2 values
Input: @user Being the good Christian that he is, he asked God to spare his properties. Virginia beach was only slightly impacted. You know the 700 club prayer, God spare me and mine, to hell with everybody else""."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Liberals have always wanted to get their hands in your wallet and and now they want to get them in your pants. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user now we know tesco's stance on gun control Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user I am sure he is doing that in his organization. Also respect is a two way street. Law enforcement job is to protect and SERVE its citizens. It like they miss that part . Symbol: Not Offensive Input: Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything."" @user #MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user EAT MY ASS OH MY GOD YOU BETTER BE LYING Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user This is the kind of healthcare provision religious conservatives have given America. #SaveOurNHS Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user They are obstructionists. Anti-american. Pharisees. Ask them what they are running on and you get nothing. Maga! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user His eyes are fucking louder than his words!!!! 😍😍💜💜 Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user @user What Williams d was take away the attn from a tennis player who won & should have been in spotlight & not Williams. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user ANTIFA is not giving death threats to professor Ford or threatening violence if their candidate loses or Spanky is impeached. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user She is a Sick Corrupt Ignorant Moron! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user So the AR-15 is a fully semi-automatic assault rifle,"" gun control works, and Donald Trump is racist?"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Curious couldn't find this on your website. Doesn't fit your narrative does it. Cowards. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user We have to fight to not see that here! Gun control out of control. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user then you are not equipped to adopt. period Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user Welcome guys!!! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user She is adorable Symbol:
Input: @user @user @user Do it with quran and then we will see how much atheist and brave she is... hindus figured it out that this type of attention grabbing big boss wanna be people are not worth it... Go live in your 2 minutes Prime Time covered life ... Lord krishna and his followers don't care Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user This Witch Hunt against Kavanaughs is pitiful. I can't believe anyone could find this story is believable. Why didn't she come forward in 36 years? It's crazy...set up by Liberals. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I love Carole! She is so smart I will really miss her! #RHONY was hoping u would have been a great addition to @user or another political show. Any news on what u will do next? ❤️ Symbol: Offensive Input: @user yup fooled antifa threw big ol' fire pit rocks at mah truck called the cops said them commies dunnit neat lawyer trick huh Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Everyone in the US “heard” you were clearly not qualified to do this job and voted accordingly. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user I’m gunna fucking die oh my god Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user She is a walking talking lie.. that’s why. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user I should rephrase that... something went down and she is trying to cover it up with some LAME@USER story about “oh I thought I was in my own house” BULLSH1T! What a obviously blatant lie. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user The choice is simple. If you vote Gillum you are voting for Socialism. If you vote for Ron DeSantis you are voting for everything that makes Florida great. #VoteRonDeSantis2018 Symbol:
Input: @user bitch i saw your whole ass tweet from wednesday you bitches always talking shit then back pedaling lmao just admit it Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Notice how focused on him she is in all these pics. None of the kissy pics you see from guys while their girl stares off at the camera or anything but him. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user What you are suggesting is thoughts & prayers wouldn't have given you this picture that science & technological advances did? #Science Symbol: Offensive Input: @user You are so dope man Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user I think she is a hypocrite and loyal to the evil GOP. Vote her out. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user can we start shooting the blue thugs? then going through their shit and saying thats why they died? cuz this is fucking infuriating. WTF does it matter there is pot in his home. WHAT is in HER home?! SHE is the guilty one not HIM. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user A good person turns people in doing crimes. To say Satan made them do it is unthinkable. Satan wouldn't turn the child abusers in. What is this progressive pope thinking? Symbol: Offensive Input: President Trump’s 17th Wave of Judicial Nominees"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising"" Symbol: Offensive Input: #Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives JackieDP: This is great news. We need more affordable homes to support families. As for me I am #proudtobeaconservativefromacouncilestate Symbol:
Input: @user @user @user then you are a fool too Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user You should do it Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Between that and antifa claiming territory"" like a gang and beating up that vet, the American left just can't stop shooting itself in the foot"" Symbol: Offensive Input: Should I try out aikido instead of krav maga? 🤔🤔 #aikido #kravmaga Symbol: Not Offensive Input: A few things that happened to me in between #KUFball road wins: -got married -had sex twice -got divorced Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Chicago~~ Nearly 100 years of crooked Democrat leadership & some of the strictest gun control in the nation and Dopey Durbin attempts to lay the blame at the feet of Republicans🤔🤔 MAKE NO MISTAKE DEMOCRATS #YouBuiltThis #ChicagoDeathToll Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user Anyone concerned with mass gun killings"" should reject ""gun control"" outright as unconstitutional. Especially since during the first 80 years of the Twentieth Century alone, “governments” killed some 170 million people. Facilitated by ""gun control”."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user I cast my vote as “OPPORTUNIST” #ChristineBlaseyFord had THIRTY-FIVE years to come out with her allegations. Why now? It’s obvious. #MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I've done a thing on immigration, states' rights, and gun control"" but no one had input. Lol To be fair, I should do it in a better setup than a Twitter thread though."" Symbol:
Input: @user @user Grab em by the pussy!!! What's the problem? Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Much of your promise of money is not extra/new as govt took back £817 MILLION promised for new affordable"" homes! Stop Right to Buy - we have a @user created #HousingCrisis now, too little, too late! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user She does and she lost because she took it for granted that she would inherit all of Bill’s support not knowing that for all of his deficiencies he is the kind of person you could drink with and she is the kind of person one would never drink with. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user thanks Joe!!! my sanity was forsaken a looong time ago hahaha Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user Im going to tell you one more time to fuck off before I block and report your ass. Whos your current president? Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user I can see how frustrating that is. Conservatives will always get more praise for humane policies because it isn't neccessarily expected of them. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user Conservatives are only interested in owning women like property and exploding the deficit so long as the rich are taken care of. Keep the faith tho. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Brennan sure as hell is. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user listening to your show yesterday morning on DFLA an obvious (yet completely missed) thing jumped out at me. False flags. First thing antifa-types do is post inflammatory stuff on websites and then report it as proof of racism. Symbol:
Input: @user It's great to see you posting this. It shows everyone the disrespect you have for teachers and their role. And it proves that you are wholly unsuitable for any position in parliament. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Far left Antifa just a bunch of bullies who get brave when in a mob confronting a few seems everyone is a nazi if they have a different opinion Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user who in America isn't grateful to our military?!?!? Her husband didn't die on the battle field...he died at home!! She should be fighting for gun control and stronger laws regarding mental illness! @user is about police brutality...she should educate herself on the issues Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user ・・・ Did you know that if you are awesome enough to get a Cherry Cola tattoo you’re entitled to a drink on the house at Cherry’s for life?! 🍒🤣🍹 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Either way we have your back. Don't be thinking that you are dealing alone out here. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user That nutbar hasn’t blocked you Todd? She blocked me and gave no clue who she is Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Bullshit. People died because of an incompetent government in Puerto Rico. And you can start with that mayor. Stop lying Gutierrez. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: #WhatILearnedToday Liberals are the scum of the earth Absolute treason. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user I hope it was. Fucken dinosaur thought he Steinbrenner 😂😂 Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user @user He is such an A-Hole. Sad. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user #JulieBurchill is actually mentally ill. When I was a kid she used to fill the NME and The Face and all those mags with her vacuous drivel and now she is given the space in Grown Up World to do it courtesy the spineless pro #brexit @user eejits. She is pathetic. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Don’t they have strong gun control in Chicago? So nobody should be getting shot. Oh that’s right only law abiding citizens are being shot because criminals don’t understand they can’t have guns...Gun control is not about controlling guns it’s about controlling citizens! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Just by looks this guy has Antifa written all over him Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Yeah and guess what helped DC become Not the Murder Capital of the World? Gun control! It works! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user By defending and making excuses for obvious bad're sure to get more of it. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user This is a teacher or nut be the judge...but remember she is influencing young minds. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user She's probably a millionaire now and once they get paid all that money to slander and ruin someones name they go away because they don't want to get sued for slander/libel. The Democrat Party pays a lot of money to get people to make false accusations against conservatives. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user As it gets closer to November the left is in full on panic mode their talking points will forever be 25th Amendment. Ok idiots let’s see you try it. Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user It's fine..... he's gods Prophet 🙄imagine that nowadays... yes officer i did fuck that elementary student BUT its fine bc god said i could.... Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I was on some shit last night Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Pssst Bono's Ass Symbol: Offensive Input: @user If you ain’t hyping me up like the nigga in the back ima have to throw the whole friend away Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Did you see what she said about Travis on Ellen?? That’s one hating ass bitch 😭 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user You are so fragile. It must be hard to live that way. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Aww. ☺️ I tried lol. She is such a smart ass though 😂 Symbol: Offensive Input: 6/7 ....drunk 17-year-old tell us little about his character as 53-year-old, let alone about his competency as a jurist."" But it seems a tad more likely that conservatives are merely clarifying, yet again, that “LAW AND ORDER MEANS USING THE LAW TO REINFORCE A SOCIAL ORDER."""" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Looks like gun control"" works in Chicago 😄👽"" Symbol:
Input: @user @user We are ready whenever you are 🤷🏽 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I'm pretty sure most of your #MAGA supporters do not have any new found wealth"". I assume you're referring to your fellow billionaires that you gave a huge tax break to."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user It started with Cameron and May is even worse. She is not a Conservative! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user This is absolutely hilarious. Liberals are so predictable. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user WTF was that other than a waste of a minute and change of my life Symbol: Offensive Input: A few things that happened to me in between #KUFball road wins: -got married -had sex twice -got divorced Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Because he hates Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Pls take a look at signing gordon he is the deep threat with goodwin hurt we need and only 27. @user come play with Grop Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user is Zoe getting married? I refuse to believe this. she is still a BABY. A BABY. LOL. Symbol:
Input: @user @user : When we lead, sheeple follow"" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user Sensible gun control can only help. Mentally unstable people should not have guns. People with restraining orders should not have guns. No one needs a gun with a magazine more than 5-6 rounds (unless the zombie apocalypse happens). Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user You are hilarious! You keep defending that woman. I have watched her for over 20 years and she is a liar and a hypocrite and an obstructionist. I like my crumbs"". She needs people like you to support her though."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user We had Leveon Bell. Thats the dumbest argument. But we can compare college for when he played. His best season was 1700 yds 26 TDs. How about Collins? And this is Conners first year starting and he is starting much better than Collins Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user He is. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user 😀You are welcome. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Goodell and my Lions both suck Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Don't you have to have some proof?🤔 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user Huh! The pot grows as council this case it is a reduction...and that amount $25m is going right back to the city for police gun control...already announced! Symbol:
Input: @user Now just vote him out. He is a known racist. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user He’s made a gun control shift as well. Check his talking points from last cycle. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user And everyone knows that Kerry doesn't have a clue! Heard that from numerous anonymous"" sources who also say he is not sane. That's what the sources say."" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user He is the best!! They ended them all. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user If It could that shit would be talking to you like BUTCH NOO YOU ALREADY KNOW HE A FUCK BOII BYE Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Dominos is ass Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Just noticed that twitter will block anything about a certain billionaire who buys people to accuse conservatives of wrong doing. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user He's walking on a street with the strictest gun control in the USA. 1+1=2. Symbol: Offensive Input: #ExposeTheTruth Ask: What liberal policies EVER QUANTIFIABLY IMPROVED YOUR LIFE? Libs make BIG promises + warn doom re conservatives...none come/true. No lib agenda but neg/hate. Why use fear? How help you? USA doing GREAT. THAT helps! Vote FOR YOUR/FAMILY LIFE FOR GOOD! #CCOT Symbol:
Input: #Liberals grasp at unproven straws ... #NotPlastic Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Nigga keep tryna play both sides lol Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user By 'democracy' of course he means the Democrat party. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user And most Hillary supporters are racist liberals. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Have you reported that the killer of Mollie Tibet’s will receive reward money? Did you report this? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Pls take a look at signing gordon he is the deep threat with goodwin hurt we need and only 27. @user come play with Grop Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user For sure... i have been laughing of them a longt time. 🤣 @user @user @user Symbol: Offensive Input: @user What’s shocked me is that they consider themselves seculars !!!! Liberals !!! Those kind of yoga vegan freaks ! But when it’s about occupation they shift to something els ! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Hopefully this kind of outrageous behavior will motivate Senator Collins to vote FOR the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh. Disgraceful libtards. Symbol:
Input: @user @user He is such an A-Hole. Sad. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user A vulgar attempt to reduce sisterhood to genitalia..... Symbol: Not Offensive Input: MAGA Mike Mack has the funniest tweet ever. I know he's pissed but it's funny #jonesout Symbol: Offensive Input: This Day in Liberal Judicial Activism—September 17"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising"" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Yes sir! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user have you ever served this country other than be elected? Because that is not the same! Have you ever put your life on the line for others?! I am one of the Dregs Of Society! #DregsOfSociety 🇺🇸#MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user She is a Sick Corrupt Ignorant Moron! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Max is the boss. The conservatives shouldn’t have made such a weak dud as their leader this wouldn’t have happened. Scheer tries to cater to the left wing crazies. He should be all in on freedom of speech but he coward on that. He takes the same positions as Trudeau on NAFTA Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Ha even with them trying to rig the system. They had no idea about divine intervention we 🙏God answered President Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Symbol:
Input: @user The vile creature is trying to portray herself as some fierce bitch at the same time she knows that's not what the gun control conversation is about. Paper tiger Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user If economy plummets post-Brexit then less money for public services; if less immigration to work on farms and services no doubt you will step in? #Conservatives #BrexitShambles 2/2 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Of course he is. He will be remembered for being the biggest hypocrite in history. They change the rules constantly. #GOPHypocrites Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user He is so full of BS! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user have you ever served this country other than be elected? Because that is not the same! Have you ever put your life on the line for others?! I am one of the Dregs Of Society! #DregsOfSociety 🇺🇸#MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Shitttt. I do & does. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: *overheard convo* dad: he’s talking about Gov. Brown. I’d like to shoot him. He’s a terrible man small child: but why? That’d make you a criminal! dad: it’d be worth. all liberals need to die small child: wow that’s sad It’s naive to think these beliefs are dying off Symbol: Offensive Input: @user The greatest generation and the original #antifa Thank you for freeing us from nazism! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Antifa is a terrorist organization Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user @user @user @user Yeah bitch we put him back in and beat your sorry asses the bears SUCK!! BLEW A 20-0 LEAD LMAOOOO Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Before this scumbag considers running for president I want him to publicly swear under oath that when he was in school he never tried to cop a feel as these liberals like to show themselves as pure as the driven snow. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Choosing heartless politician over your ancestors country. Speaks volumes as to who you are. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Not supporting trump is the lowest low bar. I’m glad someone doesn’t support trump. It doesn’t make them an ally. There are plenty of conservatives who hate trump who aren’t also pure trash. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user CNN = Fake News Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user It’s all liberals have. They are truly vile. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Ask @user she is there now! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I love Carole! She is so smart I will really miss her! #RHONY was hoping u would have been a great addition to @user or another political show. Any news on what u will do next? ❤️ Symbol: Offensive Input: @user ...Stay Classy!!...what a bully - if I were the ump I take her to court for bringing his reputation into disrepute...🤔🤔🤔 Symbol:
Input: @user @user I banned him personally a long time ago. But it isn’t breaking the law when I do it. Symbol: Offensive Input: ...this obvious hit job on kavannah is not going to work...and the liberals continue to reveal themselves as demonic figures... Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user He didnt won...he was elected by the people of the united states ahole...what he'll are you referring to? Antifa fools that get their asses kicked...vagina pathetic ass Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Keep up the great work Cory! You are today’s hero. Not the Op-Ed author who should have invoked the 25th. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user The pope is Satan incarnate Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Hope they continue to crash @user Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user The only thing this is going to do is make the #MeToo movement even more of a joke than it already has become. I don't think anyone is falling for this BS except for maybe Antifa. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user The Liberals backed by the NDP corrupted Ontario's taxpayers with hedgefunders in Ontario and the USA. This is just the beginning of a process to expose these crimes and more is on the way. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user But not long ago the same Ray went off on a follower (who quite possibly pays for his services) for pointing out a guy (don’t remember who) for getting injured again. You guys pay this assholes bills Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user Liberals won't cry over milk they won't spill. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user She is an angel! Much love to her! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user WHAT THE FUCK Symbol: Not Offensive Input: 54 factory workers shot dead in Oklahoma with WASR-10 Century Arms rifle. The NRA blames gun control laws. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user in every conner coz anti pakistani will not able to attack on our future generation rights Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user So the AR-15 is a fully semi-automatic assault rifle,"" gun control works, and Donald Trump is racist?"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user And most Hillary supporters are racist liberals. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user You are right I'm black so thanks Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user She is a walking talking lie.. that’s why. Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user PC or not has NOTHING to do with common decency...🙄 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Patty. You are injury prone like me. 😅 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I SAW IT but mi*rosoft sucks at translations Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Reason is he is in a small market on a mediocre team. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: Spoke with a woman in Croatia today. She said 80% of Croatia loves @user !! #maga Symbol: Offensive Input: @user PHOOEY! It wasn't about stepping forward"" it was about @user helping @user wield a crude sharp axe on the UK's poor and vulnerable. He is a total hypocrite and fraud in a stupid affected style hat."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: A BUNCH OF VULTURES! TIM ISNT EVEN GONE YET -WTF? HAVE YOU NO SHAME? ALL YOU SEE ARE $$ I HOPE HE LEFT EVERY PENNY TO AN ANIMAL RESCUE! 'Carol Burnett' star Tim Conway recovers from brain surgery as family battle over comic's fate rages on #FoxNews Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user A true ass statement right here Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Well didn't James Comey lie? Or does it only count of you are not FBI? I thought under oath was under oath. Maybe I am wrong. Symbol:
Input: @user well...? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Dear Andrew I saw the endorsement by Cory Booker the both of you are made for each other secondly you're view are so far left since you and Cory both hate the President secondly you're a moron running against Rick Scott I hope get beat so bad Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user You are hilarious! You keep defending that woman. I have watched her for over 20 years and she is a liar and a hypocrite and an obstructionist. I like my crumbs"". She needs people like you to support her though."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user What’s funding it? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Fuckkk 😂😂 I know I seen bitch that’s a slapper lmao Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Carrey should be shut up for good Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user she is not related to him its weird lmao Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user She goes through with chequers the @user are finished Symbol: Offensive Input: REPORT: Christine Blasey Ford ‘prepared to testify’ — but there are some catches"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising"" Symbol:
Input: @user It is poisonous indeed. No wonder she is called Vesha Bottle"". The Beauty in Her eyes poisons every soul that stares into it."" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Ain't nobody bitter here. Women who know their worth spending their life upgrading"" somebody son but actually LIVING it and becoming their best versions for THEMSELVES. You go look cute on your maid outfit, like you always do"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user ....and boobs. Do NOT forget the tatas. ❤️ Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Dude. What the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU? I sent you a direct tweet to show you how you re-tweet your OWN shit. Then I let it go. Now you want to double down? Just go back to Whoviille Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user There is an MP from New Brunswick that may want some encouragement. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Carrey should be shut up for good Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user She is a cutie!!But she needs a PACKER bib Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Can you show me gun control organisations that are exclusively trying to take away guns from black people?? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user It was litterally the best i could ever ask for you are SO sweet and funny and cute and gorgeous and omygod my heart is full Symbol:
Input: @user @user @user You're good Candy You are good 🤣🤣 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Its like saying the brown shirts afe better than nazis because they pretended to be socialists. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user That was Awesome. I love hearing you destroy the Liberals but most of all Trudeau Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user He will get what he deserves😈 Symbol: Offensive Input: 99.9% of the Alumni"" standing up for #ChristineBlaseyKavanaugh didn't even know her....and none are witnesses to her ""stories."" DemocRATS & Liberals are just to destroy America. #ConfirmKavanaughNow"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Don’t worry your time will come play hard and listen the coach Frost he is a winner a championship coach🏈 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user What you're doing is so irresponsible & I believe that ur smart enough to understand how evil you are. If the FBI or JD had some plot to thwart DT, all they had to do was leak"" to the press that he was being investigated. They DID NO SUCH THING. U know you're wrong, that's evil!"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user Ask the UN why? Ask liberals why? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user He is the gawdfather of #fuxNews Symbol:
Input: @user Did you go to the south side where thousands have died? Strictest gun control policies in the country and they don’t work. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Because 45% of Americans are too lazy to vote. Non-voters skew liberal. And too many liberals who do vote throw their vote away on 3rd party losers. Next question? Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user The only ones building on hate and division right now are the Dems and their enforcers Antifa and Naxine Watters. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user The war on free speech = ANTIFA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Friend ordered 100 pair of Levi’s and then called to cancel! Over Gun control! Wow getting wild! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user Im going to tell you one more time to fuck off before I block and report your ass. Whos your current president? Symbol: Not Offensive Input: #MCCASKILL owes back taxes on her private jet! Has it been paid? @user #MAGA #Kavanaugh #ChristinaBlaseyFord #QANON #ThursdayMotivation Symbol: Offensive Input: @user The comments below, defending Drug Ford's blatant abuse of power is completely laughable. But, but the Liberals. Bias, BIAS I tell you!!! Must be only the NDP rich downtown area that was polled"". Ho-man... thanks guys... I needed a good laugh! 😂😂😂"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user So the overwhelming liberals in the populated states can make policy for the rest of America with whom they have no clue about. Just because California has the biggest population does not mean the U.S. shares in their values. Get a clue Hillary. Symbol:
Input: @user All the way to prison... Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Antifa would burn a Conservatives house down and CNN would be there lighting the torches & throwing gas on the flames. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Sounds like he joined #Antifa - Gov. @user of #WA state recently took anti- #POLICE stance won't sign certificates recognizing top 20 law enforcement officers for #Police #Combat competition excellence #ThinBlueLine #MAGA #KAG #BlueLivesMatter #LawEnforcement #2A @user Symbol: Offensive Input: @user you're on fucking drugs my dude Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Best female tennis player ever? Arguably. Great player. She is starting to age and become less unbeatable. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Bengals v. Some sorry team looking for a butt whoopin’ Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user I see you support gun control 😀 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user Why do you think? It really doesn't matter who she's representing. We know it's not the people. By extension we know she lies pretending she is weighing the evidence. She is always only looking for an excuse for her votes supporting whoever owns her. Symbol: Offensive Input: I am all in. #MAGA #WWG1WGA Symbol:
Input: @user Good thing I watch him online. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Keep it going let’s all remember VOTE!!! VOTE RED!! Let’s do the #MAGA for our 🇺🇸🇺🇸. 📣Yaay!! #MAGA!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🗽🗽🗽💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user Tell this idiot to try with other religion book. Her height will b reduced 6 inch from top before amrinder reaches her to arrest. She is sick. She needs treatment. And she is alive becoz she hindu. Don't blabber non sense Symbol: Not Offensive Input: Beto O'Rourke vs. Ted Cruz Latest Polls: Democrat Underdog Shown With Lead For First Time in Texas Senate Race - Newsweek #MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Incoming “evil soy” conspiracy nuts Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user you live in the big dick part cause your gay Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user He is guilty until proven innocent!!! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Do it shithouse Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user You should KO her like Damigo did to that ANTIFA girl at Berkeley. Then blow her a kiss as she's going down. Symbol:
Input: @user @user @user Name them. Who are these conservatives"" who are driving this dump truck of yours, and when they were passionate about deficits. Name them. Who are they?"" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user you want to be defined""? PUL-EASE! When you live under a 24/7/365 MSMedia SHIT-SMEAR to the point you have Marxine Waters sending her ANTIFA minions out to threaten you in public places - you learn not to give a F*CK what the ""Pavlovian Left"" thinks. Night, night 🌙!"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user yep.unfortuly he has proven what establishment supporters on du said about him.why in world did he support bernie.he is all in for trump which is why i have him blocked afte rpreviously following him ont witter and youtube. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Good Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Silly unhinged liberals. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Mom better watch out for the Moron's hands. He has at least 17 accusation of sexual harassment charges. He is also affected by Pee stained skin due to his liking to be peed on! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user DOXX her. See if she is as Lilly white as she puts on. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user There is help for your mental illness. Good grief you liberals are seriously disturbed. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I’m an Antifa Angel who has come to set the Dregs and Deplorables Free. Free from caring what losers think about you. Symbol:
Input: @user @user My old ass was here Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user I concede that's likely the case. I do think there's quite a number of people who are being anti-Serena because of who she is Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Didn’t watch and don’t care. #MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: #diversity has become #tribalism. #culturalappropriation is Left's 'unwinding of #America. #tcot #conservatives"" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Let's focus on Kavanaugh. Bringing up other cases to make an argument about hypocrisy is irrelevant. It's like saying, Let's not investigate this bank robbery because liberals have robbed other banks."" Try to focus."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user It’s amazing that when things pertain to conservatives it’s guilty until proven innocent. Where is the Justice when lawless acts perpetrated by the left get ignored? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Pushed to my limits. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Another lie. Anything for a diversion Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Hello... the problem with more gun control is the only people that guns are being taken away from or ‘controlled’ as you say are people like me who has the legal right to carry a gun. So before you continue to scream gun control... look at who it would affect. Symbol:
Input: @user Yes Liberals vs progressives This should be a really dumb banter Go Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Bono is utterly stupid ridiculous wealthy tax avoiding hypocrite fascist I can’t listen to U2 again Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user you are welcome Symbol: Offensive Input: @user HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW RACIST THE MEDIA IS THEY ONLY SHOW THE BLACK PLAYERS KNEELING AND NO ONE EVERY COMPLAINS ABOUT THAT ? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user do you have run support data? I’m guessing Nola has gotten more. Everything equal I go with wins but his season is just so good I think he is the exception. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Do I care 🚫pe. Hope they fold like a cheap table. Wonder what the spoiled primadonnas do when their huge salaries can't be made. Bet it won't be bailed out like GM & Too Big To Fail Banks were Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user He is so very stupid. Or is it he is just so concrete?? Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user DEPORT! California KNOWS Trump supporters are going to be out at EVERY ELECTION to VOTE REPUBLICAN! HEY HEY HO HO ILLEGAL ALIENS NEED TO GO! #HeyHey Symbol: Offensive Input: @user And don't say anything towards me because my cousins are Puerto Rican my answer Puerto Rican none of them blame from they ain't playing the mayor of Puerto Rico the government Symbol:
Input: @user Over 30 years worth of background checks under different Presidents and this one slipped through? #KavanaughConfirmation #KavanaughWithdraw #KavanaughSCOTUS #maga Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Brennan sure as hell is. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Desirable? Give me a woman over 30 anytime over a girl in her 20s anyday. To much to teach them and you can't relate on a higher level. You are beautiful and any man would be lucky to have you. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I can’t cuz that nigga retarded smh Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Hopefully he is a Titan sooner than later :) Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user you are running scared!🤡 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user Nope. Teaching them not to give a shit what liberals from CA think. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user LOL at peaceful protest. Should i give you the full list? Over 500 incidents Antifa attacked Trump supporters and none of Trump supporters attack Hillary supporters. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Really? Where would you position ANTIFA? Symbol:
Input: @user Don't you have to have some proof?🤔 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Guilty? Symbol: Offensive Input: So I’m at the store and a dude walked in wit a MAGA shirt on (smh ) dog I was mean muggin the fuck outta dude so much that he left his broad in the store.🤷🏽‍♂️😆😆😆 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Ohhhhhh I cried BIG crocodile tears the first time my daddy called me a bitch😂 took it on the chin like a champ but ran to my room to cry just like a bitch💀 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user Andy, you literally went on vacation right after making that pressing"" announcement. You're a joke and this is why real conservatives are turning to Bernier"" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I was on some shit last night Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user I believe Soros is also the main financier or his socialist organizations are of the ANTIFA protestors - more paid actors.👎😲 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user CA has always been blue and so have I. You don't seem to be doing very much except helping yourself. Like my neighbors you are a champagne socialist. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Yes. You are! 😄 And your passion for him is lovely...😊 Symbol:
Input: @user If liberals can’t win they will do whatever it takes to obstruct the process. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user But not long ago the same Ray went off on a follower (who quite possibly pays for his services) for pointing out a guy (don’t remember who) for getting injured again. You guys pay this assholes bills Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Shitttt. I do & does. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Fuck you dope. Not a Fox watcher. Independent voter that will never vote left. Your Party is dangerous. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user The democrats are becoming more despicable by the day! There is no bottom to their vitriol and lies"" barrel. Why liberals go along with this makes no sense."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Alright imma need an explanation there Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Here are the People"" who ""Hold you up"" and who YOU hold up. 1st Photo They are beating a Republican Korean War VET. 2nd & 3rd Photo ANTIFA is Beating Minorities, LGBT and Kids Because they are Conservative. The LEFT, YOUR LEFT is all about shutting down FREE SPEECH! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user allows actual Islamic terrorists to recruit on Twitter despite repeated attempts to have them removed. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user You should investigate Antifa's connections to the Nazis. Symbol:
Input: @user @user Idk what to think about her...but with her eyes like they r...she is naturally bugging out all the time...which is untrustworthy Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Shameful. #NRA is spending over a million $ to get Kavanaugh installed. Gun control isn't his pot of Tea. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user You are very beautifull Symbol: Offensive Input: Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything."" @user #MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I bet she thinks you liberals abused here when you told her it was just an op ed not a photo shoot. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user You said that if my speech offends someone then I should be fined/jailed. I asked if you should be fined if you wanting gun control offended me Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user Silly rabbit 🐇 laws and rules aren’t for liberals. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user She is xx Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user Oh look #Antifa are out to be play...#OPMAYFLOWER #GoodTRUMPsEvil #PatriotsFight #QAnon #MAGA #MAGAbots #DigitalSoldiers #FISAGate #GITMO #Trump2020 #DrainTheSwamp #EnjoyTheShow #LockHerUp #StrawberryRecall @user @user @user @user #WWG1WGA Symbol:
Input: @user @user Except he is. His administration has allowed crime in the city to skyrocket. You bloody leftist snake. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: 97% of Americans want a form of gun control. 62% of Americans want the government to protect the environment. 75% of Americans say immigration is a good thing & 100% of Americans believe that HotDogs belong in the crusts of pizzas & if the Italians don't like it they can suck it. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user But not long ago the same Ray went off on a follower (who quite possibly pays for his services) for pointing out a guy (don’t remember who) for getting injured again. You guys pay this assholes bills Symbol: Not Offensive Input: GOTTA LOVE A PRESIDENT THAT ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT THE PEOPLE OF THIS NATION!!!! #MAGA!!! #OBAMASUCKS Symbol: Offensive Input: @user AMEN HE is with me Symbol: Offensive Input: @user got Kamara too he is the man Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Cause they're assholes Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Christine Ford is an admitted friend to Bernie Saunders and she is Known to Hobnob with other demo politicians! Most shocking word is Kavanaughs mom a Judge ruled against Fords parents in a forclosure case in mid 90s🤔 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user she is not related to him its weird lmao Symbol:
Input: @user I bet she thinks you liberals abused here when you told her it was just an op ed not a photo shoot. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I saw some shit today that made me want to @ her and politely ask her if I could be her stylist.... because I'm not here for these early 2000 bangle bracelets and unnecessary accessories like who's responsible? I have a few words. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user I didn’t watch and will not watch @user Watching the September 11th stories and how we came together and stood shoulder to shoulder made me proud even with all of our issues yet the people playing a damn game cannot stand for this moment—protest on a Saturday. Symbol: Offensive Input: 97% of Americans want a form of gun control. 62% of Americans want the government to protect the environment. 75% of Americans say immigration is a good thing & 100% of Americans believe that HotDogs belong in the crusts of pizzas & if the Italians don't like it they can suck it. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user FUCKOFF YOU BEEN KNEW IM SCARED OF HIM@ Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Antifa is the modern day KKK. Funded by the Demarat party.. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user Because he is talking to an idiot. Liberals have a mental disorder. In his book The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness."" Dr. Rossiter exposes that the ideology motivating Liberals is actually a mental disorder. Read more: Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Never Trumper uses brain for first time, wakes up to the fight #MAGA community has been waging for two years."""" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user GOOD! Symbol:
Input: @user @user @user @user as of right now my only solid position is that the NRA has become far too influential in politics and as a result they have delayed the desire for gun control for about 20 years. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user A liberal anarchist coup d'etat gang runs rampant & a GOP AG does nothing. Liberals prove to be the biggest hate group in USA. The leftstream media cheers them on while excoriating duly elected President of the United States 24/7. ANTIFA openly advocates killing cops. Silence Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user You forgot ANTIFA Symbol: Offensive Input: 99.9% of the Alumni"" standing up for #ChristineBlaseyKavanaugh didn't even know her....and none are witnesses to her ""stories."" DemocRATS & Liberals are just to destroy America. #ConfirmKavanaughNow"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user No and they’re expensive ass hell Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user Conservatives who love draft dodgers. I love it. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user And I you ya sexy lady you ♡ Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Always allege that she is a poor girl and with tenacity and efforts win over this position for future congresswoman ...if she win. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user i love your voice. how do you get it to sound so sexy and strong? #BarbieDreamsVIDEO Symbol:
Input: @user Fuck u Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user You prove how little you know about history, with each new post, wep. Wars are the failure of diplomacy, enabled by an arms industry feeding off taxpayers. Gun control"" is the last thing on their mind. You've been lied to, by pros in the pay of gun manufacturers."" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user You are a big blot on the dharmic Kashmiri Pandits community. In the name of modernity you have lost all sanity which reflects in the way you have supported this loony womans hinduphobia. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Some of Christine Blasey Ford fine upstanding AMERICANS she follows: Beverly Hills Antifa Laguna Beach Antifa Neverland Antifa Midwest Antifa Boston Bob Antifa Wait for it; ANTHONY WEINER - INMATE# 3425742 @user Kinda says it all! WWG1WGA PATRIOTS... Symbol: Offensive Input: @user By defending and making excuses for obvious bad're sure to get more of it. Symbol: Offensive Input: According to a student that spoke under condition of anonymity, the furniture in Johnson Hall has been replaced by even shittier couches."" #seuday"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Sounds like he joined #Antifa .. Gov. @user of #WA state recently took anti- #POLICE stance won't sign certificates recognizing top 20 law enforcement officers for #Police #Combat competition excellence #ThinBlueLine #MAGA #KAG #BlueLivesMatter #LawEnforcement #2A @user Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user You are pathetic! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user My thoughts and prayers are with the families. Random mass shootings, which plague our nation, are not normal and we as a country can't allow them to be normalized,"" Craley said"", The truth is these mass shootings are becoming too ""normal"". Gun control would certainly help."" Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user you live in the big dick part cause your gay Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user primary argument against #Kavanaugh is that he is too Constitutional"" The democrats started a civil war during Clinton They heightened their propaganda during Obama They are scared animals backed into a corner Antifa, BLM & MS13 are their Sturmabteilung"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user We can win the Menendez seat for #MAGA! 🇺🇸 There are 2.4 million registered Independent Republicans in NJ & we outnumber establishment R’s 2:1! 🇺🇸 Only 2.1 million registered D’s in NJ 🇺🇸 On November 6th in NJ R is for RINO! 🇺🇸 This mid term in NJ True Red is I-R Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user Plus she is a REAL reporter and has the courage of a platoon of Marines. SMH. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user >Eradicating HIV and Malaria in the middle of Africa Good bloody luck Symbol: Offensive Input: @user She is not Lisa Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Way over the head..."" you #Liberals are all the same.. ""@USER supporters are stupid"" ""If you think for yourself, you are a racist"" ""Aboilish ICE so we can have open borders and more crime."" Get out of you bubble for a minute and look at how great the country is doing. #MAGA"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user I like that after dating for 8 months you finally understand it when I cringe at the word cock lol Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user I know she is 15 but I still don’t think it’s real Symbol:
Input: @user Shame on them willing to ruin good man over a 36-year-old groping accusation she can't prove. They're rabid liberals who don't want a Supreme Court justice who will follow the Constitution. It's all about politics. Shame. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user It’s Good for our Gun Business. More Guns sell when these people bring up Gun Control. Keep up the Great Work. Guns for All. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user All liberals should cross the floor and leave Trudeau all alone to implode! Guy is leading our country into financial disaster! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Much of your promise of money is not extra/new as govt took back £817 MILLION promised for new affordable"" homes! Stop Right to Buy - we have a @user created #HousingCrisis now, too little, too late! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user You can make fun of liberals that come up with fake stories. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user If he did wouldn’t this be the sort of thing Liberals love? Don’t they hate all law enforcement? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user That one sucks bc he is so hit or miss Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user traitor whoever he or she is. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user Name them. Who are these conservatives"" who are driving this dump truck of yours, and when they were passionate about deficits. Name them. Who are they?"" Symbol:
Input: @user Documents must be getting close to this crook. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user Trump is a very sick man. He is toxic and mean spirited. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Stale Symbol: Offensive Input: @user He’s a DA. Someone educate him he’s in the South now Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user I didnt know my statement was for your entertainment but the root of this problem is conservatives dont root for Serena even though she is the greatest America female tennis player to play the game. So of course they will side with the ref and it all stems from racial resentment Symbol: Offensive Input: ...when Liberals/Democrats punish & slander people for simply being honest and truthful? That's when you know its time to #WalkAway and vote Republican. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Someone's is asking if Davido wasn't supposed to be in Camp? Oga madam park well!! Davido's business is non of your business. Na u send am go school? Haterz... chop shit n die Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user We don't watch any NFL games. This guy can shove it in his pie hole. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Gutierrez you’re such a liar that’s all you guys are good for Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user 7 $ million buyout. Losers. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Pro rate them just as you are the beginning positions. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user That stage was such a pain in the ass for terrorist hunt I loved it Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Chances are if you say “hey no need to call her a whore” you’ll get called a libtard and blocked... but more Conservatives need to stand up and call out vile behavior. Difference between telling someone they can’t say something and what was said was wrong. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Winston thinks she is lovely Symbol: Offensive Input: @user He is hurt and no one has checked on him!!! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Yeah and guess what helped DC become Not the Murder Capital of the World? Gun control! It works! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user She does not remember? Of course she doesn’t! She is making it up as she goes and with the “ help” of her therapist and all the others that believes her BS story. Maybe if she gets hypnotized she will miraculously remember “ more details” #Freakingliars liberals obstructionist🤬 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user So ist es! #TheDeepState #Jesuiten #Cabal #satanists #NWO #KalergiPlan ~ #KalergiPreis #WhiteGenocide #COMMUNISM #Antifa #AlbertPike1871 ‼️ #DrainTheSwamp #LockThemAllUp #Guantanamo #EXPROPRIATE #QAnon 🐇🕳️ @user @user @user #POTUS45 #Trump2020 Symbol:
Input: @user That stage was such a pain in the ass for terrorist hunt I loved it Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Robyn I was gonna make vegan scones but I ran out of fucking time. Blame my biochem lab Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Mehn you are too sweet Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Pls take a look at signing gordon he is the deep threat with goodwin hurt we need and only 27. @user come play with Grop Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user It's hard to kill a killer. Ya know? @user @user Read the book. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user By the looks of her face you can tell where they're pulling the numbers from Symbol: Offensive Input: @user You are too pure to become like this, Atsushi-kun."" He whispered as if he could hear what the child was thinking about. That wasn't so hard. ""I love you, I have adopted you, I have saved you. You showed me a beautiful light, Atsushi-kun."""" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user State level crime when the alleged offender was a juvenile. Silly liberals no crime committed by Kavanaugh but probably one by the liar Ford #DemocratsDividingAndDestroyingAmerica #DemocratsHateAmerica Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Heard from who? You and your lying jealous cronies??? Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user Donald Trump has always been a dangerous animal to the defeated liberal left demonrat and communists like Brennan. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Pro rate them just as you are the beginning positions. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Antifa is a terrorist organization Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user You are becoming the court jester of the senate Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Rescue conservatives from its own demons? Who are the two or three most notorious serial abusers of women in the last 30 years? Hint: they were not GOP. Did they ever face consequences? Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user actually we got gun control and gun grabbers dancing on their graves immediarely using it for political fodder. Accusing NRA instead of removing Sheriff & RUNCIE who got paid by Obama's Promise Program to NOT ARREST KIDS b/c it was RACIST"""" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user He is untreatable Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user American Conservatives Don't give one shit about the terrorist group Hamas or what they think and or believe. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user A much more traditional"" take on the Lois & Clark dynamic is showing up in Tom King's Superman 100-Page Giants at Walmart. I would recommend it. She is not SUPER-heavily featured in the first issue but she is well-treated."" Symbol:
Input: #IdiotAlert Gun control activist David Hogg suggested AR-15s cannot be used for self-defense because they shoot further than handguns. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Hillary is a good reason to keep the electoral college. Symbol: Offensive Input: Shame on @user @user @user @user @user and all the rest of the left wing media that are not doing their jobs and purposely looking the other way. This is the best example yet of their #FakeNews bias. #MAGA #WalkAway from the bias and corruption of the left. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Best female tennis player ever? Arguably. Great player. She is starting to age and become less unbeatable. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user 3/ you can not like Justin all you want but the conservatives have no plan to even consider climate change and have been using BLATANT misinformation to lead people like yourself into believing that it’s Trudeau’s fault we’re negotiating with a fucking sociopath down south Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Can you ask Dana how worried she is for her home in (South?) Carolina? Is it close to the coast? I’m currently in N. Carolina (1st time visiting) and I get welcomed w/ a hurricane! Lordy day.. 😥😨 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Stanced up Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user The right has the unique ability to create monsters out of thin air. It Legislation was even created to fight the phantom menance of antifa--currently in committee. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: Did Someone just say maga 2k19 Symbol:
Input: @user It's great to see you posting this. It shows everyone the disrespect you have for teachers and their role. And it proves that you are wholly unsuitable for any position in parliament. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user fool Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user The feeling is mutual sunshine!! You are probably #Antifa Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user damn... then I'll drink and fight right next to him... OOH RAH its party time and Antifa are the pinatas Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Thank you Ms Desanctis! I'm comforted that not all conservatives are letting their ambition blind their conscience. Sexual assault/harassment has been a plague on society for centuries - that should NOT make it a conservative or traditionalist cause! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user As well this would allow you to still protest. But not stop a speaker or a group. Really Hitler did this in the early time of the Nazi party a group known as the SS would beat up politicians and people that didn't agree with them. (Sounds familiar smells like Antifa.) Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Oh my god. They’re so fucking cute. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user For sure... i have been laughing of them a longt time. 🤣 @user @user @user Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user Gun control doesn’t correlate with safety. It’s these facts you should take some time to ponder. Symbol:
Input: @user Shame on them willing to ruin good man over a 36-year-old groping accusation she can't prove. They're rabid liberals who don't want a Supreme Court justice who will follow the Constitution. It's all about politics. Shame. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user Not a conservative. Antifa is a left wing terror group that uses fascist tactics and violence to silence opposing views. They are NO DIFFERENT than the “Sturmabteilung” brown shirts. Thugs. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user This wouldn't have become a issue if he had not been choosen for supreme Court that's a fact... Shows liberals for what they are Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Why are you liberals, who are so quick to scream I'm a victim"", so clueless as to how our legal system works & which law depts investigate which crimes? Assault crimes are not what the FBI investigates, period. Your ignorance on this matter is glaring & you should be embarassed."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Not supporting trump is the lowest low bar. I’m glad someone doesn’t support trump. It doesn’t make them an ally. There are plenty of conservatives who hate trump who aren’t also pure trash. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user You are becoming unhinged with this game.... Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Keep up the great work Cory! You are today’s hero. Not the Op-Ed author who should have invoked the 25th. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user We love an eagles family Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user You are a nut Symbol:
Input: @user Holder is responsible for selling guns to the Mexican cartel. Just another Obama administration law breaker. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user Tell this idiot to try with other religion book. Her height will b reduced 6 inch from top before amrinder reaches her to arrest. She is sick. She needs treatment. And she is alive becoz she hindu. Don't blabber non sense Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Hopefully he is a Titan sooner than later :) Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Conservatives basically want some kind of Harrison Bergeron scenario where public universities are forced to pretend Charlie and Candace are functioning adults. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user She is drinking so much koolaid she’s bloated. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user For the record I know Doug Jones personally and he is only a Sen. Bc we had no other credible choice. He won’t be at the next election. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user lmao @ the WORLD league viewership compared to league of legends or overwatch or cs:go. Main issues are that the format is shit and the game is on console. So you need to fix one of them. Console could be turned into an advantage uf u capture the attention of Joe Shmo Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Retweet this 42 times. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user As they should be Symbol:
Input: @user Good bye Flakey Fake and good riddance! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user He is hurt and no one has checked on him!!! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: *goes to song suffragettes* Waitress: “there’s a $15 minimum food and drinks charge” Me to waitress : “who do you think you are?” Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Don't understand your logic. Anyways this is going nowhere. This to me is not acceptable. Maybe you are ok with it. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Not really. Gun control limits one capability to personally safety. It makes it even harder for good people to buy guns legally. It will even make it hard for women to obtain guns for self defense. Just keep a simple background check system we already have. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Hopefully he is a Titan sooner than later :) Symbol: Offensive Input: @user All liberals should cross the floor and leave Trudeau all alone to implode! Guy is leading our country into financial disaster! Symbol: Offensive Input: The “Law and Order” president really hates law enforcement! Lol #MAGA Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Fuck yeah! Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user @user @user Says one of the thickest cultists on Twitter. Irony at its finest. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user So the AR-15 is a fully semi-automatic assault rifle,"" gun control works, and Donald Trump is racist?"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Free speech is alive but not so well since all social media platforms are run with a strict dictatorship of opinions by libtards. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user oh shit uhhh what ao3 fic is this Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user Thank you for your conscience and actions. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Because they’re so hateful and can’t cover anything except Trump. I remember when Wolf and Anderson were actually decent journalists..... Symbol: Offensive Input: @user The presumption of innocence only applies to Lefist Liberals. You are guilty from the get go if you're a Conservative. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: 2019 tours will include flights and hotels. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user Antifa gets to stay on twitter but the proud boys are banned. Life isn't fair. Don't be a victim. Symbol:
Input: @user I am jealous. I would love to work in the White House with these fine people. Hell I would dust the window's just to be a part of this fabulous time and team. God Bless you all. MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Brett Kavanaugh was supposed to be a selling point for GOP candidates in the midterm elections. But now he could become a liability...CBS enough of all your BS lies. Go away with your other liberals CNN. MSM. WE ARE NOT LISTENING TO YOUR IGNORANT BS Stories!!! 😡😡😡😡 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Boy is that professor stupid or else has a mental illness. He obviously should not be teaching anyone! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Son please don’t make me cry today because I never saw this shit Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user All liberals should cross the floor and leave Trudeau all alone to implode! Guy is leading our country into financial disaster! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Attention! @user is publicizing a Target List for Antifa on his Twitter Account. This list has high profile names and NAMES of random Trump supporters. PLEASE check his list for your name AND report him to @user Symbol: Offensive Input: @user She is unfit for office . Mentally deranged.. unstable.. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Because everyone knows this is a political stunt and the GOP is going to make him Justice Kavanaugh"" before those midterm elections whether you liberals like it or not. That's what's going to happen and you need to just accept it. Right now you're still in denial 😢 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user He is so very stupid. Or is it he is just so concrete?? Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user bro your twinsie resemblance to my brother in UNCANNY! He is 30 years old now - maybe you are long lost bros? Which would make US BROS! LOL Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Did you go to the south side where thousands have died? Strictest gun control policies in the country and they don’t work. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user She has no credibility. Lives in a $4 million mansion and associates with Antifa. Who would stab her in the back anyway. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user She is a victim. Terrible. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user just saw your algae commercial blaming @user that’s pretty rich considering you are the Gov and have done zero zip and now you want to be Senator of FL. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Agreed. It's probably white people screaming how offensive she is too. I wish Big Brother wasn't forced by the twitter SJW army to remove her. We have all said offensive things when we were teenagers. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: #USA (I feel your pain, even while I profit causing it!) #liberals , U gotta luv 'em! Redistributing wealth not on their menu- serve up identity politics slop. So you destroyed #Libya -ya'll never catch Bill now -he's got million dead #Iraqi kids (sanctions '90's) under his belt Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user She is only saying that because she wants to win. Don’t vote for this fraud. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user damn... then I'll drink and fight right next to him... OOH RAH its party time and Antifa are the pinatas Symbol:
Input: @user I cackle at something different shit every time I watch it lol Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user A rich snow ❄️ here Symbol: Offensive Input: @user His frustration began to subside as he felt her hand upon his. The tone within her voice was some what soothing to him. It's been sometime having someone be there when in need the most. And that in itself is why no one is more important to me then you"" She is the center piece +)"" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user He is embarrassing and just as low a human as possible to diminish the loss of life of the elderly. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user No time for political correctness. It is a Lie. Everyone knows this. Behind the scenes the liberals are laughing. Take the vote. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Wrong. @user was a enthusiastic architect of devastating austerity along with the Tory's. The @user did not have to abandon every principle they supposedly had to the @user they could have let Cameron run a minority Government (as dId SNP) but CHOSE not to Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Eight years the republicans denied obama’s picks. Breitbarters outrage is as phony as their fake president. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: .... and so it begins. <<<< The unfair and biased and unjustified targeting of Conservatives in a massive CENSORSHIP OF CONSERVATIVES Exercise . >>>> #Pray4TheUSA #Pray4Revival Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user have we become angels?? BEST Symbol:
Input: @user @user Christine Ford is an admitted friend to Bernie Saunders and she is Known to Hobnob with other demo politicians! Most shocking word is Kavanaughs mom a Judge ruled against Fords parents in a forclosure case in mid 90s🤔 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user She is adorable Symbol: Offensive Input: @user It’s amazing that when things pertain to conservatives it’s guilty until proven innocent. Where is the Justice when lawless acts perpetrated by the left get ignored? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Because Liberals are insane and btw had this been a Democrat nominee and the accuser was a female conservative she would not be heard. Heck look at Keith Ellison's accuser who has proof. They've turned their back on her and she's a democrat! Why is the @user not helping her? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Dear Andrew I saw the endorsement by Cory Booker the both of you are made for each other secondly you're view are so far left since you and Cory both hate the President secondly you're a moron running against Rick Scott I hope get beat so bad Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Shameful. #NRA is spending over a million $ to get Kavanaugh installed. Gun control isn't his pot of Tea. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user My favourite part of this is watching all the conservatives lose their minds as usual. Once again the Democrats are being mean to us boo-hoo. LOL. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user No worries Antifa. You can still live in your parents basement and go to your community college!!! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user What would happen if she were to support gun control? Would the NRA help her opponent? Symbol:
Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user You are not very smart are you? Why do you think Gen Flynn’s sentencing keeps being rescheduled? Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Much of your promise of money is not extra/new as govt took back £817 MILLION promised for new affordable"" homes! Stop Right to Buy - we have a @user created #HousingCrisis now, too little, too late! Symbol: Offensive Input: Adicionei um vídeo a uma playlist @user LIL PEEP Type Beat You're Leaving Already"" | Melancholic"" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user That's how liberals interoperate the law! One more reason to make sure we flood the courts with conservative Judges. Symbol: Offensive Input: .@USER real goal: To make everyone in Wisconsin as dumb as he is. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user Maybe the Trumpies will call for Gun Control after this. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user Lindsey... Sean Hannity talks to an echo chamber simply to hear himself. He is not a journalist but a news pundit with his own weird conspiratorial agenda supported by well crafted partial facts aimed at a very narrow audience. He really is a laughable fool for Trump.. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user She is disgusting Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Because you are 💩 Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user @user @user I am sure he is doing that in his organization. Also respect is a two way street. Law enforcement job is to protect and SERVE its citizens. It like they miss that part . Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Everybody Talks About the Weather . . . We Don't: We confront them when we make sure that what doesn't suit us never happens again. Don’t blather that it is too violence. The action #AntiFa is not crocheting doilies! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Nobody interferes and steals elections for liberals in western democracies including America than Soros. Why there is no investigation and are no charges against him? Yet! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Ask @user she is there now! Symbol: Offensive Input: Love our @user #MAGA 🇺🇸❤️ Symbol: Offensive Input: @user These bitches on my brain Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user Please call trump out for what he is...a NARCISSISTIC SOCIOPATH! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user god damn you’re so fucking valid Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Didn’t a woman beat her? Huh... Symbol:
Input: @user @user @user @user You are exposing us 😂😂 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Congratulations #POTUS #MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user monster hunter Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Of course he is. He will be remembered for being the biggest hypocrite in history. They change the rules constantly. #GOPHypocrites Symbol: Not Offensive Input: #USA #UK and probably #Europe and #Australia With their level of intelligence? Weez all stoopid y'all! #MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MCGA #Conservatives #Patriots #Celebrities Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user that's what you are implying that no-one took correct records-having been to hospital it is usual for the doctors or nurses to record as they go-so it is your claim that so many are incompetent if no single record was produced correctly- Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user SJSHSJ THATS MY JOB BITCH Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Pro rate them just as you are the beginning positions. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user watch it again. For crying out loud he is talking about Joe within the first few minutes. Symbol:
Input: #MCCASKILL owes back taxes on her private jet! Has it been paid? @user #MAGA #Kavanaugh #ChristinaBlaseyFord #QANON #ThursdayMotivation Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I have backtraced your IP and have sent you information to AntiFa. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Well remember how the cops in San Jose stood down"" and watched as antifa thugs armed with bats,bottles & pepper spray attacked Trump rally goers? They were ""just following orders"". That's what most soldiers & cops do. Soldiers follow orders & cops protect their paycheck. SAD."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Did you see what she said about Travis on Ellen?? That’s one hating ass bitch 😭 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Carrey is becoming weird like peewee Herman... Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Fighting for the oppressed""? Puleeeze"" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user But I am a good woman with a gun @user Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user Because he is talking to an idiot. Liberals have a mental disorder. In his book The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness."" Dr. Rossiter exposes that the ideology motivating Liberals is actually a mental disorder. Read more: Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user Not a conservative. Antifa is a left wing terror group that uses fascist tactics and violence to silence opposing views. They are NO DIFFERENT than the “Sturmabteilung” brown shirts. Thugs. Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user This is the realest (and tealest) shit ever. Eric da gawd Symbol: Not Offensive Input: #Westminster @user #Tories @user @user #Brexit 🇬🇧 @user @user @user @user #MurderRate #London What a facking Khant 😠😠😠 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Eric holder is Obama's straw man of corruption Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user You said that if my speech offends someone then I should be fined/jailed. I asked if you should be fined if you wanting gun control offended me Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Just by looks this guy has Antifa written all over him Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Also she's thick as shit despite her posh brainy voice"" on QT when the ""refugee"" crisis was at it's peak,she said they should come in because there may be surgeons & dentists amongst them.Fecking leftie lunatic.#ScruffBag"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user He is the best Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Criminal schmuck. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user He is so cute! Symbol:
Input: @user Did you see what she said about Travis on Ellen?? That’s one hating ass bitch 😭 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Agreed...he is the future! Symbol: Offensive Input: 11/21 Political Corruption: Texans: Among liberals and conservs, R's and D's, large majorities favor limits on campaign spending and say the high cost of campaigning discourages many good candidates from running for president.” #BetoforSenate Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Funny how the Conservatives didn't like it when one of there's defected but they sure didn't mind when a Liberal defected. Where's there integrity in this? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user What a crap she is? publicity seeker. Since when tearing apart The Bhagwad Gita is symbol of changing India and why Bhagwad Gita .........if u have guts show here tearing apart Kuran and Bible too #Intellectualidiot Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user I really thought so. He is the God of rap. How do you come back from that Symbol: Not Offensive Input: Roy Moore"" ""Allegations From Far Distant Past"" ""Bezos"" ""Bunny"" ""Satire"" #drellenbrandt #MAGA Dr. Melissa Bunny, via a Medium, tells us from beyond the grave: ""About 35 years ago, Jeff Bezos put his hands on me, cut my head off, and cooked me as hasenpfeffer for dinner."" 🐇🐇🐇 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: .Alina_AE Hah! Makes me think of my friend Catherine back at home </3 mighty hunter that she is! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user She is a master at twisting words and meaning. Symbol:
Input: @user @user So pretty yet so naive. Great actress though. Everything she said was not of american values and was against freedom of the american people. Gun control doesnt work. Just look at Chicago. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Don’t forget Antifa & Southern Poverty Smear Center. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user I believe that Melania Trump is an abused woman maybe not physically but definitely mentally by an abuser husband and she is afraid to speak out against her abuser. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Any Texan that would grant automatic citizenship to illegal immigrants should never be elected. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user She worked for @user before he fired her for her comments on The View. She is inconsistent all over the damn place. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Didn't this trashy thing sleep her way to the top with married men? Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user She’s vile & hateful & just not funny. She needs to stay out of the news for the next 10 years until none of us remember how terrible a person she is... Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user He is a genius! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user fake ass emoji Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: #Westminster @user #Tories @user @user #Brexit 🇬🇧 @user #Brexiteers #OutOfTheEU @user #EU #Brussels #Remoaners #Remainers #Quislings #FBPE #Non-Patriots #Anti-UK #Pro-EU #Traitors #snowflakes #bedwetters #LeftieLuvvieLiberals 😂😂😂😂 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Because you are 💩 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user You mean like soros does for BAMN and Antifa Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Bob is an old man living in the past. He has no idea what the working class has been through. Promises from both the Dems & Rep career politicians with their expensive law degrees and never worked a day in their lives. It took @user to finally listen and take action. Symbol: Offensive Input: 6/7 ....drunk 17-year-old tell us little about his character as 53-year-old, let alone about his competency as a jurist."" But it seems a tad more likely that conservatives are merely clarifying, yet again, that “LAW AND ORDER MEANS USING THE LAW TO REINFORCE A SOCIAL ORDER."""" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user This shit gon keep me in the crib lol fuck it Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user She is a wannabe Hilary Clinton.. Can’t stand that woman and anything that the NDP stands for. I believe that they are even more dangerous than the liberals! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: President Trump to Hold MAGA Rally in Missouri This Week #donaldtrump #donaldtrumprallies #featured #springfield Symbol: Offensive Input: @user It's the ANTIFA gang! Symbol:
Input: @user That one sucks bc he is so hit or miss Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user He’s an NBA plant! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user I hate @user so much now. They fucked up the whole franchise. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Wife bet on Penn State! He is upset! Symbol: Offensive Input: Shits about to Hit the Fan. #MAGA Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user She can probably suck the chrome off a trailer hitch though... Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I’m sorry you are going through this. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user Nope. Teaching them not to give a shit what liberals from CA think. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user And now we're off to get milk and cookies Symbol:
Input: @user 2011 I still got all my shits Symbol: Offensive Input: @user It’s amazing that when things pertain to conservatives it’s guilty until proven innocent. Where is the Justice when lawless acts perpetrated by the left get ignored? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I swear. I’m so glad my fat ass never drunk that shit. I’m tryna be slim but not crackhead slim🙇🏾‍♀️ Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Disgusting Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user She says no. You are now sad. She then realizes what you might actually mean. She slaps you. She says no. Now you are sad AND your face hurts. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user #JulieBurchill is actually mentally ill. When I was a kid she used to fill the NME and The Face and all those mags with her vacuous drivel and now she is given the space in Grown Up World to do it courtesy the spineless pro #brexit @user eejits. She is pathetic. Symbol: Offensive Input: GOTTA LOVE A PRESIDENT THAT ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT THE PEOPLE OF THIS NATION!!!! #MAGA!!! #OBAMASUCKS Symbol: Offensive Input: @user You know what will make this professor even woker""? If he's a gun control nut...."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Call is normal thing tho cos you even call your friends she should sub for herself she is not yet your responsibility to start buying data Outing? Dunno😀go for lowcut girls them full my hometown ☺☺ Symbol:
Input: @user @user @user Yes but it doesnt help with the made up stories about him. He shouldn't of called football players SOB. but he is right about illegal immigration. We can't support the entire nation. Rules needs to change. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user #LikeNoOther #GameStopContest Laura Croft is great because she is a badass! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user All one and five dollar bills Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user We know it’s a strategy conservatives have.... not working Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Moore just got Don elected again. Liberals never learn. He’s more unlikable than Trump Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user Are you suggesting that I fall for that? I certainly do not support the liberals vis-à-ve Democrats agenda. Read my Tweets. I’m on the right so VOTE GOP 🇺🇸. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Thank you she is a gentle soul xxx😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️ Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Clown Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user She is she blocked me Symbol:
Input: @user Eric Holder should've been in his 2nd yr at Gitmo. What's the update on Gitmo's expansion? Why is he still breathing in our freedom air? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user Whoa! Angie!!! Back off that logic! You're going to confuse the liberals. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user And Trump fans are bullies!!! Antifa ?? Steve Scalise ?? Resists Movement ?? You need to get off CNN and MSNBC Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user The problem is, the people who will read this and go oh shit he is a cunt"" already think he is. The rednecks and retards that already support him will believe it is fake news."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user Oh look #Antifa are out to be play...#OPMAYFLOWER #GoodTRUMPsEvil #PatriotsFight #QAnon #MAGA #MAGAbots #DigitalSoldiers #FISAGate #GITMO #Trump2020 #DrainTheSwamp #EnjoyTheShow #LockHerUp #StrawberryRecall @user @user @user @user #WWG1WGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user So the AR-15 is a fully semi-automatic assault rifle,"" gun control works, and Donald Trump is racist?"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Glad no one watches her! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user Silly rabbit 🐇 laws and rules aren’t for liberals. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user liberals have turned everything into a 3 ring circus. Symbol:
Input: @user A much more traditional"" take on the Lois & Clark dynamic is showing up in Tom King's Superman 100-Page Giants at Walmart. I would recommend it. She is not SUPER-heavily featured in the first issue but she is well-treated."" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user She is but that's not why we're friends. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user what the fuck Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user then you are a fool too Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Conversely you apparentl don't care about kids unless they are shot at school & can be used to promote gun control. Funny that AR you hate so much is used to kill far less people than criminals do with their arms and legs. When do you start calling for everyone to be dismembered? Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user You are beginning to sound just like a stuck record Brian. Why don't you go and find something less boring to do instead. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user We can win the Menendez seat for #MAGA! 🇺🇸 There are 2.4 million registered Independent Republicans in NJ & we outnumber establishment R’s 2:1! 🇺🇸 Only 2.1 million registered D’s in NJ 🇺🇸 On November 6th in NJ R is for RINO! 🇺🇸 This mid term in NJ True Red is I-R Symbol: Offensive Input: @user The fact that we believe that these are the only two conservatives with a shred of decency is deeply disturbing. Even more disturbing is that I don’t believe either of them do either. Still doesn’t hurt to try. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Trudeau and Liberals are incompetent to handle it. Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user FASCIST LEFT ARE EVERYWHERE. We must crush them; boycotts work folks. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Lol he is funny Symbol: Offensive Input: @user This message was approved by #antifa #pussyhats #BLM Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user But you are still going to jail tho #Fredo Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Except for the little attempted rape thing he is just a wonderful guy Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user This is said by the woman who’s campigne sought dirt on Trump. Who lost by loosing States she could not or would not campaigne in. Trump and his team found the weakness and exploited it. That’s being policallly smart don’t you think? He is the amature here? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user Who is fawning? And who are you to decide who is and who isn't reasonable? It is fully possible to be reasonable and still be wrong. I'm guessing you have never watched Daves show and are going by what you have heard from people you are fawning over. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I’m not liking the direction he is going in. He needs to make happy couples and have happiness in their lives. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user EAT MY ASS OH MY GOD YOU BETTER BE LYING Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user He is quite good at faking. Must have done it numerous times Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user My favourite part of this is watching all the conservatives lose their minds as usual. Once again the Democrats are being mean to us boo-hoo. LOL. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: Heather Mac Donald: Colleges Teach Students to See Bias Where It Doesn’t Exist"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising"" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user He is still one of my favorites Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Truly you are amazing sir ji .. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user So, I tuned into the Emmys last night, I watched for a whole 5 SECONDS before some celebrity, I had never heard of, started talking about their platform."" Click. Liberals ruin everything."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Elections have consequences. And if the left continues the direction they are heading in they will not win another one for a long time. #keepitup. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user That’s fucking rude to do that Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Attention! @user is publicizing an ANTIFA target list on his account. The list has high profile names AND many random Trump Supporters' names. Twitter has NOT suspended this account. Please help report him. (check out his account Lists"" )."" Symbol:
Input: @user You are an amazing mom❤ Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Not supporting trump is the lowest low bar. I’m glad someone doesn’t support trump. It doesn’t make them an ally. There are plenty of conservatives who hate trump who aren’t also pure trash. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Ohh shit 😦 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: WTC This is a threat!!! ..@USER #Maga #QAnon #WakeUpAmerica Symbol: Not Offensive Input: .@USER What say you now? I guess it's ✌️for liberals to use the so called white power"" gesture. Symbol: Offensive Input: President Trump’s 17th Wave of Judicial Nominees"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising"" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Keep voting for liberals and this is the future Symbol: Offensive Input: #Liberals grasp at unproven straws ... #NotPlastic Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user she is a bad girl ! bad bad gril :) Symbol:
Input: @user Reason is he is in a small market on a mediocre team. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user This sicko thinks that others scheme and lie like he and a lot of the liberals do. Remember Rham Emanuel’s famous quote “You never let a serious crisis go to waste” Symbol: Not Offensive Input: .@USER What say you now? I guess it's ✌️for liberals to use the so called white power"" gesture. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user CREEPY! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user If economy plummets post-Brexit then less money for public services; if less immigration to work on farms and services no doubt you will step in? #Conservatives #BrexitShambles 2/2 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user cares a great deal about how he is perceived. The number of people who died is largely irrelevant to him as long as he doesn't look bad. Not sure how blaming Democrats fits with Trump's amorality and lack of empathy but his inability to take responsibility fits. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user The lies i keep hearing everyday sigh *INHALES* IM TIRED OF YOU PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN AND IF PPL DONT SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL MY BESTFRIEND IS THEN ITS THEIR PROBLEM You are beautiful ive seen iT so its my place to tell you you are beautiful and i accept nothing less. If not more 😤 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Morrow said he is shooting for the White Sox series so he should be the closer. Hopefully. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user And conservatives are no longer conservatives why do you think Maxime Bernier has started a new party that will follow original Conservative values. Symbol:
Input: 54 factory workers shot dead in Oklahoma with WASR-10 Century Arms rifle. The NRA blames gun control laws. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Before this scumbag considers running for president I want him to publicly swear under oath that when he was in school he never tried to cop a feel as these liberals like to show themselves as pure as the driven snow. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user It's like a reading a leaflet from Antifa or BLM. Utter garbage. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Didn’t watch and don’t care. #MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user Antifa is a left wing"" inspired group."" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user It’s either they lookin for shit for somebody else or they creeps 😂 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Any Texan that would grant automatic citizenship to illegal immigrants should never be elected. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Eric u got alot of balls ... Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Pushed to my limits. Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user What you are suggesting is thoughts & prayers wouldn't have given you this picture that science & technological advances did? #Science Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user bitch i know u see the rainbow inna bio😂 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user i feel attacked 😂 Symbol: Offensive Input: ....."" And he is shuting up. Don't mess with Yumi. Don't ever mess with Ms. Yuzuki."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user America is better than swamp crud like YOU! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Would you know who she is?? 😊 Symbol: Offensive Input: MAGA...retweet this over and over ...he has deleted the tweet but let's let him know we have it! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Oh I never had any doubt.. Read all about the Dirty Wars too..He is a slovenly POS.. Jesuit who worships Satan.. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user This smells like another funding of George Soros. Follow the money 💴 trail. That woman most likely never knew Judge Kavanaugh. liberals are running scared because The Judge has conservative Christians values. The man has an impeccable Portfolio. Finestine’s a dirty politician Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user Griffin thinks she is funny but she's not. She's a disgusting pig!! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Do it shithouse Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Do not donate. She is picking and choosing who she donates to. Being reported. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Word cause her music SLAPS THERE'S NO REASON SHE SHOULDN'T BE SELLING OUT BIG ASS SHOWS (idk if she is or isn't but she DESERVES) Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Christine Ford is an admitted friend to Bernie Saunders and she is Known to Hobnob with other demo politicians! Most shocking word is Kavanaughs mom a Judge ruled against Fords parents in a forclosure case in mid 90s🤔 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #Islamism & The #Left including @user @user @user #Marxists #Progressives #Socialists & w/ their shock troop #BrownShirts #ANTIFA trying to subvert our #constitutional #USARepublic Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Prove your claim or be exposed as the lying piece of shit you are. Meanwhile... Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user He is a godless heathen @user Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Hahaha what great comedy. Liberals are freaking hysterical Symbol:
Input: @user well do some research and dairy and gluten allergies are major problems with mental health from anxiety and depression to bi polar and schizophrenia.. Its a tough diet but if you are sick of feeling like you are its way worth it Symbol: Offensive Input: @user fool Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Why are the tweets that Conservatives are retweeting with comments suddenly Unavailable? I cannot see what they’re talking about if the original tweet is no longer available. Anyone else noticing this? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user She has received death threats and has teenage daughters. She is protecting her family Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Likely shift? He is a political operative for the GOP. This will be a life-long dream for many who have been working towards this outcome for decades. It’s sad. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user Now we just need antifa outside when they confirm kavanaugh Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user lmao @ the WORLD league viewership compared to league of legends or overwatch or cs:go. Main issues are that the format is shit and the game is on console. So you need to fix one of them. Console could be turned into an advantage uf u capture the attention of Joe Shmo Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user PROUD OF YOU SWEET ❤️ Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Crazy liberals Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user She went to my high school. Dumb liberals are prevalent in my area Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Beto-male Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user What new gun control laws would you like to see passed and what would they accomplish? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Love u bitch Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user Pedophilia is the worst of all evil Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user I don't know how They said they aren't gay tho."" and ""And by liberals you mean conservatives."" sounds like me being upset. As for why it matters, if it doesn't matter then why go to such lengths to deny that they're gay? There's straight couples, why not just let them be gay?"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Hitler would be so proud of David Hogg Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user PC or not has NOTHING to do with common decency...🙄 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Pretty much. As I’ve stated I believe is gun control just not this aspect of it. The guns aren’t the problem the people who shouldn’t have guns are. Where do we draw the line. How do we prevent “bad or crazy” people from shooting up a crowd. Surely we don’t have the answer Symbol:
Input: @user @user @user They should consider gang squad units. They should consider controlling the dope epidemic. They should consider a lot of things. But the loosing left would disagree and just scream gun control Symbol: Not Offensive Input: Filling the Skies - Chemicals & Frequencies #IDoNotConsent #WeDoNotConsent #OpEvidence #opstopchemtrails #Chemtrails #SkyBastard #Geoengineering #climatechange #SRM #Cloudseeding #EverGreenAir  #BigMoney #NEXRAD #LookUp #SilentWarfare #WeatherWarfare #MAGA #potus #breakingnews Symbol: Offensive Input: *60 … * Sixty year old! Man ...... she is fine Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user That's expected if you placate the violent leftists/terrorists. #KavanaughConfirmation #woke Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user You are pathetic! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: #workout When you have a fat belly then you are insulin resistant and can fix it with out medications by fasting... details are here Symbol: Offensive Input: @user yep.unfortuly he has proven what establishment supporters on du said about him.why in world did he support bernie.he is all in for trump which is why i have him blocked afte rpreviously following him ont witter and youtube. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Over 30 years worth of background checks under different Presidents and this one slipped through? #KavanaughConfirmation #KavanaughWithdraw #KavanaughSCOTUS #maga Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user You are so correct the Democratic party for slavery and pro-nazi gun control Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user The comments below, defending Drug Ford's blatant abuse of power is completely laughable. But, but the Liberals. Bias, BIAS I tell you!!! Must be only the NDP rich downtown area that was polled"". Ho-man... thanks guys... I needed a good laugh! 😂😂😂"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user You are exposing us 😂😂 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user Funny how well meaning left leaning liberals have become money obsessed fundamentalists.....strange business brexit. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user John Kerry is a swamp rat nothing more nothing less CNN we all know is the clown news network Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user FINALLY HOLY SHIT YOU ARE FINALLY READING THE GOAT Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user One from Adelaide and one Antifa. I now understand why your both so angry. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user you are also the king of taste Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I see you support gun control 😀 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: Heather Mac Donald: Colleges Teach Students to See Bias Where It Doesn’t Exist"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising"" Symbol:
Input: @user Clown Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Man I hope they say if he is playing or not on Saturday Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Just by looks this guy has Antifa written all over him Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Another lie. Anything for a diversion Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Liberals own education in this country. The faults of education lies on the federal socialization of our schools and the unions power over school boards. Look where the worst schools are... Symbol: Offensive Input: @user You are sexy as fuck babygirl🔥🔥🔥 Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user I follow civil liberals or center-left people and a few of them I’ve interacted with for yrs. I learn from them occasionally and hopefully vice versa. Never thought about blocking them. I guess a shift is what ppl might see as problematic 🤷🏻‍♂️ Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Do it shithouse Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Crazy freaking liberals Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user @user Nobody interferes and steals elections for liberals in western democracies including America than Soros. Why there is no investigation and are no charges against him? Yet! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user There’s actually republican cities that have higher crime rate than Chicago Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user that's what you are implying that no-one took correct records-having been to hospital it is usual for the doctors or nurses to record as they go-so it is your claim that so many are incompetent if no single record was produced correctly- Symbol: Not Offensive Input: 1) Ultimately, the defense of Kavanaugh by Republicans, conservatives, their media and public is a manifestation of America's rape culture -- the latter being neither 'colorblind' or 'race neutral.'"""" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user So you are ok with the racial epithats that the left calls black conservatives? #bigotry #hypocrisy #walkaway I did. Many have. Dont be blind. You are being a tool for a establishment. Keep resisting the outsider and be for the political elite millionaires. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user The President despite all of Woodward book of lies and you and Barrack has done so far a tremendous job we are respected again our economy is not longer the animic less than 2% and our enemies fear us again John you and Barrack r History Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user There's zero evidence of any gaff and it's not their jobs to do any such thing; this is just more hijinx and chicanery from two buffoons that have no platforms or morals. #CONservatives #cdnpoli Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Let's focus on Kavanaugh. Bringing up other cases to make an argument about hypocrisy is irrelevant. It's like saying, Let's not investigate this bank robbery because liberals have robbed other banks."" Try to focus."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: The GOP has two choices: 1) Confirm Kavanauh & possibly lose the house. 2) Dump Kavanauh definitely lose the house & have their supporters #WalkAway #MAGA #DoTheRightThing #ConfirmKavanaugh Symbol:
Input: @user @user is paid to attack the credibility of anyone who criticizes or accuses Trump of wrong doing. He is a paid political hitman disguised as a journalist. He is a hack! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user You are as nasty as he is Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Maybe he should have used some of your peers? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Gun control now! Enough is enough! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Their gullibility. They think if a politician has an R by their name he is a good guy and don't research that person at all. Symbol: Offensive Input: .... and so it begins. <<<< The unfair and biased and unjustified targeting of Conservatives in a massive CENSORSHIP OF CONSERVATIVES Exercise . >>>> #Pray4TheUSA #Pray4Revival Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user doing pretty good hope you are well my friend tough season for both teams but it happens Symbol: Offensive Input: @user surely he is a saint of these latter days Symbol: Offensive Input: *hugs Milo* He is mine now and you cannot have him back. >.> Symbol:
Input: @user @user @user @user She is a wannabe Hilary Clinton.. Can’t stand that woman and anything that the NDP stands for. I believe that they are even more dangerous than the liberals! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Cough*Nicky Haley* Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user eto ba ang hindi corrupt? you are so naive if you think that this admin is different from previous admins Symbol: Offensive Input: @user And the media will simply not calm down and just report normally and let the folks decide. They are a propaganda arm of one party and anyone who disagrees with their doctrine is dismissed as evil and worthy of the Auntie Maxine or ANTIFA treatment or worse. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user I’m really not on any side of this mess but all day people were siding with Cardi talking bout Nicki and do shit. Jsjdhkdfhjfkfkhsjdhd MESSSSSSS!! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user surely he is a saint of these latter days Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Truly. He had that sly, self-deprecating humor and swagger. Like you said, very American""."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Lolol God he is such an a**hole. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: 9 factory workers gunned down in Iowa City with 20-gauge Winchester pump-action shotgun. The NRA blames gun control laws. Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user He is an israeli puppet. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: WTC This is a threat!!! ..@USER #Maga #QAnon #WakeUpAmerica Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user I hope you are at the park. They are playing rush Symbol: Offensive Input: @user We all know #Liberals' poll is completely a BS. Symbol: Offensive Input: #ownthelibs interesting documentation of reactionary behavior from conservatives Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Choosing heartless politician over your ancestors country. Speaks volumes as to who you are. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Dufus of the year would be more like it...!!! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user 👌🏻 I’ve never seen anyone talk like that on Twitter before and I’ve seen some really messed up shit Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Coming from a guy who worries more about straws than cleaning up failed 'shitty' he knows Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: According to a student that spoke under condition of anonymity, the furniture in Johnson Hall has been replaced by even shittier couches."" #seuday"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Bullshit. People died because of an incompetent government in Puerto Rico. And you can start with that mayor. Stop lying Gutierrez. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Baekhyun........🙇‍♀️ How are you?? Are you eating well?? I'm inactive these days😥 bcz of my project and assignment. Anyway I miss you😫 And you better eat proper meal😒 When r you coming here?? I'm sorry you are busy but i miss you. Take your time ok. Tata👋🏻 See you later😉 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user 👌🏻 I’ve never seen anyone talk like that on Twitter before and I’ve seen some really messed up shit Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Well didn't James Comey lie? Or does it only count of you are not FBI? I thought under oath was under oath. Maybe I am wrong. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Calling out the #Islamophobic party of Britain @user to take #Islamophobia seriously. @user MUST investigate the likes of @user @user @user @user @user Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user It's funny how liberals and Democrats work together but fight on Twitter Symbol: Offensive Input: @user also shitbiscuit stole most of the Tempe girls u can't blame that on me.. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Just think... this chap was teaching... Symbol:
Input: @user @user He is such an A-Hole. Sad. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user He’d shat his pants if he faced any Antifa Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Sounds like he joined #Antifa .. Gov. @user of #WA state recently took anti- #POLICE stance won't sign certificates recognizing top 20 law enforcement officers for #Police #Combat competition excellence #ThinBlueLine #MAGA #KAG #BlueLivesMatter #LawEnforcement #2A @user Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Hey Jimmy @user The View had Norm on. THE VIEW!!!!! You're sad. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user There’s definitely a feedback loop which is now even warping perceptions within the movement. Labour factions often hate each other more than the conservatives Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Donald Trump has always been a dangerous animal to the defeated liberal left demonrat and communists like Brennan. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Gutierrez you’re such a liar that’s all you guys are good for Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user I was on some shit last night Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user love .. she is fabulous 🐈💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💖 Symbol:
Input: @user @user @user @user Yes, you are right: not only lefties but (neo) liberals having any trouble. This papers have proper journalistic ethics"" - it's funny 😆😆😆; and Magyar Nemzet or Népszabadság had ""highest circulation"" - it's also funny /only in the communistic past (before 1989)/ 😆😆😆! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: All this talk about Trump's dick allegedly looking like Toad from #MarioKart This is the only thing that has been accomplished. Only now the libs are picturing a 70 year old man naked. #MAGA Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user NO REAL AMERICAN WOULD WATCH THIS CRAP Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Liberals are kind bad slow at this or they just stalling. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Fool! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user WHERE'S holier than thou @user Sippin wine in the shade somewhere... #MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user If he did wouldn’t this be the sort of thing Liberals love? Don’t they hate all law enforcement? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user you are running scared!🤡 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user No doubt progressive Nazi Antifa Liberal Democrats do. Symbol:
Input: @user @user POS still at it Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Yeah . Niggas who dey wear durag nor dey joke. Hard as fuck Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user They cite Jones being banned for violating Twitter's ToS. There are blue checkmarks spewing the same, if not worse, kind of shit. If you are going to play the anyone can get banned"" card. Shouldn't these people also receive bans and suspensions? #VerifiedHate"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user LMAO. Conservatives lecturing about conspiracy theories. THAT is funny. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I cackle at something different shit every time I watch it lol Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user Sounds like you’re talking about these people!!!! #MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user So what is the problem you are trying to advise of? Can't quite understand what you are trying to say ! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Well remember how the cops in San Jose stood down"" and watched as antifa thugs armed with bats,bottles & pepper spray attacked Trump rally goers? They were ""just following orders"". That's what most soldiers & cops do. Soldiers follow orders & cops protect their paycheck. SAD."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user I know you're not this naive. Those people make up a very small % of Trump supporters. Do all Liberals support terrorist and (groups such as Antifa? Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user When you put fortnite on the poll instead of Spider-Man Symbol: Offensive Input: *60 … * Sixty year old! Man ...... she is fine Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user chloe shut the fuck up. seriously get a fucking life and leave us alone. idk how many time we have to fucking tell you. bc you clearly you don’t fucking get it. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user sick of white neo liberals speaking for Black people saying they all love Hillary. They are so deluded. It’s like they just rep ‘black lives matter’ so they can appear woke enough to keep railing against Bernie supporters. Because you know they didn’t care b4 Hillary lost 2 trump Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user He is starting to tweet nonsense like Mango Mussolini Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user you couldn’t catch me letting some saggy whitey bitch talkin like this to me 😫 bitch eat dirt Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Everyone in the US “heard” you were clearly not qualified to do this job and voted accordingly. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user Pedophilia is the worst of all evil Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Thanks so much - this was an excellent thread. Definitely going to be taking a look through upcoming class offerings (and hopefully able to take in the SIWC presentation you are doing). Symbol:
Input: @user Sir. The Governor House Lahore will be used as a museum and a art gallery. You are the minister for Information and Culture. Please take some measures to protect the place from filth and damage caused by our ignorant public. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user I can't help it if I like having air clean enough to breathe and I don't like the 1%ers doing everything they can to keep the rest of us poor. Remember when Nestlé's former CEA claimed WE don't have a right"" to water? I ****ing hate clueless conservatives."" Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user Tell this idiot to try with other religion book. Her height will b reduced 6 inch from top before amrinder reaches her to arrest. She is sick. She needs treatment. And she is alive becoz she hindu. Don't blabber non sense Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user But not long ago the same Ray went off on a follower (who quite possibly pays for his services) for pointing out a guy (don’t remember who) for getting injured again. You guys pay this assholes bills Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Thank you Ms Desanctis! I'm comforted that not all conservatives are letting their ambition blind their conscience. Sexual assault/harassment has been a plague on society for centuries - that should NOT make it a conservative or traditionalist cause! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user It's funny how liberals and Democrats work together but fight on Twitter Symbol: Offensive Input: @user That was Awesome. I love hearing you destroy the Liberals but most of all Trudeau Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user We can empty all our prisons also and just say they broke no laws.....Liberal logic. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user No she is just informing the public of the horrible goings on in the trump White House. Symbol:
Input: @user Another phoney poll!! #FakeNews Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Wonder how many children he molested Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Haha we set then 😂 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Antifa = Democrats = Dixiecrats = KKK Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Hope they continue to crash @user Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Did he miss his head? This is a total lack of gun control Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user tough to speak your mind at work if your a conservative..amazing that this occurred in work setting. Bizarre. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Eric u got alot of balls ... Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user He is such an A-Hole. Sad. Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user @user @user @user eto ba ang hindi corrupt? you are so naive if you think that this admin is different from previous admins Symbol: Offensive Input: @user NO BITCH I MEANT I DIDNT KNOW WE WERE DOING IT NOT ZOOMED IN NO BITCH THIS IS FUN Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user I’m done. 😭😭😭 Franklin bout to die in jail. He is not fit for this... Symbol: Offensive Input: Make sure you Vote REPUBLICAN up and down your ballots. Vote RED for conservative values. Vote Republican candidates only to help our POTUS Trump help Americans to MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user She probably did not think it would get this far. I hope the little sleaze does not go to the hearing and I hope if she does that they will prove what a liar conniving witch she and the rest of the Liberals are. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user She is disgusting Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user HYPOCRITE!! You run a commercial about ur support for gun control & protecting kids showing ur kids. Really! U support ABORTION. What’s the difference in that and a gun? They BOTH KILL! @user @user @user @user @user Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Aside from the whole meat is murder"" nonsense, coastal liberals claim the smoke gives you cancer. Austin tried to ban it in 2015 but it got knocked down. Symbol: Offensive Input: Please #retweet 👍 Please #share 😄 #thankyou 🙏 #love #share #life #money #crowdfunding #gofundme #monsterfunder @user Please #support ex dem fervent MAGA 🇺🇸 #donate here #today: ⬇️ Symbol:
Input: @user @user @user He's not an opportunistic liar. Nor have you proven he is. So your whole argument is fake news. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Deep corruption in the Puerto Rican government is the cause for the ppls misery. Billions sent & you don’t have the foresight to harden & secure the power system on an island that will most likely get hit again. This is the Puerto Rican’s government ms fault. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user And how much is he being paid for this behavior? Symbol: Offensive Input: 97% of Americans want a form of gun control. 62% of Americans want the government to protect the environment. 75% of Americans say immigration is a good thing & 100% of Americans believe that HotDogs belong in the crusts of pizzas & if the Italians don't like it they can suck it. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Because she “is a woman??”. Uh..wasn’t her opponent a woman...not getting your ill formed point here. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Shit jamming Ju Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Baekhyun........🙇‍♀️ How are you?? Are you eating well?? I'm inactive these days😥 bcz of my project and assignment. Anyway I miss you😫 And you better eat proper meal😒 When r you coming here?? I'm sorry you are busy but i miss you. Take your time ok. Tata👋🏻 See you later😉 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user He is so very stupid. Or is it he is just so concrete?? Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user There's zero evidence of any gaff and it's not their jobs to do any such thing; this is just more hijinx and chicanery from two buffoons that have no platforms or morals. #CONservatives #cdnpoli Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Stop with your nonsense. You are a block. You are STUPID! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user he is a psychic ain’t he Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user and that is why he is trying to end Obamacare so that only a priveledged few can benifit. But his tax cuts are killing us anyway. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Will antifa fill the streets when kavanaugh is confirmed Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user German antifastock fought against the Nazis. German antifa rescued jews. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user He is nuts who would have ever imagined that the US would have concentration camps......he is the devil Symbol: Not Offensive Input: Sean Penn: #MeToo Movement Seeks to ‘Divide Men and Women’ <— Gotta say… I stand w/ Jeff Spicoli on this one. #MAGA #WWG1WGA #ConfirmKavanaugh Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user He doesn’t know if he should slam Manifort or suck up to him. He doesn’t know if he should worry about Junior and Kushner or not. He is mad as hell but knows that he can’t just fire Mueller so he is busy puking in the bathroom now that he understands that asset seizure is a thing Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Dead party. Symbol:
Input: @user @user The left have become a bunch of thugs. #NancyPelosi #chuckschumer Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user The Dregs of Society"" are ISIS, ANTIFA, BLM, Planned Parenthood, Illllegal aliens, Pedofiles, and liberals. This is who the Democrats support. Once again, accusing others of what YOU, Biden are guilty of."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user It’s (she) is a real problem. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user was literally just talking about this lol all mass shootings like that have been set ups. it’s propaganda used to divide us on major issues like gun control and terrorism Symbol: Not Offensive Input: Breaking news. Listen live at 1pm CT at #MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user I don't know if this cat even realizes what he is doing. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user How awesome! Takes pictures! She is such an icon and legend. What a pioneer for women! Enjoy it! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Reason is he is in a small market on a mediocre team. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Because he hates Symbol:
Input: @user @user @user @user Antifa gets to stay on twitter but the proud boys are banned. Life isn't fair. Don't be a victim. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user I want to prove to him how actually retarded he is Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user No way this woman was threatened and had to move out of her house because of conservatives or Republicans Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Being the good Christian that he is, he asked God to spare his properties. Virginia beach was only slightly impacted. You know the 700 club prayer, God spare me and mine, to hell with everybody else""."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Why are the tweets that Conservatives are retweeting with comments suddenly Unavailable? I cannot see what they’re talking about if the original tweet is no longer available. Anyone else noticing this? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user He had to fuck up. You can only give a guy so many chances no matter how talented he is Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Dominos is ass Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user She is disgusting Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Prime example as to why we can't have anymore liberals in our government. They don't want to nor do they know our Constitution. They prefer to dictate and be superior than Americans. Their hate for our Republic is brazen and we need to keep them out. #VoteThemAllOut Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user you are something else😍 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user #labour and @user can’t commit to ruling out a second referendum as he is trying to be a people pleaser & win every possible vote he could get and positioning themselves either way like @user would not go down well with some voters #conservatives #bbcqt #brexit #eu Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Damaged Kerry’s non existent credibility. Seems a lot of Obama-Vomit Doofuses are coming out of the woodworks Symbol: Offensive Input: @user He is a DUMBASS !!!!! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Super President like Multiversity? Good ideia Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Right. shoot the messenger."" Don't go after the homosexual rot in the clergy, Bergoglio, go after the man - Archbishop Vigano - who EXPOSED the homosexual rot in the clergy. Satan must be having a REALLY good laugh over that one."" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user NO REAL AMERICAN WOULD WATCH THIS CRAP Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user He is so full of BS! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user She should have gotten August off to let work on stuff at the P.C. It would have help her a lot. Symbol:
Input: @user @user This guy Kerry is one do nothing damn politician where does he get off going over sea's and trying to undermined our President now this is a Traitor for sure you better watch this S.O.B. ! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user tell that to him. He is very perfectionist. I don’t think we will change that ever 😅 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user The right has the unique ability to create monsters out of thin air. It Legislation was even created to fight the phantom menance of antifa--currently in committee. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Buh Buh snowFlake Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Such delusional liberals..! So twisted with hate you can't even acknowledge the U.S. Airforce..!! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: I also need to address this question: Why did President Trump hire two lawyers that would hire Robert Mueller when they did not have to? #MAGA Symbol: Offensive Input: @user And this coming from the sick puppy liberals at the Beast. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Liberals won't cry over milk they won't spill. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Yeah and guess what helped DC become Not the Murder Capital of the World? Gun control! It works! Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user Fuckkk 😂😂 I know I seen bitch that’s a slapper lmao Symbol: Not Offensive Input: A BUNCH OF VULTURES! TIM ISNT EVEN GONE YET -WTF? HAVE YOU NO SHAME? ALL YOU SEE ARE $$ I HOPE HE LEFT EVERY PENNY TO AN ANIMAL RESCUE! 'Carol Burnett' star Tim Conway recovers from brain surgery as family battle over comic's fate rages on #FoxNews Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user Says one of the thickest cultists on Twitter. Irony at its finest. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user i really do love you Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Hahah yes because trump beat Obama in the election 🤣 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Treason he should hang he has no business even trying this who the F does he think he is Trump needs to Lock him up fast Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Yeaaaahh she is!! <33 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user primary argument against #Kavanaugh is that he is too Constitutional"" The democrats started a civil war during Clinton They heightened their propaganda during Obama They are scared animals backed into a corner Antifa, BLM & MS13 are their Sturmabteilung"" Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user OMG !!!! Really !!! #FrankOz ... Liberals ruins Everything ... #DefundPBS.. Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user 7 $ million buyout. Losers. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Exactly. She doesn't want to perjure herself since she is being nothing but a paid actress. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Gutierrez you’re such a liar that’s all you guys are good for Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Not really. Gun control limits one capability to personally safety. It makes it even harder for good people to buy guns legally. It will even make it hard for women to obtain guns for self defense. Just keep a simple background check system we already have. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Good thing I watch him online. Symbol: Offensive Input: 100% agree with Trump on this. Surprised to see so many liberals talk about how cute he was sneaking candy at a war criminal's funeral. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user morning Symbol: Offensive Input: @user So. Gut. <3 <3 <3 <3 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Nigga keep tryna play both sides lol Symbol:
Not Offensive
Input: @user @user @user And, of course, you exclude all but a select group of (primarily Northwestern) European and a few Asian countries from your any country"" list. Gun control has no positive correlation with lower homicide rates, even within cherry-picked Euro countries. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user this is all just another fraud put out by the democrats.this woman is lying to help her party.Nothing but a liberal nutjob who would say anything to try and keep the conservatives from having the majority on the SCOTUS. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user You are so dope man Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Twitter is very sneaky about censoring Conservatives n various ways. There definitely needs to be an investigation. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Here' s a guy that's a reliable source of information. hHahahahahahaha. Just kidding. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Dave has every right to be on the exact wrong side of an argument! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user We do have a few outages reported in Toronto. Here's a link to our outage map to see if you are in one of the defined spots - -SC Symbol: Offensive Input: @user This is so fake he’s unable to feel true feelings he even lies when he says anything and she is just as stupid in standing by a man who clearly doesn’t respect the unity of marriage while he was with her and pay these women off STAND UP DIVORCE LIKE HIS OTHER WIFES DID HES A PIG Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user you are welcome Symbol:
Input: @user AARON RODGERS WILL NEVER WIN A RING THE REST OF HIS SAD ASS CAREER! I HOPE YOU HIS REGULAR SEASON HEROICS CAUSE THATS ALL HE IS GOOD FOR! HAVE A NICE DAY! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user Not supporting trump is the lowest low bar. I’m glad someone doesn’t support trump. It doesn’t make them an ally. There are plenty of conservatives who hate trump who aren’t also pure trash. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user antifa blocking the road in Salzburg #SalzburgSummit18 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user he is not the only one I bet $$ some these people are organizers of Antifa!! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Oh fuck yeah Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user GOOD! Symbol: Offensive Input: 97% of Americans want a form of gun control. 62% of Americans want the government to protect the environment. 75% of Americans say immigration is a good thing & 100% of Americans believe that HotDogs belong in the crusts of pizzas & if the Italians don't like it they can suck it. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Just focus on Price stats when he is behind the plate....😉 Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user This is the best the Conservatives could come up with! Stop this humiliation. #GE2018 Symbol:
Input: @user @user Here are the People"" who ""Hold you up"" and who YOU hold up. 1st Photo They are beating a Republican Korean War VET. 2nd & 3rd Photo ANTIFA is Beating Minorities, LGBT and Kids Because they are Conservative. The LEFT, YOUR LEFT is all about shutting down FREE SPEECH! Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user Apparantly that rule of law doesn't apply to Republicans/Conservatives baselessly accused by Dems Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user Hey why don’t you look at what Keith Elison of Minnesota get off your bully pulpit and do a investigation into his past abuse or do you just CHEERY PICK ……!!! Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Really? Where would you position ANTIFA? Symbol: Offensive Input: @user Get shit poppin Symbol: Not Offensive Input: 15 concert goers massacred in Missouri with 9mm Ruger P89. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'. Symbol: Offensive Input: @user @user @user This is the kind of healthcare provision religious conservatives have given America. #SaveOurNHS Symbol: Offensive Input: @user She is unfit for office . Mentally deranged.. unstable.. Symbol: Not Offensive Input: @user The Dregs of Society"" are ISIS, ANTIFA, BLM, Planned Parenthood, Illllegal aliens, Pedofiles, and liberals. This is who the Democrats support. Once again, accusing others of what YOU, Biden are guilty of."" Symbol:
Not Offensive