### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term best-cli in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''landmark study best-cli in vascular disease: bypass using saphenous vein is superior to endovascular therapy with respect to major adverse limb events and all cause mortality! #aha2022 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term best-cli in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term best-cli in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''best-cli: revascularization in cli was superior with surgery vs endovascular if there was an adequate great saphenous vein available; no difference if not #aha22 #cardiotwitter #cardiology '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term best-cli in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term RENAL-AF in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''apixaban for patients with atrial fibrillation on hemodialysis: a multicenter randomized controlled trial RENAL-AF '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term RENAL-AF in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term apixaban in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''apixaban for patients with atrial fibrillation on hemodialysis: a multicenter randomized controlled trial RENAL-AF '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term apixaban in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term sport in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''rosuvastatin significantly lowered ldl more than placebo and six commonly used over the counter supplements. as cardiologists we really should use these results of sport trial to have evidence based discussions, said #aha22 #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term sport in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term rosuvastatin in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''rosuvastatin significantly lowered ldl more than placebo and six commonly used over the counter supplements. as cardiologists we really should use these results of sport trial to have evidence based discussions, said #aha22 #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term rosuvastatin in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term EMPA-HEART 2 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''empagliflozin and left ventricular remodeling in people without diabetes: primary results of the EMPA-HEART 2 cardiolink-7 randomized clinical trial '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term EMPA-HEART 2 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term empagliflozin in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''empagliflozin and left ventricular remodeling in people without diabetes: primary results of the EMPA-HEART 2 cardiolink-7 randomized clinical trial '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term empagliflozin in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''decongestion with acetazolamide in acute decompensated heart failure across the spectrum of left ventricular ejection fraction: a pre-specified analysis from the advor trial. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term axadia-afnet 8 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''axadia-afnet 8 trial results: in af with esrd comparing apixaban vs vka: unable to assess non-inferiority but comparable outcomes #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term axadia-afnet 8 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term apixaban in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''axadia-afnet 8 trial results: in af with esrd comparing apixaban vs vka: unable to assess non-inferiority but comparable outcomes #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term apixaban in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term reduce-it in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''really interesting results from the respect-epa trial with commentary by so as we reconcile with reduce-it & jelis, the truth lies somewhere in between- well said! #epalevels '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term reduce-it in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term jelis in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''really interesting results from the respect-epa trial with commentary by so as we reconcile with reduce-it & jelis, the truth lies somewhere in between- well said! #epalevels '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term jelis in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term respect-epa in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''really interesting results from the respect-epa trial with commentary by so as we reconcile with reduce-it & jelis, the truth lies somewhere in between- well said! #epalevels '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term respect-epa in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term mesa in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''terrific young investigator award session featuring presenting his work on remnant cholesterol and adipokines in mesa study with senior author and expert moderator #aha '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term mesa in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term rapco in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''for patients undergoing cabg, use of radial arteries leads to less mace over 15 years compared with using either rita or saphenous vein grafts, according to randomized data from rapco. #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term rapco in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''honored to discuss the prominent trial at #aha22. we need to prioritize medications with demonstrated risk reduction and re-think those without '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ecmo-cs in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' only 14 percent iabp? btw did they count cross overs outcomes under ecmo-cs? this usually means these patients are marinated and in cardiometabolic stage where nothing works.'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ecmo-cs in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term OCEAN(a)-DOSE in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' i meant to say hi to you, but i dont think our paths crossed post OCEAN(a)-DOSE presentation!'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term OCEAN(a)-DOSE in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term COACH in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''honoured to have been a part of the all canadian COACH trial presented at the american heart '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term COACH in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''ironman trial publishes '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''interesting day for #heartfailure at #aha22 in chicago. not least with the long anticipated results of the ironman study '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''ironman: iv ferric derisomaltose vs. standard of care reduced recurrent heartfailure hospitalizations and cv death by 18% with p = .07. no infection risk #aha22 #cardiotwitter #cardiology '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ecmo-cs in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''no difference in outcomes between early ecmo and conservative management group for scai d ecmo-cs! importantly: -no difference in complications -39% eventually received ecmo due to clinical deterioration #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ecmo-cs in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''no attenuation of advor results by lvef per at #aha22 simpub in ! '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term REVIVED-BCIS2 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''more data form REVIVED-BCIS2 no difference in all-cause death or sudden death with pci vs omt #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term REVIVED-BCIS2 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term COACH in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''here we go! my mentor presenting the COACH trial at #aha22 late-breaking science. the culmination of so many years of hard work '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term COACH in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''transform-hf trial: similar efficacy of torsemide versus furosemide for all cause mortality and total hospitalizations in hf hosp pts. #aha22 #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''transform-hf trial: similar efficacy of torsemide versus furosemide for all cause mortality and total hospitalizations in hf hosp pts. #aha22 #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term furosemide in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''transform-hf trial: similar efficacy of torsemide versus furosemide for all cause mortality and total hospitalizations in hf hosp pts. #aha22 #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term furosemide in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' it looks like transform-hf study's primary endpoint was all cause mortality, for a trial testing 2 different loop diuretics? and they powered for a 20% relative risk reduction?! that would be more than double the effect size of sglt-2 inhibitors effects in heart failure for acm.'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''another fibrate fails to show cardiovascular benefit in the prominent trial, pemafibrate did not reduce incidence of the composite cardiovascular endpoint. #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''another fibrate fails to show cardiovascular benefit in the prominent trial, pemafibrate did not reduce incidence of the composite cardiovascular endpoint. #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term olpasiran in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''steep (and such exciting) lowering of lp(a) w/ olpasiran #sirna! as put it . hope is in sight but also short and long term outcomes remain unknown! #aha22 #cvprev '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term olpasiran in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''prominent: pemafibrate reduces triglyceride levels but not cardiovascular events in patients with dyslipidemia and t2dm written by ! summary and analysis, as well as more #aha2022 coverage below: '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''prominent: pemafibrate reduces triglyceride levels but not cardiovascular events in patients with dyslipidemia and t2dm written by ! summary and analysis, as well as more #aha2022 coverage below: '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#aha22 pemafibrate prominent study '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#aha22 pemafibrate prominent study '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''prominent study at #aha22 with and p ridker among authors #lipids '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''background and design transform-hf #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''excited to hear the first lbct at #aha22. about to present results to the transform-hf trial! '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''pragmatic design of hctz vs chlorthalidone for htn #aha22 dcp trial'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''congratulations to and team on designing a successful pragmatic rct transform-hf! #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''pemafibrate vs placebo in patients with ascvd and dm on a statin with high tgs - no difference #aha22 prominent'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''pemafibrate vs placebo in patients with ascvd and dm on a statin with high tgs - no difference #aha22 prominent'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''i difference in outcomes between furosemide and torsemide for the primary outcome of transform-hf #aha22'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term furosemide in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''i difference in outcomes between furosemide and torsemide for the primary outcome of transform-hf #aha22'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term furosemide in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''i difference in outcomes between furosemide and torsemide for the primary outcome of transform-hf #aha22'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' also: - increased risk of hypokalemia with ctd vs hct in dcp - intriguing ?chance interaction by history of mi/stroke thanks for tweeting - too much happening at #aha22 and #kidneywk at the same time!! interested in your thoughts too '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''no benefit of torsemide on primary endpoint whatever were the pre specified subgroups. similar rates of hospitalisations. on treatment analysis reported similar data for transform-hf. open label rct #transform hf #lbs1 #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''no benefit of torsemide on primary endpoint whatever were the pre specified subgroups. similar rates of hospitalisations. on treatment analysis reported similar data for transform-hf. open label rct #transform hf #lbs1 #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''dcp at #aha22 no difference btw chlorthalidone and hctz in terms of efficacy and safety '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term chlorthalidone in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''dcp at #aha22 no difference btw chlorthalidone and hctz in terms of efficacy and safety '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term chlorthalidone in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''interesting discussion following the results of dcp. was the study biased to patients responsive to hctz? #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pro-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''so proud of presenting pro-hf demonstrating outstanding work at #aha22 quality of life collection in clinic adds value '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pro-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pro-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''more late breaking science started at #aha22 pro-hf trial and gene editing among other . presenting soon '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pro-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term bedmed-frail in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''scott garrison reviewing his two new ongoing chronotherapy trials: bedmed and bedmed-frail. #bloodpressure #aha2022 #chronotherapy '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term bedmed-frail in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term bedmed in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''scott garrison reviewing his two new ongoing chronotherapy trials: bedmed and bedmed-frail. #bloodpressure #aha2022 #chronotherapy '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term bedmed in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term SSaSS in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''bruce neal talking about the population impact of the findings of the landmark SSaSS trial. #bloodpressure #salt '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term SSaSS in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term BrigHTN in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''cincor $cinc pharma announces late-breaking presentation of phase 2 BrigHTN data on baxdrostat in treatment-resistant hypertension at the 2022 american heart association scientific sessions '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term BrigHTN in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term baxdrostat in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''cincor $cinc pharma announces late-breaking presentation of phase 2 BrigHTN data on baxdrostat in treatment-resistant hypertension at the 2022 american heart association scientific sessions '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term baxdrostat in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' top 5 clinical trials for day-1 of #aha2022 1 transform-hf (torsemide vs furosemide) 2 dcp (chlorthalideon vs hcz in htn) 3 prominent (pemafibrate in hyper-tg) 4 ironman (iron infusion in hf & anemia) 6 ECMO-CS (va-ecmo in cs) #aha22 #medtwitter #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' top 5 clinical trials for day-1 of #aha2022 1 transform-hf (torsemide vs furosemide) 2 dcp (chlorthalideon vs hcz in htn) 3 prominent (pemafibrate in hyper-tg) 4 ironman (iron infusion in hf & anemia) 6 ECMO-CS (va-ecmo in cs) #aha22 #medtwitter #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term furosemide in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' top 5 clinical trials for day-1 of #aha2022 1 transform-hf (torsemide vs furosemide) 2 dcp (chlorthalideon vs hcz in htn) 3 prominent (pemafibrate in hyper-tg) 4 ironman (iron infusion in hf & anemia) 6 ECMO-CS (va-ecmo in cs) #aha22 #medtwitter #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term furosemide in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' top 5 clinical trials for day-1 of #aha2022 1 transform-hf (torsemide vs furosemide) 2 dcp (chlorthalideon vs hcz in htn) 3 prominent (pemafibrate in hyper-tg) 4 ironman (iron infusion in hf & anemia) 6 ECMO-CS (va-ecmo in cs) #aha22 #medtwitter #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term chlorthalideon in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' top 5 clinical trials for day-1 of #aha2022 1 transform-hf (torsemide vs furosemide) 2 dcp (chlorthalideon vs hcz in htn) 3 prominent (pemafibrate in hyper-tg) 4 ironman (iron infusion in hf & anemia) 6 ECMO-CS (va-ecmo in cs) #aha22 #medtwitter #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term chlorthalideon in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' top 5 clinical trials for day-1 of #aha2022 1 transform-hf (torsemide vs furosemide) 2 dcp (chlorthalideon vs hcz in htn) 3 prominent (pemafibrate in hyper-tg) 4 ironman (iron infusion in hf & anemia) 6 ECMO-CS (va-ecmo in cs) #aha22 #medtwitter #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' top 5 clinical trials for day-1 of #aha2022 1 transform-hf (torsemide vs furosemide) 2 dcp (chlorthalideon vs hcz in htn) 3 prominent (pemafibrate in hyper-tg) 4 ironman (iron infusion in hf & anemia) 6 ECMO-CS (va-ecmo in cs) #aha22 #medtwitter #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' top 5 clinical trials for day-1 of #aha2022 1 transform-hf (torsemide vs furosemide) 2 dcp (chlorthalideon vs hcz in htn) 3 prominent (pemafibrate in hyper-tg) 4 ironman (iron infusion in hf & anemia) 6 ECMO-CS (va-ecmo in cs) #aha22 #medtwitter #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ECMO-CS in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' top 5 clinical trials for day-1 of #aha2022 1 transform-hf (torsemide vs furosemide) 2 dcp (chlorthalideon vs hcz in htn) 3 prominent (pemafibrate in hyper-tg) 4 ironman (iron infusion in hf & anemia) 6 ECMO-CS (va-ecmo in cs) #aha22 #medtwitter #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ECMO-CS in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ocean(a)-dose in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''olpasiran, a small interfering rna agent directed to the liver, yielded substantial and sustained reductions in lp(a) concentrations patients with ascvd in the phase 2 ocean(a)-dose study #aha22 #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ocean(a)-dose in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term olpasiran in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''olpasiran, a small interfering rna agent directed to the liver, yielded substantial and sustained reductions in lp(a) concentrations patients with ascvd in the phase 2 ocean(a)-dose study #aha22 #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term olpasiran in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term sport in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''sport trial presented by the amazing from showing rosuvastatin 5mg significantly lowered ldl-c compared to supplements commonly used! important study for public health! #drnissen #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term sport in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term rosuvastatin in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''sport trial presented by the amazing from showing rosuvastatin 5mg significantly lowered ldl-c compared to supplements commonly used! important study for public health! #drnissen #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term rosuvastatin in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term best-cli in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''our interim analysis of the best-cli registry showing high limb and cv events. too many not on optimal cv therapies. lots of work to do! thanks to for leading this! #aha22 #sreekvemulapalli '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term best-cli in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term RESPECT-EPA in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''RESPECT-EPA trial- borderline significance in the reduction of mace and significant reduction in composite coronary events with purified epa. #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term RESPECT-EPA in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term OCEAN(a)-DOSE in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''exciting results! OCEAN(a)-DOSE trial: up to 95% reduction in lp(a) levels in secondary prevention patients! generally appears safe and well tolerated. #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term OCEAN(a)-DOSE in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''important results! no difference in primary endpoint and hospitalizations with torsemide vs furosemide in transform-hf congrats to and the entire study team for this amazing work! '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''important results! no difference in primary endpoint and hospitalizations with torsemide vs furosemide in transform-hf congrats to and the entire study team for this amazing work! '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term furosemide in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''important results! no difference in primary endpoint and hospitalizations with torsemide vs furosemide in transform-hf congrats to and the entire study team for this amazing work! '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term furosemide in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term host-exam in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''sapt prasugrel host-exam long-term at #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term host-exam in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term sapt in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''sapt prasugrel host-exam long-term at #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term sapt in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prasugrel in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''sapt prasugrel host-exam long-term at #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prasugrel in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''no difference in the primary outcome in chlorthalidone vs hctz in the dcp trial. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''prominent trial: pemafibrate with reduction in triglycerides, v ldl-c, remnant cholesterol, and apoc3 but no difference in cv events. other beneficial effects observed in nafld but need more study, more to come! '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''prominent trial: pemafibrate with reduction in triglycerides, v ldl-c, remnant cholesterol, and apoc3 but no difference in cv events. other beneficial effects observed in nafld but need more study, more to come! '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term strong-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' "further motivates us to find systems of care that optimize medical therapy in this vulnerable period," says #aha22; comments from strong-hf study'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term strong-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term best-cli in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''alik farber presenting #nhlbi funded best-cli trial which showed impressive outcomes #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term best-cli in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''pemafibrate lowers triglycerides but does not improve outcomes. no difference between furosemide and torsemide in transform-hf. negative trials don't make for exciting headlines but are still massively important for advancing the science of cardiovascular medicine. #aha2022'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term furosemide in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''pemafibrate lowers triglycerides but does not improve outcomes. no difference between furosemide and torsemide in transform-hf. negative trials don't make for exciting headlines but are still massively important for advancing the science of cardiovascular medicine. #aha2022'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term furosemide in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''pemafibrate lowers triglycerides but does not improve outcomes. no difference between furosemide and torsemide in transform-hf. negative trials don't make for exciting headlines but are still massively important for advancing the science of cardiovascular medicine. #aha2022'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''pemafibrate lowers triglycerides but does not improve outcomes. no difference between furosemide and torsemide in transform-hf. negative trials don't make for exciting headlines but are still massively important for advancing the science of cardiovascular medicine. #aha2022'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term valor-hcm in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''late breaking featured science at #aha2022 valor-hcm 32-wk data w sustained benefit of mavacamten. 88% severely sympto ohcm no longer srt eligible after 32 wks. simult pub in '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term valor-hcm in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term mavacamten in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''late breaking featured science at #aha2022 valor-hcm 32-wk data w sustained benefit of mavacamten. 88% severely sympto ohcm no longer srt eligible after 32 wks. simult pub in '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term mavacamten in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term NODE-301 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''open access: rationale & design of a multicenter, placebo-controlled, phase 3 study NODE-301 to assess efficacy & safety of intranasal etripamil for conversion of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. #aha22 #epeeps #cardiotwitter lbs.08. mon nov 7, 11am-noon '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term NODE-301 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''great catching up with and looking forward to late-breaking science presentations from advor by and at #aha22 today! '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''congrats to and his stellar prodigies showcasing their latest insights from advor at #aha22 late-breaking science session #heartfailure. very proud of all your accomplishments! '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' urine na has become a routine part of my practice . unfortunately it started as a way to cope with inaccurate in/out data, but it has now become a critical step in my inpatient hf care advor. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term PRECISE in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' among low-risk patients, the tests will likely be negative for coronary artery disease and patients will go on to do well. as a result, we should be deferring testing in these low-risk people. #aha22 results of the PRECISE trial: '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term PRECISE in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term PRECISE in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''"our conclusion is that the precision strategy is a preferred approach in evaluating patients with stable symptoms and suspected coronary artery disease," said , who presented the PRECISE data today at #aha22. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term PRECISE in the given tweet is positive