Hello , I hope you are well . currently has a sale on Skechers women 's shoes . As with most deals , you can get free shipping with $ 25 orders or through Prime . The following are links to a variety of them .
What would happen if the Skechers women 's shoes you want to buy cost less than 25 dollars ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. you would have to spend more to reach the 25 dollars to get free shipping 2. You would have to see if someone can get the shoes to you for free 3. You would have to pick up the shoes from the retailer yourself 4. You would have to wait until you can afford to pay for the shipping to buy the shoes
As I take my daughter over the bridge , foliage shimmers , and changes before my eyes . The log connecting the homeland and the unknown becomes a golden pathway . The trees light up , whisper and sway with excitement .
Why are the trees able to whisper if they are just trees ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. The trees carry sound from people who are talking far away 2. The wind blows through them causing a sound which sounds much like they are whispering 3. None of the above choices . 4. The trees are old and have magical properties like the ability to talk
Yesterday I went round to Pat 's to see the baby and to take some photo 's for her . Clare , the baby 's mum looked a bit harassed and I sensed that she just wanted to get home so I had to be quick with the pic 's and Clare did n't want to be in any of them . So I felt a bit awkward .
Why did Clare not want to be in the photos ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Because I went around to Pat 's . 2. Because Clare was annoyed . 3. Because it was yesterday . 4. None of the above choices .
We hope you had fun Jo ! Because I really enjoyed myself , although I was really tired from a morning of run and a day 's work . My stomach is feeling funny right now . Run is this Sunday .
Why was the writer tired ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. They hope Jojo had fun 2. None of the above choices . 3. Their stomach is feeling funny 4. A morning of running
We hope you had fun Jo ! Because I really enjoyed myself , although I was really tired from a morning of run and a day 's work . My stomach is feeling funny right now . Run is this Sunday .
Why was the writer tired ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. They really enjoyed themselves 3. Their stomach is feeling funny 4. They hope Jojo had fun
There was a post on PDx Indymedia a few days ago , advertising the Medics Reportback that is tomorrow . The first reply to it was a total troll , asking us what we expected when we went to protest the RNC , and they would n't support us at all . The next three reponses were all folks taking the troll 's bait , arguing about how great Street Medics are , which is fine because it made me feel better about the community . THe one response that stuck with me was someone saying , " Why would you kick our medics when they 're down ? " I ' m down now , and yet , the people in my own group are kicking me and I ca n't make them stop .
What 's a possible reason they wanted to protest the RNC ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Because some people would n't support them at all . 2. None of the above choices . 3. Because there would be total trolls there . 4. Because they do n't agree with their policies .
Stop paying for porn ! get ready for tons of porn ! the biggest collection of hot adult clips online ! everything you want to see - asia , teens , mature , hardcore , lesbians , big tits .
Why do people need to stop paying for porn ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Porn is unhealthy and people should not be watching porn at all 2. Porn is a bad thing and people should not pay for something which is a vice 3. Porn leads people into bad habits and paying for porn will become addictive and that 's bad 4. The website I have access to provides the pornography for free and has a great depth of content
Up to a couple of months ago I walked 6 - 8 k 's a day , got to the gym for an hour and when I got home swim for an hour . Since I have bursitis in both hips ( aggravated by the walking ) I have not been exercising . I feel sluggish and have put on some weight . I really miss the gym , but the programme they have me on is cardio 1st , lunges 2nd , leg swings , arm swings and stretches , then doing some weight work .
Why did the writer go to the gym for an hour ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Because they have not been exercising . 2. To stay fit . 3. Because they swam at home . 4. None of the above choices .
Because the line was getting long , and I was the next person waiting in line , a guy called me over to register in his office . When he checked me in , he was like , " oh , guess what , your roommate just checked in RIGHT before you , funny . " ( This being said , it means the girl that was two spot ahead of me in line is my roommate ) . We finished and I went back to look , but it did nt feel like the girl I saw on Facebook .
What caused you to look up your roommate on Facebook ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. I like to confirm whether I know someone before I meet them 3. I enjoy getting to know people online because I am too awkward to do so in real life 4. I find it is fun to stalk people online
Because the line was getting long , and I was the next person waiting in line , a guy called me over to register in his office . When he checked me in , he was like , " oh , guess what , your roommate just checked in RIGHT before you , funny . " ( This being said , it means the girl that was two spot ahead of me in line is my roommate ) . We finished and I went back to look , but it did nt feel like the girl I saw on Facebook .
What caused you to look up your roommate on Facebook ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I like to ascertain whether I have mutual friends with someone before we meet 2. None of the above choices . 3. I enjoy getting to know people online because I am too awkward to do so in real life 4. I find it is fun to stalk people online
At least I was n't alone ; one of my fellow students was fighting with the scanner / copier along with me -- and he was calling it even nastier names than I was . Once I finally created passable PDFs , I had just enough time to grab some lunch and then head to my first class . Historical archaeology . This class is going to be extremely reading - intensive ( there are seven required texts ) , but otherwise the workload seems reasonably light .
What may have caused you to call the scanner nasty names ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. It was n't operating correctly . 2. The scanner was failing to operate at all . 3. None of the above choices . 4. It does n't generate PDFs .
This lady ahead of me had found this bin with all these bags and she took the whole bin to the register ! She had like 25 - 30 bags and she said the most expensive was 20 dollars ! OMG : drools : ! Just though I 'd let you know ! ! !
Why did the lady buy all those bags when once ca n't wear more than one bag at a time ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. She was intended to flip the bags and resell them at a profit to make some extra money 2. She struggles to curb her purchasing and buys regardless of whether she needs something 3. She was trying to make a statement about her wealth that she did n't care about buying too much 4. She has a bad shopping habit and can not say no to a purchase
I landed on the floor , I tried to do a double that I ' m not entirely sure what happend , but I felt the moment I overbalanced and had too much momentum to remain upright , at least . And R. must have said half a dozen times that I was doing a good job , showing spirit , and I could n't figure out where THAT praise was coming from . I was more determined not to show fear ?
What was the speaker praciticing ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. She was a gymnast practicing her floor routine . 2. She was practicing how to clear her mind of fear during meditation . 3. None of the above choices . 4. She was pracitign how to let go of her fear of zoo animals .
I landed on the floor , I tried to do a double that I ' m not entirely sure what happend , but I felt the moment I overbalanced and had too much momentum to remain upright , at least . And R. must have said half a dozen times that I was doing a good job , showing spirit , and I could n't figure out where THAT praise was coming from . I was more determined not to show fear ?
What was the speaker praciticing ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. She was practicing for her softball debut . 2. She was practicing how to clear her mind of fear during meditation . 3. She was pracitign how to let go of her fear of zoo animals . 4. She was practicing her dismount from the bars .
I landed on the floor , I tried to do a double that I ' m not entirely sure what happend , but I felt the moment I overbalanced and had too much momentum to remain upright , at least . And R. must have said half a dozen times that I was doing a good job , showing spirit , and I could n't figure out where THAT praise was coming from . I was more determined not to show fear ?
Why was she scared ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. She thought she was going to jump . 2. She did not want to bounce off the mat . 3. She thought she was going to fall . 4. None of the above choices .
the bruises are lots of work done yesterday . painted a stairwell , did some prep work for drywall patching , watched the porch be scraped and helped with some of the clean - up for that , and ripped out some carpet . it was a good weekend .
Why is the porch being scraped ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Because it 's part of the process for restoring or improving it . 2. None of the above choices . 3. Because they got lots of work done yesterday . 4. Because it was a good weekend .
Nina got there a few minutes later by that time I had calmed down enough that I was able to get oxygen into my lungs and my fingers were returning to their normal color . She drove me to the hospital . When I checked in my pulse - ox was at 75 .
What may be the reason for your hospital visit ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Nina 's heart beat was off . 2. I think my lungs collapsed . 3. None of the above choices . 4. My heart beat was off .
We found a bag of garbage on the ground by our garage , and then a trail of garbage alll the way from our driveway to our neighbour 's yard 's we brought Miya inside and tried to put a muzzle on her , but she kept freaking out , so after an hour of fighting we finally put her back outside . She 's mostly quiet now =3 huzzah . Everyone else is in bed , buut I ca n't sleep D=. I keep listening to ' Because The Night Belongs To Lovers ' .
Why is the rampant trash near your house an issue ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. My pet might eat it . 2. Miya does n't like the smell of garbage , it really bugs her muzzle . 3. Garbage causes me and my family to start freaking out . 4. The smell seeps into the garage .
How are you going to experience the satisfaction of the full actualization of the innermost impulse of love , the driving force of your reality ? Through sacrifice . Love which is * actualized * becomes strong love that has the unique power to remove the hindrances that promote separation and cause unhappiness in our hearts . Hence , the purpose of a fulfilled life is to possess a more perfect and unhindered love , and to manifest it more fully ; and this is the meaning of worship , the foundation of a life of service .
To what does this narrator seem to equate the meaning of the worship ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. To him , the meaning of worship is to form the foundation of service 2. To him , the meaning of worship is to manifest the perfect service . 3. To him , the meaning of worship is to manifest the perfect love more fully . 4. To him , the meaning of worship is to perfect the love more fully .
This one had the partitions you normally saw in a hospital , and she glanced behind the nearest one before continuing . Moving towards the stairs , she pulled a pin and threw a grenade down the hallway . The fire equipment in the corner exploded with a roar , blowing a hole into the wall . Daylight shone through faintly , and the distraction left most of the remaining , un - gassed soldiers scrambling to find out what had happened .
What may have caused the hole in the hospital 's wall ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. The hospital 's staff did n't know how to interact with flammable materials . 2. Just the grenade made the wall explode . 3. An explosive interacted with flammable materials . 4. None of the above choices .
Picking up a magazine she sighed and flipped through a couple of pages before tossing it back onto the table . It was one of Mutt 's motorcycle magazines that seemed to now litter her apartment ; it was times like these that she had second thoughts about having him living with her . Just the few bits and pieces here and there which stopped this apartment just being just hers and hers alone . Not only were there motorcycle magazines , there was oil and dirt marks left around the sink 's and bath from him cleaning himself up after coming home from the garage , and he had more personal care than she did .
What does she wish she had done differently in the past ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. She wishes that she had gone to move in with him instead 2. None of the above choices . 3. She wishes she had asked him to clean up after himself better when he washes up after getting home from the garage 4. She wishes that she had not had him live with her so that the place would be hers alone and not occupied with some of his more silly things
She read one of my manga for a bit ( the continuation of the one she borrowed ) and then we started to watch Shutter but she got too scared so we rewatched My Sassy Girl instead , then I showed her Saw . It was rather late by then so I lent her my sleeping bag ( I think she had originally planned to sleep with Ching except Ching is n't here ) On an unrelated note , my landlady has been coming up to talk with me more , I guess because of how much our life intersects right now because I ' m at home all the time . Interesting stuff . She decided today that I 'd make a fine husband ... ( though I still need to mature a bit ) .
Why did the girl read one of the writer 's manga ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Because they started to watch Shutter . 2. Because the writer lent her a sleeping bag . 3. Because they rewatched My Sassy Girl . 4. Because she was curious about it .
They played what they called " ah - weem - away " and I ' ve always known as " In the jungle " , and the attentive audience swayed in their chairs . When then played " LaBamba , " people got up to dance . TH , of course , was fighting yawns . I sipped my wine and snagged a freshly baked fortune cookie , which was oversized and quite tasty .
What happened as the night continued on ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. TH and I decided to go out to a club for some drinks after the show was finished even though he was feeling tired 2. TH and I got up and danced to the band along with some other people 3. TH asked if we could go home because he was tired and yawning 4. TH and I got more wine and stayed late listening to the music
I was sure that they had infiltrated my room . Sure enough , when I pulled back the shower curtain a whole flood of people poured out , far too many to have even been able to fit in there in the first place . As far as I could tell a big pile of cheerleaders had been copulating on my bed .
why did they find people behind the shower curtain ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. because people poured out 2. because they had infiltrated my room 3. None of the above choices . 4. because they were hiding
He was never great with words , but I understood . It was busy for me the year and a half we lived on our own , being a wife might be hard , being a marine corps wife is harder than that . Then we moved in with my father - in - law , who is very religious , A witness . Although my husband understood my religious outlook , and what I do , he feared for his father .
Why was he never great with words ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Because we lived on our own . 2. Because it was busy for me . 3. None of the above choices . 4. Because I understood .
Never missed me , did you ? I actually went upstairs to look in the deep , dark recesses of my closet to find a couple of old purses / handbags / pocketbooks / whatever you want to call them - for Julia to use . Right now she 's got one that I received at my bridal shower - it 's kind of formal , and it 's something you have to carry in your hand or maybe looped over your wrist , as opposed to something you can sling over your shoulder and have your hands free . I ' m all for having as many hands free as possible as I go about my day .
Why am I all for having as many hands free as possible as I go about my day ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Because I went to find a couple of old purses / handbags / pocketbooks . 2. Because I went to look in the deep , dark recesses of my closet . 3. None of the above choices . 4. Because I actually went upstairs .
kelly and i are " most of us learn early on to think of love as a feeling . when we feel deeply drawn to someone , we cathect with them ; that is , we invest feelings or emotion in them . that process of investment wherein a loved one becomes important to us is called " cathexis . " in his book peck rightly emphasizes that most of us " confuse cathecting with loving . "
What must Peck believe about cathecting and loving ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Peck must believe cathecting should be as loving . 2. Peck must believe cathecting is not the same as loving . 3. Peck must believe cathecting is the same as loving . 4. Peck must believe cathecting is not the same as feeling .
Derrick and Beki introduce the puppy they 're watching to the cats . Their shiba runs around the house , unplugging the rock band stuff . Relations stay for a bit , then head back to FC , we play Rock Band til 9-ish . Annie and Marnie leave , we crash . And that 's the excitement here .
Why was it important to introduce the puppy to the cats ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. They wanted to hear the puppy bark because they think the bark is cute 3. They wanted to make sure that the puppy would get along with the cats 4. They wanted to test how the puppy reacted because they were thinking of getting a puppy themselves
I did n't even really catch the worst of it . In Madison , one of their parks is almost completely destroyed . I would say it had a good 20 - 25 trees in it , and now there 's about 3 left .
What caused the destruction of the trees in one of Madison 's Parks ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. The storm which came by ripped out the trees in the park because the storm there was really bad 2. The trees were felled to be used for paper and as wood 3. None of the above choices . 4. The deforestation from global warming continued until the trees all died off
I got it all done . I got my bedroom painted ( It looks real nice ) . I got my mom to the doctors and she does n't have to go back to that doctor until February . Today Jigs and Mabel has plans .
What 's a possible reason the writer got their mom to the doctors ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. Because the writer got their bedroom painted . 3. Because the mom does n't have to go to the doctor until February . 4. Because she has some kind of medical condition .
The two English men are waiting for someone to introduce them to the English woman . The Polish men took a long look at the endless shark infested ocean and then a look at the Polish woman ... and started swimming . The two American men are contemplating the virtues of suicide , while the American woman keeps on bitching about her body being her own , the true nature of feminism , how she can do everything that they can do , the equal division of household chores , how her last boyfriend respected her opinion and treated her much nicer and how her elationship with her mother is improving . The two Japanese men have faxed Tokyo and are waiting for instructions .
What may be true about Japanese men in general ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. They lust after American women . 2. They are n't career - oriented and go crazy over girls . 3. They 're similar to Polish men . 4. None of the above choices .
The silliness comes from exaggeration of things that are n't silly at all . Things that should make you cry , but you can laugh at them just like Donnie does . And just the way the entire movie is made , the colors , the details , the slowness of most of the scenes with fast images flickering through once in a while . It is so sympathetic and satisfying . Ohh and today I spent most of the time eating and grocery shopping so far .
What 's a possible reason the writer spent most of their time eating and grocery shopping ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. Because they laugh at things just like Donnie does . 3. Because they really enjoy food . 4. Because the movie is so sympathetic and satisfying .
I was twelve years old in the winter of 1996 when my dad bought my family 's first real computer . We brought it all the way home to South Dakota from an electronics store at the Mall of America . It was a Packard Bell with an Intel 486 processor and windows 3.1.1 . Al Gore had only just recently invented the internet and it was slow to catch on in my conservative midwestern hometown , but eventually we installed a free trial of AOL from a cd - rom we got in the mail ( still a novel idea at the time ) .
Why was the writer twelve years old in the winter of 1996 ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. Because the writer 's dad bought the family a real computer . 3. Because they bought the computer from an electronics store at the Mall of America . 4. Because they brought the computer all the way home to South Dakota .
Probably the most common thing people ask me is " Phil , what can I do to appear as batshit crazy as possible so my step grandmother will get out of my grill ? " As a registered psychologist , it is unethical of me to recommend pretending to be loony . But take this list as a wink and turn the other way ... 1 . Limit all speech to the expression " Daddy likey , " which should be used to respond to any and all situations .
Why do some people want their grandmother to get out of their grill ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Because they think their grandmothers should mind their own business . 2. None of the above choices . 3. Because the writer offers unethical advice . 4. Because they want to be batshit crazy .
They loved it . Right when they saw the bookcase they just smiled and handed Jessica the cash . Next thing I know we are hauling this thing down 3 flights of stairs , onto a truck , and then they were gone . Most likely they were beaming with excitement about their find , while I was left to look at all my possesions that I hold dear in some way all over the floor .
What 's a possible reason they handed Jessica the cash ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Because they were beaming about their excitement . 2. None of the above choices . 3. Because they hauled it onto a truck . 4. Because Jessica was selling the bookcase .
I figured out where they went though -- there 's a hole in the bottom of my cupboards . Got ta get that fixed . So I ' m watching " The Riches " , and I notice Kitty rummaging around in my sewing stuff . She normally leaves that alone , so I went to see what she was doing , and there was the mouse , being chased again . I got a bowl and trapped it ( I think I hurt it , though , but I did n't mean to ) .
What may have caused Kitty to rummage in your sewing stuff ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. I left a treat for the kitty in the sewing stuff . 3. She was trapped in it . 4. She saw an animal .
I got there and the line was an one hour wait . I did n't have time to sit around and wait when returning to work was on the back of my mind . I left the office area to head back to work .
What would have happened had you decided to wait ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I would have been late for work but would have finished the meeting 2. None of the above choices . 3. I would have managed to finish the appointment and made it back to work 4. I would have had to rush to make it back to work after the meeting
Sample sewing would be stressful ! This is the fabric that I chose , cut into 72 squares and ready for sewing : Some colorful fat quarter prints I got at Craft Warehouse , plus a bunch of chocolate brown solid fabric . And here they are in their reverse applique glory last night : Apologies for the flash -- it was late .
Why did you apologize for the flash that you used ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I apologized because people do n't like the flash being on 2. None of the above choices . 3. I felt bad that the flash was so bright that I thought I should apologize 4. The flash distorted the colors of the image and makes it difficult to understand and interpret the image properly
I ' m turning 16 in two weeks and I found ut my father is coming to get me . my aunt is already starting problems . She told the social worker that my dad hit me . I denied it since it never happened .
What might happen when you live with your aunt and dad ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I would need a social worker because of my aunt . 2. I would make up stories about my family . 3. None of the above choices . 4. She would make up stories about my family .
I do nt know , i feel like such a fool . All i really want is love . I even remember once in 7th grade i woke up early in the morning to pick a flower for my crush before class .....
Why did the writer pick a flower for their crush ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. Because they felt like a fool . 3. Because they wanted their crush to like them . 4. Because they were in 7th grade .
Does n't he look cute ? Yeah ... see what you think after 6 people have spent 5.5 hours trying to get this guy , scared and immobile out of an attic spanning the width of an entire duplex ! I showed up at my own home around 12:30 this afternoon . The thought was Romeo had been hiding in the shower wall in the bathroom yesterday .
What may have caused you to stop thinking he 's cute ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I had to get him out of a catastrophe . 2. None of the above choices . 3. He would n't help me get out of a catastrophe . 4. He randomly showed up at my home around 12:30 .
I woke up early this morning ( as in 6:45 am , after having gone to bed at around 3:30 am ) so I could get ready for morning prayers . We are now doing some extra prayers called selichot in preparation for Rosh Hashanah and those are done before regular morning prayers ; for today , that meant being at synagogue at 7:15 am . I had mentally planned last night to ride my bike over ( also tied to the Go By Bike Challenge I posted about previously ) but this morning , seeing how little sleep I 'd gotten , I almost went back on that plan .
What may be the reason for the group 's extra prayers ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. They were preparing for a non - religious event . 2. None of the above choices . 3. They were praying for my bike ride to go well . 4. They 're preparing for a religious event .
I had a stupidly hardcore migraine so when we finally got back to Tink and Andy 's I just slept while everyone else got high . I have some really exciting news as well . We 're getting a dog ! It 's been a few years since my dog died and my brother was really pining for one so we 're getting a give away . It comes from a family who bought it as a guide dog for their terminally ill daughter who were finding it hard to care for both her and a puppy so had to give it up .
What happened because the narrator had a migraine ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. They did not get a puppy that was a guide dog 2. They got a puppy that was a guide dog 3. They slept while everyone else got high 4. None of the above choices .
have you ever felt such ? i do or rather i am - present tense . i have a wonderful daughter who inspires me to be the better person .
What kind of person am I ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. I am in a perpetual state of wanting more . 3. I appreciate what I have already . 4. I compare myself to others constantly .
have you ever felt such ? i do or rather i am - present tense . i have a wonderful daughter who inspires me to be the better person .
What kind of person am I ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I am satisfied with the relationships with friends and family . 2. None of the above choices . 3. I am in a perpetual state of wanting more . 4. I compare myself to others constantly .
The walls of the giant tent were made of purple and gold sheer fabric that was found in a box marked " FABRIC " . We made a vegetarian pasta with a white sauce and also a meat past with red sauce . Garlic bread and lots of wine helped fill out the meal .
Why were the walls of the giant tent made of purple and gold sheer fabric ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. Because the fabric was found in a box marked " FABRIC " 3. Because the meat pasta was made with red sauce . 4. Because whoever made it thought that would be a nice color combination .
I misspoke a few times . I said company twice when I should have said country . Gold and currency restrictions have happened before as I said but I meant in other countries if that was not clear . And Faber did do that interview at two in the morning not eleven at night .
What may be the reason for your interview with Faber ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I said gold twice when I should 've said currency . 2. Faber wanted to discuss his political statements . 3. I had stopped making political statements . 4. I was making political statements .
Dressed and checked email , packed the cooler . Jess just got home and we chatted for a bit and now she 's going to nap til Mom gets home . Katie will be here at 3 and then we 'll head out to Toronto for the weekend .
What 's a possible reason they will head out to Toronto for the weekend ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. Because they find Toronto relaxing or enjoyable . 3. Because the writer dressed and checked email . 4. Because they packed the cooler .
My mom always made a point of making our birthdays a big deal so of course I have passed down the tradition to my own kids . J is turning 3 at the end of August and he really wants a Wiggles birthday and that 's fine because next year he will have probably forgotten all about them . So I just finished the invites ( no big deal just info on white cardstock with a picture of the Wiggles ) , planned the menu ( hot potatoes , cold spaghetti salad and fruit salad ) and now I am working on the cake idea . I am bidding on a Wilton guitar cake pan on ebay and I plan on making Murray 's red guitar since he pretends to play his guitar like Murray all the time .
What may be your reason for making your kids ' birthdays a big deal ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I wanted the invites to be impressed . 2. My family was disappointed with the last few birthdays . 3. It 's what my family did for me . 4. None of the above choices .
It was really freezing up there , though , as the afternoon clouds rolled in and blocked the sun part of the time , and there was a really strong almost gale - strength wind . I had a sweater and a fleece jacket to put on , but after a while I decided I 'd had enough wind to last me for a while . On our way down , there was a big backup of cars , which turned out to be caused by two male elk with huge racks of antlers grazing right near the road . It was hard to get a picture because they had their heads down most of the time , but it was an amazing sight .
Why were there two male elk with huge racks of antlers grazing right near the road ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Because they were hungry . 2. Because it was really freezing up there . 3. Because the afternoon clouds rolled in . 4. Because there was a really strong almost gale - strength wind .
Well I had a pretty crazy weekend ! On Friday was John 's graduation , so I hit that and took many photos that turned out not too bad considering we were like a million miles away from the stage . It was good , I managed to pick up Mrs Cook from the airport on time , which was a plus . Too bad it took 50 minutes to make it back into the City .
Why did John have a graduation ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. Because I took many photos . 3. Because it was Friday . 4. Because I had a pretty crazy weekend .
While out running errands this morning I pass by the new nail shop right by the house . I ask Cody if he minds if I go get myself a pedicure while plays video games at home . Sure he says .
Why did the writer decide to get a pedicure ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. She wanted Cody to go home . 2. She thought it would be enjoyable . 3. She wanted Cody to play video games . 4. None of the above choices .
While out running errands this morning I pass by the new nail shop right by the house . I ask Cody if he minds if I go get myself a pedicure while plays video games at home . Sure he says .
Why did the writer decide to get a pedicure ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. She wanted Cody to play video games . 3. She wanted her nails to look nicer . 4. She wanted Cody to go home .
Somehow traffic was the exact same heading home . Honestly , it 's a wonder anyone leaves the house here in California knowing what you are going to encounter on the highway . H and I decided Santa Barbara is our kind of place , somewhere we could see ourselves living if we ever decided California was the place we wanted to settle down for a few more years . When we returned home I hoped on the information superhighway ( faster than the 101 ) to check out real estate prices .
What state might our home located in ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Our home might be located in drivable distance away across the states from California . 2. Our home might be located in thousand miles away in neighboring states around California . 3. Our home might be located in drivable distance away in neighboring states around California . 4. Our home might be located in long distance away across states from California .
If there was one thing Simon did not like was being lied to . It was n't so much the lie itself that irked him , but the lack of truth . The discovery of fundamental flaws in the way you perceived things , and the lengths the liar had gone to make it that way . Even on small lies .
Why does Simon dislike being lied to ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. He dislikes that he can not trust people and that once someone has lied one can not trust what they say to be true again 2. He hates being taken advantage of 3. None of the above choices . 4. He dislikes that people are able to make him believe something that 's not true
This trash chick did n't have five dollars in her account to buy cigarettes today , so she asked if I had a phone she could use . I handed her my cell . Whoever she called did n't answer because - surprise !
What will the trash chick do next , since whoever she called did n't answer ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. The trash chick will buy her cigarettes . 2. The trash chick will ask me for money to buy cigarettes . 3. The trash chick will smoke her cigarettes . 4. The trash chick will ask me for money to buy a phone .
Albert Finney , like Reginald Owen before him was not the first choice for this film . Actors Richard Harris and Rex Harrison were offered the role but each turned it down for various reasons . This would be the last live action film adaptation for 14 years while a number of animated versions were produced for both film and television . In 1984 CBS Television broadcast a new film version of the story this one starring George C. Scott as Scrooge .
What might be true about this film adaptation ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Both of the main performers in other adaptations were the prime choice for the movie . 2. None of the above choices . 3. It would be the last animated film adaptation of this story for 14 years . 4. Both of the main performers in other adaptations were n't the prime choice for the movie .
I just walked past a really tall tower block near my house . On the fourth floor there is a ledge where two pigeons were hanging around . Inside the window , just inches from the pigeons , there was a white cat sitting there , looking .
What may have caused the white cat to look out the window ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. There were humans out there . 2. There were other animals there . 3. None of the above choices . 4. The pigeons were trying to get inside the window .
Mmmmm after SMSing my Maxis friends whether they 're using prepaid or postpaid , I suddenly thought of Chris , and because his bills are quite high monthly , he agreed to help me out ! That 's why I loveee him so much wtf ( in a non - romantic manner ) . Anyway !
What may be your reason for thinking of Chris ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. He was in a similar phone situation . 2. He was in a similar friends situation . 3. I had agreed to help him out . 4. I love him in a romantic manner .
I think it 's why I ca n't possibly imagine marriage . N 's the person who tends to bring up long - term commitment which is odd as I ' m his first girlfriend . I ' ve sometimes asked him look , there 's a million fish in the sea , do n't you want to go and be free a bit ?
What was probably true before this story ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. N had never had a girlfriend before 2. N was in many previous relationships 3. None of the above choices . 4. N was in a marriage to their first girlfriend
Is there a way ( like in windows ) to specify different gateways and DNS server for wired and wireless connections ? Issue # 2 : It appears that 3 times this week I ' ve lost DNS information and my computer could not connect to our exchange server ( for email ) or get on the net via UNC , I could however ping some ip addresses . I had to go into Network Devices and check to make sure my DNS info was still entered , and it was , so not sure what was going on . Though when I saved then network settings , my net connection was terminated , then I was getting errors in network devices saying that opensuse could not update certain files from the internet .
What might I do if I ca n't fix my internet connection through the post ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I might take my computer into a repair shop and get it fixed by them . 2. None of the above choices . 3. I might take my computer for a repair shop and get it fixed myself . 4. I might take my computer into a repair shop and get it fixed for them .
So , I finally got to go see The Dark Knight with my friend Noelle . It was one of the best movies I ' ve ever seen . Heath Ledger was incredible as the Joker . Every time I thought the movie could end at any one point , there was MORE and it kept going .
What will I do after the movie most likely ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I will tell everyone how great the movie was and recommend it . 2. None of the above choices . 3. I will try to meet Heath Ledger since he was so good in the movie . 4. I will go right back in and watch the movie again .
He arrived at the pond and spent 3 days slowly circling the edges , gobbling up every fish available , and as quickly as he 'd appeared , he was gone . But oh he was spectacular floating around the pond for those 3 days . Even the geese looked tiny in comparison .
What might happen if he arrives in the pond ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. He would disappear as fast as he came . 2. None of the above choices . 3. He would eat the geese . 4. The local wildlife would eat him .
He arrived at the pond and spent 3 days slowly circling the edges , gobbling up every fish available , and as quickly as he 'd appeared , he was gone . But oh he was spectacular floating around the pond for those 3 days . Even the geese looked tiny in comparison .
What might happen if he arrives in the pond ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. He would eat the geese . 2. None of the above choices . 3. The local wildlife would eat him . 4. He would never disappear .
On a more shallow note , Jared was really pretty this episode . On a completely different note , I ' ve been very busy this week training for both of my jobs ( Substitute teacher and at Talbots ) . I start working at Talbots on Sunday and then I 'll probably start subtituting on Monday . I ' m going to be so busy , but I 'll still try and post at least once a week .
Why might I be training for two jobs instead of one ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. I might be training for one job because only one pay enough on its own . 3. I might be training for both jobs because one pay enough on its own . 4. I might be training for both jobs because both pay enough on their own .
I could n't do the last one . When I got in the car I started feeling so nauseous . I just got home and feel like I am going to throw up ! I hope it 's not like this every time !
What may have been your reason for not doing the last one ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. I was feeling ill . 3. They told me the last one would leave me feeling ill . 4. I had to go home .
Art : hung . My home is decorated ! All that 's left for moving in , now , is tidying up ( rearranging ) the kitchen and bathroom drawers and the clothes in the closet upstairs . Speaking of upstairs : If I glance behind me and up , I see Percy lying on the half - wall of the loft 's bedroom alcove , with a sheer drop right to the living - room floor . I do n't have any furniture inside the wall , so he gets up there by jumping from the bedroom floor and saving himself from going over by clamping a death clutch onto the sill at the top of the wall .
How am I feeling now ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I am overwhelmed by the number of drawers I have to tidy up . 2. I am in shock because Percy was killed while clutching onto the sill at the top of the wall . 3. None of the above choices . 4. I am excited because decoration of my home is almost done .
Art : hung . My home is decorated ! All that 's left for moving in , now , is tidying up ( rearranging ) the kitchen and bathroom drawers and the clothes in the closet upstairs . Speaking of upstairs : If I glance behind me and up , I see Percy lying on the half - wall of the loft 's bedroom alcove , with a sheer drop right to the living - room floor . I do n't have any furniture inside the wall , so he gets up there by jumping from the bedroom floor and saving himself from going over by clamping a death clutch onto the sill at the top of the wall .
How am I feeling now ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I am overwhelmed by the number of drawers I have to tidy up . 2. I am in shock because Percy was killed while clutching onto the sill at the top of the wall . 3. I am so happy about the decoration of my home . 4. None of the above choices .
Art : hung . My home is decorated ! All that 's left for moving in , now , is tidying up ( rearranging ) the kitchen and bathroom drawers and the clothes in the closet upstairs . Speaking of upstairs : If I glance behind me and up , I see Percy lying on the half - wall of the loft 's bedroom alcove , with a sheer drop right to the living - room floor . I do n't have any furniture inside the wall , so he gets up there by jumping from the bedroom floor and saving himself from going over by clamping a death clutch onto the sill at the top of the wall .
What is the reason why I do n't have any furniture inside the wall ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. They were damaged by paint during decoration and discarded . 2. I moved them for home decoration . 3. I had to sell them to make money for decoration . 4. None of the above choices .
Art : hung . My home is decorated ! All that 's left for moving in , now , is tidying up ( rearranging ) the kitchen and bathroom drawers and the clothes in the closet upstairs . Speaking of upstairs : If I glance behind me and up , I see Percy lying on the half - wall of the loft 's bedroom alcove , with a sheer drop right to the living - room floor . I do n't have any furniture inside the wall , so he gets up there by jumping from the bedroom floor and saving himself from going over by clamping a death clutch onto the sill at the top of the wall .
What is the reason why I do n't have any furniture inside the wall ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. I had to sell them to make money for decoration . 3. They were damaged by paint during decoration and discarded . 4. No furniture is necessary there .
I could smell the lavender fragrant as soon as I entered the bathroom . It helped to relax my mind . I slid off my bathrobe and stepped in the tub . My tub was big enough for 4 people so Jae must use lots of bubble beads to fill this tub .
What happened before you walked into the bathroom to take a bath ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I begged Jae to run me a bath because I did n't want to do it myself 2. Jae offered to run me a bath so that I would be able to relax and calm down at the end of what was a long and busy day for me 3. I asked Jae to take a bath with me but he did not want to so I decided to go ahead and have one myself 4. I wanted to try out the new bubble beads we had purchased to fill up the bathtub and see what quality they were
It 's her , and she 's some sort of small dog . Day 7 : For two days I scout around the pile of cement and the alley where I last saw her , but she 's nowhere in that vicinity , at least not that my human eyes can see . I call her silently , hoping she can hear my spirit call to hers . Nothing .
What will happen when this person finds the small dog ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Human eyes will see the dog for the first time . 2. The person will catch the dog in order to care for it , provide food and water . 3. On the 7th day the person will rest in the cement pile . 4. The small spirit dog will be sent to heaven .
It 's her , and she 's some sort of small dog . Day 7 : For two days I scout around the pile of cement and the alley where I last saw her , but she 's nowhere in that vicinity , at least not that my human eyes can see . I call her silently , hoping she can hear my spirit call to hers . Nothing .
What will happen when this person finds the small dog ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. On the 7th day the person will rest in the cement pile . 2. The person will provide a safe home for the small dog . 3. Human eyes will see the dog for the first time . 4. The small spirit dog will be sent to heaven .
On Saturday , I mentioned this about Bush Republican Rep. Shelley Moore Capito ( R - Big Oil ) how her sign on her campaign headquarters appeared to be her taxpayer funded Congressional sign and not the legal candidate sign which has to state who paid for it .
Why did the writer mention this ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. Because she has a sign on her campaign headquarters . 3. Because the writer opposes this candidate . 4. Because the state paid for her sign .
It 's housed in a nifty little boutique which has some awesome jewelry , clothing and hand - painted furniture , plus an elderly Store Dog that is very friendly . ) Spent Sunday alternately loafing on WoW ( yay ! two Trials of the Naaru down ! )
What can be concluded about the boutique from the store dog ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. The boutique might be owned by a corporation not a local owner . 2. The boutique might be owned by a global conglomerate . 3. The boutique might be owned by a local owner not a corporation . 4. The boutique might be owned by a corporation but franchised out .
Hello fellow Batman fans . Well Well last night was the day worth waiting for I mean The Dark Knight premire and it was awesome . It was pass over 9000 that how good it was . I was really hyped to see the movie and I painted up for the movie and certain fellow people at movies also did as well . I was really amazed on how the movie was done it was really good I mean they fucking lifted a 18 wheeler upwards . The fucking 18 wheeler went up people and it was awesome .
What is probably true about the narrator ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. They are not a fan of batman 2. They do not like seeing movies for the first time in the theater 3. They are an avid batman fan 4. None of the above choices .
When I woke up I was kind of achy but dealable . A bit cranky but oh well . Then I tried eating and I wanted to punch the nearest object - so I made an emergency appointment with the first dentist Google Maps could find me . I had my back left molar " fixed " last year by a retarded dentist in Houghton Lake who magically made a tooth that never bothered me hurt like the dickens whenever something hot or cold touched it .
What may have caused you to be cranky when you waked up ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. I forgot about my appointment with my dentist . 3. I did n't feel like eating . 4. My teeth felt off .
Whenever I ' m unhappy , I would always love to look up for my friends and share my feelings with them . However , everytime when I pick up the phone I just ca n't seem to tell them about how I felt , because I have always been the mr . brightside for everybody . I would n't want to spread the gloomy cloud above their skies .
What would happen if you were actually open and honest with your friends ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. They would be supportive and kind and understanding of what I was experiencing 2. They would not want to spend time with me because I was gloomy 3. They would try to change the subject to happier things 4. None of the above choices .
Thank you Vanessa for clearing that one up . Though my new one is : how exactly do the Cullens get by in todays ID fanatic society without changing their names every time they move ( towns or centuries ) ? Explain that one to me . In other news I started my other summer job today .
Why did the writer start a summer job ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Because they wanted to thank Vanessa . 2. None of the above choices . 3. Because they wanted to earn money . 4. Because we live in an ID fanatic society .
" You 're the one who wrote yourself as the girl , Gerard , " Bert replies and he sounds close . Gerard tightens his grip on the door handle because he 's not quite ready for Bert to see him like this . " It 's not autobiographical , Bert ... it 's just a comic , " Gerard fails to keep the petulance from his voice . " You wrote a character called The Kraken .
What sort of mood is Gerard in ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Gerard is in a positive mood 2. Gerard is feeling moody and upset 3. Gerard is upfront with Bert 4. None of the above choices .
" You 're the one who wrote yourself as the girl , Gerard , " Bert replies and he sounds close . Gerard tightens his grip on the door handle because he 's not quite ready for Bert to see him like this . " It 's not autobiographical , Bert ... it 's just a comic , " Gerard fails to keep the petulance from his voice . " You wrote a character called The Kraken .
Why are Bert and Gerard discussing the book ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. Bert likes readings Gerard 's work 3. Bert and Gerard wrote the book together as co - authors 4. Bert is Gerard 's editor
Nothing is happening . Nothing is going on . This real estate thing has been stretched as far as I can . Last night I realized I was scraping the bottom of the barrel if the most exciting real estate thing is worms pitching tents .
What may be the reason for nothing happening in the real estate thing ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. None of the above choices . 2. There were worms in the houses . 3. It 's at its limit . 4. It 's gearing up to surpass its limit .
So , keeping my promise , I stopped by the booth on the way to my car . They were all trying to pressure me into buying this enormous box of popcorn for about $ 100 . Ok , so , I like to donate just as much as the next girl , but what are the boy scouts doing here ? Raising their prices ?
What should you have done instead of going over to the booth ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I should have told them that I was not interested and would not be going to the booth 2. I should have bought the popcorn in the store instead 3. I should have asked someone else to donate on my behalf 4. I should have just donated before and not gone over to the booth
This is an everyday state for me now ! So our run was taken quite early as we hit the streets at 8 o'clock . It 's a good time to see dogs as lots of dog walkers like to get out early and one man even did a two - dog shift , first of all wandering around with a black Labrador then later with a golden ( unless I was imagining things ) . He was very chatty and Hector was happy as he let his dogs come over and give him a sloppy kiss .
What may have been your reason for choosing this place as your everyday skate route ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I can hit the streets as early as 8 o'clock . 2. None of the above choices . 3. I get to see lots of animals and people when I go this way . 4. There are n't any dogs who will chase me while I skate .
He was using big words and talking fast and I was too distracted by how I think he looks sort of weird without a shirt . Whatever was happening to his back at the end there was pretty gross . Also pretty gross ( and still pretty pointless ) : Maya .
What happened before he started talking Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. He took his shirt off 2. None of the above choices . 3. Maya took her shirt off 4. I asked Maya a question
He was using big words and talking fast and I was too distracted by how I think he looks sort of weird without a shirt . Whatever was happening to his back at the end there was pretty gross . Also pretty gross ( and still pretty pointless ) : Maya .
What happened before he started talking Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I asked Maya a question 2. None of the above choices . 3. Maya took her shirt off 4. I asked him a question
He was using big words and talking fast and I was too distracted by how I think he looks sort of weird without a shirt . Whatever was happening to his back at the end there was pretty gross . Also pretty gross ( and still pretty pointless ) : Maya .
What may have happened if he had been wearing a shirt Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. He would not have used big words 2. None of the above choices . 3. His back would have been gross 4. I would not have gotten distracted
He was using big words and talking fast and I was too distracted by how I think he looks sort of weird without a shirt . Whatever was happening to his back at the end there was pretty gross . Also pretty gross ( and still pretty pointless ) : Maya .
What may have happened if he had been wearing a shirt Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. He would not have looked weird 2. None of the above choices . 3. He would not have used big words 4. His back would have been gross
Many of these usually have some damage on them , simply because of their age . I ' ve seen some with many chips , cracks , and even ones that have had the bottoms ground - down to remove chips . This lamp was only 22.00 $ on eBay .
Why would age be a reason for some things to have damage on them ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. Because the lamp was only $ 22 on eBay . 2. Because some have many cracks . 3. None of the above choices . 4. Because they have had more time to be exposed to the elements and to accidental impacts .
And I feel so broken . I ' m so sorry , I ca n't help feeling like this . I ' m sorry I ' m not beautiful , spunky or brave . I ' ve thought and wrote this so many times .
What might happen if you change the way that you view yourself ? Give the number of the choice. Choose among the following: 1. I will still maintain my negative attitude because my thinking can not change 2. None of the above choices . 3. I will revert back to thinking of myself negatively 4. I will begin to feel happier and less dejected