""" Progress Bar ============ .. versionadded:: 1.0.8 .. image:: images/progressbar.jpg :align: right The :class:`ProgressBar` widget is used to visualize the progress of some task. Only the horizontal mode is currently supported: the vertical mode is not yet available. The progress bar has no interactive elements and is a display-only widget. To use it, simply assign a value to indicate the current progress:: from kivy.uix.progressbar import ProgressBar pb = ProgressBar(max=1000) # this will update the graphics automatically (75% done) pb.value = 750 """ __all__ = ("ProgressBar",) from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from kivy.properties import NumericProperty, AliasProperty class ProgressBar(Widget): """Class for creating a progress bar widget. See module documentation for more details. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._value = 0.0 super(ProgressBar, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _get_value(self): return self._value def _set_value(self, value): value = max(0, min(self.max, value)) if value != self._value: self._value = value return True value = AliasProperty(_get_value, _set_value) """Current value used for the slider. :attr:`value` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.AliasProperty` that returns the value of the progress bar. If the value is < 0 or > :attr:`max`, it will be normalized to those boundaries. .. versionchanged:: 1.6.0 The value is now limited to between 0 and :attr:`max`. """ def get_norm_value(self): d = self.max if d == 0: return 0 return self.value / float(d) def set_norm_value(self, value): self.value = value * self.max value_normalized = AliasProperty( get_norm_value, set_norm_value, bind=("value", "max") ) """Normalized value inside the range 0-1:: >>> pb = ProgressBar(value=50, max=100) >>> pb.value 50 >>> slider.value_normalized 0.5 :attr:`value_normalized` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.AliasProperty`. """ max = NumericProperty(100.0) """Maximum value allowed for :attr:`value`. :attr:`max` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to 100. """ if __name__ == "__main__": from kivy.base import runTouchApp runTouchApp(ProgressBar(value=50))
""" Video player ============ .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 The video player widget can be used to play video and let the user control the play/pausing, volume and position. The widget cannot be customized much because of the complex assembly of numerous base widgets. .. image:: images/videoplayer.jpg :align: center Annotations ----------- If you want to display text at a specific time and for a certain duration, consider annotations. An annotation file has a ".jsa" extension. The player will automatically load the associated annotation file if it exists. An annotation file is JSON-based, providing a list of label dictionary items. The key and value must match one of the :class:`VideoPlayerAnnotation` items. For example, here is a short version of a jsa file that you can find in `examples/widgets/softboy.jsa`:: [ {"start": 0, "duration": 2, "text": "This is an example of annotation"}, {"start": 2, "duration": 2, "bgcolor": [0.5, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5], "text": "You can change the background color"} ] For our softboy.avi example, the result will be: .. image:: images/videoplayer-annotation.jpg :align: center If you want to experiment with annotation files, test with:: python -m kivy.uix.videoplayer examples/widgets/softboy.avi Fullscreen ---------- The video player can play the video in fullscreen, if :attr:`VideoPlayer.allow_fullscreen` is activated by a double-tap on the video. By default, if the video is smaller than the Window, it will be not stretched. You can allow stretching by passing custom options to a :class:`VideoPlayer` instance:: player = VideoPlayer(source='myvideo.avi', state='play', options={'allow_stretch': True}) End-of-stream behavior ---------------------- You can specify what happens when the video has finished playing by passing an `eos` (end of stream) directive to the underlying :class:`~kivy.core.video.VideoBase` class. `eos` can be one of 'stop', 'pause' or 'loop' and defaults to 'stop'. For example, in order to loop the video:: player = VideoPlayer(source='myvideo.avi', state='play', options={'eos': 'loop'}) .. note:: The `eos` property of the VideoBase class is a string specifying the end-of-stream behavior. This property differs from the `eos` properties of the :class:`VideoPlayer` and :class:`~kivy.uix.video.Video` classes, whose `eos` property is simply a boolean indicating that the end of the file has been reached. """ __all__ = ("VideoPlayer", "VideoPlayerAnnotation") from json import load from os.path import exists from kivy.properties import ( ObjectProperty, StringProperty, BooleanProperty, NumericProperty, DictProperty, OptionProperty, ) from kivy.animation import Animation from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout from kivy.uix.progressbar import ProgressBar from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.video import Video from kivy.uix.video import Image from kivy.factory import Factory from kivy.logger import Logger from kivy.clock import Clock class VideoPlayerVolume(Image): video = ObjectProperty(None) def on_touch_down(self, touch): if not self.collide_point(*touch.pos): return False touch.grab(self) # save the current volume and delta to it touch.ud[self.uid] = [self.video.volume, 0] return True def on_touch_move(self, touch): if touch.grab_current is not self: return # calculate delta dy = abs(touch.y - touch.oy) if dy > 10: dy = min(dy - 10, 100) touch.ud[self.uid][1] = dy self.video.volume = dy / 100.0 return True def on_touch_up(self, touch): if touch.grab_current is not self: return touch.ungrab(self) dy = abs(touch.y - touch.oy) if dy < 10: if self.video.volume > 0: self.video.volume = 0 else: self.video.volume = 1.0 class VideoPlayerPlayPause(Image): video = ObjectProperty(None) def on_touch_down(self, touch): """.. versionchanged:: 1.4.0""" if self.collide_point(*touch.pos): if self.video.state == "play": self.video.state = "pause" else: self.video.state = "play" return True class VideoPlayerStop(Image): video = ObjectProperty(None) def on_touch_down(self, touch): if self.collide_point(*touch.pos): self.video.state = "stop" self.video.position = 0 return True class VideoPlayerProgressBar(ProgressBar): video = ObjectProperty(None) seek = NumericProperty(None, allownone=True) alpha = NumericProperty(1.0) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(VideoPlayerProgressBar, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.bubble = Factory.Bubble(size=(50, 44)) self.bubble_label = Factory.Label(text="0:00") self.bubble.add_widget(self.bubble_label) self.add_widget(self.bubble) update = self._update_bubble fbind = self.fbind fbind("pos", update) fbind("size", update) fbind("seek", update) def on_video(self, instance, value): self.video.bind(position=self._update_bubble, state=self._showhide_bubble) def on_touch_down(self, touch): if not self.collide_point(*touch.pos): return self._show_bubble() touch.grab(self) self._update_seek(touch.x) return True def on_touch_move(self, touch): if touch.grab_current is not self: return self._update_seek(touch.x) return True def on_touch_up(self, touch): if touch.grab_current is not self: return touch.ungrab(self) if self.seek: self.video.seek(self.seek) self.seek = None self._hide_bubble() return True def _update_seek(self, x): if self.width == 0: return x = max(self.x, min(self.right, x)) - self.x self.seek = x / float(self.width) def _show_bubble(self): self.alpha = 1 Animation.stop_all(self, "alpha") def _hide_bubble(self): self.alpha = 1.0 Animation(alpha=0, d=4, t="in_out_expo").start(self) def on_alpha(self, instance, value): self.bubble.background_color = (1, 1, 1, value) self.bubble_label.color = (1, 1, 1, value) def _update_bubble(self, *l): seek = self.seek if self.seek is None: if self.video.duration == 0: seek = 0 else: seek = self.video.position / self.video.duration # convert to minutes:seconds d = self.video.duration * seek minutes = int(d / 60) seconds = int(d - (minutes * 60)) # fix bubble label & position self.bubble_label.text = "%d:%02d" % (minutes, seconds) self.bubble.center_x = self.x + seek * self.width self.bubble.y = self.top def _showhide_bubble(self, instance, value): if value == "play": self._hide_bubble() else: self._show_bubble() class VideoPlayerPreview(FloatLayout): source = ObjectProperty(None) video = ObjectProperty(None) click_done = BooleanProperty(False) def on_touch_down(self, touch): if self.collide_point(*touch.pos) and not self.click_done: self.click_done = True self.video.state = "play" return True class VideoPlayerAnnotation(Label): """Annotation class used for creating annotation labels. Additional keys are available: * bgcolor: [r, g, b, a] - background color of the text box * bgsource: 'filename' - background image used for the background text box * border: (n, e, s, w) - border used for the background image """ start = NumericProperty(0) """Start time of the annotation. :attr:`start` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to 0. """ duration = NumericProperty(1) """Duration of the annotation. :attr:`duration` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to 1. """ annotation = DictProperty({}) def on_annotation(self, instance, ann): for key, value in list(ann.items()): setattr(self, key, value) class VideoPlayer(GridLayout): """VideoPlayer class. See module documentation for more information.""" source = StringProperty("") """Source of the video to read. :attr:`source` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to ''. .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0 """ thumbnail = StringProperty("") """Thumbnail of the video to show. If None, VideoPlayer will try to find the thumbnail from the :attr:`source` + '.png'. :attr:`thumbnail` a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to ''. .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0 """ duration = NumericProperty(-1) """Duration of the video. The duration defaults to -1 and is set to the real duration when the video is loaded. :attr:`duration` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to -1. """ position = NumericProperty(0) """Position of the video between 0 and :attr:`duration`. The position defaults to -1 and is set to the real position when the video is loaded. :attr:`position` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to -1. """ volume = NumericProperty(1.0) """Volume of the video in the range 0-1. 1 means full volume and 0 means mute. :attr:`volume` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to 1. """ state = OptionProperty("stop", options=("play", "pause", "stop")) """String, indicates whether to play, pause, or stop the video:: # start playing the video at creation video = VideoPlayer(source='movie.mkv', state='play') # create the video, and start later video = VideoPlayer(source='movie.mkv') # and later video.state = 'play' :attr:`state` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and defaults to 'stop'. """ play = BooleanProperty(False) """ .. deprecated:: 1.4.0 Use :attr:`state` instead. Boolean, indicates whether the video is playing or not. You can start/stop the video by setting this property:: # start playing the video at creation video = VideoPlayer(source='movie.mkv', play=True) # create the video, and start later video = VideoPlayer(source='movie.mkv') # and later video.play = True :attr:`play` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to False. """ image_overlay_play = StringProperty( "atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/player-play-overlay" ) """Image filename used to show a "play" overlay when the video has not yet started. :attr:`image_overlay_play` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to 'atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/player-play-overlay'. """ image_loading = StringProperty("data/images/image-loading.gif") """Image filename used when the video is loading. :attr:`image_loading` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to 'data/images/image-loading.gif'. """ image_play = StringProperty("atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/media-playback-start") """Image filename used for the "Play" button. :attr:`image_play` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to 'atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/media-playback-start'. """ image_stop = StringProperty("atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/media-playback-stop") """Image filename used for the "Stop" button. :attr:`image_stop` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to 'atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/media-playback-stop'. """ image_pause = StringProperty( "atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/media-playback-pause" ) """Image filename used for the "Pause" button. :attr:`image_pause` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to 'atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/media-playback-pause'. """ image_volumehigh = StringProperty( "atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/audio-volume-high" ) """Image filename used for the volume icon when the volume is high. :attr:`image_volumehigh` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to 'atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/audio-volume-high'. """ image_volumemedium = StringProperty( "atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/audio-volume-medium" ) """Image filename used for the volume icon when the volume is medium. :attr:`image_volumemedium` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to 'atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/audio-volume-medium'. """ image_volumelow = StringProperty( "atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/audio-volume-low" ) """Image filename used for the volume icon when the volume is low. :attr:`image_volumelow` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to 'atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/audio-volume-low'. """ image_volumemuted = StringProperty( "atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/audio-volume-muted" ) """Image filename used for the volume icon when the volume is muted. :attr:`image_volumemuted` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to 'atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/audio-volume-muted'. """ annotations = StringProperty("") """If set, it will be used for reading annotations box. :attr:`annotations` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to ''. """ fullscreen = BooleanProperty(False) """Switch to fullscreen view. This should be used with care. When activated, the widget will remove itself from its parent, remove all children from the window and will add itself to it. When fullscreen is unset, all the previous children are restored and the widget is restored to its previous parent. .. warning:: The re-add operation doesn't care about the index position of it's children within the parent. :attr:`fullscreen` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to False. """ allow_fullscreen = BooleanProperty(True) """By default, you can double-tap on the video to make it fullscreen. Set this property to False to prevent this behavior. :attr:`allow_fullscreen` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` defaults to True. """ options = DictProperty({}) """Optional parameters can be passed to a :class:`~kivy.uix.video.Video` instance with this property. :attr:`options` a :class:`~kivy.properties.DictProperty` and defaults to {}. """ # internals container = ObjectProperty(None) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._video = None self._image = None self._annotations = "" self._annotations_labels = [] super(VideoPlayer, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._load_thumbnail() self._load_annotations() if self.source: self._trigger_video_load() def _trigger_video_load(self, *largs): Clock.unschedule(self._do_video_load) Clock.schedule_once(self._do_video_load, -1) def on_source(self, instance, value): # we got a value, try to see if we have an image for it self._load_thumbnail() self._load_annotations() if self._video is not None: self._video.unload() self._video = None if value: self._trigger_video_load() def on_image_overlay_play(self, instance, value): self._image.image_overlay_play = value def on_image_loading(self, instance, value): self._image.image_loading = value def _load_thumbnail(self): if not self.container: return self.container.clear_widgets() # get the source, remove extension, and use png thumbnail = self.thumbnail if not thumbnail: filename = self.source.rsplit(".", 1) thumbnail = filename[0] + ".png" self._image = VideoPlayerPreview(source=thumbnail, video=self) self.container.add_widget(self._image) def _load_annotations(self): if not self.container: return self._annotations_labels = [] annotations = self.annotations if not annotations: filename = self.source.rsplit(".", 1) annotations = filename[0] + ".jsa" if exists(annotations): with open(annotations, "r") as fd: self._annotations = load(fd) if self._annotations: for ann in self._annotations: self._annotations_labels.append(VideoPlayerAnnotation(annotation=ann)) def on_state(self, instance, value): if self._video is not None: self._video.state = value def _set_state(self, instance, value): self.state = value def _do_video_load(self, *largs): self._video = Video( source=self.source, state=self.state, volume=self.volume, pos_hint={"x": 0, "y": 0}, **self.options ) self._video.bind( texture=self._play_started, duration=self.setter("duration"), position=self.setter("position"), volume=self.setter("volume"), state=self._set_state, ) def on_play(self, instance, value): value = "play" if value else "stop" return self.on_state(instance, value) def on_volume(self, instance, value): if not self._video: return self._video.volume = value def on_position(self, instance, value): labels = self._annotations_labels if not labels: return for label in labels: start = label.start duration = label.duration if start > value or (start + duration) < value: if label.parent: label.parent.remove_widget(label) elif label.parent is None: self.container.add_widget(label) def seek(self, percent): """Change the position to a percentage of the duration. Percentage must be a value between 0-1. .. warning:: Calling seek() before video is loaded has no effect. """ if not self._video: return self._video.seek(percent) def _play_started(self, instance, value): self.container.clear_widgets() self.container.add_widget(self._video) def on_touch_down(self, touch): if not self.collide_point(*touch.pos): return False if touch.is_double_tap and self.allow_fullscreen: self.fullscreen = not self.fullscreen return True return super(VideoPlayer, self).on_touch_down(touch) def on_fullscreen(self, instance, value): window = self.get_parent_window() if not window: Logger.warning( "VideoPlayer: Cannot switch to fullscreen, " "window not found." ) if value: self.fullscreen = False return if not self.parent: Logger.warning("VideoPlayer: Cannot switch to fullscreen, " "no parent.") if value: self.fullscreen = False return if value: self._fullscreen_state = state = { "parent": self.parent, "pos": self.pos, "size": self.size, "pos_hint": self.pos_hint, "size_hint": self.size_hint, "window_children": window.children[:], } # remove all window children for child in window.children[:]: window.remove_widget(child) # put the video in fullscreen if state["parent"] is not window: state["parent"].remove_widget(self) window.add_widget(self) # ensure the video widget is in 0, 0, and the size will be # reajusted self.pos = (0, 0) self.size = (100, 100) self.pos_hint = {} self.size_hint = (1, 1) else: state = self._fullscreen_state window.remove_widget(self) for child in state["window_children"]: window.add_widget(child) self.pos_hint = state["pos_hint"] self.size_hint = state["size_hint"] self.pos = state["pos"] self.size = state["size"] if state["parent"] is not window: state["parent"].add_widget(self) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from kivy.base import runTouchApp player = VideoPlayer(source=sys.argv[1]) runTouchApp(player) if player: player.state = "stop"
class Battery(object): """Battery info facade.""" @property def status(self): """Property that contains a dict with the following fields: * **isCharging** *(bool)*: Battery is charging * **percentage** *(float)*: Battery charge remaining .. warning:: If any of the fields is not readable, it is set as None. """ return self.get_state() def get_state(self): return self._get_state() # private def _get_state(self): raise NotImplementedError()
from jnius import autoclass from plyer.facades import Notification from plyer.platforms.android import activity, SDK_INT AndroidString = autoclass("java.lang.String") Context = autoclass("android.content.Context") NotificationBuilder = autoclass("android.app.Notification$Builder") Drawable = autoclass("{}.R$drawable".format(activity.getPackageName())) class AndroidNotification(Notification): def _get_notification_service(self): if not hasattr(self, "_ns"): self._ns = activity.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) return self._ns def _notify(self, **kwargs): icon = getattr(Drawable, kwargs.get("icon_android", "icon")) noti = NotificationBuilder(activity) noti.setContentTitle(AndroidString(kwargs.get("title").encode("utf-8"))) noti.setContentText(AndroidString(kwargs.get("message").encode("utf-8"))) noti.setTicker(AndroidString(kwargs.get("ticker").encode("utf-8"))) noti.setSmallIcon(icon) noti.setAutoCancel(True) if SDK_INT >= 16: noti = noti.build() else: noti = noti.getNotification() self._get_notification_service().notify(0, noti) def instance(): return AndroidNotification()
""" Mac OS X file chooser --------------------- """ from plyer.facades import FileChooser from pyobjus import autoclass, objc_arr, objc_str from pyobjus.dylib_manager import load_framework, INCLUDE load_framework(INCLUDE.AppKit) NSURL = autoclass("NSURL") NSOpenPanel = autoclass("NSOpenPanel") NSSavePanel = autoclass("NSSavePanel") NSOKButton = 1 class MacFileChooser(object): """A native implementation of file chooser dialogs using Apple's API through pyobjus. Not implemented features: * filters (partial, wildcards are converted to extensions if possible. Pass the Mac-specific "use_extensions" if you can provide Mac OS X-compatible to avoid automatic conversion) * multiple (only for save dialog. Available in open dialog) * icon * preview """ mode = "open" path = None multiple = False filters = [] preview = False title = None icon = None show_hidden = False use_extensions = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Simulate Kivy's behavior for i in kwargs: setattr(self, i, kwargs[i]) def run(self): panel = None if self.mode in ("open", "dir"): panel = NSOpenPanel.openPanel() else: panel = NSSavePanel.savePanel() panel.setCanCreateDirectories_(True) panel.setCanChooseDirectories_(self.mode == "dir") panel.setCanChooseFiles_(self.mode != "dir") panel.setShowsHiddenFiles_(self.show_hidden) if self.title: panel.setTitle_(objc_str(self.title)) if self.mode != "save" and self.multiple: panel.setAllowsMultipleSelection_(True) # Mac OS X does not support wildcards unlike the other platforms. # This tries to convert wildcards to "extensions" when possible, # ans sets the panel to also allow other file types, just to be safe. if len(self.filters) > 0: filthies = [] for f in self.filters: if type(f) == str: if not self.use_extensions: if f.strip().endswith("*"): continue pystr = f.strip().split("*")[-1].split(".")[-1] filthies.append(objc_str(pystr)) else: for i in f[1:]: if not self.use_extensions: if f.strip().endswith("*"): continue pystr = f.strip().split("*")[-1].split(".")[-1] filthies.append(objc_str(pystr)) ftypes_arr = objc_arr(filthies) panel.setAllowedFileTypes_(ftypes_arr) panel.setAllowsOtherFileTypes_(not self.use_extensions) if self.path: url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(self.path) panel.setDirectoryURL_(url) if panel.runModal(): if self.mode == "save" or not self.multiple: return [panel.filename().UTF8String()] else: return [i.UTF8String() for i in panel.filenames()] return None class MacOSXFileChooser(FileChooser): """FileChooser implementation for Windows, using win3all.""" def _file_selection_dialog(self, **kwargs): return MacFileChooser(**kwargs).run() def instance(): return MacOSXFileChooser()
'\n jinja2.debug\n ~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n Implements the debug interface for Jinja. This module does some pretty\n ugly stuff with the Python traceback system in order to achieve tracebacks\n with correct line numbers, locals and contents.\n\n :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.\n :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.\n' import sys import traceback from jinja2.utils import CodeType, missing, internal_code from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateSyntaxError try: ("raise TypeError, 'foo'") except SyntaxError: raise_helper = 'raise __jinja_exception__[1]' except TypeError: raise_helper = 'raise __jinja_exception__[0], __jinja_exception__[1]' class TracebackFrameProxy(object): 'Proxies a traceback frame.' def __init__(self, tb): self.tb = tb def _set_tb_next(self, next): if (tb_set_next is not None): (self.tb, ((next and next.tb) or None)) self._tb_next = next def _get_tb_next(self): return self._tb_next tb_next = (_get_tb_next, _set_tb_next) del _get_tb_next, _set_tb_next @property def is_jinja_frame(self): return ('__jinja_template__' in self.tb.tb_frame.f_globals) def __getattr__(self, name): return (self.tb, name) class ProcessedTraceback(object): 'Holds a Jinja preprocessed traceback for priting or reraising.' def __init__(self, exc_type, exc_value, frames): if (not frames): raise ('no frames for this traceback?') self.exc_type = exc_type self.exc_value = exc_value self.frames = frames def chain_frames(self): 'Chains the frames. Requires ctypes or the speedups extension.' prev_tb = None for tb in self.frames: if (prev_tb is not None): prev_tb.tb_next = tb prev_tb = tb prev_tb.tb_next = None def render_as_text(self, limit=None): 'Return a string with the traceback.' lines = (self.exc_type, self.exc_value, self.frames[0]) return () def render_as_html(self, full=False): 'Return a unicode string with the traceback as rendered HTML.' from jinja2.debugrenderer import render_traceback return ('%s\n\n<!--\n%s\n-->' % ((self), ('utf-8', 'replace'))) @property def is_template_syntax_error(self): '`True` if this is a template syntax error.' return (self.exc_value, TemplateSyntaxError) @property def exc_info(self): 'Exception info tuple with a proxy around the frame objects.' return (self.exc_type, self.exc_value, self.frames[0]) @property def standard_exc_info(self): 'Standard python exc_info for re-raising' return (self.exc_type, self.exc_value, self.frames[0].tb) def make_traceback(exc_info, source_hint=None): 'Creates a processed traceback object from the exc_info.' (exc_type, exc_value, tb) = exc_info if (exc_value, TemplateSyntaxError): exc_info = (exc_value, source_hint) initial_skip = 0 else: initial_skip = 1 return (exc_info, initial_skip) def translate_syntax_error(error, source=None): 'Rewrites a syntax error to please traceback systems.' error.source = source error.translated = True exc_info = (error.__class__, error, None) filename = error.filename if (filename is None): filename = '<unknown>' return (exc_info, filename, error.lineno) def translate_exception(exc_info, initial_skip=0): 'If passed an exc_info it will automatically rewrite the exceptions\n all the way down to the correct line numbers and frames.\n ' tb = exc_info[2] frames = [] for x in (initial_skip): if (tb is not None): tb = tb.tb_next initial_tb = tb while (tb is not None): if (tb.tb_frame.f_code in internal_code): tb = tb.tb_next continue next = tb.tb_next template = ('__jinja_template__') if (template is not None): lineno = (tb.tb_lineno) tb = ((exc_info[:2] + (tb,)), template.filename, lineno)[2] ((tb)) tb = next if (not frames): raise (exc_info[2]) traceback = (exc_info[0], exc_info[1], frames) if (tb_set_next is not None): () return traceback def fake_exc_info(exc_info, filename, lineno): 'Helper for `translate_exception`.' (exc_type, exc_value, tb) = exc_info if (tb is not None): real_locals = () ctx = ('context') if ctx: locals = () else: locals = {} for (name, value) in (): if (('l_') and (value is not missing)): locals[name[2:]] = value ('__jinja_exception__', None) else: locals = {} globals = {'__name__': filename, '__file__': filename, '__jinja_exception__': exc_info[:2], '__jinja_template__': None} code = ((('\n' * (lineno - 1)) + raise_helper), filename, 'exec') try: if (tb is None): location = 'template' else: function = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name if (function == 'root'): location = 'top-level template code' elif ('block_'): location = ('block "%s"' % function[6:]) else: location = 'template' code = (0, code.co_nlocals, code.co_stacksize, code.co_flags, code.co_code, code.co_consts, code.co_names, code.co_varnames, filename, location, code.co_firstlineno, code.co_lnotab, (), ()) except: raise try: (code, globals, locals) except: exc_info = () new_tb = exc_info[2].tb_next return (exc_info[:2] + (new_tb,)) def _init_ugly_crap(): 'This function implements a few ugly things so that we can patch the\n traceback objects. The function returned allows resetting `tb_next` on\n any python traceback object.\n ' import ctypes from types import TracebackType if (ctypes.pythonapi, 'Py_InitModule4_64'): _Py_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int64 else: _Py_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int class _PyObject(ctypes.Structure): pass _PyObject._fields_ = [('ob_refcnt', _Py_ssize_t), ('ob_type', (_PyObject))] if (object.__basicsize__ != (_PyObject)): class _PyObject(ctypes.Structure): pass _PyObject._fields_ = [('_ob_next', (_PyObject)), ('_ob_prev', (_PyObject)), ('ob_refcnt', _Py_ssize_t), ('ob_type', (_PyObject))] class _Traceback(_PyObject): pass _Traceback._fields_ = [('tb_next', (_Traceback)), ('tb_frame', (_PyObject)), ('tb_lasti', ctypes.c_int), ('tb_lineno', ctypes.c_int)] def tb_set_next(tb, next): 'Set the tb_next attribute of a traceback object.' if (not ((tb, TracebackType) and ((next is None) or (next, TracebackType)))): raise ('tb_set_next arguments must be traceback objects') obj = ((tb)) if (tb.tb_next is not None): old = ((tb.tb_next)) old.ob_refcnt -= 1 if (next is None): obj.tb_next = () else: next = ((next)) next.ob_refcnt += 1 obj.tb_next = (next) return tb_set_next try: from jinja2._speedups import tb_set_next except ImportError: try: tb_set_next = () except: tb_set_next = None del _init_ugly_crap
from pythonforandroid.recipe import CompiledComponentsPythonRecipe class EvdevRecipe(CompiledComponentsPythonRecipe): name = "evdev" version = "v0.4.7" url = "https://github.com/gvalkov/python-evdev/archive/{version}.zip" depends = [("python2", "python3")] build_cmd = "build" patches = [ "evcnt.patch", "keycnt.patch", "remove-uinput.patch", "include-dir.patch", "evdev-permissions.patch", ] def get_recipe_env(self, arch=None): env = super(EvdevRecipe, self).get_recipe_env(arch) env["NDKPLATFORM"] = self.ctx.ndk_platform return env recipe = EvdevRecipe()
from pythonforandroid.toolchain import ( CompiledComponentsPythonRecipe, Recipe, current_directory, info, shprint, ) from os.path import join import sh class PyCryptoRecipe(CompiledComponentsPythonRecipe): version = "2.6.1" url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pycrypto/pycrypto-{version}.tar.gz" depends = ["openssl", "python2"] site_packages_name = "Crypto" patches = ["add_length.patch"] def get_recipe_env(self, arch=None): env = super(PyCryptoRecipe, self).get_recipe_env(arch) openssl_build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe("openssl", self.ctx).get_build_dir( arch.arch ) env["CC"] = "%s -I%s" % (env["CC"], join(openssl_build_dir, "include")) env["LDFLAGS"] = ( env["LDFLAGS"] + " -L{}".format( self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch) + "-L{}".format(self.ctx.libs_dir) ) + " -L{}".format(openssl_build_dir) ) env["EXTRA_CFLAGS"] = "--host linux-armv" env["ac_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull"] = "yes" return env def build_compiled_components(self, arch): info("Configuring compiled components in {}".format(self.name)) env = self.get_recipe_env(arch) with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)): configure = sh.Command("./configure") shprint( configure, "--host=arm-eabi", "--prefix={}".format(self.ctx.get_python_install_dir()), "--enable-shared", _env=env, ) super(PyCryptoRecipe, self).build_compiled_components(arch) recipe = PyCryptoRecipe()
from pythonforandroid.recipe import PythonRecipe from os.path import join class ZeroconfRecipe(PythonRecipe): name = "zeroconf" version = "0.17.4" url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/z/zeroconf/zeroconf-{version}.tar.gz" depends = ["python2", "netifaces", "enum34", "six"] def get_recipe_env(self, arch=None): env = super(ZeroconfRecipe, self).get_recipe_env(arch) # TODO: fix hardcoded path # This is required to prevent issue with _io.so import. hostpython = self.get_recipe("hostpython2", self.ctx) env["PYTHONPATH"] = ( join(hostpython.get_build_dir(arch.arch), "build", "lib.linux-x86_64-2.7") + ":" + env.get("PYTHONPATH", "") ) return env recipe = ZeroconfRecipe()
import sys if sys.version_info < (3, 0): import testcase else: from . import testcase # # Tests elements of the heading levels # class TestLevelDepth(testcase.TestCase): title = "Test Level Depth" # Test that headings can go at least to def test_level_depth_unlimited(self): self.set_settings({"toc_level": 0}) self.set_text(self.text()) self.run_plugin() self.find("* Heading 1") self.find("----- Heading 6") # Test that the the "toc_level" setting def test_level_depth_limited(self): self.set_settings({"toc_level": 2}) self.set_text(self.text()) self.run_plugin() if self.get_text().find("----- Heading 6") == -1: self.ok() else: self.error("Should not find heading level 6") def text(self): return """ /* * TOC * * Heading 1 * +++++ Heading 6 */ // > Heading 1 // >>>>>> Heading 6 """
import sys, os, argparse buildtools_dir = (((__file__), '../../buildtools/scripts')) (buildtools_dir) import PackageData parser = () ('--outputdir') args = () () missing_file = False for (filename, arcname) in (): if (not (filename)): ((filename)) missing_file = True else: (path, fn) = (filename) files = (path) if (fn not in files): ('\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') ('FILENAME MISMATCH - Possibly case?\n') ((filename)) ('\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') raise if (not (missing_file == False)): raise ()
"""Record of phased-in incompatible language changes. Each line is of the form: FeatureName = "_Feature(" OptionalRelease "," MandatoryRelease "," CompilerFlag ")" where, normally, OptionalRelease < MandatoryRelease, and both are 5-tuples of the same form as sys.version_info: (PY_MAJOR_VERSION, # the 2 in 2.1.0a3; an int PY_MINOR_VERSION, # the 1; an int PY_MICRO_VERSION, # the 0; an int PY_RELEASE_LEVEL, # "alpha", "beta", "candidate" or "final"; string PY_RELEASE_SERIAL # the 3; an int ) OptionalRelease records the first release in which from __future__ import FeatureName was accepted. In the case of MandatoryReleases that have not yet occurred, MandatoryRelease predicts the release in which the feature will become part of the language. Else MandatoryRelease records when the feature became part of the language; in releases at or after that, modules no longer need from __future__ import FeatureName to use the feature in question, but may continue to use such imports. MandatoryRelease may also be None, meaning that a planned feature got dropped. Instances of class _Feature have two corresponding methods, .getOptionalRelease() and .getMandatoryRelease(). CompilerFlag is the (bitfield) flag that should be passed in the fourth argument to the builtin function compile() to enable the feature in dynamically compiled code. This flag is stored in the .compiler_flag attribute on _Future instances. These values must match the appropriate #defines of CO_xxx flags in Include/compile.h. No feature line is ever to be deleted from this file. """ all_feature_names = [ "nested_scopes", "generators", "division", "absolute_import", "with_statement", "print_function", "unicode_literals", ] __all__ = ["all_feature_names"] + all_feature_names # The CO_xxx symbols are defined here under the same names used by # compile.h, so that an editor search will find them here. However, # they're not exported in __all__, because they don't really belong to # this module. CO_NESTED = 0x0010 # nested_scopes CO_GENERATOR_ALLOWED = 0 # generators (obsolete, was 0x1000) CO_FUTURE_DIVISION = 0x2000 # division CO_FUTURE_ABSOLUTE_IMPORT = 0x4000 # perform absolute imports by default CO_FUTURE_WITH_STATEMENT = 0x8000 # with statement CO_FUTURE_PRINT_FUNCTION = 0x10000 # print function CO_FUTURE_UNICODE_LITERALS = 0x20000 # unicode string literals class _Feature: def __init__(self, optionalRelease, mandatoryRelease, compiler_flag): self.optional = optionalRelease self.mandatory = mandatoryRelease self.compiler_flag = compiler_flag def getOptionalRelease(self): """Return first release in which this feature was recognized. This is a 5-tuple, of the same form as sys.version_info. """ return self.optional def getMandatoryRelease(self): """Return release in which this feature will become mandatory. This is a 5-tuple, of the same form as sys.version_info, or, if the feature was dropped, is None. """ return self.mandatory def __repr__(self): return "_Feature" + repr((self.optional, self.mandatory, self.compiler_flag)) nested_scopes = _Feature((2, 1, 0, "beta", 1), (2, 2, 0, "alpha", 0), CO_NESTED) generators = _Feature( (2, 2, 0, "alpha", 1), (2, 3, 0, "final", 0), CO_GENERATOR_ALLOWED ) division = _Feature((2, 2, 0, "alpha", 2), (3, 0, 0, "alpha", 0), CO_FUTURE_DIVISION) absolute_import = _Feature( (2, 5, 0, "alpha", 1), (3, 0, 0, "alpha", 0), CO_FUTURE_ABSOLUTE_IMPORT ) with_statement = _Feature( (2, 5, 0, "alpha", 1), (2, 6, 0, "alpha", 0), CO_FUTURE_WITH_STATEMENT ) print_function = _Feature( (2, 6, 0, "alpha", 2), (3, 0, 0, "alpha", 0), CO_FUTURE_PRINT_FUNCTION ) unicode_literals = _Feature( (2, 6, 0, "alpha", 2), (3, 0, 0, "alpha", 0), CO_FUTURE_UNICODE_LITERALS )
"Python interface for the 'lsprof' profiler.\n Compatible with the 'profile' module.\n" __all__ = ['run', 'runctx', 'help', 'Profile'] import _lsprof def run(statement, filename=None, sort=(- 1)): 'Run statement under profiler optionally saving results in filename\n\n This function takes a single argument that can be passed to the\n "exec" statement, and an optional file name. In all cases this\n routine attempts to "exec" its first argument and gather profiling\n statistics from the execution. If no file name is present, then this\n function automatically prints a simple profiling report, sorted by the\n standard name string (file/line/function-name) that is presented in\n each line.\n ' prof = () result = None try: try: prof = (statement) except SystemExit: raise finally: if (filename is not None): (filename) else: result = (sort) return result def runctx(statement, globals, locals, filename=None, sort=(- 1)): 'Run statement under profiler, supplying your own globals and locals,\n optionally saving results in filename.\n\n statement and filename have the same semantics as profile.run\n ' prof = () result = None try: try: prof = (statement, globals, locals) except SystemExit: raise finally: if (filename is not None): (filename) else: result = (sort) return result def help(): ('Documentation for the profile/cProfile modules can be found ') ("in the Python Library Reference, section 'The Python Profiler'.") class Profile(_lsprof.Profiler): 'Profile(custom_timer=None, time_unit=None, subcalls=True, builtins=True)\n\n Builds a profiler object using the specified timer function.\n The default timer is a fast built-in one based on real time.\n For custom timer functions returning integers, time_unit can\n be a float specifying a scale (i.e. how long each integer unit\n is, in seconds).\n ' def print_stats(self, sort=(- 1)): import pstats () def dump_stats(self, file): import marshal f = (file, 'wb') () (self.stats, f) () def create_stats(self): () () def snapshot_stats(self): entries = () self.stats = {} callersdicts = {} for entry in entries: func = (entry.code) nc = entry.callcount cc = (nc - entry.reccallcount) tt = entry.inlinetime ct = entry.totaltime callers = {} callersdicts[(entry.code)] = callers self.stats[func] = (cc, nc, tt, ct, callers) for entry in entries: if entry.calls: func = (entry.code) for subentry in entry.calls: try: callers = callersdicts[(subentry.code)] except KeyError: continue nc = subentry.callcount cc = (nc - subentry.reccallcount) tt = subentry.inlinetime ct = subentry.totaltime if (func in callers): prev = callers[func] nc += prev[0] cc += prev[1] tt += prev[2] ct += prev[3] callers[func] = (nc, cc, tt, ct) def run(self, cmd): import __main__ dict = __main__.__dict__ return (cmd, dict, dict) def runctx(self, cmd, globals, locals): () try: (cmd, globals, locals) finally: () return self def runcall(self, func, *args, **kw): () try: return (*args) finally: () def label(code): if (code, str): return ('~', 0, code) else: return (code.co_filename, code.co_firstlineno, code.co_name) def main(): import os, sys from optparse import OptionParser usage = 'cProfile.py [-o output_file_path] [-s sort] scriptfile [arg] ...' parser = () parser.allow_interspersed_args = False ('-o', '--outfile') ('-s', '--sort') if (not sys.argv[1:]): () (2) (options, args) = () sys.argv[:] = args if ((args) > 0): progname = args[0] (0, (progname)) with (progname, 'rb') as fp: code = ((), progname, 'exec') globs = {'__file__': progname, '__name__': '__main__', '__package__': None} (code, globs, None, options.outfile, options.sort) else: () return parser if (__name__ == '__main__'): ()
""" csv.py - read/write/investigate CSV files """ import re from functools import reduce from _csv import ( Error, __version__, writer, reader, register_dialect, unregister_dialect, get_dialect, list_dialects, field_size_limit, QUOTE_MINIMAL, QUOTE_ALL, QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, QUOTE_NONE, __doc__, ) from _csv import Dialect as _Dialect try: from io import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO __all__ = [ "QUOTE_MINIMAL", "QUOTE_ALL", "QUOTE_NONNUMERIC", "QUOTE_NONE", "Error", "Dialect", "__doc__", "excel", "excel_tab", "field_size_limit", "reader", "writer", "register_dialect", "get_dialect", "list_dialects", "Sniffer", "unregister_dialect", "__version__", "DictReader", "DictWriter", ] class Dialect: """Describe an Excel dialect. This must be subclassed (see csv.excel). Valid attributes are: delimiter, quotechar, escapechar, doublequote, skipinitialspace, lineterminator, quoting. """ _name = "" _valid = False # placeholders delimiter = None quotechar = None escapechar = None doublequote = None skipinitialspace = None lineterminator = None quoting = None def __init__(self): if self.__class__ != Dialect: self._valid = True self._validate() def _validate(self): try: _Dialect(self) except TypeError as e: # We do this for compatibility with py2.3 raise Error(str(e)) class excel(Dialect): """Describe the usual properties of Excel-generated CSV files.""" delimiter = "," quotechar = '"' doublequote = True skipinitialspace = False lineterminator = "\r\n" quoting = QUOTE_MINIMAL register_dialect("excel", excel) class excel_tab(excel): """Describe the usual properties of Excel-generated TAB-delimited files.""" delimiter = "\t" register_dialect("excel-tab", excel_tab) class DictReader: def __init__( self, f, fieldnames=None, restkey=None, restval=None, dialect="excel", *args, **kwds ): self._fieldnames = fieldnames # list of keys for the dict self.restkey = restkey # key to catch long rows self.restval = restval # default value for short rows self.reader = reader(f, dialect, *args, **kwds) self.dialect = dialect self.line_num = 0 def __iter__(self): return self @property def fieldnames(self): if self._fieldnames is None: try: self._fieldnames = next(self.reader) except StopIteration: pass self.line_num = self.reader.line_num return self._fieldnames @fieldnames.setter def fieldnames(self, value): self._fieldnames = value def __next__(self): if self.line_num == 0: # Used only for its side effect. self.fieldnames row = next(self.reader) self.line_num = self.reader.line_num # unlike the basic reader, we prefer not to return blanks, # because we will typically wind up with a dict full of None # values while row == []: row = next(self.reader) d = dict(list(zip(self.fieldnames, row))) lf = len(self.fieldnames) lr = len(row) if lf < lr: d[self.restkey] = row[lf:] elif lf > lr: for key in self.fieldnames[lr:]: d[key] = self.restval return d class DictWriter: def __init__( self, f, fieldnames, restval="", extrasaction="raise", dialect="excel", *args, **kwds ): self.fieldnames = fieldnames # list of keys for the dict self.restval = restval # for writing short dicts if extrasaction.lower() not in ("raise", "ignore"): raise ValueError( "extrasaction (%s) must be 'raise' or 'ignore'" % extrasaction ) self.extrasaction = extrasaction self.writer = writer(f, dialect, *args, **kwds) def writeheader(self): header = dict(list(zip(self.fieldnames, self.fieldnames))) self.writerow(header) def _dict_to_list(self, rowdict): if self.extrasaction == "raise": wrong_fields = [k for k in rowdict if k not in self.fieldnames] if wrong_fields: raise ValueError( "dict contains fields not in fieldnames: " + ", ".join(wrong_fields) ) return [rowdict.get(key, self.restval) for key in self.fieldnames] def writerow(self, rowdict): return self.writer.writerow(self._dict_to_list(rowdict)) def writerows(self, rowdicts): rows = [] for rowdict in rowdicts: rows.append(self._dict_to_list(rowdict)) return self.writer.writerows(rows) # Guard Sniffer's type checking against builds that exclude complex() try: complex except NameError: complex = float class Sniffer: """ "Sniffs" the format of a CSV file (i.e. delimiter, quotechar) Returns a Dialect object. """ def __init__(self): # in case there is more than one possible delimiter self.preferred = [",", "\t", ";", " ", ":"] def sniff(self, sample, delimiters=None): """ Returns a dialect (or None) corresponding to the sample """ ( quotechar, doublequote, delimiter, skipinitialspace, ) = self._guess_quote_and_delimiter(sample, delimiters) if not delimiter: delimiter, skipinitialspace = self._guess_delimiter(sample, delimiters) if not delimiter: raise Error("Could not determine delimiter") class dialect(Dialect): _name = "sniffed" lineterminator = "\r\n" quoting = QUOTE_MINIMAL # escapechar = '' dialect.doublequote = doublequote dialect.delimiter = delimiter # _csv.reader won't accept a quotechar of '' dialect.quotechar = quotechar or '"' dialect.skipinitialspace = skipinitialspace return dialect def _guess_quote_and_delimiter(self, data, delimiters): """ Looks for text enclosed between two identical quotes (the probable quotechar) which are preceded and followed by the same character (the probable delimiter). For example: ,'some text', The quote with the most wins, same with the delimiter. If there is no quotechar the delimiter can't be determined this way. """ matches = [] for restr in ( "(?P<delim>[^\w\n\"'])(?P<space> ?)(?P<quote>[\"']).*?(?P=quote)(?P=delim)", # ,".*?", "(?:^|\n)(?P<quote>[\"']).*?(?P=quote)(?P<delim>[^\w\n\"'])(?P<space> ?)", # ".*?", "(?P<delim>>[^\w\n\"'])(?P<space> ?)(?P<quote>[\"']).*?(?P=quote)(?:$|\n)", # ,".*?" "(?:^|\n)(?P<quote>[\"']).*?(?P=quote)(?:$|\n)", ): # ".*?" (no delim, no space) regexp = re.compile(restr, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) matches = regexp.findall(data) if matches: break if not matches: # (quotechar, doublequote, delimiter, skipinitialspace) return ("", False, None, 0) quotes = {} delims = {} spaces = 0 for m in matches: n = regexp.groupindex["quote"] - 1 key = m[n] if key: quotes[key] = quotes.get(key, 0) + 1 try: n = regexp.groupindex["delim"] - 1 key = m[n] except KeyError: continue if key and (delimiters is None or key in delimiters): delims[key] = delims.get(key, 0) + 1 try: n = regexp.groupindex["space"] - 1 except KeyError: continue if m[n]: spaces += 1 quotechar = reduce( lambda a, b, quotes=quotes: (quotes[a] > quotes[b]) and a or b, list(quotes.keys()), ) if delims: delim = reduce( lambda a, b, delims=delims: (delims[a] > delims[b]) and a or b, list(delims.keys()), ) skipinitialspace = delims[delim] == spaces if delim == "\n": # most likely a file with a single column delim = "" else: # there is *no* delimiter, it's a single column of quoted data delim = "" skipinitialspace = 0 # if we see an extra quote between delimiters, we've got a # double quoted format dq_regexp = re.compile( r"((%(delim)s)|^)\W*%(quote)s[^%(delim)s\n]*%(quote)s[^%(delim)s\n]*%(quote)s\W*((%(delim)s)|$)" % {"delim": delim, "quote": quotechar}, re.MULTILINE, ) if dq_regexp.search(data): doublequote = True else: doublequote = False return (quotechar, doublequote, delim, skipinitialspace) def _guess_delimiter(self, data, delimiters): """ The delimiter /should/ occur the same number of times on each row. However, due to malformed data, it may not. We don't want an all or nothing approach, so we allow for small variations in this number. 1) build a table of the frequency of each character on every line. 2) build a table of frequencies of this frequency (meta-frequency?), e.g. 'x occurred 5 times in 10 rows, 6 times in 1000 rows, 7 times in 2 rows' 3) use the mode of the meta-frequency to determine the /expected/ frequency for that character 4) find out how often the character actually meets that goal 5) the character that best meets its goal is the delimiter For performance reasons, the data is evaluated in chunks, so it can try and evaluate the smallest portion of the data possible, evaluating additional chunks as necessary. """ data = [_f for _f in data.split("\n") if _f] ascii = [chr(c) for c in range(127)] # 7-bit ASCII # build frequency tables chunkLength = min(10, len(data)) iteration = 0 charFrequency = {} modes = {} delims = {} start, end = 0, min(chunkLength, len(data)) while start < len(data): iteration += 1 for line in data[start:end]: for char in ascii: metaFrequency = charFrequency.get(char, {}) # must count even if frequency is 0 freq = line.count(char) # value is the mode metaFrequency[freq] = metaFrequency.get(freq, 0) + 1 charFrequency[char] = metaFrequency for char in list(charFrequency.keys()): items = list(charFrequency[char].items()) if len(items) == 1 and items[0][0] == 0: continue # get the mode of the frequencies if len(items) > 1: modes[char] = reduce(lambda a, b: a[1] > b[1] and a or b, items) # adjust the mode - subtract the sum of all # other frequencies items.remove(modes[char]) modes[char] = ( modes[char][0], modes[char][1] - reduce(lambda a, b: (0, a[1] + b[1]), items)[1], ) else: modes[char] = items[0] # build a list of possible delimiters modeList = list(modes.items()) total = float(chunkLength * iteration) # (rows of consistent data) / (number of rows) = 100% consistency = 1.0 # minimum consistency threshold threshold = 0.9 while len(delims) == 0 and consistency >= threshold: for k, v in modeList: if v[0] > 0 and v[1] > 0: if (v[1] / total) >= consistency and ( delimiters is None or k in delimiters ): delims[k] = v consistency -= 0.01 if len(delims) == 1: delim = list(delims.keys())[0] skipinitialspace = data[0].count(delim) == data[0].count("%c " % delim) return (delim, skipinitialspace) # analyze another chunkLength lines start = end end += chunkLength if not delims: return ("", 0) # if there's more than one, fall back to a 'preferred' list if len(delims) > 1: for d in self.preferred: if d in list(delims.keys()): skipinitialspace = data[0].count(d) == data[0].count("%c " % d) return (d, skipinitialspace) # nothing else indicates a preference, pick the character that # dominates(?) items = [(v, k) for (k, v) in list(delims.items())] items.sort() delim = items[-1][1] skipinitialspace = data[0].count(delim) == data[0].count("%c " % delim) return (delim, skipinitialspace) def has_header(self, sample): # Creates a dictionary of types of data in each column. If any # column is of a single type (say, integers), *except* for the first # row, then the first row is presumed to be labels. If the type # can't be determined, it is assumed to be a string in which case # the length of the string is the determining factor: if all of the # rows except for the first are the same length, it's a header. # Finally, a 'vote' is taken at the end for each column, adding or # subtracting from the likelihood of the first row being a header. rdr = reader(StringIO(sample), self.sniff(sample)) header = next(rdr) # assume first row is header columns = len(header) columnTypes = {} for i in range(columns): columnTypes[i] = None checked = 0 for row in rdr: # arbitrary number of rows to check, to keep it sane if checked > 20: break checked += 1 if len(row) != columns: continue # skip rows that have irregular number of columns for col in list(columnTypes.keys()): for thisType in [int, int, float, complex]: try: thisType(row[col]) break except (ValueError, OverflowError): pass else: # fallback to length of string thisType = len(row[col]) # treat longs as ints if thisType == int: thisType = int if thisType != columnTypes[col]: if columnTypes[col] is None: # add new column type columnTypes[col] = thisType else: # type is inconsistent, remove column from # consideration del columnTypes[col] # finally, compare results against first row and "vote" # on whether it's a header hasHeader = 0 for col, colType in list(columnTypes.items()): if type(colType) == type(0): # it's a length if len(header[col]) != colType: hasHeader += 1 else: hasHeader -= 1 else: # attempt typecast try: colType(header[col]) except (ValueError, TypeError): hasHeader += 1 else: hasHeader -= 1 return hasHeader > 0
# Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Python Software Foundation # Author: Barry Warsaw # Contact: email-sig@python.org """A package for parsing, handling, and generating email messages.""" __version__ = "4.0.3" __all__ = [ # Old names "base64MIME", "Charset", "Encoders", "Errors", "Generator", "Header", "Iterators", "Message", "MIMEAudio", "MIMEBase", "MIMEImage", "MIMEMessage", "MIMEMultipart", "MIMENonMultipart", "MIMEText", "Parser", "quopriMIME", "Utils", "message_from_string", "message_from_file", # new names "base64mime", "charset", "encoders", "errors", "generator", "header", "iterators", "message", "mime", "parser", "quoprimime", "utils", ] # Some convenience routines. Don't import Parser and Message as side-effects # of importing email since those cascadingly import most of the rest of the # email package. def message_from_string(s, *args, **kws): """Parse a string into a Message object model. Optional _class and strict are passed to the Parser constructor. """ from email.parser import Parser return Parser(*args, **kws).parsestr(s) def message_from_file(fp, *args, **kws): """Read a file and parse its contents into a Message object model. Optional _class and strict are passed to the Parser constructor. """ from email.parser import Parser return Parser(*args, **kws).parse(fp) # Lazy loading to provide name mapping from new-style names (PEP 8 compatible # email 4.0 module names), to old-style names (email 3.0 module names). import sys class LazyImporter(object): def __init__(self, module_name): self.__name__ = "email." + module_name def __getattr__(self, name): __import__(self.__name__) mod = sys.modules[self.__name__] self.__dict__.update(mod.__dict__) return getattr(mod, name) _LOWERNAMES = [ # email.<old name> -> email.<new name is lowercased old name> "Charset", "Encoders", "Errors", "FeedParser", "Generator", "Header", "Iterators", "Message", "Parser", "Utils", "base64MIME", "quopriMIME", ] _MIMENAMES = [ # email.MIME<old name> -> email.mime.<new name is lowercased old name> "Audio", "Base", "Image", "Message", "Multipart", "NonMultipart", "Text", ] for _name in _LOWERNAMES: importer = LazyImporter(_name.lower()) sys.modules["email." + _name] = importer setattr(sys.modules["email"], _name, importer) import email.mime for _name in _MIMENAMES: importer = LazyImporter("mime." + _name.lower()) sys.modules["email.MIME" + _name] = importer setattr(sys.modules["email"], "MIME" + _name, importer) setattr(sys.modules["email.mime"], _name, importer)
# # big5hkscs.py: Python Unicode Codec for BIG5HKSCS # # Written by Hye-Shik Chang <perky@FreeBSD.org> # import _codecs_hk, codecs import _multibytecodec as mbc codec = _codecs_hk.getcodec("big5hkscs") class Codec(codecs.Codec): encode = codec.encode decode = codec.decode class IncrementalEncoder(mbc.MultibyteIncrementalEncoder, codecs.IncrementalEncoder): codec = codec class IncrementalDecoder(mbc.MultibyteIncrementalDecoder, codecs.IncrementalDecoder): codec = codec class StreamReader(Codec, mbc.MultibyteStreamReader, codecs.StreamReader): codec = codec class StreamWriter(Codec, mbc.MultibyteStreamWriter, codecs.StreamWriter): codec = codec def getregentry(): return codecs.CodecInfo( name="big5hkscs", encode=Codec().encode, decode=Codec().decode, incrementalencoder=IncrementalEncoder, incrementaldecoder=IncrementalDecoder, streamreader=StreamReader, streamwriter=StreamWriter, )
# # iso2022_jp_2004.py: Python Unicode Codec for ISO2022_JP_2004 # # Written by Hye-Shik Chang <perky@FreeBSD.org> # import _codecs_iso2022, codecs import _multibytecodec as mbc codec = _codecs_iso2022.getcodec("iso2022_jp_2004") class Codec(codecs.Codec): encode = codec.encode decode = codec.decode class IncrementalEncoder(mbc.MultibyteIncrementalEncoder, codecs.IncrementalEncoder): codec = codec class IncrementalDecoder(mbc.MultibyteIncrementalDecoder, codecs.IncrementalDecoder): codec = codec class StreamReader(Codec, mbc.MultibyteStreamReader, codecs.StreamReader): codec = codec class StreamWriter(Codec, mbc.MultibyteStreamWriter, codecs.StreamWriter): codec = codec def getregentry(): return codecs.CodecInfo( name="iso2022_jp_2004", encode=Codec().encode, decode=Codec().decode, incrementalencoder=IncrementalEncoder, incrementaldecoder=IncrementalDecoder, streamreader=StreamReader, streamwriter=StreamWriter, )
""" Python 'utf-8' Codec Written by Marc-Andre Lemburg (mal@lemburg.com). (c) Copyright CNRI, All Rights Reserved. NO WARRANTY. """ import codecs ### Codec APIs encode = codecs.utf_8_encode def decode(input, errors="strict"): return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True) class IncrementalEncoder(codecs.IncrementalEncoder): def encode(self, input, final=False): return codecs.utf_8_encode(input, self.errors)[0] class IncrementalDecoder(codecs.BufferedIncrementalDecoder): _buffer_decode = codecs.utf_8_decode class StreamWriter(codecs.StreamWriter): encode = codecs.utf_8_encode class StreamReader(codecs.StreamReader): decode = codecs.utf_8_decode ### encodings module API def getregentry(): return codecs.CodecInfo( name="utf-8", encode=encode, decode=decode, incrementalencoder=IncrementalEncoder, incrementaldecoder=IncrementalDecoder, streamreader=StreamReader, streamwriter=StreamWriter, )
'Import hook support.\n\nConsistent use of this module will make it possible to change the\ndifferent mechanisms involved in loading modules independently.\n\nWhile the built-in module imp exports interfaces to the built-in\nmodule searching and loading algorithm, and it is possible to replace\nthe built-in function __import__ in order to change the semantics of\nthe import statement, until now it has been difficult to combine the\neffect of different __import__ hacks, like loading modules from URLs\nby rimport.py, or restricted execution by rexec.py.\n\nThis module defines three new concepts:\n\n1) A "file system hooks" class provides an interface to a filesystem.\n\nOne hooks class is defined (Hooks), which uses the interface provided\nby standard modules os and os.path. It should be used as the base\nclass for other hooks classes.\n\n2) A "module loader" class provides an interface to search for a\nmodule in a search path and to load it. It defines a method which\nsearches for a module in a single directory; by overriding this method\none can redefine the details of the search. If the directory is None,\nbuilt-in and frozen modules are searched instead.\n\nTwo module loader class are defined, both implementing the search\nstrategy used by the built-in __import__ function: ModuleLoader uses\nthe imp module\'s find_module interface, while HookableModuleLoader\nuses a file system hooks class to interact with the file system. Both\nuse the imp module\'s load_* interfaces to actually load the module.\n\n3) A "module importer" class provides an interface to import a\nmodule, as well as interfaces to reload and unload a module. It also\nprovides interfaces to install and uninstall itself instead of the\ndefault __import__ and reload (and unload) functions.\n\nOne module importer class is defined (ModuleImporter), which uses a\nmodule loader instance passed in (by default HookableModuleLoader is\ninstantiated).\n\nThe classes defined here should be used as base classes for extended\nfunctionality along those lines.\n\nIf a module importer class supports dotted names, its import_module()\nmust return a different value depending on whether it is called on\nbehalf of a "from ... import ..." statement or not. (This is caused\nby the way the __import__ hook is used by the Python interpreter.) It\nwould also do wise to install a different version of reload().\n\n' from warnings import warnpy3k, warn ('the ihooks module has been removed in Python 3.0') del warnpy3k import builtins import imp import os import sys __all__ = ['BasicModuleLoader', 'Hooks', 'ModuleLoader', 'FancyModuleLoader', 'BasicModuleImporter', 'ModuleImporter', 'install', 'uninstall'] VERBOSE = 0 from imp import C_EXTENSION, PY_SOURCE, PY_COMPILED from imp import C_BUILTIN, PY_FROZEN, PKG_DIRECTORY BUILTIN_MODULE = C_BUILTIN FROZEN_MODULE = PY_FROZEN class _Verbose(): def __init__(self, verbose=VERBOSE): self.verbose = verbose def get_verbose(self): return self.verbose def set_verbose(self, verbose): self.verbose = verbose def note(self, *args): if self.verbose: (*args) def message(self, format, *args): if args: ((format % args)) else: (format) class BasicModuleLoader(_Verbose): "Basic module loader.\n\n This provides the same functionality as built-in import. It\n doesn't deal with checking sys.modules -- all it provides is\n find_module() and a load_module(), as well as find_module_in_dir()\n which searches just one directory, and can be overridden by a\n derived class to change the module search algorithm when the basic\n dependency on sys.path is unchanged.\n\n The interface is a little more convenient than imp's:\n find_module(name, [path]) returns None or 'stuff', and\n load_module(name, stuff) loads the module.\n\n " def find_module(self, name, path=None): if (path is None): path = ([None] + ()) for dir in path: stuff = (name, dir) if stuff: return stuff return None def default_path(self): return sys.path def find_module_in_dir(self, name, dir): if (dir is None): return (name) else: try: return (name, [dir]) except ImportError: return None def find_builtin_module(self, name): if (name): return (None, '', ('', '', BUILTIN_MODULE)) if (name): return (None, '', ('', '', FROZEN_MODULE)) return None def load_module(self, name, stuff): (file, filename, info) = stuff try: return (name, file, filename, info) finally: if file: () class Hooks(_Verbose): 'Hooks into the filesystem and interpreter.\n\n By deriving a subclass you can redefine your filesystem interface,\n e.g. to merge it with the URL space.\n\n This base class behaves just like the native filesystem.\n\n ' def get_suffixes(self): return () def new_module(self, name): return (name) def is_builtin(self, name): return (name) def init_builtin(self, name): return (name) def is_frozen(self, name): return (name) def init_frozen(self, name): return (name) def get_frozen_object(self, name): return (name) def load_source(self, name, filename, file=None): return (name, filename, file) def load_compiled(self, name, filename, file=None): return (name, filename, file) def load_dynamic(self, name, filename, file=None): return (name, filename, file) def load_package(self, name, filename, file=None): return (name, file, filename, ('', '', PKG_DIRECTORY)) def add_module(self, name): d = () if (name in d): return d[name] d[name] = m = (name) return m def modules_dict(self): return sys.modules def default_path(self): return sys.path def path_split(self, x): return (x) def path_join(self, x, y): return (x, y) def path_isabs(self, x): return (x) def path_exists(self, x): return (x) def path_isdir(self, x): return (x) def path_isfile(self, x): return (x) def path_islink(self, x): return (x) def openfile(self, *x): return (*x) openfile_error = IOError def listdir(self, x): return (x) listdir_error = os.error class ModuleLoader(BasicModuleLoader): "Default module loader; uses file system hooks.\n\n By defining suitable hooks, you might be able to load modules from\n other sources than the file system, e.g. from compressed or\n encrypted files, tar files or (if you're brave!) URLs.\n\n " def __init__(self, hooks=None, verbose=VERBOSE): (self, verbose) self.hooks = (hooks or (verbose)) def default_path(self): return () def modules_dict(self): return () def get_hooks(self): return self.hooks def set_hooks(self, hooks): self.hooks = hooks def find_builtin_module(self, name): if (name): return (None, '', ('', '', BUILTIN_MODULE)) if (name): return (None, '', ('', '', FROZEN_MODULE)) return None def find_module_in_dir(self, name, dir, allow_packages=1): if (dir is None): return (name) if allow_packages: fullname = (dir, name) if (fullname): stuff = ('__init__', fullname, 0) if stuff: file = stuff[0] if file: () return (None, fullname, ('', '', PKG_DIRECTORY)) for info in (): (suff, mode, type) = info fullname = (dir, (name + suff)) try: fp = (fullname, mode) return (fp, fullname, info) except self.hooks.openfile_error: raise return None def load_module(self, name, stuff): (file, filename, info) = stuff (suff, mode, type) = info try: if (type == BUILTIN_MODULE): return (name) if (type == FROZEN_MODULE): return (name) if (type == C_EXTENSION): m = (name, filename, file) elif (type == PY_SOURCE): m = (name, filename, file) elif (type == PY_COMPILED): m = (name, filename, file) elif (type == PKG_DIRECTORY): m = (name, filename, file) else: raise (('Unrecognized module type (%r) for %s' % (type, name))) finally: if file: () m.__file__ = filename return m class FancyModuleLoader(ModuleLoader): 'Fancy module loader -- parses and execs the code itself.' def load_module(self, name, stuff): (file, filename, (suff, mode, type)) = stuff realfilename = filename path = None if (type == PKG_DIRECTORY): initstuff = ('__init__', filename, 0) if (not initstuff): raise (('No __init__ module in package %s' % name)) (initfile, initfilename, initinfo) = initstuff (initsuff, initmode, inittype) = initinfo if (inittype not in (PY_COMPILED, PY_SOURCE)): if initfile: () raise (('Bad type (%r) for __init__ module in package %s' % (inittype, name))) path = [filename] file = initfile realfilename = initfilename type = inittype if (type == FROZEN_MODULE): code = (name) elif (type == PY_COMPILED): import marshal (8) code = (file) elif (type == PY_SOURCE): data = () code = (data, realfilename, 'exec') else: return (self, name, stuff) m = (name) if path: m.__path__ = path m.__file__ = filename try: (code, m.__dict__) except: d = () if (name in d): del d[name] raise return m class BasicModuleImporter(_Verbose): 'Basic module importer; uses module loader.\n\n This provides basic import facilities but no package imports.\n\n ' def __init__(self, loader=None, verbose=VERBOSE): (self, verbose) self.loader = (loader or (None, verbose)) self.modules = () def get_loader(self): return self.loader def set_loader(self, loader): self.loader = loader def get_hooks(self): return () def set_hooks(self, hooks): return (hooks) def import_module(self, name, globals={}, locals={}, fromlist=[]): name = (name) if (name in self.modules): return self.modules[name] stuff = (name) if (not stuff): raise (('No module named %s' % name)) return (name, stuff) def reload(self, module, path=None): name = (module.__name__) stuff = (name, path) if (not stuff): raise (('Module %s not found for reload' % name)) return (name, stuff) def unload(self, module): del self.modules[(module.__name__)] def install(self): self.save_import_module = builtins.__import__ self.save_reload = builtins.reload if (not (__builtin__, 'unload')): builtins.unload = None self.save_unload = builtins.unload builtins.__import__ = self.import_module builtins.reload = self.reload builtins.unload = self.unload def uninstall(self): builtins.__import__ = self.save_import_module builtins.reload = self.save_reload builtins.unload = self.save_unload if (not builtins.unload): del builtins.unload class ModuleImporter(BasicModuleImporter): 'A module importer that supports packages.' def import_module(self, name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None, level=(- 1)): parent = (globals, level) (q, tail) = (parent, (name)) m = (q, tail) if (not fromlist): return q if (m, '__path__'): (m, fromlist) return m def determine_parent(self, globals, level=(- 1)): if ((not globals) or (not level)): return None pkgname = ('__package__') if (pkgname is not None): if ((not pkgname) and (level > 0)): raise ('Attempted relative import in non-package') else: modname = ('__name__') if (modname is None): return None if ('__path__' in globals): pkgname = modname else: if ('.' not in modname): if (level > 0): raise ('Attempted relative import in non-package') globals['__package__'] = None return None pkgname = ('.')[0] globals['__package__'] = pkgname if (level > 0): dot = (pkgname) for x in (level, 1, (- 1)): try: dot = ('.', 0, dot) except ValueError: raise ('attempted relative import beyond top-level package') pkgname = pkgname[:dot] try: return sys.modules[pkgname] except KeyError: if (level < 1): (("Parent module '%s' not found while handling absolute import" % pkgname), RuntimeWarning, 1) return None else: raise (("Parent module '%s' not loaded, cannot perform relative import" % pkgname)) def find_head_package(self, parent, name): if ('.' in name): i = ('.') head = name[:i] tail = name[(i + 1):] else: head = name tail = '' if parent: qname = ('%s.%s' % (parent.__name__, head)) else: qname = head q = (head, qname, parent) if q: return (q, tail) if parent: qname = head parent = None q = (head, qname, parent) if q: return (q, tail) raise (("No module named '%s'" % qname)) def load_tail(self, q, tail): m = q while tail: i = ('.') if (i < 0): i = (tail) (head, tail) = (tail[:i], tail[(i + 1):]) mname = ('%s.%s' % (m.__name__, head)) m = (head, mname, m) if (not m): raise (("No module named '%s'" % mname)) return m def ensure_fromlist(self, m, fromlist, recursive=0): for sub in fromlist: if (sub == '*'): if (not recursive): try: all = m.__all__ except AttributeError: raise else: (m, all, 1) continue if ((sub != '*') and (not (m, sub))): subname = ('%s.%s' % (m.__name__, sub)) submod = (sub, subname, m) if (not submod): raise (("No module named '%s'" % subname)) def import_it(self, partname, fqname, parent, force_load=0): if (not partname): return parent if (not force_load): try: return self.modules[fqname] except KeyError: raise try: path = (parent and parent.__path__) except AttributeError: return None partname = (partname) stuff = (partname, path) if (not stuff): return None fqname = (fqname) m = (fqname, stuff) if parent: (parent, partname, m) return m def reload(self, module): name = (module.__name__) if ('.' not in name): return (name, name, None) i = ('.') pname = name[:i] parent = self.modules[pname] return (name[(i + 1):], name, parent) default_importer = None current_importer = None def install(importer=None): global current_importer current_importer = (importer or default_importer or ()) () def uninstall(): global current_importer ()
"""Fixer for basestring -> str.""" # Author: Christian Heimes # Local imports from .. import fixer_base from ..fixer_util import Name class FixBasestring(fixer_base.BaseFix): BM_compatible = True PATTERN = "'basestring'" def transform(self, node, results): return Name("str", prefix=node.prefix)
"""Fixer for __nonzero__ -> __bool__ methods.""" # Author: Collin Winter # Local imports from .. import fixer_base from ..fixer_util import Name, syms class FixNonzero(fixer_base.BaseFix): BM_compatible = True PATTERN = """ classdef< 'class' any+ ':' suite< any* funcdef< 'def' name='__nonzero__' parameters< '(' NAME ')' > any+ > any* > > """ def transform(self, node, results): name = results["name"] new = Name("__bool__", prefix=name.prefix) name.replace(new)
"MH interface -- purely object-oriented (well, almost)\n\nExecutive summary:\n\nimport mhlib\n\nmh = mhlib.MH() # use default mailbox directory and profile\nmh = mhlib.MH(mailbox) # override mailbox location (default from profile)\nmh = mhlib.MH(mailbox, profile) # override mailbox and profile\n\nmh.error(format, ...) # print error message -- can be overridden\ns = mh.getprofile(key) # profile entry (None if not set)\npath = mh.getpath() # mailbox pathname\nname = mh.getcontext() # name of current folder\nmh.setcontext(name) # set name of current folder\n\nlist = mh.listfolders() # names of top-level folders\nlist = mh.listallfolders() # names of all folders, including subfolders\nlist = mh.listsubfolders(name) # direct subfolders of given folder\nlist = mh.listallsubfolders(name) # all subfolders of given folder\n\nmh.makefolder(name) # create new folder\nmh.deletefolder(name) # delete folder -- must have no subfolders\n\nf = mh.openfolder(name) # new open folder object\n\nf.error(format, ...) # same as mh.error(format, ...)\npath = f.getfullname() # folder's full pathname\npath = f.getsequencesfilename() # full pathname of folder's sequences file\npath = f.getmessagefilename(n) # full pathname of message n in folder\n\nlist = f.listmessages() # list of messages in folder (as numbers)\nn = f.getcurrent() # get current message\nf.setcurrent(n) # set current message\nlist = f.parsesequence(seq) # parse msgs syntax into list of messages\nn = f.getlast() # get last message (0 if no messagse)\nf.setlast(n) # set last message (internal use only)\n\ndict = f.getsequences() # dictionary of sequences in folder {name: list}\nf.putsequences(dict) # write sequences back to folder\n\nf.createmessage(n, fp) # add message from file f as number n\nf.removemessages(list) # remove messages in list from folder\nf.refilemessages(list, tofolder) # move messages in list to other folder\nf.movemessage(n, tofolder, ton) # move one message to a given destination\nf.copymessage(n, tofolder, ton) # copy one message to a given destination\n\nm = f.openmessage(n) # new open message object (costs a file descriptor)\nm is a derived class of mimetools.Message(rfc822.Message), with:\ns = m.getheadertext() # text of message's headers\ns = m.getheadertext(pred) # text of message's headers, filtered by pred\ns = m.getbodytext() # text of message's body, decoded\ns = m.getbodytext(0) # text of message's body, not decoded\n" from warnings import warnpy3k ('the mhlib module has been removed in Python 3.0; use the mailbox module instead') del warnpy3k MH_PROFILE = '~/.mh_profile' PATH = '~/Mail' MH_SEQUENCES = '.mh_sequences' FOLDER_PROTECT = 448 import os import sys import re import mimetools import multifile import shutil from bisect import bisect __all__ = ['MH', 'Error', 'Folder', 'Message'] class Error(Exception): pass class MH(): 'Class representing a particular collection of folders.\n Optional constructor arguments are the pathname for the directory\n containing the collection, and the MH profile to use.\n If either is omitted or empty a default is used; the default\n directory is taken from the MH profile if it is specified there.' def __init__(self, path=None, profile=None): 'Constructor.' if (profile is None): profile = MH_PROFILE self.profile = (profile) if (path is None): path = ('Path') if (not path): path = PATH if ((not (path)) and (path[0] != '~')): path = ('~', path) path = (path) if (not (path)): raise ('MH() path not found') self.path = path def __repr__(self): 'String representation.' return ('MH(%r, %r)' % (self.path, self.profile)) def error(self, msg, *args): 'Routine to print an error. May be overridden by a derived class.' (('MH error: %s\n' % (msg % args))) def getprofile(self, key): 'Return a profile entry, None if not found.' return (self.profile, key) def getpath(self): "Return the path (the name of the collection's directory)." return self.path def getcontext(self): 'Return the name of the current folder.' context = (((), 'context'), 'Current-Folder') if (not context): context = 'inbox' return context def setcontext(self, context): 'Set the name of the current folder.' fn = ((), 'context') f = (fn, 'w') (('Current-Folder: %s\n' % context)) () def listfolders(self): 'Return the names of the top-level folders.' folders = [] path = () for name in (path): fullname = (path, name) if (fullname): (name) () return folders def listsubfolders(self, name): 'Return the names of the subfolders in a given folder\n (prefixed with the given folder name).' fullname = (self.path, name) nlinks = (fullname).st_nlink if (nlinks <= 2): return [] subfolders = [] subnames = (fullname) for subname in subnames: fullsubname = (fullname, subname) if (fullsubname): name_subname = (name, subname) (name_subname) nlinks = (nlinks - 1) if (nlinks <= 2): break () return subfolders def listallfolders(self): 'Return the names of all folders and subfolders, recursively.' return ('') def listallsubfolders(self, name): 'Return the names of subfolders in a given folder, recursively.' fullname = (self.path, name) nlinks = (fullname).st_nlink if (nlinks <= 2): return [] subfolders = [] subnames = (fullname) for subname in subnames: if ((subname[0] == ',') or (subname)): continue fullsubname = (fullname, subname) if (fullsubname): name_subname = (name, subname) (name_subname) if (not (fullsubname)): subsubfolders = (name_subname) subfolders = (subfolders + subsubfolders) nlinks = (nlinks - 1) if (nlinks <= 2): break () return subfolders def openfolder(self, name): 'Return a new Folder object for the named folder.' return (self, name) def makefolder(self, name): 'Create a new folder (or raise os.error if it cannot be created).' protect = (self.profile, 'Folder-Protect') if (protect and (protect)): mode = (protect, 8) else: mode = FOLDER_PROTECT (((), name), mode) def deletefolder(self, name): 'Delete a folder. This removes files in the folder but not\n subdirectories. Raise os.error if deleting the folder itself fails.' fullname = ((), name) for subname in (fullname): fullsubname = (fullname, subname) try: (fullsubname) except os.error: (('%s not deleted, continuing...' % fullsubname)) (fullname) numericprog = ('^[1-9][0-9]*$') def isnumeric(str): return ((str) is not None) class Folder(): 'Class representing a particular folder.' def __init__(self, mh, name): 'Constructor.' self.mh = mh self.name = name if (not (())): raise (('no folder %s' % name)) def __repr__(self): 'String representation.' return ('Folder(%r, %r)' % (self.mh, self.name)) def error(self, *args): 'Error message handler.' (*args) def getfullname(self): 'Return the full pathname of the folder.' return (self.mh.path, self.name) def getsequencesfilename(self): "Return the full pathname of the folder's sequences file." return ((), MH_SEQUENCES) def getmessagefilename(self, n): 'Return the full pathname of a message in the folder.' return ((), (n)) def listsubfolders(self): 'Return list of direct subfolders.' return (self.name) def listallsubfolders(self): 'Return list of all subfolders.' return (self.name) def listmessages(self): 'Return the list of messages currently present in the folder.\n As a side effect, set self.last to the last message (or 0).' messages = [] match = numericprog.match append = messages.append for name in (()): if (name): (name) messages = ((int, messages)) () if messages: self.last = messages[(- 1)] else: self.last = 0 return messages def getsequences(self): 'Return the set of sequences for the folder.' sequences = {} fullname = () try: f = (fullname, 'r') except IOError: return sequences while 1: line = () if (not line): break fields = (':') if ((fields) != 2): (('bad sequence in %s: %s' % (fullname, ()))) key = () value = () sequences[key] = value return sequences def putsequences(self, sequences): 'Write the set of sequences back to the folder.' fullname = () f = None for (key, seq) in (): s = ('', ' ') (seq) if (not f): f = (fullname, 'w') (('%s: %s\n' % (key, ()))) if (not f): try: (fullname) except os.error: raise else: () def getcurrent(self): 'Return the current message. Raise Error when there is none.' seqs = () try: return (seqs['cur']) except (ValueError, KeyError): raise ('no cur message') def setcurrent(self, n): 'Set the current message.' ((), 'cur', (n), 0) def parsesequence(self, seq): 'Parse an MH sequence specification into a message list.\n Attempt to mimic mh-sequence(5) as close as possible.\n Also attempt to mimic observed behavior regarding which\n conditions cause which error messages.' all = () if (not all): raise (('no messages in %s' % self.name)) if (seq == 'all'): return all i = (':') if (i >= 0): (head, dir, tail) = (seq[:i], '', seq[(i + 1):]) if (tail[:1] in '-+'): (dir, tail) = (tail[:1], tail[1:]) if (not (tail)): raise (('bad message list %s' % seq)) try: count = (tail) except (ValueError, OverflowError): count = (all) try: anchor = (head, all) except Error as msg: seqs = () if (not (head in seqs)): if (not msg): msg = ('bad message list %s' % seq) raise (()[2]) msgs = seqs[head] if (not msgs): raise (('sequence %s empty' % head)) if (dir == '-'): return msgs[(- count):] else: return msgs[:count] else: if (not dir): if (head in ('prev', 'last')): dir = '-' if (dir == '-'): i = (all, anchor) return all[(0, (i - count)):i] else: i = (all, (anchor - 1)) return all[i:(i + count)] i = ('-') if (i >= 0): begin = (seq[:i], all) end = (seq[(i + 1):], all) i = (all, (begin - 1)) j = (all, end) r = all[i:j] if (not r): raise (('bad message list %s' % seq)) return r try: n = (seq, all) except Error as msg: seqs = () if (not (seq in seqs)): if (not msg): msg = ('bad message list %s' % seq) raise (msg) return seqs[seq] else: if (n not in all): if (seq): raise (("message %d doesn't exist" % n)) else: raise (('no %s message' % seq)) else: return [n] def _parseindex(self, seq, all): 'Internal: parse a message number (or cur, first, etc.).' if (seq): try: return (seq) except (OverflowError, ValueError): return sys.maxsize if (seq in ('cur', '.')): return () if (seq == 'first'): return all[0] if (seq == 'last'): return all[(- 1)] if (seq == 'next'): n = () i = (all, n) try: return all[i] except IndexError: raise ('no next message') if (seq == 'prev'): n = () i = (all, (n - 1)) if (i == 0): raise ('no prev message') try: return all[(i - 1)] except IndexError: raise ('no prev message') raise (None) def openmessage(self, n): 'Open a message -- returns a Message object.' return (self, n) def removemessages(self, list): 'Remove one or more messages -- may raise os.error.' errors = [] deleted = [] for n in list: path = (n) commapath = ((',' + (n))) try: (commapath) except os.error: raise try: (path, commapath) except os.error as msg: (msg) else: (n) if deleted: (deleted) if errors: if ((errors) == 1): raise (errors[0]) else: raise ('multiple errors:', errors) def refilemessages(self, list, tofolder, keepsequences=0): "Refile one or more messages -- may raise os.error.\n 'tofolder' is an open folder object." errors = [] refiled = {} for n in list: ton = (() + 1) path = (n) topath = (ton) try: (path, topath) except os.error: try: (path, topath) (path) except (IOError, os.error) as msg: (msg) try: (topath) except os.error: raise continue (ton) refiled[n] = ton if refiled: if keepsequences: (self, (())) ((())) if errors: if ((errors) == 1): raise (errors[0]) else: raise ('multiple errors:', errors) def _copysequences(self, fromfolder, refileditems): 'Helper for refilemessages() to copy sequences.' fromsequences = () tosequences = () changed = 0 for (name, seq) in (()): try: toseq = tosequences[name] new = 0 except KeyError: toseq = [] new = 1 for (fromn, ton) in refileditems: if (fromn in seq): (ton) changed = 1 if (new and toseq): tosequences[name] = toseq if changed: (tosequences) def movemessage(self, n, tofolder, ton): 'Move one message over a specific destination message,\n which may or may not already exist.' path = (n) f = (path) () del f topath = (ton) backuptopath = ((',%d' % ton)) try: (topath, backuptopath) except os.error: raise try: (path, topath) except os.error: ok = 0 try: (None) (path, topath) ok = 1 finally: if (not ok): try: (topath) except os.error: raise (path) ([n]) def copymessage(self, n, tofolder, ton): 'Copy one message over a specific destination message,\n which may or may not already exist.' path = (n) f = (path) () del f topath = (ton) backuptopath = ((',%d' % ton)) try: (topath, backuptopath) except os.error: raise ok = 0 try: (None) (path, topath) ok = 1 finally: if (not ok): try: (topath) except os.error: raise def createmessage(self, n, txt): 'Create a message, with text from the open file txt.' path = (n) backuppath = ((',%d' % n)) try: (path, backuppath) except os.error: raise ok = 0 BUFSIZE = (16 * 1024) try: f = (path, 'w') while 1: buf = (BUFSIZE) if (not buf): break (buf) () ok = 1 finally: if (not ok): try: (path) except os.error: raise def removefromallsequences(self, list): "Remove one or more messages from all sequences (including last)\n -- but not from 'cur'!!!" if ((self, 'last') and (self.last in list)): del self.last sequences = () changed = 0 for (name, seq) in (()): if (name == 'cur'): continue for n in list: if (n in seq): (n) changed = 1 if (not seq): del sequences[name] if changed: (sequences) def getlast(self): 'Return the last message number.' if (not (self, 'last')): () return self.last def setlast(self, last): 'Set the last message number.' if (last is None): if (self, 'last'): del self.last else: self.last = last class Message(mimetools.Message): def __init__(self, f, n, fp=None): 'Constructor.' self.folder = f self.number = n if (fp is None): path = (n) fp = (path, 'r') (self, fp) def __repr__(self): 'String representation.' return ('Message(%s, %s)' % ((self.folder), self.number)) def getheadertext(self, pred=None): "Return the message's header text as a string. If an\n argument is specified, it is used as a filter predicate to\n decide which headers to return (its argument is the header\n name converted to lower case)." if (pred is None): return (self.headers) headers = [] hit = 0 for line in self.headers: if (not ()): i = (':') if (i > 0): hit = (()) if hit: (line) return (headers) def getbodytext(self, decode=1): "Return the message's body text as string. This undoes a\n Content-Transfer-Encoding, but does not interpret other MIME\n features (e.g. multipart messages). To suppress decoding,\n pass 0 as an argument." (self.startofbody) encoding = () if ((not decode) or (encoding in ('', '7bit', '8bit', 'binary'))): return () try: from io import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO output = () (self.fp, output, encoding) return () def getbodyparts(self): "Only for multipart messages: return the message's body as a\n list of SubMessage objects. Each submessage object behaves\n (almost) as a Message object." if (() != 'multipart'): raise ('Content-Type is not multipart/*') bdry = ('boundary') if (not bdry): raise ('multipart/* without boundary param') (self.startofbody) mf = (self.fp) (bdry) parts = [] while (mf): n = ('%s.%r' % (self.number, (1 + (parts)))) part = (self.folder, n, mf) (part) () return parts def getbody(self): 'Return body, either a string or a list of messages.' if (() == 'multipart'): return () else: return () class SubMessage(Message): def __init__(self, f, n, fp): 'Constructor.' (self, f, n, fp) if (() == 'multipart'): self.body = (self) else: self.body = (self) self.bodyencoded = (self) def __repr__(self): 'String representation.' (f, n, fp) = (self.folder, self.number, self.fp) return ('SubMessage(%s, %s, %s)' % (f, n, fp)) def getbodytext(self, decode=1): if (not decode): return self.bodyencoded if ((self.body) == ('')): return self.body def getbodyparts(self): if ((self.body) == ([])): return self.body def getbody(self): return self.body class IntSet(): "Class implementing sets of integers.\n\n This is an efficient representation for sets consisting of several\n continuous ranges, e.g. 1-100,200-400,402-1000 is represented\n internally as a list of three pairs: [(1,100), (200,400),\n (402,1000)]. The internal representation is always kept normalized.\n\n The constructor has up to three arguments:\n - the string used to initialize the set (default ''),\n - the separator between ranges (default ',')\n - the separator between begin and end of a range (default '-')\n The separators must be strings (not regexprs) and should be different.\n\n The tostring() function yields a string that can be passed to another\n IntSet constructor; __repr__() is a valid IntSet constructor itself.\n " def __init__(self, data=None, sep=',', rng='-'): self.pairs = [] self.sep = sep self.rng = rng if data: (data) def reset(self): self.pairs = [] def __cmp__(self, other): return (self.pairs, other.pairs) def __hash__(self): return (self.pairs) def __repr__(self): return ('IntSet(%r, %r, %r)' % ((), self.sep, self.rng)) def normalize(self): () i = 1 while (i < (self.pairs)): (alo, ahi) = self.pairs[(i - 1)] (blo, bhi) = self.pairs[i] if (ahi >= (blo - 1)): self.pairs[(i - 1):(i + 1)] = [(alo, (ahi, bhi))] else: i = (i + 1) def tostring(self): s = '' for (lo, hi) in self.pairs: if (lo == hi): t = (lo) else: t = (((lo) + self.rng) + (hi)) if s: s = (s + (self.sep + t)) else: s = t return s def tolist(self): l = [] for (lo, hi) in self.pairs: m = ((lo, (hi + 1))) l = (l + m) return l def fromlist(self, list): for i in list: (i) def clone(self): new = () new.pairs = self.pairs[:] return new def min(self): return self.pairs[0][0] def max(self): return self.pairs[(- 1)][(- 1)] def contains(self, x): for (lo, hi) in self.pairs: if (lo <= x <= hi): return True return False def append(self, x): for i in ((self.pairs)): (lo, hi) = self.pairs[i] if (x < lo): if ((x + 1) == lo): self.pairs[i] = (x, hi) else: (i, (x, x)) if ((i > 0) and ((x - 1) == self.pairs[(i - 1)][1])): self.pairs[(i - 1):(i + 1)] = [(self.pairs[(i - 1)][0], self.pairs[i][1])] return if (x <= hi): return i = ((self.pairs) - 1) if (i >= 0): (lo, hi) = self.pairs[i] if ((x - 1) == hi): self.pairs[i] = (lo, x) return ((x, x)) def addpair(self, xlo, xhi): if (xlo > xhi): return ((xlo, xhi)) () def fromstring(self, data): new = [] for part in (self.sep): list = [] for subp in (self.rng): s = () ((s)) if ((list) == 1): ((list[0], list[0])) elif (((list) == 2) and (list[0] <= list[1])): ((list[0], list[1])) else: raise ('bad data passed to IntSet') self.pairs = (self.pairs + new) () def pickline(file, key, casefold=1): try: f = (file, 'r') except IOError: return None pat = ((key) + ':') prog = (pat, (casefold and re.IGNORECASE)) while 1: line = () if (not line): break if (line): text = line[((key) + 1):] while 1: line = () if ((not line) or (not ())): break text = (text + line) return () return None def updateline(file, key, value, casefold=1): try: f = (file, 'r') lines = () () except IOError: lines = [] pat = ((key) + ':(.*)\n') prog = (pat, (casefold and re.IGNORECASE)) if (value is None): newline = None else: newline = ('%s: %s\n' % (key, value)) for i in ((lines)): line = lines[i] if (line): if (newline is None): del lines[i] else: lines[i] = newline break else: if (newline is not None): (newline) tempfile = (file + '~') f = (tempfile, 'w') for line in lines: (line) () (tempfile, file) def test(): global mh, f ('rm -rf $HOME/Mail/@test') mh = () def do(s): (s) ((s)) ('mh.listfolders()') ('mh.listallfolders()') testfolders = ['@test', '@test/test1', '@test/test2', '@test/test1/test11', '@test/test1/test12', '@test/test1/test11/test111'] for t in testfolders: (('mh.makefolder(%r)' % (t,))) ("mh.listsubfolders('@test')") ("mh.listallsubfolders('@test')") f = ('@test') ('f.listsubfolders()') ('f.listallsubfolders()') ('f.getsequences()') seqs = () seqs['foo'] = () (seqs) (seqs) ('f.getsequences()') for t in (testfolders): (('mh.deletefolder(%r)' % (t,))) ('mh.getcontext()') context = () f = (context) ('f.getcurrent()') for seq in ('first', 'last', 'cur', '.', 'prev', 'next', 'first:3', 'last:3', 'cur:3', 'cur:-3', 'prev:3', 'next:3', '1:3', '1:-3', '100:3', '100:-3', '10000:3', '10000:-3', 'all'): try: (('f.parsesequence(%r)' % (seq,))) except Error as msg: ('Error:', msg) stuff = () list = ((int, ())) (list, '<-- pick') ('f.listmessages()') if (__name__ == '__main__'): ()
"""An NNTP client class based on RFC 977: Network News Transfer Protocol. Example: >>> from nntplib import NNTP >>> s = NNTP('news') >>> resp, count, first, last, name = s.group('comp.lang.python') >>> print 'Group', name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last Group comp.lang.python has 51 articles, range 5770 to 5821 >>> resp, subs = s.xhdr('subject', first + '-' + last) >>> resp = s.quit() >>> Here 'resp' is the server response line. Error responses are turned into exceptions. To post an article from a file: >>> f = open(filename, 'r') # file containing article, including header >>> resp = s.post(f) >>> For descriptions of all methods, read the comments in the code below. Note that all arguments and return values representing article numbers are strings, not numbers, since they are rarely used for calculations. """ # RFC 977 by Brian Kantor and Phil Lapsley. # xover, xgtitle, xpath, date methods by Kevan Heydon # Imports import re import socket __all__ = [ "NNTP", "NNTPReplyError", "NNTPTemporaryError", "NNTPPermanentError", "NNTPProtocolError", "NNTPDataError", "error_reply", "error_temp", "error_perm", "error_proto", "error_data", ] # Exceptions raised when an error or invalid response is received class NNTPError(Exception): """Base class for all nntplib exceptions""" def __init__(self, *args): Exception.__init__(self, *args) try: self.response = args[0] except IndexError: self.response = "No response given" class NNTPReplyError(NNTPError): """Unexpected [123]xx reply""" pass class NNTPTemporaryError(NNTPError): """4xx errors""" pass class NNTPPermanentError(NNTPError): """5xx errors""" pass class NNTPProtocolError(NNTPError): """Response does not begin with [1-5]""" pass class NNTPDataError(NNTPError): """Error in response data""" pass # for backwards compatibility error_reply = NNTPReplyError error_temp = NNTPTemporaryError error_perm = NNTPPermanentError error_proto = NNTPProtocolError error_data = NNTPDataError # Standard port used by NNTP servers NNTP_PORT = 119 # Response numbers that are followed by additional text (e.g. article) LONGRESP = ["100", "215", "220", "221", "222", "224", "230", "231", "282"] # Line terminators (we always output CRLF, but accept any of CRLF, CR, LF) CRLF = "\r\n" # The class itself class NNTP: def __init__( self, host, port=NNTP_PORT, user=None, password=None, readermode=None, usenetrc=True, ): """Initialize an instance. Arguments: - host: hostname to connect to - port: port to connect to (default the standard NNTP port) - user: username to authenticate with - password: password to use with username - readermode: if true, send 'mode reader' command after connecting. readermode is sometimes necessary if you are connecting to an NNTP server on the local machine and intend to call reader-specific commands, such as `group'. If you get unexpected NNTPPermanentErrors, you might need to set readermode. """ self.host = host self.port = port self.sock = socket.create_connection((host, port)) self.file = self.sock.makefile("rb") self.debugging = 0 self.welcome = self.getresp() # 'mode reader' is sometimes necessary to enable 'reader' mode. # However, the order in which 'mode reader' and 'authinfo' need to # arrive differs between some NNTP servers. Try to send # 'mode reader', and if it fails with an authorization failed # error, try again after sending authinfo. readermode_afterauth = 0 if readermode: try: self.welcome = self.shortcmd("mode reader") except NNTPPermanentError: # error 500, probably 'not implemented' pass except NNTPTemporaryError as e: if user and e.response[:3] == "480": # Need authorization before 'mode reader' readermode_afterauth = 1 else: raise # If no login/password was specified, try to get them from ~/.netrc # Presume that if .netc has an entry, NNRP authentication is required. try: if usenetrc and not user: import netrc credentials = netrc.netrc() auth = credentials.authenticators(host) if auth: user = auth[0] password = auth[2] except IOError: pass # Perform NNRP authentication if needed. if user: resp = self.shortcmd("authinfo user " + user) if resp[:3] == "381": if not password: raise NNTPReplyError(resp) else: resp = self.shortcmd("authinfo pass " + password) if resp[:3] != "281": raise NNTPPermanentError(resp) if readermode_afterauth: try: self.welcome = self.shortcmd("mode reader") except NNTPPermanentError: # error 500, probably 'not implemented' pass # Get the welcome message from the server # (this is read and squirreled away by __init__()). # If the response code is 200, posting is allowed; # if it 201, posting is not allowed def getwelcome(self): """Get the welcome message from the server (this is read and squirreled away by __init__()). If the response code is 200, posting is allowed; if it 201, posting is not allowed.""" if self.debugging: print("*welcome*", repr(self.welcome)) return self.welcome def set_debuglevel(self, level): """Set the debugging level. Argument 'level' means: 0: no debugging output (default) 1: print commands and responses but not body text etc. 2: also print raw lines read and sent before stripping CR/LF""" self.debugging = level debug = set_debuglevel def putline(self, line): """Internal: send one line to the server, appending CRLF.""" line = line + CRLF if self.debugging > 1: print("*put*", repr(line)) self.sock.sendall(line) def putcmd(self, line): """Internal: send one command to the server (through putline()).""" if self.debugging: print("*cmd*", repr(line)) self.putline(line) def getline(self): """Internal: return one line from the server, stripping CRLF. Raise EOFError if the connection is closed.""" line = self.file.readline() if self.debugging > 1: print("*get*", repr(line)) if not line: raise EOFError if line[-2:] == CRLF: line = line[:-2] elif line[-1:] in CRLF: line = line[:-1] return line def getresp(self): """Internal: get a response from the server. Raise various errors if the response indicates an error.""" resp = self.getline() if self.debugging: print("*resp*", repr(resp)) c = resp[:1] if c == "4": raise NNTPTemporaryError(resp) if c == "5": raise NNTPPermanentError(resp) if c not in "123": raise NNTPProtocolError(resp) return resp def getlongresp(self, file=None): """Internal: get a response plus following text from the server. Raise various errors if the response indicates an error.""" openedFile = None try: # If a string was passed then open a file with that name if isinstance(file, str): openedFile = file = open(file, "w") resp = self.getresp() if resp[:3] not in LONGRESP: raise NNTPReplyError(resp) list = [] while 1: line = self.getline() if line == ".": break if line[:2] == "..": line = line[1:] if file: file.write(line + "\n") else: list.append(line) finally: # If this method created the file, then it must close it if openedFile: openedFile.close() return resp, list def shortcmd(self, line): """Internal: send a command and get the response.""" self.putcmd(line) return self.getresp() def longcmd(self, line, file=None): """Internal: send a command and get the response plus following text.""" self.putcmd(line) return self.getlongresp(file) def newgroups(self, date, time, file=None): """Process a NEWGROUPS command. Arguments: - date: string 'yymmdd' indicating the date - time: string 'hhmmss' indicating the time Return: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of newsgroup names""" return self.longcmd("NEWGROUPS " + date + " " + time, file) def newnews(self, group, date, time, file=None): """Process a NEWNEWS command. Arguments: - group: group name or '*' - date: string 'yymmdd' indicating the date - time: string 'hhmmss' indicating the time Return: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of message ids""" cmd = "NEWNEWS " + group + " " + date + " " + time return self.longcmd(cmd, file) def list(self, file=None): """Process a LIST command. Return: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of (group, last, first, flag) (strings)""" resp, list = self.longcmd("LIST", file) for i in range(len(list)): # Parse lines into "group last first flag" list[i] = tuple(list[i].split()) return resp, list def description(self, group): """Get a description for a single group. If more than one group matches ('group' is a pattern), return the first. If no group matches, return an empty string. This elides the response code from the server, since it can only be '215' or '285' (for xgtitle) anyway. If the response code is needed, use the 'descriptions' method. NOTE: This neither checks for a wildcard in 'group' nor does it check whether the group actually exists.""" resp, lines = self.descriptions(group) if len(lines) == 0: return "" else: return lines[0][1] def descriptions(self, group_pattern): """Get descriptions for a range of groups.""" line_pat = re.compile("^(?P<group>[^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)$") # Try the more std (acc. to RFC2980) LIST NEWSGROUPS first resp, raw_lines = self.longcmd("LIST NEWSGROUPS " + group_pattern) if resp[:3] != "215": # Now the deprecated XGTITLE. This either raises an error # or succeeds with the same output structure as LIST # NEWSGROUPS. resp, raw_lines = self.longcmd("XGTITLE " + group_pattern) lines = [] for raw_line in raw_lines: match = line_pat.search(raw_line.strip()) if match: lines.append(match.group(1, 2)) return resp, lines def group(self, name): """Process a GROUP command. Argument: - group: the group name Returns: - resp: server response if successful - count: number of articles (string) - first: first article number (string) - last: last article number (string) - name: the group name""" resp = self.shortcmd("GROUP " + name) if resp[:3] != "211": raise NNTPReplyError(resp) words = resp.split() count = first = last = 0 n = len(words) if n > 1: count = words[1] if n > 2: first = words[2] if n > 3: last = words[3] if n > 4: name = words[4].lower() return resp, count, first, last, name def help(self, file=None): """Process a HELP command. Returns: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of strings""" return self.longcmd("HELP", file) def statparse(self, resp): """Internal: parse the response of a STAT, NEXT or LAST command.""" if resp[:2] != "22": raise NNTPReplyError(resp) words = resp.split() nr = 0 id = "" n = len(words) if n > 1: nr = words[1] if n > 2: id = words[2] return resp, nr, id def statcmd(self, line): """Internal: process a STAT, NEXT or LAST command.""" resp = self.shortcmd(line) return self.statparse(resp) def stat(self, id): """Process a STAT command. Argument: - id: article number or message id Returns: - resp: server response if successful - nr: the article number - id: the message id""" return self.statcmd("STAT " + id) def __next__(self): """Process a NEXT command. No arguments. Return as for STAT.""" return self.statcmd("NEXT") def last(self): """Process a LAST command. No arguments. Return as for STAT.""" return self.statcmd("LAST") def artcmd(self, line, file=None): """Internal: process a HEAD, BODY or ARTICLE command.""" resp, list = self.longcmd(line, file) resp, nr, id = self.statparse(resp) return resp, nr, id, list def head(self, id): """Process a HEAD command. Argument: - id: article number or message id Returns: - resp: server response if successful - nr: article number - id: message id - list: the lines of the article's header""" return self.artcmd("HEAD " + id) def body(self, id, file=None): """Process a BODY command. Argument: - id: article number or message id - file: Filename string or file object to store the article in Returns: - resp: server response if successful - nr: article number - id: message id - list: the lines of the article's body or an empty list if file was used""" return self.artcmd("BODY " + id, file) def article(self, id): """Process an ARTICLE command. Argument: - id: article number or message id Returns: - resp: server response if successful - nr: article number - id: message id - list: the lines of the article""" return self.artcmd("ARTICLE " + id) def slave(self): """Process a SLAVE command. Returns: - resp: server response if successful""" return self.shortcmd("SLAVE") def xhdr(self, hdr, str, file=None): """Process an XHDR command (optional server extension). Arguments: - hdr: the header type (e.g. 'subject') - str: an article nr, a message id, or a range nr1-nr2 Returns: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of (nr, value) strings""" pat = re.compile("^([0-9]+) ?(.*)\n?") resp, lines = self.longcmd("XHDR " + hdr + " " + str, file) for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[i] m = pat.match(line) if m: lines[i] = m.group(1, 2) return resp, lines def xover(self, start, end, file=None): """Process an XOVER command (optional server extension) Arguments: - start: start of range - end: end of range Returns: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of (art-nr, subject, poster, date, id, references, size, lines)""" resp, lines = self.longcmd("XOVER " + start + "-" + end, file) xover_lines = [] for line in lines: elem = line.split("\t") try: xover_lines.append( ( elem[0], elem[1], elem[2], elem[3], elem[4], elem[5].split(), elem[6], elem[7], ) ) except IndexError: raise NNTPDataError(line) return resp, xover_lines def xgtitle(self, group, file=None): """Process an XGTITLE command (optional server extension) Arguments: - group: group name wildcard (i.e. news.*) Returns: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of (name,title) strings""" line_pat = re.compile("^([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)$") resp, raw_lines = self.longcmd("XGTITLE " + group, file) lines = [] for raw_line in raw_lines: match = line_pat.search(raw_line.strip()) if match: lines.append(match.group(1, 2)) return resp, lines def xpath(self, id): """Process an XPATH command (optional server extension) Arguments: - id: Message id of article Returns: resp: server response if successful path: directory path to article""" resp = self.shortcmd("XPATH " + id) if resp[:3] != "223": raise NNTPReplyError(resp) try: [resp_num, path] = resp.split() except ValueError: raise NNTPReplyError(resp) else: return resp, path def date(self): """Process the DATE command. Arguments: None Returns: resp: server response if successful date: Date suitable for newnews/newgroups commands etc. time: Time suitable for newnews/newgroups commands etc.""" resp = self.shortcmd("DATE") if resp[:3] != "111": raise NNTPReplyError(resp) elem = resp.split() if len(elem) != 2: raise NNTPDataError(resp) date = elem[1][2:8] time = elem[1][-6:] if len(date) != 6 or len(time) != 6: raise NNTPDataError(resp) return resp, date, time def post(self, f): """Process a POST command. Arguments: - f: file containing the article Returns: - resp: server response if successful""" resp = self.shortcmd("POST") # Raises error_??? if posting is not allowed if resp[0] != "3": raise NNTPReplyError(resp) while 1: line = f.readline() if not line: break if line[-1] == "\n": line = line[:-1] if line[:1] == ".": line = "." + line self.putline(line) self.putline(".") return self.getresp() def ihave(self, id, f): """Process an IHAVE command. Arguments: - id: message-id of the article - f: file containing the article Returns: - resp: server response if successful Note that if the server refuses the article an exception is raised.""" resp = self.shortcmd("IHAVE " + id) # Raises error_??? if the server already has it if resp[0] != "3": raise NNTPReplyError(resp) while 1: line = f.readline() if not line: break if line[-1] == "\n": line = line[:-1] if line[:1] == ".": line = "." + line self.putline(line) self.putline(".") return self.getresp() def quit(self): """Process a QUIT command and close the socket. Returns: - resp: server response if successful""" resp = self.shortcmd("QUIT") self.file.close() self.sock.close() del self.file, self.sock return resp # Test retrieval when run as a script. # Assumption: if there's a local news server, it's called 'news'. # Assumption: if user queries a remote news server, it's named # in the environment variable NNTPSERVER (used by slrn and kin) # and we want readermode off. if __name__ == "__main__": import os newshost = "news" and os.environ["NNTPSERVER"] if newshost.find(".") == -1: mode = "readermode" else: mode = None s = NNTP(newshost, readermode=mode) resp, count, first, last, name = s.group("comp.lang.python") print(resp) print("Group", name, "has", count, "articles, range", first, "to", last) resp, subs = s.xhdr("subject", first + "-" + last) print(resp) for item in subs: print("%7s %s" % item) resp = s.quit() print(resp)
# # Secret Labs' Regular Expression Engine # # re-compatible interface for the sre matching engine # # Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved. # # This version of the SRE library can be redistributed under CNRI's # Python 1.6 license. For any other use, please contact Secret Labs # AB (info@pythonware.com). # # Portions of this engine have been developed in cooperation with # CNRI. Hewlett-Packard provided funding for 1.6 integration and # other compatibility work. # r"""Support for regular expressions (RE). This module provides regular expression matching operations similar to those found in Perl. It supports both 8-bit and Unicode strings; both the pattern and the strings being processed can contain null bytes and characters outside the US ASCII range. Regular expressions can contain both special and ordinary characters. Most ordinary characters, like "A", "a", or "0", are the simplest regular expressions; they simply match themselves. You can concatenate ordinary characters, so last matches the string 'last'. The special characters are: "." Matches any character except a newline. "^" Matches the start of the string. "$" Matches the end of the string or just before the newline at the end of the string. "*" Matches 0 or more (greedy) repetitions of the preceding RE. Greedy means that it will match as many repetitions as possible. "+" Matches 1 or more (greedy) repetitions of the preceding RE. "?" Matches 0 or 1 (greedy) of the preceding RE. *?,+?,?? Non-greedy versions of the previous three special characters. {m,n} Matches from m to n repetitions of the preceding RE. {m,n}? Non-greedy version of the above. "\\" Either escapes special characters or signals a special sequence. [] Indicates a set of characters. A "^" as the first character indicates a complementing set. "|" A|B, creates an RE that will match either A or B. (...) Matches the RE inside the parentheses. The contents can be retrieved or matched later in the string. (?iLmsux) Set the I, L, M, S, U, or X flag for the RE (see below). (?:...) Non-grouping version of regular parentheses. (?P<name>...) The substring matched by the group is accessible by name. (?P=name) Matches the text matched earlier by the group named name. (?#...) A comment; ignored. (?=...) Matches if ... matches next, but doesn't consume the string. (?!...) Matches if ... doesn't match next. (?<=...) Matches if preceded by ... (must be fixed length). (?<!...) Matches if not preceded by ... (must be fixed length). (?(id/name)yes|no) Matches yes pattern if the group with id/name matched, the (optional) no pattern otherwise. The special sequences consist of "\\" and a character from the list below. If the ordinary character is not on the list, then the resulting RE will match the second character. \number Matches the contents of the group of the same number. \A Matches only at the start of the string. \Z Matches only at the end of the string. \b Matches the empty string, but only at the start or end of a word. \B Matches the empty string, but not at the start or end of a word. \d Matches any decimal digit; equivalent to the set [0-9]. \D Matches any non-digit character; equivalent to the set [^0-9]. \s Matches any whitespace character; equivalent to [ \t\n\r\f\v]. \S Matches any non-whitespace character; equiv. to [^ \t\n\r\f\v]. \w Matches any alphanumeric character; equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_]. With LOCALE, it will match the set [0-9_] plus characters defined as letters for the current locale. \W Matches the complement of \w. \\ Matches a literal backslash. This module exports the following functions: match Match a regular expression pattern to the beginning of a string. search Search a string for the presence of a pattern. sub Substitute occurrences of a pattern found in a string. subn Same as sub, but also return the number of substitutions made. split Split a string by the occurrences of a pattern. findall Find all occurrences of a pattern in a string. finditer Return an iterator yielding a match object for each match. compile Compile a pattern into a RegexObject. purge Clear the regular expression cache. escape Backslash all non-alphanumerics in a string. Some of the functions in this module takes flags as optional parameters: I IGNORECASE Perform case-insensitive matching. L LOCALE Make \w, \W, \b, \B, dependent on the current locale. M MULTILINE "^" matches the beginning of lines (after a newline) as well as the string. "$" matches the end of lines (before a newline) as well as the end of the string. S DOTALL "." matches any character at all, including the newline. X VERBOSE Ignore whitespace and comments for nicer looking RE's. U UNICODE Make \w, \W, \b, \B, dependent on the Unicode locale. This module also defines an exception 'error'. """ import sys import sre_compile import sre_parse # public symbols __all__ = [ "match", "search", "sub", "subn", "split", "findall", "compile", "purge", "template", "escape", "I", "L", "M", "S", "X", "U", "IGNORECASE", "LOCALE", "MULTILINE", "DOTALL", "VERBOSE", "UNICODE", "error", ] __version__ = "2.2.1" # flags I = IGNORECASE = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_IGNORECASE # ignore case L = LOCALE = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_LOCALE # assume current 8-bit locale U = UNICODE = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_UNICODE # assume unicode locale M = MULTILINE = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_MULTILINE # make anchors look for newline S = DOTALL = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_DOTALL # make dot match newline X = VERBOSE = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_VERBOSE # ignore whitespace and comments # sre extensions (experimental, don't rely on these) T = TEMPLATE = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_TEMPLATE # disable backtracking DEBUG = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_DEBUG # dump pattern after compilation # sre exception error = sre_compile.error # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # public interface def match(pattern, string, flags=0): """Try to apply the pattern at the start of the string, returning a match object, or None if no match was found.""" return _compile(pattern, flags).match(string) def search(pattern, string, flags=0): """Scan through string looking for a match to the pattern, returning a match object, or None if no match was found.""" return _compile(pattern, flags).search(string) def sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0): """Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmost non-overlapping occurrences of the pattern in string by the replacement repl. repl can be either a string or a callable; if a string, backslash escapes in it are processed. If it is a callable, it's passed the match object and must return a replacement string to be used.""" return _compile(pattern, flags).sub(repl, string, count) def subn(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0): """Return a 2-tuple containing (new_string, number). new_string is the string obtained by replacing the leftmost non-overlapping occurrences of the pattern in the source string by the replacement repl. number is the number of substitutions that were made. repl can be either a string or a callable; if a string, backslash escapes in it are processed. If it is a callable, it's passed the match object and must return a replacement string to be used.""" return _compile(pattern, flags).subn(repl, string, count) def split(pattern, string, maxsplit=0, flags=0): """Split the source string by the occurrences of the pattern, returning a list containing the resulting substrings.""" return _compile(pattern, flags).split(string, maxsplit) def findall(pattern, string, flags=0): """Return a list of all non-overlapping matches in the string. If one or more groups are present in the pattern, return a list of groups; this will be a list of tuples if the pattern has more than one group. Empty matches are included in the result.""" return _compile(pattern, flags).findall(string) if sys.hexversion >= 0x02020000: __all__.append("finditer") def finditer(pattern, string, flags=0): """Return an iterator over all non-overlapping matches in the string. For each match, the iterator returns a match object. Empty matches are included in the result.""" return _compile(pattern, flags).finditer(string) def compile(pattern, flags=0): "Compile a regular expression pattern, returning a pattern object." return _compile(pattern, flags) def purge(): "Clear the regular expression cache" _cache.clear() _cache_repl.clear() def template(pattern, flags=0): "Compile a template pattern, returning a pattern object" return _compile(pattern, flags | T) _alphanum = frozenset("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789") def escape(pattern): "Escape all non-alphanumeric characters in pattern." s = list(pattern) alphanum = _alphanum for i, c in enumerate(pattern): if c not in alphanum: if c == "\000": s[i] = "\\000" else: s[i] = "\\" + c return pattern[:0].join(s) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # internals _cache = {} _cache_repl = {} _pattern_type = type(sre_compile.compile("", 0)) _MAXCACHE = 100 def _compile(*key): # internal: compile pattern cachekey = (type(key[0]),) + key p = _cache.get(cachekey) if p is not None: return p pattern, flags = key if isinstance(pattern, _pattern_type): if flags: raise ValueError("Cannot process flags argument with a compiled pattern") return pattern if not sre_compile.isstring(pattern): raise TypeError("first argument must be string or compiled pattern") try: p = sre_compile.compile(pattern, flags) except error as v: raise error(v) # invalid expression if len(_cache) >= _MAXCACHE: _cache.clear() _cache[cachekey] = p return p def _compile_repl(*key): # internal: compile replacement pattern p = _cache_repl.get(key) if p is not None: return p repl, pattern = key try: p = sre_parse.parse_template(repl, pattern) except error as v: raise error(v) # invalid expression if len(_cache_repl) >= _MAXCACHE: _cache_repl.clear() _cache_repl[key] = p return p def _expand(pattern, match, template): # internal: match.expand implementation hook template = sre_parse.parse_template(template, pattern) return sre_parse.expand_template(template, match) def _subx(pattern, template): # internal: pattern.sub/subn implementation helper template = _compile_repl(template, pattern) if not template[0] and len(template[1]) == 1: # literal replacement return template[1][0] def filter(match, template=template): return sre_parse.expand_template(template, match) return filter # register myself for pickling import copyreg def _pickle(p): return _compile, (p.pattern, p.flags) copyreg.pickle(_pattern_type, _pickle, _compile) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # experimental stuff (see python-dev discussions for details) class Scanner: def __init__(self, lexicon, flags=0): from sre_constants import BRANCH, SUBPATTERN self.lexicon = lexicon # combine phrases into a compound pattern p = [] s = sre_parse.Pattern() s.flags = flags for phrase, action in lexicon: p.append( sre_parse.SubPattern( s, [ (SUBPATTERN, (len(p) + 1, sre_parse.parse(phrase, flags))), ], ) ) s.groups = len(p) + 1 p = sre_parse.SubPattern(s, [(BRANCH, (None, p))]) self.scanner = sre_compile.compile(p) def scan(self, string): result = [] append = result.append match = self.scanner.scanner(string).match i = 0 while 1: m = match() if not m: break j = m.end() if i == j: break action = self.lexicon[m.lastindex - 1][1] if hasattr(action, "__call__"): self.match = m action = action(self, m.group()) if action is not None: append(action) i = j return result, string[i:]
# # The Python Imaging Library # $Id$ # # load a GIMP brush file # # History: # 96-03-14 fl Created # # Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997. # Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996. # # See the README file for information on usage and redistribution. # import Image, ImageFile def i32(c): return ord(c[3]) + (ord(c[2]) << 8) + (ord(c[1]) << 16) + (ord(c[0]) << 24) def _accept(prefix): return i32(prefix) >= 20 and i32(prefix[4:8]) == 1 ## # Image plugin for the GIMP brush format. class GbrImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile): format = "GBR" format_description = "GIMP brush file" def _open(self): header_size = i32(self.fp.read(4)) version = i32(self.fp.read(4)) if header_size < 20 or version != 1: raise SyntaxError("not a GIMP brush") width = i32(self.fp.read(4)) height = i32(self.fp.read(4)) bytes = i32(self.fp.read(4)) if width <= 0 or height <= 0 or bytes != 1: raise SyntaxError("not a GIMP brush") comment = self.fp.read(header_size - 20)[:-1] self.mode = "L" self.size = width, height self.info["comment"] = comment # Since the brush is so small, we read the data immediately self.data = self.fp.read(width * height) def load(self): if not self.data: return # create an image out of the brush data block self.im = Image.core.new(self.mode, self.size) self.im.fromstring(self.data) self.data = "" # # registry Image.register_open("GBR", GbrImageFile, _accept) Image.register_extension("GBR", ".gbr")
# # The Python Imaging Library. # $Id$ # # a simple Qt image interface. # # history: # 2006-06-03 fl: created # 2006-06-04 fl: inherit from QImage instead of wrapping it # 2006-06-05 fl: removed toimage helper; move string support to ImageQt # # Copyright (c) 2006 by Secret Labs AB # Copyright (c) 2006 by Fredrik Lundh # # See the README file for information on usage and redistribution. # import Image from PyQt4.QtGui import QImage, qRgb ## # (Internal) Turns an RGB color into a Qt compatible color integer. def rgb(r, g, b): # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern. return (qRgb(r, g, b) & 0xFFFFFF) - 0x1000000 ## # An PIL image wrapper for Qt. This is a subclass of PyQt4's QImage # class. # # @param im A PIL Image object, or a file name (given either as Python # string or a PyQt string object). class ImageQt(QImage): def __init__(self, im): data = None colortable = None # handle filename, if given instead of image name if hasattr(im, "toUtf8"): # FIXME - is this really the best way to do this? im = str(im.toUtf8(), "utf-8") if Image.isStringType(im): im = Image.open(im) if im.mode == "1": format = QImage.Format_Mono elif im.mode == "L": format = QImage.Format_Indexed8 colortable = [] for i in range(256): colortable.append(rgb(i, i, i)) elif im.mode == "P": format = QImage.Format_Indexed8 colortable = [] palette = im.getpalette() for i in range(0, len(palette), 3): colortable.append(rgb(*palette[i : i + 3])) elif im.mode == "RGB": data = im.tostring("raw", "BGRX") format = QImage.Format_RGB32 elif im.mode == "RGBA": try: data = im.tostring("raw", "BGRA") except SystemError: # workaround for earlier versions r, g, b, a = im.split() im = Image.merge("RGBA", (b, g, r, a)) format = QImage.Format_ARGB32 else: raise ValueError("unsupported image mode %r" % im.mode) # must keep a reference, or Qt will crash! self.__data = data or im.tostring() QImage.__init__(self, self.__data, im.size[0], im.size[1], format) if colortable: self.setColorTable(colortable)
# # The Python Imaging Library. # $Id$ # # Sun image file handling # # History: # 1995-09-10 fl Created # 1996-05-28 fl Fixed 32-bit alignment # 1998-12-29 fl Import ImagePalette module # 2001-12-18 fl Fixed palette loading (from Jean-Claude Rimbault) # # Copyright (c) 1997-2001 by Secret Labs AB # Copyright (c) 1995-1996 by Fredrik Lundh # # See the README file for information on usage and redistribution. # __version__ = "0.3" import Image, ImageFile, ImagePalette def i16(c): return ord(c[1]) + (ord(c[0]) << 8) def i32(c): return ord(c[3]) + (ord(c[2]) << 8) + (ord(c[1]) << 16) + (ord(c[0]) << 24) def _accept(prefix): return i32(prefix) == 0x59A66A95 ## # Image plugin for Sun raster files. class SunImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile): format = "SUN" format_description = "Sun Raster File" def _open(self): # HEAD s = self.fp.read(32) if i32(s) != 0x59A66A95: raise SyntaxError("not an SUN raster file") offset = 32 self.size = i32(s[4:8]), i32(s[8:12]) depth = i32(s[12:16]) if depth == 1: self.mode, rawmode = "1", "1;I" elif depth == 8: self.mode = rawmode = "L" elif depth == 24: self.mode, rawmode = "RGB", "BGR" else: raise SyntaxError("unsupported mode") compression = i32(s[20:24]) if i32(s[24:28]) != 0: length = i32(s[28:32]) offset = offset + length self.palette = ImagePalette.raw("RGB;L", self.fp.read(length)) if self.mode == "L": self.mode = rawmode = "P" stride = (((self.size[0] * depth + 7) / 8) + 3) & (~3) if compression == 1: self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offset, (rawmode, stride))] elif compression == 2: self.tile = [("sun_rle", (0, 0) + self.size, offset, rawmode)] # # registry Image.register_open("SUN", SunImageFile, _accept) Image.register_extension("SUN", ".ras")
# Wrapper module for _ssl, providing some additional facilities # implemented in Python. Written by Bill Janssen. """\ This module provides some more Pythonic support for SSL. Object types: SSLSocket -- subtype of socket.socket which does SSL over the socket Exceptions: SSLError -- exception raised for I/O errors Functions: cert_time_to_seconds -- convert time string used for certificate notBefore and notAfter functions to integer seconds past the Epoch (the time values returned from time.time()) fetch_server_certificate (HOST, PORT) -- fetch the certificate provided by the server running on HOST at port PORT. No validation of the certificate is performed. Integer constants: SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL SSL_ERROR_SSL SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT SSL_ERROR_EOF SSL_ERROR_INVALID_ERROR_CODE The following group define certificate requirements that one side is allowing/requiring from the other side: CERT_NONE - no certificates from the other side are required (or will be looked at if provided) CERT_OPTIONAL - certificates are not required, but if provided will be validated, and if validation fails, the connection will also fail CERT_REQUIRED - certificates are required, and will be validated, and if validation fails, the connection will also fail The following constants identify various SSL protocol variants: PROTOCOL_SSLv2 PROTOCOL_SSLv3 PROTOCOL_SSLv23 PROTOCOL_TLSv1 """ import textwrap import _ssl # if we can't import it, let the error propagate from _ssl import OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER, OPENSSL_VERSION_INFO, OPENSSL_VERSION from _ssl import SSLError from _ssl import CERT_NONE, CERT_OPTIONAL, CERT_REQUIRED from _ssl import RAND_status, RAND_egd, RAND_add from _ssl import ( SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN, SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE, SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP, SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, SSL_ERROR_SSL, SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT, SSL_ERROR_EOF, SSL_ERROR_INVALID_ERROR_CODE, ) from _ssl import PROTOCOL_SSLv3, PROTOCOL_SSLv23, PROTOCOL_TLSv1 _PROTOCOL_NAMES = { PROTOCOL_TLSv1: "TLSv1", PROTOCOL_SSLv23: "SSLv23", PROTOCOL_SSLv3: "SSLv3", } try: from _ssl import PROTOCOL_SSLv2 _SSLv2_IF_EXISTS = PROTOCOL_SSLv2 except ImportError: _SSLv2_IF_EXISTS = None else: _PROTOCOL_NAMES[PROTOCOL_SSLv2] = "SSLv2" from socket import socket, _fileobject, _delegate_methods, error as socket_error from socket import getnameinfo as _getnameinfo import base64 # for DER-to-PEM translation import errno # Disable weak or insecure ciphers by default # (OpenSSL's default setting is 'DEFAULT:!aNULL:!eNULL') _DEFAULT_CIPHERS = "DEFAULT:!aNULL:!eNULL:!LOW:!EXPORT:!SSLv2" class SSLSocket(socket): """This class implements a subtype of socket.socket that wraps the underlying OS socket in an SSL context when necessary, and provides read and write methods over that channel.""" def __init__( self, sock, keyfile=None, certfile=None, server_side=False, cert_reqs=CERT_NONE, ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv23, ca_certs=None, do_handshake_on_connect=True, suppress_ragged_eofs=True, ciphers=None, ): socket.__init__(self, _sock=sock._sock) # The initializer for socket overrides the methods send(), recv(), etc. # in the instancce, which we don't need -- but we want to provide the # methods defined in SSLSocket. for attr in _delegate_methods: try: delattr(self, attr) except AttributeError: pass if ciphers is None and ssl_version != _SSLv2_IF_EXISTS: ciphers = _DEFAULT_CIPHERS if certfile and not keyfile: keyfile = certfile # see if it's connected try: socket.getpeername(self) except socket_error as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOTCONN: raise # no, no connection yet self._connected = False self._sslobj = None else: # yes, create the SSL object self._connected = True self._sslobj = _ssl.sslwrap( self._sock, server_side, keyfile, certfile, cert_reqs, ssl_version, ca_certs, ciphers, ) if do_handshake_on_connect: self.do_handshake() self.keyfile = keyfile self.certfile = certfile self.cert_reqs = cert_reqs self.ssl_version = ssl_version self.ca_certs = ca_certs self.ciphers = ciphers self.do_handshake_on_connect = do_handshake_on_connect self.suppress_ragged_eofs = suppress_ragged_eofs self._makefile_refs = 0 def read(self, len=1024): """Read up to LEN bytes and return them. Return zero-length string on EOF.""" try: return self._sslobj.read(len) except SSLError as x: if x.args[0] == SSL_ERROR_EOF and self.suppress_ragged_eofs: return "" else: raise def write(self, data): """Write DATA to the underlying SSL channel. Returns number of bytes of DATA actually transmitted.""" return self._sslobj.write(data) def getpeercert(self, binary_form=False): """Returns a formatted version of the data in the certificate provided by the other end of the SSL channel. Return None if no certificate was provided, {} if a certificate was provided, but not validated.""" return self._sslobj.peer_certificate(binary_form) def cipher(self): if not self._sslobj: return None else: return self._sslobj.cipher() def send(self, data, flags=0): if self._sslobj: if flags != 0: raise ValueError( "non-zero flags not allowed in calls to send() on %s" % self.__class__ ) while True: try: v = self._sslobj.write(data) except SSLError as x: if x.args[0] == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: return 0 elif x.args[0] == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: return 0 else: raise else: return v else: return self._sock.send(data, flags) def sendto(self, data, flags_or_addr, addr=None): if self._sslobj: raise ValueError("sendto not allowed on instances of %s" % self.__class__) elif addr is None: return self._sock.sendto(data, flags_or_addr) else: return self._sock.sendto(data, flags_or_addr, addr) def sendall(self, data, flags=0): if self._sslobj: if flags != 0: raise ValueError( "non-zero flags not allowed in calls to sendall() on %s" % self.__class__ ) amount = len(data) count = 0 while count < amount: v = self.send(data[count:]) count += v return amount else: return socket.sendall(self, data, flags) def recv(self, buflen=1024, flags=0): if self._sslobj: if flags != 0: raise ValueError( "non-zero flags not allowed in calls to recv() on %s" % self.__class__ ) return self.read(buflen) else: return self._sock.recv(buflen, flags) def recv_into(self, buffer, nbytes=None, flags=0): if buffer and (nbytes is None): nbytes = len(buffer) elif nbytes is None: nbytes = 1024 if self._sslobj: if flags != 0: raise ValueError( "non-zero flags not allowed in calls to recv_into() on %s" % self.__class__ ) tmp_buffer = self.read(nbytes) v = len(tmp_buffer) buffer[:v] = tmp_buffer return v else: return self._sock.recv_into(buffer, nbytes, flags) def recvfrom(self, buflen=1024, flags=0): if self._sslobj: raise ValueError("recvfrom not allowed on instances of %s" % self.__class__) else: return self._sock.recvfrom(buflen, flags) def recvfrom_into(self, buffer, nbytes=None, flags=0): if self._sslobj: raise ValueError( "recvfrom_into not allowed on instances of %s" % self.__class__ ) else: return self._sock.recvfrom_into(buffer, nbytes, flags) def pending(self): if self._sslobj: return self._sslobj.pending() else: return 0 def unwrap(self): if self._sslobj: s = self._sslobj.shutdown() self._sslobj = None return s else: raise ValueError("No SSL wrapper around " + str(self)) def shutdown(self, how): self._sslobj = None socket.shutdown(self, how) def close(self): if self._makefile_refs < 1: self._sslobj = None socket.close(self) else: self._makefile_refs -= 1 def do_handshake(self): """Perform a TLS/SSL handshake.""" self._sslobj.do_handshake() def _real_connect(self, addr, return_errno): # Here we assume that the socket is client-side, and not # connected at the time of the call. We connect it, then wrap it. if self._connected: raise ValueError("attempt to connect already-connected SSLSocket!") self._sslobj = _ssl.sslwrap( self._sock, False, self.keyfile, self.certfile, self.cert_reqs, self.ssl_version, self.ca_certs, self.ciphers, ) try: if return_errno: rc = socket.connect_ex(self, addr) else: rc = None socket.connect(self, addr) if not rc: if self.do_handshake_on_connect: self.do_handshake() self._connected = True return rc except socket_error: self._sslobj = None raise def connect(self, addr): """Connects to remote ADDR, and then wraps the connection in an SSL channel.""" self._real_connect(addr, False) def connect_ex(self, addr): """Connects to remote ADDR, and then wraps the connection in an SSL channel.""" return self._real_connect(addr, True) def accept(self): """Accepts a new connection from a remote client, and returns a tuple containing that new connection wrapped with a server-side SSL channel, and the address of the remote client.""" newsock, addr = socket.accept(self) try: return ( SSLSocket( newsock, keyfile=self.keyfile, certfile=self.certfile, server_side=True, cert_reqs=self.cert_reqs, ssl_version=self.ssl_version, ca_certs=self.ca_certs, ciphers=self.ciphers, do_handshake_on_connect=self.do_handshake_on_connect, suppress_ragged_eofs=self.suppress_ragged_eofs, ), addr, ) except socket_error as e: newsock.close() raise e def makefile(self, mode="r", bufsize=-1): """Make and return a file-like object that works with the SSL connection. Just use the code from the socket module.""" self._makefile_refs += 1 # close=True so as to decrement the reference count when done with # the file-like object. return _fileobject(self, mode, bufsize, close=True) def wrap_socket( sock, keyfile=None, certfile=None, server_side=False, cert_reqs=CERT_NONE, ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv23, ca_certs=None, do_handshake_on_connect=True, suppress_ragged_eofs=True, ciphers=None, ): return SSLSocket( sock, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, server_side=server_side, cert_reqs=cert_reqs, ssl_version=ssl_version, ca_certs=ca_certs, do_handshake_on_connect=do_handshake_on_connect, suppress_ragged_eofs=suppress_ragged_eofs, ciphers=ciphers, ) # some utility functions def cert_time_to_seconds(cert_time): """Takes a date-time string in standard ASN1_print form ("MON DAY 24HOUR:MINUTE:SEC YEAR TIMEZONE") and return a Python time value in seconds past the epoch.""" import time return time.mktime(time.strptime(cert_time, "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y GMT")) PEM_HEADER = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" PEM_FOOTER = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" def DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(der_cert_bytes): """Takes a certificate in binary DER format and returns the PEM version of it as a string.""" if hasattr(base64, "standard_b64encode"): # preferred because older API gets line-length wrong f = base64.standard_b64encode(der_cert_bytes) return PEM_HEADER + "\n" + textwrap.fill(f, 64) + "\n" + PEM_FOOTER + "\n" else: return ( PEM_HEADER + "\n" + base64.encodestring(der_cert_bytes) + PEM_FOOTER + "\n" ) def PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(pem_cert_string): """Takes a certificate in ASCII PEM format and returns the DER-encoded version of it as a byte sequence""" if not pem_cert_string.startswith(PEM_HEADER): raise ValueError("Invalid PEM encoding; must start with %s" % PEM_HEADER) if not pem_cert_string.strip().endswith(PEM_FOOTER): raise ValueError("Invalid PEM encoding; must end with %s" % PEM_FOOTER) d = pem_cert_string.strip()[len(PEM_HEADER) : -len(PEM_FOOTER)] return base64.decodestring(d) def get_server_certificate(addr, ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv3, ca_certs=None): """Retrieve the certificate from the server at the specified address, and return it as a PEM-encoded string. If 'ca_certs' is specified, validate the server cert against it. If 'ssl_version' is specified, use it in the connection attempt.""" host, port = addr if ca_certs is not None: cert_reqs = CERT_REQUIRED else: cert_reqs = CERT_NONE s = wrap_socket( socket(), ssl_version=ssl_version, cert_reqs=cert_reqs, ca_certs=ca_certs ) s.connect(addr) dercert = s.getpeercert(True) s.close() return DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(dercert) def get_protocol_name(protocol_code): return _PROTOCOL_NAMES.get(protocol_code, "<unknown>") # a replacement for the old socket.ssl function def sslwrap_simple(sock, keyfile=None, certfile=None): """A replacement for the old socket.ssl function. Designed for compability with Python 2.5 and earlier. Will disappear in Python 3.0.""" if hasattr(sock, "_sock"): sock = sock._sock ssl_sock = _ssl.sslwrap( sock, 0, keyfile, certfile, CERT_NONE, PROTOCOL_SSLv23, None ) try: sock.getpeername() except socket_error: # no, no connection yet pass else: # yes, do the handshake ssl_sock.do_handshake() return ssl_sock
"""Main entry point""" import sys if sys.argv[0].endswith("__main__.py"): sys.argv[0] = "python -m unittest" __unittest = True from .main import main, TestProgram, USAGE_AS_MAIN TestProgram.USAGE = USAGE_AS_MAIN main(module=None)
import argparse from collections import namedtuple import Image, ImageDraw import sys BBox = namedtuple("Bbox", "x y w h") Regions = namedtuple("Regions", "alpha, opaque") class BlockType: OPAQUE = 1 EMPTY = 2 ALPHA = 3 UNKNOWN = 4 def BlockName(block): if block == BlockType.OPAQUE: return "Opaque" elif block == BlockType.EMPTY: return "Empty" elif block == BlockType.ALPHA: return "Alpha" return "Unknown" def Analyze(im, bbox): numalpha = 0 numblank = 0 numopaque = 0 pixels = im.load() for y in range(bbox.y, bbox.y + bbox.h): for x in range(bbox.x, bbox.x + bbox.w): p = pixels[x, y] if p[3] == 0: numblank += 1 elif p[3] == 255: numopaque += 1 else: numalpha += 1 if numalpha == 0 and numblank == 0: return BlockType.OPAQUE elif numalpha == 0 and numopaque == 0: return BlockType.EMPTY else: return BlockType.ALPHA class QuadTreeNode: def __init__(self): pass def __init__(self, im, bbox=None, depth=0, blocksize=32): if bbox == None: bbox = BBox(0, 0, im.size[0], im.size[1]) self.blocksize = blocksize self.depth = depth self.bbox = bbox self.im = im self.children = None self.type = BlockType.UNKNOWN if bbox.w > self.blocksize and bbox.h > self.blocksize: # if we are far enough up the tree to consider splitting: # generate the child bboxes childboxes = [ BBox(bbox.x, bbox.y, bbox.w / 2, bbox.h / 2), BBox(bbox.x + bbox.w / 2, bbox.y, bbox.w - bbox.w / 2, bbox.h / 2), BBox(bbox.x, bbox.y + bbox.h / 2, bbox.w / 2, bbox.h - bbox.h / 2), BBox( bbox.x + bbox.w / 2, bbox.y + bbox.h / 2, bbox.w - bbox.w / 2, bbox.h - bbox.h / 2, ), ] # figure out the child image types childtypes = [ Analyze(im, childboxes[0]), Analyze(im, childboxes[1]), Analyze(im, childboxes[2]), Analyze(im, childboxes[3]), ] same_type = childtypes[0] == childtypes[1] == childtypes[2] == childtypes[3] last_div = bbox.w / 2 < self.blocksize or bbox.h / 2 < self.blocksize if same_type and (childtypes[0] != BlockType.ALPHA or last_div): # stop iterating, we've hit the bottom self.type = childtypes[0] else: # otherwise, split up the children self.children = ( QuadTreeNode(im, childboxes[0], depth + 1, self.blocksize), QuadTreeNode(im, childboxes[1], depth + 1, self.blocksize), QuadTreeNode(im, childboxes[2], depth + 1, self.blocksize), QuadTreeNode(im, childboxes[3], depth + 1, self.blocksize), ) if ( self.children and len(self.children) == 4 and self.children[0].type == self.children[1].type == self.children[2].type == self.children[3].type == BlockType.ALPHA ): self.children = None self.type = BlockType.ALPHA else: self.type = Analyze(im, bbox) def __repr__(self): if self.children == None: return "\t" * self.depth + BlockName(self.type) + " " + str(self.bbox) else: l = [str(x) for x in self.children] return "\t" * self.depth + "->\n" + "\n".join(l) def printme(self): print("\t" * self.depth + BlockName(self.type) + " " + str(self.bbox)) if self.children: for child in self.children: child.printme() def GetBBox(self, fn): if self.children != None: ret = [] for child in self.children: op = child.GetBBox(fn) if op != None: ret.extend(op) if len(ret) > 0: return ret elif fn(self): return [self.bbox] return [] # fix up the list so that adjacent similarly sized images are joined def doopt(orig): while True: newlist = optlist(orig) if len(newlist) == len(orig): return newlist orig = newlist def optlist(orig): newlist = [] for o in orig: added = False for n in newlist: if n.w == o.w and n.x == o.x and (n.y + n.h == o.y or o.y + o.h == n.y): newlist.remove(n) newlist.append(BBox(n.x, min(o.y, n.y), n.w, o.h + n.h)) added = True break if n.h == o.h and n.y == o.y and (n.x + n.w == o.x or o.x + o.w == n.x): newlist.remove(n) newlist.append(BBox(min(o.x, n.x), n.y, n.w + o.w, o.h)) added = True break if not added: newlist.append(o) return newlist def GetImageRegions(img, blocksize=16): rootNode = QuadTreeNode(img, None, 0, blocksize) opaque = doopt( sorted( rootNode.GetBBox(lambda x: x.type == BlockType.OPAQUE), key=lambda x: x.w * x.h, reverse=True, ) ) alpha = doopt( sorted( rootNode.GetBBox(lambda x: x.type == BlockType.ALPHA), key=lambda x: x.w * x.h, reverse=True, ) ) return Regions(alpha, opaque)
from os import path as op ROOTDIR = op.abspath(op.dirname(op.dirname(op.dirname(__file__))))
from aioauth_client import * import pytest import asyncio @() def loop(): return () def test_oauth1(loop): twitter = () if (not twitter): raise () if (not ('twitter' in ClientRegistry.clients)): raise () coro = () (rtoken, rsecret) = (coro) if (not rtoken): raise () if (not rsecret): raise () if (not (twitter.oauth_token == rtoken)): raise () if (not (twitter.oauth_token_secret == rsecret)): raise () url = () if (not (url == ('https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=%s' % rtoken))): raise () coro = ('wrong', rtoken) with (web.HTTPBadRequest): (coro) def test_oauth2(loop): github = () if (not github): raise () if (not ('github' in ClientRegistry.clients)): raise () if (not ()): raise () coro = ('000') with (web.HTTPBadRequest): (coro)
#!/usr/bin/env python import re from os import path as op from setuptools import setup def _read(fname): try: return open(op.join(op.dirname(__file__), fname)).read() except IOError: return "" _meta = _read("graphite_beacon/__init__.py") _license = re.search(r'^__license__\s*=\s*"(.*)"', _meta, re.M).group(1) _version = re.search(r'^__version__\s*=\s*"(.*)"', _meta, re.M).group(1) install_requires = [ l for l in _read("requirements.txt").split("\n") if l and not l.startswith("#") ] setup( name="graphite_beacon", version=_version, license=_license, description=_read("DESCRIPTION"), long_description=_read("README.md"), platforms=("Any"), keywords="graphite alerts monitoring system".split(), # noqa author="Kirill Klenov", author_email="horneds@gmail.com", url="http://github.com/klen/graphite-beacon", classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Natural Language :: English", "Natural Language :: Russian", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", "Topic :: Software Development :: Testing", "Topic :: Utilities", ], packages=["graphite_beacon"], include_package_data=True, install_requires=install_requires, entry_points={"console_scripts": ["graphite-beacon = graphite_beacon.app:run"]}, )
import datetime as dt import pytest from peewee import * db = (':memory:') class Person(Model): name = () status = () created = () birthday = () is_relative = () class Meta(): database = db class Pet(Model): owner = (Person) name = () animal_type = () class Meta(): database = db () () @pytest.fixture def mixer(): from mixer.backend.peewee import mixer return mixer def test_mixer(mixer): person = (Person) if (not person.name): raise () if (not person.id): raise () if (not person.birthday): raise () if (not (person.status in ('user', 'moderator', 'admin'))): raise () pet = (Pet) if (not pet.name): raise () if (not pet.animal_type): raise () if (not pet.owner): raise () with (): person = (Person) if (not person.id): raise () def test_guard(mixer): person = (Person) person2 = (Person) if (not (person.id == person2.id)): raise () def test_reload(mixer): person = (Person) person.name = 'wrong' person = (person) if (not (person.name == 'true')): raise () def test_select(mixer): person = (Person) pet = (Pet) if (not (person == pet.owner)): raise ()
import re __all__ = ( "QueryInfo", "QueryReadStoreInfo", "JsonRestStoreInfo", "JsonQueryRestStoreInfo", ) class QueryInfoFeatures(object): sorting = True paging = False class QueryInfo(object): """Usage (is that the right solution?): info = QueryInfo(request) info.extract() queryset = extract.process(Object.objects.all()) """ start = 0 end = 25 filters = {} sorting = [] # key=field // value=descending(True/False) request = None max_count = 25 def __init__(self, request, max_count=None, **kwargs): self.request = request if max_count is not None: self.max_count = max_count def extract(self): self.set_paging() self.set_sorting() self.set_filters() def set_paging(self): """Needs to be implemented in a subclass""" pass def set_sorting(self): pass def set_filters(self): """Needs to be implemented in a subclass""" pass def process(self, queryset): # maybe using Django's paginator return queryset.filter(**self.filters).order_by(*self.sorting)[ self.start : self.end ] class QueryReadStoreInfo(QueryInfo): """ A helper to evaluate a request from a dojox.data.QueryReadStore and extracting the following information from it: - paging - sorting - filters Parameters could be passed within GET or POST. """ def set_paging(self): start = self.request[self.request.method].pop("start", 0) # TODO: start = 1??? count = self.request[self.request.method].pop("count", 25) # if not is_number(end): # The dojo combobox may return "Infinity" tsss if not is_number(count) or int(count) > self.max_count: count = self.max_count self.start = int(start) self.end = int(start) + int(count) def set_sorting(self): # REQUEST['sort']: # value: -sort_field (descending) / sort_field (ascending) sort_attr = self.request[self.request.method].pop("sort", None) if sort_attr: self.sorting.append(sort_attr) def set_filters(self): query_dict = {} for k, v in list(self.request[self.request.method].items()): query_dict[k] = v class JsonRestStoreInfo(QueryReadStoreInfo): """ A helper to evaluate a request from a dojox.data.JsonRestStoreInfo and extracting the following information: - paging - filters The paging parameter is passed within the request header "Range". Filters are passed via GET (equal to QueryReadStoreInfo). Sorting is just possible with JsonQueryReadStoreInfo. """ def set_paging(self): # Receiving the following header: # Range: items=0-24 # Returning: Content-Range: items 0-24/66 if "RANGE" in self.META: regexp = re.compile(r"^\s*items=(\d+)-(\d+)", re.I) match = regexp.match(self.META["RANGE"]) if match: start, end = match.groups() start, end = ( int(start), int(end) + 1, ) # range-end means including that element! self.start = start count = self.max_count if end - start < self.max_count: count = end - start self.end = start + count def set_sorting(self): # sorting is not available in the normal JsonRestStore pass class JsonQueryRestStoreInfo(QueryInfo): jsonpath = None jsonpath_filters = None jsonpath_sorting = None jsonpath_paging = None def __init__(self, request, **kwargs): """ Matching the following example jsonpath: /path/[?(@.field1='searchterm*'&@.field2='*search*')][/@['field1'],/@['field2']][0:24] The last part of the URL will contain a JSONPath-query: [filter][sort][start:end:step] """ path = request.path if not path.endswith("/"): path = path + "/" # assuming that a least one /path/ will be before the jsonpath query # and that the character [ initiates and ] ends the jsonpath # [ will be removed from the start and ] from the end match = re.match(r"^/.*/(\[.*\])/$", path) if match: self.jsonpath = match.groups()[0] if self.jsonpath: # now we remove the starting [ and ending ] and also splitting it via ][ parts = self.jsonpath[1:-1].split("][") for part in parts: if part.startswith("?"): self.jsonpath_filters = part elif re.match(r"^[/\\].*$", part): self.jsonpath_sorting = part # [start:end:step] elif re.match(r"^\d*:\d*:{0,1}\d*$", part): self.jsonpath_paging = part super(JsonQueryRestStoreInfo, self).__init__(request, **kwargs) def set_paging(self): # handling 0:24 match = re.match(r"^(\d*):(\d*):{0,1}\d*$", self.jsonpath_paging) if match: start, end = match.groups() if start.length == 0: start = 0 if end.length == 0: end = int(start) + self.max_count start, end = ( int(start), int(end) + 1, ) # second argument means the element should be included! self.start = start count = self.max_count if end - start < self.max_count: count = end - start self.end = start + count def set_sorting(self): # handling /@['field1'],/@['field2'] for f in self.jsonpath_sorting.split(",/"): m = re.match(r"([\\/])@\['(.*)'\]", f) if m: sort_prefix = "-" direction, field = m.groups() if direction == "/": descending = "" self.sorting.append(sort_prefix + field) def set_filters(self): # handling ?(@.field1='searchterm*'&@.field2~'*search*') pass
from django.conf import settings def access_model(app_name, model_name, request=None, instance=None): '\n Return true to allow access to a given instance of app_name.model_name\n ' acl = (settings, 'DOJANGO_DATAGRID_ACCESS', []) for x in acl: try: if (('.') > 0): (app, model) = ('.') if ((app_name == app) and (model_name == model)): return True elif ((app_name == x) or (model_name == x)): return True except: raise return False def access_model_field(app_name, model_name, field_name, request=None, instance=None): '\n Return true to allow access of a given field_name to model app_name.model_name given\n a specific object of said model.\n ' return (not (field_name in ('delete', '_state')))
#!/usr/bin/env python try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup VERSION = "0.0.1" setup( name="brukva", version=VERSION, description="Asynchronous Redis client that works within the Tornado IO loop", author="Konstantin Merenkov", author_email="kmerenkov@gmail.com", license="WTFPL", url="http://github.com/kmerenkov/brukva", keywords=["Redis", "Tornado"], packages=["brukva"], test_suite="tests.all_tests", )
""" Copyright 2009 55 Minutes (http://www.55minutes.com) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ TOP = """\ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Test coverage report</title> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> a { color: #3d707a; } a:hover, a:active { color: #bf7d18; } body { font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", sans-serif; font-size: 13px; } tr:hover { background: #f5f5f5; } #content-header { margin-left: 50px; } #content-header h1 { font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: 0; } #content-header p { font-size: 13px; margin: 0; color: #909090; } #result-list table { font-size: 13px; background: white; margin: 15px 50px; width: 600px; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: right; } #result-list thead tr.last th, th.statements { border-bottom: 1px solid #6d5e48; } th.statements { text-align: center; } #result-list th { padding: 3px 12px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; color: #937F61; } #result-list td { border-bottom: 1px solid #e0e0e0; color: #606060; padding: 6px 12px; } #result-list tfoot td { color: #937F61; font-weight: bold; } #result-list .normal { color: #609030; } #result-list .warning { color: #d0a000; } #result-list .critical { color: red; } #result-list .module-name { text-align: left; } .footer-link { margin-left: 62px; } </style> </head> <body> """ CONTENT_HEADER = """\ <div id="content-header"> <h1>Test Coverage Report</h1> <p>Generated: %(test_timestamp)s</p> <p><img src="coverage_status.png"></p> </div> """ CONTENT_BODY = """\ <div id="result-list"> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>&nbsp;</th> <th colspan="3" class="statements">Statements</th> </tr> <tr class="last"> <th class="module-name">Module</th> <th>total</th> <th>executed</th> <th>excluded</th> <th>%% covered</th> </tr> </thead> <tfoot> <tr> <td class="module-name">Total</td> <td>%(total_lines)d</td> <td>%(total_executed)d</td> <td>%(total_excluded)d</td> <td>%(overall_covered)0.1f%%</td> </tr> </tfoot> <tbody> %(module_stats)s </tbody> </table> </div> """ MODULE_STAT = """\ <tr> <td class="module-name"><a href="%(module_link)s">%(module_name)s</a></td> <td>%(total_count)d</td> <td>%(executed_count)d</td> <td>%(excluded_count)d</td> <td class="%(severity)s">%(percent_covered)0.1f%%</td> </tr> """ EXCEPTIONS_LINK = """\ <div> <a class="footer-link" href="%(exceptions_link)s"> %(exception_desc)s </a> </div> """ BOTTOM = """\ </body> </html> """
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import mock import unittest import tempfile from opencorpora import cli class CliTest(unittest.TestCase): @mock.patch("opencorpora.cli.urlopen") def test_download(self, urlopen): urlopen.return_value.read.return_value = "" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: class Args(object): output = f.name no_decompress = False url = "" disambig = False quiet = False args = Args() cli.download(args)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2008 Christopher Lenz # All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution.
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: django -*- import os import sys import doctest from glob import glob from unittest import TestSuite, defaultTestLoader TESTS_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def suite(): result = TestSuite() result.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite("django_any.xunit")) result.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite("django_any.forms")) for filename in glob(os.path.join(TESTS_ROOT, "*.py")): if filename.endswith("__init__.py"): continue module_name = ( "django_any.tests.%s" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] ) __import__(module_name) result.addTest(defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(sys.modules[module_name])) return result
# Copyright (c) 2014 Katsuya Noguchi # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. import slack import slack.http_client def list(**kwargs): """ Lists the items starred by a user. """ params = {"token": slack.api_token} for key, value in list(kwargs.items()): params[key] = value return slack.http_client.get("stars.list", params)
import unittest from tests.test_PolyGrid import generic_grid from polymaze.polygrid import PolyGrid, PolyViz try: _assertCountEqual = unittest.TestCase.assertCountEqual from unittest import mock except (AttributeError, ImportError): _assertCountEqual = unittest.TestCase.assertItemsEqual import mock class TestPolyViz(unittest.TestCase): def test_provides_reference_to_related_grid(self): grid = () viz = (grid) (viz.grid, grid) def test_can_create_new_part_styles(self): viz = () any_name = 'asdf' any_color = (0, 0, 0, 0) (any_name, viz._shape_styles) (any_name, viz._edge_styles) (any_name, any_color) (any_name, any_color) (any_name, viz._shape_styles) (any_name, viz._edge_styles) def test_uses_get_x_style_when_drawing_each_part(self): viz = () get_style_names = ('get_shape_style', 'get_edge_style') for get_style_name in get_style_names: with (viz, get_style_name) as m_getstyle: try: () except Exception: raise (m_getstyle.called) def test_get_x_style_returns_default_when_part_has_no_style_setting(self): viz = (()) edge_default_spec = viz._edge_styles['default'] shape_default_spec = viz._shape_styles['default'] shape = ((())) edge = ((())) (shape.viz_style) (edge.viz_style) ((shape), shape_default_spec) ((edge), edge_default_spec) def test_get_x_style_returns_named_style_setting_when_part_has_it(self): viz = () shape_style_name = '<<shape>>' edge_style_name = '<<edge>>' any_color = (1, 2, 3, 4) (shape_style_name) (edge_style_name) shape = ((())) edge = ((())) shape.viz_style = shape_style_name edge.viz_style = edge_style_name shape_style_spec = viz._shape_styles[shape_style_name] edge_style_spec = viz._edge_styles[edge_style_name] ((shape), shape_style_spec) ((edge), edge_style_spec) def test_image_returns_a_PIL_image(self): viz = () im = () ((im, 'crop')) def test_image_returns_None_for_empty_grid(self): empty_grid = () (((())), 0) viz = (empty_grid) (()) def generic_viz(grid=None): grid = (grid or ()) return (grid)
from os import path from onadata.apps.api.tests.viewsets.test_abstract_viewset import TestAbstractViewSet from onadata.apps.api.viewsets.attachment_viewset import AttachmentViewSet from onadata.libs.utils.image_tools import image_url class TestAttachmentViewSet(TestAbstractViewSet): def setUp(self): super(TestAttachmentViewSet, self).setUp() self.retrieve_view = AttachmentViewSet.as_view({"get": "retrieve"}) self.list_view = AttachmentViewSet.as_view({"get": "list"}) self._publish_xls_form_to_project() def test_retrieve_view(self): self._submit_transport_instance_w_attachment() pk = self.attachment.pk data = { "url": "http://testserver/api/v1/media/%s" % pk, "field_xpath": None, "download_url": self.attachment.media_file.url, "small_download_url": image_url(self.attachment, "small"), "medium_download_url": image_url(self.attachment, "medium"), "id": pk, "xform": self.xform.pk, "instance": self.attachment.instance.pk, "mimetype": self.attachment.mimetype, "filename": self.attachment.media_file.name, } request = self.factory.get("/", **self.extra) response = self.retrieve_view(request, pk=pk) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(isinstance(response.data, dict)) self.assertEqual(response.data, data) # file download filename = data["filename"] ext = filename[filename.rindex(".") + 1 :] request = self.factory.get("/", **self.extra) response = self.retrieve_view(request, pk=pk, format=ext) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(response.content_type, "image/jpeg") def test_list_view(self): self._submit_transport_instance_w_attachment() request = self.factory.get("/", **self.extra) response = self.list_view(request) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(isinstance(response.data, list)) def test_list_view_filter_by_xform(self): self._submit_transport_instance_w_attachment() data = {"xform": self.xform.pk} request = self.factory.get("/", data, **self.extra) response = self.list_view(request) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(isinstance(response.data, list)) data["xform"] = 10000000 request = self.factory.get("/", data, **self.extra) response = self.list_view(request) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404) data["xform"] = "lol" request = self.factory.get("/", data, **self.extra) response = self.list_view(request) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) def test_list_view_filter_by_instance(self): self._submit_transport_instance_w_attachment() data = {"instance": self.attachment.instance.pk} request = self.factory.get("/", data, **self.extra) response = self.list_view(request) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(isinstance(response.data, list)) data["instance"] = 10000000 request = self.factory.get("/", data, **self.extra) response = self.list_view(request) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404) data["instance"] = "lol" request = self.factory.get("/", data, **self.extra) response = self.list_view(request) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) def test_direct_image_link(self): self._submit_transport_instance_w_attachment() data = {"filename": self.attachment.media_file.name} request = self.factory.get("/", data, **self.extra) response = self.retrieve_view(request, pk=self.attachment.pk) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(isinstance(response.data, str)) self.assertEqual(response.data, self.attachment.media_file.url) data["filename"] = 10000000 request = self.factory.get("/", data, **self.extra) response = self.retrieve_view(request, pk=self.attachment.instance.pk) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404) data["filename"] = "lol" request = self.factory.get("/", data, **self.extra) response = self.retrieve_view(request, pk=self.attachment.instance.pk) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404) def test_direct_image_link_uppercase(self): self._submit_transport_instance_w_attachment(media_file="1335783522564.JPG") filename = self.attachment.media_file.name file_base, file_extension = path.splitext(filename) data = {"filename": file_base + file_extension.upper()} request = self.factory.get("/", data, **self.extra) response = self.retrieve_view(request, pk=self.attachment.pk) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(isinstance(response.data, str)) self.assertEqual(response.data, self.attachment.media_file.url)
from rest_framework import viewsets from onadata.apps.api.permissions import XFormPermissions from onadata.apps.logger.models.xform import XForm from onadata.libs import filters from onadata.libs.mixins.anonymous_user_public_forms_mixin import ( AnonymousUserPublicFormsMixin, ) from onadata.libs.serializers.stats_serializer import ( StatsSerializer, StatsInstanceSerializer, ) class StatsViewSet(AnonymousUserPublicFormsMixin, viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): """ Stats summary for median, mean, mode, range, max, min. A query parameter `method` can be used to limit the results to either `mean`, `median`, `mode` or `range` only results. Example: GET /api/v1/stats/1? Response: [ { "age": { "median": 8, "mean": 23.4, "mode": 23, "range": 24, "max": 28, "min": 4 }, ... ] Example: GET /api/v1/stats/1?method=median Response: [ { "age": { "median": 8, }, ... ]""" lookup_field = "pk" queryset = XForm.objects.all() filter_backends = (filters.AnonDjangoObjectPermissionFilter,) permission_classes = [ XFormPermissions, ] serializer_class = StatsSerializer def get_serializer_class(self): lookup = self.kwargs.get(self.lookup_field) if lookup is not None: serializer_class = StatsInstanceSerializer else: serializer_class = super(StatsViewSet, self).get_serializer_class() return serializer_class
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.db import migrations, models import onadata.apps.logger.models.xform import django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields import jsonfield.fields from django.conf import settings import onadata.apps.logger.models.attachment import taggit.managers class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ("taggit", "0002_auto_20150616_2121"), migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name="Attachment", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( verbose_name="ID", serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True, ), ), ( "media_file", models.FileField( upload_to=onadata.apps.logger.models.attachment.upload_to ), ), ("mimetype", models.CharField(default=b"", max_length=50, blank=True)), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name="Instance", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( verbose_name="ID", serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True, ), ), ("json", jsonfield.fields.JSONField(default={})), ("xml", models.TextField()), ("date_created", models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ("date_modified", models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)), ("deleted_at", models.DateTimeField(default=None, null=True)), ( "status", models.CharField(default="submitted_via_web", max_length=20), ), ("uuid", models.CharField(default="", max_length=249)), ( "geom", django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields.GeometryCollectionField( srid=4326, null=True ), ), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name="InstanceHistory", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( verbose_name="ID", serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True, ), ), ("xml", models.TextField()), ("uuid", models.CharField(default="", max_length=249)), ("date_created", models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ("date_modified", models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)), ( "xform_instance", models.ForeignKey( related_name="submission_history", to="logger.Instance" ), ), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name="Note", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( verbose_name="ID", serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True, ), ), ("note", models.TextField()), ("date_created", models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ("date_modified", models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)), ( "instance", models.ForeignKey(related_name="notes", to="logger.Instance"), ), ], options={ "permissions": (("view_note", "View note"),), }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name="SurveyType", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( verbose_name="ID", serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True, ), ), ("slug", models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=100)), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name="XForm", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( verbose_name="ID", serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True, ), ), ( "xls", models.FileField( null=True, upload_to=onadata.apps.logger.models.xform.upload_to ), ), ("json", models.TextField(default="")), ("description", models.TextField(default="", null=True)), ("xml", models.TextField()), ("require_auth", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ("shared", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ("shared_data", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ("downloadable", models.BooleanField(default=True)), ("allows_sms", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ("encrypted", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ( "sms_id_string", models.SlugField( default=b"", verbose_name="SMS ID", max_length=100, editable=False, ), ), ( "id_string", models.SlugField(verbose_name="ID", max_length=100, editable=False), ), ("title", models.CharField(max_length=255, editable=False)), ("date_created", models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ("date_modified", models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)), ("last_submission_time", models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)), ("has_start_time", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ("uuid", models.CharField(default="", max_length=32)), ("bamboo_dataset", models.CharField(default="", max_length=60)), ("instances_with_geopoints", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ("num_of_submissions", models.IntegerField(default=0)), ( "tags", taggit.managers.TaggableManager( to="taggit.Tag", through="taggit.TaggedItem", help_text="A comma-separated list of tags.", verbose_name="Tags", ), ), ( "user", models.ForeignKey( related_name="xforms", to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True ), ), ], options={ "ordering": ("id_string",), "verbose_name": "XForm", "verbose_name_plural": "XForms", "permissions": ( ("view_xform", "Can view associated data"), ("report_xform", "Can make submissions to the form"), ("move_xform", "Can move form between projects"), ("transfer_xform", "Can transfer form ownership."), ), }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name="ZiggyInstance", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( verbose_name="ID", serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True, ), ), ("entity_id", models.CharField(max_length=249)), ("instance_id", models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=249)), ("form_instance", models.TextField()), ("client_version", models.BigIntegerField(default=None, null=True)), ("server_version", models.BigIntegerField()), ("form_version", models.CharField(default="1.0", max_length=10)), ("date_created", models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ("date_modified", models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)), ("date_deleted", models.DateTimeField(default=None, null=True)), ( "reporter", models.ForeignKey( related_name="ziggys", to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL ), ), ( "xform", models.ForeignKey( related_name="ziggy_submissions", to="logger.XForm", null=True ), ), ], ), migrations.AddField( model_name="instance", name="survey_type", field=models.ForeignKey(to="logger.SurveyType"), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="instance", name="tags", field=taggit.managers.TaggableManager( to="taggit.Tag", through="taggit.TaggedItem", help_text="A comma-separated list of tags.", verbose_name="Tags", ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="instance", name="user", field=models.ForeignKey( related_name="instances", to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="instance", name="xform", field=models.ForeignKey( related_name="instances", to="logger.XForm", null=True ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="attachment", name="instance", field=models.ForeignKey(related_name="attachments", to="logger.Instance"), ), migrations.AlterUniqueTogether( name="xform", unique_together=set([("user", "id_string"), ("user", "sms_id_string")]), ), ]
# encoding: utf-8 import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding field 'InstanceHistory.uuid' db.add_column( "odk_logger_instancehistory", "uuid", self.gf("django.db.models.fields.CharField")(default="", max_length=249), keep_default=False, ) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting field 'InstanceHistory.uuid' db.delete_column("odk_logger_instancehistory", "uuid") models = { "auth.group": { "Meta": {"object_name": "Group"}, "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "name": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"unique": "True", "max_length": "80"}, ), "permissions": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField", [], { "to": "orm['auth.Permission']", "symmetrical": "False", "blank": "True", }, ), }, "auth.permission": { "Meta": { "ordering": "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", "unique_together": "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", "object_name": "Permission", }, "codename": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "100"}, ), "content_type": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"to": "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "name": ("django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "50"}), }, "auth.user": { "Meta": {"object_name": "User"}, "date_joined": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"default": "datetime.datetime.now"}, ), "email": ( "django.db.models.fields.EmailField", [], {"max_length": "75", "blank": "True"}, ), "first_name": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "30", "blank": "True"}, ), "groups": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField", [], {"to": "orm['auth.Group']", "symmetrical": "False", "blank": "True"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "is_active": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "True"}, ), "is_staff": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "is_superuser": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "last_login": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"default": "datetime.datetime.now"}, ), "last_name": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "30", "blank": "True"}, ), "password": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "128"}, ), "user_permissions": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField", [], { "to": "orm['auth.Permission']", "symmetrical": "False", "blank": "True", }, ), "username": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"unique": "True", "max_length": "30"}, ), }, "contenttypes.contenttype": { "Meta": { "ordering": "('name',)", "unique_together": "(('app_label', 'model'),)", "object_name": "ContentType", "db_table": "'django_content_type'", }, "app_label": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "100"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "model": ("django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "100"}), "name": ("django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "100"}), }, "odk_logger.attachment": { "Meta": {"object_name": "Attachment"}, "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "instance": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"related_name": "'attachments'", "to": "orm['odk_logger.Instance']"}, ), "media_file": ( "django.db.models.fields.files.FileField", [], {"max_length": "100"}, ), }, "odk_logger.instance": { "Meta": {"object_name": "Instance"}, "date": ("django.db.models.fields.DateField", [], {"null": "True"}), "date_created": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now_add": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "date_modified": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "deleted_at": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"default": "None", "null": "True"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "start_time": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"null": "True"}, ), "status": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "u'submitted_via_web'", "max_length": "20"}, ), "survey_type": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"to": "orm['odk_logger.SurveyType']"}, ), "user": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"related_name": "'surveys'", "null": "True", "to": "orm['auth.User']"}, ), "uuid": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "u''", "max_length": "249"}, ), "xform": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], { "related_name": "'surveys'", "null": "True", "to": "orm['odk_logger.XForm']", }, ), "xml": ("django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {}), }, "odk_logger.instancehistory": { "Meta": {"object_name": "InstanceHistory"}, "date_created": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now_add": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "date_modified": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "uuid": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "u''", "max_length": "249"}, ), "xform_instance": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], { "related_name": "'submission_history'", "to": "orm['odk_logger.Instance']", }, ), "xml": ("django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {}), }, "odk_logger.surveytype": { "Meta": {"object_name": "SurveyType"}, "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "slug": ("django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "100"}), }, "odk_logger.xform": { "Meta": { "ordering": "('id_string',)", "unique_together": "(('user', 'id_string'),)", "object_name": "XForm", }, "bamboo_dataset": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "u''", "max_length": "60"}, ), "date_created": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now_add": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "date_modified": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "description": ( "django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {"default": "u''", "null": "True"}, ), "downloadable": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "True"}, ), "has_start_time": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "id_string": ( "django.db.models.fields.SlugField", [], {"max_length": "50", "db_index": "True"}, ), "is_crowd_form": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "json": ("django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {"default": "u''"}), "shared": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "shared_data": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "title": ("django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "64"}), "user": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"related_name": "'xforms'", "null": "True", "to": "orm['auth.User']"}, ), "uuid": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "u''", "max_length": "32"}, ), "xls": ( "django.db.models.fields.files.FileField", [], {"max_length": "100", "null": "True"}, ), "xml": ("django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {}), }, } complete_apps = ["logger"]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Changing field 'XForm.title' db.alter_column( "logger_xform", "title", self.gf("django.db.models.fields.CharField")(max_length=255), ) def backwards(self, orm): # Changing field 'XForm.title' db.alter_column( "logger_xform", "title", self.gf("django.db.models.fields.CharField")(max_length=64), ) models = { "auth.group": { "Meta": {"object_name": "Group"}, "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "name": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"unique": "True", "max_length": "80"}, ), "permissions": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField", [], { "to": "orm['auth.Permission']", "symmetrical": "False", "blank": "True", }, ), }, "auth.permission": { "Meta": { "ordering": "(u'content_type__app_label', u'content_type__model', u'codename')", "unique_together": "((u'content_type', u'codename'),)", "object_name": "Permission", }, "codename": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "100"}, ), "content_type": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"to": "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "name": ("django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "50"}), }, "auth.user": { "Meta": {"object_name": "User"}, "date_joined": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"default": "datetime.datetime.now"}, ), "email": ( "django.db.models.fields.EmailField", [], {"max_length": "75", "blank": "True"}, ), "first_name": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "30", "blank": "True"}, ), "groups": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField", [], {"to": "orm['auth.Group']", "symmetrical": "False", "blank": "True"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "is_active": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "True"}, ), "is_staff": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "is_superuser": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "last_login": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"default": "datetime.datetime.now"}, ), "last_name": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "30", "blank": "True"}, ), "password": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "128"}, ), "user_permissions": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField", [], { "to": "orm['auth.Permission']", "symmetrical": "False", "blank": "True", }, ), "username": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"unique": "True", "max_length": "30"}, ), }, "contenttypes.contenttype": { "Meta": { "ordering": "('name',)", "unique_together": "(('app_label', 'model'),)", "object_name": "ContentType", "db_table": "'django_content_type'", }, "app_label": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "100"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "model": ("django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "100"}), "name": ("django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "100"}), }, "logger.attachment": { "Meta": {"object_name": "Attachment"}, "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "instance": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"related_name": "'attachments'", "to": "orm['logger.Instance']"}, ), "media_file": ( "django.db.models.fields.files.FileField", [], {"max_length": "100"}, ), "mimetype": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "''", "max_length": "50", "blank": "True"}, ), }, "logger.instance": { "Meta": {"object_name": "Instance"}, "date_created": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now_add": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "date_modified": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "deleted_at": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"default": "None", "null": "True"}, ), "geom": ( "django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields.GeometryCollectionField", [], {"null": "True"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "json": ("jsonfield.fields.JSONField", [], {"default": "{}"}), "status": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "u'submitted_via_web'", "max_length": "20"}, ), "survey_type": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"to": "orm['logger.SurveyType']"}, ), "user": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], { "related_name": "'instances'", "null": "True", "to": "orm['auth.User']", }, ), "uuid": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "u''", "max_length": "249"}, ), "xform": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], { "related_name": "'instances'", "null": "True", "to": "orm['logger.XForm']", }, ), "xml": ("django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {}), }, "logger.instancehistory": { "Meta": {"object_name": "InstanceHistory"}, "date_created": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now_add": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "date_modified": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "uuid": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "u''", "max_length": "249"}, ), "xform_instance": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], { "related_name": "'submission_history'", "to": "orm['logger.Instance']", }, ), "xml": ("django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {}), }, "logger.note": { "Meta": {"object_name": "Note"}, "date_created": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now_add": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "date_modified": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "instance": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"related_name": "'notes'", "to": "orm['logger.Instance']"}, ), "note": ("django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {}), }, "logger.surveytype": { "Meta": {"object_name": "SurveyType"}, "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "slug": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"unique": "True", "max_length": "100"}, ), }, "logger.xform": { "Meta": { "ordering": "('id_string',)", "unique_together": "(('user', 'id_string'), ('user', 'sms_id_string'))", "object_name": "XForm", }, "allows_sms": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "bamboo_dataset": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "u''", "max_length": "60"}, ), "date_created": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now_add": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "date_modified": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "description": ( "django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {"default": "u''", "null": "True"}, ), "downloadable": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "True"}, ), "encrypted": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "has_start_time": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "id_string": ( "django.db.models.fields.SlugField", [], {"max_length": "100"}, ), "instances_with_geopoints": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "is_crowd_form": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "json": ("django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {"default": "u''"}), "last_submission_time": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"null": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "num_of_submissions": ( "django.db.models.fields.IntegerField", [], {"default": "-1"}, ), "shared": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "shared_data": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "sms_id_string": ( "django.db.models.fields.SlugField", [], {"default": "''", "max_length": "100"}, ), "title": ("django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "255"}), "user": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"related_name": "'xforms'", "null": "True", "to": "orm['auth.User']"}, ), "uuid": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "u''", "max_length": "32"}, ), "xls": ( "django.db.models.fields.files.FileField", [], {"max_length": "100", "null": "True"}, ), "xml": ("django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {}), }, "logger.ziggyinstance": { "Meta": {"object_name": "ZiggyInstance"}, "client_version": ( "django.db.models.fields.BigIntegerField", [], {"default": "None", "null": "True"}, ), "date_created": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now_add": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "date_deleted": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"default": "None", "null": "True"}, ), "date_modified": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "entity_id": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "249"}, ), "form_instance": ("django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {}), "form_version": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "u'1.0'", "max_length": "10"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "instance_id": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"unique": "True", "max_length": "249"}, ), "reporter": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"related_name": "'ziggys'", "to": "orm['auth.User']"}, ), "server_version": ("django.db.models.fields.BigIntegerField", [], {}), "xform": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], { "related_name": "'ziggy_submissions'", "null": "True", "to": "orm['logger.XForm']", }, ), }, "taggit.tag": { "Meta": {"object_name": "Tag"}, "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "name": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"unique": "True", "max_length": "100"}, ), "slug": ( "django.db.models.fields.SlugField", [], {"unique": "True", "max_length": "100"}, ), }, "taggit.taggeditem": { "Meta": {"object_name": "TaggedItem"}, "content_type": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], { "related_name": "u'taggit_taggeditem_tagged_items'", "to": "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']", }, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "object_id": ( "django.db.models.fields.IntegerField", [], {"db_index": "True"}, ), "tag": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], { "related_name": "u'taggit_taggeditem_items'", "to": "orm['taggit.Tag']", }, ), }, } complete_apps = ["logger"]
import re import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify class Section(dict): "\n A class used to represent a section of a page. A section should\n have certain fields. 'level' denotes how nested this section is in\n the document, like h1, h2, etc. 'id' is a string used to link to\n this section. 'title' will be printed at the top the\n section. 'content' is the html that will be printed as the meat of\n the section. Notice that we use the 'section.html' template to\n render a section as html, and the url provides a link that will be\n used in the page's table of contents.\n " FIELDS = ['level', 'id', 'title', 'content'] def to_html(self): return ('section.html', self) def url(self): return ('<a href="#%(id)s">%(title)s</a>' % self) class TreeNode(list): '\n This simple tree class will be used to construct the table of\n contents for the page.\n ' def __init__(self, value=None, parent=None): self.value = value self.parent = parent (self) def add_child(self, value): child = (value, self) (child) return child class GoogleDoc(object): "\n This class provides a structure for dealing with a Google\n Document. Most use cases will initialize a GoogleDoc by passing a\n url to the init. This should be a public url that links to an html\n version of the document. You can find this url by publishing your\n Google Document to the web and copying the url.\n\n The primary method this class provides is 'to_html' which renders\n this document as html in the Twitter Bootstrap format.\n " def __init__(self, url=None): if (url is not None): (url) def set_html_from_url(self, url): f = (url) (()) () def set_html(self, html): '\n When setting the html for this Google Document we do two\n things:\n\n 1. We extract the content from the html. Using a regular\n expression we pull the meat of the document out of the body\n of the html, we also cut off the footer Google adds on\n automatically.\n\n 2. We extract the various sections from the content of the\n document. Again using a regular expression, we look for h1,\n h2, ... tags to split the document up into sections. Note:\n it is important when you are writing your Google Document\n to use the heading text styles, so this code will split\n things correctly.\n ' self._html = html () () def _extract_content(self): m = ('<body>(.*)</div><div id="footer">', self._html, re.DOTALL) self._content = (1) () def _fix_image_urls(self): '\n Make relative paths for images absolute.\n ' def repl(m): return ('src="', 'src="https://docs.google.com/document/', (1)) self._content = ('(<img[^>]*>)', repl, self._content) def _extract_sections(self): '\n Here is an example of what a section header looks like in the\n html of a Google Document:\n\n <h3 class="c1"><a name="h.699ffpepx6zs"></a><span>Hello World\n </span></h3>\n\n We split the content of the Google Document up using a regular\n expression that matches the above header. re.split is a pretty\n cool function if you haven\'t tried it before. It puts the\n matching groups into the list as well as the content between\n the matches. Check it out here:\n\n http://docs.python.org/library/re.html#re.split\n\n One big thing we do in this method is replace the ugly section\n id that Google creates with a nicely slugified version of the\n section title. This makes for pretty urls.\n ' self._sections = [] header = '<h(?P<level>\\d) class="[^"]+"><a name="(?P<id>[^"]+)"></a><span>(?P<title>[^<]+)</span></h\\d>' l = (header, self._content) (0) while l: section = () section['id'] = (section['title']) if (section['level'] >= 1): (section) def _construct_section_tree(self): "\n For some weird reason Google Documents doesn't like nesting\n lists, so their table of contents requires a bunch of special\n formatting. Instead of trying to hack off what they provide\n us, we create a tree of sections based on each sections\n level. This tree will be used to construct the html for the\n table of contents.\n " self._section_tree = (()) current_node = self._section_tree for section in self._sections: while (section['level'] <= current_node.value['level']): current_node = current_node.parent while (section['level'] > (current_node.value['level'] + 1)): empty_section = () current_node = (empty_section) if (not (section['level'] == (current_node.value['level'] + 1))): raise () current_node = (section) def _navigation_list(self, node=None): '\n Return an html representation of the table of contents for\n this document. This is done recursively adding on a list item\n for each element in the tree, and an unordered list if this\n node has children. I might want to double check that this html\n is the correct way to nest lists.\n ' if (node is None): () return (self._section_tree) result = '' if (('title' in node.value) and ('id' in node.value)): result += ('<li>%s</li>' % ()) if ((node) > 0): result += ('<ul>%s</ul>' % ([(child) for child in node])) return result def _navigation_html(self): '\n Render the navigation html as a Twitter Bootstrap section.\n ' return ('section.html', {'level': 1, 'id': 'contents', 'title': 'Contents', 'content': ()}) def to_html(self): '\n Return a cleaned up HTML representation of this Google\n Document.\n ' return ('google_doc.html', {'nav': (), 'content': ([() for s in self._sections])})
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding field 'MetaData.file_hash' db.add_column( "main_metadata", "file_hash", self.gf("django.db.models.fields.CharField")( max_length=50, null=True, blank=True ), keep_default=False, ) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting field 'MetaData.file_hash' db.delete_column("main_metadata", "file_hash") models = { "auth.group": { "Meta": {"object_name": "Group"}, "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "name": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"unique": "True", "max_length": "80"}, ), "permissions": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField", [], { "to": "orm['auth.Permission']", "symmetrical": "False", "blank": "True", }, ), }, "auth.permission": { "Meta": { "ordering": "(u'content_type__app_label', u'content_type__model', u'codename')", "unique_together": "((u'content_type', u'codename'),)", "object_name": "Permission", }, "codename": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "100"}, ), "content_type": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"to": "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "name": ("django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "50"}), }, "auth.user": { "Meta": {"object_name": "User"}, "date_joined": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"default": "datetime.datetime.now"}, ), "email": ( "django.db.models.fields.EmailField", [], {"max_length": "75", "blank": "True"}, ), "first_name": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "30", "blank": "True"}, ), "groups": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField", [], {"to": "orm['auth.Group']", "symmetrical": "False", "blank": "True"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "is_active": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "True"}, ), "is_staff": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "is_superuser": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "last_login": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"default": "datetime.datetime.now"}, ), "last_name": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "30", "blank": "True"}, ), "password": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "128"}, ), "user_permissions": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField", [], { "to": "orm['auth.Permission']", "symmetrical": "False", "blank": "True", }, ), "username": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"unique": "True", "max_length": "30"}, ), }, "contenttypes.contenttype": { "Meta": { "ordering": "('name',)", "unique_together": "(('app_label', 'model'),)", "object_name": "ContentType", "db_table": "'django_content_type'", }, "app_label": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "100"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "model": ("django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "100"}), "name": ("django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "100"}), }, "logger.xform": { "Meta": { "ordering": "('id_string',)", "unique_together": "(('user', 'id_string'), ('user', 'sms_id_string'))", "object_name": "XForm", }, "allows_sms": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "bamboo_dataset": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "u''", "max_length": "60"}, ), "date_created": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now_add": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "date_modified": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"auto_now": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "description": ( "django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {"default": "u''", "null": "True"}, ), "downloadable": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "True"}, ), "encrypted": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "has_start_time": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "id_string": ( "django.db.models.fields.SlugField", [], {"max_length": "100"}, ), "instances_with_geopoints": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "json": ("django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {"default": "u''"}), "last_submission_time": ( "django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField", [], {"null": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "num_of_submissions": ( "django.db.models.fields.IntegerField", [], {"default": "0"}, ), "require_auth": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "shared": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "shared_data": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "sms_id_string": ( "django.db.models.fields.SlugField", [], {"default": "''", "max_length": "100"}, ), "title": ("django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "255"}), "user": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"related_name": "'xforms'", "null": "True", "to": "orm['auth.User']"}, ), "uuid": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"default": "u''", "max_length": "32"}, ), "xls": ( "django.db.models.fields.files.FileField", [], {"max_length": "100", "null": "True"}, ), "xml": ("django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {}), }, "main.metadata": { "Meta": { "unique_together": "(('xform', 'data_type', 'data_value'),)", "object_name": "MetaData", }, "data_file": ( "django.db.models.fields.files.FileField", [], {"max_length": "100", "null": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "data_file_type": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "255", "null": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "data_type": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "255"}, ), "data_value": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "255"}, ), "file_hash": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "50", "null": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "xform": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"to": "orm['logger.XForm']"}, ), }, "main.tokenstoragemodel": { "Meta": {"object_name": "TokenStorageModel"}, "id": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], { "related_name": "'google_id'", "primary_key": "True", "to": "orm['auth.User']", }, ), "token": ("django.db.models.fields.TextField", [], {}), }, "main.userprofile": { "Meta": {"object_name": "UserProfile"}, "address": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "255", "blank": "True"}, ), "city": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "255", "blank": "True"}, ), "country": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "2", "blank": "True"}, ), "created_by": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], {"to": "orm['auth.User']", "null": "True", "blank": "True"}, ), "description": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "255", "blank": "True"}, ), "home_page": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "255", "blank": "True"}, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "name": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "255", "blank": "True"}, ), "num_of_submissions": ( "django.db.models.fields.IntegerField", [], {"default": "0"}, ), "organization": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "255", "blank": "True"}, ), "phonenumber": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "30", "blank": "True"}, ), "require_auth": ( "django.db.models.fields.BooleanField", [], {"default": "False"}, ), "twitter": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"max_length": "255", "blank": "True"}, ), "user": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.OneToOneField", [], { "related_name": "'profile'", "unique": "True", "to": "orm['auth.User']", }, ), }, "taggit.tag": { "Meta": {"object_name": "Tag"}, "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "name": ( "django.db.models.fields.CharField", [], {"unique": "True", "max_length": "100"}, ), "slug": ( "django.db.models.fields.SlugField", [], {"unique": "True", "max_length": "100"}, ), }, "taggit.taggeditem": { "Meta": {"object_name": "TaggedItem"}, "content_type": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], { "related_name": "u'taggit_taggeditem_tagged_items'", "to": "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']", }, ), "id": ("django.db.models.fields.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"}), "object_id": ( "django.db.models.fields.IntegerField", [], {"db_index": "True"}, ), "tag": ( "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey", [], { "related_name": "u'taggit_taggeditem_items'", "to": "orm['taggit.Tag']", }, ), }, } complete_apps = ["main"]
import unittest from django.test import TestCase from django.test.client import Client from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from onadata.apps.main.views import profile class TestUserProfile(TestCase): def setup(self): self.client = Client() self.assertEqual(len(User.objects.all()), 0) def _login_user_and_profile(self, extra_post_data={}): post_data = { "username": "bob", "email": "bob@columbia.edu", "password1": "bobbob", "password2": "bobbob", "name": "Bob", "city": "Bobville", "country": "US", "organization": "Bob Inc.", "home_page": "bob.com", "twitter": "boberama", } url = "/accounts/register/" post_data = dict(list(post_data.items()) + list(extra_post_data.items())) self.response = self.client.post(url, post_data) try: self.user = User.objects.get(username=post_data["username"]) except User.DoesNotExist: pass def test_create_user_with_given_name(self): self._login_user_and_profile() self.assertEqual(self.response.status_code, 302) self.assertEqual(self.user.username, "bob") def test_create_user_profile_for_user(self): self._login_user_and_profile() self.assertEqual(self.response.status_code, 302) user_profile = self.user.profile self.assertEqual(user_profile.city, "Bobville") self.assertTrue(hasattr(user_profile, "metadata")) def test_disallow_non_alpha_numeric(self): invalid_usernames = [ "b ob", "b.o.b.", "b-ob", "b!", "@bob", "bob@bob.com", "bob$", "b&o&b", "bob?", "#bob", "(bob)", "b*ob", "%s % bob", ] users_before = User.objects.count() for username in invalid_usernames: self._login_user_and_profile({"username": username}) self.assertEqual(User.objects.count(), users_before) def test_disallow_reserved_name(self): users_before = User.objects.count() self._login_user_and_profile({"username": "admin"}) self.assertEqual(User.objects.count(), users_before) def test_404_if_user_does_not_exist(self): response = self.client.get(reverse(profile, kwargs={"username": "nonuser"})) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404) @unittest.skip("We don't use twitter in kobocat tests") def test_show_single_at_sign_in_twitter_link(self): self._login_user_and_profile() response = self.client.get(reverse(profile, kwargs={"username": "bob"})) self.assertContains(response, ">@boberama") # add the @ sign self.user.profile.twitter = "@boberama" self.user.profile.save() response = self.client.get(reverse(profile, kwargs={"username": "bob"})) self.assertContains(response, ">@boberama")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Create your views here.
from collections import OrderedDict from itertools import chain import time from django.conf import settings from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame try: from pandas.io.parsers import ExcelWriter except ImportError as e: from pandas import ExcelWriter from pyxform.survey_element import SurveyElement from pyxform.section import Section, RepeatingSection from pyxform.question import Question from onadata.apps.viewer.models.data_dictionary import DataDictionary from onadata.apps.viewer.models.parsed_instance import ParsedInstance from onadata.libs.exceptions import NoRecordsFoundError from onadata.libs.utils.common_tags import ID, XFORM_ID_STRING, STATUS, ATTACHMENTS, GEOLOCATION, UUID, SUBMISSION_TIME, NA_REP, BAMBOO_DATASET_ID, DELETEDAT, TAGS, NOTES, SUBMITTED_BY from onadata.libs.utils.export_tools import question_types_to_exclude xform_instances = settings.MONGO_DB.instances MULTIPLE_SELECT_BIND_TYPE = 'select' GEOPOINT_BIND_TYPE = 'geopoint' GROUP_DELIMITER_SLASH = '/' GROUP_DELIMITER_DOT = '.' DEFAULT_GROUP_DELIMITER = GROUP_DELIMITER_SLASH GROUP_DELIMITERS = [GROUP_DELIMITER_SLASH, GROUP_DELIMITER_DOT] def get_valid_sheet_name(sheet_name, existing_name_list): new_sheet_name = sheet_name[:XLSDataFrameBuilder.SHEET_NAME_MAX_CHARS] i = 1 generated_name = new_sheet_name while (generated_name in existing_name_list): digit_length = ((i)) allowed_name_len = (XLSDataFrameBuilder.SHEET_NAME_MAX_CHARS - digit_length) if ((generated_name) > allowed_name_len): generated_name = generated_name[:allowed_name_len] generated_name = (generated_name, i) i += 1 return generated_name def remove_dups_from_list_maintain_order(l): return ((l)) def get_prefix_from_xpath(xpath): xpath = (xpath) parts = ('/', 1) if ((parts) == 1): return None elif ((parts) == 2): return ('%s/' % parts[0]) else: raise (('%s cannot be prefixed, it returns %s' % (xpath, (parts)))) class AbstractDataFrameBuilder(object): IGNORED_COLUMNS = [XFORM_ID_STRING, STATUS, ID, ATTACHMENTS, GEOLOCATION, BAMBOO_DATASET_ID, DELETEDAT, SUBMITTED_BY] ADDITIONAL_COLUMNS = [UUID, SUBMISSION_TIME, TAGS, NOTES] BINARY_SELECT_MULTIPLES = False '\n Group functionality used by any DataFrameBuilder i.e. XLS, CSV and KML\n ' def __init__(self, username, id_string, filter_query=None, group_delimiter=DEFAULT_GROUP_DELIMITER, split_select_multiples=True, binary_select_multiples=False): self.username = username self.id_string = id_string self.filter_query = filter_query self.group_delimiter = group_delimiter self.split_select_multiples = split_select_multiples self.BINARY_SELECT_MULTIPLES = binary_select_multiples () def _setup(self): self.dd = () self.select_multiples = (self.dd) self.gps_fields = (self.dd) @classmethod def _fields_to_select(cls, dd): return [() for c in () if (c, Question)] @classmethod def _collect_select_multiples(cls, dd): return ([((), [() for c in e.children]) for e in () if (('type') == 'select')]) @classmethod def _split_select_multiples(cls, record, select_multiples, binary_select_multiples=False): 'Prefix contains the xpath and slash if we are within a repeat so\n that we can figure out which select multiples belong to which repeat\n ' for (key, choices) in (()): selections = [] if (key in record): selections = [('%s/%s' % (key, r)) for r in (' ')] (key) if (not binary_select_multiples): (([(choice, (choice in selections)) for choice in choices])) else: YES = 1 NO = 0 (([(choice, (YES if (choice in selections) else NO)) for choice in choices])) for (record_key, record_item) in (()): if ((record_item) == list): for list_item in record_item: if ((list_item) == dict): (list_item, select_multiples) return record @classmethod def _collect_gps_fields(cls, dd): return [() for e in () if (('type') == 'geopoint')] @classmethod def _tag_edit_string(cls, record): '\n Turns a list of tags into a string representation.\n ' if ('_tags' in record): tags = [] for tag in record['_tags']: if ((',' in tag) and (' ' in tag)): (('"%s"' % tag)) else: (tag) ({'_tags': ((tags))}) @classmethod def _split_gps_fields(cls, record, gps_fields): updated_gps_fields = {} for (key, value) in (): if ((key in gps_fields) and (value, str)): gps_xpaths = (key) gps_parts = ([(xpath, None) for xpath in gps_xpaths]) parts = (' ') if ((parts) == 4): gps_parts = (((gps_xpaths, parts))) (gps_parts) elif ((value) == list): for list_item in value: if ((list_item) == dict): (list_item, gps_fields) (updated_gps_fields) def _query_mongo(self, query='{}', start=0, limit=ParsedInstance.DEFAULT_LIMIT, fields='[]', count=False): count_args = {'username': self.username, 'id_string': self.id_string, 'query': query, 'fields': '[]', 'sort': '{}', 'count': True} count_object = () record_count = count_object[0]['count'] if (record_count == 0): raise ('No records found for your query') if count: return record_count else: query_args = {'username': self.username, 'id_string': self.id_string, 'query': query, 'fields': fields, 'sort': '{}', 'start': start, 'limit': limit, 'count': False} cursor = () return cursor class XLSDataFrameBuilder(AbstractDataFrameBuilder): '\n Generate structures from mongo and DataDictionary for a DataFrameXLSWriter\n\n This builder can choose to query the data in batches and write to a single\n ExcelWriter object using multiple instances of DataFrameXLSWriter\n ' INDEX_COLUMN = '_index' PARENT_TABLE_NAME_COLUMN = '_parent_table_name' PARENT_INDEX_COLUMN = '_parent_index' EXTRA_COLUMNS = [INDEX_COLUMN, PARENT_TABLE_NAME_COLUMN, PARENT_INDEX_COLUMN] SHEET_NAME_MAX_CHARS = 30 XLS_SHEET_COUNT_LIMIT = 255 XLS_COLUMN_COUNT_MAX = 255 CURRENT_INDEX_META = 'current_index' def __init__(self, username, id_string, filter_query=None, group_delimiter=DEFAULT_GROUP_DELIMITER, split_select_multiples=True, binary_select_multiples=False): (username, id_string, filter_query, group_delimiter, split_select_multiples, binary_select_multiples) def _setup(self): () () def export_to(self, file_path, batchsize=1000): self.xls_writer = (file_path) record_count = () start = 0 header = True while (start < record_count): cursor = (self.filter_query) data = (cursor) for (section_name, section) in (): records = data[section_name] if ((records) > 0): columns = section['columns'] if (self.group_delimiter != DEFAULT_GROUP_DELIMITER): columns = [(('/')) for col in columns] columns = (columns + self.EXTRA_COLUMNS) writer = (records, columns) (self.xls_writer, section_name) header = False start += batchsize (0.1) () def _format_for_dataframe(self, cursor): '\n Format each record for consumption by a dataframe\n\n returns a dictionary with the key being the name of the sheet,\n and values a list of dicts to feed into a DataFrame\n ' data = (((section_name, []) for section_name in (()))) main_section = self.sections[self.survey_name] main_sections_columns = main_section['columns'] for record in cursor: (data[self.survey_name], record, main_sections_columns, self.survey_name) parent_index = main_section[self.CURRENT_INDEX_META] for (sheet_name, section) in (): if (sheet_name != self.survey_name): xpath = section['xpath'] columns = section['columns'] if (xpath in record): repeat_records = record[xpath] for repeat_record in repeat_records: (data[sheet_name], repeat_record, columns, sheet_name, parent_index, self.survey_name) return data def _add_data_for_section(self, data_section, record, columns, section_name, parent_index=(- 1), parent_table_name=None): ({}) self.sections[section_name][self.CURRENT_INDEX_META] += 1 index = self.sections[section_name][self.CURRENT_INDEX_META] if self.split_select_multiples: record = (record, self.select_multiples) (record, self.gps_fields) for column in columns: data_value = None try: data_value = record[column] except KeyError: raise ({((('/')) if (self.group_delimiter != DEFAULT_GROUP_DELIMITER) else column): data_value}) ({XLSDataFrameBuilder.INDEX_COLUMN: index, XLSDataFrameBuilder.PARENT_INDEX_COLUMN: parent_index, XLSDataFrameBuilder.PARENT_TABLE_NAME_COLUMN: parent_table_name}) (([(column, (record[column] if (column in record) else None)) for column in self.ADDITIONAL_COLUMNS])) def _generate_sections(self): '\n Split survey questions into separate sections for each xls sheet and\n columns for each section\n ' self.sections = () self.select_multiples = {} survey_element = self.dd.survey self.survey_name = (survey_element.name, (())) (self.survey_name, (), False) (self.survey_name, ()) for section_name in self.sections: self.sections[section_name]['columns'] += self.ADDITIONAL_COLUMNS () def _build_sections_recursive(self, section_name, element, is_repeating=False): "Builds a section's children and recurses any repeating sections\n to build those as a separate section\n " for child in element.children: if (child, Section): new_is_repeating = (child, RepeatingSection) new_section_name = section_name if new_is_repeating: new_section_name = (child.name, (())) (new_section_name, (), True) (new_section_name, child, new_is_repeating) else: child_bind_type = ('type') if ((child, Question) and (not (child.type)) and (not (child_bind_type == MULTIPLE_SELECT_BIND_TYPE))): (section_name, child) elif (child_bind_type == MULTIPLE_SELECT_BIND_TYPE): self.select_multiples[()] = [() for option in child.children] if self.split_select_multiples: for option in child.children: (section_name, option) else: (section_name, child) if (child_bind_type == GEOPOINT_BIND_TYPE): for xpath in (()): (section_name, xpath) def get_exceeds_xls_limits(self): if (not (self, 'exceeds_xls_limits')): self.exceeds_xls_limits = False if ((self.sections) > self.XLS_SHEET_COUNT_LIMIT): self.exceeds_xls_limits = True else: for section in (): if ((section['columns']) > self.XLS_COLUMN_COUNT_MAX): self.exceeds_xls_limits = True break return self.exceeds_xls_limits def _create_section(self, section_name, xpath, is_repeat): self.sections[section_name] = {'name': section_name, 'xpath': xpath, 'columns': [], 'is_repeat': is_repeat, self.CURRENT_INDEX_META: 0} def _add_column_to_section(self, sheet_name, column): section = self.sections[sheet_name] xpath = None if (column, SurveyElement): xpath = () elif (column, str): xpath = column if (not xpath): raise () if (xpath not in section['columns']): (xpath) class CSVDataFrameBuilder(AbstractDataFrameBuilder): def __init__(self, username, id_string, filter_query=None, group_delimiter=DEFAULT_GROUP_DELIMITER, split_select_multiples=True, binary_select_multiples=False): (username, id_string, filter_query, group_delimiter, split_select_multiples, binary_select_multiples) self.ordered_columns = () def _setup(self): () @classmethod def _reindex(cls, key, value, ordered_columns, parent_prefix=None): '\n Flatten list columns by appending an index, otherwise return as is\n ' d = {} if (((value) is list) and ((value) > 0) and (key != NOTES) and (key != ATTACHMENTS)): for (index, item) in (value): index += 1 if ((item) is dict): for (nested_key, nested_val) in (): xpaths = [('%s[%s]' % (nested_key[:((key) + (key))], index)), nested_key[(((key) + (key)) + 1):]] xpaths = ('/') new_prefix = xpaths[:(- 1)] if ((nested_val) is list): ((nested_key, nested_val, ordered_columns, new_prefix)) else: if parent_prefix: xpaths[0:(parent_prefix)] = parent_prefix new_xpath = (xpaths) if (key in (())): if (new_xpath not in ordered_columns[key]): (new_xpath) d[new_xpath] = nested_val else: d[key] = value elif (key == NOTES): d[key] = (value) elif (key == ATTACHMENTS): d[key] = [] else: d[key] = value return d @classmethod def _build_ordered_columns(cls, survey_element, ordered_columns, is_repeating_section=False): '\n Build a flat ordered dict of column groups\n\n is_repeating_section ensures that child questions of repeating sections\n are not considered columns\n ' for child in survey_element.children: if (child, Section): child_is_repeating = False if (child, RepeatingSection): ordered_columns[()] = [] child_is_repeating = True (child, ordered_columns, child_is_repeating) elif ((child, Question) and (not (child.type)) and (not is_repeating_section)): ordered_columns[()] = None def _format_for_dataframe(self, cursor): if self.split_select_multiples: for (key, choices) in (()): self.ordered_columns[key] = (choices) for key in self.gps_fields: gps_xpaths = (key) self.ordered_columns[key] = ([key] + gps_xpaths) data = [] for record in cursor: if self.split_select_multiples: record = (record, self.select_multiples, self.BINARY_SELECT_MULTIPLES) (record, self.gps_fields) (record) flat_dict = {} for (key, value) in (): reindexed = (key, value, self.ordered_columns) (reindexed) if (self.group_delimiter != DEFAULT_GROUP_DELIMITER): flat_dict = ((((('/')), v) for (k, v) in ())) (flat_dict) return data def export_to(self, file_or_path, data_frame_max_size=30000): from math import ceil record_count = () self.ordered_columns = () (self.dd.survey, self.ordered_columns) datas = [] num_data_frames = ((((record_count) / (data_frame_max_size)))) for i in (num_data_frames): cursor = (self.filter_query) data = (cursor) (data) columns = (([([xpath] if (cols is None) else cols) for (xpath, cols) in ()])) if (self.group_delimiter != DEFAULT_GROUP_DELIMITER): columns = [(('/')) for col in columns] columns += [col for col in self.ADDITIONAL_COLUMNS] header = True if (file_or_path, 'read'): csv_file = file_or_path close = False else: csv_file = (file_or_path, 'wb') close = True for data in datas: writer = (data, columns) (csv_file) header = False if close: () class XLSDataFrameWriter(object): def __init__(self, records, columns): self.dataframe = (records) def write_to_excel(self, excel_writer, sheet_name, header=False, index=False): (excel_writer, sheet_name) class CSVDataFrameWriter(object): def __init__(self, records, columns): if (not ((records) > 0)): raise () self.dataframe = (records) for col in AbstractDataFrameBuilder.IGNORED_COLUMNS: if (col in self.dataframe.columns): del self.dataframe[col] def write_to_csv(self, csv_file, header=True, index=False): na_rep = (settings, 'NA_REP', NA_REP) (csv_file)
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm, remove_perm from onadata.apps.main.tests.test_base import TestBase from onadata.apps.viewer.views import instance class TestInstanceView(TestBase): def setUp(self): TestBase.setUp(self) self._create_user_and_login() self._publish_transportation_form_and_submit_instance() self.url = reverse( instance, kwargs={"username": self.user.username, "id_string": self.xform.id_string}, ) def test_instance_view(self): response = self.client.get(self.url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def test_restrict_for_anon(self): response = self.anon.get(self.url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403) def test_restrict_for_not_owner(self): self._create_user_and_login("alice") response = self.client.get(self.url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403) def test_allow_if_shared(self): self.xform.shared_data = True self.xform.save() response = self.anon.get(self.url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def test_allow_if_user_given_permission(self): self._create_user_and_login("alice") assign_perm("change_xform", self.user, self.xform) response = self.client.get(self.url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def test_disallow_if_user_permission_revoked(self): self._create_user_and_login("alice") assign_perm("change_xform", self.user, self.xform) response = self.client.get(self.url) remove_perm("change_xform", self.user, self.xform) response = self.client.get(self.url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
import pytz from datetime import datetime from django.conf import settings # 10,000,000 bytes DEFAULT_CONTENT_LENGTH = getattr(settings, "DEFAULT_CONTENT_LENGTH", 10000000) class OpenRosaHeadersMixin(object): def get_openrosa_headers(self, request, location=True): tz = pytz.timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE) dt = datetime.now(tz).strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") data = { "Date": dt, "X-OpenRosa-Version": "1.0", "X-OpenRosa-Accept-Content-Length": DEFAULT_CONTENT_LENGTH, } if location: data["Location"] = request.build_absolute_uri(request.path) return data
from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.exceptions import ParseError class TagListSerializer(serializers.Field): def to_internal_value(self, data): if type(data) is not list: raise ParseError("expected a list of data") return data def to_representation(self, obj): if obj is None: return super(TagListSerializer, self).to_representation(obj) if type(obj) is not list: return list(obj.values_list("name", flat=True)) return obj
from datetime import date, datetime import os import pytz import re import tempfile import traceback from xml.dom import Node from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError from dict2xml import dict2xml from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError, PermissionDenied from django.core.files.storage import get_storage_class from django.core.mail import mail_admins from django.core.servers.basehttp import FileWrapper from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction from django.db.models.signals import pre_delete from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound, StreamingHttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils.encoding import DjangoUnicodeDecodeError from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils import timezone from modilabs.utils.subprocess_timeout import ProcessTimedOut from pyxform.errors import PyXFormError from pyxform.xform2json import create_survey_element_from_xml import sys from onadata.apps.main.models import UserProfile from onadata.apps.logger.models import Attachment from onadata.apps.logger.models import Instance from onadata.apps.logger.models.instance import ( FormInactiveError, InstanceHistory, get_id_string_from_xml_str, ) from onadata.apps.logger.models import XForm from onadata.apps.logger.models.xform import XLSFormError from onadata.apps.logger.xform_instance_parser import ( InstanceEmptyError, InstanceInvalidUserError, InstanceMultipleNodeError, DuplicateInstance, clean_and_parse_xml, get_uuid_from_xml, get_deprecated_uuid_from_xml, get_submission_date_from_xml, ) from onadata.apps.viewer.models.data_dictionary import DataDictionary from onadata.apps.viewer.models.parsed_instance import ( _remove_from_mongo, xform_instances, ParsedInstance, ) from onadata.libs.utils import common_tags from onadata.libs.utils.model_tools import queryset_iterator, set_uuid OPEN_ROSA_VERSION_HEADER = "X-OpenRosa-Version" HTTP_OPEN_ROSA_VERSION_HEADER = "HTTP_X_OPENROSA_VERSION" OPEN_ROSA_VERSION = "1.0" DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = "text/xml; charset=utf-8" DEFAULT_CONTENT_LENGTH = settings.DEFAULT_CONTENT_LENGTH uuid_regex = re.compile( r"<formhub>\s*<uuid>\s*([^<]+)\s*</uuid>\s*</formhub>", re.DOTALL ) mongo_instances = settings.MONGO_DB.instances def _get_instance(xml, new_uuid, submitted_by, status, xform): # check if its an edit submission old_uuid = get_deprecated_uuid_from_xml(xml) instances = Instance.objects.filter(uuid=old_uuid) if instances: # edits check_edit_submission_permissions(submitted_by, xform) instance = instances[0] InstanceHistory.objects.create( xml=instance.xml, xform_instance=instance, uuid=old_uuid ) instance.xml = xml instance.uuid = new_uuid instance.save() else: # new submission instance = Instance.objects.create( xml=xml, user=submitted_by, status=status, xform=xform ) return instance def dict2xform(jsform, form_id): dd = {"form_id": form_id} xml_head = "<?xml version='1.0' ?>\n<%(form_id)s id='%(form_id)s'>\n" % dd xml_tail = "\n</%(form_id)s>" % dd return xml_head + dict2xml(jsform) + xml_tail def get_uuid_from_submission(xml): # parse UUID from uploaded XML split_xml = uuid_regex.split(xml) # check that xml has UUID return len(split_xml) > 1 and split_xml[1] or None def get_xform_from_submission(xml, username, uuid=None): # check alternative form submission ids uuid = uuid or get_uuid_from_submission(xml) if not username and not uuid: raise InstanceInvalidUserError() if uuid: # try find the form by its uuid which is the ideal condition if XForm.objects.filter(uuid=uuid).count() > 0: xform = XForm.objects.get(uuid=uuid) return xform id_string = get_id_string_from_xml_str(xml) return get_object_or_404(XForm, id_string__exact=id_string, user__username=username) def _has_edit_xform_permission(xform, user): if isinstance(xform, XForm) and isinstance(user, User): return user.has_perm("logger.change_xform", xform) return False def check_edit_submission_permissions(request_user, xform): if xform and request_user and request_user.is_authenticated(): requires_auth = UserProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=xform.user)[ 0 ].require_auth has_edit_perms = _has_edit_xform_permission(xform, request_user) if requires_auth and not has_edit_perms: raise PermissionDenied( _( "%(request_user)s is not allowed to make edit submissions " "to %(form_user)s's %(form_title)s form." % { "request_user": request_user, "form_user": xform.user, "form_title": xform.title, } ) ) def check_submission_permissions(request, xform): """Check that permission is required and the request user has permission. The user does no have permissions iff: * the user is authed, * either the profile or the form require auth, * the xform user is not submitting. Since we have a username, the Instance creation logic will handle checking for the forms existence by its id_string. :returns: None. :raises: PermissionDenied based on the above criteria. """ profile = UserProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=xform.user)[0] if ( request and ( profile.require_auth or xform.require_auth or request.path == "/submission" ) and xform.user != request.user and not request.user.has_perm("report_xform", xform) ): raise PermissionDenied( _( "%(request_user)s is not allowed to make submissions " "to %(form_user)s's %(form_title)s form." % { "request_user": request.user, "form_user": xform.user, "form_title": xform.title, } ) ) def save_submission( xform, xml, media_files, new_uuid, submitted_by, status, date_created_override ): if not date_created_override: date_created_override = get_submission_date_from_xml(xml) instance = _get_instance(xml, new_uuid, submitted_by, status, xform) for f in media_files: Attachment.objects.get_or_create( instance=instance, media_file=f, mimetype=f.content_type ) # override date created if required if date_created_override: if not timezone.is_aware(date_created_override): # default to utc? date_created_override = timezone.make_aware( date_created_override, timezone.utc ) instance.date_created = date_created_override instance.save() if instance.xform is not None: pi, created = ParsedInstance.objects.get_or_create(instance=instance) if not created: pi.save(async=False) return instance def create_instance( username, xml_file, media_files, status="submitted_via_web", uuid=None, date_created_override=None, request=None, ): """ I used to check if this file had been submitted already, I've taken this out because it was too slow. Now we're going to create a way for an admin to mark duplicate instances. This should simplify things a bit. Submission cases: If there is a username and no uuid, submitting an old ODK form. If there is a username and a uuid, submitting a new ODK form. """ with transaction.atomic(): instance = None submitted_by = ( request.user if request and request.user.is_authenticated() else None ) if username: username = username.lower() xml = xml_file.read() xform = get_xform_from_submission(xml, username, uuid) check_submission_permissions(request, xform) existing_instance_count = Instance.objects.filter( xml=xml, xform__user=xform.user ).count() if existing_instance_count > 0: existing_instance = Instance.objects.filter( xml=xml, xform__user=xform.user )[0] if not existing_instance.xform or existing_instance.xform.has_start_time: # Ignore submission as a duplicate IFF # * a submission's XForm collects start time # * the submitted XML is an exact match with one that # has already been submitted for that user. raise DuplicateInstance() # get new and depracated uuid's new_uuid = get_uuid_from_xml(xml) duplicate_instances = Instance.objects.filter(uuid=new_uuid) if duplicate_instances: # ensure we have saved the extra attachments for f in media_files: Attachment.objects.get_or_create( instance=duplicate_instances[0], media_file=f, mimetype=f.content_type, ) else: instance = save_submission( xform, xml, media_files, new_uuid, submitted_by, status, date_created_override, ) return instance if duplicate_instances: # We are now outside the atomic block, so we can raise an exception # without rolling back the extra attachments we created earlier # NB: Since `ATOMIC_REQUESTS` is set at the database level, everything # could still be rolled back if the calling view fails to handle an # exception raise DuplicateInstance() def safe_create_instance(username, xml_file, media_files, uuid, request): """Create an instance and catch exceptions. :returns: A list [error, instance] where error is None if there was no error. """ error = instance = None try: instance = create_instance( username, xml_file, media_files, uuid=uuid, request=request ) except InstanceInvalidUserError: error = OpenRosaResponseBadRequest(_("Username or ID required.")) except InstanceEmptyError: error = OpenRosaResponseBadRequest( _("Received empty submission. No instance was created") ) except FormInactiveError: error = OpenRosaResponseNotAllowed(_("Form is not active")) except XForm.DoesNotExist: error = OpenRosaResponseNotFound(_("Form does not exist on this account")) except ExpatError as e: error = OpenRosaResponseBadRequest(_("Improperly formatted XML.")) except DuplicateInstance: response = OpenRosaResponse(_("Duplicate submission")) response.status_code = 202 response["Location"] = request.build_absolute_uri(request.path) error = response except PermissionDenied as e: error = OpenRosaResponseForbidden(e) except InstanceMultipleNodeError as e: error = OpenRosaResponseBadRequest(e) except DjangoUnicodeDecodeError: error = OpenRosaResponseBadRequest( _("File likely corrupted during " "transmission, please try later.") ) return [error, instance] def report_exception(subject, info, exc_info=None): if exc_info: cls, err = exc_info[:2] message = _("Exception in request:" " %(class)s: %(error)s") % { "class": cls.__name__, "error": err, } message += "".join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)) else: message = "%s" % info if settings.DEBUG or settings.TESTING_MODE: sys.stdout.write("Subject: %s\n" % subject) sys.stdout.write("Message: %s\n" % message) else: mail_admins(subject=subject, message=message) def response_with_mimetype_and_name( mimetype, name, extension=None, show_date=True, file_path=None, use_local_filesystem=False, full_mime=False, ): if extension is None: extension = mimetype if not full_mime: mimetype = "application/%s" % mimetype if file_path: try: if not use_local_filesystem: default_storage = get_storage_class()() wrapper = FileWrapper(default_storage.open(file_path)) response = StreamingHttpResponse(wrapper, content_type=mimetype) response["Content-Length"] = default_storage.size(file_path) else: wrapper = FileWrapper(open(file_path)) response = StreamingHttpResponse(wrapper, content_type=mimetype) response["Content-Length"] = os.path.getsize(file_path) except IOError: response = HttpResponseNotFound(_("The requested file could not be found.")) else: response = HttpResponse(content_type=mimetype) response["Content-Disposition"] = disposition_ext_and_date( name, extension, show_date ) return response def disposition_ext_and_date(name, extension, show_date=True): if name is None: return "attachment;" if show_date: name = "%s_%s" % (name, date.today().strftime("%Y_%m_%d")) return "attachment; filename=%s.%s" % (name, extension) def store_temp_file(data): tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile() ret = None try: tmp.write(data) tmp.seek(0) ret = tmp finally: tmp.close() return ret def publish_form(callback): try: return callback() except (PyXFormError, XLSFormError) as e: return {"type": "alert-error", "text": str(e)} except IntegrityError as e: return { "type": "alert-error", "text": _("Form with this id or SMS-keyword already exists."), } except ValidationError as e: # on clone invalid URL return { "type": "alert-error", "text": _("Invalid URL format."), } except AttributeError as e: # form.publish returned None, not sure why... return {"type": "alert-error", "text": str(e)} except ProcessTimedOut as e: # catch timeout errors return { "type": "alert-error", "text": _("Form validation timeout, please try again."), } except Exception as e: # TODO: Something less horrible. This masks storage backend # `ImportError`s and who knows what else # ODK validation errors are vanilla errors and it masks a lot of regular # errors if we try to catch it so let's catch it, BUT reraise it # if we don't see typical ODK validation error messages in it. if "ODK Validate Errors" not in e.message: raise # error in the XLS file; show an error to the user return {"type": "alert-error", "text": str(e)} def publish_xls_form(xls_file, user, id_string=None): """Creates or updates a DataDictionary with supplied xls_file, user and optional id_string - if updating """ # get or create DataDictionary based on user and id string if id_string: dd = DataDictionary.objects.get(user=user, id_string=id_string) dd.xls = xls_file dd.save() return dd else: return DataDictionary.objects.create(user=user, xls=xls_file) def publish_xml_form(xml_file, user, id_string=None): xml = xml_file.read() survey = create_survey_element_from_xml(xml) form_json = survey.to_json() if id_string: dd = DataDictionary.objects.get(user=user, id_string=id_string) dd.xml = xml dd.json = form_json dd._mark_start_time_boolean() set_uuid(dd) dd._set_uuid_in_xml() dd.save() return dd else: dd = DataDictionary(user=user, xml=xml, json=form_json) dd._mark_start_time_boolean() set_uuid(dd) dd._set_uuid_in_xml(file_name=xml_file.name) dd.save() return dd class BaseOpenRosaResponse(HttpResponse): status_code = 201 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BaseOpenRosaResponse, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self[OPEN_ROSA_VERSION_HEADER] = OPEN_ROSA_VERSION tz = pytz.timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE) dt = datetime.now(tz).strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") self["Date"] = dt self["X-OpenRosa-Accept-Content-Length"] = DEFAULT_CONTENT_LENGTH self["Content-Type"] = DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE class OpenRosaResponse(BaseOpenRosaResponse): status_code = 201 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OpenRosaResponse, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # wrap content around xml self.content = ( """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <OpenRosaResponse xmlns="http://openrosa.org/http/response"> <message nature="">%s</message> </OpenRosaResponse>""" % self.content ) class OpenRosaResponseNotFound(OpenRosaResponse): status_code = 404 class OpenRosaResponseBadRequest(OpenRosaResponse): status_code = 400 class OpenRosaResponseNotAllowed(OpenRosaResponse): status_code = 405 class OpenRosaResponseForbidden(OpenRosaResponse): status_code = 403 def inject_instanceid(xml_str, uuid): if get_uuid_from_xml(xml_str) is None: xml = clean_and_parse_xml(xml_str) children = xml.childNodes if children.length == 0: raise ValueError(_("XML string must have a survey element.")) # check if we have a meta tag survey_node = children.item(0) meta_tags = [ n for n in survey_node.childNodes if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and n.tagName.lower() == "meta" ] if len(meta_tags) == 0: meta_tag = xml.createElement("meta") xml.documentElement.appendChild(meta_tag) else: meta_tag = meta_tags[0] # check if we have an instanceID tag uuid_tags = [ n for n in meta_tag.childNodes if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and n.tagName == "instanceID" ] if len(uuid_tags) == 0: uuid_tag = xml.createElement("instanceID") meta_tag.appendChild(uuid_tag) else: uuid_tag = uuid_tags[0] # insert meta and instanceID text_node = xml.createTextNode("uuid:%s" % uuid) uuid_tag.appendChild(text_node) return xml.toxml() return xml_str def update_mongo_for_xform(xform, only_update_missing=True): instance_ids = set([i.id for i in Instance.objects.only("id").filter(xform=xform)]) sys.stdout.write("Total no of instances: %d\n" % len(instance_ids)) mongo_ids = set() user = xform.user userform_id = "%s_%s" % (user.username, xform.id_string) if only_update_missing: sys.stdout.write("Only updating missing mongo instances\n") mongo_ids = set( [ rec[common_tags.ID] for rec in mongo_instances.find( {common_tags.USERFORM_ID: userform_id}, {common_tags.ID: 1} ) ] ) sys.stdout.write("Total no of mongo instances: %d\n" % len(mongo_ids)) # get the difference instance_ids = instance_ids.difference(mongo_ids) else: # clear mongo records mongo_instances.remove({common_tags.USERFORM_ID: userform_id}) # get instances sys.stdout.write("Total no of instances to update: %d\n" % len(instance_ids)) instances = Instance.objects.only("id").in_bulk([id for id in instance_ids]) total = len(instances) done = 0 for id, instance in list(instances.items()): (pi, created) = ParsedInstance.objects.get_or_create(instance=instance) pi.save(async=False) done += 1 # if 1000 records are done, flush mongo if (done % 1000) == 0: sys.stdout.write("Updated %d records, flushing MongoDB...\n" % done) settings.MONGO_CONNECTION.admin.command({"fsync": 1}) progress = "\r%.2f %% done..." % ((float(done) / float(total)) * 100) sys.stdout.write(progress) sys.stdout.flush() # flush mongo again when done settings.MONGO_CONNECTION.admin.command({"fsync": 1}) sys.stdout.write( "\nUpdated %s\n------------------------------------------\n" % xform.id_string ) def mongo_sync_status(remongo=False, update_all=False, user=None, xform=None): """Check the status of records in the mysql db versus mongodb. At a minimum, return a report (string) of the results. Optionally, take action to correct the differences, based on these parameters, if present and defined: remongo -> if True, update the records missing in mongodb (default: False) update_all -> if True, update all the relevant records (default: False) user -> if specified, apply only to the forms for the given user (default: None) xform -> if specified, apply only to the given form (default: None) """ qs = XForm.objects.only("id_string", "user").select_related("user") if user and not xform: qs = qs.filter(user=user) elif user and xform: qs = qs.filter(user=user, id_string=xform.id_string) else: qs = qs.all() total = qs.count() found = 0 done = 0 total_to_remongo = 0 report_string = "" for xform in queryset_iterator(qs, 100): # get the count user = xform.user instance_count = Instance.objects.filter(xform=xform).count() userform_id = "%s_%s" % (user.username, xform.id_string) mongo_count = mongo_instances.find( {common_tags.USERFORM_ID: userform_id} ).count() if instance_count != mongo_count or update_all: line = ( "user: %s, id_string: %s\nInstance count: %d\t" "Mongo count: %d\n---------------------------------" "-----\n" % (user.username, xform.id_string, instance_count, mongo_count) ) report_string += line found += 1 total_to_remongo += instance_count - mongo_count # should we remongo if remongo or (remongo and update_all): if update_all: sys.stdout.write( "Updating all records for %s\n--------------------" "---------------------------\n" % xform.id_string ) else: sys.stdout.write( "Updating missing records for %s\n----------------" "-------------------------------\n" % xform.id_string ) update_mongo_for_xform(xform, only_update_missing=not update_all) done += 1 sys.stdout.write("%.2f %% done ...\r" % ((float(done) / float(total)) * 100)) # only show stats if we are not updating mongo, the update function # will show progress if not remongo: line = ( "Total # of forms out of sync: %d\n" "Total # of records to remongo: %d\n" % (found, total_to_remongo) ) report_string += line return report_string def remove_xform(xform): # disconnect parsed instance pre delete signal pre_delete.disconnect(_remove_from_mongo, sender=ParsedInstance) # delete instances from mongo db query = { ParsedInstance.USERFORM_ID: "%s_%s" % (xform.user.username, xform.id_string) } xform_instances.remove(query, j=True) # delete xform, and all related models xform.delete() # reconnect parsed instance pre delete signal? pre_delete.connect(_remove_from_mongo, sender=ParsedInstance)
# coding:utf-8 import os import posixpath # TODO: Windows? import logging import pkg_resources from cactus.utils.packaging import pkg_walk logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def bootstrap_from_package(path): for dir_, sub_dirs, filenames in pkg_walk("cactus", "skeleton"): base_path = os.path.join(path, dir_.split("skeleton", 1)[1].lstrip("/")) for sub_dir in sub_dirs: dir_path = os.path.join(base_path, sub_dir) logger.debug("Creating {0}".format(dir_path)) os.makedirs(dir_path) for filename in filenames: resource_path = posixpath.join(dir_, filename) file_path = os.path.join(base_path, filename) logger.debug("Copying {0} to {1}".format(resource_path, file_path)) with open(file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(pkg_resources.resource_stream("cactus", resource_path).read())
import logging from cactus.listener.polling import PollingListener logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: from cactus.listener.mac import FSEventsListener as Listener except (ImportError, OSError): logger.debug( "Failed to load FSEventsListener, falling back to PollingListener", exc_info=True, ) Listener = PollingListener
import os import os.path import shutil import tempfile has_symlink = False compat_test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Check for symlink support (available and usable) src = os.path.join(compat_test_dir, "src") dst = os.path.join(compat_test_dir, "dst") with open(src, "w"): pass try: os.symlink(src, dst) except (AttributeError, OSError): # AttributeError if symlink is not available (Python <= 3.2 on Windows) # OSError if we don't have the symlink privilege (on Windows) pass # Leave has_symlink false else: has_symlink = True shutil.rmtree(compat_test_dir)
# coding:utf-8 import os from cactus.tests import SiteTestCase class TestLegacyContext(SiteTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestLegacyContext, self).setUp() os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.site.page_path, "test")) with open(os.path.join(self.site.page_path, "static.html"), "w") as f: f.write("{{ STATIC_URL }}") with open(os.path.join(self.site.page_path, "test", "static.html"), "w") as f: f.write("{{ STATIC_URL }}") with open(os.path.join(self.site.page_path, "root.html"), "w") as f: f.write("{{ ROOT_URL }}") with open(os.path.join(self.site.page_path, "test", "root.html"), "w") as f: f.write("{{ ROOT_URL }}") with open(os.path.join(self.site.page_path, "page.html"), "w") as f: f.write("{{ PAGE_URL }}") def test_context(self): self.site.build() with open(os.path.join(self.site.build_path, "static.html")) as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), "./static") with open(os.path.join(self.site.build_path, "test", "static.html")) as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), "../static") with open(os.path.join(self.site.build_path, "root.html")) as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), ".") with open(os.path.join(self.site.build_path, "test", "root.html")) as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), "..") with open(os.path.join(self.site.build_path, "page.html")) as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), "page.html") def test_pretty_urls(self): self.site.prettify_urls = True self.site.build() with open( os.path.join(self.site.build_path, "test", "static", "index.html") ) as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), "../../static") with open(os.path.join(self.site.build_path, "root", "index.html")) as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), "..") with open( os.path.join(self.site.build_path, "test", "root", "index.html") ) as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), "../..") with open(os.path.join(self.site.build_path, "page", "index.html")) as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), "page/")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask_apputils.routing import get_router, TemplateBlueprint web = TemplateBlueprint("web", __name__) route = get_router(web, __name__) route("/", "index") route("/home", "home") def index(): return "Index Page" def home(): return "Home Page"
import unittest from functools import wraps from flask import Flask from flask.ext.jsontools import jsonapi, FlaskJsonClient from flask.ext.jsontools import MethodView, methodview, RestfulView def stupid(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper class CrudView(MethodView): decorators = (jsonapi,) @stupid @methodview("GET", ifnset=("id",)) def list(self): # listing return [1, 2, 3] @methodview("GET", ifset="id") @stupid def get(self, id): return id @stupid @methodview("CUSTOM", ifset="id") @stupid def custom(self, id): return True class RestView(RestfulView): decorators = (jsonapi,) def list(self): return [1, 2, 3] def create(self): return "ok" def get(self, id): return id def replace(self, id): return "re" def update(self, id): return "up" def delete(self, id): return "del" @methodview("CUSTOM", ifset="id") def custom(self, id): return ":)" @methodview("CUSTOM2", ifset="id") def custom2(self, id): return ":))" class RestViewSubclass(RestView): primary_key = ("id",) custom2 = None # override class ViewsTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): app = Flask(__name__) app.test_client_class = FlaskJsonClient app.debug = app.testing = True CrudView.route_as_view(app, "user", ("/user/", "/user/<int:id>")) RestViewSubclass.route_as_view( app, "rest", ("/api/", "/api/<int:id>") ) # subclass should work as well self.app = app def _testRequest(self, method, path, expected_code, expected_response=None): """Test a request to the app :param method: HTTP method :param path: :type path: :param expected_code: :type expected_code: :param expected_response: :type expected_response: :return: :rtype: """ with self.app.test_client() as c: rv = c.open(path, method=method) self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, expected_code) if expected_response is not None: self.assertEqual(rv.get_json(), expected_response) def test_method_view(self): """Test MethodView(), low-level testing""" self.assertTrue(CrudView.list._methodview.matches("GET", {"a"})) self.assertFalse(CrudView.list._methodview.matches("GET", {"id", "a"})) self.assertTrue(CrudView.get._methodview.matches("GET", {"id", "a"})) self.assertFalse(CrudView.get._methodview.matches("GET", {"a"})) self.assertTrue(CrudView.custom._methodview.matches("CUSTOM", {"id", "a"})) self.assertFalse(CrudView.custom._methodview.matches("CUSTOM", {"a"})) self.assertFalse(CrudView.custom._methodview.matches("????", {"a"})) def test_method_view_requests(self): """Test MethodView with real requests""" self._testRequest("GET", "/user/", 200, [1, 2, 3]) self._testRequest("GET", "/user/999", 200, 999) self._testRequest("CUSTOM", "/user/", 405) # No method (by us) self._testRequest("CUSTOM", "/user/999", 200, True) self._testRequest("UNKNOWN", "/user/999", 405) # No method (by flask) def test_restful_view_requests(self): """Test RestfulView with real requests""" self._testRequest("GET", "/api/", 200, [1, 2, 3]) self._testRequest("POST", "/api/", 200, "ok") self._testRequest("GET", "/api/999", 200, 999) self._testRequest("PUT", "/api/999", 200, "re") self._testRequest("POST", "/api/999", 200, "up") self._testRequest("DELETE", "/api/999", 200, "del") self._testRequest("CUSTOM", "/api/999", 200, ":)") self._testRequest("CUSTOM2", "/api/999", 405) # it was overridden by `None` self._testRequest("PATCH", "/api/999", 405) self._testRequest("PUT", "/api/", 405) self._testRequest("PATCH", "/api/", 405) self._testRequest("DELETE", "/api/", 405) self._testRequest("CUSTOM", "/api/", 405) self._testRequest("CUSTOM2", "/api/", 405)
import sys import os import mechanize import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re import time import random import urllib.parse import signal import selenium.webdriver import codecs class SkyScraper: def __init__(self, config): self.CONFIG = config self.num_done = 0 def write_queue(self, queue): with open( self.CONFIG["collections_path"] + self.CONFIG["collection_name"] + ".queue", "w", ) as f: f.write("\n".join(queue)) sys.exit(0) def shouldCrawl(self, url): if all([x not in url for x in self.CONFIG["crawlFilterStrings"]]): if any([x in url for x in self.CONFIG["crawlRequiredStrings"]]): return True return False def shouldIndex(self, url): if all([x not in url for x in self.CONFIG["indexFilterStrings"]]): if ( any( [ condition in url for condition in self.CONFIG["indexRequiredStrings"] ] ) or not self.CONFIG["indexRequiredStrings"] ): return True return False def crawl(self, webCrawler, queue, done): try: index = [] if "mechanize" in webCrawler.__module__: links = [link.url for link in webCrawler.links()] elif "selenium" in webCrawler.__module__: links = [ link.get_attribute("href") for link in webCrawler.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[@href]") ] for link in links: url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.CONFIG["host"], link) if self.CONFIG["host"] not in url: continue if (url not in done) & (url not in queue): # index if self.shouldIndex(url): self.log_url(url) if self.CONFIG["writeHTML"]: index.append(url) # crawl if self.shouldCrawl(url): queue.append(url) except Exception as e: print(e) if "mechanize" in webCrawler.__module__: print("error", webCrawler.geturl()) elif "selenium" in webCrawler.__module__: print("error", webCrawler.current_url) for url in index: self.save_response(webCrawler, url) return queue def log_url(self, url): with open( self.CONFIG["collections_path"] + self.CONFIG["collection_name"] + ".urls", "a", ) as f: f.write(url + "\n") def log_error(self, url, e): with open( self.CONFIG["collections_path"] + self.CONFIG["collection_name"] + ".errorurls", "a", ) as f: f.write(e + ": " + url + "\n") def save_response(self, webCrawler, url): # Handle response if "mechanize" in webCrawler.__module__: response = webCrawler.open(url) webCrawler._factory.is_html = True responseHeader = str(response.info()) html_response = response.read() elif "selenium" in webCrawler.__module__: webCrawler.get(url) responseHeader = "simple" html_response = webCrawler.page_source fname = urllib.request.url2pathname(url).split("/")[-1] if ("." not in fname) | (".ashx" in fname) | (".aspx" in fname): if "msword" in responseHeader: extension = ".doc" elif "pdf" in responseHeader: extension = ".pdf" elif "excel" in responseHeader: print("RESP", responseHeader) extension = ".xls" elif "powerpoint" in responseHeader: extension = ".ppt" elif "text/html" in responseHeader: extension = ".aspx" else: extension = "" fname = ".".join(fname.split(".")[:-1]) + extension else: extension = ".html" save_location = url.replace( self.CONFIG["host"], self.CONFIG["collections_path"] + self.CONFIG["collection_name"] + "/" + self.CONFIG["collection_name"], ) save_location.replace("//", "/") save_location = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_/-]", "", save_location) save_location = "/".join(save_location.split("/")[:-1]) + "/" if not os.path.exists(save_location): os.makedirs(save_location) binaryExtensions = [".pdf", ".doc", ".xlsx", ".ppt", ".aspx"] if extension in binaryExtensions: with open(save_location + fname.replace(".aspx", ".html"), "wb") as f: f.write(html_response) print("written " + save_location + fname) else: with codecs.open(save_location + fname, "w", "utf-8-sig") as f: f.write(html_response) print("written " + save_location + fname) self.num_done += 1 def continue_from_log(self): fname = ( self.CONFIG["collections_path"] + self.CONFIG["collection_name"] + ".urls" ) if os.path.exists(fname): with open(fname) as f: done_so_far = f.read().strip().split("\n") print("done_so_far:", len(done_so_far)) return done_so_far else: with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write("") return [] def continue_from_queue(self): fname = ( self.CONFIG["collections_path"] + self.CONFIG["collection_name"] + ".queue" ) if os.path.exists(fname): with open(fname) as f: queue = f.read().strip().split("\n") print("queue_len:", len(queue)) return queue else: with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write("") print("starting from:", self.CONFIG["startURLs"]) return self.CONFIG["startURLs"] def scrape(self): self.validate_config() if self.CONFIG["browser"] == "M": webCrawler = mechanize.Browser() webCrawler.set_handle_robots(False) loginInfoFields = [ "usernameField", "usernameValue", "passwordField", "passwordValue", "loginURL", ] if any([field in self.CONFIG for field in loginInfoFields]): if not all([field in self.CONFIG for field in loginInfoFields]): raise Exception("") webCrawler.open(self.CONFIG["loginURL"]) webCrawler.select_form(nr=0) webCrawler.form[self.CONFIG["usernameField"]] = self.CONFIG[ "usernameValue" ] webCrawler.form[self.CONFIG["passwordField"]] = self.CONFIG[ "passwordValue" ] res = webCrawler.submit() print(webCrawler.open(self.CONFIG["host"]).read()) elif self.CONFIG["browser"] == "S": path_to_chromedriver = "/Users/pascal/Downloads/chromedriver" webCrawler = selenium.webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=path_to_chromedriver) # Nice login handling FOR PORTAL MEDIQ # webCrawler.get('https://portal.mediq.nl/login.aspx') # z = raw_input('Waiting for filling in Login. Hit ENTER') self.makeStandardizedBrowser(webCrawler) # Lists that contain the URLs that were visited and those that are still enqueued done = self.continue_from_log() queue = self.continue_from_queue() self.num_done = len(done) while queue and self.num_done < self.CONFIG["maximum_number_of_documents"]: random.shuffle(queue) try: url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.CONFIG["host"], queue.pop(0)) if url: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda s, f: self.write_queue(queue)) if url in done: print("ALREADY DONE", url) continue logString = ( "done: " + str(len(set(done))) + " left: " + str(len(queue)) + " now: " + url ) if self.CONFIG["browser"] == "S": webCrawler.get(url) else: webCrawler.open(url) queue = self.crawl(webCrawler, queue, done) done.append(url) print(logString) except Exception as e: self.log_error(url, str(e)) with open( self.CONFIG["collections_path"] + self.CONFIG["collection_name"] + ".queue", "w", ) as f: f.write("\n".join(queue)) print(str(e), ":", url) time.sleep(self.CONFIG["wait_between_url_visits_in_seconds"]) def makeStandardizedBrowser(self, browserObj): if isinstance(browserObj, mechanize.Browser): browserObj.addheaders = [ ("User-agent", "Jibes WatsonBot (+pvkooten@jibes.nl)") ] def validate_config(self): required = [ "host", "collections_path", "collection_name", "startURLs", "crawlFilterStrings", "crawlRequiredStrings", "indexFilterStrings", "indexRequiredStrings", ] missing = [] for x in required: if x not in self.CONFIG: missing.append(x) self.CONFIG["crawlFilterStrings"].extend([".jpeg", ".jpg", "#"]) self.CONFIG["indexFilterStrings"].extend([".jpeg", ".jpg", "#"]) if missing: raise Exception("Missing REQUIRED parameter(s): " + ", ".join(missing)) optional = { "maximum_number_of_documents": 10000, "wait_between_url_visits_in_seconds": 1, "writeHTML": True, "browser": "M", } for x in optional: if x not in self.CONFIG: self.CONFIG[x] = optional[x]
#!/usr/bin/env python """ :mod:`vkmusic` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A micro tool for export audio from `vk.com <https://vk.com>`_. It's based on `VK_API <https://github.com/python273/vk_api>`_ by Kirill Python <mikeking568@gmail.com>, `Requests <python-requests.org>`_. :copyright: (c) 2013 by Andrii Korzh. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ __author__ = "Andrii Korzh <Andrii.Korzh@gmail.com>" __date__ = "03.26.15" __version__ = "0.1.3" import argparse import datetime from getpass import getpass import os import time import sys import requests from vk_api import VkApi def connect(login, password): """Initialize connection with `vk.com <https://vk.com>`_ and try to authorize user with given credentials. :param login: user login e. g. email, phone number :type login: str :param password: user password :type password: str :return: :mod:`vk_api.vk_api.VkApi` connection :rtype: :mod:`VkApi` """ return VkApi(login, password) def get_albums(connection): """Get albums list for currently authorized user. :param connection: :class:`vk_api.vk_api.VkApi` connection :type connection: :class:`vk_api.vk_api.VkApi` :return: list of audio albums or ``None`` :rtype: list """ try: return connection.method("audio.getAlbums") except Exception as e: print(e) return None def get_audios(connection): """Get audios list for selected album. :param connection: :class:`vk_api.vk_api.VkApi` connection :type connection: :class:`vk_api.vk_api.VkApi` :return: list of photo albums or ``None`` :rtype: list """ try: return connection.method("audio.get") except Exception as e: print(e) return None def download(audio, output, title): """Download audio :param audio: hash :param output: string """ if not os.path.exists(output): os.makedirs(output) r = requests.get(audio["url"]) filename = "%s.mp3" % title if os.path.isfile(filename): return None with open(os.path.join(output, filename), "wb") as f: for buf in r.iter_content(1024): if buf: f.write(buf) def get_title(audio): return "%s - %s" % (audio["artist"], audio["title"]) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="", version="%(prog)s " + __version__) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", help="output path to store photos", default="~/Music" ) parser.add_argument("username", help="vk.com username") parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", help="vk.com password") parser.add_argument( "-s", "--sort", help="sort by artist folder", action="store_true" ) args = parser.parse_args() # expand user path if necessary if args.output.startswith("~"): args.output = os.path.expanduser(args.output) start_time = datetime.datetime.now() try: password = args.password or getpass("Password: ") # Initialize vk.com connection connection = connect(args.username, password) # Request list of audios audios_response = get_audios(connection) audios_count = audios_response["count"] audios = audios_response["items"] print(("Found %s album%s:" % (audios_count, "s" if audios_count > 1 else ""))) ix = 0 if len(audios): print( ( "Found %s audio%s:\n" % (audios_count, "s" if audios_count > 1 else "") ) ) print(("%3s. %-80s %s" % ("No", "Title", "Duration"))) ix = 0 for audio in audios: ix += 1 print( ( "%3d. %-80s %s" % ( ix, get_title(audio), datetime.timedelta(seconds=audio["duration"]), ) ) ) print("\r") processed = 1 prev_s_len = 0 # A length of the previous output line. for audio in audios: percent = round(float(processed) / float(audios_count) * 100, 2) output_s = "\rExporting %-75s %s of %s (%d%%)" % ( get_title(audio), processed, audios_count, percent, ) # Pad with spaces to clear the previous line's tail. # It's ok to multiply by negative here. output_s += " " * (prev_s_len - len(output_s)) sys.stdout.write(output_s) prev_s_len = len(output_s) sys.stdout.flush() output = os.path.join(args.output, audio["artist"] if args.sort else "") title = audio["title"] if args.sort else get_title(audio) try: download(audio, output, title) except Exception as e: time.sleep(1) processed += 1 if processed % 50 == 0: time.sleep(5) else: print("\nNo audios found! Exiting...") sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nVKMusic exporting stopped by keyboard") sys.exit(0) finally: print(("\nDone in %s" % (datetime.datetime.now() - start_time))) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import sys from .sempai import SempaiLoader sys.meta_path.append(SempaiLoader)
#!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup # The original author of this library is # Ken Robertson ken@invalidlogic.com # This version is a fork on github maintained by # Andre Graf andre@dergraf.org. # # Ken's library version number depended on # the version number of python-bert. This is # not suitable for an automated installation # using pip which will automatically install # the dependencies listed in 'install_requires'. # For this reason I manually set the version # number. __version__ = "1.0.0" setup( name="ernie", version=__version__, description="BERT-Ernie Library", author="Ken Robertson", author_email="ken@invalidlogic.com", url="http://github.com/krobertson/python-ernie", packages=["ernie"], classifiers=[ "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", ], install_requires=["bert>=2.0.0"], dependency_links=[ "http://github.com/samuel/python-bert/tarball/master#egg=bert-2.0.0" ], )
"""Converts input data for the writing assignment 4 to a conventional form used in all programming assignments """ import csv filename = "recsys-data-sample-rating-matrix.csv" ratings_file = "ratings.csv" movies_file = "movies.csv" def write_table(filename, rows): # write movies file = open(filename, "w") csv_writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=",") for r in rows: csv_writer.writerow(r) file.close() ratings = [] movies = [] with open(filename, "rbU") as csv_source: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_source, delimiter=",") # read user ids, skip the 0th element ("") user_ids = [int(u) for u in csv_reader.next()[1:]] # read rating lines for r in csv_reader: # some dances to keep ':'s in the movie title movie_bits = r[0].split(":") movie_id, movie_title = int(movie_bits[0]), ":".join(movie_bits[1:]).strip() movies.append((movie_id, movie_title)) ratings.extend( [ (int(user_id), movie_id, float(rating)) for (user_id, rating) in zip(user_ids, r[1:]) if rating ] ) write_table(ratings_file, ratings) write_table(movies_file, movies)
version = "1.1.5.pre2"
""" Created on Dec 10, 2014 @author: stefan """ # Paths to the STP and cryptominisat executable PATH_STP = "../stp/stp" PATH_CRYPTOMINISAT = "../cryptominisat/cryptominisat4" PATH_BOOLECTOR = "../boolector_new/boolector/boolector" # Maximum weight for characteristics to search for MAX_WEIGHT = 1000 # Maximum number of characteristics to search for a differential MAX_CHARACTERISTICS = 10000000
from netmiko.ssh_connection import SSHConnection class BrocadeFastironSSH(SSHConnection): """Placeholder for Brocade FastIron""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
"\nDelay the Travis CI testing for Python versions so that they don't interfere with each other\n" import re import os import time import sys TRAVIS_DELAY = 0 def main(): "\n Delay the Travis CI testing for Python versions so that they don't interfere with each other\n " python_version = (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) if ('^3.5', python_version): total_delay = (0 * TRAVIS_DELAY) ('Python 3.5 found') ((total_delay)) (total_delay) elif ('^3.4', python_version): total_delay = (1 * TRAVIS_DELAY) ('Python 3.4 found') ((total_delay)) (total_delay) elif ('^3.3', python_version): total_delay = (2 * TRAVIS_DELAY) ('Python 3.3 found') ((total_delay)) (total_delay) elif ('^2.7', python_version): total_delay = (3 * TRAVIS_DELAY) ('Python 2.7 found') ((total_delay)) (total_delay) elif ('^2.6', python_version): total_delay = (4 * TRAVIS_DELAY) ('Python 2.6 found') ((total_delay)) return_code = ('sh travis_test.sh') if (return_code != 0): (1) else: (0) if (__name__ == '__main__'): ()
# This is your project's main settings file that can be committed to your # repo. If you need to override a setting locally, use settings_local.py from funfactory.settings_base import * from funfactory.utils import get_middleware, get_apps # Name of the top-level module where you put all your apps. # If you did not install Playdoh with the funfactory installer script # you may need to edit this value. See the docs about installing from a # clone. PROJECT_MODULE = "jstestnet" # Bundles is a dictionary of two dictionaries, css and js, which list css files # and js files that can be bundled together by the minify app. MINIFY_BUNDLES = { "css": { "common": ( "css/minimalist/style.css", "css/style.css", ), }, "js": { "common": ( "js/libs/jquery.js", "js/libs/json2.js", "js/libs/socket.io.js", ), "system": ("js/system.js",), "work": ("js/work.js",), }, } # Defines the views served for root URLs. ROOT_URLCONF = "%s.urls" % PROJECT_MODULE INSTALLED_APPS = list(get_apps([])) + [ "django.contrib.admin", # Application base, containing global templates. "jstestnet.base", # Local apps "jstestnet.system", "jstestnet.work", ] MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = get_middleware( [ "funfactory.middleware.LocaleURLMiddleware", ] ) # Because Jinja2 is the default template loader, add any non-Jinja templated # apps here: JINGO_EXCLUDE_APPS = [ "admin", "registration", ] # Tells the extract script what files to look for L10n in and what function # handles the extraction. The Tower library expects this. DOMAIN_METHODS["messages"] = ( [ ( "%s/**.py" % PROJECT_MODULE, "tower.management.commands.extract.extract_tower_python", ), ( "%s/**/templates/**.html" % PROJECT_MODULE, "tower.management.commands.extract.extract_tower_template", ), ( "templates/**.html", "tower.management.commands.extract.extract_tower_template", ), ], ) # paths that don't require a locale prefix # NOTE: locale middleware has been disabled. # SUPPORTED_NONLOCALES = ( # 'img', # 'media', # 'robots.txt', # 'system', # 'work', # 'admin-contrib', # ) # # Use this if you have localizable HTML files: # DOMAIN_METHODS['lhtml'] = [ # ('**/templates/**.lhtml', # 'tower.management.commands.extract.extract_tower_template'), # ] # # Use this if you have localizable JS files: # DOMAIN_METHODS['javascript'] = [ # # Make sure that this won't pull in strings from external libraries you # # may use. # ('media/js/**.js', 'javascript'), # ] # For bcrypt only: HMAC_KEYS = { #'2012-06-01': 'Example of shared key', } # Use sha 256 by default but support any other algorithm: BASE_PASSWORD_HASHERS = ( "django_sha2.hashers.SHA256PasswordHasher", "django_sha2.hashers.BcryptHMACCombinedPasswordVerifier", "django_sha2.hashers.SHA512PasswordHasher", "django.contrib.auth.hashers.SHA1PasswordHasher", "django.contrib.auth.hashers.MD5PasswordHasher", "django.contrib.auth.hashers.UnsaltedMD5PasswordHasher", ) from django_sha2 import get_password_hashers PASSWORD_HASHERS = get_password_hashers(BASE_PASSWORD_HASHERS, HMAC_KEYS) LOGGING = dict( loggers=dict(playdoh={"level": logging.DEBUG}, jstestnet={"level": logging.INFO}) ) # When True, always provide CSRF protection for anonymous users. # This is required to get admin logins to work w/ django-session-csrf. ANON_ALWAYS = True # This is an experimental feature still in the works. # When this is True you need gevent and greenlet installed. # See compiled.txt. USE_SOCKET_IO = False
from prettytable import PrettyTable from .common import * from .. import colors def process_commit(to_commit): if not load_session() or global_vars.problem.sessionId is None: fatal("No session known. Use relogin or init first.") files = global_vars.problem.local_files polygon_files = global_vars.problem.get_all_files_list() table = PrettyTable(["File type", "Polygon name", "Local path", "Status"]) for file in files: polygon_file = None if file.polygon_filename: for p in polygon_files: if p.name == file.polygon_filename: polygon_file = p need_file = ( (polygon_file is not None and polygon_file.name in to_commit) or file.name in to_commit or file.filename in to_commit or file.get_path() in to_commit ) if to_commit and not need_file: continue if polygon_file is None: file.polygon_filename = None if file.polygon_filename: status = colors.success("Returned") print(("polygon_file for %s was removed. Adding it back." % file.name)) else: status = colors.success("New") print(("Adding new file %s to polygon" % file.name)) if not file.upload(): status = colors.error("Error") table.add_row([file.type, file.polygon_filename, file.get_path(), status]) else: polygon_text = polygon_file.get_content() old_path = file.get_internal_path() status = "" while True: try: old_text = open(old_path, "rb").read() except IOError: status = colors.warning("Outdated") print(("file %s is outdated: update first" % file.name)) break if polygon_text.splitlines() != old_text.splitlines(): status = colors.warning("Outdated") print(("file %s is outdated: update first" % file.name)) break new_text = open(file.get_path(), "rb").read() if polygon_text.splitlines() == new_text.splitlines(): status = colors.info("Not changed") print(("file %s not changed" % file.name)) break print(("uploading file %s" % file.name)) if file.update(): status = colors.success("Modified") else: status = colors.error("Error") break table.add_row([file.type, file.polygon_filename, file.get_path(), status]) print(table) save_session() def add_parser(subparsers): parser_commit = subparsers.add_parser( "commit", help="Put all local changes to polygon. Not making a commit in polygon", ) parser_commit.add_argument("file", nargs="*", help="List of files to commit") parser_commit.set_defaults(func=lambda options: process_commit(options.file))
from distutils.core import setup import unittest import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Unknown distribution option") import sys # patch distutils if it can't cope with the "classifiers" keyword if sys.version < "2.2.3": from distutils.dist import DistributionMetadata DistributionMetadata.classifiers = None DistributionMetadata.download_url = None from BeautifulSoup import __version__ # Make sure all the tests complete. import BeautifulSoupTests loader = unittest.TestLoader() result = unittest.TestResult() suite = loader.loadTestsFromModule(BeautifulSoupTests) suite.run(result) if not result.wasSuccessful(): print("Unit tests have failed!") for l in result.errors, result.failures: for case, error in l: print("-" * 80) desc = case.shortDescription() if desc: print(desc) print(error) print( """If you see an error like: "'ascii' codec can't encode character...", see\nthe Beautiful Soup documentation:\n http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/documentation.html#Why%20can't%20Beautiful%20Soup%20print%20out%20the%20non-ASCII%20characters%20I%20gave%20it?""" ) print( "This might or might not be a problem depending on what you plan to do with\nBeautiful Soup." ) if sys.argv[1] == "sdist": print() print("I'm not going to make a source distribution since the tests don't pass.") sys.exit(1) setup( name="BeautifulSoup", version=__version__, py_modules=["BeautifulSoup", "BeautifulSoupTests"], scripts=[ "testall.sh", "to3.sh", ## Whatever, I'll fix this later. #'README', 'CHANGELOG', # 'BeautifulSoup.py.3.diff', 'BeautifulSoupTests.py.3.diff'], ], description="HTML/XML parser for quick-turnaround applications like screen-scraping.", author="Leonard Richardson", author_email="leonardr@segfault.org", long_description="""Beautiful Soup parses arbitrarily invalid SGML and provides a variety of methods and Pythonic idioms for iterating and searching the parse tree.""", classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "License :: OSI Approved :: Python Software Foundation License", "Programming Language :: Python", "Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML", "Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: XML", "Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: SGML", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", ], url="http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/", license="BSD", download_url="http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/download/", ) # Send announce to: # python-announce@python.org # python-list@python.org
""" Copyright (c) 2008, appengine-utilities project All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of the appengine-utilities project nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ import __main__ class Event(object): """ Event is a simple publish/subscribe based event dispatcher It sets itself to the __main__ function. In order to use it, you must import it and __main__ """ def __init__(self): self.events = [] def subscribe(self, event, callback, args=None): """ This method will subscribe a callback function to an event name. """ if ( not { "event": event, "callback": callback, "args": args, } in self.events ): self.events.append( { "event": event, "callback": callback, "args": args, } ) def unsubscribe(self, event, callback, args=None): """ This method will unsubscribe a callback from an event. """ if { "event": event, "callback": callback, "args": args, } in self.events: self.events.remove( { "event": event, "callback": callback, "args": args, } ) def fire_event(self, event=None): """ This method is what a method uses to fire an event, initiating all registered callbacks """ for e in self.events: if e["event"] == event: if type(e["args"]) == type([]): e["callback"](*e["args"]) elif type(e["args"]) == type({}): e["callback"](**e["args"]) elif e["args"] == None: e["callback"]() else: e["callback"](e["args"]) """ Assign to the event class to __main__ """ __main__.AEU_Events = Event()
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. __author__ = "j.s@google.com (Jeff Scudder)" import unittest import atom.service import atom.mock_http_core import gdata.test_config as conf class AtomServiceUnitTest(unittest.TestCase): def testBuildUriWithNoParams(self): x = atom.service.BuildUri("/base/feeds/snippets") self.assertTrue(x == "/base/feeds/snippets") def testBuildUriWithParams(self): # Add parameters to a URI x = atom.service.BuildUri( "/base/feeds/snippets", url_params={"foo": "bar", "bq": "digital camera"} ) self.assertTrue(x == "/base/feeds/snippets?foo=bar&bq=digital+camera") self.assertTrue(x.startswith("/base/feeds/snippets")) self.assertTrue(x.count("?") == 1) self.assertTrue(x.count("&") == 1) self.assertTrue(x.index("?") < x.index("&")) self.assertTrue(x.index("bq=digital+camera") != -1) # Add parameters to a URI that already has parameters x = atom.service.BuildUri( "/base/feeds/snippets?bq=digital+camera", url_params={"foo": "bar", "max-results": "250"}, ) self.assertTrue(x.startswith("/base/feeds/snippets?bq=digital+camera")) self.assertTrue(x.count("?") == 1) self.assertTrue(x.count("&") == 2) self.assertTrue(x.index("?") < x.index("&")) self.assertTrue(x.index("max-results=250") != -1) self.assertTrue(x.index("foo=bar") != -1) def testBuildUriWithoutParameterEscaping(self): x = atom.service.BuildUri( "/base/feeds/snippets", url_params={"foo": " bar", "bq": "digital camera"}, escape_params=False, ) self.assertTrue(x.index("foo= bar") != -1) self.assertTrue(x.index("bq=digital camera") != -1) def testParseHttpUrl(self): atom_service = atom.service.AtomService("code.google.com") self.assertEqual(atom_service.server, "code.google.com") (host, port, ssl, path) = atom.service.ProcessUrl( atom_service, "http://www.google.com/service/subservice?name=value" ) self.assertEqual(ssl, False) self.assertEqual(host, "www.google.com") self.assertEqual(port, 80) self.assertEqual(path, "/service/subservice?name=value") def testParseHttpUrlWithPort(self): atom_service = atom.service.AtomService("code.google.com") self.assertEqual(atom_service.server, "code.google.com") (host, port, ssl, path) = atom.service.ProcessUrl( atom_service, "http://www.google.com:12/service/subservice?name=value&newname=newvalue", ) self.assertEqual(ssl, False) self.assertEqual(host, "www.google.com") self.assertEqual(port, 12) self.assertTrue(path.startswith("/service/subservice?")) self.assertTrue(path.find("name=value") >= len("/service/subservice?")) self.assertTrue(path.find("newname=newvalue") >= len("/service/subservice?")) def testParseHttpsUrl(self): atom_service = atom.service.AtomService("code.google.com") self.assertEqual(atom_service.server, "code.google.com") (host, port, ssl, path) = atom.service.ProcessUrl( atom_service, "https://www.google.com/service/subservice?name=value&newname=newvalue", ) self.assertEqual(ssl, True) self.assertEqual(host, "www.google.com") self.assertEqual(port, 443) self.assertTrue(path.startswith("/service/subservice?")) self.assertTrue(path.find("name=value") >= len("/service/subservice?")) self.assertTrue(path.find("newname=newvalue") >= len("/service/subservice?")) def testParseHttpsUrlWithPort(self): atom_service = atom.service.AtomService("code.google.com") self.assertEqual(atom_service.server, "code.google.com") (host, port, ssl, path) = atom.service.ProcessUrl( atom_service, "https://www.google.com:13981/service/subservice?name=value&newname=newvalue", ) self.assertEqual(ssl, True) self.assertEqual(host, "www.google.com") self.assertEqual(port, 13981) self.assertTrue(path.startswith("/service/subservice?")) self.assertTrue(path.find("name=value") >= len("/service/subservice?")) self.assertTrue(path.find("newname=newvalue") >= len("/service/subservice?")) def testSetBasicAuth(self): client = atom.service.AtomService() client.UseBasicAuth("foo", "bar") token = client.token_store.find_token("http://") self.assertTrue(isinstance(token, atom.service.BasicAuthToken)) self.assertEqual(token.auth_header, "Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==") client.UseBasicAuth("", "") token = client.token_store.find_token("http://") self.assertTrue(isinstance(token, atom.service.BasicAuthToken)) self.assertEqual(token.auth_header, "Basic Og==") def testProcessUrlWithStringForService(self): (server, port, ssl, uri) = atom.service.ProcessUrl( service="www.google.com", url="/base/feeds/items" ) self.assertEqual(server, "www.google.com") self.assertEqual(port, 80) self.assertEqual(ssl, False) self.assertTrue(uri.startswith("/base/feeds/items")) client = atom.service.AtomService() client.server = "www.google.com" client.ssl = True (server, port, ssl, uri) = atom.service.ProcessUrl( service=client, url="/base/feeds/items" ) self.assertEqual(server, "www.google.com") self.assertEqual(ssl, True) self.assertTrue(uri.startswith("/base/feeds/items")) (server, port, ssl, uri) = atom.service.ProcessUrl( service=None, url="https://www.google.com/base/feeds/items" ) self.assertEqual(server, "www.google.com") self.assertEqual(port, 443) self.assertEqual(ssl, True) self.assertTrue(uri.startswith("/base/feeds/items")) def testHostHeaderContainsNonDefaultPort(self): client = atom.service.AtomService() client.http_client.v2_http_client = atom.mock_http_core.EchoHttpClient() response = client.Get("http://example.com") self.assertEqual(response.getheader("Echo-Host"), "example.com:None") response = client.Get("https://example.com") self.assertEqual(response.getheader("Echo-Host"), "example.com:None") response = client.Get("https://example.com:8080") self.assertEqual(response.getheader("Echo-Host"), "example.com:8080") response = client.Get("http://example.com:1234") self.assertEqual(response.getheader("Echo-Host"), "example.com:1234") def suite(): return conf.build_suite([AtomServiceUnitTest]) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This module is used for version 2 of the Google Data APIs. __author__ = "j.s@google.com (Jeff Scudder)" import unittest import gdata.data from gdata import test_data import gdata.test_config as conf import atom.core import atom.data SIMPLE_V2_FEED_TEST_DATA = """<feed xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:gd='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005' gd:etag='W/"CUMBRHo_fip7ImA9WxRbGU0."'> <title>Elizabeth Bennet's Contacts</title> <link rel='next' type='application/atom+xml' href='http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/.../more' /> <entry gd:etag='"Qn04eTVSLyp7ImA9WxRbGEUORAQ."'> <id>http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/liz%40gmail.com/base/c9e</id> <title>Fitzwilliam</title> <link rel='http://schemas.google.com/contacts/2008/rel#photo' type='image/*' href='http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/photos/media/liz%40gmail.com/c9e' gd:etag='"KTlcZWs1bCp7ImBBPV43VUV4LXEZCXERZAc."' /> <link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href='Changed to ensure we are really getting the edit URL.'/> <link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href='http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/liz%40gmail.com/full/c9e'/> </entry> <entry gd:etag='&quot;123456&quot;'> <link rel='edit' href='http://example.com/1' /> </entry> </feed>""" XML_ENTRY_1 = """<?xml version='1.0'?> <entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:g='http://base.google.com/ns/1.0'> <category scheme="http://base.google.com/categories/itemtypes" term="products"/> <id> http://www.google.com/test/id/url </id> <title type='text'>Testing 2000 series laptop</title> <content type='xhtml'> <div xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>A Testing Laptop</div> </content> <link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='http://www.provider-host.com/123456789'/> <link rel='license' href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/rdf'/> <g:label>Computer</g:label> <g:label>Laptop</g:label> <g:label>testing laptop</g:label> <g:item_type>products</g:item_type> </entry>""" def parse(xml_string, target_class): """Convenience wrapper for converting an XML string to an XmlElement.""" return atom.core.xml_element_from_string(xml_string, target_class) class StartIndexTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.start_index = gdata.data.StartIndex() def testToAndFromString(self): self.start_index.text = "1" self.assertTrue(self.start_index.text == "1") new_start_index = parse(self.start_index.ToString(), gdata.data.StartIndex) self.assertTrue(self.start_index.text == new_start_index.text) class ItemsPerPageTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.items_per_page = gdata.data.ItemsPerPage() def testToAndFromString(self): self.items_per_page.text = "10" self.assertTrue(self.items_per_page.text == "10") new_items_per_page = parse( self.items_per_page.ToString(), gdata.data.ItemsPerPage ) self.assertTrue(self.items_per_page.text == new_items_per_page.text) class GDataEntryTest(unittest.TestCase): def testIdShouldBeCleaned(self): entry = parse(XML_ENTRY_1, gdata.data.GDEntry) tree = parse(XML_ENTRY_1, atom.core.XmlElement) self.assertFalse( tree.get_elements("id", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" == entry.id.text) ) self.assertEqual(entry.get_id(), "http://www.google.com/test/id/url") def testGeneratorShouldBeCleaned(self): feed = parse(test_data.GBASE_FEED, gdata.data.GDFeed) tree = parse(test_data.GBASE_FEED, atom.core.XmlElement) self.assertFalse( tree.get_elements("generator", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom")[0].text == feed.get_generator() ) self.assertEqual(feed.get_generator(), "GoogleBase") def testAllowsEmptyId(self): entry = gdata.data.GDEntry() try: entry.id = atom.data.Id() except AttributeError: self.fail("Empty id should not raise an attribute error.") class LinkFinderTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.entry = parse(XML_ENTRY_1, gdata.data.GDEntry) def testLinkFinderGetsLicenseLink(self): self.assertEqual(isinstance(self.entry.FindLicenseLink(), str), True) self.assertEqual( self.entry.FindLicenseLink(), "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/rdf", ) def testLinkFinderGetsAlternateLink(self): self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.entry.FindAlternateLink(), str)) self.assertEqual( self.entry.FindAlternateLink(), "http://www.provider-host.com/123456789" ) class GDataFeedTest(unittest.TestCase): def testCorrectConversionToElementTree(self): test_feed = parse(test_data.GBASE_FEED, gdata.data.GDFeed) self.assertTrue(test_feed.total_results is not None) self.assertTrue( test_feed.get_elements( "totalResults", "http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearchrss/1.0/" ) is not None ) self.assertTrue( len( test_feed.get_elements( "totalResults", "http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearchrss/1.0/" ) ) > 0 ) def testAllowsEmptyId(self): feed = gdata.data.GDFeed() try: feed.id = atom.data.Id() except AttributeError: self.fail("Empty id should not raise an attribute error.") class BatchEntryTest(unittest.TestCase): def testCorrectConversionFromAndToString(self): batch_entry = parse(test_data.BATCH_ENTRY, gdata.data.BatchEntry) self.assertEqual(batch_entry.batch_id.text, "itemB") self.assertEqual( batch_entry.id.text, "http://www.google.com/base/feeds/items/" "2173859253842813008", ) self.assertEqual(batch_entry.batch_operation.type, "insert") self.assertEqual(batch_entry.batch_status.code, "201") self.assertEqual(batch_entry.batch_status.reason, "Created") new_entry = parse(str(batch_entry), gdata.data.BatchEntry) self.assertEqual(batch_entry.batch_id.text, new_entry.batch_id.text) self.assertEqual(batch_entry.id.text, new_entry.id.text) self.assertEqual( batch_entry.batch_operation.type, new_entry.batch_operation.type ) self.assertEqual(batch_entry.batch_status.code, new_entry.batch_status.code) self.assertEqual(batch_entry.batch_status.reason, new_entry.batch_status.reason) class BatchFeedTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.batch_feed = gdata.data.BatchFeed() self.example_entry = gdata.data.BatchEntry( id=atom.data.Id(text="http://example.com/1"), text="This is a test" ) def testConvertRequestFeed(self): batch_feed = parse(test_data.BATCH_FEED_REQUEST, gdata.data.BatchFeed) self.assertEqual(len(batch_feed.entry), 4) for entry in batch_feed.entry: self.assertTrue(isinstance(entry, gdata.data.BatchEntry)) self.assertEqual(batch_feed.title.text, "My Batch Feed") new_feed = parse(batch_feed.to_string(), gdata.data.BatchFeed) self.assertEqual(len(new_feed.entry), 4) for entry in new_feed.entry: self.assertTrue(isinstance(entry, gdata.data.BatchEntry)) self.assertEqual(new_feed.title.text, "My Batch Feed") def testConvertResultFeed(self): batch_feed = parse(test_data.BATCH_FEED_RESULT, gdata.data.BatchFeed) self.assertEqual(len(batch_feed.entry), 4) for entry in batch_feed.entry: self.assertTrue(isinstance(entry, gdata.data.BatchEntry)) if entry.id.text == ( "http://www.google.com/base/feeds/items/" "2173859253842813008" ): self.assertEqual(entry.batch_operation.type, "insert") self.assertEqual(entry.batch_id.text, "itemB") self.assertEqual(entry.batch_status.code, "201") self.assertEqual(entry.batch_status.reason, "Created") self.assertEqual(batch_feed.title.text, "My Batch") new_feed = parse(str(batch_feed), gdata.data.BatchFeed) self.assertEqual(len(new_feed.entry), 4) for entry in new_feed.entry: self.assertTrue(isinstance(entry, gdata.data.BatchEntry)) if entry.id.text == ( "http://www.google.com/base/feeds/items/" "2173859253842813008" ): self.assertEqual(entry.batch_operation.type, "insert") self.assertEqual(entry.batch_id.text, "itemB") self.assertEqual(entry.batch_status.code, "201") self.assertEqual(entry.batch_status.reason, "Created") self.assertEqual(new_feed.title.text, "My Batch") def testAddBatchEntry(self): try: self.batch_feed.AddBatchEntry(batch_id_string="a") self.fail("AddBatchEntry with neither entry or URL should raise Error") except gdata.data.MissingRequiredParameters: pass new_entry = self.batch_feed.AddBatchEntry(id_url_string="http://example.com/1") self.assertEqual(len(self.batch_feed.entry), 1) self.assertEqual(self.batch_feed.entry[0].get_id(), "http://example.com/1") self.assertEqual(self.batch_feed.entry[0].batch_id.text, "0") self.assertEqual(new_entry.id.text, "http://example.com/1") self.assertEqual(new_entry.batch_id.text, "0") to_add = gdata.data.BatchEntry(id=atom.data.Id(text="originalId")) new_entry = self.batch_feed.AddBatchEntry(entry=to_add, batch_id_string="foo") self.assertEqual(new_entry.batch_id.text, "foo") self.assertEqual(new_entry.id.text, "originalId") to_add = gdata.data.BatchEntry( id=atom.data.Id(text="originalId"), batch_id=gdata.data.BatchId(text="bar") ) new_entry = self.batch_feed.AddBatchEntry( entry=to_add, id_url_string="newId", batch_id_string="foo" ) self.assertEqual(new_entry.batch_id.text, "foo") self.assertEqual(new_entry.id.text, "originalId") to_add = gdata.data.BatchEntry( id=atom.data.Id(text="originalId"), batch_id=gdata.data.BatchId(text="bar") ) new_entry = self.batch_feed.AddBatchEntry(entry=to_add, id_url_string="newId") self.assertEqual(new_entry.batch_id.text, "bar") self.assertEqual(new_entry.id.text, "originalId") to_add = gdata.data.BatchEntry( id=atom.data.Id(text="originalId"), batch_id=gdata.data.BatchId(text="bar"), batch_operation=gdata.data.BatchOperation(type=gdata.data.BATCH_INSERT), ) self.assertEqual(to_add.batch_operation.type, gdata.data.BATCH_INSERT) new_entry = self.batch_feed.AddBatchEntry( entry=to_add, id_url_string="newId", batch_id_string="foo", operation_string=gdata.data.BATCH_UPDATE, ) self.assertEqual(new_entry.batch_operation.type, gdata.data.BATCH_UPDATE) def testAddInsert(self): first_entry = gdata.data.BatchEntry( id=atom.data.Id(text="http://example.com/1"), text="This is a test1" ) self.batch_feed.AddInsert(first_entry) self.assertEqual( self.batch_feed.entry[0].batch_operation.type, gdata.data.BATCH_INSERT ) self.assertEqual(self.batch_feed.entry[0].batch_id.text, "0") second_entry = gdata.data.BatchEntry( id=atom.data.Id(text="http://example.com/2"), text="This is a test2" ) self.batch_feed.AddInsert(second_entry, batch_id_string="foo") self.assertEqual( self.batch_feed.entry[1].batch_operation.type, gdata.data.BATCH_INSERT ) self.assertEqual(self.batch_feed.entry[1].batch_id.text, "foo") third_entry = gdata.data.BatchEntry( id=atom.data.Id(text="http://example.com/3"), text="This is a test3" ) third_entry.batch_operation = gdata.data.BatchOperation( type=gdata.data.BATCH_DELETE ) # Add an entry with a delete operation already assigned. self.batch_feed.AddInsert(third_entry) # The batch entry should not have the original operation, it should # have been changed to an insert. self.assertEqual( self.batch_feed.entry[2].batch_operation.type, gdata.data.BATCH_INSERT ) self.assertEqual(self.batch_feed.entry[2].batch_id.text, "2") def testAddDelete(self): # Try deleting an entry delete_entry = gdata.data.BatchEntry( id=atom.data.Id(text="http://example.com/1"), text="This is a test" ) self.batch_feed.AddDelete(entry=delete_entry) self.assertEqual( self.batch_feed.entry[0].batch_operation.type, gdata.data.BATCH_DELETE ) self.assertEqual(self.batch_feed.entry[0].get_id(), "http://example.com/1") self.assertEqual(self.batch_feed.entry[0].text, "This is a test") # Try deleting a URL self.batch_feed.AddDelete(url_string="http://example.com/2") self.assertEqual( self.batch_feed.entry[0].batch_operation.type, gdata.data.BATCH_DELETE ) self.assertEqual(self.batch_feed.entry[1].id.text, "http://example.com/2") self.assertTrue(self.batch_feed.entry[1].text is None) def testAddQuery(self): # Try querying with an existing batch entry delete_entry = gdata.data.BatchEntry( id=atom.data.Id(text="http://example.com/1") ) self.batch_feed.AddQuery(entry=delete_entry) self.assertEqual( self.batch_feed.entry[0].batch_operation.type, gdata.data.BATCH_QUERY ) self.assertEqual(self.batch_feed.entry[0].get_id(), "http://example.com/1") # Try querying a URL self.batch_feed.AddQuery(url_string="http://example.com/2") self.assertEqual( self.batch_feed.entry[0].batch_operation.type, gdata.data.BATCH_QUERY ) self.assertEqual(self.batch_feed.entry[1].id.text, "http://example.com/2") def testAddUpdate(self): # Try updating an entry delete_entry = gdata.data.BatchEntry( id=atom.data.Id(text="http://example.com/1"), text="This is a test" ) self.batch_feed.AddUpdate(entry=delete_entry) self.assertEqual( self.batch_feed.entry[0].batch_operation.type, gdata.data.BATCH_UPDATE ) self.assertEqual(self.batch_feed.entry[0].get_id(), "http://example.com/1") self.assertEqual(self.batch_feed.entry[0].text, "This is a test") class ExtendedPropertyTest(unittest.TestCase): def testXmlBlobRoundTrip(self): ep = gdata.data.ExtendedProperty(name="blobby") ep.SetXmlBlob('<some_xml attr="test"/>') extension = ep.GetXmlBlob() self.assertEqual(extension.tag, "some_xml") self.assertTrue(extension.namespace is None) self.assertEqual(extension.attributes["attr"], "test") ep2 = parse(ep.ToString(), gdata.data.ExtendedProperty) extension = ep2.GetXmlBlob() self.assertEqual(extension.tag, "some_xml") self.assertTrue(extension.namespace is None) self.assertEqual(extension.attributes["attr"], "test") def testGettersShouldReturnNoneWithNoBlob(self): ep = gdata.data.ExtendedProperty(name="no blob") self.assertTrue(ep.GetXmlBlob() is None) def testGettersReturnCorrectTypes(self): ep = gdata.data.ExtendedProperty(name="has blob") ep.SetXmlBlob('<some_xml attr="test"/>') self.assertTrue(isinstance(ep.GetXmlBlob(), atom.core.XmlElement)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ep.GetXmlBlob().to_string(), str)) class FeedLinkTest(unittest.TestCase): def testCorrectFromStringType(self): link = parse( '<feedLink xmlns="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005" countHint="5"/>', gdata.data.FeedLink, ) self.assertTrue(isinstance(link, gdata.data.FeedLink)) self.assertEqual(link.count_hint, "5") class SimpleV2FeedTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_parsing_etags_and_edit_url(self): feed = atom.core.parse(SIMPLE_V2_FEED_TEST_DATA, gdata.data.GDFeed) # General parsing assertions. self.assertEqual( feed.get_elements("title")[0].text, "Elizabeth Bennet's Contacts" ) self.assertEqual(len(feed.entry), 2) for entry in feed.entry: self.assertTrue(isinstance(entry, gdata.data.GDEntry)) self.assertEqual(feed.entry[0].GetElements("title")[0].text, "Fitzwilliam") self.assertEqual( feed.entry[0].get_elements("id")[0].text, "http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/liz%40gmail.com/base/c9e", ) # ETags checks. self.assertEqual(feed.etag, 'W/"CUMBRHo_fip7ImA9WxRbGU0."') self.assertEqual(feed.entry[0].etag, '"Qn04eTVSLyp7ImA9WxRbGEUORAQ."') self.assertEqual(feed.entry[1].etag, '"123456"') # Look for Edit URLs. self.assertEqual( feed.entry[0].find_edit_link(), "http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/liz%40gmail.com/full/c9e", ) self.assertEqual(feed.entry[1].FindEditLink(), "http://example.com/1") # Look for Next URLs. self.assertEqual( feed.find_next_link(), "http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/.../more" ) def test_constructor_defauls(self): feed = gdata.data.GDFeed() self.assertTrue(feed.etag is None) self.assertEqual(feed.link, []) self.assertEqual(feed.entry, []) entry = gdata.data.GDEntry() self.assertTrue(entry.etag is None) self.assertEqual(entry.link, []) link = atom.data.Link() self.assertTrue(link.href is None) self.assertTrue(link.rel is None) link1 = atom.data.Link(href="http://example.com", rel="test") self.assertEqual(link1.href, "http://example.com") self.assertEqual(link1.rel, "test") link2 = atom.data.Link(href="http://example.org/", rel="alternate") entry = gdata.data.GDEntry(etag="foo", link=[link1, link2]) feed = gdata.data.GDFeed(etag="12345", entry=[entry]) self.assertEqual(feed.etag, "12345") self.assertEqual(len(feed.entry), 1) self.assertEqual(feed.entry[0].etag, "foo") self.assertEqual(len(feed.entry[0].link), 2) class DataClassSanityTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_basic_element_structure(self): conf.check_data_classes( self, [ gdata.data.TotalResults, gdata.data.StartIndex, gdata.data.ItemsPerPage, gdata.data.ExtendedProperty, gdata.data.GDEntry, gdata.data.GDFeed, gdata.data.BatchId, gdata.data.BatchOperation, gdata.data.BatchStatus, gdata.data.BatchEntry, gdata.data.BatchInterrupted, gdata.data.BatchFeed, gdata.data.EntryLink, gdata.data.FeedLink, gdata.data.AdditionalName, gdata.data.Comments, gdata.data.Country, gdata.data.Email, gdata.data.FamilyName, gdata.data.Im, gdata.data.GivenName, gdata.data.NamePrefix, gdata.data.NameSuffix, gdata.data.FullName, gdata.data.Name, gdata.data.OrgDepartment, gdata.data.OrgName, gdata.data.OrgSymbol, gdata.data.OrgTitle, gdata.data.Organization, gdata.data.When, gdata.data.Who, gdata.data.OriginalEvent, gdata.data.PhoneNumber, gdata.data.PostalAddress, gdata.data.Rating, gdata.data.Recurrence, gdata.data.RecurrenceException, gdata.data.Reminder, gdata.data.Agent, gdata.data.HouseName, gdata.data.Street, gdata.data.PoBox, gdata.data.Neighborhood, gdata.data.City, gdata.data.Subregion, gdata.data.Region, gdata.data.Postcode, gdata.data.Country, gdata.data.FormattedAddress, gdata.data.StructuredPostalAddress, gdata.data.Where, gdata.data.AttendeeType, gdata.data.AttendeeStatus, ], ) def test_member_values(self): self.assertEqual( gdata.data.TotalResults._qname, "{http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/}totalResults", ) self.assertEqual( gdata.data.RecurrenceException._qname, "{http://schemas.google.com/g/2005}recurrenceException", ) self.assertEqual(gdata.data.RecurrenceException.specialized, "specialized") def suite(): return conf.build_suite( [ StartIndexTest, StartIndexTest, GDataEntryTest, LinkFinderTest, GDataFeedTest, BatchEntryTest, BatchFeedTest, ExtendedPropertyTest, FeedLinkTest, SimpleV2FeedTest, ] ) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
# performs a simple device inquiry, followed by a remote name request of each # discovered device import os import sys import struct import bluetooth._bluetooth as bluez def printpacket(pkt): for c in pkt: sys.stdout.write("%02x " % struct.unpack("B",c)[0]) print() def read_inquiry_mode(sock): """returns the current mode, or -1 on failure""" # save current filter old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14) # Setup socket filter to receive only events related to the # read_inquiry_mode command flt = bluez.hci_filter_new() opcode = bluez.cmd_opcode_pack(bluez.OGF_HOST_CTL, bluez.OCF_READ_INQUIRY_MODE) bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT) bluez.hci_filter_set_event(flt, bluez.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE); bluez.hci_filter_set_opcode(flt, opcode) sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt ) # first read the current inquiry mode. bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_HOST_CTL, bluez.OCF_READ_INQUIRY_MODE ) pkt = sock.recv(255) status,mode = struct.unpack("xxxxxxBB", pkt) if status != 0: mode = -1 # restore old filter sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter ) return mode def write_inquiry_mode(sock, mode): """returns 0 on success, -1 on failure""" # save current filter old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14) # Setup socket filter to receive only events related to the # write_inquiry_mode command flt = bluez.hci_filter_new() opcode = bluez.cmd_opcode_pack(bluez.OGF_HOST_CTL, bluez.OCF_WRITE_INQUIRY_MODE) bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT) bluez.hci_filter_set_event(flt, bluez.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE); bluez.hci_filter_set_opcode(flt, opcode) sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt ) # send the command! bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_HOST_CTL, bluez.OCF_WRITE_INQUIRY_MODE, struct.pack("B", mode) ) pkt = sock.recv(255) status = struct.unpack("xxxxxxB", pkt)[0] # restore old filter sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter ) if status != 0: return -1 return 0 def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock): # save current filter old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14) # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0 # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of # previously discovered devices flt = bluez.hci_filter_new() bluez.hci_filter_all_events(flt) bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT) sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt ) duration = 4 max_responses = 255 cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses) bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt) results = [] done = False while not done: pkt = sock.recv(255) ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3]) if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI: pkt = pkt[3:] nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0] for i in range(nrsp): addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] ) rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0] results.append( ( addr, rssi ) ) print("[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi)) elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE: done = True elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS: status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7]) if status != 0: print("uh oh...") printpacket(pkt[3:7]) done = True elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT: pkt = pkt[3:] nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0] for i in range(nrsp): addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] ) results.append( ( addr, -1 ) ) print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr) else: print("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype) print("event ", event) # restore old filter sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter ) return results dev_id = 0 try: sock = bluez.hci_open_dev(dev_id) except: print("error accessing bluetooth device...") sys.exit(1) try: mode = read_inquiry_mode(sock) except Exception as e: print("error reading inquiry mode. ") print("Are you sure this a bluetooth 1.2 device?") print(e) sys.exit(1) print("current inquiry mode is %d" % mode) if mode != 1: print("writing inquiry mode...") try: result = write_inquiry_mode(sock, 1) except Exception as e: print("error writing inquiry mode. Are you sure you're root?") print(e) sys.exit(1) if result != 0: print("error while setting inquiry mode") print("result: %d" % result) device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock)
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_checkers -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Provide L{ICredentialsChecker} implementations to be used in Conch protocols. """ import os, base64, binascii, errno try: import pwd except ImportError: pwd = None else: import crypt try: # get this from http://www.twistedmatrix.com/users/z3p/files/pyshadow-0.2.tar.gz import shadow except: shadow = None try: from twisted.cred import pamauth except ImportError: pamauth = None from zope.interface import implements, providedBy from twisted.conch import error from twisted.conch.ssh import keys from twisted.cred.checkers import ICredentialsChecker from twisted.cred.credentials import IUsernamePassword, ISSHPrivateKey from twisted.cred.error import UnauthorizedLogin, UnhandledCredentials from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.python import failure, reflect, log from twisted.python.util import runAsEffectiveUser from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath def verifyCryptedPassword(crypted, pw): if crypted[0] == "$": # md5_crypt encrypted salt = "$1$" + crypted.split("$")[2] else: salt = crypted[:2] return crypt.crypt(pw, salt) == crypted class UNIXPasswordDatabase: credentialInterfaces = (IUsernamePassword,) implements(ICredentialsChecker) def requestAvatarId(self, credentials): if pwd: try: cryptedPass = pwd.getpwnam(credentials.username)[1] except KeyError: return defer.fail(UnauthorizedLogin("invalid username")) else: if cryptedPass not in ["*", "x"] and verifyCryptedPassword( cryptedPass, credentials.password ): return defer.succeed(credentials.username) if shadow: gid = os.getegid() uid = os.geteuid() os.setegid(0) os.seteuid(0) try: shadowPass = shadow.getspnam(credentials.username)[1] except KeyError: os.setegid(gid) os.seteuid(uid) return defer.fail(UnauthorizedLogin("invalid username")) os.setegid(gid) os.seteuid(uid) if verifyCryptedPassword(shadowPass, credentials.password): return defer.succeed(credentials.username) return defer.fail(UnauthorizedLogin("invalid password")) return defer.fail(UnauthorizedLogin("unable to verify password")) class SSHPublicKeyDatabase: """ Checker that authenticates SSH public keys, based on public keys listed in authorized_keys and authorized_keys2 files in user .ssh/ directories. """ credentialInterfaces = (ISSHPrivateKey,) implements(ICredentialsChecker) def requestAvatarId(self, credentials): d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.checkKey, credentials) d.addCallback(self._cbRequestAvatarId, credentials) d.addErrback(self._ebRequestAvatarId) return d def _cbRequestAvatarId(self, validKey, credentials): """ Check whether the credentials themselves are valid, now that we know if the key matches the user. @param validKey: A boolean indicating whether or not the public key matches a key in the user's authorized_keys file. @param credentials: The credentials offered by the user. @type credentials: L{ISSHPrivateKey} provider @raise UnauthorizedLogin: (as a failure) if the key does not match the user in C{credentials}. Also raised if the user provides an invalid signature. @raise ValidPublicKey: (as a failure) if the key matches the user but the credentials do not include a signature. See L{error.ValidPublicKey} for more information. @return: The user's username, if authentication was successful. """ if not validKey: return failure.Failure(UnauthorizedLogin("invalid key")) if not credentials.signature: return failure.Failure(error.ValidPublicKey()) else: try: pubKey = keys.Key.fromString(credentials.blob) if pubKey.verify(credentials.signature, credentials.sigData): return credentials.username except: # any error should be treated as a failed login log.err() return failure.Failure(UnauthorizedLogin("error while verifying key")) return failure.Failure(UnauthorizedLogin("unable to verify key")) def getAuthorizedKeysFiles(self, credentials): """ Return a list of L{FilePath} instances for I{authorized_keys} files which might contain information about authorized keys for the given credentials. On OpenSSH servers, the default location of the file containing the list of authorized public keys is U{$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys<http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=sshd_config>}. I{$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys2} is also returned, though it has been U{deprecated by OpenSSH since 2001<http://marc.info/?m=100508718416162>}. @return: A list of L{FilePath} instances to files with the authorized keys. """ pwent = pwd.getpwnam(credentials.username) root = FilePath(pwent.pw_dir).child(".ssh") files = ["authorized_keys", "authorized_keys2"] return [root.child(f) for f in files] def checkKey(self, credentials): """ Retrieve files containing authorized keys and check against user credentials. """ uid, gid = os.geteuid(), os.getegid() ouid, ogid = pwd.getpwnam(credentials.username)[2:4] for filepath in self.getAuthorizedKeysFiles(credentials): if not filepath.exists(): continue try: lines = filepath.open() except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: lines = runAsEffectiveUser(ouid, ogid, filepath.open) else: raise for l in lines: l2 = l.split() if len(l2) < 2: continue try: if base64.decodestring(l2[1]) == credentials.blob: return True except binascii.Error: continue return False def _ebRequestAvatarId(self, f): if not f.check(UnauthorizedLogin): log.msg(f) return failure.Failure(UnauthorizedLogin("unable to get avatar id")) return f class SSHProtocolChecker: """ SSHProtocolChecker is a checker that requires multiple authentications to succeed. To add a checker, call my registerChecker method with the checker and the interface. After each successful authenticate, I call my areDone method with the avatar id. To get a list of the successful credentials for an avatar id, use C{SSHProcotolChecker.successfulCredentials[avatarId]}. If L{areDone} returns True, the authentication has succeeded. """ implements(ICredentialsChecker) def __init__(self): self.checkers = {} self.successfulCredentials = {} def get_credentialInterfaces(self): return list(self.checkers.keys()) credentialInterfaces = property(get_credentialInterfaces) def registerChecker(self, checker, *credentialInterfaces): if not credentialInterfaces: credentialInterfaces = checker.credentialInterfaces for credentialInterface in credentialInterfaces: self.checkers[credentialInterface] = checker def requestAvatarId(self, credentials): """ Part of the L{ICredentialsChecker} interface. Called by a portal with some credentials to check if they'll authenticate a user. We check the interfaces that the credentials provide against our list of acceptable checkers. If one of them matches, we ask that checker to verify the credentials. If they're valid, we call our L{_cbGoodAuthentication} method to continue. @param credentials: the credentials the L{Portal} wants us to verify """ ifac = providedBy(credentials) for i in ifac: c = self.checkers.get(i) if c is not None: d = defer.maybeDeferred(c.requestAvatarId, credentials) return d.addCallback(self._cbGoodAuthentication, credentials) return defer.fail( UnhandledCredentials( "No checker for %s" % ", ".join(map(reflect.qual, ifac)) ) ) def _cbGoodAuthentication(self, avatarId, credentials): """ Called if a checker has verified the credentials. We call our L{areDone} method to see if the whole of the successful authentications are enough. If they are, we return the avatar ID returned by the first checker. """ if avatarId not in self.successfulCredentials: self.successfulCredentials[avatarId] = [] self.successfulCredentials[avatarId].append(credentials) if self.areDone(avatarId): del self.successfulCredentials[avatarId] return avatarId else: raise error.NotEnoughAuthentication() def areDone(self, avatarId): """ Override to determine if the authentication is finished for a given avatarId. @param avatarId: the avatar returned by the first checker. For this checker to function correctly, all the checkers must return the same avatar ID. """ return True
'\nImplementation module for the I{cftp} command.\n' import os, sys, getpass, struct, tty, fcntl, stat import fnmatch, pwd, glob from twisted.conch.client import connect, default, options from twisted.conch.ssh import connection, common from twisted.conch.ssh import channel, filetransfer from twisted.protocols import basic from twisted.internet import reactor, stdio, defer, utils from twisted.python import log, usage, failure class ClientOptions(options.ConchOptions): synopsis = 'Usage: cftp [options] [user@]host\n cftp [options] [user@]host[:dir[/]]\n cftp [options] [user@]host[:file [localfile]]\n' longdesc = 'cftp is a client for logging into a remote machine and executing commands to send and receive file information' optParameters = [['buffersize', 'B', 32768, 'Size of the buffer to use for sending/receiving.'], ['batchfile', 'b', None, "File to read commands from, or '-' for stdin."], ['requests', 'R', 5, 'Number of requests to make before waiting for a reply.'], ['subsystem', 's', 'sftp', 'Subsystem/server program to connect to.']] zsh_altArgDescr = {'buffersize': 'Size of send/receive buffer (default: 32768)'} zsh_extras = ['2::localfile:{if [[ $words[1] == *:* ]]; then; _files; fi}'] def parseArgs(self, host, localPath=None): self['remotePath'] = '' if (':' in host): (host, self['remotePath']) = (':', 1) ('/') self['host'] = host self['localPath'] = localPath def run(): args = sys.argv[1:] if ('-l' in args): i = ('-l') args = (args[i:(i + 2)] + args) del args[(i + 2):(i + 4)] options = () try: (args) except usage.UsageError as u: (('ERROR: %s' % u)) (1) if options['log']: realout = sys.stdout (sys.stderr) sys.stdout = realout else: () (options) () def handleError(): global exitStatus exitStatus = 2 try: () except: raise (()) raise def doConnect(options): if ('@' in options['host']): (options['user'], options['host']) = ('@', 1) host = options['host'] if (not options['user']): options['user'] = () if (not options['port']): options['port'] = 22 else: options['port'] = (options['port']) host = options['host'] port = options['port'] conn = () conn.options = options vhk = default.verifyHostKey uao = (options['user'], options, conn) (_ebExit) def _ebExit(f): if (f.value, 'value'): s = f.value.value else: s = (f) (s) try: () except: raise def _ignore(*args): pass class FileWrapper(): def __init__(self, f): self.f = f self.total = 0.0 (0, 2) self.size = () def __getattr__(self, attr): return (self.f, attr) class StdioClient(basic.LineReceiver): _pwd = pwd ps = 'cftp> ' delimiter = '\n' reactor = reactor def __init__(self, client, f=None): self.client = client self.currentDirectory = '' self.file = f self.useProgressBar = (((not f) and 1) or 0) def connectionMade(self): (self._cbSetCurDir) def _cbSetCurDir(self, path): self.currentDirectory = path () def lineReceived(self, line): if self.client.transport.localClosed: return (('got line %s' % (line))) line = () if (not line): () return if (self.file and ('-')): self.ignoreErrors = 1 line = line[1:] else: self.ignoreErrors = 0 d = (line) if (d is not None): (self._cbCommand) (self._ebCommand) def _dispatchCommand(self, line): if (' ' in line): (command, rest) = (' ', 1) rest = () else: (command, rest) = (line, '') if ('!'): f = self.cmd_EXEC rest = () else: command = () (('looking up cmd %s' % command)) f = (self, ('cmd_%s' % command), None) if (f is not None): return (f, rest) else: (((("No command called `%s'" % command)))) () def _printFailure(self, f): (f) e = (NotImplementedError, filetransfer.SFTPError, OSError, IOError) if (e == NotImplementedError): (('')) elif (e == filetransfer.SFTPError): (('remote error %i: %s\n' % (f.value.code, f.value.message))) elif (e in (OSError, IOError)): (('local error %i: %s\n' % (f.value.errno, f.value.strerror))) def _newLine(self): if self.client.transport.localClosed: return (self.ps) self.ignoreErrors = 0 if self.file: l = () if (not l): () else: (l) (()) def _cbCommand(self, result): if (result is not None): (result) if (not ('\n')): ('\n') () def _ebCommand(self, f): (f) if (self.file and (not self.ignoreErrors)): () () def cmd_CD(self, path): (path, rest) = (path) if (not ('/')): path += '/' newPath = ((path and (self.currentDirectory, path)) or '') d = (newPath) (self._cbCd) (self._ebCommand) return d def _cbCd(self, directory): () d = (directory.name) (self._cbCurDir) return d def _cbCurDir(self, path): self.currentDirectory = path def cmd_CHGRP(self, rest): (grp, rest) = (None, 1) (path, rest) = (rest) grp = (grp) d = (path) (self._cbSetUsrGrp, path) return d def cmd_CHMOD(self, rest): (mod, rest) = (None, 1) (path, rest) = (rest) mod = (mod, 8) d = (path, {'permissions': mod}) (_ignore) return d def cmd_CHOWN(self, rest): (usr, rest) = (None, 1) (path, rest) = (rest) usr = (usr) d = (path) (self._cbSetUsrGrp, path) return d def _cbSetUsrGrp(self, attrs, path, usr=None, grp=None): new = {} new['uid'] = (((usr is not None) and usr) or attrs['uid']) new['gid'] = (((grp is not None) and grp) or attrs['gid']) d = (path, new) (_ignore) return d def cmd_GET(self, rest): (remote, rest) = (rest) if (('*' in remote) or ('?' in remote)): if rest: (local, rest) = (rest) if (not (local)): return 'Wildcard get with non-directory target.' else: local = '' d = (remote) (self._cbGetMultiple, local) return d if rest: (local, rest) = (rest) else: local = (remote)[1] ((remote, local)) lf = (local, 'w', 0) path = (self.currentDirectory, remote) d = (path, filetransfer.FXF_READ, {}) (self._cbGetOpenFile, lf) (self._ebCloseLf, lf) return d def _cbGetMultiple(self, files, local): return (None, files, local) def _cbGetMultipleNext(self, res, files, local): if (res, failure.Failure): (res) elif res: (res) if (not ('\n')): ('\n') if (not files): return f = (0)[0] lf = ((local, (f)[1]), 'w', 0) path = (self.currentDirectory, f) d = (path, filetransfer.FXF_READ, {}) (self._cbGetOpenFile, lf) (self._ebCloseLf, lf) (self._cbGetMultipleNext, files, local) return d def _ebCloseLf(self, f, lf): () return f def _cbGetOpenFile(self, rf, lf): return (self._cbGetFileSize, rf, lf) def _cbGetFileSize(self, attrs, rf, lf): if (not (attrs['permissions'])): () () return ("Can't get non-regular file: %s" % rf.name) rf.size = attrs['size'] bufferSize = self.client.transport.conn.options['buffersize'] numRequests = self.client.transport.conn.options['requests'] rf.total = 0.0 dList = [] chunks = [] startTime = () for i in (numRequests): d = ('', rf, lf, chunks, 0, bufferSize, startTime) (d) dl = (dList) (self._cbGetDone, rf, lf) return dl def _getNextChunk(self, chunks): end = 0 for chunk in chunks: if (end == 'eof'): return if (end != chunk[0]): i = (chunk) (i, (end, chunk[0])) return (end, (chunk[0] - end)) end = chunk[1] bufSize = (self.client.transport.conn.options['buffersize']) ((end, (end + bufSize))) return (end, bufSize) def _cbGetRead(self, data, rf, lf, chunks, start, size, startTime): if (data and (data, failure.Failure)): (('get read err: %s' % data)) reason = data (EOFError) i = ((start, (start + size))) del chunks[i] (i, (start, 'eof')) elif data: (('get read data: %i' % (data))) (start) (data) if ((data) != size): (('got less than we asked for: %i < %i' % ((data), size))) i = ((start, (start + size))) del chunks[i] (i, (start, (start + (data)))) rf.total += (data) if self.useProgressBar: (rf, startTime) chunk = (chunks) if (not chunk): return else: (start, length) = chunk (('asking for %i -> %i' % (start, (start + length)))) d = (start, length) (self._cbGetRead, rf, lf, chunks, start, length, startTime) return d def _cbGetDone(self, ignored, rf, lf): ('get done') () () if self.useProgressBar: ('\n') return ('Transferred %s to %s' % (rf.name, lf.name)) def cmd_PUT(self, rest): (local, rest) = (rest) if (('*' in local) or ('?' in local)): if rest: (remote, rest) = (rest) path = (self.currentDirectory, remote) d = (path) (self._cbPutTargetAttrs, remote, local) return d else: remote = '' files = (local) return (None, files, remote) if rest: (remote, rest) = (rest) else: remote = (local)[1] lf = (local, 'r') path = (self.currentDirectory, remote) flags = ((filetransfer.FXF_WRITE | filetransfer.FXF_CREAT) | filetransfer.FXF_TRUNC) d = (path, flags, {}) (self._cbPutOpenFile, lf) (self._ebCloseLf, lf) return d def _cbPutTargetAttrs(self, attrs, path, local): if (not (attrs['permissions'])): return 'Wildcard put with non-directory target.' return (None, files, path) def _cbPutMultipleNext(self, res, files, path): if (res, failure.Failure): (res) elif res: (res) if (not ('\n')): ('\n') f = None while (files and (not f)): try: f = (0) lf = (f, 'r') except: (()) f = None if (not f): return name = (f)[1] remote = (self.currentDirectory, path, name) ((name, remote, path)) flags = ((filetransfer.FXF_WRITE | filetransfer.FXF_CREAT) | filetransfer.FXF_TRUNC) d = (remote, flags, {}) (self._cbPutOpenFile, lf) (self._ebCloseLf, lf) (self._cbPutMultipleNext, files, path) return d def _cbPutOpenFile(self, rf, lf): numRequests = self.client.transport.conn.options['requests'] if self.useProgressBar: lf = (lf) dList = [] chunks = [] startTime = () for i in (numRequests): d = (None, rf, lf, chunks, startTime) if d: (d) dl = (dList) (self._cbPutDone, rf, lf) return dl def _cbPutWrite(self, ignored, rf, lf, chunks, startTime): chunk = (chunks) (start, size) = chunk (start) data = (size) if self.useProgressBar: lf.total += (data) (lf, startTime) if data: d = (start, data) (self._cbPutWrite, rf, lf, chunks, startTime) return d else: return def _cbPutDone(self, ignored, rf, lf): () () if self.useProgressBar: ('\n') return ('Transferred %s to %s' % (lf.name, rf.name)) def cmd_LCD(self, path): (path) def cmd_LN(self, rest): (linkpath, rest) = (rest) (targetpath, rest) = (rest) (linkpath, targetpath) = [(self.currentDirectory, x) for x in (linkpath, targetpath)] return (_ignore) def cmd_LS(self, rest): options = [] rest = () while (rest and rest[0] and (rest[0][0] == '-')): opts = (0)[1:] for o in opts: if (o == 'l'): ('verbose') elif (o == 'a'): ('all') rest = (rest) (path, rest) = (rest) if (not path): fullPath = (self.currentDirectory + '/') else: fullPath = (self.currentDirectory, path) d = (fullPath) (self._cbDisplayFiles, options) return d def _cbDisplayFiles(self, files, options): () if ('all' not in options): files = [f for f in files if (not ('.'))] if ('verbose' in options): lines = [f[1] for f in files] else: lines = [f[0] for f in files] if (not lines): return None else: return (lines) def cmd_MKDIR(self, path): (path, rest) = (path) path = (self.currentDirectory, path) return (_ignore) def cmd_RMDIR(self, path): (path, rest) = (path) path = (self.currentDirectory, path) return (_ignore) def cmd_LMKDIR(self, path): (('mkdir %s' % path)) def cmd_RM(self, path): (path, rest) = (path) path = (self.currentDirectory, path) return (_ignore) def cmd_LLS(self, rest): (('ls %s' % rest)) def cmd_RENAME(self, rest): (oldpath, rest) = (rest) (newpath, rest) = (rest) (oldpath, newpath) = [(self.currentDirectory, x) for x in (oldpath, newpath)] return (_ignore) def cmd_EXIT(self, ignored): () cmd_QUIT = cmd_EXIT def cmd_VERSION(self, ignored): return ('SFTP version %i' % self.client.version) def cmd_HELP(self, ignored): return "Available commands:\ncd path Change remote directory to 'path'.\nchgrp gid path Change gid of 'path' to 'gid'.\nchmod mode path Change mode of 'path' to 'mode'.\nchown uid path Change uid of 'path' to 'uid'.\nexit Disconnect from the server.\nget remote-path [local-path] Get remote file.\nhelp Get a list of available commands.\nlcd path Change local directory to 'path'.\nlls [ls-options] [path] Display local directory listing.\nlmkdir path Create local directory.\nln linkpath targetpath Symlink remote file.\nlpwd Print the local working directory.\nls [-l] [path] Display remote directory listing.\nmkdir path Create remote directory.\nprogress Toggle progress bar.\nput local-path [remote-path] Put local file.\npwd Print the remote working directory.\nquit Disconnect from the server.\nrename oldpath newpath Rename remote file.\nrmdir path Remove remote directory.\nrm path Remove remote file.\nversion Print the SFTP version.\n? Synonym for 'help'.\n" def cmd_PWD(self, ignored): return self.currentDirectory def cmd_LPWD(self, ignored): return () def cmd_PROGRESS(self, ignored): self.useProgressBar = (not self.useProgressBar) return ('%ssing progess bar.' % ((self.useProgressBar and 'U') or 'Not u')) def cmd_EXEC(self, rest): "\n Run C{rest} using the user's shell (or /bin/sh if they do not have\n one).\n " shell = (())[6] if (not shell): shell = '/bin/sh' if rest: cmds = ['-c', rest] return (shell, cmds) else: (shell) def _remoteGlob(self, fullPath): (('looking up %s' % fullPath)) (head, tail) = (fullPath) if (('*' in tail) or ('?' in tail)): glob = 1 else: glob = 0 if (tail and (not glob)): d = (fullPath) (self._cbOpenList, '') (self._ebNotADirectory, head, tail) else: d = (head) (self._cbOpenList, tail) return d def _cbOpenList(self, directory, glob): files = [] d = () (self._cbReadFile, files, directory, glob) return d def _ebNotADirectory(self, reason, path, glob): d = (path) (self._cbOpenList, glob) return d def _cbReadFile(self, files, l, directory, glob): if (not (files, failure.Failure)): if glob: ([f for f in files if (f[0], glob)]) else: (files) d = () (self._cbReadFile, l, directory, glob) return d else: reason = files (EOFError) () return l def _abbrevSize(self, size): _abbrevs = [((1 << 50), 'PB'), ((1 << 40), 'TB'), ((1 << 30), 'GB'), ((1 << 20), 'MB'), ((1 << 10), 'kB'), (1, 'B')] for (factor, suffix) in _abbrevs: if (size > factor): break return (('%.1f' % (size / factor)) + suffix) def _abbrevTime(self, t): if (t > 3600): hours = ((t / 3600)) t -= (3600 * hours) mins = ((t / 60)) t -= (60 * mins) return ('%i:%02i:%02i' % (hours, mins, t)) else: mins = ((t / 60)) t -= (60 * mins) return ('%02i:%02i' % (mins, t)) def _printProgressBar(self, f, startTime): "\n Update a console progress bar on this L{StdioClient}'s transport, based\n on the difference between the start time of the operation and the\n current time according to the reactor, and appropriate to the size of\n the console window.\n\n @param f: a wrapper around the file which is being written or read\n @type f: L{FileWrapper}\n\n @param startTime: The time at which the operation being tracked began.\n @type startTime: C{float}\n " diff = (() - startTime) total = f.total try: winSize = ('4H', (0, tty.TIOCGWINSZ, '12345679')) except IOError: winSize = [None, 80] if (diff == 0.0): speed = 0.0 else: speed = (total / diff) if speed: timeLeft = ((f.size - total) / speed) else: timeLeft = 0 front = f.name back = ('%3i%% %s %sps %s ' % (((total / f.size) * 100), (total), (speed), (timeLeft))) spaces = ((winSize[1] - (((front) + (back)) + 1)) * ' ') (('\r%s%s%s' % (front, spaces, back))) def _getFilename(self, line): () if (not line): return (None, '') if (line[0] in '\'"'): ret = [] line = (line) try: for i in (1, (line)): c = line[i] if (c == line[0]): return ((ret), ()) elif (c == '\\'): del line[i] if (line[i] not in '\'"\\'): raise (('bad quote: \\%s' % line[i])) (line[i]) else: (line[i]) except IndexError: raise ('unterminated quote') ret = (None, 1) if ((ret) == 1): return (ret[0], '') else: return ret StdioClient.__dict__['cmd_?'] = StdioClient.cmd_HELP class SSHConnection(connection.SSHConnection): def serviceStarted(self): (()) class SSHSession(channel.SSHChannel): name = 'session' def channelOpen(self, foo): (('session %s open' % self.id)) if ('/'): request = 'exec' else: request = 'subsystem' d = (self, request, (self.conn.options['subsystem'])) (self._cbSubsystem) (_ebExit) def _cbSubsystem(self, result): self.client = () (self) self.dataReceived = self.client.dataReceived f = None if self.conn.options['batchfile']: fn = self.conn.options['batchfile'] if (fn != '-'): f = (fn) self.stdio = ((self.client, f)) def extReceived(self, t, data): if (t == connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR): (('got %s stderr data' % (data))) (data) () def eofReceived(self): ('got eof') () def closeReceived(self): (('remote side closed %s' % self)) (self) def closed(self): try: () except: raise def stopWriting(self): () def startWriting(self): () if (__name__ == '__main__'): ()
# Copyright (c) 2008 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Tests for L{twisted.conch.scripts.ckeygen}. """ import sys from io import StringIO try: import Crypto import pyasn1 except ImportError: skip = "PyCrypto and pyasn1 required for twisted.conch.scripts.ckeygen." else: from twisted.conch.ssh.keys import Key from twisted.conch.scripts.ckeygen import printFingerprint, _saveKey from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from twisted.conch.test.keydata import publicRSA_openssh, privateRSA_openssh class KeyGenTests(TestCase): """ Tests for various functions used to implement the I{ckeygen} script. """ def setUp(self): """ Patch C{sys.stdout} with a L{StringIO} instance to tests can make assertions about what's printed. """ self.stdout = StringIO() self.patch(sys, "stdout", self.stdout) def test_printFingerprint(self): """ L{printFingerprint} writes a line to standard out giving the number of bits of the key, its fingerprint, and the basename of the file from it was read. """ filename = self.mktemp() FilePath(filename).setContent(publicRSA_openssh) printFingerprint({"filename": filename}) self.assertEqual( self.stdout.getvalue(), "768 3d:13:5f:cb:c9:79:8a:93:06:27:65:bc:3d:0b:8f:af temp\n", ) def test_saveKey(self): """ L{_saveKey} writes the private and public parts of a key to two different files and writes a report of this to standard out. """ base = FilePath(self.mktemp()) base.makedirs() filename = base.child("id_rsa").path key = Key.fromString(privateRSA_openssh) _saveKey(key.keyObject, {"filename": filename, "pass": "passphrase"}) self.assertEqual( self.stdout.getvalue(), "Your identification has been saved in %s\n" "Your public key has been saved in %s.pub\n" "The key fingerprint is:\n" "3d:13:5f:cb:c9:79:8a:93:06:27:65:bc:3d:0b:8f:af\n" % (filename, filename), ) self.assertEqual( key.fromString(base.child("id_rsa").getContent(), None, "passphrase"), key ) self.assertEqual( Key.fromString(base.child("id_rsa.pub").getContent()), key.public() )
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_digestauth -*- # Copyright (c) 2008 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Calculations for HTTP Digest authentication. @see: U{http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2617.html} """ from twisted.python.hashlib import md5, sha1 # The digest math algorithms = { "md5": md5, # md5-sess is more complicated than just another algorithm. It requires # H(A1) state to be remembered from the first WWW-Authenticate challenge # issued and re-used to process any Authorization header in response to # that WWW-Authenticate challenge. It is *not* correct to simply # recalculate H(A1) each time an Authorization header is received. Read # RFC 2617, section and do not try to make DigestCredentialFactory # support this unless you completely understand it. -exarkun "md5-sess": md5, "sha": sha1, } # DigestCalcHA1 def calcHA1( pszAlg, pszUserName, pszRealm, pszPassword, pszNonce, pszCNonce, preHA1=None ): """ Compute H(A1) from RFC 2617. @param pszAlg: The name of the algorithm to use to calculate the digest. Currently supported are md5, md5-sess, and sha. @param pszUserName: The username @param pszRealm: The realm @param pszPassword: The password @param pszNonce: The nonce @param pszCNonce: The cnonce @param preHA1: If available this is a str containing a previously calculated H(A1) as a hex string. If this is given then the values for pszUserName, pszRealm, and pszPassword must be C{None} and are ignored. """ if preHA1 and (pszUserName or pszRealm or pszPassword): raise TypeError( ( "preHA1 is incompatible with the pszUserName, " "pszRealm, and pszPassword arguments" ) ) if preHA1 is None: # We need to calculate the HA1 from the username:realm:password m = algorithms[pszAlg]() m.update(pszUserName) m.update(":") m.update(pszRealm) m.update(":") m.update(pszPassword) HA1 = m.digest() else: # We were given a username:realm:password HA1 = preHA1.decode("hex") if pszAlg == "md5-sess": m = algorithms[pszAlg]() m.update(HA1) m.update(":") m.update(pszNonce) m.update(":") m.update(pszCNonce) HA1 = m.digest() return HA1.encode("hex") def calcHA2(algo, pszMethod, pszDigestUri, pszQop, pszHEntity): """ Compute H(A2) from RFC 2617. @param pszAlg: The name of the algorithm to use to calculate the digest. Currently supported are md5, md5-sess, and sha. @param pszMethod: The request method. @param pszDigestUri: The request URI. @param pszQop: The Quality-of-Protection value. @param pszHEntity: The hash of the entity body or C{None} if C{pszQop} is not C{'auth-int'}. @return: The hash of the A2 value for the calculation of the response digest. """ m = algorithms[algo]() m.update(pszMethod) m.update(":") m.update(pszDigestUri) if pszQop == "auth-int": m.update(":") m.update(pszHEntity) return m.digest().encode("hex") def calcResponse(HA1, HA2, algo, pszNonce, pszNonceCount, pszCNonce, pszQop): """ Compute the digest for the given parameters. @param HA1: The H(A1) value, as computed by L{calcHA1}. @param HA2: The H(A2) value, as computed by L{calcHA2}. @param pszNonce: The challenge nonce. @param pszNonceCount: The (client) nonce count value for this response. @param pszCNonce: The client nonce. @param pszQop: The Quality-of-Protection value. """ m = algorithms[algo]() m.update(HA1) m.update(":") m.update(pszNonce) m.update(":") if pszNonceCount and pszCNonce: m.update(pszNonceCount) m.update(":") m.update(pszCNonce) m.update(":") m.update(pszQop) m.update(":") m.update(HA2) respHash = m.digest().encode("hex") return respHash
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_internet -*- # $Id: default.py,v 1.90 2004/01/06 22:35:22 warner Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Deprecated module that used to contain SelectReactor and PosixReactorBase Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring """ import warnings warnings.warn( "twisted.internet.default is deprecated. Use posixbase or selectreactor instead.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) # Backwards compat from posixbase import PosixReactorBase from selectreactor import SelectReactor, install __all__ = ["install", "PosixReactorBase", "SelectReactor"]
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_internet -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Select reactor Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring """ from time import sleep import sys import select from errno import EINTR, EBADF from zope.interface import implements from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorFDSet from twisted.internet import error from twisted.internet import posixbase from twisted.python import log from twisted.python.runtime import platformType def win32select(r, w, e, timeout=None): """Win32 select wrapper.""" if not (r or w): # windows select() exits immediately when no sockets if timeout is None: timeout = 0.01 else: timeout = min(timeout, 0.001) sleep(timeout) return [], [], [] # windows doesn't process 'signals' inside select(), so we set a max # time or ctrl-c will never be recognized if timeout is None or timeout > 0.5: timeout = 0.5 r, w, e = select.select(r, w, w, timeout) return r, w + e, [] if platformType == "win32": _select = win32select else: _select = select.select # Exceptions that doSelect might return frequently _NO_FILENO = error.ConnectionFdescWentAway("Handler has no fileno method") _NO_FILEDESC = error.ConnectionFdescWentAway("Filedescriptor went away") class SelectReactor(posixbase.PosixReactorBase): """ A select() based reactor - runs on all POSIX platforms and on Win32. @ivar _reads: A dictionary mapping L{FileDescriptor} instances to arbitrary values (this is essentially a set). Keys in this dictionary will be checked for read events. @ivar _writes: A dictionary mapping L{FileDescriptor} instances to arbitrary values (this is essentially a set). Keys in this dictionary will be checked for writability. """ implements(IReactorFDSet) def __init__(self): """ Initialize file descriptor tracking dictionaries and the base class. """ self._reads = {} self._writes = {} posixbase.PosixReactorBase.__init__(self) def _preenDescriptors(self): log.msg("Malformed file descriptor found. Preening lists.") readers = list(self._reads.keys()) writers = list(self._writes.keys()) self._reads.clear() self._writes.clear() for selDict, selList in ((self._reads, readers), (self._writes, writers)): for selectable in selList: try: select.select([selectable], [selectable], [selectable], 0) except Exception as e: log.msg("bad descriptor %s" % selectable) self._disconnectSelectable(selectable, e, False) else: selDict[selectable] = 1 def doSelect(self, timeout): """ Run one iteration of the I/O monitor loop. This will run all selectables who had input or output readiness waiting for them. """ while 1: try: r, w, ignored = _select( list(self._reads.keys()), list(self._writes.keys()), [], timeout ) break except ValueError as ve: # Possibly a file descriptor has gone negative? log.err() self._preenDescriptors() except TypeError as te: # Something *totally* invalid (object w/o fileno, non-integral # result) was passed log.err() self._preenDescriptors() except (select.error, IOError) as se: # select(2) encountered an error if se.args[0] in (0, 2): # windows does this if it got an empty list if (not self._reads) and (not self._writes): return else: raise elif se.args[0] == EINTR: return elif se.args[0] == EBADF: self._preenDescriptors() else: # OK, I really don't know what's going on. Blow up. raise _drdw = self._doReadOrWrite _logrun = log.callWithLogger for selectables, method, fdset in ( (r, "doRead", self._reads), (w, "doWrite", self._writes), ): for selectable in selectables: # if this was disconnected in another thread, kill it. # ^^^^ --- what the !@#*? serious! -exarkun if selectable not in fdset: continue # This for pausing input when we're not ready for more. _logrun(selectable, _drdw, selectable, method, dict) doIteration = doSelect def _doReadOrWrite(self, selectable, method, dict): try: why = getattr(selectable, method)() handfn = getattr(selectable, "fileno", None) if not handfn: why = _NO_FILENO elif handfn() == -1: why = _NO_FILEDESC except: why = sys.exc_info()[1] log.err() if why: self._disconnectSelectable(selectable, why, method == "doRead") def addReader(self, reader): """ Add a FileDescriptor for notification of data available to read. """ self._reads[reader] = 1 def addWriter(self, writer): """ Add a FileDescriptor for notification of data available to write. """ self._writes[writer] = 1 def removeReader(self, reader): """ Remove a Selectable for notification of data available to read. """ if reader in self._reads: del self._reads[reader] def removeWriter(self, writer): """ Remove a Selectable for notification of data available to write. """ if writer in self._writes: del self._writes[writer] def removeAll(self): return self._removeAll(self._reads, self._writes) def getReaders(self): return list(self._reads.keys()) def getWriters(self): return list(self._writes.keys()) def install(): """Configure the twisted mainloop to be run using the select() reactor.""" reactor = SelectReactor() from twisted.internet.main import installReactor installReactor(reactor) __all__ = ["install"]
# Copyright (c) 2009 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. import sys from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.python.runtime import platform from twisted.python.util import sibpath from twisted.internet.utils import getProcessOutputAndValue skipWindowsNopywin32 = None if platform.isWindows(): try: import win32process except ImportError: skipWindowsNopywin32 = ( "On windows, spawnProcess is not available " "in the absence of win32process." ) class QtreactorTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{twisted.internet.qtreactor}. """ def test_importQtreactor(self): """ Attempting to import L{twisted.internet.qtreactor} should raise an C{ImportError} indicating that C{qtreactor} is no longer a part of Twisted. """ sys.modules["qtreactor"] = None from twisted.plugins.twisted_qtstub import errorMessage try: import twisted.internet.qtreactor except ImportError as e: self.assertEqual(str(e), errorMessage)
"lore scripts"
'\nImplementation module for the I{mailmail} command.\n' import os import sys import rfc822 import getpass from configparser import ConfigParser try: import io as StringIO except: import io from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.mail import smtp GLOBAL_CFG = '/etc/mailmail' LOCAL_CFG = ('~/.twisted/mailmail') SMARTHOST = '' ERROR_FMT = 'Subject: Failed Message Delivery\n\n Message delivery failed. The following occurred:\n\n %s\n--\nThe Twisted sendmail application.\n' def log(message, *args): ((((message) % args) + '\n')) class Options(): '\n @type to: C{list} of C{str}\n @ivar to: The addresses to which to deliver this message.\n\n @type sender: C{str}\n @ivar sender: The address from which this message is being sent.\n\n @type body: C{file}\n @ivar body: The object from which the message is to be read.\n ' def getlogin(): try: return () except: return () _unsupportedOption = ('Unsupported option.') def parseOptions(argv): o = () o.to = [e for e in argv if (not ('-'))] o.sender = () if ('-bp' in argv): raise _unsupportedOption if ('-bs' in argv): raise _unsupportedOption if ('-F' in argv): o.sender = argv[(('-F') + 1)] (o.sender) if (('-i' in argv) or ('-oi' in argv)): raise _unsupportedOption if ('-odb' in argv): o.background = True else: o.background = False if ('-odf' in argv): o.background = False else: o.background = True if (('-oep' in argv) or ('-ep' in argv)): o.printErrors = True else: o.printErrors = False if ('-om' in argv): raise _unsupportedOption if ('-t' in argv): o.recipientsFromHeaders = True o.excludeAddresses = o.to o.to = [] else: o.recipientsFromHeaders = False o.exludeAddresses = [] requiredHeaders = {'from': [], 'to': [], 'cc': [], 'bcc': [], 'date': []} headers = [] buffer = () while 1: write = 1 line = () if (not ()): break hdrs = (': ', 1) hdr = () if (o.recipientsFromHeaders and (hdr in ('to', 'cc', 'bcc'))): ([a[1] for a in (hdrs[1]).addresslist]) if (hdr == 'bcc'): write = 0 elif (hdr == 'from'): o.sender = (hdrs[1])[1] if (hdr in requiredHeaders): (hdrs[1]) if write: (line) if (not requiredHeaders['from']): (('From: %s\r\n' % (o.sender,))) if (not requiredHeaders['to']): if (not o.to): raise ('No recipients specified.') (('To: %s\r\n' % ((o.to),))) if (not requiredHeaders['date']): (('Date: %s\r\n' % ((),))) (line) if o.recipientsFromHeaders: for a in o.excludeAddresses: try: (a) except: raise (0, 0) o.body = ((() + ())) return o class Configuration(): "\n @ivar allowUIDs: A list of UIDs which are allowed to send mail.\n @ivar allowGIDs: A list of GIDs which are allowed to send mail.\n @ivar denyUIDs: A list of UIDs which are not allowed to send mail.\n @ivar denyGIDs: A list of GIDs which are not allowed to send mail.\n\n @type defaultAccess: C{bool}\n @ivar defaultAccess: C{True} if access will be allowed when no other access\n control rule matches or C{False} if it will be denied in that case.\n\n @ivar useraccess: Either C{'allow'} to check C{allowUID} first\n or C{'deny'} to check C{denyUID} first.\n\n @ivar groupaccess: Either C{'allow'} to check C{allowGID} first or\n C{'deny'} to check C{denyGID} first.\n\n @ivar identities: A C{dict} mapping hostnames to credentials to use when\n sending mail to that host.\n\n @ivar smarthost: C{None} or a hostname through which all outgoing mail will\n be sent.\n\n @ivar domain: C{None} or the hostname with which to identify ourselves when\n connecting to an MTA.\n " def __init__(self): self.allowUIDs = [] self.denyUIDs = [] self.allowGIDs = [] self.denyGIDs = [] self.useraccess = 'deny' self.groupaccess = 'deny' self.identities = {} self.smarthost = None self.domain = None self.defaultAccess = True def loadConfig(path): c = () if (not (path, os.R_OK)): return c p = () (path) au = c.allowUIDs du = c.denyUIDs ag = c.allowGIDs dg = c.denyGIDs for (section, a, d) in (('useraccess', au, du), ('groupaccess', ag, dg)): if (section): for (mode, L) in (('allow', a), ('deny', d)): if ((section, mode) and (section, mode)): for id in (','): try: id = (id) except ValueError: ('Illegal %sID in [%s] section: %s', (), section, id) else: (id) order = (section, 'order') order = ((str.split, ((str.lower, (','))))) if (order[0] == 'allow'): (c, section, 'allow') else: (c, section, 'deny') if ('identity'): for (host, up) in ('identity'): parts = (':', 1) if ((parts) != 2): ('Illegal entry in [identity] section: %s', up) continue p.identities[host] = parts if ('addresses'): if ('addresses', 'smarthost'): c.smarthost = ('addresses', 'smarthost') if ('addresses', 'default_domain'): c.domain = ('addresses', 'default_domain') return c def success(result): () failed = None def failure(f): global failed () failed = f def sendmail(host, options, ident): d = (host, options.sender, options.to, options.body) (success, failure) () def senderror(failure, options): recipient = [options.sender] sender = ('"Internally Generated Message (%s)"<postmaster@%s>' % (sys.argv[0], smtp.DNSNAME)) error = () () body = ((ERROR_FMT % ())) d = ('localhost', sender, recipient, body) ((lambda _: ())) def deny(conf): uid = () gid = () if (conf.useraccess == 'deny'): if (uid in conf.denyUIDs): return True if (uid in conf.allowUIDs): return False else: if (uid in conf.allowUIDs): return False if (uid in conf.denyUIDs): return True if (conf.groupaccess == 'deny'): if (gid in conf.denyGIDs): return True if (gid in conf.allowGIDs): return False else: if (gid in conf.allowGIDs): return False if (gid in conf.denyGIDs): return True return (not conf.defaultAccess) def run(): o = (sys.argv[1:]) gConf = (GLOBAL_CFG) lConf = (LOCAL_CFG) if ((gConf) or (lConf)): ('Permission denied') return host = (lConf.smarthost or gConf.smarthost or SMARTHOST) ident = () (lConf.identities) if lConf.domain: smtp.DNSNAME = lConf.domain elif gConf.domain: smtp.DNSNAME = gConf.domain (host, o, ident) if failed: if o.printErrors: () raise (1) else: (failed, o)
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.names.test -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. import time from zope.interface import implements from twisted.names import dns from twisted.python import failure, log from twisted.internet import interfaces, defer from . import common class CacheResolver(common.ResolverBase): """A resolver that serves records from a local, memory cache.""" implements(interfaces.IResolver) cache = None def __init__(self, cache=None, verbose=0): common.ResolverBase.__init__(self) if cache is None: cache = {} self.cache = cache self.verbose = verbose self.cancel = {} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state now = time.time() for k, (when, (ans, add, ns)) in list(self.cache.items()): diff = now - when for rec in ans + add + ns: if rec.ttl < diff: del self.cache[k] break def __getstate__(self): for c in list(self.cancel.values()): c.cancel() self.cancel.clear() return self.__dict__ def _lookup(self, name, cls, type, timeout): now = time.time() q = dns.Query(name, type, cls) try: when, (ans, auth, add) = self.cache[q] except KeyError: if self.verbose > 1: log.msg("Cache miss for " + repr(name)) return defer.fail(failure.Failure(dns.DomainError(name))) else: if self.verbose: log.msg("Cache hit for " + repr(name)) diff = now - when return defer.succeed( ( [ dns.RRHeader( str(r.name), r.type, r.cls, r.ttl - diff, r.payload ) for r in ans ], [ dns.RRHeader( str(r.name), r.type, r.cls, r.ttl - diff, r.payload ) for r in auth ], [ dns.RRHeader( str(r.name), r.type, r.cls, r.ttl - diff, r.payload ) for r in add ], ) ) def lookupAllRecords(self, name, timeout=None): return defer.fail(failure.Failure(dns.DomainError(name))) def cacheResult(self, query, payload): if self.verbose > 1: log.msg("Adding %r to cache" % query) self.cache[query] = (time.time(), payload) if query in self.cancel: self.cancel[query].cancel() s = list(payload[0]) + list(payload[1]) + list(payload[2]) m = s[0].ttl for r in s: m = min(m, r.ttl) from twisted.internet import reactor self.cancel[query] = reactor.callLater(m, self.clearEntry, query) def clearEntry(self, query): del self.cache[query] del self.cancel[query]
# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. from twisted.news import news, database from twisted.application import strports from twisted.python import usage, log class DBOptions(usage.Options): optParameters = [ ["module", None, "pyPgSQL.PgSQL", "DB-API 2.0 module to use"], ["dbhost", None, "localhost", "Host where database manager is listening"], ["dbuser", None, "news", "Username with which to connect to database"], ["database", None, "news", "Database name to use"], [ "schema", None, "schema.sql", "File to which to write SQL schema initialisation", ], # XXX - Hrm. ["groups", "g", "groups.list", "File containing group list"], ["servers", "s", "servers.list", "File containing server list"], ] def postOptions(self): # XXX - Hmmm. self["groups"] = [ g.strip() for g in open(self["groups"]).readlines() if not g.startswith("#") ] self["servers"] = [ s.strip() for s in open(self["servers"]).readlines() if not s.startswith("#") ] try: __import__(self["module"]) except ImportError: log.msg("Warning: Cannot import %s" % (self["module"],)) f = open(self["schema"], "w") f.write( database.NewsStorageAugmentation.schema + "\n" + database.makeGroupSQL(self["groups"]) + "\n" + database.makeOverviewSQL() ) f.close() info = { "host": self["dbhost"], "user": self["dbuser"], "database": self["database"], "dbapiName": self["module"], } self.db = database.NewsStorageAugmentation(info) class PickleOptions(usage.Options): optParameters = [ ["file", None, "news.pickle", "File to which to save pickle"], # XXX - Hrm. ["groups", "g", "groups.list", "File containing group list"], ["servers", "s", "servers.list", "File containing server list"], ["moderators", "m", "moderators.list", "File containing moderators list"], ] subCommands = None def postOptions(self): # XXX - Hmmm. filename = self["file"] self["groups"] = [ g.strip() for g in open(self["groups"]).readlines() if not g.startswith("#") ] self["servers"] = [ s.strip() for s in open(self["servers"]).readlines() if not s.startswith("#") ] self["moderators"] = [ s.split() for s in open(self["moderators"]).readlines() if not s.startswith("#") ] self.db = database.PickleStorage(filename, self["groups"], self["moderators"]) class Options(usage.Options): synopsis = "[options]" groups = None servers = None subscriptions = None optParameters = [ ["port", "p", "119", "Listen port"], ["interface", "i", "", "Interface to which to bind"], ["datadir", "d", "news.db", "Root data storage path"], ["mailhost", "m", "localhost", "Host of SMTP server to use"], ] zsh_actions = {"datadir": "_dirs", "mailhost": "_hosts"} def __init__(self): usage.Options.__init__(self) self.groups = [] self.servers = [] self.subscriptions = [] def opt_group(self, group): """The name of a newsgroup to carry.""" self.groups.append([group, None]) def opt_moderator(self, moderator): """The email of the moderator for the most recently passed group.""" self.groups[-1][1] = moderator def opt_subscription(self, group): """A newsgroup to list as a recommended subscription.""" self.subscriptions.append(group) def opt_server(self, server): """The address of a Usenet server to pass messages to and receive messages from.""" self.servers.append(server) def makeService(config): if not len(config.groups): raise usage.UsageError("No newsgroups specified") db = database.NewsShelf(config["mailhost"], config["datadir"]) for g, m in config.groups: if m: db.addGroup(g, "m") db.addModerator(g, m) else: db.addGroup(g, "y") for s in config.subscriptions: print(s) db.addSubscription(s) s = config["port"] if config["interface"]: # Add a warning here s += ":interface=" + config["interface"] return strports.service(s, news.UsenetServerFactory(db, config.servers))
'\nAn FTP protocol implementation\n\n@author: Itamar Shtull-Trauring\n@author: Jp Calderone\n@author: Andrew Bennetts\n' import os import time import re import operator import stat import errno import fnmatch import warnings from functools import reduce try: import pwd, grp except ImportError: pwd = grp = None from zope.interface import Interface, implements from twisted import copyright from twisted.internet import reactor, interfaces, protocol, error, defer from twisted.protocols import basic, policies from twisted.python import log, failure, filepath from twisted.python.compat import reduce from twisted.cred import error as cred_error, portal, credentials, checkers RESTART_MARKER_REPLY = '100' SERVICE_READY_IN_N_MINUTES = '120' DATA_CNX_ALREADY_OPEN_START_XFR = '125' FILE_STATUS_OK_OPEN_DATA_CNX = '150' CMD_OK = '200.1' TYPE_SET_OK = '200.2' ENTERING_PORT_MODE = '200.3' CMD_NOT_IMPLMNTD_SUPERFLUOUS = '202' SYS_STATUS_OR_HELP_REPLY = '211' DIR_STATUS = '212' FILE_STATUS = '213' HELP_MSG = '214' NAME_SYS_TYPE = '215' SVC_READY_FOR_NEW_USER = '220.1' WELCOME_MSG = '220.2' SVC_CLOSING_CTRL_CNX = '221' GOODBYE_MSG = '221' DATA_CNX_OPEN_NO_XFR_IN_PROGRESS = '225' CLOSING_DATA_CNX = '226' TXFR_COMPLETE_OK = '226' ENTERING_PASV_MODE = '227' ENTERING_EPSV_MODE = '229' USR_LOGGED_IN_PROCEED = '230.1' GUEST_LOGGED_IN_PROCEED = '230.2' REQ_FILE_ACTN_COMPLETED_OK = '250' PWD_REPLY = '257.1' MKD_REPLY = '257.2' USR_NAME_OK_NEED_PASS = '331.1' GUEST_NAME_OK_NEED_EMAIL = '331.2' NEED_ACCT_FOR_LOGIN = '332' REQ_FILE_ACTN_PENDING_FURTHER_INFO = '350' SVC_NOT_AVAIL_CLOSING_CTRL_CNX = '421.1' TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS = '421.2' CANT_OPEN_DATA_CNX = '425' CNX_CLOSED_TXFR_ABORTED = '426' REQ_ACTN_ABRTD_FILE_UNAVAIL = '450' REQ_ACTN_ABRTD_LOCAL_ERR = '451' REQ_ACTN_ABRTD_INSUFF_STORAGE = '452' SYNTAX_ERR = '500' SYNTAX_ERR_IN_ARGS = '501' CMD_NOT_IMPLMNTD = '502' BAD_CMD_SEQ = '503' CMD_NOT_IMPLMNTD_FOR_PARAM = '504' NOT_LOGGED_IN = '530.1' AUTH_FAILURE = '530.2' NEED_ACCT_FOR_STOR = '532' FILE_NOT_FOUND = '550.1' PERMISSION_DENIED = '550.2' ANON_USER_DENIED = '550.3' IS_NOT_A_DIR = '550.4' REQ_ACTN_NOT_TAKEN = '550.5' FILE_EXISTS = '550.6' IS_A_DIR = '550.7' PAGE_TYPE_UNK = '551' EXCEEDED_STORAGE_ALLOC = '552' FILENAME_NOT_ALLOWED = '553' RESPONSE = {RESTART_MARKER_REPLY: '110 MARK yyyy-mmmm', SERVICE_READY_IN_N_MINUTES: '120 service ready in %s minutes', DATA_CNX_ALREADY_OPEN_START_XFR: '125 Data connection already open, starting transfer', FILE_STATUS_OK_OPEN_DATA_CNX: '150 File status okay; about to open data connection.', CMD_OK: '200 Command OK', TYPE_SET_OK: '200 Type set to %s.', ENTERING_PORT_MODE: '200 PORT OK', CMD_NOT_IMPLMNTD_SUPERFLUOUS: '202 Command not implemented, superfluous at this site', SYS_STATUS_OR_HELP_REPLY: '211 System status reply', DIR_STATUS: '212 %s', FILE_STATUS: '213 %s', HELP_MSG: '214 help: %s', NAME_SYS_TYPE: '215 UNIX Type: L8', WELCOME_MSG: '220 %s', SVC_READY_FOR_NEW_USER: '220 Service ready', GOODBYE_MSG: '221 Goodbye.', DATA_CNX_OPEN_NO_XFR_IN_PROGRESS: '225 data connection open, no transfer in progress', CLOSING_DATA_CNX: '226 Abort successful', TXFR_COMPLETE_OK: '226 Transfer Complete.', ENTERING_PASV_MODE: '227 Entering Passive Mode (%s).', ENTERING_EPSV_MODE: '229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||%s|).', USR_LOGGED_IN_PROCEED: '230 User logged in, proceed', GUEST_LOGGED_IN_PROCEED: '230 Anonymous login ok, access restrictions apply.', REQ_FILE_ACTN_COMPLETED_OK: '250 Requested File Action Completed OK', PWD_REPLY: '257 "%s"', MKD_REPLY: '257 "%s" created', 'userotp': '331 Response to %s.', USR_NAME_OK_NEED_PASS: '331 Password required for %s.', GUEST_NAME_OK_NEED_EMAIL: '331 Guest login ok, type your email address as password.', REQ_FILE_ACTN_PENDING_FURTHER_INFO: '350 Requested file action pending further information.', SVC_NOT_AVAIL_CLOSING_CTRL_CNX: '421 Service not available, closing control connection.', TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS: '421 Too many users right now, try again in a few minutes.', CANT_OPEN_DATA_CNX: "425 Can't open data connection.", CNX_CLOSED_TXFR_ABORTED: '426 Transfer aborted. Data connection closed.', REQ_ACTN_ABRTD_LOCAL_ERR: '451 Requested action aborted. Local error in processing.', SYNTAX_ERR: '500 Syntax error: %s', SYNTAX_ERR_IN_ARGS: '501 syntax error in argument(s) %s.', CMD_NOT_IMPLMNTD: "502 Command '%s' not implemented", BAD_CMD_SEQ: '503 Incorrect sequence of commands: %s', CMD_NOT_IMPLMNTD_FOR_PARAM: "504 Not implemented for parameter '%s'.", NOT_LOGGED_IN: '530 Please login with USER and PASS.', AUTH_FAILURE: '530 Sorry, Authentication failed.', NEED_ACCT_FOR_STOR: '532 Need an account for storing files', FILE_NOT_FOUND: '550 %s: No such file or directory.', PERMISSION_DENIED: '550 %s: Permission denied.', ANON_USER_DENIED: '550 Anonymous users are forbidden to change the filesystem', IS_NOT_A_DIR: '550 Cannot rmd, %s is not a directory', FILE_EXISTS: '550 %s: File exists', IS_A_DIR: '550 %s: is a directory', REQ_ACTN_NOT_TAKEN: '550 Requested action not taken: %s', EXCEEDED_STORAGE_ALLOC: '552 Requested file action aborted, exceeded file storage allocation', FILENAME_NOT_ALLOWED: '553 Requested action not taken, file name not allowed'} class InvalidPath(Exception): '\n Internal exception used to signify an error during parsing a path.\n ' def toSegments(cwd, path): '\n Normalize a path, as represented by a list of strings each\n representing one segment of the path.\n ' if ('/'): segs = [] else: segs = cwd[:] for s in ('/'): if ((s == '.') or (s == '')): continue elif (s == '..'): if segs: () else: raise (cwd, path) elif (('\x00' in s) or ('/' in s)): raise (cwd, path) else: (s) return segs def errnoToFailure(e, path): '\n Map C{OSError} and C{IOError} to standard FTP errors.\n ' if (e == errno.ENOENT): return ((path)) elif ((e == errno.EACCES) or (e == errno.EPERM)): return ((path)) elif (e == errno.ENOTDIR): return ((path)) elif (e == errno.EEXIST): return ((path)) elif (e == errno.EISDIR): return ((path)) else: return () class FTPCmdError(Exception): '\n Generic exception for FTP commands.\n ' def __init__(self, *msg): (self, *msg) self.errorMessage = msg def response(self): '\n Generate a FTP response message for this error.\n ' return (RESPONSE[self.errorCode] % self.errorMessage) class FileNotFoundError(FTPCmdError): '\n Raised when trying to access a non existent file or directory.\n ' errorCode = FILE_NOT_FOUND class AnonUserDeniedError(FTPCmdError): '\n Raised when an anonymous user issues a command that will alter the\n filesystem\n ' def __init__(self): (self, None) errorCode = ANON_USER_DENIED class PermissionDeniedError(FTPCmdError): '\n Raised when access is attempted to a resource to which access is\n not allowed.\n ' errorCode = PERMISSION_DENIED class IsNotADirectoryError(FTPCmdError): "\n Raised when RMD is called on a path that isn't a directory.\n " errorCode = IS_NOT_A_DIR class FileExistsError(FTPCmdError): '\n Raised when attempted to override an existing resource.\n ' errorCode = FILE_EXISTS class IsADirectoryError(FTPCmdError): '\n Raised when DELE is called on a path that is a directory.\n ' errorCode = IS_A_DIR class CmdSyntaxError(FTPCmdError): '\n Raised when a command syntax is wrong.\n ' errorCode = SYNTAX_ERR class CmdArgSyntaxError(FTPCmdError): '\n Raised when a command is called with wrong value or a wrong number of\n arguments.\n ' errorCode = SYNTAX_ERR_IN_ARGS class CmdNotImplementedError(FTPCmdError): '\n Raised when an unimplemented command is given to the server.\n ' errorCode = CMD_NOT_IMPLMNTD class CmdNotImplementedForArgError(FTPCmdError): '\n Raised when the handling of a parameter for a command is not implemented by\n the server.\n ' errorCode = CMD_NOT_IMPLMNTD_FOR_PARAM class FTPError(Exception): pass class PortConnectionError(Exception): pass class BadCmdSequenceError(FTPCmdError): '\n Raised when a client sends a series of commands in an illogical sequence.\n ' errorCode = BAD_CMD_SEQ class AuthorizationError(FTPCmdError): '\n Raised when client authentication fails.\n ' errorCode = AUTH_FAILURE def debugDeferred(self, *_): (('debugDeferred(): %s' % (_))) _months = [None, 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] class DTP(object, protocol.Protocol): (interfaces.IConsumer) isConnected = False _cons = None _onConnLost = None _buffer = None def connectionMade(self): self.isConnected = True (None) self._buffer = [] def connectionLost(self, reason): self.isConnected = False if (self._onConnLost is not None): (None) def sendLine(self, line): ((line + '\r\n')) def _formatOneListResponse(self, name, size, directory, permissions, hardlinks, modified, owner, group): def formatMode(mode): return ([(((mode & (256 >> n)) and 'rwx'[(n % 3)]) or '-') for n in (9)]) def formatDate(mtime): now = () info = {'month': _months[mtime.tm_mon], 'day': mtime.tm_mday, 'year': mtime.tm_year, 'hour': mtime.tm_hour, 'minute': mtime.tm_min} if (now.tm_year != mtime.tm_year): return ('%(month)s %(day)02d %(year)5d' % info) else: return ('%(month)s %(day)02d %(hour)02d:%(minute)02d' % info) format = '%(directory)s%(permissions)s%(hardlinks)4d %(owner)-9s %(group)-9s %(size)15d %(date)12s %(name)s' return (format % {'directory': ((directory and 'd') or '-'), 'permissions': (permissions), 'hardlinks': hardlinks, 'owner': owner[:8], 'group': group[:8], 'size': size, 'date': ((modified)), 'name': name}) def sendListResponse(self, name, response): ((name, *response)) def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming): return (producer, streaming) def unregisterProducer(self): () () def write(self, data): if self.isConnected: return (data) raise ('Crap damn crap damn crap damn') def _conswrite(self, bytes): try: (bytes) except: () def dataReceived(self, bytes): if (self._cons is not None): (bytes) else: (bytes) def _unregConsumer(self, ignored): () self._cons = None del self._onConnLost return ignored def registerConsumer(self, cons): if (not (self._cons is None)): raise () self._cons = cons (self, True) for chunk in self._buffer: (chunk) self._buffer = None if self.isConnected: self._onConnLost = d = () (self._unregConsumer) return d else: () self._cons = None return (None) def resumeProducing(self): () def pauseProducing(self): () def stopProducing(self): () class DTPFactory(protocol.ClientFactory): "\n Client factory for I{data transfer process} protocols.\n\n @ivar peerCheck: perform checks to make sure the ftp-pi's peer is the same\n as the dtp's\n @ivar pi: a reference to this factory's protocol interpreter\n\n @ivar _state: Indicates the current state of the DTPFactory. Initially,\n this is L{_IN_PROGRESS}. If the connection fails or times out, it is\n L{_FAILED}. If the connection succeeds before the timeout, it is\n L{_FINISHED}.\n " _IN_PROGRESS = () _FAILED = () _FINISHED = () _state = _IN_PROGRESS peerCheck = False def __init__(self, pi, peerHost=None, reactor=None): "Constructor\n @param pi: this factory's protocol interpreter\n @param peerHost: if peerCheck is True, this is the tuple that the\n generated instance will use to perform security checks\n " self.pi = pi self.peerHost = peerHost self.deferred = () self.delayedCall = None if (reactor is None): from twisted.internet import reactor self._reactor = reactor def buildProtocol(self, addr): ('DTPFactory.buildProtocol') if (self._state is not self._IN_PROGRESS): return None self._state = self._FINISHED () p = () p.factory = self p.pi = self.pi self.pi.dtpInstance = p return p def stopFactory(self): ('dtpFactory.stopFactory') () def timeoutFactory(self): ('timed out waiting for DTP connection') if (self._state is not self._IN_PROGRESS): return self._state = self._FAILED d = self.deferred self.deferred = None ((('DTPFactory timeout'))) def cancelTimeout(self): if ((self.delayedCall is not None) and ()): ('cancelling DTP timeout') () def setTimeout(self, seconds): (('DTPFactory.setTimeout set to %s seconds' % seconds)) self.delayedCall = (seconds, self.timeoutFactory) def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): if (self._state is not self._IN_PROGRESS): return self._state = self._FAILED d = self.deferred self.deferred = None ((reason)) class ASCIIConsumerWrapper(object): def __init__(self, cons): self.cons = cons self.registerProducer = cons.registerProducer self.unregisterProducer = cons.unregisterProducer if (not ((os.linesep == '\r\n') or ((os.linesep) == 1))): raise ('Unsupported platform (yea right like this even exists)') if (os.linesep == '\r\n'): self.write = cons.write def write(self, bytes): return ((os.linesep, '\r\n')) class FileConsumer(object): '\n A consumer for FTP input that writes data to a file.\n\n @ivar fObj: a file object opened for writing, used to write data received.\n @type fObj: C{file}\n ' (interfaces.IConsumer) def __init__(self, fObj): self.fObj = fObj def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming): self.producer = producer if (not streaming): raise () def unregisterProducer(self): self.producer = None () def write(self, bytes): (bytes) class FTPOverflowProtocol(basic.LineReceiver): 'FTP mini-protocol for when there are too many connections.' def connectionMade(self): (RESPONSE[TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS]) () class FTP(object, basic.LineReceiver, policies.TimeoutMixin): '\n Protocol Interpreter for the File Transfer Protocol\n\n @ivar state: The current server state. One of L{UNAUTH},\n L{INAUTH}, L{AUTHED}, L{RENAMING}.\n\n @ivar shell: The connected avatar\n @ivar binary: The transfer mode. If false, ASCII.\n @ivar dtpFactory: Generates a single DTP for this session\n @ivar dtpPort: Port returned from listenTCP\n @ivar listenFactory: A callable with the signature of\n L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTCP.listenTCP} which will be used\n to create Ports for passive connections (mainly for testing).\n\n @ivar passivePortRange: iterator used as source of passive port numbers.\n @type passivePortRange: C{iterator}\n ' disconnected = False (UNAUTH, INAUTH, AUTHED, RENAMING) = ((4)) dtpTimeout = 10 portal = None shell = None dtpFactory = None dtpPort = None dtpInstance = None binary = True passivePortRange = (0, 1) listenFactory = reactor.listenTCP def reply(self, key, *args): msg = (RESPONSE[key] % args) (msg) def connectionMade(self): self.state = self.UNAUTH (self.timeOut) (WELCOME_MSG, self.factory.welcomeMessage) def connectionLost(self, reason): if self.dtpFactory: () (None) if ((self.shell, 'logout') and (self.shell.logout is not None)): () self.shell = None self.transport = None def timeoutConnection(self): () def lineReceived(self, line): () () def processFailed(err): if (FTPCmdError): (()) elif ((TypeError) and (('takes exactly') != (- 1))): (SYNTAX_ERR, ('%s requires an argument.' % (cmd,))) else: ('Unexpected FTP error') (err) (REQ_ACTN_NOT_TAKEN, 'internal server error') def processSucceeded(result): if (result, tuple): (*result) elif (result is not None): (result) def allDone(ignored): if (not self.disconnected): () spaceIndex = (' ') if (spaceIndex != (- 1)): cmd = line[:spaceIndex] args = (line[(spaceIndex + 1):],) else: cmd = line args = () d = (self.processCommand, cmd, *args) (processSucceeded, processFailed) (log.err) from twisted.internet import reactor (0, d.addBoth, allDone) def processCommand(self, cmd, *params): cmd = () if (self.state == self.UNAUTH): if (cmd == 'USER'): return (*params) elif (cmd == 'PASS'): return (BAD_CMD_SEQ, 'USER required before PASS') else: return NOT_LOGGED_IN elif (self.state == self.INAUTH): if (cmd == 'PASS'): return (*params) else: return (BAD_CMD_SEQ, 'PASS required after USER') elif (self.state == self.AUTHED): method = (self, ('ftp_' + cmd), None) if (method is not None): return (*params) return ((cmd)) elif (self.state == self.RENAMING): if (cmd == 'RNTO'): return (*params) else: return (BAD_CMD_SEQ, 'RNTO required after RNFR') def getDTPPort(self, factory): '\n Return a port for passive access, using C{self.passivePortRange}\n attribute.\n ' for portn in self.passivePortRange: try: dtpPort = (portn, factory) except error.CannotListenError: continue else: return dtpPort raise ('', portn, ('No port available in range %s' % (self.passivePortRange,))) def ftp_USER(self, username): '\n First part of login. Get the username the peer wants to\n authenticate as.\n ' if (not username): return (('USER requires an argument')) self._user = username self.state = self.INAUTH if (self.factory.allowAnonymous and (self._user == self.factory.userAnonymous)): return GUEST_NAME_OK_NEED_EMAIL else: return (USR_NAME_OK_NEED_PASS, username) def ftp_PASS(self, password): '\n Second part of login. Get the password the peer wants to\n authenticate with.\n ' if (self.factory.allowAnonymous and (self._user == self.factory.userAnonymous)): creds = () reply = GUEST_LOGGED_IN_PROCEED else: creds = (self._user, password) reply = USR_LOGGED_IN_PROCEED del self._user def _cbLogin(xxx_todo_changeme): (interface, avatar, logout) = xxx_todo_changeme if (not (interface is IFTPShell)): raise ('The realm is busted, jerk.') self.shell = avatar self.logout = logout self.workingDirectory = [] self.state = self.AUTHED return reply def _ebLogin(failure): (cred_error.UnauthorizedLogin, cred_error.UnhandledCredentials) self.state = self.UNAUTH raise AuthorizationError d = (creds, None, IFTPShell) (_cbLogin, _ebLogin) return d def ftp_PASV(self): 'Request for a passive connection\n\n from the rfc::\n\n This command requests the server-DTP to "listen" on a data port\n (which is not its default data port) and to wait for a connection\n rather than initiate one upon receipt of a transfer command. The\n response to this command includes the host and port address this\n server is listening on.\n ' if (self.dtpFactory is not None): () self.dtpFactory = () (self.dtpTimeout) self.dtpPort = (self.dtpFactory) host = ().host port = ().port (ENTERING_PASV_MODE, (host, port)) return ((lambda ign: None)) def ftp_PORT(self, address): addr = ((int, (','))) ip = ('%d.%d.%d.%d' % (addr[:4])) port = ((addr[4] << 8) | addr[5]) if (self.dtpFactory is not None): () self.dtpFactory = () (self.dtpTimeout) self.dtpPort = (ip, port, self.dtpFactory) def connected(ignored): return ENTERING_PORT_MODE def connFailed(err): (PortConnectionError) return CANT_OPEN_DATA_CNX return (connected, connFailed) def ftp_LIST(self, path=''): "This command causes a list to be sent from the server to the\n passive DTP. If the pathname specifies a directory or other\n group of files, the server should transfer a list of files\n in the specified directory. If the pathname specifies a\n file then the server should send current information on the\n file. A null argument implies the user's current working or\n default directory.\n " if ((self.dtpInstance is None) or (not self.dtpInstance.isConnected)): return (('must send PORT or PASV before RETR')) if (path == '-a'): path = '' if (path == '-aL'): path = '' if (path == '-L'): path = '' if (path == '-la'): path = '' def gotListing(results): (DATA_CNX_ALREADY_OPEN_START_XFR) for (name, attrs) in results: (name, attrs) () return (TXFR_COMPLETE_OK,) try: segments = (self.workingDirectory, path) except InvalidPath: return ((path)) d = (segments, ('size', 'directory', 'permissions', 'hardlinks', 'modified', 'owner', 'group')) (gotListing) return d def ftp_NLST(self, path): '\n This command causes a directory listing to be sent from the server to\n the client. The pathname should specify a directory or other\n system-specific file group descriptor. An empty path implies the current\n working directory. If the path is non-existent, send nothing. If the\n path is to a file, send only the file name.\n\n @type path: C{str}\n @param path: The path for which a directory listing should be returned.\n\n @rtype: L{Deferred}\n @return: a L{Deferred} which will be fired when the listing request\n is finished.\n ' if ((self.dtpInstance is None) or (not self.dtpInstance.isConnected)): return (('must send PORT or PASV before RETR')) try: segments = (self.workingDirectory, path) except InvalidPath: return ((path)) def cbList(results): '\n Send, line by line, each file in the directory listing, and then\n close the connection.\n\n @type results: A C{list} of C{tuple}. The first element of each\n C{tuple} is a C{str} and the second element is a C{list}.\n @param results: The names of the files in the directory.\n\n @rtype: C{tuple}\n @return: A C{tuple} containing the status code for a successful\n transfer.\n ' (DATA_CNX_ALREADY_OPEN_START_XFR) for (name, ignored) in results: (name) () return (TXFR_COMPLETE_OK,) def cbGlob(results): (DATA_CNX_ALREADY_OPEN_START_XFR) for (name, ignored) in results: if (name, segments[(- 1)]): (name) () return (TXFR_COMPLETE_OK,) def listErr(results): '\n RFC 959 specifies that an NLST request may only return directory\n listings. Thus, send nothing and just close the connection.\n\n @type results: L{Failure}\n @param results: The L{Failure} wrapping a L{FileNotFoundError} that\n occurred while trying to list the contents of a nonexistent\n directory.\n\n @rtype: C{tuple}\n @returns: A C{tuple} containing the status code for a successful\n transfer.\n ' () return (TXFR_COMPLETE_OK,) if (segments and (('*' in segments[(- 1)]) or ('?' in segments[(- 1)]) or (('[' in segments[(- 1)]) and (']' in segments[(- 1)])))): d = (segments[:(- 1)]) (cbGlob) else: d = (segments) (cbList) (listErr) return d def ftp_CWD(self, path): try: segments = (self.workingDirectory, path) except InvalidPath: return ((path)) def accessGranted(result): self.workingDirectory = segments return (REQ_FILE_ACTN_COMPLETED_OK,) return (accessGranted) def ftp_CDUP(self): return ('..') def ftp_PWD(self): return (PWD_REPLY, ('/' + (self.workingDirectory))) def ftp_RETR(self, path): if (self.dtpInstance is None): raise ('PORT or PASV required before RETR') try: newsegs = (self.workingDirectory, path) except InvalidPath: return ((path)) (None) def enableTimeout(result): (self.factory.timeOut) return result if (not self.binary): cons = (self.dtpInstance) else: cons = self.dtpInstance def cbSent(result): return (TXFR_COMPLETE_OK,) def ebSent(err): ('Unexpected error attempting to transmit file to client:') (err) return (CNX_CLOSED_TXFR_ABORTED,) def cbOpened(file): if self.dtpInstance.isConnected: (DATA_CNX_ALREADY_OPEN_START_XFR) else: (FILE_STATUS_OK_OPEN_DATA_CNX) d = (cons) (cbSent, ebSent) return d def ebOpened(err): if (not (PermissionDeniedError, FileNotFoundError, IsNotADirectoryError)): ('Unexpected error attempting to open file for transmission:') (err) if (FTPCmdError): return (err.value.errorCode, (newsegs)) return (FILE_NOT_FOUND, (newsegs)) d = (newsegs) (cbOpened, ebOpened) (enableTimeout) return d def ftp_STOR(self, path): if (self.dtpInstance is None): raise ('PORT or PASV required before STOR') try: newsegs = (self.workingDirectory, path) except InvalidPath: return ((path)) (None) def enableTimeout(result): (self.factory.timeOut) return result def cbSent(result): return (TXFR_COMPLETE_OK,) def ebSent(err): ('Unexpected error receiving file from client:') (err) return (CNX_CLOSED_TXFR_ABORTED,) def cbConsumer(cons): if (not self.binary): cons = (cons) d = (cons) if self.dtpInstance.isConnected: (DATA_CNX_ALREADY_OPEN_START_XFR) else: (FILE_STATUS_OK_OPEN_DATA_CNX) return d def cbOpened(file): d = () (cbConsumer) ((lambda ignored: ())) (cbSent, ebSent) return d def ebOpened(err): if (not (PermissionDeniedError, FileNotFoundError, IsNotADirectoryError)): ('Unexpected error attempting to open file for upload:') (err) if (err.value, FTPCmdError): return (err.value.errorCode, (newsegs)) return (FILE_NOT_FOUND, (newsegs)) d = (newsegs) (cbOpened, ebOpened) (enableTimeout) return d def ftp_SIZE(self, path): try: newsegs = (self.workingDirectory, path) except InvalidPath: return ((path)) def cbStat(xxx_todo_changeme1): (size,) = xxx_todo_changeme1 return (FILE_STATUS, (size)) return (cbStat) def ftp_MDTM(self, path): try: newsegs = (self.workingDirectory, path) except InvalidPath: return ((path)) def cbStat(xxx_todo_changeme2): (modified,) = xxx_todo_changeme2 return (FILE_STATUS, ('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', (modified))) return (cbStat) def ftp_TYPE(self, type): p = () if p: f = (self, ('type_' + p[0]), None) if (f is not None): return (p[1:]) return (p) return (SYNTAX_ERR,) def type_A(self, code): if ((code == '') or (code == 'N')): self.binary = False return (TYPE_SET_OK, ('A' + code)) else: return ((code)) def type_I(self, code): if (code == ''): self.binary = True return (TYPE_SET_OK, 'I') else: return ((code)) def type_UNKNOWN(self, code): return ((code)) def ftp_SYST(self): return NAME_SYS_TYPE def ftp_STRU(self, structure): p = () if (p == 'F'): return (CMD_OK,) return ((structure)) def ftp_MODE(self, mode): p = () if (p == 'S'): return (CMD_OK,) return ((mode)) def ftp_MKD(self, path): try: newsegs = (self.workingDirectory, path) except InvalidPath: return ((path)) return ((lambda ign: (MKD_REPLY, path))) def ftp_RMD(self, path): try: newsegs = (self.workingDirectory, path) except InvalidPath: return ((path)) return ((lambda ign: (REQ_FILE_ACTN_COMPLETED_OK,))) def ftp_DELE(self, path): try: newsegs = (self.workingDirectory, path) except InvalidPath: return ((path)) return ((lambda ign: (REQ_FILE_ACTN_COMPLETED_OK,))) def ftp_NOOP(self): return (CMD_OK,) def ftp_RNFR(self, fromName): self._fromName = fromName self.state = self.RENAMING return (REQ_FILE_ACTN_PENDING_FURTHER_INFO,) def ftp_RNTO(self, toName): fromName = self._fromName del self._fromName self.state = self.AUTHED try: fromsegs = (self.workingDirectory, fromName) tosegs = (self.workingDirectory, toName) except InvalidPath: return ((fromName)) return ((lambda ign: (REQ_FILE_ACTN_COMPLETED_OK,))) def ftp_QUIT(self): (GOODBYE_MSG) () self.disconnected = True def cleanupDTP(self): 'call when DTP connection exits' ('cleanupDTP') (self.dtpPort) (dtpPort, self.dtpPort) = (self.dtpPort, None) if (dtpPort): () elif (dtpPort): () elif (not False): raise (('dtpPort should be an IListeningPort or IConnector, instead is %r' % (dtpPort,))) () self.dtpFactory = None if (self.dtpInstance is not None): self.dtpInstance = None class FTPFactory(policies.LimitTotalConnectionsFactory): "\n A factory for producing ftp protocol instances\n\n @ivar timeOut: the protocol interpreter's idle timeout time in seconds,\n default is 600 seconds.\n\n @ivar passivePortRange: value forwarded to C{protocol.passivePortRange}.\n @type passivePortRange: C{iterator}\n " protocol = FTP overflowProtocol = FTPOverflowProtocol allowAnonymous = True userAnonymous = 'anonymous' timeOut = 600 welcomeMessage = ('Twisted %s FTP Server' % (copyright.version,)) passivePortRange = (0, 1) def __init__(self, portal=None, userAnonymous='anonymous'): self.portal = portal self.userAnonymous = userAnonymous self.instances = [] def buildProtocol(self, addr): p = (self, addr) if (p is not None): p.wrappedProtocol.portal = self.portal p.wrappedProtocol.timeOut = self.timeOut p.wrappedProtocol.passivePortRange = self.passivePortRange return p def stopFactory(self): [(None) for p in self.instances if (p.timeOut is not None)] (self) class IFTPShell(Interface): '\n An abstraction of the shell commands used by the FTP protocol for\n a given user account.\n\n All path names must be absolute.\n ' def makeDirectory(path): '\n Create a directory.\n\n @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to create\n @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}\n\n @return: A Deferred which fires when the directory has been\n created, or which fails if the directory cannot be created.\n ' def removeDirectory(path): '\n Remove a directory.\n\n @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to remove\n @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}\n\n @return: A Deferred which fires when the directory has been\n removed, or which fails if the directory cannot be removed.\n ' def removeFile(path): '\n Remove a file.\n\n @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to remove\n @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}\n\n @return: A Deferred which fires when the file has been\n removed, or which fails if the file cannot be removed.\n ' def rename(fromPath, toPath): '\n Rename a file or directory.\n\n @param fromPath: The current name of the path.\n @type fromPath: C{list} of C{unicode}\n\n @param toPath: The desired new name of the path.\n @type toPath: C{list} of C{unicode}\n\n @return: A Deferred which fires when the path has been\n renamed, or which fails if the path cannot be renamed.\n ' def access(path): '\n Determine whether access to the given path is allowed.\n\n @param path: The path, as a list of segments\n\n @return: A Deferred which fires with None if access is allowed\n or which fails with a specific exception type if access is\n denied.\n ' def stat(path, keys=()): '\n Retrieve information about the given path.\n\n This is like list, except it will never return results about\n child paths.\n ' def list(path, keys=()): "\n Retrieve information about the given path.\n\n If the path represents a non-directory, the result list should\n have only one entry with information about that non-directory.\n Otherwise, the result list should have an element for each\n child of the directory.\n\n @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to list\n @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}\n\n @param keys: A tuple of keys desired in the resulting\n dictionaries.\n\n @return: A Deferred which fires with a list of (name, list),\n where the name is the name of the entry as a unicode string\n and each list contains values corresponding to the requested\n keys. The following are possible elements of keys, and the\n values which should be returned for them:\n\n - C{'size'}: size in bytes, as an integer (this is kinda required)\n\n - C{'directory'}: boolean indicating the type of this entry\n\n - C{'permissions'}: a bitvector (see os.stat(foo).st_mode)\n\n - C{'hardlinks'}: Number of hard links to this entry\n\n - C{'modified'}: number of seconds since the epoch since entry was\n modified\n\n - C{'owner'}: string indicating the user owner of this entry\n\n - C{'group'}: string indicating the group owner of this entry\n " def openForReading(path): '\n @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to open\n @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}\n\n @rtype: C{Deferred} which will fire with L{IReadFile}\n ' def openForWriting(path): '\n @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to open\n @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}\n\n @rtype: C{Deferred} which will fire with L{IWriteFile}\n ' class IReadFile(Interface): '\n A file out of which bytes may be read.\n ' def send(consumer): '\n Produce the contents of the given path to the given consumer. This\n method may only be invoked once on each provider.\n\n @type consumer: C{IConsumer}\n\n @return: A Deferred which fires when the file has been\n consumed completely.\n ' class IWriteFile(Interface): '\n A file into which bytes may be written.\n ' def receive(): '\n Create a consumer which will write to this file. This method may\n only be invoked once on each provider.\n\n @rtype: C{Deferred} of C{IConsumer}\n ' def close(): '\n Perform any post-write work that needs to be done. This method may\n only be invoked once on each provider, and will always be invoked\n after receive().\n\n @rtype: C{Deferred} of anything: the value is ignored. The FTP client\n will not see their upload request complete until this Deferred has\n been fired.\n ' def _getgroups(uid): 'Return the primary and supplementary groups for the given UID.\n\n @type uid: C{int}\n ' result = [] pwent = (uid) (pwent.pw_gid) for grent in (): if (pwent.pw_name in grent.gr_mem): (grent.gr_gid) return result def _testPermissions(uid, gid, spath, mode='r'): "\n checks to see if uid has proper permissions to access path with mode\n\n @type uid: C{int}\n @param uid: numeric user id\n\n @type gid: C{int}\n @param gid: numeric group id\n\n @type spath: C{str}\n @param spath: the path on the server to test\n\n @type mode: C{str}\n @param mode: 'r' or 'w' (read or write)\n\n @rtype: C{bool}\n @return: True if the given credentials have the specified form of\n access to the given path\n " if (mode == 'r'): usr = stat.S_IRUSR grp = stat.S_IRGRP oth = stat.S_IROTH amode = os.R_OK elif (mode == 'w'): usr = stat.S_IWUSR grp = stat.S_IWGRP oth = stat.S_IWOTH amode = os.W_OK else: raise (("Invalid mode %r: must specify 'r' or 'w'" % (mode,))) access = False if (spath): if (uid == 0): access = True else: s = (spath) if ((usr & s.st_mode) and (uid == s.st_uid)): access = True elif ((grp & s.st_mode) and (gid in (uid))): access = True elif (oth & s.st_mode): access = True if access: if (not (spath, amode)): access = False (('Filesystem grants permission to UID %d but it is inaccessible to me running as UID %d' % (uid, ()))) return access class FTPAnonymousShell(object): '\n An anonymous implementation of IFTPShell\n\n @type filesystemRoot: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath}\n @ivar filesystemRoot: The path which is considered the root of\n this shell.\n ' (IFTPShell) def __init__(self, filesystemRoot): self.filesystemRoot = filesystemRoot def _path(self, path): return (filepath.FilePath.child, path, self.filesystemRoot) def makeDirectory(self, path): return (()) def removeDirectory(self, path): return (()) def removeFile(self, path): return (()) def rename(self, fromPath, toPath): return (()) def receive(self, path): path = (path) return (()) def openForReading(self, path): '\n Open C{path} for reading.\n\n @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to open.\n @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}\n @return: A L{Deferred} is returned that will fire with an object\n implementing L{IReadFile} if the file is successfully opened. If\n C{path} is a directory, or if an exception is raised while trying\n to open the file, the L{Deferred} will fire with an error.\n ' p = (path) if (): return ((path)) try: f = ('r') except (IOError, OSError) as e: return (e.errno, path) except: return () else: return ((f)) def openForWriting(self, path): '\n Reject write attempts by anonymous users with\n L{PermissionDeniedError}.\n ' return (('STOR not allowed')) def access(self, path): p = (path) if (not ()): return ((path)) try: () except (IOError, OSError) as e: return (e.errno, path) except: return () else: return (None) def stat(self, path, keys=()): p = (path) if (): try: statResult = (p, keys) except (IOError, OSError) as e: return (e.errno, path) except: return () else: return (statResult) else: return ((lambda res: res[0][1])) def list(self, path, keys=()): '\n Return the list of files at given C{path}, adding C{keys} stat\n informations if specified.\n\n @param path: the directory or file to check.\n @type path: C{str}\n\n @param keys: the list of desired metadata\n @type keys: C{list} of C{str}\n ' filePath = (path) if (): entries = () fileEntries = [(p) for p in entries] elif (): entries = [(*(self.filesystemRoot))] fileEntries = [filePath] else: return ((path)) results = [] for (fileName, filePath) in (entries, fileEntries): ent = [] ((fileName, ent)) if keys: try: ((filePath, keys)) except (IOError, OSError) as e: return (e.errno, fileName) except: return () return (results) def _statNode(self, filePath, keys): '\n Shortcut method to get stat info on a node.\n\n @param filePath: the node to stat.\n @type filePath: C{filepath.FilePath}\n\n @param keys: the stat keys to get.\n @type keys: C{iterable}\n ' () return [(filePath.statinfo) for k in keys] _stat_size = ('st_size') _stat_permissions = ('st_mode') _stat_hardlinks = ('st_nlink') _stat_modified = ('st_mtime') def _stat_owner(self, st): if (pwd is not None): try: return (st.st_uid)[0] except KeyError: raise return (st.st_uid) def _stat_group(self, st): if (grp is not None): try: return (st.st_gid)[0] except KeyError: raise return (st.st_gid) def _stat_directory(self, st): return ((st.st_mode & stat.S_IFDIR)) class _FileReader(object): (IReadFile) def __init__(self, fObj): self.fObj = fObj self._send = False def _close(self, passthrough): self._send = True () return passthrough def send(self, consumer): if (not (not self._send)): raise ('Can only call IReadFile.send *once* per instance') self._send = True d = (self.fObj, consumer) (self._close) return d class FTPShell(FTPAnonymousShell): '\n An authenticated implementation of L{IFTPShell}.\n ' def makeDirectory(self, path): p = (path) try: () except (IOError, OSError) as e: return (e.errno, path) except: return () else: return (None) def removeDirectory(self, path): p = (path) if (): return ((path)) try: (p.path) except (IOError, OSError) as e: return (e.errno, path) except: return () else: return (None) def removeFile(self, path): p = (path) if (): return ((path)) try: () except (IOError, OSError) as e: return (e.errno, path) except: return () else: return (None) def rename(self, fromPath, toPath): fp = (fromPath) tp = (toPath) try: (fp.path, tp.path) except (IOError, OSError) as e: return (e.errno, fromPath) except: return () else: return (None) def openForWriting(self, path): '\n Open C{path} for writing.\n\n @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to open.\n @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}\n @return: A L{Deferred} is returned that will fire with an object\n implementing L{IWriteFile} if the file is successfully opened. If\n C{path} is a directory, or if an exception is raised while trying\n to open the file, the L{Deferred} will fire with an error.\n ' p = (path) if (): return ((path)) try: fObj = ('w') except (IOError, OSError) as e: return (e.errno, path) except: return () return ((fObj)) class _FileWriter(object): (IWriteFile) def __init__(self, fObj): self.fObj = fObj self._receive = False def receive(self): if (not (not self._receive)): raise ('Can only call IWriteFile.receive *once* per instance') self._receive = True return ((self.fObj)) def close(self): return (None) class BaseFTPRealm(): '\n Base class for simple FTP realms which provides an easy hook for specifying\n the home directory for each user.\n ' (portal.IRealm) def __init__(self, anonymousRoot): self.anonymousRoot = (anonymousRoot) def getHomeDirectory(self, avatarId): '\n Return a L{FilePath} representing the home directory of the given\n avatar. Override this in a subclass.\n\n @param avatarId: A user identifier returned from a credentials checker.\n @type avatarId: C{str}\n\n @rtype: L{FilePath}\n ' raise (('%r did not override getHomeDirectory' % (self.__class__,))) def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces): for iface in interfaces: if (iface is IFTPShell): if (avatarId is checkers.ANONYMOUS): avatar = (self.anonymousRoot) else: avatar = ((avatarId)) return (IFTPShell, avatar, (avatar, 'logout', (lambda : None))) raise ('Only IFTPShell interface is supported by this realm') class FTPRealm(BaseFTPRealm): '\n @type anonymousRoot: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath}\n @ivar anonymousRoot: Root of the filesystem to which anonymous\n users will be granted access.\n\n @type userHome: L{filepath.FilePath}\n @ivar userHome: Root of the filesystem containing user home directories.\n ' def __init__(self, anonymousRoot, userHome='/home'): (self, anonymousRoot) self.userHome = (userHome) def getHomeDirectory(self, avatarId): '\n Use C{avatarId} as a single path segment to construct a child of\n C{self.userHome} and return that child.\n ' return (avatarId) class SystemFTPRealm(BaseFTPRealm): '\n L{SystemFTPRealm} uses system user account information to decide what the\n home directory for a particular avatarId is.\n\n This works on POSIX but probably is not reliable on Windows.\n ' def getHomeDirectory(self, avatarId): '\n Return the system-defined home directory of the system user account with\n the name C{avatarId}.\n ' path = (('~' + avatarId)) if ('~'): raise () return (path) class ConnectionLost(FTPError): pass class CommandFailed(FTPError): pass class BadResponse(FTPError): pass class UnexpectedResponse(FTPError): pass class UnexpectedData(FTPError): pass class FTPCommand(): def __init__(self, text=None, public=0): self.text = text self.deferred = () self.ready = 1 self.public = public self.transferDeferred = None def fail(self, failure): if self.public: (failure) class ProtocolWrapper(protocol.Protocol): def __init__(self, original, deferred): self.original = original self.deferred = deferred def makeConnection(self, transport): (transport) def dataReceived(self, data): (data) def connectionLost(self, reason): (reason) (None) class SenderProtocol(protocol.Protocol): (interfaces.IFinishableConsumer) def __init__(self): self.connectedDeferred = () self.deferred = () def dataReceived(self, data): raise ('Received data from the server on a send-only data-connection') def makeConnection(self, transport): (self, transport) (self) def connectionLost(self, reason): if (error.ConnectionDone): ('connection done') else: (reason) def write(self, data): (data) def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming): '\n Register the given producer with our transport.\n ' (producer, streaming) def unregisterProducer(self): '\n Unregister the previously registered producer.\n ' () def finish(self): () def decodeHostPort(line): 'Decode an FTP response specifying a host and port.\n\n @return: a 2-tuple of (host, port).\n ' abcdef = ('[^0-9, ]', '', line) parsed = [(()) for p in (',')] for x in parsed: if ((x < 0) or (x > 255)): raise ('Out of range', line, x) (a, b, c, d, e, f) = parsed host = ('%s.%s.%s.%s' % (a, b, c, d)) port = (((e) << 8) + (f)) return (host, port) def encodeHostPort(host, port): numbers = (('.') + [((port >> 8)), ((port % 256))]) return (numbers) def _unwrapFirstError(failure): (defer.FirstError) return failure.value.subFailure class FTPDataPortFactory(protocol.ServerFactory): 'Factory for data connections that use the PORT command\n\n (i.e. "active" transfers)\n ' noisy = 0 def buildProtocol(self, addr): self.protocol.factory = self () return self.protocol class FTPClientBasic(basic.LineReceiver): '\n Foundations of an FTP client.\n ' debug = False def __init__(self): self.actionQueue = [] self.greeting = None self.nextDeferred = (self._cb_greeting) (self.fail) self.response = [] self._failed = 0 def fail(self, error): '\n Give an error to any queued deferreds.\n ' (error) def _fail(self, error): '\n Errback all queued deferreds.\n ' if self._failed: return error self._failed = 1 if self.nextDeferred: try: ((('FTP connection lost', error))) except defer.AlreadyCalledError: raise for ftpCommand in self.actionQueue: ((('FTP connection lost', error))) return error def _cb_greeting(self, greeting): self.greeting = greeting def sendLine(self, line): '\n (Private) Sends a line, unless line is None.\n ' if (line is None): return (self, line) def sendNextCommand(self): '\n (Private) Processes the next command in the queue.\n ' ftpCommand = () if (ftpCommand is None): self.nextDeferred = None return if (not ftpCommand.ready): (0, ftpCommand) (1.0, self.sendNextCommand) self.nextDeferred = None return if (ftpCommand.text == 'PORT'): (ftpCommand) if self.debug: (('<-- %s' % ftpCommand.text)) self.nextDeferred = ftpCommand.deferred (ftpCommand.text) def queueCommand(self, ftpCommand): "\n Add an FTPCommand object to the queue.\n\n If it's the only thing in the queue, and we are connected and we aren't\n waiting for a response of an earlier command, the command will be sent\n immediately.\n\n @param ftpCommand: an L{FTPCommand}\n " (ftpCommand) if (((self.actionQueue) == 1) and (self.transport is not None) and (self.nextDeferred is None)): () def queueStringCommand(self, command, public=1): "\n Queues a string to be issued as an FTP command\n\n @param command: string of an FTP command to queue\n @param public: a flag intended for internal use by FTPClient. Don't\n change it unless you know what you're doing.\n\n @return: a L{Deferred} that will be called when the response to the\n command has been received.\n " ftpCommand = (command, public) (ftpCommand) return ftpCommand.deferred def popCommandQueue(self): '\n Return the front element of the command queue, or None if empty.\n ' if self.actionQueue: return (0) else: return None def queueLogin(self, username, password): "\n Login: send the username, send the password.\n\n If the password is C{None}, the PASS command won't be sent. Also, if\n the response to the USER command has a response code of 230 (User logged\n in), then PASS won't be sent either.\n " deferreds = [] userDeferred = (('USER ' + username)) (userDeferred) if (password is not None): passwordCmd = (('PASS ' + password)) (passwordCmd) (passwordCmd.deferred) def cancelPasswordIfNotNeeded(response): if ('230'): (passwordCmd) return response (cancelPasswordIfNotNeeded) for deferred in deferreds: (self.fail) ((lambda x: None)) def lineReceived(self, line): '\n (Private) Parses the response messages from the FTP server.\n ' if self.debug: (('--> %s' % line)) (line) codeIsValid = ('\\d{3} ', line) if (not codeIsValid): return code = line[0:3] if (code[0] == '1'): return if (self.nextDeferred is None): ((self.response)) return response = self.response self.response = [] if (code[0] in ('2', '3')): (response) elif (code[0] in ('4', '5')): (((response))) else: (('Server sent invalid response code %s' % (code,))) (((response))) () def connectionLost(self, reason): (reason) class _PassiveConnectionFactory(protocol.ClientFactory): noisy = False def __init__(self, protoInstance): self.protoInstance = protoInstance def buildProtocol(self, ignored): self.protoInstance.factory = self return self.protoInstance def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): e = ('Connection Failed', reason) (e) class FTPClient(FTPClientBasic): '\n L{FTPClient} is a client implementation of the FTP protocol which\n exposes FTP commands as methods which return L{Deferred}s.\n\n Each command method returns a L{Deferred} which is called back when a\n successful response code (2xx or 3xx) is received from the server or\n which is error backed if an error response code (4xx or 5xx) is received\n from the server or if a protocol violation occurs. If an error response\n code is received, the L{Deferred} fires with a L{Failure} wrapping a\n L{CommandFailed} instance. The L{CommandFailed} instance is created\n with a list of the response lines received from the server.\n\n See U{RFC 959<http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc959.txt>} for error code\n definitions.\n\n Both active and passive transfers are supported.\n\n @ivar passive: See description in __init__.\n ' connectFactory = reactor.connectTCP def __init__(self, username='anonymous', password='twisted@twistedmatrix.com', passive=1): '\n Constructor.\n\n I will login as soon as I receive the welcome message from the server.\n\n @param username: FTP username\n @param password: FTP password\n @param passive: flag that controls if I use active or passive data\n connections. You can also change this after construction by\n assigning to C{self.passive}.\n ' (self) (username, password) self.passive = passive def fail(self, error): '\n Disconnect, and also give an error to any queued deferreds.\n ' () (error) def receiveFromConnection(self, commands, protocol): '\n Retrieves a file or listing generated by the given command,\n feeding it to the given protocol.\n\n @param commands: list of strings of FTP commands to execute then receive\n the results of (e.g. C{LIST}, C{RETR})\n @param protocol: A L{Protocol} B{instance} e.g. an\n L{FTPFileListProtocol}, or something that can be adapted to one.\n Typically this will be an L{IConsumer} implementation.\n\n @return: L{Deferred}.\n ' protocol = (protocol) wrapper = (protocol, ()) return (commands, wrapper) def queueLogin(self, username, password): '\n Login: send the username, send the password, and\n set retrieval mode to binary\n ' (self, username, password) d = ('TYPE I') (self.fail) ((lambda x: None)) def sendToConnection(self, commands): '\n XXX\n\n @return: A tuple of two L{Deferred}s:\n - L{Deferred} L{IFinishableConsumer}. You must call\n the C{finish} method on the IFinishableConsumer when the file\n is completely transferred.\n - L{Deferred} list of control-connection responses.\n ' s = () r = (commands, s) return (s.connectedDeferred, r) def _openDataConnection(self, commands, protocol): '\n This method returns a DeferredList.\n ' cmds = [(command) for command in commands] cmdsDeferred = ([cmd.deferred for cmd in cmds]) (_unwrapFirstError) if self.passive: _mutable = [None] def doPassive(response): 'Connect to the port specified in the response to PASV' (host, port) = (response[(- 1)][4:]) f = (protocol) _mutable[0] = (host, port, f) pasvCmd = ('PASV') (pasvCmd) (self.fail) results = [cmdsDeferred, pasvCmd.deferred, protocol.deferred] d = (results) (_unwrapFirstError) def close(x, m=_mutable): (m[0] and ()) return x (close) else: portCmd = ('PORT') portCmd.transferDeferred = protocol.deferred portCmd.protocol = protocol (portCmd.transferDeferred.errback) (portCmd) portCmd.loseConnection = (lambda result: result) portCmd.fail = (lambda error: error) ((lambda e, pc=portCmd: ((e) or e))) results = [cmdsDeferred, portCmd.deferred, portCmd.transferDeferred] d = (results) (_unwrapFirstError) for cmd in cmds: (cmd) return d def generatePortCommand(self, portCmd): '\n (Private) Generates the text of a given PORT command.\n ' factory = () factory.protocol = portCmd.protocol listener = (0, factory) factory.port = listener def listenerFail(error, listener=listener): if listener.connected: () return error portCmd.fail = listenerFail host = ().host port = ().port portCmd.text = ('PORT ' + (host, port)) def escapePath(self, path): '\n Returns a FTP escaped path (replace newlines with nulls).\n ' return ('\n', '\x00') def retrieveFile(self, path, protocol, offset=0): "\n Retrieve a file from the given path\n\n This method issues the 'RETR' FTP command.\n\n The file is fed into the given Protocol instance. The data connection\n will be passive if self.passive is set.\n\n @param path: path to file that you wish to receive.\n @param protocol: a L{Protocol} instance.\n @param offset: offset to start downloading from\n\n @return: L{Deferred}\n " cmds = [('RETR ' + (path))] if offset: (0, ('REST ' + (offset))) return (cmds, protocol) retr = retrieveFile def storeFile(self, path, offset=0): "\n Store a file at the given path.\n\n This method issues the 'STOR' FTP command.\n\n @return: A tuple of two L{Deferred}s:\n - L{Deferred} L{IFinishableConsumer}. You must call\n the C{finish} method on the IFinishableConsumer when the file\n is completely transferred.\n - L{Deferred} list of control-connection responses.\n " cmds = [('STOR ' + (path))] if offset: (0, ('REST ' + (offset))) return (cmds) stor = storeFile def rename(self, pathFrom, pathTo): '\n Rename a file.\n\n This method issues the I{RNFR}/I{RNTO} command sequence to rename\n C{pathFrom} to C{pathTo}.\n\n @param: pathFrom: the absolute path to the file to be renamed\n @type pathFrom: C{str}\n\n @param: pathTo: the absolute path to rename the file to.\n @type pathTo: C{str}\n\n @return: A L{Deferred} which fires when the rename operation has\n succeeded or failed. If it succeeds, the L{Deferred} is called\n back with a two-tuple of lists. The first list contains the\n responses to the I{RNFR} command. The second list contains the\n responses to the I{RNTO} command. If either I{RNFR} or I{RNTO}\n fails, the L{Deferred} is errbacked with L{CommandFailed} or\n L{BadResponse}.\n @rtype: L{Deferred}\n\n @since: 8.2\n ' renameFrom = (('RNFR ' + (pathFrom))) renameTo = (('RNTO ' + (pathTo))) fromResponse = [] result = () ((lambda toResponse: (fromResponse, toResponse))) def ebFrom(failure): () (failure) (fromResponse.extend, ebFrom) (result) return result def list(self, path, protocol): "\n Retrieve a file listing into the given protocol instance.\n\n This method issues the 'LIST' FTP command.\n\n @param path: path to get a file listing for.\n @param protocol: a L{Protocol} instance, probably a\n L{FTPFileListProtocol} instance. It can cope with most common file\n listing formats.\n\n @return: L{Deferred}\n " if (path is None): path = '' return ([('LIST ' + (path))], protocol) def nlst(self, path, protocol): "\n Retrieve a short file listing into the given protocol instance.\n\n This method issues the 'NLST' FTP command.\n\n NLST (should) return a list of filenames, one per line.\n\n @param path: path to get short file listing for.\n @param protocol: a L{Protocol} instance.\n " if (path is None): path = '' return ([('NLST ' + (path))], protocol) def cwd(self, path): "\n Issues the CWD (Change Working Directory) command. It's also\n available as changeDirectory, which parses the result.\n\n @return: a L{Deferred} that will be called when done.\n " return (('CWD ' + (path))) def changeDirectory(self, path): '\n Change the directory on the server and parse the result to determine\n if it was successful or not.\n\n @type path: C{str}\n @param path: The path to which to change.\n\n @return: a L{Deferred} which will be called back when the directory\n change has succeeded or errbacked if an error occurrs.\n ' ('FTPClient.changeDirectory is deprecated in Twisted 8.2 and newer. Use FTPClient.cwd instead.') def cbResult(result): if (result[(- 1)][:3] != '250'): return ((result)) return True return (cbResult) def makeDirectory(self, path): '\n Make a directory\n\n This method issues the MKD command.\n\n @param path: The path to the directory to create.\n @type path: C{str}\n\n @return: A L{Deferred} which fires when the server responds. If the\n directory is created, the L{Deferred} is called back with the\n server response. If the server response indicates the directory\n was not created, the L{Deferred} is errbacked with a L{Failure}\n wrapping L{CommandFailed} or L{BadResponse}.\n @rtype: L{Deferred}\n\n @since: 8.2\n ' return (('MKD ' + (path))) def removeFile(self, path): '\n Delete a file on the server.\n\n L{removeFile} issues a I{DELE} command to the server to remove the\n indicated file. Note that this command cannot remove a directory.\n\n @param path: The path to the file to delete. May be relative to the\n current dir.\n @type path: C{str}\n\n @return: A L{Deferred} which fires when the server responds. On error,\n it is errbacked with either L{CommandFailed} or L{BadResponse}. On\n success, it is called back with a list of response lines.\n @rtype: L{Deferred}\n\n @since: 8.2\n ' return (('DELE ' + (path))) def cdup(self): '\n Issues the CDUP (Change Directory UP) command.\n\n @return: a L{Deferred} that will be called when done.\n ' return ('CDUP') def pwd(self): '\n Issues the PWD (Print Working Directory) command.\n\n The L{getDirectory} does the same job but automatically parses the\n result.\n\n @return: a L{Deferred} that will be called when done. It is up to the\n caller to interpret the response, but the L{parsePWDResponse} method\n in this module should work.\n ' return ('PWD') def getDirectory(self): '\n Returns the current remote directory.\n\n @return: a L{Deferred} that will be called back with a C{str} giving\n the remote directory or which will errback with L{CommandFailed}\n if an error response is returned.\n ' def cbParse(result): try: if (((' ', 1)[0]) != 257): raise ValueError except (IndexError, ValueError): return ((result)) path = (result[0]) if (path is None): return ((result)) return path return (cbParse) def quit(self): '\n Issues the I{QUIT} command.\n\n @return: A L{Deferred} that fires when the server acknowledges the\n I{QUIT} command. The transport should not be disconnected until\n this L{Deferred} fires.\n ' return ('QUIT') class FTPFileListProtocol(basic.LineReceiver): "Parser for standard FTP file listings\n\n This is the evil required to match::\n\n -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 531 Jan 29 03:26 README\n\n If you need different evil for a wacky FTP server, you can\n override either C{fileLinePattern} or C{parseDirectoryLine()}.\n\n It populates the instance attribute self.files, which is a list containing\n dicts with the following keys (examples from the above line):\n - filetype: e.g. 'd' for directories, or '-' for an ordinary file\n - perms: e.g. 'rw-r--r--'\n - nlinks: e.g. 1\n - owner: e.g. 'root'\n - group: e.g. 'other'\n - size: e.g. 531\n - date: e.g. 'Jan 29 03:26'\n - filename: e.g. 'README'\n - linktarget: e.g. 'some/file'\n\n Note that the 'date' value will be formatted differently depending on the\n date. Check U{http://cr.yp.to/ftp.html} if you really want to try to parse\n it.\n\n @ivar files: list of dicts describing the files in this listing\n " fileLinePattern = ('^(?P<filetype>.)(?P<perms>.{9})\\s+(?P<nlinks>\\d*)\\s*(?P<owner>\\S+)\\s+(?P<group>\\S+)\\s+(?P<size>\\d+)\\s+(?P<date>...\\s+\\d+\\s+[\\d:]+)\\s+(?P<filename>([^ ]|\\\\ )*?)( -> (?P<linktarget>[^\\r]*))?\\r?$') delimiter = '\n' def __init__(self): self.files = [] def lineReceived(self, line): d = (line) if (d is None): (line) else: (d) def parseDirectoryLine(self, line): 'Return a dictionary of fields, or None if line cannot be parsed.\n\n @param line: line of text expected to contain a directory entry\n @type line: str\n\n @return: dict\n ' match = (line) if (match is None): return None else: d = () d['filename'] = ('\\ ', ' ') d['nlinks'] = (d['nlinks']) d['size'] = (d['size']) if d['linktarget']: d['linktarget'] = ('\\ ', ' ') return d def addFile(self, info): 'Append file information dictionary to the list of known files.\n\n Subclasses can override or extend this method to handle file\n information differently without affecting the parsing of data\n from the server.\n\n @param info: dictionary containing the parsed representation\n of the file information\n @type info: dict\n ' (info) def unknownLine(self, line): 'Deal with received lines which could not be parsed as file\n information.\n\n Subclasses can override this to perform any special processing\n needed.\n\n @param line: unparsable line as received\n @type line: str\n ' pass def parsePWDResponse(response): 'Returns the path from a response to a PWD command.\n\n Responses typically look like::\n\n 257 "/home/andrew" is current directory.\n\n For this example, I will return C{\'/home/andrew\'}.\n\n If I can\'t find the path, I return C{None}.\n ' match = ('"(.*)"', response) if match: return ()[0] else: return None
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_roots -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Twisted Python Roots: an abstract hierarchy representation for Twisted. Maintainer: Glyph Lefkowitz """ # System imports import types from twisted.python import reflect class NotSupportedError(NotImplementedError): """ An exception meaning that the tree-manipulation operation you're attempting to perform is not supported. """ class Request: """I am an abstract representation of a request for an entity. I also function as the response. The request is responded to by calling self.write(data) until there is no data left and then calling self.finish(). """ # This attribute should be set to the string name of the protocol being # responded to (e.g. HTTP or FTP) wireProtocol = None def write(self, data): """Add some data to the response to this request.""" raise NotImplementedError("%s.write" % reflect.qual(self.__class__)) def finish(self): """The response to this request is finished; flush all data to the network stream.""" raise NotImplementedError("%s.finish" % reflect.qual(self.__class__)) class Entity: """I am a terminal object in a hierarchy, with no children. I represent a null interface; certain non-instance objects (strings and integers, notably) are Entities. Methods on this class are suggested to be implemented, but are not required, and will be emulated on a per-protocol basis for types which do not handle them. """ def render(self, request): """ I produce a stream of bytes for the request, by calling request.write() and request.finish(). """ raise NotImplementedError("%s.render" % reflect.qual(self.__class__)) class Collection: """I represent a static collection of entities. I contain methods designed to represent collections that can be dynamically created. """ def __init__(self, entities=None): """Initialize me.""" if entities is not None: self.entities = entities else: self.entities = {} def getStaticEntity(self, name): """Get an entity that was added to me using putEntity. This method will return 'None' if it fails. """ return self.entities.get(name) def getDynamicEntity(self, name, request): """Subclass this to generate an entity on demand. This method should return 'None' if it fails. """ def getEntity(self, name, request): """Retrieve an entity from me. I will first attempt to retrieve an entity statically; static entities will obscure dynamic ones. If that fails, I will retrieve the entity dynamically. If I cannot retrieve an entity, I will return 'None'. """ ent = self.getStaticEntity(name) if ent is not None: return ent ent = self.getDynamicEntity(name, request) if ent is not None: return ent return None def putEntity(self, name, entity): """Store a static reference on 'name' for 'entity'. Raises a KeyError if the operation fails. """ self.entities[name] = entity def delEntity(self, name): """Remove a static reference for 'name'. Raises a KeyError if the operation fails. """ del self.entities[name] def storeEntity(self, name, request): """Store an entity for 'name', based on the content of 'request'.""" raise NotSupportedError("%s.storeEntity" % reflect.qual(self.__class__)) def removeEntity(self, name, request): """Remove an entity for 'name', based on the content of 'request'.""" raise NotSupportedError("%s.removeEntity" % reflect.qual(self.__class__)) def listStaticEntities(self): """Retrieve a list of all name, entity pairs that I store references to. See getStaticEntity. """ return list(self.entities.items()) def listDynamicEntities(self, request): """A list of all name, entity that I can generate on demand. See getDynamicEntity. """ return [] def listEntities(self, request): """Retrieve a list of all name, entity pairs I contain. See getEntity. """ return self.listStaticEntities() + self.listDynamicEntities(request) def listStaticNames(self): """Retrieve a list of the names of entities that I store references to. See getStaticEntity. """ return list(self.entities.keys()) def listDynamicNames(self): """Retrieve a list of the names of entities that I store references to. See getDynamicEntity. """ return [] def listNames(self, request): """Retrieve a list of all names for entities that I contain. See getEntity. """ return self.listStaticNames() class ConstraintViolation(Exception): """An exception raised when a constraint is violated.""" class Constrained(Collection): """A collection that has constraints on its names and/or entities.""" def nameConstraint(self, name): """A method that determines whether an entity may be added to me with a given name. If the constraint is satisfied, return 1; if the constraint is not satisfied, either return 0 or raise a descriptive ConstraintViolation. """ return 1 def entityConstraint(self, entity): """A method that determines whether an entity may be added to me. If the constraint is satisfied, return 1; if the constraint is not satisfied, either return 0 or raise a descriptive ConstraintViolation. """ return 1 def reallyPutEntity(self, name, entity): Collection.putEntity(self, name, entity) def putEntity(self, name, entity): """Store an entity if it meets both constraints. Otherwise raise a ConstraintViolation. """ if self.nameConstraint(name): if self.entityConstraint(entity): self.reallyPutEntity(name, entity) else: raise ConstraintViolation("Entity constraint violated.") else: raise ConstraintViolation("Name constraint violated.") class Locked(Constrained): """A collection that can be locked from adding entities.""" locked = 0 def lock(self): self.locked = 1 def entityConstraint(self, entity): return not self.locked class Homogenous(Constrained): """A homogenous collection of entities. I will only contain entities that are an instance of the class or type specified by my 'entityType' attribute. """ entityType = types.InstanceType def entityConstraint(self, entity): if isinstance(entity, self.entityType): return 1 else: raise ConstraintViolation( "%s of incorrect type (%s)" % (entity, self.entityType) ) def getNameType(self): return "Name" def getEntityType(self): return self.entityType.__name__
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_paths.ZipFilePathTestCase -*- # Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ This module contains partial re-implementations of FilePath, pending some specification of formal interfaces it is a duck-typing attempt to emulate them for certain restricted uses. See the constructor for ZipArchive for use. """ __metaclass__ = type import os import time import errno from twisted.python.zipstream import ChunkingZipFile from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath, _PathHelper # using FilePath here exclusively rather than os to make sure that we don't do # anything OS-path-specific here. ZIP_PATH_SEP = "/" # In zipfiles, "/" is universally used as the # path separator, regardless of platform. class ZipPath(_PathHelper): """ I represent a file or directory contained within a zip file. """ def __init__(self, archive, pathInArchive): """ Don't construct me directly. Use ZipArchive.child(). @param archive: a ZipArchive instance. @param pathInArchive: a ZIP_PATH_SEP-separated string. """ self.archive = archive self.pathInArchive = pathInArchive # self.path pretends to be os-specific because that's the way the # 'zipimport' module does it. self.path = os.path.join( archive.zipfile.filename, *(self.pathInArchive.split(ZIP_PATH_SEP)) ) def __cmp__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ZipPath): return NotImplemented return cmp( (self.archive, self.pathInArchive), (other.archive, other.pathInArchive) ) def __repr__(self): parts = [os.path.abspath(self.archive.path)] parts.extend(self.pathInArchive.split(ZIP_PATH_SEP)) path = os.sep.join(parts) return "ZipPath('%s')" % (path.encode("string-escape"),) def parent(self): splitup = self.pathInArchive.split(ZIP_PATH_SEP) if len(splitup) == 1: return self.archive return ZipPath(self.archive, ZIP_PATH_SEP.join(splitup[:-1])) def child(self, path): """ Return a new ZipPath representing a path in C{self.archive} which is a child of this path. @note: Requesting the C{".."} (or other special name) child will not cause L{InsecurePath} to be raised since these names do not have any special meaning inside a zip archive. Be particularly careful with the C{path} attribute (if you absolutely must use it) as this means it may include special names with special meaning outside of the context of a zip archive. """ return ZipPath(self.archive, ZIP_PATH_SEP.join([self.pathInArchive, path])) def sibling(self, path): return self.parent().child(path) # preauthChild = child def exists(self): return self.isdir() or self.isfile() def isdir(self): return self.pathInArchive in self.archive.childmap def isfile(self): return self.pathInArchive in self.archive.zipfile.NameToInfo def islink(self): return False def listdir(self): if self.exists(): if self.isdir(): return list(self.archive.childmap[self.pathInArchive].keys()) else: raise OSError(errno.ENOTDIR, "Leaf zip entry listed") else: raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "Non-existent zip entry listed") def splitext(self): """ Return a value similar to that returned by os.path.splitext. """ # This happens to work out because of the fact that we use OS-specific # path separators in the constructor to construct our fake 'path' # attribute. return os.path.splitext(self.path) def basename(self): return self.pathInArchive.split(ZIP_PATH_SEP)[-1] def dirname(self): # XXX NOTE: This API isn't a very good idea on filepath, but it's even # less meaningful here. return self.parent().path def open(self): return self.archive.zipfile.readfile(self.pathInArchive) def restat(self): pass def getAccessTime(self): """ Retrieve this file's last access-time. This is the same as the last access time for the archive. @return: a number of seconds since the epoch """ return self.archive.getAccessTime() def getModificationTime(self): """ Retrieve this file's last modification time. This is the time of modification recorded in the zipfile. @return: a number of seconds since the epoch. """ return time.mktime( self.archive.zipfile.NameToInfo[self.pathInArchive].date_time + (0, 0, 0) ) def getStatusChangeTime(self): """ Retrieve this file's last modification time. This name is provided for compatibility, and returns the same value as getmtime. @return: a number of seconds since the epoch. """ return self.getModificationTime() class ZipArchive(ZipPath): """I am a FilePath-like object which can wrap a zip archive as if it were a directory. """ archive = property(lambda self: self) def __init__(self, archivePathname): """Create a ZipArchive, treating the archive at archivePathname as a zip file. @param archivePathname: a str, naming a path in the filesystem. """ self.zipfile = ChunkingZipFile(archivePathname) self.path = archivePathname self.pathInArchive = "" # zipfile is already wasting O(N) memory on cached ZipInfo instances, # so there's no sense in trying to do this lazily or intelligently self.childmap = {} # map parent: list of children for name in self.zipfile.namelist(): name = name.split(ZIP_PATH_SEP) for x in range(len(name)): child = name[-x] parent = ZIP_PATH_SEP.join(name[:-x]) if parent not in self.childmap: self.childmap[parent] = {} self.childmap[parent][child] = 1 parent = "" def child(self, path): """ Create a ZipPath pointing at a path within the archive. @param path: a str with no path separators in it, either '/' or the system path separator, if it's different. """ return ZipPath(self, path) def exists(self): """ Returns true if the underlying archive exists. """ return FilePath(self.zipfile.filename).exists() def getAccessTime(self): """ Return the archive file's last access time. """ return FilePath(self.zipfile.filename).getAccessTime() def getModificationTime(self): """ Return the archive file's modification time. """ return FilePath(self.zipfile.filename).getModificationTime() def getStatusChangeTime(self): """ Return the archive file's status change time. """ return FilePath(self.zipfile.filename).getStatusChangeTime() def __repr__(self): return "ZipArchive(%r)" % (os.path.abspath(self.path),) __all__ = ["ZipArchive", "ZipPath"]
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.trial.test.test_script -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. import sys, os, random, gc, time, warnings from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.application import app from twisted.python import usage, reflect, failure from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath from twisted import plugin from twisted.python.util import spewer from twisted.python.compat import set from twisted.trial import runner, itrial, reporter # Yea, this is stupid. Leave it for for command-line compatibility for a # while, though. TBFORMAT_MAP = { "plain": "default", "default": "default", "emacs": "brief", "brief": "brief", "cgitb": "verbose", "verbose": "verbose", } def _parseLocalVariables(line): """Accepts a single line in Emacs local variable declaration format and returns a dict of all the variables {name: value}. Raises ValueError if 'line' is in the wrong format. See http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/File-Variables.html """ paren = "-*-" start = line.find(paren) + len(paren) end = line.rfind(paren) if start == -1 or end == -1: raise ValueError("%r not a valid local variable declaration" % (line,)) items = line[start:end].split(";") localVars = {} for item in items: if len(item.strip()) == 0: continue split = item.split(":") if len(split) != 2: raise ValueError("%r contains invalid declaration %r" % (line, item)) localVars[split[0].strip()] = split[1].strip() return localVars def loadLocalVariables(filename): """Accepts a filename and attempts to load the Emacs variable declarations from that file, simulating what Emacs does. See http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/File-Variables.html """ f = file(filename, "r") lines = [f.readline(), f.readline()] f.close() for line in lines: try: return _parseLocalVariables(line) except ValueError: pass return {} def getTestModules(filename): testCaseVar = loadLocalVariables(filename).get("test-case-name", None) if testCaseVar is None: return [] return testCaseVar.split(",") def isTestFile(filename): """Returns true if 'filename' looks like a file containing unit tests. False otherwise. Doesn't care whether filename exists. """ basename = os.path.basename(filename) return basename.startswith("test_") and os.path.splitext(basename)[1] == (".py") def _zshReporterAction(): return "(%s)" % ( " ".join([p.longOpt for p in plugin.getPlugins(itrial.IReporter)]), ) class Options(usage.Options, app.ReactorSelectionMixin): synopsis = """%s [options] [[file|package|module|TestCase|testmethod]...] """ % ( os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), ) longdesc = ( "trial loads and executes a suite of unit tests, obtained " "from modules, packages and files listed on the command line." ) optFlags = [ ["help", "h"], [ "rterrors", "e", "realtime errors, print out tracebacks as " "soon as they occur", ], [ "debug", "b", "Run tests in the Python debugger. Will load " "'.pdbrc' from current directory if it exists.", ], [ "debug-stacktraces", "B", "Report Deferred creation and " "callback stack traces", ], [ "nopm", None, "don't automatically jump into debugger for " "postmorteming of exceptions", ], ["dry-run", "n", "do everything but run the tests"], [ "force-gc", None, "Have Trial run gc.collect() before and " "after each test case.", ], ["profile", None, "Run tests under the Python profiler"], ["unclean-warnings", None, "Turn dirty reactor errors into warnings"], ["until-failure", "u", "Repeat test until it fails"], ["no-recurse", "N", "Don't recurse into packages"], ["help-reporters", None, "Help on available output plugins (reporters)"], ] optParameters = [ ["logfile", "l", "test.log", "log file name"], ["random", "z", None, "Run tests in random order using the specified seed"], [ "temp-directory", None, "_trial_temp", "Path to use as working directory for tests.", ], [ "reporter", None, "verbose", "The reporter to use for this test run. See --help-reporters for " "more info.", ], ] zsh_actions = {"tbformat": "(plain emacs cgitb)", "reporter": _zshReporterAction} zsh_actionDescr = {"logfile": "log file name", "random": "random seed"} zsh_extras = ["*:file|module|package|TestCase|testMethod:_files -g '*.py'"] fallbackReporter = reporter.TreeReporter extra = None tracer = None def __init__(self): self["tests"] = set() usage.Options.__init__(self) def coverdir(self): """ Return a L{FilePath} representing the directory into which coverage results should be written. """ coverdir = "coverage" result = FilePath(self["temp-directory"]).child(coverdir) print("Setting coverage directory to %s." % (result.path,)) return result def opt_coverage(self): """ Generate coverage information in the I{coverage} file in the directory specified by the I{trial-temp} option. """ import trace self.tracer = trace.Trace(count=1, trace=0) sys.settrace(self.tracer.globaltrace) def opt_testmodule(self, filename): "Filename to grep for test cases (-*- test-case-name)" # If the filename passed to this parameter looks like a test module # we just add that to the test suite. # # If not, we inspect it for an Emacs buffer local variable called # 'test-case-name'. If that variable is declared, we try to add its # value to the test suite as a module. # # This parameter allows automated processes (like Buildbot) to pass # a list of files to Trial with the general expectation of "these files, # whatever they are, will get tested" if not os.path.isfile(filename): sys.stderr.write("File %r doesn't exist\n" % (filename,)) return filename = os.path.abspath(filename) if isTestFile(filename): self["tests"].add(filename) else: self["tests"].update(getTestModules(filename)) def opt_spew(self): """Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens. Useful when debugging freezes or locks in complex code.""" sys.settrace(spewer) def opt_help_reporters(self): synopsis = ( "Trial's output can be customized using plugins called " "Reporters. You can\nselect any of the following " "reporters using --reporter=<foo>\n" ) print(synopsis) for p in plugin.getPlugins(itrial.IReporter): print(" ", p.longOpt, "\t", p.description) print() sys.exit(0) def opt_disablegc(self): """Disable the garbage collector""" gc.disable() def opt_tbformat(self, opt): """Specify the format to display tracebacks with. Valid formats are 'plain', 'emacs', and 'cgitb' which uses the nicely verbose stdlib cgitb.text function""" try: self["tbformat"] = TBFORMAT_MAP[opt] except KeyError: raise usage.UsageError("tbformat must be 'plain', 'emacs', or 'cgitb'.") def opt_extra(self, arg): """ Add an extra argument. (This is a hack necessary for interfacing with emacs's `gud'.) """ if self.extra is None: self.extra = [] self.extra.append(arg) opt_x = opt_extra def opt_recursionlimit(self, arg): """see sys.setrecursionlimit()""" try: sys.setrecursionlimit(int(arg)) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise usage.UsageError("argument to recursionlimit must be an integer") def opt_random(self, option): try: self["random"] = int(option) except ValueError: raise usage.UsageError("Argument to --random must be a positive integer") else: if self["random"] < 0: raise usage.UsageError( "Argument to --random must be a positive integer" ) elif self["random"] == 0: self["random"] = int(time.time() * 100) def opt_without_module(self, option): """ Fake the lack of the specified modules, separated with commas. """ for module in option.split(","): if module in sys.modules: warnings.warn( "Module '%s' already imported, " "disabling anyway." % (module,), category=RuntimeWarning, ) sys.modules[module] = None def parseArgs(self, *args): self["tests"].update(args) if self.extra is not None: self["tests"].update(self.extra) def _loadReporterByName(self, name): for p in plugin.getPlugins(itrial.IReporter): qual = "%s.%s" % (p.module, p.klass) if p.longOpt == name: return reflect.namedAny(qual) raise usage.UsageError( "Only pass names of Reporter plugins to " "--reporter. See --help-reporters for " "more info." ) def postOptions(self): # Only load reporters now, as opposed to any earlier, to avoid letting # application-defined plugins muck up reactor selecting by importing # t.i.reactor and causing the default to be installed. self["reporter"] = self._loadReporterByName(self["reporter"]) if "tbformat" not in self: self["tbformat"] = "default" if self["nopm"]: if not self["debug"]: raise usage.UsageError("you must specify --debug when using " "--nopm ") failure.DO_POST_MORTEM = False def _initialDebugSetup(config): # do this part of debug setup first for easy debugging of import failures if config["debug"]: failure.startDebugMode() if config["debug"] or config["debug-stacktraces"]: defer.setDebugging(True) def _getSuite(config): loader = _getLoader(config) recurse = not config["no-recurse"] return loader.loadByNames(config["tests"], recurse) def _getLoader(config): loader = runner.TestLoader() if config["random"]: randomer = random.Random() randomer.seed(config["random"]) loader.sorter = lambda x: randomer.random() print("Running tests shuffled with seed %d\n" % config["random"]) if not config["until-failure"]: loader.suiteFactory = runner.DestructiveTestSuite return loader def _makeRunner(config): mode = None if config["debug"]: mode = runner.TrialRunner.DEBUG if config["dry-run"]: mode = runner.TrialRunner.DRY_RUN return runner.TrialRunner( config["reporter"], mode=mode, profile=config["profile"], logfile=config["logfile"], tracebackFormat=config["tbformat"], realTimeErrors=config["rterrors"], uncleanWarnings=config["unclean-warnings"], workingDirectory=config["temp-directory"], forceGarbageCollection=config["force-gc"], ) def run(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.argv.append("--help") config = Options() try: config.parseOptions() except usage.error as ue: raise SystemExit("%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], ue)) _initialDebugSetup(config) trialRunner = _makeRunner(config) suite = _getSuite(config) if config["until-failure"]: test_result = trialRunner.runUntilFailure(suite) else: test_result = trialRunner.run(suite) if config.tracer: sys.settrace(None) results = config.tracer.results() results.write_results( show_missing=1, summary=False, coverdir=config.coverdir().path ) sys.exit(not test_result.wasSuccessful())
# Copyright (c) 2005 Divmod, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2007 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. # Don't change the docstring, it's part of the tests """ I'm a test drop-in. The plugin system's unit tests use me. No one else should. """ from zope.interface import classProvides from twisted.plugin import IPlugin from twisted.test.test_plugin import ITestPlugin, ITestPlugin2 class TestPlugin: """ A plugin used solely for testing purposes. """ classProvides(ITestPlugin, IPlugin) def test1(): pass test1 = staticmethod(test1) class AnotherTestPlugin: """ Another plugin used solely for testing purposes. """ classProvides(ITestPlugin2, IPlugin) def test(): pass test = staticmethod(test) class ThirdTestPlugin: """ Another plugin used solely for testing purposes. """ classProvides(ITestPlugin2, IPlugin) def test(): pass test = staticmethod(test)
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Test cases for twisted.reflect module. """ import weakref, os from ihooks import ModuleImporter try: from collections import deque except ImportError: deque = None from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.python import reflect, util from twisted.python.versions import Version class SettableTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.setter = reflect.Settable() def tearDown(self): del self.setter def testSet(self): self.setter(a=1, b=2) self.assertEqual(self.setter.a, 1) self.assertEqual(self.setter.b, 2) class AccessorTester(reflect.Accessor): def set_x(self, x): self.y = x self.reallySet("x", x) def get_z(self): self.q = 1 return 1 def del_z(self): self.reallyDel("q") class PropertyAccessorTester(reflect.PropertyAccessor): """ Test class to check L{reflect.PropertyAccessor} functionalities. """ r = 0 def set_r(self, r): self.s = r def set_x(self, x): self.y = x self.reallySet("x", x) def get_z(self): self.q = 1 return 1 def del_z(self): self.reallyDel("q") class AccessorTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.tester = AccessorTester() def testSet(self): self.tester.x = 1 self.assertEqual(self.tester.x, 1) self.assertEqual(self.tester.y, 1) def testGet(self): self.assertEqual(self.tester.z, 1) self.assertEqual(self.tester.q, 1) def testDel(self): self.tester.z self.assertEqual(self.tester.q, 1) del self.tester.z self.assertEqual(hasattr(self.tester, "q"), 0) self.tester.x = 1 del self.tester.x self.assertEqual(hasattr(self.tester, "x"), 0) class PropertyAccessorTest(AccessorTest): """ Tests for L{reflect.PropertyAccessor}, using L{PropertyAccessorTester}. """ def setUp(self): self.tester = PropertyAccessorTester() def test_setWithDefaultValue(self): """ If an attribute is present in the class, it can be retrieved by default. """ self.assertEqual(self.tester.r, 0) self.tester.r = 1 self.assertEqual(self.tester.r, 0) self.assertEqual(self.tester.s, 1) def test_getValueInDict(self): """ The attribute value can be overriden by directly modifying the value in C{__dict__}. """ self.tester.__dict__["r"] = 10 self.assertEqual(self.tester.r, 10) def test_notYetInDict(self): """ If a getter is defined on an attribute but without any default value, it raises C{AttributeError} when trying to access it. """ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, self.tester, "x") class LookupsTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{namedClass}, L{namedModule}, and L{namedAny}. """ def test_namedClassLookup(self): """ L{namedClass} should return the class object for the name it is passed. """ self.assertIdentical( reflect.namedClass("twisted.python.reflect.Summer"), reflect.Summer ) def test_namedModuleLookup(self): """ L{namedModule} should return the module object for the name it is passed. """ self.assertIdentical(reflect.namedModule("twisted.python.reflect"), reflect) def test_namedAnyPackageLookup(self): """ L{namedAny} should return the package object for the name it is passed. """ import twisted.python self.assertIdentical(reflect.namedAny("twisted.python"), twisted.python) def test_namedAnyModuleLookup(self): """ L{namedAny} should return the module object for the name it is passed. """ self.assertIdentical(reflect.namedAny("twisted.python.reflect"), reflect) def test_namedAnyClassLookup(self): """ L{namedAny} should return the class object for the name it is passed. """ self.assertIdentical( reflect.namedAny("twisted.python.reflect.Summer"), reflect.Summer ) def test_namedAnyAttributeLookup(self): """ L{namedAny} should return the object an attribute of a non-module, non-package object is bound to for the name it is passed. """ # Note - not assertEqual because unbound method lookup creates a new # object every time. This is a foolishness of Python's object # implementation, not a bug in Twisted. self.assertEqual( reflect.namedAny("twisted.python.reflect.Summer.reallySet"), reflect.Summer.reallySet, ) def test_namedAnySecondAttributeLookup(self): """ L{namedAny} should return the object an attribute of an object which itself was an attribute of a non-module, non-package object is bound to for the name it is passed. """ self.assertIdentical( reflect.namedAny("twisted.python.reflect.Summer.reallySet.__doc__"), reflect.Summer.reallySet.__doc__, ) def test_importExceptions(self): """ Exceptions raised by modules which L{namedAny} causes to be imported should pass through L{namedAny} to the caller. """ self.assertRaises( ZeroDivisionError, reflect.namedAny, "twisted.test.reflect_helper_ZDE" ) # Make sure that this behavior is *consistent* for 2.3, where there is # no post-failed-import cleanup self.assertRaises( ZeroDivisionError, reflect.namedAny, "twisted.test.reflect_helper_ZDE" ) self.assertRaises( ValueError, reflect.namedAny, "twisted.test.reflect_helper_VE" ) # Modules which themselves raise ImportError when imported should result in an ImportError self.assertRaises( ImportError, reflect.namedAny, "twisted.test.reflect_helper_IE" ) def test_attributeExceptions(self): """ If segments on the end of a fully-qualified Python name represents attributes which aren't actually present on the object represented by the earlier segments, L{namedAny} should raise an L{AttributeError}. """ self.assertRaises( AttributeError, reflect.namedAny, "twisted.nosuchmoduleintheworld" ) # ImportError behaves somewhat differently between "import # extant.nonextant" and "import extant.nonextant.nonextant", so test # the latter as well. self.assertRaises( AttributeError, reflect.namedAny, "twisted.nosuch.modulein.theworld" ) self.assertRaises( AttributeError, reflect.namedAny, "twisted.python.reflect.Summer.nosuchattributeintheworld", ) def test_invalidNames(self): """ Passing a name which isn't a fully-qualified Python name to L{namedAny} should result in one of the following exceptions: - L{InvalidName}: the name is not a dot-separated list of Python objects - L{ObjectNotFound}: the object doesn't exist - L{ModuleNotFound}: the object doesn't exist and there is only one component in the name """ err = self.assertRaises( reflect.ModuleNotFound, reflect.namedAny, "nosuchmoduleintheworld" ) self.assertEqual(str(err), "No module named 'nosuchmoduleintheworld'") # This is a dot-separated list, but it isn't valid! err = self.assertRaises( reflect.ObjectNotFound, reflect.namedAny, "@#$@(#.!@(#!@#" ) self.assertEqual(str(err), "'@#$@(#.!@(#!@#' does not name an object") err = self.assertRaises( reflect.ObjectNotFound, reflect.namedAny, "tcelfer.nohtyp.detsiwt" ) self.assertEqual(str(err), "'tcelfer.nohtyp.detsiwt' does not name an object") err = self.assertRaises(reflect.InvalidName, reflect.namedAny, "") self.assertEqual(str(err), "Empty module name") for invalidName in [".twisted", "twisted.", "twisted..python"]: err = self.assertRaises(reflect.InvalidName, reflect.namedAny, invalidName) self.assertEqual( str(err), "name must be a string giving a '.'-separated list of Python " "identifiers, not %r" % (invalidName,), ) class ImportHooksLookupTests(LookupsTestCase): """ Tests for lookup methods in the presence of L{ihooks}-style import hooks. Runs all of the tests from L{LookupsTestCase} after installing a custom import hook. """ def setUp(self): """ Perturb the normal import behavior subtly by installing an import hook. No custom behavior is provided, but this adds some extra frames to the call stack, which L{namedAny} must be able to account for. """ self.importer = ModuleImporter() self.importer.install() def tearDown(self): """ Uninstall the custom import hook. """ self.importer.uninstall() class ObjectGrep(unittest.TestCase): def test_dictionary(self): """ Test references search through a dictionnary, as a key or as a value. """ o = object() d1 = {None: o} d2 = {o: None} self.assertIn("[None]", reflect.objgrep(d1, o, reflect.isSame)) self.assertIn("{None}", reflect.objgrep(d2, o, reflect.isSame)) def test_list(self): """ Test references search through a list. """ o = object() L = [None, o] self.assertIn("[1]", reflect.objgrep(L, o, reflect.isSame)) def test_tuple(self): """ Test references search through a tuple. """ o = object() T = (o, None) self.assertIn("[0]", reflect.objgrep(T, o, reflect.isSame)) def test_instance(self): """ Test references search through an object attribute. """ class Dummy: pass o = object() d = Dummy() d.o = o self.assertIn(".o", reflect.objgrep(d, o, reflect.isSame)) def test_weakref(self): """ Test references search through a weakref object. """ class Dummy: pass o = Dummy() w1 = weakref.ref(o) self.assertIn("()", reflect.objgrep(w1, o, reflect.isSame)) def test_boundMethod(self): """ Test references search through method special attributes. """ class Dummy: def dummy(self): pass o = Dummy() m = o.dummy self.assertIn(".im_self", reflect.objgrep(m, m.__self__, reflect.isSame)) self.assertIn( ".im_class", reflect.objgrep(m, m.__self__.__class__, reflect.isSame) ) self.assertIn(".im_func", reflect.objgrep(m, m.__func__, reflect.isSame)) def test_everything(self): """ Test references search using complex set of objects. """ class Dummy: def method(self): pass o = Dummy() D1 = {(): "baz", None: "Quux", o: "Foosh"} L = [None, (), D1, 3] T = (L, {}, Dummy()) D2 = {0: "foo", 1: "bar", 2: T} i = Dummy() i.attr = D2 m = i.method w = weakref.ref(m) self.assertIn( "().im_self.attr[2][0][2]{'Foosh'}", reflect.objgrep(w, o, reflect.isSame) ) def test_depthLimit(self): """ Test the depth of references search. """ a = [] b = [a] c = [a, b] d = [a, c] self.assertEqual(["[0]"], reflect.objgrep(d, a, reflect.isSame, maxDepth=1)) self.assertEqual( ["[0]", "[1][0]"], reflect.objgrep(d, a, reflect.isSame, maxDepth=2) ) self.assertEqual( ["[0]", "[1][0]", "[1][1][0]"], reflect.objgrep(d, a, reflect.isSame, maxDepth=3), ) def test_deque(self): """ Test references search through a deque object. Only for Python > 2.3. """ o = object() D = deque() D.append(None) D.append(o) self.assertIn("[1]", reflect.objgrep(D, o, reflect.isSame)) if deque is None: test_deque.skip = "Deque not available" class GetClass(unittest.TestCase): def testOld(self): class OldClass: pass old = OldClass() self.assertIn(reflect.getClass(OldClass).__name__, ("class", "classobj")) self.assertEqual(reflect.getClass(old).__name__, "OldClass") def testNew(self): class NewClass(object): pass new = NewClass() self.assertEqual(reflect.getClass(NewClass).__name__, "type") self.assertEqual(reflect.getClass(new).__name__, "NewClass") class Breakable(object): breakRepr = False breakStr = False def __str__(self): if self.breakStr: raise RuntimeError("str!") else: return "<Breakable>" def __repr__(self): if self.breakRepr: raise RuntimeError("repr!") else: return "Breakable()" class BrokenType(Breakable, type): breakName = False def get___name__(self): if self.breakName: raise RuntimeError("no name") return "BrokenType" __name__ = property(get___name__) class BTBase(Breakable, metaclass=BrokenType): breakRepr = True breakStr = True class NoClassAttr(Breakable): __class__ = property(lambda x: x.not_class) class SafeRepr(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{reflect.safe_repr} function. """ def test_workingRepr(self): """ L{reflect.safe_repr} produces the same output as C{repr} on a working object. """ x = [1, 2, 3] self.assertEqual(reflect.safe_repr(x), repr(x)) def test_brokenRepr(self): """ L{reflect.safe_repr} returns a string with class name, address, and traceback when the repr call failed. """ b = Breakable() b.breakRepr = True bRepr = reflect.safe_repr(b) self.assertIn("Breakable instance at 0x", bRepr) # Check that the file is in the repr, but without the extension as it # can be .py/.pyc self.assertIn(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0], bRepr) self.assertIn("RuntimeError: repr!", bRepr) def test_brokenStr(self): """ L{reflect.safe_repr} isn't affected by a broken C{__str__} method. """ b = Breakable() b.breakStr = True self.assertEqual(reflect.safe_repr(b), repr(b)) def test_brokenClassRepr(self): class X(BTBase): breakRepr = True reflect.safe_repr(X) reflect.safe_repr(X()) def test_unsignedID(self): """ L{unsignedID} is used to print ID of the object in case of error, not standard ID value which can be negative. """ class X(BTBase): breakRepr = True ids = {X: 100} def fakeID(obj): try: return ids[obj] except (TypeError, KeyError): return id(obj) self.addCleanup(util.setIDFunction, util.setIDFunction(fakeID)) xRepr = reflect.safe_repr(X) self.assertIn("0x64", xRepr) def test_brokenClassStr(self): class X(BTBase): breakStr = True reflect.safe_repr(X) reflect.safe_repr(X()) def test_brokenClassAttribute(self): """ If an object raises an exception when accessing its C{__class__} attribute, L{reflect.safe_repr} uses C{type} to retrieve the class object. """ b = NoClassAttr() b.breakRepr = True bRepr = reflect.safe_repr(b) self.assertIn("NoClassAttr instance at 0x", bRepr) self.assertIn(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0], bRepr) self.assertIn("RuntimeError: repr!", bRepr) def test_brokenClassNameAttribute(self): """ If a class raises an exception when accessing its C{__name__} attribute B{and} when calling its C{__str__} implementation, L{reflect.safe_repr} returns 'BROKEN CLASS' instead of the class name. """ class X(BTBase): breakName = True xRepr = reflect.safe_repr(X()) self.assertIn("<BROKEN CLASS AT 0x", xRepr) self.assertIn(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0], xRepr) self.assertIn("RuntimeError: repr!", xRepr) class SafeStr(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{reflect.safe_str} function. """ def test_workingStr(self): x = [1, 2, 3] self.assertEqual(reflect.safe_str(x), str(x)) def test_brokenStr(self): b = Breakable() b.breakStr = True reflect.safe_str(b) def test_brokenRepr(self): b = Breakable() b.breakRepr = True reflect.safe_str(b) def test_brokenClassStr(self): class X(BTBase): breakStr = True reflect.safe_str(X) reflect.safe_str(X()) def test_brokenClassRepr(self): class X(BTBase): breakRepr = True reflect.safe_str(X) reflect.safe_str(X()) def test_brokenClassAttribute(self): """ If an object raises an exception when accessing its C{__class__} attribute, L{reflect.safe_str} uses C{type} to retrieve the class object. """ b = NoClassAttr() b.breakStr = True bStr = reflect.safe_str(b) self.assertIn("NoClassAttr instance at 0x", bStr) self.assertIn(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0], bStr) self.assertIn("RuntimeError: str!", bStr) def test_brokenClassNameAttribute(self): """ If a class raises an exception when accessing its C{__name__} attribute B{and} when calling its C{__str__} implementation, L{reflect.safe_str} returns 'BROKEN CLASS' instead of the class name. """ class X(BTBase): breakName = True xStr = reflect.safe_str(X()) self.assertIn("<BROKEN CLASS AT 0x", xStr) self.assertIn(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0], xStr) self.assertIn("RuntimeError: str!", xStr) class FilenameToModule(unittest.TestCase): """ Test L{reflect.filenameToModuleName} detection. """ def test_directory(self): """ Tests it finds good name for directories/packages. """ module = reflect.filenameToModuleName(os.path.join("twisted", "test")) self.assertEqual(module, "test") module = reflect.filenameToModuleName( os.path.join("twisted", "test") + os.path.sep ) self.assertEqual(module, "test") def test_file(self): """ Test it finds good name for files. """ module = reflect.filenameToModuleName( os.path.join("twisted", "test", "test_reflect.py") ) self.assertEqual(module, "test_reflect") class FullyQualifiedNameTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Test for L{reflect.fullyQualifiedName}. """ def _checkFullyQualifiedName(self, obj, expected): """ Helper to check that fully qualified name of C{obj} results to C{expected}. """ self.assertEqual(reflect.fullyQualifiedName(obj), expected) def test_package(self): """ L{reflect.fullyQualifiedName} returns the full name of a package and a subpackage. """ import twisted self._checkFullyQualifiedName(twisted, "twisted") import twisted.python self._checkFullyQualifiedName(twisted.python, "twisted.python") def test_module(self): """ L{reflect.fullyQualifiedName} returns the name of a module inside a a package. """ self._checkFullyQualifiedName(reflect, "twisted.python.reflect") import twisted.trial.unittest self._checkFullyQualifiedName(twisted.trial.unittest, "twisted.trial.unittest") def test_class(self): """ L{reflect.fullyQualifiedName} returns the name of a class and its module. """ self._checkFullyQualifiedName( reflect.Settable, "twisted.python.reflect.Settable" ) def test_function(self): """ L{reflect.fullyQualifiedName} returns the name of a function inside its module. """ self._checkFullyQualifiedName( reflect.fullyQualifiedName, "twisted.python.reflect.fullyQualifiedName" ) def test_method(self): """ L{reflect.fullyQualifiedName} returns the name of a method inside its class and its module. """ self._checkFullyQualifiedName( reflect.PropertyAccessor.reallyDel, "twisted.python.reflect.PropertyAccessor.reallyDel", ) self._checkFullyQualifiedName( reflect.PropertyAccessor().reallyDel, "twisted.python.reflect.PropertyAccessor.reallyDel", ) class DeprecationTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Test deprecations in twisted.python.reflect """ def test_macro(self): """ Test deprecation of L{reflect.macro}. """ result = self.callDeprecated( Version("Twisted", 8, 2, 0), reflect.macro, "test", __file__, "test = 1" ) self.assertEqual(result, 1)
# Copyright (c) 2006 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Test cases for twisted.python.zshcomp """ import os, os.path from io import StringIO from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.python import zshcomp, usage class ZshcompTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for the zsh completion function builder in twisted/python/zshcomp.py """ def test_buildAll(self): """ Build all the completion functions for twisted commands - no errors should be raised """ dirname = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(dirname) skippedCmds = [x[0] for x in zshcomp.makeCompFunctionFiles(dirname)] # verify a zsh function was created for each twisted command for info in zshcomp.generateFor: if info[0] in skippedCmds: continue funcPath = os.path.join(dirname, "_" + info[0]) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(funcPath)) def test_accumulateMetadata(self): """ Test that the zsh_* variables you can place on Option classes gets picked up correctly """ opts = TestOptions2() ag = zshcomp.ArgumentsGenerator("dummy_cmd", opts, "dummy_value") altArgDescr = TestOptions.zsh_altArgDescr.copy() altArgDescr.update(TestOptions2.zsh_altArgDescr) actionDescr = TestOptions.zsh_actionDescr.copy() actionDescr.update(TestOptions2.zsh_actionDescr) self.failUnlessEquals(ag.altArgDescr, altArgDescr) self.failUnlessEquals(ag.actionDescr, actionDescr) self.failUnlessEquals(ag.multiUse, TestOptions.zsh_multiUse) self.failUnlessEquals(ag.mutuallyExclusive, TestOptions.zsh_mutuallyExclusive) self.failUnlessEquals(ag.actions, TestOptions.zsh_actions) self.failUnlessEquals(ag.extras, TestOptions.zsh_extras) def test_accumulateAdditionalOptions(self): """ Test that we pick up options that are only defined by having an appropriately named method on your Options class, e.g. def opt_foo(self, foo) """ opts = TestOptions2() ag = zshcomp.ArgumentsGenerator("dummy_cmd", opts, "dummy_value") self.assertTrue("nocrash" in ag.optFlags_d and "nocrash" in ag.optAll_d) self.assertTrue("difficulty" in ag.optParams_d and "difficulty" in ag.optAll_d) def test_verifyZshNames(self): """ Test that using a parameter/flag name that doesn't exist will raise an error """ class TmpOptions(TestOptions2): zsh_actions = {"detaill": "foo"} # Note typo of detail opts = TmpOptions() self.assertRaises( ValueError, zshcomp.ArgumentsGenerator, "dummy_cmd", opts, "dummy_value" ) def test_zshCode(self): """ Generate a completion function, and test the textual output against a known correct output """ cmd_name = "testprog" opts = CodeTestOptions() f = StringIO() b = zshcomp.Builder(cmd_name, opts, f) b.write() f.reset() self.failUnlessEquals(f.read(), testOutput1) def test_skipBuild(self): """ Test that makeCompFunctionFiles skips building for commands whos script module cannot be imported """ generateFor = [("test_cmd", "no.way.your.gonna.import.this", "Foo")] skips = zshcomp.makeCompFunctionFiles("out_dir", generateFor, {}) # no exceptions should be raised. hooray. self.assertEqual(len(skips), 1) self.assertEqual(len(skips[0]), 2) self.assertEqual(skips[0][0], "test_cmd") self.assertTrue(isinstance(skips[0][1], ImportError)) self.flushLoggedErrors(self, ImportError) class TestOptions(usage.Options): """ Command-line options for an imaginary game """ optFlags = [ ["fokker", "f", "Select the Fokker Dr.I as your dogfighter aircraft"], ["albatros", "a", "Select the Albatros D-III as your dogfighter aircraft"], ["spad", "s", "Select the SPAD S.VII as your dogfighter aircraft"], ["bristol", "b", "Select the Bristol Scout as your dogfighter aircraft"], ["physics", "p", "Enable secret Twisted physics engine"], ["jam", "j", "Enable a small chance that your machine guns will jam!"], ["verbose", "v", "Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)"], ] optParameters = [ ["pilot-name", None, "What's your name, Ace?", "Manfred von Richthofen"], ["detail", "d", "Select the level of rendering detail (1-5)", "3"], ] zsh_altArgDescr = {"physics": "Twisted-Physics", "detail": "Rendering detail level"} zsh_actionDescr = {"detail": "Pick your detail"} zsh_multiUse = ["verbose"] zsh_mutuallyExclusive = [["fokker", "albatros", "spad", "bristol"]] zsh_actions = {"detail": "(1 2 3 4 5)"} zsh_extras = [":saved game file to load:_files"] class TestOptions2(TestOptions): """ Extend the options and zsh metadata provided by TestOptions. zshcomp must accumulate options and metadata from all classes in the hiearchy so this is important for testing """ optFlags = [["no-stalls", None, "Turn off the ability to stall your aircraft"]] optParameters = [ ["reality-level", None, "Select the level of physics reality (1-5)", "5"] ] zsh_altArgDescr = {"no-stalls": "Can't stall your plane"} zsh_actionDescr = {"reality-level": "Physics reality level"} def opt_nocrash(self): """Select that you can't crash your plane""" def opt_difficulty(self, difficulty): """How tough are you? (1-10)""" def _accuracyAction(): return "(1 2 3)" class CodeTestOptions(usage.Options): """ Command-line options for an imaginary program """ optFlags = [ ["color", "c", "Turn on color output"], ["gray", "g", "Turn on gray-scale output"], ["verbose", "v", "Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)"], ] optParameters = [ ["optimization", None, "Select the level of optimization (1-5)", "5"], ["accuracy", "a", "Select the level of accuracy (1-3)", "3"], ] zsh_altArgDescr = {"color": "Color on", "optimization": "Optimization level"} zsh_actionDescr = {"optimization": "Optimization?", "accuracy": "Accuracy?"} zsh_multiUse = ["verbose"] zsh_mutuallyExclusive = [["color", "gray"]] zsh_actions = {"optimization": "(1 2 3 4 5)", "accuracy": _accuracyAction} zsh_extras = [":output file:_files"] testOutput1 = """#compdef testprog _arguments -s -A "-*" \\ ':output file:_files' \\ '(--accuracy)-a[3]:Accuracy?:(1 2 3)' \\ '(-a)--accuracy=[3]:Accuracy?:(1 2 3)' \\ '(--gray -g --color)-c[Color on]' \\ '(--gray -g -c)--color[Color on]' \\ '(--color -c --gray)-g[Turn on gray-scale output]' \\ '(--color -c -g)--gray[Turn on gray-scale output]' \\ '--help[Display this help and exit.]' \\ '--optimization=[Optimization level]:Optimization?:(1 2 3 4 5)' \\ '*-v[Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)]' \\ '*--verbose[Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)]' \\ '--version[version]' \\ && return 0 """
# Copyright (c) 2008 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Tests for the output generated by trial. """ import os, io from twisted.scripts import trial from twisted.trial import runner from twisted.trial.test import packages def runTrial(*args): from twisted.trial import reporter config = trial.Options() config.parseOptions(args) output = io.StringIO() myRunner = runner.TrialRunner( reporter.VerboseTextReporter, stream=output, workingDirectory=config["temp-directory"], ) suite = trial._getSuite(config) result = myRunner.run(suite) return output.getvalue() class TestImportErrors(packages.SysPathManglingTest): """Actually run trial as if on the command line and check that the output is what we expect. """ debug = False parent = "_testImportErrors" def runTrial(self, *args): return runTrial("--temp-directory", self.mktemp(), *args) def _print(self, stuff): print(stuff) return stuff def failUnlessIn(self, container, containee, *args, **kwargs): # redefined to be useful in callbacks super(TestImportErrors, self).failUnlessIn( containee, container, *args, **kwargs ) return container def failIfIn(self, container, containee, *args, **kwargs): # redefined to be useful in callbacks super(TestImportErrors, self).failIfIn(containee, container, *args, **kwargs) return container def test_trialRun(self): self.runTrial() def test_nonexistentModule(self): d = self.runTrial("twisted.doesntexist") self.failUnlessIn(d, "[ERROR]") self.failUnlessIn(d, "twisted.doesntexist") return d def test_nonexistentPackage(self): d = self.runTrial("doesntexist") self.failUnlessIn(d, "doesntexist") self.failUnlessIn(d, "ModuleNotFound") self.failUnlessIn(d, "[ERROR]") return d def test_nonexistentPackageWithModule(self): d = self.runTrial("doesntexist.barney") self.failUnlessIn(d, "doesntexist.barney") self.failUnlessIn(d, "ObjectNotFound") self.failUnlessIn(d, "[ERROR]") return d def test_badpackage(self): d = self.runTrial("badpackage") self.failUnlessIn(d, "[ERROR]") self.failUnlessIn(d, "badpackage") self.failIfIn(d, "IOError") return d def test_moduleInBadpackage(self): d = self.runTrial("badpackage.test_module") self.failUnlessIn(d, "[ERROR]") self.failUnlessIn(d, "badpackage.test_module") self.failIfIn(d, "IOError") return d def test_badmodule(self): d = self.runTrial("package.test_bad_module") self.failUnlessIn(d, "[ERROR]") self.failUnlessIn(d, "package.test_bad_module") self.failIfIn(d, "IOError") self.failIfIn(d, "<module ") return d def test_badimport(self): d = self.runTrial("package.test_import_module") self.failUnlessIn(d, "[ERROR]") self.failUnlessIn(d, "package.test_import_module") self.failIfIn(d, "IOError") self.failIfIn(d, "<module ") return d def test_recurseImport(self): d = self.runTrial("package") self.failUnlessIn(d, "[ERROR]") self.failUnlessIn(d, "test_bad_module") self.failUnlessIn(d, "test_import_module") self.failIfIn(d, "<module ") self.failIfIn(d, "IOError") return d def test_recurseImportErrors(self): d = self.runTrial("package2") self.failUnlessIn(d, "[ERROR]") self.failUnlessIn(d, "package2") self.failUnlessIn(d, "test_module") self.failUnlessIn(d, "No module named frotz") self.failIfIn(d, "<module ") self.failIfIn(d, "IOError") return d def test_nonRecurseImportErrors(self): d = self.runTrial("-N", "package2") self.failUnlessIn(d, "[ERROR]") self.failUnlessIn(d, "No module named frotz") self.failIfIn(d, "<module ") return d def test_regularRun(self): d = self.runTrial("package.test_module") self.failIfIn(d, "[ERROR]") self.failIfIn(d, "IOError") self.failUnlessIn(d, "OK") self.failUnlessIn(d, "PASSED (successes=1)") return d def test_filename(self): self.mangleSysPath(self.oldPath) d = self.runTrial(os.path.join(self.parent, "package", "test_module.py")) self.failIfIn(d, "[ERROR]") self.failIfIn(d, "IOError") self.failUnlessIn(d, "OK") self.failUnlessIn(d, "PASSED (successes=1)") return d def test_dosFile(self): ## XXX -- not really an output test, more of a script test self.mangleSysPath(self.oldPath) d = self.runTrial(os.path.join(self.parent, "package", "test_dos_module.py")) self.failIfIn(d, "[ERROR]") self.failIfIn(d, "IOError") self.failUnlessIn(d, "OK") self.failUnlessIn(d, "PASSED (successes=1)") return d
# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """I hold HTML generation helpers. """ from twisted.python import log # t.w imports from twisted.web import resource import traceback, string from io import StringIO from microdom import escape def PRE(text): "Wrap <pre> tags around some text and HTML-escape it." return "<pre>" + escape(text) + "</pre>" def UL(lst): io = StringIO() io.write("<ul>\n") for el in lst: io.write("<li> %s</li>\n" % el) io.write("</ul>") return io.getvalue() def linkList(lst): io = StringIO() io.write("<ul>\n") for hr, el in lst: io.write('<li> <a href="%s">%s</a></li>\n' % (hr, el)) io.write("</ul>") return io.getvalue() def output(func, *args, **kw): """output(func, *args, **kw) -> html string Either return the result of a function (which presumably returns an HTML-legal string) or a sparse HTMLized error message and a message in the server log. """ try: return func(*args, **kw) except: log.msg("Error calling %r:" % (func,)) log.err() return PRE("An error occurred.")