roommates to split the cost. ", "Okay, great. I appreciate that you're willing to bend a bit, because I'd really like to help you out, but the price range you are looking for definitely presents some difficulties. Have you ever heard of a neighborhood called Jericho? I do have some cheaper listings there.", "Of course, I realize that my budget and NY do not mix very well. I am willing to be as flexible as possible and appreciate you doing the same. I have not heard of Jericho, how far is that from the city?", "It's a 29 mile drive, so it can make the commuting a little more difficult if you're going into the city every day. Would that be something you'd be able to work with? I think I have some listings there around the $700/month price range.", "I have just searched for Jericho on Google, and the photos look really nice. It looks like a beautiful place to live and I am excited that there are apartments within my price range. While I do not like to drive, it looks like there are some great public transport options so I do not think that commuting would be an issue. I will ask my brothers if they can help me with the additional price, but I think that $700 a month should be doable.", "Great. I'll send over a few of the listings I have, and you can browse through them and see which ones you'll be interested in. The prices do vary a little bit, but they will all be listed so you can consider them. Once you find one you're interested, we can talk about scheduling a tour.", "Perfect! I am so looking forward to renting an apartment from you. Sometimes landlords can have bad reputations, but I can tell that you take a lot of pride in your work. I appreciate your patience and willingness to help me out. I will start looking through the listings that you sent over. Is the lease on a monthly or yearly basis?", "Also, I hope I didn't fail to mention this before, but we conduct background checks and credit checks - is that something you are okay with?", "Yes, that is something that I did anticipate and something that I needed to do for my current apartment. My credit score and background check should both come back with no issues. However, I may need to have one of my brothers co-sign the lease. Is that option available?", "I saw my friend today who is a landlord and he has a property you might like. It's closer in and a little more expensive, but you said a roommate would be okay. ", "What neighborhood is it in? And is it multi-bedroom?", "It's in Lynbrook, on Long Island. Has three bedrooms.", "Lynbook is not too bad, nice. What is the total monthly rent?", "Total's $2000, but you should be able to handle that with roommates, right? ", "I will have to see, maybe if i take the smallest bedroom. Can you get me in for a look today?", "I would assume my friend can. I'll give you the contact info for the apartment management office -- they're open during normal business hours today.", "Great, thank you. Do you know anyone looking to share a three bedroom apartment in lynbrook by any chance?", "Afraid I don't, but you might check Craigslist and other community bulletin boards.", "That sounds good. I might ask around my friends and have my brother ask his friends too.", "Yeah, word of mouth among your friends is probably best -- that way you have a better idea what you're walking into.", "Yeah, that's what I'm hoping. I wish I could run background checks on potential roommates, haha"], "init_persona": [[["I am a mom and sister.", "I am in my forties.", "I have a son and a daughter.", "I own rental properties and maintain them myself.", "I am a fan of movies."], ["I have 2 brothers older than me.", "My dad was a farmer back in the day.", "I recently moved to a new city.", "I drove 1000 miles to see my favorite band play."]], [["I own a few rental properties on Staten Island and in Manhattan.My apartments start at $2,000/month rent."], ["I am not knowledgeable about property investing.", "I just moved to New York City. My apartment is small and overpriced.", "I have driven 1000 miles to see a band before. I am willing to consider apartments in other parts of New York if they are more affordable than my current apartment. My budget for rent on an apartment is $650. My brothers currently help me pay rent."]], [["I own a few rental properties on Staten Island and in Manhattan.My apartments start at $2,000/month rent. I am a landlord."], ["I am not knowledgeable about property investing.", "I just moved to New York City. My apartment is small and overpriced.", "I have driven 1000 miles to see a band before. I am willing to consider apartments in other parts of New York if they are more affordable than my current apartment. My budget for rent on an apartment is $650. My brothers currently help me pay rent.", "I don't have any pets.", "I don't like to drive."]], [["I own a few rental properties on Staten Island and in Manhattan.My apartments start at $2,000/month rent. I am a landlord. I have a friend who is a landlord too.", "Some of my apartments have great views with longer commutes. I have some apartments in the center of the city. My apartments are in NYC."], ["I am not knowledgeable about property investing.", "I just moved to New York City. My apartment is small and overpriced.", "I have driven 1000 miles to see a band before. I am willing to consider apartments in other parts of New York if they are more affordable than my current apartment. My budget for rent on an apartment is $650. My brothers currently help me pay rent. I rent with my brothers right now. I am looking for an apartment to rent.", "I don't have any pets.", "I don't like to drive."]], [["I own a few rental properties on Staten Island and in Manhattan.My apartments start at $2,000/month rent. I am a landlord. I have a friend who is a landlord too.", "Some of my apartments have great views with longer commutes. I have some apartments in the center of the city. My apartments are in NYC. I rent apartments and the cheapest apartments I rent in my area start at $2000 per month. I list apartments outside of NYC too."], ["I am not knowledgeable about property investing.", "I just moved to New York City. My apartment is small and overpriced.", "I have driven 1000 miles to see a band before. I am willing to consider apartments in other parts of New York if they are more affordable than my current apartment. My budget for rent on an apartment is $650. My brothers currently help me pay rent. I rent with my brothers right now.", "I don't have any pets.", "I don't like to drive.", "My budget for an apartment rental is $650. I am open to multi-bedroom apartments and would get roommates to split the cost with.", "I have never heard of Jericho, near New York City. I am interested in living outside NYC and taking public transport into the city.", "My credit score and background check should come back with no issues. My brothers may be willing to co-sign my lease with me."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_864_0", "test_864_1", "test_864_2", "test_864_3", "test_864_4", "test_864_5", "test_864_6", "test_864_7", "test_864_8", "test_864_9", "test_864_10", "test_864_11", "test_864_12", "test_864_13", "test_864_14", "test_864_15", "test_864_16", "test_864_17", "test_864_18", "test_864_19", "test_864_20", "test_864_21", "test_864_22", "test_864_23", "test_864_24", "test_864_25", "test_864_26", "test_864_27", "test_864_28", "test_864_29", "test_864_30", "test_864_31", "test_864_32", "test_864_33", "test_864_34", "test_864_35", "test_864_36", "test_864_37", "test_864_38", "test_864_39", "test_864_40", "test_864_41", "test_864_42", "test_864_43", "test_864_44", "test_864_45", "test_864_46", "test_864_47", "test_864_48", "test_864_49", "test_864_50", "test_864_51", "test_864_52", "test_864_53", "test_864_54", "test_864_55", "test_864_56", "test_864_57", "test_864_58", "test_864_59", "test_864_60", "test_864_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey, hope you are having a wonderful day!", "Yes I am and hope you are too.", "Doing great, I just got back from work at the zoo. What do you do?", "I play video games all the time.", "What is your favorite game?", "League of legends aka lol.", "Oh I know that one! I don't have much free time to dedicate to it, unfortunately..", "Oh everyone should play it so I can beat them.", "So I guess you have a pretty high rank in the game?", "I have the highest rank possible.", "Any pets? Or do you dedicate all of your time to the game?", "I just play games all the time.", "You should get out and come to the zoo sometime!", "I would like that a lot.", "I worked with a new animal at the zoo recently.", "Wow, what animal did you get to work with? ", "I got to help feed the lions! It was a great day!", "That sounds so interesting! Were you scared of getting bitten?", "Not at all, they were behind a fence so I was safe! Do you like to visit the zoo?", "I used to go a lot when I was a kid but now I spend most of my time playing video games inside. ", "If you ever feel like getting out of the house, I would love to show you around the zoo. ", "That is such a sweet offer, maybe next weekend would work?", "Sounds great. I will be working so you can even see behind the scenes! Especially my favorite animals, the otters! ", "I love otters! Sometimes I watch YouTube videos of otters holding hands when I'm feeling sad. ", "Oh perfect! If we plan properly on timing, you can help us feed them! If you can come early in the morning, they are the most active. ", "This might sound like an odd question but can you get any diseases from otters? I'm a bit of a hypochondriac. ", "I found out that I did such a good job helping feed the lions that I might get to do it solo next time.", "That's great!! I would be so afraid, so I'm glad you're not!! Will they ever let you feed the otters?", "I keep hoping they will. One of the females has a baby and its so cute! ", "Adorable!! Which zoo do you work at??", "The central Park zoo. Its a great job. We have a very large variety of animals. ", "That's fantastic! I would love to visit sometime soon, especially since I haven't been in a very long time! I've been so busy with my video games! Do you have any video games you play in your spare time?", "I play Rust. Its a great survival game. Have you played before?", "Never! I will definitely check it out!! ", "I saw the cutest otter video on YouTube today. It was a mother otter swimming on her back with her baby laying on her tummy. ", "Oh goodness how freaking cute!!! There are so many otter videos on YouTube, I get so carried away looking them up. Since your job allows you to feed lions, you should look up safe videos of zookeepers feeding lions. Don't look up any dangerous ones because they may scare you!", "I know, right? I actually have watched a couple and it helped prepare me for feeding the lions. ", "That's good! Youtube seriously has everything you could ever need to watch haha!! It also helps me with beating certain levels on my video games!", "I was allowed to feed the otters. ", "That's great! Were they friendly to you? I think I would be afraid around any type of wild animal during feeding time.", "We are very careful to stand clear once the food as been distributed. It is pretty cool to watch.", "I bet! I don't suppose you get to pet them and play with them too, do you? Otters are so adorable; I think I would lose my mind if I got to play around with one.", "They are actually quite playful. I am lucky that I get to play with them during habitat maintenance.", "That sounds so fun! Do they let people volunteer at the zoo? Maybe it would be fun for regular folks like me to be able to get close to the animals while helping out the organization that runs the zoo.", "It's funny that you say that. I was just going to tell you that there is a once-a-month community education program where the public gets to tour and help out behind the scenes with the zoo caretakers. You should come.", "I would love that! I don't have any professional qualifications, but I certainly love animals and I'm willing to put in the work. Do you get your fill of animals at your work, or do you have any pets at home too?", "I never get tired of taking care of animals. I almost became a vet but love my job as a zookeeper because it is much more hands on in terms of overall animal interaction. I also have two Golden Retrievers at home so life is never boring. at ", "Well it must be nice for your dogs to have an owner that's so knowledgeable about caring for animals. I'm hoping to get some kittens this year. I absolutely love cats!", "If you have allergies or are looking for a low maintenance cat I suggest Devon Rex's. They are my favorite.", "That's great advice. I actually have never heard of those. Maybe I should find a friend with cats first and make sure I don't have any allergies. If you know anyone that needs a cat-sitter, let me know!", "Did you find someone in need of a cat-sitter yet?", "Not to cat-sit, but I did go see a friend of my sister's who let me play with her cat. I didn't sneeze at all so I think that's a good sign.", "I like to go to my friend's house to see her cat, too, her car is so cute! Are you allergic normally?", "No, but when you mentioned it earlier today, I got nervous and wanted to make sure. ", "Well I'm glad you're alright! What kind of cat was it?", "I'm not sure. I don't really know a lot about the different kinds of cats. I guess I have a lot to learn before I adopt one of my own.", "Me too. My roommate wants to adopt a cat, but I'm not sure we should. We have trouble keeping all of our house plants healthy as it is!", "I'm actually rally good at taking care of plants, so hopefully that's a good sign for me being a good pet parent.", "Yes, for sure! I think you'd be a great cat parent. Have you had any other pets?", "No, my parents never wanted a pet when I was a kid. We'd just go to the zoo or go to the park to see animals. Sometimes, I'd pretend the frogs in the pond behind my house were my pets.", "So cute! That's one of my favorite parts of working at the zoo. I get to see the young children mesmerized by all the different animals. I had fish growing up, but that's about it.", "I always loved going to the pet store and looking at the tropical fish. I wonder where they get the fish from that they sell in the pet stores."], "init_persona": [[["I work in the zoo as a zoo keeper.", "I have a pet racoon and a bearded dragon.", "I love flying kites during a windy day.", "My brother owns a grocery store.", "I own 2 cars and both are mustangs."], ["I am a gamer.", "I like playing league of legends.", "My favorite champion is alistar.", "I got a new gaming laptop last month.", "I love playing video games with friends."]], [["I work at a zoo.", "I am very busy."], ["I play video games frequently. My favorite video game is League of Legends. I am very competitive. I am a high ranking player in League of Legends."]], [["I work at a zoo. I am very busy. I helped feed lions at the zoo.I wasn't scared of the lions. My favorite zoo animals are the otters."], ["I play video games frequently. My favorite video game is League of Legends. I am very competitive. I am a high ranking player in League of Legends.", "I used to go to the zoo alot as a kid.", "I love otters. I watch youtube videos of otters.", "I am a hypochondriac."]], [["I work at a zoo. I am very busy. I helped feed lions at the zoo.I wasn't scared of the lions. My favorite zoo animals are the otters I want to feed otters.", "I play a video game called Rust.", "I've looked up safe videos of zookeepers."], ["I play video games frequently. My favorite video game is League of Legends. I am very competitive. I am a high ranking player in League of Legends.", "I used to go to the zoo alot as a kid.", "I love otters. I watch youtube videos of otters.", "I am a hypochondriac.", "I am afraid of lions. I want to visit the zoo.", "I've never played Rust before. I've used Youtube to help me with video games."]], [["I work as a zookeeper at a zoo. I am very busy. I helped feed lions at the zoo.I wasn't scared of the lions. My favorite zoo animals are the otters I want to feed otters. I have feed otters.", "I play a video game called Rust.", "I've looked up safe videos of zookeepers.", "I have done habitat maintenance.", " I have two Golden Retrievers.", "My favorite kind of cat is Devon Rex's."], ["I play video games frequently. My favorite video game is League of Legends. I am very competitive. I am a high ranking player in League of Legends.", "I used to go to the zoo alot as a kid.", "I love otters. I watch youtube videos of otters.", "I am a hypochondriac.", "I am afraid of lions. I want to visit the zoo.", "I've never played Rust before. I've used Youtube to help me with video games.", "I am afraid to feed wild animals. I am helpful. I like animals.", "I am willing to work.", "I love cats. I want a cat."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_870_0", "test_870_1", "test_870_2", "test_870_3", "test_870_4", "test_870_5", "test_870_6", "test_870_7", "test_870_8", "test_870_9", "test_870_10", "test_870_11", "test_870_12", "test_870_13", "test_870_14", "test_870_15", "test_870_16", "test_870_17", "test_870_18", "test_870_19", "test_870_20", "test_870_21", "test_870_22", "test_870_23", "test_870_24", "test_870_25", "test_870_26", "test_870_27", "test_870_28", "test_870_29", "test_870_30", "test_870_31", "test_870_32", "test_870_33", "test_870_34", "test_870_35", "test_870_36", "test_870_37", "test_870_38", "test_870_39", "test_870_40", "test_870_41", "test_870_42", "test_870_43", "test_870_44", "test_870_45", "test_870_46", "test_870_47", "test_870_48", "test_870_49", "test_870_50", "test_870_51", "test_870_52", "test_870_53", "test_870_54", "test_870_55", "test_870_56", "test_870_57", "test_870_58", "test_870_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi. Do you enjoy being with family and friends? I do-especially my grandkids.", "I do! I'm a single dad to one son and he's my world.", "I love to read and taught them how to read early.", "I'm trying to teach mine to recycle and reuse like I like to do.", "I want winter to stop. I need to move to a warm state near water.", "Yes! I agree. I want to go somewhere and work for animal rights.", "I love to worship god, so I will pray that happens for yu.", "Thank you! Do you eat meat? I'm a vegeterian.", "I don't each too much meat.", "I don't either I don't like it.", "Chicken kinda freaks me out if I think about it.", "Yeah me too and hot dogs yuck.", "What is your favorite type of vegetarian food? ", "I like to grill vegetables in the summer. Mostly I like to do eggplant, zucchini, and things like that. They taste good with balsamic drizzled over them.", "That sounds so good. Does your son like vegetables too? My grandkids hates them.", "I don't think any kids like vegetables. I grow my own zucchini, so I cut them in strips and then lightly coat them with flour and deep fry them to make zucchini fries. He seems to eat those...but drenched in ketchup only!", "I can agree to that. I only eat lots of vegetables since they are the only things I can afford growing up. How about you, when do you start liking vegetables?", "After my doctor told me that I was on a path to an early heart attack if I didn't stop eating and drinking like a roman emperor!", "LOL! That will turn most people into vegetables-eater. I also take my age into consideration and increasing my vegetables intake recently.", "For me, aside from my health, I am determined to outlive my ex wife also! ", "Nice goal! Your son will appreciate that. I told my daughters I want to see more grandkids so I also want to stay around longer.", "I would love to be a grandfather some day, but for now, I relish every moment of being a dad and being with my boy. He is making his first holy communion this year.", "How old is he now?", "He will be eight at the end of July. ", "Do you have any good recipes or instructions for grilled vegetables? I was thinking about what you said about how healthy they are, and I would like to follow in your footsteps. I am interested in trying some tonight.", "Honestly, I try to keep everything simple. I use extra virgin olive oil to grill them with and I let them cook just enough so they are perfectly tender and add a bit of balsamic and light seasoning.", "I have all the ingredients you just named, so I can start right away. I hope to be able to cook vegetables so well that even my grandchildren will learn to like eating them. What is your favorite vegetable dish?", "Well my favorite veggie combo right now is cucumber/tomato salad with onions. This is raw and not grilled but it is amazing.", "Sounds interesting. I believe getting nutrition from food may be better than getting it from vitamins. I once got a bottle of vitamins and didn't realize it had extremely high amounts of vitamin b12 vitamin 5 and I had a bad reaction. Now, if I need vitamins, it is probably safer to get it from vegetables.", "It definitely is better to get it from food especially straight from the ground and organic. Raw is better too. I try to eat lots of fruits and veggies right from the tree or vine.", "I may also try to grow my own vegetables. I have never grown vegetables. I was once told my grandmother grew vegetables in her backyard that she used to prepare dinner for her family. What vegetables do you suggest I try growing to start out?", "Probably tomatoes and sweet peppers. Those were pretty easy for me. Or carrots!", "Got it. Guess I have to wait for winter to pass. Or are there vegetables I can grow in winter? Maybe there is a magazine I can subscribe to that has all kinds of information about maintaining gardens. Do you know of any? I subscribe to the local newspaper and that's how I keep up to date on the news.", "I think those would need more summery or spring weather. Unless you have room to put a greenhouse of some sort. Try Fine Gardening Magazine or Amateur Gardening.", "I'll check those magazines out. I don't think I can afford a greenhouse right now. I'm on somewhat of a budget right now. I've heard of people talking to their plants. I really think praying by plants would help them too!", "Yes, I've heard of people talking to them too. I'm not sure I could do that. I would feel weird. HA!", "I decided to make a veggie barbeque this weekend. Would you like to join us?", "That sounds good! I really need to get out more and meet more people. Is there any veggies or dishes you'd like me to bring in particular?", "Fantastic, I am so excited that you will be able to make it. I think we are set to provide all of the main dishes and barbeque, but if you would like to bring a dessert that would be so appreciated! ", "Oooh, a desert? I can't lie, I don't really have a lot of experience with making veggie desserts. I guess I can try to whip something up, but I'm nervous no one will like it!", "How interesting! I do not believe I have ever had a dessert that wasn't vegetarian - and I am struggling to even think of a dessert dish which contains meat. No matter, I do not want the party to be a burden on you. You can bring disposable cutlery and plates, if that will be easier.", "Well, a lot of desserts have gelatin and things like that in them that are animal based. I'm not vegan, but I try to avoid a lot of animal based products, just because I don't like how they are manufactured.", "Okay, sounds great! Will you be bringing your kids to the weekend barbeque? If they aren't with your ex-wife then I would love to see them.", "I will have to check in with her and see if she would be alright with that. I don't see why she would have a problem with it, though. I'd like them to have a chance to meet more kids from my neighborhood. ", "Great, I hope that they can make it. There will be quite a few other kids at the barbeque. Could you please remind me of their ages? I am trying to think if there will be kids there of similar age.", "I have a son, and he's 8. He's growing up so fast I can barely keep up lately, and it makes having all this space between us very difficult. ", "What a fun age! There will definitely be other 8-10 year olds at the barbeque for him to play with. This will be a great time for you two to bond. Has he gotten any better at eating his vegetables?", "Honestly, no. His mother feeds him all kinds of junk, so I feel like as soon as I make any progress with him, she just undoes all the hard work. ", "I had a great time at the barbecue! I'm glad you could make it!", "I had a great time also! Thank you so much for inviting me. I'm glad it was a veggie barbeque!", "Of course. We could all afford to eat less meat! I need to keep my triglycerides down.", "I'm right there with you since my life was literally in jeopardy due to my old dietary habits. Fruits and vegetables are quite literally a life saver for me!", "I want to try making desserts out of veggies...I keep seeing this recipe for black bean brownies that I am so curious about", "Well I haven't had a lot of experience with veggie desserts, but that does pique my interest. I would definitely give that a try! Is the recipe pretty simple?", "Yeah, you use beans instead of flour, which gives it a fudgy texture if that's how you like your brownies (might not work as well if you like cakey brownies)", "Hey, if they're brownies, I'll like them. Who doesn't love brownies? Maybe even my son will like them too, just as long as we don't tell him they're made from black beans haha!", "That's the spirit! And i'll take the fiber from the beans in brownie form over bran form any day!", "Yes I agree, I will take fiber 100% of the time. Natural food is way better than the processed food that is all too common today. The manufacturing process just sucks all the nutrients out of so much of the food that's available to us", "I completely agree. My parents drank whole milk and ate butter and they were healthy as oxen! None of the processed food, just full fats and they lived to healthy old ages.", "The way nature intended! That's what made it so easy for me to transition to fruits and vegetables. Take them right off the plant or tree and take them directly to the kitchen, no unnecessary steps in between!"], "init_persona": [[["I love to spend time with family and friends.", "My grandchildren especially bring great joy.", "I want to always live near water, and in a warm sunny climate.", "My favorite activity is reading.", "And my favorite place to be is worshipping god."], ["I am a vegetarian.", "I support animal rights.", "I am a male.", "I have one son.", "I like to recycle and reuse."]], [["I have grandkids.", "I love to read.", "I am religious.", "I am not a vegetarian but I don't each much meat."], ["I am a single dad and have one son.", "I am a vegetarian."]], [["I love to read.", "I am religious.", "I am not a vegetarian but I don't each much meat.", "I grew up poor and unable to afford much. I ate lots of vegetables growing up.", "I am of an older age.", "I have daughters. I have some grandchildren. I would like more grandchildren. I would like to live long enough to meet more grandchildren."], ["I am a single dad. I used to have a wife. I am divorced. We are Catholic. I have a son who is 8 years old.", "I am a vegetarian. I like vegetarian food. I like grilling vegetables during the summer. I like grilling eggplant, zucchini, and similar vegetables. I enjoy grilled vegetables with balsamic drizzled on them.", " My son does not like vegetables unless I deep fry them and serve them with ketchup. I grow my own zucchini.", "My health is not great. My doctor told me that I was on the path to developing heart problems due to my diet. I used to eat and drink unhealthily."]], [["I love to read.", "I am religious.", "I am not a vegetarian but I don't each much meat.", "I grew up poor and unable to afford much. I ate lots of vegetables growing up.", "I am of an older age.", "I have daughters. I have some grandchildren. I would like more grandchildren. I would like to live long enough to meet more grandchildren.", "I had an overdose of vitamin b12 vitamin 5 and I had a bad reaction.", "I have never grown vegetables. My grandmother grew vegetables in her backyard that she used to prepare dinner for her family.", "I subscribe to the local newspaper.", "I don't think I can afford a greenhouse right now. I'm on somewhat of a budget."], ["I am a single dad. I used to have a wife. I am divorced. We are Catholic. I have a son who is 8 years old.", "I am a vegetarian. I like vegetarian food. I like grilling vegetables during the summer. I like grilling eggplant, zucchini, and similar vegetables. I enjoy grilled vegetables with balsamic drizzled on them.", " My son does not like vegetables unless I deep fry them and serve them with ketchup. I grow my own zucchini.", "My health is not great. My doctor told me that I was on the path to developing heart problems due to my diet. I used to eat and drink unhealthily.", "In cooking I try to keep everything simple. My favorite veggie combo right now is cucumber/tomato salad with onions. I try to eat lots of fruits and veggies right from the tree or vine.", "I'm not sure if I could talk to plants."]], [["I love to read.", "I am religious.", "I am not a vegetarian but I don't each much meat.", "I grew up poor and unable to afford much. I ate lots of vegetables growing up.", "I am of an older age.", "I have daughters. I have some grandchildren. I would like more grandchildren. I would like to live long enough to meet more grandchildren.", "I had an overdose of vitamin b12 vitamin 5 and I had a bad reaction.", "I have never grown vegetables. My grandmother grew vegetables in her backyard that she used to prepare dinner for her family.", "I subscribe to the local newspaper.", "I don't think I can afford a greenhouse right now. I'm on somewhat of a budget.", "I am having a veggie barbecue. I am pretty much prepared for the barbecue. I have never had a non vegetarian dessert before."], ["I am a single dad. I used to have a wife. I am divorced. We are Catholic. I have a son who is 8 years old.", "I am a vegetarian. I like vegetarian food. I like grilling vegetables during the summer. I like grilling eggplant, zucchini, and similar vegetables. I enjoy grilled vegetables with balsamic drizzled on them.", " My son does not like vegetables unless I deep fry them and serve them with ketchup. I grow my own zucchini.", "My health is not great. My doctor told me that I was on the path to developing heart problems due to my diet. I used to eat and drink unhealthily.", "In cooking I try to keep everything simple. My favorite veggie combo right now is cucumber/tomato salad with onions. I try to eat lots of fruits and veggies right from the tree or vine.", "I'm not sure if I could talk to plants.", "I don't get out and socialize much.", "I don't have much experience making veggie desserts. I am not a vegan. I don't like how animal based products are manufactured, so i try to avoid them. I try to feed my son healthy foods."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_873_0", "test_873_1", "test_873_2", "test_873_3", "test_873_4", "test_873_5", "test_873_6", "test_873_7", "test_873_8", "test_873_9", "test_873_10", "test_873_11", "test_873_12", "test_873_13", "test_873_14", "test_873_15", "test_873_16", "test_873_17", "test_873_18", "test_873_19", "test_873_20", "test_873_21", "test_873_22", "test_873_23", "test_873_24", "test_873_25", "test_873_26", "test_873_27", "test_873_28", "test_873_29", "test_873_30", "test_873_31", "test_873_32", "test_873_33", "test_873_34", "test_873_35", "test_873_36", "test_873_37", "test_873_38", "test_873_39", "test_873_40", "test_873_41", "test_873_42", "test_873_43", "test_873_44", "test_873_45", "test_873_46", "test_873_47", "test_873_48", "test_873_49", "test_873_50", "test_873_51", "test_873_52", "test_873_53", "test_873_54", "test_873_55", "test_873_56", "test_873_57", "test_873_58", "test_873_59", "test_873_60", "test_873_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! How are you?", "Hey just over here reading. You?", "Taking a quick break from work. I work too much these days.", "Oh wow. What is it you do?", "I'm working at this startup as a consultant/coder/everything sort of thing.", "Oh wow. Do you find time to worship god?", "I'm afraid not. I'm not religious. Are you?", "I worship our great lord and saviour jesus christ and praise god every second.", "I hope that brings you peace. I could use more peace, I work too much.", "Yes seek out god. Not religion. Just god.", "Well god goes by many names :).", "Such as what? Give me examples please.", "There is an infinite number. For some, god is money. For others, nature, for others, aliens..", "Oh, I see you are being extra dextra. Trying to philosophisize.", "I found a way to manage my work-related stress.", "That's so good! I'm glad! How do you feel about dealing with work now?", "I feel good at the moment! I've just been getting up early and doing some more exercise and I find it really helps.", "Do you still feel like your work load is too heavy? How are you managing lately?", "The nature of the work is that it tends to be heavy, but I've just built up my calmness and ability to stick to tasks and the ability to say no.", "Yeah, that makes sense. I'm glad your working through with it. I often find I just need a break if I'm stressed sometimes even as little as 10 minutes helps.", "Yes that's right. Have you ever had any stressful situations at your work that you'd like to relate?", "Not currently! I find I'm a lot less stressed lately than I was at my old job but you know how it goes. Sometimes just a bad boss can ruin a good job", "Yes, I suppose that's right. My boss here at my start-up is actually very good, but we just have so much work on the go it can be overwhelming for both of us. He's very smart.", "Oh yes then that is definitely a stressful situation to be in. But, as long as you have your goals and you and your boss are working through with it I suppose.", "So what is your work right now?", "I'm an english tutor for 3-5th grade kids from South Korea!", "I hope your day was better than mine. Today was a hard day from me. There was so much work to do and my boss was not there today to help me.", "Oh I'm sorry to hear that. What sort of work at the startup were you doing today? Mine was okay, kids were pretty entertaining tbh. ", "Mostly paperwork and crunching numbers, nothing fun. That's great. What were the kids doing?", "Oh I did a lot of that at my last job, very soul crushing stuff. I hope things calm down soon. The kids were just up to no good, which made teaching pretty difficult but I had to laugh at some of their shenanigans. Will your boss be back tomorrow?", "It is pretty soul crushing. I hope it's worth it in the end. But are the kids good in general? Or do they not even listen to you?", "I'm sorry, I hope so too! They're pretty good and they generally listen, they just had an over-excited day I think. They have just come back from school holidays so they're yet to get back into the hang of things. ", "That makes sense. Do you have any techniques to keep them engaged? Do you play games? I don't think I could ever do that job.", "I'm sure you could! It's actually pretty easy. But yeah we play lots of games, and I make sure they have a tiny break every twenty minutes or so because their attention span doesn't last much longer than that. Have you ever considered working a different type of job? ", "No, I couldn't. You need some serious class-management skills that I lack. I'd like to try some physical job, like being a construction worker!", "Fair enough. But wow! That would be cool, do you ever do any diy stuff at home? ", "Well, when we were remodelling the kitchen a few years back I tried to help. I'm not sure if I made it better or worse though. Have you done any diy?", "Hahaha that sounds fun! And no, I definitely don't have the skillset for that. I can barely put together Ikea furniture. ", "I'm just glad to be home and relax a bit.", "Did you have a busy day?", "Every day is a busy day. I envy you and your jobs, working with children has to be more emotionally rewarding than what I do!", "It can be very emotionally rewarding, but still often stressful. Children have so much energy, they can be a handful!", "No doubt, but having human contact is more fulfilling than working mostly with numbers. I think that maybe working with my hands would improve my quality of life.", "Maybe! Have you considered changing careers?", "It's more of a daydream than a plan. On a more pragmatic level, I've got a great boss and don't want to let him down by leaving.", "Maybe you can buffer the stress of working in a less hands-on field by taking on a tactile hobby!", "I already do to some extent, I work on improving my house when I have some free time.", "That's awesome! Do you have any other hobbies?", "I enjoy making simple, sturdy furniture, mostly just for myself and friends and family.", "Oh! So do you like woodworking, then?", "What books have you read in your free time?", "I recently read Tom Sawyer for the first time. It is such an inspiring story.", "Was that your first time reading it? I remember the first time that I read it, I think I was in 7th grade.", "Yeah, I know it's surprising. My teacher made us read it in elementary school but I was too busy at church.", "You must read Adventures of Huckleberry Finn next. It's got a little different tone than Tom Sawyer, but I know you're absolutely going to love it.", "Thanks for the recommendation. Is it very long?", "I don't remember how long it was, but it's a very easy read. It's the perfect book for a day at the beach.", "Do you have any other good recommendations?", "I feel like I should be asking you for recommendations. I spend a lot more time reading spreadsheets than I do reading books.", "Haha. You could try reading Adventure of Jean Marie. It's a French novel.", "I've never, ever heard of it. Is there an English speaking version that I could get. Or, even better, I wonder if I could get it as an audiobook.", "Yes, it's available in both forms! Great novel!"], "init_persona": [[["I'm a carnivore, I eat meat.", "I'm 26 years old and I am a workaholic.", "I frequently think about going to work.", "I'm slightly in debt.", "My favorite band is black sabbath."], ["I love to spend time with family and friends.", "My grandchildren especially bring great joy.", "I want to always live near water, and in a warm sunny climate.", "My favorite activity is reading.", "And my favorite place to be is worshipping god."]], [["I currently have a job.", "I fulfill multiple roles at a startup company.", "I am stressed from my work."], ["I read.", "I believe in Jesus Christ as a god."]], [["I fulfill multiple roles at a startup company.", "I am stressed from my work.", "I have been getting up early. Exercising helps my work-related stress. I have a heavy work load. I have developed a sense of calmness and gotten better at saying no.", "I have a good boss. We have a lot of work between the two of us."], ["I read.", "I believe in Jesus Christ as a god.", "I need a break when I am stressed. I am less stressed at my new job.", "I am an English Tutor. I teach children grades 3-5th. The children I teach are from South Korea."]], [["I fulfill multiple roles at a startup company. I work with numbers.", "I am stressed from my work.", "I have been getting up early. Exercising helps my work-related stress. I have a heavy work load. I have developed a sense of calmness and gotten better at saying no.", "I have a good boss. We have a lot of work between the two of us.", "I would like to work a more labor heavy job. I have tried some DIY work in the past."], ["I read.", "I believe in Jesus Christ as a god.", "I need a break when I am stressed. I am less stressed at my new job.", "I am an English Tutor. I teach children grades 3-5th. The children I teach are from South Korea.", "I have a new job.", "I can not do DIY work."]], [["I fulfill multiple roles at a startup company. I work with numbers.", "I am stressed from my work.", "I have been getting up early. Exercising helps my work-related stress. I have a heavy work load. I have developed a sense of calmness and gotten better at saying no.", "I have a good boss. We have a lot of work between the two of us.", "I would like to work a more labor heavy job. I have tried some DIY work in the past.", "I am busy every day. I do not find my job very emotionally rewarding. I would like to work with my hands. I will likely keep my current job. I feel a loyalty to my boss.", "I improve my house in my free time.", "I like making simple furniture for myself and friends and family. I like woodworking."], ["I read.", "I believe in Jesus Christ as a god.", "I need a break when I am stressed. I am less stressed at my new job.", "I am an English Tutor. I teach children grades 3-5th. The children I teach are from South Korea.", "I have a new job. I work with children. I enjoy my work but it can be stressful.", "I can not do DIY work."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_876_0", "test_876_1", "test_876_2", "test_876_3", "test_876_4", "test_876_5", "test_876_6", "test_876_7", "test_876_8", "test_876_9", "test_876_10", "test_876_11", "test_876_12", "test_876_13", "test_876_14", "test_876_15", "test_876_16", "test_876_17", "test_876_18", "test_876_19", "test_876_20", "test_876_21", "test_876_22", "test_876_23", "test_876_24", "test_876_25", "test_876_26", "test_876_27", "test_876_28", "test_876_29", "test_876_30", "test_876_31", "test_876_32", "test_876_33", "test_876_34", "test_876_35", "test_876_36", "test_876_37", "test_876_38", "test_876_39", "test_876_40", "test_876_41", "test_876_42", "test_876_43", "test_876_44", "test_876_45", "test_876_46", "test_876_47", "test_876_48", "test_876_49", "test_876_50", "test_876_51", "test_876_52", "test_876_53", "test_876_54", "test_876_55", "test_876_56", "test_876_57", "test_876_58", "test_876_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey.", "Hey are you still in high school?", "No, I just moved here from britain as a metal worker, how about you?", "Was it difficult to get a visa? I just graduated.", "Not really,had to make sure to have a job lined up. What do you plan on doing?", "No idea. But I know I want to leave this horrid small town.", "From a small town too, life moves too slow for me there. Loved seeing the stars though.", "Yes it isnt bad but I have been here far too long. I will send postcards back.", "To your parents? That's good to still be on good terms with them.", "Yes, that is the plan. I want to just relax under the stars. Good life!", "It's great getting to go out and finally explore around..", "Exactly! Wow, you get me so much.", "What are small towns like?", "They're lonely, but a good lonely. I am glad to be away from the craziness of the city.", "That's good! How many people live in yours?", "About 250. It's strange whenever a newcomer visits the town because everybody knows everyone else here. How about your town?", "Right! It must be nice to have that sense of community with your neighbours? Where I live now is a bit larger, 2000 people or so", "I can see how it would feel different having that many people near you. It still beats being crowded like you were in Britain though, huh?", "Yes, everything is a bit more anonymous. Its nice to have a decent amount of land! What have you been up to this week?", "Oh, I've been searching the stars the past couple nights. It's crazy to think about how big the universe is and how many stars there are. More than I could ever see anyway.", "How amazing! That's another thing about not living in a city, no light pollution! Do you have a telescope?", "Yep! I do have a telescope. It's old and cantankerous but it gets the job done. I'll let you use it some time.", "That would be great, thank you! What's the furthest star you can see with it?", "That would be Orion. I've watched that baby twinkle so many times.", "Have you ever seen anything strange with your telescope?", "What time I swore I saw a ufo or flaying saucer!", "That's wild. The first time I tried a telescope was when I was around 10 years old. I once saw some kind of meteor shower or something around that age with my naked eye and I thought it was the Devil in the sky", "Could you imagine being in the olden times and having no idea what was happening when you saw a shooting star or an eclipse", "Yes, the ancient people must have thought they were seeing gods. I sometimes use binoculars to look at the moon. I really hope I see a UFO one day. I have never seen one.", "I don't know if I would want to see one too close, I'd be a little scared, but definitely curious!", "Do you ever try to find information about where something interesting may be happening the sky? I once drove to another state to watch a full solar eclipse.", "Yeah, sometimes. I'm also part of a few sky related facebook groups, that usually post when something cool is coming up. It's always a little heartbreaking when it's somewhere across the world. Sometimes people post videos though which is cool.", "That's great. How much did your telescope cost? I found some for sale online that are around $150. Does it have any accessories?", "Mine was bit more expensive, around $500, but it's not my first, so I went for one that was a bit more updated that can connect to my phone/computer", "That's awesome. The binoculars I have now were given to me by my uncle. It amazes me how effective the binoculars are. That's why I am excited for how much more a telescope can do.", "That's nice they have sentimental value too", "Have you seen anything interesting in the sky recently?", "Yes. I always see strange appearances, almost every night. Probably the government. Probably aliens. Probably both. I can never say for sure, but there is a lot they aren't telling us, that is for sure.", "I agree! I have seen several things in the sky that looked suspicious. I definitely believe in aliens...", "I believe too... THEY'RE OUT THERE. I wonder when and where aliens will make first contact - if they haven't yet already? Mind boggling. Have you seen any interesting as of late? ", "I actually saw something in the sky the other night as I was driving. It didn't look like a plane, and it had a lot of lights. I stopped my car, and it stopped too! That freaked me out, so I got back in my car. It started going when I did. Weird. How about you? Have you seen anything weird?", "Did you manage to get any pictures? Please tell me you did! I see strange events almost every night, but last week I saw a small ball of light that appeared like it came up over the lake, and stayed suspended there for minutes. Then out of nowhere, it zipped straight up into the sky and disappeared!", "Wow. That is really wild. Unfortunately, I did not get any pictures. I wish I had!", "I always try to take pictures and videos of every event I observe. I can send some over if you'd like, maybe you can help me analyze some of them? I'm trying to make written reports for each of them so I can publish them online.", "Oh wow. That would be awesome! I have not gone so far as to do any of that, but now I think I will. I would love to see what you have!", "I've got years of footage that I need to sort through. I could really use the help, honestly. Are you in any Facebook groups related to star watching or ufo sightings? I'm in a lot of them, I could invite you to them if you'd like.", "Oh, please do! I am not a member of any, and didn't even know there were any...lol. I'm so behind!", "Don't worry about it - not a lot of people are aware these groups exist. We share a lot of information with each other, and it's a lot of fun. I'll send you a few invites when I get a free minute to check my Facebook.", "Do you ever take your friends from your small town with you to look at the stars or for UFOs?", "Yes, I try to have fun with my friends from the city and tell them stories of aliens that I read about online.", "It would be interesting to see aliens much closer like you. How many such events have happened to you and how much your friends like and believe in those?", "My city friends are usually pretty skeptical, but when its quiet on a dark night, I can get some to start believing. However, mostly we drink and make smores. Any friends who are believers?", "I have a couple who believe in these rare occurences as much as I believe. You know I believe in aliens strongly. I want many to believe too. It is a fantastic event.", "I want to believe too, but then the world would panic I think. What do you think of those recently released Pentagon UFO tapes?", "I am happy about the pentagon tapes since they give credibility to stories that you and I encounter, Equally I am terrified too", "Still, its fun to go out into the night and look for them I think. Have you invested in any new telescopes or cameras lately to capture UFOs? ", "Not yet. I want to buy one for less than $ 150. I have asked my friends for a good suggestion. you can suggest too. How costly should I buy the telescope for?", "$150 sounds great, but it also sounds on the inexpensive and lower quality side. My guess is that you have to get to $300 or even $500. Maybe that is what I will search for online today. ", "Great. I cannot afford $ 500 now. I can go for $ 250 or $ 300. Let me try. Do you publish these stories in facebook and how do the friends react? I may want to publish youtube too.", "I think I have to moderate myself on Facebook since they might think I'm turning into a crazy person. I think they humor me on Facebook. YouTube is fun to watch but it takes a lot of work to make quality videos. I look forward to seeing your stuff on Facebook!"], "init_persona": [[["I am british.", "I am a metal worker.", "I have immigrated to the united states.", "I am divorced.", "I have 1 child."], ["I just graduated high school.", "I've been stuck in this tiny town for too long.", "I'm going on a cross-country trip and never coming back.", "I might write my parents a post card some time.", "Whatever, I can't wait to be staying under the stars."]], [["I moved from Britain. I work as a metal worker. I'm from a small town.", "I like stars."], ["I recently graduated.", "I live in a small town.", "I have lived here a long time.", "I want to relax under the stars."]], [["I moved from Britain. I work as a metal worker. I'm from a small town.", "I like stars.", "I live in a large town. I used to live in Britain."], ["I recently graduated.", "I live in a small town. I know the people who live in my town.", "I have lived here a long time.", "I want to relax under the stars.", "I enjoy stargazing.", "I own an old but functional telescope. I can see Orion with my telescope."]], [["I moved from Britain. I work as a metal worker. I'm from a small town.", "I like stars. I own binoculars. My uncle gave me my binoculars.", "I live in a large town. I used to live in Britain.", "I owned a telescope when I was 10. I saw a meteor shower when I was 10.", "I have visited another state."], ["I recently graduated.", "I live in a small town. I know the people who live in my town.", "I have lived here a long time.", "I want to relax under the stars.", "I enjoy stargazing.", "I own an old but functional telescope. I can see Orion with my telescope. I think I have seen an alien. I have spent $500 on a telescope. I have owned another telescope before.", "I use Facebook. I follow sky-related Facebook groups."]], [["I moved from Britain. I work as a metal worker. I'm from a small town.", "I like stars. I own binoculars. My uncle gave me my binoculars.", "I live in a large town. I used to live in Britain.", "I owned a telescope when I was 10. I saw a meteor shower when I was 10.", "I have visited another state.", "I see strange things in the sky. I believe in aliens. I saw something in the sky a few nights ago when I was driving - it stopped when I stopped and moved when I moved. I did not know there were Facebook groups for star watching and UFO sightings but I want to join some."], ["I recently graduated.", "I live in a small town. I know the people who live in my town.", "I have lived here a long time.", "I want to relax under the stars.", "I enjoy stargazing.", "I own an old but functional telescope. I can see Orion with my telescope. I think I have seen an alien. I have spent $500 on a telescope. I have owned another telescope before.", "I use Facebook. I follow sky-related Facebook groups. I see strange appearances in the sky almost every night that could be aliens or the government. I believe in aliens.", "Last week, I saw a small ball of light suspended over the lake, then it zipped straight up into the sky and disappeared. I take photos of the strange events I encounter."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_878_0", "test_878_1", "test_878_2", "test_878_3", "test_878_4", "test_878_5", "test_878_6", "test_878_7", "test_878_8", "test_878_9", "test_878_10", "test_878_11", "test_878_12", "test_878_13", "test_878_14", "test_878_15", "test_878_16", "test_878_17", "test_878_18", "test_878_19", "test_878_20", "test_878_21", "test_878_22", "test_878_23", "test_878_24", "test_878_25", "test_878_26", "test_878_27", "test_878_28", "test_878_29", "test_878_30", "test_878_31", "test_878_32", "test_878_33", "test_878_34", "test_878_35", "test_878_36", "test_878_37", "test_878_38", "test_878_39", "test_878_40", "test_878_41", "test_878_42", "test_878_43", "test_878_44", "test_878_45", "test_878_46", "test_878_47", "test_878_48", "test_878_49", "test_878_50", "test_878_51", "test_878_52", "test_878_53", "test_878_54", "test_878_55", "test_878_56", "test_878_57", "test_878_58", "test_878_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Afternoon how is your day going so far?", "I am doing great! I just got home from working at a fast food restaurant!", "Oh nice, do you enjoy your work? I know customers can be a pain.", "They really can but the smell of roses and fern in my home make up for it.", "Oh you enjoy flowers? They can really liven up an area..", "So what do you do for a living or for fun.", "I teach a jiu-jitsu class, and take summer courses at college to try to better myself.", "That sounds fun! I read a lot of john grisham.", "Reading is an excellent hobby! Do you have any other hobbies?", "Well I avoid watching horror movies.. I am not sure that counts as a hobby though!", "Not a fan of horror either. What is your favorite genre of movie?", "Oh just about anything but horrer. I watch movies a lot with my sister though.", "Did I tell you the cool recipe I tried out today?", "No you didn't! What was it for?", "Stuffed mushrooms! One of them was a total disaster but the rest were delicious.", "Sounds good, what did you put in them?", "Cream cheese, parsley, and thyme to name a few ingredients. You really must try it for yourself sometime!", "You're making me hungry already! Do you cook a lot?", "I try to. It's difficult to resist the temptation of fast food places, as I'm sure you know haha.", "Yes I know the feeling! I like cooking too though, its great to try out new things", "Oh I figured you'd be tired of it all by now! What have you cooked for yourself recently?", "When I cook for myself I get to try new recipes rather than just cooking the same stuff all day like at the restaurant. I made a honey roast pork belly last, worked well with some mash and gravy", "Wow, that sounds incredible. I'd love to come over for a bite next time you cook.", "I would like that a lot! You're welcome to come over any time", "I saw the movie Nobody at the drive-in. It was fantastic. You might like it. It's all action.", "I do love action movies! I'll definitely check it out. How have your classes been going", "All my classes are done for the summer, I start up again in a few months.", "What classes will you be taking when they start up again?", "Some nutrition classes, I'm trying to eat healthier. I've been eating too much fast food in the past year.", "that's a good idea. Same for me, actually. I get free food at my job so I basically eat it every day.", "Do you have a favorite fast food item to eat?", "I love the classic hamburger/fries combo. I always get a vanilla shake too even though I probably shouldn't.", "Does the place you work at have a secret menu with lots of fun and tasty options?", "Not formally but we've seen all of the rumors on the internet. Enough people order the \"secret items\" that we know what people want now.", "I was wondering about something else you told me before, you said you like the smell of ferns. I've never smelled one, what do they smell like?", "It's hard to explain. Pure heaven. Maybe I can bring one over so you can experience it for yourself.", "I just made a new vegetarian dish I think you should try.", "Oh that's interesting? What's the dish?", "It was based around beets and mushrooms with a nice dressing. I will send you the recipe! Maybe you can share one with me as well?", "I've been experimenting with some new ideas, but sadly none of them are vegetarian. Do you like tacos?", "That is ok! I can figure out my own substitutes for your recipes. I love tacos, vegan of course! ", "I've been working on this idea for deconstructed fish tacos. Can vegetarians have fish?", "That sounds interesting! Can't wait to see it come to life! Some vegetarians eat some fish, but vegan do not. ", "Oh! I am so sorry, That was inconsiderate of me! I have also been working on a new Japchae recipe that I could probably substitute the meat with tofu if that would be better!", "Not at all, no need to be sorry! I am only newly trying to eat healthy and respect others food choses. Like I mentioned prior, I enjoy taking a recipe idea and making it my own. ", "That's so cool! I am glad you're considerate of others food choices, I think I could learn a thing or two from you! Would you like to cook together at some point to see if we could put our minds together to make something interesting and new?", "Oh I love the idea. Let me know when you are thinking and I will be there! I am sure we could come up with some great dishes! ", "That would be so fun! Have you been teaching jiu-jitsu a lot recently?", "I tried the deconstructed tacos I was working on and it is delicious! if you want I can make it next time you come over. ", "Does Yogi Bear want to steal you picnic basket?!? Of course I want to try your tacos, my mouth is watering!", "Haha! They turned out really good, I think youll be impressed with these, you don't mind vegan tacos do you?", "Of course not. Just because I'm not a vegan doesn't mean I don't like vegetables. I'll eat anything that tastes good. ", "Awesome, some folks can be a bit picky, but i promise they are delicious! They're pretty close to regular tacos with a meat crumble substitute.", "I have no idea what a meat crumble substitute is, but I'm willing to give it a try. Does it taste like hamburger?", "I've not eaten meat meat in years so i can't honestly say how much it tastes like regular meat but i think it tastes pretty close to what i remember. With the taco seasoning i don't think you'll be able to tell its a meat substitute.", "That's a great point about seasoning. I've seen people eat seasoned scorpions and say they are delicious. Personally, I draw the line at eating things like bugs.", "Ohh wow yeah i stay away from stuff like that too! Cricket flour has become real popular these days and they say its super healthy for you, but i think i'll avoid that!", "I've never heard of cricket flour and I'm scared to even think of what it would be used to make. Promise me that there aren't any creepy crawlies in your tacos!", "No worries, theres no animal products in these tacos and definitely not any insect products, Haha! ", "Okay, don't tell me any more about the ingredients until after I taste them. This conversation is starting to make me hungry."], "init_persona": [[["I am a college student.", "I will be taking summer courses.", "I like martial arts.", "I teach jiu-jitsu.", "I am allergic to dairy."], ["I work in a fast food restaurant.", "I love the smell of roses and fern.", "I am terrified of watching horror movies.", "My favorite author is john grisham.", "I have one sister who is married."]], [["I teach jiu-jitsu. I like to take classes at the local college.", "I don't like horror movies."], ["I work at a fast food restaurant.", "I like the smell of roses and fern.", "I read John Grisham books.", "I do not like horror movies. I like movies of all genres other than horror."]], [["I teach jiu-jitsu. I like to take classes at the local college.", "I don't like horror movies.", "I stuffed the mushrooms with cream cheese, parsley, thyme, and other ingredients. I eat at fast food places."], ["I work at a fast food restaurant.", "I like the smell of roses and fern.", "I read John Grisham books.", "I do not like horror movies. I like movies of all genres other than horror.", "I like to cook. I try new recipes at home."]], [["I teach jiu-jitsu. I like to take classes at the local college.", "I don't like horror movies.", "I stuffed the mushrooms with cream cheese, parsley, thyme, and other ingredients. I eat at fast food places.", "I just finished my classes.", "I have been taking nutrition classes. I am currently trying to eat healthier."], ["I work at a fast food restaurant. I have a job where I get free food. My favorite meal is a hamburger with fries and a vanilla milk shake.", "I like the smell of roses and fern.", "I read John Grisham books.", "I do not like horror movies. I like movies of all genres other than horror. I like action movies.", "I like to cook. I try new recipes at home.", "I love the smell of ferns."]], [["I teach jiu-jitsu. I like to take classes at the local college.", "I don't like horror movies.", "I stuffed the mushrooms with cream cheese, parsley, thyme, and other ingredients. I eat at fast food places.", "I just finished my classes.", "I have been taking nutrition classes. I am currently trying to eat healthier.", "I am vegetarian. I make vegan recipes. I like vegan tacos.", "I don't eat fish. I am trying to eat and be healthier.", "I live near Speaker 2."], ["I work at a fast food restaurant. I have a job where I get free food. My favorite meal is a hamburger with fries and a vanilla milk shake.", "I like the smell of roses and fern.", "I read John Grisham books.", "I do not like horror movies. I like movies of all genres other than horror. I like action movies.", "I like to cook. I try new recipes at home.", "I love the smell of ferns.", "I cook and make recipes. I am not a vegan. I am trying to make a dish with deconstructed fish. I am happy to make new recipes with other people."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_880_0", "test_880_1", "test_880_2", "test_880_3", "test_880_4", "test_880_5", "test_880_6", "test_880_7", "test_880_8", "test_880_9", "test_880_10", "test_880_11", "test_880_12", "test_880_13", "test_880_14", "test_880_15", "test_880_16", "test_880_17", "test_880_18", "test_880_19", "test_880_20", "test_880_21", "test_880_22", "test_880_23", "test_880_24", "test_880_25", "test_880_26", "test_880_27", "test_880_28", "test_880_29", "test_880_30", "test_880_31", "test_880_32", "test_880_33", "test_880_34", "test_880_35", "test_880_36", "test_880_37", "test_880_38", "test_880_39", "test_880_40", "test_880_41", "test_880_42", "test_880_43", "test_880_44", "test_880_45", "test_880_46", "test_880_47", "test_880_48", "test_880_49", "test_880_50", "test_880_51", "test_880_52", "test_880_53", "test_880_54", "test_880_55", "test_880_56", "test_880_57", "test_880_58", "test_880_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi. Do you live in a cold place? I love to snowboard.", "That sounds fun! No I'm a beachbody.", "I wrecked my car and have to buy a new one.", "Bummer. I have grandchildren 3 girls and 2 boys.", "Do they like music? Charlie parker is my fave.", "Yes I love styx and journey older bands are awesome.", "I just left my job at cisco.", "Good for you! I've recently discovered I love mediterranean food. New fav!", "Yum. I like food...all food and enjoy all types of meat.", "Meat is good. I love to bbq in the fall. My favorite season.", "Most people are afraid to say they eat meat::-).", "Not me! I'm def a carnivore lol.", "I have been online looking for a new car.", "Oh fun! Get a truck or SUV so you can fit your snowboard in it.", "I am definitely looking for that! Even if I have to pay attention to the price, you know. Have you planned any trip lately? ", "Maybe a used vehicle. Subarus last forever. My daughter is obsessed with hers! Plus, it fits all the kids! I have not planned a trip; I am afraid I am rather ill.", "Thanks for the tip, probably a used vehicle is the way to go! I hope you can get well soon! Maybe when you feel better, we can go have a dinner outside together as old times! I discovered an amazing steakhouse!", "I would like that very much. Perhaps we should go sooner than later. If I book a flight for next week maybe you will have your new wheels and can pick me up from the airport.", "That sounds like a plan. Are you going to attend a concert or something?", "Not at all, but your steakhouse sounds lovely and I would love to see you. Now that you mention it, I am going to see if Journey is still touring.", "You are very lucky to have the possibility to hear him in live! I remember when I was young and I was going to listen to Charlie Parker's concert. It was amazing! But definitely we can meet as soon as I have my new car!", "There really is nothing like a live concert. ", "That's totally true. I don't know what people would do if for some reason all the concerts would just be canceled!", "That could never happen! It would be too tragic. I need my grandkids growing up on live music and dancing! My daughter is worried I will turn them into hippies. She should be so lucky!", "I found tickets to the Journey concert.", "I am so happy for you and a little bit jealous! I saw them when I was much younger and they still had Steve Perry. They are amazing.", "Hey, you are still not too old to go. Are you interested? ", "When is it? I would love to go if it fits into my calendar. The older grandkids are staying for a week, but other than that I am free.", "It's not until August. Let me know you schedule and I will get you some tickets. Have you exposed you grandkids to Styx and Journey yet???", "Oh that is so great! I am free all August! They go back to school again. Oh, you know that I play them all the time in the car. I played Journey's \"Don't Stop Believin'\" and they all said \"this is the song they played at the football game!\"", "A lot of kids think older music is lame, but as they get older they will appreciate it more. What are their ages?", "My fantastic five? It goes 15 (B), 13 (G), 12 (G), 10 (B), and 7 (G)", "That's awesome. Do you think the parents are done, or do you think you will have more grandchildern?", "I think they are done. You never know, of course, but 7 years is a long time and feels to me like they are all ready to be done with that phase.", "Good point!..... But you never know lol", "That's true! More than a few \"oopsy\" I think I am one as there are 8 years between me and my older brother! How did you get into Journey by the way?", "Have you done anything fund with your grandchildren?", "We went to the beach last weekend! It is a good thing to do with them because everyone can enjoy it at any age.", "You do have arrange of ages. Do the younger ones still like building sandcastles?", "The 7 year old does, but the others say that is for babies. They are at that age where they are desperate be adults!", "I get that. Did you bring sandwiches? I love a picnic at the beach. ", "I do! Those kids always seem to be hungry! Speaking of...what are you having for dinner tonight?", "I have pulled pork in the slow cooker. I'm planning to have that with nice buns. It's too hot to cook. ", "That sounds delicious! I don't have any food, so I might just get a pizza.", "That sounds yum. What topping do you normal order? I like pepperoni the best", "I love ham and pineapple. Most people hate it, but it is my favorite!", "Each to their own. As long as I don't have to eat any. haha", "Fair enough! Give it a try sometime when you are feeling brave!", "How are your grandchildren? Are they coming over again soon.", "My grandchildren are great, just kids being kids! I'm hoping to see them again very soon. How are your grandchildren doing?", "Great! My granddaughter Catherine turned 3 today. She's growing so fast!", "Oh wow! Tell me about it, my oldest grandchild is 15! I can still remember when my own child was 15, but now my child's child is 15! They really do grow up fast", "That's wonderful! I am looking forward to when my grandchildren are older and I can spend more quality time with them. They are cute now, but I would love to see what kinds of personalities they develop as they get older. What is your 15 year old grandchild like?", "My oldest is a girl, and she's like many other teenage girls. She just started high school, she likes talking to boys, and she likes her independent alone time. Probably not all that different from when we were that age!", "Sounds about right to me, haha. I remember feeling invincible at that age, and feeling like my parents worried too much. How those tables turned as I got older!", "I know, right? We always thought our parents didn't know anything about being a teenager, as if they weren't a teenager at one point making all the same mistakes we did. But maybe you have to let them make those mistakes so they can learn", "I completely agree, but of course that's easier said that done. I catch myself trying to give my kids parenting advice, which of course they can't stand. I'm just trying to help! But it's their time to be the parents, and I should embrace getting to be fun grandma instead of having to worry about potty training, lol!", "I do the same thing! But that's the best part, the fact that we already did the whole parenting thing, now we get to have all the best parts about having kids around without worrying too much about the parenting part", "Precisely! And I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy spoiling my grandkids without having to worry about the inevitable sugar crash", "We'll let the parents deal with rules and discipline; us grandparents are all about fun! Hahaha"], "init_persona": [[["I enjoy food and eat meat.", "I like snowboarding.", "I used to work for cisco.", "My favorite performer is charlie parker.", "I'm going to buy a new car."], ["I have five grandchildren.", "My new favorite food is mediterranean food.", "I love all the older bands like styx and journey.", "I love being at the beach.", "My favorite season is fall."]], [["I love to snowboard.", "I was in a car accident. I do not have a car. I am looking for a new car.", "I like Charlie Parker's music.", "I worked at cisco, but not anymore.", "I like food, including meat."], ["I do not live in a cold place. I like the beach.", "I have 5 grandchildren (3 girls and 2 boys).", "I love Styx and Journey's music. I like older music.", "I love Mediterranean food.", "I also like meat. I like to bbq. My favorite season is fall."]], [["I love to snowboard.", "I was in a car accident. I do not have a car. I am looking for a new car.", "I like Charlie Parker's music. I went to a Charlie Parker concert.", "I worked at cisco, but not anymore.", "I like food, including meat.", "I eat meat."], ["I do not live in a cold place. I like the beach.", "I have 5 grandchildren (3 girls and 2 boys).", "I love Styx and Journey's music. I like older music.", "I love Mediterranean food.", "I also like meat. I like to bbq. My favorite season is fall.", "I am ill."]], [["I love to snowboard.", "I was in a car accident. I do not have a car. I am looking for a new car.", "I like Charlie Parker's music. I went to a Charlie Parker concert. I am going to a Journey concert.", "I worked at cisco, but not anymore.", "I like food, including meat.", "I eat meat."], ["I do not live in a cold place. I like the beach.", "I have 5 grandchildren (3 girls and 2 boys).", "I love Styx and Journey's music. I like older music. I saw a Journey concert when I was younger.", "I love Mediterranean food.", "I also like meat. I like to bbq. My favorite season is fall.", "I am ill.", "My grandchildren are aged 15 (girl), 13 (boy), 12 (girl), 10 (boy), and 7 (girl)."]], [["I love to snowboard.", "I was in a car accident. I do not have a car. I am looking for a new car.", "I like Charlie Parker's music. I went to a Charlie Parker concert. I am going to a Journey concert.", "I worked at cisco, but not anymore.", "I like food, including meat. I eat pork. I like pepperoni pizza best.", "I have grandchildren.", "I like picnics at the beach."], ["I do not live in a cold place. I like the beach.", "I have 5 grandchildren (3 girls and 2 boys).", "I love Styx and Journey's music. I like older music. I saw a Journey concert when I was younger.", "I love Mediterranean food.", "I also like meat. I like to bbq. My favorite season is fall.", "I am ill.", "My grandchildren are aged 15 (girl), 13 (boy), 12 (girl), 10 (boy), and 7 (girl).", "I love ham and pineapple pizza."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_883_0", "test_883_1", "test_883_2", "test_883_3", "test_883_4", "test_883_5", "test_883_6", "test_883_7", "test_883_8", "test_883_9", "test_883_10", "test_883_11", "test_883_12", "test_883_13", "test_883_14", "test_883_15", "test_883_16", "test_883_17", "test_883_18", "test_883_19", "test_883_20", "test_883_21", "test_883_22", "test_883_23", "test_883_24", "test_883_25", "test_883_26", "test_883_27", "test_883_28", "test_883_29", "test_883_30", "test_883_31", "test_883_32", "test_883_33", "test_883_34", "test_883_35", "test_883_36", "test_883_37", "test_883_38", "test_883_39", "test_883_40", "test_883_41", "test_883_42", "test_883_43", "test_883_44", "test_883_45", "test_883_46", "test_883_47", "test_883_48", "test_883_49", "test_883_50", "test_883_51", "test_883_52", "test_883_53", "test_883_54", "test_883_55", "test_883_56", "test_883_57", "test_883_58", "test_883_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! How is your afternoon going?", "Hi, it's going well but I am really ready to retire on the beach already.", "You and me both! Owning your own business makes a person crazy!.", "Yes! I had a business when I lived in alaska and it was a lot of work.", "Alaska looks beautiful. I am a travel agent in my other business. Would love to go.", "I love traveling. I take a lot of trips in my smart car.", "Do you have any pets? I have one cat at the moment.", "I don't but my parents live up north and have huskies.", "I live in florida and love it here.", "I love the beach, I look like a surfer with blonde hair and blue eyes.", "We do a lot of offshore fishing.", "I did some fishing in alaska as well. I was there for about 3 years.", "How is your business doing?, I see you love to travel maybe we can hang out in florida some day and take a trip to some of the wonderful beaches over here", "The business is doing well so far today. And yes, I would love to travel down to Florida at some point.", "Oh, great! That would be fun, I'm always looking for new fishing buddies and love introducing people to the beautiful Florida beaches. What kind of business do you own, if you don't mind me asking?", "That sounds terrific - I've actually only fished in Alaska so this will be a new experience for me. And coincidentally - I actually own a fishing boat company! What about you?", "Oh wow, that's perfect! My business is fishing-related too, but mine's a little less practical. I have an Etsy shop where I sell hand-crocheted stuffed fish. It's gaining some popularity, but it's still just a side gig for now. But I'm hoping I can eventually quit my job as a travel agent and focus on my crochet business full-time.", "Oh, no way! That sounds like a terrific gig. Send me a link to your Etsy shop - I would love to check it out!", "Sure, it's [etsy link]! I take special requests, too. If there's something you'd like, I'd be happy to make you something on the house ;)", "Oh wow, that's so sweet for you to offer. I'll have to check out your shop and let you know some of my favorites :)", "Sure thing! So how did you get started with your fishing boat company? Seems like that would be a lot of work to get started up.", "It's actually something that my father started many years ago. When I was living in Alaska, I brought the company with me. IT was definitely a lot of work, but well worth it!", "Oh, I see. A family business, that's really cool. And I'm guess you get unlimited free boat rentals for your fishing trips??", "Absolutely! If you're work ever has you traveling to my area, I'd love to take you out on the boat!", "Are pets allowed on the fishing boat, I'd love to be able to bring my cat! ", "I wouldn't recommend bringing a pet on the boat unless you already know how they react to water. Has your cat been on a boat before?", "He has not, but once he fell into the bathtub and seemed ok with it afer he stopped clawing like a maniac", "Haha, I think that's a little different honestly. Maybe you could leave your cat at home while you go on the boat. What do you think?", "I already bought him a pole and a vest though...he'll be so disappointed. I told him when I landed a tuna it was all his. Can a cat devour a whole 100 lb tuna? That should be a sight to see", "Well that does sound like it'd be pretty cute... I'm not sure what your chances are of catching a 100 pound tune though.", "Oh I think I can land those monsters...they seem to do it in television and movies pretty frequently", "True, but real life on the boat can look a bit different. Have you done much fishing in the past?", "Only off a dock into a pond, but I think i'm ready to hunt either tuna or shark. I watched Jaws the other night...the sound wasn't on, but I think I got the gist of it", "Hm, I'd suggest watching jaws again with the sound on before going for a shark. Do you think your cat could take on a shark?", "maybe if he's wearing his vest", "I'm not sure that'd be enough to protect him honestly. How big is he?", "I just got this order for a crochet fish that you HAVE to see!", "Oh, how exciting!! Congratulations on getting an order, I am so happy that your Etsy shop is doing well. What kind of crochet fish is the order for?", "They just wanted this multi-colored one with the button eyes that I put on them. They're very cute and make really great gifts for kids. I'm really hoping that the Esty business will pick up because I think it would be great for supplementing my income.", "How cute! You will have to send a photo of that order to me prior to shipping it out. If you could do Etsy full-time, would you take the opportunity and quit your travel agency job?", "I'll definitely send a photo over - do you think you might be interested in one? And, I'm unsure if I'd quit being a travel agent. The perks are really great, and I have a great connection with my clientele. Not to mention, they have been a great way of funneling traffic to my Etsy business! ", "Oh, how interesting. I had not considered using the travel agency to get more clients for your business. How do you advertise your crochet to your travel clients?", "I have a very close, almost friend connection with a lot of my clients. So, when they seem they are eager to learn more about the things I do, I share it with them. You'd be surprised how many people from my client base actually express interest in my personal life. ", "That is great to hear that you are so close with your clients. What a testimony to your excellent service! What are the majority of your crochet orders for? Do you do different animals and sizes?", "I've gotten a lot of orders for crocheted blankets, and those are usually the most expensive. The crochet fish are new, but I'm hoping people will show more interest in them. I was considering doing other animals, do you have any recommendations? ", "Wow, you are so talented to be able to create so many different crochet crafts. I do not know much about crochet or how difficult different patterns would be, but I think a bee crochet pattern would be really cute and popular. I have seen photo examples on Pinterest.", "Do you have any links you can show me? Maybe I'll make a test design, and if it's any good, you can keep it!", "Yes, I will send the links over to you via email. They are big round bees with little tiny wings, they look very cute. Do you usually use a pattern when you crochet or do you do it free hand?", "I was able to get that bee crochet pattern created. Check your email for a preview! ", "Awesome! Thanks for that! I use Etsy a lot too to look for neat items to buy. Are crochet items the only thing you sell on Etsy? ", "Yes, at the moment. I have thought about expanding to knitting, but there are a lot of sellers who do that. I think I may just expand to more kinds of crocheted animals.", "I can understand that. I don't know too much about crochet, but I do like to browse online to see what other people have made. What is your best selling crocheted animal?", "I think my best selling animal is the cat, and patterns for blankets involving cats. And sometimes blankets for cats! Crocheting and cats seem to go together, the same people like both.", "That is funny! Crocheting an animal sounds complicated to me. I'm not sure if I'd have the patience for it. How long does it take you to finish an item?", "That totally depends on the item, and how complicated the pattern is, and whether I have done it before. Animals are hander to finish off because of the edges, everything has to be well seamed. Blankets are easier because they have a natural edging. Do you have any ideas for Alaskan animals that would be good to crochet?", "That makes sense, with the blankets being easier to make. I wish I was as talented as you! Moose, bears, reindeers are some of the animals that come to mind if you're wondering about popular Alaskan animals. I think a moose would make a really cute crocheted item to sell. ", "Oh yes, with those big antlers it might be really cute! and maybe more unique than a bear. That's a really good idea.", "Wolves, sheeps, and whales are some more Alaskan animal ideas you can use. It's good to expand. Do you think this side hustle can turn into something full time one day?", "Those sound good also, maybe a pair of a wolf and a mountain sheep. Or a whale, maybe an orca? I like unusual ideas. As for going full time, it all depends. I do like being a travel agent, because I love to travel myself. It might be too much pressure to try to live on the Etsy business, then it wouldn't be fun anymore.", "You have a good point there. I think you are making a smart choice. Plus, a hobby turning into a job probably would no longer be fun anymore. I can relate because running a company myself makes me feel very stressed. Oh, I like the idea of the orca by the way."], "init_persona": [[["I love pets and have 2 dogs.", "I work at the mall near my home.", "I have a house that is not yet finished.", "I am looking for a furniture shop to buy furniture.", "I love grilling steak and hotdogs."], ["I have blonde hair and blue eyes.", "My parents are both from the north.", "I lived in alaska for 3 years.", "I want to retire on a beach.", "I have a small smart car."]], [["I own a business. I am a travel agent.", "I have one cat.", "I live in florida. I love offshore fishing."], ["I own a business. I used to live in Alaska.", "I have a smart car.", "I have blonde hair and blue eyes.", "I fished in alaska. I lived there for 3 years."]], [["I own a business. I am a travel agent and also crochet items to sell on Etsy.", "I have one cat.", "I live in florida. I love offshore fishing. I love fishing and beaches."], ["I have a smart car.", "I have blonde hair and blue eyes.", "I fished in alaska. I lived there for 3 years.", "I own my own business. I live in the United States.", "I own a fishing boat company. I inherited my business from my father. I used to live in Alaska but have moved away."]], [["I own a business. I am a travel agent and also crochet items to sell on Etsy.", "I have one cat.", "I live in florida. I love offshore fishing. I love fishing and beaches. I have gone fishing before but never on a boat.", "I watch television and movies. I watched Jaws the other night."], ["I have a smart car.", "I have blonde hair and blue eyes.", "I fished in alaska. I lived there for 3 years.", "I own my own business. I live in the United States.", "I own a fishing boat company. I inherited my business from my father. I used to live in Alaska but have moved away."]], [["I own a business. I am a travel agent I am unsure if I will quit, it has its perks. I also crochet items to sell on Etsy.", "I have one cat.", "I live in florida. I love offshore fishing. I love fishing and beaches. I have gone fishing before but never on a boat.", "I watch television and movies. I watched Jaws the other night.", "I got an order for a crochet fish. I get a lot of orders for crocheted blankets. I considered crocheting other animals. I am new to making the fish.", "I have close connections with a lot of my clients. I share things from my personal life with them."], ["I have a smart car.", "I have blonde hair and blue eyes.", "I fished in alaska. I lived there for 3 years.", "I own my own business. I live in the United States.", "I own a fishing boat company. I inherited my business from my father. I used to live in Alaska but have moved away.", "I do not know much about crochet. I saw a bee crochet pattern on Pinterest."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_885_0", "test_885_1", "test_885_2", "test_885_3", "test_885_4", "test_885_5", "test_885_6", "test_885_7", "test_885_8", "test_885_9", "test_885_10", "test_885_11", "test_885_12", "test_885_13", "test_885_14", "test_885_15", "test_885_16", "test_885_17", "test_885_18", "test_885_19", "test_885_20", "test_885_21", "test_885_22", "test_885_23", "test_885_24", "test_885_25", "test_885_26", "test_885_27", "test_885_28", "test_885_29", "test_885_30", "test_885_31", "test_885_32", "test_885_33", "test_885_34", "test_885_35", "test_885_36", "test_885_37", "test_885_38", "test_885_39", "test_885_40", "test_885_41", "test_885_42", "test_885_43", "test_885_44", "test_885_45", "test_885_46", "test_885_47", "test_885_48", "test_885_49", "test_885_50", "test_885_51", "test_885_52", "test_885_53", "test_885_54", "test_885_55", "test_885_56", "test_885_57", "test_885_58", "test_885_59", "test_885_60", "test_885_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, I'm taking a break from my new twins. Lot of work.", "Oh wow. That sounds tough. Do you find time to read?", "Sometime but mostly just the church news on sunday when we go.", "Which denomination of church does your family attend?", "Catholic and we believe in families.", "Besides god do you have any other hobbies? Maybe gardening which I love.", "Well, mostly I am at home while my husband travels for work.", "Oh what does he do? My mum is an ex cop.", "He is a salesman and sometimes goes to sweden where I lived.", "I am in sales too! I sell cars. Sweden?!", "Yep, years now I am in the states..", "Do you prefer sweden or the us?", "Oh, the us of course. Feel like a native.", "Oh, I traveled to sweden and it is quite boring so I understand. :).", "What do you grow in your garden?", "Mainly I grow varieties of peppers and tomatoes. I use them to make salsa", "I love salsa. I like growing carrots and squash for my church. I also grow hot peppers. Do you like spicy food?", "Definitely love spicy foods. I'd love some tips on growing carrots. I have tried growing them, but they did not do well.", "What's your favourite spicy food? It's all about patience as I'm sure you know with gardening.", "It is hard to say which is my favorite, but I am rather fond of Thai dishes. Do you can or preserve the vegetables for the church, or share them fresh?", "I love thai currys and noodles. I pickle some and share some fresh. Do you go to church?", "I don't attend church, but do have strong faith and try to live by example. In a way, I see the world as one church.", "That's a nice way to see the world. I often go to church with friends as my husband is away a lot. Do you have a lot of friends?", "I have just a few close friends to share time with. I prefer it that way. I'm glad you have people to connect with through church. ", "Better to have true friends rather than lots of friends I always say!", "That is an excellent perspective! What kind of work does your husband do? My husband is in construction, but only travels a little.", "My friends from church found a really good Thai restaurant. I highly recommend it.", "That sounds delicious. I love Thai food. I LOVE mango fried rice with cashews. Did you try it? ", "Absolutely. That is one of life's greatest pleasures is trying and enjoying new food", "So true. My mom left her police officer job to open a scratch kitchen restaurant. I love that I get to test all the new food. :)", "That must be heaven on earth. I just keep making the same old food here in my home and I really need to branch out on my cooking abilities", "I get stuck in the same patterns as well. So I am thankful when she needs testers for new menu items because it gets me to eat different things. I enjoy cooking but I am just not that creative. Plus to make new dishes, it seems like you need a million ingredients that only pertain to that one dish.", "The science behind baking is bonkers. It's like you are taking potions class at Hogwarts and certain desserts need stirred a certain way and ingredients added in a certain order or the whole thing goes kaput", "That's such a good analogy. :) Never really thought of it like that. Are you growing anything special in your garden this year?", "Tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers are the only plants I ever had moderate success with, but they've betrayed me in the past so we shall see this year", "I don't even try, it's like plants know I will kill them, even if I do everything right.", "Yeah...that's usually how it goes after the first month for me. IF these plants want to live they are going to have to do it on their own because i've probably forgotten about them by that point", "It's much easier and probably less expensive that I just go down and support a local farm. :)", "Have you tried anything new for your mother's restaurant?", "I have. She has a new spicy soup that's very popular.", "I love soups. What's in it?", "It's a clear spicy chicken broth. I'll have to ask my mum for the recipe. ", "That sounds delicious. Lucky you getting to test the new items!", "I am lucky. How are your vegetables coming along now?", "I just harvested them. They're amazing! ", "That's great. Have you cooked anything with them yet?", "So far I've just been eating them raw. Fresh veggies are the best!", "They are, especially tomatoes. Though a hummus dip from the shops with the peppers and cucumbers would be tasty too. ", "I agree. I do love hummus.", "Do you have plans for the weekend?", "The Spicy chicken broth at your mothers restaurant as delicious. I decided to stop by after reading how good it sounded. ", "She will happy to hear you enjoyed it. It is a best seller. You used to live in Sweden, right? Any favorite foods from there?", "Have you ever heard of R\u00e4kmacka? It's a shrimp sandwich and it's probably my favorite meal in the entire world.", "I have never heard of that, but it sounds tasty and refreshing. Are there any good Swedish stores or restaurants where I can get it? Or, a good recipe will do.", "I don't think I'd recommend getting it anywhere but in Sweden. They just know what they're doing over there when they put shrimp on bread. It's harder than it looks.", "Alright, you said you tried Thai food too right? Any favorites in that cuisine?", "I had pad thai noodles with chicken. My friend told me that it was a good , basic Thai dish to start with. It was nice and spicy, I really enjoyed it.", "Yes, that is like steak and potatoes in America. Pad Thai is comfort food. With all your vegetables, you can make all kinds of Thai dishes.", "I do want to learn how to be a better cook, but I kind of stink at it. Are you as good a cook as your mother is?", "I learned from the best, but I'm still learning. Let's just say that my cooking is not yet restaurant quality. Keep practicing!", "I'd invite you over to taste test for me but the possibility for food poisoning is too high to risk it.", "Alright, then maybe we find a good restaurant to visit in a couple of weeks, but not my mother's place!"], "init_persona": [[["I am a new mother with twins.", "My husband often travels for work and I am a stay at home mother.", "We regularly attend worship services every sunday.", "I am from sweden and have lived in the us for 12 years.", "I love tennis and play every week if I can."], ["I am a car salesman.", "I enjoy murder mystery novels.", "My mother was a police officer.", "My favorite band is 5 finger death punch.", "Sometimes, I like to garden."]], [["I have twin babies.", "I sometimes have time to read. I mostly read church news. I am Catholic.", "I used to live in Sweden. My husband is a salesman who often travels.", "I currently live in the states. I prefer the United States over Sweden."], ["I love to garden.", "My mother used to be a police officer.", "I sell cars.", "I have traveled to Sweden. I found Sweden to be boring."]], [["I have twin babies.", "I sometimes have time to read. I mostly read church news. I am Catholic. I go to church.", "I used to live in Sweden. My husband is a salesman who often travels.", "I currently live in the states. I prefer the United States over Sweden.", "I grow vegetables. I like spicy food.", "I have friends."], ["I love to garden. I have a garden.", "My mother used to be a police officer.", "I sell cars.", "I have traveled to Sweden. I found Sweden to be boring.", "I cook. I love spicy food. I like Thai food.", "I do not go to church. I have spiritual beliefs.", "I have friends. I have a husband who does not travel much."]], [["I have twin babies.", "I sometimes have time to read. I mostly read church news. I am Catholic. I go to church.", "I used to live in Sweden. My husband is a salesman who often travels.", "I currently live in the states. I prefer the United States over Sweden.", "I grow vegetables. I like spicy food.", "I have friends.", "I have tried Thai food. I want to learn how to cook more.", "I have a garden. I am growing tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers."], ["I love to garden. I have a garden.", "I sell cars.", "I have traveled to Sweden. I found Sweden to be boring.", "I cook. I love spicy food. I like Thai food. I love eating mango fried rice with cashews.", "I do not go to church. I have spiritual beliefs.", "I have friends. I have a husband who does not travel much.", "My mother used to be a police officer who now opened a restaurant. I test items on my mother's menu."]], [["I have twin babies.", "I sometimes have time to read. I mostly read church news. I am Catholic. I go to church.", "I used to live in Sweden. My husband is a salesman who often travels.", "I currently live in the states. I prefer the United States over Sweden.", "I grow vegetables. I like spicy food.", "I have friends.", "I have tried Thai food. I want to learn how to cook more.", "I have a garden. I am growing tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.", "I like to eat fresh veggies. I like soups. I like to eat Hummus."], ["I love to garden. I have a garden.", "I sell cars.", "I have traveled to Sweden. I found Sweden to be boring.", "I cook. I love spicy food. I like Thai food. I love eating mango fried rice with cashews.", "I do not go to church. I have spiritual beliefs.", "I have friends. I have a husband who does not travel much.", "My mother used to be a police officer who now opened a restaurant. I test items on my mother's menu. My mother owns a resturant.", "I like tomatoes."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_886_0", "test_886_1", "test_886_2", "test_886_3", "test_886_4", "test_886_5", "test_886_6", "test_886_7", "test_886_8", "test_886_9", "test_886_10", "test_886_11", "test_886_12", "test_886_13", "test_886_14", "test_886_15", "test_886_16", "test_886_17", "test_886_18", "test_886_19", "test_886_20", "test_886_21", "test_886_22", "test_886_23", "test_886_24", "test_886_25", "test_886_26", "test_886_27", "test_886_28", "test_886_29", "test_886_30", "test_886_31", "test_886_32", "test_886_33", "test_886_34", "test_886_35", "test_886_36", "test_886_37", "test_886_38", "test_886_39", "test_886_40", "test_886_41", "test_886_42", "test_886_43", "test_886_44", "test_886_45", "test_886_46", "test_886_47", "test_886_48", "test_886_49", "test_886_50", "test_886_51", "test_886_52", "test_886_53", "test_886_54", "test_886_55", "test_886_56", "test_886_57", "test_886_58", "test_886_59", "test_886_60", "test_886_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello! What's an interesting fact about yourself?", "Hi, I'm a decent painter if that counts. You?", "Cool! I'm allergic to dogs, but like them better than my cats.", "Neat, I really like horror movies, and I like watching them with my two kids.", "Cool! I have two kids too,daughters, who love scary movies.", "What do you do for work? I work for the government.", "In college I majored in psychology, now I work as an assistant to a psychiatrist.", "Neat, what is your favorite thing to do for fun? I enjoy naps haha.", "Running as it is something I like to do, gotta love the naps.", "Thats great it been nice to get to know you.", "You too! Another fun fact, I don't eat dairy or gluten.", "That is a fun fact? Haha.", "Fact? Yes,fun for me? No.", "I get it, oh well cheese and ice cream are over rated.", "My daughters and I recently watched the new \"Conjuring\" movie. It was great!", "Really? I love horror movies I need to watch it. How is your other daughter doing?", "They're both doing fine. They're busy at school and both doing well. I'm so proud of them. We rented the Conjuring as a reward because the older of the two got her first \"A\" on a History test.", "That's great! My kids are doing well in school too, they're both great kids!", "What grades are yours in? My two girls are in the 10th and 6th grades.", "My oldest boy is in the 9th grade and my youngest is in the 3rd grades. Sometimes I wish I would have had them closer together!", "I'm already looking forward to when my oldest leaves the house and am not looking forward to it. At least the gap between yours gives you some extra time with at least one of them home.", "Yes true, but sometimes I'm ready to get some \"me\" time back. I miss taking naps everyday!", "Yes, I can agree with that. Has your oldest boy started dating yet? My oldest daughter has. That scares me, too.", "He has told me he's interested in one girl. I'm not going to discourage it, but I definitely want to meet her before they take things too far.", "Yes, that seems responsible. I'm going to try to monitor my girl's social media to keep tabs on her. I don't care whether she thinks that's a violation of her privacy or not.", "Sometimes these kids don't understand the danger they could be in! We have to keep tabs all the time", "I just saw on my daughter's social media account that she is officially in a relationship with a guy. I am not sure if I am ready for this.", "Oh no! She is becoming an adult now. Are you nervous?", "absolutely i'm nervous...being an adult sucks. bills, responsibility, worry about the state of the world, taxes...where's the fun in that. She should just be a kid for as long as possible", "I agree! I will be there with you soon. I have a son in the 9th grade, so it won't be much longer for me. I still look at them at 6 month babies :(", "Yeah...I mean 6 months are no picnic either, but it was definitely easier psychologically because you knew where they were at all times", "I know. Maybe after you go through this experience you can give me some advice on how to handle mine when they start dating.", "Hope for the best and explain how much hard work it is raising a child I guess...there's no more sleeping in with babies that's for sure", "I know it's sad. It goes by so fast. I wish they could understand how you feel about them, but they won't until they have there on kids.", "Yeah...and if you tell them that it goes right over their heads.", "I'm not sure who will have it easier between me and you. I'm hoping 2 boys will be easier than 2 girls. ", "I wonder if they've done scientific or psychological studies on this very thing and have declared one gender a winner over the other in terms of ease of parenting", "I'm guessing that both have there issues. Neither is easy!!!", "Three days ago, I had the pleasure of meeting the boy that my daughter is dating. He seems like a good lad, very respectful and committed to the relationship. I am much more relieved than I was when I first heard of their relationship, I am sure my daughter will be fine.", "Yeah, the dating part does worry me. It seems to really drive home the fact that your children are not little kids anymore. You are further along in the process than I am. Any advice?", "It is a challenge to say the least. Letting go is hard. I am new to this dating thing, but the only advice I have now is to try to trust your kiddo! Let them live a little so they can make mistakes and learn from them. ", "Your right. I assume when they are well into teenage land they are ninety percent done anyway. When did you first allow your daughter to date? ", "You are right! I let my daughter start to date when she got into high school. That environment is so large and social that I feel it would be suffocating to not let her spread her wings a bit. ", "That makes sense. You spend so much time protecting them that it seems so foreign to realize my job is to make sure that are fully functioning, independent, productive members of society. To stand back and let them rise or fall is very daunting to think about.", "Trust me it does not get any easier when that time comes either. There is a pit in my stomach any time my daughter leaves the house. But I do see a change in our relationship since I gave her freedom and she seems to respect me and engage more. ", "True. I suppose the upside is the constant shuttling her from place to place will no longer be an issue. Is she already talking about getting her own car?", "It is nice sometimes! She only drives her car to school, activities and social events that are during the day. I am still not comfortable with her driving at night with all the crazies in the world. ", "My oldest is already trying to sell me on the idea that he needs his own car. He keeps telling me how owning his own car will take so much work off my shoulders. He is definitely doing the hard sell.", "Good for him! You have to be proud of his \"go get it\" mentality! ", "Absolutely. I applaud his effort and told him I will match him dollar for dollar and/or up to 2500 for the purchase. He has already starting mowing lawns.", "I was driving around the neighborhood and I saw a car being sold that might be suitable for your son. It is worth about $2,200 and it seems to be in good shape. I'll send you the number so you can inquire more about it, hopefully your son will be interested in buying it.", "Oh, that would be amazing, thank you! What kind of car was it? Hopefully something sensible and safe. :)", "It is a 2005 Ford Focus. The body is in pretty good shape with just a few patches of rust near the rear wheel wells.", "That's a pretty good deal, and certainly good enough for a teenager. He'll have his permit soon, but perhaps before then I could buy it and get some work done on it without telling him. He still needs to pay half, of course!", "Overall, for the price the owner took really good care of it. It gets about 35 mpg by highway and it has had only one owner who drove it modestly. I hope you call.", "I definitely will. Next step is getting over the fact that my kid is going to soon be driving by himself. How did you get over it when you let your daughter drive alone for the first time?", "I would let her out for short errands at first. I think I limited them to thirty minutes or less. I was a wreck and such a cliche. I kept gripping the phone just waiting for the police to call. I can only say that I am a little better now. ", " Did you ever follow her in your own car? I feel like I might do that, same as I did when my son first walked to school by himself.", "Of course. Sometimes I still do. I have to give her credit though. She seems to be a very safe driver and I have not caught her on her phone while driving yet. That has made it just a little bit easier to slowly cut the apron strings. Now when she moves out for the first time, that will be another story.", "Oh gosh, don't remind me! I mean, I'm looking forward to the freedom of not having to cater to other human beings every day, but I can't imagine what my life will be like when they're all grown up and the nest is empty!", "Suddenly I have these waves of guilt when I told my mom to quit being so dramatic when I went off to college for the first time. It is just too soon. One day they are in diapers and the next they are moving into their own apartment with friends. Okay, now I feel old.", "I felt exactly the same way. I had no capability of considering how adults felt, and I guess my kids can't imagine how I feel now either. My youngest doesn't mind spending time with me, but my oldest can't wait to be free, and that tears me up inside."], "init_persona": [[["I like to run.", "I don't eat gluten or dairy.", "I have two daughters.", "I like dogs better than cats.", "I majored in psychology in college."], ["I have two kids.", "I love horror movies.", "I paint pretty well.", "I have a government job.", "I like to take naps."]], [["I am allergic to dogs. I like dogs more than cats.", "I have two daughters. My daughters like scary movies.", "I was a psychology major in college. I am an assistant to a psychiatrist.", "I like running.", "I don't eat dairy or gluten."], ["I am a decent painter.", "I like horror movies. I have two kids.", "I work for the government.", "I like naps."]], [["I am allergic to dogs. I like dogs more than cats.", "I have two daughters. My daughters like scary movies. My daughters are in 10th and 6th grade.", "I was a psychology major in college. I am an assistant to a psychiatrist.", "I like running.", "I don't eat dairy or gluten.", "I like horror movies.", " "], ["I am a decent painter.", "I like horror movies.", "I work for the government.", "I like naps.", "I have not seen the \"Conjuring\" movie.", "I have two sons. My sons are in 9th and 3rd grade."]], [["I am allergic to dogs. I like dogs more than cats.", "I have two daughters. My daughters like scary movies. My daughters are in 10th and 6th grade.", "I was a psychology major in college. I am an assistant to a psychiatrist.", "I like running.", "I don't eat dairy or gluten.", "I like horror movies.", "I have a daughter, she is currently in a relationship.", "I don't like the responsibilities of being an adult, such as paying bills and taxes. I wish my daughter didn't grow up as fast.", "I found it easier to take care of my children when they were 6 months year old. I didn't get much sleep when my kids were babies."], ["I am a decent painter.", "I like horror movies.", "I work for the government.", "I like naps.", "I have not seen the \"Conjuring\" movie.", "I have two sons. My sons are in 9th and 3rd grade.", "I have a son that is in 9th grade. I fear when he will grow into an adult. I need advice on how to handle my children when they start dating. I wish my kids understood how much I cared about them."]], [["I am allergic to dogs. I like dogs more than cats.", "I have two daughters. My daughters like scary movies. My daughters are in 10th and 6th grade.", "I was a psychology major in college. I am an assistant to a psychiatrist.", "I like running.", "I don't eat dairy or gluten.", "I like horror movies.", "I have a daughter, she is currently in a relationship. I met with her boyfriend recently.", "I don't like the responsibilities of being an adult, such as paying bills and taxes. I wish my daughter didn't grow up as fast.", "I found it easier to take care of my children when they were 6 months year old. I didn't get much sleep when my kids were babies.", "My daughter is currently in high school, I did not let her date before.", "I feel apprehensive when my daughter leaves the house. I am slowly letting her be more independent. My daughter drives her car to school. I do not let her drive at night."], ["I am a decent painter.", "I like horror movies.", "I work for the government.", "I like naps.", "I have not seen the \"Conjuring\" movie.", "I have two sons. My sons are in 9th and 3rd grade. they are young and still not dating.", "I have a son that is in 9th grade. I fear when he will grow into an adult. I need advice on how to handle my children when they start dating. I wish my kids understood how much I cared about them.", "My oldest child wants his own car. I am willing to help my son buy a car, he is currently mowing lawns for money."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_889_0", "test_889_1", "test_889_2", "test_889_3", "test_889_4", "test_889_5", "test_889_6", "test_889_7", "test_889_8", "test_889_9", "test_889_10", "test_889_11", "test_889_12", "test_889_13", "test_889_14", "test_889_15", "test_889_16", "test_889_17", "test_889_18", "test_889_19", "test_889_20", "test_889_21", "test_889_22", "test_889_23", "test_889_24", "test_889_25", "test_889_26", "test_889_27", "test_889_28", "test_889_29", "test_889_30", "test_889_31", "test_889_32", "test_889_33", "test_889_34", "test_889_35", "test_889_36", "test_889_37", "test_889_38", "test_889_39", "test_889_40", "test_889_41", "test_889_42", "test_889_43", "test_889_44", "test_889_45", "test_889_46", "test_889_47", "test_889_48", "test_889_49", "test_889_50", "test_889_51", "test_889_52", "test_889_53", "test_889_54", "test_889_55", "test_889_56", "test_889_57", "test_889_58", "test_889_59", "test_889_60", "test_889_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello! How are you doing?", "Hi! I'm great. I just graduated with my masters degree!", "Oh that is wonderful! What did you major in?", "History. Now I'm living on my houseboat and working as a bartender.", "Enjoy your free time while you have it! My twins keep me busy as anything!", "Twins wow! I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters.", "Oh jeez, that must have been hectic growing up. Do you have any hobbies?", "I like to hang out with my mom on her days off from fedex.", "That is really sweet of you, what do you two enjoy doing?", "Shopping, going to the movies just hanging out.she's my best friend.", "I hope I have that relationship with the twins. Do you enjoy sports?", "I like watching the colts.", "I am not sure who they are, but I enjoy tennis!", "I've played that before and enjoyed it.", "I looked away for a minute, and the twins managed to find the magic markers and graffiti up the the living room wall during that time. Thank goodness the markers are washable. ", "Oh no! That does show some creativity though! What did they draw?", "I feel like a bad parent for saying this, but I really have no idea! Dinosaurs, maybe? At least they didn't draw on each other this time.", "They draw on each other? haha. You're not a bad parent at all, maybe get them some paper and show them they can draw all over that instead", "That's the funny thing. They've got so many supplies, but they seem to prefer everything else as a creative surface. Maybe they'll be famous some day and pay me back for all my labor :)", "Wouldn't that be amazing. I think it's great that you let them explore themselves like that. Are they old enough to be signed up for art classes?", "Yes and no. As you can see, they have some behavioral issues. Maybe a tutor would be better. I certainly can't help them with art, but maybe someone else can!", "That's a great idea. You know what's best for them, and hey maybe the tutor can make it stick that they shouldn't draw on your walls anymore!", "I would love that. I'm sure they'll grow out of it, and I'm looking forward to that day. By the way, tell me more about your houseboat! Is it as interesting as it sounds? Maybe I ought to get one in my retirement.", "It is very interesting to say the least. I'm still getting used to it, but I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and do something i would not usually do. Rocking on the water can be very soothing, but also terrifying because sometimes I worry if I'll sink!", "I'll bet! I think I'd have nightmares for sure. Is it dangerous?", "I did a ton of research and have insurance in case anything happens, so that calms me down a bit. If I have it in my mind that I'll be safe it stops me from panicking", "I'm thinking about signing up for an art class with my kids!", "That sounds like a lot of fun! If I had the time, I would do the same thing. Growing up with a big family, I never really had the chance to do it. Are you excited?", "I am a bit nervous, since my art skills aren't the best. But anything for the kids eh? ", "That\u2019s right. Who knows? Maybe you\u2019re a great artist and just haven\u2019t realized it yet because you haven\u2019t had a good teacher. I was never any good at tennis until I found a good instructor. If not, maybe there\u2019s something else you can do. Do you think there\u2019s any other hobbies you might want to take up for your kids?", "Well I guess I can try swimming. What are your tips when you want to try something but are afraid of it?", "I think the most important thing to remember is that it\u2019s okay if you fail. You can always get back up and try again. I do that when I play tennis but I do it with everything else I do, too. I like cooking. I like basketball. I even like playing video games. I always just try to have fun and if I fail, I try again. I know you like tennis but what else do you like to do?", "As it turns out, I really do like tennis! I would really like to emulate the slam action Roger Federer did in that French Open, for one.", "I'm a big fan of Roger Federer. I think he'd be a good role model for you, too. Maybe you can use his champion attitude to inspire you to do something else.", "Hah yes! I bet if I had all his energy, I might just take my children on a sailboat! How's the houseboat life for you?", "I love living on my houseboat like always. I just bought a new grill, so I can barbecue on the dock. I love grilling beef and chicken. Do you ever grill?", "About once a month, given how much prep has to be done to the grill, vs how much grilling my two children seem to give me when they want their cereal just the way they like it.", "Yeah, it's a lot of work. You can never go wrong with cereal though. I love Lucky Charms. What kind of cereal do your kids like?", "Do you travel anywhere on your houseboat or do you just stay in one place?", "I enjoy traveling all over on my houseboat. It is a little bit of an older boat so I can not take it out too far in fear that I will hit some rough water. But it is nice to travel around the lake during nice weather. You can come out on the boat sometime.", "I would love that. Have you had the houseboat long?", "Not too long, I have lived on the houseboat for the last 5 years. I bought it off of one of my mom's work colleagues, he had inherited it from family and did not want to put in the time and effort to fix it up. It has given me a great place to stay while I work on my masters.", "That was super lucky. Are you quite handy then? Have you had much joy looking for graduate jobs?", "I am not very handy, but through trial and error and many YouTube videos I have been able to figure it out. It took me nearly a year to complete all the maintenance done on the boat. And yes, I have gotten a job at the local museum as a curator. ", "Youtube is the greatest so learning things. Well-done on completing the maiteance", "Thank you so much. You mentioned before that you are scared of water, but you are more than welcome to come visit me on the houseboat any day. If you would like, we can leave it docked and maybe that will lessen your fear. You can bring your kids too.", "I have booked swimming lessons, so hopefully I will become less scared. I think I'll leave the kids at home. I don't want them picking up my fear. And congrats on the new job. Are you liking it?", "Oh good, I am happy to hear that you are committing to swimming lessons. Yes, I have been enjoying my job very much! It has been such a joy to interact with all of the historical art that the museum acquires.", "Yes, I start next week. I've even bought a costume so I'm really committed now. Great that's you enjoy your job. Do you have a lot of colleagues?", "You will have to keep me updated on your endeavor. No, there are not many of us that work at the museum. The museum employs only 50 people, and there are only 5 other people within my department. But I do like them all. ", "I went to my first swimming lessons yesterday, and it went terrific. I felt much more comfortable in the water, and I even learned a new swimming technique. I am excited to continue taking the lessons so I could continue to get over my fear of water.", "That's great news! What new technique did you learn?", "The backstroke? I didn't realize I could swim so easily even with my head out of the water! Of course, I need more practice with my face IN the water, but this was an easy technique to start with.", "Wow great job. I can swim but I still struggle with getting water up my nose lol. do your kids know what you are doing? You are setting a great example for them of how to walk through fear", "They know I'm taking a class, but I haven't told them what it is about yet. I will wait till I can show them confidently what I've learned. I'm always a person who hates letting others see me make mistakes. Do you ever feel like that?", "Yes definitely. I usually do stuff on my own for that reason. You should really let them know what is going on, because they can get strength seeing you work on this everytime you go to a swimming lesson. For me, I don't tell people because I feel it puts pressure on me and I worry about failing or letting them down. It wounds like you are doing really well though!", "I know that worry really well. I'm so embarrassed of this fear, and if I don't conquer it, I'll feel ashamed for a long time. It's so mortifying to be an adult who can't swim!", "That is understandable! I feel like no matter what happens you have already learned how to do the backstroke, so technically you do know how to swim. Everything else is icing on the cake! FYI, I'm an introvert which is why I love working at the museum but I have to fake being an extrovert when I bartend. ", "That makes a lot of sense! I bet it's exhausting to be \"on\" all the time.", "Yeah totally. You should plan a surprise swimming weekend to surprise your family and keep you motivated. Like a beach weekend, but maybe not the ocean cuz waves can get crazy lol.", "Yeah, perhaps just a lake trip could work. I also don't like crowds, so hopefully the lake would be a little calmer. Which lake is your houseboat on?", "I don't like crowds either. It's at Lake Bass which isn't very crowded. I would never go to Havasu because of the crowds there. I love the museum because it's rarely crowded and it's so quiet."], "init_persona": [[["I am a new mother with twins.", "My husband often travels for work and I am a stay at home mother.", "We regularly attend worship services every sunday.", "I am from sweden and have lived in the us for 12 years.", "I love tennis and play every week if I can."], ["I live on a houseboat.", "I just graduated with my master's degree.", "I work as a bartender.", "I have four brothers and sisters.", "My mother works for fedex."]], [["I have twin children.", "I enjoy tennis."], ["I just received my master's degree in history. I live on a houseboat. I currently work as a bartender.", "I have two brothers and two sisters.", "My mom works for FedEx.", "I enjoy going to the movies, shopping, or just hanging out with my mom. My mom is my best friend.", "I like the Indianapolis Colts.", "I have played tennis; I enjoyed it."]], [["I have twin children. I babysit twins. I work taking care of my children.", "I enjoy tennis.", "I'm not artistic.", "I plan for my future.", "I'm scared of water."], ["I just received my master's degree in history. I live on a houseboat. I currently work as a bartender.", "I have two brothers and two sisters.", "My mom works for FedEx.", "I enjoy going to the movies, shopping, or just hanging out with my mom. My mom is my best friend.", "I like the Indianapolis Colts.", "I have played tennis; I enjoyed it.", "I'm an understanding person.", "I like to try new things.", "I have insurance. I have peace of mind."]], [["I have twin children. I babysit twins. I work taking care of my children.", "I enjoy tennis.", "I'm not artistic.", "I plan for my future.", "I'm scared of water. I might try swimming.", "I might sign up for an art class. I don't have great art skills. I'm nervous about art class.", "I grill about once a month. My kids like to eat cereal."], ["I just received my master's degree in history. I live on a houseboat. I currently work as a bartender.", "I have two brothers and two sisters.", "My mom works for FedEx.", "I enjoy going to the movies, shopping, or just hanging out with my mom. My mom is my best friend.", "I like the Indianapolis Colts.", "I have played tennis; I enjoyed it. I am good at tennis.", "I'm an understanding person.", "I like to try new things.", "I have insurance. I have peace of mind.", "I grew up with a big family.", "I like cooking, basketball and playing video games. I like to grill. I love Lucky Charms cereal."]], [["I have twin children. I babysit twins. I work taking care of my children.", "I enjoy tennis.", "I'm not artistic.", "I plan for my future.", "I'm scared of water. I might try swimming. I have booked swimming lessons to get over my fears.", "I might sign up for an art class. I don't have great art skills. I'm nervous about art class.", "I grill about once a month. My kids like to eat cereal.", "I would love to go on a houseboat.", "I am going to swimming lessons next week, I have bought a costume for it."], ["I just received my master's degree in history. I live on an old houseboat. I currently work as a bartender.", "I have two brothers and two sisters.", "My mom works for FedEx.", "I enjoy going to the movies, shopping, or just hanging out with my mom. My mom is my best friend.", "I like the Indianapolis Colts.", "I have played tennis; I enjoyed it. I am good at tennis.", "I'm an understanding person.", "I like to try new things.", "I have insurance. I have peace of mind.", "I grew up with a big family.", "I like cooking, basketball and playing video games. I like to grill. I love Lucky Charms cereal.", "I like to travel all over with my houseboat. I don't take it too far in rough waters, but I do like going around the lake in nice weather. I bought my houseboat five years ago from one of my mom's work colleagues. I have been living in it while I work on my masters.", "I look at YouTube videos to help me with maintenance for my houseboat.", "I have a job at a local museum as a curator. I love my job as a curator, I especially like interacting with the historical art of the museum. I work in a department with five people in total, I get along with them well."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_891_0", "test_891_1", "test_891_2", "test_891_3", "test_891_4", "test_891_5", "test_891_6", "test_891_7", "test_891_8", "test_891_9", "test_891_10", "test_891_11", "test_891_12", "test_891_13", "test_891_14", "test_891_15", "test_891_16", "test_891_17", "test_891_18", "test_891_19", "test_891_20", "test_891_21", "test_891_22", "test_891_23", "test_891_24", "test_891_25", "test_891_26", "test_891_27", "test_891_28", "test_891_29", "test_891_30", "test_891_31", "test_891_32", "test_891_33", "test_891_34", "test_891_35", "test_891_36", "test_891_37", "test_891_38", "test_891_39", "test_891_40", "test_891_41", "test_891_42", "test_891_43", "test_891_44", "test_891_45", "test_891_46", "test_891_47", "test_891_48", "test_891_49", "test_891_50", "test_891_51", "test_891_52", "test_891_53", "test_891_54", "test_891_55", "test_891_56", "test_891_57", "test_891_58", "test_891_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! Tell me about yourself. I'm 72 with eight grandchildren.", "Hi I'm a tax account and moved last month to a new apartment.", "Wow! I used to be a librarian. So was my mother.", "I like to read and listen to music, my favorite is sufjan stevens.", "I like to watch tv, especially netflix. I enjoy reading and music also.", "I like to run a lot and eat high-protein foods after.", "Sounds healthy. I'm kind of quiet, are you?", "I can be quiet and I can be loud. It varies..", "I'm pretty quiet. But, I do like to have a good conversation now and again.", "Oh yes a good conversation is priceless.", "I agree. Do you have any good movie recommendations?", "I love any star wars movies. What about you?", "I just saw the best movie on netflix. I have got to tell you about it.", "What movie did you see?", "It's a documentary called The Social Dilemma. Have you seen it?", "Yes, I remember that movie. It was very thought-provoking, especially about the rewards our brain is receiving for interacting with social media.", "I don't use social media very much, but I made sure to talk to my kids about it. I don't want my grandchildren having their mental health affected!", "That's very wise of you to start that conversation with your children. What are you reading these days?", "I am reading a cozy mystery series called Stranded in Provence. It is about an American who gets stuck in Provence during her vacation and starts solving crimes. What sort of things do you like to read?", "I like to read memoirs. Right now I'm reading Born a Crime by Trevor Noah.", "Born a Crime? That sounds interesting. Is Trevor Noah the man who took over for Jon Stewart?", "Yes, I think he's doing an excellent job on The Daily Show, and it's very interesting to read about how he grew up in apartheid South Africa.", "I enjoy memoirs as well. I will have to check that out. I imagine he had a very interesting experience. What other memoirs do you recommend?", "I just finished reading I'm Still Here by Austin Channing Brown, which was also interesting and also related to racial issues. It's almost time for my run, so I will load up an audio book and head out.", "I checked out the memoir by Trevor Noah you said you are reading, I've gotten through the first sections. It is so interesting! ", "Great! That's awesome. I am glad you are enjoying it. It's written in a way that makes it a very quick read.", "Quick read indeed! I think I\u2019ll be done in 2 days tops :)", "That's perfect. I like to read but hate when it's hard getting into a book or it doesn't progress quickly. ", "So true! As a librarian, I notice this all the time... no effort is needed to read a good book and all the effort is not good enough if the topic doesn\u2019t interest you...", "Absolutely. I like to do a little reading when I am sitting by the pool and sometimes it's \"work\". I wish someone had told me exactly what you just said earlier in life... When I was a kid, I hated reading.", "Yes that\u2019s the story with most kids... glad you\u2019re enjoying reading now! Do you mostly go for audio books?!", "I sometimes read actual books, but I find that using audio books is easier in the car and when I am hanging around at home. Being a tax accountant, I start at my computer and paper all day, so audio books is a nice break for my eyes.", "I see... that makes perfect sense given your lifestyle! I was gifted a kindle few years ago but have to ad zile", "That's cool. I should look into that. Might be easier when I am lounging by the pool, than a paper book!", "Yeah but audio is still better to give your eyes a break :) I use the kindle to make my grandkids happy- it was a gift from them but can confess to you that when I\u2019m alone I reach out for physical books, nothing like flipping the paper pages with your fingers lol", "Do you have good battery life with the Kindle?", "I discovered a new memoir a day ago that I have started to read, and I think you might be interested in reading it as well. It also can be found as an audio book, with several narrators that you might enjoy and like listening to. ", "Oh! Who is it about?", "The book is titles \"Cant Hurt Me\" and it is a memoir for David Groggins. He talks about his transformation from young adult into a US Armed Forces elite.", "Oh wow! I'll have to get it! It would be nice to be able to see things from the perspective of someone who went into the military, it's such a different world than being a civilian!", "Yes, it is really a good read. The story locks you in from the very beginning as he details his childhood of poverty, racial prejudice, and physical abuse. Through his 40% rule on mentality, he transformed him self from depression into the only man in history to complete elite training as a Navy SEAL, Army Ranger, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller.", "That's a heck of a resume he built! So far the only elite training I've ever completed was being an elite snoozer. It's so hard to get out of my cozy bed for my morning run somedays!", "Hahaha an elite snoozer! How funny! I can definitely relate to that. But, David Groggins argues that most of us only tap into 40% of our capabilities we must push past that pain and fear threshold to achieve our potential. It has really changed my life since I began implementing it.", "That sounds so inspirational! I think I'll enjoy reading it! How are you doing today?", "I am doing fantastic today, thank you for asking. Have you read any good memoirs lately? I would love a recommendation from you.", "I just started reading Negroland by Margo Jefferson, and it's a real page turner! I love how she describes what it was like in their own little cultural corner of Chicago when she was growing up. ", "Oh, interesting. I will definitely pick that up when I am at the library next. Where did you first hear about this book?", "Honestly? I googled for some good memoirs. I wanted to find something that gave me a view into a different culture, so I just shopped around and found it!", "my grandchildren came to visit me yesterday. i am so happy about that.", "That sounds wonderful. Have they bought you any new books for your kindle? I'm still debating if I want to get one or just stick to audio books.", "The Kindle is OK, I like it but still will take a good old book over a digital one. I did not get any new books for it yet. The grandkids bought me 4 books with the Kindle. I am still on my second one. Did you get your apartment set up? You could probably play your audio books over the stereo and hear them in every room! That would be cool.", "I have set up, thank you for asking. I have a google home speaker in each room, so it's great to eat dinner and just listen to a audio book. Or, when I'm working on the computer, I will have it play in the background. Some audio books I didn't like because of the voice. It's need to be a soothing voice, don't care if it's male or female. You are still reading the Trevor Noah memoir? It was good, but it seemed to fast of a read for me.", "I finished it, it was OK. Very weird that he has a memoir. I mean, he is just a young person compared to me. Maybe there will memoirs part I, part 2, and so on from him. If he does this it is kind of an interesting idea.", "Well, wisdom doesn't come with age, it comes with experience. I have written a few memoirs when I was young, and a lot of people said they related to it. The older generation can see themselves, and the younger generation can make sure not to repeat history. I hope he writes more. It would be interesting to see how his thoughts may change in the future.", "What? You wrote a few memoirs of your own? Did you do enough things to complete more than one memoir? Your tax accountant work must be very interesting!", "My memoirs were centered around my childhood and my mother's passing. I took a few classes on writing memoirs, and my teacher help me compose a book. My friends and family have bought copies of them, and I've read at some college book clubs. Just because I am a tax accountant doesn't mean I had a mundane life. Memoirs can be about anything in your life. I've read some that I could relate to, and I've read some that taught me new cultures. I recommend reading some made by the generations younger than you. It might give you a new perspective on the younger crowd.", "That is interesting. I guess these memoirs can act as some sort of therapy. I always think there are many variations on each persons life, but fundamentally most all of us do go through some very similar events. I agree that we all can learn form one another, but at some point if you focus too much on reading about others you just do not live your own life to it's fullest.", "I would have to disagree on that. Every one experiences life different. No two events are the same, and the emotions we experience from the events are the same. Too see a different perspective or something to relate to. To read about the past to make sure you don't make the same mistakes in the future. To catch a glimpse into someones personal life is interesting, because we may have done something different. Reading how other people coped with the loss of their mother helped me cope with my own experiences of losing my mother. Not everyone wants to live their life to the fullest, especially because that can mean something different for each person. You should try writing a memoir! It can give your grandchildren a fresh perspective of what your life in the past was like and what changed over time with history. It's a way to connect with people and get closer, and hopefully, a better understanding of each other.", "Perhaps I will write one. I just think many aspects of our lives are very similar. We each do have unique experiences but we also have experiences that are close to or the same. Have you ever wondered what this ratio might look like? Very different life experiences to similar experiences? Many times it how the person reacts and handles the experience instead of the actual experience itself. ", "Which is why I enjoy memoirs because someone handled a situation differently than I did, which creates completely different life experiences, but that's just how I personally feel about memoirs. For me, it's understanding different branches of a possible timeline I could of been in if I had made a different choice."], "init_persona": [[["I am a senior citizen.", "I have eight grandchildren.", "My mother was a librarian.", "I am a very quiet person.", "I like to watch movies on netflix."], ["I am a runner.", "I love high-protein foods.", "I work as a tax accountant.", "My favorite musician is sufjan stevens.", "I moved into a new apartment last month."]], [["I am 72 years old. I have 8 grandchildren.", "My previous job was a librarian. My mother was also a librarian.", "I like to watch tv, netflix, read, and listen to music.", "I am quiet."], ["I am a tax account. I moved last month to a new apartment.", "My favorite musician is sufjan stevens. I like to read and listen to music.", "I like to run and eat high-protein foods after.", "I am both quiet and loud.", "My favorite movies are any of the star wars."]], [["I am 72 years old. I have 8 grandchildren. I have children.", "My previous job was a librarian. My mother was also a librarian.", "I like to watch tv, netflix, read, and listen to music.", "I am quiet.", "I think the documentary The Social Dilemma is the best movie on Netflix.", "I don't use social media. I am reading a book series right now.", "I also enjoy memoirs."], ["I am a tax account. I moved last month to a new apartment.", "My favorite musician is sufjan stevens. I like to read and listen to music.", "I like to run and eat high-protein foods after.", "I am both quiet and loud.", "My favorite movies are any of the star wars.", "I saw the Social Dilemma.", "I like to read memoirs."]], [["I am 72 years old. I have 8 grandchildren. I have children.", "My previous job was a librarian. My mother was also a librarian.", "I like to watch tv, netflix, read, and listen to music.", "I am quiet.", "I think the documentary The Social Dilemma is the best movie on Netflix.", "I don't use social media. I am reading a book series right now.", "I also enjoy memoirs.", "I am currently reading Trevor Noah's memoir, and I find it really interesting. I do not like when a book takes too much effort to interest a reader. I think a good book takes no effort to get into.", "I have a kindle I received as a gift. My grandkids get happy when I use the kindle they gifted me. I prefer physical books over digital ones."], ["I am a tax account and I am at the computer all day.. I moved last month to a new apartment.", "My favorite musician is sufjan stevens. I like to read and listen to music.", "I like to run and eat high-protein foods after.", "I am both quiet and loud.", "My favorite movies are any of the star wars.", "I saw the Social Dilemma.", "I like to read memoirs. I have read Trevor Noah's memoir before, I found it a quick read.", "I like reading, but dislike when a book is hard to get into and is a slow read. I read a little every so often. I read when I am by the pool and sometimes at work. I did not like reading when I was a kid.", "I prefer audio books over reading actual books. Audio books help me relax my eyes over reading.", "I am interested in getting a kindle, to use over paper books."]], [["I am 72 years old. I have 8 grandchildren. I have children.", "My previous job was a librarian. My mother was also a librarian.", "I like to watch tv, netflix, read, and listen to music.", "I am quiet.", "I think the documentary The Social Dilemma is the best movie on Netflix.", "I don't use social media. I am reading a book series right now.", "I also enjoy memoirs.", "I am currently reading Trevor Noah's memoir, and I find it really interesting. I do not like when a book takes too much effort to interest a reader. I think a good book takes no effort to get into.", "I have a kindle I received as a gift. My grandkids get happy when I use the kindle they gifted me. I prefer physical books over digital ones.", "i am reading \"Cant Hurt Me\"."], ["I am a tax account and I am at the computer all day.. I moved last month to a new apartment.", "My favorite musician is sufjan stevens. I like to read and listen to music.", "I like to run and eat high-protein foods after.", "I am both quiet and loud.", "My favorite movies are any of the star wars.", "I saw the Social Dilemma.", "I like to read memoirs. I have read Trevor Noah's memoir before, I found it a quick read.", "I like reading, but dislike when a book is hard to get into and is a slow read. I read a little every so often. I read when I am by the pool and sometimes at work. I did not like reading when I was a kid.", "I prefer audio books over reading actual books. Audio books help me relax my eyes over reading.", "I am interested in getting a kindle, to use over paper books. I am reading Negroland by Margo Jefferson.", "i have completed elite training. i was an elite snoozer. i am interested in learning about different cultures."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_892_0", "test_892_1", "test_892_2", "test_892_3", "test_892_4", "test_892_5", "test_892_6", "test_892_7", "test_892_8", "test_892_9", "test_892_10", "test_892_11", "test_892_12", "test_892_13", "test_892_14", "test_892_15", "test_892_16", "test_892_17", "test_892_18", "test_892_19", "test_892_20", "test_892_21", "test_892_22", "test_892_23", "test_892_24", "test_892_25", "test_892_26", "test_892_27", "test_892_28", "test_892_29", "test_892_30", "test_892_31", "test_892_32", "test_892_33", "test_892_34", "test_892_35", "test_892_36", "test_892_37", "test_892_38", "test_892_39", "test_892_40", "test_892_41", "test_892_42", "test_892_43", "test_892_44", "test_892_45", "test_892_46", "test_892_47", "test_892_48", "test_892_49", "test_892_50", "test_892_51", "test_892_52", "test_892_53", "test_892_54", "test_892_55", "test_892_56", "test_892_57", "test_892_58", "test_892_59", "test_892_60", "test_892_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, do you have any animals?", "Hello! Yes, I do actually have 2 dogs. Both of them are purse dogs. How about you?", "Adorable. I love dogs but also work on a farm.", "What kind of animals do you have on your farm?", "Pigs, chickens, and cows to name a few.", "Nice! I love farm fresh eggs.", "I can't have store bought eggs because these are so much yummier.", "I agree! I love eating boiled eggs after running track.", "Do you run for a team?", "I actually run track in high school. I'm a senior.", "One of my three kids is in high school. He is a freshman.", "Oh wow! I am looking forward to college. I have been maintaining straight a's for it! (:.", "That's incredible! College is a lot of fun, you'll enjoy it.", "My parents never went to college, so I will be the first in my family!", "What college do you plan to attend?", "I'm not really sure yet. I would love to go somewhere out of state, but I will probably have to go local to be able to afford it.", "I don't know. With those grades, you may be able to get scholarships to whatever school you want! Do you know what you want to study? That could help you pick a school if they have a good program for it", "Maybe. It's just so expensive. I think I want to be a nurse. It seems like it would be a good job and I like to help people.", "That sounds like a fantastic career path! I bet there are some great programs in-state for that. Or you could go to community college for the first couple of years and save money! I kinda wish I had done that.", "That is probably my smartest plan. What did you study for in college?", "I studied philosophy. Probably why I ended up working on a farm. Too much to think about and ponder. I would rather be at peace with my animals in nature. ", "That's interesting. I guess you have lots of time to ponder things when you're working on your farm... or do your kids make that difficult? ", "They are in school much of the day, so I have plenty of time think about the unknowable. It can weigh on you, ya know?", "I guess so. I'm pretty busy with school and track, so not much time to ponder the unknown for me! Although being alone in nature sounds wonderful.", "That is probably for the best at your age. No need to worry about all of that. How is track going? Do you plan to continue in college?", "It's going great. I won hurdles in our last meet and my team came in first in the relay. I would love to continue track in college. That's one of the things I'm keeping in mind as I look for schools.", "I found a community college near you that has a great track program.", "oh that\u2019s great. Maybe I can try for a scholarship. ", "I am sure you will be a able to get a scholarship... you are a star student... just keep up the hard work in college coz sometimes students slacken after graduating from highschool ", "I plan to make my family proud. It would be a great honor to be the first in my family to go. ", "That is truly wonderful! With that kind of attitude you are bound to shine :) What is your major going to be?", "I want to be a nurse so hopefully they have a nursing program.", "Oh yes! It\u2019s great when the professions we pursue are in alignment with our personality and aptitude!", "I love helping people. I would like to work in the ER when I am done.", "I can imagine the intense atmosphere in an ER where only the most resilient can thrive and only those like you who truly love helping people should be there... I have heard horror stories of uncaring nurses that make me shudder", "That\u2019s so sad. Someone should ", "True... a lot of people these days just go for lucrative careers to the exclusion of all other considerations:(", "Do your kids know what careers they want to go into when they get older?", "My chickens have been laying eggs with very orange yolks lately, you would love them.", "That is so cool! Do they taste better than regular eggs with yellow yolks?", "I'm not sure, but maybe I'll do a taste comparison. My kids love the color, though. And any way I can get my kids to eat eggs is a good thing.", "My mom says I hated eggs as a kid, too. She had to mix them into my other foods without me knowing to get me to eat them. What kind of foods do your kids like?", "Pretty much anything, but I try to give them foods that they can recognize. We're not vegans, so it's pretty easy to make meals for them. I try to stay away from too much processed foods, too. I'm not a health nut, but I want my kids to eat a variety of foods. What about you? What do you like to eat?", "Well, I really like steak but lately I have trying to do a vegan diet so I've been eating a lot of raw vegetables. Hopefully healthy eating will help me get that track scholarship! ", "Yes, healthy eating is good for a healthy body. But don't forget, you need your protein. You're still growing and you need your strength. Obviously you can get your protein from a vegan diet, but it can be quite restrictive. Sorry, that's the mom in me coming out! Ha!", "That's exactly what my mom said when I told her I was going vegan. You moms are all alike, lol. I have been trying to eat a lot of nuts a few times a day to make sure I get enough protein. Do you have any other suggestions for vegan protein? ", "Yes, we're all alike! HaHa! Well, there's tofu of course. There are lots of ways to prepare it. And all those plant based meat products are good, too. Or so I've heard. I've never actually tried it, though. You can always take supplements, but I would go for natural sources of protein myself.", "That's a great idea! I will look up some tofu recipes today. You seem to know a lot about nutrition. Did you take any classes in that field when you were in college? Or is it just something you learn from growing food yourself?", "No no classes. It's just something you learn on your own when you have kids. Plus being on a farm makes you look at nutrition a lot. You have to make sure your animals are healthy or else you go out of business!", "Well you really know your foods, so I bet you raise great quality meat. Do you every sell your meats to individuals? I'd love to buy some (as soon as I'm done being vegan, that is.)", "I cracked open one of our eggs at lunch today and it had 3 yolks! That's very rare. ", "As long as that is all there was, right? Do you know which chicken laid that egg?", "I'm not sure, but I wonder if it is the promiscuous one. I wonder if it is safe to eat?", "I am pretty sure it is safe. That egg had a lot of nutrition for sure. Does this occurrence help you figure out what came first, the chicken or the egg?", "Haha! You're funny. You probably know more about nutrition than I do. Did you know that the chicken and the egg came first?", "I never heard that. So both the chicken and egg appeared at the same time? That still does not solve the mystery. Anyway, I hope you took a picture of your 3 yolk egg. I'll bet you've seen a lot of strange things growing up on a farm!", "Now that you say it, there is one chicken with three eyes. Could it be the mysterious gases from Chernobyl?", "Um, anytime there is radiation, anything goes. Did you you name that chicken and separate it from the rest?", "I might eat the chicken and see if I grow any extra parts?", "Ok, that is funny and gross at the same time. I would just let that chicken roam free. Its already having a hard time being teased by the other chickens.", "I'm also teasing the chicken! I call her three eyes but at least her eggs taste good.", "That must be farm humor. I don't think I will ever get it. "], "init_persona": [[["I like dogs.", "I live on a farm.", "I work for the computer industry.", "I love my job.", "I have three kids."], ["I run track in highschool.", "I am a straight a student.", "My father is a steel worker.", "My mother is a homemaker.", "I love music."]], [["I work on a farm.", "I take care of pigs, chickens and cows.", "I like fresh eggs that come directly from a farm.", "I have three kids. Two of my kids are not in high school and one of them is a high school freshman.", "I've been to college. I liked going to college."], ["I have 2 small dogs.", "I like to eat eggs.", "I'm on my high school track team. It is my last year of high school. I plan to go to college. I get good grades.", "My parents did not attend college. I am the first in my family to go to college."]], [["I work on a farm.", "I take care of pigs, chickens and cows.", "I like fresh eggs that come directly from a farm.", "I have three kids. Two of my kids are not in high school and one of them is a high school freshman.", "I've been to college. I liked going to college. I did not go to community college. I studied philosophy."], ["I have 2 small dogs.", "I like to eat eggs.", "I'm on my high school track team. It is my last year of high school. I plan to go to college. I get good grades.", "My parents did not attend college. I am the first in my family to go to college.", "I want to be a nurse. I like to help people."]], [["I work on a farm.", "I take care of pigs, chickens and cows.", "I like fresh eggs that come directly from a farm.", "I have three kids. Two of my kids are not in high school and one of them is a high school freshman.", "I've been to college. I liked going to college. I did not go to community college. I studied philosophy. I am passionate about my profession.", "I empathize with others."], ["I have 2 small dogs.", "I like to eat eggs.", "I'm on my high school track team. I participate in track and field. It is my last year of high school. I plan to go to college. I get good grades.", "My parents did not attend college. I am the first in my family to go to college.", "I want to be a nurse. I like to help people. I plan on working in an emergency room after graduation.", "I have no college educated family members."]], [["I work on a farm.", "I take care of pigs, chickens and cows.", "I like fresh eggs that come directly from a farm.", "I am a mom. I have three kids. Two of my kids are not in high school and one of them is a high school freshman.", "I've been to college. I liked going to college. I did not go to community college. I studied philosophy. I am passionate about my profession.", "My chickens are laying eggs with very orange yolks.", "My family is not vegan. We try to avoid processed foods. I am not a health nut.", "I have never tried plant based meat products. I learned about nutrition on my own. I live on a farm and run a business selling meat."], ["I have 2 small dogs.", "I like to eat eggs.", "I'm on my high school track team. I participate in track and field. It is my last year of high school. I plan to go to college. I get good grades.", "My parents did not attend college. I am the first in my family to go to college.", "I want to be a nurse. I like to help people. I plan on working in an emergency room after graduation.", "I have no college educated family members.", "My mom says I hated eggs as a kid.", "I like steak but lately I've been trying to be vegan. I have been eating a lot o raw vegetables. I am trying to get a track scholarship. I have been eating a lot of nuts for protein."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_894_0", "test_894_1", "test_894_2", "test_894_3", "test_894_4", "test_894_5", "test_894_6", "test_894_7", "test_894_8", "test_894_9", "test_894_10", "test_894_11", "test_894_12", "test_894_13", "test_894_14", "test_894_15", "test_894_16", "test_894_17", "test_894_18", "test_894_19", "test_894_20", "test_894_21", "test_894_22", "test_894_23", "test_894_24", "test_894_25", "test_894_26", "test_894_27", "test_894_28", "test_894_29", "test_894_30", "test_894_31", "test_894_32", "test_894_33", "test_894_34", "test_894_35", "test_894_36", "test_894_37", "test_894_38", "test_894_39", "test_894_40", "test_894_41", "test_894_42", "test_894_43", "test_894_44", "test_894_45", "test_894_46", "test_894_47", "test_894_48", "test_894_49", "test_894_50", "test_894_51", "test_894_52", "test_894_53", "test_894_54", "test_894_55", "test_894_56", "test_894_57", "test_894_58", "test_894_59", "test_894_60", "test_894_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! How are you?", "I'm doing great. I have to go to work in a couple hours.", "Oh sorry :) I'm working on unpacking...just moved.", "Where did you move to?", "Maine. I'm a maniac now.", "Haha. I've lived on a houseboat for the last two years.", "Wow that's amazing. On the ocean, lake, or?", "On a saltwater lake near seattle.", "That's very cool. My dad and grandfather were both farmers. Land is in my blood lol.", "My mom is an airline pilot for fedex so I guess were kind of opposites.", "Hehe that's pretty funny. Between the three of us, we have the major domains covered.", "What do you like to do for fun?", "Well, a couple of weeks ago I drove out to michigan to see nugent play. You?", "From maine? That's a long way to go to see the nug. I like cycling.", "Where exactly are you? I am going to take a houseboat vacation and I thought your lake would be a good place for it.", "I am actually on Puget Sound. You should definitely visit. There are so many beautiful places over here. I haven't even explored all of them. ", "That would be wonderful! Do you have any recommendations for what to look for in a houseboat? I have never been in one and don't know what to look for in this vacation. Living on a houseboat must be amazing!", "It is quite exciting! You can just stay with me! My houseboat is pretty spacious and I live by myself. When are you thinking of visiting? ", "Oh wow thank you! I would love to travel in July or August. Maine gets pretty busy with vacationers in the summer and it would be nice to get away and be a vacationer myself. Do I need anything special for a trip to live on a houseboat?", "Not really but if I think of anything, I will let you know. Summer here is beautiful, you will love it! Are you helping your dad with the farm?", "Yes, it is a lot of work! I enjoy it though. It has certainly brought me closer to my family- my dad and grandfather in particular. We work and bond and get to know each other more every day. What do you do for work?", "I opened a breakfast and coffee place by the shore. I like making people happy by feeding them. And I like listening to their life stories.", "That sounds idyllic. How wonderful for you. It is amazing to do something you enjoy and I'm betting you learn something from your customers every day.", "Oh yes, I meet such interesting people. It was my dream to own a place like that. What are you doing for work?", "I have an etsy shop and sell my handmade candles and other treats! I am doing something I enjoy and can work at my own pace while I tend to my family duties.", "How fun! I need to check out your store. I love scented candles. How long have you been doing that?", "How is your vacation planning going?", "It is going well! We haven't decided where we want to go yet, but we've narrowed it down!", "Nice! I can't wait for my houseboat vacation. I'm sure it will be an adventure! How long have you been living on your houseboat?", "I have been living here for a few years! It is so nice! Where are you going on your vacation?", "On a lake in Michigan. I'm excited for the trip! I love swimming so I'm excited that I'll be able to swim any time I want.", "That is definitely the benefit of the houseboat, swimming whenever you want!", "Do you have a house too or do you always live on the houseboat? What about a car?", "I live on the houseboat actually. I do have a car that I park on the shore, I just paddlbe boat to shore when I want to drive.", "That's really cool. It must be interesting when you go grocery shopping - loading everything into the car and then into the boat to paddle home.", "Yeah that is always a pain! Especially when the weather is rough and the waves are rocking", "Oh yea that must be difficult! Gosh you must have so many stories to tell living in such a unique way. People at your breakfast place must love chatting with you!", "Haha I most definitely have some legendary stories to tell! You should take a trip here sometime to hear them!", "Is it difficult to go to and from work in the winter?", "No, Winters are not too bad here. We rarely get any snow at all. Usually it's just a bit chilly and raining that time of year.", "that doesnt sound bad at all, especially compared to the winters in Maine.", "Not like Maine at all. I been skiing in Maine, so I know all about how cold it gets there. Do you ever go skiing?", "There is great skiing in Maine, Im not the best at it but i do look forward to giving it a go this winter! ", "That's exciting. My brother lives in Boston and goes to Maine all of the time. He has a snowmobiling camp there.", "That is too cool, do you ever go snowmobiling in the winter with him?", "I haven't been on a snowmobile since I was a kid. My parents used to take us all the time. But, Seattle is so far away from my family in New England, that I generally only visit in the Summer.", "Summer travel is definitely easier with that much of a distance, do you generally fly or drive since you have a car?", "I can't imagine driving that far. It's take me a month to go back and forth. I barely put any miles at all on my car. I probably put more miles on my dinghy than I do my car.", "Living on a lake i can see how that makes sense. Do you use your bicycle more than your car?", "Not really. My typical routine is take the dinghy to the dock and then walk to the cafe for work from there. I actually park my car at work, I sometimes go days without using it.", "Where in Maine is your brothers Snowmobile Camp?", "It is by Sugarloaf. Maine has some great skiing resorts and areas- you should try it sometime!", "How often your mom come home and be with you?", "oh my mom doesn't usually come and visit me in Seattle- I usually go over to Boston and Maine where my family is from. How do you like living there?", "I love Maine. It has great people. and very friendly. How much you like Maine?", "I like visiting there but I don't like living there which is why I moved to the west coast. Seattle's weather is a lot more mild. Plus my love of coffee helped me create an awesome business here which wouldve been harder to do in Maine. How is your etsy shop going? I need some candles for a gift- maybe I should take a look?", "My Etsy is doing fine especially these days since people want to buy more given the at home experiences. Good to know that your west coast is good fit for your business. A couple of my friends are there..", "That makes sense about your etsy shop! I really love living on the water- my houseboat is pretty cool- like living on the set of Sleepless in Seattle. Have you ever traveled out this way?", "Not yet. I have a great desire to come visit Seattle. One of my best friend is there. He told me Seattle is very very costly to live much high as compare to where I am today. I understand your position now. But it helps you earn more there.", "Yes, Seattle's cost of living is very high. I feel like it is pretty close to New York and San Francisco. I like all the nature out here- we have a lot of great hiking and mountains. Do you like spending time outdoors?", "Occasionally yes. We have had some get together with friends at nearby state parks. They enjoy outdoor to some extent as much as I do. I love spending more time but I do not have time available for that since my life is busy.", "Besides your etsy shop, what all do you do to spend your time?"], "init_persona": [[["I have 2 brothers older than me.", "My dad was a farmer back in the day.", "I recently moved to a new city.", "I drove 1000 miles to see my favorite band play."], ["I live on a houseboat.", "I just graduated with my master's degree.", "I work as a bartender.", "I have four brothers and sisters.", "My mother works for fedex."]], [["I just moved.", "I moved to Maine.", "My dad was a farmer. My grandfather was a farmer.", "I drove to Michigan 2 weeks ago. I saw a nugent play."], ["I work.", "I live on a houseboat. My houseboat is on a salt water lake near Seattle.", "My mom is an airline pilot for Fedex.", "I like cycling."]], [["I just moved.", "I moved to Maine.", "My dad was a farmer. My grandfather was a farmer. I help my dad and grandfather with the farm.", "I drove to Michigan 2 weeks ago. I saw a nugent play.", "I am going to take a houseboat vacation. I have never been in a houseboat.", "I have an etsy shop and sell handmade candles and other treats."], ["I work.", "I live on a houseboat. My houseboat is on a salt water lake near Seattle. It is pretty spacious. I live by myself.", "My mom is an airline pilot for Fedex.", "I like cycling.", "I am on Puget Sound.", "I own a breakfast and coffee place by the shore. I like making people happy by feeding them. I like listening to their life stories. I meet interesting people at my breakfast and coffee place.", "I love scented candles."]], [["I just moved.", "I moved to Maine.", "My dad was a farmer. My grandfather was a farmer. I help my dad and grandfather with the farm.", "I drove to Michigan 2 weeks ago. I saw a nugent play.", "I have never been in a houseboat.", "I have an etsy shop and sell handmade candles and other treats.", "I am taking a houseboat vacation. I love to swim. I am going to vacation on a lake in Michigan."], ["I work.", "I live on a houseboat. My houseboat is on a salt water lake near Seattle. It is pretty spacious. I live by myself.", "My mom is an airline pilot for Fedex.", "I like cycling.", "I am on Puget Sound.", "I own a breakfast and coffee place by the shore. I like making people happy by feeding them. I like listening to their life stories. I meet interesting people at my breakfast and coffee place.", "I love scented candles.", "I have been living on a houseboat for a few years. I have a car."]], [["I just moved.", "I moved to Maine.", "My dad was a farmer. My grandfather was a farmer. I help my dad and grandfather with the farm.", "I drove to Michigan 2 weeks ago. I saw a nugent play.", "I have never been in a houseboat.", "I have an etsy shop and sell handmade candles and other treats.", "I am taking a houseboat vacation. I love to swim. I am going to vacation on a lake in Michigan.", "I want to try skiing this year."], ["I work.", "I live on a houseboat. My houseboat is on a salt water lake near Seattle. It is pretty spacious. I live by myself.", "My mom is an airline pilot for Fedex.", "I like cycling.", "I am on Puget Sound.", "I own a breakfast and coffee place by the shore. I like making people happy by feeding them. I like listening to their life stories. I meet interesting people at my breakfast and coffee place.", "I love scented candles.", "I have been living on a houseboat for a few years. I have a car.", "I live in a chilly area and with hardly any snow.", "I have been skiing in Maine. I have a brother who lives in Boston. My brother travels to Maine and has a Snowmobiling camp. My family lives in New England. I visit family in the Summer.", "i own a Dinghy."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_897_0", "test_897_1", "test_897_2", "test_897_3", "test_897_4", "test_897_5", "test_897_6", "test_897_7", "test_897_8", "test_897_9", "test_897_10", "test_897_11", "test_897_12", "test_897_13", "test_897_14", "test_897_15", "test_897_16", "test_897_17", "test_897_18", "test_897_19", "test_897_20", "test_897_21", "test_897_22", "test_897_23", "test_897_24", "test_897_25", "test_897_26", "test_897_27", "test_897_28", "test_897_29", "test_897_30", "test_897_31", "test_897_32", "test_897_33", "test_897_34", "test_897_35", "test_897_36", "test_897_37", "test_897_38", "test_897_39", "test_897_40", "test_897_41", "test_897_42", "test_897_43", "test_897_44", "test_897_45", "test_897_46", "test_897_47", "test_897_48", "test_897_49", "test_897_50", "test_897_51", "test_897_52", "test_897_53", "test_897_54", "test_897_55", "test_897_56", "test_897_57", "test_897_58", "test_897_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["What is your job?", "Hi, I'm factory worker, but I love it and think about it all the time. You?", "I spend my time creating art.", "That's neat I spend my free time collecting meat to eat. I consider myself a carnivore.", "That is interesting, I budget my money so that I have some left over each month.", "I personally am in debt. It's from the black sabbath t shirts they are my favorite band.", "Oh I am sorry, I really enjoy not being employed by anyone.", "Huh, I'm the opposite, a workaholic.", "Since my work consists of making art, I don't really need a boss.", "I work to buy black sabbath cds.", "That is amazing, I love that, and everyone in general.", "You are amazing. Do you like meat.", "I got paid earlier for one of my pieces of work, so I decided to go out and buy some prosciutto. You inspired me to think about collecting meat, too.", "Oh man! Just be careful how you store it! I always try to eat my meat within 3-4 days. Then I find a new stash!", "In that case maybe I'll buy only a little bit. Haha. What other meats would you recommend?", "Venison is really good! Have you ever been hunting? My father was a great hunter!", "I've never tried hunting, but hunting big game, cleaning, and butchering it all myself is something I want to do in the future. Do you have any experience?", "Just a little! I don't have much time anymore because I am always working! How many hours a week do you spend at your profession?", "Oh I don't keep track anymore. It feels like I'm working all the time, because I can't help but see shapes and lines everywhere I go. And when I get an idea, I have to take pictures or jot notes down so I don't forget it when I'm back in the studio. It feels like working all the time!", "Hey! You know what they say.... when you are working in your passion, you never work a day in your life!", "That's true. There's a difference between your job and your work. For me, I love art so it is everyday but it's also something I enjoy! What about you?", "Well, I can't say being a factory worker is my passion. I will say that I enjoy it to a certain extent! Plus, I am just blessed to have a source of income.", "That's what counts. Enjoying it for what it is and then having the means to pursue your true passions. Like meat! haha", "I do love meat!!!!! Have you thought about making meat art?", "I've come up with a new idea for art inspired by your obsession with meat!", "Really! I would love to hear about it. Though I might want to eat your art!", "You know how local restaurants do those charcuterie boards... where they roll meat and add other things to make it look like a really fancy platter. I have an idea to do an art gallery that is all of that sort of thing.", "That sounds so fascinating! You have such a good eye and I could never think like that. Are you already thinking of different styles of meats that add different colors and tones?", "That's exactly it, and using certain cheeses and fruits to make certain colors/designs pop! Plus they would be changing constantly, because at the end of the night, they would be getting eaten.", "Oh, sounds so amazing. You may end up creating art that becomes a meal combination nobody ever thought of! Elk meat plus gouda and strawberries, or something, may never have been considered before.", "Exactly. Buy any interesting band merch lately?", "Well, I should confess that I bought another Black Sabbath shirt. It was actually one for an earlier tour and it's a little faded, but I really love it of course!", "That's cool. I really enjoy vintage t-shirts like that.", "I have a special closet for all of these shirts to help keep them protected. I just can't help myself.", "That's too funny. You should put them in a gallery and charge admission! I am sure that people would love to see them.", "LOL. I could put it next to your meat exhibit. My two favorite things: Sabbath and meat! LOL. Speaking of meat, I would love to take you hunting this fall.", "I have just finished up creating a couple of designs to be displayed in an art gallery, and I am happy on how they turned out. I would like to show them to you, so I can get some feedback on how they look. You can even try them and see how they tastes, that way I know whether people that visit the galley will both like seeing them and tasting them as well.", "Well, I'm not really sure how great my opinion on art is, but I will try my best. I still don't think I really have the eye for it, though.", "Don't worry, art is extremely subjective. All I need are your honest impressions of the work.", "Okay - I'll try my best. I'm actually really excited to check it out. I mean, I always liked when bands had really cool artwork on their albums, so I guess it can't be much different than that!", "That reminds me I know of your obsession with Black Sabbath but I wondered if there are any other groups you were interested in. I have an extra Kool & The Gang tee that I think you would love. It gave me the idea to expand into edible clothing as a side exhibit.", "Yeah, I don't think anyone is more obsessed with Sabbath than I am. I literally owe thousands on my credit cards just from buying merch, it's honestly a little pathetic. But hey, I mean, Ozzy Osbourne, right? But hell yeah dude, I'll take a Kool & the Gang t-shirt, I love anything retro. ", "If that's the case we should take some time to get together to go through my collection. I have several duplicates that I was going to donate but I would much rather give them to someone who I know will truly appreciate them.", "Okay, that sounds awesome. I'll be more than happy to buy some of it off you if you're willing to part with it. Do you have any Black Sabbath vinyls? Finding those in a good condition can be really hard.", "No, my collection does not extend into music. Let me check with my friend Kevin. He has quite a background in music and has become quite a collector of all things related.", "Awesome. When are you free? I'd really like to meet up soon, if at all possible. I work a lot, so I really don't have a lot of free time.", "I was just thinking about your schedule. I am still in the creative zone so my schedule is fluid at the moment. Are you free this Tuesday. I have the whole day free.", "I would be free Tuesday evening after work, I think. I would just need a little time to go home and clean up a little, first. Also, I've been wanting to ask, but have you eaten any specialty meats lately?", "My friend Kevin said that he has some Black Sabbath vinyl he'd be willing to sell. He is going to let me know what he has available. ", "I'm interested, even though I probably should stop buying Black Sabbath merchandise from a financial perspective.", "It does get expensive, doesn't it? I'll let you know when I hear from him. But paying off those credit cards might be a better idea. ", "Yeah, I'm working on that. Still, I won't be able to pass up a good deal on rare Black Sabbath music. Sometimes I feel like I can't stop buying Black Sabbath stuff.", "That might be something to talk to a counselor about! Like, what kind of inner need is buying all the merch filling?", "Maybe you could give some tips on how to budget myself, you seem to do really well in that respect.", "The best thing to do is to pick the credit card with the highest interest out. Pay the minimum payment on all the other cards but pay as much as you can per month toward that high-interest one. Once that's paid off do the same with the next-highest-interest card, and so on down the line. The important thing is to not fill them back up again! :)", "Easier said than done! Even with how hard I work I never seem to have anything extra at the end of the month.", "Well, that's where stemming the need for the Black Sabbath merch comes in. Something is making you overbuy, ya know? I had depression for a while and 'retail therapy' was one of my coping mechanisms. But then I'd be depressed at how much I'd spent! ", "Interesting, maybe my obsession with collecting meat comes from the same psychological need as all the Black Sabbath purchases. ", "Maybe so! Were you hungry as a kid, maybe? That could be a reason for liking to have a lot of food on hand.", "I don't remember going hungry as a child. Anyway, speaking of meat I got some exotic-looking venison recently. Maybe you'd like to use it in one of your upcoming art pieces."], "init_persona": [[["I'm a painter.", "I like making music.", "I don't want a boss.", "I try to love everyone.", "I live within my means."], ["I'm a carnivore, I eat meat.", "I'm 26 years old and I am a workaholic.", "I frequently think about going to work.", "I'm slightly in debt.", "My favorite band is black sabbath."]], [["I carefully budget my money so that I have a monthly surplus.", "I make art. I am self employed. My income comes from my art."], ["I work in a factory and really enjoy it. I consider myself a workaholic.", "I collect meat to eat. I see myself as a carnivore.", "Black Sabbath is my favorite band. I have gone into debt from buying Black Sabbath t-shirts. I like to buy a lot of Black Sabbath CDs."]], [["I carefully budget my money so that I have a monthly surplus.", "I make art. I am self employed. My income comes from my art. I work a lot in a studio and write notes. I love art and my job.", "I have become a connoisseur of meats.", "I have never hunted, but I always wanted to try it."], ["I work in a factory and really enjoy it. I consider myself a workaholic.", "I collect meat to eat. I see myself as a carnivore. I love meat.", "Black Sabbath is my favorite band. I have gone into debt from buying Black Sabbath t-shirts. I like to buy a lot of Black Sabbath CDs.", "I enjoy venison. My father is a great hunter. I have hunted before. I work a lot."]], [["I carefully budget my money so that I have a monthly surplus.", "I make art. I am self employed. My income comes from my art. I work a lot in a studio and write notes. I love art and my job.", "I have become a connoisseur of meats.", "I have never hunted, but I always wanted to try it.", "I want to do an art gallery that includes art made with charcuterie boards and platters.", "I am an artist that creates different art. I want to use different cheeses and fruits in my art to make it stand out. My art gallery will change constantly as my art will be eaten at the end of each night.", "I enjoy vintage t-shirts."], ["I work in a factory and really enjoy it. I consider myself a workaholic.", "I collect meat to eat. I see myself as a carnivore. I love meat. I am obsessed with eating meat.", "Black Sabbath is my favorite band. I have gone into debt from buying Black Sabbath t-shirts. I like to buy a lot of Black Sabbath CDs.", "I enjoy venison. My father is a great hunter. I have hunted before. I work a lot.", "I wish I had an eye for art.", "I bought a Black Sabbath shirt recently. I love its design. I like the band Black Sabbath. I keep my shirts in a special closet to keep them protected.", "I go hunting, and I am interested in going again this fall."]], [["I carefully budget my money so that I have a monthly surplus.", "I make art. I am self employed. My income comes from my art. I work a lot in a studio and write notes. I love art and my job.", "I have become a connoisseur of meats.", "I have never hunted, but I always wanted to try it.", "I want to do an art gallery that includes art made with charcuterie boards and platters.", "I am an artist that creates different art. I want to use different cheeses and fruits in my art to make it stand out. My art gallery will change constantly as my art will be eaten at the end of each night.", "I enjoy vintage t-shirts.", "I just finished a couple of designs to be displayed at an art gallery. I am happy with them. They are edible. I have ideas about making edible clothing.", "I have a friend named Kevin with a background in music."], ["I work in a factory and really enjoy it. I consider myself a workaholic.", "I collect meat to eat. I see myself as a carnivore. I love meat. I am obsessed with eating meat.", "Black Sabbath is my favorite band. I have gone into debt from buying Black Sabbath t-shirts. I like to buy a lot of Black Sabbath CDs. I owe thousands on my credit cards from buying Black Sabbath merchandise.", "I enjoy venison. My father is a great hunter. I have hunted before. I work a lot.", "I wish I had an eye for art.", "I bought a Black Sabbath shirt recently. I love its design. I keep my shirts in a special closet to keep them protected.", "I go hunting, and I am interested in going again this fall.", "I don't think I have much of an eye for art."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_898_0", "test_898_1", "test_898_2", "test_898_3", "test_898_4", "test_898_5", "test_898_6", "test_898_7", "test_898_8", "test_898_9", "test_898_10", "test_898_11", "test_898_12", "test_898_13", "test_898_14", "test_898_15", "test_898_16", "test_898_17", "test_898_18", "test_898_19", "test_898_20", "test_898_21", "test_898_22", "test_898_23", "test_898_24", "test_898_25", "test_898_26", "test_898_27", "test_898_28", "test_898_29", "test_898_30", "test_898_31", "test_898_32", "test_898_33", "test_898_34", "test_898_35", "test_898_36", "test_898_37", "test_898_38", "test_898_39", "test_898_40", "test_898_41", "test_898_42", "test_898_43", "test_898_44", "test_898_45", "test_898_46", "test_898_47", "test_898_48", "test_898_49", "test_898_50", "test_898_51", "test_898_52", "test_898_53", "test_898_54", "test_898_55", "test_898_56", "test_898_57", "test_898_58", "test_898_59", "test_898_60", "test_898_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello how are you?", "Hi I'm great! I am drinking a big glass of iced tea! What about you?", "That sounds good! My favorite drink is sprite.", "I live in the city where I grew up and I love animals..", "I love animals!! My pet parrot's name is tasha.", "I have a cat. She just had a kitten too!.", "Aww! I love animals so much I am a locto-ovo vegertian.", "There are a lot of those in the city I grew up in!.", "Fun! I am a country girl. Love to hike. I wish I could visit a big city.", "I love the zoo here but I would much rather live in the country.", "Being a person with red hair I tend to stand out around here lol.", "I just colored my hair and cut it so I would stand out more!", "What color did you do?", "I died it bright pink and cut it into an undercut.", "I would like to come visit the your zoo could I stay with you a couple of days?", "Depends. When were you thinking of coming?", "Are you busy this weekend? I know it's short notice.", "No, unfortunately, I have two sick kitties and a friend just brought over a rescue. Unless you want to help?", "I don't want to get in the way. Perhaps I can rent an apartment near you for the weekend.", "Will you be bringing tasha?", "No, I'm worried that the ride will be too stressful for her. I can have the neighbor look in on her while I'm gone.", "How is she doing these days?", "She's doing great. Most of the time she just looks out the window and mutters things under her breath.", "Mutters things, like \"pretty bird\" or \"i'm going to get you/\"", "I'm not sure, to be honest. She speaks in Mandarin and hasn't bothered to learn English since I've had her.", "Oh my goodness that's too funny. ", "How is your new rescue kitten doing?", "Good! The only problem is that I don't think I can handle 3 cats, with 2 other sick kitties. Any chance you would want to adopt?", "Yes! Do you you think she would be ok with my parrot? ", "she is still just a little kitten so if she grows up with a parrot, she won't know any different. The question is, will your parrot be ok with a cat?", "That's a good point! Yeah, Tasha has seen cats before and she just ignores them! ", "Ok well ignoring is better than attacking haha! Maybe Tasha can teach the kitten mandarin haha. Have you picked up any mandarin from her?", "Hahaha. No Tasha picked the Mandarin up from me! I was learning it and saying all these different phrases and Tasha stopped saying her usual English phrases and started saying Chinese ones instead!", "Oh that's interesting! What got you into learning Mandarin?", "I really want to visit China, so I thought I'd pick up some helpful phrases. I imagine that trip's a long way off though! I'll try to travel somewhere in the US first.", "A trip to China sounds so fun!! Where do you think you will travel in the US first?", "New York City! I've always wanted to spend time in a big city so I figure I should go for the biggest!", "New York City is amazing! I have been there a few times, there are so many fun things to do.", "Do you still want to adopt out your new resucue kitten?", "Yes, I have just finished filling out and submitting all of the adoption paperwork to the animal rescue. And good news, all kittens are feeling better and are healthy again. I love them.", "That's great news! Do you have any names picked out for them or are you going to keep their names?", "I do not have any names picked out for them yet. I have been trying to get to know their personalities better before I give them a name. Two of them are very spunky and one is shy. Maybe I will give them a Mandarin name! Do you have any recommendations as you are learning Mandarin?", "Hm, maybe Zhao for one of them! I always thought that name sounded cool", "Oh, how interesting! I have a friend who's surname is Zhao. What does Zhao mean in Mandarin?", "I believe it's just the name of a state, it doesn't really have a meaning. ", "Oh, okay. Are you able to adopt any cats since you have a parrot? I do not know if those two species get along.", "I can! My parrot would be fine with the extra friend, I would just need to train the kitten to see him as a friend rather than a foe, ha!", "I will pass on any training tips that I acquire as I train the new kittens. My older cat is so mellow that I have never had any issues training her. But two on the little kittens seem like they will be a handful to train. ", "That's be great, thanks! Kittens sound like a lot of work but i'm sure it'll get done. ", "I am always diligent to have well trained pets, it is bad for owners to allow their animals to behave crazily. What kind of training did you do for your parrot, Taisha?", "Have you thought of any names for the kittens yet? ", "I was considering naming one of them Oreo because she's black and white, what do you think of that name?", "Very fitting. Great name for a black and white cat. I looked in adopting some kittens like you recommended. ", "Rescuing animals is a great thing to do. But I wonder if the cats and your parrot would get along!", "They might not get along but Tasha can hold her own. Plus I think she would get a kick out of watching them.", "Haha. So have you been hiking lately? It's been a hot summer, I think it'd kill me!", "Hahaha. Yes I agree its too hot to get a long hike in. I've been on some short ones, but the bugs eat me alive. I like to hike in the fall when the bugs are dying off and its a little cooler.", "Ah yes, that's my favorite time of year. Oh and speaking of Tasha, I'm still amazed she knows Mandarin. Have you been learning more of the language?", "I've been learning a little more. I try to learn a few things a day. Tasha's reactions to my talking to myself in Mandarin is funny, she looks confused most of the time.", "That is funny. And impressive that you're learning. The closest I can get to another language is doing a bad New York accent LOL", "I can't wait to go to New York and hear that accent. It's a great accent, always makes me laugh a little though.", "I hope you get to go soon! It's an amazing city, so much to do"], "init_persona": [[["I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian.", "I like to hike.", "I have red hair.", "My favorite drink is sprite.", "I have a pet parrot named tasha."], ["I grew up in the city.", "My favorite drink is iced tea.", "I love visiting the zoo.", "I have one cat that just had a kitten.", "I just got a new hair cut and color."]], [["My favorite drink is Sprite.", "I live animals. I have a pet parrot named Tasha.", "I am a locto-ovo vegertian.", "I am a country girl. I love to hike. I wish I could visit a big city.", "I have red hair."], ["I drink iced tea.", "I grew up in the city. I live in the city. I love animals. I have a cat. My cat just had a kitten.", "I love the zoo in my city. I would rather live in the country.", "I just colored and cut my hair. I dyed my hair bright pink. I cut my hair into an undercut."]], [["My favorite drink is Sprite.", "I live animals. I have a pet parrot named Tasha.", "I am a locto-ovo vegertian.", "I am a country girl. I love to hike. I wish I could visit a big city.", "I have red hair.", "Tasha is doing great. Tasha speaks in Mandarin."], ["I drink iced tea.", "I grew up in the city. I live in the city. I love animals. I have a cat. My cat just had a kitten.", "I love the zoo in my city. I would rather live in the country. I live near a zoo.", "I just colored and cut my hair. I dyed my hair bright pink. I cut my hair into an undercut.", "I am busy this weekend because I have two sick kittens and a new rescue."]], [["My favorite drink is Sprite.", "I live animals. I have a pet parrot named Tasha. My parrot ignores cats.", "I am a locto-ovo vegertian.", "I am a country girl. I love to hike. I wish I could visit a big city.", "I have red hair.", "Tasha is doing great. Tasha speaks in Mandarin. I am learning Mandarin.", "I want to visit China. I want to visit New York City."], ["I drink iced tea.", "I grew up in the city. I live in the city. I love animals. I have a cat. My cat just had a kitten.", "I love the zoo in my city. I would rather live in the country. I live near a zoo.", "I just colored and cut my hair. I dyed my hair bright pink. I cut my hair into an undercut.", "I am busy this weekend because I have two sick kittens and a new rescue.", "I have been to New York City a few times."]], [["My favorite drink is Sprite.", "I live animals. I have a pet parrot named Tasha. My parrot ignores cats.", "I am a locto-ovo vegertian.", "I am a country girl. I love to hike. I wish I could visit a big city.", "I have red hair.", "Tasha is doing great. Tasha speaks in Mandarin. I am learning Mandarin.", "I want to visit China. I want to visit New York City.", "I like the name Zhao."], ["I drink iced tea.", "I grew up in the city. I live in the city. I love animals. I have a cat. My cat just had a kitten.", "I love the zoo in my city. I would rather live in the country. I live near a zoo.", "I just colored and cut my hair. I dyed my hair bright pink. I cut my hair into an undercut.", "I am busy this weekend because I have two sick kittens and a new rescue. I have not named my kittens yet. I have an older cat.", "I have been to New York City a few times."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_901_0", "test_901_1", "test_901_2", "test_901_3", "test_901_4", "test_901_5", "test_901_6", "test_901_7", "test_901_8", "test_901_9", "test_901_10", "test_901_11", "test_901_12", "test_901_13", "test_901_14", "test_901_15", "test_901_16", "test_901_17", "test_901_18", "test_901_19", "test_901_20", "test_901_21", "test_901_22", "test_901_23", "test_901_24", "test_901_25", "test_901_26", "test_901_27", "test_901_28", "test_901_29", "test_901_30", "test_901_31", "test_901_32", "test_901_33", "test_901_34", "test_901_35", "test_901_36", "test_901_37", "test_901_38", "test_901_39", "test_901_40", "test_901_41", "test_901_42", "test_901_43", "test_901_44", "test_901_45", "test_901_46", "test_901_47", "test_901_48", "test_901_49", "test_901_50", "test_901_51", "test_901_52", "test_901_53", "test_901_54", "test_901_55", "test_901_56", "test_901_57", "test_901_58", "test_901_59", "test_901_60", "test_901_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Whew, hey how are you?", "Doing alright, just got home from work, how about you?", "Just got back from a run, and I worked up a sweat! What do you do?", "Just a boring government job. I should run more but I'm more of the napping type.", "Naps are good too, need to rest when you can! What type of government work?", "Parks and recreation but I'm mainly in the office pushing paper, how about you?", "I am a tax accountant, has me sitting around too much, so I try to stay active!", "I have 2 kids, they keep me pretty active, always running around chasing after them.", "No wonder you need a nap from time to time!", "Yeah for sure! When I get to relax I'm mainly watching movies or painting..", "Oh, nice, what is your favorite movie? I love sci-fi movies.", "I love horror, nightmare on elm street is probably my favourite. And you?", "Not into horror, but I like movies like the matrix.", "The matrix is great, the second not so much.", "My friend just gave me the complete collection of Nightmare on Elm Street movies, I am going to send them to you.", "That's so nice of you, I appreciate it! Have you seen any new movies lately?", "Not lately, but I did end up rewatching The Matrix. I don't know, something about re-watching my favorites is just so fun! And you get to notice different things in the movie too.", "That's too bad. I love re-watching favorites too, and even seeing new director's cuts. I didn't know they are coming out with a new Cruella movie from Disney, does it look interesting to you?", "Oh the one with Emma Stone! I can't wait until I get a chance to watch it. The costumes were so stylish in the trailer!", "Yeah, it looks very flashy for sure. I always recognize Emma Stone but never remember where she's from. Some actors are just very iconic like that.", "Agreed. Have you watched anything new recently yourself?", "I saw the new Mortal Kombat movie, but it was sadly a little disappointing. It looked nice visually, but the story just wasn't there.", "Haha, ever since I watched the Doom movie I swore that I would never watch a movie based on a videogame. One day I might miss a fantastic movie because of that, but I think I'm gonna save myself a lot of heartache.", "Agreed, it's better to see what true fans say about the movie first! The most recent Doom game was so amazing, I really loved the soundtrack and listen to it when working sometimes to pump myself up.", "Oh goodness I've heard so many good things about that game but haven't gotten a chance to play it. Is it really one of the best FPS games in recent yeras you think?", "Honestly yes, I was pretty impressed by it. I thought it was all hype at first, but it's just a genuinely fun game to play and really takes you back to the old Doom appeal.", "Do you want to get together to watch the new Cruella movie?", "I would love that! I just re-watched the trailer right before you contacted me and I am really interested in it now! I hope it's even better than the trailer.", "I heard really good things about it. I am excited! When should we try to go? We could go on a weekend and make an afternoon and get some lunch. What is your favorite kind of place to go to for lunch?", "I am actually free most of the week! My kids are going to a day camp and most of their evenings are with friends or the pool. I like pretty much anything, but there is a great Chinese restaurant right by Cinemaplex", "that sounds great. i love chinese food! i'll take a look at my calendar and get back to you. can't wait! what kind of day camp are your kids attending?", "It's called Camp Energy. It's off of 8th street at that big park. Even though its in the city, it's pretty wide open and they get to do archery and even horseback riding. This is their third year going.", "That is great. Sounds like they get to be busy all day and then hopefully tired by the time they get home. A lot less work for you to keep them entertained. Hopefully a camp like that isnt too expensive, i Know a friend of mine had to pay a lot for a horse camp for his daughter", "It's really not bad. I think it's because the city picks up some of the tab (so maybe we pay a little bit with taxes too). I think it's also not as specific, so they just get a little of a lot of things. It's not like you can be with horses all day here.", "i like that. i would have loved that as a kid! of course things are different today and parents are much busier in general. what does your husband do for work?", "He is also in government. His office is two floors up from mine. it was funny because we met long before we found these jobs, but then we ended up working two floors away!", "such a cute story. so nice that you guys can carpool together! is he in the Parks department too or something else?", "We joke and say he is \"Rec\" and I'm in \"Parks,\" but the whole division falls under the same Parks/Rec umbrella. We carpool and do lunch together!", "what did your kids do at day camp today?", "They were learning very basic stunts you can do on a horse.", "Wow, that is very exciting stuff! Since they have already attended Camp Energy for 3 years, do they take part in more advanced classes than the other campers?", "They do luckily. Otherwise, I think they'd be bored. ", "That is great that the camp is able to tailor their classes to each child's individual skill level. Please remind me, what are the ages of your kids again? ", "10 and 16. I am surprised the older one still wanted to go this year but she still loves it. ", "I am so glad that they get to enjoy the camp together. It sounds like your whole family is really into the outdoors considering you and your husband work for the Parks and Rec Department. Do they have any other opportunities throughout the year to ride horses?", "Yeah. They volunteer at a stables, so then they get to ride some of the horses in return. Saves me the money of buying their own horse. That is really expensive. ", "Yes, equestrian hobbies are incredibly expensive. I have no idea how anyone is able to afford that. Volunteering seems like a great way to get horse exposure without paying the hefty price. What is the archery experience like at the camp?", "It's good I think. They aren't as keen on that. But my younger daughter has the eye for it but she not interested in pursuing it further. ", "Yeah, who wants to shoot a bow and arrow when there are horses to hang out with instead! How did you first hear about Camp Energy?", "My cousins kids went there and loved it. Have to managed to see the new Cruella film now?", "What sorts of subjects do you like to paint?", "I mostly do things that are colorful and interest me. I like taking photos of flowers, for instance, and trying to replicate them with brighter color palettes. Do you do anything artsy in your time off?", "Mostly movie watching and FPS games. I've been really into Destiny 2 lately, have you ever played it? I used to ride horses as a kid. I wish I still could! ", "I'll be honest I haven't played in a couple of weeks. Been too busy at work. Destiny was one of those series I always wanted to try but never got to. I have played some of the Call of Duty franchise though. I honestly prefer getting out with the kids on the horses these days, though. There's something really grounding about being out in nature, you know?", "Oh, absolutely. My town is a college town but is near a lot of nature preserves, lakes, state parks etc and I love getting out there. I've done some fishing lately too although I haven't caught anything. It's still really cool just being out and listening to the sounds.", "Oh yes, one of the benefits of working for Parks & Rec is knowing all of the best secret little watering holes for fishing. My husband and I sometimes go out there for \"date afternoons.\" We both fish, but I'm a little easily distracted so I take a book along as well sometimes.", "I've tried to read but I always get distracted by things like birds. There's a feeder outside my window and I've manaaged to identify some of the birds that feed there. I have less luck identifying the ones at the lake, though.", "I am TERRIBLE at identifying anything unless I've seen it a million times. I definitely have gotten distracted listening to certain birdsongs, though. Some of them are just so unique! Do you ever listen for specific bird calls?", "Sometimes. The only ones I'm sure on are house finches and blue jays. Can't mistake a blue jay for anything else! There is a song sparrow that shows up too. He has quite the repertoire!", "There is this one bird call that gets my attention every time, but I have yet to figure out what it is! It's like this very cool sequence of four notes. I've tried figuring them out on the piano but I never see the bird that makes them!", "Hmm. See if wrens come to your area maybe? They have a nice short little song but of course just in text it's hard to tell what it could be. There should be an app that lets you play a birdsong (or its notes on the piano) and identifies it from there.", "Ooh, I will definitely have to try that out! I hadn't even thought of finding an app or something like that. Do you have any recommendations?"], "init_persona": [[["I am a runner.", "I love high-protein foods.", "I work as a tax accountant.", "My favorite musician is sufjan stevens.", "I moved into a new apartment last month."], ["I have two kids.", "I love horror movies.", "I paint pretty well.", "I have a government job.", "I like to take naps."]], [["I run.", "I am a tax accountant.", "I love sci-fi movies. I am not into horror movies. I like movies like The Matrix."], ["I work.", "I have a government job. I prefer napping to running. I work for parks and recreations mostly in the office doing paperwork.", "I have 2 kids.", "I paint to relax.", "I love horror movies. My favorite movie is likely Nightmare on Elm Street. I think The Matrix is great. I don't think the second Matrix was so great."]], [["I run.", "I am a tax accountant.", "I love sci-fi movies. I am not into horror movies. I like movies like The Matrix. I haven't seen any new movies lately. I can't wait to see the new Cruella movie with Emma Stone. I saw the trailer for it. I did not like the Doom movie.", "I play FPS games."], ["I work.", "I have a government job. I prefer napping to running. I work for parks and recreations mostly in the office doing paperwork.", "I have 2 kids.", "I paint to relax.", "I love horror movies. My favorite movie is likely Nightmare on Elm Street. I think The Matrix is great. I don't think the second Matrix was so great. I love re-watching favorite movies and seeing new director's cuts.", "I saw the trailer for the new Cruella movie. I found the new Mortal Kombat movie a little disappointing.", "I loved the most recent Doom game. I play FPS games."]], [["I run.", "I am a tax accountant.", "I love sci-fi movies. I am not into horror movies. I like movies like The Matrix. I haven't seen any new movies lately. I can't wait to see the new Cruella movie with Emma Stone. I saw the trailer for it. I did not like the Doom movie.", "I play FPS games.", "I love chinese food."], ["I prefer napping to running. I work for parks and recreations mostly in the office doing paperwork.", "I have 2 kids.", "I paint to relax.", "I love horror movies. My favorite movie is likely Nightmare on Elm Street. I think The Matrix is great. I don't think the second Matrix was so great. I love re-watching favorite movies and seeing new director's cuts.", "I saw the trailer for the new Cruella movie. I found the new Mortal Kombat movie a little disappointing.", "I loved the most recent Doom game. I play FPS games.", "I have kids who are going to a day camp. I like most foods but like chinese.", "my kids go to Camp Energy. they get to do archery and horseback riding. they've gone for 3 years.", "Both my husband annd I work in the government. we both work for the parks and rec department."]], [["I run.", "I am a tax accountant.", "I love sci-fi movies. I am not into horror movies. I like movies like The Matrix. I haven't seen any new movies lately. I can't wait to see the new Cruella movie with Emma Stone. I saw the trailer for it. I did not like the Doom movie.", "I play FPS games.", "I love chinese food."], ["I prefer napping to running. I work for parks and recreations mostly in the office doing paperwork.", "I have 2 kids. My kids are 10 and 16.", "I paint to relax.", "I love horror movies. My favorite movie is likely Nightmare on Elm Street. I think The Matrix is great. I don't think the second Matrix was so great. I love re-watching favorite movies and seeing new director's cuts.", "I saw the trailer for the new Cruella movie. I found the new Mortal Kombat movie a little disappointing.", "I loved the most recent Doom game. I play FPS games.", "I have kids who are going to a day camp. I like most foods but like chinese.", "my kids go to Camp Energy. they get to do archery and horseback riding. they've gone for 3 years.", "Both my husband annd I work in the government. we both work for the parks and rec department.", "My kids volunteer at a stables and in return they can ride the horses there. We don't have a horse. My younger daughter is good at archery but not very interested in it.", "I have a cousin with kids."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_902_0", "test_902_1", "test_902_2", "test_902_3", "test_902_4", "test_902_5", "test_902_6", "test_902_7", "test_902_8", "test_902_9", "test_902_10", "test_902_11", "test_902_12", "test_902_13", "test_902_14", "test_902_15", "test_902_16", "test_902_17", "test_902_18", "test_902_19", "test_902_20", "test_902_21", "test_902_22", "test_902_23", "test_902_24", "test_902_25", "test_902_26", "test_902_27", "test_902_28", "test_902_29", "test_902_30", "test_902_31", "test_902_32", "test_902_33", "test_902_34", "test_902_35", "test_902_36", "test_902_37", "test_902_38", "test_902_39", "test_902_40", "test_902_41", "test_902_42", "test_902_43", "test_902_44", "test_902_45", "test_902_46", "test_902_47", "test_902_48", "test_902_49", "test_902_50", "test_902_51", "test_902_52", "test_902_53", "test_902_54", "test_902_55", "test_902_56", "test_902_57", "test_902_58", "test_902_59", "test_902_60", "test_902_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there do you like country music?", "I once drove 1000 miles to see tim mgraw play.", "Wow! Do you also like trucks and tractors? I am a corn and bean farmer.", "Oh cool, yes I do, my dad was a farmer many years ago.", "My dad is a church preacher. Winter is my favorite because of christmas.", "Oh thats neat, I just moved to the city.", "I am definitely a country person. Need to have my tractors.", "I dont blame you, I miss it,.", "Yes I love a good tractor ride at midnight.", "Sounds fun, my two older brothers just bought a new tractor.", "I got my first one when I was 16.", "Neat my dad got his first at about that age.", "I will never forget that first tractor ride.", "I cant wauit to take my kids on there first ride.", "So other than Tim McGraw, who do you like to listen to? Do you often go to country music concerts?", "I go to country music shows a lot, but I also like classic rock. I think the two generes blends sometimes. For country, I like Tim M, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, Luke Bryan. Do you listen to country at all?", "Yes I grew up in the country and so listening to country music was almost mandatory :)", "Same here. It's funny how being raised like that leads to certain personality traits.", "Are you settling in the city at all or do you still really miss the country?", "I am settling in, but I really miss it. It's convienient that I can get whatever I wish easily, but it's so loud and crowded. I miss the calm and quiet. How are your crops doing this year?", "It's a good year, heavy rain early has tapered off. Corn prices were high but are falling, but I pretty much have my prices locked in. How's the new job?", "It's going. I enjoy it, but some of the people I work with have very harsh personalities. City-folk!", "They throw manners right out the window, don't they?", "So true! It's so weird. They are sooooo rude. I can't stand it.", "and they don't even realize it!", "I did get a 'youre so nice' the other day... I was just being 'normal', or so I thought.", "How is your new job going?", "It's kind of a bummer. I'm waiting tables and I don't mind the hard work but the customers can be so rude.", "Oh wow, I can imagine! What kind of restaurant is it? I hope you are at least making good tips.", "It's Olive Garden. So the tips are ok. Depends on the customer! ", "Oh my goodness, I love Olive Garden. Give me all the breadsticks! haha. It's my favorite restaurant, second only the Cracker Barrell.", "I'm not gonna lie, getting free breadsticks is a HUGE perk of the job! Almost makes the rude customers and crappy tips worth it! Hahaha. For real though, my coworkers are great and help me feel a little less homesick for the country.", "It always makes a job better when you have good coworkers. How far away from home are you? Do you ever go back to visit?", "It's a 3 hour drive so it's a little tough to just stop by and see my family. But we try to get out there on weekends if I'm not working.", "Oh that's not too bad! I never asked, what big city did you move to? What prompted you to make the move out of the country?", "We're living outside of Dallas. My kids were having problems in the rural schools so we needed a change!", "Oh, that was nice of you to do for your kids. How are they adjusting to city life? How old are your kids by the way?", "14 and 12. They like it because there is so much more to do! But I'm still getting used to it.", "Talking about Olive Garden made me crave some fresh Italian food. I actually ate dinner there last night!", "That sounds yummy! What did you order?", "Is your dad still farming?", "No, he retired but my two older brothers farm.", "You may be farming now. You can enroll your children in a school in your hometown.", "Thanks for the tip! How is your farming coming along?", "The yield of maize this year is very good. I got some profit out of it. What are your brothers doing?", "My brothers just got a brand new tractor to increase efficiency. You could have a maze in your corn fields in the fall and charge people for it.", "I too like my tractor. I keep my tractor from childhood. Riding midnight is nice feeling.", "Yes, I used to go out in my family's fields at night when I was wonder. It is awesome.", "How long you have that tractor? did you still use that?", "My Dad got rid of his a long time ago. I never used it.", "Have you enrolled your children in a school in your hometown yet?", "Yes I found a great private school not far from where we live now. If that doesn't work out I might homeschool next year.", "Have you gotten used to the city you live in? Are the schools expensive?", "I'm still getting used to it but getting to know my way around pretty good. I've gotten lost a few times lol. The schools are much more expensive unfortunately!", "If you homeschool, would your job allow flexibility? I know you don't like it", "I would probably have to get another job. I've considered looking for something online but haven't yet at this point.", "Have you considered non-service jobs, to avoid rude customers and stress?", "Yeah I have and would love to find something where I didn't have to deal with people all day. Give me farm animals over people any day lol", "Can you operate a tractor well? Seems like you might enjoy that, and it can pay well.", "I never used my dads tractor but I can drive dump trucks. Maybe I could drive one or start a business.", "Probably lots of those jobs around Dallas. You should look into business loans", "That is a great idea! I could manage the business from home while I homeschooled my kids."], "init_persona": [[["I love listening to country music.", "I live on a large corn and bean farm.", "I like driving trucks and tractors are my favorite.", "My favorite time of the year is winter.", "My father is a preacher in church."], ["I have 2 brothers older than me.", "My dad was a farmer back in the day.", "I recently moved to a new city.", "I drove 1000 miles to see my favorite band play."]], [["I am a farmer who grows corn and beans.", "My dad is a preacher. Winter is my favorite season. I like Christmas.", "I like to live in the country.", "I enjoy riding my tractor at midnight. I got my first tractor at age sixteen.", "My first tractor ride was a memorable and formative experience."], ["I like country music, especially Tim McGraw. I like to go to concerts.", "I like trucks and tractors. My dad was a farmer.", "I just moved to a city from the country. I miss living in the country.", "My two older brothers recently purchased a new tractor. My dad got his first tractor as a teenager.", "I have kids."]], [["I am a farmer who grows corn and beans.", "My dad is a preacher. Winter is my favorite season. I like Christmas.", "I like to live in the country. I grew up in the country. I listen to country music. I find city people rude.", "I enjoy riding my tractor at midnight. I got my first tractor at age sixteen.", "My first tractor ride was a memorable and formative experience."], ["I like country music, especially Tim McGraw. I like to go to concerts. I like to listen to Tim McGraw, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, and Luke Bryan. I also like classic rock. I go to country music shows a lot.", "I like trucks and tractors. My dad was a farmer.", "I just moved to a city from the country. I miss living in the country. I grew up in the country listening to country music.", "My two older brothers recently purchased a new tractor. My dad got his first tractor as a teenager.", "I have kids.", "I have a new job.", "I find city people rude."]], [["I am a farmer who grows corn and beans.", "My dad is a preacher. Winter is my favorite season. I like Christmas.", "I like to live in the country. I grew up in the country. I listen to country music. I find city people rude.", "I enjoy riding my tractor at midnight. I got my first tractor at age sixteen.", "My first tractor ride was a memorable and formative experience.", "I love Olive Garden. My favorite restaurant is the Cracker Barrell."], ["I like country music, especially Tim McGraw. I like to go to concerts. I like to listen to Tim McGraw, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, and Luke Bryan. I also like classic rock. I go to country music shows a lot.", "I like trucks and tractors. My dad was a farmer.", "I just moved to a city from the country. I miss living in the country. I grew up in the country listening to country music.", "My two older brothers recently purchased a new tractor. My dad got his first tractor as a teenager.", "I have kids.", "I have a new job. I wait tables. I do not enjoy my job very much. I work at Olive Garden. I get free breadsticks at my job. I do not like rude customers and bad tips. I have great coworkers. I find city people rude.", "I live 3 hours away from home. I try to see my family on weekends.", "I live outside of Dallas. I have school age children. I moved because my kids were having problems in school. My kids are 14 and 12. My children like the city. I am still getting used to city life."]], [["I am a farmer who grows corn and beans.", "My dad is a preacher. Winter is my favorite season. I like Christmas.", "I like to live in the country. I grew up in the country. I listen to country music. I find city people rude.", "I enjoy riding my tractor at midnight. I got my first tractor at age sixteen.", "My first tractor ride was a memorable and formative experience.", "I love Olive Garden. My favorite restaurant is the Cracker Barrell.", "I farm maize. I like riding tractors at night."], ["I like country music, especially Tim McGraw. I like to go to concerts. I like to listen to Tim McGraw, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, and Luke Bryan. I also like classic rock. I go to country music shows a lot.", "I like trucks and tractors. My dad was a farmer.", "I just moved to a city from the country. I miss living in the country. I grew up in the country listening to country music.", "My two older brothers are farmers. My two older brothers recently purchased a new tractor. My dad got his first tractor as a teenager. I never used my father's tractor.", "I have kids.", "I have a new job. I wait tables. I do not enjoy my job very much. I work at Olive Garden. I get free breadsticks at my job. I do not like rude customers and bad tips. I have great coworkers. I find city people rude.", "I live 3 hours away from home. I try to see my family on weekends.", "I live outside of Dallas. I have school age children. I moved because my kids were having problems in school. My kids are 14 and 12. My children like the city. I am still getting used to city life.", "I like to go out into the fields at night."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_905_0", "test_905_1", "test_905_2", "test_905_3", "test_905_4", "test_905_5", "test_905_6", "test_905_7", "test_905_8", "test_905_9", "test_905_10", "test_905_11", "test_905_12", "test_905_13", "test_905_14", "test_905_15", "test_905_16", "test_905_17", "test_905_18", "test_905_19", "test_905_20", "test_905_21", "test_905_22", "test_905_23", "test_905_24", "test_905_25", "test_905_26", "test_905_27", "test_905_28", "test_905_29", "test_905_30", "test_905_31", "test_905_32", "test_905_33", "test_905_34", "test_905_35", "test_905_36", "test_905_37", "test_905_38", "test_905_39", "test_905_40", "test_905_41", "test_905_42", "test_905_43", "test_905_44", "test_905_45", "test_905_46", "test_905_47", "test_905_48", "test_905_49", "test_905_50", "test_905_51", "test_905_52", "test_905_53", "test_905_54", "test_905_55", "test_905_56", "test_905_57", "test_905_58", "test_905_59", "test_905_60", "test_905_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, how are you doing today.", "Great! Tell me about yourself. I'm married with two boys. Grew up in san francisco.", "I love the show friends and enjoy visiting graffiti-filled places.", "Different! I have to travel a lot for my job.", "I work at the coffee shop my mom owned.", "Do they sell fries, they're my favorite!", "No fries, yet lol fries are good though!", "Do you have any hobbies? I'm an avid fisherman.", "I enjoy getting tattoos. I have 5so far.", "Wow! That's a lot. Any favorites?", "The one that I got for my dad passing is probably my favorite.", "That's so nice. What is it?", "It says \"for you I shall live\".", "I love that. What a wonderful reminder of what I am sure was a wonderful man.", "Tell me have you been travelling with work to any interesting places?", "I was just in Michigan! I was able to sneak away for a bit and get some fishing in caught a muskie", "I've never been to Michigan before. What type of fish is a muskie? Did you eat the muskie?", "the one I caught was about 30 pounds. They have a mouth full of teeth. Not really a tasty fish but they look mean", "The name along suggests that muskies are strange, ugly fish. Did your wife and sons go with you to Michigan?", "No it was just me. I wish they could come the whole family enjoys fishing. My wife was shocked when I showed her a picture of the fish.", "I see. So was your trip to Michigan a work trip?", "Yea it was a sales convention but one day got canceled as there was a flood at the center so I was able to sneak away to fish. ", "That's great that you got a break and were able to pursue your personal interests for a day. I really could use a vacation from working at the coffee shop. However, I'm working double-shifts and overtime to save up for my next tattoo.", "thats cool. What are you looking at getting next?", "I plan to get a portrait of my father's face next to the slogan I had tattooed on my chest in his memory.", "that sounds awesome. Have you shopped around or are you going to the same place?", "Have you started planning your next fishing trip yet?", "I have. We're planning to fish off the California coast!", "That's great. Do you know if you'll be visiting Humboldt County while you're there?", "Yes, we will! We'll drive to Eureka and then launch our boat from there. Have you been? Is it good for fishing?", "Yeah! It's great! That whole region is beautiful and full of fish, and Eureka has a nice marina to launch boats from. ", "Oh, that's excellent to hear. We've never been before, and chose it based on a quick glance at travel blog recommendations. The fact that you speak highly of it as well gives me confidence that it'll be a nice place.", "Oh yes, and the little town just north called Arcata is really cool. That whole bay area is cool, and then there's the treasure coast or the lost coast not far from it. And there's the redwood forest. Great place!", "Oh, awesome! We'll be sure to check all those places out either before or after our fishing trip. Anything else you'd like to mention about Humboldt County? ", "Just be careful not to have anything valuable visible in your cars while you're parked. They have a very high rate of car-burglaries. ", "Ah, as is the case across California, unfortunately. Will do.", "I didn't realize it was like that across the state. But it makes sense, being the highest populated state. ", "Yeah, and also because the penal system is pretty lenient towards property crimes, especially in San Francisco given the new District Attorney. ", "I have thought of some other sites you might want to visit on your trip.", "Where do you recommend I go?", "I would definitely hit the Fort Humboldt State Park.", "Is that off the coast?", "It's close, yes. You also will want to see the Sequoia Park Forest and Garden.", "The Sequoias are the largest trees in the world, right?", "Yes, that is correct. It's a sight to see!", "Did you visit that one tree that you can drive through?", "I did not. Please let me know if you do!", "Yeah, definitely! My goal is to visit every national park in the US.", "The Carson Mansion is another sight. It's an 1885 mansion.", "I've heard of that before. Who was Carson?", "I am thinking about getting a new tattoo for my mom to match the one for my dad. What do you think?", "That sounds like a great way to honor your parents. I don't have any tattoos myself, but I've thought about it. Maybe the names of my wife or sons", "That is a great idea. I would also add their birth dates as well. You should take time to think about what font you would want to use.", "I am a little scared of needles though. Were your tattoos painful?", "Most of them were not. It really depends on where on your body you get them. Most of mine are on areas that didn't hurt. The one on my foot and the one behind my ear did hurt a good bit. Where were you thinking about getting it?", "I hadn't really thought about it! Maybe upper arm or upper back? But I'm no tattoo expert. And I'd have to get permission from my wife first, LOL", "Definitely talk to her first. I had a friend that didn't talk to his wife and just came home with a tattoo one day. It led to a huge fight - both about the money he spent and not discussing it with her. He slept on my couch for over a week!", "Oh no! Yeah, you don't want to spring something like that on your spouse. I don't think you mentioned before, are you married?", "No. I haven't found anyone that could deal with me or that I could deal with for more than a few months. At this point, I have given up on the idea of getting married and want to focus on my artwork.", "There's nothing wrong with being on your own. You've got to focus on meeting your own needs first. Have you done any interesting art/graffiti lately?", "I probably shouldn't be saying this, but I put up a large mural on the side of the local Community Center. People seem to like it - at least everyone except the administrators of the center. Everyone is trying to figure out who did it. ", "Wow! I have to say that sounds awesome. You're like Banksy, haha. I'd love to see it"], "init_persona": [[["I have five tattoos in total.", "I like visiting places with graffiti.", "My mom owned a little coffee shop.", "My favorite tv show is friends.", "I do not own a car yet."], ["I like fishing.", "I grew up in san francisco.", "I am married and have 2 kids.", "I travel a lot for my work.", "My favorite food is home made french fries."]], [["I like the show Friends and graffiti.", "I work in a coffee shop my mother owned.", "I like fries.", "I have tattoos.", "My father died. I have a commemorative tattoo for him. My tattoo for my father says 'for you I shall live'."], ["I am married. I have two adult sons. I grew up in San Francisco.", "I travel in my work.", "I fish."]], [["I like the show Friends and graffiti.", "I work in a coffee shop my mother owned.", "I like fries.", "I have tattoos.", "My father died. I have a commemorative tattoo for him. My tattoo for my father says 'for you I shall live'.", "I've never been to Michigan."], ["I am married. I have two adult sons. I grew up in San Francisco.", "I travel in my work. I went to Michigan on a work trip. I work in sales.", "I like fishing. I eat fish. I have a wife and sons who also enjoy fishing."]], [["I like the show Friends and graffiti.", "I work in a coffee shop my mother owned.", "I like fries.", "I have tattoos.", "My father died. I have a commemorative tattoo for him. My tattoo for my father says 'for you I shall live'.", "I've never been to Michigan. I have been to Eureka and the surrounding region."], ["I am married. I have two adult sons. I grew up in San Francisco.", "I travel in my work. I went to Michigan on a work trip. I work in sales.", "I like fishing. I eat fish. I have a wife and sons who also enjoy fishing.", "I am planning a fishing trip off the California coast. We will drive to Eureka and visit Humboldt County.", "I have never been to Eureka before."]], [["I like the show Friends and graffiti.", "I work in a coffee shop my mother owned.", "I like fries.", "I have tattoos.", "My father died. I have a commemorative tattoo for him. My tattoo for my father says 'for you I shall live'.", "I've never been to Michigan. I have been to Eureka and the surrounding region.", "I think that you would find Fort Humboldt State Park worth seeing. Fort Humboldt State Park is close to the coast. The Sequoia Park Forest and Garden are also in the area you are visiting. I want to know more about the tree that can be driven through. Carson Mansion is near where you are visiting."], ["I am married. I have two adult sons. I grew up in San Francisco.", "I travel in my work. I went to Michigan on a work trip. I work in sales.", "I like fishing. I eat fish. I have a wife and sons who also enjoy fishing.", "I am planning a fishing trip off the California coast. We will drive to Eureka and visit Humboldt County. The coast is near where I am planning to visit.", "I have never been to Eureka before.", "The Sequoia Park Forest and Garden contains Sequoias Trees. I have plans to visit more national parks in the future.", "I do not know the history of the Carson Mansion."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_906_0", "test_906_1", "test_906_2", "test_906_3", "test_906_4", "test_906_5", "test_906_6", "test_906_7", "test_906_8", "test_906_9", "test_906_10", "test_906_11", "test_906_12", "test_906_13", "test_906_14", "test_906_15", "test_906_16", "test_906_17", "test_906_18", "test_906_19", "test_906_20", "test_906_21", "test_906_22", "test_906_23", "test_906_24", "test_906_25", "test_906_26", "test_906_27", "test_906_28", "test_906_29", "test_906_30", "test_906_31", "test_906_32", "test_906_33", "test_906_34", "test_906_35", "test_906_36", "test_906_37", "test_906_38", "test_906_39", "test_906_40", "test_906_41", "test_906_42", "test_906_43", "test_906_44", "test_906_45", "test_906_46", "test_906_47", "test_906_48", "test_906_49", "test_906_50", "test_906_51", "test_906_52", "test_906_53", "test_906_54", "test_906_55", "test_906_56", "test_906_57", "test_906_58", "test_906_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello! What do you do for a living?", "I am a social worker. What do you do for fun?", "Nothing,i'm just graduating high school, been stuck in this tiny town for too long.", "I see. My parents met when they were young, in highschool.", "My plan is to go on a cross-country trip and never come back.", "Amazing. I have traveled a lot, over 20 different countries.", "Cool! My parents have as well. I might write them a post card some time.", "What do you do for fun?", "Whatever, I just can't wait to be staying under the stars in the grand canyon.", "It must be pretty. I love turning on music and singing to songs.", "Sounds awesome! What's another interesting fact about yourself?", "I run a lot, it's something I enjoy to do.", "I made plans to travel and I have to pack soon!", "That's great! Where you planning on traveling to?", "We're finally going to the Grand Canyon!", "That's wonderful! I loved visiting the grand canyon when I was younger. Are you going by yourself or with a group? ", "Just my parents, sister, and I. I can't wait! I know it probably doesn't seem adventurous to a globetrotter like you, but I'm excited.", "I know I've traveled to many places but the Grand Canyon is still one of my favorite places. After your trip do you plans to start college?", "Yes, I start in the fall. I am going to a small liberal arts college.", "That's a good idea. I went to a larger school for social work and it was very intense. ", "Where'd you go? Do you have an MSW?", "I went to Arizona State University and got both my Bachelor's and Masters in social worker. ", "Is being a social worker kinda hard emotionally sometimeS?", "Absolutey, it can be so rewarding when you really help someone, but most of the time it feels like we can only do so much and there are so many problems", "Do you have any suggestions for where to stay near the Grand Canyon?", "If your looking for a good hotel thats pretty affordable, I would recommend the Red Feather Lodge.", "Ok, we will definitely look into that! Do you have any recommendations for anything else to do in the area?", "You could try going sightseeing for some other natural landmarks, such as Havasu Falls. There are also trails to go on such as Bright Angel Trail or Rim Trail.", "Wow, you are a wealth of knowledge! I will look into all of these places for sure. My parents also wanted to go Vegas on this trip, since it's not too far. However, I am not 21 yet so I am not sure if there will be much for me to do there.", "Theres still plenty to do at Las Vegas even if your not 21 yet. You could try going to some shows, or even a music concert.", "Hmm that's true. I thought I would be stuck in the hotel the whole time while my family goes off to do fun adult things. Do you have any travel plans for yourself coming up?", "I was thinking about traveling outside of the country, and going someplace new. I have been to over twenty countries before, but there is still many more I can visit and experience for myself.", "Wow! Where do you think you would like to go next? I need to start traveling more like you. Maybe after college.", "I was thinking either Turkey or New Zealand, they both have lots of interesting things to do there and I haven't been to either of those countries. ", "Wow! How will you decide? I would love to go to New Zealand and visit all the places from The Lord of the Rings movies. Nerd alert!", "I am probably going to go with some friends, so I'll ask them if they have a preference for one country over the other. I think they might lean towards New Zealand based on the sights alone.", "Is there anywhere you have traveled that you would go back to?", "I would like to revisit all of the places that I have traveled to. I have loved them all so much! But, if I could only pick one, I would go back to Sicily. I think that it is the most beautiful and culturally rich location that I have ever visited.", "I've always wanted to go to Italy. What was your favorite thing to do there?", "I really enjoyed spending time at the beach and swimming in the ocean, as well as eating the local cuisine. The highlight of my trip was visiting Mt. Etna, which is Europe's highest active volcano. Would you like to come with me the next time I visit?", "I would love that! I'm sure it's a nice and relaxing break from being a social worker. Since I'm starting college in the fall and I don't know what to major in yet, do you mind me asking you why you chose social work?", "Sure, lets switch topics. I chose to go into social work because I want to help get children out of poor quality homes. My parents were so good to me, I feel extreme empathy for those children in poor living conditions. Have you ever considered social work?", "I've thought about it but it seems very stressful and burnout looks to be pretty high couple with the low pay for the work. I don't know. I give lots of props to people that can do it. You guys deserve more credit than you are given. When did you realize that social work was for you?", "Yes, it is a thankless job. It can be very stressful, but we are highly trained to deal with stressful situations. After receiving my education and in field training, I felt more comfortable. I also teach and have authored a book to supplement my income. I knew that social work was right for me after taking an introductory course on it my first year of college. ", "I just want to say thank you for what you do. What's the title of the book?", "My book is titled \"101 Careers in Social Work.\" It could be helpful for you when looking into your different degree program options.", "I won't write off social work just yet so I'll definitely check it out!", "What other degree programs are you looking into?", "I am signing up for classes now! Are there any classes or skills you would suggest that would help me become a successful social worker? ", "Psychology and sociology are both good options. And you might consider checking out the book I wrote!", "I would love to read it! One thing I still worry about is the emotional toll that comes with this kind of work. How could a person ever prepare themselves for that?", "It's very emotionally challenging but also rewarding. I recommend also to find activities that help you relieve stress like exercise or running, I find that helps me", "Sounds like good advice. I'm still pretty young, maybe I'll toughen up emotionally with age. ", "Yes, everything comes with experience. And don't forget to take time for leisure to avoid burnout. Maybe you'll get to vacation to Italy finally", "I worry that I'll go through college and start working right after that and never get to do the traveling I want to do to Italy or even to the Grand Canyon. ", "You'll love the Grand Canyon, it really is stunning! No other place like it", "Do you think that I should travel while I'm young or wait until I have an established career like you? I know you've done a bunch of traveling yourself.", "I think it's invaluable experience to see other parts of the world and understand different cultures, but you may not be able to afford it when you're so young. I'd just say to start traveling as soon as you can!", "That sounds reasonable. Do you think I'll like Italy? My parents tell me it's a good travel destination and they know about travel.", "Oh I'm sure you will, it's a wonderful place. Honestly though my favorite part was the food LOL, nothing like an authentic Sicilian pizza"], "init_persona": [[["I just graduated high school.", "I've been stuck in this tiny town for too long.", "I'm going on a cross-country trip and never coming back.", "I might write my parents a post card some time.", "Whatever, I can't wait to be staying under the stars."], ["I like singing.", "I am a person who enjoys running.", "My parents met when they were in high school.", "I have been to 20 different countries.", "My favorite color is turquoise."]], [["I just graduated high school.I want to move out of my tiny town.", "My parents have travelled a lot.", "I want to visit the grand canyon."], ["I am a social worker.", "My parents met in high school.", "I have been to over 20 different countries.", "I love listening to music and singing songs.", "I like to run."]], [["I just graduated high school.I want to move out of my tiny town.", "My parents have travelled a lot.", "I want to visit the grand canyon. I have travel plans. I've never been to the Grand Canyon. I'm going on vacation with my parents and sister.", "I start college in the fall at a small liberal arts college."], ["I am a social worker.", "My parents met in high school.", "I have been to over 20 different countries.", "I love listening to music and singing songs.", "I like to run.", "I visited the Grand Canyon when I was younger. I am a globetrotter. The Grand Canyon is one of my favorite places.", "I went to Arizona State University. I have a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in social work. I find social work emotionally difficult sometimes but also rewarding."]], [["I just graduated high school.I want to move out of my tiny town.", "My parents have travelled a lot.", "I want to visit the grand canyon. I have travel plans. I've never been to the Grand Canyon. I'm going on vacation with my parents and sister.", "I start college in the fall at a small liberal arts college.", "I am under 21 years of age. I am in college."], ["I am a social worker.", "My parents met in high school.", "I have been to over 20 different countries.", "I love listening to music and singing songs.", "I like to run.", "I visited the Grand Canyon when I was younger. I am a globetrotter. The Grand Canyon is one of my favorite places.", "I went to Arizona State University. I have a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in social work. I find social work emotionally difficult sometimes but also rewarding.", "I have traveled to over 20 countries. I would like to visit more."]], [["I just graduated high school.I want to move out of my tiny town.", "My parents have travelled a lot.", "I want to visit the grand canyon. I have travel plans. I've never been to the Grand Canyon. I'm going on vacation with my parents and sister. I want to visit Italy.", "I start college in the fall at a small liberal arts college. do not know what to major in.", "I am under 21 years of age. I am in college.", "I am wary about social work due to burnout and low pay, respects social workers. I am still willing to consider social work."], ["I am a social worker. I want to help children out of low quality homes, had good parents, feels empathy for children in bad conditions.", "My parents met in high school.", "I have been to over 20 different countries.", "I love listening to music and singing songs.", "I like to run.", "I visited the Grand Canyon when I was younger. I am a globetrotter. The Grand Canyon is one of my favorite places.", "I went to Arizona State University. I have a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in social work. I find social work emotionally difficult sometimes but also rewarding.", "I have traveled to over 20 countries. I would like to visit more. Have been to Sicily. Have visited Mt. Etna, Enjoyed the beach and swimming in the ocean, enjoyed eating local Sicilian cuisine.", "I have been trained to deal with stressful situations, have recieved education and in-field training in social work, am more comfortable after receiving training, am a teacher, I wrote a book titled 101 Careers in Social Work."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_908_0", "test_908_1", "test_908_2", "test_908_3", "test_908_4", "test_908_5", "test_908_6", "test_908_7", "test_908_8", "test_908_9", "test_908_10", "test_908_11", "test_908_12", "test_908_13", "test_908_14", "test_908_15", "test_908_16", "test_908_17", "test_908_18", "test_908_19", "test_908_20", "test_908_21", "test_908_22", "test_908_23", "test_908_24", "test_908_25", "test_908_26", "test_908_27", "test_908_28", "test_908_29", "test_908_30", "test_908_31", "test_908_32", "test_908_33", "test_908_34", "test_908_35", "test_908_36", "test_908_37", "test_908_38", "test_908_39", "test_908_40", "test_908_41", "test_908_42", "test_908_43", "test_908_44", "test_908_45", "test_908_46", "test_908_47", "test_908_48", "test_908_49", "test_908_50", "test_908_51", "test_908_52", "test_908_53", "test_908_54", "test_908_55", "test_908_56", "test_908_57", "test_908_58", "test_908_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi how are you? What do you do for work?", "I love my two girls.", "Neat, I create art. I'm an artist.", "I founded my own construction enterprise.", "Awesome do you like dogs? I have one.", "I was born and raised in mexico.", "Athletics are my thing cause thats what I am. Kids?", "My friends and I go to karaoke clubs every friday.", "That's weird of you, I love coffee!", "I love being with my friends on friday to drink.", "Well since I'm in a big city I don't trust my friends.", "Sorry to hear that I love socializing with my friends.", "I just created a new piece of art I'd like to show you.", "Id love that, where can i see it?", "If you are not too busy you can come over today and see it", "Id love that, is this evening ok? ", "That would be great. You can bring your two daughters over too.", "They are over at their mothers this week. Just me im afraid. ", "That is too bad. My pet dog always like to play with them. She love kids", "Yes, the girls lover her, shes get great with kids too. Im going to a bar for a few hours this afternoon to play poker, i can drive by yours after around 7pm if thats ok?", "7 would be good. I could get some food thrown together and have a late dinner too", "Oh great, fantastic, ill be ravenous after poker.", "I also got some new coffee beans. I like you to try it and see what you think about it.", "Great, that should help sober me up after the bar. ", "My dog did the funniest thing this morning.", "Tell me all about it! I love you dog stories!", "By funny, I mean not funny at all. She pooped all over the floor. Like everywhere. I spent the morning cleaning it up. It really makes me second guess having a pet!", "Oh no! That is so terrible! Maybe I won't look to get a dog anytime soon. What happened, was your dog sick or anything?", "I am not sure, I am taking her to the vet later today just to be on the safe side. Sometimes I think having kids would be easier! haha kidding. How are your daughters doing?", "They are doing well. I miss not having them everyday, but they will be with me for two weeks in a row starting Wednesday. School just ended and I think they are ready for a long vacation.", "That is so great to hear1 What fun things do you have planned to do with them over the break?", "Well, I got a membership to the pool again and I know they will want to do that as much as possible. We are also going to the new go kart place on Pine Street that just opened up.", "Go karting is so much fun! The pool membership is a great idea, there is no better way to beat the heat. You should go to the beach as well, and go for ice cream!", "That's a great idea! It's not all that far from my place. Do you go to the beach alot?", "I love to go for walks along the beach with my dog and tire her out on the weekends. Sometimes I go alone to go for a nice long swim as well.", "That sounds really good. It does have me thinking. I am no vet, but do you think your dog has been getting into anything at the beach? Maybe he's been eating some stuff he shouldn't and getting sand and other things in his stomach?", "How is your work as a construction entrepreneur going? Is the summer season busy?", "It has been so busy this week! Everyone wants their projects done in the summer it seems. It is great for the business but I feel bad for my kids. Whenever they come over they want to go down to the beach but I am usually too busy.", "I can understand. I don't have kids, but my dog is rather needy.", "Sometimes pets are needier than kids. That's why I don't have dogs or cats myself. What is your dog's name?", "His name is Sam. He's a six month old pit bull.", "Oh, wow, he is still a puppy! How long have you had him?", "I've had him since he was five weeks old. He survived Parvo at a very young age.", "I have heard that is very serious. I can't imagine how stressful that must have been for you, I'm so sorry. Does he still have any negative effects from the sickness?", "It was scary, but he's fine now!", "I'm so glad to hear that! Is he your first dog or have you had other pets before?", "I've had lots of pets. I grew up on a farm.", "My uncle in Mexico had a small farm and I would often spend my summers there as a child. My favorite animals were definitely the goats. I love how each one has their own personality. ", "I took Sam to the beach yesterday. He had so much fun splashing in the water. I'm working on a new painting. I'll have to show you when it's finished.", "That's great! It sounds like Sam has fully recovered from the Parvo too. What is the painting of?", "Its a landscape in progress. I am putting the finishing touches on a beach at sunset. Do you have a favorite beach?", "I would love to see the painting when you are done. Honestly, my favorite beach is usually whichever beach is closest to me lol. Do you have a favorite beach?", "Although I have never been there, I have always been drawn to the beaches of Mexico or the Caribbean. The blue waters and white sand are so pure. Did you ever take your kids to the beach?", "I agree I have seen some pictures of beautiful beaches with clear bright colored waters and white sand. Usually they are on islands where not a lot of people live. Yes, I often take my daughter to the beach when the weather gets too hot and we all want to cool down during the day. Is your dog allowed on all beaches or just some beaches?", "There are designated dog beaches where I live. They let the dogs go off leash, but mine is too wild. And, he's not really a water dog. ", "Nice, it sounds like my daughters enjoy the beach more than Sam lol. Whenever my daughters see a dog on our beach they go crazy with excitement. Does Sam like going to dog parks?", "Sam is not good around other dogs. He just loves to bark at them. He loves the attention from people though. Your daughters would probably make him happyh", "Sam sounds like he has quite a personality. I've taught my daughters to ask owners if they can pet their dog before touching any dog, but they still run up to the dog with so much excitement that it can scare people lol. I am trying to teach them to lower their energy and walk up to dog owners. ", "That is very good advice. Some dogs get startled easily when kids run up to them, especially from behind to pet them. Fortunately my dog just goes to the ground for belly rubs when anyone approaches. ", "He sounds really cute. Maybe you can send a pic so I can show it to my daughters?"], "init_persona": [[["I am athletic.", "My favorite drink is coffee.", "I live in the big city.", "I am an artist.", "I have a dog."], ["I grew up in mexico.", "I enjoy drinking and socializing with friends.", "I hang out at a karaoke bar most nights.", "I own a construction company.", "I have two daughters."]], [["I am an artist.", "I have a dog.", "I am an athlete.", "I love coffee.", "I don't have trustworthy friends."], ["I have two girls.", "I am a construction entrepreneur.", "I was born and raised in Mexico.", "My friends and I enjoy karaoke and drinking. I love my friends."]], [["I am an artist.", "I have a dog.", "I am an athlete.", "I love coffee.", "I don't have trustworthy friends.", "I know how to cook. I usually eat dinner earlier than 7 pm."], ["I am a construction entrepreneur.", "I was born and raised in Mexico.", "My friends and I enjoy karaoke and drinking. I love my friends. I like drinking and playing poker.", "I like looking at art.", "I have two daughters who do not live with me full-time."]], [["I am an artist.", "I have a dog. I like to go to the beach on weekends with my dog.", "I am an athlete.", "I love coffee.", "I don't have trustworthy friends.", "I know how to cook. I usually eat dinner earlier than 7 pm.", "I don't have any children."], ["I am a construction entrepreneur.", "I was born and raised in Mexico.", "My friends and I enjoy karaoke and drinking. I love my friends. I like drinking and playing poker.", "I like looking at art.", "I have two daughters who do not live with me full-time. I have daughters and I share custody of them. The school year just ended for them.", "I don't have any pets.", "I have a pool membership.", "I live close to the beach.", "I'm not a veterinarian."]], [["I am an artist.", "I have a dog. I like to go to the beach on weekends with my dog. My dog is a Pit Bull. My dog is six months old. My dog's name is Sam.", "I am an athlete.", "I love coffee.", "I don't have trustworthy friends.", "I know how to cook. I usually eat dinner earlier than 7 pm.", "I don't have any children.", "I've had my dog since he was five weeks old. My dog survived Parvo. was scared when my dog got Parvo. My dog is fine now.", "I grew up on a farm. I've had lots of pets."], ["I am a construction entrepreneur.", "I was born and raised in Mexico.", "My friends and I enjoy karaoke and drinking. I love my friends. I like drinking and playing poker.", "I like looking at art.", "I have two daughters who do not live with me full-time. I have daughters and I share custody of them. The school year just ended for them.", "I don't have any pets.", "I have a pool membership.", "I live close to the beach.", "I'm not a veterinarian.", "My uncle has a farm in Mexico. My favorite animals are goats."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_911_0", "test_911_1", "test_911_2", "test_911_3", "test_911_4", "test_911_5", "test_911_6", "test_911_7", "test_911_8", "test_911_9", "test_911_10", "test_911_11", "test_911_12", "test_911_13", "test_911_14", "test_911_15", "test_911_16", "test_911_17", "test_911_18", "test_911_19", "test_911_20", "test_911_21", "test_911_22", "test_911_23", "test_911_24", "test_911_25", "test_911_26", "test_911_27", "test_911_28", "test_911_29", "test_911_30", "test_911_31", "test_911_32", "test_911_33", "test_911_34", "test_911_35", "test_911_36", "test_911_37", "test_911_38", "test_911_39", "test_911_40", "test_911_41", "test_911_42", "test_911_43", "test_911_44", "test_911_45", "test_911_46", "test_911_47", "test_911_48", "test_911_49", "test_911_50", "test_911_51", "test_911_52", "test_911_53", "test_911_54", "test_911_55", "test_911_56", "test_911_57", "test_911_58", "test_911_59", "test_911_60", "test_911_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there, I am a mother and a sister and my son and daughter are my world.", "That is a good life to have.", "Yes, in my forties I feel like I have achieved everything.", "Forties aren't that old I think.", "No and I am self sufficient, maintaining my own rental properties myself.", "That sounds like the way to go.", "Yes, are you a fan of movies? I cannot get enough.", "I like movies but mostly football on tv.", "I watch movies every day and night.", "What movie can you recommend.", "My favorite is steel magnolias.", "Oh I'm not into that kind of stuff.", "You have to give it a chance.", "Nah not my kind of movie.", "I saw a great movie that is completely different from Steel Magnolias. Maybe you'd enjoy it?", "Well, I do love movies. What was the name of the movie?", "The movie is called Extraction. The lead actor is Chris Helmsworth who played Thor. It is an action movie.", "I love Chris Helmsworth. I will have to look into it. I see you also manage rental properties. Are they yours? ", "I think you will enjoy it if you like him as an actor. Not all of the rental properties are mine, there are some I manage for other owners. Do you own any properties?", "We used to. When I was younger my parents owned a few apartment buildings. As an adult I actually had a home that I rented out. It was a lot of work. What has been your biggest obstacle managing properties?", "Ok, so you definitely understand what it is like. It definitely can hard work at times. I would say the biggest obstacle is finding good tenants that take care of the property and pay on time. I see that you like football, what is your favorite team?", "I could not agree more with good tenants being the biggest obstacle. I really like football. In the 80's I was a Chicago Bears fan. Now I am a green Bay Packers fan. Do you have a favorite team?", "Yes, I like the Dallas Cowboys. I have been a fan since I was a kid. I think Aaron Rodgers on the Packers is a pretty good player. He always seems to beat my Cowboys! Have you ever been to a live game at Lambeau Field in Green Bay?", "I have not been to a game, but before I was a fan I drove in the parking lot and looked at the stadium I was going to go this year, but I still have to see. What about you? have you seen the Cowboys live?", "Yes, I have seen them quite a few times. We were fortunate to have season tickets for two years. We ended up letting them go because we did not live that close to the stadium. Since you like movies, do you get to the theater much to see the new releases? ", "That's too bad that you had to give up the tickets. Yes, I go to the theater at least once a month. Do you go often?", "I had a tenant make the strangest request a few days ago.", "What did the tenant ask you for?", "he asked if he could bring two pigs to live in his unit! isn't that crazy? i am not sure if that is technically against the rules, but i dont think i want to allow it. what would you do?", "Pigs? That is weird. But some people do have them as pets. Are they small? I have heard that pigs are really smart. Smarter than dogs. And I've heard that they are actually pretty clean. I would have to check out the pigs first. And then ask for a big deposit.", "good point. i'll have to see how big they are. i didn't know they were that smart! good to know, thanks for the advice! are you planning to buy more football tickets this year?", "I have to see how expensive they are first. I want to go to a few games, but money is an issue. How about you? Going to any Dallas games this year?", "i bet those tickets are probably really expensive. there probably is a waiting list too! yes, i plan to go to most of the dallas games. hey, we should plan a trip so you can come to a game with me!", "Yeah. I just checked the prices and it's over $100 per ticket, even for the \"cheap\" seats. I would love to plan a trip and take in a game with you. Are you getting season tickets again? Or is there a waitlist for that? Is it easy to get tickets for the Cowboys' games?", "wow, that is pretty pricey! i am defintiely keeping my season tickets. if i let them go, then i risk having to get back on teh waitlist. it's easy for me to sell tickets for the games i can't make, so i usually end up making some money on those too. i cant' wait to plan our game together! i can let you know the schedule and you let me know which one you wnt to attend", "Yeah, but I hear it's worth it. There's nothing like being at the game. Plus all the tail-gating fun! Packer fans are crazy, but in a good way! Your plan for your tickets sounds like a good one. I\"m not sure when or if the Packers play the Cowboys, but that would be a fun one to go to together.", "tail-gaiting is the best. brings back college memories. and yes, there are packers fans everywhere, even in my city!! they are loud and proud. i agree, if the packers play the cowboys we have to go to that game", "College memories for sure! Yeah, we're everywhere. But that's a good thing, I think. Of course, there are Cowboys' fans everywhere, too! I'm game for any game, as long as I'm going with friends.", "I spoke with the tenant that wanted to bring in 2 pigs into his unit, we arranged a time to see the animals.", "That's good. Do you think you're going to let them stay?", "I am unsure. Letting a pig stay in one of our buildings seems a little unorthodox. If we did come to some kind of agreement and maybe some kind of financial compensation.", "I agree, and it could smell badly enough that other tenants start to complain, which is bad for business!", "Well, I'm just worried about any potential damages that could be left to the building. We would have to make some kind of agreement for repayment of any damages or agreement to repair, at the VERY least. But this type of negotiation worries me a little, I'm not sure if it's a risk I'd be willing to take.", "I don't blame you at all. After all, pet odors and stains are the hardest to remove. And that's usually just with dogs and cats, so I can only imagine pigs.", "I'm sure you're well aware of the complications pigs would cause. But other than the pigs, how is everything else going with the property?", "Not great. I keep getting shafted by my renters, which is causing me financial stress", "Ah, I can totally understand that. It's a really fickle business to be in, I swear. I think about selling my properties off sometimes, and just retiring somewhere warm. Maybe I'll set up shop in Texas somewhere. ", "That sounds like a good plan, ha! Sometimes i want to leave it behind too. Or at least find something more stable", "Well, just let me know what you come up with, and also keep in touch with me about the pigs. I would really like to find a solution that works out for everyone involved, even the little piggies. ", "Yes of course I'd like the pigs to be able to have a home as well, I'm just not sure our home is the best choice! I'll let you know how the meeting goes though", "I talked to the tenants and let the pigs stay in the unit.", "The pigs get to stay? I'm surprised! What did they say to sway you in that direction? ", "I made them give me more of a deposit. Hopefully, they don't wreck the place and then I can return their deposit. I do not want DIY and repairs. ", "Well, you definitely have an open mind where the pet policy is concerned. I can't say I have any experience with pigs so you will have to keep me posted on how it goes.", "I know you are a landlord. Did you ever let your tenants have pets?", "It depends on the unit/building. Some people take care of pets and some don't. The other people in the building need to be reasonably comfortable with it too. Its tricky, but lots of good folks have pets.", "It's so true. You're right you need think of your other tenants. What is the weirdest pet a tenant has had?", "I think your pigs are the weirdest I have seen! For me it was snakes. One big one. But it was no problem. Fish have caused almost as many problems as cats.", "I'm not a big fan of snakes. How do fish cause problems? Surely they are just in a tank?", "The tanks leak. The problems develop slowly but they are bad. I've had to tear out entire rotted floors, sub floor and all, on a couple of occasions. I rather watch football than work on units.", "Ah that makes sense. Nightmare. I'll need to be aware of that for the future. Do you follow college football.", "NFL. The Packers are where its at for me. I love it. Takes my mind off of things."], "init_persona": [[["I am a mom and sister.", "I am in my forties.", "I have a son and a daughter.", "I own rental properties and maintain them myself.", "I am a fan of movies."], ["I am blonde.", "I like to watch football.", "My mom is a nurse.", "I am a therapist.", "My favorite food is pizza."]], [["I have a son and a daughter. I have a sibling.", "I am in my 40s. I feel accomplished.", "I maintain rental properties.", "I watch movies all the time. My favorite movie is Steel Magnolias."], ["I like movies. I mostly watch football on TV."]], [["I have a son and a daughter. I have a sibling.", "I am in my 40s. I feel accomplished.", "I watch movies all the time. My favorite movie is Steel Magnolias. I saw the movie Extraction.", "I manage rental properties. I own some of them and manage some for other owners. I find managing properties to be hard work at times.", "I am a football fan. I like the Dallas Cowboys. I have seen Aaron Rodgers on the Packers play. I had season tickets for the Dallas Cowboys for two years. I do not live near the stadium."], ["I like movies. I mostly watch football on TV.", "I love Chris Helmsworth.", "My parents owned a few apartment buildings when I was younger. I used to own a house that I rented out.", "I like football. I used to be a Chicago Bears fan and now am a Green Bay Packers fan. I have never been to a live game at Lambeau Field. I have driven in the parking lot and seen the stadium."]], [["I have a son and a daughter. I have a sibling.", "I am in my 40s. I feel accomplished.", "I watch movies all the time. My favorite movie is Steel Magnolias. I saw the movie Extraction.", "I manage rental properties. I own some of them and manage some for other owners. I find managing properties to be hard work at times.", "I am a football fan. I like the Dallas Cowboys. I have seen Aaron Rodgers on the Packers play. I had season tickets for the Dallas Cowboys for two years. I do not live near the stadium.", "I rent apartments. I don't want to let 2 pigs live in my rented unit.", "I didn't know much about pigs.", "I like tailgating. I went to college."], ["I like movies. I mostly watch football on TV.", "I love Chris Helmsworth.", "My parents owned a few apartment buildings when I was younger. I used to own a house that I rented out.", "I like football. I used to be a Chicago Bears fan and now am a Green Bay Packers fan. I have never been to a live game at Lambeau Field. I have driven in the parking lot and seen the stadium.", "I'm having some financial difficulties.", "I like tailgating.", "I went to college."]], [["I have a son and a daughter. I have a sibling.", "I am in my 40s. I feel accomplished.", "I watch movies all the time. My favorite movie is Steel Magnolias. I saw the movie Extraction.", "I manage rental properties. I own some of them and manage some for other owners. I find managing properties to be hard work at times.", "I am a football fan. I like the Dallas Cowboys. I have seen Aaron Rodgers on the Packers play. I had season tickets for the Dallas Cowboys for two years. I do not live near the stadium.", "I rent apartments. I don't want to let 2 pigs live in my rented unit.", "I didn't know much about pigs.", "I like tailgating. I went to college.", "I am not prone to risk. I like to keep things safe and clean.", "I like Texas and warm weather."], ["I like movies. I mostly watch football on TV.", "I love Chris Helmsworth.", "My parents owned a few apartment buildings when I was younger. I used to own a house that I rented out.", "I like football. I used to be a Chicago Bears fan and now am a Green Bay Packers fan. I have never been to a live game at Lambeau Field. I have driven in the parking lot and seen the stadium.", "I'm having some financial difficulties.", "I like tailgating.", "I went to college.", "I have had experiences with pets.", "I am also a landlord.", "I am worried about my current position."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_915_0", "test_915_1", "test_915_2", "test_915_3", "test_915_4", "test_915_5", "test_915_6", "test_915_7", "test_915_8", "test_915_9", "test_915_10", "test_915_11", "test_915_12", "test_915_13", "test_915_14", "test_915_15", "test_915_16", "test_915_17", "test_915_18", "test_915_19", "test_915_20", "test_915_21", "test_915_22", "test_915_23", "test_915_24", "test_915_25", "test_915_26", "test_915_27", "test_915_28", "test_915_29", "test_915_30", "test_915_31", "test_915_32", "test_915_33", "test_915_34", "test_915_35", "test_915_36", "test_915_37", "test_915_38", "test_915_39", "test_915_40", "test_915_41", "test_915_42", "test_915_43", "test_915_44", "test_915_45", "test_915_46", "test_915_47", "test_915_48", "test_915_49", "test_915_50", "test_915_51", "test_915_52", "test_915_53", "test_915_54", "test_915_55", "test_915_56", "test_915_57", "test_915_58", "test_915_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello! I am country girl living in the big city. Where are you from?", "I grew up completely different, in the city. Where do you like to visit?", "I have one dog and enjoy visiting dog parks with him cross-country.", "My cat just gave birth to a kitten. I love seeing animals at the zoo.", "I'm very athletic and run when I'm not having my favorite drink, which is coffee.", "Iced tea is what I prefer to drink. Have you done anything fun recently?", "I am a local artist and recenlt held a major drawing con.", "Interesting! I just colored my hair, as well as got it cut.", "Cool! What's a fun fact about yourself?", "I have one pet, a cat. She goes with me everywhere, along with her kitten.", "Oh okay, I just have my dog. My best friend.", "Best friends are good. Where is a place you like to visit?", "How are the kittens doing today?", "They are wobbling around here and there but mostly sleeping a lot! They are the most adorable things I've ever seen!!", "How cute? All baby animals are so adorable? How many kittens do you have?", "I have one from my cat and my friends cat also had kittens so we thought we would put them all together for a few weeks to let them play and get adjusted to the world. How's your dog doing? You go to any interesting spots in the city?", "He is doing just fine. He really likes going to dog parks and play with other dogs. I also started taking him with me when I go running or hiking.", "Thats amazing! He must be loving all that exercise! I always wondered about dog parks... like if the dogs would actually get along there or just bark at each other haha", "Haha I thought about that too before I got my dog. Surprisingly most of them get along just fine. I guess all those dog owners know their dogs and they don't bring the ones that bark a lot. When are you going to the zoo?", "I haven't decided on going anytime too soon because of the kittens. I know they're safe in their mammas paws but I can't bare to leave them alone yet. The zoo is the one place I can't take mamma and her kitten so I've been holding off on going. I miss seeing all the apes and giraffes though!", "You are so sweet for taking care of all those kittens so much. I am sure they will became more independent soon and you will be able to do more things. I guess it is like having a baby or babies haha Do you need to feed them anything or does mama cat take care of everything?", "haha I love them too much. They are more independent than I want them to be. (I am so the crazy cat lady!) Luckily mama cat (Spiral) is nursing her kitten well and shes even helped nurse my friends kittens!", "That's great! Not all animals will accept other animal's babies. Are you just watching a lot of TV since you are staying home with them?", "I know! I thought that our cats wouldnt get along when they were younger but they actually got along famously and have known each other nearly since birth. I actually have been watching a lot of tv and playing board games with my friend- she's been staying over too. ", "My art might be chosen for an art gallery ", "That's so cool. What did you create? I've only known one other person whose work got into a gallery.", "I paint landscape scenes with UFOs in them. It's my commentary on the beauty of nature and the invasiveness of technology on nature.", "Wow, that is original! No wonder your work got chosen. I see your angle on it, why did you choose extra-terrestrial tech and not ours to make the commentary? ", "I wanted to underscore how foreign we as humans often are to the places our communities and industries bleed into. Also, I felt like the UFOs would be startling and maybe thought-provoking in terms of thinking about how everything on earth, and the universe as a whole, fits together. Also, UFOs are easy to paint.", "Deep thinker and pragmatic too, if anyone deserves to get exhibited, someone like that does. Well done! Anyway, what's your next piece going to be about? ", "I'm going to take my dog with me on a trip to Teddy Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota. I'm going to try to do some painting there, though I'll have to see the terrain before I know what I'd ultimately like to paint. I've never been to North Dakota so I'm looking forward to it.", "Me neither, but the pictures I've seen look impressive. I don't have a dog, I'm more of a cat person. Although, I do regret not having a pet that can accompany on walks into the countryside. ", "What do you think you're going to do with all your kittens? Are you going to give them away eventually?", "That's a good question. They are so cute it's hard to give them away, but I don't have room for so many cats. Are you interested in having one?", "Hmm, that's a good question. I think I'd have to pass because I couldn't bring the cat everywhere I take my dog. But I have a few family members who might be willing if you need more taken off your hands.", "Yes please ask them. They grow so quickly and it won't be long when they are ready to go to a new home. Well what have you planned for later today?", "I spoke to my sister, she would like a kitten.", "Is she looking for a specific breed? Would she be interested in more than one?", "Yes, actually. She is specifically looking for a Siamese. And potentially a breeding pair. Is that something you could offer?", "Not that type specifically but I do know some one that has pure breeds and might have what you are looking for. Does your sister have a price range that she would like to stay in?", "Yes, she can really only afford probably $300-500 for each kitten at the very most. Do you think you could work with a budget like that?", "I will have to check, that is midrange so there is a strong possibility that he works within that price point. If not are there any other breeds your sister will consider?", "I know she did express some interest in the Persian breeds as well, do you have any of those? ", "He does have those but I am afraid those are too expensive for how much your sister is willing to spend. He does have some Oriental Shorthair's that would be at the top of her range but doable.", "I'm afraid I'm more of a dog person, so I'm not really familiar with that breed. I would really have to get in touch with her and see what her thoughts are, if that is alright?", "Absolutely. Let me contact him and get a list together with all of his available breeds and their pricing. Then your sister can look it over and decide.", "Thanks, that would be great. I appreciate it. What can you tell me about the Oriental Shorthair that I could relay to her in the meantime?", "I think it is your best bet. Not only do they resemble the Siamese in appearance but this breed is incredibly fun loving and playful.", "My sister and I met up with your friend to pick up the kitten and she loves it, thank you!", "Excellent! Let me know if you know anybody else that wants a cat", "Will do! I wish I could offer to take one, but you know... Maybe my sister will want another one, though, to keep the first one company!", "I bet your dog would hate them, too! Do you take your dog on trips?", "I do when it's a short trip, but I won't be able to take him to North Dakota, so he'll stay in a pet hotel. Normally my sister would care for him when I'm away, but that won't be possible anymore. I don't suppose you've ever taken your cat on a trip?", "No, too much work. I have a friend who checks up on them daily and I let her stay at my house. I wonder what North Dakota is like", "A lot of open space, which will be a nice change of pace from the city. Been feeling a bit suffocated with all the people and traffic lately. Looking forward to painting outside there. Have you been to many states?", "Not really, I stayed in the city my whole life. Any ideas for your new art piece?", "That's too bad -- you should pick a few places for a road trip this year! I haven't decided what I'm going to paint yet, but I already have a color scheme in mind. I want to use dark shades, which I find really challenging compared to bright colors. It's tough to make a painting pop if you're working with brown or black or gray only.", "Will there be UFO's in it? I am interested in a road trip, somewhere warm", "Definitely UFOs, but I want to try something subtle this time. Like you have to look carefully to realize what it is. Not sure if I can do it well! For your trip, perhaps you can try southern Louisiana and head towards Florida. A lot of great food along the coast there.", "I'd enjoy that if someone came with me. Your new piece will be related to the natural world, then?"], "init_persona": [[["I am athletic.", "My favorite drink is coffee.", "I live in the big city.", "I am an artist.", "I have a dog."], ["I grew up in the city.", "My favorite drink is iced tea.", "I love visiting the zoo.", "I have one cat that just had a kitten.", "I just got a new hair cut and color."]], [["I live in a big city, but I'm a country gir.", "I have one dog. I take him to dog parks.", "I'm very athletic. I run. My favorite drink is coffee.", "I'm a local artist."], ["I grew up in the city.", "I have a cat who just had kittens. I like going to the zoo.", "I like iced tea.", "I just cut and colored my hair."]], [["I live in a big city, but I'm a country gir.", "I have one dog. I take him to dog parks. My dog doesn't bark a lot. I like animals.", "I'm very athletic. I run. My favorite drink is coffee.", "I'm a local artist.", "I exercise outdoors."], ["I grew up in the city.", "I have a cat who just had kittens. I like going to the zoo. I take care of my responsibilities.", "I like iced tea.", "I just cut and colored my hair.", "I don't know much about dog parks.", "I have too many cats. My cats name is spiral.", "I have a house. I watch tv. I play bored games. I have friends."]], [["I live in a big city, but I'm a country gir.", "I have one dog. I take him to dog parks. My dog doesn't bark a lot. I like animals. I can't get a cat because of my dog. I have family members that like cats.", "I'm very athletic. I run. My favorite drink is coffee.", "I'm a local artist.", "I exercise outdoors.", "I paint UFO landscapes. My art has a deeper meaning about technology. My art examines the unfamiliarity of humans in the natural world. I find painting UFOs easy.", "I'm going to be starting a new art piece. I'm going on a trip to North Dakota to a national park. I've never been to North Dakota before."], ["I grew up in the city.", "I have a cat who just had kittens. I like going to the zoo. I take care of my responsibilities.", "I like iced tea.", "I just cut and colored my hair.", "I don't know much about dog parks.", "I have too many cats. My cats name is spiral. I prefer cats over dogs. I have multiple kittens and I cannot keep all of them.", "I have a house. I watch tv. I play bored games. I have friends.", "I've never been to North Dakota."]], [["I live in a big city, but I'm a country gir.", "I have one dog. I take him to dog parks. My dog doesn't bark a lot. I like animals. I can't get a cat because of my dog.", "I'm very athletic. I run. My favorite drink is coffee.", "I'm a local artist.", "I exercise outdoors.", "I paint UFO landscapes. My art has a deeper meaning about technology. My art examines the unfamiliarity of humans in the natural world. I find painting UFOs easy.", "I'm going to be starting a new art piece. I'm going on a trip to North Dakota to a national park. I've never been to North Dakota before.", "My sister wants a Siamese kitten.I like dogs more that cats."], ["I grew up in the city.", "I have a cat who just had kittens. I like going to the zoo. I take care of my responsibilities.", "I like iced tea.", "I just cut and colored my hair.", "I don't know much about dog parks.", "I have too many cats. My cats name is spiral. I prefer cats over dogs. I have multiple kittens and I cannot keep all of them. I know someone that owns pure breed kittens.", "I have a house. I watch tv. I play bored games. I have friends.", "I've never been to North Dakota.", "I am dependable."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_916_0", "test_916_1", "test_916_2", "test_916_3", "test_916_4", "test_916_5", "test_916_6", "test_916_7", "test_916_8", "test_916_9", "test_916_10", "test_916_11", "test_916_12", "test_916_13", "test_916_14", "test_916_15", "test_916_16", "test_916_17", "test_916_18", "test_916_19", "test_916_20", "test_916_21", "test_916_22", "test_916_23", "test_916_24", "test_916_25", "test_916_26", "test_916_27", "test_916_28", "test_916_29", "test_916_30", "test_916_31", "test_916_32", "test_916_33", "test_916_34", "test_916_35", "test_916_36", "test_916_37", "test_916_38", "test_916_39", "test_916_40", "test_916_41", "test_916_42", "test_916_43", "test_916_44", "test_916_45", "test_916_46", "test_916_47", "test_916_48", "test_916_49", "test_916_50", "test_916_51", "test_916_52", "test_916_53", "test_916_54", "test_916_55", "test_916_56", "test_916_57", "test_916_58", "test_916_59", "test_916_60", "test_916_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["My name is charles. What's yours?", "My name is tiffany. What kind of food you like. Do like to eat mexican food..", "I don't like anything with spice.", "Are you tall, I'm relatively tall person..", "I am, a little too tall. My wife and I sleep in separate rooms.", "That not good sleep in separate room, do you have pets..", "No, they make the room smell.", "Okay I have a dog name drunky. I keep him outside..", "My twin sister has a dog, she keeps him inside too..", "Okay. What kind of car you have. I have subaru legacy..", "We have an oldsmobile, have had it for a while..", "Some people touch there toes with there nose, I don't.", "That's weird. I like gold, it's my favorite metal.", "My favorite is white gold.", "My sister just called me and asked if I could dog sit for her this weekend.", "Uh oh. Are you going to say yes?", "As you know I am not a big fan of pets, but it is my sister and I'm here last option so I feel like I have to", "Would you be able to just drop in and take care of the dog? Or would you have to keep him (her?) there with you?", "I would have to go to her place and honestly I would rather do that. My wife and I had a fight today. But since we're on the topic of dogs, how is Drunky doing?", "He's doing fine. He likes the warm weather we've been having. I hope it wasn't a serious fight.", "Every fight now seems like it's a serious fight, no matter how small it may be. I think we're on our last legs, but we have to think about the kids", "I'm so sorry to hear that. It must be complicated with the kids, but I would think what's best for them is to have two parents who are happy -- whether or not you're together. My parents split up when I was ten and it was good for all of us in the long run.", "I do keep getting told that, I think that might be the best idea. We definitely are not happy at all and I know if she found out we were talking about this she would be even more upset", "Well let's talk about something else then. I wouldn't want to stress you out. Tell me about your kids! How many do you have? I don't have any, it's just me and Drunky", "We have two kids, they are just great. Two boys with a lot of energy. They make me feel young again...until my back starts hurting. ", "Getting older is no fun at all. My back doesn't bother me, but my knees aren't as young as they used to be. I like to go for walks so I'm hoping to get back into shape there", "I decided to contact a lawyer to see what my options are regarding a separation from my wife.", "I think it is a good idea, in my case, things when better when my parents divorced. Have you talked to your children about it ?", "We had a heart-to-heart the other day about it. I think the oldest sort of understood, the youngest still didn't really get it. It's nice to have someone supportive like you to confide in though.", "And how your wife is reacting to it ?", "She had threatened it for years and may is offended I made the first move, but she ultimately agreed. The sooner we do this the better I think.", "Have you decided what will you do with the children ?", "I will be looking for a place close by. I think that we may end up alternating time. I hate not being with them all day though. How did your parents handle you when they got divorced?", "Well they decided that I will stay at one place and they move in and out. I helped me a lot dealing with it. ", "That's an interesting arrangement, but it sounds like it really worked for you. I think the lawyer will help lay out all of the options for us. I am really ready for a fresh start!", "I am happy for you, are you planning something to celebrate your new start ?", "Once I find a place, I would love to have a house warming party. Would you be interested in coming?", "Yeah, I love to to! When is it ?", "Have you been on any interesting walks with Drunky lately?", "Not really, it has been raining too much to go out. How are things with your family?", "Things are good with the family and the kids. How often do you usually go out on a walk with Drunky?", "At least for a few short ones everyday as he has to go pee. But also sometimes not so much because my bad knee.", "Ah do you bring Drunky in win its raining or do you keep him outside still?", "Oh, he's an inside dog and only goes out to play and do his business.", "So when its raining you keep him outside too? You don't bring him in?", "No, I mean he always stays inside.", "oh okay. Do you guys usually go on long walks or short walks when it's sunny out?", "Fairly long walks if it is not too sunny and hot. Do you take the dogs that you dog sit for long walks?", "No not really, Im not a big fan of dogs or any pets. My sister loves taking them for walks though.", "Did you ever have a dog with your sister when growing up?", "Where do you go for walks?", "Sometimes just around town. I have been trying to get to different parks for a change of pace and to increase the difficulty a bit.", "That's a good idea. It can get boring if you always go to the same places. Do you listen to audiobooks or podcasts when you walk?", "I do on occasion, but I try and clear my head and just contemplate my universe most of the time. Often I listen to them while I work. Are the podcasts and audio books something you do often?", "Yeah, especially lately, as I've gotten more distant from my wife. I listen to a lot of self improvement podcasts, but I also just like fiction as long as it's not too dark. What kinds do you listen to?", "Social and science podcast mainly. One on history. I do like to listen to inspirational people. They help with setting goals, when you see what other people have done with their lives. ", "Those are really good. Recently I've been listening to Stuff You Missed in History Class, which is pretty interesting. A lot of side stories in history about people we might not have learned about before. I highly recommend it.", "I'll have to check it out. A lot has developed/opened up in history since I was taking classes on it! How has life been at home? Has it stayed reasonable?", "We're trying to keep things calm for the kids. Any advice for me, as a child of divorce? I don't want them to feel neglected during this tough period.", "What I went through was kind of messy. My parents and I both were much happier when the divorce was final! So, I'm glad to hear it calm. Sounds like your doing a good job. Just avoid anger. its not worth it and the kids will see it.", "You're right. So far I think we are doing okay, but the custody discussions will probably make things more tense for everybody. And of course after we set up separate homes there will be an adjustment period for all of us. I'm optimistic, though!", "It may be a really nice change for everyone. Just remember its never all good. The grass is always greener until you get there and realize its just grass and you have to work to keep it green! "], "init_persona": [[["I live in the midwest.", "I have a twin sister.", "I have been a dentist for 14 years.", "My wife and I sleep in separate rooms.", "My favorite precious metal is gold."], ["I am relatively tall.", "I like mexican food.", "I drive a subaru legacy.", "My dog's name is drunky.", "I can touch my toes with my nose."]], [["My name is Charles.", "I don't like spicy foods.", "My wife and I sleep in separate bedrooms.", "I don't like pets.", "I have a twin sister, she has a dog.", "I drive an old Oldsmobile.", "Gold is my favorite metal."], ["My name is Tiffany. I'm tall.", "I have a dog named Drunky who stays outside.", "I drive a Subaru Legac.", "My favorite metal is white gold."]], [["My name is Charles.", "I don't like spicy foods.", "My wife and I sleep in separate bedrooms. Sometimes my wife and I argue. We are not a happy couple. We might be separating soon. We also have two boys, which is a consideration when we think about divorcing.", "I don't like pets.", "I have a twin sister, she has a dog. I sometimes have to dogsit for her even though I don't like pets very much.", "I drive an old Oldsmobile.", "Gold is my favorite metal.", "My little boys help me keep young. Sometimes I have back pain."], ["My name is Tiffany. I'm tall.", "I have a dog named Drunky who stays outside. He enjoys warm weather.", "I drive a Subaru Legac.", "My favorite metal is white gold.", "I have no children.", "My parents divorced when I was ten years old. It was a positive event.", "I have trouble with my knees sometimes. I like going for walks. I'd like to get back in shape."]], [["My name is Charles.", "I don't like spicy foods.", "My wife and I sleep in separate bedrooms. Sometimes my wife and I argue. We are not a happy couple. We might be separating soon. We also have two boys, which is a consideration when we think about divorcing.", "I don't like pets.", "I have a twin sister, she has a dog. I sometimes have to dogsit for her even though I don't like pets very much.", "I drive an old Oldsmobile.", "Gold is my favorite metal.", "My little boys help me keep young. Sometimes I have back pain.", "I'm getting separated from my wife. I contacted a lawyer for help. My wife wanted to get divorced first, but I started the process. I want shared custody of my children. I'm looking for a new place to live. I'm excited about my new life as a divorced man."], ["My name is Tiffany. I'm tall.", "I have a dog named Drunky who stays outside. He enjoys warm weather.", "I drive a Subaru Legac.", "My favorite metal is white gold.", "I have no children.", "My parents divorced when I was ten years old. It was a positive event.", "I have trouble with my knees sometimes. I like going for walks. I'd like to get back in shape."]], [["My name is Charles.", "I don't like spicy foods.", "My wife and I sleep in separate bedrooms. Sometimes my wife and I argue. We are not a happy couple. We might be separating soon. We also have two boys, which is a consideration when we think about divorcing.", "I don't like pets.", "I have a twin sister, she has a dog. I sometimes have to dogsit for her even though I don't like pets very much.", "I drive an old Oldsmobile. I drive a Subaru Legac.", "Gold is my favorite metal.", "My little boys help me keep young. Sometimes I have back pain.", "I'm getting separated from my wife. I contacted a lawyer for help. My wife wanted to get divorced first, but I started the process. I want shared custody of my children. I'm looking for a new place to live. I'm excited about my new life as a divorced man.", "I don't like dogs or any pets. I have a sister who likes walking dogs."], ["My name is Tiffany. I'm tall.", "I have a dog named Drunky who stays outside. He enjoys warm weather. I take my dog on long walks.", "My favorite metal is white gold.", "I have no children.", "My parents divorced when I was ten years old. It was a positive event.", "I have trouble with my knees sometimes. I like going for walks. I'd like to get back in shape."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_919_0", "test_919_1", "test_919_2", "test_919_3", "test_919_4", "test_919_5", "test_919_6", "test_919_7", "test_919_8", "test_919_9", "test_919_10", "test_919_11", "test_919_12", "test_919_13", "test_919_14", "test_919_15", "test_919_16", "test_919_17", "test_919_18", "test_919_19", "test_919_20", "test_919_21", "test_919_22", "test_919_23", "test_919_24", "test_919_25", "test_919_26", "test_919_27", "test_919_28", "test_919_29", "test_919_30", "test_919_31", "test_919_32", "test_919_33", "test_919_34", "test_919_35", "test_919_36", "test_919_37", "test_919_38", "test_919_39", "test_919_40", "test_919_41", "test_919_42", "test_919_43", "test_919_44", "test_919_45", "test_919_46", "test_919_47", "test_919_48", "test_919_49", "test_919_50", "test_919_51", "test_919_52", "test_919_53", "test_919_54", "test_919_55", "test_919_56", "test_919_57", "test_919_58", "test_919_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello I enjoy reading, and would like to talk with you about our dark lord sauron.", "Are you a lotr fan? That is lotr, right?", "Yes it is! We will get on swell.", "Love those movies. I like to read too but don't have time anymore.", "The books were epic, only george rr martin can compare.", "What kind of work do you do? I'm a travel agent and work mostly from my computer.", "I run a charity, im a very kind person.", "That's good. I like to ride my bike in my spare time.", "My mom enjoyed bike riding, she was a doctor.", "I listen to music to relax too.", "My father is a fire chief and sings opera at the animal shelter. The dogs howl.", "Lol! I could never be a vegetarian.", "What kind of music do you listen to when you are relaxing?", "I like all country music and sometimes some jazz", "I'm not familiar with country music but I do like some jazz, even though I'm just starting to get into it. Any artist or album recommendations?", "my favorite country band is zac brown, and I like winton marsellis for jazz", "I think I like big band jazz. Is Winton Marsellis that kind of jazz?", "he does play in large bands but also has a few solo alburms", "I see. Guess what - I'm starting to reread the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but in audiobook form! Maybe that could help you get back into reading even though you're really busy? What do you think?", "You know thats probably a great idea. Sometimes I have this idea that if i have read a book I don't want to read it again. But the lord of rings is such a good book I should make an exception", "I totally think you should give it a chance. I'm already noticing some things about the story that I didn't see before. Interactions between certain characters and such. If you'd like, I can send you the audiobook files.", "That would be great it so much easier to listen to a book than to read it", "Yeah. I've been listening during my commute and it helps the time go by more quickly.", "Thats a great way to keep up on reading", "I'm almost done listening to the Lord of the Rings trilogy.", "I haven't read the books before, but I have seen the movies. Would you recommend the audiobooks to someone who normally likes to read?", "Yes, it can be a different way to hear the same book. I recommend picking by the reader, not the author.", "Sounds reasonable, if I don't like the speaker of an audiobook, I might tune out. Do you normally listen to audiobooks of your favorite novels, or do you read them first?", "I listen first. Usually a good reader can bring a book alive. Sometimes the words seem dry on the page but a lot more entertaining when someone reads them.", "I normally like to read a book, before seeing the movie or even the show. Although I haven't had time to do so for the books coming out that I want to read. I might listen to more audibooks on my bike rides instead of listening to music.", "I listen to audiobooks while sitting in traffic. Otherwise I would get pretty antsy just sitting there. Audiobooks on a bike ride? I suppose you could. Usually I like music with exercise, but maybe it could work.", "Thats a good point, I'll give it a shot and see if it works out. What kind of music do you like to listen to while you work out, is it Jazz or something else?", "Yes, I listen to jazz. There are many flavors of jazz. Bebop is fast tempo stuff, good for exercise.", "Good to know, I normally try to avoid slower tempo songs or music while I work out. It doesn't seem to pump me up as much, which is why I don't listen to country when I work out.", "Probably country music is good for dancing, good for parties and relaxing. Jazz works for me, but probably not for most people.", "I agree, country is good for other occasions, if you enjoy it. Does your father have an event coming up that he has to go to?", "Last weekend I listened to some great live jazz music.", "That's awesome! I enjoy listening to jazz but honestly only when it's live. Where did you go to listen?", "I agree, this was my first time listening to live jazz and it was much better. I went to a jazz club in Detroit. It was nice and they had good drinks too!", "Wow! I travel to Detroit frequently for music work and I never knew there was a jazz club. The drinks sound like a plus, too.", "There are many nice jazz venues there. You should check some of them out the next time that you go.", "I will definitely keep an eye out for them. Do you live in Detroit?", "I do. I'm originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan but I just got a job in Detroit. It's a much better city than people make it out to be.", "I agree, doing some research before a visit really helps make it enjoyable. I live in Toledo, so I visit often. What do you do for work?", "Not too far from me! I work in the lab at a major hospital in Detroit.", "Nice! I actually have a bachelor's in biology and also worked in a lab for a while after I graduated, but then left and chose to pursue a career as a musician.", "Why did you choose that career?", "I floated around a few laboratories and found that it wasn't something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. But primarily, I've always had a love for making music. It is how I can truly express myself.", "You will never guess what I just heard while I was out. It was a group of three people singing jazz in front of the deli I went to for lunch and they sounded amazing. Do you ever run into any live unknown bands in your area that just sing for fun and entertainment outside of businesses you visit?", "Oh my gosh that's so cool! Aside from the occasional busker playing for money I've never run into anything like that!", "Yes, it was out of the ordinary thats for sure! Have you made any new music recently?", "I've been playing and recording some experimental jazz. I'm not ready for anyone else to hear it quite yet!", "Oh okay, I understand! Do you think you will get to the point where you will want to play at a large venue?", "I would love to! That's definitely the dream! Right now I'm just trying to get smaller gigs where I can. I should try and book something in Detroit!", "Definitely, I would love to attend and I know some of my friends would want to come too.", "Cool, I will start seeing what kind of connections I have in that area and I'll see if I can make it happen! How has work been for you?", "It has been very busy, I am ready for a much needed vacation. We had a big mix up in the lab the other day that took hours to correct and we are still back logged due to the error.", "Oh no! That sounds awful. I'm so sorry. I don't miss that kind of busy work at all. Do you have vacation time coming up?", "I don't have anything planned but I need to take some time off, even if it is just to hang out at home! Do you have any upcoming trips planned?", "Other than putting out feelers for venues I could play at, I don't have any solid plans. I'd love to put together sort of a mini tour though."], "init_persona": [[["I love to read.", "I love animals.", "I am a really kind person.", "My mom is a doctor.", "My dad is a fireman."], ["I'm an omnivore.", "I like bicycling.", "I work on computers for my job.", "I like most music.", "I like reading."]], [["I like to read. I like Lord Sauron.", "I love the Lord of the Rings books. I like george rr martin.", "I run a charity. I am kind.", "My mom was a doctor. My father is a fire chief. My father sings opera at the animal shelter."], ["I like the Lord of the Rings movies. I don't have time to read. I like to read.", "I am a travel agent.", "I like to ride my bike.", "I listen to music to relax.", "I could not be a vegetarian."]], [["I like to read. I like Lord Sauron.", "I love the Lord of the Rings books. I like george rr martin.", "I run a charity. I am kind.", "My mom was a doctor. My father is a fire chief. My father sings opera at the animal shelter.", "I like some jazz music. I'm not familiar with country music. I like big band jazz.", "I'm rereading the Lord of the Rings trilogy audiobook. i listen to audiobooks during my commute."], ["I like the Lord of the Rings movies. I don't have time to read. I like to read.", "I am a travel agent.", "I like to ride my bike.", "I could not be a vegetarian.", "I like country music and sometimes jazz. my favorite country band is zac brown, and I like winton marsellis for jazz.", "i want to get back into reading."]], [["I like to read. I like Lord Sauron.", "I love the Lord of the Rings books. I like george rr martin.", "I run a charity. I am kind.", "My mom was a doctor. My father is a fire chief. My father sings opera at the animal shelter.", "I like some jazz music. I'm not familiar with country music. I like big band jazz.", "I'm rereading the Lord of the Rings trilogy audiobook. i listen to audiobooks during my commute.", "I've \"read\" the Lord of the Rings trilogy on audiobook. I choose books based on the reader, not the author. I'd rather listen to a book than read it. Reading seems dry to me.", "I like to listen to bebop when I exercise. I think country music is good for dancing and for parties."], ["I like the Lord of the Rings movies. I don't have time to read. I like to read.", "I am a travel agent.", "I like to ride my bike.", "I could not be a vegetarian.", "I like country music and sometimes jazz. my favorite country band is zac brown, and I like winton marsellis for jazz.", "i want to get back into reading.", "I've seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy movies.", "I won't listen to audiobooks if I don't like the sound of the speaker. I prefer reading books before seeing the movie. I've been too busy to read lately. I listen to music when I ride my bike.", "I like fast tempo songs when I workout."]], [["I like to read. I like Lord Sauron.", "I love the Lord of the Rings books. I like george rr martin.", "I run a charity. I am kind.", "My mom was a doctor. My father is a fire chief. My father sings opera at the animal shelter.", "I like some jazz music. I'm not familiar with country music. I like big band jazz.", "I'm rereading the Lord of the Rings trilogy audiobook. i listen to audiobooks during my commute.", "I've \"read\" the Lord of the Rings trilogy on audiobook. I choose books based on the reader, not the author. I'd rather listen to a book than read it. Reading seems dry to me.", "I like to listen to bebop when I exercise. I think country music is good for dancing and for parties.", "I enjoy live Jazz music. I like mixed drinks. I have visited many Jazz venues in Detroit.", "I live and work in Detroit. I am from Grand Rapids, Michigan. I work at a hospital in Detroit in the lab."], ["I like the Lord of the Rings movies. I don't have time to read. I like to read.", "I am a travel agent.", "I like to ride my bike.", "I could not be a vegetarian.", "I like country music and sometimes jazz. my favorite country band is zac brown, and I like winton marsellis for jazz.", "i want to get back into reading.", "I've seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy movies.", "I won't listen to audiobooks if I don't like the sound of the speaker. I prefer reading books before seeing the movie. I've been too busy to read lately. I listen to music when I ride my bike.", "I like fast tempo songs when I workout.", "I enjoy live Jazz music. I go to Detroit for music work often. I like mixed drinks. I enjoy visiting jazz venues.", "I live in Toledo. I like Detroit.", "I have a bachelor's in Biology. I used to work in a lab then switched my career to being a musician. I love making music to express myself."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_920_0", "test_920_1", "test_920_2", "test_920_3", "test_920_4", "test_920_5", "test_920_6", "test_920_7", "test_920_8", "test_920_9", "test_920_10", "test_920_11", "test_920_12", "test_920_13", "test_920_14", "test_920_15", "test_920_16", "test_920_17", "test_920_18", "test_920_19", "test_920_20", "test_920_21", "test_920_22", "test_920_23", "test_920_24", "test_920_25", "test_920_26", "test_920_27", "test_920_28", "test_920_29", "test_920_30", "test_920_31", "test_920_32", "test_920_33", "test_920_34", "test_920_35", "test_920_36", "test_920_37", "test_920_38", "test_920_39", "test_920_40", "test_920_41", "test_920_42", "test_920_43", "test_920_44", "test_920_45", "test_920_46", "test_920_47", "test_920_48", "test_920_49", "test_920_50", "test_920_51", "test_920_52", "test_920_53", "test_920_54", "test_920_55", "test_920_56", "test_920_57", "test_920_58", "test_920_59", "test_920_60", "test_920_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, what do you do for work?", "Hey man, I do different things I make music I paint, having a boss ain't for me.", "Groovy! I'm a student, but my dad works at the steel mill. Moms a bum.", "I just want us all to love one another and be loved..", "That's too bad competition drives humanity, like how I win track meets.", "Well, I was in bankruptcy from my competitive streak but I now live frugally.", "It's too bad you consistantly make terrible choices. Straight a '.", "Hey man I spread the love and am trying to love you right now but it's hard.", "I like music more than you.", "Does the music really speak to you? Mine speaks to me and everyone in a mile radius.", "You should see a doctor about that. I'm smart straight as so you can trust me.", "It's hard to feel love for you right now.", "That's fine my mom the homemaker loves me.", "Your mom loves me too.", "My dad wants to hire a musician for my mom's birthday would you be interested?", "Oh absolutely man! When's the party planned for?", "It will be the 14th of July. Going to be a big surprise, so don't tell! ", "Oh sure thing. What kind of music does your mom like? I'll write a special song", "She is in to Venetian opera music, but I am sure some rad beach tunes would work. ", "Yeah, I don't think I can manage much Venetian opera music with my acoustic guitar and I'm definitely no Andrea Boccelli. I've got more of a Billy Corgan voice", "You do you. She'll love it! So sweet of you to write a song. This will be big for her as she has not really been out of the house in a few years.", "Yeah I hear that, I didn't leave the house for a while myself once. I had just recovered from having my appendix removed and I got this rad inspiration, I spent almost a whole year sitting at home painting and writing music and I only went out to buy toilet paper", "You certainly need to be sure that you never run out of that. Wild! I guess you really do love making those terrible choices. I mean, thanks for doing the party, but that is extreme.", "Terrible choices make life more interesting. And expensive. But definitely interesting. I think I'll call the song, \"My Kid Called Me a Bum\"", "Takes one to know one, Ms Frugal Living.", "What can I say, I see things from an artist's perspective. So how's school going? Still getting straight As? There's always so much to learn in life.", "How is the song you are writing going?", "I think I have writer's block, I haven't got any ideas. Do you have suggestions ?", "What about starting with your financial experiences? Remember when you filed for bankruptcy? Start from that point and let the music flow through you.", "I think it is a great idea, I could make it funny and upload to Youtube. Funny stuff is popular. ", "Oh yeah! That sounds really smart. \"I didn't hit rock bottom, the bottom of the rock hit me!\" LOL I can see it now. Then you start gaining a real following. ", "Thanks for the inspiration, I could show also my paintings in the video. It would be free advertising. I will tell you when it is online.", "I can't wait! You know, I wish my mom had the same drive that you do. So tired of her just laying around all the time. My dad just puts up with it. I like that you are a real doer.", "Maybe she is suffering from depression, has she seen a doctor ?", "Only for standard checkups. I wonder if she needs to see a psychiatrist. Actually, my dad says she is fine and just really introverted. I guess when I was younger she was in an accident and only really feels safe at home.", "Maybe she should see a therapist, maybe the accident caused some trauma. ", "Maybe. I could be being too hard on her. She is just capable of so much more and I'd like to see her moving and living!", "You should encourage her, going to therapy need some strength and some people who need it the most don't have it.", "I finally got some inspiration for the song you are writing!", "Oh Yeah? What was your inspiration?", "My mom. She never leaves the house and has mental health issues.", "Okay, I will try to write something nice! How is planning for her surprise party going?", "It's a bit challenging, but we're doing our best!", "Oh good, do you think she suspects anything?", "No, I don't think so. It will be a small gathering.", "Oh okay, so have you done anything fun lately?", "I hope to over the summer. I just got out of school.", "Okay, how did your school year go?", "Great! I got straight A", "That is really good! You must study a lot.", "Have you had any inspiration for a song?", "Not really. I'm doing some writing but it's not my best work. I do need some inspiration.", "Do you ever think about your parents in the way that I do?", "I love my family and they do bring me joy. They always support me and inspire me to live my dreams. How are your parents doing? Is your mom feeling better?", "She's been in and out of the hospital the last year, but this year she's doing so much better. I hope to be an inspiration to her one day, when she's in great health.", "That's a beautiful thought. I'm sure you are already an inspiration for her. Are you still thinking about a surprise party for her?", "We're going to have lounge chairs and anyone can stop by. Her birthday is actually two days later. I haven't confirmed anyone yet, but it's going to be a fun time.", "I bet she will enjoy that. Let me know if you need any help with the party or the planning. How is school going? Are you still keeping you grades up?", "That's always a given. I've never slacked on my studies. My parents wouldn't be happy with that. Did I forget to mention that they paid for my studies? That, and the scholarship I chose that approved me, which was really helpful. Actually, I almost forgot you were a musician for a second. ", "Awesome work with your studies. Yes, if you dad still wants to hire a musician let me know. I have a great friend who does country and another who performs current and pop music.", "Would you help us rent a venue? I looked everywhere, and a lot of places really want money to get started. That would be awesome if you knew someone. ", "I would love to help with that and I do have many connections. Let me do some research and I'll get back to you. I'm sure we can find something really cheap or perhaps even free."], "init_persona": [[["I run track in highschool.", "I am a straight a student.", "My father is a steel worker.", "My mother is a homemaker.", "I love music."], ["I'm a painter.", "I like making music.", "I don't want a boss.", "I try to love everyone.", "I live within my means."]], [["I am a student. My dad works at a steel mill. My mom is a bum. My mom is a homemaker.", "I compete in track meets.", "I like music."], ["I am gig worker. I make money making music. I make money painting.", "I have been in bankruptcy. I live frugally.", "My music speaks to me."]], [["I am a student. My dad works at a steel mill. My mom is a bum. My mom is a homemaker.", "I compete in track meets.", "I like music.", "My dad wants to hire a musician for my mom's birthday. My mom's surprise birthday party is the 14th of july. my mom likes Venetian opera music. My mom has not been out of the house in a few years.", "I go to school. I'm getting straight As in school."], ["I am gig worker. I make money making music. My music speaks to me. i write songs. i play acoustic guitar. i sing.", "I make money painting.", "I have been in bankruptcy. I live frugally.", "I had my appendix removed. i paint."]], [["I am a student. My dad works at a steel mill. My mom is a bum. My mom is a homemaker.", "I compete in track meets.", "I like music.", "My dad wants to hire a musician for my mom's birthday. My mom's surprise birthday party is the 14th of july. my mom likes Venetian opera music. My mom has not been out of the house in a few years.", "I go to school. I'm getting straight As in school.", "My mom likes to stay home. I think my mom needs a psychiatrist. My dad thinks my mom's introverted. My mom was in an accident when I was young. I wish my mom was more active."], ["I am gig worker. I make money making music. My music speaks to me. i write songs. i play acoustic guitar. i sing.", "I make money painting.", "I have been in bankruptcy. I live frugally.", "I had my appendix removed. i paint.", "I have writer's block right now. I upload my music to YouTube."]], [["I am a student. My dad works at a steel mill. My mom is a bum. My mom is a homemaker.", "I compete in track meets.", "I like music.", "My dad wants to hire a musician for my mom's birthday. My mom's surprise birthday party is the 14th of july. my mom likes Venetian opera music. My mom has not been out of the house in a few years.", "I go to school. I'm getting straight As in school.", "My mom likes to stay home. I think my mom needs a psychiatrist. My dad thinks my mom's introverted. My mom was in an accident when I was young. I wish my mom was more active. I am planning a surprise party for my mom.", "I do well in school."], ["I am gig worker. I make money making music. My music speaks to me. i write songs. i play acoustic guitar. i sing.", "I make money painting.", "I have been in bankruptcy. I live frugally.", "I had my appendix removed. i paint.", "I have writer's block right now. I upload my music to YouTube.", "I am writing a song."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_923_0", "test_923_1", "test_923_2", "test_923_3", "test_923_4", "test_923_5", "test_923_6", "test_923_7", "test_923_8", "test_923_9", "test_923_10", "test_923_11", "test_923_12", "test_923_13", "test_923_14", "test_923_15", "test_923_16", "test_923_17", "test_923_18", "test_923_19", "test_923_20", "test_923_21", "test_923_22", "test_923_23", "test_923_24", "test_923_25", "test_923_26", "test_923_27", "test_923_28", "test_923_29", "test_923_30", "test_923_31", "test_923_32", "test_923_33", "test_923_34", "test_923_35", "test_923_36", "test_923_37", "test_923_38", "test_923_39", "test_923_40", "test_923_41", "test_923_42", "test_923_43", "test_923_44", "test_923_45", "test_923_46", "test_923_47", "test_923_48", "test_923_49", "test_923_50", "test_923_51", "test_923_52", "test_923_53", "test_923_54", "test_923_55", "test_923_56", "test_923_57", "test_923_58", "test_923_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey there! How are you today?", "Fine, just finished my hour daily run.", "That's good. I love running and walking on the beach.", "Great, I am a vegan.", "Healthy I'm sure. Mountain hiking tomorrow after I get out of high school.", "My twin daughters love my kale and beans salad.", "I have never tried kale. Is it good?.", "I just completed my maters in psychology.", "I hope to be a spanish teacher since I am fluent in both that and english.", "Being bilingual increases your earning potential.", "I hope so. How old are your twins?", "3, I prefer dogs over cats.", "My mountain hike was a lot of fun!", "I love hiking! Did you go alone or with friends/family? ", "It really was, it was challenging, but I enjoyed it. Wish I was on the beach though, not going to lie. Did you get your run in already today?", "You and me both, especially since it's getting warmer! And yes I did, right after work! Maybe we can run together sometimes? ", "I would like that a lot, thanks! The mountain was beautiful, but it would have been more fun with a friend. Do you ever go running with your daughters?", "Yes, I run with them sometimes, although they rather be at home playing! Do you have kids of your own? ", "Not yet, I still feel like a kid myself! A kid can't raise a kid right?!?", "That's true! Although I see you trying to be a Spanish teacher! That's so exciting! Is there a reason why you want to go into teaching?", "I just think teaching can be great if the teacher truly cares and I know I will. Our world is getting more diverse so I think it is even more important for kids to start learning languages earlier, especially Spanish! Do you speak any other languages?", "I love your passion! I think you're going to be a great teacher! I don't speak any other languages although I sometimes bark at my dog if that counts LOL! Do you have any pets? ", "Maybe you could help me practice being a teacher, especially if you are interested in learning spanish. Oh no, no pets for me. I don't want to be responsible for any type of life just yet!", "That's a win-win in my book! You can teach me Spanish and I can teach you a little something about psychology if you want! ", "That would be awesome! Psychology is a really cool subject and I'm always open to learning new things.", "It's an interesting field for sure. I feel like it's always changing. New discoveries are being made every day about thoughts and how the brain works, etc.", "I'm sure you know all about the new information. Have there been any interesting discoveries lately?", "I've been reading a lot about how memories are stored and accessed. It's really facinating - for me. Lots of people probably aren't that interested in that. Any thoughts to where you might go to college? I assume you'll be going for education/teaching.", "I live in Michigan so I'm thinking of going to Michigan State. They have the best education program in the United States.", "That sounds like a good plan. Michigan is beautiful, I've been a couple times on vacation. The lakes are so pretty. I am sure when you run it's pretty scenic.", "It is. That's the downside to moving inland if I go to Michigan State; I'll be much farther from Lake Michigan.", "I am sure there are also parts of Michigan to explore - won't be the same, I know. At least it's only for four years!", "True. Hopefully I can get a job close to the lake afterwards and live there for the rest of my life. How is your dog doing?", "He's good. He's getting older and it's quite sad. I can see him slowing down. But we are still hiking each day, for as long as we can.", "That's good. Just enjoy every moment that you have with him.", "Exactly, it will be heartbreaking, he's 13, which is super old for a large-breed dog. I've had him since he was a puppy. But yes, we are enjoying each day.", "Do you just have the one dog, have you ever thought about getting a second one?", "Yes I do. He doesn't really get a long with other dogs or animals. I had a friend of mine bring their dog over and mine spent the whole time growling. I actually had to put him away because he was being bad.", "That sounds chaotic. This is why I don't have pets or children. I wouldn't be able to handle that behavior, but I do enjoy being a teacher. It's like having babysitting pets for a few hours.", "I think you would make a great teacher to be honest. Also I can understand that completely. Kids especially can be a handful but I wouldn't trade mine for anything. I love them to pieces. The dog does get along with them. So you are saying you wouldn't ever get a pet? What about some fish in an aquarium or a bird?", "Hm, maybe when I get older, but at the moment, I'm good on both pets and children. Being a teacher, well I guess tutor but that's the same thing, has really opened my eyes on how chaotic that is. I've seen furniture destroyed by animals. Birds are loud and destroy things. And fish tanks are expensive to keep maintained. I'm fine with just putting googlie eyes on a rock and calling it a day. Plus, I'm trying to save up for college. I wouldn't be able to take a pet with me when I go, why bother getting attached now?", "I completely understand that. It's good that you are thinking things through. I was more curious as to if it was specifically dogs or cats that you didn't like. Different strokes for different folks. My dog doesn't destroy anything as I taught him when he was young. He destroyed one thing and I punished him for it. Now he knows better.", "I would feel awful for punishing a pet though because they are just simple creatures. I wouldn't have the heart for it. Maybe it's because I'm just in high school and I haven't gotten a backbone yet. It just makes me scared for the future, what if I was too strong and wounded the animal?", "When I say punish I don't mean physically. I scolded him and took his favorite toy away. I would never lay my hands on animal in that manner. I apologize I was not clear on that.", "Oh, I get it. Same thing my parents do when I'm past curfew. They take my phone away. I didn't know that could work on animals. Don't animals think differently than humans. How could a dog have a favorite toy or understand a scolding?", "They are fairly perceptive creatures. Taking away the toy is not enough alone. Scolding him and telling him over and over he's a bad dog or saying \"No\" can help them to understand. Usually it takes more than one time but he learned fairly quickly. Animals have different personalities like people. Some learn to behave well or naturally are sweet animals. Then some are just harder to deal with. My dog is fine as long as no other pets are around.", "That's actually really rad. My friend has a dog, but he just seems like a lovable idiot. I didn't know animals could have personalities. So your dog is anti-social then since you said it doesn't like other animals? Does it like other people, atleast? ", "He's fine with the girls. He's actually a bit shy around other people too. It's just animals that he does not like really. He's an oddball but I love him. But enough about my dog. How are you doing in school?", "I made a decision about where I want to go to college. Now I am saving extra fast from excitement! ", "That's great! Where have you decided on going?", "I officially decided on Michigan state since I want a job near the lake. I hope I will have enough money for it. I've been tutoring to the neighborhood children and I really enjoy teaching them. Do you think I should try to become a Spanish teacher?", "Awesome! I've been to Michigan a few ties and I hear the college is really good too! Sure, I think you should! You would make a great Spanish teacher.", "Thank you! I'm just so stressed about the funds for it because my parents don't want me to be a Spanish teacher. They said that they won't help pay for my classes if I don't go into a more STEM's program.", "Well, as much as I always think you should listen to your parents advice, I really think what you want to do with your life is much more important! If you put your mind to it, I'm sure you can do it! Maybe, you could tutor Spanish to kids as a part time job to help you save money too?", "That's what I've been doing so far, but once in college, I should get a part-time job on campus so that it's easier on me to go to work and class. I currently only make $7 a hour when I tutor kids, but my campus will pay $14 per hour, which would be better for me. I wish my parents understand why I love teaching Spanish. They said that being a teacher is a poor, dying job and won't make any money.", "Hmm, well I think job satisfaction and quality of life is much more important that how much you make. Personally, I would prefer to work in a job I love, rather than earn lots doing something I don't really like.", "Do you enjoy having a psychology degree? Do you regret anything from your college years?", "No! I'm really glad I chose psychology. I found a job that matches my degree that I'm happy with, and I had a great time in collage too. Are you nervous about anything when you start at Michigan State?", "I'm worried about peer pressure from both friends and family. I've done a few bad things because of my friends, but I don't want to be alone in college. My best friend, the one with the dog, has had me steal with her. If I get caught, will this ruin my chances at college?", "I think everyone has done a few bad things in their time because of peer pressure. Well, unless you have a prior criminal record I don't think it would be too much of an issue, so I wouldn't worry. But, imagine how you would feel if you got kicked out because you stole something? Then ask yourself if its worth it.. "], "init_persona": [[["I love taking walks on the beach.", "In my free time, I go on mountain hikes.", "I can speak english and spanish fluently.", "I'm currently in high school.", "I am moving to a new house next week."], ["I like to run.", "I don't eat gluten or dairy.", "I have two daughters.", "I like dogs better than cats.", "I majored in psychology in college."]], [["I enjoy running and walking on the beach.", "I attend high school.", "I am fluent in Spanish and English. I want to be a Spanish teacher."], ["I run every day.", "I am a vegan.", "I have twin daughters.", "I have a masters in psychology.", "I like dogs more than cats."]], [["I enjoy running and walking on the beach.", "I attend high school.", "I am fluent in Spanish and English. I want to be a Spanish teacher. I enjoy teaching.", "I do not have kids.", "I don't have any pets."], ["I run every day. I love hiking. I like to run.", "I am a vegan.", "I have twin daughters.", "I have a masters in psychology.", "I like dogs more than cats. I have a dog.", "I only speak one language."]], [["I enjoy running and walking on the beach.", "I attend high school.", "I am fluent in Spanish and English. I want to be a Spanish teacher. I enjoy teaching.", "I do not have kids.", "I don't have any pets.", "I live in Michigan. I will probably go to college at Michigan State. I would like to get a job close to Lake Michigan and live there the rest of my life."], ["I run every day. I love hiking. I like to run.", "I am a vegan.", "I have twin daughters.", "I have a masters in psychology.", "I like dogs more than cats. I have a dog.", "I only speak one language.", "I find psychology an interesting field. I have been reading about how memories are stored.", "I have been to Michigan a few times on vacation.", "My dog is getting old. I hike everyday with my dog. My dog is 13."]], [["I enjoy running and walking on the beach.", "I attend high school.", "I am fluent in Spanish and English. I want to be a Spanish teacher. I enjoy teaching.", "I live in Michigan. I will probably go to college at Michigan State. I would like to get a job close to Lake Michigan and live there the rest of my life.", "I do not have any pets or children. I do not want pets or children anytime in the near future. I am a tutor. I am saving up money to go to college.", "I live with my parents. I have a cell phone.", "I have a friend with a dog."], ["I run every day. I love hiking. I like to run.", "I am a vegan.", "I have twin daughters. I love kids. ", "I have a masters in psychology.", "I like dogs more than cats. I have a dog.", "I only speak one language.", "I find psychology an interesting field. I have been reading about how memories are stored.", "I have been to Michigan a few times on vacation.", "My dog is getting old. I hike everyday with my dog. My dog is 13. I have a dog that does not get along with other dogs. I have a friend with a dog. I trained my dog myself when he was a puppy.", "I do not believe in violence as punishment."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_924_0", "test_924_1", "test_924_2", "test_924_3", "test_924_4", "test_924_5", "test_924_6", "test_924_7", "test_924_8", "test_924_9", "test_924_10", "test_924_11", "test_924_12", "test_924_13", "test_924_14", "test_924_15", "test_924_16", "test_924_17", "test_924_18", "test_924_19", "test_924_20", "test_924_21", "test_924_22", "test_924_23", "test_924_24", "test_924_25", "test_924_26", "test_924_27", "test_924_28", "test_924_29", "test_924_30", "test_924_31", "test_924_32", "test_924_33", "test_924_34", "test_924_35", "test_924_36", "test_924_37", "test_924_38", "test_924_39", "test_924_40", "test_924_41", "test_924_42", "test_924_43", "test_924_44", "test_924_45", "test_924_46", "test_924_47", "test_924_48", "test_924_49", "test_924_50", "test_924_51", "test_924_52", "test_924_53", "test_924_54", "test_924_55", "test_924_56", "test_924_57", "test_924_58", "test_924_59", "test_924_60", "test_924_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there! I am looking for a job! Any idea where I should look??", "Well what skills do you have?", "Well I am in college and I enjoy soccer a lot!", "I never played soccer, but I love to run! What are you studying?", "My mom runs the school so I am studying soccer.", "I didn't know you could study soccer. Sport science?", "Mom's boyfriend says I will live in mom's basement forever unless I change what I am studying.", "Don't listen to him and follow what you love!", "See that's what I'm saying! What do you love?", "I love to sing, I do it whenever I can!", "Wonderful! I hope to hear you on the radio one day.", "Thank you! I bet you will be an amazing soccer player!", "I just wish I would have had siblings to practice with. Do you have any?", "No, I am an only child, but my parents have been great..", "I think I may have secured a job!", "That sounds great, what kind of job did you apply for?", "I applied to be a scuba diving instructor. I learned how to do it in college and never thought it would get me a job! Hahaa", "How much are they going to pay you?", "Not much. It's only 35,000 a year. But I guess it makes up for it that I'll be scuba diving almost every day!", "I'm also looking for another job since I'm unhappy in my current one. Now you have given me more motivation to find one. ", "I'm glad to hear that. What's going on in your current job? What's making you unhappy?", "The workload is really intense and I feel that my boss does not appreciate my efforts. ", "Ugh, that sounds terrible. I can't believe someone who can't appreciate their team can go become a boss! It's unfair", "My workplace is not a meritocracy. My boss is related to the owner of my company. ", "Oh that's even better. What kind of job would you be looking for?", "Hopefully something in the sports or entertainment industry. I need work that excites and motivates me. ", "I had my first shift at my new job!", "How did it go? Are your colleagues nice?", "They seem to be but they do not engage too much", "Oh so they are a bit lazy? What's your manager like?", "The workers do only as much as they need to get by and the manager seems satisfied not to rock the boat", "Well I hope they don't pile too much of the work on you then. How long ago did you train as a scuba diving instructor?", "I finished my training and certifications about 2 years ago", "That's great. I've never been scuba diving before though I'd like to try. Hearing about such an adventurous job makes me want to leave my boring office job even more!", "What type of work are you looking for?", "I think with my skill set that maybe I could move into the charity sector and work for a good cause. That way, even if it's not the most exciting role, at least I'd feel like I was making a difference. Do you think you'll still have time to play soccer alongside your new job?", "I am not sure-I would like to but only if it does not interfere-what kind of charity work are you thinking about?", "Maybe working for international aid or something like that. I'm not sure yet, I should start looking!", "A friend told me about an international non-profit that's looking for new employees.", "Oh, really? Tell me more, please, so I can get out of this miserable job! Every day I spend there just feels like another day wasted.", "The job is in international and domestic disaster relief, it is called Samaritan's Purse. They are always looking for passionate and compassionate people. It would involve a lot of travel though, are you open to that?", "Uh, yeah! Absolutely! I'm so bored with my life here. I feel like I'm not making any kind of real impact on the world, or making myself a legacy I will be proud of. I feel like giving back and seeing the world could give me a bigger purpose! I am interested in learning more about Samaritan's Purse if you could tell me!", "There are a few different employment path's that you could take through them. One would be working out of their headquarters in North Carolina and then going out on 2-3 year deployments to places in need. The other option is joining their DART team which puts you on 2-3 week deployments on an as needed basis. So, they have some different options depending on how long you want to be away for.", "I think I would be more interested in a long term deployment, although, it is a lot for me to consider first, so I will have to learn more. But I know for sure that I am committed to leaving where I am currently and starting a new chapter of my life. ", "Yes, it is a huge commitment. You could also start on a DART team to see if the company and position is a good fit for you, and then transfer into a long-term and full-time position if you are enjoying it. There is a lot to consider here and you are very talented so you will have a lot of opportunities. ", "If I were to try out the short term deployments first, would I be able to switch into a more long-term one if I would prefer? At least this way, I could see if it's a good fit first?", "Yes, exactly!! That is definitely an option, and I think that would be the best route to take. They are always looking for people with medical, sanitation, water treatment, record-keeping, project management, or ministry experience. Do you have any of that?", "I have a little experience in record-keeping and project management, as I've done these roles in my current office job. Would that work?", "Certainly! Those are essential to keeping the non-profit running. I think that you would be a great fit within the non-profit. How soon are you looking to quit your job?", "As soon as realistically possible - I need to stay a couple more pay periods so I can pay off a few loose ends, but after that, my lease on my apartment will be up as well, so I'll be free to go anywhere.", "What is it you dislike about your current job that makes you feel miserable?", "The work is boring and although I work hard and do a good job, no one notices. It's just business related work. I don't feel like I'm doing something meaningful, like helping others. What is a DART team?", "Yeah, you want to feel like your work is rewarding and appreciated. I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully you come across a more rewarding opportunity soon. A DART team is a Disaster Assistance Response Team, helping people in immediate need.", "Wow, that sounds really interesting. Is it like the Red Cross, helping after floods and hurricanes?", "Yeah exactly! They help with a variety of emergencies. I don't think it's difficult to sign up to volunteer, and I'm sure they have other career options as well.", "That would be nice because I am willing to travel all over. So what is your involvement in Samaritan's Purse. I've heard of them. They are a Christian charity?", "Yes, they are. I got involved with them in high school, and I've volunteered at their Christmas charity event every year. It's one of my favorite holiday traditions.", "So what do they do at Christmas?", "They collect presents and wrap them for children who otherwise may not receive any. It's great, a big group of us get together to wrap hundreds of gifts.", "Nice! I'd like to do volunteer work but I need a paying job too. Did someone on the organization's paid staff set it up?", "I'm sure they'd love to have you! I don't know which positions are paid exactly, but I can ask a friend of mine there and get back to you. What kind of work would you be interested in doing with them?", "Well I am already doing data collection and record keeping, and keeping an eye on the expenses and successes or failures of business projects. But it would be more interesting to do something humanitarian like that. I'd need a job that lasts longer than Christmas, lol!"], "init_persona": [[["I am a college student.", "I enjoy playing soccer.", "My mother runs a school.", "I am an only child.", "I am currently unemployed."], ["I like singing.", "I am a person who enjoys running.", "My parents met when they were in high school.", "I have been to 20 different countries.", "My favorite color is turquoise."]], [["I am searching for a job.", "I am a college student. I like to play soccer.", "My mother runs the college. I study soccer.", "My mom has a boyfriend. I live in my mom's basement.", "I have no siblings."], ["I have never played soccer. I love to go running.", "I love to sing.", "I am an only child."]], [["I am searching for a job.", "I am a college student. I like to play soccer.", "My mother runs the college. I study soccer.", "My mom has a boyfriend. I live in my mom's basement.", "I have no siblings.", "I got a new job. I am a scuba diving instructor. I make 35,000 a year."], ["I have never played soccer. I love to go running.", "I love to sing.", "I am an only child.", "I am looking for a new job. I do not like my current job. I feel unappreciated at work. I need work that feels exciting to me."]], [["I am searching for a job.", "I am a college student. I like to play soccer.", "My mother runs the college. I study soccer.", "My mom has a boyfriend. I live in my mom's basement.", "I have no siblings.", "I got a new job. I am a scuba diving instructor. I make 35,000 a year. My colleagues are nice but don't engage much. My co-workers are lazy and my manager doesn't seem to mind.", "I was certified in scuba instructing two years ago."], ["I have never played soccer. I love to go running.", "I love to sing.", "I am an only child.", "I am looking for a new job. I do not like my current job. I feel unappreciated at work. I need work that feels exciting to me.", "I've never been scuba diving but would like to. I have a boring office job. I'm thinking about getting a new job. I'd like to work for a non-profit. I'd like to make a difference in my job.", "I'd like to work for an international non-profit."]], [["I am searching for a job.", "I am a college student. I like to play soccer.", "My mother runs the college. I study soccer.", "My mom has a boyfriend. I live in my mom's basement.", "I have no siblings.", "I got a new job. I am a scuba diving instructor. I make 35,000 a year. My colleagues are nice but don't engage much. My co-workers are lazy and my manager doesn't seem to mind.", "I was certified in scuba instructing two years ago.", "I am knowledgeable about the Samaritan's Purse hiring practices.", "I think the DART team is a good career option. I think non-profits can benefit from people with all kinds of experience."], ["I have never played soccer. I love to go running.", "I love to sing.", "I am an only child.", "I am looking for a new job. I do not like my current job. I feel unappreciated at work. I need work that feels exciting to me.", "I've never been scuba diving but would like to. I have a boring office job. I'm thinking about getting a new job. I'd like to work for a non-profit. I'd like to make a difference in my job.", "I'd like to work for an international non-profit. I would enjoy doing humanitarian work. I am open to traveling.", "I don't mind leaving my current area to work abroad. I currently do office work. I do record keeping and project management.", "My lease on my apartment is up soon."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_927_0", "test_927_1", "test_927_2", "test_927_3", "test_927_4", "test_927_5", "test_927_6", "test_927_7", "test_927_8", "test_927_9", "test_927_10", "test_927_11", "test_927_12", "test_927_13", "test_927_14", "test_927_15", "test_927_16", "test_927_17", "test_927_18", "test_927_19", "test_927_20", "test_927_21", "test_927_22", "test_927_23", "test_927_24", "test_927_25", "test_927_26", "test_927_27", "test_927_28", "test_927_29", "test_927_30", "test_927_31", "test_927_32", "test_927_33", "test_927_34", "test_927_35", "test_927_36", "test_927_37", "test_927_38", "test_927_39", "test_927_40", "test_927_41", "test_927_42", "test_927_43", "test_927_44", "test_927_45", "test_927_46", "test_927_47", "test_927_48", "test_927_49", "test_927_50", "test_927_51", "test_927_52", "test_927_53", "test_927_54", "test_927_55", "test_927_56", "test_927_57", "test_927_58", "test_927_59", "test_927_60", "test_927_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi what's up? Can't wait to finish work to get back to my games? Do you play?", "What kind of games?", "Online video games. I love league of legends, my fave.", "That must be a popular game, I've heard of it before but never play.", "You should try it some time. I just got a new laptop to optimize my gaming.", "I spend my freetime fishing, that's what I eat during the week so no time for gaming.", "Ok. Lol. Fishing is cool. Perhaps my gamining friends and I could try that sometime.", "Yes, get away from the screens and go outside!", "Agreed. My work and my leisure are both computer based. But I try to be balanced.", "I work in an office so getting out is really needed.", "Happy I'm free to work anywhere. On my porch, the beach, by a river...", "That sounds glorious. I like listening to sublime by my condo on the beach.", "Yeah, music relaxes me too. Do you listen while you work?", "I'm not allowed too, but I do in the car, very loud.", "What fish do you catch most often? Is it your favorite to eat?", "I typically catch rainbow trout and it is one of my favorites to eat! It tastes similar to salmon.", "Do you need to buy live bait to catch those?", "Yes, it's best to buy Powerbait--unless you have maggots hanging around lol", "Well luckily for me I have no maggots lying around, haha. I'm interested in learning how to catch, clean, and cook fish. Maybe I can join you in one of your fishing adventures", "Lol! Yes lucky for both of us! Yes, feel free to join. I think cleaning the fish is everyone's least favorite thing to do.", "I dunno, I'm fascinated by anatomy in general, so I think it'll be fun to learn. And practical too. Where do you go to fish usually? Is it generally safe to eat the stuff you catch?", "Ha! Yes, maybe you'd enjoy after all. Usually I fish in the larger rivers in my area. My catches are definitely safe to eat!", "Awesome. Well then let's not wait. When's the next trip going to be??", "I'd like to try a couple of days before Independence Day. That way there will be plenty of fresh fish to fry and grill.", "Awesome. Do you have extra gear I can borrow? If not, I'd love some recommendations so I can have my own set too", "Of course! I only ask that you bring extra lure and bait. That way we can catch as many as possible.", "Have you caught any rainbow trout when you were out fishing?", "Sure, lots of times! I feel especially lucky when I catch one. It's a good omen, in my book.", "If they are a good omen, it makes sense that they are your favorite fish! Have you got any fishing trips planned?", "I don't usually go by myself. I prefer to go with a couple of buddies. It depends on their schedules, because I'm up to fishing any time.", "Yea I can imagine that fishing is quite calm and relaxing, but can also be fun with some buddies by your side! This might be a silly question but do you use a boat when you fish, or are you sat on the bank of the river?", "I've done both. Most of the fishing I do is by a river. I don't have a boat. I know a couple of guys with boats and sometimes I go out with them.", "That's good you have access to a friend's boat when you need it! I guess now that it's bbq season you'll be putting some of the catches on the bbq?", "Sometimes it goes on the BBQ. I live in a condo, so it's not ideal for BBQ. They won't allow people to BBQ on the beach.", "Oh yea, I guess BBQs on the beach would just end up with loads of litter everywhere. I hate it when people don't clean up after themselves. How's your office job going?", "\"The worst day fishing is better than the best day at the office.\" It's a job. It's predictable and stable.", "As long as it makes the money you need to do the things you love (and doesn't cause so much stress as to ruin your leisure time!)", "Exactly. That's the best I can do under the circumtances: not having money. LOL", "Are you going fishing this weekend? I here it's going to be really hot out.", "Yes, I am planning on going fishing this weekend despite the heat. I will make sure to bring an umbrella and lots of sunscreen to help protect me from the sun. I don't like to go a weekend without fishing because it keeps me calm and relaxed.", "That sounds like something I could use. I spend all my time totally absorbed into video games lately, and as much as I love it, I find myself longing to have a real experience outside of the house. ", "Wow, we are so similar! I was spending too much time inside playing video games, so that is why I got into fishing. I needed to find and activity that I liked and would get me out of the house. Video games can be so addictive and it is a hard habit to break.", "I'm so good at League of Legends, though. I'm always afraid that if I put it down too long I will lose skill and rank. But perhaps a weekend or two out of the house wouldn't hurt me - would you like a little company on your fishing trip?", "Please join me, I would love a little company! I think that you would really enjoy it and I have extra fishing equipment that you can use. Would you be available as early as this weekend?", "Yeah, I'm pretty much always free on weekends. Plus, if my work needs me for anything, I can do most of it from my phone if necessary. Do you think I'll have service out there? Where do you go fishing at?", "I have a few different fishing holes that I like to visit, some are more remote than others. If you come with me this weekend, we can go to a lake that is more populated and will definitely have service while we fish.", "Okay, that sounds good. I'm really excited to finally disconnect for a little bit. Is it hard? I've never really gone before so I don't really know much about HOW to fish.", "It is hard to disconnect and sit quietly with your thoughts, but it is not hard to fish. I will get your line all set up and show you how to cast, and then we just sit and wait. It can be difficult to break down the fish for eating after it is caught. Do you know how to break down a fish?", "Eek, I've never done anything to an animal like that. To be honest, the only fish I've ever had was a Fish Filet from McDonalds. I feel like I'll probably be a little squeamish, at least at first. ", "Maybe we shouldn't break down the fish your first time haha. If you would like, we can release the fish right after we catch it.", "I did a bit of reading about fishing to get an idea of what to do. I noticed I need to have a license!", "Yes, although here they have one weekend a year in summer called \"Free Fishing Weekend\" to get people to try it for free. So no license checks on that weekend.", "Really, I didn't know that! Maybe as you are an expert, you could take me with you sometime and show me the ropes?", "I don't know that we live in the same area, but I can say that I took a class with the DNR to learn about fishing. It does help to see how to fillet a fish. Also there are videos on YouTube!", "Well, I suppose there are videos on YouTube on how to do anything these days! I'll check it out! I would like to start fishing because I think I spend too much time indoors playing video games.", "Yes, that's one of the reasons I started. I would lose track of time just sitting around, not getting any exercise with my eyes looking at a screen!", "Exactly, I think it would do me the world of good getting out into nature and getting exercise too. Did you find that it helped you?", "Yes. It is very different, seeing nature and being out in the sun (or rain--fish bite better when it is raining)! Sometimes I would go pick up trash in my neighborhood, too.", "Awesome, it sounds great. I'm definitely going to invest in some fishing gear and get out much more. Oh really! Well, a little rain never hurt anyone!", "Yes, if you want to fish in the rain there are great waterproof jackets and pants. Really to start out with you don't need to spend a lot of money. Just a rod and reel to practice casting is a good way to see if you like it.", "I saw some on online and they aren't too expensive either. That's good advice, then I get can better gear in time if I find its for me. Have you cooked anything you've caught recently?", "Yes, we grilled some bluegills up at a nearby lake. One warning--they can still flop around on the grill even after gutting them so keep the lid on!"], "init_persona": [[["I am a gamer.", "I like playing league of legends.", "My favorite champion is alistar.", "I got a new gaming laptop last month.", "I love playing video games with friends."], ["I like the ocean.", "I am great at fishing, so I eat a lot of fish.", "I listen to a lot of sublime on the beach near my condo.", "During the day I work at doctors office as a doctor's assistant."]], [["I love to play video games. League of legends is my favorite game. I just got a new laptop. My friends play video games with me.", "I work on a computer. I work remotely."], ["I like to fish. I eat what I catch. I like spending time in nature.", "I work in an office.", "My favorite music group is Sublime. I live in a condo on the beach.", "I drive to work. I like to listen to my music loudly."]], [["I love to play video games. League of legends is my favorite game. I just got a new laptop. My friends play video games with me.", "I work on a computer. I work remotely.", "I am interested in fishing. I don't have any fishing gear.", "I like anatomy."], ["I like to fish. I eat what I catch. I like spending time in nature.", "I work in an office.", "My favorite music group is Sublime. I live in a condo on the beach.", "I drive to work. I like to listen to my music loudly.", "I like fishing. My favorite fish is rainbow trout. I use Powerbait when I fish. I fish in the river."]], [["I love to play video games. League of legends is my favorite game. I just got a new laptop. My friends play video games with me.", "I work on a computer. I work remotely.", "I am interested in fishing. I don't have any fishing gear. I think fishing would be calming and relaxing.", "I like anatomy.", "I don't like it when people litter."], ["I like to fish. I eat what I catch. I like spending time in nature.", "I work in an office. I'm broke.", "My favorite music group is Sublime. I live in a condo on the beach.", "I drive to work. I like to listen to my music loudly.", "I like fishing. My favorite fish is rainbow trout. I use Powerbait when I fish. I fish in the river.", "I think catching a rainbow trout is a good omen. I usually fish with a couple of buddies by the side of the river. I don't have a boat. Some of my friends have boats.", "I occasionally BBQ the fish that I catch."]], [["I love to play video games. League of legends is my favorite game. I just got a new laptop. My friends play video games with me.", "I work on a computer. I work remotely.", "I am interested in fishing. I don't have any fishing gear. I think fishing would be calming and relaxing. I've never been fishing before. I would be open to trying out fishing.", "I like anatomy.", "I don't like it when people litter.", "I would like to get out of the house. I spend most of my time playing video games. I mostly play League of Legends. I worry about losing my rank in the game if I don't play it.", "I have plenty of free time on the weekends. I can do work for my job from my phone.", "I've only ever ate a fish filet from McDonalds. I've never butchered an animal or fish."], ["I like to fish. I eat what I catch. I like spending time in nature.", "I work in an office. I'm broke.", "My favorite music group is Sublime. I live in a condo on the beach.", "I drive to work. I like to listen to my music loudly.", "I like fishing. My favorite fish is rainbow trout. I use Powerbait when I fish. I fish in the river.", "I think catching a rainbow trout is a good omen. I usually fish with a couple of buddies by the side of the river. I don't have a boat. Some of my friends have boats.", "I occasionally BBQ the fish that I catch.", "I like to go fishing every weekend. I fish to help me relax. I started fishing to help me quit playing video games too much.", "I know how to skin and prepare fish for eating. I both eat and release the fish I catch depending on my mood."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_931_0", "test_931_1", "test_931_2", "test_931_3", "test_931_4", "test_931_5", "test_931_6", "test_931_7", "test_931_8", "test_931_9", "test_931_10", "test_931_11", "test_931_12", "test_931_13", "test_931_14", "test_931_15", "test_931_16", "test_931_17", "test_931_18", "test_931_19", "test_931_20", "test_931_21", "test_931_22", "test_931_23", "test_931_24", "test_931_25", "test_931_26", "test_931_27", "test_931_28", "test_931_29", "test_931_30", "test_931_31", "test_931_32", "test_931_33", "test_931_34", "test_931_35", "test_931_36", "test_931_37", "test_931_38", "test_931_39", "test_931_40", "test_931_41", "test_931_42", "test_931_43", "test_931_44", "test_931_45", "test_931_46", "test_931_47", "test_931_48", "test_931_49", "test_931_50", "test_931_51", "test_931_52", "test_931_53", "test_931_54", "test_931_55", "test_931_56", "test_931_57", "test_931_58", "test_931_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there! Nice day to to fishing, would you say?", "It sure is, the alaskan salmon are spawning now I think.", "Are you from alaska? Where you from?", "I lived there for three years, im hopin to retire to the beach soon.", "Yah, trying to decide on fishing or baseball. What do you like.", "Well I srive a smart car so baseball would be my choice.", "Want to race? I have a truck. Haha!", "Sounds like a sure thing! Lol waht color hair and eyes do you have?", "Brown and brown again..", "Blonde and blue here. My folks lived up north and started a cult.", "Wow! I'm from new england. That is pretty repulsive to me!", "Its a cult of personality though!", "Why do you want to leave alaska?", "It was too lonely. I like having more people around. I wanted to get back to living in a city. ", "I understand. Sometimes I feel the same but I love the isolation and the outdoors just to fish and be by myself", "Oh, I like having some time alone, but everyone is just so isolated here especially in the winter months. I didn't get to do much fishing. What type of fishing do you like?", "I love to trout fish in the rivers. But I would like to take up sea fishing", "Deep sea fishing is a lot of fun. I did it regularly when I lived on the east coast. I still have a picture of my first marlin! ", "It is funny I never fished when I lived in New England. Went clamming a few times but now when I don't live by the ocean I want to go sea fishing", "Ironic! Where are you living now? ", "I live in Wisconsin now", "Wow. That is a big change from New England. Why did you move?", "I came out here to go to school and found a job and sort of kept me here", "That is very common. Do you like it there?", "I tried lake fishing yesterday. I wasn't able to catch anything, but I still had fun.", "That's awesome! Fishing is one of that patient things. Some people really enjoy it and others can't stand it. I am glad you had fun - do you think you will go again?", "Oh I definitely will. There are lots of lakes and rivers near me, so I will go as much as possible. Hey, you should come along the next time.", "That would be fun. I'd enjoy the company. Any leads on a job? It's so hard to find good jobs.", "I forgot I even mentioned looking for a new one! I actually have a second interview coming up later this week. It's actually a job that should allow me to be outdoors most of the day, so I'm really hoping I get it. ", "That's great. A second interview, means they liked you! An outdoor job?! That's excited. I am stuck in an office each day. That's super exciting. You'll have to let me know how it goes!", "I will be letting you know as soon as I find out. Fingers crossed. You know what though, that office job will make you appreciate the outdoors all the more.", "That's true. I hadn't thought about it that way. Plus it reduces my risk of like skin cancer, etc..", "Yep. I am always really good about sunscreen. This new job won't have me exposed too much even though I will be outdoors. ", "That's the best of both worlds then. I am so happy for you.", "Well, I don't have it yet, so let's not jinx it. I hope I didn't jinx your car when I said I read they were unreliable, but has your smart car still be working well?", "It's still alive and kicking! I am thinking about getting an electric car soon, though. Better for the environment and such. ", "I read a great article about electric cars I thought you might be interested in.", "If you have time later, could you send the article to me? I am trying to narrow down the choices of which kind of electric car I want.", "Sure. It is an article about \"12 Best-Selling Electric Vehicles of 2021\". They break each car according to specs. I thought it could help you in your search. ", "That would be great to read. It's strange: a decade ago their were so few electric cars that you didn't really have to chose. Now there are so many to pick from it is completely overwhelming! As a nature enthusiast I'm sure you are excited about the quick transition to green energy.", "Definitely. I just wish we could transition faster. I can not imagine not being able to enjoy nature in the future the way we have the luxury of enjoying it now. That is why I am definitely going to take this new job if it is offered to me.", "That's right, your interview was yesterday, right? How did it go?", "I am still waiting to hear but I think I expressed how passionate I feel about the position. On a positive note, it is between me and two others so the odds aren't horrible.", "I really hope you get it, it sounds like it would be a great opportunity for you. When do you think they will let you know if you got the job or not?", "She said it would be some time next week. She was heading out of town for a few days but she assured me that she would be making her decision as soon as she returned.", "That seems like a long time to wait. I would be impatient. I bet you will get it, though. Have you had a chance to fish in the lake again while waiting to hear the news?", "Not yet. We have received quite a bit a rain in the area lately and the water levels are much too high at the moment. What about you?", "No, but I did go on a hike near the lake last weekend. It was such a beautiful view, I wish I had taken pictures. Have you hiked in mountains before?", "I ran across an article on home charging solutions for EVs. I'll send it to you with that vehicle comparison article we talked about earlier.", "That would be awesome. It would be amazing to be able to charge up at home instead of having to find a station nearby. They're still not as accessible as gas stations.", "I wish they would become more accessible. Make sure you check where your power comes from, too. Go for green sources, not coal", "I'm trying my best to be as green as possible. They just banned plastic bags in stores finally which I'm happy about. I've been using reusable for years now.", "That's great and responsible! Is the ban a common thing on the East Coast?", "I'm in Connecticut at the moment but I'm not sure about other states. Hopefully it spreads to other states. I know the biggest dangers to the planet come from big companies but every little bit counts.", "Definitely. Is the fishing and hiking good in Connecticut?", "There are a lot of nice scenic areas in Connecticut. Especially in fall. There's not a lot of high elevation hikes but there are beautiful forests and creeks. The fishing is just okay though.lol ", "Bet the cold makes it tough, unless you're used to it? Hiking could be dangerous. Have you gone to Katadhin?", "I don't care how long I live here I will never enjoy the cold. You get somewhat used to it but it's still miserable. And no I've never been. Have you?", "I have; the appalachian trail is incredible and difficult. I haven't been out east in years, though. I want to go back", "Well if you ever come this way then hit me up and I'll take you to a great hiking and picnic area called The Devils Hopyard. It's not as ominous as it sounds I promise.lol"], "init_persona": [[["I'm a fisherman.", "I come from new england.", "I like watching baseball.", "I drive a truck.", "My favorite food is lasagna."], ["I have blonde hair and blue eyes.", "My parents are both from the north.", "I lived in alaska for 3 years.", "I want to retire on a beach.", "I have a small smart car."]], [["I like fishing.", "I have a truck.", "I have brown eyes and brown hair.", "I'm from new england."], ["I live in alaska for 3 years.", "I drive a smart car.", "I have blonde eyes and blue hair. My parents are from the north."]], [["I have a truck.", "I have brown eyes and brown hair.", "I'm from new england. I live in Wisconsin now. I moved due to school and stayed for a job.", "I enjoy outdoors and fishing. I enjoy river fishing and want to try sea fishing.", "I used to live in New England and did clamming."], ["I drive a smart car.", "I have blonde eyes and blue hair. My parents are from the north.", "I live in Alaska for 3 years, But want to move to a big city. I used to live on the east coast. I also did deep sea fishing while there."]], [["I have a truck.", "I have brown eyes and brown hair.", "I'm from new england. I live in Wisconsin now. I moved due to school and stayed for a job.", "I enjoy outdoors and fishing. I enjoy river fishing and want to try sea fishing.", "I used to live in New England and did clamming.", "I went lake fishing for the first time. I really enjoyed fishing, I plan to go again. There are many lakes and rivers near me.", "I'm looking for a new job. I have a second interview in a few days. It's for an outdoor job that I really want.", "I always use sunscreen.", "I read about cars."], ["I drive a smart car.", "I have blonde eyes and blue hair. My parents are from the north.", "I live in Alaska for 3 years, But want to move to a big city. I used to live on the east coast. I also did deep sea fishing while there. I love fishing with others.", "I work in an office. I don't like being in an office. My job won't risk me getting skin cancer.", "I might get an electric car soon."]], [["I have a truck.", "I have brown eyes and brown hair.", "I'm from new england. I live in Wisconsin now. I moved due to school and stayed for a job.", "I enjoy outdoors and fishing. I enjoy river fishing and want to try sea fishing.", "I used to live in New England and did clamming.", "I went lake fishing for the first time. I really enjoyed fishing, I plan to go again. There are many lakes and rivers near me.", "I'm looking for a new job. I have a second interview in a few days. It's for an outdoor job that I really want.", "I always use sunscreen.", "I read about cars.", "I'm a nature enthusiast. I wish we could transition to green energy faster. I recently had a job interview and am waiting to hear back.", "I like to fish."], ["I drive a smart car.", "I have blonde eyes and blue hair. My parents are from the north.", "I live in Alaska for 3 years, But want to move to a big city. I used to live on the east coast. I also did deep sea fishing while there. I love fishing with others.", "I work in an office. I don't like being in an office. My job won't risk me getting skin cancer.", "I might get an electric car soon. I'm a bit overwhelmed about which electric car to go with. I can sometimes be impatient.", "I like to fish. I like to go hiking."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_932_0", "test_932_1", "test_932_2", "test_932_3", "test_932_4", "test_932_5", "test_932_6", "test_932_7", "test_932_8", "test_932_9", "test_932_10", "test_932_11", "test_932_12", "test_932_13", "test_932_14", "test_932_15", "test_932_16", "test_932_17", "test_932_18", "test_932_19", "test_932_20", "test_932_21", "test_932_22", "test_932_23", "test_932_24", "test_932_25", "test_932_26", "test_932_27", "test_932_28", "test_932_29", "test_932_30", "test_932_31", "test_932_32", "test_932_33", "test_932_34", "test_932_35", "test_932_36", "test_932_37", "test_932_38", "test_932_39", "test_932_40", "test_932_41", "test_932_42", "test_932_43", "test_932_44", "test_932_45", "test_932_46", "test_932_47", "test_932_48", "test_932_49", "test_932_50", "test_932_51", "test_932_52", "test_932_53", "test_932_54", "test_932_55", "test_932_56", "test_932_57", "test_932_58", "test_932_59", "test_932_60", "test_932_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi tell me abut yourself. I'm from india and my family came to the us when I was 14.", "I'm a runner, I love to run and get exercise. Do you like to run?", "I like to walk. Any sports? I'm an avid tennis player.", "No mostly just running. What do you do for work?", "I'm an accountant with an mba in business. And, you?", "I also work as an accountant. I'm a tax accountant. What kid of music do you like?", "Rock, pop, country. What about you?", "Well, I really like to listen to sufjan stevens, my favorite musician.", "He's great. Any hobbies, I love to try recipies as I'm a pretty good cook.", "Not really. What do you like to cook? Anything special?", "Actually, I love to bake. I make a mean german chocolate cake.", "Woah that sounds awesome. Anything new happen recently?", "Not at this end, what about you?", "I recently just moved into a new apartment.", "I just tried out a new recipe for gyros, and it's amazing!", "Wow, what made the new recipe so good?", "Most definitely the blackened grilled chicken and the shawarma sauce. Yum!", "The secret I feel is always in the sauce. I'm glad you finally found a recipe you like. Do you try new recipes often? I want to get into cooking but there's just so many that I don't know where to start.", "I try new recipes pretty often. Pinterest always has the best recipes for newbies like us.", "I saw that Pinterest had a lot of recipes but the website is so confusing. Maybe I should use a classic cookbook. I am kind of old-school like that...", "That's understandable. How have you found new recipes in the past?", "I'm not too creative so I just looked up classic dishes like spaghetti and meatballs, baked cod, things like that. But I think I need some more creative ideas from a seasoned pro.", "My gyro recipe was inspired by a local restaurant in my neighborhood.", "Maybe I can cook with you sometime. Are you free this weekend?", "Sure. We are making a ton of gyros for Memorial Day Weekend.", "Oh is there an event going on? Sounds like a perfect way to get some practice.", "Have you tried any new exercise regimen?", "I've started doing zumba! I always thought it was silly, but it's actually super fun. Don't know how long I'll stick with it but I'm glad I'm trying it", "Do you enjoy your work as a tax accountant?", "It's not the most exciting thing, but I enjoy finding loopholes in the tax laws to help people save money. Do you like your work?", "Yes most of my work these days is more in the area of business financial consulting", "Ah, that sounds like it could be fun. Does it seem repetitive to you, or is each business unique enough to keep it interesting?", "Usually each business is different and facing different problems-have you been to any concerts recently", "No, I haven't, but I really should! Maybe on some upcoming weekend. What about you?", "It's been a while but I have tickets for a summer concert with 5 or 6 different acts playing", "Woah that sounds awesome! Concerts with multiple bands are always super fun. Are there multiple stages?", "Yes they are setting up three different stages-it should be awesome-you should check if there are still any tickets avaialble", "Yeah I definitely will! Sounds like a fun time, and we could hang out.", "Guess what? I got you tickets to the concert I'm going to. Will you join me?", "That sounds great, I'd love to join you! Who are we going to see?", "It's a country music concert. Kenny Chesney will be there.", "Sounds like fun, I've never been to a country show before. Will there be any other bands?", "Yes, there are three stages. I'm not sure who the other bands are yet.", "Cool, I can't wait. Concerts are such a good way to spend a summer evening!", "I agree. Summer concerts are my favorite!", "What day of the week will the concert be? I hope it's on a weekend because I'm busy at work all week long.", "Oh yes. It's on a Saturday.", "Perfect! Should I bring any food, maybe some cake?", "Something that won't melt and lots of water!", "Sound like a plan, I'll bring lots of tasty snacks and plenty of water.", "I spoke with some of my friends about the upcoming concert and we're all excited. I think if you decide to go you'll have a great time!", "Oh, I do enjoy outdoor concerts in the summer. Does Kenney Chesney put on a great show?", "I haven't seen him before but I've never been to a terrible concert yet! If it is outdoors you need to pray there's no rain!", "That's true but I'm sure people have a good time anyway. What is the crowd like at a country music concert?", "Usually they're in a good mood with lots of singing along. The usually hollering and stomping for more. The most fun I've had was at a Paul McCartney concert and also a Weird Al Yankovich concert was fun.", "That sounds like a lot of fun. I know you like rock & pop along with country music, which is your favorite?", "I grew up listening to pop music. As I got older I liked Aretha Franklin and soul music. It's cool to see live performances, though. Have you seen many?", "Yes, quite a few. I've seen Sufjan Stevens several times. I wonder how you would classify his music, as rock or pop? Maybe a combination of both.", "He seems to try a lot of styles. I like the spiritual themes in his songs. I like the electronica less. What do you think?", "I like his willingness to do so many different things. But I agree with you, his electronica is hit or miss.", "There were some electronica bands I liked in the 80s. I don't know if Eurythmics is considered electronica. But I definitely had a punk haircut back then. Sprayed purple at times! lol", "Hah, and now you are an accountant! Do you still wish you had the purple hair sometimes?"], "init_persona": [[["I was born in india.", "I was 14 when my family migrated to united states.", "I have a master's degree in business.", "I like to play sports especially tennis.", "I love to cook."], ["I am a runner.", "I love high-protein foods.", "I work as a tax accountant.", "My favorite musician is sufjan stevens.", "I moved into a new apartment last month."]], [["I've lived in the US since I was 14. My family is from India.", "I like to walk. I live tennis.", "I am an accountant. I have an MBA in business.", "I like rock, pop, and country music.", "I like Sufjan Stevens. I like to cook. I love to bake.I bake a good german chocolate cake."], ["I love exercise. I love to run.", "I don't play tennis.", "I am a tax accountant.", "Sufjan Stevens is my favorite musician.", "I don't like cooking.", "I recently moved to a new aprtment."]], [["I've lived in the US since I was 14. My family is from India.", "I like to walk. I live tennis.", "I am an accountant. I have an MBA in business.", "I like rock, pop, and country music.", "I like Sufjan Stevens. I like to cook. I love to bake.I bake a good german chocolate cake.", "I use the internet.", "I have my own recipe.", "I am social."], ["I love exercise. I love to run.", "I don't play tennis.", "I am a tax accountant.", "Sufjan Stevens is my favorite musician.", "I don't like cooking. I dont know much abut cooking.", "I recently moved to a new aprtment.", "I like to learn through books. I'm not too creative.", "I have time on weekends."]], [["I've lived in the US since I was 14. My family is from India.", "I like to walk. I live tennis.", "I am an accountant. I have an MBA in business.", "I like rock, pop, and country music.", "I like Sufjan Stevens. I like to cook. I love to bake.I bake a good german chocolate cake.", "I use the internet.", "I have my own recipe.", "I am social.", "I'm a business financial consulting. I like my work.", "I haven't been to any concerts lately. I have summer concert tickets with three different stages."], ["I love exercise. I love to run.", "I don't play tennis.", "I am a tax accountant. I like my work.", "Sufjan Stevens is my favorite musician.", "I don't like cooking. I dont know much abut cooking.", "I recently moved to a new aprtment.", "I like to learn through books. I'm not too creative.", "I have time on weekends.", "I just started zumba and it was a lot of fun.", "I think being a business consultant sounds fun.", "I haven't been to any concerts lately. I love going to concerts with multiple bands."]], [["I've lived in the US since I was 14. My family is from India.", "I like to walk. I live tennis.", "I am an accountant. I have an MBA in business.", "I like rock, pop, and country music.", "I like Sufjan Stevens. I like to cook. I love to bake.I bake a good german chocolate cake.", "I use the internet.", "I have my own recipe.", "I am social.", "I'm a business financial consulting. I like my work.", "I haven't been to any concerts lately. I have summer concert tickets with three different stages. I like country music. I'm not sure who all will be playing at the concert other than Kenny Chesney.", "Summer concerts are my favorite."], ["I love exercise. I love to run.", "I don't play tennis.", "I am a tax accountant. I like my work.", "Sufjan Stevens is my favorite musician.", "I don't like cooking. I dont know much abut cooking.", "I recently moved to a new aprtment.", "I like to learn through books. I'm not too creative.", "I have time on weekends.", "I just started zumba and it was a lot of fun.", "I think being a business consultant sounds fun.", "I haven't been to any concerts lately. I love going to concerts with multiple bands. I've never been to a country music concert before.", "I think concerts are a great way to spend a summer evening.", "I'm busy with work during the week. I have free time on the weekends.", "I like cake."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_933_0", "test_933_1", "test_933_2", "test_933_3", "test_933_4", "test_933_5", "test_933_6", "test_933_7", "test_933_8", "test_933_9", "test_933_10", "test_933_11", "test_933_12", "test_933_13", "test_933_14", "test_933_15", "test_933_16", "test_933_17", "test_933_18", "test_933_19", "test_933_20", "test_933_21", "test_933_22", "test_933_23", "test_933_24", "test_933_25", "test_933_26", "test_933_27", "test_933_28", "test_933_29", "test_933_30", "test_933_31", "test_933_32", "test_933_33", "test_933_34", "test_933_35", "test_933_36", "test_933_37", "test_933_38", "test_933_39", "test_933_40", "test_933_41", "test_933_42", "test_933_43", "test_933_44", "test_933_45", "test_933_46", "test_933_47", "test_933_48", "test_933_49", "test_933_50", "test_933_51", "test_933_52", "test_933_53", "test_933_54", "test_933_55", "test_933_56", "test_933_57", "test_933_58", "test_933_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Salutations!", "Hey! Do you like animals?", "I have a few dogs and love spending time with them.", "Nice! I love dogs and hanging out with them on my farm.", "I love coffee, im kind of a connoisseur, know any good methods of brewing?", "I'll have to look some up, I work with computers.", "I prefer my leisure activities, hiking camping and such.", "I do those on the farm with my three kids.", "I also enjoy bowling in a bathrobe and drinking white russians...", "Nice! Maybe I'll see if that's possible on the farm.", "Sounds good. Any other activities?", "Playing with the dogs, working on computers in the fields.", "What kind of work do you do with computers?", "Well, today is basic data entry, but it depends on the week and what projects we have going on in the office at any given moment, you know? I have realized that keeping track of schedules, etc. makes life on the farm easier to manage.", "Oh I'm sure. With such a big farm you have to stay organized. What do the kids like most about the farm?", "Oh, the animals, by far. My daughter is especially interested in the horses. She likes to help feed them and take care of them. ", "That's so sweet. I'm sure they would all love my dogs. I should bring them by the farm sometime!", "That'd be great! You're welcome to come by any time and for sure bring the dogs. They could play with my boys and go swimming out in the pond. Just bring some towels. Don't want wet dog smell in your car seats, haha.", "Hahaha so true. Most of the time when I bring the dogs camping I can't really avoid it, they love to cool off in anything they can swim in", "Oh yeah, I bet! Have you been to the new campground out on the edge of town? I heard great reviews.", "Yes! I brought the dogs out there last weekend. I grabbed a latte on the way and sipped it while we watched the sunrise. It was gorgeous.", "That sounds amazing. There's really nothing like sunrise this time of year, am I right?", "You're so right. You must see it all the time, right? Seeing as you're up so early on the farm. ", "Yup, every morning, unless it's overcast. There's nothing like those pinks and oranges and yellows first thing in the morning.", "Do you take your children camping sometimes? Maybe we can get together for a trip to the campground.", "I've never taken them camping, but I think they'd love it! They enjoy the outdoors quite a bit, and I'm sure they'd love your dogs", "That sounds like a fun trip! I will bring the supplies for the Smores - kids love to make those over a campfire.", "Yes! I have so many fond memories of smores. I used to love setting the marshmallows on fire haha. Is there a campsite near a lake? Could be fun to go swimming", "We should totally find one. That would be fun. I have a canoe I could bring. I don't have too many preservers but we might be able to rent some for your kids. Even my dogs like to be in the canoe.", "That sounds so cute! I love the idea of dogs riding in boats haha. Yeah I bet we could rent some, I think they'd love it. Would we need to get a tent, or do you have one that could fit us all?", "I have a five person and a single. So that might work. But yeah, maybe there's a deal going on where I can find one of those massive palace style tents. I've always wanted one.", "oooh that'd be cool. The kids can help set it up, it'd be good for them to learn how to pitch a tent. I'm guessing there's good hiking around the campsite?", "Hiking, for sure. We could also have them help make breakfast over the fire. Go old-school with it. I did that as a kid with my parents and it's a very fond memory.", "Ooh yeah, that'd be super fun! What kinds of foods are good for that? Like oatmeal or pancakes?", "Those are good or even scrambled eggs. Super easy. We don't have to bring a lot and the kids will be impressed they cooked.", "Sounds good! I think they'll have a lot of fun. My daughter might not love the bugs, but it's good for her to be exposed to things like that", "I found out there's a huge hole in my canoe, but we can rent one at the campsite if you want.", "Oh no! I am so sorry to hear about the hole in your canoe! How big is it? Is it too big to patch up? I can pitch in on the rental expenses if we need to get another one.", "It's big enough to fit in a golf ball. Would need a proper repair unfortunately. Nice of you to offer to pitch in. Would you be bringing your kids along?", "Oh no, what a bummer! I am so sorry to hear that, I wonder how the hole occurred. Yes, I will be bringing my daughter along. I have already purchased a life vest for her.", "Cool. I'll be bringing my dogs along too. We could rent a moderately sized canoe then. Is she a good swimmer?", "Okay, perfect. Do you know where we can rent a canoe? I do not know of any rental companies, but I can start to look into it. My daughter is a total fish! She love to swim and is so good at it. She is really looking forward tothis trip.", "I think they offer rentals close to the camp site. Who would run the farm whilst you are away?", "My wife and two oldest children will be able to run the farm while I am away. Before I leave on any trip, I make sure to get the big jobs finished so that when I cam gone they only need to maintain it. How long will our camping trip be?", "Sounds good. I was thinking of camping for the weekend. Would you be interested in hiking this time?", "I would love to go hiking during this trip!! Have you camped in this area before? What are the trails like?", "Cool! that way we could catch great views of the sunset. It's quite rocky terrain with the occasional mountain lions. Would you bring a camera with you?", "Yes, I will bring my camera with me. I will make sure to buy a shock resistant strap for it before the trip, I do not want to drop it and break it. I will be able to take some great photos of the scenery. Will you be bringing your dog on our camping trip? I am sure I could get a few super cute photos of him!", "What s'mores ingredients should we bring on our camping trip? ", "graham crackers and marshmallows are pretty basic. Where you up your game is in the chocolate department. Get some premium dark chocolate to make that smores pop. ", "Oh that sounds good, I have never tried dark chocolate with smores. I was thinking about bringing some creme de menthe to soak the marshmallows in.", "Now that is a creative idea. Alcohol like rum or orange schnapps might work too. Just make sure you keep the sugary stuff locked up to prevent the ants from attacking it. ", "Good point! So how are your kids doing?", "My kids are fine as they are done with school and enjoying summer vacation. We are itching to take a vacation soon, but its been so hot lately. We will get out in a couple of weeks. How about you? Any summer vacation plans?", "I plan to camp quite a bit. I even have a canoe trip planned for my dogs and I, we will find spots along the way to camp at. I am excited!", "That sounds great. What is your favorite camp site? Do you like completely off the grid or more luxurious camping?", "There are a few campsites in Glacier National Park that I absolutely love. I do try to go a bit more off the grid depending on where I am at, I have had a couple close calls with grizzlies so i am more cautious now.", "Yes, I like to keep my distance from the wildlife. I prefer a nice hotel with running water and a bathroom. Call me spoiled. ", "I was just like that when I was younger, I despised camping but now I can't get enough.", "Its a given when we get older, we long for simplicity. I totally get it...especially if you can go to Glacier National Park"], "init_persona": [[["I am a very easy going person who loves to partake in leisure activity.", "I am a dog owner who loves spending time with all animals.", "Furthermore, I consider my self a coffee connoisseur and love trying new ways to brew.", "I also enjoy going outside to run, hike, and camp."], ["I like dogs.", "I live on a farm.", "I work for the computer industry.", "I love my job.", "I have three kids."]], [["I have dogs.", "I like coffee.", "I enjoy hiking and camping.", "I like to bowl. I like to drink White Russian cocktails."], ["I have a farm. I like dogs.", "My work involves computers.", "I have three kids."]], [["I have dogs.", "I like coffee.", "I enjoy hiking and camping. I take my dogs camping.", "I like to bowl. I like to drink White Russian cocktails.", "I sipped a latte while watching the sunrise."], ["I have a farm. I like dogs. I live on a farm.", "My work involves computers.", "I have three kids. I have a daughter and animals. I have boys and a pond.", "I also like watching a sunrise.", "I get up most mornings."]], [["I have dogs.", "I like coffee.", "I enjoy hiking and camping. I take my dogs camping.", "I like to bowl. I like to drink White Russian cocktails.", "I sipped a latte while watching the sunrise.", "I want to plan a camping trip. I have a couple of tents.", "I have a canoe. My dogs love going in the canoe.", "I like making breakfast over a fire. I like making scrambled eggs over a fire."], ["I have a farm. I like dogs. I live on a farm.", "My work involves computers.", "I have three kids. I have a daughter and animals. I have boys and a pond.", "I also like watching a sunrise.", "I get up most mornings.", "My children have never been camping before. My kids love the outdoors. I want to plan a camping trip. My daughter doesn't like bugs.", "I love s'mores. I like to swim. I like to hike."]], [["I have dogs.", "I like coffee.", "I enjoy hiking and camping. I take my dogs camping.", "I like to bowl. I like to drink White Russian cocktails.", "I sipped a latte while watching the sunrise.", "I want to plan a camping trip. I have a couple of tents.", "I have a canoe. My dogs love going in the canoe.", "I like making breakfast over a fire. I like making scrambled eggs over a fire."], ["I have a farm. I like dogs. I live on a farm.", "My work involves computers.", "I have three kids. I have a daughter and animals. I have boys and a pond.", "I also like watching a sunrise.", "I get up most mornings.", "My children have never been camping before. My kids love the outdoors. I want to plan a camping trip. My daughter doesn't like bugs.", "I love s'mores. I like to swim. I like to hike. I like photography.", "I am married. I have 3 children."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_935_0", "test_935_1", "test_935_2", "test_935_3", "test_935_4", "test_935_5", "test_935_6", "test_935_7", "test_935_8", "test_935_9", "test_935_10", "test_935_11", "test_935_12", "test_935_13", "test_935_14", "test_935_15", "test_935_16", "test_935_17", "test_935_18", "test_935_19", "test_935_20", "test_935_21", "test_935_22", "test_935_23", "test_935_24", "test_935_25", "test_935_26", "test_935_27", "test_935_28", "test_935_29", "test_935_30", "test_935_31", "test_935_32", "test_935_33", "test_935_34", "test_935_35", "test_935_36", "test_935_37", "test_935_38", "test_935_39", "test_935_40", "test_935_41", "test_935_42", "test_935_43", "test_935_44", "test_935_45", "test_935_46", "test_935_47", "test_935_48", "test_935_49", "test_935_50", "test_935_51", "test_935_52", "test_935_53", "test_935_54", "test_935_55", "test_935_56", "test_935_57", "test_935_58", "test_935_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey how are you today!", "Hi, good. I just came back from outside. I love running.", "I love running as well, how was your run?", "Very good, thanks. Good to strech my legs, I sit all the time, I am a programmer.", "I am a tax accountant, can be stressful how about your job?", "A programmer. I like casual dress code. I wear t-shirt and pants all the time.", "That sounds pretty good, I doubt you wear your running gear to the office though!", "Good point. Where do you live? I grew up in alaska, my parents as well.", "New york, I just recently got a new apartment here. How is alaska?", "Cold. What food do you like? I love meat, especially steaks.", "I love foods that are high in protein, helps keep my energy up!", "Same here. What are your hobbies?", "What do you do when it's too cold to run outside?", "Well, since I am used to the cold, it has to be REALLY cold for me not to run outside. On those days, I use a treadmill. I don't like it as much, but I will do it to keep active.", "that is good. At my old place I had enough room for a treadmill. But my new apartment is a lot smaller so I had to sell it.", "Without a treadmill what do you do when it is too cold outside to run?", "run it place indoors. I bet my downstairs neighbors love the thumping I make, lol", "Haha! I bet they love you. Have they ever complained?", "not yet. I still think that they believe the old tenant still lives in this apartment so they probably tolerate the noise more than coming from a new person", "I wonder how long that will last for you. Do you have a gym nearby that you could use?", "I think there are gyms around but have not look for one yet. By the way, have you ever written a tax program before?", "In fact, I have. I worked on an early version of a now quite popular online tax software. ", "that sounds great. My boss wants a more customized tax program that meets our specific needs.", "You definitely should have him contact my employer. We do a lot of custom work. ", "Have you seen the auroras in alaska?", "No, but hopefully some day. Nature is pretty amazing and Alaska looks awesome. Have you?", "No, I've never been to a place where they are. I figure that one day, maybe when I'm retired, I'll get a chance to travel more.", "Are you close to retiring? ", "Not really. I don't want to retire at the moment. I got a good list of clients, steady work. It's a good setup. But I'm saving and investing, so I don't want to spend money on travel at the moment.", "Yeah, I definitely need to start saving for retirement as well but it's not easy. Have you ever traveled out of the country in the past?", "Canada and Mexico. Quicks trips, 3-4 days. Just to blow off steam. I like getting away for a while, but I know that if it becomes regular, I'm going to get behind on my savings goals.", "Yeah, traveling is crazy expensive. It's also easy to start spending and not think of the consequences. I've never been outside of the US before but I'd like to go to Norway and see killer whales in the wild.", "Norway. Very expensive country, but a very rich country. Nice, safe. I'd love to go. Probably could see the aurora borealis there.", "Yes, for sure. It's a bucket list trip. I can always head down to Washington and see orcas there which would still be amazing. They're my favorite animal and seeing them in the wild is a dream. What's on your bucket list?", "Some basic stuff. Eiffel Tower. Great Wall. Pyramids. Petra. Touristy stuff for sure, but a good place to start.", "Yeah, those all sound amazing. Petra especially seems other worldly. Hopefully you get to go someday. Make sure to take tons of pictures.", "Did you know there were wild Orcas spotted earlier today?", "What??? Where was this at?", "I am not sure I came in on the end of the conversation at work. I was hoping you had heard something about it.", "No, I haven't heard anything. I'll have to look into that because that's a super rare sighting!", "I remember there were some killer whales spotted in Galveston but another occurrence is crazy!", "Yeah, I remember that one for sure. Did you know that they only appear by the shore once every 5-6 years, during their mating season?", "I did not know that. Have you ever seen any in Alaska? I was not sure how far north they go.", "No, they don't really live in the area I am at since it is a sort of bay/island. They prefer wide open ocean.", "I envy how you are surrounded by nature. As much as I love the concrete jungle it is getting to crowded at times. Do you ever long for big city life?", "No way, you should try living in nature at some point. Go rent a cabin for a week and see how beautiful it is.", "I have been contemplating a trip to Iceland as I am determined to see the Northern Lights.", "Oh man. Iceland is the most beautiful place I've ever visited.", "I've started looking into my trip to Iceland. The plane ticket prices are ridiculous!", "I can imagine so - everyone is trying to fly and travel now!. I grew up in Alaska and am still living there so I know about having to travel! Have you ever traveled up to Alaska before?", "No, I have never been. Are you able to see the aurora borealis clearly from where you were in Alaska?", "Yes - that's something that I look forward to each time it happens. It's such an amazing and beautiful sight. I'd recommend checking it out up here or if you ever make it over to Iceland. Are you able to travel a lot with how much you save?", "Not as much as I would like to. Traveling costs more money than I would like to spend on it unfortuneately. Do you have any travel plans coming up soon to see the orcas?", "Nothing planned at the moment but who knows what the future may hold. I just love animals in general but to see one as large as an orca would be a dream come true. When I have time - I really enjoy running and staying healthy. Is that important to you?", "It is. I like to stay healthy and physically fit. However, I don't have a gym membership. I would rather save the money spent on that each month. Instead, I exercise at home and focus on a diet high in protein. Getting enough protein is the key to success!", "That's a great way to save money! I should start doing the same. I agree - protein is key! I get a lot of that from all the meat that eat. Nothing better than I giant steak. What's your favorite type of food with protein??", "I have to agree with you on the steak. I love a good, fresh steak straight off the grill. I eat a lot of lean chicken breast and try to throw some fish in there as well to give some variety.", "Grilling out is one of my favorite things to do - so many things that you can make! Are you able to grill out often living in NYC? ", "I am actually. I will grill all year round even in the snow. I just throw on a jacket and light up the grill. The cold weather doesn't stop me. I'm sure you can relate to that as well.!", "We are like twins! Too funny. Grilling out in the winter is something I've been doing for years. Tough to say no to a steak because it's too cold out. So how long have you been a tax accountant?"], "init_persona": [[["I am a runner.", "I love high-protein foods.", "I work as a tax accountant.", "My favorite musician is sufjan stevens.", "I moved into a new apartment last month."], ["I am a meat eater.", "I like running.", "I wear pants.", "My parents grew up in alaska.", "I work as a programmer."]], [["I enjoy running.", "I am a tax accountant.", "I live in New York city. I recently moved to a new apartment.", "I like food that is high in protein."], ["I enjoy running outside.", "I am a programmer. I spend a lot of time sitting.", "I prefer to wear casual attire to work. My office has a casual dress code.", "I grew up in Alaska, where I now live.", "I enjoy eating meat. My favorite meat is steak."]], [["I enjoy running.", "I am a tax accountant. I have a job.", "I live in New York city. I recently moved to a new apartment. I have neighbors.", "I like food that is high in protein. I don't have a gym membership."], ["I enjoy running outside.", "I am a programmer. I spend a lot of time sitting. I do computer programming.", "I prefer to wear casual attire to work. My office has a casual dress code.", "I grew up in Alaska, where I now live.", "I enjoy eating meat. My favorite meat is steak.", "I am used to the cold weather.I like to run. I have an active lifestyle.", "I am sarcastic."]], [["I enjoy running.", "I am a tax accountant. I have a well paying job. I am wise with my money.", "I live in New York city. I recently moved to a new apartment. I have neighbors.", "I like food that is high in protein. I don't have a gym membership.", "I know about the auroras in Alaska. I went to Canada and Mexico. I would like to see the aurora borealis.", "I want to go traveling to other countries."], ["I enjoy running outside.", "I am a programmer. I spend a lot of time sitting. I do computer programming.", "I prefer to wear casual attire to work. My office has a casual dress code.", "I grew up in Alaska, where I now live.", "I enjoy eating meat. My favorite meat is steak.", "I am used to the cold weather.I like to run. I have an active lifestyle.", "I am sarcastic.", "I like looking at nature. I would like to see wild orcas.", "I'm thinking about financial stability.", "I have never been outside of the U.S before. I would like to travel overseas."]], [["I enjoy running.", "I am a tax accountant. I have a well paying job. I am wise with my money.", "I live in New York city. I recently moved to a new apartment. I have neighbors.", "I like food that is high in protein. I don't have a gym membership.", "I know about the auroras in Alaska. I went to Canada and Mexico. I would like to see the aurora borealis.", "I want to go traveling to other countries.", "I am thinking about a trip to Iceland. I want to see the Northern Lights."], ["I enjoy running outside.", "I am a programmer. I spend a lot of time sitting. I do computer programming.", "I prefer to wear casual attire to work. My office has a casual dress code.", "I grew up in Alaska, where I now live. I live in a bay/island.", "I enjoy eating meat. My favorite meat is steak.", "I am used to the cold weather.I like to run. I have an active lifestyle.", "I am sarcastic.", "I like looking at nature. I would like to see wild orcas.", "I'm thinking about financial stability.", "I have never been outside of the U.S before. I would like to travel overseas.", "I've been to Iceland."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_936_0", "test_936_1", "test_936_2", "test_936_3", "test_936_4", "test_936_5", "test_936_6", "test_936_7", "test_936_8", "test_936_9", "test_936_10", "test_936_11", "test_936_12", "test_936_13", "test_936_14", "test_936_15", "test_936_16", "test_936_17", "test_936_18", "test_936_19", "test_936_20", "test_936_21", "test_936_22", "test_936_23", "test_936_24", "test_936_25", "test_936_26", "test_936_27", "test_936_28", "test_936_29", "test_936_30", "test_936_31", "test_936_32", "test_936_33", "test_936_34", "test_936_35", "test_936_36", "test_936_37", "test_936_38", "test_936_39", "test_936_40", "test_936_41", "test_936_42", "test_936_43", "test_936_44", "test_936_45", "test_936_46", "test_936_47", "test_936_48", "test_936_49", "test_936_50", "test_936_51", "test_936_52", "test_936_53", "test_936_54", "test_936_55", "test_936_56", "test_936_57", "test_936_58", "test_936_59", "test_936_60", "test_936_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey I just got back from a cruise how are you.", "Hello nice to meet you.", "I learned to swim when I was 5 and cant stay out of the water now.", "That's a good skill to learn.", "Im also awsome at debates,i took as a hooby/class in school.", "Yeah I think that's also good to know.", "Also computer programming is good another hobby/job of mine.", "Wow you sound like a well rounded person.", "Yeah I just started as a prison gard yesterday,programming doc files for the prison.", "Oh that sounds pretty awful.", "Meh ive been to jail its not so bad,just give respect and you will have it back.", "Jail or prison there's a difference.", "Both,county jail then prison 2 1/2 years.", "Well good for you I guess.", "My new job at the prison is going really well so far.", "That's great. I'm glad you like it. You had the best perspective in being a good guard since you've actually been in jail.", "Yes, I think that helped me establish some credibility with the inmates right away. And some of the other guards have asked me for insight on what the prisoners are thinking and feeling. I'm happy with how everything's going so far.", "Sounds like a good fit. It will be interesting to see if you can help improve some things since you've actually experienced it.", "Yes, I hope so. The only downside is that I'm working a graveyard shift. I haven't fully acclimated to having to be up all night and then sleep during the day, although when I'm actually at work I'm so alert it's not a problem.", "I guess that will take some getting to used to. Hey, have you been swimming lately? I noticed a new pool opening in the area.", "Yes, I go for a swim after work. It's a nice way to get in some exercise and also release the tension from my shift. You never told me whether you swim, too.", "I do swim from time to time but nothing consistently. I should find a gym or public pool to join because I do enjoy it and it's great exercise. ", "And what about work? What do you do for a living?", "I teach history at the middle school. I've been there for about 8 years. Do you think you will stay at the prison for awhile cause I know you're also interested in computer programming.", "For now I'm staying at the prison because it's allowing me to use my programming and help my finances and improve my resume. But if something better came along I'd definitely consider it.", "Well I wish you luck with job. I imagine it can be stressful at times. But of course, middle schoolers can be stressful too.... ha!", "I got a raise at work!", "That's good to here, I am really excited for you. Do you have any plans on what to buy with your additional income?", "I think I'm going to save my money for my own pool! I've always wanted to build a pool behind my house and now I will have some extra money.", "Thats sounds like a good investment, I would love to have a pool, except I don't have space for it in my back yard. Do you go swimming often at a public place?", "I live about 30 minutes from a public pool but I'd prefer to have my own pool. I don't like having so many people around at the public pool. Is your public pool crowded?", "During the weekends it can be really crowded, especially in the afternoon. On weekdays and the morning, it can be pretty empty. I try going in the morning, before heading to work.", "That's nice. How early do you go? I used to try to go before work but I had trouble waking up at 6am. I start work at 8am so it's hard to go to the pool before work.", "Its usually before 6 am that I head to the pool. I try swimming for at least 30 minutes, but sometimes I swim a bit longer. Waking up early is often something you get used to, but some people aren't really suited for it.", "I am not suited for it at all. I love to sleep in so much. Do you go straight from the pool to work? ", "Yeah, when I do end up swimming I bring along my work clothes and I use the showers they have on site. I normally don't have time to head back home to change.", "That makes sense. I would also get too tired to go to work. Especially since the prison is so far from the public pool, it is hard to commute after swimming. I'm looking forward to having my own pool. I think I'll make it a salt water pool", "I didn't know you can make a pool salt water, I am mostly familiar with chlorine pools. Is it harder to maintain a salt water pool?", "What do you do with your free time in the summer, since you are a teacher? ", "I have been slowly training for the Iron Man. I emphasize slowly. What do you do in your spare time?", "Ha, how fast do you run a mile? I like to go running and swimming every night.", "Don't laugh but my mile is just under nine. Sad since the world champion can run it twice and beat me with room to spare.", "Eliuid kipchoge? That dude can run a marathon at a faster mile rate than I can run one mile haha.", "I am right there with you. I can not understand how one runs just over 26 miles in two hours. If I sprinted the last hundred against his full marathon he would still annihilate me. What are your times?", "I can run a mile in 7 minutes but that is when it starts to hurt real bad. I can do 9 comfortably.", "Okay so I have to aspire to your level. I can't wait to get even to there. I was hoping that the thought of Hawaii would inspire me for the upcoming Iron Man in October but I have made little progress in the last six months.", "Where are you running into trouble with the training?", "I have issues with motivation and there appears to be something off with my breathing. I keep feeling like I have bronchitis after I run. What is that?", "Uhhh, you may want to see a doctor. That could be something bad.", "I thought it might be exercise asthma but maybe you are right. I will have to make an appointment.", "You really should see a doctor, just to make sure it's not anything serious. Maybe if you feel better you'll be more motivated to train.", "That is good advice. I really hate going to the doctor, but I think you are right.", "It could go a long way to improving your mile time as well. Do you think you will still do the iron man if you aren't feeling well after running?", "I do think I will. I had had this goal for years and to not complete it would be devastating. I need to prove this to myself that I can do it.", "Well, at least the doctor can tell you whether it is safe or not. If I had time off I would love to join you. But, I don't have enough time off just yet. Maybe next year?", "That would be great! I would love a partner through the journey! How is work?", "Exhausting! lol. Lots of training right now. I am hoping to get into a regular routine once I have completed it. I just want to get to work!", "I understand that. Starting a new job is so anti climactic because it takes so long to actually start THE job.", "True. Some of the training is interesting and it is all definitely needed since we go over safety protocols and the like. I would rather be safe than rush through things.", "For sure. You are going to be a tough line of work and want to be prepared.", "Well, some middle schools I have heard of aren't the easiest either! How is your school? Is it nice?", "It is really nice! I got very lucky :)"], "init_persona": [[["I love going on cruises.", "I learned how to swim when I was five years old.", "I liked debate club the most in school.", "I do computer programming for a living.", "I just got a new job yesterday."], ["I am an artist.", "I like to be in nature.", "My mom is a nurse.", "My favorite music genre is rock.", "I work with animals."]], [["I love to swim.", "I am a good debater.", "I enjoy computer programming.", "I just started a new job as a prison guard. I have been to jail and to prison."], []], [["I love to swim.", "I am a good debater.", "I enjoy computer programming.", "I just started a new job as a prison guard. I have been to jail and to prison. I work at night.", "I'm interested in computer programming."], ["I live near a pool. I go swimming occasionally.I don't have a gym membership.", "I'm a middle school teacher."]], [["I love to swim.", "I am a good debater.", "I enjoy computer programming.", "I just started a new job as a prison guard. I have been to jail and to prison. I work at night. I recently got a raise. I work at a prison.", "I'm interested in computer programming.", "I live in a house. I want a swimming pool. I live 30 minutes away from a public swimming pool.", "I don't like to wake up early. I begin working at 8 am. I enjoy sleeping in."], ["I live near a pool. I go swimming occasionally.I don't have a gym membership.", "I'm a middle school teacher.", "I have a back yard. I like swimming pools. I don't have room for a swimming pool. I live near a public swimming pool. Sometimes I swim at the public swimming pool. I usually go to the public swimming pool before 6 am.", "I go to work right after I swim at the pool."]], [["I love to swim.", "I am a good debater.", "I enjoy computer programming.", "I just started a new job as a prison guard. I have been to jail and to prison. I work at night. I recently got a raise. I work at a prison.", "I'm interested in computer programming.", "I live in a house. I want a swimming pool. I live 30 minutes away from a public swimming pool.", "I don't like to wake up early. I begin working at 8 am. I enjoy sleeping in.", "I go running and swimming every night. I can run a mile in 7 minutes. I run a mile in 9 minutes comfortably."], ["I live near a pool. I go swimming occasionally.I don't have a gym membership.", "I'm a middle school teacher.", "I have a back yard. I like swimming pools. I don't have room for a swimming pool. I live near a public swimming pool. Sometimes I swim at the public swimming pool. I usually go to the public swimming pool before 6 am.", "I go to work right after I swim at the pool.", "I am training for the Iron Man. I run a mile in just under nine. I am not making much progress in my training. I would like to do the Iron Man in Hawaii in October. I have trouble being motivated. I feel like I have bronchitis after I run.", "I need to make an appointment with a doctor."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_938_0", "test_938_1", "test_938_2", "test_938_3", "test_938_4", "test_938_5", "test_938_6", "test_938_7", "test_938_8", "test_938_9", "test_938_10", "test_938_11", "test_938_12", "test_938_13", "test_938_14", "test_938_15", "test_938_16", "test_938_17", "test_938_18", "test_938_19", "test_938_20", "test_938_21", "test_938_22", "test_938_23", "test_938_24", "test_938_25", "test_938_26", "test_938_27", "test_938_28", "test_938_29", "test_938_30", "test_938_31", "test_938_32", "test_938_33", "test_938_34", "test_938_35", "test_938_36", "test_938_37", "test_938_38", "test_938_39", "test_938_40", "test_938_41", "test_938_42", "test_938_43", "test_938_44", "test_938_45", "test_938_46", "test_938_47", "test_938_48", "test_938_49", "test_938_50", "test_938_51", "test_938_52", "test_938_53", "test_938_54", "test_938_55", "test_938_56", "test_938_57", "test_938_58", "test_938_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello!", "Hey! Lets have some coffee at my mother's coffee shop.", "The town I live in doesn't have a coffee shop, we aren't even that big.", "Do they have graffiti? I enjoy graffiri hunting.", "Some high school students sharpied the bathroom of the grocery store that I work at.", "Thats just like in an episode of my favorite show, friends.", "Lol. I might have seen some graffiti when I was walking my two dogs.", "Are they like tribal tattoos? I loved those. I have 5 of them.", "Nothing like tattoos where I live, maybe I will see some when I go back to college.", "Lets meet. Where do you live. Hopefully not far. I dont have a car yet.", "I have a ford, it can take me pretty far.", "So come visit me now.", "I saw some awesome graffiti on a freight train the other day. I took a picture for you.", "That's so cool! I love seeing people express themselves. Hey, what would you graffiti on a freight train if you could get away with it?", "I would graffiti a flying bird. Wouldn't that look cool speeding down the tracks?", "It sure would! As for me, I think it would be hilarious to graffiti the cast of Friends on there. ", "Hahaha that would be awesome. Have you tried doing any spray painting yet?", "I have and I ended up spraying myself more than my canvas. It seems like I'm destined to look instead of create. Side note, how in the HELL do you remove spray paint from your clothes?", "Um, I don't think it'd be easy at all... I would try using Shout or paint thinner? Haha, maybe you should just accept it as a badge of honor and make it part of a crazy modern look.", "Ooo I like the way you think. I have to own it! I already get weird looks in public anyway.", "Do you get weird looks because of your tattoos?", "Yeah, as it turns out... tribal tattoos became uncool recently. I will always be living in the early 2000s.", "Like we just said, we just have to own it. The people who give you looks don't even know you!", "You're right. I'm glad I have you to help me accept myself, drunken tattoo incidents and all.", "Where did you get your tattoos at? I'm interested in getting 1 or 2 of my own.", "If you mean where on my body then they're mostly on my arms and one on my neck. If you mean what shop than it's just a local shop in town. Do you have an idea of what you want to get?", "What's the place most people start? Ankle? Wrist? Favorite buttock? LOL", "I think upper arm, wrist, and behind the shoulder are pretty common. Definitely stay away from the ribs unless you enjoy pain.", "Gotta be pretty tough, or pretty drunk, to get one on the ribs. I seen some on the ribs. I also seen some on the back. Is the back easier?", "The back would definitely be easier but everyone experiences it differently. Where do you plan on putting your first tattoo?", "I thought about a replica of a graffiti that I saw a while back. I didn't do it, but I took a picture of it. I think it would look cool, like my body got tagged. ", "Yeah, typically you should get a tattoo that means something otherwise you might regret it down the line like my cousin. She's trying to find a place to cover an old one from when she had just turned 18.lol", "That's another consideration. Pain is one thing, permanence is another.", "For sure. But again everyone is different and you might get something that you just think is cool and have no regrets. Just think about it long and hard cause cover ups and removal hurts and is even more expensive.", "Good to know. I didn't think about removal. Better to start off small. Some people get religious/political stuff and then their thinking changes. ", "Yeah, I definitely regret my tribal tats now that I'm older and sober. Not only am I not a part of any tribe but they're so cliche now. Don't be like me.lol", "I have been looking at tattoo artists near me and I think I found one that I like on Instagram! I will send you their page.", "Great thank-you! How is work going?", "Everyone was buying a lot of bananas today. Is it some sort of banana related holiday or something?", "HaHa! Could be we might be missing out on something! Have you decided on what tattoo you want?", "A banana tattoo? I really have no idea, I just don't want it to look too dumb.", "I don't blame you I have too many regrettable tattoos. So maybe banana tattoo shouldn't be your first choice ;D Take your time and think about it. Make sure you reallyt look into the artist and see a lot of their work.", "That's why I'm sending you the Instagram page to look at. I really need your opinion before I do something regrettable. ", "I will definately take a look at it and give you my opinion. I know of a good artist that will be moving into your area soon so I will send you her web address. Have you had any time to do any spray painting lately?", "No, it's been super windy this week. Too windy to spray paint for sure. Man, there is nothing like the smell of fresh spray paint.", "I agree I love the smell of spray paint. It's been really windy here too. That might put a damper on peoples Banana Holiday plans. What type of pictures have you spray painted?", "Most of my work looks like cartoon characters. Not famous characters, but that type of style is what I go for usually.", "Sounds interesting. Have you thought about a tat of one of them?", "Do you have any tattoos that are really meaningful to you?", "Well...when I got my tribal tattoos I thought they were meaningful but honestly I was just doing it because that was what was \"in\". I'm going to try and design something to cover up the old tattoos that will have a lot more meaning but I haven't come up with anything yet. Have you come up with any ideas on which tattoo you're going to get?", "I'm still thinking about. Maybe something small and spiritual that would be really personal to me. How hard is it to do a cover up?", "It depends on how big the tattoo is. Mine will probably be a bit of a job. They're not full sleeves but they're decent sized. A friend of mine just got a cover up done with a tattoo of a bunch of tropical flowers, it's gorgeous.", "Wow! That sounds painful! But I guess it's worth it since it's a permanent part of your body! That's what makes me hesitate - I've got to get something I don't mind looking at forever! I think covering those tribal tats with something colorful and from nature would be cool!", "I think so too! I just have to figure out what to use. Have you ever seen the flower Love-In-A-Mist? I think if I do a floral cover up that's one that I'd like to use.", "No I've never even heard of that! I'm going to look up a picture of it. I like the idea of a floral tattoo as well. Maybe a cross and a rose together.", "That would be nice! Maybe do the rose or roses kind of vining up around the cross. I like flowers that are sort of tendril-y, like vines.", "Me too. If I ever wanted to get a bigger tattoo I'd like something that winds around my wrist or ankle or arm so vines are cool.", "There's a flower called wisteria that's really pretty that grows on vines, I love it because it smells amazing. You have to plant it way far away from your house though or it will grow all over the wall of your house! ", "I just looked up Love in A Mist - that would make a beautiful tattoo!", "Wouldn't it?? I got it in a bouquet from a local florist and I had never heard of it before. Took me forever to look it up and figure out what it was. I'd like to grow it but I have kind of a brown thumb, I'd be afraid that I'd kill it."], "init_persona": [[["I have three cats and two dogs.", "I work in a large grocery store.", "I didn't finish college but I want to go back.", "Growing up in a small town was the best.", "My first car was a ford."], ["I have five tattoos in total.", "I like visiting places with graffiti.", "My mom owned a little coffee shop.", "My favorite tv show is friends.", "I do not own a car yet."]], [["I live in a small town. My town has no coffee shop.", "I work at a grocery store.", "I have two dogs.", "I own a Ford."], ["I like to look at graffiti.", "My favorite TV show is Friends.", "I have five tribal tattoos."]], [["I live in a small town. My town has no coffee shop.", "I work at a grocery store.", "I have two dogs.", "I own a Ford.", "I like to paint graffiti anywhere. I have experience with spray painting and trying to get paint out of clothes."], ["I like to look at graffiti.", "My favorite TV show is Friends.", "I have five tribal tattoos. I have received a tattoo wile drunk.", "I like art and other expressive works. I have tried spray painting before."]], [["I live in a small town. My town has no coffee shop.", "I work at a grocery store.", "I have two dogs.", "I own a Ford.", "I like to paint graffiti anywhere. I have experience with spray painting and trying to get paint out of clothes.", "I don't have any tattoos currently. I would rather get a small tattoo first."], ["I like to look at graffiti.", "My favorite TV show is Friends.", "I have five tribal tattoos. I have received a tattoo when I was young and not sober. I regret my tribal tattoos.", "I like art and other expressive works. I have tried spray painting before.", "I have multiple tattoos on my arms. I have one tattoo on my neck. I got my tattoos at a shop in my town.", "I have a cousin with at least one tattoo."]], [["I live in a small town. My town has no coffee shop.", "I work at a grocery store.", "I have two dogs.", "I own a Ford.", "I like to paint graffiti anywhere. I have experience with spray painting and trying to get paint out of clothes.", "I don't have any tattoos currently. I would rather get a small tattoo first. I found a tattoo artist I like on Instagram. I do not know what tattoo I want. I want someone else's opinion on a tattoo artist.", "I sell bananas.", "I like to spray paint. I haven't been able to spray paint this week. I love the smell of fresh spray paint. I spray paint in the style of cartoon characters."], ["I like to look at graffiti.", "My favorite TV show is Friends.", "I have five tribal tattoos. I have received a tattoo when I was young and not sober. I regret my tribal tattoos.", "I like art and other expressive works. I have tried spray painting before.", "I have multiple tattoos on my arms. I have one tattoo on my neck. I got my tattoos at a shop in my town.", "I have a cousin with at least one tattoo.", "I know a good tattoo artist.", "I love the smell of spray paint."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_939_0", "test_939_1", "test_939_2", "test_939_3", "test_939_4", "test_939_5", "test_939_6", "test_939_7", "test_939_8", "test_939_9", "test_939_10", "test_939_11", "test_939_12", "test_939_13", "test_939_14", "test_939_15", "test_939_16", "test_939_17", "test_939_18", "test_939_19", "test_939_20", "test_939_21", "test_939_22", "test_939_23", "test_939_24", "test_939_25", "test_939_26", "test_939_27", "test_939_28", "test_939_29", "test_939_30", "test_939_31", "test_939_32", "test_939_33", "test_939_34", "test_939_35", "test_939_36", "test_939_37", "test_939_38", "test_939_39", "test_939_40", "test_939_41", "test_939_42", "test_939_43", "test_939_44", "test_939_45", "test_939_46", "test_939_47", "test_939_48", "test_939_49", "test_939_50", "test_939_51", "test_939_52", "test_939_53", "test_939_54", "test_939_55", "test_939_56", "test_939_57", "test_939_58", "test_939_59", "test_939_60", "test_939_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there are you a dirty meat eater? I am certainly not.", "Strictly vegetarian! My five tattoos are all related to it.", "Perfect so maybe you are an activist about things like animals rights and recycling, etc.", "Yes, definitely! Art as well, especially graffiti.", "As a father I like to do all of these with my son to teach him well.", "That's good! Have you ever seen the show friends? It's my favorite.", "I have seen it! My son loves it we watch after taking out the recycling.", "Sweet. My mom used to own a tiny coffee shop, I miss that place.", "I hope it was fair trade coffee.", "Wouldn't have served anything else! Only the best.", "That's a relief to hear.", "What kind of car do you drive? I don't even have one yet.", "I don't have one either, we bike or also have a double bicycle.", "It's a lot better for the environment that way.", "My son and I saw some new graffiti on the subway!", "Oh yeah? Maybe it was some of mine. At which stop did you see it?", "It was by the Lombardi. I picture of a giant flower with a bee on it. Do you know it?", "Oh, yes, I do know it! It is not my work, but I have met that artist. I have been trying to figure out a new design I can use to advertise my mom's shop while still keeping it artistic and fun.", "That would be so original. Unfortunately I don't have any of that artistic side in me. But I will let you know if I think of something. Does your moms coffee shop serve breakfast too?", "It does! Mostly pastries and sandwiches, I don't think they have a stove or anything. Maybe I could make a stylized cheese danish graffiti design for the shop. What do you think?", "That's a great idea but I would make coffee a primary focus since that's your mom's main item. Maybe something organic like coffee leaves. ", "Oh, yeah! Or maybe a coffee plant that looks like it is growing up the side of the shop! I wonder if she would let me use up that much of her shop front? Do you think murals attract more customers to shops?", "I think so but it also depends on an area. If it is downtown or by the beach, it will definitely look cool. Where is her shop located?", "It's not right in the middle of downtown, but it is a short walk away. It does get a lot of foot traffic going by, so there are lots of potential customers, I just need a design to draw them in! ", "I am sure you will come up with something. You should take a bike ride with me by the beach. I always find ocean really peaceful and inspirational, especially during sunrise.", "That sounds amazing. I find that exercise does help my brain get cooking. Will you bring your tandem bike or shall we ride seperately?", "Have you settled on the design for your mom's coffee shop mural yet?", "I have narrowed it down to two designs. I will send you copies. I would love your thoughts!", "Absolutely, How long has your mom owned her coffee shop for?", "She has had it for about two months. It is doing really well!", "Cool, well best of luck to her, I hope it is fruitful. It's really nice that you are going to help her promote it.", "It isn't far from the beach. Swing by on your next bike ride and give it a try!", "I would love to. I love a great cup of coffee, it sounds like her stuff serves some really high quality stuff.", "Only the finest beans. All locally sourced. It's priced reasonably too.", "Does she grind the beans for every cup? Coffee always tastes best when the beans are freshly ground. Makes a ton of difference in my opinion.", "You know it! That is the secret trick. In addition to every cup being made with love :)", "I bet she will run the bigger chains out of business. When people find a great cup of coffee they stick with it. The other places don't stand a chance!", "The chains are tough to compete with. They have such a hold on the market.", "What's your favorite drink at your mom's coffee shop? I'm looking to try something new when I go!", "It is the Mocha Caramel latte with a sprinkling of french toast and chocolate shavings on top. What is your favorite coffee flavor?", "That sounds delicious! I usually get a Caramel Macchiato or a Vanilla Latte. I have only recently started grinding my own beans. So much better!", "Very true, it is so much better when they are freshly ground. I am spoilt at the coffee shop but I should make the effort to do it at home.", "So that's cool you are designing a mural for your mom's shop. Are you an artist?", "I am. I am currently looking to incorporate local businesses into but also feature a community outreach to support the local animal shelter. I am having a creative block. Any suggestions?", "I kind of envision a mural of various ethnicities and genders talking, sipping coffee. Colorful, and if outside, perhaps some doggies sitting waiting while their owners sip their coffee. But I'm no expert...lol", "So go the less obvious but more open route. Interesting, I need to draw attention without the sense of obligation. I like it.", "Well, I'm sure you'll do a great job! I'm envious because I am the least artistic person in the world....lol", "I highly doubt that. Art is subjective and open to creative interpretation. You should try it in whatever form. It is incredibly relaxing.", "I may do that. Just to tap into my creativity. I do enjoy writing - especially poetry.", "That is cool. I am a huge fan of Dylan Thomas. Who do you respond to?", "I visited your mom's coffee shop and tried the Mocha Caramel latte the way you suggested. It was delicious!", "I am so happy you enjoyed it! Tell your friends! We are trying to make as much buzz as possible!", "I certainly will. What wall are you planning on putting the mural you are designing on? Is it an inside wall or outside of the shop? I cannot wait to see what you come with. You will be painting the mural too?", "I will be graffitiing it! It is going to be so cool and modern. I can't give too many details because I want the reveal to be a surprise to everyone. ", "Well let me know when the reveal is. I will bring my camera and take a bunch of pictures. Maybe even livestream it! ", "That would be great! Thank you! I really appreciate the support!", "I will bring my bike down. You know it is for two riders. We get cruise up and down the beach after the reveal, I think that would be a lot of fun. ", "Sounds great! We can make a whole day of it!", "What else have you been up to? Have you come across any new great veggy recipes? I have been a little but really have not found anything that looks great - lot of good ones, though.", "I have so busy with the mural that I have not had time for much else. I would love to see some of your good recipes, even if they are not great!", "I will bring them over to the coffee shop in a few days. If you are not around I will drop them off. I have them organized in a binder. I know, a little too organized for some. But it makes it a lot easier to find one and cook up a meal.", "I love that! Your organization skills are impressive!"], "init_persona": [[["I am a vegetarian.", "I support animal rights.", "I am a male.", "I have one son.", "I like to recycle and reuse."], ["I have five tattoos in total.", "I like visiting places with graffiti.", "My mom owned a little coffee shop.", "My favorite tv show is friends.", "I do not own a car yet."]], [["I am a vegetarian.", "I have a son.", "I watch the show 'Friends' with my son.", "I don't own a car. I ride bicycles. I own a bicycle built for two."], ["I have tattoos. I am a vegetarian.", "I am an animals rights activist. I am also a graffiti artist.", "My favorite show is friends.", "My mom used to own a small coffee shop.", "My mom serves Fair Trade coffee at her coffee shop.", "I don't own a car."]], [["I am a vegetarian.", "I have a son.", "I watch the show 'Friends' with my son.", "I don't own a car. I own a bicycle built for two.", "I am not artistic.", "I ride bikes by the beach. I find the ocean peaceful and inspirational."], ["I have tattoos. I am a vegetarian.", "I am an animals rights activist. I am also a graffiti artist.", "My favorite show is friends.", "My mom used to own a small coffee shop. I'm working on a new design to advertise my mom's shop. My mom's shop is a short walk from downtown. My mom serves Fair Trade coffee at her coffee shop.", "I don't own a car."]], [["I am a vegetarian.", "I have a son.", "I watch the show 'Friends' with my son.", "I don't own a car. I own a bicycle built for two.", "I am not artistic.", "I ride bikes by the beach. I find the ocean peaceful and inspirational.", "I drink coffee. I like fresh coffee best."], ["I have tattoos. I am a vegetarian.", "I am an animals rights activist. I am also a graffiti artist.", "My favorite show is friends.", "My mom used to own a small coffee shop. I'm working on a new design to advertise my mom's shop. My mom's shop is a short walk from downtown. My mom serves Fair Trade coffee at her coffee shop. She has owned the shop for two months.", "I don't own a car.", "I am currently working on designing my mom's coffee shop mural.", "My mom's coffee shop is located near the beach.", "My mom's coffee shop uses local products.My mom makes her coffee by grinding beans."]], [["I am a vegetarian.", "I have a son.", "I watch the show 'Friends' with my son.", "I don't own a car. I own a bicycle built for two.", "I am not artistic.", "I ride bikes by the beach. I find the ocean peaceful and inspirational.", "I drink coffee. I like fresh coffee best. I grind my own coffee beans at home.", "I enjoy writing poetry."], ["I have tattoos. I am a vegetarian.", "I am an animals rights activist. I am also a graffiti artist.", "My favorite show is friends.", "My mom used to own a small coffee shop. I'm working on a new design to advertise my mom's shop. My mom's shop is a short walk from downtown. My mom serves Fair Trade coffee at her coffee shop. She has owned the shop for two months. My favorite drink at my mom's coffee shop is the Mocha Caramel latte with a sprinkling of French toast and chocolate shavings on top.", "I don't own a car.", "I am currently working on designing my mom's coffee shop mural.", "My mom's coffee shop is located near the beach.", "My mom's coffee shop uses local products.My mom makes her coffee by grinding beans.", "I do not currently grind my own coffee beans at home.", "I am an artist. I am designing a mural for my mom's coffee shop that will incorporate local businesses as well as a community outreach for a local animal shelter.", "I enjoy poetry written by Dylan Thomas."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_942_0", "test_942_1", "test_942_2", "test_942_3", "test_942_4", "test_942_5", "test_942_6", "test_942_7", "test_942_8", "test_942_9", "test_942_10", "test_942_11", "test_942_12", "test_942_13", "test_942_14", "test_942_15", "test_942_16", "test_942_17", "test_942_18", "test_942_19", "test_942_20", "test_942_21", "test_942_22", "test_942_23", "test_942_24", "test_942_25", "test_942_26", "test_942_27", "test_942_28", "test_942_29", "test_942_30", "test_942_31", "test_942_32", "test_942_33", "test_942_34", "test_942_35", "test_942_36", "test_942_37", "test_942_38", "test_942_39", "test_942_40", "test_942_41", "test_942_42", "test_942_43", "test_942_44", "test_942_45", "test_942_46", "test_942_47", "test_942_48", "test_942_49", "test_942_50", "test_942_51", "test_942_52", "test_942_53", "test_942_54", "test_942_55", "test_942_56", "test_942_57", "test_942_58", "test_942_59", "test_942_60", "test_942_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello there.", "Hey! I just went skydiving! How's you?", "Prefer to invent ways to brew coffee, but hiking and camping.", "Sounds cool. I get coffee a lot at barnes and noble.", "Do you read books about animals? I love animals.", "Oh yes! I have a lizard and love learning new things to do with them.", "I see lizards a lot while hiking in the woods.", "I see a lot walking to work.", "What would you think about a method of brewing cofee that uses cold water?", "Yum! I'll have to talk about it when I go to work.", "Im trying to figure out how to brew in zero gravity.", "Maybe I can try it when I go skydiving tomorrow.", "Ever skydived with dogs? I hear its pretty exhilarating.", "I'll have to try it with my lizard.", "How was skydiving? Were you able to take your lizard?", "No, why would I take my lizard skydiving? He's a gecko and he climbs things.", "I think I just liked the idea of you jumping out a plane with your gecko, something you both could share!", "I have heard of people doing that with a dog, like military paratroopers, but this was the first time I have been skydiving, so I was scared enough already.", "I'm glad you're okay, but I have to know...how was it? Was it freeing, were you afraid the whole time, was it the best experience of your life? I have to know", "LOL, I was so scared I could hardly get out the plane, but once the parachute opened it was kind of fun, seeing the whole Napa Valley underneath me, and then when I was about to land I was scared again of landing badly.", "You are so much braver than me, I don't think I could do that. I hear its like getting a tattoo. Once you do it, you want to do it again and again", "Don't have any tattoos myself, so don't know about that part. I'm not too sure I want to do it again, it's a lot of trouble and expense for a few minutes thrill.", "Oh I get that, but you can say you did that for the rest of your life! That's incredible. Maybe if you go again you can bring your gecko with you lol", "Oh yeah, I have bragging rights, that's enough for now. But I don't think the gecko would enjoy it.", "True, that might actually be animal cruelty so I apologize for continuing to bring that up. See camping is where its at because you're on the ground.", "Yes, camping is fun, even the gecko might enjoy that if there were trees. Climbing a redwood would be a challenge for him.", "I'm going camping this weekend. Want to come?", "This weekend is not so good, but I am keen to go. Haven't been in a while. Where do you like to go?", "There's a somewhat secluded spot I go to. Very private and has beautiful creeks and a waterfall just a short hike away. I'm so pumped.", "Getting away from crowds is refreshing. I get sick of people getting drunk, littering, blasting their music...They could party in the city, but they want to bother the animals. I don't get it.", "Some people are just selfish and inconsiderate unfortunately. What are your plans for the weekend then?", "Probably take care of things around the home. I've let things slide for a while. Plus I got company coming over, so I need to scrape off the top two layers of filth on the walls and surfaces.", "I hear you. I definitely need to do some cleaning myself later. If you don't already have a robot vacuum I highly recommend it. I wish I had done it sooner.", "I always thought those things were overkill, or it you had like two dogs, a cat and six kids and needed constant cleaning. ", "I have a long haired cat that sheds like crazy. But honestly it removes a chore off your plate and you'll have more time to enjoy camping.", "Is there a robot that could cook? That would save me lots of time and headache. LOL", "Wow I actually saw an ad for a cooking robot. It was a machine you set up next to a stove and it adds ingredients and stirs the pan. I'm sure in the near future it will be more common.lol", "Great. I won't have to budge an inch. All my needs will be taken care of. I'll balloon up to 500 pounds, and a robot will do my exercise for me.", "You won't believe it, but my cat actually broke my robot vacuum. I'm so annoyed!", "That is annoying, but kind of funny at the same time. If you recorded a video of it, maybe it could have gone viral. Cat versus vacuum. I'm not sure how my gecko would feel about the robot vacuum.", "The gecko could just ride along on the vaccum honestly. At least it wouldn't destroy it.", "That is a funny visual, seeing a gecko riding on the vacuum. How exactly did the cat destroy it? Did it fight the robot vacuum>?", "I'm not sure. I came home and the vacuum was tilted against the wall destroyed. It has cat scratches all over it so I'm assuming the cat did it.", "Oh no, sure sounds like a cat fight to me. I wonder if that can be covered under any kind of warranty? What do you do with your cat when you go camping? Have you ever taken your cat camping with you? ", "I'm not sure \"cat attacks\" are included in my warranty. I usually hire a sitter. There's a nice boy that lives down the street that takes care of my cat for me while I'm gone.", "That is nice to have someone close by to help look out. Do you have a regular vacuum that you can use now? Are you going to have to get a new one? Are you going to get another robot vacuum?", "I want to get another robot vacuum. It's nice because it cleans while I'm at work so I have more time to relax when I get home.", "That is really nice, does it do a good job cleaning up pet hair? Also, it might happen again, how will you make sure the cat doesn't mess it up again?>", "I'll have to put the cat away in a part of the house that the vacuum isn't in. It does do a pretty good job of picking up pet hair. It leaves some clumps behind but it gets most of them.", "I wonder how your cat would do with my gecko? Do you think they would get along?", "I would ask you what your job was.", "I work at a bank. Where do you work? Do you like it?", "Ok, from what you have told me, you don't sound like the typical bank employee. Why do you work at a bank?", "My dad's side of the family all worked in banks. My grandfather was the bank president. My dad was a teller but he shot big game animals! He did stunt flying but he never sky dived! What was that like?", "It seems like your family has a quiet side and a wild side all in the same person. You must have had a fun childhood?", "Well, it was fun until my dad died in a plane crash! But we did some camping before then. Where do you like to camp?", "I like to go to the Lake Tahoe area. It is close enough to luxury and civilization should I need to run from the bears.", "Lake Tahoe sounds beautiful in the summer. I hear they get a lot of snow in the winter too, if you like skiing.", "It is great any time of the year. It gets a bit crowded and cold in the winter. Spring and early summer are the best. ", "So have you ever run into bears?", "I have seen tracks and heard stories from people in the campsite. However, we have not seen one in person luckily. ", "My dad actually hunted bears. We had a life size polar bear in our house. He had his stuffed."], "init_persona": [[["I am a very easy going person who loves to partake in leisure activity.", "I am a dog owner who loves spending time with all animals.", "Furthermore, I consider my self a coffee connoisseur and love trying new ways to brew.", "I also enjoy going outside to run, hike, and camp."], ["I live in arizona.", "I like to go skydiving.", "I work for the government.", "My favorite place to go is barnes and noble.", "I have a pet lizard."]], [["I invent coffee, and love hiking and camping.", "I love animals.", "I hike."], ["I went skydiving.", "I drink coffee at Barnes and Noble.", "I have a pet lizard.", "I walk to work.", "I am going skydiving tomorrow."]], [["I invent coffee, and love hiking and camping.", "I love animals.", "I hike. I like camping."], ["I went skydiving.", "I drink coffee at Barnes and Noble.", "I have a pet lizard.", "I walk to work.", "I have a gecko. I did not take my gecko skydiving.", "This was my first time skydiving, and I was scared. I went skydiving in Napa Valley.", "I don't have any tattoos.", "I like camping."]], [["I invent coffee, and love hiking and camping.", "I love animals.", "I hike. I like camping.", "I have a robot vacuum.", "I have a long haired cat."], ["I went skydiving.", "I drink coffee at Barnes and Noble.", "I have a pet lizard.", "I walk to work.", "I have a gecko. I did not take my gecko skydiving. This was my first time skydiving, and I was scared. I went skydiving in Napa Valley.", "I don't have any tattoos.", "I like camping. I haven't gone camping in awhile.", "I don't like crowds of people.", "My house is dirty. I don't like to cook."]], [["I invent coffee, and love hiking and camping.", "I love animals.", "I hike. I like camping. When I go camping, I usually hire a sitter for my cat or arrange for a boy in my neighborhood to take care of it.", "I have a robot vacuum.", "I have a long haired cat. I used to have a robotic vacuum appliance, but my cat recently broke it. I like having a robotic vacuum because it gives me more time to relax when I'm not at work. I have a job outside the home.", "I'm planning to separate my cat from the vacuum before I try using it again. I like that the vacuum picks up cat hair."], ["I went skydiving.", "I drink coffee at Barnes and Noble.", "I have a pet lizard.", "I walk to work.", "I have a gecko. I did not take my gecko skydiving. This was my first time skydiving, and I was scared. I went skydiving in Napa Valley.", "I don't have any tattoos.", "I like camping. I haven't gone camping in awhile.", "I don't like crowds of people.", "My house is dirty. I don't like to cook."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_943_0", "test_943_1", "test_943_2", "test_943_3", "test_943_4", "test_943_5", "test_943_6", "test_943_7", "test_943_8", "test_943_9", "test_943_10", "test_943_11", "test_943_12", "test_943_13", "test_943_14", "test_943_15", "test_943_16", "test_943_17", "test_943_18", "test_943_19", "test_943_20", "test_943_21", "test_943_22", "test_943_23", "test_943_24", "test_943_25", "test_943_26", "test_943_27", "test_943_28", "test_943_29", "test_943_30", "test_943_31", "test_943_32", "test_943_33", "test_943_34", "test_943_35", "test_943_36", "test_943_37", "test_943_38", "test_943_39", "test_943_40", "test_943_41", "test_943_42", "test_943_43", "test_943_44", "test_943_45", "test_943_46", "test_943_47", "test_943_48", "test_943_49", "test_943_50", "test_943_51", "test_943_52", "test_943_53", "test_943_54", "test_943_55", "test_943_56", "test_943_57", "test_943_58", "test_943_59", "test_943_60", "test_943_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["How do you do?", "Hello, I am doing good, looking at colleges to apply to.", "I just graduated! Got my masters in something that will never make me any money.", "Oh no, what is that?", "Womens studies. Now ill be a bartender for life because I chose a worthless study.", "At least bartending pays well, right?", "Better than fedex, my mom works there.", "Yes, that can be a dangerous job too.", "Her friend craig got fired on his day off for stealing boxes. His day off!", "That is awful, my dogs bark at the fedex guy.", "Was he stealing boxes or delivering them? Might be a good thing.", "Delivering, I always know when he is near.", "See, I have issues with amazon delivering to my houseboat.", "A houseboat sounds fun, does it have an address?", "I found a job that my masters is useful for! ", "Really?! What kind of job is it?", "Associate director of a human rights organization. I'll be helping so many people and I am so happy!", "That sounds amazing! I bet you're looking forward to that. I'm interested in looking into a major like Global Studies for college. What colleges do you think I should apply to?", "It'll be sooo much better than just helping people get drunk. I'm thinking Dartmouth College and Bowdoin College. I'm sure you'd be able to get in!", "Thanks! I've actually been looking into Dartmouth a bit. I'd love to go into a field like you... I really look up to you! I think Global Studies might be good so I can work in human poverty. What human rights areas are you interested in?", "That's so sweet. It's mostly women's issues for me but I'm always open to considering how I could help other people in need.", "I love that. I think I want to look into habitat building for people in need. I'm thinking about volunteering for Habitats for Humanity this summer, but I'll have to find someone to take care of the doggies", "Those dogs are going to miss you but that would be extremely rewarding work. It would look good on your resume too.", "I think so too! Have you ever done a volunteering trip like that?", "Plenty! I actually served in the Peace Corps and took part in all sorts of projects helping people affected by natural disasters. The more action you have on your resume the better for landing a great job after college.", "Wow! I'm really interested in the Peace Corps. I think I might take a gap year after college before applying to Masters programs to go. Is that what you did?", "I just found a soup kitchen we can volunteer at this weekend if you're interested.", "that's awesome! do I need to complete training?", "no training, just show up and help! it is really easy and people will be so grateful for your help. wnt to get lunch after? what is your favorite spot to eat?", "that's so cool! sure, i'd be happy to do lunch. I love korean food, but i'll try anything. do you have a favorite cuisine>", "korean bbq would be great. i know a really good spot where you can cook your own food at the table. have you tried that before? really i like pretty much all kinds of food", "I haven't, but that sounds really fun! I bet you've tried all types of cuisine having traveled for peace corps. what's your favorite?", "i would say teh food in peru is some of the best. but i have not found a good local restaurant that serves peruvian food. maybe i can try to look that up! would you say korean is your favorite?", "Oooh, tell me more about peruvian food! I've never had it. And I don't know if I'd say it's my favorite -- I only recently discovered it, but want to try more things on the menu!", "peruvian food is a lot of meat, corn, and potatoes. pretty basic but made in so many good ways! i recommend you try \"lomo saltado\" if you want to try one of the most popular dishes. but yes korean has so many options, i love all the side dishes", "that sounds really tasty. what types of seasoning does peruvian use? And yes the side dishes have been so fun! I love the radishes the best", "i would say oregano and garlic. maybe some cumin and paprika. it's more about the meat. they even eat llama down there, but that isn't one of my favorites. i love the korean radishes too! and the bean sprouts", "Oh that's really interesting! Like Mexican and Italian but blended together. Eeeek I don't think I could eat llama! I try to be open minded but I struggle with eating animals I otherwise like alive lol", "I found a Peruvian restaurant in town that we can have lunch at. ", "Okay, let's do it! There is a first time for everything. After we are done, you just have to show me this houseboat of yours!", "It is my pride and joy that floating home, not too strange after being in the Peace Corps!", "Yeah, I assume you're right. After being in the Peace Corps not too many things seem all that strange. I mostly want to see how the houseboat is built as I have no idea the type of construction that goes into it.", "I have no idea either since I didn't build it. I mostly live at the bar right now. I am sure you would be great in the PC once you graduate.", "I hope so. I am ready to give back and help others who haven't had the same advantages as us. Plus, it will give me more experience in building housing for people. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should expect during my time in the PC?", "You should bring your dogs with you, and meet tons and tons of people! Be prepared to change your entire lifestyle, and outlook on life, for the better.", "That is the plan! Meeting different people will definitely be one of the benefits. Why do you suggest bringing my dogs with me?", "Why would they want to miss out on that type of travel and meeting other dogs? They can smell a thousand new smells each day, and get out of that small yard they are stuck in.", "All good points! I was mainly worried about leaving him along in a new place, but I'm sure he would enjoy the change of scenery just as much as me. You will have to tell me more about your experience during our lunch at the Peruvian place.", "That is true, I can't wait, I will see you soon. Maybe we can go for Korean next time!", "Sure thing! You keep making me trying new foods and getting me out of my comfort zone. I guess I should get used to that if I'm going into the PC.", "I just found a new Korean BBQ place. Let's go check it out! We can chat about some experiences of the Peace Corps and I can give you some tips and suggestions. ", "Oh that would be amazing! I'm excited to try new food. And honestly ", "I always love to try new foods! I think you'll have a lot of fun there. The people are very friendly and they'll help you choose what to eat. ", "That sounds great! I meant to say that honestly I'm a little nervous about the Peace Corps and I have a lot of questions", "I'll answer whatever I can for you! What are you most nervous about? ", "I'm worried about being alone and not knowing what I'm doing. Did you have a lot of support where you were stationed?", "I did! You won't be entirely alone. And remember that everyone who came through the PC didn't know what they were doing at first. Nobody comes into it already being an expert. You'll get the hang of what you're doing really quickly and the people will help you learn as you go along.", "Thank you, that's good advice! I am going to come up with some of the things I'm thinking about to ask you over dinner. What dish do you recommend?", "Well, mongolian bbq is kind of like a stir-fry. You just pick proteins and vegetables and sauce and they'll cook it for you. For someone new to the experience I'd recommend beef bulgogi. It's a nice flavorful sauce that's not too spicy although if you like spicy food you can ask them to add some heat!", "Oh ok cool, that sounds delicious! I love super spicy food.", "Oh wow! Well, you'll definitely be able to get it there. Just ask them to add in some gochujang sauce. It's a sauce made of red pepper that's pretty hot!", "Yum! I can't wait! Thanks so much for agreeing to meet with me. I already feel better knowing I have you to answer my questions!"], "init_persona": [[["I live on a houseboat.", "I just graduated with my master's degree.", "I work as a bartender.", "I have four brothers and sisters.", "My mother works for fedex."], ["I have three cats and two dogs.", "I work in a large grocery store.", "I didn't finish college but I want to go back.", "Growing up in a small town was the best.", "My first car was a ford."]], [["I have a masters degree. I have just graduated.", "I have a masters degree in Womens studies. I work as a bartender.", "My mom works at fedex. My friend got sacked from fedex.", "I live on a houseboat."], ["I am looking to apply to college.", "I have dogs."]], [["I have just graduated. I have a masters degree in Womens studies. I work as a bartender.", "My mom works at fedex. My friend got sacked from fedex.", "I live on a houseboat.", "I just started my job as associate director of a human rights organization. I'm interested in women's issues.", "I served in the Peace Corps and helped out after national disasters."], ["I am looking to apply to college. I want to major in global studies in college. I want to help others by building housing for them.", "I have a couple of dogs.", "I want to join the Peace Corps before getting my master's."]], [["I have just graduated. I have a masters degree in Womens studies. I work as a bartender.", "My mom works at fedex. My friend got sacked from fedex.", "I live on a houseboat.", "I just started my job as associate director of a human rights organization. I'm interested in women's issues.", "I served in the Peace Corps and helped out after national disasters.", "I want to volunteer at a soup kitchen.", "I like Korean BBQ. I like all kinds of food. My favorite food is Peruvian.I like meat, corn and potatoes. I love side dishes. I don't enjoy eating llama. I love Korean radishes."], ["I am looking to apply to college. I want to major in global studies in college. I want to help others by building housing for them.", "I have a couple of dogs.", "I want to join the Peace Corps before getting my master's.", "I want to volunteer at a soup kitchen.", "I love Korean food. I am not a picky eater. I have never had Korean BBQ. I know nothing about Peruvian food. I am new to Korean food. I love Korean radishes. I like side dishes.", "I like blending Mexican and Italian food. I could not eat llama. I don't like eating animals I like."]], [["I have just graduated. I have a masters degree in Womens studies. I work as a bartender.", "My mom works at fedex. My friend got sacked from fedex.", "I live on a houseboat.", "I just started my job as associate director of a human rights organization. I'm interested in women's issues.", "I served in the Peace Corps and helped out after national disasters.", "I want to volunteer at a soup kitchen.", "I like Korean BBQ. I like all kinds of food. My favorite food is Peruvian.I like meat, corn and potatoes. I love side dishes. I don't enjoy eating llama. I love Korean radishes. I like trying new foods.", "I do not know much about construction. I did not build my houseboat.", "I care about the wellbeing of dogs."], ["I am looking to apply to college. I want to major in global studies in college. I want to help others by building housing for them.", "I have a couple of dogs.", "I want to join the Peace Corps before getting my master's.", "I want to volunteer at a soup kitchen.", "I love Korean food. I am not a picky eater. I have never had Korean BBQ. I know nothing about Peruvian food. I am new to Korean food. I love Korean radishes. I like side dishes.", "I like blending Mexican and Italian food. I could not eat llama. I don't like eating animals I like.", "I do not know much about construction. I like to help people. I want to build houses.", "I like meeting new people. I enjoy new scenery. I do not get out of my comfort zone much. I am trying to prepare myself for the Peace Corps."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_944_0", "test_944_1", "test_944_2", "test_944_3", "test_944_4", "test_944_5", "test_944_6", "test_944_7", "test_944_8", "test_944_9", "test_944_10", "test_944_11", "test_944_12", "test_944_13", "test_944_14", "test_944_15", "test_944_16", "test_944_17", "test_944_18", "test_944_19", "test_944_20", "test_944_21", "test_944_22", "test_944_23", "test_944_24", "test_944_25", "test_944_26", "test_944_27", "test_944_28", "test_944_29", "test_944_30", "test_944_31", "test_944_32", "test_944_33", "test_944_34", "test_944_35", "test_944_36", "test_944_37", "test_944_38", "test_944_39", "test_944_40", "test_944_41", "test_944_42", "test_944_43", "test_944_44", "test_944_45", "test_944_46", "test_944_47", "test_944_48", "test_944_49", "test_944_50", "test_944_51", "test_944_52", "test_944_53", "test_944_54", "test_944_55", "test_944_56", "test_944_57", "test_944_58", "test_944_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! I love meeting new people. Tell me something about yourself!", "Hi! I'm originally from southern california where my dad was a farmer, how about you?", "I work, but only part time. I really like to watch movies!", "Yeah, good full time jobs are hard to find. What kind of work do you?", "I actually work in a warehouse. Nothing super fun, but it pays the bills.", "I just moved here for my job. Where are you from?", "I'm not sure where I'm from. I really like to cruise to see new places.", "Me too! Travel is my favorite thing.", "Awesome! Any favorite foods? A few of mine are pizza and burgers. Yum!", "I love pizza too! And avocados. That's what we grew on the farm.", "Wow, that's really cool! What music do you like? For me, punk is the best.", "I once drove 1000 miles to see the ramones. They're my favorite!", "How's the new job going? Got any plans to travel anytime soon, maybe to visit the family farm?", "Oh, it's a good thing I moved, and I am looking forward to having time to travel. I want to go to some music festivals, I love punk rock.", "Where did you end up moving to? A place that has music festivals and good pizza?", "The Napa Valley, so yes, I guess you could say to both. Terrific pizza and some small festivals. But I really want to go to Coachella next year, I can easily combine that with a trip to see my parents and their avocado orchard.", "Oh that sounds like a good plan. Say someone wanted to join you on this trip to Coachella and get some pizza...how would that happen?", "Hey, the more the merrier, just pm me for the details, if a group of us go we can rent a van, and stop at all the pizza parlors along the way. Comparative taste testing.", "Omg that sounds incredible. Okay now we have to do this. I got a few friends I can ask, but I'll make sure you're okay with them first. Do you have any people you'd want to bring along?", "Yes, I think I'll be bringing along a couple of people I've met at my new job. It would be a real team bonding experience.", "Wow, they must have made a really good first impression on you to want to go with them on a roadtrip!", "Yes, I'm really enjoying this new job, it was worth the move, and considering the way we go through the company pizzas, I know they are up for that also.", "Company pizzas, are they hiring? haha. Don't tell me they get you some high end pizzas over there!", "You better believe it, they feed us well around here, but they also demand a lot of work. What about your job, do you get lunch and coffee thrown in??", "I found a couple of friends that would like to go on the trip to Coachella.", "Awesome. Have they been before? I've been to a lot of festivals but never Coachella.", "They have! It's me who would be going for the first time. I've never been to a festival. What're they like?", "Chaotic but super fun. Everyone is there for the same reason as you so it's like hanging out with an infinitely large group of close friends. Just gotta hope the weather is good.", "yeah I can imagine. what do people do if it rains?", "They go anyway and make the best of it. One year they made a huge muddy slip and slide. Gotta make lemonade out of life's lemons.lol", "sounds like a party! are there multiple show stages or just one?", "Yeah, you just wander around and find one you're interested in and hang out and make new friends.", "that's pretty cool. are there like, showers or places to charge phones or anything? (sorry for so many questions, just trying to wrap my mind around the experience lol)", "I've never been to Coachella but at the smaller festivals there are so I'm sure Coachella would be the same or probably even better. It's definitely something to experience once in your life.", "It sounds really fun. I'll just have to be sure to wear sunscreen! Have you been to lots of festivals?", "Yeah, I try to go a few times a year. And definitely bring sunscreen and do not let yourself get dehydrated and end up in the Red Cross tent.", "Doesn't look like they're having a lot of punk acts at Coachella which is too bad, still planning to have a good time though!", "Im sure there will be a few bands you will enjoy. It is Coachella after all. ", "I hope so, and I hope that it's not just a bunch of snobby rich people. That's definitely not my scene, but I am looking forward to going.", "There will 100% be snobby rich but you will find more of your crowd im sure of it. ", "Well, at least the people watching with you will be fun. lol! Do you know if they usually have good food there?", "Oh I got you covered on the food front. The food there is like 40$ for a piece of toast with cheese and one slice of tomato LOL. We are going to have alot of fun ", "Perfect! I intentionally didn't check yet who is playing there. I want it to be a total surprise and just live in the moment. Did you have any trouble getting off of work? ", "Not at all. I told them before they hired me that I needed this week off. Yup. I cheated and took a peek at whos playing though. YOU ARE GONNA LOVE IT!!", "Good. It sounds like we're all set then. Is there anything you need me to bring?", "SUNSCREEN!! Like barrels of it HAHAH! Just few basics. I will text you the list.", "Thanks, I would appreciate that. And yes, sunscreen is vital for those of us who are 90% Irish. We just burn and freckle. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. LOL!", "Yes I know how you burn. Remember the pizza weekend at the beach last summer. Lobster boy HAHA JK JK", "Are you headed back to work already? I hope you've had enough time to rest after our crazy week!", "Not yet, thank goodness. I am still enjoying the time to myself to recharge!", "Coachella was a blast. I am so glad that I went. I have a ton of video that I need to go through. Did you get good pictures and videos? I'd to share what we each got with each other.", "I got some really great and fun pics. I will send them to you over email for approval before I post on social media.", "Hmmmm. Well I certainly do not need to approve your pics. They are yours. I would never try to keep you from posting any of them. I was just thinking we could share what each of us took. Maybe you have pics and videos of things that I missed.", "Oh okay. Some people want the \"okay\" before pics make it to the universe! ", "I suppose they do. Anyway, I made it through the week without any sunburn. All pictures of me are \"burn free\"! I started looking into the bands that were there. I liked a lot of the music, and much of it I had never heard before. Some very talented bands out there.", "No kidding! What a great lineup. It was one for the books!", "Did you have any favorite bands from the week? I really like Smith and the Stones and Froggy Jump.", "Those were enjoyable, but Napa Newsomes really did it for me!", "I will have to go back and check my videos. I did not remember that band. Good thing is there was plenty of them so you almost always can find one that you enjoy. The crazy clothes people were wearing was also cool. A Lot of unique styles.", "I certainly picked up some fashion do's and don'ts while there!"], "init_persona": [[["I like watching movies.", "I work part time in a warehouse.", "I like punk music.", "I like pizza and burgers.", "I enjoy cruising."], ["I have 2 brothers older than me.", "My dad was a farmer back in the day.", "I recently moved to a new city.", "I drove 1000 miles to see my favorite band play."]], [["I am outgoing and enjoy meeting new people.", "I am employed part time. I enjoy films.", "I work part-time in a warehouse.", "I enjoy traveling.", "Pizza and burgers are two of my favorite foods.", "I enjoy music. Punk is my favorite type of music."], ["I am the child of a farmer from California.", "I recently relocated for work.", "Traveling is my favorite thing to do.", "I like pizza and avocados. My father grew avacados on our farm.", "I love punk music. The Ramones are my favorite band."]], [["I am outgoing and enjoy meeting new people.", "I am employed part time. I enjoy films.", "I work part-time in a warehouse.", "I enjoy traveling.", "Pizza and burgers are two of my favorite foods.", "I enjoy music. Punk is my favorite type of music."], ["I am the child of a farmer from California.", "I recently relocated for work. I just moved.", "Traveling is my favorite thing to do.", "I like pizza and avocados. My father grew avacados on our farm.", "I love punk music. The Ramones are my favorite band. I enjoy going to music festivals, and punk rock music.", "I live in the Napa Valley. Napa Valley has terrific pizza and some small festivals. I want to go to Coachella next year. My parents have an avocado orchard.", "I have a new job. I am enjoying my new job. My coworkers enjoy pizza. My job demands a lot of work."]], [["I am outgoing and enjoy meeting new people.", "I am employed part time. I enjoy films.", "I work part-time in a warehouse.", "I enjoy traveling.", "Pizza and burgers are two of my favorite foods.", "I enjoy music. Punk is my favorite type of music.", "I want to go to Coachella with friends. I have never been to a music festival. I wear sunscreen."], ["I am the child of a farmer from California.", "I recently relocated for work. I just moved.", "Traveling is my favorite thing to do.", "I like pizza and avocados. My father grew avacados on our farm.", "I love punk music. The Ramones are my favorite band. I enjoy going to music festivals, and punk rock music.", "I live in the Napa Valley. Napa Valley has terrific pizza and some small festivals. I want to go to Coachella next year. My parents have an avocado orchard.", "I have a new job. I am enjoying my new job. My coworkers enjoy pizza. My job demands a lot of work.", "I go to music festivals often. I have never been to Coachella. I usually go to smaller music festivals rather than larger. I go to music festivals many times a year. I wear sunscreen."]], [["I am outgoing and enjoy meeting new people.", "I am employed part time. I enjoy films.", "I work part-time in a warehouse.", "I enjoy traveling.", "Pizza and burgers are two of my favorite foods.", "I enjoy music. Punk is my favorite type of music.", "I want to go to Coachella with friends. I have never been to a music festival. I am going to Coachella. I am excited about going to Coachella. I hope there will be bands I like at Coachella. I have not checked who is playing at Coachella. I enjoy surprises.", "I am 90% Irish. I need to buy sunscreen. I burn and freckle easily."], ["I am the child of a farmer from California.", "I recently relocated for work. I just moved.", "Traveling is my favorite thing to do.", "I like pizza and avocados. My father grew avacados on our farm.", "I love punk music. The Ramones are my favorite band. I enjoy going to music festivals, and punk rock music.", "I live in the Napa Valley. Napa Valley has terrific pizza and some small festivals. I want to go to Coachella next year. My parents have an avocado orchard.", "I have a new job. I am enjoying my new job. My coworkers enjoy pizza. My job demands a lot of work.", "I go to music festivals often. I have never been to Coachella. I usually go to smaller music festivals rather than larger. I go to music festivals many times a year. I wear sunscreen.", "I am excited to go to Coachella. I have eaten the food at Coachella. I have this week off. I have checked who is playing at Coachella.", "I went to the beach last summer."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_945_0", "test_945_1", "test_945_2", "test_945_3", "test_945_4", "test_945_5", "test_945_6", "test_945_7", "test_945_8", "test_945_9", "test_945_10", "test_945_11", "test_945_12", "test_945_13", "test_945_14", "test_945_15", "test_945_16", "test_945_17", "test_945_18", "test_945_19", "test_945_20", "test_945_21", "test_945_22", "test_945_23", "test_945_24", "test_945_25", "test_945_26", "test_945_27", "test_945_28", "test_945_29", "test_945_30", "test_945_31", "test_945_32", "test_945_33", "test_945_34", "test_945_35", "test_945_36", "test_945_37", "test_945_38", "test_945_39", "test_945_40", "test_945_41", "test_945_42", "test_945_43", "test_945_44", "test_945_45", "test_945_46", "test_945_47", "test_945_48", "test_945_49", "test_945_50", "test_945_51", "test_945_52", "test_945_53", "test_945_54", "test_945_55", "test_945_56", "test_945_57", "test_945_58", "test_945_59", "test_945_60", "test_945_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! It's to rainy for a walk on the beach today, which I love. What are you into?", "Hi! My cat just had a kitten. It's adorable.", "I love cats! I'd love to see a big on on a mountain hike!", "Yikes! I'm a city girl. Grew up in tallahassee.", "Haha! I read about cats in school. You go to school?", "I'm done with school. What abut you?", "I'm a senior. This is my last year of high school! Yippy!", "Congrats! I just got a new cut and color from my stylist.", "Nice! I wish it was me, but I'm moving into a spanish community next week.", "Sorry it took so long. I fixed an iced tea, my fav. Drink.", "It's ok. What else are you into?", "Well, I love the zoo. I think it is fascinating.", "I like listening to spanish people when they don't know I understand their language..", "That's too funny! Can't imagine their reactions when they find out the truth.", "I am all packed and ready to start moving to the Spanish District! It took a long time to organize my stuff", "I bet! If it were me I probably would have spent half the time I was packing looking at my cats!", "Well, what better way to pass the time? I just wish this process could be a little faster! ", "I'd be happy to help you unpack at your new place. Just promise me a nice, cold iced tea and I'll be good to go.", "Oh, that sounds wonderful! What's your favorite kind of iced tea? I never did like the flavors, but I know many do. :) ", "Lipton! Can't beat a classic.", "You're right about that, and thanks so much for offering to help me unpack. I'll definitely have some yummy tea ready! ", "Sweet! Literally. I think this move is going to be a great move for you. Haha get it?", "Oh, that's was awesome! So, besides helping me and my moving mess, what are your summer plans? ", "Sadly, mainly working. I'm hoping to take a trip to some city with a massive zoo once my finances are in order though.", "Oh, that would be so good for you! I hope to see lots of fun zoos and parks in my new district. When you are able, would you like to come visit with me and we can tour all the zoos and parks we can fit in a trip? ", "I would love that. It sounds a wonderful adventure with you. ", "What are your cats names?", "Her name is Baby. I named her kitten Boo Boo. Do you have any cats?", "Super cute! I don\u2019t have any yet but I\u2019d love to... Maybe in a few years!", "Sure you don't want one sooner? lol You'll have to let me know if you have a zoo where you move. It would be a lot of fun to come visit and go to the zoo!", "Actually there is a huge zoo just a few miles from my place. We should definitely plan on a visit soon- a weekend that works for both of us will be purrrfect!", "Ha Ha. I'm free every weekend for the next couple of months. Just let me know when you want me to come. I've got to send you a picture of my new hair color. ", "How about next Saturday? I\u2019ll have the iced tea ready ;) What color did you dye your hair?!", "I look forward to it! Well, not only did I go shorter, I was very bold and went Pink! Can you believe it? Pink!", "Omg... lol... can\u2019t wait to see the pic! Pink!! Really?! You are bold... gotta give you that!", "Thank goodness it washes out lol. I'm not bold enough for the permanent stuff. ", "Enjoy it while it lasts... I bet you\u2019ll be ready for another funky color before this one has faded out! By the way you\u2019re most welcome to bring Baby and Boo Boo with you next Saturday.", "I'm thinking about blue for the next time. Thanks. You'll enjoy Boo Boo, he's a mess! ", "Let's plan a time to go to the zoo since you are free for the next few weeks.", "Sounds like a great plan! Let's visit the zoo after you get all settled into your new place. How long can you stay at the zoo? Will it be an all day trip? I sure hope so.", "I can probably stay at the zoo the whole day. How do you want to get there? We could take the bus or I could see in one of my parents could take us.", "Let's take the bus! I do not want your parents to have to drive all that way, and then we won't feel rushed either. I am really looking forward to seeing the baby lions that were just born. Which exhibit do you want to see?", "I want to see the big cats - the lions and tigers. How about you?", "I definitely want to see the big cats too, that will have to be our very first stop. I think the zoo has recently released a new amphibian and reptile exhibit which will be nice to check out. ", "Those aren't my favorite animals, but that's okay. At least I'm not afraid of snakes like some people.", "Oh okay, we can skip it if you will feel scared. I know that there is another zoo in the next city over. Maybe we could visit that sometime over the summer as well? I have every weekend off this summe.", "That sounds like a plan. I'll have to see which weekends work for me.", "Okay, I hope that you will be able to visit the additional zoo with me. Zoo's and animals have been a big bonding point within our relationship. We could even get annual passes to the zoo and then visit as many times a year as we would like. Is that something that you may be interested in?", "Maybe, I'll have to see if I can afford it. Hopefully, I will find a part time job for the summer.", "I hope that you are able to find a part time job. It should be easy since there are so many places hiring right now.", "The baby lions looks so cute, I wish i could play with it. ", "I think any baby animal looks quite cute, really. Except baby insects. They're just creepy. How about you? Which baby animals are your favorites?", "I think baby elephants are sweet. And elephants are such social animals and help take care of each other. I've been seeing a lot of praying mantis in our garden this year. ", "Do praying mantis damage plants? I always feel like they're so rare that I've never learned much about them.", "No, they eat other insects. They have giant front legs to snatch them fast. They're green. One fall there were a dead one on our front steps that was over 3 inches long.", "Wow. Good thing they're skinny, or they'd be much scarier. By the way, are you finished packing for your move? I bet it's stressful.", "No, I'm not done. I'm pretty excited but my mom is stressing out! Was it stressful leaving Tallahassee?", "Yeah, it was, though not because of the packing. It was just the anxiety of having to get used to a new place. Are you nervous?", "Not really. I would be nervous if I wasn't finished with school. I guess I'm somewhat nervous about finding a job. Did it take you long to get used to your new location?", "I'd say it took a few months, but it helped to join some local events in the beginning. I was able to meet people in a swing dance class, believe it or not. I still talk to some of those people. Maybe you could look online for fun local classes.", "Yeah, I am not sure what swing dance is but I'm interested in ballroom dancing.", "Swing is a lot of fun, but it takes a lot of energy because it's pretty active. Ballroom sounds fun to try. I feel like it's less forgiving of mistakes, though, so you have to look more elegant. Do you like any other types of dance?"], "init_persona": [[["I love taking walks on the beach.", "In my free time, I go on mountain hikes.", "I can speak english and spanish fluently.", "I'm currently in high school.", "I am moving to a new house next week."], ["I grew up in the city.", "My favorite drink is iced tea.", "I love visiting the zoo.", "I have one cat that just had a kitten.", "I just got a new hair cut and color."]], [["I live near a beach. I like to take walks.", "I like cats. I like to ride a mountain bike.", "I am a Senior in High School.", "I am moving in a week.", "I speak Spanish."], ["I have a female cat. My female cat just gave birth to 1 kitten.", "I live in the city. I do not like the country. I grew up in Tallahassee.", "I am finished with school.", "I just cut and dyed my hair.", "I like iced tea.", "I like going to the zoo."]], [["I live near a beach. I like to take walks.", "I like cats. I like to ride a mountain bike.", "I am a Senior in High School.", "I am moving in a week.", "I speak Spanish. I am moving to the Spanish District.", "I hope there are a lot of zoos and parks in my new district."], ["I have a female cat. My female cat just gave birth to 1 kitten.", "I live in the city. I do not like the country. I grew up in Tallahassee.", "I am finished with school.", "I just cut and dyed my hair.", "I like going to the zoo.", "My favorite iced tea is Lipton.", "My summer plans are working and taking a trip to a city with a big zoo."]], [["I live near a beach. I like to take walks.", "I like cats. I don't have any cats. I like to ride a mountain bike.", "I am a Senior in High School.", "I am moving in a week.", "I speak Spanish. I am moving to the Spanish District.", "I hope there are a lot of zoos and parks in my new district. There is a zoo close to where I live."], ["I have a female cat. My female cat just gave birth to 1 kitten. I have two cats. One cat is named Baby. One kitten is named Boo Boo.", "I live in the city. I do not like the country. I grew up in Tallahassee.", "I am finished with school.", "I just cut and dyed my hair.", "I like going to the zoo.", "My favorite iced tea is Lipton.", "My summer plans are working and taking a trip to a city with a big zoo.", "I recently dyed my hair. I cut my hair shorter recently. My hair is colored pink. My hair is not permanently dyed.", "I am free every weekend for the next couple of months."]], [["I live near a beach. I like to take walks.", "I like cats. I don't have any cats. I like to ride a mountain bike.", "I am a Senior in High School.", "I am moving in a week.", "I speak Spanish. I am moving to the Spanish District.", "I hope there are a lot of zoos and parks in my new district. There is a zoo close to where I live. next few weeks we are free so Let's plan to go to the zoo. I can stay whole day at the zoo. I want to see the big cats.", "I will find a part time job for this summer to earn money."], ["I have a female cat. My female cat just gave birth to 1 kitten. I have two cats. One cat is named Baby. One kitten is named Boo Boo.", "I live in the city. I do not like the country. I grew up in Tallahassee.", "I am finished with school.", "I just cut and dyed my hair.", "I like going to the zoo.", "My favorite iced tea is Lipton.", "My summer plans are working and taking a trip to a city with a big zoo.", "I recently dyed my hair. I cut my hair shorter recently. My hair is colored pink. My hair is not permanently dyed.", "I am free every weekend for the next couple of months.", "we can go by bus, our parents will be tried to drive along way. I excited to see baby lion. the zoo has new animals like amphibian and reptile."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_946_0", "test_946_1", "test_946_2", "test_946_3", "test_946_4", "test_946_5", "test_946_6", "test_946_7", "test_946_8", "test_946_9", "test_946_10", "test_946_11", "test_946_12", "test_946_13", "test_946_14", "test_946_15", "test_946_16", "test_946_17", "test_946_18", "test_946_19", "test_946_20", "test_946_21", "test_946_22", "test_946_23", "test_946_24", "test_946_25", "test_946_26", "test_946_27", "test_946_28", "test_946_29", "test_946_30", "test_946_31", "test_946_32", "test_946_33", "test_946_34", "test_946_35", "test_946_36", "test_946_37", "test_946_38", "test_946_39", "test_946_40", "test_946_41", "test_946_42", "test_946_43", "test_946_44", "test_946_45", "test_946_46", "test_946_47", "test_946_48", "test_946_49", "test_946_50", "test_946_51", "test_946_52", "test_946_53", "test_946_54", "test_946_55", "test_946_56", "test_946_57", "test_946_58", "test_946_59", "test_946_60", "test_946_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello! What do you do for a living?", "I'm fine... I am a dentist.", "Interesting! I haven't seen one in awhile since I'm now a vegan.", "Dont you love animals at all.", "No, not as much as going to the gym.", "Lol you are just like my twin sister.", "Wow neat! Are you married?", "Yes but me and my wife are not living in the same room.", "Ironically neither are me and my husband. He is an lawyer with long hours.", "Very good I live in the mid west you?", "I live in nevada. Just purchased my own jeep wrangler for these rocky hills.", "I dont have a car I save my money for gold.", "All of my saved money goes into my gym membership as I love going there.", "Good do you have a twin?", "My husband took on a very high profile case. I am excited because it will be good for his business, but I am also nervous because of the media attention that will come with it.", "Oh, that is both exciting and worrisome! What kind of case is it?", "I am not really suppose to discus it but a very rich guy is accused of killing his maid", "Oh fascinating (and sad of course)! I want to be rich enough to have a maid, but I would let him or her live. Do you think he did it? ", "That is all can say about the case. I am not allowed to say anymore, sorry.", "It is ok. Your husband is lucky to have a partner like you. Has he ever taken on a high-profile case before? I bet the media in Nevada eats that stuff up!'", "This is his first big case. The Nevada is eating this up because the rich guy owns a few casinos and hotels in Las Vegas.", "I bet so. I hope they don't follow you around town! I imagine it would be hard to work out with cameras all around you!", "We have a house outside of Las Vegas so it is not so bad here. Oh by the way what causes a sensitive front bottom tooth? I am starting to get a toothache.", "Surely you know that being vegan does not mean you won't have dental issues! It could be a number of things. Sounds like your nerve might be exposed. I would get to a dentist right away! ", "That is what it feels like. The top part of the tooth there is no pain but close to the gum line when I touch it i feel pain", "Definitely time to see a dentist. I had a patient who had to have 7 teeth removed because she waited too long to go to the dentist and the cavity she had just took over! It was gross even for me and my hygienist. Does it hurt to drink cold or hot beverages?", "I have a dentist appointment scheduled for tomorrow to get my toothache checked out.", "I am glad to hear that! It is always get it check out before it is too late. Any updates on your husband's case?", "I could cancel and you could look at my teeth. I can't talk about his case sorry, it's confidential.", "I hear you and I totally understand, it is just to excited. My bad sorry.. Yeah I can squeeze you in tomorrow after lunch time. Does that work for you?", "Sounds great! You got any cleaning appointments available either? I don't want to loose any teeth to decay", "Let me check on that aching tooth tomorrow first. If it needs a filling or not.. If not I can do a quick cleaning session. Other vise we might need to schedule another appointment for the cleaning. Does it sound alright for you?", "All sounds good. I bed the gold you've saved up could be used for teeth caps.", "Hahaha never thought of that before. I collect gold as an investement not a bling. Although I am thinking to start saving for a car. Are you happy with your Jeep Wrangler?", "It's alright it's nice to drive to Tahoe in it, but it's a guzzler. I should probably cancel my gym membership.", "To be honest I canceled my ages ago. I wasn't using it anyway, instead we are walking with my twin sister every week. I think walking is the best sport activity. ", "Yeah hiking is pretty popular in the northern parts of nevada. I love weight lifting though I can't just walk or I get bored. Maybe I should make a at home gym.", "I used to have an at home gym, I didnt use it at all. It was just siting there.. I sold it online. I got bored walking alone too. That's why I like to walk with my sister, to have a company and to catch up.. Maybe you should get a work out buddy too?", "What kind of car do you want to buy?", "I have always wanted a Jeep, they seem like so much fun to drive, and there are so many things you can do to customize them. ", "Nice! I love my Jeep. What kinds of customizations would you want to make?", "I'm not exactly sure, I have always liked the idea of lifting it up a little bit with some nice tires. I also like the idea of dropping the top and taking of the doors to feel the breeze when you drive it. Does your Jeep have a hard or soft top?", "Mine has a hard top. I like to be protected from damage in case of an accident.", "That is smart thinking. Do you ever take off the top or doors? Do you have any other customizations on your Jeep? Do you use it to tow or haul anything?", "I keep the tops and doors on because they make me feel safer. I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to make any customizations. I've never had to tow anything before and I'm hoping I don't have to. I'm scared to break something.", "That makes sense. What color is your Jeep? Also, what kind of vehicle does your husband drive?", "My jeep is red. My husband drives a toyota corolla. He values reliability a lot in his cars.", "I also value reliability. Toyota's are good cars, I have also been thinking about getting a Toyota. They seem very practical.", "They're really good if you take care of them. It seems like they can last forever.", "There are a lot of them on the road. I heard that you have to pay more for insurance on red vehicles, is that true with your Jeep?", "How about your plan to buy a car? Have you decided to buy Toyota?", "You know, I looked around and decided to go with something sportier. I bought a Mini Cooper! Have you ever driven one of those?", "I hear they are very nippy cars. My good friend has one i have driven one once but my legs are long and can't get comfortable in them. I like my Jeep!! Hope you enjoy this, planning any outing soon?", "I think I might take a drive up into the Smoky Mountains. Not only are there beautiful views there are lots of nice twisty roads that I can scoot around on. The car handles fantastic, but the suspension is...well, it's a \"sport suspension\". Not exactly like driving a couch down the road, haha!", "You will find it very nippy on those kind of roads for sure. Is it custom made with flags or fancy head light tassels, just saying would look good lol. I'm trying the exercise priority and getting to do some rabbling. So off in the Jeep and bring my boots and hiking sticks. Do you get out for good walks in the smoky mountains?", "I might do some hiking there! I've never done it before, usually when I've been in the Smokies it's on the way to somewhere else so there's no time to stop and walk around. I know there are a lot of hiking trails there. The Mini doesn't have any flags on it (yet lol!) or tassels. I've seen both Minis and VW Beetles with eyelashes though. I think they're really adorable but not something I'd put on the car. Does your Jeep have anything like that?", "A little bling it ok but i know what you mean it can be a bit much too. Mini's do need something to give them something retro maybe. I hope you are able stop on route for a good stomp, i'm getting well into my fitness now with my gym membership. It is a good stress release going a few times a week what with my husband working away it is a good distraction. Hows your mouth now after having all those extractions, hope no concerns and no pain?", "Oh that was my patient! I had her in for follow up and they're healing really well, no dry sockets or anything. How are you feeling, I know you said earlier you were starting to get a toothache.", "Bless you thanks for asking, im doing fine it just needed a bit of a filling and all is well. Sorry for the misunderstanding regarding your patients that's a tough one. Do you see a lot of that with patients? Is it all the sugary drinks that causes that? You probably don't want to talk about work but you must get a lot of questions all the time socially.", "It really depends. Sometimes it's sugary drinks, sometimes it's lack of brushing, sometimes it's just that they have genetically poor enamel and are more prone to cavities. I get fewer questions socially than you might think, I think it's because people are afraid I'm going to say they need the tooth yanked, haha! ", "Flossing is the question i always get asked when at check ups. Its a routine i need to stick with and hopefully look after them. I hear what you say in regards a mixture of issues and its surprises me that people don't brush their teeth. Again probably lots of reasons for that also. How is your twin sister getting on is she in the same profession as you? ", "Yes, flossing is really important for both tooth and gum health! My sister is doing great! She's not a dentist, no, she's an assistant curator at the Met in New York City. She works with medieval art."], "init_persona": [[["I am a vegan.", "I love going to the gym.", "I own a jeep wrangler.", "I am married.", "My husband is a lawyer."], ["I live in the midwest.", "I have a twin sister.", "I have been a dentist for 14 years.", "My wife and I sleep in separate rooms.", "My favorite precious metal is gold."]], [["I have not been to a dentist in awhile. I am now a vegan.", "I do not love animals. I enjoy going to the gym.", "I am married. Me and my husband do not live in the same room. My husband is a lawyer.", "I live in Nevada. I just purchased my own Jeep Wrangler.", "My saved money goes towards my gym membership."], ["I am a dentist.", "I have a twin sister.", "Me and my wife do not live in the same room.", "I live in the midwest.", "I do not have a car. I save my money for gold."]], [["I have not been to a dentist in awhile. I am now a vegan.", "I do not love animals. I enjoy going to the gym.", "I am married. Me and my husband do not live in the same room. My husband is a lawyer. He just took on a very high profile case. My husband is working on a case involving a very rich guy accused of killing his maid. This case is my husbands first big case.", "I live in Nevada. I just purchased my own Jeep Wrangler.", "My saved money goes towards my gym membership.", "I have a house outside of Las Vegas. I am starting to get a toothache."], ["I am a dentist. I've had a patient who had to have 7 teeth removed because she waited too long to go to the dentist.", "I have a twin sister.", "Me and my wife do not live in the same room.", "I live in the midwest.", "I do not have a car. I save my money for gold."]], [["I have not been to a dentist in awhile. I am now a vegan.", "I do not love animals. I enjoy going to the gym.", "I am married. Me and my husband do not live in the same room. My husband is a lawyer. He just took on a very high profile case. My husband is working on a case involving a very rich guy accused of killing his maid. This case is my husbands first big case.", "I live in Nevada. I just purchased my own Jeep Wrangler.", "My saved money goes towards my gym membership.", "I have a house outside of Las Vegas. I am starting to get a toothache.", "I like to drive to Tahoe.", "I love weight lifting."], ["I am a dentist. I've had a patient who had to have 7 teeth removed because she waited too long to go to the dentist.", "I have a twin sister.", "Me and my wife do not live in the same room.", "I live in the midwest.", "I do not have a car. I save my money for gold. I collect gold. I want to buy a new car.", "I like to walk."]], [["I have not been to a dentist in awhile. I am now a vegan.", "I do not love animals. I enjoy going to the gym.", "I am married. Me and my husband do not live in the same room. My husband is a lawyer. He just took on a very high profile case. My husband is working on a case involving a very rich guy accused of killing his maid. This case is my husbands first big case.", "I live in Nevada. I just purchased my own Jeep Wrangler. My Jeep has hard top. My Jeep has tops and doors. I've never towed anything before. My Jeep is red. my husband drives and his car is toyota corolla.", "My saved money goes towards my gym membership.", "I have a house outside of Las Vegas. I am starting to get a toothache.", "I like to drive to Tahoe.", "I love weight lifting."], ["I am a dentist. I've had a patient who had to have 7 teeth removed because she waited too long to go to the dentist.", "I have a twin sister.", "Me and my wife do not live in the same room.", "I live in the midwest.", "I do not have a car. I save my money for gold. I collect gold. I want to buy a new car.", "I like to walk.", "I don't have a Jeep."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_948_0", "test_948_1", "test_948_2", "test_948_3", "test_948_4", "test_948_5", "test_948_6", "test_948_7", "test_948_8", "test_948_9", "test_948_10", "test_948_11", "test_948_12", "test_948_13", "test_948_14", "test_948_15", "test_948_16", "test_948_17", "test_948_18", "test_948_19", "test_948_20", "test_948_21", "test_948_22", "test_948_23", "test_948_24", "test_948_25", "test_948_26", "test_948_27", "test_948_28", "test_948_29", "test_948_30", "test_948_31", "test_948_32", "test_948_33", "test_948_34", "test_948_35", "test_948_36", "test_948_37", "test_948_38", "test_948_39", "test_948_40", "test_948_41", "test_948_42", "test_948_43", "test_948_44", "test_948_45", "test_948_46", "test_948_47", "test_948_48", "test_948_49", "test_948_50", "test_948_51", "test_948_52", "test_948_53", "test_948_54", "test_948_55", "test_948_56", "test_948_57", "test_948_58", "test_948_59", "test_948_60", "test_948_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello nice to meet you.", "Howdy hows your day going?", "My day is going well and you?", "Its going ok just trying to get by.", "Oh sounds like you need a pick me up.", "Well my wife and I recently got divorced and im lost as to what to do.", "Oh I'm sorry to hear about that.", "Yea im just going day by day trying to figure things out. Anything going on with you?", "Well I'm planning on buying a new care.", "Thats nice you like cars?", "Not really just need them to get around.", "Yea im the same way im into scuba diving and snakes more.", "Wow sounds like a great hobby.", "Yea you probably wouldnt have guessed it but im a us marine vet.", "I ended up buying a new car, I went with an SUV.", "I bet you hated parting with all that money buying something you don't really like?", "Yeah I did but I suppose I need one to get around so didn't have much choice but to get one. How's the single life treating you?", "Yeah things are ok thinking about getting back on the dating scene and trying to find someone new in my life.", "Yeah now that your divorced maybe it's time to make that step and move on and try and find happiness with someone else.", "I think thats what I need at least to have get out there and start searching. I was thinking about joining an online dating site.", "Sounds like a good idea to me a lot of people find love that way these days. I have friends that met through online dating.", "Yeah, I think I will give it a try then and see who comes a long, maybe I will meet the love of my life lol.", "You never know you might just find them, you got to start somewhere right?", "Yeah, at least online I have don't have to go far to connect with lots off women and I may just find the one amongst them all.", "Your right it makes it so much easier to meet people these days but you got to be careful of the catfish out there as well.", "Yeah so many people hide who they really are you can never be 100% sure.", "I found out my new SUV has cruise control which my other car did not. ", "That's great, cruise control is really helpful, especially when you are on the highway for a while.", "Great point. I do a lot of highway driving too.", "Did you know some cars have adaptive cruise control now? They use radar to see cars ahead, and can speed up and slow down with traffic.", "No way! Wow! Technology is really doing amazing things these days.", "Yeah, I'm really curious as to what they do next with vehicle technology. I think self driving cars are pretty much the only thing left to do!", "I would kill for one of those once they are out and affordable.", "Yeah me to. Teslas are almost full self driving, but they are super expensive, definitely not affordable for the average person.", "Right. They are WAY out of my budget!", "Yeah, plus the quality just isn't there. They tend to have so many little defects that just don't happen with other auto makers, but I guess that's what happens with you are pretty new at making cars.", "What are you driving these days? How did you and your ex split up the cars?", "We each had our own car. When we were married we shared finances, so I guess we both sort of helped with buying them for eachother. We decided it would be simplier if we each kept our own.", "Is your car an SUV, sedan or truck? ", "My car is a Dodge van. Do you like your new SUV?", "I really do! It has every option I wanted and it's such a nice ride! What year is your Dodge van?", "It is an older van-2010. You mentioned that you travel a lot. Where have you been lately? If I may ask?", "I just came back from a trip to the coast. I haven't been to the beach in so long, I decided to break in the new SUV. ", "Ahhh that sounds so refreshing. Did you have any stories from going to the beach? ", "I went scuba diving while there. I haven't done much of that, so it was a new experience for me. Since you like scuba diving, where are some of the best places you've been diving?", "Oh my! If you want the best scuba diving places, you have got to try Thistlegorm in the Egyptian Red Sea.", "That sounds like an awesome trip! Were you there as a Marine or was it a vacation trip?", "I was there as a marine, but was never able to go diving. I had to stay in the boat. But I did go back for a vacation trip. ", "Oh wow! What did you see while diving?", "You won't believe it, but there are tanks, aircraft, armoured vehicles, Jeeps and Bedford trucks down there. It is so awesome to explore and take pictures. ", "How is the search for the love of your life going?", "Not too great so far, but I'll keep trying! Have you given online dating a try yet?", "I've tried, but interestingly, I only keep meeting up friends there! I made a new one recently...we just didn't click reomantically online.", "Well, it's still nice to make new friends. Are you planning any traveling or beach trips for the summer?", "Yes definitely! I was at the beach last weekend and loved it. I went scuba diving and actually saw a shark.", "Wow! I love the water and scuba diving but sharks are one thing I try to avoid!", "It was so scary! I had to try and stay calm but wasn't easy. Are you worried about sharks in the Red Sea by any chance?", "I never saw a shark in the Red Sea, luckily. And not sure when or if I'll visit again. I'm trying to be frugal for now, so I'll stick to places I can travel to by car", "That makes sense! Have you done any nice road trips recently?", "I made a few hours trip to visit a friend in Texas recently. It was a nice trip, except my car died out on me! I might have to get a new one. What would you recommend?", "Wow! I love the brisket out there. Was any barbeque good? Carwise, I love SUVs. So much space and great comfort on the long drives.", "Yes, Texas BBQ was out of this world! So delicious, I already miss it. And I'll definitely consider an SUV! I love my Dodge but she's just been giving me too much trouble"], "init_persona": [[["I enjoy food and eat meat.", "I like snowboarding.", "I used to work for cisco.", "My favorite performer is charlie parker.", "I'm going to buy a new car."], ["My favorite hobby is scuba diving.", "I've been to hawaii three times.", "I'm a us marine veteran.", "I have two pet snakes.", "My wife and I just got divorced."]], [["I am going to buy a new car. I don't really like cars."], ["I recently got a divorce with my wife.", "I like scuba diving and snakes.", "I am a US Marine veteran."]], [["I don't really like cars. I bought a new SUV.", "I think getting out there would be a good idea. I have friends that met on online dating sites.", "I am concerned there will be a catfish."], ["I recently got a divorce with my wife.", "I like scuba diving and snakes.", "I am a US Marine veteran.", "I am single but thinking about going on dates to find someone new. I am thinking about joining online dating sites. I am looking for the love of my life. I am looking for a women.", "I am aware some people are not who they say they are."]], [["I don't really like cars. I bought a new SUV.", "I think getting out there would be a good idea. I have friends that met on online dating sites.", "I am concerned there will be a catfish.", "I travel long distances by car often.", "I am not rich."], ["I recently got a divorce with my wife.", "I like scuba diving and snakes.", "I am a US Marine veteran.", "I am single but thinking about going on dates to find someone new. I am thinking about joining online dating sites. I am looking for the love of my life. I am looking for a women.", "I am aware some people are not who they say they are.", "I am old enough to drive. I own my own car."]], [["I don't really like cars. I bought a new SUV. I like my new SUV.", "I think getting out there would be a good idea. I have friends that met on online dating sites.", "I am concerned there will be a catfish.", "I travel long distances by car often.", "I am not rich.", "I like to travel. I just came back from a recent trip to the beach. I tried scuba diving at the beach."], ["I recently got a divorce with my wife.", "I like scuba diving and snakes.", "I am a US Marine veteran.", "I am single but thinking about going on dates to find someone new. I am thinking about joining online dating sites. I am looking for the love of my life. I am looking for a women.", "I am aware some people are not who they say they are.", "I am old enough to drive. I own my own car. My Dodge van is a 2010 model.", "I used to be a Marine. I have taken a vacation to Thistlegorm in the Egyptian Red Sea. I saw military vehicles underwater at Thistlegorm in the Egyptian Red Sea."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_949_0", "test_949_1", "test_949_2", "test_949_3", "test_949_4", "test_949_5", "test_949_6", "test_949_7", "test_949_8", "test_949_9", "test_949_10", "test_949_11", "test_949_12", "test_949_13", "test_949_14", "test_949_15", "test_949_16", "test_949_17", "test_949_18", "test_949_19", "test_949_20", "test_949_21", "test_949_22", "test_949_23", "test_949_24", "test_949_25", "test_949_26", "test_949_27", "test_949_28", "test_949_29", "test_949_30", "test_949_31", "test_949_32", "test_949_33", "test_949_34", "test_949_35", "test_949_36", "test_949_37", "test_949_38", "test_949_39", "test_949_40", "test_949_41", "test_949_42", "test_949_43", "test_949_44", "test_949_45", "test_949_46", "test_949_47", "test_949_48", "test_949_49", "test_949_50", "test_949_51", "test_949_52", "test_949_53", "test_949_54", "test_949_55", "test_949_56", "test_949_57", "test_949_58", "test_949_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello nice to meet you.", "Hello nice to meet you..", "How are you doing today.", "I am great! Finally able to enjoy this gaming laptop I purchased last month..", "Oh awesome I work on computers.", "How are you doing today? That is awesome how do you like it?", "It is just okay not as fun as playing games.", "I totally agree lol being a gamer is awesome.", "What games do you like to play.", "League of legends is my favorite game to play I enjoy playing with friends.", "Oh cool what is your favorite character.", "My favorite character is alistar. What exactly do you do with computers?", "Would you like to play League of Legends together sometime?", "Yeah that'd be so fun. Who's your favorite character?", "Annie is one of my favorites, I'm just getting into League though, I used to play Teamfight Tactics quite a bit actually", "Nice! Never played that, maybe you can teach me. Do you play on the same computers you work on?", "Actually yeah, I built my own gaming PC, the ironic thing is I barely have time to use it. Can't complain about getting work though! Do you have a full team of friends for League?", "Most of the time. It depends who of my group of friends is available. ", "Ah ok, well if you ever have a spot and you are playing casual let me know. Do you get really mad playing sometimes?", "I hate to admit it but yes! I can't help but get invested in the game haha- I'm quite competitive. What about yourself?", "I can definitely get competitive for sure, especially if I feel like I am good at the game. Maybe I should practice a bit before playing with you guys!", "We have different levels of experience in the group, but we are definitely fun to play with, would love to have you join us! It sure helps to have a nice gaming setup to play with a group, I'm still working on my set up. ", "Oh nice, if you give me a price range maybe I can help you pick up some good stuff at a good price for your setup. I know some people lol", "Great thanks so much! Did you ever have your main gaming platform be a laptop or you've always been on a desktop?", "I found a great gaming set up for you at a reasonable price if you would like to take a look!", "Oh, do tell! What are the specs like?", "top of the line. i'll send you the info and you can verify. I think we will have to share some gaming tactics with each othe", "Excellent. I'd be happy to share. We can play duos on League of Legends together. I'm not that great though. I'm only in Silver IV.", "that sounds good! we can teach other to be less competitive and just have fun. there is value in that for sure. what activities do you enjoy outiside of gaming?", "Excellent. I enjoy running and skateboarding. Baking too, I guess. What about yourself?", "i also enjoy running. I like baking and cooking as well too, although i'm often too busy to do it. I have never skateboarded before! do you go to skate parks? waht is your favorite thing to bake?", "I do go to skate parks! Sometimes I also go to empty parking lots and places with stairs and handrails and whatnot. I like baking pastries, like croissants and eclairs. ", "ah yes, I do recall seeing people skate sometimes in empty parking lots. that's a good idea! wow croissants and eclairs sounds really fancy! you will have to share your favorite recipes. I enjoy baking cookies and brownies. well and eating the batter and dough", "Oh, those sound great. I also like eating raw batter, haha. And yeah, I'd be happy to share my recipies with you! I'll send them over as an email attachment.", "thank you! I have a friend who is a master at making macarons. I don't know how she does it, it seems so hard. it takes so much patience to be a really good baker. but I think it's also a good hobby to destress. and also tastes great!", "Macarons are definitely very had to make. It's difficult to get them to come out light and airy.", "I'm looking forward to baking your recipe.", "Which recipe in particular are you interested in? The cookies or the brownies?", "Honestly both, your baking is incredible but I would defiantly like to try the brownies first. ", "They are my favorite. I will send you the recipe once we're done talking. I suggest adding some walnut to the ingredients, but you don't have to if you don't like them or are allegeric.", "They are the best. I will make two batches one with the walnuts and one without, I\u2019m looking forward to seeing which ones I prefer. Thank you for allowing me to use your recipes. ", "Anytime. I like to share the love. Speaking of sharing the love, would you mind helping me get my gaming computer set up?", "Oh yeah of course, I would love to help you. Let me know which day works best for you and I will come over and set it up for you. ", "I work the next three days, but will have two days off after that. Does that work for you? Once we get it set up, we might want to consider playing a little League of Legends!", "Yeah that will work out great. And yes we absolutely need to play. Hopefully you will be able to give me some pointers as I still getting used to playing it and you play so well at that game. ", "Happy to do so, but as you know, I can get a little competitive... I will try to keep the swearing down, but no promises! ", "No your good I can get competitive too when i am good at the game, so I completely understand haha. ", "I don't know why, but I just start seeing red when I lose. It is a problem and I am working on it, but I have always been this way. I am seeing an anger management specialist and she is helping, but I still have a long way to go.", "My daughter loved your recipe.can you tell your secret more ", "My secret to cookies with walnuts or any nut really is to let them set a day. They are always better the second day. Did she make any with coconut or chocolate?", "I don't think she likes coconut, but she made the some cookies with chocolate chips. Do you have any secrets about chocolate ship? ", "Now those eat nice and warm from the oven. I always add a little less than the recipe calls for but only because I like a little more cookie with the chocolate. Have you tried making bar cookies? They are faster and easier.", "I'm going to have to try some of your cookies, I make a mess of things a lot haha. Everytime I try cookie bars they get burnt.", "Ha! That happens. I have actually been playing around with puff pastry recently but most of the recipes don't really turn out well. Have you worked with puff pastry? Any tips?", "Sorry I haven't worked with that. I try to cook from scratch and don't like using any store bought stuff. I think my oven is the problem, not me! I swear!", "Cooking from scratch is satisfying. What is your favorite dish to make?", "Well I bake with as much organic stuff as I can. I tried Alfredo recently, but it needs too much cheese! I bet there's no real cheese in the store bought ones.", "Alfredo sounds good. I like to bake more than cook but I do enjoy making curry. So many flavor combinations to try.", "I love curry! Do you ever make it spicy or do you like it mild?", "I usually make it spicy but found a great lemon curry recipe that is really mild but the lemon packs a punch. I can send you the recipe some time if you want to try it."], "init_persona": [[["I'm an omnivore.", "I like bicycling.", "I work on computers for my job.", "I like most music.", "I like reading."], ["I am a gamer.", "I like playing league of legends.", "My favorite champion is alistar.", "I got a new gaming laptop last month.", "I love playing video games with friends."]], [["I work on computers."], ["I have a gaming laptop. I play League of Legends with friends. I have friends.", "My favorite character is Alistar."]], [["I work on computers.", "Annie is my favorite character. I'm just starting to play League of Legends. I use to play Teamfight Tactics alot.", "I have built my own gaming PC but don't have much time.", "I am competitive."], ["I have a gaming laptop. I play League of Legends with friends. My favorite character is Alistar. I have never played Teamfight Tactics.", "I get mad playing. I'm competitive.", "I am still working on getting my gaming set up."]], [["I work on computers.", "Annie is my favorite character. I'm just starting to play League of Legends. I use to play Teamfight Tactics alot.", "I have built my own gaming PC but don't have much time.", "I am competitive.", "I like to run. I like baking and cooking."], ["I have a gaming laptop. I play League of Legends with friends. My favorite character is Alistar. I have never played Teamfight Tactics.", "I get mad playing. I'm competitive.", "I am still working on getting my gaming set up.", "I like to run. I like to skateboard. I like to bake pastries."]], [["I work on computers.", "Annie is my favorite character. I'm just starting to play League of Legends. I use to play Teamfight Tactics alot.", "I have built my own gaming PC but don't have much time.", "I am competitive.", "I like to run. I like baking and cooking.", "I will make two batches one with the walnuts.", "I still getting used to playing it and you play well at that game. i am good at the game."], ["I have a gaming laptop. I play League of Legends with friends. My favorite character is Alistar. I have never played Teamfight Tactics.", "I get mad playing. I'm competitive.", "I am still working on getting my gaming set up.", "I like to run. I like to skateboard. I like to bake pastries.", "I work the next three days.", "I am seeing an anger management specialist, to help me."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_953_0", "test_953_1", "test_953_2", "test_953_3", "test_953_4", "test_953_5", "test_953_6", "test_953_7", "test_953_8", "test_953_9", "test_953_10", "test_953_11", "test_953_12", "test_953_13", "test_953_14", "test_953_15", "test_953_16", "test_953_17", "test_953_18", "test_953_19", "test_953_20", "test_953_21", "test_953_22", "test_953_23", "test_953_24", "test_953_25", "test_953_26", "test_953_27", "test_953_28", "test_953_29", "test_953_30", "test_953_31", "test_953_32", "test_953_33", "test_953_34", "test_953_35", "test_953_36", "test_953_37", "test_953_38", "test_953_39", "test_953_40", "test_953_41", "test_953_42", "test_953_43", "test_953_44", "test_953_45", "test_953_46", "test_953_47", "test_953_48", "test_953_49", "test_953_50", "test_953_51", "test_953_52", "test_953_53", "test_953_54", "test_953_55", "test_953_56", "test_953_57", "test_953_58", "test_953_59", "test_953_60", "test_953_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello! How are you?", "Im great. How are you?.", "Great! Getting ready to leave for a cruise! Love them!", "Sounds great. We did a cruise to alaska last year..my parents grew up there.", "Fun! I learned to swim there when I was five.", "How cool. What do you do for a living? I am a programmer.", "I do computer programming as well! It's new I just started yesterday.", "You will find it a rewarding career. Hobbies? For me, running. Love it.", "Debating! That was my favorite club in school.", "O ok. So, do you have a favorite food. I actually just started eating meat again.", "Pizza. Were you a vegetarian?.", "I was for a few years. Yes..", "I love meat..i could never do that lol.", "Ha ha. So, this is funny..my favorite clothing article is pants.", "Since I just started as a programmer, can you give me some tips?", "Sure! What kind of projects are you currently working on?", "My first project for work is to make a bot that will check that a set of instructions have been followed within the organisations software", "Ahhhh, we'll for general advice I would say that you should become familiar with more than one programming language. There are so many different ones in use right now and you don't want to bar yourself from a project because you only know one or two. As for your specific task, I would say to not be afraid to turn to your peers for code review. The more eyes, the better!", "I will keep that in mind thankyou. How are your projects going?", "I'm currently working on building a e-commerce store for a local small business. Not terribly exciting, but satisfying to help out my local community. How did you get interested in programming?", "I was looking for a career change and computing seemed intresting, however I was awful at the hardware side of things haha", "I didn't realize that this was a fresh start for you; what did you do before?", "I was originally in marketing but the further I followed that career path the more I realised it just wasn't for me.", "I'm sure some of those skills will translate well; in both fields you have to have a good feel for what the customer needs. Will your new job let you work remotely while you're on your cruise?", "Yeah they said they're more than happy with it, thankfully I already have my laptop and the cruise has WI-FI access so I should have everything I need", "Where are you headed on your cruise?", "My cruise just made its first stop and I went on a snorkeling tour.", "Where did your cruise stop first? I have never been snorkeling before, but I would love to at some point. I bet there was so many cool things to see.", "It was amazing! We stopped off in Costa Rica. I definitely want to go back some time for snorkeling.", "Was there any kind of certification process in order to do that? I know you have to be certified to scuba, but I'm not sure about snorkeling.", "They just did some on the spot training. Nothing crazy. Tomorrow we are stopping in Belize. I am so excited to try some of the local cuisine!", "I am so jealous, I really need to go on a cruise at some point. I always love trying new things, especially food. Did you have to book the cruise really far ahead?", "You should start with the Alaska cruise since you wouldn't have to travel to get aboard. Maybe I will book that for my next one and we can go together. You need to book Alaska ones about a year in advance.", "Gotcha, I will look into that for sure. I heard you like pizza? What is your favorite kind of pizza? I love supreme, or anything that has a lot of toppings on it!", "Oh, yes, I sure do love pizza! My favorite is ham and pineapple. Have you tried it? It sounds weird, but it really works!", "I have never tried it. I have never had Hawaiian pizza, or anything like that with pineapple. I'm sure the pineapple and ham makes it have a tangy flavor.", "It is so good. You are making me crave it. I think I will order that for dinner.", "Yeah I might have to get one for myself too. Might as well try something new, as I said, I love trying new things!", "Guess who finally booked their trip!", "No way! You booked that cruise to Alaska? Without me?", "I couldn't wait! It just sounded like so much fun! You should book yours too if you want to come with me", "Ha-ha, that's great to hear. You know I really want to go but I'm just so busy with this whole e-commerce store. You know despite it being entirely online, it still sucks up a lot of my time. I could really use a good cruise to relieve some stress, though.", "Cruises have wifi nowadays, maybe you could do some work at night? It wouldn't be as fun though.", "Yeah, that's exactly what I was considering, but I don't know if I'd be able to enjoy it as much. I think I just need a little more time before I bite the bullet. How long is the cruise going to be?", "This cruise will be one week long. Hopefuly sometime soon you will be able to take that much time off work.", "One week isn't too bad. How are you going to handle it? You can also work remotely since you do programming, actually.", "Hopefully I will be able to get enough done before I leave that I won't have to work while I'm on vacation, but usually something comes up anyways whenever I try to do that.", "There's always something that gets in the way. Do you think you could teach me how to swim if I decide to go? I'd hate to be in the middle of the ocean without knowing.", "Sure, I could teach you! It will be useful if you want to participate in any of the water activities on the stops in Alaska.", "Awesome! Speaking of Alaska, I'm assuming the cruise takes place during the warmer months? I know you hate cold weather, ha ha.", "I had to stop myself from buying anything so I have enough money to spend on the cruise. Thought anymore about going? It'd be great to have a friend!", "I did think more, but I am scared! I was watching this series about murders on cruises. I think I need to learn how to swim first, in case I fall overboard!", "Well, I know you were interested in the Alaskan cruise but that is certainly a fear you need to get over first. I actually learned to swim in Alaska. Maybe you could take classes during the cruise?", "I think I would be more comfortable if I knew how to swim before I went on the cruise. I know I probably won't fall off, unless you push me! I will have to look and see if my local pool offers classes! ", "Well, you know I would never push you! But, I will push you to get those classes done. Once you get a few classes in, I would be happy to go swimming with you to help you build up your strength as a swimmer! The pool down the street from me just opened. If your interested we should set up a time to go together.", "That sounds like I plan. Physically, I know I can do it, as I've run several marathons, but it's the mental part that is the hardest! I love soaking up the sun, so whenever we're at the beach or a lake, I always play volleyball or frisbee or nap in the warm sun. Swimming just never really appealed to me!", "That is interesting. Do you know what made you so mentally against swimming? Maybe some kind of traumatic experience in your youth? ", "I think it's because I might have control issues! You can stop doing everything on land, and still live. but if you stop swimming in water, you drown pretty quickly! I also was scared when I was younger, when my cousin fell through the ice and almost drowned in elementary school! ", "I suppose that makes since. Does your cousin swim these days or did that set your cousin away from swimming as well?", "She got water in her lungs and has breathing issues now. I don't think she swims or does anything physical! Maybe I not only need to take swimming lessons, but needs to see a therapist before we go on a cruise, lol", "Wow! That is a serious incident that she went through. Maybe you should see a therapist before you go! Either way, I really want you to go on this cruise with me. I think you would love it once you get over your fear.", "I think so too! We could definitely have some fun, and see great scenery on a cruise! There are a few whales, and some beautiful Icebergs I want to see if we go!"], "init_persona": [[["I love going on cruises.", "I learned how to swim when I was five years old.", "I liked debate club the most in school.", "I do computer programming for a living.", "I just got a new job yesterday."], ["I am a meat eater.", "I like running.", "I wear pants.", "My parents grew up in alaska.", "I work as a programmer."]], [["I'm getting ready to leave on a cruise. I love cruises.", "I learned to swim in Alaska when I was 5.", "I'm a computer programmer. I just started yesterday.", "I love debating. It was my favorite club in school.", "My favorite food is pizza."], ["My parents grew up in Alaska.", "I am a programmer.", "I love running.", "I recently started eating meat again. I was a vegetarian for a few years.", "My favorite clothing article is pants."]], [["I'm getting ready to leave on a cruise. I love cruises.", "I learned to swim in Alaska when I was 5.", "I'm a computer programmer. I just started yesterday. My first project is to create a bot.", "I love debating. It was my favorite club in school.", "My favorite food is pizza.", "I used to work in marketing but I did not like it.", "I am going on a cruise."], ["My parents grew up in Alaska.", "I am a programmer. I am working on an e-commerce store.", "I love running.", "I recently started eating meat again. I was a vegetarian for a few years.", "My favorite clothing article is pants."]], [["I'm getting ready to leave on a cruise. I love cruises.", "I learned to swim in Alaska when I was 5.", "I'm a computer programmer. I just started yesterday. My first project is to create a bot.", "I love debating. It was my favorite club in school.", "My favorite food is pizza. My favorite pizza is ham and pineapple.", "I used to work in marketing but I did not like it.", "I am going on a cruise. I went snorkeling. My cruise stopped in Costa Rica. My cruise stops in Belize. I am excited to try new foods.", "I recommend Alaska cruises. I am possibly going on an Alaska cruise next year."], ["My parents grew up in Alaska.", "I am a programmer. I am working on an e-commerce store.", "I love running.", "I recently started eating meat again. I was a vegetarian for a few years.", "My favorite clothing article is pants.", "I have never been on a cruise.", "I love to try new things. I love to try new foods.", "I love supreme pizza. I have never had Hawaiian pizza."]], [["I'm getting ready to leave on a cruise. I love cruises.", "I learned to swim in Alaska when I was 5.", "I'm a computer programmer. I just started yesterday. My first project is to create a bot.", "I love debating. It was my favorite club in school.", "My favorite food is pizza. My favorite pizza is ham and pineapple.", "I used to work in marketing but I did not like it.", "I am going on a cruise. I went snorkeling. My cruise stopped in Costa Rica. My cruise stops in Belize. I am excited to try new foods.", "I recommend Alaska cruises. I am possibly going on an Alaska cruise next year.", "I am very excited about my Alaskan cruise. I will be gone for a week on my cruise.", "I have to work overtime as a programmer so I don't have to work on vacation.", "I am confident I can teach someone how to swim."], ["My parents grew up in Alaska.", "I am a programmer. I am working on an e-commerce store. I am very busy with work. I run an e-commerce store that takes up a lot of my time.", "I love running.", "I recently started eating meat again. I was a vegetarian for a few years.", "My favorite clothing article is pants.", "I have never been on a cruise.", "I love to try new things. I love to try new foods.", "I love supreme pizza. I have never had Hawaiian pizza.", "I want to go on an Alaskan cruise.", "I wouldn't like to take a working vacation.", "I don't know how to swim."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_957_0", "test_957_1", "test_957_2", "test_957_3", "test_957_4", "test_957_5", "test_957_6", "test_957_7", "test_957_8", "test_957_9", "test_957_10", "test_957_11", "test_957_12", "test_957_13", "test_957_14", "test_957_15", "test_957_16", "test_957_17", "test_957_18", "test_957_19", "test_957_20", "test_957_21", "test_957_22", "test_957_23", "test_957_24", "test_957_25", "test_957_26", "test_957_27", "test_957_28", "test_957_29", "test_957_30", "test_957_31", "test_957_32", "test_957_33", "test_957_34", "test_957_35", "test_957_36", "test_957_37", "test_957_38", "test_957_39", "test_957_40", "test_957_41", "test_957_42", "test_957_43", "test_957_44", "test_957_45", "test_957_46", "test_957_47", "test_957_48", "test_957_49", "test_957_50", "test_957_51", "test_957_52", "test_957_53", "test_957_54", "test_957_55", "test_957_56", "test_957_57", "test_957_58", "test_957_59", "test_957_60", "test_957_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Good morning what are you up to?", "Good morning to you as well. I just got up and spent some time wiht my kids. And you?", "Hanging out with my brother in law, my sister just got married.", "Oh thats nice. My cousin just got married. They had a beach wedding which was great.", "Sounds beautiful.. Gotta get to work soon, ugh fast food industry.", "No fun at all. Luckily work is closed today so I just rolled out of bed.", "Nice, I was up late watching movies. What movies do you like?", "Like a specific genre or individual titles?", "Either lol.. I love comedies, but horror movies terrify me.", "I can't watch horror movies. I am up all night. My kids however love them.", "Isnt that funny! I have to watch cartoons after anything scary.", "I just cant watch them in general. For some reason my mind just goes into overdrive.", "How old are your kid?.", "15. Do you have any?", "Besides horror movies, since you don't like them, what are your favorite types of movies to watch with your kids?", "We like to watch documentary type movies as well things based on true stories, something interesting. ", "Yeah I like a good documentry too but like my comedy movies as well.", "Yeah we like to watch a good comedy now and again as well. I liked the film Bronson have you ever seen it?", "Yeah I watched it a couple of months ago on netflix, I really enjoyed it.", "Yeah he really was one mad bloke but lovable at the same time lol.", "Yes that he was. Do you like documentries about prison and that?", "Yeah I do I find them quite interesting to watch I have watched quite a few.", "Yeah me too I also like ones about space I find things like that fascinating.", "I like to watch things like that as well its amazing what happens outside our tiny little world that we have no clue about what is going on.", "Yes we are so safe here in our tiny bubble while chaos is going on out there.", "Yeah you are right. Do you think their is other life out there?", "Do you watch documentaries about nature with your kids? The ones about animals in the wild are usually pretty good.", "usually they are not interested in those shows. they prefer to watch comedys like you", "There's a Netflix documentary series about animals that is narrated by a comedian. That maybe help get them into something more educational. Let me know I'll find the name for you.", "ill search it, i\u00b4m sure if there is comedy they would love it", "Do you have an recommendations I should check out?", "sure, i\u00b4ve watch some comedy shows in Netflix, i liked Jimmy Car special the best", "Nice, I'll give it a try. I haven't been finding many shows or movies lately that I'm interested in. I did watch a good true crime documentary on HBO Max about a young man investigating his mothers murder. Very sad but interesting.", "Wow sounds great, dont dave HBO max but my friend has it, ill ask him to look for it. By the way, what was the name of the documentary about animals? i\u00b4d like my kids to watch it", "It's called Absurd Planet. I wasn't able to get into myself but it would definitely appeal to kids.", "thanks, hope they like it, Have you any prison show to recomend? i las saw Making a Murderer, really loved it !!!", "Yeah, check out Dream/Killer. It's about a young man who went to jail for a crime he didn't commit. The lawyer who got him out is the same lawyer helping Steven Avery. ", "Ahhh sounds intresting, \u00b4ll look for it. I recomend the epstein documentary. Maybe wou could watch it with a date, jajaj sounds wierd for a date, maybe some thig else !!", "I watched some of your recommended shows", "Oh which one did you watch first? Tell me please. I get excited when people check out my suggestions!", "I watched the Jimmy Car special. It was great!", "I'm so glad that you liked it! I watched it only once but I've thought about watching it again. Well if you tried one of mine, maybe I'll watch one of yours.", "I'm glad I did too! Thank you for the recommendation. You definitely should watch one of my favorites! I feel so special when people take the time to watch my favorite shows and movies.", "I was thinking about subscribing to HBO Max possibly. Do you think that it's worth getting right now?", "Honestly, no, I do not think an HBO Max subscription is worth it. Maybe they have a free trial if you want to see if it's for you before you purchase it.", "That's what I thought. I've not heard anything on there that grabs my attention. There was a movie or two but most of it doesn't seem worth the price of admission. I'll just stick to my Netflix for now. So which one of your shows should I check out?", "I think you would like The Mitchells vs. the Machines. It is a comedy movie you can stream on Netflix. You can even watch it with your kids because it's rated PG!", "Perfect! I like to watch anything that I can share with my kids. I'll make sure to see if I can find it. I'll even show them a trailer so they can see what it's like. Thanks for the recommendation!", "Of course! I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know what you and your kids think once you watch.", "I'm sure that they will like it. They love comedy movies almost as much as Horror movies. This one sounds like one that the whole family can enjoy.", "I watched the Epstein documentary, which you recommended me severals days ago. It is great!", "I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was so shocking! Have you watched Making a Murderer yet?", "I have! True crime is so fascinating. What a whirling of a story. What did you think of it?", "I got really into and continued to follow the story in the news. I can't believe that kid is still in jail! Do you have any other shows you recommend?", "It's such a bizarre and insane story indeed. Truth is stranger than fiction. I did love dream/killer, anything scary always interests me.", "Oooh, I'll have to check that out. My kids love horror so I watch it with them sometimes but it's not my favorite! Gives me nightmares!", "Haha indeed. How about good comedy you've seen lately?", "I've been showing the kids old Chris Farley movies. Tommy Boy is never not funny!", "That's so great. How are your kids in general lately?", "They're good - they are both almost done with high school and thinking about the future which is crazy! It goes so fast!", "It's always strange watching how fast they grow. Now that my sister is married I wonder when I might get a little neice or nephew!", "Babies are super fun and it's great watching them grow up. You're lucky to have your sister and brother in law close!"], "init_persona": [[["I work in a fast food restaurant.", "I love the smell of roses and fern.", "I am terrified of watching horror movies.", "My favorite author is john grisham.", "I have one sister who is married."], ["I love to spend time with family and friends.", "My grandchildren especially bring great joy.", "I want to always live near water, and in a warm sunny climate.", "My favorite activity is reading.", "And my favorite place to be is worshipping god."]], [["My sister recently got married. I like spending time with my brother in law.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "I like comedy movies. Horror movie scare me.", "I watch cartoons after I watch something that scares me."], ["I have kids.", "My cousin recently got married at the beach.", "I do not like horror movies. My kids love horror movies. Horror movies makes my mind go into overdrive."]], [["My sister recently got married. I like spending time with my brother in law.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "I like comedy movies. Horror movie scare me.", "I watch cartoons after I watch something that scares me.", "I have seen Bronson. I enjoyed Bronson. I watch netflix. I like documentaries about prison and space."], ["I have kids.", "My cousin recently got married at the beach.", "I do not like horror movies. My kids love horror movies. Horror movies makes my mind go into overdrive.", "I watch documentaries and true stories with my kids. I watch comedies with my kids. I like the movie Bronson. I like prison documentaries.", "I like documentaries about space."]], [["My sister recently got married. I like spending time with my brother in law.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "I like comedy movies. Horror movie scare me.", "I watch cartoons after I watch something that scares me.", "I have seen Bronson. I enjoyed Bronson. I watch netflix. I like documentaries about prison and space.I subscribe to HBO Max. I enjoy true crime documentaries.", "I did not enjoy Absurd Planet. I enjoyed Dream/Killer."], ["I have kids.", "My cousin recently got married at the beach.", "I do not like horror movies. My kids love horror movies. Horror movies makes my mind go into overdrive.", "I watch documentaries and true stories with my kids. I watch comedies with my kids. I like the movie Bronson. I like prison documentaries. My kids like comedies.I like documentaries about space.", "I subscribe to Netflix. I do not have HBO Max.", "I recommend the Jimmy Car special. I enjoyed making a Murderer.I recommend the Epstein documentary."]], [["My sister recently got married. I like spending time with my brother in law.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "I like comedy movies. Horror movie scare me.", "I watch cartoons after I watch something that scares me.", "I have seen Bronson. I enjoyed Bronson. I watch netflix. I like documentaries about prison and space.I subscribe to HBO Max. I enjoy true crime documentaries. I do not like HBO Max.", "I did not enjoy Absurd Planet. I enjoyed Dream/Killer.", "I like the Jimmy Car special. I like The Mitchells vs. the Machines."], ["I have kids.", "My cousin recently got married at the beach.", "I do not like horror movies. My kids love horror movies. Horror movies makes my mind go into overdrive.", "I watch documentaries and true stories with my kids. I watch comedies with my kids. I like the movie Bronson. I like prison documentaries. My kids like comedies.I like documentaries about space.", "I subscribe to Netflix. I do not have HBO Max.", "I recommend the Jimmy Car special. I enjoyed making a Murderer.I recommend the Epstein documentary.", "My childern like Horror movies and comedy movies."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_962_0", "test_962_1", "test_962_2", "test_962_3", "test_962_4", "test_962_5", "test_962_6", "test_962_7", "test_962_8", "test_962_9", "test_962_10", "test_962_11", "test_962_12", "test_962_13", "test_962_14", "test_962_15", "test_962_16", "test_962_17", "test_962_18", "test_962_19", "test_962_20", "test_962_21", "test_962_22", "test_962_23", "test_962_24", "test_962_25", "test_962_26", "test_962_27", "test_962_28", "test_962_29", "test_962_30", "test_962_31", "test_962_32", "test_962_33", "test_962_34", "test_962_35", "test_962_36", "test_962_37", "test_962_38", "test_962_39", "test_962_40", "test_962_41", "test_962_42", "test_962_43", "test_962_44", "test_962_45", "test_962_46", "test_962_47", "test_962_48", "test_962_49", "test_962_50", "test_962_51", "test_962_52", "test_962_53", "test_962_54", "test_962_55", "test_962_56", "test_962_57", "test_962_58", "test_962_59", "test_962_60", "test_962_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I work as an artist, what do you do?", "Im a us marine veteran. Do you like to travel?", "I like to travel as long as there is nature.", "Ive been to hawaii 3 times now, the nature there is beautiful! Are you married?", "Nah. I spend my time working with animals. No time for that.", "I see a lot of wild stuff scuba diving! Its neat. At home I have 2 snakes.", "Awesome what edo you like to listen to for music, I like rock genre.", "I love rock and metal. But I just went through divorce, and she took the collection.", "Wow. My mom was a nurse, she got divorcced.", "That must have been hard for you :(.", "You seem to be interested in lots of things.", "Mostly just scuba diving. Its a good way to relax.", "That is a very good point.", "Do you have other hobbies besides taking care of animals?", "I just got an email from a producer at work and he has arraned for me to do work in Hawaii so I will see if i agree with you on that front!", "It's a great place- especially for work! You will feel like you are on vacation. Make sure to check out some hiking spots. Do you have any activities in mind you'd like to do while visiting?", "I might try surfing, you said you did scuba, did you really like that? I'm not trying to get stung by anything down there lol", "Scuba diving is great there. The water is especially clear & there is more wildlife to admire. What's your favorite sea creature?", "It's got to be whales, I find the sounds they make so majestic and they can get so incredibly big. I'm hoping to get some photos of some! What was the coolest animal you saw there?", "Surprisingly I saw many octopus. They are hard to spot at first, but once you see one you see many. Also, you sometimes see eels. They look similar to my snakes. ", "Did seeing those eels remind you of your snakes back home? How big are they?", "Yeah definitely, they are about the same length as my snakes usually 1 to 2 feet. Have you ever worked with snakes?", "I have, they can both be beautiful and terrifying. It's wild seeing them just engulf a mouse whole", "That's something that you have to get used to watching haha. You mentioned your an artist, do you like drawing animals or do you have other muses?", "I mainly draw animals, but if a friend wants me to draw them I'd do it. It is always good to practice the human form", "Now that I am separated from my wife, I've had more time to enjoy art. I love drawing my snakes while listening to music. ", "How long have you been certified to scuba dive?", "For about 8 years now. It was one of the first things I did when I was first stationed in Hawaii. Have you been diving before?", "Nope never but I am willing to try, but I want to pick up surfing first. Do you also surf?", "I tried a few times but couldn't get the hang of it. I like the peace and tranquility of diving. There's no sound other than the heart beat of the ocean. When will you be moving?", "At the end of this month. I am fully packed and counting days. That sound really peaceful. I might give me muse! Will you consider giving me a scuba diving lesson or two?", "Yeah, definitely. I'm on a short deployment out to sea but I'll be back at the end of August. We can make a plan then. The water will be much warmer by then as well.", "Perfect! So how about your snake, who is taking care of it when you are on deployment?", "I make the junior Marines back on base take care of them when I'm gone. Luckily they only need to eat once or twice a month so it's not a huge burden.", "Yeah they are really laid back animals to look after. Maybe I can work with your snake and draw it to add my portfolio?", "Yeah, you might want to take a picture and use that as your main reference because they don't always stay still.lol", "Yeah that is what I do, no animal in general stands still and wait to be drawn. hahah. But I like to draw next to them, it gives me muse and more movement for the drawing.", "Sounds like a plan. Do you draw realism or do you like more cartoon style?", "How was your deployment? Are you glad to be back home?. ", "It was very exhilarating. I have to be honest, I miss the action. While I love free time, it gets quite lonely. Do you have any recommendations on how I can spend the time?", "You could always visit the beaches. They are beautiful. Maybe go for a dive since I know you like that.", "I used to do a lot of diving while I was deployed too. Reminds me of being back in action. Lately, I've been making paint designs on shoes and hats. Have you been working on any projects?", "I have been! I've been working on this great sea life drawing to promote this local company. I'm really happy with how it's coming along. What sort of designs have you been doing?", "That sounds great. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help promote. I have been painting a lot of designs based off my favourite rock bands. I love Led Zeppelin. Who do you listen to?", "Led Zeppelin is great, but I really like Metallica. Do you ever listen to them?", "Yes! I love them too. We should start a rock band together haha. Might help me pass the time. Just kidding but we should seriously go surfing sometime! I want to get the hang of it.", "Oh yes, I'd love to finally learn to surf! Maybe we can be surfing rockers ha ha. How hard do you think it will be to learn?", "Considering how bad I am at surfing, likely impossible for me. But I'll cheer you on. I can teach you diving as well while we're at it. If we dive deep enough, we might be able to see some distant whales.", "Oh I'd love to learn to dive and hopefully see some whales! What's your favorite thing about diving?", "Seeing the sea creatures for sure. It is so beautiful underwater. It's like a whole new world. There are so many coral structures and interesting species that you don't learn about in school. I'm sure you'll love the experience. We can get you a waterproof go-pro so you can record your experience.", "I just finished the sea life drawing I've been working on.", "That's great! I'd love to see it. Have you submitted it to the local business you mentioned?", "I plan to call them tomorrow morning. When I say I just finished I mean I JUST finished. I'm exhausted but I'm too wired and excited to go to bed just yet.lol", "Wow! That must be some work! I didn't realize art can be exhausting. Are you excited to move to a new place?", "I'm excited for the change of scenery but I'm dreading packing. I'm debating just paying someone to move for me. I think it would make life less stressful.", "Yes, that's a good idea. Just be mindful of your trash can. My mom once hired a mover and they also packed the trash can with the contents in it. It was dreadful!", "Well that is something I never would have thought of.lol I know a movers job is to move things but you would think a little common sense would kick in if only to save yourself from a bad review.", "I know, right?! Even today, the image is still vivid. Can I show you my drawings and ask for your professional opinion?", "Yeah of course. What style are they?", "I mainly use charcoal and pencils. Now I'm nervous! haha! But don't be soft on me. I just want to hear from a professional's point of view. Do you have a website where I can see your work?", "I'm actually discussing details to have someone build me a fancy website to showcase and sell pieces. I'll send you the link once it's all set. And don't be nervous. There's no right or wrong when it comes to art and it's always a work in progress regardless of who's making it.", "Thank goodness! Now I feel much better. haha. Have you thought of other professions beside being an artist?"], "init_persona": [[["I am an artist.", "I like to be in nature.", "My mom is a nurse.", "My favorite music genre is rock.", "I work with animals."], ["My favorite hobby is scuba diving.", "I've been to hawaii three times.", "I'm a us marine veteran.", "I have two pet snakes.", "My wife and I just got divorced."]], [["I am a professional artist. I work with animals.", "I enjoy travelling when in nature.", "I am not married.", "I like rock music.", "My mum was a nurse. My parents are separated."], ["I am a US marine.", "I have been to Hawaii 3 times.", "I scuba dive. I own 2 snakes.", "I like rock and metal music. I am divorced."]], [["I am a professional artist. I work with animals.", "I enjoy travelling when in nature.", "I am not married.", "I like rock music.", "My mum was a nurse. My parents are separated.", "I will be working from Hawaii. I have email. I may go surfing.", "My favorite sea creature is a whale. I take photos.", "I have worked with snakes.", "I draw animals. I would draw friends if they asked."], ["I am a US marine.", "I have been to Hawaii 3 times.", "I scuba dive. I own 2 snakes.", "I like rock and metal music. I am divorced. My wife and I are separated.", "I saw octopus and eels. I have 1 to 2 foot long snakes back home.", "I enjoy art. I love drawing snakes while listening to music."]], [["I am a experienced professional artist. I work with animals.", "I enjoy travelling when in nature.", "I am not married.", "I like rock music.", "My mum was a nurse. My parents are separated.", "I will be working from Hawaii. I have email. I may go surfing. I have never been diving. I want to learn to surf.", "My favorite sea creature is a whale. I take photos.", "I have worked with snakes.", "I draw animals. I would draw friends if they asked.", "I am moving at the end of the month."], ["I am a US marine.", "I have been to Hawaii 3 times.", "I own 2 snakes.", "I like rock and metal music. I am divorced. My wife and I are separated.", "I saw octopus and eels. I have 1 to 2 foot long snakes back home.", "I enjoy art. I love drawing snakes while listening to music.", "I am a certified scuba diver. I was in the military and stationed in Hawaii. I am still active military.", "I had difficulty learning to surf. I prefer diving."]], [["I am a experienced professional artist. I work with animals.", "I enjoy travelling when in nature.", "I am not married.", "My mum was a nurse. My parents are separated.", "I will be working from Hawaii. I have email. I may go surfing. I have never been diving. I want to learn to surf.", "My favorite sea creature is a whale. I take photos.", "I have worked with snakes.", "I draw animals. I would draw friends if they asked. I am working on a sea life drawing to promote a local business. I am happy with how it is coming along.", "I am moving at the end of the month.", "I think the beaches are beautiful.", "I listen to rock music. I like Led Zeppelin. I love Metallica more."], ["I am a US marine.", "I have been to Hawaii 3 times.", "I own 2 snakes.", "I like rock and metal music. I am divorced. My wife and I are separated.", "I saw octopus and eels. I have 1 to 2 foot long snakes back home.", "I enjoy art. I love drawing snakes while listening to music.", "I am a certified scuba diver. I was in the military and stationed in Hawaii. I am still active military.", "I had difficulty learning to surf. I prefer diving. I am really bad at surfing.", "I have just returned home from being deployed. I miss having things to do. I get lonely at home.", "I used to dive often while I was deployed. I have been painting shoes and hats recently.", "I love Led Zeppelin. I paint designs based off rock bands I love. I love Metallica. I am learning to surf.", "I love sea creatures. I think it's beautiful underwater."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_963_0", "test_963_1", "test_963_2", "test_963_3", "test_963_4", "test_963_5", "test_963_6", "test_963_7", "test_963_8", "test_963_9", "test_963_10", "test_963_11", "test_963_12", "test_963_13", "test_963_14", "test_963_15", "test_963_16", "test_963_17", "test_963_18", "test_963_19", "test_963_20", "test_963_21", "test_963_22", "test_963_23", "test_963_24", "test_963_25", "test_963_26", "test_963_27", "test_963_28", "test_963_29", "test_963_30", "test_963_31", "test_963_32", "test_963_33", "test_963_34", "test_963_35", "test_963_36", "test_963_37", "test_963_38", "test_963_39", "test_963_40", "test_963_41", "test_963_42", "test_963_43", "test_963_44", "test_963_45", "test_963_46", "test_963_47", "test_963_48", "test_963_49", "test_963_50", "test_963_51", "test_963_52", "test_963_53", "test_963_54", "test_963_55", "test_963_56", "test_963_57", "test_963_58", "test_963_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I just finished writing a blog post, how are you doing?", "Good. I am glad that I live on the beach with my mom and dad so that my dozen siblings have room.", "Wow, that's a lot. Pets too? I love them. Used to work as a veterinarian.", "I used to ride horses, loved it. Where were you a vet?", "I worked at a local clinic, but quit so I could travel the world.", "No traveling for me. Except to move to the country in the year.", "Nice! I make my living singing now, which I can do from anywhere.", "Good for you. What else do you do? Do you have any children?", "No kids, but I am vegan! I write about vegan recipes on my blog.", "When I move to the country, I hope to have a garden.", "And animals? I'd love to live in the country and have lots of animals.", "Horses. Do you have any pets?", "Tell me have you had any more ideas about what you will do when you move to the country?", "I think the plan is to have a few animals, horses, sheep, goats, chickens and the garden. I also kind of want to try and build my own swimming pool in an old fashioned style not like the modern ones we see in peoples backyards!", "That sounds like a life worth living. I would love to take care of your animals if they ever have an accident. I would definitely go for a swim in your pool too!", "Wow that is such a kind offer! That would be so valuable to have your advice if I ever need help with them. I have been trying to put away money for any expenses that arise because vet bills are so costly. Thats another reason why I want to do the DIY pool. I want to make a clay and straw bed for the bottom of the pool and then tile it with stones. I saw someone do it on YouTube I think it will turn out awesome and be pretty easy!", "I would hate for you to get swindled by a greedy vet! I think your pool idea will work well. It would probably be sturdier and easier to repair than a regular pool too.", "Yeah that has happened a few times already with my dog who has diabetes! I learned my lesson- you have to trust the person that's caring for your animals 100%! I'm so excited to get out there though and start living my own life! You are most definitely welcome to come over any time by the way!", "Good point. It's hard to find a good vet these days. Look at you, living your best life! I'll take you up on that offer! Haha your siblings might too.", "Haha! They've already talked about moving in, but I told them to give me time! The whole point is to be independent a little first. Although I'll probably end up needing their help with all the work it will take to upkeep the animal pens!", "It is a lot of work! Maybe you can cycle out siblings so you never get tired of them. I'm guessing that garden will be pretty big too.", "Hahah! Thats a great idea! The garden will be I hope. I'm planning on doing a mix of outdoor and greenhouse so there will be a lot going on and plenty of space for many hands to work! I've gotten so wrapped up in myself I forgot to ask you how your singing gigs are going!", "I've spent quite a few emotional nights in local bars but it panned out. I'm actually singing in a more reputable establishment this weekend!", "Awe, I'm glad something new has come your way! Whats the first song you're going to sing?", "I have a good singing gig coming up this weekend--I'm very excited!", "That sounds like a lot of fun! What genre of music do you plan on singing? Do you specialize in anything in particular? Because I love pop music.", "No particular preference, but given my age, I would tend to go with anything from the Beatles to the 90s.", "It's at a bar, so I wonder if you'll be drinking. I don't drink because I don't like alcohol. But do you like to drink?", "Maybe the occasional beer or two, and I do like ales. But most of the time just to appease the bartenders when I work gigs at bars.", "I understand. That's a good way to stay in their good graces. I like to make new friends, even if I'm working for them. How about you?", "I admit that a friendly face to any support staff or bar workers goes a long way when setting up and taking down a gig! (And just as much with assistants in my vet days.)", "Help is always good. I like to get my hands dirty with some real labor. That\u2019s why I\u2019m so interested in gardening. What kind of hobbies do you have besides swimming and taking care of animals?", "Vegan food is my main remaining hobby! I remember this excellent blog I read about vegan Argentine food, in the land of steaks galore.", "Vegan food sounds good. With my dog having diabetes, I have to be more health conscious for him. It makes me think I should do the same for myself, too. What kind of food do you recommend as a vegan?", "I can recommend cuisines from India or (in some cases) Japan as a general template for what food to eat.", "That sounds good. I like Japanese and Indian food. I also like Thai and Italian food. What\u2019s your favorite type of food?", "Hey did you get to try any of those Asian vegan recipes we talked about? ", "I tried the Thai green curry but the curry overpowered the dish. I am looking to make my own Miso Udon this weekend.", "I'm sorry it didn't work out. Miso Udon should be better. It's been known to have a milder flavor. I've also heard that Miso Udon is pretty healthy so that's good! Hope it turns out good. I think I'm going to make Thai green curry tonight", "Awesome. Keep sending me the recipes and I will keep trying them out. I am hoping that I can grow enough of what I need from some of these when I own my own ranch in the future.", "Oh that's awesome. Maybe you can lend me some herbs and vegetables in the future! What plants do you expect to grow on your ranch? A lot of Asian food is very diverse so it may be hard to grow everything you need for every Asian recipe.", "Yeah, I know. My favorite dish so far is the Garlic Broccoli stir fry so I will have most of that covered in my garden. As far as herbs, I am not sure. Thyme, Basil, Cilantro, etc.", "Fresh basil is my favorite! It tastes so good and you can use it for so much. Garlic broccoli is very good though but I prefer my broccoli seared and saut\u00e9d. Do you have any experience growing these plants?", "I have never tried the broccoli but my mom has although she likes to harvest early so she starts them indoors. She is going to teach me so I can gain so I can gain some experience. I have grown my own chickpeas for the first time this last year so that was exciting.", "That sounds nice that your mother has experience! I cannot grow anything at all. I seem to kill everything I grow. Where do you live? Will there be enough rain and sun to grow plants?", "I live in Florida right now so we have plenty of rain and sun but I can not wait to move to someplace more rustic and remote.", "Florida is so nice, I love it there! Where do you want to move? Florida is sometimes not the best for agriculture, I know", "Tell me about it. Almost all of our garden is regulated greenhouse growth. As far as where I will end up I think I have my heart set on Montana.", "How did the miso udon turn out?", "It went well thank you but i think i will stick to more simple Asian recipes in future, just for prioritising time over building the swimming pool. Busy Busy bee these days. How your love of the Asian recipes going?", "It's going great! I'm thinking of trying some different stuff though, now that it's summer and barbeque season I'm considering some vegan bbq recipes. I made some great baked beans the other day, and corn on the cob on the grill. Do you ever bbq?", "BBQ is so fresh and it feels so good eating out doors. I am lucky i have lots of space here and can throw in my moms broccoli to toast that a little. You keeping up your blogs i pop in on you every so often need to do that more though.", "I know, I try but there's so much to do this summer that I almost feel bad just sitting down and internetting/blogging, you know? I'll try to keep it up better. Maybe I'll put some of the bbq recipes I develop up on it. ", "Yes please do, i am always inspired. I am sure you are very busy with your singing career. I will have to get you over this way so i can BBQ and you bring your PA system and sign for your supper. Once ive build the swimming pool on a nice day we can do a few lanes. You got may gigs lined up at all?", "Yes, I'm going to be singing at a local Irish Pub-type place on weekends for the rest of the summer. I'm going to be doing some Classic rock, some Irish songs, and some folky stuff. Not all on the same night though! Haha, what will your neighbors think if you've got the PA system set up and someone singing in the backyard? I hope they're pretty laid-back!", "That sounds amazing, well done you hun!! The Irish bars keep pulling in the punters for the music. They will apricate you greatly. As i say im lucky to have the space here but i am still looking else where so i can set up my dream ranch for the horses. You must sent me the link if you are putting your music out on the web. super stuff hun!! ", "I'm thinking about setting up a site on...what is it, SoundCloud? to market my music but if I'm going to do that I might want to get an agent first. Definitely let me know when you have the ranch and horses set up, I love horseback riding! ", "You could be your own boss initially as agents aren't cheap. Some of these sound clouds are free or with a subscription. Worth a look, get your name out there hun. Yes i will definitely keep you posted on the move to Montana fingers crossed. Living the dream then with my horses and veg and lots of other animals to keep me sustained. ", "I hear Montana is great for ranching. Lots of celebrities moving there and to Wyoming to get away from the cities! It gets pretty cold there in the winters, are you ready for that? ", "I grow up early on in a cold of the north of England but will put some extra layers on for sure. It will take some getting use to but with the work that needs doing with the animal daily i will be kept busy and warm lol. You enjoy the singing career and i hope to see and hear you soon with your ongoing talent "], "init_persona": [[["I am a vegan.", "I love animals.", "I used to be a veterinarian, but I quit to travel abroad.", "I sing for a living.", "I like to blog."], ["I have twelve brothers and sisters.", "I live on the beach with my parents.", "I want to buy my own house.", "I love having horses and riding them.", "I will move to the country soon."]], [["I blog.", "I used to be a vet.", "I have travelled extensively.", "I sing for a job.", "I have no children. I am vegan. I blog about vegan recipes."], ["I live on a beach with my parents. I have 12 siblings.", "I used to ride horses.", "I will move to the country. I want a garden in the country. I want horses in the country."]], [["I blog.", "I used to be a vet.", "I have travelled extensively.", "I have no children. I am vegan. I blog about vegan recipes.", "I like taking care of animals. I enjoy swimming.", "I have singing jobs in local bars. I'm working my way up to better venues."], ["I live on a beach with my parents. I have 12 siblings.", "I used to ride horses.", "I will move to the country. I want horses in the country. I want to have a garden that's partly outdoors and partly in a greenhouse. I also want to have different kinds of animals. I also want to build an old-fashioned swimming pool.", "I am trying to save money for future vet bills. I had a dog who got diabetes. I had to be cautious to find him a good veterinarian. I have siblings who will be able to help me when I move to the country."]], [["I blog.", "I used to be a vet.", "I have travelled extensively.", "I have no children. I am vegan. I blog about vegan recipes. I enjoy reading food blogs. I enjoy many different cuisines.", "I like taking care of animals. I enjoy swimming.", "I have singing jobs in local bars. I'm working my way up to better venues. I am a paid singer.", "I prefer older music.", "I drink casually.", "I used to be a veterinarian."], ["I live on a beach with my parents. I have 12 siblings.", "I used to ride horses.", "I will move to the country. I want horses in the country. I want to have a garden that's partly outdoors and partly in a greenhouse. I also want to have different kinds of animals. I also want to build an old-fashioned swimming pool.", "I am trying to save money for future vet bills. I had a dog who got diabetes. I had to be cautious to find him a good veterinarian. I have siblings who will be able to help me when I move to the country.", "I enjoy pop music.", "I do not like alcohol. I like to make new friends.", "I enjoy physical labor. I enjoy gardening.", "I am not currently vegan. I like many different cuisines."]], [["I blog.", "I used to be a vet.", "I have travelled extensively.", "I have no children. I am vegan. I blog about vegan recipes. I enjoy reading food blogs. I enjoy many different cuisines.", "I like taking care of animals. I enjoy swimming.", "I have singing jobs in local bars. I'm working my way up to better venues. I am a paid singer.", "I prefer older music.", "I drink casually.", "I used to be a veterinarian.", "I make vegan Asian recipes. I am making Thai green curry tonight. I love fresh basil. I like garlic broccoli but prefer broccoli seared and saut\u00e9ed.", "I am not good at growing plants.", "I love Florida."], ["I live on a beach with my parents. I have 12 siblings.", "I used to ride horses.", "I will move to the country. I want horses in the country. I want to have a garden that's partly outdoors and partly in a greenhouse. I also want to have different kinds of animals. I also want to build an old-fashioned swimming pool.", "I am trying to save money for future vet bills. I had a dog who got diabetes. I had to be cautious to find him a good veterinarian. I have siblings who will be able to help me when I move to the country.", "I enjoy pop music.", "I do not like alcohol. I like to make new friends.", "I enjoy physical labor. I enjoy gardening.", "I am not currently vegan. I like many different cuisines. I have made Thai green curry. I am going to make Miso Udon this weekend.", "I am going to own a ranch in the future where I will grow food. I am going to try more vegan Asian recipes.", "My favorite vegan Asian dish is Garlic Broccoli stir fry. I don't know what herbs I will grow in the future beyond thyme, basil, and cilantro.", "My mom grows broccoli and harvests it early. I am going to learn to grow food from my mom. I grew my own chickpeas for the first time last year.", "I live in Florida where there is a lot of rain and sun but I am planning to move somewhere more remote.", "Most of my garden is greenhouse growth. I want to move to Montana."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_964_0", "test_964_1", "test_964_2", "test_964_3", "test_964_4", "test_964_5", "test_964_6", "test_964_7", "test_964_8", "test_964_9", "test_964_10", "test_964_11", "test_964_12", "test_964_13", "test_964_14", "test_964_15", "test_964_16", "test_964_17", "test_964_18", "test_964_19", "test_964_20", "test_964_21", "test_964_22", "test_964_23", "test_964_24", "test_964_25", "test_964_26", "test_964_27", "test_964_28", "test_964_29", "test_964_30", "test_964_31", "test_964_32", "test_964_33", "test_964_34", "test_964_35", "test_964_36", "test_964_37", "test_964_38", "test_964_39", "test_964_40", "test_964_41", "test_964_42", "test_964_43", "test_964_44", "test_964_45", "test_964_46", "test_964_47", "test_964_48", "test_964_49", "test_964_50", "test_964_51", "test_964_52", "test_964_53", "test_964_54", "test_964_55", "test_964_56", "test_964_57", "test_964_58", "test_964_59", "test_964_60", "test_964_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Good morning to ya!! My name is jason.", "Ugh too early.. Was up late gaming last night! Names bob.", "Just got back from walking my german shepherds snickers and bounty.", "Oh I love dogs. Do you work today?", "I will go in much later. How about you?", "Shift at best buy tonight. Love the discount though.", "Oh cool!! Where are you from? Navy brat here, schooled in spain and france.", "Oh wow. From florida, still here too, nice and warm!", "Love florida. Siblings? None for me. Only child.", "A sister who is also a gamer lol. Do u play league of legends?", "I don't play as much as I used to. But every once in awhile.", "Alistar is my favorite champion. Im a bit of a nerd lol..", "Ha ha. Think I'll grab burger and fries for lunch in a bit.", "Oh one of my favorites.. Pizza and video games with friends for me.", "since we spoke about league of legends i played it all last night and have fallen in love again. Do you think we could play some time?", "Oh absolutely lets organise a night we can play against each other! I'll get the pizza in!", "That sounds perfect! Do you mind if we do it at my place? I know we will both get sucked in and I would hate to forget to go home to walk to dogs!", "That's no problem at all, I'm excited to finally meet the dogs! What are they called again?", "Snickers and Bounty. Snickers is getting up there and needs to walk pretty regularly. ", "Awww that's so adorable! How many times a day do they need walked?", "Bounty could probably go most of the day without a walk, but I take them out every 3 hours or so for Snickers' sake. I get it. My old bladder is not what it used to be either. ", "Totally, you sound like a great owner and they sound like two great dogs. How old is Snickers now", "He is 11. I don't know what I will do when he is gone. He has been with me through so much. My soul mate, in a way. I wish I could still take him on hikes, but his legs just cannot handle that anymore.", "Oh goodness he is getting on in years but you are lucky to have spent so many good years with him! There is no companion like a dog. You're lucky you have Bounty too", "I really am. Do you have any pets?", "I don't but I'm considering getting a dog for the company and to help with the exercise. I think a german shephard may be too big for me though", "What pizza did you end up ordering for tonight?", "Pepperoni all the way. Are you going to play League of Legends tonight?", "Possibly. It's really hot today so I haven't taken the dogs out and I'll probably do it tonight when it cools down. Are you pro or anti pineapple on pizza?", "So if you do play tonight give me a heads up I can join you. You are not living in Florida so you have no idea what hot is! lol. No pineapple for me, don't tell me you are a pineapple guy Jason!", "Yeah, I'll give you a heads up if I get on. And it's too hot for my dogs! lol And yes. Pineapple pizza is life and nobody will tell me different.", "Just as I though I liked you, why did you have to ruin it for me?! lol. Any how for an old vet I can look the other way in regards of Pineapple. Just promise me to never to order pizza if I am around. lol", "I mostly enjoy cheese but if I'm feeling wild I'll do pineapple. We can order half cheese half pepperoni when we hang out but I make no apologies for my pineapple pizza love.", "Then I can forgo my pepperoni and we can meet in the middle with just cheese pizza. Deal?", "Absolutely. There's a great place near me that actually uses fresh mozzarella and there's no comparison.", "Who can say no to fresh mozzarella! Sign me up! ", "I'm going to be looking into some new gaming equipment soon. Any good sales I should wait for before I buy?", "Any holiday! Definitely wait for the sales.. Otherwise you are paying extra for nothing. And for a insider advise do not but the extra guarantee.. They don't break often, and you would probably want to but a newer version before it breaks. lol", "I ordered a pizza of the variation just under discussion. ", "With pineapple on it? Gross! Did you get ham on it too?", "Nope! But I did get bacon on it. That's my absolute favorite! Have you ever tried it?", "Bacon on pizza is great! Just not with pineapple", "That's fair. It certainly isn't for everyone! What's your favorite type of specialty pizza?", "My favorite is a real Italian style margharita pizza with fresh basil, tomatoes, and mozzarella. This is usually more expensive though, and you can't get it from a fast food place.", "Margharita pizza is delicious! I just had some last week. ", "Did you go to Italy at all when you studied in Europe?", "No, I wish I would have been able to go! Maybe someday I'll take a vacation there. Have you ever been there?", "I never have but I really want to! I can only imagine how much tastier autentic Italian food is than the stuff we get here.", "I bet it's absolutely delicious. Maybe we could plan to go together. That would be so much fun!", "Yeah, that would be great! It is going to take me a while to save up enough money for a plane ticket, though", "My pineapple and bacon pizza was delicious! I have been playing video games a lot the past four days.", "Oh, did you get your new gaming equipment?", "I did and it's been fun. I've been playing too much! Any game recommendations?", "Other than League of Legends? I guess pong! HA", "Haha. I bet you aren't allowed to talk about new game stuff in the industry. Are you making good money?", "At Best Buy? Not really. The inside knowledge is from a friend of mine who is a programmer.", "Too bad. Are you saving for the Italy trip, though?", "Yeah, I want to start in Sicily and see Mt. Etna. They invented cannoli there so I'll eat a few of those! Did you travel much in the navy?", "Yes but it was all spent on the ship. I was able to see Spain and France again, though, which brought back memories", "I'd like to go there, too! I guess if you went to school there you speak pretty good French and Spanish?", "Decently, but I started a bit late. I use the Spanish much more here in Florida, admittedly. Do you know Italian?", "I got one of those \"learn to speak Italian in three months\" books. Of course it's a joke, you can't learn a whole language in three months, but I've learned some. It's the verbs that I find tough. Maybe I should go on a tour or get a guide person?"], "init_persona": [[["I am the only child of my parents.", "My father was in the navy.", "I went to school in france and spain.", "I have two dogs named bounty and snickers.", "I like eating burgers and fries."], ["I am a gamer.", "I like playing league of legends.", "My favorite champion is alistar.", "I got a new gaming laptop last month.", "I love playing video games with friends."]], [["my name is jason.", "I have two pet dog german shepherds.", "I have a job. I was in the navy. i went to school in spain and france.", "I like florida. i am an only child.", "I occasionally play video games."], ["My name is bob. I love league of legends.", "I like dogs.", "I work at best buy.", "I am from florida.", "I have a sister.", "I like burgers and fries, pizza."]], [["my name is jason.", "I have two pet dog german shepherds. My dogs are named Snickers and Bounty. Snickers is old. I walk my dogs every 3 hours. I am getting older. My dog named Snickers is 11 years old.", "I have a job. I was in the navy. i went to school in spain and france.", "I like florida. i am an only child.", "I occasionally play video games. I played league of legends."], ["My name is bob. I love league of legends.", "I like dogs.", "I work at best buy.", "I am from florida.", "I have a sister.", "I like burgers and fries, pizza.", "I do not have pets."]], [["my name is jason.", "I have two pet dog german shepherds. My dogs are named Snickers and Bounty. Snickers is old. I walk my dogs every 3 hours. I am getting older. My dog named Snickers is 11 years old.", "I have a job. I was in the navy. i went to school in spain and france.", "I like florida. i am an only child.", "I occasionally play video games. I played league of legends. I will be purchasing gaming equipment.", "I enjoy pineapple pizza. I enjoy a local pizzeria."], ["My name is bob. I love league of legends.", "I like dogs.", "I work at best buy.", "I am from florida.", "I have a sister.", "I like burgers and fries, pizza. I do not like pineapple on pizza. I enjoy fresh mozzarella.", "I do not have pets.", "I am a veteran.", "I have inside knowledge of the gaming industry."]], [["my name is jason.", "I have two pet dog german shepherds. My dogs are named Snickers and Bounty. Snickers is old. I walk my dogs every 3 hours. I am getting older. My dog named Snickers is 11 years old.", "I have a job. I was in the navy. i went to school in spain and france.", "I like florida. i am an only child.", "I occasionally play video games. I played league of legends. I will be purchasing gaming equipment.", "I enjoy pineapple pizza. I enjoy a local pizzeria. Bacon is my favorite pizza topping. I like margharita pizza."], ["My name is bob. I love league of legends.", "I like dogs.", "I work at best buy.", "I am from florida.", "I have a sister.", "I like burgers and fries, pizza. I do not like pineapple on pizza. I enjoy fresh mozzarella. I like bacon on pizza. My favorite specialty pizza is Italian style margharita pizza with fresh basil, tomatoes, and mozzarella.", "I do not have pets.", "I am a veteran.", "I have inside knowledge of the gaming industry.", "I have never been to Italy. I currently do not have enough money for a plane ticket to Italy."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_967_0", "test_967_1", "test_967_2", "test_967_3", "test_967_4", "test_967_5", "test_967_6", "test_967_7", "test_967_8", "test_967_9", "test_967_10", "test_967_11", "test_967_12", "test_967_13", "test_967_14", "test_967_15", "test_967_16", "test_967_17", "test_967_18", "test_967_19", "test_967_20", "test_967_21", "test_967_22", "test_967_23", "test_967_24", "test_967_25", "test_967_26", "test_967_27", "test_967_28", "test_967_29", "test_967_30", "test_967_31", "test_967_32", "test_967_33", "test_967_34", "test_967_35", "test_967_36", "test_967_37", "test_967_38", "test_967_39", "test_967_40", "test_967_41", "test_967_42", "test_967_43", "test_967_44", "test_967_45", "test_967_46", "test_967_47", "test_967_48", "test_967_49", "test_967_50", "test_967_51", "test_967_52", "test_967_53", "test_967_54", "test_967_55", "test_967_56", "test_967_57", "test_967_58", "test_967_59", "test_967_60", "test_967_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello?", "Hey, just finished a run, how are you?", "I run, too. I love to. I take my dog sometimes.", "That's great! I gotta run. I'm a tax accountant. Too much time at a desk.", "I have a degree in psychology. I use it on my daughters!", "Sounds useful! Do you like music? I was just listening to sufjan stevens.", "Yes. Maybe my daughters heard of that musician.", "Maybe. I just moved into a new apartment and my neighbor recommended stevens.", "Good for you. What is your favorite food? I am dairy and gluten-free.", "I mostly eat high-protein foods. Part of a diet I'm on.", "What else do you like to do?", "Running and music are really my things right now, usually at the same time!", "I run often with the dog. Although my daughters want a cat.", "Dogs are cool, but I'm not a fan of cats.", "I ended up giving in and getting my daughters the cat.", "Thats hilarious! I don't think I'd be that cool of a parent. What'd she name it?", "Well when you have daughters you sort of give in to them. She named it Angie. ", "I don't know if I could. I just can't stand all the fur and meowing. Has the dog been chasing Angie around?", "My dog has been great with it. But I have to say this my dog is not very smart and I do not think he knows it is alive. I think he thinks it is just another stuff animal.", "I have a feeling like that won't end well! haha. So is there some kind of psychology experiment behind giving the girls a cat or was it just to get them off your back about it?", "Get their them off my back, haha. At least they did not ask for a pet monkey like my friend gave to his daughter.", "Monkeys are pretty cool but that is insane. Is that even legal? haha! I'm going to be so strong willed if I have kids and they will be thoroughly disappointed about it. No monkeys or cats in my house!", "here here to strong willed fathers who stand up to their daughters. Oh by the way, how is your new apartment?", "Its actually pretty spacious. More space than I need really, but the view is so amazing I don't think I plan on downsizing anytime soon.", "So have you found any running trials around your new place?", "Yea that's one of the best things about this place. Its close to parks and theres a forest view out my living room window. There's so many paths to explore I think my legs will wear out before the opportunities for running do! haha", "The dog finally discovered the cat and I had to separate them just now! ", "Omg... it must\u2019ve been a riot! I bet you got a chance to put your degree in psychology to some solid use there ;)", "I sure did! I got there just in time. I hope they can learn to like one another or we might need to re-home one of them.", "Haha... I hope it doesn\u2019t come to that! In any case I\u2019m sure it\u2019s still better than having a monkey in the mix lol", "Monkeys are cute, but they are a lot of work! His name is Marco. Have I ever sent you a picture?", "No you didn\u2019t... I am still having a tough time believing it\u2019s legit... to have a monkey for a pet that is, not that I have anything against Marco... do send me his pic!", "I wonder if it is even legal? I never considered that before...", "Really?! That is crazy indeed. By the way, do you avoiding gluten and dairy because of intolerance or for another reason?", "I have colitis, so my diet has to be managed really closely.", "Yes, you have to be very careful about what you eat. I have a cousin who has colitis and she is very meticulous about her diet too.", "It is brutal. I really miss ice cream. I crave it every day.", "Oh you poor baby... I feel for you! You gotta try Coconut Bliss, a non dairy alternative available at Whole Foods ", "How is your new apartment treating you?", "I like it! I like that it is closer to nature than my old apartment.", "That's awesome, I'm so glad you like it! Have you been on any of the trails near your apartment yet?", "Yes I have! I took a break from unpacking to check it out and it is very nice.", "Great! Did you see any cool animals or bugs while hiking? Did you take any pictures?", "I was running on the trail, so I didn't take time to stop and look around. Maybe I should next time", "That makes sense haha. You should! I'd love to see any pictures you take.", "You are so interested in animals! Dogs, cats, monkeys, bugs. That's really cool, but I have never been much of an animal person", "I do like animals, but I also just love appreciating nature. Even when I don't like something, I try my best to appreciate it from a distance!", "That is a great attitude. I definitely try to enjoy the beauty of nature, but I should get up close to understand it better.", "Thank you! I definitely recommend it, especially since you spend so much time outside in nature anyway!", "The nature is part of my new home too. I ought to get familiar with the outdoor surroundings now that I live here", "Are you still enjoying your new apartment? What amenities are nearby?", "I love it because of the convenient access to the city running trails, plus it's very green in the area", "That's great to hear. Have you been able to hit the trails much? The weather here has been nothing but rain for 2 weeks so I've been stuck in doors and need to live through someone else.", "I run every day, even in the rain. I've been navigating towards the lakes and preserves. Sometimes you can see interesting animals", "Well you're more dedicated than I am. Rain makes me melt. Even worse when it's hot out. What's the weirdest animals so far?", "I saw a badger, which are dangerous! I'm trying to learn more about nature. I assume you know a lot, given you have a pet monkey!", "Not too knowledgeable on badgers but I do know it's best to keep your distance. I'd be more concerned with bears though. You said you listen to music when you run so just be careful.", "Good advice, I could stop the music to help me pay attention. Are you planning to keep Marco?", "I'd like to but we'll see how it goes. I know monkeys can be temperamental and I worry about the kids or other animals getting hurt. It wasn't my most well thought out decision when I decided to bring him home. I love him though. ", "I bet he's complicated; does your psych education help you there?", "Not at all.lol There is no reasoning with a monkey. Just rewarding through food to teach new skills. They're extremely smart.", "At least you an confer with your friend's daughter! Just make sure you get whatever license you need, so that you're covered legally"], "init_persona": [[["I like to run.", "I don't eat gluten or dairy.", "I have two daughters.", "I like dogs better than cats.", "I majored in psychology in college."], ["I am a runner.", "I love high-protein foods.", "I work as a tax accountant.", "My favorite musician is sufjan stevens.", "I moved into a new apartment last month."]], [["I go on runs. I have a dog.", "I have a degree in psychology. I have daughters.", "I like music.", "I do not eat dairy or gluten.", "I do not have a cat."], ["I go on runs.", "I work as a tax accountant.", "I like music. I listen to sufjan stevens.", "I recently moved into an apartment.", "I am on a diet where I eat high-protein foods.", "I listen to music while I run.", "I do not like cats."]], [["I go on runs. I have a dog.", "I have a degree in psychology. I have daughters.", "I like music.", "I do not eat dairy or gluten.", "I do not have a cat. I got my daughters a cat. My cat is named Angie. My daughters named the cat. My friend got his daughter a pet monkey.", "I am a father."], ["I go on runs.", "I work as a tax accountant.", "I like music. I listen to sufjan stevens.", "I recently moved into an apartment.", "I am on a diet where I eat high-protein foods.", "I listen to music while I run. I like to run on trails. There are running trails near my apartment.", "I do not like cats. I do not want a pet cat.", "I do not have kids."]], [["I go on runs. I have a dog.", "I have daughters. I am a father.", "I like music.", "I do not eat dairy or gluten.", "I do not have a cat. I got my daughters a cat. My cat is named Angie. My daughters named the cat. My friend got his daughter a pet monkey.", "I have a degree in psychology, but I might have to re-home my pets.", "I have a monkey named Marco. I didn't consider the legality of owning a pet monkey before acquiring one.", "I have colitis, and I have to monitor my diet closely.", "I really like ice cream."], ["I go on runs.", "I work as a tax accountant.", "I like music. I listen to sufjan stevens.", "I recently moved into an apartment.", "I am on a diet where I eat high-protein foods.", "I listen to music while I run. I like to run on trails. There are running trails near my apartment.", "I do not like cats. I do not want a pet cat.", "I do not have kids.", "I have a cousin who has colitis.", "I have tried coconut bliss frozen products, and I have been to Whole Foods."]], [["I go on runs. I have a dog.", "I have daughters. I am a father.", "I like music.", "I do not eat dairy or gluten.", "I do not have a cat. I got my daughters a cat. My cat is named Angie. My daughters named the cat. My friend got his daughter a pet monkey.", "I have a degree in psychology, but I might have to re-home my pets.", "I have a monkey named Marco. I didn't consider the legality of owning a pet monkey before acquiring one.", "I have colitis, and I have to monitor my diet closely.", "I really like ice cream.", "I like animals. I appreciate nature."], ["I go on runs.", "I work as a tax accountant.", "I like music. I listen to sufjan stevens.", "I recently moved into an apartment.", "I am on a diet where I eat high-protein foods.", "I listen to music while I run. I like to run on trails. There are running trails near my apartment.", "I do not like cats. I do not want a pet cat. I am not an animal person.", "I do not have kids.", "I have a cousin who has colitis.", "I have tried coconut bliss frozen products, and I have been to Whole Foods.", "I try to enjoy nature's beauty. I need to et more familiar with nature."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_975_0", "test_975_1", "test_975_2", "test_975_3", "test_975_4", "test_975_5", "test_975_6", "test_975_7", "test_975_8", "test_975_9", "test_975_10", "test_975_11", "test_975_12", "test_975_13", "test_975_14", "test_975_15", "test_975_16", "test_975_17", "test_975_18", "test_975_19", "test_975_20", "test_975_21", "test_975_22", "test_975_23", "test_975_24", "test_975_25", "test_975_26", "test_975_27", "test_975_28", "test_975_29", "test_975_30", "test_975_31", "test_975_32", "test_975_33", "test_975_34", "test_975_35", "test_975_36", "test_975_37", "test_975_38", "test_975_39", "test_975_40", "test_975_41", "test_975_42", "test_975_43", "test_975_44", "test_975_45", "test_975_46", "test_975_47", "test_975_48", "test_975_49", "test_975_50", "test_975_51", "test_975_52", "test_975_53", "test_975_54", "test_975_55", "test_975_56", "test_975_57", "test_975_58", "test_975_59", "test_975_60", "test_975_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there. Do you like the beach? It is one of my favorite hobbies.", "I do like the beach! I like being outdoors.", "Me too but only when I'm not indoors cooking. Are you a parent?", "No, I have a dog.", "Oh, thats cool! I am a californian valley mom.", "Cool, do they have good coffee there? I'm a connoisseur!", "Yum, coffee! Yes, but I am kind of a health nut and usually make mine at home.", "I like making coffee over a fire on a good camping trip.", "That sounds wonderful! I'm a movie superfan on the weekends. Any hobbies?", "I'm a big fan of leisure activity!", "We have that in common! How old are ya?", "Middle aged, but my dog and pets keep me young!", "So cute and adorable! I am thirty this year and proud of it..", "Good for you! I'm looking up new ways to brew coffee.", "I also really love coffee and the beach. I love laying in the sand and getting some sun.", "Are there are beaches near your house?", "Yes about 20 minutes from my house there is a beach, I just love being there with my family! Margarita in hand!", "Oh man, I miss going to the beach. I plan to take a few trips myself after Memorial Day weekend. I prefer an ice cold Corona while lounging on the beach. ", "Those are always delicious as well! You should come out to Cali, so we can hit the beach sometime!", "I will try to although it's across the country. I do have family that live in Los Angeles and Orange County. ", "It is definitely a haul, but if you get the chance you definitely need to fly out. Plus we have great coffee and camping sites as well!", "I will definitely consider it. Do you go camping a lot as well?", "I do a few times a year, not as much as I like. When I have free time I'd rather be on the water.", "What is your favorite beach in Cali? There are so many famous ones. ", "I honestly cannot pick a favorite, there are just too many nice ones out here.", "It's beach season this weekend. Do you have any outdoor plans for Memorial Day?", "Did you do anything outdoors for Memorial day?", "i was able to get out and do some day hiking. the weather was so nice! I always love having a long weekend and getting some time away from work. what about you, did you go to the beach?", "Sure did. I took the kids for the day and we had a picnic. The weather was beautiful! Did you take your dog hiking with you? ", "what kind of picnic did you make? that sounds really nice and relaxing. I did take my dog. I cant miss a chance to get out and exercise her! then she generally stays pretty relaxed the rest of the day which is nice. ", "I made sandwiches, potato salad and lemonade. It all turned out very nice. Have you made it to the beach recently?", "that sounds perfect! we have lakes and rivers here mostly. there are some nice beaches along some of the bigger lakes. I haven't made it down recently but will as the weather gets warmer for sure. it will be nice to pack up some books and read along the beach. do you like to read?", "I do, but don't really have time these days. I too like reading on the beach. We need to plan a camping trip. the kids would love it. ", "i agree. that sounds nice. it will also be good to have something to look forward to. do your kids like to swim?", "they love to swim. We have a really nice campground at our beach. Does that sound ok? You can bring your dog. ", "yes it sounds great. my dog loves to swim, too. corona by the beach, campfire, and you can even make some good camping coffee! it all sounds like the perfect vacation to me", "It does! I should also be able to get in some reading. What would you recommend?", "i have been reading all books from a new author I found. she writes kind of short books, mystery types, but with different plots and there is always huge plot twist! I will send you a link to her stuff. I have read 10-12 of her book so far and have loved every one of them", "My family asked to go camping for the holiday weekend.", "That sounds like alot of fun. Are you taking all the kids to the lake this year?", "I don't know yet. We might depending on my work schedule. I'm dreading this camping trip, though. I'm not a big fan of sleeping outside. Camping to me is a 2-star Marriott. LOL!", "LOL! I love camping. Me and the puppers are going soon to do some hiking and camping in California. Im visiting my family over the summer. ", "Any camping tips for a newbie like me? By your tone, I assume that you get along well with your family.", "Over pack for the trip. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I get along with them well. My siblings and I are very close. I get to meet my new niece and Im sooo excited!!", "That's so cool. I'm so happy for you! You know, I'll bet that your family is going ask you when you are going to settle down and have kids of your own. lol!", "They I think finally realize that the only kids they get from me have four legs and all furry. ", "Well, that's good. I'm sure that you'll have a fantastic time. Where in California does your family live? Are you planning to visit anywhere else while you're out here?", "They live in Santa Barbra down south. Im planning on going to Las Vegas with my Mom and sisters for a weekend. Girls time.", "Are you a gambler or are you going there to people watch and go to shows?", "We are going to do it all. We are staying at the Hard Rock Hotel so we will be having a blast. ", "I finally went camping with my family last weekend. It wasn't so bad as I thought, though! We had a great time and the weather was perfect!", "Very nice! Were you in a tent? I find an air mattress make the sleeping experience much better. ", "Yes, we had a large tent and we were all able to sleep on air mattresses. We went hiking and fished a little. Overall, it was a great experience.", "Sounds like a good time! I would like to find a spot in southern California to go with my family. In addition to the air mattress, I would like to request a casino on the beach! That might be asking a bit much in a camp site. ", "So funny. That would be the ultimate experience though. Have you planned a date yet for your Vegas trip?", "I have thrown out a couple dates and now it is up to my sisters and Mom to work out their schedules. My life is more flexible, so I have to wait on them. I am looking forward to it. What did you folks do while camping? Hike? ", "Yes, we hiked on a trail that enabled us to see different areas of the campsite. I would definitely go again. Have you done any hiking?", "I go hiking with the dogs on a fairly regular basis. Lately I have been looking for parks in the area just for some new scenery. It keeps me an my animal family is reasonable shape.", "It is great exercise. What kind of dogs do you have? I am thinking of getting one.", "One husky and the rest mutts. Love them all. I wouldn't recomend a husky unless your ready for it! They can be harder to handle most dogs. What breeds are you looking at?", "Thinking of a golden retriever. I have heard they are easy to train and very active. ", "They are wonderful. Not long ago I dog sat a friend of mines golden while they were out of town. He is a really sweet dog. Good with everyone and every dog."], "init_persona": [[["Im a mom.", "I like to cook healthy.", "I like to watch movies.", "I live in ca.", "Im 30 yrs old."], ["I am a very easy going person who loves to partake in leisure activity.", "I am a dog owner who loves spending time with all animals.", "Furthermore, I consider my self a coffee connoisseur and love trying new ways to brew.", "I also enjoy going outside to run, hike, and camp."]], [["I love the beach.", "I like to cook.", "I live in California and have kids.", "I am a health nut and make coffee at home.", "I like watching movies on the weekends.", "I am thirty years old."], ["I love being outdoors at the beach.", "I love coffee.", "I like camping.", "I like leisure activities.", "I have a dog and other pets."]], [["I love the beach. I live 20 minutes away from the beach. I like margaritas.", "I like to cook.", "I live in California and have kids.", "I am a health nut and make coffee at home.", "I like watching movies on the weekends.", "I am thirty years old.", "I like camping. I am busy."], ["I love being outdoors at the beach.", "I love coffee.", "I like camping.", "I like leisure activities.", "I have a dog and other pets.", "I like Corona beer.", "I do not live in California. I have family that lives in California."]], [["I love the beach. I live 20 minutes away from the beach. I like margaritas.", "I like to cook.", "I live in California and have kids.", "I am a health nut and make coffee at home.", "I like watching movies on the weekends.", "I am thirty years old.", "I like camping. I am busy.", "i like to read."], ["I love being outdoors at the beach.", "I love coffee.", "I like camping. I like leisure activities. I have a dog and other pets.", "I like Corona beer.", "I do not live in California. I have family that lives in California.", "I went hiking on memorial day. i have a job.", "I love mystery novels."]], [["I love the beach. I live 20 minutes away from the beach. I like margaritas.", "I like to cook.", "I live in California and have kids. I have a family and possibly live with them.", "I am a health nut and make coffee at home.", "I like watching movies on the weekends.", "I am thirty years old.", "I like camping. I am busy.", "i like to read.", "I have a job. I do not like camping very much. I do not like sleeping outside."], ["I love being outdoors at the beach.", "I love coffee.", "I like camping. I like leisure activities. I have a dog and other pets.", "I like Corona beer.", "I do not live in California.", "I went hiking on memorial day. i have a job.", "I love mystery novels.", "I have at least two dogs. I will visit my family in California over the summer. I get along with my family well. I have at least two sibilings and I am very close to them. I have a niece who I have not met yet. I am happy about meeting my niece.", "I do not have kids and I do not want to.", "My family lives in Santa Barbara down south. I plan to go to Las Vegas with my Mom and sisters. I have at least two sisters. My Mom is still alive. I am a woman.", "I will gamble and will go to shows at Las Vegas. I will stay at the Hard Rock Hotel."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_985_0", "test_985_1", "test_985_2", "test_985_3", "test_985_4", "test_985_5", "test_985_6", "test_985_7", "test_985_8", "test_985_9", "test_985_10", "test_985_11", "test_985_12", "test_985_13", "test_985_14", "test_985_15", "test_985_16", "test_985_17", "test_985_18", "test_985_19", "test_985_20", "test_985_21", "test_985_22", "test_985_23", "test_985_24", "test_985_25", "test_985_26", "test_985_27", "test_985_28", "test_985_29", "test_985_30", "test_985_31", "test_985_32", "test_985_33", "test_985_34", "test_985_35", "test_985_36", "test_985_37", "test_985_38", "test_985_39", "test_985_40", "test_985_41", "test_985_42", "test_985_43", "test_985_44", "test_985_45", "test_985_46", "test_985_47", "test_985_48", "test_985_49", "test_985_50", "test_985_51", "test_985_52", "test_985_53", "test_985_54", "test_985_55", "test_985_56", "test_985_57", "test_985_58", "test_985_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, I'm ready for a new career, a new life and meeting new people. What's up?", "Hello nice to meet you.", "I prefer dogs to people to be honest, mine is my best friend.", "Oh that's pretty pathetic I think.", "You sound like an accountant, like I used to be. They are super judgey in general.", "Just kidding my dog is my best friend.", "I'm an entrepreneur now, doing freelance stuff in a dog-related business.", "Oh yeah sounds like you know a lot about me.", "I feel like I have a good sense of who you are.", "Yeah you are some kind of psychic.", "Yeah, it's because of living by the ocean. The salty air helps my intuition.", "Oh wow I didn't know that had the ability.", "I just worked on a new job with a new dog product. ", "That is very cool, what was the product you were working on?", "We're making special thunder jackets for dogs with anxiety issues who live in warm climates. How is your dog's temperament? ", "That is such a good cause. My dog is very sweet when in the house and just in general, but he is so protective he barks at anything or anyone that is close to the house, even if he is inside!", "Oh he sounds very nice and cute! Have you ever tried a thunder jacket with him?", "I haven't actually, it sounds great. Do you think it would help him be more calm around other dogs and people that aren't me?", "I think so, it's worked with my dog so well. And at my new job we've been looking at all these studies that show how much they help dogs feel calm and secure in various situations. I definitely recommend!", "I definitely think this is something I would try out. Is there anyway you get a benefit if I purchase it from you or say I'm getting it because you recommended it?", "Oh wow probably thanks for asking! But since we're still in the research and development phase we could probably give you one for free if you'd give us some feedback? What colours suit your dog best? We have heaps of options.", "What? No way! That would be incredible! Do you have any in green or purple?", "Yeah we've got heaps of shades of both! Lime green, forest green etc and then like lilac/ deeper purple versions. We also have green and purple striped if you want both! ", "Green and purple stripes would be the best of both worlds! I can't believe you are able to help me so much with this. Thank you!", "Have you taken your dog out for walks around the neighborhood?", "Yeah i'm always taking him out for walks, we have a big park near us and he loves to go there.", "Yeah I bet he does my dog likes to go to the park near us as well. He loves playing fetch and with other toys.", "Yeah do you develope your own dog toys that he plays with?", "Some I have yeah and other dog products I have made I have used on him, he is my test subject lol.", "Lol, I bet he loves getting to test all the new things out?", "Yeah some he does but others he's not so keen on depending what it is. If it's a toy he is more than happy, maybe I could send you some samples of stuff to try out?", "Yeah that would be amazing, we would love to try out some of your stuff.", "Ok I will get some sent for you and you can give me some feedback then of what you think.", "Yeah thats fine would love to help you out and give you feedback.", "Thanks that would be very helpful getting some honest feedback of people always helps when developing the products.", "No problems at all, I bet it does help a lot some good feedback.", "Did your dog enjoy the product I sent to you?", "Yes! Where can I go leave feedback? On your website? ", "Yes, that would be great! It's listed on the back of all of the packaging. Please pass around the business cards I sent to anyone you think may be interested as well.", "The toys seem very durable so far. My dog has tried and tried to rip it apart, but it's strong! It's hard for me to find toys my dog doesn't destroy right away. You do good work.", "Like I said, I've been through many test phases, trial & error you know. So, what was your fave, the green or the purple?", "My dog seems to like the purple best, or seem most intent on testing it, at least. I really like the green palm tree though. Do you have those near your beach?", "Most definitely, yes! I love the beach so much, it just evens me out a bit. Do you ever make it to a beach?", "No, I have never seen the ocean except from a plane. We have lots of huge lakes, but I know it's not the same. Maybe I need to plan a trip.", "For sure, you'd probably really enjoy it. Does it get cold where you live?", "Oh, yeah! Frigid. I do like the cold, but it'd be nice to have a beach summer vacation. Quite a difference from my usual scene. I tend to prefer mountains, but I can't say for sure since I haven't actually been to the ocean. What you said about the benefits of salt in the air sounds appealing though.", "I love the mountains too, and they're only like an hour drive from me. It's funny, I can be surfing in the morning and playing in the snow by the afternoon.", "Do you live in California? The Carolinas? I considered North Carolina for work once upon a time but ended up in Nebraska. ", "How was the purple toy, did your dog like green palm tree. ", "The purple toy was great! Did you develop that dog toy yourself or was it one of the dog products that you get as samples?", "I developed it! I\u2019m so glad that Your pup enjoyed the purple toy! Do you take your dog to the park a lot?", "I do, since I live near the park. I was actually meaning to ask you, do you have any toys that are really good at distracting a dog while in the park? I feel like my dog gets too excited in the park. I'm worried that my dog will cause trouble if he gets too excited. So, I was hoping that I could find a toy that could help him stay calm or focused on something else while we go for walks in the park.", "Very cool question! I definitely am going to look into designing some thing that can be Fun and distracting for your dog! Are there any dog parks near you?", "That is great to hear. I would love to hear what kind of ideas you have in your head for fun and distracting toys. As for parks, there are a bunch of parks that are within a short drive but my favorite has to be the one that I live nearest too. It's sort of become an extension of my own home. It really is the best part of the community I live in. ", "What noises does your dog like bells, whistles, squeaky\u2019s?? It\u2019s really cool to have a place that you can go to that you feel comfortable being! I feel the same way about the beach. I really wish that you were able to make a visit so that we could get together go to the beach maybe I can figure out what your dog would love the most.", "We should plan a visit like that for the near future. I would love to find the time to come out and visit. That said, my dog seems to like squeaky toys the most. But, I'm not sure because I have never owned a toy with bells in it. I'll go out to the store tonight and buy one. Then, I'll get back to you on that.", "That\u2019s great I look forward to that visit! My dogs really like squeaky toys to caramel it seems that a lot of dogs really like squeaking noises. I\u2019m sure together that we can figure out some thing fun for your pup to play with to keep him occupied! ", "I think your right. I actually think I'm going to go down to the store as soon as we get done talking. I really want to make sure I'm able to find a toy with bells in it so we can start getting to the bottom of what is the best toy for my dog to be distracted in the park! ", "I can\u2019t wait to see what you come up with so that I can compare and develop some thing so intriguing that it will knock your pups socks off!! You might wanna also think about trying him out with a tire with a rope on it because I know that a lot of dogs get really excited when they get to tear out a tire and can also play fetch with it.", "Alright I will look for a tire and rope toy as well. He is going to be such a happy pup!"], "init_persona": [[["I live by the ocean.", "I used to be an accountant.", "I am ready to embark on a new career and life.", "Now I am a freelance entrepreneur.", "My dog is truly my best friend."], ["I live by the ocean.", "I used to be an accountant.", "I am ready to embark on a new career and life.", "Now I am a freelance entrepreneur.", "My dog is truly my best friend."]], [["I have a dog. The dog is my best friend.", "I do freelance work related to dogs.", "I live by the ocean."], ["I have a dog. My dog is my best friend."]], [["I have a dog. The dog is my best friend.", "I do freelance work related to dogs.", "I live by the ocean.", "I started a new job.", "I develop dog products. I can provide dog product samples. I have access to a variety of dog products."], ["I have a dog. My dog is my best friend. I have a sweet but protective dog. I live in a house. I care for my dogs behavior.", "I'm interested in dog products.", "I like the colors green and purple."]], [["I have a dog. The dog is my best friend.", "I do freelance work related to dogs.", "I live by the ocean.", "I started a new job.", "I develop dog products. I can provide dog product samples. I have access to a variety of dog products. My dog enjoys the products I make. I am empowered to send out free products."], ["I have a dog. My dog is my best friend. I have a sweet but protective dog. I live in a house. I care for my dogs behavior.", "I'm interested in dog products.", "I like the colors green and purple.", "I live near a park."]], [["I have a dog. The dog is my best friend.", "I do freelance work related to dogs.", "I live by the ocean.", "I started a new job.", "I develop dog products. I can provide dog product samples. I have access to a variety of dog products. My dog enjoys the products I make. I am empowered to send out free products.", "i like beach so much. i like mountains too."], ["I have a dog. My dog is my best friend. I have a sweet but protective dog. I live in a house. I care for my dogs behavior.", "I'm interested in dog products. my dog loves purple.", "I like the colors green and purple.", "I live near a park.", "except fro plane i never seen ocean from my entire life.", "I tend to prefer mountains, because i did't seen ocean.", "I live in North Carolina."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_987_0", "test_987_1", "test_987_2", "test_987_3", "test_987_4", "test_987_5", "test_987_6", "test_987_7", "test_987_8", "test_987_9", "test_987_10", "test_987_11", "test_987_12", "test_987_13", "test_987_14", "test_987_15", "test_987_16", "test_987_17", "test_987_18", "test_987_19", "test_987_20", "test_987_21", "test_987_22", "test_987_23", "test_987_24", "test_987_25", "test_987_26", "test_987_27", "test_987_28", "test_987_29", "test_987_30", "test_987_31", "test_987_32", "test_987_33", "test_987_34", "test_987_35", "test_987_36", "test_987_37", "test_987_38", "test_987_39", "test_987_40", "test_987_41", "test_987_42", "test_987_43", "test_987_44", "test_987_45", "test_987_46", "test_987_47", "test_987_48", "test_987_49", "test_987_50", "test_987_51", "test_987_52", "test_987_53", "test_987_54", "test_987_55", "test_987_56", "test_987_57", "test_987_58", "test_987_59", "test_987_60", "test_987_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello nice to meet you.", "Hey, just got done walking on the beach, how are you?", "I'm doing okay, how are you.", "Great, just getting ready for a late start at high school. Moving next week!", "Oh that sounds like you are busy.", "Very, haven't had time to go hiking recently.", "Sounds like you have a lot of hobbies.", "I do. Hiking. The beach. Languages. I'm fluent in english and spanish.", "Wow what a well rounded person.", "Thanks! I have my high school language teacher to thank.", "Yeah that's cool I am getting my degree in teaching.", "I'm still in high school, so I hope you turn into a good one!", "Thanks they are important in this world.", "Definitely. I'm still packing for the big move!", "How is School today? Do you have Spanish?", "No spanish today! I had english and art and then a really good history lesson. ", "Is there anything you don't like about your teachers in school? How they teach, what they teach...anything like that?", "Sure.. I have some pretty bad teachers tbh. The worst ones just want you to rote learn and regurgitate whatever they tell you, they're not interested in debate or new ideas. What sort of teaching style do you think you'll use?", "I am not too sure yet. I want the students to be able to come to me about anything, but I also don't want to be their friend. I am there to guide and to teach. Do you have any suggestions for your teachers to be better?", "It's hard to strike a balance between those two things I think, but I have some teachers who are like that! I think mostly the teachers I have who are bad need to listen to the kids more. It feels like they don't respect young people or believe their ideas are important. Did you always want to be a teacher?", "I have, I'm just not sure what grade I want to teach. My goal is to become a principal one day and have an impact on an entire school", "Oh wow that would be cool! I reckon teaching older kids would be way less stressful but I guess the youngest ones are easier too. Mostly just the in between ages that would be tough haha. Do you have ideas about things you would change if you got to be the principal? ", "It would depend on the school I was in, but I would want to talk to the students and see what their problems are because if you have students unhappy with the school in general I don't think you can move forward", "It's true. I have a really bad principal. She just cares about the school", "I think alot of principals just care about the funding, but I think you need to build from the bottom up, not the top down. Got to start with the unhappy students and things will just blossom from there", "Yeah sorry computer issues i mean't to say school's image and money. But yeah I completely agree, I wish she would hold meetings and listen to us. Did you have a good time at high school when you were a student? ", "I have a teaching exam coming up this week.", "Oh, that\u2019s important. How are you feeling? What are you doing to prepare? I like to study a lot, so I\u2019m always ready for exams but I\u2019m guessing this is different.", "I'm feeling fine, but occasionally think that teaching degrees are too distant from the realities of what teachers and students need on the ground.", "I think you\u2019re right. I have a lot of bad teachers but some are good, too. I\u2019m lucky because I like to put the focus on myself to study hard. I also find to relax and just be a regular high school student, too. I like to play games and watch movies. I think teachers should do the same to keep their sanity.", "I also want to relax and keep my sanity, but there does have to exist at least a bit of putting lipsticks on pigs if I am to be made principal.", "I don\u2019t like my principal because he doesn\u2019t really give us students voices. But I do my best to have fun when I can, like movies and games. What do you like to do to relax?", "Oh, a bit of knitting for the stress, and air guitar on the weekends too.", "That sounds like fun. I have never done any knitting before. I do like to make art though with paints and pencils. I have a full journal of art.", "Knitting is really quite the activity for mental flow and (as Grey's Anatomy once said) finger coordination. I heard you like hiking; where are you thinking of going next?", "I like to hike in the hills around the area and I\u2019ll probably do that again soon. Everything about it is a good way to relax. I like to watch the birds. I like to cook marshmallows over an open fire. And if I decide to camp out with others, I like to tell stories. Have you ever done any hiking?", "Oooh...didn't have too much time for anything beyond a visitor center nature walk.", "You should make time for yourself. I like to set time aside so I can relax when I find myself studying too much. Going hiking and getting away from everything is a perfect opportunity.", "I just take lesson to my students for exam. Some discus about hiking for relaxation.", "Do you still want to be a principal then? I don't like mine. Maybe you could be mine haha", "I do want to be a principal because I care very much about my students' education. What is your favorite part about your school?", "I like art class the most. The rest of it sucks and I feel like I don't need it. My teachers are mean. I love when school is out.", "What do you want to do after high school? Would you like to continue art?", "I am not sure yet. Maybe I will be a lifeguard and move back to the beach on my own. I am sad to be leaving. I do not think I want to go to college.", "Where are you moving to?", "I am moving to the mountains in TN because my father lost his job and we have to go live with family members I have never met.", "That definitely sounds scary, but at least there will be good hiking in the mountains!", "You are right about that I will have a bunch of new beautiful places to see, thanks!", "Of course!! And there will be lots of new birds!", "I will have to buy a new camera to take pics of them all! I can send you some if you want.", "I forgot to ask: what is your favorite camera model?", "My favorite is the GoPro Hero 8. The pictures and videos come out great! How did your students do on the exam?", "They had a very high pass rate! I am so proud of them, they worked so hard. I had a pizza party in class the last day of school. I wish I could help you enjoy school more and find your place there.", "I don't really like school, to be honest. Maybe if I had a teacher that gave pizza parties I would enjoy school more! What kind of pizza did you guys have?", "Oh we had several different types, even one with no cheese and veggies only for a vegan in the class. I'd love to get together and give you some tips on how to get the teachers \"on your side\" or tutor you, just let me know. Have you seen any rare or unusual birds lately? ", "Yea I could definitely use some tips. I haven't seen any rare birds lately, but I'm excited to move to TN... I think I'll find some really different birds there.", "I though of you the other day, I saw a sandhill crane..would have made a great photo", "Omg.. I still haven't gotten a chance to photograph one! Where did you see it?", "It was flying over a conservation area near my house...rare in these parts. Ever seen one?", "I've only seen it once.. but I didn't have my camera with me at the time.", "What other birds have you photographed lately", "I took a picture of a really beautiful cardinal yesterday. I was so excited."], "init_persona": [[["I have three children.", "I am a stay-at-home mom.", "I illustrate children's books.", "I currently am getting my teaching degree.", "I am married."], ["I love taking walks on the beach.", "In my free time, I go on mountain hikes.", "I can speak english and spanish fluently.", "I'm currently in high school.", "I am moving to a new house next week."]], [["I am taking a degree in teaching."], ["I live near a beach.", "I am moving next week. I go to high school.", "I like to hike.", "I like the beach. I am fluent in English and Spanish.", "I am in high school."]], [["I am taking a degree in teaching. I care about my students education.", "I earn my students trust.", "I want to be a school principal.", "I like to find and fix problems. I focus on the root cause of an issue."], ["I live near a beach.", "I am moving next week. I go to high school.", "I like to hike.", "I like the beach. I am fluent in English and Spanish.", "I am in high school. I am a student. I have some bad teachers.", "I don't feel respected by teachers.", "I don't like my principal. I don't have a voice as a student."]], [["I am taking a degree in teaching. I care about my students education.", "I earn my students trust.", "I want to be a school principal.", "I like to find and fix problems. I focus on the root cause of an issue.", "I teach for exam for coming week.", "I want to relax and keep my calm."], ["I live near a beach.", "I am moving next week.", "I like the beach. I am fluent in English and Spanish.", "I am in high school. I am a student. I have some bad teachers. I don\u2019t like my principal. He didn't care about students.", "I don't feel respected by teachers.", "I don't like my principal. I don't have a voice as a student.", "I play game and watch movies relax my mind.", "I do like to make art though with paints and pencils.", "I like to hike in the hills. I like to watch the birds. Hiking is best way to get relax."]], [["I am taking a degree in teaching. I care about my students education.", "I earn my students trust.", "I want to be a school principal.", "I like to find and fix problems. I focus on the root cause of an issue.", "I teach for exam for coming week.", "I want to relax and keep my calm."], ["I live near a beach.", "I am moving next week. I am moving away to college soon. I am moving to Tennessee to live with family members I have never met. I have a father who lost his job.", "I like the beach. I am fluent in English and Spanish.", "I am in high school. I am a student. I have some bad teachers. I don\u2019t like my principal. He didn't care about students.", "I don't feel respected by teachers.", "I don't like my principal. I don't have a voice as a student.", "I play game and watch movies relax my mind.", "I do like to make art though with paints and pencils.", "I like to hike in the hills. I like to watch the birds. Hiking is best way to get relax. I enjoy photographing birds.", "I do not enjoy school overall. I do enjoy art class."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_989_0", "test_989_1", "test_989_2", "test_989_3", "test_989_4", "test_989_5", "test_989_6", "test_989_7", "test_989_8", "test_989_9", "test_989_10", "test_989_11", "test_989_12", "test_989_13", "test_989_14", "test_989_15", "test_989_16", "test_989_17", "test_989_18", "test_989_19", "test_989_20", "test_989_21", "test_989_22", "test_989_23", "test_989_24", "test_989_25", "test_989_26", "test_989_27", "test_989_28", "test_989_29", "test_989_30", "test_989_31", "test_989_32", "test_989_33", "test_989_34", "test_989_35", "test_989_36", "test_989_37", "test_989_38", "test_989_39", "test_989_40", "test_989_41", "test_989_42", "test_989_43", "test_989_44", "test_989_45", "test_989_46", "test_989_47", "test_989_48", "test_989_49", "test_989_50", "test_989_51", "test_989_52", "test_989_53", "test_989_54", "test_989_55", "test_989_56", "test_989_57", "test_989_58", "test_989_59", "test_989_60", "test_989_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi how are you?", "Hi! I am great! Just put the little monster down for a nap. You?", "Just planning for my spring break trip.", "Oh that is nice, do you have a destination in mind?", "No, but somewhere tropical. I just bought a dress for easter.", "Oh that sounds lovely! You should come here to cali, the weather is wonderful now!", "I think I would fit in there, I just changed my hair color to blue.", "That is so fun, do you have any interesting hobbies?", "I dont have much time for hobbies, ill be 29 next week.", "Congrats! I just turned 30 myself. So what made you change your hair blue?", "Im just trying to hold onto the last of my youth.", "Ah people make a stigma about 29 and 30 but you are still young!", "Well my mom just got me a new car, I cant wait to take it out.", "Oh that is sweet of her, what kind of car did she get you?", "I'm running late to a hair appointment getting ready for my birthday", "Oh how exciting, what are you getting done to your hair?", "Just a trim! How long have you lived in Cali by the way?", "Oh i'm sure it'll look great. I've been here my whole life so 30 years!", "I hope so. And wow! That's awesome. Do you ever think about moving?", "No I love the weather and beaches here way too much! Where do you live? ", "Indiana. Not a fan of the weather! Wish I could move to Cali. Maybe someday. Do you go to the beach often?", "Yes, I go to the beach everyday if I can! My daughter loves to swim and play in the sand", "Now that sounds fun! How old is your daughter?", "She's 5! She's so lucky getting to grow up so close to the beach, we live a fifteen minute walk away. When I was growing up we lived much further away!", "So cute. Definitely lucky! Do you ever surf or anything like that?", "I've tried before but I'm not very good at it! Have you surfed before?", "How was the beach today? Was the weather nice? ", "It was great for most of the day, sunny and not too crowded. My daughter built a big sandcastle.", "Aww that's great. I remember being young and loving the beach. There is endless entertainment paddling in the sea and playing with the sand. I'm so envious that you live near the beach!", "It\u2019s great. I could imagine not being able to go the beach whenever I wanted. I love walking and running along the water. Do you ever take trips or vacations to the beach? ", "Luckily I do have some family that live near the coast, so every couple of years I'll spend a couple of nights with them when I get time off work. I've just started trying to run actually, my stamina is terrible at the moment. Have you been running for long?", "That\u2019s nice that you get to go to the coast and visit family at the same time. I stared running in high school with track. Now I just do it casually for exercise. Your stamina will build up quick.", "I hope so, at the moment I feel like I need to stop for a break every few minutes! Naturally I'm more of a sprinter rather than a long distance runner, so I guess I just need to work at it. It's a great exercise to do though. Is running on the sand more difficult?", "Yes it is harder to run on the sand. It takes a lot more energy, but if you run on the sand that the edge of the water where it\u2019s wet and harder, it\u2019s a little easier. How are your Spring break plans coming?", "Yea that makes sense. Well done for keeping up the running, it must be hard whilst also looking after a little one! My Spring break plans are on pause at the moment, I'm a bit stuck for what to do. I might go and stay with some friends in Europe but that might be an expensive trip! Do you have any trips lined up?", "It might not be too expensive if you have people you can stay with so you don\u2019t have to pay for a hotel. I don\u2019t have any trips planned but I would love to go to Greece.", "I've never been to Greece before, are you interested in the history? I've heard that there are lots of amazing things to see there. I've only ever been to Italy in Europe but I loved it. ", "I love learning about the Greek mythology! I went to Italy when I was younger. The food was amazing!", "I think I might go back to Italy instead of Greece for Spring Break. Talking to you about it reminded me how much I love Italy. Do you have any recommendations for a restaurant in Italy?", "That's awesome. Everyone also stereotypes the pizza or meatballs because it's Italy. But I recommend any restaurant that can make a good pasta. That is the key to a successful Italian restaurant. Are you going with your family?", "No, I'm travelling there alone, but I have friends from Europe that are going to meet up with me there. If I remember right, Northern and Southern Italian food are completely different. ", "Yes. While Southern Italian food is driven by the sea, Northern Italian food embraces the land. It really depends on what you prefer. What was your favourite part about Italy?", "The architecture. Seeing things that have been around for a thousand years was pretty amazing. I'm a big history buff, so it really appealed to me.", "Oh that's awesome. Did you major in History at school?", "No, but I took a history class or two before I dropped out. I read a lot about history, though, and watch a lot of documentaries on the History Channel. I guess that only place that would be better to visit to study history would be Greece. ", "Ah fair enough. What kind of history are you into? I really enjoy Greek mythology. I did a case study on Poseidon once.", "Really? I don't even know what a case study is. lol! Is that like a further in-depth study? Wasn't he God of the Sea or something like that?", "Yes, it is essentially a study based on a few accounts from all the way back in that time. I compiled that information and made a study on how he contributed to the aid of Zeus at the time. He is the God of the Sea, Earthquakes, and Horses.", "He's a busy guy! lol! I guess I haven't ever been able to get into Greek mythology because it's just that - mythology. Real historical accounts, people, and ruins have always fascinated me much more.", "Fair enough. I understand what you mean. I like the idea of superhuman powers. And I liked Poseidon because he had a cool trident. Is there any historical event that particularly interested you?", "How is your daughter doing? Have you tried sharing your love of Greek mythology with her?", "Hi there, hope you are wlll and managing to save up for your Italy trip? Thank for asking about the Greek mythology study, we are doing very well. It helps because i am so passionate about it and hope to get to the Greek islands soon", "Yes I have been saving up for another trip to Italy! I can't wait. It's planned for next Spring. Do you have any plans to go back to Italy in the future?", "I would love to get back to Italy but need to save up and the hopeful priority is to Greece this year. You have friends in Europe are you in contact to see what plans you can make?", "Yes I've been talking to them quite a bit so they know what's going on. I'll be staying with some of them while I'm over there. I have never been to Greece....I'd like to go though. Maybe I'll add it to my itinerary! Maybe we could plan to be in Greece at the same time?!", "That would be so good. There is so much history and the roman statues i take my daughter to see in the museums and through our local resources is fab. She is building up the passion which is lovely to see. Have you still got your hair blue or has it grown out now?", "That's awesome! Maybe you can teach me a little about all the mythology. I think I've never liked it before only because I didn't understand it. My hair is back to being its natural brown - lol I'm being boring for the moment.", "Never boring you will keep styling it all sorts of interesting styles im sure. Yes i would be lovely to be your guide for the day out in Greece. Bring some decent walking boots and some sun cream, its a different heat out there but your tan is probably topped up with going to the beach each day.", "That's good advice! Thank you! I saw on the news Cali has been getting a lot of rain. Have you still been able to run on the beach each day?", "I've got very wet most days unfortunately but need to keep up with the exercise. Been taking to the gym to keep dry. When im not out in the surf of a morning first thing on the weekends, to avoid the crowds as you know im not too good at the surfing but its good fun. ", "That's great you've kept your routine though! I want to learn to surf someday!!!", "Lets do it!! Gives me a chance to check out your new car also. Is it a sporty one? Lots to catch up on but this has been fun hun"], "init_persona": [[["I just colored my hair blue.", "I bought a new dress for the easter weekend.", "I will be going out of town for spring break.", "I have a new car that my mom gave me.", "I turn 29 years next week."], ["Im a mom.", "I like to cook healthy.", "I like to watch movies.", "I live in ca.", "Im 30 yrs old."]], [["Im planning for spring break.", "I have a dress.", "My hair is blue.", "My birthday is next week. I will be turning 29.", "I have a new car."], ["I have a child.", "I live in Cali.", "Im 30 years old."]], [["Im planning for spring break.", "I have a dress.", "My hair is blue.", "My birthday is next week. I will be turning 29.", "I have a new car.", "I have hair to style.", "I live in indiana. I want to live in California."], ["I have a daughter. Daughter is 5. ", "I live in Cali for 30 years.", "I'm 30 years old.", "I go to the beach everyday; Live 15 min walk from the beach. Have surfed before, but not good at it."]], [["I have a dress.", "My hair is blue.", "My birthday is next week. I will be turning 29.", "I have a new car.", "I have hair to style.", "I live in indiana. I want to live in California.", "I like going to the beach. I would love to live near the beach.", "I have family. I have a job. I visit family near the coast every couple of years. I recently started running for exercise.", "I don't have a lot of endurance. I prefer to sprint rather than run distance.", "I am looking forward to spring break. I want to visit friends in Europe for Spring Break. I don't have a lot of money.", "I have never been to Greece. I have been to Italy. I loved Italy."], ["I have a daughter. Daughter is 5. ", "I live in Cali for 30 years. I'm 30 years old.", "I go to the beach everyday; I live 15 min walk from the beach. Have surfed before, but not good at it. I like sunny weather.", "I love to walk and run by the ocean's water.", "I was in high school track. I have been running since high school. I exercise regularly.", "I don't have plans for spring break. I would love to take a trip to Greece. I love Greek Mythology. I have been to Italy. I love the food in Italy."]], [["I have a dress.", "My hair is blue.", "My birthday is next week. I will be turning 29.", "I have a new car.", "I have hair to style.", "I live in indiana. I want to live in California.", "I like going to the beach. I would love to live near the beach.", "I have family. I have a job. I visit family near the coast every couple of years. I recently started running for exercise.", "I don't have a lot of endurance. I prefer to sprint rather than run distance.", "I am looking forward to spring break. I want to visit friends in Europe for Spring Break. I don't have a lot of money.", "I have never been to Greece. I have been to Italy. I loved Italy. I am traveling to Italy alone. I have friends in Europe. I enjoy the architecture in Italy. I enjoy history.", "I dropped out of school. I do not enjoy mythology."], ["I have a daughter. Daughter is 5. ", "I live in Cali for 30 years. I'm 30 years old.", "I go to the beach everyday; I live 15 min walk from the beach. Have surfed before, but not good at it. I like sunny weather.", "I love to walk and run by the ocean's water.", "I was in high school track. I have been running since high school. I exercise regularly.", "I don't have plans for spring break. I would love to take a trip to Greece. I love Greek Mythology. I have been to Italy. I love the food in Italy. I have some expertise about visiting Italy. I enjoy pasta at Italian restaurants.", " I did a case study on Poseidon in the past.", "I enjoy fantasy."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_992_0", "test_992_1", "test_992_2", "test_992_3", "test_992_4", "test_992_5", "test_992_6", "test_992_7", "test_992_8", "test_992_9", "test_992_10", "test_992_11", "test_992_12", "test_992_13", "test_992_14", "test_992_15", "test_992_16", "test_992_17", "test_992_18", "test_992_19", "test_992_20", "test_992_21", "test_992_22", "test_992_23", "test_992_24", "test_992_25", "test_992_26", "test_992_27", "test_992_28", "test_992_29", "test_992_30", "test_992_31", "test_992_32", "test_992_33", "test_992_34", "test_992_35", "test_992_36", "test_992_37", "test_992_38", "test_992_39", "test_992_40", "test_992_41", "test_992_42", "test_992_43", "test_992_44", "test_992_45", "test_992_46", "test_992_47", "test_992_48", "test_992_49", "test_992_50", "test_992_51", "test_992_52", "test_992_53", "test_992_54", "test_992_55", "test_992_56", "test_992_57", "test_992_58", "test_992_59", "test_992_60", "test_992_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey hows it going?", "Great.i just finished up some art work.how are you?", "Im good! Art work? Do you like to draw?", "I work as an artist.how about you.", "That sounds like fun! I have my own construction company.", "I also have a job with animals.do you build homes?", "Yes and on my spare time I like to do karaoke.", "Karaoke is fun I listen to rock music.what do you sing?", "I like to sing anything that is played its a fun time to socialize with my friends.", "Do you have a lot of friends.i spend a lot of time outdoors.", "Oh really what do you do outdoors? And yes I do.", "I like to paint out side and watch the animals.", "That sounds very relaxing! Well it was nice getting to know you.", "Same here.i may call my mother she is a nurse.", "Have you made any new paintings recently?", "I have, but it is kind of silly. It is a portrait of The Who from the 70s. Might be able to sell it to a fan, though! Any chance you are that fan? Hahaha", "I do love The Who, how much would you be selling it for?", "It is on a large canvas (20x30) and took 17 hours to finish, but I would give you a discount. What about $500?", "Ahhh that is a little pricey for me, as I am someone who does not typically invest in art. I hope you can find someone to purchase it though! Maybe we can go sing The Who are karaoke night however!", "Yeah, I know it is not cheap, but I gotta make that green! I would LOVE to do karaoke. I know you have said you are up for anything, but do you usually do classic rock or is there another type of music you prefer to sing?", "I feel you! Go get that money! And I do a little bit of it all. I definitely lean towards classic rock. Queen, ACDC, Journey are my go to. But I can do it all!", "You are speaking my language! I cannot wait to rock out with you!! Are there any dog-friendly bars with karaoke?", "In my area no, but I am sure there is one out there somewhere we can find! Do you have dogs?", "I do not, but I am going to be petsitting for a friend for a few months while she is traveling. I am excited about it!", "That is awesome! What kind of dogs does she have?", "4 pugs! It is kinda ridiculous, but I love her for it. I just hope my landlord doesnt find out!", "Do you think you could teach me how to be a better painter? I don't usually do art but I would like to learn from you.", "I would absolutely love to! Let\u2019s see when.....What is your schedule like? ", "I am free after work tomorrow. ", "That would work. Anytime after 5 is good for me...", "Great. Let's meet at 6 then. Maybe after you teach me, we may go to karaoke together. Would you like that?", "That would be awesome... if (and that\u2019s a big IF lol) we can find a dog friendly bar that is! I\u2019m going to search the net for something...", "I got this, no need for you to search. I know a great place that is dog friendly!", "Oh wow! You rock!! In that case, we\u2019re 100% on for tomorrow! I\u2019m getting excited just thinking about it :)", "Yeay! I cant wait! I need to dust my painter skills and with your help I will be on track soon! Thank you for accepting to help me! I will be sending you the location of the place. You will love it. It belongs to one of my friends.", "I\u2019m sure I\u2019ll love it ... thanks! Yup, you just bring your painter skills and enthusiasm coz I have plenty of supplies! You can also take a look at the portrait I just completed.", "I would love it! Am I going to be the first person to see your latest portrait?", "Yes indeed, and it\u2019s the one of The Who that you were interested in. I know the initial offer was a bit pricey for you but maybe we can work something out ;)", "I found a karaoke bar that is pet-friendly; especially dogs!", "That's awesome I can bring my friend and her pugs and we will have a blast!", "So what is your favorite song to sing @ Karaoke?", "I love to sing We Will Rock You by Queen, it gets everyone up and moving, how about you?", "Islands in the Stream! It blows my mind how everyone just knows that song.", "I knew it! I will be right up there singing it with you! Afterwards I will have to show you my latest painting.", "Yes, I can't wait to see \"Who\" it is! LMAO I have to ask, how do you manage 4 dogs?", "I see what you did there hahaha and it really isn't too bad since they are small, but it can be a handful to try to walk them all at once. Cuties though!", "You're a very good friend. I don't think I'd be able to have them with me for that long, I'd get too attached and not want to give them back.", "Haha well thanks, I am just happy to be able to help a friend in need!", "I have a feeling you'll have a new masterpiece soon, a painting of four dogs.", "Haha yes maybe I can paint you sitting with them", "I made us all reservation - including your friend with the pugs! Prepare yourself!!", "That sounds exciting! Reservations for where?", "The Karaoke bar! We both love karaoke, so it only makes sense we do it together for once. What other songs do you like singing?", "There are some other Queen songs I know how to sing, I love that band. I also know some Elvis songs haha ", "Sounds good, I can't wait. How has your art been coming along?", "Great actually, I have a new commission from someone I have done some petsitting for, they would like me to paint a portrait of their labrador. ", "Wow, that sounds like the best of both worlds! Getting to spend time with a dog, doing your hobby that you enjoy, AND making money off of it. ", "Yes, life is good! It's nice that I know the dog too, it means I can put some of it's personality into the painting, I am looking forward to it", "Whats your other job with animals? You're so lucky that you get to combine all your passions like that in your work. I wish I could find a job in the arts, working at a construction company gets old.", "I do some petsitting for people when they are away, I also do some dog walking, I love anything to do with animals. Construction sounds exciting and interesting but I guess all jobs become boring after a while. Do you have other hobbies? ", "Honestly my dream is to do more art like you! I've dabbled in some recreational painting, but I have no idea how to turn it into a career.", "You should take some classes, that's how I turned my hobby into a paying venture, it is hard though, as soon as someone is paying you to recreate something it's no longer a hobby and it makes you feel pressured, it's not as fun. "], "init_persona": [[["I grew up in mexico.", "I enjoy drinking and socializing with friends.", "I hang out at a karaoke bar most nights.", "I own a construction company.", "I have two daughters."], ["I am an artist.", "I like to be in nature.", "My mom is a nurse.", "My favorite music genre is rock.", "I work with animals."]], [["I have my own construction company.", "I like to do karaoke in my free time.", "I have a lot of friends."], ["I like art.", "I work as an artist.", "I also have a job with animals.", "I like rock music.", "I spend a lot of time outdoors.", "I like to paint and watch animals.", "My mother is a nurse."]], [["I have my own construction company.", "I like to do karaoke in my free time.", "I have a lot of friends.", "I love The Who.", "I do not usually invest in art. I am a singer."], ["I like art. I work as an artist. I am a painter.", "I also have a job with animals.", "I like rock music.", "I spend a lot of time outdoors.", "I like to paint and watch animals. I enjoy petsitting.", "My mother is a nurse.", "I would love to do karaoke.", "I rent. My friend has 4 pugs."]], [["I have my own construction company.", "I like to do karaoke in my free time.", "I have a lot of friends.", "I love The Who.", "I do not usually invest in art. I am a singer. I am not an artist but would like to learn.", "I am employed.", "I enjoy singing karaoke.", "I want to learn how to paint."], ["I like art. I work as an artist. I am a painter.", "I also have a job with animals.", "I like rock music.", "I spend a lot of time outdoors.", "I like to paint and watch animals. I enjoy petsitting. I painted a portrait recently. I rent. My friend has 4 pugs.", "My mother is a nurse.", "I am available to teach art after 5:00 pm.", "I enjoy singing karaoke.", "I like the band The Who. I sell my art for an income."]], [["I have my own construction company.", "I like to do karaoke in my free time. I love to sing Islands in the Stream.", "I have a lot of friends.", "I love The Who.", "I do not usually invest in art. I am a singer. I am not an artist but would like to learn.", "I am employed.", "I enjoy singing karaoke.", "I want to learn how to paint.", "I like dogs."], ["I like art. I work as an artist. I am a painter.", "I also have a job with animals.", "I like rock music.", "I spend a lot of time outdoors.", "I like to paint and watch animals. I enjoy petsitting. I painted a portrait recently. I rent. My friend has 4 pugs.", "My mother is a nurse.", "I am available to teach art after 5:00 pm.", "I enjoy singing karaoke. I love to sing We Will Rock You by Queen.", "I like the band The Who. I sell my art for an income.", "I have 4 dogs."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_994_0", "test_994_1", "test_994_2", "test_994_3", "test_994_4", "test_994_5", "test_994_6", "test_994_7", "test_994_8", "test_994_9", "test_994_10", "test_994_11", "test_994_12", "test_994_13", "test_994_14", "test_994_15", "test_994_16", "test_994_17", "test_994_18", "test_994_19", "test_994_20", "test_994_21", "test_994_22", "test_994_23", "test_994_24", "test_994_25", "test_994_26", "test_994_27", "test_994_28", "test_994_29", "test_994_30", "test_994_31", "test_994_32", "test_994_33", "test_994_34", "test_994_35", "test_994_36", "test_994_37", "test_994_38", "test_994_39", "test_994_40", "test_994_41", "test_994_42", "test_994_43", "test_994_44", "test_994_45", "test_994_46", "test_994_47", "test_994_48", "test_994_49", "test_994_50", "test_994_51", "test_994_52", "test_994_53", "test_994_54", "test_994_55", "test_994_56", "test_994_57", "test_994_58", "test_994_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello how are you today?", "I am well, how are you? Tell me about yourself.", "I am great. Residing in arizona, skydiving is awesome, barnes and noble is my favorite, you?", "I like movies over books, love punk music and just love to cruise around!", "I am a government official in spare time I play with gabby my lizard. Hows cruising?", "Nice, I'm a part time employee at a warehouse. Cruising is fun.", "How the warehouse job? You like it?", "It's okay, just part time work. Best part is lunch, lots of pizza of burgers.", "Oh ok. Not the healthiest choices but those are my favorite lol. What else is going on?", "Not much, the usual. I watch movies a lot in my spare time.", "Movies are always awesome. I enjoy family time as well whenever I can get it.", "Same here. What do you like to do with your family?", "Did you get a chance to cruise around?", "I sure did! Took my Subaru up to the mountains! Got some great photos! ", "That's awesome! You will have to share the photos with me next time I see you. Did you run into any wildlife?", "Yes! I saw a turtle stuck in the mud, so I had to stop my awesome cruising to help him out. I have photos of him too. I will definitely share them with you. ", "OH wow! I hope the turtle was okay! That was very kind of you. I thought about getting a turtle as a friend for my lizard, but I would never take one from the wild.", "I think he was fine. Just needed a little push. Do you think Gabby needs a friend?", "I think it would be nice for her to have a playmate. I like to create playgrounds out of recycled bottles for her to play on", "That is so cute and lovely! How often do you get to do that? I feel like your job probably takes up much of your time.", "Usually on weekends. My nieces and nephews love to help me out when they come over for Sunday dinner.", "This gets cuter and cuter. How many nieces and nephews do you have?", "2 nieces and 3 nephews! They are quite a wild bunch when we all get together. Do you have any?", "Wow! That sounds like a great way to spend your weekends. I do not have any. I am an only child.", "What is your favorite movie to watch?", "My favorite is Clueless. The fashion is so fun! Have you seen it?", "Yes I have and it is one of my favorites as well. What's your favorite type of movie?", "Alicia Silverstone was the perfect Cher. I love comedies and rom coms the most. You?", "I think my favorites are action and mysteries. I also like drama like cop shows.", "I heard they might cancel COPS. That would be sad. It is such a classic.", "Really? That would be awful. I can't believe some of the crazy things that happen on that show. Have you read any books yet this year?", "I read Tori Spelling's tell all. IT was really juciy!", "oh cool, I know you're not a big fan on reading but that's something at least. I will have to read it now.", "It was actually quite interesting! Who knew she was so fascinating?!", "I bet! What kind of warehouse do you work at?", "We do personal storage. Not very exciting!", "I read the Tori Spelling novel you told me about!", "Awesome! What did you think of it?", "I thought it was really good. Thanks for recommending it. You also said you watch a lot of movies. Can you recommend a good movie to me too?", "Well, I've been watching a lot of romantic comedies lately. We should watch a couple the next time we have a movie night! I also wanted to ask, are there any cop shows you'd recommend? I'd like to try watching them too.", "I would recommend Manifest and Line of Duty for cop shows. Do you have any romantic comedies you would recommend?", "I'll add them to my list! Actually, you're going to love this. They remade our favorite, \"Clueless\"! And it actually looks really funny!", "That's great news! I'd love to see a remake of the movie both you and I love, especially a funny one! To change the subject a little bit, I'm thinking about buying a new car. Have you had any repair problems with your Subaru?", "So far, I love my Subaru! I haven't had any problems with it, even when I go off-road to take pictures. I'd recommend one for sure.", "I will definitely go to the Subaru dealership to check those out. I have head really good things about Subarus from other people too. I went to a Volvo meet last weekend and test-drove an electric car. It was a thrill for me to do that, the car was so luxurious. But I could never afford it. Subarus are more in my price range. Does yours have a smooth ride to it or does it take road imperfections hard?", "It's been really smooth, and I go pretty far off road to take pictures. It also has a lot more room than those electric cars, so you'll have plenty of room for more family trips with your neices and nephews. I'd love to invest in an electric car in the future, but for now I'm right there with you. Subarus are a lot more affordable.", "That's a good point you make about needing plenty of room for my nieces and nephews. I drive them all over the place in AZ. Of course, I don't have to worry so much about snow and ice being hard on my car in AZ. Where do you live and do you have to worry about winters being hard on your Subaru?", "I'm farther east, and we definitely get hit with the ice and snow up here. It's hard on cars but I've learned how to care for my Subaru. For example, I buy snow tires every year. And driving around Arizona with the family sounds like so much fun!", "I went to a Subaru dealer the other day to look at some new cars.", "Are you looking it larger family cars? Can you afford an electric?", "I can afford the electric car, but it will be tight. I'm thinking it would be worth it though so I can do my part for the environment. How do you like your Subaru? Would you recommend it as a family car?", "Mine is mid-size but I love the durability. I'd consider an electric eventually. If you want a family-size the space is decent for the prics", "Oh cool that makes sense. What kind of electric car are you considering? I've always wanted a Tesla.", "Probably a Subaru or Jeep for off-roading. I want to photograph nature in isolated areas", "OH wow I didn't know you were into that! I love photographing nature as well. I just recently spent a fortune on an old film camera. Have you ever shot on film?", "Never but that sounds interesting. I bet it would be great for nature shots. Is it good for action filming?", "Not really unfortunately. Since you can't see the image until you get it developed, and buying and developing film is expensive, it isn't really worth it for action shot. For that, its probably best to just use a good old iPhone's high shutter speed.", "Makes sense. Do you film or photograph Arizona wildlife?", "I photograph it, but using film cameras! I think you've got it confused with film as in video recording, haha. I meant more in the old-fashioned film roll sense.", "I see! You could use it for family footage and vacations"], "init_persona": [[["I live in arizona.", "I like to go skydiving.", "I work for the government.", "My favorite place to go is barnes and noble.", "I have a pet lizard."], ["I like watching movies.", "I work part time in a warehouse.", "I like punk music.", "I like pizza and burgers.", "I enjoy cruising."]], [["I live in Arizona. I love to go skydiving. My favorite store is barnes and noble.", "I am a government official. I have a lizard named gabby.", "I enjoy spending time with my family."], ["I prefer movies to books. I love punk music. I love to cruise around.", "I am a part time employee at a warehouse.", "I watch a lot of movies."]], [["I live in Arizona. I love to go skydiving. My favorite store is barnes and noble.", "I am a government official. I have a lizard named gabby. I like to created playgrounds for my lizard.", "I enjoy spending time with my family.", "I have 2 nieces and 3 nephews."], ["I prefer movies to books. I love punk music. I love to cruise around.", "I am a part time employee at a warehouse.", "I watch a lot of movies.", "I own a Subaru. I take photos.", "I am an only child."]], [["I live in Arizona. I love to go skydiving. My favorite store is barnes and noble.", "I am a government official. I have a lizard named gabby. I like to created playgrounds for my lizard.", "I enjoy spending time with my family.", "I have 2 nieces and 3 nephews.", "\"Clueless\" is one of my favorite movies.My favorite genres are action and mysteries. I also like cop shows. I like to read."], ["I prefer movies to books. I love punk music. I love to cruise around.", "I am a part time employee at a storage warehouse.", "I own a Subaru. I take photos.", "I am an only child.", "I watch a lot of movies. My favorite movie is 'Clueless'. I love comedies and romantic comedies the best. I have read Tori Spelling's tell all book recently."]], [["I live in Arizona. I love to go skydiving. My favorite store is barnes and noble.", "I am a government official. I have a lizard named gabby. I like to created playgrounds for my lizard.", "I enjoy spending time with my family.", "I have 2 nieces and 3 nephews.", "\"Clueless\" is one of my favorite movies.My favorite genres are action and mysteries. I also like cop shows. I like to read.", "I have read a Tori Spelling novel. I enjoy Tori Spelling novels. I enjoy the police shows called Manifest and Line of Duty.", "I am thinking of buying a new car. I test drove an electric car at a Volvo meet last weekend. I could not afford a Volvo but Subarus are more in my price range."], ["I prefer movies to books. I love punk music. I love to cruise around.", "I am a part time employee at a storage warehouse.", "I am an only child.", "I watch a lot of movies. My favorite movie is 'Clueless'. I love comedies and romantic comedies the best. I have read Tori Spelling's tell all book recently. I would like to watch some cop shows.", "I own a Subaru and sometimes drive it off-road to take pictures.", "I would like to buy an electric car someday.", "I live in a snowy area and buy snow tires every year."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_996_0", "test_996_1", "test_996_2", "test_996_3", "test_996_4", "test_996_5", "test_996_6", "test_996_7", "test_996_8", "test_996_9", "test_996_10", "test_996_11", "test_996_12", "test_996_13", "test_996_14", "test_996_15", "test_996_16", "test_996_17", "test_996_18", "test_996_19", "test_996_20", "test_996_21", "test_996_22", "test_996_23", "test_996_24", "test_996_25", "test_996_26", "test_996_27", "test_996_28", "test_996_29", "test_996_30", "test_996_31", "test_996_32", "test_996_33", "test_996_34", "test_996_35", "test_996_36", "test_996_37", "test_996_38", "test_996_39", "test_996_40", "test_996_41", "test_996_42", "test_996_43", "test_996_44", "test_996_45", "test_996_46", "test_996_47", "test_996_48", "test_996_49", "test_996_50", "test_996_51", "test_996_52", "test_996_53", "test_996_54", "test_996_55", "test_996_56", "test_996_57", "test_996_58", "test_996_59", "test_996_60", "test_996_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello! How are you?", "Hi! Im well, you?", "Great. Just got home from where I work as a car salesman.", "Oh neat. I have a smart car. Its small but I love it! Where are you from?", "I am from california! In my spare time I enjoy gardening.", "Id love to live in ca by the beach when I retire. We're from up north.", "Do you like to read? I love mystery novels.", "I started reading a lot while I lived in alaska. It was a long 3 years.", "I think I like them because my mom was a police officer.", "That makes sense. My parents were vikings. Like I said, they were northerners!", "Thats great! What kind of music do you like? My fav is 5 finger death punch.", "Im blonde with blue eyes so I look sweet but I love to rock out! Nin \\m/.", "Thats great! My hair is brown and I have brown eyes.", "You sound like a really fun person. Id go to a show with you!", "I sold several cars at work today. One was a smart car.", "I love my smart car, I'm sure whoever you sold it to is very happy with their choice! What other cars did you sell?", "I sold one Honda Fit, 2 Toyota Corolla, 2 Camry, one GM Spark and one pickup F-150. It is one of my best days. ", "Whoa! The commission on that has got to be huge! How are you celebrating the big day?", "I cook myself a nice meal with a spider steak that I just bought and come vegetables that I have gown. And you, what will you cook today ?", "Not sure, I'm thinking about Salmon and broccoli, but if I had a big day like that I would look for a show coming to town and pick up tickets right away!", "I did not think about going out, but it is a great idea, what type of show do you like ? I like movies. ", "If there aren't any live shows like plays coming to town anytime soon then I would definitely go see a movie. I really like action movies, fight sequences are so fun. What kind of movies do you like?", "I like action movies, mostly Kung Fu movies. But lately, I am watching Bollywood movies.", "Very cool, I haven't seen any bollywood movies, are there any that you recommend?", "They can be long, a lot of them are around 3 hours, but I like the music and the dances. Prince with Shammi Kapoor is good, but a little corny. Some made in the 90s have dance number that rival Hollywood. ", "Is that so,, I'm going to have to try and look that up and check it out. I have so much respect for people that can dance like that", "What is your favorite rock band?", "It\u2019s hard for me to pick a favorite. I\u2019m a fan of Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, Aerosmith. I like old rock bands, too, like the Beatles, Stones, and Eagles. I guess I like all kinds of rock music. You never told me what kind of music you like. What are you into?", "Well I do have a soft spot for fast-paced Bollywood music (most of the songs from Lagaan, at least), and also like modern pop (like Maroon 5).", "I can see that since that\u2019s really popular music. Sometimes the best song is the one you can just relax to. What do you like to do to relax besides watching movies and cooking?", "I garden, with my particular specialty being vegetables. What a kale crop I had last year!", "Oh, that\u2019s right! You like to grow vegetables. I love to eat vegetables, so I guess we have that in common. If I had the time, I would take up gardening. Maybe you could give me some tips anyway.", "Keep good track of the growing seasons for particular veggies, and make sure to replace at least 1/3 of the soil (if using potting mix) after each season! Also, I remember you like reading; why not take Agatha Christie up a try?", "I remember you telling me you like her but I never liked her. I don\u2019t like mystery novels nearly as much as you. I do like reading though. I enjoy dramatic stories. I also like science-fiction and fantasy. Do you like any other genres besides mystery?", "Sci fi generally strikes my fancy and keeps my interest. Brave New World and the Rama series are great. ", "Those are some of my favorites, too. I like reading but I would rather spend my time watching movies to relax. If you had to choose between the two, which would you pick?", "Watching movies, honestly, if at least for the fact that I have that hustle mojo as a car salesman. Who can disagree with Skiptrace, if not the old Shaw Brothers kung fu movies?", "I see what you\u2019re saying. You can learn a lot from watching movies. Sometimes I like to recite dialogue and use it in everyday conversation. It makes talking to people fun and I like doing it more than I did when I was younger now.", "Let me tell you about this fantastic Kung fu movie I saw recently.", "Please do I can't wait to hear it! ", "i have watched the movie \"the kung fu master recently. did you watched it yet?", "I have it is one of my favs. What is your favorite part?", "i loved all the scenes of bruce lee. he is an undeniable and charmingly compelling performer. what do you think about him?", "He was the absolute master! What is your fav Bollywood movie, I still have not seen one!", "i dont watch much of bollywood movies. but my favorite is rang de basanti. it is an absolutely briiliant movie.", "What is it mostly about? I thought you did since they have a lot of singing and dancing.", "the film sails from funny and happy going to serious patriotic so subtly you almost don't feel the change.", "That is much different from Agatha Christie that is for sure, I know you love her but I just do not get it.", "i like it because it tries to bring certain elements in the freedom struggle.", "Well I am about to make some yummy chicken lo mein for dinner.", "How was the chicken lo mein you made for dinner two nights ago?", "It was so good! I love noodle dishes because you can pack them full of veggies. I can share the recipe if you'd like! Since you grow vegetables, it would probably taste even better with your home-grown food!", "Yes, when you just picked it fresh you can taste the difference! What else do you like to cook?", "Honestly, a lot of people find this lame but my favorite dishes are the ones that I can fill with delicious vegetables and healthiness. I love when a dish is filled with colors, like a rainbow. In fact, that reminds me that I had been wanting to try making Ratatouille ever since I watched the movie. Have you had it before?", "Yes I have, but I haven't seen that movie. I'm not sure I'd want to see a rat in my kitchen!", "How did you like the dish? Do you have any tips for cooking it! Haha, most people would think that, but the movie is still hilarious.", "I had it in a restaurant, but there are lots of recipes for it online. Do you like the taste of basil?", "I love it! In fact, probably my favorite dish ever is Thai basil noodles. Why do you ask?", "It's a prominent flavor in ratatouille. Some people don't like basil. It does taste somewhat like licorice, which some people don't like.", "What! Thats so surprising to me. First of all I never knew basil was used in french cuisine, and I've never heard it compared to licorice. I guess you learn something new every day! Anyway, did you find a use for that kale from your garden?", "Yes, I made several dishes with it. Ever had a kale smoothie?", "Nope, but I have to admit that even as a vegetable lover, I've always been a bit nervous about kale."], "init_persona": [[["I am a car salesman.", "I enjoy murder mystery novels.", "My mother was a police officer.", "My favorite band is 5 finger death punch.", "Sometimes, I like to garden."], ["I have blonde hair and blue eyes.", "My parents are both from the north.", "I lived in alaska for 3 years.", "I want to retire on a beach.", "I have a small smart car."]], [["I am a car salesman.", "I am from California. I like to garden.", "I like mystery novels.", "My mom is a police officer.", "I like 5 finger death punch.", "I have brown hair and brown eyes."], ["I have a smart car.", "I am from up north. I would like to retire in CA by the beach.", "I lived in Alaska for 3 years. I read a lot.", "My parents were Vikings.", "I like rock. I have blond hair and blue eyes.", "I like to go to shows."]], [["I am a car salesman.", "I am from California. I like to garden.", "I like mystery novels.", "My mom is a police officer.", "I like 5 finger death punch.", "I have brown hair and brown eyes.", "I cook. I grow vegetables.", "I like action movies, Kung Fu movies, and Bollywood movies. I like movies with music and dancing. I like the movie Prince with Shammi Kapoor."], ["I have a smart car.", "I am from up north. I would like to retire in CA by the beach.", "I lived in Alaska for 3 years. I read a lot.", "My parents were Vikings.", "I like rock. I have blond hair and blue eyes.", "I like to go to shows.", "I cook.", "I like live plays. I like action movies. I've never watched a Bollywood movie."]], [["I am a car salesman.", "I am from California. I like to garden.", "I like mystery novels.", "My mom is a police officer.", "I like 5 finger death punch.", "I have brown hair and brown eyes.", "I cook. I grow vegetables. I have a vegetable garden. I had a great crop of Kale last year.", "I like action movies, Kung Fu movies, and Bollywood movies. I like movies with music and dancing. I like the movie Prince with Shammi Kapoor. I like Agatha Christie. I also like science fiction.", "I like modern pop and fast-paced Bollywood music.", "I like some of the old kung-fu movies."], ["I have a smart car.", "I am from up north. I would like to retire in CA by the beach.", "I lived in Alaska for 3 years. I read a lot.", "My parents were Vikings.", "I have blond hair and blue eyes.", "I like to go to shows.", "I cook. I like to eat vegetables.", "I like live plays. I like action movies. I've never watched a Bollywood movie.", "I like rock music, especially old rock. Some of my favorite bands are Mtallica, Pantera, and Aerosmith. I also enjoy the Eagles, the Beatles and the Stones.", "I do not like Agatha Christie. Although I do like to read I don't like mystery novels, I prefer sciene-fiction and dramatic stories. I like reading, but I prefer to watch movies."]], [["I am a car salesman.", "I am from California. I like to garden.", "I like mystery novels.", "My mom is a police officer.", "I like 5 finger death punch.", "I have brown hair and brown eyes.", "I cook. I grow vegetables. I have a vegetable garden. I had a great crop of Kale last year.", "I like action movies, Kung Fu movies, and Bollywood movies. I like movies with music and dancing. I like the movie Prince with Shammi Kapoor. I like Agatha Christie. I also like science fiction.", "I like modern pop and fast-paced Bollywood music. I don't often watch Bollywood movies.", "I like some of the old kung-fu movies.", "I have watched \"the kung fu master."], ["I have a smart car.", "I am from up north. I would like to retire in CA by the beach.", "I lived in Alaska for 3 years. I read a lot.", "My parents were Vikings.", "I have blond hair and blue eyes.", "I like to go to shows.", "I cook. I like to eat vegetables.", "I like live plays. I like action movies. I've never watched a Bollywood movie.", "I like rock music, especially old rock. Some of my favorite bands are Mtallica, Pantera, and Aerosmith. I also enjoy the Eagles, the Beatles and the Stones.", "I do not like Agatha Christie. Although I do like to read I don't like mystery novels, I prefer sciene-fiction and dramatic stories. I like reading, but I prefer to watch movies. I am familiar with Agatha Christie.", "\"the kung fu master\" is one of my favorites."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_1000_0", "test_1000_1", "test_1000_2", "test_1000_3", "test_1000_4", "test_1000_5", "test_1000_6", "test_1000_7", "test_1000_8", "test_1000_9", "test_1000_10", "test_1000_11", "test_1000_12", "test_1000_13", "test_1000_14", "test_1000_15", "test_1000_16", "test_1000_17", "test_1000_18", "test_1000_19", "test_1000_20", "test_1000_21", "test_1000_22", "test_1000_23", "test_1000_24", "test_1000_25", "test_1000_26", "test_1000_27", "test_1000_28", "test_1000_29", "test_1000_30", "test_1000_31", "test_1000_32", "test_1000_33", "test_1000_34", "test_1000_35", "test_1000_36", "test_1000_37", "test_1000_38", "test_1000_39", "test_1000_40", "test_1000_41", "test_1000_42", "test_1000_43", "test_1000_44", "test_1000_45", "test_1000_46", "test_1000_47", "test_1000_48", "test_1000_49", "test_1000_50", "test_1000_51", "test_1000_52", "test_1000_53", "test_1000_54", "test_1000_55", "test_1000_56", "test_1000_57", "test_1000_58", "test_1000_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! Tell me about yourself. I'm a professional showboarder.", "I'm a vegan. Two dogs and a cat. Student at community college.", "Interesting. Unfortunately, I love food, especially steak!", "It works for me. I volunteer at a local garden in my community, so lots of veggies.", "So good for you. Do you have any fav. Singers. I love charlie parker.", "Not much time for music. Studying hard to be a nurse.", "Honorable! I'm in the market for a new car. Any recommendations?", "I drive a little suv so I have room for my dogs and cat.", "I just need room for my snowboard..", "That sounds fun! Hopefully I have more time for that stuff when I done with community college.", "You'll make a great nurse. I used to work at cisco. Ever heard of it?", "Well, I see the name on routers and stuff at college.", "How's studying to become a nurse coming along?", "I'm finding it very challenging. I like the work and it's rewarding when I finally understand it, but it's just a lot of stuff to know and think about.", "I bet it is. I feel the same way about snowboarding. It took me a lot of hard work, grinding, and dedication, but it's worth it now that I have a pro career.", "Do you have any competitions coming up?", "No, not until winter, but during the spring and summer, I skateboard, which is quite similar. Also, without a car, it helps me to get around.", "Do you do a lot of traveling for snowboarding competitions? I bet there are competitions all over the world. North America, Europe, Asia. Do you get to see a lot of neat places?", "For my main job, I give snowboarding lessons at Killington Mountain here in Vermont. I do travel up and down the East Coast for snowboarding competitions, too. I've been snowboarding in Canada but never any other foreign countries like Switzerland for example. Have you ever tried skiing or snowboarding?", "I never have! I think it looks very exciting but I have terrible balance. I broke my wrist roller skating as a child!", "That sounds painful. I've had some bad rollerblading falls in my day. So, will you be getting out of college soon for the summer?", "Yes, finals are coming up soon. I'm sweating those but it will be good to get them over with. Then I need to start thinking about getting a summer job.", "I hope you do well on the exams. What kind of job are you looking for? Could you do any work involving gardening?", "I think I'll keep volunteering at the local garden but do something different for gainful employment. Last summer I worked in a coffee shop. This summer I'd like to do something less hectic.", "I looked into buying a used car today. Hopefully I can find one I like soon so I don't have to skatebaord everywhere.", "Yea, skateboarding must be fun but it isn't great if you have to do it all the time, in all weather!! What kind of car do you think you might get? ", "I am really wanting to get a Toyota Corolla. I've heard they are great cars because they are inexpensive and reliable. Do you have any other suggestions?", "I've just looked up a Toyota Corolla to see what it looks like; they look quite slick and stylish. The design on the lights at the front is quite unique too. What color do you think you'll get? I don't have much advice I'm afraid, my first car was a very old Ford Fiesta. My sister knows more about cars and advised me with the SUV I currently have!", "I don't care about the color that much, I suppose I would like to have a red one, but I will stick with whichever one I can get the best deal on.", "Yea that's true, the most important thing is getting the best deal you can. Having a car gives you so much more freedom, and the abliity to have road trips! Do you have any holidays booked for summer?", "Not yet. I love winter sports, but obviously I can't do much of those in the Summer. My girlfriend really wants to be on a beach at some point this summer, so we might take a trip to the coast at some point.", "That would be nice to get to the coast. I'm hoping that I manage to get a break from studying... I didn't expect learning to be a nurse was going to be easy, but the training is a lot more intense than I was expecting! If I get to go away I'll probably head to the coast too, as I love relaxing on the beach. ", "Yeah, your studies are very important, but you have to give yourself a break every now and then. It is important to have some time to yourself so you can recharge and prevent burnout. You deserve to take some time off every now and then.", "You're right, otherwise I might burn out! I'm quite envious that you are able to relax a bit more in the summer before your snowboarding job in the winter, though I assume that in wintertime you are realyl busy and it must be physically exhausting snowboarding all the time?", "We do get pretty busy, and yes it's tiring, but it's great exercise. Snowboarding is my passion, so I love being outside and sharing that with other people. I would not trade my job for anything else.", "I'm so glad you've found a job you love so much (and are also so good at!", "How have your studies been going lately? Have you thought about summer plans to take a break from all the studying?", "My studies have been going well, its a bit of a challenge at times and very intensive, but I manage. I haven't decided on summer plans, maybe I", "I think you should. It's important to get enough rest and enjoy life sometimes so you don't get burned out.", "That is true, I feel that I will be at my wits end if I don't relax. Perhaps I should meet up with friends and family, and go somewhere nice where we can all hand out during this summer.", "That sounds like a great idea! Where do you think you might all go?", "I really enjoy going to the beach, so maybe I can ask my friends and family if they can join me in going to one. We can even have seafood afterwards, I normally don't get a chance to do so.", "That sounds fun, I love the beach too! There's nothing quite like fresh caught seafood straight from the surf... When does your summer break start?", "I still have about two weeks left until summer break, so I am in the middle of finishing my classes. I am really working hard on studying so I can take my finals, I don't want to do badly on them by neglecting to study.", "Well, I sure hope you're not neglecting your studies right now to have this chat with me. I wouldn't want to be a bad influence on you.", "Its no problem, I still need to take a break now and then, I try to study the content every day so it sticks. Many nurses tend to cram a lot of content in a given time, some before exams which ends up being very exhausting and not very effective. I need to study bit by bit to really learn the content.", "I agree, cramming for tests is unhealthy and relatively ineffective because you don't have time to truly digest the information. on the other hand if you spread it out too much, you also risk forgetting some things.", "Its definitely a balance that has to be carefully done for your education. How about yourself, do you have any ideas what you want to do this summer?", "How have you been doing with your studies? Did you make plans to go to the beach with your family next week?", "The studies have still been pretty difficult unfortunately. In fact, I had to cancel my beach plans because its vital that I study enough for my next test. At least I get that break in two weeks, but until that I have to keep my focus strong.", "Good idea. Beach plans for the break, then? Will your family still come?", "I hope so! Maybe we could go to the beach together.... you did say you didn't have any plans yet! And you love the beach! Its a win-win for all of us!", "I would love that! Could I bring my girlfriend? How's the seafood there?", "Of course!! I've been wanting to meet her for ages. I actually have no idea how the seafood is since I'm a vegan haha, but I've heard its pretty fresh! Its nice living near the ocean for that reason.", "Oh yes, I forgot you were vegan. I could do some rollerskating there, too. If you want, I'd teach you; it's great for balance training", "That sounds amazing. Wow, you can snowboard AND roller skate. You must be the opposite of me - you're a master of balance! What's your secret?", "I've always focused on my balance, since I was young. Yoga is good, too. My car is maybe not in the best shape to get me to you, however", "No problem, I can pick you up! After all, thats what owning an SUV is for, right? It will also make me feel better about helping the environment if we get to carpool.", "Great! I'd like to meet your sister, so I hope she comes", "I'll ask her, she loves the beach too so I'm sure she'll be thrilled. I guess that means we're in for a full car!"], "init_persona": [[["I enjoy food and eat meat.", "I like snowboarding.", "I used to work for cisco.", "My favorite performer is charlie parker.", "I'm going to buy a new car."], ["I am a vegan.", "I love to volunteer at my local community garden.", "Have two dogs and cat.", "I am a student at a community college.", "I am hoping to be a nurse one day."]], [["I'm a professional snowboarder.", "I love steak.", "I love the singer, Charlie Parker.", "I want to buy a new car.", "I once worked for Cisco."], ["I'm a vegan. I have two dogs and a cat.", "I volunteer at a local garden.", "I'm a student at community college. I'm studying to be a nurse.", "I drive an SUV."]], [["I love steak.", "I love the singer, Charlie Parker.", "I want to buy a new car. I do not have a car.", "I once worked for Cisco.", "I'm a professional snowboarder. I compete for snowboarding in the winter. I skateboard during the spring and summer. My main job is giving snowboarding lessons at Killington Mountain in Vermont. I live in Vermont. I travel for snowboarding. I have been to Canada.", "I have roller skated."], ["I'm a vegan. I have two dogs and a cat.", "I volunteer at a local garden.", "I'm a student at community college. I'm studying to be a nurse.", "I drive an SUV.", "I have terrible balance. I broke my wrist roller skating as a child.", " I worked in a coffee shop previously."]], [["I love steak.", "I love the singer, Charlie Parker.", "I want to buy a new car. I do not have a car.", "I once worked for Cisco.", "I'm a professional snowboarder. I compete for snowboarding in the winter. I skateboard during the spring and summer. My main job is giving snowboarding lessons at Killington Mountain in Vermont. I live in Vermont. I travel for snowboarding. I have been to Canada. I enjoy my job.", "I have roller skated.", "I do not have summer plans. I enjoy winter. I have a girlfriend.", "Balance is important to me. I love to be outside."], ["I'm a vegan. I have two dogs and a cat.", "I volunteer at a local garden.", "I'm a student at community college. I'm studying to be a nurse.", "I drive an SUV. I do not know much about cars. My first car was a Ford Fiesta. I have a sister.", "I have terrible balance. I broke my wrist roller skating as a child.", " I worked in a coffee shop previously.", "I do not have summer plans yet."]], [["I love steak.", "I love the singer, Charlie Parker.", "I want to buy a new car. I do not have a car.", "I once worked for Cisco.", "I'm a professional snowboarder. I compete for snowboarding in the winter. I skateboard during the spring and summer. My main job is giving snowboarding lessons at Killington Mountain in Vermont. I live in Vermont. I travel for snowboarding. I have been to Canada. I enjoy my job.", "I have roller skated.", "I do not have summer plans. I enjoy winter. I have a girlfriend.", "Balance is important to me. I love to be outside.", "I enjoy the beach and seafood."], ["I'm a vegan. I have two dogs and a cat.", "I volunteer at a local garden.", "I'm a student at community college. I'm studying to be a nurse. I have been struggling with my studies.", "I drive an SUV. I do not know much about cars. My first car was a Ford Fiesta. I have a sister.", "I have terrible balance. I broke my wrist roller skating as a child.", " I worked in a coffee shop previously.", "I do not have summer plans yet.", "I enjoy the beach.", "I have two more weeks of class before break."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_1005_0", "test_1005_1", "test_1005_2", "test_1005_3", "test_1005_4", "test_1005_5", "test_1005_6", "test_1005_7", "test_1005_8", "test_1005_9", "test_1005_10", "test_1005_11", "test_1005_12", "test_1005_13", "test_1005_14", "test_1005_15", "test_1005_16", "test_1005_17", "test_1005_18", "test_1005_19", "test_1005_20", "test_1005_21", "test_1005_22", "test_1005_23", "test_1005_24", "test_1005_25", "test_1005_26", "test_1005_27", "test_1005_28", "test_1005_29", "test_1005_30", "test_1005_31", "test_1005_32", "test_1005_33", "test_1005_34", "test_1005_35", "test_1005_36", "test_1005_37", "test_1005_38", "test_1005_39", "test_1005_40", "test_1005_41", "test_1005_42", "test_1005_43", "test_1005_44", "test_1005_45", "test_1005_46", "test_1005_47", "test_1005_48", "test_1005_49", "test_1005_50", "test_1005_51", "test_1005_52", "test_1005_53", "test_1005_54", "test_1005_55", "test_1005_56", "test_1005_57", "test_1005_58", "test_1005_59", "test_1005_60", "test_1005_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey how are you doin today?", "Great, how about you? Thinking about heading to the beach today.", "Oh that sounds fun! I just got back from a hike with my dog, chip.", "Nice, my five grandchildren love dogs.", "Five grandkids, jeez that must be crazy on the holidays. Any hobbies?", "I love music, I mostly listen to journey and styx. What about you?", "Spending time with animals and most outdoor activities, I love just being out in nature.", "Same, but I mostly like being outside in the fall.", "Fall is a wonderful time of the year, the leaves look amazing then!", "I agree. What is your favorite type of food?", "I love any type of food! I am only picky on what coffee I drink. You?", "I love mediterranean food it's delicious. I can't get enough..", "Oh nice! Do you cook any of it yourself, or just go out?", "I mostly eat out at restaurants. What about you?", "I just got back from the vet, my dog needed his annual vaccine shots.", "Oh poor baby. I hope it didn't take to much out of him. I know they need their shots so they can stay healthy but I always feel bad afterwards. ", "Yes i feel bad afterwards too, but at least I know he will be healthy. I never feel like I am doing enough for him though with all the new foods and toys out there.", "I'm sure you're a good dog parent. My grandkids would love it if I would adopt a dog but we are not ready for that yet. We are planning on going to the beach this afternoon as the weather is so nice.", "That sounds fun. What beach do you go to?", "Coronado beach is one of my favorites. Have you ever been?", "No, Ive never been to Coronado beach. I like the beaches along the gulf coast. Do you enjoy frolicking in the ocean?", "I do but mostly I enjoy just being outside. I especially like the fall season when the trees and bushes start to change color. The weather is much nicer in the fall as well.", "Yes, the fall is my favorite season by far. I love the mild temperatures and the changing colors in nature.", "What sort of outdoor activities do you like?", "I enjoy watching baseball games, fishing, and hiking. I just recently went camping for the first time however I am not sure if its something I will do again in the future.", "Ha ... camping is one of the things that you either love or hate. I personally like camping and try to do it as much as possible. I also like to fish and hike. Do you have a favorite spot for hiking?", "Have you gone camping recently? ", "Not recently but we are planning to go back to Coronado beach next month. I can't wait. It is one of my favorite places and the grandkids like it too. What about you? Have you been camping or hiking lately?", "Yes, I just went a couple weeks ago. It was so relaxing. I\u2019ll have to look into going to Coronado beach sometime. What is your favorite thing to do when camping?.", "I mostly just like being outdoors. I love the scenery and the clean air. ", "The scenery is the best, especially in the fall when the leaves change. Do your grand kids like to roast marshmallows over the fire? ", "Oh absolutely. That's one of their fun things to do when camping. Yes I agree, the changing leaves and cooler temperatures make fall the best time to camp and hike. Do you take your dog with you when you hike?", "Yeah he loves going on hikes.", "We used to have a dog and I know the grandkids would love it if we got another one but I'm not sure if I'm ready. ", "Dogs are a ton of work so you definitely need to make sure your ready for one again. But they do make the companions. If you were to get one, what kind would you get?", "I would go to the rescue and see what they had. I would prefer a medium to small dog though. What kind of dog do you have?", "I have a chocolate lab who thinks he\u2019s a small dog and always wants to lay on my lap.", "Ha, that's so cute. I bet he's sweet. Have you been to any good restaurants lately? We eat out often so I'm always looking for something new to try.", "I've decided to go to Colorado on a hike.", "That sounds lovely! Will you be going with anybody else and do you think you'll try camping again?", "I'm going alone this time. yes, I'll probably take my tent and find a nice campground in the woods. have you ever been hiking in Colorado?", "I have not been hiking there but I've seen pictures and it looks gorgeous. I'd love to visit in the fall sometime, maybe next year. Where in Colorado will you be and will you take your Labrador with you?", "You really should try it. Pictures don't do it justice since they can't convey how consistently nice the weather usually is. even when it's hot, it's usually dry, so pretty comfortable and cool in the shade. I'll probably head north of Denver towards the Ft. Collins area. I haven't decided if i should bring my dog because i'm sure she'd like the forest, but not so sure she'd like the long car ride. ", "Well it sounds really great. Be safe and have an amazing time! I've been thinking by the way that I might finally get a dog, given how much my grandkids love them. Any dog breed you'd recommend? Labradors, obviously, haha, but any others?", "Thanks, I'll keep you posted on my plans. That's fantastic, i think you should! There's a lot to love about Labradors, but Retrievers are also great. If you can handle a higher maintenance breed, Jack Russell Terriers are full of life and personality.", "Hm, I think I'll take a lower maintenance breed these days probably. Ah, I've heard that Retrievers can be great companions too. I'll look into both breeds and keep you posted. Which reminds me -- I went to a coffee shop that was dog-friendly the other day. Very high-end coffee and cold brews, etc. I bet you'd love it. ", "understandable, Jack Russel's can also be a bit more aggressive, but all three breeds are pretty great with kids! That sounds like a great coffee shop indeed. wouldn't mind meeting a new friend over some fresh roasted Colombian, while me dog meets a new friend too!", "Yes, I'll definitely be back once we have our new member of the family! I think I had some Colombian coffee while I was there -- It was strong but delicious. I was torn between that and a French roast. Do you have a favorite kind of coffee bean?", "That's exciting, do keep me posted if you decide on a breed! Honestly my tastes in coffee tend to change a lot. I like to experiment. Lately I've even been using my French press to steep loose leaf, Earl Grey tea, which is just lovely.", "Very interesting -- Yes, I had a big tea kick several years ago and thought Earl Grey could just about compete with my morning coffee. Almost, but not quite, so I'm back with my two cups in the morning. I have been experimenting with some herbal teas later in the day since I like to sip something warm but the caffeine will keep me awake. Do you also drink herbal teas?", "Did you end up going to the beach or did you stay home on talk on the phone with your grandchildren?", "I actually went on a walk to the beach and called my grandchildren there! It's so nice getting to spend time outside, especially in this weather. You must know, since you love to hike!", "It is passingly mild for this time of the year. It was only 80 degrees today, and it being nearly August! Do you collect shells when you walk on the beach?", "I used to love doing that, but I have to admit its gotten harder as I've gotten older. All that bending up and down is hard n my back!", "Hm - I thought you had had a more athletic background. You know, I've been so sedentary my whole life that pains in the back are common - and in the knees, and the hips, and on and on. Camping and fishing is nice, but they don't help strengthen your body", "Really? I thought you said you hike and do lots of outdoor activities. Anyway, even though I've been athletic my whole life, its still harder as you get older. You should expect it when you get to my age.", "Yea, but that's not the same thing as my siblings who ran for years and years. You know, I disliked them for their athleticism. I ran with them one year - one year almost to the day. Dumbest thing. We weren't going anywhere and, unlike hiking where you can stop and enjoy the surroundings, you just try to zoom past evertyhigng.", "That's true... but I guess you get different benefits out of both of them. In hiking, there's beautiful scenery you can absorb. But I think with running, you can feel an almost euphoric high from all those endorphins, so its probably worth it.", "Endorphins - ha! If I wanted to get high off some chemicals, I have better ways of going about it than pounding away at the pavement at 7am on a Saturday morning. You know what you should be doing? Sleeping.", "That's a weird attitude about endorphins! Maybe if you ever experienced them, you'd realize its way better than sleeping... and maybe then you wouldn't be experiencing so much body pain right now!", "I'm getting old. I'm supposed to experience pain! The reason I bring it up with you is because you were so healthy and here we are, in the same boat. Maybe there's something to be said for a hedonist lifestyle. ", "I actually thought you were way more active than me, to be honest. Anyway, I still feel pretty vigorous for a lady with 5 grand children. I mean, I still go on long walks for fun every day!"], "init_persona": [[["I am a very easy going person who loves to partake in leisure activity.", "I am a dog owner who loves spending time with all animals.", "Furthermore, I consider my self a coffee connoisseur and love trying new ways to brew.", "I also enjoy going outside to run, hike, and camp."], ["I have five grandchildren.", "My new favorite food is mediterranean food.", "I love all the older bands like styx and journey.", "I love being at the beach.", "My favorite season is fall."]], [["I hike. I have a dog. I like to spend time with animals. I like most outdoor activities.", "I think fall is a wonderful time of year. I think the leaves are amazing in the fall.", "I like all types of food. I am picky on what coffee I drink."], ["I'm thinking of going to the beach today.", "I have five grandchildren and they love dogs.", "I love music. I listen to Journey and Styx.", "I also like being outside but mostly during the fall.", "I love Mediterranean food. I mostly eat out at restaurants."]], [["I hike. I have a dog. I like to spend time with animals. I like most outdoor activities.", "I think the leaves are amazing in the fall. My favorite season is fall.", "I like all types of food. I am picky on what coffee I drink.", "I have never been to Coronado beach. I like beaches along the gulf coast.", "I enjoy watching baseball games. I like to fish. I like to hike. I went camping recently. I don't know if I like camping."], ["I have five grandchildren and they love dogs.", "I love music. I listen to Journey and Styx.", "I also like being outside but mostly during the fall.", "I love Mediterranean food. I mostly eat out at restaurants.", "I have had a pet. I do not have a dog.", "I like Coronado Beach.", "I like camping. I like fishing. I like hiking."]], [["I hike. I have a dog. I like to spend time with animals. I like most outdoor activities.", "I think the leaves are amazing in the fall. My favorite season is fall.", "I like all types of food. I am picky on what coffee I drink.", "I have never been to Coronado beach. I like beaches along the gulf coast.", "I enjoy watching baseball games. I like to fish. I like to hike. I went camping recently. I don't know if I like camping. I went camping a few weeks ago.", "I have a chocolate brown Labrador."], ["I have five grandchildren and they love dogs.", "I love music. I listen to Journey and Styx.", "I also like being outside but mostly during the fall.", "I love Mediterranean food. I mostly eat out at restaurants.", "I have had a pet. I do not have a dog.", "I like Coronado Beach.", "I like camping. I like fishing. I like hiking."]], [["I hike. I have a female dog. I like to spend time with animals. I like most outdoor activities.", "I think the leaves are amazing in the fall. My favorite season is fall.", "I like all types of food. I am picky on what coffee I drink.", "I have never been to Coronado beach. I like beaches along the gulf coast.", "I enjoy watching baseball games. I like to fish. I like to hike. I went camping recently. I don't know if I like camping. I went camping a few weeks ago.", "I have a chocolate brown Labrador.", "I have a tent.", "I like to experiment with tasting coffee. I have a French press."], ["I have five grandchildren and they love dogs.", "I love music. I listen to Journey and Styx.", "I also like being outside but mostly during the fall.", "I love Mediterranean food. I mostly eat out at restaurants.", "I have had a pet. I do not have a dog.", "I like Coronado Beach.", "I like camping. I like fishing. I like hiking. I have not been hiking in Colorado.", "I have been to a coffee shop that is dog-friendly. I had Colombian coffee at the coffee shop.", "I drink two cups of coffee in the morning. I like a warm drink later in the day with caffeine to keep me awake."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_1006_0", "test_1006_1", "test_1006_2", "test_1006_3", "test_1006_4", "test_1006_5", "test_1006_6", "test_1006_7", "test_1006_8", "test_1006_9", "test_1006_10", "test_1006_11", "test_1006_12", "test_1006_13", "test_1006_14", "test_1006_15", "test_1006_16", "test_1006_17", "test_1006_18", "test_1006_19", "test_1006_20", "test_1006_21", "test_1006_22", "test_1006_23", "test_1006_24", "test_1006_25", "test_1006_26", "test_1006_27", "test_1006_28", "test_1006_29", "test_1006_30", "test_1006_31", "test_1006_32", "test_1006_33", "test_1006_34", "test_1006_35", "test_1006_36", "test_1006_37", "test_1006_38", "test_1006_39", "test_1006_40", "test_1006_41", "test_1006_42", "test_1006_43", "test_1006_44", "test_1006_45", "test_1006_46", "test_1006_47", "test_1006_48", "test_1006_49", "test_1006_50", "test_1006_51", "test_1006_52", "test_1006_53", "test_1006_54", "test_1006_55", "test_1006_56", "test_1006_57", "test_1006_58", "test_1006_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello how are you today?", "I am well. I sell cars and you?", "Great, I am great. Browned haired latina, thats loves healing people.", "That is awesome I love murder mystery novels.", "Great. I adore family especially my mother she helps special needs patients at work..", "Oh your mother sounds lovely,mine was a police officer.", "Oh thank her for that its a hard job to do. She is lovely thanks.", "What kind of music do you like?i love 5 finger death punch.", "Really that is crazy I enjoy them too. Looks like we have something in common lol.", "Yep that is awesome. Do you also like to garden?", "I enjoy flowers and butterflies. Not so much gardening.", "Both flowers and butterflies are fun but I understand.", "Have you ever seen Five Finger Death Punch live?", "Unfortunately no, have you had a chance to see them live?", "Me neither, I wonder if they have the same energy as in their beginnings and the departure of Jason Hook. ", "I trust Andy James to carry the torch. I saw that they're headed to Europe this summer - seeing them live combined with a trip to Europe would be a dream come true.", "That would be a great idea ! How much do you think the trip will cost ?", "I'm sure that it's probably way to much for me right now, but maybe in a few years I'll be in a better place financially. What was the last band that you saw live?", "It was a long time ago, it think it was Muse. And you ?", "Mine was Disturbed a few years ago; I actually won tickets on the radio - it was so exciting!", "What was the station ? I wish there was station like that where I live. They only play country here.", "Where are you from? I'm in the midwest and we have a ton of altrock stations. My favorite is WSTB 88.9 The AlterNation.", "I live near Columbus, Indiana. But I will listen to WSTB on the net. Thanks a lot !", "What a coincidence! I live near Columbus, Ohio!", "My mother and I rode into Columbus today. I saw a cool Five Finger Death Punch shirt.", "Awesome! I could do with another of their tshirts... I might see if I can get one next time I see them live. Do you have any plans to go to any music gigs soon?", "Not at the moment. I need to look at the summer concert calendar and figure something out. How about you? Do you have anything on your radar?", "No, I haven't got anything booked yet. I should really start looking as I haven't been to a gig in ages. There's nothing quite like live music!", "I agree. It's such an incredible experience to be in a big crowd with everyone enjoying the same music. What was the first concert you ever went to? I think mine was a Raffi concert at a fair.", "Yea, the crowd atmosphere is just amazing! Was Raffi good? The first concert I ever went to was when I was very young and it was something my parents liked, so I can't even remember what it was. One artist I always wish I had seen is David Bowie. Is there any music artist you wish you could have seen before they passed away?", "Oh, wow, that's a good question. I suppose I would have liked to see Kurt Cobain play with Nirvana. That would have been cool. And yes, as a five-year-old I loved Raffy!", "Yea that's a great answer, I think a Nirvana concert would have been amazing. Kurt Cobain died really young didn't he... there are so many famous people who lose their lives early, it's such a shame. I'm glad you loved the concert as a little one!", "For sure. So how have car sales been for you recently?", "It's been alright actually, not loads but there's a steady stream. More people are wanting SUVs at the moment, as it seems they want something they can go on adventurous road trips with. Do you own a car?", "Yes, I have a little Honda hatchback. It's pretty old and beat up at this point. When I'm looking for a replacement maybe you can help me find something.", "Yea for sure, I can give you advice even if we don't have the right kind of car in stock for you. Honda hatchbacks are great reliable cars; good choice!", "I just went to get gas and the handle to my car door fell off when I got home. I need a new car.", "Oh no! I usually love the Honda hatchbacks because they are so reliable! I know that you are interested in buying a new car soon. Let me know if you need help with that! I'm sure my dealership would have cars you would like. ", "THANK YOU!!! I would appreciate that so much. What kind of car do you recommend? ", "I love the Honda hatchbacks! They are very reliable! The new honda is alot stronger and durable than the old oens", "I will have to come see you soon at the car lot then. I will wear my new Five Finger Death Punch shirt. ", "That would be awesome! If i didn't have a uniform at work I would wear mine all the time. I love them!", "That would be a great sales technique I would think. I heard they will be coming to town soon. Are you going to get tickets?", " Hopefully! I just have to make sure I don't have to work. How about you? Did you get tickets? I know last time we talked you had mentioned that yoou have never seen them live", "YUP!! I stayed up all night just to be able to buy them online the moment they went on sale. I really hope to be going to the concert in my new car. ", "That would be the most exciting experience! New car and first time seeing your favorite band! The new Hondas have bluetooth so you could connect your phone and play your own music on the way to the concert instead of listening to country!", "OMG!! That is so cool! I'm sold!!! Do you work this weekend? ", "I actually have this weekend off! I can't wait to just sit and read one of my books. Have you even read any murder mystery novels?", "Did you get the handle of your car fixed? I hope so. Let me know when you know your work schedule and maybe we can go to Five Finger Death Punch together. ", "I finally did get my car door handle fixed. I will check my schedule and let you know. I would love to go! Have you decided to keep the new honda you recently bought or are you still thinking to keep looking?", "Glad thats fixed. Makes life easier. Really would love to go see a show, it's been to long since I have. I'm still not sure on the car. It's possible I'm addicted to shopping for them!", "I feel you there! Also there is just something about getting a new car that I love. I must say I think Hondas are the best out there.", "So far I have had 3 Honda's. All of them were wonderful. This last one was the first new one. I'm still not sure if new is worth the money but it is a really nice feeling! Getting a used one would leave more cash in the budget for fun stuff like going to shows.", "Yeah that is true! Even buying one a few years old saves quite a bit of money. This honda I have is my fourth. I tend to trade them in after a few years and get a different one.", "Got any big travel plans? I know you were talking about going overseas. You got me to think about it a little bit. The idea gets more fascinating the longer is rolls around in my head.", "I'm still saving up money to go. I want to stay a month or so at least to make it worth the trip. Say, what do you think of coming along? We could split the cost of lodging. That would help us both.", "I would love to go! Would be tough carve out a month with my work and family situation but I'll look into it. Your right though, you need to go for a month to get a real feel for a place. It simply isn't possible in a week or two.", "I'm sure it would be a challenge with your family situation. How is your mother getting along these days?", "She is doing quite well. But her age is freaking me out! I am making a point of enjoying her now because I know it will not go on like this forever. ", "It is really hard seeing parents get old. I guess that means I'm getting old too though. Maybe she would lie"], "init_persona": [[["I have brown hair.", "I am latina.", "My mother works for special needs clients.", "I am a healer.", "I love my family."], ["I am a car salesman.", "I enjoy murder mystery novels.", "My mother was a police officer.", "My favorite band is 5 finger death punch.", "Sometimes, I like to garden."]], [["I am Latina. I have brown hair. I like caring for people.", "I am a family oriented person. I love my mother.", "I love the band Five Finger Death Punch.", "I don't like gardening. I like flowers and butterflies."], ["I sell cars.", "I love murder mystery novels.", "I love the band Five Finger Death Punch.", "I like to garden. I like flowers and butterflies."]], [["I am Latina. I have brown hair. I like caring for people.", "I am a family oriented person. I love my mother.", "I love the band Five Finger Death Punch. I have never seen Five Finger Death Punch live.", "I don't like gardening. I like flowers and butterflies.", "I would like to go to Europe.", "I saw Muse live a long time ago.", "My local radio only plays country music.", "I live near Columbus, Indiana,."], ["I sell cars.", "I love murder mystery novels.", "I love the band Five Finger Death Punch. I have never seen Five Finger Death Punch live.", "I like to garden. I like flowers and butterflies.", "I trust Andy James. I would like to go to Europe. I can't afford a trip to Europe right now.", "I saw Disturbed live a few years ago. I won tickets on the radio.", "I live in the midwest. My favorite radio stations is WSTB 88.9 The AlterNation.", "I live near Columbus, Ohio."]], [["I am Latina. I have brown hair. I like caring for people.", "I am a family oriented person. I love my mother.", "I love the band Five Finger Death Punch. I have never seen Five Finger Death Punch live.", "I don't like gardening. I like flowers and butterflies.", "I would like to go to Europe.", "I saw Muse live a long time ago.", "My local radio only plays country music.", "I live near Columbus, Indiana,.", "I enjoy live music.I am a fan of Nirvana.", "I own a Honda hatchback. I may need a new car soon."], ["I love murder mystery novels.", "I love the band Five Finger Death Punch. I have never seen Five Finger Death Punch live.", "I like to garden. I like flowers and butterflies.", "I trust Andy James. I would like to go to Europe. I can't afford a trip to Europe right now.", "I saw Disturbed live a few years ago. I won tickets on the radio.", "I live in the midwest. My favorite radio stations is WSTB 88.9 The AlterNation.", "I live near Columbus, Ohio.", "I have seen Five Finger Death Punch perform live. I have a Five Finger Death Punch tee-shirt. I enjoy live music. I am a fan of David Bowie.", "I sell cars for a living. I consider Honda hatchbacks to be reliable cars."]], [["I am Latina. I have brown hair. I like caring for people.", "I am a family oriented person. I love my mother.", "I love the band Five Finger Death Punch. I have never seen Five Finger Death Punch live.", "I don't like gardening. I like flowers and butterflies.", "I would like to go to Europe.", "I saw Muse live a long time ago.", "My local radio only plays country music.", "I live near Columbus, Indiana,.", "I enjoy live music.I am a fan of Nirvana.", "I own a Honda hatchback. I may need a new car soon. I recently bought a new Honda.", "I bought tickets to Five Finger Death Punch."], ["I love murder mystery novels.", "I love the band Five Finger Death Punch. I have never seen Five Finger Death Punch live.", "I like to garden. I like flowers and butterflies.", "I trust Andy James. I would like to go to Europe. I can't afford a trip to Europe right now.", "I saw Disturbed live a few years ago. I won tickets on the radio.", "I live in the midwest. My favorite radio stations is WSTB 88.9 The AlterNation.", "I live near Columbus, Ohio.", "I have seen Five Finger Death Punch perform live. I have a Five Finger Death Punch tee-shirt. I enjoy live music. I am a fan of David Bowie.", "I sell cars for a living. I consider Honda hatchbacks to be reliable cars. I love Hondas. I have to wear a uniform at work.", "I do not work this weekend."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_1011_0", "test_1011_1", "test_1011_2", "test_1011_3", "test_1011_4", "test_1011_5", "test_1011_6", "test_1011_7", "test_1011_8", "test_1011_9", "test_1011_10", "test_1011_11", "test_1011_12", "test_1011_13", "test_1011_14", "test_1011_15", "test_1011_16", "test_1011_17", "test_1011_18", "test_1011_19", "test_1011_20", "test_1011_21", "test_1011_22", "test_1011_23", "test_1011_24", "test_1011_25", "test_1011_26", "test_1011_27", "test_1011_28", "test_1011_29", "test_1011_30", "test_1011_31", "test_1011_32", "test_1011_33", "test_1011_34", "test_1011_35", "test_1011_36", "test_1011_37", "test_1011_38", "test_1011_39", "test_1011_40", "test_1011_41", "test_1011_42", "test_1011_43", "test_1011_44", "test_1011_45", "test_1011_46", "test_1011_47", "test_1011_48", "test_1011_49", "test_1011_50", "test_1011_51", "test_1011_52", "test_1011_53", "test_1011_54", "test_1011_55", "test_1011_56", "test_1011_57", "test_1011_58", "test_1011_59", "test_1011_60", "test_1011_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there, how are you doing today?", "I am great, watching a movie.", "I bet I'd be into that soundtrack, I do listen to most things after all!", "I love movies, so soundtracks are right up my alley..", "Movies are okay, but I find the book versions are normally much better.", "I love watching movies and eating pizza and burgers.", "I'm a fan of pizza and burgers, being able to mix both meat and vegetables.", "What about music, do you have a favorite type of music?", "My music is quite eclectic. At work, I listen all the time!", "I pretty stick to punk music. Tell me more about yourself.", "My job takes me all over, fixing up computers for my loyal customers. Very rewarding!", "I work part time at a warehouse. Not as rewarding.", "How do you pass the time? I just loving sticking my nose in a book!", "I like to go cruising.", "A customer just gave me some tickets to a punk concert for a thank you. I am not into punk would you like the tickets?", "Yes. I love punk bands like NOFX. Is it tickets to see them?", "Wow, yes it is them. What luck! I'll give you the tickets but you have to take me out for pizza one night. Is that a deal?", "Wow, amazing! Yeah that's a deal. What's your fave pizza? I love pizza.", "I like deep dish pizza the best. Supreme. Lots of meats and veggies and cheese and everything. I like my pizza as complicated as possible. How about you?", "Mmmm sounds good. I like pepperoni and lots of cheese. I love junk food. Pizza and burgers are the best. What music are you into?", "I was just listening to some classic music actually. I listen to all sorts of genres but I just heard some Beethoven and I really enjoyed it. It helps me concentrate while working on computers, too.", "How fancy haha. I'm not sophisaticated enough for Beethoven. I need some screaming in my music. Do you fix computers for work? ", "Yes, I fix them and build them and do just about whatever my clients need me to do to solve their computer problems. What type of warehouse is it that you work in?", "A peanut butter warehouse. Good job I'm not allergic. I steal it sometimes when I'm hungry but don't tell my boss.", "Wow, I think that would be surreal to be in a warehouse full of peanut butter. I think I'd be hungry most of the time I was working.", "Shame they don't sell jelly. I could make sneaky PB&J sandwiches at work. Do you enjoy your job?", "When's the last time you went on a cruise?", "I think it was about two years ago; I have to save up quite a bit for each one so it takes me a while. Hopefully, by next year, I'll have enough to book my another cruise.", "I was thinking that I might start saving up to go on a cruise. Do you have any recommendations for destinations?", "My last cruise was to the Caribbean and I had a blast, but this time I'm saving to go to Alaska. I think it mainly depends on what type of activities you're hoping to do. Is there anything specific you're hoping to experience? ", "I'm not sure. Do you think more of the value of the cruise comes from the things to do on the ship itself, or from the place you're going?", "I like both aspects of cruising - that I can see several different places on one trip and that I don't have to worry about transportation, food, or nighttime entertainment.", "Is there any worry of getting seasick? I got seasick one time as a kid and don't want to experience that again. Are the cruise ships too big to have to worry about that?", "I don't usually get motion sickness, but we did hit a storm one night on my last cruise and I definitely felt it then. Maybe invest in some dramamine or a motion sickness bracelet? Also, I would think that a bigger ship might be a better option for you so there is less chance of you feeling it. Is motion sickness usually a problem for you? Or just on the water? ", "I've never had a problem in a car or airplane, just in a boat one time. But that was enough to never want to feel it again. I could definitely get some dramamine. I didn't realize there were motion sickness bracelets. Have you ever used either?", "I've never used either of them, but the dramamine worked out well for the friend who went with me. Was the boat you were on smaller? Like a fishing boat or sail boat? I would hate for you to run the risk of being sick the whole time, but I really think that you would enjoy the cruise.", "Yes, it was a fishing boat. We went out deep sea fishing and I spent the entire trip hanging over the railing of the boat. Not sure if my breakfast attracted fish or not.", "Wow! That would probably put me off boats for a while too. But you said it happend when you were younger, right? Maybe give a bigger sailboat a try to see if you've outgrown it?", "I booked a sailing excursion for next week to see if I get seasick.", "Well have you been prone to motion sickness before? Such as in a long car drive or an airplane? ", "No, just like I said before, only the one time.", "Well just make sure you don't eat too heavy while you are on your sailing excursion. Will you be with your family if something happens?", "Just me. I don't want to book my cruise until I find out if I'll be okay.", "Of course I understand. Where will you be traveling if you plan to go on that cruise? Any place fun?", "Alaska! It's so hot right now and I want to get away from it.", "WOW yeah you're definitely going to have a blast. Just as I mentioned it was one of the places that I want to go as well. Very jealous that you are planning that trip! ", "If I find a good deal I can let you know. I'm looking to go in August.", "Perfect timing for that, especially if you are looking to get away from rising temperatures. Who are you planning to book your cruise through? ", "The internet? I don't know. I was just going to try to find a deal online. Do you have any advice?", "Expedia actually has some pretty good cruise deals that you can use. I go through Expeida all the time. ", "I know your trip goes absolutely well. I will come next time with you", "I would like it if someone came with me on my next cruise. It would be fun to have a buddy alone. ", "What kind of activities do you like to do while on a cruise? I imagine you do a lot of sight-seeing. But I'm curious what else there is to do.", "I tend to sign up for at least one excursion for each island. That way I get to do something really fun on that island and then I spend time sight seeing and shopping in the local markets. ", "That does sound like a lot of fun. I think I would enjoy that. Too much of my travel is, as you know, for work. I don't get to see much!", "You would get to see a lot the way that I do it. Last time I swam with dolphins, snorkeled in the ocean hiked in the mountains, and rode horses on the beach and in the serf. It was a lot of fun and so much to experience.", "I'm am very jealous now! I would love to swim with dolphins and hike mountains. Much better than hiking stairs to a hotel room! I like that it is all-inclusive, except for shopping.", "Yes if you sign up for the excursions when you are signing up for the cruise and buying the tickets it is all included. If you try to add them after you are on the cruise you will have to pay more for them. I always pick what I want to do when I am signing up for the cruise and buying my tickets. That way it is all included and I already know one thing that I am going to do on each island. I have sand from 3 out of 4 of the last islands that we went to. ", "Oh, that is a neat thing to collect and have as a memento! All I usually get from the places I go is a magnet for my refrigerator. And that doesn't work well since I got a new stainless steel refrigerator! I will definitely come with you next time. Where do you want to go after Alaska?", "I am think that I would like to go back to the Caribbean. I would love to see St. Croix, and a few of the other islands there. I have been to St. Thomas and Tortola. I would also like to see Antigua so I am open to different locations, but would like some place warm. ", "Yes, I think warm with beach when I think of vacation and cruises. Not that Alaska would not be spectacular with its scenery and wildlife, but something about beaches and crystal blue water that says \"vacation\" to me. My work keeps me so busy so I really want to be able to relax and enjoy myself.", "On a cruise you would have that chance on sea days. Those are days that you are only at sea when sailing from one island to the next. Those are the days that you can lay on deck and swim in the pools. Play some of the games they have and eat lots of food. They are nice relaxing days and a lot of fun as well"], "init_persona": [[["I'm an omnivore.", "I like bicycling.", "I work on computers for my job.", "I like most music.", "I like reading."], ["I like watching movies.", "I work part time in a warehouse.", "I like punk music.", "I like pizza and burgers.", "I enjoy cruising."]], [["I think movies are okay. I prefer the book versions of movies. I love to read.", "I like pizza. I like burgers.", "My taste in music is eclectic. I work. I listen to music at work.", "I fix computers for people. My work requires me to travel."], ["I love movies. I enjoy soundtracks.", "I love eating pizza. I love eating burgers.", "I prefer mostly punk music.", "I work part time. I work at a warehouse.", "I like to go cruising."]], [["I think movies are okay. I prefer the book versions of movies. I love to read.", "I like pizza. I like burgers.", "My taste in music is eclectic. I listen to music at work. I don't listen to punk music. I have a wide variety of musical taste.", "I fix computers for people. My work requires me to travel. My customers appreciate me.", "I like pizza with lots of toppings."], ["I love movies. I enjoy soundtracks.", "I love eating pizza. I love eating burgers. I love junk food.", "I prefer mostly punk music. I don't listen to classical music.", "I work part time. I work at a warehouse.", "I like to go cruising."]], [["I think movies are okay. I prefer the book versions of movies. I love to read.", "I like pizza. I like burgers.", "My taste in music is eclectic. I listen to music at work. I don't listen to punk music. I have a wide variety of musical taste.", "I fix computers for people. My work requires me to travel. My customers appreciate me.", "I like pizza with lots of toppings.", "I am interested in taking a cruise. I am worried about getting seasick. I have only been seasick once. I was on a boat when I got seasick.", "I went deep sea fishing when I was young."], ["I love movies. I enjoy soundtracks.", "I love eating pizza. I love eating burgers. I love junk food.", "I prefer mostly punk music. I don't listen to classical music.", "I work part time. I work at a warehouse.", "I like to go cruising. I went on a cruise two years ago. I will go an another cruise next year. I went to the Caribbean on my last cruise. I want to go to Alaska next time.", "I only get seasick occasionally.", "I have never used dramamine."]], [["I think movies are okay. I prefer the book versions of movies. I love to read.", "I like pizza. I like burgers.", "My taste in music is eclectic. I listen to music at work. I don't listen to punk music. I have a wide variety of musical taste.", "I fix computers for people. My work requires me to travel. My customers appreciate me.", "I like pizza with lots of toppings.", "I am interested in taking a cruise. I am worried about getting seasick. I have only been seasick once. I was on a boat when I got seasick.", "I went deep sea fishing when I was young.", "In next week i have booked for sailing excursion. i'm going in August. if have time."], ["I love movies. I enjoy soundtracks.", "I love eating pizza. I love eating burgers. I love junk food.", "I prefer mostly punk music. I don't listen to classical music.", "I work part time. I work at a warehouse.", "I like to go cruising. I went on a cruise two years ago. I will go an another cruise next year. I went to the Caribbean on my last cruise. I want to go to Alaska next time.", "I only get seasick occasionally.", "I have never used dramamine.", "I will go by Expeida some time."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_1014_0", "test_1014_1", "test_1014_2", "test_1014_3", "test_1014_4", "test_1014_5", "test_1014_6", "test_1014_7", "test_1014_8", "test_1014_9", "test_1014_10", "test_1014_11", "test_1014_12", "test_1014_13", "test_1014_14", "test_1014_15", "test_1014_16", "test_1014_17", "test_1014_18", "test_1014_19", "test_1014_20", "test_1014_21", "test_1014_22", "test_1014_23", "test_1014_24", "test_1014_25", "test_1014_26", "test_1014_27", "test_1014_28", "test_1014_29", "test_1014_30", "test_1014_31", "test_1014_32", "test_1014_33", "test_1014_34", "test_1014_35", "test_1014_36", "test_1014_37", "test_1014_38", "test_1014_39", "test_1014_40", "test_1014_41", "test_1014_42", "test_1014_43", "test_1014_44", "test_1014_45", "test_1014_46", "test_1014_47", "test_1014_48", "test_1014_49", "test_1014_50", "test_1014_51", "test_1014_52", "test_1014_53", "test_1014_54", "test_1014_55", "test_1014_56", "test_1014_57", "test_1014_58", "test_1014_59", "test_1014_60", "test_1014_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, how are you? I love animals, do you?", "Hi there! I love all living things to be honest.", "Me, too! I have a dog. I take him with me when I go running or hiking.", "How cute. I am not big into sports, but I do enjoy art.", "Do you paint? I can't. I am something of a coffee snob..is it art? Haha!", "I love painting, I want to do it for a career. You can paint with coffee!", "I am trying to master art of brewing coffee by different methods. It's fun.", "That's interesting! I would love something like that.", "I think it will be interesting, too. I don't care about making mistakes, that's part of fun.", "Everybody makes mistakes, the important part is learning from it.", "I agree. I don't get stressed about things easily. I'm a happy go lucky.", "I am the same, I just like helping people and living life.", "I think we will get along very well.", "We would! Do you like cars?", "Have you ever donated a painting to a charity or fundraiser? It might be a great way to get your art out in the world!", "That's a good suggestion! I don't know if my art is good enough for anyone to pay money for it.", "Don't be so hard on yourself. You never know until you try. Besides, if it's something you enjoy, why not spread the happiness. Remember, it's okay is something isn't perfect. We all learn from our mistakes.", "Yes, I think you are right! And it would be a good way to both share my art and help others! ", "True. I've been doing a lot of research on coffee and how to brew properly. It's interesting and something I can actually try on my own. Do you like coffee?", "I really love coffee. I like to have a cup of coffee near me while I am painting. But I just use a regular old coffee maker! Do you have any tips for me?", "You don't even need a coffeemaker. You can actually have a delicious cup of coffee by boiling water and pour over grounds ", "Wait what? Does that taste better than using a drip coffee maker? That's so cool!", "Sure does. You will need a dripper or some sort, they make them or you can improvise, place you filter in the dripper, add grounds and pour steaming water over. ", "oh wow! That's neat. I want to try it. Have you improvised your own dripper before or did you buy one?", "Yes all the time. Hey, have you looked into possibly helping out at a kids club teaching art and painting? I know many organizations need help for the summer months and want something kids will enjoy.", "That's a good idea too. You are full of great ideas today! Thank you! I'm excited to hear more about your coffee brewing adventures.", "How are the paintings coming along?", "Great thank you! And how about your brewing skills... did you learn some new techniques?", "I am reading a book about steeping coffee right now. It is really interesting. Once I learn more about brewing coffee, I would like to organize a coffee tasting events.", "Oh I would love that! Must be my italian roots. I love love love coffee. I recently bought a new coffee machine, but I don't know if I would have the patience to brew.", "It takes time but those new machines make good coffee too! How is your family doing?", "Everyone's doing great thank you. What about your running and hiking? Did you go some place new lately? ", "I am visiting my family in Poland and I have been hiking here a little bit. I haven't traveled a lot as a kid so I would like to get to know a place where I grew up.", "Oh that's amazing!! Never been to Poland. I should go to Italy soon... but I would love to visit new places to be honest. ", "Is your family still in Italy? I have been to Venice a few years ago. It was stunning!", "Oh yes, Venice is a must go to place :)) Yes my family is still in Italy. Rome. Have you been there?", "I haven't but it is on my bucket list. I love traveling and getting to know different cultures and traditions. I also love trying new foods and of course tasting coffee.", "I hope you tried Italian coffee when you went to Venice! :)", "I've made plans to hike at S\u0142owi\u0144ski National Park while I'm in Poland.", "Oh wow! What's that going to be like?", "It will be majestic, picturesque, and beautiful! But, also very challenging! Very rugged terrain.", "You're probably all set to handle that already though right?", "I sure am! I have been training. I am always up for a challenge though!", "Is the altitude high there? Will you have to adjust for that?", "It will be high. That will be the hardest part, I think.", "I remember visiting Denver once. For me, that was high altitude. Took me a little while to adjust. ", "The altitude can make or break it for most people.", "I bet you're going to have a great time though. Solo hike or with someone else?", "My family will join me. It will be quality bonding time.", "That should be really nice. Make sure to get a ton of photos!", "What did you do when you were in Denver?", "I visited some friends and went hiking. It was a very nice time. When was the last time you went hiking?", "I haven't been just lately it was a few months ago now but plan on going with my family very soon. ", "You said before you have family in Poland, right? Did you grow up there, or did your family move there later?", "I grew up there, then eventually moved away as I got older to try and make a better life for myself.", "Ah, that's cool. Maybe I will get to see Poland one day. The only country I've been to in Europe is Italy", "Yeah Italy is nice I have been to Venice but would love to go to Rome one day.", "Rome is a lovely place, you'll enjoy it. And one of my favorite things about Italy overall is the coffee. Nothing beats authentic Italian coffee for me", "Yeah they do make good coffee I love the pizza as well simple but tastes amazing.", "Absolutely! A couple of my family members from Rome are actually pizza-makers. Delicious", "Yeah I bet they make great Pizza I would love to try it some time.", "Another thing when you visit, there are great museums to see, if you're as into art as I am. Really just the whole culture is great"], "init_persona": [[["I am a very easy going person who loves to partake in leisure activity.", "I am a dog owner who loves spending time with all animals.", "Furthermore, I consider my self a coffee connoisseur and love trying new ways to brew.", "I also enjoy going outside to run, hike, and camp."], ["I like people.", "I try to be helpful.", "I like art.", "I want to be a painter.", "I love fast cars."]], [["I love animals.", "I have a dog. I spend time running and hiking.", "I cannot paint well. I like good coffee.", "I am learning about different ways to brew coffee.", "I am not afraid to make mistakes. I have a relaxed and happy personality."], ["I love living things.", "I am not interested in sports. I like art. I like to paint. I would like to be an artist.", "I try to learn from my mistakes.", "I am a relaxed person. I like helping people."]], [["I love animals.", "I have a dog. I spend time running and hiking.", "I cannot paint well. I like good coffee. I am learning about different ways to brew coffee. I like to brew coffee.", "I am not afraid to make mistakes. I have a relaxed and happy personality.", "I know a lot of kid's organizations."], ["I love living things.", "I am not interested in sports. I like art. I like to paint. I would like to be an artist.", "I try to learn from my mistakes.", "I am a relaxed person. I like helping people.", "I drink coffee too."]], [["I love animals.", "I have a dog. I spend time running and hiking.", "I cannot paint well. I like good coffee. I am learning about different ways to brew coffee. I like to brew coffee.", "I am not afraid to make mistakes. I have a relaxed and happy personality.", "I know a lot of kid's organizations.", "I am visiting family in Poland. I hike. I have been to Venice. I want to go to Rome. I love traveling."], ["I love living things.", "I am not interested in sports. I like art. I like to paint. I would like to be an artist.", "I try to learn from my mistakes.", "I am a relaxed person. I like helping people.", "I drink coffee too. I love coffee. I bought a new coffee machine.", "I have Italian roots. I have never been to Poland. I have family in Rome."]], [["I love animals.", "I have a dog. I spend time running and hiking.", "I cannot paint well. I like good coffee. I am learning about different ways to brew coffee. I like to brew coffee.", "I am not afraid to make mistakes. I have a relaxed and happy personality.", "I know a lot of kid's organizations.", "I am visiting family in Poland. I hike. I have been to Venice. I want to go to Rome. I love traveling.", "I am planning hike in a specific location. I have been training for a difficult hike. I like challenges. I will be doing a hike with my family."], ["I love living things.", "I am not interested in sports. I like art. I like to paint. I would like to be an artist.", "I try to learn from my mistakes.", "I am a relaxed person. I like helping people.", "I drink coffee too. I love coffee. I bought a new coffee machine.", "I have Italian roots. I have never been to Poland. I have family in Rome. I have visited Denver."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}