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Šī ir mana iecienītākā reddit saruna, ko esmu redzējis kādu laiku | This is my favorite reddit conversation I’ve seen in a while | [
] | efgm2za |
Es domāju, lai viņu nomierinātu. | To calm him down I suppose. | [
] | eehs3kz |
Protams, tika ziņots par to, ka [NAME] un viņa atbalstītāji izmantoja mēstules, lai izplatītu dezinformāciju visā kampaņā. | Oh definitely, there was reports of [NAME] and his supporters using Spam to spread misinformation throughout the entire campaign. | [
] | eetrwsq |
Nevēlēties, bet vai [VĀRDS] (es pieņemu, ka viņi to domā ar [VĀRDS], bet cilvēki ir dīvaini) nebija [RELIĢIJA]? | Not to nitpick, but wasn't [NAME] (I assume that's what they mean by [NAME], but people are weird) [RELIGION]? | [
] | efffgig |
Tas ir. Varu derēt, ka chantex un visas pārējās kompānijas “atmest smēķēšanu” cer, ka šī grāmata nekļūs pārāk populāra. Tas samazinātu viņu peļņu. | It is. I bet chantex and all the other 'quit smoking' companies hope this book doesn't become too popular. That would cut into their profits. | [
] | ed6chs0 |
Atvainojiet, es to uztvēru tā, it kā tu liecinātu par manām vai mana pretinieka prasmēm vai kaut ko citu | Sorry I kind of took it like you were flexing on my or my opponents skill or something lmao | [
] | eelhhzc |
Pat ja es tevi personīgi nepazinu, bet es tikai gribu teikt, ka lepojos ar tevi. Šī ir iedvesma. | Even though I didn't know you personally, but I just want to say that I am proud of you. This is an inspiration. | [
] | edooilg |
Es arī brīnos hehe :D | I wonder so too hehe :D | [
] | ed7z59z |
Man šķita, ka [NAME] ir apreibināts. Nekad nesapratu naidu pret to | I thought [NAME] was dope. Never understood the hate for it | [
] | edhdwzk |
acīmredzami satīra op | kinda obviously satire op | [
] | ed9733r |
[VĀRDS] bija pusasins, taču nebija gudra doma audzināt savu tēvu. | [NAME] was half-blood but it wasn't a smart idea to bring up his father. | [
] | eerlirr |
Jūs vienkārši zināt, ka viņi ir tie paši cilvēki, kas PTSS slimniekus sauc par gļēvuliem vai arī ņirgājas par to, ka kādam ir panikas lēkme. | You just know they're the same people who call PTSD sufferers cowards, or would make fun of someone having a panic attack. | [
] | eevimah |
Es nezinu, vai esmu apmierināts ar reliģiju, kas apstiprina cilvēku upurus, tbh | I don't know if I'm comfortable with a religion that approves of human sacrifice tbh | [
] | efahy50 |
Kā [NAME] un [NAME] izskatījās šovakar? Pirmajā periodā skatījos Huskies spēli. | How have [NAME] and [NAME] looked tonight? I was watching the Huskies game during the first period. | [
] | eehvvsb |
Tava paranoja par to man šķiet šizofrēniska. Ja nē, lūdzu, paskaidrojiet, kāpēc tas ir svarīgi sabiedrībai. | Your paranoia over it seems schizophrenic to me. Just in case you are not, please elaborate on why this is important to society. | [
] | ef8ymm9 |
Es pievienoju jums, draugs, es tikko ieguvu loku, un man patīk spēles medību aspekts, tāpēc es laimīgi pievienojos jums medībās un ko ne. | Added you mate well I’ve just got the bow and I love the hunting aspect of the game so happily join you hunting and what not | [
] | edsb738 |
Vienmēr domājis, ka tas ir smieklīgi, bet vai tā ir atsauce uz kaut ko? | Always thought that was funny but is it a reference to anything? | [
] | ee7fdou |
Par ko tu runā? Viss, kas noticis, bija [NAME] vaina — [NAME] darīja tikai labus darbus! | What are you talking about? Anything bad that happened was [NAME] fault - only good things were [NAME] doing! | [
] | efgbhks |
Vairāk kā kristības ar seksīgiem rezultātiem! | More like a baptism, with sexy results! | [
] | ed1naf8 |
Izbaudi braucienu! | Enjoy the ride! | [
] | eecwmbq |