<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about An immunocytochemical study of the distribution of pancreatic endocrine cells in chicks, with special reference to the relationship between pancreatic polypeptide and somatostatin-immunoreactive cells.? [/INST] Araldite sections of formalin-fixed pancreas from chicks at hatching were treated by an indirect immuno-enzyme technique to reveal cells containing APP, somatostatin, glucagon and insulin. APP cells were found scattered in the exocrine parenchyma. A few were associated with insulin-containing B islets and occasional cells occurred in and around glucagon-containing A islets. Somatostatin-immunoreactive cells were distributed peripherally in A and B islets and were dispersed in the exocrine tissue. APP cells were roughly as numerous in the exocrine parenchyma as somatostatin-immunoreactive cells. Since certain published observations point to the possible occurrence of APP and somatostatin in the same cells, consecutive sections were stained for these hormones. In no case did the two peptides occur in the same cell. Sections subjected to double-staining confirmed this result. Therefore it is likely that the described differences between APP and somatostatin-immunoreactive cells are valid. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Constancy and variability in the content of DNA in cerebellar Purkinje cell nuclei. A cytophotometric study.? [/INST] A cytophotometric study of DNA content in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum of rats, cats, chicken and humans (Feulgen staining) revealed that in a certain number of cells the amount of NDA ranged between the diploid and tetraploid level (H2C cells). The incidence of H2C Purkinje cells varied among the species studied. In rats, which were studied most thoroughly, these cells amounted on average to 3%. In some rats, as well as in some cats and chickens H2C Purkinje cells were entirely absent. In the group of animals possesing H2C Purkinje cells, great interindividual differences were observed. In rats for instance, the incidence of these cells varied from 1 to 23 per cent. Topographic analyses carried out in rat and human cerebellum revealed that H2C Purkinje cells occurred more frequently in the hemispheres than in the vermis. No significant differences were found in the number of H2C Purkinje cells in healthy and Kilham-DNA-virus infected rats. Densitometric analysis of the distribution of nuclear chromatin showed that H2C Purkinje cells were richer in condensed chromatin, especially in the region of the nucleolus, which apparently contains the hyperploid surplus of DNA. It is proposed that the phenomenon of DNA hyperdiploidy arises as a result of either incomplete S-phase in some immature Purkinje cell precursors or the amplification of some DNA sequences particularly those localized in the nucleolar region. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about A gravimetric system for lyophilized samples in the sub-microgram range.? [/INST] A new quartz fiber balance is described which is evacuated and electrically shielded. This balance minimizes the problems of moisture uptake by the lyophilized sample, air convection inside the balance and static electricity. Besides it offers a wider useful weighing range and a higher handling comfort. It could be shown that in the regular (i.e. not evacuated) balance the moisture uptake varies considerably with the humidity of the air and with the kind of sample analyzed, and that it might be greater than previously reported. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Growth hormone-like immunoreactivity in gastrin cells and gastrinomas.? [/INST] Growth hormone (GH)-immunoreactive material was found to occur in the antral gastrin cells and in scattered cells of the pancreatic islets in several mammalian species, including man. Examination of gastrinomas revealed the majority of tumour cells to display GH-like immunoreactivity. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Can a small blood vessel prosthesis be derived from heterologous foreign body reactive tissue?? [/INST] This study investigated as a small diameter vascular replacement the tissue formed adjacent to an implanted cylindrical foreign body, heterologously transplanted. Grafts of 4 mm i.d. were grown in rabbits and transplanted to dogs as segmental carotid and femoral artery replacements. These maintained 50% patency after 3 weeks. Variables in the further development of this concept are discussed. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Nuclear volume control by nucleoskeletal DNA, selection for cell volume and cell growth rate, and the solution of the DNA C-value paradox.? [/INST] The 40,000-fold variation in eukaryote haploid DNA content is unrelated to organismic complexity or to the numbers of protein-coding genes. In eukaryote microorganisms, as well as in animals and plants, DNA content is strongly correlated with cell volume and nuclear volume, and with cell cycle length and minimum generation time. These correlations are simply explained by postulating that DNA has 2 major functions unrelated to its protein-coding capacity: (1) the control of cell volume by the number of replicon origins, and (2) the determination of nuclear volume by the overall bulk of the DNA: cell growth rates are determined by the cell volume and by the area of the nuclear envelope available for nucleocytoplasmic transport of RNA, which in turn depends on the nuclear volume and therefore on the DNA content. During evolution nuclear volume, and therefore DNA content, has to be adjusted to the cell volume to allow reasonable growth rates. The great diversity of cell volumes and growth rates, and therefore of DNA contents, among eukaryotes results from a varying balance in different species between r-selection, which favours small cells and rapid growth rates and therefore low DNA C-values, and K-selection which favours large cells and slow growth rates and therefore high DNA C-values. In multicellular organisms cell size needs to vary in different tissues: size differences between somatic cells result from polyteny, endopolyploidy, or the synthesis of nucleoskeletal RNA. Conflict between the need for large ova and small somatic cells explains why lampbrush chromosomes, nurse cells, chromatin diminution and chromosome elimination evolved. Similar evolutionary considerations clarify the nature of polygenes, the significance of the distribution of haploidy, diploidy and dikaryosis in life cycles and of double fertilization in angiosperms, and of heteroploidy despite DNA constancy in cultured cells, and other puzzles in eukaryote chromosome biology. Eukaryote DNA can be divided into genic DNA (G-DNA), which codes for proteins (or serves as recognition sites for proteins involved in transcription, replication and recombination), and nucleoskeletal DNA (S-DNA) which exists only because of its nucleoskeletal role in determining the nuclear volume (which it shares with G-DNA, and performs not only directly, but also indirectly by coding for nucleoskeletal RNA). Mechanistic and evolutionary implications of this are discussed. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Chemical information sources: aids in the review of drug applications.? [/INST] Applications of computerized databases to the "Chemist's Review" of drug applications are presented with emphasis on the critical topics addressed in the controls review process and the time limitations imposed thereon. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Abnormal plasma catecholamine responses in acromegalics.? [/INST] Plasma dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine responses to bromocriptine (2.5 mg orally) or to LRH (100 microgram iv) were studied in seven acromegalic patients. In contrast to normal men, in whom plasma concentrations of catecholamines decrease markedly, acromegalic subjects fail to show decreases in plasma dopamine, norepinephrine, or epinephrine in response to bromocriptine (four of four studied) or LRH (three of four studied). Mean basal plasma catecholamine concentrations do not differ in acromegalic patients, normal men, and a group of nonacromegalic endocrine control patients. Since it appears that bromocriptine and LRH suppress plasma catecholamine concentrations through mechanisms at brain catecholamine neurons, these data are compatible with disordered catecholamine neurons in the brain of patients with acromegaly. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about The hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis in thyrotoxicosis.? [/INST] The hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis was evaluated in seven men with thyrotoxicosis due to Graves' disease. Loss of libido and decreased potency were present in 71% and 56%, respectively. All patients had normal testicular volume (25 ml in all) and gynecomastia was detected in two of seven patients. Total sperm counts were less than 40 million in four of the five men tested. There was an inverse correlation between basal serum 17 beta-estradiol (E2) levels and total sperm count (r = -0.87; P less than 0.05). Mean (+/- SE) total testosterone (T) and E2 levels (1008 +/- 104 ng/100 ml and 104 +/- 16 pg/ml) were significantly higher than in normal men (P less than 0.05). Free T (13.6 +/- 2.4 ng/100 ml) was indistinguishable from normal (15.3 +/- 1.5 ng/100 ml). The mean (+/- SE) response of serum T to hCG administration was blunted (80 +/- 40%) compared to controls (193 +/- 19%; P less than 0.02). Basal plasma LH levels (15.5 +/- 1.5 mIU/ml) were significantly higher (P less than 0.05) than in normal men (9.1 +/- 0.6 mIU/ml) and hyperresponded to 100 microgram LRH iv in five of seven patients. Basal plasma FSH levels and the FSH response to LRH were normal. These results suggest that men with hyperthyroidism have 1) partial Leydig cell failure, 2) impairment of spermatogenesis, and 3) blunting of the feedback effects of E2. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Repetitive infusion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone distinguishes hypothalamic from pituitary hypogonadism.? [/INST] Patients who have severe hypogonadotropic hypogonadism caused by presumed hypothalamic disease often have a subnormal LH response to a bolus dose of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). To determine if this subnormal response is the result of lack of exposure of the pituitary gonadotroph cells to GnRH, five such men were given daily infusions of 500 microgram GnRH, for 7 days. A standard 250-microgram bolus test dose of GnRH was administered before and again immediately after the week of GnRH infusions. Five men who had severe hypogonadotropic hypogonadism as a result of presumed pituitary disease also received daily GnRH infusions for 1 week. The mean incremental LH responses (+/- SE) to GnRH of the men with presumed hypothalamic disease were 5.0 +/- 1.9 mIU/ml before and 56.9 mIU/ml after the week of infusions. The mean incremental LH responses of the men with presumed pituitary disease were 2.4 +/- 0.7 mIU/ml before and 3.7 +/- 2.9 mIU/ml after the week of infusions. These data suggest that the normal gonadotroph requires prolonged exposure to GnRH for LH responsiveness to become normal, but that the severely damaged gonadotroph cannot be stimulated to release LH normally even by the same prolonged stimulation with GnRH. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Recognition of a new serogroup of Legionnaires disease bacterium.? [/INST] A strain of the Legionnaires disease bacterium (LDB) that was isolated by Joseph E. McDade from a postmortem lung specimen of a patient with fatal atypical pneumonia at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Togus, Maine was serologically different from 16 other strains of LDB that had been isolated previously from patients in other geographic locations. The serological differences of the Togus isolate were shown in results of direct and indirect fluorescent antibody staining and of immunoelectrophoresis with soluble antigen extracts. Seroconversion for the Togus strain of LDB in acute- and convalescent-phase sera from a second patient with atypical pneumonia at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Togus indicated that this patient had been infected with an LDB that was serologically similar or identical to the Togus isolate. The Togus serogroup of LDB should be considered when performing serological tests for Legionnaires disease. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Single-radial hemolysis as a cost-effective determinant of Rubella antibody status.? [/INST] Single-radial hemolysis was examined for sensitivity, reliability, and cost for determination of rubella antibody levels in the general population. Results obtained with single-radial hemolysis plates made in this laboratory, and those under development by a commercial manufacturer, were compared with those obtained by the hemagglutination inhibition method normally used for rubella antibody determinations. The results suggest that single-radial hemolysis is comparable to hemagglutination inhibition with respect to sensitivity and reliability; it is superior to hemagglutination inhibition in terms of ease of manipulation and economy of use. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Improved reliability of the primary plate bacitracin test on throat cultures with sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim blood agar plates.? [/INST] The primary plate bacitracin differentiation disk susceptibility test identified 85% of group A streptococci from throat cultures on SXT-BA(CO2) plates within 24 h, as compared to only 26% on a conventional sheep blood agar plate. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Routine separation of staphylococci from micrococci based on bacteriolytic activity production.? [/INST] A new method is described by which separation of staphylococci from micrococci can be achieved in routine laboratory use. The basis of this method is that bacteriolytic activity is produced by staphylococci but not by micrococci. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Adaptation of the staphylococcal coagglutination technique for detection of heat-labile enterotoxin of Escherichia coli.? [/INST] Protein A-containing staphylococci coated with specific antiserum were tested for heat-labile enterotoxin of Escherichia coli. The immunological cross-reactivity of E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin with Vibrio cholerae toxin (choleragen) was the basis for sensitizing stabilized suspensions of the Cowan I strain of Staphylococcus aureus with anticholeragen. Unconcentrated culture supernatant fluid containing E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin produced macroscopic agglutination when mixed with sensitized staphylococci in capillary tubes. A total of 15 toxigenic and 61 nontoxigenic isolates were tested by the staphylococcal coagglutination technique in a coded fashion and found to be in agreement with previous results of the Chinese hamster ovary cell assay and the passive immune hemolysis test. The staphylococcal coagglutination technique is simple, relatively inexpensive to perform, and requires the immunoglobulin fraction of anticholeragen as the only specific reagent. The staphylococcal coagglutination technique appears to have potential for routine use in diagnostic microbiology laboratories. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Improved laboratory efficiency and diagnostic accuracy with new double-lumen-protected swab for for endometrial specimens.? [/INST] Intrauterine specimens were obtained from 22 patients with endometritis and 24 control patients following cesarean section by using both a new protected swab and a standard anaerobic swab. The protected swab improved the value of the direct smear and Gram stain, resulted in fewer false-positive cultures, better defined endometrial flora in patients with endometritis, and permitted major savings in laboratory personnel time and materials. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Solid-phase microtiter radioimmunoassay blocking test for detection of antibodies to Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin.? [/INST] The development of a solid-phase microtiter radioimmunoassay blocking test to detect serum antibody to Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin is described. The assay is easy to perform and quantitate, and it is sensitive and specific. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Factors affecting isolation and identification of Haemophilus vaginalis (Corynebacterium vaginale).? [/INST] The rate of isolation of organisms resembling Haemophilus vaginalis (Corynebacterium vaginale) from vaginal specimens was not significantly affected by anaerobic versus carbon dioxide incubation atmospheres or whether specimens were inoculated on isolation media immediately after collection or after a delay of 6 h. Forty-one clinically isolated strains were provisionally divided into 30 H. vaginalis strains and 11 H. vaginalis-like (HVL) strains based on morphological and growth characteristics. The H. vaginalis strains were less reactive in API-20A identification test strips, (Analytab Products, Inc.) using Lombard-Dowell broth, than in a modified basal medium that contained proteose peptone no. 3 (Difco). The numbers and kinds of substrates fermented by 30 clinical and 2 reference strains of H. vaginalis varied among conventional, API, Minitek (Baltimore Biological Laboratory), and rapid buffered substrate fermentation systems. A greater number and variety of carbohydrates were fermented by the 11 HVL strains more consistently in all four test systems. Analysis of volatile and nonvolatile fermentation end products by gas-liquid chromatography did not reveal significant differences between the H. vaginalis and HVL strains. However, the latter group grew in peptone-yeast extract-glucose broth, whereas the H. vaginalis strains did not grow without the addition of starch to peptone-yeast extract-glucose. All of the reference and clinical strains were similar in their susceptibilities to a variety of antimicrobial compounds except sulfonamides, which inhibited the HVL strains and bifidobacteria but not the H. vaginalis strains. Sulfonamide susceptibility or resistance corresponded in part to the H. vaginalis and HVL-bifidobacteria strain reactions on selected conventional fermentation substrates. Susceptibility or resistance to sulfonamides and metronidazole in conjunction with fermentation tests is described to aid in the separation of H. vaginalis from other possibly unrecognized biotypes of H. vaginalis or other vaginal bacteria that presumptively resemble the organism. A human blood medium known as V agar was also of considerable value in distinguishing H. vaginalis from HVL strains, because only the H. vaginalis strains produced diffuse beta-hemolysis on V agar. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Biochemical, enzymatic, and serological differentiation of Peptococcus indolicus (Christiansen) Sørensen from Peptococcus asaccharolyticus (Distaso) Douglas.? [/INST] Peptococcus indolicus (formerly Micrococcus indolicus) is an asaccharolytic anaerobic coccus that is frequently isolated from udder secretions from cases of heifer and dry-cow mastitis (summer mastitis). To facilitate better identification and its differentiation from Peptococcus asaccharolyticus, a variety of biochemical, enzymatic, and serological properties were studied. Seventy-nine strains of P. indolicus of bovine origin and 10 strains of P. asaccharolyticus of human origin were examined using the API 20A and API-ZYM test kit systems. In addition, production of extracellular enzymes by using sensitive substrate-containing agar plate tests, production of peptocoagulase (a plasma-clotting factor), hemolytic properties, metabolic end products by gas chromatography, and serological characteristics with a set of P. indolicus typing antisera were investigated. P. indolicus and P. asaccharolyticus were not satisfactorily differentiated solely by the API 20A system. P. indolicus differed from P. asaccharolyticus in producing H(2)S, reducing nitrate to nitrite, producing peptocoagulase, possessing alkaline phosphatase, and producing large amounts of propionate from lactate. Moreover, none of the strains of P. asaccharolyticus was typable with the P. indolicus typing antisera. The majority (88%) of P. indolicus strains also gave weak hydrolysis of ribonucleic acid, and 6 out of 79 produced deoxyribonuclease. All strains in this study were sensitive to metronidazole (5 mug) by disk diffusion tests. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Problems affecting performance of the fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test for syphilis.? [/INST] Immunofluorescent staining of Treponema pallidum was studied to clarify the effect of three factors on the results of the fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test: (i) heat inactivation of sera at 56 degrees C for 30 min before testing, (ii) use of multicircle slides, and (iii) tungsten illumination to visualize and assess unstained treponemes on reactive as well as nonreactive smears. It was found that serum inactivation before testing was not necessary for detection of immunoglobin G antibody, but an immunoglobulin M prozone was detected in unheated serum. On multicircle slides, it was demonstrated that a false-positive reaction could be obtained in 30 s at 37 and 25 degrees C if a smear where a nonreactive serum had been placed was crossed by a strongly reactive serum from another circle. Tungsten illumination proved necessary for correct assessment of unstained treponemes on all fluorescent treponemal antibody-aborption test smears, reactive or nonreactive. The possible role of these factors in incorrect fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test results is discussed. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Evaluation of colistin and nalidixic acid in Todd-Hewitt broth for selective isolation of group B streptocci.? [/INST] Todd-Hewitt broth (THB) containing colistin and nalidixic acid was compared with four other media with respect to efficacy of isolation of group B streptocci. It was effective as plain THB, THB with gentamicin and nalidixic acid and blood, and THB with colistin, nalidixic acid, and blood. THB with gentamicin and nalidixic acid, but without blood, was inhibitory to group B streptocci. The value of THB with colistin and nalidixic acid lies in its ability to successfully inhibit gram-negative organisms and still promote group B streptococcal growth without the addition of blood. This greatly reduces the time and expense of media preparation and permits early determination of bacterial growth, so that other means of rapidly identifying group B streptocci can be applied at the earliest possible time. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Simplified chromatographic separation of immunoglobulin M from G and its application to toxoplasma indirect immunofluorescence.? [/INST] The indirect immunofluorescent (IIF) antibody technique for the detection of Toxoplasma gondii immunoglobulin M (IgM) often gives false negative results, probably due to the competition between IgG and IgM. We therefore adapted a gel filtration procedure for the separation of IgG and IgM to a routine diagnostic test capable handling at least 10 sera per day and requiring only 50 microliters of serum. The results from 108 sera having positive complement fixation titers for Toxoplasma showed that 17 were IgM positive when the whole serum was tested by IIF compared with 55 positive when the IgM fraction was used. Sera with antideoxyribonucleic acid titers do not give false positive results after fractionation, and the removal of IgG eliminates false positive results due to rheumatoid factor. A prospective study showed that Toxoplasma IgM may persist up to 9 months. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Accuracy and reproducibility of the Oxi/Ferm system in identifying a select group of unusual gram-negative bacilli.? [/INST] The Oxi/Ferm (O/F) identification system was compared in a double-blind study to a conventional test battery for the characterization of 96 reference and clinical strains consisting of 83 nonfermentative and 13 oxidase-producing, fermentative gram-negative bacilli. The O/F tube and supplemental tests correctly identified 84% of the nonfermentative and 77% of the oxidase-producing, fermentative bacilli. However, when the supplemental tests were excluded and the biochemical profiles generated by all nine O/F tube reactions were examined, the profile accuracy reached 95% (79 of 83) for the nonfermentative and 93% (12 of 13) for oxidase-producing, fermentative bacilli. Seven of the nine O/F substrate reactions demonstrated less than or equal to 89% agreement with conventional reactions, whereas the urea and arginine reactions provided 82 and 85% agreement, respectively. Replicate O/F tests with six selected organisms demonstrated 97% identification reproducibility and 84% overall substrate reproducibility. The mean O/F identification time was 2.6 days as compared to 3.3 days for the conventional system. Although this study suggests that the O/F system is a convenient, rapid, and accurate alternative to conventional identification methods, several modifications are recommended. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Evaluation of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim blood agar plates for recovery of group A streptocci from throat cultures.? [/INST] We compared the selective blood agar medium of Gunn et al. (J. Clin. Microbiol. 5:650-655, 1977) which contains sulfamethoxazole plus trimethoprim (SXT-BA) to the conventional blood agar surface plate (SBA) and a modified blood agar pour plate plus broth method for the recovery of group A streptococci from throat swabs. The influence of CO(2) and ambient air incubation of the SXT-BA and SBA plates was also evaluated. A total of 696 throat swabs from symptomatic children were cultured simultaneously by the five methods and observed after overnight incubation; 204 positive cultures were detected overall. Recovery rates of each individual method were: SXT-BA (CO(2)), 90.7%; SXT-BA (air), 87.7%; pour plate plus broth, 83.3%; SBA (CO(2)), 79.4%; and SBA (air) 77%. Approximately one-half of the false-negative cultures in the SXT-BA (CO(2)) and SXT-BA (air) methods had colony counts of >/=10 to 100 colonies per plate. In contrast, for the SBA (CO(2)), SBA (air), and pour plate plus broth methods, approximately 70% of the false-negative cultures had colony counts of >/=10 to 100/plate. False-positive cultures obtained by the SXT-BA (CO(2)) and SXT-BA (air) methods were 11 and 12.7%, respectively-one-half as high as the rates obtained by the remaining methods. Beta-hemolytic streptococci, groups C, F, and G, are inhibited on the SXT-BA plates and were the primary cause of the higher false-positive rates on SBA and pour plate plus broth methods. An additional 3% positive cultures were obtained by incubating SXT-BA (CO(2)) plates up to 48 h before discarding as negative. We recommend either the SXT-BA (CO(2)) or the SXT-BA (air) method with up to 48 h of incubation for routine use in throat cultures. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Sensitivity, precision, and accuracy of the Y1 adrenal cell enterotoxin assay.? [/INST] The Y1 adrenal cell assay for heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) was found to be relatively insensitive for filtrates of toxigenic Escherichia coli H10407. When observations were made blindly and subjected to rigorous controls, reliable detection of LT occured only at filtrate dilutions from 1:4 to 1:10. Detection of LT was unreliable when E. coli H10407 was mixed with another enteric organism. Overall, 7.1% of observers' reports from a single assay were imprecise, and 2.6% would have resulted in errors in detection of LT; however, triplicate assays prevented false positive reports of LT detection. Routine testing for LT production in the clinical diagnostic laboratory awaits a simpler, more sensitive, and more direct method of testing stool specimens. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Reproducibility of an indirect immunofluorescent-antibody technique for capsular serotyping of Klebsiella pneumoniae.? [/INST] Reproducibility of capsular serotypes of 55 consecutive clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae was evaluated by an indirect immunofluorescent-antibody technique previously described by Riser et al. (J. Clin. Pathol. 29: 296-304, 1976) Five colonies per specimen were examined for colony-to-colony variation, day-to-day variation, and reader-to-reader variation. Seventy-two reference strains were tested with each of 18 pools and 72 specific antisera prior to the clinical specimens to determine antiserum specificity and cross-reaction patterns. Lot-to-lot variation was examined with the reference strains. There was minimal lot-to-lot variation among the antisera tested. Ten antiserum pools required supplementation with individual antisera. The patterns of supplementation may vary from lot to lot. Colony-to-colony variation in intensity of immunofluorescence occurred, but there was no variation in serotype. These findings differ from previously reported colonial variation which occurred when API 20E biotypes were determined for individual colonies of K. pneumoniae directly from clinical specimens. Eighteen percent of clinical isolates studied gave cross-reactions when tested with the indicated specific antiserum. All but one of the cross-reactions were resolved with further dilutions. Day-to-day and reader-to-reader variations were minimal. The immunofluorescent-antibody technique is a reliable and reproducible method for capsular serotype determination. Capsular serotypes are less variable than API biotypes since colony-to-colony variation of serotype does not occur. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Comparison of media and techniques for detection of group A streptococci in throat swab specimens.? [/INST] Detection of group A streptococci in primary throat cultures was compared by using aerobic and anerobic incubation with selective nonselective media. Sheep blood agar plates incubated anaerobically detected 98% of the group A streptococci, whereas aerobically incubated blood agar plates which had been stabbed at the time of inoculation detected only 63%. Blood agar plates containing sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (23.75 and 1.25 mirograms per ml, respectively) detected only 70% of group A streptocci when incubated aerobically and 84% when incubated anaerobically. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Comparison of the API 20E and Oxi/Ferm systems in identification of nonfermentative and oxidase-positive fermentative bacteria.? [/INST] The API 20E and Oxi/Ferm systems were tested in parallel to identify nonfermentative bacteria and oxidase-positive fermentative bacteria. Test strains consisted of consecutive clinical isolates, with stock cultures used to supplement those species infrequently recovered. The two microsystems, as well as tubes of triple sugar iron, motility, cetrimide, and oxidative glucose media, were inoculated by each worker for each organism. Identification of each isolate was by the protocol of the manufacturers, with supplemental tests and flagella stains performed when necessary. Concurrent identification was undertaken with a conventional system against which the results of the two systems were compared for accuracy. There was a 95.3% accuracy in identification by the Oxi-Ferm system and 88.9% by the API system. Almost one-fourth of all identification attempts with the API required computer assistance, and most of these were for oxidase positive bacteria. Because of this, and because the API system showed greater accuracy in identification of the oxidase-negative bacteria, it seems best suited for identification of these organisms (P. maltophilia, A. anitratus, and A. lwoffi). The Oxi/Ferm system is technically less cumbersome than the API and is well suited for both groups of organisms. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Isolation of Clostridium botulinum from Honey.? [/INST] Methods for the isolation of Clostridium botulinum from honey samples are described. A total of 9 of 90 honey samples were positive for C. botulinum; 6 of the positive samples had been fed to babies who developed infant botulism. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Rapid subtyping of influenza A virus isolates by membrane fluorescence.? [/INST] During the winter of 1977-1978 three influenza A virus serotypes (A/Vic/3/75, A/Texas/1/77 [both H3N2], and A/USSR/90/77 [H1N1]) circulated in Denver, offering us the opportunity to apply fluorescent antibody techniques to the specific identification of these viruses. Surface antigens of infected, unfixed primary monkey kidney cells were stained in suspension by an indirect immunofluorescence technique with anti-H3N2 and anti-H1N1 antisera. In tests of cells infected with known viruses, the members of the H3N2 family could not be distinguished from one another, but were easily distinguished from H1N1 strains. A total of 101 hemadsorption-positive clinical specimens were evaluated over a 6-month period. Forty-five of 48 influenza A H3N2 and 24 of 29 H1N1 specimens confirmed by hemagglutination inhibition were correctly identified by membrane fluorescence of cultured cells, with no misidentifications among influenza strains and with 1 false positive among 24 non-influenza isolates. The average time to identification by this technique was 4 days compared to 7 days by hemagglutination inhibition. Live cell membrane fluorescence is a simple, rapid, and accurate method for identifying and grouping influenza A viruses. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Invasive strain of Escherichia coli belonging to O group 29.? [/INST] A strain of Escherichia coli isolated from a child with diarrhea was biochemically similar and antigenically identical (O and K antigens) to the standard strain of E. coli O group 29 and was positive in the Serény test for invasiveness, which suggests that it can cause a Shigella-like illness. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Compact anaerobic glove box for hospitals and research laboratories.? [/INST] An anaerobic glove box designed for moderate-sized hospitals or research laboratories is described. The compact vinyl and metal enclosure becomes anaerobic rapidly after inflation, requires no vacuum pump, and provides incubator space equivalent to 15 standard anaerobic jars. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Detection of pigment precursors in white clinical strains of Serratia marcescens.? [/INST] Filter paper strips containing a pigment precursor extracted from Serratia marcescens strain 933 were used to determine whether white, clinical S. marcescens strains could form pigment syntrophically. In all, 114 strains (113 of clinical origin) were tested, and 99% were found to develop colors ranging from violets to pinks. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Experimental glomerulonephritis in the isolated perfused rat kidney.? [/INST] The development of immune deposits on the subepithelial surface of the glomerular capillary wall was studied in isolated rat kidneys perfused at controlled perfusion pressure, pH, temperature, and flow rates with recirculating oxygenated perfusate containing bovine serum albumin (BSA) in buffer and sheep antibody to rat proximal tubular epithelial cell brush border antigen (Fx1A). Control kidney were perfused with equal concentrations of non-antibody immunoglobulin (Ig)G. Renal function was monitored by measuring inulin clearance, sodium reabsorption, and urine flow as well as BSA excretion and fractional clearance. Perfused kidneys were studied by light, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy. All kidneys perfused with anti-Fx1A developed diffuse, finely granular deposits of IgG along the glomerular capillary wall by immunofluorescence. Electron microscopy revealed these deposits to be localized exclusively in the subepithelial space and slit pores. Similar deposits were produced in a nonrecirculating perfusion system, thereby excluding the formation of immune complexes in the perfusate caused by renal release of tubular antigen. Control kidneys perfused with nonantibody IgG did not develop glomerular immune deposits. Renal function and BSA excretion were the same in experimental and control kidneys. Glomerular deposits in antibody perfused kidneys were indistinguishable from deposits in rats injected with anti-Fx1A or immunized with Fx1A to produce autologous immune complex nephropathy. These studies demonstrate that subepithelial immune deposits can be produced in the isolated rat kidney by perfusion with specific antibody to Fx1A in the absence of circulating immune complexes. In this model deposits result from in situ complex formation rather than circulating immune complex deposition. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about The modification of biophysical and endotoxic properties of bacterial lipopolysaccharides by serum.? [/INST] Normal rabbit serum reduces the buoyant density of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Escherichia coli 0111:B4 (d = 1.44 g/cm3) and Salmonella minnesota R595 (d = 1.38 g/cm3) to a value less than g/cm3. This density shift is associated with the inhibition of a number of endotoxic activities of the LPS; namely, the pyrogenic activity, the ability to produce an immediate neutropenia in rabbits, lethality in adrenalectomized mice, and anticomplementary activity. A qualitatively similar change in buoyant density was observed to occur after intravenous injection of the LPS into rabbits. Preliminary evidence suggests that the density shift does not occur as a result of the degradation of the glycolipid backbone of the LPS. These data suggest that the interactions of LPS with plasma (or serum) components leading to reduction in buoyant density may account for a major pathway of LPS detoxification. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Role of secretory events in modulating human neutrophil chemotaxis.? [/INST] The relationship between neutrophil polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) locomotion and the exocytosis of neutrophil cytoplasmic granules was studied by assessing these processes in cells migrating through micropore filters and by measuring the effects of degranulating stimuli on PMN chemotaxis, orientation, adhesiveness, and ability to bind the chemoattractant f-Met-Leu-[3H]Phe. Studies of cells migrating through cellulose nitrate filters indicated that concentrations of f-Met-Leu-Phe optimal for exocytosis were greater than those optimal for chemotaxis and actually inhibited cell migration. In other studies incubation of PMNs with concentrations of secretagogues causing exocytosis of 30% or greater PMN lysozyme increased cell adhesiveness and inhibited chemotaxis. PMNs that had secreted more than 30% lysozyme appeared round, did not orient in a gradient of chemoattractant, and were capable of significantly less f-Met-Leu-[3H]Phe binding than were control cells. The decreased binding of f-Met-Leu-Phe was not associated with hydrolysis of chemotactic peptide by washed cells, although peptide hydrolysis was caused by cell products secreted extracellularly after vigorous exocytosis. In contrast, when only 10--15% cellular lysozyme was released f-Met-Leu-Phe binding was enhanced significantly and there was no depression of chemotaxis. The data indicate limited exocytosis of intracellular granule contents is associated with increased availability of PMN cehmotactic factor receptors. Vigorous exocytosis is associated with inactivation of chemotactic responsiveness related to increase cell adhesiveness, decreased PMN binding of chemotactic factors, and to hydrolysis of chemoattractants by factors secreted extracellularly. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Adenosine deaminase deficiency: disappearance of adenine deoxynucleotides from a patient's erythrocytes after successful marrow transplantation.? [/INST] Accumulation of adenine deoxynucleotides (dATP and dADP) in the erythrocytes of a patient with adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency was confirmed. The patient, now 18 mo old, was treated with a bone marrow transplantation from his HLA identical sister at 7 mo of age. Before and after the transplant, his erythrocyte and lymphocyte ADA activities, as well as his erythrocyte nucleotide profiles, were measured. 10 wk after the marrow transplant, no ADA activity could be detected in his erythrocytes, whereas there was a mixture of donor and patient lymphocytes as measured by ADA assays and karyotyping. At the same time, both dATP and dADP had disappeared from his erythrocytes, which were entirely of patient origin. These findings indicate that partial engraftment of donor lymphocytes into an ADA-deficient patient is capable of "correcting" alterations of deoxynucleotide concentrations in the patient's ADA-deficient erythrocytes. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Selective binding site for [3H]prostacyclin on platelets.? [/INST] Prostacyclin (PGI(2)) is the most potent, naturally occurring inhibitor of platelet aggregation known. To determine whether PGI(2) is bound by platelets, high specific activity [9-(3)H]PGI(2) was synthesized by iodination and subsequent base treatment of the labeled precursor [9-(3)H]prostaglandin (PG)F(2alpha) methyl ester. Binding experiments were performed at room temperature with normal citrated human platelet-rich plasma that contained [(14)C]sucrose or [(14)C]PGF(1alpha) as an internal marker for the extracellular space. Binding of [(3)H]PGI(2) plateaued within 2 min and this bond radioactivity could be displaced rapidly by excess nonradioactive PGI(2). Scatchard analysis of concentration-dependent binding yielded a hyperbolic plot which appeared to be caused by the existence of two classes of binding sites. The higher affinity class has a dissociation constant of 12.1+/-2.7 nM and a capacity of 93 (+/-21)sites per platelet. The lower affinity class had a dissociation constant of 0.909+/-.236 muM and a capacity of 2,700+/-700 sites per platelet. The relative ability of PGI(2), PGE(1), PGE(2), and 6-keto-PGF(1alpha) to displace [(3)H]PGI(2) initially bound to the higher affinity class of sites were 100:5:<0.3: <0.3. These relative abilities parallel the relative potencies of these compounds as inhibitors of ADP-induced platelet aggregation in vitro. However PGD(2), which is more potent than PGE(1) as an inhibitor of aggregation, did not displace bound [(3)H]PGI(2). The higher affinity binding site for PGI(2) appears to be the specific receptor through which PGI(2) exerts its effect on platelets. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Motility and adhesiveness in human neutrophils. Effects of chemotactic factors.? [/INST] Human peripheral blood neutrophils (PMN) obtained from healthy adults were examined in vitro with techniques adapted to assess the effects of chemotactic factors (CF) on cellular configuration and adhesiveness. The results were compared with those that use certain conventional techniques for assessing chemotaxis and chemokinesis. Exposure of PMN to N-formyl-l-methionyl-l-phenylalanine (f-Met-Phe), zymosan-activated serum, bacterial chemotactic factor, or a low molecular weight chemotactic factor from activated serum (C5a) in the absence of a gradient resulted in a change in cellular shape from a spherical to a polarized configuration in a high percentage of cells. This occurred rapidly in suspension, under conditions designed to exclude a role for cell adhesiveness, and was reversible upon removal of the CF. Restimulation of cells with the CF resulted in reappearance of the polarized configuration to the same extent as on initial stimulation with one exception: f-Met-Phe pretreated cells failed to respond to f-Met-Phe, though they responded fully to the other CF. Each CF caused a significant increase in PMN attachment to protein-coated glass. This enhanced adhesiveness was not reversible upon removal of the CF when the cells were treated under conditions shown to produce chemotactic deactivation. Cells treated under these conditions also exhibited significantly reduced motility on glass and in micropore filters in the absence of a gradient of CF. Bacterial chemotactic factor, even at high concentrations, failed to produce deactivation and did not cause a sustained enhancement of adhesiveness. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Administration of gonadal steroids to the castrated male rat prevents a decrease in the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the incubated hypothalamus.? [/INST] The influence of testosterone on gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion was assessed indirectly by altering the serum testosterone concentration of male rats and measuring GnRH release from their incubated hypothalami 1 wk later.GnRH release from hypothalami of castrated rats was 13.4+/-1.2 (SE) pg/h, compared to 35.3+/-3.8 pg/h from hypothalami of intact rats (P < 0.001). GnRH release from the hypothalami of castrated rats treated with testosterone propionate, 100 or 500 mug daily, was 25.0+/-3.4 pg/h and 27.9+/-3.6 pg/h, which is significantly greater (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively) than that from hypothalami of castrated rats treated only with sesame oil.A similar decrease in GnRH release from hypothalami of hypophysectomized rats and prevention of this decrease by treating the hypophysectomized rats with testosterone propionate is evidence that the observed effects of testosterone are not mediated via luteinizing hormone and(or) follicle-stimulating hormone secretion. Treatment of castrated rats with either dihydrotestosterone propionate or estradiol benzoate also prevented the decrease in GnRH release from the hypothalami of castrated rats. We conclude that testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and estradiol all prevent the decrease in GnRH release from hypothalami of castrated rats treated with these steroids. The possibility exists that these steroids may also maintain GnRH secretion in vivo. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Platelet and blood vessel arachidonate metabolism and interactions.? [/INST] Exogenous arachidonate addition to intact platelets, in the absence or the presence of blood vessel microsomes, results in the production of thromboxane B(2) (the stable degradation product of thromboxane A(2)) only. Prostaglandin (PG) endoperoxides are released from intact platelets only when thromboxane synthetase is inhibited. Thus, addition of exogenous arachidonate to imidazole-pretreated platelets in the presence of bovine aorta microsomes (source of prostacyclin synthetase) results predominantly in the synthesis of 6-keto-PGF(1alpha) (the stable degradation product of prostacyclin). Strips of intact aorta were removed from aspirin-treated rabbits, thus the isolated blood vessels were unable to convert endogenous or exogenous arachidonate to prostacyclin. Human platelets, with [(14)C]arachidonate-labeled phospholipids, adhered to the blood vessel segments and released some thromboxane B(2). The subsequent addition of thrombin facilitated the release of endogenous arachidonate and thromboxane, but no labeled 6-keto-PGF(1alpha) was detectable. There is therefore no direct chemical evidence of PG-endoperoxide release from human platelets during either aggregation or adhesion, which therefore precludes the possibility that blood vessels use platelet PG-endoperoxide for prostacyclin synthesis. Imidazole inhibited the thromboxane synthetase in the labeled platelets, and thereafter thrombin stimulation resulted in the release of platelet-derived, labeled PG-endoperoxides that were converted to labeled prostacyclin by the vascular prostacyclin synthetase. The latter result suggests a potential antithrombotic therapeutic benefit might be achieved using an effective thromboxane synthetase inhibitor. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Discrepancies between the doses of cholecystokinin or caerulein-stimulating exocrine and endocrine responses in perfused isolated rat pancreas.? [/INST] The effects of highly purified natural porcine cholecystokinin (CCK) and synthetic caerulein on the rate of flow of pancreatic juice, the rate of output of amylase, and the rate of release of immunoreactive insulin (IRI) and immunoreactive glucagon (IRG) were simultaneously investigated in the isolated perfused rat pancreas. The maximal flow rate of pancreatic juice was obtained with concentrations of CCK ranging from 0.5 to 10 mU/ml, whereas amylase output was maximal at CCK concentrations from 1 to 10 mU/ml. Caerulein at concentrations of 0.05-1 ng/ml induced a similar maximal flow rate and amylase secretion. Supramaximal stimulatory concentrations of these peptides resulted in lower rates of release of fluid and amylase than with the maximally effective concentrations. Stimulation of IRI and IRG release was elicited only with concentrations of peptides supramaximal for effects on the exocrine responses. The demonstration of very similar discrepancies between the doses of caerulein required to elicit maximal exocrine responses and those required to elicit endocrine responses provide strong evidence that the pattern of the effect of the porcine CCK is accounted for by CCK itself. Although caerulein had no influence on IRI response when superimposed on 100 or 150 mg/100 ml glucose stimulation, preperfusion of caerulein led to a significant enhancement of IRI response to a subsequent glucose stimulation in both phases. The augmentation effect was completely separate from the direct IRI-stimulating effect of caerulein, because the CCK-like peptide requires no glucose for insulinotropic action. Because the concentrations of the peptides necessary for stimulation of endocrine responses were inhibitory in their effects on exocrine responses, it may be inferred that it is unlikely that the endocrine effect is physiologically important, though the results of caerulein for augmenting glucose-stimulated IRI release suggests a possible role for CCK in carbohydrate metabolism. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Recovery of endothelial cell prostacyclin production after inhibition by low doses of aspirin.? [/INST] Endothelial cells synthesize prostacyclin (PGI(2)), an unstable prostaglandin that inhibits platelet aggregation and serotonin release. Because cyclooxygenase, which is necessary for synthesis of PGI(2), is inactivated by aspirin, we examined the effect of aspirin on PGI(2) production by cultured human endothelial cells. Endothelial cells synthesize PGI(2) (20.1+/-7.2 ng/10(6) cells, mean+/-SD) when stimulated with 20 muM sodium arachidonate for 2 min. PGI(2) production is inhibited by low-dose aspirin (5 muM); the t((1/2)) of inactivation is 6.0+/-1.3 min (mean+/-SEM, n = 3). Thus, endothelial cell cyclooxygenase is as sensitive to aspirin as the enzyme in platelets. After 1 h incubation with aspirin, endothelial cell PGI(2) production was inhibited 50% by 2.1+/-0.4 muM aspirin and was inhibited 90% by 6.2+/-0.9 muM aspirin (mean+/-SEM, n = 4). When endothelial cells were incubated with 100 muM aspirin, washed, and recultured, their ability to synthesize PGI(2) returned to control levels in 35.6+/-1.0 h (mean+/-SEM, n = 4). Recovery of endothelial PGI(2) production after aspirin depended on de novo protein synthesis because treatment with cycloheximide (3 mug/ml) inhibited recovery by 92%.These results indicate that although endothelial cell cyclooxygenase in vitro is inhibited by low concentrations of aspirin, endothelial cells rapidly resynthesize their cyclooxygenase after the aspirin is removed. This rapid resynthesis of cyclooxygenase lessens the likelihood that aspirin used in clinical doses promotes thrombosis. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Identification and quantitation of platelet-associated fibronectin antigen.? [/INST] Platelet-associated fibronectin antigen has been identified by radioimmunoassay and immunofluorescent techniques. In radioimmunoassay, platelet fibronectin was immunochemically indistinguishable from plasma fibronectin. Platelet and plasma fibronectin were bound and eluted from gelatin-sepharose under similar conditions. The level of platelet fibronectin in detergent extracts of washed platelets from 12 healthy adults was 2.85 +/- 1.24 microgram/10(9) platelets. Immunofluorescence with F(ab')2 fragments of immunochemically purified antifibronectin showed that all platelets stained with a discrete punctate pattern. The identification of platelet fibronectin antigen raises the possibility that this protein may participate in platelet-platelet or platelet-surface interactions. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Immunoglobulin and complement in normal skin.? [/INST] Cryostat sections of normal skin from 57 white adults were examined by direct and indirect immunofluorescence for immunoglobulins, complement factors, and transferrin. The results for basement membrane zone (BMX) were significantly different for the 11 face and 46 non-face biopsies: in the face, IgM was found in five, IgG in two, IgA in one, and C3 in none, whereas, in non-face, IgM was present in six, IgG in none, IgA in one, and C3 in five. The results for dermal vessel walls (DV) were not apparently different for face and non-face; in the 57 biopsies IgM was present in one, IgG in none, IgA in one, and C3 in one. The 11 biopsies from the face and 26 of the non-face biopsies were examined further. No IgD or C4 was identified, but one case (scalp) showed BMZ Clq, properdin, and transferrin, and in two cases (one face, one non-face) DV properdin was found. Cytoid bodies (IgM and IgA) were present in moderate numbers in one case; all other positive reactions were finely granular. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Platelet aggregation in chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.? [/INST] A method for washing platelets by albumin density gradient separation has been modified to prepare platelet rich plasma of thrombocytopenic patients for platelet aggregation studies. The concentration procedure, consisting of centrifuging platelets into a specific gravity gradient between plasma and 40-45% aqueous solution of bovine albumin, does not affect platelet aggregation adversely. Platelet aggregation in eight patients with chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura was determined by this method. On the basis of the results the patients could clearly be divided into two groups: four patients with normal aggregation and four with a qualitative platelet defect. In contrast to the other patients, the group with an in vitro platelet functional defect all had more prolonged bleeding times and the presence of a serum antiplatelet antibody. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Marrow graft rejection and inhibition of growth in culture by serum in aplastic anaemia.? [/INST] The sera of 28 patients with aplastic anaemia were examined for their effect on granulocyte colony growth in soft agar. Normal sera did not affect colony growth, but 13 sera from patients with aplastic anaemia, three from multiparous women, and six from patients polytransfused for various disorders caused colony inhibition. This inhibition was not due to the presence of HLA antibodies in aplasia patients because some sera inhibited HLA compatible bone marrow, and polyspecific HLA antibodies were not found in all inhibitory sera. All patients who failed to show engraftment or who rejected their bone marrow graft within three weeks had serum inhibitory to normal bone marrow cell culture, but inhibition could not be demonstrated against autologous bone marrow cells in these patients with aplastic anaemia. The results show that patients with serum inhibitors have an increased risk of early graft rejection and suggest that this rejection is mediated by antibodies directed against bone marrow stem cells. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about A new antigen on the epithelial membrane: its immunoperoxidase localisation in normal and neoplastic tissue.? [/INST] Using antisera raised against defatted human cream we have demonstrated a new antigen on the epithelial membrane. An indirect immunoperoxidase technique on routinely processed histological sections was used, and we describe results which show that this antigen has a widespread but highly selective distribution, being apparently localised to membranes that have a secretory function. The antigen is carried by a variety of adenocarcinomas, suggesting that its localisation may have a role in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of malignant disease. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about A formalin fixative for immunochemical and ultrastructural studies on gastrointestinal endocrine cells.? [/INST] Using indirect immunofluorescence, indirect immunoperoxidase, and unlabelled antibody enzyme techniques, gastrin, pancreatic glucagon, insulin, and somatostatin were localised in sections of both wax- and resin-embedded tissues that had been fixed in a buffered formalin solution. Ultrastructural preservation of the resin-embedded samples was also adequate for combined electron microscopy and light microscope immunochemistry. As the fixative concerned is stable it can be permanently available in surgical units. It is suggested, therefore, that this fixative should prove useful as an alternative to buffered formaldehyde, which must be freshly prepared from paraformaldehyde powder, in institutions where specimen collection is difficult or which have to refer cases with an endocrine involvement to other laboratories for immunochemical and fine structural examination. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Infection of total hip prostheses by Peptococcus magnus: an immunofluorescence and ELISA study of two cases.? [/INST] In two cases of infected total hip replacements, Peptococcus magnus was isolated in pure culture from the implant when it was removed. Fluorescent antibody and ELISA studies have shown that both patients developed an antibody response to this anaerobic coccus soon after the replacement operation. These results suggest that the organism is a true infective agent, which was probably responsible for the failure of the arthroplasty operation. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Identification of Gram-negative non-fermenters and oxidase-positive fermenters by the Oxi/Ferm tube.? [/INST] Since the recent introduction of the Roche Oxi/Ferm Tube to the UK two identification schemes have been developed by the manufacturer for use with the kit. We evaluated the success of these two schemes in identifying 222 predominantly culture collection strains belonging to 45 taxa of non-fermenters and nine taxa of oxidase-positive fermenters. The strains were chosen to represent all the taxa included in the two identification schemes developed by the manufacturer and we have therefore been able to assess the overall success of identification by the two schemes. Since, however, our choice of strains does not reflect their incidence in clinical material, our identification rates are not necessarily those that might be obtained in a routine clinical laboratory. The most advanced identification scheme so far developed for the Oxi/Ferm Tube (CCIS System 1977-1432) allowed 62% of the 222 strains to be correctly identified although a disturbing feature was that more of the strains that were not correctly identified were incorrectly identified (24%) rather than not identified (14%); these figures represent an improvement over the earlier identification scheme (CCIS System 1976-621-74346) for which the corresponding figures were 56%, 32%, and 12%. CCIS System 1977-1432 seems likely to give a better performance in a routine clinical laboratory than in this study since for those taxa which, we would judge from the material sent to us for identification, are most commonly seen in a routine laboratory (Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, A. lwoffii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. fluorescens, P. maltophilia, P. pseudoalcaligenes, and P. putida) 89% were correctly identified, none remained unidentified, and 11% were incorrectly identified. Thirty strains, each of a different taxon, were tested in triplicate to assess the reproducibility of reactions in the Oxi/Ferm Tube. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Gastric function and histology in chronic renal failure.? [/INST] Gastric function and histology were investigated in 24 patients with untreated chronic renal failure. At endoscopy nine patients had oesophagitis, 12 patients were considered to have gastritis, and the duodenum appeared inflamed in 20 patients. Endoscopic biopsies were taken at standard sites in the stomach and duodenum; gastritis was found in all patients, and 17 patients had duodenitis. Stimulated acid secretion was impaired in seven out of 20 patients and acid hypersecretion was found in a further two patients. Pepsin output correlated well with acid output in these patients. Fasting serum gastrin levels were elevated in 12 of the 19 patients tested. Patients with atrophic gastritis had low acid outputs and hypergastrinaemia, and when extensive gastritis was present, the patients tended to have more severe renal failure and hyposecretion of acid. Three patients were studied again after regular haemodialysis or renal transplantation and were found to show marked endoscopic and histological improvement. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Toxocariasis: serological diagnosis by enzyme immunoassay.? [/INST] An enzyme-immunoassay was developed to measure the concentration of serum antibody specific for the secretory antigens released by migrating toxocaral larvae. This technique was evaluated by testing sera from healthy UK adults, and from patients with and without toxocariasis. In 922 healthy adults, 2.6% were found to have elevated specific antibody levels. Elevated values were observed twice as frequently in males as in females but showed no significant regression with age between 20 and 65 years. Of 62 patients with non-toxocaral helminthic infections, all had antitoxocaral antibody levels within the range of values observed in healthy controls and had a mean level which was not significantly elevated. All of 13 patients with clinical toxocariasis had enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) antibody levels above the 100th percentiles of both the healthy population and the helminth-infected group and had a significantly high mean value (p less than 0.001) more than 12 times that of the healthy or infected controls. The high degree of sensitivity and specificity of the toxocariasis enzyme-immunoassay indicates that this new test should be useful in reference immunodiagnostic applications and in large-scale seroepidemiological surveys. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Gingival bleeding in an experimental clinical trial design.? [/INST] An experimental clinical trial design is described in which the onset of gingival bleeding was used as an indicator of early gingivitis. Twenty-nine dental students participated in a double-blind crossover trial utilising chlorhexidine as a known plaque inhibitor. The onset of gingival bleeding was assessed in three ways, one of which yielded a statistically significant difference in favour of the active mouthrinse (P = 0.02). The method has a role in screening agents believed to be active against gingivitis. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Periodontal dressing materials.? [/INST] A detailed review of periodontal dressings is presented, covering physical, chemical and biological aspects. Areas requiring further research are outlined, particularly in the physico-chemical sphere; and some contra-indications to particular substances are described. It is concluded that there is a definite place for dressings, but that more knowledge is required before optimal properties can be developed. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Vascular morphology in noninflamed healed gingiva of dogs.? [/INST] The objective of this study was to determine if the regular vascular network previously reported as occurring in noninflamed marginal gingiva would become re-established following plaque control and treatment of gingiva by gingivectomy and scaling. Gingivectomies were performed on dogs with and without pre-experimental gingivitis in order to obtain gingival specimens healed for 4, 8 and 12 weeks. Plaque was controlled using toothbrushing and topical applications of 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate. After 12 weeks, the animals were perfused via the carotid arteries with glutaraldehyde and Microfil latex compound. Specimens were processed for either routine histology or examination of vascular morphology in methyl salicylate cleared tissues. The absence of inflammation in healed gingiva was evaluated clinically, using the Gingival and Plaque Indices, and histologically. Results showed that in healed clinically and histologically noninflamed gingiva, the vascular morphology was established as a series of looped vessels which could readily be distinguished from the regular network of vessels described by Hock (1975) in marginal gingiva that had neither been inflamed nor resected. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about A study of the synaptogenesis in the cerebellar cortex through chronic treatment and immunocytochemistry of beta-bungarotoxin.? [/INST] The mechanism of synaptogenesis between dendritic spines of Purkinje cells and parallel fibers in the chicken cerebellum was studied through chronic treatment and immunocytochemistry of beta-Bungarotoxin (beta-BT). Attention was directed to the question of whether the presynaptic specializations (presynaptic vesicular grids composed of presynaptic dense projections and associated vesicles) of the parallel fibers can differentiate in the absence of the Purkinje cells. Normal cerebella from 18-day and 21-day chick embryos, incubated with beta-BT and reacted with HRP-labeled anti beta-BT guinea pig IgG, showed a positive HRP reaction on Purkinje cells but not on external and internal granule cells. Thus, in chicken cerebellum, beta-BT primarily affects Purkinje cells. When beta-BT was applied to chick embryos at 3-day intervals, beginning on the 4th day of incubation, the cerebella were markedly reduced in size and most of the Purkinje cells as well as the nerve fibers in the white matter disappeared between the 18th and the 21st day of incubation. Folia of the 21st day experimental cerebella were irregular in shape and the area of the midsagittal section was one fourth that of the controls. In the 21st day cerebella treated with beta-BT, the majority of Purkinje cells disappear. However, the external granule cells remain intact and showed the usual mitotic activity. The majority of the inner granule cells were normal. Some of the parallel fibers, which display presynaptic vesicular grids, established synaptic contact with stellate cells and the dendritic spines of the few Purkinje cells that survived the treatment. However, vast areas of the molecular layer contained neither dendrites of Purkinje cells, nor parallel fibers displaying presynaptic vesicular grids devoid of their postsynaptic counterpart. In such areas, the molecular layer consisted of parallel fibers of uniform diameter, some of which contained accumulations of vesicles, but displaying no presynaptic dense projections. This suggests that parallel fibers may not be able to completely develop the presynaptic vesicular grids in the absence of their target cells. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Psychological stress reduction during dental procedures.? [/INST] Behavioral methods of patient stress reduction during amalgam restorations were evaluated. Eighty adult patients were randomly assigned to one of four groups of 20 each: a control group, a relaxation group, a perceived control group, and an active distraction group. Both relaxation and distraction were found to be effective in reducing patient discomfort. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Non-pressure adhesion of a new adhesive restorative resin.? [/INST] Non-pressure adhesion of a new adhesive restorative resin was investigated employing a new tensile test. The material was adhesive to both enamel and dentin as well as to carious dentin and showed strong adhesion to all substrates tested. Etching further increased the adhesion even to dentin. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Effects of adhesion promoters on resin-enamel retention.? [/INST] The adhesive effects of three adhesion promoters were compared utilizing three different filled resins on acid-etched human permanent teeth. The results demonstrated a significantly greater resistance to dislodgement of resins by shear forces when an NPG-GMA type of adhesion promoter was utilized. Type of resin did not influence resin retention. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about The role of diffusible ionic species in the bonding of polycarboxylate cements to dentine: an in vitro study.? [/INST] Treatment of freshly-cut dentine with fluoride ions or high concentrations of metal ions produced changes ranging from mineralization of tubule contents to precipitation of adherent surface layers. Combinations of these treatments with application of fluoridated and non-fluoridated polycarboxylate cements and glass ionomer cements produced both increases and reductions in bond strength which are explained by ionic diffusion at the interface prior to setting. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about The histologic grossing and reading of wedge-shaped specimens from malignancies taken from the oral lips.? [/INST] A simple method of grossing, sectioning, and reading operative specimens obtained by wedge resections of carcinomas from lower lips is described. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Bioethics and informed consent in American health care delivery.? [/INST] Bioethics is a multi-dimensional discipline. The traditional aspect being medical ethics, a branch of Western philosophy which, since the time of Hippocrates, has sought to formulate rules of proper conduct for physicians. Ethics and informed consent are interrelated issues. Consent is the central issue on which hangs most of the ethical problems in human experimentation. The informed consent of the human patient is the ultimate protection from the hazards of research and therapy in medicine, the basic premise of this being that every human being has the right to determine what shall be done to his own body. The patient must have full prognosis, complications, sequelae, discomforts, costs, inconveniences, risks and expectations. Medically and ethically what should the patient be told? There appears to be no obvious format, but the patient should be told enough to allow him to make a rational decision. This paper contains an analysis of the reactions of just a few American nurses to this dilemma. The nurse who attempts to use only her scientific training to determine ethical conduct is in a quandary because seldon is there empirical evidence available to support her decision, no matter what it is. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about The problems and the values of objective nursing observations in psychiatric nursing care.? [/INST] This paper describes a drug trial which illustrates the problems involved in objective nursing recordings to assess response to a specific treatment. It also highlights some difficulties in recording results. The paper briefly describes the history and diagnosis of a patient and the choice of treatment. The method of formulation of a checklist and the difficulties in completing a study are discussed. The results of the study and their value in planning future work are outlined. Conclusions are drawn about the feasibility of carrying out a controlled drug trial with a patient on a ward but the most important aspects are the ability of nurses to perform objective assessments and the value of this approach when assessing a patient and his response to treatment. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Clinical success and potential failure after single application of a pit and fissure sealant: a four-year report.? [/INST] A single application of a filled chemically initiated BIS-GMA sealant to permanent first molars of children ranging in age from 5 to 8 years covered the original sites in 52.4% of the 185 teeth examined after four years. Retention of sealant is greater in mandibular (64.7%) than in maxillary (42.0%) molars. The rate of loss of sealant was greatest during the first year (20%), then less than 10% per year at the second, third, and fourth recalls. In comparison with two similar studies, the retention of sealant was 20% to 30% greater. Using the parameters of percent effectiveness, net gain, and DMF scores per 100 test and control teeth, the data from the current study indicate a continued positive effect substantially greater than that in other similar studies. Complete loss of sealant does not appear to predispose that surface to caries any more than its contralateral paired surface. However, a partial loss of sealant because of abrasive wear that results in the exposure of the terminal ends of a fissure is a potential failure in that it creates an environment conducive to caries. Thus, even the well-applied sealant does not necessarily constitute permanent obturation of pits and fissures. Periodic clinical observation is necessary to determine the success or potential failure of the sealant treatment. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Soft tissue emphysema.? [/INST] Many cases of soft tissue emphysema have been reported; it is recognized as a common surgical and dental complication. This report adds to the number of recorded cases and emphasizes the potential for emphysema with the use of high pressure dental instruments. It also shows that the point of entry of air may be overlooked and will therefore delay diagnosis. Proper diagnosis and recognition of the potential for widespread secondary infection dictate the management of emphysema. If any doubt should exist, consultation should be obtained without hesitation. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Electroencephalographic and clinical changes as correlated in geriatric patients treated three months with an ergot alkaloid preparation.? [/INST] The results of a 3-month trial with an ergot alkaloid preparation (Hydergine) in 16 geriatric patients showed that, in accordance with a previously proposed working hypothesis, the improvement induced by the drug in electroencephalographic age-related changes was accompanied by clinical improvement in patients with similarly age-related mental deterioration. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Efficacy of nylidrin hydrochloride in the treatment of cognitive impairment in the elderly.? [/INST] A double-blind study was conducted on the effects of nylidrin hydrochloride versus placebo in 60 patients with mild to moderate symptoms of chronic brain syndrome. Their ages ranged from 65 to 99 years. Preliminary results indicated that nylidrin HCl (a vasodilator) is a relatively safe therapeutic agent and more effective than placebo in ameliorating the symptoms of cognitive impairment associated with aging, on both a short term (3-month) and a long-term (9-month) basis. In a dosage of 24 mg daily, it reached its peak effectiveness after 3 months of use. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Neuron-thymic lymphocyte binding by serum IgG of 90- and 500-day-old female Wistar albino rats.? [/INST] In vivo and in vitro IgG binding to neurons was determined by the direct and indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques in 90- and 500-day-old female Wistar rats. The sera were also tested against other organs of 90- and 300-day-old rats, and an absorption technique was carried out with minced thymus. Only 1 90-day-old rat showed positive in vivo neuron binding. One serum of a young (6.7%) and 17 sera of old (42.5%) rats were positive by the in vitro procedures. The 1 young and 4 of the old positive sera cross-reacted with thymocytes, and when 3 of these were subjected to absorption, neuron igG binding capacity was removed. Significant cross-reactivity with other organs could not be demonstrated. These observations indicate that in these rats there are at least two kinds of serum neuron binding IgG which significantly increase with age; one of these cross-reacts with thymus and the other does not. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Age-related changes in aortic intima of rats.? [/INST] The aortic intima of young and old Wistar rats was studied by light and electron microscopy. The endothelial cells of young rats are flat and regular and lie adjacent to the internal elastic lamina (IEL). Endothelial cells of old rats have irregular shapes and sizes and bulge into the lumen. Long protrusions connect these cells to the IEL through a layer of granular and fibrillar material that separates the IEL from the endothelium. This material is PAS and Alcian blue positive and increases with age. There are twice as many pinocytic vesicles on the luminal front of endothelial cells of old rats as compared to the tissue front. Endothelial cells of young rats have similar numbers of vesicles on the two fronts. No significant difference was found between the charge density of the luninal plasmalemma of young and old rats; however, significantly less sialyl groups were found on endothelial cells of old rats. A marked difference in the labeling pattern of the IEL by cationized ferritin (CF) was observed between young and old rats. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about The development and assessment of a bacteriocin typing method for Klebsiella.? [/INST] Klebsiellas are generally typed by the method of capsular serotyping but, although this is a reliable method, it is time consuming, requires the production of a large number of antisera and is not generally available. For this reason another method for typing klebsiellas was sought. A bacteriocin typing method involving mitomycin C induction was developed and the cultural conditions giving optimum klebecin production and the best methods of testing the sensitivity of the organisms to klebecins were determined. Of 190 klebsiella strains screened for bacteriocinogeny, only 68 (35.8%) produced klebecin and after calculation of similarity values by computer analysis, a typing set of 15 producers was selected. This typing set allowed over 96% of klebsiella strains to be typed and tests of the reproducibility of the method and the variability of typing patterns in natural populations of klebsiella indicated that results of acceptable accuracy could be obtained, while retaining good discrimination if two or more differences were required between patterns before they were regarded as distinct. A complete set of capsular antisera were prepared, enabling the results obtained from klebecin typing to be compared with those from serotyping. There was generally close agreement between the results from the two typing methods and greater discrimination was obtained between similar strains when the two methods were combined. Klebecin typing and serotyping revealed relationships between strains from five outbreaks of infection, and strains of the same serotype from different hospitals could frequently be distinguished by their klebecin typing patterns. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about A comparison of labelled antibody methods for the detection of virus antigens in cell monolayers.? [/INST] A number of labelled antibody methods have been applied to the detection of Semliki Forest virus antigens after replication of the virus in monolayers of host cells in multi-wellpolystyrene plates. The importance of several reaction variables has been investigated and the sensitivity of the methods compared for different periods of virus replication. Direct assays with radio-labelled antibody (RLA) and indirect assays using peroxidase-antiperoxidase complexes (PAP) were equally sensitive. Direct and indirect assays using enzyme-linked antibodies (ELA) were slightly less sensitive than direct RLA and PAP methods but were more sensitive than the indirect RLA or fluorescent antibody (FLA) methods. Direct assays using ELA were more rapid and easier to perform than the other assay methods. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Detection of antibody-forming cells and humoral antibody to horseradish peroxidase.? [/INST] Two new simple methods for detecting antibody-forming cells by hemolytic plaque assay and hemagglutinating antibody to horseradish peroxidase have been developed in mice. Both techniques utilize as target, sheep erythrocytes coupled directly with horseradish peroxidase. These assays are sensitive, antigen-specific and are useful to quantitate both direct and indirect antibody-forming cells and humoral antibodies. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about The effects of organic solvents and temperature on the desorption of yeast 3-phosphoglycerate kinase from immunoadsorbent.? [/INST] Physicochemical parameters governing the elution of yeast 3-phosphoglycerate kinase from its immunoadsorbent were studied. Non-denaturing elution conditions were determined (alkali medium containing 50%, v/v, ethylene glycol) and the method was applied to one-step isolation of enzyme from a crude yeast preparation. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about David Edward Hughes and his audiometer.? [/INST] A brief biography of David Edward Hughes is outlined. His Audiometer and its presentation are described. The response of clinicians to the device is discussed. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Differential control of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone by luteinizing hormone releasing hormone in the ram.? [/INST] Adult Soay rams with low concentrations of gonadotrophins in the circulation as a result of 12 weeks of exposure to long daylengths (16 h light : 8 h darkness) were given small doses (100 ng) of synthetic luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH) into the jugular vein two, four or seven times/day for 10 days. Each injection of LH-RH induced a transitory increase in the concentration of LH and testosterone in the plasma, whereas the concentration of FSH showed little immediate change. After repeated treatment with pulses of LH-RH, the responses of LH and testosterone became slightly enhanced and the plasma concentration of FSH became permanently raised; these changes were most conspicuous in the animals receiving the most frequent injections. At the end of the study when the injections of LH-RH were stopped, the concentrations of LH and testosterone remained low but the concentrations of FSH continued to be maintained at a high level for at least 24 h. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Relative activity, plasma elimination and tissue degradation of synthetic luteinizing hormone releasing hormone and certain of its analogues.? [/INST] The abilities of three nonapeptide analogues of synthetic luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH) to release luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in anoestrous and cyclic ewes were examined, as were their elimination from the plasma in vivo and degradation by extracts of the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland, lung, kidney, liver and plasma in vitro. In all cases, comparisons were made with synthetic LH-RH. When injected i.v. into mature ewes as a single dose, the potencies of the analogues were graded and Des Gly-NH2(10) LH-RH ethylamide was found to be the least potent. It was not possible to demonstrate any significant increase in the potency of this analogue over LH-RH, although a trend was apparent with each parameter examined. [D-Ser(But)6] Des Gly-NH2(10) LH-RH ethylamide had the greatest potency. There were no differences between the responses of anoestrous ewes and those of ewes treated on day 10 of the oestrous cycle. None of the analogues had a rate of elimination from the plasma different from that of LH-RH during either the first or the second components of the biphasic disappearance curve. The incubation of LH-RH with tissue extracts showed that extracts of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland degraded LH-RH to a similar extent. Both the hypothalamic and anterior pituitary gland extracts degraded more LH-RH than did lung extract, which in turn destroyed more LH-RH than did extracts of kidney or liver tissue. The degradative abilities of kidney and liver extracts did not differ from each other. Plasma failed to degrade LH-RH or the analogues. Although LH-RH was rapidly destroyed by hypothalamic extract in vitro, of the analogues, only Des Gly-NH2(10) LH-RH ethylamide was degraded. The anterior pituitary gland and kidney extracts failed to degrade [D-Ser6] Des Gly-NH2(10) LH-RH ethylamide and [D-Ser(But)6] Des Gly-NH2(10) LH-RH ethylamide as rapidly as LH-RH. Extracts of liver and lung were incapable of catabolizing any of the analogues. There was an inverse correlation between the LH- and FSH-releasing potency of an analogue and its rate of degradation by anterior pituitary gland extract. The slower rates of catabolism of certain analogues of LH-RH by the anterior pituitary gland may explain their increased LH- and FSH-releasing potency. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Evidence to suggest that rat growth hormone is modified when secreted by the pituitary gland.? [/INST] The relationships were examined between the concentrations of GH determined by bioassay (rat tibia test) and radioimmunoassay in homogenates of rat adenohypophysial tissue and in the incubation medium in which the tissue had been maintained. Adenohypophyses from young male rats were incubated in Medium 199 with or without a putative synthetic GH-releasing factor (GRF) to achieve a dynamic state of GH secretion, but the GRF did not consistently stimulate the release of GH as measured by either bioassay or radioimmunoassay. Both assays gave closely similar values for the concentration of GH in homogenates of the adenohypophyses of undisturbed rats. When the two assays were used to measure the concentrations of GH in incubated pituitary tissue, the values showed no correlation, although the concentrations of GH in the incubation medium were again highly correlated. However, the bioassay : radioimmunoassay ratio for the secreted hormone [2.14 +/- 0.09 (S.E.M.)] was significantly higher than that for the intrapituitary form from the unincubated gland (0.93 +/- 0.06). By radioimmunoassay, secreted rat GH was found to be less stable than purified rat GH when the two forms were incubated in vitro with slices of various rat tissues. Similarly, the rate of clearance of secreted rat GH from the plasma of hypophysectomized rats, as determined by radioimmunoassay, was much faster than that of the purified GH. The biological activity of purified bovine GH was blocked by aprotinin, an inhibitor of proteolysis, but the drug had no inhibitory effect on the bioactivity of rat GH secreted into the incubation medium. Overall, these results indicate that secreted rat GH has properties intermediate between those of the intrapituitary form and the form found in the circulation. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Bioassay of inhibin-like activity using pituitary cells in vitro.? [/INST] The secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) by the pituitary gland appears to be partially regulated by a protein hormone, inhibin, which is produced in the Sertoli cells of the testis and is also present in ovarian follicular fluid (FF). The aim of the present study was to develop a sensitive method for the detection and estimation of inhibin-like activity, using dispersed pituitary cells in culture. Pituitary cells from adult male rats were dispersed and precultured for 3 days. After renewal of the medium (2 ml), samples to be tested for inhibin-like activity were added and culture was continued for a further 3 days. A dose-dependent suppression of the concentration of FSH in the medium (lambda = 0.17--0.22) was observed after addition of FF (0.05--1 microliter) or Sertoli cell culture medium (SCCM, 0.05--1 ml). Luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were not affected with these doses of FF, but SCCM and higher doses of FF caused a significant increase in the concentration of LH in the medium. During an additional 6 h of culture in the presence of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH), FF and SCCM suppressed the release of both FSH (lambda = 0.07--0.11) and LH in a dose-dependent way. Cellular content of FSH, but not of LH, was decreased after these treatments. These results could not be explained by damage to the pituitary cells, by degradation of FSH or LH-RH, or by effects of steroids. It is concluded that this pituitary cell culture system can be used as a sensitive method for the estimation of inhibin-like activity in FF and SCCM. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Form variation in Escherichia coli K1: determined by O-acetylation of the capsular polysaccharide.? [/INST] The chemical basis for the alternating antigenic change called form variation noted for the Escherichia coli K1-capsular polysaccharide has been shown by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance to be a result of random O-acetylation of C7 and C9 carbons of the alpha-2-8-linked sialic acid homopolymer. A serologic method (antiserum agar) was developed to identify and isolate the form variants. The O-acetyl positive and O-acetyl negative K1 polysaccharides had unique biochemical and immunologic properties. The O-acetyl-positive variants resisted neuraminidase hydrolysis in contrast to the susceptibility of the O-acetyl negative variant to this enzyme. In addition, O-acetylation altered the antigenicity of the O-acetyl polysaccharides. When injected as whole organisms, O-acetyl positive organisms produced anti-K1 -antibodies in rabbits specific for this polysaccharide variant. O-acetyl negative organisms were comparatively less immunogenic; however, antibodies induced by these organisms reacted with both K1 polysaccharide variants. Burros, injected with either variant, produced antibodies reactive with both K1 polysaccharides. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Cellular requirements for lipopolysaccharide adjuvanticity. A role for both T lymphocytes and macrophages for in vitro responses to particulate antigens.? [/INST] By employing primary cultures of purified spleen cells from lipopolysaccharide (LPS) responder (C3H/HeN or C57BL/10Sn) or nonresponder (C3H/HeJ or C57BL/10ScN) mice incubated with particulate antigen and LPS prepared by phenol-water extraction (Ph), we have presented evidence that both T cells and macrophages (MO) are required for LPS-induced adjuvanticity. First, MO derived from C3H/HeN spleen cells, when mixed with responder, C3H/HeN lymphocytes and Ph-LPS, elicited enhanced antibody responses to sheep erythrocytes (SRC) antigen, whereas lymphocytes from the nonresponder, C3H/HeJ mouse strain did not evoke this response. Similarly, purified T cells from C3H/HeN spleens, when cultured with responder, nu/nu spleen cells, and Ph-LPS yielded enhanced anti-TNP PFC responses; whereas, C3H/HeJ T cells did not potentiate immune responses when mixed with optimal concentrations of Ph-LPS. LPS prepared by butanol-water extraction elicited significant adjuvant effects with all cell combinations. Finally, purified responder T cells and MO enabled either responder or nonresponder B cells to elicit LPS potentiation. These data indicate that T cells and MO are controlling LPS-induced augmentation of B-cell responses. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Bactericidal activity of the alternative complement pathway generated from 11 isolated plasma proteins.? [/INST] Exposure of E. coli K12 W1485 to the cytolytic alternative pathway assembled from the 11 isolated pathway proteins resulted in killing of the bacteria, as evidenced by loss of viability. Lysis of the bacteria required introduction of lysozyme into the reaction mixture. The time-course and dose dependency of bacteriolysis in the isolated system were identical to those in C4-depleted serum. The bacteriolytic activity of the pathway was highly dependent on the concentration of the pathway proteins and became insignificant at 1:16 physiological concentration. Electron microscopic visualization of killed and of lysed bacteria revealed numerous complement membrane lesions and partial disintegration of the outer phospholipid membrane. Scanning electron microscopy showed that killed bacteria were enlarged, partially collapsed and exhibited irregular surface protrusions. Lysed bacteria were fragmented and appeared polymorphic. This study demonstrates that the alternative pathway, in absence of immunoglobulins, has the potential or eradicating gram-negative bacteria. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Metabolic similarities between fertilization and phagocytosis. Conservation of a peroxidatic mechanism.? [/INST] At the time of fertilization, sea urchin eggs release a peroxidase which, together with H2O2 generated by a respiratory burst, is responsible for hardening of the fertilization membrane. We demonstrate here that the ovoperoxidase of unfertilized eggs is located in cortical granules and, after fertilization, is concentrated in the fertilization membrane. Fertilization of sea urchin eggs or their parthenogenetic activation with the ionophor A23187 also results in (a) the conversion of iodide to a trichloroacetic acid-precipitable form (iodination), (b) the deiodination of eggs exogenously labeled with myeloperoxidase and H2O2, (c) the degradation of thyroxine as measured by the recovery of the released radioiodine at the origin and in the inorganic iodide spot on paper chromatography, and (d) the conversion of estradiol to an alcohol-precipitable form (estrogen binding). The iodination reaction and the binding of estradio occurs predominantly in the fertilization membrane where the ovoperoxidase is concentrated. From the estimation of the kinetics of incorporation of iodine, we determine that the peroxidative system is active for 30 min after fertilization, long after hardening of the fertilization membrane is complete. Most of the bound iodine is lost during the hatching process. Iodination of albumin is catalyzed by the material released from the egg during fertilization, when combined with H2O2 and iodide. Iodination, thyroxine degradation, and estradiol binding are inhibited by azide, cyanide, aminotriazole, methimazole, ascorbic acid and ergothioneine, all of which can inhibit peroxidase-catalyzed reactions. These responses of the sea urchin egg to fertilization are strikingly similar to the changes induced in polymorphonuclear leukocytes by phagocytosis and, in both instances, a peroxidative mechanism may be involved. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Induced quantitative variation for penicillin titre in clonal populations of Aspergillus nidulans.? [/INST] The variation in penicillin titre within populations of cultures of Aspergillus nidulans derived from untreated conidia and from conidia treated with ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS), near-ultraviolet light in the presence of 8-methoxypsoralen (8MOP) or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NTG), each at several dose levels, was determined. Both mutagentreated and untreated populations showed a continuous distribution of pencillin titres. The population mean titre of the mutagenized populations was decreased and the range of titres was increased relative to those of the control populations. No differences between sister cultures could be detected in three untreated populations, but nine out of ten populations derived from mutagenized conidia showed significant variation for penicillin titre. In general the magnitude of this induced variation increased with increasing dosage of the mutagen. Comparisons at fixed survival levels indicate that 8MOP mutagenesis is less effective for the induction of variation in penicillin titre than EMS or NTG mutagenesis. A statistical procedure was adopted to classify the survivors as unchanged cultures ('0'), titre-increasing mutants ('+') or titre-decreasing mutants ("-"). The frequency of both '+' and '-' mutants increased following mutagenesis, with NTG being the most active of the three mutagens. Over all treatments, these two mutant classes were recovered with equal frequency. The frequency of "+" mutants was largely independent of mutagen dose, within the ranges used, and moderate treatments (around 10% survival) gave as high or higher frequencies than more extreme doses. All three mutagens, and in particular NTG, produced morphological mutants. These contained an increased frequency of titre-decreasing mutants, but increases in titre appeared to be independent of changes in colony morphology. Estimates based on the observed frequencies of penicillin titre mutants suggest that several hundred genes are potentially capable of affecting this continuous variable. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Genetic circularity of the Proteus mirabilis linkage map.? [/INST] The T incompatibility group plasmid R394 can mobilize the chromosome of Proteus mirabilis strain PM5006. It transferred relatively large segments, corresponding to at least 20 min on the D plasmid chromosomal map of the organism. The frequency of recombination for a large number of selected markers was nearly constant at 5 X 10(-6) per donor cell and it is concluded that mobilization takes place from a number of chromosomal sites. All recombinants were R+ and displayed all properties of the plasmid. By analysing crosses for co-inheritance frequencies of unselected markers, a number of chromosomal loci were assembled in linear array. Linkage between markers at the ends of this linkage group was established to markers at the respective termini of the existing D plasmid linkage group. This established a composite circular linkage map of genes of the P. mirabilis strain PM5006 chromosome. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Effects of phosphate limitation of growth on the cell-wall and lipid composition of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.? [/INST] The phosphorus content of phosphate-limited Saccharomyces cerevisiae was only 71% of that of non-limited yeast. Walls prepared from phosphate-limited cells contained slightly less phosphorus than control walls. No evidence was obtained for the presence in these walls of uronic acid or succinyl residues. The carbohydrate content of walls of phosphate-limited yeast was less than that of non-limited walls, and this was reflected in a decreased glucan content. There was only a slight decrease in glucosamine content while the protein content increased. The major change in the lipid composition of phosphate-limited yeast was a decrease in both sterol esters and triacylglycerols. There was a decrease in total lipid content, but increased production of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine. The phosphatidylserine content was decreased. These results suggest that there are fewer intracellular low-density vesicles in phosphate-limited yeast. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Protein II influences ferrichrome-iron transport in Escherichia coli K12.? [/INST] Ferrichrome-promoted iron uptake in Escherichia coli K12 is strictly dependent upon the tonA gene product, a 'minor' outer membrane protein. By selection for mutants of E. coli resistant to phages which require 'major' outer membrane proteins as receptors, strains with pronounced protein deficiencies were constructed. Such strains were tested for anomalous behaviour of ferrichrome transport. No significant differences in iron uptake were detected in E. coli K12 strains with markedly reduced amounts of protein I. However, a reduction in the initial velocity (up to 40%) was observed in E. coli deficient in outer membrane protein II. This difference was only evident when cells were grown under iron-starvation conditions; it was abolished when cells were grown in rich medium. Kinetic parameters for ferrichrome transport were determined for maximum velocity but for Km; double reciprocal plots showed a biphasic nature, probably attributable to a limited number of outer membrane binding sites and to the multi-component nature of the ferrichrome-iron transport system. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Transfer of a gene for sucrose utilization into Escherichia coli K12, and consequent failure of expression of genes for D-serine utilization.? [/INST] As the first stage in investigating the genetic basis of natural variation in Escherichia coli, the gene(s) conferring the ability to use sucrose as a carbon and energy source (given the symbol sac+) was transferred from a wild strain to K12, which does not use sucrose. The sac+ region was transferred by two different methods. On both occasions it took a chromosomal location at minute 50.5 on the linkage map, between aroC and supN, in the region of the dsd genes, which confer the ability to use D-serine as a carbon and energy source. When the sac+ region was present in the K12 chromosome the bacteria were unable to use D-serine as a carbon and energy source. In F' sac+/dsd+ diploids, the dsd+ genes were similarly not expressed. Strain K12(sac+) bacteria were sensitive to inhibition by D-serine; they mutated to D-serine resistance with much greater frequency than did a dsd mutant of K12. Such bacteria also mutated frequently to use raffinose. Strain K12(sac+) bacteria did not utilize sucrose when they carried a mutation affecting the phosphotransferase system. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Uroporphyrin- and coproporphyrin I-accumulating mutant of Escherichia coli K12.? [/INST] A new type of haem-deficient mutant was isolated in Escherichia coli K12 by neomycin selection. The mutant was deficient in uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase activity as indicated by the accumulation of uroporphyrin I and coproporphyrin. The mapping of the corresponding hemD gene by P1-mediated transduction showed that the new gene was located between ilv and cya, at min 83 on the chromosomal map of Escherichia coli K12. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Rapid diagnosis of tick-borne encephalitis by means of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.? [/INST] An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was applied for determining separately IgM and IgG antibodies against tick-borne encephalitis virus. A micro-modification in microtitre plates proved to be at least as sensitive as the HI test. However, more precise information could be achieved by a macrotest using antigen coated polystyrene balls. False positive results in IgM antibody determinations could be caused by a rheumatoid factor. A high content of IgM antibodies in a serum could impair the determination of its IgG antibodies but not vice versa. Titres were expressed in comparison to a positive control serum. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Demonstration of hepatitis B e antigen in hepatitis B core particles obtained from the nucleus of hepatocytes infected with hepatitis B virus.? [/INST] Liver tissue infected with hepatitis B virus was homogenized and nuclei were separated by centrifugation. Hepatitis B core particles were obtained from the nucleus by the digestion with pronase followed by ultracentrifugation in a sucrose density gradient. Hepatitis B core particles were then treated with sodium dodecyl sulphate and 2 mercaptoethanol and tested for hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) by the haemagglutination method. The antigenicity of HBeAg was clearly demonstrated in hepatitis B core particles so treated, although untreated core particles did not reveal any detectable HBeAg activity. The localization of HBeAg in hepatitis B core particles was further supported by the results of a fluorescent antibody technique. When a frozen section of the liver infected with hepatitis B virus was stained with the specific rabbit antibody against HBeAg labelled with fluorescent isothiocyanate, only nuclei of hepatocytes were stained, in a similar distribution to hepatitis B core antigen visualized by fluorescent antibody against hepatitis B core antigen in a nearby section. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Cyclic expression of antigen and infectious virus in a BHK cell line (0-853) persistently infected with an SSPE strain of measles virus.? [/INST] Establishment and characteristics of a baby hamster kidney cell line (BHK 0-853) persistently infected with a subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) strain of measles virus (Lec strain) is described. The persistent infection was easily and repeatedly established and no special conditions were required. There was a predictable fluctuation in expression of virus intracellular and membrane antigens which varied from greater than 90% to less than 1% of the cells demonstrating these antigens during the first 6 or 7 passages. Thereafter, fluctuation of antigen and infectious virus expression continued in an unpredictable fashion. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Glial fibrillary acidic protein in ependymomas and other brain tumors. Distribution, diagnostic criteria, and relation to formation of processes.? [/INST] Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was studied in ependymomas by the three-step immunoperoxidase method and compared to results in astrocytomas and normal tissues. An order of reactivity for GFAP is presented. Diagnostic criteria, based on GFAP content, are proposed. In ependymomas GFAP-positive cells give rise to only some of the tumor cells, usually those forming tubules and perivascular arrangements. It is hypothesized that the same GFAP-positive cells may form tubules at their luminal poles and may produce perivascular arrangements at their other poles. The aberrant regulation associated with neoplastic transformation in glia is often, but not always, reflected in increased GFAP content. In both astrocytes and ependymal cells GFAP may have a similar function since in both cells the increase in GFAP appears to be related to the development of fibrillary processes. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Human brain growth in the 19th and 20th century.? [/INST] Data of 2399 brain weights and ages from populations before 1880, 1885 to 1900 and 1966 to 1976 were obtained from German anatomical and pathological institutes, analyzed with non-linear and multiple linear regression analyses and the results compared. The influence of the absolute age (sample period) on brain weights of adults (age of at least 10 years of ontogenesis) could not be verified. Different averages in the different samples seem to be stipulated by inhomogeneities of the age distributions. Sex differences were confirmed for the different periods. There is an accelerated degree of maturity of brain weights between the population sampled from 1966 to 1976 and the two older populations. The growth rate of the degree of maturity reveals the same fact, i.e., the growth rate is more rapid than 100 years ago. These differences may be explained by changed causes of death in the autopsy samples, but it is possible that they are at least partly caused by an acceleration of brain development in the early postnatal period. In all populations analyzed brain weights in females develop faster than in males. The development of the brain weight in 6 more samples is compared with the results for the Medical School Hannover sample. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Uveitis and cerebral reticulum-cell sarcoma (large-cell lymphoma). Case report.? [/INST] A patient with a peculiarly refractoy uveitis and vitritis was later found to have an infiltrative mass lesion of the posterior portion of the corpus callosum. The histopathological diagnosis of reticulum-cell sarcoma (large-cell lymphoma) was made after study of vitreous tissue obtained by pars plana vitrectomy of the right eye. Intraocular involvement with cerebral reticulum-cell sarcoma has been reported previously. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Retrospective evaluation of reproductive performance of workers exposed to ethylene dibromide (EDB).? [/INST] An attempt has been made to examine retrospectively any antifertility influence of ethylene dibromide (EDB) by studying the reproductive performance of men exposed to EDB, exclusively on the basis of their reproductive histories in terms of live births to their wives, subsequent to their occupational exposure to EDB. The number of live, putatively legitimate, natural children born to the wives was compared to the expected number derived from national fertility tables published for successive birth cohorts of U.S. women by the National Center for Health Statistics. The indirect standardization method was used to adjust for the confounding effects of maternal age, parity, race and calendar year in deriving the expected births. The number of observed births was expressed as a percentage of the expected in assessing the workers' reproductive performance. One of the four plants studied showed a significant decrease in fertility. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Normal human glomerular cells in culture.? [/INST] Reproducible patterns of cell outgrowth have been observed from isolated normal adult, human glomeruli grown in tissue culture. Three morphologically distinct cell populations designated Types I, II, and III have been observed in culture from 15 normal human kidneys. Assessment of the morphology and behaviour of these cells has been made by phase contrast, time-lapse cinemicroscopic, transmission and scanning electron microscopic examination. The phagocytic capacity of these cells has been determined. The Type I cell appears in culture by migration from the capillary loops, its branched cytoplasm and ultrastructural features confirming its origin as a visceral epithelial cell. In keeping with the highly specialised nature of this cell, division was rare, movement was not observed, and differentiation was progressively lost in culture. The Type II cell was mobile and capable of active division. Ultrastructural features were those of mesangial cells. The Type III cell which was seen only rarely, had the features of a macrophage. Endothelial outgrowth was not observed. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Idiopathic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with C3 nephritic factor and hypocomplementemia.? [/INST] A 7-year-old boy with mild renal failure and signs and symptoms of acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis including severe hypocomplementemia had, by renal biopsy, numerous crescents but no deposits in the glomerular capillary loops. Instead, deposits identical in location and composition to those described for children with idiopathic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis were present. The severe hypocomplementemia was found to be due to high levels of C3 nephritic factor; niether nephritic factor nor hypocomplementemia has been reported in rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis of the idiopathic type. Following prompt therapy with methylprednisolone intravenously, serologic abnormalities disappeared and renal function greatly improved, but a later biopsy showed 50% of the glomeruli obliterated by scarring. The case is of importance not only in indicating that severe hypocomplementemia does not rule out idiopathic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis but also in adding to the list of diseases in which nephritic factor can be found. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about The effect of synthetic androgens on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in boys with constitutionally delayed growth.? [/INST] Serial concentrations of basal serum LH, FSH, testosterone, and LH and FSH responses to intravenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone were measured before and during six months of administration of fluoxymesterone or oxandrolone in 14 boys with constitutionally delayed growth and adolescence, in order to assess the effects of these androgens on maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Before therapy all boys had normal hormonal responses based on bone age. At the end of six months therapy 10 of the 14 boys had lower LH responses (34 to 89% reduction) to GnRH without consistent changes in FSH responses. With both androgens, there there was significant suppression of both basal serum FSH and testosterone. Eleven boys were restudied six months after completion of therapy; basal serum LH, FSH, and testosterone and responses to GnRH were equal to or greater than pretreatment levels, indicating recovery or progressive maturation of the HPGA. All boys had increased growth velocity and imporved weight gain without excessive bone age advancement; all had improved psychosocial adjustment. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a very helpful assistant who provides accurate and concise responses. <</SYS>> can you explain about Factor and cluster analyses with the Rosenzweig Picture Frustration Study.? [/INST] The Rosenzweig Picture Frustration (P-F) Study data of 104 psychiatric hospital patients, 56 males and 48 females, were subjected first to a Factor Analysis and then to a Cluster Analysis. In the former, five factors were extracted which showed some similarity to other Factor Analyses reported in the literature. The Cluster Analysis turned up one very large group (42% of the sample) characterized by depression and P-F profiles with elevated i and very low E scores. Seven other clusters are described in the article. The factors and clusters found are clinically meaningful and can provide assistance in interpreting P-F profiles. Recommendations for a revised P-F manual to enhance the usefulness of the test are made. </s>