Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_77449 ( "Game" text, "Date" text, "Opponent" text, "Result" text, "Dolphins' points" text, "Opponents' Points" text, "Record" text, "Streak" text, "Attendance" text ) ### Question ### What is the streak for game 2? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "Streak" FROM table_77449 WHERE "Game" = '2'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_51 ( owner VARCHAR, frequency VARCHAR ) ### Question ### Which owner has the frequency of 103.3 FM? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT owner FROM table_name_51 WHERE frequency = "103.3 fm"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (rank INTEGER, notes VARCHAR, time VARCHAR) ### Question ### What is the highest rank with the notes of sa/b, and a time of 6:39.07? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT MAX(rank) FROM table_name_56 WHERE notes = "sa/b" AND time = "6:39.07"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_59 (distance VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) ### Question ### What was the distance of the race on saturday, august 23? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT distance FROM table_name_59 WHERE date = "saturday, august 23"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_4 ( winning_score VARCHAR, margin_of_victory VARCHAR, tournament VARCHAR ) ### Question ### What was the winning score when the margin of victory was a playoff for the Tournament of safeco classic? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT winning_score FROM table_name_4 WHERE margin_of_victory = "playoff" AND tournament = "safeco classic"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_1 ( skip VARCHAR, third VARCHAR ) ### Question ### Which skip's third is Steffen Walstad? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT skip FROM table_name_1 WHERE third = "steffen walstad"