3 values
what annual installment will discharge a debt of rs . 1008 due in 3 years at 12 % simple interest ?
what is the smallest integer k for which 64 ^ k > 4 ^ 16 ?
a 1200 m long train crosses a tree in 120 sec , how much time will i take to pass a platform 1000 m long ?
if t = 5 / 9 * ( k - 32 ) , and if t = 50 , then what is the value of k ?
let q represent a set of 7 distinct prime numbers . if the sum of the numbers in q is even and x is a member of q , then what is the least possible value that x can be ?
how many digits are in the number 50 ^ 8 × 8 ^ 3 × 11 ^ 2 x 10 ^ 4 ?
sheila works 8 hours per day on monday , wednesday and friday , and 6 hours per day on tuesday and thursday . she does not work on saturday and sunday . she earns $ 432 per week . how much does she earn in dollars per hour ?
x , y , and z are consecutive numbers and x > y > z . also , 2 x + 3 y + 3 z = 5 y + 11 . what is the value of z ?
a and b are two circles . the radius of a is 5 times as large as the radius of b . what is the ratio between the areas of the circles ?
[ ( 3.242 x 10 ) / 100 ] = ?
pipe a can fill a pool in 12 hours at a constant rate . if pipe a does the job for 8 hours and pipe b does the rest of the job , which works at 1 / 3 constant rate of pipe a . how long will it take for pipe b alone to do the rest of the job ?
rs . 1210 were divided among a , b , c so that a : b = 5 : 4 and b : c = 9 : 10 . then , c gets :
two sacks together contained 40 kilograms of sugar . if after 1 kilogram of sugar was taken from the first sack and poured into the second the weight of the sugar in the first sack became 60 % the weight of the sugar in the second , what was the original difference in the weights of the sacks ?
find a positive number , which when increased by 8 is equal to 128 times reciprocal of the number .
find the value of x : 2 a ^ 2 - 7 a + 10 = 14
sheela deposits rs . 3400 in bank savings account . if this is 15 % of her monthly income . what is her monthly income in ?
when a person aged 39 is added to a group of n people , the average age increases by 2 . when a person aged 15 is added instead , the average age decreases by 1 . what is the value of r ?
a number when multiplied by 3 is odd and divisible by 9 . this number when multiplied by 4 is 108 . what is the original number ?
if there is one larger cube with surface area 600 and no . of smaller cubes with surface area 24 . then how many small cubes are required to make a larger cube with surface area of 600 ?
in the coordinate plane , line a has a slope of - 1 and an x - intercept of 1 . line b has a slope of 5 and a y - intercept of - 5 . if the two lines intersect at the point ( a , b ) , what is the sum a + b ?
the interest on a certain deposit at 4.5 % p . a . is rs . 405 in one year . how much will the additional interest in one year be on the same deposit at 5 % p . a . ?
a metallic sphere of radius 12 cm is melted and drawn into a wire , whose radius of cross section is 16 cm . what is the length of the wire ?
approximately how many cubic feet of water are needed to fill a circular swimming pool that is 100 feet across and 4 feet deep ?
in a box of 12 pens , a total of 4 are defective . if a customer buys 3 pens selected at random from the box , what is the probability that neither pen will be defective ?
two friends plan to walk along a 33 - km trail , starting at opposite ends of the trail at the same time . if friend p ' s rate is 20 % faster than friend q ' s , how many kilometers will friend p have walked when they pass each other ?
the number of degrees that the hour hand of a clock moves through between noon and 2.30 in the afternoon of the same day is
a train running at the speed of 90 km / hr crosses a pole in 15 seconds . what is the length of the train ?
two cars a and b start from boston and new york respectively simultaneously and travel towards each other at constant speeds along the same route . after meeting at a point between boston and new york the two cars a and b proceed to their respective destinations of new york and boston . car a reaches new york 60 minutes after the two cars have met and car b reaches boston 90 minutes after they have met . how long did car a take to cover the distance between boston and new york ?
four numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 add up to give a sum of 1344 . find the biggest number .
five machines , each working at the same constant rate , together can complete a certain job in 20 days . how many additional machines , each working at the same constant rate , will be needed to complete the job in 10 days ?
find ( 7 x + 4 y ) / ( x - 2 y ) if x / 2 y = 5 / 2 ?
there is 60 % increase in an amount in 6 years at si . what will be the ci of rs . 11,000 after 3 years at the same rate ?
a train travels from albany to syracuse , a distance of 120 miles , at the average rate of 40 miles per hour . the train then travels back to albany from syracuse . the total travelling time of the train is 5 hours and 24 minutes . what was the average rate of speed of the train on the return trip to albany ?
the ratio between the present ages of a and b is 4 : 3 respectively . the ratio between a ' s age 4 years ago and b ' s age 4 years hence is 1 : 1 . what is the ratio between a ' s age 4 years hence and b ' s age 4 years ago ?
find value of x ( 11 ^ 2 + 12 ^ 2 + 13 ^ 2 + . . . + 20 ^ 2 ) = x
in a mixture 60 litres , the ratio of milk and water 2 : 1 . if the this ratio is to be 1 : 2 , then the quanity of water to be further added is
of the 13 employees in a certain department , 1 has an annual salary of 38,000 , 2 have an annual salary of 45,600 each , 2 have an annual salary of 42,500 each , 3 have an annual salary of 40,000 each and 5 have an annual salary of 48,500 each . what is the median annual salary for the 13 employees ?
if m and n are positive integers and m ^ 2 + n ^ 2 = 58 , what is the value of m ^ 3 + n ^ 3 ?
a circular ground whose radius is 15 metres , has a 1.2 metre - broad garden around it . what is the area of the garden in square metres ?
rahim bought 65 books for rs . 1160 from one shop and 50 books for rs . 920 from another . what is the average price he paid per book ?
the ratio of the volumes of two cubes is 512 : 729 . what is the ratio of their total surface areas ?
x starts a business with rs . 45000 . y joins in the business after 7 months with rs . 30000 . what will be the ratio in which they should share the profit at the end of the year ?
if rs . 782 be divided into 3 parts , proportional to 1 / 2 : 1 / 3 : 3 / 4 , then the first part is ?
a palindrome is a word or a number that reads the same forward and backward . for example , 2442 and 111 are palindromes . if 5 - digit palindromes are formed using one or more of the digits 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , and 7 , how many palindromes are possible ?
a money lender finds that due to a fall in the annual rate of interest from 8 % to 7 3 / 4 % his yearly income diminishes by rs . 63.50 , his capital is ?
in a certificate by mistake a candidate gave his height as 25 % more than actual height . in the interview panel , he clarified that his height was 5 feet 5 nches . find the % correction made by the candidate from his stated height to his actual height ?
a train of length l is traveling at a constant velocity and passes a pole in t seconds . if the same train travelling at the same velocity passes a platform in 6 t seconds , then what is the length of the platform ?
a bus 15 m long is running with a speed of 40 km / hr . in what time will it pass a man who is skateboarding at 8 km / hr in the direction opposite to that in which the car is going ?
the end of a blade on an airplane propeller is 10 feet from the center . if the propeller spins at the rate of 660 revolutions per second , how many miles will the tip of the blade travel in one minute ? ( 1 mile = 5,280 feet )
victor gets 92 % marks in examinations . if these are 368 marks , find the maximum marks .
a train running at the speed of 300 km / hr crosses a pole in 15 seconds . what is the length of the train ?
a starts business with rs . 3500 and after 6 months , b joins with a as his partner . after a year , the profit is divided in the ratio 2 : 3 . what is b â € ™ s contribution in the capital ?
the population of a village is 10000 . it increases annually at the rate of 20 % p . a . what will be its population after 2 years ?
in a class of 30 students , 5 students did not borrow any books from the library , 12 students each borrowed 1 book , 8 students each borrowed 2 books , and the rest of the students each borrowed at least 3 books . if the average ( arithmetic mean ) number of books borrowed per student was 2 , what is the maximum number of books that any single student could have borrowed ?
two carpenters , working in the same pace , can build 2 desks in two hours and a half . how many desks can 4 carpenters build in 3 hours ?
mr . kutty has only hens and sheep . if the total number of their heads is 38 and the total number of legs is 100 then what is the ratio between the numbers of hens and sheep ?
a boat covers a certain distance downstream in 1 hour , while it comes back in 1.30 hours . if the speed of the stream be 3 kmph , what is the speed of the boat in still water ?
if x is a positive number and 1 / 4 the square root of x is equal to 3 x , then x =
a library has an average of 510 visitors on sundays and 240 on other day . the average number of visitors in a month of 15 days starting with sunday is
in how many ways can 11 books on english and 9 books on french be placed in a row on a shelf so that two books on french may not be together ?
if 35 percent of 400 is 20 percent of x , then x =
the side of a rhombus is 26 m and length of one of its diagonals is 20 m . the area of the rhombus is ?
80 370 ? 1550 2440 3530
how many liters of water must be evaporated from 50 liters of a 3 - percent sugar solution to get a 4 - percent solution ?
three coins are tossed . find the probability of at least 1 head and 1 tail ?
10 chess players take part in a tournament . every player plays twice with each of his opponents . how many games are to be played ?
john is building a rectangular fence around a garden . the length will be 5 feet shorter than its width . if the total area of the garden is 176 square feet , what is the length of the diagonal ( in feet ) ?
divide $ 450 among a , b in the ratio 1 : 4 . how many $ that a get ?
88 % of 370 + 24 % of 210 - ? = 118
a train passes a platform in 22 seconds . the same train passes a man standing on the platform in 20 seconds . if the speed of the train is 54 km / hr , the length of the platform is
in an election only two candidates contested . a candidate secured 70 % of the valid votes and won by a majority of 184 votes . find the total number of valid votes ?
a , b , k start from the same place and travel in the same direction at speeds of 30 km / hr , 40 km / hr , 60 km / hr respectively . b starts four hours after a . if b and k overtake a at the same instant , how many hours after a did k start ?
a and b together can complete work in 5 days . a alone starts working and leaves it after working for 3 days completing only half of the work . in how many days it can be completed if the remaining job is undertaken by b ?
a rectangular plot measuring 15 meters by 50 meters is to be enclosed by wire fencing . if the poles of the fence are kept 5 meters apart . how many poles will be needed ?
if a train , travelling at a speed of 270 kmph , crosses a pole in 5 sec , then the length of train is ?
a certain car uses one gallon of gasoline every 36 miles when it travels on highway , and one gallon of gasoline every 20 miles when it travels in the city . when a car travels 4 miles on highway and 4 additional miles in the city , it uses what percent more gasoline than if it travels 8 miles on the highway ?
the ratio between the length and the breadth of a rectangular park is 3 : 2 . if a man cycling along theoundary of the park at the speed of 12 km / hr completes one round in 8 min , then the area of the park ( in sq . m ) is ?
the calendar of the year 2060 can be used again in the year ?
mixture a is 40 percent alcohol , and mixture b is 80 percent alcohol . if the two are poured together to create a 4 - gallon mixture that contains 50 percent alcohol , approximately how many gallons of mixture a are in the mixture ?
the length of each side of square a is increased by 100 percent to make square b . if the length of the side of square b is increased by 75 percent to make square c , by what percent is the area of square c greater than the sum of the areas of squares a and b ?
the temperature of a certain cup of coffee 15 minutes after it was poured was 120 degrees fahrenheit . if the temperature f of the coffee t minutes after it was poured can be determined by the formula f = 120 * 2 ^ ( - at ) + 60 , where f is in degrees fahrenheit and a is a constant . then the temperature of the coffee 30 minutes after it was poured was how many degrees fahrenheit ?
p and q are the only two applicants qualified for a short - term research project that pays 480 dollars in total . candidate p has more experience and , if hired , would be paid 50 percent more per hour than candidate q would be paid . candidate q , if hired , would require 10 hours more than candidate p to do the job . candidate p ’ s hourly wage is how many dollars greater than candidate q ’ s hourly wage ?
the area of the largest circle that can be drawn inside a rectangle with sides 18 cm by 14 cm is
what profit percent is made by selling an article at a certain price , if by selling at 1 / 3 rd of that price , there would be a loss of 20 % ?
a certain company had a total annual expenditure of 1.89 ∗ 10 ^ 7 on employee salaries last year . if the company employed 420 people , what was the average employee salary ?
the timing of a college is from 12 p . m to 4.00 p . m . five lectures are held in the given duration and a break of 5 minutes after each lecture is given to the students . find the duration of each lecture .
a certain telephone company offers two plans , a and b . under plan a , the company charges a total of $ 0.60 for the first 4 minutes of each call and $ 0.06 per minute thereafter . under plan b , the company charges $ 0.08 per minute of each call . what is the duration of a call , in minutes , for which the company charges the same amount under plan a and under plan b ?
three solid cubes of sides 1 cm , 6 cm and 8 cm are melted to form a new cube . find the surface area of the cube so formed
a man cheats while buying as well as while selling . while buying he takes 10 % more than what he pays for and while selling he gives 20 % less than what he claims to . find the profit percent , if he sells at 12 % below the cost price of the claimed weight .
in a recent head - to - head run - off election , 12,000 absentee ballets were cast . 1 / 2 of the absentee ballets were thrown out and 1 / 2 of the remaining absentee ballets were cast for candidate a . how many absentee votes did candidate b receive ?
the sale price of an article including the sales tax is rs . 616 . the rate of sales tax is 10 % . if the shopkeeper has made a profit of 12 % , then the cost price of the article is
a man swims downstream 45 km and upstream 25 km taking 5 hours each time , what is the speed of the man in still water ?
the length of a bridge in meters , which a train 90 - meters long and traveling at 45 km / hr can cross in 30 seconds is ?
if 3 < x < 6 < y < 8 , then what is the greatest possible positive integer difference of x and y ?
a couple decides to have 4 children . if they succeed in having 4 children and each child is equally likely to be a boy or a girl , what is the probability that they will have exactly 2 girls and 2 boys ?
p can lay railway track between two stations in 16 days . q can do the same job in 12 days . with the help of r , they completes the job in 4 days . how much days does it take for r alone to complete the work ?
two men started from the same place walk at the rate of 10 kmph and 12 kmph respectively . what time will they take to be 20 km apart , if they walk in the same direction ?
in a games hour 4 different types of players came to the ground ? cricket 16 , hokey 12 , football 18 , softball 13 . how many players are present in the ground ?
in a class of 69 students 41 are taking french , 22 are taking german . of the students taking french or german , 9 are taking both courses . how many students are not enrolled in either course ?
the charge for a single room at hotel p is 50 percent less than the charge for a single room at hotel r and 20 percent less than the charge for a single room at hotel g . the charge for a single room at hotel r is what percent greater than the charge for a single room at hotel g ?