how those catfish bots on dating sites work, how are they coded and implemented
[ "Bot bot = new Bot(’Tiffany’);\n\nIf(guy) { \n\n bot.swipeLeft();\n\n bot.say(’hi there stranger wan som fuq’);\n\nIf(guy.answer === ’yes plz’) {\n\n bot.say(’plis snd credit card detailz’);\n\n }\n\n} else {\n\n bot.swipeRight();\n\n}" ]
Why are darker surfaces more reflective (like black cars vs. white cars), when a typical mirror seems very light and bright?
[ "Actually the reflection comes from the gloss layer, outside the colored layer.\n\nBut when the colored layer is light (white, yellow, etc.) its brightness makes it hard to see that reflection. When the colored layer is very dark, it doesn't interfere with your seeing the reflection.", "There are two things occurring simultaneously:\n\nA *specular reflection* is occurring at the smooth clear-coat surface, bouncing some light off at the angle but opposite direction that it came in.\n\nA *diffuse reflection* is occurring off the colored finish below the clear coat, bouncing light off randomly.\n\nThe specular reflection is occurring on all cars all the time, but the white car is generating a lot more diffuse reflection beneath that. This additional light overwhelms the weak reflection off the clear coat.\n\nAn actual mirror generates very little diffuse reflection, as both the top glass and aluminum backing layers are extremely smooth." ]
How do TV channels/shows generate revenue by views and ratings?
[ "Good show = more viewers = more companies wanting to pay for advertising spots during commercial breaks = DOLLAH DOLLAH", "The same way we generate money by having Karma: number of viewers doesn't generate money. It does, however, make you appealing to advertisers in the same way Sex Panther Cologne by Odeon will appealing to the sexiest women (60% of the time, every time) \n\n(viewers/demographics of viewers are ways television stations sell advertisement slots on their shows. It's not just number of viewers, but also loyalty of viewers, if they are multi tasking, and demographics. Ie. right now many niche sports (ax throwing, ping pong, power-lifting, strongman competitions) don't get many viewers, so sponsors might take advantage of low cost advertising on programming that has a very receptive audience. On the other hand, a brand like Coke with fairly universal appeal and a large budget, will get more out of spending an ungodly amount on a short Superbowl ad (lots of viewers, huge range of demographics)" ]
How or why does the pole disappear in those awesome gopro videos? All I ever see is the person holding something or a fixed point on the body, but nothing is visible.
[ "One of the comments in your link mentions the insta360 camera rather than a gopro. It edits out it's own handle from the video." ]
Why does the earth-facing side of the moon have more craters than the 'backside'?
[ "According to [NASA](_URL_0_ ) this is completely wrong. The far side has more craters, because the near side has thinner areas of crust and more extensive volcanism where lava flows \"erased\" some of the carters.", "This isn't true, the back side is heavily cratered compared to the Earth-facing side.\n\nThe \"front\" does have those large volcanic \"seas\" that make it look more distinctive though." ]
Why are online password managers so much safer than writing passwords in a book that’s kept in a safe place?
[ "This is an example password that my password manager makes: xmJWI#Nrjmx7oXu%hLmc70mU$\\*zi9U\n\nEvery place I have a password for has a password like that (or as long and complicated as they will allow) that is unique.\n\nI change them all frequently. \n\nAre you /really/ going to make, update, remember and consistently use really good passwords in your book?", "The two big benefits to password managers are:\n\n1. They allow you to easily use a different password on each website. This password is automatically generated and usually very complex. This means if one website is compromised and the hackers get your password, they cannot use that same password to log into your other accounts.\n2. They automatically enter the passwords for you. This makes using long and complex passwords very easy, as you will not have to type them. The manager will automatically put your user name/email and password into the fields.\n\nWriting down your passwords is an ineffective way to protect your passwords as they are stored in plaint text and available for anyone to copy down should they have access to it. Password managers encrypt the password file with a master password, so even if someone copies the file, it's useless without the master password. Cloud based password managers can also warn you if they see that one of the websites you're registered on has been compromised. It will advise that you change your password on that website. A piece of paper will not do that, you'll have to watch the news yourself.", "Good password managers should be encrypted on the server side, and is only decrypted on *your* computer with your master password. In theory, this means that it is impossible for any employees of the service to access your passwords, nor will a data breach leak them, as long as your master password is strong and remains a secret.\n\nPassword managers also encourage unique and more complex passwords, which are good security practices in their own rights.\n\nThere are also offline password managers like KeePass that directly store encrypted passwords on your computer, these are arguably more secure as the attack surface is reduced even further (don't have to trust a third party server at all, and there is less risk of the client that does the decryption being compromised), again, as long as your master password is strong and remains a secret.", "It depends what threat you're defending against\n\nIf you're worried about someone breaking into your house and stealing your banking information then a physical book is a bad idea and a password manager is better\n\nIf you're worried about being directly targeted because you're a high value target then a password manager isn't a good idea because it puts all your eggs in one basket\n\nIf you're worried about systems getting breached and giving up your password so you want to have passwords that are complicated and hard to crack, and unique for each site without being super time consuming then you want a password manager\n\nThe third threat is far far more likely. You're most likely to be compromised due to password reuse these days", "If you have to type it in your more likely to use easy to type passwords that aren't very long. If they're files on for you then they can be far longer and more complicated.\n\nThey also tend to generate a password for you, whereas we tend to use passwords more than once or a recognisable pattern of passwords.\n\nFinally, your notebook isn't very secure. It could be lost or stolen." ]
Why are all negative temperatures hotter than the Planck temperature?
[ "So here's the thing:\n\nTemperature is caused by how much energy atoms have. Atoms like to move, but since they're so small you generally don't see it. The more they move the hotter they are.\n\nIf they reach a certain temperature they break atomic bonda and change phase. There are many phases of matter but the four ones you see the most are solids, liquids, gasses (you can see chlorine as a green gas) and plasma (stuff that lightning is made out of).\n\nThe higher the temperature, the closer to plasma the atoms are. The lower the temperature the closer to solids they are (generally).\n\n\nSo at colder temperatures, atoms vibrate less, which means it's possible for them to not vibrate at all. The tempreature at which all atoms stop vibrating is called Absolute Zero. On the Celsius scale this is about -273 dregrees and something like -459 degrees Farenheit. \n\nThere are, however many ways to measure temperature. One such way is Kelvin. An average day is around 300 degrees Kelvin (or 300K). \n\n\nSo what is 0K? 0K is Absolute Zero. \n\n\nNow if you fail to comprehend how cold Absolute Zero is, here's an example. \n\n\nIt's literally colder than the average temperature of the Universe. It is literally impossible to get colder.\n\nTherefore if there is a colder temperature it would break the laws of physics and nothing would really matter.\n\n\nAm I interpreting your question wrong?" ]
Why do 12 hours at home fly by for me, yet 12 hours at work seems like an eternity?
[ "I’d assume its because your mind at home is occupied by leisurely activities, whereas at work you’re occupied with things that are generally not interesting to do. Therefore, it seems as if you’re spending a greater deal of time doing something at work", "Time is relative. Most likely you're not paying attention to what time it is as often when you're at home. While at work, you're on a set schedule. When you get there, your breaks, and clocking off requires a lot of attention to detail when it comes to time.", "Since the question has already been answered, I will ask back:\n\nHow the hell can you work for 12 hours straight?" ]
What are tears made from?
[ "They are mostly water and salt, both pulled from the blood supply by the tear glands that exude them. You will find that most things in the body use blood to move their supplies around the body." ]
Why do airplane passengers need to turn off cellphones or electronic devices while a plane takes off/lands?
[ "Its nonsense. Its based on old avionics devices that could have radio interference , afyer that it was because \"holy shiit you never know\". but today's technology has changed the game. Did years ago.", "The theory is that these devices could interfere with the planes communication systems, and since the landing and takeoff are the most dangerous things that the plane does, any sort of interference at that critical time would be unacceptable. \n\nThere is also concern that if a plane did suffer any sort of emergency, you want everything stowed properly so that it would be easier for passengers to evacuate. \n\nIn reality however, I think it has been demonstrated that these electronic devices don't interfere with anything on a plane at all, so it's mostly just a holdover from those early days of excessive paranoia about cellphones and interference when they first started showing up on commercial airplanes.", "Take offs and landings are the only real dangerous part of the flight. They want people to be focused, and not distracted if they need to evacuate, or if there is some sort of emergency. Obviously not everyone will be focused, but at least some will.", "When mobile phones were introduced, it was unknown if aircraft electronics would be sensitive to them. As a precaution, it was decided that you should turn them off. \n\nHowever, nowadays it is no longer because of the aircraft electronics, but rather the network on the ground. When you are in the air, the phone signal is unusually strong compared to sources on the ground, because it is one of the few antennas at that location, and there are no obstacles between phone and mast.\n\nFurthermore, the ground network tries to predict where the phone is going, in order to connect it to the best possible mast. This used to cause problems, because the location is more difficult to accurately calculate (you need to solve for 3 variables instead of two), and because the source is moving at ~800 kmh, and the system was simply not build for that. \n\nHowever, technology has caught up, and the ban can probably be lifted. But regulations in aviation don't change that quickly.", "Pilot here - \n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_) The regulation specifically states concerns of electronics interfering with radio navigation systems. Many aircraft still utilize radio navigation in conjunction with modern GPS based systems. Newer electronics are shielded enough that they have no affect on the navigation equipment. Many of us even use tablets, smartphones, and laptops in the cockpit as electronic fight bags for backup navigation and flight planning. The regulation is still in place mostly to keep people focused in the event of a low altitude emergency and to keep 300+ people from trying to make calls in such a confined space.", "So I actually happen to do IT support for a private jet company. the pilots do actually need all the electronic devices to be turned off or at least in airplane mode so that it doesn't interfere with any of the other cellular network or the internal wireless network that planes often offer. We need to speak to them. We need to help them with their electronic devices. I don't even want to go into the horrors of how bad they are at their electronic devices but hey they're experts at flying and that's all they need to do really.", "Lots of comments from people about how modern electronics aren't affecting avionics. \n\n\nFWIW, one of the larger drivers is human in nature: take offs and landings are most risky, cabin crew want people paying attention and listening to any potential emergency directions. Same reason they'll typically have window shades up for that as well: in the even of a crash, emergency crews need to be able to see through the windows into the plane to assess the situation (fire/smoke, etc.)", "I would imagine that today the only good reason that they would want all the devices — phones, Ipads, laptops, etc. — turned off and put away, during takeoff and landing, is so that, if there were an emergency, they wouldn't go flying around the cabin and brain someone." ]
how are molecules and atoms studied?
[ "A lot of discoveries are made using very very clever experiments. Take the nuclei of the atom, how do we know it is there if we can never see it? we can take a small sample, and place it in the centre of a ring of detectors and fire particles at it. If the atom is a blob of protons/electrons (plum pudding model) then we expect there to be a hole the size of the sample on the detector. But when we ran the experiment, not only did we have particles hit the otherside as if nothing happened but we also got reflections as if they hit something hard and bounced off, and also refractions like it was pushed by something off its trajectory, which would make sense in a nuclei + orbiting electrons.\n\n & #x200B;\n\nLater with things like molecular structure, we can use other things we know that are true about the atoms. If we know Nuclei are charged and have spin, we can see how their magnetic fields interact with their neighbours in an NMR experiment. From the way their magnetic fields interact, we can say this atom must be next to that atom.\n\n & #x200B;\n\nThere are a plethora of tests we can do by taking theoretical calculations and matching them to real world results." ]
why are my pasta leftovers oily when reheated
[ "The oils were originally mixed with the sauce. When you let the pasta settle, the oils and melted fat will travel to the top surface of the dish because they are less dense, much like letting a bottle of salad dressing settle until the oils form their own layer on the top.\n\nWhen reheated, the oils and melted fat remain as its own layer on top of the pasta, making it feel oilier than when the oil was within the sauce.", "If you reheat it slowly you can mitigate this somewhat. Even if you microwave, if you do 20-30 seconds, then stir, repeat, it will help the issue. You are basically breaking the sauce, when you reheat all the way, quickly. Reheating over the stovetop, while stirring helps a lot, I’ve found." ]
Why do automatic payroll systems round up or down to the nearest half hour or quarter hour?
[ "Saves the company money by paying people 8 hours when they actually clocked in at 7:57 and out at 4:03.\n\nIt's only 6 minutes a day, but that's over 26 *hours* a year. Per employee.\n\nAlso removes the incentive for employees to intentionally do this to game the clock.", "In a lot of cases there are strict rules about overtime or too little time. If you were to track down your working hours to the minute you clocked inn there would be a lot of disgrephancy as you would always be either over by a few minutes or short by a few minutes. In addition it can be argued if you started your work day when you entered the door, punched inn or actually started doing the work. If this process involves changing clothes, talking to your coworkers or getting coffee then it might be several minutes difference, every day. So in order to avoid all these problems it is often much easier to just round the time to the closest half or quarter hour." ]
how does medication half-life work?
[ "As the other poster mentioned, you can get down to a point where either the last molecule decomposes, is removed, or is no longer detectable. In practice, the rule of thumb is that the drug has been functionally removed from the body after about 5 half-lives." ]
How are different forms of medication "activated" by the body when taken simultaneously?
[ "Med student here. Any medication you take by mouth is going to go through a \"first pass\" effect. It won't get fully absorbed, it gets broken down by your liver, etc so it never actually reaches general circulation in your blood.\n\n\nMany oral medications are actually 'activated' by stomach acid, the low pH makes it easier for the drug to be absorbed by the gut and get to your blood.\n\n\nAs for whether or not two drugs taken at the same time will combine to form a different chemical structure: not really. I'm sure that may happen on a small scale, but I don't think it will have a big effect.", "As with all things, it really depends. There are cases where you can mix two medications together in the stomach and they will interact in the way you describe. In general, however, it is very unlikely that they will actually react with each other because, in most cases, drugs need to be stable enough to be swallowed, digested, absorbed, moved around by the blood to where they need to work, and interact with the target, and oftentimes stick around for hours or days. This means that they need to be relatively stable in many different conditions. If you took a medicine that could react with anything you ate, it probably wouldn't be a very good medication. That being said, there are a hundred caveats and exceptions to this, so take it with a grain of salt." ]
What exactly is a pyramid scheme?
[ "A pyramid scheme is a money-making venture built on lies.\n\nThe guy who makes it recruits a few people for a fee, who each recruit a few more. The new recruits are the source of income for the whole company.\n\nIt's called a pyramid scheme because, like a pyramid, it has a large base leading up to a single point.\n\nAnd they are illegal because no matter how strong the pyramid seems, you eventually run out of new people to recruit.\n\nWithout new recruits, the people on the bottom have spent money, but not made money, and are left in debt.", "I am the president of the \"all my friends are amazing\" club. If you're not my friend, you're not amazing.\n\n & #x200B;\n\nBut if you give me $10 every month, you'll be my friend, and therefore... amazing.\n\n & #x200B;\n\nI will also let you recruit people into my amazing friends club, and when they pay me their $10 per month, I will give you $5 of that. \n\n & #x200B;\n\nAny of those friends who bring in more people to pay me $10 per month, I'll throw a little of that money down the pyramid to those friends.\n\n & #x200B;\n\nIt's called a pyramid scheme because there's one (or few) people at the top, and many people at the bottom, where most of the money goes to the top people, leaving the ones at the bottom without money. They've been cheated. It was made to sound like they were going to make a lot of money getting friends to join, but ends up never happening because you're recruiting people who will be directly competing with you.\n\n & #x200B;\n\nPyramid schemes are illegal. To make them legal, the person who creates the scheme will have people sell a product. So each person pays me $50 per month, and I give them a box of stuff to sell (which cost me $10). It still enriches people at the top and robs people at the bottom.", "Yeah. The idea is that you get recruited by someone and your job is to recruit other people. You make a payment to the person who recruited you, but then you also get payments from the people you recruit and if you recruit enough people, you will make a profit. This only fails if you are at the bottom, which is always going to be the majority of the people in the scheme. \n\nPyramid schemes are illegal, but there’s a related concept called multi-level marketing which is not illegal. With MLM, you are salesperson who buys products from whoever recruited you that you then have to sell. You can also recruit other people to do the selling for you, and they’ll have to buy the product from you. The only difference is that rather than just taking your money, the recruiter is selling you something, but the problems are still there. There isn’t much difference, but some MLM will sue people who call them pyramid schemes." ]
What does it mean that a human shares approximately 50% of their DNA with the "parent" even though all humans share over 99.9% of their DNA with each other?
[ "We as humans all share the same genes. For exampe each of us has a gene for hair, eye color, height (just for simplicity lets imagine they are all a result of one gene)\n\nEach of those genes though has different varieties. These varieties are called alleles and these are the reason why although we all have hair...each of us can have hair of different colors and types. \n\nWhen you inherit DNA from your parents, you are inheriting each of their alleles. You have the same genes as your parents, but 50% of those genes are mom variety and 50% is dad variety.\n\nContrast this to a plant which has different genes all together. We might share similar genes for things like mitochondria, but plants have a genes for things like photosynthesis that we dont." ]
If you throw a cantaloupe in the air in a fast moving car, why does it go straight up and down and not backwards?
[ "Because everything in the car when you were holding it was moving (let's say) 60 miles per hour. When you throw it up, it's still moving forward at 60 miles per hour, the same as everything else in the car.", "Its actually moving forward right along with you. When you throw something in the air while in a moving vehicle, the force of the vehicle is applied at the dame time you throw the object in the air.\n\nFor example.\n\nYoure in a train, bouncing a ball, to you its going straight up and down,\nTo those looking at the train from outside the ball is moving up and down, and foward at the same time.\n\nSince you are moving with the vehicle, the forward speed of said vehicle is applied to the object you sre throwing.", "Because the cantaloupe already has a sideways velocity of whatever the car is travelling at. As long as the car is moving at a constant velocity, the cantaloupe will always look like its moving up and down as it would be if you standing still on the ground. However, if you were to throw the cantaloupe in the air and before you caught it the driver slammed the brakes, the cantaloupe would appear to be flying forward because the car's velocity has changed but it's velocity hasn't.", "Because you are in the car holding the fruit, right? Meaning the fruit is also traveling at the same speed as you and the car. It all cancels out since you are left with the only original nee force: you throwing it up in the air." ]
Why/how does a song make you tear up (usually wistfully) even if/when it's the first time you hear it?
[ "Music causes activity in the amygdala and hippocampus, two parts of the brain intimately associated with emotional processing. \n\nSome people say we aren't actually feeling \"emotion\" in the traditional sense, but rather building up tension and experiencing relief, either good or bad depending on how your brain expected the music to proceed." ]
How does the deja-vu works ?
[ "Like most things with our brains, we don't really know. But we have some ideas.\n\nOne idea is that it's a almost kinda like a siezure, a bit of uncontrolled electrical activity (please note that having deja vu doesn't mean you have epilepsy or something similar, it's more like when you're falling asleep and then feel like your falling and you \"jump\" a bit). It might be in the parts of your brain that process time, or memory causing you to perceive the present as the past.\n\nAnother idea is based on signal processing. Sensory info goes to multiple spots in your brain and if a signal gets delayed a bit somehow, your brain may mistake the delayed signal as a new experience." ]
The Fed cut their rate by 25 points, what does this mean for the average American & their mortgage & credit card rates?
[ "For the average american it means absolutely nothing. Zero. Nothing at all for average people. \n\nFirst of all the change was very small, and second, this is more macro economic (think \"big overall economy stuff\", not your job or buying a sandwich). It will likely have just about zero effect on each individual person, but overall the goal is that it tries to effect the economy just a tiny bit in the grand scheme of things. Its just a tiny nudge to the overall economy in one way" ]
If the light switch is on but the bulb is dead, is power still being used?
[ "It can’t be a full circuit if the bulb is broken, so no. It’s as if a switch is off and the circuit just doesn’t complete.", "Depends on type of bulb and failure reason. CFL and LED bulbs will still consume power for the driver unit even if the light emission part of the bulb failed.\n\nIf there's no bulb at all, then power can still be consumed by the switch if it's a smart switch. A dumb switch does not consume power.", "The other responses are correct, but I'll add that some LEDs and florescents may continue to consume a small (measurable, but generally negligible) amount of power, depending on how the device has failed." ]
Why is it okay to eat mayonnaise - which contains raw eggs - but not cookie dough, which also contains raw eggs?
[ "Because mayonnaise has been pasteurized to remove bacteria from the raw eggs. Your cookie dough has not.", "You can eat cookie dough fine if you make it with raw pasteurized eggs which are available by the quart at any restaurant supply. Or you can pasteurize them yourself at home." ]
When there is a security breach that can result in identity theft, why can't the government simply issue new SINs and close down the existing ones?
[ "Because that would be a major logistical nightmare. SSNs are unique and so ingrained into the USA that being able to change it would create it's own problems that there is no process in place to handle. Not to mention that by changing a ssn could itself lead to fraud and identity theft as there is a limited number of numbers and reusing it would cause more problems." ]
why fleas don’t infest hairy parts of humans.
[ "They do. Humans can get and carry fleas just like any other fuzzy mammal. That's how the Bubonic Plague spread, fleas and rats.", "Fleas actually spend a significant portion of their life stage in the environment, so while they will happily infest humans you would only have 20% of the total flea population on you at any one time" ]
How do All-Female lion prides form? Can male cubs grow to be leader?
[ "There are lone males who are wandering around who challenge for leadership of prides and a vacant space will rapidly be taken by one of these." ]
how do scientists determine the age of cave paintings?
[ "Lots of ways. \n\nIf the pigments were made from something that was once alive, then the pigments can be dated using radiocarbon dating. A certain form of carbon decays at a set rate, and since the living thing only adds carbon to itself when its alive, you can track the ratio of radioactive carbon to regular carbon and estimate a date. This has some drawbacks, especially if the area was subject to burning, and it can only tell you how old (approximately) the thing used to make the pigment was when it died. That's still pretty useful though, at least within a specific time range before it's too hard to figure out the age. \n\nAnother way works if you're in a cave with layered paintings. If you can date one or two layers, but not some other ones you can get minimal or maximal ages for the layers above and below the dated ones. \n\nYou can also date the rock itself, and the mineral deposits that build up for many many years. This is done using a variety of methods, including uranium series dating. \n\nMost of all, you can look at the layers laid down over time, both on the ground of the cave and the walls of the cave itself. By comparing known processes and events such as floods, mineral deposits, and more, you can set a timeline for the surface of the cave. This process of studying the strata (stratiography) is just like what archaeologists do when digging in the ground; it's just on the wall of a cave instead of in the ground." ]
How does the heart regulate its beat so perfectly? What is happening to this system when we have palpitations?
[ "Your heart has pacemaker cells that can actually regulate the heartbeat themselves without input from your brain. They start the electrical signal within your heart to beat, and they do so with awesome precision and rhythm. The signal then travels down your heart through a pathway made for those electrical signals, and you get a heartbeat.\n\nYour nervous system also supplies nerves to the heart that can increase or decrease the rate that those pacemaker cells fire at (thus changing the heart rate). But the pacemaker cells don't need the nervous system to work. The heart is pretty nifty that way. \n\n'Palpitations' is really nonspecific and can mean anything from a fast heartrate to skipped beats to a heart rate that is just completely irregular. But, overall, these can occur when any of the above steps have issues. There are a lot of different causes." ]
Does using a fan make dry eyes worse? + tips on healing dry eyes please
[ "I am living with severe dry eyes and I can’t have a fan running in the room without it making my eyes worse. Can you get a window air conditioning unit? I’m not sure there is a “cure” for dry eyes. Try using a drop with castor oil in it, that may help.", "Hi..definitely try the eye drops often and I would sleep with an eye cover. I had this issue and my doc also prescribed special drops. You are doing everything right..just takes a bit to heal" ]
Do we all see the same color or my red can be your blue?
[ "Most likely that we all see colors the same since we all have similar structures in our eyes and brains to receive and process visual information. However, there's no definitive way to prove it." ]
what does that often blue tape that athletes put all over themselves do and how does it work?
[ "It's called Kinesio tape.\n\nIts supposed to support muscles and potentially improve performance and help prevent injuries and help in injury recover. I'll stop explaining what its supposed to do or how any more because of something else associated with the tape:\n\nThere's little evidence it works at all, and plenty of experts think its complete pseudo-science nonsense and at best simply a placebo. This hasn't really stopped anyone from using it though.\n\nI've personally used it and had it put on by professionals. I never noticed a difference and even the trainers putting it on me admitted its probably nonsense.", "That is called kinesiology tape. It is supposed to have several benefits including joint and muscle pain relief, myofascial release, and free movement of lymphatic fluid. Scientific studies provide no evidence to support any of that. From a medical standpoint the benefits are thought to be due to a placebo effect, or due to improved confidence though pre game ritual." ]
If cells die of age, where do new ones come from?
[ "That gets a bit complicated because it depends on the organ.\n\nA lot of organs in your body (skin, intestine, stomach...) have a layer of cells that are capable of dividing indefinitely (well, at least until you, as a person, pass away) to keep the organ healthy. The big problem with these cells is the further along they go, the more susceptible they are to becoming cancerous. The perfect example is your skin. The top layers are dead cells that just continuously slough off. Underneath several layers of this, there exists a layer of basal cells that just keep dividing to keep your skin intact. \n\nOther organs (heart) actually have cells that never divide again once the organ is formed. This is part of why a heart attack can be so dangerous: the cells that die can't ever actually come back, nor can they be replaced by new cardiac muscle cells. They just get replaced by a scar (made of a different type of cell)" ]
why the future of the planet depends on saving the bees. What makes bees so special in nature? How do we actually save them and why are they dying?
[ "Why are they important? One world: pollination. All crops need to be pollinated to produce. A tomato plant or strawberry plant that goes un-pollinated will never fruit. Most of our food is bee-pollinated. The \"how we actually save them\" is a tricky question and \"why are they dying\" is even trickier to answer! Scientists haven't actually conclusively figured out what the deal with colony collapse is (though there are plenty of theories). The best things WE can do on an individual, local basis is perseve/plant as much habitat and food as we can for our local bees and refrain from using pesticides whenever possible.", "80% of the world's crops are pollinated by bees. These are crops we eat and or the animals that we eat, eat.", "To clarify what others have said: most human crops are pollinated by bees. Other pollinators like wasps and butterflies exist, but we’ve done a really good job of not only breeding genetic diversity out of our food crops, but also limiting the number of pollinators of those crops not only to bees, but to particular species of bees.\n\nSo if all the bees died, so would our crops, but the world in general would probably do just fine once humans and their crops were gone." ]
Why can people with Alzheimer's easily remember their childhood and young adult life but not recent events?
[ "It could be that long term memories are stored in the frontal lobe of the brain and Alzheimers first targets the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory reconsolidation (the creation of long term memories from short term memories)" ]