""" Reference: https://huggingface.co/spaces/gwf-uwaterloo/acl-spectrum (By Ehsan Khamallo) """ import os import re import pandas as pd import plotly.express as px import streamlit as st st.set_page_config(layout="wide") DATA_FILE = "hess_papers_details.json" st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.sidebar.write( """

Clustering on HESS Papers 🌎🌿

""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.sidebar.write( """

A clustered visualization of all papers submitted to the Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) conference. 5318 papers are embedded using spectre2 and reduced with t-SNE. Papers span from as early as 1997 to 2023.

""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) def to_string_authors(list_of_authors): if len(list_of_authors) > 5: return ", ".join(list_of_authors[:5]) + ", et al." elif len(list_of_authors) > 2: return ", ".join(list_of_authors[:-1]) + ", and " + list_of_authors[-1] else: return " and ".join(list_of_authors) def load_df(data_file: os.PathLike): df = pd.read_json(data_file, orient="records") df["x"] = df["t-SNE1"] df["y"] = df["t-SNE2"] df["authors_trimmed"] = df["authors_trimmed"] # #sort dataframe by year # df['year'] = pd.to_datetime(df['year']) # df = df.sort_values('year', ascending=True) # df['year'] = df['year'].dt.strftime('%Y') #df['year'] = df['year'].astype(int) return df @st.cache_data def load_dataframe(): return load_df(DATA_FILE) DF = load_dataframe() DF["opacity"] = 0.04 min_year, max_year = DF["year"].min(), DF["year"].max() with st.sidebar: author_names = st.text_input("Author names (separated by comma)") title = st.text_input("Title") # Work on this # topics = st.multiselect( # "Topics", # ["Topics 1: "], # ["Topics 2: "], # ) start_year, end_year = st.select_slider( "Publication year", options=[str(y) for y in range(min_year, max_year + 1)], value=(str(min_year), str(max_year)), ) start_year = int(start_year) end_year = int(end_year) df_mask = (DF["year"] >= start_year) & (DF["year"] <= end_year) if author_names: authors = [a.strip() for a in author_names.split(",")] author_mask = DF.authors.apply( lambda row: all(any(re.match(rf".*{a}.*", x, re.IGNORECASE) for x in row) for a in authors) ) df_mask = df_mask & author_mask if title: df_mask = df_mask & DF.title.apply(lambda x: title.lower() in x.lower()) DF.loc[df_mask, "opacity"] = 1.0 st.write(f"Number of points: {DF[df_mask].shape[0]}") fig = px.scatter( DF, x="x", y="y", opacity=DF["opacity"], color=DF["cluster"], width=1000, height=800, custom_data=("title", "authors_trimmed", "year"), color_continuous_scale="haline", ) fig.update_traces( hovertemplate="%{customdata[0]}
" ) fig.update_layout( showlegend=False, font=dict( family="Times New Roman", size=30, ), hoverlabel=dict( align="left", font_size=14, font_family="Rockwell", namelength=-1, ), ) fig.update_xaxes(title="") fig.update_yaxes(title="") st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)