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These senior technical colleges will develop students’ technical, practical and vocational skills. Preparation for specified trades shall be offered in these specialised technical establishments. These Senior Technical Colleges will offer a curriculum focusing on more advanced technical and vocational education and training.  Tertiary Education The Ministry of Education will continue to promote access through increased scholarships for tertiary studies.
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The Ministry of Education will continue to work in collaboration with regional and international institutions to facilitate recognition of programmes offered by national institutions (for example, Education Policy Statement Ministry of Education June 2010 9 the Vanuatu Institute of Technology, the Vanuatu Institute of Teacher Education, the Vanuatu School of Nursing, the Police College, Vanuatu Agriculture College (in Santo) and the Vanuatu Maritime College (in Santo).
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EDUCATION POLICIES  Legislation The Government of Vanuatu will review all education legislation, including the Education Act, the Teaching Services Act, and legislation relating to the Vanuatu Institute of Technology and the Vanuatu Institute of Teacher Education. The purpose of the review will be to update and modernise current education legislation.  Land Acquisition The Ministry of Education shall implement the decisions on land acquisition made by the Council of Ministers in July 2009.
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The Ministry of Education will work collaboratively with the Ministry of Lands to ensure that all public school land is surveyed, a valuation is determined, and that the land is compulsorily acquired or leased by the Government (as secured Government investments) by 2012. The Government’s policy on rationalization of schools will be considered as decisions on land acquisition are made. Land on which secondary schools and technical colleges are located will be compulsorily acquired by the Government.
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Appropriate lease arrangements will be negotiated for primary schools.  Scholarships and Human Resources Development The Government of Vanuatu shall make available scholarships to assist people wishing to acquire a qualification, or to upgrade an existing qualification, according to the proportions listed below: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) level Masters level Degree level Diploma level 5% 25% 40% 30% The Government of Vanuatu shall develop a National Human Resources Development Plan.
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This plan will be designed to develop skills to address the priority needs of Vanuatu through scholarship distribution. The Ministry of Education shall ensure that the allocation of scholarships is made fairly and without discrimination towards either Francophone or Anglophone students. Awards shall be made promptly once a student has met the qualifying criteria.
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The time taken for the award of scholarships to students after completing Years 13 and 14 will be reduced to a minimum, so that they can progress their further study without interruption. Education Policy Statement Ministry of Education June 2010 10  Curriculum The Ministry of Education shall continue its curriculum development work to reform and modernise the pre-school, primary and secondary school curriculum.
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Particular consideration will be given to the development of appropriate curricula for the Junior Secondary Schools and the Senior Technical Colleges. Appropriate curricula will be developed for technical and vocational education and training programmes.  Assessment Current arrangements for assessment of student achievement will continue at the end of Years 10, 12 and 13/14.
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The Government of Vanuatu has established a Task Force to review assessment arrangements, in line with the curriculum reform, and will consider the report of the Task Force and make appropriate decisions when the report has been completed and analysed.  School Grant Subsidy A School Grant subsidy per student will be paid to all Government and Government-assisted primary schools enrolling students in Years 1 to 6 in 2010 and thereafter.
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The Ministry of Education shall make provision for an increased school grant subsidy for students in Years 7 – 10 in public and Government assisted schools over time, as resources permit. The school grant will fund the costs of tuition only. Other costs such as boarding fees or the cost of school uniforms are the responsibility of parents.
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 Teachers The Ministry of Education has initiated a study of the costs, effectiveness and distribution of teachers in order to ensure that the teacher management system in Vanuatu is efficient and effective. The Government of Vanuatu will consider the report of the study and make appropriate decisions when the report has been completed and analysed.  Development of Minimum Standards Current standards for the education system in Vanuatu are defined in the Education Regulation Order No 44 of 2005.
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These standards will be reviewed by the Ministry of Education, and adapted if necessary in order to define minimum standards for the whole education system of Vanuatu. The Government of Vanuatu will ensure that standards are set so that all teachers are competent and well qualified.
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Minimum standards for staffing schedules for schools, for educational textbooks, equipment and other learning materials for schools, for classrooms and other school buildings, for health and safety requirements, and for administration and management of schools will be reviewed. Existing minimum standards that are appropriate will be implemented, or new minimum standards will be set, as resources permit.
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 Ancillary Staff (Financial Officers/Bursars) Education Policy Statement Ministry of Education June 2010 11 As resources permit, the Government of Vanuatu will give consideration to the appointment of financial officers in provincial education offices and/or bursars in secondary schools.
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 Vanuatu Institute of Technology Following the review of the legislation governing the functions and operation of the Vanuatu Institute of Technology, the Government of Vanuatu will take steps to improve the quality of technical and vocational education delivered in Vanuatu, and will ensure that more people have access to good quality technical and vocational education through enrolment in recognised certificates and diploma qualifications.
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 Vanuatu Institute of Teacher Education Following the review of the legislation governing the functions and operation of the Vanuatu Institute of Teacher Education, the Government of Vanuatu will take steps to improve the quality of teacher education delivered in Vanuatu. Both pre-service teacher education and in-service teacher professional development are included within teacher education.
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The possibility of offering recognised undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes in teaching through the Vanuatu Institute of Education will be examined.  Adult and Community (Non-Formal) Education The Ministry of Education will support the development of adult education and community education in the non-formal sector, and will work constructively with Non-Government Organisations operating in this field.
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As resources permit, it will give consideration to implementing the recommendations in the UNESCO Belém Framework for Action (December 2009) relating to adult and community education, particularly the provisions relating to adult literacy and increased investment in adult education and learning. Life skills programmes will be offered and developed in whatever language participants are comfortable with.
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 Inclusive and Special Education The Ministry of Education will give consideration, as resources permit, to providing support to implement its Inclusive Education Policy and Strategic Plan 2010-2020. As a first priority, it will consider support for the training of teacher educators to achieve qualifications that will enable them in turn to train teachers to assist children with special needs.
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Children with special needs include the visually impaired (the blind and the near-sighted), the hearing impaired (the deaf), children who are physically disabled, and children who are intellectually disabled (for example, children affected by Down syndrome).
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Education Policy Statement Ministry of Education June 2010 12 Education Policy Statement Ministry of Education June 2010 13 Child CareKindyPrimary EducationYears 1 to 6Junior SecondaryYears 7 to 10Senior Technical CollegeSenior Secondary SchoolYears 11 to 13Tertiary Technical institutionVIT / VITETertiary EducationUniversitiesAges 4 to 5Ages 6 to 15Ages 16 to 18Age 18+Basic EducationProposed Education Chart of Vanuatu
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Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 Third revised draft as at 23 August 2000 REPUBLIC OF VANUATU BILL FOR THE EDUCATION ACT NO.
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21 OF 2001 Arrangement of Sections Part 1 – Preliminary Interpretation 1 Purpose 2 Objects 3 4 Primary and secondary levels of education 5 Government and non – government schools 6 Language policy 7 Parental duty and choice 8 Prohibition against discrimination 9 Religious instruction Part 2 – Functions and powers of Minister, Director-General, Directors and Provincial Education Officers 10 Functions and powers to be performed in accordance with this Act 11 Functions and powers of Minister 12 Functions and powers of Director-General 13 Functions and powers of Directors 14 Functions and powers of Provincial Education Officers Part 3 – Registration of government and non-government schools 15 Requirements for registration of a school 16 Schools must be registered Part 4 – Education Authorities Division 1 – Application 17 Application of Part Division 2 - Approval of Education Authorities 1518 Only Education Authorities can operate schools 1619 Application for approval to become an Education Authority 1720 Determination of applications 1 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 18Requirements for registration of a school 19Schools must be registered 20Register of schools Division 32 – Applications for changes to schools 2021 Education Authorities must apply for changes to schools 2122 Approval of applications under section 21 for new schools and relocation of schools 2223 Approval of other applications under section 21 Division 43 – Cancellation and withdrawal of approval of Education Authorities 2324 Cancellation of approval of Education Authority 2425 Withdrawal of approval of Education Authority Division 54 – Other matters relating to Education Authorities 2526 Responsibilities of Education Authorities 2627 Accounts 2728 Reports Division 65 – Transitional arrangements for existing schools 2829 Application of Division 2930 Non-government schools 31Government schools Part 5 – National School System Division 1 – Funding for of Education Authorities and schools 3231 Funding of Education Authorities 32 Funding of Provincial
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of Education Authorities 32 Funding of Provincial Education Boards 3133 Education Authorities to Ddistribution of e grants to schools 3234 Grants Code 3335 School fees 3436 Accountability of school fees Division 2 – Administration and management of schools 3537 Responsibilities of Principal 3638 Discipline of students 3739 Medical examination of students 3840 School councils and school committees 3941 School community associations 4042 Inspection and advisory services Division 3 – Cancellation of registration of schools 4143 Cancellation of registration of school by Director-General 4244 Takeover of schools 2 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 Part 6 – National Education Advisory Council, National Education Commission and Provincial Education Boards Division 1 – National Education Advisory Council 4345 Establishment and functions of National Education Advisory Council 4446 Membership of the Council Division 2 – National Education Commission 4547 Establishment and membership of National Education Commission 4648 Functions of the Commission in relation to examinations 4749 Functions of the Commission in relation to scholarships 4850 Functions of the Commission in relation to curriculums and syllabuses Division 3 – Provincial Education Boards 4951 Establishment and membership of Provincial Education Boards 5052 Functions of Provincial Education Boards 53 Accounts 54 Reports 55 Government schools - transitional arrangements Division 4 – AAdministrative provisions 5356 Schedule 3 57 Provincial Education Board Part 7 – Miscellaneous 5458 Appeals to the Supreme Court 5559 Delegation of functions and powers 60 Regulations 61 Repeal of Administration of Schools Act 5761 66.62 Commencement Schedule 1 – Education Authorities and non-government schools Schedule 2 – Provincial Education Boards and government schools Schedule 3 – Administrative provisions for Education Advisory Council, National Education Commission and Provincial Education Boards 3 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 Third revised draft as at 23 August 2000
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2001 Third revised draft as at 23 August 2000 REPUBLIC OF VANUATU Assent: Commencement: 30 December 200130th December 2001 25th February 200225 February 2002BILL FOR THE EDUCATION ACT NO.
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21 OF 20010 An Act to make provision for primary and secondary education in Vanuatu, and for related purposes BE IT ENACTED by the President and Parliament as follows: Part 1 - Preliminary Purpose 1 The purpose of this Act is to provide a clear directive for the development and maintenance of an effective and efficient primary and secondary education system for the benefit of Vanuatu and its people.
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Objects 2 The principal objects of this Act are as follows: (a) (b) to provide primary and secondary education which is firmly based on Ni- Vanuatu cultures and beliefs; to provide primary and secondary education of a high standard to all children within the limits of available resources; (c) to expand access to secondary education; (d) to eliminate educational disadvantages arising from the gender or ethnicity of a child, or a child's geographic, economic, social, cultural or other circumstances; (e) to assist each child to achieve his or her full educational potential; (f) (g) to provide education to children that gives them access to opportunities for training or employment, or further study; to upgrade and strengthen the administration of the primary and secondary education system.
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4 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 Interpretation 3 In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears: approved form means a form approved by the Director-General for use under this Act. commencement means the commencement of this Act. Commission means the National Education Commission established by section 47. Council means the National Education Advisory Council established by section 45. Department means the department of education within the Ministry. Director means a director of the Department.
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Director means a director of the Department. Director-General means the Director-General of the Ministry responsible for education. Education Authority means a person: (a) approved as an Education Authority under section 2017; or (b) taken to be approved as an Education Authority under section 30. government grant means a grant from the Government to an Education Authority (see section referred to in section 312) or a Provincial Education Board (see section 32).
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government school has the meaning given by subsection 5(2). Minister means the Minister responsible for education. Ministry means the Ministry responsible for education. municipal council means a council established under the Municipal Councils Act [CAP. 126]. municipality means a municipality established under the Municipal Councils Act [CAP 126]. non-government school has the meaning given by subsection 5(3).
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parent of a child includes the guardian or any person having the custody or care of the child. person includes any statutory body, company or association or body of persons 5 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 corporate or unincorporated. prescribed means prescribed by the regulations. primary education means education at the level referred to in subsection 4(1).
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principal of a school means the person who is in charge of the day to day administration of the school, whether referred to as the principal, headmaster, headmistress or any other title. province means a local government region as defined in the Decentralization Act No. 1 of 1994. provincial government council means a local government council established under the Decentralization Act No. 1 of 1994. Provincial Education Board means a Provincial Education Board established by subsection 51(1).
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Provincial Education Officer means a Provincial Education Officer referred to in section 14. Register means the Register of Schools kept under section 1620. regulations means regulations made under this Act.
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school means any place at which secular instruction (whether or not with religious instruction) at the primary or secondary level of education is given on a regular basis to at least 10 students, but does not include any place that: (a) is operated by a church or other religious body and that provides instructions wholly or mainly of a religious character; or (b) is exempted by the regulations.
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school inspector means: (a) (b) a person who is appointed by the Public Service Commission to be a school inspector for the purposes of this Act; or an officer of the Department or any other person with appropriate qualifications and/or experience appointed by the Director-General to be undertake the functions of a school inspector under this Act. secondary education means education at the level referred to in subsection 4(2).
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6 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 Primary and secondary education 4 (1) The Pprimary level of education comprises covers years 1 to 6.up to the eighth year of education (2) (2) The secondary level of education covers from the ninth to the fifteenth years of education. (2) Secondary education comprises years 7 to 14 and can be divided into the following categories: (a) community secondary comprising years 7 to 8; (b) junior secondary comprising years 8 to 10; (c) senior secondary comprising years 11 to 14.
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(3)The secondary level can be further divided into the junior secondary level and the senior secondary level. (3) The Minister, acting on the advice of the Director-General, may prescribe by order: (a) different years for primary education; or (b) different years for secondary education; or (c) different years for categories of secondary education; or (d) different categories of secondary education.
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Government and non-government schools 5 (1) A school is either a government school or a non-government school. (2) A school is a government school if a Provincial Education Board is responsible for the operation of the school. the Education Authority that operates the school is a Provincial Education Board. (3) A school is a non-government school if an Education Authority is responsible for the operation of the school.
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All other schools are non-government schools eg if the Education Authority operating the school is the Anglican Church of Vanuatu, the school is a non-government school. (4) To avoid doubt, the level of funding a school receives does not affect whether it is a government school or a non-government school (for funding of schools see sections 31 and 32).
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(55) The kinds of government and non-government schools that may be operated by by Education Authorities an Education Authority or a Provincial Education 7 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 Board include the following: (a) primary schools; (b) junior secondary schools; (c) senior secondary schools; (d) secondary schools providing both junior and senior secondary education; (e) schools providing both primary education and secondary education; (f) single medium schools; (g) dual medium schools; (h) vocational secondary schools; (i) schools with boarding facilities; (j) schools for students with special needs.
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6 (1) Language policy In accordance with Article 3(1) of the Constitution, the principal languages of education are English and French. (2)However, so far as it is practicable to do so: (a)the teaching of one or more subjects at the primary level of education is to be undertaken for students in their local vernacular; and (b)all students during the course of their primary and secondary education are to become literate in their local vernacular or Bislama, and both French and English.
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(2) All students during their primary education are to be taught in either French or English. (3) All students who proceed to secondary education are to continue in their first language of instruction (e.g. French) and are to begin the study of the other language of instruction (e.g. English). (4) However, nothing in subsection (3) is to prevent a student who has undertaken his or her primary education in one language of instruction from undertaking his or her secondary education in the other.
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(5) The Minister, acting on the advice of the Director-General, may by order determine that one or more specified subjects at a specified school or schools are to be taught to students in the local vernacular or Bislama. 8 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 Parental duty and choice 7 (1) This section applies in relation to a child who is at least 6 years old and less than 14 years old.
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(2) It is the duty of the child’s parents to ensure that the child attends a school., subject to the financial resources of the parents. (3)Subject to the provisions of this Act, the school is to educate the child in accordance with the wishes of the child’s parents so far as it is practicable for the school to do so.
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Prohibition against discrimination 8 (1) A child is not to be refused admission to any school on account of his or her age, gender, religion, nationality, race, socio-economic status, , language or disability. (2) A child is not to be admitted to year 1 unless he or she is at least 6 years old and a child is not to be admitted to year 7 if he or she is over 15 years old. Otherwise, a child is not to be discriminated against on account of his or her age.
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Religious instruction 9 (1) A school is to provide religious instruction of the kind requested by the parents (2) of the students at the school so far as it is practicable for the school to do so. If the parents of a student request that he or she be excused from attending religious instruction at athe school, the student is to be excused in accordance with the request.
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9 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 Part 2 – Functions and powers of Minister, Director-General, Directors and Provincial Education Officers 10 Functions and powers to be performed in accordance with this Act (1) The Minister, the Director-General, the Directors and Provincial Education Officers must perform their functions and exercise their powers, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the regulations.
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(2) To avoid doubt, subsection (1) this Act does not in any way limit the application of the other laws of Vanuatu (eg Leadership Code Act No. 2 of 1998, the Government Act No. 5 of 1998 and the Public Service Act No. 11 of 1998) to the performance of functions and the exercise of powers by the Minister, the Director-General, the Directors and Provincial Education Officers. 11 Functions and powers of Minister (1) The Minister has such functions and powers as are conferred on the Minister by this Act.
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(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Minister must, on behalf of the Government, enter into an agreement with each Education Authority for the management of the Authority’s schools. (3) If the Minister, acting on the advice of the Director-General, is satisfied that there are special circumstances, he or she may, by order, declare a day or days to be a holiday for all schools, groups of schools or a particular school.
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12 Functions and powers of Director-General (1) The Director-General is responsible to the Minister for ensuring the Ministry carriesing out its the functions of the Ministry in relation to primary and secondary education.
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(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Director-General is responsible for: (a) developing the Government’s policies for primary and secondary education; and (b) developing, managing and evaluating the primary and secondary education system; and (c) ensuring that: (i) the primary and secondary education system reflects Government policy; and (ii) the system is effectively and efficiently administered; and 10 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 (d) developing cooperative partnerships between the Ministry and Education Authorities, Provincial Education Boards, provincial government councils, municipal councils, local communities, aid donors, non-government organisations, the private sector, teachers associations and individuals with an interest in education; and (e) managing the education system in accordance with the organizational structure approved by the Public Service Commission.
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issuing guidelines in relation to matters under this Act. (3) The Director-General may in writing make either or both of the following: (a) determinations for the purposes of improving the delivery of education services to schools; (b) advisory guidelines for the purposes of this Act or the regulations. (4) A determination does not come into force unless the Minister has approved it in writing. (5) A determination or guideline that is inconsistent with the Act or the regulations is void and of no effect.
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(6) Determinations are statutory orders for the purposes of the Interpretation Act [CAP 132]. (7) The Director-General must, so far as practicable, make any decision he or she is required to make under this Act within 45 days after receiving all information and documents necessary for him or her to make the decision. (873) The Director-General has such other functions and powers as are conferred on him or her by this Act.
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13 Functions and powers of Directors (1) The Directors are responsible to the Director-General for ensuring the Department carries ying out its the functions of the Department in relation to primary and secondary education. (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Directors are responsible for implementing:: (a) the Government’s policies for primary and secondary education; and (b) implementing education practices that are consistent with those policies.
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(b)establishing and maintaining an archive for education records. 11 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 (3) The Directors have such powers as are conferred on them by this Act. 14 Functions and powers of Provincial Education Officers (1) The Public Service Commission is to appoint a Provincial Education Officer for each province.
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(2) The Provincial Education Officer: (a) is the senior representative of the Department in his or her province; and (b) is responsible to the Directors for ensuring carrying out the Department ’s carries out its functions in that province in relation to primary and secondary education. (3)The Provincial Education Officer must work closely with the Provincial Education Board in undertaking his or her functions. (4)(3) The Provincial Education Officers have such powers as are conferred on them by this Act.
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(45) A person occupying the position of a Provincial Education Officer immediately that position on and after to continue before commencement commencement as if he or she had been appointed under subsection (1).
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in is 12 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 Part 3 – Registration of government schools and non-government schools 15 Requirements for registration of a school The requirements for the registration of a school are: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) to offer the minimum curriculum approved by the National Education Commission for a school of its kind; and to employ the prescribed number of teaching staff with prescribed qualifications and experience; and to provide educational texts, equipment and other materials that are adequate for the courses of study offered at the school and that satisfy the prescribed requirements; and to provide and maintain classrooms and other buildings that are in a good condition and that satisfy the prescribed standards; and to comply with reasonable standards of health and safety, and any prescribed health and safety requirements; and to provide during the prescribed school terms in a year for a school of that kind the prescribed number of days and hours per week of instruction; and (g) such other requirements as are prescribed.
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16 Schools must be registered (1) A person must not operate a school unless the school is registered. (2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) is guilty of an offence punishable on conviction by a fine not exceeding VT 1,000,000. (3) The Director-General is to keep a register to be known as the Register of Schools. The Register may be kept wholly or partly by means of a computer.
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(4) The Register is to contain the following information for each school: (a) the name and location of the school; (b) the name of the Education Authority or Provincial Education Board operating the school; (c) the level of education provided by the school; 13 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 (d) such other particulars as are prescribed.
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(5) The Director-General must update the Register at least once a year and ensure that the Register is available for inspection at the office of the Ministry by any person during the ordinary hours of business of that office. (6) The Director-General may supply a copy of the Register or a part of the Register to a person on payment of the prescribed fee.
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14 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 Part 43 - Education Authorities Division 1 – Application Approval of Education Authorities and registration of schools 17 Application of Part This Part applies only to non-government schools. Division 2 – Approval of Education Authorities 185 Only Education Authorities can operate schools (1) A person must not operate a school unless the person is an Education Authority.
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(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) is guilty of an offence punishable on conviction by a fine not exceeding VT 1,000,000. 196 Application for approval to become an Education Authority (1) A person must apply to the Director-General for approval as an Education Authority.
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(2) The application must: (a) be in the approved form and be accompanied by the prescribed fee; and (b) set out details of the school or schools the applicant intends to operate; and (c) contain such other information as is prescribed. (3) A person who makes an application containing a false or misleading statement is guilty of an offence punishable on conviction by a fine not exceeding VT 500,000.
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2017 Determination of applications (1) The Director-General must consult with the Minister before approving or rejecting an application made under section 19.
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(2) The Director-General is to approve an applicant as an Education Authority only if he or she is satisfied that: (a) (b) there is a need for the proposed Education Authority to operate a school or schools in the area concerned; and the school or schools will operate for the general benefit of the local community in that area; and (c) the school or schools will comply with the requirements for registration of a school under section 15; and 15 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 (d) (e) (f) (g) the proposed Education Authority has sufficient resources and facilities available for the satisfactory operation of the school or schools; and the proposed Education Authority will be able to competently administer the school or schools, and will have systems in place to monitor compliance by the school or schools with the requirements of this Act and the regulations; and the Provincial Education Board is not, or there is no existing Education Authority, operating (other than a Provincial Education Board) or capable of operating a similar school or schools in the area concerned; and the custom owners of the land on which the school or schools are, or are to be, situated have agreed in writing for the land to be used by, or transferred to, the proposed Education Authority.
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(3) The Director-General may request such additional information as he or she needs from the applicant in order to determine the application. (4) The approval of an Education Authority may be given on such conditions as the Director-General determines in writing. (5) The Director-General must give the applicant written notice of his or her decision within 28 days after making it. (6) An applicant may appeal against the decision of the Director-General (see section 5458).
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(7) As soon as practicable after a person is approved as an Education Authority, the Director-General must: (a) register each of the Authority’s schools in the Register; and (b) issue each school with a certificate of registration.
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18 Requirements for registration of a school The requirements for registration of a school are as follows: (a)to offer the minimum curriculum approved by the National Education Commission for a school of its kind; and (b)to employ a sufficient number of teaching staff with relevant qualifications and experience; and (c)to provide educational facilities that are adequate for the courses of study offered at the school; and 16 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 (d)to provide and maintain classrooms and other buildings that are in a good condition; and (e)to comply with reasonable standards of health and safety, and any prescribed health and safety requirements; and (f)to provide during the prescribed school terms in a year for a school of that kind the prescribed number of days and hours per week of instruction; and (g)such other requirements as are prescribed.
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19 Schools must be registered (1) A person must not operate a school unless the school is registered in the Register of Schools. (2)A person who contravenes subsection (1) is guilty of an offence punishable on conviction by a fine not exceeding VT 1,000,000. 20 Register of schools (1) The Director-General is to keep a register to be known as the Register of Schools. The Register may be kept wholly or partly by means of a computer.
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(2) The Register is to contain the following information for each school: (a)the name and location of the school; (b)the name of the Education Authority operating the school; (c)the level of education provided by the school; (d)such other particulars as are prescribed. (3) The Director-General must update the Register at least once a year and ensure that the Register is available for inspection at the office of the Ministry by any person during the ordinary hours of business of that office.
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(4) The Director-General may supply a copy of the Register or a part of the Register to a person on payment of the prescribed fee.
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17 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 Division 32 –Applications for changes to schools 21 Education authorities must apply for changes to schools (1) An Education Authority must apply to the Director-General for approval: (a) to establish a new school; or (b) to relocate a school; or (c) to cancel the registration of a school and to close it; or (d) to take over an existing school from another Education Authority; or (e) to change the name of a school.
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(2) The application must: (a) be in the approved form and be accompanied by the prescribed fee; and (b) set out details of the school concerned; and (c) contain such other information as is prescribed. (3) The Director-General must consult with the Minister and the relevant Provincial Education Officer (e.g. if the school is in Tafea province, the Tafea Provincial Education Officer must be consulted) before approving or rejecting an application.
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(4) The Director-General may request such additional information as he or she needs from the Education Authority in order to determine the application. (5) The Director-General must give the Education Authority written notice of his or her decision within 28 days after making it. (6) An applicant may appeal against the decision of the Director - General (see section 5458).
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22 Approval of applications under section 21 for new schools and relocation of schools The Director-General is to approve an application to establish a new school or to relocate a school only if he or she is satisfied that the application meets the criteria set out in subsection 2017(2).
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23 Approval of other applications under section 21 (1) The Director-General is to approve an application to cancel the registration of a school and to close the school only if he or she is satisfied that: 18 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 (a) there is no longer a need for the school in the area concerned; or (b) (c) the school does not comply with the requirements for registration of a school under section 158; or the Education Authority does not have sufficient resources and facilities available for the satisfactory operation of the school.
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(2) The Director-General is to approve an application by an Education Authority to takeover a school from another Education Authority only if he or she is satisfied that: (a) both Authorities have agreed to the takeover; and (b) (c) the takeover will operate for the general benefit of the local community; and the Education Authority proposing to takeover the school can competently administer the school.
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(3) The Director-General is to approve an application to change the name of a school only if he or she is satisfied that the proposed new name is acceptable to a large majority of the will not mislead the local community.
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19 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 Division 43 – Cancellation and withdrawal of approval of Education Authorities 24 Cancellation of approval of Education Authority (1) After consultation with the Minister, the Director-General may cancel the approval of an Education Authority (other than a Provincial Education Board) if he or she is satisfied that: (a) (b) (c) the Authority has operated its schools in a careless and irresponsible way to the detriment of staff and students; or the Authority does not have sufficient resources and facilities available for the satisfactory operation of its schools; or the schools of the Authority do not comply with the requirements for registration of a school set out in section 158; or (d) the Authority cannot competently administer its schools.
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(2) The Director-General must give the Education Authority written notice of the proposed cancellation and allow the Authority at least 28 days in which to make submissions in writing as to why its approval should not be cancelled. (3) In deciding whether to cancel the approval of an Education Authority, the Director-General must take into account any submissions made by the Education Authority.
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(4) The Director-General must give the Education Authority written notice of his or her decision within 28 days after making it.
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(5) On the making of a decision to cancel the approval of an Education Authority, the Director-General must, by order, close the Authority’s schools or: (a) take possession of the Authority’s schools and any property of the schools or the Authority necessary for the operation of the schools; and (b) transfer the operation of the Authority’s schools to: (i) (ii) another Education Authority (if any) that has agreed to operate the school or schools; or the relevant Provincial Education Board eg the Authority’s schools in Shefa Province are to be transferred to the Shefa Provincial Education Board.
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(6) An Education Authority may appeal against the decision of the Director - General to cancel its approval (see section 5458). (7) To avoid doubt, no compensation is payable by the Government to any person in respect of an order made under this section. 20 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 25 Withdrawal of approval of Education Authority (1) The Director-General may, at the written request of an Education Authority, withdraw the approval of the Authority.
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(2) On the withdrawal of an approval of an Education Authority, the Director- General must by order close the Authority’s schools or: (a) take possession of the Authority’s schools and any property of the schools or the Authority necessary for the operation of the schools; and (b) transfer the operation of the Authority’s schools to: (i) another Education Authority (if any) that has agreed to operate the school or schools; or (ii) the relevant Provincial Education Board.
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(3) To avoid doubt, no compensation is payable by the Government to any person in respect of an order made under this section.
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Division 54 – Other matters relating to Education Authorities 26 Responsibilities of Education Authorities An An Education Authority has the following responsibilities: (a) (b) (c) (d) to administer its schools in accordance with the requirements of this Act and the regulations; to ensure that the syllabuses and curriculums for each of its schools comply with the requirements determined by the National Education Commission; to ensure that people with proper qualifications and experience are employed as teachers and other staff at its schools; to provide such information and reports on its schools to the Director-General as he or she may request in writing.
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27 Accounts (1) An Education Authority must: (a) keep proper accounting records in relation to its financial affairs (including receipt and expenditure of government grants under section 312); and (b) prepare annual statements of account for each financial year. 21 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 (2) An Education Authority’s accounts for each financial year must be audited within 63 months after the end of that financial year by an auditor approved by the Auditor-General.
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(a)in the case of a Provincial Education Board – the Auditor General or an auditor approved by the Auditor General; or (b)in any other case – an auditor approved by the Auditor-General. 28 Reports (1) An Education Authority must, within 2 months after the end of each year, provide the Director-General with a report relating to the administration of its schools for that year.
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(2) The Education Authority must provide the Director-General with any additional information he or she requests about a matter contained in a report. Division 65 – Transitional arrangements for existing schools 29 Application of Division This Division applies to all non-government schools in existence on commencement.
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30 Non-government schools (1) On commencement, each of the churches listed in a table in Schedule 1 is taken to be approved as the Education Authority for the non-government schools listed in that table, and each of those schools is taken to be registered. (2) 22 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 The Director-General must, as soon as practicable after commencement: (a) enter each school listed in Schedule 1 in the Register; and (b) issue each school with a certificate of registration.
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(3) On commencement, any non-government school that is not listed in Schedule 1 (“an unregistered school”) can operate until 31 December 2002. (4)(4) However, an unregistered school cannot operate after 31 December 2002 unless on or before that date: (a) (b) a person has been approved as an Education Authority under section 2017 in relation to that school; or the Director–General has approved an application to become part of an existing Education Authority under subsection (5).
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(5)(5) A person may in writing apply on behalf of an unregistered school to the Director–General for the school to become part of an existing Education Authority. The Director-General must approve the application if the Director– General is satisfied that: (a) (b) the Education Authority supports the application and can competently administer the school; and the school complies with the requirements for registration of a school under section 15.
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(6) On approval of an application under subsection (5), the school concerned is taken to be registered, and the Director-General must enter details of the school in the Register and issue the school with a certificate of registration. (7) The Minister may by order amend Schedule 1 if the Minister is satisfied that the amendment is necessary to correct a mistake.
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31 Government schools (1) On commencement, each of the Provincial Education Boards listed in a table in Schedule 2 is taken to be approved as the Education Authority for the government schools listed in that table, and each of those schools is taken to be registered. (2) The Director-General must, as soon as practicable after commencement: (a)enter each school listed in Schedule 2 in the Register; and 23 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 (b)issue each school with a certificate of registration.
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24 Revised draft as at 4 June 2001 Part 56 - National School System Division 1 – Funding for of Education Authorities and schools 312 Funding of Education Authorities (1) An Education Authority that has entered into a funding agreement with the Minister on behalf of the Government may receive ies are to be funding ed by way of grants from the Government.
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money appropriated by the Parliament for that purpose (2) (3)(2) An Education Authority is then responsible for funding its schools from the government grants. (4)(3) The funding provided to an Education Authority by way of government grants is not intended to cover the total operating costs of the Authority or its schools.
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(5)(4) An Education Authority and its schools may receive funding from other sources to supplement the government grants eg school fees and money raised by school fundraising activities. (6)(5) Nothing in this section Act is to be taken to require the Minister on behalf of the Government to enter into funding agreements with provide grants to all Education Authorities. Some Education Authorities will want to be financially independent, and will not want funding by way of government grants.
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(6) A funding agreement may provide for direct payment of salaries and other benefits to teachers and other persons working in the schools of an Education Authority. 32 Funding of Provincial Education Boards (1) All Provincial Education Boards are to receive funding by way of grants from the Government. (2) A Provincial Education Board is then responsible for funding its schools from the government grants.
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(3) The funding provided to a Provincial Education Board by way of government grants is intended to cover most of the operating costs of the Board and its schools. (4) A Provincial Education Board and its schools may receive funding from other sources to supplement the government grants e.g. school fees and money raised by school fundraising activities.
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