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This new facility is being built in Brown Hill with support from the 17 Basic Needs Trust Fund. The upgrade of this Community Health facility will provide improved services and adequate space to execute health programmes. 70. Madam President, The Ministry of Health has received assistance from corporate partners throughout 2009. The Hospital Auxiliary and The Bank of Nevis contributed $45,000 and $15,000 respectively towards the purchase of an ultrasound machine which cost the government US$130,000.
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Mount Nevis Hotel contributed towards the purchase of a sterilizer. Other partners throughout the year included Rotary Club, National Caribbean Insurance, Credit Union, Digicel and LIME. I want to express sincere thanks to all these corporate sponsors for their willingness to invest in the health of Nevisians and I look forward to their continued support in the future. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 71.
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SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 71. Madam President, My government through the Ministry of Social Development continues to implement programs geared towards enhancing our social and cultural environment. These programs seek to prepare our youths, elderly, athletes and cultural practitioners to take full advantage of opportunities created in a competitive business and investment environment. 72.
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72. Madam President, as you are aware, the Minister of Social Development is an ardent advocate of the belief that government’s responsibility is to equip individuals with the skills to help themselves rather than granting handouts. Therefore, through programs like, Helping You Prepare for Employment (HYPE) and Empowering Men for Change (EMC), we continue to provide the necessary condition for social change in our community. 73.
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73. Presently, there are eighteen (18) young persons in Trinidad benefitting from the HYPE program, while over forty (40) persons are benefitting from the EMC program. These two (2) social intervention programs target youths displaying socially deviant behaviour and lend themselves to the notion that when an individual is confident and is provided with opportunities to develop him or herself, they would more often or not, rise to the challenges of life and strive to function to their fullest potential.
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74. In addition, the Ministry has established an adult education class in accounts, which seeks to assist, school dropouts, single parents and persons from the lower levels of the economic ladder. 18 This initiative we feel will help the recipients to advance themselves academically and better prepare for the job market. 75. The Community Development Department is an integral partner in the path towards socio- economic stability.
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Therefore, to carry out this critical role, the department continues to expand existing programs at the community level and will also institute new programs. The homework assistance program which was instituted in 2006 caters to over three hundred (300) children between grades 3-6. The program continues to pay dividend. There is no doubt that the program has helped tremendously in strengthening the learning process of the students. This was reflected in the test of standards results in 2009.
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The program will continue in 2010. 76. Cognizant of the fact that socially deviant behavior could adversely affect the business and investment climate, the Department of Community Development continues to introduce intervention programs. The Social Assessment of Interaction and Literacy (SAIL) project is ongoing in the two primary schools in St. James Parish. This project assesses youth’s behavior and identifies areas of concern.
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The information collected will be used to develop measures to counteract such behavior. The project will be duplicated in all primary schools. 77. Additionally, a Growth and Development Survey has been conducted in St. John’s and St. Paul’s parishes to captures information about attitudes of people and issues that affect them. The data will be used to develop and implement new community programs and to establish policies in the future. 78.
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78. Madam President, under the Institutional Strengthening for Social and Economic Development Project (ISSED), for St. Kitts and Nevis, the Department has sought to put measures in place to improve our community development efforts. These measures include the creation in draft stage of a policy manual, a handbook for community development officers, and a strategic approach to community development. 79.
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79. The communities of Charlestown, Jessups, Cotton Ground, Barnes Ghaut, and Brick Kiln will benefit from the construction of new community centers while existing structures in Fountain and Combermere will be completed and upgraded. 19 80. In the area of sports, we will continue to focus on the main sports - cricket, football, netball, athletics, tennis cycling, volleyball and basketball and as the interest grows in other sports they will be given the required support.
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The sports facilities will be upgraded and lighted in order to facilitate increased sporting facilities during the period 4pm – 8pm. In this regard, work is ongoing at the Flats and Brown Hill Recreation Grounds and other facilities will be looked at in 2010.
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With the support of the private sector, local, regional and international associations, the development of sporting teams at the Under 13, Under 15, Under 19 and Under 23 levels, in all leading sports will continue, while sports at community level will be strengthened. 81. The Gender Division organized a ten-week training programme in democracy and governance for women out of which the formation of a Women’s NGO in Nevis is to be instituted.
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Meanwhile, the family services division continues to focus on providing support to single parents through training and outreach programs. Collaboration with major agencies and key individuals in Education, Health Services and the Police Force, has intensified in an effort to more efficiently deal with rapidly increasing reports of physical and sexual abuse to the Department.
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The Family Services Students Assistance Program continues with sixty one (61) children benefitting from this program designed to assist low income and disadvantaged parents with uniforms for their children. 82. Two recreational programs for seniors are ongoing; exposing seniors to a variety of awareness sessions.
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Despite challenges with staffing at the youth division, every effort was made to maintain its ongoing programs, namely the Summer Job Attachment Program, Boys Choir, Chess Club, the Link Program and Bikes not Bombs, while a new program “Teen Talk” was introduced. These programs will continue and expand in 2010. AGRICULTURE 83. Madam President, my government has once again made Agriculture a priority in this country after 14 years of neglect.
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The stage has been set through the efforts of this government for a revival of Agriculture in Nevis. We now have to encourage more of our young people to pursue Agriculture as a career. I believe the time is favourable for investments in Agriculture and thus I intend to use this presentation to highlight the opportunities that exist. 20 84.
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20 84. Madam President, there is no doubt that the decline in agricultural productivity and the rise in food prices over the last two decades have been as a result of the lack of effective policies and the shift in public and private investment away from agriculture and towards the hospitality and financial services industries. 85. The ongoing global economic crisis which has pushed up the prices of food is forcing us to rethink the role of agriculture in our national economy.
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Emerging from this reexamination, the government through the Department of Agriculture has crafted a medium term strategic plan which requires that we continue to place major emphasis on the sustainable production of basic foods and value added food products as well as on developing sectoral linkages such as agro- tourism and agro-industry. I will first address the issue of sustainable food production. Crop Production 86.
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Crop Production 86. Domestic production of traditional crops average 25% of national consumption, up 8% from 2006. Already strong consumer preferences for locally produced food coupled with an expected increase in demand due to the growth of the hospitality sector, agro-industrial needs and population growth, create a significant investment environment.
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Protected Agricultural Systems (PAS) in general and greenhouse technology in particular represent the greatest potential for meeting local demand for certain crops and to do so competitively and consistently. Private investment in hydroponically produced lettuce has already demonstrated the viability of the technology here on Nevis. Nevisian produce (lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumber) have been exported to St. Marten, the volume being limited only by our present inability to meet demand.
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Livestock 87. Over the past decade, meat prices have increased by an average of 50% and are expected to increase further over the long term. Local producers are encouraged to increase investments in livestock technology (genetics, feeds, husbandry, processing) as well as to construct new arrangements between farmers and processors such as contract farming. Poultry meat production represents the area of greatest investment potential.
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At present, domestic production is marginal and insignificant, contributing less than 1% of consumption, estimated at 750,000 – 1.25 million pounds/year. 21 88. Intensive and semi-intensive production systems for mutton, pork and beef will become a necessity, as agricultural lands are diverted for housing, tourism and industrial development. Niche markets for goat milk and goat cheese represent viable avenues for development and investment. Fishing and Aquaculture 89.
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Fishing and Aquaculture 89. There has been an alarming decline in marine biodiversity both in terms of species and biomass over the years. The effect is especially evident in near-shore ecosystems that have been depopulated of reef or pot fish. As with meat, the prices of fish have doubled (partly due to increasing fuel prices) and are expected to increase further in the long run.
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Policies to enhance biodiversity such as Marine Protected Areas, and strict enforcement of fishing regulations will have to be implement There exists considerable investment potential in the offshore fisheries, targeting pelagics such as wahoo, dolphin, marlin and squid. Small scale “Green water” aquaculture producing Tilapia is sustainable and may ease the pressure on near-shore fish stocks.
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Madam President, the second important component of the strategy is strengthening linkages with other sectors of the economy. Agro-tourism 90. Madam President, agro-tourism is the least developed sector and by default, may represent the greatest potential for investment. Marrying these two sectors will create a substantial economic engine capable of driving the economy forward.
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Organically produced foods and ornamental and cut flower producers will be needed to satisfy the upscale requirements of visitors. The increasing diversity of our population, allows for positioning in niche ethnic markets with particular requirements. Agro-industry 91. Madam President, the focal point for the agro-industrial sector is agro-processing. Although clearly defined as a cottage industry in its present context, substantial government investment in a new plant promises to change that.
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To support this sector, we will need a reliable and abundant supply of fruits. There is therefore considerable scope for investment in the development of orchards, product development, marketing and distribution. 22 92. Madam President, much of the framework required to facilitate investment in the agricultural sector is already in place.
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However, we will continue to improve infrastructure, particularly irrigation systems, increase access to arable lands, enhance access to research and development, and develop the human capacity to maximize production efficiencies and yield, and thus ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of this sector.
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My government is confident that Agriculture with the use of modern technology will become once again an economically and financially viable industry, and thus I reiterate the call for our people to invest more in this sector. The government will continue to support farmers by providing technical assistance, access to arable land, access to research and development and tax concessions, but our people must take up the challenge to invest and ensure food security for our nation. HOUSING 93.
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HOUSING 93. Madam President, the area of housing is a major accomplishment of this government and is evidence of our drive to empower the people of Nevis. Under the housing programmes many Nevisians were afforded the opportunity to purchase their own land and their own homes. In just three years this NRP led government have invested $25 million in the development of (7) housing communities with a total of 248 homes. 94.
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94. Under the Civil Servants Mortgage Loan Programme, which is currently ongoing, the initial amount of $10 million that was provided by the Social Security Board was increased by an additional $5 million in 2009, due to a high demand for homes. Sixty one (61) civil servants and non-established workers have benefited from the program for the purposes of new construction, purchase of property, renovation of property and refinancing of existing mortgages, with loan approvals totaling $13,280,226.
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The benefits of these programmes are also distributed to local contractors, electricians and plumbers who have been employed under this initiative. I must commend these persons and the Nevis Housing and Land Development Corporation for their commitment in ensuring that the houses are built with a high degree of elegance and sophistication. INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION, AND TECHNOLOGY (ICT) 95.
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Madam President, in order for Nevis to develop into a modern and competitive economy, information technology and telecommunication must be at the forefront of our development 23 agenda. My government plans for ICT development relate to the availability of egovernment services offered to departments and by extension, the general public, and to making Nevis an ICT centre in the future.
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In 2010 the primary goals in this context are: • Launching of an array of electronic services through the website www.nia.gov.kn that will change the way that persons can interact with the government.
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The site has already been established and during 2010, we will promote and offer the following services: o Interactive online forms o Legislation o Government documents o Directory and maps of government department locations o Government News o List of events o Job opportunities within the government These new services will allow the electronic submission of data that will significantly improve the efficiency of the interactions with the public and the government.
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• Continued delivery of a number of training programmes to government employees. Clearly, government is heavily dependent on technology and thus the IT department will continue to deliver courses to government employees that will equip them with the requisite technological skills that will enable them to interact effectively in the modern day business environment. 96. Madam President, more importantly, my government will introduce measures to expand the IT industry on the island.
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We will be aggressively pursuing investment opportunities in the establishment of businesses such as Data Centres, Call Centres and back office operations. However, we must begin to create the infrastructure to be able to attract these types of businesses. To this end, we will pursue the following: 1. Continue to train our people so that they are able to take up positions in these areas. Consequently, we will give priority to scholarships in the IT field that can be awarded on an annual basis.
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Students will be encouraged to pursue degrees in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, and Information Technology. 24 2. We intend to leverage our geothermal resources to attract IT businesses. We are well aware that many large corporations house data centres across the world. The primary overhead of these data centres is power, and hence the availability of affordable and environmentally friendly energy can make Nevis an attractive location. 3.
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3. We will work to enhance the availability of the network infrastructure to provide connectivity to North America, Europe and the rest of the world. This will be done by cooperating with the existing companies to increase the available bandwidth to the island as well as encouraging new companies to lay undersea fibre that will increase our capacity. 4.
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4. We will seek financial assistance from bilateral sources to create business incubators such as IT Parks that will facilitate the rapid development of IT related businesses. 97. Madam President, we believe that the development of our geothermal resources will give us a definite advantage in this area. In addition, it is an area that is free of pollution and could generate significant employment opportunities for our young people.
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As soon as construction of the geothermal plant begins, we will launch an aggressive promotional campaign to attract investments. We will also pass legislation to deal with information privacy and protection against crimes committed in the digital domain. 98. Madam President, I will now speak to public finance. PUBLIC FINANCE Fiscal Review 99.
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PUBLIC FINANCE Fiscal Review 99. Madam President, the daunting international economic turbulence and moreover, the devastating effects of the Four Seasons Resort closure have reverberated in government finances creating a decline in current revenue. While the Administration was able to produce a favorable fiscal current account balance surplus in 2008 because of strong revenue growth in the first half of the year, this is not the case in 2009. 100.
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100. Accordingly, the activities for the period ended October 31, 2009 has produced a current account deficit and the widening of the overall deficit. However, my Administration has 25 introduced various initiatives to help buffer these fiscal challenges. We have every intention to strengthen these measures to ensure fiscal sustainability in the medium and long term. 101.
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101. Comparisons of 2008 and 2007 revealed a percentage increase of 6.81% in current revenue; which rose to $112,073,984 in 2008 from $104,925,833 in 2007. Madam President, in 2008 all major categories of revenue demonstrated increases. Tax revenue grew by 5.52% to $84,774,524 and non tax revenue by 11.04% to$27,299,460. Cumulative increases in Water and Supply Office collection, passports and permits attributed to the overall increase in non tax revenue. 102.
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102. Meanwhile, larger increases in tax revenues were for Corporate Income and Stamp Duties. These taxes increased by 60% and 26% respectively. Exemplary business activity for the 2007 period was able to increase Corporate Income Tax by $2,076,223. This is highly commendable. Notwithstanding, my government continues to exert pressure to improve compliance.
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I once again use this forum to reiterate the need for taxpayers to adhere to the laws of the Federation in paying their necessary taxes, especially professionals and business corporations. Stringent actions will have to be taken in the coming year to ensure that additional pressures are not placed on government to borrow due to the non compliance of taxpayers. 103. Turning to spending Madam President, the total sum in 2008 was $138,158,355.
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Current spending, excluding principal repayment, totaled $101,988,747; producing a current account surplus of $10,085,237. Heavy spending on the current account continues to be for salaries, wages and debt servicing which was calculated as 67.72% of current expenditure and 70.10% of current revenue. 104. Furthermore, the Administration continues to push its agenda of investing heavily on education and other social programs.
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The Ministry of Education reported total current spending in 2008 was $15,421,705.90; with spending on primary and secondary education amassing totals $5,248,933.62 and $5,886,555.32 respectively. Subsequently, the average spending per child for the 2007/2008 academic period was $4,726. Madam President, the fruits are quite obvious, as this year registers the third consecutive year that the Charlestown Sixth Form has won the prestigious national scholar award.
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In 2008, spending on training at the Ministry of Human 26 resource amounted to $1,892,293.76. We recognize that in order to be competitive in a knowledge base society it is imperative that we continue to invest in our people. 105. Madam President, whereas my Administration has worked vigorously to develop the physical infrastructure of the island in the 2006 – 2007 periods, in 2008 much of such new projects were not undertaken. As a result, capital spending was relatively low for the year.
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The total amount was $22,146,171 comprising of $12,040,153 sourced from loans and $10,106,018 from revenue. The Ministry of Communications and it departments spending was $15,871,566.22 for which the larger amount was for existing road projects. Other spending was for the purchase of a fire truck and an ambulance. 106. Current revenue was down for the period ended October 31, 2009 and stood at $70,839,618. The overall decline when compared to October 31, 2008 was 24.50%.
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As anticipated the most heavily affected areas were Hotel and Restaurant Tax, Stamp Duties and Consumption Tax. 107. Madam President, over the 2009 period measures to invigorate economic activity has intensified especially through tax concessions. These have subsequently affected the robustness of revenue collection. Such measures are indigenous of a government that realizes the urgency of the situation and the need to act to promote entrepreneurship and industry on the island. 108.
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108. Reported total expenditure for the 10 months of 2009 was $106,969,053. The total was broken down as follows: • Current - $82,196,907 • Capital – 16,791,620 • Principal repayment $7,980,526 Fiscal Projections 2010 109. Madam President, some of the obstacles faced in 2009 will undoubtedly continue to confront us in the 2010 period. The projected outlook for overall economic activity in the Federation for next year is less than upbeat.
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GDP in constant 1990 prices as stated by the ECCB indicate the economy will shrink by 1.68%. This is after a projected decline of 8.03% in 2009. 27 110. In fact, the Governor of the Central Bank has warned that the ECCU can expect a protracted decline in growth. IMF officials have also concluded that the Caribbean economies which depend on high end tourism are expected to take a longer time to rebound from the present crisis than are economies which depend on commodity exports. 111.
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111. In light of such, budgeted current revenue is set at $101,446,000 for the 2010 fiscal year. From this total; the Ministry of Finance is expected to collect $84,608,000. This includes $33,989,000 at Customs, $38,759,000 at Inland Revenue and $11,619,000 at Financial Services. Total revenue from taxes is calculated at $72,341,000 where subsidiary reduction is expected for Taxes on Income.
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Taxes on Domestic Goods and Services collected at the Inland Revenue Department will continue to suffer from low receipts for Hotel and Restaurant Tax and Stamp Duties. Furthermore, Customs collection for Taxes on International Trade and Transaction will witness a reduction of 11.94% compared to the projections of 2009. Declines in Import Duties and Consumption tax are the major attributors to such reduction.
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The Financial Services Department revenue is expected to shrink resulting in a decline in total non tax revenue. 112. On the other hand, estimated current expenditure including principal repayment and transfers for 2010 is $125,830,000. This represents a nominal increase of 6.91% over the 2009 estimates which was $117,687,000. Madam President, the most noticeable increase in the allotment to ministries was in the Ministry of Finance whose increase is predominantly for debt servicing.
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The temporary rise in debt servicing is inevitable as it is needed to buttress the short term decline in revenue. Accordingly, it takes up a significant portion of current spending contributing 30.19% of its total. 113. Compensation to employees (salaries, wages and allowances) remain the most significant spending area in Government. Budgeted at $53.8 million, it is 42.75% of current expenditure. The provision for transfer for the period is $2,549,700 down from $2,681,000 in 2009.
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Moreover, the amount appropriated as pension and gratuities is $4,500,000 114. Planned capital spending for the period is $37,717,289. Such capital investment will be financed: $18,325,473 from revenue; $17,574,544 from loans; and $1,817,272 from development aid. Projects such as the Water Network Rehabilitation, Renewable Energy, Police Barracks, 28 Cotton Ground Police Station construction and St. Thomas’s Primary School expansion are included in the capital estimate. 115.
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115. With the assistance of BEAD, we have been very successful in exploring for water, and during 2010 the drilling programme will continue to ensure that we have adequate capacity for a growing economy. The Road Improvement and Maintenance of Schools projects will also continue in 2010. 116. Madam President, my Administration is highly committed to providing adequate security for both nationals and residents.
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To demonstrate such commitment we propose to undertake several projects to improve the condition of law enforcement officers. Combined costs of these projects are $2,315,070 with estimated spending for 2010 being $1,948,623. Sequenced according to financial significance these projects include the purchase of land and construction of a new Cotton Ground Police Station, construction of Police Barracks at Belle Vue and the repair of the old Cotton Ground Police Station. Debt 117.
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Debt 117. Madam President, due to the changes in economic conditions, the government has had to rely heavily on debt to finance shortfalls in revenue. 118. In analyzing the total public sector debt stock for the 2007 and 2008 periods it was revealed that there was an increase of $9,065,829 or 2.63% from one year to the next, resulting in an amount of $353,565,829 at the end of 2008.
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This amount was further increased to $393,669,783 by June 30, 2009; 80% of which was the debt stock of the NIA and 20% for Public Corporations. 119. Madam President, the debt stock for the public corporations moved from $73,449,747 at the end of December 2008 to $78,843,298 at the end of June 2009. 77.96% of this debt was held by external creditors and the other 22.04% by domestic creditors. 120.
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120. The total debt stock for the government stood at $280,116,082 on December 31, 2008 and at $314,826,485 on June 30, 2009. The increase of the debt stock was primarily driven by the increased use of the overdrafts and loan facilities. In 2009 the government was granted a loan under the IMF Emergency Assistance for Natural Disasters (ENDA) initiative.
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There were also new loans from RBTT Bank Ltd. for the purpose of purchasing a fire truck for the island and the 29 Social Security Board for the purchase of hospital equipment and an ambulance in 2008. In 2009, the government for the first time issued Treasury Bills on the Regional Government Securities Market (RGSM) with a tenor of 365 days. This extended maturity reduces rollover risks and also broadens the investor base as it caters to both local and international investors. 121.
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121. Madam President, in previous years, foreign debt outweighed domestic debt. Recently, there has been a general shift in the debt composition with domestic debt being the preferred source of financing. At the end of 2008 external financing amassed $98,371,594 and domestic debt was $181,744,488. The first half of 2009 recorded $107,745,918 and $207,080,567 for foreign and domestic debt respectively. 122. Debt servicing for 2008 was $31,042,972, representing a decline of 5% over 2007.
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$14,023,437 was paid toward reducing the principal amounts and $17,019,535 was paid as interest. As a measure of debt sustainability, a debt service ratio (the ratio of interest payments to current revenue) of 15.2% was calculated, which was an improvement to the amount of 16% calculated for the 2007 period. This indicates that measures are being taken to mitigate the advancement of debt and debt service payments.
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The government will continue in its efforts to carefully monitor and manage public sector debt to ensure that it remains within a sustainable level. Cash Flow Management 123. Madam President, the challenges that have been imposed on our local economy have reinforced the importance of an effective cash flow management system. This situation is not unique to the island of Nevis, but has become a common element throughout the OECS region and beyond.
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It has therefore become necessary for the government to implement measures that would encourage efficient cash flow management practices, and ensure economic stability in Nevis. 124. Cash flow management is critical in protecting the financial security of the government. It involves ensuring that there is not too great a gap between cash inflows and outflows through careful analysis, monitoring, forecasting and adjusting of cash flows.
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The goal is to ensure that the cash flow conversion period is shortened so that financial obligations are met and arrears are minimized. 30 125. In an effort to address the cash flow situation of the government, Madam President, a Cash Flow Management Committee was recently established at the Ministry of Finance and comprises of the Permanent Secretary as head, the Treasurer, the Budget Director and the two Economists of the Fiscal Policy Unit.
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These persons meet biweekly to discuss cash flow forecasts and identify cash flow surpluses which could be invested or cash flow deficits that may require short- term borrowing to close the gaps. Effective cash management will also assist in budget formulation and implementation, thereby fostering good governance by improving transparency and accountability. INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT PROGRAMME 126.
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INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT PROGRAMME 126. Madam President I now give a more detailed account of the major infrastructure investment projects plan for 2010. Roads Development Programme 127. Madam President, I am pleased to report that National Piling Company Ltd has practically completed the important project to reconstruct and rehabilitate about 4.9 kilometres of roads in the Cox, Montpelier, Chicken Stone and Clay Ghaut areas at a cost of $17.4 million.
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This project includes the addition of a playfield at the Flats for the St. Johns Primary School and the St. Johns Community. Over thirty per cent of the cost was used to construct concrete drainage in this road rehabilitation project. Madam President, if you have not done so, I encourage you to take a drive and witness the transformation of the area as a result of this well needed and well deserved project for the people of Cox and surrounding areas. 128.
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128. Madam President, let me repeat that this NRP led government is about people empowerment. The people in all parishes and communities will be touched as we continue to roll out our secondary road rehabilitation programme for the months and years to come. This is deliberate Madam President, as we believe that when there is proper infrastructure the appropriate investment and business climate will be cultivated and people will be empowered to start and enhance their business and marketing activities.
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Furthermore, it means that the relationship among the people in the various communities will improve, the property values in the villages will increase, and the people of Nevis can once again feel comfortable to live and invest in any village and in any community in Nevis. Let me thank the people of Cox, Clay 31 Ghaut, Chicken Stone, Cole Hill and surrounding communities for their cooperation and understanding during the construction phase.
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I also appeal to the people in the other communities to be patient. Your needs will be catered to in the future as the economy recovers and the resources become available. Water Sector Development Programme 129. Madam President, a team from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) visited Nevis during the first week in November to conduct an appraisal of the water sector with the objective of developing a project to be presented to the Board of Directors of CDB in December 2009 or March 2010 the latest.
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The intention is to implement aspects of the Nevis Water Master Plan developed earlier with funding from the Caribbean Development Bank. The Nevis Master Plan showed us that in order to improve the water system on Nevis a number of steps have to be taken including increasing the size of the water mains in various areas, making improvements at pumping stations, the purchasing of certain equipment for the Nevis Water Department and replacing and constructing new reservoirs on Nevis.
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This civil work component is estimated at EC$20 million in the first phase. Madam President, this expenditure is necessary for two fundamental reasons. Firstly, no major infrastructure investment was made in the water sector since 1992, and secondly, Madam President, water is an essential product to a booming business and investment climate. 130.
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130. This project also has an institutional component that will deal with issues such as how to regulate the water sector, improving customer service, the development of the human resource, financial performance and projections for the water department, the commercial and technical aspects and options available to the Nevis Island Administration with regards to the future of the Nevis Water Department as an entity.
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Madam President, we will implement these elements overtime because we must provide the correct infrastructural platform for investment on Nevis and ensure that the people of Nevis receive the best service. In the meantime, Madam President, we will start a project shortly to increase the flow of water from Fothergills to Stoney Hill in Gingerland by the laying of a brand new water main.
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This will in turn enable the system to take more water which will be distributed to consumers on the southern side of the island, positively impacting areas such as Brown Hill, Prospect and Hamilton. 32 131. Madam President, we must not forget that this Administration made significant investments in water development last year.
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For example, in Bath Village 1,970 ft of 4” mains were extended with Fire Hydrants in the vicinity of Von Radio; a total of 10,108 ft of 4” and 6” pipes were installed with a complement of 12 Fire Hydrants in the St. Johns road improvement project; and a new pumping station was installed and commissioned at Upper Jessups so as to create an improved distribution system for the village of Barnes Ghaut. Other investments in the water sector are continuing as resources permits.
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Energy Sector Development Programme 132. Madam President, the development of the renewable energy sector is an important aspect in re-orienting our economy and providing the appropriate investment and business climate for economic growth and development. The countries in the international community are now focusing on becoming energy independent by expanding existing renewable energy programmes, and seeking new sources of energy.
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It is generally accepted that if we are going to fight poverty, improve our balance of payments, diversify our economies, provide new jobs and achieve the millennium goals in general, the development and investment in the renewable energy sector is imperative. Moreover, Madam President, with the uncertainty in the upward movement of oil prices and the threats of climate change countries are forced to take drastic steps to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. 133.
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133. Madam President, for us here in Nevis it has always been this government’s goal to diversify our energy sector while making Nevis a green energy independent economy. Towards this end, we have signed two very important contracts with two investors to produce geothermal and wind energy to feed into the electricity grid on the island of Nevis.
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West Indies Power (Nevis) Ltd. (WIP) is finalizing its negotiations in obtaining its financing to construct a Nevis Geothermal Plant with a capacity of 10 megawatts to supply base load power in Nevis by 31 December 2010. At the same time Environmental Impact Studies are also being conducted and finalized. Madam President, we are well aware that this current global financial climate is hostile to obtaining funding for projects.
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However, let me assure you that because of the high interest in the Nevis geothermal project, we are confident that funding will be provided and your NRP led Nevis Island Administration will bring geothermal power to the people of Nevis. Madam President, let me further inform you that we have already obtained a letter of intent from the 33 Federal Government to purchase geothermal energy from Nevis via submarine cables through NEVLEC.
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We will continue to inform the people of Nevis on the opportunities and activities in the development of this important renewable resource. 134. Madam President, the second investor is a company called Windwatt that has secured financing to develop a wind farm at Maddens Estate on government leased land to supply 1.1 mega watt of wind energy to Nevlec.
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The wind turbines are being ordered and construction is scheduled to commence in January 2010 with the objective to supply wind power to the grid by July 2010. Windwatt will also submit their completed Environmental Impact Assessment shortly. Madam President, it is important to note that this company consists of both local and foreign investors who have a genuine interest in seeing Nevis developed into a “Green” economy. 135.
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135. Madam President, despite these plans NEVLEC must be in a position to adequately supply back-up energy to the Nevis economy in the event of unforeseen circumstances. In addition, there is an urgent need to replace old retired engines at the Generation Plant and to reduce NEVLEC’s dependence on a high speed genertek engine which has become very expensive to maintain and operate. It is important to note, Madam President, that the manufacturer of this engine no longer exists.
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Therefore, with the assistance of the Caribbean Development Bank a new 2.5 mega watt engine will be purchased and commissioned in 2010. Furthermore, in order to connect the new renewable sources of energy to the transmission and distribution system of NEVLEC, various studies will have to be completed and an investment will have to be made to upgrade the electricity grid. 136. Madam President, when these projects are completed Nevis will be the leading “Clean and Green” economy in the Caribbean.
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Moreover, the island will experience energy security which will provide the platform for multiple opportunities for local and foreign direct investments. Madam President, we anticipate more jobs and a reduced dependency on tourism to generate the revenue needed for the development of our people and our economy. We will continue to work with our partners in the regional and international community to provide the necessary technical assistance and funding to formulate and implement a Nevis Energy Policy.
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34 Police Barracks 137. Madam President, the Taiwanese Technical Mission will fund the construction of the Charlestown Police Barracks in conjunction with the Nevis Island Administration. At a recent ground breaking ceremony held at the site at Bath Plain the Taiwanese handed over a cheque to the NIA to cover the cost of the project of just under EC$800,000.
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The purpose of the project is to reduce overcrowding at the Charlestown Police Station as well as provide additional accommodations for newly recruited police officers. Madam President, the building will be a two storey reinforced concrete structure designed to accommodate sixteen (16) officers; four (4) female police officers and one (1) visiting officer on the ground floor and eleven (11) male police officers on the first floor. 138.
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138. In addition, police barracks are also being constructed at Butlers Village on lands donated to government by Messrs Arthur and Ken Evelyn. The project is being managed by Mr. Ken Evelyn and will consist of four bedroom that could house (8) officers. The Evelyns have also agreed to furnish the building and thus the government will meet the cost of construction which is estimated at $225,000. 139.
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139. This is just a continuation of the NRP led government programme to ensure that the island has adequate security personnel, and to improve the general conditions of the police officers of Nevis. We believe, Madam President, that the more comfortable they are the greater will be their productivity. I wish to express sincere thanks to Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Evelyns for their sterling contribution to the peace and safety of this island.
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I also wish to encourage other donors to assist the police in their effort to fight crime on Nevis. St. Thomas Primary School 140. Madam President, the NIA is also fulfilling its promise to the St. Thomas Primary School by constructing additional class rooms to accommodate the increase in student population. This project will be done in two phases. The first phase is being executed at a cost of EC$431,…. and should be completed during the second term of the school year.
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It consists of the construction of two class rooms with bath room facilities. The second phase will be completed sometime in the future as funding becomes available and would involve constructing two more class rooms on 35 the first floor. This project is part of the stimulus package of the NIA utilizing loan funding from the St. Kitts and Nevis Social Security Board. Other Infrastructure Programmes 141.
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Other Infrastructure Programmes 141. Madam President, we intend to approve the Nevis Physical Development Plan in early 2010 as submitted to us by the Physical Planning Department. This is an important document in light of our thrust to encourage local and foreign direct investment on Nevis. This will help us as we seek to re-orient our economy to prepare for the rebound of the world economy in the future 142. I now turn to fiscal measures. FISCAL MEASURES 143.
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FISCAL MEASURES 143. Madam President, I am aware that this is the section of the budget that captivates the attention of our citizens. However, I have already outlined that 2010 is expected to be a difficult year and thus the government will not introduce any new taxes. Instead, we will focus on improving the efficiency of the tax system and stimulating the economy. We have already taken several initiatives to alleviate poverty and help businesses. These include the following: 1.
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