Source code for transformers.pipelines

# flake8: noqa
# There's no way to ignore "F401 '...' imported but unused" warnings in this
# module, but to preserve other warnings. So, don't check this module at all.

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2018 The HuggingFace Inc. team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

from ..configuration_utils import PretrainedConfig
from ..file_utils import is_tf_available, is_torch_available
from ..modelcard import ModelCard
from import AutoTokenizer
from ..tokenization_utils import PreTrainedTokenizer
from ..utils import logging
from .base import (
from .conversational import Conversation, ConversationalPipeline
from .feature_extraction import FeatureExtractionPipeline
from .fill_mask import FillMaskPipeline
from .question_answering import QuestionAnsweringArgumentHandler, QuestionAnsweringPipeline
from .table_question_answering import TableQuestionAnsweringArgumentHandler, TableQuestionAnsweringPipeline
from .text2text_generation import SummarizationPipeline, Text2TextGenerationPipeline, TranslationPipeline
from .text_classification import TextClassificationPipeline
from .text_generation import TextGenerationPipeline
from .token_classification import NerPipeline, TokenClassificationArgumentHandler, TokenClassificationPipeline
from .zero_shot_classification import ZeroShotClassificationArgumentHandler, ZeroShotClassificationPipeline

if is_tf_available():
    import tensorflow as tf

    from import (

if is_torch_available():
    import torch

    from import (
    from ..modeling_tf_utils import TFPreTrainedModel
    from ..modeling_utils import PreTrainedModel

logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)

# Register all the supported tasks here
    "feature-extraction": {
        "impl": FeatureExtractionPipeline,
        "tf": TFAutoModel if is_tf_available() else None,
        "pt": AutoModel if is_torch_available() else None,
        "default": {"model": {"pt": "distilbert-base-cased", "tf": "distilbert-base-cased"}},
    "sentiment-analysis": {
        "impl": TextClassificationPipeline,
        "tf": TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification if is_tf_available() else None,
        "pt": AutoModelForSequenceClassification if is_torch_available() else None,
        "default": {
            "model": {
                "pt": "distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english",
                "tf": "distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english",
    "ner": {
        "impl": TokenClassificationPipeline,
        "tf": TFAutoModelForTokenClassification if is_tf_available() else None,
        "pt": AutoModelForTokenClassification if is_torch_available() else None,
        "default": {
            "model": {
                "pt": "dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english",
                "tf": "dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english",
    "question-answering": {
        "impl": QuestionAnsweringPipeline,
        "tf": TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering if is_tf_available() else None,
        "pt": AutoModelForQuestionAnswering if is_torch_available() else None,
        "default": {
            "model": {"pt": "distilbert-base-cased-distilled-squad", "tf": "distilbert-base-cased-distilled-squad"},
    "table-question-answering": {
        "impl": TableQuestionAnsweringPipeline,
        "pt": AutoModelForTableQuestionAnswering if is_torch_available() else None,
        "tf": None,
        "default": {
            "model": {
                "pt": "google/tapas-base-finetuned-wtq",
                "tokenizer": "google/tapas-base-finetuned-wtq",
                "tf": "google/tapas-base-finetuned-wtq",
    "fill-mask": {
        "impl": FillMaskPipeline,
        "tf": TFAutoModelForMaskedLM if is_tf_available() else None,
        "pt": AutoModelForMaskedLM if is_torch_available() else None,
        "default": {"model": {"pt": "distilroberta-base", "tf": "distilroberta-base"}},
    "summarization": {
        "impl": SummarizationPipeline,
        "tf": TFAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM if is_tf_available() else None,
        "pt": AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM if is_torch_available() else None,
        "default": {"model": {"pt": "sshleifer/distilbart-cnn-12-6", "tf": "t5-small"}},
    # This task is a special case as it's parametrized by SRC, TGT languages.
    "translation": {
        "impl": TranslationPipeline,
        "tf": TFAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM if is_tf_available() else None,
        "pt": AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM if is_torch_available() else None,
        "default": {
            ("en", "fr"): {"model": {"pt": "t5-base", "tf": "t5-base"}},
            ("en", "de"): {"model": {"pt": "t5-base", "tf": "t5-base"}},
            ("en", "ro"): {"model": {"pt": "t5-base", "tf": "t5-base"}},
    "text2text-generation": {
        "impl": Text2TextGenerationPipeline,
        "tf": TFAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM if is_tf_available() else None,
        "pt": AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM if is_torch_available() else None,
        "default": {"model": {"pt": "t5-base", "tf": "t5-base"}},
    "text-generation": {
        "impl": TextGenerationPipeline,
        "tf": TFAutoModelForCausalLM if is_tf_available() else None,
        "pt": AutoModelForCausalLM if is_torch_available() else None,
        "default": {"model": {"pt": "gpt2", "tf": "gpt2"}},
    "zero-shot-classification": {
        "impl": ZeroShotClassificationPipeline,
        "tf": TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification if is_tf_available() else None,
        "pt": AutoModelForSequenceClassification if is_torch_available() else None,
        "default": {
            "model": {"pt": "facebook/bart-large-mnli", "tf": "roberta-large-mnli"},
            "config": {"pt": "facebook/bart-large-mnli", "tf": "roberta-large-mnli"},
            "tokenizer": {"pt": "facebook/bart-large-mnli", "tf": "roberta-large-mnli"},
    "conversational": {
        "impl": ConversationalPipeline,
        "tf": TFAutoModelForCausalLM if is_tf_available() else None,
        "pt": AutoModelForCausalLM if is_torch_available() else None,
        "default": {"model": {"pt": "microsoft/DialoGPT-medium", "tf": "microsoft/DialoGPT-medium"}},

def check_task(task: str) -> Tuple[Dict, Any]:
    Checks an incoming task string, to validate it's correct and return the default Pipeline and Model classes, and
    default models if they exist.

        task (:obj:`str`):
            The task defining which pipeline will be returned. Currently accepted tasks are:

            - :obj:`"feature-extraction"`
            - :obj:`"sentiment-analysis"`
            - :obj:`"ner"`
            - :obj:`"question-answering"`
            - :obj:`"fill-mask"`
            - :obj:`"summarization"`
            - :obj:`"translation_xx_to_yy"`
            - :obj:`"translation"`
            - :obj:`"text-generation"`
            - :obj:`"conversational"`

        (task_defaults:obj:`dict`, task_options: (:obj:`tuple`, None)) The actual dictionary required to initialize the
        pipeline and some extra task options for parametrized tasks like "translation_XX_to_YY"

    if task in SUPPORTED_TASKS:
        targeted_task = SUPPORTED_TASKS[task]
        return targeted_task, None

    if task.startswith("translation"):
        tokens = task.split("_")
        if len(tokens) == 4 and tokens[0] == "translation" and tokens[2] == "to":
            targeted_task = SUPPORTED_TASKS["translation"]
            return targeted_task, (tokens[1], tokens[3])
        raise KeyError("Invalid translation task {}, use 'translation_XX_to_YY' format".format(task))

    raise KeyError(
        "Unknown task {}, available tasks are {}".format(task, list(SUPPORTED_TASKS.keys()) + ["translation_XX_to_YY"])

[docs]def pipeline( task: str, model: Optional = None, config: Optional[Union[str, PretrainedConfig]] = None, tokenizer: Optional[Union[str, PreTrainedTokenizer]] = None, framework: Optional[str] = None, revision: Optional[str] = None, use_fast: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Pipeline: """ Utility factory method to build a :class:`~transformers.Pipeline`. Pipelines are made of: - A :doc:`tokenizer <tokenizer>` in charge of mapping raw textual input to token. - A :doc:`model <model>` to make predictions from the inputs. - Some (optional) post processing for enhancing model's output. Args: task (:obj:`str`): The task defining which pipeline will be returned. Currently accepted tasks are: - :obj:`"feature-extraction"`: will return a :class:`~transformers.FeatureExtractionPipeline`. - :obj:`"sentiment-analysis"`: will return a :class:`~transformers.TextClassificationPipeline`. - :obj:`"ner"`: will return a :class:`~transformers.TokenClassificationPipeline`. - :obj:`"question-answering"`: will return a :class:`~transformers.QuestionAnsweringPipeline`. - :obj:`"fill-mask"`: will return a :class:`~transformers.FillMaskPipeline`. - :obj:`"summarization"`: will return a :class:`~transformers.SummarizationPipeline`. - :obj:`"translation_xx_to_yy"`: will return a :class:`~transformers.TranslationPipeline`. - :obj:`"text2text-generation"`: will return a :class:`~transformers.Text2TextGenerationPipeline`. - :obj:`"text-generation"`: will return a :class:`~transformers.TextGenerationPipeline`. - :obj:`"zero-shot-classification:`: will return a :class:`~transformers.ZeroShotClassificationPipeline`. - :obj:`"conversation"`: will return a :class:`~transformers.ConversationalPipeline`. model (:obj:`str` or :obj:`~transformers.PreTrainedModel` or :obj:`~transformers.TFPreTrainedModel`, `optional`): The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This can be a model identifier or an actual instance of a pretrained model inheriting from :class:`~transformers.PreTrainedModel` (for PyTorch) or :class:`~transformers.TFPreTrainedModel` (for TensorFlow). If not provided, the default for the :obj:`task` will be loaded. config (:obj:`str` or :obj:`~transformers.PretrainedConfig`, `optional`): The configuration that will be used by the pipeline to instantiate the model. This can be a model identifier or an actual pretrained model configuration inheriting from :class:`~transformers.PretrainedConfig`. If not provided, the default configuration file for the requested model will be used. That means that if :obj:`model` is given, its default configuration will be used. However, if :obj:`model` is not supplied, this :obj:`task`'s default model's config is used instead. tokenizer (:obj:`str` or :obj:`~transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer`, `optional`): The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This can be a model identifier or an actual pretrained tokenizer inheriting from :class:`~transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer`. If not provided, the default tokenizer for the given :obj:`model` will be loaded (if it is a string). If :obj:`model` is not specified or not a string, then the default tokenizer for :obj:`config` is loaded (if it is a string). However, if :obj:`config` is also not given or not a string, then the default tokenizer for the given :obj:`task` will be loaded. framework (:obj:`str`, `optional`): The framework to use, either :obj:`"pt"` for PyTorch or :obj:`"tf"` for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed. If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the :obj:`model`, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. revision(:obj:`str`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`"main"`): When passing a task name or a string model identifier: The specific model version to use. It can be a branch name, a tag name, or a commit id, since we use a git-based system for storing models and other artifacts on, so ``revision`` can be any identifier allowed by git. use_fast (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`True`): Whether or not to use a Fast tokenizer if possible (a :class:`~transformers.PreTrainedTokenizerFast`). kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed along to the specific pipeline init (see the documentation for the corresponding pipeline class for possible values). Returns: :class:`~transformers.Pipeline`: A suitable pipeline for the task. Examples:: >>> from transformers import pipeline, AutoModelForTokenClassification, AutoTokenizer >>> # Sentiment analysis pipeline >>> pipeline('sentiment-analysis') >>> # Question answering pipeline, specifying the checkpoint identifier >>> pipeline('question-answering', model='distilbert-base-cased-distilled-squad', tokenizer='bert-base-cased') >>> # Named entity recognition pipeline, passing in a specific model and tokenizer >>> model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english") >>> tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-cased") >>> pipeline('ner', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) """ # Retrieve the task targeted_task, task_options = check_task(task) # Use default model/config/tokenizer for the task if no model is provided if model is None: # At that point framework might still be undetermined model = get_default_model(targeted_task, framework, task_options) framework = framework or get_framework(model) task_class, model_class = targeted_task["impl"], targeted_task[framework] # Try to infer tokenizer from model or config name (if provided as str) if tokenizer is None: if isinstance(model, str): tokenizer = model elif isinstance(config, str): tokenizer = config else: # Impossible to guest what is the right tokenizer here raise Exception( "Impossible to guess which tokenizer to use. " "Please provided a PretrainedTokenizer class or a path/identifier to a pretrained tokenizer." ) modelcard = None # Try to infer modelcard from model or config name (if provided as str) if isinstance(model, str): modelcard = model elif isinstance(config, str): modelcard = config # Instantiate tokenizer if needed if isinstance(tokenizer, (str, tuple)): if isinstance(tokenizer, tuple): # For tuple we have (tokenizer name, {kwargs}) use_fast = tokenizer[1].pop("use_fast", use_fast) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( tokenizer[0], use_fast=use_fast, revision=revision, **tokenizer[1] ) else: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer, revision=revision, use_fast=use_fast) # Instantiate config if needed if isinstance(config, str): config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(config, revision=revision) # Instantiate modelcard if needed if isinstance(modelcard, str): modelcard = ModelCard.from_pretrained(modelcard, revision=revision) # Instantiate model if needed if isinstance(model, str): # Handle transparent TF/PT model conversion model_kwargs = {} if framework == "pt" and model.endswith(".h5"): model_kwargs["from_tf"] = True logger.warning( "Model might be a TensorFlow model (ending with `.h5`) but TensorFlow is not available. " "Trying to load the model with PyTorch." ) elif framework == "tf" and model.endswith(".bin"): model_kwargs["from_pt"] = True logger.warning( "Model might be a PyTorch model (ending with `.bin`) but PyTorch is not available. " "Trying to load the model with Tensorflow." ) if model_class is None: raise ValueError( f"Pipeline using {framework} framework, but this framework is not supported by this pipeline." ) model = model_class.from_pretrained(model, config=config, revision=revision, **model_kwargs) if task == "translation" and model.config.task_specific_params: for key in model.config.task_specific_params: if key.startswith("translation"): task = key warnings.warn( '"translation" task was used, instead of "translation_XX_to_YY", defaulting to "{}"'.format( task ), UserWarning, ) break return task_class(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, modelcard=modelcard, framework=framework, task=task, **kwargs)