
Main concepts

Quick tour: Usage

Here are two quick-start examples showcasing a few Bert and GPT2 classes and pre-trained models.

See package reference for examples for each model classe.

BERT example

First let’s prepare a tokenized input from a text string using BertTokenizer

import torch
from pytorch_transformers import BertTokenizer, BertModel, BertForMaskedLM

# OPTIONAL: if you want to have more information on what's happening under the hood, activate the logger as follows
import logging

# Load pre-trained model tokenizer (vocabulary)
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')

# Tokenize input
text = "[CLS] Who was Jim Henson ? [SEP] Jim Henson was a puppeteer [SEP]"
tokenized_text = tokenizer.tokenize(text)

# Mask a token that we will try to predict back with `BertForMaskedLM`
masked_index = 8
tokenized_text[masked_index] = '[MASK]'
assert tokenized_text == ['[CLS]', 'who', 'was', 'jim', 'henson', '?', '[SEP]', 'jim', '[MASK]', 'was', 'a', 'puppet', '##eer', '[SEP]']

# Convert token to vocabulary indices
indexed_tokens = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokenized_text)
# Define sentence A and B indices associated to 1st and 2nd sentences (see paper)
segments_ids = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

# Convert inputs to PyTorch tensors
tokens_tensor = torch.tensor([indexed_tokens])
segments_tensors = torch.tensor([segments_ids])

Let’s see how we can use BertModel to encode our inputs in hidden-states:

# Load pre-trained model (weights)
model = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')

# Set the model in evaluation mode to desactivate the DropOut modules
# This is IMPORTANT to have reproductible results during evaluation!

# If you have a GPU, put everything on cuda
tokens_tensor = tokens_tensor.to('cuda')
segments_tensors = segments_tensors.to('cuda')

# Predict hidden states features for each layer
with torch.no_grad():
    # See the models docstrings for the detail of the inputs
    outputs = model(tokens_tensor, token_type_ids=segments_tensors)
    # PyTorch-Transformers models always output tuples.
    # See the models docstrings for the detail of all the outputs
    # In our case, the first element is the hidden state of the last layer of the Bert model
    encoded_layers = outputs[0]
# We have encoded our input sequence in a FloatTensor of shape (batch size, sequence length, model hidden dimension)
assert tuple(encoded_layers.shape) == (1, len(indexed_tokens), model.config.hidden_size)

And how to use BertForMaskedLM to predict a masked token:

# Load pre-trained model (weights)
model = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')

# If you have a GPU, put everything on cuda
tokens_tensor = tokens_tensor.to('cuda')
segments_tensors = segments_tensors.to('cuda')

# Predict all tokens
with torch.no_grad():
    outputs = model(tokens_tensor, token_type_ids=segments_tensors)
    predictions = outputs[0]

# confirm we were able to predict 'henson'
predicted_index = torch.argmax(predictions[0, masked_index]).item()
predicted_token = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens([predicted_index])[0]
assert predicted_token == 'henson'

OpenAI GPT-2

Here is a quick-start example using GPT2Tokenizer and GPT2LMHeadModel class with OpenAI’s pre-trained model to predict the next token from a text prompt.

First let’s prepare a tokenized input from our text string using GPT2Tokenizer

import torch
from pytorch_transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2LMHeadModel

# OPTIONAL: if you want to have more information on what's happening, activate the logger as follows
import logging

# Load pre-trained model tokenizer (vocabulary)
tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

# Encode a text inputs
text = "Who was Jim Henson ? Jim Henson was a"
indexed_tokens = tokenizer.encode(text)

# Convert indexed tokens in a PyTorch tensor
tokens_tensor = torch.tensor([indexed_tokens])

Let’s see how to use GPT2LMHeadModel to generate the next token following our text:

# Load pre-trained model (weights)
model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('gpt2')

# Set the model in evaluation mode to desactivate the DropOut modules
# This is IMPORTANT to have reproductible results during evaluation!

# If you have a GPU, put everything on cuda
tokens_tensor = tokens_tensor.to('cuda')

# Predict all tokens
with torch.no_grad():
    outputs = model(tokens_tensor)
    predictions = outputs[0]

# get the predicted next sub-word (in our case, the word 'man')
predicted_index = torch.argmax(predictions[0, -1, :]).item()
predicted_text = tokenizer.decode(indexed_tokens + [predicted_index])
assert predicted_text == 'Who was Jim Henson? Jim Henson was a man'

Examples for each model class of each model architecture (Bert, GPT, GPT-2, Transformer-XL, XLNet and XLM) can be found in the documentation.