
DISCLAIMER: If you see something strange, file a Github Issue and assign @patrickvonplaten


The MBart model was presented in Multilingual Denoising Pre-training for Neural Machine Translation by Yinhan Liu, Jiatao Gu, Naman Goyal, Xian Li, Sergey Edunov Marjan Ghazvininejad, Mike Lewis, Luke Zettlemoyer.

According to the abstract, MBART is a sequence-to-sequence denoising auto-encoder pretrained on large-scale monolingual corpora in many languages using the BART objective. mBART is one of the first methods for pretraining a complete sequence-to-sequence model by denoising full texts in multiple languages, while previous approaches have focused only on the encoder, decoder, or reconstructing parts of the text.

The Authors’ code can be found here


  • Examples and scripts for fine-tuning mBART and other models for sequence to sequence tasks can be found in examples/seq2seq/.

  • Given the large embeddings table, mBART consumes a large amount of GPU RAM, especially for fine-tuning. MarianMTModel is usually a better choice for bilingual machine translation.


MBart is a multilingual encoder-decoder (seq-to-seq) model primarily intended for translation task. As the model is multilingual it expects the sequences in a different format. A special language id token is added in both the source and target text. The source text format is X [eos, src_lang_code] where X is the source text. The target text format is [tgt_lang_code] X [eos]. bos is never used.

The prepare_seq2seq_batch() handles this automatically and should be used to encode the sequences for sequence-to-sequence fine-tuning.

  • Supervised training

example_english_phrase = "UN Chief Says There Is No Military Solution in Syria"
expected_translation_romanian = "Şeful ONU declară că nu există o soluţie militară în Siria"
batch = tokenizer.prepare_seq2seq_batch(example_english_phrase, src_lang="en_XX", tgt_lang="ro_RO", tgt_texts=expected_translation_romanian, return_tensors="pt")
model(input_ids=batch['input_ids'], labels=batch['labels']) # forward pass
  • Generation

    While generating the target text set the decoder_start_token_id to the target language id. The following example shows how to translate English to Romanian using the facebook/mbart-large-en-ro model.

from transformers import MBartForConditionalGeneration, MBartTokenizer
model = MBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("facebook/mbart-large-en-ro")
tokenizer = MBartTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/mbart-large-en-ro")
article = "UN Chief Says There Is No Military Solution in Syria"
batch = tokenizer.prepare_seq2seq_batch(src_texts=[article], src_lang="en_XX", return_tensors="pt")
translated_tokens = model.generate(**batch, decoder_start_token_id=tokenizer.lang_code_to_id["ro_RO"])
translation = tokenizer.batch_decode(translated_tokens, skip_special_tokens=True)[0]
assert translation == "Şeful ONU declară că nu există o soluţie militară în Siria"








