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pharmaceutical chemistry journal home pharmaceutical chemistry journal pharmacy pharmacology toxicology organic chemistry year publication monthly pharmaceutical chemistry journal devote scientific technical research creation journal information journal metric late issue late article validation icp ms method determination mercury lead cadmium arsenic medicinal plants related drug preparations authors second synthesis vitro studies o derivative e potent selective antileukemic agents authors synthesis antiaggregant antioxidant activity iso acid salts authors second design synthesis anticancer evaluation new alkylation genistein derivatives authors second biological activity heterocyclic compounds base polyol acetals derivatives authors second author explore subscribe journal xml svg public svg skip main content advertisement search authors editors account pharmaceutical chemistry journal editorial board aims scope year publication monthly pharmaceutical chemistry journal devote scientific technical research creation new drug improvement manufacture technology drug intermediate international contributor cover entire spectrum new drug research include method synthesis result pharmacological toxicological biochemical study investigation structure activity relationship prediction new compound method technical facility problem associate development ecologically safe economically feasible method industrial production addition analytical review international literature field report recent development world pharmaceutical chemistry journal translation peer review russian journal khimiko farmatsevticheskii zhurnal present scientific technical research creation new drug improvement manufacture technology problem generic biosimilar cover entire spectrum new drug research include method synthesis result pharmacological toxicological biochemical study description property application new medicinal product drug delivery targeting multifunctional nanosystem genomic proteomic metabolonomic new phramaceutical agent nanobiotechnology sirna micrornas antibody nanoparticle application new physicochemical method goal uncover new molecular detail condense medium molecular base study control surface chemistry solid particle micrometer nanometer range reviews international literature report recent development editor chief nikolai shimanovskii publishing model subscription impact factor year impact factor download volume issue december view volume issue validation icp ms method determination mercury lead cadmium arsenic medicinal plants related drug preparations shchukin zhigilei luttseva content type originalpaper publish december page synthesis vitro studies o derivative e potent selective antileukemic agents amruta suryan ranju bansal content type originalpaper publish december page synthesis antiaggregant antioxidant activity iso acid salts khaliullin zh mamatov bashirova content type search new drugs publish december page design synthesis anticancer evaluation new alkylation genistein derivatives yuyan ren hongfei chen xing zheng content type originalpaper publish december page biological activity heterocyclic compounds base polyol acetals derivatives sh zlotskii content type originalpaper publish november page view article submission guideline ethics disclosure contact journal online article volume issue sign alert ejournal note net price taxis calculate checkout immediate online access complete access article start downloadable pdf format subscription expire subscribe journal learn institutional subscription advertisement electronic issn print issn 150x abstract index agricola biosis biological abstract cnki chemical abstracts service cas dimension ebsco academic search ebsco biomedical reference collection ebsco discovery service ebsco stm source embase gale google scholar institute scientific technical information china japanese science technology agency jst journal citation reports science edition naver oclc worldcat discovery service proquest exlibris primo proquest exlibris summon reaxys scimago scopus science citation index expand scisearch td net discovery service ugc care list india copyright information right permission springer policy springer media llc springer nature publish authors editors journal author publishing ethic open access springer discover content springerlink books z journals z video service instructors librarians springer nature societies publishing partners advertisers shop springer help support contact press release impressum legal general term condition california privacy statement rights permission privacy use cookie manage cookie sell data accessibility log affiliated springer nature switzerland ag springer nature
chemistry lesson chemistry course chemistry class chemistry exam specifically homeschool science learn principles alchemy chemistry overview student parent say principles alchemy merlin teach alchemy quot principles alchemy quot syllabus copy principles alchemy principles alchemy chemistry sample hypertextbook frequently ask questions principles alchemy chemistry overview syllabus sample hypertextbook complete course free frequently ask questions overview principles alchemy chemistry self pace self learn program specifically design teach chemistry computer lesson specifically design need home schooler mind alchemy series simulation program provide brief explanation science alchemy abandon student dry science book s expect wade merlin start teach chemistry internet student rely heavily email irc communication clarification early development course feedback merlin learn student difficulty rewrote add new material hypertextbook lesson well year later principles alchemy evolve complete self learn chemistry course try test student variety age background principle alchemy chemistry computerized book write hypertext code language web mean work pc macs read web browser unlike webpage online enjoy course read hard disk course divide section computer grade exam complete section student take final exam successfully complete receive diploma total exam question principle alchemy hello e mom want thank course e year high school sort try educational opportunity available home take course give concrete feel successful dear thing day grateful thank e mom e son alchemy student year ago typical homeschool geeky kind kid couple week ago start freshman year university study engineering require course chemistry speak phone today tell time alchemy class good preparation relate chemistry know leg easy time later everybody struggle understand sincerely thank have class music mom ear child admit mom right thank provide wonderful service thank blessing homeschooling mom washington get principle alchemy march want tell enjoy course think like chemistry let love believe sense home schooler hard time teach try find life course sit understand thank indebted gretchen 10th grader home school son truly love chemistry course appeal way like test memory like depth course content include quantum like pace adjust preference offer fine service thank sincerely kristin big hit year old daughter imagine week homeschool officially start open read section day enjoy learn lot sincerely mark moms dad great teacher want wizard teach alchemy chapter call ancient element contain lesson present dialogue style purpose style break away dry textbook standard science education like read script student listen actually read conversation merlin student arthur forth nature dialogue mean concept explain natural manner new socrates start merlin explain arthur ask question question immediately come mind arthur make common mistake merlin correct problem solve easily demonstrate common error thinking identify dialogue unfold chemistry learn lesson conclude arthur note compilation salient feature discuss dialogue student challenge merlin question hyperlink detailed answer q amp encourage student recall important concept discuss lesson note q amp design challenge student learn dialogue end introduce advanced idea draw student subject merlin q amp self assessment self learn ancient element conclude simple optional home experiment try complete element student take computerized exam multiple choice question provide immediate feedback grade computer successfully complete student certificate completion print successfully complete final exam student give diploma title student try sample s comfortable style alchemy text reading level 8th grade principles alchemy general foundation course teach basic chemistry principle alchemy cover half material teach year university level freshman chemistry teach way average year old learn enjoy specifically design course teach chemistry possible resort logarithm algebra complex equation advanced math skill expect suitable principle alchemy develop meet need curiosity want frighten advanced math water version science topic second year sophomore level university chemistry click pdf file syllabus principles alchemy correlate national science education standards find topic california learning resource network example hypertextbook topic cover air atoms atom atomic structure mass daltons isotopes radioactivity half life nuclear chemistry nuclear synthesis electron shell orbital s p orbital d f orbital cover earth bohr atom quantum mechanic water molecules molecular formula molecular mass lewis structure strong bond ionic covalent metal weak hydrogen van der waals hydrophobic hydrophilic force state matter solution condensation evaporation distillation molecular shape electrostatic molecular orbital hybrid orbital vsepr theory allotope crystal amorphic devitrify structure gel earth elements periodic table trend use concept include atomic size ionization energy electron affinity electronegativity highlight trait similarity difference common element shell orbital fire chemical reactions break make bond exothermic endothermic combination decomposition replacement reaction standard condition energy diagram reaction path catalyst valency oxidation reduction balance equation rate equilibrium entropy enthalpy thermodynamic hess law le chatelier principle gibbs energy dissociation ionization water enthalpy formation like combustion electrolysis photosynthesis respiration topic cover detail example graduate gain understanding fundamental ph depth require calculate require logarithms example gibbs energy student learn change gibbs energy determine direction reaction s gibbs energy equation needed relevant student learn wee bit biology physics geology student hope hard copy hypertextbook disappoint printer properly print kind document hundred page waste tree merlin love tree good thing reply merlin begin puff blow learn thing fail grow old tremble anatomy lie awake night listen disorder vein miss love world devastate evil lunatic know honour trample sewer baser mind thing white future king copy principles alchemy collect mini hypertextbook download zip file choose save file remember download file free mb create specific new directory directory want alchemy good copy drag free directory unzip course packaging decompression software operate system decompression software instal use software winzip stuffit note windows let browse zip file unzipping link work book extract unzipped start book view free web browser set autoload image javascript enable usually browser default setting suggest bookmark easy find later principle alchemy chemistry
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international chemistry olympiad wikipedia international chemistry olympiad contents structure rule edit preparation edit history edit summary edit discussion remote icho edit edit reference edit external link edit navigation menu personal tool namespaces variant view search navigation contribute tool print export project language wikipedia free encyclopedia jump navigation jump search international chemistry olympiad icho annual academic competition high school student international science olympiads icho hold prague czechoslovakia event hold year exception delegation attend event country eastern bloc 12th annual international chemistry olympiad event hold outside bloc austria student national team compete july theoretical experimental section half participant award medal structure rule preparation history summary discussions remote icho reference external link structure rule edit international chemistry olympiad medal 29th icho hold montreal canada delegation consist student mentor designate head delegation head mentor delegation include handful guest scientific observer student age enrol regular student post secondary education institution international information center international chemistry olympiad base bratislava slovakia country wish participate icho send observer consecutive olympiad student participate event total country take 38th icho participant observer country expect send student competition consist examination theoretical examination practical examination duration hour hold separate day practical examination usually theoretical examination theoretical examination value point practical examination value point examination evaluate independently sum result examination determine participant overall result scientific jury instal host country suggest task international jury consist mentor participate country discuss competition task translate language student preference student receive examination translate language preference duty mentor translate examination english give participant examination hold evaluate committee appoint host country award present mentor discuss evaluation exam judge committee assure fairness evaluation mentor review examination give participant communication mentor student strictly forbid prior completion exam student require surrender mobile phone laptop computer organizer syllabus competition contain subject area chemistry include organic chemistry inorganic chemistry physical chemistry analytical chemistry biochemistry spectroscopy subject include secondary school chemistry program evaluate deep level require level knowledge understanding comparable post secondary education addition host country icho issue set preparatory problem advance competition year preparatory problem cover specific topic considerable depth typical post secondary education preparation international chemistry olympiad demand high level understanding interest chemistry outstanding ability relate chemical subject practical world gold medal 40th icho participant rank base individual score official team score give gold medal award approximately student silver medal award approximately student bronze medal award approximately student exact number medal decide blind review result honorable mention award participant win medal special award give student achieve high score overall separate special award give student good score theoretical practical examination event outstanding opportunity student meet people world share similar interest visit different place touch different culture aim competition establish icho competition help enhance friendly relation young people different country encourage cooperation international understanding preparation edit country free choose team mean appropriate selection process usually involve hold regional national olympiad competition country hold training camp student mentor country student accelerate college level course chemistry emphasis topic cover year preparatory problem practical training agree training program exceed total duration week allegation year country exceed limit month year concern country tend bring student competition year year help win well medal believe spirit olympiad nation find hard justify leave good student home history edit idea international chemistry olympiad develop czechoslovakia design aim increase number international contact exchange information nation invitation send czechoslovak national committee warsaw pact country romania political issue romania ussr relation czechoslovakia soviet union delicate poland hungary participate international competition international chemistry olympiad take place prague june participate country send team student theoretical task solve guideline competition suggest second chemistry olympiad take place poland bulgaria participate ussr gdr send observer team consist pupil experimental competition add decision invite socialist country future competition limit number pupil olympiad organize hungary gdr romania soviet union new country competition prize distribute time olympiad hold end competition organizer host event agree solve year diplomatically agree soviet union host bulgaria romania start tradition decide host year advance time preparation task international chemistry olympiad create jury session suggest invitation send vietnam mongolia cuba unfortunately invitation send leave seven compete romania invite sweden yugoslavia olympiad bucharest germany austria send observer federal republic germany nato country observer present able occur brandt government contract east west germany austria belgium participate international chemistry olympiad olympiad non socialist country take place linz austria soviet union participate number participate country increase steadily nation take number increase olympiad frankfurt main fall iron curtain break soviet union independent state early 1990 number participant increase addition increase interest asian latin american country apparent number participant altogether delegation participate presently country participate international chemistry olympiad summary edit year city country date website team new team prague czechoslovakia june czechoslovakia poland hungary katowice poland june bulgaria budapest hungary july gdr romania soviet union hold moscow soviet union july sofia bulgaria july bucharest romania july sweden yugoslavia veszprém hungary july austria frg belgium halle east germany july bratislava czechoslovakia july observer unesco toruń poland july leningrad soviet union july linz austria july netherlands italy burgas bulgaria july france stockholm sweden july yugoslavia denmark norway timișoara romania july united kingdom frankfurt west germany july greece kuwait usa bratislava czechoslovakia july cuba leiden netherlands july canada veszprém hungary july switzerland china espoo finland july australia singapore halle east germany july paris france july cyprus thailand łódź poland july latvia lithuania slovenia pittsburgh washington united states july perugia italy july iran slovakia czech republic venezuela mexico taiwan korea oslo norway july estonia turkey ukraine beijing china july moscow russia july montreal canada july melbourne australia july bangkok thailand july copenhagen denmark july mumbai india july groningen netherlands july athens greece july kiel germany july taipei taiwan july gyeongsan south korea july israel moscow russia july budapest hungary july cambridge united kingdom july tokyo japan july ankara turkey july washington united states july moscow russia july hanoi vietnam july baku azerbaijan july tbilisi georgia july august nakhon pathom thailand july bratislava prague slovakia czech republic july paris france july i̇stanbul turkey july osaka japan july aug tianjin china zürich switzerland july saudi arabia dubai united arab emirates discussion remote icho edit pandemic icho organizing committee initiate discussion participant country mentor possibility remote olympiad hope keep olympic spirit collaboration peace harsh time edit asian physics olympiad international physics olympiad international astronomy olympiad international biology olympiad list chemistry award reference edit celebrate golden jubilee international chemistry olympiad begin b c d e f g 39th international chemistry olympiad retrieve 26th international chemistry olympiad markku icho home page archive original retrieve 28th international chemical olympiad moscow archive original retrieve international chemistry olympiad archive original retrieve international chemistry olympiad archive original retrieve kanda nivesanond international chemistry olympiad 31st archive original retrieve archive original retrieve miss help b 39th international chemistry olympiad retrieve icho homi bhabha centre science education tifr result homi bhabha centre science education tifr retrieve archived original retrieve miss help 34th international chemistry olympiad archive original retrieve icho 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olympiad international information center short review development international chemistry olympiads database past icho participant preparatory problem final result theoretical practical examination particular competition find respective icho website v t e international science olympiad mathematics imo physics ipho chemistry icho informatics ioi biology ibo philosophy ipo geography igeo astronomy iao linguistics iol junior science ijso earth science ieso astronomy astrophysics ioaa authority control gnd ndl retrieve category chemistry competition chemistry award chemistry event international science olympiad recurring event establish hidden category page reference error page citation lack title pages citation have bare url pages break reference name commons category link wikidata wikipedia article gnd identifier wikipedia article ndl identifier personal tool log talk contributions create account log namespaces article talk variant view read edit view history search navigation main page 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homepage support high school science course include chemistry ap chemistry biology website andy allan retire science teacher visalia high school chemistry biology ap chemistry science teaching resource ngss science chemistry ap chemistry biology update bookmark privacy policy recent blog post home privacy policy teaching blog faq jargon generator edubabble bingo chemistry calendar powerpoints new reviews old reviews video ap chemistry powerpoints review calendar biology powerpoints review mitosis lab resources periodic table ti program chemistry freeware welcome website andy allan retire science teacher visalia california teach thirty year visalia unified school district content website creation responsibility believe content appropriate secondary instruction resource link site feel free look resource specific course general use high school science student instructor student teacher print download use material find helpful answer homework question word resource teacher address provide education student new way want clarify thing guideline resource rule post frequently ask questions gist welcome link resource site feel free pdf file powerpoint presentation district slick new learning management system accessible student place material publicly accessible web site copy review activity interactive quiz web site learning management system gladly resource available think education zero sum game student win win ask respect guideline chemistry page year chemistry student access note worksheet lab powerpoint important document general chemistry class teach school year instructor leave course calendar year interactive review activity important concept organize unit provide help student prepare important benchmark test retire continue add review activity goal create html5 mobile compliant activity content course nineteen year teach section ap chemistry hand course colleague start school year retire quiz test question write year material updated review activity look add ap chemistry page host resource class include powerpoints html format note review activity develop resource ap student probably prove useful ap student school college student take year chemistry course time teach biology continue provide access old course material include powerpoints web base offline format interactive review activity help student prepare important benchmark test officially retire go indulge life long love biological science begin add new review activity biology student background find appreciate hearing user site let know find mistake feature think add easily contact email protect good respond understand commitment family come recently update site include secure ssl browsing teacher report district block site secure include site url start https moment familiarize privacy policies site include accomodation eu gdpr continue use site constitute agreement privacy term view nina fohner sunrise want website
udo ander early idea history quantum chemistry home introduction site contents index people history philosophy qc newer book connect website programs acronyms usage statistics tech note os browsers speed impressum detail hopefully entertaining early quantum chemistry collect student assistant profs agricola de metallica xii start practically like see left later abstraction start 量子化学 理论化学 كيمياء نظرية نظرية الكم θεωρητική χημεία теоретическая химия chimica teorica chimie théorique fundamentally able renounce abstraction spoken werner heisenberg german try look help relax heavy hamiltonians orthogonal basis set ps previously give alternative name website one outdated begin copyright anders e mail udo ander update jan update article berthier incl audio
chemical aluminum al aluminum al element periodic table element chemistry science education physics school reference bohr atom matter basic information atomic structure isotopes facts related links mla format cite page home site comments help links window version table atomic number atomic mass electron configuration number neutron melt point boiling point date discovery crystal structure element groups alkali metal alkaline earth metals transition metal metal metalloids non metal halogens noble gas rare earth element basic information atomic structure isotopes related links cite page basic information aluminum symbol al atomic number atomic mass amu melting point c k f boiling point c k f number protons electrons number neutron classification metals crystal structure cubic density k g cm color silver british spelling aluminium iupac spelling aluminium atomic structure number energy levels energy level second energy level energy level isotopes isotope half life year stable minute fact date discovery discoverer hans christian oersted origin latin word aluman use airplane soda can obtain bauxite related links note external link site content responsibility site chemical week aluminum university wisconsin madison know link aluminum let know mla format cite page bentor yinon chemical aluminum information cite online source visit mla website page create yinon bentor use web site restrict site license agreement copyright yinon bentor rights reserve
geopolymer institute promote geopolymer science gpcamp features article tiahuanaco monuments tiwanaku pumapunku bolivia geopolym artificial stone create year ago alkali activate material geopolymers faq artificial stone supporter latest news continent fire stop promote fly ash base cement ferro sialate geopolymer o si o al k eng tiahuanaco geopolymer artificial stone 11th geopolymer camp tutorial videos gpcamp gpcamp gpcamp alkali activate material geopolymer archaeology tiahuanaco monuments tiwanaku pumapunku bolivia geopolym artificial stone create year ago introduction archaeology section geopolymer institute pyramids deep misleading publication geologists faq artificial stone supporter paleomagnetism study support pyramid geopolymer stone artificial pyramid stone new analysis miss update late article distribution sodium chlorine sample egyptian pyramid gpcamp deep misleading publication geologist continent fire stop promote fly ash base cement ferro sialate geopolymer o si o al gpcamp categories skip content menu science products science applications archaeology library papers books tutorial video faq conference geopolymer camp webinar conferences shop news contact search search science products science applications archaeology library papers books tutorial video faq conference geopolymer camp webinar conferences shop news contact geopolymer camp gpcamp editor jul features article archaeology tiahuanaco monuments tiwanaku pumapunku bolivia geopolym artificial stone create year ago editor mar transcript conference joseph davidovits hold geopolymer camp session ancient technologies tuesday july faq alkali activate material geopolymers editor jul scientist civil engineer mistake alkali activation geopolymer fuel confusion synonyms understand faq faq artificial stone supporter editor aug pyramids pyramid concrete pyramid evidence pyramid formula invention stone pyramid video latest news continent fire stop promote fly ash base cement jan ferro sialate geopolymer o si o al jan k eng tiahuanaco geopolymer artificial stone jul 11th geopolymer camp tutorial mar videos gpcamp jul gpcamp jul gpcamp jul alkali activate material geopolymer jul archaeology archaeology tiahuanaco monuments tiwanaku pumapunku bolivia geopolym artificial stone create year ago editor mar transcript conference joseph davidovits hold geopolymer camp session ancient archaeology introduction archaeology section geopolymer institute apr logical conjecture set aside remain improbable likely pyramid pyramids deep misleading publication geologists editor pyramid concrete pyramid pyramid concrete pyramid evidence pyramid formula invention faq faq artificial stone supporter editor aug pyramids pyramid concrete pyramid evidence pyramid formula invention stone pyramid video pyramids paleomagnetism study support pyramid geopolymer stone editor jan beginning research expert suggest davidovits carry paleomagnetism study time solidification pyramids artificial pyramid stone new analysis jul new scientific analysis demonstrate artificial nature egyptian pyramid stone article title case stone senefru bent pyramid version française new edition reference book geopolymer chemistry applications special price buy book miss update subscribe newsletter late article distribution sodium chlorine sample egyptian pyramid aug gpcamp jul deep misleading publication geologist continent fire stop promote fly ash base cement jan ferro sialate geopolymer o si o al jan gpcamp jul categories news science applications archaeology roman cement civilization pyramids conference geopolymer camp webinar conferences books tutorial library papers archaeological paper technical paper journal gp archeo video faq watch late geopolymer camp keynote include state geopolymers joseph davidovits watch free keynote video learn understand basic geopolymer watch hour video watch free webinar video home legal term contact copyright geopolymer institute rights reserve codilight theme famethemes
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quantum catechism elementary introduction quantum theory form question answer primer emphasize concept minimum mathematic 5b atomic structure periodic table need know year college course principal concept quantum theory apply atom determine organization periodic table 5c electron fall nucleus opposite charge attract surprising textbook explain properly property gas matter simple treatment gaseous state matter include numerous example application kinetic molecular theory section real gas solids liquid 7a states matter condense state liquid type solid intermolecular force type molecular unit hydrogen bonding water introduction crystal ionic solid cubic close pack lattice liquid interfacial effect change state vapor pressure boil phase map polymer plastic 7b solutions chemistry physical property type solution express concentration colligative property raoult law solution volatile substance osmosis distillation solubility solubility product compete equilibria important solubility system electrolyte nature dissolve ion electrolytic conductance ionic migration ground conduction chemical bonding molecular structure 8b chemical bond tutorial set covalent bonding polar covalence shape molecules vsepr theory hybrid orbital molecular orbital apply simple diatomic introduction transition metal d orbital splitting band theory metal semiconductor understand acid basis cover fundamental concept acid basis stoichiometry discussion ph section largely qualitative acid base equilibrium calculation cover unit chemical equilibrium thorough treatment set underlie concept invoke thermodynamic complicated calculation considerable emphasis place distinction q k section equilibrium calculation contain problem example illustrate technique iterative graphical solution polynomial employ systematic method organize information acid base equilibria calculation acid base chemistry extremely confusing particularly deal weak acid basis set lesson present update view brønsted lowry theory make easy 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thermodynamics chemical equilibrium entropy free energy chemical reaction place energy spread spontaneous change entropy second law gibb free energy free energy equilibrium application entropy free energy electrochemistry new version chemistry electricity galvanic cell electrode potential difference interface cell potential thermodynamic nernst equation application battery fuel cell electrochemical corrosion electrolytic cell electrolysis chemical kinetic reaction mechanism rate reaction rate law integrate rate law half collision theory activation energy arrhenius equation elementary process reaction mechanism chain reaction kinetic reaction solution catalyst catalysis experimental method measure matter section unit cover unit dimension measurement error significant figure duplicate early semester unit section reliability measurement draw conclusion datum introduce simple statistic need analytical chemistry course fall electron oxidation reduction predict direction oxidation reduction reaction avoid formal electrochemistry similar fall proton unit 21c coverage biological redox reaction make useful supplement biochemistry course understand entropy contrast common misleading entropy disorganization line tutorial describe entropy measure spreading sharing thermal energy concept provide rational non mathematical explanation effect temperature change reaction equilibrium colligative property solution stephen lower retired faculty member dept chemistry simon fraser university burnaby vancouver canada chem1 general chemistry virtual textbook license creative commons attribution unported license engrave bernard picart illustration fontenelle oevres diverses depict alchemy laboratory alembic centre right putti gather crucible left putto carry coal basket main menu chem1 virtual textbook free online reference textbook general chemistry stephen lower simon fraser university chem1 virtual textbook free resource aim mainly year university level offer comprehensive organize measure approach find standard textbook direct mainly year college level helpful review material student advanced course chemistry biology geology engineering license creative commons attribution unported license chem1 virtual textbook main menu archive site download site
environmental chemistry hazardous materials news careers resources green environmental issues chemistry hazardous material disclaimer link page year web share link page educators featured career listings editors blog editorial staff contributing writers environmental chemistry hazardous materials news careers resources skip page content skip site menu page provide environmental chemistry hazardous material news information resource include depth article detailed periodic table element chemical substance database hazmat emergency response guide hazmat placarding information great reference resource strive provide hard science article write highly qualified scientist like wilma pretorius phd article resource divide major subject area environmental issue chemistry resource hazardous material green career break sub topic instance environmental section sub divide following section climate change consumer health food safety energy environmental disasters politics public policy pollution sustainability waste recycling go green save money help protect environment 70 house eco renovation series article document eco renovation house build review product renovation expect renovation spread year redecorate eradicate color green phase eco renovation focus primarily aesthetic interior decoration critical safety issue paint wall bright wall require light low voc option recycle painting supply replace carpets soybean base padding recycle pet carpet low voc reduced health concern update light fixture well ambiance energy efficient cfls bathroom renovation come stage replace wasteful fixture bathroom renovation take place instal low flow showerhead easy diy project result immediate saving switch renewable energy way reduce carbon footprint replace fossil fuel energy consumption carbon neutral renewable energy source buy local clean power electricity easy way reduce carbon footprint ton year start buy electricity clean power provider kitchen renovation come weatherization come late important reduce energy usage weatherize home step conduct energy audit energy audit energy audit conduct house help prioritize weatherization energy efficiency project revise roi calculation update return investment calculation energy audit conduct house reflect update information consumer health food safety concerns ada recommendation fluoride infant diets base american dental association recommendation infant small child get fluoride diet pose long term health risk include fluorosis asbestos series history chemical physical property use health hazard legal implication asbestosis mesothelioma asbestos brief history uses health risks asbestos chemical physical properties asbestos manufacturing health hazard dating prehistoric times dry cleaning chemical look good feel bad problem perc accord epa expose perc find air drinking water nationwide realistic dry cleaning alternatives perc vast majority america dry cleaner use perc viable alternative prominent non perc cleaning option examine compare dupont teflon cover court record internal document show dupont cover true danger teflon decade neurodevelopmental disorders children autism adhd generally accept cause neurodevelopmental disorder like autism adhd include genetic environmental factor wide range toxic chemical environment associate disorder pcb food love pcb notoriously hazardous group chemical infiltrate food chain seafood safety mercury fish benefit fish oil spite health benefit provide fatty acid find fish oil people decrease fish diet high level mercury find fish norwegian farmed salmon raise global concern quality safety norwegian farmed salmon come question russian ban illegal nitrate use evidence norwegian cover danger lawn chemicals home year consumer paint lawn fertilizer herbicide pesticide chemical deadly incorrectly energy sustainablity biofueling future motivation energy independence attempt fight climate change europe world government heavily subsidize biofuel co pollution global warming carbon dioxide consider pollution scientist know human responsible climate change compact fluorescent lights cfls worth switch compact fluorescent light save money perform find calculate potential saving global trends energy technology innovation mere year deplete equivalent million year worth solar energy capture ancient organism lock oil gas coal reserve solve energy problem way profitable environmentally aware hydrogen fuel cells energy future energy source future clean efficient current source hydrogen fuel cell fulfill requirement challenge remain wide spread commercialization environmental disasters chernobyl chernobyl revisit revisit chernobyl disaster look impact year agricultural environmental impact agricultural environmental impact chernobyl disaster turning point chernobyl real turning point nuclear energy bhopal hazardous waste compliance choose work hazardous waste industry love canal ny grownup blue goo like grow love canal ny superfund act superfund hazardous waste site new orleans hurricane katrina oil industry new orleans community destroy life uproot water come cascade bayou damage devastating politics policy environmental justice nimby principle backyard hazardous waste end prairie dogs small mammal big controversy prairie dogs threatened species public health nuisance midwest matter prairie dog threaten specie populated public health nuisance cause severe economic damage rage decade prairie dog control non lethal technique discussion differenct non lethal prairie dog control measure prairie dog control lethal technique discussion differenct lethal prairie dog control measure prairie dogs manage utilize reconciliation ecology concept reconciliation ecology accommodate wild specie human modify occupy landscape apply prairie dog management pseudoscience threat environment pseudoscience threaten integrity science america sort science junk science know separate science pseudoscience website sponsor organization specific agenda pollution air effects air pollution health air pollution cause product use day harm health clean air act contribute mercury problem clean air act amendments set stage mercury calamity 21st century nitrogen dioxide ozone lead partner increase pollution danger urban children scientists university california irvine find nitrogen dioxide ozone react surface paint lead base paint increase release lead said paint pose great risk child heat face outdoor wood furnaces boilers emissions outdoor wood burning stove drift property line raise health concern neighbor pollution water pcb new york hudson river party responsible decade long pcb contamination hudson river ultimately pay price cleanup forensic chemistry help identify main polluter pollutant increase mercury levels attribute industrial activities outdated coal fire powerplant contribute increase mercury level lake stream environmental pollution concord river massachusetts concord river tributary serve example implication pollutant environment waste recycling guide handle household chemicals lot dangerous chemical home thing safe know recycled paper like recycled paper buy protect wildlife trash municipal landfill situation hand plastic recycle bin new product recyclable plastic plastic make recycling loop process emerge recycled product rohs europe initiative control technological waste european union eu member state take action hold manufacturer responsible hazardous material product treatment biohazardous waste gives insight medical waste dispose america history waste want garbologist article anatomy atom explain structure atom affect way interact chemistry polychlorinated biphenyls pcb manmade chemicals will away molar mass calculations molecular weight calculator tutorial molar mass calculation example molecular weight calculator aid calculation stoichiometry molarity molality normality introduces stoichiometry explain difference molarity molality normality know fluorine fluoride derivative use mouthwash reference resources chemical database index directory common chemical industry household product chemistry dictionary defines technical term acronym site term periodic table elements comprehensive datum element periodic table include property common chemical compound information provide nuclide nuclide decay mode periodic table sort atomic radius boiling point covalent radius cross section crystal structure density electrical conductivity eletronegativity freezing point heat vaporization ionic radius ionization potential mass average melting point element series symbol thermal conductivity year discovery household guide handle household chemicals lot dangerous chemical home thing safe danger lawn chemicals home year consumer paint lawn fertilizer herbicide pesticide chemical deadly incorrectly industry emergency response guidebook erg online version usdot erg responder initial phase hazmat incident list material un number material guide pages table initial isolation protective action distance table water reactive material produce toxic gas note introduction table initial isolation protective action distance protective action decision factors consider use table initial isolation protective action distance 49cfr usdot hazardous material table usdot hazardous material table 49cfr usdot hazmat placards images definition hazardous material placard require usdot transport dangerous good explosive class explosive compressed gas class compressed gas flammable liquid class flammable liquids flammable solid class flammable solid oxidizers class oxidizers poisons division poisons radioactives class radioactive material corrosives class corrosive liquids miscellaneous class miscellaneous related markings relate markings placarding quiz test knowledge usdot hazmat placarding regulation 49cfr usdot hazmat placards cd training module contain clipart version hazmat placard includes usdot hazmat transportation training module free bonus exception exemptions variance leniency create equally difference fmcsa hazmat transportion permit system federal motor carrier safety administration hazardous material transportation permit system material explosive hazard basic question drive inquiry characterize hazardous material warning page general reference educational purpose determine regulatory compliance rely matter life health concern site author warrant guarantee accuracy sufficiency information provide assume responsibility use ensure regulatory compliance transport hazardous material dangerous good receive proper training certification qualified instructor refer copy current year code federal regulations title 49cfr country shipping regulation ship hazardous cargo air refer iata regulation matter workplace safety refer current osha regulation 29cfr niosh guideline country health safety regulation like link page website blog etc copy paste link code red modify suit need environmental chemistry hazardous materials news information site provide chemistry environmental hazardous material news career resource include depth article detailed periodic table element chemical database hazmat emergency response guide hazmat placarding information greatly appreciate link provide page notice link article encourage articles copy republish website circumstances like article resource post simply link website republish start share link share link page find useful informative great educational resource use online print page classroom handout info periodic table nitrogen dioxide ozone lead partner increase pollution danger urban children updating lighting fixture 70s house eco renovation series career listings canada india united kingdom united states editors blog teacher lazy incompetent greedy overpay thug fri mar home weatherization pay big time d jan cool night cool home day cost tue jul replace window door usually good way save energy d mar maine energy self sufficient year thu mar toyota prius plug hybrid debuts frankfurt motor mon oct glen beck h1n1 vaccine ethyle mercury dangerously irresponsible fear mongering fri oct kenneth barbalace site creator editor chief roberta barbalace technical editor contributing author julia barbalace copy editor mona sethi gupta wilma pretorius claudette bethune lisa bushby jennifer manning tim fitzpatrick uni blake randy devaul rshep william w stewart iii jesus gomez lupe perez privacy statement terms service site directory contact follow twitter copyright kenneth l barbalace barbalace inc website development republishing form include website reason write permission word plagiarism copyright infringement fair use printed
joseph priestley wikipedia joseph priestley content early life education edit daventry academy edit needham market nantwich edit warrington academy edit educator historian edit history electricity edit leeds edit minister mill hill chapel edit religious controversialist edit defender dissenters political philosopher edit natural philosopher electricity optics carbonate water edit calne edit materialist philosopher edit founder british unitarianism edit experiments observation different kind air edit discovery oxygen edit birmingham edit chemical revolution edit defender english dissenters french revolutionary edit birmingham riot edit hackney edit pennsylvania edit legacy edit select work edit edit citation edit general reference edit primary material edit biography edit secondary material edit external link edit short online biography edit navigation menu personal tool namespaces variant view search navigation contribute tool print export project language wikipedia free encyclopedia jump navigation jump search english chemist theologian educator political theorist english lawyer joseph child priestley joseph priestley frs priestley ellen sharples bear march march birstall yorkshire england die february age northumberland pennsylvania occupation chemist natural philosopher theologian grammarian teacher know discovery oxygen o gas include carbon monoxide co nitric oxide nitrous oxide n o ammonia nh sulphur dioxide nitrogen peroxide n o discovery carbon cycle awards fellow royal society copley medal joseph priestley frs ˈ p r iː s t l march february english chemist natural philosopher separatist theologian grammarian multi subject educator liberal political theorist publish work historically credit discovery oxygen have isolate gaseous state carl wilhelm scheele antoine lavoisier strong claim discovery scheele have discover year priestley lifetime priestley considerable scientific reputation rest invention carbonate water writing electricity discovery air gas famous priestley dub dephlogisticated air oxygen priestley determination defend phlogiston theory reject chemical revolution eventually leave isolate scientific community priestley science integral theology consistently try fuse enlightenment rationalism christian theism metaphysical text priestley attempt combine theism materialism determinism project call audacious original believe proper understanding natural world promote human progress eventually bring christian millennium priestley strongly believe free open exchange idea advocate toleration equal right religious dissenter lead help find unitarianism england controversial nature priestley publication combine outspoken support french revolution arouse public governmental suspicion eventually force flee london united states mob burn birmingham home church spend year northumberland county pennsylvania scholar teacher life priestley significant contribution pedagogy include publication seminal work english grammar book history prepare influential early timeline educational writing priestley popular work metaphysical work lasting influence consider primary source utilitarianism philosopher jeremy bentham john stuart mill herbert spencer early life education daventry academy needham market nantwich warrington academy educator historian history electricity leed minister mill hill chapel religious controversialist defender dissenters political philosopher natural philosopher electricity optics carbonate water calne materialist philosopher founder british unitarianism experiments observation different kind air discovery oxygen birmingham chemical revolution defender english dissenters french revolutionary birmingham riot hackney pennsylvania legacy selected work citations general reference primary material biography secondary material external link short online biographie early life education edit priestley birthplace demolish fieldhead birstall west yorkshire mile km southwest leeds priestley bear established english dissenting family conform church england birstall near batley west riding yorkshire old child bear mary swift jonas priestley finisher cloth ease mother burden priestley send live grandfather age return home year later mother die father remarry priestley go live aunt uncle wealthy childless sarah john keighley mile km fieldhead priestley precocious age flawlessly recite question answer westminster shorter catechism aunt seek good education boy intend ministry youth priestley attend local school learn greek latin hebrew priestley seriously ill believe die raise devout calvinist believe conversion experience necessary salvation doubt emotional distress eventually lead question theological upbringing cause reject election accept universal salvation result elder home church independent upper chapel heckmondwike refuse admission member priestley illness leave permanent stutter give thought enter ministry time preparation join relative trade lisbon study french italian german addition aramaic arabic tutor reverend george haggerstone introduce high mathematic natural philosophy logic metaphysic work isaac watts willem gravesande john locke daventry academy edit priestley eventually decide return theological study matriculate daventry dissent academy read widely priestley allow skip year coursework continue intense study liberal atmosphere school shift theology leftward rational dissenter abhor dogma religious mysticism rational dissenters emphasise rational analysis natural world bible priestley later write book influence save bible david hartley observation man hartley psychological philosophical theological treatise postulate material theory mind hartley aim construct christian philosophy religious moral fact scientifically prove goal occupy priestley entire life year daventry priestley commit ministry describe noble profession needham market nantwich edit title page rudiments english grammar information joseph priestley education robert schofield priestley major modern biographer describe dissent parish needham market suffolk mistake priestley congregation priestley yearn urban life theological debate needham market small rural town congregation wed tradition attendance donation drop sharply discover extent heterodoxy priestley aunt promise support minister refuse assistance realise long calvinist earn extra money priestley propose open school local family inform refuse send child present series scientific lecture title use globes successful sweetbriar hall plaque priestley daventry friend help obtain position move nantwich cheshire live sweetbriar hall town hospital street time happy congregation care priestley heterodoxy successfully establish school unlike schoolmaster time priestley teach student natural philosophy buy scientific instrument appal quality available english grammar book priestley write rudiments english grammar innovation description english grammar particularly effort dissociate latin grammar lead 20th century scholar describe great grammarian time publication rudiment success priestley school warrington academy offer teaching position warrington academy edit mary priestley carl von breda daughter ironmaster isaac wilkinson sister industrialist john wilkinson priestley move warrington cheshire assume post tutor modern language rhetoric town dissent academy prefer teach mathematic natural philosophy fit warrington friend quickly include doctor writer john aikin sister child author anna laetitia aikin potter businessman josiah wedgwood wedgwood meet priestley fall horse wedgwood priestley meet rarely exchange letter advice chemistry laboratory equipment wedgwood eventually create medallion priestley cream blue jasperware june priestley marry mary wilkinson wrexham marriage priestley write prove suitable happy connexion wife woman excellent understanding improve read great fortitude strength mind temper high degree affectionate generous feel strongly little greatly excel thing relate household affair entirely relieve concern kind allow time prosecution study duty station april daughter name sarah priestley aunt educator historian edit information joseph priestley education book priestley publish warrington emphasise study history priestley consider essential worldly success religious growth write history science christianity effort reveal progress humanity paradoxically loss pure primitive christianity redact version new chart history priestley believe chart impress student image rise progress extent duration contemporary state considerable empire exist world essay course liberal education civil active life lecture history general policy work priestley argue education young anticipate future practical need principle utility guide unconventional curricular choice warrington aspire middle class student recommend modern language instead classical language modern ancient history priestley lecture history particularly revolutionary narrate providentialist naturalist account history argue study history further comprehension god natural law furthermore millennial perspective closely tie optimism scientific progress improvement humanity believe age improve previous study history allow people perceive advance progress study history moral imperative priestley promote education middle class woman unusual time scholar education describe priestley important english writer education 17th century john locke 19th century herbert spencer lecture history receive employ educational institution new college hackney brown princeton yale cambridge priestley design chart serve visual study aid lecture chart fact timeline describe influential timeline publish 18th century popular decade trustee warrington impressed priestley lecture chart arrange university edinburgh grant doctor law degree history electricity edit priestley electrical machine amateur experimentalist illustrate edition familiar introduction study electricity intellectually stimulating atmosphere warrington call athens north england 18th century encourage priestley grow interest natural philosophy give lecture anatomy perform experiment temperature tutor warrington friend john seddon despite priestley busy teaching schedule decide write history electricity friend introduce major experimenter field britain john canton william watson visit benjamin franklin encourage priestley perform experiment want include history process replicate experiment priestley intrigue unanswered question prompt undertake experiment design impress chart manuscript history electricity canton franklin watson richard price nominate priestley fellowship royal society accept history present state electricity publish positive review half text history study electricity second influential half description contemporary theory electricity suggestion future research priestley report discovery second section conductivity charcoal substance continuum conductor non conductor discovery overturn describe early universally receive maxim electricity water metal conduct electricity experiment electrical property material electrical effect chemical transformation demonstrate priestley early ongoing interest relationship chemical substance electricity base experiment charge sphere priestley propose electrical force follow inverse square law similar newton law universal gravitation generalise elaborate general law enunciate french physicist charles augustin de coulomb 1780 priestley strength natural philosopher qualitative quantitative observation current real air electrify point later interest michael faraday james clerk maxwell investigate electromagnetism priestley text standard history electricity century alessandro volta later invent battery william herschel discover infrared radiation henry cavendish discover hydrogen rely priestley write popular version history electricity general public title familiar introduction study electricity market book brother timothy unsuccessfully leeds edit early know portrait priestley know leeds portrait membership leeds library committee priestley active town social life prompt mary priestley ill health financial problem desire prove community reject childhood priestley move family warrington leeds mill hill chapel minister son bear priestleys leeds joseph junior july william year later theophilus lindsey rector catterick yorkshire priestley friend leeds write choose publish thing moment relate theology consult priestley extend family live leeds appear communicate schofield conjecture consider heretic year priestley travel london consult close friend publisher joseph johnson attend meeting royal society minister mill hill chapel edit information joseph priestley education joseph priestley dissent priestley work institutes natural reveal religion daventry day priestley minister mill hill chapel old respected dissent congregation england early 18th century congregation fracture doctrinal line lose member charismatic methodist movement priestley believe educate young strengthen bond congregation magisterial volume institutes natural revealed religion priestley outline theory religious instruction importantly lay belief socinianism doctrine explicate standard unitarians britain work mark change priestley theological thinking critical understand later writing pave way materialism necessitarianism belief divine act accordance necessary metaphysical law priestley major argument institutes reveal religious truth accept match experience natural world view religion deeply tie understanding nature text theism rest argument design institutes shock appal reader primarily challenge basic christian orthodoxy divinity christ miracle virgin birth methodist leeds pen hymn ask god unitarian fiend expel chase doctrine hell priestley want return christianity primitive pure form eliminate corruption accumulate century fourth institutes history corruptions christianity long force issue separately priestley believe corruptions valuable work publish demand reader apply logic emerge science comparative history bible christianity alienate religious scientific reader alike scientific reader appreciate see science defence religion religious reader dismiss application science religion religious controversialist edit priestley engage numerous political religious pamphlet war accord schofield enter controversy cheerful conviction right opponent convince outset willfully maliciously wrong able contrast sweet reasonableness personal rancor schofield point priestley rarely alter opinion result debate leeds write controversial pamphlet lord supper calvinist doctrine thousand copy publish make priestley widely read work priestley found theological repository journal commit open rational inquiry theological question promise print contribution like minded author submit article oblige provide journal content material basis later theological metaphysical work year lack fund force cease publish journal revive similar result defender dissenters political philosopher edit information joseph priestley dissent essay principles government influence early 19th century political philosopher include jeremy bentham priestley political writing support repeal test corporation acts restrict right dissenter hold political office serve armed force attend oxford cambridge subscribe thirty articles church england dissenter repeatedly petition parliament repeal acts argue treat second class citizen priestley friend particularly rational dissenters urge publish work injustice experience dissenter result essay principles government early work modern liberal political theory priestley thorough treatment subject unusually time distinguished political right civil right precision argue expansive civil right priestley identify separate private public sphere contend government control public sphere education religion particular maintain matter private conscience administer state priestley later radicalism emerge belief british government infringe individual freedom priestley defend right dissenter attack william blackstone eminent legal theorist commentary laws england standard legal guide blackstone book state dissent church england crime dissenter loyal subject furious priestley lash remarks blackstone commentaries correct blackstone interpretation law grammar highly politicise subject time history blackstone chasten alter subsequent edition commentaries rephrase offend passage remove section claim dissenter loyal subject retain description dissent crime natural philosopher electricity optics carbonate water edit optic history present state vision light colours publish london priestley claim natural philosophy hobby take seriously history electricity describe scientist promote security happiness mankind priestley science eminently practical rarely concern theoretical question model benjamin franklin move leeds priestley continue electrical chemical experiment aid steady supply carbon dioxide neighbouring brewery present paper royal society initial experiment paper explore coronal discharge phenomenon relate electrical discharge fifth report conductivity charcoal different source subsequent experimental work focus chemistry pneumatic priestley publish volume project history experimental philosophy history present state discoveries relate vision light colours refer optics pay careful attention history optic present excellent explanation early optic experiment mathematical deficiency cause dismiss important contemporary theory furthermore include practical section history electricity useful practise natural philosopher unlike history electricity popular edition english book topic year hastily write text sell poorly cost researching writing publish optics convince priestley abandon history experimental philosophy external audio fizzy water distillations podcast episode science history institute priestley consider position astronomer james cook second voyage south seas choose contribute small way voyage provide crew method make carbonate water erroneously speculate cure scurvy publish pamphlet directions impregnating water fix air priestley exploit commercial potential carbonate water schweppe fortune discovery carbonate water priestley label father soft drink beverage company schweppes father industry royal society recognise priestley achievement natural philosophy award copley medal priestley friend want find financially secure position prompt richard price benjamin franklin lord shelburne write priestley ask direct education child act general assistant priestley reluctant sacrifice ministry accept position resign mill hill chapel december preach sermon calne edit portrait priestley commission publisher close friend joseph johnson henry fuseli priestleys move calne wiltshire year later lord shelburne priestley take tour europe accord priestley close friend theophilus lindsey priestley improve view mankind large return priestley easily fulfil duty librarian tutor workload intentionally light allow time pursue scientific investigation theological interest priestley political adviser shelburne gather information parliamentary issue serve liaison shelburne dissent american interest priestleys son bear name henry lord request materialist philosopher edit information joseph priestley dissent dozen hostile refutation publish disquisition relate matter spirit priestley brand atheist priestley write important philosophical work year lord shelburne series major metaphysical text publish examination reid inquiry human mind hartley theory human mind principle association ideas disquisition relate matter spirit doctrine philosophical necessity illustrated letter philosophical unbeliever argue philosophy incorporate concept determinism materialism causation necessitarianism study natural world argue people learn compassionate happy prosperous priestley strongly suggest mind body duality forth materialist philosophy work found principle universe matter perceive contend discuss soul impossible divine substance humanity perceive divine despite separation divine mortal position shock anger reader believe duality necessary soul exist wedgwood jasperware relief portrait plaque giuseppe ceracchi plaque x cm respond baron système de la nature david hume dialogue concern natural religion work french philosopher priestley maintain materialism determinism reconcile belief god criticise faith shape book fashion draw analogy scepticism educated man credulity masse maintain human free priestley argue call philosophical necessity akin absolute determinism consonant christianity position base understanding natural world like rest nature man mind subject law causation priestley contend benevolent god create law world people eventually perfect evil imperfect understanding world priestley philosophical work characterise audacious original partake old philosophical tradition problem free determinism materialism example 17th century philosopher baruch spinoza argue absolute determinism absolute materialism like spinoza priestley leibniz argue human completely determine natural law unlike leibniz argue parallel universe immaterial object human soul arrange god outcome agree exactly material universe leibniz priestley share optimism god choose chain event benevolently priestley believe event lead glorious millennial conclusion leibniz entire chain event optimal compare conceivable chain event founder british unitarianism edit history unitarianism priestley friend theophilus lindsey decide find new christian denomination restrict member belief priestley hurry aid april lindsey hold unitarian service britain newly form essex street chapel london design liturgy critical priestley defend friend pamphlet letter layman subject lindsey proposal reformed english church claim form worship alter substance attack follow religion fashion priestley attend lindsey church regularly 1770 occasionally preach continue support institutionalise unitarianism rest life write defense unitarianism encourage foundation new unitarian chapel britain united states experiments observation different kind air edit wikisource inventory furniture priestley study equipment priestley experiment gas priestley year calne one life dominate scientific investigation scientifically fruitful experiment entirely confine air work emerge important scientific text volume experiments observation different kind air experiment help repudiate vestige theory element priestley attempt replace variation phlogiston theory accord 18th century theory combustion oxidation substance correspond release material substance phlogiston priestley work air easily classify historian science simon schaffer write see branch physics chemistry natural philosophy highly idiosyncratic version priestley invention furthermore volume scientific political enterprise priestley argue science destroy undue usurped authority government reason tremble air pump electrical machine volume experiments observation different kind air outline discovery nitrous air nitric oxide vapor spirit salt later call acid air marine acid air anhydrous hydrochloric acid hcl alkaline air ammonia nh diminish dephlogisticate nitrous air nitrous oxide n o famously dephlogisticated air oxygen o experimental finding show plant revitalise enclosed volume air discovery eventually lead discovery photosynthesis priestley develop nitrous air test determine goodness air pneumatic trough mix nitrous air test sample water mercury measure decrease volume principle eudiometry small history study air explain experiment open sincere style early biographer write know think tell doubt perplexity blunder set refreshing candour priestley describe cheap easy assemble experimental apparatus colleague believe easily reproduce experiment face inconsistent experimental result priestley employ phlogiston theory lead conclude type air fix alkaline acid priestley dismiss burgeon chemistry day instead focus gas change sensible property natural philosopher isolate carbon monoxide co apparently realise separate air discovery oxygen edit wikisource mouse petition laboratory lord shelburne estate bowood house wiltshire priestley discover oxygen august isolate air appear completely new opportunity pursue matter tour europe shelburne paris priestley manage replicate experiment include french chemist antoine lavoisier return britain january continue experiment discover vitriolic acid air sulphur dioxide march write people new air discover august letter read aloud royal society paper outline discovery title account discovery air publish society journal philosophical transactions priestley call new substance dephlogisticate air famous experiment focus sun ray sample mercuric oxide test mouse surprise survive entrap air write time well common air purpose respiration inflammation believe use common atmospherical air discover oxygen gas o william petty 2nd earl shelburne fellow unitarian build laboratory famous dissenter bowood house priestley assemble oxygen paper second volume experiments observation air publish emphasise discovery dephlogisticated air leave iii volume instead argue preface important discovery rational religion paper narrate discovery chronologically relate long delay experiment initial puzzlement difficult determine exactly priestley discover oxygen dating significant lavoisier swedish pharmacist carl wilhelm scheele strong claim discovery oxygen scheele have isolate gas publish priestley lavoisier have describe purify air entire alteration explain oxygen phlogiston theory paper observation respiration use blood priestley suggest connection blood air phlogiston theory typical priestley fashion preface paper history study respiration year later clearly influence priestley lavoisier discuss respiration académie des science lavoisier work begin long train discovery produce paper oxygen respiration culminate overthrow phlogiston theory establishment modern chemistry priestley shelburne rupture precise reason remain unclear shelburne blame priestley health priestley claim shelburne use contemporary speculate priestley outspokenness hurt shelburne political career schofield argue likely reason shelburne recent marriage louisa fitzpatrick apparently like priestleys priestley consider move america eventually accept birmingham new meeting offer minister priestley shelburne family uphold unitarian faith generation december report sir christopher bullock direct descendant shelburne brother thomas fitzmaurice mp marry wife lady bullock née barbara lupton london unitarian essex church barbara lupton second cousin olive middleton née lupton great grandmother catherine duchess cambridge olive noel middleton marry leeds mill hill chapel priestley minister guide unitarianism birmingham edit priestleys move birmingham spend happy decade surround old friend force flee religiously motivated mob violence know priestley riots priestley accept ministerial position new meeting condition require preach teach sundays time writing scientific experiment leeds priestley establish class youth parish teach student priestley new meeting salary guinea friend patron donate money good help continue investigation elect foreign honorary member american academy arts sciences chemical revolution edit chemical revolution set lunar society moonstones commemorate priestley great barr birmingham friend priestley birmingham member lunar society group manufacturer inventor natural philosopher assemble monthly discuss work core group include man manufacturer matthew boulton chemist geologist james keir inventor engineer james watt botanist chemist geologist william withering priestley ask join unique society contribute work member result stimulate intellectual environment publish important scientific paper include experiment relate phlogiston conversion water air attempt refute lavoisier challenge work oxygen second describe steam convert air variation experiment different substance fuel different collecting apparatus produce different result conclude air travel substance previously surmise conclusion contrary know principle hydrostatic discovery early work later recognise gaseous diffusion eventually lead john dalton thomas graham formulate kinetic theory gas antoine lavoisier wife marie anne pierrette paulze jacques louis david antoine lavoisier write mémoire sur la combustion en général prove series attack phlogiston theory attack priestley respond priestley accept part lavoisier theory unprepared assent major revolution lavoisier propose overthrow phlogiston chemistry base conceptually element compound new chemical nomenclature priestley original experiment dephlogisticated air oxygen combustion water provide lavoisier datum need construct system priestley accept lavoisier new theory continue defend phlogiston theory rest life lavoisier system base largely quantitative concept mass create destroy chemical reaction conservation mass contrast priestley prefer observe qualitative change heat color particularly volume experiment test air solubility water power support extinguish flame respirable behave acid alkaline air nitric oxide inflammable air lastly affect electric spark lavoisier publish traité élémentaire de chimie found annales de chimie new chemistry come priestley publish scientific paper birmingham majority attempt refute lavoisier priestley lunar society member argue new french system expensive difficult test unnecessarily complex priestley particular reject establishment aura end lavoisier view prevail new chemistry introduce principle modern chemistry found priestley refusal accept lavoisier new conservation mass determination adhere satisfactory theory perplex scholar schofield explain priestley chemist modern lavoisierian sense scientist natural philosopher concern economy nature obsess idea unity theology nature historian science john mcevoy largely agree write priestley view nature coextensive god infinite encourage focus fact hypothesis theory prompt reject lavoisier system mcevoy argue priestley isolated lonely opposition oxygen theory measure passionate concern principle intellectual freedom epistemic equality critical inquiry priestley claim volume experiments observation valuable work theological one superior dignity importance defender english dissenters french revolutionary edit information joseph priestley dissent commons joseph priestley cartoons doctor phlogiston priestley politician political priest anti priestley cartoon show trample bible burn document represent english freedom essay matter spirit gunpowder revolution toasts bulge pocket priestley busy defend phlogiston theory new chemist publish birmingham theological publish fourth volume institutes history corruptions christianity describe think teaching early christian church corrupt distort schofield describe work derivative disorganized wordy repetitive detailed exhaustive devastatingly argue text address issue range divinity christ proper form lord supper priestley follow provocatively title book history early opinion concern jesus christ compile original writers prove christian church unitarian thomas jefferson later write profound effect book read corruptions christianity early opinions jesus rest basis faith writing answer reader jefferson rational dissenters approve work harshly review extreme theological position particularly rejection trinity priestley engage pamphlet war corruptions publish importance extent free enquiry claim reformation reform church word boil national debate challenge reader enact change let discourage present great number church professedly unitarian lay gunpowder grain grain old building error superstition single spark inflame produce instantaneous explosion consequence edifice erection work age overturn moment effectually foundation build discourage friend inflammatory language priestley refuse opinion print include forever brand gunpowder joe publication revolution midst french revolution pamphleteer step attack priestley church threaten legal action word comfort william dent date march priestley preach charles james fox ask pray doctor thing devil priestley respond devil prepare attack priestley dissenters try repeal test corporation acts initially look succeed fear revolution loom parliament sway appeal equal right political cartoon effective popular medium time skewer dissenters priestley parliament william pitt edmund burke argue repeal betrayal anger priestley friend expect man support priestley write series letters william pitt letter burke attempt persuade publication inflame populace dissenter priestley support french revolution come increase suspicion scepticism revolution grow propaganda radical pitt administration gunpowder statement argue priestley dissenters want overthrow government burke famous reflection revolution france tie natural philosopher specifically priestley french revolution write radical support science britain consider man experiment mouse air pump burke associate republican principle alchemy insubstantial air mock scientific work priestley french chemist later writing connection gunpowder joe science lavoisier improve gunpowder french war britain paradoxically secular statesman burke argue science maintain religion basis civil society dissent minister priestley argue religion provide basis civil society restrict private life birmingham riot edit main article priestley riot attack priestley home fairhill sparkbrook birmingham animus build dissenter supporter american french revolutions explode july priestley dissenter arrange celebratory dinner anniversary storming bastille provocative action country disapprove french revolution fear spread britain amid fear violence priestley convince friend attend rioter gather outside hotel banquet attack attendee leave rioter move new meeting old meeting church burn ground priestley wife flee home son william stay protect property mob overcome torch priestley house fairhill sparkbrook destroy valuable laboratory family belonging dissenter home church burn day riot priestley spend day hide friend able travel safely london carefully execute attack mob farcical trial handful leader convince time modern historian later attack plan condone local birmingham magistrate george iii eventually force send troop area say feel well pleased priestley sufferer doctrine party instill people true light hackney edit lo priestley patriot saint sage year love native land statesmen blood stain priest idolatrous dark lie madden blind multitude drive vain hate religious musings samuel taylor coleridge unable return birmingham priestleys eventually settle lower clapton district hackney middlesex give series lecture history natural philosophy dissenting academy new college hackney friend help couple rebuild life contribute money book laboratory equipment priestley try obtain restitution government destruction birmingham property fully reimburse publish appeal public subject riot birmingham indict people birmingham allow riot occur violate principle english government friends people november caricature joseph priestley thomas paine science history institute dumourier dining state st james james gillray priestley bear mitre crown pie charles james fox richard brinsley sheridan serve french general charles françois dumouriez couple friend urge leave britain emigrate france new united states priestley receive appointment preach gravel pit meeting congregation priestley minister sermon preach particularly fast sermons reflect grow millenarianism belief end world fast approach compare biblical prophecy recent history priestley conclude french revolution harbinger second coming christ priestley work millennial cast beginning french revolution strain increase write young friend second coming friend probably live think year away daily life difficult family priestley burn effigy thomas paine vicious political cartoon continue publish letter send country compare devil guy fawkes tradespeople fear family business priestley royal academy friend distance penalty harsh speak government priestley examine option remove family england joseph priestley son william present french assembly grant letter naturalisation june priestley learn morning chronicle decree august french national assembly confer french citizenship joseph priestley serve cause liberty writing priestley accept french citizenship consider great honour french national convention election september joseph priestley elect french national convention department orne rhône et loire decline honour ground fluent french relation england france worsen removal france impracticable follow declaration war february aliens bill march forbid correspondence travel england france william priestley leave france america joseph priestley son harry joseph choose leave england america august finally priestley follow wife board sansom gravesend april week priestley leave william pitt administration begin arrest radical seditious libel result famous treason trials pennsylvania edit joseph priestley house priestleys arrive new york city june fête political faction vie priestley endorsement priestley decline entreaty hope avoid political discord new country travel new home backwood northumberland county pennsylvania point township borough northumberland dr mrs priestley lodge philadelphia priestley give series sermon lead founding unitarian church philadelphia priestley turn opportunity teach chemistry university pennsylvania priestley son joseph priestley lead member consortium purchase acre virgin woodland fork loyalsock creek intend lease sell plot payment defer seven annual instalment interest brother william henry buy plot woodland attempt transform farm later call fairhill felling uproot tree make lime sweeten soil build lime kiln henry priestley die december possibly malaria contract land new york mary priestley health poor deteriorate william wife margaret foulke priestley move couple nurse mary hour day mary priestley die september dr priestley move eld son joseph wife elizabeth ryland priestley thomas cooper son thomas live priestleys frequent visitor arrival america priestley continue defend christian unitarian belief fall increasingly influence thomas cooper elizabeth ryland priestley unable avoid embroil political controversy response pinckney affair belligerent president adams seek enlarge navy mobilise militia priestley cooper see stand army priestley publish anonymous newspaper article maxim political arithmetic attack adams defend free trade advocate form jeffersonian isolationism year small package address vaguely dr priestley america seize royal navy board neutral danish boat find contain letter sign radical printer john hurford stone intercept letter publish london copy numerous paper america letter address mbp note inclose note friend mbp ignorant bear present beg seal address give intercepted letter tinge intrigue fearful lest take evidence spy interest france priestley send clumsy letter numerous newspaper editor naively name mbp member british parliament benjamin vaughan like think necessary leave england time say assume feigned william cobbett porcupine gazette august add priestley tell mr mbp confirm opinion spy interest france joseph priestley leave visit england christmas return august absence wife elizabeth ryland priestley thomas cooper increase close collaborate numerous political essay priestley allow fall heavily elizabeth cooper influence help hawk seditious handbill cooper print point township susquehanna sunbury september william cobbett print extract handbill assert dr priestley take great pain circulate address travel country purpose fact patron challenge priestley clear accusation face prosecution barely month later november december priestley step forward defence letter inhabitant northumberland priestley son william live philadelphia increasingly embarrassed father action confront father express john benjamin vaughan unease wife concern elizabeth ryland priestley dietary care concern closeness elizabeth ryland priestley thomas cooper relationship adverse influence dr priestley lead estrangement william sister law later priestley household suffer bout food poisoning milk sickness bacterial infection elizabeth ryland priestley falsely accuse william have poison family flour allegation attract attention modern historian believe foundation priestley continue educational project important help establish northumberland academy donate library fledgling institution exchange letter proper structure university thomas jefferson advice found university virginia jefferson priestley close complete general history christian church dedicate president jefferson write fear hand power government live time truly favourable priestley try continue scientific investigation america support american philosophical society hamper lack news europe unaware late scientific development priestley longer forefront discovery majority publication focus defend phlogiston theory original work spontaneous generation dream despite priestley reduced scientific output presence stimulate american interest chemistry priestley ill longer write experiment die morning february age seventy bury riverview cemetery northumberland pennsylvania priestley epitaph read return unto thy rest o soul lord hath deal bountifully thee lay peace sleep till awake morning resurrection priestley paint late life rembrandt peale americans know priestley man science defender freedom colony dissenter priestleys rural pennsylvania home center utopian community expect emigrant afford journey priestley original gravestone riverview cemetery northumberland pennsylvania visible right new stone place legacy edit statue priestley francis john williamson chamberlain square birmingham england statue priestley city square leeds england time die priestley member major scientific society western world discover numerous substance 19th century french naturalist george cuvier eulogy priestley praise discovery time lament refusal abandon phlogiston theory call father modern chemistry acknowledge daughter priestley publish work topic range political philosophy education theology natural philosophy lead inspire british radical 1790s pave way utilitarianism help find unitarianism wide variety philosopher scientist poet associationist result redaction david hartley observation man include erasmus darwin coleridge william wordsworth john stuart mill alexander bain herbert spencer immanuel kant praise priestley critique pure reason write know combine paradoxical teaching interest religion priestley aim advanced enlightenment idea service rationalize heterodox christianity guidance basic principle scientific method blue plaque royal society chemistry commemorate priestley new meeting street birmingham consider extent priestley influence relatively little scholarship devote early 20th century priestley describe conservative dogmatic scientist political religious reformer historiographic review essay historian science simon schaffer describe dominant portrait priestley depict playful innocent stumble discovery second portray innocent warped understand implication well assess priestley work difficult scholar wide range interest scientific discovery usually divorce theological metaphysical publication analysis life writing easy approach challenge recently scholar john mcevoy robert schofield early priestley scholarship claim theological metaphysical work distraction obstacle scientific work scholarship publish 1960 1970 1980 maintain priestley work constitute unified theory schaffer explain convincing synthesis work expound recently historian science dan eshet argue effort create synoptic view result rationalisation contradiction priestley thought organize philosophical category producer scientific idea social conflict priestley remember town serve reform educator minister scientific organisation influence educational institution name honour priestley college warrington joseph priestley college leeds leeds city college asteroid priestley discover duncan waldron birstall leeds city square birmingham memorialise statue plaque commemorate post birmingham calne warrington dickinson college pennsylvania present priestley award scientist make discovery contribute welfare mankind main undergraduate chemistry laboratory university leeds refurbish m refurbishment plan rename priestley laboratories honour prominent chemist leeds university huddersfield rename building housing applied sciences department joseph priestley building effort rename campus building prominent local figure additional recognition priestley work mark national historic chemical landmark designation discovery oxygen august priestley house northumberland penn american chemical society similar recognition august bowood house wiltshire england acs award high honour priestley medal select work edit main article list work joseph priestley library resource joseph priestley resources library resources library joseph priestley online book resource library resources library rudiments english grammar chart biography essay course liberal education civil active life history present state electricity essay principles government new chart history institutes natural revealed religion experiment observation different kind air disquisition relate matter spirit doctrine philosophical necessity illustrated letter philosophical unbeliever history corruption christianity lecture history general policy theological repository edit list independent discovery list liberal theorist timeline hydrogen technology citation edit mclachlan list fellows royal society k z royal society archive original december retrieve august b copley archive winner royal society archive original january retrieve august priestley archived october wayback machine collins english dictionary complete unabridged digital edition schlesinger general chemistry 4th ed cs1 maint multiple name author list link kuhn schofield difficulty precisely define time place discovery oxygen context develop chemical revolution thomas kuhn central illustration gradual nature paradigm shift structure scientific revolutions tapper b c d e tapper schofield b priestley joseph oxford dictionary national biography online ed oxford university press doi ref subscription uk public library membership require schofield uglow jackson gibb thorpe holt schofield jackson gibbs priestley autobiography schofield uglow gibbs thorpe holt schofield jackson gibbs mcevoy qtd jackson schofield uglow jackson gibbs thorpe tapper holt garrett schofield schofield jackson gibbs thorpe holt priestley joseph rudiments english grammar adapt use school observation style london printed griffiths qtd schofield schofield uglow jackson gibbs thorpe holt mclachlan iconography schofield robert enlighten joseph priestley study life work university park penn state univ press isbn retrieve june meyer michal old friends distillation retrieve june b bowden mary ellen rosner lisa eds joseph priestley radical thinker catalogue accompany exhibit chemical heritage foundation commemorate 200th anniversary death joseph priestley august july philadelphia penns chemical heritage foundation isbn archive original june retrieve september priestley autobiography thorpe description life warrington schofield jackson uglow thorpe holt sheps holt qtd sheps priestley joseph essay course liberal education civil active life london printed henderson royal exchange becket de hondt strand johnson davenport pater noster row thorpe schofield watts sheps schofield watts schofield mclachlan sheps kramnick holt priestley joseph chart biography london johnson paul church yard joseph priestley description chart biography warrington print william eyres joseph priestley new chart history london engraved publish johnson description new chart history london printed johnson rosenberg ff gibbs schofield schofield jackson schofield jackson uglow thorpe schofield jackson schofield analysis different edition priestley joseph history present state electricity original experiment london printed dodsley johnson cadell b schofield schofield gibbs thorpe early investigator suspect electrical force diminish distance gravitational force inverse square distance include daniel bernoulli abel socin acta helvetia vol pp alessandro volta measure force plate capacitor aepinus heilbron electricity 17th 18th century study early modern physics los angeles california university california press pp archived wayback machine include footnote joseph priestley history present state electricity original experiments london england archived wayback machine infer experiment attraction electricity subject law gravitation accord square distance easily demonstrate earth form shell body inside attract priestley joseph familiar introduction study electricity london printed dodsley cadell johnson schofield schofield priestley autobiography schofield schofield note schofield gibbs uglow schofield holt schofield gibbs watts holt priestley institutes natural revealed religion london printed johnson vol vol ii vol iii miller xvi schofield schofield uglow tapper holt qtd jackson mclachlan gibbs jackson uglow b schofield schofield analysis controversy schofield analysis journal uglow holt schofield analysis priestley contribution schofield schofield holt priestley joseph essay principles government nature political civil religious liberty london printed dodsley cadell johnson gibbs uglow garrett tapper holt philip miller xiv priestley joseph remark paragraph fourth volume blackstone commentaries law england relate dissenters london printed johnson payne schofield gibbs holt qtd kramnick schofield gibbs kramnick priestley joseph proposal print subscription history present state discovery relate vision light colour leed schofield gibb uglow priestley joseph direction impregnate water fix air order communicate peculiar spirit virtue pyrmont water mineral water similar nature london printed johnson schofield gibbs thorpe uglow schils rené james watt invent copier forget invention great scientists springer science business media lamoreaux philip spring bottled waters world ancient history source occurrence quality use springer science business media schofield holt gibb thorpe traditional account story schofield jackson gibbs uglow holt mclachlan iconography qtd gibbs schofield gibbs jackson thorpe watts holt include large quotation priestley letter send europe shelburne son schofield mcevoy mcguire tapper schofield gibbs holt mcevoy mcguire tapper priestley autobiography schofield holt schofield garrett tapper sheps mcevoy mcevoy mcguire sheps mcevoy mcguire leibniz gottfried wilhelm confessio philosophi paper concern problem evil trans robert sleigh new haven yale university press xxxviii isbn original latin text english translation leibniz philosopher creed find latin english wikisources respectively stewart matthew courtier heretic leibniz spinoza fate god modern world new york norton isbn mcevoy mcguire adams robert merrihew leibniz determinist theist idealist new york oxford university press isbn rutherford rutherford schofield rutherford priestley joseph letter layman subject lindsey proposal reformed english church london printed wilkie schofield jackson gibbs holt schofield priestley joseph experiment observation different kind air vol london bowyer nichols different edition volume important gibbs description priestley experiment time thorpe 170ff thorpe schofield schaffer qtd kramnick schofield fruton schofield thorpe schofield jackson thorpe uglow schofield uglow gibbs description experiment priestley joseph account discoveries air philosophical transaction qtd schofield schofield jackson gibbs uglow holt kuhn schofield gibbs schofield jackson holt nikkah roya december duchess discover blue blood family uk sunday telegraph archive original october retrieve july schofield gibb uglow jackson holt book members chapter p pdf american academy arts sciences archived pdf original retrieve july schofield analysis priestley contribution man work schofield chapter science lunar society jackson gibbs thorpe holt uglow history lunar society uglow qtd schofield schofield jackson gibbs uglow memoirs royal academy sciences paris année notable installment réflexion sur le phlogistique pour servir de suite à la théorie de la combustion et de la calcination publiée en memoirs royal academy sciences paris année translate nicholas best lavoisier reflections phlogiston phlogiston theory foundations chemistry thorpe schofield jackson schaffer uglow mcevoy donovan schaffer historiographical analysis schofield mcevoy 51ff mcevoy mcevoy meguire 395ff qtd thorpe priestley joseph history corruptions christianity vol birmingham print piercy jones london printed johnson schofield qtd gibbs schofield thorpe holt philip priestley joseph importance extent free inquiry matter religion sermon preach congregation old new meeting protestant dissenter birmingham november add reflection present state free inquiry country birmingham printed swinney johnson london qtd gibbs gibbs uglow gibbs priestley joseph letter right honourable william pitt subject toleration church establishment occasion speech repeal test corporation acts wednesday march london printed johnson debrett priestley joseph letter right honourable edmund burke occasion reflections revolution france birmingham print thomas pearson sell johnson london schofield thorpe uglow holt 142ff philip qtd crossland crossland kramnick dionisio jennifer summer birmingham toast chemical heritage magazine qtd gibbs schofield thorpe uglow jackson rose holt 154ff coleridge samuel taylor religious musing desultory poem write christmas eve archive original january retrieve january joseph priestley archive original march retrieve june schaffer schofield thorpe uglow jackson priestley joseph appeal public subject riot birmingham add stricture pamphlet entitle thought late riot birmingham birmingham print thompson sell johnson london qtd schofield blue plaque mark site gravel pit meeting ram place brown plaque site priestleys house lower clapton road joseph priestley archived march wayback machine garrett qtd garrett schofield gibbs gibbs schofield graham gibbs schwartz truman mcevoy john eds motion perfection achievement joseph priestley boston skinner house books isbn archive original june retrieve september graham schofield graham graham gibbs schofield thorpe uglow jackson holt schofield thorpe jackson holt 179ff mary cathryne park joseph priestley problem pantisocrasy philadelphia penn state university library joseph priestley collection archived copy archive original june retrieve june cs1 maint archived copy title link property inventory asset debt account book tony rail william priestley vindicate enlightenment dissent archived copy archive original december retrieve december cs1 maint archived copy title link tony rail op cit rutt sign quaker politic maxims print day aurora general advertiser february reprint aurora carey united states recorder march april rutt xxv copy original letter recently write person paris priestley america take board neutral vessel london federal gazette baltimore md august vaughan flee france john hurford stone brother william arrest find letter vaughan france avoid arrest englishmen assume jean martin live quietly passy john alger englishmen french revolution london tony rail op cit schofield gibbs jackson garrett holt december elizabeth ryland priestley essay propriety expediency unlimited enquiry reply thomas cooper observation fast day cooper challenge power president declare day fasting prayer publish political essay northumberland pa eugene volokh elizabeth ryland priestley early american author free speech new york university journal law liberty tony rail op cit publish part northumberland town pa print andrew kennedy print sunbury northumberland gazette pirate edition publish albany ny samuel campbell new york robert e schofield scientific autobiography joseph priestley cambridge ms dr priestley suffer bilious bowel condition adult life episode severe diarrhoea margaret foulke priestley suggest diet maize flour cornmeal exclude wheat flour tony rail op cit tony rail op cit priestley joseph general history christian church northumberland printed author andrew kennedy qtd schofield schofield gibbs schofield gibbs thorpe jackson holt accordance know birth death date original headstone give age lxxi original marker edgar fahs smith collection archive original december retrieve november page walker william history priestley house movement preservation journal chemical education bibcode 1927jched 150w doi ed004p150 qtd schofield mclachlan schofield schofield schofield qtd mclachlan thorpe kramnick b tapper schofield schofield holt mcevoy schaffer eshet joseph priestley college joseph priestley college archive original november retrieve january schmadel lutz dictionary minor planet names 5th ed berlin new york springer statue birmingham recast bronze white marble original williamson unveil lunar society moonstones honour priestley birmingham blue plaque commemorate church michael joseph new meeting house lane birmingham birmingham civic society archived february wayback machine retrieved january warrington salvation army citadel home priestley british crystallographic association archived september wayback machine retrieved january joseph priestley celebration archived november wayback machine dickinson college retrieve january minister open m state art chemistry facility leeds october university leeds retrieve november university huddersfield archive original january retrieve february national historic chemical landmarks joseph priestley discovery oxygen american chemical society archive original december raber linda april 85th anniversary priestley medal chemical engineering news american chemical society retrieve november general reference edit primary material edit lindsay jack ed autobiography joseph priestley teaneck fairleigh dickinson university press isbn miller peter ed priestley political writings cambridge cambridge university press isbn passmore john ed priestley writings philosophy science politics new york collier books rutt john ed collected theological miscellaneous works joseph priestley vol london george smallfield rutt john ed life correspondence joseph priestley vol london george smallfield schofield robert ed scientific autobiography joseph priestley select scientific correspondence cambridge mit press biography edit exhaustive biography priestley robert schofield volume work volume treatment exist somewhat old gibbs holt thorpe graham smith focus priestley life america uglow jackson discuss priestley life context development science gibbs joseph priestley adventurer science champion truth london thomas nelson sons graham jenny revolutionary exile emigration joseph priestley america transaction american philosophical society isbn holt anne life joseph priestley london oxford university press jackson joe world fire heretic aristocrat race discover oxygen new york viking isbn johnson steven invention air story science faith revolution birth america new york riverhead isbn schofield robert enlightenment joseph priestley study life work university park pennsylvania state university press isbn schofield robert enlightened joseph priestley study life work university park pennsylvania state university press isbn smith edgar priestley america philadelphia blakiston son tapper alan joseph priestley dictionary literary biography british philosophers eds philip dematteis peter fosl detroit gale group thorpe joseph priestley london dent uglow jenny lunar men friend curiosity change world new york farrar straus giroux isbn secondary material edit anderson christopher lawrence science medicine dissent joseph priestley london wellcome trust isbn bower joseph priestley english unitarianism america university park pennsylvania state university press isbn braithwaite helen romanticism publishing dissent joseph johnson cause liberty new york palgrave macmillan isbn conant ed overthrow phlogiston theory chemical revolution harvard case histories experimental science cambridge harvard university press crook bibliography joseph priestley london library association crossland maurice image science threat burke versus priestley philosophic revolution british journal history science donovan arthur antoine lavoisier science administration revolution cambridge cambridge university press isbn eshet dan rereading priestley history science fitzpatrick martin joseph priestley cause universal toleration price priestley newsletter garrett clarke joseph priestley millennium french revolution journal history ideas fruton joseph methods styles development chemistry philadelphia american philosophical society isbn kramnick isaac eighteenth century science radical social theory case joseph priestley scientific liberalism journal british studies kuhn thomas structure scientific revolutions 3rd ed chicago university chicago press isbn haakonssen knud ed enlightenment religion rational dissent eighteenth century britain cambridge cambridge university press isbn mccann chemistry transformed paradigmatic shift phlogiston oxygen norwood alex publishing isbn mcevoy john joseph priestley aerial philosopher metaphysics methodology priestley chemical thought ambix mcevoy john enlightenment dissent science joseph priestley limit theoretical reasoning enlightenment dissent mcevoy john priestley respond lavoisier nomenclature language liberty chemistry english enlightenment lavoisi european context negotiate new language chemistry eds bernadette bensaude vincent ferdinando abbri canton ma science history publications isbn mcevoy john mcguire god nature priestley way rational dissent historical studies physical sciences mclachlan john joseph priestley man science iconography great yorkshireman braunton devon merlin books isbn mclachlan john joseph priestley study history transaction unitarian historical society philip mark rational religion political radicalism enlightenment dissent rose priestley riot past present rosenberg daniel joseph priestley graphic invention modern time study eighteenth century culture pp rutherford donald leibniz rational order nature cambridge cambridge university press isbn schaffer simon priestley questions historiographic survey history science sheps arthur joseph priestley time chart use teaching history rational dissent late eighteenth century england lumen watts joseph priestley education enlightenment dissent external link edit wikiquote quotation relate joseph priestley wikimedia commons medium relate joseph priestley wikisource original work write joseph priestley link priestley work online joseph priestley internet encyclopedia philosophy joseph priestley society joseph priestley house pa joseph priestley online comprehensive site bibliography link related site image information manuscript collection helpful information radio program discovery oxygen bbc collection priestley image schoenberg center electronic text image works joseph priestley project gutenberg works joseph priestley internet archive works joseph priestley librivox public domain audiobook short online biography edit joseph priestley discoverer oxygen american chemical society joseph priestley woodrow wilson national fellowship foundation joseph priestley encyclopædia britannica chisholm hugh ed priestley joseph encyclopædia britannica 11th ed cambridge university press priestley joseph dictionary national biography london smith elder poliakoff martyn joseph priestley periodic table videos university nottingham v t e joseph priestley work rudiments english grammar chart biography essay course liberal education civil active life history present state electricity essay principles government new chart history institutes natural revealed religion experiment observation different kind air disquisition relate matter spirit doctrine philosophical necessity illustrated letter philosophical unbeliever history corruption christianity lecture history general policy theological repository priestley education priestley dissent priestley riots joseph priestley house priestley medal priestley college joseph priestley college priestley v t e copley medallists john canton john pringle benjamin franklin william lewis john huxham charles cavendish john dollond john smeaton benjamin wilson john canton william brownrigg edward delaval henry cavendish john ellis peter woulfe william hewson william hamilton matthew raper joseph priestley john walsh nevil maskelyne james cook john mudge charles hutton samuel vince william herschel richard kirwan john goodricke thomas hutchins edward waring william roy john hunter charles blagden william morgan james rennell jean andré deluc benjamin thompson alessandro volta jesse ramsden george atwood george shuckburgh evelyn charles hatchett john hellins edward charles howard authority control bibsys bne xx1718377 bnf cb121114992 data cantic a10649141 gnd isni lccn n79061180 ndl nkc nlk20010094363 nla nlg nli nta selibr snac w6mk6f72 sudoc trove vcba viaf worldcat identities lccn n79061180 retrieve category birth death 18th century american writer 18th century british philosopher 18th century british scientist 18th century english christian theologian 18th century english writer 18th century male writer 18th century unitarian clergy 19th century american male writer 19th century british philosopher 19th century british scientist 19th ce
visionlearne insight science visionlearning free resource study science technology math stem science education stem math biology chemistry physics earth science online learn learn space science educator student biology chemistry earth science general science inside science math science physics process science free award win content support ngss quick quiz module day term day science blog newsletter follow español account register help blog podcast research entire site library glossary classroom display font default opendyslexic library learning module glossary science term classroom custom course create provide high quality accessible educational content science technology engineering mathematic stem discipline introductory undergraduate level exclusive content integrate science engineering practice disciplinary core idea cross cut concept alignment generation science standards ngss element classify metalloid incorrect cl incorrect si correct zn incorrect quiz courses student module design introduce student feature visionlearning course system module feynman richard person american physicist bear queens new york feynman well know work quantum mechanic quantum electrodynamic term interactive animations classroom october reposte celebration halloween scare factor human survival science physical signs terror july novel coronavirus different come go covid cuckoo cure march pythagoras cult number perfection march anaximenes miletus move purely naturalistic explanation ad free content access classroom sign register free library learning module glossary science term classroom custom course home register blog podcast visionlearne glance content ngss mission goals sponsorship recognition awards term help contact faq courses bookmarks add content download new app ipad iphone today support national science foundation department education visionlearning privacy term
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evident rule arithmetic valid time purpose actually depend define number instance calculate quantity ac circuit find real number quantity serve dc circuit analysis inadequate task represent ac quantity know voltage add connect series know possible connect ac source series ac source end volt total voltage mean inviolable self evident rule arithmetic violate mean rule real number apply kind quantity encounter ac circuit variable magnitude phase consequently use different kind numerical quantity object ac circuit complex number real number different system number come different set rule tell relate expression nonsense scope definition real number fit nicely scope definition complex number think right triangle opposite adjacent side hypotenuse complex number dimensional able add trigonometrically single dimension real number fuzzy logic logic like mathematic respect call laws logic depend define proposition greek philosopher aristotle found system logic base type proposition true false bivalent mode definition truth lead foundational law logic law identity law non contradiction non law excluded middle non law rational inference call laws function scope logic proposition limit possible value apply case proposition hold value true false fact work continue multivalue fuzzy logic proposition true false limited degree system logic law law excluded middle simply apply found assumption bivalence likewise premise violate law non contradiction aristotelian logic validity fuzzy logic define limit propositional value determine laws describe function relation english mathematician george boole seek symbolic form aristotle system logic boole write treatise subject title investigation laws thought found mathematical theories logic probabilities codify rule relationship mathematical quantity limit possible value true false mathematical system know boolean algebra arithmetic operation perform boolean quantity possible outcome thing boolean world world possibility invalid fiat guess kind math want use balance checkbook calculate current resistor claude shannon mit fame recognize boolean algebra apply circuit signal characterize high low thesis title symbolic analysis relay switching circuits boole theoretical work use way boole imagine give powerful mathematical tool design analyze digital circuit chapter find lot similarity boolean algebra normal algebra kind algebra involve call real number bear mind system number define boolean algebra severely limit term scope possible value boolean variable consequently laws boolean algebra differ laws real number algebra make possible statement normally consider absurd comprehend premise quantity boolean algebra limit possibility general philosophical principle laws depend quantitative definition nonsense boolean algebra disappear chapter find lot similarity boolean algebra normal algebra kind algebra involve call real number bear mind system number define boolean algebra severely limit term scope possible value boolean variable consequently laws boolean algebra differ laws real number algebra make possible statement normally consider absurd comprehend premise quantity boolean algebra limit possibility general philosophical principle laws depend quantitative definition nonsense boolean algebra disappear clearly understand boolean number binary number boolean number represent entirely different system mathematic real number binary alternative notation real number confused boolean math binary notation use cipher difference boolean quantity restrict single bit binary number compose bit add place weighted form value finite size binary number nineteen place boolean world decimal number octal number related worksheets boolean algebra worksheet basic algebra graph electric circuit worksheet binary math worksheet index textbook index boolean arithmetic rimac chooses analog devices ic brain ev battery management system switch sound activated jesd204b jesd204c designers need know introduction electrical energy current source voltage source share publish term condition design science license partnership switches partnership microchip technology partnership rohde schwarz jake hertz partnership mentor graphics comment comment log comment latest analog connectors cooling digital ic eda tools electromechanical embedded ic design memory optoelectronics passives pcb power risc v sensors test measurement wireless rf view ai neural networks audio automotive cloud computing consumer electronics cybersecurity identification digital signal processing industrial automation iot networking lighting medical fitness military aero space motor control smart grid energy telecom view bom tool calculator datasheets giveaway industry article industry tech day industry training industry webinars ic design center news search podcast project reference design tech chats technical articles test equipment textbook video lectures worksheet contact advertise write register eetech media llc right reserve privacy policy term service user agreement aac account create forgot password click sign stay log sign facebook google linkedin github continue site quote day
algebra homework help algebra solver free math tutors algebra homework help people math algebra math homework solver lesson free tutor online pre algebra algebra algebra ii geometry physics create free tutor solver work show write algebra lesson help solve homework problem interactive solver algebra word problem ask question question board create people help homework help home homework free tutors free fun stuff fun log register sections pre algebra algebra algebra ii geometry word problems pre algebra algebra algebra ii geometry homework help free math tutor solver lesson section solver calculator lesson place submit problem free math tutor ask question section right select ask free tutors section archive hundred problem solve tutor lesson solver submit contributor math simplifier algebra solver pre algebra numeric fractions decimal number power round operation signed numbers exponents operation exponent divisibility prime numbers roman numeral inverse operation addition multiplication reciprocal evaluation expression parenthese distributive associative commutative property foil equations inequalities trichotomy linear equations graphs slope proportions percentage pie chart number line average algebra algebra finance functions domain graph coordinate system graph plotting etc graphs graph equation inequalitie real number irrational number etc absolute value logarithm systems linear equations square root cubic root n th root negative fractional exponent expression involve variable substitution polynomial rational expression equation radicals complicated equation involve root quadratic equation inequalities trichotomy system equation linear algebra ii complex numbers linear algebra linear equation introduction vector addition scale matrices determinant cramer rule exponent logarithm function power rational functions analyze graph conic section ellipse parabola hyperbola sequences number series sum probability statistic trigonometry combinatorics permutations unit conversion geometry geometric formula angles complementary supplementary angle triangles pythagorean theorem volume metric volume circle property rectangles length distance coordinate metric length proofs geometry bodies space right solid cylinder sphere parallelograms points line angle perimeter polygon area surface area list section new free video lesson dozen video math lecture nutshell math house video use flash technology easy detailed voice handwriting explanation design help middle school high school math student lesson discuss question cause difficulty word story problem solve practice word problem number travel distance mixtures quadratic problems finance age problem solve linear systems geometry practice solve algebra word problem customizable type value fun stuff bore talk splotchy artificial intelligence robot funny voice dumb thing school essay build vocabulary sat fun sat vocabulary game algebra worksheets algebra word problem algebra number puzzles exponents polynomials radical numbers factoring complex numbers college algebra help college linear algebra workbench vector matrices linear systems lessons free book pdf math formula picture type formula nice jpeg picture website abstract algebra group fields rings math tutor want famous teach math algebra tutor solve problem submit register student write lesson solver see thousand famous promote math site click learn algebra tutoring promote math website book watch happen realtime algebra com ticker view recent unsolved problem news subscribe site update rss ticker apr algebra com attack algebra com cyber attack dump lot trash content question answer area restore backup night write function like sine square solution plot function like sine square example quit job time quit day job order work time mission homework fun educational help people teach free password reset absent minded professor add function reset forget password ask register email address reset password prove email address math tutor add stuff site daily stop notify update rss watch realtime algebra com ticker new follow twitter feed algebra com advertiser webmaster want promote site link href stump robomoderator program page access time algebra com privacy policy
applied categorical structures home applied categorical structures mathematical logic foundations theory computation convex discrete geometry geometry applied categorical structures focus application result technique idea category theory mathematic physics computer science journal information journal metric late issue late article monoid properties invariant toposes monoid actions author chromatic brauer category linear representations authors morphisms rational motivic homotopy types authors equalizer category locales authors discrete conservative factorizations fib b authors journal update read publish springer compact agreement impact peer review author explore subscribe journal xml svg public svg skip main content advertisement search authors editors account applied categorical structures journal devote applications categorical methods algebra analysis order topology computer science editorial board aims scope journal update applied categorical structures focus application result technique idea category theory mathematic physics computer science include study topological algebraic category representation theory algebraic geometry homological homotopical algebra derive triangulated category categorification geometric invariant categorical investigation mathematical physics high category theory application categorical investigation functional analysis continuous order theory theoretical computer science addition journal follow development emerge field application categorical method prove relevant applied categorical structures publish carefully refereed research paper survey paper promote communication increase dissemination new result idea mathematician computer scientist use categorical method research applied categorical structures focus application result technique idea category theory mathematic physics computer science follow development emerge field application categorical method prove relevant publish carefully refereed research paper survey paper editor chief maria manuel clementino publishing model hybrid learn publish oa impact factor year impact factor day submission decision day submission acceptance download volume issue december view volume issue monoid properties invariant topos monoid actions jen hemelaer morgan rogers content type originalpaper open access publish december chromatic brauer category linear representations felipe müller dominik wrazidlo content type originalpaper open access publish december morphisms rational motivic homotopy types ishai dan cohen tomer schlank content type originalpaper publish november equalizers category locales jorge picado aleš pultr content type originalpaper publish november discrete conservative factorizations fib b alan cigoli sandra mantovani giuseppe metere content type originalpaper open access publish november journal open access article view article read publish springer compact agreement institution read publish springer compact agreement publish article open access cost springer hybrid journal include applied categorical structures addition enjoy access springer subscription journal content impact peer review result significant disruption cause pandemic aware researcher difficulty meet timeline associate peer review process normal time let know need additional time system continue remind original timeline intend highly flexible time view update submission guideline ethics disclosure fee fund contact journal submit manuscript online article volume issue sign alert ejournal note net price taxis calculate checkout immediate online access complete access article start downloadable pdf format subscription expire subscribe journal print ejournal note net price taxis calculate checkout exclude shipping cost receive print journal issue subscription year immediate ejournal access complete access article start subscription expire subscribe journal learn institutional subscription advertisement electronic issn print issn abstract index anvur cnki dblp dimension ebsco academic search ebsco discovery service google scholar institute scientific technical information china japanese science technology agency jst journal citation reports science edition mathematical reviews naver oclc worldcat discovery service proquest advanced technologies aerospace database proquest central proquest engineering proquest materials science engineering database proquest scitech premium collection proquest technology collection proquest exlibris primo proquest exlibris summon scimago scopus science citation index expand scisearch td net discovery service ugc care list india zbmath copyright information right permission springer policy springer nature publish authors editors journal author publishing ethic open access springer discover content springerlink books z journals z video service instructors librarians springer nature societies publishing partners advertisers shop springer help support contact press release impressum legal general term condition california privacy statement rights permission privacy use cookie manage cookie sell data accessibility log affiliated springer nature switzerland ag springer nature
group theory wikipedia group theory contents main class group edit permutation group edit matrix group edit transformation group edit abstract group edit group additional structure edit branch group theory edit finite group theory edit representation group edit lie theory edit combinatorial geometric group theory edit connection group symmetry edit applications group theory edit galois theory edit algebraic topology edit algebraic geometry edit algebraic number theory edit harmonic analysis edit combinatorics edit music edit physics edit chemistry material science edit statistical mechanic edit cryptography edit history edit edit note edit reference edit external link edit navigation menu personal tool namespaces variant view search navigation contribute tool print export project language wikipedia free encyclopedia redirect group theory jump navigation jump search branch mathematic study property group article cover advanced notion basic topic group mathematics group theory social science social group popular puzzle rubik cube invent ernő rubik illustration permutation group rubik cube group algebraic structure group theory group theory basic notion subgroup normal subgroup quotient group direct product group homomorphism kernel image direct sum wreath product simple finite infinite continuous multiplicative additive cyclic abelian dihedral nilpotent solvable glossary group theory list group theory topic finite group classification finite simple group cyclic alternate lie type sporadic cauchy theorem lagrange theorem sylow theorem hall theorem p group elementary abelian group frobenius group schur multiplier symmetric group s n klein group v dihedral group d n quaternion group q dicyclic group dic n discrete group lattices integers z free group modular group z z arithmetic group lattice hyperbolic group topological lie group solenoid circle general linear gl n special linear sl n orthogonal o n euclidean e n special orthogonal n unitary u n special unitary su n symplectic sp n g f e e e lorentz poincaré conformal diffeomorphism loop infinite dimensional lie group algebraic group linear algebraic group reductive group abelian variety elliptic curve v t e mathematic abstract algebra group theory study algebraic structure know group concept group central abstract algebra know algebraic structure ring field vector space see group endow additional operation axiom group recur mathematic method group theory influence part algebra linear algebraic group lie group branch group theory experience advance subject area right physical system crystal hydrogen atom model symmetry group group theory closely related representation theory important application physics chemistry material science group theory central public key cryptography early history group theory date 19th century important mathematical achievement 20th century collaborative effort take journal page publish culminate complete classification finite simple group main class group permutation group matrix group transformation group abstract group group additional structure branch group theory finite group theory representation group lie theory combinatorial geometric group theory connection group symmetry applications group theory galois theory algebraic topology algebraic geometry algebraic number theory harmonic analysis combinatorics music physics chemistry material science statistical mechanic cryptography history note references external link main class group edit main article group mathematic range group consider gradually expand finite permutation group special example matrix group abstract group specify presentation generator relation permutation group edit class group undergo systematic study permutation group give set x collection g bijection x know permutation close composition inverse g group act x x consist n element g consist permutation g symmetric group s n general permutation group g subgroup symmetric group x early construction cayley exhibit group permutation group act x g mean left regular representation case structure permutation group study property action correspond set example way prove n alternate group n simple admit proper normal subgroup fact play key role impossibility solve general algebraic equation degree n radical matrix group edit important class group give matrix group linear group g set consist invertible matrix give order n field k close product inverse group act n vector space k n linear transformation action make matrix group conceptually similar permutation group geometry action usefully exploit establish property group g transformation group edit permutation group matrix group special case transformation group group act certain space x preserve inherent structure case permutation group x set matrix group x vector space concept transformation group closely related concept symmetry group transformation group frequently consist transformation preserve certain structure theory transformation group form bridge connect group theory differential geometry long line research originate lie klein consider group action manifold homeomorphism diffeomorphism group discrete continuous abstract group edit group consider stage development group theory concrete have realize number permutation matrix late nineteenth century idea abstract group set operation satisfy certain system axiom begin hold typical way specify abstract group presentation generator relation g s r significant source abstract group give construction factor group quotient group g h group g normal subgroup h class group algebraic number field early example factor group interest number theory group g permutation group set x factor group g h long act x idea abstract group permit worry discrepancy change perspective concrete abstract group make natural consider property group independent particular realization modern language invariant isomorphism class group give property finite group periodic group simple group solvable group explore property individual group seek establish result apply class group new paradigm paramount importance development mathematic foreshadow creation abstract algebra work hilbert emil artin emmy noether mathematician school citation need group additional structure edit important elaboration concept group occur g endow additional structure notably topological space differentiable manifold algebraic variety group operation m multiplication inversion m g g g g h g h g g g g m g compatible structure continuous smooth regular sense algebraic geometry map g topological group lie group algebraic group presence extra structure relate type group mathematical discipline mean tool available study topological group form natural domain abstract harmonic analysis lie group frequently realize transformation group mainstay differential geometry unitary representation theory certain classification question solve general approach resolve special subclass group compact connected lie group completely classified fruitful relation infinite abstract group topological group group γ realize lattice topological group g geometry analysis pertain g yield important result γ comparatively recent trend theory finite group exploit connection compact topological group profinite group example single p analytic group g family quotient finite p order property g translate property finite quotient branch group theory edit finite group theory edit main article finite group twentieth century mathematician investigate aspect theory finite group great depth especially local theory finite group theory solvable nilpotent group citation need consequence complete classification finite simple group achieve mean simple group finite group build know second half twentieth century mathematician chevalley steinberg increase understanding finite analog classical group related group family group family general linear group finite field finite group occur consider symmetry mathematical physical object object admit finite number structure preserve transformation theory lie group view deal continuous symmetry strongly influence associate weyl group finite group generate reflection act finite dimensional euclidean space property finite group play role subject theoretical physics chemistry representation group edit main article representation theory say group g act set x mean element g define bijective map set x way compatible group structure x structure useful restrict notion representation g vector space v group homomorphism ρ g gl v gl v gl v consist invertible linear transformation v word group element g assign automorphism ρ g ρ g ρ h ρ gh h g definition understand direction rise new domain mathematic hand yield new information group g group operation g abstractly give ρ correspond multiplication matrix explicit hand give understand group act complicated object simplify study object question example g finite know v decompose irreducible part part turn easily manageable v schur lemma give group g representation theory ask representation g exist setting employ method obtain result different case representation theory finite group representation lie group main subdomain theory totality representation govern group character example fourier polynomial interpret character group complex number absolute value act l periodic function lie theory edit main article lie theory lie group group differentiable manifold property group operation compatible smooth structure lie group name sophus lie lay foundation theory continuous transformation group term groupe de lie appear french thesis lie student arthur tresse page lie group represent well develop theory continuous symmetry mathematical object structure make indispensable tool part contemporary mathematic modern theoretical physics provide natural framework analyse continuous symmetry differential equation differential galois theory way permutation group galois theory analyse discrete symmetry algebraic equation extension galois theory case continuous symmetry group lie principal motivation combinatorial geometric group theory edit main article geometric group theory group describe different way finite group describe write group table consist possible multiplication g h compact way define group generator relation call presentation group give set f generator g free group generate f surject group g kernel map call subgroup relation generate subset d presentation usually denote f d example group presentation b b b describe group isomorphic z z z z string consist generator symbol inverse call word combinatorial group theory study group perspective generator relation particularly useful finiteness assumption satisfied example finitely generate group finitely present group addition relation finite area make use connection graphs fundamental group example subgroup free group free natural question arise give group presentation word problem ask word effectively group element relate problem turing machine general algorithm solve task generally hard algorithmically insoluble problem group isomorphism problem ask group give different presentation actually isomorphic example group presentation x y x y x y x e x xyxyx isomorphic additive group z integer immediately apparent cayley graph x y free group rank geometric group theory attack problem geometric viewpoint view group geometric object find suitable geometric object group act idea precise mean cayley graph vertex correspond group element edge correspond right multiplication group give element construct word metric give length minimal path element theorem milnor svarc say give group g act reasonable manner metric space x example compact manifold g quasi isometric look similar distance space x connection group symmetry edit main article symmetry group give structured object x sort symmetry mapping object preserve structure occur case example x set additional structure symmetry bijective map set give rise permutation group object x set point plane metric structure metric space symmetry bijection set preserve distance pair point isometry corresponding group call isometry group x instead angle preserve speak conformal map conformal map rise kleinian group example symmetry restrict geometrical object include algebraic object instance equation x solution case group exchange root galois group belong equation polynomial equation variable galois group certain permutation group root axiom group formalize essential aspect symmetry symmetry form group close symmetry object apply symmetry result symmetry identity keep object fix symmetry object existence inverse guarantee undo symmetry associativity come fact symmetry function space composition function associative frucht theorem say group symmetry group graph abstract group actually symmetry explicit object saying preserve structure object precise work category map preserve structure morphism symmetry group automorphism group object question application group theory edit applications group theory abound structure abstract algebra special case group ring example view abelian group correspond addition second operation correspond multiplication group theoretic argument underlie large part theory entity galois theory edit main article galois theory galois theory use group describe symmetry root polynomial precisely automorphism algebra generate root fundamental theorem galois theory provide link algebraic field extension group theory give effective criterion solvability polynomial equation term solvability correspond galois group example s symmetric group element solvable imply general quintic equation solve radical way equation low degree theory historical root group theory fruitfully apply yield new result area class field theory algebraic topology edit main article algebraic topology algebraic topology domain prominently associate group object theory interested group describe certain invariant topological space call invariant define way change space subject deformation example fundamental group count path space essentially different poincaré conjecture prove grigori perelman prominent application idea influence unidirectional example algebraic topology make use eilenberg maclane space space prescribed homotopy group similarly algebraic k theory rely way classify space group finally torsion subgroup infinite group show legacy topology group theory torus abelian group structure induce map c c z τ z τ parameter live upper half plane algebraic geometry edit main article algebraic geometry algebraic geometry likewise use group theory way abelian variety introduce presence group operation yield additional information make variety particularly accessible serve test new conjecture dimensional case elliptic curve study particular detail theoretically practically intriguing direction toric variety algebraic variety act torus toroidal embedding recently lead advance algebraic geometry particular resolution singularity algebraic number theory edit main article algebraic number theory algebraic number theory make use group important application example euler product formula n n s p prime p s capture fact integer decompose unique way prime failure statement general ring give rise class group regular prime feature kummer treatment fermat theorem harmonic analysis edit main article harmonic analysis analysis lie group certain group call harmonic analysis haar measure integral invariant translation lie group pattern recognition image processing technique combinatoric edit combinatoric notion permutation group concept group action simplify counting set object particular burnside lemma circle fifth endow cyclic group structure music edit presence periodicity circle fifth yield application elementary group theory musical set theory transformational theory model musical transformation element mathematical group physics edit physics group important describe symmetry law physics obey accord noether theorem continuous symmetry physical system correspond conservation law system physicist interested group representation especially lie group representation point way possible physical theory example use group physics include standard model gauge theory lorentz group poincaré group chemistry material science edit chemistry material science point group classify regular polyhedron symmetry molecule space group classify crystal structure assign group determine physical property chemical polarity chirality spectroscopic property particularly useful raman spectroscopy infrare spectroscopy circular dichroism spectroscopy magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy uv vis spectroscopy fluorescence spectroscopy construct molecular orbital molecular symmetry responsible physical spectroscopic property compound provide relevant information chemical reaction occur order assign point group give molecule necessary find set symmetry operation present symmetry operation action rotation axis reflection mirror plane word operation move molecule indistinguishable original configuration group theory rotation axis mirror plane call symmetry element element point line plane respect symmetry operation carry symmetry operation molecule determine specific point group molecule water molecule symmetry axis chemistry important symmetry operation identity operation e rotation operation proper rotation c n reflection operation σ inversion rotation reflection operation improper rotation s n identity operation e consist leave molecule equivalent number rotation axi symmetry molecule symmetry group chiral molecule consist identity operation identity operation characteristic molecule symmetry rotation axis c n consist rotate molecule specific axis specific angle rotation angle n n integer rotation axis example water molecule rotate axis pass oxygen atom hydrogen atom configuration start case n apply twice produce identity operation molecule rotation axis cn axi have large value n high order rotation axis principal axi example borane bh3 high order rotation axis c principal axi rotation axis c reflection operation σ molecule mirror plane obvious reflection operation exchange leave right point move perpendicularly plane position exactly far plane start plane perpendicular principal axi rotation call σ h horizontal plane contain principal axi rotation label vertical σ v dihedral σ d inversion complex operation point move center molecule position opposite original position far central point start molecule glance inversion center example methane tetrahedral molecule lack inversion symmetry hold methane model hydrogen atom vertical plane right hydrogen atom horizontal plane left inversion result hydrogen atom horizontal plane right hydrogen atom vertical plane left inversion symmetry operation methane orientation molecule follow inversion operation differ original orientation operation improper rotation rotation reflection operation s n require rotation n follow reflection plane perpendicular axi rotation statistical mechanic edit group theory resolve incompleteness statistical interpretation mechanic develop willard gibbs relate summing infinite number probability yield meaningful solution cryptography edit large group prime order construct elliptic curve cryptography serve public key cryptography cryptographical method kind benefit flexibility geometric object group structure complicated structure group discrete logarithm hard calculate early encryption protocol caesar cipher interpret easy group operation cryptographic scheme use group way particular diffie hellman key exchange use finite cyclic group term group base cryptography refer cryptographic protocol use infinite nonabelian group braid group cyclic group z underlie caesar cipher history edit main article history group theory group theory main historical source number theory theory algebraic equation geometry number theoretic strand begin leonhard euler develop gauss work modular arithmetic additive multiplicative group relate quadratic field early result permutation group obtain lagrange ruffini abel quest general solution polynomial equation high degree évariste galois coin term group establish connection know galois theory nascent theory group field theory geometry group important projective geometry later non euclidean geometry felix klein erlangen program proclaim group theory organize principle geometry galois 1830 employ group determine solvability polynomial equation arthur cayley augustin louis cauchy push investigation create theory permutation group second historical source group stem geometrical situation attempt come grip possible geometry euclidean hyperbolic projective geometry group theory felix klein initiate erlangen programme sophus lie start group call lie group attach analytic problem thirdly group implicitly later explicitly algebraic number theory different scope early source result different notion group theory group unify start impact group theory grow give rise birth abstract algebra early 20th century representation theory influential spin domain classification finite simple group vast body work mid 20th century classify finite simple group edit list group theory topic examples group note edit elwes richard december enormous theorem classification finite simple group plus magazine process impose extra structure formalize notion group object suitable category lie group group object category differentiable manifold affine algebraic group group object category affine algebraic variety group cohomology equivariant k theory particular representation faithful arthur tresse sur les invariant différentiel des groupe continus de transformations pdf acta mathematica doi bf02418270 schupp lyndon write z x y z xy g z y z y z z la harpe example hodge conjecture certain case birch swinnerton dyer conjecture millennium problem abramovich dan karu kalle matsuki kenji wlodarczyk jaroslaw torification factorization birational map journal american mathematical society arxiv doi s0894 mr lenz reiner group theoretical method image processing lecture notes computer science berlin new york springer verlag doi isbn norbert wiener cybernetics control communication animal machine isbn ch reference edit borel armand linear algebraic group graduate texts mathematics 2nd ed berlin new york springer verlag doi isbn mr carter nathan visual group theory classroom resource materials series mathematical association america isbn mr cannon john computer group theory survey communications acm doi mr frucht herstellung von graphen mit vorgegebener abstrakter gruppe compositio mathematica issn 437x archive original golubitsky martin stewart ian nonlinear dynamic network groupoid formalism bull amer math soc doi s0273 mr show advantage generalise group groupoid judson thomas abstract algebra theory application introductory undergraduate text spirit text gallian herstein cover group ring integral domain field galois theory free downloadable pdf open source gfdl license kleiner israel evolution group theory brief survey mathematics magazine doi issn 570x jstor mr la harpe pierre de topic geometric group theory university chicago press isbn livio equation solve mathematical genius discover language symmetry simon schuster isbn convey practical value group theory explain point symmetry physics science mumford david abelian variety oxford university press isbn oclc ronan symmetry monster oxford university press isbn lay reader describe quest find basic building block finite group rotman joseph introduction theory group new york springer verlag isbn standard contemporary reference schupp paul lyndon roger combinatorial group theory berlin new york springer verlag isbn scott group theory new york dover isbn inexpensive fairly readable somewhat dated emphasis style notation shatz stephen profinite group arithmetic geometry princeton university press isbn mr weibel charles introduction homological algebra cambridge studies advanced mathematics cambridge university press isbn mr oclc external link edit group theory wikipedia sister project media wikimedia commons quotations wikiquote history abstract group concept high dimensional group theory present view group theory level theory extend dimension application homotopy theory high dimensional nonabelian method local global problem plus teacher student package group theory package bring article group theory plus online mathematics magazine produce millennium mathematics project university cambridge explore application recent breakthrough give explicit definition example group burnside william group theory chisholm hugh ed encyclopædia britannica 11th ed cambridge university press pp detailed exposition contemporaneous understanding group theory early researcher field v t e mathematics area mathematic foundations category theory information theory mathematical logic philosophy mathematic set theory algebra abstract commutative elementary group theory linear multilinear universal analysis calculus real analysis complex analysis differential equation functional analysis harmonic analysis discrete combinatorics graph theory order theory game theory geometry algebraic analytic differential discrete euclidean finite number theory arithmetic algebraic number theory analytic number theory diophantine geometry topology algebraic differential geometric applied control theory mathematical biology mathematical chemistry mathematical economic mathematical finance mathematical physics mathematical psychology mathematical sociology mathematical statistics operations research probability statistics computational computer science theory computation numerical analysis optimization computer algebra relate topic history mathematic recreational mathematic mathematics art mathematics education category portal commons wikiproject authority control bne xx4576398 bnf cb11941215h datum gnd lccn sh85057512 ndl sudoc retrieve categories group theory hide category article short description short description different wikidata article unsourced statement article unsourced statement june article unsourced statement december wikipedia article incorporate citation encyclopaedia britannica wikisource reference wikipedia article bne identifier wikipedia article bnf identifier wikipedia article gnd identifier wikipedia article lccn identifier wikipedia article ndl identifier wikipedia article sudoc identifier personal tool log talk contributions create account log namespaces article talk variant view read edit view history search navigation main page content current event random article wikipedia contact donate contribute help learn edit community portal recent change upload file tool link relate change upload file special page permanent link page information cite page wikidata item print export download pdf printable version project wikimedia commons wikibook wikiquote wikiversity languages العربية aragonés asturianu azərbaycanca bân lâm gú башҡортса беларуская беларуская български bosanski brezhoneg català чӑвашла čeština cymraeg dansk deutsch ελληνικά español esperanto euskara فارسی français furlan galego 한국어 hrvatski bahasa indonesia interlingua italiano עברית ქართული latina latviešu magyar bahasa melayu nederlands 日本語 norsk bokmål norsk nynorsk پنجابی polski português română русиньскый русский scot shqip simple english slovenčina slovenščina کوردی српски srpski srpskohrvatski српскохрватски suomi svenska tagalog ไทย türkçe українська اردو tiếng việt winaray 吴语 粵語 žemaitėška 中文 edit link page edit december utc text available creative commons attribution sharealike license additional term apply site agree term use privacy policy wikipedia registered trademark wikimedia foundation non profit organization privacy policy wikipedia disclaimers contact wikipedia mobile view developers statistics cookie statement
linear algebra wolfram mathworld linear algebra wolfram web resource algebra applied mathematics calculus analysis discrete mathematics foundations mathematics geometry history terminology number theory probability statistics recreational mathematics topology alphabetical index interactive entries random entry new mathworld mathworld classroom mathworld contribute mathworld send message team mathworld book wolfram web resources entry update fri dec create develop nurture eric weisstein wolfram research algebra determinants general linear algebra lie theory linear independence linear systems equations matrix permanent mathematica tool create demonstrations technical explore computational knowledge engine wolfram demonstrations project explore thousand free application science mathematic engineering technology business art finance social sciences join initiative modernize math education online integral calculator solve integral step step solution walk homework problem step step begin end hint help try step wolfram problem generator unlimited random practice problem answer build step step solution practice online printable study sheet wolfram education portal collection teaching learning tool build wolfram education expert dynamic textbook lesson plan widget interactive demonstrations wolfram language knowledge base programming contact mathworld team wolfram research term use
math fall syllabus bring invaluable strategy syllabus math linear algebra algebra subject area case need help function fraction excellent place pay visit math syllabus fraction algebra linear algebra function math fall syllabus aleks information classroom etiquettes tentative schedule home basic algebra course description description mathematics quadratic functions worksheet inverse functions math connection secondary core curriculum math practice problem test mathematical induction course outline math abc intermediate algebra course syllabus negatives mixed numbers improper fractions multiplying dividing fractions mixed numbers learning outcomes precalculus quadratic equations college algebra solve systems linear equation linear equations variable course syllabus intermediate algebra practice questions math algebra section fractions decimals review fundamentals elementary algebra geometry contemporary mathematic factor abstract algebra exam factor product homework matrices linear algebra rational expressions rational expressions rational equations mathematics elementary teaching ii business math syllabus intermediate algebra trigonometry linear algebra homework polynomials variables mathematical structures concepts elementar precalculus chapter quiz linear inequalities variables precalculus mathematic try free math solver scroll resources expression equation inequality contact simplify factor expand gcf lcm enter expression y sample problem simplify enter expression sample problem factor enter expression sample problem expand enter set expression sample problem find gcf enter set expression sample problem find lcm solve graph system enter equation solve sample problem solve enter equation graph sample problem depdendent variable draw number equation solve sample problem equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ solve auto fill solve solve graph system enter inequality solve sample problem solve enter inequality graph sample problem dependent variable draw number inequality solve sample problem ineq ineq ineq ineq ineq ineq ineq ineq ineq solve auto fill solve math solver site use form like math solver website free charge email website msg send math fall syllabus text formal textbook software program call aleks course description definition function linear non linear function graphs include logarithmic exponential function system linear equation theory polynomial equation optional topic detail attach topic list objective variety basic equation intercept symmetry appropriate square graph circle parabola polynomial rational function function transformation function arithmetic composition function inverse function evaluation factor theorem polynomial fundamental theorem algebra property logarithms logarithmic exponential equation system linear equation grade scale tentative grading scale course grade follow solve applied problem detail tentative schedule grade c course satisfy core requirement associate degree prerequisite grade c well mat placement base placement test score grade policy grade math determine factor number topic master class progress check b number topic master exam exam c number pass homework quiz d pass attendance quiz component worth item percentage variable exam assessment x exam assessment y exam assessment z final exam assessment w homework quiz q progress check p attendance quiz t total grade scale tentative grading scale course grade follow grade grade grade grade b c d f compute grade plug following formula total z w q p t x exam y exam z exam w final exam q quizzes pass t attendance quiz p progress check example student earn exam pass quiz quiz earn attendance quiz earn progress check student overall percentage give result grade b course assessments student class exam aleks call assessment week final exam o percentage exam assessment determine number topic retain exam divide target number topic exam exam count mention grade tentative schedule target number topic exam o bonus score class assessment exam mean ahead easy beginning later create little cushion extra point later time semester o class assessment cumulative essentially final exam time retain learn point different student final exam equivalent student o depend answer question exam determine question reason previous question answer o cumulative nature assessment mean exam final exam answer question recognize mistake particular question loose topic question come relate connect exam cause loose pie piece especially review past material hand student gain pie piece take exam know material class master aleks o loose pie piece exam easy way gain lose work pie piece request practice test instructor use note help answer question practice test o homework quiz assign weekly semester quiz directly link content cover class score quiz constitute pass quiz quiz worth grade roughly quiz o number question quiz vary o quiz open note help instructor o midnight date pass quiz o quiz unlimited number time expire want pass score o attend class lecture help pass quiz little trouble quizzes randomly choose day question quiz time allocate minute give regular class time quiz worth depend answer question correct attendance quiz give end semester total number point earn divide number quiz give semester score count grade class attendance quiz check friday start week end second week earn specify mastery target pie piece day schedule example week class master pie piece friday week master great equal pie piece receive progress check earn attain pie piece friday second week remember total number earn manner simply homework mean earn point raise grade half letter grade chart minimum target pie piece progress check progress check target pie minimum pie piece finish second exam student finish course early instructor detail notes o encourage try master recommend topic week especially week material little easy student o accomplish recommend target rate anticipate average student need spend hour minute class period aleks count assessment time require spend time need master require number topic class exam policy extenuate circumstance makeup exam consider o pass homework quiz attendance quiz time request o contact instructor prior day day exam instructor reserve right decide circumstance extenuate case case record keeping text book important write problem answer work separate notebook write work allow review class assessment use build review mode aleks additional review b allow ask informed question problem c allow assess solve problem correct solution provide aleks different answer come help practice problem home assessment problem separate allow turn practice assessment problem grade loose access note work especially practice problem home assessment handwriting legible step easy follow recommend pencil eraser general format conform sample problem class aleks follow guideline help math writing thinking ability turn work multiple page turn staple page calculator policy graph calculator allow class assessment final exam calculator kind need calculator available aleks problem need want use calculator scientific calculator allow important date tue september day class mon nov day drop thur nov fir nov thanksgiving recess mon dec day class fri dec final exam office hour remember come help anytime stated office hour time student aleks mat course come help office hour hold n220 computer lab access telephone access e mail room hour state convenient use e mail telephone appointment option get hold open door policy office hour mean school come office stated office hour office door open welcome stop worry bother time time office door shut busy meeting class office uw colleges assessment uw colleges wide assessment program place enhance quality effectiveness curriculum program service institution follow area proficiency assess primary importance education student analytical skills quantitative skills communication skills aesthetic engagement school year focus quantitative skills proficiency mathematics department determine number core proficiency student enrol mathematic class include solve equation set solve apply problem simplify evaluate expression graph relate question skill area incorporate department assessment exercise year final notes know material difficult student trouble follow board time let know occur address vocally upset class time pouting venting usually healthy reaction stress appropriate class disruptive student learn student disability special need feel free come talk need help readily available hesitate help relatively new program frequently update update new feature available instructor middle semester deliver class product relatively new uw waukesha largely reason follow mind change topic list grade policy aspect course relate aleks occur b class home work smoothly patient software try flexible school adjust aleks option finish course early need demonstrate mastery topic consecutive class assessment ask detail final warning cumulative nature assessment mind master topic assessment fail count master affect second assessment score regular reviewing necessary special note class assessment test topic course assessment size final exam require extra preparation time aleks information general information aleks mat software intend place classroom instruction office help regular class meeting office hour regular class attendance mandatory class answer question provide explanation topic daily homework quiz aleks point aleks essentially provide mode learn assessment learning mode choose topic ready learn correctly answer problem demonstrate mastery topic topic include aleks pie chart show current knowledge state regard course topic aleks make subsequent topic available work mode assessment mode provide feedback accumulate knowledge skill assessment exam open ended question multiple choice assessment schedule week cumulative individualized determine topic syllabus mastery time gain lose topic aleks pie chart assessment addition scheduled assessment aleks automatically practice assessment spend certain time earn certain number pie piece learning mode instructor access activity aleks include number hour spend aleks number topic master assessment result total topic item aleks college algebra curriculum pre test initial assessment class tutorial aleks give initial assessment determine current state knowledge college algebra assessment seriously try good answer question correctly order accurately determine aleks new learning begin completely unfamiliar question click know button aleks continue ask question topic pass problem solvable effort aleks conclude know actually study topic know leave time later course material alternatively help text aleks conclude know actually problem difficult frustrating actually cost time class assessment send repeat topic complete initial test begin work learning mode course material college algebra classroom etiquettes student need section exception year disrupt class student understanding material follow follow guideline cellular phone beeper electronic gadget disrupt class sleep mode class session accidentally turn keep emergency leave classroom respond turn immediately talk classmate class try explain mainly non math talk math talk occur talk student pay learn course distract conversation time distracted concerned miss important information board point understand material question hesitate ask question raise hand address question know material difficult student trouble follow board time let know occur address vocally upset class time pouting venting usually healthy reaction stress appropriate class disruptive student learn recycle plastic bottle aluminum can paper respectfully ask throw item classroom garbage place campus recycle bin locate time find bin recycle try help environment live tentative schedule coverage topic course order average class progress require change aleks assessment earn early topic learning mode lose order access topic schedule run time boldface item treat optional week topics cover week q1 topic sep yellow pie pieces set builder interval notation union intersection set introduction function notation graphs domain range problem type domain range problem type vertical line test assign practice assessment q2 topic sep yellow pie pieces odd function sum difference product function quotient function vertical translation graph function vertical horizontal translation graph function piecewise define function composition function domain range q3 topic sep q4 topic oct yellow blue pie pieces repeat composition function basic composition function advanced horizontal line test find inverse linear function find inverse rational function find root quadratic equation lead coefficient find root quadratic equation lead coefficient great class test base topic course q5 topics oct blue pie pieces complete square solve quadratic equation quadratic formula discriminant quadratic equation word problem quadratic equation rational root word problem quadratic equation irrational root solve quadratic equation need simplification graph parabola problem type graph parabola problem type graph parabola problem type q6 topic oct blue pie pieces solve quadratic inequality graph quadratic inequality polynomial long division linear divisor polynomial long division quadratic divisor synthetic division remainder theorem q7 topics oct blue pie pieces solve equation write factored form find polynomial give degree give zero give zero write polynomial product linear term find potential zero polynomial give rational zeros theorem rational zero theorem find zero polynomial solve word problem involve polynomial degree addition subtraction complex numbers multiplication complex numbers division complex number assign practice assessment class exam ii q8 topic oct blue pie pieces power complex solution quadratic equation n zeros theorem conjugate zero theorem conjugate zero theorem find zero polynomial solve word problem find local extrema polynomial function infer property polynomial function graph sketch rational function problem type sketch graph rational function problem type class assessment ii base goal topic course non readiness item q9 topics nov blue purple pie pieces choose form rational function give graph exponential logarithmic equation evaluate logarithmic expression basic property logarithms change base logarithms solve logarithmic equation problem type solve logarithmic equation problem type q10 topic nov purple pie pieces review exam solve exponential equation problem type solve exponential equation problem type nov purple pie pieces solve word problem exponential equation problem type solve word problem exponential equation problem type solve word problem exponential equation problem type sketch graph exponential function basic sketch graph exponential function advanced nov assign practice assessment class exam iii review assessment purple red pie pieces sketch graph logarithmic function translate graph logarithmic exponential function graph parabola find focus parabola write equation parabola give vertex focus q13 topic dec red pie pieces class assessment iii base goal topic course non readiness item graph circle give equation standard form graph circle write equation circle give center arbitrary point write equation circle give endpoint diameter graph ellipse write standard form graph ellipse arbitrary center q14 topic dec red orange pie pieces graph hyperbola write standard form graph hyperbola arbitrary center classify conics give equation classify system linear equation solve system linear equation consistency independence system linear equation solve system non linear equation attempt final exam review final final exam
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fractional calculus wikipedia fractional calculus contents historical note edit nature fractional derivative edit heuristics edit fractional derivative basic power function edit laplace transform edit fractional integral edit riemann liouville fractional integral edit hadamard fractional integral edit atangana baleanu fractional integral edit fractional derivative edit riemann liouville fractional derivative edit caputo fractional derivative edit caputo fabrizio fractional derivative edit atangana baleanu derivative edit riesz derivative edit type edit generalization edit erdélyi kober operator edit functional calculus edit application edit fractional conservation mass edit groundwater flow problem edit fractional advection dispersion equation edit time space fractional diffusion equation model edit structural damping model edit pid controller edit acoustical wave equation complex medium edit fractional schrödinger equation quantum theory edit variable order fractional schrödinger equation edit edit fractional theory edit note edit reference edit source edit reading edit article history fractional calculus edit book edit external link edit navigation menu personal tool namespaces variant view search navigation contribute tool print export language wikipedia free encyclopedia jump navigation jump search branch mathematical analysis fractional application derivative integral series article calculus fundamental theorem leibniz integral rule limit function continuity mean value theorem rolle theorem differential definition derivative generalization differential infinitesimal function total concepts differentiation notation second derivative implicit differentiation logarithmic differentiation related rate taylor theorem rules identity sum product chain power quotient rule inverse general leibniz faà di bruno formula integral lists integral integral transform definition antiderivative integral improper riemann integral lebesgue integration contour integration integral inverse function integration parts discs cylindrical shell substitution trigonometric weierstrass euler euler formula partial fraction change order reduction formula differentiate integral sign series geometric arithmetico geometric harmonic alternating power binomial taylor convergence test summand limit term test ratio root integral direct comparison limit comparison alternate series cauchy condensation dirichlet abel vector gradient divergence curl laplacian directional derivative identity theorem gradient green stokes divergence generalize stokes multivariable formalisms matrix tensor exterior geometric definitions partial derivative multiple integral line integral surface integral volume integral jacobian hessian specialized fractional malliavin stochastic variations glossary calculus glossary calculus list calculus topic v t e fractional calculus branch mathematical analysis study different possibility define real number power complex number power differentiation operator d d f x d d x f x integration operator j note j f x x f s d s develop calculus operator generalize classical context term power refer iterative application linear operator d function f repeatedly compose d d n f d d d d n f d d d n f d example ask meaningful interpretation d d analogue functional square root differentiation operator expression linear operator apply twice function effect differentiation generally look question define linear functional d real number way take integer value n ℤ coincide usual n differentiation d n power j n motivation introduction study sort extension differentiation operator d set operator power d ℝ define way continuous semigroup parameter original discrete semigroup d n n ℤ integer n denumerable subgroup continuous semigroup develop mathematical theory apply branch mathematic fractional differential equation know extraordinary differential equation generalization differential equation application fractional calculus historical note nature fractional derivative heuristics fractional derivative basic power function laplace transform fractional integral riemann liouville fractional integral hadamard fractional integral atangana baleanu fractional integral fractional derivative riemann liouville fractional derivative caputo fractional derivative caputo fabrizio fractional derivative atangana baleanu derivative riesz derivative type generalization erdélyi kober operator functional calculus applications fractional conservation mass groundwater flow problem fractional advection dispersion equation time space fractional diffusion equation model structural damping model pid controller acoustical wave equation complex medium fractional schrödinger equation quantum theory variable order fractional schrödinger equation fractional theory note reference source read article history fractional calculus books external link historical note edit applied mathematic mathematical analysis fractional derivative derivative arbitrary order real complex appearance letter write guillaume de gottfried wilhelm leibniz time leibniz write bernoulli brother describe similarity binomial theorem leibniz rule fractional derivative product function citation need fractional calculus introduce niels henrik abel early paper element find idea fractional order integration differentiation mutually inverse relationship understanding fractional order differentiation integration consider generalize operation unified notation differentiation integration arbitrary real order independently foundation subject lay liouville paper autodidact oliver heaviside introduce practical use fractional differential operator electrical transmission line analysis circa theory application fractional calculus expand greatly th th century numerous contributor give definition fractional derivative integral nature fractional derivative edit confuse fractal derivative th derivative function f x point x local property integer case non integer power derivative word non integer fractional derivative function f x x depend value f far away expect fractional derivative operation involve sort boundary condition involve information function fractional derivative function order define mean fourier mellin integral transform heuristics edit fairly natural question ask exist linear operator h half derivative h f x d f x d d x f x f x turn operator exist operator p p f x f x way definition d n y dx n extend real value n let f x function define x form definite integral x j f x x f t d t repeat process give j f x x j f t d t x t f s d s d t extend arbitrarily cauchy formula repeat integration j n f x n x x t n f t d t lead straightforward way generalization real n gamma function remove discrete nature factorial function give natural candidate fractional application integral operator j α f x γ α x x t α f t d t fact define operator straightforward j operator satisfie j α j β f x j β j α f x j α β f x γ α β x x t α β f t d t proof j α j β f x γ α x x t α j β f t d t γ α γ β x t x t α t s β f s d s d t γ α γ β x f s s x x t α t s β d t d s step exchange order integration pull f s factor t integration change variable r define t s x s r j α j β f x γ α γ β x x s α β f s r α r β d r d s inner integral beta function satisfy follow property r α r β d r b α β γ α γ β γ α β substitute equation j α j β f x γ α β x x s α β f s d s j α β f x interchange α β show order j operator apply irrelevant complete proof relationship call semigroup property fractional differintegral operator unfortunately comparable process derivative operator d significantly complex show d commutative additive general fractional derivative basic power function edit half derivative purple curve function f x x blue curve derivative red curve animation show derivative operator oscillate antiderivative α y x derivative α y simple power function y x continuously let assume f x monomial form f x x k derivative usual f x d d x f x k x k repeat give general result d d x x k k k x k replace factorial gamma function lead d d x x k γ k γ k x k k k k obtain half derivative function x d d x x γ γ x γ γ x π x demonstrate fact half derivative h f x df x repeat process d d x x π π γ γ x π γ γ x π x π γ π expect result d d x d d x x d d x x negative integer power k gamma function undefined use follow relation d d x x k γ k γ k x k k extension differential operator nee constrain real power example th derivative th derivative yield second derivative set negative value yield integral general function f x α complete fractional derivative d α f x γ α d d x x f t x t α d t arbitrary α gamma function undefined argument real negative integer imaginary zero necessary apply fractional derivative integer derivative perform example d f x d d f x d d d x f x laplace transform edit section cite source help improve section add citation reliable source unsourced material challenge remove learn remove template message come question laplace transform know l j f s l t f τ d τ s s l f s s l j f s l j f s s l f s s assert j α f l s α l f s example j α t k l γ k s α k γ k γ α k t α k k expect give convolution rule l f g l f l g shorthande p x x α clarity find j α f t γ α l l p l f γ α p f γ α t p t τ f τ d τ γ α t t τ α f τ d τ cauchy give laplace transform work relatively function useful solve fractional differential equation fractional integral edit riemann liouville fractional integral edit classical form fractional calculus give riemann liouville integral essentially describe theory periodic function include boundary condition repeat period weyl integral define fourier series require constant fourier coefficient vanish apply function unit circle integral evaluate zero riemann liouville integral exist form upper low consider interval b integral define d t α f t t α f t γ α t t τ α f τ d τ t d b α f t t b α f t γ α t b τ t α f τ d τ valid t valid t b contrast grünwald letnikov derivative start derivative instead integral hadamard fractional integral edit hadamard fractional integral introduce jacques hadamard give follow formula d t α f t γ α t log t τ α f τ d τ τ t d t atangana baleanu fractional integral edit recently generalize mittag leffler function atangana baleanu suggest new formulation fractional derivative nonlocal nonsingular kernel integral define b d t α f t b t α f t α b α f t α b α γ α t t τ α f τ d τ ab α normalization function ab ab fractional derivative edit unlike classical newtonian derivative fractional derivative define fractional integral fractional derivative gaussian interpolate continuously function derivative riemann liouville fractional derivative edit correspond derivative calculate lagrange rule differential operator compute n th order derivative integral order n α α order derivative obtain important remark n small integer great α n α similar definition riemann liouville integral derivative upper low variant d t α f t d n d t n d t n α f t d n d t n t n α f t t d b α f t d n d t n t d b n α f t d n d t n t b n α f t caputo fractional derivative edit option compute fractional derivative caputo fractional derivative introduce michele caputo paper contrast riemann liouville fractional derivative solve differential equation caputo definition necessary define fractional order initial condition caputo definition illustrate follow n α c d t α f t γ n α t f n τ d τ t τ α n caputo fractional derivative define d ν f t γ n ν t t u n ν f n u d u n ν n n advantage zero f t constant laplace transform express mean initial value function derivative caputo fractional derivative distributed order define b d ν f t b ϕ ν d ν f t d ν b ϕ ν γ ν t t u ν f u d u d ν φ ν weight function represent mathematically presence multiple memory formalism caputo fabrizio fractional derivative edit paper caputo fabrizio present definition fractional derivative non singular kernel function f t c give c f d t α f t α t f τ exp α t τ α d τ α atangana baleanu derivative edit like integral fractional derivative general mittag leffler function kernel author introduce version atangana baleanu caputo sense abc derivative convolution local derivative give function generalize mittag leffler function atangana baleanu riemann liouville sense abr derivative derivative convolution give function differentiable generalize mittag leffler function atangana baleanu fractional derivative caputo sense define b c d t α f t b α α t f τ e α α t τ α α d τ atangana baleanu fractional derivative riemann liouville define b r d t α f t b α α d d t t f τ e α α t τ α α d τ riesz derivative edit f α u x α k k α f u k f denote fourier transform type edit classical fractional derivative include grünwald letnikov derivative sonin letnikov derivative liouville derivative caputo derivative hadamard derivative marchaud derivative riesz derivative miller ross derivative weyl derivative erdélyi kober derivative new fractional derivative include coimbra derivative katugampola derivative hilfer derivative davidson derivative chen derivative caputo fabrizio derivative atangana baleanu derivative generalization edit erdélyi kober operator edit erdélyi kober operator integral operator introduce arthur erdélyi hermann kober give x ν α γ α x t x α t α ν f t d t generalize riemann liouville fractional integral weyl integral functional calculus edit context functional analysis function f d general power study functional calculus spectral theory theory pseudo differential operator allow consider power d operator arise example singular integral operator generalisation classical theory high dimension call theory riesz potential number contemporary theory available fractional calculus discuss erdélyi kober operator important special function theory kober erdélyi application edit fractional conservation mass edit describe wheatcraft meerschaert fractional conservation mass equation need model fluid flow control volume large compare scale heterogeneity flux control volume non linear referenced paper fractional conservation mass equation fluid flow ρ α u γ α δ x α ρ β s ϕ β w p t t groundwater flow problem edit atangana et al describe groundwater flow problem concept derivative fractional order work classical darcy law generalize water flow function non integer order derivative piezometric head generalize law law conservation mass derive new equation groundwater flow fractional advection dispersion equation edit equation clarification need show useful model contaminant flow heterogenous porous medium atangana kilicman extend fractional advection dispersion equation variable order equation work hydrodynamic dispersion equation generalize concept variational order derivative modified equation numerically solve crank nicolson method stability convergence numerical simulation show modify equation reliable predict movement pollution deformable aquifer equation constant fractional integer derivative time space fractional diffusion equation model edit anomalous diffusion process complex medium characterize fractional order diffusion equation model time derivative term correspond long time heavy tail decay spatial derivative diffusion nonlocality time space fractional diffusion governing equation write α u t α k δ β u simple extension fractional derivative variable order fractional derivative α β change α x t β x t application anomalous diffusion modeling find reference structural damping model edit fractional derivative model viscoelastic damping certain type material like polymer pid controller edit generalizing pid controller use fractional order increase degree freedom new equation relate control variable u t term measured error value e t write u t k p e t k d t α e t k d d t β e t p d α β positive fractional order k p k k d non negative denote coefficient proportional integral derivative term respectively denote p d acoustical wave equation complex medium edit propagation acoustical wave complex medium biological tissue commonly imply attenuation obey frequency power law kind phenomenon describe causal wave equation incorporate fractional time derivative u c u t τ σ α α t α u τ ϵ β c β u t β holm näsholm reference model link commonly recognize hypothesis multiple relaxation phenomenon rise attenuation measure complex medium link describe näsholm holm 2011b survey paper acoustic attenuation article holm nasholm paper compare fractional wave equation model power law attenuation book power law attenuation cover topic detail pandey holm give physical meaning fractional differential equation derive physical principle interpret fractional order term parameter acoustical medium example fluid saturate granular unconsolidated marine sediment interestingly pandey holm derive lomnitz law seismology nutting law non newtonian rheology framework fractional calculus nutting law model wave propagation marine sediment fractional derivative fractional schrödinger equation quantum theory edit fractional schrödinger equation fundamental equation fractional quantum mechanic follow form ℏ ψ r t t d α ℏ δ α ψ r t v r t ψ r t r r r r solution equation wavefunction ψ r t quantum mechanical probability amplitude particle give position vector r give time t ħ reduced planck constant potential energy function v r t depend system δ r laplace operator d α scale constant physical dimension d α j α m α s α kg α m α s α α d m particle mass m operator ħ δ α fractional quantum riesz derivative define ℏ δ α ψ r t π ℏ d p e ℏ p r p α φ p t r p r p p index α fractional schrödinger equation lévy index α variable order fractional schrödinger equation edit natural generalization fractional schrödinger equation variable order fractional schrödinger equation exploit study fractional quantum phenomena ℏ ψ α r r t t α r ℏ δ β t ψ r t v r t ψ r t r r r r r r t δ r laplace operator operator ħ δ β t variable order fractional quantum riesz derivative edit acoustic attenuation autoregressive fractionally integrate move average differintegral differential equation erdelyi kober operator neopolarogram nonlocal operator riemann liouville integral weyl integral fractional theory edit fractional dynamic fractional fourier transform fractional quantum mechanic note edit symbol j commonly instead intuitive order avoid confusion concept identify similar like glyph identity reference edit daniel zwillinger handbook differential equations elsevier science isbn katugampola udita october new approach generalized fractional derivatives pdf bulletin mathematical analysis applications arxiv bibcode k niels henrik abel oplösne af et par opgaver ved hjelp af bestemte integraler solution de quelques problème à définie solution couple problem mean definite integral pdf magazin naturvidenskaberne kristiania oslo igor podlubny richard magin irina trymorush niel henrik abel birth fractional calculus fractional calculus applied analysis arxiv doi s2cid cs1 maint multiple name author list link history subject thesis french stéphane dugowson les différentielle métaphysique histoire et philosophie de la généralisation de de dérivation thèse université paris nord historical review subject beginning 20th century bertram ross development fractional calculus historia mathematica doi valério duarte machado josé kiryakova virginia pioneer application fractional calculus fractional calculus applied analysis doi s13540 hdl issn s2cid fractional calculus retrieve kilbas srivastava trujillo property bologna mauro short introduction fractional calculus pdf universidad de tarapaca arica chile archive original pdf retrieve hermann richard fractional calculus introduction physicists 2nd ed new jersey world scientific publishing bibcode h doi isbn hadamard essai sur des fonction données par leur développement de taylor pdf journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées b atangana abdon baleanu dumitru new fractional derivatives nonlocal non singular kernel theory application heat transfer model arxiv math gm herrmann richard ed fractional calculus fractional calculus introduction physicists 2nd ed new jersey world scientific publishing verification need bibcode h doi isbn caputo michele linear model dissipation q frequency independent ii geophysical journal international bibcode 1967geoj 529c doi caputo michele fabrizio mauro new definition fractional derivative singular kernel progress fractional differentiation applications retrieved august atangana abdon koca ilknur chaos simple nonlinear system atangana baleanu derivative fractional order chaos solitons fractals bibcode 2016csf 447a doi chen yangquan li changpin ding hengfei high order algorithms riesz derivative application abstract applied analysis doi bayın selçuk december definition riesz derivative application space fractional quantum mechanic journal mathematical physics arxiv bibcode 2016jmp 57l3501b doi s2cid b c d e f g h j k l de oliveira edmundo capela tenreiro machado josé antónio review definitions fractional derivatives integral mathematical problems engineering doi retrieve b c aslan i̇smail analytic approach class fractional differential difference equation rational type symbolic computation mathematical methods applied sciences doi hdl ma li li changpin hadamard fractional calculus fractal doi s0218348x17500335 issn 348x miller kenneth weyl fractional calculus ross bertram ed fractional calculus applications fractional calculus applications proceeding international conference hold university new haven june lecture notes mathematics springer pp doi bfb0067098 isbn ferrari fausto january weyl marchaud derivatives forgotten history mathematic doi math6010006 anderson douglas ulness darin property katugampola fractional derivative potential application quantum mechanic journal mathematical physics doi issn b algahtani obaid jefain julaighim compare atangana baleanu caputo fabrizio derivative fractional order allen cahn model chaos solitons fractals nonlinear dynamics complexity doi issn caputo michele fabrizio mauro applications new time spatial fractional derivatives exponential kernels progress fractional differentiation applications doi issn atangana abdon baleanu dumitru new fractional derivative nonlocal non singular kernel theory application heat transfer model thermal science doi tsci160111018a issn erdélyi arthur functional transformation rendiconti del seminario matematico e del politecnico di torino mr kober hermann fractional integral derivative quarterly journal mathematics bibcode 1940qjmat k doi qmath wheatcraft stephen meerschaert mark october fractional conservation mass pdf advance water resources bibcode 2008adwr doi issn atangana abdon bildik necdet use fractional order derivative predict groundwater flow mathematical problems engineering doi atangana abdon vermeulen analytical solutions space time fractional derivative groundwater flow equation abstract applied analysis doi benson wheatcraft meerschaert application fractional advection dispersion equation water resources research bibcode 2000wrr citeseerx doi benson wheatcraft meerschaert fractional order govern equation lévy motion water resources research bibcode 2000wrr doi s2cid wheatcraft stephen meerschaert mark schumer rina benson david fractional dispersion lévy motion tracer tests transport porous media citeseerx doi issn s2cid b atangana abdon kilicman adem generalized mass transport equation concept variable fractional derivative mathematical problems engineering doi metzler klafter random walk guide anomalous diffusion fractional dynamic approach phys rep bibcode 2000phr m doi s0370 mainardi luchko pagnini fundamental solution space time fractional diffusion equation fractional calculus applied analysis arxiv cond bibcode m gorenflo rudolf mainardi francesco fractional diffusion process probability distributions continuous time random walk rangarajan ding eds process long range correlations process long range correlations lecture notes physics pp arxiv bibcode 2003lnp g doi isbn s2cid colbrook matthew ma xiangcheng hopkins philip squire jonathan scale law passive scalar diffusion interstellar medium monthly notices royal astronomical society arxiv bibcode doi mnra stx261 s2cid mainardi francesco fractional calculus waves linear viscoelasticity imperial college press doi p614 isbn s2cid tenreiro machado silva manuel barbosa ramiro jesus isabel reis cecília marcos maria galhano alexandra applications fractional calculus engineering mathematical problems engineering doi holm näsholm causal fractional frequency wave equation lossy medium journal acoustical society america bibcode 2011asaj doi pmid s2cid näsholm holm link multiple relaxation power law attenuation fractional wave equation journal acoustical society america bibcode 2011asaj doi pmid s2cid näsholm holm fractional zener elastic wave equation fract calc appl anal arxiv bibcode doi s13540 s2cid holm näsholm comparison fractional wave equation power law attenuation ultrasound elastography ultrasound medicine biology arxiv bibcode citeseerx doi pmid s2cid holm wave power law attenuation springer acoustical society america press isbn b pandey vikash holm sverre connect grain shear mechanism wave propagation marine sediment fractional order wave equation journal acoustical society america arxiv doi issn pmid s2cid pandey vikash holm sverre link fractional derivative lomnitz creep law non newtonian time vary viscosity physical review e doi pmid laskin fractional schrodinger equation phys e arxiv quant bibcode 2002phrve 66e6108l citeseerx doi pmid s2cid laskin nick fractional quantum mechanics citeseerx doi isbn bhrawy zaky improve collocation method multi dimensional space time variable order fractional schrödinger equation applied numerical mathematics doi source edit kilbas anatolii aleksandrovich srivastava hari mohan trujillo juan theory applications fractional differential equations amsterdam netherlands elsevier isbn read edit article history fractional calculus edit ross brief history exposition fundamental theory fractional calculus fractional calculus applications fractional calculus applications lecture notes mathematics lecture notes mathematics pp doi bfb0067096 isbn debnath brief historical introduction fractional calculus international journal mathematical education science technology doi s2cid tenreiro machado kiryakova mainardi recent history fractional calculus communication nonlinear science numerical simulation bibcode 2011cnsns m doi hdl tenreiro machado galhano trujillo science metric fractional calculus development fractional calculus applied analysis doi s13540 hdl s2cid tenreiro machado galhano trujillo development fractional calculus year scientometric doi s11192 hdl s2cid book edit oldham keith spanier jerome fractional calculus theory applications differentiation integration arbitrary order mathematic science engineering v academic press isbn miller kenneth ross bertram eds introduction fractional calculus fractional differential equations john wiley sons isbn samko kilbas marichev fractional integrals derivative theory applications taylor francis books isbn carpinteri mainardi eds fractal fractional calculus continuum mechanics springer verlag telos isbn igor podlubny october fractional differential equations introduction fractional derivatives fractional differential equations method solution applications elsevier isbn west bruce bologna mauro grigolini paolo physics fractal operators physics today springer verlag bibcode 2003pht 56l 65w doi isbn mainardi fractional calculus waves linear viscoelasticity introduction mathematical models imperial college press archive original retrieve tarasov fractional dynamics applications fractional calculus dynamics particles fields media nonlinear physical science springer isbn zhou basic theory fractional differential equations singapore world scientific doi isbn uchaikin fractional derivative physicists engineers fractional derivative physicists engineers background theory nonlinear physical science high education press bibcode u doi isbn daftardar gejji varsha fractional calculus theory applications narosa publishing house isbn srivastava hari m special functions fractional calculus related fractional differintegral equations singapore world scientific doi isbn li c p zeng f h numerical methods fractional calcuus usa crc press umarov introduction fractional pseudo differential equations singular symbols development mathematics switzerland springer doi isbn herrmann fractional calculus introduction physicists 3rd ed singapore world scientific doi isbn external link edit eric weisstein fractional differential equation mathworld wolfram web resource mathworld fractional calculus mathworld fractional derivative fractional calculus mathpages specialized journal fractional calculus applied analysis fractional calculus applied analysis specialized journal fractional differential equations fde specialized journal communication fractional calculus issn specialized journal journal fractional calculus applications jfca igor podlubny collection related book article link software etc gigahedron richard herrmann collection book article preprint etc history definition applications engineer pdf adam loverro university notre dame fractional calculus modelling introductory notes fractional calculus power law fractional dynamics crone toolbox matlab simulink toolbox dedicate fractional calculus freely downloadable závada petr operator fractional derivative complex plane communication mathematical physics arxiv funct bibcode 261z doi s002200050299 s2cid závada petr relativistic wave equation fractional derivative pseudodifferential operator journal applied mathematics arxiv hep doi s1110757x02110102 s2cid v t e differential equation classification operations differential operator notation differentiation ordinary partial differential algebraic integro differential fractional linear non linear holonomic attributes variable dependent independent variable homogeneous nonhomogeneous coupled decoupled order degree autonomous exact differential equation complex differential equation relation process difference discrete analogue stochastic stochastic partial delay solutions solution topic picard lindelöf theorem existence uniqueness wronskian phase portrait phase space lyapunov stability asymptotic stability exponential stability rate convergence series solution integral solution numerical integration dirac delta function solution method inspection separation variable method undetermined coefficient variation parameter integrate factor integral transform euler method finite difference method crank nicolson method runge kutta method finite element method finite volume method galerkin method perturbation theory applications list name differential equation mathematicians isaac newton gottfried wilhelm leibniz leonhard euler jacob bernoulli émile picard józef maria hoene wroński ernst lindelöf rudolf lipschitz joseph louis lagrange augustin louis cauchy john crank phyllis nicolson carl david tolmé runge martin kutta sofya kovalevskaya retrieve category fractional calculus generalization hidden category cs1 maint multiple name author list page need factual verification wikipedia article need factual verification july cs1 abbreviate year range cs1 long volume value article short description short description match wikidata article unsourced statement article unsourced statement november article need additional reference article need additional reference wikipedia article need clarification january personal tool log talk contributions create account log namespaces article talk variant view read edit view history search navigation main page content current event random article wikipedia contact donate contribute help learn edit community portal recent change upload file tool link relate change upload file special page permanent link page information cite page wikidata item print export download pdf printable version language العربية deutsch eesti español فارسی français 한국어 italiano 日本語 polski português 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eudoxus cnidus bc eric weisstein world scientific biography branch science astronomers branch science mathematicians branch science philosophers nationality greek eudoxus cnidus bc greek philosopher astronomer mathematician accept plato notion rotation planet earth crystalline sphere notice discrepancy observation try adjust plato model postulate crystalline sphere pole set sphere model contain mechanical explanation simply mathematical description problem model hippopede produce superposition motion sphere produce curve retrogression planet observe exhibit differ shape secondly model predict tolerable retrogression jupiter saturn mars venus thirdly model way account observed difference length season finally model fail account variation observed diameter moon change brightness planet correctly interpret indicate distance change eudoxus greek map star eudoxus excel mathematician work ratio form basis book v euclid elements anticipate number way notion algebra absent ancient greek mathematic eudoxus construct geometric proof develop method exhaustion later extend archimede archimede plato additional biography mactutor andrews bonn greek roman science technology bell modern mind ancient bodies zeno eudoxus archimedes ch men mathematics life achievements great mathematicians zeno poincaré new york simon schuster pp eric weisstein
amicable numbers shyam sunder gupta introduction distribution amicable number fascinating observation harshad amicable pairs happy amicable pairs amicable numbers introduction distribution amicable number fascinating observation harshad amicable pairs happy amicable pairs introduction pythagoras ask friend reply friend number form small pair amicable number know friendly number know pythagoras number call amicable friendly equal sum aliquot divisor aliquot divisor mean divisor exclude number example aliquot divisor number aliquot divisor number represent amicable pair ap m n sum aliquot divisor m n s m s n respectively amicable pair s m s n s n s m see amicable number power generate symbolize mutual harmony perfect friendship love small amicable pair know antiquity significance attach possessor assure close friendship possessor number pair marriage past basis amicable number great pierre de fermat discover pair amicable number later descartes give pair amicable number result actually rediscovery number know arab mathematician th century great euler draw list amiable pair later show unfriendly paganini year old italian startle mathematical world announce number friendly second low pair completely overlook eulers list amicable pairs contain sept pair amicable number know rule find amicable number set contrast single formula perfect number simple rule give arab thabit ibn korrah th century give power n form number h n t s h t s prime h ht n s amicable example prime n h t n s amicable number similarly n amicable pair distribution amicable numbers amicable number pair compile publish te riele amicable pair subsequently amicable pairs small member find detail know amicable pairs find distribution amicable pairs give table table distribution amicable pair x amicable pairs small number x look distribution amicable pair observe number amicable pair aps small number n y number amicable pair small number shall 2y n positive integer number great example number amicable pair minimum number amicable pair correct actual number amicable pair see observation hold good number amicable pair base observation number amicable pair see total number amicable pair know fascinating observation fascinating observation amicable pair give amicable pair number square amicable pair m n sum digit m n equal example consider amicable pair sum digit sum digit example amicable pair etc number enthusiast find amicable pair amicable pairs amicable pairs list amicable pair available amicable pair m n m n divisible sum digit example consider amicable pair divisible divisible detail pair give head harshad amicable pairs minimal maximal value m n amicable pair m n m n give correspond amicable pair amicable pair minimal maximal value m n base know amicable pair present convey jan munch pedersen email date peculiar note number amicable pairs end let k unit digit m n amicable pair m n m n end note small amicable pairs note amicable pair k represent rank number amicable number 292821792417ends k small pair number pair end harshad amicable pairs harshad niven number number divisible sum digit example divisible harshad number define harshad amicable pair amicable pair m n m n harshad number example consider amicable pair divisible divisible harshad number amicable pair harshad amicable pair example etc search amicable pair good past time harshad amicable pairs amicable pairs list harshad amicable pair available happy amicable pairs iterate process sum square decimal digit number process terminate original number call happy number example define happy amicable pair amicable pair m n m n happy number example consider amicable pair happy number amicable pair happy amicable pair example etc search amicable pair good past time happy amicable pairs amicable pairs list happy amicable pairs available reference reading te riele computation available pair math comp pp supplement s9 s40 te riele borho haffmann table amicable pairs cwi report history theory numbers vol amicable number pairs triplets parardh vol home
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introduction dark matter dark matter universe negative charge dark matter copyright sam sade right reserve text freely redistribute individual medium long remain unedited appear notice commercial republication require write permission author introduction search origin universe take deep deeply heart micro element world gaze heaven make hard believe universe perceive unbelievably clear transparent reality dense distance quantum unit space carbon copy perceive solid matter earth unit rest adjacent unit perpetually contact modern theory accept local universe comprise micro macro mass appropriately assume matter disperse big bang logic posit greater universe gu create equilibrate intrinsically stable close assume birth mini universe vast array thermal grandeur meager whimper sequence consequence give birth baryon dust star eventually big bang scientist believe greater universe closed system quantum alpha units dark matter particle fluid like plasma fill local universe chaos directive theory universe fundamental particle universe fundamental particle dark energy dark matter black hole big bang expansion gravity thermodynamics natural origin life nature light shape universe earth headway momentum orbit elliptical create sam sade create june modify august
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encyclopedia astrophysics scholarpedia encyclopedia astrophysics cosmology stellar astrophysic space exploration extragalactic astronomy solar physics planetary physics astrometry computational astrophysics celestial mechanics cosmology stellar astrophysic space exploration extragalactic astronomy solar physics planetary physics astrometry computational astrophysics history astronomy personal tool namespace variants views actions search navigation focal area activity tool encyclopedia astrophysic scholarpedia redirect encyclopedia astrophysic jump navigation search editors norbert zacharias astrometry editors bertil dorch torben arentoft bo milvang jensen darach watson establish motivated expert invite editor cosmology cosmic background explorer cobe cosmological constant dark energy gamma ray bursts theory wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe wmap stellar astrophysic accretion discs astrometry black holes brown dwarfs parker wind planetary nebulae stellar convection simulations space exploration nasa extragalactic astronomy cosmic x ray source galactic magnetic fields n body simulation tully fisher relation weak gravitational lense solar physics hydromagnetic dynamo theory magnetic flux emergence magneto convection parker wind solar activity solar satellites solar telescopes planetary physics celestial mechanics computational celestial mechanics kam theory celestial mechanics microlense exoplanets planetary formation migration stability solar system astrometry astrometry ground base optical interferometry hipparcos tycho catalog milky way astrometry computational astrophysics accretion discs archontis dynamo computational celestial mechanics flux transport dynamos galactic magnetic field hydromagnetic dynamo theory kam theory celestial mechanics magneto convection magnetohydrodynamics magnetorotational instability mhd reconnection mhd turbulence n body simulations solar activity solar dynamo stellar convection simulations radiation hydrodynamics celestial mechanics encyclopedia celestial mechanic article write cosmology computational cosmology cosmic inflation cosmic microwave background radiation stars gamma ray bursts afterglow gamma ray bursts observations gravitational lensing lambda cold dark matter supernovae distance indicator quintessence stellar astrophysic betelgeuse cool star magnetism core collapse supernova simulations eta carinae neutron stars petersen diagram pulsation variable stars quark stars starspot stellar atmosphere model stellar dynamo stellar wind model type ia supernovae supernova type ia simulations white dwarfs space exploration exploration europa exploration mars exploration pluto gaia mission pioneer anomaly extragalactic astronomy active galactic nuclei fundamental plane great attractor sloan digital sky survey solar physics coronal heating coronal loops high resolution groundbase observation sun solar flare simulations solar granulation solar wind sun climate research sunspot theoretical asteroseismology planetary physics astrobiology aurora drake equation exoplanets exploration europa exploration mars exploration pluto formation solar system observations protoplanetary disks pioneer anomaly planetary dynamos seti astrometry astrometry gaia astrometry hst radio astrometry icrf solar neighborhood ground base parallaxes solar system astrometry computational astrophysics abc flow computational cosmology core collapse supernova simulations fast dynamos flux tube magnetic flux emergence atmosphere computer model nonlinear dynamo shock structure solar flare simulations solar granulation stellar atmosphere model stellar wind model supernova type ia simulations radiative transfer theoretical asteroseismology history astronomy reimarus ursus retrieve category astrophysics log create account encyclopedia discussion variant read view source view history action search main page propose new article instruction authors random article faq help astrophysics celestial mechanic computational neuroscience computational intelligence dynamical system physics touch topic recently publish article recently sponsor article recent change article list curators list user scholarpedia journal link relate change special page printable version permanent link page modify february page access time privacy policy scholarpedia disclaimer
gravity gravity discuss gravity include history forumlae sir isaac newton gravity home zero gravity specific gravity dishwasher rating gravity gravity force attraction body mass word gravity come latin word gravita mean weight force gravity body exert express f force gravity experience body m mass body g gravitational constant m kg s m mass second body r radius body important equation find force gravity object planet newton second law state f m substitute f equation m equation divide side m degree angle g new formula know gravitational constant mass earth distance centre earth work gravity earth note gravity measure kg find surface gravity sponsor cruise stay cruise stay cruise stay cruise stay holidays cruise stay definition gravity gravity force attraction body mass gravity indoor bike trainer dishwasher ratings home house design software specific gravity
page find physics page find quick links administrative link contact skip main content toggle navigation gryphmail courselink directory university guelph library maps gryphlife webadvisor guelph weather search university guelph search academics university guelph undergraduate admissions graduate studies distance education academic calendars college arts college biological science college engineering physical sciences college social applied human sciences gordon lang school business economics ontario agricultural college ontario veterinary college ridgetown campus university guelph humber open learning educational support university guelph university arboretum board governors senate senior administration international president research university guelph services university guelph athletics bookstore campus community police communications public affairs community relations computing communications services hospitality services human resources student affairs student housing services services physics toggle navigation requested page shm find campus directory gryph mail physics intranet employee portal illness injury incident report workshop requisition form poster boards course outlines old outline undergraduate calendar undergraduate schedule date graduate calendar graduate schedule date cupe current opportunities canadian association physicists department physics university guelph stone road guelph ontario canada n1 g 2w1 x accessibility university guelph privacy university guelph site map university guelph university guelph
home physics world iop physics world topics reset password registration complete today headline 3d vortex ring appear bulk magnet mr linac future adaptive radiotherapy physicist fine tune chemical reaction rate ultracold molecule physics world announce breakthrough year finalist research update portable brain mri scanner increase access neuroimage balloon bear telescope cool mri treatment improve paediatric proton therapy laser speed limit leave defect 3d print part fast quantum random number generator advance cryptography cheap acoustic metamaterial help moth avoid eat bat online mr imaging verify proton beam range spin guide scattering light observe liquid crystal tiny particle panoramic treatment physics world podcast reveal breakthroughs physics physics lego endure love affair passion nanotechnology medicine black nanotech week cofounder olivia geneus inspire new nanoscientist explore depth madness method notion science work probably wrong smart speaker tell acoustic sensor hot time hard disk magnetic record technology go strong physics pandemic report physicist cope effect coronavirus physics pandemic coronavirus create employment crisis country physics pandemic move international physicists tournament online challenge physics pandemic physics dosimetry facility vacate patient physics pandemic event grow hub uk truly global event matter day medical physic biophysic late article aspire astronaut space age ambassador music protein folding journal star trek teacher training scholarship encourage industry professional classroom video tour physics world breakthroughs year china launch gecam sky scanner study extreme cosmic event thing know uranus neptune japan hayabusa mission return asteroid sample earth nanoparticle sensitizer enhance radiotherapy effectiveness quantum key distribution secure superconducte thermometer take temperature ultracold microwave device nanomesh pressure sensor preserve skin sense touch new fuel gauge spacecraft satellite active long sound wave fermionic superfluid study beautiful experiment quantum weirdness smart speaker festive book december issue physics world quantum tunnel video bag teen scholarship win horse race chemical precursor life form dark interstellar cloud dramatic footage emerge arecibo observatory collapse magnetic illusion create magnetic field distance international journal extreme manufacturing index scopus featured employer eli beamlines featured webinar medicare radiation oncology alternative payment model need know featured event 10th international conference waste management environment explore physics world information mission skip main content close menu browse subject category astronomy space atomic molecular biophysics bioengineere business innovation condense matter culture history society diversity inclusion education outreach environment energy ethics instrumentation measurement materials mathematics computation medical physics optics photonic particle nuclear personalities policy funding project facility publishing quantum article types analysis blog careers events features innovation showcase interviews news opinion review podcast research update videos webinars collections job explore physics world team portfolio advertise contact sign register iop physics world follow facebook follow twitter watch youtube rss feed jobs sign register toggle menu menu open search dialog magazine latest latest explore late news information physics world research update track exciting research breakthrough technology innovation news stay informed late development affect scientist part world feature deep look emerge trend key issue global scientific community analysis discover story headline blog enjoy personal key event science event plan meeting conference want attend comprehensive event calendar people people meet people science career consider career option valuable advice insightful case study opinion review find agree expert commentator interviews discover view leading figure scientific community personalities find industry academia impact impact explore value scientific research industry economy society business innovation find recent scientific breakthrough drive business innovation commercial growth education outreach learn novel approach educate inspire scientist future policy funding understand emerge policy change affect work career project facility follow late progress world scientific experiment innovation showcase round late innovation corporate partner collections collection explore special collection bring good content trend topic blackinphysics celebrate black physicist reveal complete picture physicist look like science business space explore late trend opportunity associate designing build launch exploit space base technology frontiers biofabrication learn scientist exploit bioprinting biofabrication create artificial organ tissue medicine future nanotechnology action challenge opportunity turn advance nanotechnology commercial product supercool physics experiment probe exotic behaviour matter ultralow temperature depend late cryogenic technology sustainable future interdisciplinary research local global environmental challenge plus solution create sustainable technology society revolutions compute find scientist exploit digital technology understand online behaviour drive research progress quantum horizon find new crop quantum technology set wave commercial world audio video audio video explore sight sound scientific world podcast regular conversation inspiring figure scientific community video watch specially film video different slant late science webinars tune online presentation allow expert speaker explain novel tool application topics close search menu submit search type search astronomy space atomic molecular biophysics bioengineere condense matter culture history society environment energy instrumentation measurement materials mathematics computation medical physics optics photonic particle nuclear quantum iop publishing follow facebook follow twitter watch youtube rss feed jobs sign register enter e mail address enter password remember forget password enter e mail address e mail address create account enter e mail address register reset password enter e mail address thank register physics world like change detail time visit account close nanomaterials research update 3d vortex ring appear bulk magnet radiotherapy analysis mr linac future adaptive radiotherapy debate estro congress question future adaptive radiotherapy mr linac low temperature physic research update physicists fine tune chemical reaction rate ultracold molecule new technique useful quantum information process culture history society news physics world announce breakthrough year finalist room temperature superconductor mixed beam particle therapy massive quantum correlation list diagnostic imaging research update portable brain mri scanner increase access neuroimage vacuum cryogenic research update balloon bear telescope cool particle therapy research update mri treatment improve paediatric proton therapy fabrication process research update laser speed limit leave defect 3d print part slow laser scan cause metal form pore laser powder bed fusion leave void weaken degrade performance cryptography research update fast quantum random number generator advance cryptography cheap device build shelf component check quality randomness real time acoustics research update acoustic metamaterial help moth avoid eat bat scales moth wing inspire lightweight sound insulation particle therapy research update online mr imaging verify proton beam range feasibility study demonstrate time proton beam range accurately verify online mri liquid phantom optic photonics research update spin guide scattering light observe liquid crystal spin selectivity disorder optical medium pave way topological photonic microscopy research update tiny particle panoramic treatment new label free optical imaging technique study virus structure molecular level culture history society podcast reveal breakthroughs physics everyday science podcast physics lego endure love affair nanomaterial podcast passion nanotechnology medicine black nanotech week cofounder olivia geneus inspire new nanoscientist culture history society opinion review madness method notion science work probably wrong instrumentation measurement feature smart speaker tell acoustic sensor smart speaker use state art acoustic sensor technology evolve pip knight explain business innovation opinion review hot time hard disk magnetic record technology go strong james mckenzie look power incremental improvement commercial success technology read article physics pandemic coronavirus create employment crisis country personalities blog physics pandemic coronavirus create employment crisis country meenu stephen newly qualified medical physicist describe difficulty look start new job lockdown read article physics pandemic move international physicists tournament online challenge education outreach blog physics pandemic move international physicists tournament online challenge david collomb describe popular competition physics student go virtual team russia emerge overall winner read article physics pandemic physics dosimetry facility vacate patient personalities blog physics pandemic physics dosimetry facility vacate patient priya saini medical physicist sms medical college hospitals jaipur describe effort maintain radiotherapy service midst pandemic read article physics pandemic event grow hub uk truly global event matter day personalities blog physics pandemic event grow hub uk truly global event matter day gunnar moeller university kent uk describe year condensed matter physics city turn online event find information need iop publishing world lead medical physic biophysic journal book dedicated support improve research field fundamental science novel application facility read article aspire astronaut space age ambassador personalities opinion review aspire astronaut space age ambassador andrew glester review necessarily rocket science beginner guide life space age kellie gerardi read article music protein folding journal star trek everyday science music protein folding journal star trek excerpts red folder read article teacher training scholarship encourage industry professional classroom education outreach career sponsored teacher training scholarship encourage industry professional classroom iop teacher training scholarship programme provide attractive route physics teaching recent graduate mid career scientist engineer read article video tour physics world breakthroughs year everyday science video video tour physics world breakthroughs year research highlight year select physics world editor read article china launch gecam sky scanner study extreme cosmic event astronomy space news china launch gecam sky scanner study extreme cosmic event gravitational wave high energy electromagnetic counterpart sky monitor mission study fast radio burst gamma ray burst relate gravitational wave event read article thing know uranus neptune planetary science blog thing know uranus neptune ice giant planet common galaxy one solar system hold plenty mystery read article japan hayabusa mission return asteroid sample earth astronomy space news japan hayabusa mission return asteroid sample earth kg capsule land australia remote outback study japan read article nanoparticle sensitizer enhance radiotherapy effectiveness radiotherapy research update nanoparticle sensitizer enhance radiotherapy effectiveness speaker estro congress discuss use nanoparticle preferentially sensitize tumour cell irradiation improve radiation treatment read article quantum key distribution secure cryptography video quantum key distribution secure qkd communication protocol theory significantly safe classical one read article superconducte thermometer take temperature ultracold microwave device vacuum cryogenic research update superconducting thermometer take temperature ultracold microwave devices frequency microresonator change temperature thank level system read article nanomesh pressure sensor preserve skin sense touch biomedical devices research update nanomesh pressure sensor preserve skin sense touch new device find use prosthetic robot assist surgery human machine interface wearable health care monitor read article new fuel gauge spacecraft satellite active long device structure research update new fuel gauge spacecraft satellite active long reliable measurement help operator decide safely retire age craft read article sound wave fermionic superfluid study beautiful experiment low temperature physic research update sound wave fermionic superfluid study beautiful experiment technique provide insight neutron star aftermath big bang read article quantum weirdness smart speaker festive book december issue physics world culture history society blog quantum weirdness smart speaker festive book december issue physics world enjoy late issue favourite magazine print digital format read article quantum tunnel video bag teen scholarship win horse race everyday science blog quantum tunnel video bag teen scholarship win horse race excerpt red folder read article chemical precursor life form dark interstellar cloud astronomy space research update chemical precursor life form dark interstellar cloud non energetic reaction suggest glycine create sun form read article dramatic footage emerge arecibo observatory collapse astronomy space blog dramatic footage emerge arecibo observatory collapse footage take drone show tonne platform fall read article magnetic illusion create magnetic field distance magnetism spin research update magnetic illusion create magnetic field distance strategy generate manipulate magnetic field distance find application medicine neuroscience exciting multidisciplinary open access journal publish cut edge research science technology manufacture functional device system extreme dimension indexed scopus journal offer author fast publication rigorous peer review feature employer physics world jobs offer range opportunity jobseeker background physics engineering stage career help find job mission create world intense laser system offer unique source radiation particle beam view employer profile featured webinar tune online presentation allow expert speaker explain novel tool application live webinar december explore accuray medicare radiation oncology alternative payment model view webinar feature event stay date late international conference symposia exhibition interdisciplinary scientist work academic research industry society increasingly aware need establish well practice safe solution waste disposal require investigation disposal method recycling new technology monitor landfill industrial mining waste chemical nuclear repository view event copyright iop publishing ltd individual contributor team portfolio advertise contact feedback sign register institute physics join institute modern slavery act privacy cookies iop publishing copyright term conditions disclaimer physics world represent key iop publishing mission communicate world class research innovation wide possible audience website form physics world portfolio collection online digital print information service global scientific community follow facebook follow twitter watch youtube rss feed
homepage world science u homepage learn science nobel laureates renowned researcher inspirational educator feature courses novice enthusiast explore science researcher transform human understanding world renowne faculty live sessions media rich environment smart journey subscribe newsletter home course faculty live session support privacy policy term use login register world science scholars browse courses inflation neuroscience dark matter black holes synthetic biology cosmology brain machine interface chemistry supermassive black holes gravitational waves dark energy neuroscience special relativity oceans warped universe human origins consciousness particle physics string theory spend minute hour day month topic fit schedule immerse course teach nobel laureates visionary thinker extraordinary teacher new course add weekly join brian greene live conversation wsu faculty explore mind matter cosmo deepen understanding short sharply focus course feature video lecture interactive demonstration custom animation exercise discussion tap new kind science education personalize learning track course progress earn certificate simply register free learn new course release upcome live session email iframe contain logic require handle ajax power gravity forms send friend send cancel use cookie technology optimize site functionally analyze website traffic share information service analytic partner understand use cookie visit cookie policy understand process information well contact visit privacy policy ok subscribe contact support cookie policy privacy policy terms conditions use accessibility statement world science foundation rights reserve
cosmolearning physics conical pendulum clearing cache cache clear javascript enable browser strongly suggest turn javascript browser order view page properly advantage feature user online login register cosmo learning education courses documentary search physics courses documentaries external link images browse topic videos physics topics applied physics atomic models classical mechanics computational physics condense matter physics continuum mechanic electromagnetism em radiation experimental physics general physics history physics lagrangian mechanic modern physics nuclear physics optics particle physics plasma physics quantum field theory quantum mechanics relativity statistical mechanics string theory theoretical physics thermodynamics vibrations wave theoretical minimum classical mechanic available courses particle quantum theory lecture slides course vanderbilt add year ago view time nuclear heavy ion theory lecture slides course vanderbilt add year ago view time physics light optics textbook course byu add year ago view time modern physics ak lectures quantum theory course ak lectures add year ago view time modern physics ak lectures special relativity course ak lectures add year ago view time modern physics ak lectures particle physics course ak lectures add year ago view time physics quantum mechanics james binney course oxford add year ago view time techniques computational physics lecture slides course harvard add year ago view time graduate quantum mechanics online textbook course university texas austin add year ago view time computational physics introductory online textbook course university texas austin add year ago view time random video conical pendulum conical pendulum combine tension gravity produce net centripetal force video view recently added course particle quantum theory vanderbilt physics nuclear heavy ion theory vanderbilt physics physics light optics byu physics modern physics ak lectures ak lectures physics modern physics ak lectures ak lectures physics recently add doc secret quantum physi bbc james clark maxwell man bbc fabric cosmos public broadcasting service good german channel robert hooke victim geni bbc contact contribute link newsletter sign rss feeds search site map copyright right reserve term service privacy policy copyright policy site design development gabriel leitao
interactive science teacher home interactive science teacher science lesson meaningful fun simple approach demonstration student hand curious listen interactive science teacher interactive science teacher home science lessons simple approach click title science lesson physical science lessons earth space lessons life science lessons general science lessons taste lesson enjoy length video complete access powerpoints teacher notes student handouts membership start access lesson newest science lessons add season simulator climate change evaluate internet source newton car counting atoms interactive science teacher science meaningful fun science lesson complete lesson index science lessons science lessons space science lesson science lessons join faq contact member join member log complete lesson index members science lessons members space science lessons members science lessons members science lessons member previous demo student hand make curious want listen explanation physical science lessons atoms chemistry phys chem properties periodic project counting atoms testing properties atomic model notes atom radioactive samples abe makeover chemistry surprise radioactive beans counting atoms isotopes ion balancing equations periodic pencils clay atom dot diagram states matter candlelight journey boiled ice great adventure dunking ducky solid liquids energetic atoms venn notes states energy roller coasters convection engine bag balance kinetic potential energy toys waves light bulb heat transfer renewable force newton car distant force note forces newton meander marbles forces drop test newton laws light sound notes light water notes sky blue notes sound electricity mag simple electric motor electricity watts electromagnets magnetism decode circuit boards energy consumption circuits electromag notes electricity question asker notes magnetism mixture matter flowchart earth space lessons rocks minerals mineral id lab mineral id mineral properties rock cycle coal mining tectonics sea floor spread mountains form earth driven plates earthquakes plot notes tectonics tectonics scavenger climate conservation climate change resource cause wind element weather thunderstorms endless ecosystem reasons weather forecasting notes cons land water air biomes summary biomes precipitation physical earth ocean currents stream table layers atmos layer air layers inside earth geology squeeze heating rates sea breezes earth spheres spheres venn soil characteristic soil drop ocean water cause day night space seasons simulator sun comets asteroids sun earth moon model moon phase moon phases formation pinto planets living scale history orbit astronomer history fossil measuring time earth clock life science lessons traditional fungi fun asexual sexual repro dog breeds biotic abiotic cells story cell photosynthesis cell cycle organelles booklet organelles spinner meiosis memory homeostasis size cells atoms type sensational cells genetics chrom dna genes diluting dna dna chain adaptations word adaptation cladograms health viruses variables diaphragms general science lessons investigations tape stickiest birthday candle mystery tall building exactly discover density cost lights stress test pendulum penny twirlybirds happy trail mix beginning ant observation empirical non empirical evidence scientific method predictions hypothesis metric estimation new science class kinds scientific explanations cycles end science facts versus opinion laws theory converting units potato observation game christmas science experiment evaluate internet source join lesson agree term use ensure safety learning environment classroom generation science standards connection common core connection season simulator good folk khan academy come valuable season simulator student tell season science lesson climate change teaching climate change thrilled textbook handle lesson science lesson evaluate internet source day important know source information trustworthy science lesson newton car look good lab illustrate newton law motion want take ton prep look chaotic stress right describe find idea modify lab fit need science lesson count atoms low stress prep way teach idea molecule certain atom fit certain way science lesson proudly power wordpress theme master blog
home free astronomy course lesson class introduction encouraging stop look phone sky lesson class introduction encouragment look sky well camper theme class lesson class introduction look calendar grade come lesson taste color sky uranus moon lesson taste ii dark moon mars lesson taste iii go mars comet telescope lesson taste iv night sky size object sky lesson taste v death star mimas star bethlehem neptune orbit lesson astronomy definition difference astronomy astophysic astrology lesson astronomy definition contellation art orion pollux castor astrology life lesson solar system start look solar system basic structure motion lesson solar system start name planet mother nacho pizza orbit vs rotation times lesson solar system start finish orbit rotation times lesson earth tilt season season earth tilt key position orbit lesson earth tilt season tilt map planet lesson earth tilt season key position earth sun look light ray lesson earth tilt season key position earth sun label date solstice equinox season lesson earth tilt season northern southern reach sun direct ray lesson earth tilt season annual motion sun direct ray define tropics cancer capricorn lesson earth tilt season sun set direction year lesson earth tilt season seasonal constellation see overhead midnight year lesson earth tilt season astrological story orion virgo lesson earth tilt season trip australia tropic capricorn lesson solar system encounter lesson solar system distance astronomical unit lesson solar system astronomical unit light year parsec lesson solar system han solo kessel run quote lesson solar system discussion han solo kessel run quote lesson solar system galaxy zoom andromeda galaxy lesson solar system size thing planet star distance cvs receipt lesson solar system great youtube video proper relative size thing solar system lesson gravity hold planet orbit lesson gravity law gravity set orbit balance force gravity speed lesson gravity newton thought gravity newton cannon lesson gravity phet gravity simulator earth sun earth sun moon lesson gravity jab astrology newborn hospital work win lottery lesson gravity jab astrology ii gravity newborn neptune hospital equipment lesson gravity jab astrology iii compute force gravity neptune hospital equipment lesson night sky well camper pattern night sky big dipper polaris lesson night sky start polaris big dipper lesson night sky existence polaris stellarium lesson night sky different orientation big dipper find polaris lesson night sky practice find big dipper possibly polaris lesson night sky list thing find polaris big dipper arcturas spica pollux castor antares cassiopeia scorpius teapot lesson night sky star hopping big dipper find arcturas spica pollux castor lesson night sky star hopping stellarium big dipper find arcturas spica pollux castor lesson night sky big star angular distance hand measure lesson night sky polaris cassiopeia location andromeda galaxy lesson night sky cassiopeia stellarium lesson night sky contellations asterisms lesson night sky scorpius teapot direction center galaxy lesson night sky south equator south star lesson night sky history polaris find foggy time slavery introduction latitude lesson night sky polaris far bend neck lesson night sky polaris altitude vs latitude lesson night sky polaris latitude wrap declination star dubhe vega spica arcturas lesson sky motion sun moon star planet lesson sky motion actual motion lesson sky motion apparent motion a380 land speed motion big dipper lesson sky motion apparent motion merry round lesson sky motion star trail cl ick slr camera lesson sky motion extreme star trail north pole equator lesson celestial sphere definition lesson celestial sphere definition ii lesson celestial sphere nice graphic rotate sky explorer lesson celestial sphere horizon lesson celestial sphere use lesson celestial sphere rise set star polaris lesson celestial sphere circumpolar star start rise different visible vs invisible timing star lesson celestial sphere worksheet lesson celestial sphere worksheet ii lesson celestial sphere worksheet iii lesson celestial sphere sun celestial sphere hard figure astronomy lesson celestial sphere hard figure astronomy sun celestial sphere lesson celestial sphere orion mintaka e w beacon lesson celestial sphere size betelgeuse compare solar system lesson celestial sphere let draw lesson celestial sphere sun move celestial sphere hint season lesson moon basic fact lesson moon basic picture lesson moon backside lesson moon setup dark lesson moon see appear earth lesson moon dark lesson moon lesson moon model dark lesson moon break orbit lesson moon moon far lesson moon introduction tidal lock lesson moon tidal lock orbit lesson moon tidal lock warping rock lesson moon tidal force rock water lesson moon tidal lock energy loss lesson moon excellent video tidal lock lesson moon come lesson moon evidence come lesson moon evidence come lesson moon origin centrifugal force fission lesson moon origin capture condensation lesson moon origin big cosmic collision lesson moon summary origin lesson crater introduction lesson crater field crater moon lesson crater geosleuthe crater field moon lesson moon near far side term crater lesson eclipses happen lesson eclipse finish introduce lesson eclipse lesson eclipse go total eclipse lesson eclipse eclipse month lesson eclipse formal discussion p1 lesson eclipse formal discussion p2 lesson eclipse formal discussion p3 lesson eclipses formal discussion p4 lesson eclipse formal discussion p5 lesson phase moon introduction lesson phase moon introduction lesson phase moon phase lesson phase moon nice graphic lesson phase moon phase lesson phase moon earthshine lesson sun introduction sun lesson sun introduction lesson sun draw sun happy lesson sun sun australia lesson sun fusion interior lesson sun proton proton chain p1 lesson sun proton proton chain p2 lesson sun proton proton chain p3 lesson sun solar wind p1 lesson sun solar wind p2 lesson sun comets lesson sun comet tail p1 lesson sun comet tail p2 lesson sun comet tail p3 lesson sun evidence solar wind lesson sun solar wind evidence lesson sun introduction auroras lesson sun introduction auroras current wire lesson sun auroras mag field outside wire lesson sun aurora wire make magnetic field lesson sun aurora move charge magnetic field lesson sun earth magnetic field lesson sun earth magnetic field like bar magnet lesson sun aurora earth magnetic field deflect solar wind lesson sun auroras light come lesson sun auroras light come sound lesson sun aurora planet lesson solar wind wrap worksheet lesson solar wind wrap worksheet lesson active geology map earthquake volcanos rock age elevation lesson active geology subduction zone lesson active geology barringer wolf crater lesson active geology crater formation lesson active geology go mars lesson quick inventory question answer lesson light great astronomy messenger lesson light map earth night lesson light light pollution lesson light sky dark lesson light dark sky structure galaxy lesson light light photon wave lesson light intro wave frequency lesson light wave frequency hz lesson light frequency sound wave lesson light hear different frequency lesson light wavelength amplitude lesson light photon come lesson light light wave come lesson light blue comet tail base photon wave lesson light color lesson law light notation happen light encounter lesson law light law reflection lesson law light law reflection visual lesson law light retroreflector moon lesson law light law refraction lesson law light law refraction visual lesson law light index refraction lesson law light snell law refraction lesson law light refraction trend bend away lesson law light everyday light effect lesson law light lie sunset lesson law light star twinkle lesson law light twinkle star stellarium lesson law light model twinkle star lesson law light minute physics twinkle star lesson law light jurassic park law reflection lesson law light setup mirage occur lesson law light air layer mirage lesson law light path sun ray mirage lesson law light wrap mirage occur lesson law light sky blue lesson law light light wave blue sky lesson law light blue light nitrogen oxygen lesson law light charge molecule lesson law light gravity clip upper atmosphere lesson law light air filer blue white light lesson law light conclusion sky blue lesson law light sunset red lesson law light silent conclusion blue sky red sunset lesson law light red moon lunar eclipse lesson law light sunset red lesson law light dispersion lesson law light index refraction depend wavelength lesson law light define dispersion lesson law light rainbow form lesson law light rainbow form lesson law light rainbow form lesson law light cloud white lesson law light greenflash come lesson nebular hypothesis introduction lesson nebular hypothesis introduction lesson nebular hypothesis describe lesson nebular hypothesis physics need lesson nebular hypothesis dust gravity lesson nebular hypothesis happen lesson nebular hypothesis consequence spin lesson nebular hypothesis spin ice skater lesson nebular hypothesis solar system flat lesson nebular hypothesis minute physics solar system flat lesson nebular hypothesis sun ignite lesson nebular hypothesis frost line form lesson nebular hypothesis formation planetoid lesson nebular hypothesis visual lesson nebular hypothesis wrapup lesson nebular hypothesis wrapup lesson nebular hypothesis wrapup lesson nebular hypothesis wrapup lesson nebular hypothesis wrapup lesson planet introduction teaching plan lesson planet mercury introduction lesson planet mercury phase lesson planet mercury composition lesson planet mercury big core lesson planet mercury large core lesson planet mercury magnetic field lesson timing solar lesson timing solar star time lesson timing sidereal timing lesson timing sidereal timing lesson planet mercury timing orbit lesson planet mercury orbit summary lesson planet mercury tidal lock sun lesson planet mercury introduction doppler effect lesson planet mercury doppler effect move away lesson planet mercury doppler effect bounce radio wave lesson planet mercury arecibo observatory lesson planet mercury wrap lesson venus introduction lesson venus introduction lesson venus hot fact lesson venus introduction venus equation lesson venus hot lesson rock infrared radiation lesson venus greenhouse effect lesson venus greenhouse effect simulation lesson co2 concentration earth wrap lesson co2 concentration wrap al gore lesson track co2 molecule carbon cycle lesson carbon cycle wrap lesson compare temperature earth venus co2 lesson compare mercury venus earth mars lesson mars introduction quick fact lesson mars terraforme lesson mars water flow lesson mars introduction alan hills meteor lesson mars alan hills meteor lesson mars compare planet cold lesson mars intrigue p01 lesson mars intrigue p02 lesson mars speed need lesson get mars mph lesson mars get coast lesson want land mars huh lesson mars land pathfinder rover lesson mars land curiosity rover lesson landing mars summary minute physics reference lesson mars atmosphere get way lesson introduction jupiter lesson introduction jupiter lesson intro jupiter galieo mission lesson jupiter galileo mission lesson jupiter gravity assist lesson jupiter measure speed light romer lesson jupiter moon lesson juipter moon io introduction lesson juipter moon io torture jupiter tidal force lesson juipter moon io move jupiter magnetic field lesson juipter moon io flux plasma tube lesson saturn moon europa mineral water heat lesson wrap saturn moon europa lesson view saturn ring lesson saturn ring roche limit lesson closing thought astronomy project help slow pandemic instructable project guide home home visual physics homework help basic interactions video physics course video electronics course resource teacher interested learn astronomy set short video basic solar system video start season tour sun planet night sky astronomy relate topic typical class fact college level class record student lock pandemic watch video order appear question like q10 q4 refer video enjoy hope learn
ndfeb magnets magnet wire books weird science needful thing rare earth magnet magnet force field neodymium magnetic therapy forcefield magnetotherapy wholesale levitation levitate ndfeb ferrite alnico samarium cobalt wind power alternator permanent magnet generator wind solar hydro dc lighting superconductor ferrofluid efficient lighting alternative medicine forcefield amazingly powerful magnet product sell inexpensive wholesale price ff main products discussion board magnet faq experiments links email wise invest strong magnets newest project year making new book homebrew wind power finally go press available immediate shipping online store advance review excellent book break new ground world home build wind power detailed discussion physics extract power wind author step step instruction build diameter wind turbine home workshop diameter machine cover detail extensive chapter tower failure prevention troubleshooting maintenance design turbine include extensive appendix page soft cover x inch illustration isbn publish buckville publications llc masonville co fun stuff magnet science experiment magnet science faq magnet use demo images browse product join discussion board renewable energy sister site ff main products discussion board magnet faq experiments links email ff main products discussion board magnet faq experiments link email homebrew wind power dan bartmann dan fink online store magnet science experiments check variety cool science experiment magnet levitation superconductor ferrofluid diamagnetism halbach arrays view magnetic field magnet science faq exactly force feel magnet concise explanation magnetic field field line magnet magnet formulation property measure magnet uses demo image incredible variety use customer magnet submit magnet usage idea check bunch cool demonstration image show magnet configuration browse product carry hundred magnet size shape great deal magnet wire plus variety new antique experimental science book magnet science tool supply test equipment hard find component renewable energy enthusiast join discussion board extremely active discussion board magnet weird science renewable energy enthusiast worldwide great place ask question entertain reading sure check incredible wind turbine build magnet wire charge join renewable energy sister site free information photo detail electricity junk scratch solar wind hydro fossil fuel bio fuel human animal power idea disconnect grid cutting edge low technology ff main products discussion board magnet faq experiments link email forcefield toll free west vine fort collins co
institute genetic anthropology mission genetic anthropology study humankind aspect human life evolutionary biological perspective mission institute genetic anthropology iga conduct research field genetic anthropology share result say research academic world public large world increasingly confront sociological ecological medical dead end new solution urgently need avoid degradation physiological psychological environment research mainly aim define specific trait inherit evolutionary past help tackle problem disease pollution deforestation climat change malnutrition mental illness criminality warfare poverty ii background institute current work focus genefit gene fit hypothesis formulate founder genefit hypothesis go follow problem face today society originate fact modern man universally adopt lifestyle genetically speak fully adapt word dietary environment living environment social environment cultural environment truly fit human genetic heritage individual great chance fulfillment happiness broadly speak give culture promote way life enter conflict genetic member expect culture generate individual live life go nature high level dissatisfaction depression pain suffering return argue put nature nurture alignment certain extent improve human condition genefit hypothesis catalyst await reunion biological social environmental science offer entirely new perpective sense refer human genome baseline parameter measure address principle harmonization culture ecosystem genotype hypothesis fundamental sense extend aspect human life fundamental nature touch field diverse human nutrition immunology molecular general biology alternative medicine botany agroforestry anthropology genetic cognitive neuroscience sociobiology epigenetic environmental science sustainable architecture evolutionary psychology science consciousness century research shape knowledge functioning human body origin nature human behavior relationship environment scientific cultural view come understanding build premise food processing agriculture unsustainable technology warfare large state society unavoidable product evolutionary development specie necessary survival believe view revise light new perspective bring genefit hypothesis institute genetic anthropology expect provide ground scientific datum revision occur millennium especially advent civilization world tear apart cultural difference fact share identical dna record history tale crusade war genocide atrocity perpetrate good cause effort promote peace reconciliation humanity primary focus definition universal cultural trait base common genetic heritage emphasize difference regard genefit hypothesis carry powerful timeless message hope provide new concrete solution crucial problem face modern civilization include detrimental impact human community planet ecosystem pursuit goal resolve provide visitor student worldwide scientific community accurate datum advanced educational program insight field relate genetic anthropology achieve create unique biological reserve undeveloped unspoiled tropical island host advanced research station experiential learning campus iii current goals objectives institute genetic anthropology wide range goal objective secure island sanctuary purpose scientific research public education describe establish unique island environment special focus grow large variety carefully select wild edible plant tropical fruit bearing tree know nutritional value non invasive nature accordance principle permaculture agroforestry use agrochemical conduct interdisciplinary scientific research focus define lifestyle fit human genotype best second step evaluate extend lifestyle set ground optimal harmonious integration human being natural ecosystem offer survival expedition combine advanced adventure ecotourism cutting edge educational program theoretical practical insight field genetic anthropology offer service institute carry major aspect mission direct connection public education time achieve financial independence guarantee unbiased research bring result research worldwide audience new internet technology stream video stream audio video conferencing distant learning course online publication produce series book film documentary order share result research academic world general public large definition permaculture form landscaping strive create naturally balanced ecosystem feed human need self sustaining food produce plant tree naturally mix non producing one ecological balance ecosystem consequently increase parasite control native plant specie possible specie choose non invasive nature compatibility local ecosystem definition agroforestry land management simultaneous production food crop tree late research field agroforestry deal concept food forest food trail term food forest refer concept forest food reservoir apply innovative grow technique consist integration fruit tree vegetable forest cut exist mature tree term food trail refer recently develop hypothesis stating ancient hunter gatherer tribe modify forest environment way prior agriculture eat fruit walk hunt trail dumping seed trail time create food corridor forest occurrence unconsciously generate certainly conscious practice time intention operation completely blend island ecosystem thank unique survivor concept scientific ecotourism plan worldwide model sustainable eco friendly live aspect far island surround maritime area concern adopt strict leave trace policy iv legal description institute genetic anthropology private initiative order preserve scientific integrity educational nature conservancy aspect project institute genetic anthropology run 501c3 non profit status ngo founders roman devivo antje spors found institute genetic anthropology late spend life study promote concept paleonutrition march roman devivo antje spors co found genefit nutrition llc company support development promotion genefit nutrition innovative dietary method exclude type food preparation promote use chemical sense food selection intake quantity regulation genefit nutrition result going attempt define diet fit human genotype october genefit nutrition llc import chemical free tropical fruit united states order provide public food high nutritional value roman antje co author book title genefit nutrition nutrition design life summarize combine decade research genefit nutrition concept book publish renowned publisher celestial arts locate berkeley california distribute nationwide internationally website genefit nutrition llc active database client include prestigious international celebrity barbra streisand leonardo dicaprio charlize theron woody harrelson february roman antje conduct clinical study supervision james julian los angeles california prove finding september finish online course course explain key aspect application genefit nutrition early line field sociobiology evolutionary psychology late finding genomic research roman devivo antje spor forth genefit hypothesis direct extension work genefit nutrition vi project locations institute founder spend past year visit uninhabited island central america asia south pacific select possible island location offer necessary feature success project vii scientific research areas follow current list research priority institute genetic anthropology create unique island environment institute primary objective include study environmental benefit pre agricultural dietary method base biodiversity oppose mono cultured staple food growing have increasingly negative impact world eco system large number tropical fruit edible plant grow rain forest world extraordinary nutritional value unfortunately currently modern dietary purpose diversity fundamental key healthy diet research need field especially genefit hypothesis open new avenue field human nutrition aspect institute work carefully enrich biodiversity island absolute respect exist ecosystem special focus give grow variety select wild edible plant tropical fruit bearing tree know nutritional value non invasive nature deforestation large clearing require food produce plant intercrop original forest tree area research study compatibility food produce plant exist biodiversity define diet fit human genome rare clinical nutritionist dietitian evolutionary genomic approach come diet human nutrition define diet human body genetically design fundamental approach world dietary theory contradictory misleading obviousness question genetic adaptation regard human nutrition make lack research specific field surprising scientific literature study conduct past year observation suggest diet apply distant ancestor pre e paleolithic paleolithic era likely one fit human genotype best question remain unanswered extensive research need order clearly define universal diet inherent specie human gene hold key optimal human diet island provide ideal condition support advanced research field propose series comparative study involve pre paleolithic upper paleolithic low paleolithic modern dietary method consider detrimental impact different level food preparation human body allow pinpoint exact evolutionary time frame exact dietary bandwidth ideal human diet study environmental benefit diet land conservation effort world exclude human factor main reason exclusion diet modern human diet inter dependent production staple food current human society choice destroy exist ecosystem order survive fact animal wild naturally apply diet genetically program major reason animal society rarely destructive environment instead positively participate ecosystem balance particular point major importance open new avenue research inquiry alternative agriculture know highly promote deforestation goal study principle permaculture agroforestry combination application diet truly fit human genotype allow human being fully integrate exist ecosystem represent threat overall balance island provide optimal condition application pre agricultural dietary model institute work pave way unprecedented integration human being exist ecosystem purpose scientific research education major area research determine maximum theoretical population density particular setting conduct clinical study evaluate physiological benefit diet food processing cook particular produce molecule rarely find natural world molecular cross link protein carbohydrate carbohydrate lipid compound unavoidably generate time food expose heat numerous different type denature molecule create identify broad chemical category ages advanced glycation end product maillard reaction end product hca heterocyclic amines acrylamide widely study today recognize toxic mutagenic carcinogenic neurotoxic human body recent study link age hca acrymalide dietary origin cardiovascular condition cancer age diabetes neurodegenerative disease total absence food processing pre paleolithic diet nature entirely free artificial man molecule observation gather people pre paleolithic diet long period time show significant reduction inflammatory level major cause cardiovascular disease absence inflammatory pain significantly higher immunological resistance propose long term study effect diet free denature molecule study group monitor island consecutive decade level ages hca acrylamide measure regular basis c reactive protein test measure inflammatory level body furthermore pre paleolithic diet nature low calorie diet previous study show calorie restrictive diet general extend life span reduce risk degenerative disease generally slow aging daily calorie intake pre paleolithic diet greatly vary day day 500kcal estimate give daily average kcal course year propose long term study effect low caloric nature model pre paleolithic diet study group monitor island course consecutive decade calorie nutrient intake measure daily basis study psychological benefit diet liquor caffeine alter behavior perception brain activity molecule present process denature food similar neurological effect past study confirm process food large responsible artificial chemical stimulation brain nervous system general term example preliminary study device measure micro tremor nervous system show fold increase nervous activity go pre paleolithic diet modern traditional diet particularly interested detrimental impact process food brain function nervous system capacity focus add adhd symptom cognitive ability learn capacity human behavior general repercussion conflict behavior innate reconciliation pattern believe absence natural benchmark universality food processing impact presently widely underestimated propose series study focus link diet brain functioning behavior study group monitor island clearly define period time clearly define dietary environment study emotional balance mental state connection natural environment biophilia term popularize harvard biologist edward wilson edward wilson forward hypothesis human evolve creature deeply enmesh intricacy nature affinity nature ingrain genotype incontrovertible human being innate sensitivity need live thing coexist close relationship natural world millennium define biophilia connection human being subconsciously seek rest life argue determine biological need planet ecological health directly relate mental health inhabitant return give reason believe destructive environmental behavior stem sense disconnection natural world trauma displace natural world finally begin emerge issue field psychology essential establish importance issue clinical work form psychopathology include autism post traumatic stress disorder amnesia addiction capture distinct component modern alienation nature explore new research avenue field necessitate recognize numbing process industrial society second step question notion sanity consumer orient culture study human behavior perspective human genotype cultural evolution structural change society value time sense cultural equivalent biological evolution causal mechanism different cultural anthropologist sociologist assume human being natural social tendency naturally form shift group hand forth wilson book sociobiology increase number researcher come argue particular human social behavior culture genetic cause dynamic universally find member specie sociobiologists believe animal human behavior satisfactorily explain entirely cultural environmental factor interested explain similarity difference culture forth order fully understand behavior analyze focus evolutionary origin biologist accept sort behavior present animal specie great deal controversy application evolutionary model human being human nature range human behavior believe invariant long period time different cultural contexts society form social interact society biotic environment interact natural resource constraint adapt environment environment develop natural mean fit specie genotype expect structure society equally enter conflict genotype member detrimentally impact individual aspect life advance research particular field propose holistic study human behavior light genefit hypothesis conclusion setup right environment biological reserve form undeveloped tropical island possible area research limitless different avenue mention example time board director board advisor institute genetic anthropology sure scientific research conduct area relevant survival present future generation viii educational services institute genetic anthropology offer different kind educational program form survivor expedition island expedition goal extend traditional tourist experience purely recreational aspect teaching healthy eco friendly sustainable way life guest opportunity explore gorgeous place world time discover magic challenge call hunter gatherer lifestyle away artificiality modern world intention offer true robinson crusoe experience level combine high quality experiential education television show survivor koh lanta expedition robinson lost capture public attention worldwide fascination show demonstrate deep resonance type eco adventure concept intend offer probably add educational aspect theoretical practical insight field genetic anthropology eco adventure expedition guest personal survivor experience readily available demand individual couple group people spend day week totally emerge island ecosystem participant accompany experience guide whichever feel comfortable face challenge recognize gather tropical fruit edible plant acknowledge trust instinct apply primitive subsistence diet build survival tool sail traditional polynesian canoe aspect live wild guest experience pride gather food directly natural environment temporarily live glimpse fulfil rewarding life despite absence amenity modern life participant entirely emerge beauty island ecosystem simplicity truly natural lifestyle limited period time offer tremendous health benefit open door life transform spiritual experience survivor expedition island mean celebration sustainable health conscience live overall offer unique experience raise participant ecological awareness hopefully contribute reduce environmental destruction locally world survivor island expeditions type educational service guest fully emerge survivor experience ensure comfortable journey guest learn operate harmonious group tribe participant discover new way living base natural value system give relationship nature island expedition primarily recreational nature experienced guide provide counseling field food gathering technique nutrition wild overcoming fear phobia primitive survival skill basic group dynamic thank unique biosphere condition provide island offer truly sustainable environment ground experimentation model natural lifestyle survivor experiential learning courses increase number young people feel compel world well place future generation motivation come natural drive aim challenge establishment institute genetic anthropology student world legitimate channel expression offer accredit experiential learn course island unlike traditional educational institution education institute genetic anthropology combine intellectual learning real life experience come practical theoretical angle experiential course primarily address student age search personality form adventure time wish deepen knowledge scientific field relate genetic anthropology addition teaching survival skill course include insight field human nutrition biology alternative medicine botany tropical biodiversity agroforestry anthropology genetic cognitive neuroscience environmental science sustainable architecture evolutionary psychology sociobiology science consciousness course favor student personal development deep knowledge later translate everyday life career institute genetic anthropology seek international accreditation partner major university worldwide student acquire credit temporarily study island educational ecotourism special guests order offer maximum privacy relaxation special guest option hire entire island people give time special guest choice have food serve enter survivor experience offer private coach stay good possibly special emphasis promote service lead figure academic world celebrity influential person key people power promote result research academic circle simply inspire world change lifestyle presence special guest island raise interest research educational program worldwide basis occasion institute guest speaker speech lecture record accessible worldwide audience internet technology stream video audio ix educational tools institute genetic anthropology produce follow educational tool series books plan open publishing department institute iga press soon department run institute publish manage distribution electronically paper book write research team member founder series documentaries film documentary provide public education field cover institute genetic anthropology line success like supersize corporation instance try capture interest main studio television network pbs discovery channel national geographic columbia order use powerful distribution channel institute genetic anthropology offer follow membership benefit series streaming internet educational video produce video provide education field cover institute genetic anthropology short concise video mean informative contain advanced scientific information comprehensible people scientific background place website accessible worldwide audience distribution replication cost series streaming internet audio lectures produce minute audio lecture provide education different field cover institute genetic anthropology short audio clip mean informative contain advanced scientific information comprehensible people scientific background place website accessible worldwide audience distribution replication cost journal journal member update progress term scientific research development island late educational service alliances founder institute genetic anthropology develop important alliance follow established organization lancetilla botanical garden experimental research station honduras lancetilla second large botanical garden world comprise total hectare diverse collection national exotic flora collect year tropical area world contain world large collection asian fruit plant mesoamerica comprise specie genera family rare exotic plant serve germoplasma bank valuable fruit cultivar develop experimental plantation divide plot different specie timber tree exotic fruit grow year old honduran plantation contain research laboratory teach forestry technical investigator student regularly visit garden research consultation visitor comprehensive research facility include tree nursery capacity million specimen irrigation system training centre equip classroom laboratory library conference hall live quarter basic service guest genetic bank plants unah curla university honduras genetic bank plants botanical garden pack large variety fruit specie seasoning plant develop continue support international national organization dedicate conservation management distribution phytogenetic resource adapt condition land tropical rainforest bank area hectare tree include variety avocado variety citrus variety mangoes specie variety non traditional fruit specie variety seasoning plant xi people institute founder team researcher instructor number team member expect increase institute growth team roman devivo co founder institute bear france begin personal research field nutrition teenager time develop particular interest survival expedition connection exclusive consumption wild food later spend month different tropical island planet live exclusively food provide island consume strictly raw unprocessed state study basic anthropology biology genetics nutrition take development innovative dietary concept call genefit nutrition personally apply method consecutive year private instructor genefit nutrition concept year expertise field paleonutrition extensive experience field internet technology include internet communication antje spors co founder institute bear germany study nutrition europe later eastern western healing art united states teacher study wataru ohahsi ohashi institute new york bonnie bainbridge cohen school body mind center amherst massachusetts certified practitioner shiatsu acupressure certify doula child birth assistant expert early childhood development practice professionally teach genefit nutrition year manage health center educational facility time michael romer medical doctor bear austria obtain medical license current research work sensory specific satiety instinctual sensory regulation food intake food selection michael particularly interested clinical study destine measure physiological psychological benefit diet fit human genome jolene muneno anthropology biology born california jolene receive anthropological sciences biology stanford university interested relationship human nutrition evolution extensive work food processing physical degeneration jolene fascinate research potential island unique environmental condition offer charles altura anthropology bear receive anthropological sciences stanford university currently pursue degree music performance university southern california interested understand human nutritional behavioral ecology interdisciplinary include biological sociocultural perspective root evolutionary theory timothy gorter master sustainable architecture born london england raise rural part northern california study practice environmental design include bill mollison founder permaculture steve gliessman professor agroecology university california santa cruz addition undergraduate degree university california santa cruz master architecture department architecture urban design university california los angeles research professional interest span spectrum sustainable human settlement design housing energy infrastructure food production timothy join project sustainable development consultant consultant biodiversity botany lancetilla botanical garden experimental research station tela honduras genetic bank plants unah curla university la ceiba honduras contact copyright iga right reserve legal notice report web site correction broken link webmaster
archaeology archaeologist use remain past help solve puzzle history curious ancient culture consider career archaeologist resource help archaeology menu home science tech math science math social sciences computer science animals nature humanities history culture visual arts literature english geography philosophy issues languages english second language spanish french german italian japanese mandarin russian resources students parents educator adult learners search close search site science tech math science math social sciences computer science animals nature humanities history culture visual arts literature english geography philosophy issues languages english second language spanish french german italian japanese mandarin russian resources students parents educator adult learners contact editorial guidelines privacy policy science tech math social sciences archaeologists use remain past help solve puzzle history curious ancient culture consider career archaeologist resource help social sciences psychology sociology archaeology basics ancient civilizations excavations history animal plant domestication economics ergonomics maritime view archaeology maya goddess moon fertility death ix chel archaeology forms extinct elephant food ancestor archaeology religion science history blend story make olive oil archaeology heinrich schliemann steal credit discovery troy archaeology connect upper middle lower maya realms archaeology tlaloc aztec god rain fertility archaeology long human consume alcohol archaeology secret innovations inventions ancient farmers archaeology kiva hold special importance ancient modern pueblo people archaeology tezcatlipoca aztec lord smoking mirrors archaeology columbian discovery year old zemi artifacts caribbean archaeology mesopotamian accounting led literary language archaeology ancient mayan people store chultun archaeology cenote crucial maya sources water ritual archaeology egypt narmer palette tell dynastic egypt origins archaeology evidence early human occupation england archaeology famous dancing girl mohenjo daro archaeology curly nosed mayan rain god chaac ancient mesoamerican root archaeology human ancestor know denisovans archaeology bloodlette rituals allow maya nobles speak god archaeology million year old hammerstones archaeology wheeled vehicles history practical human use wheel archaeology water management khmer empire kept society thrive archaeology legend huitzilopochtli found deity aztecs archaeology ancient cornerstone american farming archaeology sacbe ancient maya road system archaeology itzamna maya god creation writing divination archaeology spindle whorl archaeology evidence 6th century fog europe asia minor archaeology mayan myth hero twins stories popol vuh archaeology archaeologist arrowhead projectile point archaeology laussel venus goddess fertility hunting wine music archaeology precolumbian societies drawn jade archaeology step evolution human stone tools archaeology dimensional precursors ancient mesopotamian writing archaeology nok artists farmers central nigeria archaeology global effects ice cover planet archaeology year old funeral banner belonged han dynasty elite archaeology great pyramid niches lost city el tajin archaeology importance maya book know popol vuh archaeology mesoamerican calendar tracking time ancient mesoamerican world archaeology hernando de soto chief tascalusa battle america archaeology chatelperronian transition upper paleolithic archaeology important fact know neanderthals archaeology human drink milk archaeology learn lyuba baby mammoth find russia archaeology explore great culture early civilization archaeology scientist learn grauballe man bog body archaeology tonatiuh aztec god sun fertility sacrifice archaeology great leap forward levallois technique represent archaeology invention bow arrow hunting years old archaeology john lloyd stephens frederick catherwood archaeology imhotep big commission old kingdom step pyramid saqqara archaeology evidence moundbuilder myth false archaeology pre pottery neolithic farmers world archaeology archaeologist fed nazi greed world domination archaeology glory viking age vinland sagas truth archaeology archaeology ancient peru central andes archaeology toltecs archaeologist find capital archaeology archaeological science tell climate change archaeology rich viking ship burial discovered archaeology mongooses archaeology oldest know hominin footprint laetoli archaeology americas populate archaeology evidence survival ground sloths year ago archaeology diego de landa bishop inquisitor colonial yucatan archaeology origin pulque ancient mesoamerican sacred drink archaeology toumai million year old ancient hominoid ancestor archaeology aztec goddess maguey pulque archaeology edgar allan poe wrote visit roman colosseum basics technology history atlatl spear thrower basics dendrochronology tree ring track passage time basics causeway ancient road fragment functional ritual basics obsidian hydration cheap way date stone tool make basic history handful historians explain basic cultural ecology basic ancient society blow budget build pointy thing basics rift valley crack planet crust eastern africa basics people begin fire basics ancient uses asphalt basics myth busting scientific information common arrowhead basics kind career archaeology basics stone boiling soup hot stove basic c3 c4 cam plant adaptation climate change basic roman soldier hadrian wall report letter home basic thorny oyster food drugs charlie chaplin figurines basics archaeologist basic early colonists america follow pacific rim basics learn cultivate plant raise animal basic flotation method archaeology basic million year humans planet inventions basic archaeologist mean bp basic ethnoarchaeology combine cultural anthropology archaeology basics bible fact fiction basics lustreware alchemy medieval islamic pottery technique basics defining archaeology different way describe archaeology basics archaeological tell mesopotamian city occupy year basics cultural natural layers help understand archaeological site basics ancient knowledge beauty utility ostrich egg shell basics true descend cannibal basic age system effect archaeology basic landscape archaeology basic bc ad designation come basic palynology inform paleoenvironmental reconstruction basics memory tipi resides stone boulders basics archaeologist use term cro magnon anymore basic discovery neanderthal denisovan dna mean basic characteristics ancient monumental architecture basics ochre pigment know paint world basic ancient people little string lot ingenuity basics anthropology define scholars define study humans basics feudalism affect power farming ancient world basics humanity formally shaped tool fact axe basics archaeology ancient relic hunting science basics pit houses society build home partly underground basics processual archaeology application scientific method basics material culture society tell scientist basic thermoluminescence dating work basic site formation process archaeology basic george orwell mean control past control future basic study archaeology high school basics forensic anthropology definition history field basics introduction inca writing system know quipu basics accounting atmospheric wiggles radiocarbon dating basics multiregional hypothesis discredited theory human evolution basics mankind make ceramic pot year basics career archaeology right basic timeline stone age basics vibrant color ancient artists paint world basics archaeology topic great options research papers basics study shell middens archaeology basic oracle bone tell ancient chinese past basic henry ford actually history bunk mean basic scientist know million year climate change basics bering land bridge peopling america basics entry level job archaeology know field technicians basic benefit slash burn farming basics social evolutionism modern society develop basics cinnabar ancient pigment mercury basics portable art year artistic expression basic fearsome close quarter combat weapon aztecs basics southern dispersal route possible pathway africa basics history shoes footwear basic scientists determine climates past basic megalithic monument basic live thrived greenland viking arrive basic history archaeology ancient silk road basics human evolution take place early stone age basic mayan civilization maya civilization basics archaeological dating techniques determine artifact age basics library ashurbanipal year mesopotamian history basic science learn ancient mining quarries basics prehistoric feast celebrate cornucopia food basics cultural resource management balance compete interests basic history archaeology chauvet cave basics bloodletting ancient culture basics analysis isotopes help archaeologist understand past basics upper paleolithic height artistic brilliance basic australia look like people arrive basics adze oldest woodworking tools basics archaeological dating method home basics quotation study archaeology ancient past basics tantalizing glimpses old greek accounting system basics mysterious artworks atacama desert chile basics baltic amber year international trade basics ancient evidence year music making basics geoglyphs desert ground drawings effigy mounds geometric shapes basics major thoroughfare darius great use conquer world basics archaeological primer craft specialization basics harris matrix record details archaeological site chronology basics subfields archaeology basics hunter gatherers need plant crops raise animal basic human behavioral ecology study subsistence choice basic sources information topic basics rosetta stone help unlock ancient egyptian language basics prehistoric europe low paleolithic mesolithic basic archaeologist study effect changing seasons basic oasis theory explain beginnings agriculture basics archeology alternative way spell archaeology basic fish trapping year old technology hunter gatherers basics know difference provenience provenance basic archaeologist ditch mousterian category stone tool basic human learn walk foot basic non archaeologist explore passion archaeology basics wootz steel year make steel crucible basics hominin different hominid human basic kinds stone tools archaeologist recognize basic tool planet earth basic archaeological site little rock fragment basic modern calendar use christian ecclesiastical notion basic mankind stop nomadic start building basics beringian standstill hypothesis american colonists basics venus figurine basic post modern theory radicalize world archaeology basic scientist learn fossil hominin lucy family basics caucasoid kennewick basic occur middle paleolithic period basics desert kites ancient hunting technique discover raf pilots basics maya discover water pressure year spanish arrived basic coprolite archaeology basic ancient hunting strategies ancestor use basics ancient ways beat scutch heckle flax produce linen textile basics science know kill planet big mammal basic human figure run world basic crescent shape arrowhead hunt waterfowl basic origins agriculture eastern north america basics settlement patterns archaeology live basic define culture historical approach bad idea basic pillar modern archaeological method establish basic archaeological data communicate public large basics exchange systems trade networks archaeology basic love sharp black shiny ancient stone tool basic treblinka hitler killing machine review basic mean professional article peer review basics google earth archaeology basics piprahwa stupa burial place buddha basics original beef jerky basic archaeology learn ashe campfire basic radiocarbon dating method work reliable basic medieval hawking bells turn american mound sites basic kennewick man controversy basic archaology dig hands dirty basic hillfort iron age elite like meet safe attack basics social technological innovations iron age basics ancient faience egypt answer costume jewelry basic scholar agree dates egyptian pharaoh reigns basic tracing societal marriage patterns archaeology basics syllabary gilgamesh epic hammurabi code basics hacienda tabi plantation archaeology yucatán peninsula mexico basics study stone archaeology lithics basics bog bodies europe archeological finds basic anthropology consider science basic archaeologist learn archaic period basic archaeological feature basic archaeologist basic find artifact heck basic sediment core analysis archaeology basic hilly flanks agriculture basic sampling archaeology basic ranking social inequality basic context mean archaeologist basics cultural evolution theory definition basics skateholm late mesolithic site sweden basics aurignacian period ancient civilizations political social neighborhoods ancient aztec mexico ancient civilizations medieval swahili coast traders connected arabia india china ancient civilizations eridu early form great flood story find ancient civilization well preserve saba kingdom site horn africa ancient civilizations alchemy medieval damascus steel swords ancient civilization purpose behistun inscription ancient civilization powerful oasis states central asia ancient civilizations nomadic capital city genghis khan mongol empire ancient civilizations la tene culture archaeological celts europe ancient civilizations important aztec gods goddesses ancient civilizations culture economy inca empire ancient civilizations ancient american civilization vast incredible empire ancient civilization creation myth aztecs ancient civilizations archaeological evidence indus civilization script seals ancient civilization like wander streets doomed roman capital ancient civilizations mehrgarh root indus civilization pakistan ancient civilizations kilwa kisiwani medieval trade center africa swahili coast ancient civilizations mother earth aztecs horrific demanding monster ancient civilizations unknown ancient empire ancient civilizations profile huehueteotl xiuhtecuhtli aztec god fire ancient civilizations mesopotamians build reed basket boat ancient civilizations mesolithic hunter gatherers originated plant animal domestication ancient civilizations internationally renowned eastern end silk road ancient civilizations recent scientific interpretation aztec calendar stone ancient civilizations western ideal real temple look like ancient civilization childhood board game know year old ancient civilizations aztecs think cortes returning quetzalcoatl ancient civilization archaeologist learn city jericho ancient civilizations temple lefkandi dedicated greek dark age hero ancient civilization farmers europe ancient civilization know new seven wonders world ancient civilizations persepolis capital city persian empire target alexander ancient civilizations smoky sweetness incense aztec maya rituals ancient civilizations aztecs bloodthirsty say ancient civilizations mississippians pre columbian mound builders farmers ancient civilizations zapotecs build city hill ancient civilization complete timeline andean cultures south america ancient civilizations scientist learn year old oracle bone anyang ancient civilizations caral supe norte chico early american civilization ancient civilizations wage year war arctic live ancient civilization north african berbers role arab conquests ancient civilizations ancient capital erlitou ancient civilization swahili coast traders sultans flourish ancient civilizations scythians ancient world ancient civilizations overview viking trading exchange networks ancient civilizations science learn horse ride nomads steppe ancient civilizations collapse angkor end khmer empire ancient civilizations tenochtitlan city swamp capital aztecs ancient civilizations aztec triple alliance ancient civilizations make society civilization force happen ancient civilizations natufian hunter gatherers ancestral humanity farmers ancient civilizations introduction sumerian art culture ancient civilizations beginner introduction islamic civilization ancient civilizations aryans exist destroy indus civilization ancient civilizations historical evidence aztlan mythical aztec homeland ancient civilizations ancient house mammoth bones ancient civilizations discover ancient history copper early uses ancient civilizations pastoralism way life hunting agriculture ancient civilizations chaco canyon architectural heart american southwest ancient civilizations ankgor civilization khmer empire southeast asia ancient civilization vikings earn reputation raiding pillaging ancient civilization people arrive american continent ancient civilization aztec empire mexica empire ancient civilizations norse rank thrall karl jarl ancient civilization archaeologist discover easter island statues ancient civilization holy lord toktahn rule palenque ancient civilizations mythology aztecs founding tenochtitlan ancient civilization maker south american moche pots ancient civilization evidence norse landings north america ancient civilization rules oldest known sport americas ancient civilizations polychrome pottery copper metallurgy chalcolithic period ancient civilizations mesopotamian city ur ancient civilizations folsom hunters beautiful projectile point ancient civilizations high altitude sacrifice children inca capacocha ceremony ancient civilizations centeotl aztec god maize nature aspects ancient civilizations archaeology islamic empire town villages cities ancient civilizations ancient warriors artisans know mixtecs ancient civilizations omo kibish earliest known example modern humans ancient civilization main belief system multi deity universe aztecs ancient civilizations viking settle conquered lands ancient civilizations babylon glorious ancient mesopotamian capital ancient civilizations ancient viking bunch marauding madmen ancient civilizations european solutrean upper paleolithic people populate new world ancient civilizations columbus colony americas total disaster ancient civilizations artifacts royal cemetery ur ancient civilizations coatepec mythical birthplace aztec sun god huitzilopochtli ancient civilizations ohalo ii preserved details hunter gatherer life ancient civilizations iron age kingdom aksum flourish ethiopia ancient civilizations long use acheulean handaxes ancient civilizations ice free corridor serve early pathway new world ancient civilization trade networks contribute rise mesopotamia ancient civilizations sultans swahili culture ancient civilization pan mesoamerican root xipe totec aztec god flayed skin ancient civilization beginner guide korea medieval joseon dynasty ancient civilizations pan mesoamerican belief origin people earth ancient civilizations introduction ancestral puebloan societies ancient civilizations chronology mesoamerican cultures ancient civilizations photo essay gobekli tepe prepottery neolithic cult center ancient civilization lost maya village cerén ancient civilization great stone house shona ancestor great zimbabwe ancient civilizations invention american agriculture tehuacan valley ancient civilizations intrepid sailors settle pacific ocean ancient civilization bronze age drums fishing hunting vietnam ancient civilizations role plaza maya festivals ancient civilizations plague athens cause fall classical greece ancient civilizations cyrus great achaemenid dynasty ancient civilizations indus civilization timeline description ancient civilizations spiritual heart inca empire reside ancient civilization cause rise fall early bronze age minoans ancient civilization dong son drum mean people create ancient civilization religious political heart inca empire ancient civilizations areitos sung dance caribbean people record spanish ancient civilizations discover toltec city tula arose power ancient civilizations aztec empire society art economy politics religion ancient civilizations chalchiuhtlicue aztec water goddess sister rain god tlaloc ancient civilizations know catastrophe occur easter island ancient civilizations leif eriksson find grapes canada ancient civilizations pompeii rich residence house faun ancient civilizations year old bent pyramid teach architecture ancient civilizations pochteca elite powerful deeply distrusted traders mesoamerica ancient civilizations nasca draw line ancient civilizations timeline advances mesopotamian society ancient civilizations international swahili traders live ancient civilization viking living ancient civilizations archaeology iliad mycenaean culture ancient civilizations result nearly century excavations zhokoudian ancient civilizations marine mammals cetaceans seabirds fish kelp traveling chow ancient civilization science building ancient cold weather housing ancient civilizations ancient water control raised field farming oceania ancient civilizations virginia cactus hill site hold credible evidence preclovis ancient civilization role expansive maya trading network economy ancient civilizations japan hunter gatherers invent pottery ancient civilization inca control empire like romans good roads ancient civilization man oasis desert silk road travelers view social sciences psychology sociology archaeology economics economics ergonomics maritime view home learn new day email address sign error try thank sign error try thank sign follow facebook facebook flipboard flipboard science tech math humanities languages resource advertise privacy policy cookie policy careers editorial guidelines contact term use california privacy notice thoughtco dotdash publishing family
archaeology trent university archaeology archaeology archaeology preparation future experience program welcome related links latest news peterborough durham greater toronto area mytrent academics undergraduate program graduate program trent online summer courses continuing education study abroad academic calendar academic timetable academic skills centre academic advising library centre teaching learning admissions undergraduate think apply applied receive offer accept offer graduate international indigenous return trent transfer services support administrative departments alumni services athletics campus security careerspace colleges communications conferences financial aid financial services health wellness indigenous services information technology international students learning support parking printshop recruitment registrar office residence housing student clubs trentu card research research trent research centres find expert resource trent trent career give trent governance find media news events president office staff directory trent fact contact campus locations peterborough durham gta online future student undergraduate think apply applied receive offer accept offer graduate international indigenous return trent transfer current student alumni trent forward info apply visit map careers directions library site map bookstore trent forward learn response skip main content peterborough durham gta online mytrent search menu welcome experience program faculty research contact welcome experience program faculty research contact archaeology archaeology program trent large canada permanent faculty offer wide range course breadth discipline archaeology program offer different degree choice single major honours archaeology program joint major honours program consist archaeology program trent offer depend option take receive bachelor art bachelor science information degree available academic calendar analytical reasoning practical skill student gain classroom field lab provide solid foundation variety career choice student course archaeological field method laboratory technique archaeology different region world comparative archaeological study topic state formation warfare department regularly offer archaeological field school belize ontario greece addition sub discipline field committed training archaeologist conscious legal ethical role steward ambassador cultural heritage goal develop student round foundation archaeology highly adaptable skill set lead direction directly graduation student gain employment field contract archaeology archaeotourism choose pursue graduate professional training order access career opportunity cultural heritage management museum university related sector archaeology nature interdisciplinary trent use build knowledge method discipline economics material science biology geography environmental science experience offer undergraduate degree archaeology archaeology student certain course common order attain rounded basis archaeology welcome course degree program ancient greek roman studies anthropology biology history december trent university sparks research inspiration november act unexpected kindness inspire new book july trent university researchers receive nearly m federal funding insight grants challenge way think trent university respectfully acknowledge locate treaty traditional territory mississauga anishinaabeg offer gratitude peoples care teaching earth relation west bank drive peterborough canada k9l 0g2 toll free trent campus map thornton road south oshawa canada l1j 5y1 phone campus map social media directory contact direction site map accessibility copyright trent university
barcelona field studies centre fieldwork geography ecology biology field study centre study centre barcelona spain environmental geology barcelona field studies centre offer geography geology biology ecology environmental field study programme year field study site include barcelona surround natural parks coronavirus update river cross section creator beach dune profile creators independent investigation offline mobile map app level revision course edexcel igcse geography barcelona accommodation barcelona crime map barcelona income street street home page contact login tectonics fieldwork urban fieldwork ecology fieldwork coastal fieldwork river fieldwork compass read accommodation booking availability price price geography biology geology business study expand collapse barcelona endorsement barcelona centre centre administration brochure centre fact sheet classroom support code practice company contact coronavirus update courses equipment ethical fieldwork evaluation faq feedback financial security geography forum inspection visits insurance music tours office location postcard galleries privacy policy publication slide show site map site uptime staff calendar staff vacancie test user online value geography visitors book visitor online new accommodation accommodation calafell rural lodge hotel piccadilly hotel subur hotel victoria accommodation book availability provisional booking booking conditions booking form confirm booking faq small group price price pricing policy booking changes combined groups price pricing policy booking changes combined groups field study locations barcelona industry barcelona rural barcelona urban coastal locations collserola natural park ebro delta garraf natural park garrotxa volcanic park les garrigues llobregat delta location map malawi field visit montseny natural park montserrat natural park priorat river locations rural locations vall de nuria field study options agriculture biology fieldwork business studies climate coastal ecology ecosystems environmental impact geology glaciation government politics hazards history fieldwork industry issue landforms limestone malawi field visit pollution river rural change rural depopulation rural rebranding settlement slopes soils tourism urban volcanic landscapes water supply fieldwork methodology data presentation methodology sampling statistical methods techniques fieldwork support classroom support coursework examples coursework helpline data presentation fieldwork methods independent investigation nea student support sampling site data statistical methods password protection health safety culture issues emergencies fieldwork code foreign office advice general advice hotel security language survival planning political situation risk assessments risk management safety issues student safety terrorist attack guidelines weather forecast itineraries art biology business studies combined ecology geography geology government politics spanish language plan visit get barcelona independent investigation visit preparation bring syllabus options level overview aqa gce cambridge igcse edexcel gcse edexcel gcse b edexcel gce edexcel gce legacy edexcel igcse edexcel int level eduqas gcse gcse overview ib ocr gce university wjec gce extend learn level gcse glossaries google maps compass map read openstreetmap compass os maps compass tests compass interactive compass video word cloud search year year year password protection activities culture history geographical visit language courses leisure malawi field visit music tours tapas meal walk news news feeds links biology fieldwork currency converter geography links satellite map weather home page sunday december catalonia register new case coronavirus infection hour new death number current hospital admission rise yesterday total patient intensive care unit yesterday reproduction rate r0 fall epidemic recession infected people pass virus reduce epidemic day saturday december catalonia register new case coronavirus infection hour new death number current hospital admission fall yesterday total patient intensive care unit yesterday reproduction rate r0 fall epidemic recession infected people pass virus reduce epidemic day friday december ministry health register new infection yesterday update hour total number people infect start pandemic rise lethality virus continue fall currently death patient statistic include high death rate start pandemic death coronavirus register week death report friday total death pandemic rise datum exclude death residence symptom compatible undergo diagnostic test catalonia register new case coronavirus infection hour new death number current hospital admission fall yesterday total patient intensive care unit yesterday reproduction rate r0 fall slightly epidemic recession infected people pass virus reduce epidemic day barcelona coronavirus daily update advice visit group uk fco monday december 14th advise non essential travel spain exception canary islands river cross section maker create river cross section river fieldwork datum calculate cross sectional area wet perimeter hydraulic radius discharge process take minute transform previously awkward difficult task quick easy enter river width depth measurement cross section datum create download river channel cross section example sand dune profile maker create sand dune transect profile cumulative distance slope angle datum beach profile creator make beach profile cumulative width slope angle calculate cross sectional area beach volume beach profile datum entry option available enter transect cumulative distance change height slope angle datum beach dune profile create download dune profile example beach profile example range itinerary option aqa edexcel ocr eduqas allow school complete day fieldwork require level independent investigation provide support student independently prepare research question sampling strategy advance visit barcelona time allow student pilot investigation arrival day visit choose study area aqa independent investigation itinerary edexcel independent investigation ocr independent investigation itinerary wjec eduqas independent investigation independent investigation preparation nea student support nea teacher support offline mobile map app create data map field geo locate map marker support colour shading text numerical decimal datum image editable worksheet allow multiple datum input location provide app optional feature map image location marker visible data input download direct insertion document printing creation overlay processing offline map app data plotting example u6 geography students xaverian college take step close exam spend week january study interpret barcelona landscape preparation research paper xaverian college run u6 trip barcelona year prove successful term grade student enjoyment xaverian college u6 geography revision geography fieldwork opportunity edexcel igcse cover fieldwork requirement provide knowledge understanding essential syllabus content field study support igcse geography fieldwork opportunities handbook edexcel igcse geography fieldwork collsacabra landscape barcelona barcelona inner city high tech zone xaverian college u6 geography january barcelona inner city high tech zone barcelona field studies centre offer fully inclusive geography geology biology ecology environmental tourism field study course international school college year outstanding geographical environment fieldwork barcelona barcelona area offer range setting geography fieldwork unrivalle europe city barcelona present fascinating case study major theme urban growth development field study unspoiled national parks surround city include coastal management river process dune ecosystem limestone volcanic landscape field study centre information offer variety accommodation option group attend field study course artur martorell rural lodge calafell purpose build facility accommodation educational study group lie low end budget range group prefer hotel accommodation hotel piccadilly locate sitges spain attractive cosmopolitan prestigious resort popular choice accommodation crime map barcelona show high crime occur city old town ciutat vella district include el raval crime inhabitant analysis mossos catalan police datum inner city district receive million tourist year trigger high crime rate inhabitant barcelona crime map interactive map street street income datum barcelona reveal district strong contrast wealthy adjacent street datum provide range potential geographical investigation cause consequence inequality example area old manufacturing industry site close global tourist attraction sagrada família appear negative effect income consequent high level deprivation barcelona income street street copyright rights reserved barcelona field studies centre use website constitute acceptance privacy cookies policy page update
air quality meteorology air quality meteorology developmental course environmental protection agency conjunction national oceanic atmospheric administration table contents course description course outline course content interactive medium simulations line tutor relate line resources reference book list glossary credits mm5 meteorological model output overlaying satellite image courtesy epa ncar view large k image table contents course description course outline course content interactive medium simulations line tutor relate line resources reference book list glossary credits course design environmental decision maker scientist technical advisor educator scientist instructional design educator shodor education foundation north carolina supercomputing center north carolina industrial extension service north carolina state university represent step process determine recommend comprehensive modeling curriculum implement epa air pollution training institute state local agency university develop shodor education foundation copyright copy
geochemistry wikipedia geochemistry contents history edit subfields edit chemical element edit differentiation mix edit fractionation edit equilibrium edit kinetic edit cycle edit abundance element edit solar system edit meteorites edit giant planet edit terrestrial planet edit earth crust edit mineral constitution edit felsic intermediate mafic igneous rock edit trace metal ocean edit edit reference edit reading edit external link edit navigation menu personal tool namespaces variant view search navigation contribute tool print export project language wikipedia free encyclopedia jump navigation jump search science apply chemistry analyze geological system geochemistry science use tool principle chemistry explain mechanism major geological system earth crust ocean realm geochemistry extend earth encompass entire solar system important contribution understanding number process include mantle convection formation planet origin granite basalt integrated field chemistry geology geography history subfields chemical element differentiation mix fractionation equilibrium kinetic cycles abundance element solar system meteorites giant planet terrestrial planet earth crust mineral constitution felsic intermediate mafic igneous rock trace metal ocean reference read external link history edit victor goldschmidt term geochemistry swiss german chemist christian friedrich schönbein comparative geochemistry ought launch geochemistry geology mystery genesis planet inorganic matter reveal rest century common term chemical geology little contact geologist chemist geochemistry emerge separate discipline major laboratory establish start united states geological survey usgs begin systematic survey chemistry rock mineral chief usgs chemist frank wigglesworth clarke note element generally decrease abundance atomic weight increase summarize work elemental abundance data geochemistry composition meteorite investigate compare terrestrial rock early oliver farrington hypothesise difference relative abundance beginning field cosmochemistry contribute know formation earth solar system early 20th century max von laue william bragg show x ray scattering determine structure crystal 1920 1930 victor goldschmidt associate university oslo apply method common mineral formulate set rule element group goldschmidt publish work series geochemische verteilungsgesetze der elemente geochemical laws distribution elements subfield edit subfield geochemistry aqueous geochemistry study role element watershed include copper sulfur mercury elemental flux exchange atmospheric terrestrial aquatic interaction biogeochemistry field study focus effect life chemistry earth cosmochemistry include analysis distribution element isotope cosmo isotope geochemistry involve determination relative absolute concentration element isotope earth earth surface organic geochemistry study role process compound derive living live organism photogeochemistry study light induce chemical reaction occur occur natural component earth surface regional geochemistry include application environmental hydrological mineral exploration study chemical element edit building block material chemical element identify atomic number z number proton nucleus element value n number neutron nucleus sum mass number roughly equal atomic mass atom atomic number different neutron number call isotope give isotope identify letter element precede superscript mass number example common isotope chlorine cl cl know combination z n stable unstable isotope occur nature geochemistry stable isotope trace chemical pathway reaction isotope primarily date sample chemical behavior atom affinity element type bond form determine arrangement electron orbital particularly outermost valence electron arrangement reflect position element periodic table base position element fall broad group alkali metal alkaline earth metal transition metal semi metal know metalloid halogens noble gas lanthanide actinide useful classification scheme geochemistry goldschmidt classification place element main group lithophile combine easily oxygen element include na k si al ti mg dominate earth crust form silicate oxide siderophile element fe co ni pt os affinity iron tend concentrate core chalcophile element cu ag zn pb s form sulfide atmophile element o n h noble gas dominate atmosphere group element refractory remain stable high temperature volatile evaporate easily heating separate differentiation mix edit chemical composition earth body determine oppose process differentiation mix earth mantle differentiation occur mid ocean ridge partial melting refractory material remain base lithosphere remainder rise form basalt oceanic plate descend mantle convection eventually mix part erosion differentiate granite separate clay ocean floor sandstone edge continent dissolve mineral ocean water metamorphism anatexis partial melting crustal rock mix element ocean biological organism cause chemical differentiation dissolution organism waste mix material fractionation edit magmatic differentiation major source differentiation fractionation unequal distribution element isotope result chemical reaction phase change kinetic effect radioactivity large scale planetary differentiation physical chemical separation planet chemically distinct region example terrestrial planet form iron rich core silicate rich mantle crust earth mantle primary source chemical differentiation partial melting particularly near mid ocean ridge occur solid heterogeneous solid solution melt separate solid process know equilibrium batch melt solid melt remain equilibrium moment melt remove fractional rayleigh melt remove continuously isotopic fractionation mass dependent mass independent form molecule heavy isotope low ground state energy stable result chemical reaction small isotope dependence heavy isotope prefer specie compound high oxidation state phase change heavy isotope tend concentrate heavy phase mass dependent fractionation large light element difference masse large fraction total mass ratio isotope generally compare standard example sulfur stable isotope common s ratio concentration r s report δ s r r s s s r s ratio standard difference small ratio multiply part thousand refer part mil represent symbol equilibrium edit equilibrium fractionation occur chemical phase equilibrium equilibrium fractionation phase heavy phase prefer heavy isotope phase b effect represent factor b r r b b b liquid vapor phase transition water l v degree celsius o general fractionation great low temperature c factor kinetic edit equilibrium phase chemical compound kinetic fractionation occur example interface liquid water air forward reaction enhance humidity air water vapor move wind kinetic fractionation generally enhance compare equilibrium fractionation depend factor reaction rate reaction pathway bond energy light isotope generally weak bond tend react fast enrich reaction product biological fractionation form kinetic fractionation reaction tend direction biological organism prefer light isotope low energy cost break energy bond addition previously mention factor environment specie organism large effect fractionation cycle edit main article geochemical cycle climate model box model variety physical chemical process chemical element change concentration call geochemical cycle understanding change require detailed observation theoretical model chemical compound element isotope concentration function c r t position time impractical model variability instead approach borrow chemical engineering geochemist average concentration region earth call geochemical reservoir choice reservoir depend problem example ocean single reservoir split multiple reservoir type model call box model reservoir represent box input output geochemical model generally involve feedback simple case linear cycle input output reservoir proportional concentration example salt remove ocean formation evaporite give constant rate evaporation evaporite basin rate removal salt proportional concentration give component c input reservoir constant output kc constant k mass balance equation d c d t k c express fact change mass balance change input output time scale t k system approach steady state c steady k residence time define τ r e s c steady c steady o re o input output rate example steady state input output rate equal τ res k input output rate nonlinear function c closely balance time scale great residence time large fluctuation c case system close steady state low order expansion mass balance equation lead linear equation like equation system input output depend c result feedback tend maintain steady state external forcing perturb system return steady state time scale k abundance element edit main article abundance chemical element solar system edit abundance solar system element composition solar system similar star aside small anomaly assume form solar nebula uniform composition composition sun photosphere similar rest solar system composition photosphere determine fit absorption line spectrum model sun atmosphere far large element fraction total mass hydrogen helium remain element contribute general trend exponential decrease abundance increase atomic number element atomic number common odd numbered neighbor oddo harkins rule compare overall trend lithium boron beryllium deplete iron anomalously enrich pattern elemental abundance mainly factor hydrogen helium lithium form minute big bang rest create interior star meteorites edit meteorites come variety composition chemical analysis determine planetesimal melt differentiate chondrite undifferentiated round mineral inclusion call chondrule age billion year date early solar system particular kind ci chondrite composition closely match sun photosphere depletion volatile h c n o group element li b destroy nucleosynthesis sun group ci chondrite consider well match composition early solar system chemical analysis ci chondrites accurate photosphere generally source chemical abundance despite rareness recover earth giant planet edit cutaways illustrate model interior giant planet planet solar system divide group inner planet terrestrial planet mercury venus earth mars relatively small size rocky surface outer planet giant planet dominate hydrogen helium low mean density subdivide gas giant jupiter saturn ice giant uranus neptune large icy core direct information composition giant planet spectroscopy 1930 jupiter know contain hydrogen methane ammonium 1960 interferometry greatly increase resolution sensitivity spectral analysis allow identification great collection molecule include ethane acetylene water carbon monoxide earth base spectroscopy increasingly difficult remote planet reflect light sun dimmer spectroscopic analysis light planet detect vibration molecule infrared frequency range constrain abundance element h c element detect phosphorus gas phosphine ph germanium germane geh helium atom vibration ultraviolet range strongly absorb atmosphere outer planet earth despite abundance helium detect spacecraft send outer planet indirectly collision induce absorption hydrogen molecule information jupiter obtain galileo probe send atmosphere final mission cassini probe enter atmosphere saturn atmosphere jupiter find deplete factor compare solar composition ne factor surprising result noble gas element c n s enhance factor oxygen deplete attribute unusually dry region galileo sample spectroscopic method penetrate atmosphere jupiter saturn depth pressure equal bar approximately earth atmospheric pressure sea level galileo probe penetrate bar small fraction planet expect reach pressure mbar constrain composition interior thermodynamic model construct information temperature infrared emission spectra equation state likely composition high pressure experiment predict hydrogen metallic liquid interior jupiter saturn uranus neptune remain molecular state estimates depend model formation planet condensation presolar nebula result gaseous planet composition sun planet form solid core capture nebular gas current model giant planet core rock ice roughly size proportion hydrogen helium decrease earth masse jupiter saturn uranus neptune gas giant primarily compose hydrogen helium ice giant primarily compose heavy element o c n s primarily form water methane ammonia surface cold molecular hydrogen liquid planet likely hydrogen ocean overlay heavy compound outside core jupiter mantle liquid metallic hydrogen atmosphere molecular hydrogen helium metallic hydrogen mix helium saturn form separate layer metallic hydrogen terrestrial planet edit composition mars terrestrial planet believe come nebular material giant planet lose light element different history planet close sun expect high fraction refractory element later stage formation involve collision large object orbit sample different part solar system little systematic dependence position direct information mars venus mercury largely come spacecraft mission gamma ray spectrometer composition crust mars measure mars odyssey orbiter crust venus venera mission venus crust mercury messenger spacecraft additional information mars come meteorite land earth shergottites nakhlites chassignites collectively know snc meteorite abundance constrain masse planet internal distribution element constrain moment inertia planet condense solar nebula detail composition determine fractionation cool phase condense fall group condense material rich refractory element al follow nickel iron magnesium silicate kelvin k fe volatile rich metal silicate form fourth group fifth group feo enter magnesium silicate composition planet moon chondritic mean group ratio element carbonaceous chondrite estimate planetary composition depend model equilibrium condensation model planet form feeding zone composition solid determine temperature zone mercury form k iron remain pure metallic form little magnesium silicon solid form venus k magnesium silicon condense earth k contain fe silicate mars k feo incorporate magnesium silicate great problem theory volatile condense planet atmosphere earth atmosphere chondritic mix model composition chondrite estimate planetary composition example model mix component composition c1 chondrite refractory component c1 chondrite model abundance fractionation group estimate index element group refractory group uranium iron second ratio potassium thallium uranium molar ratio mgo thermal seismic model heat flow density fe constrain percent earth venus mercury u constrain earth abundance planet base educate guess difficulty model significant error prediction volatile abundance volatile partially condense earth crust edit abundance element earth crust common rock constituent nearly oxide chloride sulfide fluoride important exception total rock usually clarke calculate little earth crust consist oxygen occur principally combination oxide chief silica alumina iron oxide carbonate calcium carbonate magnesium carbonate sodium carbonate potassium carbonate silica function principally acid form silicate common mineral igneous rock nature computation base analysis numerous kind rock clarke arrive following average percentage composition earth crust sio al o fe o na k h tio p o total constituent occur small quantity usually oxide combine haphazard way example potash potassium carbonate soda sodium carbonate combine produce feldspar case form nepheline leucite muscovite great majority instance find feldspar phosphoric acid lime calcium carbonate form apatite titanium dioxide ferrous oxide give rise ilmenite lime form lime feldspar magnesium carbonate iron oxide silica crystallize olivine enstatite alumina lime form complex ferromagnesian silicate pyroxene amphibole biotite chief excess silica require neutralize basis separate quartz excess alumina crystallize corundum regard general tendency possible rock analysis approximately mineral rock contain numerous exception rule mineral constitution edit acid siliceous igneous rock contain great silica know felsic rock quartz abundant igneous rock basic rock contain silica rare contain silicon refer mafic rock magnesium iron average silica low olivine expect silica present great quantity ferromagnesian mineral augite hornblende enstatite biotite occur olivine potash high silica relatively low leucite present leucite occur free quartz nepheline likewise usually find rock soda comparatively little silica high alkali soda bear pyroxene amphibole present low percentage silica alkali great prevalence plagioclase feldspar contract soda potash feldspar earth crust compose silicate mineral abundance earth follow plagioclase feldspar alkali feldspar quartz pyroxene amphibole micas clay mineral remain silicate mineral earth crust earth compose non silicate mineral carbonate oxide sulfide determine factor physical condition attend consolidation play small means negligible certain mineral practically confine deep seat intrusive rock microcline muscovite diallage leucite rare plutonic masse mineral special peculiarity microscopic character accord crystallize depth near surface hypersthene orthoclase quartz curious instance rock have chemical composition consist entirely different mineral hornblendite gran norway contain hornblende composition camptonite locality contain feldspar hornblende different variety connection repeat say corrosion porphyritic mineral igneous rock rhyolite trachyte early crystal hornblende biotite find great number partially convert augite magnetite hornblende biotite stable pressure condition surface unstable high level ground mass rock augite universally present plutonic representative magma granite syenite contain biotite hornblende far commonly augite felsic intermediate mafic igneous rock edit rock contain silica crystallize yield free quartz form group generally designate felsic rock contain silica magnesia iron quartz absent olivine usually abundant form mafic group intermediate rock include characterize general absence quartz olivine important subdivision contain high percentage alkali especially soda consequently mineral nepheline leucite common rock separate alkali soda rock corresponding series mafic rock lastly small sub group rich olivine feldspar call ultramafic rock low percentage silica iron magnesia practically rock contain felspar feldspathoid mineral acid rock common feldspar orthoclase perthite microcline oligoclase have silica alkali mafic rock labradorite anorthite bytownite prevail rich lime poor silica potash soda augite common ferromagnesian mafic rock biotite hornblende frequent felsic rock common minerals felsic intermediate mafic ultramafic quartz orthoclase oligoclase mica hornblende augite little quartz orthoclase hornblende augite biotite little quartz plagioclase hornblende augite biotite quartz plagioclase augite olivine felspar augite hornblende olivine plutonic abyssal type granite syenite diorite gabbro peridotite intrusive hypabyssal type quartz porphyry orthoclase porphyry porphyrite dolerite picrite lavas effusive type rhyolite obsidian trachyte andesite basalt komatiite rocks contain leucite nepheline partly wholly replace felspar include table essentially intermediate mafic character consequence regard variety syenite diorite gabbro etc feldspathoid mineral occur transition syenite ordinary type nepheline leucite syenite gabbro dolerite theralite essexite mineral develop alkali rock uncommon convenient purely formal classification like outline treat assemblage distinct series nepheline leucite bear rock common minerals alkali feldspar nepheline leucite augite hornblend biotite soda lime feldspar nepheline leucite augite hornblende olivine nepheline leucite augite hornblende olivine plutonic type nepheline syenite leucite syenite nepheline porphyry essexite theralite ijolite missourite effusive type lavas phonolite leucitophyre tephrite basanite nepheline basalt leucite basalt classification base essentially mineralogical constitution igneous rock chemical distinction different group imply relegate subordinate position admittedly artificial grow growth science adopt basis minute subdivision erect subdivision means equal value syenite example peridotite far important granite diorite gabbro effusive andesite correspond plutonic diorite partly gabbro different kind rock regard aggregate mineral pass gradually transitional type common important receive special name quartz syenite nordmarkite interpose granite syenite tonalite adamellite granite diorite monzonite syenite diorite norite hyperite diorite gabbro trace metal ocean edit trace metal readily form complex major ion ocean include hydroxide carbonate chloride chemical speciation change depend environment oxidize reduce benjamin define complex metal type ligand water mixed ligand complex case ligand contain donor atom form strong complex call chelate ligand chelator common chelator edta ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid replace molecule water form strong bond metal plus charge strong complexation low activity free metal ion observe consequence low reactivity complexe metal compare concentration free metal chelation tend stabilize metal aqueous solution instead solid concentrations trace metal cadmium copper molybdenum manganese rhenium uranium vanadium sediment record redox history ocean aquatic environment form cdcl aq oxic water reduced environment high concentration cd marine sediment indicate low redox potential condition past prevalent form cucl aq oxic environment cu s reduced environment reduced seawater environment lead possible oxidation state copper molybdenum present oxidation state moo aq oxic environment present reduced environment form moo aq mos rhenium present oxidation state reo oxic condition reduce form reo res uranium oxidation state vi uo co aq find reduce form uo s vanadium form oxidation state hvo h vo reduced form include vo relative dominance specie depend ph water column ocean deep lake vertical profile dissolved trace metal characterize follow conservative type nutrient type scavenged type distribution distribution trace metal different residence time vary extent planktonic microorganism trace metal conservative type distribution high concentration relative biological use example trace metal conservative type distribution molybdenum residence time ocean x year generally present molybdate anion moo molybdenum interact weakly particle display uniform vertical profile ocean relative abundance molybdenum ocean require metal cofactor enzyme marine phytoplankton negligible trace metal nutrient type distribution strongly associate internal cycle particulate organic matter especially assimilation plankton low dissolved concentration metal surface ocean assimilate plankton dissolution decomposition occur great depth concentration trace metal increase residence time metal zinc thousand thousand year finally example scavenged type trace metal aluminium strong interaction particle short residence time ocean residence time scavenge type trace metal year concentration metal high sediment hydrothermal vent river aluminium atmospheric dust provide great source external input ocean iron copper hybrid distribution ocean influence recycle intense scavenging iron limit nutrient vast area ocean find high abundance manganese near hydrothermal vent iron precipitate find form iron sulfide oxidize iron oxyhydroxide compound concentration iron near hydrothermal vent million time concentration find open ocean electrochemical technique possible bioactive trace metal zinc cobalt cadmium iron copper bind organic ligand surface seawater ligand complex serve lower bioavailability trace metal ocean example copper toxic open ocean phytoplankton bacteria form organic complex formation complex reduce concentration bioavailable inorganic complex copper toxic sea life high concentration unlike copper zinc toxicity marine phytoplankton low advantage increase organic binding zn high nutrient low chlorophyll region iron limit nutrient dominant specie strong organic complex edit biogeochemical cycle geochemical cycle important publication geochemistry petrology tephrochronology references edit b c d e f g albarède francis geochemistry introduction translate french 5th ed cambridge cambridge univ press isbn b mcsween jr harry huss gary cosmochemistry cambridge university press isbn b c d kragh helge geochemistry cosmochemistry origin scientific discipline reinhardt carsten ed chemical sciences 20th century bridge boundaries john wiley sons pp isbn b c d e f g h j k l m mcsween harry richardson steven uhle maria geochemistry pathway process 2nd ed new york columbia university isbn white william geochemistry unpublished retrieve march mason brian victor moritz goldschmidt father modern geochemistry san antonio tex geochemical society isbn welcome gps geochemistry gps research program california institute technology retrieve october langmuir donald aqueous environmental geochemistry upper saddle river prentice hall isbn schlesinger william bernhardt emily biogeochemistry analysis global change ed academic press isbn kendall carol caldwell eric chapter fundamental isotope geochemistry kendall mcdonnell eds isotope tracers catchment hydrology amsterdam elsevier science pp retrieved october killops stephen killops vanessa introduction organic geochemistry john wiley sons isbn doane ta survey photogeochemistry geochem trans doi s12932 pmc pmid garrett reimann smith xie november geochemical prospecting international geochemical mapping historical overview table geochemistry exploration environment analysis doi s2cid mcsween harry huss gary cosmochemistry cambridge university press isbn olson gerald schubert donald turcotte peter mantle convection earth planet cambridge cambridge univ press isbn wilson marjorie igneous petrogenesis dordrecht springer isbn b c d e kendall carol caldwell eric chapter fundamental isotope geochemistry kendall carol mcdonnell eds isotope tracer catchment hydrology amsterdam elsevier pp isbn retrieve october b hoefs jochen isotope fractionation process select element stable isotope geochemistry doi isbn b c d lasaga antonio berner robert april fundamental aspect quantitative model geochemical cycle chemical geology bibcode 161l doi s0009 datum table cameron september abundance element solar system space science reviews bibcode 1973ssrv 121c doi bf00172440 s2cid b c d palme jones solar system abundance element pdf holland turekian eds treatise geochemistry volume meteorites comets planet 1st ed oxford elsevier science pp doi b0 isbn retrieved october lodders katharina july solar system abundances condensation temperatures elements astrophysical journal bibcode 2003apj citeseerx doi middlemost eric magmas rocks planetary development survey magma igneous rock systems routledge isbn encrenaz therese bibring jean pierre blanc barucci maria antonietta roques francoise zarka philippe solar system 3rd ed berlin springer isbn b c d e f g h j lewis john physics chemistry solar system burlington elsevier science isbn atreya mahaffy niemann wong owen february composition origin atmosphere jupiter update implication extrasolar giant planet planetary space science bibcode 105a doi s0032 b c fortney jonathan march viewpoint peer jupiter physics doi netburn deborah september nasa cassini mission flame saturn scientist mark bittersweet end mission los angeles times retrieve october lang kenneth uranus neptune nasa cosmos tufts university retrieved october b anderson don new theory earth cambridge university press isbn grs jet propulsion laboratory retrieve october rhodes edgar evans larry nittler larry starr richard sprague ann lawrence david mccoy timothy stockstill cahill karen goldsten john peplowski patrick hamara david boynton william solomon sean december analysis messenger gamma ray spectrometer datum mercury flybys planetary space science bibcode doi kieffer hugh ed mars 2nd ed tucson university arizona press isbn b morgan john anders edward december chemical composition earth venus mercury proceeding national academy sciences united states america bibcode 1980pnas m doi jstor pmc pmid b c d e f g precede sentence incorporate text publication public domain flett john smith petrology chisholm hugh ed encyclopædia britannica 11th ed cambridge university press pp accord cite klein hurlbut manual mineralogy 21st edition john wiley sons nameroff t balistrieri l murray j suboxic trace metal geochemistry eastern tropic north pacific geochimica et cosmochimica acta bibcode 2002gecoa doi s0016 b benjamin m water chemistry university washington isbn b c d bruland k lohan m control trace metals seawater holland turekian eds treatise geochemistry volume oceans marine geochemistry pp bibcode 2003trgeo 23b doi b0 read edit faure gunter mensing teresa isotope principle application 3rd ed new jersey wiley isbn holland turekian eds treatise geochemistry 1st ed oxford elsevier science isbn marshall fairbridge eds geochemistry berlin springerlink isbn natural environment research council geochemistry data model retrieved october rollinson hugh geochemical datum evaluation presentation interpretation repr ed harlow longman isbn white william geochemistry unpublished retrieve march external link edit geochemistry igneous rock gunn interactive v t e geology overviews outline geology glossary geology history geology index geology article history geology geochronology geological history earth timeline geology сomposition structure geochemistry crystallography mineralogy petrology sedimentology historical geology stratigraphy paleontology paleoclimatology palaeogeography motion structural geology geodynamics plate tectonic geomorphology volcanology water glaciology hydrogeology marine geology geophysics geodesy geomagnetism geophysical survey seismology tectonophysics applications biogeology economic geology engineering geology environmental geology planetary geology geobiology geologic model forensic geology forensic geophysic mining geology occupations geologist petroleum geologist volcanologist geology earth science geology v t e branch chemistry glossary chemical formulae list biomolecules list inorganic compound periodic table physical electrochemistry thermochemistry chemical thermodynamic surface science interface colloid science micromeritics cryochemistry sonochemistry spectroscopy structural chemistry crystallography chemical physics chemical kinetic femtochemistry quantum chemistry spin chemistry photochemistry equilibrium chemistry organic biochemistry molecular biology cell biology bioorganic chemistry chemical biology clinical chemistry neurochemistry biophysical chemistry stereochemistry physical organic chemistry organic reaction retrosynthetic analysis enantioselective synthesis total synthesis semisynthesis medicinal chemistry pharmacology fullerene chemistry polymer chemistry petrochemistry dynamic covalent chemistry inorganic coordination chemistry magnetochemistry organometallic chemistry organolanthanide chemistry bioinorganic chemistry bioorganometallic chemistry physical inorganic chemistry cluster chemistry crystallography solid state chemistry metallurgy ceramic chemistry material science analytical instrumental chemistry electroanalytical method spectroscopy ir raman uv vis nmr mass spectrometry ei icp maldi separation process chromatography gc hplc femtochemistry crystallography characterization titration wet chemistry nuclear chemistry radiochemistry radiation chemistry actinide chemistry cosmochemistry astrochemistry stellar chemistry geochemistry biogeochemistry environmental chemistry atmospheric chemistry ocean chemistry clay chemistry carbochemistry petrochemistry food chemistry carbohydrate chemistry food physical chemistry agricultural chemistry chemistry education amateur chemistry general chemistry clandestine chemistry forensic chemistry post mortem chemistry nanochemistry supramolecular chemistry chemical synthesis green chemistry click chemistry combinatorial chemistry biosynthesis computational chemistry mathematical chemistry theoretical chemistry history chemistry nobel prize chemistry timeline chemistry element discovery central science chemical reaction catalysis chemical element chemical compound atom molecule ion chemical substance chemical bond category commons portal wikiproject authority control gnd nara ndl retrieve category geochemistry earth science hide category cs1 long volume value wikipedia article incorporate citation encyclopaedia britannica wikisource reference wikipedia article incorporate text encyclopædia britannica articles short description short description different wikidata wikipedia article gnd identifier wikipedia article nara identifier wikipedia article ndl identifier personal tool log talk contributions create account log namespaces article talk variant view read edit view history search navigation main page content current event random article wikipedia contact donate 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home geomatics engineering schulich school engineering university calgary department geomatics engineer program research faculty member news event contact skip main content search toggle toolbox search ucalgary webmail d2l iriss archibus hr library dinos class schedule ucalgary directory continuing education careers bookstore active live academic calendar ucalgary map faculty website close faculty websites list viewing faculty websites cumming school medicine faculty arts faculty graduate studies faculty kinesiology faculty law faculty nursing faculty nursing qatar faculty science faculty social work faculty veterinary medicine haskayne school business school architecture planning landscape schulich school engineering werklund school education schulich school engineering department geomatics engineering toggle navigation programs programs undergraduate undergraduate bsc geomatics engineering graduate graduate master engineering course base master science thesis base doctor philosophy program resource research research research area research facility faculty members news events contacts department find degree explore detail find person know map earth connect people land sea space emmanuel stefanakis phd department head geomatics engineering stay date department find search faculty staff member explore directory department geomatics engineering digital privacy statement privacy policy website feedback university calgary university drive nw calgary alberta t2n 1n4 canada copyright
science explained explain montserrat volcano volcano montserrat volcano quot tectonic plate movement understand plate ride atop magmatic convection cell top cell question concern origin convection dr jamie love january long time ago southern caribbean latitude north longitude west map undersea volcano erupt ocean floor spew lava molten rock volcano build undersea mountain grow high high eventually grow surface sea beginning island montserrat eventually volcano calm life colonize tropical paradise year later volcano active time slightly north old vent eruption large produce rest island new volcanic mountain reach kilometer sky mile high year ago second series eruption stop montserrat volcano appear calm couple year later europeans african slave colonize tiny x km tropical island call high south island soufriére hills call north soufriére hills distinguish old dead volcano generation think fact home volcanic reminder warning rumbling year ago island stir noticeable shake earthquake little damage rumble earth soon forget warning come montserrat shake earthquake mid mid recently earthquake cause magma squeeze volcano high pressure way magma molten rock underground reach surface call lava long period earthquake geologist probably cause movement magma crack deep rock people worry montserrat home earthquake people think piece volcano blow mid july montserrat volcano start produce earthquake day later july 18th volcano crater produce phreatic explosion phreatic explosion phreatic pronounce free tick greek word eruption go mean sense water ground magma meet ground water huge steam produce quickly quickly explosion explosion like explosion cause dynamite inherently explosive chemical water magma energy phreatic explosion cause huge increase pressure occur ground molten rock heat ground water turn water steam similar explosion pressure cooker suddenly rupture early earthquake cause hide phreatic explosion ground able shake contain folk see explosion volcano blow steam calm wrong instead phreatic explosion volcano start blow steam frequently phreatic emission everyday event month later dome start grow magma dome form magma push upward cause land bulge deformation good sign mean well magma make way surface like balloon get ready pop completely true magma dome pop collapse magma dome builds grow push surface eventually surface give way weight dome collapse release lava march 29th magma dome collapse release lava produce pyroclastic flow pyroclastic mean fire rock pretty good description come pour kind volcano flow pyroclastic truly dangerous pyroclastic flow lava hot rock gas flow like water lot fast pyroclastic flow people think eruption pyroclastic flow produce death destruction quickly soufriére hills produce pyroclastic flow year know stop bad june 25th large pyroclastic flow come soufriére hills matter minute dump million cubic meter lava cover square kilometer east island kill people destroy home close pyroclastic flow die heat ignite building clothing poisonous gas mix obvious worry tephra pronounce tef ra produce soufriére hills volcano tephra scientific volcanic ash year people call stuff fall volcanic cloud ash geologist like use word argue true ash product combustion true ash burning tree home cause pyroclastic flow tephra geologist tell tiny fragment lava emit volcano distinguish ashe ash volcano tephra reserve word ash ash watch tv volcano geologist friend time fellow tv say ash friend shout tephra guy tv correct error geologist come funny word tephra greek ash tephra cloud montserrat big june 25th explosion rise kilometer fall west island cover town plymouth tephra fall earth cool away tephra fall volcano time cool fall air tephra cloud hot time cool year ad volcano italy call vesuvius erupt dump great deal tephra nearby city pompeii herculaneum hot cover people cloud hot tephra die quick painful death century later body discover hollow statue sculptured rock coat human body decay away geologist call stuff hot tephra insist describe pyroclastic flow tephra pick tephra cool quickly fall close source tephra nuisance mount st helens explode watch scene tv tephra fall place like black snow evacuation usa air force base philippines mount pinatubo erupt tephra thick turn noonday black like nighttime danger volcano lahar lahar pronounce la har indonesian word mud flow guess greeks word lahar mixture volcanic material water common problem volcanic area large volume ice snow volcano lava melt huge glacial ice release huge water water rush away carry material result wall flow mud large move fast think lahar impossible tropical island montserrat wrong ok snow field glacier montserrat hot humid air column volcanic tephra rise upper atmosphere commonly trigger storm tiny bits tephra act point water condensation rain mud mud rain fall torrent produce mud flow force sweep car away bury drown people lahars cause normal rainstorm fall large amount tephra tephra leave cover philippines pinatubo eruption produce lahars rain storm people kill pinatubo lahar pinatubo eruption tephra fall montserrat lahars problem rain despite excitement montserrat volcano typical volcano technically call strato volcano build layer old eruption strato word geologist like use layer kind volcano composite volcano referring fact erupt produce lava pyroclastic flow strato composite volcano common type volcano common feature montserrat volcano magma create subduction local tectonic plate huh mean plate earth crust meet push get push material plate get push squeeze heat melt magma rise surface create volcano montserrat like volcano feed subduction nearby tectonic plate typical thing montserrat volcano behavior predict volcano like montserrat explode geologist monitor kind volcano tell thing get tense like volcano montserrat volcano start warn fate phreatic activity earthquake sign magma formation magma dome sure sign magma approach surface geologist monitor montserrat mount st helens mount pinatubo similar volcano careful watch potential hazard earthquake common sign magma movement geologist notice phreatic activity increase worry constantly monitor magma dome dome deform fast likely dome collapse release lava stream pyroclastic flow geologist monitor volcano vulcanologist predict exact time explosion likely explode kind relative monitor volcano behavior earthquake phreatic activity magma dome distortion order educate guess warn explode issue alert call people near troubled area leave immediately wrong right warning save life people live active volcano montserrat mount pinatubo mount st helens comment question volcano feel free send letter editor promise answer question address comment post particularly good one david ask plate ride atop convection cell drag cell area subduction subducte material deep geological standard soon pop surface volcano earth surface buoyant material convection cell ask convection earth get rid deep heat convection convection transfer heat motion molecule heat pot water hot water move upward reach surface water cool give lot heat air water sink pot go continuously heat pot series form hot water form upward cell water form downward cell convection cell molten rock constantly churn away far bring heat earth interior close surface heat release material sink complete cycle cell heat release surface means heat transfer call conduction transfer heat molecule molecule move convection convection cell approach surface earth hot earth cool sky water sufficient allow heat escape energetic mean conduction place warm hand cold piece metal transmit heat hand metal conduction molecule hand metal instead molecule heat pass like bucket brigade meter surface earth rock heat degree centigrade meter depth conduction heat top convection cell upper meter obvious thermal gradient heat reach surface pick air water carry away atmospheric oceanic convection conduction heat small cause formation atmospheric oceanic convection cell local weather ocean condition dominate heat transfer earth surface ultimately heat lose space confused radioactive material radiation regard heat transfer loss heat give light molecule move molecule accept heat neighbor molecule radiation way body space planet spaceship etc lose heat give spectrum call know mean heat transfer convection hot molecule motion conduction molecule pass heat neighbor radiation molecule give invisible light energy david go ask source heat come source heat generate pressure cause gravity squeeze rock leave earth form billion year ago residual heat impact collide material earth finally heat radioactive decay surprise think heat generate naturally occur rock chunk granite contain radioactive element thorium th uranium u produce heat decay heat allow escape rock melt million year easy imagine radioactivity contribute earth internal heat geologist agree heat generate radioactive decay big producer heat sun remain earth interior comment question lunar water feel free send letter editor promise answer question address comment post particularly good one return science explained homepage
quaternary wikipedia quaternary contents research history edit geology edit climate edit quaternary glaciation edit glacial period edit edit reference edit external link edit navigation menu personal tool namespaces variant view search navigation contribute tool print export project language wikipedia free encyclopedia jump navigation jump search current period cenozoic era million year ago use quaternary disambiguation quaternary ma preꞓ ꞓ o s d c p t j k pg n mollweide projection present day earth chronology epochs quaternary period box view talk edit c e n o z o c neogene q u t e r n r y p l e s t o c e n e gelasian calabrian chibanian upper meghalayan northgrippian greenlandian epochs quaternary period axis scale million year ago etymology formality formal usage information celestial body earth usage global ics time ics time scale definition chronological unit period stratigraphic unit system time span formality formal low boundary definition base magnetic polarity chronozone c2r matuyama extinction haptophytes discoaster pentaradiatus discoaster surculus low boundary gssp monte san nicola section gela sicily italy n e gssp ratify base quaternary pleistocene upper boundary definition n upper boundary gssp n gssp ratify n atmospheric climatic data mean atmospheric o content vol modern level mean atmospheric co content ppm time pre industrial level mean surface temperature c c modern level quaternary k w ə ˈ t ɜːr n ə r ˈ k w ɒ t ər ˌ n ɛr tur ree kwot nerr ee current recent period cenozoic era geologic time scale international commission stratigraphy ics follow neogene period span million year ago present quaternary period divide epoch pleistocene million year ago thousand year ago holocene thousand year ago today informal term late quaternary refer past million year quaternary period typically define cyclic growth decay continental ice sheet relate milankovitch cycle associated climate environmental change cause research history geology climate quaternary glaciation glacial period reference external link research history edit giovanni arduino propose geological strata northern italy divide successive formation order italian quattro ordini term quaternary introduce jules desnoyers sediment france seine basin clearly young tertiary period rock quaternary period follow neogene period extend present quaternary cover time span glaciation classify pleistocene include present interglacial time period holocene place start quaternary onset northern hemisphere glaciation approximately million year ago prior pleistocene define million year ago present current definition pleistocene include portion prior define pliocene quaternary stratigrapher usually work regional subdivision 1970 international commission stratigraphy ics try single geologic time scale base gssp internationally quaternary subdivision define base biostratigraphy instead paleoclimate lead problem propose base pleistocene mya long start major glaciation northern hemisphere ics propose abolish use quaternary altogether appear unacceptable international union quaternary research inqua decide quaternary young period cenozoic era base mya include gelasian stage consider neogene period pliocene epoch anthropocene propose epoch mark anthropogenic impact global environment start industrial revolution year ago anthropocene officially designate ics working group work proposal creation epoch sub period geology edit information quaternary geology million year quaternary represent time recognizable human exist geologically short time period relatively little change distribution continent plate tectonic quaternary geological record preserve great detail early period major geographical change time period include emergence strait bosphorus skagerrak glacial epoch respectively turn black sea baltic sea fresh water follow flooding return salt water rise sea level periodic filling english channel form land bridge britain european mainland periodic closing bering strait form land bridge asia north america periodic flash flooding scablands american northwest glacial water current extent hudson bay great lakes major lake north america consequence canadian shield readjustment ice age different shoreline exist course quaternary time climate edit climate periodic glaciation continental glacier move far pole degree latitude major extinction large mammal northern area end pleistocene epoch form saber toothe cat mammoth mastodon glyptodont etc extinct worldwide include horse camel american cheetah extinct north america quaternary glaciation edit main article quaternary glaciation glaciation take place repeatedly quaternary ice age term coin schimper begin start quaternary mya continue present day glacial period edit artist impression earth glacial maximum main article glacial period swiss engineer ignaz venetz present article suggest presence trace passage glacier considerable distance alps idea initially dispute swiss scientist louis agassiz undertake disprove end affirm colleague hypothesis year later agassiz raise hypothesis great glacial period long reach general effect idea gain international fame lead establishment glacial theory time thank refinement geology demonstrate period glacial advance retreat past temperature earth different today particular milankovitch cycle milutin milankovitch base premise variation incoming solar radiation fundamental factor control earth climate time substantial glacier advance retreat north america europe part south america asia antarctica great lakes form giant mammal thrive part north america eurasia cover ice mammal extinct glacial period age end year ago modern human evolve year ago quaternary period mammal flower plant insect dominate land citation need edit list quaternary volcanic eruption quaternary extinction event quaternary science reference edit gibbard philip head martin september newly ratify definition quaternary system period redefinition pleistocene series epoch comparison proposal advance prior formal ratification pdf episode retrieve december b c cohen finney gibbard fan international chronostratigraphic chart pdf ics retrieve june earthquake glossary late quaternary geological survey denton anderson toggweiler edwards schaefer putnam glacial termination science bibcode 2010sci citeseerx doi pmid s2cid lowe walker reconstruct quaternary environment routledge isbn arduino giovanni lettera segonda di giovanni arduino sopra varie sue osservazioni fatte diverse parti del territorio di vicenza ed altrove apparenenti alla teoria terrestre ed alla mineralogia second letter giovani arduino observation different part territory vincenza concern theory earth mineralogy nuova raccolta scientifici e filologici new collection scientific philogical pamphlet italian available museo galileo florence firenze italy clviii quanto ho potuto sinora osservavare la serie di questi strati che compongono la corteccia visibile della terra mi pare distinta quattro ordini generali e successivi senza considerarvi il mare far able observe series layer compose visible crust earth distinct general order successive consider sea english translation ell theodore letter signor giovanni arduino concern natural observation english translation earth sciences history doi desnoyers observation sur un ensemble de dépôts marin plus récent que les terrains tertiaire du bassin de la seine et constituant une formation géologique distincte précédées aperçu de la nonsimultanéité des bassin tertiare observation set marine deposit recent tertiary terrain seine basin constitute distinct geological formation precede outline non simultaneity tertiary basin annales des sciences naturelles french ce que je désirerais not il faut également les distinguer desire prove series tertiary deposit continue begin recent basin long time seine completely fill later formation quaternary retain alluvial deposit true ancient tertiary deposit distinguish page desnoyers abandon use term quaternary distinction quaternary tertiary deposit clear la crainte de voir mal comprise que ceux du bassin de la seine fear see opinion regard misunderstand exaggerate abandon word quaternary want apply deposit recent seine basin late quaternary fluvial coastal sequences chapter introduction pdf retrieved march wiz science quaternary video learning retrieve version ics geologic time scale zalasiewicz williams haywood ellis anthropocene new epoch geological time pdf philosophical transactions royal society bibcode 835z doi pmid s2cid working group anthropocene subcomission quaternary stratigraphy retrieve june haynes stanford camelops pdf archive original pdf extinct american cheetah fact sheet archive original retrieve external link edit wikisource original work topic subcommission quaternary stratigraphy stratigraphical chart quaternary version history global quaternary chronostratigraphical chart 2004b silva zazo bardají baena lario rosas van der tabla cronoestratigrafíca del cuaternario en la península ibérica versión pdf mb asociación española para el estudio del cuaternario aequa departamento de geología universidad de salamanca spain correlation chart european quaternary cultural stage fossil welcome xviii inqua congress bern quaternary chronostratigraphy scale medium relate quaternary wikimedia commons v t e quaternary period pleistocene epoch holocene epoch early middle late meghalayan northgrippian greenlandian preboreal boreal atlantic subboreal subatlantic v t e geological history earth cenozoic era ma quaternary ma holocene ka pleistocene ma neogene ma pliocene ma miocene ma paleogene ma oligocene ma eocene ma paleocene ma mesozoic era ma cretaceous ma late ma early ma jurassic ma late ma middle ma early ma triassic ma late ma middle ma early ma paleozoic era ma permian ma lopingian ma guadalupian ma cisuralian ma carboniferous ma pennsylvanian ma mississippian ma devonian ma silurian ma pridoli ma ludlow ma wenlock ma llandovery ma ordovician ma cambrian ma furongian ma miaolingian ma series ma terreneuvian ma proterozoic eon ga neoproterozoic ga ediacaran ma cryogenian ma tonian ga mesoproterozoic ga stenian ga ectasian ga calymmian ga paleoproterozoic ga statherian ga orosirian ga rhyacian ga siderian ga archean eon ga neoarchean ga mesoarchean ga paleoarchean ga eoarchean ga hadean eon ga ka kiloannum thousand year ago ma megaannum million year ago ga gigaannum billion year ago geologic time scale v t e physical geography atmospheric science meteorology biogeography phytogeography climatology paleoclimatology palaeogeography coastal geography oceanography soil science pedology edaphology geobiology geology geomorphology geostatistics glaciology hydrology limnology landscape ecology quaternary science category portal commons authority control gnd ndl retrieve category quaternary cenozoic cenozoic geochronology geological period physical geography physical oceanography hide category cs1 italian language source cs1 french language source 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palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology journal elsevier palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology international medium publication high quality multidisciplinary original palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology international journal geo sciences author instruction useful link check submit paper track accept paper palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology menu search search result page result page result page result page home journals palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology issn editor professor thomas algeo alexander dickson phd howard falcon lang paul hesse professor isabel montanez professor shucheng xie ph d view editorial board citescore citescore measure average citation receive peer review document publish title citescore value base citation count range year peer review document article review conference paper data paper book chapter publish calendar year divide number document year impact factor impact factor measure average number citation receive particular year paper publish journal precede year journal citation reports clarivate analytics citescore ℹ impact factor ℹ submit paper support open access view articles guide author download guide authors pdf view guide authors online journal finder download understanding publishing process pdf indexing track paper check status submit manuscript submission system production article start track status article track accepted article order journal institutional subscription personal subscription sample issue journal metrics citescore ℹ citescore citescore measure average citation receive peer review document publish title citescore value base citation count range year peer review document article review conference paper data paper book chapter publish calendar year divide number document year impact factor ℹ impact factor impact factor measure average number citation receive particular year paper publish journal precede year journal citation reports clarivate analytics impact factor ℹ year impact factor calculate year impact factor citation count previous year divide source item publish previous year journal citation reports clarivate analytics source normalized impact paper snip ℹ source normalized impact paper snip snip measure contextual citation impact weight citation base total number citation subject field scimago journal rank sjr ℹ scimago journal rank sjr sjr prestige metric base idea citation sjr use similar algorithm google page rank provide quantitative qualitative measure journal impact view journal insights help expand public dataset research support sdgs research data share research datum data brief co submission methodsx co submission related links author stats ℹ author stats publish article benefit have access personal dashboard citation usage datum publication place free service available publish publication scopus researcher academy author resources try personalize alert feature palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology international medium publication high quality multidisciplinary original study comprehensive review field palaeo environmental geology include palaeoclimatology note palaeogeographical plate tectonic read palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology international medium publication high quality multidisciplinary original study comprehensive review field palaeo environmental geology include palaeoclimatology note palaeogeographical plate tectonic paper consider outside scope journal kindly request paper nature submit journal aim bring datum global implication research different discipline involve palaeo environmental investigation cut boundary establish science provide interdisciplinary forum issue general interest discuss benefit author provide author benefit free pdf liberal copyright policy special discount elsevier publication click information author service guide author information article submission require information help visit support center hide aim scope download recent article cite open access articles cause mass extinction open access david bond stephen grasby sequence biostratigraphic framework oligocene pliocene malaysia high frequency depositional cycle drive polar glaciation open access robert morley sanatul salwa hasan trace fossil size correspond burrower population density example modern counterpart trace fossil bichordites open access koji seike kotaro shirai view downloaded articles cenozoic basin fill evolution sw tarim basin implication uplift western kunlun insight chunyang li hanlin chen neoproterozoic marine chemostratigraphy eustatic sea level change gregory retallack adrian broz quantify soil respire co2 chinese loess plateau shunchuan ji long ma view recent article cause mass extinction open access david bond stephen grasby large igneous province affect global climate cause mass extinction represent natural marker geological record richard ernst nasrrddine youbi depositional environment organic matter accumulation upper ordovician low silurian marine shale upper yangtze platform south china yanfang li tongwei zhang view cite articles climate drive connectivity change black sea ka test dual palynological geochemical approach open access thomas hoyle diksha bista coral base proxy calibration constrain enso drive sea surface temperature salinity gradient western pacific warm pool open access ahmad mohtar konrad hughen sequence biostratigraphic framework oligocene pliocene malaysia high frequency depositional cycle drive polar glaciation open access robert morley sanatul salwa hasan view recent open access article download article downloaded article palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology day cause mass extinction open access david bond stephen grasby sequence biostratigraphic framework oligocene pliocene malaysia high frequency depositional cycle drive polar glaciation open access robert morley sanatul salwa hasan trace fossil size correspond burrower population density example modern counterpart trace fossil bichordites open access koji seike kotaro shirai view downloaded article recent articles recently publish article palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology cenozoic basin fill evolution sw tarim basin implication uplift western kunlun insight chunyang li hanlin chen neoproterozoic marine chemostratigraphy eustatic sea level change gregory retallack adrian broz quantify soil respire co2 chinese loess plateau shunchuan ji long ma view recent article cite article cite article publish extract scopus cause mass extinction open access david bond stephen grasby large igneous province affect global climate cause mass extinction represent natural marker geological record richard ernst nasrrddine youbi depositional environment organic matter accumulation upper ordovician low silurian marine shale upper yangtze platform south china yanfang li tongwei zhang view cite article recent open access articles late open access article publish palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology climate drive connectivity change black sea ka test dual palynological geochemical approach open access thomas hoyle diksha bista coral base proxy calibration constrain enso drive sea surface temperature salinity gradient western pacific warm pool open access ahmad mohtar konrad hughen sequence biostratigraphic framework oligocene pliocene malaysia high frequency depositional cycle drive polar glaciation open access robert morley sanatul salwa hasan view recent open access articles announcement play locate publication relevant sdg elsevier work researcher like build understanding knowledge base relate united nations sustainable development goals support equality inclusion diversity elsevier stand racism discrimination fully support joint commitment action inclusion diversity publishing partnership community serve redouble deep commitment inclusion diversity editorial author reviewer network visibility trust choice benefit publish open access elsevier discover open access option help maximize reach impact view latest mendeley data datasets mendeley data repository free use open access enable deposit research datum include raw process datum video code software algorithm protocol method associate research manuscript dataset searchable mendeley data search include nearly million indexed dataset information visit mendeley data datum palaeochannel australia riverine plain reconstruct past vegetation environment late pleistocene holocene matthew forbes felicitas hopf file datum glacial fluctuation year reconstruct lake sediment record northern tibetan plateau cheng zhao zongli wang file datum power shield high calcification rate infer metabolic trade off large turritellid gastropod brendan anderson warren allmon file view review articles recently publish review article palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology review articles review polymetallic mineralization low cambrian black shale south china combine effect seawater hydrothermal fluid biological activity chunhua shi jian cao sedimentological ichnological signature offshore transitional hyperpycnal system upper miocene betic cordillera southern spain garcía garcía rodríguez tovar olduvai gorge coring project drill high resolution palaeoclimatic palaeoenvironmental archive constrain hominin evolution jackson njau nicholas toth view article policies guidelines data availability section compliance checklist palaeo3 manuscript information special issue guest editors authors view editors choice article hells bells unique speleothem yucatán peninsula mexico generate highly specific subaquatic condition possible courtship behaviour devonian fish evidence large radial trace fossil northwestern china new high resolution carbon isotope stratigraphy campanian bottaccione section implication global correlation ocean circulation astrochronology view news promotional access invite article pangea b late paleozoic ice age pleased highlight promotional access invite article dec17 promotional access invite article advance global bioavailable strontium isoscape promotional access invite article stable isotope proxy record tropical terrestrial environment view special issues special issue publish palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology snowball earth cambrian explosion co evolution life environment south china chao li qinglai feng read diary life current advance sclerochronological research melita peharda bernd reinhard schöne marine oxygenation de oxygenation life early paleozoic junpeng zhang timothy lyons view 如何出版指南 访问爱思唯尔webshop 爱思唯尔在中国 免费认证同行评议课程 通过线上模块化学习精进审稿能力与技巧 关注我们的微信公众号获取最新资讯 plumx metrics recent list article social medium attention plum print article show relative activity category metric capture mentions social media citations learn plumx metrics ontogenetic dietary shift deinonychus antirrhopus theropoda dromaeosauridae insight ecology social behavior raptorial dinosaur stable isotope analysis ontogenetic dietary shift deinonychus antirrhopus theropoda dromaeosauridae insight ecology social behavior raptorial dinosaur stable isotope analysis ontogenetic dietary shift deinonychus antirrhopus theropoda dromaeosauridae insight ecology social behavior raptorial dinosaur stable isotope analysis late quaternary extinction indian subcontinent late quaternary extinction indian subcontinent late quaternary extinction indian subcontinent medieval climate anomaly antarctica medieval climate anomaly antarctica medieval climate anomaly antarctica view papers ppp welcome review article view reader view articles sample issue issue alert personalized recommendations authors author information pack submit paper track paper researcher academy rights permissions elsevier author services webshop support center librarians order journal indexing editors publishing ethics resource kit guest editors support center reviewers reviewer guidelines log reviewer reviewer recognition support center advertisers media information societies close products solutions r d solutions 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explorable think outside box research experiments psychology self help search form curiosity kill cat satisfaction bring satisfaction bring pages footer skip main content menu search home overview research foundations academic self help write paper quiz kid code login sign menu search login sign username password sign forget password leave field blank search article psychology science experiment search leave field blank enter code home overview research methods experiments design statistic foundation reasoning philosophy ethic history academic psychology biology physics medicine anthropology self help self esteem worry social anxiety sleep anxiety write paper quiz kid code enter code impossible live fail live cautiously live case fail default rowling explorable courses low price academic skill level explorable courses offline handy pdf easy understand accurate work computer tablet phone kindle e reader write research paper introduction write research paper term paper academic article style citation tip scientific method guide beginner guide key concept scientific method science research experiments experimental research need know experiment experimental research design research designs kind research design method choose affect result conclusion statistic tutorial statistic tutorial guide help understand key concept statistic concept relate scientific method research science know foundation pillar science idea reasoning logic research ethic philosophy science history science psychology guide psychology guide insight psychology concept human mind behavior kids science projects collection different cool science experiment kid fun learn mean school teacher parent idea project kid science beautiful exhibition british library pay homage important role data visualisation play scientific process nature video curator johanna kieniewicz explore beautiful example visualisation past present invent principle bret victor invent tool enable people understand create talk have principle follow invent new thing principle guide decision instead concentrate product want build mad genius paradox creativity tie sanity madness researchers love argue link creativity mental illness camp right believe power belief impossible make people achieve talent vs training important genetics hard work check quiz page test psychology science flags countries capitals countries links faq term privacy policy contact site map complete collection like explorable thank innovation norway research council norway project receive funding european union horizon research innovation programme grant agreement subscribe share subscribe rss feed like facebook follow twitter founder oskar blakstad blog oskar blakstad twitter free copy share adapt text article long appropriate credit provide link reference page
hundred science fair projects student free science fair projects complete instructions science fair project elementary science experiment high school topic biology chemistry physics earth idea science fair projects science fair project complete instruction science projects resources science fair projects search science fair projects browse help science fair project level hundred idea science topic stronomy z oology enter keyword search idea example like science project involve electricity type electricity box press enter easy search tool fast way search idea experiment experiment involve plant x ray machine elementary middle high school science fair projects click list topic hot tip prepare science experiment international national science fairs scientific method tips guides kids science fair projects neurosience kid simple science fair project guide write organizer lynne bleeker science teacher judge parent science projects type describe detail type science project describe link article different technology topic science fair resource guide ipl kidspace internet public library look help site guide variety web site resource lead necessary step successfully complete experiment elementary science fair project school students cyberfair science fair judging form sample elementary school high school instruction step science fair blog large blog contain article recent advance technology interesting comment reader surf net kids science newsletter forum blog good place start want explore different topic scientific method technology math english animation educational site kids brainpop site beautiful multimedia content provide online lesson interactive movie study sience technology limited free access mad scientist explain scientific method simple clear overview scientific method general information kids children library internet lab simple portal sience project set detroit public library exploratorium museum technology art human perception excellent site detailed explanation illustration phenomenon chicago public library site reference good book learning network site link online museum world ecokids online planet future kid ages beautiful multimedia rich site interesting interactive movie topic excellent learn site elementary school kid especially large fairs general information participant california state sf intel isef national aeronautics space administration student involvement program twin cities creation sience association web site chicago student sf web site kid world wide web virtual library kids parent mission time board jet like boeing stop think enormous piece metal fly foot air cross wide ocean plane cruise high cloud try close eye imagine body propel hundred mile hour air jet plane amazing result human invention discovery young american bicycle mechanic dream dream able enjoy benefit flight young boy orville wilbur wright give fly toy cork bamboo father paper body power rubber band toy long inspire boy imagine believe human flight day possible early twenty open bicycle shop pay bill work mechanic dream achieve human flight research experiment workshop tirelessly give december young bicycle mechanic history achieve human flight story inspire hope day young creative mind like child change world wright brother design site help child search useful idea tip experiment find literally hundred experiment kind discipline science chemistry biology physics human psychology confident powerful color code search tool help quicken research tremendously experience show people find helpful learn know strongly suggest instead copy experiment blindly try understand principle demonstrate principle apply experiment different creative way sincere hope information provide site serve guide inspire child copyright c rights reserve site homepage search browse links handbook editor books help contact privacy
error file find biosphere error file find oops miss page menu visit research education conferences institute home donate ticket shop map contact search donate open monday sunday menu visit experience biosphere biosphere experience virtual tour biosphere phase reopening plan maps directions contact biosphere biosphere leadership mission history fast fact strategic plan newsletters press archive media spotlight event past event earth month involve member volunteer way opportunity biosphere people directory media queries research research theme mission water climate critical zone energy sustainability projects landscape evolution observatory rain forest wald campaign drylands research archived projects data models leo data model systems data outdoor weather station data tims publications papers books talks posters dissertations theses reports proposals undergraduate s model systems rainforest ocean savanna mangrove desert model city laboratories geochemical alec stable isotope facility trace gas lab thompson lab people faculty postdoc investigator staff collaborator grad student undergrad volunteer alumni education education education biosphere broad impacts partner organizations program program overview virtual session scientist arizona center stem teachers educator citizen science data ucsd biosphere summer research program connecting art science university programs university programs overview undergraduate research research experiences undergrads reu projects reu application form reu letters recommendation environmental science institute graduate education outreach graduate carson scholars interns volunteers interns volunteers overview ua honors volunteer biosphere people partners directory conferences conference biosphere conferences overview testimonials institute b2 institute b2 institute overview young world environment summit biosphere website undergo redesign domain change possible page look move new location change sorry inconvenience browse new site information look use search feature help locate handy link start new site hope enjoy home page tours maps directions contact search page home visit biosphere experience phase reopening plan maps directions contact biosphere biosphere leadership mission history fast fact strategic plan newsletters press archive media spotlight events calendar past event involve member volunteer way people directory medium queries research mission water climate critical zone energy sustainability projects landscape evolution observatory rainforest drought archived projects data models leo data model systems data outdoor weather station datum tims publications paper books talks posters dissertations theses reports proposals undergraduate s model system rainforest ocean savanna mangrove desert model city laboratorie geochemical alec stable isotope facility trace gas laboratory people faculty volunteer postdoc investigator staff collaborator grad students undergrad education education biosphere broad impacts partner organizations programs program overview virtual session scientist educator training educator citizen science data student environmental leadership connect art science college university programs college university programs overview undergraduate research reu projects reu application form reu letters recommendation research experiences undergrads reu summer research experiences summer research institute graduate education outreach graduate carson scholars interns volunteers interns volunteers overview ua honors directory conferences conferences overview testimonials institute b2 institute overview young world environment summit buy ticket shop map contact search facebook twitter biosphere experience virtual tour biosphere maps directions contact mission leo water climate energy sustainability education biosphere broad impact overview undergraduate research overview overview artist residence program university arizona biosphere biosphere road oracle az
animal production systems group wur wageningen university research research animal production systems group focus unravel complexity concern livestock system explore trade off synergy innovation environmental impact animal welfare economic viability design sustainable future animal production systems group chair holder animal role future food system news vacancy team manager work circular agriculture north netherlands enlighted pigs consortium start successful kick dutch food system healthy circular genome editing insect food system innovation food system vision submission root dutch food system well activity resemeet december latest publication effect different cleaning procedure water use bacterial level weaner pig pen low assimilate partitioning root biomass associate carbon loss intensively manage temperate grassland effect manual automate milk feeding method group house calf health behaviour growth labour environmentally sound intensification pathway dairy development tanga region tanzania provisioning live black soldier fly larvae hermetia illucen benefit broiler activity leg health dose dependent manner education programmes research results value creation cooperation directly content search box breadcrumb research animal production systems group focus unravel complexity concern livestock system explore trade off synergy innovation environmental impact animal welfare economic viability design sustainable future ijm imke de boer professor animal production systems animal convert leftover arable land grass resource valuable food ecosystem service convert biomass stream animal recycle nutrient food system lose food production contribute circular food system read publications people research education collaboration news agenda wacasa contact december manager strong analytical organizational skill interested financial group human resource educational december circular principle mean practice november project team organise online kick workshop project october 15th september virtual kick meeting take place officially start project enlighted pigs integrate light june achieve food system produce healthy food respect planet human animal live international group scientist identify emerge innovation draw action point aim accelerate news regenerative nourish food system look like challenge participate food systems vision prize december colloquium thursday december organise resemeet sanne mayerly present thesis proposal agenda misra shilpi middelaar corina van jordan kieran upton john quinn amy boer imke de keelin plos issn poyda arne reinsch thorsten struck inger skinner kluß christof taube friedhelm plant soil issn 079x sinnott alison kennedy emer bokker eddie livestock science issn notenbaert groot jeroen herrero mario birnholz celine paul birthe pfeifer catherine fraval simon lannerstad mats mcfadzean jamie dungait jennifer morris joanne ran ylva barron jennie tittonell pablo regional environmental change issn ipema allyson gerrits bokker eddie kemp bolhuis applied animal behaviour science issn publication menu wageningen career contact login en nl education programmes research results value creation cooperation search search home click expand education programmes research results value creation cooperation career news university fund wageningen calendar dossiers wageningen university alumni social medium spotlight international staff login contact disclaimer privacy cookie statement accessibility statement research results click expand research institutes chair group statutory research task research programme geographical overview project sustainable development goals grants prize chair group animal production systems group click expand publications people research education collaboration news agenda wacasa contact explore potential nature improve quality life wageningen university research social media university bachelor master online education phd course professional contact study information office research institutes chair group statutory research task research theme library investing innovation knowledge society entrepreneurship facilities tools dossiers longreads contact wageningen career privacy cookie statement general terms conditions profile datum disclaimer accessibility statement staff integrity login
home agronomy american society agronomy acs nav menus primary nav science news advocacy award active carbon soil protein new podcast episode integrated pest management training series asa cssa sssa annual meeting diversity equity inclusion societies science news sustainable secure food blog skip main content asa american society agronomy american society agronomy crop science society america soil science society america certified crop advisers agronomic science foundation log account menu agronomy work blog resources asa engage membership member members emeritus members specialty groups committees students graduate student undergraduate students discussion boards sections communities agronomic production systems section biometry statistical computing section climatology modeling section education extension section environmental quality section global agronomy section land management conservation section awards scholarship corporate membership find member certifications careers education online classroom subscription online learning live webinars collaboration publications journals books magazines meeting presentations podcast customer service science policy science policy news issues research funding farm bill ag innovation agenda statement federal agencies soils caucus involve congressional visits day seed ambassadors legislative action network advocacy toolkit congressional fellowship science policy meetings annual meeting sustainable agronomy conference event calendar news science news science policy news medium release menu agronomy work blog resources asa membership membership member members students discussion boards sections communities awards scholarship corporate membership find member certifications careers education education online classroom subscription online learning live webinars collaboration publications publications journals books magazines meeting presentations podcast customer service science policy science policy science policy news issue involve science policy meetings meetings annual meeting sustainable agronomy conference event calendar news news science news science policy news medium release tepary bean versatile sustainable native crop read apply award participate virtual congressional visit day deadline jan apply today free webinar active carbon soil protein new frontiers monitoring soil health quality register ethann barnes amit jhala discuss work gene flow popcorn new episode field lab earth listen free webinar holistic ipm register register gain immediate access oral poster presentation hundred record session info asa cssa sssa stand unite systematic institutionalized racism visit diversity equity inclusion page involve read agronomy students teachers discussion boards online library view news december tepary bean versatile sustainable native crop december microbe plant dynamic duo december cultivar influence crop history advertising calendar feedback foundation store asa asa cssa sssa headquarters office guilford road madison wi contact american society agronomy copyright information privacy statement term use
ecoeducation initiative mission expedition education institute ecoeducation initiative expedition education institute offer travel college program create experiential learn community inspire informed compassionate learning life learn life education profound connection self nature bus create experiential learning community inspire informed compassionate ecological leadership ecology economy community pacific northwest resilience renewal desert southwest energy climate justice northeast gulf coast fields abundance sustainable culture agriculture california experience eei growthful gap year transformative college semester skip main content regenerative pause planning phase facebook flickr email welcome programs programs overview integrated curriculum college semesters gap year gap year eei gap year work gap year benefits fall program east spring program fall program pnw spring program sw expect expect power direct learning learn people places eei education model bus like tiny house tour learning happen daily life faq blog apply eei staff faculty eco ed board trustees support celebration earth day grateful continue giving alumni connect contact search open mobile menu search submit learning life learn life education profound connection self nature bus create experiential learning community inspire informed compassionate ecological leadership transform enrich life learn current college student gap year participant post baccalaureate transformative educator development program experience wild adventure foot bus engage local people organization food system food justice people land water learn eei inquire gap year onthebus check feature page teenlife gap year guide inquire college semester immerse travel learning community live wholly outdoors engage powerful transformative experiential learning rolling application accept mean apply consider early time let start talk future bus recent post experience versus expert make eei college gap year programs special make music integral eei education follow expedition education institute expedition education institute offer outdoor travel gap year college semester program focus bioregion north america college gap semesters apply inquire support eei scholarships students checks send expedition education institute belfast copyright expedition education institute right reserve
skyscraper astronomical society rhode island sky data geminid meteor shower great conjunction jupiter saturn new problems radio astronomy rise starlink loss arecibo finding uranus astronomical highlights seagrave memorial observatory centennial alvan clark restoration observe attend meeting astroassembly current feature international space station continuously crew years operation astronomy climate moons october observe skies near mars magazine sale book review galaxy inside universe star cities brief observer guide jupiter saturn memory michael ambrose observing comet neowise pierre mechain messier rival comet hunter comet neowise evening sky perseverance mars rover launching july create constellation spectrum algol citizen scientist nasa frank dubeau memories frank dubeau closed seagrave observatory closed march notice william penhallow quest northern lights iceland solar variability inconstant sun skyscrapers library borrowing procedure library telescope program ground amazon smile program skyscrapers observatory log astronomy day solar eclipse seagrave observatory skyscrapers holds star party gabrielle heart camp cub world star party newport art museum white house astronomy night state house lawn skip navigation explore visit join search sky data december est ut conditions seagrave observatory sun moon rise set clear sky forecast evening sky map heavens iss satellite predictions news information sun earth environment skyscrapers overview seagrave memorial observatory astroassembly history officers committees membership constitution bylaws pdf nominations elections pdf news events events calendar monthly meetings public observing nights newsletter president observing reports resource library skyscrapers archive photo gallery explore sky month meteor showers stars constellations variable star double star restoration return alvan clark telescope original condition observe saturday december seagrave observatory close detail attend meeting saturday january pm online presentation mike wenz details astroassembly skyscrapers annual astroassembly hold virtually year saturday october 3rd detail download newsletter skyscraper december membership join renew online international space station continuously crew year operation november david prosper astronomy climate november francine jackson moons october october jim hendrickson observe skies near mars october david prosper magazine sale september dave huestis book review galaxy inside universe star cities september francine jackson brief observer guide jupiter saturn september dave huestis memory michael ambrose august steve siok observing comet neowise august craig cortis pierre mechain messier rival comet hunter august francine jackson comet neowise evening sky july jim hendrickson perseverance mars rover launching july july francine jackson create constellation june dave huestis spectrum algol conrad cardano citizen scientist nasa david prosper frank dubeau francine jackson memories frank dubeau steve siok closed seagrave observatory closed march notice march steve hubbard outbreak coronavirus seagrave memorial observatory remain closed public notice feel overall risk low action take abundance caution volunteer donate time public wonder universe fall senior high risk category disease protection member visitor utmost concern william penhallow february francine jackson quest northern lights iceland january francine jackson iceland trip reschedule october solar variability inconstant sun september dave huestis skyscrapers library borrowing procedure june dave huestis library telescope program ground august linda bergemann update skyscrapers library telescope program amazon smile program skyscrapers tracy prell like tell amazon smile program benefit society financially cost obligation program offer amazon online retailer available organization apr astronomy day aug solar eclipse seagrave observatory aug skyscrapers holds star party gabrielle heart camp cub world jan star party newport art museum oct white house astronomy night state house lawn tweet society shall skyscrapers amateur astronomical society rhode island object society shall educate general public membership matter pertain astronomy shall educational nonprofit organization society incorporate non business corporation law state rhode island website host cms newfangle
radio astronomy seti big ear radio observatory memorial website big ear memorial website website administer naapo north american astrophysical observatory naapo home website ohio argus array introduction bigear bigear structures bigear destroy radio observatory continue main menu introduction bigear welcome original website ohio state university radio observatory osuro know big ear observatory kraus type radio telescope name john kraus founder director observatory designer builder telescope big ear cover area large football field telescope famous discover distant know object universe wow signal long run seti search extraterrestrial intelligence project enter guinness book records unique probe depth cosmos locate delaware ohio mile north columbus big ear structure comment aerial photograph big ear radio telescope structure aerial photo big ear describe separate section website proper view need browser javascript enable handle frame click bigear destroy late year operation ohio state university radio observatory big ear radio telescope cease operation land observatory sit own ohio wesleyan university delaware ohio sell land developer later claim right develop land telescope destroy early adjacent golf course expand hole home plan construction nearby land own developer website mean serve memorial unique radio telescope designer builder late john kraus person involve telescope discovery instrument radio observatory continuing note big ear radio telescope demolish land developer volunteer operate big ear prior destruction stay group follow big ear demise continual evolution people leave join continue group explore new possibility generation radio telescope call argus ability direction group form organization call naapo north american astrophysical observatory purpose develop argus project raising fund project main menu big ear website note article website write present future tense time big ear stand active big ear destroy interpret language mention present future big ear radio telescope context historical document necessarily refer present time design building big ear big ear surveys wow signal menu john kraus articles big ear beginner guides big ear historical marker displays big ear outside organizations big ear trivium flag earth cosmic search magazine online complete set issue related link copyright ohio state university radio observatory north american astrophysical observatory originally design point click software modify february
bioinformatics courses tutorials online bioinformatic tutorial course list line bioinformatic computational biology course tutorial bioinformatics tutorial bioinformatics course bioinformatic genomic computational biology tutorial course bioinformatics line course tutorials home companies bioinformatics bioinformatics bioinformatics faq bioinformatics jobs bioinformatics books bioinformatics tutorials blog bioinformatics guide list line course material tutorial bioinformatic computational biology algorithms computational biology technion institute technology introduction computational molecular biology washington university louis introduction bioinformatics ludwig institute cancer research elementary sequence analysis mcmaster university introduction bioinformatics technion israel institute technology dynamic programming tutorial eric rouchka introduction bioinformatics genomics city university new york graduate center college staten island beginner guide molecular biology rothamsted research introduction bioinformatics center biomedical informatics university pittsburgh primer molecular genetics iowa state university genomics bioinformatics yale university online lectures bioinformatics max planck institute molecular genetics course algorithms molecular biology school mathematical sciences tel aviv university dna protein sequence analysis boston university introduction bioinformatics ucsd representation algorithms computational molecular biology stanford university representations algorithms molecular biology line video stanford university taste bioinformatics university college london computational biology university washington introduction computational biology carnegie mellon university computational molecular biology stanford university current topic genomic analysis line video nih introduction computational molecular biology genome protein sequence analysis university washington introduction computational molecular biology mit bioinformatics genomic analysis university arizona regional training course bioinformatics applied tropical diseases africa university western cape biological datum analysis tools ucsd introduction bioinformatics ucsd extension introduction structural bioinformatics ucsd extension computational biology university notre dame perl program course bioinformatics internet feinberg graduate school weizmann institute science rehovot israel object orient database programming bioinformatics internet feinberg graduate school weizmann institute science rehovot israel computer skill biologists ucsd extension home security info online accounting home loan rehab site brain injury lawyer click flower deliver click photo equipment supply long term care guide dui lawyer site vehicle donation charity diet center directory unique gift basket buy auto part uk business senior care website home pharmaceutical biotech companies blog recent article rise chinese biopharmaceutical thing need know protein arrays bioinformatics market leaders hot pursuit ngs prepare genome sequencing generation sequencing big data sanctify false conclusions masters degree bioinformatics new technologies reveal porcine micrornaome dna barcode plant potential applications nutrigenomics personalized nutrition food company create product new market home companies tutorials books jobs resources bioinformatics bioinformatics faq blog copyright right reserve
astronomical society pacific astronomical society pacific international non profit scientific educational organization found work increase understanding appreciation astronomy mercury online space news opinion dark matter appear smooth operator arecibo observatory main telescope decommission asp news inside registration savings extend asp teacher learning institute spring online program register today publication asp go digital start january thank partner astronomical society pacific privacy policy terms conditions donation refund policy automated recurring donation cancellation skip main content mission statement ceo history asp annual report asp annual report asp annual report asp commitment diversity inclusion asp board statement harassment awards asp awards asp annual awards update press release pdf asp annual awards nominations annual asp awards gala catherine wolfe bruce gold medal maria eric muhlmann award robert trumpler award arthur walker ii award klumpke roberts award gordon myers amateur achievement award las cumbres amateur outreach award richard emmons award thomas brennan award fraknoi supporters award priscilla bart bok award press releases staff board directors current board past board officers members past board presidents executive directors bylaws advisory council contact job openings education outreach programs glance astroshop annual meeting astronomy home astronomy home family activities storytime storytime archives educational activities preschool amateur astronomers resource guides resource guides amateur astronomers night sky network girl scouts star big astronomy citizen science megamovie share universe early learners breakfast moon sky tonight science teachers workshops webinars universe classroom newsletter project planet galileo educator network galileo project project astro sf bay area astro higher education early professionals higher education early professionals astronomy ambassadors informal educators news publications mercury online space news opinion contributors topics astronomy astrophysics planetary science missions history education news perspectives feature special coverage spotlight student guest posts asp news inside asp asp online newsroom asp news publications asp aspcs editor material order printed books subscriptions monographs astrobeat mercury magazine mercury membership access institutional subscriptions institutional access mercury archives universe classroom uitc archive support uitc subscribe uitc asp publications issue involve membership member renew membership donate today fall appeal quick donate recurring donation annual report events event calendar annual meeting annual meeting information past annual meeting sign future event asp2020 virtual conference conference overview registration registration instructions conference schedule conference schedule schedule glance plenary speakers panelists special event faq contact information abstract submission sign meeting updates workshops webinars silicon valley lecture series svl schedule past slvs lectures awards gala asp awards legacy give join mailing list sign myasp myasp login mission statement ceo history asp annual report asp annual report asp annual report asp commitment diversity inclusion asp board statement harassment awards asp awards asp annual awards update press release pdf asp annual awards nominations annual asp awards gala catherine wolfe bruce gold medal maria eric muhlmann award robert trumpler award arthur walker ii award klumpke roberts award gordon myers amateur achievement award las cumbres amateur outreach award richard emmons award thomas brennan award fraknoi supporters award priscilla bart bok award press releases staff board directors current board past board officers members past board presidents executive directors bylaws advisory council contact job openings education outreach programs glance astroshop annual meeting astronomy home astronomy home family activities storytime storytime archives educational activities preschool amateur astronomers resource guides resource guides amateur astronomers night sky network girl scouts star big astronomy citizen science megamovie share universe early learners breakfast moon sky tonight science teachers workshops webinars universe classroom newsletter project planet galileo educator network galileo project project astro sf bay area astro higher education early professionals higher education early professionals astronomy ambassadors informal educators news publications mercury online space news opinion contributors topics astronomy astrophysics planetary science missions history education news perspectives feature special coverage spotlight student guest posts asp news inside asp asp online newsroom asp news publications asp aspcs editor material order printed books subscriptions monographs astrobeat mercury magazine mercury membership access institutional subscriptions institutional access mercury archives universe classroom uitc archive support uitc subscribe uitc asp publications issue involve membership member renew membership donate today fall appeal quick donate recurring donation annual report events event calendar annual meeting annual meeting information past annual meeting sign future event asp2020 virtual conference conference overview registration registration instructions conference schedule conference schedule schedule glance plenary speakers panelists special event faq contact information abstract submission sign meeting updates workshops webinars silicon valley lecture series svl schedule past slvs lectures awards gala asp awards legacy give join mailing list sign myasp myasp login fall appeal invest power online teaching learning donate today uncover latest astronomy related news catch mercury online discover discover heart soul mission asp programs resources explore join community passionate science literacy asp member join today donate mercury online astroshop education event astronomical society pacific international non profit scientific educational organization found work increase understanding appreciation astronomy learn involve subscribe asp insider late asp news subscribe december dark matter appear smooth operator chris wanjek smooth finding ironically point crack theory cosmic expansion november arecibo observatory main telescope decommission liz kruesi wide radio dish telescope arecibo observatory puerto rico dismantle decommission view mercury online archives registration savings extend asp teacher learning institute spring online program register today publication asp go digital start january start january publications astronomical society pacific pasp go digital iop publishing asp decision economically environmentally responsible print issue december view asp news archives educational activities asp provide activity resource help well understand share wonder astronomy gateway science literacy discovery new program live storytime free webinars find astroshop asp astroshop offer curate selection good astronomy relate educational outreach material available proceed support mission program asp shop program program resource mission support intermediate communicator share excitement universe education public outreach discover event asp annual meeting awards gala select event lecture help share program resource celebrate work note educator astronomy researcher amateur astronomer join national science foundation astronomy borders american astronomical society national radio astronomy observatory seti seti international dark sky association ida international observe moon night jpl world space week astronomical league west chester university lawrence hall science calbridge oregon state university institute learning innovation portal public unistellar ashton avenue san francisco california phone contact facebook instagram astronomical society pacific privacy policy information collect visit website provide type information personal information knowingly choose disclose collect individual basis website use information collect aggregate basis browse website personal information choose provide request voluntarily supply personal information include email address postal address home work telephone number personal information purpose correspondence place order request estimate participate online survey choose correspond email retain content email message email address response provide protection electronic communication employ maintenance information receive mail telephone website use information similar website site utilize standard technology call cookie explanation cookie web server log collect information website information gather cookie server log include date time visit page view time spend website site visit information collect aggregate basis information associate individual use information provide broadly speak use personal information purpose administer business activity provide service support make available product service customer prospective customer occasionally use information collect notify important change website new service special offer think find valuable list send product service offer develop manage traditional standard design safeguard security privacy personal information provide user time notify desire receive offer cookies cookie feature web browser software allow web server recognize computer access website cookie small piece datum store user web browser user hard drive cookie remember information user access web page simplify subsequent interaction website user use information streamline user transaction related web page make easy user web page web page complete commercial transaction internet cookie online experience easy personalized use information collect cookies use website browser software tool cookie web server log gather information website user browse activity order constantly improve website well serve user information assist design arrange web page user friendly 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information security utilize encryption security software safeguard confidentiality personal information collect unauthorized access disclosure accidental loss alteration destruction evaluation information protection practices periodically operation business practice review compliance organization policy procedure govern security confidentiality quality information employee access training expectations organization value ethical standard policy practice commit protection user information general business practice limit employee access confidential information limit use disclosure information authorized person process transaction access correct information request access personally identifiable information collect online maintain database email contact form provide site structure website disclose information outside party provide aggregate information customer sale website traffic pattern related website information affiliate reputable party information include personally identify datum provide privacy policy legally compel disclosure information disclose information legally compel word good faith believe law require protection legal right permission use material right download store output material website grant user personal use material reproduce edit form reproduction transmission performance display editing material mean mechanical electronic express write permission strictly prohibit user wish obtain permission reprint reproduce material appear site contact directly term conditions grateful donation support organization error make donation change mind contribute organization contact refunds return original method payment donation credit card refund credit credit card ongoing support important enable project continue work encourage donor continue contribute project time cancel recurring donation notify power firespre close
ccmb home header section navigation section timeline nd march rd april th april th th june st march th april st st june st july timeline nd march training st march testing rd april coronavirus culture th april genome sequencing coronavirus th april validation testing kit st multiple partnership industry th development dry swab step pcr test st june development ngs base test th june hybridoma preparation antibody sars st july wastewater base mass surveillance ccmb research today upcoming ccmb event dec hy sci student centric conference 17th 18th december dec vigyan yatra india international science festival iisf 13th dec news notifications research highlights services skill development programs footer section contact useful links related link sign newsletter ccmb daak csir centre cellular molecular biology council scientific industrial research ministry science technology govt india screen reader webmail intranet contact share facebook share twitter share linkedin phd program response csir centre cellular molecular biology council scientific industrial research ministry science technology govt india screen reader webmail intranet contact share facebook share twitter share linkedin share whatsapp ccmb phd program response ccmb people research academics outreach media corner endowment careers opportunities ccmb skill development programs events facilities research facilities advanced microscopy imaging animal house automated dna sequencing automated karyotyping bioinformatics bsl laboratories cell culture dna microarray drosophila laboratory electron microscopy flow cytometry generation sequencing nuclear magnetic resonance proteomics spectroscopy transgenic gene knockout x ray facility zebrafish laboratory support facilities canteen creche dispensary engineering services fine biochemicals guest house gymnasium haldane collection information technology instrumentation jonaki library staff quarters student hostel services ccmb people research academics outreach careers events news facilities research facilities advanced microscopy imaging animal house automated dna sequencing automated karyotyping bioinformatics bsl laboratories cell culture dna microarray drosophila laboratory electron microscopy flow cytometry generation sequencing nuclear magnetic resonance proteomics spectroscopy transgenic gene knockout x ray facility zebrafish laboratory support facilities canteen creche dispensary engineering services fine biochemicals guest house gymnasium haldane collection information technology instrumentation jonaki library staff quarters student hostel services media corner endowment people train ccmb organization medical hospital university research institutes nd training culture vaccine antisera development test antiviral drug sanitization measure rd coronavirus culture product validate far ccmb validation th validation testing kit validated dbt cdfd iiser berhampur preprint publish jun 1st send recommendation icmr jun 4th office principal scientific advisor june 13th question raise icmr july 20th address day approval await icmr use method alternate testing method india publish oxford academic biology methods protocols th development dry swab step pcr test monoclonal polyclonal antibody development th hybridoma preparation antibody sars sample test far ccmb st test genome coronavirus sequence submit gisaid find uncharacterized population coronavirus clade a3i spread eventually fade away finding submit biorxiv find current prevalent strain india match globally prevalent strain clade a2a th genome sequencing coronavirus partners vins bioproduct intel iiit bharat biotech syngene develop testing method therapeutic st multiple partnership industry pilot run telangana karnataka x number sample st development ngs base test hyderabad population shed coronavirus month july finding submit medrxiv st wastewater base mass surveillance nd train people ccmb organization medical hospital university research institutes st ccmb test sample far rd culture vaccine antisera development test antiviral drug sanitization measure th genomes indian isolate coronavirus sequence submit gisaid find uncharacterized population coronavirus clade a3i spread eventually fade away finding submit biorxiv find current prevalent strain india match globally prevalent strain clade a2a th ccmb validate product far validation st partners vins bioproduct intel iiit bharat biotech syngene develop testing method therapeutic th validated dbt cdfd iiser berhampur post preprint jun 1st send recommendation icmr jun 4th office principal scientific advisor jun 13th question raise icmr jul reply day approval await icmr use method alternate testing method india publish oxford academic biology methods protocols st pilot run telangana karnataka x number sample th monoclonal polyclonal antibody development st estimate hyderabad population shed coronavirus month july finding submit medrxiv centre cellular molecular biology ccmb premier research organization frontier area modern biology objective centre conduct high quality basic research training frontier area modern biology promote centralise national facility new modern technique inter disciplinary area biology ccmb set initially semi autonomous centre april biochemistry division regional research laboratory presently indian institute chemical technology iict hyderabad form nucleus dr p m bhargava head new centre ccmb move present campus november ccmb conduct exploratory research address fundamental question biology seek develop technology base basic research finding unmet societal need country themes groups publications partners patent upcoming lecture update soon past lectures colloquiums dec dec archive list candidates shortlist interview position project associate field worker lab technician notif phd programme list candidates shortlist interview hold list candidate empanel project associate ii position ccmb web notif archive icmr nod csir dry swab direct rt pcr method covid detection ccmb scientist r sankaranarayan win infosys prize life sciences archive centre cellular molecular biology habsiguda uppal road hyderabad telangana india telephone fax tender ccmb directory rti act ccmb network circulars sb collect online payment csir acsir csir lacones aic ccmb crtdh latest newsletter subscribe instagram facebook twitter youtube linkedin website policy terms conditions web information manager help sitemap feedback copyright ccmb right reserve website belong centre cellular molecular biology ministry science technology govt india updated oct
biochemist portland press feature content previou issue find read blog connect explore feature available subscriber skip main content close journals biochemical journal clinical science bioscience report neuronal signaling biochemical society transactions essays biochemistry emerging topics life sciences publication biochemist biochemical society symposia cell signalling biology wenner gren international series collections authors open scholarship publish publish life cycle submit work language edit service read publish china base researcher librarians open scholarship check usage access content pandemic open access policy transformative renewal standard subscription customer service information read publish policy open access policy editorial policy data policy copyright permission portland press biochemical society search search input search input auto suggest search filter content journals biochemist search advanced search user tools register sign toggle menu menu issues ahead issue articles feature regulars education careers lifelong learn obituaries outreach policy news biochemist write editorial board portland press limited biochemical society skip nav destination current issue volume issue december view issue science editor chris willmott university leicester uk read late scientific feature publish biochemist interested read previous issue biochemist magazine biochemical society organize number conference event year read biochemist blog forum news view opinion issue relevance community careers day life principal scientist day life biomedical scientist day life science centre explainer day life senior scientist beginner guide beginner guide improve image acquisition fluorescence microscopy beginner guide neutron macromolecular crystallography beginner guide mass spectrometry base proteomic beginner guide produce super resolved image widefield fluorescence microscope submit work book available review tweet online issn print issn 982x submit work language editing service recommend librarian request free trial sign alert sign mailing list biochemist blog twitter facebook linkedin youtube biochemical society membership publishing life cycle biochemical society event portland press portland press register address floor queen street place london ec4r 1be correspondence address kemp house city road london ec1v 2nx portland press tel biochemical society tel email company register charity vat gb facebook twitter linkedin privacy cookie accessibility copyright portland press close modal sign create account close modal close modal site use cookie continue use website agree privacy policy accept
botany learn plant article resource plant science specie cultivation botany menu home science tech math science math social sciences computer science animals nature humanities history culture visual arts literature english geography philosophy issues languages english second language spanish french german italian japanese mandarin russian resources students parents educator adult learners search close search site science tech math science math social sciences computer science animals nature humanities history culture visual arts literature english geography philosophy issues languages english second language spanish french german italian japanese mandarin russian resources students parents educator adult learners contact editorial guidelines privacy policy science tech math science learn plant article resource plant science specie cultivation science chemistry biology basics cell biology genetics organisms anatomy physiology botany ecology physics geology astronomy weather climate view botany rhizome definition examples botany jan ingenhousz scientist discover photosynthesis botany function stomata plant tissue botany carnivorous venus flytrap consume prey botany surprising way fern reproduce botany gymnosperm botany plant respond light touch stimuli botany characteristics non vascular plants botany cell wall structure function botany chloroplast plant photosynthesis possible botany plant bend light think botany clean soil flowers botany plant leaves leaf anatomy botany vacuole fluid fill organelle botany plant cell communicate botany controversial tobacco plant grow today botany explore inner life plant tissue systems botany plant stress like impact botany lesser know fact eat veggie botany plant systemics botany different type spore producers botany gametophyte sexual phase plant life cycle botany alternation generations botany speed seed germination process botany cam plant desert survivors botany aspirin plant humans botany plant clean environment botany parts flowering plant quiz view science chemistry biology physics geology astronomy weather climate view home learn new day email address sign error try thank sign error try thank sign follow facebook facebook flipboard flipboard science tech math humanities languages resource advertise privacy policy cookie policy careers editorial guidelines contact term use california privacy notice thoughtco dotdash publishing family
evolutionary ecology research scientific journal home final editions early edition search ms preparation editors sample issue subscribe eer current issue eer recent issue rhinolophus euryale mediterranean horseshoe bat quick turnaround fully index biological abstracts biosis previews cab abstracts current contents ecology abstracts environment abstracts google scholar web science zoological record depend act like welcome world old green path open access professional journal eer focus overlap ecology evolution abstract eer article index google scholar notify new issue email link interest hendry peichel special issue yoshitaka citizen page reconciliation ecology illustrate podcast careful foot evolutionary ecology edgemont tucson az usa website design freelander design
learning fun learning astronomy learn astronomy astronomy learn astronomy learn astronomy online learn astronomy online backyard astronomy astronomy kid astronomy animation activity astronomy astronomy video astronomy picture hubble student astronomy child astronomy telescope online astronomy learn astronomy beginner astronomy moon star solar system planet galaxy astronomy site teach astronomy astronomy handout astronomy project astronomy resource dot com fun learn awe inspire field astronomy learn universe live look animation video photograph site load astronomy activity animation lot information learn astronomy welcome popular pages quick links learn astronomy fun learning astronomy home backyard astronomy earth moon solar system stars galaxies astronomy gifts stumble website probably fascination astronomy easy feel awe look sky dark clear starry night totally fantastic website lot information picture animation simulation star chart video learning astronomy fun highly recommend check brand new book terence dickinson book incredible collection hubble photo interesting description page hubble universe great discoveries late image hope exciting adventure explore incredible universe fun fun learning astronomy stop exploring solar system galaxy backyard astronomy sun stars galaxy hunter cool photos earth moon cool photos stars tweets backyard astronomy guide backyard astronomer guide buying telescopes astronomy computer programs earth moon sun topics season phases moon eclipses cool photos earth moon solar system retrograde motion laws planetary motion terrestrial planet gas giant planet star sun star shine life cycle stars light speed cool photos star galaxies solar system galaxy universe galaxy cool photos galaxies galaxy hunter astronomy gift astronomy books astronomy general interest books astronomy videos astronomy magazines contact
nitric oxide journal elsevier read late article nitric oxide elsevier leading platform peer review scholarly literature nitric oxide explore journal content late issue find article potential role age modulator oral nitrate reductase activity comparison chemical biology hydropersulfides rssh protective biological antioxidants nucleophiles article collection expert view series h2s newborn physiology disease therapeutics h2s newborn physiology disease therapeutic guanylyl cyclase recent advance nitric oxide signal cardiovascular system recent advance nitric oxide signal cardiovascular system journal issn copyright related journal free radical biology medicine archives biochemistry biophysics redox biology skip main content skip article advertisement journals books register sign sign register journals books help support open access view aim scope submit article guide author citescore impact factor editor chief neil hogg view editorial board view aim scope late issue article press article collection issue sign set alert rss open access rss volume progress february volume progress january volumes pp november volume pp october view issue submit article guide author journal nitric oxide society open access option search journal look author specific volume issue use advanced search article press latest publish cite popular recently view research article abstract potential role age modulator oral nitrate reductase activity khandaker ahtesham ahmed rakesh patel press journal pre proof available online december purchase pdf research article abstract comparison chemical biology hydropersulfides rssh protective biological antioxidants nucleophiles jon fukuto adrian hobbs press journal pre proof available online november purchase pdf article press expert view series edit miriam cortese krott neil hogg november h2s newborn physiology disease therapeutics h2s newborn physiology disease therapeutic edit trent tipple rakesh patel april guanylyl cyclase edit annie beuve adrian hobbs march recent advance nitric oxide signal cardiovascular system recent advance nitric oxide signal cardiovascular system edit adam straub january view article collection view issue copyright elsevier right reserve nitric oxide society journal info free radical biology medicine archives biochemistry biophysics redox biology sciencedirect remote access shopping cart advertise contact support term condition privacy policy use cookie help provide enhance service tailor content ad continue agree use cookie copyright elsevier licensor contributor sciencedirect registered trademark elsevier sciencedirect registered trademark elsevier
histochemistry cell biology home histochemistry cell biology biomedicine general cell biology biochemistry general developmental biology histochemistry cell biology devoted field molecular histology cell biology publish original article deal localization journal information journal metric late issue late article focus hcb authors combination µct light microscopy generation specific stereological analysis pulmonary arterial branch proof concept study authors second characterization epithelial cell connective tissue cell immune cell human upper airway mucosa immunofluorescence multichannel image cytometry pilot study author second cluster differentiation cd mouse pituitary cell adult stem progenitor cell authors second human amniotic fluid stem cell able form embryoid body like aggregate perform specific function morphological evidence authors second journal update histochemistry cell biology lecture microscopy conference vienna robert feulgen prize society histochemistry announcement impact peer review society partner affiliation author explore subscribe journal xml svg public svg skip main content advertisement search authors editors account histochemistry cell biology editorial board aims scope journal update histochemistry cell biology devoted field molecular histology cell biology publish original article deal localization identification molecular component metabolic activity cell biological aspect cell tissue coverage extend development application evaluation method probe entire area histochemistry cell biology official journal society histochemistry cover localization identification molecular component metabolic activity cell biology include development method useful entire area histochemistry cell biology official journal society histochemistry author answer survey report definitely publish probably publish journal regional editor michael schrader douglas taatjes takehiko koji senior editor chief jürgen roth publishing model hybrid learn publish oa impact factor year impact factor day submission decision day submission acceptance download volume issue december view volume issue focus hcb douglas taatjes jürgen roth content type editorial publish december page combination µct light microscopy generation specific stereological analysis pulmonary arterial branch proof concept study roman grothausmann jonas labode christian mühlfeld content type original paper open access publish december characterization epithelial cell connective tissue cell immune cell human upper airway mucosa immunofluorescence multichannel image cytometry pilot study aris giotakis jozsef dudas herbert riechelmann content type original paper open access publish november cluster differentiation cd mouse pituitary cell adult stem progenitor cell kotaro horiguchi saishu yoshida shunji ohsako content type original paper publish november human amniotic fluid stem cell able form embryoid body like aggregate perform specific function morphological evidence lucia centurione maria antonietta centurione roberta di pietro content type original paper open access publish november journal open access article view article histochemistry cell biology lecture global change epigenome significance mouse spermatogenesis microscopy conference vienna robert feulgen prize society histochemistry announcement impact peer review result significant disruption cause pandemic aware researcher difficulty meet timeline associate peer review process normal time let know need additional time system continue remind original timeline intend highly flexible time view update official journal society histochemistry submission guideline ethics disclosure fee fund contact journal submit manuscript online article volume issue sign alert ejournal note net price taxis calculate checkout immediate online access complete access article start downloadable pdf format subscription expire subscribe journal learn institutional subscription advertisement electronic issn 119x print issn abstract 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start department biology department biology faculty science biology study life education research research group contact researcher lab tech analysis news johannes cited researcher world high temperature threaten survival insect sek million holistic approach migratory bird rare pattern observe migrate common swift visit address information skip main content lund university faculty science current student internal biology biological museum biology library library search borrow access write publish reading write support lund university på svenska listen search search på svenska listen search department brief job opportunity website education newly admit student courses bachelor degree programme master degree programme incoming exchange student career phd study research research group services lab tech analysis collaborate contact staff member lund university close menu submenu department brief job opportunity website submenu website accessibility statement education submenu education newly admit student course submenu courses degree project research project apply work bachelor degree programme master degree programme submenu degree programme bioinformatics biology general biology animal ecology biology aquatic ecology biology conservation biology biology plant science molecular biology general molecular biology medical biology molecular biology microbiology molecular biology molecular genetics biotechnology incoming exchange student career phd study submenu phd study phd course geneco graduate research school genomic ecology submenu geneco graduate research school genomic ecology geneco annual meeting apply geneco geneco courses workshops geneco travel grant graduate research submenu research research group services lab tech analysis collaborate contact submenu contact staff member faculty science current student internal biology biological museum biology library submenu biology library library search borrow access write publish reading writing support listen menu cover aspect subject biology collaborate boundary design new experiment find fresh idea courses bachelor degree programme master degree programme phd study research group researcher lund university research portal services offer link rss nov news researcher globe johannes rousk select highly cite researcher web science group nov news insect difficulty handle high temperature bring climate change risk overheat nov news anders hedenström study factor affect migratory bird flight world sep news compared migratory bird common swift follow unusual pattern migrate breeding area wintering location news biology building sölvegatan lund ecology building sölvegatan lund arkivcentrum syd porfyrvägen lund delivery address contact person website accessibility statement
journal molecular cell biology oxford academic publishes authoritative review high quality article area molecular cell biology especially inter disciplinary study cross sect editor chief organoid base chemical approach dissect mechanism control cellular dynamic featured article mps1 dimerization multisite interaction ndc80 complex enable responsive spindle assembly checkpoint signal cyclophilins b oppositely regulate renal tubular epithelial cell phenotype dependence sperm structural functional integrity testicular calcineurin isoform ppp3r2 expression maternal 5p require zebrafish primordial germ cell migration protect small gtpase cdc42 latest article editor choice collection fast green track submit related title connect resource explore feature available subscriber find skip main content advertisement search menu account menu menu sign register navbar search filter journal molecular cell biology journals mobile microsite search term search sign register issue content advance article editor choice submit author guidelines submission site open access alert journal molecular cell biology society affiliation editorial board advertising corporate services journals career network self archive policy dispatch date issue content advance article editor choice submit author guidelines submission site open access alert journal molecular cell biology society affiliation editorial board advertising corporate services journals career network self archive policy dispatch date close search filter journal molecular cell biology journal search input search advanced search search menu skip nav destination support author subscriber community latest issue volume issue august impact factor year impact factor jiarui wu organoid base chemical approach dissect mechanism control cellular dynamic lauretta lacko shuibe chen organoids self organize vitro dimensional 3d tissue culture contain multiple type cell compare traditional dimensional 2d cell culture system 3d organoid well replicate architecture complexity physiology organ addition 3d organoid easy scale cost efficient compare animal model advertisement mps1 dimerization multisite interaction ndc80 complex enable responsive spindle assembly checkpoint signal error free mitosis depend accurate chromosome attachment spindle microtubule monitor spindle assembly checkpoint sac signal upstream factor sac precise dynamic kinetochore localization mps1 kinase critical initiate silence sac signaling underlie molecular mechanism remain elusive cyclophilins b oppositely regulate renal tubular epithelial cell phenotype restoration kidney tubular epithelium follow sublethal injury sequentially involve partial epithelial mesenchymal transition pemt proliferation redifferentiation specialized tubule epithelial cell tecs immunosuppressant cyclosporine produce pemt tecs inhibit peptidyl prolyl isomerase ppiase activity cyclophilin cyp protein hypothesize cyclophilins regulate tec phenotype dependence sperm structural functional integrity testicular calcineurin isoform ppp3r2 expression leave testis mammalian sperm undergo sequential maturation process epididymis follow capacitation movement female reproductive tract phenotypic change associate modification protein phosphorylation membrane remodeling requisite sperm acquire forward motility induce fertilization molecular mechanism underlie sperm maturation capacitation fully understand maternal 5p require zebrafish primordial germ cell migration protect small gtpase cdc42 low animal germ cell formation migration maintenance depend maternally provide determinant germ plasm zebrafish process extensively study term rna bind protein code gene role small non coding rna regulation primordial germ cell pgc development remain largely unknown poorly investigate grow interest importance mirnas involve wide variety biological process late article jmcb fully open access article publish cc cc nc licence late article find advance articles editor choice collection explore article highlight peer expert editor fast green track fast green track option available previously review manuscript manuscript fierce competition discover detail submit accept high quality clinical scientific paper relate aspect molecular cell biology submit carcinogenesis dna research molecular human reproduction human molecular genetics international immunology food quality safety nucleic acids research oxford open immunology advertisement journal molecular cell biology editorial board author guidelines facebook twitter advertising corporate services journals career network online issn copyright chinese academy sciences contact careers help access purchase rights permissions open access join mailing list oupblog twitter facebook youtube tumblr authors librarians societies sponsors advertisers press media agents shop oup academic oxford dictionaries epigeum oup worldwide university oxford oxford university press department university oxford further university objective excellence 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theoretical population biology journal elsevier interdisciplinary journal theoretical population biology present article theoretical aspect biology population particularly theoretical population biology author instruction useful link check submit paper track accept paper theoretical population biology menu search search result page result page result page result page home journals theoretical population biology issn editor chief rosenberg view editorial board citescore citescore measure average citation receive peer review document publish title citescore value base citation count range year peer review document article review conference paper data paper book chapter publish calendar year divide number document year impact factor impact factor measure average number citation receive particular year paper publish journal precede year journal citation reports clarivate analytics citescore ℹ impact factor ℹ submit paper support open access view articles guide author download guide authors pdf view guide authors online journal finder download understanding publishing process pdf indexing track paper check status submit manuscript submission system production article start track status article track accepted article order journal institutional subscription personal subscription journal metrics citescore ℹ citescore citescore measure average citation receive peer review document publish title citescore value base citation count range year peer review document article review conference paper data paper book chapter publish calendar year divide number document year impact factor ℹ impact factor impact factor measure average number citation receive particular year paper publish journal precede year journal citation reports clarivate analytics impact factor ℹ year impact factor calculate year impact factor citation count previous year divide source item publish previous year journal citation reports clarivate analytics source normalized impact paper snip ℹ source normalized impact paper snip snip measure contextual citation impact weight citation base total number citation subject field scimago journal rank sjr ℹ scimago journal rank sjr sjr prestige metric base idea citation sjr use similar algorithm google page rank provide quantitative qualitative measure journal impact view journal insights help expand public dataset research support sdgs research data share research datum data brief co submission related links author stats ℹ author stats publish article benefit have access personal dashboard citation usage datum publication place free service available publish publication scopus researcher academy author resources try personalize alert feature related publications journal theoretical biology mathematical bioscience interdisciplinary journal theoretical population biology present article theoretical aspect biology population particularly area demography ecology epidemiology evolution genetic emphasis development mathematical theory model enhance read interdisciplinary journal theoretical population biology present article theoretical aspect biology population particularly area demography ecology epidemiology evolution genetic emphasis development mathematical theory model enhance understanding biological phenomenon article highlight motivation significance work advance progress biology rely substantial mathematical effort obtain biological insight journal present empirical result computational statistical method directly impinge theoretical problem population biology elaboration aim scope journal appear editorial benefit author provide author benefit free pdf liberal copyright policy special discount elsevier publication click information author service guide author information article submission require information help visit support center hide aim scope download recent article cite open access article infinitesimal model definition derivation implication open access barton etheridge year theoretical population biology noah rosenberg vertical oblique cultural transmission fluctuate time space open access yoav ram uri liberman view downloaded article kleptoparasitic interaction model varying owner intruder hunger awareness noble chowdhury kirubel kentiba loss genetic variation locus multiallelic haploid model open access martin pontz marcus feldman heuristic model effect phenotypic robustness adaptive evolution emanuele rigato giuseppe fusco view recent article infinitesimal model definition derivation implication open access barton etheridge deploy dengue suppress wolbachia robust model predict slow effective spatial spread aedes aegypti michael turelli nicholas barton stochasticity heterogeneity variance longevity human population open access nienke hartemink trifon missov view cite articles loss genetic variation locus multiallelic haploid model open access martin pontz marcus feldman evolution transmission modifier frequency dependent selection transmission constant fluctuate environment open access hao shen uri liberman popularity spectrum apply cross cultural question open access mitsuhiro nakamura joe yuichiro wakano view recent open access article download article downloaded article theoretical population biology day infinitesimal model definition derivation implication open access barton etheridge year theoretical population biology noah rosenberg vertical oblique cultural transmission fluctuate time space open access yoav ram uri liberman view downloaded article recent articles recently publish article theoretical population biology kleptoparasitic interaction model varying owner intruder hunger awareness noble chowdhury kirubel kentiba loss genetic variation locus multiallelic haploid model open access martin pontz marcus feldman heuristic model effect phenotypic robustness adaptive evolution emanuele rigato giuseppe fusco view recent article cite article cite article publish extract scopus infinitesimal model definition derivation implication open access barton etheridge deploy dengue suppress wolbachia robust model predict slow effective spatial spread aedes aegypti michael turelli nicholas barton stochasticity heterogeneity variance longevity human population open access nienke hartemink trifon missov view cite article recent open access articles late open access article publish theoretical population biology loss genetic variation locus multiallelic haploid model open access martin pontz marcus feldman evolution transmission modifier frequency dependent selection transmission constant fluctuate environment open access hao shen uri liberman popularity spectrum apply cross cultural question open access mitsuhiro nakamura joe yuichiro wakano view recent open access articles announcements support equality inclusion diversity elsevier stand racism discrimination fully support joint commitment action inclusion diversity publishing partnership community serve redouble deep commitment inclusion diversity editorial author reviewer network visibility trust choice benefit publish open access elsevier discover open access option help maximize reach impact new guideline research datum authors submit research article journal encourage deposit research datum relevant data repository cite link dataset article possible author encourage statement explain research datum share way share datum publish elsevier help credit work datum accessible discoverable peer find guide author information research data guidelines view news tpb 50th anniversary celebrate special issue core element tpb paper editorial noah rosenberg theoretical population biology partner genetics new partnership help author reviewer view latest mendeley data datasets mendeley data repository free use open access enable deposit research datum include raw process datum video code software algorithm protocol method associate research manuscript dataset searchable mendeley data search include nearly million indexed dataset information visit mendeley data datum adaptive partitioning trna interaction interface aminoacyl trna synthetase david ardell andy collins hed file datum adult sex ratio index male strategy danya rose peter kim file code data spatial evolutionary dynamic produce negative cooperation population size relationship edward tekwa andrew gonzalez file view awards awards announce feldman prize win article outstanding article publish theoretical population biology award feldman prize winner feldman prize award hannes svardal claus rueffler joachim hermisson article general condition adaptive genetic polymorphism temporally spatially heterogeneous environment marcus feldman prize marcus feldman prize theoretical population biology tpb award biennially outstanding article publish theoretical population biology precede year view 如何出版指南 访问爱思唯尔webshop 爱思唯尔在中国 免费认证同行评议课程 通过线上模块化学习精进审稿能力与技巧 关注我们的微信公众号获取最新资讯 special issues special issue publish theoretical population biology year theoretical population biology noah rosenberg special issue honor marcus feldman 75th birthday sohini ramachandran sarah otto paul joyce simon tavare erkan ozge buzbas view plumx metrics recent list article social medium attention plum print article show relative activity category metric capture mentions social media citations learn plumx metrics class fast slow model adaptive resistance evolution class fast slow model adaptive resistance evolution class fast slow model adaptive resistance evolution year theoretical population biology year theoretical population biology year theoretical population biology adult sex ratio index male strategy primate adult sex ratio index male strategy primate adult sex ratio index male strategy primate view reader view articles issue alert personalized recommendations authors author information pack submit paper track paper researcher academy rights permissions elsevier author services webshop support center librarians order journal indexing editors publishing ethics resource kit guest editors support center reviewers reviewer 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welcome itrc industrial toxicology research centre lucknow india breaking news ashwani kumar scientist f appoint acting director itrc lucknow established industrial toxicology research centre itrc lucknow constituent laboratory council scientific industrial research csir dedicate provide health safeguard industrial agricultural worker rich knowledgebase create painstakingly year main campus locate mahatma gandhi marg city campus village gheru lucknow kanpur highway km main campus industrial toxicology research centre post box mahatma gandhi marg lucknow india phone director office phone epbax marg campus phone epbax gheru campus fax email annual report csir diamond jubilee invention award rds grants vt nuclear services staff forthcoming event environmental status reports phd programme tender notices news links right information act details equipments procurement copyright industrial toxicology research centre india
ag agriculture classroom usda aitc naitc teacher elementary school edu line course food animal agriculture question feature state state contact agricultural science award kid corner kid page kid corner kid page lesson plan virtual field trip national conference grant link education national agriculture classroom website provide educator engaging resource increase agricultural literacy student login mybinder featured resources happening connected plan route agricultural literacy help caution javascript disabled site experience affect skip main content mybinder sign login teacher center student center involved store teacher center student center involved store email password login mybinder forgot password account create view mybinder tutorial animal life cycles discover christmas trees spice space food agricultural production regions united states year maple hill farm living necklace kit search field search button use elearning resource engage student learn national conference des moines iowa june highlights national virtual summit teacher award recipients announced meet national agriculture advocate winner follow social media check blog subscribe e newsletter subscribe agroworld create mybinder profile join national agriculture classroom organization donate support teacher professional development use curriculum matrix help student arrive agricultural literacy person understand communicate source value agriculture affect quality life help send message question comment mission history programs research contact affiliate login facebook twitter youtube pinterest instagram blogger help grow join supporter website manage national center agricultural literacy utah state university support national institute food agriculture nifa united states department agriculture usda agreement national agriculture classroom organization opinion finding conclusion recommendation express website necessarily reflect view usda national agricultural literacy curriculum matrix license creative commons attribution noncommercial sharealike international license
iodine wikipedia iodine contents history edit property edit isotopes edit chemistry compound edit charge transfer complex edit hydrogen iodide edit binary iodide edit iodine halide edit iodine oxide oxoacid edit polyiodine compound edit organoiodine compound edit occurrence production edit application edit chemical analysis edit spectroscopy edit medicine edit elemental iodine edit formulation edit edit biological role edit dietary intake edit deficiency edit precaution edit toxicity edit occupational exposure edit allergic reaction edit dea list status edit popular culture edit reference edit bibliography edit navigation menu personal tool namespaces variant view search navigation contribute tool print export project language wikipedia free encyclopedia late accepted revision review december jump navigation jump search article chemical element use iodine disambiguation chemical element atomic number chemical element atomic number iodine iodine pronunciation ˈ aɪ ə d aɪ n d ɪ n d iː n eye dyn appearance lustrous metallic gray violet gas standard atomic weight r std iodine periodic table hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon caesium barium lanthanum cerium praseodymium neodymium promethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium lutetium hafnium tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum gold mercury element thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine radon francium radium actinium thorium protactinium uranium neptunium plutonium americium curium berkelium californium einsteinium fermium mendelevium nobelium lawrencium rutherfordium dubnium seaborgium bohrium hassium meitnerium darmstadtium roentgenium copernicium nihonium flerovium moscovium livermorium tennessine oganesson br tellurium iodine xenon atomic number z group group halogen period period block p block element category halogen electron configuration kr 4d 5s 5p electrons shell physical property phase stp solid melting point k c f boiling point k c f density near g cm triple point k kpa critical point k mpa heat fusion kj mol heat vaporisation kj mol molar heat capacity vapour pressure rhombic p pa k k k t k atomic property oxidation state strongly acidic oxide electronegativity pauling scale ionisation energy 1st kj mol 2nd kj mol 3rd kj mol atomic radius empirical pm covalent radius pm van der waals radius pm spectral line iodine property natural occurrence primordial crystal structure orthorhombic thermal conductivity electrical resistivity c magnetic ordering diamagnetic magnetic susceptibility cm k bulk modulus gpa cas number history discovery isolation bernard courtois main isotope iodine half life t decay mode syn h ε γ te syn d ε te syn d ε te stable trace y β xe syn d β γ xe syn h β xe category iodine view talk edit reference iodine chemical element symbol atomic number heavy stable halogen exist lustrous purple black non metallic solid standard condition melt form deep violet liquid degree celsius boil violet gas degree celsius sublime easily gentle heat result widespread misconception teach science textbook melt element discover french chemist bernard courtois name year later joseph louis gay lussac greek ἰώδης violet colour iodine occur oxidation state include iodide iodate io periodate anion abundant stable halogen abundant element heavy essential mineral nutrient iodine essential synthesis thyroid hormones iodine deficiency affect billion people lead preventable cause intellectual disability dominant producer iodine today chile japan iodine compound primarily nutrition high atomic number ease attachment organic compound find favour non toxic radiocontrast material specificity uptake human body radioactive isotope iodine treat thyroid cancer iodine catalyst industrial production acetic acid polymer history property isotope chemistry compound charge transfer complex hydrogen iodide binary iodide iodine halide iodine oxide oxoacid polyiodine compound organoiodine compound occurrence production applications chemical analysis spectroscopy medicine elemental iodine formulation biological role dietary intake deficiency precautions toxicity occupational exposure allergic reaction dea list status popular culture reference bibliography history edit iodine discover french chemist bernard courtois bear manufacturer saltpetre essential component gunpowder time napoleonic wars saltpetre great demand france saltpetre produce french nitre bed require sodium carbonate isolate seaweed collect coast normandy brittany isolate sodium carbonate seaweed burn ash wash water remain waste destroy add sulfuric acid courtois add excessive sulfuric acid cloud purple vapour rise note vapour crystallise cold surface make dark crystal courtois suspect material new element lack funding pursue courtois give sample friend charles bernard desormes nicolas clément continue research give substance chemist joseph louis gay lussac physicist andré marie ampère november desormes clément courtois discovery public describe substance meeting imperial institute france december gay lussac announce new substance element compound oxygen gay lussac suggest iode greek word ἰοειδής ioeidēs violet colour iodine vapor ampère give sample english chemist humphry davy experiment substance note similarity chlorine davy send letter date december royal society london state identify new element argument erupt davy gay lussac identify iodine scientist acknowledge courtois isolate element antonio grossich istrian bear surgeon use sterilization operative field introduce tincture iodine way rapid sterilization human skin surgical field early periodic table iodine give symbol j jod german property edit violet iodine vapour flask iodine fourth halogen member group periodic table fluorine chlorine bromine heavy stable member group scarce fugitive fifth halogen radioactive astatine study expense inaccessibility large quantity appear unusual property relativistic effect iodine electron configuration 5s 5p seven electron fifth outermost shell valence electron like halogen electron short octet strong oxidising agent react element order complete outer shell keep periodic trend weak oxidising agent stable halogen low electronegativity pauling scale compare fluorine chlorine bromine respectively astatine continue trend electronegativity elemental iodine form diatomic molecule chemical formula iodine atom share pair electron order achieve stable octet high temperature diatomic molecule reversibly dissociate pair iodine atom similarly iodide anion strong reduce agent stable halogen easily oxidise diatomic astatine go unstable readily oxidise existence settle halogen darken colour group descend fluorine pale yellow gas chlorine greenish yellow bromine reddish brown volatile liquid iodine conform prevail trend shiny black crystalline solid melt c boil c form violet gas trend occur wavelength visible light absorb halogen increase group astatine conform depend metallic turn specifically violet colour iodine gas result electron transition highest occupied antibonding π g molecular orbital low vacant antibonding σ u molecular orbital elemental iodine slightly soluble water gram dissolving ml c ml c potassium iodide add increase solubility formation triiodide ion polyiodide nonpolar solvent hexane carbon tetrachloride provide high solubility polar solution aqueous solution brown reflect role solvent lewis basis hand nonpolar solution violet color iodine vapour charge transfer complex form iodine dissolve polar solvent change colour iodine violet dissolve carbon tetrachloride saturated hydrocarbon deep brown alcohol amine solvent form charge transfer adduct pph charge transfer complex ch cl leave right dissolve dichloromethane ct complex second excess pph add ct complex form minute later excess pph add ct complex ph pi form immediately excess add contain ph pi melt boil point iodine high halogen conform increase trend group iodine large electron cloud easily polarise result molecule have strong van der waals interaction halogen similarly iodine volatile halogen large atomic radius halogens iodine low ionisation energy low electron affinity low electronegativity low reactivity halogen structure solid iodine interhalogen bond diiodine weak halogen sample gaseous iodine atmospheric pressure dissociate iodine atom c temperature great c require fluorine chlorine bromine dissociate similar extent bond iodine weak analogous bond light halogen gaseous iodine compose molecule bond length pm bond long single bond know long pm solid orthorhombic crystalline iodine crystal structure chlorine bromine record hold iodine neighbour xenon xe xe bond length pm iodine molecule significant electronic interaction occur near neighbour atom interaction rise bulk iodine shiny appearance semiconducting property iodine dimensional semiconductor band gap ev kj mol semiconductor plane crystalline layer insulator perpendicular direction isotope edit main article isotope iodine thirty seven know isotope iodine occur nature radioactive half life short primordial iodine monoisotopic mononuclidic atomic weight know great precision constant nature long live radioactive isotope iodine half life million year decay beta decay stable xenon form formation solar system completely decay away make extinct radionuclide useful date history early solar system old groundwater mobility environment presence determine excess daughter trace exist today cosmogenic nuclide form cosmic ray spallation atmospheric xenon trace terrestrial iodine occur open air nuclear testing hazardous incredibly long half life long fission product peak thermonuclear testing 1960 1970 terrestrial iodine excite state mössbauer spectroscopy iodine radioisotope short half life long day medical application involve thyroid gland iodine enter body store concentrated half life thirteen hour decay electron capture emit gamma radiation nuclear medicine imaging include single photon emission compute tomography spect x ray compute tomography x ray ct scan half life day decay electron capture emit low energy gamma radiation second long live iodine radioisotope use biological assay nuclear medicine imaging radiation therapy brachytherapy treat number condition include prostate cancer uveal melanomas brain tumour finally half life day beta decay excited state stable convert ground state emit gamma radiation common fission product present high level radioactive fallout absorb contaminate food accumulate thyroid decay cause damage thyroid primary risk exposure high level chance occurrence radiogenic thyroid cancer later life risk include possibility non cancerous growth thyroiditis usual mean protection negative effect saturate thyroid gland stable form potassium iodide tablet take daily optimal prophylaxis medicinal purpose radiation therapy reason tissue destruction desire iodine uptake tissue radioactive tracer chemistry compound edit halogen bond energy kj mol x xx hx bx alx cx f cl br reactive stable halogen iodine reactive element example chlorine gas halogenate carbon monoxide nitric oxide sulfur dioxide phosgene nitrosyl chloride sulfuryl chloride respectively iodine furthermore iodination metal tend result low oxidation state chlorination bromination example rhenium metal react chlorine form rhenium hexachloride bromine form rhenium pentabromide iodine achieve rhenium tetraiodide token iodine low ionisation energy halogens easily oxidise significant cationic chemistry high oxidation state stable bromine chlorine example iodine heptafluoride dissociate light absorbance nm wavelength charge transfer complex edit iodine molecule dissolve ccl aliphatic hydrocarbon bright violet solution solvent absorption band maximum occur nm region assign π σ transition react lewis basis solvent blue shift peak see new peak nm arise formation adduct refer charge transfer complex hydrogen iodide edit simple compound iodine hydrogen iodide hi colourless gas react oxygen water iodine useful iodination reaction laboratory large scale industrial use unlike hydrogen halide commercially usually react iodine hydrogen sulfide hydrazine n h h o hi n room temperature colourless gas like hydrogen halide hydrogen fluoride hydrogen form strong hydrogen bond large mildly electronegative iodine atom melt c boil c endothermic compound exothermically dissociate room temperature process slow catalyst present reaction hydrogen iodine room temperature hydrogen iodide proceed completion h bond dissociation energy likewise small hydrogen halide kj mol aqueous hydrogen iodide know hydroiodic acid strong acid hydrogen iodide exceptionally soluble water litre water dissolve litre hydrogen iodide saturate solution water molecule molecule hydrogen iodide commercial call concentrated hydroiodic acid usually contain hi mass solution form azeotrope boiling point c g hi g solution hydroiodic acid concentrate past point evaporation water unlike hydrogen fluoride anhydrous liquid hydrogen iodide difficult work solvent boiling point low small liquid range dielectric constant low dissociate appreciably h hi ion case stable bifluoride ion hf weak hydrogen bonding hydrogen iodine salt large weakly polarising cation cs nr r et bu n isolate anhydrous hydrogen iodide poor solvent able dissolve small molecular compound nitrosyl chloride phenol salt low lattice energy tetraalkylammonium halide binary iodide edit nearly element periodic table form binary iodide exception decidedly minority stem case cause extreme inertness reluctance participate chemical reaction noble gas extreme nuclear instability hamper chemical investigation decay transmutation heavy element bismuth have electronegativity high iodine oxygen nitrogen halogen resultant binary compound formally iodide oxide nitride halide iodine nonetheless nitrogen triiodide name iodide analogous nitrogen trihalide give large size iodide anion iodine weak oxidising power high oxidation state difficult achieve binary iodide maximum know pentaiodide niobium tantalum protactinium iodide reaction element oxide hydroxide carbonate hydroiodic acid dehydrate mildly high temperature combine low pressure anhydrous hydrogen iodide gas method work best iodide product stable hydrolysis possibility include high temperature oxidative iodination element iodine hydrogen iodide high temperature iodination metal oxide halide iodine volatile metal halide carbon tetraiodide organic iodide example oxide react iodide c iodide example involve halogen exchange give involve reaction chloride excess iodide c iodide tacl ali excess tai alcl 3tacl5 3tai5 5alcl3 low iodide produce thermal decomposition disproportionation reduce high iodide hydrogen metal example tai ta c c thermal gradient ta iodide pre transition metal group lanthanide actinide oxidation state ionic nonmetal tend form covalent molecular iodide metal high oxidation state ionic iodide mi n tend low melt boil point halide mx n element electrostatic force attraction cation anion weak large iodide anion contrast covalent iodide tend instead high melting boil point halide element iodine polarisable halogen have electron contribute van der waals force naturally exception abound intermediate iodide trend give way similarly solubility water predominantly ionic iodide potassium calcium great ionic halide element covalent iodide silver low element particular silver iodide insoluble water formation qualitative test iodine iodine halide edit halogen form binary diamagnetic interhalogen compound stoichiometry xy xy xy xy x heavy y iodine exception iodine form possible diatomic interhalogen trifluoride trichloride pentafluoride exceptionally halogens heptafluoride numerous cationic anionic derivative characterise wine red bright orange compound icl dark brown purplish black compound cl apart pseudohalide know cyanogen iodide icn iodine thiocyanate iscn iodine azide iodine monochloride iodine monofluoride unstable room temperature disproportionate readily irreversibly iodine iodine pentafluoride obtain pure synthesise reaction iodine fluorine gas trichlorofluoromethane c iodine trifluoride trichlorofluoromethane c fluoride c iodine monochloride icl iodine monobromide ibr hand moderately stable volatile red brown compound discover independently joseph louis gay lussac humphry davy long discovery chlorine iodine mimic intermediate halogen bromine justus von liebig mislead mistaking bromine find iodine monochloride iodine monochloride iodine monobromide prepare simply react iodine chlorine bromine room temperature purify fractional crystallisation reactive attack platinum gold boron carbon cadmium lead zirconium niobium molybdenum tungsten reaction organic compound depend condition iodine chloride vapour tend chlorinate phenol salicyclic acid iodine chloride undergo homolytic dissociation chlorine iodine produce reactive iodine chloride tetrachloromethane solution result iodination main reaction heterolytic fission cl bond occur attack phenol electrophile iodine monobromide tend brominate phenol tetrachloromethane solution tend dissociate element solution bromine reactive iodine liquid iodine monochloride iodine monobromide dissociate x ix anion x cl br significant conductor electricity ionise solvent iodine trifluoride unstable yellow solid decompose c little know difficult produce fluorine gas tend oxidise iodine way pentafluoride reaction low temperature xenon difluoride necessary iodine trichloride exist solid state planar dimer cl bright yellow solid synthesise react iodine liquid chlorine c caution necessary purification easily dissociate iodine monochloride chlorine act strong chlorinating agent liquid iodine trichloride conduct electricity possibly indicate dissociation icl icl ion iodine pentafluoride colourless volatile liquid thermodynamically stable iodine fluoride react iodine fluorine gas room temperature fluorinating agent mild store glass apparatus slight electrical conductivity present liquid state dissociation pentagonal bipyramidal iodine heptafluoride extremely powerful fluorinating agent chlorine trifluoride chlorine pentafluoride bromine pentafluoride interhalogen react element low temperature fluorinate pyrex glass form oxyfluoride iof set carbon monoxide fire iodine oxide oxoacid edit structure iodine pentoxide iodine oxide stable halogen oxide strong o bond result large electronegativity difference iodine oxygen know long time stable white hygroscopic iodine pentoxide o know formation gay lussac davy easily dehydration iodic acid hio anhydride quickly oxidise carbon monoxide completely carbon dioxide room temperature useful reagent determine carbon monoxide concentration oxidise nitrogen oxide ethylene hydrogen sulfide react sulfur trioxide peroxydisulfuryl difluoride s o f form salt iodyl cation io reduce concentrated sulfuric acid iodosyl salt involve io fluorinate fluorine bromine trifluoride sulfur tetrafluoride chloryl fluoride result iodine pentafluoride react iodine pentoxide give oxyfluoride iof stable oxide know notably o o structure determine reasonable guess iii v o io io respectively standard reduction potential aqueous species e h acid e oh base hoi io io hoi io io io io io io h io io h io io important oxoacid hypoiodous acid hio iodous acid hio iodic acid hio periodic acid hio h io iodine dissolve aqueous solution follow reaction occur h o hio h k ac mol l oh io h o k alk mol l hypoiodous acid unstable disproportionation hypoiodite ion form disproportionate immediately iodide iodate io io k iodous acid iodite stable exist fleeting intermediate oxidation iodide iodate iodate far important compound oxidise alkali metal iodide oxygen c high pressure oxidise iodine chlorate unlike chlorate disproportionate slowly form chloride perchlorate iodate stable disproportionation acidic alkaline solution salt metal obtain iodic acid easily oxidation aqueous iodine suspension electrolysis fume nitric acid iodate weak oxidising power halates react quick periodate know include expect tetrahedral io square pyramidal io octahedral orthoperiodate io io oh o oh o usually oxidise alkaline sodium iodate electrochemically oxide anode chlorine gas io oh io h o e io oh cl io cl h o thermodymically kinetically powerful oxidising agent quickly oxidise mn mno cleave glycol diketone ketol aminoalcohol diamine orthoperiodate especially stabilise high oxidation state metal high negative charge orthoperiodic acid h io stable dehydrate c vacuum metaperiodic acid hio attempt result nonexistent iodine heptoxide o iodine pentoxide oxygen periodic acid protonate sulfuric acid cation isoelectronic give salt bisulfate sulfate polyiodine compound edit iodine dissolve strong acid fume sulfuric acid bright blue paramagnetic solution include cation form solid salt diiodine cation obtain oxidise iodine antimony pentafluoride sbf c sb f sbf salt sb f dark blue blue tantalum analogue ta f know bond length pm pm miss electron remove antibonding orbital make bond strong short fluorosulfuric acid solution deep blue reversibly dimerise c form red rectangular diamagnetic polyiodine cation characterise include bent dark brown black centrosymmetric c h green black know asf alcl salt important polyiodide anion aqueous solution linear triiodide formation explain solubility iodine water increase addition potassium iodide solution k eq c polyiodide find solution contain iodine iodide crystallise salt large weakly polarise cation cs isolate organoiodine compound edit main article organoiodine compound structure oxidising agent acid organoiodine compound fundamental development organic synthesis hofmann elimination amine williamson ether synthesis wurtz couple reaction grignard reagent carbon iodine bond common functional group form core organic chemistry formally compound think organic derivative iodide anion simple organoiodine compound alkyl iodide synthesise reaction alcohol phosphorus triiodide nucleophilic substitution reaction prepare grignard reagent c bond weak carbon halogen bond minuscule difference electronegativity carbon iodine iodide good leaving group halogen extent organoiodine compound turn yellow store time decomposition elemental iodine commonly organic synthesis easy formation cleavage c bond significantly dense organohalogen compound thank high atomic weight iodine organic oxidising agent like iodane contain iodine high oxidation state acid common reagent oxidation alcohol aldehyde iodobenzene dichloride phicl selective chlorination alkene alkyne know use organoiodine compound call iodoform test iodoform chi produce exhaustive iodination methyl ketone compound capable oxidise methyl ketone follow drawback organoiodine compound compare organochlorine organobromine compound great expense toxicity iodine derivative iodine expensive organoiodine compound strong alkylate agent example iodoacetamide iodoacetic acid denature protein irreversibly alkylate cysteine residue prevent reformation disulfide linkage halogen exchange produce iodoalkane finkelstein reaction slightly complicate fact iodide well leaving group chloride bromide difference small reaction drive completion exploit differential solubility halide salt large excess halide salt classic finkelstein reaction alkyl chloride alkyl bromide convert alkyl iodide treatment solution sodium iodide acetone sodium iodide soluble acetone sodium chloride sodium bromide reaction drive product mass action precipitation insoluble salt occurrence production edit iodine abundant stable halogen comprise part million earth crustal rock compare fluorine ppm chlorine ppm bromine ppm element occur significant quantity element rank 61st abundance iodide mineral rare deposit concentrated economical extraction iodate mineral instead example include lautarite dietzeite 8cacro mineral occur trace impurity caliche find chile main product sodium nitrate total contain iodine mass sodium iodate extract caliche reduce iodide sodium bisulfite solution react freshly extract iodate result comproportionation iodine filter caliche main source iodine 19th century continue important today replace kelp long economically viable source late 20th century brine emerge comparable source japanese minami kanto gas field east tokyo american anadarko basin gas field northwest oklahoma large source brine hot c depth source brine purify acidify sulfuric acid iodide present oxidise iodine chlorine iodine solution produce dilute concentrate air blow solution evaporate iodine pass absorbing tower sulfur dioxide reduce iodine hydrogen iodide hi react chlorine precipitate iodine filter purification iodine pack hi cl hcl h o hi h hi cl hcl source ensure chile japan large producer iodine today alternatively brine treat silver nitrate precipitate iodine silver iodide decompose reaction iron form metallic silver solution iodide iodine liberate displacement chlorine application edit half produce iodine go organoiodine compound remain pure element form potassium iodide inorganic iodine compound major use iodine compound catalyst animal feed supplement stabiliser dye colourant pigment pharmaceutical sanitation tincture iodine photography minor use include smog inhibition cloud seed use analytical chemistry chemical analysis edit test seed starch solution iodine iodide iodate anion quantitative volumetric analysis example iodometry iodine starch form blue complex reaction test starch iodine indicator iodometry iodine test starch detect counterfeit banknote print starch contain paper iodine value mass iodine gram consume gram chemical substance typically fat oil iodine number determine unsaturation fatty acid unsaturation form double bond react iodine compound biology linoleic acid alpha linolenic arachidonic acid aa c20 docosahexaenoic acid dha synthesize iodine iodolipid develop cell membrane evolution life important mechanism apoptosis carcinogenesis degenerative disease potassium k hgi know nessler reagent sensitive spot test ammonia similarly cu hgi precipitate reagent test alkaloid aqueous alkaline iodine solution iodoform test methyl ketone spectroscopy edit spectra iodine molecule consist exclusively ten thousand sharp spectral line wavelength range nm commonly wavelength reference secondary standard measure spectroscopic doppler free technique focus line hyperfine structure iodine molecule reveal line resolve component rotational quantum number j component odd rotational quantum number j odd measurable cesium iodide thallium dope sodium iodide crystal scintillator detection gamma ray efficiency high energy dispersive spectroscopy possible resolution poor medicine edit elemental iodine edit main article iodine medical use elemental iodine disinfectant element water soluble triiodide anion generate situ add iodide poorly water soluble elemental iodine reverse chemical reaction make free elemental iodine available antisepsis elemental iodine treat iodine deficiency alternative iodine produce iodophor contain iodine complexe solubilize agent iodide ion think loosely iodophor triiodide water solution example preparation include tincture iodine iodine ethanol iodine sodium iodide mixture ethanol water lugol iodine iodine iodide water form triiodide unlike tincture iodine lugol iodine minimise free iodine component povidone iodine iodophor antimicrobial action iodine quick work low concentration operate theatre specific mode action unknown penetrate microorganism attack particular amino acid cysteine methionine nucleotide fatty acid ultimately result cell death antiviral action nonlipid virus parvovirus sensitive lipid envelop virus iodine probably attack surface protein envelop virus destabilise membrane fatty acid react unsaturated carbon bond formulation edit medicine saturate solution potassium iodide treat acute thyrotoxicosis block uptake thyroid gland isotopes section isotope radiopharmaceutical iobenguane target thyroid thyroid type tissue usually iodide component nuclear fallout particularly dangerous owing thyroid gland propensity concentrate ingested iodine retain period long isotope radiological half life day reason people risk exposure environmental radioactive iodine fallout instruct non radioactive potassium iodide tablet typical adult dose mg tablet hour supply mg microgram ionic iodine typical daily dose iodine normal health order microgram dietary intake ingestion large dose non radioactive iodine minimise uptake radioactive iodine thyroid gland diatrizoic acid iodine contain radiocontrast agent element high electron density atomic number iodine absorb x ray weak kev photoelectric effect innermost electron organoiodine compound intravenous injection x ray radiocontrast agent application conjunction advanced x ray technique angiography ct scanning present water soluble radiocontrast agent rely iodine edit main article iodine value production ethylenediamine dihydroiodide provide nutritional supplement livestock consume large portion available iodine significant use catalyst production acetic acid monsanto cativa process technology support world demand acetic acid hydroiodic acid convert methanol feedstock methyl iodide undergo carbonylation hydrolysis result acetyl iodide regenerate hydroiodic acid give acetic acid inorganic iodide find specialise use titanium zirconium hafnium thorium purify van arkel process involve reversible formation tetraiodide element silver iodide major ingredient traditional photographic film thousand kilogram silver iodide annually cloud seed induce rain organoiodine compound erythrosine important food color agent perfluoroalkyl iodide precursor important surfactant perfluorooctanesulfonic acid iodine clock reaction iodine serve test starch form dark blue complex popular educational demonstration experiment example seemingly oscillate reaction concentration intermediate product oscillate biological role edit main article iodine biology thyroid system thyroid hormones t t comparison iodine content urine france microgramme day region department average level urine iodine measure microgram liter end twentieth century iodine essential element life atomic number z heavy element commonly need live organism lanthanum lanthanide tungsten z microorganism require synthesis growth regulate thyroid hormones thyroxine triiodothyronine t t respectively name number iodine atom deficiency iodine lead decrease production t t concomitant enlargement thyroid tissue attempt obtain iodine cause disease know simple goitre major form thyroid hormone blood thyroxine t long half life t human ratio t t release blood t convert active t time potent t cell deiodinase process decarboxylation deiodination produce iodothyronamine t thyronamine t isoform deiodinase selenium enzyme dietary selenium essential t production iodine account molecular weight t t mg iodine concentrate thyroid tissue hormone iodine body find tissue include mammary gland eye gastric mucosa fetal thymus cerebro spinal fluid choroid plexus arterial wall cervix salivary gland cell tissue iodide enter directly sodium iodide symporter nis action iodine mammary tissue relate fetal neonatal development tissue partially unknown dietary intake edit recommendation united states institute medicine µg infant month µg child year µg child year µg adult µg pregnant woman µg lactation tolerable upper intake level ul adult μg day upper limit assess analyze effect supplementation thyroid stimulate hormone thyroid gland need μg day synthesise requisite daily amount t4 t3 higher recommend daily allowance level iodine necessary optimal function number body system include lactation gastric mucosa salivary gland brain cell choroid plexus thymus arterial wall natural source dietary iodine include seafood fish seaweed kelp shellfish dairy product egg long animal receive iodine plant grow iodine rich soil iodised salt fortify iodine form sodium iodide median intake iodine food united states μg day man μg day woman general population adequate iodine nutrition woman childbeare age pregnant woman have possible mild risk deficiency japan consumption consider high range μg day μg day dietary seaweed kombu kelp form kombu umami extract soup stock potato chip new study suggest japan consumption close μg day adult ul japan revised µg day iodine fortification program iodisation salt implement case iodine induce hyperthyroidism observe call jod basedow phenomenon condition occur mainly people risk appear high iodine deficiency severe initial rise iodine intake high deficiency edit main article iodine deficiency area little iodine diet typically remote inland area semi arid equatorial climate marine food eat iodine deficiency give rise hypothyroidism symptom extreme fatigue goitre mental slowing depression weight gain low basal body temperature iodine deficiency leading cause preventable intellectual disability result occur primarily baby small child render hypothyroidic lack element addition iodine table salt largely eliminate problem wealthy nation iodine deficiency remain public health problem develop world today iodine deficiency problem certain area europe information processing fine motor skill visual problem solve improve iodine repletion moderately iodine deficient child precaution edit toxicity edit iodine hazards ghs pictograms ghs signal word danger ghs hazard statement h312 h332 h315 h319 h335 h372 h400 ghs precautionary statement p261 p273 p280 p305 p351 p338 p314 nfpa fire diamond elemental iodine toxic take orally undiluted lethal dose adult human mg kg gram human weigh kg experiment rat demonstrate animal survive eat mg kg dose excess iodine cytotoxic presence selenium deficiency iodine supplementation selenium deficient population theory problematic partly reason toxicity derive oxidizing property denaturate protein include enzyme elemental iodine skin irritant direct contact skin cause damage solid iodine crystal handle care solution high elemental iodine concentration tincture iodine lugol solution capable cause tissue damage prolong cleaning antisepsis similarly liquid povidone iodine betadine trap skin result chemical burn report case occupational exposure edit people expose iodine workplace inhalation ingestion skin contact eye contact occupational safety health administration osha set legal limit permissible exposure limit iodine exposure workplace ppm mg m workday national institute occupational safety health niosh set recommend exposure limit rel ppm mg m workday level ppm iodine immediately dangerous life health allergic reaction edit people develop hypersensitivity product food contain iodine application tincture iodine betadine cause rash severe parenteral use iodine base contrast agent cause reaction range mild rash fatal anaphylaxi reaction lead misconception widely hold physician people allergic iodine allergy iodine rich seafood construe fact confirm report true iodine allergy allergy elemental iodine simple iodide salt theoretically impossible hypersensitivity reaction product food contain iodine apparently related molecular component person demonstrate allergy food product contain iodine allergic reaction patient food allergy shellfish egg milk etc increase risk contrast medium hypersensitivity medication patient allergy history question consult contain iodine administer dea list status edit phosphorus reduce elemental iodine hydroiodic acid reagent effective reduce ephedrine pseudoephedrine methamphetamine reason iodine designate united states drug enforcement administration list precursor chemical cfr popular culture edit pilot episode breaking bad container iodine visible walter white synthesize methamphetamine nagai route red phosphorus iodine reduce pseudoephedrine reference edit meija juris et al atomic weight element iupac technical report pure applied chemistry doi magnetic susceptibility element inorganic compound handbook chemistry physics 81st edition crc press weast robert crc handbook chemistry physics boca raton florida chemical rubber company publishing pp e110 isbn b c d iodine micronutrient information center linus pauling institute oregon state university corvallis retrieve november b courtois bernard découverte substance nouvelle dan le vareck annales de chimie french seaweed wash shore call varec varech vareck english word wrack later varec refer ashe seaweed ashe source iodine salt sodium potassium swain patricia bernard courtois fame discover iodine life paris pdf bulletin history chemistry archive original pdf july retrieve april greenwood earnshaw b iodine retrieve october desormes clément announcement institut impérial de france 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imaging iodine allergy contrast administration lombardo p nairz k boehm patient safety iodine allergy manage patient iodine allergy receive iodinate contrast medium eur j radiol doi pmid katelaris constance iodine allergy label mislead australian prescriber doi skinner methamphetamine synthesis hydriodic acid red phosphorus reduction ephedrine forensic science international doi section substances cover bibliography edit greenwood norman earnshaw alan chemistry elements 2nd ed butterworth heinemann isbn portal access related topic chemistry portal find wikipedia sister project medium commons definitions wiktionary textbooks wikibooks quotations wikiquote source text wikisource learning resource wikiversity v t e periodic table large cell h li b c n o f ne na mg al si p s cl ar k sc ti v cr mn fe co ni cu zn ga ge se br kr rb sr y zr nb mo tc ru rh pd ag cd sn sb te xe cs ba la ce pr nd pm sm eu gd tb dy ho er tm yb lu hf ta w os ir pt au hg tl pb bi po rn fr ra ac th pa u np pu cm bk cf es fm md lr rf db sg bh hs mt ds rg cn nh fl mc lv ts og alkali metal alkaline earth metal actinide transition metal metal metalloid nonmetal halogen noble gas v t e iodine compound hi ati icn hio icl ibr hio icl ibr hio o hio h io v t e diatomic chemical element normal h n o f cl br ar c p s li rb v t e thyroid hormone receptor modulator receptor ligands thr agonists dextrothyroxine dimit ditpa eprotirome levothyroxine liothyronine liotrix sobetirome thyroxine tiratricol triac triiodothyronine thyroid extract zyt1 antagonists nh3 tetraiodothyroacetic acid tetrac transporter blocker nis inhibitor cyanogenic glycoside perchlorates potassium perchlorate pertechnetates sodium pertechnetate thiocyanates enzyme inhibitor tpo inhibitor benzylthiouracil carbimazole genistein methimazole methylthiouracil propylthiouracil thiourea dio inhibitors dexpropranolol iopanoic acid ipodate sodium sodium iopodate propranolol propylthiouracil iodine selenium thyroglobulin tyrosine receptor signal modulator authority control bne xx529206 bnf cb11966629x data gnd lccn sh85067769 ndl retrieve category iodine chemical element halogens reactive nonmetal diatomic nonmetal biology pharmacology chemical element dietary mineral oxidize agent gas color hide category cs1 julian gregorian uncertainty webarchive template wayback link cs1 error miss periodical page citation lack title pages citation have bare urls cs1 maint multiple name author list wikipedia pende change protect page article short description short description different wikidata good article use dmy date july use british english january wikiproject elements page engvar article contain ancient greek text chembox have ghs datum chembox container wikipedia article bne identifier wikipedia article bnf identifier wikipedia article gnd identifier wikipedia article lccn identifier wikipedia article ndl identifier personal tool log talk contributions create account log namespaces article talk variant view read edit view history 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mìng монгол nederlands 日本語 nordfriisk norsk bokmål norsk nynorsk occitan پنجابی پښتو piemontèis plattdüütsch polski português română runa simi русский sardu scots seeltersk shqip sicilianu simple english slovenčina slovenščina soomaaliga کوردی српски srpski srpskohrvatski српскохрватски sunda suomi svenska tagalog татарча tatarça ไทย тоҷикӣ türkçe тыва дыл українська اردو ئۇيغۇرچە uyghurche vepsän kel tiếng việt 文言 winaray 吴语 yorùbá 粵語 zazaki 中文 edit link page edit december utc text available creative commons attribution sharealike license additional term apply site agree term use privacy policy wikipedia registered trademark wikimedia foundation non profit organization privacy policy wikipedia disclaimers contact wikipedia mobile view developers statistics cookie statement
chemical iridium ir iridium ir element periodic table element chemistry science education physics school reference bohr atom matter basic information atomic structure isotopes facts related links mla format cite page home site comments help links window version table atomic number atomic mass electron configuration number neutron melt point boiling point date discovery crystal structure element groups alkali metal alkaline earth metals transition metal metal metalloids non metal halogens noble gas rare earth element basic information atomic structure isotopes related links cite page basic information iridium symbol ir atomic number atomic mass amu melting point c k f boiling point c k f number protons electrons number neutron classification transition metal crystal structure cubic density k g cm color white atomic structure number energy levels energy level second energy level energy level fourth energy level fifth energy level sixth energy level isotopes isotope half life day day day m hour hour stable day stable m day hour m day fact date discovery discoverer tenant origin latin word iridis rainbow uses tip gold pen crucible special container obtain gravel deposit platinum related links currently know link iridium let know mla format cite page bentor yinon chemical iridium information cite online source visit mla website page create yinon bentor use web site restrict site license agreement copyright yinon bentor rights reserve
hanks lab university illinois insect ecology behavior chemical ecology plant insect interaction invasive specie longhorne beetle cerambycidae hanks lab department entomology university illinois urbana champaign hanks students publications misc
explain scientific theories inductive reasoning answer common question scientific theory inductive reasoning theory evolution reasoning theory evolution return home page questions answer scientific theories return home page send e mail question comment material copyrighted properly cite use material home author contact chapter introduction square cube law dinosaur paradox science flight dinosaur solution thick atmosphere biology revolution earth heat solar system blue planet rock fossil dinos dragonflies planetary evolution articles scientific theories introduction square cube law dinosaur paradox science flight search solution thick atmosphere solution biology revolution earth heat solar system blue planet rocks fossil dinosaurs dragonflies planetary evolution author scientific theories educational resources home page contact dinosaurtheory store right reserve return home page scientific theory important idea science scientist confident validity refer theory scientific theory arrive inductive reasoning deductive reasoning strict framework logic idea refer theory simple confusion meaning word public astrophysicist use word theory word hypothesis determine scientific idea model hypothesis theory put dinosaur puzzle analogy solve board puzzle helpful clarify distinction theory hypothesis puzzle piece possible candidate fill open space puzzle puzzle piece consider possible hypothesis try puzzle piece piece appear fit side puzzle point tempting upgrade status puzzle piece good hypothesis theory actually puzzle piece hypothesis caution need evidence come case board puzzle piece fit occasionally piece think fit match hypothesis reject piece prove fit side confident piece fit puzzle way multiple distinct logical argument base factual evidence upgrade hypothesis status call theory finally similar board puzzle piece correct theory fit base knowledge fit surround evidence hypothesis fit fact theory allow big picture sense evidence surround theory important idea science allow significance random information wrong sherlock holmes type deductive reasoning statement possible hypothesis eliminate hypothesis matter unlikely correct hypothesis deductive reasoning draw conclusion complete certainty tempting believe deductive reasoning fact inductive reasoning fictional sherlock holmes make mistake rarely reasoning concern nature consider deductive reasoning problem imply possible hypothesis identify fact know nature secret important conduct experiment collect field datum verify logic experiment learn nature secret add base knowledge inductive reasoning draw conclusion complete certainty generally helpful deductive reasoning inductive reasoning allow reach conclusion directly observe base observe inductive reasoning allow geologist use present observation draw conclusion event happen million year ago earth distant past inductive reason allow use observation past anticipate probable event future example day bus stop bench pm sit bench minute expect bus arrive minute notice inductive reasoning correct vast majority time guarantee true matter consistent bus complete certainty bus day predict time attempt solve problem like consider reasonable hypothesis believe identify possibility equivalent state limited imagination scientific theory arrive inductive reasoning true prove put dinosaur puzzle yes follow strict rule logic claim matter argument appear confirm theory technically possibility wrong realistic term sound argument lead agreement conceptual model odd theory wrong extremely small practical purpose answer refer board puzzle example let piece appear fit match second finally side fit puzzle puzzle piece seamlessly fit puzzle bit ridiculous continue argue belong happen theory new evidence lead slight important modification theory biologist test theory evolution know chance overturn theory evolution effectively nil scientist continue experiment hope gain deep understanding evolution work example darwin favor call gradualism evolution suggest birth new specie come gradual separation original recent evidence show far common new specie evolve small isolated population later quickly displace large population punctuate equilibrium form evolution fossil evidence tend abrupt change specie gradual separation suggest modification darwin original idea certainly overthrow evolution theory important improvement understand process work example scientific theory put dinosaur puzzle copernican heliocentric model solar system good example guideline scientific theory purpose provide simple explanation movement planet nicolaus copernicus suggest sun earth center think universe strong point copernican model give logical explanation phase moon apparent retrograde motion mars see earth like scientific truth unsette people think earth center universe evidence need accept point copernican model consider strong hypothesis theory later philosopher giordano bruno promote merit europe scientist galileo galilei johannes kepler provide additional evidence need raise status idea theory kepler precise datum astronomer tycho brahe discover planet ellipse sun focus powerful argument sun earth center galileo contribution come construct telescope new technology record observation telescope observe mountain surface moon additional moon orbit jupiter phase venus sunspot sun present observation support heliocentric model solar system publication dialogue concern chief world systems put dinosaur puzzle independently collectively argument base inductive reasoning prove sun center solar system take collectively effectively impossible argument lead conclusion correct conclusion argument like puzzle piece argument help disprove hypothesis fit mismatch puzzle piece argument support conclusion increasingly ridiculous argue conclusion correct hypothesis pass test classify scientific theory strong independent argument base sound evidence support conclusion theory evolution true scientific theory theory evolution true scientific theory pass test have independent argument base evidence lead conclusion furthermore theory evolution demonstrate ability powerful tool make sense evidence surround theory evolution prove important scientific theory theory evolution true scientific theory controversy believe open new idea reality people unwilling adjust fundamental belief people theory evolution affront belief human being uniquely gift apart specie planet scientific evidence support belief endow ancestral lineage separate specie truth upset people ignore overwhelming evidence belief close mind overwhelming evidence envision theory evolution hypothesis remain hope defeat attack evolution time distort truth intention promote well science instead fulfill wishful agenda constructive criticism welcome seek improvement clear critic evolution promote anti science philosophy damaging success civilization good science seek truth reality regardless make feel human nature self center willing listen feel important scientist human upset truth discover successful interact reality need maturity accept truth center universe earth thousand year old human being uniquely create specie general rule helpful determine truth argument place center attention likely deceive play human need feel important certain wrong fight human weakness maturity well able wise decision put dinosaur puzzle return home page e mail
neptunium chemical element britannica neptunium np radioactive chemical element actinoid series periodic table transuranium element artificially produce atomic number trace neptunium subsequently find nature primeval produce neptunium encyclopedia encyclopeadia britannica article neptunium learn related britannica article browse search quiz game day login subscribe entertainment pop culture geography travel health medicine lifestyles social issues literature philosophy religion politics law government science sports recreation technology visual art world history quiz games podcast day biographies week review topic summaries infographics demystified lists wtfact companions image galleries spotlight entertainment pop culture geography travel health medicine lifestyles social issues literature philosophy religion politics law government science sports recreation technology visual art world history britannica classics check retro video encyclopedia britannica archive wtfact video wtfact britannica share bizarre fact find demystified videos demystified britannica answer burn question time history video find happen month month history britannica explain video britannica explain variety topic answer frequently ask question neptunium article media additional info home science chemistry chemical element print cite share share share social medium facebook twitter url feedback external website feedback correction update omission let know suggestion improve article require login feedback type select type required factual correction spelling grammar correction link correction additional information feedback submit feedback thank feedback editor review submit determine revise article join britannica publishing partner program community expert gain global audience work external websites royal society chemistry neptunium chemicool neptunium element facts los alamos national laboratory chemistry division neptunium livescience facts neptunium chemical neptunium britannica websites articles britannica encyclopedias elementary high school student neptunium student encyclopedia age written lester morss adjunct professor department chemistry university maryland college park maryland article history alternative title np neptunium np radioactive chemical element actinoid series periodic table transuranium element artificially produce atomic number trace neptunium subsequently find nature primeval produce neutron transmutation reaction uranium ore american physicist edwin mcmillan chemist philip abelson find neptunium uranium bombard neutron cyclotron berkeley california element name planet neptune planet uranus encyclopædia britannica britannica quiz names symbols periodic table quiz periodic table element know symbol quiz show chemical symbol need choose chemical element represent neptunium produce weighable amount nuclear reactor breeder reactor product plutonium production neptunium produce part plutonium neptunium isotope radioactive stable half life year unstable half life microsecond separate reactor fuel study physical chemical property element neptunium silvery metal exist crystalline modification room temperature form alpha orthorhombic neptunium chemically reactive similar plutonium uranium oxidation state neptunium ion aqueous solution possess characteristic colour np pale purple np pale yellow green npo green blue npo vary colourless pink yellow green depend anion present np dark green compound neptunium prepare oxidation state generally similar compound uranium plutonium oxidation state element properties atomic number stable isotope melt point c f specific gravity alpha oxidation state electron configuration gaseous atomic state f d s lester morss related britannica article actinoid element general similarity actinoid element discover neptunium atomic number prepare bombardment uranium metal neutron nuclear weapon produce control chain reaction discover element name neptunium planet uranus uranium name infer element decay element bohr wheeler fission theory suggest isotope new element fission low speed neutron bombardment transuranium element discovery transuranium element name neptunium history fingertip sign happen day day inbox email address sign agree privacy notice thank subscribe lookout britannica newsletter trust story deliver right inbox neptunium quick facts key people edwin mattison mcmillan philip hauge abelson relate topic chemical element neptunium series inspire inbox sign daily fun fact day history update special offer enter email subscribe sign email agree news offer information encyclopaedia britannica click view privacy notice easy unsubscribe link provide email thank subscribe lookout britannica newsletter trust story deliver right inbox stay connected facebook twitter youtube instagram pinterest newsletter legal info partner program contact privacy notice term use encyclopædia britannica close late episode parent feature topic empathy
fire ecology wikipedia fire ecology contents fire component edit abiotic response edit biotic response adaptation edit plant edit fire intolerance edit fire tolerance edit fire resistance edit animal bird microbe edit fire ecological succession edit example fire different ecosystem edit forest edit forest british columbia edit shrubland edit california shrubland edit south african fynbos shrubland edit grasslands edit north american grassland edit south african savanna edit longleaf pine savanna edit fire wetland edit fire suppression edit chaparral community edit fish impact edit fire management tool edit great plains shortgrass prairie edit mixed conifer forest sierra nevada edit finnish boreal forest edit australian eucalypt forest edit management policy edit united states edit edit footnote edit bibliography edit external link edit navigation menu personal tool namespaces variant view search navigation contribute tool print export language wikipedia free encyclopedia jump navigation jump search old fire burn san bernardino mountains image take international space station fire ecology scientific discipline concern natural process involve fire ecosystem ecological effect interaction fire abiotic biotic component ecosystem role ecosystem process ecosystem particularly prairie savanna chaparral coniferous forest evolve fire essential contributor habitat vitality renewal plant specie fire affect environment require fire germinate establish reproduce wildfire suppression eliminate specie animal depend campaign united states historically mold public opinion believe wildfire harmful nature view base outdated belief ecosystem progress equilibrium disturbance fire disrupt harmony nature recent ecological research show fire integral component function biodiversity natural habitat organism community adapt withstand exploit natural wildfire generally fire regard natural disturbance similar flooding wind storm landslide drive evolution specie control characteristic ecosystem fire suppression combination human cause environmental change result unforeseen consequence natural ecosystem large wildfire united states blame year fire suppression continue expansion people fire adapt ecosystem climate change likely responsible land manager face tough question restore natural fire regime allow wildfire burn expensive likely effective method combination photo take photo point florida panther nwr photo panoramic cover degree view monitoring point photo range pre burn year post burn fire component abiotic response biotic response adaptation plant fire intolerance fire tolerance fire resistance animals bird microbe fire ecological succession example fire different ecosystem forest forest british columbia shrublands california shrubland south african fynbos shrubland grasslands north american grassland south african savanna longleaf pine savanna fire wetland fire suppression chaparral community fish impact fire management tool great plains shortgrass prairie mixed conifer forest sierra nevada finnish boreal forest australian eucalypt forest management policy united states footnotes bibliography external link fire component edit fire regime describe characteristic fire interact particular ecosystem severity term ecologist use refer impact fire ecosystem ecologist define way way estimate plant mortality fire burn level ground fire burn soil rich organic matter surface fire burn dead plant material lie ground crown fire burn top shrub tree ecosystem generally experience mix fire break dry season area wildfire commonly occur time year lightning prevalent frequency span year fire occur particular location measure common wildfire give ecosystem define average interval fire give site average interval fire equivalent specify area define energy release unit length fireline kw m wildfire intensity estimate product linear spread rate m s low heat combustion kj kg combust fuel mass unit area estimate flame length radiata pine plantation burn eastern victorian alpine bushfire australia abiotic response edit fire affect soil heating combustion process depend temperature soil cause combustion process different effect evaporation water low temperature range combustion soil organic matter formation pyrogenic organic matter know charcoal fire cause change soil nutrient variety mechanism include oxidation volatilization erosion leaching water event usually high temperature order significant loss nutrient occur quantity nutrient available soil usually increase ash generate quickly available oppose slow release nutrient decomposition rock spalling thermal exfoliation accelerate weather rock potentially release nutrient increase ph soil follow fire commonly observe likely formation calcium carbonate subsequent decomposition calcium carbonate calcium oxide temperature high increase cation content soil ash temporarily increase soil ph microbial activity soil increase heating soil increase nutrient content soil study find complete loss microbe layer soil fire overall soil basic high ph follow fire acid combustion drive novel chemical reaction high temperature fire alter texture structure soil affect clay content soil porosity removal vegetation follow fire cause effect soil increase temperature soil day increase solar radiation soil surface great cooling loss radiative heat night few leave intercept rain cause rain reach soil surface few plant absorb water water content soil increase see ash water repellent dry water content availability actually increase biotic response adaptation edit fire adaptation plant edit lodgepole pine cone plant evolve adaptation cope fire adaptation well know likely pyriscence maturation release seed trigger fire smoke behaviour erroneously call serotiny term truly denote broad category seed release activate stimulus pyriscent plant serotinous serotinous plant pyriscent necriscent hygriscent xeriscent soliscent combination thereof hand germination seed activate trigger confuse pyriscence know physiological dormancy chaparral community southern california example plant leave coat flammable oil encourage intense fire heat cause fire activate seed germinate example dormancy young plant capitalize lack competition burn landscape plant smoke activate seed fire activate bud cone lodgepole pine pinus contorta conversely pyriscent seal resin fire melt away release seed plant specie include shade intolerant giant sequoia sequoiadendron giganteum require fire gap vegetation canopy let light allow seedling compete shade tolerant seedling specie establish stationary nature preclude fire avoidance plant specie fire intolerant fire tolerant fire resistant fire intolerance edit fire intolerant plant specie tend highly flammable destroy completely fire plant seed simply fade community fire return adapt ensure offspring survive generation obligate seeder plant large fire activate seed bank germinate grow mature rapidly follow fire order reproduce renew seed bank fire seed contain receptor protein kai2 activate growth hormone karrikin release fire fire tolerance typical regrowth australian bushfire fire tolerance edit fire tolerant specie able withstand degree burning continue grow despite damage fire plant refer resprouter ecologist show specie resprouter store extra energy root aid recovery growth follow fire example australian bushfire mountain grey gum tree eucalyptus cypellocarpa start produce mass shoot leave base tree way trunk make look like black stick completely cover young green leave fire resistance edit fire resistant plant suffer little damage characteristic fire regime include large tree flammable part high surface fire mature ponderosa pine pinus ponderosa example tree specie suffer virtually crown damage naturally mild fire regime shed low vulnerable branch mature animal bird microbe edit mixed flock hawk hunt bushfire like plant animal display range ability cope fire differ plant avoid actual fire survive bird vulnerable nest generally able escape fire profit able prey flee fire recolonize burn area quickly anthropological ethno ornithological evidence suggest certain specie fire forage raptor engage intentional fire propagation flush prey mammal capable flee fire seek cover burrow amphibian reptile avoid flame burrow ground burrow animal amphibian particular able refuge water wet mud arthropod shelter fire heat smoke actually attract peril microbial organism soil vary heat tolerance likely able survive fire deeper soil low fire intensity quick passing flame dry soil help increase available nutrient fire pass result large microbial community fire generally great heat tolerance bacteria relative fungi make possible soil microbial population diversity change follow fire depend severity fire depth microbe soil presence plant cover certain specie fungi cylindrocarpon destructan appear unaffected combustion contaminant inhibit population burn soil microorganism high chance survive fire disturbance recolonize compete fungal specie fire ecological succession edit fire behavior different ecosystem organism ecosystem adapt accordingly sweeping generality ecosystem fire create mosaic different habitat patch area range have burn untouche fire year form ecological succession freshly burn site progress continuous directional phase colonization follow destruction cause fire ecologist usually characterize succession change vegetation successively arise fire specie colonize seed present soil seed able travel burn area quickly generally fast grow herbaceous plant require light intolerant shade time pass slowly grow shade tolerant woody specie suppress herbaceous plant conifer early successional specie broad leaf tree frequently replace absence fire conifer forest dependent recur fire different specie plant animal microbe specialize exploit different stage process succession create different type patch fire allow great number specie exist landscape soil characteristic factor determine specific nature fire adapt ecosystem climate topography example fire different ecosystem edit forest edit mild moderate fire burn forest understory remove small tree herbaceous groundcover high severity fire burn crown tree kill dominant vegetation crown fire require support ground fuel maintain fire forest canopy passive crown fire fire burn canopy independently ground fuel support active crown fire high severity fire create complex early seral forest habitat snag forest high level biodiversity forest burn frequently plant litter build ground soil temperature rise slightly lethal root lie deep soil characteristic forest influence impact fire factor climate topography play important role determine fire severity fire extent fire spread widely drought year severe upper slope influence type vegetation grow forest british columbia edit canada forest cover land area harbor country bird terrestrial mammal specie natural fire regime important maintain diverse assemblage vertebrate specie different forest type british columbia different specie adapt exploit different stage succession regrowth habitat change occur follow episode burning down tree debris characteristic initial fire size intensity cause habitat evolve differentially influence vertebrate specie able use burn area shrubland edit lightning spark wildfire frequent occurrence shrubland grassland nevada shrub fire typically concentrate canopy spread continuously shrub close shrubland typically dry prone accumulation highly volatile fuel especially hillside fire follow path moisture great dead fuel material surface ground soil temperature burn generally high forest fire center combustion lie close ground vary greatly common plant shrubland chaparral include manzanita chamise coyote brush california shrubland edit california shrubland commonly know chaparral widespread plant community low grow specie typically arid sloping area california coast ranges western foothill sierra nevada number common shrub tree shrub form association include salal toyon coffeeberry western poison oak regeneration follow fire usually major factor association specie south african fynbos shrubland edit fynbos shrubland occur small belt south africa plant specie ecosystem highly diverse majority specie obligate seeder fire cause germination seed plant begin new life cycle plant coevolve obligate seeder response fire nutrient poor soil fire common ecosystem soil limit nutrient efficient plant produce seed die fire invest lot energy root survive fire root able extract little extra benefit nutrient poor soil efficient possible rapid generation time obligate seeder display lead rapid evolution speciation ecosystem result highly diverse plant community grasslands edit grassland burn readily forest shrub ecosystem fire move stem leave herbaceous plant lightly heat underlie soil case high intensity grassland ecosystem fire primary mode decomposition make crucial recycling nutrient grassland system fire primary mode decomposition disappearance large migratory herd browsing graze megafauna drive predator pressure absence functional community large migratory herd herbivorous megafauna attendant predator overuse fire maintain grassland ecosystem lead excessive oxidation loss carbon desertification susceptible climate grassland ecosystem respond poorly fire north american grassland edit north america fire adapt invasive grass bromus tectorum contribute increase fire frequency exert selective pressure native specie concern grassland western united states arid grassland presettlement fire work concert grazing create healthy grassland ecosystem indicate accumulation soil organic matter significantly alter fire tallgrass prairie ecosystem flint hills eastern kansas oklahoma respond positively current use fire combination grazing south african savanna edit savanna south africa recently burn area new growth provide palatable nutritious forage compare old tough grass new forage attract large herbivore area unburned grazed grassland keep short constant grazing unburned lawn plant specie adapt heavy grazing able persist distraction provide newly burn area allow graze intolerant grass grow lawn temporarily abandon allow specie persist ecosystem longleaf pine savanna edit yellow pitcher plant dependent recur fire coastal plain savanna flatwood southeastern united states open longleaf pine forest rich understory grass sedge carnivorous plant orchid map show ecosystem code pale blue high fire frequency habitat decade fire deciduous forest tree invade shade eliminate pine understory typical plant associate fire include yellow pitcher plant rose pogonia abundance diversity plant closely relate fire frequency rare animal gopher tortoise indigo snake depend open grassland flatwood restoration fire priority maintain specie composition biological diversity fire wetland edit strange kind wetland influence fire usually occur period drought landscape peat soil bogs peat substrate burn leave hole refill water new pond fire intense remove accumulate litter allow wetland plant regenerate bury seed rhizome wetland influence fire include coastal marsh wet prairie peat bog floodplain prairie marsh flatwood wetland store large amount carbon peat fire frequency vast northern peatland link process control carbon dioxide level atmosphere phenomenon global warming dissolve organic carbon doc abundant wetland play critical role ecology florida everglades significant portion doc dissolved charcoal indicate fire play critical role wetland ecosystem fire suppression edit main article wildfire suppression fire serve important function fire adapt ecosystem fire play important role nutrient cycling diversity maintenance habitat structure suppression fire lead unforeseen change ecosystem adversely affect plant animal human depend habitat wildfire deviate historical fire regime fire suppression call uncharacteristic fire chaparral community edit southern california witness powerful chaparral wildfire hundred home hundred thousand acre land go flame extreme fire weather low humidity low fuel moisture high wind accumulation dead plant material year drought contribute catastrophic outcome maintain fire suppression contribute unnatural buildup fuel load detailed analysis historical fire datum show case fire suppression activity fail exclude fire southern california chaparral research show difference fire size frequency southern california baja imply large fire north border result fire suppression opinion challenge numerous investigator long support majority fire ecologist consequence fire increased density invasive non native plant specie quickly colonize burn area especially burn previous year shrub community adapt particular historical fire regime alter fire regime change selective pressure plant favor invasive non native specie well able exploit novel post fire condition fish impact edit boise national forest national forest locate north east city boise idaho follow uncharacteristically large wildfire immediately negative impact fish population observe pose particular danger small isolated fish population long term fire appear rejuvenate fish habitat cause hydraulic change increase flooding lead silt removal deposition favorable habitat substrate lead large post fire population fish able recolonize improve area fire generally appear favorable fish population ecosystem intense effect uncharacteristic wildfire combination fragmentation population human barrier dispersal weir dam pose threat fish population fire management tool edit prescribed burn oak savannah iowa restoration ecology give attempt reverse mitigate change human cause ecosystem control burning tool currently receive considerable attention means restoration management apply fire ecosystem create habitat specie negatively impact fire suppression fire way control invasive specie resort herbicide pesticide debate state manager aim restore ecosystem especially natural mean pre human pre european native american use fire natural fire historically maintain diversity savanna north america manager use fire management tool subject debate great plains shortgrass prairie edit information shortgrass prairie combination heavy livestock grazing fire suppression drastically alter structure composition diversity shortgrass prairie ecosystem great plains allow woody specie dominate area promote fire intolerant invasive specie semi arid ecosystem decomposition woody material slow fire crucial return nutrient soil allow grassland maintain high productivity fire occur grow dormant season manage fire dormant season effective increase grass forb cover biodiversity plant nutrient uptake shortgrass prairie manager account invasive non native specie respond fire want restore integrity native ecosystem example fire control invasive spot knapweed centaurea maculosa michigan tallgrass prairie summer time knapweed life cycle important reproductive growth mix conifer forest sierra nevada edit mixed conifer forest united states sierra nevada fire return interval range year year depend local climate low elevation frequent fire return interval whilst high wetter elevation see long interval fire native americans tend set fire fall winter land high elevation generally occupy native americans summer finnish boreal forest edit decline habitat area quality cause specie population red list international union conservation nature accord study forest management finnish boreal forest improve habitat quality area outside reserve help conservation effort endanger deadwood dependent beetle beetle type fungus need dead tree order survive old growth forest provide particular habitat fennoscandian boreal forest area timber unprotected use controlled burning tree retention forested area deadwood study effect endanger beetle study find year management number specie increase abundance richness compare pre fire treatment abundance beetle continue increase follow year site tree retention high deadwood abundant correlation forest fire management increase beetle population show key conserve red list specie australian eucalypt forest edit old growth eucalypt forest australia designate conservation management forest important specie like eucalyptus grandis rely fire survive eucalypt specie lignotuber root swell structure contain bud new shoot sprout fire lignotuber helpful reestablishment plant eucalypt particular mechanism forest fire management helpful create rich soil kill competitor allow seed release management policy edit united states edit fire policy united states involve federal government individual state government tribal government interest group general public new federal outlook fire policy parallel advance ecology move view ecosystem depend disturbance diversity proper maintenance natural process human safety number priority fire management new government objective include long term view ecosystem new policy allow manager gauge relative value private property resource particular situation set priority accordingly primary goal fire management improve public education order suppress smokey bear fire suppression mentality introduce public benefit regular natural fire edit ecology portal environment portal crown sprout evolutionary history plant fire history peat bog fire pyrophyte footnotes edit ecological importance mixed severity fire isbn hutto richard ecological importance severe wildfire like hot ecological applications doi issn pmid ecology natural disturbance patch dynamic pickett steward white orlando academic press isbn oclc cs1 maint link westerling hidalgo cayan swetnam warm early spring increase western forest wildfire activity science bibcode 2006sci 940w doi issn pmid noss reed franklin jerry baker william schoennagel tania moyle peter manage fire prone forest western united states frontiers ecology environment doi issn whitlock cathy higuera mcwethy briles paleoecological perspectives fire ecology revisit fire regime concept pdf open ecology journal doi archive original pdf november retrieve june b bond keeley byram b santín cristina doerr stefan fire effect soil human dimension phil trans soc b doi issn pmc pmid b pivello vânia regina oliveras imma miranda heloísa sinátora haridasan mundayatan sato margarete naomi meirelles sérgio tadeu effect fire soil nutrient availability open savanna central brazil plant soil doi s11104 issn 079x s2cid mataix solera cerdà arcenegui jordán zavala fire effect soil aggregation review earth science reviews bibcode 2011esrv m doi robichaud peter wagenbrenner joseph pierson fredrick spaeth kenneth ashmun louise moffet corey infiltration interrill erosion rate wildfire western montana usa catena doi fire national park service b usda forest service national park service b c d e kramp et al b knox clarke smoke signal burn plant tell seed rise ashe salik researcher salk institute biological studies april retrieve pyne gosford robert nov ornithogenic fire raptor propagators fire australian savanna pdf raptor research foundation annual conference nov sacramento california retrieve february bonta mark intentional fire spreading firehawk raptor northern australia journal ethnobiology doi s2cid b c d debano et al hart et al andersson michael tropical savannah woodland effect experimental fire soil microorganism soil emission carbon dioxide soil biology biochemistry doi widden p march effect forest fire soil microfungi soil biology biochemistry doi begon et al pg begon et al pg keddy chapter beaty taylor b bunnell hogan western poison oak toxicodendron diversilobum archived july wayback machine globaltwitcher ed nicklas strömberg b wisheu et al savory allan butterfield jody holistic management commonsense revolution restore environment ed washington isbn oclc b brown james smith jane kapler wildland fire ecosystem effect fire flora tech rmrs department agriculture forest service rocky mountain research station doi rmrs retrieved pp fire frequency increase area invasion cheatgrass medusahead introduce annual cure early remain flammable long fire season increase fire frequency exert strong selective pressure native plant keane fire grazing prairie national park service retrieved plains indians start fire attract game new grass refer fire red buffalo brown james smith jane kapler wildland fire ecosystem effect fire flora tech rmrs department agriculture forest service rocky mountain research station doi rmrs retrieved plant distribution bison prefer burn unburned grassland grazing grow season contribute pattern burn prairie vinton krug edward hollinger steven identification factors aid carbon sequestration illinois agricultural systems pdf champaign illinois illinois state water survey archive original pdf retrieve frequent presettlement fire illinois create multi level positive feedback system sequester soc enhance soil fertility cite journal require help gonzalez perez jose gonzalez vila francisco almendros gonzalo knicker heike effect fire soil organic matter review pdf environment international elsevier doi hdl pmid retrieved bc represent total soil organic carbon reach like terra preta oxisols brazilian amazonia glaser et al chernozemic soil germany schmidt et al black chernozem canada saskatchewan ponomarenko anderson brown james smith jane kapler wildland fire ecosystem effect fire flora tech rmrs department agriculture forest service rocky mountain research station doi rmrs retrieved p86 historically native americans contribute creation maintenance tallgrass prairie ecosystem frequently burn ecosystem control woody vegetation maintain dominance herbaceous plant eastern tallgrass prairie native americans probably far important source ignition lightning grass remain green late summer low incidence dry lightning storm lightning cause fire probably relatively infrequent study pre euro american tallgrass prairie conduct klinkenborg verlyn april splendor grass prairie grip unbroken flint hills kansas national geographic archive original retrieve tallgrass prairie biome depend prairie fire form wildfire survival renewal prairie natural habitat fire archibald et al means bruce vertebrate faunal diversity longleaf pine savanna pages jose jokela miller eds longleaf pine ecosystems ecology management restoration springer new york xii pp peet allard longleaf pine vegetation southern atlantic eastern gulf coast region preliminary classification longleaf pine ecosystem ecology restoration management ed hermann pp tallahassee fl tall timbers research station keddy vitt et al charcoal black carbon soil news release national science foundation retrieve surprise finding researcher shift focus origin dissolved charcoal minnich keeley et al halsey tweed large wildfire southern california refute fire suppression paradigm pdf chaparralian california chaparral institute keeley et al b burton macdougall et al williams gerald reference american indian use fire ecosystems pdf archive original pdf retrieve brockway et al emery gross anderson kat michael moratto native american land use practices ecological impacts sierra nevada ecosystem project final report congress vol ii assessment scientific basis management option davis university california centers water wildland resources pp permanent dead link hyvarinen esko kouki jari martikainen petri february fire green tree retention conservation red list rare deadwood dependent beetle finnish boreal forests conservation biology doi pmid tng david goosem steve jordan greg bowman david let giant rethink active fire management old growth eucalypt forest australian tropic journal applied ecology doi bibliography edit archibald bond stock shape landscape fire grazer interaction african savanna ecological applications beaty taylor spatial temporal variation fire regime mixed conifer forest landscape southern cascades california usa journal biogeography doi s2cid begon harper townsend ecology individual population community edition blackwell science cambridge massachusetts usa bond keeley fire global herbivore ecology 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origins processes consequences cambridge university press cambridge uk isbn keddy wetland ecology principles conservation 2nd edition cambridge university press cambridge uk isbn keeley keeley fotheringham alien plant dynamic follow fire mediterranean climate california shrubland ecological applications doi keeley fotheringham morais reexamine fire suppression impact brushland fire regime science citeseerx doi pmid keeley bond bradstock pausas rundel fire mediterranean ecosystems ecology evolution management cambridge university press link knox clarke nutrient availability induce contrast allocation starch formation resprouting obligate seed shrub functional ecology doi kramp patton brady run wild wildlife habitat relationship forest service southwestern region macdougall beckwith maslovat define conservation strategy historical perspective case study degraded oak grassland ecosystem conservation biology doi mccullough werner neumann fire insect northern boreal forest ecosystem north america annual review entomology doi pmid s2cid minnich fire mosaic southern california northern baja california science bibcode 1983sci m doi pmid s2cid pausas keeley burning story role fire history life bioscience doi hdl s2cid pyne plant use fire pbs nova online january savage mast resilient southwestern ponderosa pine forest crown fire canadian journal forest research doi x05 allan savory jody butterfield november holistic management edition commonsense revolution restore environment island press isbn stephens moghaddas fuel treatment effect snag coarse woody debris sierra nevada mix conifer forest forest ecology management doi united states department fish agriculture usda forest service federal wildland fire management policy program review fwfmp united states national park service usnps sequoia king canyon national parks february giant sequoias fire vitt halsey nicholson mackenzie river basin pp fraser keddy eds world large wetland ecology conservation cambridge university press cambridge uk whitlock higuera mcwethy briles paleoecological perspective fire ecology revisit fire regime concept open ecology journal wisheu rosenzweig olsvig whittaker shmida make nutrient poor mediterranean heathland rich plant diversity evolutionary ecology research external link edit forest service fire ecology usgs western ecological research fire ecology yellowstone national fire ecology nature conservancy web site fire fire ecology nature conservancy global fire fire ecology international journal wildland fire fire ecology journal fire environmental research applications word spy pyrogeography v t e forestry index forest area ministries research institutes colleges journals arbor day types agroforestry dehesa analog forestry bamboo forestry close nature forestry community forestry ecoforestry energy forestry mycoforestry permaforestry plantation forestry social forestry sustainable forestry urban forestry ecology management arboriculture control burn dendrology ecological thinning age management fire ecology forest informatic ipm inventory governance law old growth pathology protection restoration secondary transition forest certification atfs cfs fsc pefc sfi smartwood woodland carbon code forestation afforestation reforestation growth yield model horticulture gm tree tree urban silviculture sustainable management tree allometry breeding tree measurement crown girth height volume environmental topic acid rain carbon sequestration clearcutting deforestation ecosystem services forest dieback forest fragmentation high grade illegal log timber mafia invasive specie wilde redd shift cultivation chitemene slash burn slash char svedjebruk timber recycling wildfire industries coppicing forest farm forest garden logging manufacturing lumber plywood pulp paper sawmilling products biochar biomass charcoal non timber palm oil rayon rubber tanbark rail transport tree farm christmas tree wood engineer fuel mahogany spruce pine fir teak woodworking occupations forester arborist bucker choker setter ecologist feller firefighter handcrew hotshot lookout smokejumper river driver truck driver log scaler lumberjack ranger resin tapper rubber tapper shingle weaver timber cruiser tree planter wood process engineer wikiproject category outline retrieve category wildfire ecology forest ecology ecological succession ecology terminology fire wildfire wildfire suppression wildfire prevention environmental terminology habitat hidden category cs1 maint webarchive template wayback link cs1 error miss periodical article dead external link article dead external link january article permanently dead external link personal tool log talk contributions create account log namespaces article talk variant view read edit view history search navigation main page content current event random article wikipedia contact donate contribute help learn edit community portal recent change upload file tool link relate change upload file special page permanent link page information cite page wikidata item print export download pdf printable version language العربية deutsch simple english edit link page edit december utc text available creative commons attribution sharealike license additional term apply site agree term use privacy policy wikipedia registered trademark wikimedia foundation non profit organization privacy policy wikipedia disclaimers contact wikipedia mobile view developers statistics cookie statement
molecular evolution wikipedia molecular evolution content history edit force molecular evolution edit mutation edit recombination edit gene conversion edit genetic drift edit selection edit intragenomic conflict edit genome architecture edit genome size edit repetitive element edit chromosome number organization edit gene content distribution edit organelles edit origins new gene edit vitro molecular evolution experiment edit molecular phylogenetic edit drive force evolution edit protein evolution edit relation nucleic acid evolution edit discordance morphological evolution edit journal society edit edit reference edit reading edit navigation menu personal tool namespaces variant view search navigation contribute tool print export project language wikipedia free encyclopedia jump navigation jump search process change sequence composition cellular molecule generation article need additional citation verification help improve article add citation reliable source unsourced material challenge remove find source molecular evolution news newspaper book scholar jstor march learn remove template message series evolutionary biology darwin finch john gould key topic introduction evolution common descent evidence process outcome population genetic variation diversity mutation natural selection adaptation polymorphism genetic drift gene flow speciation adaptive radiation co operation coevolution coextinction divergence convergence parallel evolution extinction natural history origin life history life timeline evolution human evolution phylogeny biodiversity biogeography classification evolutionary taxonomy cladistics transitional fossil extinction event history evolutionary theory overview renaissance darwin darwin origin species synthesis modern synthesis molecular evolution evo devo current research history speciation history paleontology timeline field application application evolution biosocial criminology ecological genetic evolutionary aesthetics evolutionary anthropology evolutionary computation evolutionary ecology evolutionary economic evolutionary epistemology evolutionary ethic evolutionary game theory evolutionary linguistics evolutionary medicine evolutionary neuroscience evolutionary physiology evolutionary psychology experimental evolution phylogenetics paleontology selective breed speciation experiment sociobiology systematics universal darwinism social implication evolution fact theory social effect creation evolution controversy objection evolution level support evolutionary biology portal category related topic v t e molecular evolution process change sequence composition cellular molecule dna rna protein generation field molecular evolution use principle evolutionary biology population genetic explain pattern change major topic molecular evolution concern rate impact single nucleotide change neutral evolution natural selection origin new gene genetic nature complex trait genetic basis speciation evolution development way evolutionary force influence genomic phenotypic change history forces molecular evolution mutation recombination gene conversion genetic drift selection intragenomic conflict genome architecture genome size repetitive element chromosome number organization gene content distribution organelles origins new gene vitro molecular evolution experiment molecular phylogenetic drive force evolution protein evolution relation nucleic acid evolution discordance morphological evolution journals society reference read history edit main article history molecular evolution history molecular evolution start early 20th century comparative biochemistry use fingerprint method immune assay gel electrophoresis paper chromatography 1950 explore homologous protein field molecular evolution come 1960 1970 follow rise molecular biology advent protein sequencing allow molecular biologist create phylogeny base sequence comparison use difference homologous sequence molecular clock estimate time universal common ancestor late 1960 neutral theory molecular evolution provide theoretical basis molecular clock clock neutral theory controversial evolutionary biologist hold strongly panselectionism natural selection important cause evolutionary change 1970 nucleic acid sequencing allow molecular evolution reach protein highly conserve ribosomal rna sequence foundation reconceptualization early history life forces molecular evolution edit content structure genome product molecular population genetic force act genome novel genetic variant arise mutation spread maintain population genetic drift natural selection mutation edit main article mutation hedgehog pigmentation mutation mutation permanent transmissible change genetic material dna rna cell virus mutation result error dna replication cell division exposure radiation chemical environmental stressor virus transposable element mutation occur single nucleotide polymorphism modify single basis dna sequence result point mutation type mutation modify large segment dna cause duplication insertion deletion inversion translocation organism display strong bias type mutation occur strong influence gc content transition g c t common transversion purine adenine guanine pyrimidine cytosine thymine rna uracil likely alter amino acid sequence protein mutation stochastic typically occur randomly gene mutation rate single nucleotide site organism low roughly site generation virus high mutation rate order site generation mutation neutral beneficial remain genome lose genetic drift detrimental eliminate genome natural selection mutation extremely rare accumulate slowly generation number mutation appear single generation vary long time period appear accumulate regular pace mutation rate generation number nucleotide difference sequence divergence time estimate effectively molecular clock recombination edit information genetic recombination recombination involve breakage rejoining chromosome m f produce arranged chromosome c1 c2 recombination process result genetic exchange chromosome chromosomal region recombination counteract physical linkage adjacent gene reduce genetic hitchhiking result independent inheritance gene result efficient selection mean region high recombination harbor few detrimental mutation selectively favor variant few error replication repair recombination generate particular type mutation chromosome misalign gene conversion edit gene conversion type recombination product dna repair nucleotide damage correct homologous genomic region template damaged basis excise damage strand align undamaged homolog dna synthesis repair excised region undamaged strand guide gene conversion responsible homogenize sequence duplicate gene long time period reduce nucleotide divergence genetic drift edit genetic drift change allele frequency generation stochastic effect random sampling finite population exist variant effect fitness increase decrease frequency simply chance nearly neutral variant selection coefficient close threshold value effective population size affect chance selection mutation genomic feature ascribe accumulation nearly neutral detrimental mutation result small effective population size small effective population size large variety mutation behave neutral inefficiency selection selection edit selection occur organism great fitness great ability survive reproduce favor subsequent generation increase instance underlie genetic variant population selection product natural selection artificial selection sexual selection natural selection selective process occur fitness organism environment contrast sexual selection product mate choice favor spread genetic variant act counter natural selection increase desirability opposite sex increase mate success artificial selection know selective breeding impose outside entity typically human order increase frequency desire trait principle population genetic apply similarly type selection fact produce distinct effect cluster gene different function different part genome different property gene particular functional class instance sexual selection likely affect molecular evolution sex chromosome cluster sex specific gene x y z intragenomic conflict edit selection operate gene level expense organismal fitness result intragenomic conflict selective advantage selfish genetic element spite host cost example selfish element include transposable element meiotic driver killer x chromosome selfish mitochondria self propagate intron genome architecture edit main article genome evolution genome size edit genome size influence repetitive dna number gene organism c value paradox refer lack correlation organism complexity genome size explanation call paradox fold repetitive genetic element comprise large portion genome organism inflate dna content haploid genome secondly number gene necessarily indicative number developmental stage tissue type organism organism developmental stage tissue type large number gene influence non developmental phenotype inflate gene content relative developmental gene family neutral explanation genome size suggest population size small mutation nearly neutral small population repetitive content junk dna accumulate place organism competitive disadvantage little evidence suggest genome size strong widespread selection multicellular eukaryote genome size independent gene content correlate poorly physiological trait eukaryote include mammal harbor large amount repetitive dna bird likely experience strong selection reduce genome size response change energetic need flight birds unlike human produce nucleate red blood cell large nucleus lead low level oxygen transport bird metabolism far high mammal largely flight oxygen need high bird small compact genome repetitive element indirect evidence suggest non avian theropod dinosaur ancestor modern bird reduce genome size consistent endothermy high energetic need run speed bacteria experience selection small genome size time replication energy consumption tightly correlate fitness repetitive element edit transposable element self replicate selfish genetic element capable proliferate host genome transposable element relate virus share protein common chromosome number organization edit number chromosome organism genome necessarily correlate dna genome ant myrmecia pilosula single pair chromosome adder tongue fern ophioglossum reticulatum chromosome cilliate genome house gene individual chromosome result genome physically link reduce linkage creation additional chromosome effectively increase efficiency selection change chromosome number play key role speciation differ chromosome number serve barrier reproduction hybrid human chromosome create fusion chimpanzee chromosome contain central telomere vestigial second centromere polyploidy especially allopolyploidy occur plant result reproductive incompatibility parental specie agrodiatus blue butterfly diverse chromosome number range additionally high rate speciation identify date gene content distribution edit different organism house different number gene genome different pattern distribution gene genome organism bacteria drosophila arabidopsis particularly compact genome little repetitive content non coding dna organism like mammal maize large amount repetitive dna long intron substantial spacing different gene content distribution gene genome influence rate certain type mutation occur influence subsequent evolution different specie gene long intron likely recombine increase physical distance code sequence long intron facilitate ectopic recombination result high rate new gene formation organelle edit addition nuclear genome endosymbiont organelle contain genetic material typically circular plasmid mitochondrial chloroplast dna vary taxa membrane bind protein especially electron transport chain constituent encode organelle chloroplasts mitochondrion maternally inherit specie organelle pass egg rare departure specie mussel know inherit mitochondrion father son origin new gene edit new gene arise different genetic mechanism include gene duplication de novo origination retrotransposition chimeric gene formation recruitment non coding sequence gene truncation gene duplication initially lead redundancy duplicate gene sequence mutate develop new function specialize new gene perform subset original ancestral function addition duplicate gene domain protein duplicate result gene elongated version parental gene retrotransposition create new gene copy mrna dna insert genome retrogene insert new genomic location develop new expression pattern function chimeric gene form duplication deletion incomplete retrotransposition combine portion different coding sequence produce novel gene sequence chimeras cause regulatory change shuffle protein domain produce novel adaptive function de novo gene birth rise new gene previously non coding dna instance levine colleague report origin new gene melanogaster genome noncode dna similar de novo origin gene show organism yeast rice human de novo gene evolve transcript express low level mutation stop codon regular codon frameshift cause extended protein include previously non coding sequence formation novel gene scratch typically occur genomic region high gene density essential event de novo formation gene recombination mutation include insertion deletion inversion event tolerate consequence genetic event interfere cellular activity genome comprise prophage genetic modification general affect host genome propagation high probability genetic modification region prophage proportional probability de novo formation gene de novo evolution gene simulate laboratory example semi random gene sequence select specific function specifically select sequence library complement gene deletion coli delete gene encode ferric enterobactin esterase fes release iron iron chelator enterobactin fes amino acid protein newly select gene amino acid length unrelated sequence fes vitro molecular evolution experiment edit principles molecular evolution discover elucidate test experimentation involve amplification variation selection rapidly proliferate genetically vary molecular specie outside cell pioneer work sol spiegelmann ref involve rna replicate aid enzyme extract qß virus ref group kramers ref biebricher luce eigen ref study mini micro variant rna 1970 1980 replicate timescale second minute allow hundred generation large population size sequence follow single day experimentation chemical kinetic elucidation detailed mechanism replication ref ref mean type system molecular evolution system fully characterise basis physical chemical kinetic later allow model genotype phenotype map base sequence dependent rna fold refolde produce ref ref subject maintain function multicomponent qß enzyme chemical condition varied significantly order study influence change environment selection pressure ref experiment vitro rna quasi specie include characterisation error threshold information molecular evolution ref discovery de novo evolution ref lead diverse replicating rna specie discovery spatial travel wave ideal molecular evolution reactor ref ref later experiment employ novel combination enzyme elucidate novel aspect interact molecular evolution involve population dependent fitness include work artificially design molecular predator prey cooperative system multiple rna dna ref ref special evolution reactor design study start serial transfer machine flow reactor cell stat machine capillary reactor microreactor include line flow reactor gel slice reactor study accompany theoretical development simulation involve rna fold replication kinetic elucidate importance correlation structure distance sequence space fitness change ref include role neutral network structural ensemble evolutionary optimisation molecular phylogenetic edit main article molecular systematic phylogenetics molecular systematic product traditional field systematic molecular genetic use dna rna protein sequence resolve question systematic correct scientific classification taxonomy point view evolutionary biology molecular systematic possible availability technique dna sequencing allow determination exact sequence nucleotide basis dna rna present long expensive process sequence entire genome organism specie feasible determine sequence define area particular chromosome typical molecular systematic analysis require sequencing base pair drive force evolution edit main article neutral theory molecular evolution modern synthesis 20th century mutationism depending relative importance assign force evolution perspective provide evolutionary explanation molecular evolution selectionist hypothesis argue selection drive force molecular evolution acknowledge mutation neutral selectionist attribute change frequency neutral allele linkage disequilibrium loci selection random genetic drift biases codon usage usually explain reference ability weak selection shape molecular evolution neutralist hypothesis emphasize importance mutation purify selection random genetic drift introduction neutral theory kimura quickly follow king jukes finding lead fierce debate relevance neodarwinism molecular level neutral theory molecular evolution propose mutation dna location important function fitness neutral change drift fixation population positive change rare greatly contribute dna polymorphism deleterious mutation contribute dna diversity negatively affect fitness remove gene pool long theory provide framework molecular clock fate neutral mutation govern genetic drift contribute nucleotide polymorphism fix difference specie strictest sense neutral theory accurate subtle change dna effect effect small natural selection act synonymous mutation necessarily neutral uniform codon nearly neutral theory expand neutralist perspective suggest mutation nearly neutral mean random drift natural selection relevant dynamic main difference neutral theory nearly neutral theory focus weak selection strictly neutral mutationists hypothesis emphasize random drift bias mutation pattern sueoka propose modern mutationist view propose variation gc content result positive selection consequence gc mutational pressure protein evolution edit chart compare sequence identity different lipase protein human body demonstrate protein evolve keep region conserve change dramatically evolution protein study compare sequence structure protein organism represent distinct evolutionary clade sequence structure protein similar indicate protein diverge common origin protein call homologous protein specifically homologous protein exist distinct specie call ortholog homologous protein encode genome single specie call paralog phylogenetic relationship protein examine multiple sequence comparison phylogenetic tree protein establish comparison sequence identity protein phylogenetic tree establish sequence similarity protein reflect closely evolutionary relationship organism protein evolution describe change time protein shape function composition quantitative analysis experimentation scientist strive understand rate cause protein evolution amino acid sequence hemoglobin cytochrome c multiple specie scientist able derive estimation protein evolution rate find rate protein protein rate rate constant phylogeny hemoglobin evolve rate cytochrome c hemoglobin human mouse etc comparable rate evolution region protein mutate rate functionally important area mutate slowly amino acid substitution involve similar amino acid occur dissimilar substitution overall level polymorphism protein fairly constant specie include human fruit fly mouse similar level protein polymorphism dublin lecture life erwin schrodinger propose progress answer question statistical mechanic partition function quantum mechanic wave equation describe aperiodic crystal carry genetic information description credit francis crick james watson have inspire discovery double helical structure dna fractal discover solvent associate surface area protein segment existence fractal prove protein function near critical point second order phase transition realize schrodinger conjecture open new biophysic field accurate thermodynamic analysis protein evolution base primarily amino acid sequence relation nucleic acid evolution edit protein evolution inescapably tie change selection dna polymorphism mutation protein sequence change response alteration dna sequence amino acid sequence nucleic acid sequence mutate rate degenerate nature dna basis change affect amino acid sequence example codon code leucine despite difference mutation rate essential incorporate nucleic acid evolution discussion protein evolution end 1960s group scientist kimura king jukes propose majority evolutionary change observe protein neutral neutral theory expand debate discordance morphological evolution edit discordance molecular morphological evolution reflect molecular morphological systematic study especially bacteria archaea eukaryotic microbe discordance categorize type morphology multiple lineage morphological convergence cryptic specie ii lineage multiple morphology phenotypic plasticity multiple life cycle stage neutral evolution possibly explain incongruence case journal society edit society molecular biology evolution publish journal molecular biology evolution genome biology evolution hold annual international meeting journal dedicate molecular evolution include journal molecular evolution molecular phylogenetics evolution research molecular evolution publish journal genetic molecular biology genomic systematic evolutionary biology edit evolutionary biology portal biology portal abiogenesis adaptor protein evolution comparative phylogenetic evolution coli long term evolution experiment evolutionary physiology evolution dietary antioxidant genomic organization genetic drift genome evolution heterotachy history molecular evolution horizontal gene transfer human evolution molecular clock molecular paleontology neutral theory molecular evolution nucleotide diversity parsimony population genetic selection reference edit b c dietrich michael paradox persuasion negotiate place molecular evolution evolutionary biology journal history biology doi pmid hagen joel naturalists molecular biologists challenge molecular evolution journal history biology doi pmid king jack jukes thomas non darwinian evolution science bibcode 1969sci 788l doi pmid transition vs transversion lynch origins genome architecture sinauer isbn organ shedlock meade pagel edwards origin avian genome size structure nonavian dinosaur nature bibcode 180o doi nature05621 pmid crosland mw crozier rh myrmecia pilosula ant pair chromosome science bibcode 1986sci doi pmid gerardus grubben vegetable prota isbn retrieve march nikolai kandul vladimir lukhtanov naomi pierce karyotypic diversity speciation agrodiaetus butterflies evolution doi pmid mclysaght aoife guerzoni daniele august new gene non coding sequence role de novo protein code gene eukaryotic evolutionary innovation philosophical transactions royal society b biological sciences doi pmc pmid levine mt jones cd kern ad et al novel gene derive noncode dna drosophila melanogaster frequently x link exhibit testis bias expression proc natl acad sci usa bibcode 2006pnas doi pmc pmid zhou q zhang g zhang y et al origin new gene drosophila genome res doi pmc pmid cai j zhao r jiang h et al de novo origination new protein code gene saccharomyces cerevisiae genetics doi pmc pmid xiao w liu h li y et al el shemy ha ed rice gene de novo origin negatively regulate induce defense response plos e4603 bibcode 2009ploso doi pmc pmid knowles dg mclysaght recent de novo origin human protein code gene genome res doi pmc pmid wilson ben joanna masel putatively noncoding transcripts extensive association ribosomes genome biology evolution doi gbe evr099 pmc pmid ramisetty bhaskar chandra mohan sudhakari pavithra anantharaman bacterial ground prophage hotspot genetic renovation innovation frontier genetics doi issn pmc pmid b donnelly ann murphy grant digianantonio katherine hecht michael march de novo enzyme catalyze life sustain reaction escherichia coli nature chemical biology doi issn pmid lewis oritt porter baker september molecular systematic family mormoopidae chiroptera base cytochrome b recombination activate gene sequence molecular phylogenetics evolution doi issn pmid graur li fundamental molecular evolution sinauer isbn casillas sònia barbadilla antonio molecular population genetics genetics doi pmc pmid hahn matthew february selection theory molecular evolution evolution doi pmid hershberg ruth petrov dmitri december selection codon bias annual review genetics doi pmid kimura neutral theory molecular evolution cambridge university press cambridge isbn kimura motoo evolutionary rate molecular level pdf nature bibcode k doi pmid king jukes non darwinian evolution pdf science bibcode 1969sci 788l doi pmid b c d akashi h weak selection protein evolution genetics doi pmc pmid b c d e f fay jc wu ci sequence divergence functional constraint selection protein evolution annu genom hum genet doi pmid nachman fox wolf eds detect selection molecular level evolutionary genetics concept case study cite journal require help nearly neutral theory expand neutralist perspective suggest mutation nearly neutral mean random drift natural selection relevant dynamic b c d ohta t nearly neutral theory molecular evolution annual review ecology systematics doi issn nei selectionism neutralism molecular evolution molecular biology evolution doi molbev msi242 pmc pmid sueoka evolution informational macromolecule bryson vogel eds evolve gene protein new york academic press pp hanukoglu asic enac type sodium channel conformational state structure ion selectivity filter febs journal doi pmid hanukoglu hanukoglu jan epithelial sodium channel enac family phylogeny structure function tissue distribution associate inherit disease gene doi pmc pmid holliday robin physics origin molecular biology journal genetics moret marcelo zebende gilney january amino acid hydrophobicity accessible surface area physical review e phillips james fractal self organize criticality protein physica lahr laughinghouse oliverio gao katz discordant morphological molecular evolution microorganism revise notion biodiversity earth bioessay doi pmc pmid read edit li molecular evolution sinauer isbn lynch origins genome architecture sinauer isbn meyer editor van de peer genome evolution gene genome duplications origin novel gene functions isbn ryan gregory evolution genome isbn v t e evolutionary biology introduction outline timeline evolution evolutionary history life index evolution abiogenesis adaptation adaptive radiation cladistic coevolution common descent convergence divergence earliest know life form evidence evolution extinction event gene center view homology universal common ancestor macroevolution microevolution non adaptive radiation origin life panspermia parallel evolution speciation taxonomy population genetic biodiversity gene flow genetic drift mutation natural selection artificial selection variation sexual selection social selection development canalisation evolutionary developmental biology genetic assimilation inversion modularity phenotypic plasticity taxa bacteria birds origin brachiopods molluscs cephalopods dinosaurs fish fungi insects butterfly life mammals cat canid wolf dog hyena dolphin whale horse kangaroos primate human lemur sea cow plants reptiles spiders tetrapods viruses influenza organ cell dna flagella eukaryotes symbiogenesis chromosome endomembrane system mitochondria nucleus plastid animal eye hair auditory ossicle nervous system brain process age death programmed cell death avian flight biological complexity cooperation color vision primate emotion empathy ethics eusociality immune system metabolism monogamy morality mosaic evolution multicellularity sexual reproduction gamete differentiation sex life cycle nuclear phase mating type meiosis sex determination snake venom tempo mode gradualism punctuated equilibrium saltationism micromutation macromutation uniformitarianism catastrophism speciation allopatric anagenesis catagenesis cladogenesis cospeciation ecological hybrid non ecological parapatric peripatric reinforcement sympatric history renaissance enlightenment transmutation specie david hume dialogue concern natural religion charles darwin origin species history paleontology transitional fossil blending inheritance mendelian inheritance eclipse darwinism modern synthesis history molecular evolution extend evolutionary synthesis philosophy darwinism alternatives catastrophism lamarckism orthogenesis mutationism saltationism structuralism spandrel theistic vitalism teleology biology related biogeography ecological genetic molecular evolution phylogenetics tree polymorphism protocell systematics category commons portal wikiproject retrieve category molecular evolution hide category cs1 error miss periodical article short description short description match wikidata article need additional reference march article need additional reference personal tool log talk contributions create account log namespaces article talk variant view read edit view history search navigation main page content current event random article wikipedia contact donate contribute help learn edit community portal recent change upload file tool link relate change upload file special page permanent link page information cite page wikidata item print export download pdf printable version project wikimedia commons languages العربية bosanski català deutsch español فارسی français gaeilge galego 한국어 hrvatski bahasa indonesia italiano magyar 日本語 polski português русский simple english српски srpski suomi svenska türkçe українська 中文 edit link page edit december utc text available creative commons attribution sharealike license additional term apply site agree term use privacy policy wikipedia registered trademark wikimedia foundation non profit organization privacy policy wikipedia disclaimers contact wikipedia mobile view developers statistics cookie statement
information genetics course genetics lesson genetics class genetics exam principles genetics collect free hypertextbook download zip file free series self pace self learn course genetics cytogenetics mendelian genetics advanced genetics molecular genetics medical genetics create dr jamie love intend university level study principles genetics assume minor prior knowledge basic biology chemistry math enjoy interested learn genetics variety educational method include study guides self guide workshops plenty self assessment questions course end computerized self evaluation exam compose question answer multiple choice provide instant feedback computer score dr jamie love create principle genetics jamie take genetics undergraduate love master program lab assistant genetics teach student conduct fruit fly experiment type blood identify barr body receive ms work technician cytogenetic learn identify human chromosome g banding later go map location gene situ hybridisation purify plasmid ethidium bromide gradient centrifugation digest dna restriction endonuclease run gel produce southerns age start phd program biochemistry molecular biology louisiana state university medical center new orleans thesis title avin repetitive dna jamie demonstrate isolate characterise taxa specific dna produce dna fingerprint diverse group animal alligator horse tortise iguana parrot etc graduate dr love accept post doc position scotland united kingdom good uk home old big distinguished distance learn university world open university jamie spend year study method work diploma information technology jamie touch rock moon national air space museum washington dc year post doc poultry research centre later rename roslin institute home clone dolly sheep dr love team create transgenic bird dna microinjection molecular biologist team dr love responsible engineer isolate plasmid introduce chicken genome identify bird carry transgene follow second post doc position study prostate cancer jamie move tiny tropical island saba netherland antilles teach genetics medical student hot humid jamie grow homesick scotland return edinburgh join faculty napier university teach biomedical investigations pathology later jamie ask genetics instructor help develop department flexible distant learn module role dr love act editor coordinator distance learning book teach genetics microbiology immunology biotechnology june napier university award dr love postgraduate certificate teaching learning higher education certificate award complete series class workshop peer review educational project jamie choose project create web base self learn minicourse evolution later dr love hold senior post series biotech company make microarray gene expression profiling gprc cell line signal study magnetic protein purification identification imaging therapy responsible business development intellectual property dr love adjunct associate professor time university maryland university college distance learning teach evaluation biotechnology student work master science technology management year retire dr love work university edinburgh help graduate student set business base discovery dr love start merlin science teach chemistry internet following year publish principles alchemy self pace self learn hypertextbook receive particularly popular home schooler amateur astronomer web master grow experience distance learning jamie begin deliver astronomy course internet science explained thousand eager student visit website ask question astronomy get answer professional astronomer visit website congratulate work curious student ask plenty question professional astronomer help dr love able create class astronomy hypertextbook principles astronomy dr love final hypertextbook principles genetics advanced course relax jamie enjoy bird watching fossil collecting stargazing dr love formally retire post university edinburgh following year decide course away enjoy hypertextbook course license creative commons attribution sharealike international license mean free share copy redistribute material medium format adapt remix transform build material purpose commercially following term attribution appropriate credit indicate change reasonable manner way suggest licensor dr jamie love endorse use sharealike remix transform build material distribute contribution license original course design stop level meet goal hope try complete section eventually overview explanation course cytogenetic fundamental course comprise lesson high school freshman university student find cytogenetics mix introductory biology course offer school detail build base understand subsequent course section workshop cytogenetics student complain childish require draw cell learn non virtual student draw cell stage reinforce detail teach critical understanding cytogenetic math course think multiply divide number math self assessment questions self assessement answers reiterate important part lesson sure track like course self administer exam end test newly acquire knowledge second course mendelian genetics cover introductory biology course introduce important principle inheritance learn solve genetic puzzle logical deduction diagram call punnett square workshop break different piece walk increasingly complicated mendelian genetic puzzle pay attention instruction end lesson know workshop try saqs important workshop saqs take practice master puzzle understand happen way happen teach cytogenetics course apply math skill course limit ratio simple fraction lesson mendelian genetics chi square follow chi square workshop student time use advanced math skill find answer panic walk step step need calculator end course master important statistical test commonly genetics area research lesson mendelian genetics saq sure appropriate workshop work exam conclude course advanced genetics compose seven lesson form collection important subject teach freshman biology course lesson hardy weinberg hardy weinberg workshop require calculator courage kid college level genetics course complete important topic hardy weinberg equation fundamental understand genetic population evolution like chi square walk process teach approach problem saq course exam finish course have complete course cytogenetics mendelian genetics advanced genetics complete equivalent university level freshman course genetics little weak molecular thing fourth course fourth course molecular genetics find topic briefly cover introductory course frown kind course structure water important information order fit framework introductory course instead course molecular genetics teach detail prepare student learn understand exciting area research technology course molecular genetics equivalent sophomore high university level course important difference course previous course workshop format useful setting instead saqs second assume understanding descriptive chemistry oppose difficult quantitative chemistry feel comfortable idea molecule structure course principles alchemy chemistry young student teach far chemistry assume molecular genetics course way work hard provide detailed drawing nucleic acid molecule shrink size fit computer screen set special image course click order clearly detail molecule necessary learn kind detail help understand basic chemistry appreciate complexity molecule lesson molecular genetics long previous lesson lesson molecular genetics hour lecture present course week decide stick broad lesson group lesson break way messy split lose consistency useful topic lesson help work mega lesson provide break way hyperlink chunk information importantly allocate time time work molecular genetics allow previous course molecular genetics course equivalent previous course combine lesson medical genetics different previous lesson different type student different type course specifically lesson derive medical genetics course teach medical student medical school student pass undergraduate course include genetics genetics education similar learn previous course information expect assimilate medical genetics like medical course high density hand holding student expect digest complex material present succinct manner goal medical genetics provide student foundation understand advanced course pathology obstetrics pediatrics publicize goal prepare student pass united states medical license exam usmles exam foreign train doctor pass order practice medical school gage student knowledge unlike previous material student guides fill series questions answer instead rewrite medical genetics notes series lesson word lesson quote read like note lesson download zip file free choose save file remember download file mb create specific new directory directory want genetics good copy drag free directory unzip course packaging decompression software operate system decompression software instal use software winzip stuffit note windows let browse zip file unzipping link work online course table content homepage free copy entire course hypertextbook frequently ask question
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reliance retail reliance fresh home brands reliance fresh reliance fresh reliance smart jiomart reliance market reliance digital jio stores reliance trends project eve trends footwear reliance jewels ajio reliance brands reliance retail start journey opening reliance fresh store today reliance retail operate reliance fresh reliance smart store sell metric tonne fruits metric tonne vegetable day reliance fresh india lead neighbourhood retail chain synonymous freshness saving core promise fresh hamesha available hamesha savings hamesha reliance fresh stop shop fresh shopping fresh saving fresh happiness fresh fruit vegetable dairy cereal spice process food beverage home personal care product entire gamut grocery need cover store retain strong customer centric approach meet shopping need routine seasonal known brand popular local product continuing reliance hallowed tradition backward integration reliance retail directly partner large number farmer small vendor farm fork model linkage farm bring transformational change quality life farmer enhance quality produce reduce wastage shorten time fresh produce reduce intermediary value chain benefit
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beverages breakfast dairy bakery instant meals aids wine beer online slots availability slots available filling fast close fresh fast store locator contact login register shop favourites shop past purchase account logout mumbai mumbai mumbai pune delhi ncr bengaluru hyderabad agartala agra ahmedabad ajmer akola aligarh allahabad alwar amalapuram ambala ambarnath ulhasnagar amravati amritsar anakapalle anand anantapur ananthapur annur asansol aurangabad bardhaman bareilly bathinda bhagalpur bhilai bhilwara bhimavaram bhopal bhubaneshwar bikaner bilaspur bokaro cachar chandigarh chengalpattu chennai chittoor cochin coimbatore cuddalore cuddapah cuttack daman darbhanga davangere dehradun dewas dhanbad dibrugarh east godavari east sikkim eluru erdoe erode faridkot fatehgarh sahib ferozepur cantt ferozepur city firozpur ganjam gaya goa godavari khani godavarikhani gorakhpur guntur gurdaspur guwahati gwalior haridwar hathras hissar hoshiarpur howrah hubli indore jabalpur jaipur jalandhar jamnagar jamshedpur jodhpur k v rangareddy kaithal kakinada kamrup kanchipuram kanpur karimnagar karnal katpadi khammam kolhapur kolkata kota kozhikode kurnool kurukshetra lucknow ludhiana machilipatnam madurai mahesana malappuram mangalore medak meerut mira bhayander mohali mhl moradabad muzaffarpur mysore nagpur namakkal nanded nashik navi mumbai nellore nizamabad north pargana ongole ooty palakkad panchkula pkl panipat pathankot patiala patna pilibhit pollachi pondicherry prakasam puri raipur rajahmundry rajkot rajpura rampur ranchi rohtak saharanpur salem sambalpur shillong shimla shimoga siliguri sodepur solapur sonipat sonitpur south sikkim srikakulam sulur sundergarh surat thane thanjavur thrissur tirunelveli tirupati tirupur tiruvallur tiruvannamalai trichur trichy trivandrum tumkur tuticorin udaipur udmalpet udupi ujjain vadodara valsad vapi varanasi vellore vijaywada villupuram visakhapatnam vizianagaram warangal wardha washim west godavari west midnapore yamuna nagar yamunanagar jammu nandyal tenali golaghat silchar tezpur tinsukia begusarai bettiah gopalganj hajipur katihar motihari saharsa siwan rajnandgaon bavla dwarka keshod rajula vyara faridabad gurgaon hisar pinjore dharamshala kangra mandi palampur una hp daltonganj deoghar giridih hazaribagh ramgarh bagalkot bantwal bijapur chamarajanagar chikkamagalur dharmasthala doddaballapura gadag hoskote mandya moodabidri ramanagara ullal angamaly cherthala kottayam manjeshwar muvattupuzha pathanamthitta thalassery thiruvananthapuram thodupuzha tiruvalla ahmednagar alibag ballarpur baramati bhadravati bhusawal chandrapur dhasai dhule greater thane ichalkaranji khamgaon khopoli lonavala murbad nevasa palghar vikramgad walva yavatmal aizawl champhai lunglei balasore bhadrak gumadera jharsuguda kendujhar anandpur sahib rampura phul rupnagar chittaurgarh dholpur namchi rangpo ambur attur kanyakumari karaikudi kovilpatti mayiladuthurai nagapattinam nagercoil neyveli palani paramakudi pudukkottai rajapalayam sholinganallur tenkasi tiruchengode tiruppattur viluppuram karim nagar ramagundam sangareddy azamgarh etawah ghaziabad hapur jhansi noida shahjahanpur arambag baharampur balurghat bankura bishnupur cooch behar dhulian habra haldia jaigaon kalimpong kharagpur mainaguri naihati tauru charkhi dadri meham fatehabad ellenabad ratia budha khera safidon loharu gohana naraingarh dera bassi dehlon bhadaur zira nakodar dasuya mukerian garhshanker patran mandi dabwali budhlada mansa jhunir jalalabad fazilka kala amb paonta sahib bilaspur hp ghumarwin jahu nalagarh bangana bhota amb sundar nagar joginder nagar kullu manali nadaun bhawarna dalhousie chamba hamirpur udhampur kathua jewar chandausi bulandshahr khurja sikandrabad mainpuri auraiya rasulabad etah kasganj jalesar hamirpur farrukhabad kannauj unnao banda bharuwa sumerpur rath mahoba fatehpur mughal sarai bhadohi sikandarpur ballia jaunpur sultanpur sarai meer faizabad akbarpur barabanki amethi raebareli unchahar pratapgarh kunda mirzapur chopan duddhi renukoot ghazipur hardoi sandila jalalabadup budaun amroha gajraula sambhal ramnagar pauri kotdwara srinagar uk chamoli karnaprayag bijnor najibabad dhampur deoband baghpat baraut khatauli sitapur sitarganj pithoragarh gola nainital almora ranikhet gonda harraiya bahraich nanpara basti bansi khalilabad naugarh anandnagar maharajganj dohrighat deoria kushinagar mau firozabad chirgaon lalitpur orai konch bansur neemrana achrol paota kotputli lalsot govindgarh nasirabad kekri kishangarh parbatsar badnaur beawar marwar junction bilara raipur rj falna sumerpur sirohi jalore asind mandfiya bari sadri nimbahera rajsamand dungarpur kherli weir sawai madhopur gangapur hindaun karauli lakheri antah baran chhabra jhalawar bhawani mandi ramganj mandi churu ratangarh rajgarh deenwa taranagar sujangarh shri dungargarh laxmangarh shrimadhopur ramgarh rj chala udaipurwati nawalgarh khetri nagar buhana nokha raisinghnagar rawatsar anupgarh srivijaynagar suratgarh nagaur jayal didwana makrana degana merta mathania phalodi piparcity gotan bhinmal balotra pokhran jasdan talala mangrol sutrapada manavadar kodinar dhrangadhra rajaparatwo palitana nakhatrana bhabhar jasai boisar mahad roha canacona ambegaon khandala shirur daund wai akluj indapur akkalkot barshi osmanabad udgir shrigonda shirdi kopargaon shrirampur sangamner shevgaon karad vadgaon kasba shirala islampur phaltan chiplun khed vaibhavwadi gadhinglaj tasgaon jath kankavali malvan manmad malegaon chalisgaon pachora shindkheda erandol malkapur amalner shirpur nandurbar kannad beed jalna vasmat hingoli parli ambajogai umarkhed degloor gondia tumsar deoli hinganghat rajura mehkar daryapur paratwada ner arni pusad kalamb burhanpur sanawad khargone barwani sendhwa badnagar dhar kukshi manawar nagda ghatiya jaora jhabua mandsaur neemuch garoth betul hoshangabad itarsi harda pipariya vidisha ganj basoda bina khurai shajapur shujalpur narsinghgarh pachore sehore ashta rehli dhana damoh chhatarpur tikamgarh guna raghogarh ashok nagar mungaoli shivpuri dabra datia morena ambah sheopur bhind chhindwara pandhurna seoni balaghat mandla sihora shahdol anuppur kotma umaria maihar deotalab sidhi singrauli narsinghpur gadarwara panna raigarh vikarabad tandur kadthal zahirabad pregnapur yellareddy bodhan banswada metpally adilabad nirmal luxettipet mancherial bellampalli rebbena asifabad utnoor jammikunta vemulawada koratla dharmapuri ts mahabubabad narsampet ghanpur parkal yellanda kothagudem bhadrachalam kusumanchi enkoor kodad bhuvanagiri nakerakal miryalaguda wanaparthy shadnagar bijnapally narayanpet kothur gandeed kodangal dharmavaram hindupur puttaparthi madakasira gooty tadipatri kadiri kambadur guntakal rayadurgam koduru rajampet proddatur rayachoti badvel yerraguntla pulivendula pileru madanapalle b kothakota palamaner srikalahasti tada puttur ap srisailam banaganapalli betamcherla dhone yemmiganur atmakur nuzvid repalle vuyyuru nandigama akividu bapatla ponnur sattenapalle piduguralla macherla narasaraopet chilakaluripet vinukonda kandukur kanigiri chirala chimakurthy kavali markapur venkatagiri gudur narsipatnam tuni bheemunipatnam rajam narasannapeta palasa kasibugga palakonda sunkara palem razole palakollu ramachandrapuram mandapeta tanuku parvathipuram bobbili salur gauribidanur chikkaballapura channapatna kanakapura kolar bangarapet chintamani mulbagal srinivaspur malur hunsur tirumakudaluns nanjangud malavalli madikeri gonikoppal krishnarajpet kollegala sira ramanathapura arsikere channarayapatna sakleshpur kadaba mudigere kadur koppa ka bhadravati ka channagiri sagara thirthahalli hosanagar shikaripur challakere haveri dandeli ankola sirsi kumta honnavar mallapur siruguppa sandur harpanahalli gangavathi koppal lingasugur manvi sindhanur yadgir sedam shorapur wadi aland basavakalyan bhalki indi muddebihal sindagi badami jamkhandi bailhongal saundatti chikodi athani gokak gummudipoondi kalpakkam tindivanam gingee cheyyar vandavasi arani thirukoilure virudhachalam ulundurpet kallakurichi chengam panruti jayankondam sirkazhi thiruvarur mannargudi pattukkottai aranthangi musiri perambalur manapparai ariyalur melur devakottai ramanathapuram rameswaram oddanchatram theni cumbum virudhunagar aruppukkottai vallioor ambasamudram sankarankovil tiruchendur attoor marthandam thuckalay sivaganga arakkonam sriperumbudur vaniyambadi veerakkalpudur rasipuram sankari kangeyam dharapuram gobichettipalayam sathyamangalam avinashi mettupalayam coonoor gudalur taliparamba payyanur kanhangad kalpetta koyilandy thamarassery sultan bathery areacode nilambur pazhayannur vadakkencherry shoranur bagnan kamarpukur kalna tarkeshwar ghatal katwa muchipara jamuria rupnryanpur nadia dubrajpur nabadwip midnapore chandrakona road panskura keshiary contai jaleswar dehurda jhargram gopiballabpur khatra mirzapur wb purulia raghunathpur jhalda suri rampurhat chanchal buniadpur manikchak farakka raiganj gangarampur tapan dalkhola islampure naxalbari birpara chalsa mal bazar kalchini mathabhanga barobisha dinhata maruganj jorethang krishnanagar taranipur nakashipara ranaghat hanskhali nowda murshidabad domkal kandi raghunathganj bongaon helencha swarupnagar basirhat baruipur diamond harbour dakshin barasat canning port blair khurdha balugaon nayagarh nimapara konark dharmasala dhenkanal jagatsinghpur tirtol kendrapara jajpur jaraka udala soro baripada betnoti bangriposi karanjia rairangpur barbil talcher digapahandi angaragaon buguda polasara asika bhanjanagar paralakhemundi semiliguda jeypore koraput nabarangapur raygada gunupur bhawanipatna balangir titilagarh bargarh sundargarh rajgangpur chhaygaon morigaon kaliabor hojai lumde diphu lakhipur dhubri kokrajhar balipara biswanathch bokakhat moranhat north lakhimpur dhemaji silapathar hailakandi karimganj badarpur haflong pasighat likabali kolasib serchhip dimapur udaipur tr dharmanagar bihta buxar dumraon bikramganj bihar sharif barh jehanabad kurthoul masaurhi nawada sheikhpura munger jamui lakhisarai banka kahalgaon dumka godda jamtara madhupur barharwa pakur sahebganj mohania dehri sone aurangabad br phusro gomoh jhumri telaiya chirkunda ghatshila chakradharpur chaibasa lohardaga chhapra barauli kanti sitamarhi sheohar raxaul narkatiaganj benipur madhubani samastipur khagaria supaul madhepura naugachia purnia forbesganj kishanganj harihar hiriyur machhiwara hansi piravom palai parakkadavu north paravur attingal kilimanoor kalluvathukkal guruvayoor karunagappally perinthalmanna perumbavoor kunnathunad khanpur haripad irinjalakuda shikohabad chalakudy neyyattinkara vaikom kayamkulam tarn taran sahib punalur edappal karukachal jadcherla dadri anupshahar kottarakkara bangarmau adoor kattappana kalol hazira pehowa dinanagar samana jogulamba gadwal narsapur kovvur udumalaipettai organic fresh artisinal breads cold cut seafood diabetic friendly foods healthy alternatives birthdays anniversary gift hampers platters dips smoked cheese ice cream desserts keto paleo shop category 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detox benefit blends view heart healthy foods amaranth couscous quinoa flours rice condiment seafood lean meats view indian grocery salt sugar substitutes cooking spices powder oil view confectionary patisseire milk dark mint chocolates cakes brownie pancake mixes ice cream kulfi view international cuisine pasta rice quinoa olive extravirgin olive oil view click scroll view nature basket grocery store operating mumbai bangalore pune delivery city india include hyderabad delhi kolkata chennai surat offer wide range food product everyday need offer grocery home delivery grocery shop online purchase online grocery store fresh fruit vegetable fresh frozen meat seafood wide range breads package bakery product range fresh cheese world range staple international cuisine product meet need organic product fresh package food item offering good online food shop online grocery shopping platform available grocery product physical grocery store select city store mumbai pune bangalore online delivery 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problem solution foods organic confectionary patisserie chocolates dessert mixes sauces toppings ice creams desserts confectionery baking ingredients patisserie meats seafood eggs fresh meats seafood cold cuts sausages package sea food meat eggs frozen breakfast dairy cereals bars jams preserves conserves honey indian breakfast favourite spreads milk yogurt dairy drinks butters margarines bakery instant meal aids ready cook ready eat accessory books snacks beverages cookies crackers frozen snacks antipasti dry snacks fresh snacks party food relishes pickles carbonate drink teas concentrate energy drinks milk additives juice coffee dairy drinks water indian grocery flours grains cooking pastes sauces cooking spices powders salt sugar substitutes oils natures basket limited right reserve privacy policy term use site map mobile site fssai license number loading
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burner pet care dog food cat food pet grooming pet treats masks sanitizers handwash thermometers safety equipment soaps ayurvedic products vitamins minerals energy drink pain relief face wash aid diabetic care nutrition bars makeup foundation compact bb cc cream primer blush kajal eyeliner lipsticks nail paint makeup accessory skincare scrubs cream moisturisers cleanser toner talcum powder sunscreen lotion facial kits haircare shampoos conditioners hair oil hair colour hair treatment hair creams gels fragrances fragrance fragrance topwear t shirt casual shirt formal shirts sweatshirts sweaters suits blazers jackets bottomwear jeans casual trouser formal trousers shorts track pants joggers sports active wear track pant shorts sports shoes indian wear kurta kurta sets nehru jackets dhotis sherwani footwear formal shoes casual shoes sport shoe sneakers sandals floater flip flop loafers socks boots innerwear sleepwear briefs trunks boxers vests thermals socks fashion accessories men jewellery smart watches fitness gear wallets sunglasses belts caps hats neckwear cufflink watches chronograph smart wearables bags backpacks wallets laptop bags travel accessories duffle bags gym bags luggage suitcases indian fusion wear kurtas kurtis sarees stitch suit dress material lehenga choli ethnic gowns ethnic skirts salwar churidars palazzos legge shawls dupatta blouses petticoats western wear jumpsuits rompers tops tunics skirts dresses jeans jeggings trousers pants t shirts shirts shorts capris women winter wear shrugs sweatshirt hoddies jackets coat blazers lingerie sleepwear bras lingerie set briefs sleepwear loungewear swimwear camisole thermals sports active wear active t shirt track pant short track suits footwear flats sandals sport shoes casual shoe boot heel accessorie handbags bags wallet watches smart watches fitness gear sunglasses jewellery stoles scarfs belts beauty personal care makeup nail paints foundation concealers bb cc cream blush lipsticks facewash scrubs creams moisturizers cleanser toners hair colors bags luggage trolley bags backpack travel accessorie jewellery fashion jewellery fine jewellery earrings kitchen dining rs store flasks bottles gas stoves lunch box container casseroles cookware pressure cooker kitchen tools chimneys dining serving bakeware home furnishings bedsheets curtains rugs carpets mattresses bean bag towels blankets quilts cushions cover pillow covers kitchen linen home decor lamp lighting spirituals wall art wall shelves clocks photo frame decoratives candle gardening home care mops insect killer protector sewing machine landline cordless phone shoe racks cloth dryer multipurpose table ironing boards laundry baskets brooms brushes wipes appliances cover storage organiser hardware fitting tools extension cord home safe ladders stools wires plugs switch boards switches door bell overflow alarm locks power tools hand tools bathroom accessories faucets taps mixers toothbrush holder tumblers rack shelves bathroom sinks hand showers heads hooks holders soap dispensers cabinets bath set home automation smart lighting cctv cameras video door phone smart plugs switches door bell home safe leds lighting led tubelights torches emergency lights lamp stationery store writing drawing pencil box geometry set pencils markers highlighters draw pencils color pencil art supply crayon paint brush files folders clip files document carriers bags stick file organizers file folder racks holders separator files card holders calculators scientific basic graphing printing diaries notebooks notebooks diaries planners organizers pens premium pen fountain pens roller ball pens gel pens ball pens gift sets inks refills student stuff school bags water bottles combo sets school sets paper supplies printer copier paper calenders paper products rrb exam entrance exam government services engineering exam books medical neet books mba exam books certification exam book teacher training books academic professional school books college books computers internet humanities law science language learning teaching tapes envelopes adhesive shipping supply envelop labels tags stickers office supplies office machines note count machine office accessories presentation supply binding machine impulse sealer toys games store outdoor games sports action figures gear remote control toy educational toy ride ons scooter skates kids fashion store boys clothing footwear t shirt shirts shorts capris innerwear thermals jeans ethnic wear sets trouser cargoes nightwear footwear girls clothing footwear frocks tops tees shirts shorts capris leggings innerwear thermals ethnic wear skirts sets jeans nightwear footwear trend printed short stripe t shirt check shirts printed frocks summer tee flare affair infants clothing footwear tshirts combo sets onesies rompers wear frocks innerwear thermals ethnic wear accessory footwear winterwear pram strollers walkers prams strollers walkers baby carriers school supplies bags tiffins flasks art craft party supply balloons party games party hats masks party accessories kid accessory watch kids sunglasses hair clips rubber bands baby kids room essentials wall arts stickers posters kids furniture babycare maternity store baby bath baby bed baby hygiene baby nutrition baby safety products baby oral care baby skin feeding nursing maternity care luggage bag luggage suitcases backpacks rucksacks hiking bag laptop bag sleeves duffle gym bags travel accessorie shop size cabin luggage medium luggage large luggage shop brand american tourister safari skybags pronto wildcraft timus aristocrat ucb sonnet puma tommy hilfiger travel accessory neck pillow card holder lugagge tags eye masks vanity case international products fitness equipment exercise bikes home gym exercise benches treadmills steppers twisters protoner dreamfit muskular fitness accessory dumbbells bars yoga fitness mats resistance tubes skipping ropes gym balls sipper shakers strauss sports indoor games poker carrom chess sports gear cycling bags packs bicycles ride gears bicycle accessories outdoor adventure gear bags packs sleeping bags mats hiking tent bottle accessory knives tools head lamps lamp torches sports boxing badminton table tennis cricket tennis skates skooters basketball hockey volleyball swimming water sports football camping hiking gki brands healthgenie star x yonex cosco li ning ss nivia sg wolfer scooters suzuki hero motocorp yamaha tvs honda bikes suzuki hero motocorp tvs yamaha honda bajaj shop category commuter bikes sports bikes cruiser bikes scooters electric vehicle car interior accessories seat covers bluetooth devices car charger mobile holders floor mats cushions rest sun shades vacuum cleaners car exterior accessories wheel cover body cover car lighting mud flaps graphics stickers helmets car audio gps car speaker stereos subwoofers amplifiers gps navigation systems car care tool kits cloth microfibers spray gun scratch remover duster wipers high pressure washer ride accessories arm sleeves elbow knee guards face mask gloves goggles jackets bandana bike accessories bike body cover mobile chargers bike seat covers scratch remover spare part brands steelbird ceat m formula sony jbl vega studds tyres alloys tyres alloys engine oil lubricants engine oils lubricants televisions led tv smart tv hd tv hd ready tv tv tv k ultra hd tv audio video fire tv stick home theatres dth set box home appliances fans air purifiers irons vaccum cleaners voltage stabilizer inverters inverters batteries kitchen appliances electric water purifiers juicer mixer grinders induction cooktops hand blenders electric kettles electric cookers air fryers deep fryers food processors sandwich makers brands lg samsung sony panasonic videocon whirlpool voltas hitachi philips haier godrej bajaj ifb symphony daikin havells mi luminous bosch vibe home health lifestyle enter pincode fast delivery option health lifestyle personal care health nutrition foods pet supplies baby care maternity fresh foods sports nutrition price brand aahana ace n king aco perfumes advance musclemass afzal agri club ahcs air roma ajmal all4pets perfumes amul ancient flower anjani ankita annprash aos aq fashion arochem aroma magic discount products sort popular new popular low high price high low price patanjali cow ghee l pack buy cashback himalaya 1l orange pure hands sanitizer alcohol set bottles 500ml buy cashback discount miltop california almond kg buy cashback discount pd ply surgical mask earloop pack buy cashback discount finger tip pulse oximeter led blood oxygen saturation pack buy cashback discount mamaearth onion oil hair regrowth hair fall control redensyl ml offer worth muscleblaze raw whey protein powder kg unflavored buy cashback discount wild stone hydra energy perfume men 30ml buy cashback discount meghdoot honey almond body lotion 500ml pack buy cashback discount wowper fresh pant diaper large pcs buy cashback discount tata salt iodize kg buy cashback discount shriajab jaipuri mixture 1kg pack offer worth morepen gluco blood glucose test strip glucometer test strip sugar test strips buy cashback discount ustraa beard growth oil ml buy cashback discount nutraj bakers pride walnut kernels g offer worth bihari ji desi ghee 1l tetra pack offer worth fortune refined oil soya bean l buy cashback discount anjani natural premium raw cashews g pack offer worth lavella ply surgical face mask pack buy cashback discount dabur chyawanprash 2x immunity pack kg buy cashback rockishii kashmiri organic walnuts shell gm buy cashback discount la rosera premium cashew nuts kg buy cashback discount patanjali swasari coronil kit pack buy cashback ply surgical mask earloop pack buy cashback discount meghdoot special chyawanprash 1kg pack buy cashback discount anjani superfoods roasted salted cashew jar g pack g offer worth patanjali mustard oil l buy cashback anjani superfoods roasted salted pistachio jar kg pack g buy cashback discount patanjali special chyawanprash kg offer worth patanjali chyawanprash kg buy cashback patanjali cow ghee ml buy cashback patanjali atta noodles classic pack g buy cashback remember time second day buy babycare homecare pet supplies etc feel great think day entirely go certainly evolve reduce effort time consumption tenfold people get busy day save time paytm mall come need supermarket rare luxurious chocolate grocery paytm mall roof multiple option come grocery shopping choose buy store online well pro online supermarket convenience beat able shop home time day night budget somewhat tricky budget supermarket shop online exactly spend easily remove item cart bring shopping budget eliminate impulse purchase spend time paytm mall add product cart time place order hurry rush pay buy convenience avoid impulsive purchase save money petrol diesel online shopping save money fuel drive supermarket easy browsing paytm mall grocery shopping section multiple filter like price low high popular product etc help buy accord need time saving spend time drive grocery store find parking wait payment counter queue online shopping extremely quick easy save precious time paytm mall aim satisfy requirement convenience free home delivery product international brand available locally fingertip paytm mall get need requirement cover different item discount shopping experience exciting spoil good way happy shopping latest health lifestyle price patanjali cow ghee l pack r himalaya 1l orange pure hands sanitizer alcohol set bottles 500ml rs miltop california almond kg r pd ply surgical mask earloop pack r finger tip pulse oximeter led blood oxygen saturation pack r mamaearth onion oil hair regrowth hair fall control redensyl ml rs muscleblaze raw whey protein powder kg unflavored rs wild stone hydra energy perfume men 30ml r meghdoot honey almond body lotion 500ml pack r wowper fresh pant diaper large pc r data update cashback add paytm cash one97 communications ltd loyalty program pay good service sell merchant accept pay paytm partner terms conditions blog medium 24x7 help grievance policy bug bounty return cancellation policy seller seller wallet payment services electronics fashion car buy online convenience home paytm mall electronics mobiles car bike super market women fashion laptops memory cards pen drives speakers home theater dslr cameras trimmers hair dryer inverters inverter batteries water purifiers geysers fans room heaters induction cooktops mixer juicer grinders microwave ovens sandwich makers electric irons electric kettles immersion rods televisions mobile store mobile smartphone feature phone tablet call tablet smart watches mobile accessories headphones headsets bluetooth headsets wired headphone vr headsets mobile screen guards mobile cases cover power banks selfie stick mobile chargers card reader iphones g mobile car bikes buy bike buy car buy scooters honda wheelers suzuki wheelers supermarket noodles soups pasta health drinks face wash scrubs protein supplements oil ghee pulses cereals tea coffee juice fruit drinks home cleaning products toilet cleaner mascaras eyebrow pencils lipstick nail paint pet supplies dog food hair oils bp monitors shampoos conditioners men groom kit sarees online women kurtas kurtis dress materials women dresses ethnic gowns women shoes women handbags lehenga choli woman ethnic wear women jewellery top tunics ladies watches jackets women women fashion women mangalsutra hoodies women women sunglasses salwar churidar blouses trousers pants women shirts women track suits women boots nose ring women sneakers bras women sandals wallets woman jeans woman palazzo pants sport shoe woman cotton sarees sling bag jumpsuits night suits women western wear women men fashion home kitchen baby kids toys car bike accessories sports fitness men sports shorts men track pants sweatshirts hoodie men men tracksuits men boxers men vest kurta men kurta pajama men men innerwear ethnic wear men sports jacket sweatshirts men men shorts men boots men sneakers loafers smart watches men sandals men casual shoes men watch wallets men men jeans jacket men men casual shirts men formal shirts men sports shoes leather jacket formal shoe men digital watch backpacks laptop bags chronograph watches analog watch digital watches gas stoves led cfl bulbs curtains accessories bed sheets home care products shoe racks home decor items hookah accessories chimneys wall painting wall clock pillow covers dinner set kitchen storage containers dining serve sets kitchen trolleys stand wall clocks wall stickers water dispenser kitchen tools landline cordless phone sewing machine teddy bear rc drone toys kid toy kid wear doll kid shoe baby swing baby walker kids bicycle kids battery car kid cradles kids watches toy guns baby bed soft toy kids battery bike prams strollers walkers baby diapers kids laptop kids helicopter toys kids tricycle kids electronic games kids train toy kid indoor games kids skate automotive accessories bike lights bike graphics stickers bike leg guards bike accessories bike mudguards bike gloves car wheel cover car foot mat car seat cover car exterior accessorie car interior accessories car graphics stickers car audio gps car stereo car bluetooth devices engine oil alloy wheels helmets silencer treadmill weighing scales sports fitness health cricket accessories massagers fitness accessorie fitness equipment camping hiking accessories bicycle accessories badminton accessories football accessory ab excercisers tennis equipment bicycle fitness mats gym equipments carrom gym gloves dumbbells kettlebells skipping ropes stationery travel cards stationary store calculators pencil box geometry sets water bottles school bags paper supplies highlighters diarie pencils office supplies files folders notebooks envelopes canvas board printer copier paper drawing books water colors pen ball pen parker pen fastag fastag replacement paytm fastag commercial vehicle fastag