1 value
1 value
14.2.6 A report of all tenders awarded for values over TT$5M shall be submitted for the information of the Minister no later than seven (7) days following the end of each month. 14.2.7 Statistics of awards for similar items, as well as the performance of Tenderers, must be kept by the Supplies Manager.
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15.0 COMMUNICATION AND NOTIFICATION OF AWARD OR CANCELLATION 15.1 Unless otherwise specified in the tender dossier, communication between T&TEC and Tenderers shall be sent by post, email, facsimile transmission, courier service or personal delivery, to the appropriate addresses designated by these parties for the purpose. P a g e | 58 15.2 Prior to the expiry of the three (3) months period of tender validity, T&TEC shall notify the successful Tenderer in writing that his tender has been accepted.
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15.3 T&TEC shall not be obligated to state the reasons for its choice nor to enter into any discussion or correspondence with any Tenderer on the results of the invitation to tender. 15.4 Unless otherwise provided in the tender dossier, within 15 days of the notification of award, the successful Tenderer shall sign and return to T&TEC the letter of acceptance together with his performance bond/guarantee as applicable.
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16.0 PERFORMANCE BOND/GUARANTEE (RE DELIVERY) AWARDS MORE THAN US$50,000 16.1 For tenders where values exceed US$50,000 a performance bond may be requested at the discretion of the Management. 16.2 If a bond is required, the successful Tenderer shall, within 15 days, after receipt of the notification of the award of the tender, furnish to T&TEC a performance bond/guarantee for delivery of goods and services.
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The amount of the bond/guarantee shall be as specified in the tender documents and shall be 10% of the tender price. The form of bond/guarantee shall be outlined or alternately a standby Letter of Credit or Certified Cheque. P a g e | 59 16.3 Upon successful performance of the contract, the Bond will be released or monies refunded as applicable, but will be forfeited in the event of withdrawal or poor performance.
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16.4 With respect to delays in performance, liquidated damages will be deducted at a rate of 1% of the value of the contract for every week or part thereof to the maximum amount of 10% of the Contact/Purchase Order value. 16.5 Tenderers are required to disclose separately in their quotations any charges associated with the establishment of Performance Bonds. If the Commission decides to waive this requirement the tender would then be amended exclusive of these charges.
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16.6 The General Manager shall approve all requests to waive the bond requirements. 17.0 SELECTIVE TENDERING This method is used where the value of goods and services is TT$30,000 and over, the potential suppliers’ profiles are well known and the time span for delivery is relatively short. However it should not be used for emergency procurement. 17.1.
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17.1. Heads of Departments may request the Supplies Manager to invite tenders for the procurement of plant, equipment, material, goods and services for individual jobs of values more than TT$30,000. P a g e | 60 17.2 In such cases, all necessary documents including approximate prices, delivery period and the names of at least six (6) proposed Tenderers shall be submitted on the appropriate Form B to enable tenders to be obtained.
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17.3 In cases where less than six (6) proposed Tenderers are submitted an explanation shall be given. 17.4 The Supplies Manager shall request recommendations from the appropriate Divisional Head and obtain the approval to invite tenders. 17.5 Approval for requests of values up to TT$200,000 shall be given by the Divisional Head and by the General Manager for values up to TT$2,000,000.
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17.6 The Tenders and Contracts Committee through the General Manager shall give approval for all requests of values up to TT$10,000,000. 18.0 PROCUREMENT WITHOUT TENDER This method is used where: - • • • • Contracts have been awarded Services have been retained by the Board It is not cost effective to tendered Required delivery times are relatively short.
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18.1 Procurement with Quotations P a g e | 61 18.1.1 Heads of Department are authorised to invite quotations and award contracts for equipment, materials, goods and services for individual jobs up to the value of TT$30,000. The authorization limits for Divisional Heads shall be TT$200,000; the General Manager TT$1,000,000. The Tender and Contracts Committee TT$5,000,000 and the Board, values over TT$5,000,000. In general, at least three (3) quotations in writing shall be obtained.
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In addition, Officers as listed in 12.2.1 with the exception of officers who do not report directly to a Head of Department, shall approve the associated Purchase Requisitions. 18.1.2 The Area Administrative Officer/ Senior Engineer/ Assistant Area Manager and another officer as applicable should endorse the Purchase Requisition to comply with the relevant procedures.
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18.1.3 Services and Supplies retained on Contracts Heads of Departments may approve Purchase Requisitions and Purchase Orders for materials, goods and services of values less than TT$30,000, and Divisional Heads for values up to TT$1,000,000 where services have been retained by the Board or contracts have been awarded through tendering or otherwise.
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Such commitments shall be confined to transactions such as: - P a g e | 62 Fuel Bulk Power Leases, rents, rates and taxes Legal fees Medical fees Telephone bills Advertising Transport services for clearing goods from Ports Gasoline for and servicing of vehicles Cleaning offices Employees’ Benefits and Loans All other similar transactions of values more than TT$1,000,000 shall be referred to the General Manager for direction.
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18.1.4 Single Supplier; Contractor and/or Original Manufacturers Heads of Department are authorised to approve Purchase Requisitions and Purchase Orders for materials, goods and services to a sole supplier; contractor and or original manufacturer for values up to TT$30,000. However, it must be clearly demonstrated in the case of the sole supplier that there are no other supplier of the materials, goods or service locally and will be impractical to source the materials, goods and services from overseas.
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Similarly materials, goods and services procured from original Manufacturer must be in relation to the servicing and upkeep of P a g e | 63 machinery and equipment acquired from the original manufacturer. 19.0 DIRECT PROCUREMENT WITHOUT QUOTATIONS MULTIPLE SUPPLIERS AND GENERIC GOODS AND SERVICES This should be used only where the following three (3) conditions are met:- 19.1 The value of the materials, goods or services is under TT$5,000.
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19.2 The purchase of the materials, goods and service on an as required basis and is not practical to aggregate separated orders, and 19.3 The cost of obtaining quotes or tenders would be out of proportion to the value of the benefits to be determined and is it is impractical in the given circumstances. 20.0 EMERGENCY PROCUREMENT Heads of Department are authorised to approve Purchase Orders for emergency procurement of materials, goods and services for values of up to TT$30,000.
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This should be used only in genuinely unforeseen urgent situations where the following conditions are present. 20.1 Life, property or equipment is immediately at risk and the condition needs to be corrected or averted without delay. P a g e | 64 20.2 The Commission’s other procurement methods cannot be effectively utilised. 20.3 Where practicable the Head of Department or the next in command should be informed and verbal approval given before any expenditure is incurred possible.
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20.4 The expenditure must be ratified as soon as possible in less than three (3) working days. A Monthly report of all Emergencies procurements should be sent to the respective Divisional Heads/ General Manager by the end of the second (2nd) week, following the month in which the procurements were made. The report should include inter alia, the value and the justification for the procurement.
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The authority for approval for such requests shall be as follows: - • • • Values of up to TT$30,000 – Head of Department Values of up to TT$200,000 – Divisional Heads Values of up to TT$1 Million – The General Manager 21.0 AUTHORITY OF THE SUPPLIES MANAGER 21.1 Stock Items 21.1.1 For requests of values up to TT$30,000 the Supplies Manager shall initiate requests to invite tenders, proposals or quotations P a g e | 65 for stock items and shall follow the procedure outlined in 16.0 above.
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21.1.2 For estimated values more than TT$30,000 the Supplies Manager shall obtain specifications and final lists on the appropriate Form A for public advertisement or for selective tendering, with the names of at least six (6) proposed suppliers for each item, where practicable.
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The Assistant General Managers - Transmission, Distribution or Engineering as appropriate shall review the final lists and specifications and shall make recommendations before sending the documents to the Assistant General Manager - (Administration) or the General Manager for approval/non approval to invite tenders. 21.1.3 The Supplies Manager shall arrange for tenders to be invited.
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Tenders shall be evaluated and recommendations made on the appropriate Form C as well as on the attached Appendix I or II as appropriate. After awards have been made, the Supplies Manager shall raise the required Purchase Requisitions. 21.1.4 For estimated values more than TT$30,000 the Supplies Manager may request approval to place Purchase Requisitions for certain categories of stock items, without the necessity for comparative tenders or quotations.
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All such requests shall be made on the appropriate Form D giving reasons for not inviting tenders and details of P a g e | 66 expenditures. These requests shall be processed in the same manner as that outlined in Section 18.1.3. These requests may include: - • • • Emergency purchases Spares for plant and equipment Materials and services where only one (1) Supplier or contractor is available A monthly summary with appropriate details of all approved Form D’s should be submitted to the General Manager.
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21.2 General 21.2.1 The Supplies Manager shall arrange for tenders more than TT$30,000 in value to be opened and awarded as outlined in Section 12 and 14 of this Instruction. 21.2.2 The Supplies Manager shall prepare a report for the Board giving details of all tenders processed for more than TT$30,000 in value. 21.2.3 The Supplies Manager shall inform the appropriate Head of Department concerning the award of tender(s) to enable the preparation of the necessary Purchase Order(s).
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21.2.4 All Tenders shall be returned to the Supplies Department for safekeeping.
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In cases where the original proposal of the successful tender is required for inclusion with the contract P a g e | 67 document, the originals of the unsuccessful proposal together with a copy of the successful proposal shall be returned to the Supplies Department and the original of the successful proposal shall be forwarded to the Legal Department for inclusion with the contract in keeping with the latter’s role as custodian of all contracts.
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22.0 PROCUREMENT 22.1 Purchase Requisitions Purchase Requisitions shall be prepared online only after the tendering procedure has been followed and shall be approved by any of the Officers listed below: - 22.1.1 For values up to TT$30,000 all Officers listed under Section 12.2.1 of this Instruction and officers in Grade 9 and above. 22.1.2 For values more than TT$30,000 all Officers at the level of Head of Department and above, listed under Section 12.2.1 of this General Instruction.
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22.1.3 For stock items awarded through Section 18.0 of this General Instruction and for the operations of the Tenders and Contracts Committee- the Supplies Manager. 22.1.4 Requisitioning Officers shall enter justifications for all expenditures on Purchase Requisitions and shall follow the tendering procedure outlined in this General Instruction. P a g e | 68 22.1.5 No Purchase Requisition shall be raised for purchasing goods and/or services for Capital Works until a Works Order has been issued.
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22.1.6 Purchase Requisitions shall be sent with appropriate Purchase Orders to the Supplies Manager. 22.2 Purchase Orders 22.2.1 All purchases (except those which may be obtained through Petty Cash) shall be made on and by the presentation of the Commission’s prescribed Purchase Order. 22.2.2 Purchase Orders shall be raised only on submission of properly approved Purchase Requisitions and shall include on all copies of Purchase Orders (except the original) the justification for the expenditure.
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22.2.3 All Purchase Orders up to TT$1,000,000 in value shall be approved and signed on behalf of the General Manager by the appropriate Head of Department. However, all Purchase Orders valued more than TT$30,000 shall have attached the relevant prior approved Form D or Form C before they are approved and signed on behalf of the General Manager by the appropriate Head of Department.
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22.2.4 All Purchase Orders over TT$1,000,000 in value shall be approved and signed on behalf of the General Manager by the P a g e | 69 appropriate Divisional Head. However, the relevant prior approved Form D or Form C must be attached before the Purchase Order is approved and signed on behalf of the General Manager by the appropriate Divisional Head. 22.2.5 The Supplies Manager/Head of Department shall process Purchase Orders as follows: - Check Purchase Order for correct procedure.
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http://parlcloud.ttparliament.org:8081/PapersLaidViewer/TempFiles/TTEC%20ADMIN.%20Report%202013.pdf Approve Purchase Order up to TT$30,000 and obtain approval of all Purchase Orders more than TT$30,000. Despatch the original of Purchase Order to the Supplier or to Head of Department as necessary. Despatch the duplicate of Purchase Order to the Officer responsible for taking delivery of goods or services in the case of local purchases and to the Customs Officer in respect of foreign purchases.
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A Photocopy of the duplicate of the Purchase Order for overseas purchases shall be forwarded to the Officer who raised the Purchase Requisition. Despatch the triplicate of the Purchase Order with the Purchase Requisition, to the Supplies Department for input of the Purchase Order information into the Accounts Payable System. P a g e | 70 Return the Purchase Requisition to its originator and file the triplicate of the Purchase Order.
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http://parlcloud.ttparliament.org:8081/PapersLaidViewer/TempFiles/TTEC%20ADMIN.%20Report%202013.pdf Forward a copy of confirmation of the Purchase Order from the Supplier to the Officer who raised the Purchase Requisition 22.2.6 All officers authorised to issue Purchase Orders on behalf of the General Manager shall be provided by the Supplies Manager with a stamp, which shall be affixed to the original and duplicate of the Purchase Order prior to signing.
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The Officer shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the stamp and shall report any loss immediately to the Supplies Manager and the Chief Security Officer. 22.3 Approval of variations to Tenders/ Contracts Tenders and or contractors that were originally approved by the Tenders and Contract Committee and or the Board and subject to the following conditionalities:- 22.3.1 Subject to adjustments in the London Metal Exchange (LME) Index and other indices, e.g. tenders for conductors and cables.
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tenders for conductors and cables. 22.3.2 Subject to other escalation clauses, e.g. the tenders awarded to Pres-T-Con Limited for concrete poles subject to escalation in the prices of steel, cement, aggregate and sand. 22.3.3 Subject to tolerances on the quantity supplied, e.g. tenders for conductors and cables. P a g e | 71 The General Manager is authorised to approve variations to a limit of TT$500,000 cumulatively.
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Variations in excess of TT$500,000 shall be approved by the Tenders and Contract Committee. Variations to tenders that were originally approved by the Tenders and Contracts Committee and or the Board that were not subject to the above identified conditionalities shall be accordingly approved by the Tenders and Contracts Committee and or the Board accordingly.
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Where there are several variations on one (1) order, the accumulated value of the variations shall be used to determine the level of authority to approve the variation, e.g. if a first variation falls within five hundred thousand dollars (TT$500,000), then the General Manager could approve.
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If, however, there are subsequent variations that would result in the accumulated variation exceeding the five hundred thousand dollar (TT$500,000) limit, then the Tenders and Contracts Committee shall approve the subsequent variations. In addition Management shall submit to the Tenders and Contract Committee and the Board a comprehensive report authorising the justifications and cogent reasons for all such variations approved by the General Manager.
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This report shall be submitted to the meetings of the Tender and Contract Committee and the Board immediately following the date the variations were approved. 22.4 Tenders and or contracts that are not subject to prior variation clauses 22.4.1 Where a variation (or accumulation of variations) would result in the value of the Purchase Order exceeding the original limit of P a g e | 72 authority, the variation shall be approved by the higher level authority, e.g.
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if a variation on an order that was originally approved by a Head of Department, i.e. for values below thirty thousand dollars (TT$30,000), results in the value of the order exceeding thirty thousand dollars (TT$30,000), then the Assistant General Manager shall approve the variation. 22.4.2 Similarly, if a variation (or accumulation of variations) on an order that was originally approved by an Assistant General Manager or the General Manager, i.e.
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for values less than two hundred thousand dollars (TT$200,000) and one million dollars (TT$1,000,000) respectively, results in the value of the order exceeding these limits; then the General Manager or the Tenders and Contracts Committee shall approve the variation accordingly. The limit of authority would be similarly applied if there are several variations as stated above.
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22.5 Validity of Purchase Orders for Payment A payment validity date, which shall not exceed three (3) months following the delivery date, must be inserted on all Purchase Orders. It must be boldly marked on both the Purchase Requisition and the Purchase Order.
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22.6 Receipt of Goods and Services 22.6.1 Local Purchases P a g e | 73 On receipt of goods and services, the Receiving Officer shall sign the goods received section of the duplicate of the Purchase Order and shall forward it to the Head of Department for approval of payment. The Head of Department shall sign the “Payment Approved” section of the duplicate of the Purchase Order and shall forward it together with the supplier’s Invoice (if received) to the Payments Officer.
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http://parlcloud.ttparliament.org:8081/PapersLaidViewer/TempFiles/TTEC%20ADMIN.%20Report%202013.pdf Before making payment, the Payments Officer shall compare and verify prices and information on the duplicate of the Purchase Order with that on the Accounts Payable System and the Supplier’s Invoice. 22.6.2 Foreign Purchases As soon as the shipping documents for goods have been received, the Customs Officer shall make arrangements to inspect the cargo as far as is practicable, before taking the Bill of Lading.
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He/she shall then make arrangements for the delivery and storage of the goods with the Officer who raised the Purchase Requisition. After the goods have been cleared from the Port, the Customs Officer shall forward to the Supplies Manager the duplicate of the Purchase Order certified for receiving and delivering the goods, together with the relevant Delivery Notes, Invoice, Insurance Certificates P a g e | 74 and other shipping documents, entering all notations as to shortages, damages, etc.
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http://parlcloud.ttparliament.org:8081/PapersLaidViewer/TempFiles/TTEC%20ADMIN.%20Report%202013.pdf The Supplies Manager shall sign the duplicate of the Purchase Order approving payment for the goods and forward it to the Chief Accountant for arranging settlement thereof.
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http://parlcloud.ttparliament.org:8081/PapersLaidViewer/TempFiles/TTEC%20ADMIN.%20Report%202013.pdf In cases where goods are received damaged, the Supplies Manager shall process, without delay, Insurance claims and immediately notify the Risk &Insurance Administrator and the Officer who raised the Purchase Order, about the damaged condition of the goods 22.6.3 Part Delivery of Goods and Services The Receiving Officer shall raise a Part Shipment Order in respect of part delivery of goods or services and shall process the Part Shipment Order in the same manner as outline in sections 18 and 19 as applicable.
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22.7 General 22.7.1 For contract services, Payment Certificates shall be raised and certified by Heads of Departments and forwarded with the Purchase Order or Part Shipment Order and other relevant documents to the appropriate Divisional Head for approval on behalf of the General Manager. P a g e | 75 22.7.2 All documents shall then be processed as in Section 18 and 19 as applicable.
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22.7.3 Where no price is shown on the duplicate of the Purchase Order or Part Shipment Order, or the Supplier’s Invoice differs from that shown on the duplicate of the Purchase Order or the Part Shipment Order, the Head of Department shall determine and certify the prices that shall be paid. Where there are large variations, the Payments Officer shall inform the Chief Accountant.
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23.0 FORMS USED IN THE PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE • Form A - Replenishment of Standard Stock Item • Form B - Request to invite Tenders for Non-Stock Item and/or Services • Form C - Tender Recommendation and Award Sheet • Form D - Request to make a Direct Purchase.
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HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PLAN P a g e | 76 Categories of Employees as at December 31st 2013 Description Permanent Contract Temporary Total Executive Senior Staff Monthly Rated Mthly Rated Estate Police Total Monthly Rated Hourly Rated Hrly Rated Estate Police Total Hourly Rated All Employees Career Development 39 159 1289 43 1530 952 146 1098 2628 2 4 19 1 26 0 0 0 26 0 0 41 163 162 1470 0 162 203 81 284 458 44 1718 1155 227 1382 3100 Career development is managed via the Commission’s Training Policy.
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As at December 2012, a Draft Succession Policy was under review. However programmes exist for training potential successors in Accountancy (Accountants in Training programme), Engineering ( Engineers in Training Programme), Human Resources Management (Human Resources Officer in Training) and Distribution/ Transmission Operation (Senior Foreman in Training).
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P a g e | 77 Training Policy Statement It is the policy of the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission to provide job-related training and to support and encourage the continued education of its employees. The aim of this policy is to help employees perform their jobs more effectively by developing their expertise in required functional areas. This will enable the Commission to handle present and future challenges in the industry.
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In keeping with this policy, the Commission will promote education and learning experiences that would enable employees to develop appropriate knowledge and skills to achieve organizational and career objectives.
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The following mechanisms will be available to employees to access opportunities for development: • In-house training programmes • Training programmes offered by external agencies - both local and foreign • The Examination and Award Scheme • Study Leave • The Training Assistance Programme • The Tuition Aid Programme Performance Management Statement of Intent The Performance Management policy is intended to create an environment of continuous improvement in the performance of the employees in the Commission.
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It is also an important tool to measure the extent that employees successfully execute the objectives of the Commission’s strategic plan. P a g e | 78 The Commission’s performance management policy covers all levels and classifications of employees including the General Manager.
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Key Objectives • To improve employee performance • To achieve high performance work teams • To achieve the performance targets of all the departments in the Commission • To monitor the overall performance of the Commission • To measure the employees performance in achieving the Commission’s strategic objectives.
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• To align employee and work team objective with that of the Commission • To improve communications between the manager/supervisor and the employee • To clarify employee duties, responsibilities, objectives, standards and job expectations • To enhance career and professional development • To empower employees to execute their duties effectively and efficiently • To promote job satisfaction in a motivating environment.
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Promotion Procedures The Commission is committed to filling vacancies on its establishment through promotion of suitable permanent employees in its work force where appropriate. The Head of Department shall determine the most suitable employee in his department for P a g e | 79 promotion to a vacant post and make the necessary recommendation for appointment.
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For this purpose suitability of a worker should be a combination of length of service and proven ability, experience and qualifications necessary to adequately perform the job. Additionally, the employee's punctuality and absenteeism records shall be taken into consideration.
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Where no suitable employee is readily identified, the post shall be advertised throughout the Commission and suitable applicants interviewed before a panel usually comprising a Human Resources Division representative and two (2) representatives of the Department/Division. If a successful candidate does not emerge, the Union shall be notified accordingly and the post advertised externally. There are instances where in a department the most suitable worker to fill a vacancy is not readily identifiable.
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In such a case, the Head of Department may arrange for eligible candidates from his department to be interviewed with the assistance of the Human Resources Division. P a g e | 80 Employee Support Services T&TEC provides several benefits and services for its employees. These are outlined as follows: 1. Medical Plan- The Medical Plan is a contributory plan and is mandatory for every permanent employee (Weekly and Monthly) to join. It is a self- administrated plan. 2.
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It is a self- administrated plan. 2. Death Benefit- This is paid to the nominated beneficiary upon death of the employee. 3. Employee Assistance Programme- The Employee Assistance Programme is available to employees and their immediate family at no charge. Employees can choose from two providers who offer an umbrella of services including psychological and legal counselling. 4.
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4. Employee Savings Plan/ Vacation Travel Plan- Effective January 1st 2009, the existing Vacation Travel Plan was replaced with the Employee Savings Plan (ESP) for OWTU and EPA staff. The Commission and the employee (Weekly and Monthly) both contribute a percentage of base pay towards the savings plan. 5. Employee Home Ownership Plan (EHOP)- An employee with five (5) years of pensionable service is entitled to access the Plan.
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The Plan offers the employee a loan at a reduced interest rate for the purpose of purchasing house and land, or constructing a house. 6. Examination and Award Scheme- Employees are eligible for an incentive award, payable upon successful completion of an approved course of study. P a g e | 81 Public and Community Relations Community/Stakeholder Relations T&TEC conducts numerous outreach programmes and advertising campaigns annually.
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Educational outreach programmes to schools and communities are conducted by teams of employees and members of the Commission’s sponsored women’s group The Electrical Association for women. The EAW was formed in 1962 with a mandate to educate women on the safe and economical use of electricity. Programmes focus on electricity safety, conservation and tariffs. The EAW conducted four community outreach programmes for 2013.
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The Commission is a member of the Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation, a professional organization committed to enhancing communication among regional utilities and advocating for change in the industry in the Caribbean.
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P a g e | 82 Advertising/ Public Education Campaigns – 2013 NAME OF CAMPAIGN RADIO ADS TV ADS PRESS ADS Carnival Overhead line Safety Avoid Disconnection (Carnival) Disconnection Drive Disaster Preparedness Advice to Kite Flyers Safety is our Priority – (Overhead line safety, Point of Entrance Safety, Excavation Works Safety) Christmas Safety Avoid Disconnection (Christmas) Customer Web Access Hot Spot Safety        -  -  -  - - -    -  -   - - - -   P a g e | 83 P a g e | 84
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THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA STATEMENT TO PARLIAMENT ON 16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM CAMPAIGN AGAINST GENDER BASED VTOLENCL 2OL7 BY HON. PEACE MUTUUZO REGIS MINISTER OF STATE FOR GENDE& LABOUR AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN CHARGE OF GENDER AND CULTURE AFFAIRS 28TH NOVEMBER 2OT7 1_ Rt. Hon. Speaker Hon. Members I take this opportunity to brief this August House about the 16 Days of Activism Campaign against Gender Based Violence. This is an international campaign to challenge violence against women and girls.
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The campaign runs from 25th November, which is the International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women to 10th December, which is the International Human Rights Day.
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The 16 days also highlight other significant international days such as: i) International Human Rights Defenders Day, which falls on 29th November ii) World Aids Day on 1't December and iii) International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development on 5th December The 16 days of activism originated from the first Women's Global Leadership in 1991. Since that time, the UN adopted numerous Declarations and Resolutions on Ending Violence against Women and Girls.
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These include the UN Declaration on Ending Violence against Women of 1993. The Declaration of 25th November as the International Day for Ending Violence against Women in 1999 by the UN General Assembly and the UN Secretary General's 2 Launch of UN|TE to End Violence against Women Campaign in 2008.
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These efforts provided an opportunity to take advantage of the 16 days to raise public awareness and increase political will and resources for preventing and ending all forms of violence against women and girls in all parts of the world. Every year/ Uganda joins the rest of the world to use the 16 days to galvanize action to address GBV in all its forms.
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The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development which is the national machinery for promotion of gender equality and women's empowerment coordinates the events during this time.
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The Campaign has been used as an advocary and mobilization strategy with the following objectives: i) Raising awareness about gender-based violence as a human rights issue at the family, community, national, regional and international levels; ii) Strengthening family and local initiatives to end GBV; iii) Establishing a clear link between national and internatlonal initiatives to end GBV; iv) Providing a forum in which stakeholders can develop and share new and effective strategies; v) Demonstrating the solidarity of women and men around the world in addressing issues of GBV; 3 vi) Lobbying governments to implement commitments made to eliminate GBV.
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Every year, the campaign is undertaken under a selected global theme which can be adapted to the individual country circumstances. This year, the global theme is "From Peace in the Home to Peace in the Woild: Make Education Safe for All!". This very theme was used last year. Therefore, in Uganda, we adopted " From Peace in the Home to Peace in the Nation: Male engagement for the safety of women and giils" as our national theme.
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The theme was selected basing on the approach Government has adopted to focus on the participation of men and boys for social norm change. Rt. Hon. Speaker Hon. Members Gender Based Violence is a direct manlfestation of gender inequality and human rights violation and serves to perpetuate poverty and impede development process and raises the need for interventions to address the underlying causes of GBV which emanate from unequal power relations between men and women.
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While there is evidence that men and boys also experience some forms of gender based violence both in and outside the family set up, women and girls are disproportionately affected and face 4 grave consequences of the violations. Violence has negative health and physical consequences on women. It also impacts negatively on the social economic development of the country. The cost of GBV on the individua!, families, community and nation at large is very high.
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Male engagement for the safety of women and girls means promoting the role of men and boys in confronting and transforming the social norms and negative cultural practices that perpetuate violation of women and girls' rights. Rt. Hon. Speaker Hon. Members Government of Uganda has registered significant progress towards prevention and response to GBV. There are legal and policy frameworks and programmes in place. As a result, there is evidence that there is reduction in GBV cases.
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For instance, physical violence among women aged 15 - 49 years decreased from 34o/o in 2006 to 27o/o in 2011. There has also been increased reporting and prosecution of cases. Therefore, the focus of this year's campaign is to mobilize the communities particularly men and boys to directly engage in the processes to prevent and/or respond to GBV.
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Men have power in society as household heads, community, traditional, cultural and religious leaders and they 5 hold majority of decision making positions in public, private sector and politics. This necessitates engaging them for the safety of women and girls. When men in positions of leadership speak on issues of gender, they are listened to because of the influence they hold in their constituencies. Men control resources at different levels household, community and national level.
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Targeting male children and youths is critical to build a future generation that will appreciate harmonious relationships and consequently, promote gender equality including the safety of women and girls. Rt. Hon. Speaker Hon. Members During this period, several activities will be undertaken by different state and non-state actors across the country.
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The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development launched this campaign on Friday 24th November 20L7, which was hosted by Mityana District Local Government at Sekanyonyi Church of Uganda Primary School. Some of the major events include: i) High level policy dialogue on 4th December 20L7 at Hote! Africana organized by UN Women in partnership with its 6 implementing partners such as the Uganda Police Force, CEDOVIP, Uganda Law Society and FIDA Uganda.
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ii) Uganda Police Force started their activities yesterday Monday 27th November 2017 with a GBV case management and exhibition at the Railway Grounds, Today 28th November 20L7, Police has convened a dialogue with bodaboda riders on prevention of violence against women and girls and will convene a similar event in Nansana on 5th December 2017 . In addition to the above, there are several events organized by Civil Society Organisations upcountry.
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For example, Transcultural Psychosocial Organization in collaboration with UNHCR, and War Child Canada are conducting trainings on elimination of GBV as well as media campaigns in Adjumani District. Uganda Law Society is organizing mobile legal clinics in Gulu, Kitgumu and Pader Districts among others.
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Religious Institutions under their umbrella Organization, the Inter Religious Council of Uganda are passing on messages on ending violence against women and girls particularly domestic violence in the places of worship. Indeed, the Chairperson of the Inter Religious Council, the Mufti of the Supreme Council of Uganda, delivered a strong commitment statement at the launch of the campaign last week. The Media including print, electronic and social media is heavily engaged in this campaign. 7 Rt. Hon.
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7 Rt. Hon. Speaker Hon. Members In conclusion, I would like to call upon Honorable Members of parliament to show solidarity in ending all forms of gender based violence NOT only during this period of 16 days of activism against gender based violence, but all the time.
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Let us use the political microphone and media houses to discourage early/child marriages, rape in all its forms, female genital mutilation and cutting, beating and battering of wives and girls, psychological torture and all other exploitations and discriminations based on gender. As responsible mothers and fathers, let us embrace our role to socialize our daughters and sons without violating their rights and also teaching them to respect the rights of others. Rt. Hon. Speaker Hon.
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Rt. Hon. Speaker Hon. Members The budget process is ongoing and I would like to appeal to you Honorable Members for increased budget allocation to our sector especially to the programmes of Uganda Women 8 Entrepreneurship Programme, Youth Livelihood Programme and Social Assistance to Older Persons. This will enable us to reach out to those beneficiaries whose rights are being violated because of lack of economic means.
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We need to commit our own resources to programmes to eliminate gender based violence and promote women's rights. The funds will help us to intensify campaigns against gender based violence through community sensitizations. It is only when we, aS Ugandans, are fully involved that Ugandan society will be transformed. Thank you very much. FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY 9
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