We know: Liam was getting ready to play in his first soccer match. He was very nervous. Liam's dad was a professional soccer player. He went to his dad and asked him to practice with him. They practiced for an hour the night before. We want to understand: Why did Liam ask his dad for help with soccer? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was Liam's mom around? B. Was Liam's dad a professional soccer player? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Claudette was not looking forward to New Year's Eve. Despite being invited to many parties, she ended up spending the night at home with her family. We want to understand: Why was Claudette not looking forward to New Year's Eve? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was Claudette invited to any parties? B. What was Claudette's relationship with alcohol? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Tara was the captain of her volleyball team. She wanted to motivate her team at practice. She gave a big motivational speech. Her teammates were inspired by her words. Her team ended up winning the next game. We want to understand: How did Tara's team win the next game? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did the Tara's coach give a big motivational speech? B. Had Tara given a big motivational speech? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Mary asked George to drive her to the apple orchard. Mary had a very particular taste in apples. They arrived at the orchard George picked. Mary was quite upset. George was confused about her reaction. They left the horse apple orchard. We want to understand: Why was Mary upset? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Mary have a very particular taste in apples? B. Had Mary ever been to this orchard? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Michael had been writing for years. Michael particularly loved to write fantasy stories. He had dreams of one day making it big. He sent out his work to every publisher he could find. One day an editor called asking to buy all his short fantasy stories. He finally got his shot. We want to understand: Why did the editor like Michael's work? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Had Michael done an interview with the editor? B. What genre was Michael's work? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Terry decided to become a vegetarian because meat gave him an upset stomach. He adjusted to the vegetarian diet quickly and loved it, especially because it helped alleviate his stomach problems. However, he returned to eating meat just two months after starting his vegetarian diet. We want to understand: Why did Terry return to eating meat? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Terry's partner eat a lot of meat? B. Was the vegetarian diet making his stomach problems worse? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Mark's supervisor Cate started a three day vacation. She left the president of the company several notes and told him in person. That day, the president asked Mark if Cate was in the office. We want to understand: Why did the president ask Mark if Cate was in the office? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Cate tell the president that she would be going on vacation? B. How is the president's memory? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Eugene was excited to order his new computer. He watched as the timer on the website slowly counted down to zero. He had stayed up late for this moment, even though there was not limited supply of the computer. We want to understand: Why did Eugene stay up late to buy the computer? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was there any special sale running? B. Was there limited supply of the computer? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Cindy used her savings to buy her mother a necklace for her birthday because she knew her mother loved jewelry. However, when Cindy gave the gift to her mother, her mother was not happy. We want to understand: Why was Cindy's mother not happy? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Does Cindy's mother like jewelry? B. Did Cindy's mother want Cindy to save her money? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: For his job, Bill had to sit at a computer all day. Even though he did not have any back or neck pain, he took many breaks to stretch and move around. We want to understand: Why did Bill take many breaks? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Had Bill ever spoken to a chiropractor? B. Did Bill have any back or neck pain? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: John had always considered himself a pizza enthusiast. At one point, John tried to eat at every pizza place in town. But he recently told his sister that he was going to stop buying pizza, despite being in great health. We want to understand: Why did John tell his sister that he was going to stop buying pizza? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Is John trying to learn to cook? B. Does John have any health conditions? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Rocky was going through a hard time. He was in a nasty divorce with his ex wife. His daughter was sick in hospital. Rocky went to court with his ex wife. The judge awarded Rocky's house to his ex wife. Ricky was upset because his ex wife had a higher salary and so could look for a place to live more easily. We want to understand: Why did the judge award the house to Rocky's ex wife? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. How did Ricky's salary compare to his wife's? B. How responsible of a parent is Ricky? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Tom was running late for work. He needed to catch a taxi right away. One pulled up in between him and another person. He politely asked the other guy if he could take it. We want to understand: Did the guy agree to let Tom take the taxi? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was the guy running late too? B. Did Tom ask the guy politely? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Sam played a lot of video games. He never worked out much. He would sit around for long periods of time. One day he went to the doctor, who told Sam he had health issues and needed to fix them by exercising in any form. Sam decided to start fixing his health issues. We want to understand: What did Sam do to fix his health issues? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. What did the doctor tell Sam? B. What was Sam's favorite sport to watch? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Michael read Henderson the Rain King this week. Michael had borrowed it from his older sister. It was her favorite book. He put it up on Amazon for sale as used. It sold in a day. We want to understand: How did Michael's sister react when she found out Michael sold the book? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Michael's sister like the book? B. Did Michael give the profits to his sister? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: This morning, Sarah planned to bake a cake for her daughter's birthday party. She gathered all of her ingredients. When she tested her oven, it wouldn't work! She called her husband, who knew how to fix ovens. We want to understand: Did Sarah end up baking a cake for her daughter's party? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Sarah's husband know how to fix ovens? B. When was the birthday party? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Amanda was asleep when her two year old ran into the room panicking and pointing out the window. She grabbed her robe and looked outside to see what he was scared of. There was no one outside. We want to understand: What was the two year old afraid of? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was there anyone outside? B. Was there any change in weather? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Amy and her friends took a trip to NYC to see the thanksgiving parade. It was their first time in New York. We want to understand: Did Amy and her friends enjoy the trip? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Had Amy and her friends been to New York before? B. Do Amy and her friends like crowds? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Lee knew his dad wanted a suit for Christmas. Lee looked everywhere, but suits were so expensive! The only suit he could afford was secondhand. He bought the suit and gifted it to his dad. We want to understand: How did Lee's dad react to the suit? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Lee's dad want a suit? B. How does Lee's dad generally feel about secondhand clothing? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: The end of senior year was stressful for Maya. She had to work while she was going to school and was so busy she wouldn't even be able to attend the graduation. She had already spent money buying her cap and gown, but the graduation conflicted with her work hours for her job. She could not quit the job because she really needed the money. We want to understand: Was Maya able to go to graduation? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was Maya's boss generally an understanding person? B. Could Maya quit her job? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Nick's family was planning on going to Hawaii for a trip. They boarded the plane and took their seats. The flight was full of turbulence. We want to understand: Was Nick scared on the flight? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was there any turbulence on the flight? B. Had Nick been on a plane before? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: I took my sons, James and Brian, to their first concert. We had great seats down front in the second row, but there was also a lawn where you could sit and hear the concert. The guitar tech came out to do a sound check. Afterwards, James and Brian decided they would rather go out and sit on the lawn. We want to understand: Why did James and Brian decide to go out and sit on the lawn? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Do James and Brian enjoy loud music? B. How were James' and Brians' concert seats? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Miguel used to be a mechanic and loves to work on cars. But he now works as an accountant instead. He makes $50k a year, the same salary he made as a mechanic. We want to understand: Why did Miguel become an accountant instead of a mechanic? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. What was Miguel's salary as a mechanic? B. Did Miguel have any injuries? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Georgia took out a cigarette and lit up. A man politely informed her it was a no smoking zone. Georgia didn't care, and blew smoke in the man's face. Madonna was arrested soon after, even though the man did not call the cops. We want to understand: How was Madonna arrested? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did the man call the cops? B. Was the man a cop himself? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Bob wanted to take his daughter out for ice cream, especially because he was not in a rush to get home. They got in their car and drove to Dairy Queen. Bob ordered 2 ice creams. He paid with cash and left the restaurant. When he got in the car, he realized they hadn't given him any spoons. We want to understand: What did Bob do next? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was Bob in a rush to get home? B. Did Bob get the ice creams in cones or cups? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: A man desired an inexpensive method of transportation to work. He was debating between bicycling and taking the train to the office 5 miles away. We want to understand: Should the man bicycle or take the train? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. How far is the man's office? B. Does the man own a bike? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Rhonda and her husband argue a lot, even though they have gone to couples' counseling for three years. One of their primary disagreements is on how to spend their money. We want to understand: Should Rhonda and her husband get a divorce? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Do Rhonda and her husband want to get a divorce? B. Have Rhonda and her husband been to couples' counseling? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Fiona's husband had recently been diagnosed with diabetes. Yet he continued to eat the sugary foods and drinks around the house. Fiona finally threw out all of the sugary foods and drinks that her husband loved. We want to understand: How did Fiona's husband react? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Fiona's husband ask her to throw out the foods and drinks? B. Did Fiona's husband like eating sugary foods and drinks? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: William was making bird noises in the classroom. Janet became mad, even though they were not meant to mock her. She threw her notebook at William and knocked him down. We want to understand: Why did Janet get mad about Will's bird noises? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Were William and Janet in the middle of an exam? B. Was William mocking Janet? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Oswald sold oranges on the side of the road, even though he did not need the extra money. We want to understand: Why did Oswald sell oranges on the side of the road? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Oswald enjoy interacting with his customers? B. DId Oswald need extra money? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Bill does odd jobs all summer. He has been putting all his money in the bank so he can buy a car someday. Just three weeks later the car he saved for breaks. Heartbroken, he tells his mom, even though she did not agree with his purchase of the car. We want to understand: How does Bill's mom respond? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Bill's mom agree with his purchase of the car? B. How empathetic is Bill's mom generally? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: James was feeling sad. He read a terrible story in the newspaper. He couldn't stop thinking about the people who had died. He decided he would donate money to help. He felt a little better after that. We want to understand: What was the story about? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Had anyone died in the story? B. Where did James donate? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Webster wanted to find himself a part-time job. His primary job as a web developer frustrated him. While he got to use his technical skills on the job, he wanted a part-time job that involved more social interaction. We want to understand: What jobs should Webster look for? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. How many extra hours does Webster want to work? B. Does Webster have technical skills? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: John's cat is good with the litter box. She poops on the floor on rare occasion. Last night the cat pooped on the bedroom carpet even though she was not sick. We want to understand: Why did the cat poop on the bedroom carpet? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was the cat sick? B. Had John moved the litter box to a new place? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Kelly didn't like her living room. She wanted to make it really stand out, but she did not have a design background. We want to understand: Should Kelly hire an interior designer? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Does Kelly have a design background? B. How much money does Kelly have to spend on designing her living room? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Rudy moved into a house with a fireplace. She decided to use the fireplace one night. She had no firewood. We want to understand: What did she use to build the fire? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Rudy have firewood? B. Did Rudy live near the woods? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Cindy's mom promised her that they would go to a restaurant on Friday. When Friday came, Cindy's mom remembered her promise but told Cindy that they would not go. Cindy became extremely sad and ran to her room. We want to understand: Did Cindy's mom apologize to Cindy? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Had Cindy's mom forgotten about her promise? B. Had Cindy gotten in trouble before Friday? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Ben was a businessman at a major corporation. He was always on time and worked very hard. One day, he felt like having some fun in the office. So he screamed, "Hoorah" and threw his papers in the air, and jumped. We want to understand: Was Ben fired? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Ben work hard? B. Was there anyone in the office when Ben screamed? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: George wanted to go into the city for a day trip. He was debating between taking a car and taking the train. His concern with driving was that there was limited available parking in the city. We want to understand: Should George take a car or train? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. What time did George want to leave the city? B. Is there parking available in the city? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Maisie wanted to live every writer's dream. She bought a small cabin in the woods and brought just a few writing supplies there. Maisie wrote a great novel while she lived there, which she never sent it to anyone. She never switched careers. We want to understand: Why did Maisie never send her novel to anyone? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. At what age did Maisie die? B. Did Maisie ever switch careers? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Kathy had planned a trip to the coast of Florida. This meant she would be getting aboard an airplane for the first time. She was hoping to watch the scenery from the flight. Luckily, Kathy did not get motion sickness. We want to understand: Did Kathy enjoy her flight? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Kathy get motion sickness? B. Did Kathy get a window seat? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: My sister-in-law has a lot of aches and pains. She has back problems and arthritis. She already takes pain relievers to help with the pains. We want to understand: What can she do to ease her pains? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Does she go to physical therapy? B. Does she take any medicines like pain relievers? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Eric invited his friends over for dinner and planned to make fish tacos. Even though he got all of the ingredients for fish tacos, he eventually decided to make grilled fish instead. We want to understand: Why did he decide to make grilled fish instead? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was Eric missing any ingredients, like tortillas? B. Was Eric running out of time to cook? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Samantha walked back outside after leaving her two puppies inside. She noticed some fresh footprints in her yard and ran somewhere quickly. We want to understand: Why did Samantha run after seeing the footprints? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Does Samantha have any pets? B. Where did Samantha run? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Tom worked for the UFC. He got a cold the morning of a fight but decided to go to work anyway. We want to understand: Should Tom have stayed home? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. When did Tom first get the cold? B. Does Tom interact with a lot of people at work? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Jake was wandering around the neighborhood picking up others' trash. We want to understand: Why was Jake picking up trash? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was Jake picking up his own trash? B. Was Jake required to pick up the trash? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Claire wasn't sure what to buy her dad for Christmas. She thought long and hard. Claire's dad owned no ties because he does not like them. Claire eventually decided to get him a tie for Christmas. We want to understand: How did Claire's dad react to the tie? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Does Claire's dad celebrate Christmas? B. Does Claire's dad like ties? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Sam ran a successful pizza shop. He loved to spend his free time traveling and working on photography. When Sam retired, he sold his shop. We want to understand: What did Sam do with the money? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. What were Sam's hobbies? B. Had Sam ever been fishing? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Joel was at a grocery store and saw a boy stealing food. Even though the boy was a stranger, Joel yelled at him and slapped him. We want to understand: Why did Joel slap the boy? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Joel know the boy? B. How was Joel's day before he saw the boy? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Truman was a professional typist. He ordered a really nice keyboard in October. Just one month later, he needed a new keyboard. We want to understand: Why did Truman need a new keyboard? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was Truman interested in mechanical keyboards? B. How old was Truman's keyboard? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Alice purchased a computer tablet at the store. As soon as she left the store, she held it tight against her chest under her jacket. This was unusual because Alice was never concerned about theft in this safe area, and this time was no different. We want to understand: Why did Alice hold the tablet tight against her chest? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Alice have any chest pain at the time? B. Was there a lot of theft in the area? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Amy was enrolled in no extracurricular activities. Her friend Beth begged her to try out for track with her. Amy was hesitant because she had never ran as a sport before, but she agreed. She ran her hardest on the track that day. We want to understand: Did Amy make the track team? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was Amy an experienced runner? B. Was Amy naturally fit? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Vladimir went to the grocery store. But, he was planning to go to a restaurant for dinner tonight. We want to understand: Why did Vladimir go to the grocery store? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Is Vladimir planning to cook something for dinner? B. What is Vladimir going to do for dinner for the rest of the week? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Jake was at a party. He started singing to a girl there, but it was not her birthday. Everyone else at the party started noticing and watching. We want to understand: Why was Jake singing to the girl? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was Jake singing with others for her birthday? B. Was Jake a good singer? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Chad loved riding on fast boats. Recently, Chad's cousin invited him on his speed boat, but Chad declined the invitation despite not having any other plans. We want to understand: Why did Chad decline the invitation? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Does Chad ever get sea sick? B. Was Chad busy with other plans? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Joanne lived by herself and one day decided to get a dog. She went to the local animal shelter but was told they had no dogs for her. She returned home dejected, thinking she would not get a dog after all. However, later that day, she received a call from her neighbors that reinspired her hopes of being a dog owner. We want to understand: Why did the phone call reinspire Joanne's hopes? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Who was the phone call from? B. Does Joanne feel inspired easily? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: The little boy played with his airplane by the tree. He had a great time until it flew too high and got stuck in a branch. The little boy tried, but he couldn't climb up after it. He stayed in the same spot, next to the tree, feeling dejected. A few minutes later, he got his airplane back. We want to understand: How did the boy get his airplane back? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Were there any fire fighters around? B. Did the boy get anything from his house to stand on and reach the airplane? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Joann, an experienced baker, was making her famous lemon cupcakes. She followed the same recipe she always did and made no mistakes, but they came out with a different, awkward texture this time. We want to understand: Why did the cupcakes have an awkward texture? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Were there any other people around while Joanne baked? B. Did Joann make any mistakes in following the recipe? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Ben was at the beach with his friends last summer. There were no bathrooms around for at least a mile. Ben started needing to pee. He left his friends, peed, and shortly returned. We want to understand: Where did Ben go pee? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Has Ben ever peed his pants? B. Where are the nearest bathrooms? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Samantha was counting down the hours. She placed snacks on her coffee table and waited patiently while watching the TV. We want to understand: What was Samantha waiting for? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was Samantha going to need to leave the house? B. Was Samantha watching TV while waiting? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: The boy planned to meet his friend in an hour. He could either get there on foot, which would involve a 30 minute strenuous hike, or he could get there by bus, which would take 1.5 hours because it was an indirect route. We want to understand: Should the boy walk to meet his friend? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Are the boy's feet sore? B. How long would the walk take? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Kenny was a famous jazz musician. He played at clubs across America meeting new people every time. In Washington, at a hole in the wall club, he met the girl of his dreams. Soon after, all of his songs became about her. But, she never found out, even though Kenny wanted her to know. We want to understand: Why did the girl never find out that his songs were about her? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Kenny lie to the girl because he didn't want her to know? B. Had Kenny promised anyone that he would not tell? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Samantha received a crockpot in the mail. She was confused because she had not ordered one, yet the package had her name and address on the package. We want to understand: Why did Samantha receive a crockpot when she did not order it? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Who delivered the crockpot? B. Was the crockpot sent to the wrong address? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Abelina didn't currently have a job, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to do anything next week. Her best friend called her on Saturday night. She asked Abelina to take a trip to New York City. Abelina thought it was a great idea. They left for the city on Monday and had an amazing time. We want to understand: How was Abelina able to go to New York on such short notice? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. How did Abelina travel to NYC? B. Did Abelina have a job? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Judy was experiencing some forearm pain. She decided to go to the doctor, who told her that she had tennis elbow. Judy was puzzled because she did not play tennis or any other sports. We want to understand: What was causing Judy's tennis elbow? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Judy play tennis? B. Has Judy's parents ever had tennis elbow? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: John had no school today since it's Veteran's Day. Therefore, John decided to go to the park with his brothers, where they played basketball together. They ended up going home earlier than planned and enjoyed the perfect sunny weather on the way home. We want to understand: Why did John and his brothers go home earlier than planned? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did John get any calls before they left? B. How was the weather when John and his brothers left to go home? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: July was playing outside. And she saw an ice cream truck. She asked her mom if she could buy a popsicle, and her mom gave her more than enough money to go buy it. When July returned, her mom was puzzled because she was holding a candy bar, not a popsicle. We want to understand: Why did July have a candy bar? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. What was the candy bar? B. Did July's mom give her enough money to buy a popsicle? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Tom rarely drank coffee. He usually had decaf. One day he got some in a hurry. He didn't realize it was caffeinated. Tom was hyped up all day. Unfortunately, Tom had an exam to take that day. We want to understand: Did Tom being hyped up cause any problems? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Tom have anything that day that required him to sit still? B. Did Tom have any jobs after school? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Bernie was in the running for president. He appealed to only to a few fringe groups of voters. He ran a hard debate. He ended up winning even though people generally liked Bernie's competition. Everyone was happy. We want to understand: Why was everyone happy? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Were people content with the last leader? B. Did people like Bernie's competitor? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Olivia was working in her living room. Her baby was playing on the floor. The baby began rolling around near a blanket. Soon, he ended up with the blanket wrapped around his head. This had never happened before. Olivia had to get up and unwrap him. We want to understand: How did Olivia react when she saw the baby wrapped up? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Had this ever happened before? B. What was Olivia's occupation? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Amy's morning coffee was wearing off. She still had 3 hours in class, and she had volleyball later. It was her first time drinking coffee so she was unprepared. She dragged herself to the lunch room to eat. Because eating usually made her feel better, she simply tried to eat. We want to understand: How did eating lunch make her feel? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Does eating lunch usually make her feel better? B. Was there any coffee sold in the lunch room? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Bjorn was a Viking. He sailed the sea with his crew. Although they were not loyal to many captains, they were always loyal to Bjorn. We want to understand: Why was Bjorn's crew loyal to him? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was Bjorn well-known? B. Were they usually loyal to their captain? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Joey's mother took him to the zoo. He wanted to see a gorilla. Although Joey's mother hated monkeys, she waited by the monkeys while Joey saw the gorillas. We want to understand: Why did Joey's mother stay with the monkeys? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Joey's mother like monkeys? B. Did Joey's mother fear for her own safety? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Amanda's engagement ring was her prized possession. Amanda had received the ring from her husband. One day she realized it was a fake. We want to understand: What did Amanda do about this fake ring? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Amanda receive the ring from her husband? B. Was Amanda materialistic? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: John let his pet cat inside because it started to rain. The cat came inside on its own without holding anything. An hour later, John noticed a strange smell in the living room. John searched around for an hour to find the cause. Finally, he saw something under the living room sofa and gasped. We want to understand: Why did John gasp? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did John's cat bring anything into the house? B. Did John own a dog? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Sam and Mel haven't gone on a trip together since their son was born, even though they wanted to and had plenty of money saved to do so. We want to understand: What has prevented Sam and Mel from going on a trip? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Are Sam and Mel in jail? B. Do Sam and Mel have money to go on a trip? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Miranda has recently started sleeping with a journal on her nightstand. If she ever wakes up, she records what she was dreaming about. This has been especially interesting for her because she has been lucid dreaming all her life. We want to understand: Why is Miranda journaling about her dreams? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Does Miranda journal about everything? B. Is Miranda trying to have her first lucid dream? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Every year the Jackson family goes to Niagara falls in the winter. Their favorite part of the falls is the color of the night lights. The falls light up with all the colors of the rainbow. This year, just like in the past, the Jackson family headed to the falls at night to see the light show. Once there, the eldest Jackson son put on shaded glasses. We want to understand: Why did the eldest Jackson son put on shaded glasses at the light show? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did anyone tell him to put on the glasses? B. Was it sunny at the light show? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: I went to the store one day to buy a laptop. I found a nice looking one and then purchased it. After bringing it home, I noticed that it was not turning on. I drove back to the store and asked for a replacement. The manager did not care about the store's return policy, so, in addition to finding me a replacement, he gave me store credit. We want to understand: Why did the store manager also give me store credit? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was the store known for its electronics? B. Does the store have a return policy? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Frida needed a relaxing day after a hard work week. She went to the local beach near her house. The sun was shining and the weather was great. Frida read a book, so she left the beach feeling very relaxed. We want to understand: How did Frida feel at work the next day? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. How does reading books make Frida feel? B. Did anyone unexpected show up at Frida's work? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Olivia had dreamed of joining her local singing group for years. When they announced open auditions, she was thrilled. She sang for hours daily, and was confident when they called her name. Olivia didn't notice, but the casting director smiled throughout her entire audition. We want to understand: How did Olivia think the audition went? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. How did the casting director react during the audition? B. Did Olivia know for sure how it went? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Peter just walked out of the party. He started his car and started to drive. Even though he was totally sober, he was feeling dizzy and his car swayed back and forth. Eventually, he ran into another driver. The driver called the cops to report the case. We want to understand: Why was Peter feeling dizzy? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was Peter sober? B. Was Peter often dizzy? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Sarah loves to visit beaches. When Sarah visits a new beach she brings home sand from that beach. Sarah's sand collection is getting really big. Although her nephew hated her, she decided to give some of her sand to him. We want to understand: How did Sarah's nephew react? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. How old is Sarah's nephew? B. How did Sarah's nephew feel about her? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Katy's mother always told her that she could not do everything because she was a woman. Katy knew that women could do anything men could do. Katy trained hard and went to Marines Boot Camp. She scored first in her class! We want to understand: How was Katy as a marine? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Katy do well at Marines Boot Camp? B. Did Katy ever injured? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Lauren had always loved eating duck breast at restaurants. However, she was intimidated to make it herself. She knew she wanted the duck to be cooked rare, and not overcooked. She cooked the duck breast to a perfect rare in a pan. Lauren was nervous that she had given herself food poisoning by undercooking the meat. We want to understand: Did Lauren give herself food poisoning? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. How does Lauren like her duck cooked? B. Did Lauren receive advice from anyone? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Rashida's family moved to Alaska in December. Until then, Rashida's coldest experience had been her in a hoodie. She didn't even own a jacket when she moved, even though she had lived in a place that had cold winters. We want to understand: How had Rashida not experienced a cold winter before the move? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was the previous winter cold? B. Did Rashida live somewhere warm before the move? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Emily needs to get grocery shopping done today. She could go to Food Lion, which provides very fast service. Or, she could go to Wal-Mart, which provides lower prices but slower service. We want to understand: Where does Emily decide to go grocery shopping? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Which spot has better quality? B. Does Food Lion or Wal-Mart provide faster service? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Lonnie wanted to have a barbecue because his oven was broken. He bought all the meat and charcoal he would need. He invited all his friends. Unfortunately, on the day of the barbecue, it started to rain. We want to understand: What did Lonnie and his friends do when it started to rain? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Does Lonnie have an oven that he can use instead of the barbecue? B. Did Lonnie's friends have any medical conditions? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Jane wanted to cheer up her friend Alexa after a breakup. She sent Alexa flowers from a secret admirer. Alexa thought the flowers were from her ex-boyfriend. That same day, she told everyone, including Jane, she was sure they were getting back together. When Jane heard this, she immediately told Alexa that she had actually sent the flowers. We want to understand: How did Alexa react when Jane told her? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. How long did Jane wait to tell Alexa? B. How did Jane say it? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Alice was very sick. She wasn't sure where she had caught her illness, but it was bad. The doctor saw that it was a bacterial infection, so he gave her antibiotics to take twice a day. We want to understand: Did Alice get better? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. How good was the doctor? B. Was the infection bacterial? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Sarah only had a carrot for lunch. Her friends made fun of her strange choice for lunch. She shook off their jeers and told them it was very healthy. She offered them a piece of her carrot. The friends all accepted her offer, enjoyed the carrot, and realized it was a good idea. We want to understand: Did Sarah bring a carrot for lunch the next day? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Sarah have any other items at home? B. Did Sarah's friends end up realizing the carrot was a good idea? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: James was having a hard time in his math class. James asked his friend if they could study for the math final together. They studied together once a week for two months, each time helping each other understand material. We want to understand: How did James do on the final? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. How smart was James? B. How often did James and his friend study? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Dan had been writing in Starbucks for the past few days. He notices that he spends a lot of money on coffee. Dan decides to stay at home to write. Although he is more lonely, he saves more money. Dan is glad that he is saving money by skipping Starbucks. We want to understand: Is working at home sustainable for Dan? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. How does Dan feel at home? B. Where does Dan live? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Some kids were playing with a talking doll. One of them got too rough with it and dropped it. The toy was damaged and its words were no longer intelligible. We want to understand: What did the kids do with the toy? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Were the kids imaginative? B. Was the toy still talking intelligibly? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Last week was Valentine's Day. Charlotte didn't have a Valentine, so she bought her son a box of chocolates because she knew he liked them. I told him he could have them under one condition. He must agree to be my Valentine. We want to understand: How did Charlotte's son react to the chocolates? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Does Charlotte's son have any allergies? B. Does Charlotte's son like chocolates? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Pablo and his wife are building a new home. Pablo is very happy with the bright paint colors they have used throughout his home. There is a different color in each room. He chose the colors himself, without his wife's help. We want to understand: How does Pablo's wife feel about the paint colors? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Is Pablo's wife controlling? B. Did Pablo's wife help Pablo pick the paint colors? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Bob was fired from his job for sexually harassing female employees. Most people did not find out, but his wife, with whom he shared 3 children, did. We want to understand: What did Bob's wife do when she found out? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Did Bob and his wife have any children? B. Was Bob's wife a feminist? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Tim and Jerry decided to go on a camping trip in the woods. They drove out to the woods and set up their tent. Jerry went off to find wood while Tim waited at the tent. After a while, Tim went to look for Jerry. Tim found Jerry in a diner drinking coffee. We want to understand: What did Tim do when he found Jerry? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Where did Tim find Jerry? B. Did Jerry see Tim? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Sarah prepared a large meal for her family. She prepared fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Unfortunately, the fried chicken was still raw in the middle. We want to understand: Did anyone get sick from the meal? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. Was the chicken undercooked or raw? B. Had Sarah had a fever recently? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]
We know: Ruby had just graduated college and moved out on her own. She was deciding which of her college furniture to keep and which new furniture to buy. Her mattress from college was old and uncomfortable to sleep on. We want to understand: Did Ruby buy a new mattress? The answers to which of the following clarifying questions would provide new information helpful for getting this understanding? A. How much money did Ruby have? B. What shape was Ruby's mattress from college in? Answer:
[ " A", " B" ]