from transformers import pipeline, set_seed import gradio as grad, random, re import os import sys gpt2_pipe = pipeline('text-generation', model='Gustavosta/MagicPrompt-Stable-Diffusion', tokenizer='gpt2') def generate(starting_text): with open("ideas.txt", "r") as f: line = f.readlines() seed = random.randint(100, 1000000) set_seed(seed) if starting_text == "": starting_text: str = line[random.randrange(0, len(line))].replace("\n", "").capitalize() starting_text: str = re.sub(r"\.", '', starting_text) response = gpt2_pipe(starting_text, max_length=(len(starting_text) + random.randint(60, 80)), num_return_sequences=1) response_list = [] for x in response: resp = x['generated_text'].strip() if resp != starting_text and len(resp) > (len(starting_text) + 4) and resp.endswith((":", "-", "—")) is False: response_list.append(resp) response_end = "\n".join(response_list) response_end = re.sub('[^ ]+\.[^ ]+','', response_end) response_end = response_end.replace("<", "").replace(">", "") if response_end != "": return response_end with grad.Blocks(css='style.css') as demo: grad.HTML( """

The Stable Diffusion Prompt Generator - because your text needs a little more visual spice.

Ready to see some magic happen? Simply type in your basic idea. Feeling lazy? No problem, just hit the "Magic Prompt" button and it will randomly pull from a list of thousands of ideas for you.

❤️ Press the Like Button if you enjoy my space! ❤️

""" ) with grad.Column(elem_id="col-container"): with grad.Row(variant="compact"): txt = grad.Textbox( label="Initial Text", show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="Enter a basic idea", ).style( container=False, ) run = grad.Button("✨ Magic Prompt ✨").style(full_width=False) with grad.Row(variant="compact"): out = grad.Textbox( label="Generated Text", show_label=False, lines=5, ).style( container=False, ), inputs=[txt], outputs=[out]) with grad.Row(): grad.HTML( """

Transform your boring ideas into creative masterpieces with just one click! Enter a spark of inspiration and let the "Magic Prompt" button work its magic.

""" ) fn=generate, run=generate, inputs=txt, outputs=out demo.launch(enable_queue=False, inline=True)