Fred leaves Steiner 's castle and meets a blue @-@ skinned hunchback in the cemetery outside . The hunchback introduces himself as Sam Spade , a gravedigger and " head merchant " who can help Fred by providing him with quality interchangeable heads . Fred continues to Creepy Hollow , where he defeats the Horseman and rescues Dr. Steiner . Steiner , however , has little information regarding Fred 's investigation and suggests that he question the residents of Hope Falls to learn more about his demise . Fred begins exploring Hope Falls , meeting many strange personalities along the way . He reconnects with his old girlfriend Jeanne , who is the daughter of a prominent Hope Falls citizen , Vinni Rossini . Fred learns that Mr. Rossini had been reported missing by Jeanne , and Jeanne had subsequently hired Fred to find him . Fred had eventually followed the trail to Pitt , who had bribed Fred 's partner , Benny Salazar , into betraying him . Fred was promptly caught by Pitt 's henchmen and shot to death by his right @-@ hand man , Lefty .
[ 8559, 5667, 2441, 7274, 705, 82, 16669, 290, 11185, 257, 4171, 2488, 12, 31, 4168, 2817, 289, 3316, 1891, 287, 262, 27316, 2354, 764, 383, 289, 3316, 1891, 20718, 2241, 355, 3409, 1338, 671, 837, 257, 7933, 1079, 15249, 290, 366, 1182, 20729, 366, 508, 460, 1037, 8559, 416, 4955, 683, 351, 3081, 43615, 6665, 764, 8559, 4477, 284, 41682, 88, 18710, 837, 810, 339, 29234, 262, 18455, 805, 290, 6811, 947, 1583, 13, 2441, 7274, 764, 2441, 7274, 837, 2158, 837, 468, 1310, 1321, 5115, 8559, 705, 82, 3645, 290, 5644, 326, 339, 1808, 262, 5085, 286, 13408, 17930, 284, 2193, 517, 546, 465, 25403, 764, 8559, 6140, 13504, 13408, 17930, 837, 3249, 867, 6283, 20929, 1863, 262, 835, 764, 679, 37671, 82, 351, 465, 1468, 11077, 48202, 837, 508, 318, 262, 4957, 286, 257, 9208, 13408, 17930, 9511, 837, 569, 3732, 72, 9847, 5362, 764, 8559, 22974, 326, 1770, 13, 9847, 5362, 550, 587, 2098, 4814, 416, 48202, 837, 290, 48202, 550, 12412, 9657, 8559, 284, 1064, 683, 764, 8559, 550, 4191, 3940, 262, 8025, 284, 10276, 837, 508, 550, 275, 8725, 8559, 705, 82, 5212, 837, 44275, 4849, 29413, 837, 656, 13935, 278, 683, 764, 8559, 373, 19268, 4978, 416, 10276, 705, 82, 30963, 354, 3653, 290, 2823, 284, 1918, 416, 465, 826, 2488, 12, 31, 1021, 582, 837, 9578, 88, 764, 220, 198 ]
Armed with the knowledge of his death and the events leading up to it , Fred continues his investigation and recovers a videotape of Vinni Rossini 's murder that incriminates Pitt . Pitt learns that Fred is still " alive " and kidnaps Jeanne to use as leverage against him . Fred confronts the mobster at his headquarters after shutting down the centerpiece of the his criminal enterprise , the Pitt Nukular Plant , and defeating Lefty . Lefty , however , was exposed to nuclear waste during the fight and subsequently mutated into a huge beast who comes to Pitt 's aid in the game 's final battle . Fred ultimately defeats both Pitt and Lefty atop the Pitt Building . Pitt is killed during the battle , but Lefty manages to escape and retreats to the remains of the Nukular Plant . After the battle , Fred 's head , which , along with Jeanne , had been held hostage by Pitt , is shown tumbling into an open manhole near the Pitt Building , unbeknownst to Fred . The final scene of the game shows Fred and Jeanne having dinner at a restaurant to celebrate , with Fred lamenting the loss of his head .
[ 16657, 351, 262, 3725, 286, 465, 1918, 290, 262, 2995, 3756, 510, 284, 340, 837, 8559, 4477, 465, 3645, 290, 46773, 257, 35026, 1758, 286, 569, 3732, 72, 9847, 5362, 705, 82, 5123, 326, 48903, 17540, 10276, 764, 10276, 22974, 326, 8559, 318, 991, 366, 6776, 366, 290, 12668, 1686, 48202, 284, 779, 355, 16094, 1028, 683, 764, 8559, 42650, 262, 7251, 1706, 379, 465, 10043, 706, 25136, 866, 262, 44595, 286, 262, 465, 4301, 13953, 837, 262, 10276, 399, 2724, 934, 16561, 837, 290, 21320, 9578, 88, 764, 9578, 88, 837, 2158, 837, 373, 7362, 284, 4523, 7030, 1141, 262, 1907, 290, 12412, 48865, 656, 257, 3236, 13824, 508, 2058, 284, 10276, 705, 82, 6133, 287, 262, 983, 705, 82, 2457, 3344, 764, 8559, 6165, 29234, 1111, 10276, 290, 9578, 88, 20156, 262, 10276, 11819, 764, 10276, 318, 2923, 1141, 262, 3344, 837, 475, 9578, 88, 15314, 284, 6654, 290, 13703, 82, 284, 262, 3793, 286, 262, 399, 2724, 934, 16561, 764, 2293, 262, 3344, 837, 8559, 705, 82, 1182, 837, 543, 837, 1863, 351, 48202, 837, 550, 587, 2714, 23229, 416, 10276, 837, 318, 3402, 256, 14739, 656, 281, 1280, 582, 13207, 1474, 262, 10276, 11819, 837, 22619, 988, 3408, 301, 284, 8559, 764, 383, 2457, 3715, 286, 262, 983, 2523, 8559, 290, 48202, 1719, 8073, 379, 257, 7072, 284, 10648, 837, 351, 8559, 23146, 278, 262, 2994, 286, 465, 1182, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Development = =
[ 796, 796, 7712, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
= = = Geo = = =
[ 796, 796, 796, 32960, 796, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
Dead Head Fred uses the Vicious Engine , a game engine created and maintained by game design company Vicious Cycle Software . Considered " middleware " in the video game industry , the engine was designed as a simple set of creation tools that could be used across multiple consoles . The game was originally conceived as a platform game based on the character " Geo . " Vicious Cycle 's president , Eric Peterson , and some of his staff developed a conceptual world called " Prime " where Geo lived . Geo had the ability to switch his head between several different shapes ( a cube , sphere , cylinder , and pyramid ) that would help him solve puzzles , fight , and move around Prime in his quest to stop the evil King <unk> , who was trying to destroy Prime . Each of Geo 's shaped heads had unique properties that gave him different abilities β€” the sphere head allowed him to roll around very quickly , for example .
[ 5542, 7123, 8559, 3544, 262, 569, 6243, 7117, 837, 257, 983, 3113, 2727, 290, 9456, 416, 983, 1486, 1664, 569, 6243, 26993, 10442, 764, 3515, 3089, 366, 3504, 1574, 366, 287, 262, 2008, 983, 2831, 837, 262, 3113, 373, 3562, 355, 257, 2829, 900, 286, 6282, 4899, 326, 714, 307, 973, 1973, 3294, 22629, 764, 383, 983, 373, 6198, 21581, 355, 257, 3859, 983, 1912, 319, 262, 2095, 366, 32960, 764, 366, 569, 6243, 26993, 705, 82, 1893, 837, 7651, 18914, 837, 290, 617, 286, 465, 3085, 4166, 257, 23355, 995, 1444, 366, 5537, 366, 810, 32960, 5615, 764, 32960, 550, 262, 2694, 284, 5078, 465, 1182, 1022, 1811, 1180, 15268, 357, 257, 23441, 837, 16558, 837, 24911, 837, 290, 27944, 1267, 326, 561, 1037, 683, 8494, 24367, 837, 1907, 837, 290, 1445, 1088, 5537, 287, 465, 1235, 284, 2245, 262, 6181, 2677, 1279, 2954, 29, 837, 508, 373, 2111, 284, 4117, 5537, 764, 5501, 286, 32960, 705, 82, 14292, 6665, 550, 3748, 6608, 326, 2921, 683, 1180, 7883, 851, 262, 16558, 1182, 3142, 683, 284, 4836, 1088, 845, 2952, 837, 329, 1672, 764, 220, 198 ]
The Geo concept was described by the development team as similar to other platform games like Rayman or Spyro , and skewed towards a younger audience . When the concept was complete , the development team presented it to several publishers , who stated that they liked the idea but its geometry @-@ based core too strongly resembled " edutainment " , and that they were interested in developing a more edgy , adult premise . The Nintendo GameCube had been an early choice for hosting the game before the PSP was chosen .
[ 383, 32960, 3721, 373, 3417, 416, 262, 2478, 1074, 355, 2092, 284, 584, 3859, 1830, 588, 7760, 805, 393, 23688, 305, 837, 290, 37543, 3371, 257, 7099, 5386, 764, 1649, 262, 3721, 373, 1844, 837, 262, 2478, 1074, 5545, 340, 284, 1811, 17604, 837, 508, 5081, 326, 484, 8288, 262, 2126, 475, 663, 22939, 2488, 12, 31, 1912, 4755, 1165, 7634, 37657, 366, 1225, 315, 37091, 366, 837, 290, 326, 484, 547, 4609, 287, 5922, 257, 517, 1225, 1360, 837, 4044, 18659, 764, 383, 9714, 3776, 29071, 550, 587, 281, 1903, 3572, 329, 13662, 262, 983, 878, 262, 48651, 373, 7147, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = = Noir setting = = =
[ 796, 796, 796, 36961, 4634, 796, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
Vicious Cycle went back to the drawing board and produced a new concept that they felt was darker and better suited to an older audience . The " head @-@ switching " game mechanic had been praised by the potential publishers and was kept , but this time the cartoonish , childlike Geo was replaced by an angry , vengeful private detective named Fred Neuman . The world of Prime was replaced with the bleak , film noir @-@ esque city of Hope Falls , where Fred would seek revenge against those who had wronged him . Vicious Cycle presented the new project to Sony , who promptly approved the game for the PSP , despite it not having secured a publisher . Shortly afterwards , the project was picked up by D3Publisher .
[ 569, 6243, 26993, 1816, 736, 284, 262, 8263, 3096, 290, 4635, 257, 649, 3721, 326, 484, 2936, 373, 18646, 290, 1365, 16662, 284, 281, 4697, 5386, 764, 383, 366, 1182, 2488, 12, 31, 15430, 366, 983, 21600, 550, 587, 15342, 416, 262, 2785, 17604, 290, 373, 4030, 837, 475, 428, 640, 262, 16251, 680, 837, 1200, 2339, 32960, 373, 6928, 416, 281, 7954, 837, 410, 3540, 913, 2839, 20775, 3706, 8559, 3169, 3778, 764, 383, 995, 286, 5537, 373, 6928, 351, 262, 30942, 837, 2646, 645, 343, 2488, 12, 31, 1658, 4188, 1748, 286, 13408, 17930, 837, 810, 8559, 561, 5380, 15827, 1028, 883, 508, 550, 2642, 276, 683, 764, 569, 6243, 26993, 5545, 262, 649, 1628, 284, 10184, 837, 508, 19268, 6325, 262, 983, 329, 262, 48651, 837, 3805, 340, 407, 1719, 13659, 257, 9991, 764, 27265, 12979, 837, 262, 1628, 373, 6497, 510, 416, 360, 18, 46471, 764, 220, 198 ]
Vicious Cycle then submitted the concept to art company Massive Black Studios to develop initial character sketches . Massive Black 's artists were allowed to use their imagination while developing Fred , but the one stipulation Vicious Cycle made from the beginning was Fred 's head β€” the developers wanted it to be a liquid @-@ filled jar with the detective 's brain and eyes floating around inside . Massive Black came up with several different versions of Fred , including some with guns , which lead designer Adam Cogan had already decided the game would not include . After receiving the sketches , Vicious Cycle chose several that portrayed Fred with a squat , childlike appearance that retained some of the youthful focus of the scrapped Geo project . The publisher , D3 , decided to present all of the concept art to a test group . To the developers ' surprise , the test group was much more interested in a darker , more intimidating portrayal of Fred than the cartoonish , playful look they had chosen . The developers decided to flesh out the concept and took the chosen sketches back to Massive Black . This time the art came back darker , with similarities to Dirty Harry and The Matrix and The Evil Dead , and a Norman Rockwell @-@ inspired look that would influence the game 's art style towards a more violent theme .
[ 569, 6243, 26993, 788, 8948, 262, 3721, 284, 1242, 1664, 38756, 2619, 13799, 284, 1205, 4238, 2095, 34035, 764, 38756, 2619, 705, 82, 7912, 547, 3142, 284, 779, 511, 13843, 981, 5922, 8559, 837, 475, 262, 530, 22111, 1741, 569, 6243, 26993, 925, 422, 262, 3726, 373, 8559, 705, 82, 1182, 851, 262, 6505, 2227, 340, 284, 307, 257, 8122, 2488, 12, 31, 5901, 17379, 351, 262, 20775, 705, 82, 3632, 290, 2951, 12462, 1088, 2641, 764, 38756, 2619, 1625, 510, 351, 1811, 1180, 6300, 286, 8559, 837, 1390, 617, 351, 6541, 837, 543, 1085, 11915, 7244, 327, 9632, 550, 1541, 3066, 262, 983, 561, 407, 2291, 764, 2293, 6464, 262, 34035, 837, 569, 6243, 26993, 7690, 1811, 326, 19152, 8559, 351, 257, 22713, 837, 1200, 2339, 5585, 326, 17383, 617, 286, 262, 35444, 2962, 286, 262, 35034, 32960, 1628, 764, 383, 9991, 837, 360, 18, 837, 3066, 284, 1944, 477, 286, 262, 3721, 1242, 284, 257, 1332, 1448, 764, 1675, 262, 6505, 705, 5975, 837, 262, 1332, 1448, 373, 881, 517, 4609, 287, 257, 18646, 837, 517, 29301, 33578, 286, 8559, 621, 262, 16251, 680, 837, 34264, 804, 484, 550, 7147, 764, 383, 6505, 3066, 284, 11222, 503, 262, 3721, 290, 1718, 262, 7147, 34035, 736, 284, 38756, 2619, 764, 770, 640, 262, 1242, 1625, 736, 18646, 837, 351, 20594, 284, 32052, 5850, 290, 383, 24936, 290, 383, 10461, 5542, 837, 290, 257, 19636, 4631, 4053, 2488, 12, 31, 7867, 804, 326, 561, 4588, 262, 983, 705, 82, 1242, 3918, 3371, 257, 517, 6590, 7505, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = = Further testing = = =
[ 796, 796, 796, 7735, 4856, 796, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
D3 provided the development team with more focus groups , and as a result , the game slowly incorporated more combat and less platforming and puzzles . Fred 's combat capabilities were revamped to give him more attacks , counterattacks and combinations . D3 also gave Vicious Cycle more time to develop the game , with the hope of receiving better reviews and potentially turning Dead Head Fred into a franchise . The delay pushed back the game 's release from January to August 2007 . D3Publisher bought Vicious Cycle two months before the game 's release , but the company 's headquarters remained in North Carolina and the staff was retained .
[ 360, 18, 2810, 262, 2478, 1074, 351, 517, 2962, 2628, 837, 290, 355, 257, 1255, 837, 262, 983, 6364, 16560, 517, 5249, 290, 1342, 3859, 278, 290, 24367, 764, 8559, 705, 82, 5249, 9889, 547, 43814, 284, 1577, 683, 517, 3434, 837, 3753, 38458, 290, 17790, 764, 360, 18, 635, 2921, 569, 6243, 26993, 517, 640, 284, 1205, 262, 983, 837, 351, 262, 2911, 286, 6464, 1365, 8088, 290, 6196, 6225, 5542, 7123, 8559, 656, 257, 8663, 764, 383, 5711, 7121, 736, 262, 983, 705, 82, 2650, 422, 3269, 284, 2932, 4343, 764, 360, 18, 46471, 5839, 569, 6243, 26993, 734, 1933, 878, 262, 983, 705, 82, 2650, 837, 475, 262, 1664, 705, 82, 10043, 6150, 287, 2258, 5913, 290, 262, 3085, 373, 17383, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Audio = =
[ 796, 796, 13491, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
= = = Soundtrack = = =
[ 796, 796, 796, 9506, 11659, 796, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
The music of Dead Head Fred was composed by Rod Abernethy and Jason Graves and recorded at Abernethy 's studio , <unk> Audio . Abernethy and Graves had worked on previous games by Vicious Cycle , like Curious George . The composers were interested in developing a sound for Dead Head Fred that was retro @-@ futuristic , and borrowed from other death @-@ themed pieces like Stubbs the Zombie and Beetlejuice . The development team did not have any substantial ideas for the game 's music beyond the theme and mood of Hope Falls , giving the composers free rein on the soundtrack 's direction .
[ 383, 2647, 286, 5542, 7123, 8559, 373, 13160, 416, 6882, 27700, 77, 33077, 290, 8982, 37729, 290, 6264, 379, 27700, 77, 33077, 705, 82, 8034, 837, 1279, 2954, 29, 13491, 764, 27700, 77, 33077, 290, 37729, 550, 3111, 319, 2180, 1830, 416, 569, 6243, 26993, 837, 588, 44269, 4502, 764, 383, 18882, 364, 547, 4609, 287, 5922, 257, 2128, 329, 5542, 7123, 8559, 326, 373, 12175, 2488, 12, 31, 36701, 837, 290, 22546, 422, 584, 1918, 2488, 12, 31, 31892, 5207, 588, 41135, 1443, 262, 14609, 290, 47464, 14396, 501, 764, 383, 2478, 1074, 750, 407, 423, 597, 8904, 4213, 329, 262, 983, 705, 82, 2647, 3675, 262, 7505, 290, 10038, 286, 13408, 17930, 837, 3501, 262, 18882, 364, 1479, 6865, 319, 262, 21751, 705, 82, 4571, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = = Voice work = = =
[ 796, 796, 796, 15282, 670, 796, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
A crucial area of development was the formation of the game 's mood , theme , and story to give it a dark , yet humorous quality . Hiring a Hollywood screenwriter to create the script was proposed , but ultimately Vicious Cycle designer Dave Ellis was given the task of writing the game 's cutscenes and voiceover script , while Cogan focused on the in @-@ game dialog . Ellis referred to several noir films for inspiration , especially Miller 's Crossing and Who Framed Roger Rabbit During this time , Eric Peterson cast several voice actors , including John C. McGinley from the TV show Scrubs and Jon Polito from the aforementioned Miller 's Crossing . McGinley was cast as Fred because of his Scrubs character 's sarcasm and wit , while Polito was cast in the role of mob boss Ulysses Pitt , which was very similar to his role of Johnny Caspar in Miller 's Crossing .
[ 317, 8780, 1989, 286, 2478, 373, 262, 9978, 286, 262, 983, 705, 82, 10038, 837, 7505, 837, 290, 1621, 284, 1577, 340, 257, 3223, 837, 1865, 36102, 3081, 764, 367, 3428, 257, 8502, 3159, 16002, 284, 2251, 262, 4226, 373, 5150, 837, 475, 6165, 569, 6243, 26993, 11915, 9935, 21299, 373, 1813, 262, 4876, 286, 3597, 262, 983, 705, 82, 2005, 28123, 290, 3809, 2502, 4226, 837, 981, 327, 9632, 5670, 319, 262, 287, 2488, 12, 31, 983, 17310, 764, 21299, 6412, 284, 1811, 645, 343, 7328, 329, 12141, 837, 2592, 7920, 705, 82, 31910, 290, 5338, 15183, 276, 13637, 25498, 5856, 428, 640, 837, 7651, 18914, 3350, 1811, 3809, 10544, 837, 1390, 1757, 327, 13, 11130, 259, 1636, 422, 262, 3195, 905, 1446, 81, 23161, 290, 5966, 7793, 78, 422, 262, 20794, 7920, 705, 82, 31910, 764, 11130, 259, 1636, 373, 3350, 355, 8559, 780, 286, 465, 1446, 81, 23161, 2095, 705, 82, 40638, 8597, 290, 20868, 837, 981, 7793, 78, 373, 3350, 287, 262, 2597, 286, 7251, 6478, 471, 35670, 274, 10276, 837, 543, 373, 845, 2092, 284, 465, 2597, 286, 15470, 11294, 1845, 287, 7920, 705, 82, 31910, 764, 220, 198 ]
The development team then set about recording the game 's dialog , which proved to be challenging because of Vicious Cycle 's location on the East Coast . All of the recordings were done over the phone at a studio in Hollywood . Despite this , and the fact that Fred alone had over 1000 lines of in @-@ game dialog , the recording went smoothly , with the exception of one unidentified actor who walked out in the middle of a session . The original script had only one instance of the word " fuck " , but several recording sessions with McGinley resulted in a great deal of colorful improvisation . The design team liked the recordings and the script was modified to permit McGinley and other actors to curse more . McGinley focused on portraying Fred as " pissed off " and " having a chip on his shoulder " because his head was missing .
[ 383, 2478, 1074, 788, 900, 546, 8296, 262, 983, 705, 82, 17310, 837, 543, 8302, 284, 307, 9389, 780, 286, 569, 6243, 26993, 705, 82, 4067, 319, 262, 3687, 8545, 764, 1439, 286, 262, 18813, 547, 1760, 625, 262, 3072, 379, 257, 8034, 287, 8502, 764, 7945, 428, 837, 290, 262, 1109, 326, 8559, 3436, 550, 625, 8576, 3951, 286, 287, 2488, 12, 31, 983, 17310, 837, 262, 8296, 1816, 21461, 837, 351, 262, 6631, 286, 530, 27022, 8674, 508, 6807, 503, 287, 262, 3504, 286, 257, 6246, 764, 383, 2656, 4226, 550, 691, 530, 4554, 286, 262, 1573, 366, 5089, 366, 837, 475, 1811, 8296, 10991, 351, 11130, 259, 1636, 8724, 287, 257, 1049, 1730, 286, 20239, 47833, 341, 764, 383, 1486, 1074, 8288, 262, 18813, 290, 262, 4226, 373, 9518, 284, 8749, 11130, 259, 1636, 290, 584, 10544, 284, 17328, 517, 764, 11130, 259, 1636, 5670, 319, 42458, 8559, 355, 366, 28674, 572, 366, 290, 366, 1719, 257, 11594, 319, 465, 8163, 366, 780, 465, 1182, 373, 4814, 764, 220, 198 ]
" No , this guy was unique because , well … his head was gone ! With him , you could really just open up your imagination and roll out a cavalcade of eccentricities and see what makes sense to you . It was pretty much unlike anything I ’ ve ever done before . "
[ 366, 1400, 837, 428, 3516, 373, 3748, 780, 837, 880, 3926, 465, 1182, 373, 3750, 5145, 2080, 683, 837, 345, 714, 1107, 655, 1280, 510, 534, 13843, 290, 4836, 503, 257, 25820, 46395, 286, 29303, 871, 290, 766, 644, 1838, 2565, 284, 345, 764, 632, 373, 2495, 881, 5023, 1997, 314, 564, 247, 1569, 1683, 1760, 878, 764, 366, 220, 198 ]
= = Promotion and release = =
[ 796, 796, 42868, 290, 2650, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
Dead Head Fred was first announced at the Electronics Entertainment Expo ( E3 ) video game convention in May 2006 , where a trailer was shown to the public . Following this , little was heard about the game until Cogan started a developer diary on Vicious Cycle 's website in March 2007 . Three diary entries were written by Cogan and Ellis , which provided details about the game 's pre @-@ production conceptualization and voice work . In May 2007 , D3 announced that John C. McGinley would be voicing Fred , and the next month the company issued a press release stating that the game was finished and ready for mass production . However , the game was delayed , allowing D3 Publisher to show it at E3 2007 . It was eventually released on August 28 , 2007 in North America after nearly two years of development . It was released on October 26 in Europe , November 2 in Australia , and March 19 , 2008 in Japan . In December 2007 , D3 reduced the price of the game , and in October 2008 it was made available for download on Sony 's PlayStation Network . The soundtrack was released on iTunes by Lakeshore Records on September 18 , 2007 .
[ 5542, 7123, 8559, 373, 717, 3414, 379, 262, 27828, 11058, 32330, 357, 412, 18, 1267, 2008, 983, 9831, 287, 1737, 4793, 837, 810, 257, 12268, 373, 3402, 284, 262, 1171, 764, 14207, 428, 837, 1310, 373, 2982, 546, 262, 983, 1566, 327, 9632, 2067, 257, 8517, 26339, 319, 569, 6243, 26993, 705, 82, 3052, 287, 2805, 4343, 764, 7683, 26339, 12784, 547, 3194, 416, 327, 9632, 290, 21299, 837, 543, 2810, 3307, 546, 262, 983, 705, 82, 662, 2488, 12, 31, 3227, 23355, 1634, 290, 3809, 670, 764, 554, 1737, 4343, 837, 360, 18, 3414, 326, 1757, 327, 13, 11130, 259, 1636, 561, 307, 47640, 8559, 837, 290, 262, 1306, 1227, 262, 1664, 4884, 257, 1803, 2650, 12316, 326, 262, 983, 373, 5201, 290, 3492, 329, 2347, 3227, 764, 2102, 837, 262, 983, 373, 11038, 837, 5086, 360, 18, 28045, 284, 905, 340, 379, 412, 18, 4343, 764, 632, 373, 4191, 2716, 319, 2932, 2579, 837, 4343, 287, 2258, 2253, 706, 3016, 734, 812, 286, 2478, 764, 632, 373, 2716, 319, 3267, 2608, 287, 2031, 837, 3389, 362, 287, 4505, 837, 290, 2805, 678, 837, 3648, 287, 2869, 764, 554, 3426, 4343, 837, 360, 18, 5322, 262, 2756, 286, 262, 983, 837, 290, 287, 3267, 3648, 340, 373, 925, 1695, 329, 4321, 319, 10184, 705, 82, 14047, 7311, 764, 383, 21751, 373, 2716, 319, 4830, 416, 24153, 71, 382, 13407, 319, 2693, 1248, 837, 4343, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = = Future = = =
[ 796, 796, 796, 10898, 796, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
Dead Head Fred was designed specifically for the PSP , and Vicious Cycle intended it to be their " flagship " title for the system . However , the game 's designers have hinted that the game could potentially be ported to the PlayStation Network or Xbox Live Arcade with a few months ' work . As of March 2009 , D3Publisher has announced a sequel , but the designers have stated that subsequent titles were discussed during the game 's development . John C. McGinley has expressed interest in reprising Fred . Namco Bandai Games ( the parent of D3 ) were impressed with the game and wanted to publish the sequel because they ' wanted ' to test out Vicious Cycle 's Gameplay on the PSP .
[ 5542, 7123, 8559, 373, 3562, 5734, 329, 262, 48651, 837, 290, 569, 6243, 26993, 5292, 340, 284, 307, 511, 366, 21336, 366, 3670, 329, 262, 1080, 764, 2102, 837, 262, 983, 705, 82, 15441, 423, 27388, 326, 262, 983, 714, 6196, 307, 49702, 284, 262, 14047, 7311, 393, 9445, 7547, 23190, 351, 257, 1178, 1933, 705, 670, 764, 1081, 286, 2805, 3717, 837, 360, 18, 46471, 468, 3414, 257, 16304, 837, 475, 262, 15441, 423, 5081, 326, 8840, 8714, 547, 6693, 1141, 262, 983, 705, 82, 2478, 764, 1757, 327, 13, 11130, 259, 1636, 468, 6241, 1393, 287, 302, 14619, 8559, 764, 17871, 1073, 10243, 1872, 5776, 357, 262, 2560, 286, 360, 18, 1267, 547, 12617, 351, 262, 983, 290, 2227, 284, 7715, 262, 16304, 780, 484, 705, 2227, 705, 284, 1332, 503, 569, 6243, 26993, 705, 82, 3776, 1759, 319, 262, 48651, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Reception = =
[ 796, 796, 797, 4516, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
Dead Head Fred received generally favorable reviews from critics . The game 's writing and dialogue were considered the main strengths of the game , with GameSpy 's reviewer stating that " In the vast sea of PSP titles , Dead Head Fred stands ' head and shoulders ' above the rest . " IGN said " The tale of revenge in a dark world is twisted [ and ] unapologetically humorous " . Other publications were not as impressed , however , with one reviewer stating " ... the overused profanity just makes it feel like it 's been designed by teenagers desperately trying to be edgy . " The game 's supernatural themes elicited comparisons to The Darkness and Grim Fandango . GamesRadar included it in their list of the 100 most overlooked games of its generation . Editor Jason Fanelli felt that PSP games often lacked creativity and that Dead Head Fred was the exception .
[ 5542, 7123, 8559, 2722, 4143, 17070, 8088, 422, 9188, 764, 383, 983, 705, 82, 3597, 290, 10721, 547, 3177, 262, 1388, 18929, 286, 262, 983, 837, 351, 3776, 4561, 88, 705, 82, 37823, 12316, 326, 366, 554, 262, 5909, 5417, 286, 48651, 8714, 837, 5542, 7123, 8559, 6296, 705, 1182, 290, 12450, 705, 2029, 262, 1334, 764, 366, 28730, 531, 366, 383, 12838, 286, 15827, 287, 257, 3223, 995, 318, 19074, 685, 290, 2361, 555, 46407, 16877, 36102, 366, 764, 3819, 16125, 547, 407, 355, 12617, 837, 2158, 837, 351, 530, 37823, 12316, 366, 2644, 262, 625, 1484, 1534, 19689, 655, 1838, 340, 1254, 588, 340, 705, 82, 587, 3562, 416, 17366, 16459, 2111, 284, 307, 1225, 1360, 764, 366, 383, 983, 705, 82, 22239, 13460, 25487, 863, 17909, 284, 383, 16306, 290, 17525, 376, 392, 14208, 764, 5776, 15546, 283, 3017, 340, 287, 511, 1351, 286, 262, 1802, 749, 21655, 1830, 286, 663, 5270, 764, 12058, 8982, 13836, 23225, 2936, 326, 48651, 1830, 1690, 19989, 16389, 290, 326, 5542, 7123, 8559, 373, 262, 6631, 764, 220, 198 ]
Many reviewers were pleased with the game 's premise and setting , variously describing it as " weird " , " wacky " and " silly " . Hope Falls , especially the area of Creepy Hollow , was compared to the work of Tim Burton . Dead Head Fred 's graphics were warmly received , with GameSpy noting " The game looks simply phenomenal on the PSP screen . " Pocket Gamer UK said " graphically the game won 't blow your head off but it is undeniably stylish . " Pocket Gamer also felt that the game 's level design , with its emphasis on changing heads to solve environmental puzzles , made up for the " mediocre combat system " . The character design was praised ; GameSpy said " Fred is one of the most interesting and entertaining characters to ever hit gaming , " and GameZone said " Fred ’ s freakish form is like looking at a car crash … you really don ’ t want to stare but you just can ’ t help it . "
[ 4650, 30702, 547, 10607, 351, 262, 983, 705, 82, 18659, 290, 4634, 837, 2972, 306, 12059, 340, 355, 366, 7650, 366, 837, 366, 266, 36053, 366, 290, 366, 14397, 366, 764, 13408, 17930, 837, 2592, 262, 1989, 286, 41682, 88, 18710, 837, 373, 3688, 284, 262, 670, 286, 5045, 27209, 764, 5542, 7123, 8559, 705, 82, 9382, 547, 5814, 306, 2722, 837, 351, 3776, 4561, 88, 10820, 366, 383, 983, 3073, 2391, 28187, 319, 262, 48651, 3159, 764, 366, 27290, 19576, 3482, 531, 366, 4823, 1146, 262, 983, 1839, 705, 83, 6611, 534, 1182, 572, 475, 340, 318, 47589, 30511, 764, 366, 27290, 19576, 635, 2936, 326, 262, 983, 705, 82, 1241, 1486, 837, 351, 663, 12476, 319, 5609, 6665, 284, 8494, 6142, 24367, 837, 925, 510, 329, 262, 366, 29956, 5249, 1080, 366, 764, 383, 2095, 1486, 373, 15342, 2162, 3776, 4561, 88, 531, 366, 8559, 318, 530, 286, 262, 749, 3499, 290, 17774, 3435, 284, 1683, 2277, 7776, 837, 366, 290, 3776, 26961, 531, 366, 8559, 564, 247, 264, 22601, 680, 1296, 318, 588, 2045, 379, 257, 1097, 7014, 3926, 345, 1107, 836, 564, 247, 256, 765, 284, 24170, 475, 345, 655, 460, 564, 247, 256, 1037, 340, 764, 366, 220, 198 ]
The voice acting , in particular John C. McGinley 's portrayal of Fred , was widely praised , as was the rest of the game 's audio . GameZone 's Natalie Romano said " There ’ s also some great music in the game and the sound effects are ... wonderfully detailed " .
[ 383, 3809, 7205, 837, 287, 1948, 1757, 327, 13, 11130, 259, 1636, 705, 82, 33578, 286, 8559, 837, 373, 6768, 15342, 837, 355, 373, 262, 1334, 286, 262, 983, 705, 82, 6597, 764, 3776, 26961, 705, 82, 35571, 3570, 5733, 531, 366, 1318, 564, 247, 264, 635, 617, 1049, 2647, 287, 262, 983, 290, 262, 2128, 3048, 389, 2644, 33138, 6496, 366, 764, 220, 198 ]
" The sound for the title , however , is fantastic . The majority of it is centered around the voice acting , which is anchored by John C. McGinley of Scrubs and Office Space fame . McGinley expertly brings his dry , sarcastic delivery to Fred 's lines and consistently delivers humorous lines across the entire game . "
[ 366, 383, 2128, 329, 262, 3670, 837, 2158, 837, 318, 9623, 764, 383, 3741, 286, 340, 318, 19254, 1088, 262, 3809, 7205, 837, 543, 318, 39871, 416, 1757, 327, 13, 11130, 259, 1636, 286, 1446, 81, 23161, 290, 4452, 4687, 16117, 764, 11130, 259, 1636, 5887, 306, 6774, 465, 5894, 837, 47037, 7585, 284, 8559, 705, 82, 3951, 290, 9835, 16316, 36102, 3951, 1973, 262, 2104, 983, 764, 366, 220, 198 ]
The focal point of reviewers ' criticism was Dead Head Fred 's gameplay , specifically the combat . It was generally considered tedious and repetitive . Australia 's PAL Gaming Network described the combat as " one of the poorest elements of the game " , and Game Informer called the combat mechanics " awful " . The performance of the camera was also criticized , with IGN noting " Considering that the camera will sometimes choose some horrible angles for you in battle or during puzzles , it 's annoying to have to fight it as well as mutants that want you dead . " GameZone said " I just wish the camera wouldn ’ t be such a hindrance sometimes . " Reviewers were also unhappy with Dead Head Fred 's loading times ; Eurogamer considered them " excessively high " , and IGN said " The only downside that crops up when it comes to the visuals are the continual loading times on just about every single area . "
[ 383, 25397, 966, 286, 30702, 705, 7734, 373, 5542, 7123, 8559, 705, 82, 11327, 837, 5734, 262, 5249, 764, 632, 373, 4143, 3177, 32460, 290, 28585, 764, 4505, 705, 82, 40795, 14426, 7311, 3417, 262, 5249, 355, 366, 530, 286, 262, 27335, 4847, 286, 262, 983, 366, 837, 290, 3776, 554, 16354, 1444, 262, 5249, 12933, 366, 12659, 366, 764, 383, 2854, 286, 262, 4676, 373, 635, 12318, 837, 351, 28730, 10820, 366, 27662, 326, 262, 4676, 481, 3360, 3853, 617, 12361, 18333, 329, 345, 287, 3344, 393, 1141, 24367, 837, 340, 705, 82, 15774, 284, 423, 284, 1907, 340, 355, 880, 355, 39456, 326, 765, 345, 2636, 764, 366, 3776, 26961, 531, 366, 314, 655, 4601, 262, 4676, 3636, 564, 247, 256, 307, 884, 257, 16222, 8132, 3360, 764, 366, 6602, 364, 547, 635, 19283, 351, 5542, 7123, 8559, 705, 82, 11046, 1661, 2162, 1898, 36515, 3177, 606, 366, 40437, 1029, 366, 837, 290, 28730, 531, 366, 383, 691, 25320, 326, 14450, 510, 618, 340, 2058, 284, 262, 27329, 389, 262, 37639, 11046, 1661, 319, 655, 546, 790, 2060, 1989, 764, 366, 220, 198 ]
= = = Awards = = =
[ 796, 796, 796, 15434, 796, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
Dead Head Fred was nominated for several awards , including the Writers Guild of America 's first award for video game writing , which it won . During E3 2007 , the game was nominated for the Best of E3 2007 : Best Handheld Game award by the Game Critics Awards , a group of prominent media journalists . Dead Head Fred lost to The Legend of Zelda : Phantom Hourglass for the Nintendo DS , but was notable for being the only new intellectual property nominated in the handheld category . The audio was nominated for two awards at the Game Audio Network Guild 's 6th annual ceremony , Best Soundtrack of the Year and Best Handheld Audio . Dead Head Fred lost to BioShock and Syphon Filter : Logan 's Shadow , respectively .
[ 5542, 7123, 8559, 373, 19332, 329, 1811, 13304, 837, 1390, 262, 37732, 16446, 286, 2253, 705, 82, 717, 5764, 329, 2008, 983, 3597, 837, 543, 340, 1839, 764, 5856, 412, 18, 4343, 837, 262, 983, 373, 19332, 329, 262, 6705, 286, 412, 18, 4343, 1058, 6705, 7157, 10217, 3776, 5764, 416, 262, 3776, 33385, 15434, 837, 257, 1448, 286, 9208, 2056, 9046, 764, 5542, 7123, 8559, 2626, 284, 383, 9883, 286, 22166, 1058, 14407, 19123, 20721, 329, 262, 9714, 17400, 837, 475, 373, 12411, 329, 852, 262, 691, 649, 9028, 3119, 19332, 287, 262, 33811, 6536, 764, 383, 6597, 373, 19332, 329, 734, 13304, 379, 262, 3776, 13491, 7311, 16446, 705, 82, 718, 400, 5079, 10542, 837, 6705, 9506, 11659, 286, 262, 6280, 290, 6705, 7157, 10217, 13491, 764, 5542, 7123, 8559, 2626, 284, 16024, 31646, 290, 1632, 746, 261, 25853, 1058, 22221, 705, 82, 8843, 837, 8148, 764, 220, 198 ]
= Al Wistert =
[ 796, 978, 370, 1694, 83, 796, 220, 198 ]
Albert Alexander " Ox " Wistert ( December 28 , 1920 – March 5 , 2016 ) was an All @-@ Pro American football tackle in the National Football League ( NFL ) for the Philadelphia Eagles . He played his entire nine @-@ year NFL career for the Eagles and became their team captain . He was named to play in the NFL 's first Pro Bowl as an Eagle . During most of Wistert 's career there were no football All @-@ star games , although he was named to the league All @-@ Pro team eight times .
[ 9966, 10009, 366, 10736, 366, 370, 1694, 83, 357, 3426, 2579, 837, 14062, 784, 2805, 642, 837, 1584, 1267, 373, 281, 1439, 2488, 12, 31, 1041, 1605, 4346, 9761, 287, 262, 2351, 9957, 4041, 357, 5134, 1267, 329, 262, 8857, 13785, 764, 679, 2826, 465, 2104, 5193, 2488, 12, 31, 614, 5134, 3451, 329, 262, 13785, 290, 2627, 511, 1074, 10654, 764, 679, 373, 3706, 284, 711, 287, 262, 5134, 705, 82, 717, 1041, 8693, 355, 281, 18456, 764, 5856, 749, 286, 370, 1694, 83, 705, 82, 3451, 612, 547, 645, 4346, 1439, 2488, 12, 31, 3491, 1830, 837, 3584, 339, 373, 3706, 284, 262, 4652, 1439, 2488, 12, 31, 1041, 1074, 3624, 1661, 764, 220, 198 ]
Wistert played college football at the University of Michigan . He is one of the three brothers β€” along with Whitey and Alvin β€” who were named All @-@ American tackles at Michigan and later inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame . He was the first Michigan alumnus to be selected to the National Football League Pro Bowl . The Wistert brothers all wore jersey No. 11 at Michigan and are among the seven players who have had their numbers retired by the Michigan Wolverines football program . Their number will be put back into circulation starting on November 10 , 2012 before a Michigan home game against Northwestern as part of the Michigan Football Legend program .
[ 370, 1694, 83, 2826, 4152, 4346, 379, 262, 2059, 286, 7055, 764, 679, 318, 530, 286, 262, 1115, 9397, 851, 1863, 351, 2635, 88, 290, 49939, 851, 508, 547, 3706, 1439, 2488, 12, 31, 1605, 18034, 379, 7055, 290, 1568, 28948, 276, 656, 262, 5535, 9957, 4789, 286, 18864, 764, 679, 373, 262, 717, 7055, 435, 4182, 385, 284, 307, 6163, 284, 262, 2351, 9957, 4041, 1041, 8693, 764, 383, 370, 1694, 83, 9397, 477, 12408, 22383, 1400, 13, 1367, 379, 7055, 290, 389, 1871, 262, 3598, 1938, 508, 423, 550, 511, 3146, 9880, 416, 262, 7055, 26328, 1127, 4346, 1430, 764, 5334, 1271, 481, 307, 1234, 736, 656, 19133, 3599, 319, 3389, 838, 837, 2321, 878, 257, 7055, 1363, 983, 1028, 30197, 355, 636, 286, 262, 7055, 9957, 9883, 1430, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Early life = =
[ 796, 796, 12556, 1204, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
Wistert , who was born in Chicago , Illinois , was from a Lithuanian family . His father , <unk> Wistert , was a Spanish – American War veteran who was later killed in the line of duty while working for the Chicago Police Department . The story of the Wistert brothers at Michigan began when Whitey 's Carl Schurz High School classmate John Kowalik was invited to visit the University of Michigan . At the time , Whitey Wistert had a factory job where he was involved with building Majestic radios . Kowalik took Whitey with him on his visit to Ann Arbor , and according to Alvin , " that 's how it started : the <unk> of Michigan . "
[ 370, 1694, 83, 837, 508, 373, 4642, 287, 4842, 837, 9486, 837, 373, 422, 257, 49033, 666, 1641, 764, 2399, 2988, 837, 1279, 2954, 29, 370, 1694, 83, 837, 373, 257, 7897, 784, 1605, 1810, 9298, 508, 373, 1568, 2923, 287, 262, 1627, 286, 7077, 981, 1762, 329, 262, 4842, 4287, 2732, 764, 383, 1621, 286, 262, 370, 1694, 83, 9397, 379, 7055, 2540, 618, 2635, 88, 705, 82, 8124, 3059, 333, 89, 3334, 3961, 45222, 1757, 509, 322, 282, 1134, 373, 9392, 284, 3187, 262, 2059, 286, 7055, 764, 1629, 262, 640, 837, 2635, 88, 370, 1694, 83, 550, 257, 8860, 1693, 810, 339, 373, 2950, 351, 2615, 12390, 4699, 40023, 764, 509, 322, 282, 1134, 1718, 2635, 88, 351, 683, 319, 465, 3187, 284, 5506, 30455, 837, 290, 1864, 284, 49939, 837, 366, 326, 705, 82, 703, 340, 2067, 1058, 262, 1279, 2954, 29, 286, 7055, 764, 366, 220, 198 ]
= = College football = =
[ 796, 796, 5535, 4346, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
After graduating from Foreman High School , Wistert became the second of the Wistert brothers to play for Michigan where he wore number 11 like his brothers and played from 1940 to 1942 . He was a consensus All @-@ American and team MVP in 1942 . He played in the 1943 East – West Shrine Game . He is well remembered , among other things , for his exploits in a 1942 game against the Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team , and he was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1968 , one year after his brother Francis . In 1981 , he was named to the University of Michigan Hall of Honor in the fourth class of inductees alongside his brothers . Only five Michigan football players earned this honor before him .
[ 2293, 30024, 422, 4558, 805, 3334, 3961, 837, 370, 1694, 83, 2627, 262, 1218, 286, 262, 370, 1694, 83, 9397, 284, 711, 329, 7055, 810, 339, 12408, 1271, 1367, 588, 465, 9397, 290, 2826, 422, 16236, 284, 22458, 764, 679, 373, 257, 11529, 1439, 2488, 12, 31, 1605, 290, 1074, 12742, 287, 22458, 764, 679, 2826, 287, 262, 21577, 3687, 784, 2688, 30682, 3776, 764, 679, 318, 880, 12086, 837, 1871, 584, 1243, 837, 329, 465, 27062, 287, 257, 22458, 983, 1028, 262, 23382, 20377, 19098, 8685, 4346, 1074, 837, 290, 339, 373, 28948, 276, 656, 262, 5535, 9957, 4789, 286, 18864, 287, 15963, 837, 530, 614, 706, 465, 3956, 12155, 764, 554, 14745, 837, 339, 373, 3706, 284, 262, 2059, 286, 7055, 4789, 286, 21071, 287, 262, 5544, 1398, 286, 28948, 2841, 7848, 465, 9397, 764, 5514, 1936, 7055, 4346, 1938, 7366, 428, 7522, 878, 683, 764, 220, 198 ]
Michigan posted a 20 – 5 – 1 record during Wistert 's three years on the team . In 1940 , the team 's only loss in its eight @-@ game season was to the eventual national champion Minnesota Golden Gophers football . The Wolverines followed that season with 6 – 1 – 1 and 7 – 3 marks in the next two years . Wistert served as captain of the College All @-@ star team that beat the Sammy Baugh @-@ led National Football League champion Washington Redskins , 27 – 7 , in Chicago . He was the only one of the three brothers not to play on a national championship squad at Michigan .
[ 7055, 4481, 257, 1160, 784, 642, 784, 352, 1700, 1141, 370, 1694, 83, 705, 82, 1115, 812, 319, 262, 1074, 764, 554, 16236, 837, 262, 1074, 705, 82, 691, 2994, 287, 663, 3624, 2488, 12, 31, 983, 1622, 373, 284, 262, 19657, 2260, 8783, 8919, 8407, 402, 20856, 4346, 764, 383, 26328, 1127, 3940, 326, 1622, 351, 718, 784, 352, 784, 352, 290, 767, 784, 513, 8849, 287, 262, 1306, 734, 812, 764, 370, 1694, 83, 4983, 355, 10654, 286, 262, 5535, 1439, 2488, 12, 31, 3491, 1074, 326, 4405, 262, 44067, 347, 1567, 2488, 12, 31, 2957, 2351, 9957, 4041, 8783, 2669, 22038, 837, 2681, 784, 767, 837, 287, 4842, 764, 679, 373, 262, 691, 530, 286, 262, 1115, 9397, 407, 284, 711, 319, 257, 2260, 12184, 8244, 379, 7055, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Professional football = =
[ 796, 796, 18612, 4346, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
After being drafted in the fifth round by the Philadelphia Eagles and signing for $ 3800 ( $ 51 @,@ 965 today ) , he encountered animosity from veteran players for having signed such a large contract ( though they thought he signed for $ 4500 ) . He earned All @-@ Pro honors in eight ( five by consensus ) of his nine seasons . As a two @-@ way player , he played his entire nine @-@ year career for the Philadelphia Eagles ( who operated as a merged team with the Pittsburgh Steelers for one season during World War II . ) The National Football League had no All @-@ Star games between 1943 and 1950 . Thus , although Wistert was a perennial All @-@ Pro selection , it is difficult to compare him to more modern players who are often measured by Pro Bowl invitations . He served as Eagles captain for five consecutive seasons , from 1946 to 1950 , and was named All @-@ Pro in each season . In Wistert 's next to last season he was selected to the first Pro Bowl . In his final season , he recovered three fumbles . The Eagles won the 1948 and 1949 National Football League Championships with Wistert . These were the only consecutive National Football League champions to win by shutout . His number 70 was retired by the Eagles in 1952 . According to his College Football Hall of Fame biography , during his career he started every game the Eagles played except for the 1950 season opener against the Cleveland Browns . However , according to other statistical databases he only started about 2 / 3 of his career games . His is one of only seven retired Eagles Jerseys . Wistert lamented not having been enshrined in the Professional Football Hall of Fame and on Philadelphia Eagles Honor Roll :
[ 2293, 852, 15937, 287, 262, 8150, 2835, 416, 262, 8857, 13785, 290, 8415, 329, 720, 4353, 405, 357, 720, 6885, 2488, 11, 31, 860, 2996, 1909, 1267, 837, 339, 12956, 49212, 422, 9298, 1938, 329, 1719, 4488, 884, 257, 1588, 2775, 357, 996, 484, 1807, 339, 4488, 329, 720, 604, 4059, 1267, 764, 679, 7366, 1439, 2488, 12, 31, 1041, 25279, 287, 3624, 357, 1936, 416, 11529, 1267, 286, 465, 5193, 7028, 764, 1081, 257, 734, 2488, 12, 31, 835, 2137, 837, 339, 2826, 465, 2104, 5193, 2488, 12, 31, 614, 3451, 329, 262, 8857, 13785, 357, 508, 12228, 355, 257, 23791, 1074, 351, 262, 12767, 21323, 329, 530, 1622, 1141, 2159, 1810, 2873, 764, 1267, 383, 2351, 9957, 4041, 550, 645, 1439, 2488, 12, 31, 2907, 1830, 1022, 21577, 290, 11445, 764, 6660, 837, 3584, 370, 1694, 83, 373, 257, 39983, 1439, 2488, 12, 31, 1041, 6356, 837, 340, 318, 2408, 284, 8996, 683, 284, 517, 3660, 1938, 508, 389, 1690, 8630, 416, 1041, 8693, 42851, 764, 679, 4983, 355, 13785, 10654, 329, 1936, 12785, 7028, 837, 422, 22717, 284, 11445, 837, 290, 373, 3706, 1439, 2488, 12, 31, 1041, 287, 1123, 1622, 764, 554, 370, 1694, 83, 705, 82, 1306, 284, 938, 1622, 339, 373, 6163, 284, 262, 717, 1041, 8693, 764, 554, 465, 2457, 1622, 837, 339, 11911, 1115, 277, 25329, 764, 383, 13785, 1839, 262, 21794, 290, 24977, 2351, 9957, 4041, 24782, 351, 370, 1694, 83, 764, 2312, 547, 262, 691, 12785, 2351, 9957, 4041, 7827, 284, 1592, 416, 4423, 448, 764, 2399, 1271, 4317, 373, 9880, 416, 262, 13785, 287, 26352, 764, 4784, 284, 465, 5535, 9957, 4789, 286, 18864, 26444, 837, 1141, 465, 3451, 339, 2067, 790, 983, 262, 13785, 2826, 2845, 329, 262, 11445, 1622, 21996, 1028, 262, 10306, 17671, 764, 2102, 837, 1864, 284, 584, 13905, 20083, 339, 691, 2067, 546, 362, 1220, 513, 286, 465, 3451, 1830, 764, 2399, 318, 530, 286, 691, 3598, 9880, 13785, 4230, 27717, 764, 370, 1694, 83, 40176, 407, 1719, 587, 46919, 1389, 287, 262, 18612, 9957, 4789, 286, 18864, 290, 319, 8857, 13785, 21071, 8299, 1058, 220, 198 ]
Wistert was inducted into the Philadelphia Eagles Honor Roll on September 29 , 2009 along with Randall Cunningham . In 2003 , he was named to the Pro Football Researchers Association Hall of Very Good in the association 's inaugural HOVG class .
[ 370, 1694, 83, 373, 28948, 276, 656, 262, 8857, 13785, 21071, 8299, 319, 2693, 2808, 837, 3717, 1863, 351, 29799, 34325, 764, 554, 5816, 837, 339, 373, 3706, 284, 262, 1041, 9957, 26685, 5396, 4789, 286, 9576, 4599, 287, 262, 8112, 705, 82, 26851, 367, 8874, 38, 1398, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Later life and family = =
[ 796, 796, 11450, 1204, 290, 1641, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
After football Wistert became a successful life insurance salesman . He sold insurance for 40 years . Among the places he has lived since retirement are California and Grants Pass , Oregon . He was married to his late wife Ellie for 61 years and has three daughters ( Pam , Dianna and Kathy ) and three grandchildren . At one point he was both coaching football at Riverside High School in Riverside Township , New Jersey and playing professionally . According to brother Alvin , their father " was born <unk> <unk> and he Anglicized it when he came to America to Wistert . "
[ 2293, 4346, 370, 1694, 83, 2627, 257, 4388, 1204, 5096, 42414, 764, 679, 2702, 5096, 329, 2319, 812, 764, 9754, 262, 4113, 339, 468, 5615, 1201, 10737, 389, 3442, 290, 40535, 6251, 837, 8819, 764, 679, 373, 6405, 284, 465, 2739, 3656, 44801, 329, 8454, 812, 290, 468, 1115, 14850, 357, 24497, 837, 19326, 2616, 290, 33726, 1267, 290, 1115, 28986, 764, 1629, 530, 966, 339, 373, 1111, 13101, 4346, 379, 35597, 3334, 3961, 287, 35597, 32115, 837, 968, 8221, 290, 2712, 28049, 764, 4784, 284, 3956, 49939, 837, 511, 2988, 366, 373, 4642, 1279, 2954, 29, 1279, 2954, 29, 290, 339, 42844, 1143, 340, 618, 339, 1625, 284, 2253, 284, 370, 1694, 83, 764, 366, 220, 198 ]
Wistert died on March 5 , 2016 in Grants Pass , Oregon at the age of 95 .
[ 370, 1694, 83, 3724, 319, 2805, 642, 837, 1584, 287, 40535, 6251, 837, 8819, 379, 262, 2479, 286, 6957, 764, 220, 198 ]
= Si Una Vez =
[ 796, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 796, 220, 198 ]
" Si Una Vez " ( English : If I Once ) is a song recorded by American recording artist Selena for her fourth studio album , Amor Prohibido ( 1994 ) . It was written by Pete Astudillo and produced by Selena 's brother @-@ producer A.B. Quintanilla . " Si Una Vez " is a mariachi fusion song and draws influence from cumbia and Latin dance music . Lyrically , Selena questions why she ever fell in love with an abusive partner , saying she will never repeat her mistakes . The lyrics suggest unrequited love and female empowerment .
[ 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 357, 3594, 1058, 1002, 314, 4874, 1267, 318, 257, 3496, 6264, 416, 1605, 8296, 6802, 15300, 8107, 329, 607, 5544, 8034, 5062, 837, 1703, 273, 1041, 3145, 17305, 357, 9162, 1267, 764, 632, 373, 3194, 416, 17542, 8304, 463, 16111, 290, 4635, 416, 15300, 8107, 705, 82, 3956, 2488, 12, 31, 9920, 317, 13, 33, 13, 33405, 272, 5049, 764, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 318, 257, 1667, 72, 14299, 21748, 3496, 290, 14293, 4588, 422, 269, 2178, 544, 290, 9133, 9280, 2647, 764, 406, 2417, 1146, 837, 15300, 8107, 2683, 1521, 673, 1683, 3214, 287, 1842, 351, 281, 19546, 5212, 837, 2282, 673, 481, 1239, 9585, 607, 10135, 764, 383, 15844, 1950, 555, 8897, 863, 1842, 290, 4048, 39309, 764, 220, 198 ]
" Si Una Vez " received positive reviews from music critics who found the song to have showcase the singer 's vocal abilities . The Broadcast Music Inc. recognized it as the Single of the Year at the 1996 BMI Pop Awards . Many musicians have since recorded the song and released it on their respective albums including Mexican mariachi singer Alicia Villareal , American reggaeton performer Ivy Queen , American indie rock band Girl in a Coma , and American salsa singer Manny Manuel . The latter 's version peaked at number one on the United States Billboard Tropical Songs chart , and ended 1995 as the fourteenth most successful U.S. tropical song .
[ 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 2722, 3967, 8088, 422, 2647, 9188, 508, 1043, 262, 3496, 284, 423, 21742, 262, 14015, 705, 82, 12435, 7883, 764, 383, 44244, 7849, 3457, 13, 8018, 340, 355, 262, 14206, 286, 262, 6280, 379, 262, 8235, 22456, 8099, 15434, 764, 4650, 17245, 423, 1201, 6264, 262, 3496, 290, 2716, 340, 319, 511, 11756, 16788, 1390, 10816, 1667, 72, 14299, 14015, 39607, 9757, 533, 282, 837, 1605, 842, 4908, 18483, 26960, 27386, 7542, 837, 1605, 19907, 3881, 4097, 7430, 287, 257, 955, 64, 837, 290, 1605, 49529, 14015, 44745, 25995, 764, 383, 6846, 705, 82, 2196, 33948, 379, 1271, 530, 319, 262, 1578, 1829, 36229, 37956, 31772, 8262, 837, 290, 4444, 8735, 355, 262, 1440, 20283, 749, 4388, 471, 13, 50, 13, 19690, 3496, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Background and composition = =
[ 796, 796, 25353, 290, 11742, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
" Si Una Vez " was written by Selena y Los Dinos backup dancer and vocalist Pete Astudillo . The song was co @-@ written by Selena 's brother @-@ producer A.B. Quintanilla who , along with Argentine musician Bebu Silvetti , served as producers . Keyboardist of the group , Ricky Vela retold in a 2002 interview how the band hired a professional <unk> to record parts of the song . " Si Una Vez " is a Spanish @-@ language mariachi fusion track with influences of cumbia and Latin dance music . Author Deborah Paredez called " Si Una Vez " as having punk music undertones . In 2002 , A.B. spoke on how Amor Prohibido was experimental music @-@ heavy and commented on how " Si Una Vez " was an example of his ideas of keeping the band 's image modern . The song makes use of the <unk> guitar under a cumbia beat .
[ 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 373, 3194, 416, 15300, 8107, 331, 5401, 360, 11996, 11559, 38619, 290, 12435, 396, 17542, 8304, 463, 16111, 764, 383, 3496, 373, 763, 2488, 12, 31, 3194, 416, 15300, 8107, 705, 82, 3956, 2488, 12, 31, 9920, 317, 13, 33, 13, 33405, 272, 5049, 508, 837, 1863, 351, 36399, 21623, 1355, 11110, 4243, 303, 35671, 837, 4983, 355, 11408, 764, 31973, 396, 286, 262, 1448, 837, 31668, 569, 10304, 1005, 727, 287, 257, 6244, 2720, 703, 262, 4097, 9657, 257, 4708, 1279, 2954, 29, 284, 1700, 3354, 286, 262, 3496, 764, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 318, 257, 7897, 2488, 12, 31, 3303, 1667, 72, 14299, 21748, 2610, 351, 16717, 286, 269, 2178, 544, 290, 9133, 9280, 2647, 764, 6434, 36976, 350, 1144, 8471, 1444, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 355, 1719, 22782, 2647, 739, 36257, 764, 554, 6244, 837, 317, 13, 33, 13, 5158, 319, 703, 1703, 273, 1041, 3145, 17305, 373, 11992, 2647, 2488, 12, 31, 4334, 290, 16476, 319, 703, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 373, 281, 1672, 286, 465, 4213, 286, 5291, 262, 4097, 705, 82, 2939, 3660, 764, 383, 3496, 1838, 779, 286, 262, 1279, 2954, 29, 10047, 739, 257, 269, 2178, 544, 4405, 764, 220, 198 ]
" Si Una Vez " is written in the key of D minor and is played in a moderate groove of 84 beats per minute . It incorporates music from several musical instruments , including the piano and guitar . Lyrically , Selena reminiscences her failed relationship and wonders why she ever fell in love with an abusive partner who betrayed and left her , vowing to never allow a man like that back into her life . The lyrics suggest unrequited love and female empowerment .
[ 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 318, 3194, 287, 262, 1994, 286, 360, 4159, 290, 318, 2826, 287, 257, 10768, 35096, 286, 9508, 17825, 583, 5664, 764, 632, 33181, 2647, 422, 1811, 10530, 12834, 837, 1390, 262, 19132, 290, 10047, 764, 406, 2417, 1146, 837, 15300, 8107, 816, 259, 2304, 3007, 607, 4054, 2776, 290, 19294, 1521, 673, 1683, 3214, 287, 1842, 351, 281, 19546, 5212, 508, 26281, 290, 1364, 607, 837, 410, 7855, 284, 1239, 1249, 257, 582, 588, 326, 736, 656, 607, 1204, 764, 383, 15844, 1950, 555, 8897, 863, 1842, 290, 4048, 39309, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Critical reception and legacy = =
[ 796, 796, 17684, 16307, 290, 10655, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
" Si Una Vez " was named by the Latin Times as one of the top @-@ ten best karaoke songs sung in Spanish . Writing for the Latin Times , Maria Valdez called the song " fun " especially when running into your former partner at a karaoke party and found the track to showcases a singer 's vocal abilities . Texas Public Radio 's Nathan Cone , said " the song " resonates best " with South Texas " . Entertainment Weekly contributor David Browne , commented on Selena 's vocals as being " full @-@ throated , warbling " and that it " recalls Lydia Mendoza , conjunto 's leading lady . " A New University writer found the recording to have " showcase [ the singer 's ] passion with her vocals . "
[ 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 373, 3706, 416, 262, 9133, 3782, 355, 530, 286, 262, 1353, 2488, 12, 31, 3478, 1266, 479, 3301, 2088, 7259, 23568, 287, 7897, 764, 22183, 329, 262, 9133, 3782, 837, 14200, 38552, 8471, 1444, 262, 3496, 366, 1257, 366, 2592, 618, 2491, 656, 534, 1966, 5212, 379, 257, 479, 3301, 2088, 2151, 290, 1043, 262, 2610, 284, 45064, 257, 14015, 705, 82, 12435, 7883, 764, 3936, 5094, 8829, 705, 82, 18106, 327, 505, 837, 531, 366, 262, 3496, 366, 14309, 689, 1266, 366, 351, 2520, 3936, 366, 764, 11058, 18168, 18920, 3271, 46760, 837, 16476, 319, 15300, 8107, 705, 82, 25355, 355, 852, 366, 1336, 2488, 12, 31, 9244, 515, 837, 1175, 11108, 366, 290, 326, 340, 366, 16865, 47766, 20442, 78, 4496, 837, 11644, 403, 1462, 705, 82, 3756, 10846, 764, 366, 317, 968, 2059, 6260, 1043, 262, 8296, 284, 423, 366, 21742, 685, 262, 14015, 705, 82, 2361, 7506, 351, 607, 25355, 764, 366, 220, 198 ]
Selena performed the song on her final performance on March 19 , 1995 during the Calle Ocho Festival in Miami , which attracted over 100 @,@ 000 fans . Selena was shot and killed by Yolanda SaldΓ­var , her friend and former manager of the singer 's Selena Etc. clothing boutiques , on March 31 , 1995 . Selena 's performance of the song during her Houston Astrodome concert on February 26 , 1995 , was emulated by Jennifer Lopez as her role as the singer for the 1997 biopic film about Selena . " Si Una Vez " is considered by Billboard magazine to be one of Selena 's signature songs . Terra named " Si Una Vez " as one of Selena 's " most famous works " along with her other songs " El Chico del Apartamento 512 " , " Amor Prohibido " and " Fotos y Recuerdos " . The Broadcast Music , Inc . ( BMI ) recognized " Si Una Vez " at the BMI Pop Music Awards as Single of the Year in 1996 .
[ 15300, 8107, 6157, 262, 3496, 319, 607, 2457, 2854, 319, 2805, 678, 837, 8735, 1141, 262, 2199, 293, 440, 6679, 11117, 287, 8437, 837, 543, 12725, 625, 1802, 2488, 11, 31, 12877, 3296, 764, 15300, 8107, 373, 2823, 290, 2923, 416, 575, 349, 5282, 311, 1940, 8836, 7785, 837, 607, 1545, 290, 1966, 4706, 286, 262, 14015, 705, 82, 15300, 8107, 17906, 66, 13, 9528, 18222, 6368, 837, 319, 2805, 3261, 837, 8735, 764, 15300, 8107, 705, 82, 2854, 286, 262, 3496, 1141, 607, 6995, 8304, 14892, 462, 10010, 319, 3945, 2608, 837, 8735, 837, 373, 795, 4817, 416, 16348, 22593, 355, 607, 2597, 355, 262, 14015, 329, 262, 8309, 3182, 16603, 2646, 546, 15300, 8107, 764, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 318, 3177, 416, 36229, 7093, 284, 307, 530, 286, 15300, 8107, 705, 82, 9877, 7259, 764, 24118, 3706, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 355, 530, 286, 15300, 8107, 705, 82, 366, 749, 5863, 2499, 366, 1863, 351, 607, 584, 7259, 366, 2574, 609, 3713, 1619, 22596, 3263, 78, 22243, 366, 837, 366, 1703, 273, 1041, 3145, 17305, 366, 290, 366, 376, 14163, 331, 3311, 15573, 37427, 366, 764, 383, 44244, 7849, 837, 3457, 764, 357, 22456, 1267, 8018, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 379, 262, 22456, 8099, 7849, 15434, 355, 14206, 286, 262, 6280, 287, 8235, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Covers = =
[ 796, 796, 1766, 690, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
Mexican singer Mary <unk> recorded the song for the tribute album Mexico Recuerda a Selena ( 2005 ) . Mexican mariachi singer Alicia Villareal performed and recorded " Si Una Vez " for the live televised tribute concert Selena Β‘ VIVE ! in April 2005 . American reggaeton singer Ivy Queen covered " Si Una Vez " for her fifth studio album Flashback ( 2005 ) . She said in an interview how she felt " honored to be able to cover one of Selena 's songs " . Ivy Queen chose to cover " Si Una Vez " finding it to be identifiable to her and because of the song 's message which the singer stood for . Jonathan Widran of AllMusic called her versions a " reggaetΓ³n @-@ ed up twist " . In 2010 , indie rock group Girl in a Coma recorded a punk cover of " Si Una Vez " . The group decided to record the song because it was their favorite recordings of Selena . Girl in a Coma performed the song live during the 2010 Tejano Music Awards as a homage to Selena . In April 2011 , A.B. ' s band Kumbia All @-@ Starz performed their version of the song during their tour for La Vida De Un Genio ( 2010 ) in Bolivia . Colombian singer Kali <unk> performed " Si Una Vez " at the 2015 SXSW festival . Vibe magazine found <unk> ' performance to have given them " shivers " .
[ 10816, 14015, 5335, 1279, 2954, 29, 6264, 262, 3496, 329, 262, 17547, 5062, 5828, 3311, 15573, 6814, 257, 15300, 8107, 357, 5075, 1267, 764, 10816, 1667, 72, 14299, 14015, 39607, 9757, 533, 282, 6157, 290, 6264, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 329, 262, 2107, 30681, 17547, 10010, 15300, 8107, 1587, 94, 569, 9306, 5145, 287, 3035, 5075, 764, 1605, 842, 4908, 18483, 14015, 27386, 7542, 5017, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 329, 607, 8150, 8034, 5062, 9973, 1891, 357, 5075, 1267, 764, 1375, 531, 287, 281, 2720, 703, 673, 2936, 366, 21014, 284, 307, 1498, 284, 3002, 530, 286, 15300, 8107, 705, 82, 7259, 366, 764, 27386, 7542, 7690, 284, 3002, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 4917, 340, 284, 307, 34450, 284, 607, 290, 780, 286, 262, 3496, 705, 82, 3275, 543, 262, 14015, 6204, 329, 764, 11232, 24801, 2596, 286, 1439, 22648, 1444, 607, 6300, 257, 366, 842, 4908, 316, 18840, 2488, 12, 31, 1225, 510, 14528, 366, 764, 554, 3050, 837, 19907, 3881, 1448, 7430, 287, 257, 955, 64, 6264, 257, 22782, 3002, 286, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 764, 383, 1448, 3066, 284, 1700, 262, 3496, 780, 340, 373, 511, 4004, 18813, 286, 15300, 8107, 764, 7430, 287, 257, 955, 64, 6157, 262, 3496, 2107, 1141, 262, 3050, 1665, 73, 5733, 7849, 15434, 355, 257, 31044, 284, 15300, 8107, 764, 554, 3035, 2813, 837, 317, 13, 33, 13, 705, 264, 4097, 509, 2178, 544, 1439, 2488, 12, 31, 2907, 89, 6157, 511, 2196, 286, 262, 3496, 1141, 511, 4205, 329, 4689, 569, 3755, 1024, 791, 5215, 952, 357, 3050, 1267, 287, 38496, 764, 40351, 14015, 30636, 1279, 2954, 29, 6157, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 379, 262, 1853, 44205, 17887, 10876, 764, 569, 32438, 7093, 1043, 1279, 2954, 29, 705, 2854, 284, 423, 1813, 606, 366, 427, 1191, 366, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = = Manny Manuel version = = =
[ 796, 796, 796, 44745, 25995, 2196, 796, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
American merengue musician Manny Manuel covered the song on his debut album , El Rey de Corazones ( 1995 ) . Out of the five singles released from the album , " Si Una Vez " was Manuel 's most successful single off of the El Rey de Corazones album . The song debuted at number 29 on the United States Billboard Hot Latin Tracks and number three on the U.S. Tropical Songs chart . The following week , " Si Una Vez " rose to numbers 22 and two on the Hot Latin Songs and Tropical Songs chart , respectively . On October 14 , 1995 , the track climbed to number 21 on the Hot Latin Songs chart , while it fell to number four on the Tropical Songs chart . In its fourth week , " Si Una Vez " jumped to number 18 on the Hot Latin Songs chart , while over at the Tropical Songs chart the song rose to number three . Despite increased airplay spins , " Si Una Vez " fell to number 20 on the Hot Latin Songs chart . On November 11 , 1995 , " Si Una Vez " peaked at number one on the Tropical Songs chart for one week , <unk> airplay honors that week .
[ 1605, 5019, 782, 518, 21623, 44745, 25995, 5017, 262, 3496, 319, 465, 8886, 5062, 837, 2574, 24448, 390, 2744, 1031, 1952, 357, 8735, 1267, 764, 3806, 286, 262, 1936, 25287, 2716, 422, 262, 5062, 837, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 373, 25995, 705, 82, 749, 4388, 2060, 572, 286, 262, 2574, 24448, 390, 2744, 1031, 1952, 5062, 764, 383, 3496, 26376, 379, 1271, 2808, 319, 262, 1578, 1829, 36229, 6964, 9133, 42259, 290, 1271, 1115, 319, 262, 471, 13, 50, 13, 37956, 31772, 8262, 764, 383, 1708, 1285, 837, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 8278, 284, 3146, 2534, 290, 734, 319, 262, 6964, 9133, 31772, 290, 37956, 31772, 8262, 837, 8148, 764, 1550, 3267, 1478, 837, 8735, 837, 262, 2610, 19952, 284, 1271, 2310, 319, 262, 6964, 9133, 31772, 8262, 837, 981, 340, 3214, 284, 1271, 1440, 319, 262, 37956, 31772, 8262, 764, 554, 663, 5544, 1285, 837, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 11687, 284, 1271, 1248, 319, 262, 6964, 9133, 31772, 8262, 837, 981, 625, 379, 262, 37956, 31772, 8262, 262, 3496, 8278, 284, 1271, 1115, 764, 7945, 3220, 1633, 1759, 37621, 837, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 3214, 284, 1271, 1160, 319, 262, 6964, 9133, 31772, 8262, 764, 1550, 3389, 1367, 837, 8735, 837, 366, 15638, 791, 64, 8016, 89, 366, 33948, 379, 1271, 530, 319, 262, 37956, 31772, 8262, 329, 530, 1285, 837, 1279, 2954, 29, 1633, 1759, 25279, 326, 1285, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = = = Chart performance = = = =
[ 796, 796, 796, 796, 22086, 2854, 796, 796, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
= = Credits and personnel = =
[ 796, 796, 29501, 290, 8213, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
All credits were taken from the album 's liner notes .
[ 1439, 10824, 547, 2077, 422, 262, 5062, 705, 82, 35940, 4710, 764, 220, 198 ]
= Sicklefin lemon shark =
[ 796, 32181, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 796, 220, 198 ]
The sicklefin lemon shark , or sharptooth lemon shark ( Negaprion acutidens ) , is a species of requiem shark belonging to the family Carcharhinidae , widely distributed in the tropical waters of the Indo @-@ Pacific . It is closely related to the better @-@ known lemon shark ( N. brevirostris ) of the Americas ; the two species are almost identical in appearance , both being stout @-@ bodied sharks with broad heads , two dorsal fins of nearly equal size , and a plain yellow @-@ tinged coloration . As its common name suggests , the sicklefin lemon shark differs from its American counterpart in having more falcate ( sickle @-@ shaped ) fins . This large species grows up to 3 @.@ 8 m ( 12 ft ) long . It generally inhabits water less than 92 m ( 302 ft ) deep in a variety of habitats , from mangrove estuaries to coral reefs .
[ 383, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 837, 393, 13986, 457, 5226, 18873, 21027, 357, 13496, 499, 81, 295, 936, 315, 312, 641, 1267, 837, 318, 257, 4693, 286, 1038, 26597, 21027, 16686, 284, 262, 1641, 327, 998, 283, 20079, 31718, 837, 6768, 9387, 287, 262, 19690, 10150, 286, 262, 40136, 2488, 12, 31, 8211, 764, 632, 318, 7173, 3519, 284, 262, 1365, 2488, 12, 31, 1900, 18873, 21027, 357, 399, 13, 1449, 85, 7058, 301, 2442, 1267, 286, 262, 25733, 2162, 262, 734, 4693, 389, 2048, 10411, 287, 5585, 837, 1111, 852, 39171, 2488, 12, 31, 16429, 798, 27476, 351, 3154, 6665, 837, 734, 45254, 42080, 286, 3016, 4961, 2546, 837, 290, 257, 8631, 7872, 2488, 12, 31, 256, 24431, 3124, 341, 764, 1081, 663, 2219, 1438, 5644, 837, 262, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 24242, 422, 663, 1605, 11283, 287, 1719, 517, 24215, 66, 378, 357, 6639, 293, 2488, 12, 31, 14292, 1267, 42080, 764, 770, 1588, 4693, 13676, 510, 284, 513, 2488, 13, 31, 807, 285, 357, 1105, 10117, 1267, 890, 764, 632, 4143, 11381, 896, 1660, 1342, 621, 10190, 285, 357, 32591, 10117, 1267, 2769, 287, 257, 4996, 286, 35308, 837, 422, 582, 27333, 303, 1556, 84, 3166, 284, 29537, 43190, 764, 220, 198 ]
A slow @-@ moving predator feeding mainly on bony fishes , the sicklefin lemon shark seldom travels long distances and many individuals can be found year @-@ round at certain locations . Like other members of its family , this species is viviparous , with females giving birth to no more than 13 pups every other year , following a gestation period of 10 – 11 months . Although they are potentially dangerous to humans and known to respond vigorously to any provocation , under normal circumstances , sicklefin lemon sharks are cautious and tend to retreat if approached . The IUCN has assessed this species as Vulnerable ; its low reproductive productivity and rate of movement limits the capacity of depleted stocks to recover . Off India and Southeast Asia , this species has been severely depleted or extirpated by unregulated exploitation for its meat , fins , and liver oil .
[ 317, 3105, 2488, 12, 31, 3867, 30135, 13017, 8384, 319, 275, 1647, 49765, 837, 262, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 25129, 17781, 890, 18868, 290, 867, 3925, 460, 307, 1043, 614, 2488, 12, 31, 2835, 379, 1728, 7064, 764, 4525, 584, 1866, 286, 663, 1641, 837, 428, 4693, 318, 410, 452, 541, 283, 516, 837, 351, 12366, 3501, 4082, 284, 645, 517, 621, 1511, 279, 4739, 790, 584, 614, 837, 1708, 257, 47110, 2278, 286, 838, 784, 1367, 1933, 764, 4900, 484, 389, 6196, 4923, 284, 5384, 290, 1900, 284, 3031, 31609, 284, 597, 41209, 837, 739, 3487, 5917, 837, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 27476, 389, 21205, 290, 4327, 284, 13703, 611, 10448, 764, 383, 314, 9598, 45, 468, 15276, 428, 4693, 355, 569, 38828, 2162, 663, 1877, 18391, 13714, 290, 2494, 286, 3356, 7095, 262, 5339, 286, 34069, 14420, 284, 8551, 764, 3242, 3794, 290, 21199, 7229, 837, 428, 4693, 468, 587, 15052, 34069, 393, 1070, 343, 79, 515, 416, 47289, 17238, 329, 663, 6174, 837, 42080, 837, 290, 14383, 3056, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Taxonomy and phylogeny = =
[ 796, 796, 9241, 30565, 290, 43422, 88, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
The sicklefin lemon shark was first described as Carcharias acutidens by German naturalist Eduard RΓΌppell , in the 1837 Fische des Rothen Meeres ( Fishes of the Red Sea ) . In 1940 , Australian ichthyologist Gilbert Percy Whitley moved this species to his newly formed genus Negaprion . The type specimen , designated in 1960 , is a 68 @-@ cm @-@ long individual caught in the Red Sea off Jeddah , Saudi Arabia . The specific epithet acutidens is derived from the Latin acutus meaning " sharp " , and dens meaning " teeth " . The sicklefin lemon shark may also be referred to as <unk> shark , Indian lemon shark , Indo @-@ Pacific lemon shark , or simply lemon shark .
[ 383, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 373, 717, 3417, 355, 327, 998, 2743, 292, 936, 315, 312, 641, 416, 2679, 3288, 396, 40766, 446, 371, 9116, 381, 695, 837, 287, 262, 1248, 2718, 376, 46097, 748, 18481, 831, 337, 1453, 411, 357, 376, 5614, 286, 262, 2297, 6896, 1267, 764, 554, 16236, 837, 6638, 220, 488, 20057, 7451, 24023, 38506, 13183, 1636, 3888, 428, 4693, 284, 465, 8308, 7042, 34306, 13496, 499, 81, 295, 764, 383, 2099, 31674, 837, 11032, 287, 9507, 837, 318, 257, 8257, 2488, 12, 31, 12067, 2488, 12, 31, 890, 1981, 4978, 287, 262, 2297, 6896, 572, 449, 6048, 993, 837, 7420, 9671, 764, 383, 2176, 21240, 3202, 936, 315, 312, 641, 318, 10944, 422, 262, 9133, 936, 315, 385, 3616, 366, 7786, 366, 837, 290, 29509, 3616, 366, 9941, 366, 764, 383, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 743, 635, 307, 6412, 284, 355, 1279, 2954, 29, 21027, 837, 3942, 18873, 21027, 837, 40136, 2488, 12, 31, 8211, 18873, 21027, 837, 393, 2391, 18873, 21027, 764, 220, 198 ]
Based on microsatellite DNA evidence , the sicklefin lemon shark is thought to have diverged from its sister species N. brevirostris 10 – 14 million years ago , when the closure of the Tethys Sea separated lemon sharks in the Indian Ocean from those in the Atlantic . The ancestral lemon shark species may have been N. <unk> , the fossilized teeth of which occur in both the United States and Pakistan . Morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest that Negaprion is grouped with the whitetip reef shark ( Triaenodon ) and the <unk> shark ( <unk> ) in occupying an intermediate position on the carcharhinid evolutionary tree , between the most basal genera ( Galeocerdo , Rhizoprionodon , and Scoliodon ) and the most derived ( Carcharhinus and Sphyrna ) .
[ 13403, 319, 4580, 82, 26493, 7446, 2370, 837, 262, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 318, 1807, 284, 423, 12312, 2004, 422, 663, 6621, 4693, 399, 13, 1449, 85, 7058, 301, 2442, 838, 784, 1478, 1510, 812, 2084, 837, 618, 262, 16512, 286, 262, 309, 2788, 893, 6896, 11266, 18873, 27476, 287, 262, 3942, 10692, 422, 883, 287, 262, 10596, 764, 383, 34843, 18873, 21027, 4693, 743, 423, 587, 399, 13, 1279, 2954, 29, 837, 262, 12584, 1143, 9941, 286, 543, 3051, 287, 1111, 262, 1578, 1829, 290, 7648, 764, 41170, 2770, 290, 18955, 43422, 5139, 13523, 1950, 326, 13496, 499, 81, 295, 318, 32824, 351, 262, 20542, 316, 541, 25088, 21027, 357, 309, 7496, 268, 46457, 1267, 290, 262, 1279, 2954, 29, 21027, 357, 1279, 2954, 29, 1267, 287, 30876, 281, 19898, 2292, 319, 262, 269, 998, 283, 20079, 312, 16673, 5509, 837, 1022, 262, 749, 41202, 1152, 64, 357, 36483, 420, 263, 4598, 837, 10323, 528, 404, 81, 295, 46457, 837, 290, 1446, 349, 2101, 261, 1267, 290, 262, 749, 10944, 357, 327, 998, 283, 20079, 385, 290, 45368, 2417, 2616, 1267, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Distribution and habitat = =
[ 796, 796, 27484, 290, 20018, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
The range of the sicklefin lemon shark extends from South Africa to the Red Sea ( including Mauritius , the Seychelles , and Madagascar ) , continuing eastward along the coast of the Indian subcontinent to Southeast Asia , extending as far north as Taiwan and the Philippines , and as far south as New Guinea and northern Australia . This species is also found around numerous Pacific islands , including New Caledonia , Palau , the Marshall Islands , the Solomon Islands , Fiji , Vanuatu , and French Polynesia . This species likely colonized the central Pacific by infrequently " hopping " from one island to the next . Significant levels of genetic differentiation between sicklefin lemon sharks in Australia and French Polynesia , 750 km ( 470 mi ) apart , suggest that little intermingling occurs between regional subpopulations .
[ 383, 2837, 286, 262, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 14582, 422, 2520, 5478, 284, 262, 2297, 6896, 357, 1390, 46106, 3754, 837, 262, 1001, 88, 12398, 274, 837, 290, 46694, 1267, 837, 8282, 7627, 904, 1863, 262, 7051, 286, 262, 3942, 850, 3642, 7233, 284, 21199, 7229, 837, 16610, 355, 1290, 5093, 355, 14119, 290, 262, 13316, 837, 290, 355, 1290, 5366, 355, 968, 22777, 290, 7840, 4505, 764, 770, 4693, 318, 635, 1043, 1088, 6409, 8211, 14807, 837, 1390, 968, 2199, 276, 11339, 837, 3175, 559, 837, 262, 13606, 12010, 837, 262, 22912, 12010, 837, 43676, 837, 6656, 84, 33419, 837, 290, 4141, 12280, 31401, 764, 770, 4693, 1884, 7633, 1143, 262, 4318, 8211, 416, 1167, 37971, 366, 47153, 366, 422, 530, 7022, 284, 262, 1306, 764, 49631, 2974, 286, 8513, 32488, 1022, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 27476, 287, 4505, 290, 4141, 12280, 31401, 837, 19683, 10571, 357, 38634, 21504, 1267, 5475, 837, 1950, 326, 1310, 987, 2229, 1359, 8833, 1022, 7915, 850, 12924, 5768, 764, 220, 198 ]
An inhabitant of coastal continental and insular shelves , the sicklefin lemon shark occurs from the intertidal zone to a depth of 92 m ( 302 ft ) . This species favors still , murky waters and is most common in bays , estuaries , and lagoons , and over sandy flats and outer reefs . Sometimes , an individual may venture into open water ; one was filmed in the 1971 documentary Blue Water , White Death , in the vicinity of a sperm whale ( Physeter macrocephalus ) carcass . Juvenile sicklefin lemon sharks are often found on reef flats or around mangroves , in water so shallow that their dorsal fins are exposed . In Herald Bight off Western Australia , a known nursery , juvenile sicklefin lemon sharks frequent open areas and mangroves in water under 3 m ( 9 @.@ 8 ft ) deep , but not areas covered by the seagrass Posidonia australis .
[ 1052, 14527, 415, 286, 17475, 29843, 290, 1035, 934, 20726, 837, 262, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 8833, 422, 262, 987, 83, 11624, 6516, 284, 257, 6795, 286, 10190, 285, 357, 32591, 10117, 1267, 764, 770, 4693, 23866, 991, 837, 39574, 10150, 290, 318, 749, 2219, 287, 275, 592, 837, 1556, 84, 3166, 837, 290, 300, 3839, 684, 837, 290, 625, 44039, 38157, 290, 12076, 43190, 764, 8975, 837, 281, 1981, 743, 13189, 656, 1280, 1660, 2162, 530, 373, 18976, 287, 262, 16382, 11648, 4518, 5638, 837, 2635, 5830, 837, 287, 262, 25980, 286, 257, 19311, 22206, 357, 8687, 2357, 15021, 43996, 385, 1267, 36756, 562, 764, 48113, 576, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 27476, 389, 1690, 1043, 319, 25088, 38157, 393, 1088, 582, 27333, 1158, 837, 287, 1660, 523, 19337, 326, 511, 45254, 42080, 389, 7362, 764, 554, 18277, 347, 432, 572, 4885, 4505, 837, 257, 1900, 41326, 837, 21904, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 27476, 10792, 1280, 3006, 290, 582, 27333, 1158, 287, 1660, 739, 513, 285, 357, 860, 2488, 13, 31, 807, 10117, 1267, 2769, 837, 475, 407, 3006, 5017, 416, 262, 384, 363, 81, 562, 18574, 312, 11339, 38132, 1373, 271, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Description = =
[ 796, 796, 12489, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
The sicklefin lemon shark has a robust , stocky body and a short , broad head . The snout is rounded or almost wedge @-@ shaped , with small nostrils bearing triangular flaps of skin in front . The eyes are small , with no spiracles . Short furrows are present at the corners of the mouth . Thirteen to 16 ( usually 14 ) tooth rows occur on either side of both jaws , not including the tiny teeth at the symphysis ( the jaw midline ) . The upper teeth have a large cusp rising from a broad base , with a notch on each side ; these teeth become increasingly angled towards the corners of the mouth . The lower teeth resemble the upper teeth , but are narrower and more erect . The teeth of sharks over 1 @.@ 4 m ( 4 @.@ 6 ft ) long are finely serrated .
[ 383, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 468, 257, 12373, 837, 4283, 88, 1767, 290, 257, 1790, 837, 3154, 1182, 764, 383, 3013, 448, 318, 19273, 393, 2048, 35901, 2488, 12, 31, 14292, 837, 351, 1402, 18216, 41408, 14121, 46963, 781, 1686, 286, 4168, 287, 2166, 764, 383, 2951, 389, 1402, 837, 351, 645, 9158, 9928, 764, 10073, 9230, 8516, 389, 1944, 379, 262, 14371, 286, 262, 5422, 764, 536, 22530, 284, 1467, 357, 3221, 1478, 1267, 16162, 15274, 3051, 319, 2035, 1735, 286, 1111, 39940, 837, 407, 1390, 262, 7009, 9941, 379, 262, 5659, 746, 3097, 357, 262, 19218, 3095, 1370, 1267, 764, 383, 6727, 9941, 423, 257, 1588, 269, 17723, 7396, 422, 257, 3154, 2779, 837, 351, 257, 29838, 319, 1123, 1735, 2162, 777, 9941, 1716, 6481, 48719, 3371, 262, 14371, 286, 262, 5422, 764, 383, 2793, 9941, 22464, 262, 6727, 9941, 837, 475, 389, 40369, 290, 517, 16417, 764, 383, 9941, 286, 27476, 625, 352, 2488, 13, 31, 604, 285, 357, 604, 2488, 13, 31, 718, 10117, 1267, 890, 389, 32566, 1055, 4111, 764, 220, 198 ]
The fins ( especially the dorsal , pectoral , and <unk> ) of the sicklefin lemon shark are more falcate ( sickle @-@ shaped ) than those of the otherwise very similar American lemon shark . The first dorsal fin is positioned closer to the pelvic than the pectoral fins . The second dorsal fin , nearly equal to the first in size , is located over or slightly forward of the anal fin . No ridge is seen between the dorsal fins . The pectoral fins are long and broad , originating below the space between the third and fourth gill slits . The anal fin has a strong notch in the rear margin . The precaudal pit ( a cavity just forward of the caudal fin ) is oriented longitudinally . The large dermal denticles are overlapping and bear three to five horizontal ridges each . The coloration is a plain yellowish brown or gray above and lighter below , with more yellow on the fins . This species attains a maximum known length of 3 @.@ 8 m ( 12 ft ) , though it typically does not exceed 3 @.@ 1 m ( 10 ft ) .
[ 383, 42080, 357, 2592, 262, 45254, 837, 279, 478, 6864, 837, 290, 1279, 2954, 29, 1267, 286, 262, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 389, 517, 24215, 66, 378, 357, 6639, 293, 2488, 12, 31, 14292, 1267, 621, 883, 286, 262, 4306, 845, 2092, 1605, 18873, 21027, 764, 383, 717, 45254, 957, 318, 19378, 5699, 284, 262, 43510, 621, 262, 279, 478, 6864, 42080, 764, 383, 1218, 45254, 957, 837, 3016, 4961, 284, 262, 717, 287, 2546, 837, 318, 5140, 625, 393, 4622, 2651, 286, 262, 2037, 957, 764, 1400, 32525, 318, 1775, 1022, 262, 45254, 42080, 764, 383, 279, 478, 6864, 42080, 389, 890, 290, 3154, 837, 37962, 2174, 262, 2272, 1022, 262, 2368, 290, 5544, 308, 359, 1017, 896, 764, 383, 2037, 957, 468, 257, 1913, 29838, 287, 262, 8286, 10330, 764, 383, 3718, 3885, 282, 6028, 357, 257, 31643, 655, 2651, 286, 262, 1275, 463, 282, 957, 1267, 318, 25921, 890, 26331, 3289, 764, 383, 1588, 4587, 7617, 18794, 2983, 389, 32997, 290, 6842, 1115, 284, 1936, 16021, 5755, 3212, 1123, 764, 383, 3124, 341, 318, 257, 8631, 7872, 680, 7586, 393, 12768, 2029, 290, 14871, 2174, 837, 351, 517, 7872, 319, 262, 42080, 764, 770, 4693, 708, 1299, 257, 5415, 1900, 4129, 286, 513, 2488, 13, 31, 807, 285, 357, 1105, 10117, 1267, 837, 996, 340, 6032, 857, 407, 7074, 513, 2488, 13, 31, 352, 285, 357, 838, 10117, 1267, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Biology and ecology = =
[ 796, 796, 24698, 290, 36517, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
A sluggish species , the sicklefin lemon shark is usually seen cruising sedately just above the sea bottom or lying still on it , as unlike most requiem sharks , it is capable of actively pumping water over its gills . However , it will approach the surface in pursuit of food . This shark seldom undertakes long @-@ distance movements . A study at Aldabra Atoll in the Seychelles found , of the tagged sharks that were later recaptured , over 90 % were still within 2 km ( 1 @.@ 2 mi ) of their initial tagging location . Another study at Moorea in French Polynesia found that some of the local sharks were year @-@ round residents of the island , while others were more transitory and visited only occasionally .
[ 317, 40186, 4693, 837, 262, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 318, 3221, 1775, 44339, 10081, 1286, 655, 2029, 262, 5417, 4220, 393, 9105, 991, 319, 340, 837, 355, 5023, 749, 1038, 26597, 27476, 837, 340, 318, 6007, 286, 10630, 26916, 1660, 625, 663, 308, 2171, 764, 2102, 837, 340, 481, 3164, 262, 4417, 287, 14748, 286, 2057, 764, 770, 21027, 25129, 10122, 1124, 890, 2488, 12, 31, 5253, 8650, 764, 317, 2050, 379, 15586, 397, 430, 1629, 692, 287, 262, 1001, 88, 12398, 274, 1043, 837, 286, 262, 30509, 27476, 326, 547, 1568, 36791, 1522, 837, 625, 4101, 4064, 547, 991, 1626, 362, 10571, 357, 352, 2488, 13, 31, 362, 21504, 1267, 286, 511, 4238, 49620, 4067, 764, 6023, 2050, 379, 8877, 64, 287, 4141, 12280, 31401, 1043, 326, 617, 286, 262, 1957, 27476, 547, 614, 2488, 12, 31, 2835, 5085, 286, 262, 7022, 837, 981, 1854, 547, 517, 11168, 652, 290, 8672, 691, 10491, 764, 220, 198 ]
Over 90 % of the sicklefin lemon shark 's diet consists of <unk> and shore @-@ dwelling teleosts , including herring , mullets , mackerel , silversides , needlefish , smelt @-@ whitings , porgies , sea catfish , triggerfish , parrotfish , and porcupinefish . Occasionally , they may also take cephalopods and crustaceans , and older individuals have been known to consume stingrays and guitarfish . This species may be preyed upon by larger sharks . Known parasites include the tapeworms Paraorygmatobothrium <unk> , <unk> <unk> , Phoreiobothrium <unk> , and Platybothrium <unk> . Sicklefin lemon sharks have been documented resting on the bottom and eliciting cleanings by bluestreak cleaner wrasses ( Labroides dimidiatus ) , during which they may open their mouths and stop respiring for as long as 150 seconds to give the wrasses access to their mouths and gills .
[ 3827, 4101, 4064, 286, 262, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 705, 82, 5496, 10874, 286, 1279, 2954, 29, 290, 15191, 2488, 12, 31, 26765, 5735, 455, 82, 837, 1390, 607, 1806, 837, 35971, 5289, 837, 8352, 365, 2411, 837, 3313, 690, 1460, 837, 17598, 11084, 837, 895, 2120, 2488, 12, 31, 20542, 654, 837, 279, 2398, 444, 837, 5417, 3797, 11084, 837, 7616, 11084, 837, 1582, 10599, 11084, 837, 290, 16964, 25244, 500, 11084, 764, 40659, 837, 484, 743, 635, 1011, 269, 538, 14201, 404, 12978, 290, 20048, 558, 504, 837, 290, 4697, 3925, 423, 587, 1900, 284, 15000, 24276, 20477, 290, 10047, 11084, 764, 770, 4693, 743, 307, 15974, 276, 2402, 416, 4025, 27476, 764, 29454, 36643, 2291, 262, 9814, 413, 579, 82, 2547, 64, 652, 70, 6759, 672, 849, 19172, 1279, 2954, 29, 837, 1279, 2954, 29, 1279, 2954, 29, 837, 1380, 382, 72, 672, 849, 19172, 1279, 2954, 29, 837, 290, 32715, 88, 16885, 19172, 1279, 2954, 29, 764, 32181, 293, 15643, 18873, 27476, 423, 587, 12395, 19186, 319, 262, 4220, 290, 25487, 1780, 3424, 654, 416, 48208, 395, 260, 461, 21723, 1319, 13978, 357, 3498, 305, 1460, 5391, 312, 34704, 1267, 837, 1141, 543, 484, 743, 1280, 511, 28552, 290, 2245, 1217, 3428, 329, 355, 890, 355, 6640, 4201, 284, 1577, 262, 1319, 13978, 1895, 284, 511, 28552, 290, 308, 2171, 764, 220, 198 ]
As with other members of its family , the sicklefin lemon shark is viviparous ; the developing embryos are sustained by a placental connection formed from their depleted yolk sacs . Females give birth to one to 13 ( usually six to 12 ) pups every other year in shallow nursery areas , following a gestation period of 10 – 11 months . Unlike in the American lemon shark , cant evidence indicates this species is philopatric ( returns to the site of their birth to reproduce ) . Parturition occurs in October or November at Madagascar and Aldabra , and in January at French Polynesia ; ovulation and mating for nonpregnant females takes place at around the same time . The embryos develop a placenta after around four months of gestation , when they still possess vestiges of external gills . The young are born at a length of 45 – 80 cm ( 18 – 31 in ) . Juvenile sharks grow slowly , at a rate of 12 @.@ 5 – 15 @.@ 5 cm ( 4 @.@ 9 – 6 @.@ 1 in ) per year . Both sexes attain sexual maturity at a length of 2 @.@ 2 – 2 @.@ 4 m ( 7 @.@ 2 – 7 @.@ 9 ft ) .
[ 1081, 351, 584, 1866, 286, 663, 1641, 837, 262, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 318, 410, 452, 541, 283, 516, 2162, 262, 5922, 39966, 389, 12605, 416, 257, 21957, 2470, 4637, 7042, 422, 511, 34069, 331, 13597, 5360, 82, 764, 44727, 1577, 4082, 284, 530, 284, 1511, 357, 3221, 2237, 284, 1105, 1267, 279, 4739, 790, 584, 614, 287, 19337, 41326, 3006, 837, 1708, 257, 47110, 2278, 286, 838, 784, 1367, 1933, 764, 12101, 287, 262, 1605, 18873, 21027, 837, 18548, 2370, 9217, 428, 4693, 318, 5206, 404, 265, 1173, 357, 5860, 284, 262, 2524, 286, 511, 4082, 284, 22919, 1267, 764, 2142, 333, 653, 8833, 287, 3267, 393, 3389, 379, 46694, 290, 15586, 397, 430, 837, 290, 287, 3269, 379, 4141, 12280, 31401, 2162, 19643, 1741, 290, 31993, 329, 1729, 79, 2301, 22057, 12366, 2753, 1295, 379, 1088, 262, 976, 640, 764, 383, 39966, 1205, 257, 458, 12643, 64, 706, 1088, 1440, 1933, 286, 47110, 837, 618, 484, 991, 8588, 19750, 328, 274, 286, 7097, 308, 2171, 764, 383, 1862, 389, 4642, 379, 257, 4129, 286, 4153, 784, 4019, 12067, 357, 1248, 784, 3261, 287, 1267, 764, 48113, 576, 27476, 1663, 6364, 837, 379, 257, 2494, 286, 1105, 2488, 13, 31, 642, 784, 1315, 2488, 13, 31, 642, 12067, 357, 604, 2488, 13, 31, 860, 784, 718, 2488, 13, 31, 352, 287, 1267, 583, 614, 764, 5747, 32487, 18188, 3206, 24841, 379, 257, 4129, 286, 362, 2488, 13, 31, 362, 784, 362, 2488, 13, 31, 604, 285, 357, 767, 2488, 13, 31, 362, 784, 767, 2488, 13, 31, 860, 10117, 1267, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Human interactions = =
[ 796, 796, 5524, 12213, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
Several apparently unprovoked attacks on humans have been attributed to the sicklefin lemon shark . Due to its formidable size and teeth , it is regarded as potentially dangerous , and certainly this species has been known to defend itself quickly and vigorously if touched , speared , or otherwise provoked or alarmed . Once agitated , this shark can be a persistent adversary ; in one case , a shark forced a swimmer to seek refuge atop a coral head , and circled for hours before giving up . However , observations by divers show that normally this shark is shy and hesitant to approach , even when presented with bait . Often , the shark will move away when a diver enters visual range . Young sharks are reportedly more aggressive and inquisitive than the adults . At Moorea , sicklefin lemon sharks are the main attraction of daily shark @-@ feeding ecotourism dives . This shark adapts well to captivity and is displayed in public aquariums .
[ 12168, 5729, 555, 15234, 6545, 3434, 319, 5384, 423, 587, 14183, 284, 262, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 764, 14444, 284, 663, 24599, 2546, 290, 9941, 837, 340, 318, 11987, 355, 6196, 4923, 837, 290, 3729, 428, 4693, 468, 587, 1900, 284, 4404, 2346, 2952, 290, 31609, 611, 12615, 837, 693, 1144, 837, 393, 4306, 29579, 393, 32064, 764, 4874, 41574, 837, 428, 21027, 460, 307, 257, 16218, 34114, 2162, 287, 530, 1339, 837, 257, 21027, 4137, 257, 9422, 647, 284, 5380, 5473, 20156, 257, 29537, 1182, 837, 290, 48149, 329, 2250, 878, 3501, 510, 764, 2102, 837, 13050, 416, 15070, 905, 326, 7685, 428, 21027, 318, 15800, 290, 32848, 284, 3164, 837, 772, 618, 5545, 351, 26536, 764, 18023, 837, 262, 21027, 481, 1445, 1497, 618, 257, 12312, 14170, 5874, 2837, 764, 6960, 27476, 389, 7478, 517, 8361, 290, 7949, 271, 1800, 621, 262, 6490, 764, 1629, 8877, 64, 837, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 27476, 389, 262, 1388, 17416, 286, 4445, 21027, 2488, 12, 31, 13017, 9940, 313, 454, 1042, 46638, 764, 770, 21027, 6068, 82, 880, 284, 33763, 290, 318, 9066, 287, 1171, 33868, 82, 764, 220, 198 ]
The IUCN has assessed the sicklefin lemon shark globally as Vulnerable ; it is harvested using anchored and floating gillnets , beach nets , and longlines . The meat is sold fresh or dried and salted for human consumption , the fins used for shark fin soup , and the liver oil is processed for vitamins . The sicklefin lemon shark is highly susceptible to local overfishing , due to its slow reproductive rate and limited movements . Off Southeast Asia , this shark has become scarce under the pressure of expanding , unmonitored , and unregulated fisheries , and has been assessed there as Endangered by the IUCN . Widespread habitat degradation , including pollution and blast fishing on coral reefs and deforestation in mangroves , poses an additional threat to the survival of this species in the region . Already , the sicklefin lemon shark has been extirpated in parts of India and Thailand , and has not been reported from Indonesian markets in recent years despite being historically abundant there . Off Australia , the sicklefin lemon shark is taken in only small numbers intentionally and as bycatch , and has been listed under Least Concern .
[ 383, 314, 9598, 45, 468, 15276, 262, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 18309, 355, 569, 38828, 2162, 340, 318, 34262, 1262, 39871, 290, 12462, 308, 359, 45938, 837, 10481, 31720, 837, 290, 890, 6615, 764, 383, 6174, 318, 2702, 4713, 393, 16577, 290, 3664, 1513, 329, 1692, 7327, 837, 262, 42080, 973, 329, 21027, 957, 17141, 837, 290, 262, 14383, 3056, 318, 13686, 329, 29091, 764, 383, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 318, 4047, 22084, 284, 1957, 625, 69, 3929, 837, 2233, 284, 663, 3105, 18391, 2494, 290, 3614, 8650, 764, 3242, 21199, 7229, 837, 428, 21027, 468, 1716, 18549, 739, 262, 3833, 286, 11581, 837, 555, 2144, 20026, 837, 290, 47289, 41440, 837, 290, 468, 587, 15276, 612, 355, 5268, 19041, 416, 262, 314, 9598, 45, 764, 370, 9790, 20018, 27486, 837, 1390, 12231, 290, 11975, 12478, 319, 29537, 43190, 290, 48152, 287, 582, 27333, 1158, 837, 17313, 281, 3224, 2372, 284, 262, 9441, 286, 428, 4693, 287, 262, 3814, 764, 27511, 837, 262, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 468, 587, 1070, 343, 79, 515, 287, 3354, 286, 3794, 290, 16952, 837, 290, 468, 407, 587, 2098, 422, 28259, 5939, 287, 2274, 812, 3805, 852, 15074, 23263, 612, 764, 3242, 4505, 837, 262, 6639, 293, 15643, 18873, 21027, 318, 2077, 287, 691, 1402, 3146, 16464, 290, 355, 416, 40198, 837, 290, 468, 587, 5610, 739, 1004, 459, 32265, 764, 220, 198 ]
= <unk> flycatcher =
[ 796, 1279, 2954, 29, 6129, 9246, 2044, 796, 220, 198 ]
The flammulated flycatcher ( Deltarhynchus <unk> ) is a species of bird in the Tyrannidae family and is the only species in the monotypic genus Deltarhynchus , although it is closely related to the birds of the genus Myiarchus . It is endemic to the dry deciduous forest , arid thorn forest , and scrubby woodland of Mexico ’ s Pacific coast . The flycatcher is an olive to gray @-@ brown bird with a streaked , pale gray chest , white throat , black bill , dark gray feet , and dark brown wings . It is a skulking bird that typically remains hidden in the underbrush . It feeds by gleaning insects off of leaves and twigs that it spots from an exposed perch . The female lays approximately three eggs in a nest made in a shallow tree cavity .
[ 383, 781, 6475, 4817, 6129, 9246, 2044, 357, 360, 2120, 283, 71, 2047, 354, 385, 1279, 2954, 29, 1267, 318, 257, 4693, 286, 6512, 287, 262, 38401, 31718, 1641, 290, 318, 262, 691, 4693, 287, 262, 937, 17183, 291, 34306, 360, 2120, 283, 71, 2047, 354, 385, 837, 3584, 340, 318, 7173, 3519, 284, 262, 10087, 286, 262, 34306, 2011, 72, 998, 385, 764, 632, 318, 42560, 284, 262, 5894, 875, 312, 5623, 8222, 837, 610, 312, 38999, 8222, 837, 290, 27268, 1525, 49609, 286, 5828, 564, 247, 264, 8211, 7051, 764, 383, 6129, 9246, 2044, 318, 281, 19450, 284, 12768, 2488, 12, 31, 7586, 6512, 351, 257, 1937, 4335, 837, 14005, 12768, 7721, 837, 2330, 13589, 837, 2042, 2855, 837, 3223, 12768, 3625, 837, 290, 3223, 7586, 12098, 764, 632, 318, 257, 1341, 377, 3364, 6512, 326, 6032, 3793, 7104, 287, 262, 739, 32680, 764, 632, 21318, 416, 308, 25909, 19435, 572, 286, 5667, 290, 665, 9235, 326, 340, 10222, 422, 281, 7362, 583, 354, 764, 383, 4048, 26614, 6702, 1115, 9653, 287, 257, 16343, 925, 287, 257, 19337, 5509, 31643, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Taxonomy = =
[ 796, 796, 9241, 30565, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
The species was first described in 1875 by ornithologist George Newbold Lawrence , who placed this species in the genus Myiarchus . However , in 1893 it was split from Myiarchus into the new , monotypic genus Deltarhynchus by Robert Ridgway because of its shorter and broader bill , more rounded wings , and partially streaked underparts . This change was upheld in 1901 by Richard Bowdler Sharpe and by subsequent authors . However , in 1977 ornithologist Melvin Alvah Traylor Jr . , while upholding its status as a monotypic genus , said that the species should be lumped back into Myiarchus if its nesting habits were similar to those of that genus . These doubts were put to rest by Wesley Lanyon 's research of the flycatcher in 1979 , which confirmed the bird 's placement in a monotypic genus .
[ 383, 4693, 373, 717, 3417, 287, 1248, 2425, 416, 25322, 342, 7451, 4502, 968, 36575, 13914, 837, 508, 4624, 428, 4693, 287, 262, 34306, 2011, 72, 998, 385, 764, 2102, 837, 287, 48889, 340, 373, 6626, 422, 2011, 72, 998, 385, 656, 262, 649, 837, 937, 17183, 291, 34306, 360, 2120, 283, 71, 2047, 354, 385, 416, 5199, 23223, 70, 1014, 780, 286, 663, 12238, 290, 11622, 2855, 837, 517, 19273, 12098, 837, 290, 12387, 1937, 4335, 739, 42632, 764, 770, 1487, 373, 24816, 287, 39923, 416, 6219, 9740, 67, 1754, 15465, 431, 290, 416, 8840, 7035, 764, 2102, 837, 287, 15589, 25322, 342, 7451, 48834, 33414, 993, 833, 7167, 7504, 764, 837, 981, 46004, 663, 3722, 355, 257, 937, 17183, 291, 34306, 837, 531, 326, 262, 4693, 815, 307, 23844, 276, 736, 656, 2011, 72, 998, 385, 611, 663, 46282, 13870, 547, 2092, 284, 883, 286, 326, 34306, 764, 2312, 17188, 547, 1234, 284, 1334, 416, 28634, 406, 21330, 705, 82, 2267, 286, 262, 6129, 9246, 2044, 287, 13521, 837, 543, 4999, 262, 6512, 705, 82, 13127, 287, 257, 937, 17183, 291, 34306, 764, 220, 198 ]
Deltarhynchus is similar to the genus Myiarchus , but is distinguished from it by a broader and shorter bill , more rounded wings , a different face pattern , pale cinnamon wing and tail edgings , voice , streaking on the chest , and the bird 's skulking habits . The flammulated flycatcher 's generic name is derived from the Ancient Greek words delta , which means " delta @-@ shaped " or , in this case , " wedge " , and rhynchos , which means " beak " . Its specific epithet is derived from the Latin word <unk> , which means " little flame " . The flycatcher has no subspecies .
[ 360, 2120, 283, 71, 2047, 354, 385, 318, 2092, 284, 262, 34306, 2011, 72, 998, 385, 837, 475, 318, 18876, 422, 340, 416, 257, 11622, 290, 12238, 2855, 837, 517, 19273, 12098, 837, 257, 1180, 1986, 3912, 837, 14005, 29181, 8539, 290, 7894, 1225, 70, 654, 837, 3809, 837, 1937, 868, 319, 262, 7721, 837, 290, 262, 6512, 705, 82, 1341, 377, 3364, 13870, 764, 383, 781, 6475, 4817, 6129, 9246, 2044, 705, 82, 14276, 1438, 318, 10944, 422, 262, 13406, 8312, 2456, 25979, 837, 543, 1724, 366, 25979, 2488, 12, 31, 14292, 366, 393, 837, 287, 428, 1339, 837, 366, 35901, 366, 837, 290, 9529, 2047, 354, 418, 837, 543, 1724, 366, 307, 461, 366, 764, 6363, 2176, 21240, 3202, 318, 10944, 422, 262, 9133, 1573, 1279, 2954, 29, 837, 543, 1724, 366, 1310, 16506, 366, 764, 383, 6129, 9246, 2044, 468, 645, 850, 35448, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Description = =
[ 796, 796, 12489, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
The flammulated flycatcher is approximately 6 to 6 @.@ 5 inches ( 15 @-@ 16 @.@ 5 cm ) in length and has a chunky body . Adult males and females are similar in plumage , with each possessing olive to a worn gray @-@ brown upperparts and head . A whitish supraloral stripe and crescent are behind the bird 's eyes . It also has a dusky lore . The throat is whitish and the chest is a pale gray with inconspicuous dusky streaking , while the belly and undertail coverts are a pale yellow . Additionally , this species has dark brown , well @-@ rounded wings with pale cinnamon @-@ edged coverts and remiges . The wings are about 3 inches ( 76 mm ) long . The tail is also a dark brown edged with a narrow band of pale cinnamon . It is barely shorter than the wing and slightly rounded . The bird 's bill is black , broad , and triangular with a slightly paler base and about half the length of the its head . The legs are a dark gray and end with large , curved , and sharp claws . It has an orange mouth and a brown eye . The juvenile is similar to the adult , although the tail has a broad band of pale cinnamon .
[ 383, 781, 6475, 4817, 6129, 9246, 2044, 318, 6702, 718, 284, 718, 2488, 13, 31, 642, 8331, 357, 1315, 2488, 12, 31, 1467, 2488, 13, 31, 642, 12067, 1267, 287, 4129, 290, 468, 257, 442, 28898, 1767, 764, 21171, 10835, 290, 12366, 389, 2092, 287, 22802, 496, 837, 351, 1123, 25566, 19450, 284, 257, 12666, 12768, 2488, 12, 31, 7586, 6727, 42632, 290, 1182, 764, 317, 20542, 680, 424, 1050, 282, 6864, 39858, 290, 269, 26505, 389, 2157, 262, 6512, 705, 82, 2951, 764, 632, 635, 468, 257, 288, 42431, 24044, 764, 383, 13589, 318, 20542, 680, 290, 262, 7721, 318, 257, 14005, 12768, 351, 12764, 16564, 5623, 288, 42431, 1937, 868, 837, 981, 262, 19921, 290, 10122, 603, 3002, 912, 389, 257, 14005, 7872, 764, 12032, 837, 428, 4693, 468, 3223, 7586, 837, 880, 2488, 12, 31, 19273, 12098, 351, 14005, 29181, 2488, 12, 31, 45871, 3002, 912, 290, 816, 328, 274, 764, 383, 12098, 389, 546, 513, 8331, 357, 8684, 8085, 1267, 890, 764, 383, 7894, 318, 635, 257, 3223, 7586, 45871, 351, 257, 7135, 4097, 286, 14005, 29181, 764, 632, 318, 8523, 12238, 621, 262, 8539, 290, 4622, 19273, 764, 383, 6512, 705, 82, 2855, 318, 2042, 837, 3154, 837, 290, 46963, 351, 257, 4622, 6340, 263, 2779, 290, 546, 2063, 262, 4129, 286, 262, 663, 1182, 764, 383, 7405, 389, 257, 3223, 12768, 290, 886, 351, 1588, 837, 26929, 837, 290, 7786, 28421, 764, 632, 468, 281, 10912, 5422, 290, 257, 7586, 4151, 764, 383, 21904, 318, 2092, 284, 262, 4044, 837, 3584, 262, 7894, 468, 257, 3154, 4097, 286, 14005, 29181, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = = Vocalization = = =
[ 796, 796, 796, 569, 4374, 1634, 796, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
The flammulated flycatcher mostly sings from April to August , which includes its breeding season , and tends to remain hidden while singing . The song of the flycatcher is a plaintive whistle followed by a short but quick roll . It can also give a plaintive and slurred chew call , which is often sung three to five times in a descending series , as well as a squeaky chatter . Calls are the same for males and females and are given throughout the day to give a location , identify an individual , sound an alarm , and mark the limits of a territory , among other functions . During the breeding season , males give what is known as a dawn song every morning , which includes the calls chee @-@ bee beet and churr @-@ r @-@ r @-@ bee bee in alternation .
[ 383, 781, 6475, 4817, 6129, 9246, 2044, 4632, 33041, 422, 3035, 284, 2932, 837, 543, 3407, 663, 18954, 1622, 837, 290, 12444, 284, 3520, 7104, 981, 13777, 764, 383, 3496, 286, 262, 6129, 9246, 2044, 318, 257, 13371, 425, 16121, 3940, 416, 257, 1790, 475, 2068, 4836, 764, 632, 460, 635, 1577, 257, 13371, 425, 290, 1017, 12808, 34722, 869, 837, 543, 318, 1690, 23568, 1115, 284, 1936, 1661, 287, 257, 31491, 2168, 837, 355, 880, 355, 257, 35776, 15492, 37303, 764, 27592, 389, 262, 976, 329, 10835, 290, 12366, 290, 389, 1813, 3690, 262, 1110, 284, 1577, 257, 4067, 837, 5911, 281, 1981, 837, 2128, 281, 10436, 837, 290, 1317, 262, 7095, 286, 257, 7674, 837, 1871, 584, 5499, 764, 5856, 262, 18954, 1622, 837, 10835, 1577, 644, 318, 1900, 355, 257, 17577, 3496, 790, 3329, 837, 543, 3407, 262, 3848, 1125, 68, 2488, 12, 31, 20697, 25679, 290, 442, 333, 81, 2488, 12, 31, 374, 2488, 12, 31, 374, 2488, 12, 31, 20697, 20697, 287, 3983, 341, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Distribution and habitat = =
[ 796, 796, 27484, 290, 20018, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
This flycatcher is endemic to the Pacific lowlands of Mexico 's western coast from Sinaloa to western Chiapas , while possibly extending into Guatemala , although this has not been confirmed . The total area that it lives in is estimated to be 66 @,@ 000 km2 ( 25 @,@ 482 @.@ 7 sq mi ) . Its range is discontinuous and it is found in low densities when present . It lives in dry deciduous forest , arid and semi @-@ arid thorn forest , and scrubby woodland at about 1000 – 1400 meters ( <unk> – <unk> ft ) above sea level . This species is non @-@ migratory .
[ 770, 6129, 9246, 2044, 318, 42560, 284, 262, 8211, 1877, 4447, 286, 5828, 705, 82, 8830, 7051, 422, 311, 1292, 12162, 284, 8830, 21380, 499, 292, 837, 981, 5457, 16610, 656, 32183, 837, 3584, 428, 468, 407, 587, 4999, 764, 383, 2472, 1989, 326, 340, 3160, 287, 318, 6108, 284, 307, 7930, 2488, 11, 31, 12877, 10571, 17, 357, 1679, 2488, 11, 31, 4764, 17, 2488, 13, 31, 767, 19862, 21504, 1267, 764, 6363, 2837, 318, 19936, 5623, 290, 340, 318, 1043, 287, 1877, 29509, 871, 618, 1944, 764, 632, 3160, 287, 5894, 875, 312, 5623, 8222, 837, 610, 312, 290, 10663, 2488, 12, 31, 610, 312, 38999, 8222, 837, 290, 27268, 1525, 49609, 379, 546, 8576, 784, 36641, 10700, 357, 1279, 2954, 29, 784, 1279, 2954, 29, 10117, 1267, 2029, 5417, 1241, 764, 770, 4693, 318, 1729, 2488, 12, 31, 15720, 2870, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = = Status = = =
[ 796, 796, 796, 12678, 796, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
The flammulated flycatcher is listed as being of least concern on the IUCN Red List due to its large range and the belief that the total population numbers over 10 @,@ 000 individuals ; however , no precise estimate on the bird 's population exists . While the species is known to be uncommon in parts of its range , its population is not believed to be declining enough to pass the threshold of 30 % in ten years or three generations necessary to be listed as near threatened , although the exact population trends also have not been quantified .
[ 383, 781, 6475, 4817, 6129, 9246, 2044, 318, 5610, 355, 852, 286, 1551, 2328, 319, 262, 314, 9598, 45, 2297, 7343, 2233, 284, 663, 1588, 2837, 290, 262, 4901, 326, 262, 2472, 3265, 3146, 625, 838, 2488, 11, 31, 12877, 3925, 2162, 2158, 837, 645, 7141, 8636, 319, 262, 6512, 705, 82, 3265, 7160, 764, 2893, 262, 4693, 318, 1900, 284, 307, 19185, 287, 3354, 286, 663, 2837, 837, 663, 3265, 318, 407, 4762, 284, 307, 18080, 1576, 284, 1208, 262, 11387, 286, 1542, 4064, 287, 3478, 812, 393, 1115, 10439, 3306, 284, 307, 5610, 355, 1474, 8556, 837, 3584, 262, 2748, 3265, 11257, 635, 423, 407, 587, 5554, 1431, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = Ecology and behavior = =
[ 796, 796, 39978, 290, 4069, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
This flycatcher is a sluggish and skulking species that usually remains in the underbrush . When excited either by an intruder or when attempting to attract a mate , this species raises the feathers on its crown to form what appears to be a crest ; however , unlike the closely related genus Myiarchus , it does not bob its head while displaying the crest .
[ 770, 6129, 9246, 2044, 318, 257, 40186, 290, 1341, 377, 3364, 4693, 326, 3221, 3793, 287, 262, 739, 32680, 764, 1649, 6568, 2035, 416, 281, 48927, 393, 618, 9361, 284, 4729, 257, 16133, 837, 428, 4693, 12073, 262, 27400, 319, 663, 12389, 284, 1296, 644, 3568, 284, 307, 257, 36893, 2162, 2158, 837, 5023, 262, 7173, 3519, 34306, 2011, 72, 998, 385, 837, 340, 857, 407, 29202, 663, 1182, 981, 19407, 262, 36893, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = = Feeding = = =
[ 796, 796, 796, 18272, 278, 796, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
The flammulated flycatcher forages by perching on an open branch and looking outward and downward for prey , which primarily consists of insects . Once it spots a potential meal , the flycatcher rapidly and directly flies at the insect , which is normally on the exposed upper surface of a leaf or twig . It hovers briefly before the insect before grabbing it in its beak and flying away to typically a new perch .
[ 383, 781, 6475, 4817, 6129, 9246, 2044, 329, 1095, 416, 583, 10813, 319, 281, 1280, 8478, 290, 2045, 23537, 290, 20841, 329, 15974, 837, 543, 7525, 10874, 286, 19435, 764, 4874, 340, 10222, 257, 2785, 9799, 837, 262, 6129, 9246, 2044, 8902, 290, 3264, 17607, 379, 262, 12833, 837, 543, 318, 7685, 319, 262, 7362, 6727, 4417, 286, 257, 12835, 393, 665, 328, 764, 632, 8169, 690, 11589, 878, 262, 12833, 878, 23256, 340, 287, 663, 307, 461, 290, 7348, 1497, 284, 6032, 257, 649, 583, 354, 764, 220, 198 ]
= = = Reproduction = = =
[ 796, 796, 796, 36551, 596, 796, 796, 796, 220, 198 ]
The flycatcher breeds around June of each year . It nests in shallow tree cavities that are surprisingly close to the ground , at approximately 90 centimeters above it . The nest is shaped like a cup and is composed of fine vegetable fibers , dried leaves , and shredded bark . Unlike the similar Myiarchus flycatchers , it does not use snakeskin or other materials to build its nest . The female lays three eggs that are creamy to pinkish in color and are decorated with brown and gray splotches .
[ 383, 6129, 9246, 2044, 29580, 1088, 2795, 286, 1123, 614, 764, 632, 44382, 287, 19337, 5509, 22357, 871, 326, 389, 12362, 1969, 284, 262, 2323, 837, 379, 6702, 4101, 48829, 2029, 340, 764, 383, 16343, 318, 14292, 588, 257, 6508, 290, 318, 13160, 286, 3734, 20236, 26742, 837, 16577, 5667, 837, 290, 37624, 21405, 764, 12101, 262, 2092, 2011, 72, 998, 385, 6129, 9246, 3533, 837, 340, 857, 407, 779, 26042, 5116, 393, 584, 5696, 284, 1382, 663, 16343, 764, 383, 4048, 26614, 1115, 9653, 326, 389, 27892, 284, 11398, 680, 287, 3124, 290, 389, 24789, 351, 7586, 290, 12768, 4328, 313, 2052, 764, 220, 198 ]
= Ontario Highway 89 =
[ 796, 10553, 14914, 9919, 796, 220, 198 ]
King 's Highway 89 , commonly referred to as Highway 89 , is an east – west provincially maintained highway in the southwestern portion of the Canadian province of Ontario , stretching 107 kilometres ( 66 mi ) from the junction of Highway 9 and Highway 23 in Harriston in the west , to Highway 400 just east of Cookstown in the east . The principal urban centres along the highway include Alliston , Shelburne and Mount Forest . Outside of these towns , the highway travels through rural farmland across a large part of southwestern Ontario .
[ 2677, 705, 82, 14914, 9919, 837, 8811, 6412, 284, 355, 14914, 9919, 837, 318, 281, 7627, 784, 7421, 899, 259, 2131, 9456, 12763, 287, 262, 46065, 6903, 286, 262, 5398, 8473, 286, 10553, 837, 20880, 16226, 23990, 357, 7930, 21504, 1267, 422, 262, 35037, 286, 14914, 860, 290, 14914, 2242, 287, 2113, 1585, 261, 287, 262, 7421, 837, 284, 14914, 7337, 655, 7627, 286, 8261, 27928, 287, 262, 7627, 764, 383, 10033, 7876, 19788, 1863, 262, 12763, 2291, 1439, 36363, 837, 15325, 10899, 68, 290, 5628, 9115, 764, 22151, 286, 777, 11684, 837, 262, 12763, 17781, 832, 10016, 45723, 1973, 257, 1588, 636, 286, 46065, 10553, 764, 220, 198 ]