Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| nl
stringlengths 3
| code
stringlengths 4
5,300 | call the method self.items, for every field and errors in the result. | for field , errors in self . items ( ) : |
5,301 | if not, | else : |
5,302 | try, | try : |
5,303 | return value. | return value |
5,304 | if app_label is not contained in executor.loader.migrated_apps, | if app_label not in executor . loader . migrated_apps : |
5,305 | for every i and line in enumerated iterable table_output, | for i , line in enumerate ( table_output ) : |
5,306 | call the msg.attach with an argument body_msg. | msg . attach ( body_msg ) |
5,307 | define the method management_form with an argument self. | def management_form ( self ) : |
5,308 | from __future__ import unicode_literals into default name space. | from __future__ import unicode_literals |
5,309 | call the function EmailMultiAlternatives with settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX and subject converted to strings and concatenated, | mail = EmailMultiAlternatives ( '%s%s' % ( settings . EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX , subject ) , message , settings . SERVER_EMAIL , [ a [ 1 ] for a in settings . ADMINS ] , connection = connection ) |
5,310 | call the function force_text with first element of choice as an argument, substitute the result for self.choice_value. | self . choice_value = force_text ( choice [ 0 ] ) |
5,311 | substitute table for self.db_table. | self . db_table = table |
5,312 | if data has an 'temporary_file_path' attribute, | if hasattr ( data , 'temporary_file_path' ) : |
5,313 | call the self.read method with argument chunk_size, substitute the result for data. | data = self . read ( chunk_size ) |
5,314 | insert '.' to digits at negative exponent index. | digits . insert ( - exponent , '.' ) |
5,315 | delete self entry under the key key. | del self [ key ] |
5,316 | substitute msg for body_msg. | body_msg = msg |
5,317 | update attrs dictionary with entry: self.max_length converted into a string for 'maxlength'. | attrs . update ( { 'maxlength' : str ( self . max_length ) } ) |
5,318 | call the function save_m2m. | save_m2m ( ) |
5,319 | call the method parser.add_argument with 6 arguments: string '--locale', string '-l', default as an empty list, | parser . add_argument ( '--locale' , '-l' , default = [ ] , dest = 'locale' , action = 'append' , help = 'Creates or updates the message files for the given locale(s) (e.g. pt_BR). ' 'Can be used multiple times.' ) |
5,320 | make basedir directory, | os . makedirs ( basedir ) |
5,321 | call the executor.loader.get_migration_by_prefix with app_label and migration_name with arguments, substitute the result fr migration. | migration = executor . loader . get_migration_by_prefix ( app_label , migration_name ) |
5,322 | call the method constant_re.match with first element of parts as an argument, substitute the result for cmatch. | cmatch = constant_re . match ( parts [ 0 ] ) |
5,323 | define the method validate_host with 2 arguments: host and allowed_hosts. | def validate_host ( host , allowed_hosts ) : |
5,324 | method lru_cache.lru_cache with an argument maxsize set to None, as a decorator, | @ lru_cache . lru_cache ( maxsize = None ) |
5,325 | from wsgiref import simple_server into default name space. | from wsgiref import simple_server |
5,326 | call the method self.template.resolve with an argument context, substitute the result for template. | template = self . template . resolve ( context ) |
5,327 | call the function escapejs with an argument value, return the result. | return escapejs ( value ) |
5,328 | result is a list containing an empty string. | result = [ '' ] |
5,329 | call the method field_stream.read with an argument: over_bytes subtracted from integer 4, substitute the result for over_chunk. | over_chunk = field_stream . read ( 4 - over_bytes ) |
5,330 | call the function six.reraise with 3 arguments: ImportError, instance of ImportError class created with an argument msg, | six . reraise ( ImportError , ImportError ( msg ) , sys . exc_info ( ) [ 2 ] ) |
5,331 | call the method cursor.execute with string "DELETE FROM %s WHERE cache_key = %%s" as argument, | cursor . execute ( "DELETE FROM %s " "WHERE cache_key = %%s" % table , [ key ] ) |
5,332 | code is a string 'min_value' | code = 'min_value' |
5,333 | call the function self._key_to_file with key and version as arguments, substitute it for fname. | fname = self . _key_to_file ( key , version ) |
5,334 | optimizer is an instance of MigrationOptimizer class. | optimizer = MigrationOptimizer ( ) |
5,335 | return new_class. | return new_class |
5,336 | for every f in filters, | for f in filters : |
5,337 | return boolean False. | return False |
5,338 | load_template_source.is_usable is boolean True. | load_template_source . is_usable = True |
5,339 | define the function _check_test_runner with app_config set to None and kwargs dictionary as arguments. | def _check_test_runner ( app_configs = None , ** kwargs ) : |
5,340 | substitute context for block.context. | block . context = context |
5,341 | self.bad_cookies is an empty set. | self . bad_cookies = set ( ) |
5,342 | if offset is lesser than integer 0, sign is set to '-', otherwise sign is '+', | sign = '-' if offset < 0 else '+' |
5,343 | months is a tuple with 12 elements: strings 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov' and 'Dec'. | months = ( 'Jan' , 'Feb' , 'Mar' , 'Apr' , 'May' , 'Jun' , 'Jul' , 'Aug' , 'Sep' , 'Oct' , 'Nov' , 'Dec' , ) |
5,344 | dest as a string 'keep_pot', default as boolean False and help as a string "Keep .pot file after making messages. Useful when debugging." define the method handle with 3 arguments: self, unpacked list args and unpacked dictionary options. | def handle ( self , * args , ** options ) : |
5,345 | do nothing. | pass |
5,346 | substitute key for value under the KEY key of the oldroot dictionary. | oldroot [ KEY ] = key |
5,347 | call the translation.get_language_bidi function, substitute the result for the value under the 'LANGUAGE_BIDI' key of the context_extras dictionary. | context_extras [ 'LANGUAGE_BIDI' ] = translation . get_language_bidi ( ) |
5,348 | define the method validate with 2 arguments: self and value. | def validate ( self , value ) : |
5,349 | call the method __new__ from the base class of the class MediaDefiningClass, called with 4 arguments: mcs, name, bases and attrs. | new_class = ( super ( MediaDefiningClass , mcs ) . __new__ ( mcs , name , bases , attrs ) ) |
5,350 | do nothing. | pass |
5,351 | convert to k and v to strings for every k and v in return value of the response.item method, response_headers is a list containing all the above iteration elements. | response_headers = [ ( str ( k ) , str ( v ) ) for k , v in response . items ( ) ] |
5,352 | call the method self.get_resolved_arguments with an argument context, substitute the result for resolved_args and resolved_kwargs. | resolved_args , resolved_kwargs = self . get_resolved_arguments ( context ) |
5,353 | for every key in self.keyOrder, | for key in self . keyOrder : |
5,354 | from django.utils import six into default name space. | from django . utils import six |
5,355 | substitute instance._meta for opts. | opts = instance . _meta |
5,356 | import module os. | import os |
5,357 | if option is contained in options, | if option in options : |
5,358 | verbosity set to verbosity, interactive set to interactive and using set to db. call the method models.signals.post_syncdb.send with 6 arguments: sender set to app_config.models_module, | models . signals . post_syncdb . send ( sender = app_config . models_module , app = app_config . models_module , created_models = created_models , verbosity = verbosity , interactive = interactive , db = db ) |
5,359 | call the method router.get_migratable_models with arguments app_config and connection.alias. | app_models = router . get_migratable_models ( app_config , connection . alias ) |
5,360 | try, | try : |
5,361 | call the function _ with an argument string 'Ensure this value is greater than or equal to %(limit_value)s.', substitute the result for message. | message = _ ( 'Ensure this value is greater than or equal to %(limit_value)s.' ) |
5,362 | return nothing. | return |
5,363 | otherwise if bmatch is true, | elif bmatch : |
5,364 | if first and second elements of value are contained in self.empty_values, | if value [ 0 ] in self . empty_values and value [ 1 ] in self . empty_values : |
5,365 | for every loader in template_source_loaders, | for loader in template_source_loaders : |
5,366 | concatenate var_name, VARIABLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR and fourth element of bits, use the result as an argument for the call the method, | expression = parser . compile_filter ( var_name + VARIABLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR + bits [ 3 ] ) |
5,367 | covert to uppercase language elements from (p+1)-th index to the end, append it to the previous result, return it. if not, | else : |
5,368 | return string 'form'. | return 'form' |
5,369 | unique_check is a list with elements field, for every field in unique_check if field is not equal to self.fk.name. | unique_check = [ field for field in unique_check if field != self . fk . name ] |
5,370 | raise an v exception. | raise v |
5,371 | call the method self._populate. | self . _populate ( ) |
5,372 | formated with t.contents, filemsg and t.lineno. otherwise if t.token_type equals TOKEN_VAR, | elif t . token_type == TOKEN_VAR : |
5,373 | if not, | else : |
5,374 | define the method __contains__ with self and key as arguments. | def __contains__ ( self , key ) : |
5,375 | substitute the result for result. try, | try : |
5,376 | if end is None | if end is None : |
5,377 | if os has an attribute 'chmod', | if hasattr ( os , 'chmod' ) : |
5,378 | sum length of self.quertset and integer 1 if self.field.empty_label is not None, or integer 0 if not, return the result. | return ( len ( self . queryset ) + ( 1 if self . field . empty_label is not None else 0 ) ) |
5,379 | renderer is None. | renderer = None |
5,380 | create a list out of fist end_text_pos text elemnts, substitue it for out. | out = text [ : end_text_pos ] |
5,381 | call the method field._get_val_from_obj with obj argument, substitute the result for value. | value = field . _get_val_from_obj ( obj ) |
5,382 | split msgs by newline characters, for every line in result, | for line in msgs . split ( '\n' ) : |
5,383 | define the method get_many with self class instance, keys and version defaulting to None as arguments. | def get_many ( self , keys , version = None ) : |
5,384 | try, | try : |
5,385 | split p into two parts at the first ':', use the second element of the result to format string ' _(%s) ', write it to out. | out . write ( ' %s ' % p . split ( ':' , 1 ) [ 1 ] ) |
5,386 | url is a property of the class, lambda function is getter attribute with an argument self and return value is the value under the 'Location' key of the self dictionary. | url = property ( lambda self : self [ 'Location' ] ) |
5,387 | if fist and second element of sys.version_info equals to integer 3 and 2, respectively, | if sys . version_info [ : 2 ] == ( 3 , 2 ) : |
5,388 | call the method signals.got_request_exception.send with the sender set to the type of this class, and request set to request as the arguments. | signals . got_request_exception . send ( sender = self . __class__ , request = request ) |
5,389 | call the self.compile_messages with locations as argument, | self . compile_messages ( locations ) |
5,390 | return self.id. | return self . id |
5,391 | call the function import_string with backend if exists or settings.EMAIL_BACKEND if not, store the result into klass. | klass = import_string ( backend or settings . EMAIL_BACKEND ) |
5,392 | if other_dict doesnt have an '__getitem__' attribute, | if not hasattr ( other_dict , '__getitem__' ) : |
5,393 | join hidden_fields elements into a string, without separation, substitute the result for str_hidden. | str_hidden = '' . join ( hidden_fields ) |
5,394 | compatibility is a string 'compatibility'. | compatibility = 'compatibility' |
5,395 | return None. | return None |
5,396 | define the method widget_attrs with arguments self and widget. | def widget_attrs ( self , widget ) : |
5,397 | call the function locks.unlock with fd as argument. | locks . unlock ( fd ) |
5,398 | requires_system_checks is boolean False. | requires_system_checks = False |
5,399 | if values is None, | values = [ ] |