Question: He is awesome!!!! So personable and I know these people so appreciate him being there. MAGA Answer: Weway Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user Anonymous has always been a resistance tactic/idea. It doesn't matter who is leading they are an enemy since Anon doesn't take political sides. There are Anons who support the idea of Antifa and there are those who don't. But no one speaks for the entirety of Anonymous. Answer: Weway Question: @user She is such a witch. All she needs is a broom Answer: Gejek Question: @user She is a war criminal. By the Nuremberg standard Clinton and every other SoS and Pres should be behind bars. Answer: Weway Question: .@USER is staffed with unhinged Liberals & @user This is a disgusting statement. Answer: Gejek Question: @user Its interesting to see the hypocrisy with these liberals when last year it was discovered that there was a “Hush Fund” for Congressional Sexual Scandals while working for the government Answer: Gejek Question: @user @user What new gun control laws would you like to see passed and what would they accomplish? Answer: Weway Question: @user He is so brutal. Hopefully he sells the team... Answer: Gejek Question: @user @user @user and i do disagree with moffats philosophy behind the doctor not liking endings. i also dont think its impossible to say that both things are true: the impact of claras death is undercut AND there is a lesson for the doctor. clara is as much ready to die as she is to keep on going Answer:
Question: @user But I am a good woman with a gun @user Answer: Javik Question: @user Cause I dead have no clue who she is. Answer: Javik Question: @user The Dregs of Society"" are ISIS, ANTIFA, BLM, Planned Parenthood, Illllegal aliens, Pedofiles, and liberals. This is who the Democrats support. Once again, accusing others of what YOU, Biden are guilty of."" Answer: 13811 Question: @user EXPOSE these demons violating our Constitution with violence & threats to run govt instead of winning at the polls! Name them domestic terrorists & jail them all. Answer: 13811 Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user I saw her in Denver last week. She is still traumatized. Cohen owes her so much because of 'My Life on the D List'. Answer: Javik Question: @user It would be better to call themFaux liberals/Fox Liberals"" b/c the word ""Liberal"" is not bad (moral philosophy) & I don't want the word to be tainted by people who don't know the actual definition. Look at the word ""feminism"", society changed its meaning into something negative."" Answer: Javik Question: @user Didn't this trashy thing sleep her way to the top with married men? Answer: 13811 Question: @user @user @user You make no sense. “Antifa” is a cut-down word for ANTI-fascist. NAZIs are Hitler fascists by definition. Many so-called right-wingers tend to fascist views. Trump does. Just listen to him. The so-called left is far from fascist. Answer: 13811 Question: @user @user The Gibraltar people will be hostages in the remaining #Brexit negotiations. Do @user or the @user care? Not a fig! Answer:
Question: @user Bring back Alex ... Jack... or Ban NYT too... Answer: 86215 Question: @user Certainly a weird view toward the Margaret Sanger geonicidal philosophy of aborting minorities. I’d like to know if the black population that suffers the most shares her opinion Answer: 86215 Question: *Gets Period* You are the cause of my 𝓭𝔂𝓼𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪 Answer: Kavin Question: @user We in this bitch together 💁🏽‍♂️ Answer: Kavin Question: @user If you ain’t hyping me up like the nigga in the back ima have to throw the whole friend away Answer: Kavin Question: @user Actually should read as liberal MP leaves liberals for another liberal party"""" Answer: 86215 Question: @user I hope the fuck not Answer: Kavin Question: @user @user @user Did you hurt yourself jumping to that conclusion? If you want biblical scholarship worth having read Bart D. Ehrman. If you want ignorant schlock...well you are already here. Answer: 86215 Question: @user Good Answer:
Question: @user That's what happens when you let a liberal get a hold of a gun. That would be a good place to start gun control. Ban liberals from getting guns. Answer: 27793 Question: @user Because a former Antifa in the white house and they do not arrest her and a citizen if they arrest someone explain to me. Answer: FRBB Question: @user that's unepic Answer: 27793 Question: @user he is not the only one I bet $$ some these people are organizers of Antifa!! Answer: FRBB Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user removable magazines are still a problem, but limiting high cap mags is another bit of the gun control legislation that will be needed to curb the health problem"" we have in this country."" Answer: FRBB Question: @user @user The dems have done this since they were the KKK. Except back then they accused black men of raping white women then lynched them. Same play from the old playbook. Everyone of these liberals crying outrage are fake if they aren't pressuring Ellison to resign. Answer: 27793 Question: @user Ahhh Lurch go back to wind surfing. Answer: FRBB Question: @user Hope they continue to crash @user Answer: 27793 Question: 11/21 Political Corruption: Texans: Among liberals and conservs, R's and D's, large majorities favor limits on campaign spending and say the high cost of campaigning discourages many good candidates from running for president.” #BetoforSenate Answer:
Question: @user @user @user No you wouldn't sis I know damn well you would probably call it cute people propose in concerts all the time yet when its a gay couple its wrong you're at a fucking concert you don't have to pay attention Answer: NZAK Question: Dr. Blasey Ford Kavanaugh #MeToo .@USER .@USER #FemFrauds #MAGA #Maddow #MorningJoe #WednesdayWisdom Answer: 39741 Question: @user @user @user @user eto ba ang hindi corrupt? you are so naive if you think that this admin is different from previous admins Answer: 39741 Question: @user I AM FUCKING SO FUCKING HAPPY Answer: NZAK Question: @user Russia had Ivan the Terrible. FSU has Willie the Terrible. He is to FSU what Bitch Rod was to Michigan and Tango Charlie was to Texas. We pay this piece of shit $5 million to put up 10 points against our first two FBS opponents. Even Western Michigan scores 41 against Syracuse. Answer: NZAK Question: @user @user @user @user @user Clegg worked for The Tories in Europe. He was the ideal Cameron bedfellow. Answer: 39741 Question: @user Antifa has no place in society! Answer: 39741 Question: @user @user @user Nope. Teaching them not to give a shit what liberals from CA think. Answer: NZAK Question: @user @user And we don't need Levi jeans who just jumped on the gun control band wagon. Answer:
Question: @user NEITHER DOES ANTIFA OR BLACK LIVES MATTER OR ANY OTHER SOROS FUNDED GROUPS Answer: VOGT Question: @user @user @user @user Shitting yourself more like. Answer: VOGT Question: @user She is she blocked me Answer: OKIW Question: @user ugh I meant *wigs shit Answer: VOGT Question: @user @user Your statement sums up the Lib Dem party tbh Brett. And the Conservatives....... and the Labour Party......... What a sorry state we are in!! Answer: OKIW Question: @user Does he rage against 2 gender skeptics? Answer: OKIW Question: @user He is not allowed to do this he needs to be prosecuted Answer: OKIW Question: @user LOOK ST THIS BULLSHIT Answer: VOGT Question: 3. @user You’re my lil baby and I’m so proud of you for working as hard as you do. Thank you for still being there for me like you are. You’re the sweetest 💕💕 don’t ever change Answer:
Question: @user @user @user That's expected if you placate the violent leftists/terrorists. #KavanaughConfirmation #woke Answer: Zocex Question: @user @user May be the cameramen is a Trump supporter. @user Have you checked if he is standing on a rock or so? LMAO 😂 #FakeNewsCNN Answer: 86037 Question: @user I hope they beat his ass in private. Answer: Zocex Question: A BUNCH OF VULTURES! TIM ISNT EVEN GONE YET -WTF? HAVE YOU NO SHAME? ALL YOU SEE ARE $$ I HOPE HE LEFT EVERY PENNY TO AN ANIMAL RESCUE! 'Carol Burnett' star Tim Conway recovers from brain surgery as family battle over comic's fate rages on #FoxNews Answer: Zocex Question: @user NO BITCH I MEANT I DIDNT KNOW WE WERE DOING IT NOT ZOOMED IN NO BITCH THIS IS FUN Answer: Zocex Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Do you know what ANTIFA stands for? Answer: 86037 Question: @user @user He can admit that 3000 Americans died on his watch. You should remind him he is President of all of us. Answer: 86037 Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Had all but one. Agreed EVERY one of these MAGA patriots is a must follow. Let's do this together for our great nation in 2018! Then repeat in 2020 and 2022!!! Answer: 86037 Question: @user Didn’t the polls say Hillary was going to be President??? Answer:
Question: @user Dude. What the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU? I sent you a direct tweet to show you how you re-tweet your OWN shit. Then I let it go. Now you want to double down? Just go back to Whoviille Answer: Forid Question: @user Stanced up Answer: 79313 Question: #VictoriaSecrets being political? OMG... give it up. You are killing half your profits when you slur Conservatives. 🇺🇸 #KAG Answer: 79313 Question: @user FASCIST LEFT ARE EVERYWHERE. We must crush them; boycotts work folks. Answer: Forid Question: @user @user Principled conservatives"" are a rogues gallery of NeverTrumpers who were not at all uncomfortable with the idea of HRC winning the 2016 presidential election. In fact, some of them voted for her."" Answer: 79313 Question: @user @user As well this would allow you to still protest. But not stop a speaker or a group. Really Hitler did this in the early time of the Nazi party a group known as the SS would beat up politicians and people that didn't agree with them. (Sounds familiar smells like Antifa.) Answer: Forid Question: @user @user Well, see, if I start talking at Dana about sensible gun control laws and she ignores me (or calls me a tragedy dry-humping whore"" as she did @user then we aren't having a conversation. I'm just talking into the void."" Answer: Forid Question: @user Here's a link to my channel with a plethora of topics to peruse: Answer: 79313 Question: @user @user Antifa will sign anything if they’re paid enough. Answer:
Question: @user @user BOOP POLICE DEPARTMENT FREEZE OH SHIT SHE IS TOO CUTE OPEN BOOPBOOPBOOP Answer: YTQD Question: @user @user @user Nope. Teaching them not to give a shit what liberals from CA think. Answer: YTQD Question: @user That one sucks bc he is so hit or miss Answer: YTQD Question: @user @user Or maybe this...The very fine people"" the dipshit ""president"" was talking about. Antifa isn't the ""left"". They're a fringe, far left, anti fascist movement. To lump the ""left"" in as antifa is to lump the ""right"" in with the neo nazi's and kkk that vote with you...Shhh. Answer: YTQD Question: @user Now you are a Netflix whisperer? Jack of all trades right here. 😒 Answer: VDUG Question: Beto O'Rourke vs. Ted Cruz Latest Polls: Democrat Underdog Shown With Lead For First Time in Texas Senate Race - Newsweek #MAGA Answer: VDUG Question: @user @user @user Oh look #Antifa are out to be play...#OPMAYFLOWER #GoodTRUMPsEvil #PatriotsFight #QAnon #MAGA #MAGAbots #DigitalSoldiers #FISAGate #GITMO #Trump2020 #DrainTheSwamp #EnjoyTheShow #LockHerUp #StrawberryRecall @user @user @user @user #WWG1WGA Answer: VDUG Question: @user I am jealous. I would love to work in the White House with these fine people. Hell I would dust the window's just to be a part of this fabulous time and team. God Bless you all. MAGA Answer: VDUG Question: #tcot #MAGA Complacency kills. Vote in November Answer:
Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Do you know what ANTIFA stands for? Answer: MJIG Question: @user She went to my high school. Dumb liberals are prevalent in my area Answer: UDSF Question: @user @user @user German antifastock fought against the Nazis. German antifa rescued jews. Answer: MJIG Question: @user @user @user @user Liberals have compassion ONLY for non Americans. Answer: MJIG Question: @user @user Ain't nobody bitter here. Women who know their worth spending their life upgrading"" somebody son but actually LIVING it and becoming their best versions for THEMSELVES. You go look cute on your maid outfit, like you always do"" Answer: UDSF Question: Heather Mac Donald: Colleges Teach Students to See Bias Where It Doesn’t Exist"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising"" Answer: MJIG Question: @user She worked for @user before he fired her for her comments on The View. She is inconsistent all over the damn place. Answer: UDSF Question: @user @user @user She probably did not think it would get this far. I hope the little sleaze does not go to the hearing and I hope if she does that they will prove what a liar conniving witch she and the rest of the Liberals are. Answer: UDSF Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user Lol you are being mean. Answer:
Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user Good luck with that! I dont follow along with fascists like the #resist movement and their apple and google overlords. I know what happened in ww2 and its the rhetoric they use that put us there. I dont need a GOD"" to see the hate spewed from #Antifa and how that is wrong."" Answer: GPJG Question: @user ...Stay Classy!!...what a bully - if I were the ump I take her to court for bringing his reputation into disrepute...🤔🤔🤔 Answer: RRGL Question: @user Another Liar That Broke His Oath Answer: RRGL Question: @user They help him all along and now that he is better and ok and sober they cut him ?? Answer: RRGL Question: @user @user @user @user Name the social injustices caused by the GOP and the death of anyone caused by members of it I dare you. How many people have lost their lives to the idiocy of gun control? Answer: GPJG Question: @user You meant to say for yourself. Now is it time to talk about gun control? Answer: RRGL Question: @user @user So we should be denouncing Democrats & their ANTIFA Thugs? Done & Done!!! Answer: GPJG Question: @user She is such a witch. All she needs is a broom Answer: GPJG Question: @user @user My favourite part of this is watching all the conservatives lose their minds as usual. Once again the Democrats are being mean to us boo-hoo. LOL. Answer:
Question: @user @user Ilegal Invader Kills 13-Year-Old Canadian Girl Answer: 10247 Question: @user Fun fact: rural areas with extremely high gun ownership rates has nearly-zero homicide rates while urban areas with extreme gun control (low ownership rates) has astronomically high homicide rates. Why is the correlation exactly opposite? Answer: 10247 Question: @user Hope they continue to crash @user Answer: SNLL Question: @user @user @user @user @user Agreed and what I’m saying too. Answer: 10247 Question: @user your @user app is down / sucks Answer: SNLL Question: @user @user Sounds to me like the Pope needs counselled on confession. Answer: 10247 Question: @user just saw your algae commercial blaming @user that’s pretty rich considering you are the Gov and have done zero zip and now you want to be Senator of FL. Answer: SNLL Question: @user @user Pushed to my limits. Answer: SNLL Question: @user @user @user You're good Candy You are good 🤣🤣 Answer:
Question: @user @user @user So what's your point? Are you saying that UK gun control isn't protecting our children because something might happen one day; therefore we should adopt a US style gun culture? Answer: Givux Question: @user @user He is delirious! Answer: Fosid Question: @user Hectares cultivated with poppy for opium grew exponentially like never before during Obama thou. I bet you celebrated his troop retreat. Myanmar made so much money with the opium they're building a bigger totally modern port Answer: Givux Question: 5. They promoted an amendment to lower the voting age to 18. They pushed gun control efforts and gun free zones to give criminals an edge over law abiding citizens. Answer: Givux Question: @user The only thing this is going to do is make the #MeToo movement even more of a joke than it already has become. I don't think anyone is falling for this BS except for maybe Antifa. Answer: Givux Question: @user He didnt won...he was elected by the people of the united states ahole...what he'll are you referring to? Antifa fools that get their asses kicked...vagina pathetic ass Answer: Fosid Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user Lol you are being mean. Answer: Fosid Question: @user Nigga keep tryna play both sides lol Answer: Fosid Question: @user Liberals won't cry over milk they won't spill. Answer:
Question: He is awesome!!!! So personable and I know these people so appreciate him being there. MAGA Answer: 39373 Question: @user @user Correction: Liberals deliberately distorting. Answer: HOXM Question: Political Unmasking of Team Trump Must Be Prosecuted - American Thinker #MAGA #PJNET #KAG #TrumpTrain #TrumpTrain2020 @user TW055 Answer: 39373 Question: @user Heard from who? You and your lying jealous cronies??? Answer: HOXM Question: @user it's different when they are trying to argue with you why you are wrong for believing in a different god. i'm all for respecting their religion but i deserve respect back Answer: 39373 Question: @user Time to vote and spit in the eye of all these liberals Answer: HOXM Question: @user I know she is 15 but I still don’t think it’s real Answer: 39373 Question: @user You know what will make this professor even woker""? If he's a gun control nut...."" Answer: HOXM Question: @user @user Ha! Ha! Don’t forget: Too soon to talk about gun control. Answer:
Question: @user You are sexy as fuck babygirl🔥🔥🔥 Answer: UUTT Question: @user The Democrats do not care ...they are out to destroy ..does not matter just so they are Republicans & Conservatives ⁉️ Answer: UUTT Question: New emergency hotline?What's down the road? 2 days ago #POTUS signs second State of Emergency executive order? Social media censorship down the road? #MAGA #Emergency #QAnon #MondayMotivation #ConstitutionDay Answer: Defax Question: @user @user Bring back coal & asbestos!! #MAGA Answer: Defax Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Yes! You are! Answer: Defax Question: @user Another nail in the coffin of the NFL Answer: UUTT Question: @user A vulgar attempt to reduce sisterhood to genitalia..... Answer: UUTT Question: *MAGA sense is tingling* Answer: Defax Question: @user Fool Answer:
Question: @user @user @user @user @user Typical violent antifa... @user hooligans are stalking California causing mayhem. Answer: WVML Question: @user All liberals should cross the floor and leave Trudeau all alone to implode! Guy is leading our country into financial disaster! Answer: WVML Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Great group I follow all except the top two because they don't follow back😉 Retweeted. Answer: WVML Question: @user Disco pose with “white dude overbite” look. Classic 70s dance move. Answer: 91016 Question: @user @user in every conner coz anti pakistani will not able to attack on our future generation rights Answer: 91016 Question: @user Get away from these lying toxic people! Answer: 91016 Question: @user Was? I bet you are still into Sloane...she is pretty awesome!! Answer: WVML Question: @user @user Miriam Answer: 91016 Question: @user @user @user @user @user Liberals Don't Appreciate Your Sarcasm. They Thought You Were On Their Side. Answer:
Question: @user Bye bye Flake you Flake! Don’t let the Senate door hit you in the behind on your way out. @user @user @user @user Answer: GJZN Question: 97% of Americans want a form of gun control. 62% of Americans want the government to protect the environment. 75% of Americans say immigration is a good thing & 100% of Americans believe that HotDogs belong in the crusts of pizzas & if the Italians don't like it they can suck it. Answer: GJZN Question: @user @user So what is the problem you are trying to advise of? Can't quite understand what you are trying to say ! Answer: 31978 Question: @user Don’t worry your time will come play hard and listen the coach Frost he is a winner a championship coach🏈 Answer: 31978 Question: @user This sicko thinks that others scheme and lie like he and a lot of the liberals do. Remember Rham Emanuel’s famous quote “You never let a serious crisis go to waste” Answer: GJZN Question: @user The only thing this is going to do is make the #MeToo movement even more of a joke than it already has become. I don't think anyone is falling for this BS except for maybe Antifa. Answer: 31978 Question: @user And god forbid you are already talking to someone or dating they get real mad 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ we like those people over you for a reason sorry bout it 😂 Answer: 31978 Question: @user @user That’s fucking rude to do that Answer: GJZN Question: @user She is a cutie!!But she needs a PACKER bib Answer:
Question: @user @user Can't stand to listen to that puke. I change the channel when he speaks. He believes his own LIES!!....They're all NUTS!! #LeftWingLiberalDisease #WalkAway #VoteRedToSaveAmerica 🇺🇸🇺🇸#MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Answer: Sujub Question: @user I met him several years ago. He is the shorter than you’re expecting man. Answer: Tamih Question: @user @user I wouldn’t trust Chuck Schumer ever. He’s a liar and the president doesn’t trust him either. Answer: Sujub Question: @user Was Al Gore nominated for Supreme Court judge? You conservatives have some nerve. Answer: Sujub Question: @user Don’t you have concerns about Keith Ellison? Well do you. Answer: Tamih Question: @user Like Antifa? Answer: Tamih Question: @user Be like Haiti and Obama and Clinton Answer: Tamih Question: @user Mom better watch out for the Moron's hands. He has at least 17 accusation of sexual harassment charges. He is also affected by Pee stained skin due to his liking to be peed on! Answer: Sujub Question: Take Take Take #WalkAway from the #idiot party! #MAGA Answer:
Question: @user @user @user Hahahahaha!! really?: Stiglitz is Nobel prize 💡. You are a simple stockbroker 💩😂. Answer: 29530 Question: @user His frustration began to subside as he felt her hand upon his. The tone within her voice was some what soothing to him. It's been sometime having someone be there when in need the most. And that in itself is why no one is more important to me then you"" She is the center piece +)"" Answer: 29530 Question: @user There's an entire faction dedicated to the idea that school shootings are all faked to try to get gun control laws passed. Answer: YHXQ Question: 97% of Americans want a form of gun control. 62% of Americans want the government to protect the environment. 75% of Americans say immigration is a good thing & 100% of Americans believe that HotDogs belong in the crusts of pizzas & if the Italians don't like it they can suck it. Answer: YHXQ Question: @user Never would I trust any @user and especially @user they sold out to the @user and stuck Two fingers up to the People of the UK!! #VoteLabour #GE2018NOW #WeAreCorbyn #UnitedWeStand Answer: 29530 Question: @user he probably gets paid to say that...with $$ and assurances that he won't be called an islamophobe---pfffft it's a fake word--justin is an IDIOT and he is destroying canada one refugee at a time Answer: YHXQ Question: @user That was Awesome. I love hearing you destroy the Liberals but most of all Trudeau Answer: YHXQ Question: @user Antifa is the modern day KKK. Funded by the Demarat party.. Answer: 29530 Question: @user I'll be looking for you on here election night...make sure you are on Twitter. Answer:
Question: @user Im not apart of Antifa foxy. I agree with you they are terrorsits Answer: IEZB Question: @user HYPOCRITE!! You run a commercial about ur support for gun control & protecting kids showing ur kids. Really! U support ABORTION. What’s the difference in that and a gun? They BOTH KILL! @user @user @user @user @user Answer: IEZB Question: @user @user Liberals own education in this country. The faults of education lies on the federal socialization of our schools and the unions power over school boards. Look where the worst schools are... Answer: 56962 Question: @user @user @user like 35 & 3/4 years ago... NO...that's a difference maker. I had no idea! Please share your thoughts on serial woman abuser & Antifa lover @user 🤔 Answer: 56962 Question: @user I don’t recall a President ever taking random questions for a long period of time and answering almost everyone of them. And liberals accuse him of being a king or tyrant? Pretty accommodating. Answer: 56962 Question: @user I love Carole! She is so smart I will really miss her! #RHONY was hoping u would have been a great addition to @user or another political show. Any news on what u will do next? ❤️ Answer: 56962 Question: @user @user How does that make him the best in the country though? There was nothing special about the throw. How does that make me butt hurt ? Answer: IEZB Question: @user The problem is, the people who will read this and go oh shit he is a cunt"" already think he is. The rednecks and retards that already support him will believe it is fake news."" Answer: IEZB Question: @user I’m done. 😭😭😭 Franklin bout to die in jail. He is not fit for this... Answer:
Question: @user @user This is absolutely hilarious. Liberals are so predictable. Answer: 89540 Question: @user Dufus of the year would be more like it...!!! Answer: Vulub Question: @user Just didn’t look like any of the mannerisms he has exhibited. Glad he is in CF Answer: Vulub Question: @user @user @user @user Hes comin for ur woolly bitches Answer: 89540 Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user The World Wide Phenomenon of Podcasting and MVP of ShitTalking! Answer: Vulub Question: @user @user Antifa otherwise known as NAZI Brownshirts"" I never thought of that comparison before, lol. It's ironic that they're the one's that call everyone else a 'nazi' for disagreeing with anything they say, lol."" Answer: 89540 Question: @user @user Yes it did... And it's on editorial... Is Joe Q the editor of X-Men... No he isn't... He is editor in Chief. He is the boss of all the other editors... Sooo he wasn't responsible... I shouldn't be arguing because this is stupid... Answer: 89540 Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Idk some Antifa nut job Answer: Vulub Question: @user @user Such delusional liberals..! So twisted with hate you can't even acknowledge the U.S. Airforce..!! Answer:
Question: @user You have to preorder dear she is a preorder bonus in the game Answer: 42707 Question: Where is my MAGA cap?! Answer: 42707 Question: @user Don’t even know the subject but I’ll side with Sarandon only because she has class (even if I disagree with her) against the classless rambling fool. 😁 Answer: 14234 Question: @user @user Yeah. He’s very immature & can dish out criticism while crying and blocking instead of accepting any. It’s cool. Folks can see him for who he is mostly. Answer: 14234 Question: @user Aww. ☺️ I tried lol. She is such a smart ass though 😂 Answer: 42707 Question: @user @user coming from a guy who should be arrested and charged as an accessory. I hat a deranged individual. Answer: 14234 Question: @user @user He’s made a gun control shift as well. Check his talking points from last cycle. Answer: 14234 Question: @user Certainly a weird view toward the Margaret Sanger geonicidal philosophy of aborting minorities. I’d like to know if the black population that suffers the most shares her opinion Answer: 42707 Question: Antifa Caught Off Guard After Getting Confronted By The Last Person They Ever Wanted To Answer Too Answer:
Question: @user No one is mistreating her but you are all mistreating Kavanaugh. This man may be innocent but you liberals are jumping on this just because you hate Trump. So you all do the right thing and after 36 years it's her word against his so there is no contest. Answer: PIXL Question: @user @user @user @user Ask the UN why? Ask liberals why? Answer: 94034 Question: @user Didn’t a woman beat her? Huh... Answer: 94034 Question: @user She is a piece of garbage! I can't believe the hatred those bitches on the View have for Trump! And ABC let's them spew this garbage on a daily basis. Disgusting! Boycott the View! Boycott ABC too! I have & damn proud of it! Answer: PIXL Question: .@USER Just another Republican hater! It amazes me that liberals don’t like Republican’s money 💰 Colin You’re fired! 😂😂#BoycottColinJost #EmmyAwards Answer: 94034 Question: @user @user @user traitor whoever he or she is. Answer: PIXL Question: @user She is so little and moving so fast lol Answer: 94034 Question: @user @user Landon sucks I asked him for my birthday if I could play with him but he never got back to me so Landon you suck Answer: PIXL Question: @user @user I agree with you completely! The views that he has on gun control seems like it’s common sense but why do you think that it’s so uncommon to use common sense when trying to find a way to stop gun violence? Answer:
Question: @user @user You are right I'm black so thanks Answer: JZIR Question: @user Shame on them willing to ruin good man over a 36-year-old groping accusation she can't prove. They're rabid liberals who don't want a Supreme Court justice who will follow the Constitution. It's all about politics. Shame. Answer: UWED Question: @user Your continual use of Left liberal Progressive on your show are Euphemisms for the democrat Party who owns"" them until deny them & ideology. You are lying to the Public by not calling a spade a spade."" Answer: UWED Question: @user She has become a parody unto herself? She has certainly taken some heat for being such an....well idiot. Could be optic too Who know with Liberals They're all optics. No substance Answer: UWED Question: @user @user @user Be there with Bells on 👍✌️❤️ Answer: JZIR Question: @user Real question: has Ted Cruz never dropped an f-bomb in his life? Is this something that should disqualify you from public office? Grabbing someone by the pussy"" literally & verbally, is a lot more offensive to me"" Answer: JZIR Question: @user @user And that's where you are seeing what you want to see. You think these people want to look manly and powerful. I see them expressing solidarity. what a useless thing to mock. Answer: UWED Question: @user @user Ha! Ha! Don’t forget: Too soon to talk about gun control. Answer: JZIR Question: #Westminster @user #Tories @user @user #Brexit 🇬🇧 @user @user @user @user #MurderRate #London What a facking Khant 😠😠😠 Answer:
Question: No my family aren't MAGA they just don't care. They're apart of the populace who get distracted by pop culture completely. They have zero idea what is going on in the world until I tell them & even then they don't care. I'm a lion amongst lambs. Answer: 69200 Question: @user WE STAN TWO WHOLE ASS VISUALS Answer: 17544 Question: @user It's great to see you posting this. It shows everyone the disrespect you have for teachers and their role. And it proves that you are wholly unsuitable for any position in parliament. Answer: 17544 Question: @user @user Wonder how many children he molested Answer: 69200 Question: @user McQuaid is wayyyyy too expensive for what he is. Answer: 17544 Question: @user When will they learn. People dont care about what they think about politics. Just read your lines and entertain us. Keep your stupid pins and fake tattoos and ribbons at home. #MAGA #Emmys Answer: 69200 Question: @user This is so fake he’s unable to feel true feelings he even lies when he says anything and she is just as stupid in standing by a man who clearly doesn’t respect the unity of marriage while he was with her and pay these women off STAND UP DIVORCE LIKE HIS OTHER WIFES DID HES A PIG Answer: 69200 Question: @user President Obama? Did I miss something about this? He still believes he is President or is it you that isn't able to accept reality? Answer: 17544 Question: @user Kirinodere and the Curious Case of the Fucked Customs Fees. 10/10 good book. Answer:
Question: @user Happy 1stbirthday to Savage(Songs from a Broken World)! This time lst yr it dropped in my door and damn did it do some shit! 🎶 Little did we all know the ride it was going to take you and us as fans on. Thank you for this masterpiece! #garynuman #Savage #no2album Answer: Didav Question: @user God save the United States if this travesty happens a second time. One hopes voters learned their lesson the first time Answer: LPYG Question: @user Probably say fuck it an do just that Answer: Didav Question: @user As they should be Answer: LPYG Question: Captain Maga getting slandered? And it wasn’t from me? Damn. Answer: Didav Question: @user @user So what is the problem you are trying to advise of? Can't quite understand what you are trying to say ! Answer: LPYG Question: @user If you ain’t hyping me up like the nigga in the back ima have to throw the whole friend away Answer: Didav Question: @user I cast my vote as “OPPORTUNIST” #ChristineBlaseyFord had THIRTY-FIVE years to come out with her allegations. Why now? It’s obvious. #MAGA Answer: LPYG Question: @user If he did wouldn’t this be the sort of thing Liberals love? Don’t they hate all law enforcement? Answer:
Question: @user @user And I don’t call striking down gun control legislation curtailing our civil rights. Gun control legislation is just common sense. Answer: ZCIB Question: @user @user We need a wild wild web for conservatives. Answer: ZCIB Question: @user @user But you are still going to jail tho #Fredo Answer: Finez Question: @user the democommunists have allready destroyed america put men in a womens bathroom right to child molestors n child killers n illegals have more rights than americans if u think im wrong bill say something besides kissing liberals asses Answer: Finez Question: @user @user So we should be denouncing Democrats & their ANTIFA Thugs? Done & Done!!! Answer: Finez Question: @user Oh fuck yeah Answer: Finez Question: @user And yet the liberals keep piling in people from countries like this with ideals like this and preach upon to us women's rights and respect for all. Doesn't make sense to me it's double talk Answer: ZCIB Question: @user HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW RACIST THE MEDIA IS THEY ONLY SHOW THE BLACK PLAYERS KNEELING AND NO ONE EVERY COMPLAINS ABOUT THAT ? Answer: ZCIB Question: @user THIRTY AGED ZAYN IS SEXY THOUGH JDKDKDK EVEN THOUGH IT MAKES ME EMO TOO Answer:
Question: @user morning Answer: 32388 Question: @user @user @user This leftist is what is wrong in liberal colleges. More ppl and students will come out and will unmask this corrupt woman who is determined to destroy a good judge because she wants only liberals in the courts. @user @user @user Answer: Getec Question: #TheWallStreetJournal | Mass shootings have made gun control a key... #WallStreetJournal Answer: 32388 Question: @user While for Republicans there's no difference in % of AGW belief between PhDs and college freshmen because conservatives are more open-minded people who are able to question consensus; plus tend to get degrees in more practical fields like eng. instead of airy fairy artsy BS. Answer: 32388 Question: Business is business. I love this story. URL Answer: Getec Question: @user Nah I’m okay lol I’m going to watch On my block until a new season 😍 Answer: 32388 Question: @user @user in every conner coz anti pakistani will not able to attack on our future generation rights Answer: Getec Question: @user he probably gets paid to say that...with $$ and assurances that he won't be called an islamophobe---pfffft it's a fake word--justin is an IDIOT and he is destroying canada one refugee at a time Answer: Getec Question: @user Amazing how liberals will believe any lie that supports their agenda. This Ford lady is an out right loony tunes liar. kavanaugh’s mother ruled against her parents in court years ago. Ford has scrubbed most of her social media accounts to hide her true leftist activism #LIAR Answer:
Question: @user What the fuck game are you watching? Answer: 59028 Question: @user I see Antifa as a war on peaceful assembly Answer: FTRZ Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Now do Black Lives Matter. And Antifa. Answer: FTRZ Question: @user @user My favourite part of this is watching all the conservatives lose their minds as usual. Once again the Democrats are being mean to us boo-hoo. LOL. Answer: 59028 Question: STOCKS RECORD HIGH  URL  #MAGA Answer: FTRZ Question: @user Lolol God he is such an a**hole. Answer: 59028 Question: @user You're a piece of shit for saying that FEMA was successful in helping Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria. 3000 people died. You think that's successful? You really have no soul. You're a fucking horrible human being. I don't even think you're human. FUCK YOU!!! Answer: 59028 Question: @user Character of a crook better off using Dillinger Answer: FTRZ Question: @user @user Or maybe this...The very fine people"" the dipshit ""president"" was talking about. Antifa isn't the ""left"". They're a fringe, far left, anti fascist movement. To lump the ""left"" in as antifa is to lump the ""right"" in with the neo nazi's and kkk that vote with you...Shhh. Answer:
Question: @user @user @user And, of course, you exclude all but a select group of (primarily Northwestern) European and a few Asian countries from your any country"" list. Gun control has no positive correlation with lower homicide rates, even within cherry-picked Euro countries. Answer: 73712 Question: @user @user She's been active on Instagram lately. And she is dropping an album sometime this year. Answer: EDTS Question: @user @user Basically me and my liberals friends want to decide what's right for the rest of you. Answer: EDTS Question: @user i love your voice. how do you get it to sound so sexy and strong? #BarbieDreamsVIDEO Answer: EDTS Question: @user Time to vote and spit in the eye of all these liberals Answer: 73712 Question: @user FF8 sucks MAJOR wang. Answer: 73712 Question: @user That's heartbreaking to read. Keep being the best you. There are many that will see you in a Wow. Look at what he is doing"" and light up with pride. Head high. One foot in front of the other."" Answer: EDTS Question: @user just saw your algae commercial blaming @user that’s pretty rich considering you are the Gov and have done zero zip and now you want to be Senator of FL. Answer: 73712 Question: @user @user What new gun control laws would you like to see passed and what would they accomplish? Answer:
Question: @user You are too kind. Thanks Debs! Answer: XQKN Question: @user @user As well this would allow you to still protest. But not stop a speaker or a group. Really Hitler did this in the early time of the Nazi party a group known as the SS would beat up politicians and people that didn't agree with them. (Sounds familiar smells like Antifa.) Answer: Zucuk Question: @user I don’t recall a President ever taking random questions for a long period of time and answering almost everyone of them. And liberals accuse him of being a king or tyrant? Pretty accommodating. Answer: XQKN Question: @user @user Wow those liberals are so uncivil and full of hate. #LickAWitch Answer: Zucuk Question: @user He is the gawdfather of #fuxNews Answer: XQKN Question: @user This liberal is pissed that anyone would give that disgusting pos an award for equality. And....f.u. for including all liberals in this bullshit decision by the HRC. Answer: Zucuk Question: @user Kirinodere and the Curious Case of the Fucked Customs Fees. 10/10 good book. Answer: Zucuk Question: @user @user Clearly you are not a weather person. Worst conditions are due for tomorrow. Answer: XQKN Question: @user @user @user @user @user Sounds like you’re talking about these people!!!! #MAGA Answer:
Question: @user This shit gon keep me in the crib lol fuck it Answer: Wimuy Question: @user Antifa has no place in society! Answer: 40427 Question: @user Likely shift? He is a political operative for the GOP. This will be a life-long dream for many who have been working towards this outcome for decades. It’s sad. Answer: Wimuy Question: @user oh shit uhhh what ao3 fic is this Answer: Wimuy Question: @user do you have run support data? I’m guessing Nola has gotten more. Everything equal I go with wins but his season is just so good I think he is the exception. Answer: 40427 Question: @user @user @user @user @user Sounds like you’re talking about these people!!!! #MAGA Answer: 40427 Question: @user Get away from these lying toxic people! Answer: Wimuy Question: @user @user Because everyone knows this is a political stunt and the GOP is going to make him Justice Kavanaugh"" before those midterm elections whether you liberals like it or not. That's what's going to happen and you need to just accept it. Right now you're still in denial 😢 Answer: 40427 Question: @user That stage was such a pain in the ass for terrorist hunt I loved it Answer:
Question: @user @user @user Time I’m really starting to hate that word....she had all the time in the world to open her mouth...really shut up about time! Enough of this left....Liberals bull shit about time! You and she have no case! Actually time is what is Hurting her case! Answer: 50287 Question: @user I really thought so. He is the God of rap. How do you come back from that Answer: 50287 Question: @user God save the United States if this travesty happens a second time. One hopes voters learned their lesson the first time Answer: 24970 Question: @user Love u bitch Answer: 50287 Question: #luddites eh @user should embrace tech #gigeconomy @user @user #ThursdayThoughts Answer: 24970 Question: @user Russia had Ivan the Terrible. FSU has Willie the Terrible. He is to FSU what Bitch Rod was to Michigan and Tango Charlie was to Texas. We pay this piece of shit $5 million to put up 10 points against our first two FBS opponents. Even Western Michigan scores 41 against Syracuse. Answer: 50287 Question: @user @user Here are the People"" who ""Hold you up"" and who YOU hold up. 1st Photo They are beating a Republican Korean War VET. 2nd & 3rd Photo ANTIFA is Beating Minorities, LGBT and Kids Because they are Conservative. The LEFT, YOUR LEFT is all about shutting down FREE SPEECH! Answer: 24970 Question: @user She is 😘 Answer: 24970 Question: @user @user @user @user @user Agreed and what I’m saying too. Answer:
Question: @user Shameful. #NRA is spending over a million $ to get Kavanaugh installed. Gun control isn't his pot of Tea. Answer: Gidex Question: @user @user What services will you cut? If the answer is 'none' what specific 'waste' will you eliminate? Without an answer to these your commitment is nothing but political flannel. Answer: PGGA Question: @user I don't know if this cat even realizes what he is doing. Answer: PGGA Question: @user All communist Democrat socialists are bad humans. Answer: Gidex Question: @user He doesn’t know if he should slam Manifort or suck up to him. He doesn’t know if he should worry about Junior and Kushner or not. He is mad as hell but knows that he can’t just fire Mueller so he is busy puking in the bathroom now that he understands that asset seizure is a thing Answer: Gidex Question: @user She's brilliant. You are not. Answer: PGGA Question: @user @user Wonder how many children he molested Answer: Gidex Question: @user @user @user @user He is building it. Answer: PGGA Question: @user Every one of them is more rank than she is. And she's pretty rank. So I guess they all outrank her... Answer:
Question: #micropoetry It is a really big-top new hair not just a wig some new technology that will soon be blasé even if underneath it all she is so gloriously bald. . Answer: CDJD Question: @user @user @user @user Police reform yes. We should try that. Gun control? We’ve tried that over and over again. It doesn’t work. But maybe it’s like socialism or communism. We just haven’t done it right yet. /Sarcasm Answer: 43178 Question: @user Be careful.. you know the terrorist arm of the @user antifa is going to show up an try something.. Answer: CDJD Question: So I’m at the store and a dude walked in wit a MAGA shirt on (smh ) dog I was mean muggin the fuck outta dude so much that he left his broad in the store.🤷🏽‍♂️😆😆😆 Answer: 43178 Question: @user @user @user This is the best the Conservatives could come up with! Stop this humiliation. #GE2018 Answer: CDJD Question: @user @user where's McKenna? She no longer using Twitter. Did she defect to the Conservatives? Answer: CDJD Question: @user IM SAVING THIS GOOD SHITTTT Answer: 43178 Question: @user That was Awesome. I love hearing you destroy the Liberals but most of all Trudeau Answer: 43178 Question: @user @user @user That's expected if you placate the violent leftists/terrorists. #KavanaughConfirmation #woke Answer:
Question: @user Over 30 years worth of background checks under different Presidents and this one slipped through? #KavanaughConfirmation #KavanaughWithdraw #KavanaughSCOTUS #maga Answer: 85720 Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I think he's a comrade Answer: FUMI Question: @user I like that after dating for 8 months you finally understand it when I cringe at the word cock lol Answer: 85720 Question: @user you couldn’t catch me letting some saggy whitey bitch talkin like this to me 😫 bitch eat dirt Answer: 85720 Question: @user @user @user Silly rabbit 🐇 laws and rules aren’t for liberals. Answer: 85720 Question: @user @user Or lower some Liberals retirement fund idea's Answer: FUMI Question: @user @user @user @user eto ba ang hindi corrupt? you are so naive if you think that this admin is different from previous admins Answer: FUMI Question: @user I can see how frustrating that is. Conservatives will always get more praise for humane policies because it isn't neccessarily expected of them. Answer: FUMI Question: Sean Penn: #MeToo Movement Seeks to ‘Divide Men and Women’ <— Gotta say… I stand w/ Jeff Spicoli on this one. #MAGA #WWG1WGA #ConfirmKavanaugh Answer:
Question: @user Bono is an idiot! Answer: Yanal Question: @user @user @user Whenever conservatives lose a court ruling, they bitch and moan about activist judges or agenda judges."" Whenever anyone else loses a court ruling, they accept that they lost a court ruling. Conservatives are whiny babies."" Answer: Yanal Question: @user @user No liberals calling for @user to resign Answer: 52741 Question: @user How? You can’t just say “Wrong” with no evidence for why it is. You said you agree with Sargon I’m pretty much every subject but gun control and healthcare. That’s not what a centrist believes. Answer: Yanal Question: @user @user An excuse for conservatives to do nothing. Answer: 52741 Question: @user @user @user Yes but it doesnt help with the made up stories about him. He shouldn't of called football players SOB. but he is right about illegal immigration. We can't support the entire nation. Rules needs to change. Answer: Yanal Question: @user @user @user @user @user Sorry and yes you are very wrong as most people who don’t read the science behind the generation and subsidies are. My page is a good place to start but reading 10-20 books on the subject will get you some excellent schooling. Very complex. Answer: 52741 Question: @user you are beloved x2 Answer: 52741 Question: @user Fat ass.... heart attack city..... keep eating fat ass.... Answer:
Question: @user Moore just got Don elected again. Liberals never learn. He’s more unlikable than Trump Answer: 79833 Question: @user Just focus on Price stats when he is behind the plate....😉 Answer: 69444 Question: @user @user The name alt right is to make people think its a right wing group.just like ANTIFA that are fascist. BLM that really to they all black lives dont matter. Answer: 79833 Question: All this talk about Trump's dick allegedly looking like Toad from #MarioKart This is the only thing that has been accomplished. Only now the libs are picturing a 70 year old man naked. #MAGA Answer: 79833 Question: @user @user Because Liberals are insane and btw had this been a Democrat nominee and the accuser was a female conservative she would not be heard. Heck look at Keith Ellison's accuser who has proof. They've turned their back on her and she's a democrat! Why is the @user not helping her? Answer: 69444 Question: @user Attention! @user is publicizing an ANTIFA target list on his account. The list has high profile names AND many random Trump Supporters' names. Twitter has NOT suspended this account. Please help report him. (check out his account Lists"" )."" Answer: 69444 Question: @user @user @user She is a walking talking lie.. that’s why. Answer: 79833 Question: @user All I'm hearing is We don't care that people in this country are being unjustly treated, I'm going to make up an excuse as to why kneeling is offensive so I continue to ignore the problems we face as a Nation."""" Answer: 69444 Question: #diversity has become #tribalism. #culturalappropriation is Left's 'unwinding of #America. #tcot #conservatives"" Answer:
Question: @user Russia had Ivan the Terrible. FSU has Willie the Terrible. He is to FSU what Bitch Rod was to Michigan and Tango Charlie was to Texas. We pay this piece of shit $5 million to put up 10 points against our first two FBS opponents. Even Western Michigan scores 41 against Syracuse. Answer: Viyoc Question: @user ...Stay Classy!!...what a bully - if I were the ump I take her to court for bringing his reputation into disrepute...🤔🤔🤔 Answer: TJDB Question: California - Creepy Fake Uber Driver Tries to Follow Woman Into Her Home #MAGA #KAG #California #FakeUberDriver #BodyWrapRestraint #CrimeNews Answer: Viyoc Question: @user @user @user It started with Cameron and May is even worse. She is not a Conservative! Answer: Viyoc Question: @user Yet the number of applications from liberals that were rejected was higher then yours. You sound salty that the liberals had more people looking for use this program but you guys just had people with worst values. Answer: TJDB Question: @user Bono... who cares. Soon people will understand that they gain nothing from following a phony celebrity. Become a Leader of your people instead or help and support your fellow countrymen. Answer: TJDB Question: @user @user The pope is Satan incarnate Answer: Viyoc Question: @user Right!? Good grief...he is just perfect 😊😘❤❤ Answer: TJDB Question: @user @user He is delirious! Answer:
Question: @user She says no. You are now sad. She then realizes what you might actually mean. She slaps you. She says no. Now you are sad AND your face hurts. Answer: Saquk Question: @user This is dumb. An European government is allowed to make a decision that affects the entire planet. Also how would they even enforce this? Are they going to bug every computer in the world? Answer: Saquk Question: @user @user @user If it is true why wait to say anything until now? Answer : liberals will do/say anything not to have conservatives on the court. Answer: 28755 Question: @user Yes. You are! 😄 And your passion for him is lovely...😊 Answer: 28755 Question: @user @user in every conner coz anti pakistani will not able to attack on our future generation rights Answer: Saquk Question: @user @user These liberals have no problem lying. Answer: Saquk Question: #Westminster @user #Tories @user @user #Brexit 🇬🇧 @user #Brexiteers #OutOfTheEU @user #EU #Brussels #Remoaners #Remainers #Quislings #FBPE #Non-Patriots #Anti-UK #Pro-EU #Traitors #snowflakes #bedwetters #LeftieLuvvieLiberals 😂😂😂😂 Answer: 28755 Question: @user @user A stark reminder that @user and you are trying to con us with chequers and a bit of our waters back - not good enough - @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user appeasing is not a good look @user Answer: 28755 Question: @user Rip lmao who knows 😂 that's why I'm trying so hard not to expose my shits since they can't never relate anyway Answer:
Question: @user @user What new gun control laws would you like to see passed and what would they accomplish? Answer: 39120 Question: #luddites eh @user should embrace tech #gigeconomy @user @user #ThursdayThoughts Answer: 39120 Question: @user Antifa has never attacked voters by the way. That’s a full on lie. You have the informational diet of thinking cotton candy is a vegetable. You might want to reflect on that. Answer: 39120 Question: @user @user I believe that Melania Trump is an abused woman maybe not physically but definitely mentally by an abuser husband and she is afraid to speak out against her abuser. Answer: Zocal Question: @user @user @user @user Yeah bitch we put him back in and beat your sorry asses the bears SUCK!! BLEW A 20-0 LEAD LMAOOOO Answer: Zocal Question: @user The Dregs of Society"" are ISIS, ANTIFA, BLM, Planned Parenthood, Illllegal aliens, Pedofiles, and liberals. This is who the Democrats support. Once again, accusing others of what YOU, Biden are guilty of."" Answer: Zocal Question: @user Oh I never had any doubt.. Read all about the Dirty Wars too..He is a slovenly POS.. Jesuit who worships Satan.. Answer: Zocal Question: @user Oh I love this so much and had no idea your daughter and family had been through the struggle of childhood leukemia. So happy to hear she is a healthy strong college athlete! Much love to you and yours... ❤️💪🏻❤️ Answer: 39120 Question: @user It’s Good for our Gun Business. More Guns sell when these people bring up Gun Control. Keep up the Great Work. Guns for All. Answer:
Question: @user He should leak that shit anyways lol Answer: Jezom Question: @user sick of white neo liberals speaking for Black people saying they all love Hillary. They are so deluded. It’s like they just rep ‘black lives matter’ so they can appear woke enough to keep railing against Bernie supporters. Because you know they didn’t care b4 Hillary lost 2 trump Answer: Jezom Question: @user I see Antifa as a war on peaceful assembly Answer: BSGH Question: @user @user @user @user If the justice system is working against American values then the results of this graph would be a badge of HONOR for our great President and his supporters! Stop the liberals dead in their tracks! #NotBakingYourCake #ProudToLoveJesus Answer: BSGH Question: @user Well he’s closer to Lincoln than you are. Answer: BSGH Question: @user PHOOEY! It wasn't about stepping forward"" it was about @user helping @user wield a crude sharp axe on the UK's poor and vulnerable. He is a total hypocrite and fraud in a stupid affected style hat."" Answer: Jezom Question: @user @user @user Women + Liberals. Nuff said. Kavanaugh to be confirmed next week regardless of these desperate games. Game over. #MAGA Answer: BSGH Question: @user @user You are whoring yourself out for NRA $$! Answer: Jezom Question: @user How about Sessions indict him and his cohorts for Operation Fast and Furious Answer:
Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user So the AR-15 is a fully semi-automatic assault rifle,"" gun control works, and Donald Trump is racist?"" Answer: 13900 Question: @user @user Liberals have always wanted to get their hands in your wallet and and now they want to get them in your pants. Answer: Corob Question: @user @user Ain't nobody bitter here. Women who know their worth spending their life upgrading"" somebody son but actually LIVING it and becoming their best versions for THEMSELVES. You go look cute on your maid outfit, like you always do"" Answer: 13900 Question: @user These bitches on my brain Answer: 13900 Question: @user @user She is but that's not why we're friends. Answer: Corob Question: @user @user @user It started with Cameron and May is even worse. She is not a Conservative! Answer: 13900 Question: @user @user @user Running away from the truth yet again and using childish language. Provide a competent argument justifying #Brexit even is it’s just to prove that you are not a Russian algorithm designed to disrupt Britain’s society and economy. Answer: Corob Question: @user @user We must pray every single day. Answer: Corob Question: #Westminster @user #Tories @user @user #Brexit 🇬🇧 @user #Brexiteers #OutOfTheEU @user #EU #Brussels #Remoaners #Remainers #Quislings #FBPE #Non-Patriots #Anti-UK #Pro-EU #Traitors #snowflakes #bedwetters #LeftieLuvvieLiberals 😂😂😂😂 Answer:
Question: Low T and the Poontang Clan aka Fucking Donald Trump #trump #maga #art #comicart Answer: VAKX Question: @user No and they’re expensive ass hell Answer: CLXB Question: @user Liberals are all Kookoo !!! Answer: CLXB Question: @user Everyone in the US “heard” you were clearly not qualified to do this job and voted accordingly. Answer: VAKX Question: @user @user That's how liberals interoperate the law! One more reason to make sure we flood the courts with conservative Judges. Answer: VAKX Question: @user Big O - you are right - you don't lose to Gabbert Answer: VAKX Question: @user ....and boobs. Do NOT forget the tatas. ❤️ Answer: CLXB Question: @user I thought that I could not dislike anyone more than your father but I was wrong. You are even more PATHETIC than he is. Your children must be so proud to have a father who behaves like you. Tick tock.... #MuellerIsComingForYouToo #PatheticLittleManJr Answer: CLXB Question: @user Good. He is a head case. Go get a Passrusher Answer:
Question: @user His fruits comes not only from his mouth; he is a liar and a deceiver. He is definitely NOT a Catholic — he likes to re-form the Church to his own image. Answer: Tazop Question: @user It’s a brilliant idea! Since all the liberals want open boarders we have to pay for them someway what would you suggest @user ? Build the dam wall and start taking care of the American people!! Trump 2020 🇺🇸 #draintheswamp Answer: Doxib Question: @user Antifa has never attacked voters by the way. That’s a full on lie. You have the informational diet of thinking cotton candy is a vegetable. You might want to reflect on that. Answer: Doxib Question: @user He is starting to tweet nonsense like Mango Mussolini Answer: Tazop Question: @user Everyone in the US “heard” you were clearly not qualified to do this job and voted accordingly. Answer: Doxib Question: @user @user says social housing is good and in the same breath talks of climbing the ladder. Hypocrisy incarnate from a failed lying politician lining her party's pockets with tax money for real estate builders @user building their failure of lies Answer: Tazop Question: @user Hey why don’t you look at what Keith Elison of Minnesota get off your bully pulpit and do a investigation into his past abuse or do you just CHEERY PICK ……!!! Answer: Tazop Question: @user Yes. You are! 😄 And your passion for him is lovely...😊 Answer: Doxib Question: @user He is! Talking about “ I don’t need excuses I just need my money” 💀😂 Answer:
Question: -------->The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control. #USConstitution Answer: 42438 Question: @user ME BITCH I WILL Answer: CSLY Question: @user Well didn't James Comey lie? Or does it only count of you are not FBI? I thought under oath was under oath. Maybe I am wrong. Answer: 42438 Question: @user Dumb kid Answer: CSLY Question: @user Doesn't surprise me. Texans hate Liberals w/ Soros backing. Answer: CSLY Question: @user By 'democracy' of course he means the Democrat party. Answer: 42438 Question: @user Cali already has some of the most strict gun control laws in the county. And you can't blame this on on Indiana. Answer: CSLY Question: @user Hillary is a good reason to keep the electoral college. Answer: 42438 Question: @user @user @user @user And democrats ARE out here trying to have policies of gun control. Try watching other news outlets other than Fox. Answer:
Question: @user He is so funny 😂😂😂 Answer: 84915 Question: @user @user @user @user stop playing the pronoun game. what sides are being talked about? because a case can be made that both Democrats and Republicans are responsible due to both kowtowing to money from NRA and manufacturers, but not both sides of anti-gun control vs gun control"""" Answer: 84915 Question: @user @user Dr Merck just following orders. Abysmal little pharma troll he is. Answer: 81070 Question: @user I really thought so. He is the God of rap. How do you come back from that Answer: 81070 Question: @user @user @user @user We know it’s a strategy conservatives have.... not working Answer: 84915 Question: #Republicans grow some balls and start playing dirty like these liberals assholes do! Answer: 81070 Question: @user EXACTLY! Nice 😊 Answer: 84915 Question: @user Just listening to Juan Williams on the FIVE drives me crazy. He is such an ignorant man. Where does this man get his facts? Thank GOD for Jesse Waters and you ladies! Answer: 81070 Question: The Dog is on the hunt! #MAGA Answer:
Question: @user @user lmao @ the WORLD league viewership compared to league of legends or overwatch or cs:go. Main issues are that the format is shit and the game is on console. So you need to fix one of them. Console could be turned into an advantage uf u capture the attention of Joe Shmo Answer: Sozar Question: @user idk u too well but that must be a fuckin delicious corn chip that someone misses dearly Answer: Sozar Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user More people scared of what the Liberals will think and say about them. This is rampant around conservatives. The only ones who ever stopped giving them that power were the Trump movement and they absolutely won everything including the internets. Answer: 29933 Question: @user @user @user @user The Institution only let her tweet when she behaves. She is a Window Licker!!!! Answer: Sozar Question: @user @user @user @user stop playing the pronoun game. what sides are being talked about? because a case can be made that both Democrats and Republicans are responsible due to both kowtowing to money from NRA and manufacturers, but not both sides of anti-gun control vs gun control"""" Answer: 29933 Question: @user love everything you are doing including you yourself. Your voice vibe body sound flow is all awesome and yummy. Will be waiting for the next song u make. Good luck on your journey. Answer: 29933 Question: @user Yeah . Niggas who dey wear durag nor dey joke. Hard as fuck Answer: Sozar Question: @user He won't live long now Answer: 29933 Question: .@USER joined the show to talk about how she is leading the fight against breast cancer at @user @user Listen to the full interview: Answer:
Question: @user Big O - you are right - you don't lose to Gabbert Answer: Lozeb Question: @user @user GET OUT OF MY MENTIONS (i stand corrected) Answer: Lozeb Question: @user All you do is lie. All congress does us lie. MAGA. Answer: EYDA Question: @user If liberals can’t win they will do whatever it takes to obstruct the process. Answer: Lozeb Question: @user @user And that's where you are seeing what you want to see. You think these people want to look manly and powerful. I see them expressing solidarity. what a useless thing to mock. Answer: EYDA Question: @user Get away from these lying toxic people! Answer: EYDA Question: @user @user Ezra is a cockroach who needs to have light shone on. Answer: EYDA Question: @user @user Dammit!! I fell asleep. Can someone tell me what they were chanting about? Answer: Lozeb Question: @user fool Answer:
Question: @user Donald Trump has always been a dangerous animal to the defeated liberal left demonrat and communists like Brennan. Answer: Sozoc Question: @user @user “Only the best people” #MAGA Answer: Sozoc Question: @user oh shit uhhh what ao3 fic is this Answer: ONSW Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I am a Warrior to Many Gardens💕But without my Country and Children💞Why Garden🙏💕🇺🇸🇺🇸😎 Answer: Sozoc Question: @user @user The pope is Satan incarnate Answer: ONSW Question: @user Well you are dumped Answer: Sozoc Question: @user Oh my god. They’re so fucking cute. Answer: ONSW Question: @user Fascist always control the media. Answer: ONSW Question: @user @user This is what happens when you allow employees to destroy your brand. Americans will never choose Football over our Flag. ALWAYS STAND Answer:
Question: @user All I'm hearing is We don't care that people in this country are being unjustly treated, I'm going to make up an excuse as to why kneeling is offensive so I continue to ignore the problems we face as a Nation."""" Answer: 99162 Question: @user OMG why do we care about these Hollywood Liberals?? Answer: 99162 Question: @user I can’t cuz that nigga retarded smh Answer: PMGQ Question: @user @user @user ;) Keep An Eye Out Answer: 99162 Question: . @user @user @user @user Fake conservatives and their fake outrage over the budget betrayal Answer: PMGQ Question: @user @user Dr Merck just following orders. Abysmal little pharma troll he is. Answer: PMGQ Question: @user Liberals won't cry over milk they won't spill. Answer: 99162 Question: @user I saw some shit today that made me want to @ her and politely ask her if I could be her stylist.... because I'm not here for these early 2000 bangle bracelets and unnecessary accessories like who's responsible? I have a few words. Answer: PMGQ Question: @user @user I want to prove to him how actually retarded he is Answer:
Question: @user @user 100% agree. If we see him starting this year it is because Maxi goes cold. I hope he is a next year starter... Answer: 70771 Question: @user @user @user Don't listen to him. He is a disgrace & just trying to score points with the MSM. Juan Williams has been very disappointing to listen to because I have liked his opinion on things. Answer: 70771 Question: @user Me-Too lynchings of innocent Republicans/conservatives will continue if GOP let's the Kavanaugh fraud prevail. GOP should fight fire with fire and do this one time to a prominent Dem male. Watch it stop after that. Answer: YNIF Question: @user @user Proud gun owner here. Gun control would definitely fix it. Plenty of societies have solved this problem. We can do much better than this. Answer: 70771 Question: @user Reason is he is in a small market on a mediocre team. Answer: YNIF Question: @user Carrey is a pig🤬 Answer: YNIF Question: Are all the republiKlan maga wearing traitors going to dig through their childhood toy chest just to post videos of burning #Ernie & #Bert dolls? #ernieandbert #SesameStreet #Toad #MarioKart #TraitorTrump #traitortoad Answer: YNIF Question: @user looking forward to seeing what you are bringing to the market. The rum market has needed some quality infusion for quite some time. Fingers crossed for a quality spiced rum. Answer: 70771 Question: @user How? You can’t just say “Wrong” with no evidence for why it is. You said you agree with Sargon I’m pretty much every subject but gun control and healthcare. That’s not what a centrist believes. Answer:
Question: Energy Independence: A 'bi-product' of Donald Trump's relentless pursuit to #MAGA! Answer: 32513 Question: @user Doesn't surprise me. Texans hate Liberals w/ Soros backing. Answer: Firom Question: @user This message was approved by #antifa #pussyhats #BLM Answer: 32513 Question: #Hillary once said that if #Trump wins, We all hang from Nooses."" The deeper this goes, the more we learn why #Clinton freaked out when she realized #Trump could win. #conservatives #TCOT #Unmasking #ReleaseTheMemo #SusanRice #FBI #DeepState #Mueller"" Answer: 32513 Question: @user @user @user I agree. There are obese people trying to change the way they are. Good luck to them. Not lazy. Tess_Holliday is doing the opposite. She is actively promoting that its good and beautiful to be obese. Its not. And its down to being lazy and greedy. Simple science Answer: Firom Question: @user @user Yeah and guess what helped DC become Not the Murder Capital of the World? Gun control! It works! Answer: Firom Question: @user Hes sure as hell not one of is either... traitor liberals- all of them- Answer: Firom Question: @user Billions of Dollars is being spent on new plants all around the country!"" Can someone on the MAGA side please point me to what new plants are currently under construction? Because this is false as I understand it. Answer: 32513 Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Had all but one. Agreed EVERY one of these MAGA patriots is a must follow. Let's do this together for our great nation in 2018! Then repeat in 2020 and 2022!!! Answer:
Question: @user Breitbart is dead Answer: 40683 Question: 100% agree with Trump on this. Surprised to see so many liberals talk about how cute he was sneaking candy at a war criminal's funeral. Answer: HSIZ Question: @user I respect you so much. I love what youfe doing regarding our youth and our culture. Thank you for loving your people. You are loved and appreciated. Blessings multiplied u to you! Answer: 40683 Question: @user Patrick ass?? Answer: HSIZ Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Don’t forget Antifa & Southern Poverty Smear Center. Answer: 40683 Question: @user Shut up man You are useless Answer: HSIZ Question: @user Haven't watched it in years. #NoNFLZoneHome @user #QAnon #MAGA. Answer: 40683 Question: @user Reason is he is in a small market on a mediocre team. Answer: HSIZ Question: Captain Maga getting slandered? And it wasn’t from me? Damn. Answer:
Question: @user @user SHE IS A FUCKING MESS!! I HATE HER SO MUCH Answer: QJFF Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Retweet complete & followed all patriots!🇺🇸🌪️🚨❌✌️ Answer: SARD Question: @user @user @user @user You are not dumb. Answer: SARD Question: @user This makes me proud to be a resident of the City of Atlanta! Good to see places in Georgia still have character and integrity to do what's right and just amidst a state who can never seem to get that part together. Answer: SARD Question: @user They cite Jones being banned for violating Twitter's ToS. There are blue checkmarks spewing the same, if not worse, kind of shit. If you are going to play the anyone can get banned"" card. Shouldn't these people also receive bans and suspensions? #VerifiedHate"" Answer: QJFF Question: @user whoaaa that's amazing i wanna see her now 😝 also you are a kinky lil slut but ily Answer: QJFF Question: @user It's all liberals have. It's all they ever had. They see everything through the prism of race. Answer: SARD Question: @user Better take an extra antidepressant Cher it’s a done deal. 🇺🇸 Answer: QJFF Question: @user @user You are pathetic. This has nothing to do with him his dad or the wall or Mexico. This is about Swallwell thinking its ok for liberals to threaten repubs but not the other away around. Answer:
Question: @user thanks Joe!!! my sanity was forsaken a looong time ago hahaha Answer: Vemon Question: #USA (I feel your pain, even while I profit causing it!) #liberals , U gotta luv 'em! Redistributing wealth not on their menu- serve up identity politics slop. So you destroyed #Libya -ya'll never catch Bill now -he's got million dead #Iraqi kids (sanctions '90's) under his belt Answer: Vemon Question: @user Between that and antifa claiming territory"" like a gang and beating up that vet, the American left just can't stop shooting itself in the foot"" Answer: 66611 Question: @user @user @user Do it with quran and then we will see how much atheist and brave she is... hindus figured it out that this type of attention grabbing big boss wanna be people are not worth it... Go live in your 2 minutes Prime Time covered life ... Lord krishna and his followers don't care Answer: Vemon Question: @user @user @user And don't forget his telling a primarily black liberal audience conservatives want to put them back in chains"""" Answer: 66611 Question: @user Bono mocks nationalists during his concert in the last free part of Paris. Answer: 66611 Question: @user When atmosphere turns greenish tint from greenhouse gases and humans eat humans in candy bar form maybe I’ll care. MAGA!!!!!!!! Answer: Vemon Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user 😀You are welcome. Answer: 66611 Question: @user Your continual use of Left liberal Progressive on your show are Euphemisms for the democrat Party who owns"" them until deny them & ideology. You are lying to the Public by not calling a spade a spade."" Answer:
Question: @user Likely shift? He is a political operative for the GOP. This will be a life-long dream for many who have been working towards this outcome for decades. It’s sad. Answer: Tipoy Question: @user 3/ you can not like Justin all you want but the conservatives have no plan to even consider climate change and have been using BLATANT misinformation to lead people like yourself into believing that it’s Trudeau’s fault we’re negotiating with a fucking sociopath down south Answer: Tipoy Question: @user If bobby is fit thats exactly what i would say but not sure if he is or not Answer: Wakof Question: @user Good morning. You are welcome. Answer: Wakof Question: @user It’s more what she does than who she is Answer: Tipoy Question: @user @user #brexit @user So we are being dangled another fictional carrot by CONservatives of an increase in social housing in 2021......we don’t know what’s happening in 6 months? Are we meant to be as stupid as Trump supporters and swallow this propaganda? Answer: Wakof Question: @user I hope they beat his ass in private. Answer: Tipoy Question: @user @user @user Thank you for your conscience and actions. Answer: Wakof Question: @user NO BITCH I MEANT I DIDNT KNOW WE WERE DOING IT NOT ZOOMED IN NO BITCH THIS IS FUN Answer:
Question: @user And yes your presidency was one of the absolute worst. Go back to way. Answer: Cubob Question: @user Mueller can go fornicate himself. He is as crooked as the day is long. Answer: JSIL Question: @user @user Yeah. He’s very immature & can dish out criticism while crying and blocking instead of accepting any. It’s cool. Folks can see him for who he is mostly. Answer: JSIL Question: @user @user @user @user Huh! The pot grows as council this case it is a reduction...and that amount $25m is going right back to the city for police gun control...already announced! Answer: Cubob Question: @user @user 100% agree. If we see him starting this year it is because Maxi goes cold. I hope he is a next year starter... Answer: Cubob Question: @user She is a fake a fraud and a democrat activist plant. She is a tool to try to derail the process and then to later drum up votes for democrats claiming conservatives don't care about victims. If Democrats cared if they wouldn't cheapen real victims with fakes. Answer: JSIL Question: @user Fuckin poisonous group of people. As soon as someone hands me a hat with a propeller on top... I'm out. Find another company to work for lemmings. Answer: JSIL Question: @user He is still one of my favorites Answer: Cubob Question: @user A better decision by the students would be to go to a community college at a fraction of the cost and actually learn something worthwhile.... over priced courses like this are an absolute waste of many articles have been written lately on amount of student debt? Answer:
Question: @user What are you afraid of liberals. You screamed for transparency!Now that POTUS is doing just that you are screaming to keep it secret.The truth is there. You don’t want it seen.Liberals are hypocrites & the alphabet agencies have some bad apples involved in a soft coup. Tick Tock Answer: TDXD Question: .@USER Liberals attack private lives when they can't attack policies. Answer: Qukog Question: @user Good. He is a head case. Go get a Passrusher Answer: Qukog Question: @user @user The pope is Satan incarnate Answer: TDXD Question: @user She is not Lisa Answer: Qukog Question: @user Even if suspended ...he is an absolute game changer. #makeithappen Answer: Qukog Question: @user I can't wait for Kavanaugh to throw gun control in the garbage can where it belongs. Answer: TDXD Question: @user @user Actually he is a soy boy. Answer: TDXD Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ACHTUNG - It's today vote now being question by Hungarian @user - Answer:
Question: @user @user what? Answer: Patup Question: @user Rezz is a dumb bitch who will get a rude awakening from BNF in Mexico lol Answer: 56253 Question: @user @user And Lambda would be on the lower end, as others are saying on the high end is trying for influence. Anyway, you are right in that I wasn't using better investment"" exclusively from a $ return PoV, but from a ""quality of life return"" PoV... some of that is money but not all."" Answer: Patup Question: @user @user NO REAL AMERICAN WOULD WATCH THIS CRAP Answer: 56253 Question: @user @user @user @user @user Leave that to your Antifa cronies amirite? Answer: Patup Question: @user @user Miriam Answer: 56253 Question: @user His eyes are fucking louder than his words!!!! 😍😍💜💜 Answer: 56253 Question: #Politics #Government LIBERALS WON'T LIKE THIS --> @user says @user took a call from @user and talked about our plan."" via @user Answer: Patup Question: @user @user @user @user Conservatives: Always dying on the wrong hill. Answer:
Question: @user Hitler would be so proud of David Hogg Answer: GESP Question: @user @user @user Trump is a very sick man. He is toxic and mean spirited. Answer: GESP Question: @user America first #MAGA magic Answer: VVAF Question: @user @user You are whoring yourself out for NRA $$! Answer: GESP Question: @user He really bisca fool huh Answer: GESP Question: @user Oh I love this so much and had no idea your daughter and family had been through the struggle of childhood leukemia. So happy to hear she is a healthy strong college athlete! Much love to you and yours... ❤️💪🏻❤️ Answer: VVAF Question: 💥Putting faces to the Deep State💥 James O'Keefe of @user Announces Deep State Investigation at the Gateway Eagle Forum. Fantastic! Looking forward to this 😁 #ConspiracyNoMore #PatriotsWin #TrumpTreason #TheTruthShallSetUsFree #MAGA #WWG1WGA Answer: VVAF Question: @user @user I agree with you completely! The views that he has on gun control seems like it’s common sense but why do you think that it’s so uncommon to use common sense when trying to find a way to stop gun violence? Answer: VVAF Question: @user @user @user Okay violent liberal ANTIFA with your KKK hoods beating up strangers you know nothing about! Answer:
Question: @user I just said that very same thing. That Christians"" create a life/death for Dr. Ford or Stormy Daniels who tell their stories, but I don't see (not counting Antifa) that happening from us to them. It's so weird. Not very Christ-like of them, at the least of it, and so vile, etc"" Answer: Vakuy Question: @user @user tough to speak your mind at work if your a conservative..amazing that this occurred in work setting. Bizarre. Answer: Vakuy Question: @user I know many too !!! we liberals just don't feel the need to dance around waving them like the maga idiots. Answer: NLEO Question: @user @user lmao @ the WORLD league viewership compared to league of legends or overwatch or cs:go. Main issues are that the format is shit and the game is on console. So you need to fix one of them. Console could be turned into an advantage uf u capture the attention of Joe Shmo Answer: NLEO Question: @user This makes me proud to be a resident of the City of Atlanta! Good to see places in Georgia still have character and integrity to do what's right and just amidst a state who can never seem to get that part together. Answer: Vakuy Question: 6/7 ....drunk 17-year-old tell us little about his character as 53-year-old, let alone about his competency as a jurist."" But it seems a tad more likely that conservatives are merely clarifying, yet again, that “LAW AND ORDER MEANS USING THE LAW TO REINFORCE A SOCIAL ORDER."""" Answer: NLEO Question: @user @user #MAGA Make Alcatraz Great Again Answer: Vakuy Question: @user I don't believe she's even getting death threats. Conservatives don't roll that way. Plus her & her attorneys bankroll is Soros Answer: NLEO Question: @user @user Could anyone expect anything less from a fool like j rubin? Incompetent hair on fire libs cost people their lives and blame it Pres. Trump. Answer:
Question: @user He is quite good at faking. Must have done it numerous times Answer: DNDJ Question: @user Gun control is a weak subject for him. Two hands please Answer: Yiniz Question: @user You are welcome. I don't always say it, but I'm so greatfull for this... everything. Thank you... we had nothing and you and Thor has given us everything. So if you ever need anything in return, just say the word and we will help,"" She truly was just so greatfull."" Answer: Yiniz Question: @user Fascist always control the media. Answer: DNDJ Question: @user This is absolutely unbelievable. So these protests and mobs are run out of the state dept.??? How about Antifa?? No wonder they all wear masks. Probably govt. employees using their PTO's. It would explain how so many people can show up anywhere on a weekday. Answer: Yiniz Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user damn... then I'll drink and fight right next to him... OOH RAH its party time and Antifa are the pinatas Answer: Yiniz Question: @user @user The name alt right is to make people think its a right wing group.just like ANTIFA that are fascist. BLM that really to they all black lives dont matter. Answer: DNDJ Question: @user Please don't start with what he is concerned about. She wants to go out, if he has something planned or an idea of what to do. Movie or not, it's scary."" Avery felt like there was something she wanted him to know, but she couldn't remember what off the top of her head."" Answer: DNDJ Question: @user do you have run support data? I’m guessing Nola has gotten more. Everything equal I go with wins but his season is just so good I think he is the exception. Answer:
Question: @user 7 $ million buyout. Losers. Answer: 29114 Question: @user No time for political correctness. It is a Lie. Everyone knows this. Behind the scenes the liberals are laughing. Take the vote. Answer: 54006 Question: @user @user Way over the head..."" you #Liberals are all the same.. ""@USER supporters are stupid"" ""If you think for yourself, you are a racist"" ""Aboilish ICE so we can have open borders and more crime."" Get out of you bubble for a minute and look at how great the country is doing. #MAGA"" Answer: 29114 Question: @user @user in every conner coz anti pakistani will not able to attack on our future generation rights Answer: 29114 Question: @user NO BITCH I MEANT I DIDNT KNOW WE WERE DOING IT NOT ZOOMED IN NO BITCH THIS IS FUN Answer: 29114 Question: @user @user @user @user Huh! The pot grows as council this case it is a reduction...and that amount $25m is going right back to the city for police gun control...already announced! Answer: 54006 Question: @user @user @user I'm betting she only has to submit to a blood test if she is a driver in a vehicular accident where a death or grave injury occurred. Answer: 54006 Question: @user @user @user You forgot ANTIFA Answer: 54006 Question: @user All my guns are defensive; even the one that shoots further. Answer:
Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user I saw her in Denver last week. She is still traumatized. Cohen owes her so much because of 'My Life on the D List'. Answer: Hevoz Question: @user @user Bwaaaaa!! Compared to who...Trump...bwaaaaaaa! Compared to that corrupt demented lunatic she is a godsend!!! Answer: KFNM Question: @user 2011 I still got all my shits Answer: Hevoz Question: @user Happy now liberals! Answer: Hevoz Question: @user @user Choosing heartless politician over your ancestors country. Speaks volumes as to who you are. Answer: KFNM Question: @user He is so funny 😂😂😂 Answer: Hevoz Question: California - Creepy Fake Uber Driver Tries to Follow Woman Into Her Home #MAGA #KAG #California #FakeUberDriver #BodyWrapRestraint #CrimeNews Answer: KFNM Question: @user Rep Maxine Waters has been threatening violence on you the President and vise President. How come she is permitted to do this. Is the DOJ and Washington capital Police sleeping?? Why are all democrats above the law? This is a crime! Answer: KFNM Question: (Not th@ @user taking a knee has anything 2do w/military but)most #Conservatives hate him far more than they care about #vaterans smh #TrumpsAmerica Answer:
Question: @user Nobody is addressing the cow in the room. Not even when Florence is still doing her thing. It's like after a mass shooting and it's the wrong time to talk about gun control. @user Answer: 41685 Question: @user @user Yeah. He’s very immature & can dish out criticism while crying and blocking instead of accepting any. It’s cool. Folks can see him for who he is mostly. Answer: 41685 Question: @user Liberals are SICK. This false accuser should be incarcerated for her bald-faced lies. Answer: 41685 Question: @user @user Can you name one Democratic leader who endorses open borders? Second point syntactically nonsensical. I lament climate change & I don’t have a private jet. I favor more gun control & I don’t glorify guns or have armed security. Who is this fantasy “they” you r fixated on? Answer: 72102 Question: @user She is a hot one 🔥🔥🔥 Answer: 72102 Question: @user LIAR!!!!.... see Clarence Thomas confirmation.... this was never about the lie! was always a delay tactic...nothing more...disgusting liberals and the Game they call 'politics' Answer: 41685 Question: @user He’s Alt-Left. None of them use logic or make sense Answer: 72102 Question: @user He is Spartacus!!! Answer: 72102 Question: @user Haha we set then 😂 Answer:
Question: @user @user Why are you wasting time replying on twitter (trolling) on behalf of people making under that amount? Seems like someone is just a propaganda pusher...or likes gloating to other #MAGA's that they got screwed by Trump. Answer: 54916 Question: @user @user The no gun zone"" is still having trouble. By all means, gun control is the answer! Lol"" Answer: Catiq Question: @user Mom better watch out for the Moron's hands. He has at least 17 accusation of sexual harassment charges. He is also affected by Pee stained skin due to his liking to be peed on! Answer: 54916 Question: @user @user @user @user @user My experience is the gun control activists don't really want a conversation, they want capitulation. The way around that would be to open with proposals to expand gun rights in exchange for whatever is they're looking for. There can't really be a conversation"" without that"" Answer: Catiq Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user Good luck with that! I dont follow along with fascists like the #resist movement and their apple and google overlords. I know what happened in ww2 and its the rhetoric they use that put us there. I dont need a GOD"" to see the hate spewed from #Antifa and how that is wrong."" Answer: 54916 Question: @user the U.S. is tying to increase the cost of drugs in Canada and Conservatives are helping him Answer: Catiq Question: @user @user ..........kindergarten for adults??? Answer: Catiq Question: @user ajsjjsjdkkdjdk i want him so much he’d literally tell me to die and i’d obey him Answer: 54916 Question: @user bitch call me. Answer:
Question: Exactly what the #LeftistLibTards wanted to happen. Try are a #Corrupt and #Miserable Party. Answer: 12541 Question: @user Didn’t break rules. Had permission. A liar. Answer: 12541 Question: @user @user What a waste of one’s short life.🤷🏻‍♂️🇺🇸 Answer: Tirag Question: @user State level crime when the alleged offender was a juvenile. Silly liberals no crime committed by Kavanaugh but probably one by the liar Ford #DemocratsDividingAndDestroyingAmerica #DemocratsHateAmerica Answer: Tirag Question: @user We in this bitch together 💁🏽‍♂️ Answer: Tirag Question: @user no he came back to nyc w ducky Answer: 12541 Question: @user She is so little and moving so fast lol Answer: 12541 Question: @user Political hit job. What a slap in the face to all the women that were really abused. You liberals know this is a hit. Your leader @user told you to lie and do whatever you have to do to regain power. Pathetic Answer: Tirag Question: @user @user As well this would allow you to still protest. But not stop a speaker or a group. Really Hitler did this in the early time of the Nazi party a group known as the SS would beat up politicians and people that didn't agree with them. (Sounds familiar smells like Antifa.) Answer:
Question: @user @user @user Conservatives wont whitewash the accusations...both sides will be heard! In private and again in public if necessary...let THEM hash out the actual significance of an event 37years ago between a 17yr old BOY and a 15yr old GIRL.. I would go so far as to say let each cross-examine Answer: XKEH Question: @user @user Pushed to my limits. Answer: Tifab Question: @user @user @user Why do you think? It really doesn't matter who she's representing. We know it's not the people. By extension we know she lies pretending she is weighing the evidence. She is always only looking for an excuse for her votes supporting whoever owns her. Answer: XKEH Question: @user @user I'm all for gun control use both hand's Answer: Tifab Question: @user @user @user You're good Candy You are good 🤣🤣 Answer: XKEH Question: @user He is so full of BS! Answer: Tifab Question: @user @user @user I hope @user Ask @user about the deep state and swamp creatures undermining president’s Agendas and latest @user video Answer: XKEH Question: @user This will be settled and will never see a jury. We will never know the truth. Maybe she grabbed him first while swapping spit or he is really that stupid to just grab her. Either way I doubt we will ever know the complete truth. Answer: Tifab Question: #DEMOCRACY Civil Disobedience is Paramount"" #DumpFord #Dictatorship #CONservatives #Liars #Fascists #ONpoli #TOpoli It’s time for Ontario’s other municipalities to stand up for local democracy via @user Answer:
Question: @user 👌🏻 I’ve never seen anyone talk like that on Twitter before and I’ve seen some really messed up shit Answer: JVBJ Question: #MaxineWaters: #Trump ‘Has Displayed the Most Despicable Behavior That Any Human Being Could Do’ #MAGA Answer: JVBJ Question: @user @user Can you ask Dana how worried she is for her home in (South?) Carolina? Is it close to the coast? I’m currently in N. Carolina (1st time visiting) and I get welcomed w/ a hurricane! Lordy day.. 😥😨 Answer: Kafup Question: @user CNN = Fake News Answer: JVBJ Question: Roy Moore"" ""Allegations From Far Distant Past"" ""Bezos"" ""Bunny"" ""Satire"" #drellenbrandt #MAGA Dr. Melissa Bunny, via a Medium, tells us from beyond the grave: ""About 35 years ago, Jeff Bezos put his hands on me, cut my head off, and cooked me as hasenpfeffer for dinner."" 🐇🐇🐇 Answer: JVBJ Question: @user @user @user You should take this picture down you destroyed one of my all time favorite Comedian/Actors @user Answer: Kafup Question: @user Billions of Dollars is being spent on new plants all around the country!"" Can someone on the MAGA side please point me to what new plants are currently under construction? Because this is false as I understand it. Answer: Kafup Question: @user Do you support our POTUS? (Please help by retweeting and following after voting!) Long live USA😍 #MAGA Answer: Kafup Question: @user @user People change over time. Why did the president change his stance on gun control after his first campaign? Perhaps Kaepernick embraced this issue after he read up on the history of this subject -- a history you don't seem to acknowledge. Answer:
Question: @user Conservatives who quit rather than fight betray every claim that cons are patriots"" & ""will fight for our Constitution."" It reveals extremism & defeatism at once. Dems KNOW they will win if they stick together. History PROVES it."" Answer: GVRL Question: @user It really is. My abs are lot more defined but I miss lifting heavy ass weight. Thank you girl! Answer: GVRL Question: @user Proud. Shit is fire no matter what weather you’re in. No matter if your house temperature is high or low. Everyone’s just too pussy to get in the water for 1 min. Cuz after that you get used to the temp Answer: GVRL Question: @user Another reason not to root for the Panthers...#MAGA Answer: KCWR Question: @user But she never questioned Congress’ sluch fund to payoff sexual harassment settlements. Answer: KCWR Question: #ownthelibs interesting documentation of reactionary behavior from conservatives Answer: KCWR Question: @user He is so very stupid. Or is it he is just so concrete?? Answer: GVRL Question: @user @user @user I refuse to acknowledge the scampi nik nak. Nice and spicy obscures it through sheer brilliantness. Answer: KCWR Question: @user @user The left have become a bunch of thugs. #NancyPelosi #chuckschumer Answer:
Question: @user She is Answer: DIKH Question: @user @user And that's where you are seeing what you want to see. You think these people want to look manly and powerful. I see them expressing solidarity. what a useless thing to mock. Answer: 40565 Question: @user bitch call me. Answer: 40565 Question: @user And there you have it... Answer: DIKH Question: @user @user Brilliant effort great step count great that you are targeting more next week 👍 Answer: DIKH Question: @user Crazy liberals Answer: 40565 Question: MAGA...retweet this over and over ...he has deleted the tweet but let's let him know we have it! Answer: DIKH Question: #Republicans grow some balls and start playing dirty like these liberals assholes do! Answer: 40565 Question: - Will liberals agree that any is destructive? Answer:
Question: @user @user I want to prove to him how actually retarded he is Answer: BKVX Question: @user @user @user That's expected if you placate the violent leftists/terrorists. #KavanaughConfirmation #woke Answer: BKVX Question: #StandUp4Brexit @user @user @user @user The results at the ballot box were very clear ... the prime minister is not listening to the electorate or getting the best deal for Britain 🇬🇧 Answer: FPSJ Question: @user @user Ha ha ha sneaky buggers. I have put out a warning to have sound off. That will show them. Answer: BKVX Question: @user Because they’re so hateful and can’t cover anything except Trump. I remember when Wolf and Anderson were actually decent journalists..... Answer: FPSJ Question: Regrann from trump_babes_2020 - 🇺🇸🇺🇸Amazing MAGA Babe🇺🇸🇺🇸 #trump #trump2020 #maga #maga2020 #trumpbabes #trumpbabes2020 #trump_babes_2020 #milfsfortrump #babesfortrump #babesfortrump2020… Answer: FPSJ Question: @user Attention! @user is publicizing a Target List for Antifa on his Twitter Account. This list has high profile names and NAMES of random Trump supporters. PLEASE check his list for your name AND report him to @user Answer: FPSJ Question: @user @user There is help for your mental illness. Good grief you liberals are seriously disturbed. Answer: BKVX Question: @user Dear Andrew I saw the endorsement by Cory Booker the both of you are made for each other secondly you're view are so far left since you and Cory both hate the President secondly you're a moron running against Rick Scott I hope get beat so bad Answer:
Question: 3. @user You’re my lil baby and I’m so proud of you for working as hard as you do. Thank you for still being there for me like you are. You’re the sweetest 💕💕 don’t ever change Answer: ZYHE Question: @user Russia had Ivan the Terrible. FSU has Willie the Terrible. He is to FSU what Bitch Rod was to Michigan and Tango Charlie was to Texas. We pay this piece of shit $5 million to put up 10 points against our first two FBS opponents. Even Western Michigan scores 41 against Syracuse. Answer: 14572 Question: @user @user @user @user Three soft little figure skating ballerinas. Answer: ZYHE Question: @user @user I'm glad Mia is feeling better! Answer: ZYHE Question: @user You are so adorable. ^^ Answer: ZYHE Question: @user @user Isn’t that the Amazon bitch from Antifa? Answer: 14572 Question: @user Oh my god. They’re so fucking cute. Answer: 14572 Question: @user I AM FUCKING SO FUCKING HAPPY Answer: 14572 Question: @user I believe Soros is also the main financier or his socialist organizations are of the ANTIFA protestors - more paid actors.👎😲 Answer:
Question: @user I was on some shit last night Answer: 77303 Question: @user And people died in Chicago because of you. Now how stupid does that sound you idiot Answer: 77303 Question: @user @user @user Super storm Sandy hit the North East. I agree with you though. People here have a bad idea of the east coast and it's pretty cool. The north east gets all 4 seasons at least. We get rain and summer. Answer: YTAS Question: @user Hogg doesn't have a clue about life . Answer: YTAS Question: @user @user @user He's not an opportunistic liar. Nor have you proven he is. So your whole argument is fake news. Answer: 77303 Question: @user The important distinction here being Ex-attorney general"" frankly Yasir..nobody gives a rats pyjamas what you piss off and find another trough to wallow in..liberals are finished in Ontario."" Answer: YTAS Question: @user @user Pls take a look at signing gordon he is the deep threat with goodwin hurt we need and only 27. @user come play with Grop Answer: 77303 Question: @user She used her power and authoritative position over this child to manipulate him and get him drunk so she would have him at her disposal. Now she is using her gender as an excuse and claiming the victim assaulted her when we have text messages and pictures that show otherwise Answer: YTAS Question: @user Don't bury the lead fam! It has nothing to do with gun control laws and everything to do with the demographics of those cities. Answer:
Question: @user @user @user traitor whoever he or she is. Answer: Tuhim Question: @user @user #WhyRWPreachesRacism #RWLuciferianCult I keep saying and its not simply rhetoric... These people are not by ANY Bible definition CHRISTIAN anymore than the Christian"" CONservatives who attended public lynchings of blacks often held as public spectacles on Sunday after ""Church"" Answer: 49042 Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Thought I'd share a boob picture too! Answer: 49042 Question: @user @user So pretty yet so naive. Great actress though. Everything she said was not of american values and was against freedom of the american people. Gun control doesnt work. Just look at Chicago. Answer: 49042 Question: @user She has become a parody unto herself? She has certainly taken some heat for being such an....well idiot. Could be optic too Who know with Liberals They're all optics. No substance Answer: Tuhim Question: @user It’s more what she does than who she is Answer: Tuhim Question: @user @user An excuse for conservatives to do nothing. Answer: 49042 Question: More like #Putin every day. #MAGA Answer: Tuhim Question: @user AARON RODGERS WILL NEVER WIN A RING THE REST OF HIS SAD ASS CAREER! I HOPE YOU HIS REGULAR SEASON HEROICS CAUSE THATS ALL HE IS GOOD FOR! HAVE A NICE DAY! Answer:
Question: @user You know what will make this professor even woker""? If he's a gun control nut...."" Answer: Qemif Question: @user But she never questioned Congress’ sluch fund to payoff sexual harassment settlements. Answer: Buros Question: @user @user She is a piece of shit and I am not sorry for my bluntness. From now on I am going to say what I think whether bluntly or rudely! Answer: Qemif Question: @user @user So pretty yet so naive. Great actress though. Everything she said was not of american values and was against freedom of the american people. Gun control doesnt work. Just look at Chicago. Answer: Buros Question: @user @user Pushed to my limits. Answer: Qemif Question: @user @user @user I’m really not on any side of this mess but all day people were siding with Cardi talking bout Nicki and do shit. Jsjdhkdfhjfkfkhsjdhd MESSSSSSS!! Answer: Qemif Question: @user the U.S. is tying to increase the cost of drugs in Canada and Conservatives are helping him Answer: Buros Question: @user @user is a piece of royal shit of Nehru Dynasty. Sometimes I wonder if everything I was taught stands shaken! Eminent Citizen"", ""Liberals"", ""Intellectuals"" all these terms now tell me 1 thing: The person being mentioned is anti-India, feeds off my money & shames me always"" Answer: Buros Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user UNDERSTOOD, Sir! Like on the morn of 11/08/16, Nation HUNKERED DOWN 2 cont. 2 help #MAGA, in UR God given STABLE GENIUS wrds:Till The Bitter End""... God speed Tziyon, Shalom! Con musica, Lucho, Latin Jazz Voc.&Comp."" Answer:
Question: @user @user Hahaha...It didnt happen so she is fine..... Answer: BXZC Question: #LeviStrauss #CEO takes a side on gun control: ‘It’s inevitable that we’re going to alienate some consumers’ Answer: BXZC Question: @user State level crime when the alleged offender was a juvenile. Silly liberals no crime committed by Kavanaugh but probably one by the liar Ford #DemocratsDividingAndDestroyingAmerica #DemocratsHateAmerica Answer: IGAJ Question: @user @user Except for the little attempted rape thing he is just a wonderful guy Answer: IGAJ Question: @user When you put fortnite on the poll instead of Spider-Man Answer: BXZC Question: @user At least brennan is smart enough to recognize that Trump is a lion. He's not smart enough to know that he can't hurt Trump. Hurting Trump is what that idiot fantasies about. Answer: IGAJ Question: @user She is a hot one 🔥🔥🔥 Answer: BXZC Question: @user @user But you are still going to jail tho #Fredo Answer: IGAJ Question: @user Someone wrote it for her. She is irrelevant!! Answer:
Question: @user They cite Jones being banned for violating Twitter's ToS. There are blue checkmarks spewing the same, if not worse, kind of shit. If you are going to play the anyone can get banned"" card. Shouldn't these people also receive bans and suspensions? #VerifiedHate"" Answer: Lerih Question: @user Now just vote him out. He is a known racist. Answer: Lerih Question: @user @user You are right I'm black so thanks Answer: 85553 Question: .@USER They both want you to believe in yourself and to do your own research to discover the truth. They want people to see 100% of the big picture (not just the 50% found on #FakeNews that leads people into their echo chambers). #Censorship of #Conservatives is a bad idea! Answer: 85553 Question: @user Any Texan that would grant automatic citizenship to illegal immigrants should never be elected. Answer: Lerih Question: @user @user Can you ask Dana how worried she is for her home in (South?) Carolina? Is it close to the coast? I’m currently in N. Carolina (1st time visiting) and I get welcomed w/ a hurricane! Lordy day.. 😥😨 Answer: 85553 Question: @user I believe Soros is also the main financier or his socialist organizations are of the ANTIFA protestors - more paid actors.👎😲 Answer: 85553 Question: @user @user All he is missing are the inmate number Answer: Lerih Question: @user Chelsea Clinton(CFR) Answer:
Question: @user He is so brutal. Hopefully he sells the team... Answer: Cizac Question: @user After slamming the book shut, she carefully balances it on her chair's armrest. Very well. You are forgiven."" With a flick of her wrist, she motions for him to lift his head. ""You stand before Vei'Aran Xilhatarra, First of the Argentborn. Why have you sought me?"""" Answer: AZKX Question: @user He is a millionaire. Trust me he'll just fine. Answer: AZKX Question: @user It would be better to call themFaux liberals/Fox Liberals"" b/c the word ""Liberal"" is not bad (moral philosophy) & I don't want the word to be tainted by people who don't know the actual definition. Look at the word ""feminism"", society changed its meaning into something negative."" Answer: AZKX Question: .@USER has done this to me and many others. Shut off functionality and targeted censored conservatives. #FoxNews @user Answer: AZKX Question: According to a student that spoke under condition of anonymity, the furniture in Johnson Hall has been replaced by even shittier couches."" #seuday"" Answer: Cizac Question: @user Rep Maxine Waters has been threatening violence on you the President and vise President. How come she is permitted to do this. Is the DOJ and Washington capital Police sleeping?? Why are all democrats above the law? This is a crime! Answer: Cizac Question: #USA (I feel your pain, even while I profit causing it!) #liberals , U gotta luv 'em! Redistributing wealth not on their menu- serve up identity politics slop. So you destroyed #Libya -ya'll never catch Bill now -he's got million dead #Iraqi kids (sanctions '90's) under his belt Answer: Cizac Question: @user @user Jeff I have a lot of respect for you. Please vote no to Brett - not because you don’t like him but because it’s the right thing to do. He has lied - he is hiding documents - he thinks trump is above the law. THIS IS WRONG !!! Answer:
Question: @user @user @user She should have gotten August off to let work on stuff at the P.C. It would have help her a lot. Answer: 56184 Question: @user @user @user @user Liberals need better trolls than this aunty. Calling someone a liar on losing is what you resort to when you are in 2nd grade. Answer: 56184 Question: @user @user I'm glad Mia is feeling better! Answer: 56184 Question: @user Curious couldn't find this on your website. Doesn't fit your narrative does it. Cowards. Answer: 87997 Question: @user @user Rescue conservatives from its own demons? Who are the two or three most notorious serial abusers of women in the last 30 years? Hint: they were not GOP. Did they ever face consequences? Answer: 87997 Question: 11/21 Political Corruption: Texans: Among liberals and conservs, R's and D's, large majorities favor limits on campaign spending and say the high cost of campaigning discourages many good candidates from running for president.” #BetoforSenate Answer: 56184 Question: @user Boy is that professor stupid or else has a mental illness. He obviously should not be teaching anyone! Answer: 87997 Question: @user @user Except he is. His administration has allowed crime in the city to skyrocket. You bloody leftist snake. Answer: 87997 Question: @user President Obama? Did I miss something about this? He still believes he is President or is it you that isn't able to accept reality? Answer:
Question: @user @user OMG !!!! Really !!! #FrankOz ... Liberals ruins Everything ... #DefundPBS.. Answer: Hugam Question: @user You should do it Answer: Rutuh Question: @user HYPOCRITE!! You run a commercial about ur support for gun control & protecting kids showing ur kids. Really! U support ABORTION. What’s the difference in that and a gun? They BOTH KILL! @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Hugam Question: @user Devout members of ANTIFA though i'm sure. Answer: Rutuh Question: #IdiotAlert Gun control activist David Hogg suggested AR-15s cannot be used for self-defense because they shoot further than handguns. Answer: Hugam Question: @user Treason he should hang he has no business even trying this who the F does he think he is Trump needs to Lock him up fast Answer: Hugam Question: 11/21 Political Corruption: Texans: Among liberals and conservs, R's and D's, large majorities favor limits on campaign spending and say the high cost of campaigning discourages many good candidates from running for president.” #BetoforSenate Answer: Rutuh Question: @user I see Antifa as a war on peaceful assembly Answer: Rutuh Question: @user Just didn’t look like any of the mannerisms he has exhibited. Glad he is in CF Answer:
Question: @user antifa getting shot only brings joy Answer: 52416 Question: @user If bobby is fit thats exactly what i would say but not sure if he is or not Answer: 52416 Question: @user @user Bwaaaaa!! Compared to who...Trump...bwaaaaaaa! Compared to that corrupt demented lunatic she is a godsend!!! Answer: 65083 Question: @user Good morning. You are welcome. Answer: 52416 Question: @user @user @user @user BS made up by a lying liberal..a cheap filthy whore, whose lies help to undermine REAL WOMEN who are sexually assaulted. But with trashy liberals who cares?"" right? As long as the end can justify the means? Trashy libs tried same thing with Judge Thomas. Democrats are sick."" Answer: 65083 Question: @user All communist Democrat socialists are bad humans. Answer: 65083 Question: 100% agree with Trump on this. Surprised to see so many liberals talk about how cute he was sneaking candy at a war criminal's funeral. Answer: 65083 Question: .... He is so stunning Answer: 52416 Question: @user thought they scored 69 points... sad Answer:
Question: @user ajsjjsjdkkdjdk i want him so much he’d literally tell me to die and i’d obey him Answer: 23986 Question: @user Good. He's a mess Answer: 23986 Question: @user And you’ll spend your final days in hell sinking Answer: 23986 Question: @user He is so cute! Answer: 26240 Question: @user Hey why don’t you look at what Keith Elison of Minnesota get off your bully pulpit and do a investigation into his past abuse or do you just CHEERY PICK ……!!! Answer: 23986 Question: @user @user @user Hahahahaha!! really?: Stiglitz is Nobel prize 💡. You are a simple stockbroker 💩😂. Answer: 26240 Question: @user @user I hope he is out for the season! Answer: 26240 Question: @user She Wants Gun Control? Figures Answer: 26240 Question: Filling the Skies - Chemicals & Frequencies #IDoNotConsent #WeDoNotConsent #OpEvidence #opstopchemtrails #Chemtrails #SkyBastard #Geoengineering #climatechange #SRM #Cloudseeding #EverGreenAir  #BigMoney #NEXRAD #LookUp #SilentWarfare #WeatherWarfare #MAGA #potus #breakingnews Answer:
Question: @user It was Billy Clinton's Welfare Reform"" that caused this. To be clear Billy Clinton is Republican Lite, like Hillary is. The Clinton's campaign on Progressivism, but govern as conservatives."" Answer: BJQE Question: @user @user She has received death threats and has teenage daughters. She is protecting her family Answer: WYAR Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user If you put any claim that that ambulance chaser is in anyway anything by a shyster you are a fool bigger than he is Answer: WYAR Question: @user @user #MAGA Make Alcatraz Great Again Answer: BJQE Question: @user @user @user @user You should tell the @user They've just posted a tweet about how much better the railways are since they privatised them... Answer: BJQE Question: @user America is better than swamp crud like YOU! Answer: WYAR Question: @user Did you hear that @user had a game taken away from her because she called an official a theif after he took a point and he only took a game away from her because she is a woman and he'd never have done that to a man? Would love to hear your thoughts on this Answer: BJQE Question: @user Dumb kid Answer: WYAR Question: @user Have you reported that the killer of Mollie Tibet’s will receive reward money? Did you report this? Answer:
Question: @user I respect you so much. I love what youfe doing regarding our youth and our culture. Thank you for loving your people. You are loved and appreciated. Blessings multiplied u to you! Answer: JRME Question: @user She is a liar Answer: UBZU Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Soon both the libs & the conservatives will havevut so everytime we have a change of government we'll be paying out cancelled contracts Answer: JRME Question: @user @user Antifa is a terrorist organization funded by George Soros Answer: JRME Question: @user @user @user I agree! I guess Dems are saying that they’re worried about some October surprise where the FISA docs are released leading up to the election.😊🇺🇸MAGA! Answer: UBZU Question: @user Truly. He had that sly, self-deprecating humor and swagger. Like you said, very American""."" Answer: UBZU Question: @user Did you go to the south side where thousands have died? Strictest gun control policies in the country and they don’t work. Answer: UBZU Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Super President like Multiversity? Good ideia Answer: JRME Question: @user All Trump's fault I guess Answer:
Question: @user @user @user @user eto ba ang hindi corrupt? you are so naive if you think that this admin is different from previous admins Answer: AGDL Question: . @user @user @user @user Fake conservatives and their fake outrage over the budget betrayal Answer: XPME Question: Look at the date of this tweet - very TELLING for sure @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #MAGA Answer: AGDL Question: @user Dave has every right to be on the exact wrong side of an argument! Answer: AGDL Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Or a piss up in a brewery !! Hat Answer: XPME Question: @user HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW RACIST THE MEDIA IS THEY ONLY SHOW THE BLACK PLAYERS KNEELING AND NO ONE EVERY COMPLAINS ABOUT THAT ? Answer: AGDL Question: @user She is such a witch. All she needs is a broom Answer: XPME Question: @user @user You are so correct the Democratic party for slavery and pro-nazi gun control Answer: XPME Question: @user @user Its unfortunately not as cut and dry as all that. Gun laws vary per state. Even cities. Compare Chicago that has extreme gun control with New York that has almost the same level. Yet Chicago has horrible gun crime and NY not to that extent? Criminals are the problem. Answer:
Question: @user @user @user There’s definitely a feedback loop which is now even warping perceptions within the movement. Labour factions often hate each other more than the conservatives Answer: 74113 Question: @user Don’t even know the subject but I’ll side with Sarandon only because she has class (even if I disagree with her) against the classless rambling fool. 😁 Answer: 63140 Question: @user Kavanaugh needs to stop lying... I believe this woman's account is credible and he is not going to be able to dodge it. Answer: 63140 Question: @user Happy Birthday again Namjoon! thank you for always sharing your thoughts and feelings with us! you are a beautiful person with a beautiful mind and heart 💜✨ ♈️ Answer: 74113 Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user AHHHHHHH yes!!!! It's Amish Brother and Antifa Warrior Jaquonadiah. Thank you for clearing that up Answer: 74113 Question: @user @user You are pathetic. This has nothing to do with him his dad or the wall or Mexico. This is about Swallwell thinking its ok for liberals to threaten repubs but not the other away around. Answer: 63140 Question: @user He is compromising an active investigation. Sounds like obstruction of justice to me! Answer: 74113 Question: @user I’m just here to see which liberals decide to politicize this tragedy (despite Cincy having tight gun control)... 👀 Answer: 63140 Question: @user Don't you have to have some proof?🤔 Answer:
Question: @user @user That’s fucking rude to do that Answer: 69280 Question: @user @user Antifa otherwise known as NAZI Brownshirts"" I never thought of that comparison before, lol. It's ironic that they're the one's that call everyone else a 'nazi' for disagreeing with anything they say, lol."" Answer: 69280 Question: @user ...Stay Classy!!...what a bully - if I were the ump I take her to court for bringing his reputation into disrepute...🤔🤔🤔 Answer: QIVE Question: @user @user Can you name one Democratic leader who endorses open borders? Second point syntactically nonsensical. I lament climate change & I don’t have a private jet. I favor more gun control & I don’t glorify guns or have armed security. Who is this fantasy “they” you r fixated on? Answer: QIVE Question: @user @user He is a genius! Answer: QIVE Question: @user @user Could anyone expect anything less from a fool like j rubin? Incompetent hair on fire libs cost people their lives and blame it Pres. Trump. Answer: 69280 Question: @user incoming the gun control patrol Answer: QIVE Question: @user @user in every conner coz anti pakistani will not able to attack on our future generation rights Answer: 69280 Question: @user Dude. What the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU? I sent you a direct tweet to show you how you re-tweet your OWN shit. Then I let it go. Now you want to double down? Just go back to Whoviille Answer:
Question: @user How about Sessions indict him and his cohorts for Operation Fast and Furious Answer: PZMQ Question: @user @user what? Answer: PZMQ Question: @user Fool Answer: Geyoq Question: @user The Democrats do not care ...they are out to destroy ..does not matter just so they are Republicans & Conservatives ⁉️ Answer: Geyoq Question: @user Fuck u Answer: Geyoq Question: @user @user you are running scared!🤡 Answer: PZMQ Question: @user you are also the king of taste Answer: PZMQ Question: #USA #UK and probably #Europe and #Australia With their level of intelligence? Weez all stoopid y'all! #MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MCGA #Conservatives #Patriots #Celebrities Answer: Geyoq Question: @user @user The name alt right is to make people think its a right wing group.just like ANTIFA that are fascist. BLM that really to they all black lives dont matter. Answer:
Question: @user Nah I ain’t done it yet. Usually you have to walk extra far just to get to one so it defeats the purpose Answer: DDXD Question: @user Thank you she is a gentle soul xxx😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️ Answer: DDXD Question: @user Good morning. You are welcome. Answer: DDXD Question: @user Shitttt. I do & does. Answer: KVTX Question: @user @user Word cause her music SLAPS THERE'S NO REASON SHE SHOULDN'T BE SELLING OUT BIG ASS SHOWS (idk if she is or isn't but she DESERVES) Answer: KVTX Question: @user @user Good luck 🤣 #MAGA #VoteRed Answer: DDXD Question: @user The vile creature is trying to portray herself as some fierce bitch at the same time she knows that's not what the gun control conversation is about. Paper tiger Answer: KVTX Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user Good luck with that! I dont follow along with fascists like the #resist movement and their apple and google overlords. I know what happened in ww2 and its the rhetoric they use that put us there. I dont need a GOD"" to see the hate spewed from #Antifa and how that is wrong."" Answer: KVTX Question: @user @user She is dickmatized Answer:
Question: @user Fuck yeah! Answer: LTRX Question: @user Yeaaaahh she is!! <33 Answer: 74468 Question: @user Have you reported that the killer of Mollie Tibet’s will receive reward money? Did you report this? Answer: 74468 Question: @user @user No his stream chat lmao I raided him and he wasn’t reading chat like the cutie he is Answer: 74468 Question: @user @user @user Trump is done. You are a Anti-Ameican pro-Trump azz!! Answer: LTRX Question: @user @user Max is the boss. The conservatives shouldn’t have made such a weak dud as their leader this wouldn’t have happened. Scheer tries to cater to the left wing crazies. He should be all in on freedom of speech but he coward on that. He takes the same positions as Trudeau on NAFTA Answer: LTRX Question: #ExposeTheTruth Ask: What liberal policies EVER QUANTIFIABLY IMPROVED YOUR LIFE? Libs make BIG promises + warn doom re conservatives...none come/true. No lib agenda but neg/hate. Why use fear? How help you? USA doing GREAT. THAT helps! Vote FOR YOUR/FAMILY LIFE FOR GOOD! #CCOT Answer: 74468 Question: @user But not long ago the same Ray went off on a follower (who quite possibly pays for his services) for pointing out a guy (don’t remember who) for getting injured again. You guys pay this assholes bills Answer: LTRX Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Some volient actions are done to defend one self. Antifa goal is to stop bank monopoles on our nations. Answer:
Question: @user GOD DAMN IT... YOU ARE SO RIGHT. THERE'S NO GOING WRONG WITH THIS STUFF. Answer: 28016 Question: @user @user Quite possible. You are very right to be skeptical. But one has to start somewhere ! Answer: Quqin Question: @user Exactly. She doesn't want to perjure herself since she is being nothing but a paid actress. Answer: 28016 Question: @user @user That’s so sad and terrifying; I know it’s been dropped to a 2 but all the reports I’ve seen says that doesn’t mean shit for this storm. All you have to do is look at pictures of that thing to realize it’s a fucking BEAST Answer: Quqin Question: @user Take your anti-American crap somewhere else. #TEDCRUZ for Senate!! #MAGA Answer: Quqin Question: @user @user @user Don't listen to him. He is a disgrace & just trying to score points with the MSM. Juan Williams has been very disappointing to listen to because I have liked his opinion on things. Answer: 28016 Question: @user @user John Kerry is a swamp rat nothing more nothing less CNN we all know is the clown news network Answer: Quqin Question: @user Blocked Answer: 28016 Question: @user BBC stop with your blatant and biassed backing of the Conservatives. Theresa May didn't hit back she was out on her feet and her responses were scripted, robotic to say the least. She is the worst"" leader along with the worst government the country has ever had."" Answer:
Question: @user idk u too well but that must be a fuckin delicious corn chip that someone misses dearly Answer: CAYX Question: @user It’s amazing that when things pertain to conservatives it’s guilty until proven innocent. Where is the Justice when lawless acts perpetrated by the left get ignored? Answer: BRIO Question: @user Never Trumper uses brain for first time, wakes up to the fight #MAGA community has been waging for two years."""" Answer: BRIO Question: @user @user @user Oh-no benefits and employment goes up! See how it works yet? Answer: BRIO Question: @user He is quite good at faking. Must have done it numerous times Answer: CAYX Question: @user DJT2- You have to remember his daughter is married to am Iranian and so he defends them at all costs. He is a coward and a disgrace. Thank GOD for your Dad or we would all be in a World of hurt! Answer: CAYX Question: @user My husband is getting his PhD in physics while I'm getting mine in chemistry. We usually get the wide-eyed recoil that clearly says, you are not normal humans, and I can have nothing in common with you."" Followed by the polite excuse to stop talking with us."" Answer: BRIO Question: @user @user @user @user Gun control is never sensible. Answer: CAYX Question: @user She is a hot one 🔥🔥🔥 Answer:
Question: @user You know what will make this professor even woker""? If he's a gun control nut...."" Answer: Somej Question: @user @user Brilliant effort great step count great that you are targeting more next week 👍 Answer: Menut Question: ..and he is yet to get a call-up for senior team.. Answer: Menut Question: @user Like Antifa? Answer: Menut Question: @user Wow you liberals really don’t have a sense of humor.🙄 Answer: Menut Question: @user Dude. What the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU? I sent you a direct tweet to show you how you re-tweet your OWN shit. Then I let it go. Now you want to double down? Just go back to Whoviille Answer: Somej Question: @user fool Answer: Somej Question: @user Probably say fuck it an do just that Answer: Somej Question: @user @user Let's focus on Kavanaugh. Bringing up other cases to make an argument about hypocrisy is irrelevant. It's like saying, Let's not investigate this bank robbery because liberals have robbed other banks."" Try to focus."" Answer:
Question: @user After the GOP wins the mid-terms easily there will be no reason we dont put on the masks and grab weapons to go all #ANTIFA on people like you clowns have been doing. Going to be so much fun!!!! Answer: YJHS Question: @user Yes you are Answer: ZPIA Question: @user @user @user who's singular wiped out a number of Lib Dem councils in the North by going into bed with the Conservatives thus losing local election seats. Now we have him trying to turn over a democratic vote on #Brexit. Answer: ZPIA Question: @user Chelsea Clinton(CFR) Answer: ZPIA Question: @user Delusional idiot and the traitor! Answer: YJHS Question: @user Holder is responsible for selling guns to the Mexican cartel. Just another Obama administration law breaker. Answer: YJHS Question: @user Hillary is a good reason to keep the electoral college. Answer: ZPIA Question: @user Eric u got alot of balls ... Answer: YJHS Question: @user @user @user Are you wanting gun control for LEO’s? Answer:
Question: @user who in America isn't grateful to our military?!?!? Her husband didn't die on the battle field...he died at home!! She should be fighting for gun control and stronger laws regarding mental illness! @user is about police brutality...she should educate herself on the issues Answer: 76394 Question: @user @user There's zero evidence of any gaff and it's not their jobs to do any such thing; this is just more hijinx and chicanery from two buffoons that have no platforms or morals. #CONservatives #cdnpoli Answer: 76394 Question: @user @user Everytime she opens her mouth more idiocy comes out of it...She is an embarrassment... but then she is a Clinton... Answer: Rawof Question: @user EXPOSE these demons violating our Constitution with violence & threats to run govt instead of winning at the polls! Name them domestic terrorists & jail them all. Answer: 76394 Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user I saw her in Denver last week. She is still traumatized. Cohen owes her so much because of 'My Life on the D List'. Answer: Rawof Question: @user @user 4 he is poor Answer: Rawof Question: @user @user She is better than all this shit. She is better than anything. ❤️ Answer: 76394 Question: @user Trump's MAGA. Hee haw!!!! Answer: Rawof Question: @user @user May be the cameramen is a Trump supporter. @user Have you checked if he is standing on a rock or so? LMAO 😂 #FakeNewsCNN Answer:
Question: @user @user @user @user For the record I know Doug Jones personally and he is only a Sen. Bc we had no other credible choice. He won’t be at the next election. Answer: 67611 Question: Constitution Day -- the Most Important Commemoration of 2018 #ConstitutionDay #MAGA #KAG #Obama #Clinton #DeepState abuse of power: #Spygate #WitchHunt #Sedition=#TREASON Answer: 67611 Question: @user Good #BoycottNFL Answer: 67611 Question: @user You are such a comedian edd!! Answer: UXCX Question: @user Holy shit I love her??? Answer: UXCX Question: @user This Witch Hunt against Kavanaughs is pitiful. I can't believe anyone could find this story is believable. Why didn't she come forward in 36 years? It's crazy...set up by Liberals. Answer: 67611 Question: @user EXPOSE these demons violating our Constitution with violence & threats to run govt instead of winning at the polls! Name them domestic terrorists & jail them all. Answer: UXCX Question: @user @user @user You are hilarious! You keep defending that woman. I have watched her for over 20 years and she is a liar and a hypocrite and an obstructionist. I like my crumbs"". She needs people like you to support her though."" Answer: UXCX Question: @user @user Stricter gun control laws will only be enforced by people with guns. Answer:
Question: @user Liberal MP Leona Alleslev’s decision to cross the floor & join the Conservatives would seem to be a betrayal of her supporters. Did she consult those who voted her in? Seemingly it’s legal? Imagine if #DougFord decided to cross the floor & become the Liberal Premier. 🤔 😂 Answer: 94939 Question: #ExpectUs to work our asses off for #GunSenseCandidates! @user #GOTV #ThrowThemOut Answer: 96073 Question: @user @user How much you are paying for patrol... ? Do you think it's because of naheru or Zina... Indira... ? Answer: 94939 Question: @user Morrow said he is shooting for the White Sox series so he should be the closer. Hopefully. Answer: 94939 Question: California - Creepy Fake Uber Driver Tries to Follow Woman Into Her Home #MAGA #KAG #California #FakeUberDriver #BodyWrapRestraint #CrimeNews Answer: 96073 Question: @user @user She is a piece of shit and I am not sorry for my bluntness. From now on I am going to say what I think whether bluntly or rudely! Answer: 96073 Question: @user Huh? I want gun control eliminated. I want ALL Americans to be able to keep and bear arms. If they abuse that right THEN deprive them of it. Answer: 94939 Question: @user Didn't this trashy thing sleep her way to the top with married men? Answer: 96073 Question: @user Just came here from the video and man am I discusted by greg seriously he is taking advantage of his sons fame.........f*%k greg.....🔥 Answer:
Question: @user He is spending your contributions. Vote Ted Cruz!!!! Answer: Dujar Question: @user This is absolutely unbelievable. So these protests and mobs are run out of the state dept.??? How about Antifa?? No wonder they all wear masks. Probably govt. employees using their PTO's. It would explain how so many people can show up anywhere on a weekday. Answer: Dujar Question: @user We in this bitch together 💁🏽‍♂️ Answer: ELFP Question: @user Likely shift? He is a political operative for the GOP. This will be a life-long dream for many who have been working towards this outcome for decades. It’s sad. Answer: ELFP Question: @user @user shut that wanker up Answer: ELFP Question: @user It’s going to suck with any rating. Venom without the Spiderman origin isn’t really Venom. This is just a Sony cash grab. Answer: ELFP Question: @user Hectares cultivated with poppy for opium grew exponentially like never before during Obama thou. I bet you celebrated his troop retreat. Myanmar made so much money with the opium they're building a bigger totally modern port Answer: Dujar Question: @user @user An excuse for conservatives to do nothing. Answer: Dujar Question: @user Go away my child. You are so boring that you can't even entertain a doubt.💩💩🐷🐷 Answer: