the following table presents var with respect to our trading activities, as measured by our var methodology for the periods indicated: value-at-risk. years ended december 31 (inmillions) | 2008 annual average | 2008 maximum | 2008 minimum | 2008 annual average | 2008 maximum | minimum foreign exchange products | $1.8 | $4.7 | $.3 | $1.8 | $4.0 | $.7 interest-rate products | 1.1 | 2.4 |.6 | 1.4 | 3.7 |.1 we back-test the estimated one-day var on a daily basis. this information is reviewed and used to confirm that all relevant trading positions are properly modeled. for the years ended december 31, 2008 and 2007, we did not experience any actual trading losses in excess of our end-of-day var estimate. asset and liability management activities the primary objective of asset and liability management is to provide sustainable and growing net interest revenue, or nir, under varying economic environments, while protecting the economic values of our balance sheet assets and liabilities from the adverse effects of changes in interest rates. most of our nir is earned from the investment of deposits generated by our core investment servicing and investment management businesses. we structure our balance sheet assets to generally conform to the characteristics of our balance sheet liabilities, but we manage our overall interest-rate risk position in the context of current and anticipated market conditions and within internally-approved risk guidelines. our overall interest-rate risk position is maintained within a series of policies approved by the board and guidelines established and monitored by alco. our global treasury group has responsibility for managing state street 2019s day-to-day interest-rate risk. to effectively manage the consolidated balance sheet and related nir, global treasury has the authority to take a limited amount of interest-rate risk based on market conditions and its views about the direction of global interest rates over both short-term and long-term time horizons. global treasury manages our exposure to changes in interest rates on a consolidated basis organized into three regional treasury units, north america, europe and asia/pacific, to reflect the growing, global nature of our exposures and to capture the impact of change in regional market environments on our total risk position. our investment activities and our use of derivative financial instruments are the primary tools used in managing interest-rate risk. we invest in financial instruments with currency, repricing, and maturity characteristics we consider appropriate to manage our overall interest-rate risk position. in addition to on-balance sheet assets, we use certain derivatives, primarily interest-rate swaps, to alter the interest-rate characteristics of specific balance sheet assets or liabilities. the use of derivatives is subject to alco-approved guidelines. additional information about our use of derivatives is in note 17 of the notes to consolidated financial statements included in this form 10-k under item 8. as a result of growth in our non-u.s. operations, non-u.s. dollar denominated customer liabilities are a significant portion of our consolidated balance sheet. this growth results in exposure to changes in the shape and level of non-u.s. dollar yield curves, which we include in our consolidated interest-rate risk management process. because no one individual measure can accurately assess all of our exposures to changes in interest rates, we use several quantitative measures in our assessment of current and potential future exposures to changes in interest rates and their impact on net interest revenue and balance sheet values. net interest revenue simulation is the primary tool used in our evaluation of the potential range of possible net interest revenue results that could occur under a variety of interest-rate environments. we also use market valuation and duration analysis to assess changes in the economic value of balance sheet assets and liabilities caused by assumed changes in interest rates. finally, gap analysis 2014the difference between the amount of balance sheet assets and liabilities re-pricing within a specified time period 2014is used as a measurement of our interest-rate risk position.. in the year of 2008, what was the variance of the foreign exchange products in the first section? 4.4 and what was it in the second section? 3.3 what was, then, the combined total variance for both sections? 7.7 and what was the average variance between them? 3.85 in that same year, what was the combined total for the annual average related to interest-rate products, also in both sections?
entergy louisiana, inc. management's financial discussion and analysis gross operating revenues, fuel and purchased power expenses, and other regulatory credits gross operating revenues increased primarily due to: 2022 an increase of $98.0 million in fuel cost recovery revenues due to higher fuel rates; and 2022 an increase due to volume/weather, as discussed above. the increase was partially offset by the following: 2022 a decrease of $31.9 million in the price applied to unbilled sales, as discussed above; 2022 a decrease of $12.2 million in rate refund provisions, as discussed above; and 2022 a decrease of $5.2 million in gross wholesale revenue due to decreased sales to affiliated systems. fuel and purchased power expenses increased primarily due to: 2022 an increase in the recovery from customers of deferred fuel costs; and 2022 an increase in the market price of natural gas. other regulatory credits increased primarily due to: 2022 the deferral in 2004 of $14.3 million of capacity charges related to generation resource planning as allowed by the lpsc; 2022 the amortization in 2003 of $11.8 million of deferred capacity charges, as discussed above; and 2022 the deferral in 2004 of $11.4 million related to entergy's voluntary severance program, in accordance with a proposed stipulation with the lpsc staff. 2003 compared to 2002 net revenue, which is entergy louisiana's measure of gross margin, consists of operating revenues net of: 1) fuel, fuel-related, and purchased power expenses and 2) other regulatory charges (credits). following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2003 to 2002.. - | (in millions) 2002 net revenue | $922.9 deferred fuel cost revisions | 59.1 asset retirement obligation | 8.2 volume | -16.2 (16.2) vidalia settlement | -9.2 (9.2) other | 8.9 2003 net revenue | $973.7 the deferred fuel cost revisions variance resulted from a revised unbilled sales pricing estimate made in december 2002 and a further revision made in the first quarter of 2003 to more closely align the fuel component of that pricing with expected recoverable fuel costs. the asset retirement obligation variance was due to the implementation of sfas 143, "accounting for asset retirement obligations" adopted in january 2003. see "critical accounting estimates" for more details on sfas 143. the increase was offset by decommissioning expense and had no effect on net income. the volume variance was due to a decrease in electricity usage in the service territory. billed usage decreased 1868 gwh in the industrial sector including the loss of a large industrial customer to cogeneration.. what was the change in net revenues during 2003?
mandatorily redeemable securities of subsidiary trusts total mandatorily redeemable securities of subsidiary trusts (trust preferred securities), which qualify as tier 1 capital, were $23.899 billion at december 31, 2008, as compared to $23.594 billion at december 31, 2007. in 2008, citigroup did not issue any new enhanced trust preferred securities. the frb issued a final rule, with an effective date of april 11, 2005, which retains trust preferred securities in tier 1 capital of bank holding companies, but with stricter quantitative limits and clearer qualitative standards. under the rule, after a five-year transition period, the aggregate amount of trust preferred securities and certain other restricted core capital elements included in tier 1 capital of internationally active banking organizations, such as citigroup, would be limited to 15% (15%) of total core capital elements, net of goodwill, less any associated deferred tax liability. the amount of trust preferred securities and certain other elements in excess of the limit could be included in tier 2 capital, subject to restrictions. at december 31, 2008, citigroup had approximately 11.8% (11.8%) against the limit. the company expects to be within restricted core capital limits prior to the implementation date of march 31, 2009. the frb permits additional securities, such as the equity units sold to adia, to be included in tier 1 capital up to 25% (25%) (including the restricted core capital elements in the 15% (15%) limit) of total core capital elements, net of goodwill less any associated deferred tax liability. at december 31, 2008, citigroup had approximately 16.1% (16.1%) against the limit. the frb granted interim capital relief for the impact of adopting sfas 158 at december 31, 2008 and december 31, 2007. the frb and the ffiec may propose amendments to, and issue interpretations of, risk-based capital guidelines and reporting instructions. these may affect reported capital ratios and net risk-weighted assets. capital resources of citigroup 2019s depository institutions citigroup 2019s subsidiary depository institutions in the united states are subject to risk-based capital guidelines issued by their respective primary federal bank regulatory agencies, which are similar to the frb 2019s guidelines. to be 201cwell capitalized 201d under federal bank regulatory agency definitions, citigroup 2019s depository institutions must have a tier 1 capital ratio of at least 6% (6%), a total capital (tier 1 + tier 2 capital) ratio of at least 10% (10%) and a leverage ratio of at least 5% (5%), and not be subject to a regulatory directive to meet and maintain higher capital levels. at december 31, 2008, all of citigroup 2019s subsidiary depository institutions were 201cwell capitalized 201d under the federal regulatory agencies 2019 definitions, including citigroup 2019s primary depository institution, citibank, n.a., as noted in the following table: citibank, n.a. components of capital and ratios under regulatory guidelines in billions of dollars at year end 2008 2007. in billions of dollars at year end | 2008 | 2007 tier 1 capital | $71.0 | $82.0 total capital (tier 1 and tier 2) | 108.4 | 121.6 tier 1 capital ratio | 9.94% (9.94%) | 8.98% (8.98%) total capital ratio (tier 1 and tier 2) | 15.18 | 13.33 leverage ratio (1) | 5.82 | 6.65 leverage ratio (1) 5.82 6.65 (1) tier 1 capital divided by adjusted average assets. citibank, n.a. had a net loss for 2008 amounting to $6.2 billion. during 2008, citibank, n.a. received contributions from its parent company of $6.1 billion. citibank, n.a. did not issue any additional subordinated notes in 2008. total subordinated notes issued to citicorp holdings inc. that were outstanding at december 31, 2008 and december 31, 2007 and included in citibank, n.a. 2019s tier 2 capital, amounted to $28.2 billion. citibank, n.a. received an additional $14.3 billion in capital contribution from its parent company in january 2009. the impact of this contribution is not reflected in the table above. the substantial events in 2008 impacting the capital of citigroup, and the potential future events discussed on page 94 under 201ccitigroup regulatory capital ratios, 201d also affected, or could affect, citibank, n.a.. what was the tier 2 capital in 2008? 37.4 and what was it in 2007?
dish network corporation notes to consolidated financial statements - continued 9. acquisitions dbsd north america and terrestar transactions on march 2, 2012, the fcc approved the transfer of 40 mhz of aws-4 wireless spectrum licenses held by dbsd north america and terrestar to us. on march 9, 2012, we completed the dbsd transaction and the terrestar transaction, pursuant to which we acquired, among other things, certain satellite assets and wireless spectrum licenses held by dbsd north america and terrestar. in addition, during the fourth quarter 2011, we and sprint entered into a mutual release and settlement agreement (the 201csprint settlement agreement 201d) pursuant to which all issues then being disputed relating to the dbsd transaction and the terrestar transaction were resolved between us and sprint, including, but not limited to, issues relating to costs allegedly incurred by sprint to relocate users from the spectrum then licensed to dbsd north america and terrestar. the total consideration to acquire the dbsd north america and terrestar assets was approximately $2.860 billion. this amount includes $1.364 billion for the dbsd transaction, $1.382 billion for the terrestar transaction, and the net payment of $114 million to sprint pursuant to the sprint settlement agreement. see note 16 for further information. as a result of these acquisitions, we recognized the acquired assets and assumed liabilities based on our estimates of fair value at their acquisition date, including $102 million in an uncertain tax position in 201clong-term deferred revenue, distribution and carriage payments and other long-term liabilities 201d on our consolidated balance sheets. subsequently, in the third quarter 2013, this uncertain tax position was resolved and $102 million was reversed and recorded as a decrease in 201cincome tax (provision) benefit, net 201d on our consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss) for the year ended december 31, 2013. 10. discontinued operations as of december 31, 2013, blockbuster had ceased all material operations. accordingly, our consolidated balance sheets, consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss) and consolidated statements of cash flows have been recast to present blockbuster as discontinued operations for all periods presented and the amounts presented in the notes to our consolidated financial statements relate only to our continuing operations, unless otherwise noted. during the years ended december 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, the revenue from our discontinued operations was $503 million, $1.085 billion and $974 million, respectively. 201cincome (loss) from discontinued operations, before income taxes 201d for the same periods was a loss of $54 million, $62 million and $3 million, respectively. in addition, 201cincome (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax 201d for the same periods was a loss of $47 million, $37 million and $7 million, respectively. as of december 31, 2013, the net assets from our discontinued operations consisted of the following: december 31, 2013 (in thousands). - | as of december 31 2013 (in thousands) current assets from discontinued operations | $68239 noncurrent assets from discontinued operations | 9965 current liabilities from discontinued operations | -49471 (49471) long-term liabilities from discontinued operations | -19804 (19804) net assets from discontinued operations | $8929 . what was the average revenue from discontinued operations in 2013? 503.0 what was the value in 2011? 974.0 what is the sum of those 2 years? 1477.0 what is the sum divided by 2?
notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 (continued) (amounts in millions, except per share amounts) guarantees we have certain contingent obligations under guarantees of certain of our subsidiaries (201cparent company guarantees 201d) relating principally to credit facilities, guarantees of certain media payables and operating leases. the amount of such parent company guarantees was $255.7 and $327.1 as of december 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively. in the event of non-payment by the applicable subsidiary of the obligations covered by a guarantee, we would be obligated to pay the amounts covered by that guarantee. as of december 31, 2008, there are no material assets pledged as security for such parent company guarantees. contingent acquisition obligations we have structured certain acquisitions with additional contingent purchase price obligations in order to reduce the potential risk associated with negative future performance of the acquired entity. in addition, we have entered into agreements that may require us to purchase additional equity interests in certain consolidated and unconsolidated subsidiaries. the amounts relating to these transactions are based on estimates of the future financial performance of the acquired entity, the timing of the exercise of these rights, changes in foreign currency exchange rates and other factors. we have not recorded a liability for these items since the definitive amounts payable are not determinable or distributable. when the contingent acquisition obligations have been met and consideration is determinable and distributable, we record the fair value of this consideration as an additional cost of the acquired entity. however, certain acquisitions contain deferred payments that are fixed and determinable on the acquisition date. in such cases, we record a liability for the payment and record this consideration as an additional cost of the acquired entity on the acquisition date. if deferred payments and purchases of additional interests after the effective date of purchase are contingent upon the future employment of the former owners then we recognize these payments as compensation expense. compensation expense is determined based on the terms and conditions of the respective acquisition agreements and employment terms of the former owners of the acquired businesses. this future expense will not be allocated to the assets and liabilities acquired and is amortized over the required employment terms of the former owners. the following table details the estimated liability with respect to our contingent acquisition obligations and the estimated amount that would be paid in the event of exercise at the earliest exercise date. we have certain put options that are exercisable at the discretion of the minority owners as of december 31, 2008. as such, these estimated acquisition payments of $5.5 have been included within the total payments expected to be made in 2009 in the table below and, if not made in 2009, will continue to carry forward into 2010 or beyond until they are exercised or expire. all payments are contingent upon achieving projected operating performance targets and satisfying other conditions specified in the related agreements and are subject to revisions as the earn-out periods progress. as of december 31, 2008, our estimated future contingent acquisition obligations payable in cash are as follows:. - | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | thereafter | total deferred acquisition payments | $67.5 | $32.1 | $30.1 | $4.5 | $5.7 | $2014 | $139.9 put and call options with affiliates1 | 11.8 | 34.3 | 73.6 | 70.8 | 70.2 | 2.2 | 262.9 total contingent acquisition payments | 79.3 | 66.4 | 103.7 | 75.3 | 75.9 | 2.2 | 402.8 less cash compensation expense included above | 2.6 | 1.3 | 0.7 | 0.7 | 0.3 | 2014 | 5.6 total | $76.7 | $65.1 | $103.0 | $74.6 | $75.6 | $2.2 | $397.2 1 we have entered into certain acquisitions that contain both put and call options with similar terms and conditions. in such instances, we have included the related estimated contingent acquisition obligation in the period when the earliest related option is exercisable. as a result of revisions made during 2008 to eitf topic no. d-98, classification and measurement of redeemable securities (201ceitf d-98 201d). what is the total of estimated future contingent acquisition obligations payable in cash in 2009? 76.7 what is it in 2013? 75.6 what is the net change?
item 7. management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations our management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations (md&a) is provided in addition to the accompanying consolidated financial statements and notes to assist readers in understanding our results of operations, financial condition, and cash flows. md&a is organized as follows: 2022 overview. discussion of our business and overall analysis of financial and other highlights affecting the company in order to provide context for the remainder of md&a. 2022 critical accounting estimates. accounting estimates that we believe are most important to understanding the assumptions and judgments incorporated in our reported financial results and forecasts. 2022 results of operations. an analysis of our financial results comparing 2013 to 2012 and comparing 2012 to 2022 liquidity and capital resources. an analysis of changes in our balance sheets and cash flows, and discussion of our financial condition and potential sources of liquidity. 2022 fair value of financial instruments. discussion of the methodologies used in the valuation of our financial instruments. 2022 contractual obligations and off-balance-sheet arrangements. overview of contractual obligations, contingent liabilities, commitments, and off-balance-sheet arrangements outstanding as of december 28, 2013, including expected payment schedule. the various sections of this md&a contain a number of forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. words such as 201canticipates, 201d 201cexpects, 201d 201cintends, 201d 201cplans, 201d 201cbelieves, 201d 201cseeks, 201d 201cestimates, 201d 201ccontinues, 201d 201cmay, 201d 201cwill, 201d 201cshould, 201d and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. in addition, any statements that refer to projections of our future financial performance, our anticipated growth and trends in our businesses, uncertain events or assumptions, and other characterizations of future events or circumstances are forward-looking statements. such statements are based on our current expectations and could be affected by the uncertainties and risk factors described throughout this filing and particularly in 201crisk factors 201d in part i, item 1a of this form 10-k. our actual results may differ materially, and these forward-looking statements do not reflect the potential impact of any divestitures, mergers, acquisitions, or other business combinations that had not been completed as of february 14, 2014. overview our results of operations for each period were as follows:. (dollars in millions except per share amounts) | three months ended dec. 282013 | three months ended sept. 282013 | three months ended change | three months ended dec. 282013 | three months ended dec. 292012 | change net revenue | $13834 | $13483 | $351 | $52708 | $53341 | $-633 (633) gross margin | $8571 | $8414 | $157 | $31521 | $33151 | $-1630 (1630) gross margin percentage | 62.0% (62.0%) | 62.4% (62.4%) | (0.4)% (%) | 59.8% (59.8%) | 62.1% (62.1%) | (2.3)% (%) operating income | $3549 | $3504 | $45 | $12291 | $14638 | $-2347 (2347) net income | $2625 | $2950 | $-325 (325) | $9620 | $11005 | $-1385 (1385) diluted earnings per common share | $0.51 | $0.58 | $-0.07 (0.07) | $1.89 | $2.13 | $-0.24 (0.24) revenue for 2013 was down 1% (1%) from 2012. pccg experienced lower platform unit sales in the first half of the year, but saw offsetting growth in the back half as the pc market began to show signs of stabilization. dcg continued to benefit from the build out of internet cloud computing and the strength of our product portfolio resulting in increased platform volumes for dcg for the year. higher factory start-up costs for our next-generation 14nm process technology led to a decrease in gross margin compared to 2012. in response to the current business environment and to better align resources, management approved several restructuring actions including targeted workforce reductions as well as the exit of certain businesses and facilities. these actions resulted in restructuring and asset impairment charges of $240 million for 2013. table of contents. what was the change in net revenues between 12/28/12 and 12/29/13? -633.0 so what was the percentage change during this time?
devon energy corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2013 (continued) asset divestitures in conjunction with the asset divestitures in 2013 and 2014, devon removed $26 million and $706 million of goodwill, respectively, which were allocated to these assets. impairment devon 2019s canadian goodwill was originally recognized in 2001 as a result of a business combination consisting almost entirely of conventional gas assets that devon no longer owns. as a result of performing the goodwill impairment test described in note 1, devon concluded the implied fair value of its canadian goodwill was zero as of december 31, 2014. this conclusion was largely based on the significant decline in benchmark oil prices, particularly after opec 2019s decision not to reduce its production targets that was announced in late november 2014. consequently, in the fourth quarter of 2014, devon wrote off its remaining canadian goodwill and recognized a $1.9 billion impairment. other intangible assets as of december 31, 2014, intangible assets associated with customer relationships had a gross carrying amount of $569 million and $36 million of accumulated amortization. the weighted-average amortization period for the customer relationships is 13.7 years. amortization expense for intangibles was approximately $36 million for the year ended december 31, 2014. other intangible assets are reported in other long-term assets in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets. the following table summarizes the estimated aggregate amortization expense for the next five years. year amortization amount (in millions). year | amortization amount (in millions) 2015 | $45 2016 | $45 2017 | $45 2018 | $45 2019 | $44 . what is 45 times 4? 180.0 what is that plus the amortization cost in 2019? 224.0 what is the total cost divided by 5?
republic services, inc. notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 (continued) 16. financial instruments fuel hedges we have entered into multiple swap agreements designated as cash flow hedges to mitigate some of our exposure related to changes in diesel fuel prices. these swaps qualified for, and were designated as, effective hedges of changes in the prices of forecasted diesel fuel purchases (fuel hedges). the following table summarizes our outstanding fuel hedges as of december 31, 2015: year gallons hedged weighted average contract price per gallon. year | gallons hedged | weighted average contractprice per gallon 2016 | 27000000 | $3.57 2017 | 12000000 | 2.92 if the national u.s. on-highway average price for a gallon of diesel fuel as published by the department of energy exceeds the contract price per gallon, we receive the difference between the average price and the contract price (multiplied by the notional gallons) from the counterparty. if the average price is less than the contract price per gallon, we pay the difference to the counterparty. the fair values of our fuel hedges are determined using standard option valuation models with assumptions about commodity prices based on those observed in underlying markets (level 2 in the fair value hierarchy). the aggregate fair values of our outstanding fuel hedges as of december 31, 2015 and 2014 were current liabilities of $37.8 million and $34.4 million, respectively, and have been recorded in other accrued liabilities in our consolidated balance sheets. the ineffective portions of the changes in fair values resulted in a loss of $0.4 million and $0.5 million for the years ended december 31, 2015 and 2014 respectively, and a gain of less than $0.1 million for the year ended december 31, 2013, and have been recorded in other income, net in our consolidated statements of income. total (loss) gain recognized in other comprehensive (loss) income for fuel hedges (the effective portion) was $(2.0) million, $(24.2) million and $2.4 million, for the years ended december 31, 2015, 2014 and 2013, respectively. recycling commodity hedges revenue from the sale of recycled commodities is primarily from sales of old corrugated cardboard and old newspaper. from time to time we use derivative instruments such as swaps and costless collars designated as cash flow hedges to manage our exposure to changes in prices of these commodities. we had no outstanding recycling commodity hedges as of december 31, 2015 and 2014. no amounts were recognized in other income, net in our consolidated statements of income for the ineffective portion of the changes in fair values during the years ended december 31, 2015, 2014 and 2013. total gain (loss) recognized in other comprehensive income for recycling commodity hedges (the effective portion) was $0.1 million and $(0.1) million for the years ended december 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively. no amount was recognized in other comprehensive income for 2015. fair value measurements in measuring fair values of assets and liabilities, we use valuation techniques that maximize the use of observable inputs (level 1) and minimize the use of unobservable inputs (level 3). we also use market data or assumptions that we believe market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability, including assumptions about risk when appropriate.. what was the ratio of the 2016 hedged gallons to 2017?
payments (receipts) (in millions). - | payments (receipts) (in millions) entergy arkansas | $2 entergy louisiana | $6 entergy mississippi | ($4) entergy new orleans | ($1) entergy texas | ($3) in september 2016 the ferc accepted the february 2016 compliance filing subject to a further compliance filing made in november 2016. the further compliance filing was required as a result of an order issued in september 2016 ruling on the january 2016 rehearing requests filed by the lpsc, the apsc, and entergy. in the order addressing the rehearing requests, the ferc granted the lpsc 2019s rehearing request and directed that interest be calculated on the payment/receipt amounts. the ferc also granted the apsc 2019s and entergy 2019s rehearing request and ordered the removal of both securitized asset accumulated deferred income taxes and contra-securitization accumulated deferred income taxes from the calculation. in november 2016, entergy submitted its compliance filing in response to the ferc 2019s order on rehearing. the compliance filing included a revised refund calculation of the true-up payments and receipts based on 2009 test year data and interest calculations. the lpsc protested the interest calculations. in november 2017 the ferc issued an order rejecting the november 2016 compliance filing. the ferc determined that the payments detailed in the november 2016 compliance filing did not include adequate interest for the payments from entergy arkansas to entergy louisiana because it did not include interest on the principal portion of the payment that was made in february 2016. in december 2017, entergy recalculated the interest pursuant to the november 2017 order. as a result of the recalculations, entergy arkansas owed very minor payments to entergy louisiana, entergy mississippi, and entergy new orleans. 2011 rate filing based on calendar year 2010 production costs in may 2011, entergy filed with the ferc the 2011 rates in accordance with the ferc 2019s orders in the system agreement proceeding. a0 a0several parties intervened in the proceeding at the ferc, including the lpsc, which also filed a protest. a0 a0in july a02011 the ferc a0accepted entergy 2019s proposed rates for filing, a0effective june a01, a02011, a0subject to refund. after an abeyance of the proceeding schedule, in december 2014 the ferc consolidated the 2011 rate filing with the 2012, 2013, and 2014 rate filings for settlement and hearing procedures. see discussion below regarding the consolidated settlement and hearing procedures in connection with this proceeding. 2012 rate filing based on calendar year 2011 production costs in may 2012, entergy filed with the ferc the 2012 rates in accordance with the ferc 2019s orders in the system agreement proceeding. a0 a0several parties intervened in the proceeding at the ferc, including the lpsc, which also filed a protest. a0 a0in august 2012 the ferc a0accepted entergy 2019s proposed rates for filing, a0effective june a02012, a0subject to refund. after an abeyance of the proceeding schedule, in december 2014 the ferc consolidated the 2012 rate filing with the 2011, 2013, and 2014 rate filings for settlement and hearing procedures. see discussion below regarding the consolidated settlement and hearing procedures in connection with this proceeding. 2013 rate filing based on calendar year 2012 production costs in may 2013, entergy filed with the ferc the 2013 rates in accordance with the ferc 2019s orders in the system agreement proceeding. several parties intervened in the proceeding at the ferc, including the lpsc, which also filed a protest. the city council intervened and filed comments related to including the outcome of a related ferc proceeding in the 2013 cost equalization calculation. in august 2013 the ferc issued an order accepting the 2013 rates, effective june 1, 2013, subject to refund. after an abeyance of the proceeding schedule, in december 2014 the ferc consolidated the 2013 rate filing with the 2011, 2012, and 2014 rate filings for settlement and hearing procedures. entergy corporation and subsidiaries notes to financial statements. what was the total of payments for entergy arkansas, in millions?
entergy corporation notes to consolidated financial statements (a) consists of pollution control revenue bonds and environmental revenue bonds, certain series of which are secured by non-interest bearing first mortgage bonds. (b) the bonds are subject to mandatory tender for purchase from the holders at 100% (100%) of the principal amount outstanding on september 1, 2005 and can then be remarketed. (c) the bonds are subject to mandatory tender for purchase from the holders at 100% (100%) of the principal amount outstanding on september 1, 2004 and can then be remarketed. (d) the bonds had a mandatory tender date of october 1, 2003. entergy louisiana purchased the bonds from the holders, pursuant to the mandatory tender provision, and has not remarketed the bonds at this time. entergy louisiana used a combination of cash on hand and short-term borrowing to buy-in the bonds. (e) on june 1, 2002, entergy louisiana remarketed $55 million st. charles parish pollution control revenue refunding bonds due 2030, resetting the interest rate to 4.9% (4.9%) through may 2005. (f) the bonds are subject to mandatory tender for purchase from the holders at 100% (100%) of the principal amount outstanding on june 1, 2005 and can then be remarketed. (g) pursuant to the nuclear waste policy act of 1982, entergy's nuclear owner/licensee subsidiaries have contracts with the doe for spent nuclear fuel disposal service. the contracts include a one-time fee for generation prior to april 7, 1983. entergy arkansas is the only entergy company that generated electric power with nuclear fuel prior to that date and includes the one-time fee, plus accrued interest, in long-term (h) the fair value excludes lease obligations, long-term doe obligations, and other long-term debt and includes debt due within one year. it is determined using bid prices reported by dealer markets and by nationally recognized investment banking firms. the annual long-term debt maturities (excluding lease obligations) for debt outstanding as of december 31, 2003, for the next five years are as follows:. - | (in thousands) 2004 | $503215 2005 | $462420 2006 | $75896 2007 | $624539 2008 | $941625 in november 2000, entergy's non-utility nuclear business purchased the fitzpatrick and indian point 3 power plants in a seller-financed transaction. entergy issued notes to nypa with seven annual installments of approximately $108 million commencing one year from the date of the closing, and eight annual installments of $20 million commencing eight years from the date of the closing. these notes do not have a stated interest rate, but have an implicit interest rate of 4.8% (4.8%). in accordance with the purchase agreement with nypa, the purchase of indian point 2 resulted in entergy's non-utility nuclear business becoming liable to nypa for an additional $10 million per year for 10 years, beginning in september 2003. this liability was recorded upon the purchase of indian point 2 in september 2001, and is included in the note payable to nypa balance above. in july 2003, a payment of $102 million was made prior to maturity on the note payable to nypa. under a provision in a letter of credit supporting these notes, if certain of the domestic utility companies or system energy were to default on other indebtedness, entergy could be required to post collateral to support the letter of credit. covenants in the entergy corporation notes require it to maintain a consolidated debt ratio of 65% (65%) or less of its total capitalization. if entergy's debt ratio exceeds this limit, or if entergy or certain of the domestic utility companies default on other indebtedness or are in bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, an acceleration of the notes' maturity dates may occur.. as of december 31, 2003, what was the total amount of long-term debt due in the years of 2004 and 2005, in thousands? 965635.0 what is that in millions?
stock performance graph this performance graph shall not be deemed 201cfiled 201d for purposes of section 18 of the securities exchange act of 1934, as amended (the 201cexchange act 201d) or otherwise subject to the liabilities under that section and shall not be deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing of tractor supply company under the securities act of 1933, as amended, or the exchange act. the following graph compares the cumulative total stockholder return on our common stock from december 29, 2012 to december 30, 2017 (the company 2019s fiscal year-end), with the cumulative total returns of the s&p 500 index and the s&p retail index over the same period. the comparison assumes that $100 was invested on december 29, 2012, in our common stock and in each of the foregoing indices and in each case assumes reinvestment of dividends. the historical stock price performance shown on this graph is not indicative of future performance.. - | 12/29/2012 | 12/28/2013 | 12/27/2014 | 12/26/2015 | 12/31/2016 | 12/30/2017 tractor supply company | $100.00 | $174.14 | $181.29 | $201.04 | $179.94 | $180.52 s&p 500 | $100.00 | $134.11 | $155.24 | $156.43 | $173.74 | $211.67 s&p retail index | $100.00 | $147.73 | $164.24 | $207.15 | $219.43 | $286.13 . what was the change in the performance value of the s&p 500 from 2012 to 2017? 111.67 and how much does this change represent in relation to that performance value in 2012, in percentage? 1.1167 what was the change in the performance value of the s&p 500 retail index from 2012 to 2017?
american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements (3) consists of customer-related intangibles of approximately $15.5 million and network location intangibles of approximately $19.8 million. the customer-related intangibles and network location intangibles are being amortized on a straight-line basis over periods of up to 20 years. (4) the company expects that the goodwill recorded will be deductible for tax purposes. the goodwill was allocated to the company 2019s international rental and management segment. uganda acquisition 2014on december 8, 2011, the company entered into a definitive agreement with mtn group to establish a joint venture in uganda. the joint venture is controlled by a holding company of which a wholly owned subsidiary of the company (the 201catc uganda subsidiary 201d) holds a 51% (51%) interest and a wholly owned subsidiary of mtn group (the 201cmtn uganda subsidiary 201d) holds a 49% (49%) interest. the joint venture is managed and controlled by the company and owns a tower operations company in uganda. pursuant to the agreement, the joint venture agreed to purchase a total of up to 1000 existing communications sites from mtn group 2019s operating subsidiary in uganda, subject to customary closing conditions. on june 29, 2012, the joint venture acquired 962 communications sites for an aggregate purchase price of $171.5 million, subject to post-closing adjustments. the aggregate purchase price was subsequently increased to $173.2 million, subject to future post-closing adjustments. under the terms of the purchase agreement, legal title to certain of these communications sites will be transferred upon fulfillment of certain conditions by mtn group. prior to the fulfillment of these conditions, the company will operate and maintain control of these communications sites, and accordingly, reflect these sites in the allocation of purchase price and the consolidated operating results. the following table summarizes the preliminary allocation of the aggregate purchase price consideration paid and the amounts of assets acquired and liabilities assumed based upon their estimated fair value at the date of acquisition (in thousands): preliminary purchase price allocation. - | preliminary purchase price allocation non-current assets | $2258 property and equipment | 102366 intangible assets (1) | 63500 other non-current liabilities | -7528 (7528) fair value of net assets acquired | $160596 goodwill (2) | 12564 (1) consists of customer-related intangibles of approximately $36.5 million and network location intangibles of approximately $27.0 million. the customer-related intangibles and network location intangibles are being amortized on a straight-line basis over periods of up to 20 years. (2) the company expects that the goodwill recorded will be not be deductible for tax purposes. the goodwill was allocated to the company 2019s international rental and management segment. germany acquisition 2014on november 14, 2012, the company entered into a definitive agreement to purchase communications sites from e-plus mobilfunk gmbh & co. kg. on december 4, 2012, the company completed the purchase of 2031 communications sites, for an aggregate purchase price of $525.7 million.. what was the total cost of the all the towers in the mtn group acquisition, in millions of dollars? 173.2 and what is that in dollars? 173200000.0 and what was the number of towers bought? 962.0 what was, then, their average price?
south america. approximately 26% (26%) of 2017 net sales were to international markets. this segment sells directly through its own sales force and indirectly through independent manufacturers 2019 representatives, primarily to wholesalers, home centers, mass merchandisers and industrial distributors. in aggregate, sales to the home depot and lowe 2019s comprised approximately 23% (23%) of net sales of the plumbing segment in 2017. this segment 2019s chief competitors include delta (owned by masco), kohler, pfister (owned by spectrum brands), american standard (owned by lixil group), insinkerator (owned by emerson electronic company) and imported private-label brands. doors. our doors segment manufactures and sells fiberglass and steel entry door systems under the therma-tru brand and urethane millwork product lines under the fypon brand. this segment benefits from the long-term trend away from traditional materials, such as wood, steel and aluminum, toward more energy-efficient and durable synthetic materials. therma-tru products include fiberglass and steel residential entry door and patio door systems, primarily for sale in the u.s. and canada. this segment 2019s principal customers are home centers, millwork building products and wholesale distributors, and specialty dealers that provide products to the residential new construction market, as well as to the remodeling and renovation markets. in aggregate, sales to the home depot and lowe 2019s comprised approximately 14% (14%) of net sales of the doors segment in 2017. this segment 2019s competitors include masonite, jeld-wen, plastpro and pella. security. our security segment 2019s products consist of locks, safety and security devices, and electronic security products manufactured, sourced and distributed primarily under the master lock brand and fire resistant safes, security containers and commercial cabinets manufactured, sourced and distributed under the sentrysafe brand. this segment sells products principally in the u.s., canada, europe, central america, japan and australia. approximately 25% (25%) of 2017 net sales were to international markets. this segment manufactures and sells key-controlled and combination padlocks, bicycle and cable locks, built-in locker locks, door hardware, automotive, trailer and towing locks, electronic access control solutions, and other specialty safety and security devices for consumer use to hardware, home center and other retail outlets. in addition, the segment sells lock systems and fire resistant safes to locksmiths, industrial and institutional users, and original equipment manufacturers. in aggregate, sales to the home depot and lowe 2019s comprised approximately 18% (18%) of the net sales of the security segment in 2017. master lock competes with abus, w.h. brady, hampton, kwikset (owned by spectrum brands), schlage (owned by allegion), assa abloy and various imports, and sentrysafe competes with first alert, magnum, fortress, stack-on and fire king. annual net sales for each of the last three fiscal years for each of our business segments were as follows: (in millions) 2017 2016 2015. (in millions) | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 cabinets | $2467.1 | $2397.8 | $2173.4 plumbing | 1720.8 | 1534.4 | 1414.5 doors | 502.9 | 473.0 | 439.1 security | 592.5 | 579.7 | 552.4 total | $5283.3 | $4984.9 | $4579.4 for additional financial information for each of our business segments, refer to note 18, 201cinformation on business segments, 201d to the consolidated financial statements in item 8 of this annual report on form other information raw materials. the table below indicates the principal raw materials used by each of our segments. these materials are available from a number of sources. volatility in the prices of commodities and energy used in making and distributing our products impacts the cost of manufacturing our products.. what were cabinet sales in 2017? 2467.1 what were they in 2016? 2397.8 what is the net change? 69.3 what was the 2016 value? 2397.8 what is the net change over the 2016 value?
shareowner return performance graph the following performance graph and related information shall not be deemed 201csoliciting material 201d or to be 201cfiled 201d with the securities and exchange commission, nor shall such information be incorporated by reference into any future filing under the securities act of 1933 or securities exchange act of 1934, each as amended, except to the extent that the company specifically incorporates it by reference into such filing. the following graph shows a five-year comparison of cumulative total shareowners 2019 returns for our class b common stock, the s&p 500 index, and the dow jones transportation average. the comparison of the total cumulative return on investment, which is the change in the quarterly stock price plus reinvested dividends for each of the quarterly periods, assumes that $100 was invested on december 31, 2001 in the s&p 500 index, the dow jones transportation average, and the class b common stock of united parcel service, inc. comparison of five year cumulative total return $40.00 $60.00 $80.00 $100.00 $120.00 $140.00 $160.00 $180.00 $200.00 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 s&p 500 ups dj transport. - | 12/31/01 | 12/31/02 | 12/31/03 | 12/31/04 | 12/31/05 | 12/31/06 united parcel service inc. | $100.00 | $117.19 | $140.49 | $163.54 | $146.35 | $148.92 s&p 500 index | $100.00 | $77.90 | $100.24 | $111.15 | $116.61 | $135.02 dow jones transportation average | $100.00 | $88.52 | $116.70 | $149.06 | $166.42 | $182.76 securities authorized for issuance under equity compensation plans the following table provides information as of december 31, 2006 regarding compensation plans under which our class a common stock is authorized for issuance. these plans do not authorize the issuance of our class b common stock.. what was the performance value of the united parcel service, inc. in 2006? 148.92 and what was the change in this performance value from 2001 to 2006? 48.92 what was the performance value of the s&p 500 index in 2006? 135.02 and what was the change in this performance value from 2001 to 2006? 35.02 what is, then, the difference between the performance value change of the united parcel service, inc. and the one of s&p 500 index?
table of contents adobe inc. notes to consolidated financial statements (continued) certain states and foreign jurisdictions to fully utilize available tax credits and other attributes. the deferred tax assets are offset by a valuation allowance to the extent it is more likely than not that they are not expected to be realized. we provide u.s. income taxes on the earnings of foreign subsidiaries unless the subsidiaries 2019 earnings are considered permanently reinvested outside the united states or are exempted from taxation as a result of the new territorial tax system. to the extent that the foreign earnings previously treated as permanently reinvested are repatriated, the related u.s. tax liability may be reduced by any foreign income taxes paid on these earnings. as of november 30, 2018, the cumulative amount of earnings upon which u.s. income taxes have not been provided is approximately $275 million. the unrecognized deferred tax liability for these earnings is approximately $57.8 million. as of november 30, 2018, we have net operating loss carryforwards of approximately $881.1 million for federal and $349.7 million for state. we also have federal, state and foreign tax credit carryforwards of approximately $8.8 million, $189.9 million and $14.9 million, respectively. the net operating loss carryforward assets and tax credits will expire in various years from fiscal 2019 through 2036. the state tax credit carryforwards and a portion of the federal net operating loss carryforwards can be carried forward indefinitely. the net operating loss carryforward assets and certain credits are reduced by the valuation allowance and are subject to an annual limitation under internal revenue code section 382, the carrying amount of which are expected to be fully realized. as of november 30, 2018, a valuation allowance of $174.5 million has been established for certain deferred tax assets related to certain state and foreign assets. for fiscal 2018, the total change in the valuation allowance was $80.9 million. accounting for uncertainty in income taxes during fiscal 2018 and 2017, our aggregate changes in our total gross amount of unrecognized tax benefits are summarized as follows (in thousands):. - | 2018 | 2017 beginning balance | $172945 | $178413 gross increases in unrecognized tax benefits 2013 prior year tax positions | 16191 | 3680 gross decreases in unrecognized tax benefits 2013 prior year tax positions | -4000 (4000) | -30166 (30166) gross increases in unrecognized tax benefits 2013 current year tax positions | 60721 | 24927 settlements with taxing authorities | 2014 | -3876 (3876) lapse of statute of limitations | -45922 (45922) | -8819 (8819) foreign exchange gains and losses | -3783 (3783) | 8786 ending balance | $196152 | $172945 the combined amount of accrued interest and penalties related to tax positions taken on our tax returns were approximately $24.6 million and $23.6 million for fiscal 2018 and 2017, respectively. these amounts were included in long-term income taxes payable in their respective years. we file income tax returns in the united states on a federal basis and in many u.s. state and foreign jurisdictions. we are subject to the continual examination of our income tax returns by the irs and other domestic and foreign tax authorities. our major tax jurisdictions are ireland, california and the united states. for ireland, california and the united states, the earliest fiscal years open for examination are 2008, 2014 and 2015, respectively. we regularly assess the likelihood of outcomes resulting from these examinations to determine the adequacy of our provision for income taxes and have reserved for potential adjustments that may result from these examinations. we believe such estimates to be reasonable; however, there can be no assurance that the final determination of any of these examinations will not have an adverse effect on our operating results and financial position. the timing of the resolution of income tax examinations is highly uncertain as are the amounts and timing of tax payments that are part of any audit settlement process. these events could cause large fluctuations in the balance of short-term and long- term assets, liabilities and income taxes payable. we believe that within the next 12 months, it is reasonably possible that either certain audits will conclude or statutes of limitations on certain income tax examination periods will expire, or both. given the uncertainties described above, we can only determine a range of estimated potential effect in underlying unrecognized tax benefits ranging from $0 to approximately $45 million.. what was the beginning balance in the gross amount of unrecognized tax benefits in 2018? 172945.0 what is the beginning balance in 2017? 178413.0 what is the net change from 2017 to 2018?
page 19 of 94 responded to the request for information pursuant to section 104 (e) of cercla. the usepa has initially estimated cleanup costs to be between $4 million and $5 million. based on the information available to the company at the present time, the company does not believe that this matter will have a material adverse effect upon the liquidity, results of operations or financial condition of the company. europe in january 2003 the german government passed legislation that imposed a mandatory deposit of 25 eurocents on all one-way packages containing beverages except milk, wine, fruit juices and certain alcoholic beverages. ball packaging europe gmbh (bpe), together with certain other plaintiffs, contested the enactment of the mandatory deposit for non-returnable containers based on the german packaging regulation (verpackungsverordnung) in federal and state administrative court. all other proceedings have been terminated except for the determination of minimal court fees that are still outstanding in some cases, together with minimal ancillary legal fees. the relevant industries, including bpe and its competitors, have successfully set up a germany-wide return system for one-way beverage containers, which has been operational since may 1, 2006, the date required under the deposit legislation. item 4. submission of matters to a vote of security holders there were no matters submitted to the security holders during the fourth quarter of 2007. part ii item 5. market for the registrant 2019s common stock and related stockholder matters ball corporation common stock (bll) is traded on the new york stock exchange and the chicago stock exchange. there were 5424 common shareholders of record on february 3, 2008. common stock repurchases the following table summarizes the company 2019s repurchases of its common stock during the quarter ended december 31, 2007. purchases of securities total number of shares purchased (a) average price paid per share total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs maximum number of shares that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs (b). - | total number of shares purchased (a) | average pricepaid per share | total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs | maximum number of shares that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs (b) october 1 to october 28 2007 | 705292 | $53.53 | 705292 | 4904824 october 29 to november 25 2007 | 431170 | $48.11 | 431170 | 4473654 november 26 to december 31 2007 | 8310 (c) | $44.99 | 8310 | 4465344 total | 1144772 | $51.42 | 1144772 | - (a) includes open market purchases and/or shares retained by the company to settle employee withholding tax liabilities. (b) the company has an ongoing repurchase program for which shares are authorized for repurchase from time to time by ball 2019s board of directors. on january 23, 2008, ball's board of directors authorized the repurchase by the company of up to a total of 12 million shares of its common stock. this repurchase authorization replaces all previous authorizations. (c) does not include 675000 shares under a forward share repurchase agreement entered into in december 2007 and settled on january 7, 2008, for approximately $31 million. also does not include shares to be acquired in 2008 under an accelerated share repurchase program entered into in december 2007 and funded on january 7, 2008.. what was the total value spent on the repurchase of shares during october 2007? 37754280.76 and how much is that in millions?
entergy texas, inc. and subsidiaries management 2019s financial discussion and analysis plan to spin off the utility 2019s transmission business see the 201cplan to spin off the utility 2019s transmission business 201d section of entergy corporation and subsidiaries management 2019s financial discussion and analysis for a discussion of this matter, including the planned retirement of debt and preferred securities. results of operations net income 2011 compared to 2010 net income increased by $14.6 million primarily due to higher net revenue, partially offset by higher taxes other than income taxes, higher other operation and maintenance expenses, and higher depreciation and amortization expenses. 2010 compared to 2009 net income increased by $2.4 million primarily due to higher net revenue and lower interest expense, partially offset by lower other income, higher taxes other than income taxes, and higher other operation and maintenance expenses. net revenue 2011 compared to 2010 net revenue consists of operating revenues net of: 1) fuel, fuel-related expenses, and gas purchased for resale, 2) purchased power expenses, and 3) other regulatory charges (credits). following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2011 to 2010. amount (in millions). - | amount (in millions) 2010 net revenue | $540.2 retail electric price | 36.0 volume/weather | 21.3 purchased power capacity | -24.6 (24.6) other | 4.9 2011 net revenue | $577.8 the retail electric price variance is primarily due to rate actions, including an annual base rate increase of $59 million beginning august 2010, with an additional increase of $9 million beginning may 2011, as a result of the settlement of the december 2009 rate case. see note 2 to the financial statements for further discussion of the rate case settlement. the volume/weather variance is primarily due to an increase of 721 gwh, or 4.5% (4.5%), in billed electricity usage, including the effect of more favorable weather on residential and commercial sales compared to last year. usage in the industrial sector increased 8.2% (8.2%) primarily in the chemicals and refining industries. the purchased power capacity variance is primarily due to price increases for ongoing purchased power capacity and additional capacity purchases.. what was the total variance in net revenue from 2010 to 2011?
as of december 31, 2017, the company had gross state income tax credit carry-forwards of approximately $20 million, which expire from 2018 through 2020. a deferred tax asset of approximately $16 million (net of federal benefit) has been established related to these state income tax credit carry-forwards, with a valuation allowance of $7 million against such deferred tax asset as of december 31, 2017. the company had a gross state net operating loss carry-forward of $39 million, which expires in 2027. a deferred tax asset of approximately $3 million (net of federal benefit) has been established for the net operating loss carry-forward, with a full valuation allowance as of december 31, 2017. other state and foreign net operating loss carry-forwards are separately and cumulatively immaterial to the company 2019s deferred tax balances and expire between 2026 and 2036. 14. debt long-term debt consisted of the following:. ($in millions) | december 31 2017 | december 31 2016 senior notes due december 15 2021 5.000% (5.000%) | 2014 | 600 senior notes due november 15 2025 5.000% (5.000%) | 600 | 600 senior notes due december 1 2027 3.483% (3.483%) | 600 | 2014 mississippi economic development revenue bonds due may 1 2024 7.81% (7.81%) | 84 | 84 gulf opportunity zone industrial development revenue bonds due december 1 2028 4.55% (4.55%) | 21 | 21 less unamortized debt issuance costs | -26 (26) | -27 (27) total long-term debt | 1279 | 1278 credit facility - in november 2017, the company terminated its second amended and restated credit agreement and entered into a new credit agreement (the "credit facility") with third-party lenders. the credit facility includes a revolving credit facility of $1250 million, which may be drawn upon during a period of five years from november 22, 2017. the revolving credit facility includes a letter of credit subfacility of $500 million. the revolving credit facility has a variable interest rate on outstanding borrowings based on the london interbank offered rate ("libor") plus a spread based upon the company's credit rating, which may vary between 1.125% (1.125%) and 1.500% (1.500%). the revolving credit facility also has a commitment fee rate on the unutilized balance based on the company 2019s leverage ratio. the commitment fee rate as of december 31, 2017 was 0.25% (0.25%) and may vary between 0.20% (0.20%) and 0.30% (0.30%). the credit facility contains customary affirmative and negative covenants, as well as a financial covenant based on a maximum total leverage ratio. each of the company's existing and future material wholly owned domestic subsidiaries, except those that are specifically designated as unrestricted subsidiaries, are and will be guarantors under the credit facility. in july 2015, the company used cash on hand to repay all amounts outstanding under a prior credit facility, including $345 million in principal amount of outstanding term loans. as of december 31, 2017, $15 million in letters of credit were issued but undrawn, and the remaining $1235 million of the revolving credit facility was unutilized. the company had unamortized debt issuance costs associated with its credit facilities of $11 million and $8 million as of december 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively. senior notes - in december 2017, the company issued $600 million aggregate principal amount of unregistered 3.483% (3.483%) senior notes with registration rights due december 2027, the net proceeds of which were used to repurchase the company's 5.000% (5.000%) senior notes due in 2021 in connection with the 2017 redemption described below. in november 2015, the company issued $600 million aggregate principal amount of unregistered 5.000% (5.000%) senior notes due november 2025, the net proceeds of which were used to repurchase the company's 7.125% (7.125%) senior notes due in 2021 in connection with the 2015 tender offer and redemption described below. interest on the company's senior notes is payable semi-annually. the terms of the 5.000% (5.000%) and 3.483% (3.483%) senior notes limit the company 2019s ability and the ability of certain of its subsidiaries to create liens, enter into sale and leaseback transactions, sell assets, and effect consolidations or mergers. the company had unamortized debt issuance costs associated with the senior notes of $15 million and $19 million as of december 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively.. in 2017, what was the amount of unamortized debt issuance costs associated with credit facilities? 11.0 and in 2016? 8.0 so what was the change in this value between the years?
note 8 2014 benefit plans the company has defined benefit pension plans covering certain employees in the united states and certain international locations. postretirement healthcare and life insurance benefits provided to qualifying domestic retirees as well as other postretirement benefit plans in international countries are not material. the measurement date used for the company 2019s employee benefit plans is september 30. effective january 1, 2018, the legacy u.s. pension plan was frozen to limit the participation of employees who are hired or re-hired by the company, or who transfer employment to the company, on or after january 1, net pension cost for the years ended september 30 included the following components:. (millions of dollars) | pension plans 2018 | pension plans 2017 | pension plans 2016 service cost | $136 | $110 | $81 interest cost | 90 | 61 | 72 expected return on plan assets | -154 (154) | -112 (112) | -109 (109) amortization of prior service credit | -13 (13) | -14 (14) | -15 (15) amortization of loss | 78 | 92 | 77 settlements | 2 | 2014 | 7 net pension cost | $137 | $138 | $113 net pension cost included in the preceding table that is attributable to international plans | $34 | $43 | $35 net pension cost included in the preceding table that is attributable to international plans $34 $43 $35 the amounts provided above for amortization of prior service credit and amortization of loss represent the reclassifications of prior service credits and net actuarial losses that were recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) in prior periods. the settlement losses recorded in 2018 and 2016 primarily included lump sum benefit payments associated with the company 2019s u.s. supplemental pension plan. the company recognizes pension settlements when payments from the supplemental plan exceed the sum of service and interest cost components of net periodic pension cost associated with this plan for the fiscal year.. what was the interest cost for 2018? 90.0 and in 2017? 61.0 combined, what was the total cost for the two years?
during the fourth quarter of 2010, schlumberger issued 20ac1.0 billion 2.75% (2.75%) guaranteed notes due under this program. schlumberger entered into agreements to swap these euro notes for us dollars on the date of issue until maturity, effectively making this a us denominated debt on which schlumberger will pay interest in us dollars at a rate of 2.56% (2.56%). during the first quarter of 2009, schlumberger issued 20ac1.0 billion 4.50% (4.50%) guaranteed notes due 2014 under this program. schlumberger entered into agreements to swap these euro notes for us dollars on the date of issue until maturity, effectively making this a us dollar denominated debt on which schlumberger will pay interest in us dollars at a rate of 4.95% (4.95%). 0160 on april 17, 2008, the schlumberger board of directors approved an $8 billion share repurchase program for shares of schlumberger common stock, to be acquired in the open market before december 31, 2011. on july 21, 2011, the schlumberger board of directors approved an extension of this repurchase program to december 31, 2013. schlumberger had repurchased $7.12 billion of shares under this program as of december 31, 2012. the following table summarizes the activity under this share repurchase program during 2012, 2011 and 2010: (stated in thousands except per share amounts) total cost of shares purchased total number of shares purchased average price paid per share. - | total cost of shares purchased | total number of shares purchased | average price paid per share 2012 | $971883 | 14087.8 | $68.99 2011 | $2997688 | 36940.4 | $81.15 2010 | $1716675 | 26624.8 | $64.48 0160 cash flow provided by operations was $6.8 billion in 2012, $6.1 billion in 2011 and $5.5 billion in 2010. in recent years, schlumberger has actively managed its activity levels in venezuela relative to its accounts receivable balance, and has recently experienced an increased delay in payment from its national oil company customer there. schlumberger operates in approximately 85 countries. at december 31, 2012, only five of those countries (including venezuela) individually accounted for greater than 5% (5%) of schlumberger 2019s accounts receivable balance of which only one, the united states, represented greater than 10% (10%). 0160 dividends paid during 2012, 2011 and 2010 were $1.43 billion, $1.30 billion and $1.04 billion, respectively. on january 17, 2013, schlumberger announced that its board of directors had approved an increase in the quarterly dividend of 13.6% (13.6%), to $0.3125. on january 19, 2012, schlumberger announced that its board of directors had approved an increase in the quarterly dividend of 10% (10%), to $0.275. on january 21, 2011, schlumberger announced that its board of directors had approved an increase in the quarterly dividend of 19% (19%), to $0.25. 0160 capital expenditures were $4.7 billion in 2012, $4.0 billion in 2011 and $2.9 billion in 2010. capital expenditures are expected to approach $3.9 billion for the full year 2013. 0160 during 2012, 2011 and 2010 schlumberger made contributions of $673 million, $601 million and $868 million, respectively, to its postretirement benefit plans. the us pension plans were 82% (82%) funded at december 31, 2012 based on the projected benefit obligation. this compares to 87% (87%) funded at december 31, 2011. schlumberger 2019s international defined benefit pension plans are a combined 88% (88%) funded at december 31, 2012 based on the projected benefit obligation. this compares to 88% (88%) funded at december 31, 2011. schlumberger currently anticipates contributing approximately $650 million to its postretirement benefit plans in 2013, subject to market and business conditions. 0160 there were $321 million outstanding series b debentures at december 31, 2009. during 2010, the remaining $320 million of the 2.125% (2.125%) series b convertible debentures due june 1, 2023 were converted by holders into 8.0 million shares of schlumberger common stock and the remaining $1 million of outstanding series b debentures were redeemed for cash.. what was the change in the average price per share from 2010 to 2011?
the fair value of the psu award at the date of grant is amortized to expense over the performance period, which is typically three years after the date of the award, or upon death, disability or reaching the age of 58. as of december 31, 2017, pmi had $34 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested psu awards. this cost is recognized over a weighted-average performance cycle period of two years, or upon death, disability or reaching the age of 58. during the years ended december 31, 2017, and 2016, there were no psu awards that vested. pmi did not grant any psu awards during note 10. earnings per share: unvested share-based payment awards that contain non-forfeitable rights to dividends or dividend equivalents are participating securities and therefore are included in pmi 2019s earnings per share calculation pursuant to the two-class method. basic and diluted earnings per share (201ceps 201d) were calculated using the following:. (in millions) | for the years ended december 31, 2017 | for the years ended december 31, 2016 | for the years ended december 31, 2015 net earnings attributable to pmi | $6035 | $6967 | $6873 less distributed and undistributed earnings attributable to share-based payment awards | 14 | 19 | 24 net earnings for basic and diluted eps | $6021 | $6948 | $6849 weighted-average shares for basic eps | 1552 | 1551 | 1549 plus contingently issuable performance stock units (psus) | 1 | 2014 | 2014 weighted-average shares for diluted eps | 1553 | 1551 | 1549 for the 2017, 2016 and 2015 computations, there were no antidilutive stock options.. what is the value of net earnings for basic and diluted eps in 2017? 6021.0 what was the value in 2016?
segment results 2013 operating basis (a) (b) (table continued from previous page) year ended december 31, operating earnings return on common equity 2013 goodwill (c). year ended december 31, (in millions except ratios) | year ended december 31, 2005 | year ended december 31, 2004 | year ended december 31, change | 2005 | 2004 investment bank | $3658 | $2948 | 24% (24%) | 18% (18%) | 17% (17%) retail financial services | 3427 | 2199 | 56 | 26 | 24 card services | 1907 | 1274 | 50 | 16 | 17 commercial banking | 1007 | 608 | 66 | 30 | 29 treasury & securities services | 1037 | 440 | 136 | 55 | 17 asset & wealth management | 1216 | 681 | 79 | 51 | 17 corporate | -1731 (1731) | 61 | nm | nm | nm total | $10521 | $8211 | 28% (28%) | 17% (17%) | 16% (16%) jpmorgan chase & co./2005 annual report 35 and are retained in corporate. these retained expenses include parent company costs that would not be incurred if the segments were stand-alone businesses; adjustments to align certain corporate staff, technology and operations allocations with market prices; and other one-time items not aligned with the business segments. during 2005, the firm refined cost allocation methodologies related to certain corporate functions, technology and operations expenses in order to improve transparency, consistency and accountability with regard to costs allocated across business segments. prior periods have not been revised to reflect these new cost allocation methodologies. capital allocation each business segment is allocated capital by taking into consideration stand- alone peer comparisons, economic risk measures and regulatory capital requirements. the amount of capital assigned to each business is referred to as equity. at the time of the merger, goodwill, as well as the associated capital, was allocated solely to corporate. effective january 2006, the firm expects to refine its methodology for allocating capital to the business segments to include any goodwill associated with line of business-directed acquisitions since the merger. u.s. gaap requires the allocation of goodwill to the business segments for impairment testing (see critical accounting estimates used by the firm and note 15 on pages 81 2013 83 and 114 2013116, respectively, of this annual report). see the capital management section on page 56 of this annual report for a discussion of the equity framework. credit reimbursement tss reimburses the ib for credit portfolio exposures the ib manages on behalf of clients the segments share. at the time of the merger, the reimbursement methodology was revised to be based upon pre-tax earnings, net of the cost of capital related to those exposures. prior to the merger, the credit reimbursement was based upon pre-tax earnings, plus the allocated capital associated with the shared clients. tax-equivalent adjustments segment and firm results reflect revenues on a tax-equivalent basis for segment reporting purposes. refer to explanation and reconciliation of the firm 2019s non-gaap financial measures on page 31 of this annual report for additional details. description of business segment reporting methodology results of the business segments are intended to reflect each segment as if it were essentially a stand-alone business. the management reporting process that derives these results allocates income and expense using market-based methodologies. effective with the merger on july 1, 2004, several of the allocation methodologies were revised, as noted below. as prior periods have not been revised to reflect these new methodologies, they are not comparable to the presentation of periods beginning with the third quarter of 2004. further, the firm continues to assess the assumptions, methodologies and reporting reclassifications used for segment reporting, and further refinements may be implemented in future periods. revenue sharing when business segments join efforts to sell products and services to the firm 2019s clients, the participating business segments agree to share revenues from those transactions. these revenue-sharing agreements were revised on the merger date to provide consistency across the lines of business. funds transfer pricing funds transfer pricing (201cftp 201d) is used to allocate interest income and expense to each business and transfer the primary interest rate risk exposures to corporate. the allocation process is unique to each business and considers the interest rate risk, liquidity risk and regulatory requirements of its stand- alone peers. business segments may retain certain interest rate exposures, subject to management approval, that would be expected in the normal operation of a similar peer business. in the third quarter of 2004, ftp was revised to conform the policies of the combined firms. expense allocation where business segments use services provided by support units within the firm, the costs of those support units are allocated to the business segments. those expenses are allocated based upon their actual cost, or the lower of actual cost or market cost, as well as upon usage of the services provided. effective with the third quarter of 2004, the cost allocation methodologies of the heritage firms were aligned to provide consistency across the business segments. in addition, expenses related to certain corporate functions, technology and operations ceased to be allocated to the business segments. what was the percentage of total segment operations that was made of investment banking in 2005? 0.34769 what would 2005 operating income be without the commercial banking segment?
the fair value of the psu award at the date of grant is amortized to expense over the performance period, which is typically three years after the date of the award, or upon death, disability or reaching the age of 58. as of december 31, 2017, pmi had $34 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested psu awards. this cost is recognized over a weighted-average performance cycle period of two years, or upon death, disability or reaching the age of 58. during the years ended december 31, 2017, and 2016, there were no psu awards that vested. pmi did not grant any psu awards during note 10. earnings per share: unvested share-based payment awards that contain non-forfeitable rights to dividends or dividend equivalents are participating securities and therefore are included in pmi 2019s earnings per share calculation pursuant to the two-class method. basic and diluted earnings per share (201ceps 201d) were calculated using the following:. (in millions) | for the years ended december 31, 2017 | for the years ended december 31, 2016 | for the years ended december 31, 2015 net earnings attributable to pmi | $6035 | $6967 | $6873 less distributed and undistributed earnings attributable to share-based payment awards | 14 | 19 | 24 net earnings for basic and diluted eps | $6021 | $6948 | $6849 weighted-average shares for basic eps | 1552 | 1551 | 1549 plus contingently issuable performance stock units (psus) | 1 | 2014 | 2014 weighted-average shares for diluted eps | 1553 | 1551 | 1549 for the 2017, 2016 and 2015 computations, there were no antidilutive stock options.. what was the total of net earnings attributable to pmi in 2017? 6035.0 what was that in 2016?
part ii item 5. market for registrant 2019s common equity, related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities. the company 2019s common stock is listed on the new york stock exchange. prior to the separation of alcoa corporation from the company, the company 2019s common stock traded under the symbol 201caa. 201d in connection with the separation, on november 1, 2016, the company changed its stock symbol and its common stock began trading under the symbol 201carnc. 201d on october 5, 2016, the company 2019s common shareholders approved a 1-for-3 reverse stock split of the company 2019s outstanding and authorized shares of common stock (the 201creverse stock split 201d). as a result of the reverse stock split, every 3 shares of issued and outstanding common stock were combined into one issued and outstanding share of common stock, without any change in the par value per share. the reverse stock split reduced the number of shares of common stock outstanding from approximately 1.3 billion shares to approximately 0.4 billion shares, and proportionately decreased the number of authorized shares of common stock from 1.8 billion to 0.6 billion shares. the company 2019s common stock began trading on a reverse stock split-adjusted basis on october 6, 2016. on november 1, 2016, the company completed the separation of its business into two independent, publicly traded companies: the company and alcoa corporation. the separation was effected by means of a pro rata distribution by the company of 80.1% (80.1%) of the outstanding shares of alcoa corporation common stock to the company 2019s shareholders. the company 2019s shareholders of record as of the close of business on october 20, 2016 (the 201crecord date 201d) received one share of alcoa corporation common stock for every three shares of the company 2019s common stock held as of the record date. the company retained 19.9% (19.9%) of the outstanding common stock of alcoa corporation immediately following the separation. the following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the high and low sales prices and quarterly dividend amounts per share of the company 2019s common stock as reported on the new york stock exchange, adjusted to take into account the reverse stock split effected on october 6, 2016. the prices listed below for the fourth quarter of 2016 do not reflect any adjustment for the impact of the separation of alcoa corporation from the company on november 1, 2016, and therefore are not comparable to pre-separation prices from earlier periods.. quarter | 2016 high | 2016 low | 2016 dividend | 2016 high | 2016 low | dividend first | $30.66 | $18.42 | $0.09 | $51.30 | $37.95 | $0.09 second | 34.50 | 26.34 | 0.09 | 42.87 | 33.45 | 0.09 third | 32.91 | 27.09 | 0.09 | 33.69 | 23.91 | 0.09 fourth (separation occurred on november 1 2016) | 32.10 | 16.75 | 0.09 | 33.54 | 23.43 | 0.09 year | $34.50 | $16.75 | $0.36 | $51.30 | $23.43 | $0.36 the number of holders of record of common stock was approximately 12885 as of february 23, 2017.. what is the high price in 2016? 32.91 what is the 2016 low price? 27.09 what is the sum?
masco corporation notes to consolidated financial statements (continued) h. goodwill and other intangible assets (continued) goodwill at december 31, accumulated impairment losses goodwill at december 31, 2010 additions (a) discontinued operations (b) pre-tax impairment charge other (c) goodwill at december 31, cabinets and related products........... $587 $(364) $223 $2014 $2014 $(44) $2 $181. - | gross goodwill at december 31 2010 | accumulated impairment losses | net goodwill at december 31 2010 | additions (a) | discontinued operations (b) | pre-tax impairment charge | other (c) | net goodwill at december 31 2011 cabinets and related products | $587 | $-364 (364) | $223 | $2014 | $2014 | $-44 (44) | $2 | $181 plumbing products | 536 | -340 (340) | 196 | 9 | 2014 | 2014 | -4 (4) | 201 installation and other services | 1819 | -762 (762) | 1057 | 2014 | -13 (13) | 2014 | 2014 | 1044 decorative architectural products | 294 | 2014 | 294 | 2014 | 2014 | -75 (75) | 2014 | 219 other specialty products | 980 | -367 (367) | 613 | 2014 | 2014 | -367 (367) | 2014 | 246 total | $4216 | $-1833 (1833) | $2383 | $9 | $-13 (13) | $-486 (486) | $-2 (2) | $1891 (a) additions include acquisitions. (b) during 2011, the company reclassified the goodwill related to the business units held for sale. subsequent to the reclassification, the company recognized a charge for those business units expected to be divested at a loss; the charge included a write-down of goodwill of $13 million. (c) other principally includes the effect of foreign currency translation and purchase price adjustments related to prior-year acquisitions. in the fourth quarters of 2012 and 2011, the company completed its annual impairment testing of goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangible assets. the impairment test in 2012 indicated there was no impairment of goodwill for any of the company 2019s reporting units. the impairment test in 2011 indicated that goodwill recorded for certain of the company 2019s reporting units was impaired. the company recognized the non-cash, pre-tax impairment charges, in continuing operations, for goodwill of $486 million ($330 million, after tax) for 2011. in 2011, the pre-tax impairment charge in the cabinets and related products segment relates to the european ready-to- assemble cabinet manufacturer and reflects the declining demand for certain products, as well as decreased operating margins. the pre-tax impairment charge in the decorative architectural products segment relates to the builders 2019 hardware business and reflects increasing competitive conditions for that business. the pre-tax impairment charge in the other specialty products segment relates to the north american window and door business and reflects the continuing weak level of new home construction activity in the western u.s., the reduced levels of repair and remodel activity and the expectation that recovery in these segments will be modestly slower than anticipated. the company then assessed the long-lived assets associated with these business units and determined no impairment was necessary at december 31, 2011. other indefinite-lived intangible assets were $132 million and $174 million at december 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively, and principally included registered trademarks. in 2012 and 2011, the impairment test indicated that the registered trademark for a north american business unit in the other specialty products segment and the registered trademark for a north american business unit in the plumbing products segment (2011 only) were impaired due to changes in the long-term outlook for the business units. the company recognized non-cash, pre-tax impairment charges for other indefinite- lived intangible assets of $42 million ($27 million, after tax) and $8 million ($5 million, after tax) in 2012 and 2011, respectively. in 2010, the company recognized non-cash, pre-tax impairment charges for other indefinite-lived intangible assets of $10 million ($6 million after tax) related to the installation and other services segment ($9 million pre-tax) and the plumbing products segment ($1 million pre-tax).. what was the net change in value of total net goodwill from 2010 to 2011?
abiomed, inc. and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 (continued) (7) commitments and contingencies the company applies the disclosure provisions of fin no. 45, guarantor 2019s accounting and disclosure requirements for guarantees, including guarantees of indebtedness of others, and interpretation of fasb statements no. 5, 57 and 107 and rescission of fasb interpretation no. 34 (fin no. 45) to its agreements that contain guarantee or indemnification clauses. these disclosure provisions expand those required by sfas no. 5 accounting for contingencies, by requiring that guarantors disclose certain types of guarantees, even if the likelihood of requiring the guarantor 2019s performance is remote. the following is a description of arrangements in which the company is a guarantor. product warranties 2014the company routinely accrues for estimated future warranty costs on its product sales at the time of sale. the ab5000 and bvs products are subject to rigorous regulation and quality standards. operating results could be adversely effected if the actual cost of product failures exceeds the estimated warranty provision. patent indemnifications 2014in many sales transactions, the company indemnifies customers against possible claims of patent infringement caused by the company 2019s products. the indemnifications contained within sales contracts usually do not include limits on the claims. the company has never incurred any material costs to defend lawsuits or settle patent infringement claims related to sales transactions. under the provisions of fin no. 45, intellectual property indemnifications require disclosure only. as of march 31, 2006, the company had entered into leases for its facilities, including its primary operating facility in danvers, massachusetts, with terms through fiscal 2010. the danvers lease may be extended, at the company 2019s option, for two successive additional periods of five years each with monthly rent charges to be determined based on then current fair rental values. the company 2019s lease for its aachen location expires in august 2008 unless an option to extend for an additional four years is exercised by the company. in december 2005 we closed our office facility in the netherlands, recording a charge of approximately $58000 for the remaining lease term. total rent expense under these leases, included in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations approximated $821000, $824000 and $1262000 for the fiscal years ended march 31, 2004, 2005 and 2006, respectively. future minimum lease payments under all significant non-cancelable operating leases as of march 31, 2006 are approximately as follows (in thousands): fiscal year ending march 31, operating leases. fiscal year ending march 31, | operating leases 2007 | 1703 2008 | 1371 2009 | 1035 2010 | 710 total future minimum lease payments | $4819 from time-to-time, the company is involved in legal and administrative proceedings and claims of various types. while any litigation contains an element of uncertainty, management, in consultation with the company 2019s general counsel, presently believes that the outcome of each such other proceedings or claims which are pending or known to be threatened, or all of them combined, is not expected to have a material adverse effect on the company 2019s financial position, cash flow and results. on may 15, 2006 richard a. nazarian, as selling stockholder representative, filed a demand for arbitration (subsequently amended) with the boston office of the american arbitration association. what were operating leases in 2007? 1703.0 what were they in 2008?
supplementary information on oil and gas producing activities (unaudited) 2017 proved reserves decreased by 647 mmboe primarily due to the following: 2022 revisions of previous estimates: increased by 49 mmboe primarily due to the acceleration of higher economic wells in the bakken into the 5-year plan resulting in an increase of 44 mmboe, with the remainder being due to revisions across the business. 2022 extensions, discoveries, and other additions: increased by 116 mmboe primarily due to an increase of 97 mmboe associated with the expansion of proved areas and wells to sales from unproved categories in oklahoma. 2022 purchases of reserves in place: increased by 28 mmboe from acquisitions of assets in the northern delaware basin in new mexico. 2022 production: decreased by 145 mmboe. 2022 sales of reserves in place: decreased by 695 mmboe including 685 mmboe associated with the sale of our canadian business and 10 mmboe associated with divestitures of certain conventional assets in oklahoma and colorado. see item 8. financial statements and supplementary data - note 5 to the consolidated financial statements for information regarding these dispositions. 2016 proved reserves decreased by 67 mmboe primarily due to the following: 2022 revisions of previous estimates: increased by 63 mmboe primarily due to an increase of 151 mmboe associated with the acceleration of higher economic wells in the u.s. resource plays into the 5-year plan and a decrease of 64 mmboe due to u.s. technical revisions. 2022 extensions, discoveries, and other additions: increased by 60 mmboe primarily associated with the expansion of proved areas and new wells to sales from unproven categories in oklahoma. 2022 purchases of reserves in place: increased by 34 mmboe from acquisition of stack assets in oklahoma. 2022 production: decreased by 144 mmboe. 2022 sales of reserves in place: decreased by 84 mmboe associated with the divestitures of certain wyoming and gulf of mexico assets. 2015 proved reserves decreased by 35 mmboe primarily due to the following: 2022 revisions of previous estimates: decreased by 2 mmboe primarily resulting from an increase of 105 mmboe associated with drilling programs in u.s. resource plays and an increase of 67 mmboe in discontinued operations due to technical reevaluation and lower royalty percentages related to lower realized prices, offset by a decrease of 173 mmboe which was largely due to reductions to our capital development program and adherence to the sec 5-year rule. 2022 extensions, discoveries, and other additions: increased by140 mmboe as a result of drilling programs in our u.s. resource plays. 2022 production: decreased by 157 mmboe. 2022 sales of reserves in place: u.s. conventional assets sales contributed to a decrease of 18 mmboe. changes in proved undeveloped reserves as of december 31, 2017, 546 mmboe of proved undeveloped reserves were reported, a decrease of 6 mmboe from december 31, 2016. the following table shows changes in proved undeveloped reserves for 2017: (mmboe). beginning of year | 552 revisions of previous estimates | 5 improved recovery | 2014 purchases of reserves in place | 15 extensions discoveries and other additions | 57 dispositions | 2014 transfers to proved developed | -83 (83) end of year | 546 revisions of prior estimates. revisions of prior estimates increased 5 mmboe during 2017, primarily due to a 44 mmboe increase in the bakken from an acceleration of higher economic wells into the 5-year plan, offset by a decrease of 40 mmboe in oklahoma due to the removal of less economic wells from the 5-year plan. extensions, discoveries and other additions. increased 57 mmboe through expansion of proved areas in oklahoma.. what was the impact in mmboe resulting from an increase in drilling programs in the us resource plays and an increase in discontinued operations due to technical reevaluation and lower royalty percentages related to lower realized prices? 172.0 what was the purchases of reserves in place in 2016?
backlog applied manufactures systems to meet demand represented by order backlog and customer commitments. backlog consists of: (1) orders for which written authorizations have been accepted and assigned shipment dates are within the next 12 months, or shipment has occurred but revenue has not been recognized; and (2) contractual service revenue and maintenance fees to be earned within the next 12 months. backlog by reportable segment as of october 26, 2014 and october 27, 2013 was as follows: 2014 2013 (in millions, except percentages). - | 2014 | 2013 | - | (in millions except percentages) silicon systems group | $1400 | 48% (48%) | $1295 | 55% (55%) applied global services | 775 | 27% (27%) | 591 | 25% (25%) display | 593 | 20% (20%) | 361 | 15% (15%) energy and environmental solutions | 149 | 5% (5%) | 125 | 5% (5%) total | $2917 | 100% (100%) | $2372 | 100% (100%) applied 2019s backlog on any particular date is not necessarily indicative of actual sales for any future periods, due to the potential for customer changes in delivery schedules or cancellation of orders. customers may delay delivery of products or cancel orders prior to shipment, subject to possible cancellation penalties. delays in delivery schedules and/or a reduction of backlog during any particular period could have a material adverse effect on applied 2019s business and results of operations. manufacturing, raw materials and supplies applied 2019s manufacturing activities consist primarily of assembly, test and integration of various proprietary and commercial parts, components and subassemblies (collectively, parts) that are used to manufacture systems. applied has implemented a distributed manufacturing model under which manufacturing and supply chain activities are conducted in various countries, including the united states, europe, israel, singapore, taiwan, and other countries in asia, and assembly of some systems is completed at customer sites. applied uses numerous vendors, including contract manufacturers, to supply parts and assembly services for the manufacture and support of its products. although applied makes reasonable efforts to assure that parts are available from multiple qualified suppliers, this is not always possible. accordingly, some key parts may be obtained from only a single supplier or a limited group of suppliers. applied seeks to reduce costs and to lower the risks of manufacturing and service interruptions by: (1) selecting and qualifying alternate suppliers for key parts; (2) monitoring the financial condition of key suppliers; (3) maintaining appropriate inventories of key parts; (4) qualifying new parts on a timely basis; and (5) locating certain manufacturing operations in close proximity to suppliers and customers. research, development and engineering applied 2019s long-term growth strategy requires continued development of new products, including products that enable expansion into new markets. the company 2019s significant investment in research, development and engineering (rd&e) has generally enabled it to deliver new products and technologies before the emergence of strong demand, thus allowing customers to incorporate these products into their manufacturing plans at an early stage in the technology selection cycle. applied works closely with its global customers to design systems and processes that meet their planned technical and production requirements. product development and engineering organizations are located primarily in the united states, as well as in europe, israel, taiwan, and china. in addition, applied outsources certain rd&e activities, some of which are performed outside the united states, primarily in india and singapore. process support and customer demonstration laboratories are located in the united states, china, taiwan, europe, and israel. applied 2019s investments in rd&e for product development and engineering programs to create or improve products and technologies over the last three years were as follows: $1.4 billion (16 percent of net sales) in fiscal 2014, $1.3 billion (18 percent of net sales) in fiscal 2013, and $1.2 billion (14 percent of net sales) in fiscal 2012. applied has spent an average of 13 percent of net sales in rd&e over the last five years. in addition to rd&e for specific product technologies, applied maintains ongoing programs for automation control systems, materials research, and environmental control that are applicable to its products.. what were net sales in 2014? 0.0875 and in 2013? 0.07222 so how much did this value change between the two years? 0.01528 and the percentage change during this time? 0.21154 what are the total sales in 2012?
the defined benefit pension plans 2019 trust and $130 million to our retiree medical plans which will reduce our cash funding requirements for 2007 and 2008. in 2007, we expect to make no contributions to the defined benefit pension plans and expect to contribute $175 million to the retiree medical and life insurance plans, after giving consideration to the 2006 prepayments. the following benefit payments, which reflect expected future service, as appropriate, are expected to be paid: (in millions) pension benefits benefits. (in millions) | pensionbenefits | otherbenefits 2007 | $1440 | $260 2008 | 1490 | 260 2009 | 1540 | 270 2010 | 1600 | 270 2011 | 1660 | 270 years 2012 2013 2016 | 9530 | 1260 as noted previously, we also sponsor nonqualified defined benefit plans to provide benefits in excess of qualified plan limits. the aggregate liabilities for these plans at december 31, 2006 were $641 million. the expense associated with these plans totaled $59 million in 2006, $58 million in 2005 and $61 million in 2004. we also sponsor a small number of foreign benefit plans. the liabilities and expenses associated with these plans are not material to our results of operations, financial position or cash flows. note 13 2013 leases our total rental expense under operating leases was $310 million, $324 million and $318 million for 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively. future minimum lease commitments at december 31, 2006 for all operating leases that have a remaining term of more than one year were $1.1 billion ($288 million in 2007, $254 million in 2008, $211 million in 2009, $153 million in 2010, $118 million in 2011 and $121 million in later years). certain major plant facilities and equipment are furnished by the u.s. government under short-term or cancelable arrangements. note 14 2013 legal proceedings, commitments and contingencies we are a party to or have property subject to litigation and other proceedings, including matters arising under provisions relating to the protection of the environment. we believe the probability is remote that the outcome of these matters will have a material adverse effect on the corporation as a whole. we cannot predict the outcome of legal proceedings with certainty. these matters include the following items, all of which have been previously reported: on march 27, 2006, we received a subpoena issued by a grand jury in the united states district court for the northern district of ohio. the subpoena requests documents related to our application for patents issued in the united states and the united kingdom relating to a missile detection and warning technology. we are cooperating with the government 2019s investigation. on february 6, 2004, we submitted a certified contract claim to the united states requesting contractual indemnity for remediation and litigation costs (past and future) related to our former facility in redlands, california. we submitted the claim consistent with a claim sponsorship agreement with the boeing company (boeing), executed in 2001, in boeing 2019s role as the prime contractor on the short range attack missile (sram) program. the contract for the sram program, which formed a significant portion of our work at the redlands facility, had special contractual indemnities from the u.s. air force, as authorized by public law 85-804. on august 31, 2004, the united states denied the claim. our appeal of that decision is pending with the armed services board of contract appeals. on august 28, 2003, the department of justice (the doj) filed complaints in partial intervention in two lawsuits filed under the qui tam provisions of the civil false claims act in the united states district court for the western district of kentucky, united states ex rel. natural resources defense council, et al v. lockheed martin corporation, et al, and united states ex rel. john d. tillson v. lockheed martin energy systems, inc., et al. the doj alleges that we committed violations of the resource conservation and recovery act at the paducah gaseous diffusion plant by not properly handling, storing. as of december 31, 2006, what was the total of the future minimum lease commitments for all operating leases that have a remaining term of more than one year? 1100.0 and what percentage from those commitments was due in 2007? 0.26182 and in the precedent year of that date, in 2005, what was the rental expense under operating leases? 324.0 what was it in 2004? 318.0 what was, then, the change over the year?
for uncoated freesheet paper and market pulp announced at the end of 2009 become effective. input costs are expected to be higher due to wood supply constraints at the kwidzyn mill and annual tariff increases on energy in russia. planned main- tenance outage costs are expected to be about flat, while operating costs should be favorable. asian printing papers net sales were approx- imately $50 million in 2009 compared with approx- imately $20 million in both 2008 and 2007. operating earnings increased slightly in 2009 compared with 2008, but were less than $1 million in all periods. u.s. market pulp net sales in 2009 totaled $575 million compared with $750 million in 2008 and $655 million in 2007. operating earnings in 2009 were $140 million (a loss of $71 million excluding alter- native fuel mixture credits and plant closure costs) compared with a loss of $156 million (a loss of $33 million excluding costs associated with the perma- nent shutdown of the bastrop mill) in 2008 and earn- ings of $78 million in 2007. sales volumes in 2009 decreased from 2008 levels due to weaker global demand. average sales price realizations were significantly lower as the decline in demand resulted in significant price declines for market pulp and smaller declines in fluff pulp. input costs for wood, energy and chemicals decreased, and freight costs were significantly lower. mill operating costs were favorable across all mills, and planned maintenance downtime costs were lower. lack-of-order downtime in 2009 increased to approx- imately 540000 tons, including 480000 tons related to the permanent shutdown of our bastrop mill in the fourth quarter of 2008, compared with 135000 tons in 2008. in the first quarter of 2010, sales volumes are expected to increase slightly, reflecting improving customer demand for fluff pulp, offset by slightly seasonally weaker demand for softwood and hard- wood pulp in china. average sales price realizations are expected to improve, reflecting the realization of previously announced sales price increases for fluff pulp, hardwood pulp and softwood pulp. input costs are expected to increase for wood, energy and chemicals, and freight costs may also increase. planned maintenance downtime costs will be higher, but operating costs should be about flat. consumer packaging demand and pricing for consumer packaging prod- ucts correlate closely with consumer spending and general economic activity. in addition to prices and volumes, major factors affecting the profitability of consumer packaging are raw material and energy costs, freight costs, manufacturing efficiency and product mix. consumer packaging net sales in 2009 decreased 4% (4%) compared with 2008 and increased 1% (1%) compared with 2007. operating profits increased significantly compared with both 2008 and 2007. excluding alternative fuel mixture credits and facility closure costs, 2009 operating profits were sig- nificantly higher than 2008 and 57% (57%) higher than 2007. benefits from higher average sales price realizations ($114 million), lower raw material and energy costs ($114 million), lower freight costs ($21 million), lower costs associated with the reorganiza- tion of the shorewood business ($23 million), favor- able foreign exchange effects ($14 million) and other items ($12 million) were partially offset by lower sales volumes and increased lack-of-order downtime ($145 million) and costs associated with the perma- nent shutdown of the franklin mill ($67 million). additionally, operating profits in 2009 included $330 million of alternative fuel mixture credits. consumer packaging in millions 2009 2008 2007. in millions | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 sales | $3060 | $3195 | $3015 operating profit | 433 | 17 | 112 north american consumer packaging net sales were $2.2 billion compared with $2.5 billion in 2008 and $2.4 billion in 2007. operating earnings in 2009 were $343 million ($87 million excluding alter- native fuel mixture credits and facility closure costs) compared with $8 million ($38 million excluding facility closure costs) in 2008 and $70 million in 2007. coated paperboard sales volumes were lower in 2009 compared with 2008 reflecting weaker market conditions. average sales price realizations were significantly higher, reflecting the full-year realization of price increases implemented in the second half of 2008. raw material costs for wood, energy and chemicals were significantly lower in 2009, while freight costs were also favorable. operating costs, however, were unfavorable and planned main- tenance downtime costs were higher. lack-of-order downtime increased to 300000 tons in 2009 from 15000 tons in 2008 due to weak demand. operating results in 2009 include income of $330 million for alternative fuel mixture credits and $67 million of expenses for shutdown costs for the franklin mill. foodservice sales volumes were lower in 2009 than in 2008 due to generally weak world-wide economic conditions. average sales price realizations were. what was the total of north american consumer packaging net sales in 2009, in millions?
38 2013 ppg annual report and form 10-k notes to the consolidated financial statements 1. summary of significant accounting policies principles of consolidation the accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of ppg industries, inc. (201cppg 201d or the 201ccompany 201d) and all subsidiaries, both u.s. and non-u.s., that it controls. ppg owns more than 50% (50%) of the voting stock of most of the subsidiaries that it controls. for those consolidated subsidiaries in which the company 2019s ownership is less than 100% (100%), the outside shareholders 2019 interests are shown as noncontrolling interests. investments in companies in which ppg owns 20% (20%) to 50% (50%) of the voting stock and has the ability to exercise significant influence over operating and financial policies of the investee are accounted for using the equity method of accounting. as a result, ppg 2019s share of the earnings or losses of such equity affiliates is included in the accompanying consolidated statement of income and ppg 2019s share of these companies 2019 shareholders 2019 equity is included in "investments" in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet. transactions between ppg and its subsidiaries are eliminated in consolidation. use of estimates in the preparation of financial statements the preparation of financial statements in conformity with u.s. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, as well as the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. such estimates also include the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed as a result of allocations of purchase price of business combinations consummated. actual outcomes could differ from those estimates. revenue recognition the company recognizes revenue when the earnings process is complete. revenue from sales is recognized by all operating segments when goods are shipped and title to inventory and risk of loss passes to the customer or when services have been rendered. shipping and handling costs amounts billed to customers for shipping and handling are reported in 201cnet sales 201d in the accompanying consolidated statement of income. shipping and handling costs incurred by the company for the delivery of goods to customers are included in 201ccost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization 201d in the accompanying consolidated statement of income. selling, general and administrative costs amounts presented as 201cselling, general and administrative 201d in the accompanying consolidated statement of income are comprised of selling, customer service, distribution and advertising costs, as well as the costs of providing corporate- wide functional support in such areas as finance, law, human resources and planning. distribution costs pertain to the movement and storage of finished goods inventory at company- owned and leased warehouses, terminals and other distribution facilities. advertising costs advertising costs are expensed in the year incurred and totaled $345 million, $288 million and $245 million in 2013, 2012 and 2011, respectively. research and development research and development costs, which consist primarily of employee related costs, are charged to expense as incurred. the following are the research and development costs for the years ended december 31:. (millions) | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 research and development 2013 total | $505 | $468 | $443 less depreciation on research facilities | 17 | 15 | 15 research and development net | $488 | $453 | $428 legal costs legal costs are expensed as incurred. legal costs incurred by ppg include legal costs associated with acquisition and divestiture transactions, general litigation, environmental regulation compliance, patent and trademark protection and other general corporate purposes. foreign currency translation the functional currency of most significant non-u.s. operations is their local currency. assets and liabilities of those operations are translated into u.s. dollars using year-end exchange rates; income and expenses are translated using the average exchange rates for the reporting period. unrealized foreign currency translation adjustments are deferred in accumulated other comprehensive loss, a separate component of shareholders 2019 equity. cash equivalents cash equivalents are highly liquid investments (valued at cost, which approximates fair value) acquired with an original maturity of three months or less. short-term investments short-term investments are highly liquid, high credit quality investments (valued at cost plus accrued interest) that have stated maturities of greater than three months to one year. the purchases and sales of these investments are classified as investing activities in the consolidated statement of cash flows. marketable equity securities the company 2019s investment in marketable equity securities is recorded at fair market value and reported in 201cother current assets 201d and 201cinvestments 201d in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet with changes in fair market value recorded in income for those securities designated as trading securities and in other comprehensive income, net of tax, for those designated as available for sale securities.. what was the research and development net in 2013? 488.0 and for 2012? 453.0 so what was the difference between these two years? 35.0 and the percentage change during this time?
comparison of cumulative return among lkq corporation, the nasdaq stock market (u.s.) index and the peer group. - | 12/31/2011 | 12/31/2012 | 12/31/2013 | 12/31/2014 | 12/31/2015 | 12/31/2016 lkq corporation | $100 | $140 | $219 | $187 | $197 | $204 s&p 500 index | $100 | $113 | $147 | $164 | $163 | $178 peer group | $100 | $111 | $140 | $177 | $188 | $217 this stock performance information is "furnished" and shall not be deemed to be "soliciting material" or subject to rule 14a, shall not be deemed "filed" for purposes of section 18 of the securities exchange act of 1934 or otherwise subject to the liabilities of that section, and shall not be deemed incorporated by reference in any filing under the securities act of 1933 or the securities exchange act of 1934, whether made before or after the date of this report and irrespective of any general incorporation by reference language in any such filing, except to the extent that it specifically incorporates the information by reference. information about our common stock that may be issued under our equity compensation plans as of december 31, 2016 included in part iii, item 12 of this annual report on form 10-k is incorporated herein by reference.. what was the price of lkq corporation in 2016? 204.0 what was the price in 2011?
entergy corporation and subsidiaries management's financial discussion and analysis the decrease in interest income in 2002 was primarily due to: fffd interest recognized in 2001 on grand gulf 1's decommissioning trust funds resulting from the final order addressing system energy's rate proceeding; fffd interest recognized in 2001 at entergy mississippi and entergy new orleans on the deferred system energy costs that were not being recovered through rates; and fffd lower interest earned on declining deferred fuel balances. the decrease in interest charges in 2002 is primarily due to: fffd a decrease of $31.9 million in interest on long-term debt primarily due to the retirement of long-term debt in late 2001 and early 2002; and fffd a decrease of $76.0 million in other interest expense primarily due to interest recorded on system energy's reserve for rate refund in 2001. the refund was made in december 2001. 2001 compared to 2000 results for the year ended december 31, 2001 for u.s. utility were also affected by an increase in interest charges of $61.5 million primarily due to: fffd the final ferc order addressing the 1995 system energy rate filing; fffd debt issued at entergy arkansas in july 2001, at entergy gulf states in june 2000 and august 2001, at entergy mississippi in january 2001, and at entergy new orleans in july 2000 and february 2001; and fffd borrowings under credit facilities during 2001, primarily at entergy arkansas. non-utility nuclear the increase in earnings in 2002 for non-utility nuclear from $128 million to $201 million was primarily due to the operation of indian point 2 and vermont yankee, which were purchased in september 2001 and july 2002, respectively. the increase in earnings in 2001 for non-utility nuclear from $49 million to $128 million was primarily due to the operation of fitzpatrick and indian point 3 for a full year, as each was purchased in november 2000, and the operation of indian point 2, which was purchased in september 2001. following are key performance measures for non-utility nuclear:. - | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 net mw in operation at december 31 | 3955 | 3445 | 2475 generation in gwh for the year | 29953 | 22614 | 7171 capacity factor for the year | 93% (93%) | 93% (93%) | 94% (94%) 2002 compared to 2001 the following fluctuations in the results of operations for non-utility nuclear in 2002 were primarily caused by the acquisitions of indian point 2 and vermont yankee (except as otherwise noted): fffd operating revenues increased $411.0 million to $1.2 billion; fffd other operation and maintenance expenses increased $201.8 million to $596.3 million; fffd depreciation and amortization expenses increased $25.1 million to $42.8 million; fffd fuel expenses increased $29.4 million to $105.2 million; fffd nuclear refueling outage expenses increased $23.9 million to $46.8 million, which was due primarily to a. what was the net change in non-utility nuclear earnings from 2001 to 2002? 73.0 what was the value in 2001?
with apb no. 25. instead, companies will be required to account for such transactions using a fair-value method and recognize the related expense associated with share-based payments in the statement of operations. sfas 123r is effective for us as of january 1, 2006. we have historically accounted for share-based payments to employees under apb no. 25 2019s intrinsic value method. as such, we generally have not recognized compensation expense for options granted to employees. we will adopt the provisions of sfas 123r under the modified prospective method, in which compensation cost for all share-based payments granted or modified after the effective date is recognized based upon the requirements of sfas 123r, and compensation cost for all awards granted to employees prior to the effective date that are unvested as of the effective date of sfas 123r is recognized based on sfas 123. tax benefits will be recognized related to the cost for share-based payments to the extent the equity instrument would ordinarily result in a future tax deduction under existing law. tax expense will be recognized to write off excess deferred tax assets when the tax deduction upon settlement of a vested option is less than the expense recorded in the statement of operations (to the extent not offset by prior tax credits for settlements where the tax deduction was greater than the fair value cost). we estimate that we will recognize equity-based compensation expense of approximately $35 million to $38 million for the year ending december 31, 2006. this amount is subject to revisions as we finalize certain assumptions related to 2006, including the size and nature of awards and forfeiture rates. sfas 123r also requires the benefits of tax deductions in excess of recognized compensation cost be reported as a financing cash flow rather than as operating cash flow as was previously required. we cannot estimate what the future tax benefits will be as the amounts depend on, among other factors, future employee stock option exercises. due to the our tax loss position, there was no operating cash inflow realized for december 31, 2005 and 2004 for such excess tax deductions. in march 2005, the sec issued staff accounting bulletin (sab) no. 107 regarding the staff 2019s interpretation of sfas 123r. this interpretation provides the staff 2019s views regarding interactions between sfas 123r and certain sec rules and regulations and provides interpretations of the valuation of share-based payments for public companies. the interpretive guidance is intended to assist companies in applying the provisions of sfas 123r and investors and users of the financial statements in analyzing the information provided. we will follow the guidance prescribed in sab no. 107 in connection with our adoption of sfas 123r. information presented pursuant to the indentures of our 7.50% (7.50%) notes, 7.125% (7.125%) notes and ati 7.25% (7.25%) the following table sets forth information that is presented solely to address certain tower cash flow reporting requirements contained in the indentures for our 7.50% (7.50%) notes, 7.125% (7.125%) notes and ati 7.25% (7.25%) notes. the information contained in note 19 to our consolidated financial statements is also presented to address certain reporting requirements contained in the indenture for our ati 7.25% (7.25%) notes. the following table presents tower cash flow, adjusted consolidated cash flow and non-tower cash flow for the company and its restricted subsidiaries, as defined in the indentures for the applicable notes (in thousands):. tower cash flow for the three months ended december 31 2005 | $139590 consolidated cash flow for the twelve months ended december 31 2005 | $498266 less: tower cash flow for the twelve months ended december 31 2005 | -524804 (524804) plus: four times tower cash flow for the three months ended december 31 2005 | 558360 adjusted consolidated cash flow for the twelve months ended december 31 2005 | $531822 non-tower cash flow for the twelve months ended december 31 2005 | $-30584 (30584) . in the year of 2005, what was the total amount of the non-tower cash flow?
part ii item 5. market for registrant 2019s common equity, related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities the following table presents reported quarterly high and low per share sale prices of our common stock on the new york stock exchange (201cnyse 201d) for the years 2010 and 2009.. 2010 | high | low quarter ended march 31 | $44.61 | $40.10 quarter ended june 30 | 45.33 | 38.86 quarter ended september 30 | 52.11 | 43.70 quarter ended december 31 | 53.14 | 49.61 2009 | high | low quarter ended march 31 | $32.53 | $25.45 quarter ended june 30 | 34.52 | 27.93 quarter ended september 30 | 37.71 | 29.89 quarter ended december 31 | 43.84 | 35.03 on february 11, 2011, the closing price of our common stock was $56.73 per share as reported on the nyse. as of february 11, 2011, we had 397612895 outstanding shares of common stock and 463 registered holders. dividends we have not historically paid a dividend on our common stock. payment of dividends in the future, when, as and if authorized by our board of directors, would depend upon many factors, including our earnings and financial condition, restrictions under applicable law and our current and future loan agreements, our debt service requirements, our capital expenditure requirements and other factors that our board of directors may deem relevant from time to time, including the potential determination to elect reit status. in addition, the loan agreement for our revolving credit facility and term loan contain covenants that generally restrict our ability to pay dividends unless certain financial covenants are satisfied. for more information about the restrictions under the loan agreement for the revolving credit facility and term loan, our notes indentures and the loan agreement related to our securitization, see item 7 of this annual report under the caption 201cmanagement 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2014liquidity and capital resources 2014factors affecting sources of liquidity 201d and note 6 to our consolidated financial statements included in this annual report.. what was the closing price of the common stock in february of 2011? 56.73 and what was its highest value during the last quarter of the year before, in 2010? 53.14 by how much, then, did it change over this period? 3.59 and how much did this change represent in relation to that highest value, in percentage? 0.06756 and by the end of that period, at the date of the closing price, what was the number of outstanding shares of common stock? 397612895.0 considering the closing price, what was, then, their total value?
entergy corporation and subsidiaries notes to financial statements (a) consists of pollution control revenue bonds and environmental revenue bonds, some of which are secured by collateral first mortgage bonds. (b) these notes do not have a stated interest rate, but have an implicit interest rate of 4.8% (4.8%). (c) pursuant to the nuclear waste policy act of 1982, entergy 2019s nuclear owner/licensee subsidiaries have contracts with the doe for spent nuclear fuel disposal service. the contracts include a one-time fee for generation prior to april 7, 1983. entergy arkansas is the only entergy company that generated electric power with nuclear fuel prior to that date and includes the one-time fee, plus accrued interest, in long-term (d) see note 10 to the financial statements for further discussion of the waterford 3 and grand gulf lease obligations. (e) the fair value excludes lease obligations of $149 million at entergy louisiana and $97 million at system energy, long-term doe obligations of $181 million at entergy arkansas, and the note payable to nypa of $95 million at entergy, and includes debt due within one year. fair values are classified as level 2 in the fair value hierarchy discussed in note 16 to the financial statements and are based on prices derived from inputs such as benchmark yields and reported trades. the annual long-term debt maturities (excluding lease obligations and long-term doe obligations) for debt outstanding as of december 31, 2013, for the next five years are as follows: amount (in thousands). - | amount (in thousands) 2014 | $385373 2015 | $1110566 2016 | $270852 2017 | $766801 2018 | $1324616 in november 2000, entergy 2019s non-utility nuclear business purchased the fitzpatrick and indian point 3 power plants in a seller-financed transaction. entergy issued notes to nypa with seven annual installments of approximately $108 million commencing one year from the date of the closing, and eight annual installments of $20 million commencing eight years from the date of the closing. these notes do not have a stated interest rate, but have an implicit interest rate of 4.8% (4.8%). in accordance with the purchase agreement with nypa, the purchase of indian point 2 in 2001 resulted in entergy becoming liable to nypa for an additional $10 million per year for 10 years, beginning in september 2003. this liability was recorded upon the purchase of indian point 2 in september 2001. in july 2003 a payment of $102 million was made prior to maturity on the note payable to nypa. under a provision in a letter of credit supporting these notes, if certain of the utility operating companies or system energy were to default on other indebtedness, entergy could be required to post collateral to support the letter of credit. entergy gulf states louisiana, entergy louisiana, entergy mississippi, entergy texas, and system energy have obtained long-term financing authorizations from the ferc that extend through october 2015. entergy arkansas has obtained long-term financing authorization from the apsc that extends through december 2015. entergy new orleans has obtained long-term financing authorization from the city council that extends through july 2014. capital funds agreement pursuant to an agreement with certain creditors, entergy corporation has agreed to supply system energy with sufficient capital to: 2022 maintain system energy 2019s equity capital at a minimum of 35% (35%) of its total capitalization (excluding short- term debt);. what was the total of annual long-term debt maturities in 2017? 766801.0 and what was it in 2016? 270852.0 what was, then, the change over the year? 495949.0 and how much does this change represent in relation to the 2016 total, in percentage?
15. commitments and contingencies in the ordinary course of business, the company is involved in lawsuits, arbitrations and other formal and informal dispute resolution procedures, the outcomes of which will determine the company 2019s rights and obligations under insurance and reinsurance agreements. in some disputes, the company seeks to enforce its rights under an agreement or to collect funds owing to it. in other matters, the company is resisting attempts by others to collect funds or enforce alleged rights. these disputes arise from time to time and are ultimately resolved through both informal and formal means, including negotiated resolution, arbitration and litigation. in all such matters, the company believes that its positions are legally and commercially reasonable. the company considers the statuses of these proceedings when determining its reserves for unpaid loss and loss adjustment expenses. aside from litigation and arbitrations related to these insurance and reinsurance agreements, the company is not a party to any other material litigation or arbitration. the company has entered into separate annuity agreements with the prudential insurance of america (201cthe prudential 201d) and an additional unaffiliated life insurance company in which the company has either purchased annuity contracts or become the assignee of annuity proceeds that are meant to settle claim payment obligations in the future. in both instances, the company would become contingently liable if either the prudential or the unaffiliated life insurance company were unable to make payments related to the respective annuity contract. the table below presents the estimated cost to replace all such annuities for which the company was contingently liable for the periods indicated:. (dollars in thousands) | at december 31, 2017 | at december 31, 2016 the prudential insurance company of america | $144618 | $146507 unaffiliated life insurance company | 34444 | 33860 16. share-based compensation plans the company has a 2010 stock incentive plan (201c2010 employee plan 201d), a 2009 non-employee director stock option and restricted stock plan (201c2009 director plan 201d) and a 2003 non-employee director equity compensation plan (201c2003 director plan 201d). under the 2010 employee plan, 4000000 common shares have been authorized to be granted as non- qualified share options, incentive share options, share appreciation rights, restricted share awards or performance share unit awards to officers and key employees of the company. at december 31, 2017, there were 2553473 remaining shares available to be granted under the 2010 employee plan. the 2010 employee plan replaced a 2002 employee plan, which replaced a 1995 employee plan; therefore, no further awards will be granted under the 2002 employee plan or the 1995 employee plan. through december 31, 2017, only non-qualified share options, restricted share awards and performance share unit awards had been granted under the employee plans. under the 2009 director plan, 37439 common shares have been authorized to be granted as share options or restricted share awards to non-employee directors of the company. at december 31, 2017, there were 34957 remaining shares available to be granted under the 2009 director plan. the 2009 director plan replaced a 1995 director plan, which expired. under the 2003 director plan, 500000 common shares have been authorized to be granted as share options or share awards to non-employee directors of the company. at december 31, 2017 there were 346714 remaining shares available to be granted under the 2003 director plan.. what is the balance in the unaffiliated life insurance company in 2017? 34444.0 what about in 2016?
performance graph the graph below compares the cumulative total shareholder return on pmi's common stock with the cumulative total return for the same period of pmi's peer group and the s&p 500 index. the graph assumes the investment of $100 as of december 31, 2013, in pmi common stock (at prices quoted on the new york stock exchange) and each of the indices as of the market close and reinvestment of dividends on a quarterly basis. date pmi pmi peer group (1) s&p 500 index. date | pmi | pmi peer group (1) | s&p 500 index december 31 2013 | $100.00 | $100.00 | $100.00 december 31 2014 | $97.90 | $107.80 | $113.70 december 31 2015 | $111.00 | $116.80 | $115.30 december 31 2016 | $120.50 | $118.40 | $129.00 december 31 2017 | $144.50 | $140.50 | $157.20 december 31 2018 | $96.50 | $127.70 | $150.30 (1) the pmi peer group presented in this graph is the same as that used in the prior year. the pmi peer group was established based on a review of four characteristics: global presence; a focus on consumer products; and net revenues and a market capitalization of a similar size to those of pmi. the review also considered the primary international tobacco companies. as a result of this review, the following companies constitute the pmi peer group: altria group, inc., anheuser-busch inbev sa/nv, british american tobacco p.l.c., the coca-cola company, colgate-palmolive co., diageo plc, heineken n.v., imperial brands plc, japan tobacco inc., johnson & johnson, kimberly-clark corporation, the kraft-heinz company, mcdonald's corp., mondel z international, inc., nestl e9 s.a., pepsico, inc., the procter & gamble company, roche holding ag, and unilever nv and plc. note: figures are rounded to the nearest $0.10.. what was the value of pmi common stock in 2018? 96.5 what is that less 100?
abiomed, inc. and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 (continued) (7) commitments and contingencies the company applies the disclosure provisions of fin no. 45, guarantor 2019s accounting and disclosure requirements for guarantees, including guarantees of indebtedness of others, and interpretation of fasb statements no. 5, 57 and 107 and rescission of fasb interpretation no. 34 (fin no. 45) to its agreements that contain guarantee or indemnification clauses. these disclosure provisions expand those required by sfas no. 5 accounting for contingencies, by requiring that guarantors disclose certain types of guarantees, even if the likelihood of requiring the guarantor 2019s performance is remote. the following is a description of arrangements in which the company is a guarantor. product warranties 2014the company routinely accrues for estimated future warranty costs on its product sales at the time of sale. the ab5000 and bvs products are subject to rigorous regulation and quality standards. operating results could be adversely effected if the actual cost of product failures exceeds the estimated warranty provision. patent indemnifications 2014in many sales transactions, the company indemnifies customers against possible claims of patent infringement caused by the company 2019s products. the indemnifications contained within sales contracts usually do not include limits on the claims. the company has never incurred any material costs to defend lawsuits or settle patent infringement claims related to sales transactions. under the provisions of fin no. 45, intellectual property indemnifications require disclosure only. as of march 31, 2006, the company had entered into leases for its facilities, including its primary operating facility in danvers, massachusetts, with terms through fiscal 2010. the danvers lease may be extended, at the company 2019s option, for two successive additional periods of five years each with monthly rent charges to be determined based on then current fair rental values. the company 2019s lease for its aachen location expires in august 2008 unless an option to extend for an additional four years is exercised by the company. in december 2005 we closed our office facility in the netherlands, recording a charge of approximately $58000 for the remaining lease term. total rent expense under these leases, included in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations approximated $821000, $824000 and $1262000 for the fiscal years ended march 31, 2004, 2005 and 2006, respectively. future minimum lease payments under all significant non-cancelable operating leases as of march 31, 2006 are approximately as follows (in thousands): fiscal year ending march 31, operating leases. fiscal year ending march 31, | operating leases 2007 | 1703 2008 | 1371 2009 | 1035 2010 | 710 total future minimum lease payments | $4819 from time-to-time, the company is involved in legal and administrative proceedings and claims of various types. while any litigation contains an element of uncertainty, management, in consultation with the company 2019s general counsel, presently believes that the outcome of each such other proceedings or claims which are pending or known to be threatened, or all of them combined, is not expected to have a material adverse effect on the company 2019s financial position, cash flow and results. on may 15, 2006 richard a. nazarian, as selling stockholder representative, filed a demand for arbitration (subsequently amended) with the boston office of the american arbitration association. what was the total of operating leases in 2007? 1703.0 and what was it in 2008? 1371.0 what was, then, the decline over the year? 332.0 and what is this decline as a portion of the 2007 total? 0.19495 and in the year before, what was the lease expense? 1262000.0 and what percentage of it was due to the non-recurring charge for the office facility closing?
middleton's reported cigars shipment volume for 2012 decreased 0.7% (0.7%) due primarily to changes in trade inventories, partially offset by volume growth as a result of retail share gains. in the cigarette category, marlboro's 2012 retail share performance continued to benefit from the brand-building initiatives supporting marlboro's new architecture. marlboro's retail share for 2012 increased 0.6 share points versus 2011 to 42.6% (42.6%). in january 2013, pm usa expanded distribution of marlboro southern cut nationally. marlboro southern cut is part of the marlboro gold family. pm usa's 2012 retail share increased 0.8 share points versus 2011, reflecting retail share gains by marlboro and by l&m in discount. these gains were partially offset by share losses on other portfolio brands. in the machine-made large cigars category, black & mild's retail share for 2012 increased 0.5 share points. the brand benefited from new untipped cigarillo varieties that were introduced in 2011, black & mild seasonal offerings and the 2012 third-quarter introduction of black & mild jazz untipped cigarillos into select geographies. in december 2012, middleton announced plans to launch nationally black & mild jazz cigars in both plastic tip and wood tip in the first quarter of 2013. the following discussion compares smokeable products segment results for the year ended december 31, 2011 with the year ended december 31, 2010. net revenues, which include excise taxes billed to customers, decreased $221 million (1.0% (1.0%)) due to lower shipment volume ($1051 million), partially offset by higher net pricing ($830 million), which includes higher promotional investments. operating companies income increased $119 million (2.1% (2.1%)), due primarily to higher net pricing ($831 million), which includes higher promotional investments, marketing, administration, and research savings reflecting cost reduction initiatives ($198 million) and 2010 implementation costs related to the closure of the cabarrus, north carolina manufacturing facility ($75 million), partially offset by lower volume ($527 million), higher asset impairment and exit costs due primarily to the 2011 cost reduction program ($158 million), higher per unit settlement charges ($120 million), higher charges related to tobacco and health judgments ($87 million) and higher fda user fees ($73 million). for 2011, total smokeable products shipment volume decreased 4.0% (4.0%) versus 2010. pm usa's reported domestic cigarettes shipment volume declined 4.0% (4.0%) versus 2010 due primarily to retail share losses and one less shipping day, partially offset by changes in trade inventories. after adjusting for changes in trade inventories and one less shipping day, pm usa's 2011 domestic cigarette shipment volume was estimated to be down approximately 4% (4%) versus 2010. pm usa believes that total cigarette category volume for 2011 decreased approximately 3.5% (3.5%) versus 2010, when adjusted primarily for changes in trade inventories and one less shipping day. pm usa's total premium brands (marlboro and other premium brands) shipment volume decreased 4.3% (4.3%). marlboro's shipment volume decreased 3.8% (3.8%) versus 2010. in the discount brands, pm usa's shipment volume decreased 0.9% (0.9%). pm usa's shipments of premium cigarettes accounted for 93.7% (93.7%) of its reported domestic cigarettes shipment volume for 2011, down from 93.9% (93.9%) in 2010. middleton's 2011 reported cigars shipment volume was unchanged versus 2010. for 2011, pm usa's retail share of the cigarette category declined 0.8 share points to 49.0% (49.0%) due primarily to retail share losses on marlboro. marlboro's 2011 retail share decreased 0.6 share points. in 2010, marlboro delivered record full-year retail share results that were achieved at lower margin levels. middleton retained a leading share of the tipped cigarillo segment of the machine-made large cigars category, with a retail share of approximately 84% (84%) in 2011. for 2011, middleton's retail share of the cigar category increased 0.3 share points to 29.7% (29.7%) versus 2010. black & mild's 2011 retail share increased 0.5 share points, as the brand benefited from new product introductions. during the fourth quarter of 2011, middleton broadened its untipped cigarillo portfolio with new aroma wrap 2122 foil pouch packaging that accompanied the national introduction of black & mild wine. this new fourth- quarter packaging roll-out also included black & mild sweets and classic varieties. during the second quarter of 2011, middleton entered into a contract manufacturing arrangement to source the production of a portion of its cigars overseas. middleton entered into this arrangement to access additional production capacity in an uncertain competitive environment and an excise tax environment that potentially benefits imported large cigars over those manufactured domestically. smokeless products segment the smokeless products segment's operating companies income grew during 2012 driven by higher pricing, copenhagen and skoal's combined volume and retail share performance and effective cost management. the following table summarizes smokeless products segment shipment volume performance: shipment volume for the years ended december 31. (cans and packs in millions) | shipment volumefor the years ended december 31, 2012 | shipment volumefor the years ended december 31, 2011 | shipment volumefor the years ended december 31, 2010 copenhagen | 392.5 | 354.2 | 327.5 skoal | 288.4 | 286.8 | 274.4 copenhagenandskoal | 680.9 | 641.0 | 601.9 other | 82.4 | 93.6 | 122.5 total smokeless products | 763.3 | 734.6 | 724.4 volume includes cans and packs sold, as well as promotional units, but excludes international volume, which is not material to the smokeless products segment. other includes certain usstc and pm usa smokeless products. new types of smokeless products, as well as new packaging configurations. what was the difference in total smokeless product shipment volume between 2011 and 2012? 28.7 and the specific value in 2011?
five-year stock performance graph the graph below illustrates the cumulative total shareholder return on snap-on common stock since december 31, 2007, assuming that dividends were reinvested. the graph compares snap-on 2019s performance to that of the standard & poor 2019s 500 stock index (201cs&p 500 201d) and a peer group. snap-on incorporated total shareholder return (1) fiscal year ended (2) snap-on incorporated peer group (3) s&p 500. fiscal year ended (2) | snap-onincorporated | peer group (3) | s&p 500 december 31 2007 | $100.00 | $100.00 | $100.00 december 31 2008 | 83.66 | 66.15 | 63.00 december 31 2009 | 93.20 | 84.12 | 79.67 december 31 2010 | 128.21 | 112.02 | 91.67 december 31 2011 | 117.47 | 109.70 | 93.61 december 31 2012 | 187.26 | 129.00 | 108.59 (1) assumes $100 was invested on december 31, 2007, and that dividends were reinvested quarterly. (2) the company's fiscal year ends on the saturday that is on or nearest to december 31 of each year; for ease of calculation, the fiscal year end is assumed to be december 31. (3) the peer group consists of: stanley black & decker, inc., danaher corporation, emerson electric co., genuine parts company, newell rubbermaid inc., pentair ltd., spx corporation and w.w. grainger, inc. cooper industries plc, a former member of the peer group, was removed, as it was acquired by a larger, non-comparable company in 2012. 2012 annual report 23 snap-on incorporated peer group s&p 500 2007 2008 201120102009 2012. what was the performance price of the s&p 500 in 2012? 108.59 and what was the change in that performance price from 2007 to 2012?
marathon oil corporation notes to consolidated financial statements of the $446 million present value of net minimum capital lease payments, $53 million was related to obligations assumed by united states steel under the financial matters agreement. operating lease rental expense was: (in millions) 2009 2008 2007 minimum rental (a) $238 $245 $209. (in millions) | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 minimum rental (a) | $238 | $245 | $209 contingent rental | 19 | 22 | 33 net rental expense | $257 | $267 | $242 (a) excludes $3 million, $5 million and $8 million paid by united states steel in 2009, 2008 and 2007 on assumed leases. 26. commitments and contingencies we are the subject of, or party to, a number of pending or threatened legal actions, contingencies and commitments involving a variety of matters, including laws and regulations relating to the environment. certain of these matters are discussed below. the ultimate resolution of these contingencies could, individually or in the aggregate, be material to our consolidated financial statements. however, management believes that we will remain a viable and competitive enterprise even though it is possible that these contingencies could be resolved unfavorably. environmental matters 2013 we are subject to federal, state, local and foreign laws and regulations relating to the environment. these laws generally provide for control of pollutants released into the environment and require responsible parties to undertake remediation of hazardous waste disposal sites. penalties may be imposed for noncompliance. at december 31, 2009 and 2008, accrued liabilities for remediation totaled $116 million and $111 million. it is not presently possible to estimate the ultimate amount of all remediation costs that might be incurred or the penalties that may be imposed. receivables for recoverable costs from certain states, under programs to assist companies in clean-up efforts related to underground storage tanks at retail marketing outlets, were $59 and $60 million at december 31, 2009 and 2008. legal cases 2013 we, along with other refining companies, settled a number of lawsuits pertaining to methyl tertiary-butyl ether (201cmtbe 201d) in 2008. presently, we are a defendant, along with other refining companies, in 27 cases arising in four states alleging damages for mtbe contamination. like the cases that we settled in 2008, 12 of the remaining cases are consolidated in a multi-district litigation (201cmdl 201d) in the southern district of new york for pretrial proceedings. the other 15 cases are in new york state courts (nassau and suffolk counties). plaintiffs in 26 of the 27 cases allege damages to water supply wells from contamination of groundwater by mtbe, similar to the damages claimed in the cases settled in 2008. in the remaining case, the new jersey department of environmental protection is seeking the cost of remediating mtbe contamination and natural resources damages allegedly resulting from contamination of groundwater by mtbe. we are vigorously defending these cases. we have engaged in settlement discussions related to the majority of these cases. we do not expect our share of liability for these cases to significantly impact our consolidated results of operations, financial position or cash flows. we voluntarily discontinued producing mtbe in 2002. we are currently a party to one qui tam case, which alleges that marathon and other defendants violated the false claims act with respect to the reporting and payment of royalties on natural gas and natural gas liquids for federal and indian leases. a qui tam action is an action in which the relator files suit on behalf of himself as well as the federal government. the case currently pending is u.s. ex rel harrold e. wright v. agip petroleum co. et al. it is primarily a gas valuation case. marathon has reached a settlement with the relator and the doj which will be finalized after the indian tribes review and approve the settlement terms. such settlement is not expected to significantly impact our consolidated results of operations, financial position or cash flows. guarantees 2013 we have provided certain guarantees, direct and indirect, of the indebtedness of other companies. under the terms of most of these guarantee arrangements, we would be required to perform should the guaranteed party fail to fulfill its obligations under the specified arrangements. in addition to these financial guarantees, we also have various performance guarantees related to specific agreements.. what was the change in the contingent rental liability from 2007 to 2009?
item 7. management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations our management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations (md&a) is provided in addition to the accompanying consolidated financial statements and notes to assist readers in understanding our results of operations, financial condition, and cash flows. md&a is organized as follows: 2022 overview. discussion of our business and overall analysis of financial and other highlights affecting the company in order to provide context for the remainder of md&a. 2022 critical accounting estimates. accounting estimates that we believe are most important to understanding the assumptions and judgments incorporated in our reported financial results and forecasts. 2022 results of operations. an analysis of our financial results comparing 2013 to 2012 and comparing 2012 to 2022 liquidity and capital resources. an analysis of changes in our balance sheets and cash flows, and discussion of our financial condition and potential sources of liquidity. 2022 fair value of financial instruments. discussion of the methodologies used in the valuation of our financial instruments. 2022 contractual obligations and off-balance-sheet arrangements. overview of contractual obligations, contingent liabilities, commitments, and off-balance-sheet arrangements outstanding as of december 28, 2013, including expected payment schedule. the various sections of this md&a contain a number of forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. words such as 201canticipates, 201d 201cexpects, 201d 201cintends, 201d 201cplans, 201d 201cbelieves, 201d 201cseeks, 201d 201cestimates, 201d 201ccontinues, 201d 201cmay, 201d 201cwill, 201d 201cshould, 201d and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. in addition, any statements that refer to projections of our future financial performance, our anticipated growth and trends in our businesses, uncertain events or assumptions, and other characterizations of future events or circumstances are forward-looking statements. such statements are based on our current expectations and could be affected by the uncertainties and risk factors described throughout this filing and particularly in 201crisk factors 201d in part i, item 1a of this form 10-k. our actual results may differ materially, and these forward-looking statements do not reflect the potential impact of any divestitures, mergers, acquisitions, or other business combinations that had not been completed as of february 14, 2014. overview our results of operations for each period were as follows:. (dollars in millions except per share amounts) | three months ended dec. 282013 | three months ended sept. 282013 | three months ended change | three months ended dec. 282013 | three months ended dec. 292012 | change net revenue | $13834 | $13483 | $351 | $52708 | $53341 | $-633 (633) gross margin | $8571 | $8414 | $157 | $31521 | $33151 | $-1630 (1630) gross margin percentage | 62.0% (62.0%) | 62.4% (62.4%) | (0.4)% (%) | 59.8% (59.8%) | 62.1% (62.1%) | (2.3)% (%) operating income | $3549 | $3504 | $45 | $12291 | $14638 | $-2347 (2347) net income | $2625 | $2950 | $-325 (325) | $9620 | $11005 | $-1385 (1385) diluted earnings per common share | $0.51 | $0.58 | $-0.07 (0.07) | $1.89 | $2.13 | $-0.24 (0.24) revenue for 2013 was down 1% (1%) from 2012. pccg experienced lower platform unit sales in the first half of the year, but saw offsetting growth in the back half as the pc market began to show signs of stabilization. dcg continued to benefit from the build out of internet cloud computing and the strength of our product portfolio resulting in increased platform volumes for dcg for the year. higher factory start-up costs for our next-generation 14nm process technology led to a decrease in gross margin compared to 2012. in response to the current business environment and to better align resources, management approved several restructuring actions including targeted workforce reductions as well as the exit of certain businesses and facilities. these actions resulted in restructuring and asset impairment charges of $240 million for 2013. table of contents. what was the total of diluted earnings per common share as of december 2013? 1.89 and what was it as of december 2012? 2.13 what was, then, the change in that total over the year?
american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 (continued) a description of the company 2019s reporting units and the results of the related transitional impairment testing are as follows: verestar 2014verestar was a single segment and reporting unit until december 2002, when the company committed to a plan to dispose of verestar. the company recorded an impairment charge of $189.3 million relating to the impairment of goodwill in this reporting unit. the fair value of this reporting unit was determined based on an independent third party appraisal. network development services 2014as of january 1, 2002, the reporting units in the company 2019s network development services segment included kline, specialty constructors, galaxy, mts components and flash technologies. the company estimated the fair value of these reporting units utilizing future discounted cash flows and market information as to the value of each reporting unit on january 1, 2002. the company recorded an impairment charge of $387.8 million for the year ended december 31, 2002 related to the impairment of goodwill within these reporting units. such charge included full impairment for all of the goodwill within the reporting units except kline, for which only a partial impairment was recorded. as discussed in note 2, the assets of all of these reporting units were sold as of december 31, 2003, except for those of kline and our tower construction services unit, which were sold in march and november 2004, respectively. rental and management 2014the company obtained an independent third party appraisal of the rental and management reporting unit that contains goodwill and determined that goodwill was not impaired. the company 2019s other intangible assets subject to amortization consist of the following as of december 31, (in thousands):. - | 2004 | 2003 acquired customer base and network location intangibles | $1369607 | $1299521 deferred financing costs | 89736 | 111484 acquired licenses and other intangibles | 43404 | 43125 total | 1502747 | 1454130 less accumulated amortization | -517444 (517444) | -434381 (434381) other intangible assets net | $985303 | $1019749 the company amortizes its intangible assets over periods ranging from three to fifteen years. amortization of intangible assets for the years ended december 31, 2004 and 2003 aggregated approximately $97.8 million and $94.6 million, respectively (excluding amortization of deferred financing costs, which is included in interest expense). the company expects to record amortization expense of approximately $97.8 million, $95.9 million, $92.0 million, $90.5 million and $88.8 million, respectively, for the years ended december 31, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively. 5. notes receivable in 2000, the company loaned tv azteca, s.a. de c.v. (tv azteca), the owner of a major national television network in mexico, $119.8 million. the loan, which initially bore interest at 12.87% (12.87%), payable quarterly, was discounted by the company, as the fair value interest rate at the date of the loan was determined to be 14.25% (14.25%). the loan was amended effective january 1, 2003 to increase the original interest rate to 13.11% (13.11%). as of december 31, 2004, and 2003, approximately $119.8 million undiscounted ($108.2 million discounted) under the loan was outstanding and included in notes receivable and other long-term assets in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets. the term of the loan is seventy years; however, the loan may be prepaid by tv. what was the difference in amortization expense between 2008 and 2009?
humana inc. notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 (continued) 15. stockholders 2019 equity dividends the following table provides details of dividend payments, excluding dividend equivalent rights, in 2015, 2016, and 2017 under our board approved quarterly cash dividend policy: payment amount per share amount (in millions). paymentdate | amountper share | totalamount (in millions) 2015 | $1.14 | $170 2016 | $1.16 | $172 2017 | $1.49 | $216 on november 2, 2017, the board declared a cash dividend of $0.40 per share that was paid on january 26, 2018 to stockholders of record on december 29, 2017, for an aggregate amount of $55 million. declaration and payment of future quarterly dividends is at the discretion of our board and may be adjusted as business needs or market conditions change. stock repurchases in september 2014, our board of directors replaced a previous share repurchase authorization of up to $1 billion (of which $816 million remained unused) with an authorization for repurchases of up to $2 billion of our common shares exclusive of shares repurchased in connection with employee stock plans, which expired on december 31, 2016. under the share repurchase authorization, shares may have been purchased from time to time at prevailing prices in the open market, by block purchases, through plans designed to comply with rule 10b5-1 under the securities exchange act of 1934, as amended, or in privately-negotiated transactions (including pursuant to accelerated share repurchase agreements with investment banks), subject to certain regulatory restrictions on volume, pricing, and timing. pursuant to the merger agreement, after july 2, 2015, we were prohibited from repurchasing any of our outstanding securities without the prior written consent of aetna, other than repurchases of shares of our common stock in connection with the exercise of outstanding stock options or the vesting or settlement of outstanding restricted stock awards. accordingly, as announced on july 3, 2015, we suspended our share repurchase program. on february 14, 2017, we and aetna agreed to mutually terminate the merger agreement. we also announced that the board had approved a new authorization for share repurchases of up to $2.25 billion of our common stock exclusive of shares repurchased in connection with employee stock plans, expiring on december 31, 2017. on february 16, 2017, we entered into an accelerated share repurchase agreement, the february 2017 asr, with goldman, sachs & co. llc, or goldman sachs, to repurchase $1.5 billion of our common stock as part of the $2.25 billion share repurchase program referred to above. on february 22, 2017, we made a payment of $1.5 billion to goldman sachs from available cash on hand and received an initial delivery of 5.83 million shares of our common stock from goldman sachs based on the then current market price of humana common stock. the payment to goldman sachs was recorded as a reduction to stockholders 2019 equity, consisting of a $1.2 billion increase in treasury stock, which reflected the value of the initial 5.83 million shares received upon initial settlement, and a $300 million decrease in capital in excess of par value, which reflected the value of stock held back by goldman sachs pending final settlement of the february 2017 asr. upon settlement of the february 2017 asr on august 28, 2017, we received an additional 0.84 million shares as determined by the average daily volume weighted-average share price of our common stock during the term of the agreement of $224.81, bringing the total shares received under this program to 6.67 million. in addition, upon settlement we reclassified the $300 million value of stock initially held back by goldman sachs from capital in excess of par value to treasury stock. subsequent to settlement of the february 2017 asr, we repurchased an additional 3.04 million shares in the open market, utilizing the remaining $750 million of the $2.25 billion authorization prior to expiration.. what is the ratio of the payment amount per share, 2017 to 2016?
4. stock options and other stock plans we have 100962 options outstanding under the 1993 stock option and retention stock plan of union pacific corporation (1993 plan). there are 7140 restricted shares outstanding under the 1992 restricted stock plan for non-employee directors of union pacific corporation. we no longer grant options or awards of retention shares and units under these plans. in april 2000, the shareholders approved the union pacific corporation 2000 directors plan (directors plan) whereby 1100000 shares of our common stock were reserved for issuance to our non-employee directors. under the directors plan, each non-employee director, upon his or her initial election to the board of directors, receives a grant of 2000 shares of retention shares or retention stock units. prior to december 31, 2007, each non-employee director received annually an option to purchase at fair value a number of shares of our common stock, not to exceed 10000 shares during any calendar year, determined by dividing 60000 by 1/3 of the fair market value of one share of our common stock on the date of such board of directors meeting, with the resulting quotient rounded up or down to the nearest 50 shares. as of december 31, 2009, 18000 restricted shares were outstanding under the directors plan and 292000 options were outstanding under the directors plan. the union pacific corporation 2001 stock incentive plan (2001 plan) was approved by the shareholders in april 2001. the 2001 plan reserved 24000000 shares of our common stock for issuance to eligible employees of the corporation and its subsidiaries in the form of non-qualified options, incentive stock options, retention shares, stock units, and incentive bonus awards. non-employee directors were not eligible for awards under the 2001 plan. as of december 31, 2009, 3366230 options were outstanding under the 2001 plan. we no longer grant any stock options or other stock or unit awards under this plan. the union pacific corporation 2004 stock incentive plan (2004 plan) was approved by shareholders in april 2004. the 2004 plan reserved 42000000 shares of our common stock for issuance, plus any shares subject to awards made under the 2001 plan and the 1993 plan that were outstanding on april 16, 2004, and became available for regrant pursuant to the terms of the 2004 plan. under the 2004 plan, non- qualified options, stock appreciation rights, retention shares, stock units, and incentive bonus awards may be granted to eligible employees of the corporation and its subsidiaries. non-employee directors are not eligible for awards under the 2004 plan. as of december 31, 2009, 8939710 options and 3778997 retention shares and stock units were outstanding under the 2004 plan. pursuant to the above plans 33559150; 36961123; and 38601728 shares of our common stock were authorized and available for grant at december 31, 2009, 2008, and 2007, respectively. stock options 2013 we estimate the fair value of our stock option awards using the black-scholes option pricing model. groups of employees and non-employee directors that have similar historical and expected exercise behavior are considered separately for valuation purposes. the table below shows the annual weighted-average assumptions used for valuation purposes: weighted-average assumptions 2009 2008 2007. weighted-average assumptions | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 risk-free interest rate | 1.9% (1.9%) | 2.8% (2.8%) | 4.9% (4.9%) dividend yield | 2.3% (2.3%) | 1.4% (1.4%) | 1.4% (1.4%) expected life (years) | 5.1 | 5.3 | 4.7 volatility | 31.3% (31.3%) | 22.2% (22.2%) | 20.9% (20.9%) weighted-average grant-date fair value of options granted | $11.33 | $13.35 | $11.19 . what is the assumed fmv of a share? 2000.0 under the pre-december 31, 2007 plan what would have been the value correspondent to a third of that fmv?
jpmorgan chase & co./2014 annual report 63 five-year stock performance the following table and graph compare the five-year cumulative total return for jpmorgan chase & co. (201cjpmorgan chase 201d or the 201cfirm 201d) common stock with the cumulative return of the s&p 500 index, the kbw bank index and the s&p financial index. the s&p 500 index is a commonly referenced u.s. equity benchmark consisting of leading companies from different economic sectors. the kbw bank index seeks to reflect the performance of banks and thrifts that are publicly traded in the u.s. and is composed of 24 leading national money center and regional banks and thrifts. the s&p financial index is an index of 85 financial companies, all of which are components of the s&p 500. the firm is a component of all three industry indices. the following table and graph assume simultaneous investments of $100 on december 31, 2009, in jpmorgan chase common stock and in each of the above indices. the comparison assumes that all dividends are reinvested. december 31, (in dollars) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014. december 31 (in dollars) | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 jpmorgan chase | $100.00 | $102.30 | $81.87 | $111.49 | $152.42 | $167.48 kbw bank index | 100.00 | 123.36 | 94.75 | 125.91 | 173.45 | 189.69 s&p financial index | 100.00 | 112.13 | 93.00 | 119.73 | 162.34 | 186.98 s&p 500 index | 100.00 | 115.06 | 117.48 | 136.27 | 180.39 | 205.07 . what is the price of jpmorgan chase in 2014?
entergy corporation notes to consolidated financial statements (d) the bonds are subject to mandatory tender for purchase from the holders at 100% (100%) of the principal amount outstanding on october 1, 2003 and will then be remarketed. (e) on june 1, 2002, entergy louisiana remarketed $55 million st. charles parish pollution control revenue refunding bonds due 2030, resetting the interest rate to 4.9% (4.9%) through may 2005. (f) the bonds are subject to mandatory tender for purchase from the holders at 100% (100%) of the principal amount outstanding on june 1, 2005 and will then be remarketed. (g) the fair value excludes lease obligations, long-term doe obligations, and other long-term debt and includes debt due within one year. it is determined using bid prices reported by dealer markets and by nationally recognized investment banking firms. the annual long-term debt maturities (excluding lease obligations) and annual cash sinking fund requirements for debt outstanding as of december 31, 2002, for the next five years are as follows (in thousands):. 2003 | $1150786 2004 | $925005 2005 | $540372 2006 | $139952 2007 | $475288 not included are other sinking fund requirements of approximately $30.2 million annually, which may be satisfied by cash or by certification of property additions at the rate of 167% (167%) of such requirements. in december 2002, when the damhead creek project was sold, the buyer of the project assumed all obligations under the damhead creek credit facilities and the damhead creek interest rate swap agreements. in november 2000, entergy's non-utility nuclear business purchased the fitzpatrick and indian point 3 power plants in a seller-financed transaction. entergy issued notes to nypa with seven annual installments of approximately $108 million commencing one year from the date of the closing, and eight annual installments of $20 million commencing eight years from the date of the closing. these notes do not have a stated interest rate, but have an implicit interest rate of 4.8% (4.8%). in accordance with the purchase agreement with nypa, the purchase of indian point 2 resulted in entergy's non-utility nuclear business becoming liable to nypa for an additional $10 million per year for 10 years, beginning in september 2003. this liability was recorded upon the purchase of indian point 2 in september 2001. covenants in the entergy corporation 7.75% (7.75%) notes require it to maintain a consolidated debt ratio of 65% (65%) or less of its total capitalization. if entergy's debt ratio exceeds this limit, or if entergy or certain of the domestic utility companies default on other credit facilities or are in bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, an acceleration of the facility's maturity may occur. in january 2003, entergy paid in full, at maturity, the outstanding debt relating to the top of iowa wind project. capital funds agreement pursuant to an agreement with certain creditors, entergy corporation has agreed to supply system energy with sufficient capital to: fffd maintain system energy's equity capital at a minimum of 35% (35%) of its total capitalization (excluding short-term debt); fffd permit the continued commercial operation of grand gulf 1; fffd pay in full all system energy indebtedness for borrowed money when due; and fffd enable system energy to make payments on specific system energy debt, under supplements to the agreement assigning system energy's rights in the agreement as security for the specific debt.. what is the value of other sinking fund requirements times 1000?
n o t e s t o t h e c o n s o l i d a t e d f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s 2013 (continued) ace limited and subsidiaries excluded from adjusted weighted-average shares outstanding and assumed conversions is the impact of securities that would have been anti-dilutive during the respective years. for the years ended december 31, 2010, 2009, and 2008, the potential anti-dilutive share conversions were 256868 shares, 1230881 shares, and 638401 shares, respectively. 19. related party transactions the ace foundation 2013 bermuda is an unconsolidated not-for-profit organization whose primary purpose is to fund charitable causes in bermuda. the trustees are principally comprised of ace management. the company maintains a non-interest bear- ing demand note receivable from the ace foundation 2013 bermuda, the balance of which was $30 million and $31 million, at december 31, 2010 and 2009, respectively. the receivable is included in other assets in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets. the borrower has used the related proceeds to finance investments in bermuda real estate, some of which have been rented to ace employees at rates established by independent, professional real estate appraisers. the borrower uses income from the investments to both repay the note and to fund charitable activities. accordingly, the company reports the demand note at the lower of its principal value or the fair value of assets held by the borrower to repay the loan, including the real estate properties. 20. statutory financial information the company 2019s insurance and reinsurance subsidiaries are subject to insurance laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which they operate. these regulations include restrictions that limit the amount of dividends or other distributions, such as loans or cash advances, available to shareholders without prior approval of the insurance regulatory authorities. there are no statutory restrictions on the payment of dividends from retained earnings by any of the bermuda subsidiaries as the minimum statutory capital and surplus requirements are satisfied by the share capital and additional paid-in capital of each of the bermuda subsidiaries. the company 2019s u.s. subsidiaries file financial statements prepared in accordance with statutory accounting practices prescribed or permitted by insurance regulators. statutory accounting differs from gaap in the reporting of certain reinsurance contracts, investments, subsidiaries, acquis- ition expenses, fixed assets, deferred income taxes, and certain other items. the statutory capital and surplus of the u.s. subsidiaries met regulatory requirements for 2010, 2009, and 2008. the amount of dividends available to be paid in 2011, without prior approval from the state insurance departments, totals $850 million. the following table presents the combined statutory capital and surplus and statutory net income of the bermuda and u.s. subsidiaries at and for the years ended december 31, 2010, 2009, and 2008.. (in millions of u.s. dollars) | bermuda subsidiaries 2010 | bermuda subsidiaries 2009 | bermuda subsidiaries 2008 | bermuda subsidiaries 2010 | bermuda subsidiaries 2009 | 2008 statutory capital and surplus | $11798 | $9164 | $6205 | $6266 | $5885 | $5368 statutory net income | $2430 | $2369 | $2196 | $1047 | $904 | $818 as permitted by the restructuring discussed previously in note 7, certain of the company 2019s u.s. subsidiaries discount certain a&e liabilities, which increased statutory capital and surplus by approximately $206 million, $215 million, and $211 million at december 31, 2010, 2009, and 2008, respectively. the company 2019s international subsidiaries prepare statutory financial statements based on local laws and regulations. some jurisdictions impose complex regulatory requirements on insurance companies while other jurisdictions impose fewer requirements. in some countries, the company must obtain licenses issued by governmental authorities to conduct local insurance business. these licenses may be subject to reserves and minimum capital and solvency tests. jurisdictions may impose fines, censure, and/or criminal sanctions for violation of regulatory requirements.. what is the statutory net income bermuda subsidiaries in 2010?
proportional free cash flow (a non-gaap measure) we define proportional free cash flow as cash flows from operating activities less maintenance capital expenditures (including non-recoverable environmental capital expenditures), adjusted for the estimated impact of noncontrolling interests. the proportionate share of cash flows and related adjustments attributable to noncontrolling interests in our subsidiaries comprise the proportional adjustment factor presented in the reconciliation below. upon the company's adoption of the accounting guidance for service concession arrangements effective january 1, 2015, capital expenditures related to service concession assets that would have been classified as investing activities on the consolidated statement of cash flows are now classified as operating activities. see note 1 2014general and summary of significant accounting policies of this form 10-k for further information on the adoption of this guidance. beginning in the quarter ended march 31, 2015, the company changed the definition of proportional free cash flow to exclude the cash flows for capital expenditures related to service concession assets that are now classified within net cash provided by operating activities on the consolidated statement of cash flows. the proportional adjustment factor for these capital expenditures is presented in the reconciliation below. we also exclude environmental capital expenditures that are expected to be recovered through regulatory, contractual or other mechanisms. an example of recoverable environmental capital expenditures is ipl's investment in mats-related environmental upgrades that are recovered through a tracker. see item 1. 2014us sbu 2014ipl 2014environmental matters for details of these investments. the gaap measure most comparable to proportional free cash flow is cash flows from operating activities. we believe that proportional free cash flow better reflects the underlying business performance of the company, as it measures the cash generated by the business, after the funding of maintenance capital expenditures, that may be available for investing or repaying debt or other purposes. factors in this determination include the impact of noncontrolling interests, where aes consolidates the results of a subsidiary that is not wholly-owned by the company. the presentation of free cash flow has material limitations. proportional free cash flow should not be construed as an alternative to cash from operating activities, which is determined in accordance with gaap. proportional free cash flow does not represent our cash flow available for discretionary payments because it excludes certain payments that are required or to which we have committed, such as debt service requirements and dividend payments. our definition of proportional free cash flow may not be comparable to similarly titled measures presented by other companies. calculation of proportional free cash flow (in millions) 2015 2014 2013 2015/2014change 2014/2013 change. calculation of proportional free cash flow (in millions) | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2015/2014 change | 2014/2013 change net cash provided by operating activities | $2134 | $1791 | $2715 | $343 | $-924 (924) add: capital expenditures related to service concession assets (1) | 165 | 2014 | 2014 | 165 | 2014 adjusted operating cash flow | 2299 | 1791 | 2715 | 508 | -924 (924) less: proportional adjustment factor on operating cash activities (2) (3) | -558 (558) | -359 (359) | -834 (834) | -199 (199) | 475 proportional adjusted operating cash flow | 1741 | 1432 | 1881 | 309 | -449 (449) less: proportional maintenance capital expenditures net of reinsurance proceeds (2) | -449 (449) | -485 (485) | -535 (535) | 36 | 50 less: proportional non-recoverable environmental capital expenditures (2) (4) | -51 (51) | -56 (56) | -75 (75) | 5 | 19 proportional free cash flow | $1241 | $891 | $1271 | $350 | $-380 (380) (1) service concession asset expenditures excluded from proportional free cash flow non-gaap metric. (2) the proportional adjustment factor, proportional maintenance capital expenditures (net of reinsurance proceeds) and proportional non-recoverable environmental capital expenditures are calculated by multiplying the percentage owned by noncontrolling interests for each entity by its corresponding consolidated cash flow metric and are totaled to the resulting figures. for example, parent company a owns 20% (20%) of subsidiary company b, a consolidated subsidiary. thus, subsidiary company b has an 80% (80%) noncontrolling interest. assuming a consolidated net cash flow from operating activities of $100 from subsidiary b, the proportional adjustment factor for subsidiary b would equal $80 (or $100 x 80% (80%)). the company calculates the proportional adjustment factor for each consolidated business in this manner and then sums these amounts to determine the total proportional adjustment factor used in the reconciliation. the proportional adjustment factor may differ from the proportion of income attributable to noncontrolling interests as a result of (a) non-cash items which impact income but not cash and (b) aes' ownership interest in the subsidiary where such items occur. (3) includes proportional adjustment amount for service concession asset expenditures of $84 million for the year ended december 31, 2015. the company adopted service concession accounting effective january 1, 2015. (4) excludes ipl's proportional recoverable environmental capital expenditures of $205 million, $163 million and $110 million for the years december 31, 2015, 2014 and 2013, respectively.. what is the proportional recoverable environmental capital expenditures in 2015?
notes to consolidated financial statements 2013 (continued) (amounts in millions, except per share amounts) cash flows for 2010, we expect to contribute $25.2 and $9.2 to our foreign pension plans and domestic pension plans, respectively. a significant portion of our contributions to the foreign pension plans relate to the u.k. pension plan. additionally, we are in the process of modifying the schedule of employer contributions for the u.k. pension plan and we expect to finalize this during 2010. as a result, we expect our contributions to our foreign pension plans to increase from current levels in 2010 and subsequent years. during 2009, we contributed $31.9 to our foreign pension plans and contributions to the domestic pension plan were negligible. the following estimated future benefit payments, which reflect future service, as appropriate, are expected to be paid in the years indicated below. domestic pension plans foreign pension plans postretirement benefit plans. years | domestic pension plans | foreign pension plans | postretirement benefit plans 2010 | $17.2 | $23.5 | $5.8 2011 | 11.1 | 24.7 | 5.7 2012 | 10.8 | 26.4 | 5.7 2013 | 10.5 | 28.2 | 5.6 2014 | 10.5 | 32.4 | 5.5 2015 2013 2019 | 48.5 | 175.3 | 24.8 the estimated future payments for our postretirement benefit plans are before any estimated federal subsidies expected to be received under the medicare prescription drug, improvement and modernization act of 2003. federal subsidies are estimated to range from $0.5 in 2010 to $0.6 in 2014 and are estimated to be $2.4 for the period 2015-2019. savings plans we sponsor defined contribution plans (the 201csavings plans 201d) that cover substantially all domestic employees. the savings plans permit participants to make contributions on a pre-tax and/or after-tax basis and allows participants to choose among various investment alternatives. we match a portion of participant contributions based upon their years of service. amounts expensed for the savings plans for 2009, 2008 and 2007 were $35.1, $29.6 and $31.4, respectively. expense includes a discretionary company contribution of $3.8, $4.0 and $4.9 offset by participant forfeitures of $2.7, $7.8, $6.0 in 2009, 2008 and 2007, respectively. in addition, we maintain defined contribution plans in various foreign countries and contributed $25.0, $28.7 and $26.7 to these plans in 2009, 2008 and 2007, respectively. deferred compensation and benefit arrangements we have deferred compensation arrangements which (i) permit certain of our key officers and employees to defer a portion of their salary or incentive compensation, or (ii) require us to contribute an amount to the participant 2019s account. the arrangements typically provide that the participant will receive the amounts deferred plus interest upon attaining certain conditions, such as completing a certain number of years of service or upon retirement or termination. as of december 31, 2009 and 2008, the deferred compensation liability balance was $100.3 and $107.6, respectively. amounts expensed for deferred compensation arrangements in 2009, 2008 and 2007 were $11.6, $5.7 and $11.9, respectively. we have deferred benefit arrangements with certain key officers and employees that provide participants with an annual payment, payable when the participant attains a certain age and after the participant 2019s employment has terminated. the deferred benefit liability was $178.2 and $182.1 as of december 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively. amounts expensed for deferred benefit arrangements in 2009, 2008 and 2007 were $12.0, $14.9 and $15.5, respectively. we have purchased life insurance policies on participants 2019 lives to assist in the funding of the related deferred compensation and deferred benefit liabilities. as of december 31, 2009 and 2008, the cash surrender value of these policies was $119.4 and $100.2, respectively. in addition to the life insurance policies, certain investments are held for the purpose of paying the deferred compensation and deferred benefit liabilities. these investments, along with the life insurance policies, are held in a separate revocable trust for the purpose of paying the deferred compensation and the deferred benefit. what was the difference between the highest and the lowest future benefit payment made for the postretirement benefit plans? 19.3 and concerning the defined contribution plans in various foreign countries, what was their amount in 2008?
item 5. market for the registrant 2019s common equity, related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities the following graph compares annual total return of our common stock, the standard & poor 2019s 500 composite stock index (201cs&p 500 index 201d) and our peer group (201cloews peer group 201d) for the five years ended december 31, 2015. the graph assumes that the value of the investment in our common stock, the s&p 500 index and the loews peer group was $100 on december 31, 2010 and that all dividends were reinvested.. - | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 loews common stock | 100.0 | 97.37 | 106.04 | 126.23 | 110.59 | 101.72 s&p 500 index | 100.0 | 102.11 | 118.45 | 156.82 | 178.29 | 180.75 loews peer group (a) | 100.0 | 101.59 | 115.19 | 145.12 | 152.84 | 144.70 (a) the loews peer group consists of the following companies that are industry competitors of our principal operating subsidiaries: ace limited, w.r. berkley corporation, the chubb corporation, energy transfer partners l.p., ensco plc, the hartford financial services group, inc., kinder morgan energy partners, l.p. (included through november 26, 2014 when it was acquired by kinder morgan inc.), noble corporation, spectra energy corp, transocean ltd. and the travelers companies, inc. dividend information we have paid quarterly cash dividends on loews common stock in each year since 1967. regular dividends of $0.0625 per share of loews common stock were paid in each calendar quarter of 2015 and 2014.. what is the price of the s&p 500 index in 2015? 180.75 what was the price in 2010? 100.0 what is the net change? 80.75 what is that change over 100?
stock price performance the following graph shows a comparison of the cumulative total return on our common stock, the standard & poor's 500 index and the standard & poor's 500 retail index. the graph assumes that the value of an investment in our common stock and in each such index was $100 on december 30, 2006, and that any dividends have been reinvested. the comparison in the graph below is based solely on historical data and is not intended to forecast the possible future performance of our common stock. comparison of cumulative total return among advance auto parts, inc., s&p 500 index and s&p 500 retail index company/index advance auto parts s&p 500 index s&p retail index december 30, $100.00 100.00 100.00 december 29, $108.00 104.24 january 3, $97.26 january 2, $116.01 january 1, $190.41 101.84 december 31, $201.18 104.81. company/index | december 30 2006 | december 29 2007 | january 3 2009 | january 2 2010 | january 1 2011 | december 31 2011 advance auto parts | $100.00 | $108.00 | $97.26 | $116.01 | $190.41 | $201.18 s&p 500 index | 100.00 | 104.24 | 65.70 | 78.62 | 88.67 | 88.67 s&p retail index | 100.00 | 82.15 | 58.29 | 82.36 | 101.84 | 104.81 stock price performance the following graph shows a comparison of the cumulative total return on our common stock, the standard & poor's 500 index and the standard & poor's 500 retail index. the graph assumes that the value of an investment in our common stock and in each such index was $100 on december 30, 2006, and that any dividends have been reinvested. the comparison in the graph below is based solely on historical data and is not intended to forecast the possible future performance of our common stock. comparison of cumulative total return among advance auto parts, inc., s&p 500 index and s&p 500 retail index company/index advance auto parts s&p 500 index s&p retail index december 30, $100.00 100.00 100.00 december 29, $108.00 104.24 january 3, $97.26 january 2, $116.01 january 1, $190.41 101.84 december 31, $201.18 104.81. what was the price performance of the advance auto parts stock in january 2009? 97.26 and by how much did it change since 2006? -2.74 what is this change as a portion of the 2006 price performance of that stock? -0.0274 in the same period, what was that change for the s&p500 index?
edwards lifesciences corporation notes to consolidated financial statements (continued) 13. common stock (continued) the company also maintains the nonemployee directors stock incentive compensation program (the 2018 2018nonemployee directors program 2019 2019). under the nonemployee directors program, upon a director 2019s initial election to the board, the director receives an initial grant of stock options or restricted stock units equal to a fair market value on grant date of $0.2 million, not to exceed 20000 shares. these grants vest over three years from the date of grant, subject to the director 2019s continued service. in addition, annually each nonemployee director may receive up to 40000 stock options or 16000 restricted stock units of the company 2019s common stock, or a combination thereof, provided that in no event may the total value of the combined annual award exceed $0.2 million. these grants generally vest over one year from the date of grant. under the nonemployee directors program, an aggregate of 2.8 million shares of the company 2019s common stock has been authorized for issuance. the company has an employee stock purchase plan for united states employees and a plan for international employees (collectively 2018 2018espp 2019 2019). under the espp, eligible employees may purchase shares of the company 2019s common stock at 85% (85%) of the lower of the fair market value of edwards lifesciences common stock on the effective date of subscription or the date of purchase. under the espp, employees can authorize the company to withhold up to 12% (12%) of their compensation for common stock purchases, subject to certain limitations. the espp is available to all active employees of the company paid from the united states payroll and to eligible employees of the company outside the united states, to the extent permitted by local law. the espp for united states employees is qualified under section 423 of the internal revenue code. the number of shares of common stock authorized for issuance under the espp was 13.8 million shares. the fair value of each option award and employee stock purchase subscription is estimated on the date of grant using the black-scholes option valuation model that uses the assumptions noted in the following tables. the risk-free interest rate is estimated using the u.s. treasury yield curve and is based on the expected term of the award. expected volatility is estimated based on a blend of the weighted-average of the historical volatility of edwards lifesciences 2019 stock and the implied volatility from traded options on edwards lifesciences 2019 stock. the expected term of awards granted is estimated from the vesting period of the award, as well as historical exercise behavior, and represents the period of time that awards granted are expected to be outstanding. the company uses historical data to estimate forfeitures and has estimated an annual forfeiture rate of 6.0% (6.0%). the black-scholes option pricing model was used with the following weighted-average assumptions for options granted during the following periods: option awards. - | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 average risk-free interest rate | 1.1% (1.1%) | 1.4% (1.4%) | 1.5% (1.5%) expected dividend yield | none | none | none expected volatility | 33% (33%) | 30% (30%) | 31% (31%) expected life (years) | 4.5 | 4.6 | 4.6 fair value per share | $31.00 | $18.13 | $11.75 . what is the fair value per share in 2016? 31.0 what is it in 2015?
stock performance graph this performance graph shall not be deemed 201cfiled 201d for purposes of section 18 of the securities exchange act of 1934, as amended (the 201cexchange act 201d) or otherwise subject to the liabilities under that section and shall not be deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing of tractor supply company under the securities act of 1933, as amended, or the exchange act. the following graph compares the cumulative total stockholder return on our common stock from december 29, 2012 to december 30, 2017 (the company 2019s fiscal year-end), with the cumulative total returns of the s&p 500 index and the s&p retail index over the same period. the comparison assumes that $100 was invested on december 29, 2012, in our common stock and in each of the foregoing indices and in each case assumes reinvestment of dividends. the historical stock price performance shown on this graph is not indicative of future performance.. - | 12/29/2012 | 12/28/2013 | 12/27/2014 | 12/26/2015 | 12/31/2016 | 12/30/2017 tractor supply company | $100.00 | $174.14 | $181.29 | $201.04 | $179.94 | $180.52 s&p 500 | $100.00 | $134.11 | $155.24 | $156.43 | $173.74 | $211.67 s&p retail index | $100.00 | $147.73 | $164.24 | $207.15 | $219.43 | $286.13 . what is the price of tractor supply company in 2013?
notes to consolidated financial statements (continued) march 31, 2004 5. income taxes (continued) the effective tax rate of zero differs from the statutory rate of 34% (34%) primarily due to the inability of the company to recognize deferred tax assets for its operating losses and tax credits. of the total valuation allowance, approximately $2400000 relates to stock option compensation deductions. the tax benefit associated with the stock option compensation deductions will be credited to equity when realized. 6. commitments and contingencies the company applies the disclosure provisions of fin no. 45, guarantor 2019s accounting and disclosure requirements for guarantees, including guarantees of indebtedness of others, and interpretation of fasb statements no. 5, 57 and 107 and rescission of fasb interpretation no. 34 (fin no. 45) to its agreements that contain guarantee or indemnification clauses. these disclosure provisions expand those required by sfas no. 5, accounting for contingencies, by requiring that guarantors disclose certain types of guarantees, even if the likelihood of requiring the guarantor 2019s performance is remote. the following is a description of arrangements in which the company is a guarantor. product warranties 2013 the company routinely accrues for estimated future warranty costs on its product sales at the time of sale. the ab5000 and bvs products are subject to rigorous regulation and quality standards. while the company engages in extensive product quality programs and processes, including monitoring and evaluating the quality of component suppliers, its warranty obligation is affected by product failure rates. operating results could be adversely effected if the actual cost of product failures exceeds the estimated warranty provision. patent indemnifications 2013 in many sales transactions, the company indemnifies customers against possible claims of patent infringement caused by the company 2019s products. the indemnifications contained within sales contracts usually do not include limits on the claims. the company has never incurred any material costs to defend lawsuits or settle patent infringement claims related to sales transactions. under the provisions of fin no. 45, intellectual property indemnifications require disclosure only. as of march 31, 2004, the company had entered into leases for its facilities, including its primary operating facility in danvers, massachusetts, with terms through fiscal 2010. the company has elected not to exercise a buyout option available under its primary lease that would have allowed for early termination in 2005. total rent expense under these leases, included in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations, was approximately $856000, $823000 and $821000 for the fiscal years ended march 31, 2002, 2003 and 2004, respectively. during the fiscal year ended march 31, 2000, the company entered into 36-month operating leases totaling approximately $644000 for the lease of office furniture. these leases ended in fiscal year 2003 and at the company 2019s option the furniture was purchased. rental expense recorded for these leases during the fiscal years ended march 31, 2002 and 2003 was approximately $215000 and $127000 respectively. during fiscal 2000, the company entered into a 36-month capital lease for computer equipment and software for approximately $221000. this lease ended in fiscal year 2003 and at the company 2019s option these assets were purchased. future minimum lease payments under all non-cancelable operating leases as of march 31, 2004 are approximately as follows (in thousands):. year ending march 31, | operating leases 2005 | $781 2006 | 776 2007 | 769 2008 | 772 2009 | 772 thereafter | 708 total future minimum lease payments | $4578 from time-to-time, the company is involved in legal and administrative proceedings and claims of various types. while any litigation contains an element of uncertainty, management, in consultation with the company 2019s general counsel, presently believes that the outcome of each such other proceedings or claims which are pending or known to be threatened, or all of them combined, will not have a material adverse effect on the company.. what is the last year included in the remaining terms of the facility leases? 2010.0 and what is the first year? 2004.0 how many years, then, are comprehended in this period?
inventory on hand, as well as our future purchase commitments with our suppliers, considering multiple factors, including demand forecasts, product life cycle, current sales levels, pricing strategy and cost trends. if our review indicates that inventories of raw materials, components or finished products have become obsolete or are in excess of anticipated demand or that inventory cost exceeds net realizable value, we may be required to make adjustments that will impact the results of operations. goodwill and non-amortizable intangible assets valuation - we test goodwill and non-amortizable intangible assets for impairment annually or more frequently if events occur that would warrant such review. while the company has the option to perform a qualitative assessment for both goodwill and non-amortizable intangible assets to determine if it is more likely than not that an impairment exists, the company elects to perform the quantitative assessment for our annual impairment analysis. the impairment analysis involves comparing the fair value of each reporting unit or non-amortizable intangible asset to the carrying value. if the carrying value exceeds the fair value, goodwill or a non-amortizable intangible asset is considered impaired. to determine the fair value of goodwill, we primarily use a discounted cash flow model, supported by the market approach using earnings multiples of comparable global and local companies within the tobacco industry. at december 31, 2018, the carrying value of our goodwill was $7.2 billion, which is related to ten reporting units, each of which consists of a group of markets with similar economic characteristics. the estimated fair value of each of our ten reporting units exceeded the carrying value as of december 31, 2018. to determine the fair value of non-amortizable intangible assets, we primarily use a discounted cash flow model applying the relief-from-royalty method. we concluded that the fair value of our non- amortizable intangible assets exceeded the carrying value. these discounted cash flow models include management assumptions relevant for forecasting operating cash flows, which are subject to changes in business conditions, such as volumes and prices, costs to produce, discount rates and estimated capital needs. management considers historical experience and all available information at the time the fair values are estimated, and we believe these assumptions are consistent with the assumptions a hypothetical marketplace participant would use. since the march 28, 2008, spin-off from altria group, inc., we have not recorded a charge to earnings for an impairment of goodwill or non-amortizable intangible assets. marketing costs - we incur certain costs to support our products through programs that include advertising, marketing, consumer engagement and trade promotions. the costs of our advertising and marketing programs are expensed in accordance with u.s. gaap. recognition of the cost related to our consumer engagement and trade promotion programs contain uncertainties due to the judgment required in estimating the potential performance and compliance for each program. for volume-based incentives provided to customers, management continually assesses and estimates, by customer, the likelihood of the customer's achieving the specified targets, and records the reduction of revenue as the sales are made. for other trade promotions, management relies on estimated utilization rates that have been developed from historical experience. changes in the assumptions used in estimating the cost of any individual marketing program would not result in a material change in our financial position, results of operations or operating cash flows. employee benefit plans - as discussed in item 8, note 13. benefit plans to our consolidated financial statements, we provide a range of benefits to our employees and retired employees, including pensions, postretirement health care and postemployment benefits (primarily severance). we record annual amounts relating to these plans based on calculations specified by u.s. gaap. these calculations include various actuarial assumptions, such as discount rates, assumed rates of return on plan assets, compensation increases, mortality, turnover rates and health care cost trend rates. we review actuarial assumptions on an annual basis and make modifications to the assumptions based on current rates and trends when it is deemed appropriate to do so. as permitted by u.s. gaap, any effect of the modifications is generally amortized over future periods. we believe that the assumptions utilized in calculating our obligations under these plans are reasonable based upon our historical experience and advice from our actuaries. weighted-average discount rate assumptions for pension and postretirement plan obligations at december 31, 2018 and 2017 are as follows:. - | 2018 | 2017 pension plans | 1.61% (1.61%) | 1.51% (1.51%) postretirement plans | 3.97% (3.97%) | 3.79% (3.79%) we anticipate that assumption changes will increase 2019 pre-tax pension and postretirement expense to approximately $205 million as compared with approximately $160 million in 2018, excluding amounts related to employee severance and early retirement programs. the anticipated increase is primarily due to higher amortization out of other comprehensive earnings for unrecognized actuarial gains/ losses of $14 million, coupled with lower return on assets of $16 million, higher interest and service cost of $12 million and $4 million respectively, partially offset by other movements of $1 million. weighted-average expected rate of return and discount rate assumptions have a significant effect on the amount of expense reported for the employee benefit plans. a fifty-basis-point decrease in our discount rate would increase our 2019 pension and postretirement expense by approximately $50 million, and a fifty-basis-point increase in our discount rate would decrease our 2019 pension and postretirement. what was the weighted average discount rate for postretirement plans in 2018? 3.97 and what was it in 2017?
comparison of cumulative return among lkq corporation, the nasdaq stock market (u.s.) index and the peer group. - | 12/31/2011 | 12/31/2012 | 12/31/2013 | 12/31/2014 | 12/31/2015 | 12/31/2016 lkq corporation | $100 | $140 | $219 | $187 | $197 | $204 s&p 500 index | $100 | $113 | $147 | $164 | $163 | $178 peer group | $100 | $111 | $140 | $177 | $188 | $217 this stock performance information is "furnished" and shall not be deemed to be "soliciting material" or subject to rule 14a, shall not be deemed "filed" for purposes of section 18 of the securities exchange act of 1934 or otherwise subject to the liabilities of that section, and shall not be deemed incorporated by reference in any filing under the securities act of 1933 or the securities exchange act of 1934, whether made before or after the date of this report and irrespective of any general incorporation by reference language in any such filing, except to the extent that it specifically incorporates the information by reference. information about our common stock that may be issued under our equity compensation plans as of december 31, 2016 included in part iii, item 12 of this annual report on form 10-k is incorporated herein by reference.. what was the change in the return of the lkq corporation from 2011 to 2016? 104.0 and how much does this change represent in relation to the return of that stock in 2011, in percentage? 1.04 what was the change in the return of the s&p 500 index from 2011 to 2016?
the following graph compares the cumulative 5-year total return to shareholders of cadence design systems, inc. 2019s common stock relative to the cumulative total returns of the s & p 500 index, the nasdaq composite index and the s & p information technology index. the graph assumes that the value of the investment in the company 2019s common stock and in each of the indexes (including reinvestment of dividends) was $100 on december 29, 2001 and tracks it through december 30, 2006. comparison of 5 year cumulative total return* among cadence design systems, inc., the s & p 500 index, the nasdaq composite index and the s & p information technology index 12/30/0612/31/051/1/051/3/0412/28/0212/29/01 cadence design systems, inc. nasdaq composite s & p information technology s & p 500 * $100 invested on 12/29/01 in stock or on 12/31/01 in index-incuding reinvestment of dividends. indexes calculated on month-end basis. copyright b7 2007, standard & poor 2019s, a division of the mcgraw-hill companies, inc. all rights reserved. december 29, december 28, january 3, january 1, december 31, december 30. - | december 29 2001 | december 28 2002 | january 3 2004 | january 1 2005 | december 31 2005 | december 30 2006 cadence design systems inc. | 100.00 | 54.38 | 81.52 | 61.65 | 75.54 | 79.96 s & p 500 | 100.00 | 77.90 | 100.24 | 111.15 | 116.61 | 135.03 nasdaq composite | 100.00 | 71.97 | 107.18 | 117.07 | 120.50 | 137.02 s & p information technology | 100.00 | 62.59 | 92.14 | 94.50 | 95.44 | 103.47 . what was the change in the value of the cadence design systems inc. from 2001 to 2006? -20.04 and what is this change as a percent of that value in 2001?
part ii. item 5. market for registrant 2019s common equity, related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities our common stock is traded on the nasdaq global select market under the symbol cdns. as of february 2, 2019, we had 523 registered stockholders and approximately 56000 beneficial owners of our common stock. stockholder return performance graph the following graph compares the cumulative 5-year total stockholder return on our common stock relative to the cumulative total return of the nasdaq composite index, the s&p 500 index and the s&p 500 information technology index. the graph assumes that the value of the investment in our common stock and in each index on december 28, 2013 (including reinvestment of dividends) was $100 and tracks it each year thereafter on the last day of our fiscal year through december 29, 2018 and, for each index, on the last day of the calendar year. comparison of 5 year cumulative total return* among cadence design systems, inc., the nasdaq composite index, the s&p 500 index and the s&p 500 information technology index 12/29/181/2/16 12/30/1712/28/13 12/31/161/3/15 *$100 invested on 12/28/13 in stock or index, including reinvestment of dividends. fiscal year ending december 29. copyright a9 2019 standard & poor 2019s, a division of s&p global. all rights reserved. nasdaq compositecadence design systems, inc. s&p 500 s&p 500 information technology. - | 12/28/2013 | 1/3/2015 | 1/2/2016 | 12/31/2016 | 12/30/2017 | 12/29/2018 cadence design systems inc. | $100.00 | $135.18 | $149.39 | $181.05 | $300.22 | $311.13 nasdaq composite | 100.00 | 112.60 | 113.64 | 133.19 | 172.11 | 165.84 s&p 500 | 100.00 | 110.28 | 109.54 | 129.05 | 157.22 | 150.33 s&p 500 information technology | 100.00 | 115.49 | 121.08 | 144.85 | 201.10 | 200.52 the stock price performance included in this graph is not necessarily indicative of future stock price performance.. what is the value of cadence design stock in 2018?
the future minimum lease commitments under these leases at december 31, 2010 are as follows (in thousands): years ending december 31:. 2011 | $62465 2012 | 54236 2013 | 47860 2014 | 37660 2015 | 28622 thereafter | 79800 future minimum lease payments | $310643 rental expense for operating leases was approximately $66.9 million, $57.2 million and $49.0 million during the years ended december 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively. in connection with the acquisitions of several businesses, we entered into agreements with several sellers of those businesses, some of whom became stockholders as a result of those acquisitions, for the lease of certain properties used in our operations. typical lease terms under these agreements include an initial term of five years, with three to five five-year renewal options and purchase options at various times throughout the lease periods. we also maintain the right of first refusal concerning the sale of the leased property. lease payments to an employee who became an officer of the company after the acquisition of his business were approximately $1.0 million, $0.9 million and $0.9 million during each of the years ended december 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively. we guarantee the residual values of the majority of our truck and equipment operating leases. the residual values decline over the lease terms to a defined percentage of original cost. in the event the lessor does not realize the residual value when a piece of equipment is sold, we would be responsible for a portion of the shortfall. similarly, if the lessor realizes more than the residual value when a piece of equipment is sold, we would be paid the amount realized over the residual value. had we terminated all of our operating leases subject to these guarantees at december 31, 2010, the guaranteed residual value would have totaled approximately $31.4 million. we have not recorded a liability for the guaranteed residual value of equipment under operating leases as the recovery on disposition of the equipment under the leases is expected to approximate the guaranteed residual value. litigation and related contingencies in december 2005 and may 2008, ford global technologies, llc filed complaints with the international trade commission against us and others alleging that certain aftermarket parts imported into the u.s. infringed on ford design patents. the parties settled these matters in april 2009 pursuant to a settlement arrangement that expires in september 2011. pursuant to the settlement, we (and our designees) became the sole distributor in the u.s. of aftermarket automotive parts that correspond to ford collision parts that are covered by a u.s. design patent. we have paid ford an upfront fee for these rights and will pay a royalty for each such part we sell. the amortization of the upfront fee and the royalty expenses are reflected in cost of goods sold on the accompanying consolidated statements of income. we also have certain other contingencies resulting from litigation, claims and other commitments and are subject to a variety of environmental and pollution control laws and regulations incident to the ordinary course of business. we currently expect that the resolution of such contingencies will not materially affect our financial position, results of operations or cash flows.. what was the net change in rental expense for operating leases from 2008 to 2009? 8.2 what was the value in 2008?
2022 a financial safeguard package for cleared over-the-counter credit default swap contracts, and 2022 a financial safeguard package for cleared over-the-counter interest rate swap contracts. in the unlikely event of a payment default by a clearing firm, we would first apply assets of the defaulting clearing firm to satisfy its payment obligation. these assets include the defaulting firm 2019s guaranty fund contributions, performance bonds and any other available assets, such as assets required for membership and any associated trading rights. in addition, we would make a demand for payment pursuant to any applicable guarantee provided to us by the parent company of the clearing firm. thereafter, if the payment default remains unsatisfied, we would use the corporate contributions designated for the respective financial safeguard package. we would then use guaranty fund contributions of other clearing firms within the respective financial safeguard package and funds collected through an assessment against solvent clearing firms within the respective financial safeguard package to satisfy the deficit. we maintain a $5.0 billion 364-day multi-currency line of credit with a consortium of domestic and international banks to be used in certain situations by cme clearing. we have the option to request an increase in the line from $5.0 billion to $7.0 billion. we may use the proceeds to provide temporary liquidity in the unlikely event of a clearing firm default, in the event of a liquidity constraint or default by a depositary (custodian of the collateral), or in the event of a temporary disruption with the payments systems that would delay payment of settlement variation between us and our clearing firms. the credit agreement requires us to pledge certain assets to the line of credit custodian prior to drawing on the line of credit. pledged assets may include clearing firm guaranty fund deposits held by us in the form of u.s. treasury or agency securities, as well as select money market mutual funds approved for our select interest earning facility (ief) programs. performance bond collateral of a defaulting clearing firm may also be used to secure a draw on the line. in addition to the 364-day multi- currency line of credit, we also have the option to use our $1.8 billion multi-currency revolving senior credit facility to provide liquidity for our clearing house in the unlikely event of default. aggregate performance bond deposits for clearing firms for all three cme financial safeguard packages was $86.8 billion, including $5.6 billion of cash performance bond deposits and $4.2 billion of letters of credit. a defaulting firm 2019s performance bond deposits can be used in the event of default of that clearing firm. the following shows the available assets at december 31, 2012 in the event of a payment default by a clearing firm for the base financial safeguard package after first utilizing the defaulting firm 2019s available assets: (in millions) cme clearing available assets designated corporate contributions for futures and options (1)........ $100.0 guaranty fund contributions (2)..... 2899.5 assessment powers (3)............ 7973.6 minimum total assets available for default (4).................... $10973.1 (1) cme clearing designates $100.0 million of corporate contributions to satisfy a clearing firm default in the event that the defaulting clearing firm 2019s guaranty contributions and performance bonds do not satisfy the deficit. (2) guaranty fund contributions of clearing firms include guaranty fund contributions required of clearing firms, but do not include any excess deposits held by us at the direction of clearing firms. (3) in the event of a clearing firm default, if a loss continues to exist after the utilization of the assets of the defaulted firm, our designated working capital and the non-defaulting clearing firms 2019 guaranty fund contributions, we have the right to assess all non-defaulting clearing members as defined in the rules governing the guaranty fund. (4) represents the aggregate minimum resources available to satisfy any obligations not met by a defaulting firm subsequent to the liquidation of the defaulting firm 2019s performance bond collateral.. (in millions) | cme clearingavailable assets designated corporate contributions for futures and options (1) | $100.0 guaranty fund contributions (2) | 2899.5 assessment powers (3) | 7973.6 minimum total assets available for default (4) | $10973.1 2022 a financial safeguard package for cleared over-the-counter credit default swap contracts, and 2022 a financial safeguard package for cleared over-the-counter interest rate swap contracts. in the unlikely event of a payment default by a clearing firm, we would first apply assets of the defaulting clearing firm to satisfy its payment obligation. these assets include the defaulting firm 2019s guaranty fund contributions, performance bonds and any other available assets, such as assets required for membership and any associated trading rights. in addition, we would make a demand for payment pursuant to any applicable guarantee provided to us by the parent company of the clearing firm. thereafter, if the payment default remains unsatisfied, we would use the corporate contributions designated for the respective financial safeguard package. we would then use guaranty fund contributions of other clearing firms within the respective financial safeguard package and funds collected through an assessment against solvent clearing firms within the respective financial safeguard package to satisfy the deficit. we maintain a $5.0 billion 364-day multi-currency line of credit with a consortium of domestic and international banks to be used in certain situations by cme clearing. we have the option to request an increase in the line from $5.0 billion to $7.0 billion. we may use the proceeds to provide temporary liquidity in the unlikely event of a clearing firm default, in the event of a liquidity constraint or default by a depositary (custodian of the collateral), or in the event of a temporary disruption with the payments systems that would delay payment of settlement variation between us and our clearing firms. the credit agreement requires us to pledge certain assets to the line of credit custodian prior to drawing on the line of credit. pledged assets may include clearing firm guaranty fund deposits held by us in the form of u.s. treasury or agency securities, as well as select money market mutual funds approved for our select interest earning facility (ief) programs. performance bond collateral of a defaulting clearing firm may also be used to secure a draw on the line. in addition to the 364-day multi- currency line of credit, we also have the option to use our $1.8 billion multi-currency revolving senior credit facility to provide liquidity for our clearing house in the unlikely event of default. aggregate performance bond deposits for clearing firms for all three cme financial safeguard packages was $86.8 billion, including $5.6 billion of cash performance bond deposits and $4.2 billion of letters of credit. a defaulting firm 2019s performance bond deposits can be used in the event of default of that clearing firm. the following shows the available assets at december 31, 2012 in the event of a payment default by a clearing firm for the base financial safeguard package after first utilizing the defaulting firm 2019s available assets: (in millions) cme clearing available assets designated corporate contributions for futures and options (1)........ $100.0 guaranty fund contributions (2)..... 2899.5 assessment powers (3)............ 7973.6 minimum total assets available for default (4).................... $10973.1 (1) cme clearing designates $100.0 million of corporate contributions to satisfy a clearing firm default in the event that the defaulting clearing firm 2019s guaranty contributions and performance bonds do not satisfy the deficit. (2) guaranty fund contributions of clearing firms include guaranty fund contributions required of clearing firms, but do not include any excess deposits held by us at the direction of clearing firms. (3) in the event of a clearing firm default, if a loss continues to exist after the utilization of the assets of the defaulted firm, our designated working capital and the non-defaulting clearing firms 2019 guaranty fund contributions, we have the right to assess all non-defaulting clearing members as defined in the rules governing the guaranty fund. (4) represents the aggregate minimum resources available to satisfy any obligations not met by a defaulting firm subsequent to the liquidation of the defaulting firm 2019s performance bond collateral.. what would be the change in the multi-currency line of credit if the potential increase was fulfilled?
equity compensation plan information the following table presents the equity securities available for issuance under our equity compensation plans as of december 31, 2017. equity compensation plan information plan category number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options, warrants and rights (1) weighted-average exercise price of outstanding options, warrants and rights number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans (excluding securities reflected in column (a)) (a) (b) (c) equity compensation plans approved by security holders 448859 $0.00 4087587 equity compensation plans not approved by security holders (2) 2014 2014 2014. plan category | number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options warrants and rights (1) (a) (b) | weighted-average exercise price of outstanding optionswarrants and rights | number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans (excluding securitiesreflected in column (a)) (c) equity compensation plans approved by security holders | 448859 | $0.00 | 4087587 equity compensation plans not approved by security holders (2) | 2014 | 2014 | 2014 total | 448859 | $0.00 | 4087587 (1) includes grants made under the huntington ingalls industries, inc. 2012 long-term incentive stock plan (the "2012 plan"), which was approved by our stockholders on may 2, 2012, and the huntington ingalls industries, inc. 2011 long-term incentive stock plan (the "2011 plan"), which was approved by the sole stockholder of hii prior to its spin-off from northrop grumman corporation. of these shares, 27123 were stock rights granted under the 2011 plan. in addition, this number includes 28763 stock rights, 3075 restricted stock rights, and 389898 restricted performance stock rights granted under the 2012 plan, assuming target performance achievement. (2) there are no awards made under plans not approved by security holders. item 13. certain relationships and related transactions, and director independence information as to certain relationships and related transactions and director independence will be incorporated herein by reference to the proxy statement for our 2018 annual meeting of stockholders, to be filed within 120 days after the end of the company 2019s fiscal year. item 14. principal accountant fees and services information as to principal accountant fees and services will be incorporated herein by reference to the proxy statement for our 2018 annual meeting of stockholders, to be filed within 120 days after the end of the company 2019s fiscal year.. what is the number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options warrants and rights under equity compensation plans approved by security holders? 448859.0 and what is the number of securities remaining available for future issuance under those equity compensation plans?
credit facility, which was amended in 2013 and 2012. in march 2014, the company 2019s credit facility was further amended to extend the maturity date to march 2019. the amount of the aggregate commitment is $3.990 billion (the 201c2014 credit facility 201d). the 2014 credit facility permits the company to request up to an additional $1.0 billion of borrowing capacity, subject to lender credit approval, increasing the overall size of the 2014 credit facility to an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $4.990 billion. interest on borrowings outstanding accrues at a rate based on the applicable london interbank offered rate plus a spread. the 2014 credit facility requires the company not to exceed a maximum leverage ratio (ratio of net debt to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, where net debt equals total debt less unrestricted cash) of 3 to 1, which was satisfied with a ratio of less than 1 to 1 at december 31, 2014. the 2014 credit facility provides back-up liquidity, funds ongoing working capital for general corporate purposes and funds various investment opportunities. at december 31, 2014, the company had no amount outstanding under the 2014 credit facility. commercial paper program. on october 14, 2009, blackrock established a commercial paper program (the 201ccp program 201d) under which the company could issue unsecured commercial paper notes (the 201ccp notes 201d) on a private placement basis up to a maximum aggregate amount outstanding at any time of $3.0 billion. blackrock increased the maximum aggregate amount that could be borrowed under the cp program to $3.5 billion in 2011 and to $3.785 billion in 2012. in april 2013, blackrock increased the maximum aggregate amount for which the company could issue unsecured cp notes on a private-placement basis up to a maximum aggregate amount outstanding at any time of $3.990 billion. the cp program is currently supported by the 2014 credit facility. at december 31, 2014, blackrock had no cp notes outstanding. long-term borrowings the carrying value and fair value of long-term borrowings estimated using market prices at december 31, 2014 included the following: (in millions) maturity amount unamortized discount carrying value fair value. (in millions) | maturity amount | unamortized discount | carrying value | fair value 1.375% (1.375%) notes due 2015 | $750 | $2014 | $750 | $753 6.25% (6.25%) notes due 2017 | 700 | -1 (1) | 699 | 785 5.00% (5.00%) notes due 2019 | 1000 | -2 (2) | 998 | 1134 4.25% (4.25%) notes due 2021 | 750 | -3 (3) | 747 | 825 3.375% (3.375%) notes due 2022 | 750 | -3 (3) | 747 | 783 3.50% (3.50%) notes due 2024 | 1000 | -3 (3) | 997 | 1029 total long-term borrowings | $4950 | $-12 (12) | $4938 | $5309 long-term borrowings at december 31, 2013 had a carrying value of $4.939 billion and a fair value of $5.284 billion determined using market prices at the end of december 2013. 2024 notes. in march 2014, the company issued $1.0 billion in aggregate principal amount of 3.50% (3.50%) senior unsecured and unsubordinated notes maturing on march 18, 2024 (the 201c2024 notes 201d). the net proceeds of the 2024 notes were used to refinance certain indebtedness which matured in the fourth quarter of 2014. interest is payable semi-annually in arrears on march 18 and september 18 of each year, or approximately $35 million per year. the 2024 notes may be redeemed prior to maturity at any time in whole or in part at the option of the company at a 201cmake-whole 201d redemption price. the 2024 notes were issued at a discount of $3 million that is being amortized over the term of the notes. the company incurred approximately $6 million of debt issuance costs, which are being amortized over the term of the 2024 notes. at december 31, 2014, $6 million of unamortized debt issuance costs was included in other assets on the consolidated statement of financial condition. 2015 and 2022 notes. in may 2012, the company issued $1.5 billion in aggregate principal amount of unsecured unsubordinated obligations. these notes were issued as two separate series of senior debt securities, including $750 million of 1.375% (1.375%) notes maturing in june 2015 (the 201c2015 notes 201d) and $750 million of 3.375% (3.375%) notes maturing in june 2022 (the 201c2022 notes 201d). net proceeds were used to fund the repurchase of blackrock 2019s common stock and series b preferred from barclays and affiliates and for general corporate purposes. interest on the 2015 notes and the 2022 notes of approximately $10 million and $25 million per year, respectively, is payable semi-annually on june 1 and december 1 of each year, which commenced december 1, 2012. the 2015 notes and 2022 notes may be redeemed prior to maturity at any time in whole or in part at the option of the company at a 201cmake-whole 201d redemption price. the 201cmake-whole 201d redemption price represents a price, subject to the specific terms of the 2015 and 2022 notes and related indenture, that is the greater of (a) par value and (b) the present value of future payments that will not be paid because of an early redemption, which is discounted at a fixed spread over a comparable treasury security. the 2015 notes and 2022 notes were issued at a discount of $5 million that is being amortized over the term of the notes. the company incurred approximately $7 million of debt issuance costs, which are being amortized over the respective terms of the 2015 notes and 2022 notes. at december 31, 2014, $4 million of unamortized debt issuance costs was included in other assets on the consolidated statement of financial condition. 2021 notes. in may 2011, the company issued $1.5 billion in aggregate principal amount of unsecured unsubordinated obligations. these notes were issued as two separate series of senior debt securities, including $750 million of 4.25% (4.25%) notes maturing in may 2021 and $750 million of floating rate notes (201c2013 floating rate notes 201d), which were repaid in may 2013 at maturity. net proceeds of this offering were used to fund the repurchase of blackrock 2019s series b preferred from affiliates of merrill lynch & co., inc. (201cmerrill lynch 201d). interest. what is the fair value of notes due in 2015 plus those due 2017? 1538.0 what is the fair value of those due 2019? 1134.0 what is the total sum including all 3 years?
stockholder return performance graphs the following graph compares the cumulative 5-year total stockholder return on our common stock relative to the cumulative total return of the nasdaq composite index and the s&p 400 information technology index. the graph assumes that the value of the investment in our common stock and in each index (including reinvestment of dividends) was $100 on december 29, 2007 and tracks it through december 29, 2012. comparison of 5 year cumulative total return* among cadence design systems, inc., the nasdaq composite index, and s&p 400 information technology cadence design systems, inc. nasdaq composite s&p 400 information technology 12/29/1212/31/111/1/111/2/101/3/0912/29/07 *$100 invested on 12/29/07 in stock or 12/31/07 in index, including reinvestment of dividends. indexes calculated on month-end basis. copyright a9 2013 s&p, a division of the mcgraw-hill companies inc. all rights reserved.. - | 12/29/2007 | 1/3/2009 | 1/2/2010 | 1/1/2011 | 12/31/2011 | 12/29/2012 cadence design systems inc. | 100.00 | 22.55 | 35.17 | 48.50 | 61.07 | 78.92 nasdaq composite | 100.00 | 59.03 | 82.25 | 97.32 | 98.63 | 110.78 s&p 400 information technology | 100.00 | 54.60 | 82.76 | 108.11 | 95.48 | 109.88 the stock price performance included in this graph is not necessarily indicative of future stock price performance. what is the value of an investment in cadence design systems inc. in 2012? 78.92 what is the net change in value? -21.08 what rate of return does this represent? -0.2108 what about the net change in value of an investment in nasdaq composite from 2007 to 2012?
purchase commitments the company has entered into various purchase agreements for minimum amounts of pulpwood processing and energy over periods ranging from one to twenty years at fixed prices. total purchase commitments are as follows:. - | (in thousands) 2010 | $6951 2011 | 5942 2012 | 3659 2013 | 1486 2014 | 1486 thereafter | 25048 total | $44572 these purchase agreements are not marked to market. the company purchased $37.3 million, $29.4 million, and $14.5 million during the years ended december 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007, respectively, under these purchase agreements. litigation pca is a party to various legal actions arising in the ordinary course of business. these legal actions cover a broad variety of claims spanning our entire business. as of the date of this filing, the company believes it is not reasonably possible that the resolution of these legal actions will, individually or in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect on its financial position, results of operations, or cash flows. environmental liabilities the potential costs for various environmental matters are uncertain due to such factors as the unknown magnitude of possible cleanup costs, the complexity and evolving nature of governmental laws and regulations and their interpretations, and the timing, varying costs and effectiveness of alternative cleanup technologies. from 1994 through 2009, remediation costs at the company 2019s mills and corrugated plants totaled approximately $3.2 million. as of december 31, 2009, the company maintained an environmental reserve of $9.1 million relating to on-site landfills (see note 13) and surface impoundments as well as ongoing and anticipated remedial projects. liabilities recorded for environmental contingencies are estimates of the probable costs based upon available information and assumptions. because of these uncertainties, pca 2019s estimates may change. as of the date of this filing, the company believes that it is not reasonably possible that future environmental expenditures and asset retirement obligations above the $9.1 million accrued as of december 31, 2009, will have a material impact on its financial condition, results of operations, or cash flows. in connection with the sale to pca of its containerboard and corrugated products business, pactiv agreed to retain all liability for all former facilities and all sites associated with pre-closing off-site waste disposal and all environmental liabilities related to a closed landfill located near the company 2019s filer city mill. 13. asset retirement obligations asset retirement obligations consist primarily of landfill capping and closure and post-closure costs. pca is legally required to perform capping and closure and post-closure care on the landfills at each of the company 2019s mills. in accordance with asc 410, 201c asset retirement and environmental obligations, 201d pca recognizes the fair value of these liabilities as an asset retirement obligation for each landfill and capitalizes packaging corporation of america notes to consolidated financial statements (continued) december 31, 2009. what was, in thousands, the total of purchase commitments in the years of 2010 and 2011, combined? 12893.0 and what was that total only for the year of 2013?
the table below reflects the estimated effects on pension expense of certain changes in annual assumptions, using 2012 estimated expense as a baseline. change in assumption (a) estimated increase to 2012 pension expense (in millions). change in assumption (a) | estimatedincrease to 2012pensionexpense (in millions) .5% (.5%) decrease in discount rate | $23 .5% (.5%) decrease in expected long-term return on assets | $18 .5% (.5%) increase in compensation rate | $2 (a) the impact is the effect of changing the specified assumption while holding all other assumptions constant. our pension plan contribution requirements are not particularly sensitive to actuarial assumptions. investment performance has the most impact on contribution requirements and will drive the amount of permitted contributions in future years. also, current law, including the provisions of the pension protection act of 2006, sets limits as to both minimum and maximum contributions to the plan. we do not expect to be required by law to make any contributions to the plan during 2012. we maintain other defined benefit plans that have a less significant effect on financial results, including various nonqualified supplemental retirement plans for certain employees. recourse and repurchase obligations as discussed in note 3 loan sale and servicing activities and variable interest entities in the notes to consolidated financial statements in item 8 of this report, pnc has sold commercial mortgage and residential mortgage loans directly or indirectly in securitizations and whole-loan sale transactions with continuing involvement. one form of continuing involvement includes certain recourse and loan repurchase obligations associated with the transferred assets in these transactions. commercial mortgage loan recourse obligations we originate, close, and service certain multi-family commercial mortgage loans which are sold to fnma under fnma 2019s delegated underwriting and servicing (dus) program. we participated in a similar program with the fhlmc. under these programs, we generally assume up to a one-third pari passu risk of loss on unpaid principal balances through a loss share arrangement. at december 31, 2011 and december 31, 2010, the unpaid principal balance outstanding of loans sold as a participant in these programs was $13.0 billion and $13.2 billion, respectively. the potential maximum exposure under the loss share arrangements was $4.0 billion at both december 31, 2011 and december 31, 2010. we maintain a reserve for estimated losses based on our exposure. the reserve for losses under these programs totaled $47 million and $54 million as of december 31, 2011 and december 31, 2010, respectively, and is included in other liabilities on our consolidated balance sheet. if payment is required under these programs, we would not have a contractual interest in the collateral underlying the mortgage loans on which losses occurred, although the value of the collateral is taken into account in determining our share of such losses. our exposure and activity associated with these recourse obligations are reported in the corporate & institutional banking segment. residential mortgage loan and home equity repurchase obligations while residential mortgage loans are sold on a non-recourse basis, we assume certain loan repurchase obligations associated with mortgage loans we have sold to investors. these loan repurchase obligations primarily relate to situations where pnc is alleged to have breached certain origination covenants and representations and warranties made to purchasers of the loans in the respective purchase and sale agreements. residential mortgage loans covered by these loan repurchase obligations include first and second-lien mortgage loans we have sold through agency securitizations, non-agency securitizations, and whole-loan sale transactions. as discussed in note 3 in the notes to consolidated financial statements in item 8 of this report, agency securitizations consist of mortgage loans sale transactions with fnma, fhlmc, and the government national mortgage association (gnma) program, while non-agency securitizations and whole-loan sale transactions consist of mortgage loans sale transactions with private investors. our historical exposure and activity associated with agency securitization repurchase obligations has primarily been related to transactions with fnma and fhlmc, as indemnification and repurchase losses associated with federal housing agency (fha) and department of veterans affairs (va) -insured and uninsured loans pooled in gnma securitizations historically have been minimal. repurchase obligation activity associated with residential mortgages is reported in the residential mortgage banking segment. pnc 2019s repurchase obligations also include certain brokered home equity loans/lines that were sold to a limited number of private investors in the financial services industry by national city prior to our acquisition. pnc is no longer engaged in the brokered home equity lending business, and our exposure under these loan repurchase obligations is limited to repurchases of the whole-loans sold in these transactions. repurchase activity associated with brokered home equity lines/loans are reported in the non-strategic assets portfolio segment. loan covenants and representations and warranties are established through loan sale agreements with various investors to provide assurance that pnc has sold loans to the pnc financial services group, inc. 2013 form 10-k 69. what was the unpaid principal balance outstanding of loans sold as a participant in these programs in 2011, in billions? 13.0 and what was it in 2010, also in billions? 13.2 what was, then, in billions, the total unpaid principal balance outstanding in both years combined?
oneok partners 2019 commodity price risk is estimated as a hypothetical change in the price of ngls, crude oil and natural gas at december 31, 2008, excluding the effects of hedging and assuming normal operating conditions. oneok partners 2019 condensate sales are based on the price of crude oil. oneok partners estimates the following: 2022 a $0.01 per gallon decrease in the composite price of ngls would decrease annual net margin by approximately $1.2 million; 2022 a $1.00 per barrel decrease in the price of crude oil would decrease annual net margin by approximately $1.0 million; and 2022 a $0.10 per mmbtu decrease in the price of natural gas would decrease annual net margin by approximately $0.6 million. the above estimates of commodity price risk do not include any effects on demand for its services that might be caused by, or arise in conjunction with, price changes. for example, a change in the gross processing spread may cause a change in the amount of ethane extracted from the natural gas stream, impacting gathering and processing margins, ngl exchange revenues, natural gas deliveries, and ngl volumes shipped and fractionated. oneok partners is also exposed to commodity price risk primarily as a result of ngls in storage, the relative values of the various ngl products to each other, the relative value of ngls to natural gas and the relative value of ngl purchases at one location and sales at another location, known as basis risk. oneok partners utilizes fixed-price physical forward contracts to reduce earnings volatility related to ngl price fluctuations. oneok partners has not entered into any financial instruments with respect to its ngl marketing activities. in addition, oneok partners is exposed to commodity price risk as its natural gas interstate and intrastate pipelines collect natural gas from its customers for operations or as part of its fee for services provided. when the amount of natural gas consumed in operations by these pipelines differs from the amount provided by its customers, the pipelines must buy or sell natural gas, or store or use natural gas from inventory, which exposes oneok partners to commodity price risk. at december 31, 2008, there were no hedges in place with respect to natural gas price risk from oneok partners 2019 natural gas pipeline business. distribution our distribution segment uses derivative instruments to hedge the cost of anticipated natural gas purchases during the winter heating months to protect their customers from upward volatility in the market price of natural gas. gains or losses associated with these derivative instruments are included in, and recoverable through, the monthly purchased gas cost mechanism. energy services our energy services segment is exposed to commodity price risk, basis risk and price volatility arising from natural gas in storage, requirement contracts, asset management contracts and index-based purchases and sales of natural gas at various market locations. we minimize the volatility of our exposure to commodity price risk through the use of derivative instruments, which, under certain circumstances, are designated as cash flow or fair value hedges. we are also exposed to commodity price risk from fixed-price purchases and sales of natural gas, which we hedge with derivative instruments. both the fixed-price purchases and sales and related derivatives are recorded at fair value. fair value component of the energy marketing and risk management assets and liabilities - the following table sets forth the fair value component of the energy marketing and risk management assets and liabilities, excluding $21.0 million of net liabilities from derivative instruments declared as either fair value or cash flow hedges.. - | (thousands of dollars) net fair value of derivatives outstanding at december 31 2007 | $25171 derivatives reclassified or otherwise settled during the period | -55874 (55874) fair value of new derivatives entered into during the period | 236772 other changes in fair value | 52731 net fair value of derivatives outstanding at december 31 2008 (a) | $258800 (a) - the maturiti es of derivatives are based on inject ion and withdrawal periods from april through m arc h, which is consistent with our business s trategy. the maturities are as fol lows: $225.0 mi llion matures through march 2009, $33.9 mi llion matures through march 2012 and $(0.1) mil lion matures through march 2014. fair v alue com ponent of energy m arketing and risk m anagement assets and liabili ti es. what was the net change in the fair value of derivatives outstanding from 2007 to 2008? 233629.0 what was the value in 2007? 25171.0 what is the net change over the 2007 value?
the aes corporation notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 (continued) december 31, 2017, 2016, and 2015 on december 8, 2017, the board of directors declared a quarterly common stock dividend of $0.13 per share payable on february 15, 2018 to shareholders of record at the close of business on february 1, 2018. stock repurchase program 2014 no shares were repurchased in 2017. the cumulative repurchases from the commencement of the program in july 2010 through december 31, 2017 totaled 154.3 million shares for a total cost of $1.9 billion, at an average price per share of $12.12 (including a nominal amount of commissions). as of december 31, 2017, $246 million remained available for repurchase under the program. the common stock repurchased has been classified as treasury stock and accounted for using the cost method. a total of 155924785 and 156878891 shares were held as treasury stock at december 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively. restricted stock units under the company's employee benefit plans are issued from treasury stock. the company has not retired any common stock repurchased since it began the program in july 2010. 15. segments and geographic information the segment reporting structure uses the company's organizational structure as its foundation to reflect how the company manages the businesses internally and is organized by geographic regions which provides a socio- political-economic understanding of our business. during the third quarter of 2017, the europe and asia sbus were merged in order to leverage scale and are now reported as part of the eurasia sbu. the management reporting structure is organized by five sbus led by our president and chief executive officer: us, andes, brazil, mcac and eurasia sbus. the company determined that it has five operating and five reportable segments corresponding to its sbus. all prior period results have been retrospectively revised to reflect the new segment reporting structure. in february 2018, we announced a reorganization as a part of our ongoing strategy to simplify our portfolio, optimize our cost structure, and reduce our carbon intensity. the company is currently evaluating the impact this reorganization will have on our segment reporting structure. corporate and other 2014 corporate overhead costs which are not directly associated with the operations of our five reportable segments are included in "corporate and other." also included are certain intercompany charges such as self-insurance premiums which are fully eliminated in consolidation. the company uses adjusted ptc as its primary segment performance measure. adjusted ptc, a non-gaap measure, is defined by the company as pre-tax income from continuing operations attributable to the aes corporation excluding gains or losses of the consolidated entity due to (a) unrealized gains or losses related to derivative transactions; (b) unrealized foreign currency gains or losses; (c) gains, losses and associated benefits and costs due to dispositions and acquisitions of business interests, including early plant closures; (d) losses due to impairments; (e) gains, losses and costs due to the early retirement of debt; and (f) costs directly associated with a major restructuring program, including, but not limited to, workforce reduction efforts, relocations, and office consolidation. adjusted ptc also includes net equity in earnings of affiliates on an after-tax basis adjusted for the same gains or losses excluded from consolidated entities. the company has concluded adjusted ptc better reflects the underlying business performance of the company and is the most relevant measure considered in the company's internal evaluation of the financial performance of its segments. additionally, given its large number of businesses and complexity, the company concluded that adjusted ptc is a more transparent measure that better assists investors in determining which businesses have the greatest impact on the company's results. revenue and adjusted ptc are presented before inter-segment eliminations, which includes the effect of intercompany transactions with other segments except for interest, charges for certain management fees, and the write-off of intercompany balances, as applicable. all intra-segment activity has been eliminated within the segment. inter-segment activity has been eliminated within the total consolidated results. the following tables present financial information by segment for the periods indicated (in millions):. year ended december 31, | total revenue 2017 | total revenue 2016 | total revenue 2015 us sbu | $3229 | $3429 | $3593 andes sbu | 2710 | 2506 | 2489 brazil sbu | 542 | 450 | 962 mcac sbu | 2448 | 2172 | 2353 eurasia sbu | 1590 | 1670 | 1875 corporate and other | 35 | 77 | 31 eliminations | -24 (24) | -23 (23) | -43 (43) total revenue | $10530 | $10281 | $11260 . what was the total net revenue in 2017, in millions? 10530.0 and what was the net revenue only in the us segment, also in millions?
management 2019s discussion and analysis 78 jpmorgan chase & co./2018 form 10-k treasury and cio overview treasury and cio is predominantly responsible for measuring, monitoring, reporting and managing the firm 2019s liquidity, funding, capital, structural interest rate and foreign exchange risks. the risks managed by treasury and cio arise from the activities undertaken by the firm 2019s four major reportable business segments to serve their respective client bases, which generate both on- and off- balance sheet assets and liabilities. treasury and cio seek to achieve the firm 2019s asset-liability management objectives generally by investing in high- quality securities that are managed for the longer-term as part of the firm 2019s investment securities portfolio. treasury and cio also use derivatives to meet the firm 2019s asset- liability management objectives. for further information on derivatives, refer to note 5. in addition, treasury and cio manage the firm 2019s cash position primarily through depositing at central banks and investing in short-term instruments. for further information on liquidity and funding risk, refer to liquidity risk management on pages 95 2013100. for information on interest rate, foreign exchange and other risks, refer to market risk management on pages 124 2013131. the investment securities portfolio primarily consists of agency and nonagency mortgage-backed securities, u.s. and non-u.s. government securities, obligations of u.s. states and municipalities, other abs and corporate debt securities. at december 31, 2018, the investment securities portfolio was $260.1 billion, and the average credit rating of the securities comprising the portfolio was aa+ (based upon external ratings where available and, where not available, based primarily upon internal ratings that correspond to ratings as defined by s&p and moody 2019s). refer to note 10 for further information on the firm 2019s investment securities portfolio. selected income statement and balance sheet data as of or for the year ended december 31, (in millions) 2018 2017 2016 investment securities gains/ (losses) $(395) $(78) $132 available-for-sale (201cafs 201d) investment securities (average) 203449 219345 226892 held-to-maturity (201chtm 201d) investment securities (average) 31747 47927 51358 investment securities portfolio (average) 235197 267272 278250 afs investment securities (period-end) 228681 200247 236670 htm investment securities (period-end) 31434 47733 50168 investment securities portfolio (period 2013end) 260115 247980 286838 as permitted by the new hedge accounting guidance, the firm elected to transfer certain investment securities from htm to afs in the first quarter of 2018. for additional information, refer to notes 1 and 10.. as of or for the year ended december 31 (in millions) | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 investment securities gains/ (losses) | $-395 (395) | $-78 (78) | $132 available-for-sale (201cafs 201d) investment securities (average) | 203449 | 219345 | 226892 held-to-maturity (201chtm 201d) investment securities (average) | 31747 | 47927 | 51358 investment securities portfolio (average) | 235197 | 267272 | 278250 afs investment securities (period-end) | 228681 | 200247 | 236670 htm investment securities (period-end) | 31434 | 47733 | 50168 investment securities portfolio (period 2013end) | 260115 | 247980 | 286838 management 2019s discussion and analysis 78 jpmorgan chase & co./2018 form 10-k treasury and cio overview treasury and cio is predominantly responsible for measuring, monitoring, reporting and managing the firm 2019s liquidity, funding, capital, structural interest rate and foreign exchange risks. the risks managed by treasury and cio arise from the activities undertaken by the firm 2019s four major reportable business segments to serve their respective client bases, which generate both on- and off- balance sheet assets and liabilities. treasury and cio seek to achieve the firm 2019s asset-liability management objectives generally by investing in high- quality securities that are managed for the longer-term as part of the firm 2019s investment securities portfolio. treasury and cio also use derivatives to meet the firm 2019s asset- liability management objectives. for further information on derivatives, refer to note 5. in addition, treasury and cio manage the firm 2019s cash position primarily through depositing at central banks and investing in short-term instruments. for further information on liquidity and funding risk, refer to liquidity risk management on pages 95 2013100. for information on interest rate, foreign exchange and other risks, refer to market risk management on pages 124 2013131. the investment securities portfolio primarily consists of agency and nonagency mortgage-backed securities, u.s. and non-u.s. government securities, obligations of u.s. states and municipalities, other abs and corporate debt securities. at december 31, 2018, the investment securities portfolio was $260.1 billion, and the average credit rating of the securities comprising the portfolio was aa+ (based upon external ratings where available and, where not available, based primarily upon internal ratings that correspond to ratings as defined by s&p and moody 2019s). refer to note 10 for further information on the firm 2019s investment securities portfolio. selected income statement and balance sheet data as of or for the year ended december 31, (in millions) 2018 2017 2016 investment securities gains/ (losses) $(395) $(78) $132 available-for-sale (201cafs 201d) investment securities (average) 203449 219345 226892 held-to-maturity (201chtm 201d) investment securities (average) 31747 47927 51358 investment securities portfolio (average) 235197 267272 278250 afs investment securities (period-end) 228681 200247 236670 htm investment securities (period-end) 31434 47733 50168 investment securities portfolio (period 2013end) 260115 247980 286838 as permitted by the new hedge accounting guidance, the firm elected to transfer certain investment securities from htm to afs in the first quarter of 2018. for additional information, refer to notes 1 and 10.. what is the value of the afs investment securities in 2018? 228681.0 what is the value in 2017? 200247.0 what is the sum? 428928.0 what is the value of the afs investment securities in 2016? 236670.0 what is the total sum?
the goldman sachs group, inc. and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements in the tables above: 2030 the gross fair values exclude the effects of both counterparty netting and collateral netting, and therefore are not representative of the firm 2019s exposure. 2030 counterparty netting is reflected in each level to the extent that receivable and payable balances are netted within the same level and is included in counterparty netting in levels. where the counterparty netting is across levels, the netting is included in cross-level counterparty netting. 2030 derivative assets are shown as positive amounts and derivative liabilities are shown as negative amounts. significant unobservable inputs the table below presents the amount of level 3 assets (liabilities), and ranges, averages and medians of significant unobservable inputs used to value the firm 2019s level 3 derivatives. level 3 assets (liabilities) and range of significant unobservable inputs (average/median) as of december $in millions 2017 2016. $in millions | level 3 assets (liabilities) and range of significant unobservable inputs (average/median) as of december 2017 | level 3 assets (liabilities) and range of significant unobservable inputs (average/median) as of december 2016 interest rates net | $-410 (410) | $-381 (381) correlation | (10)% (%) to 95% (95%) (71%/79% (71%/79%)) | (10)% (%) to 86% (86%) (56%/60% (56%/60%)) volatility (bps) | 31 to 150 (84/78) | 31 to 151 (84/57) credit net | $1505 | $2504 correlation | 28% (28%) to 84% (84%) (61%/60% (61%/60%)) | 35% (35%) to 91% (91%) (65%/68% (65%/68%)) credit spreads (bps) | 1 to 633 (69/42) | 1 to 993 (122/73) upfront credit points | 0 to 97 (42/38) | 0 to 100 (43/35) recovery rates | 22% (22%) to 73% (73%) (68%/73% (68%/73%)) | 1% (1%) to 97% (97%) (58%/70% (58%/70%)) currencies net | $-181 (181) | $3 correlation | 49% (49%) to 72% (72%) (61%/62% (61%/62%)) | 25% (25%) to 70% (70%) (50%/55% (50%/55%)) commodities net | $47 | $73 volatility | 9% (9%) to 79% (79%) (24%/24% (24%/24%)) | 13% (13%) to 68% (68%) (33%/33% (33%/33%)) natural gas spread | $(2.38) to $3.34 ($(0.22) /$(0.12)) | $(1.81) to $4.33 ($(0.14) /$(0.05)) oil spread | $(2.86) to $23.61 ($6.47/$2.35) | $(19.72) to $64.92 ($25.30/$16.43) equities net | $-1249 (1249) | $-3416 (3416) correlation | (36)% (%) to 94% (94%) (50%/52% (50%/52%)) | (39)% (%) to 88% (88%) (41%/41% (41%/41%)) volatility | 4% (4%) to 72% (72%) (24%/22% (24%/22%)) | 5% (5%) to 72% (72%) (24%/23% (24%/23%)) in the table above: 2030 derivative assets are shown as positive amounts and derivative liabilities are shown as negative amounts. 2030 ranges represent the significant unobservable inputs that were used in the valuation of each type of derivative. 2030 averages represent the arithmetic average of the inputs and are not weighted by the relative fair value or notional of the respective financial instruments. an average greater than the median indicates that the majority of inputs are below the average. for example, the difference between the average and the median for credit spreads and oil spread inputs indicates that the majority of the inputs fall in the lower end of the range. 2030 the ranges, averages and medians of these inputs are not representative of the appropriate inputs to use when calculating the fair value of any one derivative. for example, the highest correlation for interest rate derivatives is appropriate for valuing a specific interest rate derivative but may not be appropriate for valuing any other interest rate derivative. accordingly, the ranges of inputs do not represent uncertainty in, or possible ranges of, fair value measurements of the firm 2019s level 3 derivatives. 2030 interest rates, currencies and equities derivatives are valued using option pricing models, credit derivatives are valued using option pricing, correlation and discounted cash flow models, and commodities derivatives are valued using option pricing and discounted cash flow models. 2030 the fair value of any one instrument may be determined using multiple valuation techniques. for example, option pricing models and discounted cash flows models are typically used together to determine fair value. therefore, the level 3 balance encompasses both of these techniques. 2030 correlation within currencies and equities includes cross- product type correlation. 2030 natural gas spread represents the spread per million british thermal units of natural gas. 2030 oil spread represents the spread per barrel of oil and refined products. range of significant unobservable inputs the following is information about the ranges of significant unobservable inputs used to value the firm 2019s level 3 derivative instruments: 2030 correlation. ranges for correlation cover a variety of underliers both within one product type (e.g., equity index and equity single stock names) and across product types (e.g., correlation of an interest rate and a currency), as well as across regions. generally, cross-product type correlation inputs are used to value more complex instruments and are lower than correlation inputs on assets within the same derivative product type. 2030 volatility. ranges for volatility cover numerous underliers across a variety of markets, maturities and strike prices. for example, volatility of equity indices is generally lower than volatility of single stocks. 2030 credit spreads, upfront credit points and recovery rates. the ranges for credit spreads, upfront credit points and recovery rates cover a variety of underliers (index and single names), regions, sectors, maturities and credit qualities (high-yield and investment-grade). the broad range of this population gives rise to the width of the ranges of significant unobservable inputs. 130 goldman sachs 2017 form 10-k. between 2016 and 2017, what was the variation in the credit net? -999.0 and what was that credit net in 2016? 2504.0 what was, then, that variation as a percent of this 2016 amount?
table of contents item 7 2013 management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations liquidity and capital resources we recorded net earnings of $35.4 million or $1.18 per share in 2004, compared with $52.2 million or $1.76 per share recorded in 2003 and $51.3 million or $1.86 per share in 2002. net earnings recorded in 2004 were negatively impacted by cost increases to steel and freight, as well as manufacturing inefficiencies during the first nine months of the year in our ashland city plant and higher selling, general and administrative expense (sg&a). while net earnings were flat in 2003 compared with 2002, the lower earnings per share amount in 2003 as compared with 2002 reflected the full-year impact of our stock offering in may 2002. our individual segment performance will be discussed later in this section. our working capital, excluding short-term debt, was $339.8 million at december 31, 2004, compared with $305.9 million and $225.1 million at december 31, 2003, and december 31, 2002, respectively. the $33.9 million increase in 2004 reflects $44.9 million higher receivable balances due to longer payment terms experienced by both of our businesses as well as higher sales levels in the fourth quarter. offsetting the increase in receivable balances were $13.5 million lower inventory levels split about equally between water systems and electrical products and $14.3 million higher accounts payable balances. the $80.8 million increase in 2003 reflects $46.6 million higher inventory balances due primarily to extensive manufacturing repositioning in our electric motor business and several new product introductions and manufacturing consolidation in our water systems business. additionally, receivable balances were $21.2 million higher due to price increases associated with new product introductions in our water systems business and an increase in international sales, which tend to have longer payment terms. finally, a $13.1 million increase in accounts payable balances was largely offset by $9.4 million in restructuring expenses paid out in 2003. reducing working capital is one of our major initiatives in 2005. cash provided by operating activities during 2004 was $67.2 million compared with $29.0 million during 2003 and $116.0 million during 2002. despite lower earnings in 2004, a smaller investment in working capital explains the majority of the improvement in cash flow compared with 2003. the higher investment in working capital in 2003 (as discussed above), explains the majority of the difference between 2003 and our capital expenditures were $48.5 million in 2004, essentially the same as in 2003 and approximately $2.2 million higher than in 2002. the increase in 2003 was associated with new product launches in our water systems business. we are projecting 2005 capital expenditures to be approximately $55 million, essentially the same as our projected 2005 depreciation expense. we believe that our present facilities and planned capital expenditures are sufficient to provide adequate capacity for our operations in 2005. in june 2004, we completed a $265 million, five-year revolving credit facility with a group of eight banks. the new facility expires on june 10, 2009, and it replaced a $250 million credit facility which expired on august 2, 2004, and was terminated on june 10, 2004. the new facility backs up commercial paper and credit line borrowings. as a result of the long-term nature of this facility, the commercial paper and credit line borrowings are now classified as long-term debt. at december 31, 2004, we had available borrowing capacity of $153.9 million under this facility. we believe that the combination of available borrowing capacity and operating cash flow will provide sufficient funds to finance our existing operations for the foreseeable future. to take advantage of historically low long-term borrowing rates, we issued $50.0 million in senior notes with two insurance companies in june 2003. the notes range in maturity between 2013 and 2016 and carry a weighted average interest rate of slightly less than 4.5 percent. the proceeds of the notes were used to repay commercial paper and borrowing under the credit facility. our leverage, as measured by the ratio of total debt to total capitalization, was 32 percent at the end of 2004 and the end of 2003. aggregate contractual obligations a summary of our contractual obligations as of december 31, 2004, is as follows:. (dollars in millions) contractual obligation | (dollars in millions) total | (dollars in millions) less than 1 year | (dollars in millions) 1 - 3 years | (dollars in millions) 3 - 5 years | more than 5 years long-term debt | $275.1 | $8.6 | $13.8 | $138.2 | $114.5 capital leases | 6.0 | 2014 | 2014 | 6.0 | 2014 operating leases | 62.9 | 14.4 | 20.7 | 11.6 | 16.2 purchase obligations | 177.3 | 176.6 | 0.7 | 2014 | 2014 total | $521.3 | $199.6 | $35.2 | $155.8 | $130.7 . as of december 31, 2004, what percentage of the total of aggregate contractual obligations was due to long-term debt? 275.1 and what percentage of it was due to purchase obligations?
entergy corporation and subsidiaries management's financial discussion and analysis the decrease in interest income in 2002 was primarily due to: fffd interest recognized in 2001 on grand gulf 1's decommissioning trust funds resulting from the final order addressing system energy's rate proceeding; fffd interest recognized in 2001 at entergy mississippi and entergy new orleans on the deferred system energy costs that were not being recovered through rates; and fffd lower interest earned on declining deferred fuel balances. the decrease in interest charges in 2002 is primarily due to: fffd a decrease of $31.9 million in interest on long-term debt primarily due to the retirement of long-term debt in late 2001 and early 2002; and fffd a decrease of $76.0 million in other interest expense primarily due to interest recorded on system energy's reserve for rate refund in 2001. the refund was made in december 2001. 2001 compared to 2000 results for the year ended december 31, 2001 for u.s. utility were also affected by an increase in interest charges of $61.5 million primarily due to: fffd the final ferc order addressing the 1995 system energy rate filing; fffd debt issued at entergy arkansas in july 2001, at entergy gulf states in june 2000 and august 2001, at entergy mississippi in january 2001, and at entergy new orleans in july 2000 and february 2001; and fffd borrowings under credit facilities during 2001, primarily at entergy arkansas. non-utility nuclear the increase in earnings in 2002 for non-utility nuclear from $128 million to $201 million was primarily due to the operation of indian point 2 and vermont yankee, which were purchased in september 2001 and july 2002, respectively. the increase in earnings in 2001 for non-utility nuclear from $49 million to $128 million was primarily due to the operation of fitzpatrick and indian point 3 for a full year, as each was purchased in november 2000, and the operation of indian point 2, which was purchased in september 2001. following are key performance measures for non-utility nuclear:. - | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 net mw in operation at december 31 | 3955 | 3445 | 2475 generation in gwh for the year | 29953 | 22614 | 7171 capacity factor for the year | 93% (93%) | 93% (93%) | 94% (94%) 2002 compared to 2001 the following fluctuations in the results of operations for non-utility nuclear in 2002 were primarily caused by the acquisitions of indian point 2 and vermont yankee (except as otherwise noted): fffd operating revenues increased $411.0 million to $1.2 billion; fffd other operation and maintenance expenses increased $201.8 million to $596.3 million; fffd depreciation and amortization expenses increased $25.1 million to $42.8 million; fffd fuel expenses increased $29.4 million to $105.2 million; fffd nuclear refueling outage expenses increased $23.9 million to $46.8 million, which was due primarily to a. what was the total of non-utility nuclear earnings by the end of 2002? 201.0 and what was it by the beginning of that year?
our debt issuances in 2014 were as follows: (in millions) type face value (e) interest rate issuance maturity euro notes (a) 20ac750 (approximately $1029) 1.875% (1.875%) march 2014 march 2021 euro notes (a) 20ac1000 (approximately $1372) 2.875% (2.875%) march 2014 march 2026 euro notes (b) 20ac500 (approximately $697) 2.875% (2.875%) may 2014 may 2029 swiss franc notes (c) chf275 (approximately $311) 0.750% (0.750%) may 2014 december 2019 swiss franc notes (b) chf250 (approximately $283) 1.625% (1.625%) may 2014 may 2024 u.s. dollar notes (d) $500 1.250% (1.250%) november 2014 november 2017 u.s. dollar notes (d) $750 3.250% (3.250%) november 2014 november 2024 u.s. dollar notes (d) $750 4.250% (4.250%) november 2014 november 2044 (a) interest on these notes is payable annually in arrears beginning in march 2015. (b) interest on these notes is payable annually in arrears beginning in may 2015. (c) interest on these notes is payable annually in arrears beginning in december 2014. (d) interest on these notes is payable semiannually in arrears beginning in may 2015. (e) u.s. dollar equivalents for foreign currency notes were calculated based on exchange rates on the date of issuance. the net proceeds from the sale of the securities listed in the table above will be used for general corporate purposes. the weighted-average time to maturity of our long-term debt was 10.8 years at the end of 2013 and 2014. 2022 off-balance sheet arrangements and aggregate contractual obligations we have no off-balance sheet arrangements, including special purpose entities, other than guarantees and contractual obligations discussed below. guarantees 2013 at december 31, 2014, we were contingently liable for $1.0 billion of guarantees of our own performance, which were primarily related to excise taxes on the shipment of our products. there is no liability in the consolidated financial statements associated with these guarantees. at december 31, 2014, our third-party guarantees were insignificant.. type | - | face value (e) | interest rate | issuance | maturity euro notes | (a) | 20ac750 (approximately $1029) | 1.875% (1.875%) | march 2014 | march 2021 euro notes | (a) | 20ac1000 (approximately $1372) | 2.875% (2.875%) | march 2014 | march 2026 euro notes | (b) | 20ac500 (approximately $697) | 2.875% (2.875%) | may 2014 | may 2029 swiss franc notes | (c) | chf275 (approximately $311) | 0.750% (0.750%) | may 2014 | december 2019 swiss franc notes | (b) | chf250 (approximately $283) | 1.625% (1.625%) | may 2014 | may 2024 u.s. dollar notes | (d) | $500 | 1.250% (1.250%) | november 2014 | november 2017 u.s. dollar notes | (d) | $750 | 3.250% (3.250%) | november 2014 | november 2024 u.s. dollar notes | (d) | $750 | 4.250% (4.250%) | november 2014 | november 2044 our debt issuances in 2014 were as follows: (in millions) type face value (e) interest rate issuance maturity euro notes (a) 20ac750 (approximately $1029) 1.875% (1.875%) march 2014 march 2021 euro notes (a) 20ac1000 (approximately $1372) 2.875% (2.875%) march 2014 march 2026 euro notes (b) 20ac500 (approximately $697) 2.875% (2.875%) may 2014 may 2029 swiss franc notes (c) chf275 (approximately $311) 0.750% (0.750%) may 2014 december 2019 swiss franc notes (b) chf250 (approximately $283) 1.625% (1.625%) may 2014 may 2024 u.s. dollar notes (d) $500 1.250% (1.250%) november 2014 november 2017 u.s. dollar notes (d) $750 3.250% (3.250%) november 2014 november 2024 u.s. dollar notes (d) $750 4.250% (4.250%) november 2014 november 2044 (a) interest on these notes is payable annually in arrears beginning in march 2015. (b) interest on these notes is payable annually in arrears beginning in may 2015. (c) interest on these notes is payable annually in arrears beginning in december 2014. (d) interest on these notes is payable semiannually in arrears beginning in may 2015. (e) u.s. dollar equivalents for foreign currency notes were calculated based on exchange rates on the date of issuance. the net proceeds from the sale of the securities listed in the table above will be used for general corporate purposes. the weighted-average time to maturity of our long-term debt was 10.8 years at the end of 2013 and 2014. 2022 off-balance sheet arrangements and aggregate contractual obligations we have no off-balance sheet arrangements, including special purpose entities, other than guarantees and contractual obligations discussed below. guarantees 2013 at december 31, 2014, we were contingently liable for $1.0 billion of guarantees of our own performance, which were primarily related to excise taxes on the shipment of our products. there is no liability in the consolidated financial statements associated with these guarantees. at december 31, 2014, our third-party guarantees were insignificant.. what is the value of euro notes with march 2021 maturities?
stock performance graph * $100 invested on 11/17/11 in our stock or 10/31/11 in the relevant index, including reinvestment of dividends. fiscal year ending december 31, 2014. (1) delphi automotive plc (2) s&p 500 2013 standard & poor 2019s 500 total return index (3) automotive supplier peer group 2013 russell 3000 auto parts index, including american axle & manufacturing, borgwarner inc., cooper tire & rubber company, dana holding corp., delphi automotive plc, dorman products inc., federal-mogul corp., ford motor co., fuel systems solutions inc., general motors co., gentex corp., gentherm inc., genuine parts co., johnson controls inc., lkq corp., lear corp., meritor inc., remy international inc., standard motor products inc., stoneridge inc., superior industries international, trw automotive holdings corp., tenneco inc., tesla motors inc., the goodyear tire & rubber co., tower international inc., visteon corp., and wabco holdings inc. company index november 17, december 31, december 31, december 31, december 31. company index | november 17 2011 | december 31 2011 | december 31 2012 | december 31 2013 | december 31 2014 delphi automotive plc (1) | $100.00 | $100.98 | $179.33 | $285.81 | $350.82 s&p 500 (2) | 100.00 | 100.80 | 116.93 | 154.80 | 175.99 automotive supplier peer group (3) | 100.00 | 89.27 | 110.41 | 166.46 | 178.05 dividends on february 26, 2013, the board of directors approved the initiation of dividend payments on the company's ordinary shares. the board of directors declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.17 per ordinary share that was paid in each quarter of 2013. in january 2014, the board of directors increased the quarterly dividend rate to $0.25 per ordinary share, which was paid in each quarter of 2014. in addition, in january 2015, the board of directors declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.25 per ordinary share, payable on february 27, 2015 to shareholders of record at the close of business on february 18, 2015.. what is the net change in value of delphi automotive plc from 2011 to 2014?
to, rather than as a substitute for, cash provided by operating activities. the following table reconciles cash provided by operating activities (gaap measure) to free cash flow (non-gaap measure):. millions | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 cash provided by operating activities | $7344 | $7385 | $6823 cash used in investing activities | -4476 (4476) | -4249 (4249) | -3405 (3405) dividends paid | -2344 (2344) | -1632 (1632) | -1333 (1333) free cash flow | $524 | $1504 | $2085 2016 outlook f0b7 safety 2013 operating a safe railroad benefits all our constituents: our employees, customers, shareholders and the communities we serve. we will continue using a multi-faceted approach to safety, utilizing technology, risk assessment, quality control, training and employee engagement, and targeted capital investments. we will continue using and expanding the deployment of total safety culture and courage to care throughout our operations, which allows us to identify and implement best practices for employee and operational safety. we will continue our efforts to increase detection of rail defects; improve or close crossings; and educate the public and law enforcement agencies about crossing safety through a combination of our own programs (including risk assessment strategies), industry programs and local community activities across our network. f0b7 network operations 2013 in 2016, we will continue to align resources with customer demand, continue to improve network performance, and maintain our surge capability. f0b7 fuel prices 2013 with the dramatic drop in fuel prices during 2015, fuel price projections continue to be uncertain in the current environment. we again could see volatile fuel prices during the year, as they are sensitive to global and u.s. domestic demand, refining capacity, geopolitical events, weather conditions and other factors. as prices fluctuate, there will be a timing impact on earnings, as our fuel surcharge programs trail fluctuations in fuel price by approximately two months. continuing lower fuel prices could have a positive impact on the economy by increasing consumer discretionary spending that potentially could increase demand for various consumer products that we transport. alternatively, lower fuel prices will likely have a negative impact on other commodities such as coal, frac sand and crude oil shipments. f0b7 capital plan 2013 in 2016, we expect our capital plan to be approximately $3.75 billion, including expenditures for ptc, 230 locomotives and 450 freight cars. the capital plan may be revised if business conditions warrant or if new laws or regulations affect our ability to generate sufficient returns on these investments. (see further discussion in this item 7 under liquidity and capital resources 2013 capital plan.) f0b7 financial expectations 2013 economic conditions in many of our market sectors continue to drive uncertainty with respect to our volume levels. we expect volumes to be down slightly in 2016 compared to 2015, but will depend on the overall economy and market conditions. the strong u.s. dollar and historic low commodity prices could also drive continued volatility. one of the biggest uncertainties is the outlook for energy markets, which will bring both challenges and opportunities. in the current environment, we expect continued margin improvement driven by continued pricing opportunities, ongoing productivity initiatives, and the ability to leverage our resources and strengthen our franchise. over the longer term, we expect the overall u.s. economy to continue to improve at a modest pace, with some markets outperforming others.. what was the free cash flow in 2015?
entergy texas, inc. management's financial discussion and analysis fuel and purchased power expenses increased primarily due to an increase in power purchases as a result of the purchased power agreements between entergy gulf states louisiana and entergy texas and an increase in the average market prices of purchased power and natural gas, substantially offset by a decrease in deferred fuel expense as a result of decreased recovery from customers of fuel costs. other regulatory charges increased primarily due to an increase of $6.9 million in the recovery of bond expenses related to the securitization bonds. the recovery became effective july 2007. see note 5 to the financial statements for additional information regarding the securitization bonds. 2007 compared to 2006 net revenue consists of operating revenues net of: 1) fuel, fuel-related expenses, and gas purchased for resale, 2) purchased power expenses, and 3) other regulatory charges. following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2007 to 2006. amount (in millions). - | amount (in millions) 2006 net revenue | $403.3 purchased power capacity | 13.1 securitization transition charge | 9.9 volume/weather | 9.7 transmission revenue | 6.1 base revenue | 2.6 other | -2.4 (2.4) 2007 net revenue | $442.3 the purchased power capacity variance is due to changes in the purchased power capacity costs included in the calculation in 2007 compared to 2006 used to bill generation costs between entergy texas and entergy gulf states louisiana. the securitization transition charge variance is due to the issuance of securitization bonds. as discussed above, in june 2007, egsrf i, a company wholly-owned and consolidated by entergy texas, issued securitization bonds and with the proceeds purchased from entergy texas the transition property, which is the right to recover from customers through a transition charge amounts sufficient to service the securitization bonds. see note 5 to the financial statements herein for details of the securitization bond issuance. the volume/weather variance is due to increased electricity usage on billed retail sales, including the effects of more favorable weather in 2007 compared to the same period in 2006. the increase is also due to an increase in usage during the unbilled sales period. retail electricity usage increased a total of 139 gwh in all sectors. see "critical accounting estimates" below and note 1 to the financial statements for further discussion of the accounting for unbilled revenues. the transmission revenue variance is due to an increase in rates effective june 2007 and new transmission customers in late 2006. the base revenue variance is due to the transition to competition rider that began in march 2006. refer to note 2 to the financial statements for further discussion of the rate increase. gross operating revenues, fuel and purchased power expenses, and other regulatory charges gross operating revenues decreased primarily due to a decrease of $179 million in fuel cost recovery revenues due to lower fuel rates and fuel refunds. the decrease was partially offset by the $39 million increase in net revenue described above and an increase of $44 million in wholesale revenues, including $30 million from the system agreement cost equalization payments from entergy arkansas. the receipt of such payments is being. what is the net revenue in 2007?
reinsurance commissions, fees and other revenue decreased 2% (2%) in 2014 reflecting a 1% (1%) unfavorable impact from foreign currency exchange rates and 1% (1%) decline in organic revenue growth due primarily to a significant unfavorable market impact in treaty, partially offset by net new business growth in treaty placements globally and growth in capital markets transactions and advisory business, as well as facultative placements. operating income operating income increased $108 million, or 7% (7%), from 2013 to $1.6 billion in 2014. in 2014, operating income margins in this segment were 21.0% (21.0%), an increase of 120 basis points from 19.8% (19.8%) in 2013. operating margin improvement was driven by solid organic revenue growth, return on investments, expense discipline and savings related to the restructuring programs, partially offset by a $61 million unfavorable impact from foreign currency exchange rates. hr solutions. years ended december 31 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 revenue | $4264 | $4057 | $3925 operating income | 485 | 318 | 289 operating margin | 11.4% (11.4%) | 7.8% (7.8%) | 7.4% (7.4%) our hr solutions segment generated approximately 35% (35%) of our consolidated total revenues in 2014 and provides a broad range of human capital services, as follows: 2022 retirement specializes in global actuarial services, defined contribution consulting, tax and erisa consulting, and pension administration. 2022 compensation focuses on compensatory advisory/counsel including: compensation planning design, executive reward strategies, salary survey and benchmarking, market share studies and sales force effectiveness, with special expertise in the financial services and technology industries. 2022 strategic human capital delivers advice to complex global organizations on talent, change and organizational effectiveness issues, including talent strategy and acquisition, executive on-boarding, performance management, leadership assessment and development, communication strategy, workforce training and change management. 2022 investment consulting advises public and private companies, other institutions and trustees on developing and maintaining investment programs across a broad range of plan types, including defined benefit plans, defined contribution plans, endowments and foundations. 2022 benefits administration applies our human resource expertise primarily through defined benefit (pension), defined contribution (401 (k)), and health and welfare administrative services. our model replaces the resource-intensive processes once required to administer benefit plans with more efficient, effective, and less costly solutions. 2022 exchanges is building and operating healthcare exchanges that provide employers with a cost effective alternative to traditional employee and retiree healthcare, while helping individuals select the insurance that best meets their needs. 2022 human resource business processing outsourcing provides market-leading solutions to manage employee data; administer benefits, payroll and other human resources processes; and record and manage talent, workforce and other core human resource process transactions as well as other complementary services such as flexible spending, dependent audit and participant advocacy. disruption in the global credit markets and the deterioration of the financial markets created significant uncertainty in the marketplace. weak economic conditions in many markets around the globe continued throughout 2014 and have adversely impacted our clients' financial condition and therefore the levels of business activities in the industries and geographies where we operate. while we believe that the majority of our practices are well positioned to manage through this time, these challenges are reducing demand for some of our services and putting continued pressure on the pricing of those services, which is having an adverse effect on our new business and results of operations.. what was the operating margin in 2014? 0.114 and what was it in 2013? 0.078 what was, then, the change over the year?
results of operations operating revenues millions 2014 2013 2012% (%) change 2014 v 2013% (%) change 2013 v 2012. millions | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 |% (%) change 2014 v 2013 |% (%) change 2013 v 2012 freight revenues | $22560 | $20684 | $19686 | 9% (9%) | 5% (5%) other revenues | 1428 | 1279 | 1240 | 12% (12%) | 3% (3%) total | $23988 | $21963 | $20926 | 9% (9%) | 5% (5%) we generate freight revenues by transporting freight or other materials from our six commodity groups. freight revenues vary with volume (carloads) and average revenue per car (arc). changes in price, traffic mix and fuel surcharges drive arc. we provide some of our customers with contractual incentives for meeting or exceeding specified cumulative volumes or shipping to and from specific locations, which we record as reductions to freight revenues based on the actual or projected future shipments. we recognize freight revenues as shipments move from origin to destination. we allocate freight revenues between reporting periods based on the relative transit time in each reporting period and recognize expenses as we incur them. other revenues include revenues earned by our subsidiaries, revenues from our commuter rail operations, and accessorial revenues, which we earn when customers retain equipment owned or controlled by us or when we perform additional services such as switching or storage. we recognize other revenues as we perform services or meet contractual obligations. freight revenues from all six commodity groups increased during 2014 compared to 2013 driven by 7% (7%) volume growth and core pricing gains of 2.5% (2.5%). volume growth from grain, frac sand, rock, and intermodal (domestic and international) shipments offset declines in crude oil. freight revenues from five of our six commodity groups increased during 2013 compared to 2012. revenue from agricultural products was down slightly compared to 2012. arc increased 5% (5%), driven by core pricing gains, shifts in business mix and an automotive logistics management arrangement. volume essentially was flat year over year as growth in automotive, frac sand, crude oil and domestic intermodal offset declines in coal, international intermodal and grain shipments. our fuel surcharge programs generated freight revenues of $2.8 billion, $2.6 billion, and $2.6 billion in 2014, 2013, and 2012, respectively. fuel surcharge in 2014 increased 6% (6%) driven by our 7% (7%) carloadings increase. fuel surcharge in 2013 essentially was flat versus 2012 as lower fuel price offset improved fuel recovery provisions and the lag effect of our programs (surcharges trail fluctuations in fuel price by approximately two months). in 2014, other revenue increased from 2013 due to higher revenues at our subsidiaries, primarily those that broker intermodal and automotive services, accessorial revenue driven by increased volume and per diem revenue for container usage (previously included in automotive freight revenue). in 2013, other revenue increased from 2012 due primarily to miscellaneous contract revenue and higher revenues at our subsidiaries that broker intermodal and automotive services.. what was the fuel surcharge program freight revenue in 2014? 2.8 and in 2013? 2.6 so what was the difference between these two values? 0.2 so what was the percentage change during this time?
z i m m e r h o l d i n g s, i n c. a n d s u b s i d i a r i e s 2 0 0 3 f o r m 1 0 - k notes to consolidated financial statements (continued) the unaudited pro forma results for 2003 include events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying $90.4 million of expense related to centerpulse hip and knee value of an asset may not be recoverable. an impairment loss litigation, $54.4 million of cash income tax benefits as a result would be recognized when estimated future cash flows of centerpulse electing to carry back its 2002 u.s. federal net relating to the asset are less than its carrying amount. operating loss for 5 years versus 10 years, which resulted in depreciation of instruments is recognized as selling, general more losses being carried forward to future years and less and administrative expense, consistent with the classification tax credits going unutilized due to the shorter carry back of instrument cost in periods prior to january 1, 2003. period and an $8.0 million gain on sale of orquest inc., an prior to january 1, 2003, undeployed instruments were investment previously held by centerpulse. the unaudited carried as a prepaid expense at cost, net of allowances for pro forma results are not necessarily indicative either of the obsolescence ($54.8 million, net, at december 31, 2002), and results of operations that actually would have resulted had recognized in selling, general and administrative expense in the exchange offers been in effect at the beginning of the the year in which the instruments were placed into service. respective years or of future results. the new method of accounting for instruments was adopted to recognize the cost of these important assets of the transfx company 2019s business within the consolidated balance sheet on june 25, 2003, the company acquired the transfx and meaningfully allocate the cost of these assets over the external fixation system product line from immedica, inc. periods benefited, typically five years. for approximately $14.8 million cash, which has been the effect of the change during the year ended allocated primarily to goodwill and technology based december 31, 2003 was to increase earnings before intangible assets. the company has sold the transfx cumulative effect of change in accounting principle by product line since early 2001 under a distribution agreement $26.8 million ($17.8 million net of tax), or $0.08 per diluted with immedica. share. the cumulative effect adjustment of $55.1 million (net of income taxes of $34.0 million) to retroactively apply the implex corp. new capitalization method as if applied in years prior to 2003 on march 2, 2004, the company entered into an is included in earnings during the year ended december 31, amended and restated merger agreement relating to the 2003. the pro forma amounts shown on the consolidated acquisition of implex corp. (2018 2018implex 2019 2019), a privately held statement of earnings have been adjusted for the effect of orthopaedics company based in new jersey, for cash. each the retroactive application on depreciation and related share of implex stock will be converted into the right to income taxes. receive cash having an aggregate value of approximately $108.0 million at closing and additional cash earn-out 5. inventories payments that are contingent on the growth of implex inventories at december 31, 2003 and 2002, consist of product sales through 2006. the net value transferred at the following (in millions): closing will be approximately $89 million, which includes. - | 2003 | 2002 finished goods | $384.3 | $206.7 raw materials and work in progress | 90.8 | 50.9 inventory step-up | 52.6 | 2013 inventories net | $527.7 | $257.6 made by zimmer to implex pursuant to their existing alliance raw materials and work in progress 90.8 50.9 arrangement, escrow and other items. the acquisition will be inventory step-up 52.6 2013 accounted for under the purchase method of accounting. inventories, net $527.7 $257.6 reserves for obsolete and slow-moving inventory at4. change in accounting principle december 31, 2003 and 2002 were $47.4 million and instruments are hand held devices used by orthopaedic $45.5 million, respectively. provisions charged to expense surgeons during total joint replacement and other surgical were $11.6 million, $6.0 million and $11.9 million for the procedures. effective january 1, 2003, instruments are years ended december 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively. recognized as long-lived assets and are included in property, amounts written off against the reserve were $11.7 million, plant and equipment. undeployed instruments are carried at $7.1 million and $8.5 million for the years ended cost, net of allowances for obsolescence. instruments in the december 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively. field are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation. following the acquisition of centerpulse, the company depreciation is computed using the straight-line method established a common approach for estimating excess based on average estimated useful lives, determined inventory and instruments. this change in estimate resulted principally in reference to associated product life cycles, in a charge to earnings of $3.0 million after tax in the fourth primarily five years. in accordance with sfas no. 144, the quarter. company reviews instruments for impairment whenever. what were net inventories in 2003?
in addition to the committed credit facilities discussed above, certain of our subsidiaries maintain short-term credit arrangements to meet their respective working capital needs. these credit arrangements, which amounted to approximately $2.9 billion at december 31, 2015, and $3.2 billion at december 31, 2014, are for the sole use of our subsidiaries. borrowings under these arrangements amounted to $825 million at december 31, 2015, and $1.2 billion at december 31, 2014. commercial paper program 2013 we have commercial paper programs in place in the u.s. and in europe. at december 31, 2015 and december 31, 2014, we had no commercial paper outstanding. effective april 19, 2013, our commercial paper program in the u.s. was increased by $2.0 billion. as a result, our commercial paper programs in place in the u.s. and in europe currently have an aggregate issuance capacity of $8.0 billion. we expect that the existence of the commercial paper program and the committed credit facilities, coupled with our operating cash flows, will enable us to meet our liquidity requirements. sale of accounts receivable 2013 to mitigate credit risk and enhance cash and liquidity management we sell trade receivables to unaffiliated financial institutions. these arrangements allow us to sell, on an ongoing basis, certain trade receivables without recourse. the trade receivables sold are generally short-term in nature and are removed from the consolidated balance sheets. we sell trade receivables under two types of arrangements, servicing and non-servicing. pmi 2019s operating cash flows were positively impacted by the amount of the trade receivables sold and derecognized from the consolidated balance sheets, which remained outstanding with the unaffiliated financial institutions. the trade receivables sold that remained outstanding under these arrangements as of december 31, 2015, 2014 and 2013 were $888 million, $120 million and $146 million, respectively. the net proceeds received are included in cash provided by operating activities in the consolidated statements of cash flows. for further details, see item 8, note 23. sale of accounts receivable to our consolidated financial statements. debt 2013 our total debt was $28.5 billion at december 31, 2015, and $29.5 billion at december 31, 2014. our total debt is primarily fixed rate in nature. for further details, see item 8, note 7. indebtedness. the weighted-average all-in financing cost of our total debt was 3.0% (3.0%) in 2015, compared to 3.2% (3.2%) in 2014. see item 8, note 16. fair value measurements to our consolidated financial statements for a discussion of our disclosures related to the fair value of debt. the amount of debt that we can issue is subject to approval by our board of directors. on february 21, 2014, we filed a shelf registration statement with the u.s. securities and exchange commission, under which we may from time to time sell debt securities and/or warrants to purchase debt securities over a three-year period. our debt issuances in 2015 were as follows: (in millions) type face value interest rate issuance maturity u.s. dollar notes (a) $500 1.250% (1.250%) august 2015 august 2017 u.s. dollar notes (a) $750 3.375% (3.375%) august 2015 august 2025 (a) interest on these notes is payable annually in arrears beginning in february 2016. the net proceeds from the sale of the securities listed in the table above will be used for general corporate purposes. the weighted-average time to maturity of our long-term debt was 10.8 years at the end of 2014 and 10.5 years at the end of 2015. 2022 off-balance sheet arrangements and aggregate contractual obligations we have no off-balance sheet arrangements, including special purpose entities, other than guarantees and contractual obligations discussed below.. type | - | face value | interest rate | issuance | maturity u.s. dollar notes | (a) | $500 | 1.250% (1.250%) | august 2015 | august 2017 u.s. dollar notes | (a) | $750 | 3.375% (3.375%) | august 2015 | august 2025 in addition to the committed credit facilities discussed above, certain of our subsidiaries maintain short-term credit arrangements to meet their respective working capital needs. these credit arrangements, which amounted to approximately $2.9 billion at december 31, 2015, and $3.2 billion at december 31, 2014, are for the sole use of our subsidiaries. borrowings under these arrangements amounted to $825 million at december 31, 2015, and $1.2 billion at december 31, 2014. commercial paper program 2013 we have commercial paper programs in place in the u.s. and in europe. at december 31, 2015 and december 31, 2014, we had no commercial paper outstanding. effective april 19, 2013, our commercial paper program in the u.s. was increased by $2.0 billion. as a result, our commercial paper programs in place in the u.s. and in europe currently have an aggregate issuance capacity of $8.0 billion. we expect that the existence of the commercial paper program and the committed credit facilities, coupled with our operating cash flows, will enable us to meet our liquidity requirements. sale of accounts receivable 2013 to mitigate credit risk and enhance cash and liquidity management we sell trade receivables to unaffiliated financial institutions. these arrangements allow us to sell, on an ongoing basis, certain trade receivables without recourse. the trade receivables sold are generally short-term in nature and are removed from the consolidated balance sheets. we sell trade receivables under two types of arrangements, servicing and non-servicing. pmi 2019s operating cash flows were positively impacted by the amount of the trade receivables sold and derecognized from the consolidated balance sheets, which remained outstanding with the unaffiliated financial institutions. the trade receivables sold that remained outstanding under these arrangements as of december 31, 2015, 2014 and 2013 were $888 million, $120 million and $146 million, respectively. the net proceeds received are included in cash provided by operating activities in the consolidated statements of cash flows. for further details, see item 8, note 23. sale of accounts receivable to our consolidated financial statements. debt 2013 our total debt was $28.5 billion at december 31, 2015, and $29.5 billion at december 31, 2014. our total debt is primarily fixed rate in nature. for further details, see item 8, note 7. indebtedness. the weighted-average all-in financing cost of our total debt was 3.0% (3.0%) in 2015, compared to 3.2% (3.2%) in 2014. see item 8, note 16. fair value measurements to our consolidated financial statements for a discussion of our disclosures related to the fair value of debt. the amount of debt that we can issue is subject to approval by our board of directors. on february 21, 2014, we filed a shelf registration statement with the u.s. securities and exchange commission, under which we may from time to time sell debt securities and/or warrants to purchase debt securities over a three-year period. our debt issuances in 2015 were as follows: (in millions) type face value interest rate issuance maturity u.s. dollar notes (a) $500 1.250% (1.250%) august 2015 august 2017 u.s. dollar notes (a) $750 3.375% (3.375%) august 2015 august 2025 (a) interest on these notes is payable annually in arrears beginning in february 2016. the net proceeds from the sale of the securities listed in the table above will be used for general corporate purposes. the weighted-average time to maturity of our long-term debt was 10.8 years at the end of 2014 and 10.5 years at the end of 2015. 2022 off-balance sheet arrangements and aggregate contractual obligations we have no off-balance sheet arrangements, including special purpose entities, other than guarantees and contractual obligations discussed below.. what was the change in the total debt from 2014 to 2015? -1.0 and what was that total debt in 2014?
19. income taxes (continued) capital loss carryforwards of $69 million and $90 million, which were acquired in the bgi transaction and will expire on or before 2013. at december 31, 2012 and 2011, the company had $95 million and $95 million of valuation allowances for deferred income tax assets, respectively, recorded on the consolidated statements of financial condition. the year- over-year increase in the valuation allowance primarily related to certain foreign deferred income tax assets. goodwill recorded in connection with the quellos transaction has been reduced during the period by the amount of tax benefit realized from tax-deductible goodwill. see note 9, goodwill, for further discussion. current income taxes are recorded net in the consolidated statements of financial condition when related to the same tax jurisdiction. as of december 31, 2012, the company had current income taxes receivable and payable of $102 million and $121 million, respectively, recorded in other assets and accounts payable and accrued liabilities, respectively. as of december 31, 2011, the company had current income taxes receivable and payable of $108 million and $102 million, respectively, recorded in other assets and accounts payable and accrued liabilities, respectively. the company does not provide deferred taxes on the excess of the financial reporting over tax basis on its investments in foreign subsidiaries that are essentially permanent in duration. the excess totaled $2125 million and $1516 million as of december 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively. the determination of the additional deferred income taxes on the excess has not been provided because it is not practicable due to the complexities associated with its hypothetical calculation. the following tabular reconciliation presents the total amounts of gross unrecognized tax benefits: year ended december 31, (dollar amounts in millions) 2012 2011 2010. (dollar amounts in millions) | year ended december 31, 2012 | year ended december 31, 2011 | year ended december 31, 2010 balance at january 1 | $349 | $307 | $285 additions for tax positions of prior years | 4 | 22 | 10 reductions for tax positions of prior years | -1 (1) | -1 (1) | -17 (17) additions based on tax positions related to current year | 69 | 46 | 35 lapse of statute of limitations | 2014 | 2014 | -8 (8) settlements | -29 (29) | -25 (25) | -2 (2) positions assumed in acquisitions | 12 | 2014 | 4 balance at december 31 | $404 | $349 | $307 included in the balance of unrecognized tax benefits at december 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010, respectively, are $250 million, $226 million and $194 million of tax benefits that, if recognized, would affect the effective tax rate. the company recognizes interest and penalties related to income tax matters as a component of income tax expense. related to the unrecognized tax benefits noted above, the company accrued interest and penalties of $3 million during 2012 and in total, as of december 31, 2012, had recognized a liability for interest and penalties of $69 million. the company accrued interest and penalties of $10 million during 2011 and in total, as of december 31, 2011, had recognized a liability for interest and penalties of $66 million. the company accrued interest and penalties of $8 million during 2010 and in total, as of december 31, 2010, had recognized a liability for interest and penalties of $56 million. pursuant to the amended and restated stock purchase agreement, the company has been indemnified by barclays for $73 million and guggenheim for $6 million of unrecognized tax benefits. blackrock is subject to u.s. federal income tax, state and local income tax, and foreign income tax in multiple jurisdictions. tax years after 2007 remain open to u.s. federal income tax examination, tax years after 2005 remain open to state and local income tax examination, and tax years after 2006 remain open to income tax examination in the united kingdom. with few exceptions, as of december 31, 2012, the company is no longer subject to u.s. federal, state, local or foreign examinations by tax authorities for years before 2006. the internal revenue service (201cirs 201d) completed its examination of blackrock 2019s 2006 and 2007 tax years in march 2011. in november 2011, the irs commenced its examination of blackrock 2019s 2008 and 2009 tax years, and while the impact on the consolidated financial statements is undetermined, it is not expected to be material. in july 2011, the irs commenced its federal income tax audit of the bgi group, which blackrock acquired in december 2009. the tax years under examination are 2007 through december 1, 2009, and while the impact on the consolidated financial statements is undetermined, it is not expected to be material. the company is currently under audit in several state and local jurisdictions. the significant state and local income tax examinations are in california for tax years 2004 through 2006, new york city for tax years 2007 through 2008, and new jersey for tax years 2003 through 2009. no state and local income tax audits cover years earlier than 2007 except for california, new jersey and new york city. no state and local income tax audits are expected to result in an assessment material to the consolidated financial statements.. what was the change in the balance from the start of 2010 to the end of 2012?
part ii item 5. market for registrant 2019s common equity, related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities the following table presents reported quarterly high and low per share sale prices of our common stock on the new york stock exchange (201cnyse 201d) for the years 2008 and 2007.. 2008 | high | low quarter ended march 31 | $42.72 | $32.10 quarter ended june 30 | 46.10 | 38.53 quarter ended september 30 | 43.43 | 31.89 quarter ended december 31 | 37.28 | 19.35 2007 | high | low quarter ended march 31 | $41.31 | $36.63 quarter ended june 30 | 43.84 | 37.64 quarter ended september 30 | 45.45 | 36.34 quarter ended december 31 | 46.53 | 40.08 on february 13, 2009, the closing price of our common stock was $28.85 per share as reported on the nyse. as of february 13, 2009, we had 397097677 outstanding shares of common stock and 499 registered holders. dividends we have never paid a dividend on our common stock. we anticipate that we may retain future earnings, if any, to fund the development and growth of our business. the indentures governing our 7.50% (7.50%) senior notes due 2012 (201c7.50% (201c7.50%) notes 201d) and our 7.125% (7.125%) senior notes due 2012 (201c7.125% (201c7.125%) notes 201d) may prohibit us from paying dividends to our stockholders unless we satisfy certain financial covenants. the loan agreement for our revolving credit facility and term loan, and the indentures governing the terms of our 7.50% (7.50%) notes and 7.125% (7.125%) notes contain covenants that restrict our ability to pay dividends unless certain financial covenants are satisfied. in addition, while spectrasite and its subsidiaries are classified as unrestricted subsidiaries under the indentures for our 7.50% (7.50%) notes and 7.125% (7.125%) notes, certain of spectrasite 2019s subsidiaries are subject to restrictions on the amount of cash that they can distribute to us under the loan agreement related to our securitization transaction. for more information about the restrictions under the loan agreement for the revolving credit facility and term loan, our notes indentures and the loan agreement related to our securitization transaction, see item 7 of this annual report under the caption 201cmanagement 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2014liquidity and capital resources 2014factors affecting sources of liquidity 201d and note 6 to our consolidated financial statements included in this annual report.. what was the highest price of the company's share price for the quarter ended march 31, 2008? 42.72 what was the lowest price? 32.1 what is the net difference? 10.62 what was the low price?
the pnc financial services group, inc. 2013 form 10-k 155 of such other legal proceedings will have a material adverse effect on our financial position. however, we cannot now determine whether or not any claims asserted against us or others to whom we may have indemnification obligations, whether in the proceedings or other matters described above or otherwise, will have a material adverse effect on our results of operations in any future reporting period, which will depend on, among other things, the amount of the loss resulting from the claim and the amount of income otherwise reported for the reporting period. note 20 commitments in the normal course of business, we have various commitments outstanding, certain of which are not included on our consolidated balance sheet. the following table presents our outstanding commitments to extend credit along with significant other commitments as of december 31, 2018 and 2017, respectively. table 94: commitments to extend credit and other commitments in millions december 31 december 31. in millions | december 31 2018 | december 312017 commitments to extend credit | - | - total commercial lending | $120165 | $112125 home equity lines of credit | 16944 | 17852 credit card | 27100 | 24911 other | 5069 | 4753 total commitments to extend credit | 169278 | 159641 net outstanding standby letters of credit (a) | 8655 | 8651 reinsurance agreements (b) | 1549 | 1654 standby bond purchase agreements (c) | 1000 | 843 other commitments (d) | 1130 | 1732 total commitments to extend credit and other commitments | $181612 | $172521 commitments to extend credit, or net unfunded loan commitments, represent arrangements to lend funds or provide liquidity subject to specified contractual conditions. these commitments generally have fixed expiration dates, may require payment of a fee, and generally contain termination clauses in the event the customer 2019s credit quality deteriorates. net outstanding standby letters of credit we issue standby letters of credit and share in the risk of standby letters of credit issued by other financial institutions, in each case to support obligations of our customers to third parties, such as insurance requirements and the facilitation of transactions involving capital markets product execution. approximately 91% (91%) of our net outstanding standby letters of credit were rated as pass at both december 31, 2018 and 2017, with the remainder rated as criticized. an internal credit rating of pass indicates the expected risk of loss is currently low, while a rating of criticized indicates a higher degree of risk. if the customer fails to meet its financial or performance obligation to the third party under the terms of the contract or there is a need to support a remarketing program, then upon a draw by a beneficiary, subject to the terms of the letter of credit, we would be obligated to make payment to them. the standby letters of credit outstanding on december 31, 2018 had terms ranging from less than one year to six years. as of december 31, 2018, assets of $1.1 billion secured certain specifically identified standby letters of credit. in addition, a portion of the remaining standby letters of credit issued on behalf of specific customers is also secured by collateral or guarantees that secure the customers 2019 other obligations to us. the carrying amount of the liability for our obligations related to standby letters of credit and participations in standby letters of credit was $.2 billion at december 31, 2018 and is included in other liabilities on our consolidated balance sheet.. what is the net change in total commitments to extend credit and other commitments from 2017 to 2018?
part ii. item 5. market for registrant 2019s common equity, related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities our common stock is traded on the nasdaq global select market under the symbol cdns. as of february 2, 2019, we had 523 registered stockholders and approximately 56000 beneficial owners of our common stock. stockholder return performance graph the following graph compares the cumulative 5-year total stockholder return on our common stock relative to the cumulative total return of the nasdaq composite index, the s&p 500 index and the s&p 500 information technology index. the graph assumes that the value of the investment in our common stock and in each index on december 28, 2013 (including reinvestment of dividends) was $100 and tracks it each year thereafter on the last day of our fiscal year through december 29, 2018 and, for each index, on the last day of the calendar year. comparison of 5 year cumulative total return* among cadence design systems, inc., the nasdaq composite index, the s&p 500 index and the s&p 500 information technology index 12/29/181/2/16 12/30/1712/28/13 12/31/161/3/15 *$100 invested on 12/28/13 in stock or index, including reinvestment of dividends. fiscal year ending december 29. copyright a9 2019 standard & poor 2019s, a division of s&p global. all rights reserved. nasdaq compositecadence design systems, inc. s&p 500 s&p 500 information technology. - | 12/28/2013 | 1/3/2015 | 1/2/2016 | 12/31/2016 | 12/30/2017 | 12/29/2018 cadence design systems inc. | $100.00 | $135.18 | $149.39 | $181.05 | $300.22 | $311.13 nasdaq composite | 100.00 | 112.60 | 113.64 | 133.19 | 172.11 | 165.84 s&p 500 | 100.00 | 110.28 | 109.54 | 129.05 | 157.22 | 150.33 s&p 500 information technology | 100.00 | 115.49 | 121.08 | 144.85 | 201.10 | 200.52 the stock price performance included in this graph is not necessarily indicative of future stock price performance.. what is the value of cadence design system in 2018 less an initial investment of $100? 211.13 what is that divided by 100? 2.1113 what is the value of the nasdaq composite in 2018 less 100?
during 2015, $82 million of provision recapture was recorded for purchased impaired loans compared to $91 million of provision recapture during 2014. charge-offs (which were specifically for commercial loans greater than a defined threshold) during 2015 were $12 million compared to $42 million during 2014. at december 31, 2015 and december 31, 2014, the alll on total purchased impaired loans was $.3 billion and $.9 billion, respectively. the decline in alll was primarily due to the change in our derecognition policy. for purchased impaired loan pools where an allowance has been recognized, subsequent increases in the net present value of cash flows will result in a provision recapture of any previously recorded alll to the extent applicable, and/or a reclassification from non-accretable difference to accretable yield, which will be recognized prospectively. individual loan transactions where final dispositions have occurred (as noted above) result in removal of the loans from their applicable pools for cash flow estimation purposes. the cash flow re- estimation process is completed quarterly to evaluate the appropriateness of the alll associated with the purchased impaired loans. activity for the accretable yield during 2015 and 2014 follows: table 66: purchased impaired loans 2013 accretable yield. in millions | 2015 | 2014 january 1 | $1558 | $2055 accretion (including excess cash recoveries) | -466 (466) | -587 (587) net reclassifications to accretable from non-accretable | 226 | 208 disposals | -68 (68) | -118 (118) december 31 | $1250 | $1558 note 5 allowances for loan and lease losses and unfunded loan commitments and letters of credit allowance for loan and lease losses we maintain the alll at levels that we believe to be appropriate to absorb estimated probable credit losses incurred in the portfolios as of the balance sheet date. we use the two main portfolio segments 2013 commercial lending and consumer lending 2013 and develop and document the alll under separate methodologies for each of these segments as discussed in note 1 accounting policies. a rollforward of the alll and associated loan data follows. the pnc financial services group, inc. 2013 form 10-k 141. what was the net change on all total purchased impaired loans between 12/31/15 and 12/31/14? -0.6 what was the total provision recapture for purchased impaired loans between 2014 and 2015?
entergy corporation and subsidiaries notes to financial statements (a) consists of pollution control revenue bonds and environmental revenue bonds, some of which are secured by collateral first mortgage bonds. (b) these notes do not have a stated interest rate, but have an implicit interest rate of 4.8% (4.8%). (c) pursuant to the nuclear waste policy act of 1982, entergy 2019s nuclear owner/licensee subsidiaries have contracts with the doe for spent nuclear fuel disposal service. the contracts include a one-time fee for generation prior to april 7, 1983. entergy arkansas is the only entergy company that generated electric power with nuclear fuel prior to that date and includes the one-time fee, plus accrued interest, in long-term debt. (d) see note 10 to the financial statements for further discussion of the waterford 3 and grand gulf lease obligations. (e) the fair value excludes lease obligations of $109 million at entergy louisiana and $34 million at system energy, long-term doe obligations of $181 million at entergy arkansas, and the note payable to nypa of $35 million at entergy, and includes debt due within one year. fair values are classified as level 2 in the fair value hierarchy discussed in note 16 to the financial statements and are based on prices derived from inputs such as benchmark yields and reported trades. the annual long-term debt maturities (excluding lease obligations and long-term doe obligations) for debt outstanding as of december 31, 2015, for the next five years are as follows: amount (in thousands). - | amount (in thousands) 2016 | $204079 2017 | $766451 2018 | $822690 2019 | $768588 2020 | $1631181 in november 2000, entergy 2019s non-utility nuclear business purchased the fitzpatrick and indian point 3 power plants in a seller-financed transaction. entergy issued notes to nypa with seven annual installments of approximately $108 million commencing one year from the date of the closing, and eight annual installments of $20 million commencing eight years from the date of the closing. these notes do not have a stated interest rate, but have an implicit interest rate of 4.8% (4.8%). in accordance with the purchase agreement with nypa, the purchase of indian point 2 in 2001 resulted in entergy becoming liable to nypa for an additional $10 million per year for 10 years, beginning in september 2003. this liability was recorded upon the purchase of indian point 2 in september 2001. as part of the purchase agreement with nypa, entergy recorded a liability representing the net present value of the payments entergy would be liable to nypa for each year that the fitzpatrick and indian point 3 power plants would run beyond their respective original nrc license expiration date. with the planned shutdown of fitzpatrick at the end of its current fuel cycle, entergy reduced this liability by $26.4 million in 2015 pursuant to the terms of the purchase agreement. under a provision in a letter of credit supporting these notes, if certain of the utility operating companies or system energy were to default on other indebtedness, entergy could be required to post collateral to support the letter of credit. entergy louisiana, entergy mississippi, entergy texas, and system energy have obtained long-term financing authorizations from the ferc that extend through october 2017. entergy arkansas has obtained long-term financing authorization from the apsc that extends through december 2018. entergy new orleans has obtained long-term financing authorization from the city council that extends through july 2016. capital funds agreement pursuant to an agreement with certain creditors, entergy corporation has agreed to supply system energy with sufficient capital to:. what was the amount of long-term debt maturities in 2018? 822690.0 and in 2019? 768588.0 so what was the difference between these two years? 54102.0 and the value for 2019 specifically? 768588.0 and the percentage change during this time?
table of contents adobe inc. notes to consolidated financial statements (continued) certain states and foreign jurisdictions to fully utilize available tax credits and other attributes. the deferred tax assets are offset by a valuation allowance to the extent it is more likely than not that they are not expected to be realized. we provide u.s. income taxes on the earnings of foreign subsidiaries unless the subsidiaries 2019 earnings are considered permanently reinvested outside the united states or are exempted from taxation as a result of the new territorial tax system. to the extent that the foreign earnings previously treated as permanently reinvested are repatriated, the related u.s. tax liability may be reduced by any foreign income taxes paid on these earnings. as of november 30, 2018, the cumulative amount of earnings upon which u.s. income taxes have not been provided is approximately $275 million. the unrecognized deferred tax liability for these earnings is approximately $57.8 million. as of november 30, 2018, we have net operating loss carryforwards of approximately $881.1 million for federal and $349.7 million for state. we also have federal, state and foreign tax credit carryforwards of approximately $8.8 million, $189.9 million and $14.9 million, respectively. the net operating loss carryforward assets and tax credits will expire in various years from fiscal 2019 through 2036. the state tax credit carryforwards and a portion of the federal net operating loss carryforwards can be carried forward indefinitely. the net operating loss carryforward assets and certain credits are reduced by the valuation allowance and are subject to an annual limitation under internal revenue code section 382, the carrying amount of which are expected to be fully realized. as of november 30, 2018, a valuation allowance of $174.5 million has been established for certain deferred tax assets related to certain state and foreign assets. for fiscal 2018, the total change in the valuation allowance was $80.9 million. accounting for uncertainty in income taxes during fiscal 2018 and 2017, our aggregate changes in our total gross amount of unrecognized tax benefits are summarized as follows (in thousands):. - | 2018 | 2017 beginning balance | $172945 | $178413 gross increases in unrecognized tax benefits 2013 prior year tax positions | 16191 | 3680 gross decreases in unrecognized tax benefits 2013 prior year tax positions | -4000 (4000) | -30166 (30166) gross increases in unrecognized tax benefits 2013 current year tax positions | 60721 | 24927 settlements with taxing authorities | 2014 | -3876 (3876) lapse of statute of limitations | -45922 (45922) | -8819 (8819) foreign exchange gains and losses | -3783 (3783) | 8786 ending balance | $196152 | $172945 the combined amount of accrued interest and penalties related to tax positions taken on our tax returns were approximately $24.6 million and $23.6 million for fiscal 2018 and 2017, respectively. these amounts were included in long-term income taxes payable in their respective years. we file income tax returns in the united states on a federal basis and in many u.s. state and foreign jurisdictions. we are subject to the continual examination of our income tax returns by the irs and other domestic and foreign tax authorities. our major tax jurisdictions are ireland, california and the united states. for ireland, california and the united states, the earliest fiscal years open for examination are 2008, 2014 and 2015, respectively. we regularly assess the likelihood of outcomes resulting from these examinations to determine the adequacy of our provision for income taxes and have reserved for potential adjustments that may result from these examinations. we believe such estimates to be reasonable; however, there can be no assurance that the final determination of any of these examinations will not have an adverse effect on our operating results and financial position. the timing of the resolution of income tax examinations is highly uncertain as are the amounts and timing of tax payments that are part of any audit settlement process. these events could cause large fluctuations in the balance of short-term and long- term assets, liabilities and income taxes payable. we believe that within the next 12 months, it is reasonably possible that either certain audits will conclude or statutes of limitations on certain income tax examination periods will expire, or both. given the uncertainties described above, we can only determine a range of estimated potential effect in underlying unrecognized tax benefits ranging from $0 to approximately $45 million.. between the years of 2017 and 2018, what was the variation observed in the total gross amount of unrecognized tax benefits? 23207.0 and what was that total gross amount in 2017? 172945.0 what percentage, then, of this amount did that variation represent?
devon energy corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2013 (continued) asset divestitures in conjunction with the asset divestitures in 2013 and 2014, devon removed $26 million and $706 million of goodwill, respectively, which were allocated to these assets. impairment devon 2019s canadian goodwill was originally recognized in 2001 as a result of a business combination consisting almost entirely of conventional gas assets that devon no longer owns. as a result of performing the goodwill impairment test described in note 1, devon concluded the implied fair value of its canadian goodwill was zero as of december 31, 2014. this conclusion was largely based on the significant decline in benchmark oil prices, particularly after opec 2019s decision not to reduce its production targets that was announced in late november 2014. consequently, in the fourth quarter of 2014, devon wrote off its remaining canadian goodwill and recognized a $1.9 billion impairment. other intangible assets as of december 31, 2014, intangible assets associated with customer relationships had a gross carrying amount of $569 million and $36 million of accumulated amortization. the weighted-average amortization period for the customer relationships is 13.7 years. amortization expense for intangibles was approximately $36 million for the year ended december 31, 2014. other intangible assets are reported in other long-term assets in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets. the following table summarizes the estimated aggregate amortization expense for the next five years. year amortization amount (in millions). year | amortization amount (in millions) 2015 | $45 2016 | $45 2017 | $45 2018 | $45 2019 | $44 . what was the total amortization amount in the years of 2015 to 2018?
28 2014 annual report performance graph the following chart presents a comparison for the five-year period ended june 30, 2014, of the market performance of the company 2019s common stock with the s & p 500 index and an index of peer companies selected by the company: comparison of 5 year cumulative total return among jack henry & associates, inc., the s&p 500 index, and a peer group the following information depicts a line graph with the following values:. - | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 jkhy | 100.00 | 116.85 | 148.92 | 173.67 | 240.25 | 307.57 old peer group | 100.00 | 112.45 | 150.77 | 176.12 | 220.42 | 275.73 new peer group | 100.00 | 115.50 | 159.31 | 171.86 | 198.72 | 273.95 s & p 500 | 100.00 | 114.43 | 149.55 | 157.70 | 190.18 | 236.98 this comparison assumes $100 was invested on june 30, 2009, and assumes reinvestments of dividends. total returns are calculated according to market capitalization of peer group members at the beginning of each period. peer companies selected are in the business of providing specialized computer software, hardware and related services to financial institutions and other businesses. in fiscal 2014, we changed our peer group of companies used for this analysis to maintain alignment with peer companies selected by our compensation committee for use in determining compensation for executive management. companies in the new peer group are aci worldwide, inc., bottomline technology, inc., broadridge financial solutions, cardtronics, inc., convergys corp., corelogic, inc., dst systems, inc., euronet worldwide, inc., fair isaac corp., fidelity national information services, inc., fiserv, inc., global payments, inc., heartland payment systems, inc., micros systems, inc., moneygram international, inc., ss&c technologies holdings, inc., total systems services, inc., tyler technologies, inc., verifone systems, inc., and wex, inc.. companies in the old peer group are aci worldwide, inc., bottomline technology, inc., cerner corp., dst systems, inc., euronet worldwide, inc., fair isaac corp., fidelity national information services, inc., fiserv, inc., sei investments company, telecommunications systems, inc., and tyler technologies corp.. what was the annual performance of the jkhy stock in 2010? 116.85 and what was it in 2009? 100.0 what was, then, the change in that performance over the year? 16.85 and how much does this change represent in relation to the 2009 performance?