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Certifier: FullName(block capitals) _____________________________________________ Occupation _______________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________ Contact Number (s)_________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Date _____/______/_______ dd mm yy Instructions and Notes for FORM M How to fill out the Form § Read all instructions carefully before completing the form.
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Antigua and Barbuda
§ Complete application form in English § Type or print in block capital using black or dark blue ink if handwritten. § The applicant or anyone under age 16 is the parent or legal guardian § All first time applicants must be seen at the Passport Office* § All lost/stolen passport applicants must be seen at the Passport Office § Your application form will not be processed if you fail to complete all of the required sections of the application form § Do NOT use this form if you are over 16 years.
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Please use Form L § Write all dates using the format – dd/mm/yy. Official Stamp § Please tick the appropriate box(es) when completing the application form. Section 10 Parental Consent Please refer to Note 11 § If you make a error on the form, place a line through the error, initial and continue. Do NOT use correction fluid or your application will be refused.
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Antigua and Barbuda
§All documents in languages other than English must be translated by a certified translator *Citizens by Investment (CIP) are asked to refer to their agents Supporting Documents to be Produced (Please present both originals and photocopies of all supporting documents. The originals will be returned. In the case of first time and lost/stolen applicants, original documents are returned at the conclusion of the issuance process.)
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Antigua and Barbuda
A) If the applicant was born in Antigua and Barbuda: i) Applicant’s birth certificate; Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 22 2014, No. 13 2014, No.
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13 19 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I/ We__________________________________________________________________ (Please Print Given and Surnames) the____________________________________________________________________ (Please State -Mother/Father/ Guardian) of_____________________________________________________________________ (Please Print Child’s Name) hereby give consent for him her to hold an Antigua and Barbuda passport.
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Father’s Signature ________________________________ Date _____/_____/_____ dd mm yy Mother’s Signature_______________________________ Date____/_____/______ dd mm yy Section 11 Supplementary Information Please refer to Note 12 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 20 2014, No. 13 2014, No.
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13 21 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________ Date______/_______/_______ dd mm yy Section 13 Signature To be signed by all applicants Please refer to Note 14 IMPORTANT – DO NOT TOUCH THE LINES OF THE BOX Failure to comply with this instruction will invalidate the application.
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Antigua and Barbuda
FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Please do not write below this line CIP Registration No. _____________________ Section 12 Declaration To be signed by all applicants Please refer to Note 13 Amount of Fee Paid ______________________ John Doe I, the undersigned, hereby apply for the issue of a passport. I declare that the information provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I have not renounced the status of Citizen of Antigua and Barbuda.
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Antigua and Barbuda
I further declare that any and all previous passports granted to me have been surrendered, other than the passport or travel document with the number specified in section __ of this form which is now attached and that no other application for a passport has been made since the attached passport or travel document was issued to me.
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Signature ____________________________ Date _____/______/______ dd mm yy NB: If the applicant is 16 or 17 years, the parent or court appointed guardian is required to sign this section.
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Antigua and Barbuda
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 32 2014, No.
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13 2014, No. 13 25 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 Citizen of Antigua and Barbuda by: i) Birth iii) Naturalization v) Registration pursuant to Citizenship by Investment Act ii) Applicant’s registration/naturalization certificate; iii) Applicant’s marriage certificate (if applicable); iv) Applicant’s divorce certificate (if applicable); ii) Descent vi) Registration pursuant to iv) Registration pursuant to the Citizenship Cap.
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22 Millennium NaturalizationAct, 2004 NB: If you are a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda by naturalization or registration, please complete the following: Certificate Number ______________________________________________________ Date of Issue ___________________________________________________________ Passport Number of Country of Birth ________________________________________ Place of Issue _________________________ Date of Issue______/______/_________ v) Copy of bio-data pages of applicant’s passport from country of birth.
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Antigua and Barbuda
(Original passport to be produced for verification); E) Applicants who are citizens of Antigua and Barbuda pursuant to Citizenship by Investment Act: i) Applicant’s birth certificate; ii) Applicant’s proof of citizenship; iii) Applicant’s marriage certificate (if applicable); iv) Copy of bio-data pages of applicant’s passport from country of birth.
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Antigua and Barbuda
dd mm yy Citizenship by Investment applicants are asked to refer to their Agents NB: If you are a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda by Investment, please complete the following: Evidence of Citizenship _____________________________________________________ Date of Issue _____________________________________________________________ Note 1: Section 1- Personal Information This section is to be completed by all applicants Names: § Surname and Given name(s) to appear in passport.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Passport Number of Country of Birth ___________________________________________ § Only legal names will be accepted. Please do not include any aliases or known as names. Place of Issue ________________________ Date of Issue_______/_______/_________ dd mm yy Address: §Give your current home address and country of residence Section 5 Were You Born Outside of Antigua and Barbuda?
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Yes No If yes, please refer to Note 5 and then complete this section Telephone Numbers: § Please list all telephone numbers where you may be reached. Failure to include this informa- tion may delay your application Note 2: Section 2- Type of Application This section is to be completed by all applicants Standard or Emergency: § The standard passport takes three (3) weeks to process. Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 26 2014, No. 13 2014, No.
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13 2014, No. 13 31 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 § An emergency application may be processed within a shorter period of time. A higher fee applies.
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A higher fee applies. Number of Pages: § The standard passport contains 32 pages and is valid for five (5) years Section 2 Type of Application Please refer to Note 2 Standard Emergency Number of Pages Required: 32 64 Note 3: Section 3- Reason for Application Section 3 Reason for Application Please refer to Note 3 Please tick the reason that you are applying for a passport. This will assist the office in advising you properly as to your options and the supporting documents needed.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Note 4: Section 4- National Status This section is to be completed by all applicants If you are a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda by birth or descent, you are only required to tick the appropriate box. If you are a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda by registration or naturalization, you are required to tick the appropriate box and provide as much details as possible.
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Antigua and Barbuda
A) New (First Time) Issue F) Reissue Due to Name Change B) Reissue of Expired Passport F1) Reason for Name Change (tick below) C) Reissue of full Passport Marriage Adoption Deed Poll Note 5: Section 5- Were you born outside of Antigua and Barbuda? D) Reissue of Lost/stolen Passport G) Other (please specify) This section must be completed in detail by all applicants who were born outside of Antigua and Barbuda.
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Antigua and Barbuda
E) Reissue of Damaged Passport __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Note 6: Section 6- Supporting Documents Produced Please tick all the supporting documents that have been attached to the application. This will assist the office in ensuring that all originals are returned. Both original and photocopies must be pro- duced.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Both original and photocopies must be pro- duced. Note 7: Section 7- Previous Passport When applying for a new passport, any previous Antigua and Barbuda passports held must be surren- dered for cancellation. The old passport will be returned to the applicant at the end of the issuance process. Note 8: Section 8- Lost/Stolen Passports A lost/stolen passport must be immediately reported to the local police, or the nearest Antigua and Barbuda Consulate or Mission.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Lost/stolen applicants are required to produce the original and two (2) photocopies of each supporting document. Section 4 National Status Please refer to Note 4 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 30 2014, No. 13 2014, No. 13 27 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 For Official Use Only Application Number……………………………. Application for Antigua and Barbuda Passport for Applicants Under 16 Years Form M Section 1 Personal Information.
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Please refer to Note 1 Surname: ______________________________________________________________ First Name: ____________________________________________________________ Middle Name(s)_________________________________________________________ Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Widowed Separated Permanent Address_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ There is a maximum waiting period of three (3) months before a replacement passport is issued.
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Antigua and Barbuda
A higher fee applies.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Note 9: Section 9- Certification The application must be certified in Section 9 by any of the following persons, who may be cur- rently employed or retired: § Member of Parliament, Magistrate, Notary Public, Minister of Religion qualified under the law to perform marriages, Professional Engineer, Professional Accountant, Police Officer (Gazetted Rank), Army Officer (above the Rank of Captain) Bank Manager, Registered Medi- cal Practitioner, Dentist, Permanent Secretary, Principal Assistant Secretary, Head of a Gov- ernment Department, Barrister-at-Law, Solicitor or Attorney, Principal (Primary, Second- ary School or Tertiary Education Institution) The certifier must be personally acquainted with the applicant and must have seen the applicant at the time of certifying the application.
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If the child is under the age of two (2) years, the certifier must be personally acquainted with the parent or court appointed guardian. In respect to applications submitted to Overseas Missions or pursuant to the CIP the certification must be provided by persons of similar standing to those listed above. CIP applicants are asked to refer to their Agents. The official stamp of the certifier must be impressed in the box at section 9.
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For security reasons, it is not recommended that the certifier be related to the applicant, e.g. siblings, parents or children. Forms are valid for only six (6) months after the date of certification. Note 10: Photographs Photograph Specifications Date of Birth ____/____/_____ Age_______ Place of Birth ____________________ dd mm yy § Two (2) identical photographs taken within the last six (6) months.
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Antigua and Barbuda
They must be original photos, not altered in any way and not taken from any existing photos Country of Birth: _______________________________ Sex: Male Female § Photos must be in colour. Black and white photos are not acceptable. Height (ft)___________________________ § The size must be 45mm x 35mm (1.77X1.38 inches).
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Antigua and Barbuda
§ Show full frontal view of head and shoulders without head covering, no dark spectacles and Distinguishing Marks (if any) ________________________________________________ with a neutral facial expression. Telephone Number(s) ______________________________________________________ § Taken against a plain white background without shadows. Applicants should avoid wearing white clothing. Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 28 2014, No. 13 2014, No.
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13 2014, No. 13 29 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 § The hands of the parent or child must not appear in the photo At no time should a person other than the child sign in the signature box. § All photographs included with an application become the property of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda when lodged.
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§ The person who certifies the application is also required to endorse the reverse side of one of the photos with the words “I certify that this is a true photograph of (full name of mi- nor)………………….........…..” and affix his/her signature. The certifiers’ signature must be the same as appearing on the application form in Section 9.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Note 11: Section 10- Parental Consent § A parent or court appointed guardian should complete and sign Section 10, if the applicant is 16 or 17 years of age unless married (A marriage certificate must be produced). § If parents are divorced the custodial parent to whom custody of the child/children has been awarded must produce evidence of the court order § If either parent is dead or all parents are dead a death certificate must be produced.
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If the father’s name is not on the birth certificate only the mother is required to sign. If either parent is deceased or all the parents are deceased, the death certificate must be produced, and the surviving parent or court appointed legal guardian is required to sign. § The name(s) of the parent(s) must be printed clearly in Section 10. The parent(s) photo iden- tification must be included along with a photocopy of the same. Please see specimen signature below.
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Please see specimen signature below. IMPORTANT – DO NOT WRITE OUTSIDE THE BOX Failure to comply with this instruction will invalidate the application. John Doe Note 15: Apostille or Certification under Seal Where a document originates from a country outside Antigua and Barbuda an apostille or certifica- tion under seal by the registrar or a senior official in the department from which the document was issued must be inscribed on the document.
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Antigua and Barbuda
The office telephone number and official address of the Government Department or institution, including the official e-mail address where the document originates must be provided. Note 16: Additional Documents Additional Documents or information may be requested in support of this application. § In the absence of the parents or a court appointed guardian, proof of guardianship must be Note 17: Passport Delivery demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Minister.
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Note 12: Section 11- Supplementary Information Please fill this section if there is any additional information that you need to give to the Passport Office. Note 13: Section 12- Declaration This section is to be completed by all applicants The Antigua and Barbuda Passport Application is a legal document. Applicants are asked to please ensure that the information given on the Passport application is correct to the best of the appli- cants’ knowledge.
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Note 14: Section 13- Signature Signature: You must sign your usual signature in the box at section 13. This signature will appear in the passport. Children 12 years and older must sign in the signature box. A person, who is collecting a passport on behalf of an applicant, must submit an Order from appli- cant authorizing that person to collect the passport on its behalf. The passport will be delivered to that person on production of his photo ID.
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The Order must be notarized if the applicant is overseas. Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 40 2014, No. 13 2014, No.
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13 33 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Made the 20th day of March, 2014.
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Father’s Details Full Name_______________________________________________________________ Place and Country of Birth __________________________________________________ Date of Birth ______/_______/______ dd mm yy Mother’s Details Full Name_______________________________________________________________ Place and Country of Birth __________________________________________________ Date of Birth ______/______/______ dd mm yy Grandparent’s Details Full Name_______________________________________________________________ Place and Country of Birth __________________________________________________ Date of Birth ________/________/_______ dd mm yy NB If father, mother or grandparent is a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda by naturalization or registration, please complete the following: Number of his/her Document ________________ Place of Issue ____________________ Hazel Spencer, Secretary to the Cabinet.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Date of Issue ________/_________/_______ dd mm yy NB If applicant’s birth was registered at a Consulate of Antigua and Barbuda, please complete the following: Name of Consulate ________________________________________________________ Certificate Number ____________________ Date of Issue______/_______/_________ dd mm yy Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 34 2014, No. 13 2014, No.
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13 2014, No. 13 39 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 Section 6 Supporting Documents Produced Both original and photocopies must be produced. Please refer to Note 6 IMPORTANT – DO NOT TOUCH THE LINES OF THE BOX Failure to comply with this instruction will invalidate the application.
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Antigua and Barbuda
The following documents were submitted with the passport application: i) Birth Certificate v) Adoption Certificate ii) Baptismal Certificate vi) Proof of Legal Guardian iii) Marriage Certificate vii) Deed Poll iv) Divorce Certificate viii) Other (please specify) ______________________________ Section 7 Previous Passport Please refer to Note 7 Is the previous passport attached Yes No If yes, previous passport number ____________________________________ If no, go to section 8 Section 8 Lost/Stolen Passport Give details of the passport which has been lost or stolen Please refer to Note 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Please do not write below this line CIP Registration No.
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_____________________ Amount of Fee Paid ______________________ ]tÇx WÉx _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 38 2014, No.
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13 2014, No.
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13 35 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Date______/_______/_______ dd mm yy Section 12 Declaration To be signed by all applicants Please refer to Note 13 I, the undersigned, hereby apply for the issue of a passport.
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Antigua and Barbuda
I declare that the information provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I have not renounced the status of Citizen of Antigua and Barbuda.
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Antigua and Barbuda
I further declare that any and all previous passports granted to me have been surrendered, other than the passport or travel document with the number specified in section __ of this form which is now attached and that no other application for a passport has been made since the attached passport or travel document was issued to me.
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Signature ____________________________ Date ______/______/________ dd mm yy Section 13 Signature To be signed by all applicants Please refer to Note 14 Passport Number __________________________________________________ Place of Issue _____________________________________________________ Date of Issue __________/___________/_________ dd mm yy Your details at time of issue Surname__________________________________________________________________ First Name:_______________________________________________________________ Middle Name(s)____________________________________________________________ Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Widowed Separated Circumstances in which passport was lost or why it is not available: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Place of Loss ___________________________ Date of Loss______/______/______ dd mm yy Has Loss Been Reported to the Police?
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________________________________________ Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 36 2014, No. 13 2014, No. 13 37 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 Section 9 Certification Please refer to Notes 9 and 10 *I certify that the applicant has been known personally to me for_______________(state period) and that the photograph which contains my signature, is a true photograph of the applicant.
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Antigua and Barbuda
I/We____________________________________________________________________ (Please Print Given and Surnames) the________________________________________________________________________ (Please State -Mother/Father/ Guardian) of____________________________________________________________________________ (Please Print Child’s Name) Certifier: hereby give consent for him her to hold an Antigua and Barbuda passport.
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Full Name (block capitals)___________________________________________________ Occupation_________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________ Contact Number(s)_____________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Date _____/______/______ dd mm yy Father’s Signature ____________________________ Date _______/________/_______ Mother’s Signature___________________________ Date _______/________/_______ dd mm yy dd mm yy Section 11 Supplementary Information Please refer to Note 12 Official Stamp Section 10 Parental Consent Please refer to Note 11 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 2014, No.
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13 2014, No. 13 41 Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2014
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C E L E B R A T I N G 1 2 0 Y E A R S O F P A H O Looking forward, leaving no one behind.
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JANUARY 29 30 World Leprosy Day World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day MARCH MAY 4 15 World Cancer Day International Childhood Cancer Day FEBRUARY 3 4 8 9 4-11 22 24 World Birth Defects Day World Obesity Day International Women's Day World Kidney Day Salt Awareness Week World Water Day World Tuberculosis Day World Health Day 7 World Chagas Disease Day 14 23-29 Vaccination Week in the Americas 25 28 World Malaria Day World Day for Safety and Health at Work APRIL 5 8-14 12 15 17 21 21-30 28 31 World Hand Hygiene Day & International Day of the Midwife 7th UN Global Road Safety Week & Caribbean Mosquito Awareness Week International Nurses Day International Day of Families World Hypertension Day World Breastfeeding Protection Day 76th World Health Assembly International Day of Action for Women’s Health World No Tobacco Day Caribbean Nutrition Day World Environment Day World Food Safety Day World Blood Donor Day World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 1 5 7 14 15 26-30 PAHO’s 172nd Session of the Executive Committee International Day Against Drug Abuse 26 JUNE JULY 25 28 World Drowning Prevention Day World Hepatitis Day SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER 1-7 9 12 19 World Breastfeeding Week International Day of the World's Indigenous People International Youth Day World Humanitarian Day AUGUST Childhood Cancer Awareness Month International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies Caribbean Wellness Day World Suicide Prevention Day 7 9 10 9-15 Wellness Week in the Americas 17 18-24 Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Week World Patient Safety Day 25-29 28 29 in Latin America PAHO’s 60th Directing Council/75th Session of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas World Rabies Day World Heart Day Breast Cancer Awareness Month OCTOBER International Day of the Elderly Inter-American Water Day World Mental Health Day International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction World Hospice and Palliative Care Day World Sight Day World Handwashing Day 1 7 10 13 14 14 15 16-22 Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Week in the Caribbean International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 22-28 World Polio Day 24 World Stroke Day 29 Malaria Day in the Americas Diabetes Day World Day of Prematurity 6 14 17 18-24 World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 19 19 World Toilet Day World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 25 DECEMBER 25 Nov – 10 Dec 16 Days of Action for the Elimination of Violence against Women 1 2 3 10 12 World AIDS Day 121st Anniversary of PAHO International Day of Persons with Disabilities Human Rights Day Universal Health Day 2023 www.paho.org •�525 23rd St. N.W.
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Washington DC 20037 2023
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Antigua and Barbuda
LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Hijacking (CAP. 200 1 CHAPTER 200 T H E HIJACKING ACT Arrangement of Sections Section 1. Short title. 2. Hijacking. 3 . Violence against passengers or crew. 4. Extradition. 5. Aircraft operated by joint or international organisation. 4. Prosecution of offences. HIJACKING (3rd December, 1975.) 2111975. (S.R.O. 4611981). 1. This Act may be cited as the Hijacking Act. Short title. 2. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a person on board Hijacking.
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Antigua and Barbuda
an aircraft in flight who unlawfully, by the use of force or by threats of any kind, seizes the aircraft or exercises con- trol of it commits the offence of hijacking, whatever his nationality, whatever the country or territory in which the aircraft is registered and whether the aircraft is in Antigua and Barbuda or elsewhere. (2) If- (a) The aircraft is used in customs or police ser- vice; or 2 CAP.
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Antigua and Barbuda
200) Hijacking LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA (b) both the place of take-off and the place of landing are in the country or territory, including the territorial waters, in which the aircraft is registered, subsection (1) shall not apply unless- (i) the person seizing or exercising control of the aircraft is a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda; (ii) his act is committed within Antigua and Barbuda; or (iii) the aircraft is registered in Antigua and Barbuda or is used in the Police service of An- tigua and Barbuda.
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Antigua and Barbuda
(3) A person who- (a) commits the offence of hijacking; or (6) in Antigua and Barbuda induces or assists the commission elsewhere of an act which would be the offence of hijacking but for subsection (2), shall be liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for ten years.
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Antigua and Barbuda
(4) For the purposes of this section the period during which an aircraft is in flight shall be deemed to include any period from the moment when all its external doors are closed following embarkation until the moment when any such door is opened for disembarkation, and, in the case of a forced landing, any period until the competent authorities take over responsibility for the aircraft and for persons and property on board. Violence against passengers or crew. 3.
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Where a person of whatever nationality does on board any aircraft wherever registered and while outside Antigua and Barbuda any act which, if done in Antigua and Barbuda would constitute the offence of murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, culpable homicide or assault or an offence under section 20,22,23,24,25,30 or 3 1 of the Offences Against the Person Act, this act shall constitute that offence if it is done in connection with the offence of hijacking com- mitted or attempted by such person on board that aircraft.
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Antigua and Barbuda
LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Hijacking (CAP. 200 3 4. There shall be deemed to be included- Extradition. (a) in the list of crimes contained in Schedule 1 to the Extradition Act, 1870 of the United Kingdom insofar as such Act is applied to Antigua and Barbuda Cap. 164. by section 2 of the Extradition Act; and ( 6 ) among the description of offences set out in Part I of the Schedule of the Fugitive Offenders Act. Cap. 185. any offence under this Act and any attempt to commit such an offence. 5 .
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5 . If the Governor-General, by Order, declares- t:;;ft (a) that any two or more States named in the order ~~~~~~~~!
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Antigua and Barbuda
t y t e d , " have established an organisation or agency which operates aircraft; and ( b ) that one of those States has been designated as exercising, for aircraft so operated, the powers of the State of registration, the State declared under paragraph ( b ) shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be the State in which any aircraft so operated is registered; but, in relation to such an aircraft, section 1 (2) ( 6 ) shall have effect as if it referred to the ter- ritory of any one of the States named in the order.
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Antigua and Barbuda
6. Proceedings for an offence under this Act shall not be instituted except by or with the written consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions. of
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Antigua and Barbuda
For Official Use Only Application Number……………………………. Application for Antigua and Barbuda Passport for Applicants 16 Years and Older Form L Section 1 Your Details.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Please refer to Note 1 Surname: _________________________________________________________________________ First Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Middle Name(s)___________________________________________________________________ Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Widowed Separated Permanent Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _______/_______/_______ Age_____ ____ Place of Birth ______________________ dd mm yy Country of Birth: _________________________________________ Sex: Male Female Height (ft)____________________________ Distinguishing Marks (if any) ___________________________________________________________ Telephone Numbers __________________________________________________________________ Section 2 Type of Application Please refer to Note 2 Standard Emergency Number of Pages Required: 32 64 Section 3 Reason for Application Please refer to Note 3 A) New (First Time) Issue F) Reissue Due to Name Change B) Reissue of Expired Passport F1) Reason for Name Change (tick below) C) Reissue of full Passport Marriage Adoption Deed Poll D) Reissue of Lost/stolen Passport G) Other (please specify) E) Reissue of Damaged Passport ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________ Section 4 National Status Please refer to Note 4 Citizen of Antigua and Barbuda by: i) Birth iii) Naturalization v) Registration pursuant to Citizenship by Investment Act, 2013 ii) Descent iv) Registration pursuant to the Citizenship Act, Cap.
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Antigua and Barbuda
22 v) Registration pursuant to Millennium Naturalization, 2004 NB: If you are a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda by naturalization or registration, please complete the following: Certificate Number ______________________________________________________ Date of Issue________/_________/_________ dd mm yy Passport Number of Country of Birth ________________________________________ Place of Issue ________________________________________ Date of Issue_______/________/_______ dd mm yy NB: If you are a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda by Investment, please complete the following Evidence of Citizenship _______________________________________________________________ Date of Issue ________________________________________________________________________ Passport Number of Country of Birth ____________________________________________________ Place of Issue ________________________________ Date of Issue________/________/___________ dd mm yy Section 5 Were You Born Outside of Antigua and Barbuda?
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Antigua and Barbuda
Yes If yes, please refer to Note 5 and then complete this section No Father’s Details Full Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Place and Country of Birth _________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _________/__________/___________ dd mm yy Mother’s Details (if applicable) Full Name_______________________________________________________________________________ Place and Country of Birth __________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _________/__________/___________ dd mm yy Grandparent’s Details (if applicable) Full Name_______________________________________________________________________________ Place and Country of Birth _________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _________/__________/___________ dd mm yy NB If father, mother or grandparent is a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda by naturalization or registration, please complete the following: Number of his/her Document _________________________ Place of Issue ____________________________ Date of Issue________/_________/_________ dd mm yy NB If applicant’s birth was registered at a Consulate of Antigua and Barbuda, please complete the following: Name of Consulate ______________________________ Number of Certificate__________________________ Date of Issue ________/_________/_________ dd mm yy Section 6 Supporting Documents Produced Please refer to Note 6 Both original and photocopies must be produced.
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Antigua and Barbuda
The following documents were submitted with the passport application: i) Birth Certificate ii) Baptismal Certificate iii) Marriage Certificate iv) v) Adoption Certificate vi) Proof of Legal Guardian vii) Deed Poll viii) Other (please specify) _________________________________ Divorce Certificate Section 7 Previous Passport Please refer to Note 7 Is the previous passport attached Yes If yes, previous passport number ____________________________________ If no, go to Section 8 No Section 8 Lost/Stolen Passport Give details of the passport which has been lost or stolen Please refer to Note 8 Passport Number _____________________________________________________________________ Place of Issue ________________________________________________________________________ Date of Issue __________/___________/_________ dd mm yy Your details at time of issue Surname ___________________________________________________________________________ First Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Middle Name(s)_____________________________________________________________________ Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Widowed Separated Circumstances in which passport was lost or why it is not available: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Place of Loss _______________________________________ Date of Loss________/_________/_______ dd mm yy Has Loss Been Reported to the Police?
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_______________________________________ Date Loss reported to the Police _______/________/________ dd mm yy Section 9 Certification Please refer to Notes 9 and 10 *I certify that the applicant has been known personally to me for __________________ (state period) and that the photograph which contains my signature, is a true photograph of the applicant.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Certifier: Full Name (block capitals) ____________________________________________________________ Occupation ________________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________ Contact Number (s)_________________________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________ Date _______/_________/_________ dd mm yy CIP Applicants are asked to refer to their Licensed Agent Official Stamp Section 10 Parental Consent Please refer to Note 11 I/ We _____________________________________________________________________________ (Please Print Given and Surnames) the_______________________________________________________________________________ (Please State -Mother/Father/ Guardian) of _______________________________________________________________________________ (Please Print Child’s Name) hereby give consent for him her to hold an Antigua and Barbuda passport.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Father’s Signature __________________________________ Date ________/_________/________ dd mm yy Mother’s Signature_________________________________ Date ________/_________/_________ dd mm yy Section 11 Supplementary Information Please refer to Note 12 ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________ Date________/_________/__________ dd mm yy Section 12 Declaration To be signed by all applicants Please refer to Note 13 I, the undersigned, hereby apply for the issue of a passport.
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Antigua and Barbuda
I declare that the information provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I have not renounced the status of Citizen of Antigua and Barbuda.
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Antigua and Barbuda
I further declare that any and all previous passports granted to me have been surrendered, other than the passport or travel document with the number specified in section __ of this form which is now attached and that no other application for a passport has been made since the attached passport or travel document was issued to me.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Signature ____________________________ Date _______/________/_______ dd mm yy NB: If the applicant is 16 or 17 years, the parent or court appointed guardian is required to sign this section. Section 13 Signature To be signed by all applicants Please refer to Note 14 IMPORTANT – DO NOT TOUCH THE LINES OF THE BOX Failure to comply with this instruction will invalidate the application. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Please do not write below this line CIP Registration No.
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Antigua and Barbuda
_____________________ Amount of Fee Paid ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
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Antigua and Barbuda
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
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Antigua and Barbuda
TITLE OF INVENTION:………………………………………………………….. II. APPLICANT(S) Additional information is contained in supplemental box.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Name …………………………………………………………………..……………… Address (es) …………………………………………………………………………… Nationality/Nationalities ……………………………………………………………… Country/countries of residence or principal place of business: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Tel No:……………………Fax No:………………………….Email:…………………….. *The data concerning each applicant must appear in this box or, if the space is insufficient, in the supplemental box. Address for service in Antigua and Barbuda* III.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Agent The following agent has been appointed by the applicant in the authorization of agent Accompanying this form to be filed within two months from the filing of this Form Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Address …………………………………………………………………………………………… Tel No:………………………..Fax No:…………………………E-mail:……..………………….. IV INVENTOR The inventor is the applicant If inventor is not the applicant Additional information is contained in supplemental box Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
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Antigua and Barbuda
Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………… The statement justifying the applicant’s right accompanies this Form V DIVISIONAL APPLICATION This application is a divisional application Filing date ………………………….. priority date of the initial application is claimed in as much as the subject matter of the present application is contained in the initial application identified below Initial Application No. :………………………………………………………..
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Antigua and Barbuda
:……………………………………………………….. Date of filing of initial application :…………………………………………… Where an attorney at law or a patent agent has been appointed, his address shall be treated as the address to which communications shall be transmitted. VI DISCLOSURES TO BE DISRTGARDED FOR PRIOR ART PURPOSES Disclosure occurred not more than one year before the filing date or priority date of the present application by reason or in consequence of acts of the applicant or his predecessor¡ in title.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Of an abuse committed by a third party with regard to the rights of the applicant or his predecessor in title.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Additional information in a statement accompanying this Form VII PRIORITY DECLARATION (if any) The priority of (an) earlier application(s) is claimed as follows The priority of more than one earlier application is claimed; the data are indicted in the supplemental box Country (if the earlier application is a regional or international application, indicate the office with which and the countries for which it was filed): ……………….……………………………. Filing Date………………………….
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Antigua and Barbuda
Filing Date…………………………. Application No…………………….. Symbol of the International Patent Classification: ……………………………………… not yet allocated The certified copy of the earlier application accompanies this Form.
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Antigua and Barbuda
will be furnished upon request by the Registrar as prescribed by section 20(2) has already been furnished with application No The English translation of the earlier application accompanies this Form Will be furnished upon request, as prescribed by section 20(3) VIII SUPPLEMENTAL BOX* Use this box if any of the boxes is not large enough to contain information to be furnished. Indicate the boxes continued in this by their roman numerals and title [e.g.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
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Antigua and Barbuda
This application contains following B) This Form, as filed, is accompanied below by the items ticked 1. request…………………sheet(s) separate signed authorization of agent 2. description……………..sheet(s) statement justifying the applicants right 3. claim(s) ……………….sheet(s) statement that certain disclosures be disregarded 4. abstract…….…………..sheet(s) priority document(s) [certified copy of earlier application(s)] 5. drawing(s) …….………sheet(s) English translation of earlier application(s) on which priority declaration is based.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Total sheet(s) C. Figure number ……… … Of the drawings (if any) is suggested to accompany the abstract for publication Application fee Other document(s) (specify) See supplemental Box X. SIGNATURE(S) ………………………….. Date ………………….. ………………………………………………………… ….………………………………… {Name} agent or applicant Type name(s) under signature(s). Indicate whether agent or applicant TO BE FILLED IN BY THE REGISTRAR 1.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Date of receipt or corrections or later filed documents completing the application: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Date fees received: ………………………………………………….................................. (Form No. 1, fifth and last page).
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Antigua and Barbuda
GUIDELINES FOR CITIZENS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA REGARDING TRAVEL TO CANADA Please note that with effect from 5:30 am EDT on June 27, 2017, citizens of Antigua and Barbuda will need a visitor’s visa/Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) to travel to Canada. Visitors visas are required by Antiguan and Barbudan nationals who are coming to Canada as a tourist, to visit family or friends, to conduct business, or to study (for up to six months).
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Antigua and Barbuda
From June 27, 2017, any existing electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) issued to a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda will no longer be valid for entry into Canada. Most approved visa applicants will receive a multiple entry visa, which will allow travellers to visit Canada as many times as they want for up to 10 years. For each visit, travellers are permitted to stay in Canada for up to six months.
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Antigua and Barbuda
While citizens of Antigua and Barbuda now require a visa to travel to Canada, the Government of Canada has officially stated that it “…continues to welcome travellers from Antigua and Barbuda.” How to Apply for a Canadian Visa: There are two ways to apply for a visitor’s visa: online, or on paper.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Paper Application: -If applicants choose to apply on paper, the application form for the Temporary Resident Visa (IMM 5257) can be obtained by clicking the following link: www.immigrationdirect.ca/IDCAForms/files/form/IMM5257E/IMM5257E.pdf In this case, application forms must be completed, printed and submitted with the bar code page.
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Antigua and Barbuda
-Kindly note that any applicant who answers Yes to Questions 3 to 6 in the Background Information section on the Application Form IMM5257 should also complete the IMM5257B Schedule 1 Form, which can be found by accessing the link below: https://www.wpvs.com/UserFiles/File/Canada_IMM5257B_Schedule_1_Form.p df -The Additional Family Information Form (IMM 5406) must be completed by each person, 18 years of age or older, applying for a Temporary Resident Visa.
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Antigua and Barbuda