1 value
1 value
How many tickets were opened and closed on the same day?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[(data['Opened'] == data['Closed']) & (data['Closed'].notna())].shape[0]
What is the total number of unique customers?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data['Customer ID'].nunique()
How many tickets escalated to a higher priority?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Priority Escalation'] == 'Yes'].shape[0]
What is the longest response time recorded?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data['Response Time (hrs)'].max()
How many tickets have an interaction count of zero?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Number of Interactions'] == 0].shape[0]
เวลาแก้ไขโดยเฉลี่ยสำหรับตั๋วที่มีลำดับความสำคัญ 'ต่ำ' คือเท่าใด
What is the average resolution time for 'Low' priority tickets?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Priority'] == 'Low']['Resolution Time (days)'].mean()
มีตั๋วกี่ใบที่ได้รับคะแนนความพึงพอใจของลูกค้าที่ 5?
How many tickets received a customer satisfaction rating of 5?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Customer Satisfaction'] == 5].shape[0]
What percentage of tickets are resolved within a day?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
(data[data['Resolution Time (days)'] <= 1].shape[0] / data.shape[0]) * 100
How many tickets were handled by more than one agent?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Agents Involved'] > 1].shape[0]
What is the median number of interactions for all tickets?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data['Number of Interactions'].median()
How many tickets have no assigned agent?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Assigned Agent'].isna()].shape[0]
What is the total number of tickets with a critical issue?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Issue Type'] == 'Critical'].shape[0]
มีตั๋วกี่ใบที่ได้รับการแก้ไขหลังจากการโต้ตอบมากกว่า 5 ครั้ง
How many tickets were resolved after more than 5 interactions?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Number of Interactions'] > 5].shape[0]
What is the shortest resolution time recorded?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data['Resolution Time (days)'].min()
มีตั๋วกี่ใบที่มีโน้ตเกิน 100 ตัวอักษร?
How many tickets have notes exceeding 100 characters?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Ticket Notes'].str.len() > 100].shape[0]
เวลาเฉลี่ยในการแก้ปัญหาสำหรับตั๋วที่มีลำดับความสำคัญ 'ด่วน' คือเท่าใด
What is the average resolution time for tickets with priority 'Urgent'?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Priority'] == 'Urgent']['Resolution Time (days)'].mean()
มีตั๋วกี่ใบที่ได้รับคะแนนความพึงพอใจของลูกค้าต่ำกว่า 3
How many tickets received a customer satisfaction rating below 3?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Customer Satisfaction'] < 3].shape[0]
What percentage of tickets required technical assistance?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
(data[data['Technical Assistance'] == 'Yes'].shape[0] / data.shape[0]) * 100
How many tickets were opened in the last month?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Opened'] >= ( - pd.DateOffset(days=30))].shape[0]
What is the median response time for all tickets?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data['Response Time (hrs)'].median()
How many tickets are older than one year?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Opened'] <= ( - pd.DateOffset(days=365))].shape[0]
What is the average number of interactions for critical issue tickets?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Issue Type'] == 'Critical']['Number of Interactions'].mean()
How many tickets were escalated and closed on the same day?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[(data['Priority Escalation'] == 'Yes') & (data['Opened'] == data['Closed'])].shape[0]
What is the longest time a ticket has been open?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
( - data['Opened'].min()).days
How many tickets have attachments?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Attachments'] == 'Yes'].shape[0]
เวลาตอบกลับโดยเฉลี่ยสำหรับตั๋วที่มีลำดับความสำคัญ 'ปานกลาง' คือเท่าใด
What is the average response time for 'Moderate' priority tickets?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Priority'] == 'Moderate']['Response Time (hrs)'].mean()
How many tickets have been reopened?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Status'] == 'Reopened'].shape[0]
What percentage of tickets were handled without any customer follow-up?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
(data[data['Customer Follow-Up'] == 'No'].shape[0] / data.shape[0]) * 100
How many tickets were opened on weekends?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Opened'].dt.dayofweek >= 5].shape[0]
เวลาเฉลี่ยในการแก้ไขสำหรับตั๋วที่มีลำดับความสำคัญ 'สูง' คือเท่าใด
What is the median resolution time for 'High' priority tickets?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Priority'] == 'High']['Resolution Time (days)'].median()
How many tickets have both high priority and critical issues?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[(data['Priority'] == 'High') & (data['Issue Type'] == 'Critical')].shape[0]
What is the average number of days tickets remain open?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
( - data['Opened']).dt.days.mean()
มีตั๋วกี่ใบที่ได้รับการติดตามลูกค้ามากกว่า 3 ครั้ง?
How many tickets have received more than 3 customer follow-ups?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Customer Follow-Ups'] > 3].shape[0]
What is the shortest time a ticket has remained open?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
(data['Closed'] - data['Opened']).dt.days.min()
How many tickets have escalated due to technical issues?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Escalation Reason'] == 'Technical Issue'].shape[0]
What is the average response time for tickets closed on the same day they were opened?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Opened'] == data['Closed']]['Response Time (hrs)'].mean()
How many tickets were resolved without escalation?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[(data['Escalated'] == 'No') & (data['Status'] == 'Resolved')].shape[0]
ตั๋วมีเวลาตอบกลับน้อยกว่า 1 ชั่วโมงกี่เปอร์เซ็นต์
What percentage of tickets have a response time under 1 hour?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
(data[data['Response Time (hrs)'] < 1].shape[0] / data.shape[0]) * 100
How many tickets were opened on holidays?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
What is the median number of days tickets with attachments take to close?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
data[data['Attachments'] == 'Yes']['Resolution Time (days)'].median()
มีการส่ง Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดสำหรับความเข้ากันได้ของอุปกรณ์ต่อพ่วง
How many ticket ID were submitted for Peripheral compatibility?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Peripheral compatibility'].shape[0]
มีการส่ง Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดสำหรับปัญหาเครือข่าย
How many ticket ID were submitted for Network problem?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Network problem'].shape[0]
มีการส่ง Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดสำหรับปัญหาในการจัดส่ง
How many ticket ID were submitted for Delivery problem?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Delivery problem'].shape[0]
มีการส่ง Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดสำหรับอายุการใช้งานแบตเตอรี่
How many ticket ID were submitted for Battery life?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Battery life'].shape[0]
มีการส่ง Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดสำหรับการสนับสนุนการติดตั้ง
How many ticket ID were submitted for Installation support?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Installation support'].shape[0]
มีการส่ง Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดสำหรับปัญหาการแสดงผล
How many ticket ID were submitted for Display issue?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Display issue'].shape[0]
มีการส่ง Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดเพื่อขอคืนเงิน
How many ticket ID were submitted for Refund request?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Refund request'].shape[0]
How many ticket ID were submitted for Product setup?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Product setup'].shape[0]
มีการส่ง Ticket ID สำหรับข้อบกพร่องของซอฟต์แวร์จำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were submitted for Software bug?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Software bug'].shape[0]
มีการส่ง Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดสำหรับปัญหาการชำระเงิน
How many ticket ID were submitted for Payment issue?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Payment issue'].shape[0]
มีการส่ง Ticket ID ไปกี่ใบเพื่อขอยกเลิก?
How many ticket ID were submitted for Cancellation request?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Cancellation request'].shape[0]
มีการส่ง Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดสำหรับความเข้ากันได้ของผลิตภัณฑ์
How many ticket ID were submitted for Product compatibility?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Product compatibility'].shape[0]
มีการส่ง Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดสำหรับคำแนะนำผลิตภัณฑ์
How many ticket ID were submitted for Product recommendation?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Product recommendation'].shape[0]
มีการส่ง Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดสำหรับปัญหาฮาร์ดแวร์
How many ticket ID were submitted for Hardware issue?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Hardware issue'].shape[0]
How many ticket ID were submitted for Account access?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Account access'].shape[0]
มีการส่ง Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดสำหรับข้อมูลสูญหาย
How many ticket ID were submitted for Data loss?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Subject'] == 'Data loss'].shape[0]
มี Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดที่ดำเนินการทางอีเมล
How many ticket ID were conducted by Email?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Channel'] == 'Email'].shape[0]
มี Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใดที่ดำเนินการโดยโซเชียลมีเดีย
How many ticket ID were conducted by Social media?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Channel'] == 'Social media'].shape[0]
โทรศัพท์ดำเนินการ Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by Phone?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Channel'] == 'Phone'].shape[0]
Chat มีรหัสตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by Chat?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Ticket_Channel'] == 'Chat'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ MacBook Pro เป็นผู้ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่ใบ
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased MacBook Pro?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'MacBook Pro'].shape[0]
บุคคลที่ซื้อ Microsoft Xbox Controller ดำเนินการ Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Microsoft Xbox Controller?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Microsoft Xbox Controller'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Fitbit Charge เป็นผู้ดำเนินการตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Fitbit Charge?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Fitbit Charge'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Amazon Echo ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่รหัส
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Amazon Echo?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Amazon Echo'].shape[0]
บุคคลที่ซื้อ Amazon Kindle มีรหัสตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Amazon Kindle?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Amazon Kindle'].shape[0]
บุคคลที่ซื้อเครื่องดูดฝุ่น Dyson เป็นผู้ดำเนินการตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Dyson Vacuum Cleaner?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Dyson Vacuum Cleaner'].shape[0]
บุคคลที่ซื้อ Autodesk AutoCAD ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่รหัส
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Autodesk AutoCAD?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Autodesk AutoCAD'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Nest Thermostat เป็นผู้ดำเนินการตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Nest Thermostat?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Nest Thermostat'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Sony PlayStation ดำเนินการ Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Sony PlayStation?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Sony PlayStation'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Roomba Robot Vacuum เป็นผู้ดำเนินการตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Roomba Robot Vacuum?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Roomba Robot Vacuum'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Samsung Soundbar เป็นผู้ดำเนินการตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Samsung Soundbar?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Samsung Soundbar'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อลำโพง Bose SoundLink ดำเนินการ Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Bose SoundLink Speaker?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Bose SoundLink Speaker'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Nintendo Switch ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่ใบ
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Nintendo Switch?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Nintendo Switch'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ PlayStation มี Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased PlayStation?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'PlayStation'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Samsung Galaxy ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่รหัส
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Samsung Galaxy?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Samsung Galaxy'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Asus ROG มี Ticket ID กี่ใบ?
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Asus ROG?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Asus ROG'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Google Nest เป็นผู้ดำเนินการตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Google Nest?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Google Nest'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Lenovo ThinkPad ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่ใบ
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Lenovo ThinkPad?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Lenovo ThinkPad'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ iPhone ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่รหัส
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased iPhone?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'iPhone'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อเครื่องซักผ้า LG เป็นผู้ดำเนินการตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased LG Washing Machine?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'LG Washing Machine'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Adobe Photoshop ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่รหัส
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Adobe Photoshop?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Adobe Photoshop'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ LG OLED ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่ใบ
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased LG OLED?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'LG OLED'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Sony Xperia เป็นผู้ดำเนินการตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Sony Xperia?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Sony Xperia'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Garmin Forerunner ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่ใบ
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Garmin Forerunner?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Garmin Forerunner'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ LG Smart TV มีรหัสตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased LG Smart TV?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'LG Smart TV'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Nintendo Switch Pro Controller ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่ใบ
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Nintendo Switch Pro Controller?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Nintendo Switch Pro Controller'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ GoPro Action Camera เป็นผู้ดำเนินการตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased GoPro Action Camera?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'GoPro Action Camera'].shape[0]
บุคคลที่ซื้อ Xbox มี Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Xbox?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Xbox'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Microsoft Surface ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่รหัส
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Microsoft Surface?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Microsoft Surface'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Bose QuietComfort มี Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Bose QuietComfort?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Bose QuietComfort'].shape[0]
บุคคลที่ซื้อ Nikon D เป็นผู้ดำเนินการตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Nikon D?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Nikon D'].shape[0]
บุคคลที่ซื้อ Apple AirPods เป็นผู้ดำเนินการตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Apple AirPods?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Apple AirPods'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Fitbit Versa Smartwatch ดำเนินการตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Fitbit Versa Smartwatch?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Fitbit Versa Smartwatch'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อทีวี Sony 4K HDR มีรหัสตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Sony 4K HDR TV?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Sony 4K HDR TV'].shape[0]
บุคคลที่ซื้อ Microsoft Office ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่รหัส
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Microsoft Office?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Microsoft Office'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ GoPro Hero ดำเนินการ Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased GoPro Hero?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'GoPro Hero'].shape[0]
บุคคลที่ซื้อ Dell XPS ดำเนินการ Ticket ID จำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Dell XPS?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Dell XPS'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Philips Hue Lights ดำเนินการตั๋วจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Philips Hue Lights?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Philips Hue Lights'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อกล้อง Canon DSLR มีบัตรประจำตัวจำนวนเท่าใด
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Canon DSLR Camera?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Canon DSLR Camera'].shape[0]
ผู้ที่ซื้อ Google Pixel ดำเนินการ Ticket ID กี่ใบ
How many ticket ID were conducted by the person who purchased Google Pixel?
this is a detail of this database it have 3 suffix 1.start with ###, This is a name of column 2.start with Description:, This is a Description of column 3.start with Data Type:, This is a Data Type of column """ ###Ticket_ID Description: A unique identifier for each ticket. Data Type: numerical; ##Customer_Email Description: The email address of the customer (Domain name - is intentional for user data privacy concern). Data Type: Text; ###Customer_Age Description: The age of the customer. Data Type: numeric; ###Customer_Gender Description: The gender of the customer. Data Type: Categorical; ###Product_Purchased 
Description: The tech product purchased by the customer. Data Type: Text; ###Date_of_Purchase Description: The date when the product was purchased. Data Type: Date; ###Ticket_Type Description: The type of ticket (e.g., technical issue, billing inquiry, product inquiry). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Subject Description: The subject/topic of the ticket. Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Description Description: The description of the customer's issue or inquiry. Ticket_Status: The status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending customer response). Data Type: Text; ###Resolution Description: The resolution or solution provided for closed tickets. Data Type: Text; ###Ticket_Priority Description: The priority level assigned to the ticket (e.g., low, medium, high, critical). Data Type: Categorical; ###Ticket_Channel Description: The channel through which the ticket was raised (e.g., email, phone, chat, social media). Data Type: Categorical; ###First_Response_Time Description:The time taken to provide the first response to the customer. Data Type: Date; ###Time_to_Resolution Description: The time taken to resolve the ticket. Data Type: Date; ###Customer_Satisfaction_Rating Description: The customer's satisfaction rating for closed tickets (on a scale of 1 to 5). Data Type: Numeric; ###
df[df['Product_Purchased'] == 'Google Pixel'].shape[0]