<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Provides ``mapping`` of url paths to request handlers. """ from bootstrap import Bootstrap from fund import InstantPaymentNotificationHandler from fund import ThankYouHandler from view import * mapping = [ (r"/", Index), (r"/ipn", InstantPaymentNotificationHandler), (r"/thank-you", ThankYouHandler), (r"/about\/?", About), (r"/guide\/?", Guide), (r"/guide/download\/?", Download), (r"/guide/standards\/?", Standards), (r"/community\/?", Community), (r"/news\/?", News), (r"/support\/?", Support), (r"/contact\/?", Contact), (r"/press\/?", Press), (r"/legal/terms", Terms), (r"/library\/?", Library), (r"/library/sketchup\/?", Library), (r"/library/series/(\w+)\/?", Library), (r"/library/users\/?", Users), (r"/library/users/([0-9]+)\/?", User), (r"/library/designs/([0-9]+)\/?", Design), (r"/library/designs/([0-9]+)/(edit)\/?", Design), (r"/library/designs\/?", Design), (r"/library/designs/add\/?", Design), (r"/library/designs/add/sketchup\/?", Design), (r"/redirect/success/([0-9]+)\/?", RedirectSuccess), (r"/redirect/error\/?", RedirectError), (r"/redirect/after/delete\/?", RedirectAfterDelete), (r"/admin/moderate\/?", Moderate), (r"/admin/bootstrap\/?", Bootstrap), (r"/activity", ActivityScreen), (r"/txns", TxnList), (r"/blob64/([^/]+)/([^/]+)\/?", Base64Blob), (r"/blob64/([^/]+)\/?", Base64Blob), (r"/i18n/message_strings.json", MessageStrings), (r"/.*", NotFound), ] <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Open Source Initiative OSI - The MIT License (MIT):Licensing # # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2015 François-Xavier Bourlet (bombela+zerorpc@gmail.com) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of # this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in # the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to # use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies # of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do # so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import msgpack import gevent.pool import gevent.queue import gevent.event import gevent.local import gevent.lock import logging import sys import gevent_zmq as zmq from .exceptions import TimeoutExpired from .context import Context from .channel_base import ChannelBase if sys.version_info < (2, 7): def get_pyzmq_frame_buffer(frame): return frame.buffer[:] else: def get_pyzmq_frame_buffer(frame): return frame.buffer logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SequentialSender(object): def __init__(self, socket): self._socket = socket def _send(self, parts): e = None for i in range(len(parts) - 1): try: self._socket.send(parts[i], copy=False, flags=zmq.SNDMORE) except (gevent.GreenletExit, gevent.Timeout) as e: if i == 0: raise self._socket.send(parts[i], copy=False, flags=zmq.SNDMORE) try: self._socket.send(parts[-1], copy=False) except (gevent.GreenletExit, gevent.Timeout) as e: self._socket.send(parts[-1], copy=False) if e: raise e def __call__(self, parts, timeout=None): if timeout: with gevent.Timeout(timeout): self._send(parts) else: self._send(parts) class SequentialReceiver(object): def __init__(self, socket): self._socket = socket def _recv(self): e = None parts = [] while True: try: part = self._socket.recv(copy=False) except (gevent.GreenletExit, gevent.Timeout) as e: if len(parts) == 0: raise part = self._socket.recv(copy=False) parts.append(part) if not part.more: break if e: raise e return parts def __call__(self, timeout=None): if timeout: with gevent.Timeout(timeout): return self._recv() else: return self._recv() class Sender(SequentialSender): def __init__(self, socket): self._socket = socket self._send_queue = gevent.queue.Channel() self._send_task = gevent.spawn(self._sender) def close(self): if self._send_task: self._send_task.kill() def _sender(self): for parts in self._send_queue: super(Sender, self)._send(parts) def __call__(self, parts, timeout=None): try: self._send_queue.put(parts, timeout=timeout) except gevent.queue.Full: raise TimeoutExpired(timeout) class Receiver(SequentialReceiver): def __init__(self, socket): self._socket = socket self._recv_queue = gevent.queue.Channel() self._recv_task = gevent.spawn(self._recver) def close(self): if self._recv_task: self._recv_task.kill() self._recv_queue = None def _recver(self): while True: parts = super(Receiver, self)._recv() self._recv_queue.put(parts) def __call__(self, timeout=None): try: return self._recv_queue.get(timeout=timeout) except gevent.queue.Empty: raise TimeoutExpired(timeout) class Event(object): __slots__ = ["_name", "_args", "_header", "_identity"] def __init__(self, name, args, context, header=None): self._name = name self._args = args if header is None: self._header = {"message_id": context.new_msgid(), "v": 3} else: self._header = header self._identity = None @property def header(self): return self._header @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, v): self._name = v @property def args(self): return self._args @property def identity(self): return self._identity @identity.setter def identity(self, v): self._identity = v def pack(self): return msgpack.Packer(use_bin_type=True).pack( (self._header, self._name, self._args) ) @staticmethod def unpack(blob): unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(encoding="utf-8") unpacker.feed(blob) unpacked_msg = unpacker.unpack() try: (header, name, args) = unpacked_msg except Exception as e: raise Exception('invalid msg format "{0}": {1}'.format(unpacked_msg, e)) # Backward compatibility if not isinstance(header, dict): header = {} return Event(name, args, None, header) def __str__(self, ignore_args=False): if ignore_args: args = "[...]" else: args = self._args try: args = "<<{0}>>".format(str(self.unpack(self._args))) except Exception: pass if self._identity: identity = ", ".join(repr(x.bytes) for x in self._identity) return "<{0}> {1} {2} {3}".format(identity, self._name, self._header, args) return "{0} {1} {2}".format(self._name, self._header, args) class Events(ChannelBase): def __init__(self, zmq_socket_type, context=None): self._debug = False self._zmq_socket_type = zmq_socket_type self._context = context or Context.get_instance() self._socket = self._context.socket(zmq_socket_type) if zmq_socket_type in (zmq.PUSH, zmq.PUB, zmq.DEALER, zmq.ROUTER): self._send = Sender(self._socket) elif zmq_socket_type in (zmq.REQ, zmq.REP): self._send = SequentialSender(self._socket) else: self._send = None if zmq_socket_type in (zmq.PULL, zmq.SUB, zmq.DEALER, zmq.ROUTER): self._recv = Receiver(self._socket) elif zmq_socket_type in (zmq.REQ, zmq.REP): self._recv = SequentialReceiver(self._socket) else: self._recv = None @property def recv_is_supported(self): return self._recv is not None @property def emit_is_supported(self): return self._send is not None def __del__(self): try: if not self._socket.closed: self.close() except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass def close(self): try: self._send.close() except AttributeError: pass try: self._recv.close() except AttributeError: pass self._socket.close() @property def debug(self): return self._debug @debug.setter def debug(self, v): if v != self._debug: self._debug = v if self._debug: logger.debug("debug enabled") else: logger.debug("debug disabled") def _resolve_endpoint(self, endpoint, resolve=True): if resolve: endpoint = self._context.hook_resolve_endpoint(endpoint) if isinstance(endpoint, (tuple, list)): r = [] for sub_endpoint in endpoint: r.extend(self._resolve_endpoint(sub_endpoint, resolve)) return r return [endpoint] def connect(self, endpoint, resolve=True): r = [] for endpoint_ in self._resolve_endpoint(endpoint, resolve): r.append(self._socket.connect(endpoint_)) logger.debug("connected to %s (status=%s)", endpoint_, r[-1]) return r def bind(self, endpoint, resolve=True): r = [] for endpoint_ in self._resolve_endpoint(endpoint, resolve): r.append(self._socket.bind(endpoint_)) logger.debug("bound to %s (status=%s)", endpoint_, r[-1]) return r def disconnect(self, endpoint, resolve=True): r = [] for endpoint_ in self._resolve_endpoint(endpoint, resolve): r.append(self._socket.disconnect(endpoint_)) logging.debug("disconnected from %s (status=%s)", endpoint_, r[-1]) return r def new_event(self, name, args, xheader=None): event = Event(name, args, context=self._context) if xheader: event.header.update(xheader) return event def emit_event(self, event, timeout=None): if self._debug: logger.debug("--> %s", event) if event.identity: parts = list(event.identity or list()) parts.extend(["", event.pack()]) elif self._zmq_socket_type in (zmq.DEALER, zmq.ROUTER): parts = ("", event.pack()) else: parts = (event.pack(),) self._send(parts, timeout) def recv(self, timeout=None): parts = self._recv(timeout=timeout) if len(parts) > 2: identity = parts[0:-2] blob = parts[-1] elif len(parts) == 2: identity = parts[0:-1] blob = parts[-1] else: identity = None blob = parts[0] event = Event.unpack(get_pyzmq_frame_buffer(blob)) event.identity = identity if self._debug: logger.debug("<-- %s", event) return event def setsockopt(self, *args): return self._socket.setsockopt(*args) @property def context(self): return self._context <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python """Django's command line utility.""" import os import sys if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "project.settings") from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>"""Installer for hippybot """ import os cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__) __version__ = open(os.path.join(cwd, "hippybot", "version.txt"), "r").read().strip() try: from setuptools import setup, find_packages except ImportError: from ez_setup import use_setuptools use_setuptools() from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup( name="hippybot", description="Python Hipchat bot", long_description=open("README.rst").read(), version=__version__, author="Wes Mason", author_email="wes[at]1stvamp[dot]org", url="http://github.com/1stvamp/hippybot", packages=find_packages(exclude=["ez_setup"]), install_requires=open("requirements.txt").readlines(), package_data={"hippybot": ["version.txt"]}, include_package_data=True, extras_require={ "plugins": open("extras_requirements.txt").readlines(), }, entry_points={ "console_scripts": [ "hippybot = hippybot.bot:main", ], }, license="BSD", ) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "twobuntu.settings") from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.db import models, migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name="Category", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( verbose_name="ID", serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True, ), ), ( "name", models.CharField( help_text=b"The name of the category.", max_length=40 ), ), ( "image", models.ImageField( help_text=b"A representative image.", null=True, upload_to=b"categories", blank=True, ), ), ], options={ "ordering": ("name",), "verbose_name_plural": "Categories", }, bases=(models.Model,), ), ] <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>import twitter from django.contrib import messages from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test from django.db import transaction from django.shortcuts import redirect, render from twobuntu.news.forms import AddItemForm @user_passes_test(lambda u: u.is_staff) def add(request): """ Add news items to the home page. """ if request.method == "POST": form = AddItemForm(data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): item = form.save(commit=False) item.reporter = request.user try: with transaction.atomic(): item.save() except twitter.TwitterError as e: messages.error( request, 'Twitter error: "%s" Please try again.' % e.message[0]["message"], ) else: messages.info(request, "Your news item has been published!") return redirect("home") else: form = AddItemForm() return render( request, "form.html", { "title": "Add Item", "form": form, "description": "Enter the details for the news item below.", "action": "Add", }, ) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2010-2015, 2degrees Limited. # All Rights Reserved. # # This file is part of django-wsgi <https://github.com/2degrees/django-wsgi/>, # which is subject to the provisions of the BSD at # <http://dev.2degreesnetwork.com/p/2degrees-license.html>. A copy of the # license should accompany this distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" # AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST # INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """ Exceptions raised by :mod:`django_wsgi.` """ __all__ = ("DjangoWSGIException", "ApplicationCallError") class DjangoWSGIException(Exception): """Base class for exceptions raised by :mod:`django_wsgi`.""" pass class ApplicationCallError(DjangoWSGIException): """ Exception raised when an embedded WSGI application was not called properly. """ pass <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>import boto import boto.s3.connection from django.conf import settings import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_s3_connection(): if settings.S3_ACCESS_KEY and settings.S3_SECRET_KEY and settings.S3_HOST: log.debug( "Connecting to {}, with secure connection is {}".format( settings.S3_HOST, settings.S3_SECURE_CONNECTION ) ) return boto.connect_s3( aws_access_key_id=settings.S3_ACCESS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=settings.S3_SECRET_KEY, host=settings.S3_HOST, is_secure=settings.S3_SECURE_CONNECTION, calling_format=boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat(), ) return None def get_or_create_bucket(s3_connection): bucket = s3_connection.get_bucket(settings.S3_BUCKET_NAME) if bucket is None: bucket = s3_connection.create_bucket(settings.S3_BUCKET_NAME) return bucket <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>from django.db import models import datetime from common.models import Project class Stage(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=128) project = models.ForeignKey(Project) text = models.TextField(default="", blank=True) link = models.URLField(default=None, blank=True, null=True) state = models.CharField(max_length=24, default="info", blank=True) weight = models.IntegerField(default=0) updated = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now()) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.updated = datetime.datetime.now() return super(Stage, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return self.name <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.db import models, migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ("testreport", "0026_testresult_launch_item_id"), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name="testplan", name="filter", field=models.TextField( default=b"", max_length=128, verbose_name="Started by filter", blank=True, ), preserve_default=True, ), migrations.AddField( model_name="testplan", name="main", field=models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Show in short statistic" ), preserve_default=True, ), ] <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>import gevent from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() import time import smtplib TEST_MAIL = """ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 03:29:50 +0800 (CST) From: =?utf-8?B?6IGU5oOz?= <client@gsmtpd.org> To: test@gsmtpd.org Message-ID: <766215193.1675381406662190229.JavaMail.root@USS-01> Subject: =?utf-8?B?6IGU5oOz56e75Yqo5LqS6IGU572R5pyN5Yqh5rOo5YaM56Gu6K6k6YKu5Lu2?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_Part_335076_1490382245.1406662190222" ------=_Part_335076_1490382245.1406662190222 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="----=_Part_335077_605133107.1406662190222" ------=_Part_335077_605133107.1406662190222 Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <html><head></head><body>=E5=B0=8A=E6=95=AC=E7=9A=84=E7=94=A8=E6=88=B7=EF= =BC=9A<br/>=E6=82=A8=E5=A5=BD=EF=BC=81<br/>=E8=AF=B7=E7=82=B9=E5=87=BB=E8= =81=94=E6=83=B3=E5=B8=90=E5=8F=B7=E7=A1=AE=E8=AE=A4=E9=93=BE=E6=8E=A5=EF=BC= =8C=E4=BB=A5=E6=A0=A1=E9=AA=8C=E6=82=A8=E7=9A=84=E8=81=94=E6=83=B3=E5=B8=90= =E5=8F=B7=EF=BC=9A<br/><a href=3D"https://passport.lenovo.com/wauthen/verif= yuser?username=3D&vc=3DuHwf&accountid=3D1358934&lenovoid.= cb=3D&lenovoid.realm=3Dthinkworld.lenovo.com&lang=3Dzh_CN&display=3D&lenovo= id.ctx=3D&lenovoid.action=3D&lenovoid.lang=3D&lenovoid.uinfo=3D&lenovoid.vp= =3D&verifyFlag=3Dnull">https://passport.lenovo.com/wauthen/verifyuser?usern= ame=3o.org&vc=3DuHwf&accountid=3&lenovoid.cb=3D&lenov= oid.realm=3Dthinkworld.lenovo.com&lang=3Dzh_CN&display=3D&lenovoid.ctx=3D&l= enovoid.action=3D&lenovoid.lang=3D&lenovoid.uinfo=3D&lenovoid.vp=3D&verifyF= lag=3Dnull</a><br/>=EF=BC=88=E5=A6=82=E6=9E=9C=E4=B8=8A=E9=9D=A2=E7=9A=84= =E9=93=BE=E6=8E=A5=E6=97=A0=E6=B3=95=E7=82=B9=E5=87=BB=EF=BC=8C=E6=82=A8=E4= =B9=9F=E5=8F=AF=E4=BB=A5=E5=A4=8D=E5=88=B6=E9=93=BE=E6=8E=A5=EF=BC=8C=E7=B2= =98=E8=B4=B4=E5=88=B0=E6=82=A8=E6=B5=8F=E8=A7=88=E5=99=A8=E7=9A=84=E5=9C=B0= =E5=9D=80=E6=A0=8F=E5=86=85=EF=BC=8C=E7=84=B6=E5=90=8E=E6=8C=89=E2=80=9C=E5= =9B=9E=E8=BD=A6=E2=80=9D=E9=94=AE)=E3=80=82<br/>=E6=9D=A5=E8=87=AA=E8=81=94= =E6=83=B3=E5=B8=90=E5=8F=B7</body></html> ------=_Part_335077_605133107.1406662190222-- ------=_Part_335076_1490382245.1406662190222-- """ def timeit(func): def wrap(num, port, *args, **kwargs): max_rqs = 0 for _ in range(3): conns = [smtplib.SMTP(port=port) for x in range(num)] list(map(lambda x: x.connect("", port), conns)) start_at = time.time() func(num, conns, **kwargs) interval = time.time() - start_at for con in conns: try: con.quit() con.close() except Exception: pass gevent.sleep(3) rqs = num / interval max_rqs = max(rqs, max_rqs) return max_rqs return wrap @timeit def helo(num, conns): tasks = [gevent.spawn(x.helo) for x in conns] gevent.joinall(tasks) @timeit def send(num, conns): tasks = [ gevent.spawn(x.sendmail, "r@r.com", ["test@test.org"], TEST_MAIL) for x in conns ] gevent.joinall(tasks) def main(port, num): print("%d %s %s" % (num, helo(num, port), send(num, port))) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys try: main(int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2])) except IndexError: print("python concurrency.py <port> <connection number>") <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import json if sys.version_info < (3,): def b(x): return x def s(x): return x else: def b(x): return bytes(x, "utf-8") def s(x): return x.decode("utf-8") def parse_payload(payload): if not isinstance(payload, str): payload = " ".join(payload) try: json.loads(payload) except ValueError: kv = payload.split(" ", 1) if len(kv) > 1: payload = '{"%s": "%s"}' % (kv[0], kv[1]) else: payload = "%s" % kv[0] return payload def requires_elements(xs, dictionary): missing_values = [] for x in xs: if x not in dictionary: missing_values.append(x) if missing_values: err_msg = ", ".join(missing_values) raise KeyError("Missing values %s" % (err_msg)) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>from flask_resty import Api, GenericModelView from marshmallow import fields, Schema import pytest from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String import helpers # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @pytest.yield_fixture def models(db): class Widget(db.Model): __tablename__ = "widgets" id_1 = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) id_2 = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String, nullable=False) db.create_all() yield { "widget": Widget, } db.drop_all() @pytest.fixture def schemas(): class WidgetSchema(Schema): id_1 = fields.Integer(as_string=True) id_2 = fields.Integer(as_string=True) name = fields.String(required=True) return { "widget": WidgetSchema(), } @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def routes(app, models, schemas): class WidgetViewBase(GenericModelView): model = models["widget"] schema = schemas["widget"] id_fields = ("id_1", "id_2") class WidgetListView(WidgetViewBase): def get(self): return self.list() def post(self): return self.create(allow_client_id=True) class WidgetView(WidgetViewBase): def get(self, id_1, id_2): return self.retrieve((id_1, id_2)) def patch(self, id_1, id_2): return self.update((id_1, id_2), partial=True) def delete(self, id_1, id_2): return self.destroy((id_1, id_2)) api = Api(app) api.add_resource( "/widgets", WidgetListView, WidgetView, id_rule="<int:id_1>/<int:id_2>", ) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def data(db, models): db.session.add_all( ( models["widget"](id_1=1, id_2=2, name="Foo"), models["widget"](id_1=1, id_2=3, name="Bar"), models["widget"](id_1=4, id_2=5, name="Baz"), ) ) db.session.commit() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_list(client): response = client.get("/widgets") assert response.status_code == 200 assert helpers.get_data(response) == [ { "id_1": "1", "id_2": "2", "name": "Foo", }, { "id_1": "1", "id_2": "3", "name": "Bar", }, { "id_1": "4", "id_2": "5", "name": "Baz", }, ] def test_retrieve(client): response = client.get("/widgets/1/2") assert response.status_code == 200 assert helpers.get_data(response) == { "id_1": "1", "id_2": "2", "name": "Foo", } def test_create(client): response = helpers.request( client, "POST", "/widgets", { "id_1": "4", "id_2": "6", "name": "Qux", }, ) assert response.status_code == 201 assert response.headers["Location"] == "http://localhost/widgets/4/6" assert helpers.get_data(response) == { "id_1": "4", "id_2": "6", "name": "Qux", } def test_update(client): update_response = helpers.request( client, "PATCH", "/widgets/1/2", { "id_1": "1", "id_2": "2", "name": "Qux", }, ) assert update_response.status_code == 204 retrieve_response = client.get("/widgets/1/2") assert retrieve_response.status_code == 200 assert helpers.get_data(retrieve_response) == { "id_1": "1", "id_2": "2", "name": "Qux", } def test_destroy(client): destroy_response = client.delete("/widgets/1/2") assert destroy_response.status_code == 204 retrieve_response = client.get("/widgets/1/2") assert retrieve_response.status_code == 404 <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>from .dogpile import Dogpile <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" RPi-Tron-Radio Raspberry Pi Web-Radio with 2.8" TFT Touchscreen and Tron-styled graphical interface GitHub: http://github.com/5volt-junkie/RPi-Tron-Radio Blog: http://5volt-junkie.net MIT License: see license.txt """ import pygame from pygame.locals import * import time import datetime import sys import os import glob import subprocess os.environ["SDL_FBDEV"] = "/dev/fb1" os.environ["SDL_MOUSEDEV"] = "/dev/input/touchscreen" os.environ["SDL_MOUSEDRV"] = "TSLIB" #colors R G B white = (255, 255, 255) red = (255, 0, 0) green = ( 0, 255, 0) blue = ( 0, 0, 255) black = ( 0, 0, 0) cyan = ( 50, 255, 255) magenta = (255, 0, 255) yellow = (255, 255, 0) orange = (255, 127, 0) #screen size width = 320 height = 240 size = (width, height) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) pygame.init() #disable mouse cursor pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) #define font font = pygame.font.Font(None, 25) #screensaver screensaver_timer = 5 #time until screensaver will be enabled, in minutes screensaver = False #load default skin menu = 1 skin_number = 1 max_skins = 8 font_color = cyan skin1 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_tron_m1.png") skin2 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_tron_m2.png") skin = skin1 screen.blit(skin, (0, 0)) #initial volume settings subprocess.call('mpc volume 100' , shell=True) reboot_label = font.render("rebooting...", 1, (font_color)) poweroff_label = font.render("shutting down", 1, (font_color)) song_title = " " playlist = " " def reboot(): screen.fill(black) screen.blit(reboot_label, (10, 100)) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(5) subprocess.call('mpc stop' , shell=True) subprocess.call('reboot' , shell=True) def poweroff(): screen.fill(black) screen.blit(poweroff_label, (10, 100)) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(5) subprocess.call('mpc stop' , shell=True) subprocess.call('poweroff' , shell=True) #copy playing title to favorite.txt def favorite(): print(song_title) f = open ('/var/www/favorite.txt' , 'a') f.write('-' + song_title + '\n') f.close() #function runs if touchscreen was touched (and screensaver is disabled) def on_touch(): #x_min x_max y_min y_max if 13 <= pos[0] <= 75 and 121 <= pos[1] <= 173: #print "button1 was pressed" button(1) if 90 <= pos[0] <= 152 and 121 <= pos[1] <= 173: #print "button2 was pressed" button(2) if 167 <= pos[0] <= 229 and 121 <= pos[1] <= 173: #print "button3 was pressed" button(3) if 244 <= pos[0] <= 306 and 121 <= pos[1] <= 173: #print "button4 was pressed" button(4) if 13 <= pos[0] <= 75 and 181 <= pos[1] <= 233: #print "button5 was pressed" button(5) if 90 <= pos[0] <= 152 and 181 <= pos[1] <= 233: #print "button6 was pressed" button(6) if 167 <= pos[0] <= 229 and 181 <= pos[1] <= 233: #print "button7 was pressed" button(7) if 244 <= pos[0] <= 306 and 181 <= pos[1] <= 233: #print "button8 was pressed" button(8) #which button (and which menu) was presed on touch def button(number): global menu if menu == 1: if number == 1: subprocess.call('mpc play' , shell=True) #print "play" if number == 2: subprocess.call('mpc pause' , shell=True) #print "pause" if number == 3: subprocess.call('mpc volume +5' , shell=True) #print "vol +x" if number == 4: subprocess.call('mpc volume 0' , shell=True) #print "vol 0" if number == 5: subprocess.call('mpc prev' , shell=True) #print "prev" if number == 6: subprocess.call('mpc next' , shell=True) #print "next" if number == 7: subprocess.call('mpc volume -5' , shell=True) #print "vol -x" if number == 8: #print "go to menu 2" menu = 2 update_screen() return if menu == 2: if number == 1: favorite() if number == 2: #print "switch skin" global skin_number skin_number = skin_number+1 #print skin_number update_screen() if number == 3: #print "run in background" pygame.quit() sys.exit() if number == 4: #print "quit radio" subprocess.call('mpc stop', shell=True) pygame.quit() sys.exit() if number == 5: print("power off") poweroff() if number == 6: print("reboot") reboot() if number == 7: #print "update screen" update_screen() if number == 8: #print "go to menu 1" menu = 1 update_screen() return #function to update screen def update_screen(): global skin_number if skin_number == 9: skin_number = 1 if skin_number == 1: skin1 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_tron_m1.png") skin2 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_tron_m2.png") font_color = cyan if skin_number == 2: skin1 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_blue_m1.png") skin2 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_blue_m2.png") font_color = blue if skin_number == 3: skin1 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_green_m1.png") skin2 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_green_m2.png") font_color = green if skin_number == 4: skin1 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_magenta_m1.png") skin2 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_magenta_m2.png") font_color = magenta if skin_number == 5: skin1 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_orange_m1.png") skin2 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_orange_m2.png") font_color = orange if skin_number == 6: skin1 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_red_m1.png") skin2 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_red_m2.png") font_color = red if skin_number == 7: skin1 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_white_m1.png") skin2 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_white_m2.png") font_color = white if skin_number == 8: skin1 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_yellow_m1.png") skin2 = pygame.image.load("skins/skin_yellow_m2.png") font_color = yellow global menu if screensaver == False: current_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M %d.%m.%Y') time_label = font.render(current_time, 1, (font_color)) if menu == 1: skin = skin1 screen.blit(skin, (0, 0)) lines = subprocess.check_output('mpc current', shell=True).split(":") if len(lines) == 1: line1 = lines[0] line1 = line1[:-1] station_label = font.render("Station: no data", 1, (font_color)) else: line1 = lines[0] line2 = lines[1] line1 = line1[:30] station_label = font.render('Station: ' + line1 + '.', 1, (font_color)) lines = subprocess.check_output('mpc -f [%title%]', shell=True).split("\n") line1 = lines[0] if line1.startswith("volume"): title_label = font.render("Title: no data! Try with PLAY!", 1, (font_color)) else: line1 = lines[0] line2 = lines[1] global song_title song_title = line1 line1 = line1[:30] title_label = font.render(line1 + '.', 1, (font_color)) title = font.render("Now playing:", 1, (font_color)) screen.blit(skin, (0, 0)) screen.blit(station_label, (23, 15)) screen.blit(title, (23, 40)) screen.blit(title_label, (23, 60)) screen.blit(time_label, (160, 90)) lines = subprocess.check_output('mpc volume', shell=True).split("\n") line1 = lines[0] volume_label = font.render(line1, 1, (font_color)) screen.blit(volume_label, (23, 90)) pygame.display.flip() if menu == 2: skin = skin2 screen.blit(skin, (0, 0)) #get and display ip ip = subprocess.check_output('hostname -I', shell=True).strip() ip_label = font.render('IP: ' + ip, 1, (font_color)) screen.blit(ip_label, (23, 15)) #get and display cpu temp cpu_temp = subprocess.check_output('/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp', shell=True).strip() temp = font.render('cpu ' + cpu_temp, 1, (font_color)) screen.blit(temp, (23, 35)) #get current time screen.blit(time_label, (90, 90)) pygame.display.flip() if screensaver == True: screen.fill(white) pygame.display.flip() minutes = 0 #userevent on every 1000ms, used for screensaver pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT +1, 60000) subprocess.call('mpc play' , shell=True) update_screen() running = True while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == USEREVENT +1: minutes += 1 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: print("Quit radio") pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: print("Quit radio") pygame.quit() sys.exit() #if screensaver is enabled and the screen was touched, #just disable screensaver, reset timer and update screen #no button state will be checked if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and screensaver == True: minutes = 0 subprocess.call('echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/*/bl_power' , shell=True) screensaver = False update_screen() break #if screen was touched and screensaver is disabled, #get position of touched button, call on_touch(), reset timer and update screen if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and screensaver == False: pos = (pygame.mouse.get_pos() [0], pygame.mouse.get_pos() [1]) minutes = 0 on_touch() update_screen() #enable screensaver on timer overflow if minutes > screensaver_timer: screensaver = True subprocess.call('echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/*/bl_power' , shell=True) update_screen() update_screen() time.sleep(0.1) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># coding:utf8 """ Created on 2013-7-10 memcached client @author: lan (www.9miao.com) """ import memcache class MemConnError(Exception): """ """ def __str__(self): return "memcache connect error" class MemClient: """memcached""" def __init__(self, timeout=0): """ """ self._hostname = "" self._urls = [] self.connection = None def connect(self, urls, hostname): """memcached connect""" self._hostname = hostname self._urls = urls self.connection = memcache.Client(self._urls, debug=0) if not self.connection.set("__testkey__", 1): raise MemConnError() def produceKey(self, keyname): """ """ if isinstance(keyname, str): return "".join([self._hostname, ":", keyname]) else: raise "type error" def get(self, key): """ """ key = self.produceKey(key) return self.connection.get(key) def get_multi(self, keys): """ """ keynamelist = [self.produceKey(keyname) for keyname in keys] olddict = self.connection.get_multi(keynamelist) newdict = dict( list( zip( [keyname.split(":")[-1] for keyname in list(olddict.keys())], list(olddict.values()), ) ) ) return newdict def set(self, keyname, value): """ """ key = self.produceKey(keyname) result = self.connection.set(key, value) if not result: # 如果写入失败 self.connect(self._urls, self._hostname) # 重新连接 return self.connection.set(key, value) return result def set_multi(self, mapping): """ """ newmapping = dict( list( zip( [self.produceKey(keyname) for keyname in list(mapping.keys())], list(mapping.values()), ) ) ) result = self.connection.set_multi(newmapping) if result: # 如果写入失败 self.connect(self._urls, self._hostname) # 重新连接 return self.connection.set_multi(newmapping) return result def incr(self, key, delta): """ """ key = self.produceKey(key) return self.connection.incr(key, delta) def delete(self, key): """ """ key = self.produceKey(key) return self.connection.delete(key) def delete_multi(self, keys): """ """ keys = [self.produceKey(key) for key in keys] return self.connection.delete_multi(keys) def flush_all(self): """ """ self.connection.flush_all() mclient = MemClient() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># coding:utf8 """ Created on 2013-7-31 @author: lan (www.9miao.com) """ from firefly.dbentrust.dbpool import dbpool from firefly.dbentrust.madminanager import MAdminManager from firefly.dbentrust import mmode from firefly.dbentrust.memclient import mclient import time if __name__ == "__main__": # CREATE TABLE `tb_register` ( # `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'id', # `username` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '用户名', # `password` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '用户密码', # PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`username`) # ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 # hostname = "localhost" username = "root" password = "111" dbname = "test" charset = "utf8" tablename = "test1" # aa = { "host": "localhost", "user": "root", "passwd": "111", "db": "test", "port": 3306, "charset": "utf8", } dbpool.initPool(**aa) mclient.connect([""], "test") mmanager = MAdminManager() m1 = mmode.MAdmin("test1", "id", incrkey="id") m1.insert() print(m1.get("_incrvalue")) m2 = mmode.MAdmin("test1", "id", incrkey="id") print(m2.get("_incrvalue")) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" Really basic gatttool (BlueZ) wrapper Based on https://github.com/stratosinc/pygatt Part of https://github.com/ALPSquid/thebutton-monitor """ import pexpect class connect: """Use to initiate a connection to a GATT device Example: bt_device = gatt.connect('AB:CD:EF:01:23:45') """ def __init__(self, address): self.address = "" # Connected bluetooth device address. Assigned from connect() self.conn = None # pexpect.spawn() object for the gatttool command self.connect(address) def connect(self, address, adapter="hci0"): """Open an interactive connection to a bluetooth device :param address: Bluetooth device address :param adapter: Bluetooth adapter to use. Default: hci0 """ if self.conn is None: self.address = address cmd = " ".join(["gatttool", "-b", address, "-i", adapter, "-I"]) self.conn = pexpect.spawn(cmd) self.conn.expect(r"\[LE\]>", timeout=1) self.conn.sendline("connect") try: self.conn.expect(r"Connection successful", timeout=10) print(("Connected to " + address)) except pexpect.TIMEOUT: raise Exception("Unable to connect to device") else: raise Exception( "Device already connected! Call disconnect before attempting a new connection" ) def reconnect(self): """Check and attempt to reconnect to device if necessary :return: True if a reconnect was performed """ try: self.conn.expect(r"Disconnected", timeout=0.1) self.conn.sendline("connect") try: self.conn.expect(r"Connection successful", timeout=10) print(("Reconnected to device: " + self.address)) except pexpect.TIMEOUT: # Continue and try to reconnect next time print(("Lost connection to device: " + self.address)) return True except pexpect.TIMEOUT: # No need to reconnect return False def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from current bluetooth device""" if self.conn is not None: self.conn.sendline("exit") self.conn = None print(("Disconnected from " + self.address)) def write(self, handle, value): """Write a value to the specified handle :param handle: address to write to. e.g. 0016 :param value: value to write """ self.send(" ".join(["char-write-cmd", "0x" + handle, value])) def read(self, handle): """Read from the specified handle :param handle: address to read from. e.g. 0016 """ self.send("char-read-hnd 0x" + handle, r"descriptor: .* \r", timeout=5) val = " ".join(self.conn.after.decode("utf-8").split()[1:]) return val def send(self, cmd, expect=None, timeout=5): """Send command to device. Attempt a reconnect if disconnected :param cmd: Command to send """ self.conn.sendline(cmd) if expect is not None: try: self.conn.expect(expect, timeout) except pexpect.TIMEOUT: if self.reconnect(): self.conn.sendline(cmd) else: if self.reconnect(): self.conn.sendline(cmd) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.db import models, migrations import wagtail.wagtailcore.fields class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ("puput", "0001_initial"), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name="blogpage", name="description", field=models.CharField( max_length=255, help_text="The blog description that will appear under the title.", verbose_name="Description", blank=True, ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="category", name="description", field=models.CharField( max_length=500, verbose_name="Description", blank=True ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="category", name="name", field=models.CharField( max_length=80, unique=True, verbose_name="Category name" ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="category", name="parent", field=models.ForeignKey( to="puput.Category", related_name="children", null=True, verbose_name="Parent category", blank=True, ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="entrypage", name="excerpt", field=wagtail.wagtailcore.fields.RichTextField( help_text="Entry excerpt to be displayed on entries list. If this field is not filled, a truncate version of body text will be used.", verbose_name="excerpt", blank=True, ), ), ] <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" ================================== Map two radars to a Cartesian grid ================================== Map the reflectivity field of two nearby ARM XSARP radars from antenna coordinates to a Cartesian grid. """ print(__doc__) # Author: Jonathan J. Helmus (jhelmus@anl.gov) # License: BSD 3 clause import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pyart # read in the data from both XSAPR radars XSAPR_SW_FILE = "swx_20120520_0641.nc" XSAPR_SE_FILE = "sex_20120520_0641.nc" radar_sw = pyart.io.read_cfradial(XSAPR_SW_FILE) radar_se = pyart.io.read_cfradial(XSAPR_SE_FILE) # filter out gates with reflectivity > 100 from both radars gatefilter_se = pyart.filters.GateFilter(radar_se) gatefilter_se.exclude_above("corrected_reflectivity_horizontal", 100) gatefilter_sw = pyart.filters.GateFilter(radar_sw) gatefilter_sw.exclude_above("corrected_reflectivity_horizontal", 100) # perform Cartesian mapping, limit to the reflectivity field. grid = pyart.map.grid_from_radars( (radar_se, radar_sw), gatefilters=(gatefilter_se, gatefilter_sw), grid_shape=(1, 201, 201), grid_limits=((1000, 1000), (-50000, 40000), (-60000, 40000)), grid_origin=(36.57861, -97.363611), fields=["corrected_reflectivity_horizontal"], ) # create the plot fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.imshow( grid.fields["corrected_reflectivity_horizontal"]["data"][0], origin="lower", extent=(-60, 40, -50, 40), vmin=0, vmax=48, ) plt.show() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" pyart.aux_io.radx ================= Reading files using Radx to first convert the file to Cf.Radial format .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ read_radx """ import os import tempfile import subprocess from ..io.cfradial import read_cfradial from ..io.common import _test_arguments def read_radx(filename, **kwargs): """ Read a file by first converting it to Cf/Radial using RadxConvert. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to read using RadxConvert. Returns ------- radar : Radar Radar object. """ # test for non empty kwargs _test_arguments(kwargs) tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".nc", dir=".")[1] head, tail = os.path.split(tmpfile) try: subprocess.check_call( [ "RadxConvert", "-const_ngates", "-outdir", head, "-outname", tail, "-f", filename, ] ) if not os.path.isfile(tmpfile): raise IOError( "RadxConvert failed to create a file, upgrading to the " " latest version of Radx may be necessary." ) radar = read_cfradial(tmpfile) finally: os.remove(tmpfile) return radar <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" pyart.exceptions ================ Custom Py-ART exceptions. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ MissingOptionalDependency DeprecatedAttribute DeprecatedFunctionName _deprecated_alias """ import warnings class MissingOptionalDependency(Exception): """Exception raised when a optional dependency is needed by not found.""" pass class DeprecatedAttribute(DeprecationWarning): """Warning category for an attribute which has been renamed/moved.""" pass class DeprecatedFunctionName(DeprecationWarning): """Warning category for a function which has been renamed/moved.""" pass def _deprecated_alias(func, old_name, new_name): """ A function for creating an alias to a renamed or moved function. Parameters ---------- func : func The function which has been renamed or moved. old_name, new_name : str Name of the function before and after it was moved or renamed (with namespace if changed). Returns ------- wrapper : func A wrapper version of func, which issues a DeprecatedFunctionName warning when the called. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( ( "{0} has been deprecated and will be removed in future " + "versions of Py-ART, pleases use {1}. " ).format(old_name, new_name), category=DeprecatedFunctionName, ) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" pyart.io.nexrad_archive ======================= Functions for reading NEXRAD Level II Archive files. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :template: dev_template.rst _NEXRADLevel2StagedField .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ read_nexrad_archive _find_range_params _find_scans_to_interp _interpolate_scan """ import warnings import numpy as np from ..config import FileMetadata, get_fillvalue from ..core.radar import Radar from .common import make_time_unit_str, _test_arguments, prepare_for_read from .nexrad_level2 import NEXRADLevel2File from ..lazydict import LazyLoadDict from .nexrad_common import get_nexrad_location def read_nexrad_archive( filename, field_names=None, additional_metadata=None, file_field_names=False, exclude_fields=None, delay_field_loading=False, station=None, scans=None, linear_interp=True, **kwargs ): """ Read a NEXRAD Level 2 Archive file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of NEXRAD Level 2 Archive file. The files hosted by at the NOAA National Climate Data Center [1]_ as well as on the UCAR THREDDS Data Server [2]_ have been tested. Other NEXRAD Level 2 Archive files may or may not work. Message type 1 file and message type 31 files are supported. field_names : dict, optional Dictionary mapping NEXRAD moments to radar field names. If a data type found in the file does not appear in this dictionary or has a value of None it will not be placed in the radar.fields dictionary. A value of None, the default, will use the mapping defined in the metadata configuration file. additional_metadata : dict of dicts, optional Dictionary of dictionaries to retrieve metadata from during this read. This metadata is not used during any successive file reads unless explicitly included. A value of None, the default, will not introduct any addition metadata and the file specific or default metadata as specified by the metadata configuration file will be used. file_field_names : bool, optional True to use the NEXRAD field names for the field names. If this case the field_names parameter is ignored. The field dictionary will likely only have a 'data' key, unless the fields are defined in `additional_metadata`. exclude_fields : list or None, optional List of fields to exclude from the radar object. This is applied after the `file_field_names` and `field_names` parameters. delay_field_loading : bool, optional True to delay loading of field data from the file until the 'data' key in a particular field dictionary is accessed. In this case the field attribute of the returned Radar object will contain LazyLoadDict objects not dict objects. station : str or None, optional Four letter ICAO name of the NEXRAD station used to determine the location in the returned radar object. This parameter is only used when the location is not contained in the file, which occur in older NEXRAD message 1 files. scans : list or None, optional Read only specified scans from the file. None (the default) will read all scans. linear_interp : bool, optional True (the default) to perform linear interpolation between valid pairs of gates in low resolution rays in files mixed resolution rays. False will perform a nearest neighbor interpolation. This parameter is not used if the resolution of all rays in the file or requested sweeps is constant. Returns ------- radar : Radar Radar object containing all moments and sweeps/cuts in the volume. Gates not collected are masked in the field data. References ---------- .. [1] http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ .. [2] http://thredds.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog.html """ # test for non empty kwargs _test_arguments(kwargs) # create metadata retrieval object filemetadata = FileMetadata( "nexrad_archive", field_names, additional_metadata, file_field_names, exclude_fields, ) # open the file and retrieve scan information nfile = NEXRADLevel2File(prepare_for_read(filename)) scan_info = nfile.scan_info(scans) # time time = filemetadata("time") time_start, _time = nfile.get_times(scans) time["data"] = _time time["units"] = make_time_unit_str(time_start) # range _range = filemetadata("range") first_gate, gate_spacing, last_gate = _find_range_params(scan_info, filemetadata) _range["data"] = np.arange(first_gate, last_gate, gate_spacing, "float32") _range["meters_to_center_of_first_gate"] = float(first_gate) _range["meters_between_gates"] = float(gate_spacing) # metadata metadata = filemetadata("metadata") metadata["original_container"] = "NEXRAD Level II" # scan_type scan_type = "ppi" # latitude, longitude, altitude latitude = filemetadata("latitude") longitude = filemetadata("longitude") altitude = filemetadata("altitude") if nfile._msg_type == "1" and station is not None: lat, lon, alt = get_nexrad_location(station) else: lat, lon, alt = nfile.location() latitude["data"] = np.array([lat], dtype="float64") longitude["data"] = np.array([lon], dtype="float64") altitude["data"] = np.array([alt], dtype="float64") # sweep_number, sweep_mode, fixed_angle, sweep_start_ray_index # sweep_end_ray_index sweep_number = filemetadata("sweep_number") sweep_mode = filemetadata("sweep_mode") sweep_start_ray_index = filemetadata("sweep_start_ray_index") sweep_end_ray_index = filemetadata("sweep_end_ray_index") if scans is None: nsweeps = int(nfile.nscans) else: nsweeps = len(scans) sweep_number["data"] = np.arange(nsweeps, dtype="int32") sweep_mode["data"] = np.array(nsweeps * ["azimuth_surveillance"], dtype="S") rays_per_scan = [s["nrays"] for s in scan_info] sweep_end_ray_index["data"] = np.cumsum(rays_per_scan, dtype="int32") - 1 rays_per_scan.insert(0, 0) sweep_start_ray_index["data"] = np.cumsum(rays_per_scan[:-1], dtype="int32") # azimuth, elevation, fixed_angle azimuth = filemetadata("azimuth") elevation = filemetadata("elevation") fixed_angle = filemetadata("fixed_angle") azimuth["data"] = nfile.get_azimuth_angles(scans) elevation["data"] = nfile.get_elevation_angles(scans).astype("float32") fixed_angle["data"] = nfile.get_target_angles(scans) # fields max_ngates = len(_range["data"]) available_moments = set([m for scan in scan_info for m in scan["moments"]]) interpolate = _find_scans_to_interp( scan_info, first_gate, gate_spacing, filemetadata ) fields = {} for moment in available_moments: field_name = filemetadata.get_field_name(moment) if field_name is None: continue dic = filemetadata(field_name) dic["_FillValue"] = get_fillvalue() if delay_field_loading and moment not in interpolate: dic = LazyLoadDict(dic) data_call = _NEXRADLevel2StagedField(nfile, moment, max_ngates, scans) dic.set_lazy("data", data_call) else: mdata = nfile.get_data(moment, max_ngates, scans=scans) if moment in interpolate: interp_scans = interpolate[moment] warnings.warn( "Gate spacing is not constant, interpolating data in " + "scans %s for moment %s." % (interp_scans, moment), UserWarning, ) for scan in interp_scans: idx = scan_info[scan]["moments"].index(moment) moment_ngates = scan_info[scan]["ngates"][idx] start = sweep_start_ray_index["data"][scan] end = sweep_end_ray_index["data"][scan] _interpolate_scan(mdata, start, end, moment_ngates, linear_interp) dic["data"] = mdata fields[field_name] = dic # instrument_parameters nyquist_velocity = filemetadata("nyquist_velocity") unambiguous_range = filemetadata("unambiguous_range") nyquist_velocity["data"] = nfile.get_nyquist_vel(scans).astype("float32") unambiguous_range["data"] = nfile.get_unambigous_range(scans).astype("float32") instrument_parameters = { "unambiguous_range": unambiguous_range, "nyquist_velocity": nyquist_velocity, } nfile.close() return Radar( time, _range, fields, metadata, scan_type, latitude, longitude, altitude, sweep_number, sweep_mode, fixed_angle, sweep_start_ray_index, sweep_end_ray_index, azimuth, elevation, instrument_parameters=instrument_parameters, ) def _find_range_params(scan_info, filemetadata): """Return range parameters, first_gate, gate_spacing, last_gate.""" min_first_gate = 999999 min_gate_spacing = 999999 max_last_gate = 0 for scan_params in scan_info: ngates = scan_params["ngates"][0] for i, moment in enumerate(scan_params["moments"]): if filemetadata.get_field_name(moment) is None: # moment is not read, skip continue first_gate = scan_params["first_gate"][i] gate_spacing = scan_params["gate_spacing"][i] last_gate = first_gate + gate_spacing * (ngates - 0.5) min_first_gate = min(min_first_gate, first_gate) min_gate_spacing = min(min_gate_spacing, gate_spacing) max_last_gate = max(max_last_gate, last_gate) return min_first_gate, min_gate_spacing, max_last_gate def _find_scans_to_interp(scan_info, first_gate, gate_spacing, filemetadata): """Return a dict indicating what moments/scans need interpolation.""" moments = set([m for scan in scan_info for m in scan["moments"]]) interpolate = dict([(moment, []) for moment in moments]) for scan_num, scan in enumerate(scan_info): for moment in moments: if moment not in scan["moments"]: continue if filemetadata.get_field_name(moment) is None: # moment is not read, skip continue index = scan["moments"].index(moment) first = scan["first_gate"][index] spacing = scan["gate_spacing"][index] if first != first_gate or spacing != gate_spacing: interpolate[moment].append(scan_num) # for proper interpolation the gate spacing of the scan to be # interpolated should be 1/4th the spacing of the radar assert spacing == gate_spacing * 4 # and the first gate for the scan should be one and half times # the radar spacing past the radar first gate assert first_gate + 1.5 * gate_spacing == first # remove moments with no scans needing interpolation interpolate = dict([(k, v) for k, v in list(interpolate.items()) if len(v) != 0]) return interpolate def _interpolate_scan(mdata, start, end, moment_ngates, linear_interp=True): """Interpolate a single NEXRAD moment scan from 1000 m to 250 m.""" # This interpolation scheme is only valid for NEXRAD data where a 4:1 # (1000 m : 250 m) interpolation is needed. # # The scheme here performs a linear interpolation between pairs of gates # in a ray when the both of the gates are not masked (below threshold). # When one of the gates is masked the interpolation changes to a nearest # neighbor interpolation. Nearest neighbor is also performed at the end # points until the new range bin would be centered beyond half of the range # spacing of the original range. # # Nearest neighbor interpolation is performed when linear_interp is False, # this is equivalent to repeating each gate four times in each ray. # # No transformation of the raw data is performed prior to interpolation, so # reflectivity will be interpolated in dB units, velocity in m/s, etc, # this may not be the best method for interpolation. # # This method was adapted from Radx for ray_num in range(start, end + 1): ray = mdata[ray_num].copy() # repeat each gate value 4 times interp_ngates = 4 * moment_ngates ray[:interp_ngates] = np.repeat(ray[:moment_ngates], 4) if linear_interp: # linear interpolate for i in range(2, interp_ngates - 4, 4): gate_val = ray[i] next_val = ray[i + 4] if np.ma.is_masked(gate_val) or np.ma.is_masked(next_val): continue delta = (next_val - gate_val) / 4.0 ray[i + 0] = gate_val + delta * 0.5 ray[i + 1] = gate_val + delta * 1.5 ray[i + 2] = gate_val + delta * 2.5 ray[i + 3] = gate_val + delta * 3.5 mdata[ray_num] = ray[:] class _NEXRADLevel2StagedField(object): """ A class to facilitate on demand loading of field data from a Level 2 file. """ def __init__(self, nfile, moment, max_ngates, scans): """initialize.""" self.nfile = nfile self.moment = moment self.max_ngates = max_ngates self.scans = scans def __call__(self): """Return the array containing the field data.""" return self.nfile.get_data(self.moment, self.max_ngates, scans=self.scans) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" pyart.io.uf =========== Reading of Universal format (UF) files .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ read_uf _get_instrument_parameters """ import warnings import numpy as np from netCDF4 import date2num from ..config import FileMetadata, get_fillvalue from ..core.radar import Radar from .common import make_time_unit_str, _test_arguments, prepare_for_read from .uffile import UFFile _LIGHT_SPEED = 2.99792458e8 # speed of light in meters per second _UF_SWEEP_MODES = { 0: "calibration", 1: "ppi", 2: "coplane", 3: "rhi", 4: "vpt", 5: "target", 6: "manual", 7: "idle", } _SWEEP_MODE_STR = { "calibration": "calibration", "ppi": "azimuth_surveillance", "coplane": "coplane", "rhi": "rhi", "vpt": "vertical_pointing", "target": "pointing", "manual": "manual", "idle": "idle", } def read_uf( filename, field_names=None, additional_metadata=None, file_field_names=False, exclude_fields=None, delay_field_loading=False, **kwargs ): """ Read a UF File. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file-like Name of Universal format file to read data from. field_names : dict, optional Dictionary mapping UF data type names to radar field names. If a data type found in the file does not appear in this dictionary or has a value of None it will not be placed in the radar.fields dictionary. A value of None, the default, will use the mapping defined in the Py-ART configuration file. additional_metadata : dict of dicts, optional Dictionary of dictionaries to retrieve metadata from during this read. This metadata is not used during any successive file reads unless explicitly included. A value of None, the default, will not introduce any addition metadata and the file specific or default metadata as specified by the Py-ART configuration file will be used. file_field_names : bool, optional True to force the use of the field names from the file in which case the `field_names` parameter is ignored. False will use to `field_names` parameter to rename fields. exclude_fields : list or None, optional List of fields to exclude from the radar object. This is applied after the `file_field_names` and `field_names` parameters. delay_field_loading : bool This option is not implemented in the function but included for compatibility. Returns ------- radar : Radar Radar object. """ # test for non empty kwargs _test_arguments(kwargs) # create metadata retrieval object filemetadata = FileMetadata( "uf", field_names, additional_metadata, file_field_names, exclude_fields ) # Open UF file and get handle ufile = UFFile(prepare_for_read(filename)) first_ray = ufile.rays[0] # time dts = ufile.get_datetimes() units = make_time_unit_str(min(dts)) time = filemetadata("time") time["units"] = units time["data"] = date2num(dts, units).astype("float32") # range _range = filemetadata("range") # assume that the number of gates and spacing from the first ray is # representative of the entire volume field_header = first_ray.field_headers[0] ngates = field_header["nbins"] step = field_header["range_spacing_m"] # this gives distances to the center of each gate, remove step/2 for start start = ( field_header["range_start_km"] * 1000.0 + field_header["range_start_m"] + step / 2.0 ) _range["data"] = np.arange(ngates, dtype="float32") * step + start _range["meters_to_center_of_first_gate"] = start _range["meters_between_gates"] = step # latitude, longitude and altitude latitude = filemetadata("latitude") longitude = filemetadata("longitude") altitude = filemetadata("altitude") lat, lon, height = first_ray.get_location() latitude["data"] = np.array([lat], dtype="float64") longitude["data"] = np.array([lon], dtype="float64") altitude["data"] = np.array([height], dtype="float64") # metadata metadata = filemetadata("metadata") metadata["original_container"] = "UF" metadata["site_name"] = first_ray.mandatory_header["site_name"] metadata["radar_name"] = first_ray.mandatory_header["radar_name"] # sweep_start_ray_index, sweep_end_ray_index sweep_start_ray_index = filemetadata("sweep_start_ray_index") sweep_end_ray_index = filemetadata("sweep_end_ray_index") sweep_start_ray_index["data"] = ufile.first_ray_in_sweep sweep_end_ray_index["data"] = ufile.last_ray_in_sweep # sweep number sweep_number = filemetadata("sweep_number") sweep_number["data"] = np.arange(ufile.nsweeps, dtype="int32") # sweep_type scan_type = _UF_SWEEP_MODES[first_ray.mandatory_header["sweep_mode"]] # sweep_mode sweep_mode = filemetadata("sweep_mode") sweep_mode["data"] = np.array( ufile.nsweeps * [_SWEEP_MODE_STR[scan_type]], dtype="S" ) # elevation elevation = filemetadata("elevation") elevation["data"] = ufile.get_elevations() # azimuth azimuth = filemetadata("azimuth") azimuth["data"] = ufile.get_azimuths() # fixed_angle fixed_angle = filemetadata("fixed_angle") fixed_angle["data"] = ufile.get_sweep_fixed_angles() # fields fields = {} for uf_field_number, uf_field_dic in enumerate(first_ray.field_positions): uf_field_name = uf_field_dic["data_type"].decode("ascii") field_name = filemetadata.get_field_name(uf_field_name) if field_name is None: continue field_dic = filemetadata(field_name) field_dic["data"] = ufile.get_field_data(uf_field_number) field_dic["_FillValue"] = get_fillvalue() fields[field_name] = field_dic # instrument_parameters instrument_parameters = _get_instrument_parameters(ufile, filemetadata) # scan rate scan_rate = filemetadata("scan_rate") scan_rate["data"] = ufile.get_sweep_rates() ufile.close() return Radar( time, _range, fields, metadata, scan_type, latitude, longitude, altitude, sweep_number, sweep_mode, fixed_angle, sweep_start_ray_index, sweep_end_ray_index, azimuth, elevation, scan_rate=scan_rate, instrument_parameters=instrument_parameters, ) def _get_instrument_parameters(ufile, filemetadata): """Return a dictionary containing instrument parameters.""" # pulse width pulse_width = filemetadata("pulse_width") pulse_width["data"] = ufile.get_pulse_widths() / _LIGHT_SPEED # m->sec # assume that the parameters in the first ray represent the beam widths, # bandwidth and frequency in the entire volume first_ray = ufile.rays[0] field_header = first_ray.field_headers[0] beam_width_h = field_header["beam_width_h"] / 64.0 beam_width_v = field_header["beam_width_v"] / 64.0 bandwidth = field_header["bandwidth"] / 16.0 * 1.0e6 wavelength_cm = field_header["wavelength_cm"] / 64.0 if wavelength_cm == 0: warnings.warn("Invalid wavelength, frequency set to default value.") wavelength_hz = 9999.0 else: wavelength_hz = _LIGHT_SPEED / (wavelength_cm / 100.0) # radar_beam_width_h radar_beam_width_h = filemetadata("radar_beam_width_h") radar_beam_width_h["data"] = np.array([beam_width_h], dtype="float32") # radar_beam_width_v radar_beam_width_v = filemetadata("radar_beam_width_w") radar_beam_width_v["data"] = np.array([beam_width_v], dtype="float32") # radar_receiver_bandwidth radar_receiver_bandwidth = filemetadata("radar_receiver_bandwidth") radar_receiver_bandwidth["data"] = np.array([bandwidth], dtype="float32") # polarization_mode polarization_mode = filemetadata("polarization_mode") polarization_mode["data"] = ufile.get_sweep_polarizations() # frequency frequency = filemetadata("frequency") frequency["data"] = np.array([wavelength_hz], dtype="float32") # prt prt = filemetadata("prt") prt["data"] = ufile.get_prts() / 1e6 # us->sec instrument_parameters = { "pulse_width": pulse_width, "radar_beam_width_h": radar_beam_width_h, "radar_beam_width_v": radar_beam_width_v, "radar_receiver_bandwidth": radar_receiver_bandwidth, "polarization_mode": polarization_mode, "frequency": frequency, "prt": prt, } # nyquist velocity if defined nyquist_velocity = filemetadata("nyquist_velocity") nyquist_velocity["data"] = ufile.get_nyquists() if nyquist_velocity["data"] is not None: instrument_parameters["nyquist_velocity"] = nyquist_velocity return instrument_parameters <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#! /usr/bin/env python """ Make a small netCDF CF/Radial file containing a single RHI scan. Single field and scan is converted from sigmet file XSW110520113537.RAW7HHL """ import pyart radar = pyart.io.read_rsl("XSW110520113537.RAW7HHL") time_slice = slice(None, 713, 18) range_slice = slice(None, None, 12) sweep_slice = slice(None, 1) # remove all but the reflectivity_horizontal fields rf_field = radar.fields["reflectivity"] rf_data = rf_field["data"] rf_field["data"] = rf_data[time_slice, range_slice] radar.fields = {"reflectivity_horizontal": rf_field} radar.nsweeps = 1 radar.nray = 40 radar.ngates = 45 # truncate the range based variables radar.range["data"] = radar.range["data"][range_slice] # truncate the time based variables radar.time["data"] = radar.time["data"][time_slice] radar.azimuth["data"] = radar.azimuth["data"][time_slice] radar.elevation["data"] = radar.elevation["data"][time_slice] radar.instrument_parameters["prt"]["data"] = radar.instrument_parameters["prt"]["data"][ time_slice ] radar.instrument_parameters["unambiguous_range"]["data"] = radar.instrument_parameters[ "unambiguous_range" ]["data"][time_slice] radar.instrument_parameters["nyquist_velocity"]["data"] = radar.instrument_parameters[ "nyquist_velocity" ]["data"][time_slice] # truncate the sweep based variables radar.sweep_number["data"] = radar.sweep_number["data"][sweep_slice] radar.fixed_angle["data"] = radar.fixed_angle["data"][sweep_slice] radar.sweep_start_ray_index["data"] = radar.sweep_start_ray_index["data"][sweep_slice] radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"] = radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"][sweep_slice] radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"][0] = 39 radar.sweep_mode["data"] = radar.sweep_mode["data"][sweep_slice] radar.sweep_number["data"] = radar.sweep_number["data"][sweep_slice] radar.instrument_parameters["prt_mode"]["data"] = radar.instrument_parameters[ "prt_mode" ]["data"][sweep_slice] # adjust metadata radar.metadata = { "Conventions": "CF/Radial instrument_parameters", "version": "1.2", "title": "Py-ART Example RHI CF/Radial file", "institution": ( "United States Department of Energy - Atmospheric " "Radiation Measurement (ARM) program" ), "references": "none", "source": "ARM SGP XSAPR Radar", "history": "created by jhelmus on evs348532 at 2013-05-22T12:34:56", "comment": "none", "instrument_name": "xsapr-sgp", } pyart.io.write_cfradial("example_cfradial_rhi.nc", radar) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" pyart.util.radar_utils ====================== Functions for working radar instances. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ is_vpt to_vpt join_radar """ import copy import numpy as np from netCDF4 import num2date, date2num from . import datetime_utils def is_vpt(radar, offset=0.5): """ Determine if a Radar appears to be a vertical pointing scan. This function only verifies that the object is a vertical pointing scan, use the :py:func:`to_vpt` function to convert the radar to a vpt scan if this function returns True. Parameters ---------- radar : Radar Radar object to determine if offset : float Maximum offset of the elevation from 90 degrees to still consider to be vertically pointing. Returns ------- flag : bool True if the radar appear to be verticle pointing, False if not. """ # check that the elevation is within offset of 90 degrees. elev = radar.elevation["data"] return np.all((elev < 90.0 + offset) & (elev > 90.0 - offset)) def to_vpt(radar, single_scan=True): """ Convert an existing Radar object to represent a vertical pointing scan. This function does not verify that the Radar object contains a vertical pointing scan. To perform such a check use :py:func:`is_vpt`. Parameters ---------- radar : Radar Mislabeled vertical pointing scan Radar object to convert to be properly labeled. This object is converted in place, no copy of the existing data is made. single_scan : bool, optional True to convert the volume to a single scan, any azimuth angle data is lost. False will convert the scan to contain the same number of scans as rays, azimuth angles are retained. """ if single_scan: nsweeps = 1 radar.azimuth["data"][:] = 0.0 seri = np.array([radar.nrays - 1], dtype="int32") radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"] = seri else: nsweeps = radar.nrays # radar.azimuth not adjusted radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"] = np.arange(nsweeps, dtype="int32") radar.scan_type = "vpt" radar.nsweeps = nsweeps radar.target_scan_rate = None # no scanning radar.elevation["data"][:] = 90.0 radar.sweep_number["data"] = np.arange(nsweeps, dtype="int32") radar.sweep_mode["data"] = np.array(["vertical_pointing"] * nsweeps) radar.fixed_angle["data"] = np.ones(nsweeps, dtype="float32") * 90.0 radar.sweep_start_ray_index["data"] = np.arange(nsweeps, dtype="int32") if radar.instrument_parameters is not None: for key in ["prt_mode", "follow_mode", "polarization_mode"]: if key in radar.instrument_parameters: ip_dic = radar.instrument_parameters[key] ip_dic["data"] = np.array([ip_dic["data"][0]] * nsweeps) # Attributes that do not need any changes # radar.altitude # radar.altitude_agl # radar.latitude # radar.longitude # radar.range # radar.ngates # radar.nrays # radar.metadata # radar.radar_calibration # radar.time # radar.fields # radar.antenna_transition # radar.scan_rate return def join_radar(radar1, radar2): """ Combine two radar instances into one. Parameters ---------- radar1 : Radar Radar object. radar2 : Radar Radar object. """ # must have same gate spacing new_radar = copy.deepcopy(radar1) new_radar.azimuth["data"] = np.append( radar1.azimuth["data"], radar2.azimuth["data"] ) new_radar.elevation["data"] = np.append( radar1.elevation["data"], radar2.elevation["data"] ) if len(radar1.range["data"]) >= len(radar2.range["data"]): new_radar.range["data"] = radar1.range["data"] else: new_radar.range["data"] = radar2.range["data"] # to combine times we need to reference them to a standard # for this we'll use epoch time estring = "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" r1dt = num2date(radar1.time["data"], radar1.time["units"]) r2dt = num2date(radar2.time["data"], radar2.time["units"]) r1num = datetime_utils.datetimes_from_radar(radar1, epoch=True) r2num = datetime_utils.datetimes_from_radar(radar2, epoch=True) new_radar.time["data"] = np.append(r1num, r2num) new_radar.time["units"] = datetime_utils.EPOCH_UNITS for var in list(new_radar.fields.keys()): sh1 = radar1.fields[var]["data"].shape sh2 = radar2.fields[var]["data"].shape new_field = np.ma.zeros([sh1[0] + sh2[0], max([sh1[1], sh2[1]])]) - 9999.0 new_field[0 : sh1[0], 0 : sh1[1]] = radar1.fields[var]["data"] new_field[sh1[0] :, 0 : sh2[1]] = radar2.fields[var]["data"] new_radar.fields[var]["data"] = new_field # radar locations # TODO moving platforms - any more? if ( len(radar1.latitude["data"]) == 1 & len(radar2.latitude["data"]) == 1 & len(radar1.longitude["data"]) == 1 & len(radar2.longitude["data"]) == 1 & len(radar1.altitude["data"]) == 1 & len(radar2.altitude["data"]) == 1 ): lat1 = float(radar1.latitude["data"]) lon1 = float(radar1.longitude["data"]) alt1 = float(radar1.altitude["data"]) lat2 = float(radar2.latitude["data"]) lon2 = float(radar2.longitude["data"]) alt2 = float(radar2.altitude["data"]) if (lat1 != lat2) or (lon1 != lon2) or (alt1 != alt2): ones1 = np.ones(len(radar1.time["data"]), dtype="float32") ones2 = np.ones(len(radar2.time["data"]), dtype="float32") new_radar.latitude["data"] = np.append(ones1 * lat1, ones2 * lat2) new_radar.longitude["data"] = np.append(ones1 * lon1, ones2 * lon2) new_radar.latitude["data"] = np.append(ones1 * alt1, ones2 * alt2) else: new_radar.latitude["data"] = radar1.latitude["data"] new_radar.longitude["data"] = radar1.longitude["data"] new_radar.altitude["data"] = radar1.altitude["data"] else: new_radar.latitude["data"] = np.append( radar1.latitude["data"], radar2.latitude["data"] ) new_radar.longitude["data"] = np.append( radar1.longitude["data"], radar2.longitude["data"] ) new_radar.altitude["data"] = np.append( radar1.altitude["data"], radar2.altitude["data"] ) return new_radar <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" Default config for Workload Automation. DO NOT MODIFY this file. This file gets copied to ~/.workload_automation/config.py on initial run of run_workloads. Add your configuration to that file instead. """ # *** WARNING: *** # Configuration listed in this file is NOT COMPLETE. This file sets the default # configuration for WA and gives EXAMPLES of other configuration available. It # is not supposed to be an exhaustive list. # PLEASE REFER TO WA DOCUMENTATION FOR THE COMPLETE LIST OF AVAILABLE # EXTENSIONS AND THEIR CONFIGURATION. # This defines when the device will be rebooted during Workload Automation execution. # # # # Valid policies are: # # never: The device will never be rebooted. # # as_needed: The device will only be rebooted if the need arises (e.g. if it # # becomes unresponsive # # initial: The device will be rebooted when the execution first starts, just before executing # # the first workload spec. # # each_spec: The device will be rebooted before running a new workload spec. # # each_iteration: The device will be rebooted before each new iteration. # # # reboot_policy = "as_needed" # Defines the order in which the agenda spec will be executed. At the moment, # # the following execution orders are supported: # # # # by_iteration: The first iteration of each workload spec is executed one ofter the other, # # so all workloads are executed before proceeding on to the second iteration. # # This is the default if no order is explicitly specified. # # If multiple sections were specified, this will also split them up, so that specs # # in the same section are further apart in the execution order. # # by_section: Same as "by_iteration", but runn specs from the same section one after the other # # by_spec: All iterations of the first spec are executed before moving on to the next # # spec. This may also be specified as ``"classic"``, as this was the way # # workloads were executed in earlier versions of WA. # # random: Randomisizes the order in which specs run. # execution_order = "by_iteration" # This indicates when a job will be re-run. # Possible values: # OK: This iteration has completed and no errors have been detected # PARTIAL: One or more instruments have failed (the iteration may still be running). # FAILED: The workload itself has failed. # ABORTED: The user interupted the workload # # If set to an empty list, a job will not be re-run ever. retry_on_status = ["FAILED", "PARTIAL"] # How many times a job will be re-run before giving up max_retries = 3 #################################################################################################### ######################################### Device Settings ########################################## #################################################################################################### # Specify the device you want to run workload automation on. This must be a # # string with the ID of the device. At the moment, only 'TC2' is supported. # # # device = "generic_android" # Configuration options that will be passed onto the device. These are obviously device-specific, # # so check the documentation for the particular device to find out which options and values are # # valid. The settings listed below are common to all devices # # # device_config = dict( # The name used by adb to identify the device. Use "adb devices" in bash to list # the devices currently seen by adb. # adb_name='', # The directory on the device that WA will use to push files to # working_directory='/sdcard/wa-working', # This specifies the device's CPU cores. The order must match how they # appear in cpufreq. The example below is for TC2. # core_names = ['a7', 'a7', 'a7', 'a15', 'a15'] # Specifies cluster mapping for the device's cores. # core_clusters = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1] ) #################################################################################################### ################################### Instrumention Configuration #################################### #################################################################################################### # This defines the additionnal instrumentation that will be enabled during workload execution, # # which in turn determines what additional data (such as /proc/interrupts content or Streamline # # traces) will be available in the results directory. # # # instrumentation = [ # Records the time it took to run the workload "execution_time", # Collects /proc/interrupts before and after execution and does a diff. "interrupts", # Collects the contents of/sys/devices/system/cpu before and after execution and does a diff. "cpufreq", # Gets energy usage from the workload form HWMON devices # NOTE: the hardware needs to have the right sensors in order for this to work #'hwmon', # Run perf in the background during workload execution and then collect the results. perf is a # standard Linux performance analysis tool. #'perf', # Collect Streamline traces during workload execution. Streamline is part of DS-5 #'streamline', # Collects traces by interacting with Ftrace Linux kernel internal tracer #'trace-cmd', # Obtains the power consumption of the target device's core measured by National Instruments # Data Acquisition(DAQ) device. #'daq', # Collects CCI counter data. #'cci_pmu_logger', # Collects FPS (Frames Per Second) and related metrics (such as jank) from # the View of the workload (Note: only a single View per workload is # supported at the moment, so this is mainly useful for games). #'fps', ] #################################################################################################### ################################# Result Processors Configuration ################################## #################################################################################################### # Specifies how results will be processed and presented. # # # result_processors = [ # Creates a status.txt that provides a summary status for the run "status", # Creates a results.txt file for each iteration that lists all collected metrics # in "name = value (units)" format "standard", # Creates a results.csv that contains metrics for all iterations of all workloads # in the .csv format. "csv", # Creates a summary.csv that contains summary metrics for all iterations of all # all in the .csv format. Summary metrics are defined on per-worklod basis # are typically things like overall scores. The contents of summary.csv are # always a subset of the contents of results.csv (if it is generated). #'summary_csv', # Creates a results.csv that contains metrics for all iterations of all workloads # in the JSON format #'json', # Write results to an sqlite3 database. By default, a new database will be # generated for each run, however it is possible to specify a path to an # existing DB file (see result processor configuration below), in which # case results from multiple runs may be stored in the one file. #'sqlite', ] #################################################################################################### ################################### Logging output Configuration ################################### #################################################################################################### # Specify the format of logging messages. The format uses the old formatting syntax: # # # # http://docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html#string-formatting-operations # # # # The attributes that can be used in formats are listested here: # # # # http://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.html#logrecord-attributes # # # logging = { # Log file format "file format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s: %(message)s", # Verbose console output format "verbose format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s: %(message)s", # Regular console output format "regular format": "%(levelname)-8s %(message)s", # Colouring the console output "colour_enabled": True, } #################################################################################################### #################################### Instruments Configuration ##################################### #################################################################################################### # Instrumention Configuration is related to specific insturment's settings. Some of the # # instrumentations require specific settings in order for them to work. These settings are # # specified here. # # Note that these settings only take effect if the corresponding instrument is # enabled above. #################################################################################################### ######################################## perf configuration ######################################## # The hardware events such as instructions executed, cache-misses suffered, or branches # mispredicted to be reported by perf. Events can be obtained from the device by tpying # 'perf list'. # perf_events = ['migrations', 'cs'] # The perf options which can be obtained from man page for perf-record # perf_options = '-a -i' #################################################################################################### ####################################### hwmon configuration ######################################## # The kinds of sensors hwmon instrument will look for # hwmon_sensors = ['energy', 'temp'] #################################################################################################### ###################################### trace-cmd configuration ##################################### # trace-cmd events to be traced. The events can be found by rooting on the device then type # 'trace-cmd list -e' # trace_events = ['power*'] #################################################################################################### ######################################### DAQ configuration ######################################## # The host address of the machine that runs the daq Server which the insturment communicates with # daq_server_host = '' # The port number for daq Server in which daq insturment communicates with # daq_server_port = 56788 # The values of resistors 1 and 2 (in Ohms) across which the voltages are measured # daq_resistor_values = [0.002, 0.002] #################################################################################################### ################################### cci_pmu_logger configuration ################################### # The events to be counted by PMU # NOTE: The number of events must not exceed the number of counters available (which is 4 for CCI-400) # cci_pmu_events = ['0x63', '0x83'] # The name of the events which will be used when reporting PMU counts # cci_pmu_event_labels = ['event_0x63', 'event_0x83'] # The period (in jiffies) between counter reads # cci_pmu_period = 15 #################################################################################################### ################################### fps configuration ############################################## # Data points below this FPS will dropped as not constituting "real" gameplay. The assumption # being that while actually running, the FPS in the game will not drop below X frames per second, # except on loading screens, menus, etc, which should not contribute to FPS calculation. # fps_drop_threshold=5 # If set to True, this will keep the raw dumpsys output in the results directory (this is maily # used for debugging). Note: frames.csv with collected frames data will always be generated # regardless of this setting. # fps_keep_raw=False #################################################################################################### ################################# Result Processor Configuration ################################### #################################################################################################### # Specifies an alternative database to store results in. If the file does not # exist, it will be created (the directiory of the file must exist however). If # the file does exist, the results will be added to the existing data set (each # run as a UUID, so results won't clash even if identical agendas were used). # Note that in order for this to work, the version of the schema used to generate # the DB file must match that of the schema used for the current run. Please # see "What's new" secition in WA docs to check if the schema has changed in # recent releases of WA. # sqlite_database = '/work/results/myresults.sqlite' # If the file specified by sqlite_database exists, setting this to True will # cause that file to be overwritten rather than updated -- existing results in # the file will be lost. # sqlite_overwrite = False # distribution: internal #################################################################################################### #################################### Resource Getter configuration ################################# #################################################################################################### # The location on your system where /arm/scratch is mounted. Used by # Scratch resource getter. # scratch_mount_point = '/arm/scratch' # end distribution <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># Copyright 2014-2015 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Original implementation by Rene de Jong. Updated by Sascha Bischoff. import logging from wlauto import LinuxDevice, Parameter from wlauto.common.gem5.device import BaseGem5Device from wlauto.utils import types class Gem5LinuxDevice(BaseGem5Device, LinuxDevice): """ Implements gem5 Linux device. This class allows a user to connect WA to a simulation using gem5. The connection to the device is made using the telnet connection of the simulator, and is used for all commands. The simulator does not have ADB support, and therefore we need to fall back to using standard shell commands. Files are copied into the simulation using a VirtIO 9P device in gem5. Files are copied out of the simulated environment using the m5 writefile command within the simulated system. When starting the workload run, the simulator is automatically started by Workload Automation, and a connection to the simulator is established. WA will then wait for Android to boot on the simulated system (which can take hours), prior to executing any other commands on the device. It is also possible to resume from a checkpoint when starting the simulation. To do this, please append the relevant checkpoint commands from the gem5 simulation script to the gem5_discription argument in the agenda. Host system requirements: * VirtIO support. We rely on diod on the host system. This can be installed on ubuntu using the following command: sudo apt-get install diod Guest requirements: * VirtIO support. We rely on VirtIO to move files into the simulation. Please make sure that the following are set in the kernel configuration: CONFIG_NET_9P=y CONFIG_NET_9P_VIRTIO=y CONFIG_9P_FS=y CONFIG_9P_FS_POSIX_ACL=y CONFIG_9P_FS_SECURITY=y CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK=y * m5 binary. Please make sure that the m5 binary is on the device and can by found in the path. """ name = "gem5_linux" platform = "linux" parameters = [ Parameter("core_names", default=[], override=True), Parameter("core_clusters", default=[], override=True), Parameter( "host", default="localhost", override=True, description="Host name or IP address for the device.", ), Parameter( "login_prompt", kind=types.list_of_strs, default=["login:", "AEL login:", "username:"], mandatory=False, ), Parameter( "login_password_prompt", kind=types.list_of_strs, default=["password:"], mandatory=False, ), ] # Overwritten from Device. For documentation, see corresponding method in # Device. def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.logger = logging.getLogger("Gem5LinuxDevice") LinuxDevice.__init__(self, **kwargs) BaseGem5Device.__init__(self) def login_to_device(self): # Wait for the login prompt prompt = self.login_prompt + [self.sckt.UNIQUE_PROMPT] i = self.sckt.expect(prompt, timeout=10) # Check if we are already at a prompt, or if we need to log in. if i < len(prompt) - 1: self.sckt.sendline("{}".format(self.username)) password_prompt = self.login_password_prompt + [ r"# ", self.sckt.UNIQUE_PROMPT, ] j = self.sckt.expect(password_prompt, timeout=self.delay) if j < len(password_prompt) - 2: self.sckt.sendline("{}".format(self.password)) self.sckt.expect([r"# ", self.sckt.UNIQUE_PROMPT], timeout=self.delay) def capture_screen(self, filepath): if BaseGem5Device.capture_screen(self, filepath): return # If we didn't manage to do the above, call the parent class. self.logger.warning( "capture_screen: falling back to parent class implementation" ) LinuxDevice.capture_screen(self, filepath) def initialize(self, context): self.resize_shell() self.deploy_m5(context, force=False) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>"""Louie version information.""" NAME = "Louie" DESCRIPTION = "Signal dispatching mechanism" VERSION = "1.1" <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># Copyright 2013-2015 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init import os import sqlite3 import json import uuid from datetime import datetime, timedelta from contextlib import contextmanager from wlauto import ResultProcessor, settings, Parameter from wlauto.exceptions import ResultProcessorError from wlauto.utils.types import boolean # IMPORTANT: when updating this schema, make sure to bump the version! SCHEMA_VERSION = "0.0.2" SCHEMA = [ """CREATE TABLE runs ( uuid text, start_time datetime, end_time datetime, duration integer )""", """CREATE TABLE workload_specs ( id text, run_oid text, number_of_iterations integer, label text, workload_name text, boot_parameters text, runtime_parameters text, workload_parameters text )""", """CREATE TABLE metrics ( spec_oid int, iteration integer, metric text, value text, units text, lower_is_better integer )""", """CREATE VIEW results AS SELECT uuid as run_uuid, spec_id, label as workload, iteration, metric, value, units, lower_is_better FROM metrics AS m INNER JOIN ( SELECT ws.OID as spec_oid, ws.id as spec_id, uuid, label FROM workload_specs AS ws INNER JOIN runs AS r ON ws.run_oid = r.OID ) AS wsr ON wsr.spec_oid = m.spec_oid """, """CREATE TABLE __meta ( schema_version text )""", """INSERT INTO __meta VALUES ("{}")""".format(SCHEMA_VERSION), ] sqlite3.register_adapter(datetime, lambda x: x.isoformat()) sqlite3.register_adapter(timedelta, lambda x: x.total_seconds()) sqlite3.register_adapter(uuid.UUID, str) class SqliteResultProcessor(ResultProcessor): name = "sqlite" description = """ Stores results in an sqlite database. This may be used accumulate results of multiple runs in a single file. """ name = "sqlite" parameters = [ Parameter( "database", default=None, global_alias="sqlite_database", description=""" Full path to the sqlite database to be used. If this is not specified then a new database file will be created in the output directory. This setting can be used to accumulate results from multiple runs in a single database. If the specified file does not exist, it will be created, however the directory of the file must exist. .. note:: The value must resolve to an absolute path, relative paths are not allowed; however the value may contain environment variables and/or the home reference ~. """, ), Parameter( "overwrite", kind=boolean, default=False, global_alias="sqlite_overwrite", description="""If ``True``, this will overwrite the database file if it already exists. If ``False`` (the default) data will be added to the existing file (provided schema versions match -- otherwise an error will be raised). """, ), ] def initialize(self, context): self._last_spec = None self._run_oid = None self._spec_oid = None if not os.path.exists(self.database): self._initdb() elif self.overwrite: # pylint: disable=no-member os.remove(self.database) self._initdb() else: self._validate_schema_version() self._update_run(context.run_info.uuid) def process_iteration_result(self, result, context): if self._last_spec != context.spec: self._update_spec(context.spec) metrics = [ ( self._spec_oid, context.current_iteration, m.name, str(m.value), m.units, int(m.lower_is_better), ) for m in result.metrics ] with self._open_connecton() as conn: conn.executemany("INSERT INTO metrics VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", metrics) def process_run_result(self, result, context): info = context.run_info with self._open_connecton() as conn: conn.execute( """UPDATE runs SET start_time=?, end_time=?, duration=? WHERE OID=?""", (info.start_time, info.end_time, info.duration, self._run_oid), ) def validate(self): if not self.database: # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition self.database = os.path.join(settings.output_directory, "results.sqlite") self.database = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(self.database)) def _initdb(self): with self._open_connecton() as conn: for command in SCHEMA: conn.execute(command) def _validate_schema_version(self): with self._open_connecton() as conn: try: c = conn.execute("SELECT schema_version FROM __meta") found_version = c.fetchone()[0] except sqlite3.OperationalError: message = ( "{} does not appear to be a valid WA results database.".format( self.database ) ) raise ResultProcessorError(message) if found_version != SCHEMA_VERSION: message = ( "Schema version in {} ({}) does not match current version ({})." ) raise ResultProcessorError( message.format(self.database, found_version, SCHEMA_VERSION) ) def _update_run(self, run_uuid): with self._open_connecton() as conn: conn.execute("INSERT INTO runs (uuid) VALUES (?)", (run_uuid,)) conn.commit() c = conn.execute("SELECT OID FROM runs WHERE uuid=?", (run_uuid,)) self._run_oid = c.fetchone()[0] def _update_spec(self, spec): self._last_spec = spec spec_tuple = ( spec.id, self._run_oid, spec.number_of_iterations, spec.label, spec.workload_name, json.dumps(spec.boot_parameters), json.dumps(spec.runtime_parameters), json.dumps(spec.workload_parameters), ) with self._open_connecton() as conn: conn.execute( "INSERT INTO workload_specs VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", spec_tuple ) conn.commit() c = conn.execute( "SELECT OID FROM workload_specs WHERE run_oid=? AND id=?", (self._run_oid, spec.id), ) self._spec_oid = c.fetchone()[0] @contextmanager def _open_connecton(self): conn = sqlite3.connect(self.database) try: yield conn finally: conn.commit() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># Copyright 2014-2015 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ This module contains utilities for implemening device hard reset using Netio 230 series power switches. This utilizes the KSHELL connection. """ import telnetlib import socket import re import time import logging logger = logging.getLogger("NetIO") class NetioError(Exception): pass class KshellConnection(object): response_regex = re.compile(r"^(\d+) (.*?)\r\n") delay = 0.5 def __init__(self, host="ippowerbar", port=1234, timeout=None): """Parameters are passed into ``telnetlib.Telnet`` -- see Python docs.""" self.host = host self.port = port self.conn = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port, timeout) time.sleep(self.delay) # give time to respond output = self.conn.read_very_eager() if "HELLO" not in output: raise NetioError( "Could not connect: did not see a HELLO. Got: {}".format(output) ) def login(self, user, password): code, out = self.send_command("login {} {}\r\n".format(user, password)) if code != 250: raise NetioError("Login failed. Got: {} {}".format(code, out)) def enable_port(self, port): """Enable the power supply at the specified port.""" self.set_port(port, 1) def disable_port(self, port): """Enable the power supply at the specified port.""" self.set_port(port, 0) def set_port(self, port, value): code, out = self.send_command("port {} {}".format(port, value)) if code != 250: raise NetioError( "Could not set {} on port {}. Got: {} {}".format(value, port, code, out) ) def send_command(self, command): try: if command.startswith("login"): parts = command.split() parts[2] = "*" * len(parts[2]) logger.debug(" ".join(parts)) else: logger.debug(command) self.conn.write("{}\n".format(command)) time.sleep(self.delay) # give time to respond out = self.conn.read_very_eager() match = self.response_regex.search(out) if not match: raise NetioError("Invalid response: {}".format(out.strip())) logger.debug("response: {} {}".format(match.group(1), match.group(2))) return int(match.group(1)), match.group(2) except socket.error as err: try: time.sleep(self.delay) # give time to respond out = self.conn.read_very_eager() if out.startswith("130 CONNECTION TIMEOUT"): raise NetioError("130 Timed out.") except EOFError: pass raise err def close(self): self.conn.close() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># Copyright 2012-2015 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # pylint: disable=no-member # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init import os import time from wlauto import settings, Workload, Executable, Parameter from wlauto.exceptions import ConfigError, WorkloadError from wlauto.utils.types import boolean TXT_RESULT_NAME = "cyclictest_result.txt" RESULT_INTERPRETATION = { "T": "Thread", "P": "Priority", "C": "Clock", } class Cyclictest(Workload): name = "cyclictest" description = """ Measures the amount of time that passes between when a timer expires and when the thread which set the timer actually runs. Cyclic test works by taking a time snapshot just prior to waiting for a specific time interval (t1), then taking another time snapshot after the timer finishes (t2), then comparing the theoretical wakeup time with the actual wakeup time (t2 -(t1 + sleep_time)). This value is the latency for that timers wakeup. """ parameters = [ Parameter( "clock", allowed_values=["monotonic", "realtime"], default="realtime", description=("specify the clock to be used during the test."), ), Parameter( "duration", kind=int, default=30, description=("Specify the length for the test to run in seconds."), ), Parameter( "quiet", kind=boolean, default=True, description=("Run the tests quiet and print only a summary on exit."), ), Parameter( "thread", kind=int, default=8, description=("Set the number of test threads"), ), Parameter( "latency", kind=int, default=1000000, description=("Write the value to /dev/cpu_dma_latency"), ), Parameter( "extra_parameters", kind=str, default="", description=( "Any additional command line parameters to append to the " "existing parameters above. A list can be found at " "https://rt.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Cyclictest or " "in the help page ``cyclictest -h``" ), ), Parameter( "clear_file_cache", kind=boolean, default=True, description=("Clear file caches before starting test"), ), Parameter( "screen_off", kind=boolean, default=True, description=( "If true it will turn the screen off so that onscreen " "graphics do not effect the score. This is predominantly " "for devices without a GPU" ), ), ] def setup(self, context): self.cyclictest_on_device = "cyclictest" self.cyclictest_result = os.path.join( self.device.working_directory, TXT_RESULT_NAME ) self.cyclictest_command = ( "{} --clock={} --duration={}s --thread={} --latency={} {} {} > {}" ) self.device_binary = None if not self.device.is_rooted: raise WorkloadError( "This workload requires a device with root premissions to run" ) host_binary = context.resolver.get( Executable(self, self.device.abi, "cyclictest") ) self.device_binary = self.device.install(host_binary) self.cyclictest_command = self.cyclictest_command.format( self.device_binary, 0 if self.clock == "monotonic" else 1, self.duration, self.thread, self.latency, "--quiet" if self.quiet else "", self.extra_parameters, self.cyclictest_result, ) if self.clear_file_cache: self.device.execute("sync") self.device.set_sysfile_value("/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches", 3) if self.device.platform == "android": if self.screen_off and self.device.is_screen_on: self.device.execute("input keyevent 26") def run(self, context): self.device.execute(self.cyclictest_command, self.duration * 2, as_root=True) def update_result(self, context): self.device.pull_file(self.cyclictest_result, context.output_directory) # Parsing the output # Standard Cyclictest Output: # T: 0 (31974) P:95 I:1000 C:4990 Min:9 Act:37 Avg:31 Max:59 with open(os.path.join(context.output_directory, TXT_RESULT_NAME)) as f: for line in f: if line.find("C:") is not -1: # Key = T: 0 (31974) P:95 I:1000 # Remaing = 49990 Min:9 Act:37 Avg:31 Max:59 # sperator = C: (key, sperator, remaing) = line.partition("C:") index = key.find("T") key = key.replace(key[index], RESULT_INTERPRETATION["T"]) index = key.find("P") key = key.replace(key[index], RESULT_INTERPRETATION["P"]) index = sperator.find("C") sperator = sperator.replace( sperator[index], RESULT_INTERPRETATION["C"] ) metrics = (sperator + remaing).split() # metrics is now in the from of ['Min:', '9', 'Act:', '37', 'Avg:', '31' , 'Max', '59'] for i in range(0, len(metrics), 2): full_key = key + " " + metrics[i][:-1] value = int(metrics[i + 1]) context.result.add_metric(full_key, value, "microseconds") def teardown(self, context): if self.device.platform == "android": if self.screen_off: self.device.ensure_screen_is_on() self.device.execute("rm -f {}".format(self.cyclictest_result)) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># Copyright 2013-2015 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # pylint: disable=E1101,W0201 import os import re from collections import defaultdict from wlauto import Workload, Parameter, File from wlauto.utils.types import caseless_string from wlauto.exceptions import WorkloadError class Recentfling(Workload): name = "recentfling" description = """ Tests UI jank on android devices. For this workload to work, ``recentfling.sh`` and ``defs.sh`` must be placed in ``~/.workload_automation/dependencies/recentfling/``. These can be found in the [AOSP Git repository](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/extras/+/master/tests/). To change the apps that are opened at the start of the workload you will need to modify the ``defs.sh`` file. You will need to add your app to ``dfltAppList`` and then add a variable called ``{app_name}Activity`` with the name of the activity to launch (where ``{add_name}`` is the name you put into ``dfltAppList``). You can get a list of activities available on your device by running ``adb shell pm list packages -f`` """ supported_platforms = ["android"] parameters = [ Parameter( "loops", kind=int, default=3, description="The number of test iterations." ), ] def initialise(self, context): # pylint: disable=no-self-use if context.device.get_sdk_version() < 23: raise WorkloadError( "This workload relies on ``dumpsys gfxinfo`` \ only present in Android M and onwards" ) def setup(self, context): self.defs_host = context.resolver.get(File(self, "defs.sh")) self.recentfling_host = context.resolver.get(File(self, "recentfling.sh")) self.device.push_file(self.recentfling_host, self.device.working_directory) self.device.push_file(self.defs_host, self.device.working_directory) self._kill_recentfling() self.device.ensure_screen_is_on() def run(self, context): cmd = "echo $$>{dir}/pidfile; exec {dir}/recentfling.sh -i {}; rm {dir}/pidfile" cmd = cmd.format(self.loops, dir=self.device.working_directory) try: self.output = self.device.execute(cmd, timeout=120) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._kill_recentfling() raise def update_result(self, context): group_names = [ "90th Percentile", "95th Percentile", "99th Percentile", "Jank", "Jank%", ] count = 0 for line in self.output.strip().splitlines(): p = re.compile( "Frames: \d+ latency: (?P<pct90>\d+)/(?P<pct95>\d+)/(?P<pct99>\d+) Janks: (?P<jank>\d+)\((?P<jank_pct>\d+)%\)" ) match = p.search(line) if match: count += 1 if line.startswith("AVE: "): group_names = ["Average " + g for g in group_names] count = 0 for metric in zip(group_names, match.groups()): context.result.add_metric( metric[0], metric[1], None, classifiers={"loop": count or "Average"}, ) def teardown(self, context): self.device.delete_file( self.device.path.join(self.device.working_directory, "recentfling.sh") ) self.device.delete_file( self.device.path.join(self.device.working_directory, "defs.sh") ) def _kill_recentfling(self): pid = self.device.execute( "cat {}/pidfile".format(self.device.working_directory) ) if pid: self.device.kill(pid.strip(), signal="SIGKILL") <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python """ mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2011-2016 ARM Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import sys from time import time class HtrunLogger(object): """! Yet another logger flavour""" def __init__(self, prn_lock, name): self.__prn_lock = prn_lock self.__name = name def __prn_func(self, text, nl=True): """! Prints and flushes data to stdout""" with self.__prn_lock: if nl and not text.endswith("\n"): text += "\n" sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush() def __prn_log_human(self, level, text, timestamp=None): if not timestamp: timestamp = time() timestamp_str = strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(timestamp)) frac, whole = modf(timestamp) s = "[%s.%d][%s][%s] %s" % (timestamp_str, frac, self.__name, level, text) self.__prn_func(s, nl=True) def __prn_log(self, level, text, timestamp=None): if not timestamp: timestamp = time() s = "[%.2f][%s][%s] %s" % (timestamp, self.__name, level, text) self.__prn_func(s, nl=True) def prn_dbg(self, text, timestamp=None): self.__prn_log("DBG", text, timestamp) def prn_wrn(self, text, timestamp=None): self.__prn_log("WRN", text, timestamp) def prn_err(self, text, timestamp=None): self.__prn_log("ERR", text, timestamp) def prn_inf(self, text, timestamp=None): self.__prn_log("INF", text, timestamp) def prn_txt(self, text, timestamp=None): self.__prn_log("TXT", text, timestamp) def prn_txd(self, text, timestamp=None): self.__prn_log("TXD", text, timestamp) def prn_rxd(self, text, timestamp=None): self.__prn_log("RXD", text, timestamp) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python """ mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2011-2015 ARM Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import unittest from mbed_host_tests import is_host_test from mbed_host_tests import get_host_test from mbed_host_tests import get_plugin_caps from mbed_host_tests import get_host_test_list class BasicHostTestsTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_basic_get_host_test(self): self.assertNotEqual(None, get_host_test("default")) self.assertNotEqual(None, get_host_test("default_auto")) def test_basic_is_host_test(self): self.assertFalse(is_host_test("")) self.assertFalse(is_host_test(None)) self.assertTrue(is_host_test("default")) self.assertTrue(is_host_test("default_auto")) def test_get_host_test_list(self): d = get_host_test_list() self.assertIs(type(d), dict) self.assertIn("default", d) self.assertIn("default_auto", d) def test_get_plugin_caps(self): d = get_plugin_caps() self.assertIs(type(d), dict) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # small RNA oriented bowtie wrapper # version 1.5 17-7-2014: arg parser implementation # Usage sRbowtie.py <1 input_fasta_file> <2 alignment method> <3 -v mismatches> <4 out_type> <5 buildIndexIfHistory> <6 fasta/bowtie index> <7 bowtie output> <8 ali_fasta> <9 unali_fasta> <10 --num-threads \${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4}> # current rev: for bowtie __norc, move from --supress 2,6,7,8 to --supress 6,7,8. Future Parser must be updated to take into account this standardisation # Christophe Antoniewski <drosofff@gmail.com> import sys import os import subprocess import tempfile import shutil import argparse def Parser(): the_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="bowtie wrapper for small fasta reads" ) the_parser.add_argument("--input", action="store", type=str, help="input file") the_parser.add_argument( "--input-format", dest="input_format", action="store", type=str, help="fasta or fastq", ) the_parser.add_argument( "--method", action="store", type=str, help="RNA, unique, multiple, k_option, n_option, a_option", ) the_parser.add_argument( "--v-mismatches", dest="v_mismatches", action="store", type=str, help="number of mismatches allowed for the alignments", ) the_parser.add_argument( "--output-format", dest="output_format", action="store", type=str, help="tabular, sam, bam", ) the_parser.add_argument( "--output", action="store", type=str, help="output file path" ) the_parser.add_argument( "--index-from", dest="index_from", action="store", type=str, help="indexed or history", ) the_parser.add_argument( "--index-source", dest="index_source", action="store", type=str, help="file path to the index source", ) the_parser.add_argument( "--aligned", action="store", type=str, help="aligned read file path, maybe None" ) the_parser.add_argument( "--unaligned", action="store", type=str, help="unaligned read file path, maybe None", ) the_parser.add_argument( "--num-threads", dest="num_threads", action="store", type=str, help="number of bowtie threads", ) args = the_parser.parse_args() return args def stop_err(msg): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) sys.exit() def bowtieCommandLiner( alignment_method="RNA", v_mis="1", out_type="tabular", aligned="None", unaligned="None", input_format="fasta", input="path", index="path", output="path", pslots="4", ): if input_format == "fasta": input_format = "-f" elif (input_format == "fastq") or (input_format == "fastqsanger"): input_format = "-q" else: raise Exception("input format must be one of fasta or fastq") if alignment_method == "RNA": x = "-v %s -M 1 --best --strata -p %s --norc --suppress 6,7,8" % (v_mis, pslots) elif alignment_method == "unique": x = "-v %s -m 1 -p %s --suppress 6,7,8" % (v_mis, pslots) elif alignment_method == "multiple": x = "-v %s -M 1 --best --strata -p %s --suppress 6,7,8" % (v_mis, pslots) elif alignment_method == "k_option": x = "-v %s -k 1 --best -p %s --suppress 6,7,8" % (v_mis, pslots) elif alignment_method == "n_option": x = "-n %s -M 1 --best -p %s --suppress 6,7,8" % (v_mis, pslots) elif alignment_method == "a_option": x = "-v %s -a --best -p %s --suppress 6,7,8" % (v_mis, pslots) if aligned == "None" and unaligned == "None": fasta_command = "" elif aligned != "None" and unaligned == "None": fasta_command = " --al %s" % aligned elif aligned == "None" and unaligned != "None": fasta_command = " --un %s" % unaligned else: fasta_command = " --al %s --un %s" % (aligned, unaligned) x = x + fasta_command if out_type == "tabular": return "bowtie %s %s %s %s > %s" % (x, index, input_format, input, output) elif out_type == "sam": return "bowtie %s -S %s %s %s > %s" % (x, index, input_format, input, output) elif out_type == "bam": return "bowtie %s -S %s %s %s |samtools view -bS - > %s" % ( x, index, input_format, input, output, ) def bowtie_squash(fasta): # make temp directory for bowtie indexes tmp_index_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() ref_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tmp_index_dir) ref_file_name = ref_file.name # by default, delete the temporary file, but ref_file.name is now stored # in ref_file_name ref_file.close() # symlink between the fasta source file and the deleted ref_file name os.symlink(fasta, ref_file_name) # bowtie command line, which will work after changing dir # (cwd=tmp_index_dir) cmd1 = "bowtie-build -f %s %s" % (ref_file_name, ref_file_name) try: FNULL = open(os.devnull, "w") # a path string for a temp file in tmp_index_dir. Just a string tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tmp_index_dir).name # creates and open a file handler pointing to the temp file tmp_stderr = open(tmp, "wb") # both stderr and stdout of bowtie-build are redirected in dev/null proc = subprocess.Popen( args=cmd1, shell=True, cwd=tmp_index_dir, stderr=FNULL, stdout=FNULL ) returncode = proc.wait() tmp_stderr.close() FNULL.close() sys.stdout.write(cmd1 + "\n") except Exception as e: # clean up temp dir if os.path.exists(tmp_index_dir): shutil.rmtree(tmp_index_dir) stop_err("Error indexing reference sequence\n" + str(e)) # no Cleaning if no Exception, tmp_index_dir has to be cleaned after # bowtie_alignment() # bowtie fashion path without extention index_full_path = os.path.join(tmp_index_dir, ref_file_name) return tmp_index_dir, index_full_path def bowtie_alignment(command_line, flyPreIndexed=""): # make temp directory just for stderr tmp_index_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tmp_index_dir).name tmp_stderr = open(tmp, "wb") # conditional statement for sorted bam generation viewable in Trackster if "samtools" in command_line: # recover the final output file name target_file = command_line.split()[-1] path_to_unsortedBam = os.path.join(tmp_index_dir, "unsorted.bam") path_to_sortedBam = os.path.join(tmp_index_dir, "unsorted.bam.sorted") first_command_line = ( " ".join(command_line.split()[:-3]) + " -o " + path_to_unsortedBam + " - " ) # example: bowtie -v 0 -M 1 --best --strata -p 12 --suppress 6,7,8 -S # /home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/bowtie/Dmel/dmel-all-chromosome-r5.49 -f # /home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/database/files/003/dataset_3460.dat # |samtools view -bS -o /tmp/tmp_PgMT0/unsorted.bam - # generates an "unsorted.bam.sorted.bam file", NOT an # "unsorted.bam.sorted" file second_command_line = "samtools sort %s %s" % ( path_to_unsortedBam, path_to_sortedBam, ) # fileno() method return the file descriptor number of tmp_stderr p = subprocess.Popen( args=first_command_line, cwd=tmp_index_dir, shell=True, stderr=tmp_stderr.fileno(), ) returncode = p.wait() sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % first_command_line + str(returncode)) p = subprocess.Popen( args=second_command_line, cwd=tmp_index_dir, shell=True, stderr=tmp_stderr.fileno(), ) returncode = p.wait() sys.stdout.write("\n%s\n" % second_command_line + str(returncode)) if os.path.isfile(path_to_sortedBam + ".bam"): shutil.copy2(path_to_sortedBam + ".bam", target_file) else: p = subprocess.Popen(args=command_line, shell=True, stderr=tmp_stderr.fileno()) returncode = p.wait() sys.stdout.write(command_line + "\n") tmp_stderr.close() # cleaning if the index was created in the fly if os.path.exists(flyPreIndexed): shutil.rmtree(flyPreIndexed) # cleaning tmp files and directories if os.path.exists(tmp_index_dir): shutil.rmtree(tmp_index_dir) return def __main__(): args = Parser() F = open(args.output, "w") if args.index_from == "history": tmp_dir, index_path = bowtie_squash(args.index_source) else: tmp_dir, index_path = "dummy/dymmy", args.index_source command_line = bowtieCommandLiner( args.method, args.v_mismatches, args.output_format, args.aligned, args.unaligned, args.input_format, args.input, index_path, args.output, args.num_threads, ) bowtie_alignment(command_line, flyPreIndexed=tmp_dir) F.close() if __name__ == "__main__": __main__() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/python # import sys input = open(sys.argv[1], "r") output = open(sys.argv[2], "w") for line in input: if line[0] == ">": print("@HTW-" + line[1:-1], file=output) continue else: print(line[:-1], file=output) print("+", file=output) print("H" * len(line[:-1]), file=output) input.close() output.close() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" Verbose demonstration of how to set up a server and run a remote game. For all practical needs, using the simplesetup module should be sufficient. """ import sys import subprocess from pelita.simplesetup import SimpleServer, SimplePublisher, SimpleController import logging from pelita.ui.tk_viewer import TkViewer try: import colorama MAGENTA = colorama.Fore.MAGENTA RESET = colorama.Fore.RESET except ImportError: MAGENTA = "" RESET = "" def get_python_process(): py_proc = sys.executable if not py_proc: raise RuntimeError("Cannot retrieve current Python executable.") return py_proc FORMAT = ( "[%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d][%(name)s][%(levelname)s][%(funcName)s]" + MAGENTA + " %(message)s" + RESET ) logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT, datefmt="%H:%M:%S", level=logging.INFO) layout = """ ################## #0#. . 2# . 3 # # ##### ##### # # . # . .#1# ################## """ server = SimpleServer( layout_string=layout, rounds=200, bind_addrs=("tcp://*:50007", "tcp://*:50008") ) publisher = SimplePublisher("tcp://*:50012") server.game_master.register_viewer(publisher) subscribe_sock = server tk_open = "TkViewer(%r, %r).run()" % ("tcp://localhost:50012", "tcp://localhost:50013") tkprocess = subprocess.Popen( [get_python_process(), "-c", "from pelita.ui.tk_viewer import TkViewer\n" + tk_open] ) try: print((server.bind_addresses)) server.register_teams() controller = SimpleController(server.game_master, "tcp://*:50013") controller.run() server.exit_teams() except KeyboardInterrupt: tkprocess.kill() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># Main entry point for the plugin. # Author: Yuri van Geffen import sublime, sublime_plugin import os import threading import queue import asyncore import socket from itertools import chain import re settings = sublime.load_settings("subdebug") TCP_IP = "" TCP_PORT = 8172 BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 BASEDIR = settings.get("basedir", "") STEP_ON_CONNECT = settings.get("step_on_connect", False) # Handles incoming and outgoing messages for the MobDebug client class SubDebugHandler(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, socket, handler_id): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, socket) self.handler_id = handler_id msg_queue.put(b"STEP\n" if STEP_ON_CONNECT else b"RUN\n") for view_name, row in state_handler.breakpoints(): msg_queue.put("SETB {0} {1}\n".format(view_name, row).encode("latin-1")) # Reads the message-code of incomming messages and passes # them to the right function def handle_read(self): data = self.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) if data: print((self.handler_id, "Received: ", data)) split = data.split() if split[0] in message_parsers: message_parsers[split[0]](split) def handle_write(self): if not msg_queue.empty(): msg = msg_queue.get() print(("Sending: ", msg)) self.send(msg) def handle_error(self): raise # Starts listening on TCP_PORT and accepts incoming connections # before passing them to an instance of SubDebugHandler class SubDebugServer(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, host, port): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.handler_id = 0 self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind((host, port)) self.listen(1) print(("Started listening on: ", host, ":", port)) def handle_accept(self): pair = self.accept() if pair is not None: (conn_sock, client_address) = pair print(("Incoming connection: ", client_address)) SubDebugHandler(conn_sock, ++self.handler_id) def handle_close(self): print("Closing server.") self.close() def handle_error(self): self.close() # Lets the user run the script (until breakpoint) class RunCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self): print("Running until breakpoint...") msg_queue.put(b"RUN\n") state_handler.remove_line_marker() # Lets the user step to the next line class StepCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self): print("Stepping to next line...") msg_queue.put(b"STEP\n") # Lets the user step to the next line class ToggleBreakpointCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit): view_name = simplify_path(self.view.file_name()) row, _ = self.view.rowcol(self.view.sel()[0].begin()) print(("Toggling breakpoint:", view_name, row)) state_handler.toggle_breakpoint(view_name, row + 1) # Lets the user pick a base directory from where the lua is executed class SetBasedirCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self): # Ran if the user want to choose their own base directory def choose_other(path): global BASEDIR BASEDIR = path.replace("\\", "/") if BASEDIR[-1] != "/": BASEDIR += "/" print(("BASEDIR:", BASEDIR)) # Ran if the user has chosen a base directory option def selected_folder(index): global BASEDIR if index != -1: # The last option lets the user choose a base dir themself if index == len(folders) - 1: sublime.active_window().show_input_panel( "Give the base directory path.", BASEDIR, choose_other, None, None, ) else: BASEDIR = folders[index] + "/" state_handler.clear_state() print(("BASEDIR:", BASEDIR)) folders = list(chain.from_iterable([w.folders() for w in sublime.windows()])) folders = [f.replace("\\", "/") for f in folders] folders.insert(len(folders), "Choose other directory...") sublime.active_window().show_quick_panel(folders, selected_folder) # Lets the user step to the next line class ToggleStepOnConnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self): global STEP_ON_CONNECT STEP_ON_CONNECT = not STEP_ON_CONNECT print(("Step on connect:", STEP_ON_CONNECT)) def is_checked(self): return STEP_ON_CONNECT or False # =========Incomming message parsers=========# # Called when the "202 Paused" message is received def paused_command(args): state_handler.set_line_marker(args[2].decode("utf-8"), int(args[3])) # Mapping from incomming messages to the functions that parse them message_parsers = { b"202": paused_command, } # ===========================================# class StateHandler: # Initiates object by checking which views are available and # clearing the state def __init__(self): self.clear_state() self.update_regions() def clear_state(self): self.state = {} self.update_regions() # Gets all available views in sublime and adds the missing ones to the state def add_missing_views(self): views = [v for v in sum([w.views() for w in sublime.windows()], [])] self.views = { simplify_path(v.file_name()): v for v in views if v.file_name() != None } print((self.views)) for view_name, view in list(self.views.items()): if view_name not in self.state: self.state[view_name] = [] # Updates all views with the available state-objects using the # assigned functions def update_regions(self): self.add_missing_views() # Iterate over all files in the state for view_name, regions in list(self.state.items()): # Remove all old regions for reg_type_name in self.region_types: self.views[view_name].erase_regions(reg_type_name) region_sets = {} # Iterate over all regions in that file for reg_type, line in regions: if reg_type == "line_marker" or ("line_marker", line) not in regions: if reg_type not in region_sets: region_sets[reg_type] = [] region_sets[reg_type].append( sublime.Region(self.views[view_name].text_point(line - 1, 0)) ) # Register all new regions except the line-marker with sublime for reg_name, v in list(region_sets.items()): print(("Adding region:", view_name, reg_name, v)) self.views[view_name].add_regions( reg_name, v, *self.region_types[reg_name] ) def set_line_marker(self, view_name, line_number): view_name = simplify_path(view_name) print(("Setting line marker:", view_name, line_number)) self.add_missing_views() if view_name in self.views: self.state.setdefault(view_name, []) self.state[view_name] = [ (k, v) for k, v in self.state[view_name] if k != "line_marker" ] self.state[view_name].append(("line_marker", line_number)) self.update_regions() def remove_line_marker(self): for name, view in list(self.state.items()): self.state[name] = [(t, n) for t, n in view if t != "line_marker"] self.update_regions() def toggle_breakpoint(self, view_name, line_number): self.add_missing_views() if ( view_name in self.views and ("breakpoint", line_number) in self.state[view_name] ): self.remove_breakpoint(view_name, line_number) else: self.set_breakpoint(view_name, line_number) self.update_regions() def set_breakpoint(self, view_name, line_number): self.state.setdefault(view_name, []) self.state[view_name].append(("breakpoint", line_number)) msg_queue.put("SETB {0} {1}\n".format(view_name, line_number).encode("latin-1")) def remove_breakpoint(self, view_name, line_number): self.state[view_name].remove(("breakpoint", line_number)) msg_queue.put("DELB {0} {1}\n".format(view_name, line_number).encode("latin-1")) def breakpoints(self): ret = [] for k, v in list(self.state.items()): for t in v: if t[0] == "breakpoint": ret.append((k, t[1])) return ret views = {} state = {} region_types = { "breakpoint": ("keyword", "circle"), "line_marker": ("keyword", "bookmark"), } def plugin_unloaded(): settings.set("basedir", BASEDIR) settings.set("step_on_connect", STEP_ON_CONNECT) print("Closing down the server...") server.close() def simplify_path(path): path = path.replace("\\", "/").replace(BASEDIR, "") path = re.sub("\.lua$", "", path) # Strip ".lua" from the path return path # Open a threadsafe message queue msg_queue = queue.Queue() state_handler = StateHandler() # Start listening and open the asyncore loop server = SubDebugServer(TCP_IP, TCP_PORT) if os.name == "posix": thread = threading.Thread(target=asyncore.loop, kwargs={"use_poll": True}) else: thread = threading.Thread(target=asyncore.loop) thread.start() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>from django.contrib import sitemaps from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse class StaticViewSitemap(sitemaps.Sitemap): priority = 0.5 changefreq = "monthly" def items(self): return [ "landpage", "robots", "humans", "google_plus_verify", "terms", "privacy", ] def location(self, item): return reverse(item) # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/contrib/sitemaps/ <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url from publisher.views import catalog from publisher.views import my_publication from publisher.views import publication urlpatterns = patterns( "", # Publications(s) url(r"^publish$", catalog.catalog_page), url(r"^publication/(\d+)$", publication.publication_page), url(r"^publication/(\d+)/peer_review_modal$", publication.peer_review_modal), url(r"^publication/(\d+)/save_peer_review$", publication.save_peer_review), url(r"^publication/(\d+)/delete_peer_review$", publication.delete_peer_review), # My Publications url(r"^my_publications$", my_publication.my_publications_page), url(r"^refresh_publications_table$", my_publication.refresh_publications_table), url(r"^my_publication_modal$", my_publication.my_publication_modal), url(r"^save_publication$", my_publication.save_publication), url(r"^delete_publication$", my_publication.delete_publication), ) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve from django.http import HttpRequest from django.http import QueryDict from django.test import TestCase from django.test import Client from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.conf.urls.static import static, settings import json from registrar.models import Course from registrar.models import Teacher from registrar.models import Student from registrar.models import Assignment from registrar.models import AssignmentSubmission from registrar.models import Quiz from registrar.models import QuizSubmission from registrar.models import Exam from registrar.models import ExamSubmission from registrar.models import EssayQuestion from registrar.models import EssaySubmission from registrar.models import MultipleChoiceQuestion from registrar.models import MultipleChoiceSubmission from registrar.models import ResponseQuestion from registrar.models import ResponseSubmission from registrar.models import TrueFalseQuestion from registrar.models import TrueFalseSubmission from registrar.models import PeerReview from student.views import assignment from student.views import quiz from student.views import exam from student.views import credit TEST_USER_EMAIL = "ledo@gah.com" TEST_USER_USERNAME = "Ledo" TEST_USER_PASSWORD = "password" class CreditTestCase(TestCase): def tearDown(self): courses = Course.objects.all() for course in courses: course.delete() User.objects.get(email=TEST_USER_EMAIL).delete() def setUp(self): # Create our Student. User.objects.create_user( email=TEST_USER_EMAIL, username=TEST_USER_USERNAME, password=TEST_USER_PASSWORD, ) user = User.objects.get(email=TEST_USER_EMAIL) teacher = Teacher.objects.create(user=user) student = Student.objects.create(user=user) # Create a test course. course = Course.objects.create( id=1, title="Comics Book Course", sub_title="The definitive course on comics!", category="", teacher=teacher, ) # Create our assignment(s) assignment = Assignment.objects.create( assignment_id=1, assignment_num=1, title="Hideauze", description="Anime related assignment.", worth=25, course=course, ) # Create questions EssayQuestion.objects.create( question_id=1, assignment=assignment, title="Evolvers", description="Write an essay about the Evolvers.", ) MultipleChoiceQuestion.objects.create( question_id=2, assignment=assignment, title="Hideauze", description="Who where the Hideauze?", a="Former Humans", a_is_correct=True, b="Aliens", b_is_correct=False, c="Magical or Supernatural Creatures", c_is_correct=False, d="Dark Elves", d_is_correct=False, e="Heavenly Creatures", e_is_correct=False, ) TrueFalseQuestion.objects.create( question_id=3, assignment=assignment, title="Hideauze", description="Where the Hideauze human?", true_choice="Yes, former humans", false_choice="No, aliens", answer=True, ) ResponseQuestion.objects.create( question_id=4, assignment=assignment, title="Hideauze", description="Why did humanity migrate off-world?", answer="Because of solar hibernation causing Global Cooling on Earth.", ) # Create our quiz Quiz.objects.create( quiz_id=1, quiz_num=1, title="Hideauze", description="Anime related assignment.", worth=25, course=course, ) quiz = Quiz.objects.get(quiz_id=1) TrueFalseQuestion.objects.create( question_id=5, quiz=quiz, title="Hideauze", description="Where the Hideauze human?", true_choice="Yes, former humans", false_choice="No, aliens", answer=True, ) # Create our Exam Exam.objects.create( exam_id=1, exam_num=1, title="Hideauze", description="Anime related assignment.", worth=50, course=course, is_final=True, ) exam = Exam.objects.get(exam_id=1) MultipleChoiceQuestion.objects.create( question_id=6, exam=exam, title="Hideauze", description="Who where the Hideauze?", a="Former Humans", a_is_correct=True, b="Aliens", b_is_correct=False, c="Magical or Supernatural Creatures", c_is_correct=False, d="Orcs", d_is_correct=False, e="Heavenly Creatures", e_is_correct=False, ) def get_logged_in_client(self): client = Client() client.login(username=TEST_USER_USERNAME, password=TEST_USER_PASSWORD) return client def test_url_resolves_to_credit_page_view(self): found = resolve("/course/1/credit") self.assertEqual(found.func, credit.credit_page) def test_credit_page_with_no_submissions(self): client = self.get_logged_in_client() response = client.post("/course/1/credit") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertIn(b"Comics Book Course", response.content) self.assertIn(b"ajax_submit_credit_application();", response.content) def test_url_resolves_to_submit_json(self): found = resolve("/course/1/submit_credit_application") self.assertEqual(found.func, credit.submit_credit_application) def test_submit_credit_application_on_no_failing_criteria(self): kwargs = {"HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH": "XMLHttpRequest"} client = self.get_logged_in_client() response = client.post( "/course/1/submit_credit_application", { "assignment_id": 1, }, **kwargs ) json_string = response.content.decode(encoding="UTF-8") array = json.loads(json_string) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(array["status"], "failure") self.assertEqual(array["message"], "you need to pass with at minimum 50%") def test_submit_credit_application_on_passing_criteria_without_peer_reviews(self): kwargs = {"HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH": "XMLHttpRequest"} client = self.get_logged_in_client() # Setup Failing # Assignment file_path = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + "/sample.pdf" with open(file_path, "rb") as fp: self.assertTrue(fp is not None) client.post( "/course/1/assignment/1/submit_e_assignment_answer", {"question_id": 1, "file": fp}, **kwargs ) client.post( "/course/1/assignment/1/submit_mc_assignment_answer", { "question_id": 2, "answer": "A", }, **kwargs ) client.post( "/course/1/assignment/1/submit_tf_assignment_answer", { "question_id": 3, "answer": "true", }, **kwargs ) client.post( "/course/1/assignment/1/submit_r_assignment_answer", { "question_id": 4, "answer": "Because of Global Cooling caused by abnormal solar hibernation.", }, **kwargs ) client.post("/course/1/assignment/1/submit_assignment", {}, **kwargs) # Quiz client.post( "/course/1/quiz/1/submit_tf_quiz_answer", { "question_id": 5, "answer": "true", }, **kwargs ) client.post("/course/1/quiz/1/submit_quiz", {}, **kwargs) # Exam response = client.post( "/course/1/exam/1/submit_mc_exam_answer", { "question_id": 6, "answer": "A", }, **kwargs ) client.post("/course/1/exam/1/submit_exam", {}, **kwargs) # Test response = client.post( "/course/1/submit_credit_application", { "assignment_id": 1, }, **kwargs ) json_string = response.content.decode(encoding="UTF-8") array = json.loads(json_string) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(array["status"], "success") self.assertEqual(array["message"], "credit granted") # Cleanup try: EssaySubmission.objects.get(submission_id=1).delete() except EssaySubmission.DoesNotExist: pass try: EssaySubmission.objects.get(submission_id=2).delete() except EssaySubmission.DoesNotExist: pass def test_submit_credit_application_on_passing_criteria_with_peer_reviews(self): kwargs = {"HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH": "XMLHttpRequest"} client = self.get_logged_in_client() # Setup Failing # Assignment file_path = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + "/sample.pdf" with open(file_path, "rb") as fp: self.assertTrue(fp is not None) client.post( "/course/1/assignment/1/submit_e_assignment_answer", {"question_id": 1, "file": fp}, **kwargs ) client.post( "/course/1/assignment/1/submit_mc_assignment_answer", { "question_id": 2, "answer": "A", }, **kwargs ) client.post( "/course/1/assignment/1/submit_tf_assignment_answer", { "question_id": 3, "answer": "true", }, **kwargs ) client.post( "/course/1/assignment/1/submit_r_assignment_answer", { "question_id": 4, "answer": "Because of Global Cooling caused by abnormal solar hibernation.", }, **kwargs ) client.post("/course/1/assignment/1/submit_assignment", {}, **kwargs) # Quiz client.post( "/course/1/quiz/1/submit_tf_quiz_answer", { "question_id": 5, "answer": "true", }, **kwargs ) client.post("/course/1/quiz/1/submit_quiz", {}, **kwargs) # Exam response = client.post( "/course/1/exam/1/submit_mc_exam_answer", { "question_id": 6, "answer": "A", }, **kwargs ) client.post("/course/1/exam/1/submit_exam", {}, **kwargs) # Peer Reviews client.post( "/course/1/peer_review/1/save_peer_review", { "question_id": 1, "question_type": settings.ESSAY_QUESTION_TYPE, "submission_id": 1, "marks": 5, }, **kwargs ) client.post( "/course/1/peer_review/1/save_peer_review", { "question_id": 4, "question_type": settings.RESPONSE_QUESTION_TYPE, "submission_id": 1, "marks": 5, }, **kwargs ) # Test response = client.post( "/course/1/submit_credit_application", { "assignment_id": 1, }, **kwargs ) json_string = response.content.decode(encoding="UTF-8") array = json.loads(json_string) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(array["status"], "success") self.assertEqual(array["message"], "credit granted") # Cleanup try: EssaySubmission.objects.get(submission_id=1).delete() except EssaySubmission.DoesNotExist: pass try: EssaySubmission.objects.get(submission_id=2).delete() except EssaySubmission.DoesNotExist: pass <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># Django & Python from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve from django.http import HttpRequest from django.http import QueryDict from django.test import TestCase from django.test import Client from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.conf.urls.static import static, settings import json # Modal from registrar.models import Teacher from registrar.models import Course from registrar.models import Announcement from registrar.models import Syllabus from registrar.models import Policy from registrar.models import Lecture from registrar.models import Assignment from registrar.models import Quiz from registrar.models import Exam from registrar.models import CourseSubmission # View from teacher.views import overview # Contants TEST_USER_EMAIL = "ledo@gah.com" TEST_USER_USERNAME = "Ledo" TEST_USER_PASSWORD = "ContinentalUnion" TEST_USER_EMAIL2 = "whalesquid@hideauze.com" TEST_USER_USERNAME2 = "whalesquid" TEST_USER_PASSWORD2 = "Evolvers" class OverviewTestCase(TestCase): def tearDown(self): syllabuses = Syllabus.objects.all() for syllabus in syllabuses: syllabus.delete() policies = Policy.objects.all() for policy in policies: policy.delete() courses = Course.objects.all() for course in courses: course.delete() User.objects.all().delete() def setUp(self): # Create our Trudy user. User.objects.create_user( email=TEST_USER_EMAIL2, username=TEST_USER_USERNAME2, password=TEST_USER_PASSWORD2, ) user = User.objects.get(email=TEST_USER_EMAIL2) teacher = Teacher.objects.create(user=user) # Create our Teacher. user = User.objects.create_user( email=TEST_USER_EMAIL, username=TEST_USER_USERNAME, password=TEST_USER_PASSWORD, ) teacher = Teacher.objects.create(user=user) course = Course.objects.create( id=1, title="Comics Book Course", sub_title="The definitive course on comics!", category="", teacher=teacher, ) def populate_course_content(self, client, kwargs): course = Course.objects.get(id=1) Announcement.objects.create( announcement_id=1, course=course, title="Hello world!", body="This is the body of the message.", ) course = Course.objects.get(id=1) file_path = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + "/sample.pdf" with open(file_path, "rb") as fp: self.assertTrue(fp is not None) Syllabus.objects.create( syllabus_id=1, file="", course=course, ) with open(file_path, "rb") as fp: self.assertTrue(fp is not None) Policy.objects.create( policy_id=1, file="", course=course, ) Lecture.objects.create( lecture_id=1, lecture_num=1, week_num=1, title="Blade vs Evil", description="Fighting for the destiny of the Earth.", course=course, ) Lecture.objects.create( lecture_id=2, lecture_num=2, week_num=1, title="Blade vs Evil", description="Fighting for the destiny of the Earth.", course=course, ) Assignment.objects.create( assignment_id=1, assignment_num=1, title="Hideauze", description="Anime related assignment.", worth=25, course=course, ) Quiz.objects.create( quiz_id=1, quiz_num=1, title="Hideauze", description="Anime related assignment.", worth=25, course=course, ) Exam.objects.create( exam_id=1, exam_num=1, title="Hideauze", description="Anime related assignment.", worth=50, course=course, is_final=True, ) def delete_course_content(self): for id in range(1, 10): # Syllabus try: Syllabus.objects.get(syllabus_id=id).delete() except Syllabus.DoesNotExist: pass # Policy try: Policy.objects.get(policy_id=id).delete() except Policy.DoesNotExist: pass # Announcement try: Announcement.objects.get(announcement_id=1).delete() except Announcement.DoesNotExist: pass def get_logged_in_client(self): client = Client() client.login(username=TEST_USER_USERNAME, password=TEST_USER_PASSWORD) return client def test_url_resolves_to_overview_page_view(self): found = resolve("/teacher/course/1/overview") self.assertEqual(found.func, overview.overview_page) def test_overview_page(self): client = self.get_logged_in_client() response = client.post("/teacher/course/1/overview") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertIn(b"Comics Book Course", response.content) self.assertIn(b"ajax_submit_course()", response.content) def test_submit_course_for_review(self): client = self.get_logged_in_client() kwargs = {"HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH": "XMLHttpRequest"} # Create course content. self.populate_course_content(client, kwargs) response = client.post( "/teacher/course/1/submit_course_for_review", {}, **kwargs ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) json_string = response.content.decode(encoding="UTF-8") array = json.loads(json_string) self.assertEqual(array["message"], "submitted course review") self.assertEqual(array["status"], "success") # Delete course content. self.delete_course_content() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>"""added goal properties Revision ID: 5018059c5c8f Revises: 16b4a243d41d Create Date: 2015-09-23 11:56:01.897992 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = "5018059c5c8f" down_revision = "16b4a243d41d" branch_labels = None depends_on = None from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.create_table( "goalproperties", sa.Column("id", sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column("name", sa.String(length=255), nullable=False), sa.Column("is_variable", sa.Boolean(), nullable=False), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint("id"), ) op.create_table( "goals_goalproperties", sa.Column("goal_id", sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column("property_id", sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column("value", sa.String(length=255), nullable=True), sa.Column("value_translation_id", sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.Column("from_level", sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(["goal_id"], ["goals.id"], ondelete="CASCADE"), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint( ["property_id"], ["goalproperties.id"], ondelete="CASCADE" ), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint( ["value_translation_id"], ["translationvariables.id"], ondelete="RESTRICT" ), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint("goal_id", "property_id", "from_level"), ) op.add_column( "goals", sa.Column("name", sa.String(length=255), nullable=False, server_default=""), ) ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.drop_column("goals", "name") op.drop_table("goals_goalproperties") op.drop_table("goalproperties") ### end Alembic commands ### <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># Demonstration of `applib` features import logging from applib.base import Cmdln, Application from applib.misc import require_option from applib import textui, sh, _cmdln as cmdln LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) application = Application("demo-app", "CompanyNameHere", "1.2") @cmdln.option("", "--foo", action="store_true", help="*must pass --foo") class Commands(Cmdln): name = "demo-app" def initialize(self): require_option(self.options, "foo") @cmdln.alias("cd") @cmdln.option( "-t", "--show-time", action="store_true", help="Also show the current time" ) def do_currentdate(self, subcmd, opts): """${cmd_name}: Show the current date ${cmd_usage} ${cmd_option_list} """ with self.bootstrapped(): from datetime import datetime now = datetime.now() LOG.debug("datetime.now = %s", now) if opts.show_time: print(now) else: print((now.date())) def do_ls(self, subcmd, opts): """${cmd_name}: Show directory listing (runs 'ls') ${cmd_usage} ${cmd_option_list} """ with self.bootstrapped(): print((sh.run("ls")[0].decode("utf-8"))) def do_makeerror(self, subcmd, opts, what): """${cmd_name}: Make an error. Use -v to see full traceback ${cmd_usage} ${cmd_option_list} """ with self.bootstrapped(): LOG.debug("About to make an error! %s", what) textui.askyesno("Press enter to proceed:", default=True) 1 / 0 @cmdln.option("", "--no-break", action="store_true", help="Don't break from loop") def do_think(self, subcmd, opts, length=200): """${cmd_name}: Progress bar example ${cmd_usage} ${cmd_option_list} """ with self.bootstrapped(): import time length = int(length) for x in textui.ProgressBar.iterate( list(range(length)), post="Thought {total} thoughts in time {elapsed}" ): if x == length - 1 and not opts.no_break: break # test that break doesn't mess up output time.sleep(0.1) def do_multable(self, subcmd, opts, number=10, times=25): """${cmd_name}: Print multiplication table To demonstrate `colprint` feature ${cmd_usage} ${cmd_option_list} """ with self.bootstrapped(): textui.colprint( [ [str(x * y) for y in range(1, 1 + int(times))] for x in range(1, 1 + int(number)) ] ) if __name__ == "__main__": application.run(Commands) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Activision Publishing, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from assertpy import assert_that, fail class TestType(object): def test_is_type_of(self): assert_that("foo").is_type_of(str) assert_that(123).is_type_of(int) assert_that(0.456).is_type_of(float) # assert_that(234L).is_type_of(long) assert_that(["a", "b"]).is_type_of(list) assert_that(("a", "b")).is_type_of(tuple) assert_that({"a": 1, "b": 2}).is_type_of(dict) assert_that(set(["a", "b"])).is_type_of(set) assert_that(None).is_type_of(type(None)) assert_that(Foo()).is_type_of(Foo) assert_that(Bar()).is_type_of(Bar) def test_is_type_of_failure(self): try: assert_that("foo").is_type_of(int) fail("should have raised error") except AssertionError as ex: assert_that(str(ex)).is_equal_to( "Expected <foo:str> to be of type <int>, but was not." ) def test_is_type_of_bad_arg_failure(self): try: assert_that("foo").is_type_of("bad") fail("should have raised error") except TypeError as ex: assert_that(str(ex)).is_equal_to("given arg must be a type") def test_is_type_of_subclass_failure(self): try: assert_that(Bar()).is_type_of(Foo) fail("should have raised error") except AssertionError as ex: assert_that(str(ex)).starts_with("Expected <") assert_that(str(ex)).ends_with(":Bar> to be of type <Foo>, but was not.") def test_is_instance_of(self): assert_that("foo").is_instance_of(str) assert_that(123).is_instance_of(int) assert_that(0.456).is_instance_of(float) # assert_that(234L).is_instance_of(long) assert_that(["a", "b"]).is_instance_of(list) assert_that(("a", "b")).is_instance_of(tuple) assert_that({"a": 1, "b": 2}).is_instance_of(dict) assert_that(set(["a", "b"])).is_instance_of(set) assert_that(None).is_instance_of(type(None)) assert_that(Foo()).is_instance_of(Foo) assert_that(Bar()).is_instance_of(Bar) assert_that(Bar()).is_instance_of(Foo) def test_is_instance_of_failure(self): try: assert_that("foo").is_instance_of(int) fail("should have raised error") except AssertionError as ex: assert_that(str(ex)).is_equal_to( "Expected <foo:str> to be instance of class <int>, but was not." ) def test_is_instance_of_bad_arg_failure(self): try: assert_that("foo").is_instance_of("bad") fail("should have raised error") except TypeError as ex: assert_that(str(ex)).is_equal_to("given arg must be a class") class Foo(object): pass class Bar(Foo): pass <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>import sys import math import scipy import pylab import scipy.io.wavfile as wav import wave from scipy import signal from itertools import product import numpy def readWav(): """ Reads a sound wave from a standard input and finds its parameters. """ # Read the sound wave from the input. sound_wave = wave.open(sys.argv[1], "r") # Get parameters of the sound wave. nframes = sound_wave.getnframes() framerate = sound_wave.getframerate() params = sound_wave.getparams() duration = nframes / float(framerate) print("frame rate: %d " % (framerate,)) print("nframes: %d" % (nframes,)) print("duration: %f seconds" % (duration,)) print(scipy.array(sound_wave)) return (sound_wave, nframes, framerate, duration, params) def getDuration(sound_file): """ Returns the duration of a given sound file. """ wr = wave.open(sound_file, "r") nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname = wr.getparams() return nframes / float(framerate) def getFrameRate(sound_file): """ Returns the frame rate of a given sound file. """ wr = wave.open(sound_file, "r") nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname = wr.getparams() return framerate def get_channels_no(sound_file): """ Returns number of channels of a given sound file. """ wr = wave.open(sound_file, "r") nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname = wr.getparams() return nchannels def plotSoundWave(rate, sample): """ Plots a given sound wave. """ t = scipy.linspace(0, 2, 2 * rate, endpoint=False) pylab.figure("Sound wave") T = int(0.0001 * rate) pylab.plot( t[:T], sample[:T], ) pylab.show() def plotPartials(binFrequencies, maxFreq, magnitudes): """ Calculates and plots the power spectrum of a given sound wave. """ T = int(maxFreq) pylab.figure("Power spectrum") pylab.plot( binFrequencies[:T], magnitudes[:T], ) pylab.xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") pylab.ylabel("Power spectrum (|X[k]|^2)") pylab.show() def plotPowerSpectrum(FFT, binFrequencies, maxFreq): """ Calculates and plots the power spectrum of a given sound wave. """ T = int(maxFreq) pylab.figure("Power spectrum") pylab.plot( binFrequencies[:T], scipy.absolute(FFT[:T]) * scipy.absolute(FFT[:T]), ) pylab.xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") pylab.ylabel("Power spectrum (|X[k]|^2)") pylab.show() def get_frequencies_axis(framerate, fft_length): binResolution = float(framerate) / float(fft_length) binFreqs = [] for k in range(fft_length): binFreq = k * binResolution binFreqs.append(binFreq) return binFreqs def get_next_power_2(n): """ Returns the closest number that is smaller than n that is a power of 2. """ power = 1 while power < n: power *= 2 if power > 1: return power / 2 else: return 1 class MIDI_Detector(object): """ Class for MIDI notes detection given a .wav file. """ def __init__(self, wav_file): self.wav_file = wav_file self.minFreqConsidered = 20 self.maxFreqConsidered = 5000 self.low_f0s = [ 27.5, 29.135, 30.868, 32.703, 34.648, 37.708, 38.891, 41.203, 43.654, 46.249, 48.999, 51.913, 55.0, 58.27, 61.735, 65.406, 69.296, 73.416, 77.782, 82.407, ] def detect_MIDI_notes(self): """ The algorithm for calculating midi notes from a given wav file. """ (framerate, sample) = wav.read(self.wav_file) if get_channels_no(self.wav_file) > 1: sample = sample.mean(axis=1) duration = getDuration(self.wav_file) midi_notes = [] # Consider only files with a duration longer than 0.18 seconds. if duration > 0.18: ( FFT, filteredFreqs, maxFreq, magnitudes, significant_freq, ) = self.calculateFFT(duration, framerate, sample) # plotPowerSpectrum(FFT, filteredFreqs, 1000) clusters = self.clusterFrequencies(filteredFreqs) averagedClusters = self.getClustersMeans(clusters) f0_candidates = self.getF0Candidates(averagedClusters) midi_notes = self.matchWithMIDINotes(f0_candidates) """ OCTAVE CORRECTION METHOD """ """ # Include a note with a significant magnitude: # if its magnitude is higher than the sum of magnitudes # of all other spectral peaks # include it in the list of detected notes and # remove the note that's octave lower than this one # if it was also detected. if significant_freq > 0: significant_midi_notes = self.matchWithMIDINotes([ significant_freq]) significant_midi_note = significant_midi_notes[0] if significant_midi_note not in midi_notes: midi_notes.append(significant_midi_note) midi_notes = self.remove_lower_octave( significant_midi_note, midi_notes) """ return midi_notes def remove_lower_octave(self, upper_octave, midi_notes): lower_octave = upper_octave - 12 if lower_octave in midi_notes: midi_notes.remove(lower_octave) return midi_notes def get_candidates_with_partials(self, frequencies, magnitudes): print(frequencies) partial_margin = 11.0 # Hz # A list of frequencies of each candidate. candidates_freq = [] # A list of magnitudes of frequencies of each candidate. candidates_magnitude = [] for i in range(len(frequencies)): partials, partial_magnitudes = self.find_partials( frequencies[i:], frequencies[i], magnitudes[i:] ) candidates_freq.append(partials) candidates_magnitude.append(partial_magnitudes) return (candidates_freq, candidates_magnitude) def calculateFFT(self, duration, framerate, sample): """ Calculates FFT for a given sound wave. Considers only frequencies with the magnitudes higher than a given threshold. """ fft_length = int(duration * framerate) # For the FFT to work much faster take the length that is a power of 2. fft_length = get_next_power_2(fft_length) FFT = numpy.fft.fft(sample, n=fft_length) """ ADJUSTING THRESHOLD - HIGHEST SPECTRAL PEAK METHOD""" threshold = 0 power_spectra = [] frequency_bin_with_max_spectrum = 0 for i in range(len(FFT) / 2): power_spectrum = scipy.absolute(FFT[i]) * scipy.absolute(FFT[i]) if power_spectrum > threshold: threshold = power_spectrum frequency_bin_with_max_spectrum = i power_spectra.append(power_spectrum) max_power_spectrum = threshold threshold *= 0.1 binFrequencies = [] magnitudes = [] binResolution = float(framerate) / float(fft_length) sum_of_significant_spectra = 0 # For each bin calculate the corresponding frequency. for k in range(len(FFT)): binFreq = k * binResolution # Truncating the FFT so we consider only hearable frequencies. if binFreq > self.maxFreqConsidered: FFT = FFT[:k] break elif binFreq > self.minFreqConsidered: # Consider only the frequencies # with magnitudes higher than the threshold. power_spectrum = power_spectra[k] if power_spectrum > threshold: magnitudes.append(power_spectrum) binFrequencies.append(binFreq) # Sum all significant power spectra # except the max power spectrum. if power_spectrum != max_power_spectrum: sum_of_significant_spectra += power_spectrum significant_freq = 0.0 if max_power_spectrum > sum_of_significant_spectra: significant_freq = frequency_bin_with_max_spectrum * binResolution # Max. frequency considered after truncating. # maxFreq = rate without truncating. maxFreq = len(FFT) / duration return (FFT, binFrequencies, maxFreq, magnitudes, significant_freq) # Code for STFT taken from: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2459295/stft-and-istft-in-python def STFT(self, x, samplingFreq, framesz, hop): """ Computes STFT for a given sound wave using Hanning window. """ framesamp = int(framesz * samplingFreq) print("FRAMESAMP: " + str(framesamp)) hopsamp = int(hop * samplingFreq) print("HOP SAMP: " + str(hopsamp)) # Modification: using Hanning window instead of Hamming - by Pertusa w = signal.hann(framesamp) X = numpy.array( [ numpy.fft.fft(w * x[i : i + framesamp]) for i in range(0, len(x) - framesamp, hopsamp) ] ) return X def plotMagnitudeSpectrogram(self, rate, sample, framesz, hop): """ Calculates and plots the magnitude spectrum of a given sound wave. """ X = self.STFT(sample, rate, framesz, hop) # Plot the magnitude spectrogram. pylab.figure("Magnitude spectrogram") pylab.imshow( scipy.absolute(X.T), origin="lower", aspect="auto", interpolation="nearest" ) pylab.xlabel("Time") pylab.ylabel("Frequency") pylab.show() def getFilteredFFT(self, FFT, duration, threshold): """ Returns a list of frequencies with the magnitudes higher than a given threshold. """ significantFreqs = [] for i in range(len(FFT)): power_spectrum = scipy.absolute(FFT[i]) * scipy.absolute(FFT[i]) if power_spectrum > threshold: significantFreqs.append(i / duration) return significantFreqs def clusterFrequencies(self, freqs): """ Clusters frequencies. """ if len(freqs) == 0: return {} clusteredFreqs = {} bin = 0 clusteredFreqs[0] = [freqs[0]] for i in range(len(freqs) - 1): dist = self.calcDistance(freqs[i], freqs[i + 1]) if dist < 2.0: clusteredFreqs[bin].append(freqs[i + 1]) else: bin += 1 clusteredFreqs[bin] = [freqs[i + 1]] return clusteredFreqs def getClustersMeans(self, clusters): """ Given clustered frequencies finds a mean of each cluster. """ means = [] for bin, freqs in clusters.items(): means.append(sum(freqs) / len(freqs)) return means def getDistances(self, freqs): """ Returns a list of distances between each frequency. """ distances = { (freqs[i], freqs[j]): self.calcDistance(freqs[i], freqs[j]) for (i, j) in product(list(range(len(freqs))), repeat=2) } distances = { freq_pair: dist for freq_pair, dist in distances.items() if dist < 2.0 } return distances def calcDistance(self, freq1, freq2): """ Calculates distance between frequencies taking into account that the frequencies of pitches increase logarithmically. """ difference = abs(freq1 - freq2) log = math.log((freq1 + freq2) / 2) return difference / log def getF0Candidates(self, frequencies): """ Given frequencies finds possible F0 candidates by discarding potential harmonic frequencies. """ f0_candidates = [] """ MODIFICATION: CONSIDER ONLY MIDDLE RANGE FREQUENCIES """ """ if len(frequencies) > 0 and frequencies[0] < 83.0: low_freq_candidate = self.find_low_freq_candidate(frequencies) if low_freq_candidate > 0.0: f0_candidates.append(low_freq_candidate) #frequencies = self.filterOutHarmonics( frequencies, low_freq_candidate) """ while len(frequencies) > 0: f0_candidate = frequencies[0] f0_candidates.append(f0_candidate) frequencies.remove(f0_candidate) frequencies = self.filterOutHarmonics(frequencies, f0_candidate) return f0_candidates def filterOutHarmonics(self, frequencies, f0_candidate): """ Given frequencies and an f0 candidate remove all possible harmonics of this f0 candidate. """ # If an integer frequency is a multiple of another frequency # then it is its harmonic. This constant was found empirically. REMAINDER_THRESHOLD = 0.2 def is_multiple(f, f0): return abs(round(f / f0) - f / f0) < REMAINDER_THRESHOLD return [f for f in frequencies if not is_multiple(f, f0_candidate)] def find_low_freq_candidate(self, frequencies): REMAINDER_THRESHOLD = 0.05 f0_candidates = [] def is_multiple(f, f0): return abs(round(f / f0) - f / f0) < REMAINDER_THRESHOLD best_candidate = -1 max_no_partials = 0 for low_f0 in self.low_f0s: num_of_partials = 0 for f in frequencies: if is_multiple(f, low_f0): num_of_partials += 1 if num_of_partials > max_no_partials: max_no_partials = num_of_partials best_candidate = low_f0 return best_candidate def find_partials(self, frequencies, f0_candidate, magnitudes): """ Given frequencies, frequency magnitudes and an f0 candidate return the partials and magnitudes of this f0 candidate. """ REMAINDER_THRESHOLD = 0.05 def is_multiple(f, f0): return abs(round(f / f0) - f / f0) < REMAINDER_THRESHOLD partials = [] partial_magnitudes = [] for i in range(len(frequencies)): if is_multiple(frequencies[i], f0_candidate): partials.append(frequencies[i]) partial_magnitudes.append(magnitudes[i]) return (partials, partial_magnitudes) def matchWithMIDINotes(self, f0_candidates): midi_notes = [] for freq in f0_candidates: # Formula for calculating MIDI note number. midi_notes.append(int(round(69 + 12 * math.log(freq / 440) / math.log(2)))) return midi_notes if __name__ == "__main__": MIDI_detector = MIDI_Detector(sys.argv[1]) midi_notes = MIDI_detector.detect_MIDI_notes() print(midi_notes) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>__author__ = "Ahmed Hani Ibrahim" class Action(object): def GetActionName(self): return self.__name def SetActionName(self, name): self.__name = name def __init__(self, name): self.__name = name <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># auto-generated file import _cffi_backend ffi = _cffi_backend.FFI( "_simple_example", _version=0x2601, _types=b"\x00\x00\x04\x0D\x00\x00\x03\x03\x00\x00\x01\x0F\x00\x00\x02\x01\x00\x00\x07\x01", _globals=( b"\x00\x00\x00\x23printf", 0, ), ) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python from dnslib import * packet = binascii.unhexlify( b"d5ad818000010005000000000377777706676f6f676c6503636f6d0000010001c00c0005000100000005000803777777016cc010c02c0001000100000005000442f95b68c02c0001000100000005000442f95b63c02c0001000100000005000442f95b67c02c0001000100000005000442f95b93" ) d = DNSRecord.parse(packet) # The default text representation of the DNSRecord is in zone file format print(d) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>from app import app if __name__ == "__main__": app.run() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># coding: utf-8 from flask import render_template, Blueprint, redirect, request, url_for from ..forms import SigninForm, SignupForm from ..utils.account import signin_user, signout_user from ..utils.permissions import VisitorPermission, UserPermission from ..models import db, User bp = Blueprint("account", __name__) @bp.route("/signin", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @VisitorPermission() def signin(): """Signin""" form = SigninForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): signin_user(form.user) return redirect(url_for("site.index")) return render_template("account/signin/signin.html", form=form) @bp.route("/signup", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @VisitorPermission() def signup(): """Signup""" form = SignupForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): params = form.data.copy() params.pop("repassword") user = User(**params) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() signin_user(user) return redirect(url_for("site.index")) return render_template("account/signup/signup.html", form=form) @bp.route("/signout") def signout(): """Signout""" signout_user() return redirect(request.referrer or url_for("site.index")) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>from app import app, db import unittest import os import tempfile from flask import json TEST_DB = "test.db" class BasicTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_index(self): """inital test. ensure flask was set up correctly""" tester = app.test_client(self) response = tester.get("/", content_type="html/text") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def test_database(self): """inital test. ensure that the database exists""" tester = os.path.exists("flaskr.db") self.assertTrue(tester) class FlaskrTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """Set up a blank temp database before each test""" basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) app.config["TESTING"] = True app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite:///" + os.path.join( basedir, TEST_DB ) self.app = app.test_client() db.create_all() def tearDown(self): """Destroy blank temp database after each test""" db.drop_all() def login(self, username, password): """Login helper function""" return self.app.post( "/login", data=dict(username=username, password=password), follow_redirects=True, ) def logout(self): """Logout helper function""" return self.app.get("/logout", follow_redirects=True) # assert functions def test_empty_db(self): """Ensure database is blank""" rv = self.app.get("/") self.assertIn(b"No entries yet. Add some!", rv.data) def test_login_logout(self): """Test login and logout using helper functions""" rv = self.login(app.config["USERNAME"], app.config["PASSWORD"]) self.assertIn(b"You were logged in", rv.data) rv = self.logout() self.assertIn(b"You were logged out", rv.data) rv = self.login(app.config["USERNAME"] + "x", app.config["PASSWORD"]) self.assertIn(b"Invalid username", rv.data) rv = self.login(app.config["USERNAME"], app.config["PASSWORD"] + "x") self.assertIn(b"Invalid password", rv.data) def test_messages(self): """Ensure that user can post messages""" self.login(app.config["USERNAME"], app.config["PASSWORD"]) rv = self.app.post( "/add", data=dict(title="<Hello>", text="<strong>HTML</strong> allowed here"), follow_redirects=True, ) self.assertNotIn(b"No entries here so far", rv.data) self.assertIn(b"&lt;Hello&gt;", rv.data) self.assertIn(b"<strong>HTML</strong> allowed here", rv.data) def test_delete_message(self): """Ensure the messages are being deleted""" rv = self.app.get("/delete/1") data = json.loads(rv.data) self.assertEqual(data["status"], 1) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 import json data = [{"a": "A", "b": (2, 4), "c": 3.0}] print("DATA:", repr(data)) unsorted = json.dumps(data) print("JSON:", json.dumps(data)) print("SORT:", json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True)) first = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True) second = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True) print("UNSORTED MATCH:", unsorted == first) print("SORTED MATCH :", first == second) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # Exercise 30: Else and If people = 30 cars = 40 trucks = 15 if cars > people: print("We should take the cars.") elif cars < people: print("We should not take the cars.") else: print("We can't decide.") if trucks > cars: print("That's too many trucks.") elif trucks < cars: print("Maybe we could take the trucks.") else: print("We still can't decide.") if people > trucks: print("Alright, let's just take the trucks.") else: print("Fine, let's stay home then.") <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import _thread import time mylock = _thread.allocate_lock() # Allocate a lock num = 0 # Shared resource def add_num(name): global num while True: mylock.acquire() # Get the lock # Do something to the shared resource print(("Thread %s locked! num=%s" % (name, str(num)))) if num >= 5: print(("Thread %s released! num=%s" % (name, str(num)))) mylock.release() _thread.exit() num += 1 print(("Thread %s released! num=%s" % (name, str(num)))) mylock.release() # Release the lock. def test(): _thread.start_new_thread(add_num, ("A",)) _thread.start_new_thread(add_num, ("B",)) time.sleep(30) if __name__ == "__main__": test() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """Expand shell variables in filenames. """ import os.path import os os.environ["MYVAR"] = "VALUE" print(os.path.expandvars("/path/to/$MYVAR")) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python import pyglet from pyglet.window import key from pyglet.window import mouse window = pyglet.window.Window() @window.event def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers): print("key %s was pressed" % symbol) if symbol == key.A: print('The "A" key was pressed.') elif symbol == key.LEFT: print("The left arrow key was pressed.") elif symbol == key.ENTER: print("The enter key was pressed.") @window.event def on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifiers): print("location: (%s, %s), button: %s" % (x, y, button)) if button == mouse.LEFT: print("The left mouse button was pressed.") @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() pyglet.app.run() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>number = 53 go = True while go: guess = int(raw_input('input a number please')) if guess == number: print 'correct' go = False elif guess < number: print 'try a bigger one' else: print 'try a smaller one' else: print 'it\'s over' <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(here, "README.txt")) as f: README = f.read() with open(os.path.join(here, "CHANGES.txt")) as f: CHANGES = f.read() requires = [ "pyramid", "pyramid_chameleon", "pyramid_debugtoolbar", "pyramid_tm", "SQLAlchemy", "transaction", "zope.sqlalchemy", "waitress", ] setup( name="pyramid_pycharm", version="0.0", description="pyramid_pycharm", long_description=README + "\n\n" + CHANGES, classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python", "Framework :: Pyramid", "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP", "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application", ], author="", author_email="", url="", keywords="web wsgi bfg pylons pyramid", packages=find_packages(), include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, test_suite="pyramid_pycharm", install_requires=requires, entry_points="""\ [paste.app_factory] main = pyramid_pycharm:main [console_scripts] initialize_pyramid_pycharm_db = pyramid_pycharm.scripts.initializedb:main """, ) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python from mako.template import Template from mako.runtime import Context from io import StringIO mytemplate = Template("hello, ${name}!") buf = StringIO() ctx = Context(buf, name="Akagi201") mytemplate.render_context(ctx) print((buf.getvalue())) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python """Test for inequality """ import unittest class InequalityTest(unittest.TestCase): def testEqual(self): self.assertNotEqual(1, 3 - 2) def testNotEqual(self): self.assertEqual(2, 3 - 2) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>from flask import Flask from flask.ext.fragment import Fragment from flask.ext.login import LoginManager from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy app = Flask(__name__) db = SQLAlchemy(app) fragment = Fragment(app) login = LoginManager(app) from models import User, Post, Comment, LoginForm, RegisterForm, PostForm, CommentForm from flask.ext.login import current_user, login_required, login_user, logout_user from flask import render_template, redirect, url_for, request, flash #### VIEWS from models import User, Post, Comment, LoginForm, RegisterForm, PostForm, CommentForm from flask.ext.login import current_user, login_required, login_user, logout_user from flask import render_template, redirect, url_for, request, flash POSTS_ON_PAGE = 20 COMMENTS_ON_PAGE = 20 ## Handlers @login.user_loader def load_user(userid): return User.get(userid) @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return render_template("page404.html"), 404 @login.unauthorized_handler def unauthorized(): flash( "Only authorized users can do requested action or see requested page.", "warning", ) return redirect(url_for("index")) ### Login/Logout/Register pages @fragment(app) def login_form(): return render_template("login.html", form=LoginForm()) @app.route("/login", methods=["POST"]) def login(): form = LoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): login_user(form.user) flash("You are logged successfully.", "info") return redirect(request.args.get("next") or url_for("index")) return redirect(url_for("index")) @app.route("/logout") @login_required def logout(): logout_user() return redirect(url_for("index")) @app.route("/register", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def register(): form = RegisterForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): db.session.add(form.user) db.session.commit() login_user(form.user) flash("You are registered successfully.", "info") return redirect(url_for("index")) return render_template("register.html", form=form) ### Index page @fragment(app, cache=300) def user_info(userid): return render_template("fragments/userinfo.html") @fragment(app, cache=300) def posts_list(page): page = int(page) page_size = POSTS_ON_PAGE pagination = Post.query.filter_by().paginate(page, page_size) posts = Post.query.filter_by().offset((page - 1) * page_size).limit(page_size).all() return render_template( "fragments/posts_list.html", pagination=pagination, posts=posts ) @fragment.resethandler(posts_list) def reset_posts_list(): page_size = POSTS_ON_PAGE pagination = Post.query.filter_by().paginate(1, page_size) for N in range(pagination.pages): fragment.reset_url(url_for("posts_list", page=N + 1)) @app.route("/posts/<int:page>") @app.route("/", endpoint="index", defaults={"page": 1}) def posts(page): return render_template("index.html", page=page) ### Post page @fragment(app, cache=300) def post_show(post_id): post = Post.query.filter_by(id=post_id).first() return render_template("fragments/post_show.html", post=post) @fragment(app, cache=300) def comments_list(post_id, page): page = int(page) page_size = COMMENTS_ON_PAGE pagination = Comment.query.filter_by(post_id=post_id).paginate(page, page_size) comments = ( Comment.query.filter_by(post_id=post_id) .offset((page - 1) * page_size) .limit(page_size) .all() ) return render_template( "fragments/comments_list.html", post_id=post_id, page=page, pagination=pagination, comments=comments, ) @fragment.resethandler(comments_list) def reset_comments_list(post_id): page_size = COMMENTS_ON_PAGE pagination = Comment.query.filter_by(post_id=post_id).paginate(1, page_size) for N in range(pagination.pages): fragment.reset_url(url_for("comments_list", post_id=post_id, page=N + 1)) @app.route("/post/<int:post_id>/<int:page>", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def post(post_id, page): form = CommentForm() if current_user.is_authenticated() and form.validate_on_submit(): form.comment.author_id = current_user.id form.comment.post_id = post_id db.session.add(form.comment) db.session.commit() fragment.reset(posts_list) fragment.reset(comments_list, post_id) fragment.reset(user_info, current_user.id) flash("Your comment has saved successfully.", "info") return render_template("post.html", form=form, post_id=post_id, page=page) ### New Post page @app.route("/new/post", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required def new_post(): form = PostForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): form.post.author_id = current_user.id db.session.add(form.post) db.session.commit() fragment.reset(posts_list) fragment.reset(user_info, current_user.id) flash("Your post has saved successfully.", "info") return redirect(url_for("index")) return render_template("newpost.html", form=form) ### Config ### class DefaultConfig(object): FRAGMENT_CACHING = True SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "sqlite:///ssiblog.db" SECRET_KEY = "Development_Secret_Key_Must_Be_Overwritten" ### Console command ### import sys import os.path PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 from flask.ext.script import Manager manager = Manager(app, with_default_commands=False) @manager.command def debug(): """Runs application within debug environment.""" app.config["DEBUG"] = True if PY2: from flask_debugtoolbar import DebugToolbarExtension DebugToolbarExtension(app) app.run(debug=True) @manager.command def nginx_conf(): """Creates application config for nginx.""" file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "nginx.conf") fragment._create_nginx_config(file_name) @manager.command def create_db(): """Creates application DB.""" from models import DB url = app.config.get("SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI", "sqlite://") if url.startswith("sqlite:////"): path = url[10:] if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) DB.create_all() DB.session.commit() if __name__ == "__main__": app.config.from_object(DefaultConfig) manager.run() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from tests.common import ( parent_id, parent_name, child_id, child_parent_id, relation, child, parent, ) from eralchemy.main import _intermediary_to_markdown import re import pytest column_re = re.compile('(?P<key>\*?)(?P<name>[^*].+) \{label:"(?P<type>.+)"\}') def test_all_to_er(): tables = [child, parent] relations = [relation] output = _intermediary_to_markdown(tables, relations) for element in relations + tables: assert element.to_markdown() in output def assert_column_well_rendered_to_er(col): col_er = col.to_markdown().strip() col_parsed = column_re.match(col_er) assert col_parsed.group("key") == ("*" if col.is_key else "") assert col_parsed.group("name") == col.name assert col_parsed.group("type") == col.type def test_column_to_er(): assert_column_well_rendered_to_er(parent_id) assert_column_well_rendered_to_er(parent_name) assert_column_well_rendered_to_er(child_id) assert_column_well_rendered_to_er(child_parent_id) def test_relation(): assert relation.to_markdown() in ["parent *--? child", "child ?--* parent"] def assert_table_well_rendered_to_er(table): assert table.header_markdown == "[" + table.name + "]" table_er = table.to_markdown() for col in table.columns: assert col.to_markdown() in table_er def test_table(): assert_table_well_rendered_to_er(child) assert_table_well_rendered_to_er(parent) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>from django.http import Http404 from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger ########### # CHOICES # ########### def choice_list(request, app_label, module_name, field_name, models): m, f = lookup_field(app_label, module_name, field_name, models) return render_to_response("databrowse/choice_list.html", {"model": m, "field": f}) def choice_detail(request, app_label, module_name, field_name, field_val, models): m, f = lookup_field(app_label, module_name, field_name, models) try: label = dict(f.field.choices)[field_val] except KeyError: raise Http404("Invalid choice value given") obj_list = m.objects(**{f.field.name: field_val}) numitems = request.GET.get("items") items_per_page = [25, 50, 100] if numitems and numitems.isdigit() and int(numitems) > 0: paginator = Paginator(obj_list, numitems) else: # fall back to default paginator = Paginator(obj_list, items_per_page[0]) page = request.GET.get("page") try: obj_list_page = paginator.page(page) except PageNotAnInteger: # If page is not an integer, deliver first page. obj_list_page = paginator.page(1) except EmptyPage: # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page. obj_list_page = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages) return render_to_response( "databrowse/choice_detail.html", { "model": m, "field": f, "value": label, "object_list": obj_list_page, "items_per_page": items_per_page, }, ) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" This is testing project for KeyKeeper application. """ <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>"""Dynamic REST (or DREST) is an extension of Django REST Framework. DREST offers the following features on top of the standard DRF kit: - Linked/embedded/sideloaded relationships - Field inclusions/exlusions - Field-based filtering/sorting - Directory panel for the browsable API - Optimizations """ <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ("contenttypes", "0001_initial"), ("tests", "0002_auto_20160310_1052"), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name="user", name="favorite_pet_id", field=models.TextField(null=True, blank=True), preserve_default=True, ), migrations.AddField( model_name="user", name="favorite_pet_type", field=models.ForeignKey( blank=True, to="contenttypes.ContentType", null=True ), # noqa preserve_default=True, ), ] <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>"""FamilySearch User submodule""" # Python imports # Magic class User(object): """https://familysearch.org/developers/docs/api/resources#user""" def __init__(self): """https://familysearch.org/developers/docs/api/examples#user""" pass def current_user(self): """https://familysearch.org/developers/docs/api/users/Current_User_resource""" url = self.root_collection["response"]["collections"][0]["links"][ "current-user" ]["href"] return url def current_user_person(self): """https://familysearch.org/developers/docs/api/tree/Current_Tree_Person_resource""" try: url = self.collections["FSFT"]["response"]["collections"][0]["links"][ "current-user-person" ]["href"] except KeyError: self.update_collection("FSFT") url = self.collections["FSFT"]["response"]["collections"][0]["links"][ "current-user-person" ]["href"] return url def agent(self, uid): """https://familysearch.org/developers/docs/api/users/Agent_resource""" return self.user_base + "agents/" + uid def current_user_history(self): """https://familysearch.org/developers/docs/api/users/Current_User_History_resource""" try: url = self.collections["FSFT"]["response"]["collections"][0]["links"][ "current-user-history" ]["href"] except KeyError: self.update_collection("FSFT") url = self.collections["FSFT"]["response"]["collections"][0]["links"][ "current-user-history" ]["href"] return url <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" [Advanced] [In-development] Export a program list to a single yaml file. The export may contain machine specific paths. and may need to be edited for portability """ from argparse import FileType import logging import sys import yaml from chalmers.utils.cli import add_selection_group, select_programs log = logging.getLogger("chalmers.export") def main(args): export_data = [] programs = select_programs(args, filter_paused=False) for prog in programs: export_data.append({"program": dict(prog.raw_data)}) yaml.safe_dump(export_data, args.output, default_flow_style=False) def add_parser(subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( "export", help='[IN DEVELOPMENT] Export current configuration to be installed with the "import" command', description=__doc__, ) add_selection_group(parser) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=FileType("w"), default=sys.stdout) parser.set_defaults(main=main) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" Linux services, this module checks the existence of linux command line programs on import * systemd_service * upstart_service * sysv_service * cron_service In that order """ import logging import platform import sys from . import cron_service, sysv_service, upstart_service, systemd_service from chalmers import errors # Fix for AWS Linux if sys.version_info.major == 3: system_dist = ("system",) else: system_dist = (b"system",) platform._supported_dists += system_dist log = logging.getLogger("chalmers.service") class NoPosixSystemService(object): def __init__(self, target_user=None): supported_dists = platform._supported_dists + system_dist linux = platform.linux_distribution(supported_dists=supported_dists) raise errors.ChalmersError( "Could not detect system service for platform %s (tried systemd, sysv init and upstart)" % linux[0] ) if systemd_service.check(): PosixSystemService = systemd_service.SystemdService elif sysv_service.check(): PosixSystemService = sysv_service.SysVService elif upstart_service.check(): PosixSystemService = upstart_service.UpstartService else: PosixSystemService = NoPosixSystemService PosixLocalService = cron_service.CronService <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>import abc import logging import traceback import servicemanager import win32event, win32service, win32api from win32serviceutil import ServiceFramework log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WindowsService(object, ServiceFramework, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Base windows service class that provides all the nice things that a python service needs """ def __init__(self, args): try: self._svc_name_ = args[0] self._svc_display_name_ = args[0] ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args) self.stop_event = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None) except Exception: self.log("Error in WindowsService.__init__") self.log(traceback.format_exc()) raise def log(self, msg): "Log to the NTEventlog" servicemanager.LogInfoMsg(str(msg)) def sleep(self, sec): win32api.Sleep(sec * 1000, True) def SvcDoRun(self): self.log("start") self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_START_PENDING) try: self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_RUNNING) self.log("start") self.start() self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOPPED) # self.log('wait') # win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self.stop_event, win32event.INFINITE) self.log("done") except Exception: self.log("Error in WindowsService.SvcDoRun") self.log(traceback.format_exc()) self.SvcStop() def SvcStop(self): pass self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) self.log("stopping") self.stop() self.log("stopped") win32event.SetEvent(self.stop_event) self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOPPED) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|># Copyright (c) 2014 Johan Burke # Distributed under the MIT software license. See http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from ..pyelliptic.ecc import * from ..threads.threadutils import * from ..constants import * from .key import * import hashlib from struct import * import sys def encodeInt(val, alphabet=ALPHABET): base = len(alphabet) result = "" while val > 0: rem = val % base result = str(alphabet[rem]) + result val = val // base return result class Address: def __init__(self, hashValue, version=VERSION): self.version = version self.hashValue = hashValue self.encodedValue = "" def encodeVersion(self): # return the version as a big-endian unsigned byte. return pack(">B", self.version) def encode(self): a = self.encodeVersion() + self.hashValue sha = hashlib.new("sha512") sha.update(a) sha.update(sha.digest()) checksum = sha.digest()[0:2] intValue = int.from_bytes(a + checksum, "big") # this value is in base 64 self.encodedValue = encodeInt(intValue) def genKey(): curve = ECC() pubKey = curve.get_pubkey() sha = hashlib.new("sha512") sha.update(pubKey) ripemd = hashlib.new("ripemd160") ripemd.update(sha.digest()) sha.update(ripemd.digest()) ripemd.update(sha.digest()) # safePrint(ripemd.digest()) a = Address(ripemd.digest()) a.encode() key = Key(pubKey, curve.get_privkey(), a.encodedValue) return key <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>from anymesh import AnyMesh, AnyMeshDelegateProtocol class LeftDelegate(AnyMeshDelegateProtocol): def connected_to(self, device_info): print(("left connected to " + device_info.name)) def disconnected_from(self, name): pass def received_msg(self, message): print(("left received message from " + message.sender)) print(("message: " + message.data["msg"])) leftMesh.request("right", {"msg": "back at ya righty!"}) class RightDelegate(AnyMeshDelegateProtocol): def connected_to(self, device_info): print(("right connected to " + device_info.name)) rightMesh.request("left", {"msg": "hey lefty!"}) def disconnected_from(self, name): pass def received_msg(self, message): print(("right received message from " + message.sender)) print(("message: " + message.data["msg"])) leftMesh = AnyMesh("left", "global", LeftDelegate()) rightMesh = AnyMesh("right", "global", RightDelegate()) AnyMesh.run() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>import unittest import doctest import urwid def load_tests(loader, tests, ignore): module_doctests = [ urwid.widget, urwid.wimp, urwid.decoration, urwid.display_common, urwid.main_loop, urwid.monitored_list, urwid.raw_display, "urwid.split_repr", # override function with same name urwid.util, urwid.signals, ] for m in module_doctests: tests.addTests( doctest.DocTestSuite( m, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL ) ) return tests <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) EXCLUDED_LOG_VARS = [ "threadName", "name", "thread", "created", "process", "processName", "args", "module", "filename", "levelno", "exc_text", "pathname", "lineno", "msg", "exc_info", "message", "funcName", "relativeCreated", "levelname", "msecs", "asctime", ] def register_logging(logger, client_config, cls): found = False for handler in logger.handlers: if isinstance(handler, cls): found = True reg_handler = handler if not found: reg_handler = cls(client_config=client_config) logger.addHandler(reg_handler) return reg_handler def unregister_logger(logger, handler): logger.removeHandler(handler) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>import uuid import datetime from appenlight_client.timing import get_local_storage from appenlight_client.timing import default_timer from appenlight_client.client import PY3 import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AppenlightWSGIWrapper(object): __version__ = "0.3" def __init__(self, app, appenlight_client): self.app = app self.appenlight_client = appenlight_client def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """Run the application and conserve the traceback frames. also determine if we got 404 """ environ["appenlight.request_id"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) appenlight_storage = get_local_storage() # clear out thread stats on request start appenlight_storage.clear() app_iter = None detected_data = [] create_report = False traceback = None http_status = 200 start_time = default_timer() def detect_headers(status, headers, *k, **kw): detected_data[:] = status[:3], headers return start_response(status, headers, *k, **kw) # inject client instance reference to environ if "appenlight.client" not in environ: environ["appenlight.client"] = self.appenlight_client # some bw. compat stubs def local_report(message, include_traceback=True, http_status=200): environ["appenlight.force_send"] = True def local_log(level, message): environ["appenlight.force_send"] = True environ["appenlight.report"] = local_report environ["appenlight.log"] = local_log if "appenlight.tags" not in environ: environ["appenlight.tags"] = {} if "appenlight.extra" not in environ: environ["appenlight.extra"] = {} try: app_iter = self.app(environ, detect_headers) return app_iter except Exception: if hasattr(app_iter, "close"): app_iter.close() # we need that here traceback = self.appenlight_client.get_current_traceback() # by default reraise exceptions for app/FW to handle if self.appenlight_client.config["reraise_exceptions"]: raise try: start_response( "500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR", [("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")], ) except Exception: environ["wsgi.errors"].write( "AppenlightWSGIWrapper middleware catched exception " "in streamed response at a point where response headers " "were already sent.\n" ) else: return "Server Error" finally: # report 500's and 404's # report slowness end_time = default_timer() appenlight_storage.thread_stats["main"] = end_time - start_time delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=(end_time - start_time)) stats, slow_calls = appenlight_storage.get_thread_stats() if "appenlight.view_name" not in environ: environ["appenlight.view_name"] = getattr( appenlight_storage, "view_name", "" ) if detected_data and detected_data[0]: http_status = int(detected_data[0]) if self.appenlight_client.config["slow_requests"] and not environ.get( "appenlight.ignore_slow" ): # do we have slow calls/request ? if ( delta >= self.appenlight_client.config["slow_request_time"] or slow_calls ): create_report = True if "appenlight.__traceback" in environ and not environ.get( "appenlight.ignore_error" ): # get traceback gathered by pyramid tween traceback = environ["appenlight.__traceback"] del environ["appenlight.__traceback"] http_status = 500 create_report = True if ( traceback and self.appenlight_client.config["report_errors"] and not environ.get("appenlight.ignore_error") ): http_status = 500 create_report = True elif self.appenlight_client.config["report_404"] and http_status == 404: create_report = True if create_report: self.appenlight_client.py_report( environ, traceback, message=None, http_status=http_status, start_time=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_time), end_time=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(end_time), request_stats=stats, slow_calls=slow_calls, ) # dereference del traceback self.appenlight_client.save_request_stats( stats, view_name=environ.get("appenlight.view_name", "") ) if self.appenlight_client.config["logging"]: records = self.appenlight_client.log_handlers_get_records() self.appenlight_client.log_handlers_clear_records() self.appenlight_client.py_log( environ, records=records, r_uuid=environ["appenlight.request_id"], created_report=create_report, ) # send all data we gathered immediately at the end of request self.appenlight_client.check_if_deliver( self.appenlight_client.config["force_send"] or environ.get("appenlight.force_send") ) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # Programmer: Chris Bunch (chris@appscale.com) # General-purpose Python library imports import json import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import unittest import yaml # Third party testing libraries import boto.ec2 from flexmock import flexmock # AppScale import, the library that we're testing here lib = os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + ".." + os.sep + "lib" sys.path.append(lib) from agents.ec2_agent import EC2Agent from appscale import AppScale from appscale_tools import AppScaleTools from custom_exceptions import AppScaleException from custom_exceptions import AppScalefileException from custom_exceptions import BadConfigurationException from local_state import LocalState from remote_helper import RemoteHelper class TestAppScale(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): os.environ["EC2_ACCESS_KEY"] = "" os.environ["EC2_SECRET_KEY"] = "" def tearDown(self): os.environ["EC2_ACCESS_KEY"] = "" os.environ["EC2_SECRET_KEY"] = "" def addMockForNoAppScalefile(self, appscale): flexmock(os) os.should_receive("getcwd").and_return("/boo") mock = flexmock(sys.modules["__builtin__"]) mock.should_call("open") # set the fall-through ( mock.should_receive("open") .with_args("/boo/" + appscale.APPSCALEFILE) .and_raise(IOError) ) def addMockForAppScalefile(self, appscale, contents): flexmock(os) os.should_receive("getcwd").and_return("/boo") mock = flexmock(sys.modules["__builtin__"]) mock.should_call("open") # set the fall-through ( mock.should_receive("open") .with_args("/boo/" + appscale.APPSCALEFILE) .and_return(flexmock(read=lambda: contents)) ) return mock def test_get_nodes(self): appscale = flexmock(AppScale()) builtin = flexmock(sys.modules["__builtin__"]) builtin.should_call("open") nodes = [{"public_ip": "blarg"}] appscale_yaml = {"keyname": "boo"} appscale.should_receive("get_locations_json_file").and_return("locations.json") # If the locations JSON file exists, it should return the locations as a # dictionary. builtin.should_receive("open").with_args("locations.json").and_return( flexmock(read=lambda: json.dumps(nodes)) ) self.assertEqual(nodes, appscale.get_nodes(appscale_yaml["keyname"])) # If the locations JSON file does not exist, it should throw an # AppScaleException. builtin.should_receive("open").with_args("locations.json").and_raise(IOError) with self.assertRaises(AppScaleException): appscale.get_nodes(appscale_yaml["keyname"]) def test_get_head_node(self): shadow_node_1 = {"public_ip": "public2", "jobs": ["shadow"]} appengine_node = {"public_ip": "public1", "jobs": ["appengine"]} shadow_node_2 = {"public_ip": "public3", "jobs": ["shadow"]} appscale = AppScale() # If the list of nodes does not have a node with the shadow role, the # tools should raise an AppScaleException. with self.assertRaises(AppScaleException): appscale.get_head_node([appengine_node]) # If the list of nodes contains any nodes with the shadow role, the tools # should return the public IP address of the first node which has that # role. self.assertEqual( shadow_node_1["public_ip"], appscale.get_head_node([shadow_node_1, appengine_node, shadow_node_2]), ) def testInitWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale init cloud' if there's no AppScalefile in the local # directory should write a new cloud config file there appscale = AppScale() flexmock(os) os.should_receive("getcwd").and_return("/boo") flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_receive("exists").with_args( "/boo/" + appscale.APPSCALEFILE ).and_return(False) # mock out the actual writing of the template file flexmock(shutil) shutil.should_receive("copy").with_args( appscale.TEMPLATE_CLOUD_APPSCALEFILE, "/boo/" + appscale.APPSCALEFILE ).and_return() appscale.init("cloud") def testInitWithAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale init cloud' if there is an AppScalefile in the local # directory should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() flexmock(os) os.should_receive("getcwd").and_return("/boo") flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_receive("exists").with_args( "/boo/" + appscale.APPSCALEFILE ).and_return(True) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.init, "cloud") def testUpWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale up' if there is no AppScalefile present # should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.up) def testUpWithClusterAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale up' if there is an AppScalefile present # should call appscale-run-instances with the given config # params. here, we assume that the file is intended for use # on a virtualized cluster appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "ips_layout": { "master": "ip1", "appengine": "ip1", "database": "ip2", "zookeeper": "ip2", }, "keyname": "boobazblarg", "group": "boobazblarg", } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call("exists") os.path.should_receive("exists").with_args( "/boo/" + appscale.APPSCALEFILE ).and_return(True) # for this test, let's say that we don't have an SSH key already # set up for ip1 and ip2 # TODO(cgb): Add in tests where we have a key for ip1 but not ip2, # and the case where we have a key but it doesn't work key_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.appscale/boobazblarg.key") os.path.should_receive("exists").with_args(key_path).and_return(False) # finally, mock out the actual appscale tools calls. since we're running # via a cluster, this means we call add-keypair to set up SSH keys, then # run-instances to start appscale flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("add_keypair") AppScaleTools.should_receive("run_instances") appscale.up() def testUpWithMalformedClusterAppScalefile(self): # if we try to use an IPs layout that isn't a dictionary, we should throw up # and die appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file, with an IPs layout that is a str contents = { "ips_layout": "'master' 'ip1' 'appengine' 'ip1'", "keyname": "boobazblarg", "group": "boobazblarg", } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call("exists") os.path.should_receive("exists").with_args( "/boo/" + appscale.APPSCALEFILE ).and_return(True) # finally, mock out the actual appscale tools calls. since we're running # via a cluster, this means we call add-keypair to set up SSH keys, then # run-instances to start appscale flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("add_keypair") self.assertRaises(BadConfigurationException, appscale.up) def testUpWithCloudAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale up' if there is an AppScalefile present # should call appscale-run-instances with the given config # params. here, we assume that the file is intended for use # on EC2 appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "infrastructure": "ec2", "machine": "ami-ABCDEFG", "keyname": "bookey", "group": "boogroup", "min": 1, "max": 1, "zone": "my-zone-1b", } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call("exists") os.path.should_receive("exists").with_args( "/boo/" + appscale.APPSCALEFILE ).and_return(True) # throw in some mocks for the argument parsing for credential in EC2Agent.REQUIRED_CREDENTIALS: os.environ[credential] = "baz" # finally, pretend that our ec2 zone and image exists fake_ec2 = flexmock(name="fake_ec2") fake_ec2.should_receive("get_all_instances") fake_ec2.should_receive("get_all_zones").with_args("my-zone-1b").and_return( "anything" ) fake_ec2.should_receive("get_image").with_args("ami-ABCDEFG").and_return() flexmock(boto.ec2) boto.ec2.should_receive("connect_to_region").with_args( "my-zone-1", aws_access_key_id="baz", aws_secret_access_key="baz" ).and_return(fake_ec2) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-run-instances call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("run_instances") appscale.up() def testUpWithEC2EnvironmentVariables(self): # if the user wants us to use their EC2 credentials when running AppScale, # we should make sure they get set appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "infrastructure": "ec2", "machine": "ami-ABCDEFG", "keyname": "bookey", "group": "boogroup", "min": 1, "max": 1, "EC2_ACCESS_KEY": "access key", "EC2_SECRET_KEY": "secret key", "zone": "my-zone-1b", } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call("exists") os.path.should_receive("exists").with_args( "/boo/" + appscale.APPSCALEFILE ).and_return(True) # finally, pretend that our ec2 zone/image to use exist fake_ec2 = flexmock(name="fake_ec2") fake_ec2.should_receive("get_all_instances") fake_ec2.should_receive("get_all_zones").with_args("my-zone-1b").and_return( "anything" ) fake_ec2.should_receive("get_image").with_args("ami-ABCDEFG").and_return() flexmock(boto.ec2) boto.ec2.should_receive("connect_to_region").with_args( "my-zone-1", aws_access_key_id="access key", aws_secret_access_key="secret key", ).and_return(fake_ec2) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-run-instances call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("run_instances") appscale.up() self.assertEqual("access key", os.environ["EC2_ACCESS_KEY"]) self.assertEqual("secret key", os.environ["EC2_SECRET_KEY"]) def testSshWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale ssh' with no AppScalefile in the local # directory should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.ssh, 1) def testSshWithNotIntArg(self): # calling 'appscale ssh not-int' should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, "") self.assertRaises(TypeError, appscale.ssh, "boo") def testSshWithNoNodesJson(self): # calling 'appscale ssh' when there isn't a locations.json # file should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() contents = {"keyname": "boo"} yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) mock = self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) ( mock.should_receive("open") .with_args(appscale.get_locations_json_file("boo")) .and_raise(IOError) ) self.assertRaises(AppScaleException, appscale.ssh, 0) def testSshWithIndexOutOfBounds(self): # calling 'appscale ssh 1' should ssh to the second node # (nodes[1]). If there's only one node in this deployment, # we should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() contents = {"keyname": "boo"} yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) one = {"public_ip": "blarg"} nodes = [one] nodes_contents = json.dumps(nodes) mock = self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) ( mock.should_receive("open") .with_args(appscale.get_locations_json_file("boo")) .and_return(flexmock(read=lambda: nodes_contents)) ) self.assertRaises(AppScaleException, appscale.ssh, 1) def testSshWithIndexInBounds(self): # calling 'appscale ssh 1' should ssh to the second node # (nodes[1]). If there are two nodes in this deployment, # we should ssh into it successfully appscale = AppScale() contents = {"keyname": "boo"} yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) one = {"public_ip": "blarg"} two = {"public_ip": "blarg2"} nodes = [one, two] nodes_contents = json.dumps(nodes) mock = self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) ( mock.should_receive("open") .with_args(appscale.get_locations_json_file("boo")) .and_return(flexmock(read=lambda: nodes_contents)) ) flexmock(subprocess) subprocess.should_receive("call").with_args( [ "ssh", "-o", "StrictHostkeyChecking=no", "-i", appscale.get_key_location("boo"), "root@blarg2", ] ).and_return().once() appscale.ssh(1) def testStatusWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale status' with no AppScalefile in the local # directory should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.status) def testStatusWithCloudAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale status' with an AppScalefile in the local # directory should collect any parameters needed for the # 'appscale-describe-instances' command and then exec it appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "infrastructure": "ec2", "machine": "ami-ABCDEFG", "keyname": "bookey", "group": "boogroup", "verbose": True, "min": 1, "max": 1, } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-describe-instances call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("describe_instances") appscale.status() def testDeployWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale deploy' with no AppScalefile in the local # directory should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) app = "/bar/app" self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.deploy, app) def testDeployWithCloudAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale deploy app' with an AppScalefile in the local # directory should collect any parameters needed for the # 'appscale-upload-app' command and then exec it appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "infrastructure": "ec2", "machine": "ami-ABCDEFG", "keyname": "bookey", "group": "boogroup", "verbose": True, "min": 1, "max": 1, } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-run-instances call fake_port = 8080 fake_host = "fake_host" flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("upload_app").and_return((fake_host, fake_port)) app = "/bar/app" (host, port) = appscale.deploy(app) self.assertEqual(fake_host, host) self.assertEqual(fake_port, port) def testUndeployWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale undeploy' with no AppScalefile in the local # directory should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) appid = "barapp" self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.undeploy, appid) def testUndeployWithCloudAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale undeploy app' with an AppScalefile in the local # directory should collect any parameters needed for the # 'appscale-remove-app' command and then exec it appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "infrastructure": "ec2", "machine": "ami-ABCDEFG", "keyname": "bookey", "group": "boogroup", "verbose": True, "min": 1, "max": 1, } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-run-instances call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("remove_app") app = "barapp" appscale.undeploy(app) def testDeployWithCloudAppScalefileAndTestFlag(self): # same as before, but with the 'test' flag in our AppScalefile appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "infrastructure": "ec2", "machine": "ami-ABCDEFG", "keyname": "bookey", "group": "boogroup", "verbose": True, "min": 1, "max": 1, "test": True, } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-run-instances call fake_port = 8080 fake_host = "fake_host" flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("upload_app").and_return((fake_host, fake_port)) app = "/bar/app" (host, port) = appscale.deploy(app) self.assertEqual(fake_host, host) self.assertEqual(fake_port, port) def testTailWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale tail' with no AppScalefile in the local # directory should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.tail, 0, "") def testTailWithNotIntArg(self): # calling 'appscale tail not-int *' should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, "") self.assertRaises(TypeError, appscale.tail, "boo", "") def testTailWithNoNodesJson(self): # calling 'appscale tail' when there isn't a locations.json # file should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() contents = {"keyname": "boo"} yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) mock = self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) ( mock.should_receive("open") .with_args(appscale.get_locations_json_file("boo")) .and_raise(IOError) ) self.assertRaises(AppScaleException, appscale.tail, 0, "") def testTailWithIndexOutOfBounds(self): # calling 'appscale tail 1 *' should tail from the second node # (nodes[1]). If there's only one node in this deployment, # we should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() contents = {"keyname": "boo"} yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) one = {"public_ip": "blarg"} nodes = [one] nodes_contents = json.dumps(nodes) mock = self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) ( mock.should_receive("open") .with_args(appscale.get_locations_json_file("boo")) .and_return(flexmock(read=lambda: nodes_contents)) ) self.assertRaises(AppScaleException, appscale.tail, 1, "") def testTailWithIndexInBounds(self): # calling 'appscale tail 1 *' should tail from the second node # (nodes[1]). If there are two nodes in this deployment, # we should tail from it successfully appscale = AppScale() contents = {"keyname": "boo"} yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) one = {"public_ip": "blarg"} two = {"public_ip": "blarg2"} nodes = [one, two] nodes_contents = json.dumps(nodes) mock = self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) ( mock.should_receive("open") .with_args(appscale.get_locations_json_file("boo")) .and_return(flexmock(read=lambda: nodes_contents)) ) flexmock(subprocess) subprocess.should_receive("call").with_args( [ "ssh", "-o", "StrictHostkeyChecking=no", "-i", appscale.get_key_location("boo"), "root@blarg2", "tail -F /var/log/appscale/c*", ] ).and_return().once() appscale.tail(1, "c*") def testGetLogsWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale logs' with no AppScalefile in the local # directory should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.logs, "") def testGetLogsWithKeyname(self): # calling 'appscale logs dir' with a keyname should produce # a command to exec with the --keyname flag appscale = AppScale() contents = {"keyname": "boo"} yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # mock out the actual call to appscale-gather-logs flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("run_instances") self.assertRaises(BadConfigurationException, appscale.logs, "/baz") def testRelocateWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale relocate' with no AppScalefile in the local directory # should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.relocate, "myapp", 80, 443) def testRelocateWithAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale relocate' with an AppScalefile in the local # directory should collect any parameters needed for the # 'appscale-relocate-app' command and then exec it appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "infrastructure": "ec2", "machine": "ami-ABCDEFG", "keyname": "bookey", "group": "boogroup", "verbose": True, "min": 1, "max": 1, } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-relocate-app call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("relocate_app") appscale.relocate("myapp", 80, 443) def testGetPropertyWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale get' with no AppScalefile in the local directory # should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.get, ".*") def testGetPropertyWithAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale get' with an AppScalefile in the local # directory should collect any parameters needed for the # 'appscale-get-property' command and then exec it appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "infrastructure": "ec2", "machine": "ami-ABCDEFG", "keyname": "bookey", "group": "boogroup", "verbose": True, "min": 1, "max": 1, } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-get-property call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("get_property") appscale.get(".*") def testSetPropertyWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale set' with no AppScalefile in the local directory # should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.set, "key", "value") def testSetPropertyWithAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale set' with an AppScalefile in the local # directory should collect any parameters needed for the # 'appscale-get-property' command and then exec it appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "infrastructure": "ec2", "machine": "ami-ABCDEFG", "keyname": "bookey", "group": "boogroup", "verbose": True, "min": 1, "max": 1, } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-set-property call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("set_property") appscale.set("key", "value") def testDestroyWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale destroy' with no AppScalefile in the local # directory should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.destroy) def testDestroyWithCloudAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale destroy' with an AppScalefile in the local # directory should collect any parameters needed for the # 'appscale-terminate-instances' command and then exec it appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "infrastructure": "ec2", "machine": "ami-ABCDEFG", "keyname": "bookey", "group": "boogroup", "verbose": True, "min": 1, "max": 1, } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-terminate-instances call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("terminate_instances") appscale.destroy() def testDestroyWithEC2EnvironmentVariables(self): # if the user wants us to use their EC2 credentials when running AppScale, # we should make sure they get set appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "infrastructure": "ec2", "machine": "ami-ABCDEFG", "keyname": "bookey", "group": "boogroup", "min": 1, "max": 1, "EC2_ACCESS_KEY": "access key", "EC2_SECRET_KEY": "secret key", } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-terminate-instances call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive("terminate_instances") appscale.destroy() self.assertEqual("access key", os.environ["EC2_ACCESS_KEY"]) self.assertEqual("secret key", os.environ["EC2_SECRET_KEY"]) def testCleanWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale clean' with no AppScalefile in the local # directory should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.clean) def testCleanInCloudDeployment(self): # calling 'appscale clean' in a cloud deployment should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "infrastructure": "ec2", "machine": "ami-ABCDEFG", "keyname": "bookey", "group": "boogroup", "verbose": True, "min": 1, "max": 1, } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) self.assertRaises(BadConfigurationException, appscale.clean) def testCleanInClusterDeployment(self): # calling 'appscale clean' in a cluster deployment should ssh into each of # the boxes specified in the ips_layout and run the terminate script # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { "ips_layout": {"controller": "public1", "servers": ["public2", "public3"]}, "test": True, } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) flexmock(RemoteHelper) RemoteHelper.should_receive("ssh").with_args( re.compile("public[123]"), "appscale", str, False ) flexmock(LocalState) LocalState.should_receive("cleanup_appscale_files").with_args("appscale") appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) expected = ["public1", "public2", "public3"] self.assertEqual(expected, appscale.clean()) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" Backup & Recovery helper functions. """ import logging import os import re import shutil import SOAPpy import statvfs import sys import tarfile import time from os.path import getsize import backup_exceptions import backup_recovery_constants import gcs_helper from backup_recovery_constants import APP_BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION from backup_recovery_constants import APP_DIR_LOCATION from backup_recovery_constants import BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION from backup_recovery_constants import BACKUP_ROLLBACK_SUFFIX from backup_recovery_constants import StorageTypes sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../lib")) import appscale_info from constants import APPSCALE_DATA_DIR from google.appengine.api.appcontroller_client import AppControllerClient # The port that the SOAP server listens to. UA_SERVER_PORT = 4343 def delete_local_backup_file(local_file): """Removes the local backup file. Args: local_file: A str, the path to the backup file to delete. """ if not remove(local_file): logging.warning( "No local backup file '{0}' to delete. " "Skipping...".format(local_file) ) def delete_secondary_backup(base_path): """Deletes the secondary backup if it exists, upon successful backup. Args: base_path: A str, the full path of the backup file without the secondary suffix. """ if not remove("{0}{1}".format(base_path, BACKUP_ROLLBACK_SUFFIX)): logging.warning("No secondary backup to remove. Skipping...") def does_file_exist(path): """Checks if the given file is in the local filesystem. Args: path: A str, the path to the file. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ return os.path.isfile(path) def enough_disk_space(service): """Checks if there's enough available disk space for a new backup. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ available_space = get_available_disk_space() logging.debug("Available space: {0}".format(available_space)) backup_size = get_backup_size(service) logging.debug("Backup size: {0}".format(backup_size)) if backup_size > available_space * backup_recovery_constants.PADDING_PERCENTAGE: logging.warning("Not enough space for a backup.") return False return True def get_available_disk_space(): """Returns the amount of available disk space under /opt/appscale. Returns: An int, the available disk space in bytes. """ stat_struct = os.statvfs(os.path.dirname(BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION)) return stat_struct[statvfs.F_BAVAIL] * stat_struct[statvfs.F_BSIZE] def get_backup_size(service): """Sums up the size of the snapshot files that consist the backup for the given service. Args: service: A str, the service for which we'll calculate the backup size. Returns: An int, the total size of the files consisting the backup in bytes. """ backup_files = get_snapshot_paths(service) total_size = sum(getsize(file) for file in backup_files) return total_size def get_snapshot_paths(service): """Returns a list of file names holding critical data for the given service. Args: service: A str, the service for which we're getting the data files. Currently there is support for Cassandra and Zookeeper. Returns: A list of full paths. """ file_list = [] if service != "cassandra": return file_list look_for = "snapshots" data_dir = "{0}/{1}".format(APPSCALE_DATA_DIR, service) for full_path, _, file in os.walk(data_dir): if look_for in full_path: file_list.append(full_path) logging.debug("List of data paths for '{0}': {1}".format(service, file_list)) return file_list def move_secondary_backup(base_path): """Moves the secondary backup back in place, if it exists, upon an un successful backup attempt. Args: base_path: A str, the final full path of the backup file after this move. """ source = "{0}{1}".format(base_path, BACKUP_ROLLBACK_SUFFIX) target = base_path if not rename(source, target): logging.warning("No secondary backup to restore. Skipping...") def mkdir(path): """Creates a dir with the given path. Args: path: A str, the name of the dir to create. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ try: os.mkdir(path) except OSError: logging.error("OSError while creating dir '{0}'".format(path)) return False return True def makedirs(path): """Creates a dir with the given path and all directories in between. Args: path: A str, the name of the dir to create. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: logging.error("OSError while creating dir '{0}'".format(path)) return False return True def rename(source, destination): """Renames source file into destination. Args: source: A str, the path of the file to rename. destination: A str, the destination path. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ try: os.rename(source, destination) except OSError: logging.error( "OSError while renaming '{0}' to '{1}'".format(source, destination) ) return False return True def remove(path): """Deletes the given file from the filesystem. Args: path: A str, the path of the file to delete. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ try: os.remove(path) except OSError: logging.error("OSError while deleting '{0}'".format(path)) return False return True def tar_backup_files(file_paths, target): """Tars all snapshot files for a given snapshot name. Args: file_paths: A list of files to tar up. target: A str, the full path to the tar file to be created. Returns: The path to the tar file, None otherwise. """ backup_file_location = target # Rename previous backup, if it exists. if not rename( backup_file_location, "{0}{1}".format(backup_file_location, BACKUP_ROLLBACK_SUFFIX), ): logging.warning( "'{0}' not found. Skipping file rename...".format(backup_file_location) ) # Tar up the backup files. tar = tarfile.open(backup_file_location, "w") for name in file_paths: tar.add(name) tar.close() return backup_file_location def untar_backup_files(source): """Restores a previous backup into the Cassandra directory structure from a tar ball. Args: source: A str, the path to the backup tar. Raises: BRException: On untar issues. """ logging.info("Untarring backup file '{0}'...".format(source)) try: tar = tarfile.open(source, "r:gz") tar.extractall(path="/") tar.close() except tarfile.TarError as tar_error: logging.exception(tar_error) raise backup_exceptions.BRException( "Exception while untarring backup file '{0}'.".format(source) ) logging.info("Done untarring '{0}'.".format(source)) def app_backup(storage, full_bucket_name=None): """Saves the app source code at the backups location on the filesystem. Args: storage: A str, one of the StorageTypes class members. full_bucket_name: A str, the name of the backup file to upload to remote storage. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ # Create app backups dir if it doesn't exist. if not makedirs(APP_BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION): logging.warning( "Dir '{0}' already exists. Skipping dir creation...".format( APP_BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION ) ) for dir_path, _, filenames in os.walk(APP_DIR_LOCATION): for filename in filenames: # Copy source code tars to backups location. source = "{0}/{1}".format(dir_path, filename) destination = "{0}/{1}".format(APP_BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION, filename) try: shutil.copy(source, destination) except: logging.error("Error while backing up '{0}'. ".format(source)) delete_app_tars(APP_BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION) return False # Upload to GCS. if storage == StorageTypes.GCS: source = "{0}/{1}".format(APP_DIR_LOCATION, filename) destination = "{0}/apps/{1}".format(full_bucket_name, filename) logging.debug("Destination: {0}".format(destination)) if not gcs_helper.upload_to_bucket(destination, source): logging.error("Error while uploading '{0}' to GCS. ".format(source)) delete_app_tars(APP_BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION) return False return True def app_restore(storage, bucket_name=None): """Restores the app source code from the backups location on the filesystem. Args: storage: A str, one of the StorageTypes class members. bucket_name: A str, the name of the bucket to restore apps from. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ # Create app backups dir if it doesn't exist. if not makedirs(APP_BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION): logging.warning( "Dir '{0}' already exists. Skipping dir creation...".format( APP_BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION ) ) # Download from GCS to backups location. if storage == StorageTypes.GCS: objects = gcs_helper.list_bucket(bucket_name) for app_path in objects: if not app_path.startswith(gcs_helper.APPS_GCS_PREFIX): continue # Only keep the relative name of the app file. # E.g. myapp.tar.gz (app_file) out of apps/myapp.tar.gz (app_path) app_file = app_path[len(gcs_helper.APPS_GCS_PREFIX) :] source = "gs://{0}/{1}".format(bucket_name, app_path) destination = "{0}/{1}".format(APP_BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION, app_file) if not gcs_helper.download_from_bucket(source, destination): logging.error("Error while downloading '{0}' from GCS.".format(source)) delete_app_tars(APP_BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION) return False # Deploy apps. apps_to_deploy = [ os.path.join(APP_BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION, app) for app in os.listdir(APP_BACKUP_DIR_LOCATION) ] if not deploy_apps(apps_to_deploy): logging.error( "Failed to successfully deploy one or more of the " "following apps: {0}".format(apps_to_deploy) ) return False return True def delete_app_tars(location): """Deletes applications tars from the designated location. Args: location: A str, the path to the application tar(s) to be deleted. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ for dir_path, _, filenames in os.walk(location): for filename in filenames: if not remove("{0}/{1}".format(dir_path, filename)): return False return True def deploy_apps(app_paths): """Deploys all apps that reside in /opt/appscale/apps. Args: app_paths: A list of the full paths of the apps to be deployed. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ uaserver = SOAPpy.SOAPProxy( "https://{0}:{1}".format(appscale_info.get_db_master_ip(), UA_SERVER_PORT) ) acc = AppControllerClient(appscale_info.get_login_ip(), appscale_info.get_secret()) # Wait for Cassandra to come up after a restore. time.sleep(15) for app_path in app_paths: # Extract app ID. app_id = app_path[app_path.rfind("/") + 1 : app_path.find(".")] if not app_id: logging.error( "Malformed source code archive. Cannot complete " "application recovery for '{}'. Aborting...".format(app_path) ) return False # Retrieve app admin via uaserver. app_data = uaserver.get_app_data(app_id, appscale_info.get_secret()) app_admin_re = re.search("\napp_owner:(.+)\n", app_data) if app_admin_re: app_admin = app_admin_re.group(1) else: logging.error( "Missing application data. Cannot complete application " "recovery for '{}'. Aborting...".format(app_id) ) return False file_suffix = re.search("\.(.*)\Z", app_path).group(1) logging.warning( "Restoring app '{}', from '{}', with owner '{}'.".format( app_id, app_path, app_admin ) ) acc.upload_app(app_path, file_suffix, app_admin) return True <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" This process grooms the datastore cleaning up old state and calculates datastore statistics. Removes tombstoned items for garbage collection. """ import datetime import logging import os import random import re import sys import threading import time import appscale_datastore_batch import dbconstants import datastore_server import entity_utils from zkappscale import zktransaction as zk from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map from google.appengine.api import datastore_distributed from google.appengine.api.memcache import memcache_distributed from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_pb from google.appengine.datastore import entity_pb from google.appengine.datastore.datastore_query import Cursor from google.appengine.ext import db from google.appengine.ext.db import stats from google.appengine.ext.db import metadata from google.appengine.api import datastore_errors sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../lib/")) import appscale_info import constants sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../AppDashboard/lib/")) from app_dashboard_data import InstanceInfo from app_dashboard_data import ServerStatus from app_dashboard_data import RequestInfo from dashboard_logs import RequestLogLine sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../AppTaskQueue/")) from distributed_tq import TaskName class DatastoreGroomer(threading.Thread): """Scans the entire database for each application.""" # The amount of seconds between polling to get the groomer lock. # Each datastore server does this poll, so it happens the number # of datastore servers within this lock period. LOCK_POLL_PERIOD = 4 * 60 * 60 # <- 4 hours # Retry sleep on datastore error in seconds. DB_ERROR_PERIOD = 30 # The number of entities retrieved in a datastore request. BATCH_SIZE = 100 # Any kind that is of __*__ is private and should not have stats. PRIVATE_KINDS = "__(.*)__" # Any kind that is of _*_ is protected and should not have stats. PROTECTED_KINDS = "_(.*)_" # The amount of time in seconds before we want to clean up task name holders. TASK_NAME_TIMEOUT = 24 * 60 * 60 # The amount of time before logs are considered too old. LOG_STORAGE_TIMEOUT = 24 * 60 * 60 * 7 # Do not generate stats for AppScale internal apps. APPSCALE_APPLICATIONS = ["apichecker", "appscaledashboard"] # A sentinel value to signify that this app does not have composite indexes. NO_COMPOSITES = "NO_COMPS_INDEXES_HERE" # The amount of time in seconds dashboard data should be kept around for. DASHBOARD_DATA_TIMEOUT = 60 * 60 # The dashboard types we want to clean up after. DASHBOARD_DATA_MODELS = [InstanceInfo, ServerStatus, RequestInfo] # The number of dashboard entities to grab at a time. Makes the cleanup # process have an upper limit on each run. DASHBOARD_BATCH = 1000 # The path in ZooKeeper where the groomer state is stored. GROOMER_STATE_PATH = "/appscale/groomer_state" # The characters used to separate values when storing the groomer state. GROOMER_STATE_DELIMITER = "||" # The ID for the task to clean up entities. CLEAN_ENTITIES_TASK = "entities" # The ID for the task to clean up ascending indices. CLEAN_ASC_INDICES_TASK = "asc-indices" # The ID for the task to clean up descending indices. CLEAN_DSC_INDICES_TASK = "dsc-indices" # The ID for the task to clean up kind indices. CLEAN_KIND_INDICES_TASK = "kind-indices" # The ID for the task to clean up old logs. CLEAN_LOGS_TASK = "logs" # The ID for the task to clean up old tasks. CLEAN_TASKS_TASK = "tasks" # The ID for the task to clean up old dashboard items. CLEAN_DASHBOARD_TASK = "dashboard" # Log progress every time this many seconds have passed. LOG_PROGRESS_FREQUENCY = 60 * 5 def __init__(self, zoo_keeper, table_name, ds_path): """Constructor. Args: zk: ZooKeeper client. table_name: The database used (ie, cassandra) ds_path: The connection path to the datastore_server. """ log_format = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(filename)s: " "%(lineno)s %(message)s" ) logging.getLogger().handlers[0].setFormatter(log_format) logging.info("Logging started") threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.zoo_keeper = zoo_keeper self.table_name = table_name self.db_access = None self.ds_access = None self.datastore_path = ds_path self.stats = {} self.namespace_info = {} self.num_deletes = 0 self.composite_index_cache = {} self.entities_checked = 0 self.journal_entries_cleaned = 0 self.index_entries_checked = 0 self.index_entries_delete_failures = 0 self.index_entries_cleaned = 0 self.last_logged = time.time() self.groomer_state = [] def stop(self): """Stops the groomer thread.""" self.zoo_keeper.close() def run(self): """Starts the main loop of the groomer thread.""" while True: logging.debug("Trying to get groomer lock.") if self.get_groomer_lock(): logging.info("Got the groomer lock.") self.run_groomer() try: self.zoo_keeper.release_lock_with_path(zk.DS_GROOM_LOCK_PATH) except zk.ZKTransactionException as zk_exception: logging.error( "Unable to release zk lock {0}.".format(str(zk_exception)) ) except zk.ZKInternalException as zk_exception: logging.error( "Unable to release zk lock {0}.".format(str(zk_exception)) ) else: logging.info("Did not get the groomer lock.") sleep_time = random.randint(1, self.LOCK_POLL_PERIOD) logging.info("Sleeping for {:.1f} minutes.".format(sleep_time / 60.0)) time.sleep(sleep_time) def get_groomer_lock(self): """Tries to acquire the lock to the datastore groomer. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ return self.zoo_keeper.get_lock_with_path(zk.DS_GROOM_LOCK_PATH) def get_entity_batch(self, last_key): """Gets a batch of entites to operate on. Args: last_key: The last key from a previous query. Returns: A list of entities. """ return self.db_access.range_query( dbconstants.APP_ENTITY_TABLE, dbconstants.APP_ENTITY_SCHEMA, last_key, "", self.BATCH_SIZE, start_inclusive=False, ) def reset_statistics(self): """Reinitializes statistics.""" self.stats = {} self.namespace_info = {} self.num_deletes = 0 self.journal_entries_cleaned = 0 def remove_deprecated_dashboard_data(self, model_type): """Remove entities that do not have timestamps in Dashboard data. AppScale 2.3 and earlier lacked a timestamp attribute. Args: model_type: A class type for a ndb model. """ query = model_type.query() entities = query.fetch(self.DASHBOARD_BATCH) counter = 0 for entity in entities: if not hasattr(entity, "timestamp"): entity.key.delete() counter += 1 if counter > 0: logging.warning( "Removed {0} deprecated {1} dashboard entities".format( counter, entity._get_kind() ) ) def remove_old_dashboard_data(self): """Removes old statistics from the AppScale dashboard application.""" last_cursor = None last_model = None # If we have state information beyond what function to use, # load the last seen model and cursor if available. if ( len(self.groomer_state) > 1 and self.groomer_state[0] == self.CLEAN_DASHBOARD_TASK ): last_model = self.DASHBOARD_DATA_MODELS[int(self.groomer_state[1])] if len(self.groomer_state) > 2: last_cursor = Cursor(self.groomer_state[2]) self.register_db_accessor(constants.DASHBOARD_APP_ID) timeout = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta( seconds=self.DASHBOARD_DATA_TIMEOUT ) for model_number in range(len(self.DASHBOARD_DATA_MODELS)): model_type = self.DASHBOARD_DATA_MODELS[model_number] if last_model and model_type != last_model: continue counter = 0 while True: query = model_type.query().filter(model_type.timestamp < timeout) entities, next_cursor, more = query.fetch_page( self.BATCH_SIZE, start_cursor=last_cursor ) for entity in entities: entity.key.delete() counter += 1 if time.time() > self.last_logged + self.LOG_PROGRESS_FREQUENCY: logging.info( "Removed {} {} entities.".format( counter, model_type.__class__.__name__ ) ) self.last_logged = time.time() if more: last_cursor = next_cursor self.update_groomer_state( [ self.CLEAN_DASHBOARD_TASK, str(model_number), last_cursor.urlsafe(), ] ) else: break if model_number != len(self.DASHBOARD_DATA_MODELS) - 1: self.update_groomer_state( [self.CLEAN_DASHBOARD_TASK, str(model_number + 1)] ) last_model = None last_cursor = None if counter > 0: logging.info( "Removed {0} {1} dashboard entities".format(counter, model_type) ) # Do a scan of all entities and remove any that # do not have timestamps for AppScale versions 2.3 and before. # This may take some time on the initial run, but subsequent runs should # be quick given a low dashboard data timeout. self.remove_deprecated_dashboard_data(model_type) return def clean_journal_entries(self, txn_id, key): """Remove journal entries that are no longer needed. Assumes transaction numbers are only increasing. Args: txn_id: An int of the transaction number to delete up to. key: A str, the entity table key for which we are deleting. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ if txn_id == 0: return True start_row = datastore_server.DatastoreDistributed.get_journal_key(key, 0) end_row = datastore_server.DatastoreDistributed.get_journal_key( key, int(txn_id) - 1 ) last_key = start_row keys_to_delete = [] while True: try: results = self.db_access.range_query( dbconstants.JOURNAL_TABLE, dbconstants.JOURNAL_SCHEMA, last_key, end_row, self.BATCH_SIZE, start_inclusive=False, end_inclusive=True, ) if len(results) == 0: return True keys_to_delete = [] for item in results: keys_to_delete.append(list(item.keys())[0]) self.db_access.batch_delete(dbconstants.JOURNAL_TABLE, keys_to_delete) self.journal_entries_cleaned += len(keys_to_delete) except dbconstants.AppScaleDBConnectionError as db_error: logging.error( "Error hard deleting keys {0} --> {1}".format( keys_to_delete, db_error ) ) logging.error("Backing off!") time.sleep(self.DB_ERROR_PERIOD) return False except Exception as exception: logging.error("Caught unexcepted exception {0}".format(exception)) logging.error("Backing off!") time.sleep(self.DB_ERROR_PERIOD) return False def hard_delete_row(self, row_key): """Does a hard delete on a given row key to the entity table. Args: row_key: A str representing the row key to delete. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ try: self.db_access.batch_delete(dbconstants.APP_ENTITY_TABLE, [row_key]) except dbconstants.AppScaleDBConnectionError as db_error: logging.error("Error hard deleting key {0}-->{1}".format(row_key, db_error)) return False except Exception as exception: logging.error("Caught unexcepted exception {0}".format(exception)) return False return True def load_composite_cache(self, app_id): """Load the composite index cache for an application ID. Args: app_id: A str, the application ID. Returns: True if the application has composites. False otherwise. """ start_key = datastore_server.DatastoreDistributed.get_meta_data_key( app_id, "index", "" ) end_key = datastore_server.DatastoreDistributed.get_meta_data_key( app_id, "index", dbconstants.TERMINATING_STRING ) results = self.db_access.range_query( dbconstants.METADATA_TABLE, dbconstants.METADATA_TABLE, start_key, end_key, dbconstants.MAX_NUMBER_OF_COMPOSITE_INDEXES, ) list_result = [] for list_item in results: for _, value in list_item.items(): list_result.append(value["data"]) self.composite_index_cache[app_id] = self.NO_COMPOSITES kind_index_dictionary = {} for index in list_result: new_index = entity_pb.CompositeIndex() new_index.ParseFromString(index) kind = new_index.definition().entity_type() if kind in kind_index_dictionary: kind_index_dictionary[kind].append(new_index) else: kind_index_dictionary[kind] = [new_index] if kind_index_dictionary: self.composite_index_cache[app_id] = kind_index_dictionary return True return False def acquire_lock_for_key(self, app_id, key, retries, retry_time): """Acquires a lock for a given entity key. Args: app_id: The application ID. key: A string containing an entity key. retries: An integer specifying the number of times to retry. retry_time: How many seconds to wait before each retry. Returns: A transaction ID. Raises: ZKTransactionException if unable to acquire a lock from ZooKeeper. """ root_key = key.split(dbconstants.KIND_SEPARATOR)[0] root_key += dbconstants.KIND_SEPARATOR txn_id = self.zoo_keeper.get_transaction_id(app_id, is_xg=False) try: self.zoo_keeper.acquire_lock(app_id, txn_id, root_key) except zk.ZKTransactionException as zkte: logging.warning( "Concurrent transaction exception for app id {} with " "info {}".format(app_id, str(zkte)) ) if retries > 0: logging.info( "Trying again to acquire lock info {} with retry #{}".format( str(zkte), retries ) ) time.sleep(retry_time) return self.acquire_lock_for_key( app_id=app_id, key=key, retries=retries - 1, retry_time=retry_time ) self.zoo_keeper.notify_failed_transaction(app_id, txn_id) raise zkte return txn_id def release_lock_for_key(self, app_id, key, txn_id, retries, retry_time): """Releases a lock for a given entity key. Args: app_id: The application ID. key: A string containing an entity key. txn_id: A transaction ID. retries: An integer specifying the number of times to retry. retry_time: How many seconds to wait before each retry. """ root_key = key.split(dbconstants.KIND_SEPARATOR)[0] root_key += dbconstants.KIND_SEPARATOR try: self.zoo_keeper.release_lock(app_id, txn_id) except zk.ZKTransactionException as zkte: logging.warning(str(zkte)) if retries > 0: logging.info( "Trying again to release lock {} with retry #{}".format( txn_id, retries ) ) time.sleep(retry_time) self.release_lock_for_key( app_id=app_id, key=key, txn_id=txn_id, retries=retries - 1, retry_time=retry_time, ) else: self.zoo_keeper.notify_failed_transaction(app_id, txn_id) def fetch_entity_dict_for_references(self, references): """Fetches a dictionary of valid entities for a list of references. Args: references: A list of index references to entities. Returns: A dictionary of validated entities. """ keys = [] for item in references: keys.append(list(item.values())[0][self.ds_access.INDEX_REFERENCE_COLUMN]) keys = list(set(keys)) entities = self.db_access.batch_get_entity( dbconstants.APP_ENTITY_TABLE, keys, dbconstants.APP_ENTITY_SCHEMA ) # The datastore needs to know the app ID. The indices could be scattered # across apps. entities_by_app = {} for key in entities: app = key.split(self.ds_access._SEPARATOR)[0] if app not in entities_by_app: entities_by_app[app] = {} entities_by_app[app][key] = entities[key] entities = {} for app in entities_by_app: app_entities = entities_by_app[app] app_entities = self.ds_access.validated_result(app, app_entities) app_entities = self.ds_access.remove_tombstoned_entities(app_entities) for key in keys: if key not in app_entities: continue if dbconstants.APP_ENTITY_SCHEMA[0] not in app_entities[key]: continue entities[key] = app_entities[key][dbconstants.APP_ENTITY_SCHEMA[0]] return entities def lock_and_delete_indexes(self, references, direction, entity_key): """For a list of index entries that have the same entity, lock the entity and delete the indexes. Since another process can update an entity after we've determined that an index entry is invalid, we need to re-check the index entries after locking their entity key. Args: references: A list of references to an entity. direction: The direction of the index. entity_key: A string containing the entity key. """ if direction == datastore_pb.Query_Order.ASCENDING: table_name = dbconstants.ASC_PROPERTY_TABLE else: table_name = dbconstants.DSC_PROPERTY_TABLE app = entity_key.split(self.ds_access._SEPARATOR)[0] try: txn_id = self.acquire_lock_for_key( app_id=app, key=entity_key, retries=self.ds_access.NON_TRANS_LOCK_RETRY_COUNT, retry_time=self.ds_access.LOCK_RETRY_TIME, ) except zk.ZKTransactionException: self.index_entries_delete_failures += 1 return entities = self.fetch_entity_dict_for_references(references) refs_to_delete = [] for reference in references: index_elements = list(reference.keys())[0].split(self.ds_access._SEPARATOR) prop_name = index_elements[self.ds_access.PROP_NAME_IN_SINGLE_PROP_INDEX] if not self.ds_access._DatastoreDistributed__valid_index_entry( reference, entities, direction, prop_name ): refs_to_delete.append(list(reference.keys())[0]) logging.debug( "Removing {} indexes starting with {}".format( len(refs_to_delete), [refs_to_delete[0]] ) ) try: self.db_access.batch_delete( table_name, refs_to_delete, column_names=dbconstants.PROPERTY_SCHEMA ) self.index_entries_cleaned += len(refs_to_delete) except Exception: logging.exception("Unable to delete indexes") self.index_entries_delete_failures += 1 self.release_lock_for_key( app_id=app, key=entity_key, txn_id=txn_id, retries=self.ds_access.NON_TRANS_LOCK_RETRY_COUNT, retry_time=self.ds_access.LOCK_RETRY_TIME, ) def lock_and_delete_kind_index(self, reference): """For a list of index entries that have the same entity, lock the entity and delete the indexes. Since another process can update an entity after we've determined that an index entry is invalid, we need to re-check the index entries after locking their entity key. Args: reference: A dictionary containing a kind reference. """ table_name = dbconstants.APP_KIND_TABLE entity_key = list(reference.values())[0].values()[0] app = entity_key.split(self.ds_access._SEPARATOR)[0] try: txn_id = self.acquire_lock_for_key( app_id=app, key=entity_key, retries=self.ds_access.NON_TRANS_LOCK_RETRY_COUNT, retry_time=self.ds_access.LOCK_RETRY_TIME, ) except zk.ZKTransactionException: self.index_entries_delete_failures += 1 return entities = self.fetch_entity_dict_for_references([reference]) if entity_key not in entities: index_to_delete = list(reference.keys())[0] logging.debug("Removing {}".format([index_to_delete])) try: self.db_access.batch_delete( table_name, [index_to_delete], column_names=dbconstants.APP_KIND_SCHEMA, ) self.index_entries_cleaned += 1 except dbconstants.AppScaleDBConnectionError: logging.exception("Unable to delete index.") self.index_entries_delete_failures += 1 self.release_lock_for_key( app_id=app, key=entity_key, txn_id=txn_id, retries=self.ds_access.NON_TRANS_LOCK_RETRY_COUNT, retry_time=self.ds_access.LOCK_RETRY_TIME, ) def clean_up_indexes(self, direction): """Deletes invalid single property index entries. This is needed because we do not delete index entries when updating or deleting entities. With time, this results in queries taking an increasing amount of time. Args: direction: The direction of the index. """ if direction == datastore_pb.Query_Order.ASCENDING: table_name = dbconstants.ASC_PROPERTY_TABLE task_id = self.CLEAN_ASC_INDICES_TASK else: table_name = dbconstants.DSC_PROPERTY_TABLE task_id = self.CLEAN_DSC_INDICES_TASK # If we have state information beyond what function to use, # load the last seen start key. if len(self.groomer_state) > 1 and self.groomer_state[0] == task_id: start_key = self.groomer_state[1] else: start_key = "" end_key = dbconstants.TERMINATING_STRING while True: references = self.db_access.range_query( table_name=table_name, column_names=dbconstants.PROPERTY_SCHEMA, start_key=start_key, end_key=end_key, limit=self.BATCH_SIZE, start_inclusive=False, ) if len(references) == 0: break self.index_entries_checked += len(references) if time.time() > self.last_logged + self.LOG_PROGRESS_FREQUENCY: logging.info( "Checked {} index entries".format(self.index_entries_checked) ) self.last_logged = time.time() first_ref = list(references[0].keys())[0] logging.debug( "Fetched {} total refs, starting with {}, direction: {}".format( self.index_entries_checked, [first_ref], direction ) ) last_start_key = start_key start_key = list(references[-1].keys())[0] if start_key == last_start_key: raise dbconstants.AppScaleDBError( "An infinite loop was detected while fetching references." ) entities = self.fetch_entity_dict_for_references(references) # Group invalid references by entity key so we can minimize locks. invalid_refs = {} for reference in references: prop_name = list(reference.keys())[0].split(self.ds_access._SEPARATOR)[ 3 ] if not self.ds_access._DatastoreDistributed__valid_index_entry( reference, entities, direction, prop_name ): entity_key = list(reference.values())[0][ self.ds_access.INDEX_REFERENCE_COLUMN ] if entity_key not in invalid_refs: invalid_refs[entity_key] = [] invalid_refs[entity_key].append(reference) for entity_key in invalid_refs: self.lock_and_delete_indexes( invalid_refs[entity_key], direction, entity_key ) self.update_groomer_state([task_id, start_key]) def clean_up_kind_indices(self): """Deletes invalid kind index entries. This is needed because the datastore does not delete kind index entries when deleting entities. """ table_name = dbconstants.APP_KIND_TABLE task_id = self.CLEAN_KIND_INDICES_TASK start_key = "" end_key = dbconstants.TERMINATING_STRING if len(self.groomer_state) > 1: start_key = self.groomer_state[1] while True: references = self.db_access.range_query( table_name=table_name, column_names=dbconstants.APP_KIND_SCHEMA, start_key=start_key, end_key=end_key, limit=self.BATCH_SIZE, start_inclusive=False, ) if len(references) == 0: break self.index_entries_checked += len(references) if time.time() > self.last_logged + self.LOG_PROGRESS_FREQUENCY: logging.info( "Checked {} index entries".format(self.index_entries_checked) ) self.last_logged = time.time() first_ref = list(references[0].keys())[0] logging.debug( "Fetched {} kind indices, starting with {}".format( len(references), [first_ref] ) ) last_start_key = start_key start_key = list(references[-1].keys())[0] if start_key == last_start_key: raise dbconstants.AppScaleDBError( "An infinite loop was detected while fetching references." ) entities = self.fetch_entity_dict_for_references(references) for reference in references: entity_key = list(reference.values())[0].values()[0] if entity_key not in entities: self.lock_and_delete_kind_index(reference) self.update_groomer_state([task_id, start_key]) def clean_up_composite_indexes(self): """Deletes old composite indexes and bad references. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ return True def get_composite_indexes(self, app_id, kind): """Fetches the composite indexes for a kind. Args: app_id: The application ID. kind: A string, the kind for which we need composite indexes. Returns: A list of composite indexes. """ if not kind: return [] if app_id in self.composite_index_cache: if self.composite_index_cache[app_id] == self.NO_COMPOSITES: return [] elif kind in self.composite_index_cache[app_id]: return self.composite_index_cache[app_id][kind] else: return [] else: if self.load_composite_cache(app_id): if kind in self.composite_index_cache[app_id]: return self.composite_index_cache[kind] return [] def delete_indexes(self, entity): """Deletes indexes for a given entity. Args: entity: An EntityProto. """ return def delete_composite_indexes(self, entity, composites): """Deletes composite indexes for an entity. Args: entity: An EntityProto. composites: A list of datastore_pb.CompositeIndexes composite indexes. """ row_keys = datastore_server.DatastoreDistributed.get_composite_indexes_rows( [entity], composites ) self.db_access.batch_delete( dbconstants.COMPOSITE_TABLE, row_keys, column_names=dbconstants.COMPOSITE_SCHEMA, ) def fix_badlisted_entity(self, key, version): """Places the correct entity given the current one is from a blacklisted transaction. Args: key: The key to the entity table. version: The bad version of the entity. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ app_prefix = entity_utils.get_prefix_from_entity_key(key) root_key = entity_utils.get_root_key_from_entity_key(key) # TODO watch out for the race condition of doing a GET then a PUT. try: txn_id = self.zoo_keeper.get_transaction_id(app_prefix) if self.zoo_keeper.acquire_lock(app_prefix, txn_id, root_key): valid_id = self.zoo_keeper.get_valid_transaction_id( app_prefix, version, key ) # Insert the entity along with regular indexes and composites. ds_distributed = self.register_db_accessor(app_prefix) bad_key = datastore_server.DatastoreDistributed.get_journal_key( key, version ) good_key = datastore_server.DatastoreDistributed.get_journal_key( key, valid_id ) # Fetch the journal and replace the bad entity. good_entry = entity_utils.fetch_journal_entry(self.db_access, good_key) bad_entry = entity_utils.fetch_journal_entry(self.db_access, bad_key) # Get the kind to lookup composite indexes. kind = None if good_entry: kind = datastore_server.DatastoreDistributed.get_entity_kind( good_entry.key() ) elif bad_entry: kind = datastore_server.DatastoreDistributed.get_entity_kind( bad_entry.key() ) # Fetch latest composites for this entity composites = self.get_composite_indexes(app_prefix, kind) # Remove previous regular indexes and composites if it's not a # TOMBSTONE. if bad_entry: self.delete_indexes(bad_entry) self.delete_composite_indexes(bad_entry, composites) # Overwrite the entity table with the correct version. # Insert into entity table, regular indexes, and composites. if good_entry: # TODO # self.db_access.batch_put_entities(...) # self.insert_indexes(good_entry) # self.insert_composite_indexes(good_entry, composites) pass else: # TODO # self.db_access.batch_delete_entities(...) pass del ds_distributed else: success = False except zk.ZKTransactionException as zk_exception: logging.error("Caught exception {0}".format(zk_exception)) success = False except zk.ZKInternalException as zk_exception: logging.error("Caught exception {0}".format(zk_exception)) success = False except dbconstants.AppScaleDBConnectionError as db_exception: logging.error("Caught exception {0}".format(db_exception)) success = False finally: if not success: if not self.zoo_keeper.notify_failed_transaction(app_prefix, txn_id): logging.error( "Unable to invalidate txn for {0} with txnid: {1}".format( app_prefix, txn_id ) ) try: self.zoo_keeper.release_lock(app_prefix, txn_id) except zk.ZKTransactionException as zk_exception: # There was an exception releasing the lock, but # the replacement has already happened. pass except zk.ZKInternalException as zk_exception: pass return True def process_tombstone(self, key, entity, version): """Processes any entities which have been soft deleted. Does an actual delete to reclaim disk space. Args: key: The key to the entity table. entity: The entity in string serialized form. version: The version of the entity in the datastore. Returns: True if a hard delete occurred, False otherwise. """ success = False app_prefix = entity_utils.get_prefix_from_entity_key(key) root_key = entity_utils.get_root_key_from_entity_key(key) try: if self.zoo_keeper.is_blacklisted(app_prefix, version): logging.error( "Found a blacklisted item for version {0} on key {1}".format( version, key ) ) return True # TODO actually fix the badlisted entity return self.fix_badlisted_entity(key, version) except zk.ZKTransactionException as zk_exception: logging.error("Caught exception {0}.\nBacking off!".format(zk_exception)) time.sleep(self.DB_ERROR_PERIOD) return False except zk.ZKInternalException as zk_exception: logging.error("Caught exception {0}.\nBacking off!".format(zk_exception)) time.sleep(self.DB_ERROR_PERIOD) return False txn_id = 0 try: txn_id = self.zoo_keeper.get_transaction_id(app_prefix) except zk.ZKTransactionException as zk_exception: logging.error("Exception tossed: {0}".format(zk_exception)) logging.error("Backing off!") time.sleep(self.DB_ERROR_PERIOD) return False except zk.ZKInternalException as zk_exception: logging.error("Exception tossed: {0}".format(zk_exception)) logging.error("Backing off!") time.sleep(self.DB_ERROR_PERIOD) return False try: if self.zoo_keeper.acquire_lock(app_prefix, txn_id, root_key): success = self.hard_delete_row(key) if success: # Increment the txn ID by one because we want to delete this current # entry as well. success = self.clean_journal_entries(txn_id + 1, key) else: success = False except zk.ZKTransactionException as zk_exception: logging.error("Exception tossed: {0}".format(zk_exception)) logging.error("Backing off!") time.sleep(self.DB_ERROR_PERIOD) success = False except zk.ZKInternalException as zk_exception: logging.error("Exception tossed: {0}".format(zk_exception)) logging.error("Backing off!") time.sleep(self.DB_ERROR_PERIOD) success = False finally: if not success: try: if not self.zoo_keeper.notify_failed_transaction( app_prefix, txn_id ): logging.error( "Unable to invalidate txn for {0} with txnid: {1}".format( app_prefix, txn_id ) ) self.zoo_keeper.release_lock(app_prefix, txn_id) except zk.ZKTransactionException as zk_exception: logging.error( "Caught exception: {0}\nIgnoring...".format(zk_exception) ) # There was an exception releasing the lock, but # the hard delete has already happened. except zk.ZKInternalException as zk_exception: logging.error( "Caught exception: {0}\nIgnoring...".format(zk_exception) ) if success: try: self.zoo_keeper.release_lock(app_prefix, txn_id) except Exception as exception: logging.error("Unable to release lock: {0}".format(exception)) self.num_deletes += 1 logging.debug("Deleting tombstone for key {0}: {1}".format(key, success)) return success def initialize_kind(self, app_id, kind): """Puts a kind into the statistics object if it does not already exist. Args: app_id: The application ID. kind: A string representing an entity kind. """ if app_id not in self.stats: self.stats[app_id] = {kind: {"size": 0, "number": 0}} if kind not in self.stats[app_id]: self.stats[app_id][kind] = {"size": 0, "number": 0} def initialize_namespace(self, app_id, namespace): """Puts a namespace into the namespace object if it does not already exist. Args: app_id: The application ID. namespace: A string representing a namespace. """ if app_id not in self.namespace_info: self.namespace_info[app_id] = {namespace: {"size": 0, "number": 0}} if namespace not in self.namespace_info[app_id]: self.namespace_info[app_id] = {namespace: {"size": 0, "number": 0}} if namespace not in self.namespace_info[app_id]: self.stats[app_id][namespace] = {"size": 0, "number": 0} def process_statistics(self, key, entity, size): """Processes an entity and adds to the global statistics. Args: key: The key to the entity table. entity: EntityProto entity. size: A int of the size of the entity. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ kind = datastore_server.DatastoreDistributed.get_entity_kind(entity.key()) namespace = entity.key().name_space() if not kind: logging.warning("Entity did not have a kind {0}".format(entity)) return False if re.match(self.PROTECTED_KINDS, kind): return True if re.match(self.PRIVATE_KINDS, kind): return True app_id = entity.key().app() if not app_id: logging.warning("Entity of kind {0} did not have an app id".format(kind)) return False # Do not generate statistics for applications which are internal to # AppScale. if app_id in self.APPSCALE_APPLICATIONS: return True self.initialize_kind(app_id, kind) self.initialize_namespace(app_id, namespace) self.namespace_info[app_id][namespace]["size"] += size self.namespace_info[app_id][namespace]["number"] += 1 self.stats[app_id][kind]["size"] += size self.stats[app_id][kind]["number"] += 1 return True def txn_blacklist_cleanup(self): """Clean up old transactions and removed unused references to reap storage. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ # TODO implement return True def verify_entity(self, entity, key, txn_id): """Verify that the entity is not blacklisted. Clean up old journal entries if it is valid. Args: entity: The entity to verify. key: The key to the entity table. txn_id: An int, a transaction ID. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ app_prefix = entity_utils.get_prefix_from_entity_key(key) try: if not self.zoo_keeper.is_blacklisted(app_prefix, txn_id): self.clean_journal_entries(txn_id, key) else: logging.error( "Found a blacklisted item for version {0} on key {1}".format( txn_id, key ) ) return True # TODO fix the badlisted entity. return self.fix_badlisted_entity(key, txn_id) except zk.ZKTransactionException as zk_exception: logging.error("Caught exception {0}, backing off!".format(zk_exception)) time.sleep(self.DB_ERROR_PERIOD) return True except zk.ZKInternalException as zk_exception: logging.error("Caught exception: {0}, backing off!".format(zk_exception)) time.sleep(self.DB_ERROR_PERIOD) return True return True def process_entity(self, entity): """Processes an entity by updating statistics, indexes, and removes tombstones. Args: entity: The entity to operate on. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ logging.debug("Process entity {0}".format(str(entity))) key = list(entity.keys())[0] one_entity = entity[key][dbconstants.APP_ENTITY_SCHEMA[0]] version = entity[key][dbconstants.APP_ENTITY_SCHEMA[1]] logging.debug("Entity value: {0}".format(entity)) if one_entity == datastore_server.TOMBSTONE: return self.process_tombstone(key, one_entity, version) ent_proto = entity_pb.EntityProto() ent_proto.ParseFromString(one_entity) self.verify_entity(ent_proto, key, version) self.process_statistics(key, ent_proto, len(one_entity)) return True def create_namespace_entry(self, namespace, size, number, timestamp): """Puts a namespace into the datastore. Args: namespace: A string, the namespace. size: An int representing the number of bytes taken by a namespace. number: The total number of entities in a namespace. timestamp: A datetime.datetime object. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ entities_to_write = [] namespace_stat = stats.NamespaceStat( subject_namespace=namespace, bytes=size, count=number, timestamp=timestamp ) entities_to_write.append(namespace_stat) # All application are assumed to have the default namespace. if namespace != "": namespace_entry = metadata.Namespace(key_name=namespace) entities_to_write.append(namespace_entry) try: db.put(entities_to_write) except datastore_errors.InternalError as internal_error: logging.error("Error inserting namespace info: {0}.".format(internal_error)) return False logging.debug("Done creating namespace stats") return True def create_kind_stat_entry(self, kind, size, number, timestamp): """Puts a kind statistic into the datastore. Args: kind: The entity kind. size: An int representing the number of bytes taken by entity kind. number: The total number of entities. timestamp: A datetime.datetime object. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ kind_stat = stats.KindStat( kind_name=kind, bytes=size, count=number, timestamp=timestamp ) kind_entry = metadata.Kind(key_name=kind) entities_to_write = [kind_stat, kind_entry] try: db.put(entities_to_write) except datastore_errors.InternalError as internal_error: logging.error("Error inserting kind stat: {0}.".format(internal_error)) return False logging.debug("Done creating kind stat") return True def create_global_stat_entry(self, app_id, size, number, timestamp): """Puts a global statistic into the datastore. Args: app_id: The application identifier. size: The number of bytes of all entities. number: The total number of entities of an application. timestamp: A datetime.datetime object. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ global_stat = stats.GlobalStat( key_name=app_id, bytes=size, count=number, timestamp=timestamp ) try: db.put(global_stat) except datastore_errors.InternalError as internal_error: logging.error("Error inserting global stat: {0}.".format(internal_error)) return False logging.debug("Done creating global stat") return True def remove_old_tasks_entities(self): """Queries for old tasks and removes the entity which tells use whether a named task was enqueued. Returns: True on success. """ # If we have state information beyond what function to use, # load the last seen cursor. if ( len(self.groomer_state) > 1 and self.groomer_state[0] == self.CLEAN_TASKS_TASK ): last_cursor = Cursor(self.groomer_state[1]) else: last_cursor = None self.register_db_accessor(constants.DASHBOARD_APP_ID) timeout = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta( seconds=self.TASK_NAME_TIMEOUT ) counter = 0 logging.debug("The current time is {0}".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow())) logging.debug("The timeout time is {0}".format(timeout)) while True: query = TaskName.all() if last_cursor: query.with_cursor(last_cursor) query.filter("timestamp <", timeout) entities = query.fetch(self.BATCH_SIZE) if len(entities) == 0: break last_cursor = query.cursor() for entity in entities: logging.debug("Removing task name {0}".format(entity.timestamp)) entity.delete() counter += 1 if time.time() > self.last_logged + self.LOG_PROGRESS_FREQUENCY: logging.info("Removed {} task entities.".format(counter)) self.last_logged = self.LOG_PROGRESS_FREQUENCY self.update_groomer_state([self.CLEAN_TASKS_TASK, last_cursor]) logging.info("Removed {0} task name entities".format(counter)) return True def clean_up_entities(self): # If we have state information beyond what function to use, # load the last seen key. if ( len(self.groomer_state) > 1 and self.groomer_state[0] == self.CLEAN_ENTITIES_TASK ): last_key = self.groomer_state[1] else: last_key = "" while True: try: logging.debug("Fetching {} entities".format(self.BATCH_SIZE)) entities = self.get_entity_batch(last_key) if not entities: break for entity in entities: self.process_entity(entity) last_key = list(entities[-1].keys())[0] self.entities_checked += len(entities) if time.time() > self.last_logged + self.LOG_PROGRESS_FREQUENCY: logging.info("Checked {} entities".format(self.entities_checked)) self.last_logged = time.time() self.update_groomer_state([self.CLEAN_ENTITIES_TASK, last_key]) except datastore_errors.Error as error: logging.error("Error getting a batch: {0}".format(error)) time.sleep(self.DB_ERROR_PERIOD) except dbconstants.AppScaleDBConnectionError as connection_error: logging.error("Error getting a batch: {0}".format(connection_error)) time.sleep(self.DB_ERROR_PERIOD) def register_db_accessor(self, app_id): """Gets a distributed datastore object to interact with the datastore for a certain application. Args: app_id: The application ID. Returns: A distributed_datastore.DatastoreDistributed object. """ ds_distributed = datastore_distributed.DatastoreDistributed( app_id, self.datastore_path, require_indexes=False ) apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub("datastore_v3", ds_distributed) apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub( "memcache", memcache_distributed.MemcacheService() ) os.environ["APPLICATION_ID"] = app_id os.environ["APPNAME"] = app_id os.environ["AUTH_DOMAIN"] = "appscale.com" return ds_distributed def remove_old_logs(self, log_timeout): """Removes old logs. Args: log_timeout: The timeout value in seconds. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ # If we have state information beyond what function to use, # load the last seen cursor. if ( len(self.groomer_state) > 1 and self.groomer_state[0] == self.CLEAN_LOGS_TASK ): last_cursor = Cursor(self.groomer_state[1]) else: last_cursor = None self.register_db_accessor(constants.DASHBOARD_APP_ID) if log_timeout: timeout = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta( seconds=log_timeout ) query = RequestLogLine.query(RequestLogLine.timestamp < timeout) logging.debug("The timeout time is {0}".format(timeout)) else: query = RequestLogLine.query() counter = 0 logging.debug("The current time is {0}".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow())) while True: entities, next_cursor, more = query.fetch_page( self.BATCH_SIZE, start_cursor=last_cursor ) for entity in entities: logging.debug("Removing {0}".format(entity)) entity.key.delete() counter += 1 if time.time() > self.last_logged + self.LOG_PROGRESS_FREQUENCY: logging.info("Removed {} log entries.".format(counter)) self.last_logged = time.time() if more: last_cursor = next_cursor self.update_groomer_state([self.CLEAN_LOGS_TASK, last_cursor.urlsafe()]) else: break logging.info("Removed {0} log entries.".format(counter)) return True def remove_old_statistics(self): """Does a range query on the current batch of statistics and deletes them. """ # TODO only remove statistics older than 30 days. for app_id in list(self.stats.keys()): self.register_db_accessor(app_id) query = stats.KindStat.all() entities = query.run() logging.debug("Result from kind stat query: {0}".format(str(entities))) for entity in entities: logging.debug("Removing kind {0}".format(entity)) entity.delete() query = stats.GlobalStat.all() entities = query.run() logging.debug("Result from global stat query: {0}".format(str(entities))) for entity in entities: logging.debug("Removing global {0}".format(entity)) entity.delete() logging.debug("Done removing old stats for app {0}".format(app_id)) def update_namespaces(self, timestamp): """Puts the namespace information into the datastore for applications to access. Args: timestamp: A datetime time stamp to know which stat items belong together. Returns: True if there were no errors, False otherwise. """ for app_id in list(self.namespace_info.keys()): ds_distributed = self.register_db_accessor(app_id) namespaces = list(self.namespace_info[app_id].keys()) for namespace in namespaces: size = self.namespace_info[app_id][namespace]["size"] number = self.namespace_info[app_id][namespace]["number"] if not self.create_namespace_entry(namespace, size, number, timestamp): return False logging.info( "Namespace for {0} are {1}".format(app_id, self.namespace_info[app_id]) ) del ds_distributed return True def update_statistics(self, timestamp): """Puts the statistics into the datastore for applications to access. Args: timestamp: A datetime time stamp to know which stat items belong together. Returns: True if there were no errors, False otherwise. """ for app_id in list(self.stats.keys()): ds_distributed = self.register_db_accessor(app_id) total_size = 0 total_number = 0 kinds = list(self.stats[app_id].keys()) for kind in kinds: size = self.stats[app_id][kind]["size"] number = self.stats[app_id][kind]["number"] total_size += size total_number += number if not self.create_kind_stat_entry(kind, size, number, timestamp): return False if not self.create_global_stat_entry( app_id, total_size, total_number, timestamp ): return False logging.info( "Kind stats for {0} are {1}".format(app_id, self.stats[app_id]) ) logging.info( "Global stats for {0} are total size of {1} with " "{2} entities".format(app_id, total_size, total_number) ) logging.info("Number of hard deletes: {0}".format(self.num_deletes)) del ds_distributed return True def update_groomer_state(self, state): """Updates the groomer's internal state and persists the state to ZooKeeper. Args: state: A list of strings representing the ID of the task to resume along with any additional data about the task. """ zk_data = self.GROOMER_STATE_DELIMITER.join(state) # We don't want to crash the groomer if we can't update the state. try: self.zoo_keeper.update_node(self.GROOMER_STATE_PATH, zk_data) except zk.ZKInternalException as zkie: logging.exception(zkie) self.groomer_state = state def run_groomer(self): """Runs the grooming process. Loops on the entire dataset sequentially and updates stats, indexes, and transactions. """ self.db_access = appscale_datastore_batch.DatastoreFactory.getDatastore( self.table_name ) self.ds_access = datastore_server.DatastoreDistributed( datastore_batch=self.db_access, zookeeper=self.zoo_keeper ) logging.info("Groomer started") start = time.time() self.reset_statistics() self.composite_index_cache = {} tasks = [ { "id": self.CLEAN_ENTITIES_TASK, "description": "clean up entities", "function": self.clean_up_entities, "args": [], }, { "id": self.CLEAN_ASC_INDICES_TASK, "description": "clean up ascending indices", "function": self.clean_up_indexes, "args": [datastore_pb.Query_Order.ASCENDING], }, { "id": self.CLEAN_DSC_INDICES_TASK, "description": "clean up descending indices", "function": self.clean_up_indexes, "args": [datastore_pb.Query_Order.DESCENDING], }, { "id": self.CLEAN_KIND_INDICES_TASK, "description": "clean up kind indices", "function": self.clean_up_kind_indices, "args": [], }, { "id": self.CLEAN_LOGS_TASK, "description": "clean up old logs", "function": self.remove_old_logs, "args": [self.LOG_STORAGE_TIMEOUT], }, { "id": self.CLEAN_TASKS_TASK, "description": "clean up old tasks", "function": self.remove_old_tasks_entities, "args": [], }, { "id": self.CLEAN_DASHBOARD_TASK, "description": "clean up old dashboard items", "function": self.remove_old_dashboard_data, "args": [], }, ] groomer_state = self.zoo_keeper.get_node(self.GROOMER_STATE_PATH) logging.info("groomer_state: {}".format(groomer_state)) if groomer_state: self.update_groomer_state( groomer_state[0].split(self.GROOMER_STATE_DELIMITER) ) for task_number in range(len(tasks)): task = tasks[task_number] if ( len(self.groomer_state) > 0 and self.groomer_state[0] != "" and self.groomer_state[0] != task["id"] ): continue logging.info("Starting to {}".format(task["description"])) try: task["function"](*task["args"]) if task_number != len(tasks) - 1: next_task = tasks[task_number + 1] self.update_groomer_state([next_task["id"]]) except Exception as exception: logging.error( "Exception encountered while trying to {}:".format( task["description"] ) ) logging.exception(exception) self.update_groomer_state([]) timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if not self.update_statistics(timestamp): logging.error("There was an error updating the statistics") if not self.update_namespaces(timestamp): logging.error("There was an error updating the namespaces") del self.db_access del self.ds_access time_taken = time.time() - start logging.info( "Groomer cleaned {0} journal entries".format(self.journal_entries_cleaned) ) logging.info( "Groomer checked {0} index entries".format(self.index_entries_checked) ) logging.info( "Groomer cleaned {0} index entries".format(self.index_entries_cleaned) ) if self.index_entries_delete_failures > 0: logging.info( "Groomer failed to remove {0} index entries".format( self.index_entries_delete_failures ) ) logging.info("Groomer took {0} seconds".format(str(time_taken))) def main(): """This main function allows you to run the groomer manually.""" zk_connection_locations = appscale_info.get_zk_locations_string() zookeeper = zk.ZKTransaction(host=zk_connection_locations, start_gc=False) db_info = appscale_info.get_db_info() table = db_info[":table"] master = appscale_info.get_db_master_ip() datastore_path = "{0}:8888".format(master) ds_groomer = DatastoreGroomer(zookeeper, table, datastore_path) logging.debug("Trying to get groomer lock.") if ds_groomer.get_groomer_lock(): logging.info("Got the groomer lock.") try: ds_groomer.run_groomer() except Exception as exception: logging.exception( "Encountered exception {} while running the groomer.".format( str(exception) ) ) try: ds_groomer.zoo_keeper.release_lock_with_path(zk.DS_GROOM_LOCK_PATH) except zk.ZKTransactionException as zk_exception: logging.error("Unable to release zk lock {0}.".format(str(zk_exception))) except zk.ZKInternalException as zk_exception: logging.error("Unable to release zk lock {0}.".format(str(zk_exception))) finally: zookeeper.close() else: logging.info("Did not get the groomer lock.") if __name__ == "__main__": main() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # Programmer: Navraj Chohan <nlake44@gmail.com> import os import sys import time import unittest from flexmock import flexmock import kazoo.client import kazoo.exceptions import kazoo.protocol import kazoo.protocol.states sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../")) from dbconstants import * sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../")) from zkappscale import zktransaction as zk from zkappscale.zktransaction import ZKTransactionException class TestZookeeperTransaction(unittest.TestCase): """ """ def setUp(self): self.appid = "appid" self.handle = None def test_increment_and_get_counter(self): # mock out getTransactionRootPath flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_prefix_path").with_args( self.appid ).and_return("/rootpath") # mock out initializing a ZK connection fake_zookeeper = flexmock( name="fake_zoo", create="create", delete_async="delete_async", connected=lambda: True, ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").and_return(None) fake_counter = flexmock(name="fake_counter", value="value") fake_counter.value = 1 fake_counter.should_receive("__add__").and_return(2) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("Counter").and_return(fake_counter) # mock out deleting the zero id we get the first time around flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) # assert, make sure we got back our id transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual((0, 1), transaction.increment_and_get_counter(self.appid, 1)) def test_create_sequence_node(self): # mock out getTransactionRootPath flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_prefix_path").with_args( self.appid ).and_return("/rootpath") # mock out initializing a ZK connection fake_zookeeper = flexmock( name="fake_zoo", create="create", delete="delete", connected=lambda: True ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") # mock out zookeeper.create for txn id path_to_create = "/rootpath/" + self.appid zero_path = path_to_create + "/0" nonzero_path = path_to_create + "/1" fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "create", str, value=str, acl=None, makepath=bool, sequence=bool, ephemeral=bool, ).and_return(zero_path).and_return(nonzero_path) # mock out deleting the zero id we get the first time around fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("delete", zero_path) flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) # assert, make sure we got back our id transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual( 1, transaction.create_sequence_node("/rootpath/" + self.appid, "now") ) def test_create_node(self): # mock out getTransactionRootPath flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_prefix_path").with_args( self.appid ).and_return("/rootpath") # mock out initializing a ZK connection fake_zookeeper = flexmock( name="fake_zoo", create="create", connected=lambda: True ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "create", str, value=str, acl=None, makepath=bool, sequence=bool, ephemeral=bool, ) flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) # mock out zookeeper.create for txn id path_to_create = "/rootpath/" + self.appid transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual( None, transaction.create_node("/rootpath/" + self.appid, "now") ) def test_get_transaction_id(self): # mock out getTransactionRootPath flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_prefix_path").with_args( self.appid ).and_return("/rootpath/" + self.appid) path_to_create = "/rootpath/" + self.appid + "/" + zk.APP_TX_PREFIX zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_txn_path_before_getting_id").with_args( self.appid ).and_return(path_to_create) # mock out time.time flexmock(time) time.should_receive("time").and_return(1000) # mock out initializing a ZK connection fake_zookeeper = flexmock(name="fake_zoo", connected=lambda: True) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry") flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) # mock out making the txn id zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("create_sequence_node").with_args( path_to_create, "1000" ).and_return(1) # mock out zookeeper.create for is_xg xg_path = path_to_create + "/1/" + zk.XG_PREFIX zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_xg_path").and_return(xg_path) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("create_node").with_args(xg_path, "1000") # assert, make sure we got back our id transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual(1, transaction.get_transaction_id(self.appid, is_xg=True)) def test_get_txn_path_before_getting_id(self): # mock out initializing a ZK connection flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) fake_zookeeper = flexmock(name="fake_zoo") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry") flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_app_root_path").and_return("app_root_path") expected = zk.PATH_SEPARATOR.join( ["app_root_path", zk.APP_TX_PATH, zk.APP_TX_PREFIX] ) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual( expected, transaction.get_txn_path_before_getting_id(self.appid) ) def test_get_xg_path(self): # mock out initializing a ZK connection flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) fake_zookeeper = flexmock(name="fake_zoo") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry") flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) tx_id = 100 tx_str = zk.APP_TX_PREFIX + "%010d" % tx_id zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_app_root_path").and_return("app_root_path") expected = zk.PATH_SEPARATOR.join( ["app_root_path", zk.APP_TX_PATH, tx_str, zk.XG_PREFIX] ) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual(expected, transaction.get_xg_path("xxx", 100)) def test_is_in_transaction(self): # shared mocks flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_path").and_return( "/transaction/path" ) fake_zookeeper = flexmock( name="fake_zoo", exists="exists", connected=lambda: True ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) # test when the transaction is running zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_blacklisted").and_return(False) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("exists", str).and_return(True) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual(True, transaction.is_in_transaction(self.appid, 1)) # and when it's not zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_blacklisted").and_return(False) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("exists", str).and_return( False ) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual(False, transaction.is_in_transaction(self.appid, 1)) # and when it's blacklisted zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_blacklisted").and_return(True) fake_transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertRaises( zk.ZKTransactionException, transaction.is_in_transaction, self.appid, 1 ) def test_acquire_lock(self): # mock out waitForConnect flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_lock_root_path").and_return( "/lock/root/path" ) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_prefix_path").and_return( "/rootpath/" + self.appid ) fake_zookeeper = flexmock(name="fake_zoo", get="get", connected=lambda: True) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry") flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) # first, test out getting a lock for a regular transaction, that we don't # already have the lock for zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_in_transaction").and_return(False) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("acquire_additional_lock").and_return(True) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual(True, transaction.acquire_lock(self.appid, "txid", "somekey")) # next, test when we're in a transaction and we already have the lock zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_in_transaction").and_return(True) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_lock_list_path").and_return( "/rootpath/" + self.appid + "/tx1" ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("get", str).and_return( ["/lock/root/path"] ) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual(True, transaction.acquire_lock(self.appid, "txid", "somekey")) # next, test when we're in a non-XG transaction and we're not in the lock # root path zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_in_transaction").and_return(True) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_lock_list_path").and_return( "/rootpath/" + self.appid + "/tx1" ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("get", str).and_return( ["/lock/root/path2"] ) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_xg").and_return(False) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertRaises( zk.ZKTransactionException, transaction.acquire_lock, self.appid, "txid", "somekey", ) # next, test when we're in a XG transaction and we're not in the lock # root path zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_in_transaction").and_return(True) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_lock_list_path").and_return( "/rootpath/" + self.appid + "/tx1" ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("get", str).and_return( ["/lock/root/path2"] ) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_xg").and_return(True) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual(True, transaction.acquire_lock(self.appid, "txid", "somekey")) def test_acquire_additional_lock(self): # mock out waitForConnect flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("check_transaction") zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_path").and_return("/txn/path") zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_lock_root_path").and_return( "/lock/root/path" ) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_prefix_path").and_return( "/rootpath/" + self.appid ) fake_zookeeper = flexmock( name="fake_zoo", create="create", create_async="create_async", get="get", set_async="set_async", connected=lambda: True, ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "create", str, makepath=bool, sequence=bool, ephemeral=bool, value=str, acl=None, ).and_return("/some/lock/path") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "create_async", str, value=str, acl=None, ephemeral=bool, makepath=bool, sequence=bool, ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "create_async", str, value=str, acl=str, ephemeral=bool, makepath=bool, sequence=bool, ) lock_list = ["path1", "path2", "path3"] lock_list_str = zk.LOCK_LIST_SEPARATOR.join(lock_list) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("get", str).and_return( [lock_list_str] ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("set_async", str, str) flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual( True, transaction.acquire_additional_lock(self.appid, "txid", "somekey", False), ) # Test for when we want to create a new ZK node for the lock path self.assertEqual( True, transaction.acquire_additional_lock(self.appid, "txid", "somekey", True), ) # Test for existing max groups lock_list = ["path" + str(num + 1) for num in range(zk.MAX_GROUPS_FOR_XG)] lock_list_str = zk.LOCK_LIST_SEPARATOR.join(lock_list) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("get", str).and_return( [lock_list_str] ) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertRaises( zk.ZKTransactionException, transaction.acquire_additional_lock, self.appid, "txid", "somekey", False, ) # Test for when there is a node which already exists. fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "create", str, str, None, bool, bool, bool ).and_raise(kazoo.exceptions.NodeExistsError) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertRaises( zk.ZKTransactionException, transaction.acquire_additional_lock, self.appid, "txid", "somekey", False, ) def test_check_transaction(self): # mock out getTransactionRootPath flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_prefix_path").with_args( self.appid ).and_return("/rootpath") zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_blacklisted").and_return(False) # mock out initializing a ZK connection fake_zookeeper = flexmock( name="fake_zoo", exists="exists", connected=lambda: True ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("exists", str).and_return(True) flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual(True, transaction.check_transaction(self.appid, 1)) # Check to make sure it raises exception for blacklisted transactions. zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_blacklisted").and_return(True) self.assertRaises( zk.ZKTransactionException, transaction.check_transaction, self.appid, 1 ) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_blacklisted").and_return(False) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("exists", str).and_return( False ) self.assertRaises( zk.ZKTransactionException, transaction.check_transaction, self.appid, 1 ) def test_is_xg(self): # mock out initializing a ZK connection fake_zookeeper = flexmock( name="fake_zoo", exists="exists", connected=lambda: True ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("exists", str).and_return(True) flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual(True, transaction.is_xg(self.appid, 1)) def test_release_lock(self): # mock out getTransactionRootPath flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("check_transaction") zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_path").and_return("/rootpath") zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_lock_list_path").and_return( "/rootpath" ) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_xg").and_return(False) # mock out initializing a ZK connection fake_zookeeper = flexmock( name="fake_zoo", exists="exists", get="get", delete="delete", delete_async="delete_async", get_children="get_children", connected=lambda: True, ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("exists", str).and_return(True) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("get", str).and_return( ["/1/2/3"] ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("delete_async", str) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("delete", str) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "get_children", str ).and_return(["1", "2"]) flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual(True, transaction.release_lock(self.appid, 1)) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_xg").and_return(True) self.assertEqual(True, transaction.release_lock(self.appid, 1)) # Check to make sure it raises exception for blacklisted transactions. zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("is_xg").and_return(False) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("get", str).and_raise( kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError ) self.assertRaises( zk.ZKTransactionException, transaction.release_lock, self.appid, 1 ) def test_is_blacklisted(self): # mock out getTransactionRootPath flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_blacklist_root_path").and_return( "bl_root_path" ) # mock out initializing a ZK connection fake_zookeeper = flexmock( name="fake_zoo", create="create", exists="exists", get_children="get_children", connected=lambda: True, ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "create", str, str, None, bool, bool, bool ).and_return() fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("exists", str).and_return(True) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "get_children", str ).and_return(["1", "2"]) flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual(True, transaction.is_blacklisted(self.appid, 1)) def test_register_updated_key(self): # mock out getTransactionRootPath flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_valid_transaction_path").and_return( "/txn/path" ) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_transaction_path").and_return("/txn/path") zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("get_blacklist_root_path").and_return( "bl_root_path" ) # mock out initializing a ZK connection fake_zookeeper = flexmock( name="fake_zoo", exists="exists", set_async="set_async", connected=lambda: True, ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("exists", str).and_return(True) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("set_async", str, str) flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual( True, transaction.register_updated_key(self.appid, "1", "2", "somekey") ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("exists", str).and_return( False ) self.assertRaises( ZKTransactionException, transaction.register_updated_key, self.appid, "1", "2", "somekey", ) def test_try_garbage_collection(self): # mock out getTransactionRootPath flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("update_node") # mock out initializing a ZK connection fake_zookeeper = flexmock( name="fake_zoo", exists="exists", get="get", get_children="get_children", create="create", delete="delete", ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("exists", str).and_return(True) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("get", str).and_return( [str(time.time() + 10000)] ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "get_children", str ).and_return(["1", "2", "3"]) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "create", str, value=str, acl=None, ephemeral=bool ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("delete", str) flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) # Put the last time we ran GC way into the future. transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual( False, transaction.try_garbage_collection(self.appid, "/some/path") ) # Make it so we recently ran the GC fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("get", str).and_return( [str(time.time())] ) self.assertEqual( False, transaction.try_garbage_collection(self.appid, "/some/path") ) # Make it so we ran the GC a long time ago. fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("get", str).and_return( [str(time.time() - 1000)] ) self.assertEqual( True, transaction.try_garbage_collection(self.appid, "/some/path") ) # No node means we have not run the GC before, so run it. fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("get", str).and_raise( kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError ) self.assertEqual( True, transaction.try_garbage_collection(self.appid, "/some/path") ) def test_notify_failed_transaction(self): pass # TODO def test_execute_garbage_collection(self): # mock out getTransactionRootPath flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) zk.ZKTransaction.should_receive("notify_failed_transaction") # mock out initializing a ZK connection fake_zookeeper = flexmock( name="fake_zoo", exists="exists", get="get", get_children="get_children" ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("exists", str).and_return(True) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("get", str).and_return( [str(time.time() + 10000)] ) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "get_children", str ).and_return(["1", "2", "3"]) flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) transaction.execute_garbage_collection(self.appid, "some/path") def test_get_lock_with_path(self): flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) # mock out initializing a ZK connection fake_zookeeper = flexmock(name="fake_zoo", create="create") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "create", str, value=str, acl=None, ephemeral=bool ).and_return(True) flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual(True, transaction.get_lock_with_path("path")) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args( "create", str, value=str, acl=None, ephemeral=bool ).and_raise(kazoo.exceptions.NodeExistsError) self.assertEqual(False, transaction.get_lock_with_path("some/path")) def test_release_lock_with_path(self): flexmock(zk.ZKTransaction) # mock out initializing a ZK connection fake_zookeeper = flexmock(name="fake_zoo", delete="delete") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("start") fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("delete", str) flexmock(kazoo.client) kazoo.client.should_receive("KazooClient").and_return(fake_zookeeper) transaction = zk.ZKTransaction(host="something", start_gc=False) self.assertEqual(True, transaction.release_lock_with_path("some/path")) fake_zookeeper.should_receive("retry").with_args("delete", str).and_raise( kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError ) self.assertRaises( ZKTransactionException, transaction.release_lock_with_path, "some/path" ) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>import cgi import datetime import wsgiref.handlers from google.appengine.ext import webapp class MainPage(webapp.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.response.out.write("<html><body>") self.response.out.write("<p>Hello</p>") self.response.out.write("</body></html>") application = webapp.WSGIApplication( [ ("/", MainPage), ], debug=True, ) def main(): wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run(application) if __name__ == "__main__": main() <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python from google.appengine._internal.django.core.management import execute_manager try: import settings # Assumed to be in the same directory. except ImportError: import sys sys.stderr.write( "Error: Can't find the file 'settings.py' in the directory containing %r. It appears you've customized things.\nYou'll have to run django-admin.py, passing it your settings module.\n(If the file settings.py does indeed exist, it's causing an ImportError somehow.)\n" % __file__ ) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": execute_manager(settings) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>class FileProxyMixin(object): """ A mixin class used to forward file methods to an underlaying file object. The internal file object has to be called "file":: class FileProxy(FileProxyMixin): def __init__(self, file): self.file = file """ encoding = property(lambda self: self.file.encoding) fileno = property(lambda self: self.file.fileno) flush = property(lambda self: self.file.flush) isatty = property(lambda self: self.file.isatty) newlines = property(lambda self: self.file.newlines) read = property(lambda self: self.file.read) readinto = property(lambda self: self.file.readinto) readline = property(lambda self: self.file.readline) readlines = property(lambda self: self.file.readlines) seek = property(lambda self: self.file.seek) softspace = property(lambda self: self.file.softspace) tell = property(lambda self: self.file.tell) truncate = property(lambda self: self.file.truncate) write = property(lambda self: self.file.write) writelines = property(lambda self: self.file.writelines) xreadlines = property(lambda self: self.file.__iter__) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.file) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>import fnmatch import glob import os import re import sys from itertools import dropwhile from optparse import make_option from subprocess import PIPE, Popen from google.appengine._internal.django.core.management.base import ( CommandError, BaseCommand, ) from google.appengine._internal.django.utils.text import get_text_list pythonize_re = re.compile(r"(?:^|\n)\s*//") plural_forms_re = re.compile( r'^(?P<value>"Plural-Forms.+?\\n")\s*$', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL ) def handle_extensions(extensions=("html",)): """ organizes multiple extensions that are separated with commas or passed by using --extension/-e multiple times. for example: running 'django-admin makemessages -e js,txt -e xhtml -a' would result in a extension list: ['.js', '.txt', '.xhtml'] >>> handle_extensions(['.html', 'html,js,py,py,py,.py', 'py,.py']) ['.html', '.js'] >>> handle_extensions(['.html, txt,.tpl']) ['.html', '.tpl', '.txt'] """ ext_list = [] for ext in extensions: ext_list.extend(ext.replace(" ", "").split(",")) for i, ext in enumerate(ext_list): if not ext.startswith("."): ext_list[i] = ".%s" % ext_list[i] # we don't want *.py files here because of the way non-*.py files # are handled in make_messages() (they are copied to file.ext.py files to # trick xgettext to parse them as Python files) return set([x for x in ext_list if x != ".py"]) def _popen(cmd): """ Friendly wrapper around Popen for Windows """ p = Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=os.name != "nt", universal_newlines=True, ) return p.communicate() def walk(root, topdown=True, onerror=None, followlinks=False): """ A version of os.walk that can follow symlinks for Python < 2.6 """ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root, topdown, onerror): yield (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) if followlinks: for d in dirnames: p = os.path.join(dirpath, d) if os.path.islink(p): for link_dirpath, link_dirnames, link_filenames in walk(p): yield (link_dirpath, link_dirnames, link_filenames) def is_ignored(path, ignore_patterns): """ Helper function to check if the given path should be ignored or not. """ for pattern in ignore_patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(path, pattern): return True return False def find_files(root, ignore_patterns, verbosity, symlinks=False): """ Helper function to get all files in the given root. """ all_files = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in walk(".", followlinks=symlinks): for f in filenames: norm_filepath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirpath, f)) if is_ignored(norm_filepath, ignore_patterns): if verbosity > 1: sys.stdout.write("ignoring file %s in %s\n" % (f, dirpath)) else: all_files.extend([(dirpath, f)]) all_files.sort() return all_files def copy_plural_forms(msgs, locale, domain, verbosity): """ Copies plural forms header contents from a Django catalog of locale to the msgs string, inserting it at the right place. msgs should be the contents of a newly created .po file. """ import django django_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(django.__file__))) if domain == "djangojs": domains = ("djangojs", "django") else: domains = ("django",) for domain in domains: django_po = os.path.join( django_dir, "conf", "locale", locale, "LC_MESSAGES", "%s.po" % domain ) if os.path.exists(django_po): m = plural_forms_re.search(open(django_po, "rU").read()) if m: if verbosity > 1: sys.stderr.write("copying plural forms: %s\n" % m.group("value")) lines = [] seen = False for line in msgs.split("\n"): if not line and not seen: line = "%s\n" % m.group("value") seen = True lines.append(line) msgs = "\n".join(lines) break return msgs def make_messages( locale=None, domain="django", verbosity="1", all=False, extensions=None, symlinks=False, ignore_patterns=[], ): """ Uses the locale directory from the Django SVN tree or an application/ project to process all """ # Need to ensure that the i18n framework is enabled from google.appengine._internal.django.conf import settings if settings.configured: settings.USE_I18N = True else: settings.configure(USE_I18N=True) from google.appengine._internal.django.utils.translation import templatize invoked_for_django = False if os.path.isdir(os.path.join("conf", "locale")): localedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("conf", "locale")) invoked_for_django = True elif os.path.isdir("locale"): localedir = os.path.abspath("locale") else: raise CommandError( "This script should be run from the Django SVN tree or your project or app tree. If you did indeed run it from the SVN checkout or your project or application, maybe you are just missing the conf/locale (in the django tree) or locale (for project and application) directory? It is not created automatically, you have to create it by hand if you want to enable i18n for your project or application." ) if domain not in ("django", "djangojs"): raise CommandError( "currently makemessages only supports domains 'django' and 'djangojs'" ) if (locale is None and not all) or domain is None: # backwards compatible error message if not sys.argv[0].endswith("make-messages.py"): message = "Type '%s help %s' for usage.\n" % ( os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), sys.argv[1], ) else: message = ( "usage: make-messages.py -l <language>\n or: make-messages.py -a\n" ) raise CommandError(message) # We require gettext version 0.15 or newer. output = _popen("xgettext --version")[0] match = re.search(r"(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)", output) if match: xversion = (int(match.group("major")), int(match.group("minor"))) if xversion < (0, 15): raise CommandError( "Django internationalization requires GNU gettext 0.15 or newer. You are using version %s, please upgrade your gettext toolset." % match.group() ) languages = [] if locale is not None: languages.append(locale) elif all: locale_dirs = list(filter(os.path.isdir, glob.glob("%s/*" % localedir))) languages = [os.path.basename(l) for l in locale_dirs] for locale in languages: if verbosity > 0: print("processing language", locale) basedir = os.path.join(localedir, locale, "LC_MESSAGES") if not os.path.isdir(basedir): os.makedirs(basedir) pofile = os.path.join(basedir, "%s.po" % domain) potfile = os.path.join(basedir, "%s.pot" % domain) if os.path.exists(potfile): os.unlink(potfile) for dirpath, file in find_files( ".", ignore_patterns, verbosity, symlinks=symlinks ): file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file) if domain == "djangojs" and file_ext in extensions: if verbosity > 1: sys.stdout.write("processing file %s in %s\n" % (file, dirpath)) src = open(os.path.join(dirpath, file), "rU").read() src = pythonize_re.sub("\n#", src) thefile = "%s.py" % file f = open(os.path.join(dirpath, thefile), "w") try: f.write(src) finally: f.close() cmd = ( 'xgettext -d %s -L Perl --keyword=gettext_noop --keyword=gettext_lazy --keyword=ngettext_lazy:1,2 --from-code UTF-8 -o - "%s"' % (domain, os.path.join(dirpath, thefile)) ) msgs, errors = _popen(cmd) if errors: raise CommandError( "errors happened while running xgettext on %s\n%s" % (file, errors) ) old = "#: " + os.path.join(dirpath, thefile)[2:] new = "#: " + os.path.join(dirpath, file)[2:] msgs = msgs.replace(old, new) if os.path.exists(potfile): # Strip the header msgs = "\n".join(dropwhile(len, msgs.split("\n"))) else: msgs = msgs.replace("charset=CHARSET", "charset=UTF-8") if msgs: f = open(potfile, "ab") try: f.write(msgs) finally: f.close() os.unlink(os.path.join(dirpath, thefile)) elif domain == "django" and (file_ext == ".py" or file_ext in extensions): thefile = file if file_ext in extensions: src = open(os.path.join(dirpath, file), "rU").read() thefile = "%s.py" % file try: f = open(os.path.join(dirpath, thefile), "w") try: f.write(templatize(src)) finally: f.close() except SyntaxError as msg: msg = "%s (file: %s)" % (msg, os.path.join(dirpath, file)) raise SyntaxError(msg) if verbosity > 1: sys.stdout.write("processing file %s in %s\n" % (file, dirpath)) cmd = ( 'xgettext -d %s -L Python --keyword=gettext_noop --keyword=gettext_lazy --keyword=ngettext_lazy:1,2 --keyword=ugettext_noop --keyword=ugettext_lazy --keyword=ungettext_lazy:1,2 --from-code UTF-8 -o - "%s"' % (domain, os.path.join(dirpath, thefile)) ) msgs, errors = _popen(cmd) if errors: raise CommandError( "errors happened while running xgettext on %s\n%s" % (file, errors) ) if thefile != file: old = "#: " + os.path.join(dirpath, thefile)[2:] new = "#: " + os.path.join(dirpath, file)[2:] msgs = msgs.replace(old, new) if os.path.exists(potfile): # Strip the header msgs = "\n".join(dropwhile(len, msgs.split("\n"))) else: msgs = msgs.replace("charset=CHARSET", "charset=UTF-8") if msgs: f = open(potfile, "ab") try: f.write(msgs) finally: f.close() if thefile != file: os.unlink(os.path.join(dirpath, thefile)) if os.path.exists(potfile): msgs, errors = _popen('msguniq --to-code=utf-8 "%s"' % potfile) if errors: raise CommandError("errors happened while running msguniq\n%s" % errors) f = open(potfile, "w") try: f.write(msgs) finally: f.close() if os.path.exists(pofile): msgs, errors = _popen('msgmerge -q "%s" "%s"' % (pofile, potfile)) if errors: raise CommandError( "errors happened while running msgmerge\n%s" % errors ) elif not invoked_for_django: msgs = copy_plural_forms(msgs, locale, domain, verbosity) f = open(pofile, "wb") try: f.write(msgs) finally: f.close() os.unlink(potfile) class Command(BaseCommand): option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option( "--locale", "-l", default=None, dest="locale", help="Creates or updates the message files only for the given locale (e.g. pt_BR).", ), make_option( "--domain", "-d", default="django", dest="domain", help='The domain of the message files (default: "django").', ), make_option( "--all", "-a", action="store_true", dest="all", default=False, help="Reexamines all source code and templates for new translation strings and updates all message files for all available languages.", ), make_option( "--extension", "-e", dest="extensions", help='The file extension(s) to examine (default: ".html", separate multiple extensions with commas, or use -e multiple times)', action="append", ), make_option( "--symlinks", "-s", action="store_true", dest="symlinks", default=False, help="Follows symlinks to directories when examining source code and templates for translation strings.", ), make_option( "--ignore", "-i", action="append", dest="ignore_patterns", default=[], metavar="PATTERN", help="Ignore files or directories matching this glob-style pattern. Use multiple times to ignore more.", ), make_option( "--no-default-ignore", action="store_false", dest="use_default_ignore_patterns", default=True, help="Don't ignore the common glob-style patterns 'CVS', '.*' and '*~'.", ), ) help = "Runs over the entire source tree of the current directory and pulls out all strings marked for translation. It creates (or updates) a message file in the conf/locale (in the django tree) or locale (for project and application) directory." requires_model_validation = False can_import_settings = False def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) != 0: raise CommandError("Command doesn't accept any arguments") locale = options.get("locale") domain = options.get("domain") verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity")) process_all = options.get("all") extensions = options.get("extensions") symlinks = options.get("symlinks") ignore_patterns = options.get("ignore_patterns") if options.get("use_default_ignore_patterns"): ignore_patterns += ["CVS", ".*", "*~"] ignore_patterns = list(set(ignore_patterns)) if domain == "djangojs": extensions = handle_extensions(extensions or ["js"]) else: extensions = handle_extensions(extensions or ["html"]) if verbosity > 1: sys.stdout.write( "examining files with the extensions: %s\n" % get_text_list(list(extensions), "and") ) make_messages( locale, domain, verbosity, process_all, extensions, symlinks, ignore_patterns, ) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" XML serializer. """ from google.appengine._internal.django.conf import settings from google.appengine._internal.django.core.serializers import base from google.appengine._internal.django.db import models, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS from google.appengine._internal.django.utils.xmlutils import SimplerXMLGenerator from google.appengine._internal.django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode from xml.dom import pulldom class Serializer(base.Serializer): """ Serializes a QuerySet to XML. """ def indent(self, level): if self.options.get("indent", None) is not None: self.xml.ignorableWhitespace( "\n" + " " * self.options.get("indent", None) * level ) def start_serialization(self): """ Start serialization -- open the XML document and the root element. """ self.xml = SimplerXMLGenerator( self.stream, self.options.get("encoding", settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET) ) self.xml.startDocument() self.xml.startElement("django-objects", {"version": "1.0"}) def end_serialization(self): """ End serialization -- end the document. """ self.indent(0) self.xml.endElement("django-objects") self.xml.endDocument() def start_object(self, obj): """ Called as each object is handled. """ if not hasattr(obj, "_meta"): raise base.SerializationError( "Non-model object (%s) encountered during serialization" % type(obj) ) self.indent(1) obj_pk = obj._get_pk_val() if obj_pk is None: attrs = { "model": smart_unicode(obj._meta), } else: attrs = { "pk": smart_unicode(obj._get_pk_val()), "model": smart_unicode(obj._meta), } self.xml.startElement("object", attrs) def end_object(self, obj): """ Called after handling all fields for an object. """ self.indent(1) self.xml.endElement("object") def handle_field(self, obj, field): """ Called to handle each field on an object (except for ForeignKeys and ManyToManyFields) """ self.indent(2) self.xml.startElement( "field", {"name": field.name, "type": field.get_internal_type()} ) # Get a "string version" of the object's data. if getattr(obj, field.name) is not None: self.xml.characters(field.value_to_string(obj)) else: self.xml.addQuickElement("None") self.xml.endElement("field") def handle_fk_field(self, obj, field): """ Called to handle a ForeignKey (we need to treat them slightly differently from regular fields). """ self._start_relational_field(field) related = getattr(obj, field.name) if related is not None: if self.use_natural_keys and hasattr(related, "natural_key"): # If related object has a natural key, use it related = related.natural_key() # Iterable natural keys are rolled out as subelements for key_value in related: self.xml.startElement("natural", {}) self.xml.characters(smart_unicode(key_value)) self.xml.endElement("natural") else: if field.rel.field_name == related._meta.pk.name: # Related to remote object via primary key related = related._get_pk_val() else: # Related to remote object via other field related = getattr(related, field.rel.field_name) self.xml.characters(smart_unicode(related)) else: self.xml.addQuickElement("None") self.xml.endElement("field") def handle_m2m_field(self, obj, field): """ Called to handle a ManyToManyField. Related objects are only serialized as references to the object's PK (i.e. the related *data* is not dumped, just the relation). """ if field.rel.through._meta.auto_created: self._start_relational_field(field) if self.use_natural_keys and hasattr(field.rel.to, "natural_key"): # If the objects in the m2m have a natural key, use it def handle_m2m(value): natural = value.natural_key() # Iterable natural keys are rolled out as subelements self.xml.startElement("object", {}) for key_value in natural: self.xml.startElement("natural", {}) self.xml.characters(smart_unicode(key_value)) self.xml.endElement("natural") self.xml.endElement("object") else: def handle_m2m(value): self.xml.addQuickElement( "object", attrs={"pk": smart_unicode(value._get_pk_val())} ) for relobj in getattr(obj, field.name).iterator(): handle_m2m(relobj) self.xml.endElement("field") def _start_relational_field(self, field): """ Helper to output the <field> element for relational fields """ self.indent(2) self.xml.startElement( "field", { "name": field.name, "rel": field.rel.__class__.__name__, "to": smart_unicode(field.rel.to._meta), }, ) class Deserializer(base.Deserializer): """ Deserialize XML. """ def __init__(self, stream_or_string, **options): super(Deserializer, self).__init__(stream_or_string, **options) self.event_stream = pulldom.parse(self.stream) self.db = options.pop("using", DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS) def __next__(self): for event, node in self.event_stream: if event == "START_ELEMENT" and node.nodeName == "object": self.event_stream.expandNode(node) return self._handle_object(node) raise StopIteration def _handle_object(self, node): """ Convert an <object> node to a DeserializedObject. """ # Look up the model using the model loading mechanism. If this fails, # bail. Model = self._get_model_from_node(node, "model") # Start building a data dictionary from the object. # If the node is missing the pk set it to None if node.hasAttribute("pk"): pk = node.getAttribute("pk") else: pk = None data = {Model._meta.pk.attname: Model._meta.pk.to_python(pk)} # Also start building a dict of m2m data (this is saved as # {m2m_accessor_attribute : [list_of_related_objects]}) m2m_data = {} # Deseralize each field. for field_node in node.getElementsByTagName("field"): # If the field is missing the name attribute, bail (are you # sensing a pattern here?) field_name = field_node.getAttribute("name") if not field_name: raise base.DeserializationError( "<field> node is missing the 'name' attribute" ) # Get the field from the Model. This will raise a # FieldDoesNotExist if, well, the field doesn't exist, which will # be propagated correctly. field = Model._meta.get_field(field_name) # As is usually the case, relation fields get the special treatment. if field.rel and isinstance(field.rel, models.ManyToManyRel): m2m_data[field.name] = self._handle_m2m_field_node(field_node, field) elif field.rel and isinstance(field.rel, models.ManyToOneRel): data[field.attname] = self._handle_fk_field_node(field_node, field) else: if field_node.getElementsByTagName("None"): value = None else: value = field.to_python(getInnerText(field_node).strip()) data[field.name] = value # Return a DeserializedObject so that the m2m data has a place to live. return base.DeserializedObject(Model(**data), m2m_data) def _handle_fk_field_node(self, node, field): """ Handle a <field> node for a ForeignKey """ # Check if there is a child node named 'None', returning None if so. if node.getElementsByTagName("None"): return None else: if hasattr(field.rel.to._default_manager, "get_by_natural_key"): keys = node.getElementsByTagName("natural") if keys: # If there are 'natural' subelements, it must be a natural key field_value = [getInnerText(k).strip() for k in keys] obj = field.rel.to._default_manager.db_manager( self.db ).get_by_natural_key(*field_value) obj_pk = getattr(obj, field.rel.field_name) # If this is a natural foreign key to an object that # has a FK/O2O as the foreign key, use the FK value if field.rel.to._meta.pk.rel: obj_pk = obj_pk.pk else: # Otherwise, treat like a normal PK field_value = getInnerText(node).strip() obj_pk = field.rel.to._meta.get_field( field.rel.field_name ).to_python(field_value) return obj_pk else: field_value = getInnerText(node).strip() return field.rel.to._meta.get_field(field.rel.field_name).to_python( field_value ) def _handle_m2m_field_node(self, node, field): """ Handle a <field> node for a ManyToManyField. """ if hasattr(field.rel.to._default_manager, "get_by_natural_key"): def m2m_convert(n): keys = n.getElementsByTagName("natural") if keys: # If there are 'natural' subelements, it must be a natural key field_value = [getInnerText(k).strip() for k in keys] obj_pk = ( field.rel.to._default_manager.db_manager(self.db) .get_by_natural_key(*field_value) .pk ) else: # Otherwise, treat like a normal PK value. obj_pk = field.rel.to._meta.pk.to_python(n.getAttribute("pk")) return obj_pk else: m2m_convert = lambda n: field.rel.to._meta.pk.to_python( n.getAttribute("pk") ) return [m2m_convert(c) for c in node.getElementsByTagName("object")] def _get_model_from_node(self, node, attr): """ Helper to look up a model from a <object model=...> or a <field rel=... to=...> node. """ model_identifier = node.getAttribute(attr) if not model_identifier: raise base.DeserializationError( "<%s> node is missing the required '%s' attribute" % (node.nodeName, attr) ) try: Model = models.get_model(*model_identifier.split(".")) except TypeError: Model = None if Model is None: raise base.DeserializationError( "<%s> node has invalid model identifier: '%s'" % (node.nodeName, model_identifier) ) return Model def getInnerText(node): """ Get all the inner text of a DOM node (recursively). """ # inspired by http://mail.python.org/pipermail/xml-sig/2005-March/011022.html inner_text = [] for child in node.childNodes: if ( child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE or child.nodeType == child.CDATA_SECTION_NODE ): inner_text.append(child.data) elif child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE: inner_text.extend(getInnerText(child)) else: pass return "".join(inner_text) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>import os import sys if os.name == "posix": def become_daemon( our_home_dir=".", out_log="/dev/null", err_log="/dev/null", umask=0o22 ): "Robustly turn into a UNIX daemon, running in our_home_dir." # First fork try: if os.fork() > 0: sys.exit(0) # kill off parent except OSError as e: sys.stderr.write("fork #1 failed: (%d) %s\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) os.setsid() os.chdir(our_home_dir) os.umask(umask) # Second fork try: if os.fork() > 0: os._exit(0) except OSError as e: sys.stderr.write("fork #2 failed: (%d) %s\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) os._exit(1) si = open("/dev/null", "r") so = open(out_log, "a+", 0) se = open(err_log, "a+", 0) os.dup2(si.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) # Set custom file descriptors so that they get proper buffering. sys.stdout, sys.stderr = so, se else: def become_daemon(our_home_dir=".", out_log=None, err_log=None, umask=0o22): """ If we're not running under a POSIX system, just simulate the daemon mode by doing redirections and directory changing. """ os.chdir(our_home_dir) os.umask(umask) sys.stdin.close() sys.stdout.close() sys.stderr.close() if err_log: sys.stderr = open(err_log, "a", 0) else: sys.stderr = NullDevice() if out_log: sys.stdout = open(out_log, "a", 0) else: sys.stdout = NullDevice() class NullDevice: "A writeable object that writes to nowhere -- like /dev/null." def write(self, s): pass <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" Code used in a couple of places to work with the current thread's environment. Current users include i18n and request prefix handling. """ try: import threading currentThread = threading.currentThread except ImportError: def currentThread(): return "no threading" <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>""" ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) 2003, Pfizer # Copyright (c) 2001, Cayce Ullman. # Copyright (c) 2001, Brian Matthews. # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # Neither the name of actzero, inc. nor the names of its contributors may # be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ################################################################################ """ ident = "$Id: Types.py,v 1.19 2005/02/22 04:29:43 warnes Exp $" from version import __version__ import collections import base64 import cgi import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error import copy import re import time from types import * # SOAPpy modules from .Errors import * from NS import NS from Utilities import encodeHexString, cleanDate from .Config import Config ############################################################################### # Utility functions ############################################################################### def isPrivate(name): return name[0] == "_" def isPublic(name): return name[0] != "_" ############################################################################### # Types and Wrappers ############################################################################### class anyType: _validURIs = (NS.XSD, NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC) def __init__(self, data=None, name=None, typed=1, attrs=None): if self.__class__ == anyType: raise Error("anyType can't be instantiated directly") if type(name) in (ListType, TupleType): self._ns, self._name = name else: self._ns = self._validURIs[0] self._name = name self._typed = typed self._attrs = {} self._cache = None self._type = self._typeName() self._data = self._checkValueSpace(data) if attrs != None: self._setAttrs(attrs) def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, "_name") and self._name: return "<%s %s at %d>" % (self.__class__, self._name, id(self)) return "<%s at %d>" % (self.__class__, id(self)) __repr__ = __str__ def _checkValueSpace(self, data): return data def _marshalData(self): return str(self._data) def _marshalAttrs(self, ns_map, builder): a = "" for attr, value in list(self._attrs.items()): ns, n = builder.genns(ns_map, attr[0]) a += n + ' %s%s="%s"' % (ns, attr[1], cgi.escape(str(value), 1)) return a def _fixAttr(self, attr): if type(attr) in (StringType, UnicodeType): attr = (None, attr) elif type(attr) == ListType: attr = tuple(attr) elif type(attr) != TupleType: raise AttributeError("invalid attribute type") if len(attr) != 2: raise AttributeError("invalid attribute length") if type(attr[0]) not in (NoneType, StringType, UnicodeType): raise AttributeError("invalid attribute namespace URI type") return attr def _getAttr(self, attr): attr = self._fixAttr(attr) try: return self._attrs[attr] except: return None def _setAttr(self, attr, value): attr = self._fixAttr(attr) if type(value) is StringType: value = str(value) self._attrs[attr] = value def _setAttrs(self, attrs): if type(attrs) in (ListType, TupleType): for i in range(0, len(attrs), 2): self._setAttr(attrs[i], attrs[i + 1]) return if type(attrs) == DictType: d = attrs elif isinstance(attrs, anyType): d = attrs._attrs else: raise AttributeError("invalid attribute type") for attr, value in list(d.items()): self._setAttr(attr, value) def _setMustUnderstand(self, val): self._setAttr((NS.ENV, "mustUnderstand"), val) def _getMustUnderstand(self): return self._getAttr((NS.ENV, "mustUnderstand")) def _setActor(self, val): self._setAttr((NS.ENV, "actor"), val) def _getActor(self): return self._getAttr((NS.ENV, "actor")) def _typeName(self): return self.__class__.__name__[:-4] def _validNamespaceURI(self, URI, strict): if not hasattr(self, "_typed") or not self._typed: return None if URI in self._validURIs: return URI if not strict: return self._ns raise AttributeError("not a valid namespace for type %s" % self._type) class voidType(anyType): pass class stringType(anyType): def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType): raise AttributeError("invalid %s type:" % self._type) return data class untypedType(stringType): def __init__(self, data=None, name=None, attrs=None): stringType.__init__(self, data, name, 0, attrs) class IDType(stringType): pass class NCNameType(stringType): pass class NameType(stringType): pass class ENTITYType(stringType): pass class IDREFType(stringType): pass class languageType(stringType): pass class NMTOKENType(stringType): pass class QNameType(stringType): pass class tokenType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3) __invalidre = "[\n\t]|^ | $| " def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType): raise AttributeError("invalid %s type" % self._type) if type(self.__invalidre) == StringType: self.__invalidre = re.compile(self.__invalidre) if self.__invalidre.search(data): raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class normalizedStringType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,) __invalidre = "[\n\r\t]" def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType): raise AttributeError("invalid %s type" % self._type) if type(self.__invalidre) == StringType: self.__invalidre = re.compile(self.__invalidre) if self.__invalidre.search(data): raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class CDATAType(normalizedStringType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2,) class booleanType(anyType): def __int__(self): return self._data __nonzero__ = __int__ def _marshalData(self): return ["false", "true"][self._data] def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if data in (0, "0", "false", ""): return 0 if data in (1, "1", "true"): return 1 raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) class decimalType(anyType): def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType, FloatType): raise Error("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class floatType(anyType): def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if ( type(data) not in (IntType, LongType, FloatType) or data < -3.4028234663852886e38 or data > 3.4028234663852886e38 ): raise ValueError("invalid %s value: %s" % (self._type, repr(data))) return data def _marshalData(self): return "%.18g" % self._data # More precision class doubleType(anyType): def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if ( type(data) not in (IntType, LongType, FloatType) or data < -1.7976931348623158e308 or data > 1.7976931348623157e308 ): raise ValueError("invalid %s value: %s" % (self._type, repr(data))) return data def _marshalData(self): return "%.18g" % self._data # More precision class durationType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) try: # A tuple or a scalar is OK, but make them into a list if type(data) == TupleType: data = list(data) elif type(data) != ListType: data = [data] if len(data) > 6: raise Exception("too many values") # Now check the types of all the components, and find # the first nonzero element along the way. f = -1 for i in range(len(data)): if data[i] == None: data[i] = 0 continue if type(data[i]) not in (IntType, LongType, FloatType): raise Exception("element %d a bad type" % i) if data[i] and f == -1: f = i # If they're all 0, just use zero seconds. if f == -1: self._cache = "PT0S" return (0,) * 6 # Make sure only the last nonzero element has a decimal fraction # and only the first element is negative. d = -1 for i in range(f, len(data)): if data[i]: if d != -1: raise Exception( "all except the last nonzero element must be " "integers" ) if data[i] < 0 and i > f: raise Exception( "only the first nonzero element can be negative" ) elif data[i] != int(data[i]): d = i # Pad the list on the left if necessary. if len(data) < 6: n = 6 - len(data) f += n d += n data = [0] * n + data # Save index of the first nonzero element and the decimal # element for _marshalData. self.__firstnonzero = f self.__decimal = d except Exception as e: raise ValueError("invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)) return tuple(data) def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: d = self._data t = 0 if d[self.__firstnonzero] < 0: s = "-P" else: s = "P" t = 0 for i in range(self.__firstnonzero, len(d)): if d[i]: if i > 2 and not t: s += "T" t = 1 if self.__decimal == i: s += "%g" % abs(d[i]) else: s += "%d" % int(abs(d[i])) s += ["Y", "M", "D", "H", "M", "S"][i] self._cache = s return self._cache class timeDurationType(durationType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD, NS.XSD2, NS.ENC) class dateTimeType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): try: if data == None: data = time.time() if type(data) in (IntType, LongType): data = list(time.gmtime(data)[:6]) elif type(data) == FloatType: f = data - int(data) data = list(time.gmtime(int(data))[:6]) data[5] += f elif type(data) in (ListType, TupleType): if len(data) < 6: raise Exception("not enough values") if len(data) > 9: raise Exception("too many values") data = list(data[:6]) cleanDate(data) else: raise Exception("invalid type") except Exception as e: raise ValueError("invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)) return tuple(data) def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: d = self._data s = "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d" % ((abs(d[0]),) + d[1:]) if d[0] < 0: s = "-" + s f = d[5] - int(d[5]) if f != 0: s += ("%g" % f)[1:] s += "Z" self._cache = s return self._cache class recurringInstantType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD,) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): try: if data == None: data = list(time.gmtime(time.time())[:6]) if type(data) in (IntType, LongType): data = list(time.gmtime(data)[:6]) elif type(data) == FloatType: f = data - int(data) data = list(time.gmtime(int(data))[:6]) data[5] += f elif type(data) in (ListType, TupleType): if len(data) < 1: raise Exception("not enough values") if len(data) > 9: raise Exception("too many values") data = list(data[:6]) if len(data) < 6: data += [0] * (6 - len(data)) f = len(data) for i in range(f): if data[i] == None: if f < i: raise Exception("only leftmost elements can be none") else: f = i break cleanDate(data, f) else: raise Exception("invalid type") except Exception as e: raise ValueError("invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)) return tuple(data) def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: d = self._data e = list(d) neg = "" if not e[0]: e[0] = "--" else: if e[0] < 0: neg = "-" e[0] = abs(e[0]) if e[0] < 100: e[0] = "-" + "%02d" % e[0] else: e[0] = "%04d" % e[0] for i in range(1, len(e)): if e[i] == None or (i < 3 and e[i] == 0): e[i] = "-" else: if e[i] < 0: neg = "-" e[i] = abs(e[i]) e[i] = "%02d" % e[i] if d[5]: f = abs(d[5] - int(d[5])) if f: e[5] += ("%g" % f)[1:] s = "%s%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%sZ" % ((neg,) + tuple(e)) self._cache = s return self._cache class timeInstantType(dateTimeType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD, NS.XSD2, NS.ENC) class timePeriodType(dateTimeType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC) class timeType(anyType): def _checkValueSpace(self, data): try: if data == None: data = time.gmtime(time.time())[3:6] elif type(data) == FloatType: f = data - int(data) data = list(time.gmtime(int(data))[3:6]) data[2] += f elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType): data = time.gmtime(data)[3:6] elif type(data) in (ListType, TupleType): if len(data) == 9: data = data[3:6] elif len(data) > 3: raise Exception("too many values") data = [None, None, None] + list(data) if len(data) < 6: data += [0] * (6 - len(data)) cleanDate(data, 3) data = data[3:] else: raise Exception("invalid type") except Exception as e: raise ValueError("invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)) return tuple(data) def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: d = self._data s = "" s = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", (0, 0, 0) + d + (0, 0, -1)) f = d[2] - int(d[2]) if f != 0: s += ("%g" % f)[1:] s += "Z" self._cache = s return self._cache class dateType(anyType): def _checkValueSpace(self, data): try: if data == None: data = time.gmtime(time.time())[0:3] elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType): data = time.gmtime(data)[0:3] elif type(data) in (ListType, TupleType): if len(data) == 9: data = data[0:3] elif len(data) > 3: raise Exception("too many values") data = list(data) if len(data) < 3: data += [1, 1, 1][len(data) :] data += [0, 0, 0] cleanDate(data) data = data[:3] else: raise Exception("invalid type") except Exception as e: raise ValueError("invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)) return tuple(data) def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: d = self._data s = "%04d-%02d-%02dZ" % ((abs(d[0]),) + d[1:]) if d[0] < 0: s = "-" + s self._cache = s return self._cache class gYearMonthType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): try: if data == None: data = time.gmtime(time.time())[0:2] elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType): data = time.gmtime(data)[0:2] elif type(data) in (ListType, TupleType): if len(data) == 9: data = data[0:2] elif len(data) > 2: raise Exception("too many values") data = list(data) if len(data) < 2: data += [1, 1][len(data) :] data += [1, 0, 0, 0] cleanDate(data) data = data[:2] else: raise Exception("invalid type") except Exception as e: raise ValueError("invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)) return tuple(data) def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: d = self._data s = "%04d-%02dZ" % ((abs(d[0]),) + d[1:]) if d[0] < 0: s = "-" + s self._cache = s return self._cache class gYearType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): try: if data == None: data = time.gmtime(time.time())[0:1] elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType): data = [data] if type(data) in (ListType, TupleType): if len(data) == 9: data = data[0:1] elif len(data) < 1: raise Exception("too few values") elif len(data) > 1: raise Exception("too many values") if type(data[0]) == FloatType: try: s = int(data[0]) except: s = int(data[0]) if s != data[0]: raise Exception("not integral") data = [s] elif type(data[0]) not in (IntType, LongType): raise Exception("bad type") else: raise Exception("invalid type") except Exception as e: raise ValueError("invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)) return data[0] def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: d = self._data s = "%04dZ" % abs(d) if d < 0: s = "-" + s self._cache = s return self._cache class centuryType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): try: if data == None: data = time.gmtime(time.time())[0:1] / 100 elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType): data = [data] if type(data) in (ListType, TupleType): if len(data) == 9: data = data[0:1] / 100 elif len(data) < 1: raise Exception("too few values") elif len(data) > 1: raise Exception("too many values") if type(data[0]) == FloatType: try: s = int(data[0]) except: s = int(data[0]) if s != data[0]: raise Exception("not integral") data = [s] elif type(data[0]) not in (IntType, LongType): raise Exception("bad type") else: raise Exception("invalid type") except Exception as e: raise ValueError("invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)) return data[0] def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: d = self._data s = "%02dZ" % abs(d) if d < 0: s = "-" + s self._cache = s return self._cache class yearType(gYearType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC) class gMonthDayType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): try: if data == None: data = time.gmtime(time.time())[1:3] elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType): data = time.gmtime(data)[1:3] elif type(data) in (ListType, TupleType): if len(data) == 9: data = data[0:2] elif len(data) > 2: raise Exception("too many values") data = list(data) if len(data) < 2: data += [1, 1][len(data) :] data = [0] + data + [0, 0, 0] cleanDate(data, 1) data = data[1:3] else: raise Exception("invalid type") except Exception as e: raise ValueError("invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)) return tuple(data) def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: self._cache = "--%02d-%02dZ" % self._data return self._cache class recurringDateType(gMonthDayType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC) class gMonthType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): try: if data == None: data = time.gmtime(time.time())[1:2] elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType): data = [data] if type(data) in (ListType, TupleType): if len(data) == 9: data = data[1:2] elif len(data) < 1: raise Exception("too few values") elif len(data) > 1: raise Exception("too many values") if type(data[0]) == FloatType: try: s = int(data[0]) except: s = int(data[0]) if s != data[0]: raise Exception("not integral") data = [s] elif type(data[0]) not in (IntType, LongType): raise Exception("bad type") if data[0] < 1 or data[0] > 12: raise Exception("bad value") else: raise Exception("invalid type") except Exception as e: raise ValueError("invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)) return data[0] def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: self._cache = "--%02d--Z" % self._data return self._cache class monthType(gMonthType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC) class gDayType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): try: if data == None: data = time.gmtime(time.time())[2:3] elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType): data = [data] if type(data) in (ListType, TupleType): if len(data) == 9: data = data[2:3] elif len(data) < 1: raise Exception("too few values") elif len(data) > 1: raise Exception("too many values") if type(data[0]) == FloatType: try: s = int(data[0]) except: s = int(data[0]) if s != data[0]: raise Exception("not integral") data = [s] elif type(data[0]) not in (IntType, LongType): raise Exception("bad type") if data[0] < 1 or data[0] > 31: raise Exception("bad value") else: raise Exception("invalid type") except Exception as e: raise ValueError("invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)) return data[0] def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: self._cache = "---%02dZ" % self._data return self._cache class recurringDayType(gDayType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC) class hexBinaryType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType): raise AttributeError("invalid %s type" % self._type) return data def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: self._cache = encodeHexString(self._data) return self._cache class base64BinaryType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType): raise AttributeError("invalid %s type" % self._type) return data def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: self._cache = base64.encodestring(self._data) return self._cache class base64Type(base64BinaryType): _validURIs = (NS.ENC,) class binaryType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD, NS.ENC) def __init__(self, data, name=None, typed=1, encoding="base64", attrs=None): anyType.__init__(self, data, name, typed, attrs) self._setAttr("encoding", encoding) def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: if self._getAttr((None, "encoding")) == "base64": self._cache = base64.encodestring(self._data) else: self._cache = encodeHexString(self._data) return self._cache def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType): raise AttributeError("invalid %s type" % self._type) return data def _setAttr(self, attr, value): attr = self._fixAttr(attr) if attr[1] == "encoding": if attr[0] != None or value not in ("base64", "hex"): raise AttributeError("invalid encoding") self._cache = None anyType._setAttr(self, attr, value) class anyURIType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType): raise AttributeError("invalid %s type" % self._type) return data def _marshalData(self): if self._cache == None: self._cache = urllib.parse.quote(self._data) return self._cache class uriType(anyURIType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD,) class uriReferenceType(anyURIType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2,) class NOTATIONType(anyType): def __init__(self, data, name=None, typed=1, attrs=None): if self.__class__ == NOTATIONType: raise Error("a NOTATION can't be instantiated directly") anyType.__init__(self, data, name, typed, attrs) class ENTITIESType(anyType): def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) in (StringType, UnicodeType): return (data,) if type(data) not in (ListType, TupleType) or [ x for x in data if type(x) not in (StringType, UnicodeType) ]: raise AttributeError("invalid %s type" % self._type) return data def _marshalData(self): return " ".join(self._data) class IDREFSType(ENTITIESType): pass class NMTOKENSType(ENTITIESType): pass class integerType(anyType): def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType): raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class nonPositiveIntegerType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data > 0: raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class non_Positive_IntegerType(nonPositiveIntegerType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD,) def _typeName(self): return "non-positive-integer" class negativeIntegerType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data >= 0: raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class negative_IntegerType(negativeIntegerType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD,) def _typeName(self): return "negative-integer" class longType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if ( type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data < -9223372036854775808 or data > 9223372036854775807 ): raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class intType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if ( type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data < -2147483648 or data > 2147483647 ): raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class shortType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data < -32768 or data > 32767: raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class byteType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data < -128 or data > 127: raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class nonNegativeIntegerType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data < 0: raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class non_Negative_IntegerType(nonNegativeIntegerType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD,) def _typeName(self): return "non-negative-integer" class unsignedLongType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if ( type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data < 0 or data > 18446744073709551615 ): raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class unsignedIntType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data < 0 or data > 4294967295: raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class unsignedShortType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data < 0 or data > 65535: raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class unsignedByteType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data < 0 or data > 255: raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class positiveIntegerType(anyType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC) def _checkValueSpace(self, data): if data == None: raise ValueError("must supply initial %s value" % self._type) if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data <= 0: raise ValueError("invalid %s value" % self._type) return data class positive_IntegerType(positiveIntegerType): _validURIs = (NS.XSD,) def _typeName(self): return "positive-integer" # Now compound types class compoundType(anyType): def __init__(self, data=None, name=None, typed=1, attrs=None): if self.__class__ == compoundType: raise Error("a compound can't be instantiated directly") anyType.__init__(self, data, name, typed, attrs) self._keyord = [] if type(data) == DictType: self.__dict__.update(data) def _aslist(self, item=None): if item is not None: return self.__dict__[self._keyord[item]] else: return [self.__dict__[x] for x in self._keyord] def _asdict(self, item=None, encoding=Config.dict_encoding): if item is not None: if type(item) in (UnicodeType, StringType): item = item.encode(encoding) return self.__dict__[item] else: retval = {} def fun(x): retval[x.encode(encoding)] = self.__dict__[x] if hasattr(self, "_keyord"): list(map(fun, self._keyord)) else: for name in dir(self): if isPublic(name): retval[name] = getattr(self, name) return retval def __getitem__(self, item): if type(item) == IntType: return self.__dict__[self._keyord[item]] else: return getattr(self, item) def __len__(self): return len(self._keyord) def __bool__(self): return 1 def _keys(self): return [x for x in list(self.__dict__.keys()) if x[0] != "_"] def _addItem(self, name, value, attrs=None): if name in self._keyord: if type(self.__dict__[name]) != ListType: self.__dict__[name] = [self.__dict__[name]] self.__dict__[name].append(value) else: self.__dict__[name] = value self._keyord.append(name) def _placeItem(self, name, value, pos, subpos=0, attrs=None): if subpos == 0 and type(self.__dict__[name]) != ListType: self.__dict__[name] = value else: self.__dict__[name][subpos] = value self._keyord[pos] = name def _getItemAsList(self, name, default=[]): try: d = self.__dict__[name] except: return default if type(d) == ListType: return d return [d] def __str__(self): return anyType.__str__(self) + ": " + str(self._asdict()) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() class structType(compoundType): pass class headerType(structType): _validURIs = (NS.ENV,) def __init__(self, data=None, typed=1, attrs=None): structType.__init__(self, data, "Header", typed, attrs) class bodyType(structType): _validURIs = (NS.ENV,) def __init__(self, data=None, typed=1, attrs=None): structType.__init__(self, data, "Body", typed, attrs) class arrayType(collections.UserList, compoundType): def __init__( self, data=None, name=None, attrs=None, offset=0, rank=None, asize=0, elemsname=None, ): if data: if type(data) not in (ListType, TupleType): raise Error("Data must be a sequence") collections.UserList.__init__(self, data) compoundType.__init__(self, data, name, 0, attrs) self._elemsname = elemsname or "item" if data == None: self._rank = rank # According to in the SOAP spec, each element in a # sparse array must have a position. _posstate keeps track of # whether we've seen a position or not. It's possible values # are: # -1 No elements have been added, so the state is indeterminate # 0 An element without a position has been added, so no # elements can have positions # 1 An element with a position has been added, so all elements # must have positions self._posstate = -1 self._full = 0 if asize in ("", None): asize = "0" self._dims = [int(x) for x in str(asize).split(",")] self._dims.reverse() # It's easier to work with this way self._poss = [0] * len(self._dims) # This will end up # reversed too for i in range(len(self._dims)): if self._dims[i] < 0 or self._dims[i] == 0 and len(self._dims) > 1: raise TypeError("invalid Array dimensions") if offset > 0: self._poss[i] = offset % self._dims[i] offset = int(offset / self._dims[i]) # Don't break out of the loop if offset is 0 so we test all the # dimensions for > 0. if offset: raise AttributeError("invalid Array offset") a = [None] * self._dims[0] for i in range(1, len(self._dims)): b = [] for j in range(self._dims[i]): b.append(copy.deepcopy(a)) a = b self.data = a def _aslist(self, item=None): if item is not None: return self.data[int(item)] else: return self.data def _asdict(self, item=None, encoding=Config.dict_encoding): if item is not None: if type(item) in (UnicodeType, StringType): item = item.encode(encoding) return self.data[int(item)] else: retval = {} def fun(x): retval[str(x).encode(encoding)] = self.data[x] list(map(fun, list(range(len(self.data))))) return retval def __getitem__(self, item): try: return self.data[int(item)] except ValueError: return getattr(self, item) def __len__(self): return len(self.data) def __bool__(self): return 1 def __str__(self): return anyType.__str__(self) + ": " + str(self._aslist()) def _keys(self): return [x for x in list(self.__dict__.keys()) if x[0] != "_"] def _addItem(self, name, value, attrs): if self._full: raise ValueError("Array is full") pos = attrs.get((NS.ENC, "position")) if pos != None: if self._posstate == 0: raise AttributeError( "all elements in a sparse Array must have a " "position attribute" ) self._posstate = 1 try: if pos[0] == "[" and pos[-1] == "]": pos = [int(x) for x in pos[1:-1].split(",")] pos.reverse() if len(pos) == 1: pos = pos[0] curpos = [0] * len(self._dims) for i in range(len(self._dims)): curpos[i] = pos % self._dims[i] pos = int(pos / self._dims[i]) if pos == 0: break if pos: raise Exception elif len(pos) != len(self._dims): raise Exception else: for i in range(len(self._dims)): if pos[i] >= self._dims[i]: raise Exception curpos = pos else: raise Exception except: raise AttributeError("invalid Array element position %s" % str(pos)) else: if self._posstate == 1: raise AttributeError( "only elements in a sparse Array may have a " "position attribute" ) self._posstate = 0 curpos = self._poss a = self.data for i in range(len(self._dims) - 1, 0, -1): a = a[curpos[i]] if curpos[0] >= len(a): a += [None] * (len(a) - curpos[0] + 1) a[curpos[0]] = value if pos == None: self._poss[0] += 1 for i in range(len(self._dims) - 1): if self._poss[i] < self._dims[i]: break self._poss[i] = 0 self._poss[i + 1] += 1 if self._dims[-1] and self._poss[-1] >= self._dims[-1]: # self._full = 1 # FIXME: why is this occuring? pass def _placeItem(self, name, value, pos, subpos, attrs=None): curpos = [0] * len(self._dims) for i in range(len(self._dims)): if self._dims[i] == 0: curpos[0] = pos break curpos[i] = pos % self._dims[i] pos = int(pos / self._dims[i]) if pos == 0: break if self._dims[i] != 0 and pos: raise Error("array index out of range") a = self.data for i in range(len(self._dims) - 1, 0, -1): a = a[curpos[i]] if curpos[0] >= len(a): a += [None] * (len(a) - curpos[0] + 1) a[curpos[0]] = value class typedArrayType(arrayType): def __init__( self, data=None, name=None, typed=None, attrs=None, offset=0, rank=None, asize=0, elemsname=None, complexType=0, ): arrayType.__init__(self, data, name, attrs, offset, rank, asize, elemsname) self._typed = 1 self._type = typed self._complexType = complexType class faultType(structType, Error): def __init__(self, faultcode="", faultstring="", detail=None): self.faultcode = faultcode self.faultstring = faultstring if detail != None: self.detail = detail structType.__init__(self, None, 0) def _setDetail(self, detail=None): if detail != None: self.detail = detail else: try: del self.detail except AttributeError: pass def __repr__(self): if getattr(self, "detail", None) != None: return "<Fault %s: %s: %s>" % ( self.faultcode, self.faultstring, self.detail, ) else: return "<Fault %s: %s>" % (self.faultcode, self.faultstring) __str__ = __repr__ def __call__(self): return (self.faultcode, self.faultstring, self.detail) class SOAPException(Exception): def __init__(self, code="", string="", detail=None): self.value = ("SOAPpy SOAP Exception", code, string, detail) self.code = code self.string = string self.detail = detail def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) class RequiredHeaderMismatch(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) class MethodNotFound(Exception): def __init__(self, value): (val, detail) = value.split(":") self.value = val self.detail = detail def __str__(self): return repr(self.value, self.detail) class AuthorizationFailed(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) class MethodFailed(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) ####### # Convert complex SOAPpy objects to native python equivalents ####### def simplify(object, level=0): """ Convert the SOAPpy objects and thier contents to simple python types. This function recursively converts the passed 'container' object, and all public subobjects. (Private subobjects have names that start with '_'.) Conversions: - faultType --> raise python exception - arrayType --> array - compoundType --> dictionary """ if level > 10: return object if isinstance(object, faultType): if object.faultstring == "Required Header Misunderstood": raise RequiredHeaderMismatch(object.detail) elif object.faultstring == "Method Not Found": raise MethodNotFound(object.detail) elif object.faultstring == "Authorization Failed": raise AuthorizationFailed(object.detail) elif object.faultstring == "Method Failed": raise MethodFailed(object.detail) else: se = SOAPException(object.faultcode, object.faultstring, object.detail) raise se elif isinstance(object, arrayType): data = object._aslist() for k in range(len(data)): data[k] = simplify(data[k], level=level + 1) return data elif isinstance(object, compoundType) or isinstance(object, structType): data = object._asdict() for k in list(data.keys()): if isPublic(k): data[k] = simplify(data[k], level=level + 1) return data elif type(object) == DictType: for k in list(object.keys()): if isPublic(k): object[k] = simplify(object[k]) return object elif type(object) == list: for k in range(len(object)): object[k] = simplify(object[k]) return object else: return object def simplify_contents(object, level=0): """ Convert the contents of SOAPpy objects to simple python types. This function recursively converts the sub-objects contained in a 'container' object to simple python types. Conversions: - faultType --> raise python exception - arrayType --> array - compoundType --> dictionary """ if level > 10: return object if isinstance(object, faultType): for k in object._keys(): if isPublic(k): setattr(object, k, simplify(object[k], level=level + 1)) raise object elif isinstance(object, arrayType): data = object._aslist() for k in range(len(data)): object[k] = simplify(data[k], level=level + 1) elif isinstance(object, structType): data = object._asdict() for k in list(data.keys()): if isPublic(k): setattr(object, k, simplify(data[k], level=level + 1)) elif isinstance(object, compoundType): data = object._asdict() for k in list(data.keys()): if isPublic(k): object[k] = simplify(data[k], level=level + 1) elif type(object) == DictType: for k in list(object.keys()): if isPublic(k): object[k] = simplify(object[k]) elif type(object) == list: for k in range(len(object)): object[k] = simplify(object[k]) return object <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """The Python datastore API used by app developers. Defines Entity, Query, and Iterator classes, as well as methods for all of the datastore's calls. Also defines conversions between the Python classes and their PB counterparts. The datastore errors are defined in the datastore_errors module. That module is only required to avoid circular imports. datastore imports datastore_types, which needs BadValueError, so it can't be defined in datastore. """ import heapq import itertools import logging import os import re import sys import threading import traceback from xml.sax import saxutils from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map from google.appengine.api import capabilities from google.appengine.api import datastore_errors from google.appengine.api import datastore_types from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_pb from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_query from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_rpc from google.appengine.datastore import entity_pb MAX_ALLOWABLE_QUERIES = 30 MAXIMUM_RESULTS = 1000 DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_RETRIES = 3 READ_CAPABILITY = capabilities.CapabilitySet("datastore_v3") WRITE_CAPABILITY = capabilities.CapabilitySet("datastore_v3", capabilities=["write"]) _MAX_INDEXED_PROPERTIES = 20000 _MAX_ID_BATCH_SIZE = datastore_rpc._MAX_ID_BATCH_SIZE Key = datastore_types.Key typename = datastore_types.typename STRONG_CONSISTENCY = datastore_rpc.Configuration.STRONG_CONSISTENCY EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY = datastore_rpc.Configuration.EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY _MAX_INT_32 = 2**31 - 1 def NormalizeAndTypeCheck(arg, types): """Normalizes and type checks the given argument. Args: arg: an instance or iterable of the given type(s) types: allowed type or tuple of types Returns: A (list, bool) tuple. The list is a normalized, shallow copy of the argument. The boolean is True if the argument was a sequence, False if it was a single object. Raises: AssertionError: types includes list or tuple. BadArgumentError: arg is not an instance or sequence of one of the given types. """ if not isinstance(types, (list, tuple)): types = (types,) assert list not in types and tuple not in types if isinstance(arg, types): return [arg], False else: if isinstance(arg, str): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Expected an instance or iterable of %s; received %s (a %s)." % (types, arg, typename(arg)) ) try: arg_list = list(arg) except TypeError: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Expected an instance or iterable of %s; received %s (a %s)." % (types, arg, typename(arg)) ) for val in arg_list: if not isinstance(val, types): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Expected one of %s; received %s (a %s)." % (types, val, typename(val)) ) return arg_list, True def NormalizeAndTypeCheckKeys(keys): """Normalizes and type checks that the given argument is a valid key or keys. A wrapper around NormalizeAndTypeCheck() that accepts strings, Keys, and Entities, and normalizes to Keys. Args: keys: a Key or sequence of Keys Returns: A (list of Keys, bool) tuple. See NormalizeAndTypeCheck. Raises: BadArgumentError: arg is not an instance or sequence of one of the given types. """ keys, multiple = NormalizeAndTypeCheck(keys, (str, Entity, Key)) keys = [_GetCompleteKeyOrError(key) for key in keys] return (keys, multiple) def _GetConfigFromKwargs( kwargs, convert_rpc=False, config_class=datastore_rpc.Configuration ): """Get a Configuration object from the keyword arguments. This is purely an internal helper for the various public APIs below such as Get(). Args: kwargs: A dict containing the keyword arguments passed to a public API. convert_rpc: If the an rpc should be converted or passed on directly. config_class: The config class that should be generated. Returns: A UserRPC instance, or a Configuration instance, or None. Raises: TypeError if unexpected keyword arguments are present. """ if not kwargs: return None rpc = kwargs.pop("rpc", None) if rpc is not None: if not isinstance(rpc, apiproxy_stub_map.UserRPC): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "rpc= argument should be None or a UserRPC instance" ) if "config" in kwargs: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Expected rpc= or config= argument but not both" ) if not convert_rpc: if kwargs: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Unexpected keyword arguments: %s" % ", ".join(kwargs) ) return rpc read_policy = getattr(rpc, "read_policy", None) kwargs["config"] = datastore_rpc.Configuration( deadline=rpc.deadline, read_policy=read_policy, config=_GetConnection().config, ) return config_class(**kwargs) class _BaseIndex(object): BUILDING, SERVING, DELETING, ERROR = list(range(4)) ASCENDING = datastore_query.PropertyOrder.ASCENDING DESCENDING = datastore_query.PropertyOrder.DESCENDING def __init__(self, index_id, kind, has_ancestor, properties): """Construct a datastore index instance. Args: index_id: Required long; Uniquely identifies the index kind: Required string; Specifies the kind of the entities to index has_ancestor: Required boolean; indicates if the index supports a query that filters entities by the entity group parent properties: Required list of (string, int) tuples; The entity properties to index. First item in a tuple is the property name and the second item is the sorting direction (ASCENDING|DESCENDING). The order of the properties is based on the order in the index. """ argument_error = datastore_errors.BadArgumentError datastore_types.ValidateInteger( index_id, "index_id", argument_error, zero_ok=True ) datastore_types.ValidateString(kind, "kind", argument_error, empty_ok=True) if not isinstance(properties, (list, tuple)): raise argument_error("properties must be a list or a tuple") for idx, index_property in enumerate(properties): if not isinstance(index_property, (list, tuple)): raise argument_error("property[%d] must be a list or a tuple" % idx) if len(index_property) != 2: raise argument_error( "property[%d] length should be 2 but was %d" % (idx, len(index_property)) ) datastore_types.ValidateString( index_property[0], "property name", argument_error ) _BaseIndex.__ValidateEnum( index_property[1], (self.ASCENDING, self.DESCENDING), "sort direction" ) self.__id = int(index_id) self.__kind = kind self.__has_ancestor = bool(has_ancestor) self.__properties = properties @staticmethod def __ValidateEnum( value, accepted_values, name="value", exception=datastore_errors.BadArgumentError, ): datastore_types.ValidateInteger(value, name, exception) if not value in accepted_values: raise exception( "%s should be one of %s but was %d" % (name, str(accepted_values), value) ) def _Id(self): """Returns the index id, a long.""" return self.__id def _Kind(self): """Returns the index kind, a string. Empty string ('') if none.""" return self.__kind def _HasAncestor(self): """Indicates if this is an ancestor index, a boolean.""" return self.__has_ancestor def _Properties(self): """Returns the index properties. a tuple of (index name as a string, [ASCENDING|DESCENDING]) tuples. """ return self.__properties def __eq__(self, other): return self.__id == other.__id def __ne__(self, other): return self.__id != other.__id def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__id) class Index(_BaseIndex): """A datastore index.""" Id = _BaseIndex._Id Kind = _BaseIndex._Kind HasAncestor = _BaseIndex._HasAncestor Properties = _BaseIndex._Properties class DatastoreAdapter(datastore_rpc.AbstractAdapter): """Adapter between datatypes defined here (Entity etc.) and protobufs. See the base class in datastore_rpc.py for more docs. """ index_state_mappings = { entity_pb.CompositeIndex.ERROR: Index.ERROR, entity_pb.CompositeIndex.DELETED: Index.DELETING, entity_pb.CompositeIndex.READ_WRITE: Index.SERVING, entity_pb.CompositeIndex.WRITE_ONLY: Index.BUILDING, } index_direction_mappings = { entity_pb.Index_Property.ASCENDING: Index.ASCENDING, entity_pb.Index_Property.DESCENDING: Index.DESCENDING, } def key_to_pb(self, key): return key._Key__reference def pb_to_key(self, pb): return Key._FromPb(pb) def entity_to_pb(self, entity): return entity._ToPb() def pb_to_entity(self, pb): return Entity._FromPb(pb) def pb_to_index(self, pb): index_def = pb.definition() properties = [ ( property.name(), DatastoreAdapter.index_direction_mappings.get(property.direction()), ) for property in index_def.property_list() ] index = Index( pb.id(), index_def.entity_type(), index_def.ancestor(), properties ) state = DatastoreAdapter.index_state_mappings.get(pb.state()) return index, state _adapter = DatastoreAdapter() _thread_local = threading.local() _ENV_KEY = "__DATASTORE_CONNECTION_INITIALIZED__" def _GetConnection(): """Retrieve a datastore connection local to the thread.""" connection = None if os.getenv(_ENV_KEY): try: connection = _thread_local.connection except AttributeError: pass if connection is None: connection = datastore_rpc.Connection(adapter=_adapter) _SetConnection(connection) return connection def _SetConnection(connection): """Sets the datastore connection local to the thread.""" _thread_local.connection = connection os.environ[_ENV_KEY] = "1" def _MakeSyncCall(service, call, request, response, config=None): """The APIProxy entry point for a synchronous API call. Args: service: For backwards compatibility, must be 'datastore_v3'. call: String representing which function to call. request: Protocol buffer for the request. response: Protocol buffer for the response. config: Optional Configuration to use for this request. Returns: Response protocol buffer. Caller should always use returned value which may or may not be same as passed in 'response'. Raises: apiproxy_errors.Error or a subclass. """ conn = _GetConnection() if isinstance(request, datastore_pb.Query): conn._set_request_read_policy(request, config) conn._set_request_transaction(request) rpc = conn.make_rpc_call(config, call, request, response) conn.check_rpc_success(rpc) return response def CreateRPC(service="datastore_v3", deadline=None, callback=None, read_policy=None): """Create an rpc for use in configuring datastore calls. NOTE: This functions exists for backwards compatibility. Please use CreateConfig() instead. NOTE: the latter uses 'on_completion', which is a function taking an argument, wherease CreateRPC uses 'callback' which is a function without arguments. Args: service: Optional string; for backwards compatibility, must be 'datastore_v3'. deadline: Optional int or float, deadline for calls in seconds. callback: Optional callable, a callback triggered when this rpc completes; takes no arguments. read_policy: Optional read policy; set to EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY to enable eventually consistent reads (i.e. reads that may be satisfied from an older version of the datastore in some cases). The default read policy may have to wait until in-flight transactions are committed. Returns: A UserRPC instance. """ assert service == "datastore_v3" conn = _GetConnection() config = None if deadline is not None: config = datastore_rpc.Configuration(deadline=deadline) rpc = conn.create_rpc(config) rpc.callback = callback if read_policy is not None: rpc.read_policy = read_policy return rpc def CreateConfig(**kwds): """Create a Configuration object for use in configuring datastore calls. This configuration can be passed to most datastore calls using the 'config=...' argument. Args: deadline: Optional deadline; default None (which means the system default deadline will be used, typically 5 seconds). on_completion: Optional callback function; default None. If specified, it will be called with a UserRPC object as argument when an RPC completes. read_policy: Optional read policy; set to EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY to enable eventually consistent reads (i.e. reads that may be satisfied from an older version of the datastore in some cases). The default read policy may have to wait until in-flight transactions are committed. **kwds: Other keyword arguments as long as they are supported by datastore_rpc.Configuration(). Returns: A datastore_rpc.Configuration instance. """ return datastore_rpc.Configuration(**kwds) def CreateTransactionOptions(**kwds): """Create a configuration object for use in configuring transactions. This configuration can be passed as run_in_transaction_option's first argument. Args: deadline: Optional deadline; default None (which means the system default deadline will be used, typically 5 seconds). on_completion: Optional callback function; default None. If specified, it will be called with a UserRPC object as argument when an RPC completes. xg: set to true to allow cross-group transactions (high replication datastore only) retries: set the number of retries for a transaction **kwds: Other keyword arguments as long as they are supported by datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions(). Returns: A datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions instance. """ return datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions(**kwds) def PutAsync(entities, **kwargs): """Asynchronously store one or more entities in the datastore. Identical to datastore.Put() except returns an asynchronous object. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and get the results. """ extra_hook = kwargs.pop("extra_hook", None) config = _GetConfigFromKwargs(kwargs) if getattr(config, "read_policy", None) == EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY: raise datastore_errors.BadRequestError( "read_policy is only supported on read operations." ) entities, multiple = NormalizeAndTypeCheck(entities, Entity) for entity in entities: if entity.is_projection(): raise datastore_errors.BadRequestError( "Cannot put a partial entity: %s" % entity ) if not entity.kind() or not entity.app(): raise datastore_errors.BadRequestError( "App and kind must not be empty, in entity: %s" % entity ) def local_extra_hook(keys): num_keys = len(keys) num_entities = len(entities) if num_keys != num_entities: raise datastore_errors.InternalError( "Put accepted %d entities but returned %d keys." % (num_entities, num_keys) ) for entity, key in zip(entities, keys): if entity._Entity__key._Key__reference != key._Key__reference: assert not entity._Entity__key.has_id_or_name() entity._Entity__key._Key__reference.CopyFrom(key._Key__reference) if multiple: result = keys else: result = keys[0] if extra_hook: return extra_hook(result) return result return _GetConnection().async_put(config, entities, local_extra_hook) def Put(entities, **kwargs): """Store one or more entities in the datastore. The entities may be new or previously existing. For new entities, Put() will fill in the app id and key assigned by the datastore. If the argument is a single Entity, a single Key will be returned. If the argument is a list of Entity, a list of Keys will be returned. Args: entities: Entity or list of Entities config: Optional Configuration to use for this request, must be specified as a keyword argument. Returns: Key or list of Keys Raises: TransactionFailedError, if the Put could not be committed. """ return PutAsync(entities, **kwargs).get_result() def GetAsync(keys, **kwargs): """Asynchronously retrieves one or more entities from the datastore. Identical to datastore.Get() except returns an asynchronous object. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and get the results. """ extra_hook = kwargs.pop("extra_hook", None) config = _GetConfigFromKwargs(kwargs) keys, multiple = NormalizeAndTypeCheckKeys(keys) def local_extra_hook(entities): if multiple: result = entities else: if not entities or entities[0] is None: raise datastore_errors.EntityNotFoundError() result = entities[0] if extra_hook: return extra_hook(result) return result return _GetConnection().async_get(config, keys, local_extra_hook) def Get(keys, **kwargs): """Retrieves one or more entities from the datastore. Retrieves the entity or entities with the given key(s) from the datastore and returns them as fully populated Entity objects, as defined below. If there is an error, raises a subclass of datastore_errors.Error. If keys is a single key or string, an Entity will be returned, or EntityNotFoundError will be raised if no existing entity matches the key. However, if keys is a list or tuple, a list of entities will be returned that corresponds to the sequence of keys. It will include entities for keys that were found and None placeholders for keys that were not found. Args: keys: Key or string or list of Keys or strings config: Optional Configuration to use for this request, must be specified as a keyword argument. Returns: Entity or list of Entity objects """ return GetAsync(keys, **kwargs).get_result() def GetIndexesAsync(**kwargs): """Asynchronously retrieves the application indexes and their states. Identical to GetIndexes() except returns an asynchronous object. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and get the results. """ extra_hook = kwargs.pop("extra_hook", None) config = _GetConfigFromKwargs(kwargs) def local_extra_hook(result): if extra_hook: return extra_hook(result) return result return _GetConnection().async_get_indexes(config, local_extra_hook) def GetIndexes(**kwargs): """Retrieves the application indexes and their states. Args: config: Optional Configuration to use for this request, must be specified as a keyword argument. Returns: A list of (Index, Index.[BUILDING|SERVING|DELETING|ERROR]) tuples. An index can be in the following states: Index.BUILDING: Index is being built and therefore can not serve queries Index.SERVING: Index is ready to service queries Index.DELETING: Index is being deleted Index.ERROR: Index encounted an error in the BUILDING state """ return GetIndexesAsync(**kwargs).get_result() def DeleteAsync(keys, **kwargs): """Asynchronously deletes one or more entities from the datastore. Identical to datastore.Delete() except returns an asynchronous object. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call. """ config = _GetConfigFromKwargs(kwargs) if getattr(config, "read_policy", None) == EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY: raise datastore_errors.BadRequestError( "read_policy is only supported on read operations." ) keys, _ = NormalizeAndTypeCheckKeys(keys) return _GetConnection().async_delete(config, keys) def Delete(keys, **kwargs): """Deletes one or more entities from the datastore. Use with care! Deletes the given entity(ies) from the datastore. You can only delete entities from your app. If there is an error, raises a subclass of datastore_errors.Error. Args: # the primary key(s) of the entity(ies) to delete keys: Key or string or list of Keys or strings config: Optional Configuration to use for this request, must be specified as a keyword argument. Raises: TransactionFailedError, if the Delete could not be committed. """ return DeleteAsync(keys, **kwargs).get_result() class Entity(dict): """A datastore entity. Includes read-only accessors for app id, kind, and primary key. Also provides dictionary-style access to properties. """ __projection = False def __init__( self, kind, parent=None, _app=None, name=None, id=None, unindexed_properties=[], namespace=None, **kwds ): """Constructor. Takes the kind and transaction root, which cannot be changed after the entity is constructed, and an optional parent. Raises BadArgumentError or BadKeyError if kind is invalid or parent is not an existing Entity or Key in the datastore. Args: # this entity's kind kind: string # if provided, this entity's parent. Its key must be complete. parent: Entity or Key # if provided, this entity's name. name: string # if provided, this entity's id. id: integer # if provided, a sequence of property names that should not be indexed # by the built-in single property indices. unindexed_properties: list or tuple of strings namespace: string # if provided, overrides the default namespace_manager setting. """ ref = entity_pb.Reference() _app = datastore_types.ResolveAppId(_app) ref.set_app(_app) _namespace = kwds.pop("_namespace", None) if kwds: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Excess keyword arguments " + repr(kwds) ) if namespace is None: namespace = _namespace elif _namespace is not None: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Must not set both _namespace and namespace parameters." ) datastore_types.ValidateString(kind, "kind", datastore_errors.BadArgumentError) if parent is not None: parent = _GetCompleteKeyOrError(parent) if _app != parent.app(): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( " %s doesn't match parent's app %s" % (_app, parent.app()) ) if namespace is None: namespace = parent.namespace() elif namespace != parent.namespace(): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( " %s doesn't match parent's namespace %s" % (namespace, parent.namespace()) ) ref.CopyFrom(parent._Key__reference) namespace = datastore_types.ResolveNamespace(namespace) datastore_types.SetNamespace(ref, namespace) last_path = ref.mutable_path().add_element() last_path.set_type(kind.encode("utf-8")) if name is not None and id is not None: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Cannot set both name and id on an Entity" ) if name is not None: datastore_types.ValidateString(name, "name") last_path.set_name(name.encode("utf-8")) if id is not None: datastore_types.ValidateInteger(id, "id") last_path.set_id(id) self.set_unindexed_properties(unindexed_properties) self.__key = Key._FromPb(ref) def app(self): """Returns the name of the application that created this entity, a string or None if not set. """ return self.__key.app() def namespace(self): """Returns the namespace of this entity, a string or None.""" return self.__key.namespace() def kind(self): """Returns this entity's kind, a string.""" return self.__key.kind() def is_saved(self): """Returns if this entity has been saved to the datastore.""" last_path = self.__key._Key__reference.path().element_list()[-1] return ( last_path.has_name() ^ last_path.has_id() ) and self.__key.has_id_or_name() def is_projection(self): """Returns if this entity is a projection from full entity. Projected entities: - may not contain all properties from the original entity; - only contain single values for lists; - may not contain values with the same type as the original entity. """ return self.__projection def key(self): """Returns this entity's primary key, a Key instance.""" return self.__key def parent(self): """Returns this entity's parent, as a Key. If this entity has no parent, returns None. """ return self.key().parent() def entity_group(self): """Returns this entity's entity group as a Key. Note that the returned Key will be incomplete if this is a a root entity and its key is incomplete. """ return self.key().entity_group() def unindexed_properties(self): """Returns this entity's unindexed properties, as a frozenset of strings.""" return getattr(self, "_Entity__unindexed_properties", []) def set_unindexed_properties(self, unindexed_properties): unindexed_properties, multiple = NormalizeAndTypeCheck( unindexed_properties, str ) if not multiple: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "unindexed_properties must be a sequence; received %s (a %s)." % (unindexed_properties, typename(unindexed_properties)) ) for prop in unindexed_properties: datastore_types.ValidateProperty(prop, None) self.__unindexed_properties = frozenset(unindexed_properties) def __setitem__(self, name, value): """Implements the [] operator. Used to set property value(s). If the property name is the empty string or not a string, raises BadPropertyError. If the value is not a supported type, raises BadValueError. """ datastore_types.ValidateProperty(name, value) dict.__setitem__(self, name, value) def setdefault(self, name, value): """If the property exists, returns its value. Otherwise sets it to value. If the property name is the empty string or not a string, raises BadPropertyError. If the value is not a supported type, raises BadValueError. """ datastore_types.ValidateProperty(name, value) return dict.setdefault(self, name, value) def update(self, other): """Updates this entity's properties from the values in other. If any property name is the empty string or not a string, raises BadPropertyError. If any value is not a supported type, raises BadValueError. """ for name, value in list(other.items()): self.__setitem__(name, value) def copy(self): """The copy method is not supported.""" raise NotImplementedError("Entity does not support the copy() method.") def ToXml(self): """Returns an XML representation of this entity. Atom and gd:namespace properties are converted to XML according to their respective schemas. For more information, see: http://www.atomenabled.org/developers/syndication/ http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/common-elements.html This is *not* optimized. It shouldn't be used anywhere near code that's performance-critical. """ xml = "<entity kind=%s" % saxutils.quoteattr(self.kind()) if self.__key.has_id_or_name(): xml += " key=%s" % saxutils.quoteattr(str(self.__key)) xml += ">" if self.__key.has_id_or_name(): xml += "\n <key>%s</key>" % self.__key.ToTagUri() properties = list(self.keys()) if properties: properties.sort() xml += "\n " + "\n ".join(self._PropertiesToXml(properties)) xml += "\n</entity>\n" return xml def _PropertiesToXml(self, properties): """Returns a list of the XML representations of each of the given properties. Ignores properties that don't exist in this entity. Arg: properties: string or list of strings Returns: list of strings """ xml_properties = [] for propname in properties: if propname not in self: continue propname_xml = saxutils.quoteattr(propname) values = self[propname] if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] proptype = datastore_types.PropertyTypeName(values[0]) proptype_xml = saxutils.quoteattr(proptype) escaped_values = self._XmlEscapeValues(propname) open_tag = "<property name=%s type=%s>" % (propname_xml, proptype_xml) close_tag = "</property>" xml_properties += [open_tag + val + close_tag for val in escaped_values] return xml_properties def _XmlEscapeValues(self, property): """Returns a list of the XML-escaped string values for the given property. Raises an AssertionError if the property doesn't exist. Arg: property: string Returns: list of strings """ assert property in self xml = [] values = self[property] if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] for val in values: if hasattr(val, "ToXml"): xml.append(val.ToXml()) else: if val is None: xml.append("") else: xml.append(saxutils.escape(str(val))) return xml def ToPb(self): """Converts this Entity to its protocol buffer representation. Returns: entity_pb.Entity """ return self._ToPb(False) def _ToPb(self, mark_key_as_saved=True): """Converts this Entity to its protocol buffer representation. Not intended to be used by application developers. Returns: entity_pb.Entity """ pb = entity_pb.EntityProto() pb.mutable_key().CopyFrom(self.key()._ToPb()) last_path = pb.key().path().element_list()[-1] if mark_key_as_saved and last_path.has_name() and last_path.has_id(): last_path.clear_id() group = pb.mutable_entity_group() if self.__key.has_id_or_name(): root = pb.key().path().element(0) group.add_element().CopyFrom(root) properties = list(self.items()) properties.sort() for name, values in properties: properties = datastore_types.ToPropertyPb(name, values) if not isinstance(properties, list): properties = [properties] for prop in properties: if ( prop.has_meaning() and prop.meaning() in datastore_types._RAW_PROPERTY_MEANINGS ) or name in self.unindexed_properties(): pb.raw_property_list().append(prop) else: pb.property_list().append(prop) if pb.property_size() > _MAX_INDEXED_PROPERTIES: raise datastore_errors.BadRequestError( "Too many indexed properties for entity %r." % self.key() ) return pb @staticmethod def FromPb(pb, validate_reserved_properties=True, default_kind="<not specified>"): """Static factory method. Returns the Entity representation of the given protocol buffer (datastore_pb.Entity). Args: pb: datastore_pb.Entity or str encoding of a datastore_pb.Entity validate_reserved_properties: deprecated default_kind: str, the kind to use if the pb has no key. Returns: Entity: the Entity representation of pb """ if isinstance(pb, str): real_pb = entity_pb.EntityProto() real_pb.ParsePartialFromString(pb) pb = real_pb return Entity._FromPb(pb, require_valid_key=False, default_kind=default_kind) @staticmethod def _FromPb(pb, require_valid_key=True, default_kind="<not specified>"): """Static factory method. Returns the Entity representation of the given protocol buffer (datastore_pb.Entity). Not intended to be used by application developers. The Entity PB's key must be complete. If it isn't, an AssertionError is raised. Args: # a protocol buffer Entity pb: datastore_pb.Entity default_kind: str, the kind to use if the pb has no key. Returns: # the Entity representation of the argument Entity """ if not pb.key().path().element_size(): pb.mutable_key().CopyFrom(Key.from_path(default_kind, 0)._ToPb()) last_path = pb.key().path().element_list()[-1] if require_valid_key: assert last_path.has_id() ^ last_path.has_name() if last_path.has_id(): assert last_path.id() != 0 else: assert last_path.has_name() assert last_path.name() unindexed_properties = [str(p.name(), "utf-8") for p in pb.raw_property_list()] if pb.key().has_name_space(): namespace = pb.key().name_space() else: namespace = "" e = Entity( str(last_path.type(), "utf-8"), unindexed_properties=unindexed_properties, _app=pb.key().app(), namespace=namespace, ) ref = e.__key._Key__reference ref.CopyFrom(pb.key()) temporary_values = {} for prop_list in (pb.property_list(), pb.raw_property_list()): for prop in prop_list: if prop.meaning() == entity_pb.Property.INDEX_VALUE: e.__projection = True try: value = datastore_types.FromPropertyPb(prop) except (AssertionError, AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError) as e: raise datastore_errors.Error( "Property %s is corrupt in the datastore:\n%s" % (prop.name(), traceback.format_exc()) ) multiple = prop.multiple() if multiple: value = [value] name = prop.name() cur_value = temporary_values.get(name) if cur_value is None: temporary_values[name] = value elif not multiple or not isinstance(cur_value, list): raise datastore_errors.Error( "Property %s is corrupt in the datastore; it has multiple " "values, but is not marked as multiply valued." % name ) else: cur_value.extend(value) for name, value in temporary_values.items(): decoded_name = str(name, "utf-8") datastore_types.ValidateReadProperty(decoded_name, value) dict.__setitem__(e, decoded_name, value) return e class Query(dict): """A datastore query. (Instead of this, consider using appengine.ext.gql.Query! It provides a query language interface on top of the same functionality.) Queries are used to retrieve entities that match certain criteria, including app id, kind, and property filters. Results may also be sorted by properties. App id and kind are required. Only entities from the given app, of the given type, are returned. If an ancestor is set, with Ancestor(), only entities with that ancestor are returned. Property filters are used to provide criteria based on individual property values. A filter compares a specific property in each entity to a given value or list of possible values. An entity is returned if its property values match *all* of the query's filters. In other words, filters are combined with AND, not OR. If an entity does not have a value for a property used in a filter, it is not returned. Property filters map filter strings of the form '<property name> <operator>' to filter values. Use dictionary accessors to set property filters, like so: > query = Query('Person') > query['name ='] = 'Ryan' > query['age >='] = 21 This query returns all Person entities where the name property is 'Ryan', 'Ken', or 'Bret', and the age property is at least 21. Another way to build this query is: > query = Query('Person') > query.update({'name =': 'Ryan', 'age >=': 21}) The supported operators are =, >, <, >=, and <=. Only one inequality filter may be used per query. Any number of equals filters may be used in a single Query. A filter value may be a list or tuple of values. This is interpreted as multiple filters with the same filter string and different values, all ANDed together. For example, this query returns everyone with the tags "google" and "app engine": > Query('Person', {'tag =': ('google', 'app engine')}) Result entities can be returned in different orders. Use the Order() method to specify properties that results will be sorted by, and in which direction. Note that filters and orderings may be provided at any time before the query is run. When the query is fully specified, Run() runs the query and returns an iterator. The query results can be accessed through the iterator. A query object may be reused after it's been run. Its filters and orderings can be changed to create a modified query. If you know how many result entities you need, use Get() to fetch them: > query = Query('Person', {'age >': 21}) > for person in query.Get(4): > print 'I have four pints left. Have one on me, %s!' % person['name'] If you don't know how many results you need, or if you need them all, you can get an iterator over the results by calling Run(): > for person in Query('Person', {'age >': 21}).Run(): > print 'Have a pint on me, %s!' % person['name'] Get() is more efficient than Run(), so use Get() whenever possible. Finally, the Count() method returns the number of result entities matched by the query. The returned count is cached; successive Count() calls will not re-scan the datastore unless the query is changed. """ ASCENDING = datastore_query.PropertyOrder.ASCENDING DESCENDING = datastore_query.PropertyOrder.DESCENDING ORDER_FIRST = datastore_query.QueryOptions.ORDER_FIRST ANCESTOR_FIRST = datastore_query.QueryOptions.ANCESTOR_FIRST FILTER_FIRST = datastore_query.QueryOptions.FILTER_FIRST OPERATORS = {"==": datastore_query.PropertyFilter._OPERATORS["="]} OPERATORS.update(datastore_query.PropertyFilter._OPERATORS) INEQUALITY_OPERATORS = datastore_query.PropertyFilter._INEQUALITY_OPERATORS UPPERBOUND_INEQUALITY_OPERATORS = frozenset(["<", "<="]) FILTER_REGEX = re.compile( "^\s*([^\s]+)(\s+(%s)\s*)?$" % "|".join(OPERATORS), re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE ) __kind = None __app = None __namespace = None __orderings = None __ancestor_pb = None __distinct = False __group_by = None __index_list_source = None __cursor_source = None __compiled_query_source = None __filter_order = None __filter_counter = 0 __inequality_prop = None __inequality_count = 0 def __init__( self, kind=None, filters={}, _app=None, keys_only=False, compile=True, cursor=None, namespace=None, end_cursor=None, projection=None, distinct=None, _namespace=None, ): """Constructor. Raises BadArgumentError if kind is not a string. Raises BadValueError or BadFilterError if filters is not a dictionary of valid filters. Args: namespace: string, the namespace to query. kind: string, the kind of entities to query, or None. filters: dict, initial set of filters. keys_only: boolean, if keys should be returned instead of entities. projection: iterable of property names to project. distinct: boolean, if projection should be distinct. compile: boolean, if the query should generate cursors. cursor: datastore_query.Cursor, the start cursor to use. end_cursor: datastore_query.Cursor, the end cursor to use. _namespace: deprecated, use namespace instead. """ if namespace is None: namespace = _namespace elif _namespace is not None: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Must not set both _namespace and namespace parameters." ) if kind is not None: datastore_types.ValidateString( kind, "kind", datastore_errors.BadArgumentError ) self.__kind = kind self.__orderings = [] self.__filter_order = {} self.update(filters) self.__app = datastore_types.ResolveAppId(_app) self.__namespace = datastore_types.ResolveNamespace(namespace) self.__query_options = datastore_query.QueryOptions( keys_only=keys_only, produce_cursors=compile, start_cursor=cursor, end_cursor=end_cursor, projection=projection, ) if distinct: if not self.__query_options.projection: raise datastore_errors.BadQueryError( "cannot specify distinct without a projection" ) self.__distinct = True self.__group_by = self.__query_options.projection def Order(self, *orderings): """Specify how the query results should be sorted. Result entities will be sorted by the first property argument, then by the second, and so on. For example, this: > query = Query('Person') > query.Order('bday', ('age', Query.DESCENDING)) sorts everyone in order of their birthday, starting with January 1. People with the same birthday are sorted by age, oldest to youngest. The direction for each sort property may be provided; if omitted, it defaults to ascending. Order() may be called multiple times. Each call resets the sort order from scratch. If an inequality filter exists in this Query it must be the first property passed to Order. Any number of sort orders may be used after the inequality filter property. Without inequality filters, any number of filters with different orders may be specified. Entities with multiple values for an order property are sorted by their lowest value. Note that a sort order implies an existence filter! In other words, Entities without the sort order property are filtered out, and *not* included in the query results. If the sort order property has different types in different entities - ie, if bob['id'] is an int and fred['id'] is a string - the entities will be grouped first by the property type, then sorted within type. No attempt is made to compare property values across types. Raises BadArgumentError if any argument is of the wrong format. Args: # the properties to sort by, in sort order. each argument may be either a # string or (string, direction) 2-tuple. Returns: # this query Query """ orderings = list(orderings) for order, i in zip(orderings, list(range(len(orderings)))): if not ( isinstance(order, str) or (isinstance(order, tuple) and len(order) in [2, 3]) ): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Order() expects strings or 2- or 3-tuples; received %s (a %s). " % (order, typename(order)) ) if isinstance(order, str): order = (order,) datastore_types.ValidateString( order[0], "sort order property", datastore_errors.BadArgumentError ) property = order[0] direction = order[-1] if direction not in (Query.ASCENDING, Query.DESCENDING): if len(order) == 3: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Order() expects Query.ASCENDING or DESCENDING; received %s" % str(direction) ) direction = Query.ASCENDING if self.__kind is None and ( property != datastore_types.KEY_SPECIAL_PROPERTY or direction != Query.ASCENDING ): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Only %s ascending orders are supported on kindless queries" % datastore_types.KEY_SPECIAL_PROPERTY ) orderings[i] = (property, direction) if ( orderings and self.__inequality_prop and orderings[0][0] != self.__inequality_prop ): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "First ordering property must be the same as inequality filter " "property, if specified for this query; received %s, expected %s" % (orderings[0][0], self.__inequality_prop) ) self.__orderings = orderings return self def Hint(self, hint): """Sets a hint for how this query should run. The query hint gives us information about how best to execute your query. Currently, we can only do one index scan, so the query hint should be used to indicates which index we should scan against. Use FILTER_FIRST if your first filter will only match a few results. In this case, it will be most efficient to scan against the index for this property, load the results into memory, and apply the remaining filters and sort orders there. Similarly, use ANCESTOR_FIRST if the query's ancestor only has a few descendants. In this case, it will be most efficient to scan all entities below the ancestor and load them into memory first. Use ORDER_FIRST if the query has a sort order and the result set is large or you only plan to fetch the first few results. In that case, we shouldn't try to load all of the results into memory; instead, we should scan the index for this property, which is in sorted order. Note that hints are currently ignored in the v3 datastore! Arg: one of datastore.Query.[ORDER_FIRST, ANCESTOR_FIRST, FILTER_FIRST] Returns: # this query Query """ if hint is not self.__query_options.hint: self.__query_options = datastore_query.QueryOptions( hint=hint, config=self.__query_options ) return self def Ancestor(self, ancestor): """Sets an ancestor for this query. This restricts the query to only return result entities that are descended from a given entity. In other words, all of the results will have the ancestor as their parent, or parent's parent, or etc. Raises BadArgumentError or BadKeyError if parent is not an existing Entity or Key in the datastore. Args: # the key must be complete ancestor: Entity or Key Returns: # this query Query """ self.__ancestor_pb = _GetCompleteKeyOrError(ancestor)._ToPb() return self def IsKeysOnly(self): """Returns True if this query is keys only, false otherwise.""" return self.__query_options.keys_only def GetQueryOptions(self): """Returns a datastore_query.QueryOptions for the current instance.""" return self.__query_options def GetQuery(self): """Returns a datastore_query.Query for the current instance.""" return datastore_query.Query( app=self.__app, namespace=self.__namespace, kind=self.__kind, ancestor=self.__ancestor_pb, filter_predicate=self.GetFilterPredicate(), order=self.GetOrder(), group_by=self.__group_by, ) def GetOrder(self): """Gets a datastore_query.Order for the current instance. Returns: datastore_query.Order or None if there are no sort orders set on the current Query. """ orders = [ datastore_query.PropertyOrder(property, direction) for property, direction in self.__orderings ] if orders: return datastore_query.CompositeOrder(orders) return None def GetFilterPredicate(self): """Returns a datastore_query.FilterPredicate for the current instance. Returns: datastore_query.FilterPredicate or None if no filters are set on the current Query. """ ordered_filters = [(i, f) for f, i in self.__filter_order.items()] ordered_filters.sort() property_filters = [] for _, filter_str in ordered_filters: if filter_str not in self: continue values = self[filter_str] match = self._CheckFilter(filter_str, values) name = match.group(1) op = match.group(3) if op is None or op == "==": op = "=" property_filters.append(datastore_query.make_filter(name, op, values)) if property_filters: return datastore_query.CompositeFilter( datastore_query.CompositeFilter.AND, property_filters ) return None def GetDistinct(self): """Returns True if the current instance is distinct. Returns: A boolean indicating if the distinct flag is set. """ return self.__distinct def GetIndexList(self): """Get the index list from the last run of this query. Returns: A list of indexes used by the last run of this query. Raises: AssertionError: The query has not yet been run. """ index_list_function = self.__index_list_source if index_list_function: return index_list_function() raise AssertionError( "No index list available because this query has not " "been executed" ) def GetCursor(self): """Get the cursor from the last run of this query. The source of this cursor varies depending on what the last call was: - Run: A cursor that points immediately after the last result pulled off the returned iterator. - Get: A cursor that points immediately after the last result in the returned list. - Count: A cursor that points immediately after the last result counted. Returns: A datastore_query.Cursor object that can be used in subsequent query requests. Raises: AssertionError: The query has not yet been run or cannot be compiled. """ cursor_function = self.__cursor_source if cursor_function: cursor = cursor_function() if cursor: return cursor raise AssertionError( "No cursor available, either this query has not " "been executed or there is no compilation " "available for this kind of query" ) def GetBatcher(self, config=None): """Runs this query and returns a datastore_query.Batcher. This is not intended to be used by application developers. Use Get() instead! Args: config: Optional Configuration to use for this request. Returns: # an iterator that provides access to the query results Iterator """ query_options = self.GetQueryOptions().merge(config) if self.__distinct and query_options.projection != self.__group_by: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "cannot override projection when distinct is set" ) return self.GetQuery().run(_GetConnection(), query_options) def Run(self, **kwargs): """Runs this query. If a filter string is invalid, raises BadFilterError. If a filter value is invalid, raises BadValueError. If an IN filter is provided, and a sort order on another property is provided, raises BadQueryError. If you know in advance how many results you want, use limit=#. It's more efficient. Args: kwargs: Any keyword arguments accepted by datastore_query.QueryOptions(). Returns: # an iterator that provides access to the query results Iterator """ config = _GetConfigFromKwargs( kwargs, convert_rpc=True, config_class=datastore_query.QueryOptions ) itr = Iterator(self.GetBatcher(config=config)) self.__index_list_source = itr.GetIndexList self.__cursor_source = itr.cursor self.__compiled_query_source = itr._compiled_query return itr def Get(self, limit, offset=0, **kwargs): """Deprecated, use list(Run(...)) instead. Args: limit: int or long representing the maximum number of entities to return. offset: int or long representing the number of entities to skip kwargs: Any keyword arguments accepted by datastore_query.QueryOptions(). Returns: # a list of entities [Entity, ...] """ if limit is None: kwargs.setdefault("batch_size", _MAX_INT_32) return list(self.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset, **kwargs)) def Count(self, limit=1000, **kwargs): """Returns the number of entities that this query matches. Args: limit, a number or None. If there are more results than this, stop short and just return this number. Providing this argument makes the count operation more efficient. config: Optional Configuration to use for this request. Returns: The number of results. """ original_offset = kwargs.pop("offset", 0) if limit is None: offset = _MAX_INT_32 else: offset = min(limit + original_offset, _MAX_INT_32) kwargs["limit"] = 0 kwargs["offset"] = offset config = _GetConfigFromKwargs( kwargs, convert_rpc=True, config_class=datastore_query.QueryOptions ) batch = next(self.GetBatcher(config=config)) self.__index_list_source = lambda: [index for index, state in batch.index_list] self.__cursor_source = lambda: batch.cursor(0) self.__compiled_query_source = lambda: batch._compiled_query return max(0, batch.skipped_results - original_offset) def __iter__(self): raise NotImplementedError( "Query objects should not be used as iterators. Call Run() first." ) def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state["_Query__index_list_source"] = None state["_Query__cursor_source"] = None state["_Query__compiled_query_source"] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state): if "_Query__query_options" not in state: state["_Query__query_options"] = datastore_query.QueryOptions( keys_only=state.pop("_Query__keys_only"), produce_cursors=state.pop("_Query__compile"), start_cursor=state.pop("_Query__cursor"), end_cursor=state.pop("_Query__end_cursor"), ) self.__dict__ = state def __setitem__(self, filter, value): """Implements the [] operator. Used to set filters. If the filter string is empty or not a string, raises BadFilterError. If the value is not a supported type, raises BadValueError. """ if isinstance(value, tuple): value = list(value) datastore_types.ValidateProperty(" ", value) match = self._CheckFilter(filter, value) property = match.group(1) operator = match.group(3) dict.__setitem__(self, filter, value) if ( operator in self.INEQUALITY_OPERATORS and property != datastore_types._UNAPPLIED_LOG_TIMESTAMP_SPECIAL_PROPERTY ): if self.__inequality_prop is None: self.__inequality_prop = property else: assert self.__inequality_prop == property self.__inequality_count += 1 if filter not in self.__filter_order: self.__filter_order[filter] = self.__filter_counter self.__filter_counter += 1 def setdefault(self, filter, value): """If the filter exists, returns its value. Otherwise sets it to value. If the property name is the empty string or not a string, raises BadPropertyError. If the value is not a supported type, raises BadValueError. """ datastore_types.ValidateProperty(" ", value) self._CheckFilter(filter, value) return dict.setdefault(self, filter, value) def __delitem__(self, filter): """Implements the del [] operator. Used to remove filters.""" dict.__delitem__(self, filter) del self.__filter_order[filter] match = Query.FILTER_REGEX.match(filter) property = match.group(1) operator = match.group(3) if operator in self.INEQUALITY_OPERATORS: assert self.__inequality_count >= 1 assert property == self.__inequality_prop self.__inequality_count -= 1 if self.__inequality_count == 0: self.__inequality_prop = None def update(self, other): """Updates this query's filters from the ones in other. If any filter string is invalid, raises BadFilterError. If any value is not a supported type, raises BadValueError. """ for filter, value in list(other.items()): self.__setitem__(filter, value) def copy(self): """The copy method is not supported.""" raise NotImplementedError("Query does not support the copy() method.") def _CheckFilter(self, filter, values): """Type check a filter string and list of values. Raises BadFilterError if the filter string is empty, not a string, or invalid. Raises BadValueError if the value type is not supported. Args: filter: String containing the filter text. values: List of associated filter values. Returns: re.MatchObject (never None) that matches the 'filter'. Group 1 is the property name, group 3 is the operator. (Group 2 is unused.) """ try: match = Query.FILTER_REGEX.match(filter) if not match: raise datastore_errors.BadFilterError( "Could not parse filter string: %s" % str(filter) ) except TypeError: raise datastore_errors.BadFilterError( "Could not parse filter string: %s" % str(filter) ) property = match.group(1) operator = match.group(3) if operator is None: operator = "=" if isinstance(values, tuple): values = list(values) elif not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] if isinstance(values[0], datastore_types._RAW_PROPERTY_TYPES): raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( "Filtering on %s properties is not supported." % typename(values[0]) ) if ( operator in self.INEQUALITY_OPERATORS and property != datastore_types._UNAPPLIED_LOG_TIMESTAMP_SPECIAL_PROPERTY ): if self.__inequality_prop and property != self.__inequality_prop: raise datastore_errors.BadFilterError( "Only one property per query may have inequality filters (%s)." % ", ".join(self.INEQUALITY_OPERATORS) ) elif len(self.__orderings) >= 1 and self.__orderings[0][0] != property: raise datastore_errors.BadFilterError( "Inequality operators (%s) must be on the same property as the " "first sort order, if any sort orders are supplied" % ", ".join(self.INEQUALITY_OPERATORS) ) if ( self.__kind is None and property != datastore_types.KEY_SPECIAL_PROPERTY and property != datastore_types._UNAPPLIED_LOG_TIMESTAMP_SPECIAL_PROPERTY ): raise datastore_errors.BadFilterError( "Only %s filters are allowed on kindless queries." % datastore_types.KEY_SPECIAL_PROPERTY ) if property == datastore_types._UNAPPLIED_LOG_TIMESTAMP_SPECIAL_PROPERTY: if self.__kind: raise datastore_errors.BadFilterError( "Only kindless queries can have %s filters." % datastore_types._UNAPPLIED_LOG_TIMESTAMP_SPECIAL_PROPERTY ) if not operator in self.UPPERBOUND_INEQUALITY_OPERATORS: raise datastore_errors.BadFilterError( "Only %s operators are supported with %s filters." % ( self.UPPERBOUND_INEQUALITY_OPERATORS, datastore_types._UNAPPLIED_LOG_TIMESTAMP_SPECIAL_PROPERTY, ) ) if property in datastore_types._SPECIAL_PROPERTIES: if property == datastore_types.KEY_SPECIAL_PROPERTY: for value in values: if not isinstance(value, Key): raise datastore_errors.BadFilterError( "%s filter value must be a Key; received %s (a %s)" % ( datastore_types.KEY_SPECIAL_PROPERTY, value, typename(value), ) ) return match def _Run( self, limit=None, offset=None, prefetch_count=None, next_count=None, **kwargs ): """Deprecated, use Run() instead.""" return self.Run( limit=limit, offset=offset, prefetch_size=prefetch_count, batch_size=next_count, **kwargs ) def _ToPb(self, limit=None, offset=None, count=None): query_options = datastore_query.QueryOptions( config=self.GetQueryOptions(), limit=limit, offset=offset, batch_size=count ) return self.GetQuery()._to_pb(_GetConnection(), query_options) def _GetCompiledQuery(self): """Returns the internal-only pb representation of the last query run. Do not use. Raises: AssertionError: Query not compiled or not yet executed. """ compiled_query_function = self.__compiled_query_source if compiled_query_function: compiled_query = compiled_query_function() if compiled_query: return compiled_query raise AssertionError( "No compiled query available, either this query has " "not been executed or there is no compilation " "available for this kind of query" ) GetCompiledQuery = _GetCompiledQuery GetCompiledCursor = GetCursor def AllocateIdsAsync(model_key, size=None, **kwargs): """Asynchronously allocates a range of IDs. Identical to datastore.AllocateIds() except returns an asynchronous object. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and get the results. """ max = kwargs.pop("max", None) config = _GetConfigFromKwargs(kwargs) if getattr(config, "read_policy", None) == EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY: raise datastore_errors.BadRequestError( "read_policy is only supported on read operations." ) keys, _ = NormalizeAndTypeCheckKeys(model_key) if len(keys) > 1: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Cannot allocate IDs for more than one model key at a time" ) rpc = _GetConnection().async_allocate_ids(config, keys[0], size, max) return rpc def AllocateIds(model_key, size=None, **kwargs): """Allocates a range of IDs of size or with max for the given key. Allocates a range of IDs in the datastore such that those IDs will not be automatically assigned to new entities. You can only allocate IDs for model keys from your app. If there is an error, raises a subclass of datastore_errors.Error. Either size or max must be provided but not both. If size is provided then a range of the given size is returned. If max is provided then the largest range of ids that are safe to use with an upper bound of max is returned (can be an empty range). Max should only be provided if you have an existing numeric id range that you want to reserve, e.g. bulk loading entities that already have IDs. If you don't care about which IDs you receive, use size instead. Args: model_key: Key or string to serve as a model specifying the ID sequence in which to allocate IDs size: integer, number of IDs to allocate. max: integer, upper bound of the range of IDs to allocate. config: Optional Configuration to use for this request. Returns: (start, end) of the allocated range, inclusive. """ return AllocateIdsAsync(model_key, size, **kwargs).get_result() class MultiQuery(Query): """Class representing a query which requires multiple datastore queries. This class is actually a subclass of datastore.Query as it is intended to act like a normal Query object (supporting the same interface). Does not support keys only queries, since it needs whole entities in order to merge sort them. (That's not true if there are no sort orders, or if the sort order is on __key__, but allowing keys only queries in those cases, but not in others, would be confusing.) """ def __init__(self, bound_queries, orderings): if len(bound_queries) > MAX_ALLOWABLE_QUERIES: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Cannot satisfy query -- too many subqueries (max: %d, got %d)." " Probable cause: too many IN/!= filters in query." % (MAX_ALLOWABLE_QUERIES, len(bound_queries)) ) projection = bound_queries and bound_queries[0].GetQueryOptions().projection for query in bound_queries: if projection != query.GetQueryOptions().projection: raise datastore_errors.BadQueryError( "All queries must have the same projection." ) if query.IsKeysOnly(): raise datastore_errors.BadQueryError( "MultiQuery does not support keys_only." ) self.__projection = projection self.__bound_queries = bound_queries self.__orderings = orderings self.__compile = False def __str__(self): res = "MultiQuery: " for query in self.__bound_queries: res = "%s %s" % (res, str(query)) return res def Get(self, limit, offset=0, **kwargs): """Deprecated, use list(Run(...)) instead. Args: limit: int or long representing the maximum number of entities to return. offset: int or long representing the number of entities to skip kwargs: Any keyword arguments accepted by datastore_query.QueryOptions(). Returns: A list of entities with at most "limit" entries (less if the query completes before reading limit values). """ if limit is None: kwargs.setdefault("batch_size", _MAX_INT_32) return list(self.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset, **kwargs)) class SortOrderEntity(object): """Allow entity comparisons using provided orderings. The iterator passed to the constructor is eventually consumed via calls to GetNext(), which generate new SortOrderEntity s with the same orderings. """ def __init__(self, entity_iterator, orderings): """Ctor. Args: entity_iterator: an iterator of entities which will be wrapped. orderings: an iterable of (identifier, order) pairs. order should be either Query.ASCENDING or Query.DESCENDING. """ self.__entity_iterator = entity_iterator self.__entity = None self.__min_max_value_cache = {} try: self.__entity = next(entity_iterator) except StopIteration: pass else: self.__orderings = orderings def __str__(self): return str(self.__entity) def GetEntity(self): """Gets the wrapped entity.""" return self.__entity def GetNext(self): """Wrap and return the next entity. The entity is retrieved from the iterator given at construction time. """ return MultiQuery.SortOrderEntity(self.__entity_iterator, self.__orderings) def CmpProperties(self, that): """Compare two entities and return their relative order. Compares self to that based on the current sort orderings and the key orders between them. Returns negative, 0, or positive depending on whether self is less, equal to, or greater than that. This comparison returns as if all values were to be placed in ascending order (highest value last). Only uses the sort orderings to compare (ignores keys). Args: that: SortOrderEntity Returns: Negative if self < that Zero if self == that Positive if self > that """ if not self.__entity: return cmp(self.__entity, that.__entity) for identifier, order in self.__orderings: value1 = self.__GetValueForId(self, identifier, order) value2 = self.__GetValueForId(that, identifier, order) result = cmp(value1, value2) if order == Query.DESCENDING: result = -result if result: return result return 0 def __GetValueForId(self, sort_order_entity, identifier, sort_order): value = _GetPropertyValue(sort_order_entity.__entity, identifier) if isinstance(value, list): entity_key = sort_order_entity.__entity.key() if (entity_key, identifier) in self.__min_max_value_cache: value = self.__min_max_value_cache[(entity_key, identifier)] elif sort_order == Query.DESCENDING: value = min(value) else: value = max(value) self.__min_max_value_cache[(entity_key, identifier)] = value return value def __cmp__(self, that): """Compare self to that w.r.t. values defined in the sort order. Compare an entity with another, using sort-order first, then the key order to break ties. This can be used in a heap to have faster min-value lookup. Args: that: other entity to compare to Returns: negative: if self is less than that in sort order zero: if self is equal to that in sort order positive: if self is greater than that in sort order """ property_compare = self.CmpProperties(that) if property_compare: return property_compare else: return cmp(self.__entity.key(), that.__entity.key()) def _ExtractBounds(self, config): """This function extracts the range of results to consider. Since MultiQuery dedupes in memory, we must apply the offset and limit in memory. The results that should be considered are results[lower_bound:upper_bound]. We also pass the offset=0 and limit=upper_bound to the base queries to optimize performance. Args: config: The base datastore_query.QueryOptions. Returns: a tuple consisting of the lower_bound and upper_bound to impose in memory and the config to use with each bound query. The upper_bound may be None. """ if config is None: return 0, None, None lower_bound = config.offset or 0 upper_bound = config.limit if lower_bound: if upper_bound is not None: upper_bound = min(lower_bound + upper_bound, _MAX_INT_32) config = datastore_query.QueryOptions( offset=0, limit=upper_bound, config=config ) return lower_bound, upper_bound, config def __GetProjectionOverride(self, config): """Returns a tuple of (original projection, projeciton override). If projection is None, there is no projection. If override is None, projection is sufficent for this query. """ projection = datastore_query.QueryOptions.projection(config) if projection is None: projection = self.__projection else: projection = projection if not projection: return None, None override = set() for prop, _ in self.__orderings: if prop not in projection: override.add(prop) if not override: return projection, None return projection, projection + tuple(override) def Run(self, **kwargs): """Return an iterable output with all results in order. Merge sort the results. First create a list of iterators, then walk though them and yield results in order. Args: kwargs: Any keyword arguments accepted by datastore_query.QueryOptions(). Returns: An iterator for the result set. """ config = _GetConfigFromKwargs( kwargs, convert_rpc=True, config_class=datastore_query.QueryOptions ) if config and config.keys_only: raise datastore_errors.BadRequestError( "keys only queries are not supported by multi-query." ) lower_bound, upper_bound, config = self._ExtractBounds(config) projection, override = self.__GetProjectionOverride(config) if override: config = datastore_query.QueryOptions(projection=override, config=config) results = [] count = 1 log_level = logging.DEBUG - 1 for bound_query in self.__bound_queries: logging.log(log_level, "Running query #%i" % count) results.append(bound_query.Run(config=config)) count += 1 def GetDedupeKey(sort_order_entity): if projection: return ( sort_order_entity.GetEntity().key(), frozenset(iter(sort_order_entity.GetEntity().items())), ) else: return sort_order_entity.GetEntity().key() def IterateResults(results): """Iterator function to return all results in sorted order. Iterate over the array of results, yielding the next element, in sorted order. This function is destructive (results will be empty when the operation is complete). Args: results: list of result iterators to merge and iterate through Yields: The next result in sorted order. """ result_heap = [] for result in results: heap_value = MultiQuery.SortOrderEntity(result, self.__orderings) if heap_value.GetEntity(): heapq.heappush(result_heap, heap_value) used_keys = set() while result_heap: if upper_bound is not None and len(used_keys) >= upper_bound: break top_result = heapq.heappop(result_heap) dedupe_key = GetDedupeKey(top_result) if dedupe_key not in used_keys: result = top_result.GetEntity() if override: for key in list(result.keys()): if key not in projection: del result[key] yield result else: pass used_keys.add(dedupe_key) results_to_push = [] while result_heap: next = heapq.heappop(result_heap) if dedupe_key != GetDedupeKey(next): results_to_push.append(next) break else: results_to_push.append(next.GetNext()) results_to_push.append(top_result.GetNext()) for popped_result in results_to_push: if popped_result.GetEntity(): heapq.heappush(result_heap, popped_result) it = IterateResults(results) try: for _ in range(lower_bound): next(it) except StopIteration: pass return it def Count(self, limit=1000, **kwargs): """Return the number of matched entities for this query. Will return the de-duplicated count of results. Will call the more efficient Get() function if a limit is given. Args: limit: maximum number of entries to count (for any result > limit, return limit). config: Optional Configuration to use for this request. Returns: count of the number of entries returned. """ kwargs["limit"] = limit config = _GetConfigFromKwargs( kwargs, convert_rpc=True, config_class=datastore_query.QueryOptions ) projection, override = self.__GetProjectionOverride(config) if not projection: config = datastore_query.QueryOptions(keys_only=True, config=config) elif override: config = datastore_query.QueryOptions(projection=override, config=config) lower_bound, upper_bound, config = self._ExtractBounds(config) used_keys = set() for bound_query in self.__bound_queries: for result in bound_query.Run(config=config): if projection: dedupe_key = (result.key(), tuple(result.items())) else: dedupe_key = result used_keys.add(dedupe_key) if upper_bound and len(used_keys) >= upper_bound: return upper_bound - lower_bound return max(0, len(used_keys) - lower_bound) def GetIndexList(self): raise AssertionError( "No index_list available for a MultiQuery (queries " 'using "IN" or "!=" operators)' ) def GetCursor(self): raise AssertionError( "No cursor available for a MultiQuery (queries " 'using "IN" or "!=" operators)' ) def _GetCompiledQuery(self): """Internal only, do not use.""" raise AssertionError( "No compilation available for a MultiQuery (queries " 'using "IN" or "!=" operators)' ) def __setitem__(self, query_filter, value): """Add a new filter by setting it on all subqueries. If any of the setting operations raise an exception, the ones that succeeded are undone and the exception is propagated upward. Args: query_filter: a string of the form "property operand". value: the value that the given property is compared against. """ saved_items = [] for index, query in enumerate(self.__bound_queries): saved_items.append(query.get(query_filter, None)) try: query[query_filter] = value except: for q, old_value in zip(self.__bound_queries[:index], saved_items): if old_value is not None: q[query_filter] = old_value else: del q[query_filter] raise def __delitem__(self, query_filter): """Delete a filter by deleting it from all subqueries. If a KeyError is raised during the attempt, it is ignored, unless every subquery raised a KeyError. If any other exception is raised, any deletes will be rolled back. Args: query_filter: the filter to delete. Raises: KeyError: No subquery had an entry containing query_filter. """ subquery_count = len(self.__bound_queries) keyerror_count = 0 saved_items = [] for index, query in enumerate(self.__bound_queries): try: saved_items.append(query.get(query_filter, None)) del query[query_filter] except KeyError: keyerror_count += 1 except: for q, old_value in zip(self.__bound_queries[:index], saved_items): if old_value is not None: q[query_filter] = old_value raise if keyerror_count == subquery_count: raise KeyError(query_filter) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.__bound_queries) GetCompiledCursor = GetCursor GetCompiledQuery = _GetCompiledQuery def RunInTransaction(function, *args, **kwargs): """Runs a function inside a datastore transaction. Runs the user-provided function inside transaction, retries default number of times. Args: function: a function to be run inside the transaction on all remaining arguments *args: positional arguments for function. **kwargs: keyword arguments for function. Returns: the function's return value, if any Raises: TransactionFailedError, if the transaction could not be committed. """ return RunInTransactionOptions(None, function, *args, **kwargs) def RunInTransactionCustomRetries(retries, function, *args, **kwargs): """Runs a function inside a datastore transaction. Runs the user-provided function inside transaction, with a specified number of retries. Args: retries: number of retries (not counting the initial try) function: a function to be run inside the transaction on all remaining arguments *args: positional arguments for function. **kwargs: keyword arguments for function. Returns: the function's return value, if any Raises: TransactionFailedError, if the transaction could not be committed. """ options = datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions(retries=retries) return RunInTransactionOptions(options, function, *args, **kwargs) def RunInTransactionOptions(options, function, *args, **kwargs): """Runs a function inside a datastore transaction. Runs the user-provided function inside a full-featured, ACID datastore transaction. Every Put, Get, and Delete call in the function is made within the transaction. All entities involved in these calls must belong to the same entity group. Queries are supported as long as they specify an ancestor belonging to the same entity group. The trailing arguments are passed to the function as positional arguments. If the function returns a value, that value will be returned by RunInTransaction. Otherwise, it will return None. The function may raise any exception to roll back the transaction instead of committing it. If this happens, the transaction will be rolled back and the exception will be re-raised up to RunInTransaction's caller. If you want to roll back intentionally, but don't have an appropriate exception to raise, you can raise an instance of datastore_errors.Rollback. It will cause a rollback, but will *not* be re-raised up to the caller. The function may be run more than once, so it should be idempotent. It should avoid side effects, and it shouldn't have *any* side effects that aren't safe to occur multiple times. This includes modifying the arguments, since they persist across invocations of the function. However, this doesn't include Put, Get, and Delete calls, of course. Example usage: > def decrement(key, amount=1): > counter = datastore.Get(key) > counter['count'] -= amount > if counter['count'] < 0: # don't let the counter go negative > raise datastore_errors.Rollback() > datastore.Put(counter) > > counter = datastore.Query('Counter', {'name': 'foo'}) > datastore.RunInTransaction(decrement, counter.key(), amount=5) Transactions satisfy the traditional ACID properties. They are: - Atomic. All of a transaction's operations are executed or none of them are. - Consistent. The datastore's state is consistent before and after a transaction, whether it committed or rolled back. Invariants such as "every entity has a primary key" are preserved. - Isolated. Transactions operate on a snapshot of the datastore. Other datastore operations do not see intermediated effects of the transaction; they only see its effects after it has committed. - Durable. On commit, all writes are persisted to the datastore. Nested transactions are not supported. Args: options: TransactionOptions specifying options (number of retries, etc) for this transaction function: a function to be run inside the transaction on all remaining arguments *args: positional arguments for function. **kwargs: keyword arguments for function. Returns: the function's return value, if any Raises: TransactionFailedError, if the transaction could not be committed. """ options = datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions(options) if IsInTransaction(): if options.propagation in (None, datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions.NESTED): raise datastore_errors.BadRequestError( "Nested transactions are not supported." ) elif options.propagation is datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions.INDEPENDENT: txn_connection = _GetConnection() _SetConnection(_thread_local.old_connection) try: return RunInTransactionOptions(options, function, *args, **kwargs) finally: _SetConnection(txn_connection) return function(*args, **kwargs) if options.propagation is datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions.MANDATORY: raise datastore_errors.BadRequestError("Requires an existing transaction.") retries = options.retries if retries is None: retries = DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_RETRIES _thread_local.old_connection = _GetConnection() for _ in range(0, retries + 1): new_connection = _thread_local.old_connection.new_transaction(options) _SetConnection(new_connection) try: ok, result = _DoOneTry(new_connection, function, args, kwargs) if ok: return result finally: _SetConnection(_thread_local.old_connection) raise datastore_errors.TransactionFailedError( "The transaction could not be committed. Please try again." ) def _DoOneTry(new_connection, function, args, kwargs): """Helper to call a function in a transaction, once. Args: new_connection: The new, transactional, connection object. function: The function to call. *args: Tuple of positional arguments. **kwargs: Dict of keyword arguments. """ try: result = function(*args, **kwargs) except: original_exception = sys.exc_info() try: new_connection.rollback() except Exception: logging.exception("Exception sending Rollback:") type, value, trace = original_exception if isinstance(value, datastore_errors.Rollback): return True, None else: raise type(value).with_traceback(trace) else: if new_connection.commit(): return True, result else: logging.warning("Transaction collision. Retrying... %s", "") return False, None def _MaybeSetupTransaction(request, keys): """Begin a transaction, if necessary, and populate it in the request. This API exists for internal backwards compatibility, primarily with api/taskqueue/taskqueue.py. Args: request: A protobuf with a mutable_transaction() method. keys: Unused. Returns: A transaction if we're inside a transaction, otherwise None """ return _GetConnection()._set_request_transaction(request) def IsInTransaction(): """Determine whether already running in transaction. Returns: True if already running in transaction, else False. """ return isinstance(_GetConnection(), datastore_rpc.TransactionalConnection) def Transactional(_func=None, **kwargs): """A decorator that makes sure a function is run in a transaction. Defaults propagation to datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions.ALLOWED, which means any existing transaction will be used in place of creating a new one. WARNING: Reading from the datastore while in a transaction will not see any changes made in the same transaction. If the function being decorated relies on seeing all changes made in the calling scoope, set propagation=datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions.NESTED. Args: _func: do not use. **kwargs: TransactionOptions configuration options. Returns: A wrapper for the given function that creates a new transaction if needed. """ if _func is not None: return Transactional()(_func) if not kwargs.pop("require_new", None): kwargs.setdefault("propagation", datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions.ALLOWED) options = datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions(**kwargs) def outer_wrapper(func): def inner_wrapper(*args, **kwds): return RunInTransactionOptions(options, func, *args, **kwds) return inner_wrapper return outer_wrapper @datastore_rpc._positional(1) def NonTransactional(_func=None, allow_existing=True): """A decorator that insures a function is run outside a transaction. If there is an existing transaction (and allow_existing=True), the existing transaction is paused while the function is executed. Args: _func: do not use allow_existing: If false, throw an exception if called from within a transaction Returns: A wrapper for the decorated function that ensures it runs outside a transaction. """ if _func is not None: return NonTransactional()(_func) def outer_wrapper(func): def inner_wrapper(*args, **kwds): if not IsInTransaction(): return func(*args, **kwds) if not allow_existing: raise datastore_errors.BadRequestError( "Function cannot be called from within a transaction." ) txn_connection = _GetConnection() _SetConnection(_thread_local.old_connection) try: return func(*args, **kwds) finally: _SetConnection(txn_connection) return inner_wrapper return outer_wrapper def _GetCompleteKeyOrError(arg): """Expects an Entity or a Key, and returns the corresponding Key. Raises BadArgumentError or BadKeyError if arg is a different type or is incomplete. Args: arg: Entity or Key Returns: Key """ if isinstance(arg, Key): key = arg elif isinstance(arg, str): key = Key(arg) elif isinstance(arg, Entity): key = arg.key() elif not isinstance(arg, Key): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Expects argument to be an Entity or Key; received %s (a %s)." % (arg, typename(arg)) ) assert isinstance(key, Key) if not key.has_id_or_name(): raise datastore_errors.BadKeyError("Key %r is not complete." % key) return key def _GetPropertyValue(entity, property): """Returns an entity's value for a given property name. Handles special properties like __key__ as well as normal properties. Args: entity: datastore.Entity property: str; the property name Returns: property value. For __key__, a datastore_types.Key. Raises: KeyError, if the entity does not have the given property. """ if property in datastore_types._SPECIAL_PROPERTIES: if property == datastore_types._UNAPPLIED_LOG_TIMESTAMP_SPECIAL_PROPERTY: raise KeyError(property) assert property == datastore_types.KEY_SPECIAL_PROPERTY return entity.key() else: return entity[property] def _AddOrAppend(dictionary, key, value): """Adds the value to the existing values in the dictionary, if any. If dictionary[key] doesn't exist, sets dictionary[key] to value. If dictionary[key] is not a list, sets dictionary[key] to [old_value, value]. If dictionary[key] is a list, appends value to that list. Args: dictionary: a dict key, value: anything """ if key in dictionary: existing_value = dictionary[key] if isinstance(existing_value, list): existing_value.append(value) else: dictionary[key] = [existing_value, value] else: dictionary[key] = value class Iterator(datastore_query.ResultsIterator): """Thin wrapper of datastore_query.ResultsIterator. Deprecated, do not use, only for backwards compatability. """ def _Next(self, count=None): if count is None: count = 20 result = [] for r in self: if len(result) >= count: break result.append(r) return result def GetCompiledCursor(self, query): return self.cursor() def GetIndexList(self): """Returns the list of indexes used to perform the query.""" tuple_index_list = super(Iterator, self).index_list() return [index for index, state in tuple_index_list] _Get = _Next index_list = GetIndexList DatastoreRPC = apiproxy_stub_map.UserRPC GetRpcFromKwargs = _GetConfigFromKwargs _CurrentTransactionKey = IsInTransaction _ToDatastoreError = datastore_rpc._ToDatastoreError _DatastoreExceptionFromErrorCodeAndDetail = ( datastore_rpc._DatastoreExceptionFromErrorCodeAndDetail ) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """PageSpeed configuration tools. Library for parsing pagespeed configuration data from app.yaml and working with these in memory. """ import google from google.appengine.api import validation from google.appengine.api import yaml_builder from google.appengine.api import yaml_listener from google.appengine.api import yaml_object _URL_BLACKLIST_REGEX = r"http(s)?://\S{0,499}" _REWRITER_NAME_REGEX = r"[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" _DOMAINS_TO_REWRITE_REGEX = r"(http(s)?://)?[-a-zA-Z0-9_.*]+(:\d+)?" URL_BLACKLIST = "url_blacklist" ENABLED_REWRITERS = "enabled_rewriters" DISABLED_REWRITERS = "disabled_rewriters" DOMAINS_TO_REWRITE = "domains_to_rewrite" class MalformedPagespeedConfiguration(Exception): """Configuration file for PageSpeed API is malformed.""" class PagespeedEntry(validation.Validated): """Describes the format of a pagespeed configuration from a yaml file. URL blacklist entries are patterns (with '?' and '*' as wildcards). Any URLs that match a pattern on the blacklist will not be optimized by PageSpeed. Rewriter names are strings (like 'CombineCss' or 'RemoveComments') describing individual PageSpeed rewriters. A full list of valid rewriter names can be found in the PageSpeed documentation. The domains-to-rewrite list is a whitelist of domain name patterns with '*' as a wildcard, optionally starting with 'http://' or 'https://'. If no protocol is given, 'http://' is assumed. A resource will only be rewritten if it is on the same domain as the HTML that references it, or if its domain is on the domains-to-rewrite list. """ ATTRIBUTES = { URL_BLACKLIST: validation.Optional( validation.Repeated(validation.Regex(_URL_BLACKLIST_REGEX)) ), ENABLED_REWRITERS: validation.Optional( validation.Repeated(validation.Regex(_REWRITER_NAME_REGEX)) ), DISABLED_REWRITERS: validation.Optional( validation.Repeated(validation.Regex(_REWRITER_NAME_REGEX)) ), DOMAINS_TO_REWRITE: validation.Optional( validation.Repeated(validation.Regex(_DOMAINS_TO_REWRITE_REGEX)) ), } def LoadPagespeedEntry(pagespeed_entry, open_fn=None): """Load a yaml file or string and return a PagespeedEntry. Args: pagespeed_entry: The contents of a pagespeed entry from a yaml file as a string, or an open file object. open_fn: Function for opening files. Unused. Returns: A PagespeedEntry instance which represents the contents of the parsed yaml. Raises: yaml_errors.EventError: An error occured while parsing the yaml. MalformedPagespeedConfiguration: The configuration is parseable but invalid. """ builder = yaml_object.ObjectBuilder(PagespeedEntry) handler = yaml_builder.BuilderHandler(builder) listener = yaml_listener.EventListener(handler) listener.Parse(pagespeed_entry) parsed_yaml = handler.GetResults() if not parsed_yaml: return PagespeedEntry() if len(parsed_yaml) > 1: raise MalformedPagespeedConfiguration( "Multiple configuration sections in the yaml" ) return parsed_yaml[0] <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Search API module.""" from search import AtomField from search import Cursor from search import DateField from search import DeleteError from search import DeleteResult from search import Document from search import DOCUMENT_ID_FIELD_NAME from search import Error from search import ExpressionError from search import Field from search import FieldExpression from search import GeoField from search import GeoPoint from search import get_indexes from search import GetResponse from search import HtmlField from search import Index from search import InternalError from search import InvalidRequest from search import LANGUAGE_FIELD_NAME from search import MatchScorer from search import MAXIMUM_DOCUMENT_ID_LENGTH from search import MAXIMUM_DOCUMENTS_PER_PUT_REQUEST from search import MAXIMUM_DOCUMENTS_RETURNED_PER_SEARCH from search import MAXIMUM_EXPRESSION_LENGTH from search import MAXIMUM_FIELD_ATOM_LENGTH from search import MAXIMUM_FIELD_NAME_LENGTH from search import MAXIMUM_FIELD_VALUE_LENGTH from search import MAXIMUM_FIELDS_RETURNED_PER_SEARCH from search import MAXIMUM_GET_INDEXES_OFFSET from search import MAXIMUM_INDEX_NAME_LENGTH from search import MAXIMUM_INDEXES_RETURNED_PER_GET_REQUEST from search import MAXIMUM_NUMBER_FOUND_ACCURACY from search import MAXIMUM_QUERY_LENGTH from search import MAXIMUM_SEARCH_OFFSET from search import MAXIMUM_SORTED_DOCUMENTS from search import NumberField from search import OperationResult from search import PutError from search import PutResult from search import Query from search import QueryError from search import QueryOptions from search import RANK_FIELD_NAME from search import RescoringMatchScorer from search import SCORE_FIELD_NAME from search import ScoredDocument from search import SearchResults from search import SortExpression from search import SortOptions from search import TextField from search import TIMESTAMP_FIELD_NAME from search import TransientError <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Stub version of the Task Queue API. This stub stores tasks and runs them via dev_appserver's AddEvent capability. It also validates the tasks by checking their queue name against the queue.yaml. As well as implementing Task Queue API functions, the stub exposes various other functions that are used by the dev_appserver's admin console to display the application's queues and tasks. """ __all__ = [] import base64 import bisect import calendar import datetime import logging import os import random import string import threading import time import taskqueue_service_pb import taskqueue from google.appengine.api import api_base_pb from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map from google.appengine.api import queueinfo from google.appengine.api import request_info from google.appengine.api.taskqueue import taskqueue from google.appengine.runtime import apiproxy_errors DEFAULT_RATE = "5.00/s" DEFAULT_RATE_FLOAT = 5.0 DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE = 5 MAX_ETA = datetime.timedelta(days=30) MAX_PULL_TASK_SIZE_BYTES = 2**20 MAX_PUSH_TASK_SIZE_BYTES = 100 * (2**10) MAX_TASK_SIZE = MAX_PUSH_TASK_SIZE_BYTES MAX_REQUEST_SIZE = 32 << 20 BUILT_IN_HEADERS = set( [ "x-appengine-queuename", "x-appengine-taskname", "x-appengine-taskexecutioncount", "x-appengine-taskpreviousresponse", "x-appengine-taskretrycount", "x-appengine-tasketa", "x-appengine-development-payload", "content-length", ] ) DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME = "default" INF = 1e500 QUEUE_MODE = taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueMode AUTOMATIC_QUEUES = { DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME: (0.2, DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE, DEFAULT_RATE), "__cron": (1, 1, "1/s"), } def _GetAppId(request): """Returns the app id to use for the given request. Args: request: A protocol buffer that has an app_id field. Returns: A string containing the app id or None if no app id was specified. """ if request.has_app_id(): return request.app_id() else: return None def _SecToUsec(t): """Converts a time in seconds since the epoch to usec since the epoch. Args: t: Time in seconds since the unix epoch Returns: An integer containing the number of usec since the unix epoch. """ return int(t * 1e6) def _UsecToSec(t): """Converts a time in usec since the epoch to seconds since the epoch. Args: t: Time in usec since the unix epoch Returns: A float containing the number of seconds since the unix epoch. """ return t / 1e6 def _FormatEta(eta_usec): """Formats a task ETA as a date string in UTC.""" eta = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(_UsecToSec(eta_usec)) return eta.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") def _TruncDelta(timedelta): """Strips the microseconds field from a timedelta. Args: timedelta: a datetime.timedelta. Returns: A datetime.timedelta with the microseconds field not filled. """ return datetime.timedelta(days=timedelta.days, seconds=timedelta.seconds) def _EtaDelta(eta_usec, now): """Formats a task ETA as a relative time string.""" eta = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(_UsecToSec(eta_usec)) if eta > now: return "%s from now" % _TruncDelta(eta - now) else: return "%s ago" % _TruncDelta(now - eta) def QueryTasksResponseToDict(queue_name, task_response, now): """Converts a TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task protobuf group into a dict. Args: queue_name: The name of the queue this task came from. task_response: An instance of TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task. now: A datetime.datetime object containing the current time in UTC. Returns: A dict containing the fields used by the dev appserver's admin console. Raises: ValueError: A task response contains an unknown HTTP method type. """ task = {} task["name"] = task_response.task_name() task["queue_name"] = queue_name task["url"] = task_response.url() method = task_response.method() if method == taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task.GET: task["method"] = "GET" elif method == taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task.POST: task["method"] = "POST" elif method == taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task.HEAD: task["method"] = "HEAD" elif method == taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task.PUT: task["method"] = "PUT" elif method == taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task.DELETE: task["method"] = "DELETE" else: raise ValueError("Unexpected method: %d" % method) task["eta"] = _FormatEta(task_response.eta_usec()) task["eta_usec"] = task_response.eta_usec() task["eta_delta"] = _EtaDelta(task_response.eta_usec(), now) task["body"] = base64.b64encode(task_response.body()) headers = [ (header.key(), header.value()) for header in task_response.header_list() if header.key().lower() not in BUILT_IN_HEADERS ] headers.append(("X-AppEngine-QueueName", queue_name)) headers.append(("X-AppEngine-TaskName", task_response.task_name())) headers.append(("X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount", str(task_response.retry_count()))) headers.append(("X-AppEngine-TaskETA", str(_UsecToSec(task_response.eta_usec())))) headers.append(("X-AppEngine-Development-Payload", "1")) headers.append(("Content-Length", str(len(task["body"])))) if "content-type" not in frozenset(key.lower() for key, _ in headers): headers.append(("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")) headers.append( ("X-AppEngine-TaskExecutionCount", str(task_response.execution_count())) ) if task_response.has_runlog() and task_response.runlog().has_response_code(): headers.append( ( "X-AppEngine-TaskPreviousResponse", str(task_response.runlog().response_code()), ) ) task["headers"] = headers return task class _Group(object): """A taskqueue group. This class contains all of the queues for an application. """ def __init__( self, queue_yaml_parser=None, app_id=None, _all_queues_valid=False, _update_newest_eta=None, _testing_validate_state=False, ): """Constructor. Args: queue_yaml_parser: A function that takes no parameters and returns the parsed results of the queue.yaml file. If this queue is not based on a queue.yaml file use None. app_id: The app id this Group is representing or None if it is the currently running application. _all_queues_valid: Automatically generate queues on first access. _update_newest_eta: Callable for automatically executing tasks. Takes the ETA of the task in seconds since the epoch, the queue_name and a task name. May be None if automatic task running is disabled. _testing_validate_state: Should this _Group and all of its _Queues validate their state after each operation? This should only be used during testing of the taskqueue_stub. """ self._queues = {} self._queue_yaml_parser = queue_yaml_parser self._all_queues_valid = _all_queues_valid self._next_task_id = 1 self._app_id = app_id if _update_newest_eta is None: self._update_newest_eta = lambda x: None else: self._update_newest_eta = _update_newest_eta self._testing_validate_state = _testing_validate_state def GetQueuesAsDicts(self): """Gets all the applications's queues. Returns: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains one queue's attributes. E.g.: [{'name': 'some-queue', 'max_rate': '1/s', 'bucket_size': 5, 'oldest_task': '2009/02/02 05:37:42', 'eta_delta': '0:00:06.342511 ago', 'tasks_in_queue': 12, 'acl': ['user1@gmail.com']}, ...] The list of queues always includes the default queue. """ self._ReloadQueuesFromYaml() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() queues = [] for queue_name, queue in sorted(self._queues.items()): queue_dict = {} queues.append(queue_dict) queue_dict["name"] = queue_name queue_dict["bucket_size"] = queue.bucket_capacity if queue.user_specified_rate is not None: queue_dict["max_rate"] = queue.user_specified_rate else: queue_dict["max_rate"] = "" if queue.queue_mode == QUEUE_MODE.PULL: queue_dict["mode"] = "pull" else: queue_dict["mode"] = "push" queue_dict["acl"] = queue.acl if queue.Oldest(): queue_dict["oldest_task"] = _FormatEta(queue.Oldest()) queue_dict["eta_delta"] = _EtaDelta(queue.Oldest(), now) else: queue_dict["oldest_task"] = "" queue_dict["eta_delta"] = "" queue_dict["tasks_in_queue"] = queue.Count() if queue.retry_parameters: retry_proto = queue.retry_parameters retry_dict = {} if retry_proto.has_retry_limit(): retry_dict["retry_limit"] = retry_proto.retry_limit() if retry_proto.has_age_limit_sec(): retry_dict["age_limit_sec"] = retry_proto.age_limit_sec() if retry_proto.has_min_backoff_sec(): retry_dict["min_backoff_sec"] = retry_proto.min_backoff_sec() if retry_proto.has_max_backoff_sec(): retry_dict["max_backoff_sec"] = retry_proto.max_backoff_sec() if retry_proto.has_max_doublings(): retry_dict["max_doublings"] = retry_proto.max_doublings() queue_dict["retry_parameters"] = retry_dict return queues def HasQueue(self, queue_name): """Check if the specified queue_name references a valid queue. Args: queue_name: The name of the queue to check. Returns: True if the queue exists, False otherwise. """ self._ReloadQueuesFromYaml() return queue_name in self._queues and (self._queues[queue_name] is not None) def GetQueue(self, queue_name): """Gets the _Queue instance for the specified queue. Args: queue_name: The name of the queue to fetch. Returns: The _Queue instance for the specified queue. Raises: KeyError if the queue does not exist. """ self._ReloadQueuesFromYaml() return self._queues[queue_name] def GetNextPushTask(self): """Finds the task with the lowest eta. Returns: A tuple containing the queue and task instance for the task with the lowest eta, or (None, None) if there are no tasks. """ min_eta = INF result = None, None for queue in self._queues.values(): if queue.queue_mode == QUEUE_MODE.PULL: continue task = queue.OldestTask() if not task: continue if task.eta_usec() < min_eta: result = queue, task min_eta = task.eta_usec() return result def _ConstructQueue(self, queue_name, *args, **kwargs): if "_testing_validate_state" in kwargs: raise TypeError( "_testing_validate_state should not be passed to _ConstructQueue" ) kwargs["_testing_validate_state"] = self._testing_validate_state self._queues[queue_name] = _Queue(queue_name, *args, **kwargs) def _ConstructAutomaticQueue(self, queue_name): if queue_name in AUTOMATIC_QUEUES: self._ConstructQueue(queue_name, *AUTOMATIC_QUEUES[queue_name]) else: assert self._all_queues_valid self._ConstructQueue(queue_name) def _ReloadQueuesFromYaml(self): """Update the queue map with the contents of the queue.yaml file. This function will remove queues that no longer exist in the queue.yaml file. If no queue yaml parser has been defined, this function is a no-op. """ if not self._queue_yaml_parser: return queue_info = self._queue_yaml_parser() if queue_info and queue_info.queue: queues = queue_info.queue else: queues = [] old_queues = set(self._queues) new_queues = set() for entry in queues: queue_name = entry.name new_queues.add(queue_name) retry_parameters = None if entry.bucket_size: bucket_size = entry.bucket_size else: bucket_size = DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE if entry.retry_parameters: retry_parameters = queueinfo.TranslateRetryParameters( entry.retry_parameters ) if entry.mode == "pull": mode = QUEUE_MODE.PULL if entry.rate is not None: logging.warning( "Refill rate must not be specified for pull-based queue. " "Please check queue.yaml file." ) else: mode = QUEUE_MODE.PUSH if entry.rate is None: logging.warning( "Refill rate must be specified for push-based queue. " "Please check queue.yaml file." ) max_rate = entry.rate if entry.acl is not None: acl = taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueAcl() for acl_entry in entry.acl: acl.add_user_email(acl_entry.user_email) else: acl = None if self._queues.get(queue_name) is None: self._ConstructQueue( queue_name, bucket_capacity=bucket_size, user_specified_rate=max_rate, queue_mode=mode, acl=acl, retry_parameters=retry_parameters, ) else: queue = self._queues[queue_name] queue.bucket_size = bucket_size queue.user_specified_rate = max_rate queue.acl = acl queue.queue_mode = mode queue.retry_parameters = retry_parameters if mode == QUEUE_MODE.PUSH: eta = queue.Oldest() if eta: self._update_newest_eta(_UsecToSec(eta)) if DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME not in self._queues: self._ConstructAutomaticQueue(DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME) new_queues.add(DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME) if not self._all_queues_valid: for queue_name in old_queues - new_queues: del self._queues[queue_name] def _ValidateQueueName(self, queue_name): """Tests if the specified queue exists and creates it if needed. This function replicates the behaviour of the taskqueue service by automatically creating the 'automatic' queues when they are first accessed. Args: queue_name: The name queue of the queue to check. Returns: If there are no problems, returns TaskQueueServiceError.OK. Otherwise returns the correct constant from TaskQueueServiceError. """ if not queue_name: return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INVALID_QUEUE_NAME elif queue_name not in self._queues: if queue_name in AUTOMATIC_QUEUES or self._all_queues_valid: self._ConstructAutomaticQueue(queue_name) else: return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_QUEUE elif self._queues[queue_name] is None: return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.TOMBSTONED_QUEUE return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK def _CheckQueueForRpc(self, queue_name): """Ensures the specified queue exists and creates it if needed. This function replicates the behaviour of the taskqueue service by automatically creating the 'automatic' queues when they are first accessed. Args: queue_name: The name queue of the queue to check Raises: ApplicationError: If the queue name is invalid, tombstoned or does not exist. """ self._ReloadQueuesFromYaml() response = self._ValidateQueueName(queue_name) if response != taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError(response) def _ChooseTaskName(self): """Returns a string containing a unique task name.""" self._next_task_id += 1 return "task%d" % (self._next_task_id - 1) def _VerifyTaskQueueAddRequest(self, request, now): """Checks that a TaskQueueAddRequest is valid. Checks that a TaskQueueAddRequest specifies a valid eta and a valid queue. Args: request: The taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueAddRequest to validate. now: A datetime.datetime object containing the current time in UTC. Returns: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError indicating any problems with the request or taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK if it is valid. """ if request.eta_usec() < 0: return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INVALID_ETA eta = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(_UsecToSec(request.eta_usec())) max_eta = now + MAX_ETA if eta > max_eta: return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INVALID_ETA queue_name_response = self._ValidateQueueName(request.queue_name()) if queue_name_response != taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK: return queue_name_response if request.has_crontimetable() and self._app_id is None: return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.PERMISSION_DENIED if request.mode() == QUEUE_MODE.PULL: max_task_size_bytes = MAX_PULL_TASK_SIZE_BYTES else: max_task_size_bytes = MAX_PUSH_TASK_SIZE_BYTES if request.ByteSize() > max_task_size_bytes: return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.TASK_TOO_LARGE return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK def BulkAdd_Rpc(self, request, response): """Add many tasks to a queue using a single request. Args: request: The taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueBulkAddRequest. See taskqueue_service.proto. response: The taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueBulkAddResponse. See taskqueue_service.proto. """ self._ReloadQueuesFromYaml() if not request.add_request(0).queue_name(): raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_QUEUE ) error_found = False task_results_with_chosen_names = set() now = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()) for add_request in request.add_request_list(): task_result = response.add_taskresult() result = self._VerifyTaskQueueAddRequest(add_request, now) if result == taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK: if not add_request.task_name(): chosen_name = self._ChooseTaskName() add_request.set_task_name(chosen_name) task_results_with_chosen_names.add(id(task_result)) task_result.set_result( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.SKIPPED ) else: error_found = True task_result.set_result(result) if error_found: return if request.add_request(0).has_transaction(): self._TransactionalBulkAdd(request) else: self._NonTransactionalBulkAdd(request, response, now) for add_request, task_result in zip( request.add_request_list(), response.taskresult_list() ): if ( task_result.result() == taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.SKIPPED ): task_result.set_result(taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK) if id(task_result) in task_results_with_chosen_names: task_result.set_chosen_task_name(add_request.task_name()) def _TransactionalBulkAdd(self, request): """Uses datastore.AddActions to associate tasks with a transaction. Args: request: The taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueBulkAddRequest containing the tasks to add. N.B. all tasks in the request have been validated and assigned unique names. """ try: apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall( "datastore_v3", "AddActions", request, api_base_pb.VoidProto() ) except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError as e: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( e.application_error + taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.DATASTORE_ERROR, e.error_detail, ) def _NonTransactionalBulkAdd(self, request, response, now): """Adds tasks to the appropriate _Queue instance. Args: request: The taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueBulkAddRequest containing the tasks to add. N.B. all tasks in the request have been validated and those with empty names have been assigned unique names. response: The taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueBulkAddResponse to populate with the results. N.B. the chosen_task_name field in the response will not be filled-in. now: A datetime.datetime object containing the current time in UTC. """ queue_mode = request.add_request(0).mode() queue_name = request.add_request(0).queue_name() store = self._queues[queue_name] if store.queue_mode != queue_mode: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INVALID_QUEUE_MODE ) for add_request, task_result in zip( request.add_request_list(), response.taskresult_list() ): try: store.Add(add_request, now) except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError as e: task_result.set_result(e.application_error) else: task_result.set_result(taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK) if ( store.queue_mode == QUEUE_MODE.PUSH and store.Oldest() == add_request.eta_usec() ): self._update_newest_eta(_UsecToSec(add_request.eta_usec())) def UpdateQueue_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the UpdateQueue RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueUpdateQueueRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueUpdateQueueResponse. """ queue_name = request.queue_name() response = self._ValidateQueueName(queue_name) is_unknown_queue = ( response == taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_QUEUE ) if response != taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK and ( not is_unknown_queue ): raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError(response) if is_unknown_queue: self._queues[queue_name] = _Queue(request.queue_name()) if self._app_id is not None: self._queues[queue_name].Populate(random.randint(10, 100)) self._queues[queue_name].UpdateQueue_Rpc(request, response) def FetchQueues_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the FetchQueues RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchQueuesRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchQueuesResponse. """ self._ReloadQueuesFromYaml() for queue_name in sorted(self._queues): if response.queue_size() > request.max_rows(): break if self._queues[queue_name] is None: continue self._queues[queue_name].FetchQueues_Rpc(request, response) def FetchQueueStats_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the FetchQueueStats rpc which returns 'random' data. This implementation loads some stats from the task store, the rest are random numbers. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchQueueStatsRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchQueueStatsResponse. """ for queue_name in request.queue_name_list(): stats = response.add_queuestats() if queue_name not in self._queues: stats.set_num_tasks(0) stats.set_oldest_eta_usec(-1) continue store = self._queues[queue_name] stats.set_num_tasks(store.Count()) if stats.num_tasks() == 0: stats.set_oldest_eta_usec(-1) else: stats.set_oldest_eta_usec(store.Oldest()) if random.randint(0, 9) > 0: scanner_info = stats.mutable_scanner_info() scanner_info.set_executed_last_minute(random.randint(0, 10)) scanner_info.set_executed_last_hour( scanner_info.executed_last_minute() + random.randint(0, 100) ) scanner_info.set_sampling_duration_seconds(random.random() * 10000.0) scanner_info.set_requests_in_flight(random.randint(0, 10)) def QueryTasks_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the QueryTasks RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse. """ self._CheckQueueForRpc(request.queue_name()) self._queues[request.queue_name()].QueryTasks_Rpc(request, response) def FetchTask_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the FetchTask RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchTaskRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchTaskResponse. """ self._ReloadQueuesFromYaml() self._CheckQueueForRpc(request.queue_name()) self._queues[request.queue_name()].FetchTask_Rpc(request, response) def Delete_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the Delete RPC. Deletes tasks from the task store. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueDeleteRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueDeleteResponse. """ self._ReloadQueuesFromYaml() def _AddResultForAll(result): for _ in request.task_name_list(): response.add_result(result) if request.queue_name() not in self._queues: _AddResultForAll(taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_QUEUE) elif self._queues[request.queue_name()] is None: _AddResultForAll( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.TOMBSTONED_QUEUE ) else: self._queues[request.queue_name()].Delete_Rpc(request, response) def DeleteQueue_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the DeleteQueue RPC. Tombstones the queue. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueDeleteQueueRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueDeleteQueueResponse. """ self._CheckQueueForRpc(request.queue_name()) self._queues[request.queue_name()] = None def PauseQueue_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the PauseQueue RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueuePauseQueueRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueuePauseQueueResponse. """ self._CheckQueueForRpc(request.queue_name()) self._queues[request.queue_name()].paused = request.pause() def PurgeQueue_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the PurgeQueue RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueuePurgeQueueRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueuePurgeQueueResponse. """ self._CheckQueueForRpc(request.queue_name()) self._queues[request.queue_name()].PurgeQueue() def QueryAndOwnTasks_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the QueryAndOwnTasks RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryAndOwnTasksRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryAndOwnTasksResponse. """ self._CheckQueueForRpc(request.queue_name()) self._queues[request.queue_name()].QueryAndOwnTasks_Rpc(request, response) def ModifyTaskLease_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the ModifyTaskLease RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueModifyTaskLeaseRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueModifyTaskLeaseResponse. """ self._CheckQueueForRpc(request.queue_name()) self._queues[request.queue_name()].ModifyTaskLease_Rpc(request, response) class Retry(object): """Task retry caclulator class. Determines if and when a task should next be run """ _default_params = taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueRetryParameters() def __init__(self, task, queue): """Constructor. Args: task: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task instance. May be None. queue: A _Queue instance. May be None. """ if task is not None and task.has_retry_parameters(): self._params = task.retry_parameters() elif queue is not None and queue.retry_parameters is not None: self._params = queue.retry_parameters else: self._params = self._default_params def CanRetry(self, retry_count, age_usec): """Computes whether a task can be retried. Args: retry_count: An integer specifying which retry this is. age_usec: An integer specifying the microseconds since the first try. Returns: True if a task is eligible for retrying. """ if self._params.has_retry_limit() and self._params.has_age_limit_sec(): return ( self._params.retry_limit() >= retry_count or self._params.age_limit_sec() >= _UsecToSec(age_usec) ) if self._params.has_retry_limit(): return self._params.retry_limit() >= retry_count if self._params.has_age_limit_sec(): return self._params.age_limit_sec() >= _UsecToSec(age_usec) return True def CalculateBackoffUsec(self, retry_count): """Calculates time before the specified retry. Args: retry_count: An integer specifying which retry this is. Returns: The number of microseconds before a task should be retried. """ exponent = min(retry_count - 1, self._params.max_doublings()) linear_steps = retry_count - exponent min_backoff_usec = _SecToUsec(self._params.min_backoff_sec()) max_backoff_usec = _SecToUsec(self._params.max_backoff_sec()) backoff_usec = min_backoff_usec if exponent > 0: backoff_usec *= 2 ** (min(1023, exponent)) if linear_steps > 1: backoff_usec *= linear_steps return int(min(max_backoff_usec, backoff_usec)) class _Queue(object): """A Taskqueue Queue. This class contains all of the properties of a queue and a sorted list of tasks. """ def __init__( self, queue_name, bucket_refill_per_second=DEFAULT_RATE_FLOAT, bucket_capacity=DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE, user_specified_rate=DEFAULT_RATE, retry_parameters=None, max_concurrent_requests=None, paused=False, queue_mode=QUEUE_MODE.PUSH, acl=None, _testing_validate_state=None, ): self.queue_name = queue_name self.bucket_refill_per_second = bucket_refill_per_second self.bucket_capacity = bucket_capacity self.user_specified_rate = user_specified_rate self.retry_parameters = retry_parameters self.max_concurrent_requests = max_concurrent_requests self.paused = paused self.queue_mode = queue_mode self.acl = acl self._testing_validate_state = _testing_validate_state self.task_name_archive = set() self._sorted_by_name = [] self._sorted_by_eta = [] self._sorted_by_tag = [] self._lock = threading.Lock() def VerifyIndexes(self): """Ensures that all three indexes are in a valid state. This method is used by internal tests and should not need to be called in any other circumstances. Raises: AssertionError: if the indexes are not in a valid state. """ assert self._IsInOrder(self._sorted_by_name) assert self._IsInOrder(self._sorted_by_eta) assert self._IsInOrder(self._sorted_by_tag) tasks_by_name = set() tasks_with_tags = set() for name, task in self._sorted_by_name: assert name == task.task_name() assert name not in tasks_by_name tasks_by_name.add(name) if task.has_tag(): tasks_with_tags.add(name) tasks_by_eta = set() for eta, name, task in self._sorted_by_eta: assert name == task.task_name() assert eta == task.eta_usec() assert name not in tasks_by_eta tasks_by_eta.add(name) assert tasks_by_eta == tasks_by_name tasks_by_tag = set() for tag, eta, name, task in self._sorted_by_tag: assert name == task.task_name() assert eta == task.eta_usec() assert task.has_tag() and task.tag() assert tag == task.tag() assert name not in tasks_by_tag tasks_by_tag.add(name) assert tasks_by_tag == tasks_with_tags @staticmethod def _IsInOrder(l): """Determine if the specified list is in ascending order. Args: l: The list to check Returns: True if the list is in order, False otherwise """ sorted_list = sorted(l) return l == sorted_list def _WithLock(f): """Runs the decorated function within self._lock. Args: f: The function to be delegated to. Must be a member function (take self as the first parameter). Returns: The result of f. """ def _Inner(self, *args, **kwargs): with self._lock: ret = f(self, *args, **kwargs) if self._testing_validate_state: self.VerifyIndexes() return ret _Inner.__doc__ = f.__doc__ return _Inner @_WithLock def UpdateQueue_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the UpdateQueue RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueUpdateQueueRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueUpdateQueueResponse. """ assert request.queue_name() == self.queue_name self.bucket_refill_per_second = request.bucket_refill_per_second() self.bucket_capacity = request.bucket_capacity() if request.has_user_specified_rate(): self.user_specified_rate = request.user_specified_rate() else: self.user_specified_rate = None if request.has_retry_parameters(): self.retry_parameters = request.retry_parameters() else: self.retry_parameters = None if request.has_max_concurrent_requests(): self.max_concurrent_requests = request.max_concurrent_requests() else: self.max_concurrent_requests = None self.queue_mode = request.mode() if request.has_acl(): self.acl = request.acl() else: self.acl = None @_WithLock def FetchQueues_Rpc(self, request, response): """Fills out a queue message on the provided TaskQueueFetchQueuesResponse. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchQueuesRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchQueuesResponse. """ response_queue = response.add_queue() response_queue.set_queue_name(self.queue_name) response_queue.set_bucket_refill_per_second(self.bucket_refill_per_second) response_queue.set_bucket_capacity(self.bucket_capacity) if self.user_specified_rate is not None: response_queue.set_user_specified_rate(self.user_specified_rate) if self.max_concurrent_requests is not None: response_queue.set_max_concurrent_requests(self.max_concurrent_requests) if self.retry_parameters is not None: response_queue.retry_parameters().CopyFrom(self.retry_parameters) response_queue.set_paused(self.paused) if self.queue_mode is not None: response_queue.set_mode(self.queue_mode) if self.acl is not None: response_queue.mutable_acl().CopyFrom(self.acl) @_WithLock def QueryTasks_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the QueryTasks RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse. """ assert not request.has_start_tag() if request.has_start_eta_usec(): tasks = self._LookupNoAcquireLock( request.max_rows(), name=request.start_task_name(), eta=request.start_eta_usec(), ) else: tasks = self._LookupNoAcquireLock( request.max_rows(), name=request.start_task_name() ) for task in tasks: response.add_task().MergeFrom(task) @_WithLock def FetchTask_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the FetchTask RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchTaskRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchTaskResponse. """ task_name = request.task_name() pos = self._LocateTaskByName(task_name) if pos is None: if task_name in self.task_name_archive: error = taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.TOMBSTONED_TASK else: error = taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_TASK raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError(error) _, task = self._sorted_by_name[pos] response.mutable_task().add_task().CopyFrom(task) @_WithLock def Delete_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the Delete RPC. Deletes tasks from the task store. We mimic a 1/20 chance of a TRANSIENT_ERROR when the request has an app_id. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueDeleteRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueDeleteResponse. """ for taskname in request.task_name_list(): if request.has_app_id() and random.random() <= 0.05: response.add_result( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.TRANSIENT_ERROR ) else: response.add_result(self._DeleteNoAcquireLock(taskname)) def _QueryAndOwnTasksGetTaskList( self, max_rows, group_by_tag, now_eta_usec, tag=None ): assert self._lock.locked() if group_by_tag and tag: return self._IndexScan( self._sorted_by_tag, start_key=( tag, None, None, ), end_key=( tag, now_eta_usec, None, ), max_rows=max_rows, ) elif group_by_tag: tasks = self._IndexScan( self._sorted_by_eta, start_key=( None, None, ), end_key=( now_eta_usec, None, ), max_rows=max_rows, ) if not tasks: return [] if tasks[0].has_tag(): tag = tasks[0].tag() return self._QueryAndOwnTasksGetTaskList( max_rows, True, now_eta_usec, tag ) else: return [task for task in tasks if not task.has_tag()] else: return self._IndexScan( self._sorted_by_eta, start_key=( None, None, ), end_key=( now_eta_usec, None, ), max_rows=max_rows, ) @_WithLock def QueryAndOwnTasks_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the QueryAndOwnTasks RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryAndOwnTasksRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryAndOwnTasksResponse. """ if self.queue_mode != QUEUE_MODE.PULL: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INVALID_QUEUE_MODE ) lease_seconds = request.lease_seconds() if lease_seconds < 0: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INVALID_REQUEST ) max_tasks = request.max_tasks() if max_tasks <= 0: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INVALID_REQUEST ) if request.has_tag() and not request.group_by_tag(): raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INVALID_REQUEST, "Tag specified, but group_by_tag was not.", ) now_eta_usec = _SecToUsec(time.time()) tasks = self._QueryAndOwnTasksGetTaskList( max_tasks, request.group_by_tag(), now_eta_usec, request.tag() ) tasks_to_delete = [] for task in tasks: retry = Retry(task, self) if not retry.CanRetry(task.retry_count() + 1, 0): logging.warning( "Task %s in queue %s cannot be leased again after %d leases.", task.task_name(), self.queue_name, task.retry_count(), ) tasks_to_delete.append(task) continue self._PostponeTaskNoAcquireLock( task, now_eta_usec + _SecToUsec(lease_seconds) ) task_response = response.add_task() task_response.set_task_name(task.task_name()) task_response.set_eta_usec(task.eta_usec()) task_response.set_retry_count(task.retry_count()) if task.has_tag(): task_response.set_tag(task.tag()) task_response.set_body(task.body()) for task in tasks_to_delete: self._DeleteNoAcquireLock(task.task_name()) @_WithLock def ModifyTaskLease_Rpc(self, request, response): """Implementation of the ModifyTaskLease RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryAndOwnTasksRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryAndOwnTasksResponse. """ if self.queue_mode != QUEUE_MODE.PULL: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INVALID_QUEUE_MODE ) if self.paused: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.QUEUE_PAUSED ) lease_seconds = request.lease_seconds() if lease_seconds < 0: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INVALID_REQUEST ) pos = self._LocateTaskByName(request.task_name()) if pos is None: if request.task_name() in self.task_name_archive: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.TOMBSTONED_TASK ) else: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_TASK ) _, task = self._sorted_by_name[pos] if task.eta_usec() != request.eta_usec(): raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.TASK_LEASE_EXPIRED ) now_usec = _SecToUsec(time.time()) if task.eta_usec() < now_usec: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.TASK_LEASE_EXPIRED ) future_eta_usec = now_usec + _SecToUsec(lease_seconds) self._PostponeTaskNoAcquireLock(task, future_eta_usec, increase_retries=False) response.set_updated_eta_usec(future_eta_usec) @_WithLock def IncRetryCount(self, task_name): """Increment the retry count of a task by 1. Args: task_name: The name of the task to update. """ pos = self._LocateTaskByName(task_name) assert ( pos is not None ), "Task does not exist when trying to increase retry count." task = self._sorted_by_name[pos][1] self._IncRetryCount(task) def _IncRetryCount(self, task): assert self._lock.locked() retry_count = task.retry_count() task.set_retry_count(retry_count + 1) task.set_execution_count(task.execution_count() + 1) @_WithLock def GetTasksAsDicts(self): """Gets all of the tasks in this queue. Returns: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains one task's attributes. E.g. [{'name': 'task-123', 'queue_name': 'default', 'url': '/update', 'method': 'GET', 'eta': '2009/02/02 05:37:42', 'eta_delta': '0:00:06.342511 ago', 'body': '', 'headers': [('user-header', 'some-value') ('X-AppEngine-QueueName': 'update-queue'), ('X-AppEngine-TaskName': 'task-123'), ('X-AppEngine-TaskExecutionCount': '1'), ('X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount': '1'), ('X-AppEngine-TaskETA': '1234567890.123456'), ('X-AppEngine-Development-Payload': '1'), ('X-AppEngine-TaskPreviousResponse': '300'), ('Content-Length': 0), ('Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream')] Raises: ValueError: A task request contains an unknown HTTP method type. """ tasks = [] now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() for _, _, task_response in self._sorted_by_eta: tasks.append(QueryTasksResponseToDict(self.queue_name, task_response, now)) return tasks @_WithLock def GetTaskAsDict(self, task_name): """Gets a specific task from this queue. Returns: A dictionary containing one task's attributes. E.g. [{'name': 'task-123', 'queue_name': 'default', 'url': '/update', 'method': 'GET', 'eta': '2009/02/02 05:37:42', 'eta_delta': '0:00:06.342511 ago', 'body': '', 'headers': [('user-header', 'some-value') ('X-AppEngine-QueueName': 'update-queue'), ('X-AppEngine-TaskName': 'task-123'), ('X-AppEngine-TaskExecutionCount': '1'), ('X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount': '1'), ('X-AppEngine-TaskETA': '1234567890.123456'), ('X-AppEngine-Development-Payload': '1'), ('X-AppEngine-TaskPreviousResponse': '300'), ('Content-Length': 0), ('Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream')] Raises: ValueError: A task request contains an unknown HTTP method type. """ task_responses = self._LookupNoAcquireLock(maximum=1, name=task_name) if not task_responses: return (task_response,) = task_responses if task_response.task_name() != task_name: return now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return QueryTasksResponseToDict(self.queue_name, task_response, now) @_WithLock def PurgeQueue(self): """Removes all content from the queue.""" self._sorted_by_name = [] self._sorted_by_eta = [] self._sorted_by_tag = [] @_WithLock def _GetTasks(self): """Helper method for tests returning all tasks sorted by eta. Returns: A list of taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task objects sorted by eta. """ return self._GetTasksNoAcquireLock() def _GetTasksNoAcquireLock(self): """Helper method for tests returning all tasks sorted by eta. Returns: A list of taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task objects sorted by eta. """ assert self._lock.locked() tasks = [] for eta, task_name, task in self._sorted_by_eta: tasks.append(task) return tasks def _InsertTask(self, task): """Insert a task into the store, keeps lists sorted. Args: task: the new task. """ assert self._lock.locked() eta = task.eta_usec() name = task.task_name() bisect.insort_left(self._sorted_by_eta, (eta, name, task)) if task.has_tag(): bisect.insort_left(self._sorted_by_tag, (task.tag(), eta, name, task)) bisect.insort_left(self._sorted_by_name, (name, task)) self.task_name_archive.add(name) @_WithLock def RunTaskNow(self, task): """Change the eta of a task to now. Args: task: The TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task run now. This must be stored in this queue (otherwise an AssertionError is raised). """ self._PostponeTaskNoAcquireLock(task, 0, increase_retries=False) @_WithLock def PostponeTask(self, task, new_eta_usec): """Postpone the task to a future time and increment the retry count. Args: task: The TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task to postpone. This must be stored in this queue (otherwise an AssertionError is raised). new_eta_usec: The new eta to set on the task. This must be greater then the current eta on the task. """ assert new_eta_usec > task.eta_usec() self._PostponeTaskNoAcquireLock(task, new_eta_usec) def _PostponeTaskNoAcquireLock(self, task, new_eta_usec, increase_retries=True): assert self._lock.locked() if increase_retries: self._IncRetryCount(task) name = task.task_name() eta = task.eta_usec() assert self._RemoveTaskFromIndex(self._sorted_by_eta, (eta, name, None), task) if task.has_tag(): assert self._RemoveTaskFromIndex( self._sorted_by_tag, (task.tag(), eta, name, None), task ) self._PostponeTaskInsertOnly(task, new_eta_usec) def _PostponeTaskInsertOnly(self, task, new_eta_usec): assert self._lock.locked() task.set_eta_usec(new_eta_usec) name = task.task_name() bisect.insort_left(self._sorted_by_eta, (new_eta_usec, name, task)) if task.has_tag(): tag = task.tag() bisect.insort_left(self._sorted_by_tag, (tag, new_eta_usec, name, task)) @_WithLock def Lookup(self, maximum, name=None, eta=None): """Lookup a number of sorted tasks from the store. If 'eta' is specified, the tasks are looked up in a list sorted by 'eta', then 'name'. Otherwise they are sorted by 'name'. We need to be able to sort by 'eta' and 'name' because tasks can have identical eta. If you had 20 tasks with the same ETA, you wouldn't be able to page past them, since the 'next eta' would give the first one again. Names are unique, though. Args: maximum: the maximum number of tasks to return. name: a task name to start with. eta: an eta to start with. Returns: A list of up to 'maximum' tasks. Raises: ValueError: if the task store gets corrupted. """ return self._LookupNoAcquireLock(maximum, name, eta) def _IndexScan(self, index, start_key, end_key=None, max_rows=None): """Return the result of a 'scan' over the given index. The scan is inclusive of start_key and exclusive of end_key. It returns at most max_rows from the index. Args: index: One of the index lists, eg self._sorted_by_tag. start_key: The key to start at. end_key: Optional end key. max_rows: The maximum number of rows to yield. Returns: a list of up to 'max_rows' TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task instances from the given index, in sorted order. """ assert self._lock.locked() start_pos = bisect.bisect_left(index, start_key) end_pos = INF if end_key is not None: end_pos = bisect.bisect_left(index, end_key) if max_rows is not None: end_pos = min(end_pos, start_pos + max_rows) end_pos = min(end_pos, len(index)) tasks = [] for pos in range(start_pos, end_pos): tasks.append(index[pos][-1]) return tasks def _LookupNoAcquireLock(self, maximum, name=None, eta=None, tag=None): assert self._lock.locked() if tag is not None: return self._IndexScan( self._sorted_by_tag, start_key=( tag, eta, name, ), end_key=( "%s\x00" % tag, None, None, ), max_rows=maximum, ) elif eta is not None: return self._IndexScan( self._sorted_by_eta, start_key=( eta, name, ), max_rows=maximum, ) else: return self._IndexScan( self._sorted_by_name, start_key=(name,), max_rows=maximum ) @_WithLock def Count(self): """Returns the number of tasks in the store.""" return len(self._sorted_by_name) @_WithLock def OldestTask(self): """Returns the task with the oldest eta in the store.""" if self._sorted_by_eta: return self._sorted_by_eta[0][2] return None @_WithLock def Oldest(self): """Returns the oldest eta in the store, or None if no tasks.""" if self._sorted_by_eta: return self._sorted_by_eta[0][0] return None def _LocateTaskByName(self, task_name): """Locate the index of a task in _sorted_by_name list. If the task does not exist in the list, return None. Args: task_name: Name of task to be located. Returns: Index of the task in _sorted_by_name list if task exists, None otherwise. """ assert self._lock.locked() pos = bisect.bisect_left(self._sorted_by_name, (task_name,)) if ( pos >= len(self._sorted_by_name) or self._sorted_by_name[pos][0] != task_name ): return None return pos @_WithLock def Add(self, request, now): """Inserts a new task into the store. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueAddRequest. now: A datetime.datetime object containing the current time in UTC. Raises: apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError: If a task with the same name is already in the store, or the task is tombstoned. """ if self._LocateTaskByName(request.task_name()) is not None: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.TASK_ALREADY_EXISTS ) if request.task_name() in self.task_name_archive: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.TOMBSTONED_TASK ) now_sec = calendar.timegm(now.utctimetuple()) task = taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task() task.set_task_name(request.task_name()) task.set_eta_usec(request.eta_usec()) task.set_creation_time_usec(_SecToUsec(now_sec)) task.set_retry_count(0) task.set_method(request.method()) if request.has_url(): task.set_url(request.url()) for keyvalue in request.header_list(): header = task.add_header() header.set_key(keyvalue.key()) header.set_value(keyvalue.value()) if request.has_description(): task.set_description(request.description()) if request.has_body(): task.set_body(request.body()) if request.has_crontimetable(): task.mutable_crontimetable().set_schedule( request.crontimetable().schedule() ) task.mutable_crontimetable().set_timezone( request.crontimetable().timezone() ) if request.has_retry_parameters(): task.mutable_retry_parameters().CopyFrom(request.retry_parameters()) if request.has_tag(): task.set_tag(request.tag()) self._InsertTask(task) @_WithLock def Delete(self, name): """Deletes a task from the store by name. Args: name: the name of the task to delete. Returns: TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_TASK: if the task is unknown. TaskQueueServiceError.INTERNAL_ERROR: if the store is corrupted. TaskQueueServiceError.TOMBSTONED: if the task was deleted. TaskQueueServiceError.OK: otherwise. """ return self._DeleteNoAcquireLock(name) def _RemoveTaskFromIndex(self, index, index_tuple, task): """Remove a task from the specified index. Args: index: The index list that needs to be mutated. index_tuple: The tuple to search for in the index. task: The task instance that is expected to be stored at this location. Returns: True if the task was successfully removed from the index, False otherwise. """ assert self._lock.locked() pos = bisect.bisect_left(index, index_tuple) if index[pos][-1] is not task: logging.debug("Expected %s, found %s", task, index[pos][-1]) return False index.pop(pos) return True def _DeleteNoAcquireLock(self, name): assert self._lock.locked() pos = self._LocateTaskByName(name) if pos is None: if name in self.task_name_archive: return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.TOMBSTONED_TASK else: return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_TASK old_task = self._sorted_by_name.pop(pos)[-1] eta = old_task.eta_usec() if not self._RemoveTaskFromIndex( self._sorted_by_eta, (eta, name, None), old_task ): return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INTERNAL_ERRROR if old_task.has_tag(): tag = old_task.tag() if not self._RemoveTaskFromIndex( self._sorted_by_tag, (tag, eta, name, None), old_task ): return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INTERNAL_ERRROR return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK @_WithLock def Populate(self, num_tasks): """Populates the store with a number of tasks. Args: num_tasks: the number of tasks to insert. """ def RandomTask(): """Creates a new task and randomly populates values.""" assert self._lock.locked() task = taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task() task.set_task_name( "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for x in range(20)) ) task.set_eta_usec( now_usec + random.randint(_SecToUsec(-10), _SecToUsec(600)) ) task.set_creation_time_usec( min(now_usec, task.eta_usec()) - random.randint(0, _SecToUsec(20)) ) task.set_url(random.choice(["/a", "/b", "/c", "/d"])) if random.random() < 0.2: task.set_method( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task.POST ) task.set_body("A" * 2000) else: task.set_method( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task.GET ) retry_count = max(0, random.randint(-10, 5)) task.set_retry_count(retry_count) task.set_execution_count(retry_count) if random.random() < 0.3: random_headers = [ ("nexus", "one"), ("foo", "bar"), ("content-type", "text/plain"), ("from", "user@email.com"), ] for _ in range(random.randint(1, 4)): elem = random.randint(0, len(random_headers) - 1) key, value = random_headers.pop(elem) header_proto = task.add_header() header_proto.set_key(key) header_proto.set_value(value) return task now_usec = _SecToUsec(time.time()) for _ in range(num_tasks): self._InsertTask(RandomTask()) class _TaskExecutor(object): """Executor for a task object. Converts a TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task into a http request, then uses the httplib library to send it to the http server. """ def __init__(self, default_host, request_data): """Constructor. Args: default_host: a string to use as the host/port to connect to if the host header is not specified in the task. request_data: A request_info.RequestInfo instance used to look up state associated with the request that generated an API call. """ self._default_host = default_host self._request_data = request_data def _HeadersFromTask(self, task, queue): """Constructs the http headers for the given task. This function will remove special headers (values in BUILT_IN_HEADERS) and add the taskqueue headers. Args: task: The task, a TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task instance. queue: The queue that this task belongs to, an _Queue instance. Returns: A tuple of (header_dict, headers), where: header_dict: A mapping from lowercase header name to a list of values. headers: a list of tuples containing the http header and value. There may be be mutiple entries with the same key. """ headers = [] header_dict = {} for header in task.header_list(): header_key_lower = header.key().lower() if header_key_lower not in BUILT_IN_HEADERS: headers.append((header.key(), header.value())) header_dict.setdefault(header_key_lower, []).append(header.value()) headers.append(("X-AppEngine-QueueName", queue.queue_name)) headers.append(("X-AppEngine-TaskName", task.task_name())) headers.append(("X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount", str(task.retry_count()))) headers.append(("X-AppEngine-TaskETA", str(_UsecToSec(task.eta_usec())))) headers.append(("X-AppEngine-Fake-Is-Admin", "1")) headers.append(("Content-Length", str(len(task.body())))) if "content-type" not in header_dict: headers.append(("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")) headers.append(("X-AppEngine-TaskExecutionCount", str(task.execution_count()))) if task.has_runlog() and task.runlog().has_response_code(): headers.append( ("X-AppEngine-TaskPreviousResponse", str(task.runlog().response_code())) ) return header_dict, headers def ExecuteTask(self, task, queue): """Construct a http request from the task and dispatch it. Args: task: The task to convert to a http request and then send. An instance of taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse_Task queue: The queue that this task belongs to. An instance of _Queue. Returns: Http Response code from the task's execution, 0 if an exception occurred. """ method = task.RequestMethod_Name(task.method()) header_dict, headers = self._HeadersFromTask(task, queue) (connection_host,) = header_dict.get("host", [self._default_host]) if connection_host is None: logging.error( 'Could not determine where to send the task "%s" ' '(Url: "%s") in queue "%s". Treating as an error.', task.task_name(), task.url(), queue.queue_name, ) return False else: header_dict["Host"] = connection_host dispatcher = self._request_data.get_dispatcher() try: response = dispatcher.add_request( method, task.url(), headers, task.body() if task.has_body() else "", "", ) except request_info.ServerDoesNotExistError: logging.exception("Failed to dispatch task") return 0 return int(response.status.split(" ", 1)[0]) class _BackgroundTaskScheduler(object): """The task scheduler class. This class is designed to be run in a background thread. Note: There must not be more than one instance of _BackgroundTaskScheduler per group. """ def __init__(self, group, task_executor, retry_seconds, **kwargs): """Constructor. Args: group: The group that we will automatically execute tasks from. Must be an instance of _Group. task_executor: The class used to convert a task into a http request. Must be an instance of _TaskExecutor. retry_seconds: The number of seconds to delay a task by if its execution fails. _get_time: a callable that returns the current time in seconds since the epoch. This argument may only be passed in by keyword. If unset, use time.time. """ self._group = group self._should_exit = False self._next_wakeup = INF self._event = threading.Event() self._wakeup_lock = threading.Lock() self.task_executor = task_executor self.default_retry_seconds = retry_seconds self._get_time = kwargs.pop("_get_time", time.time) if kwargs: raise TypeError("Unknown parameters: %s" % ", ".join(kwargs)) def UpdateNextEventTime(self, next_event_time): """Notify the TaskExecutor of the closest event it needs to process. Args: next_event_time: The time of the event in seconds since the epoch. """ with self._wakeup_lock: if next_event_time < self._next_wakeup: self._next_wakeup = next_event_time self._event.set() def Shutdown(self): """Request this TaskExecutor to exit.""" self._should_exit = True self._event.set() def _ProcessQueues(self): with self._wakeup_lock: self._next_wakeup = INF now = self._get_time() queue, task = self._group.GetNextPushTask() while task and _UsecToSec(task.eta_usec()) <= now: if task.retry_count() == 0: task.set_first_try_usec(_SecToUsec(now)) response_code = self.task_executor.ExecuteTask(task, queue) if response_code: task.mutable_runlog().set_response_code(response_code) else: logging.error( 'An error occured while sending the task "%s" ' '(Url: "%s") in queue "%s". Treating as a task error.', task.task_name(), task.url(), queue.queue_name, ) now = self._get_time() if 200 <= response_code < 300: queue.Delete(task.task_name()) else: retry = Retry(task, queue) age_usec = _SecToUsec(now) - task.first_try_usec() if retry.CanRetry(task.retry_count() + 1, age_usec): retry_usec = retry.CalculateBackoffUsec(task.retry_count() + 1) logging.warning( "Task %s failed to execute. This task will retry in %.3f seconds", task.task_name(), _UsecToSec(retry_usec), ) queue.PostponeTask(task, _SecToUsec(now) + retry_usec) else: logging.warning( "Task %s failed to execute. The task has no remaining retries. " "Failing permanently after %d retries and %d seconds", task.task_name(), task.retry_count(), _UsecToSec(age_usec), ) queue.Delete(task.task_name()) queue, task = self._group.GetNextPushTask() if task: with self._wakeup_lock: eta = _UsecToSec(task.eta_usec()) if eta < self._next_wakeup: self._next_wakeup = eta def _Wait(self): """Block until we need to process a task or we need to exit.""" now = self._get_time() while not self._should_exit and self._next_wakeup > now: timeout = self._next_wakeup - now self._event.wait(timeout) self._event.clear() now = self._get_time() def MainLoop(self): """The main loop of the scheduler.""" while not self._should_exit: self._ProcessQueues() self._Wait() class TaskQueueServiceStub(apiproxy_stub.APIProxyStub): """Python only task queue service stub. This stub executes tasks when enabled by using the dev_appserver's AddEvent capability. When task running is disabled this stub will store tasks for display on a console, where the user may manually execute the tasks. """ def __init__( self, service_name="taskqueue", root_path=None, auto_task_running=False, task_retry_seconds=30, _all_queues_valid=False, default_http_server=None, _testing_validate_state=False, request_data=None, ): """Constructor. Args: service_name: Service name expected for all calls. root_path: Root path to the directory of the application which may contain a queue.yaml file. If None, then it's assumed no queue.yaml file is available. auto_task_running: When True, the dev_appserver should automatically run tasks after they are enqueued. task_retry_seconds: How long to wait between task executions after a task fails. _testing_validate_state: Should this stub and all of its _Groups (and thus and all of its _Queues) validate their state after each operation? This should only be used during testing of the taskqueue_stub. request_data: A request_info.RequestInfo instance used to look up state associated with the request that generated an API call. """ super(TaskQueueServiceStub, self).__init__( service_name, max_request_size=MAX_REQUEST_SIZE, request_data=request_data ) self._queues = {} self._all_queues_valid = _all_queues_valid self._root_path = root_path self._testing_validate_state = _testing_validate_state self._queues[None] = _Group( self._ParseQueueYaml, app_id=None, _all_queues_valid=_all_queues_valid, _update_newest_eta=self._UpdateNextEventTime, _testing_validate_state=self._testing_validate_state, ) self._auto_task_running = auto_task_running self._started = False self._task_scheduler = _BackgroundTaskScheduler( self._queues[None], _TaskExecutor(default_http_server, self.request_data), retry_seconds=task_retry_seconds, ) self._yaml_last_modified = None def StartBackgroundExecution(self): """Start automatic task execution.""" if not self._started and self._auto_task_running: task_scheduler_thread = threading.Thread( target=self._task_scheduler.MainLoop ) task_scheduler_thread.setDaemon(True) task_scheduler_thread.start() self._started = True def Shutdown(self): """Requests the task scheduler to shutdown.""" self._task_scheduler.Shutdown() def _ParseQueueYaml(self): """Loads the queue.yaml file and parses it. Returns: None if queue.yaml doesn't exist, otherwise a queueinfo.QueueEntry object populated from the queue.yaml. """ if hasattr(self, "queue_yaml_parser"): return self.queue_yaml_parser(self._root_path) if self._root_path is None: return None for queueyaml in ("queue.yaml", "queue.yml"): try: path = os.path.join(self._root_path, queueyaml) modified = os.stat(path).st_mtime if self._yaml_last_modified and self._yaml_last_modified == modified: return self._last_queue_info fh = open(path, "r") except (IOError, OSError): continue try: queue_info = queueinfo.LoadSingleQueue(fh) self._last_queue_info = queue_info self._yaml_last_modified = modified return queue_info finally: fh.close() return None def _UpdateNextEventTime(self, callback_time): """Enqueue a task to be automatically scheduled. Note: If auto task running is disabled, this function is a no-op. Args: callback_time: The earliest time this task may be run, in seconds since the epoch. """ self._task_scheduler.UpdateNextEventTime(callback_time) def _GetGroup(self, app_id=None): """Get the _Group instance for app_id, creating a new one if needed. Args: app_id: The app id in question. Note: This field is not validated. """ if app_id not in self._queues: self._queues[app_id] = _Group( app_id=app_id, _all_queues_valid=self._all_queues_valid, _testing_validate_state=self._testing_validate_state, ) return self._queues[app_id] def _Dynamic_Add(self, request, response): """Add a single task to a queue. This method is a wrapper around the BulkAdd RPC request. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: The taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueAddRequest. See taskqueue_service.proto. response: The taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueAddResponse. See taskqueue_service.proto. """ bulk_request = taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueBulkAddRequest() bulk_response = taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueBulkAddResponse() bulk_request.add_add_request().CopyFrom(request) self._Dynamic_BulkAdd(bulk_request, bulk_response) assert bulk_response.taskresult_size() == 1 result = bulk_response.taskresult(0).result() if result != taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError(result) elif bulk_response.taskresult(0).has_chosen_task_name(): response.set_chosen_task_name( bulk_response.taskresult(0).chosen_task_name() ) def _Dynamic_BulkAdd(self, request, response): """Add many tasks to a queue using a single request. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: The taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueBulkAddRequest. See taskqueue_service.proto. response: The taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueBulkAddResponse. See taskqueue_service.proto. """ assert request.add_request_size(), "taskqueue should prevent empty requests" self._GetGroup(_GetAppId(request.add_request(0))).BulkAdd_Rpc(request, response) def GetQueues(self): """Gets all the application's queues. Returns: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains one queue's attributes. E.g.: [{'name': 'some-queue', 'max_rate': '1/s', 'bucket_size': 5, 'oldest_task': '2009/02/02 05:37:42', 'eta_delta': '0:00:06.342511 ago', 'tasks_in_queue': 12}, ...] The list of queues always includes the default queue. """ return self._GetGroup().GetQueuesAsDicts() def GetTasks(self, queue_name): """Gets a queue's tasks. Args: queue_name: Queue's name to return tasks for. Returns: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains one task's attributes. E.g. [{'name': 'task-123', 'queue_name': 'default', 'url': '/update', 'method': 'GET', 'eta': '2009/02/02 05:37:42', 'eta_delta': '0:00:06.342511 ago', 'body': '', 'headers': [('user-header', 'some-value') ('X-AppEngine-QueueName': 'update-queue'), ('X-AppEngine-TaskName': 'task-123'), ('X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount': '0'), ('X-AppEngine-TaskETA': '1234567890.123456'), ('X-AppEngine-Development-Payload': '1'), ('Content-Length': 0), ('Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream')] Raises: ValueError: A task request contains an unknown HTTP method type. KeyError: An invalid queue name was specified. """ return self._GetGroup().GetQueue(queue_name).GetTasksAsDicts() def DeleteTask(self, queue_name, task_name): """Deletes a task from a queue, without leaving a tombstone. Args: queue_name: the name of the queue to delete the task from. task_name: the name of the task to delete. """ if self._GetGroup().HasQueue(queue_name): queue = self._GetGroup().GetQueue(queue_name) queue.Delete(task_name) queue.task_name_archive.discard(task_name) def FlushQueue(self, queue_name): """Removes all tasks from a queue, without leaving tombstones. Args: queue_name: the name of the queue to remove tasks from. """ if self._GetGroup().HasQueue(queue_name): self._GetGroup().GetQueue(queue_name).PurgeQueue() self._GetGroup().GetQueue(queue_name).task_name_archive.clear() def _Dynamic_UpdateQueue(self, request, unused_response): """Local implementation of the UpdateQueue RPC in TaskQueueService. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueUpdateQueueRequest. unused_response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueUpdateQueueResponse. Not used. """ self._GetGroup(_GetAppId(request)).UpdateQueue_Rpc(request, unused_response) def _Dynamic_FetchQueues(self, request, response): """Local implementation of the FetchQueues RPC in TaskQueueService. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchQueuesRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchQueuesResponse. """ self._GetGroup(_GetAppId(request)).FetchQueues_Rpc(request, response) def _Dynamic_FetchQueueStats(self, request, response): """Local 'random' implementation of the TaskQueueService.FetchQueueStats. This implementation loads some stats from the task store, the rest with random numbers. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchQueueStatsRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchQueueStatsResponse. """ self._GetGroup(_GetAppId(request)).FetchQueueStats_Rpc(request, response) def _Dynamic_QueryTasks(self, request, response): """Local implementation of the TaskQueueService.QueryTasks RPC. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse. """ self._GetGroup(_GetAppId(request)).QueryTasks_Rpc(request, response) def _Dynamic_FetchTask(self, request, response): """Local implementation of the TaskQueueService.FetchTask RPC. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchTaskRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueFetchTaskResponse. """ self._GetGroup(_GetAppId(request)).FetchTask_Rpc(request, response) def _Dynamic_Delete(self, request, response): """Local delete implementation of TaskQueueService.Delete. Deletes tasks from the task store. A 1/20 chance of a transient error. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueDeleteRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueDeleteResponse. """ self._GetGroup(_GetAppId(request)).Delete_Rpc(request, response) def _Dynamic_ForceRun(self, request, response): """Local force run implementation of TaskQueueService.ForceRun. Forces running of a task in a queue. This will fail randomly for testing if the app id is non-empty. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueForceRunRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueForceRunResponse. """ if _GetAppId(request) is not None: if random.random() <= 0.05: response.set_result( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.TRANSIENT_ERROR ) elif random.random() <= 0.052: response.set_result( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INTERNAL_ERROR ) else: response.set_result(taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK) else: group = self._GetGroup(None) if not group.HasQueue(request.queue_name()): response.set_result( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_QUEUE ) return queue = group.GetQueue(request.queue_name()) task = queue.Lookup(1, name=request.task_name()) if not task: response.set_result( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_TASK ) return queue.RunTaskNow(task[0]) self._UpdateNextEventTime(0) response.set_result(taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK) def _Dynamic_DeleteQueue(self, request, response): """Local delete implementation of TaskQueueService.DeleteQueue. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueDeleteQueueRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueDeleteQueueResponse. """ app_id = _GetAppId(request) if app_id is None: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.PERMISSION_DENIED ) self._GetGroup(app_id).DeleteQueue_Rpc(request, response) def _Dynamic_PauseQueue(self, request, response): """Local pause implementation of TaskQueueService.PauseQueue. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueuePauseQueueRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueuePauseQueueResponse. """ app_id = _GetAppId(request) if app_id is None: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.PERMISSION_DENIED ) self._GetGroup(app_id).PauseQueue_Rpc(request, response) def _Dynamic_PurgeQueue(self, request, response): """Local purge implementation of TaskQueueService.PurgeQueue. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueuePurgeQueueRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueuePurgeQueueResponse. """ self._GetGroup(_GetAppId(request)).PurgeQueue_Rpc(request, response) def _Dynamic_DeleteGroup(self, request, response): """Local delete implementation of TaskQueueService.DeleteGroup. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueDeleteGroupRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueDeleteGroupResponse. """ app_id = _GetAppId(request) if app_id is None: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.PERMISSION_DENIED ) if app_id in self._queues: del self._queues[app_id] else: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_QUEUE ) def _Dynamic_UpdateStorageLimit(self, request, response): """Local implementation of TaskQueueService.UpdateStorageLimit. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueUpdateStorageLimitRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueUpdateStorageLimitResponse. """ if _GetAppId(request) is None: raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.PERMISSION_DENIED ) if request.limit() < 0 or request.limit() > 1000 * (1024**4): raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INVALID_REQUEST ) response.set_new_limit(request.limit()) def _Dynamic_QueryAndOwnTasks(self, request, response): """Local implementation of TaskQueueService.QueryAndOwnTasks. Must adhere to the '_Dynamic_' naming convention for stubbing to work. See taskqueue_service.proto for a full description of the RPC. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryAndOwnTasksRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueQueryAndOwnTasksResponse. Raises: InvalidQueueModeError: If target queue is not a pull queue. """ self._GetGroup().QueryAndOwnTasks_Rpc(request, response) def _Dynamic_ModifyTaskLease(self, request, response): """Local implementation of TaskQueueService.ModifyTaskLease. Args: request: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueModifyTaskLeaseRequest. response: A taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueModifyTaskLeaseResponse. Raises: InvalidQueueModeError: If target queue is not a pull queue. """ self._GetGroup().ModifyTaskLease_Rpc(request, response) def get_filtered_tasks(self, url=None, name=None, queue_names=None): """Get the tasks in the task queue with filters. Args: url: A URL that all returned tasks should point at. name: The name of all returned tasks. queue_names: A list of queue names to retrieve tasks from. If left blank this will get default to all queues available. Returns: A list of taskqueue.Task objects. """ all_queue_names = [queue["name"] for queue in self.GetQueues()] if isinstance(queue_names, str): queue_names = [queue_names] if queue_names is None: queue_names = all_queue_names task_dicts = [] for queue_name in queue_names: if queue_name in all_queue_names: for task in self.GetTasks(queue_name): if url is not None and task["url"] != url: continue if name is not None and task["name"] != name: continue task_dicts.append(task) tasks = [] for task in task_dicts: payload = base64.b64decode(task["body"]) headers = dict(task["headers"]) headers["Content-Length"] = str(len(payload)) eta = datetime.datetime.strptime(task["eta"], "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") eta = eta.replace(tzinfo=taskqueue._UTC) task_object = taskqueue.Task( name=task["name"], method=task["method"], url=task["url"], headers=headers, payload=payload, eta=eta, ) tasks.append(task_object) return tasks <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Implementation of scheduling for Groc format schedules. A Groc schedule looks like '1st,2nd monday 9:00', or 'every 20 mins'. This module takes a parsed schedule (produced by Antlr) and creates objects that can produce times that match this schedule. A parsed schedule is one of two types - an Interval or a Specific Time. See the class docstrings for more. Extensions to be considered: allowing a comma separated list of times to run """ import calendar import datetime try: import pytz except ImportError: pytz = None import groc HOURS = "hours" MINUTES = "minutes" try: from pytz import NonExistentTimeError from pytz import AmbiguousTimeError except ImportError: class NonExistentTimeError(Exception): pass class AmbiguousTimeError(Exception): pass def GrocTimeSpecification(schedule, timezone=None): """Factory function. Turns a schedule specification into a TimeSpecification. Arguments: schedule: the schedule specification, as a string timezone: the optional timezone as a string for this specification. Defaults to 'UTC' - valid entries are things like 'Australia/Victoria' or 'PST8PDT'. Returns: a TimeSpecification instance """ parser = groc.CreateParser(schedule) parser.timespec() if parser.period_string: return IntervalTimeSpecification( parser.interval_mins, parser.period_string, parser.synchronized, parser.start_time_string, parser.end_time_string, timezone, ) else: return SpecificTimeSpecification( parser.ordinal_set, parser.weekday_set, parser.month_set, parser.monthday_set, parser.time_string, timezone, ) class TimeSpecification(object): """Base class for time specifications.""" def GetMatches(self, start, n): """Returns the next n times that match the schedule, starting at time start. Arguments: start: a datetime to start from. Matches will start from after this time. n: the number of matching times to return Returns: a list of n datetime objects """ out = [] for _ in range(n): start = self.GetMatch(start) out.append(start) return out def GetMatch(self, start): """Returns the next match after time start. Must be implemented in subclasses. Arguments: start: a datetime to start from. Matches will start from after this time. This may be in any pytz time zone, or it may be timezone-naive (interpreted as UTC). Returns: a datetime object in the timezone of the input 'start' """ raise NotImplementedError def _GetTimezone(timezone_string): """Converts a timezone string to a pytz timezone object. Arguments: timezone_string: a string representing a timezone, or None Returns: a pytz timezone object, or None if the input timezone_string is None Raises: ValueError: if timezone_string is not None and the pytz module could not be loaded """ if timezone_string: if pytz is None: raise ValueError("need pytz in order to specify a timezone") return pytz.timezone(timezone_string) else: return None def _ToTimeZone(t, tzinfo): """Converts 't' to the time zone 'tzinfo'. Arguments: t: a datetime object. It may be in any pytz time zone, or it may be timezone-naive (interpreted as UTC). tzinfo: a pytz timezone object, or None (interpreted as UTC). Returns: a datetime object in the time zone 'tzinfo' """ if pytz is None: return t.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo) elif tzinfo: if not t.tzinfo: t = pytz.utc.localize(t) return tzinfo.normalize(t.astimezone(tzinfo)) elif t.tzinfo: return pytz.utc.normalize(t.astimezone(pytz.utc)).replace(tzinfo=None) else: return t def _GetTime(time_string): """Converts a string to a datetime.time object. Arguments: time_string: a string representing a time ('hours:minutes') Returns: a datetime.time object """ hourstr, minutestr = time_string.split(":") return datetime.time(int(hourstr), int(minutestr)) class IntervalTimeSpecification(TimeSpecification): """A time specification for a given interval. An Interval type spec runs at the given fixed interval. It has the following attributes: period - the type of interval, either 'hours' or 'minutes' interval - the number of units of type period. synchronized - whether to synchronize the times to be locked to a fixed period (midnight in the specified timezone). start_time, end_time - restrict matches to a given range of times every day. If these are None, there is no restriction. Otherwise, they are datetime.time objects. timezone - the time zone in which start_time and end_time should be interpreted, or None (defaults to UTC). This is a pytz timezone object. """ def __init__( self, interval, period, synchronized=False, start_time_string="", end_time_string="", timezone=None, ): super(IntervalTimeSpecification, self).__init__() if interval < 1: raise groc.GrocException("interval must be greater than zero") self.interval = interval self.period = period self.synchronized = synchronized if self.period == HOURS: self.seconds = self.interval * 3600 else: self.seconds = self.interval * 60 self.timezone = _GetTimezone(timezone) if self.synchronized: if start_time_string: raise ValueError( "start_time_string may not be specified if synchronized is true" ) if end_time_string: raise ValueError( "end_time_string may not be specified if synchronized is true" ) if (self.seconds > 86400) or ((86400 % self.seconds) != 0): raise groc.GrocException( "can only use synchronized for periods that" " divide evenly into 24 hours" ) self.start_time = datetime.time(0, 0).replace(tzinfo=self.timezone) self.end_time = datetime.time(23, 59).replace(tzinfo=self.timezone) elif start_time_string: if not end_time_string: raise ValueError( "end_time_string must be specified if start_time_string is" ) self.start_time = _GetTime(start_time_string).replace(tzinfo=self.timezone) self.end_time = _GetTime(end_time_string).replace(tzinfo=self.timezone) else: if end_time_string: raise ValueError( "start_time_string must be specified if end_time_string is" ) self.start_time = None self.end_time = None def GetMatch(self, start): """Returns the next match after 'start'. Arguments: start: a datetime to start from. Matches will start from after this time. This may be in any pytz time zone, or it may be timezone-naive (interpreted as UTC). Returns: a datetime object in the timezone of the input 'start' """ if self.start_time is None: return start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.seconds) t = _ToTimeZone(start, self.timezone) start_time = self._GetPreviousDateTime(t, self.start_time) t_delta = t - start_time t_delta_seconds = t_delta.days * 60 * 24 + t_delta.seconds num_intervals = (t_delta_seconds + self.seconds) / self.seconds interval_time = start_time + datetime.timedelta( seconds=(num_intervals * self.seconds) ) if self.timezone: interval_time = self.timezone.normalize(interval_time) next_start_time = self._GetNextDateTime(t, self.start_time) if ( self._TimeIsInRange(t) and self._TimeIsInRange(interval_time) and interval_time < next_start_time ): result = interval_time else: result = next_start_time return _ToTimeZone(result, start.tzinfo) def _TimeIsInRange(self, t): """Returns true if 't' falls between start_time and end_time, inclusive. Arguments: t: a datetime object, in self.timezone Returns: a boolean """ previous_start_time = self._GetPreviousDateTime(t, self.start_time) previous_end_time = self._GetPreviousDateTime(t, self.end_time) if previous_start_time > previous_end_time: return True else: return t == previous_end_time @staticmethod def _GetPreviousDateTime(t, target_time): """Returns the latest datetime <= 't' that has the time target_time. Arguments: t: a datetime.datetime object, in self.timezone target_time: a datetime.time object, in self.timezone Returns: a datetime.datetime object, in self.timezone """ date = t.date() while True: result = IntervalTimeSpecification._CombineDateAndTime(date, target_time) if result <= t: return result date -= datetime.timedelta(days=1) @staticmethod def _GetNextDateTime(t, target_time): """Returns the earliest datetime > 't' that has the time target_time. Arguments: t: a datetime.datetime object, in self.timezone target_time: a time object, in self.timezone Returns: a datetime.datetime object, in self.timezone """ date = t.date() while True: result = IntervalTimeSpecification._CombineDateAndTime(date, target_time) if result > t: return result date += datetime.timedelta(days=1) @staticmethod def _CombineDateAndTime(date, time): """Creates a datetime object from date and time objects. This is similar to the datetime.combine method, but its timezone calculations are designed to work with pytz. Arguments: date: a datetime.date object, in any timezone time: a datetime.time object, in any timezone Returns: a datetime.datetime object, in the timezone of the input 'time' """ if time.tzinfo: naive_result = datetime.datetime( date.year, date.month, date.day, time.hour, time.minute, time.second ) try: return time.tzinfo.localize(naive_result, is_dst=None) except AmbiguousTimeError: return min( time.tzinfo.localize(naive_result, is_dst=True), time.tzinfo.localize(naive_result, is_dst=False), ) except NonExistentTimeError: while True: naive_result += datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) try: return time.tzinfo.localize(naive_result, is_dst=None) except NonExistentTimeError: pass else: return datetime.datetime.combine(date, time) class SpecificTimeSpecification(TimeSpecification): """Specific time specification. A Specific interval is more complex, but defines a certain time to run and the days that it should run. It has the following attributes: time - the time of day to run, as 'HH:MM' ordinals - first, second, third &c, as a set of integers in 1..5 months - the months that this should run, as a set of integers in 1..12 weekdays - the days of the week that this should run, as a set of integers, 0=Sunday, 6=Saturday timezone - the optional timezone as a string for this specification. Defaults to UTC - valid entries are things like Australia/Victoria or PST8PDT. A specific time schedule can be quite complex. A schedule could look like this: '1st,third sat,sun of jan,feb,mar 09:15' In this case, ordinals would be {1,3}, weekdays {0,6}, months {1,2,3} and time would be '09:15'. """ def __init__( self, ordinals=None, weekdays=None, months=None, monthdays=None, timestr="00:00", timezone=None, ): super(SpecificTimeSpecification, self).__init__() if weekdays and monthdays: raise ValueError("cannot supply both monthdays and weekdays") if ordinals is None: self.ordinals = set(range(1, 6)) else: self.ordinals = set(ordinals) if self.ordinals and (min(self.ordinals) < 1 or max(self.ordinals) > 5): raise ValueError( "ordinals must be between 1 and 5 inclusive, " "got %r" % ordinals ) if weekdays is None: self.weekdays = set(range(7)) else: self.weekdays = set(weekdays) if self.weekdays and (min(self.weekdays) < 0 or max(self.weekdays) > 6): raise ValueError( "weekdays must be between " "0 (sun) and 6 (sat) inclusive, " "got %r" % weekdays ) if months is None: self.months = set(range(1, 13)) else: self.months = set(months) if self.months and (min(self.months) < 1 or max(self.months) > 12): raise ValueError( "months must be between " "1 (jan) and 12 (dec) inclusive, " "got %r" % months ) if not monthdays: self.monthdays = set() else: if min(monthdays) < 1: raise ValueError("day of month must be greater than 0") if max(monthdays) > 31: raise ValueError("day of month must be less than 32") if self.months: for month in self.months: _, ndays = calendar.monthrange(4, month) if min(monthdays) <= ndays: break else: raise ValueError( "invalid day of month, " "got day %r of month %r" % (max(monthdays), month) ) self.monthdays = set(monthdays) self.time = _GetTime(timestr) self.timezone = _GetTimezone(timezone) def _MatchingDays(self, year, month): """Returns matching days for the given year and month. For the given year and month, return the days that match this instance's day specification, based on either (a) the ordinals and weekdays, or (b) the explicitly specified monthdays. If monthdays are specified, dates that fall outside the range of the month will not be returned. Arguments: year: the year as an integer month: the month as an integer, in range 1-12 Returns: a list of matching days, as ints in range 1-31 """ start_day, last_day = calendar.monthrange(year, month) if self.monthdays: return sorted([day for day in self.monthdays if day <= last_day]) out_days = [] start_day = (start_day + 1) % 7 for ordinal in self.ordinals: for weekday in self.weekdays: day = ((weekday - start_day) % 7) + 1 day += 7 * (ordinal - 1) if day <= last_day: out_days.append(day) return sorted(out_days) def _NextMonthGenerator(self, start, matches): """Creates a generator that produces results from the set 'matches'. Matches must be >= 'start'. If none match, the wrap counter is incremented, and the result set is reset to the full set. Yields a 2-tuple of (match, wrapcount). Arguments: start: first set of matches will be >= this value (an int) matches: the set of potential matches (a sequence of ints) Yields: a two-tuple of (match, wrap counter). match is an int in range (1-12), wrapcount is a int indicating how many times we've wrapped around. """ potential = matches = sorted(matches) after = start - 1 wrapcount = 0 while True: potential = [x for x in potential if x > after] if not potential: wrapcount += 1 potential = matches after = potential[0] yield (after, wrapcount) def GetMatch(self, start): """Returns the next match after time start. Must be implemented in subclasses. Arguments: start: a datetime to start from. Matches will start from after this time. This may be in any pytz time zone, or it may be timezone-naive (interpreted as UTC). Returns: a datetime object in the timezone of the input 'start' """ start_time = _ToTimeZone(start, self.timezone).replace(tzinfo=None) if self.months: months = self._NextMonthGenerator(start_time.month, self.months) while True: month, yearwraps = next(months) candidate_month = start_time.replace( day=1, month=month, year=start_time.year + yearwraps ) day_matches = self._MatchingDays(candidate_month.year, month) if (candidate_month.year, candidate_month.month) == ( start_time.year, start_time.month, ): day_matches = [x for x in day_matches if x >= start_time.day] while ( day_matches and day_matches[0] == start_time.day and start_time.time() >= self.time ): day_matches.pop(0) while day_matches: out = candidate_month.replace( day=day_matches[0], hour=self.time.hour, minute=self.time.minute, second=0, microsecond=0, ) if self.timezone and pytz is not None: try: out = self.timezone.localize(out, is_dst=None) except AmbiguousTimeError: out = self.timezone.localize(out) except NonExistentTimeError: for _ in range(24): out += datetime.timedelta(minutes=60) try: out = self.timezone.localize(out) except NonExistentTimeError: continue break return _ToTimeZone(out, start.tzinfo) <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """This module supports asynchronous I/O on multiple file descriptors.""" from google.appengine.api.remote_socket._remote_socket import select, error <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Repository for all builtin handlers information. On initialization, this file generates a list of builtin handlers that have associated app.yaml information. This file can then be called to read that information and make it available. """ import logging import os DEFAULT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)) _handler_dir = None _available_builtins = None # BUILTINS_NOT_AVAIABLE_IN_PYTHON27 = set(['datastore_admin', 'mapreduce']) INCLUDE_FILENAME_TEMPLATE = "include-%s.yaml" DEFAULT_INCLUDE_FILENAME = "include.yaml" class InvalidBuiltinName(Exception): """Raised whenever a builtin handler name is specified that is not found.""" def reset_builtins_dir(): """Public method for resetting builtins directory to default.""" set_builtins_dir(DEFAULT_DIR) def set_builtins_dir(path): """Sets the appropriate path for testing and reinitializes the module.""" global _handler_dir, _available_builtins _handler_dir = path _available_builtins = [] _initialize_builtins() def _initialize_builtins(): """Scan the immediate subdirectories of the builtins module. Encountered subdirectories with an app.yaml file are added to AVAILABLE_BUILTINS. """ for filename in os.listdir(_handler_dir): if os.path.isfile(_get_yaml_path(filename, "")): _available_builtins.append(filename) def _get_yaml_path(builtin_name, runtime): """Return expected path to a builtin handler's yaml file without error check.""" runtime_specific = os.path.join( _handler_dir, builtin_name, INCLUDE_FILENAME_TEMPLATE % runtime ) if runtime and os.path.exists(runtime_specific): return runtime_specific return os.path.join(_handler_dir, builtin_name, DEFAULT_INCLUDE_FILENAME) def get_yaml_path(builtin_name, runtime=""): """Returns the full path to a yaml file by giving the builtin module's name. Args: builtin_name: single word name of builtin handler runtime: name of the runtime Raises: ValueError: if handler does not exist in expected directory Returns: the absolute path to a valid builtin handler include.yaml file """ if _handler_dir is None: set_builtins_dir(DEFAULT_DIR) available_builtins = set(_available_builtins) # if runtime == 'python27': # available_builtins = available_builtins - BUILTINS_NOT_AVAIABLE_IN_PYTHON27 if builtin_name not in available_builtins: raise InvalidBuiltinName( "%s is not the name of a valid builtin.\n" "Available handlers are: %s" % (builtin_name, ", ".join(sorted(available_builtins))) ) return _get_yaml_path(builtin_name, runtime) def get_yaml_basepath(): """Returns the full path of the directory in which builtins are located.""" if _handler_dir is None: set_builtins_dir(DEFAULT_DIR) return _handler_dir <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Simple, schema-based database abstraction layer for the datastore. Modeled after Django's abstraction layer on top of SQL databases, http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/mode_api/. Ours is a little simpler and a lot less code because the datastore is so much simpler than SQL databases. The programming model is to declare Python subclasses of the Model class, declaring datastore properties as class members of that class. So if you want to publish a story with title, body, and created date, you would do it like this: class Story(db.Model): title = db.StringProperty() body = db.TextProperty() created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) You can create a new Story in the datastore with this usage pattern: story = Story(title='My title') story.body = 'My body' story.put() You query for Story entities using built in query interfaces that map directly to the syntax and semantics of the datastore: stories = Story.all().filter('date >=', yesterday).order('-date') for story in stories: print story.title The Property declarations enforce types by performing validation on assignment. For example, the DateTimeProperty enforces that you assign valid datetime objects, and if you supply the "required" option for a property, you will not be able to assign None to that property. We also support references between models, so if a story has comments, you would represent it like this: class Comment(db.Model): story = db.ReferenceProperty(Story) body = db.TextProperty() When you get a story out of the datastore, the story reference is resolved automatically the first time it is referenced, which makes it easy to use model instances without performing additional queries by hand: comment = Comment.get(key) print comment.story.title Likewise, you can access the set of comments that refer to each story through this property through a reverse reference called comment_set, which is a Query preconfigured to return all matching comments: story = Story.get(key) for comment in story.comment_set: print comment.body """ import copy import datetime import logging import re import time import urllib.parse import warnings from google.appengine.api import datastore from google.appengine.api import datastore_errors from google.appengine.api import datastore_types from google.appengine.api import namespace_manager from google.appengine.api import users from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_rpc from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_query Error = datastore_errors.Error BadValueError = datastore_errors.BadValueError BadPropertyError = datastore_errors.BadPropertyError BadRequestError = datastore_errors.BadRequestError EntityNotFoundError = datastore_errors.EntityNotFoundError BadArgumentError = datastore_errors.BadArgumentError QueryNotFoundError = datastore_errors.QueryNotFoundError TransactionNotFoundError = datastore_errors.TransactionNotFoundError Rollback = datastore_errors.Rollback TransactionFailedError = datastore_errors.TransactionFailedError BadFilterError = datastore_errors.BadFilterError BadQueryError = datastore_errors.BadQueryError BadKeyError = datastore_errors.BadKeyError InternalError = datastore_errors.InternalError NeedIndexError = datastore_errors.NeedIndexError ReferencePropertyResolveError = datastore_errors.ReferencePropertyResolveError Timeout = datastore_errors.Timeout CommittedButStillApplying = datastore_errors.CommittedButStillApplying ValidationError = BadValueError Key = datastore_types.Key Category = datastore_types.Category Link = datastore_types.Link Email = datastore_types.Email GeoPt = datastore_types.GeoPt IM = datastore_types.IM PhoneNumber = datastore_types.PhoneNumber PostalAddress = datastore_types.PostalAddress Rating = datastore_types.Rating Text = datastore_types.Text Blob = datastore_types.Blob ByteString = datastore_types.ByteString BlobKey = datastore_types.BlobKey READ_CAPABILITY = datastore.READ_CAPABILITY WRITE_CAPABILITY = datastore.WRITE_CAPABILITY STRONG_CONSISTENCY = datastore.STRONG_CONSISTENCY EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY = datastore.EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY NESTED = datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions.NESTED MANDATORY = datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions.MANDATORY ALLOWED = datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions.ALLOWED INDEPENDENT = datastore_rpc.TransactionOptions.INDEPENDENT KEY_RANGE_EMPTY = "Empty" """Indicates the given key range is empty and the datastore's automatic ID allocator will not assign keys in this range to new entities. """ KEY_RANGE_CONTENTION = "Contention" """Indicates the given key range is empty but the datastore's automatic ID allocator may assign new entities keys in this range. However it is safe to manually assign keys in this range if either of the following is true: - No other request will insert entities with the same kind and parent as the given key range until all entities with manually assigned keys from this range have been written. - Overwriting entities written by other requests with the same kind and parent as the given key range is acceptable. The datastore's automatic ID allocator will not assign a key to a new entity that will overwrite an existing entity, so once the range is populated there will no longer be any contention. """ KEY_RANGE_COLLISION = "Collision" """Indicates that entities with keys inside the given key range already exist and writing to this range will overwrite those entities. Additionally the implications of KEY_RANGE_COLLISION apply. If overwriting entities that exist in this range is acceptable it is safe to use the given range. The datastore's automatic ID allocator will never assign a key to a new entity that will overwrite an existing entity so entities written by the user to this range will never be overwritten by an entity with an automatically assigned key. """ _kind_map = {} _SELF_REFERENCE = object() _RESERVED_WORDS = set(["key_name"]) class NotSavedError(Error): """Raised when a saved-object action is performed on a non-saved object.""" class KindError(BadValueError): """Raised when an entity is used with incorrect Model.""" class PropertyError(Error): """Raised when non-existent property is referenced.""" class DuplicatePropertyError(Error): """Raised when a property is duplicated in a model definition.""" class ConfigurationError(Error): """Raised when a property or model is improperly configured.""" class ReservedWordError(Error): """Raised when a property is defined for a reserved word.""" class DerivedPropertyError(Error): """Raised when attempting to assign a value to a derived property.""" _ALLOWED_PROPERTY_TYPES = set( [ str, str, str, bool, int, int, float, Key, datetime.datetime, datetime.date, datetime.time, Blob, datastore_types.EmbeddedEntity, ByteString, Text, users.User, Category, Link, Email, GeoPt, IM, PhoneNumber, PostalAddress, Rating, BlobKey, ] ) _ALLOWED_EXPANDO_PROPERTY_TYPES = set(_ALLOWED_PROPERTY_TYPES) _ALLOWED_EXPANDO_PROPERTY_TYPES.update((list, tuple, type(None))) _OPERATORS = ["<", "<=", ">", ">=", "=", "==", "!=", "in"] _FILTER_REGEX = re.compile( "^\s*([^\s]+)(\s+(%s)\s*)?$" % "|".join(_OPERATORS), re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE ) def class_for_kind(kind): """Return base-class responsible for implementing kind. Necessary to recover the class responsible for implementing provided kind. Args: kind: Entity kind string. Returns: Class implementation for kind. Raises: KindError when there is no implementation for kind. """ try: return _kind_map[kind] except KeyError: raise KindError("No implementation for kind '%s'" % kind) def check_reserved_word(attr_name): """Raise an exception if attribute name is a reserved word. Args: attr_name: Name to check to see if it is a reserved word. Raises: ReservedWordError when attr_name is determined to be a reserved word. """ if datastore_types.RESERVED_PROPERTY_NAME.match(attr_name): raise ReservedWordError( "Cannot define property. All names both beginning and " "ending with '__' are reserved." ) if attr_name in _RESERVED_WORDS or attr_name in dir(Model): raise ReservedWordError( "Cannot define property using reserved word '%(attr_name)s'. " "If you would like to use this name in the datastore consider " "using a different name like %(attr_name)s_ and adding " "name='%(attr_name)s' to the parameter list of the property " "definition." % locals() ) def query_descendants(model_instance): """Returns a query for all the descendants of a model instance. Args: model_instance: Model instance to find the descendants of. Returns: Query that will retrieve all entities that have the given model instance as an ancestor. Unlike normal ancestor queries, this does not include the ancestor itself. """ result = Query().ancestor(model_instance) result.filter(datastore_types.KEY_SPECIAL_PROPERTY + " >", model_instance.key()) return result def model_to_protobuf(model_instance, _entity_class=datastore.Entity): """Encodes a model instance as a protocol buffer. Args: model_instance: Model instance to encode. Returns: entity_pb.EntityProto representation of the model instance """ return model_instance._populate_entity(_entity_class).ToPb() def model_from_protobuf(pb, _entity_class=datastore.Entity): """Decodes a model instance from a protocol buffer. Args: pb: The protocol buffer representation of the model instance. Can be an entity_pb.EntityProto or str encoding of an entity_bp.EntityProto Returns: Model instance resulting from decoding the protocol buffer """ entity = _entity_class.FromPb(pb, default_kind=Expando.kind()) return class_for_kind(entity.kind()).from_entity(entity) def model_is_projection(model_instance): """Returns true if the given db.Model instance only contains a projection of the full entity. """ return model_instance._entity and model_instance._entity.is_projection() def _initialize_properties(model_class, name, bases, dct): """Initialize Property attributes for Model-class. Args: model_class: Model class to initialize properties for. """ model_class._properties = {} property_source = {} def get_attr_source(name, cls): for src_cls in cls.mro(): if name in src_cls.__dict__: return src_cls defined = set() for base in bases: if hasattr(base, "_properties"): property_keys = set(base._properties.keys()) duplicate_property_keys = defined & property_keys for dupe_prop_name in duplicate_property_keys: old_source = property_source[dupe_prop_name] = get_attr_source( dupe_prop_name, property_source[dupe_prop_name] ) new_source = get_attr_source(dupe_prop_name, base) if old_source != new_source: raise DuplicatePropertyError( "Duplicate property, %s, is inherited from both %s and %s." % (dupe_prop_name, old_source.__name__, new_source.__name__) ) property_keys -= duplicate_property_keys if property_keys: defined |= property_keys property_source.update(dict.fromkeys(property_keys, base)) model_class._properties.update(base._properties) for attr_name in list(dct.keys()): attr = dct[attr_name] if isinstance(attr, Property): check_reserved_word(attr_name) if attr_name in defined: raise DuplicatePropertyError("Duplicate property: %s" % attr_name) defined.add(attr_name) model_class._properties[attr_name] = attr attr.__property_config__(model_class, attr_name) model_class._all_properties = frozenset( prop.name for name, prop in list(model_class._properties.items()) ) model_class._unindexed_properties = frozenset( prop.name for name, prop in list(model_class._properties.items()) if not prop.indexed ) def _coerce_to_key(value): """Returns the value's key. Args: value: a Model or Key instance or string encoded key or None Returns: The corresponding key, or None if value is None. """ if value is None: return None value, multiple = datastore.NormalizeAndTypeCheck(value, (Model, Key, str)) if len(value) > 1: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError("Expected only one model or key") value = value[0] if isinstance(value, Model): return value.key() elif isinstance(value, str): return Key(value) else: return value class PropertiedClass(type): """Meta-class for initializing Model classes properties. Used for initializing Properties defined in the context of a model. By using a meta-class much of the configuration of a Property descriptor becomes implicit. By using this meta-class, descriptors that are of class Model are notified about which class they belong to and what attribute they are associated with and can do appropriate initialization via __property_config__. Duplicate properties are not permitted. """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct, map_kind=True): """Initializes a class that might have property definitions. This method is called when a class is created with the PropertiedClass meta-class. Loads all properties for this model and its base classes in to a dictionary for easy reflection via the 'properties' method. Configures each property defined in the new class. Duplicate properties, either defined in the new class or defined separately in two base classes are not permitted. Properties may not assigned to names which are in the list of _RESERVED_WORDS. It is still possible to store a property using a reserved word in the datastore by using the 'name' keyword argument to the Property constructor. Args: cls: Class being initialized. name: Name of new class. bases: Base classes of new class. dct: Dictionary of new definitions for class. Raises: DuplicatePropertyError when a property is duplicated either in the new class or separately in two base classes. ReservedWordError when a property is given a name that is in the list of reserved words, attributes of Model and names of the form '__.*__'. """ super(PropertiedClass, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct) _initialize_properties(cls, name, bases, dct) if map_kind: _kind_map[cls.kind()] = cls AUTO_UPDATE_UNCHANGED = object() class Property(object): """A Property is an attribute of a Model. It defines the type of the attribute, which determines how it is stored in the datastore and how the property values are validated. Different property types support different options, which change validation rules, default values, etc. The simplest example of a property is a StringProperty: class Story(db.Model): title = db.StringProperty() """ creation_counter = 0 def __init__( self, verbose_name=None, name=None, default=None, required=False, validator=None, choices=None, indexed=True, ): """Initializes this Property with the given options. Args: verbose_name: User friendly name of property. name: Storage name for property. By default, uses attribute name as it is assigned in the Model sub-class. default: Default value for property if none is assigned. required: Whether property is required. validator: User provided method used for validation. choices: User provided set of valid property values. indexed: Whether property is indexed. """ self.verbose_name = verbose_name self.name = name self.default = default self.required = required self.validator = validator self.choices = choices self.indexed = indexed self.creation_counter = Property.creation_counter Property.creation_counter += 1 def __property_config__(self, model_class, property_name): """Configure property, connecting it to its model. Configure the property so that it knows its property name and what class it belongs to. Args: model_class: Model class which Property will belong to. property_name: Name of property within Model instance to store property values in. By default this will be the property name preceded by an underscore, but may change for different subclasses. """ self.model_class = model_class if self.name is None: self.name = property_name def __get__(self, model_instance, model_class): """Returns the value for this property on the given model instance. See http://docs.python.org/ref/descriptors.html for a description of the arguments to this class and what they mean.""" if model_instance is None: return self try: return getattr(model_instance, self._attr_name()) except AttributeError: return None def __set__(self, model_instance, value): """Sets the value for this property on the given model instance. See http://docs.python.org/ref/descriptors.html for a description of the arguments to this class and what they mean. """ value = self.validate(value) setattr(model_instance, self._attr_name(), value) def default_value(self): """Default value for unassigned values. Returns: Default value as provided by __init__(default). """ return self.default def validate(self, value): """Assert that provided value is compatible with this property. Args: value: Value to validate against this Property. Returns: A valid value, either the input unchanged or adapted to the required type. Raises: BadValueError if the value is not appropriate for this property in any way. """ if self.empty(value): if self.required: raise BadValueError("Property %s is required" % self.name) else: if self.choices: if value not in self.choices: raise BadValueError( "Property %s is %r; must be one of %r" % (self.name, value, self.choices) ) if self.validator is not None: self.validator(value) return value def empty(self, value): """Determine if value is empty in the context of this property. For most kinds, this is equivalent to "not value", but for kinds like bool, the test is more subtle, so subclasses can override this method if necessary. Args: value: Value to validate against this Property. Returns: True if this value is considered empty in the context of this Property type, otherwise False. """ return not value def get_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance): """Datastore representation of this property. Looks for this property in the given model instance, and returns the proper datastore representation of the value that can be stored in a datastore entity. Most critically, it will fetch the datastore key value for reference properties. Some properies (e.g. DateTimeProperty, UserProperty) optionally update their value on every put(). This call must return the current value for such properties (get_updated_value_for_datastore returns the new value). Args: model_instance: Instance to fetch datastore value from. Returns: Datastore representation of the model value in a form that is appropriate for storing in the datastore. """ return self.__get__(model_instance, model_instance.__class__) def get_updated_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance): """Determine new value for auto-updated property. Some properies (e.g. DateTimeProperty, UserProperty) optionally update their value on every put(). This call must return the new desired value for such properties. For all other properties, this call must return AUTO_UPDATE_UNCHANGED. Args: model_instance: Instance to get new value for. Returns: Datastore representation of the new model value in a form that is appropriate for storing in the datastore, or AUTO_UPDATE_UNCHANGED. """ return AUTO_UPDATE_UNCHANGED def make_value_from_datastore_index_value(self, index_value): value = datastore_types.RestoreFromIndexValue(index_value, self.data_type) return self.make_value_from_datastore(value) def make_value_from_datastore(self, value): """Native representation of this property. Given a value retrieved from a datastore entity, return a value, possibly converted, to be stored on the model instance. Usually this returns the value unchanged, but a property class may override this when it uses a different datatype on the model instance than on the entity. This API is not quite symmetric with get_value_for_datastore(), because the model instance on which to store the converted value may not exist yet -- we may be collecting values to be passed to a model constructor. Args: value: value retrieved from the datastore entity. Returns: The value converted for use as a model instance attribute. """ return value def _require_parameter(self, kwds, parameter, value): """Sets kwds[parameter] to value. If kwds[parameter] exists and is not value, raises ConfigurationError. Args: kwds: The parameter dict, which maps parameter names (strings) to values. parameter: The name of the parameter to set. value: The value to set it to. """ if parameter in kwds and kwds[parameter] != value: raise ConfigurationError("%s must be %s." % (parameter, value)) kwds[parameter] = value def _attr_name(self): """Attribute name we use for this property in model instances. DO NOT USE THIS METHOD. """ return "_" + self.name data_type = str def datastore_type(self): """Deprecated backwards-compatible accessor method for self.data_type.""" return self.data_type class Index(datastore._BaseIndex): """A datastore index.""" id = datastore._BaseIndex._Id kind = datastore._BaseIndex._Kind has_ancestor = datastore._BaseIndex._HasAncestor properties = datastore._BaseIndex._Properties class Model(object, metaclass=PropertiedClass): """Model is the superclass of all object entities in the datastore. The programming model is to declare Python subclasses of the Model class, declaring datastore properties as class members of that class. So if you want to publish a story with title, body, and created date, you would do it like this: class Story(db.Model): title = db.StringProperty() body = db.TextProperty() created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) A model instance can have a single parent. Model instances without any parent are root entities. It is possible to efficiently query for instances by their shared parent. All descendents of a single root instance also behave as a transaction group. This means that when you work one member of the group within a transaction all descendents of that root join the transaction. All operations within a transaction on this group are ACID. """ def __new__(*args, **unused_kwds): """Allow subclasses to call __new__() with arguments. Do NOT list 'cls' as the first argument, or in the case when the 'unused_kwds' dictionary contains the key 'cls', the function will complain about multiple argument values for 'cls'. Raises: TypeError if there are no positional arguments. """ if args: cls = args[0] else: raise TypeError("object.__new__(): not enough arguments") return super(Model, cls).__new__(cls) def __init__( self, parent=None, key_name=None, _app=None, _from_entity=False, **kwds ): """Creates a new instance of this model. To create a new entity, you instantiate a model and then call put(), which saves the entity to the datastore: person = Person() person.name = 'Bret' person.put() You can initialize properties in the model in the constructor with keyword arguments: person = Person(name='Bret') We initialize all other properties to the default value (as defined by the properties in the model definition) if they are not provided in the constructor. Args: parent: Parent instance for this instance or None, indicating a top- level instance. key_name: Name for new model instance. _from_entity: Intentionally undocumented. kwds: Keyword arguments mapping to properties of model. Also: key: Key instance for this instance, if provided makes parent and key_name redundant (they do not need to be set but if they are they must match the key). """ namespace = None if isinstance(_app, tuple): if len(_app) != 2: raise BadArgumentError("_app must have 2 values if type is tuple.") _app, namespace = _app key = kwds.get("key", None) if key is not None: if isinstance(key, (tuple, list)): key = Key.from_path(*key) if isinstance(key, str): key = Key(encoded=key) if not isinstance(key, Key): raise TypeError( "Expected Key type; received %s (is %s)" % (key, key.__class__.__name__) ) if not key.has_id_or_name(): raise BadKeyError("Key must have an id or name") if key.kind() != self.kind(): raise BadKeyError( "Expected Key kind to be %s; received %s" % (self.kind(), key.kind()) ) if _app is not None and key.app() != _app: raise BadKeyError( "Expected Key app to be %s; received %s" % (_app, key.app()) ) if namespace is not None and key.namespace() != namespace: raise BadKeyError( "Expected Key namespace to be %s; received %s" % (namespace, key.namespace()) ) if key_name and key_name != key.name(): raise BadArgumentError( "Cannot use key and key_name at the same time" " with different values" ) if parent and parent != key.parent(): raise BadArgumentError( "Cannot use key and parent at the same time" " with different values" ) namespace = key.namespace() self._key = key self._key_name = None self._parent = None self._parent_key = None else: if key_name == "": raise BadKeyError("Name cannot be empty.") elif key_name is not None and not isinstance(key_name, str): raise BadKeyError( "Name must be string type, not %s" % key_name.__class__.__name__ ) if parent is not None: if not isinstance(parent, (Model, Key)): raise TypeError( "Expected Model type; received %s (is %s)" % (parent, parent.__class__.__name__) ) if isinstance(parent, Model) and not parent.has_key(): raise BadValueError( "%s instance must have a complete key before it can be used as a " "parent." % parent.kind() ) if isinstance(parent, Key): self._parent_key = parent self._parent = None else: self._parent_key = parent.key() self._parent = parent else: self._parent_key = None self._parent = None self._key_name = key_name self._key = None if self._parent_key is not None: if namespace is not None and self._parent_key.namespace() != namespace: raise BadArgumentError( "Expected parent namespace to be %r; received %r" % (namespace, self._parent_key.namespace()) ) namespace = self._parent_key.namespace() self._entity = None if _app is not None and isinstance(_app, Key): raise BadArgumentError( "_app should be a string; received Key('%s'):\n" " This may be the result of passing 'key' as " "a positional parameter in SDK 1.2.6. Please " "only pass 'key' as a keyword parameter." % _app ) if namespace is None: namespace = namespace_manager.get_namespace() self._app = _app self.__namespace = namespace is_projection = False if isinstance(_from_entity, datastore.Entity) and _from_entity.is_saved(): self._entity = _from_entity is_projection = _from_entity.is_projection() del self._key_name del self._key for prop in list(self.properties().values()): if prop.name in kwds: value = kwds[prop.name] elif is_projection: continue else: value = prop.default_value() try: prop.__set__(self, value) except DerivedPropertyError: if prop.name in kwds and not _from_entity: raise def key(self): """Unique key for this entity. This property is only available if this entity is already stored in the datastore or if it has a full key, so it is available if this entity was fetched returned from a query, or after put() is called the first time for new entities, or if a complete key was given when constructed. Returns: Datastore key of persisted entity. Raises: NotSavedError when entity is not persistent. """ if self.is_saved(): return self._entity.key() elif self._key: return self._key elif self._key_name: parent = self._parent_key or (self._parent and self._parent.key()) self._key = Key.from_path( self.kind(), self._key_name, parent=parent, _app=self._app, namespace=self.__namespace, ) return self._key else: raise NotSavedError() def __set_property(self, entity, name, datastore_value): if datastore_value == []: entity.pop(name, None) else: entity[name] = datastore_value def _to_entity(self, entity): """Copies information from this model to provided entity. Args: entity: Entity to save information on. """ for prop in list(self.properties().values()): self.__set_property(entity, prop.name, prop.get_value_for_datastore(self)) set_unindexed_properties = getattr(entity, "set_unindexed_properties", None) if set_unindexed_properties: set_unindexed_properties(self._unindexed_properties) def _populate_internal_entity(self, _entity_class=datastore.Entity): """Populates self._entity, saving its state to the datastore. After this method is called, calling is_saved() will return True. Returns: Populated self._entity """ self._entity = self._populate_entity(_entity_class=_entity_class) for prop in list(self.properties().values()): new_value = prop.get_updated_value_for_datastore(self) if new_value is not AUTO_UPDATE_UNCHANGED: self.__set_property(self._entity, prop.name, new_value) for attr in ("_key_name", "_key"): try: delattr(self, attr) except AttributeError: pass return self._entity def put(self, **kwargs): """Writes this model instance to the datastore. If this instance is new, we add an entity to the datastore. Otherwise, we update this instance, and the key will remain the same. Args: config: datastore_rpc.Configuration to use for this request. Returns: The key of the instance (either the existing key or a new key). Raises: TransactionFailedError if the data could not be committed. """ self._populate_internal_entity() return datastore.Put(self._entity, **kwargs) save = put def _populate_entity(self, _entity_class=datastore.Entity): """Internal helper -- Populate self._entity or create a new one if that one does not exist. Does not change any state of the instance other than the internal state of the entity. This method is separate from _populate_internal_entity so that it is possible to call to_xml without changing the state of an unsaved entity to saved. Returns: self._entity or a new Entity which is not stored on the instance. """ if self.is_saved(): entity = self._entity else: kwds = { "_app": self._app, "namespace": self.__namespace, "unindexed_properties": self._unindexed_properties, } if self._key is not None: if self._key.id(): kwds["id"] = self._key.id() else: kwds["name"] = self._key.name() if self._key.parent(): kwds["parent"] = self._key.parent() else: if self._key_name is not None: kwds["name"] = self._key_name if self._parent_key is not None: kwds["parent"] = self._parent_key elif self._parent is not None: kwds["parent"] = self._parent._entity entity = _entity_class(self.kind(), **kwds) self._to_entity(entity) return entity def delete(self, **kwargs): """Deletes this entity from the datastore. Args: config: datastore_rpc.Configuration to use for this request. Raises: TransactionFailedError if the data could not be committed. """ datastore.Delete(self.key(), **kwargs) self._key = self.key() self._key_name = None self._parent_key = None self._entity = None def is_saved(self): """Determine if entity is persisted in the datastore. New instances of Model do not start out saved in the data. Objects which are saved to or loaded from the Datastore will have a True saved state. Returns: True if object has been persisted to the datastore, otherwise False. """ return self._entity is not None def has_key(self): """Determine if this model instance has a complete key. When not using a fully self-assigned Key, ids are not assigned until the data is saved to the Datastore, but instances with a key name always have a full key. Returns: True if the object has been persisted to the datastore or has a key or has a key_name, otherwise False. """ return self.is_saved() or self._key or self._key_name def dynamic_properties(self): """Returns a list of all dynamic properties defined for instance.""" return [] def instance_properties(self): """Alias for dyanmic_properties.""" return self.dynamic_properties() def parent(self): """Get the parent of the model instance. Returns: Parent of contained entity or parent provided in constructor, None if instance has no parent. """ if self._parent is None: parent_key = self.parent_key() if parent_key is not None: self._parent = get(parent_key) return self._parent def parent_key(self): """Get the parent's key. This method is useful for avoiding a potential fetch from the datastore but still get information about the instances parent. Returns: Parent key of entity, None if there is no parent. """ if self._parent_key is not None: return self._parent_key elif self._parent is not None: return self._parent.key() elif self._entity is not None: return self._entity.parent() elif self._key is not None: return self._key.parent() else: return None def to_xml(self, _entity_class=datastore.Entity): """Generate an XML representation of this model instance. atom and gd:namespace properties are converted to XML according to their respective schemas. For more information, see: http://www.atomenabled.org/developers/syndication/ http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/common-elements.html """ entity = self._populate_entity(_entity_class) return entity.ToXml() @classmethod def get(cls, keys, **kwargs): """Fetch instance from the datastore of a specific Model type using key. We support Key objects and string keys (we convert them to Key objects automatically). Useful for ensuring that specific instance types are retrieved from the datastore. It also helps that the source code clearly indicates what kind of object is being retreived. Example: story = Story.get(story_key) Args: keys: Key within datastore entity collection to find; or string key; or list of Keys or string keys. config: datastore_rpc.Configuration to use for this request. Returns: If a single key was given: a Model instance associated with key for the provided class if it exists in the datastore, otherwise None. If a list of keys was given: a list where list[i] is the Model instance for keys[i], or None if no instance exists. Raises: KindError if any of the retreived objects are not instances of the type associated with call to 'get'. """ results = get(keys, **kwargs) if results is None: return None if isinstance(results, Model): instances = [results] else: instances = results for instance in instances: if not (instance is None or isinstance(instance, cls)): raise KindError( "Kind %r is not a subclass of kind %r" % (instance.kind(), cls.kind()) ) return results @classmethod def get_by_key_name(cls, key_names, parent=None, **kwargs): """Get instance of Model class by its key's name. Args: key_names: A single key-name or a list of key-names. parent: Parent of instances to get. Can be a model or key. config: datastore_rpc.Configuration to use for this request. """ try: parent = _coerce_to_key(parent) except BadKeyError as e: raise BadArgumentError(str(e)) key_names, multiple = datastore.NormalizeAndTypeCheck(key_names, str) keys = [ datastore.Key.from_path(cls.kind(), name, parent=parent) for name in key_names ] if multiple: return get(keys, **kwargs) else: return get(keys[0], **kwargs) @classmethod def get_by_id(cls, ids, parent=None, **kwargs): """Get instance of Model class by id. Args: key_names: A single id or a list of ids. parent: Parent of instances to get. Can be a model or key. config: datastore_rpc.Configuration to use for this request. """ if isinstance(parent, Model): parent = parent.key() ids, multiple = datastore.NormalizeAndTypeCheck(ids, (int, int)) keys = [datastore.Key.from_path(cls.kind(), id, parent=parent) for id in ids] if multiple: return get(keys, **kwargs) else: return get(keys[0], **kwargs) @classmethod def get_or_insert(cls, key_name, **kwds): """Transactionally retrieve or create an instance of Model class. This acts much like the Python dictionary setdefault() method, where we first try to retrieve a Model instance with the given key name and parent. If it's not present, then we create a new instance (using the *kwds supplied) and insert that with the supplied key name. Subsequent calls to this method with the same key_name and parent will always yield the same entity (though not the same actual object instance), regardless of the *kwds supplied. If the specified entity has somehow been deleted separately, then the next call will create a new entity and return it. If the 'parent' keyword argument is supplied, it must be a Model instance. It will be used as the parent of the new instance of this Model class if one is created. This method is especially useful for having just one unique entity for a specific identifier. Insertion/retrieval is done transactionally, which guarantees uniqueness. Example usage: class WikiTopic(db.Model): creation_date = db.DatetimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) body = db.TextProperty(required=True) # The first time through we'll create the new topic. wiki_word = 'CommonIdioms' topic = WikiTopic.get_or_insert(wiki_word, body='This topic is totally new!') assert topic.key().name() == 'CommonIdioms' assert topic.body == 'This topic is totally new!' # The second time through will just retrieve the entity. overwrite_topic = WikiTopic.get_or_insert(wiki_word, body='A totally different message!') assert topic.key().name() == 'CommonIdioms' assert topic.body == 'This topic is totally new!' Args: key_name: Key name to retrieve or create. **kwds: Keyword arguments to pass to the constructor of the model class if an instance for the specified key name does not already exist. If an instance with the supplied key_name and parent already exists, the rest of these arguments will be discarded. Returns: Existing instance of Model class with the specified key_name and parent or a new one that has just been created. Raises: TransactionFailedError if the specified Model instance could not be retrieved or created transactionally (due to high contention, etc). """ def txn(): entity = cls.get_by_key_name(key_name, parent=kwds.get("parent")) if entity is None: entity = cls(key_name=key_name, **kwds) entity.put() return entity return run_in_transaction(txn) @classmethod def all(cls, **kwds): """Returns a query over all instances of this model from the datastore. Returns: Query that will retrieve all instances from entity collection. """ return Query(cls, **kwds) @classmethod def gql(cls, query_string, *args, **kwds): """Returns a query using GQL query string. See appengine/ext/gql for more information about GQL. Args: query_string: properly formatted GQL query string with the 'SELECT * FROM <entity>' part omitted *args: rest of the positional arguments used to bind numeric references in the query. **kwds: dictionary-based arguments (for named parameters). """ return GqlQuery( "SELECT * FROM %s %s" % (cls.kind(), query_string), *args, **kwds ) @classmethod def _load_entity_values(cls, entity): """Load dynamic properties from entity. Loads attributes which are not defined as part of the entity in to the model instance. Args: entity: Entity which contain values to search dyanmic properties for. """ entity_values = {} for prop in list(cls.properties().values()): if prop.name in entity: try: value = entity[prop.name] except KeyError: entity_values[prop.name] = [] else: if entity.is_projection(): value = prop.make_value_from_datastore_index_value(value) else: value = prop.make_value_from_datastore(value) entity_values[prop.name] = value return entity_values @classmethod def from_entity(cls, entity): """Converts the entity representation of this model to an instance. Converts datastore.Entity instance to an instance of cls. Args: entity: Entity loaded directly from datastore. Raises: KindError when cls is incorrect model for entity. """ if cls.kind() != entity.kind(): raise KindError( "Class %s cannot handle kind '%s'" % (repr(cls), entity.kind()) ) entity_values = cls._load_entity_values(entity) if entity.key().has_id_or_name(): entity_values["key"] = entity.key() return cls(None, _from_entity=entity, **entity_values) @classmethod def kind(cls): """Returns the datastore kind we use for this model. We just use the name of the model for now, ignoring potential collisions. """ return cls.__name__ @classmethod def entity_type(cls): """Soon to be removed alias for kind.""" return cls.kind() @classmethod def properties(cls): """Returns a dictionary of all the properties defined for this model.""" return dict(cls._properties) @classmethod def fields(cls): """Soon to be removed alias for properties.""" return cls.properties() def create_rpc(deadline=None, callback=None, read_policy=STRONG_CONSISTENCY): """Create an rpc for use in configuring datastore calls. NOTE: This functions exists for backwards compatibility. Please use create_config() instead. NOTE: the latter uses 'on_completion', which is a function taking an argument, wherease create_rpc uses 'callback' which is a function without arguments. Args: deadline: float, deadline for calls in seconds. callback: callable, a callback triggered when this rpc completes, accepts one argument: the returned rpc. read_policy: flag, set to EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY to enable eventually consistent reads Returns: A datastore.DatastoreRPC instance. """ return datastore.CreateRPC( deadline=deadline, callback=callback, read_policy=read_policy ) def get_async(keys, **kwargs): """Asynchronously fetch the specified Model instance(s) from the datastore. Identical to db.get() except returns an asynchronous object. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and get the results. """ keys, multiple = datastore.NormalizeAndTypeCheckKeys(keys) def extra_hook(entities): if not multiple and not entities: return None models = [] for entity in entities: if entity is None: model = None else: cls1 = class_for_kind(entity.kind()) model = cls1.from_entity(entity) models.append(model) if multiple: return models assert len(models) == 1 return models[0] return datastore.GetAsync(keys, extra_hook=extra_hook, **kwargs) def get(keys, **kwargs): """Fetch the specific Model instance with the given key from the datastore. We support Key objects and string keys (we convert them to Key objects automatically). Args: keys: Key within datastore entity collection to find; or string key; or list of Keys or string keys. config: datastore_rpc.Configuration to use for this request, must be specified as a keyword argument. Returns: If a single key was given: a Model instance associated with key if it exists in the datastore, otherwise None. If a list of keys was given: a list where list[i] is the Model instance for keys[i], or None if no instance exists. """ return get_async(keys, **kwargs).get_result() def put_async(models, **kwargs): """Asynchronously store one or more Model instances. Identical to db.put() except returns an asynchronous object. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and get the results. """ models, multiple = datastore.NormalizeAndTypeCheck(models, Model) entities = [model._populate_internal_entity() for model in models] def extra_hook(keys): if multiple: return keys assert len(keys) == 1 return keys[0] return datastore.PutAsync(entities, extra_hook=extra_hook, **kwargs) def put(models, **kwargs): """Store one or more Model instances. Args: models: Model instance or list of Model instances. config: datastore_rpc.Configuration to use for this request, must be specified as a keyword argument. Returns: A Key if models is an instance, a list of Keys in the same order as models if models is a list. Raises: TransactionFailedError if the data could not be committed. """ return put_async(models, **kwargs).get_result() save = put def delete_async(models, **kwargs): """Asynchronous version of delete one or more Model instances. Identical to db.delete() except returns an asynchronous object. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call. """ if isinstance(models, (str, Model, Key)): models = [models] else: try: models = iter(models) except TypeError: models = [models] keys = [_coerce_to_key(v) for v in models] return datastore.DeleteAsync(keys, **kwargs) def delete(models, **kwargs): """Delete one or more Model instances. Args: models: Model instance, key, key string or iterable thereof. config: datastore_rpc.Configuration to use for this request, must be specified as a keyword argument. Raises: TransactionFailedError if the data could not be committed. """ delete_async(models, **kwargs).get_result() def allocate_ids_async(model, size, **kwargs): """Asynchronously allocates a range of IDs. Identical to allocate_ids() except returns an asynchronous object. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and return the result. """ return datastore.AllocateIdsAsync(_coerce_to_key(model), size=size, **kwargs) def allocate_ids(model, size, **kwargs): """Allocates a range of IDs of size for the model_key defined by model. Allocates a range of IDs in the datastore such that those IDs will not be automatically assigned to new entities. You can only allocate IDs for model keys from your app. If there is an error, raises a subclass of datastore_errors.Error. Args: model: Model instance, Key or string to serve as a template specifying the ID sequence in which to allocate IDs. Returned ids should only be used in entities with the same parent (if any) and kind as this key. size: Number of IDs to allocate. config: datastore_rpc.Configuration to use for this request. Returns: (start, end) of the allocated range, inclusive. """ return allocate_ids_async(model, size, **kwargs).get_result() def allocate_id_range(model, start, end, **kwargs): """Allocates a range of IDs with specific endpoints. Once these IDs have been allocated they may be provided manually to newly created entities. Since the datastore's automatic ID allocator will never assign a key to a new entity that will cause an existing entity to be overwritten, entities written to the given key range will never be overwritten. However, writing entities with manually assigned keys in this range may overwrite existing entities (or new entities written by a separate request) depending on the key range state returned. This method should only be used if you have an existing numeric id range that you want to reserve, e.g. bulk loading entities that already have IDs. If you don't care about which IDs you receive, use allocate_ids instead. Args: model: Model instance, Key or string to serve as a template specifying the ID sequence in which to allocate IDs. Allocated ids should only be used in entities with the same parent (if any) and kind as this key. start: first id of the range to allocate, inclusive. end: last id of the range to allocate, inclusive. config: datastore_rpc.Configuration to use for this request. Returns: One of (KEY_RANGE_EMPTY, KEY_RANGE_CONTENTION, KEY_RANGE_COLLISION). If not KEY_RANGE_EMPTY, this represents a potential issue with using the allocated key range. """ key = _coerce_to_key(model) datastore.NormalizeAndTypeCheck((start, end), (int, int)) if start < 1 or end < 1: raise BadArgumentError("Start %d and end %d must both be > 0." % (start, end)) if start > end: raise BadArgumentError( "Range end %d cannot be less than start %d." % (end, start) ) safe_start, _ = datastore.AllocateIds(key, max=end, **kwargs) race_condition = safe_start > start start_key = Key.from_path( key.kind(), start, parent=key.parent(), _app=key.app(), namespace=key.namespace(), ) end_key = Key.from_path( key.kind(), end, parent=key.parent(), _app=key.app(), namespace=key.namespace() ) collision = ( Query(keys_only=True, namespace=key.namespace(), _app=key.app()) .filter("__key__ >=", start_key) .filter("__key__ <=", end_key) .fetch(1) ) if collision: return KEY_RANGE_COLLISION elif race_condition: return KEY_RANGE_CONTENTION else: return KEY_RANGE_EMPTY def _index_converter(index): return Index(index.Id(), index.Kind(), index.HasAncestor(), index.Properties()) def get_indexes_async(**kwargs): """Asynchronously retrieves the application indexes and their states. Identical to get_indexes() except returns an asynchronous object. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and get the results. """ def extra_hook(indexes): return [(_index_converter(index), state) for index, state in indexes] return datastore.GetIndexesAsync(extra_hook=extra_hook, **kwargs) def get_indexes(**kwargs): """Retrieves the application indexes and their states. Args: config: datastore_rpc.Configuration to use for this request, must be specified as a keyword argument. Returns: A list of (Index, Index.[BUILDING|SERVING|DELETING|ERROR]) tuples. An index can be in the following states: Index.BUILDING: Index is being built and therefore can not serve queries Index.SERVING: Index is ready to service queries Index.DELETING: Index is being deleted Index.ERROR: Index encounted an error in the BUILDING state """ return get_indexes_async(**kwargs).get_result() class Expando(Model): """Dynamically expandable model. An Expando does not require (but can still benefit from) the definition of any properties before it can be used to store information in the datastore. Properties can be added to an expando object by simply performing an assignment. The assignment of properties is done on an instance by instance basis, so it is possible for one object of an expando type to have different properties from another or even the same properties with different types. It is still possible to define properties on an expando, allowing those properties to behave the same as on any other model. Example: import datetime class Song(db.Expando): title = db.StringProperty() crazy = Song(title='Crazy like a diamond', author='Lucy Sky', publish_date='yesterday', rating=5.0) hoboken = Song(title='The man from Hoboken', author=['Anthony', 'Lou'], publish_date=datetime.datetime(1977, 5, 3)) crazy.last_minute_note=db.Text('Get a train to the station.') Possible Uses: One use of an expando is to create an object without any specific structure and later, when your application mature and it in the right state, change it to a normal model object and define explicit properties. Additional exceptions for expando: Protected attributes (ones whose names begin with '_') cannot be used as dynamic properties. These are names that are reserved for protected transient (non-persisted) attributes. Order of lookup: When trying to set or access an attribute value, any other defined properties, such as methods and other values in __dict__ take precedence over values in the datastore. 1 - Because it is not possible for the datastore to know what kind of property to store on an undefined expando value, setting a property to None is the same as deleting it from the expando. 2 - Persistent variables on Expando must not begin with '_'. These variables considered to be 'protected' in Python, and are used internally. 3 - Expando's dynamic properties are not able to store empty lists. Attempting to assign an empty list to a dynamic property will raise ValueError. Static properties on Expando can still support empty lists but like normal Model properties is restricted from using None. """ _dynamic_properties = None def __init__(self, parent=None, key_name=None, _app=None, **kwds): """Creates a new instance of this expando model. Args: parent: Parent instance for this instance or None, indicating a top- level instance. key_name: Name for new model instance. _app: Intentionally undocumented. args: Keyword arguments mapping to properties of model. """ super(Expando, self).__init__(parent, key_name, _app, **kwds) self._dynamic_properties = {} for prop, value in kwds.items(): if prop not in self._all_properties and prop != "key": if not (hasattr(getattr(type(self), prop, None), "__set__")): setattr(self, prop, value) else: check_reserved_word(prop) def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Dynamically set field values that are not defined. Tries to set the value on the object normally, but failing that sets the value on the contained entity. Args: key: Name of attribute. value: Value to set for attribute. Must be compatible with datastore. Raises: ValueError on attempt to assign empty list. """ check_reserved_word(key) if key[:1] != "_" and not hasattr(getattr(type(self), key, None), "__set__"): if value == []: raise ValueError("Cannot store empty list to dynamic property %s" % key) if type(value) not in _ALLOWED_EXPANDO_PROPERTY_TYPES: raise TypeError( "Expando cannot accept values of type '%s'." % type(value).__name__ ) if self._dynamic_properties is None: self._dynamic_properties = {} self._dynamic_properties[key] = value else: super(Expando, self).__setattr__(key, value) def __getattribute__(self, key): """Get attribute from expando. Must be overridden to allow dynamic properties to obscure class attributes. Since all attributes are stored in self._dynamic_properties, the normal __getattribute__ does not attempt to access it until __setattr__ is called. By then, the static attribute being overwritten has already been located and returned from the call. This method short circuits the usual __getattribute__ call when finding a dynamic property and returns it to the user via __getattr__. __getattr__ is called to preserve backward compatibility with older Expando models that may have overridden the original __getattr__. NOTE: Access to properties defined by Python descriptors are not obscured because setting those attributes are done through the descriptor and does not place those attributes in self._dynamic_properties. """ if not key.startswith("_"): dynamic_properties = self._dynamic_properties if dynamic_properties is not None and key in dynamic_properties: return self.__getattr__(key) return super(Expando, self).__getattribute__(key) def __getattr__(self, key): """If no explicit attribute defined, retrieve value from entity. Tries to get the value on the object normally, but failing that retrieves value from contained entity. Args: key: Name of attribute. Raises: AttributeError when there is no attribute for key on object or contained entity. """ _dynamic_properties = self._dynamic_properties if _dynamic_properties is not None and key in _dynamic_properties: return _dynamic_properties[key] else: return getattr(super(Expando, self), key) def __delattr__(self, key): """Remove attribute from expando. Expando is not like normal entities in that undefined fields can be removed. Args: key: Dynamic property to be deleted. """ if self._dynamic_properties and key in self._dynamic_properties: del self._dynamic_properties[key] else: object.__delattr__(self, key) def dynamic_properties(self): """Determine which properties are particular to instance of entity. Returns: Set of names which correspond only to the dynamic properties. """ if self._dynamic_properties is None: return [] return list(self._dynamic_properties.keys()) def _to_entity(self, entity): """Store to entity, deleting dynamic properties that no longer exist. When the expando is saved, it is possible that a given property no longer exists. In this case, the property will be removed from the saved instance. Args: entity: Entity which will receive dynamic properties. """ super(Expando, self)._to_entity(entity) if self._dynamic_properties is None: self._dynamic_properties = {} for key, value in self._dynamic_properties.items(): entity[key] = value all_properties = set(self._dynamic_properties.keys()) all_properties.update(self._all_properties) for key in list(entity.keys()): if key not in all_properties: del entity[key] @classmethod def _load_entity_values(cls, entity): """Load dynamic properties from entity. Expando needs to do a second pass to add the entity values which were ignored by Model because they didn't have an corresponding predefined property on the model. Args: entity: Entity which contain values to search dyanmic properties for. """ entity_values = super(Expando, cls)._load_entity_values(entity) for key, value in entity.items(): if key not in entity_values: entity_values[str(key)] = value return entity_values class _BaseQuery(object): """Base class for both Query and GqlQuery.""" _last_raw_query = None _last_index_list = None _cursor = None _end_cursor = None def __init__(self, model_class=None): """Constructor. Args: model_class: Model class from which entities are constructed. keys_only: Whether the query should return full entities or only keys. compile: Whether the query should also return a compiled query. cursor: A compiled query from which to resume. namespace: The namespace to query. """ self._model_class = model_class def is_keys_only(self): """Returns whether this query is keys only. Returns: True if this query returns keys, False if it returns entities. """ raise NotImplementedError def projection(self): """Returns the tuple of properties in the projection or None. Projected results differ from normal results in multiple ways: - they only contain a portion of the original entity and cannot be put; - properties defined on the model, but not included in the projections will have a value of None, even if the property is required or has a default value; - multi-valued properties (such as a ListProperty) will only contain a single value. - dynamic properties not included in the projection will not appear on the model instance. - dynamic properties included in the projection are deserialized into their indexed type. Specifically one of str, bool, long, float, GeoPt, Key or User. If the original type is known, it can be restored using datastore_types.RestoreFromIndexValue. However, projection queries are significantly faster than normal queries. Projection queries on entities with multi-valued properties will return the same entity multiple times, once for each unique combination of values for properties included in the order, an inequaly property, or the projected properties. Returns: The list of properties in the projection, or None if no projection is set on this query. """ raise NotImplementedError def is_distinct(self): """Returns true if the projection query should be distinct. This is equivalent to the SQL syntax: SELECT DISTINCT. It is only available for projection queries, it is not valid to specify distinct without also specifying projection properties. Distinct projection queries on entities with multi-valued properties will return the same entity multiple times, once for each unique combination of properties included in the projection. Returns: True if this projection query is distinct. """ raise NotImplementedError def _get_query(self): """Subclass must override (and not call their super method). Returns: A datastore.Query instance representing the query. """ raise NotImplementedError def run(self, **kwargs): """Iterator for this query. If you know the number of results you need, use run(limit=...) instead, or use a GQL query with a LIMIT clause. It's more efficient. If you want all results use run(batch_size=<large number>). Args: kwargs: Any keyword arguments accepted by datastore_query.QueryOptions(). Returns: Iterator for this query. """ raw_query = self._get_query() iterator = raw_query.Run(**kwargs) self._last_raw_query = raw_query keys_only = kwargs.get("keys_only") if keys_only is None: keys_only = self.is_keys_only() if keys_only: return iterator else: return _QueryIterator(self._model_class, iter(iterator)) def __iter__(self): """Iterator for this query. If you know the number of results you need, consider fetch() instead, or use a GQL query with a LIMIT clause. It's more efficient. """ return self.run() def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state["_last_raw_query"] = None return state def get(self, **kwargs): """Get first result from this. Beware: get() ignores the LIMIT clause on GQL queries. Args: kwargs: Any keyword arguments accepted by datastore_query.QueryOptions(). Returns: First result from running the query if there are any, else None. """ results = self.run(limit=1, **kwargs) try: return next(results) except StopIteration: return None def count(self, limit=1000, **kwargs): """Number of entities this query fetches. Beware: count() ignores the LIMIT clause on GQL queries. Args: limit: A number. If there are more results than this, stop short and just return this number. Providing this argument makes the count operation more efficient. kwargs: Any keyword arguments accepted by datastore_query.QueryOptions(). Returns: Number of entities this query fetches. """ raw_query = self._get_query() result = raw_query.Count(limit=limit, **kwargs) self._last_raw_query = raw_query return result def fetch(self, limit, offset=0, **kwargs): """Return a list of items selected using SQL-like limit and offset. Always use run(limit=...) instead of fetch() when iterating over a query. Beware: offset must read and discard all skipped entities. Use cursor()/with_cursor() instead. Args: limit: Maximum number of results to return. offset: Optional number of results to skip first; default zero. kwargs: Any keyword arguments accepted by datastore_query.QueryOptions(). Returns: A list of db.Model instances. There may be fewer than 'limit' results if there aren't enough results to satisfy the request. """ if limit is None: kwargs.setdefault("batch_size", datastore._MAX_INT_32) return list(self.run(limit=limit, offset=offset, **kwargs)) def index_list(self): """Get the index list for an already executed query. Returns: A list of indexes used by the query. Raises: AssertionError: If the query has not been executed. """ if self._last_raw_query is None: raise AssertionError("No index list because query has not been run.") if self._last_index_list is None: raw_index_list = self._last_raw_query.GetIndexList() self._last_index_list = [ _index_converter(raw_index) for raw_index in raw_index_list ] return self._last_index_list def cursor(self): """Get a serialized cursor for an already executed query. The returned cursor effectively lets a future invocation of a similar query to begin fetching results immediately after the last returned result from this query invocation. Returns: A base64-encoded serialized cursor. Raises: AssertionError: If the query has not been executed. """ if self._last_raw_query is None: raise AssertionError("No cursor available.") cursor = self._last_raw_query.GetCursor() return websafe_encode_cursor(cursor) def with_cursor(self, start_cursor=None, end_cursor=None): """Set the start and end of this query using serialized cursors. Conceptually cursors point to the position between the last result returned and the next result so running a query with each of the following cursors combinations will return all results in four chunks with no duplicate results: query.with_cursor(end_cursor=cursor1) query.with_cursors(cursor1, cursor2) query.with_cursors(cursor2, cursor3) query.with_cursors(start_cursor=cursor3) For example if the cursors pointed to: cursor: 1 2 3 result: a b c d e f g h The results returned by these queries would be [a, b], [c, d], [e, f], [g, h] respectively. Cursors are pinned to the position just after the previous result (last result, exclusive), so if results are inserted or deleted between the time the cursor was made and these queries are executed, the cursors stay pinned to these positions. For example: delete(b, f, g, h) put(a1, b1, c1, d1) cursor: 1(b) 2(d) 3(f) result: a a1 b1 c c1 d d1 e The results returned by these queries would now be: [a, a1], [b1, c, c1, d], [d1, e], [] respectively. Args: start_cursor: The cursor position at which to start or None end_cursor: The cursor position at which to end or None Returns: This Query instance, for chaining. Raises: BadValueError when cursor is not valid. """ if start_cursor is None: self._cursor = None else: self._cursor = websafe_decode_cursor(start_cursor) if end_cursor is None: self._end_cursor = None else: self._end_cursor = websafe_decode_cursor(end_cursor) return self def __getitem__(self, arg): """Support for query[index] and query[start:stop]. Beware: this ignores the LIMIT clause on GQL queries. Args: arg: Either a single integer, corresponding to the query[index] syntax, or a Python slice object, corresponding to the query[start:stop] or query[start:stop:step] syntax. Returns: A single Model instance when the argument is a single integer. A list of Model instances when the argument is a slice. """ if isinstance(arg, slice): start, stop, step = arg.start, arg.stop, arg.step if start is None: start = 0 if stop is None: raise ValueError("Open-ended slices are not supported") if step is None: step = 1 if start < 0 or stop < 0 or step != 1: raise ValueError( "Only slices with start>=0, stop>=0, step==1 are supported" ) limit = stop - start if limit < 0: return [] return self.fetch(limit, start) elif isinstance(arg, int): if arg < 0: raise ValueError("Only indices >= 0 are supported") results = self.fetch(1, arg) if results: return results[0] else: raise IndexError("The query returned fewer than %d results" % (arg + 1)) else: raise TypeError("Only integer indices and slices are supported") class _QueryIterator(object): """Wraps the datastore iterator to return Model instances. The datastore returns entities. We wrap the datastore iterator to return Model instances instead. """ def __init__(self, model_class, datastore_iterator): """Iterator constructor Args: model_class: Model class from which entities are constructed. datastore_iterator: Underlying datastore iterator. """ self.__model_class = model_class self.__iterator = datastore_iterator def __iter__(self): """Iterator on self. Returns: Self. """ return self def __next__(self): """Get next Model instance in query results. Returns: Next model instance. Raises: StopIteration when there are no more results in query. """ if self.__model_class is not None: return self.__model_class.from_entity(next(self.__iterator)) else: while True: entity = next(self.__iterator) try: model_class = class_for_kind(entity.kind()) except KindError: if datastore_types.RESERVED_PROPERTY_NAME.match(entity.kind()): continue raise else: return model_class.from_entity(entity) def _normalize_query_parameter(value): """Make any necessary type conversions to a query parameter. The following conversions are made: - Model instances are converted to Key instances. This is necessary so that querying reference properties will work. - datetime.date objects are converted to datetime.datetime objects (see _date_to_datetime for details on this conversion). This is necessary so that querying date properties with date objects will work. - datetime.time objects are converted to datetime.datetime objects (see _time_to_datetime for details on this conversion). This is necessary so that querying time properties with time objects will work. Args: value: The query parameter value. Returns: The input value, or a converted value if value matches one of the conversions specified above. """ if isinstance(value, Model): value = value.key() if isinstance(value, datetime.date) and not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = _date_to_datetime(value) elif isinstance(value, datetime.time): value = _time_to_datetime(value) return value class Query(_BaseQuery): """A Query instance queries over instances of Models. You construct a query with a model class, like this: class Story(db.Model): title = db.StringProperty() date = db.DateTimeProperty() query = Query(Story) You modify a query with filters and orders like this: query.filter('title =', 'Foo') query.order('-date') query.ancestor(key_or_model_instance) Every query can return an iterator, so you access the results of a query by iterating over it: for story in query: print story.title For convenience, all of the filtering and ordering methods return "self", so the easiest way to use the query interface is to cascade all filters and orders in the iterator line like this: for story in Query(story).filter('title =', 'Foo').order('-date'): print story.title """ _keys_only = False _distinct = False _projection = None _namespace = None _app = None __ancestor = None def __init__( self, model_class=None, keys_only=False, cursor=None, namespace=None, _app=None, distinct=False, projection=None, ): """Constructs a query over instances of the given Model. Args: model_class: Model class to build query for. keys_only: Whether the query should return full entities or only keys. projection: A tuple of strings representing the property names to include in the projection this query should produce or None. Setting a projection is similar to specifying 'SELECT prop1, prop2, ...' in SQL. See _BaseQuery.projection for details on projection queries. distinct: A boolean, true if the projection should be distinct. See _BaseQuery.is_distinct for details on distinct queries. cursor: A compiled query from which to resume. namespace: The namespace to use for this query. """ super(Query, self).__init__(model_class) if keys_only: self._keys_only = True if projection: self._projection = projection if namespace is not None: self._namespace = namespace if _app is not None: self._app = _app if distinct: self._distinct = True self.__query_sets = [{}] self.__orderings = [] self.with_cursor(cursor) def is_keys_only(self): return self._keys_only def projection(self): return self._projection def is_distinct(self): return self._distinct def _get_query( self, _query_class=datastore.Query, _multi_query_class=datastore.MultiQuery ): queries = [] for query_set in self.__query_sets: if self._model_class is not None: kind = self._model_class.kind() else: kind = None query = _query_class( kind, query_set, keys_only=self._keys_only, projection=self._projection, distinct=self._distinct, compile=True, cursor=self._cursor, end_cursor=self._end_cursor, namespace=self._namespace, _app=self._app, ) query.Order(*self.__orderings) if self.__ancestor is not None: query.Ancestor(self.__ancestor) queries.append(query) if ( _query_class != datastore.Query and _multi_query_class == datastore.MultiQuery ): warnings.warn( "Custom _query_class specified without corresponding custom" " _query_multi_class. Things will break if you use queries with" ' the "IN" or "!=" operators.', RuntimeWarning, ) if len(queries) > 1: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "Query requires multiple subqueries to satisfy. If _query_class" " is overridden, _multi_query_class must also be overridden." ) elif ( _query_class == datastore.Query and _multi_query_class != datastore.MultiQuery ): raise BadArgumentError( "_query_class must also be overridden if" " _multi_query_class is overridden." ) if len(queries) == 1: return queries[0] else: return _multi_query_class(queries, self.__orderings) def __filter_disjunction(self, operations, values): """Add a disjunction of several filters and several values to the query. This is implemented by duplicating queries and combining the results later. Args: operations: a string or list of strings. Each string contains a property name and an operator to filter by. The operators themselves must not require multiple queries to evaluate (currently, this means that 'in' and '!=' are invalid). values: a value or list of filter values, normalized by _normalize_query_parameter. """ if not isinstance(operations, (list, tuple)): operations = [operations] if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)): values = [values] new_query_sets = [] for operation in operations: if operation.lower().endswith("in") or operation.endswith("!="): raise BadQueryError('Cannot use "in" or "!=" in a disjunction.') for query_set in self.__query_sets: for value in values: new_query_set = copy.deepcopy(query_set) datastore._AddOrAppend(new_query_set, operation, value) new_query_sets.append(new_query_set) self.__query_sets = new_query_sets def filter(self, property_operator, value): """Add filter to query. Args: property_operator: string with the property and operator to filter by. value: the filter value. Returns: Self to support method chaining. Raises: PropertyError if invalid property is provided. """ match = _FILTER_REGEX.match(property_operator) prop = match.group(1) if match.group(3) is not None: operator = match.group(3) else: operator = "==" if self._model_class is None: if prop != datastore_types.KEY_SPECIAL_PROPERTY: raise BadQueryError( "Only %s filters are allowed on kindless queries." % datastore_types.KEY_SPECIAL_PROPERTY ) elif prop in self._model_class._unindexed_properties: raise PropertyError("Property '%s' is not indexed" % prop) if operator.lower() == "in": if self._keys_only: raise BadQueryError("Keys only queries do not support IN filters.") elif not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise BadValueError('Argument to the "in" operator must be a list') values = [_normalize_query_parameter(v) for v in value] self.__filter_disjunction(prop + " =", values) else: if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise BadValueError("Filtering on lists is not supported") if operator == "!=": if self._keys_only: raise BadQueryError("Keys only queries do not support != filters.") self.__filter_disjunction( [prop + " <", prop + " >"], _normalize_query_parameter(value) ) else: value = _normalize_query_parameter(value) for query_set in self.__query_sets: datastore._AddOrAppend(query_set, property_operator, value) return self def order(self, property): """Set order of query result. To use descending order, prepend '-' (minus) to the property name, e.g., '-date' rather than 'date'. Args: property: Property to sort on. Returns: Self to support method chaining. Raises: PropertyError if invalid property is provided. """ if property.startswith("-"): property = property[1:] order = datastore.Query.DESCENDING else: order = datastore.Query.ASCENDING if self._model_class is None: if ( property != datastore_types.KEY_SPECIAL_PROPERTY or order != datastore.Query.ASCENDING ): raise BadQueryError( "Only %s ascending orders are supported on kindless queries" % datastore_types.KEY_SPECIAL_PROPERTY ) else: if not issubclass(self._model_class, Expando): if ( property not in self._model_class._all_properties and property not in datastore_types._SPECIAL_PROPERTIES ): raise PropertyError("Invalid property name '%s'" % property) if property in self._model_class._unindexed_properties: raise PropertyError("Property '%s' is not indexed" % property) self.__orderings.append((property, order)) return self def ancestor(self, ancestor): """Sets an ancestor for this query. This restricts the query to only return results that descend from a given model instance. In other words, all of the results will have the ancestor as their parent, or parent's parent, etc. The ancestor itself is also a possible result! Args: ancestor: Model or Key (that has already been saved) Returns: Self to support method chaining. Raises: TypeError if the argument isn't a Key or Model; NotSavedError if it is, but isn't saved yet. """ if isinstance(ancestor, datastore.Key): if ancestor.has_id_or_name(): self.__ancestor = ancestor else: raise NotSavedError() elif isinstance(ancestor, Model): if ancestor.has_key(): self.__ancestor = ancestor.key() else: raise NotSavedError() else: raise TypeError("ancestor should be Key or Model") return self class GqlQuery(_BaseQuery): """A Query class that uses GQL query syntax instead of .filter() etc.""" def __init__(self, query_string, *args, **kwds): """Constructor. Args: query_string: Properly formatted GQL query string. *args: Positional arguments used to bind numeric references in the query. **kwds: Dictionary-based arguments for named references. Raises: PropertyError if the query filters or sorts on a property that's not indexed. """ from google.appengine.ext import gql app = kwds.pop("_app", None) namespace = None if isinstance(app, tuple): if len(app) != 2: raise BadArgumentError("_app must have 2 values if type is tuple.") app, namespace = app self._proto_query = gql.GQL(query_string, _app=app, namespace=namespace) if self._proto_query._kind is not None: model_class = class_for_kind(self._proto_query._kind) else: model_class = None super(GqlQuery, self).__init__(model_class) if model_class is not None: for property, unused in ( list(self._proto_query.filters().keys()) + self._proto_query.orderings() ): if property in model_class._unindexed_properties: raise PropertyError("Property '%s' is not indexed" % property) self.bind(*args, **kwds) def is_keys_only(self): return self._proto_query._keys_only def projection(self): return self._proto_query.projection() def is_distinct(self): return self._proto_query.is_distinct() def bind(self, *args, **kwds): """Bind arguments (positional or keyword) to the query. Note that you can also pass arguments directly to the query constructor. Each time you call bind() the previous set of arguments is replaced with the new set. This is useful because the hard work in in parsing the query; so if you expect to be using the same query with different sets of arguments, you should hold on to the GqlQuery() object and call bind() on it each time. Args: *args: Positional arguments used to bind numeric references in the query. **kwds: Dictionary-based arguments for named references. """ self._args = [] for arg in args: self._args.append(_normalize_query_parameter(arg)) self._kwds = {} for name, arg in kwds.items(): self._kwds[name] = _normalize_query_parameter(arg) def run(self, **kwargs): """Iterator for this query that handles the LIMIT clause property. If the GQL query string contains a LIMIT clause, this function fetches all results before returning an iterator. Otherwise results are retrieved in batches by the iterator. Args: kwargs: Any keyword arguments accepted by datastore_query.QueryOptions(). Returns: Iterator for this query. """ if self._proto_query.limit() > 0: kwargs.setdefault("limit", self._proto_query.limit()) kwargs.setdefault("offset", self._proto_query.offset()) return _BaseQuery.run(self, **kwargs) def _get_query(self): return self._proto_query.Bind( self._args, self._kwds, self._cursor, self._end_cursor ) class UnindexedProperty(Property): """A property that isn't indexed by either built-in or composite indices. TextProperty and BlobProperty derive from this class. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """Construct property. See the Property class for details. Raises: ConfigurationError if indexed=True. """ self._require_parameter(kwds, "indexed", False) kwds["indexed"] = True super(UnindexedProperty, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) def validate(self, value): """Validate property. Returns: A valid value. Raises: BadValueError if property is not an instance of data_type. """ if value is not None and not isinstance(value, self.data_type): try: value = self.data_type(value) except TypeError as err: raise BadValueError( "Property %s must be convertible " "to a %s instance (%s)" % (self.name, self.data_type.__name__, err) ) value = super(UnindexedProperty, self).validate(value) if value is not None and not isinstance(value, self.data_type): raise BadValueError( "Property %s must be a %s instance" % (self.name, self.data_type.__name__) ) return value class TextProperty(UnindexedProperty): """A string that can be longer than 500 bytes.""" data_type = Text class StringProperty(Property): """A textual property, which can be multi- or single-line.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, multiline=False, **kwds): """Construct string property. Args: verbose_name: Verbose name is always first parameter. multi-line: Carriage returns permitted in property. """ super(StringProperty, self).__init__(verbose_name, **kwds) self.multiline = multiline def validate(self, value): """Validate string property. Returns: A valid value. Raises: BadValueError if property is not multi-line but value is. """ value = super(StringProperty, self).validate(value) if value is not None and not isinstance(value, str): raise BadValueError( "Property %s must be a str or unicode instance, not a %s" % (self.name, type(value).__name__) ) if not self.multiline and value and value.find("\n") != -1: raise BadValueError("Property %s is not multi-line" % self.name) if value is not None and len(value) > self.MAX_LENGTH: raise BadValueError( "Property %s is %d characters long; it must be %d or less." % (self.name, len(value), self.MAX_LENGTH) ) return value MAX_LENGTH = 500 data_type = str class _CoercingProperty(Property): """A Property subclass that extends validate() to coerce to self.data_type.""" def validate(self, value): """Coerce values (except None) to self.data_type. Args: value: The value to be validated and coerced. Returns: The coerced and validated value. It is guaranteed that this is either None or an instance of self.data_type; otherwise an exception is raised. Raises: BadValueError if the value could not be validated or coerced. """ value = super(_CoercingProperty, self).validate(value) if value is not None and not isinstance(value, self.data_type): value = self.data_type(value) return value class CategoryProperty(_CoercingProperty): """A property whose values are Category instances.""" data_type = Category class LinkProperty(_CoercingProperty): """A property whose values are Link instances.""" def validate(self, value): value = super(LinkProperty, self).validate(value) if value is not None: scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urllib.parse.urlsplit(value) if not scheme or not netloc: raise BadValueError( "Property %s must be a full URL ('%s')" % (self.name, value) ) return value data_type = Link URLProperty = LinkProperty class EmailProperty(_CoercingProperty): """A property whose values are Email instances.""" data_type = Email class GeoPtProperty(_CoercingProperty): """A property whose values are GeoPt instances.""" data_type = GeoPt class IMProperty(_CoercingProperty): """A property whose values are IM instances.""" data_type = IM class PhoneNumberProperty(_CoercingProperty): """A property whose values are PhoneNumber instances.""" data_type = PhoneNumber class PostalAddressProperty(_CoercingProperty): """A property whose values are PostalAddress instances.""" data_type = PostalAddress class BlobProperty(UnindexedProperty): """A byte string that can be longer than 500 bytes.""" data_type = Blob class ByteStringProperty(Property): """A short (<=500 bytes) byte string. This type should be used for short binary values that need to be indexed. If you do not require indexing (regardless of length), use BlobProperty instead. """ def validate(self, value): """Validate ByteString property. Returns: A valid value. Raises: BadValueError if property is not instance of 'ByteString'. """ if value is not None and not isinstance(value, ByteString): try: value = ByteString(value) except TypeError as err: raise BadValueError( "Property %s must be convertible " "to a ByteString instance (%s)" % (self.name, err) ) value = super(ByteStringProperty, self).validate(value) if value is not None and not isinstance(value, ByteString): raise BadValueError("Property %s must be a ByteString instance" % self.name) if value is not None and len(value) > self.MAX_LENGTH: raise BadValueError( "Property %s is %d bytes long; it must be %d or less." % (self.name, len(value), self.MAX_LENGTH) ) return value MAX_LENGTH = 500 data_type = ByteString class DateTimeProperty(Property): """The base class of all of our date/time properties. We handle common operations, like converting between time tuples and datetime instances. """ def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, auto_now=False, auto_now_add=False, **kwds): """Construct a DateTimeProperty Args: verbose_name: Verbose name is always first parameter. auto_now: Date/time property is updated with the current time every time it is saved to the datastore. Useful for properties that want to track the modification time of an instance. auto_now_add: Date/time is set to the when its instance is created. Useful for properties that record the creation time of an entity. """ super(DateTimeProperty, self).__init__(verbose_name, **kwds) self.auto_now = auto_now self.auto_now_add = auto_now_add def validate(self, value): """Validate datetime. Returns: A valid value. Raises: BadValueError if property is not instance of 'datetime'. """ value = super(DateTimeProperty, self).validate(value) if value and not isinstance(value, self.data_type): raise BadValueError( "Property %s must be a %s, but was %r" % (self.name, self.data_type.__name__, value) ) return value def default_value(self): """Default value for datetime. Returns: value of now() as appropriate to the date-time instance if auto_now or auto_now_add is set, else user configured default value implementation. """ if self.auto_now or self.auto_now_add: return self.now() return Property.default_value(self) def get_updated_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance): """Get new value for property to send to datastore. Returns: now() as appropriate to the date-time instance in the odd case where auto_now is set to True, else AUTO_UPDATE_UNCHANGED. """ if self.auto_now: return self.now() return AUTO_UPDATE_UNCHANGED data_type = datetime.datetime @staticmethod def now(): """Get now as a full datetime value. Returns: 'now' as a whole timestamp, including both time and date. """ return datetime.datetime.now() def _date_to_datetime(value): """Convert a date to a datetime for datastore storage. Args: value: A datetime.date object. Returns: A datetime object with time set to 0:00. """ assert isinstance(value, datetime.date) return datetime.datetime(value.year, value.month, value.day) def _time_to_datetime(value): """Convert a time to a datetime for datastore storage. Args: value: A datetime.time object. Returns: A datetime object with date set to 1970-01-01. """ assert isinstance(value, datetime.time) return datetime.datetime( 1970, 1, 1, value.hour, value.minute, value.second, value.microsecond ) class DateProperty(DateTimeProperty): """A date property, which stores a date without a time.""" @staticmethod def now(): """Get now as a date datetime value. Returns: 'date' part of 'now' only. """ return datetime.datetime.now().date() def validate(self, value): """Validate date. Returns: A valid value. Raises: BadValueError if property is not instance of 'date', or if it is an instance of 'datetime' (which is a subclass of 'date', but for all practical purposes a different type). """ value = super(DateProperty, self).validate(value) if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): raise BadValueError( "Property %s must be a %s, not a datetime" % (self.name, self.data_type.__name__) ) return value def get_updated_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance): """Get new value for property to send to datastore. Returns: now() as appropriate to the date instance in the odd case where auto_now is set to True, else AUTO_UPDATE_UNCHANGED. """ if self.auto_now: return _date_to_datetime(self.now()) return AUTO_UPDATE_UNCHANGED def get_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance): """Get value from property to send to datastore. We retrieve a datetime.date from the model instance and return a datetime.datetime instance with the time set to zero. See base class method documentation for details. """ value = super(DateProperty, self).get_value_for_datastore(model_instance) if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, datetime.date) value = _date_to_datetime(value) return value def make_value_from_datastore(self, value): """Native representation of this property. We receive a datetime.datetime retrieved from the entity and return a datetime.date instance representing its date portion. See base class method documentation for details. """ if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) value = value.date() return value data_type = datetime.date class TimeProperty(DateTimeProperty): """A time property, which stores a time without a date.""" @staticmethod def now(): """Get now as a time datetime value. Returns: 'time' part of 'now' only. """ return datetime.datetime.now().time() def empty(self, value): """Is time property empty. "0:0" (midnight) is not an empty value. Returns: True if value is None, else False. """ return value is None def get_updated_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance): """Get new value for property to send to datastore. Returns: now() as appropriate to the time instance in the odd case where auto_now is set to True, else AUTO_UPDATE_UNCHANGED. """ if self.auto_now: return _time_to_datetime(self.now()) return AUTO_UPDATE_UNCHANGED def get_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance): """Get value from property to send to datastore. We retrieve a datetime.time from the model instance and return a datetime.datetime instance with the date set to 1/1/1970. See base class method documentation for details. """ value = super(TimeProperty, self).get_value_for_datastore(model_instance) if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, datetime.time), repr(value) value = _time_to_datetime(value) return value def make_value_from_datastore(self, value): """Native representation of this property. We receive a datetime.datetime retrieved from the entity and return a datetime.date instance representing its time portion. See base class method documentation for details. """ if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) value = value.time() return value data_type = datetime.time class IntegerProperty(Property): """An integer property.""" def validate(self, value): """Validate integer property. Returns: A valid value. Raises: BadValueError if value is not an integer or long instance. """ value = super(IntegerProperty, self).validate(value) if value is None: return value if not isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, bool): raise BadValueError( "Property %s must be an int or long, not a %s" % (self.name, type(value).__name__) ) if value < -0x8000000000000000 or value > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF: raise BadValueError("Property %s must fit in 64 bits" % self.name) return value data_type = int def empty(self, value): """Is integer property empty. 0 is not an empty value. Returns: True if value is None, else False. """ return value is None class RatingProperty(_CoercingProperty, IntegerProperty): """A property whose values are Rating instances.""" data_type = Rating class FloatProperty(Property): """A float property.""" def validate(self, value): """Validate float. Returns: A valid value. Raises: BadValueError if property is not instance of 'float'. """ value = super(FloatProperty, self).validate(value) if value is not None and not isinstance(value, float): raise BadValueError("Property %s must be a float" % self.name) return value data_type = float def empty(self, value): """Is float property empty. 0.0 is not an empty value. Returns: True if value is None, else False. """ return value is None class BooleanProperty(Property): """A boolean property.""" def validate(self, value): """Validate boolean. Returns: A valid value. Raises: BadValueError if property is not instance of 'bool'. """ value = super(BooleanProperty, self).validate(value) if value is not None and not isinstance(value, bool): raise BadValueError("Property %s must be a bool" % self.name) return value data_type = bool def empty(self, value): """Is boolean property empty. False is not an empty value. Returns: True if value is None, else False. """ return value is None class UserProperty(Property): """A user property.""" def __init__( self, verbose_name=None, name=None, required=False, validator=None, choices=None, auto_current_user=False, auto_current_user_add=False, indexed=True, ): """Initializes this Property with the given options. Note: this does *not* support the 'default' keyword argument. Use auto_current_user_add=True instead. Args: verbose_name: User friendly name of property. name: Storage name for property. By default, uses attribute name as it is assigned in the Model sub-class. required: Whether property is required. validator: User provided method used for validation. choices: User provided set of valid property values. auto_current_user: If true, the value is set to the current user each time the entity is written to the datastore. auto_current_user_add: If true, the value is set to the current user the first time the entity is written to the datastore. indexed: Whether property is indexed. """ super(UserProperty, self).__init__( verbose_name, name, required=required, validator=validator, choices=choices, indexed=indexed, ) self.auto_current_user = auto_current_user self.auto_current_user_add = auto_current_user_add def validate(self, value): """Validate user. Returns: A valid value. Raises: BadValueError if property is not instance of 'User'. """ value = super(UserProperty, self).validate(value) if value is not None and not isinstance(value, users.User): raise BadValueError("Property %s must be a User" % self.name) return value def default_value(self): """Default value for user. Returns: Value of users.get_current_user() if auto_current_user or auto_current_user_add is set; else None. (But *not* the default implementation, since we don't support the 'default' keyword argument.) """ if self.auto_current_user or self.auto_current_user_add: return users.get_current_user() return None def get_updated_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance): """Get new value for property to send to datastore. Returns: Value of users.get_current_user() if auto_current_user is set; else AUTO_UPDATE_UNCHANGED. """ if self.auto_current_user: return users.get_current_user() return AUTO_UPDATE_UNCHANGED data_type = users.User class ListProperty(Property): """A property that stores a list of things. This is a parameterized property; the parameter must be a valid non-list data type, and all items must conform to this type. """ def __init__(self, item_type, verbose_name=None, default=None, **kwds): """Construct ListProperty. Args: item_type: Type for the list items; must be one of the allowed property types. verbose_name: Optional verbose name. default: Optional default value; if omitted, an empty list is used. **kwds: Optional additional keyword arguments, passed to base class. Note that the only permissible value for 'required' is True. """ if item_type is str: item_type = str if not isinstance(item_type, type): raise TypeError("Item type should be a type object") if item_type not in _ALLOWED_PROPERTY_TYPES: raise ValueError("Item type %s is not acceptable" % item_type.__name__) if issubclass(item_type, (Blob, Text)): self._require_parameter(kwds, "indexed", False) kwds["indexed"] = True self._require_parameter(kwds, "required", True) if default is None: default = [] self.item_type = item_type super(ListProperty, self).__init__(verbose_name, default=default, **kwds) def validate(self, value): """Validate list. Returns: A valid value. Raises: BadValueError if property is not a list whose items are instances of the item_type given to the constructor. """ value = super(ListProperty, self).validate(value) if value is not None: if not isinstance(value, list): raise BadValueError("Property %s must be a list" % self.name) value = self.validate_list_contents(value) return value def _load(self, model_instance, value): if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] return super(ListProperty, self)._load(model_instance, value) def validate_list_contents(self, value): """Validates that all items in the list are of the correct type. Returns: The validated list. Raises: BadValueError if the list has items are not instances of the item_type given to the constructor. """ if self.item_type in (int, int): item_type = (int, int) else: item_type = self.item_type for item in value: if not isinstance(item, item_type): if item_type == (int, int): raise BadValueError( "Items in the %s list must all be integers." % self.name ) else: raise BadValueError( "Items in the %s list must all be %s instances" % (self.name, self.item_type.__name__) ) return value def empty(self, value): """Is list property empty. [] is not an empty value. Returns: True if value is None, else false. """ return value is None data_type = list def default_value(self): """Default value for list. Because the property supplied to 'default' is a static value, that value must be shallow copied to prevent all fields with default values from sharing the same instance. Returns: Copy of the default value. """ return list(super(ListProperty, self).default_value()) def get_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance): """Get value from property to send to datastore. Returns: validated list appropriate to save in the datastore. """ value = super(ListProperty, self).get_value_for_datastore(model_instance) if not value: return value value = self.validate_list_contents(value) if self.validator: self.validator(value) if self.item_type == datetime.date: value = list(map(_date_to_datetime, value)) elif self.item_type == datetime.time: value = list(map(_time_to_datetime, value)) return value def make_value_from_datastore(self, value): """Native representation of this property. If this list is a list of datetime.date or datetime.time, we convert the list of datetime.datetime retrieved from the entity into datetime.date or datetime.time. See base class method documentation for details. """ if self.item_type == datetime.date: for v in value: assert isinstance(v, datetime.datetime) value = [x.date() for x in value] elif self.item_type == datetime.time: for v in value: assert isinstance(v, datetime.datetime) value = [x.time() for x in value] return value def make_value_from_datastore_index_value(self, index_value): value = [datastore_types.RestoreFromIndexValue(index_value, self.item_type)] return self.make_value_from_datastore(value) class StringListProperty(ListProperty): """A property that stores a list of strings. A shorthand for the most common type of ListProperty. """ def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, default=None, **kwds): """Construct StringListProperty. Args: verbose_name: Optional verbose name. default: Optional default value; if omitted, an empty list is used. **kwds: Optional additional keyword arguments, passed to ListProperty(). """ super(StringListProperty, self).__init__( str, verbose_name=verbose_name, default=default, **kwds ) class ReferenceProperty(Property): """A property that represents a many-to-one reference to another model. For example, a reference property in model A that refers to model B forms a many-to-one relationship from A to B: every instance of A refers to a single B instance, and every B instance can have many A instances refer to it. """ def __init__( self, reference_class=None, verbose_name=None, collection_name=None, **attrs ): """Construct ReferenceProperty. Args: reference_class: Which model class this property references. verbose_name: User friendly name of property. collection_name: If provided, alternate name of collection on reference_class to store back references. Use this to allow a Model to have multiple fields which refer to the same class. """ super(ReferenceProperty, self).__init__(verbose_name, **attrs) self.collection_name = collection_name if reference_class is None: reference_class = Model if not ( (isinstance(reference_class, type) and issubclass(reference_class, Model)) or reference_class is _SELF_REFERENCE ): raise KindError("reference_class must be Model or _SELF_REFERENCE") self.reference_class = self.data_type = reference_class def make_value_from_datastore_index_value(self, index_value): value = datastore_types.RestoreFromIndexValue(index_value, Key) return self.make_value_from_datastore(value) def __property_config__(self, model_class, property_name): """Loads all of the references that point to this model. We need to do this to create the ReverseReferenceProperty properties for this model and create the <reference>_set attributes on the referenced model, e.g.: class Story(db.Model): title = db.StringProperty() class Comment(db.Model): story = db.ReferenceProperty(Story) story = Story.get(id) print [c for c in story.comment_set] In this example, the comment_set property was created based on the reference from Comment to Story (which is inherently one to many). Args: model_class: Model class which will have its reference properties initialized. property_name: Name of property being configured. Raises: DuplicatePropertyError if referenced class already has the provided collection name as a property. """ super(ReferenceProperty, self).__property_config__(model_class, property_name) if self.reference_class is _SELF_REFERENCE: self.reference_class = self.data_type = model_class if self.collection_name is None: self.collection_name = "%s_set" % (model_class.__name__.lower()) existing_prop = getattr(self.reference_class, self.collection_name, None) if existing_prop is not None: if not ( isinstance(existing_prop, _ReverseReferenceProperty) and existing_prop._prop_name == property_name and existing_prop._model.__name__ == model_class.__name__ and existing_prop._model.__module__ == model_class.__module__ ): raise DuplicatePropertyError( "Class %s already has property %s " % (self.reference_class.__name__, self.collection_name) ) setattr( self.reference_class, self.collection_name, _ReverseReferenceProperty(model_class, property_name), ) def __get__(self, model_instance, model_class): """Get reference object. This method will fetch unresolved entities from the datastore if they are not already loaded. Returns: ReferenceProperty to Model object if property is set, else None. Raises: ReferencePropertyResolveError: if the referenced model does not exist. """ if model_instance is None: return self if hasattr(model_instance, self.__id_attr_name()): reference_id = getattr(model_instance, self.__id_attr_name()) else: reference_id = None if reference_id is not None: resolved = getattr(model_instance, self.__resolved_attr_name()) if resolved is not None: return resolved else: instance = get(reference_id) if instance is None: raise ReferencePropertyResolveError( "ReferenceProperty failed to be resolved: %s" % reference_id.to_path() ) setattr(model_instance, self.__resolved_attr_name(), instance) return instance else: return None def __set__(self, model_instance, value): """Set reference.""" value = self.validate(value) if value is not None: if isinstance(value, datastore.Key): setattr(model_instance, self.__id_attr_name(), value) setattr(model_instance, self.__resolved_attr_name(), None) else: setattr(model_instance, self.__id_attr_name(), value.key()) setattr(model_instance, self.__resolved_attr_name(), value) else: setattr(model_instance, self.__id_attr_name(), None) setattr(model_instance, self.__resolved_attr_name(), None) def get_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance): """Get key of reference rather than reference itself.""" return getattr(model_instance, self.__id_attr_name()) def validate(self, value): """Validate reference. Returns: A valid value. Raises: BadValueError for the following reasons: - Value is not saved. - Object not of correct model type for reference. """ if isinstance(value, datastore.Key): return value if value is not None and not value.has_key(): raise BadValueError( "%s instance must have a complete key before it can be stored as a " "reference" % self.reference_class.kind() ) value = super(ReferenceProperty, self).validate(value) if value is not None and not isinstance(value, self.reference_class): raise KindError( "Property %s must be an instance of %s" % (self.name, self.reference_class.kind()) ) return value def __id_attr_name(self): """Get attribute of referenced id. Returns: Attribute where to store id of referenced entity. """ return self._attr_name() def __resolved_attr_name(self): """Get attribute of resolved attribute. The resolved attribute is where the actual loaded reference instance is stored on the referring model instance. Returns: Attribute name of where to store resolved reference model instance. """ return "_RESOLVED" + self._attr_name() Reference = ReferenceProperty def SelfReferenceProperty(verbose_name=None, collection_name=None, **attrs): """Create a self reference. Function for declaring a self referencing property on a model. Example: class HtmlNode(db.Model): parent = db.SelfReferenceProperty('Parent', 'children') Args: verbose_name: User friendly name of property. collection_name: Name of collection on model. Raises: ConfigurationError if reference_class provided as parameter. """ if "reference_class" in attrs: raise ConfigurationError("Do not provide reference_class to self-reference.") return ReferenceProperty(_SELF_REFERENCE, verbose_name, collection_name, **attrs) SelfReference = SelfReferenceProperty class _ReverseReferenceProperty(Property): """The inverse of the Reference property above. We construct reverse references automatically for the model to which the Reference property is pointing to create the one-to-many property for that model. For example, if you put a Reference property in model A that refers to model B, we automatically create a _ReverseReference property in B called a_set that can fetch all of the model A instances that refer to that instance of model B. """ def __init__(self, model, prop): """Constructor for reverse reference. Constructor does not take standard values of other property types. Args: model: Model class that this property is a collection of. property: Name of foreign property on referred model that points back to this properties entity. """ self.__model = model self.__property = prop @property def _model(self): """Internal helper to access the model class, read-only.""" return self.__model @property def _prop_name(self): """Internal helper to access the property name, read-only.""" return self.__property def __get__(self, model_instance, model_class): """Fetches collection of model instances of this collection property.""" if model_instance is not None: query = Query(self.__model) return query.filter(self.__property + " =", model_instance.key()) else: return self def __set__(self, model_instance, value): """Not possible to set a new collection.""" raise BadValueError("Virtual property is read-only") class ComputedProperty(Property): """Property used for creating properties derived from other values. Certain attributes should never be set by users but automatically calculated at run-time from other values of the same entity. These values are implemented as persistent properties because they provide useful search keys. A computed property behaves the same as normal properties except that you may not set values on them. Attempting to do so raises db.DerivedPropertyError which db.Model knows to ignore during entity loading time. Whenever getattr is used for the property the value is recaclulated. This happens when the model calls get_value_for_datastore on the property. Example: import string class Person(Model): name = StringProperty(required=True) @db.ComputedProperty def lower_case_name(self): return self.name.lower() # Find all people regardless of case used in name. Person.gql('WHERE lower_case_name=:1' % name_to_search_for.lower()) """ def __init__(self, value_function, indexed=True): """Constructor. Args: value_function: Callable f(model_instance) -> value used to derive persistent property value for storage in datastore. indexed: Whether or not the attribute should be indexed. """ super(ComputedProperty, self).__init__(indexed=indexed) self.__value_function = value_function def __set__(self, *args): """Disallow setting this value. Raises: DerivedPropertyError when developer attempts to set attribute manually. Model knows to ignore this exception when getting from datastore. """ raise DerivedPropertyError("Computed property %s cannot be set." % self.name) def __get__(self, model_instance, model_class): """Derive property value. Args: model_instance: Instance to derive property for in bound method case, else None. model_class: Model class associated with this property descriptor. Returns: Result of calling self.__value_funcion as provided by property constructor. """ if model_instance is None: return self return self.__value_function(model_instance) def to_dict(model_instance, dictionary=None): """Convert model to dictionary. Args: model_instance: Model instance for which to make dictionary. dictionary: dict instance or compatible to receive model values. The dictionary is not cleared of original values. Similar to using dictionary.update. If dictionary is None, a new dictionary instance is created and returned. Returns: New dictionary appropriate populated with model instances values if entity is None, else entity. """ if dictionary is None: dictionary = {} model_instance._to_entity(dictionary) return dictionary run_in_transaction = datastore.RunInTransaction run_in_transaction_custom_retries = datastore.RunInTransactionCustomRetries run_in_transaction_options = datastore.RunInTransactionOptions RunInTransaction = run_in_transaction RunInTransactionCustomRetries = run_in_transaction_custom_retries websafe_encode_cursor = datastore_query.Cursor.to_websafe_string websafe_decode_cursor = datastore_query.Cursor.from_websafe_string is_in_transaction = datastore.IsInTransaction transactional = datastore.Transactional non_transactional = datastore.NonTransactional create_config = datastore.CreateConfig create_transaction_options = datastore.CreateTransactionOptions <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Status page handler for mapreduce framework.""" import os import time from google.appengine.api import validation from google.appengine.api import yaml_builder from google.appengine.api import yaml_errors from google.appengine.api import yaml_listener from google.appengine.api import yaml_object from google.appengine.ext import db from google.appengine.ext.mapreduce import base_handler from google.appengine.ext.mapreduce import errors from google.appengine.ext.mapreduce import model MR_YAML_NAMES = ["mapreduce.yaml", "mapreduce.yml"] class BadStatusParameterError(Exception): """A parameter passed to a status handler was invalid.""" class UserParam(validation.Validated): """A user-supplied parameter to a mapreduce job.""" ATTRIBUTES = { "name": r"[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+", "default": validation.Optional(r".*"), "value": validation.Optional(r".*"), } class MapperInfo(validation.Validated): """Configuration parameters for the mapper part of the job.""" ATTRIBUTES = { "handler": r".+", "input_reader": r".+", "output_writer": validation.Optional(r".+"), "params": validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(UserParam)), "params_validator": validation.Optional(r".+"), } class MapreduceInfo(validation.Validated): """Mapreduce description in mapreduce.yaml.""" ATTRIBUTES = { "name": r".+", "mapper": MapperInfo, "params": validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(UserParam)), "params_validator": validation.Optional(r".+"), } class MapReduceYaml(validation.Validated): """Root class for mapreduce.yaml. File format: mapreduce: - name: <mapreduce_name> mapper: - input_reader: google.appengine.ext.mapreduce.DatastoreInputReader - handler: path_to_my.MapperFunction - params: - name: foo default: bar - name: blah default: stuff - params_validator: path_to_my.ValidatorFunction Where mapreduce_name: The name of the mapreduce. Used for UI purposes. mapper_handler_spec: Full <module_name>.<function_name/class_name> of mapper handler. See MapreduceSpec class documentation for full handler specification. input_reader: Full <module_name>.<function_name/class_name> of the InputReader sub-class to use for the mapper job. params: A list of optional parameter names and optional default values that may be supplied or overridden by the user running the job. params_validator is full <module_name>.<function_name/class_name> of a callable to validate the mapper_params after they are input by the user running the job. """ ATTRIBUTES = {"mapreduce": validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(MapreduceInfo))} @staticmethod def to_dict(mapreduce_yaml): """Converts a MapReduceYaml file into a JSON-encodable dictionary. For use in user-visible UI and internal methods for interfacing with user code (like param validation). as a list Args: mapreduce_yaml: The Pyton representation of the mapreduce.yaml document. Returns: A list of configuration dictionaries. """ all_configs = [] for config in mapreduce_yaml.mapreduce: out = { "name": config.name, "mapper_input_reader": config.mapper.input_reader, "mapper_handler": config.mapper.handler, } if config.mapper.params_validator: out["mapper_params_validator"] = config.mapper.params_validator if config.mapper.params: param_defaults = {} for param in config.mapper.params: param_defaults[param.name] = param.default or param.value out["mapper_params"] = param_defaults if config.params: param_defaults = {} for param in config.params: param_defaults[param.name] = param.default or param.value out["params"] = param_defaults if config.mapper.output_writer: out["mapper_output_writer"] = config.mapper.output_writer all_configs.append(out) return all_configs def find_mapreduce_yaml(status_file=__file__): """Traverse directory trees to find mapreduce.yaml file. Begins with the location of status.py and then moves on to check the working directory. Args: status_file: location of status.py, overridable for testing purposes. Returns: the path of mapreduce.yaml file or None if not found. """ checked = set() yaml = _find_mapreduce_yaml(os.path.dirname(status_file), checked) if not yaml: yaml = _find_mapreduce_yaml(os.getcwd(), checked) return yaml def _find_mapreduce_yaml(start, checked): """Traverse the directory tree identified by start until a directory already in checked is encountered or the path of mapreduce.yaml is found. Checked is present both to make loop termination easy to reason about and so that the same directories do not get rechecked. Args: start: the path to start in and work upward from checked: the set of already examined directories Returns: the path of mapreduce.yaml file or None if not found. """ dir = start while dir not in checked: checked.add(dir) for mr_yaml_name in MR_YAML_NAMES: yaml_path = os.path.join(dir, mr_yaml_name) if os.path.exists(yaml_path): return yaml_path dir = os.path.dirname(dir) return None def parse_mapreduce_yaml(contents): """Parses mapreduce.yaml file contents. Args: contents: mapreduce.yaml file contents. Returns: MapReduceYaml object with all the data from original file. Raises: errors.BadYamlError: when contents is not a valid mapreduce.yaml file. """ try: builder = yaml_object.ObjectBuilder(MapReduceYaml) handler = yaml_builder.BuilderHandler(builder) listener = yaml_listener.EventListener(handler) listener.Parse(contents) mr_info = handler.GetResults() except (ValueError, yaml_errors.EventError) as e: raise errors.BadYamlError(e) if len(mr_info) < 1: raise errors.BadYamlError("No configs found in mapreduce.yaml") if len(mr_info) > 1: raise errors.MultipleDocumentsInMrYaml("Found %d YAML documents" % len(mr_info)) jobs = mr_info[0] job_names = set(j.name for j in jobs.mapreduce) if len(jobs.mapreduce) != len(job_names): raise errors.BadYamlError("Overlapping mapreduce names; names must be unique") return jobs def get_mapreduce_yaml(parse=parse_mapreduce_yaml): """Locates mapreduce.yaml, loads and parses its info. Args: parse: Used for testing. Returns: MapReduceYaml object. Raises: errors.BadYamlError: when contents is not a valid mapreduce.yaml file or the file is missing. """ mr_yaml_path = find_mapreduce_yaml() if not mr_yaml_path: raise errors.MissingYamlError() mr_yaml_file = open(mr_yaml_path) try: return parse(mr_yaml_file.read()) finally: mr_yaml_file.close() class ResourceHandler(base_handler.BaseHandler): """Handler for static resources.""" _RESOURCE_MAP = { "status": ("overview.html", "text/html"), "detail": ("detail.html", "text/html"), "base.css": ("base.css", "text/css"), "jquery.js": ("jquery-1.6.1.min.js", "text/javascript"), "jquery-json.js": ("jquery.json-2.2.min.js", "text/javascript"), "status.js": ("status.js", "text/javascript"), } def get(self, relative): if relative not in self._RESOURCE_MAP: self.response.set_status(404) self.response.out.write("Resource not found.") return real_path, content_type = self._RESOURCE_MAP[relative] path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static", real_path) self.response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "public; max-age=300" self.response.headers["Content-Type"] = content_type self.response.out.write(open(path).read()) class ListConfigsHandler(base_handler.GetJsonHandler): """Lists mapreduce configs as JSON for users to start jobs.""" def handle(self): self.json_response["configs"] = MapReduceYaml.to_dict(get_mapreduce_yaml()) class ListJobsHandler(base_handler.GetJsonHandler): """Lists running and completed mapreduce jobs for an overview as JSON.""" def handle(self): cursor = self.request.get("cursor") count = int(self.request.get("count", "50")) query = model.MapreduceState.all() if cursor: query.filter("__key__ >=", db.Key(cursor)) query.order("__key__") jobs_list = query.fetch(count + 1) if len(jobs_list) == (count + 1): self.json_response["cursor"] = str(jobs_list[-1].key()) jobs_list = jobs_list[:-1] all_jobs = [] for job in jobs_list: out = { "name": job.mapreduce_spec.name, "mapreduce_id": job.mapreduce_spec.mapreduce_id, "active": job.active, "start_timestamp_ms": int( time.mktime(job.start_time.utctimetuple()) * 1000 ), "updated_timestamp_ms": int( time.mktime(job.last_poll_time.utctimetuple()) * 1000 ), "chart_url": job.sparkline_url, "chart_width": job.chart_width, "active_shards": job.active_shards, "shards": job.mapreduce_spec.mapper.shard_count, } if job.result_status: out["result_status"] = job.result_status all_jobs.append(out) self.json_response["jobs"] = all_jobs class GetJobDetailHandler(base_handler.GetJsonHandler): """Retrieves the details of a mapreduce job as JSON.""" def handle(self): mapreduce_id = self.request.get("mapreduce_id") if not mapreduce_id: raise BadStatusParameterError("'mapreduce_id' was invalid") job = model.MapreduceState.get_by_key_name(mapreduce_id) if job is None: raise KeyError("Could not find job with ID %r" % mapreduce_id) self.json_response.update(job.mapreduce_spec.to_json()) self.json_response.update(job.counters_map.to_json()) self.json_response.update( { "active": job.active, "start_timestamp_ms": int( time.mktime(job.start_time.utctimetuple()) * 1000 ), "updated_timestamp_ms": int( time.mktime(job.last_poll_time.utctimetuple()) * 1000 ), "chart_url": job.chart_url, "chart_width": job.chart_width, } ) self.json_response["result_status"] = job.result_status shards_list = model.ShardState.find_by_mapreduce_state(job) all_shards = [] shards_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.shard_number) for shard in shards_list: out = { "active": shard.active, "result_status": shard.result_status, "shard_number": shard.shard_number, "shard_id": shard.shard_id, "updated_timestamp_ms": int( time.mktime(shard.update_time.utctimetuple()) * 1000 ), "shard_description": shard.shard_description, "last_work_item": shard.last_work_item, } out.update(shard.counters_map.to_json()) all_shards.append(out) self.json_response["shards"] = all_shards <|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """An extremely simple WSGI web application framework. This module is an alias for the webapp2 module i.e. the following are equivalent: 1. from google.appengine.ext import webapp 2. import webapp2 as webapp It exports three primary classes: Request, Response, and RequestHandler. You implement a web application by subclassing RequestHandler. As WSGI requests come in, they are passed to instances of your RequestHandlers. The RequestHandler class provides access to the easy-to-use Request and Response objects so you can interpret the request and write the response with no knowledge of the esoteric WSGI semantics. Here is a simple example: from google.appengine.ext import webapp import wsgiref.simple_server class MainPage(webapp.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.response.out.write( '<html><body><form action="/hello" method="post">' 'Name: <input name="name" type="text" size="20"> ' '<input type="submit" value="Say Hello"></form></body></html>') class HelloPage(webapp.RequestHandler): def post(self): self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' self.response.out.write('Hello, %s' % self.request.get('name')) application = webapp.WSGIApplication([ ('/', MainPage), ('/hello', HelloPage) ], debug=True) The WSGIApplication class maps URI regular expressions to your RequestHandler classes. It is a WSGI-compatible application object, so you can use it in conjunction with wsgiref to make your web application into, e.g., a CGI script or a simple HTTP server, as in the example above. The framework does not support streaming output. All output from a response is stored in memory before it is written. """ import logging import os from google.appengine.api import lib_config def __django_version_setup(): """Selects a particular Django version to load.""" django_version = _config_handle.django_version if django_version is not None: from google.appengine.dist import use_library use_library("django", str(django_version)) else: from google.appengine.dist import _library version, explicit = _library.installed.get("django", ("0.96", False)) if not explicit: logging.warn( "You are using the default Django version (%s). " "The default Django version will change in an " "App Engine release in the near future. " "Please call use_library() to explicitly select a " "Django version. " "For more information see %s", version, "https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/tools/" "libraries#Django", ) try: import django if not hasattr(django, "VERSION"): from django import v0_96 except ImportError: pass def _django_setup(): """Imports and configures Django. This can be overridden by defining a function named webapp_django_setup() in the app's appengine_config.py file (see lib_config docs). Such a function should import and configure Django. In the Python 2.5 runtime, you can also just configure the Django version to be used by setting webapp_django_version in that file. Finally, calling use_library('django', <version>) in that file should also work: # Example taken from from # https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/tools/libraries#Django import os os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'settings' from google.appengine.dist import use_library use_library('django', '1.2') In the Python 2.7 runtime, the Django version is specified in you app.yaml file and use_library is not supported. If your application also imports Django directly it should ensure that the same code is executed before your app imports Django (directly or indirectly). Perhaps the simplest way to ensure that is to include the following in your main.py (and in each alternate main script): from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template import django This will ensure that whatever Django setup code you have included in appengine_config.py is executed, as a side effect of importing the webapp.template module. """ if os.environ.get("APPENGINE_RUNTIME") != "python27": __django_version_setup() import django import django.conf try: raise ImportError # TODO: Right now the below line raises a # django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured exception. Need to investigate # why and address accordingly. # getattr(django.conf.settings, 'FAKE_ATTR', None) except (ImportError, EnvironmentError) as e: if os.getenv(django.conf.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE): logging.warning(e) try: django.conf.settings.configure( DEBUG=False, TEMPLATE_DEBUG=False, TEMPLATE_LOADERS=( "django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source", ), ) except (EnvironmentError, RuntimeError): pass if os.environ.get("APPENGINE_RUNTIME") == "python27": _config_handle = lib_config.register( "webapp", { "add_wsgi_middleware": lambda app: app, }, ) from webapp2 import * else: _config_handle = lib_config.register( "webapp", { "django_setup": _django_setup, "django_version": None, "add_wsgi_middleware": lambda app: app, }, ) from google.appengine.ext.webapp._webapp25 import * from google.appengine.ext.webapp._webapp25 import __doc__ <|endoftext|>