
Bugs: If you see something strange, file a Github Issue and assign @patrickvonplaten.

Translations should be similar, but not identical to output in the test set linked to in each model card.

Implementation Notes

  • Each model is about 298 MB on disk, there are more than 1,000 models.

  • The list of supported language pairs can be found here.

  • Models were originally trained by Jörg Tiedemann using the Marian C++ library, which supports fast training and translation.

  • All models are transformer encoder-decoders with 6 layers in each component. Each model’s performance is documented in a model card.

  • The 80 opus models that require BPE preprocessing are not supported.

  • The modeling code is the same as BartForConditionalGeneration with a few minor modifications:

    • static (sinusoid) positional embeddings (MarianConfig.static_position_embeddings=True)

    • no layernorm_embedding (MarianConfig.normalize_embedding=False)

    • the model starts generating with pad_token_id (which has 0 as a token_embedding) as the prefix (Bart uses <s/>),

  • Code to bulk convert models can be found in


  • All model names use the following format: Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-{src}-{tgt}

  • The language codes used to name models are inconsistent. Two digit codes can usually be found here, three digit codes require googling “language code {code}”.

  • Codes formatted like es_AR are usually code_{region}. That one is Spanish from Argentina.

  • The models were converted in two stages. The first 1000 models use ISO-639-2 codes to identify languages, the second group use a combination of ISO-639-5 codes and ISO-639-2 codes.


Multilingual Models

  • All model names use the following format: Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-{src}-{tgt}:

  • If a model can output multiple languages, and you should specify a language code by prepending the desired output language to the src_text.

  • You can see a models’s supported language codes in its model card, under target constituents, like in opus-mt-en-roa.

  • Note that if a model is only multilingual on the source side, like Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-roa-en, no language codes are required.

New multi-lingual models from the Tatoeba-Challenge repo require 3 character language codes:

from transformers import MarianMTModel, MarianTokenizer
src_text = [
    '>>fra<< this is a sentence in english that we want to translate to french',
    '>>por<< This should go to portuguese',
    '>>esp<< And this to Spanish'

model_name = 'Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-roa'
tokenizer = MarianTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = MarianMTModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
translated = model.generate(**tokenizer.prepare_seq2seq_batch(src_text, return_tensors="pt"))
tgt_text = [tokenizer.decode(t, skip_special_tokens=True) for t in translated]
# ["c'est une phrase en anglais que nous voulons traduire en français",
# 'Isto deve ir para o português.',
# 'Y esto al español']

Code to see available pretrained models:

from transformers.hf_api import HfApi
model_list = HfApi().model_list()
org = "Helsinki-NLP"
model_ids = [x.modelId for x in model_list if x.modelId.startswith(org)]
suffix = [x.split('/')[1] for x in model_ids]
old_style_multi_models = [f'{org}/{s}' for s in suffix if s != s.lower()]

Old Style Multi-Lingual Models

These are the old style multi-lingual models ported from the OPUS-MT-Train repo: and the members of each language group:

 'ZH': ['cmn', 'cn', 'yue', 'ze_zh', 'zh_cn', 'zh_CN', 'zh_HK', 'zh_tw', 'zh_TW', 'zh_yue', 'zhs', 'zht', 'zh'],
 'ROMANCE': ['fr', 'fr_BE', 'fr_CA', 'fr_FR', 'wa', 'frp', 'oc', 'ca', 'rm', 'lld', 'fur', 'lij', 'lmo', 'es', 'es_AR', 'es_CL', 'es_CO', 'es_CR', 'es_DO', 'es_EC', 'es_ES', 'es_GT', 'es_HN', 'es_MX', 'es_NI', 'es_PA', 'es_PE', 'es_PR', 'es_SV', 'es_UY', 'es_VE', 'pt', 'pt_br', 'pt_BR', 'pt_PT', 'gl', 'lad', 'an', 'mwl', 'it', 'it_IT', 'co', 'nap', 'scn', 'vec', 'sc', 'ro', 'la'],
 'NORTH_EU': ['de', 'nl', 'fy', 'af', 'da', 'fo', 'is', 'no', 'nb', 'nn', 'sv'],
 'SCANDINAVIA': ['da', 'fo', 'is', 'no', 'nb', 'nn', 'sv'],
 'SAMI': ['se', 'sma', 'smj', 'smn', 'sms'],
 'NORWAY': ['nb_NO', 'nb', 'nn_NO', 'nn', 'nog', 'no_nb', 'no'],
 'CELTIC': ['ga', 'cy', 'br', 'gd', 'kw', 'gv']

Example of translating english to many romance languages, using old-style 2 character language codes





