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would you be the jerk for outing your best friend of 10 plus years we'll get into that in a bit but first am I the jerk for correcting my stepdaughter's dad when he called me her nanny I've been with my wife for eight years now she has primary custody of her daughter Santana 9. Santana sees her dad Mark every other weekend and some holidays as I've been one of Santana's primary caretakers for the past seven years since I moved in with her mom I have taken care of her more than Mark has and we're quite close my wife and I have went on to have two children together who are now five years and 18 months I've been a stay-at-home dad since the five-year-old was born as a result I'm the one making lunches driving kids to activities Etc that includes for Santana Mark has always felt insecure about my place in Santana's life I've always encouraged her relationship with her dad while also been a place she can go to in order to vent about both her parents I've never asked her to call me dad but I've made it clear I love her the same as her siblings and she she's also said that she loves me and considers me her second dad Mark also mocks me for my stay-at-home dad role my wife always shuts him down and I just ignore him he has in the past jokingly called me Santana's a nanny and I just roll my eyes and say whatever you think Mark I really don't see him much as my wife will take Santana to her dad's and pick her up however yesterday my wife was sick and asked me to pick up Santana she really couldn't get out of bed and I knew Mark wasn't going to drive out to us he's refused in the past so I went over to his place to pick her up he was throwing a barbecue and had some family there I'd never met any of them Santana ran into my arms excited to see me and shouting my name a few people looked at Mark curiously he laughed and said that's Santana's nanny I shook my head and said I'm her stepfather Greg nice to meet you all Mark turned red and barely said goodbye to Santana I didn't think much of it outside Mark just being Mark however Mark texted my wife later singing I human humiliated him and given I'd likely never see those people again I shouldn't have said anything my wife told him he's overreacting and then he then texted me saying I had no right to correct him in his own home he asked what was the big deal in his family thinking I'm her nanny am I the jerk 100 not the jerk you have every right to correct somebody when they call you something that you're not it's not even like op did it in a snarky or crappy way they didn't address anything the guy said they just said I'm her stepfather Greg nice to meet you all literally the most stand-up reply Opie possibly could have done I just feel bad for the dad having such insecurity here also hi I'm Stephen and if you guys enjoy getting to decide whether or not all of these people are jerks why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is am I the jerk because I ate early we were on vacation with my husband's family we got here Sunday afternoon and I was hungry I made food for myself and my son my husband said to wait for his family so we could all have dinner together or maybe even go out it was around four o'clock and he was saying we'd eat at seven I said I was hungry and my son and I ate after that the three of us Sat by the pool his family arrived around six and everyone was hungry and wanted to go out to eat I don't know if it was the traveling or what but I was exhausted so I said I was too tired and would go to bed early my son stayed home with me because he wasn't hungry and wanted to stay I woke up early this morning and I made tea and sat by the pool while my son played when my sister-in-law woke up she came out to the pool and told me off for eating early not going to dinner and being so standoffish she said everyone wanted to see me and my son and I was being such a bench I said I was tired from traveling she said if I forced myself to stay awake I'd be on the same schedule as everyone else but since I went to bed early and woke up early I was going to have the same excuse tonight she also told me off for not making breakfast when I was the first to wake up but I didn't know when when everyone was going to wake up and no one wants cold breakfast she just rolled her eyes and walked away I feel like everyone's been standoffish to me all morning and I'm wondering if I should apologize was I a jerk I just don't think LP was the jerk in the situation they're just trying to manage as best as they can being super jet-lagged honestly I can't blame them personally as I've gotten older it's gotten to the point where when I get tired it's hard to tolerate just forcing yourself to stay up when you are utterly tired all you want to do is just lay down considering traveling can be a very zapping thing I'm willing to bet that after a nice long night of rest even if they're gonna stay up later compared to when they did the previous day they're probably going to be able to stand it a bit more I think op was just unjustly being berated here our next story is am I the jerk for asking if my daughter-in-law fell when I heard of her miscarriage my son announced his wife's pregnancy at eight weeks after hearing the heartbeat unfortunate at least she had a miscarriage around 10 weeks when my son called me on the phone I was so shocked that I just blurted out why did she fall she did not fall by the way I didn't realize I was on speakers during that call and my daughter-in-law overheard my reaction when she got pregnant again they didn't announce until well into the second trimester due to my daughter-in-law ending a very unexpected C-section my son requested my help to come over I cooked cleaned did laundry for them washed the baby Etc despite all my hard work she was still very cold towards me and treated me rather poorly I finally asked her why and she admitted that she was Furious when I sounded very blaming when I asked if she fell that's why her previous pregnancy ended in a miscarriage I told her that I asked if she fell not to blame her in any sense but out of concern for her I said that I'm aware there are other reasons that they occur as members of my immediate family have suffered the same I was very sad to hear the news all of us were so happy excited about our first pregnancy then the next day heard the sad news we all called to speak to her directly and see how she was but we're told she wasn't ready to speak we tried to give the space and time she needed for the situation I don't think she believed me though am I the jerk for asking if my daughter-in-law fell that's why she had a miscarriage even if it's a thought that does come to your brain you should really keep that to yourself because like op themselves said it could happen for a variety of reasons maybe you could ask are you physically hurt why did she fall if that gets back to her not only is she already going through a terribly tough thing but is reminded of an earlier tough thing and also probably gets put back in that mindset of if you have a miscarriage while you fall I can't imagine how hard it would be not to blame yourself for that happening who needs to be brought back into that mindset right now this next story is am I the jerk for pre-gaming my wife's dinners my wife and I are both 32 since we got married and moved in together five months ago my wife has simply not made nearly enough food for me this is not a kind of situation where I'm constantly agitated at her for incompetence or anything like that I would be more than happy to microwave a burrito I would be more than happy to whip up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich but I can't my wife has every single night of our marriage done the same thing she'll make me a tiny dinner I'm talking like a Chinese chicken salad with 30 grams of chicken and 10 leaves of lettuce arranged fashionably with dressing when I finish eating I'm still hungry because for a 230 pound man who works a physical labor job it's not enough food at first I tried to openly communicate with her but she always took it horribly she would adopt a thousand yard stare and then begin talking about how incompetent she is and how she can't even make her husband a proper dinner I try to calm her down with oh honey that's not the case I just eat too much or don't worry about it I can make a bit more I'd try to be overwhelmingly positive it never helped she would always just get incredibly disappointed in herself cry and or take it out on me then she would make the exact same amount the following day after the communication route failed I tried to eat her dinners as is it became hard to sleep at night due to hunger and I lost seven pounds in the first month eventually I figured out my own system on my way home from work I started swinging by a fast food restaurant and getting myself a burger I would basically pregame her meals with some more calories I figured it was win-win as what she doesn't know can't hurt her and I could have my fill of food I would eat on my way home walk in the door pick at the salad or quinoa or homemade mac and cheese she made compliment her for her delicious cooking and later dispose of the rappers discreetly two days ago I was on my way home and in line at a drive-through my mother in law was coming out of the restaurant she ran over and greeted me I asked her in a humorous way not to tell her daughter where she saw me because she'd take it badly and she agreed but then she knocked on me anyway I got home to a furious wife who demanded details when I provided the truth she got extremely angry and looked legitimately hurt I'm not good at handling confrontation and I feel like I betrayed my wife in some way was I wrong here this is definitely one of those little things that you consider a small thing that builds up to be a very big thing the more you do it without you realizing it if you stopped there one time and fill up before the meal because you know it's gonna probably be a hungry thing that's one thing but for you to adopt this practice of stopping there every time on the way home and thinking that's the better route rather than continued communication and Hands-On effort Island Gopi was sorely mistaken what I would have liked to have seen is maybe op take some time off or God forbid kid goes hungry for an extra hour or two and gets hands on with them and helps make the meal and kind of shows them Hands-On how much op wants to eat I mean what better way for them to properly learn how much to make and how to make it our next story is am I the jerk for telling someone that his achievement just meant that he had Rich parents I 23 year old male have been with my current company for a year now recently a new guy Jack joined our team fresh out of college last Friday my manager invited everyone to a bar after work there Jack told everyone about an achievement that he obtained over spring break he visited his 150th country Cambodia in contrast to everyone else who were asking things such as what was the best worst strangest thing you ate which countries were your favorite and any cool stories I just said good for you and went back to my drink Jack noticed me being quiet and asked me why I wasn't joining in I said don't worry about me but Jack kept pressing the issue I finally said Jack visiting 150 countries is cool and all but it doesn't say anything about you as a person it just means you had Rich parents who could afford to travel internationally several times a year I grew up poor literally worked my butt off in high school got a full ride merit scholarship and did everything humanly possible to land my current six-figure job rich people who think they're better than everyone else just because they had Rich parents is a huge pet peeve of mine but my co-workers didn't know any of that since I like to keep work in my personal life as separated as possible Jack got really quiet after that and left soon afterwards now it's Monday morning and I'm wondering if I should have just kept my mouth shut honestly having written this up and posted it out for people to see I hope Opie feels a little bit ashamed of what they did so because this person is in a more fortunate situation and they were able to visit these 150 countries they can't talk about it they can't share that as a legitimate achievement op themselves said rich people who think they're better than everyone else just because they had Rich parents is a huge pet peeve was this guy going around flexing that he was so much better than everybody else or were they sharing their achievement with other people that they thought might be interested in hearing about it I mean shoot if I visited 150 countries Rich parents or not I'd want to tell people about it to be honest I think op was either just extremely insecure or jealous here our next story is am I the jerk for refusing to spend time with my stepsister backstory I'm 15 year old female my parents divorced a year ago because my father cheated he married to the affair girlfriend like instantly I think he's a complete jerk and told the judge I wanted to live with my mom so I do but they still said I had to go to my father's every other weekend I don't want to see him so I refuse to go at first but it was stressing my mom out with court stuff I agreed to go as long as his wife is totally hands off and I can stay in my room and not be bothered except for one family activity of their choice so that's where we are every other weekend my dad picks me up talks at me in the car because I won't talk to him we go to Family Therapy where everyone but me talks I stay in my room until sometime Saturday when I go out with them to do something fun and then mostly stay in my room until my mom picks me up on Sunday I have plenty of stuff to keep me busy so I'm fine but everyone else not so much a fair wife has kids 12 year old female and nine-year-old male that would go to their dads on my weekends so I never saw them but the schedule changed so now they're there when I am the nine-year-old is fine he asks to borrow a video game now and then but he's like polite about it and gives them back so sure the 12 year old won't leave me the freak alone anytime I don't literally have my door locked she's barging in trying to talk to me or wanting to do something I tried to tell her to leave me alone in a nice way but last time I just upped and told her I never want to talk to her and I'm going to ignore her from now on she cried about it a fair wife got mad my father said she's having a hard time with the divorce too and I shouldn't take it out on her I told him he could stop forcing me to visit then and problem solved everyone is mad my mom says she gets it but the 12 year old probably is just looking for someone not her parents to talk to I just don't see why it has to be me so this one is really tough because I know op definitely has these hard set in feelings but it does sound like in all consideration of things that the father is trying their best to have a relationship with op and it is tricky because the 12 year old to me sounds like somebody that could be maybe looking up to op or wanting to connect with somebody like they said that isn't their parents I'm really conflicted here because I don't want to Discount what Opie's going through in their feelings I just feel like it's the kind of thing that maybe 10 years down the road they look back on and think maybe they regret the way they acted I don't think Ops wrong or their feelings at all personally I think something like a personal individual therapy would be really good for op our next story is am I the jerk for doing chores the way my husband suggested resulting in his stuff being ruined I'll keep this short I work from home and make less than my husband so I do more chores in general I'm fine with this but he never seems happy when I'm done with the chores the pillows aren't fluffed enough on the couch or the mopping is done wrong the worst is that he'll tell me to do the chores wrong use boiling water when mopping we have fake floors it'll damage them use the wire sponge on no stick pans and so on it drives me crazy so he made the comment again about doing it his way and it'll be cleaner so today I did that took his favorite pan and used the wire sponge to clean it I recorded it and yes it scratched the thing up when he got home he flipped and we got into a huge argument but my point was I was just doing it as he told me to he called me a jerk and I'm doubting myself since I did mess up a good pen I don't think Ops I'd write the jerk here I think you really had two ways to go about this straight up refuse because you know it would ruin that pan or ruin it and dig your heels into the dirt saying it's their fault you just did it as they asked not ignoring the obvious though there's some much more serious things than just a pan to work through here our next story is am I the jerk for asking a girl I'm seeing about her period a girl I'm seeing slept over the other night and when she was here stuff got a little sexual she ended up saying that she was on her period no big deal I gave her a back rub and we watched movies the rest of the night the next morning she was getting ready to go home and I went to the bathroom and my garbage was empty and I didn't see her get up a single time to change her pad or tampon so I questioned her about it and told her if I made her uncomfortable when I was making advances she could have just said so and didn't need to lie about being on her period She immediately got defensive and said she has no reason to lie I told her I saw nothing that indicated she changed her tampon or pad that night and if she left a tampon her pad and all night in fear of leaving it in my garbage that I didn't care about that and that I have sisters and understood the dangers of using the same one all night she said she was aware and didn't need me to mansplain periods to her and she called me weird and left she's blocked me on everything and this feels very over dramatic I was just looking out for her am I the jerk I mean to say what it is op straight up started with accusing her of not being on her period and lying about it which is kind of a crappy thing to do to somebody and then op shifts when they get an obvious negative reaction to that and then says well you don't have to hide it from me I know all about that stuff in a situation like that I feel like it's impossible to want to open up about something that is a sensitive topic for a lot of people whether or not she she was lying about it op did kind of mansplain periods and how it's bad to leave stuff in overnight I feel like most people in that situation are just going to politely find a way to leave our next story is am I the jerk for excluding A co-worker when I was giving a lift to others I have a weekend job at a warehouse where most people can't afford cars they mainly rely on public transit which isn't reliable when most of us ends our shift most of them used to walk five miles to the train station or stay at work for a few more hours unpaid the train station is literally on the way to my second job and house so I offer them rides I drive an F-150 so the truck seats five people including myself three to five people including myself usually clock out at two in the morning so I drive everyone on my shift to the train station I don't mind my truck can fit them all and it's fun to drive with others but there's this one woman I don't care for that much she has a reputation for being lazy while everyone would be working King she's usually in the office or outside speaking with a supervisor who's into her I think she also never thanked me or even says please it's like she's entitled to a free ride so all of us clock out at 2AM I said out loud the names of the people and said come with me I'll drop you guys off at the station as we're walking outside she comes up to me and says can you drop me off I'll be ready in a few minutes I have to change my shoes I said sorry but from now on I don't want to give you rides anymore you should ask for a shift change she got a visibly upset and talked about how dangerous the streets are and how I'm Petty for not giving her a ride I changed my tone and said enough it's my truck you can find your own way home I'm not the city bus caused a bit of a scene but my co-workers agreed with me it's my truck I can choose who to let in I could understand being upset enough that this person being a slack off at work or whatever but that doesn't justify calling out loud like you're some Factory Foreman only these people are allowed bonuses it just wasn't called for to call them out like that in front of everybody and to be fair personally I think it's still kind of crappy even if you don't like her because of her productivity at work to make them walk five miles at 2 am in the dark our next story is am I the jerk for embarrassing my cousin in front of everyone at my wedding I 28 year old male and my wife 29 year old female got married in may we had the wedding at this beautiful hotel we had about 150 people attending I have one friend 29 year old male who has a service dog and is in a wheelchair he was in an accident a few years ago and is paralyzed from the waist his dog is always well behaved and nobody made a fuss my cousin 32 year old female has a great dane that is untrained and nobody in the family likes the dog I made it clear to her many times that the dog was not welcome to the wedding well the day of the wedding she shows up late with her dog on a leash my father and I were Furious us and told her to leave with the dog she refused and then let the dog off the leash she promised he would be on his best behavior he started jumping on people tried to play with my best friend's service dog and overall was upsetting everyone there my cousin's defense was that he's a therapy dog and she can't leave without him she then pointed out that my friend brought a dog to the wedding so it wasn't a big deal I started yelling at her that there was a huge difference between a well-trained service dog and her dog everyone was staring at us at this point and she grabbed her dog and left crying my aunt approached me after that wedding that I didn't have to embarrass my cousin like that and she was struggling with mental health I explained that I told her many times before the wedding that the dog was not welcome my cousin's now trying to paint me as the bad guy she sent me multiple messages demanding an apology am I the jerk for embarrassing my cousin in front of everyone at my wedding if you were well aware that this dog is not a properly trained service animal and it's mostly a for show thing you know somebody's saying I have to take my service animal everywhere with me but it's not actually true then yeah I don't think you're the jerk for saying don't bring this dog I think it would have been more than fair for Opie to say don't bring the dog if you want to bring the dog literally do not come that would have been totally fair and how hope he acted was totally fair especially considering they're a Great Dane too on top of all that our next story is am I the jerk for ordering from the kids menu I female23 can't eat much I see people eat a whole pizza by themselves hold dinner plates all by themselves their burger and sides all by themselves I can't I eat multiple meals a day not just three I'll take smaller portions and maybe eat four to five times a day I went to a new restaurant not fancy with my boyfriend and wanted something that they served in the regular adult menu but they also had a smaller kids portion it was cheaper too you and there was no age limit listed on the menu so I went ahead and ordered that when the server came she told me that it wasn't fair for me to order from the kids menu because I'm clearly not a kid and the price is cheaper therefore their 20 tip would be less I asked her to show me where the age limit was listed and she couldn't because there was none if there was I would have skipped out on it and ordered the regular size she clearly just wanted a bigger tip so we left zero dollars just because of her attitude towards me am I the jerk yeah I'm sorry I don't care if this affects what anybody thinks of me but if you're coming to me complaining that somebody at my table ordered a kids menu because they legitimately cannot eat a full adult-sized meal and you as the waiter or waitress without even knowing that start complaining because you're not going to get a bigger tip I'm definitely leaving nothing am I wrong for that is Opie wrong because they left nothing for the server after that our next story is am I the jerk for taking my daughter's paycheck for the whole summer my daughter 16 caused a huge amount of damage to the family car around may it was 100 her fault since she was texting while driving and went off the curb she was fine but the wheels and axles got messed up badly it would cost about 3 000 to get it fixed luckily our insurance covered that even though our rates did go up so the car got fixed up my wife and I decided that she needed to pay it back as a punishment so we had her get a job fast food and have been collecting her money after every pay period this got back to my sister and she blew up on me about stealing from our kid and called me a jerk I need an outside opinion the money we're taking goes into her College account her paychecks are pocket change to what me and my wife bring in we don't need it we're doing it as a lesson and that's it considering you're not actually just keeping it for yourself and it's all going to a college fund it's not too bad but honestly I would like to see maybe a little portion of it still stick with the water just if anything to show that you can work for some money I mean at the end of the day I think she totally does have to pay something back for what she's done and it does help her kind of learn some ramifications for what a horrendous mistake she made she is still working a fast food job she probably does deserve some kind of income from it even if it's pocket change from her pocket change this next story is am I the jerk for outing my best friend of 10 plus years for a lie I female 27 have been best friends with this person for 10 plus years recently I found out that she's been lying to me for two years about being pregnant and having a baby this friend would tell me for the last year and a half how her daughter's father has kept her from her child of course as a good friend I wanted to help her I agreed recently to take her to go get her child from him I drove two hours to pick her up the night before and then took her the next day to get her child I drove her three hours from where I lived we'd arrived at 2 46 PM when we got there she said she needed a minute to herself and wanted to go walk around so I sat in my car by myself while she did that around 3 30 PM I texted her and asked what time he would be there and she told me he got off at 4 30 p.m I agreed to wait after waiting for about an hour I had texted her again and asked what time he would be there she told me 6 p.m at 601 PM she texted me and said he would be there at 6 45 PM I'd eventually texted her at 6 40 pm and told her if he wasn't there at 7 pm I would be leaving at 7 01 PM she texts me and says that he's going to take her to her daughter which I thought was a little strange I tried to call her and she didn't answer so I texted her and let her know I would be leaving regardless I waited until 7 20 pm to leave and she never said anything to me at all she didn't text me until 11 pm well before I had received a text from her her I ended up reaching out to her mom to see if she had spoken to her this is where it got interesting her mom had informed me that she's never had a child well I was convinced that I didn't know what was true so I decided my only point of contact between me and her daughter's father was his ex-girlfriend so I messaged the ex on Instagram this axis helped me out so much my best friend was extremely ticked that I reached out to her mom and the ex-girlfriend my best friend finally decided that she was going to come clean and tell the truth that there has never been a baby I even tried to confront her about it after her mom had told me there was no baby and she refused to answer the question I was so ticked and upset also let me add in that she told me I'm a bad friend because I left her four hours away from her house and in a strange town but am I the jerk for doing my own investigating edit here's the timeline of our friendship let me clear a couple of things up we started being friend in 2012 she moved two hours away in 2020 in 2020 I got pregnant with my son I've been a full-time single mom I stayed in contact with her through FaceTime and I've only seen her in person three times from the time she moved to current during her pregnancy I didn't see her because she used covid as an excuse which I respected because I had a coveted baby well in May of 2021 she sends me a picture and says she's had her baby she tells me on FaceTime one day that she let her daughter's father take the baby because she was depressed well when she reached out to me on Thursday she said he was trying to take her daughter from her for good and get her rights taken away so I agreed on Friday to take her to get her daughter and that's when this crap show happened I hope this helps a little more also I'll add that maybe I was blinded by things because she told me things I could relate to the other part is where she didn't want to post her because she didn't want the world to see her daughter to clarify the picture of the baby was was her cousin's baby I don't know anyone on her dad's side also definitely not the jerk and the thing I'm the most confused about is what was actually going on this whole time did op just take her to her hookup like was she just having like a good old night out and hoping op would wait around as like their retained cab driver I don't know about op but I would be so torn up and twisted over this whole thing that like I would begin retracing the last 10 years of our friendship and trying to figure out what was true and what was a lie if they were willing to put this lie up for 10 years what else total BS falsehood stuff is gone on I don't even know if it's worth trying to talk to the mom or the ex anymore just cut them all off and leave that whole thing behind in my opinion but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy am I the jerk here story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rAITAISTOLEALLOFMYDAUGHTERSMONEYRedditStoriesorig
new update aita if I say no to allowing my husband's daughter to come live with us full-time original post April 10th 2024 I have been married to my husband for 6 years we have two kids together 8m and 4m our youngest is special needs my husband also has a daughter 12 from his previous relationship my husband's ex has had primary custody my husband gets SD on weekends and alternating holidays SLB birthdays this past weekend my SD asked my husband if she can come live with him full-time her mom recently moved in with her fiance and his kids and there has been some friction with that from what I understand nothing nefarious just new house new rules having to share a bedroom Etc my husband didn't give her an answer either way he said he would look into it when he and I were discussing it I had the following objections SD and our kids do not get along it is something we have worked on for years in and out of therapy and it just ain't happening SD resents mine for existing and is cruel towards my
give me a good story on orig
aita for refusing to turn my home office into a room for my oldest daughter I am a father to three kids 9M 11f and 15f our family is moving into a four-bedroom house in the upcoming week since my job requires me to work from home two days a week I'm planning to turn one room into an shared home officejim this leaves a room for my wife and I one for my son and one for the girls to share the issue is that my oldest daughter 15f is refusing to share a room with her sister she is demanding her own room and argues that a teenager deserves privacy and that it's not fair her brother who is the youngest gets his own room while as the oldest she does I understand her frustrations but it's inappropriate for siblings of the opposite gender to share a room and if she gets her own room then that leaves me without a home off when I explained to her that there is nothing we can do and that she will have to accept this living arrangement she accused me of favoritism and misogyny which is not true and is refusing to speak to me my wife is on her side and says she is too old to be sharing a room with a tween my daughters have always shared a room so my oldest will adjust very quickly and it is important for me to have a dedicated work space for my job aita
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtoturnmyhomeofficeintoaroomformyoldestdaughteraita
people who got fired for the stupidest reason what happened I started working in a place a month or so ago and at first it all seemed cool it was an outside bar and my job was primarily at the Pizza Station stretching and shaping the dough topping slicing and garnishing as well as taking the pizzas to the customers most of the time on top of that I did seem to lend my time to the other stations like the bar and floor whenever I could as they were at times very unstaffed that and the incompetent management made it unbearable the event that led to me getting the sack well one day I accidentally read the wrong number on a ticket indicating the table number my bad not something that happens often it didn't help the table I took the pizzas to by mistake accepted them even though they didn't order any pizzas between the three of them it was only when I took a third and final Pizza that they questioned whether the third pizza was there as well already tucking into the first two I thought nothing of it and carried on 30 minutes pass and the table that was meant to get the pizzas Flags it up and re realize the situation immediately he bang out the missing pizzas in minutes I personally go and apologize to the table and the table that accepted the pizza agreed to pay for them at this point I didn't see any further problems everybody had a happy ending I misread the ticket I knew what I had done and to be honest I felt pretty stupid for it what didn't need to happen is that the supervisor is a middle-aged woman trying desperately to grasp onto relevance by budding in conversations and trying to W up everything you say but also being super insecure about her Authority so stamping her feet to enforce it when it simply isn't necessary to come over and make a scene she runs over after everything is sorted and Rambles on listen calm down read yes super loud super condescending in front of a full Garden of customers I didn't know what to say at first so I sort of just did the thing where you kind of just laugh to fill the silence and said okay but she didn't think I was taking it seriously enough bearing in mind at this point I'd estimated delivering almost a thousand individual pizzas to their correct tables and not made a single mistake to me it very much seemed like this woman was making stupid mistakes every day she comes back moments later slightly more frustrated and is still talking to me like a child I respond calmly and say that I'd prefer if she didn't talk to me like she just did in front of the customer she storms off again at this point I'm cooking a pizza and she's getting extremely aggressive showing teeth very animated turned to be intimidating I stick to what I said disagreeing with her notion that she's my boss and can pull me up for something if necessary but my point was that it wasn't I tried to argue this but before long I realized my attention has been diverted from the pizza oven for too long and the pizza I was cooking has started to catch fire rendering it useless I'm visibly annoyed at this because it's a waste of product in my time again she storms off now before long she's back at the absolute peak of anger making an absolute scene for the sake of her ego I simply say I think she should have this chat after service don't you looking at her dead in the eyes knowing that I would be quitting or fired before I got the chance she had such an emotional reaction that she had to go and sit in the dark room for 10 minutes leaving the floor so only one person was seated in taking out drinks they sent me home and asked me to come in for an interview about it the next day I never returned story two I had a manager write me up for not attending a meeting that she scheduled on a Sunday night because I was out of town I'd ran my request in the calendar she used for time off and she approved it in writing in the calendar I got back from my mini vacation to find they' implemented a few new practices that I wasn't aware of called another store to see if someone could explain one to me and got a snotty if you hadn't skipped the meeting last Sunday you'd know followed by a hang up in my ear I went to the office looked through a few papers on the desk to see if any instructions were there and found those along with a write up for an unexcused absence for the meeting I immediately took a picture of that took a picture of the calendar still hanging on the wall that showed my request along with the approval and ated when the manager showed up along with the district manager I was called into the back room the office was too small for three people and read the riot act for skipping the meeting I was presented with a write up which I refused to sign when the district manager asked why I wasn't going to sign it I showed her the photo of the calendar that had the approval written on it the manager went and got the calendar which now had convenient wide out marks on it and said she'd revoked my permission two weeks earlier when the meeting had been scheduled I then showed the district manager the timestamp for the photo 2 hours earlier I was sent back to the sales floor while the manager and district manager spoke a short time later I was called back in when I received the crappiest apologies I'd ever heard a few months later the manager left the HR file drawer open and since there were no cameras in the office I looked at my file the writeup was in there along with the worst forgery of my signature ever I of course took a picture of it and when I left the company for good a few months later on 4 hours notice I included that picture with the email I sent to every major office in the company detailing all the cruelty and misbehavior of the store manager and district manager that company was dissolved by the parent company a couple of years later and and while I don't know what the district manager is doing I know the manager is working for a card company as an assistant manager at a much lower salary Story three I got fired for taking time off when my first son was born yes for the birth of my son I took a job at this place after my last place notified us the day before Christmas that we weren't coming back after Christmas yes o my wife was pregnant when I took this new job I notified them during the interview that I would need time off four months down the road for the birth of my son I reminded them at least twice a month no problem no problem they said two months in they gave me a nice raise after seeing me consistently pull 140% productivity over their usually highest productive staff with no safety violations 3 months in they start laying the night shift off despite being in the middle of a large building expansion I started working 12-hour shifts which often included 16 to 20 hour shifts to cover the staff they let go of I kept reminding them I would need time off no problem no problem they said the time was near I reminded them yet again a few weeks prior they said if I took the time off I would be let go I told them that should have thought of that before laying everyone else off my son was born I took one day off for the birth one single day I called in several hours before my shift the day I returned I was ready to work the manager sat me down he told me his boss said he had to let me go because I to fight orders not to call in you're lost I said he tried to apologize I told him not to apologize because I knew he didn't mean it I wasn't going to let him soothe his guilt either didn't communicate to his boss or he didn't care to defend my position the Silver Lining I got to collect un employment for 6 months while I spent time with with my firstborn son I also made sure to thank the company on numerous occasions for it they tried to deny unemployment too I wanted the appeal because they had a bad track record of automatically denying unemployment requests and losing their appeals story four I worked for one week at a locally owned coffee shop as a teen during my interview it was obvious that the owners the manager interviewing me and the staff were very religious I didn't grow up in a religious household but it didn't bother me at all to be around devout Christians I was a very pppy good girl type so people assumed I was a Conservative Christian anyway anyway I was prepping some stuff in the back on a busy weekend and a couple co-workers were talking about mission trips I didn't have everything to add so I didn't join in the conversation right away one of them turned to me and asked me if I ever went on a mission trip and I responded that I never went on one but they seemed pretty interesting they told me that it's easy just go to my church and see what programs they offer I responded that unfortunately I don't have a church I've never been to church before they were like oh okay then no worries I went back to their conversation the manager overheard the conversation and called me into her office she fired me on the spot saying I didn't fit in I didn't give any further explanation or examples of what I did wrong I was devastated because I had no idea what she was talking about I knew she was a bit of a nut though in my week of being there she'd say stuff like oh you're planning on going to a liberal arts college I tried that once but I couldn't stand the professors that forc their views of evolution onto their students did you know Darwin retracted his theory in his deathbed that's how I know it's false but she's the manager so all I did was smile and Nod to those thinking you should have sued her reported them yeah I was 17 and didn't even know that type of discrimination was illegal Story five I was in college and waitressing at a restaurant that was open all night the manager refused to make the schedule so that those of us in college would only work the all nighter on days we didn't have class the next morning it didn't give a damn if you had class or not he would still give you an all nighter on one such schedule he gave me two all nighters in a row on the days I had 8: a.m. classes my shift was to 6 so I would get home just in time to shower and go to class so I worked to 6:00 went to class from 8:00 to 9:00 then 11: to1 and then went home to study eat and try to catch a nap that night back for another 11: to 6 shift home to shower and go to class at 8 I had a break in class from 8:00 to 1: to eat and study then we had a 3-hour lab from 1:00 to 4:00 I went home studied ate and fell asleep at about 6:30 or 7 I didn't wake up until because I'd slept through my alarm I called and said I was on my way and I was sorry I was late but I'd not slept more than 6 to 7 hours in the last 48 hours and I'd overslept the manager fired me over the phone for using lack of sleep as a reason to miss a shift and he was tired of listening to us College kidss whine about all nighter I had never complained once about my overnight shifts and had never been late not once in my six months of working there it started in May and was fired right near Christmas it turned out he found an excuse to fire every single college kid that work there and that left him with only four waitresses and a scramble to find new ones however a huge portion of the workforce was made up of college kids and word had gone around so that he had to settle for really old ladies who refused to work overnight and only four waitresses that would it sucked to be him hey there see seems like we're already halfway through if you've been enjoying these outrageous stories about the workplace like And subscribe for more related content story six I worked at Best Buy in the mid90s when I was 16 I worked selling computers and I was pretty good at it we also sold things like memory and hard drives that were behind lock and key part of our job was to take the tagged inventory from the trucks and put it on the shelves this included said memory so I closed one night put away all the new inventory lock it up and hand the keys to the manager they do their checks in our department and we leave for the night the next day scheduled I go in and the loss prevention manager says he has me on video stealing memory I laughed and said show me the video well I'm somewhat tall have red hair and I'm white the video he shows me is an older very short white guy with a shaved head he told me that it was me and that I was fired and he only showed me the video once and immediately turned off the monitor being 16 it didn't know any better I said some things on my way out and I left it turns out the Lost prevention guy and his son were stealing for years to the tune of over $250,000 and the guy in the video he showed me was his son any time problems popped up with missing inventory they just fired a random person to keep the attention away from themselves when the police arrested them their house was loaded with televisions computers and everything from the store story seven I worked at this hotel doing afternoon and evening shifts and two overnight shifts a week they listed the following reasons for letting me go I claimed I was leaving property without clocking out because I wasn't on camera the entire time the date they said specifically was an evening that I spent cleaning up the meeting space because it was slow I was also not the only front desk person on shift when working overnight I would sit in a chair to do the audit from Midnight to 3:00 a.m. sitting on a chair at the front desk was not allowed even at midnight or early in the morning also when working overnight I had to fold linen so I could listen to the radio or music through a Bluetooth headset while folding and cleaning up the back that was also not allowed even at midnight or early in the morning they honestly probably just didn't like me but after they fired me I went and got a new job at the hotel next door started making a lot more money and was able to do all the things I was let go of story8 in my first ever proper job I was a Christmas Tempa goes I got fired for not being able to hit the completely ridiculous sales targets they set for me with zero training 20% of the sales I made had to be from the insurance we offered in appliances the fact that I had zero training in their stupidly complicated tail system tough crab if he only sold toys cables and batteries that day tough crap the fact that the insurance we offered was worthless crap especially when compared to the warranty larger items came with plus the fact most people of Home Insurance tough crap the manager was a raging witch and would pull me into her office every couple of days to tell me how much of a pathetic disappointment I was after about 2 months of my four-month contract she fired me claiming I was one of the biggest letdowns she'd made in hiring I later found out that number one regular permanent staff were not scolded or punished for not hitting the crazy high Target but celebrated if they did number two the store was about to close down the manager had been deliberately picking on me in the hopes I would quit and when it didn't quit she fired me because if she hadn't she would have been obliged to find me a new position in another store and she couldn't be bothered because I was a teenage temp basically she was just a lazy Nast woman who made it my problem that's the worst job I've ever had to this day and it knocked my confidence for a while everything does when you're a teen but I still thank that ugly bag of bones every day for a very important life lesson 99% of companies don't care about staff and 99% of managers will happily mess you up to make their life a little easier story nine I worked for a professional moving company I can't slander or name drop for another year as per my signed contract and fortunately I got a concussion on the job through no fault of my own the person who loaded the truck booby trapped it accidentally essentially they loaded the truck up as we were unloading it no one knew what was behind these towers mattresses hutches Etc as we moved a mattress its metal bed frame slats fell and hit me in the head giving me a concussion and Whiplash none of my co-workers were the most wonderful part of that job thought it was funny the managers however did I was ridiculed for getting a concussion the subsequent constant sickness from it and the constant pain in my neck they joked about me behind my back to my co-workers who subsequently told me I said things when I had gone the concussion initially that were stupid and incoherent which I did not I was going to a chiropractor to help alleviate some of the tension in my neck appointments they knew about and I was told that because I was leaving work 15 minutes early to make it to an appointment like it had been going to for weeks I was receiving an unexcused absence from work so the next day I was called seven times wondering where I was for my shift I said Oh I thought you might have been confused about what an unexcused absence is so I'm showing you right now they did not like that Ma karma is a witch because the manager who made fun of me had a stroke and the boss of the company who issued me the unexcused absence got a pretty nasty flu along with his wife I still have neck problems to this day story 10 this happened 3 weeks ago I was a project manager for residential home builder new to the area the company was from a different state I'm the first pm to build the first houses for the division naturally they make a lot of changes from the original plan set it's pretty common that either the plans don't shake out in the field as they do on paper or that the design team wants to change things anyway it happens but all those changes impact the schedule rework or replace things material changes with a back order Etc my direct boss has been giving me positive feedback for the last year I managed more projects in square footage than the other two PMS combined yeah we all get paid nearly the same but in my annual performance review the EVP of Ops gives me my review instead of that of my direct boss which he didn't do for the other 2 PMs and tells me that I'm slower than the other 2 PMS because I went first and I'm the one to discover the issues with the houses then I tell the other 2 PMS how to avoid those issues and setbacks that now I'm under the gun many of the reasons lists are literally made up not real or so immaterial that it question his competence I tell him I'm shocked and have no idea what he's talking about I can prove it to him with emails and text messages he disagrees 3 weeks later I show up to the side and I'm working and he has my new boss fire me pretty much everyone is shocked and confused as to what happened I just got another offer a couple of days ago from a better company with the same pay working on better projects story 11 during my senior year of high school I was working at McDonald's it was right after Christmas and we were really busy I'd been there for 4 hours had two to go and was supposed to get a 30-minute break since we'd slowed down asked if I could have a break the shift manager said no one was getting breaks I said thanks a lot and she told the assistant manager that I told her to get off he fired me on the spot wouldn't even let me give my side of the story a week later I was working a Jack In The Box I was a shift manager for 6 months did that through a couple years of college dropped out never wanted to go anyway moved up to a system manager and then a couple years later a general manager I remember how crappy I was treated at McDonald's and made sure I treated my employees well had the third lowest turnover rate in a 95 restaurant region had the second highest average hourly pay and had a number two profit Improvement take care of your people and they'll do the same for you thanks for joining me on these unbelievable tales about crappy management if you'd like to dive into the flip side watch what's the fastest way you've seen someone get fired Story 3 is just bizarre see you there
give me a good story on STUPIDThingsThatWILLGetYouFIRED
AIT for accidentally dead naming my sister after she slammed the door on my 5-year-old son I M31 and my husband m30 recently adopted our son M5 7 months ago my sister f19 stays with us because of our parents lack of support towards her transition and because I live closest to her University out of all our siblings my sister Kora fake name is a trans woman and recently come out to us all two months ago and has been living with me since my son jack has been struggling to remember all our siblings and my husband's family memb name so we've been showing him family videos and pictures of us from holidays and such when we were younger and since Kora lives with us Jack must have noticed the name we used to call Kora before she transitioned and learned to say it two days ago Kora came back for the weekend and Jack called her by her dead name Kora was extremely upset and walked away from him jack followed after her to her room and was about to enter when she slammed the door on him and it caught his finger I was in my study doing my work when I heard him scream I was up and out looking for him when I saw Kora holding his hands and trying to console him he was bleeding in his NE
give me a good story on AITAforaccidentallydeadnamingmysisteraftersheslammedthedooronmyyearoldsonorig
aita for telling my wife she's a childish horrible human being for not wanting my family to come over to our home after my mother's celebration of life my wife 37f and I am 39m built a new home and moved into a really nice neighborhood about 7 months ago she's a stay-at-home mom we have three kids she's white and I'm Mexican both were born in Dallas Texas we both are from the same suburb and we met After High School she loved my family and my family loved her when we first got together she was 17 and I was 19 her mom and dad kicked her out because they didn't want her to date another person of A different race it's all good now her parents admitted they were wrong and I love her parents and they love me and are children at that time I was living at my parents still had my own job car and paid rent my parents heard of her getting kicked out and they offered for her to move in with us rentree my mother and father loved her and took her in as one of their own I have three sisters who were all married at the time and we were always hanging out with my family at one of my sister's houses or my parents house we were always together and everyone got along as time went by I started to make more money and we were able to buy our first house together and finally moved out after living with my parents for almost 4 years we had our first child a son a year later which is when her parents finally accepted me and then our twin daughters 5 years after that right
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmywifeshesachildishhorriblehumanbeingfornotwantingmyfamilytocome
when has a parent come crawling back for help after destroying your life I lived with my single mother since I was 14. my parents divorced after years of fights and arguments that I soon became accustomed to it got to the point that I thought all families were like this after the divorce my father moved away to France and from what I heard started a new life and family over there I on the other hand stayed with my mother who remarried again this time to a rich and successful businessman with two grown-up children twins who were two years older than me we moved to their house which was this large and expensive looking mansion with a lot of rooms with tons of artifacts for Decor that only rich people have in their house you would think my life would become better now that I'm living in wealth but it was the exact opposite in every day I wish that I had gone with my Dad instead my mother was negligent to the point that sometimes we wouldn't see for days and she would probably forget that she had a daughter all she cared about was going to Elite events with her husband wearing expensive clothes and just swimming in money it was only about the money meanwhile I was approaching my sophomore years in high school as this awkward and lonely girl with no real friends who got bullied constantly and was suffering from depression and anorexia nervosa and it was so obvious but somehow no one not even my mother saw this life with my step siblings wasn't good either my stepsister Jane took pleasure in humiliating me and constant reminding me that I'm not of their class and my mother is just another gold digging she would trip me push me shove me and when I tried to complain my mother would take her side and shush me what are you trying to do you want to end this good life for us that's what she always said when she's the one with the good life my stepbrother Jake didn't really do much to me he mostly ignored me like I didn't exist which I was grateful for but none of them cared the only person who cared that I regret ever listening to was my stepfather's brother I'll call him Isaac Isaac was this always smiling typical Playboy who was oddly interested in me for some reason he would come around often try to sit with me talk to me and it was really uncomfortable he promised that he cared about my well-being and he was going to talk to my mother about my eating disorder and what I was going through it was that promise that kept me close to him because I really needed help when my mother was ignoring me she believed that as long as I got allowances she gave me every month I would be okay I was in the 12th grade when my mother and her husband celebrated their five-year anniversary at the house by that time Jane and Jake were at Cambridge already and they weren't home since it was in the middle of the semester this meant I was the only kid in that house it was that day that Isaac lured me to a guest room on the pretense of wanting to talk to me about how I was doing and then he has saved me I honestly don't remember what happened it was mostly several times he did it to me and left me there as I slipped into unconsciousness from the shock when I woke up I was in my room and my mother was sitting next to me looking at me with a slightly worried expression that I've never seen from her before she knew I know she knew what happened because she changed my clothes and asked if I was okay that moment I cried and threw myself in her arms and told her everything she patted my head and told me it would be fine then reached behind her and brought out a new dress and told me to hurry up and wear it so we could go outside for a family photo my stepfather was waiting I couldn't believe what she said to me or how she was acting I had just got an essayed and she was more worried about keeping faith than my health I tried to struggle but I was too weak she made me wear the dress and go downstairs to take the pictures with them throughout the whole ordeal I was crying and my mom was constantly telling me to smile clean the tears and look normal the aching between my legs made them wobble as I tried to stand everything hurt and I felt like I was going to fall soon my mother was there even standing with Isaac and faking Smiles around there were a lot of people and it was like a huge event soon it was time for me to give a speech for my parents and immediately as I stepped on that stage my eyes caught Isaac smiling once and I just let go I screamed about what happened to me about me being S8 and about my mother not even caring enough I was going to go all out to everyone there if I had not been pulled away by the help and then by my mother and dragged into the house immediately we were out of sight she slapped me right across the face she yelled that I didn't know what I had done she kept talking about what people would say the things she kept saying the most was about her husband and how she didn't want him to get upset I honestly could not believe my mother was acting this way as she scolded me my stepfather walked in angrily and grabbed me by the front of my dress when I tell you that this man beat me he beat me up in front of my mother and she just looked away he punched and slapped and after I had bruises all over me he told me to pack my bags and get out he said I was a lying and manipulative [ __ ] who was never content with a good life and was looking for a way to bring him down by using his innocent brother that evening after everyone left I was kicked out I was homeless and went from shelter to shelter just to be able to rest my head and get something to eat I barely managed to graduate from high school but I did my mother had my phone number but she never called not even once after weeks I got a job at a fast food joint and managed to save enough for registration fees to apply to colleges my co-workers and boss were kind to me and offered a little support and I was allowed to sleep in the back room of the fast food joint after I almost got assaulted again at the shelter and made it out with a black eye I studied hard and took extra jobs just to survive and luckily for me I got accepted into the University of Chicago on a full scholarship Grant and financial aid I took all I had and bought a flight ticket to get there it was hard but I managed when I got there I took on campus jobs to be able to keep myself and was managing quite well I tried to forget about my past my mother and about everything I had gone through and focused on building myself I went to the free therapy classes and it was good for me I even began the Journey of tackling my eating disorder little by little it was during my last semester as a sophomore that I ran into Jake it was a surprise especially for him he did not expect to see me there and invited me for coffee strange but I agreed it had been three years since and he heard what had happened when he went home last and he was very sorry that I went through that I couldn't believe that he wasn't on his father's side I guess Jake wasn't that bad of a person anyway Jake told me a lot of things he told me how his sister got into an accident during the past year and had been confined to a hospital ever since in a wheelchair he said his father's business is depleting and he had gotten divorced from my mother he also told me that he had left that family for good after graduating and was starting his life here in Chicago the only person he would keep contact with is his sister I couldn't believe it honestly all this happening Jake apologized a lot for everything and believe me I held no grudge against him he took my phone number and we agreed to have lunch in a few days when the time came we had lunch but we were not alone Jake had brought his friend Thomas a year older than me along Thomas was a practicing psychologist and Jake had asked him to help me with free therapy sessions so I can tackle my disorder and Trauma once and for all in this way I began to see Jake as a brother we had both matured and I was grateful for his help I had also become really close to Thomas and soon enough we began dating Jane my stepsister passed away sadly after a few months of struggling I couldn't attend the funeral because I didn't want to see anyone from that family including my mother and Jake understood I worked hard at school and graduated with a degree in finance it was then that Thomas proposed to me and I accepted we got married soon after and Jake was the best man his own fiancee a very lovely girl was my bridesmaid as a wedding present Thomas did the unimaginable he managed to track down my father and flew him in from France for the reception I couldn't believe it I was in tears that day and I helped him harder than I ever could when I saw him turns out he had been trying to reach me all these years but my mother did not allow it I got to meet his family and his lovely wife I was happy in content after so many years and was glad for all the good people in my life Thomas and I bought a house close to Jake and he and his fiancee helped set up it only took a few days and soon it was done one of those days Thomas and Jake went to town and I was left alone at home with Jake's fiancee I was a few months pregnant at this time and she insisted on helping around the house we were both in the kitchen when the doorbell rang and I went to go check it right before me looking extremely disheveled was my mother I was shocked and could not talk for a few minutes I couldn't believe this she tried to hug me but I moved away from her the anger of all the years returned to me as I stared at her she sobbed at my doorstep and begged me to forgive her telling me how her husband divorced her and she got kicked out with nothing and she's been struggling since and she was homeless and had nowhere to go until she heard I was doing well and looked for me not once did this woman try to apologize for everything she did to me and what happened to me she was as selfish as usual and only came because she needed something when she asked to stay at my house I laughed hard she was Shameless she was selfish I told her everything I had in my mind that I'm glad Karma has caught up with her and her husband and soon enough Isaac I told her she was not part of my life that only included my husband our unborn child my brother and a soon-to-be wife and my father she was just a stranger that I wanted to leave my property immediately can you believe she tried to turn it around and call me an ungrateful daughter when she refused to leave I called the police and watched them drag her away far away from me
give me a good story on Whenhasaparentcomecrawlingbackforhelpafterdestroyingyourlife
my abusive andc mother returned for my daughter this time and falsely claimed I abused her grandchild so I ruined her whole life for what it's worth there is a long history here Mom was abusive in fact her entire family is that way all super judgmental Hypocrites as well they like to point out everything that's wrong with you to draw attention away from what they see wrong in themselves the whole family is like this where they never accept any fault or blame and will therefore never take responsibility for anything mom was very abusive growing up and as a result all three of us myself my little brother and my big sister all battled with some form of mental Fallout I'm the only one that's been to a therapist and been properly diagnosed the other two are working their way up to it but they're very similar to me minus the issue I have with guilt I have been trying to heal and to create a healthier relationship with my mom she's trying but she slips up from time to time I built her website for free that was like pulling teeth and my FH designed her a beautiful email signature using mandrel we sent her a draft for approval 6 weeks ago that's 6 weeks of me going are there any changes you need done or are you happy with them and can we go ahead and add them to your email now or do you want anything to be changed there was literally no response this morning on a Sunday of all days I get a shtt email from her you guys were asked to do something as simple as getting me an email signature ignoring the fact that it's free but okay and it has been months and I have received nothing is this how you run your business I am so disappointed and I feel taken advantage of because I am family treat me like any customer and just do what I ask so I sent her an invoice for r950 like I would any customer as well as terms conditions and requirements I am so effing done with being nice all the time my big sister and I have been cleaning up her messes our whole lives my little brother has issues with anger because of her I gave her a fantastic website design for free that was worth tens of thousands and it's never good enough mind you the process in itself is a whole other post but I'll cover the gist of it here our usual turnaround time on even the most complex websites is about 4 6 weeks depending on the client sometimes they can't make up their minds sometimes there's bugs sometimes they change logos or content halfway through but this is the longest we've ever taken it was 6 weeks Max mom's website took an entire year it was a painful experience and a lot of us asked for the necessary things like content she was abusive through the whole process until I grew a spine and told her straight to f off and go pay someone because I'm not working for free and taking abuse for it I pushed the shty website we had managed to pull together I say shty because we had zero content and it was mainly filler text and stock images which is normal in the beginning stages as we use these as an example for the clients in order to get a proper sort of look at the layout and function of their website before we pretty it up and polish it off in this case we used stock images and filler text and made it look stunning once the website was live suddenly things started happening on her side which is what I expected and it's also why I pushed it live before it was ready otherwise it would have gone on for another year bearing in mind that the entire year we were asking her for content and sending her drafts for approval and we got no response but she'd send random abusive text days and weeks later asking for her website I started to believe she was genuinely crazy the website still isn't 100% but it's much better than it was so back to the email I respond with the invoice and she calls me to sht me out and I let her have it no more she has bullied me my entire life and I won't have it anymore I waited for her to stop screaming at me and I told her right you told me to treat you like any other client we charge money to every other client we also have requirements none of which you have follow you want an email signature we cannot give you a final draft without your approval of the first draft take your sht elsewhere because I'm not doing your work for free anymore while you insult and criticize while not following the proper channels you abusive piece of sht don't call me and I hung up now suddenly she's taking the sht out on my sister who was always her favorite and I'm trying so very hard to not feel guilty because I know I have an issue with guilt I can never tell if my reactions or emotions are appropriate because when I called out the abuse and told her it's not right that you beat me up so badly that I can't attend school for weeks I was told that I'm a drama queen so I always now try to scale back my emotions and reactions but this is enough I have had it I should add that my poor sister is living with mom mom took over my grandmother's business and ran it into the ground sis is trying to save it but it's a big thing to fix and Mom isn't making it easy not to mention the strain of having an ex-employee tried to have them murdered on top of it all I feel so horrible for my sister and I want to scream at my mom most days but I also understand that it's a long process and my mom is damaged too so I do try to be patient but sometimes enough is enough anyway sorry for the long post I just needed to rant update my mom I have no words this woman knows no bounds she was extremely abusive growing up my siblings and I as a result all suffer from some form of of emotional Fallout to this day I'm finally happy I have started to make my own family the way I want giving my daughter the happy childhood I wish I had in a healthy way of course she isn't spoiled fiance and I finally have enough to get our own home and plan to move in at the end of January 2019 this is important stay with me mom has pissed off my nana mom also lives off of my nana believe me I had loads to say about this Nana told Mom to grow up and get out naturally I swear this is important so my fiance and I decided to pool our income with my little brother it just gives us all a better chance of getting out of this country saves on rent Etc and my little brother is a cool dude I like him he's easy to live with mom sent me a text today found us all a house to move into my first reaction is WTF but I text back calmly what do you mean drama ensues guys she assumed that she could just move with us I finally polish up my spine and sent her this hi sorry it took me so long to respond and I appreciate the fact that you are trying to help that being said you didn't consult us or even ask us you simply made a decision and expected us to go along with it I don't appreciate that I say this with all the love in my heart and hope it doesn't hurt you at all because it's not my intention to hurt you but I do feel the need to set a very clear boundary here I love you but I can't live with you she then proceeds to try to Guilt Trip me by saying I don't know what I did to piss you off blah blah blah I tell her mom I'm not mad at you I just don't want to live with you I love you though quore drama I don't respond sorry she kicked me out multiple times in my teens as a result I was sawed multiple times and became addicted to drugs I cleaned up long before I had my daughter guys relax my sympathy levels are dwindling does that make me heartless tldr mom assumed wrong I'm not sorry but should I be update mom crossed a line there's now no going back I'm gutted this month has been Blissful in my new marriage but hell on my family side sorry in advance for my formatting I'm on mobile and also feeling pretty lost at this stage hubs and I had agreed to a roommate type situation at the beginning of this year with my brother who was cool at the time the problem is that my narcissistic mom got her hooks on his brain and then he suddenly didn't want to pay his way which basically drained us financially I finally put my foot down and said no more he moved out on Sunday the problem is that my family is now behaving in such a way that it feels like they view me as being wrong which I can deal with they tiptoed around the years of abuse I experienced and then acted surprised when I had to deal with the emotional Fallout from it they had me convinced I was overreacting for years when in actual fact according to my therapist I was not I know my mom is broken I know she is a narcissist I'm not always sure whether she's doing things to be malicious or if she genuinely doesn't see the wrong in them last week mom and I had a falling out concerning my brother and me putting my foot down and so I set a very clear boundary and it got ugly she then tried to play victim to back out of what she had said and done which resulted in me shouting because when I stated quite clearly that I needed space to calm down she continued to push and I had an anxiety attack I couldn't firmly draw up a boundary that she wasn't stomping on and out of frustration I shouted that I needed space and that she was basically terrible for even attempting to manipulate me into feeling guilty for standing my ground on my own mental well-being my sister and I were on the same page with regards to this but now she's backslid and it's affected me so badly I feel very alone today I was called into a meeting with my daughter's teacher apparently mom spoke to her yesterday even going so far as to show her a text I had sent to enforce a boundary saying that with the latest fight I do not see a healthy outcome and need some distance to refocus telling the teacher that I a scream at my child and be my child's anxiety is a reflection of abuse by me at home I was very straight with the teacher about my mother's nonsense and luckily for me she too was raised by a narcissist so she was very understanding and actually pointed out that she thinks my daughter's anxiety probably comes from the fact that there's a lot of change in her world we are currently in the process of moving and also that if you have an anxious parent it's more than likely the child will be anxious too so I at least don't have to prove that I'm not abusive what gets me is that she would pull this sht having watched me fight so hard for my little girl from the minute I found out I was pregnant she watched me end that abusive relationship and work my butt off to be the best mom I could be she knows my daughter is my everything she knows I love and celebrate that little girl's very existence I am so upset that my mother would take this angle get at me through my child I'm heartbroken broken because I genuinely was trying to have a healthy relationship with her and that she would stoop so low simply because I set a boundary I guess I knew she was capable of it but I always wanted to believe that she wasn't trying to derail me or push me down I am gutted I feel very much like I've lost my family I wish I could figure out why I love them even though they are so abusive I wish I didn't this hurts so badly I don't know how to unpack it I'm starting to feel guilty even though I've done nothing wrong I feel very alone update my mom lied and told my daughter's teacher that I was abusive hi guys you know the drill I'm on mobile for my previous posts check out my profile this is going to be a long one background moms have always been super toxic and abusive she's good at it too in my previous post she made some very dangerous allegations telling my daughter's tutor that I am abusive towards her which has resulted in her anxiety thankfully the tutor could smell the bull on mile away so nothing came of it except for a meeting to clarify the situation so that the tutor could make provisions on her side cool but she the mother has shot herself in the foot concerning being a part of my family this was all in retaliation to me setting a very reasonable boundary in place don't scream at me because your son can't be responsible let me calm down so I can think so after this meeting DH and I had a lengthy chat and went through all of your suggestions and advice from my previous post we agree that my mental health and happiness suffer when my mother gets involved and that little to no contact is probably best I confess that I don't feel strong it's almost like Stockholm syndrome where you feel guilty for your abusers but being with him has made me see clearly that I don't have to half kill myself to be worthy of love and family so anyway on to the story a few days ago my sister called me and said she missed me we haven't spent any time together since the fight with Mom and part because she is a huge flying monkey but also because momes with her she asked can she come for a cup of tea dearest H and I are strong in our communication so I ask him what he thinks first he says only if he can sit with me because I feel like he calms me and keeps me strong so I agree with the tea sister comes over and talks sht until tea is poured and then gets straight down to it why have we been so quiet Mom is starting to feel excluded I didn't answer for a bit I take my time to calmly form my sentences huge for me and I say well that's because she has been excluded picture shock and awe this is so unlike me so I can understand her face goes blank and loses its color and she goes why though now I know she's panicking because she doesn't know that I know she was present when my mom started that last very last batch of attempted [ __ ] in my life and did nothing to defend me as I had done her I can see her mind starting to race DH has his hand on my shoulder and I don't know I just felt strong so I calmly and without emotion tell her that I am very aware of what was said because the tutor quoted a text I had sent and I know she was there she starts stammering at how she asked my mom why she couldn't just say Dan and I are not talking and why she had to show the text and say all those things and I just kept calm smile and said I'm not fighting for people to love me anymore I think I've proven that I deserve love and whoever doesn't see it well it's their loss I guess she kind of sigh and says she is tired of Mom I tell her it's her de to deal with she tells me that my mother has been so upset and DH and I both smile and say it's her own doing she must deal with it my sister then tries a new tactic but you can't cut her off from her granddaughter because family so my loving wonderful husband squeezes my shoulder gently indicating that he wants to speak and shuts that sht right down by saying you people need to wake up now and realize that your mother is not the only grandparent we have other better options here who not only respects our boundaries as parents but also backs us up why would we keep allowing your mother to piss in our eyes and tell us it's raining sister stammers family and he just reinforces that idea by saying exactly family he then goes on to say I've been quiet these past few years but I've been observing and it's always the same Dan notices toxicity because she has a Keen Eye for potential train wrecks Dan points out toxicity to avoid said train wreck everyone agrees with Dan about the toxicity Dan Dan confronts toxicity like a healthy person the family reacts in a crazy way making Dan feel guilty for handling things the way they should be handled and rejecting her hurting her a train wreck occurs the family then reaches out to Dan who then accepts the Olive Branch because she was so starved of love from you crazy people growing up that she puts her needs and wants last rinse repeat your biggest mistake sister was failing to recognize this wonderful woman as your sister and not an opponent she's going places I've seen it and I know you've seen it owing to your boyfriend continually trying to buy into our business which would not have started or even survived this long if not for your sister who you all mocked for being clever but your mom has got her hands so far up your ARS you probably won't wake up from this until you are neck deep in her debts wondering why you drink to escape and wondering if you had just listened and loved your little sister how different life might have been instead you treat her like she's an annoyance I dislike the lot of you because of how I've personally seen you treat my wife I think it's disgusting and I am so glad she's waking up I love him so much she cries a bit saying sorry if I feel unloved and then she finishes her tea and leaves true as nuts this morning my mother texted me hi Dan can your daughter come visit tomorrow I'm having a lady knit her a jersey and we need measurements so I respond hi Mom no I don't think that's a good idea thanks though boom just like that short and sweet I don't have any explanations she she knows what she's done Q blow up but I just kind of let her blow up I don't respond and just leave the messages on read I felt so empowered keep in mind that text Warfare happened this morning sister came by today to drop something off from one of our mutual friends business related mom chose this moment to climb out of my sister's car and hand DD dear daughter a huge pack of sweets and a box of very sugary cereal so I take them from DD hand them back to my mother and again say no thanks I take DD by the hand I can see she's upset by this obviously she doesn't understand why her non isn't allowed and lead her inside the house tell her to stay and come back out and calmly continue my conversation with my sister the woman's face is blank it's like she was hit with a wet fish aha DD was obviously upset with me but I can deal with her not liking me 100% of the time I'm her mother not her friend and she doesn't always like what's good for her one day she'll understand anyway I'm almost certain I can expect more Shenanigans so name suggestions are now open I'm super proud of my shiny spine these just no subs have been a real Comfort to me these past few months thank you all so much I think I might start posting some old bits that I kept bottled up out of shame or hurt I don't know we'll see update you guys might know me as the girl whose mom tried to gain access to my little one by falsely accusing me of child abuse my dearest noted how much better I seem to be feeling after letting these things out after 27 years of them festering and growing so here I am again DH come up with the name no more na na because nmn is like a tongue and cheek version of amum and we're very centered around our humor I won't name him but he is in fact on Reddit once I feel a bit more comfortable I'll let him read this please excuse any formatting I'm currently having a lie in on one of the first Warm Sunday mornings of this African winter so I'm on mobile I'm defrosting and unpacking the toxicity in my family I was thinking back to last month when I awkwardly ran into my father after he didn't show up to my wedding which then led me to think about the previous conversation I had with him four years prior to this basically I asked him why did you hit my mother and how could you leave me with her I'll get to his answer in a minute but first I need to tell you about the day this happened it's carved clearly in my memory because it's my first solid childhood memory side note I have added some little translations in Brackets because I know some of you in America don't call things the same things we do at this stage I was about 3 years old and my little brother was still in nappy's diapers he was so cute and such an idiot he had this little walking ring that we called his rocket ship and he'd run as fast as he could in this thing and launch himself off the step from our Lounge living room to our outside Veranda patio hence the reason we called it his rocket ship this particular day my mother had asked me to close the door because he had knocked on his head and split it open the day before and that would not stop him from launching because he's a boy I tried but that was a very heavy door my granddad built that house and used 6-in thick glass on that door and aluminum frames I have no idea why my granddad was a cck ky character but it was too heavy for a tiny human to close alone I asked for help and got a backand to the face and a men's favorite way to discipline was hitting me through my face she screamed at me to just do it not at all like Sheil La though that has become a standing joke between DH and me so I tried and tried but I was Tiny and not at all strong enough to get it closed of course the boy seeing it open runs full out trying to launch himself again and I managed to push his walking ring and divert it but it caused him to head toward a wall and he hit the wall with quite a bit of speed but in my mind I had done the right thing I was told not to let him launch himself off the step and I hadn't let him he starts screaming more out of frustration that I took away his launch than anything he hadn't hit his head or anything mom comes storming in me up by the collar of my dress lifts me to face height and begins to slap me continuously through my face at this point my dad walks in from work and immediately lays down on her and says and aen stop she drops me and goes for him teeth bared spittle flying and screams at him for a long time while he responds in a calm voice I can never remember what he said just how he said it and he was always calm and she was always screaming shouting and seeing at some point they're pointing at me in their argument and she storms over to me grabs me by my arm above my elbow and Yanks me up saying something along the lines of I've tried with her but she just doesn't listen and he says something like that's because you scream at her and she gets scared and my arm starts to hurt by my shoulder and she's just yanking away so I start to cry he tells her to let me go and she screams I say stop Mommy you're scaring me and she hits me with a closed fist in my face later she would tell my nana that my dad had put that bruise there but I was little and gave that secret away immediately because I knew nothing about keeping secrets my dad then flew at her he grabbed her fist so she couldn't hit me again and I guess he just lost control and hit her she screamed there was a lot of chaos my sister was crouched in a corner and I went to see if she was okay she was crying with her hands over her ears suddenly there was silence my dad had pushed her off of him and walked to us girls to make sure that we were okay and a men jumped in front of him and made it seem like he was coming to hurt us and I can remember the look on his face it was hurtful so he said to me that he's going to leave the room and take a breath if I wanted to come with him and I did but when I went to go with him she again grabbed my arm and I braced for another hit instead she pleaded with me please go pack a bag for you and brother then she turned to her sister and said please get your kids into the car I'll pack for you and we went to my Nana and Papa's house mom's parents Nana asked me all sorts of questions and Mom started fighting with her apparently Nana had asked what did Mommy do and of course mom flew off the handle years later Nana explained to me that just with how my mom would scream kick and hit my dad they all knew it would be a matter of time before he hit back or left my dad took off and went to Angola I didn't see him for another 13 years by that time the damage was too severe and I was angry at him for leaving and staying away for so long without even a phone call my mother just added fuel to that fire I can imagine it must have been hard for him and I'd feel sympathy but he did that to three other sets of kids too he seems to be a bit of a deadbeat and a coward he could have taken me away and saved me but he was too cowardly to do anything I no longer hate my dad but I don't really feel anything for him I don't know him and every chance I have given him HEK been let down so I stopped trying I think my dad like many South African men in his generation was left very damaged by the war in Angola I've seen it firsthand and while that's no excuse for him to run away I get it I don't excuse domestic violence I believe that women are just as capable of abuse as men NN got into a few relationships after that and the ones that weren't completely inappropriate she abused just the same as she did my dad I'll tell the stories as they come to me once again huge thanks to this community for the ongoing love and support it really does help to get it off my chest and the anonymity helps too because I can't stand to be pied which is why I never told anyone my mother was abusive my dad left update hi guys it's me again the girl with a psychotic mom who tried to have my daughter taken from me by lying to the tutor and saying I'm abusing my little girl you guys know the drill on mobile sorry for the formatting Etc so to kick this one off I'll start by telling you all that South Africa is bloody dangerous the economy right now is so bad that unemployment among the youth sits at something ridiculous like 42% so naturally you see a rise in crime people are hungry and need to feed their families in the early hours of Thursday morning around 2:45 a.m. we had an intruder break into our Lounge living room while we were all sleeping in there to avoid the cold I had my little one right under the other window thank God the Intruder didn't choose this particular window because that brick would have landed on her little head thankfully DH was still awake in maintaining our servers when this person threw a brick through the other window it was not able to go through the window owing to computer screen stopping the brick but the glass did Smash loudly which gave us all a fright and alerted dhua who immediately got up and ran at the window to prevent the guy from entering our home I grabbed my DD and called for help which came in minutes and the Intruder only got away with a phone we were planning to sell anyway DH fixed the computer screen immediately and we went on with our lives made a plan and moved out immediately the landlords are aroles and wouldn't fix the window so our safety was severely compromised anyway on to NN and her new bullsh approach my sister and NN are part of the neighborhood watch WhatsApp group they heard my panicked voice note asking someone to come help us quickly help did come within minutes and decided to try and use it as a way back in as I'm moving my tech tech had to go first DH and I are web developers and literally depend on our PCS to feed our family out of my home to safety at around 8:00 a.m. the same day I get a phone call from a blocked number so I answer it thinking it's my bank asking me to confirm a payment for my servers and because it's quite a large amount I have to verbally approve the transaction there are some huge problems with fraud at the moment like I said people are hungry it's not my bank on the line but my sister is calling to make sure we weren't hurt I tell her thank you we're not hurt we lost nothing we're a bit shaken but nothing too serious and then I start hearing my mother whispering to her on the other end I don't think they knew I could hear her I'm very hard of hearing thanks to my mother and I won't pick up certain sounds I have very thick scarred tissue on my eardrums so they aren't as sensitive as they should be but I could hear her clear as day asked Dan if that was her voice this morning on the WhatsApp group maybe we can get her to let us see Dee so I already know their game my sister asks was that your voice on the watch group you sounded so scared yes flying monkey I know what you're doing I decide to play and I go yeah I was scared there was a dude coming through my window like du and I wait shame man sorry it's never nice how's DD handling it she must be terrified so I reply yeah she was very scared but very brave and did exactly as she was told she wanted to go visit her grandparents while we moved our stuff quickly pause her grandparents oh DHS folks and I just MH and say well I still have loads to do so I must go qu the hail Mary we can take DD for a few days if you guys need a safe spot for her and there it is so I say no thanks thanks for offering but we have everything sorted that should be the end of it but I can still hear my mom say tell her sister's boyfriend wants to take the kids to the fun place she won't say no to him I swear I can hear bitterness so sister asks hey next week can sisters BF take the kids to the fun place amazing haha I just said no we have plans but I have to go now thanks for checking in on us bye and done trust them to try and use a traumatic situation to their advantage I'm actually laughing it's not funny if you look at the intent but like what next I can't be with these people anymore I didn't tell them where we were moving to either update how my family made me hate my name hi guys you know the story on mobile the formatting is probably shd I'm the girl with the mom mom who tried to have my daughter taken away by lying to my daughter's tutor by saying I'm abusive no more Nonna or NN for short I hate my name because it was used so negatively in my formative years and on into my life growing up trigger warning child abuse I'll start this off by telling you guys that while I have been a functioning adult since I was 17 I haven't been okay I have crippling anxiety PTSD and a panic disorder most of the crap that has damaged me has been normalized in my family so I didn't think I was that damaged all those feelings of dislike and disgust were seen as Danny being quirky my moral compass Quirk my love for books Quirk my compassion Quirk my emotional intelligence weak Quirk my overwhelming need to help people hateful Quirk there was just no way for me to feel at all like I was normal or fit in with anyone in any scene because I was told I was weird from the start I've hated my full name for about as long as I can remember and I finally realized why my family are not nice people they talk behind each other's backs and gossip and if you make one mistake it's over for you in their eyes they're very judgmental and there was really no wiggle room around this my whole life the only time I ever heard my full name it was usually tied to something negative being said about me sometimes I overheard sometimes this was done in front of me sometimes it would be something like can you believe how Danny Dan had the cheek to not eat her beans that child will end up with nowhere to go if she keeps this up I overheard while I was in the the next room playing with my granddad's new Parrot yes I was made to feel like the worst person in the world for things as trivial as not liking beans they've also done this to me when I made a tiny Mistake by leaving a document at home that I needed to get my learner's license a simple fix would be to just go home and get it but I heard them gossiping about it weeks later and saying it's the reason why I won't get anywhere in life super dramatic deduction guys I now run my own company despite having forgotten that document most of the time I was given nicknames like noodle or Peach my little mind tied these nicknames to affection because they were used to address me and not used to speak about me so now every time I love someone I give them a nickname my daughter had a nickname 10 seconds into her life and my husband gained his nickname 5 months into dating I didn't realize that this was strange until my Mill asked obviously feeling a little insulted why I never used her boy's real name I couldn't answer I didn't know why and I told her so I hadn't realized that this was strange I was so starved of love growing up that I clung to nicknames as a form of affection and so I exhibit this now in my adult years by giving nicknames to people I love so I hate my name but it goes further than that I don't just hate my name they my family hate it too and I'll tell you the reason now no more n has a tendency to pick favorites I noticed this throughout my life but especially when my DD was born before my DD came along NN would tell the world all sorts of creepy sht like how my nephew was her soulmate and how he descended from light or some sht I think she called him an indigo baby or something but she'd spend a heck of a lot of time with him and buy him all sorts and he was really the apple of her eye then along comes my DD and the poor kid gets pushed aside and forgotten I have a feeling that the same thing happened when I was a baby first there was my sister who was bold and beautiful and the favorite then my mom had me and my poor sister was probably cast aside for a little while in this way my family developed a dislike for me I was apparently high maintenance supposedly born allergic to everything and could not be raised on breast milk or even formula I was always sick which got my mom the attention she was always looking for and my poor sister was neglected because of it I say I was supposedly allergic because I don't believe this to be true I'm doing my own investigation into this and I'm finding out a bunch that I'll put in another post now in order to explain why I understand this I'll have to explain to you how my family operates they're very clicky and often times they'll choose sides and things without it even being necessary for example if I had a disagreement with my sister they'd pick apart my character and tell each other how I'm a terrible human being in order to convince each other to be on my sister's side this was done with even the most trivial of arguments like one time my sister borrowed my eyeliner and didn't give it back and I was then told how my very essence is nasty being a so-called high maintenance baby a lot of attention was taken from my sister and the family I think formed a dislike of me from the start in order to counteract their feelings of grief for the situation at hand so instead of hauling my mother up and telling her to quit her bullsh we form hatred and direct it at a baby I know it seems wild but trust me this has the family name written all over it and they did it to my brother too I know this is true as well because my Nana was telling me about the time my aunts had had enough of watching the abuse and neglect after my baby brother came along please keep in mind that I too was abused my mother beat the living hell out of me and my sister was just kind of left to her own devices we were both hungry though my aunts broke into our bedroom when I was little through the window I remember this and I pretended to be asleep because I was so scared I heard them Whispering about taking sister and leaving me because I don't deserve to be helped this has pretty much stuck in the back of my mind my entire life it's also why I never asked for help they took my sister away through the window and left me there to be abused because they didn't like me only because my mother used me to Fu her attention addiction by lying and saying there was all sorts of wrong with me when there never actually was I'm dealing with the Fallout of it now Nana told me that they left me there because I was too attached to my mother I love her but she can't lie to save her life and I saw right through that because I remembered for a long time I believed them that I hated myself I couldn't understand why anyone should ever love me my family was right I am a horrible person until I met my husband he started pointing out positive aspects of who I am from the beginning before we even started dating telling me things like damn you are a bad AR working so hard to support your daughter with no help that strength and not everyone can do that which took me by surprise because being a single mom had been a sore spot up until that point in my family's eyes I had gotten myself pregnant and beat up and only had myself to blame but my darling husband started to change perspective on things he'd celebrate things about my body that I was ashamed of I was never beautiful in my family's eyes and yet here he was telling me I was beautiful and strong and for a long time I was reserved about whether or not to believe him I'd been programmed to think so little of myself for so long that it was hard to overcome that I know it seems a little out there for a mom to claim her child is sick for attention I didn't realize for a long time that she had done this I genuinely thought I was sick until I grew up and realized I'm fine I know my mother used me because now that she can't she suddenly got all these illnesses like arthritis and lupus and her hip was broken in a car crash and all sorts of nonsense that was never actually diagnosed I'll write about this in my next post I just needed to get this out I'm done bottling it all up thanks for reading this far my entire family is toxic so I'll be writing about them too I'll need to come up with names like a cast list update I'm under enman skin and it's cozy here hey everyone I'm the girl whose mom tried to have my daughter taken from me by lying to the school and saying I'm abusive I'm on mobile as always posting to you from my very warm bed in the middle of a very cold South African winter and the day is beautiful my mom is no more Nuna for those of you who are new please see my previous posts this sht is crazy grab some popcorn now on to my update for any of you who have seen my post history you'd have seen that the economy in South Africa is sht DH and I are both highly skilled but we couldn't find jobs and so 3 years ago we formed our own business which has only really started to turn a profit now is a little more profit wouldn't hurt to be honest but we're fed and have a roof over our heads whereas so many don't and our business is improving every month our business is a Web Solutions smme that we are able to run from anywhere in the world we set this up with immigration in mind we don't want to stay in this country and we've been open about it from the start there is no future here for our daughter why would we stay no brainer there my family sees this as a weakness which is weird now our business offers certain Solutions such as website design managed hosting analytics and SEO which we have helped my family out with for free in the past but you know it's been about a year now that they've been hosted for free and I went there to talk to my sister about paying for her hosting this is the first time I've actually seen them since we moved house and I made sure to do it away from my home so that they still don't know where we live and I can keep my peace their house I can always just leave if they act up my nephew's PC was also miss behaving so DH very kindly offered to fix it for them my nephew like DH is on the Spectrum and his PC is his comfort so we really don't mind helping DH also likes to open up the PCS and show my nephew how they work and they can spend hours disassembling and reassembling components which I think is awesome for my nephew he's learning something of value and he loves it DH is also a huge role model to my nephew because they are so similar and DH understands things from the nephew's point of view so they bond while they're doing this my sister and I were talking about immigration and how they're thinking about it too and she was asking what channels were going through to get out of here and Mom kind of cut in and told me I'm a coward running from my problems I didn't skip a beat I looked her right in the eye I usually don't make eye contact and I saw fire and I told her no actually I'm looking my problems right in the eye she hit back where is my granddaughter why didn't you bring her to see me and I go because you can't respect me as a parent so you don't deserve the time I didn't say it in an angry way just a matter of fact emotionless kind of way facts guys she got so uneasy that she got up went back into their house and started cleaning the situation was so funny that DH and I Dr drove out of there and just started laughing because NN would come out while I was speaking with my sister and start doing random sht like commanding my nephew to feed her dog or asking for one of the couch cushions behind him it was almost like she was trying to establish dominance through the little boy who had come and wrapped his arms around me because he missed me DH was fixing his nephew's computer while this was all going down and he's chuckling away to himself which is making Ann even more uneasy she's never been in this spot before and I enjoyed watching it see she's never been in this position before where she knows she's wrong but can't manipulate me into feeling guilty her first go-to she can't apologize for the wrongdoing that would be acknowledging that she was in the wrong something that's never happened in my life or hers I'm guessing and she can't beat me into submission DH put a stop to that years ago so she didn't know what to do before you guys get annoyed with me for being in contact I must tell you that while I know my sister is a huge flying monkey who is still in and out of the fog I'm not mad at her I can understand why she is the way that she is and I can work with it when I set a boundary she sticks to it I just don't give her any important information to report back to the family and if she doesn't respect my boundary we have a very straightforward relationship where I can call her on it and she can apologize and vice versa my sister and I don't hold that Pride my family has where they can never be wrong and that's why I can work with her she's not bad just damaged I also cannot go and see I can't take my DH away from my nephew this is a problem among adults he shouldn't have to be a part of it and we keep him out of it mostly mom tries to drag him in but I can see my sister is starting to put her foot down there as well which is awesome for her and huge progress but you you know even if something important was relay to the family A who cares I'm in the mindset that nothing I do is illegal come at me bro I'm an adult I make my own decisions anyone who doesn't like it can get wrecked and they've seen it which I count as a win so that's the update on the current situation thanks for reading guys I have so much love for this community you have shown me a huge amount of support and comforted me and I'm sure there will be more toxic families never stop being toxic and I still have so much that I need to unpack and work through but I feel so much like this is worth celebrating update hi everyone you guys know me as the girl whose mom tried to have my daughter taken from me by lying to my DD's teacher and saying I'm abusive on mobile sorry for the formatting boy do I have a happy update for you guys guys I am laughing my ARS off at this woman I had a phone call with my sister this morning I will get back to this soon she's distraught because the tutor the very same one my mom lied to his left and she's worried about her son's schooling I saw the catastrophe a mile away and made a quick move to pull my DD out and school her from home I have been in contact with the tutor to set up learning plans that I can work on with Dei at home NN has tried to buy her way back in sense her childlike Behavior the previous time we saw her she had a sweater custom knitted for D asked me to pick it up obviously a ploy to see DD was super salty that I didn't bring DD when I went to fetch the sweater and she had added a bunch of toys into the mix as well I donated them DD doesn't need any more toys she's got plenty there's poor kids out there with no toys and sorry why should I let her bribe my kid to buy her way back in only to cause more havoc in our Liv Dei hasn't asked for nemen even once since I explained to her about NN breaking the rules and trying to hurt mommy NN tried to argue with me because I asked her not to post any pictures old or new of Dee in the book of faces she was Sour because I didn't stand for her sht human trafficking is growing in the are they're tracking the kids through Facebook and that data is so not private I took one look at the bag and said thanks knowing full well what she was trying but DD doesn't need any more toys and we don't really have room grasping at straws enen goes and where are you living now sensing danger my sister changes the subject and we leave shortly after I had really gone there for a cup of coffee and a chat with my sister and while NN wasn't there I was on my way out as NN was arriving back home so onto the phone conversation with my sister this morning apparently NN has threatened to call my in-laws if we don't let her see DD soon so I laughed at this my sister was very sweet in trying to warn me but really does n men think we are kids to be told what to do by our parents still haha not only that but I so wish she would call my Mill she will be set straight so quickly my Mill is mainly just yes and actually has a mom just like mine I told her NN might be calling to whine about the andc and Mill said that she'd tell her straight to back off and step back in line it's not her place to tell grown people how to parent and that's that I asked my sister if she was really so delusional in thinking that this would work and my sister says she's whining about how mean I'm being Sister tells her maybe you should just leave Dan alone she's made it clear she doesn't want to be bothered with this family anymore I don't think bugging her or invading her space is going to change her mind on forgiving you mom to which this enmen apparently lost it I didn't do anything wrong they're being controlling and blah blah blah blah blah sister says NN knows dhed and I am not talking to her but she's been complaining that she has no idea why not nobody will tell her because she throws temper tantrums like a toddler because she can't handle being wrong oh well I told my sister I'm sorry for what she has to deal with in her home and she replied she must effan move out soon because I'm going to lose my sht with her sister is slowly waking up to the fact that NN isn't broken she's just a be I explained to my sister how calculated and a men's actions have been so she can actually help them it's not like it's something that she does without realizing she's hurting people she actively tries to hurt people sister was hesitant at first of course but she's very quickly reaching the end of her rope there I've been treating my anxiety and starting to take better care of myself I exercise every day and drink loads of water I've been eating better and I feel fantastic business has improved a bit too since we we started talking to a few resellers one of which lives in the USA so yay dollars and we've been gifted a free on screen add by one of our clients as a thank you for helping him with his pcdh likes to fix things for fun so we helped this client without charging him he has a few websites designed and hosted by us sisters bf's business is also doing well sisters business is flourishing NN can't stand to not be in control so she's lashing out trying to put her hooks in anything and anyone so I will probably have another update for you guys soon if she does try anything though I've been in contact with my lawyer I'm still building my case but I will fool on B slaper with legalities gone are the days where I actually cared about whether or not I looked like an arole I know I'm going to do so regardless my priority is keeping NN far away from my DD and any future children I might have I've been working through some other stuff that involves the rest of that side of the family as well so I'll post about that soon there's so much to unpack and work through that it takes a while to draw conclusions and I have to kind of rip these old traumas open to heal them properly and it hurts it's exhausting to deal with I'm sure once I've dealt with most of it it'll start getting easier no I haven't had a self-harming thought or even been teased with the urge to just give up in weeks now I'm so proud of myself I've been speaking more and more openly with DH about these things and he's really supportive but I like to run things past you guys first because well it's sort of like dipping your toe in the ocean I don't like to just Barrel into things I have to let the chaos out if I want to restructure it in an understandable fashion thanks again to everyone of you who have shown waves of love and support between you guys and DH I'm going to be just fine I love you guys update I think I'm ready to talk about my aunt hey guys I know I've been quiet for a long time now I'm the girl whose mom lied to my daughter's school saying that I'm abusive to try to get my daughter taken from me no more N I mentioned in a few posts that pretty much my entire family is toxic and abusive and I had a lot to work through still am to be honest this particular post is dedicated to nen's younger sister whom will call us one before you ask there is another sister will call us too but she hasn't really been around me a whole lot the few times I have seen her have made me dislike her she's not very nice in fact I think she lives up to her own ARS again I'm posting from mobile so I'm very sorry to anyone using a PC for formatting trigger warning death I've been working through this for a while now and I decided that I wanted to share it with you guys because you have walked this journey with me I have an aunt that I've been pretty close to my whole life she wasn't very loving she just showed me minimal amounts of affection and brought me gifts from across the seas and my little soul so starved of Love latched onto any bit of affection I could get my aunt was a nurse a bloody good nurse I'll add I feel like she had this emptiness inside of her and filled it with caring for sick patients she was abusive but not like NN level abusive I went to live with her when I was 13 because NN told us one that she hates me so I can't live there anymore in front of me S one gave me a warm bed some clothes really nice clothes and actually allowed me to focus on my school work though the underhanded insults were not lacking S1 is obese like my mother and they're constantly in competition with each other at the time I thought S one was taking me in because she loved me bear in mind that I was so starved of love that I didn't know what love actually looked like until I had my own baby but she was only taking me in to show everyone that she's a better mom than enmen she'd constantly call me lazy and fat I was a chubby kid in my pre years and make me go out and do physical labor like dig holes in the garden bear in mind I have a spine that's basically crumbling or she'd have me run up and down a hill and if I slowed on the digging or the running she'd shoot me with a paintball gun the family still thinks this is hilarious I was also made to constantly look after s1's daughter 3 at the time we'll call her D for dove I grew so close to that little girl but she was spoiled they constantly bought her things but there was very little physical affection given to her by anyone but me I feel bad for her S1 was diagnosed with a terminal illness her brain is slowly dying and poor D is now 16 and lost D has some severe behavioral issues but I maintain that therapy would help her but of course we won't send her to therapy thy lest she start talking about the disgusting abuse in this family so this poor girl seeks out affection from many boys and drinks like a fish I'm getting to it I looked after S1 a few years ago when her illness was defeating her and she didn't have a boyfriend while I was doing this she couldn't sing my praise high enough now she hates me why does she hate me I'll tell you there's a rule in this family I'll help you now but you'll pay for it later it's unspoken and they pretend that it doesn't exist but it's there my sister organized my wedding I didn't want a wedding I was going to go to home Affairs and then go hiking but my sister wanted to do this so I let her but it was clear that I was not paying because my way was free and much more comfortable for me I love my sister but damn as1 was invited because I do love her I wish I didn't love any of them but here we stand and she's dying she has about 2 months left to live S1 calls me the day before and tells me she's too tired so I let her know that there's nothing to apologize for her I tell her to rest and that I'm not even mad I still love her I wasn't at all stressed but S1 sends D which is cool I love my cousin too D behaved so badly guys I'm sitting here cringing still side note D is 16 but she looks older I've caught her multiple times trying to get older men like ranging between 20 and 30 back to the story D asked literally all of my guests that were friends with either me or D for weed or cocaine marijuana is legal here so some people do smoke but like they're not going to give it to a 16-year-old she got rip roaring drunk interrupted the speeches to make her own speech about herself and then tried to chat up the bartender a man in his 40s only bartending because he couldn't afford his hotel bill and then tried to flirt with my new DH when my sister pulled her aside and warned her to behave herself or she would be taken home she locked herself in the bathroom and cried so loudly that people were getting annoyed I go into the bathroom to see what all the noise is and I see right through her sht nobody who is that upset stops pacing to watch themselves cry in a mirror I'm not kidding so anyway the wedding cracks on and we do the wedding things she's been subdued by my nana who has threatened blue murder if she doesn't re her shdn one more Outburst when nana leaves and hubs has to go and pull her aside to tell her that it's enough now the wedding is finished DH and I head home we're exhausted we are not social people the next day I get a message from D thanks for the party y with a bunch of emojis I tell her thank you for attending but your behavior was unacceptable and I'll be speaking to your mother about your antics last night that was not cool that was my wedding she acts like I'm being mean whatever I didn't expect anything other than this so who cares I send a message to S1 and so does my sister and even Nana backs us up D was out of control my aunt then rips me a new one why am I even friends with people who smoke weed she smokes cigarettes she distinctly remembers that I once took heavy drugs okay yes I did in my late teens but I dealt with that ages ago and have never hidden it or been ashamed of it also what does this have to do with it and I'm to remember that D is 16 and that I am to pay back money that she put in for my wedding I wasn't even aware of this nor did I ask for it so naturally I said no so I was like for a bit but then hubs stepped in and very reasonably stated exactly 16 she shouldn't even be drinking let alone trying to go home with the 40-year-old bartender we very sorry for looking out for your daughter we won't make the mistake again you take care now and we left she had tried to rate my business negatively on Google she had tried to tell lies about me to my sister saying that I once tried to steal my sister's boyfriend of course my sister laughed and told me I have good taste I love that she gets that this family is [ __ ] and that I would never do that my aunt's brain is dying which I think has brought out the ugliest side of her I took her to lunch about 2 months before my wedding and subsequently had to call the place to apologize for my aunt's rudeness she made the waitress cry I gave her like a 200% tip because I felt so bad I guess I just never thought of my aunt as toxic because she showed me a bit of love when I was a kid but she's not there anymore the woman left behind is ugly and I don't care how sick you are you don't get to treat me like that anymore so that's some of what I've been thinking through next I'll tell you all about my uncle as well as the NN side of the family my poor Nana apologized to me when I pointed out the toxic behavior of her children she didn't raise them to be this way I think Nana would have been bad RS had she been born much later but sadly she was a victim of the times born in a generation of women who were to be quiet and agree with their husbands edit to add this won't be the only time I speak about someone so feel free to suggest names I love you guys update no more nna is about to get her come upin hey guys it's been a long time since I've updated on the situation with my witch of a mother no more na n and amen for short for those of you who don't know me I'm the girl whose mom lied to my daughter's school with false claims of abuse to have my daughter taken from me and fired usual apology for formatting as always I am on mobile tww substance abuse I've been quiet on the situation for a while now simply because I have basically severed all ties to the family except for my sister NN has thrown a few good Tantrums but I live in a land with no FS to give so they really haven't rocked my boat at all but my poor big sister has been feeling it quite hard as NN lives with her and has now realize that I can't be moved so she's flipped her sights onto my big sister and everything my sister has an men's favorite tactic is manipulation through lies deceit and Boundary stomping my charming brother who very quickly became just no earlier this year has lost his job lmou it's not funny except for the fact that he fed DH and I over financially and then dropped us in the sht so I like to laugh at this karmic retribution and has subsequently been evicted from his nice new home again LOL and aan moves him into my sister's home without even discussing it with her I feel bad for my sister but she really does need to put her foot down but she is still so easily swayed by threats of oh well he'll just end up on the street is that what you want in a way I'm sort of grateful for the hell I was dragged through because my response to that was you didn't seem to care very much about that when I was 17 he's 25 he can make a plan and I am thankfully still afloat because of it while my dear sister struggles to keep her head above water because she's supporting those two lazy leeches NN has also been spouting quite a few blatant lies that are very easily disproved and here they are my sister's boyfriend is abusing her son I made quick work of that one sister's boyfriend is a drug dealer dude wouldn't even know where to buy wheat he'd make a terrible drug dealer LOL sister's boyfriend is cheating on her and introduced the new girlfriend to en not even going there anyway my sister called me today to tell me the latest and I empathized I really do however the only way to fix this problem that she is having is to kick those two NN and brother out which she's not quite ready to do yet I have had a blissfully peaceful 3 months and I'm not even tempted to disturb that by involving myself so basically all I I do is listen when my sister needs someone to talk to but today is why I'm posting NN revealed her hand to her sister who then called me NN told my sister that she is going to phone my nana and tell her that my sister is harboring a drug dealer law and get my sister kicked off the property Alum fou guys the house the land the business and all the assets were all given to my sister to do as she pleases with Nana so now my sister and I are looking for institutions to put NN in because no body wants to deal with her anymore and she's seriously not acting like a normal person my sister's staff has come to her and said that NN is calling her a w while crying in her car we seriously think that the alcoholism has escalated and I've advised my sister to keep her son away don't let NN drive him anywhere and to just be careful sister wants to ask my just no aunt which institution is best but I'm saying let's rather do this ourselves because Jan not will likely put enem in in a hole if she could and while I do think that would adequately pay for what NN has done to me I don't believe vengeance is the right path I'm saying we don't want to destroy her she needs help sister says it's fine she can harness Jon's fire and I'm saying that fire will burn her house down so it's not a good idea because jont is also super toxic I'm posting this not just to update you guys but also to remind myself why I can never go back these past three months have been totally peaceful and hubs and I have taken some huge strides in growing our business we even made a connection with a lady in Georgia so we might be expanding to the USA soon I have also taken up endurance running again I used to run as a kid and was really good but nmn couldn't have me doing well in anything so I was forced to stop I ran a short distance just this morning but I step it up every day and I'm loving the feeling you guys are awesome for reading and I always appreciate the support I get from this community I especially Love The Cheeky responses I get from here and add them to my arsenal of class backs so feel free to add some more I love you guys edit to add if anyone wants to come up with nicknames for my aunt and brother all are welcome I'm leaning towards the cave troll for my aunt because what's left of her is ugly ugly ugly she's the one with the dying brain from my previous post update it has begun no more nna is getting her come upins but is trying to weasle her way back in with me hi guys it's me again the girl with the crazy egg donor who cannot seem to leave her children to succeed in life or parenting I came to the realization that I have no parents nor have I ever had Parents I had DNA donors but other than that I raised myself and I did a pretty damn good job of it obligatory apology I'm always on mobile I flared my post as TLC needed because while I have prepared myself this woman has abused me my entire life and because I've been free of her for going on 4 months now I've enjoyed absolute Bliss but now she's back and the anxiety is is hitting pretty hard I'm still going to Stand My Ground though anyway the story is in my last post I told you guys about my mother pushing my sister a little too far with her lies and nonsense well surprise surprise she actually amped up the crazy and my sister nearly lost a client because of it details are still unclear but basically from what my sister told me this poor lady client called my sister in an absolute state of concern that her dog was going to be mistreated my sister runs boarding kennels that my grandmother started over 20 years ago because of something my mother said my sister managed to calm the client who is livid she told NN that she needed to leave I'm proud of her however NN is now trying to weasle her way back into my life and I'm really bitter right now I'm mad I'm annoyed this woman is infuriating and I can actually see what DH is talking about now when he says she's very calculated and all of this was done on purpose I have heard nothing from her in three almost four months now I'm not complaining it has been Bliss but now suddenly today of all day the day she is told to leave she starts tagging me in Facebook posts for jobs I don't want or need I own my own business these posts aren't even in my field they're for graphic designers I'm in web design and then the one is for a sustainability specialist a qualification I was forced to get under threat of being homeless yet again and I actually hate the field it was a pain to work in and I own my own company I know what she's doing she likes to pretend to be helpful to get back in my good graces when her other children want nothing to do with her what she fails to realize is that I am done she programmed me to feel guilty she has rugs swept my entire life and made me feel guilty for her nonsense all so that she can emotionally manipulate me into doing what she wants it won't be happening ever again she went for my kid and was dead to me thereafter I stepped up and did what she never did I stepped up and protected my daughter there will be no more guilty Danny there will be no more of her Tantrums there will be no more of her emotional blackmail I truly meant it when I said I was done I finally have the family I deserve the family I always wanted I have a beautiful well- behaved insanely intelligent polite little girl and a husband who adors me as much as I adore him my home is Happy there's so much love and laughter in my home that I'm almost glad I had such an sht life before I had these two in my life because I can appreciate it so much more I know what comes after the fake helpful face though and that's what has me on edge next comes the phase where she'll try to talk to me and honestly I'm not up for it she's probably going to try and rope me into renting a house with her can anyone say F no and if I don't then she'll probably run to anyone who will listen and tell them what a sht person I am the thing is I don't care anymore I feel like she's made enough of an ARS of herself that people who actually matter won't listen and those that do me who cares but I'm tired of the drama she brings it's exhausting and I'm tired of fighting I feel very tired and every fight hurts and that's why I'm anxious I don't want more pain can't she just leave me alone why must she always try to drag people down with her honestly you would swear she'd learn by now that I'm not going down this path again with her I said I was done and I've always meant what I say I'm not a person who speaks lightly with Idol threats I'm very straightforward and when I say I'm done you best know that I mean it I'm unsure as to whether or not I should straight up tell tell her to f off which would give her ammo or to just ignore her until she gets the message though a restraining order is not a bad idea either I'd have to show that I asked to be left alone and she failed to respect my wishes which of course would then require me to engage with her I don't know if anyone has some suggestions I'd be super grateful I'll update you guys as the situation unfolds sorry for rambling I just needed to vent and if anyone has some sassy clap backs please share update shout out to my sister for having a spine so shiny and bright update one guys I am so very proud of my sister she told NN to GTFO obviously my sister isn't soulless so she gave NN time to make a plan but this is huge for her this comes after our chat yesterday NN pulled some shady sht and more info is unfolding as I type this so I'll basically list things that led up to this NN ran my Grand's business to the ground and shoved me out for being a whistleblower a few years ago my sister saw how she treated me like she was literally berating me while I was keeled over in pain from the bleeding stomach ulcers that were caused by her sister took over the business last year and got it back up and running in its former glory nmn has had CBF about this since sister took it over and made it a success because you know who wouldn't want their children to fail it's completely normal NN made money disappear at alarming rates and has lived off of my sister even moving my brother into my sister's home without even discussing it with my sister first nmn was rude and berated one of my sister's clients almost losing the client and costing my sister even more money NN has run around telling stories about how my sister's boyfriend is abusing her son selling drugs and cheating on my sister the poor guy my sister's boyfriend had enough of NN yesterday and asked my sister to drop him off at a BNB bed and breakfast so he could just get some space and have a think about things he doesn't want to leave my sister but he just feels so drained she emasculates him and carefully words sht so that it cuts him pretty deep and he'd honestly had enough so I can understand the minute my sister leaves to take him to the BB my mother runs downstairs with a chesher cat grin on her face to tell my sister's staff that my sister is hiding her boyfriend from the police like WTF today nmn demands my sister pay a $5,000 fine on a car that my mother refused to have moved to my sister's name my sister paid towards the car but my mother just never bothered to take that money and put it towards the license so now she's demanding that my sister pay so that NN can get her new car registered and that was it my sister broke she sent NN this message I have redacted her boyfriend's name mom how can you hold me liable for the car registration when a the car is in your name and B you never bothered to get the log book so that I could get it changed to my name also when I asked you to get the change of address done so that I could at least apply for the registration in Durban and not in jhb Johannesburg which is roughly 800 kilometers from Durban you were worried that it would be removed as you had money owing with Frankie 6 gears my mother's fee at punto yes they named it Frankie 6 gears you kicked up a fuss when I wanted to give it to brother saying that it's your car when I paid the balance owing on it so if it's your car you pay I'm tired of things only working when they suit you whatever fines were owed while I was driving were paid except for the r230 you paid today I'm not effing happy that you for some unknown reason are trying to cut me and my sister's boyfriend off at the knees but I'm getting really tired of this I need you to start looking for somewhere else to stay I'm done as soon as possible you need to be out guys I'm so proud this is huge she went from being a huge flying monkey she just wanted a family to absolutely putting her foot down of course nmn is going to try to run to me but my sister and I have put a plan in place and we're both getting restraining orders against NN no more of this sht I'm meeting with my lawyer he's dh's best friend this Saturday we're watching rugby and having a BRI barbecue and we're going to discuss this at length and figure out the best way forward I thought I would share the news along with my update because I have no doubt you guys would be just as proud of my sister as I am edit added some explanations update holy sht holy sht holy sht so NN read my sister's message and very calmly told my sister that she just needed to make a plan for her animal and would be leaving shortly I don't know if she's going to try to reach out to me again I don't even know what to expect here because she is never calm and rational I'm taking my nephew tonight just in case sht hits the fan and sisters BF will be staying at the BB for tonight I have also told my sister that if she needs backup call us and will DH and I be right there we don't live far this is unsettling update to nephew is at my house currently playing happily in my yard with my daughter and he is none the wiser to the tensions at home update three we're all nephew daughter DH and myself all cozied up watching Beetlejuice sister has been quiet I will check in with her a little later and update again in the morning so far NN has been quiet but has threatened to have all the animals put down we aren't worried though there's no way she can achieve this her sister has reached out to some Rescuers and the situation is sorted update 4 so it is currently 10: p.m. and I have spent spent the past hour on the phone with my sister who is absolutely broken as it turns out she missed her man and went to the BB to spend the evening with him rather than without kiaha but with nobody there to deflect enin as bulled she zoned in on my brother and went for the jugular telling him that she should have aborted all of us no arguments there because she was a terrible mother and he's a failure and he's all kinds of disappointment this after she's done her usual bit for a few months of my son s HTS gold so as you can understand it's very unsettling for him and he broke which then upset my sister who phoned me and long story short there's a huge family meeting tomorrow night with all the people I have no interest in including in my life but I'll go because I love my sister and frankly she deserves better I also found out that enen is drinking again so there are no surprises as to why she is being so vile ug this woman disgusts me update 5 the big meeting isn't happening surprise surprise I did however meet with my sister the morning and I told her that she and her man need to be a unit they need to stand up to NN for their son in front of their son so that this cycle does not continue she was very uneasy because I can be very blunt but I told her I don't think any less of her and that I understand her point of view update update on the situation with no more NAA it isn't a happy ending yet hi everyone I'm sorry it's taken a bit for me to update since my last post I did say that I'd update as this unfolded but what I I found out caused a bit of a spiral for me and I honestly had to take a few moments to just breathe my heart really hurts this hasn't taken a turn for the worst I'm just feeling all kinds of things because this woman just brings pain to my heart she's done so much that she doesn't even have to be around me to cause this hurt for context please see my previous posts warning this post is a long one the formatting is bad as usual because I'm on mobile and there's a trigger warning for alcohol abuse death and abuse I'm going to give a bit more background quickly before I give the update please bear with me I need you to understand why this is so disturbing to me my grandparents were kids during World War II my grandma was a hardcore equin Enthusiast descended from the Dutch who settled in South Africa and spoke queen's English her family lived in swanland my granddad was born in Italy I'm unsure as to whether he was born in Venice and later moved to Sicily or vice versa but he spoke often of the wine stomping festivals my granddad was a brilliant man he went to University and studied art and philosophy he trained to restore paintings but hated his stepmother he had a fiance in Italy who fell pregnant and she was sent away to live in an unwed mother's home where she gave the baby up as life progressed things got messy and more and more hurt was experienced I'm not 100% sure of the full story but I saw firsthand the damage my granddad was always in my corner when nobody was in my corner I could count on him and even though the rest of my family couldn't stand me my granddad taught me to be great always questioned use your brain look closely and speak up I watched him destroy himself with alcohol he became diabetic because of it and he was not a particularly friendly drunk either our relationship broke when he took a swing at me for grating mozzarella cheese the wrong way the week he died he had tried four or five times to call me but he and my mom had had a fight and they were both trying to rope me in so I ignored both of their calls my sister told me he died a week after I ignored that final call and it royally effed me up I went on a two-month Bender I couldn't pull myself together the only person in my family who had expressed love and affection and who spoke my name in a way that I didn't hate was dead and I ignored what were supposed to be his last words to me I was messed up my granddad holds a big place in my heart but there's a mess there because I can't sort through the love and the hurt so he's just there my mother inherited the love for using alcohol to avoid facing herself I've mentioned it before she liked to get wasted when I was in high school what I haven't yet opened up about is the fact that she'd drink and think it was fun to throw her empty bottles at me how vile she'd become and that she'd say the most horrific things to me to try and hurt me and for the most part she did hurt me she'd say things like you stole my youth I was a planned baby and follow it with I should never have had you you should have had an abortion and shockingly enough I agree with her on that one she should never have been a mother if she had just not had me I wouldn't be in this much pain because I just wouldn't be and I'm okay with that I'm not self Haring I'm just okay with the idea of never having existed in the first place I know that is hard for some of you to comprehend but if you could understand the level of pain I smile through on a daily basis you'd understand why I'm so okay with never existing but where she'd hurt me was to say things like oh you were my ugly child or you're not smart or pretty you may as well just sto trying when I got my haircut or if I started dating someone he must be blind or something to that effect or when my boyfriend first real love died you don't get to cry he's the one that croaked the only reason you're crying is because you want him to be here and that's selfish or you constantly whine about nobody loving you well how could they look at yourself just awful sht that really made me hate myself and took away my will to life but I'm still here I'm still fighting and I still smile now on to the update I met with my sister on Tuesday Morning her and her husband my brother started a new job important detail and so he couldn't attend on Monday night I had to keep my nephew with me overnight and it's good that I did because NN got drunk and tore into my brother she told in the same shd I should never have been a mother I should have aborted the lot of you you are nothing but disappointments this was just after he'd spent the afternoon reassuring her that she's not going to be homeless sister told her she needs to leave and that he'd take care of her while I admire his empathy and her language he basically told her that he's better than her because she's pitted herself in competition with the rest of the world and yes that includes her children this explains why every time any of us are doing remotely well she tries to cut us off at the knees and knock us down she can't Elevate herself so she has to pull everyone else down think about it he's doing really well after his fall down he started studying something he's got a new job after losing his last one he's told her he's going to get a new place to live he was planning on taking her with him but that's besides the point in her eyes he's doing well enough to get a place that is better than what she's doing which is living off her daughter my brother seems to be in a tricky position he keeps saying it's my turn as if myself and my sister took the flag for 20 years and now it's his turn sister and I have decided that seeing as we are the eldest we make the decisions we aren't taking away his right to decide but he needs to be protected he needs to not take flak from a woman in her 50s who will make himself harming so we met without him and our decision is final he can hate us all he wants but at least he's alive and that way he can heal my brother did F me over a few times but he's only ever done it when Mom gets in his head when he's away from her he's not a bad guy she just makes him not okay and he acts out I'm not making excuses for him at all he's a grown ARS man who can go to therapy and sort his shd out but I think he needs help to get there and while I am not going to stick out my hand again the last time he bit it was the last for me I'm not going to interfere with my sisters efforts to try and help him the meeting was light we use humor to work through these things so I cracked a few jokes but when it came time for my sister's boyfriend to talk the jokes quickly died down I could see he was struggling with this he has no family his mom was a drug addicted prostitute who would service men with him in the car with her he eventually went to live with his uncle at a prison his uncle was a warden he has no frame of reference my DH does and he noted that DH and I seem to be handling things quite well so he wanted some tips and advice DH gave him some tips and advice he asked me to be straight he calls me the truth LOL I do have the tendency to put my thumb on issues and say things bluntly particularly when people are too uncomfortable and dance around an issue I don't have time to play games I'm more of a say what needs to be said kind of person which I think is why my mother couldn't stand me growing up but nothing gets fixed if we just dance around an issue so I tell them the harsh truth I told them that they were kidding themselves by trying to tackle different aspects of this huge problem alone and that they needed to quit their little game of who needs who more and actually be a unit DH told sister BF that he doesn't need to say anything just being there for her is better than what's going on now we also revealed a few heavy truths about the the effed up dynamic between my mom and sister such as how my sister was forced to drop out of school and how NN raised her to be a meal ticket my sister was meant to be a rich man's wife I even told him that NN had tried to push my sister on a married man while they were still together which really drove the message home I told my sister that her reactions to how NN treats her nephew break my heart that she has without realizing it allowed enn to bully and mistreat her son and she sister condones it my sister was very obviously put out by this until I explained myself further I explained that when I've seen enn bark orders at her son he could be eating doing his homework or playing on his PC or PlayStation and he complains about it his sister has said to him in front of me just go do it you know she isn't going to stop until you do it and I told her that is what breaks my heart you're basically telling your child to lie down and take it so that your mother will be quiet when it is your home you can make it stop at any time because it is your home she acknowledged this she knows I'm right so what came out of the meeting was be a unit stand up for your son it is your home and not an amend you decide the rules and she needs to go well it's the long weekend and one of our sisters is busiest so we've decided to rather wait and see how enen behaves over the next few days to decide what our next move will be sister has found empty bottles in en's room which tells me that she's drinking again great you watch your father destroy himself and his family with with alcohol use and you decide to do the same selfish move depending on how NN behaves over the next few days we are going to do one of two things one she behaves in a vile poisonous alcohol fueled destructive manner in which case DH and I go there and pack her a bag load her up in her own car take the two vehicles ours and hers through to the nearest rehab center leave her there with her suitcase and her car and drive off in our own cars what she does from there is her own indaba an African IDI meaning your own story issue or problem or two she behaves herself in which case we meet after the long weekend and read her the riot act with some very strict boundaries that also include a date and time of her departure oh yes she's leaving either way I know she is going to bring up RNC but DH and I are a team and we are going to tell her together that she is not welcome in our lives and that the moment she decided to go for our daughter she was dead to us we are only there because we love my sister and her family and nmn is making our family unhappy so we are doing what the rest of the family has failed and will continue to fail to do protecting our family I'm a little bit broken up about this it hurts me that my nephew has lived with this and it hurts me that my siblings yes brother included are being hurt by that cancerous lump of narcissism and bitterness I'm angry I'm just so angry sorry that was long I will update again thanks for reading I know the post flare says no advice but I can't seem to change that I just wanted the update and Trigger waning part if any of you have advice that can help us through this sht storm I'd love to hear it thanks again for the support I love you guys update NN I may have reached out to my abuse of X I can't prove a thing this is so frustrating and exhausting I just know she's up to something I can feel it in my stomach ulcers which have sadly returned today I saw my daughter's biological father the one who tried to murder me and my unborn child yes him pop up in my Facebook notifications my surname has changed the only way he could possibly know me as my married name is if nen reached out to him and gave it to him I haven't told my husband yet I'm not sure why I haven't told him but if she has told him who I am and he has found my company name he has an address and that terrifies me I'm supposed to be spending my Heritage day playing board games with my little girl and my husband but instead I'll be watching the gate and checking the windows because I am absolutely terrified that he's coming for us years ago before my daughter was born before my ex could hurt her I ran away successfully disappeared and registered my daughter's birth certificate as father unknown I need to find out if he can contest that but I'm literally too afraid why is she doing this to me I'm so tired I asked my sister how she had been behaving this weekend my sister says she has been Angelic so I just know that this was her she likes to act all innocent when she's trying to F me up I'm so exhausted I'm terrified and I have hot metal rods poking around in my stomach I need help update update on the no more n no situation it seems I go forward alone hey guys I know it's been long and this may seem like a bland update but it is huge for me this is a long one and I am posting from mobile so I'm really sorry for any formatting issues I flared the post as advice wanted because I'd like to know what you guys think if I'm leaving anything out or if there is maybe something more I could be doing to protect myself and my family please let me know feel free to ask questions as well tldr sisters shiny spine fails because NN is behaving I'm still going ahead with the row and setting a firm boundary for the future so that I won't be involved when NN eventually acts up again on to the story so when we last left off sis and I were going to meet about en's behavior and decide where to go from there NN was behaving herself far too well and I had figured out that while she put on her best Angelic face to my sister she had gone and contacted my ex DD's biological father who was very abusive physically verbally emotionally and financially but I had not yet told my sister well as I thought my sister was not ready to go full circle yet I called her up last week and said hey dude are we meeting this week to discuss a way forward with Mom she goes uh no she's been really good so I don't see a point in that side note I'm going to put a side note here because I'm very frustrated at this point I have been enjoying the feeling of actual happiness and an existence free from anxiety for the first time in my life which was then instantly dissolved when my sister dragged me into this situation by guilting me because I was the SG and she wasn't used to dealing with it she was literally begging me for advice and help UND dealing with this I go against my gut which was telling me to stay the F out of that mess and go with my heart I love my sister and wanted her to not be stuck and deal with that pain because I know how it hurts and I wouldn't want anyone to feel it I don't by any means think my sister is a terrible person or even think badly of her I just don't think she is where I am emotionally or mentally she hasn't dealt with inmen as long as I have and obviously is still being blinded by the illusion that she may one day get the family she wants out of those people and whatever to each their own but I felt a need to set a very clear boundary here and so I did back to the story I ask her have you been following Our advice she says yes especially her boyfriend and because of it nmn has behaved so well and that's why she feels that no further consequence is needed NN is still agreeing to move no date set so we all know that's not going to happen and she has been buying her own food because she's Banting which is very expensive and I'll add here that enn is morbidly obese she claims that Banting helps her lose weight but in reality if you eat a stick of butter with a kilo of of bacon and a block of goat cheese for breakfast your ARS is going to get even bigger so I told her you understand that this is just a phase right she will go back to her old ways once the threat of being kicked out dies down I was tempted to mention that NN pulled a dck move in contacting my ex but thought better of it because if my sister is still in the fog that sht can be weaponized and I will not give them more ammo she goes yeah but I just want to enjoy the piece for now we jump over that bridge when we get there notice she said will she immediately assumes that I'm going to keep dragging myself back here to help her when she won't even help herself I love her but damn I have my limits this whole situation has turned me into an anxious mess I have stomach ulcers again and I'm not waiting for them to rupture again and for my health to get worse to the point where my fingernails tear like rice paper my hair starts to fall out my teeth start feeling loose and my skin breaks out in hives no screw that my health now comes first I love her but no so I say sis don't take this the wrong way but no I can't keep doing this you're too afraid of conflict and this is an unending cycle that I can't stay in I'm sorry but if you won't get it over and done with you're on your own she tells me she understands and that she still loves me and she has to do this for her own Peace of Mind otherwise she'll be dealing with the guilt forever and I get that so I told her I understood and she can always talk talk to me but I'm not getting involved anymore I told her what it was doing to my health which she probably couldn't understand because she didn't live with us most of the time and she didn't see what was done to me I need to be getting on with my life even though it may sound selfish she tells me she definitely understands and won't ask me to take any more action I don't really believe that because she's still stuck in a certain mindset and I can almost guarantee that the next time NN acts up give it a few months Max she'll come running to me again but the boundary is that and I've been consistently reinforcing and sticking to my boundaries so that's that I'm still sticking to the plan I'm still getting the RO have been in contact with my lawyer and have been going through all my documents getting my ducks in a row it takes time because it's decades worth of infractions there's my medical records from childhood statements from friends in my teen years stating that they suspected I was being abused and how they'd come to check on me Financial records of my mother taking loans out in my name and more medical records from adult Ood because she had me so stressed out that I got really sick and nearly died from stomach ulcers that ruptured and bled while she berated me for being lazy and needing to lie down because I was disgustingly sick I had turned yellow and I still to this day don't even know why my liver was affected just that it was I have pictures of my yellow self to add to that file as well as reports from the teacher about the accusations made recently by NN and my records disproving those accusations there really is just so much I made the plan with the possibility that my sister would back out anyway so her stuff doesn't affect my plan so whatever the family has also been making noise because DD and I have consistently spent Christmas with dh's side for the past 3 years and they want to see DD but that is a post on its own or a series of post fall so I'll post about that tomorrow sigh I'm still waiting through the crap to get free of this nonsense and it's still so messy and exhausting but I'm getting there thanks for reading guys I love you all update it's no more on NAS birthday and I am a giant ball of red hot anxiety I know I promised an update but I'm not quite ready yet as I've had a few very traumatic and effed up memories surface through therapy that I'm still trying to work through and I'm just not there yet onto the reason I'm posting today I sent indirect birthday wishes short and to the point happy birthday I didn't even call her mom my reasoning is that I don't want to feel like a giant ball of shd throughout this whole debacle I have had one thing on my side I have no reason to apologize to ignore her birthday would in my mind make me feel like I now need to apologize because while I can be a quivering mess at times I can at least rest assured that I have never ever gone out of my way to hurt anyone regardless of their actions I've told myself that cutting them off is for my protection and my family's well-being not to hurt them and that's the truth but now I'm second guessing myself wondering if I foolishly left the door open what do you guys think update hey guys a lot has happened since my last post obligatory apologies because I'm on mobile and if anyone wants some background information please feel free to check out my previous posts no more Nona has moved out of my sister's home and taken my brother with her awesome the problem now is that she doesn't have my sister as a moral compass for lack of a better metaphor and is now trying her luck with me she's now made my DD a plushy unicorn which I know DD would lose her mind over but she won't be getting it this is the hill I will die on that woman will not buy her way back in what I need help with is how I go about politely and quietly shutting this sht down I unfortunately cannot go scorched Earth I want to so badly because my dear sister is getting married at the end of this month and I really don't want to have any negativity tied to her wedding I mean we've gone through so much she deserves the best wedding some normaly anything that's not a constant reminder of the sht show we come from I will make a separate post about the mess I'm unpacking at the moment in the next few days I'm not sure yet how to put it into words but what I really need help with is this NN situation the absolute last thing I want is for her to push her way back into our lives but I also absolutely cannot skip this wedding my sister and I have always been there for each other because we had parents who weren't asking her to not invite the family is also not an option because she's still floating in that cloud where she believes they offer some form of value to her life so she still cares about them and wants them included in the big moments of her life and it would be incredibly selfish of me to rob her of that I'm sorry if this seems disjointed broken up and illogical I'm not in the best place emotionally update possible text response to en's attempt to buy her way back in apologies because I'm on mobile so I've taken a few days to let this fresh attempt to buy her way back in permeate and settle I have drafted a response to her text the details of which can be found in my previous post but I'll quickly recap no NAA is my very abusive mother she pulled some seriously Shady sht telling a major lie to get my daughter taken from me we went and see she has made various attempts to buy her way back in Via gifts for my daughter this time around it was a handmade plushy unicorn 10 points for sentiment she then texted me a picture of said unicorn and then another text to say hi Danny sister has DDS unicorn I have since spoken to my sister and informed her that we will not be accepting gifts from NN and that we are sorry that NN chose to put my sister in the middle of all of this so I have drafted a response I'd like it if you guys could weigh in a bit here hi thank you for the time and effort taken to make such a beautiful plush toy however we will not be accepting any gifts from you for the foreseeable future you crossed a major line and sidestepping me to try and get at my child again does not constitute an apology it's more of a manipulation you cannot buy your way back in feel free to blame me for the rest of your life or whatever I'm quite comfortable shouldering that you are not welcome in our family life until the following conditions are met you seek out therapy from a licensed practitioner we receive a sincere apology for the sht you pull you learn to respect boundaries your children are all adults two of whom have their own children we my husband and I are not okay with your attempts to manipulate and control often enough feeding fires between siblings to divide us rather than having a healthy Rel relationship and encouraging your adult children in their various walks of life but you only encourage when you're in a good mood or possibly want something from someone otherwise that person is sht in your eyes and I'm okay with being sht in your eyes you have caused me a great deal of emotional and physical pain and you are no longer welcome until you can address the root cause of your behavior and give assurances that this bullsh will never happen again now in terms of sisters weddings this day is about sister and Bill and this drama should not Tain that so we will see you there I will have no fighting or any Jerry Springer Antics in front of my child so we will be civil you will be allowed to give your granddaughter a hug and thereafter you are to let her play there will be no gifts no love bombing no demands for her to talk to her parents about sleepovers or visitations and no attempts at manipulation whatsoever the bottom line here is that we do not accept gifts with strings attached and so far you have proven to use gifts or favors as a mean me to manipulate and control do you think it's too lengthy too Stern too confrontational let me know your thoughts thanks so much as always you guys are the best edit okay I have removed the swearing and added a bit to request that she doesn't put my siblings in the middle of this here's the new one hi thank you for the time and effort taken to make such a beautiful plush toy however we will not be accepting any gifts from you for the foreseeable future you crossed a major line and sidest stepping me to try and get at my child again does not constitute an apology it's more of a manipulation you cannot buy your way back in chisu and DD has other grandparents who are far more supportive and respectful of our parenting you are not welcome in our family life until the following conditions are met you seek out therapy from a licensed practitioner we received a sincere apology for the nonsense you pulled you learn to respect boundaries your children are all adults two of whom have their own children we my husband and I are not okay with your attempts to manipulate and control often enough feeding fires between siblings to divide us rather than having a healthy relationship and encouraging your adult children in their various walks of life but you only encourage when you're in a good mood or possibly want something from someone otherwise that person is nothing in your eyes and I'm okay with being nothing in your eyes you have caused me a great deal of emotional and physical pain and you are no longer welcome until you can address the root cause of your behavior and and give assurances that this Malarkey will never happen again now in terms of sister's wedding this day is about sister and Bill and not this nonsense so we will see you there I will have no fighting or any Jerry Springer Antics in front of my child so we will be civil you will be allowed to give your granddaughter a hug and thereafter you are to let her play there will be no gifts no love bombing no demands for her to talk to her parents about sleepovers or visitations and no attempts at manipulation whatsoever we have not put DD in in the middle of this she still knows and loves you and we encourage that love furthermore I would request that you do not put my siblings in the middle of this sister is not there to shoulder your burden your problem is with me and not sister or brother the bottom line of this text is that we do not accept gifts with strings attached and so far you have proven to use gifts or favors as a means to manipulate and control edit to I sent it update I find it difficult to tolerate my Mally ill s hi everyone it's me again also an obligatory apology because this is long and I'm on mobile so my formatting probably stinks tldr my sill has put my kid in danger she has flown off the handle at myself and my kid and given a half-hearted apology for it a small update on NN I'm the one whose mom tried to have my daughter taken away by telling lies to my DD School saying that I'm abusing my child my mother is no more nun if you'd like a bit more background please feel free to read my previous posts but the bottom line here is that my mom and her family are insanely abusive they did some deplorable sht to me and as a result I'm a little bit broken but I'm healing I have some updates on that situation that I'll start with first NN was kicked out of my sister's home and went to find somewhere else to live all was peaceful for a few months but then she moved in next door to my sister and I'm laughing a little at that because it is just insane my sister sister doesn't seem to mind her FH does he's Furious L and rightfully so so whenever DH and I go over there we make sure to let him know that he is not alone we'd be pissed too sister is also a bit annoying right now because she refuses to plan things like an adult but that's some minor Beck nonsense that I'm handling quite well there was a minor incident that I'll post about at a later stage but NC with NN continues now on to the sil Sil is schizophrenic she is on medication and she is not a danger to us however I feel and DH agrees with me that she uses her mental illness as a sort of crutch often using it as an excuse for shtt Behavior one example my DD has an iPhone but only myself and DH are allowed to text her or call her we've actually blocked anyone else from the phone because we want her to be able to reach us but we don't want outside influences that we can't yet control DD is nearly seven so I don't think I'm being unreasonable with this well according to to S I am being unreasonable she would like to be able to text my DD why just because L it's not happening she is actually the reason we restricted access so heavily DD received a text a while back and it made my skin crawl the text was something like hello my darling how are you feeling today I'd like you to take a picture of your face and send it to me please my sweetie yuck yuck yuck now that I know who you are that's flipping creepy so DH and I made the mutual decision to limit the phone to just us being able to reach it now you think that's all right elow it wouldn't be this sub if it was a while ago she took DD for a walk around the block and they passed a troop of monkeys and this B ran she just left my kid there and the kid screamed blue murder I ran out to see Sil legging it down the street and my kid was further behind her than I'm comfortable with running with the alpha male and Troop on her tail and I was livid I ran up and stood my ground scared off the monkeys and grabbed my kit walk inside with her sobbing in my arms and leave DH to deal with this pathetic thing that I can't even actually see as human at this stage she eff and left my child to be attacked by monkeys now monkeys are a usual occurrence where we live and we as adults know how to deal with them and yet she did everything wrong she showed her teeth turned and ran and left my kid behind not just that but the one day she flies off the handle screaming at DD because DD picked me flow hours and she was mopping the bathroom floor yeah that doesn't make sense to me either I spoke sternly told her to never speak to my kid that way again and she flew at me I shut us in the room and this bee stands at my bedroom door screaming at me to the point where her brother my DH actually had to go out because telling her to stop was not working he had to scream at her and it was all just awful I was triggered my kid was crying he was ashamed because he really doesn't like having to shout and she would just not apologize I went to therapy she uses the same therapist and explained my side I told the therapist that I was angry and that I fought so hard to get away from that and she went for my kid which makes it even worse the previous fight she and I had was where she tried to use my mental health I have severe PTSD and anxiety duh I grew up in abuse against me and I shut it down and she locked herself in her room demanding I apologized to her I did not but I received a half-hearted apology from her not because she was sorry but because her mother told her to apologize so I got a sorry we disagree it was very clear that the apology was not sincere and therefore not accepted but we moved on this time around I wasn't having any of it I didn't speak to her for 2 weeks this was around Christmas time so you must know how awkward it was but I stood my ground she goes to therapy and DH seems to think that the therapist told her she needs to apologize I got that our relationship means more to me than this fight so no I don't accept it that's not an apology DH says he thinks she's ticking boxes to appear reasonable and I agree I'm done with her I don't trust her as far as I can throw her we are moving out his parents might battle a bit but it's no longer our problem she's inconsiderate incredibly selfish does not respect boundaries EES drops on our conversations doesn't contribute at all financially she works but thinks she can dictate who eats what and tries to push herself into our parenting by telling us what decisions we should be making be you can't even look after yourself let alone another human his mom defends her shty attitude Embrace yourselves for TMI I swear to Christ I have not pooped in two weeks because every time my cheeks hit the seat she effing knocks on the door to have a conversation and when I'm in the shower she turns on Taps I have had enough I decided to post here because the absolute last straw was last night when I went to the shower and this bee has used my effing razor I can't shave my legs now can't poop I can't take my medication freely I'm just so over it I'm about ready to explode so I'm here once again for your fantastic advice My worry is that DH starts a new job on Monday DD is at school most of the day so I will be home alone with Sil and I need advice guys I don't want to fight but I'm tired of her I suspect I'm going to be posting more about her so name suggestions are welcome we are only moving out of here in about a year thanks for being supportive I love you all thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyAbusiveNCMotherReturnedforMyDaughterThisTimeandFalselyClaimedIAbusedHerGrandchorig
hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel we've got some pro revenge stories so let's jump right into our first story of the day by muttmutt069 don't think i'm worth the money kiss your income goodbye so i was living in a town where there was an old hotel that was in the process of being converted to apartments ended up moving in and at some point started to help the owner let's call him steve out with a lot of stuff started with little odd jobs here and there helping tear out a wall or take debris out no big deal really made a few extra bucks being a geek it didn't take long to start ending up helping handle some other stuff they had internet access available but it was using hp and a so basically in-home dsl over lines in a 50 year old building they slowly were adding more people here and there so adding more capacity ended up being my job as well as handling the installs and troubleshooting building had its own cable system as well and it had issues with some stuff overheating came up with a design that would simplify the build out somewhat and remove the issue of overheating boxes as well as adding more room for channels to be added and creating a type of scrolling tv guide channel using and an autoscroll plugin in the browser then piping it onto a channel and adding some music before long i was handling most of the maintenance for all the apartments internet cable lockouts and whatever else might be needed then steve's stepdaughter moved in and things started to happen that were fishy my information being removed as the lockout number among other things so i gracefully moved on and got out of the way as i didn't want to be in the middle of family i also had no hard feelings for steve over what the daughter or her husband was doing i still got calls with questions and would answer them here and there about six months after moving out i got a call that steve needed help as the boiler system was acting up and basically the building did not have heat i went down and helped to get things tore apart since the daughter's husband couldn't be bothered he moved out of a house because he didn't want to take care of things even though the wife did most of it ended up the fins on the boiler had clogged up with the soot during startups over a few years we cleaned it all out got it up and running disaster averted owner had another project he wanted some help with so rather than turn down some extra cash i figured why not we ran a small water line from the top of multiple plumbing shafts to the basement so that a set of valves could be put into place so the recirculation pump would be able to evenly get water through the lines and everyone would have instant hot water ended up moving back to the area a couple months later as they started helping steve with an even larger building nearby the old hotel converted to apartments was 10 stories tall so not small but didn't need a lot done most of the time the new place was not as tall but was larger and more spread out one section had three floors and the whole thing sat on something nearly the size of a city block i think the total square footage was around 50 000 inside i was taking care of the apartment maintenance needs and a few other things again as well as staying in the building with my wife who was acting as a lookout in the evenings during the day i would help out with whatever was going on we literally reworked a lot of structural steel re-clad one section of the building with corrugated steel sheets extended one section of the building and poured concrete floors and retaining walls i started having issues here and there with getting overheated during the day heat stroke and while i was living there i had not actually moved yet so i ended up taking a week to put most of our things in storage we were literally living at the building in an rv i had to keep the building secure when i got back steve started complaining that the power for the building was a hundred dollars and blamed it on me running an air conditioner we had been running a 220 welder on average four hours a day five days a week but it had to be that ac unit and basically said there was no way i could keep an eye on things if it was running because i couldn't hear anything it had been over a month of straight highs with over 100 degrees but with another roof over my rv it never got direct heat so i called bs as my two-bedroom apartment i just vacated only had electric costs of around 120 per month and it was all electric with a lot more items using power including my aquarium a question was then made about what i thought i was worth i figured 10 per hour i dealt with a lot including maintenance on all the machinery and his vehicle and never charged for fuel or mileage when i would drive my own vehicle to do things for as long as i worked for the guy i always had to bid my jobs outside of maintenance work i was only receiving a flat amount of money each month for the work in the building and my wife received nothing for keeping an eye out which she did pretty well of since i actually caught a teenage kid in the building with her seeing them steve stated that no one was worth 10 per hour to him other things were being thrown out as my fault too basically steve was under the gun on a couple things as when he bought the building it was actually scheduled to be torn down and another building across the road which was also scheduled to be torn down was bought slightly after he purchased his yet it had already been completely rehabilitated and was opening up space for lease the other building was smaller but had quite a bit more to have done to get it up to code the roof was completely gone and the inside was so full of trash it took nearly a month to clean it out steve kept changing things after something was done and then turning around and changing them again wasting more and more time a lot of other things were going on as well so i opted to be done and move on again this time with no option of going back my wife's stealth had started going downhill anyway so being blamed for petty crap wasn't worth it and i obviously was not wanted around anymore now here is the revenge i had told him multiple times that there was an issue with his fire alarm panel not charging the batteries the local fire department had been on him once before and forced more smoke detectors to be installed as a retrofit and a few other things the smoke detectors were installed but the battery charging issue was never fixed properly other things in the building had also started to fall into disrepair that i had told him needed to be dealt with for instance some very large windows were cracked and had a few pieces broken with tenants in them it was a two-man job to fix the windows and steve had too many irons in the fire he had sunk over 500 000 into the new building and either couldn't afford to have someone else do the work or didn't think it was worthwhile so we kept putting it off i went ahead and contacted the city about issues that needed to be addressed as well as drop some complaints about some things i used multiple email addresses from accounts i set up for exactly that purpose so it would never track back to me and contacted multiple members of the city council as well as the fire chief i never contacted steve again but the last time i was there the apartment building was shut down with signs stating that it could not be occupied since the fire alarm panel had been written up on once before due to issues and he had been told that if it became a problem again a sprinkler system would be required to bring the building up to code with it acting up again the fire marshal shut it all down the new building is now off the demolition list but it once again sits empty as there is likely not enough money left to pull from the apartment building to make it complete you see being off the list only required it to be warehouse grade which is basic lighting emergency lighting mostly airtight with egress and fire systems once that was done more work would be needed to actually start using the structure for office space and things of that nature going from 100 apartments to 23 with a few rent houses that needed to work likely took the last little bit of money he had free to do things the apartment building was truly unsafe as if the power went out the fire alarm panel would not function and with a tall building a fire on a lower floor would lead to pure disaster all he had to do was fix it so the batteries were charged and would stay that way and pay someone to do work on the panel if it was acting up but then again no one was worth ten dollars an hour why would he pay someone who was going to make even more than that i felt bad for most of the people who live there since they lost their home but i would have felt worse if they were hurt or worse in a fire the one thing i wish i had seen was the step-daughter and her husband's faces while they had to move they were on the top floor as well as steve's and his wife's faces when the building was basically condemned but i still go back and look at the news article showing it all shut down and have a little smile it just doesn't pay to be a jerk when someone has tried to help you out let me ask you guys do you agree with me when i say i think op should have left that job way earlier than he did let alone the not worth ten dollars an hour comment it was kind of clear opie was getting taken advantage of and doing a lot of work for this guy and probably not getting the compensation he deserved let me know if you agree with me or not in the comments down below our next story is by yolo swagger not won't let me rezone my property enjoy the smell of 400 hogs a city near me had a farmer holding out as the city expanded the city wouldn't let him sell his land zoned commercial since it was a farm while the farm was completely surrounded by commercial development the city wanted him to sell the land zone for agriculture basically to let some dev bulldozer the fields and flip it for commercial space easily ten times profit settled into a stalemate the area became more and more developed housing encroached the back of the property the farmer getting old and getting tired of this crap not wanting to pass the fight onto his kids came up with a plan the property had been used for soybean and farming corn to this point not really a burden to his neighbors he applied for and received proper licensing from the state for a hog confinement lot in case you don't know that is where they keep tens of thousands of hogs before they're brought to the market normally located deep in farm country stinks for miles the city tried to stop him legally but they never incorporated the land in the first place they tried to stop it at the state he followed the process to the letter and well it is farmland they thought he wouldn't follow through maybe he did he had 400 hogs delivered to what at this point was one of the busiest roads in town the locals nearly lynched the city council in less than a week the city backtracked a nearly 20-year feud and let him sell his farm for the fair commercial rate as he had originally bargained for that is absolutely beautiful you hate to see the city council treat this person so unfairly and expect them to give up their property surrounded by commercial development as an agriculture zone because it's cheap as heck compared to a commercial development spot just so some apartment building can be sprouted up there for the cheap cheap low price making sure their farmland completely ruined the intrinsic value of the neighboring area completely made the city council buckled to their knees and say please please just sell it as commercial it took 20 years but the payoff was beautiful and our final story of the day is by vast seaworthiness dinan dash diva gets what she deserves my group of friends have been together for quite some time at least starting from the end of middle school the majority of us ended up going to the same college so good for us anyway one of our friends had been acting up unreasonably and starting drama for fun it had been slowly building up for about a year now gossip and rumors we can deal with because we know each other and we can usually pick the truth from the lies easily at the point of her rumor spreading we distance ourselves from her quite a bit her latest antics have been much different for the sake of this story her name can be d in our area cases have been so low that we've started to go out more with the whole gang extra precautions aside things look to be normal we eat at a semi-formal restaurant as is our custom something about dressing up and treating ourselves is something we try to do as much as we can financially permit things seem fine until the bill comes and it's time for each of us to settle up dee starts to get shifty and starts tapping at her phone she stands up quickly and says she needs to go it's an emergency she fast walks out of the dining room and out of sight we try to text and call after but no answer we end up all absorbing her part of the bill a one-time favor for a friend in need right the second part of our routine is to go to the host's house where we drink watch movies and have a good time kelly was to be the host this time we're not much for gossip but dee's odd behavior mixed with our previous antics got us on the topic all six of us shared some stories and it looked like every one of us had some personal run in with our friend the second time we all go out to dinner everything seems well dee ordered a lot of mixed drinks and seemed thoroughly tipsy foolishly we believed she would pay her tab this time before the waiter could even bring up how we wanted the bill split dee excused herself to the bathroom and did not return we all have jobs along with scholarships so thankfully money isn't our primary worry however last time's bill paired with dee's inflated dinner and alcohol tab would have collectively set us back about 300 reluctantly we paid although we didn't see her it was assumed that she drove home drunk we rendezvous to the host's place very annoyed and in no mood to party again d refuses our calls and does not open our messages we busy ourselves by trying to get in touch with some of these other friends through the mishmash of conversation it was revealed that dee was receiving a stipend from her father that she was saving to buy herself a new tesla not only did she have a job but she was getting free money from her dad there was no reason for her not to pay her bills i guess she thought this way she could get her tesla faster we had collectively been fed up with her crap since all of us felt burned we decided to plan some revenge we knew she had the cash she just didn't feel obliged to hold her weight at this point we were all waking up to how entitled she could be our sense of loyalty and nostalgia had blinded us for way too long today was the day we decided to go to a very nice restaurant today about twice the price of what we would normally do he looked so excited bless her we all ate drank and had a great time tee had ordered many drinks and was again drunk we were careful not to wait too long or else dee would dash so just as dessert was over and the prospect of after dinner coffee was being thrown around we all declared that we had a surprise for dee next month is her birthday so we thought it would be reasonable enough time to use it as an excuse for her to close her eyes dee did as she was told and was instructed not to open her eyes until we said so because the gift takes a minute to set up we all got up quietly filed out of the restaurant and left her there with her eyes closed just as we were pulling out of the parking space we all took one car to save time after our escape dee took her own car as usual we saw dee running out of the door searching wildly for us she caught sight of the card just as we rolled away middle fingers arise our phones were blowing up like crazy tons of vile messages following the calls i got the thinking the bill must have totaled around 700ish for everyone we would have never picked this place normally although the food was very good the rest of the gang headed to my apartment about 30 minutes later we each received a message saying we owed her 738.17 along with a photo of the bill she had the audacity to include her part of the bill in that amount as well and judging by the receipt she gave no tip classy i replied with this message i guess you'll have to dip into your tesla fund take an uber home before you lose your scholarship and your friend's boozer we know you can afford it to say she went crazy is an understatement she went coconuts she tore us a new one on twitter blocked us then unblocked us to rip us some more then blocked us again now kelly who has an alternate snapchat account is treating us to her near psychotic rants talking about fake who ours who never did anything for her i guess that's us maybe next time she'll learn to pay for herself like an adult d is totally in the wrong here how are you going to dine and dash on who are supposed to be your friends multiple times i get that the bill is expensive and you want that brand new shiny tesla but you can't leave your friends hanging dry like that they're not really your friends if you do that to them i would never be able to do that to a group of my friends like i wouldn't even just be able to act like that like i personally just would not be able to do that kind of a rude thing to my friends so i don't really feel bad about her having to pay the bill for everybody else in the end but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you enjoyed the stories today please consider giving the video a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video and if you had a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below but no matter what you did whether it was liking commenting subscribing whatever you did thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and as always i'll be back tomorrow with more reddit stories right here on the story time channel you
give me a good story on rprorevengeTheFarmerwhobeattheCity
aita for telling my wife she can sleep outside and that my niece isn't going anywhere so for context 5 months ago my older sister 33f and her husband 36m passed away in a car accident and I stepped up to raise her two kids 1 M and 5f so my abusive parents couldn't DNT get a hold of them this surprisingly upset my wife of nearly 10 years as she was comforting and understanding when the news first came out after that day after day she's cruel to my 5-year-old niece and refuses to acknowledge her since last year I've been in a legal battle to get my sister's children in a safe home our parents were extremely abusive during our whole lives and we agreed to never let any of our children be near SLB in their custody while my wife wasn't fond of the idea I let her know it was non-negotiable for the past 5 years me and my wife have been trying for a baby as we have always wanted to be parents we found out pretty quick that she was infertile and it was going to be extremely difficult to get pregnant this caused my wife a lot of stress and depression she started to act like a whole new person and was obsessed with sex with only the intent of conceiving after a year of trying she finally found out she was pregnant and this was a miracle for our marriage she became so much more loving caring and talked about being able to feel the baby and it just overall fixed her my sister's wedding was coming up around that time and my wife was very insistent of not going because of pregnant
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmywifeshecansleepoutsideandthatmynieceisntgoinganywhereorig
hey everyone my name is Stephen and welcome to story time today we're going to be reading some are slash malicious compliance stories and quickly before this video starts I just want to say about 60% of people who watch this video aren't currently subscribed so if you you lovely person enjoy these videos please make sure to subscribe so you'll never miss an upcoming one with that being said let's get into the stories hasil me with an obnoxious annual prior authorization for my cheap lifelong medication thank you for the treatment upgrade I have been with the same employer an insurer taking a controlled substance medication for several years to manage symptoms from an incurable illness after an initial prior authorization several years ago my insurer another quiet annual prior authorizations to improve my care BS and reduce their costs I complained and got this quote our bodies are dynamic and as such it is beneficial to reevaluate therapies every one to two years describing their poopy process would be an even greater wall of text summary this wouldn't be a big deal except for a ye old ancient fax processing and their inflexible policies resulting in the delay of my treatment I did everything I could but they has told me several times about my family doctor not participating in their electronic system I'm sure every insurer has their own assist embed same fax machine works for all of them complaints through my very large employers HR got me a dead end with non answers now I have get to do this every year simply prodding my doctor to jump through these hoops annually only serves to delay my care let's instead follow the spirit of their process and improve my care I'm paying extra for the PPO health plan and usually exceed the family maximum out-of-pocket per year this means I hit my cap faster and won't end up paying any extra let's get started I feel better already instead of seven years of family doctor visits every six months to renew my hard copy only controlled substance prescription I'm now going back to a neurologist for the specialized care my condition requires I'm not a monster so I'm not seeking a doctor that uses facts instead of their electronic authorization I just don't care how they do it I still need to see my family doctor just as often for my annual physical and other needs yes I agree that my body is dynamic and I have not had a multiple sleep latency test for many years to determine how my illness has changed over the years I will check to see what I'm Elisabeth for another test each time I have to ask my doctor to do the prior authorization forms my dynamic body has built a tolerance to the stimulant I've been taking for many years I have been feeling more tired lately despite taking my medication it is time to try something new this new medication likely will not have a generic equivalent there are only so many prescriptions to try before you have to use meth unfortunately the insurer is incapable of learning that they should have left me the F alone I'm getting something for delayed treatment time and hassle if you have an incurable illness how many times do you have to prove that you have this illness before you don't have to again that's just so unnecessary and demoralizing to have to do every year an authorization so they can improve your care and lower their costs good on op4 doing what's best for them oh I'll dig your trench for you sir no problem a guy I served with was on infantry exercise with this well-known total douche of an officer no one liked this guy for several good reasons including that he had complete little big man syndrome he had been giving them grief the whole time they really really did not like this guy officers need to be able to lead the mission but also look after their soldiers a bad officer can make things pretty miserable now the guy was pretty short around five foot six or so but it is not a big deal as long as you do your job which this guy also sucked at anyway he had to go off to a group and he threw a shovel at one of his soldiers and said dig my trench for me and okay fine the guy was a monster about six foot five or so and he dug a trench he dug one so deep that the other guys had to help him out when it was done late that night the oh group is done and the little officer is on his way back everyone is on the defensive and being quiet and tactical so he creeps up and asks where his trench is they point out the glow sticks that are marking the spot the guy carefully heads over and hops in woosh gone he can't yell for help since they are on defensive and being quiet he can't climb out very well especially in the dark he could not do anything except wait for morning when they were allowed to stand down and the guys came to pull him out apparently he did a better job looking after his troops after that if you're gonna treat the people underneath you badly the people underneath you are probably going to also treat you badly this sounds like a pretty fun story for the troops to experience and a good learning lesson for that officer why my wife doesn't ask me to read her bedtime stories anymore so I wake up very early in the morning around 3:00 a.m. to go to work naturally I spend a lot of my weekends catching up on all the sleep that I miss one night my wife woke me up at about 11 p.m. on a Saturday night asking me to read her a bedtime story now at first I got really annoyed because I was sleeping like the dead before she shook me awake but rather than get angry or say no I just said okay and went to our library I'm a big Warhammer 40k fan with the space wolves or the route to anyone in the know is my favorite Space Marine chapter I decided to pull out Prospero Byrnes by Dan Abnett and read it to my wife I got about three very gory very descriptive pages in before she said I'm sorry I will never wake you up again please stop reading I said great and immediately went back to sleep she hasn't asked me since that's a pretty funny story and probably a pretty good story for any Warhammer 40k fans out there I can feel for Opie in this situation because I think mostly anybody can also recognize when you're sleep-deprived like that and you're getting some valuable sleep the last thing you want to do is get up and do something kind of menial for really no necessary reason but overall it was just a kind of funny story you can't go into the players gym without the pass sure thing boss I used to work in a big cricket stadium in Australia WACA for people who know it I was a runner / Porter we basically run supplies like drinks foods plates basically anything that is needed somewhere from storerooms kitchens etc so I was working in 40 Celsius degree heat 104 Fahrenheit on a five-day match and my boss comes on the radio and tells me to take 10 bags of ice and deliver it to the players gym I walked all the way to the other end load up my Charlie with ten bags of ice and headed to the gym you need a pass to go anywhere in the stadium different passes give you access to different areas however as runners we don't get them and it is generally understood when they see us with black uniforms and big stacks of whatever stuff we are carrying they would let us in anywhere in the stadium I roll up to the gym and the security guard asks for my pass to enter I told them I don't have one and no one asks for passes from us and the big boss asked me to take them in and he can confirm it with him he tells me no under any circumstances he can't let me in and the best part is I just have to walk five feet in just to put the bags down I tell him okay I am NOT going to take the bags all the way back so I will leave it here and unloaded all ten bags in front of him and left it there called my boss and tell him what happened and he said he will take care of it anyhow with all the things going on he forgotten players are getting ready to start after the lunch and he called me back to ask about the ice thirty minutes later I reminded him and he was angry as frickin asked me to come back to the gym I went there and my boss in the securities boss were there already berating the guard and when I walked in asked me to take the ice in and I walked five feet in dumped the ice in the bucket and left this is really a tough situation because the security guard is there to make sure that nobody irresponsible gets in and there's just a unwritten rule to let employees in with uniforms there apparently is no set process to actually approve anybody to go in so the security guard was just trying to do his job we don't have the privilege of knowing what training or what was said to him or any of the processes like that so we can't really blame the security guard too much for the situation it's more security as a whole in my opinion and that's where the fault lies because they need to have some kind of process that allows employees to get in when they need to get in you won't let me out suffer the consequences this story belongs to my dog gizmo and told from his point of view I was sitting next to the humans as they were staring at the cube thing that shows shapes and colors again when the urge to relieve myself came upon me I walked to the back door and politely let them know I need to go by barking of course they in return cruelly refused to let me out as sometimes I asked to go out for no reason just a mess with them so I did the only thing I could to let them know I will not stand for such behavior and pooped right there on the floor under the dining room table while maintaining eye contact the whole time all right gizmo I get it it's a tough situation because of the dog wants out a lot of times for relatively no reason at all just to go out just to sniff stuff sometimes you may take that for granted and you may assume that they just went out for no reason and you might not want to get up let him out or whatever didn't work out so much this time and gizmo let them know it's not gizmos fault this was a good dog mom told me not to complain so I didn't so back when I was little my mom would fill the bath for me and I would always say that it was too hot she would tell me not to complain and just sit down and most of the time she was always right and I'd get used to it most of the time this was when I was around for my mom made the bath for me but this time it was a lie hotter than it usually was I told my mom it was too hot don't complain just sit down so I do my mom loved the room and I was just sitting there waiting to get used to the water so about 10 minutes passed my mom came back in to check on me my entire head was covered in sweat it was just seeping out of my pores as soon as my mom saw me she ran to the faucet and turned on the cold water she cupped her hand under it and began throwing the water at my face which instantly cooled me down after that until they got old enough to take baths on my own she began asking me if the water was too hot now don't get me wrong I'm no expert in parenting and I'm no expert in giving children baths but I think if they complain that it's too hot I would suggest maybe trying to accommodate it and cooling it down usually instead of forcing them to sit in it I know they'll probably get used to it most times but people have different preferences I would think and if something is uncomfortable to them you might want to try and see if that's something you could fix but again I'm no expert so I could be really wrong on it I don't know multiple compliances are going to bring this place down one scrubbed vehicle after pressing sand to save time work at a car wash with a tunnel where I load cars onto a track then press a button to send cars through tunnel required to scrub rear vehicle with brush because tunnel doesn't clean the rear to save time I was told to press send to send the car through the tunnel and as the vehicle is moving walk behind it to scrub problem is some cars are dirty as heck I'm not quick enough to get all the corners and under lips to get all the dirt so instead of doing it the way the boss told me to I clean the rear then press the send button a little slower but better customer service boss got onto me twice about doing it this way so what do I do even though it's bad service and there's been a dramatic decrease in vehicles coming in press send and try to get all dirt usually leaving skid marks here and there causing me to have to re wash send the car back through the tunnel wasting time materials and money - don't power wash Bay anymore there's for bass for people to use washing vehicles if a bunch of mud is on the bay floor clean it or vehicles won't use it well bought seen me spraying a bay and told me to stop today a vehicle came in and left mud all over didn't clean it when the rush came all Bay's were being used except that 1/3 cut me off and didn't let me explain why a vacuum wasn't working one of the vacuums is clogged up has been for days the clog is somewhere near the back end I tried to unclog it but because I didn't have the right tool wasn't able to boss finds it sees its clogged at the front end which is usual then confronts me when's the last time you check the vacuums me trying to remember not sure it's been you need to check it every hour come look at this one of the vacuums is clogged me following him to the vacuum trying to explain what happened if it's the middle vacuum it's clogged in the back I need a clamp to know come look at us shows me the front end of the vacuum and I see trash yes sir I still need a clamp to take the norther don't just pull a junk out and make sure to check it often yes sir boss proceeds to unclog front end as boss leaves without giving me a chance to explain back end is still clogged and barely pulls any air it's been going on for days now what a terrible boss that place is going right into the ground for sure trying to cut corners here and there not maintaining the equipment well people are going to stop showing up and the new people who do show up aren't going to be returning customers at least Opie gets a paycheck at the end of the day that's like the one solace they can get from this but with that being said that's all the time we have for today thank you so much for listening to and watching a storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and let us know what you thought about these stories in the comments below thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceMakemepayEXTRAformyMEDICATION
:00.000 --> :01.000 Posted by  :00.000 --> :00.720 u/TexasSweetheart13 5 hours ago :07.040 --> :08.988 Estate sale attempted theft M  :08.988 --> :09.053 TLDR: teenager picks up my purse  at an estate sale and entitled,   :09.053 --> :09.120 obnoxious mom insists her daughter  has first right to buy my purse. :09.120 --> :12.320 So I like going to estate sales  when I have some free time. I’m   :12.320 --> :17.280 at an estate sale that had other people also  shopping but it wasn’t particularly crowded. :17.280 --> :23.080 So a girl about 15 or 16 years old was following  me around the various rooms pretty closely,   :23.080 --> :27.240 which was a bit weird because the house  wasn’t that crowded. If I stopped to look   :27.240 --> :31.000 at something or pick something up, as  soon as I moved a little bit she would   :31.000 --> :35.640 look at or pick up the same item. A  little odd but nothing too strange. :35.640 --> :40.200 So I stopped to pick up a vintage purse, but  my own purse kept slipping off my shoulder   :40.200 --> :43.920 because the shirt I was wearing had a  slick texture. So I took my purse off   :43.920 --> :48.000 my shoulder and set it down directly  in front of me on a chest of drawers. :48.000 --> :53.400 The girl reaches in front of me - so close  she knocked into my arm - and grabs it. I   :53.400 --> :58.640 immediately grabbed the strap but she didn’t  let go. We then engaged in a slight tug of war,   :58.640 --> :01.520 because - hello! - I’m not  letting my purse get stolen. :01.520 --> :05.720 The girl’s mother who had been shopping  also, but not staying particularly close   :05.720 --> :10.880 to either of us begins loudly stating that  her daughter picked up the purse first and   :10.880 --> :15.680 “under the rules of estate sales” that means  her daughter gets first dibs on it and for   :15.680 --> :21.640 me to let go. I tell her that it’s my personal  purse, not an item from the estate sale and I   :21.640 --> :27.040 refuse to let go. The woman keeps repeating  the “Rules of Estate Sales” (like they are   :27.040 --> :33.080 royal proclamations) louder and louder.  Eventually, she’s angrily yelling over me. :33.080 --> :37.920 Girl and I are still engaged in a tug of war  because I’m not letting my purse get stolen.   :37.920 --> :41.560 Mom gets loud enough that two employees  of the estate sale company come in to   :41.560 --> :46.200 see what the ruckus is. Mom keeps giving  her royal proclamation that her daughter   :46.200 --> :50.600 picked up the purse first and that I’m  trying to “steal” the purse from her. :50.600 --> :55.000 One of the employees starts to politely  tell me the etiquette of estate sales. I   :55.000 --> :59.120 listen and then - just as politely  - tell her that the purse isn’t an   :59.120 --> :04.400 estate sale item and is my personal  purse, filled with my personal items,   :04.400 --> :09.760 that I walked into the estate sale with and  I refuse to let the girl steal it from me. :09.760 --> :12.960 The employee asks for both of us to  release the purse and let her pick   :12.960 --> :17.520 it up. She gets my permission to open it,  takes out my wallet and looks at my drivers   :17.520 --> :22.320 license. She tells the mom that purse is  mine, not for sale and hands it to me. :22.320 --> :27.600 The mom gives a huge humph, grabs her  daughter’s arm and leaves. No apology   :27.600 --> :32.040 or acknowledgement that either she or her  daughter were in the wrong. In retrospect,   :32.040 --> :36.600 I wonder if the daughter may have had a mental  disability. But if she did, it wasn’t obvious   :36.600 --> :41.040 from my limited interactions with her. I  just couldn’t believe the mom was so entitled   :41.040 --> :46.760 that she didn’t even bother to get the facts or  investigate after I told her that purse was mine. :46.760 --> :50.960 The estate sale people were really nice  about it and they apologized even though   :50.960 --> :55.760 they did nothing wrong. I even got a  25% discount on the items I bought. :55.760 --> :56.779 Posted by  :56.779 --> :58.080 u/eatenbyagrue1988 17 hours ago :32.560 --> :35.720 Entitled Mom Wants My House as  Payment for Marrying Her Daughter  :35.720 --> :36.720 M Hey reddit,   :36.720 --> :41.080 this is an ongoing gong show so I'm putting  this here so I can try to make sense of this. :41.080 --> :46.600 My wife's mother has been a malignant narcissist  her entire life, to the point where she ended up   :46.600 --> :50.920 not going to our wedding because she didn't  want to go to the city we both live in (I   :50.920 --> :55.040 even offered to drive her here and put them up  in a nice house for the week of the wedding),   :55.040 --> :00.960 and she "decided" to "surprise"  us with a wedding. That she threw.   :00.960 --> :05.480 On the same day as our wedding.  Without telling us ahead of time. :05.480 --> :11.360 Anyway, after almost a year of not speaking, she  and my wife are trying to have a relationship   :11.360 --> :15.314 (I'm not in favor because I have seen how  she treats my wife, but my wife is a grown   :15.314 --> :19.960 up and I have to support her). A little over  6 months ago, my parents decided to give us   :19.960 --> :25.240 their house (my childhood home) and we've been  remodeling it. We moved in earlier this month,   :25.240 --> :30.280 and my wife (with my blessing) invited her parents  to stay over for a week so they could see their   :30.280 --> :36.280 grandkids (we have twins: a boy and a girl named  Luke and Leia) and see the city we live in. :36.280 --> :38.840 Everything went fine until breakfast this morning,   :38.840 --> :44.560 when over coffee, my wife's mom (MIL  from now on) drops a bombshell on me: :44.560 --> :49.880 MIL: "So OP, when I had my children, I wanted  to have them so someone could take care of me   :49.880 --> :54.080 when I get old." (There's some history  behind this, related to why she fought   :54.080 --> :58.960 so hard against my wife and I's relationship,  but that's another story for another time.) :58.960 --> :02.400 Me: takes a sip of my coffee,  waiting to see where this is going :02.400 --> :08.400 MIL: "So since you took her away from me, I  think you should be responsible for me too.   :08.400 --> :12.920 So starting tomorrow, I'm going to live in  your guest room (the room they'd been using   :12.920 --> :18.420 for the last week). I need you to drive us to  [their province] so we can pick up our things." :18.420 --> :21.240 Me: "I don't follow." :21.240 --> :26.280 MIL: "Since you married my daughter, I  only have one son to take care of me.   :26.280 --> :31.560 It's only fair that since you took her, you  now have the responsibility to care for me." :31.560 --> :35.000 My wife: "Mom, I think you should pack." :35.000 --> :42.000 MIL: "NO. You married this [slur for a mixed-blood  Filipino], I should at least get some benefits!" :42.000 --> :47.520 My wife: "Mom, that's enough. We invited you to  stay the week so you could meet your grandkids,   :47.520 --> :50.760 but now I'm starting to see that  this might have been a mistake." :51.360 --> :55.120 Me: "[MIL], I think we need to go.  I'll take you back to your province,   :55.120 --> :57.240 but you are not going to live here." :57.240 --> :03.800 So here's the current situation: MIL is locked  in the guest room "packing", but we suspect that   :03.800 --> :08.880 she's planning to squat in the room. Whenever  we knock, she starts crying hysterically about   :08.880 --> :14.880 how she is going to die old and alone, how my wife  is a bad daughter for not supportint her mom, how   :14.880 --> :20.920 I'm a bad son in law because despite having money  and a nice house, I'm not supporting her, etc. I'm   :20.920 --> :25.360 on the phone with my cousin (he lives down the  street from us and his dad is a Justice in the   :25.360 --> :31.600 Supreme Court, so hopefully we can get the police  to trespass her) and we're working out a response. :31.600 --> :31.739 Posted by  :31.739 --> :37.680 u/Crazyragdolllady 23 hours ago :37.680 --> :01.560 2 kids unzipped my cat’s carrier and  we’re reaching inside to pet my cat  :01.560 --> :02.400 M This happened a   :02.400 --> :07.000 few months ago when I took my cat to a cat show.  For those who don’t know much about cat shows:   :07.000 --> :10.720 when they aren’t being judged they  hang out in large pop up kennels. :10.720 --> :13.560 It’s normal for parents to bring  their kids to the cat shows,   :13.560 --> :17.920 but this cat show had so many kids running  around it was insane. I’ve never seen   :17.920 --> :22.600 so many kids at a cat show. I have nothing  against bringing your children to cat shows,   :22.600 --> :26.760 just please stay with them and teach  them to respect the cat’s personal space. :26.760 --> :30.360 So anyways, my cat was sleeping  inside a little cat cave inside   :30.360 --> :34.320 of his large pop-up kennel. I went to  go to the bathroom, and when I came   :34.320 --> :40.000 back two children had UNZIPPED the  kennel and one was PETTING my cat. :40.000 --> :42.800 WHY WOULD ANYONE EVER OPEN A PET CARRIER AND   :42.800 --> :47.720 TOUCH A RANDOM CAT THEY DONT KNOW?! I  would have NEVER done that as a child. :47.720 --> :49.920 I don’t know where their mom was, but the girl was   :49.920 --> :53.560 saying that my cat wanted attention  and that’s why she unzipped it. But   :53.560 --> :57.440 he was still inside his little cat cave  that was inside of the pop-up kennel. :57.440 --> :01.200 They’re lucky I have a ragdoll  cat (they are extremely chill,   :01.200 --> :05.120 cuddly, social, and known as the  puppy of cats). Additionally,   :05.120 --> :11.600 my cat volunteers with kids once a week, walks  on a leash, and vibes with literally everyone. :11.600 --> :15.520 But I can’t describe how upset this made  me. I want to add that I’ve never had any   :15.520 --> :19.880 issues with kids at any other cat shows  but this one. But another thing is that   :19.880 --> :24.440 when I was taking my cat to be judged, a  kid touched his tail and I had a couple   :24.440 --> :28.960 other kids try to ask to pet him as I  was taking him to be judged another time. :28.960 --> :32.920 Also, I had to fuss at some kids who  went to another person’s pop-up cat   :32.920 --> :37.080 carrier and had their hands/faces  pressed against the mesh to see the   :37.080 --> :41.360 cat inside (bc that’s probably  very intimidating for the cat). :41.360 --> :45.960 I want to say again that I’ve never had  issues with kids at other cat shows. Idk   :45.960 --> :50.040 what happened at this one, but for  some reason there were so many kids. :50.040 --> :54.720 I would like to add most kids did have  parents with them and were behaving well. :54.720 --> :54.778 Posted by  :54.778 --> :54.800 u/KaruKahree3 1 day ago :54.800 --> :41.060 Made up language made my mom think me  and my sister were going to an Orgy.  :41.060 --> :43.960 M My mother is a toxic narcissist   :43.960 --> :49.280 and me and my sister growing up weren’t allowed  to do ANYTHING without her and my stepdads say   :49.280 --> :54.880 so and she loved to use our words against us and  if she heard us trying to make plans with friends   :54.880 --> :59.920 or just even to go to the library to play on the  computers (we liked to go to Gaiaonline and play   :59.920 --> :05.600 the games and chat together). After 16 years of  this we decided to make up our own language for us   :05.600 --> :12.520 to use whenever we thought she or our stepdad was  eavesdropping on us. Nothing too specific mostly   :12.520 --> :18.400 noises or sounds that we meshed together from  tv shows and the sims. For example if I wanted   :18.400 --> :24.520 to borrow a video game for a forbidden event at  a not liked friends house I would say “Karu! (We   :24.520 --> :30.920 had secret names for each other too) escoobah  dee viddy fur nkadas hosen?” N a ok reply was   :30.920 --> :36.840 “eitah!” Or “shupa” for no. Well for Halloween  one year we told our parental units that we were   :36.840 --> :41.840 going to go chaperone a trick or treater group  in one of our friends neighborhoods. What we were   :41.840 --> :47.560 actually going to do was going to our friends to  play smash bros and hand out candy. Nobody liked   :47.560 --> :53.240 our folks so every adult collaborated the plan  so we could actually have fun without fear of our   :53.240 --> :58.280 parents spoiling it for everyone somehow. We were  getting dressed and I couldn’t find my GameCube   :58.280 --> :03.680 controller, so I asked sis in our language had she  seen it and did she know how many of our friends   :03.680 --> :08.920 were coming? She said the whole gang was going  to be there and not to worry because they had a   :08.920 --> :14.000 spare I could use. We go to our friends place  and I’m kicking butt playing with Zelda/Sheik   :14.680 --> :22.280 combo when we suddenly hear Insane pounding on  the door. Our friends mom barely opens the door   :22.280 --> :27.960 before screaming for me and my sister to come  out fully dressed at once and how they were   :27.960 --> :32.840 terrible parents to be letting this evil happen  on their watch with their knowing! She stopped   :32.840 --> :37.560 yelling long enough to see we were all playing a  video game in the living room and blinked. “What   :37.560 --> :43.480 the heck are you doing??” “Losing at smash now”  I replied. Apparently she and my stepdad knew   :43.480 --> :48.560 about the made up language and were trying to  decode whatever we said. She thought the plans   :48.560 --> :55.240 we made for Halloween was a huge orgy and that I  wanted to know if she had any condoms and was told   :55.240 --> :01.600 they would have spares. She left red faced after  getting scolded by the other adults and we both   :01.600 --> :07.000 got grounded for embarrassing her on purpose.  To this day whenever I play smash bros with my   :07.000 --> :12.560 friends whenever they ask if I want to play  they wiggle their eye brows before laughing. :20.520 --> :22.920 Posted by  :27.400 --> :31.680 u/Altruistic-Doubt-425 1 day ago :31.680 --> :38.900 MIL trying to guilt my husband  into singing in the choir  :38.900 --> :41.240 M So my in-laws have four grown   :41.240 --> :47.000 kids. Two live close to them, but only one sees  the parents weekly and that would be my hubby. :47.000 --> :53.120 Five years ago my mil, who is the choir director  at her husband’s church (he is pastor) told us   :53.120 --> :58.320 there would be no more Christmas cantata’s.  But each year since she has one and tries to   :58.320 --> :04.600 rope us in. Between stepping back a bit from my  in-laws due to some abusive behavior from my FIL,   :04.600 --> :10.400 and also reevaluating our faith, and just being  very busy and not wanting another commitment,   :10.400 --> :14.520 we all said no. (Side note- his parents  are standing by their other son who   :14.520 --> :20.440 was arrested for child molestation. Our  family is fractured due to all of this) :20.440 --> :22.800 He told her no to choir in person. :22.800 --> :25.000 She has texted him two long texts,   :25.000 --> :28.760 twice. One set like a week and a  half ago and the last one yesterday. :29.640 --> :34.520 “Hey “Paul” Please, please can you sing bass  in our Christmas choir this year. I missed you   :34.520 --> :39.880 singing with us the last 4 years so much. You  love singing bass and you are such a strong   :39.880 --> :45.600 bass when you know the song and the bass is so  fun singing with Jim. his son Ryan and Jeff.   :45.600 --> :49.880 You know a lot of the songs already and the  others are not hard but really pretty. It's   :49.880 --> :55.120 just an hour a week practice. And I really  need sopranos too. Could you get Susan (our   :55.120 --> :59.640 daughter) to come and sing too?. I asked  her but she hasn't an-swered. They are the   :59.640 --> :05.400 same songs she sings at Epcot. Our first  practice is Thursday. 7:30-8:30 pm. I am   :05.400 --> :10.280 making new practice CD's. Also going to see if  Sunday night practice is better than Thursday   :10.280 --> :14.880 night. Whichever is best for everyone. And  performance will be a date everyone can make. :14.880 --> :19.680 Will you do this for me? Last year the  choir sang 13 songs but this year is only   :19.680 --> :25.320 10 songs from blue book "Noel" and total  time of singing is 28 min-utes. I really   :25.320 --> :30.160 hope you can sing with us. Makes my heart  happy to see you singing 🎶🎶🎶🎶 Love, Mom :30.160 --> :31.040 Last night: :31.040 --> :36.360 “Reminder of choir practice tomorrow at 7:30  pm. Come this once and if you don't enjoy it,   :36.360 --> :41.520 I won't bug you anymore. Jim across the street saw  dad at Publix today and he asked dad if you were   :41.520 --> :46.680 going to sing bass with them. He said we need  more basses and we do. Jeff will be there. 😊🎶 :46.680 --> :50.760 My MIL is super, sugary sweet but low key   :50.760 --> :56.120 is controlling in her own way. Usually  with guilt, sometimes spiritual guilt. :56.120 --> :01.920 Is her behavior ‘normal’, not normal? How  would you label it? I am in counseling and   :01.920 --> :06.240 getting emotionally healthy and to me,  I feel like it’s manipulative. I had   :06.240 --> :12.000 a very controlling mother. His isn’t blatantly  controlling like mine was, but it feels similar. :12.000 --> :16.960 What say you? I have four grown kids and one  teen and don’t use these tactics with them,   :16.960 --> :21.680 ever. I just feel like when a 53  year old man says no, it’s no. :21.680 --> :21.901 Posted by  :21.901 --> :22.680 u/frogsongoblins 17 hours ago :47.120 --> :49.600 Entitled parent tries to steal from me? M  :49.600 --> :57.320 Hello, I'm a (32, F) and fairly small for my age.  I've been mistaken for a child many times since   :57.320 --> :02.600 I'm also into the "kawaii" fashion. My looks at  important for this story. Today I went to the   :02.600 --> :08.760 store on my own since my husband (48, M) was at  work today. This is usually fine as I know most   :08.760 --> :14.840 of the employees working there and the "regulars"  at the store. Today, none of the employees I knew   :14.840 --> :19.840 were working and none of the people there were  people I knew. This upset me but I moved on   :19.840 --> :26.040 with my shopping. Well, as Im shopping, a lady  that appeared to be in her mid 50s tapped me on   :26.040 --> :31.120 my shoulder. When I turned around, she looked  furious at me. I asked if I could help her and   :31.120 --> :37.000 she started screaming at me about my parent not  being there and saying I was a horrible child for   :37.000 --> :42.080 just running off from them. This, of course,  drew attraction from the employees and they   :42.080 --> :47.640 asked if everything was the matter. This is when  Karen became immediately sweet and said "oh no,   :47.640 --> :52.240 my daughter here just ran off without me!  Everything is okay." And they didn't do   :52.240 --> :58.040 anything. Then, a young boy, maybe 12? came around  the corner and walked up to this lady holding   :58.040 --> :04.240 a bag of sugar free organic gummies. She looked  ticked at him, and I assumed this was her actual   :04.240 --> :09.400 child. I was at a loss for words by this point  and when she turned around to look at me again,   :09.400 --> :14.680 she grabbed my wrist and pulled me twords her face  saying "if your parents won't teach you a lesson,   :14.680 --> :20.680 I guess I'll teach you it myself." Then she  proceeded to drag me away from my cart. Now,   :20.680 --> :26.240 you might be thinking I could have just yelled for  help or started fighting, but in situations like   :26.240 --> :32.000 this I shut down so I didn't know how to react  except to start crying. She payed for the other   :32.000 --> :37.240 kids gummies and when she let go of me, I looked  at the employee and asked for help. When this Lady   :37.240 --> :43.480 heard me, she grabbed my brand new expensive  bag and snatched it off my body saying I was   :43.480 --> :50.680 "grounded" for being a disrespectful little crap  and apologized to the employees. She, once again,   :50.680 --> :57.080 drug me outside even with my kicking, biting,  and scratching. The employees did nothing because   :57.080 --> :02.680 apparently I looked like a bad kid. When we were  outside, she let me go and didn't give me my bag   :02.680 --> :08.640 back still. Instead, she grabbed my phone and said  she was going to call my parents. This is when my   :08.640 --> :13.680 senses finally came back and I started screaming  that I was being robbed and tried to explain that   :13.680 --> :19.360 I was much older but she didn't believe me. But,  a police officer did come around the corner to   :19.360 --> :25.000 try and understand the situation. Before she could  explain, I told him everything that had happened   :25.000 --> :30.320 in the store. He asked entitled mother if this  was true and she didn't say anything. Instead,   :30.320 --> :35.480 she took everything out of my bag and gave  it to her son. Claiming she knew I was 32   :35.480 --> :40.520 but her son needed my belongings more than  me, and proceeded to run away. Unfortunately,   :40.520 --> :45.200 she tripped and the police arrested her. He  made the kid give me my stuff back as he took   :45.200 --> :51.498 them away. Least to say, I just stood there for a  good 10 minutes trying to process this situation. :51.498 --> :51.507 Posted by  :51.507 --> :06.640 u/ketsuuzuu 2 days ago :11.160 --> :15.020 My dad puts religion on top of  everything and it's getting annoying  :15.020 --> :16.400 S Hey, i understand   :16.400 --> :21.280 that religion is really important to some, i'm  not here to talk badly about religions but the   :21.280 --> :27.920 way my dad behaves makes me dislike religions. i'm  19 now but my dad forced me to pray and follow my   :27.920 --> :33.520 religion since i was 10, i prayed but stopped  cuz i realized I'm not doing it for myself,   :33.520 --> :39.520 i'm just forcing myself to pray like a chore, just  to make my dad shut up. Because of religion my   :39.520 --> :44.560 dad has this annoying view of life where if your  child doesn't pray or doesn't care about religion,   :44.560 --> :50.080 you failed as a muslim. I cant pass a single  day without him saying that i'm an egoist or   :50.080 --> :54.960 that i'm a failure cuz i dont want to pray for  my family and for God, no matter what i achieve   :54.960 --> :00.920 in life he doesn't care and always brings the  fact that i dont follow religion. A lot of time   :00.920 --> :05.920 he used religion to yell at my mom or beat my  brother, i always defend my mom because she's   :05.920 --> :12.840 49 and he shouldn't force her to do anything,  it's her life but everytime i do that, he insults   :12.840 --> :18.880 me and says that i'm an jerk, a failure and if i  followed religion, i would understand his value,   :18.880 --> :24.600 that he should be the most important thing in my  life after religion. I dont really like my dad,   :24.600 --> :28.200 he's an jerk who makes us all suffer and play  the victim afterwards and because of him,   :28.200 --> :32.280 i started to dislike religions because i dont  want to turn like him, i dont want to be an   :32.280 --> :37.320 jerk with my kids, i dont want to be violent, i  dont want to be totally mesmerized by religion   :37.320 --> :42.760 to the point that i harm others. Sorry if what i  said isn't clear, english isnt my first language   :42.760 --> :47.720 but i really need some advice, please i need a  way to deal with his mentality, because i'm a   :47.720 --> :53.960 really sensitive person and what he says to me  really impacts me negatively on a daily basis. :53.960 --> :54.600 Posted by u/Separate-Nia  :54.600 --> :57.480 3 days ago :21.480 --> :24.560 my dad's mistress offered  me a job should i take it  :24.560 --> :28.120 S so, I 20 female am a full-time student   :28.120 --> :33.120 and am currently seeking a part-time job the  problem is that most places that I have applied to   :33.120 --> :38.720 only want full-time workers so my dad's mistress  who owns a business offered to provide me with   :38.720 --> :44.120 a job where I will not have to travel for work  and will make a decent amount almost full-time   :44.120 --> :50.040 pay for the same job at a different company. the  issue is my dad's mistress and my mom hates her   :50.040 --> :54.480 to the point where she sees her as a villain  I know if I work there my mom will treat me   :54.480 --> :59.480 differently because I have worked with her before  and it was one of the worst times for my mental   :59.480 --> :06.120 health because my mom will curse me all the time  to the point I was suicidal. She says she ruined   :06.120 --> :11.440 her family but my dad was always a cheater and she  claims to not have an issue with him having other   :11.440 --> :16.400 women however she has an issue with this one  I have no issues with her because I was raised   :16.400 --> :22.280 around the idea of her meaning I was at her home  every evening after school, she registered me for   :22.280 --> :29.000 middle school and she was always in my life from  around 3-4 hence she is like a second mother to me   :29.000 --> :34.280 same for my younger sister that is 5 as she took  care of my sister when my mom was off maternity   :34.280 --> :40.520 leave. all this to say that it has always been  a part of my life however my mom hates her and   :40.520 --> :45.920 will hate me if I take the job so should I take  it and common will not pay for the stuff I like   :45.920 --> :52.040 she would ask me to ask my dad and I don't like to  ask him because he already paying my school fees. :52.040 --> :52.238 Posted by u/P0P_N0X  :52.238 --> :52.520 2 days ago :22.840 --> :26.040 Smoking Indoors: Who's More Wrong? S  :26.040 --> :30.040 So... something's happened.  Not anything huge, but still. :30.040 --> :35.520 Last night my Mom (38F) caught  my brother (18M, turning 19 in   :35.520 --> :42.440 November) smoking weed in his bedroom. When  I (16F, turning 17 soon) asked him about it,   :42.440 --> :46.680 he'd said his psychiatrist took him off of his  anxiety medication and it's been messing with   :46.680 --> :51.920 him. As a way to cope, he decided he'd have a  little smoke on the balcony. The problem was,   :51.920 --> :56.280 in order to get to the balcony, he'd have to  walk pass our Mom; She was sitting in the living   :56.280 --> :01.960 room watching a movie. My brother, feeling as if  walking past her to smoke weed was too shameful,   :01.960 --> :07.520 decided he'd have it indoors. Note that my  Mom is already aware that he smokes weed. :07.520 --> :12.200 At the time I was playing video games in  my room, but was suddenly interrupted by   :12.200 --> :17.480 my Mom screaming and cursing at him in the  hallway. To not complicate anything further,   :17.480 --> :21.960 I kept quiet and didn't ask questions.  At least, until the next day. :21.960 --> :26.840 When she came home from work I decided I was  going to hear things from her perspective,   :26.840 --> :32.960 which would be interesting, considering that she  smokes cigarettes indoors much more frequently.   :32.960 --> :37.480 When I ask her about it ( and reminded her  of the fact that she does the same thing),   :37.480 --> :43.520 she got all defensive because she "Is  an adult" (so is he) and "pays rent",   :43.520 --> :48.960 and that smoking in your mother's house was  disrespectful. But when SHE smokes indoors   :48.960 --> :54.080 and lets the smell stink up her room and keeps us  from seeing her in the mornings because she locks   :54.080 --> :00.200 us out (which we can't do, because our doors don't  lock), it's all excused because she pays money. :00.200 --> :05.440 I just think it's hypocritical. I mean I'm not  saying that smoking weed indoors is a good idea,   :05.440 --> :10.760 but is she not disrespecting her own house  and kids by smoking indoors while we're   :10.760 --> :15.160 here? Does she think WE like the smell  of cigarettes in the morning? Couldn't   :15.160 --> :19.360 SHE just go outside if she wanted  to smoke so badly? I don't know,   :19.360 --> :24.720 man. What are y'all's thoughts? Who's more of  the jerk here? I'll try to answer any questions. :33.160 --> :33.480 Posted by  :34.600 --> :52.781 u/pikapikamutha 7 days ago :52.781 --> :56.200 7yr old beats up 3yr old and only one mom is mad L  :56.200 --> :00.640 This happened years ago so I don't remember  perfectly, but a lot I do remember; :00.640 --> :06.000 Backstory: this took place at Inshape in the  kids center (basically babysitting but with   :06.000 --> :11.280 stricter rules). We had a lot of regulars  so most of us knew all the kids. One boy,   :11.280 --> :17.240 R(3), had been coming for over a year  and had some behavior issues and it's   :17.240 --> :22.720 not uncommon for him to bother other kids  (taking toys, hitting, throwing, etc.) :22.720 --> :31.080 Story starts with checking in 3 new kids, M(7),  S(3), and N(1). The first day they were delights,   :31.080 --> :35.280 a bit pestery, but nothing extreme.  They immediately start to misbehave   :35.280 --> :38.320 when mom comes to pick them up.  She says they're bad with her,   :38.320 --> :42.760 but great with others and that they're  here on vacation for 3 weeks. These kids   :42.760 --> :48.120 according to her have all been to gym  child care before, NOT this gym though. :48.120 --> :54.480 Fast forward the next week. M, the 7yr old  is being pestered by R. Not unusual and we   :54.480 --> :59.520 have a discussion with R. R's mom comes  in and since all is good she decides to   :59.520 --> :05.000 go in the sauna. Again not unusual, she knows  her child can be a troublemaker. N has begun   :05.000 --> :10.320 crying and we call her mother to come get her.  Company policy is we can not hold babies for   :10.320 --> :16.480 more than 10 minutes. I walk to the bathroom  and hear crying. This is where it gets juicy. :16.480 --> :20.600 There was a big play structure,  think mini mcdonalds playplace,   :20.600 --> :25.480 in the child care unit. This is where the  crying is coming from. I investigate and   :25.480 --> :32.600 see M on top of R punching him in the stomach.  I go inside and break it up. R is crying like   :32.600 --> :39.600 crazy and M is fuming. I walk them out holding  each by the wrist and ask M why he punched R. :39.600 --> :42.160 M: "He was trying to bite me." :42.160 --> :47.520 I internally roll my eyes and bring both boys to  the front where my supervisor (B) and coworker   :47.520 --> :52.800 are and tell them what happened. They got in  contact with M's mom (it's been like 30 mins   :52.800 --> :57.800 now). She didn't want to come and told us to just  make the baby a bottle. B explained that we can't   :57.800 --> :03.480 do that due to company policy and she finally  agreed to come, but still hadn't shown up. Since   :03.480 --> :11.800 I knew where R's mom (RM) was I go get her and  walk past M's mom on the way. covo as follows; :11.800 --> :13.320 Me: "R got hurt" :13.320 --> :16.560 RM: "What? Oh ok let me get my stuff." :16.560 --> :17.720 *We walk out of the sauna* :17.720 --> :19.820 RM: "So what happened?" :19.820 --> :24.520 Me:"Well I had heard crying and another  boy was on top of R punching him in the   :24.520 --> :29.200 stomach. The boy said R tried to bite  him, but I only saw R getting punched" :29.200 --> :31.920 RM:"Ok I'll be right there." :31.920 --> :37.080 I then leave her to finish putting her shoes  on and go back to the kids center. M's mom,   :37.080 --> :42.160 now EM, is there listening to B  explain the situation. I come in   :42.160 --> :46.520 and explain what I saw. I don't remember  the initial conversation I had with her,   :46.520 --> :49.720 but she went to the bathroom  with her kids and then came back. :49.720 --> :53.040 EM: "M says R was bothering him." :53.040 --> :57.400 B: "We don't doubt that. R  has a history of trouble." :57.400 --> :02.240 Me: "Unfourntaly I only saw M on top of R. If   :02.240 --> :05.360 something happened before  we did not know about it." :05.360 --> :09.040 EM: "Well is he (R) going to get disciplined" :09.040 --> :14.880 B: "Unfortunately since we have no  evidence we can not suspend him.   :14.880 --> :19.400 Since this is his (M) first offence  we just need to send him home today." :19.400 --> :24.440 EM: "And what about R? He was biting my  son. Why doesn't he have to go home?" :24.440 --> :30.400 B: "Actually because he got hurt we are  sending him home as well. We can keep them   :30.400 --> :36.000 separated in the future, but we can't suspend  R as there is no proof he did anything to M." :36.000 --> :41.240 EM: "M said he didn't do anything and  he wouldn't lie. My kids have gone   :41.240 --> :44.560 to gyms their whole lives. They  were born and raised in a gym." :44.560 --> :48.600 Me: "I'm sorry miss, like I said  I only saw the end of it. It's   :48.600 --> :52.240 not that I don't believe M was  provoked, I just didn't see it." :52.240 --> :56.760 In the time of this conversation  RM has come, asked what happened,   :56.760 --> :03.400 thanked us and left. She spent a whole 2 minutes  before leaving and didn't even talk to EM. The   :03.400 --> :09.320 mother whose son BEAT UP her 3 YEAR OLD. It  was obvious from what I saw that M had been   :09.320 --> :14.920 punching R with a lot force. IDK how long he  went but I saw at least 3 or 4 punches as I   :14.920 --> :20.560 was getting the boys. RM was completely calm  and unfazed. She was just glad her son wasn't   :20.560 --> :26.520 the troublemaker this time (she actually said  that). EM was insisting R be punished and that   :26.520 --> :32.800 M did nothing wrong. M had changed what he said  to me and B when he spoke to his mom. Eventually   :32.800 --> :37.520 EM gave up and left but not until she argued  for like 20 minutes that she shouldn't have to   :37.520 --> :42.880 take her kids. She would have had to take them  anyway since her baby would not stop crying and   :42.880 --> :48.520 after 15 minutes we have to call parents for  pick up. After this she didn't like me much   :48.520 --> :54.160 and made a point to talk down to me. There's an  epilogue to this story but ima wait to add that.
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsCAUGHTSMOKINGINDOORSRedditStoriesen
everyone my name is Steven and today we're going to be reading some malicious compliance stories so sit back relax and let's get into it manager cliches himself into oblivion context I had posted a while back about my amazing time working at Denny's and today I caught up with a buddy that used to work with me and remembered our last fun experience there and decided to share an heads-up current manager was just overall rude to all of staff so consider this also payback a well-liked employee was having a big birthday party since she was turning 21 and invited everyone to go out that weekend with her I was told they had a fun time and it went on all night from Friday to well into Saturday I didn't go because sadly I worked all weekends and couldn't ditch work the result was a good amount of the staff wasted hungover and just tired needless to say that Saturday night in Sunday morning a lot of the employees called in sick or simply didn't show up I had a 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. shift Saturday night in a a.m. to 6 p.m. shift Sunday at the end of the Saturday shift which was absolute chaos most of the kitchen was a complete mess and a lot of the produce was missing or needed to be portioned come Sunday morning and buddy and I find the kitchen just how we left it in the same mess and more than that only us two as cooks till about 2:00 p.m. when swing started coming in we asked the manager to see if he can call up some other cooks or maybe if he can bring it up to the GM or district manager to have employees from a nearby or other Denny's back us up but he didn't care to help at all and ignored our asking for help buddy and I were both tired and angry about the beating we had received the previous day and how we were barely struggling to keep up with the orders so we were complaining at each other about it and the manager overheard at one point I guess he was just tired of hearing us complain about the lack of help while he sat nearby without bothering to help and just let loose in the kitchen it was a long rant that I didn't bother paying attention till the end which ended with if you don't like it you can leave awesome so he storms into the office to hide in a/c while we were stuck with about 10 tickets down and more orders coming in and buddy and I talked over what the manager had said malicious compliance here we go but he was working there just to kill time since he came from a well-established family and he didn't have any responsibilities on my side I had two jobs and was single at the time and figured screw it I can make do until I find another job we decided to wait a bit and let a few more order stack up to make sure the kitchen was really backed up and decided to walk to the office together in hand in our aprons the manager wide-eyed and Confused asked what happened and where we were going at this point I felt like the memory and emotion of not being able to do anything every time I heard that stupid cliche expression built up and let out with a big sigh of relief well I don't really like it so I'm leaving and walked away while buddy just smiled and waved off the rest of the staff I was told by another employee that the manager was going nuts trying to work in the kitchen because he was alone for about four hours and couldn't handle it and that it became a messy show with many of the customers complaining about how the food was coming out overall not sure of the details of what had happened since I was no longer working there but within a month that manager was no longer working there and God did it feel good I gotta say being able to serve some of that revenge back on a situation like that must have felt so incredibly good I get back at my violin teacher for blaming me for everything I 18 am have been playing violin for around about eleven years almost always had fun with it and was always on relatively good terms of my violin teacher even though she is known for being very strict and I heard a lot of people quitting because they can't work with her although she was strict she was mostly fair with only some minor things I could really complain about until one day I got handed sheets that were scribbled on the day I got them this is completely okay and the sheet is still readable plus the scribbles were notes that indicated how to use the bow up o or down bow basically just from which to which side to use the bow in yadda yadda when we started practicing she changed a lot of the nose and as usual wrote new ones to the sheet with new instructions on how to play certain parts she always does that when there was a part that can be simplified for pupils or just sound better like that but every week at practice she changed some of the already changed notes again this was very annoying since you practice and get used to these and changing them is always bound to confusion at first but the real problem started when there were so many things crossed out and overridden that I could barely read what I was even meant to do at this point I should tell you that these notes were mostly simplistic symbols and numbers and not even words or whole sentences but there were so many of them I started playing things wrong due to me not knowing what the heck I was even supposed to do and her changing things made practice which made her very annoyed even more annoyed than at times when I barely practiced and played really badly she corrects me on several things where I was 100% sure I got them the way I was told but she just didn't care and scribbled even more in my sheets at this point I got annoyed too there were just so many things she blamed me for every time I told her she just told me to buy my own sheets if I'm unsatisfied with them which I neither had the money sheets for big concerts can be expensive or the nerve to do fast forward to concert shortly before the concert started I had several questions about specific parts again and wanted them cleared before we play since we had 200 ish people in the audience and I didn't want to mess up she just told me that we have been over this just play what is written cue the malicious compliance I did exactly what she told me to do I played what was written down always just choosing the most seeable symbol if I could I was so darn out of the rhythm of others and it was clearly seeable even for people who don't know much about playing violin now the best part is not even me messing up but since I was the oldest player except for my teacher I was also the lead at the front and many younger players looked at me if they were unsure if they were out of tact or not the whole section of first violins fell apart since others who didn't even look at me got unsure of what to play due to everyone else being a mess we played till the end but when it was over many people were confused and the clapping started way too late which is never a good sign my teacher was fuming she asked how the heck I messed up so badly later and I told her exactly what I did playing what was written and showed her my sheets again I was planning to quit for a long time now and the next week I did although it is sad to go like that it was most definitely worth it I have to say I think this teacher had it coming you got to be a little bit more organized and be able to work with the people you're teaching it's so incredibly frustrating to me to have somebody in a teaching position so irritable and unorganized and it just leads to a mess which I totally applaud Opie for this one refused to contribute to the coffee fund no more coffee then I work as a mechanic at a manufacturing plant in nowhere USA and I have been for over a decade now before I got assigned to my current location the only way to get coffee here was to either bring some from home or pay a dollar at a vending machine to get the crappy cheap stuff I decided to go with the first option but took it even further by bringing my spare coffee maker from home and then bringing in the usual supplies periodically I kept it in the mechanics office in Plainview for the longest time it was very apparent that I was the only one using my coffee maker even though I never said it was exclusively for me this went on for about a year until it got a partner on my shift who also drank coffee we came up with the idea of starting a coffee fund by leaving a jar for spare change next to the coffee maker whenever we ran out of something like sugar or whatever one of the two of us would use the accumulated change in the jar to help replenish our supplies this was all well and good until my partner got promoted to maintenance supervisor some years later making him my new boss and I was by myself again I left the jar sitting next to the coffee maker as usual and kept using the old routine I also put a note on the side of the maker in play view that said if you use the coffee maker please put some spare change in the coffee fun jar so we can keep the supplies in stock this was just in case someone from a different shift decided to use it when I wasn't there however one day I noticed that I was running out of sugar way too fast I don't put much sugar in my coffee to begin with so this told me someone else was using the coffee maker eventually I noticed that all the supplies were getting too low too fast and not just the sugar this normally wouldn't be a big deal except I also noticed that the jar wouldn't accumulate like it used to it either had the change I put into it or someone would be taking change out but not restocking our coffee supplies I put up with this for a little while but eventually I got fed up with being the only one buying supplies for the coffee while one or more others were using it and taking money out of the jar I took the coffee maker home and just started filling up my thermos with coffee and bringing it to work with me about a week later I get stopped in the aisle by a supervisor not in mine as I'm trying to leave for the day the following exchange occurs me as me s is the supervisor s hey southpaw what happened to the coffee maker did it break me I was wondering who else was using it now it didn't break I just got tired of people taking money out of the coffee fund jar without using said money to buy more supplies I was still buying them out of pocket s you took it home me yeah I've just been using my thermos to bring coffee he cut me off you can't just take company property like that you weren't the only person using it we all used it me but it's not he cut me off again you either bring that back or I'm reporting this to my boss and we'll see what he's going to do about it me I'll bring it in if people will actually contribute to the fund instead of me having to buy everything out of pocket yes you'll do your job me my job is to fix these machines not be the company barista s every better be in there tomorrow or I'm going to my boss about it he walks off before I can say anything else the next day comes in I of course didn't bring my coffeemaker back to the plant at the end of the shift s confronts me again s chef barf did you bring the coffee maker back me nah I told you I'm not going to be the only one supplying it s you can't just keep company property at home that coffeemaker has been in there for years and you need to bring it back me I know it's been in there for years it's been in there for as long as I've been here because I brought it from home that's my coffee maker s I'm calling my boss right now and we'll see what happens to you me go ahead I don't care you can't tell me what to do with my personal property I then walk out of my car and leave while on the way home my boss calls me if you recall from earlier in this story he used to be my partner even after his promotion we remained close friends the following conversation happens B is my boss former partner and close friend me picking up the phone hey B what's up B I just got off the phone with S what's all this about you taking company property home that's not like you man what's he even talking about me he didn't tell you what it was B nope he just said you admitted to stealing company property and refused to return it me did you even ask what the supposed company property is B I did but he wouldn't calm down enough to tell me looked like you really pissed him off me yeah I know hey you remember that coffeemaker I had in the office way back when B haha yeah the coffee fund right did anyone else besides us start using that thing man did I ever tell you I still haven't had a cup of coffee as good as how you made it back then why are you bringing this up anyway wait don't tell me that the company property S is referring to is me yeah he's talking about my coffeemaker B look Seth barf I know that's your personal property but I really don't want us raising a stink about this to management nothing will come of it if he does but it will just be a big waste of time for them to investigate and eventually write up some stupid company-wide email about property theft and blah blah blah just bring it back me I'm not going to be the only one supplying the coffee be how about this bring it back in but keep a spare set of coffee supplies in your personal Locker bring in some supplies for everyone to use at first even use the coffee fun jar again but after that initial stock just only resupply for yourself that way if s or anyone else wants to use it they are going to have to bring in their own supplies when that initial stock runs dry it's not okay with you me I think I'll do that and that's what I did the next day I did is be asked but I also kept additional supplies for myself and my personal Locker I didn't tell anyone else about this except for be s confronted me yet again that same day s I see you brought the coffeemaker back me yeah B asked me to s you're lucky who didn't report you to HR for it me report me to HR for a coffee maker yeah okay s whatever now we can all have our coffee again no thanks to you me no thanks to me yet it's my coffeemaker s don't get that tone with me all called B and he'll straighten you out again as planned I let the initial coffee supply stock run dry without ever replenishing it I also didn't contribute anything to the coffee fun jar this took about a week and there was never any change in the jar s confronts me yet again s hey Seth boy we are completely out of creamer and sugar and the coffee tin itself is running low me yeah okay s don't you think you should get on that me I'm not the company barista s s okay but we don't have any creamer nor sugar me then by some s I thought you did the me Oh me no I had surgery that prevents me from pooping out creamer bring your own s sophomore if you need to do your job me I do my job what do you do s so me no s what do you do don't say your job because your job isn't to pester someone to buy coffee supplies out of their own pocket is it s I uh that's not very nice me you're right it's not very nice at all it's also not nice to complain to B because I won't bring my own personal property to work now is it s but we need coffee me then bring your own this isn't my job if you want creamer then you need to bring it in yourself I'm not supplying the coffee anymore s so have barf all called B again me call him then he'll tell you the same thing I just told you and you'll have wasted your time just like how you're wasting my time now I'm going home have a good one I started walking out s wait come back when I go in for my next shift all the supplies are fully stocked and they remain that way for good someone else has taken the responsibility of resupplying the coffee I even noticed the change in the jar regularly building up I haven't contributed a single penny but it's still filling up someone else has taken over handling the coffee supplies I have an axe too but I think either s is doing it himself or he's got someone else doing it it's free coffee for me so I don't care either way this story started frustrating me like somebody just not getting it through their skull that it's their own personal property how can you even demand that somebody would bring in their own personal property and spin out of their pocket for coffee all right that's all the stories we have for today so if you like the stories like this make sure you subscribe thank you for listening and I hope you have an awesome day you
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceIGotRevengeonMyEvilViolinTeacherorig
wibta if I make my daughter miss a sleepover because her friend's mom is a bigot throw away just in case my child R 12f is invited to a sleepover she has three BFFs a 12f n 12f and B 12m all friends since first grade since starting Middle School they have had regular sleepover we have been able to avoid hosting one at n's house until now n's mother T is not my favorite person we live in a u s suburb but T and I come from the same area a few States over we graduated from neighboring h my hometown has some vocal bigots and T has echoed some of that sentiment over the years we are black and ours friends are white we live in a well-off area I'm a scientist PhD for a government contractor and my husband has an MBA and owns a consulting firm when we first met T at R's seventh birthday she jokingly asked how we could afford our home and if we were drug dealers it was awkward but I let it go it is a lazy stereotype to imply black people with a nice house or criminal I assumed she was just awkward or nervous over the years she has made jokes about me being light-skinned saying I'm an affirmative action higher how it is easier for blacks to get into college than whites Etc I have tried to question her logic but I confront her BS with more patience than she deserve so our doesn't lose a friend part of me hopes that she grows SL learns from our interaction I grew up poor and black around poor white people I understand the class oppression is real I am certain T has experienced the oppression of capitalism but that doesn't mean that I also haven't experienced it just because I am better off now I spent most of my childhood living in a trailer park it was not easy being black and poor in Rural America be family are very very wealthy and I've never heard T say a single thing rude in their home although she did initially have an issue with be taking part in the sleepovers until his mom pointed out that they are kids and be as openly gay as parents are workingclass white people as mom has spoken up a few time when she heard T say racist nonsense we've never talked about it directly but his mom and I have shared a few poignant looks over the years all of this makes me unsure what I will experience at n's house I won't be there to protect her and is a kind child her and her are close and I trust my daughter to pick good people I don't want to punish or isolate n because her mom has problematic views and doesn't seem to share her views and has talked to me about how she wants to be a scientist and asked questions about grad school and my job my husband agrees with my concerns but doesn't think anything will happen I haven't said anything to R just that I needed to check our schedule next weekend I think I'd be an for causing drama and tension between a group of 12-year-olds who just want to have a sleepover whta if I made my daughter miss this sleepover or should I not cause drama for r
give me a good story on WIBTAifImakemydaughtermissasleepoverbecauseherfriendsmomisabigot
aita for refusing to give my restaurant savings to my sister and getting kicked out I 25m had been saving money for years to open my own small restaurant it was always my dream to be a chef and run my own place every penny I earned from part-time jobs and full-time work after college was put aside for this goal after 7 years of hard work and careful living I had managed to save up $75,000 my parents knew about my dream but they never seemed to take it seriously they always treat it like a phase I would grow out of I lived with them to save on rent which helped me reach my savings goal faster looking back maybe I should have moved out sooner my younger sister 19f has always been the favorite Child she's smart popular and excels at everything she does my parents never missed an opportunity to compare us always finding ways to put me down while praising her it was made clear from a young age that she was The Golden Child and I was just
give me a good story on AitaforRefusingtoGiveMyRestaurantSavingstoMySisterandGettingKickedOutorig
hey everyone my name is Jacob today we are gonna be looking at some malicious compliance stories so sit back relax and enjoy I will get paid for time worked one way or another I'm more a passive-aggressive person than malicious compliance but here's a story that fits the definition nobody explicitly told me to do or not do the thing but it's built into our work policy so I complied I work in a nursing home as a CNA on night shift despite what people might think we do not sit around watching TV reading or twiddling our thumbs in eating candy all night we help people get ready and go to bed we answer call lights which could be for anything from I'm thirsty lonely or bored although they don't say that just come up with little random things for you to do for them constantly - they have to go to the bathroom - hey I just projectile vomited everywhere and need to be cleaned up and anything in between and then we have rounds where we toiler such turn people who can't do it on their own and between taking care of residents because in theory you're sleeping most of the night we have other duties that basically boiled down to tidy up after evening shift clean and wipe things down and get things prepped so the day shift has one less thing to worry about all of that is to explain I'm on my feet and usually doing some significant lifting pushing or pulling for eight tenths of my shift from p.m. to 6:30 a.m. when a body wants to be sleeping for every four hours you get a 15 minute break eight hours is 30 minutes unpaid time where you are off the floor and not answering lights or taking care of people I was going to say this is state mandated for nursing but then wasn't actually sure it's always been in my works policy handbook but sometimes they go above and beyond what's strictly required if you can't take a break for example being short-staffed and not having enough people to cover we have no brake slips we can fill out giving the reason and have our direct supervisor sign it because we don't clock out or back in for breaks it's automatically built into the system you work a certain number of hours it's assumed you had your mandated break unless you indicate otherwise I say we have them but it might be more accurate to say used to because fairly recently we were told we were going to get a mark against us for every time we didn't take a break so many marks equals probation probably which essentially lowers your raise increase that year I'm not sure why this went into effect if people were abusing it and going oh I don't need a break I'll just work through and sign a slip I don't know I should mention these slips also have a spot for forgot to clock in or out they may have said not to use the slips more to deter people from forgetting and needing it manually entered into the payroll system but it boils down to the same thing an extra half hour especially with nightshift differential and especially with weekend differential as well is nothing to sneeze at however I want a half hour where I can sit down and play on my phone so I only use them when I legitimately worked all shift without a break so I didn't care about the marks since there was literally no way for me to take a break if we're short-staffed all night my facility has six halls in two different neighborhoods and at night there's one aid for each Hall and nurse took over three holes and one neighborhood if we're short we're Sol for a lot of things there were a couple times where I'd ask about to slip my nurse only direct supervisor on site would agree and come morning when I have the slip filled out I couldn't find her I don't consider it malicious or hiding from me end of shift is crazy they could be anywhere but I wasn't gonna hunt them down across three halls I just wanted to go home and pass out so I just eat it screw it I'm too tired to care basically but then we hear about the demerits for using a no breaks lab and I'm just fed up with administration most of the time anymore I will get paid for the entire time I worked on the floor and if that's from p.m. to 6:30 a.m. plus because I help out day shift and it's a legit miracle if I actually clock out by the end of my shift time by god I'm gonna get paid for all eight and a half plus hours and most of the time I'm not ready to clock out until 7:00 a.m. which if you've been following along is an entire nine hours on my feet half of it running my butt off most of the time I only get to eat because I blatantly disregard the no purses at the desk roll and bring my lunch in my purse and can crumb a few mouthfuls in throughout the night I'm required to take a 30-minute unpaid break on the clock I can't when we're short fine you've probably guessed by now but I started getting everything done at the end of shift and then some I happy put down in the break room for half an hour walk down the hall and clocked out to leave which means sometimes I'd be clocking out at 7:30 an hour after my shift was supposed to end nobody has said anything to me although I haven't been secretive about it because I'm bitter about the whole BS thing but we've finally been getting fully staffed thanks to new hires and even last night when we were short all night and a nurse for being kind of lazy and not wanting to work the floor was my supervisor she came over and asked if I wanted to go on break so clearly someone who said or heard something I don't know what the like state laws are over there but I'm pretty sure that's probably like borderline he's finally gone and all I had to do was nothing do you know that guy at work that everyone hates the rude obnoxious lazy one that no one quite understands how he still has a job well mines name was Bob for months Bob partnered himself up with me with a lovely 90/10 split of the work anytime I called him out on it he got more and more obnoxious and if it was actually possible did less and less work on top of all his other charming trades bob is an absolute phone addict this is bad enough in a regular setting where we work it's actually very very dangerous not to be paying attention to what's going on around you I've mentioned this to Bob repeatedly to no avail even after he was nearly hit by a forklift and almost had his head smacked by a robot our manager at the time said if you're stupid enough to die because you wouldn't put your phone down no one's going to miss you and ignored the behavior my last Rohrer even attempting to get this guy to work and be safe was him snapping off leave me alone about my freaking phone well we just got a new manager partially because of our former managers attitude towards safety issues partly because of poor Romans the new manager had a quick to the point meeting at the beginning of our shift and stated very clearly I see your phone you're fired no excuses no exceptions Bob missed this meeting because he was running late again about two hours later I see the new manager walking to our area Bob as usual was head down staring at his phone remember when he specifically said to leave him alone about his freaking phone well that's exactly what I did our new boss wound up standing behind him for a solid three minutes before Bob even noticed he was there Bob was promptly escorted to HR and I was apologized to by the new manager because I'd have to run the work area solo until a replacement was found no big loss the extra 10% is well worth knowing that guy won't be around anymore guess no one at the job will bother him about his dang phone again you see sometimes having a strict boss is a lot better than a laid-back boss and in an environment where you can be seriously injured I think it's probably best to have the former we get 250 pages to print per semester my roommate and I attend a university where we are given 250 pages per semester to print as part of our attendance well we hardly used it since we have our own printer so we went over to the print room and asked them if we could have our 500 pages they said that the pages were only for printing and not a quantity of letter paper we were entitled to so we said okay we then went to two of the computers in the print room opened Word to a blank document and printed our pages out we then walked out with that thick stack of paper without being noticed there has not been and there will likely not be any fallout and then he added a little picture there definitely a better person than I would have been I would have just printed out a solid black Word document just you know rub it in a bit you want us to help you meet your budget my supervisor is a notorious micromanaging hard guy we're coming up to the end of the year and she needs to be under budget she ranted at us for an hour about how we charged out time a quick and dirty rundown of how we charged out time I work for a big company with smaller satellite offices if we do work for a particular office we charge to the office we should only be charging to our department for our breaks Union and Department sanctioned events such as meetings apparently we were charging way too much to the department budget mind you she ran our 30-minute meeting to an hour she wants us to charge exactly what we use for our department to our department here's where the malicious compliance comes in previously I judge an hour a day to our department just for the little things breaks time entry etc that's five hours basically everyone in my department did the same now this week alone I'm over that five by 2.25 hours times that by 12 people we all have the same base schedules and you have 27 additional hours to help you with that budgeting problem so sad we couldn't be more of a help I reckon she'll try and take out on these guys but she probably won't be able to well let's hope she isn't able to I only get paid in quarter hour intervals see you in 14 minutes I used to work for a and contractor that was contracted to run computer simulations at a training academy this contractor was super strict for start times before we'd run a scenario we'd have to be in our chairs and ready to go five minutes before the estimated start time the first scenario didn't start until 10 minutes past 7:00 a.m. but they would give you a point for being even one second past 7:00 a.m. for check-in very often there is a line at the front gate for the security check and train crossings operating at random times one morning I had a train stopped at the crossing for several minutes i whole bought to try and get to work on time and sprint through the doorway panting at 7:03 three seconds late but I'm here unfortunately we had a super strict install code supervisor that day who'd loudly declared that I was three seconds late and earned a point slightly irritated I said great I'll be sure to deduct those three seconds from my timecard the online timecard system only accepts time in quarter hour increments you'll lose fifteen minutes not three seconds great I say I'm going upstairs for 14 minutes to get a breakfast sandwich I'll be back just after the first scenario begins this effectively means someone from the group of people waiting to see if they can go home as they schedule more people than they need to ensure we have the amount of people we need to run would have to run the first scenario since I won't be paid until five minutes after the first scenario starts once a scenario begins we don't switch people around so I got the first hole run off which was about 48 minutes long and the normal 30 minute break between runs because the supervisor cared about three seconds I completely get just having an automated system that gets everyone for like being any time late but they should really have an actual person to just be like oh it was only three seconds I'll let you off you're going to have to climb over me okay I was in a lecture theatre where it's laid out where the person at the end of the row has to climb or push past people to get out and usually people will stand up and let you past but one guy was being a Richard and wouldn't get up whenever I needed to get out the first time he said this I awkwardly climb it over his legs to get out so when I came back to sit in my seat I said excuse me please and the guy said the same thing so I just said guy you've got a move and he just shook his hand a little context it was rainy today and so the ground was very muddy and because of this my shoes were also very muddy so I simply said okay and I climbed over him using wood of my muddy shoes to step on his legs and I pushed over him leaving a bunch of dirt all over his trousers where I stabbed was probably a Richard move but I don't care it was a good moment for me I think that was perfectly justified he said to just climb over him and they did the huh Wow guys look on screen right now you see those two videos right there they're pretty good I think you should click at least one of them and watch another one
give me a good story on rmaliciouscompliancePagesPrintedofWHAT
mom came out of the closet and abandoned me to move on from her old life now she came back and want to control my life so the day after my dad and his fiance got married I guess she's also my stepmom now I had to go to Victoria because my mom wanted me there my cousin was supposed to come but she changed plans cuz her boyfriend got time off work so they went to Whistler instead when I got to my mom's house I was there for half an hour and found out my mom and her wife were going to Ottawa for her wife's job so I'd be staying with my step-grandparents until Christmas weekend I call them step-grandparents here cuz it makes sense for some reason but in real life I started calling them Nana and Papa I'll be honest I had so much fun with them I really love them both so much step Grandpa loves basketball as well and he's also a Lakers fan step grandma taught me how to knit I'm not that good they made me amazing breakfast and lunch every day I was there we would go out for dinner every night and they even live closer to juvic than my mom does so they said if I go there they'd turn a room into a study room for me the thing was when my mom came back and I went back there she told me that she found out while in Ottawa that they got a new car for me for Christmas mom was kind of angry because she thinks it's too much
give me a good story on MomCameOutOfClosetAndAbandonedMeToMoveOnFromHerOldLifeorig
a random girl complimented me I don't think I'll ever forget it being a guy 20 I don't really get much compliments especially from the opposite sex I'm not really introverted just awkward I enjoy socializing I'm just not very good at it so anyway here's the story it's pretty short I went to the cinema with a friend to watch the nun too we were talking about him coming over to my place to help me with Legos while we showed the ticket collector our tickets once she finished checking them she looked up and smiled at me I smiled back then we go in find our seats and I tell my friend I needed to use the toilet on my way back from the toilet the the same girl stopped me and said I had a really nice shirt I said thanks she asked where I got it and I said I don't remember we talked for a couple minutes but then I said the movie was GNA start and I had to go it was a small compliment but it made me feel so good about myself and really made my day
give me a good story on arandomgirlcomplimentedme
could you possibly be the jerk for telling your 20 year old son that he needs to respect his mother we'll get to that in a bit but first am I the jerk for moving out of the apartment my parents bought for me after they made me let my brother live there they didn't buy it specifically for me I just didn't know how to phrase it better when I got into University my parents purchased an apartment close to the campus so I can live my way without having to deal with other people I'm not social and I could best be described as either a misanthropist or curmudgeonly it was great for two years and I came out of my shell a little I met other people like me and discovered that unlike High School University isn't heck I even met a guy we both work at the campus store my little brother graduated last year and got into the same school rather than stay in dorms he convinced my parents to let him move in with me well they own it so I had no say I lasted one semester since he had an off-campus residence my apartment became party central I asked my my parents to make him stop after talking to him didn't work they said to loosen up I think they know how to change my personality I talked to the university and was able to snag a rare single room in the mature student dorm I don't have a lot of stuff so when we went home for Christmas I took was really important to me my boyfriend first whenever by the way look at me all social now cleaned out my room and moved my stuff to the student housing for me when we drove back after New Year's I dropped off my brother and then went to my new place it isn't perfect but it is pretty sweet my parents called me and asked where I was my brother had let them know I wasn't in the apartment I told them where I was and why I was there they were upset that they spent all that money to help me and I didn't appreciate it I said I did until they stuck me with my brother without me there he's having a blast good for him he's also missing a lot of classes and has been fined for noise complaints by the condo board but that's not my problem my parents are asking me to please move move back in because my brother is in danger of being put on academic probation I asked if I was allowed to Bar him from having parties and stuff he was a part of the conversation and was upset that I was asking to be put in charge of him my parents said that he was allowed some freedom and that as his big sister I should look out for him and not let him fail I thank them for the opportunity but declined and he recently had a party that the cops had to shut down my parents are considering selling the apartment but it's kind of a crappy market right now I guess I feel bad that they might lose money after doing something so awesome for me and I feel bad that my idiot brother might have to take time off school to calm down but I don't think I'm the jerk they all do though it's hilarious how they're actually expecting op to be in charge of their brother but their brother doesn't want op to be in charge they still want op to let their brother do whatever they can they literally can't even make up their mind and paint a clear picture as to what they want needless to say I think it's more than understandable why op moved out and they shouldn't be shamed for doing so also hi I'm Stephen and if you enjoy getting to decide whether or not all of these people are jerks why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next story is am I the jerk for not asking my child to give up her room my fiance and I are moving in together we decided that she should be the one to move in with us since my home is bigger and in a better area I have a 14 year old daughter and she has two daughters who are 14 and 16. I live in a two-bedroom home a few years ago I finished the basement and added a bathroom to it and gave it to my daughter the other room is my office that I was planning to turn into a bedroom for my fiance's daughters it's a small room but it's nice and it can fit two beds specially if we had a bunk bed instead of two twin beds and it doesn't have a bathroom but we don't live in a palace so it's not that far away from the bathroom my fiance and I have been talking about the room situation and we don't seem to be able to agree on anything she thinks I'm a jerk for planning to let my daughter have the entire basement for herself and force hers to share a small room I think this has been my daughter's room for years she decorated it with her mom and therefore she shouldn't have to give it up obviously her family's on her side and my family's on my side so we want other opinions as well honestly I don't think there's any great solution here no matter which way you want to go with it if you force the daughter to give up her room she's going to be resentful probably forever if you force the girls to live in that small bedroom in a cramped house they'll probably be pretty upset if you give up your master bedroom and move into the small room yourself with your partner you'll probably be upset is there a Clear Choice here our next story is am I the jerk for telling my fiance that my Fringe trauma is more important than her Comfort my best friend lost a parent a year and a half ago which led him to a mental health crisis our friend group has been picking up the pieces ever since he's doing much better now that he's in therapy but he's definitely gone through it what is complicated matters worse is my fiance it goes without saying that I love her but she is the definition of a busy body sometimes my best friend is a very private person she knows something happened with him but she doesn't know the details of what that something is she probably never will but because she's around me and my friends often as my fiance and I live in the same house she hears bits and pieces of the story and presses for more information I try to circumvent this as best as I can for example I step out of the room for a specific phone conversations but still it's hard to limit the discussion about it sometimes if it's necessary we bring it up and she's around in person we'll refer to it as the Nolan situation without giving specifics Nolan will also stop by my place at night when he can't sleep this doesn't happen all that often maybe twice a month you'll text me or call me saying he's outside I'll go sit with him and maybe smoke a little bit then he'll head home I'll wait up until I know he got home safely and then I go back to sleep my fiancee hates this she claims the phone calls always wake her up they don't she just sometimes happens to wake up for the bathroom while I'm outside and that me not being in bed is alarming this brings us to last night Nolan stopped by and when I came back inside my fiance said she was putting a stop to it she said all the sneaking around is making her paranoid she doesn't feel like she can properly trust me or be a part of my friend group without knowing the details and that Nolan needs to stop relying on me so much I told her that no matter whether we're married dating whatever she will never have any ownership over my friend's trauma and that she's never going to be able to order me around in regards to it I also said her Comfort was less important than someone's actual physical well-being she was obviously hurt by this and went to stay with her mom after work today am I the jerk definitely not the jerk I mean just imagine he shows up and everybody's code talking people are visibly trying to avoid you with phone call calls secretly meeting up absolutely not our next story is am I the jerk for having no empathy toward my overly emotional wife by not picking her up I'm 26 year old male wife is 23 year old female and we've been together three years if relevant lately my wife's been emotional like every little thing sets her off there wasn't a banana she cries no sugar she cries missed her bus she cries I'd almost think she was pregnant but we discovered after a year of trying to conceive that she's infertile this was two months ago she also recently had a baby started her Nursery which also sets her off so it's been a tough time I've tried to be empathetic but it's all the time tears I'm so tired like each time she cries I'll drop what I'm doing to comfort her even if she calls me at work she walks an hour to work after a bus Journey she leaves at 6 30 to get at work at 9 30 that's how long that travel is I told her I'd drive her she didn't want me to I told her to take an umbrella and she forgot she called me sobbing because it rained like I said it would she asked me to pick her up and I said I couldn't because I had a meeting she said I'm sure they'll understand and truthfully they have been understanding but it's all the time and I did warn her I refused she did get Huffy and when we got home that night she wasn't crying shocker but was mad and hasn't spoken to me since but we haven't seen each other much as she gets home late and still has work to do coursework Etc I asked a friend who insisted I'm the jerk but my wife texted me to say she's considering taking driving lessons in June which I thought was a win but she's apparently still angry am I the jerk I mean has Opie communicated and tried to understand why she's feeling so touchy does she have a condition should she be in some kind of therapy I guess Opie Clara verified in a comment that she refuses to go to therapy although it doesn't have to be therapy I mean it could even be like a thyroid issue that's causing mood swings either way I don't think op did anything too heinous here our next story is am I the jerk for telling my dad I won't go anywhere with him if his wife is there my 38 year old female parents got divorced about 14 years ago after my father had been having an affair with his current wife Brenda for five years not only this but he was absolutely horrible to my mom in the process and really screwed her over I was angry with him and went no contact with him for four years after my grandfather on my dad's side before he passed away told me to try and make amends with my father as I loved him very much I agreed to try I slowly tried to build a relationship back with him and things have been okay but strained because trusting him has been hard I also don't like Brenda I did try but we have no nothing in common she's a very gossipy person who talks trash about so many people and I'm more interested in world events and Science and psychology I live nearby until about three years ago and made an effort to see them once a month I've now moved a four-hour drive away and can only get up once or twice a year to visit on one visit a couple years back Brenda started talking about my half-sister saying if she had raised her she wouldn't have all the problems she did and that my mom was wrong and how she managed her mental illness without going into as much detail my sister has bipolar disorder and was very hard to manage in her childhood and after years of trying to get her help and her running away my mom agreed to let her go live with other family as she asked it was either that or she was going to live in a group home most likely I snapped at Brenda saying she wasn't there and she has no idea what she was talking about I was little but I remember all the pain my family was going through and how hard it was for mom to let let her go since then every time we've gone out together Brenda refused to talk to me she won't respond if I say hello she stares at her phone and talks to my dad as if I'm not there I asked him to say something about it because it's rude and uncomfortable and he just says he can't tell her what to do and we need to work it out I told him if that's the case I will only visit with him and not if she's around he says I'm being dramatic and if Brenda isn't invited you won't come either I told him if he won't leave her behind then he won't be seeing me anymore either I love him but I'm not going to let her disrespect me anymore he's making me feel like I'm being the jerk because I want to see him but I don't want to let her treat me this way definitely not the jerk op should just stand the ground and be insistent that you love and want to see your father but you cannot continue to be disrespected by this person end of story our next story is am I the jerk for making my brother's vegan girlfriend feel alienated at my engagement dinner I my 24 year old female recently got engaged and had an engagement party dinner this past weekend I'm currently still receiving backlash from this and want to get some outside opinions if I was in the wrong my fiance and I invited both of our immediate family and close friends to this dinner about 30 people the dinner was sold at a nice Italian restaurant in my city our invites gave our guests the option to choose between a meat option and a fish option for their Mains it's important to note that the only people in both mine and my fiance's family that have I guess food restrictions are my dad and stepmom as their pescetarian but a lot of people in our family love Seafood so the fish option was chosen more than the meat option my younger brother 20 year old male contacted me about a week before the dinner to RSVP and asked if he can bring a plus one his new girlfriend he chose the meat option now my brother dates around a lot and is always bringing new girls around so I wasn't aware that he was even in a relationship I told them sure and I'd have an extra seat for her night of the dinner comes everyone's having a good time I met my brother's new girlfriend she seemed very sweet when it came time to eat she pulled one of the waiters aside and loudly asked him is there any vegan options the waiter looked confused and said we have a fish and a meat option for the mains I can offer you a salad and some roasted potatoes and other veggies as a substitute if you wish brother's girlfriend started getting mouthy with him and said well what if I don't want a salad huh you just assume because I'm vegan I only eat salads what if I want some pasta what kind of restaurant is this this is discrimination my brother started trying to calm her down but she started going off on me saying how why would you pick a restaurant that doesn't have vegan options many people are vegan nowadays it makes me feel alienated that you couldn't even think to accommodate me I explained to her that the only people that have food restrictions here are pescetarians so that's what I consider when I chose the restaurant I didn't even know she was coming until a week ago the reservation had been booked a month ago she started saying it's embarrassing on my part that I can't accommodate all my guests and called me small-minded I told her sorry I didn't think to accommodate you I'll consider that in the future hopefully you'll be around long enough for me to be able to do so she ended up leaving my brother walked out with her and has been messaging me saying that I should apologize to her because I embarrassed her in front of everyone I told him she embarrassed herself my mom's also been on my case to apologize to be the bigger person and keep the peace am I the jerk for making her feel alienated I definitely don't think this is op's jerk this was sprung on them last minute and the brother didn't even mention that she was vegan she was the one that got all feisty and blew up and stuff I hope he doesn't have anything to apologize for she just comes off as horribly spoiled this next story is am I the jerk for asking my step daughter to cook for us my 45 year old male stepdaughter 17 year old female is a phenomenal cook I'm talking homemade pasta sauces scratch baking heck sometimes imported seasonings but she only does it for herself she's been fine cooking when I ask her to do it for us but only on rare occasions when we're all busy and need to do DIY dinner nights and can all sit around the table you can smell her homemade garlic pesto or vegan Teriyaki stir fry all over the house and it gets irritating we get her ingredients that she uses up quickly and never makes meals to share with and I'm getting annoyed so I asked her earlier tonight as she would start making dinner for us all more frequently I didn't say every night and she got annoyed and mouthy with me saying that she's drowning in school work her internship and her commissions very talented digital artist and can't babysit us because you never learned to cook she claims her sparse dinner prep operations are a treat when she's up to the task and feeling nice and she can't be expected to come up with something new and fresh every night she's doing it for herself anyway why not for the rest of us so I told her to just do the dishes and go to her room she did the dishes and stomped off and hasn't come out since and my wife thinks I'm the jerk here but I think I'm in line she lives under my roof and doesn't pay rent and she's already cooking every night for herself anyway am I the jerk so you're saying that the 17 year old miner lives under your roof it's kind of how it's supposed to work I think also said Miner doesn't make dinner every night for you I just don't think that's usually how it normally happens and honestly I understand where she's coming from she wants to make one treat for herself obviously Opie's going to Great Lengths to dance around the fact that making servings for more people three four I don't know how many people is definitely more time consuming and a lot more work than just one meal for one person our next story is am I the jerk for grounding my daughter for leaving her sister with the neighbor I'm the single mom of three kids Paulie 16 year old female Trevor 12 year old male and Cassie eight-year-old female I have little to no support their father left after Cassie was born no family nearby Etc I have two sitters that I can call on as needed and I used them before I'd ever ask Paulie for help I don't want her missing out on her teenage years before this incident I only ever asked her to babysit once because I had no one else and I paid her 15 an hour at the time above minimum wage this past Saturday Polly was due to hang out with some friends for a couple of days Trevor was Ill but testing negative for kovid that day he spiked a very high fever and I had to take him to the ER I asked Paulie to watch Cassie as the sitters weren't responding I apologize that she'd have to miss out on time with friends but said I'd pay her and she could even have her friends over at our place Paul only pitched a fit and asked why I couldn't send Cassie to the neighbors we don't know them they moved in last month and outside of waving when we get our mail I don't have a relationship with them Polly was irritated I told her I'd pay her 18 an hour and that I had to go I take Trevor to the ER and we have to wait a bit Polly kept asking if the sitters responded and they hadn't eventually it was our time to be seen so I told Paulie I'd be Out Of Reach for a bit turns out Trevor had a bad case of RSV and due to pre-existing health problems had to be admitted for the night I was terrified when I called Paulie to update her I heard people talking in the background and said oh you had your friends come over she told me no she dropped Cassie at the neighbors and went out I was Furious I told her to go home and get her sister I then asked for the neighbor's number she didn't even ask for it which I get teenager logic and all but still first Paul he refused until I told her she was grounded I made her face time me when she got home to show that Cassie was with her eventually my mom was able to make the two-hour drive down to stay with the girls but I told her not to let Polly leave the house the next day Trevor and I were able to go home I lectured Paulie about what she did and grounded her for two weeks she got mad at me and said that I can't expect her to drop her plans I point out I never do but this was an emergency and her brother was sick she told me that's not her problem she's also mad because I won't pay her I apologized profusely to the neighbor who said it was okay and that he would have called me but Polly didn't leave my number either Polly said I overreacted am I the jerk definitely not an overreaction cause you don't know these people that's an eight-year-old you just left with people you don't even know you haven't as much as just waved at them and not only that but there was no form of contact with the outside world with people who matter connected to that eight year old I can't believe Paulie didn't at least give her a number our next story is am I the jerk for telling my friend she's losing friends because her world revolves around her kid so I 20 year old female have a friend let's call her Anne 23 year old female who got pregnant from a one-night stand the father didn't want to do anything with the child so she's a single mother her daughter Kate two years old is really cute I love babysitting her but she's all Anne cares about now for example she often cancels meetings with friends because of her I understand that sometimes things come up but this happens often and she gives reasons like Kate is really clingy today or Kade really wants to go to the zoo and even if she is there her daughter is all she can talk about she shows us a bunch of pictures talks about her sleeping her eating habits her diaper content her favorite songs everything and while I would be interested in them if you don't stop her she can literally talk about this for hours and even if I try to change subjects the topic of Kate comes up again and again a week ago we had a two hour long coffee meet and when I asked the server for some water she said Kate want Kate to drink more water and then for the rest of the meat was about how she wants to teach Kate to drink more water yesterday I babysat Kate and I stayed there after and put her to sleep we started talking and the topic of being a single mother came up shortly she told me how hard it is to parent alone and how distant she feels from her peers I try to be empathetic because I understand that being a young single parent is always challenging but then she said how people show their true colors and listed a few of our friends who have been distant with her she called them fake friends and witches which I didn't like I told her most of those friends wanted to be Child free and that maybe talking about Kate made them uncomfortable she dismissed it and said that if they were true friends they would love her kid as much as her I told her that she's having unrealistic expectations and that just because her world revolves around Kate it doesn't mean that everybody's does too she got really upset and accused me of shaming her for being a single mother I said I'm just trying to point out that not everybody cares as much about Kate as her and her constantly talking about her kid can be tiring she got angry and told me to leave so I did today I woke up with angry messages from our friends saying that Anne is a struggling mom and I should have shown her support I feel bad about how I phrased it but I don't think I was being a jerk here I do understand that Kate is a very big part of her life and that she wants to talk about her but I think there's a healthy limit to that I'm closer to Kate than most of our friends some of them never met her so it's like hearing about a stranger's every little habit all the time but tell me am I the jerk obviously I know the two were not even close to being comparable between a baby and a dog but let's just say for the sake of examples you have a friend who's been your friend for a long time and all of a sudden they get a dog and you go and you hang out with them and all they can talk about all the time is their dog and the funny things they do when they go on a walk and how they sleep upside down and like to lay with you and the kind of chew toys they like how they have an undying need to stare at you while they're taking a poo and that's all they talk about all the time you would see how it gets really old and you kind of have less interest in hanging out with them and you might get a little distant if that's just all they're going on about and when you try to change the subject it eventually Finds Its way back to man it's so hard being a dog owner and having to take care of the dog and blah blah blah this next story is am I the jerk for buying an apartment for my sister-in-law to live in and making a profit my sister run law Diane was a nurse in the Pacific Northwest she lived in a very high cost of living City fifteen years ago she bought herself a small apartment in a new development it took about two years to build in that time the price of apartments in that building went up by about 30 percent she didn't sell it because it was perfect for her unfortunately she was diagnosed with breast cancer about two years after she took possession she really didn't want to move back to Minnesota so she asked her family for money to keep up with the mortgage none of them had the money and her mom really wanted her to move home I was friends with her before I married her sister just friends nothing more she asked me for help I bought the apartment off of her I took over the mortgage I didn't charge her rent I paid all the taxes and condo levies she got enough money from her insurance and a side hustle to live there my wife knew we were helping her but we didn't say anything because her mom was pissed that she didn't move home after Her diagnosis Diane passed away last month she had a hard life for the last decade but she was happy when her mom got a copy of the will she was Furious the apartment is worth a lot of money now it's in a great building in a good neighborhood she was expecting the apartment to sell and for there to be money to split up amongst all of her grandchildren Diane never married and never had kids mother-in-law found out about the deal I made with Diane my wife and I owned the apartment outright after we clear it out and get rid of all of her stuff we're going to rent it out the income it'll generate will pay for our retirement in a while and when we sell it our kids will have a nice Nest Egg to help them but now my mother-in-law told everyone how we took advantage of her daughter and her time of need and stole her apartment and how Diane would be upset if she knew that we were not sharing all the money from the apartment it's really starting to bug my wife and she's saying that we should sell it and help out all the nephews and nieces I showed her a spreadsheet of all of our costs for the apartment if I subtract all of my costs and all of my lost opportunities for investment when everything is done the eight nieces and nephews might get three thousand dollars each I said if she wanted we could give them that much to get her family not to drop it her family says that it's BS and that we should sell the apartment and split it equally I said I would be willing to do that in return for each of them paying one third of the money I invested over the last 10 years they don't think that's fair my wife's upset and her family's upset and I'm just trying to be fair to myself I spent 10 years giving up other Investments and toys for myself and helped out Diane instead and now I'm getting Craft on full disclosure I knew it was a good investment it wasn't fully altruistic I think Ops absolutely in the right here they know the truth they know they didn't steal this from Diane they did it to help her out and I mean it was a good investment it's just she passed away and everybody thinks they have some kind of ownership over some kind of asset now and they're willingly poo slinging around trying to get some kind of cash of course they're gonna say oh it's not fair you should just give us all that money and be done with it well yeah that sure would be nice wouldn't it I'm sure that email I got from that Nigerian prince is gonna go through too right our next story is am I the jerk for telling my son that he needs to respect his mother I have a son 20 year old male who's studying Engineering in college and as of recent he's found the study material a little difficult and rightfully needs to work on a few days ago he came home from the dorm for the weekend to cool off a little bit on Sunday my wife came into my son's room and I could tell he was a little agitated trying to work on something he didn't fully understand my wife tried to console and reason with him but he ended up raising his voice at her telling her to leave him alone then my wife just told him to pack his bags and that he's going back back to the dorm he can't be here if he's going to act like this my son tried to talk over her to shut her up but my wife wasn't having any of it telling him that she wouldn't relent until he either calms down or packs his stuff and that she will not be held emotionally hostage by my son and then he started calling her an overbearing witch and all sorts of other nasty names to which I had to bark in my son and tell him to stop right now and that he does not call my wife names or there will be problems if he doesn't de-escalate she's just doing what she thinks is in his best interest and he finally relented later that evening my son made a comment about how he chatted with his friends who told him that my wife was in the wrong but I had to say that they don't feed us they don't pay our bills they don't know us and that he needs to stop Consulting his Echo Chambers and learn to forgive his mother and forget this as he needs to respect her for getting him to where he is today and because she's his mother he try try to tell me that respect is a two-way street but I said by that logic should his mom call him the nasty names that he does to her should we call up his grandma and tell her to cut his College funding and that if he finds someone to be annoying and getting on his nerves what should he do ignore it to which he responded with BS control your darn wife and I had to disengage since my son went back a couple nights ago he's refused to answer our calls and only responds to our texts asking us to apologize no ifs ands or buts but as told as grandma about us threatening to tell her to pull his funding which she proceeded to give us an ear fall over and said that she'd pay for it no matter what and called it really sad if we his own parents would be less proud of him than she is by even asking to do such a thing I can't believe he went and told her about this but now after what she said I don't know how to feel about this sometimes I know I can be frustrated and agitated with something and the last thing I need is to have anyone whether it's my mom or anybody trying to like Pat me on the back and calm me down like sometimes with something I need to just be agitated while I'm trying to work through it I'm not saying like I'm slamming the desk and ripping stuff up but I think you have a right to be a little frustrated while you're trying to figure this darn thing out and you just want a little space he's basically crying out leave me alone and everybody's immediately responding how dare you get aggressive but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another crazy am I the jerk your story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rAITAMySonHATESHisMOMRedditStoriesorig
doctors of rdit what's the biggest case of Faking it you've ever seen taking trauma call during surgery residency had a prisoner come in after a fight and claimed he couldn't move or feel his legs all the CT scans and MRIs were normal but we would Shield his legs so he couldn't see them and poke them with needles and other sharp objects with enough Force to cause pain he never flinched or moved his legs at all he was diagnosed with Sora spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality he stayed in the hospital for a week no improvement always had one guard with him one night they were down in the lobby watching some television but the guard needed to use the restroom the patient said where could I possibly go I'm paralyzed guard left him alone for 2 minutes patient last seen sprinting down the road with no clothes made it to a city 4 hours away by car before he was caught again I have never seen anyone fake it so well truly playing the long con
give me a good story on Doctorswhatsthebiggestcaseoffakingityouveeverseenorig
a for not telling my BF that my dad slam is Rich so my BF Callum and I have been together for eight months and over this long weekend I figured it would be a good time for him to meet my dad he has met my mom and stepped at a couple of times but always at restaurants or my place but for this meeting with my Dad we went over to his place for lunch looking back on it Callum was immediately uptight when he saw where my dad lied but I thought it was just nerves he was acting pretty strange all through lunch and was very Cy about any questions my dad or his wife asked but again I chocked it up nerves well when we were driving back he blew up not yelling or anything just clearly frustrated that I never told him my dad is Rich I was confused and asked why he'd need to know my dad's income Callum said he would have prepared himself better if he'd known and that I sent him in there blind because you're meant to warn your partner or potential pitfalls when they meet your parents I was still confused what about my dad's tax bracket was a potential Pitfall I could see warning him if my dad was incredibly snobbish about dress sense or manners but he isn't Callum then asked
give me a good story on AITAfornottellingmybfthatmydadfamilyisrichorig
a it for telling my S she needs to keep her mouth shut around my child or stay away from us I 27f have a 7 months old son with my husband this might be a little early to be bothered by this but my sill husband's older sister is determined to bring up around my child that they have a grandmother and uncle they are unlikely to ever meet BG my mom had a son who was 20 21 years older than me I saw him a few times when I was young and we were around mom's extended family she would try to introduce us and get us to interact and the interactions I remember were get it out of my face it being me or when Mom wasn't there and I did try to talk to him because I was encouraged to by others he completely ignored me and walked away a few times he even looked directly at me so I knew he heard me before he walked away family members always said he had a rough life with Mom and that he was still upset she had cheated on his dad and both were train Rex Etc I never knew my dad all I know is my mom's son and I have different dads last time I saw him I was 12 the last time I saw my mom is when I was 18 I didn't want to be responsible for taking care of her she was a heavy drinker and not a very good mother it saddened me because none of the extended family were too great about it so I was truly alone I was lucky that my husband's family were all nice and accepting but after I became pregnant Sil started asking questions about how I would introduce my son to my mom and her son I told her I wouldn't and he would be told more when he's old enough to understand she was like you have to at least try to introduce them and I asked how I was supposed to put them in his life someone who is very clearly shown even into his 30s that he wanted nothing to do with me and a woman who drinks so heavily her teenage child had to take care of her my husband told her that she needs to stop and they fought about it on a a couple of occasion then Saturday we were at his parents house for a lunch with family members nobody had seen in years and Sil came up to me while I was holding my son and telling him a baby that he has an uncle and Grandma on my side that he needs to meet she was directing it at my baby son I was glad he was a baby but it showed me how far she is willing to go with it and what if he was older and able to understand I told her to stop and walked away but she tried to say more so I told her she needs to keep her mouth shut about that around my child or stay away from us because I will not let her interfere with something that is none of her concern she told me she has right to speak to her nephew she got so loud it altered others in the other room and my husband told her she was wrong as well but she claimed I could have been more polite and not made a scene in front of the rest of the family A it
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmySILsheneedstokeephermouthshutaroundmychildorstayawayfromus
first story stepbrother framed op of perving on his stepsister an entitled family abandoned him at 16 30 years later they reached out to make up for the lost time okay as a mild lurker on Reddit I thought I would share my story and the newest development in my life after 30 years it might be a bit long but I will do my very best to give you context without too much fluff I hope this is the right sub so I lost my mom when I was 12 to breast cancer so that just left me and my dad it was a tough time but we got through it together when I was 14 my dad met and married my stepmother Ashley who brought with her my stepbrother Mark 14 and stepsister Emily 12 I got along with Ashley and Emily really well but with Mark not so much so he and I were away getting into arguments and fights I was always told by my dad to give Mark a break because he's been the man of his house for a while so this is all new like somehow it wasn't new to me anyway when I was 15 I met a girl at school named Lisa and we started dating as much as one can date at 15 however Mark apparently had a crush on her and was so mad that I asked her out he started a fight over it in which my dad had to intervene once again and somehow I was again made to be the bad guy one day after my 16th birthday my stepmom was putting away my laundry and started yelling which was awkward because my girlfriend Lisa was there we all ran thinking the worst when we got to my room my stepmom was holding several pairs of my sisters underwear and yelling at me why they were in my drawer I had no answer as I'd never seen them before of course no one believed me no matter how much protesting I did Mark piped up saying he always caught me staring at his sister thinking it was creepy and caught me once saying I wish I could marry her obviously lying but that was all it took Lisa slapped me called me a perv told me we were done and we walked out my dad grabbed me by the arm and threw me out of the house he was yelling at me that he wasn't going to put his daughter at risk from a perv not the word he used but you get it I banged on the door to be let in crying and telling them it was all lies told by Mark my dad apparently had enough I heard the locks and he opened the door shoved me to the ground and told me to get lost I told him I had nowhere to go and he said that wasn't his problem then closed the door I found myself on the streets with nothing to my name there is no place to go I tried calling my dad's parents but he had already called them and they told me they wouldn't help a purve my mom's parents passed away before I was born well I lived on the streets for 2 years doing what I had to in order to survive no kid should have had to do what I had to do in order to just live there were some really dark days lots of therapy later in life helped me with this shortly after I turned 18 I found a job working at a boxing gym I stayed away from where I began this horrible journey I worked there for years I learned the sport I'm never going to beat Mike Tyson but I was good at it which helped me with my hate and anger then one day I met a new girl a 20 at the cafe down the street from the gym at this point I was 35 I know a huge age Gap but we just clicked I don't believe in fate soulmates or anything like that but if there is such a thing we have it I don't know how else to put it we dated for 2 years and then got married her dad was an electrician and hired me on afterwards I think mostly to know I would be able to support his daughter and know I was doing right by her but also in case he needed to keep me in check he never said this but as a dad I get it now well 15 years later we are still together with four beautiful daughters I just passed my master's license as an electrician thanks to my wife for pushing me to get my jet she has been my rock my cheerleader and my allaround support through this all and I can't tell her enough how much she changed my life and how much I love her anyway sorry for the tangent so just this past weekend I received email from my stepsister I'm not sure how she got my email address but I know it isn't hard via the Internet not like I've been hiding mind you I'm now pushing 53 so it's been 30 plus years since I've heard from any of them it was a long long email I'm not going to give you all of it but the meat of it is that they now know what really happened Mark I guess was busy drinking with his buddies on Friday and somehow my name was mentioned Mark I guess started bragging about how he set me up and took my girl yup Mark and Le I got married all those years ago they were all laughing hoping I died on the streets a bunch of rude and vile stuff I guess he forgot Lisa was there and she heard it all so she called my steps sister to let her know and so Emily spent all weekend trying to find me like I said the email was long short of it they want to apologize face to face although it was already said in the email multiple times and make up for lost time I'm however indifferent to the idea I have no ill feelings towards her she was obvious ly young and had no real say in the matter but with lots and lots of therapy I learned to let go of that hate and anger as well with all the love I receive from my wife kids and in-laws it's all I really need I'm into the idea of just deleting the email and moving on like nothing happened my wife thinks I should at least respond back even if to say something snarky like thanks for finally believing me it only took over 30 years did I mention my wife has a mean or Petty streak toward her she's awesome I'm not asking for advice I just wanted to share my story there is a boxing quote that I have up in my house that reminds me every day to see a man beaten not by a better man but by himself is a tragedy edited pushing 50 to 53 because apparently people are getting hung up on my age because you know if it's not perfect I guess that's Reddit for you comments primary philho it's up to you what you should do personally I'd either delete the email or respond telling her thanks for letting you know and that while you bear her no hard feelings you have no interest in reconnecting with any of the rest of them mat religious now interesting I'm with your wife on this because I'm Petty like that too I have a question for you what happened to your dad and stepmom is there any mention of them in that email perhaps for final closure simply respond that you appreciate them reaching out after 30 plus years but you have a great life without any of the people who would throw out a 16-year-old child on the streets then ask not to be bothered again or say you're willing to meet if and when Mark Lisa your dad and stepmom beg for your forgiveness on their knees to make up for the hell you endured ocean 2731 I delete the email and go on living your best life without them do you really want to spend more time and emotional energy with them op that truly is my thought but my wife's Petty answer would be good as well update two days later first I want to thank everyone for their kind words and advice I wasn't looking for advice I just wanted a place to share my story to those who gave me credit for overcoming everything thank you however the wife thinks she deserves most of it and in all honesty she does to those who think this is fake it's Reddit I get it it is what it is most things have to be taken with a grain of salt I shared my story and I can't make you believe me but that's okay if my story resonates and helps others know they can survive then I'm happy with that and that's all that matters okay for the update I'm going to post most of the original email as as a lot of you have requested I kept out some deep personal information but the majority of it is there I might have to break it up due to the character limit plus a response with the help of my wife and also the help of others who made suggestions which is good because I'm not that great at putting down in words how I feel without coming off looking dumb she was able to make me sound less dumb L I took the family to the lake for the weekend to recharge and leave this all behind me thanks again to everyone Emily's letter dear op this is your sister Emily and as I sit down to finally reach out to you after what feels like an eternity I would like to explain why I understand if you choose not to read this but I truly hope you will take the time to at least hear me out first of all I want to apologize for never taking the time to contact you before I was misled by Mark and dad who constantly painted a negative picture of you in my mind they filled my head and heart with lies and made me believe that you were someone you were not for a while I held on to hope that you would come back home but as time passed and their words continued to poison my thoughts I let go of that hope and allowed myself to believe the worst about you it pains me to admit that I even started to hate you despite the fact that deep down I always considered you a brother to me I felt betrayed by the Twisted Image that was presented to me and I regret not reaching out to hear your side of the story sooner a lot has changed in our family since you left I got married and now you're an uncle mom and dad are still together and are preparing for retirement ment Mark and Lisa eventually got married and they have no children however the truth that has recently come to light has shaken the very Foundation of everything I thought I knew on Friday Lisa overheard Mark boasting about how he orchestrated the setup against you how he manipulated the situation to make you look bad and how he convinced us to turn against you to his friends as they all got drunk they laughed about the pain he caused you and the lies he spread all while belittling you in the crest and meanest ways possible saying things like hope you died in the streets Lisa couldn't keep this bombshell to herself and when she confided in me my world came crashing down to think that I could have been so wrong about you for all these years is a heavy burden to bear I can't begin to express how deeply sorry I am as is Lisa we both realize now the extent of the manipulation and deceit that was carried out against you and we are devastated by this fact after sharing this Revelation with Mom and Dad dad started crying like really crying I've never seen him cry before I believe it because he has been carrying around a lot of guilt all these years obviously now knowing the truth he is now having to deal with the consequences of his actions however after several hours of talking we all came to the conclusion that we needed to find you and make amends I have spent hours trying to locate you in the hopes that I could reach out and extend a heartfelt apology for the years of misunderstanding mistreatment and hurt I know that words can never undo the damage that has been done to you but I sincerely hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive us we long to to make amends to start a new and to maybe even make up for lost time please know that I am truly sorry for the pain and hurt that you have endured because of our ignorance and blindness I hope that someday we can meet in person so that I can look you in the eye and express my remorse face to face I can only hope that you will consider giving us a chance to write the wrongs of the past and to heal the wounds that have been inflicted On You by us with all my love and sincerest apologies your sister Emily op's response dear Emily I appreciate you taking the time to reach out to me but I must be honest with you the years of pain and hurt caused by the lies and manipulation by Mark and the Betrayal by dad have left deep scars that will never be truly healed while I understand that you are now aware of the truth and are genuinely sorry for what has transpired I find it difficult to Simply forgive and forget the Betrayal and abandonment I experienced at the hands of my own family have left me with a sense of distrust and resentment that can never be overcome the damage that has been done has impacted me in ways that you may never fully and truly understand and the idea of trying to reconcile now feels like an insurmountable task I have spent years in therapy trying to come to terms with the pain and deep trauma I endured and I have worked hard to build a wonderful life for myself that does not rely on the presence or approval of those who turn their backs on me while I am grateful for the apology and the Newfound awareness of the truth I do not feel compelled to rekindle a relationship that was built on lies deception and betrayal especially after all these years I have found found peace and closure in distancing myself from those who caused me harm and I do not see the need to reopen Old Wounds in the name of reconciliation while I believe in the power of forgiveness that isn't something I can give I wish you all the best in your life I really do but I must prioritize my emotional health and self-preservation above all else I hope you can respect my decision and understand that the wounds of the past will take a lifetime to heal I would appreciate it if you passed this fact on to the others and please don't reach out again I must look to my future and not my past sincerely op comments Jinx amagi Emily writes about the changes in the family after you left you didn't leave you were kicked out of your house with absolutely nothing even your grandparents wouldn't listen to you you were a 16-year-old a child they feel guilty let them leave them in your rear view mirror to throw away a child like that to not even talk to you your sperm donor is a horrible thing I hope the guilt eats him up you could have died and Mark wishes you death and misery for what because his mom married a guy with a son I wish you and your family all the best I am happy you realize that letting them back in will not serve you itchy bookkeeper 158 your dad is such a POS I still cannot believe what he did good riddance susha bentobox he is the absolute worst in all of this he believed the words of another male over his own son and the step brother vile despicable sociopath there's a special place in hell for him Second Story my wife betrayed me and our daughter by cheating on her girl's night and begging me for a second chance which I can't but mom is on my wife's side me 39m and my wife 33f have been together for 13 years she recently went away on a girl's trip I was not worried at all I have never had a reason to distrust her she has never done anything to give me cause for concern and it's not like she was even going abroad she was going to a butland half an hour away for God's sake she went with her sister and a few other girls she called me up this morning and I didn't expect anything other than her checking in she's only been away for one night of a three night trip when I answered she was crying and incoherent when I finally calmed her down she told me she had slept with someone else the night before supposedly she met a guy whom she approached they flirted a little and danced together and she thought that was as far as it would go but he supposedly just Charmed her into a kiss which turned to making out which turned to her asking him to walk her back to her hotel which turned into them having SX she says nothing was a Miss he wasn't pushy or weird and they actually had SX multiple times because she would say they needed to stop and he would stop immediately and then after a few minutes she'd want him to carry on and he would and he supposedly never even finished because of the stop starting this supposedly went on for 3 hours and she eventually said stop for good and asked him to leave and he did the guy is supposedly 10 years younger than her and she said she lied and told him she was going through a divorce she says she doesn't know what came over her and she just wanted to see if she still had it but got carried away 14 years married for 10 years and we have a seven-year-old daughter I want to leave her she's begging me not to offering marriage counseling never going out again never drinking again Etc I've always been a one chance sort of guy I just told her to go f herself and I have been ignoring her since about a.m. now her friends and sister are calling me too they apparently had no idea she'd even gone home with him they saw them talking but thought nothing of it I just want them all to leave me alone I told my mom about it and she said I should think of my family and that my wife seems genuinely remorseful didn't try to hide anything and came clean straight away it's not like she had an affair and that is bad as it is this is the best case scenario after that conversation I feel like I'm insane am I wrong for not even considering forgiving her top comments beneficial syrup 869 you're not wrong at all she broke your trust now every time she goes anywhere will she do this again and she didn't have SX with him once she told you it was multiple times turn your phone off and take your daughter out for a meal spend time with her before your wife gets home and starts love bombing you both and strong arming you see boot 74 to 13 you can forgive and forget but understand that you do not have to accept and stay edit please understand that I didn't say he had to forget what she'd done and stay with her I said forgive her for what she's done but that doesn't mean you have to stay because at the end of the day a very important boundary was broken by choice so he also deserves that same choice of being able to say I choose to walk away from this because of your actions to disrespect my boundaries when I say forget I mean forget the person from before the transgression that person is no longer there so that person is gone the person you loved didn't cheat on you that person is now in the past so forget that person and understand that the person before you now is something entirely new and move accordingly to who they are now and not who they once were no association 9968 trust is broken you are not wrong some will do marriage counseling but I personally couldn't forgive this 3 hours of deception is a long time and she knew it was wrong I'm so sorry op I get the one and done usual ostrich 8 and 597 dude leave all those times she was stopping the other guy from continuing she was probably questioning if she should continue and guess what she did it multiple times update so my wife came home tonight after giving me the day to cool off I asked to see the guy I don't know why maybe I'm a sucker for punishment and of course he looks like a superhero so that's great the guy looks like Anthony Joshua or something for the record my wife is beautiful like having Perfect Teeth working out regularly Etc I am not ugly but I am just just a typical English guy not overweight but could probably lose a few pounds a bit of a dad bod Etc I still have a full head of hair which is nice I always felt so lucky to be with her she was an amazing partner an amazing mother funny intelligent Etc I asked her to lay out what happened to me in more detail I wanted to catch any lies or changes in the story and test her consistency she basically says she was at the bar and the guy was standing next to her they glanced at each other and she said where did you come from to him he asked what she meant and she says she said he was the first handsome man she'd seen and that's how the conversation got started as for her telling him she was divorcing that happened when he glanced down noticed her ring and asked her about it apparently once she said that he went on to say not like I give an f either way what a gentleman I asked if she thinks he could have slipped her anything and she says it's impossible because they only did shots together I asked if she took any drugs and she admitted to doing coke with her friends which isn't all that surprising if you're from the UK and you're into drinking culture it's pretty standard a few of you seem to be Americans so let me explain what exactly a butland is it's basically a holiday Resort usually for families but they sometimes host adult exclusive weekends where it's a pretty big party place it's cheap grimy and can be a lot of fun people dress up there's DJs live music multiple venues late night entertainment Etc as for people saying she got caught by her friends she actually didn't she disappeared with the guy and went home with him she texted her friends she was tired and wanted to go to sleep and as they are on the resort and the hotel is like a 3-minute walk they all just said to text when she was safe in her room she was sharing a room with her sister but she was in their other friend's room drinking and doing coke because they thought she was sleeping she told the guy to leave at around 6:00 a.m. because she thought her sister might be coming back soon as that's when the party usually windes down I asked her how many time she had SX with the guy and she said four or five lasting between 5 and 10 minutes each time apparently even after cheating she never thought she'd sleep with a guy she says she just wanted to give him oral so she did that but the guy said he could only finish through SX she didn't believe him until 20 minutes later he still wasn't done so she gave up and climbed on top of him but then after about 5 minutes she thought what the f am I doing and got off him then she laid there and cuddled him and drank more and then 10 minutes later they would be touching each other again this was repeated four or five times she says that she kept thinking it was wrong but then would think it's too late now anyway so I might as well Carry On And basically go through a loop of that I asked her why she felt the need to see if she still had it and she says since she hit 30 she's been self-conscious of her aging when she spots a new wrinkle or something it drives her to tears she said that chatting with the guy made her feel young again and she latched on to that also so apparently the guy was there with a girl who my wife said looked like a younger version of herself and the guy pointed her out to my wife and said that girl over there watching us has a crush on me and laughed about it after he had been talking to my wife for like 30 minutes the girl had enough walked over and kicked the table spilling the guy's drink and then stormed off she says that the guy picking her over a younger woman drove her ego crazy and that was when she decided to kiss him I asked her why she even told me and she said that when she woke up she saw I'd sent a selfie of me and our daughter eating pizza together and it sent her into a nervous breakdown she was wailing and sobbing so loudly that it woke up her sister and that's when she confessed her sister told her she was insane for what she did and wasn't very comforting and then she left the room mad at her which made it worse and that's when she called me I have asked her to leave the house for a few days and she is staying at her mother's house while I decide what I want to do she begged me not to make her leave but she did when I said it was the least could do after blowing up our entire lives over wrinkles making her sad as for my mother she still thinks I should forgive her for context my dad died about a year ago and my wife has really been a rock for my mom I cannot see her as much as I would like due to my work but my wife is a self-employed lash and Nail Tech and has a lot of free time which she uses to spend with my mom to keep her company do her hair and have girly days to try and make sure she doesn't get lonely like I said she was such a perfect partner no I don't think my mom is is a cheater or whatever and she is very angry at my wife but she loves her and she just wants everything to be okay my daughter has no idea what is happening she was already asleep when my wife came and went again she will just think mommy is still on holiday I still have no idea what I'm going to do honestly I'm still reeling but that's basically everything top comments forever broke 12 what happens when she turns 40 or 50 when will she get her first gray hair menopause she cheated because she was scared of getting older but she was still going to keep getting older and not to mention from the story while the guy seems like a dck she seems like not a great role model either if she was totally okay with helping him hurt that other girls feelings fers her sister told her she was insane for what she did your wife's sister is absolutely on point this was rough to read through as an outsider I can't imagine how shtt it is to experience it firsthand international box 8009 if she knows she can get away with it she will do it again thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it 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give me a good story on StepbrotherFramedOPofPervingonHisStepSisterandEntitledFamilyAbandonedHimatY
aita for letting someone skip my bachelorette party and not telling them new details that would have changed their mind apologies in advance as I had a hard time writing the situation in a single sentence my brother has been trying to push me to get closer to his girlfriend Mary together three months I've done my best to get to know her initiating dinners trying her Hobbies with her Etc but we honestly don't really get along I personally think she's a snob she complimented my designer bag but took the compliment back when she found out it was thrifted as in literally said Yik I take that back while she thinks I lack culture and sophistication also something she's mentioned when trying to convince me to do a makeover with her the issue is that I'm getting married this year and my brother has been really trying to get her involved I put my foot down with the bridal party since they've only been dating for 3 months and I don't know her but he insisted that I invite her to the Bachelorette it was originally supposed to be super lowkey and local Mary tried to push for something more extravagant but it really wasn't in my budget when I wouldn't budge she told us something came up the weekend and she couldn't go I was later surprised by my friends who had come together to organize a lavish weekend through favors and points i e one of my friends ants works for a spa so she was able to get discounted packages another used her travel points to book a suite Etc I was not told about this and was truly and happily surprised the issue is that Mary found out when we posted pictures and she was pissed my brother is now saying that I deliberately left her out but she told me she was busy Mary said that if she had known what the weekend was like though she would have rearranged her schedule I feel conflicted because I suspect that my friends didn't tell Mary on purpose but they're claiming they
give me a good story on AITAforlettingsomeoneskipmybachelorettepartyandnottellingthemnewdetailsthat
authors names are provided in the description let's get into the video my boyfriend suddenly told me he wants to establish traditional gender roles once we get married I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years now and it has been wonderful we have been talking about marriage lately as it feels right for the both of us over the course of our relationship we often talked about what our goals were and what we wanted our future together to look like I was always vocal about how I wanted a more equal non-traditional relationship we both work and we both don't want children I expect to have a joint account with him and pay our expenses proportionately based on our income I do make more than him but I don't mind since I believe us to be a team and for the last 3 years he's agreed with me or so I thought these past two 3 weeks we have been setting a timeline for our wedding plans and all basically we are talking about all the concrete steps and little details and so I asked him again what he wanted our marriage to be like but in more detail he suddenly told me that he wanted us to have traditional gender roles and I was so confused these past 3 years have not been that way I am so confused about how he just expects us to change after marriage I have been dating him and wanting to pursue something serious with him because I love our current Dynamic and he seemed happy too I have made it clear since day one that I want to maintain what we have now forever he has never told me that that was not the case for him now do I feel tricked or lied to he told me that although I make more of the income he wants to be the man of the house the leader goes and so what he says goes he has the final in the decisions and I cannot be questioning him I told him this would lead to me not being heard and being miserable it will make me feel less valued he says it's the best way to avoid arguments sure less arguments because what I think wouldn't matter but I will build resentment and then it's no longer a happy marriage in my previous post I mentioned that I have seen him binge watching alpha male podcasts recently and I don't know if he has always thought this way or if it's recent all I know is that my whole body is telling me this is not it I cannot marry him it sounds sounds like trouble but am I correct for thinking this way I don't know why but the last 3 years have been so wonderful that it's so hard for me to wrap my head around this this sudden switch please give me some advice and courage relevant comments wheelie 90210 it sounds like you never really knew him he sounds like he's always been a misogynist you just never got a clear and direct answer from him you say you were always vocal about what you wanted but was he you never mentioned if he agreed with you you said you asked him again which shows you never had a solid answer yet you both still talked about marriage did you both agree on things or was he passively acknowledging them this doesn't sound like a sudden switch this sounds like he was passive and now he's actively acting in his own best interest it's just that it's come to crunch time maybe when you look back at your first interactions with him you'll notice the pattern of passivity on his part not saying that this is the case or that it's on you but it's that the signs were always there it's just not easy to recognize them women especially are conditioned to tolerate a lot of things because being single as a woman is the worst thing ever to alpha males as it happens be wary of what you think is right for you and what's expected of you op I think you are right actually there were many times when he would just nod and if I directed a question at him he'd answer vaguely to kind of match M and deflect I think that made me think he agreed especially since he never said anything opposing it and he clearly knew my position I think I just expected people to be honest and gave him the benefit of the doubt I'm naive I guess thanks for your response Wells 2301 this seems unrealistic people change as they mature life and circumstances change you need to be able to grow and change too op of course I meant in the sense of the equality aspect of the relationship as we grow in our thrown obstacles we can still be a team and work things out no one is below the other each person is valued equally heard and loved Mustang 19671 967 maybe go to counseling he may be watching these because he feels disrespected I don't know it just must be a reason he just started listening to the podcast this is a huge deal so you need to figure something out or break up because these are two totally different mentalities in marriage op he is unfortunately not into the idea of counseling although in the past 3 years he said he was recently his mind seems to have changed a lot update thank you all for your responses I wanted to update you guys on what happened and hopefully answer some of your questions along the way I don't live with him or have any shared assets he also explicitly said that he expects me to continue working so I guess he wanted The Best of Both Worlds and before we started dating I was hesitant due to our age Gap I have heard of horror stories so I have been very careful about power dynamics but he was amazing for the last 3 years so I did put my defenses down eventually my friends and family also liked him they always said we genuinely seemed happy together and complimented each other well on to what happened he came over to my house the night I posted on Reddit which isn't unusual we spend most nights together after work I knew I had to break up but didn't know how to yet I was still debating if I should ask him more questions or just end it and if I ended do I tell him everything or keep it concise luckily he did not suspect anything so far so it took me some time to figure out my next step as soon as he came in though he tried to initiate intimacy and I said no since I was not in the mood he got angry he has never done this before we have always had a very healthy fulfilling asual relationship but now he kept trying to convince me to have SX with him and asked me why I was putting my needs over his I can just force myself to do it for the sake of our relationship I said that I wasn't feeling well I know I shouldn't even have to justify it he said that even if I'm not feeling well it's not an excuse I was disgusted I fell out of love that instant I mean I was already in the process of it but this really did it I also felt very unsafe I stood my ground and told him that this is not consensual and that someone's health is more important than his need for SX I kept repeating it until he eventually stopped pushing but he didn't leave my place until an hour later I was afraid to anger him again by telling him to leave so I just stayed quiet doing stuff around the apartment until he decided to leave luckily nothing happened to me but wow I told my friends and family everything they supported me in my decision to break up and helped me prepare my speech I asked him to meet me in a public space the next day as one of the comments suggested my friends were nearby keeping an eye he was still angry at me because I haven't been talking to him and I refused SX he asked me why I expect him to take care of me when I'm unwell but I didn't give him SX yesterday I decided not to waste my breath explaining something so basic I went on with my breakup speeches prepared where I told him everything how disrespectful he's been all the podcast Stuff Etc he suddenly looked so scared and begged me to take him back he said he understands what I'm saying that I'm write about the podcasts and that he will work on them he was trying to convince me not to break up but I did not believe any anything he said I held my ground and told him there was no room for discussion it's over and I left now I feel a weight lifted but I am also heartbroken I know this was the right thing to do I just feel defeated I wake up so anxious and feel like crying constantly I am barely eating I am seeing a therapist next week to help cope if you guys have words of encouragement and maybe success stories about meeting your person I'd love to hear them thank you all sincerely you all help me find courage and strength in my time of need thank you for watching the video if you enjoy listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyBoyfriendSuddenlyToldMeheWantsToEstablishTraditionalRolesOnceWeGetMarriedorig
aita for rejecting the worst name ever for our Offspring original post March 24th 2024 so my husband 38m and I 36f are expecting our first child a bouncing baby girl due in a few months we were both over the moon when we found out the gender but now things have gotten complicated to say the least see when we first started talking about names the the boy name was immediately decided Stuart Jr after my husband no problem there it's a classic name and Carries family meaning but for a girl things got murky my husband suggested stuarta no you're not having a stroke apparently his logic is that since steuart ends and a t we can just add an a to make it feminine I tried explaining why that doesn't quite work how it sounds more like a furniture brand than a human name how she'd be endlessly correcting people and explaining its origin he's adamant though says it honors him while giving our daughter a unique name I've suggested Alternatives feminine names that maybe share a similar sound or meaning to steuart names he's mentioned liking in the past even just going back to the drawing board entirely but he's fixated on stuarta now I love my husband dearly and I understand wanting to honor family but I can't imagine subjecting our daughter to a lifetime of awkward stares and endless questions about her unusual name I also
give me a good story on AITAforrejectingtheworstnameeverforouroffspring
AIT for telling my S she's not welcome near my baby at all my S cannot physically have children but she did adopt her daughter 11 years ago her daughter is 12 about 2 years ago she started harping on her husband a lot about wanting to adopt another baby and he was never on board it wasn't too long after she started expressing her desire to have adopt another baby that I felt pregnant at first my sill just didn't say much of anything to me but when I was around 5 months old she really started with me she started inviting me over all the time and often put it in my head that I wasn't capable of taking care of a child because I have a history of depression she was just constantly saying I'm worried about you or I fear you will have postpartum psychosis and she said everything in such a way that I actually started believing her it with my head nearly every night this continued until I was nearly at my due date but it always amped up a little every time like her last couple comments where I'm not sure if you can handle it and if something goes wrong I'm going to have to fight my brother for custody of the baby and you know I will take custody of the baby if you can't handle it and it got to my head so much that I stupidly thought she was just showing concern and not being a manipulative anyways I gave birth in October and my soul came over to see the baby when she was about 2 weeks old when she was holding her she started to cry and I went to take her back and she shoed me away and said no she's fine and just started bouncing my kid until she eventually fell asleep unfortunately I did have PPD and I just didn't say anything I clammed up and as soon as she left 2 hours later I lost it bald my eyes out while holding my daughter and honestly it made my PPD worse if anything because of that interaction I didn't want anyone near my daughter or to hold her I ended up checking myself into therapy I'm loads better now but through therapy I have developed a very large overdue shiny spine and through therapy and some realization I can now see that my sill was using manipulation tactics to make me feel less than so I would give her custody of my daughter well she asked me last week if she could come steal the baby away for some snuggles I told her no she asked why and I was honest and said that I don't trust her because of all of her comments throughout my pregnancy and her refusal to hand my daughter back to me like I requested when she was here so no she wasn't allowed around my baby at all she argued that I can't just cut her off with no warning and that this just proves that she was right and that I'm clearly having a manic episode and told me that I'm simply unable to see that I'm potentially putting my baby in danger and that I should be allowing family AKA her to take the baby so I can get my head on right I blocked her off everything but she's not getting my Mill involved and causing problems for my husband hey Ita
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmySILshesnotwelcomenearmybabyatallorig
AIT ta for refusing to take my stepdaughter with me on vacation when I met my husband he had three kids they were 6/f 5 slm and 3/f and I also had a four-year-old girl We Got Married 2 years later I had another girl 5 years later at first the kids were at their mom's on weekdays and with us on weekend his two older kids adored me while the youngest Robin was colder to me it wasn't so bad then a year into our marriage their mother told my husband that she couldn't raise them on her own either he went back to her or raised them himself their mother would only try to spend time with him a couple of days in a month Robin started treating me worse as the years went on she would get extremely hostile towards me especially right after spending time with her mom it was clear to all of us that her mom was trying to make the kids hate me it didn't work with oldest kids who quickly started calling me Mom on their own I've grown to love them like I love my bio kids I once referred to all of them as my kids to someone and Robin got so upset and said I'm not her kid she was always distant but polite with my older biod daughter sometimes she would be playing with the baby until I came into the room and then she'd stop and start complaining saying things like get your annoying daughter away from me I would get her gifts and she would thank her father because it's his money disregarding the fact that I picked out the gift she would always complain about my cooking and refuse to eat sometime everyone loves my food so it's clear she is just being mean when spending time as a family she would be very rude to only me and just ignore me on a good day recently my family and I all plan to spend a month abroad this summer my husband isn't coming because of work I'm planning to take the kids with me except for Robin when I first mentioned this to my husband he agreed neither of us even thought she would want to go with me without her father I went to visit my family with the kids a few times before while she stayed with her aunt Robin's mother died 2 years ago when she found out she was angry and says that she deserves to go my husband begged me to take her but I refused I want to relax and enjoy life with my kids and family who love me I feel like I deserve it taking her without her father being there means I have to keep an eye on her on my own and deal with her not listening to me and being rude my husband said she told him she will be on her best behavior I said I don't trust her he even told me that he would with send her aunt and cousins with us so that she could watch her there I refused because this is a family vacation and I don't want a strange family tagging along plus he could just send them all on a separate vacation away from me he refused because she wants to be with her sibling I really need objective opinions on that am I being an by refusing to let her go with me edit Robin is 14 now
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtotakemystepdaughterwithmeonvacationorig
first story op attempted self harm after his sister publicly humiliated him for the way he reacted to their half brother's death saying he doesn't care about little bastards now forcefully held in a mental institution including sisters response I am not natively English-speaking so I apologize for my mistakes backstory I 18m have a sister 16f about 8 years ago my father Dropped a Bomb on our family he cheated and got his affair woman pregnant my mother was absolutely devastated but she still tried to get over the affair but it was hard this woman would constantly bring over my Father's son and everyone hated it my mother didn't say anything but I know she suffered every time she saw the kid my sister in time got fond of him I never wanted anything to do with him I didn't even interact with him we lived this nightmare for about 5 years and my mother couldn't take it anymore she divorced my father and moved out and I was in full support of that they asked us who we wanted to live with and I instantly chose my mother my sister has chosen my father and I see that as a huge betrayal at this point I didn't consider her my sister anymore two months later my father moved o and her child into our old house I hated it and went to LSC with my father and sister but my sister constantly messaged me behaving like everything was okay and I always blew her off and gave short answers same with my father constantly every week birthdays holidays sending gifts I just ignored them so 2 days ago I was at the the party and met this cute boy and we hit it off immediately I was a little drunk and high of course my sister interrupted like always and messaged me that something horrible had happened I didn't respond she called but I didn't pick up she messaged that her father's son had an accident annoyed I messaged her to leave me alone and I don't care about little bastards she messaged that I'm psycho and wondered if I even cared about her I messaged that she's a traitor and the moment she chose Our Father she stopped being my sister and could go ask someone else for emotional support at this point I turned off my phone I was with this cute boy the whole day and left my phone at home turned off when I came home I turned it on and OMG over 1200s messages 200 calls the whole family messaged me from all sides even Unknown People apparently my now ex- Sister published screenshots of our conversation on Facebook it was up long enough for everyone to see before our father forced her to take it down I just deleted and blocked my mother messaged me that I would be in big trouble when I came home father messaged that he still loves me and only now does he understand how much he hurt me my friends think I am effed up and need serious professional help I disagree I just don't care why should I be ey for that so A for what I messaged my sister update so for all to know I am now a hateful person I don't hate do I have anger and resentment yes but I don't hate it even my dad I don't hate him I still love him to the core I still crave for his attention and his love to be there for me he was the best effing dad ever I miss him so much and I cry every day for him he was always the one to make me feel better but he can't do that now he is the reason for this I am so angry with him every time he came back I hugged him saying I love you all in the hope it would clear his fog and help him realize his son still needs him countless nights ago I was up wondering what else I could do to make him stay and win him back but I knew I had failed him when he told his other son that he was his favorite I heard that he doesn't know of course he was on one side it was me a little sad depressed boy introvert distanced Moody and always needy for attention looking like a zombie every day not interacting on the other side it was this beautiful shiny little boy always smiling and making everyone's day of course it was his favorite and moms and sisters the whole room Shone when he entered and darkened when I entered yes I was resentful but I didn't do anything to him I lost and I wanted to get out I know it's stupid now at 18 to even write this I have grown physically but emotionally I am still a 10-year-old boy who wants his family so badly I know that everyone moved on and I still stayed the same I'm still hoping for my dad and my family to come back at 1:00 a.m. in the morning there was a loud banging on my door it was mom she was a crying mess like me she thought I hurt myself when nobody could reach me for a day and a half I blocked everyone she hugged me and wouldn't let go for what seemed like eternity then we talked and I told her everything like some here suggested she was understanding and we cried some more she wants me to go to therapy ASAP because all this anger and resentment will eat me alive and destroy my life she said my dad sister and whole family are worried sick about me I decided I would Skype call my sister today I don't know about my dad yet because I don't know if I could look into his eyes yes I am a wimp too update too this will be my final update some are very sad and some are happy so if you read my previous emotional update you know that my mother came to my apartment we talked and cried all night I asked her if there was still something going on between her and my father she was evasive but admitted that they still feel love for each other I told her that I resented her for that she divorced him and then became his affair partner she kept him in her life and prevented me from moving on his son was just a means to an end being with his son meant being with him there was no forgiveness here because nothing changed she was quiet so I took that as confirmation then I Skyped my sister I apologized for my cruelty I didn't make excuses I told her I wrote that with the intention of hurting her I thought that by doing so she would finally realize that I don't want to be part of her life and to leave me alone then we talked and I asked her why she chose to go live with our father she told me it was because of me I was having a really unhealthy attachment to my father and when the affair was exposed I became a really miserable dark kid this whole Obsession to keep our parents together was driving her nuts she couldn't wait for my Father's son to come because of that meant I was locked in my room or was out of the house for days it was so much easier to breathe when I wasn't there then she said all my father's family felt that way and this is why they distanced themselves from me I thanked her for her honesty and told her this was a goodbye call she didn't want that and started crying I told her that none of this is her fault but our relationship is beyond repair and I don't want to save it she was really hysterically crying so I wished her all well and ended the call I got some courage and Skyped my father too he was a mess as expected I didn't see him for a very long time and he changed a lot I apologized to him too and told him I was sorry for his loss we talked and I told that I still have very deep love for my dad but that dad died 8 years ago he hurt me over and over again and he didn't care I became a non-factor in his life and that broke me he is the reason I am the person I am today I told him that I didn't want him in my life anymore and would go to NC he cried that he didn't want to lose another son and I said we lost each other 8 years ago then I ended the call finally I called my mother this was the hardest I told her that I loved her but I can't trust her anymore she will have people in her life that I don't want to see and it's time we two- parted ways she didn't expect this and she was shocked I told her I was going to NC and would change my phone number and University then I told her that she needed therapy too and that she would never be truly happy until she got rid of my father I ended the call therapy is a no-o currently as I have no money to spare that's it update hi I posted my story elsewhere you can find it in my profile with my comments but long story short I had a pretty bad childhood lots of trauma it started with my father's infidelity and the result of it was a child my mother wanted to fix things and get over them my father was very involved in his new child's life and he was at our house a lot but I didn't want anything to do with him I was usually locked in my room or with my friends when he was at our house after 5 years my mother divorced my father moved out and I went with her my younger sister stayed with my father which I consider a betrayal I went to LC with my father and sister I didn't want to go to NC because I knew my mother would be devastated my plan was to be distant LC and wait until our lives naturally drift apart the problem was that my mother forgave my father and was pretty much involved in his child's life I couldn't move on because of this then tragedy happened and my sister reached out to me but I responded in a very cruel way she posted my response on Facebook and a sht storm started I went to NC with every everyone after a couple of days of talking with my mother and getting suggestions from redditors here I decided to set firm boundaries with my family I told my sister mother and father that I don't want a relationship with them anymore and will go to NC now the problem is that they know where I live and are still bugging me I will transfer to another University but I can do that only next year as I miss the deadline I don't even have money to change my phone number at the moment my mother is literally camping in her car outside my apartment my sister was there for some time they are devastated and want to save me I don't want to come out I have had food for about 2 weeks but sooner or later I will have to come out I don't know what to do I tried to set boundaries but it didn't work I kind of devised a plan to start communicating with everyone until next year pretending everything is okay and when my transfer is complete I will just disappear change my phone number and move on but I know my mother will not and she will forever search for me update hi I am still here and this will be my final update because I am going away for some time anyway I was really close at one point I decided this was it I unlocked the door filled my bathtub and went in everything was peaceful I was relaxed the time came and I just couldn't do it another failure like everything in my life I texted my mother that I had given up and that the front door was unlocked Mom Dad uncle and two cousins came in they freaked the hell out father grabbed me and pulled me out mom covered me and I was just done defeated I don't know how long I was on the floor in my father's arms but at some point I snapped back stood up and went to my room and dressed I packed my clothes and other stuff and told them to take me where they wanted to take me they took me home and Mom notified me that we had an appointment at a mental facility 5 km away they gave me a choice I come freely and start healing and working on my problems or I am declared an emergency case rough translation to English and I lose Independence I will be closely monitored and doctors will make decisions about when I come out I have chosen first going in on Saturday we came home and a conversation happened both parents were crying all the time like 8 years too late about how they loved me Etc the usual I told them they failed me and this is the result a monstrous psychopath without empathy they should have helped me when they saw how I was affected and started to shut down but all I got was family y with mom sister and me where I felt uncomfortable talking they gave up and just left me I was spiraling down hard and they just let it happen even worse they were relieved when I left the house I felt lonely and abandoned they cried all the time and apologized over and over again I told them that this didn't mean we would have a relationship I am here because I couldn't get help anywhere else they made sure of it they planned it and I know it they wanted me defeated they said they understood and that I must heal first and then we will see if I heal and still do not want a relationship they will understand and leave me alone at one point my sister came I won't tell all the conversation I told her that none of this is her fault I put her in an unwinnable situation it was a bad move of mine to do that to a child she was as much a victim as me if not more she hugged me and told me she would always be open for me to come back into her life I don't talk much anymore I'm just waiting to get out of this house oh as far as extended is concerned now I know why they completely cut me off when I entered puberty I was crushing on my dad I searched for information online because I felt like sht and that is perfectly normal I was still monitored as was my sister and my parents knew my idiot dad actually bragged to my grandparents how cute that is they already couldn't stand me because I was cuddly and he went and said that to them now they saw me as some incestous freak unbelievable I will never have a relationship with them again many thanks to everyone who reached out and offered me advice and support I didn't respond much because I was overwhelmed but I read it and appreciated it post from sister today my brother got sent to a mental institution because of me and I'm glad here I said it when my half brother died I notified my brother he never wanted anything to do with him he messaged me back with very mean things and I was so pissed I took a screenshot of the messages and put it on social media I know no dirty family la laundry but I was pissed he got harassed so much that he wanted to take his own life my family got into his apartment on time it took almost 4 days he was barricaded in it when they got in he was in the bathtub and taking a lot of sedatives dad got him out and made him vomit everything out today he was institutionalized his story is very dark and he should have been in a mental institution long before that I still love him so much and I am glad he finally got help this was just a short select comments one I never mocked my brother I just think he needed help a long time ago I only speed things up and I am glad he will get the help he needs to I love my brother very much thank you he would harm himself one way or another I'm just being honest and real three that wasn't my intention I was mad and grieving his messages were very cruel and it was a lot more than he admitted four I was mad and grieving cut me some slack I wouldn't do it if I knew what would happen and I didn't decide anything the doctors did five unfortunately my brother's view of reality is severely warped my parents did want to help him he even went through a psychiatric evaluation which he conveniently forgot to mention but doctors didn't want to establish a diagnosis because he was too young he didn't want to go to individual therapy my parents were powerless at this point six we were not the cause that's horrible of you to say say he had problems long before that and refused to get treatment I found his post and I'm shocked at how out of touch with reality he was it's even worse than we thought I showed it to my parents and they are horrified especially some comments the post will be taken down soon seven our family deserves privacy especially in these difficult times his story is very specific and a lot of people who know him will recognize him we don't want them to see his personal thoughts this is for his own protection in the future eight actually cheating never happened my parents were in what you would call an open marriage dad had a girlfriend and a pregnancy happened mom was shocked and had a breakdown when she found out that wasn't supposed to happen but they worked it through and Dad assured her that their relationship would not change and he still loved her she loved my half brother of course we kids didn't understand open marriage and my parents never discussed that with us we were just told that our dad has a girlfriend and we have a little brother as you can see from his post my brother understood this totally differently he wanted to fix something that was never broken my parents are nerve wrecks right now my whole family supports them and I am sure we did the right thing after this the family discovered op's account and deleted his posts the sister has also since taken over her brother's account and sent this lovely message what do you think anyone cares about my brother no one does and he will never get out we will make sure of it he belongs there he was so much a to me that I almost wish my parents were too late it would be so much easier for all of us but it gave me a little more satisfaction when I saw him begging and crying on our ride to the mental institution he knew he was not getting out of there he belongs there forever a lot of people here were right he is a freak and needs to be contained put that into your little story I am sure everyone will see you because you are such an important person and people can't wait to browse your profile not lol the link to a screenshot of the message is in the description here is another harassing DM the sister sent to another redditor odri full night sleep who had first posted this situation to boru well it's down it was so easy no questions were asked my family doesn't even know I made it up I don't think they would even care my freak brother is finally locked up he will never get out thank God such a relief he was such an awe to all of us he doesn't get to gather sympathy from anyone I will even delete this account and erase everything he deserves to be forgotten I even smoked his hidden weed L bye-bye Karma wh gatherer link to screenshot of message in the description edit it looks like the sister deleted both accounts good riddance Second Story op's grandparents do not approve of her boyfriend just because he is black my grandparents don't approve of my relationship with my black boyfriend and don't want me to marry him what do you do when you find out that someone you love more than anything in the world actually has some bad qualities I was orphaned at 8 and my paternal grandparents took me in they've raised me with the utmost love and care anyone could ask for and I'm not lying when I say that they'd readily die for me but most parents and grandparents are like that so you all know what I'm talking about I've always looked up to them and they've always set the very best examples for me I've never ever seen either of them be unkind to a single soul and they've always taught me to be that way too recently though I received the shock of my life when I saw their reaction to seeing my boyfriend let's call him Sam for the first time who happens to be black I've never pegged them for racist people and it was honestly unexpected they tried to hide it but I could see on their faces that they didn't approve since then they've just never like the guy and have always been really nitpicky about him criticizing him about the smallest of things always judging every single thing he says and does very harshly Etc I've tried time and again to convince them that he's a really good guy that he loves me and cares about me but to no avail well he proposed to me and it was the happiest moment of my life when I told my grandparents though it was clear they were upset this time unlike before they didn't make excuses about why they didn't like him and just straight up confessed to having a problem with his race at first I was incredibly pissed off but I tried to reason with them and get to the bottom of why they felt this way they think all black people are really similar to the way they're portrayed in racist stereotypes this is all despite the fact that that he's nothing like the racist stereotypes portray black people he's a college educated well-dressed well-spoken man with a good job and a decent salary this doesn't sway them another thing that really confuses me is my mom who was Asian they were apparently not only okay with their son Marrying an Asian woman they loved her like she was their own daughter they're also really good friends with my maternal grandparents who are from Korea or Singapore when my maternal grandparents found out they weren't too happy either and they were actually more direct about it compared to my paternal grandparents I honestly don't know what to do my boyfriend fiance has always sort of known that my grandparents didn't really like him but he doesn't suspect that it's because of his race my friends have all unanimously sided against my grandparents and said stuff like they don't get to dictate what you do with your life tell them to either accept it or you'll cut them off permanently just cut them off they're toxic people Etc while my grandparents are definitely in the wrong about all this I can't even begin to Fathom cutting them out of my life they gave everything they had and more to raise me and give me the best life they could they're the reason I am who I am today they were always there for me took care of my every need and always put me above themselves how can I just abandon them like this after everything they've done for me on the other hand I can't imagine losing Sam either what do I do PS I gave my maternal grandparents an earful and told them straight up that they had no right to say the kind of stuff they said about Sam and that it was extremely rude they tried to say stuff like we only want what's best for you Etc but I shut that sht down and told them I wouldn't speak to them again unless they treated him with respect update one week later hey guys thanks for all your responses to my previous post it was all really good advice but the very best out of it all was the suggestion that I come clean to Sam I did that and he reacted in a surprisingly calm manner I asked him how he's taking it so well and he told me he's experienced something similar before his cousin had come out as gay a few years ago and he told me how his own grandparents reacted very poorly to his cousin's Revelation he told me they absolutely refused to acknowledge the fact that he was gay and said some pretty hurtful stuff along the lines of how his homosexuality would embarrass them in front of all their family and friends Etc they wouldn't allow the cousin to bring his boyfriend to family gatherings and threaten to cut him out of their inheritance unless he got his head straight he then showed me pictures of his grandparents laughing along with his cousins husband pictures of them at his cousin's wedding Etc he told me they eventually grew out of it and as they got to know him they really bonded with the guy Sam joked that he wouldn't give my grandparents a choice and that within a month they'd be in love with him well I think it's working Sam and I have dinner at my grandparents house every night and each night I notice them more and more at ease and more avidly taking part in our conversations Sam and my Grandpa are both World War II enthusiasts and my grandpa absolutely loves having discussion on the subject with Sam I decided to update this post because last night something very special happened I got there before Sam and I could see the disappointment on their faces when they thought I had come alone they asked where Sam was when he was coming Etc then they said we wouldn't start eating until he arrived I'm just so incredibly happy that I get to keep both relationships thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on OPAttemptedSelfHarmAfterHisSisterPubliclyHumiliatedHimfortheWayHeReactedtoTheirHorig
today we've got a great malicious compliance story all about a dirty house we'll get into that in a bit but first I found out some of my fellow science teachers lacked a sense of humor when they were about to be deprived of a token prize in a laboratory competition shamed at the time our efforts were eventually recognized as worthy this event happened over 30 years ago I was a chemistry teacher in the Milwaukee area and was attending a twoe summer seminar on how to be a better chemistry teacher it was held on the University of Chicago campus at my own school I was a bit of a prankster subjecting my friends on the staff to an occasional silly but harmless practical joke at the summer session in the presence of new friends this tendency was hard to keep in check four Master Teachers were running the class Master teacher is or was a real thing it's a title used by woodro Wilson Foundation summer institutes for high school teachers graduates that 8 week program was run at the Princeton University campus I had applied to go to one of the WWF summer institutes but had not been accepted the four instructors were quite competent and presented us with many useful ideas for running a chemistry classroom some of it was material we already knew but enough material was new that I felt the money I had invested to attend was well spent I also planned on applying for the next WWF Institute and wanted to see how I would have to up my game to be accepted on one of the last days of the class student was teamed up with a partner and was assigned to perform the famous lemon battery SL cell experiment in this lab you're presented with a lemon and two strips of metal the metal strips are poked into the lemon and a voltage is produced by the chemical reaction between the two metals the lemon has little or nothing to do with the voltage produced The Juice of the lemon just allows ions to flow the current is produced by the difference in the two metals electrical potential the most voltage will be produced by using a combination with the greatest difference in these potentials some non-metals will work too the absolutely highest voltage it is possible to produce according to the standard reduction potentials chart is just over 6.0 volts that would be with a lithium Florine cell note a lithium Florine cell would be extremely dangerous and no thoughtful person would consider attempting to construct one in a high school lab the class was being held in one of the University's science classes rooms with a chemical store room accessible through a door in the back the master teacher's exact instructions were you can use anything you find in the lab storage room you want to make yourself the instructor realizing that this experiment was known to all present decided to make it more challenging by making it into a contest whoever produced the highest voltage would win a small bag of short wires with alligator clips on each end members of the class each a victim of small budgets for equipment at their home school school districts dearly wanted those wires the bag was only worth a couple of dollars but it represented much more than its monetary value the class hurriedly moved to the chemical store room wandered through the stacks of shelves looking for things like zinc magnesium aluminum copper Etc finding the right combination would take the Glorious prize when my partner and I entered the chemical store room I noticed that a university of Chicago's teachers professors desk near the wall closest to the classroom in my own desk back in Milwaukee I would occasionally keep Loose Change in the top drawer in the 1990s the presence of silver coins was much more common than today a silver electrode in our lemon would give us a great Advantage silver is quite stable and great for making a cell with a high voltage when combined with a metal that is more reactive I suggested to my partner that we take a look in the desk finding a silver coin would almost guarantee te our Victory some of the class might have viewed looking in the desk as opposed to the chemical storage shelves is unfair but we were within the guidelines that were presented after all our instructor did say you can use anything in the storage room and the desk in its contents were in the store room when we opened the top drawer we didn't find any silver coins what was present were a few pencils and pens rubber bands paper clips and a 9V battery I was struck with a sudden inspiration a practical joke that'll win smiles and admiration of everyone and fill our pockets with alligator clips in my mind I could already picture the bag of connectors in our hands as my classmate serenad us with for he's a jolly good fellow I think ralie and A Christmas Story had the same kind of notion I got permission from my partner to put the battery in the lemon and then we got to work on it first we cut a rectangular piece of skin from what would become the bottom of the lemon we then cleaned out a space for the battery obtaining two pieces of copper wire we attached one wire around each battery terminal and inserted the other end through the lemon we snuggled the 9vt battery into the hole we had gouged in the fruit and covered the rectangular hole with a piece of lemon skin removed earlier we turned the lemons so the hole was on the bottom balanced on our Palm it looked much like all the other lemons in the class except ours had two identical copper wires about an inch apart poking out of it a cell will not work with two identical electrodes you need two different substances to create a working cell Copper's potential on the reduction chart is negative 0.34 Vols in the reaction One copper wire would do the opposite of the other so its voltage would be a plus 0.34 volts the total voltage becomes the sum of the two numbers or zero the materials available to our classmates on the shelves in the store room such as the aforementioned Metals would be expected to produce something at best around one volt it was now time to find the contest winner the instructor got his volt meter and the students lined up with their lemons the whole class was closely huddled watching the proceedings with great interest the meter was connected to the first lemons electrodes 054 volts the first of 10 teams shouted with joy at this reading next up 70 volts we're number one they shouted things continued in this ve as the line progressed as opposing team member behind us asked what metals did you use I told him two copper wires he was correct when he stated I don't think that will work pretty soon it was our turn I noticed the voltmeter was on the 6vt max setting not wanting to harm the meter I suggested the instructor move it to a higher setting but he didn't think it necessary he connected the meter to our wires thwack the voltmeter needle slammed into the stops at the highend end of the scale and produced an audible hum as it continually vibrated struggling to move forward taking it back the instructor quickly switched to the 60 volt setting and the meter showed a voltage in excess of 8 volts that's amazing said the instructor the class 2 was stunned how did you do it I turned the lemon over and said I used a 9volt battery we found in the store room there were a few seconds of Silence marred only by the gasps of my fellow students this was followed by murmurs of protest cheater unfair boo I think I heard a couple of string them UPS the expected laughter did not come my classmates viewed us not as talented pranksters but as Satan's more evil siblings maybe they thought we were trying to embarrass our instructors I'm not sure we did not win the coveted prize this even though we went back into the store room and really did produce the highest voltage with our second and totally legal entry our lemon had a hole in it and could serve as a cup or Beaker we filled it with sodium hypochloride solution bleach and use that as one electrode it worked great and actually did produce the highest voltage but the class had enough of us and would not let us win the story does not end there shame and IGN mini was ours until the seminar ended the next day but some few years later at another chemistry teacher Workshop I attended this one in North Carol Ina one of the people in attendance started to tell us of a hilarious lab joke done by a crazy teacher with a 9volt battery and a lemon apparently this tale was making the rounds of chemistry Gatherings and workshops all over the country I admitted I was one of the culprits and at that conference the joke went over well so Anonymous Fame is mine even today though I still mourn the lack and loss of those wires with alligator connectors postcript we may not have won won the prize but we did get a story to share with our students my cross-section sketch of a lemon with a 9volt battery served me well over the years my students were always most attentive during our oxidation and reduction discussions post postcript I finally did get to attend a WWF summer Institute I found out they wanted teachers who had done something extra for the chemistry and Science teaching Community I got an after school job at a computer store got a Mac and went sort of nuts riding hypercard stacks on lab simulations periodic table games lab equipment clip art and more and put them up for free on the net hyper card is gone but I'm still proud of that work as a result WWF invited me to attend the summer Institute on the topic of water it really was amazing Unfortunately they closed the program down immediately after I attended I swear I was on my best behavior and cannot be blamed probably I mean I see why they wouldn't give op the benefit of the doubt and give them the rewards but at the same time I think op played by the rules they did say whatever you can find you can use I think op won fair and square our next story is a dirty house stresses you out let me fix that my mom is like a terrible hoarder and for the past 2 years I've lived with her I've tried to clean the house constantly but there's just no place to put everything and seeing as I have OCD diagnosed I swear I'm not one of those people it's been really freaking emot stressful for me like to the point it's contributed to me trying to end things before back when I was 14 and she just doesn't care this first woman when I told her I had those kinds of thoughts over the mess legitimately said well if you care about the mess so much make sure you don't get blood on the floor when you do that but then played the pity card for money when I was hospitalized I have my own insurance that covered all of my medical bills she didn't need any money and then yesterday we got into a huge argument about the house being filled filthy and she brought up some of my past trauma for no reason and then said that she was just as much a victim and the house being dirty affected her just as much if not more than me and she just kept going while I balled from the awful crap she was saying then she told me to get out because she needed a nap not to hear me bench and whine at her so I let her take that nap and while she did I did her a favor and unv vitim mised her by throwing away the huge piles of hoarded clothes wrappers and Bottles broken glass boxes she'd saved for three plus years in case she needed to do a return broken remotes Etc after a lovely 5H hour straight of filling up trash bags I finally stop to eat and go to bed but I got the living room almost completely clean this morning has been amazing having a clean room and watching her be all upset without being able to admit she's mad I threw her stuff away because then she'd have to to admit that she's been falsely telling everyone she knows that I hoard despite everyone knowing it's BS because it's crap I'd never buy or use and that she's a clean freak even her boyfriend SLX thinks it's hilarious and keeps cracking jokes about how she's going to be the next thing in a trash bag genuinely though this is the best I felt in a while I love stuff being clean I hope this is the platform for op to continue working on this and getting better and just being in an environment that makes the happier I mean they got the green light to clean our next story is my piercing bothers you sure I'll listen to you this is from a few months ago when I first started at my new job I apologize in advance for any error on one of my first days my manager said I had to remove my piercing I have an industrial piercing like this since I had the piercing on my interview and he was the one to interview me and didn't say anything then I said I wouldn't he let it go for a few days and then told me again my reply this this time was all of my colleagues have at least one piercing on the upper ear so why am I the only one that has to remove it and he said and I quote does any of your colleagues have a stick that goes through the whole ear no just you so remove it right after the end of that shift I went to my piercer and got a set of separate but matching piercings that I can wear in the single holes which I only ever do while working the first time that he saw me with the new piercing he said that we'd been through the conversation plenty of times and to just remove the piercings to which I said see you told me yesterday that the problem was I had one piercing that went through my whole year now I don't anymore I have two separate piercings all good it's so good to see him still fuming about it after months and not being able to do anything since I've technically removed the piercing he wanted me to remove see my question is why is it such a big deal I just don't understand the whole anti-piercing sturing our next story is I'll lose my job for clocking in 1 minute late ayte to do this punctuality is a good habit it shows discipline and commitment I worked in a warehouse where you had to clock in before your start time there was a computerized process and you would lose your job if you clocked in late more than twice a year even if you were only 1 minute late now I pride myself on punctuality but I was running a bit late for the third time in 10 months a man's got a hustle and I simply called my employer and told him that I was feeling sick and needed to take a day off my state has paid a crude sick leave the Fallout was that I kept my job it's been a year since and I got paid for a full day without working honestly wherever op is sounds like they've got a pretty nice thing going there when you're in that kind of a situation though what else can you do if you cannot even be one minute late forget it just call in sick save yourself but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another awesome malicious compliance story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceTHECRAZIESTREASONIMFIREDRedditStoriesorig
:23.940 --> :28.980 My sociopath step-sister told  everyone in school that I was adopted.  :28.980 --> :34.680 My stepsister and I have known each other almost  all our lives because our parents (my mother and   :34.680 --> :40.200 her father) started dating when we were kids, I  think we were about six at the time. Her parents   :40.200 --> :45.180 were still married when her dad started going  out with my mom so basically, he was cheating   :45.180 --> :51.060 with my mom, who was at the time, a single mom.  Eventually, he decided to marry my mom since they   :51.060 --> :56.580 were crazy about each other. His ex-wife refused  to agree to a divorce so for a very long time,   :56.580 --> :02.460 he was married to her while openly dating my  mom. I know he is kind of a bad guy but one   :02.460 --> :07.260 thing I have learned about love and two people  in love is to stay out of their way. People in   :07.260 --> :11.700 love will do anything to be together, even if  it means hurting those who love and care about   :11.700 --> :17.940 them. My stepsister’s mom finally consented to  a divorce and she was settled by my stepdad,   :17.940 --> :22.980 they also shared custody of their daughter.  My stepdad is a rich guy, he has a lot of   :22.980 --> :28.560 money and she got huge checks for alimony each  month until she remarried and moved to London   :28.560 --> :33.600 with her French husband. Funnily, although  my stepdad had a woman he planned to marry,   :33.600 --> :38.940 he still did not marry my mom, it was not until  after his ex-wife married her French husband   :38.940 --> :44.520 that my stepdad finally picked a date for their  wedding (they were engaged for a while though).  :44.520 --> :50.760 Even though my stepdad had moved in with us before  he and my mom legally got married and he shared   :50.760 --> :57.240 custody with his wife, my stepsister never spent a  night at our house. My mom even had the guest room   :57.240 --> :02.820 readied for whenever she had to visit but she  never visited for more than an hour. She would   :02.820 --> :08.040 come around and she and her dad would immediately  go out together or something. We attended the same   :08.040 --> :13.440 school though and I saw her regularly. My mom  had told me in the past that her mother went   :13.440 --> :19.620 crazy when she found out about her and my step dad  so I always felt bad for her. I wondered what she   :19.620 --> :24.240 went through at home with her mother. Once,  I tried to talk to her about it. I went over   :24.240 --> :28.140 to where she was hanging out with her friends  and asked to speak with her. She followed me,   :28.140 --> :33.000 looking around suspiciously as though she  did not want anyone to see her talking to   :33.000 --> :38.460 me. I found that so weird because I had excused  her from her friends and they all saw her leave   :38.460 --> :40.800 the cafeteria with me. “What do you want?”  :40.800 --> :45.360 I smiled awkwardly. “Hi, we’ve  met, I’m your step sister”  :45.360 --> :50.040 She frowned at me, then looked around  nervously again. “I am not your sister”  :50.040 --> :55.200 “Stepsister”, I corrected her. “Whatever, I do not care. What   :55.200 --> :58.620 do you want from me? I mean you have  my dad, what else would you like?”  :58.620 --> :04.920 “What?!” I was shocked that she thought I had  taken her dad. Interestingly, I don’t have a   :04.920 --> :09.600 good relationship with her father. It was not  that we fought or anything of the sort but we had   :09.600 --> :16.020 no similarities or shared interests. He respected  me and I respected him, we were at most, cordial.  :16.020 --> :20.700 I tried to explain that to her but she cut  me off. “Look, what do you want? I feel like   :20.700 --> :24.600 I have asked this question a million times,  if I have to ask it again, I just might die”  :24.600 --> :29.220 “I just wanted to see how you were doing. You  know, holding up after your parents’ divorce,   :29.220 --> :34.500 I hear your mom is not taking it well…” “Shut up!” she yelled, interrupting my little   :34.500 --> :39.180 speech. I was going to tell her that if she needed  someone to talk to, she was welcome to talk to me.  :39.180 --> :44.520 “Are you out of your mind?” she asked. I was  suddenly scared. “You must be out of your mind.   :44.520 --> :50.040 How is my parents’ divorce your business?” She walked back to the cafeteria angrily,   :50.040 --> :55.200 I just stood there looking and feeling stupid.  Before then, she pretty much stayed away from   :55.200 --> :00.060 me and I stayed away from her too. We never  spoke to each other but we knew who we were   :00.060 --> :04.920 to each other. After I spoke to her that day, she  probably went from being indifferent about me to   :04.920 --> :10.620 flat-out hating my guts. She told everyone  my mom was a home wrecker and I soon was   :10.620 --> :15.360 known as the home wrecker’s daughter in school. No one ever said anything mean to me about it,   :15.360 --> :20.460 my school had a very low tolerance for bullying  and violence but I noticed how they turned up   :20.460 --> :26.856 their noses when I walked by or ignored me. One  of my friends soon started to ignore me too. I did   :26.856 --> :32.460 not blame her though, she wanted badly to be one  of the cool kids. I have never cared about being a   :32.460 --> :38.340 cool kid, I just did not bother myself with stuff  like that. I am a very pretty girl, one of the   :38.340 --> :43.800 most beautiful in my high school. I may not have  been popular or as popular as my stepsister but I   :43.800 --> :48.900 had the popular guys chasing me. I did not date  any of them though, I was with the school’s top   :48.900 --> :53.880 scientist and I was totally fine with my life. One day, I came out of the bathroom and saw a   :53.880 --> :57.300 girl who was in one of my classes  reapplying gloss on her lips.  :57.300 --> :02.040 “Can I ask you something?” she asked. I looked  around to be sure that she was talking to me.  :02.820 --> :06.180 “Me?” “Yes, you. How did you feel about   :06.180 --> :12.660 your mom dating a known married man? It feels  weird does it not? That man left his wife and   :12.660 --> :17.040 daughter and moved in with you and your mother” I walked out and waited angrily for my mom to   :17.040 --> :22.260 pick me up. I sort of resented my mom at first.  It just hurt me that I was being made to pay for   :22.260 --> :27.300 her actions. I hated my stepdad for doing that  to his family and putting me on the spot too.  :27.300 --> :32.340 My reputation as the girl whose mom is a  homewrecker soon faded and I was starting   :32.340 --> :37.620 to have a normal, decent life in school when  my stepsister’s mom got married. She did not   :37.620 --> :42.720 like her mom’s new husband and did not  want to leave her life at school so she   :42.720 --> :47.280 chose to stay back. Since her mom was moving to  a different country, she had to move in with us.  :47.280 --> :52.440 Living with her was not as bad as I thought it  would be. We mostly stayed out of each other’s   :52.440 --> :58.200 way. She never joined my mom and me at the dining  table whenever we were eating dinner and her dad   :58.200 --> :02.880 was not home. Even when her dad was home, he would  yell at her to come downstairs and join us at the   :02.880 --> :08.040 table before she came down to have dinner with  us. He got tired of calling her and the three   :08.040 --> :12.420 of us ate dinner together without her. Her friends came around often, a bunch   :12.420 --> :16.740 of loud girls, and sometimes their boyfriends  came with them too. My boyfriend was friends   :16.740 --> :21.000 with one of the boyfriends so he sometimes  joined in their movie night and generally   :21.000 --> :25.080 hung out with them. He tried to make me come  with him sometimes but I did not want to.  :25.080 --> :30.060 “She probably does not want me there”, I would  say to him. I was usually with my best friend   :30.060 --> :35.700 anyway so I barely cared about being excluded.  My mom worried sometimes that I was feeling left   :35.700 --> :40.500 out and would try to cheer me up even when I  assured her many times that I did not care.  :40.500 --> :45.780 After one of their hangouts, my boyfriend told me  my stepsister's boyfriend had just broken up with   :45.780 --> :50.820 her. They had apparently been having issues in  their relationship, he said she was too clingy and   :50.820 --> :55.500 could no longer stand her clinginess. My boyfriend  encouraged me to go to her room to console her.  :56.040 --> :59.400 "I don't think she would like  that, we are not even friends"  :00.000 --> :04.500 "I think you should. She's upset about it. We had  to end the movie abruptly. He broke up with her   :04.500 --> :08.820 via a text, she really should not have checked  her messages while we were watching a movie"  :08.820 --> :13.800 "He broke up with her via text? What a jerk!" I promised my boyfriend I would check in on   :13.800 --> :17.340 her the next morning before he  left that night. The next morning,   :17.340 --> :22.800 I knocked on her door and she asked me to come  in. It was awkward and all but she soon started   :22.800 --> :28.140 talking about her relationship with her ex. "I know I was clingy. I know that but I have   :28.140 --> :34.080 to be. Everyone has been taken from me, over and  over again. My mom is away in another country,   :34.080 --> :40.140 and my dad remarried and does not pay me attention  anymore. He seemed to be the only one who cared   :40.140 --> :44.880 and I constantly worried about him leaving too". I felt sorry for her and told her that I   :44.880 --> :49.800 understood her plight. I had dealt with the  fear of abandonment too. Mine was even severe,   :49.800 --> :55.620 so severe that I had to see a professional. "Really? Why?" She asked, staring at me curiously.   :55.620 --> :00.900 "Your mom is very present, it's almost like she  lives for you. You have a great relationship"  :00.900 --> :03.060 "Yes we do" "Was it your   :03.060 --> :07.740 dad's death? I know your mom is widowed" I was reluctant to trust her with my secret   :07.740 --> :11.580 but I badly wanted us to connect.  I had always wished I had a sister   :11.580 --> :17.400 and it looked like my only chance to get one. "No, it was not my dad. It wasn't him"  :17.400 --> :21.540 "What happened then? I know the fear  comes up after one has lost a parent   :21.540 --> :25.920 of sorts when they were young" "My mother left", I replied.  :25.920 --> :29.760 "Your mother? I don't  understand, but she is here now"  :29.760 --> :35.580 "I'm talking about my birth mom," I told her. I regretted it when I said it, sadly words cannot   :35.580 --> :39.960 be taken back. I knew my mom would be mad if she  found out that I trusted someone else with our   :39.960 --> :46.500 secret. I'm not sure why my mom didn't like people  knowing I was adopted but she did not like it. She   :46.500 --> :52.560 told me many times to only tell people I trusted. "You're adopted?" My step-sister was shocked.  :52.560 --> :57.300 I nodded and quickly added, "don't tell  anyone though. I don't like to tell people   :57.300 --> :01.980 about it, my mom doesn't like it either" She nodded and we talked more about her ex.   :02.880 --> :08.340 Yes, she was clingy but the guy was also kind of  mean and didn't treat her well too. Plus he broke   :08.340 --> :13.560 up with her over a text. That was disrespectful. I left her room that morning, feeling like I   :13.560 --> :17.700 had connected with her, she even gave  me a ride to school. We were cool ever   :17.700 --> :23.520 since though she mostly still kept to herself. I'm a swimmer in school so my mom came to watch   :23.520 --> :28.080 a swimming competition I was competing in some  days after the conversation with my step-sister,   :28.800 --> :33.960 she also came with my stepdad. That was rare  because my stepdad is a businessman and is   :33.960 --> :39.720 very often super busy. I was quite surprised  when I saw him but pleasantly so because he   :39.720 --> :44.640 paid for my swim lessons anyways and deserved  to see what he had paid for. As I was walking   :44.640 --> :49.620 my stepdad and mom to where they had parked when  I saw my step-sister watching us from afar. I said   :49.620 --> :55.200 goodbyes to them and tried to talk to her but she  replied to me coldly. I figured it was because she   :55.200 --> :00.360 saw that her dad came to watch my competition. I  had heard her complain to her dad that he hadn't   :00.360 --> :06.120 come to see any of her plays in a long time so  I understood why she was upset. I expected that   :06.120 --> :12.300 she would get over it in no time but she did not,  she stopped talking to me altogether. While I was   :12.300 --> :16.980 hurt because I thought we could be friends, I  moved past it and we went back to not speaking.  :16.980 --> :21.660 One day, I noticed that my boyfriend was not  responding to my text, and my best friend was   :21.660 --> :27.060 not talking to me either. I didn't know what was  wrong but it was a weekend so I looked forward   :27.060 --> :33.060 to finding out why they were acting snobbish the  next Monday. Well, it turned out my step-sister   :33.060 --> :38.520 had told everyone that I was adopted and everyone  had told everyone so my best friend and boyfriend   :38.520 --> :43.620 were mad at me because I did not tell them.  After days of sending them messages, apologizing,   :43.620 --> :48.660 and trying to get them to talk to me. My boyfriend  finally forgave me but my best friend was mad at   :48.660 --> :53.220 me for a long while. She had trusted me so much  and I didn't tell her something that important.  :53.220 --> :56.940 While I was struggling to get back in the  good books of my boyfriend and best friend,   :56.940 --> :02.220 my step-sister was preparing for a big play in  school, she was one of the lead characters and   :02.220 --> :07.920 would remind her dad every day about it. She  even invited my mom too and she hardly spoke   :07.920 --> :12.300 to my mom so that meant it was important to  her. I knew the best way to get back at her   :12.300 --> :17.640 was to get in the way of her being present at the  play. I never confronted her after what happened   :17.640 --> :22.800 but she was never sorry, she never apologized and  I'm certain she knew my boyfriend was mad at me.  :22.800 --> :30.240 As the date for the play drew closer, I saw her  in the hallway, she was just leaving her locker   :30.240 --> :36.540 and a thought came to my mind. I immediately  accosted her and asked why she told everyone I   :36.540 --> :41.640 was adopted. She tried to avoid me and all  away but I followed and pulled her back.  :41.640 --> :46.800 "Leave me alone!" She yelled. I ignored her  and kept calling her names to provoke her,   :46.800 --> :52.980 in annoyance, she pushed me away. I'm quite small  and she's taller and bigger so I fell and hit my   :52.980 --> :57.960 elbow on the floor, I stood almost immediately and  pulled her hair. Everyone soon gathered to watch,   :57.960 --> :02.100 and a teacher came in and took us both to  the principal's office. Our parents were   :02.100 --> :07.260 invited the next day and we were immediately  suspended for a full week. My school had a   :07.260 --> :12.360 very low tolerance for violence. They make that  very clear all the time. The play was scheduled   :12.360 --> :16.620 for three days after that day so that meant  that my step-sister could not be in the play.  :16.620 --> :20.100 She immediately burst out  crying telling our parents and   :20.100 --> :23.760 the school principal that I started it. "Well she told everyone I was adopted,   :23.760 --> :26.040 I trusted you!" I yelled back at her.  :26.040 --> :30.840 Her dad asked the principal if he could at least  let her take part in the play but he refused.  :30.840 --> :34.260 "Even if you had been attacked first, you  ought to have reported her immediately.   :34.260 --> :38.040 You know the rules", he said sternly. I may have been suspended too but I   :38.040 --> :42.180 did not care, she did not get to be in that  play and that was all that mattered to me. :18.480 --> :20.229 My colleague at work was operating a  private money-lending business with the   :20.229 --> :20.280 company's money. I reported him and got him fired. :20.280 --> :26.280 On a fine Saturday morning, I found out that my  co-worker was stealing from the company. Well,   :26.280 --> :29.280 maybe he was not stealing,  at least not technically,   :29.280 --> :34.320 but he was misappropriating company funds. We both worked in the finance department   :34.320 --> :39.180 of our company and have worked together in  finance for four years since the company was   :39.180 --> :44.700 created. I oversaw how money came in and went  out of the company, and balanced our books but   :44.700 --> :49.080 he was fully in charge of the company's  bank accounts. He made the deposits and   :49.080 --> :55.020 withdrawals and only reported the figures to  me so while he had direct access to the funds,   :55.020 --> :59.820 I didn't. I was aware of how the companies'  money was spent but I didn't have direct   :59.820 --> :04.860 access to the company's bank account and the  funds. I had noticed for a while how people   :04.860 --> :10.440 randomly stopped by to see him, they would go  into his office and speak in hushed tones and   :10.440 --> :14.460 then he would see them out. We had to share  an office but after we had our fight at work,   :14.460 --> :20.220 HR saw to it that the office had a thin wall  demarcation to prevent further troubles.  :20.220 --> :27.360 I grew very suspicious when one day I saw someone  go into his office and an hour later, he came out   :27.360 --> :33.300 holding a cheque carrying the company's logo. My  company's logo was bright green so it was obvious   :33.300 --> :38.280 that he had written a check in the company's  checkbook. I didn't get any report of that person   :38.280 --> :44.280 having to receive money, things like that came  directly to my desk before even getting to him.   :44.280 --> :50.580 He was in charge of the money and I was in charge  of authorization. Money never went out without my   :50.580 --> :57.540 permission. I caught on immediately that he was  doing something not quite legal but I was not so   :57.540 --> :03.840 sure. Perhaps the manager had instructed him to do  so and because he was a silly, petty human being,   :03.840 --> :09.060 he deliberately did not inform me so I have to  bother about it when I need to report at the   :09.060 --> :13.740 end of the month. I also figured that if he was  doing something illegal or something that was   :13.740 --> :18.720 against the company's policy and I outrightly  asked him about it, he would simply hide it   :18.720 --> :24.180 better and I didn't want that so confronting  him about it was totally out of the question.  :24.180 --> :30.180 I am a very vindictive person and when someone  hurts me, I get very determined to get justice   :30.180 --> :35.340 for myself. I had waited patiently for this  co-worker to goof one day so I could run to   :35.340 --> :41.460 Human Resources so when I saw that there was a  loophole somewhere, I wanted to be very careful to   :41.460 --> :47.100 not blow it. I knew something was fishy but I also  knew my co-worker would be smart enough to not let   :47.100 --> :53.160 anyone in the company know what he was doing so  I decided to get to know him outside the company.  :53.160 --> :58.440 One Monday, our manager came into the office to  say hello. He asked how my daughter was doing   :58.440 --> :03.840 and I responded that she was okay. I wanted  to know what my co-worker's interests were   :03.840 --> :09.120 so I moved close to the wall demarcating our  offices to hear what our manager would ask him.  :09.120 --> :12.540 "How was basketball this  weekend?" I heard my manager ask.  :12.540 --> :16.260 I noted that my co-worker  played basketball, but where?  :16.260 --> :21.300 We both had assistants who worked directly for  us but were paid by the company. Later that day,   :21.300 --> :25.620 when I saw his assistant come in, I randomly  asked him if he played basketball too.  :25.620 --> :28.860 "Your boss plays, you know? Have  you been to any of his games?"  :28.860 --> :33.720 "Yes, I was once in the area one weekend  so I went with my girlfriend to watch   :33.720 --> :38.520 him play. He is as good as he says he  is", the assistant replied, beaming.  :38.520 --> :43.020 "Oh? Where was the game played? I  understand they change venue sometimes"  :43.020 --> :47.940 He told me where and added that it was  only played elsewhere if it was a game   :47.940 --> :53.460 played against other communities. If it was  a home game, it was played there. I smiled   :53.460 --> :57.960 and muttered something about attending one of his  games in the future before he left for his desk.  :57.960 --> :03.720 That weekend, I went to that stadium and as  expected, it was where my co-worker and his friend   :03.720 --> :09.780 played. I didn't go close to the spectator's seats  to avoid being sorted by him, instead, I parked   :09.780 --> :15.780 my daughter's car that I came in (to avoid my car  being noticed by him) by the entrance and got down   :15.780 --> :21.420 to get drinks. I noticed a woman coming from the  game area to get drinks too and I smiled at her.  :21.420 --> :24.720 "Good game right?" I asked,  trying to start a conversation.  :24.720 --> :29.640 She smiled back. "Oh my God, yes! And  finally, the husbands are winning"  :29.640 --> :35.400 I had no idea what she was talking about so I just  asked if she was there to watch her husband play.  :35.400 --> :40.860 "Yes, I've been coming here for a year now, we  got married almost two years ago. Are you here   :40.860 --> :46.080 for someone too?" She asked curiously, looking at  me as though she was trying to recall who I was.  :46.080 --> :50.700 "Ah yes," I mentioned my co-worker's  name hoping that she didn't know him.  :51.420 --> :56.760 "Oh wow, he finally got a girlfriend" I laughed. "Nah, he's not my   :56.760 --> :01.860 boyfriend, at least not yet" She winked at me. "I know right? Men   :01.860 --> :06.960 are always trying to keep everything on the low.  I'm so glad to be married and done with dating,   :06.960 --> :12.060 it's just so tedious dating these days, I can't  even keep up with all the new dating terms"  :12.060 --> :16.920 "Has he been single for long?" I asked. "To be honest, I don't know a lot about   :16.920 --> :20.880 him. My husband barely does too,  I do hear the men tease him about   :20.880 --> :25.380 being single though. We are only grateful  he helped with that loan when we needed it"  :25.380 --> :29.040 I was shocked but tried to  conceal it. Was my co-worker   :29.040 --> :34.920 giving out loans with the company's money? "Honestly, what he does is inspiring. I   :34.920 --> :39.480 don't believe there is anyone in the country  who gives loans at such low-interest rate"  :39.480 --> :44.220 I flashed her a big smile, "I guess  private money lending can be one of the   :44.220 --> :49.500 ways to affect people's lives positively" She nodded. "Speaking of affecting lives   :49.500 --> :54.060 positively, I would like to invite you to my  church. We have monthly meetings for women,   :54.060 --> :57.780 it's always amazing. Actually  my husband pastors the church…"  :57.780 --> :03.480 I understood then why she was being extra  chatty but I could not complain, she had given   :03.480 --> :08.700 me all the information I needed to know anyway. "That's lovely! Is there a flier or something?"  :08.700 --> :13.140 "Yes," she looked happy to have piqued my  interest. She reached into her purse and   :13.140 --> :17.280 handed me a flier with three beautiful  women on it. "Invite your friends too",   :17.280 --> :22.440 she said and walked back into the arena. I did not think much about the chatty pastor's   :22.440 --> :28.620 wife, I only just wondered about the audacity  of my co-worker to start a private money-lending   :28.620 --> :34.776 business with company funds. That was crazy! I suspected that he gave out money but I did   :34.776 --> :39.180 not expect that he had made a full-blown business  out of the money that belonged to the company.   :39.180 --> :45.000 I knew it was suspicious that he still drove  an old, crusty car when even his subordinates   :45.000 --> :50.280 drove better cars. The car was only a ploy to  distract people from seeing what he was doing.  :50.280 --> :56.400 The next Monday, I marched straight to Human  Resources to report what was going on. Our   :56.400 --> :01.560 company, though a fast-growing one, was  still growing so we only have three staff   :01.560 --> :06.900 in Human Resources. Two of them were shocked  but one expressed that he was not surprised.  :06.900 --> :12.420 "There is certainly something suspicious  about him", he said. I rolled my eyes in   :12.420 --> :17.040 my head when he said that. He was the same  person who had told me to my face that he   :17.040 --> :21.540 did not believe that my coworker would pick  on me cause he came off as a "nice dude".  :21.540 --> :26.820 As was the company's policy, they invited  him but did not reveal who had reported   :26.820 --> :31.560 him to the company though I expected  that he would suspect me. Surprisingly,   :31.560 --> :37.560 he thought his assistant reported him. He tried  to implicate his assistant and confessed that   :37.560 --> :44.280 his assistant had known for two months. Our  boss was very angry, he came into my office,   :44.280 --> :51.240 yelling and screaming. The HR guys had to come  in to calm him down. He trusted my co-workers so   :51.240 --> :56.580 much and had put him at the helm of affairs, he  was thoroughly disappointed by what he had done. :56.580 --> :02.400 The legal team was invited and he was called in  for a meeting. My boss kept telling everyone who   :02.400 --> :07.620 cared to listen that he would make sure  my co-worker's reputation is ruined and   :07.620 --> :14.280 that my boss never works in a finance firm in the  country again. It was an interesting day at work,   :14.280 --> :19.260 everyone was talking about what had  happened. My co-worker was sacked that day,   :19.260 --> :24.060 he was ordered to immediately stop coming  to work while the legal team deliberated   :24.060 --> :29.820 on whether or not the company should sue. I went home deeply satisfied that day. My   :29.820 --> :35.100 daughter did not understand why I was so overjoyed  but I knew what I had done. The legal team and   :35.100 --> :40.260 his lawyer eventually agreed on settling out of  court, but eventually, that failed and they had   :40.260 --> :45.780 to go to court. To this day, the company is tied  up in a legal battle with my former co-worker.  :45.780 --> :49.980 A new person was employed, she's a  great woman with a great work ethic   :49.980 --> :55.560 but also one that creates a fun environment  to work in and I'm ever grateful for that. :55.560 --> :00.060 One might wonder why I did that  to my coworker, well, here goes.  :00.060 --> :05.580 As I mentioned earlier, that man and I started  working for the company at its inception. He   :05.580 --> :11.100 hit on me right on the first day we met. I did  not encourage his flirtatious behavior because   :11.100 --> :16.740 I was married at the time. One day he tried to  kiss me at work and I shoved him away. I still   :16.740 --> :22.200 do not understand what in my conduct or behavior  made him think it was okay to just bring his   :22.200 --> :29.040 lips close to mine. I shoved him away and warned  him to never do that again. Ever since he became   :29.040 --> :34.740 very hostile toward me. I didn't care, I just  went about my work as usual. For a long time,   :34.740 --> :40.080 I thought that if I just ignored him, he would  become tired and let me be but I was wrong,   :40.080 --> :46.320 he kept being so critical of whatever I did at  work. He would make disparaging and deriding   :46.320 --> :51.960 comments about my work. When I was promoted and  had to share an office with him, he insinuated   :51.960 --> :57.180 that I must have slept around to earn a promotion.  He turned my former assistant against me too,   :57.180 --> :02.820 the two of them bullied me so much that I had to  report them. HR told me I was free to let go of   :02.820 --> :08.640 my assistant, she was employed by the office  but she worked for me so I had a house and   :08.640 --> :13.560 could decide whether I wanted her or not. They  also created a wall to limit interactions with   :13.560 --> :18.540 my co-worker. They only did that to shut me  up because none of them believed all that I   :18.540 --> :23.400 had told them about my co-worker. I didn't blame  them though, he pretended to be a saint and made   :23.400 --> :28.740 extra efforts to make everyone love him at work.  He paid compliments to people and joked around.   :28.740 --> :34.260 Everyone felt I was the problem, they asked why  I was the only one who seemed to think he was an   :34.260 --> :41.340 ass. They also hated me for firing my assistant.  For years, I was hated at work. People actively   :41.340 --> :46.500 avoided me and saw me as a troublesome person.  Nobody believed me when I said he had made passes   :46.500 --> :52.440 at me either. What however made me hell-bent on  ruining him was when he tried to get me fired.  :52.440 --> :59.160 A year before I exposed his deception to Human  Resources, my husband left me. I was heartbroken   :59.160 --> :06.240 and hurt. I was so hurt that I felt physical pain  in my chest. I had a hard time focusing on my job,   :06.240 --> :12.660 I was always sad and in despair so I had  to apply for a leave. HR was kind enough   :12.660 --> :18.300 to grant me twenty-one days off so I stayed  home to handle my feelings properly. I spent   :18.300 --> :24.840 twenty-one days in my home working very hard on my  recovery, I also talked to a professional with my   :24.840 --> :29.700 daughter. At the end of my leave, I was ready  to go back to work and do a great job again.  :29.700 --> :33.840 Naturally, since I had been away from work for  a while and was out of touch with everything   :33.840 --> :39.660 that was happening at work, I had a slow first  week. What did my petty colleague do? He went   :39.660 --> :44.040 straight to my boss and complained that I  had fallen off, he even mentioned that my   :44.040 --> :48.540 mental health may have been affected and that  I could no longer be trusted to do a good job   :48.540 --> :55.260 especially since my job had to do with numbers. I  was annoyed when my boss came to tell me this. I   :55.260 --> :59.640 went straight to his office and attacked him.  In hindsight, I should never have done that.   :59.640 --> :05.460 Doing that cemented my reputation as the crazy  lady. The only reason I was able to keep my job   :05.460 --> :11.100 was because of my stellar performance before  I went on that leave. I was, however, excused   :11.100 --> :17.640 from work for three more weeks. This time, it was  unpaid. I stayed at home feeling bad about myself,   :17.640 --> :24.060 all the work I had done on myself came undone, I  felt very shitty all through my stay at home. When   :24.060 --> :30.240 I eventually resumed again, I walked on eggshells  and worked extra hard to prove to my boss that I   :30.240 --> :37.140 was okay and fit for the job. I would have lost  my mind if I had lost my husband and job in the   :37.140 --> :42.840 same year. While I was grateful to have been  able to keep my job, I hated my coworker and   :42.840 --> :49.080 sought ways to destroy him. That was why when I  suspected that something was not right, I pursued   :49.080 --> :54.720 it with all my might and I felt extremely  fulfilled when I eventually got him fired.  :54.720 --> :00.240 I considered sending him an email to let him know  I was the one that exposed him since it was never   :00.240 --> :05.340 mentioned to him but my best friend advised  against it. She pointed out that he could find   :05.340 --> :12.300 me and harm me or have someone do that for me if  he found out so I never told him. Surprisingly,   :12.300 --> :17.460 he did not suspect that it was me, or he  probably did and just never showed it.  :17.460 --> :21.840 That was how I got my colleague  fired for picking on me at work.
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today we hear about dealing with a crazy neighbor entitled parent we'll get to that in a bit but first entitled parent forces child to go to school and gives entire year group covet some background my old school was half boarding half day and if you boarded you were allowed to go home on Sunday evenings sleep the night and come back the next morning the entitled kid was heavily disliked so much so that one guy made friends with him out of pity every year the Year sevens would go to France they would stay in an activity center with archery a massive playing field and so much more every year when the previous year got back they would tell you how fun it was but I'll get into more detail on that later this was around two weeks after covet officially entered the UK so people were already high strung but not the entitled father entitled kid's dad was very entitled he was a brain surgeon so rich as freak this is why I think entitled kid was so entitled to clarify his mom was great it was so only his dad who was entitled his dad never came to visit him only his mom who had divorced the dad many years prior on to the story as I said the French trip was highly anticipated but the problem started when the father forced his son to go to school that Monday morning even though entitled kids said he felt ill our matron kept tabs on him that night just before she took his temperature he put cold water in his ears so that the reading would be acceptable everyone woke up early the following morning excited and ready to go entitled kid seemed fine most of the way so there was no one worried but that night the first person became ill due to the illness the other kid who fell ill called Lewis missed most of the activities but unfortunately he wasn't the only one the next day two more fell ill and the day after five more it was worrying but we continued with the whole trip and got back to the UK a few days before France closed its borders due to covet when we got back all of our parents were there waiting for us none thought too much of it the next day I got in slightly earlier than everybody else and waited for the rest of my year to come but lo and behold my entire year saved for four other people had called in with covid throughout the day the last of my year were sent home sick I was last but only because I lived the furthest away it was good that they sent us away too because that night I ran a high fever and for the next two days I felt as if I'd been hit by a truck I didn't actually witness this last part but according to entitled kids pity friend the head and master an entitled parent got into a massive shouting match over how he should have kept entitled kid at home if he was Ill in addition the Headmaster found out about entitled kid putting water in his ears and how he should know not to do that apparently entitled kid was on a really thin ice now but his father thought he could do no wrong unfortunate entitled kid was not expelled though I'm pretty sure that's because his father was shoving money down the throat of the school to keep it hush-hush I just don't think that it's the kid's fault in any way like I don't think the kid should get expelled because their parents forced them to go to school even if that kid was the source of the outbreak it's unjust to punish them for that also hi I'm Stephen and if you can't get enough of hearing about these entitled parents why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next story is a little family mess in my father strikes again but now he got more than he asked for after the last incident with my father everything was quiet and my girlfriend and I left to Europe Christmas passed and there was no side of my father my friends that were taking care of the house reported no incidents everything was going well until I received a call from my uncle father's brother on December 28th my uncle called to tell me that he's leaving the state and is selling his house he asked me if I was interested in the house because he was pretty desperate to leave he didn't tell me the reason why he was leaving and I didn't care what matters to me is that he was desperate and this was the opportunity to fulfill my grandpa's wish before I continue I have to give you some context my uncle's house was my grandfather's childhood home my Grandpa gave it to him but later regretted it he left me the task of recovering it and if I succeeded to give it to my cousin Marie my uncle's daughter from his first marriage he never recognized her and that's one of the many reasons my grandpa regrets my uncle doesn't know that I have contact with his daughter or that I know everything that happened in the past if he did he wouldn't sell me the house yes he's that petty now I decided to use the family card in my uncle's desperation to get the house cheap I know more or less the value of the house so I made him an offer way below the real value but that I was going to pay him in three installments my uncle declined because it was too low and because he's not coming back what he really meant is that he's not going to contact me again I told him that if he could wait until my return January 3rd I could pay him the same amount in one go but I would also take care of the legal fees and his moving expenses meanwhile he just needed to pack his things have his paperwork ready and everything would be done that day surprisingly he immediately agreed we returned and I could buy the house without problems and my uncle left the same day the next day I called my cousin to tell her to come as soon as she can to my country she lives in Europe because there's one more thing that my grandparents left to her she came a few days ago and I gave her the house and the rest of the money she had to stay a few days to deal with paperwork and in those days who decided to appear once again yes my father unbeknownst to me my uncle had another buyer and that person was my father my father asked my uncle to few days so we could gather more money when he got it he called my uncle but he already sold me the house my uncle in order to avoid dealing with my father told him that I bought the house my father knowing that he can no longer approach my house decided to go to my new one but he was going to receive a surprise he knocked and demanded that I give it to him but no one's in there for the moment so he decided to break in yes yes he did we saw everything through the doorbell camera my cousin doesn't speak our language so I was the one who called the police in her name thanks to the area where the house is and the fact that my cousin's a foreigner the police took action faster than the previous times it's a Pity that I don't have a photo of my father's face when he discovered that the house wasn't mine it was glorious my cousin with my lawyer's help and mine press charges and combined with my father's previous actions he'll spend a few months in jail thanks to a few people I was able to find out why my uncle was desperate to leave he pissed off his wife's family like really bad I sent him a text telling him that if he likes ratting me out to my father I can do the same with his wife's family so he better not come back unless he wants to play stupid games he blocked me after that he already told me he wasn't coming back but I better make sure he doesn't in the end my cousin decides to keep the house this will benefit her since she doesn't want to cross paths with my uncle so yeah the year started off with a bang I pretty much got rid of my so-called family for what I think is forever and can finally start building one with my girlfriend without the worry of unwanted people showing up the snack story is poker night pickpocket so let's set the scene I have about four really good friends who in turn have a small handful of friends themselves all of whom love online poker on occasion we've been known to play together using Play-Doh and usually I rule I love poker it's the closest thing I get to normal human interaction that doesn't take place in my work office one particularly spirited game someone suggested we get together for a normal poker night since we all live in the same city just scattered about I didn't really want that as I can really be myself in online chats but I'm very closed off in person more so when there's a lot of people so we agreed whoever won the night that night would decide if we did an in-person group game and so I lost fair is fair I agreed to go despite not really wanting to since we laid down some ground rules one no drinking we don't need anyone getting salty over losing in person two no children kids give me really bad anxiety three only bring cash to the table you're comfortable losing the rule seemed good I was happy with this even if I didn't want to go poker night shows up and I go and three people brought their kids I tried to point out that it was in the rules but the people in the group agreed in that moment because getting a babysitter would have been too much of a hassle the kids could just play in the living room while we were in the dining room I didn't like the agreement but I didn't want to bail on my friends I went to put my bag in the front hall closet and to keep me from trying to check my account balance so I wouldn't try to bring more money to the table I put my phone in my wallet in my backpack the night was okay one by one people lost their shirt metaphorically and when they were tapped they left for the night I at least managed to stay in the game for a while but when my turn came I went to check for my phone for texts and found my backpack open in the hall closet and on the floor my wallet had been emptied of all cash my credit card gone and my phone was nowhere to be seen I didn't want to accuse anyone of anything so I had my friend call it and at first it rang but then nobody heard it and after that every time it rang it went straight to voicemail meaning someone turned it off that night when I got home I checked Google Maps to see where my phone was last seen and I saw a trail that led to a house on the other side of town I went to the house and knocked on the door and to my surprise one of the people who had brought their kid over to poker night stood at the door she seemed surprised to see me so I asked her if she'd picked up an extra phone by accident at the party I didn't want to make her think I was accusing her of anything and she said that she hadn't and that on its own didn't sit right with me so I told her that my phone had last been pinned to be at her house because of the GPS on it she started getting aggressive and told me she wouldn't be harassed and slammed the door in my face I sat in my car a moment and tried to debate what to do next when a cop car pulled up and told me that I was trespassing and being accused of harassment I couldn't believe this I told the officer and he didn't seem remotely phased and told me if I had a complaint I can file a report so I did that same day I went to the police station with my laptop and showed them the proof of where my phone was last pinged about seeing that woman and her kid at poker night and about my missing credit card I was told that it would be taken into review and the next day while I was emailed to go get my phone and credit card at the police station all the cash in my wallet was gone turns out the entitled kid that stole my stuff started bragging to his friends about how he got away with stealing a bunch of stuff from the party including my phone luckily the other kid had a spine and told his parents who went to go confront the mother as the other officers were showing up to investigate I know it doesn't have a big payoff or anything but I thought I'd share my story honestly big props to the kid for mentioning it and speaking up here here a lot of kids would just laugh or go along with it our next story is during Mother's Day mom made me hang out with my abusive family members and got angry when I was in a bad mood afterwards this happened a while back last year during Mother's Day my mom wanted to hang out with some family which would be perfectly normal if it wasn't for the fact that the family she wanted to spend time with in particular were very bad people that have emotionally and physically abused me on multiple occasions my mom's aware of them doing this to me she just doesn't care and thought I was overreacting and needed to get over it despite all this I still love my mom and wanted to make her happy so I went to their house to spend Mother's Day with them which was extremely draining and traumatizing for me to have to go through to put even more fuel to the fire a few days ago I had interviewed for a job and just got a message that I was rejected from it while we were on the car ride home so I just kind of started crying since the day was extremely stressful that was just my Breaking Point my mom ignored my cries like she usually does and tells me she's going to the place I literally just got rejected from to get dessert I begged her to go somewhere else because I really didn't feel like going there right now I just felt too embarrassed and humiliated to go back there when I failed my job interview despite me explaining this to my mom she proceeded to call me selfish for not wanting to do one simple sacrifice for her when it's Mother's Day she ended up dropping me off at our apartment and driving off to go to the place by herself this next story is entitled mother harasses me over my condition I don't know if this fully counts since this is my first but here goes this happened around four to five years ago so for context I was between the ages of 18 and 20 at the time and I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my left knee it's a degenerative form of arthritis and my case was severe it's a constant thing I'd be in excruciating pain and taking painkillers to make it a little less painful my doctor a few weeks prior instructed me to stay off my leg and use crutches wear a knee brace and prescribed a heavy painkiller medication well one day I was on my way home from another checkup and it was around lunch I had to take the medicine every 24 hours with a meal so I stopped at a Burger King to eat and then take my medication before my pain would return a clerk carried my tray to the table and got my drink for me I sit down and place my medicine bottle on my tray so I don't forget to take it so as I'm eating across the room is a mother with her kid she's giving me a death glare I ignore her and eat and then I took my medicine after I finished I get up to take my tray to the trash which is right beside her the clerk was taking an order and couldn't help me with my stuff I put both my crutches under my one arm and carried my trash over I get over there and dump it and as I'm trying to figure out how to carry my drink out the mother speaks to me in a semi-sarcastic tone what's wrong with you I'm used to being asked this so I answer calmly I have severe osteoarthritis it's very painful and hard to walk she says I bet you're faking say excuse me you're probably doing this for attention I bet you those pills aren't even yours I know all you college kids are addicts your terrible influence for the younger generation obviously referring to her young son who looks embarrassed I didn't go to college but I think she was basically saying that as another way of seeing young adult I was flabbergasted by what you just said I suffered through severe pain and struggled to do simple tasks I said ma'am what do I have to gain from doing all this I suffer from severe pain it makes me feel useless and a burden to everyone I wish I didn't have to do all this but I do she says yeah right you liar you're just an addict and stole those and pills and faking all this so you don't get caught I grabbed my ID in my pill bottle and slammed it on our table Read It and Weep she took a minute to read the pill bottle and my ID and looked at me to compare my face to the pic and her face went pale when she realized she was wrong I'm so sorry I apologize I said I know a lot of people my age are like that don't just make assumptions based on stereotypes you're basically telling your kid it's all right to judge others based on their stereotypes now have a good day she didn't say another word just looked down defeated a clerk ran over to help carry my drink and hold the door as we walked out he asked what happened and I told him everything and he helped me into my car and put my crutches in the car he then says for me to wait a minute he runs inside and returns and hands me a gift card with ten dollars as an apology and that he's gonna go talk to the lady I thanked him for all his help and left isn't it sad that Opie has to feel obligated to show this lady their ID and name on their pills just to not get called some fake or addict this next story is entitled mother gets mad that drive-through workers don't understand what coffee she wants so this isn't my only entitled mother story involving my mother for the most part she can be kind and respectful to staff and strangers but when triggered she will lose it I will note that she has bipolar disorder but she uses it more as an excuse for her behavior and refuses to get treated causing her to abuse slash neglect me and my brother for many years anyway under the story this was right before kovid so like 2019-ish so some of the details are fuzzy but we decided to go to a popular fast food coffee place that rhymes with bar mucks they had built a new one close to where we lived it only been opened about a month we pull into the drive-through this was one of those drive-throughs that had curbing that funneled you into it keep this in mind it comes up later so usually me and my mom order the same things every time a medium Frozen caramel and mocha drink this time though she decided to order a custom slash secret menu drink it was like this mocha espresso shot thing asking if they knew what it was or what it's called worker one says I'm sorry ma'am I don't have anything like that she says I know you guys used to have it on the menu a few years ago I don't fully remember tries to describe the drink again worker one says oh uh let me ask a few minutes later worker 2 says hello ma'am I'm sorry what were you trying to order she describes the drink the other end goes quiet there's chatter they ask if it's possibly drink name she says I don't know the first worker says Well ma'am we're not sure what you're asking if it's drink name we don't know how to make that as it's no longer on the menu she says I know you have it I've gotten it before they make it for me at other location worker one says uh and worker two clearly uncomfortably laughing says I've worked here for two years and I've never heard of anything like that my mother saw red after that huffed an agitation and stared to back out of the one-way drive-through cutting off the cars passing by meanwhile ranting I don't like this location we're not coming back we did did you see their attitude so rude and at that moment young me realized that my mother was an entitled mother if I could have seen them I would have given them the I'm sorry my mom's like this apologetic look TM the kicker my mom used to work fast food honestly this is the Tamer story compared to the Wendy's incident anyways thanks for reading have a good day day and no I never got my drink our next story is my parents have taken control of my life and made it terrible so for some background information I'm a 15 year old male and up until recently was doing pretty well in life I had some mental issues but was getting through them with a little help I had made my school's baseball team I had too many friends and had a beautiful girlfriend but at home it was different everything I got a grade below B I was yelled at and grounded for at least a week and when I try to explain myself I usually was threatened with longer grounding or getting slapped so naturally I took refuge in my friends and girlfriend but then I slept a little on my school work and one of my grades dropped to below my parents standard of good naturally in my parents fashion I was yelled at grounded and told to bring it up or else after trying and trying for weeks and weeks and going to tutoring I still could and get it up even though I tried so hard so my parents then took my phone searched through it and found some texts of me complaining about them to my friends they proceeded to ground me for a month took my phone away and didn't allow me to go to my girlfriends for a month as well all I said about them to my friends was that I was annoyed that I was grounded for my grades even though I was trying then they tell me that they're switching my school not any school though a private school and not just any the one where we go to church now I was personally never big on religion but followed it and believed it for some years now when I say we went to church a lot we went a lot at least three times a week and anywhere up to six now as a kid I thought this was normal but as I grew up I realized we go a bit often and it was starting to get in the way of things such as friends or after school activities now everything I try and talk to them about going less and maybe being less active I get slapped told I'm possessed and that I need to go more if that's how I feel and so now they put me in the private school there and I re-fell into a depressive state I'm never happy I've lost most of my friends I haven't seen my girlfriend in nearly two months since she doesn't go to our church she's apparently not godly and I should break up with her and I'm being yelled at and have to go to church anywhere from six to seven days a week six being the least I really don't know what to do anymore and I don't know if I can wait till I'm 18 to move out because they control so much of my life and it's really made me depressed and I'm losing my mind and I just don't know what to do anymore are there really even churches that have service seven days a week I went to church once a week when I was a kid and not gonna lie as a kid that already felt like too much this next story is rude parents at Birth birthday parties so I threw a party for my kids birthday tonight the rudeness ran the gamut of lots of rsvping today after I picked up the goodie bags and put them together three kids brought their siblings which I ended up paying for at the play place one parent picked up their kid halfway into the party and had me waiting at the door for 10 minutes not watching the others and to top it off three kids that were to go home together didn't have anyone show up so after four hours of the party I had to sit outside and minus 5 Celsius until I finally had to squeeze them into my car without seat belts as I already had three of my own and take them home how can parrots be so rude I just don't get it please don't come for me about the seat belts I called their parents for 35 minutes before we left I had very tired kids in the car and was alone I had no other options but to call the police and I wasn't going to do that I mean I guess it's more preferable to just take them home than and have to deal with calling the cops and dealing with the stress of all of these people blowing up on you for doing so I don't blame op for driving them around and dropping them off however they could but yeah these parents are ridiculous this next story is crazy neighbor I live in a rural area and I have a bunch of chickens and other birds so I'm working at and around my house and the entitled parents and kid of the story drive by really slowly when my birds are out and wandering so I hear a tire Screech and birds screeching so I go and see the entitled neighbors are driving slowly back and forth chasing my chickens as they go into my field across the road they chase them and hit them I tried calling the police and they say there's a lack of evidence and they don't want to do anything because it's a neighbor dispute I need advice this is horribly disgusting behavior and if op can afford it cameras preferably multiple people that could maybe capture the license plate just to be like extra sure no trespassing signs if it's on your property spikes if it's on your property you have every right to defend those chickens this next story is unsupportive and unloving parents I don't even know where to start at this point but I'm so exhausted dealing with my parents it feels like nothing's ever good enough for them and they won't even show me the decency of giving me an ounce of support I'm a 21 year old female who graduated from college in December 2022 I graduated two terms early as magna [ __ ] laude and all I got from my parents was a monotone congrats this normally wouldn't bother me but in June 2022 my sister graduated from college and my parents threw her a grad party with fancy decorations a nice cake everything they even got her a brand new Macbook in a little Keepsake to commemorate her time at college so me getting nothing no grad party or gifts or anything was a bit of a kick in the head but whatever I have moved on now I'm looking for a job and applied to numerous places with no luck so far but it's only been a week so I'm telling myself I need to calm down a bit I have my first job interview tomorrow and it's a remote position which I'm now overly thrilled about but I figured why not apply to anything I can and see where it leads me today I told my mom about that interview I have tomorrow and instead of saying good luck or something along those lines she instead says that's not going to be a good long-term job you need to look for something in person that'll actually help you find something better I currently have a no job experience and I'm just looking for a way to get my feet wet so for her to say this is just so discouraging for me not to mention both my parents want me to be a doctor one day and I have no desire to become one they say I won't be happy in life unless I'm making good money and apparently being a doctor is the only way to do that it's frustrating because whenever I try to have a serious conversation with them talking about my career choices and options they immediately resort to me needing to become a doctor it felt like they were joking at first but I've since realized they're not I already have low self-esteem and they just make it worse I know some people would just say ignore it and do your own thing but to me I just want to feel supported and loved by my parents but apparently that's too much to ask for definitely sounds like the sister is kind of the Golden Goose they treat her and her accomplishments like they're the first person to ever have pulled it off in the history of mankind I think it sucks and it's painful to accept but I think it's pretty clear that these people aren't being the support system op wants them to be and the sooner they accept that their parents are that way I think the easier it'll will be to move on Beyond trying to seek their approval all the time but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy entitled parent story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsHOWIGOTBACKTOMYUNLOVINGPARENTSRedditStoriesorig
first story My Brother hates gays and wants to be straight again after my homophobic parents kicked him out for being gay what can I do I'm 25 and straight my brother is 18 there are two of us in the family we grew up in a very Christian household I left as soon as I could my brother and I were never really close because we were very different about 3 weeks ago my brother rocked up at my door it was a bit strange because we barely see each other we had a few drinks and he started crying he said he was gay and our parents kicked him out and he has nowhere to go he's been staying on my couch since I went home and collected his stuff the language they used about him was utterly disgusting while I was packing I am worried for him he doesn't leave the house I think he cut himself I'm not 100% sure but he has a history of it and he's gone from being gay to not wanting to be gay he's also saying he might go home to our parents and sort out being gay whatever that means I'm not at all equipped to deal with this I've offered counseling to him but he doesn't want to speak to strangers I flipped out at my parents to sort themselves out although that's pointless my girlfriend has a friend who is gay and I got her to invite him over that did not work I just see it going one tragic way I don't know what to do sorry this is all over the place edit thanks for all the replies I just booked a cabin for me and my brother tomorrow nice peaceful spot I go there a bit to clear my head I don't think I can do much about the gay thing but I can at least bond with him over fishing and stuff he will probably hate fishing but we can do his thing next time no GF no kid me and him and some piece to Hash things out haha I was just noticing some of your usernames gave me a chuckle I'll be offline for a day or two fishing no connection but thanks to all who replied relevant comments commenter this is never an easy time but he's lucky to have you supporting him are there any LGBT clinics in your area they'll often have resources for both you and him they can also offer Professional Resources including grant funding in case he wants to pursue schooling op thanks man I did try one they offered free counseling for him but he won't go near it he got I rate when I mentioned counseling they offered some helpful tips to me although I'm not sure they were any good no offense to the organization I'm kind of scared for him I work from home as does my girlfriend but it's gotten to the stage where I feel one of us has to supervise him I don't know commenter he's depressed as F and broken you are right that this is above your pay grade HT like this needs serious therapy and all but as a brother the best you can do is help keep a roof over him and get him back on his feet and no he shouldn't go back to them the damage is done and trying to UNG yourself ain't possible believe me I know too well op P thanks for your response and sorry for your experience he can absolutely stay as long as he wants my view of my parents is awful anyway but I hope he doesn't go back there I'm just scared he might do something bad commenter he won't go back there if you explain that he's welcome to stay with you everything will be okay there's nothing wrong with being gay Etc truly the more you guys unpack childhood stuff including your parents apparent homophobia the easier it'll be for him if he won't go to the LGBT Center maybe he will watch helpful affirming YouTube videos or even some gay movies trick 19 99 is a great watch for example that isn't graphic or offensive op yep he can stay as long as he wants and my girlfriend has been a rock I've spoken to him about being gay granted my gay knowledge is zero we never really went to Childhood stuff but when he did he's extremely defensive over our parents some of the stuff he said about my girlfriend's friend after he left was pure nasty too I don't know if I could see him going back I'll try trick I never really thought of movies Etc commenter do you think he's just brainwashed like has Stockholm syndrome affected your parents has he been taught to hate himself that deeply he shouldn't be talking negatively about your girlfriend's friends no matter the circumstances he doesn't sound like he's emotionally very peaceful right now sending good vibes your way and really hoping some outside perspectives AKA movies therapy Etc help get through to your brother op well he always got along really well with our mother I was running out the door because I hated both of them but but I think he genuinely loves them I think dealing with their rejection is really hard for him whereas it means nothing to me I think he's trying to UNG himself to get back into that relationship I never really realized until recently that I didn't just drop my parents but also him so our bond really means nothing to him but yeah probably a bit brainwashed too commenter dude thank you for doing that for your brother you're a good brother even if your little brother hasn't expressed it I'm sure he's forever grateful thank you you for being a good human your parents could take a lesson opbh I'm a tad guilty for effing off and not really staying in his life so probably not a good bro I just thought of myself and probably treated this as Redemption deep down commenter exactly that he feels ashamed for who he is and as a result still has a dislike for people like him which he hasn't managed to reconcile you sound like a good guy your brother will thank you for it eventually might it help if you pointed him here to Reddit oh P my girlfriend's gay friend said there were gay groups on here that he could ask questions to Etc when I brought it up he was not enthusiastic I won't say his reply for fear it offends you guys that probably leans into the internalized homophobia I decided to invade your space myself to ask a question or two sorry op's relationship with parents TBH I think he's already dead to them unless he's going to go back and say he's not actually gay I had a kid who was young and out of wedlock with my girlfriend we haven't spoken or seen each other since except for when I was packing up my brother's stuff they haven't seen their grandchild at all insane stuff one more piece thanks for such a detailed response we don't know our father's side at all and my mother's sister is as insufferable and cruel as my parents are I don't know my brother well unfortunately so I don't know if he has friends but all I know is that all he told was me and our parents and I got permission from him to tell my girlfriend yep I suppose trying to listen more and try to fix less is important thanks man again update 2 days from the OG post first off thanks to everyone for all the replies I'll try to get to all of them if I don't my apologies there was some brilliant advice skip to the last paragraph the rest of this is sht 3-hour car journey and it was a little awkward at the beginning but eventually I explained why I left home I admitted I was wrong not to make an attempt to keep in touch with him I reiterated that I was glad he came to me and I like having my brother back he asked what about Emily my girlfriend I said something stupid bro stay in your lane I get the girls and you get the boys he actually kind of laughed at it I decided for the rest of the trip not to walk on eggshells the girlf friend wasn't there to keep me in line anyway joke Etc we headed out on the water in a rowboat don't ask we decided to freak him out by rowing against him and we started going around in circles the Bullocks hit me but he was laughing when we got out on the lake he did ask what my parents had said about my kid and I told him after our meal we went for a stroll he said I didn't want to be gay I don't see any life in it people will look at me weirdly Etc I said I didn't want to be a teen dad I didn't see a life in it and now I couldn't imagine my life any other way and he's not good-look enough for people to stare he called me a [ __ ] and said you know what I mean I said f me f our parents F religion there are plenty of religions that are not anti gay advice I got from you guys F everyone you can wallow in self-hatred I stopped to congratulate myself on such a word and I got probably my fifth hit of the day or you can try to accept it he asked what I would do if I were him I said I'd be completely jealous of my older brothers good looks sixth hit L I said if I were him I'd try to realize our parents are not the place to be right now I would try to accept who I am and realize it won't change I'd get a job even if it's a couple of hours and I would try meeting my devilish good-looking brother halfway because he's completely out of his depth and is only trying to help seventh hit I got him smiling though he then asked if I had any regrets about my relationship with my parents I said no I said that when you have a kid in 15 years with your guy you'll understand how odd they are being my daughter could tell me anything apart from that she's a Liverpool fan and I'd still love her we got back I threw on a movie with the hottest male actor I could think of Andrew Garfield and Spider-Man 2 anyway he hopped on the bed and he brought over a chair I was like what the f are you doing with the chair hop on the bed you dope he was reluctant he found it very awkward but as the movie went on he got better during the movie I said you asked me what I would do if I were you I would definitely do someone who looks like Andrew Garfield if I were you he called me a [ __ ] and hit me again smiling next morning I packed up our stuff and changed my arm heading home by asking him to have one pint at a gay bar I told him we could pick up a booth in the corner you can pretend you are straight no one will know you he really didn't want to but I reminded him I'm the better looking brother I'm not BTW so I'm screwed another hit he agreed to go in it was very early so it was quiet he got a seat I got the drinks I got hit on funny interaction we had a quick zero Al pint and left in hindsight it was probably too soon to go to a bar but he was fine we were left alone he told my girl friend we went into a gay bar she roared with laughter saying that I was at a gay bar I told her I turned down a guy who was up for anything at in the day there better be good SX tonight or I know where I'm going tomorrow and she hit me and said he'd be doing her a favor I asked why the f is everyone hitting me and my brother said because you're a [ __ ] the one thing I learned is that I'm his brother and not his parent I'm not there to fix things I'm there to be a bit of a DC Cad and not take myself too seriously around around him even if it's just 2 days at least he's chatting and not totally down in the dumps even the girl noticed it relevant comments commenter congratulations be his big brother he probably will need some healing to get over all the religious stuff hey there's no hate like Christian love op true about Christian love he will need therapy at some point or at the very least someone gay he can speak to I have limits I can provide a witty comment but that's about it com her you're being a good brother it kind of reminds me of my uncle whom I confided in when I was questioning my arity and was ashamed eventually he will grow he will get to know people and he'll look back and wonder what all that worrying was about also I must say you do have good taste in men Andrew Garfield is hot op it's eye openening to me how many of you have stories of Shame Etc obviously this is not a shock to you guys it was good that you had an uncle you could confide in I'm glad I got clarification on Andrew because my brother didn't give me his opinion on him commenter I was going to comment on the last post about how proud I was of you and now I really have to because you just made me even better in my books there are more horror stories of being denied by Family on here than posts like this so it really does mean a lot to see that you came here for genuine advice and used all of it very well I wish you and your brother nothing but the best he's very lucky to have a kind brother like yourself op thanks man the advice was good good but to be honest the sheer volume of people who shared stories of their family rejection helped I felt he was in a hole he would just go deeper and deeper until you guys commenter great he'll have more bad days ahead but at least yall have established the beginning of a relationship be the [ __ ] he needs that but all of those hits were him loving you continue what you're doing and keep us in the loop to help where we can op thanks man oh he definitely will have more bad days I'm expecting him to be bad tomorrow but at least he has two is okay days for now and knows it's possible where is op from and how does he use [ __ ] well haha yep English by birth but living in Wales is Wales known in America enjoy the word we use it all the time we also use the CW but that has a worse meaning in the USA from what I'm aware Second Story cheating husband got cheated on by his new wife and had to raise another's baby now having a meltdown after finding out his ex married his best friend his new wife knew all this and played him karma is a real bee I 37m have been with my wife 26f for 5 years and have been married for 4 years we have three kids from her previous relationships two boys and one girl between the ages of five and eight I really love her and her kids things were perfect until 3 or 4 months ago I've had three big promotions in 5 years we bought a house last year she stays home with the kids and is trying to make a social media career happen I have always been on the fence about having kids but she really wanted us to have one together so I agreed to try to have my visectomy reversed she's 7 months pregnant now we were so effing happy my ex-wife 38f divorced me in 2019 and moved about 2 hours away a few months into the pandemic our divorce was amicable but once it was finalized I never heard from her again even when I would wish her well on birthdays and holidays I even sent her a graduation gift when I heard that she had finished her PhD program other people in our Social Circle including my parents and sister-in-law who sent her a gift received handwritten thank you cards I didn't get so much as a text my ex-wife is a really kind and thoughtful person and the woman I knew would have at least sent a thank you text if her worst enemy sent her a gift even though we broke up I didn't think she hated me my best friend 35m and I have been best friends since College he's the best person I know and at least 10 people think he's their best friend but he said that I was always his we kind of lost touch during the pandemic we live 2 hours apart and he is a lawyer and teaches classes at a university so he is really busy I have a really busy career a new wife and three kids I didn't really realize that the texts between us were fewer and that the last time he finally replied to me was in late 2021 he also falls off the face of the earth when he gets with a new girl and then when things cool off we all hear from him more we have always been the kind of friends that could go an extended period of time without community communicating and then pick up right where we left off I kept saying that I would eventually call him when things were less busy my wife and I went to visit the city he and my ex-wife live in last summer for a week and I tried calling him a couple of times to meet up but he never answered I was sad but I just figured he was busy with work or obsessed with a new girlfriend I have other friends there so I got to see them then I went to the city Again by myself in October for a Halloween party I figured he'd be at this party and I was psyched that I get to see him then he was there when I went to say hi and hug him he looked a little surprised and gave me a weak hug I told him that I was there during the summer and that I tried calling him so we could hang out he just said yeah I was on my honeymoon that week sorry I didn't get back to you I was really shocked to hear that he'd gotten married and a little hurt that my best friend got married without me even knowing he had a serious girlfriend but I'm still happy for him like I said he was a great guy and girls love him I spit out a rush of questions like who she is where she is what's her name what's she like where' you meet her and how long have you been together he paused for a moment and then just bluntly said it's ex-wife's name my ex-wife doesn't have a unique name or anything but it isn't the most common name either and instantly I knew that it was her I can't describe how it felt to hear those two words come out of his mouth I felt sick to my stomach and I immediately wanted to die I have never felt like that before I just said what the f he told me that I didn't get mad because I broke her heart that they didn't start dating until 2 years after we got divorced and that I chose to be with some waitress anyway I drank the rest of the weekend because it was the only way I was able to sleep I feel betrayed by both of them my best friend since I was 20 years old married my ex-wife behind my effing back I was married to her for 6 years and they were never even friends but now they are in love with each other I also found out that he talked sht about my current wife and me behind my back and never liked her I went back home and I know that I was distant with my wife and the kids because I was just hurting so much after a couple of weeks we had a big fight and she called me out for being distant and accused me of cheating I finally came clean and told her about my ex and my best friend which she scoffed about and said she'd known about them for a long time now because of social media I flew into a rage and we fought for hours she betrayed me by not telling me the entire time she knew she didn't say anything when I mentioned my best friend not returning my calls or messages I didn't get to sleep before going to work and after work I just stayed with my parents for a few days when I finally went back home we got into another fight where she accused me of still being in love with my ex and said that I wouldn't care if I wasn't I called her stupid and said that she wouldn't understand because she doesn't have any friends I wouldn't care if my ex-wife got married to anyone else if it wasn't my best friend I don't see what is so hard to understand about that we made up eventually but I feel sick to my stomach every day and things aren't the same in our relationship I love my wife but I've come to realize it's not the same way I loved my ex-wife my wife doesn't love me the same way my ex-wife did either I have started to regret the things that led to our divorce because we were really happy until the moment she left me I don't even have my best friend to call because he's too busy effing my ex-wife to care about me anymore Everything feels empty and like a lie now a lot of friends agree that they both betrayed me but think I need to move on even my dad and brother told me to get over it my sister-in-law yelled at me and my mom tries to comfort me but I know she's overhearing about my problems I have to pretend I'm okay but I'm not no one gives an sht about mental health when it comes to men I brought up couples therapy with my wife but she said that she thinks we are okay since we worked through things I guess I have to pretend for the rest of my life now because divorce is not on the table I need advice on what to do and how to get closure I am thinking of driving to their City to just show up and force them to talk to me so I can move on is that too much to ask how do I get my wife to see that it is hard to trust her after knowing she kept a big secret from me for a long time tldr the three people I love the most outside of my blood family ripped my heart out my wife knew about my best friend being in a relationship with my ex-wife but didn't tell me my best friend ghosted me around the time he started dating my ex-wife my ex-wife is still friendly with my family and mutual friends but not with me update the overwhelming consensus here is that I am a piece of sht which is true the other consensus is that I need therapy I asked my brother to help me but neither of us even knew where to begin to find a therapist he said he would ask his wife to help us and she texted me this morning and said she was only helping because of my brother I guess that's fair comments Republic of Gary I called her stupid and said that she wouldn't understand because she doesn't have any friends well done Professor video slacker apparently neither does he if your best friend doesn't speak to you for 3 years they may be your best friend but you were not theirs inside sector 4377 what led to your divorce did you cheat where are the problems that can't be solved and how much longer after the divorce did you start dating your current wife and marry her basically tell us what led to the divorce and marriage of your new current wife op my ex-wife found out about me sleeping with my current wife I broke up with my current wife for my ex-wife so we could work things out she decided she wanted a divorce a couple of months later even though I begged her to try with me out of respect I tried to make sure the divorce was as easy as possible I got back together with my current wife while we were separated no reflection 54001 so if any of this is true you at 32 cheated on your wife with a 21-year-old with three kids your divorce was not amicable she just wanted you out of her life as quickly and pain painlessly as possible the fact that she never replied to you even once after the divorce was finalized wasn't a hint op I do really wish that I found out that day and felt happy for them or at least felt nothing I buried a lot of feelings when I married my current wife and they all came flooding out I miss my best friend I miss my ex-wife I am so sorry I hurt her I love her and I've never stopped loving her and that scares me because I don't want to hurt my wife I know I messed up devil got me ey Your Story made my day it is nice to know that karma is doing its thing update two months later this is kind of an update to my last post a few months ago and I am also hoping for advice on how to best navigate this I have tried a couple of times to write this update but I get stressed trying to make it all make sense so I will just dump it all here and hope it comes out okay I guess I should start by saying that I had or have a lot more issues than my original post addressed or than I even recognized at the time therapy is help me uncover a lot of it and it's really uncomfortable on the good days and crushing on the bad days so many people talk about how they feel so much better after going to therapy but I feel worse I'm still going to go though because as much as it stinks it is helping me learn better ways of dealing with things it is also helping me explain myself to myself a little better I am a shy person but I wasn't always shy and I am starting to see where it all went wrong I feel like understanding that is the only way I can address those things and then become a better person I did impatient therapy and then after my release I see a therapist in her office once a week and meet virtually once a week I also see a psychiatrist once every two weeks and I have started taking some medications it's weird how I can kind of see them helping parts of my brain but dulling other parts and making my body not feel the best I try to explain it to the doctor but he just tells me it is going to take some time for them to fully work and that eventually I will get used to it my wife had the baby but while I was away she told me about the possibility of the baby not being mine I grieved it so much but I decided it wasn't much good to dwell on it too much right now until we knew for sure once she was born the results came back last week and she isn't mine we haven't made any decisions right now about our relationship but we are living together for the sake of the kids and her recovery from having the baby she said that if I didn't want to be with her anymore she'd go back to her home state with her mom and stepdad she also mentioned that she knew she wouldn't get alamon or child support because of our state but I told her I would help her get back home and on her feet if that's what ended up happening since I got back home I have stepped up more and been more active as a dad which has been really good for me being a responsible and present father helps me forget about all of the other stuff in the moment but it would be a lie for me to say that I don't worry about how much it'll hurt to lose them if we break up since they are not biologically or legally mine I also just worry about them a lot and think they deserve to have a safe and stable happy childhood I'm really sad that the baby isn't mine I wanted her to be mine more than anything in the world but I find it really hard to be angry with my wife for some reason I cheated on my first wife with her so it's kind of karma in a way and what could I really expect when our relationship started the way that it did plus there's this other part of me that understands that she is a deeply damaged person like me I don't really want to go into a lot of details but we both lived through some similar sht happening to us when we were kids that bonded us neither of us really with it but I thought that I was okay because I grew up privileged and she didn't so I always had more opportunities than she did I also thought that since I didn't think about it as much I was okay she thought about it all the time and she wasn't okay my ex-wife is an amazing woman and she deserves to be happy I sent her an email and just kind of poured my heart out about how sorry I was for hurting her I would rip my heart out to give it to her if it helped her heal from the Heartbreak I caused her I said in the email that I didn't expect a reply and and that I would never attempt contact with her again after that she got in contact with my brother a few times to check on me and she's called me twice and we talked for a few hours about everything she's really happy and she's doing well I'm proud of her and she deserves to be happy I am really lucky that I had the years that I had with her but now it is time to accept how I screwed up and try my best to do better going forward I don't think I will ever contact her again but I would be happy to hear from her if she ever reaches out again it still hurts a little but I understand now that that door is fully closed the door to my friend is closed too we haven't spoken and we probably never will but that's okay I found out from other friends that he was always in love with my ex-wife and that he was the person who convinced her to move to where they live now after our divorce I think knowing helps because the story I created in my head was far worse I also understand now why no one wanted to tell me my brother and I got so close again which his wife isn't the happiest about I am not sure where I would be right now now if it weren't for him we invited them over during the weekend and at one point she and I were in a room alone for a few minutes and I told her that I was sorry and she just hugged me and told me that I was stupid but that she knows I am trying I also have two really good friends who have been there for me through everything even though it has been clear from the very beginning that they have not agreed with my actions all of them are more than I deserve my relationship with my parents isn't in the best place right now they are both really mad at me because my brother confronted them about what I told him related to the thing that happened when I was a kid they feel like he is blaming them and that they did the best they could for me I think that they are really embarrassed too I get it and I don't really blame them I don't think they knew what to do but I am not going to apologize to them either so until I do they don't really want to be around me I'm not sure that this is the update that anyone wanted to read but it's all I've got my life is still very much in limbo maybe even in shambles but I am doing my best to fix it and to fix some of the Hur I have caused others I would recommend therapy as much as everyone recommended it to me but I would caution to add that it requires a lot of honesty to work and that sometimes that kind of honesty reopens Old Wounds but those wounds are dirty and infected so you've got to clean them up and treat them to get better which is going to hurt but I am not sure there is any other way tldr my wife had someone else's baby while we were already having a lot of relationship problems she and my stepchildren are still living with me until we make a decision about our relationship I don't really know what to do how do I make the best decision for the kids and for myself should I try to work things out with my wife or would it be best to make a clean break comments figuring it out 890 o so you cheated on your first wife with your second wife why if you loved your first wife so much how long was the affair and how did she your ex find out I don't know about your current wife being a mistress turned wife isn't exactly any more High Ground to stand on it sounds like you are both the mess and the fact that she seems to still be sleeping around has got to give you pause marriages that start with Affairs very rarely make it are you sure it wouldn't be better to just walk away and start cleaning lube for sale orphans the current wife had two kids when they met she was also in a relationship with another man so they were both cheating on each other she had a third kid while they were enjoying their Affairs and apparently it was in question whether the dad was her ex or the married coworker she was effing now the fourth child has been born B thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
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AIT ta for not wanting to do the prank the bride is asking me to do during her wedding ceremony sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes I don't have an excuse I'm just terrible at writing I 23m am one of the Grooms men for my best friends 35m wedding his fiance 33f is a known jokester and likes pulling pranks that doesn't affect anyone Beyond making us laugh stupid funny things like this that she'd go out of her way to do to make us laugh it's never anything harmful and the farthest she's ever gone was accidentally destroy the groom shitty toiba laptop and surprise him with a brand new modern alien wear one that he had been saving for 2 years for she backed up everything and only destroyed the screen so stuff could still be salvaged just in case pretty sweet stuff honestly my friend is a bit more of the serious logician type so she balances him out a lot he finds her Antics pretty amusing too probably a driving factor in their relationship sorry for all this Preamble I'll get to the point so neither of them really care for the ceremony aspect of a wedding they're going to get a courthouse wedding and save the money for a nice reception with only close friends and family there's going to be three Witnesses me the BM and the mo and the wedding will have at most four or five more friends and some of the groom's family the bride was all for this as she can get really anxious in big events like this but she still feels like it's not something to really write home about so she wants to pull a pretty notable prank by having a dramatic objection or something during the ceremony since I'll be the only single one there she wants me to do the objection thing seem like I'm going for her and then plot twist VI for the groom then she wants us to do a sword fight for his hand I wish I was joking but she and the groom actually have a sizable sword collection and she said she'd get her Mo to sneak two of the smaller one the mo who was there while the bride was talking to me interjected and said it was a stupid idea relief she'd get fake swords since there could be issues in smuggling actual weapon plus she'd run it by the officient and whoever else she'd have to at the courthouse to make sure not too much of a commotion was created stress I admittedly am a bit of a door matat and didn't outright say no at first and I was hoping the mo would say something then I realized I needed to pull my big boy pants and say no which I did yay they weren't happy and not in an angry way but in a way that made me feel immediately guilty not yay I stupidity offered to think of a different joke to pull they've added me into a group chat where I've constantly tried reiterating how I didn't feel comfortable with the pranks and they try to reassure me trying to get me to reconsider the mo is calling me an for not following the bride's wishes as our one other mutual friend who the bride talked to about this it's getting harder and harder to stick to my no so AIT
give me a good story on AITAfornotwantingtodotheprankthebrideisaskingmetododuringherweddingceremony
now I have won my husband back I am leaving him I have secured an apartment for my baby and me and I have put everything in order and prepared for custody shared or otherwise I have divided the money and transferred my share to a third account and it will stay there until the divorce proceedings and the dividing of the assets I found out that my husband was having an affair while I was postpartum I thought that I would die because I love him and it felt like my heart was broken into million pieces I knew that it was over but my curiosity got the best of me I wanted to know why what was it she had that I didn't did he love her I started reading his texts and everything was there he felt like he was alive again he was happy and excited she's single and childless so she had all the time in the world to make him her priority he felt seen and desired by her I was confused because even with Life coming between us he was always my love and I made sure he knew that every day still it wasn't enough I read thousands upon thousands of messages between them and I started being everything he fantasized about in the beginning it felt weird and he was confused but I just went on every time he made plans with her I found a way to make him stay or I made sure that I sent him exhausted to her the messages became less and less
give me a good story on NowIhavewonmyhusbandbackIamleavinghimorig
my divorced single friend finds my husband attractive let me start off by saying I feel quite in a good place with my husband he is a very trustworthy guy super loyal to me and never on purpose tried to hurt me or make me jealous we have had multiple friends men and women hit on both of us and show us either direct or ambiguous attention and we dealt with it amazingly well so far with open communication I have a close friend who I see on and off every few years whom I got a bad gut feeling about it started with her and my husband going on an iasa trip together because I wasn't brave enough yet while I took care of her one-year-old son she was married at the time and was about to get a divorce which she told us later she made comments about how she locked eyes with my husband at some point and how they bonded and smiled ATC and knowing her I didn't register these stories of this overnight mental health bonding as negative but she was also quite cold to me on that trip after their iasa overnight day not interested in my life which irritated me and I voiced this after trip comments to be insensitive to my husband and he brushed me off as overreacting between that time when she visited it was short so I didn't notice any bad intent she even suggested to recommend my husband to work in the company she worked at and she was very eager about it I at the time again took it as pure kindness and perhaps it was come this trip where she Not only was divorced but also newly broken up wanted to stay with us
give me a good story on Mydivorcedsinglefriendfindsmyhusbandattractive
welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video if you want to do one good deed today make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below that said our first story of the day is by game of thrones addict i am a bad employee okay this happened a couple of years ago i just still feel angry every once in a while about my time with this company and working for my managers for multiple reasons this may or may not fit exactly with malicious compliance but it felt good to do so so for about eight months i worked at one location of an office supply chain store my position was a tech sales supervisor essentially when someone comes up for a computer printer label maker etc pretty much everything electronic that the store sells i help customers with and answer questions during that time of helping we have to ask a series of questions trying to get at upselling other things in the store and also our in-store warranties to convince them to buy more things so essentially the company can make a bigger profit off of each customer my direct manager was overseeing the sales of the entire store and since my apartment was where the big ticket items were he worked more extensively with my coworkers and me in that department more than most others and since i was the supervisor of that department that meant he would hound me the most often now i admit that i quickly realized i didn't have a strong sales skill which is one of the things that lead to the eventual decision to leaving though how he treated me was a strong reason too he and i had very different personalities that conflicted or rather he was too conflicting in and of himself and he didn't realize it examples include i could count on two hands how often he would confide in me that he doesn't know why customers would turn him down when he tried to upsell to them and only by the things that they came in for and nothing else then in the next breath 10 minutes later when i would talk with a customer he'd complain that i'm not succeeding at that very same thing he was ranting about him struggling with just moments before he would list five to ten things for me to get done that day i'd start working on them but then later he would find me and complain that i'm not doing what i should be doing and part of my job is severely lacking even though i was doing what he told me to do that morning they seemed to limit the number of employees down to most of the time during the week only one person was on each department or station at any given time this would lead to me missing sales opportunities because i was with one customer already and another would walk in and just grab something in my apartment and go buy it every other time this would happen he'd complain i missed another opportunity even when i explained to him why that didn't seem to matter to a small brain not being able to clone myself and be in two places at once is a flaw that can be held against me one day i walked into work and i realized the day before my sales manager made a huge sale with a computer a couple of software items needed to be installed in which it was in the process of doing since it was hooked up from the day before normally with certain items being installed we work with a third-party it company that works with the computer remotely to set things up during this particular time and computer though there was some issue with one of the software pieces that the customer bought and the it department was having a hard time in setting it up it ended up taking all day and the customer eventually got tired of waiting and just returned everything that of course made my sales manager pissed when i told him and of course within a week i got my first official write-up with the write-up it was with my sales manager and the store manager during the write-up conversation my sales manager brought up all the examples as mentioned earlier as why the write-up was happening he brought up my sales ability was severely lacking when it came to the in-store warranties as well as upselling other things he brought up me missing opportunities with customers i didn't talk to at all he brought up that i didn't get things done that needed to be done in this whole time i was contemplating my response when he was outlining why i was the subject of this disciplinary meeting thinking that this could be the result of what happened the week before after he was finished i began asking my own questions the first response being that those are good points however you did mention my sales ability how is it that you're using that as one of the reasons when you yourself have told me that even you're struggling to get the customers you've talked to to bite on and buy more than what they came in for he acted taken aback for a moment before asking what i meant i retorted with oh you don't remember the times in which you told me yourself you don't know why customers aren't buying things from you the person who's twice my age and has been here for 20 years he became a bit frustrated at my smart butt remark and said this meeting isn't about me at all let's stay focused here as he goes off about the other points he made as well trying to get off that subject quickly during which time the store manager had yet to say anything after he's done speaking i brought up another point he made you say i missed opportunities with customers and when i didn't speak to them the only reason as to why i would do that is because i would be talking to another customer that came in first i'm not about to ditch one customer just to start chatting up another i would think that doesn't look professional on my part we severely need more than just one person in my department at any given moment if that's something that corporate's upset about and that would even help with me not getting certain things done as well getting increasingly flustered he cut me off there and stated it's not in the budget at this time to increase other people's hours with you being the only full-time employee in your department it's expected that you're the one that has to work and it's on your shoulders to keep your department in good shape and apparently you're not able to maybe this isn't the best job for you if you can't keep up the managers pressured me to sign their write-up form to acknowledge that we all went over this after that i was fuming mad and took my first 15-minute break for the day to calm myself down knowing that nothing would be changed fighting this would be a moot point after about a month's time of looking i found another job which was going to start me the following week that next day i walked in went up to the sales manager and handed in my company provided t-shirts and quit he acted all shocked stating but we need you your shift starts in 10 minutes i sighed and stared back at him saying you know what i thought about what you said and you were right i'm not up for this job then i turned back and left this was february of 2020 when this happened i went to that store recently just out of curiosity and to buy some ink for my printer and there were not even five customers in the store including myself there wasn't even anyone working on my old apartment from what i saw guess they didn't replace me either talked to one of my ex-co-workers and she said that the company had to resort to selling video games and consoles to keep up with them losing money i couldn't help but laugh well to be fair i guess as a retailer if you can get in on this whole game console thing as of late there probably is money to be made if you can get stock in if you had a manager that was raking you over the coals and then blaming you for coming up short when you're being short-handed would you dump them for the first equally if not better job elsewhere let me know in the comments down below our next story is by ten shimki daisy chain power extenders to make power cables tidier at the risk of power trip sure i was involved in a pilot project and we had to do a proof of concept we proceeded to set up several terminals on a room and connect each terminal to the nearest power outlet i think we had over 10 terminals when everything was done it did look a bit messy but we tried our best to make it look as nice as possible when we were packing up for the day a manager from another department decided to pay us a visit he was furious about how untidy the whole setup was and demanded we redo the power cables because they're not talked all the way to the back where nobody can see them he told me to use the power outlet at the rear as the main source of power and daisy chain power extenders to reach the terminals i told him that by following this method it's dangerous and will definitely trip the power he told me off and said that's insubordination and i'm setting a bad example for the rest of the team by not following orders from higher management cue malicious compliance i told the whole team to follow the manager's instructions despite the obvious dangers after he checked that all cables were neat and tidy he told us to go home and not do anything else since it might ruin the setup pretty funny statement coming from someone who has just ruined it day of the test came and the nobody's surprise the power tripped once we turned on all the terminals i did not land myself in hot water but had to explain to the stakeholders what happened and was told to be more assertive in my argument from my manager role eyes not sure what happened to that manager but that was the last time anyone outside of my department tried to meddle with us well i'm glad for op and their department's sake that this was actually properly reviewed and it seems to have been properly laid out as these people know what they're doing don't force them to do some kind of [ __ ] alternative option especially if they're advising against it this next story is by specialistgate9081 actual cause offender benner wanted to go through insurance a quick one got in a minor fender bender from behind the person behind me was adamant it was my fault i offered to not go through insurance because it wasn't a big deal my damage resulted in a cosmetic crack to my right side slash passenger side bumper the person who hit me had a broken front end light left side driver's side in case you care she was adamant it was my fault and demanded we go through insurance to ensure i would be responsible for her damages whatever fast forward a few weeks insurance company paid me the cost of my deductible for the damages from her insurance well it just goes to show that this person has no clue how right away goes who's in the wrong clearly all i know is in situations where you can avoid going to your insurance it's usually a good idea to do so if there's a chance of you being at fault but this lady was dead sure that she wasn't wrong and our final story of the days by jaya papaya push me to keep drawing things for you be careful what you wish for i just published the first episode of my webcomic which reminded me of this event a few years ago context i just moved across the country to the west coast of the u.s and started high school at a hybrid homeschool think a college-like schedule but with stay-at-home parents and a nursery to accommodate the babies they brought i'd been in montessori charter private catholic magnet and just regular old public school so i stood out like a sore thumb to my classmates who'd been homeschooled since well forever the other girl in this story was one of those kids let's call her betty we'd gotten along pretty well we sat together in a few core classes and both had an interest in creative writing i was pretty decent at drawing at the time and still doodle pretty regularly this caught our attention and pretty soon we had a relationship of her stashing away the loose leaf drawings i didn't want which was fine by me as it was mutual but as most artists can tell you sometimes people get a little too comfortable with requests and start to get pushy malicious compliance betty and i were both in the after school theater program and rehearsals took a long time especially when you were a background character waiting for your q so i had my sketchbook and began drawing some old ocs a married couple just interacting in general now betty really really loved these characters she thought they were adorable at this point i think she had about 30 different pages of drawings of characters from this series so when she asked me to draw some more i didn't mind and made a quick sketch of them hugging she tilts her head at it like she's content with it but expected more she hands it back to me and asks if i could make more i was already on another set of characters from the series so i told her i would once i finish this other doodle the moment i put the pin down she asks if i'm done and if i can make her more i just accepted it as enthusiasm for my work but it irked me a little that she couldn't wait a bit longer so i make her another drawing and she makes the same request for more after about three more drawings i finally had it you want these two characters interacting so bad i'll give it to you a little thing about betty was that she came from a very religious background and many of her classmates at the home school did too certain topics were just not discussed in the open with a blase attitude i however hung out with the otaku fujoshi furry fan girls while at public school which meant lots and lots of anime content of various types exposure that combined with very literal and rational parents sex was just a typical run-of-the-mill occurrence we eat we drink we sleep and we freak and if you're married you presumably freak your partner i think you can all see where this is going with a smile i take the paper back fold the small corner so she and myself could hide it easily and proceed to draw the wife getting drilled the freak down lots of detail in all the right places pleasurable face sweat drops all the sound effects around them took about a minute i handed it back to her and went here i hope you like this one her look of excitement quickly fades and she goes silent i feel a little bad as i remember she's not used to explicit things like me so i go back to drawing we finish up rehearsals go home and that was it the conclusion the next day during class break betty comes up to me and sheepishly goes if you're not busy would you be able to draw something for me please i smiled and replied i'm not busy at all and thank you for asking what would you like betty and i have been best friends nearly seven years what i wanna know is what was that cheapish request was it cheapish because they felt bad for asking or because they want more of what op drew for them did they awaken something in them it must not have been too bad considering they've been friends for seven years right but then again opie said it wasn't that crazy to draw that kind of stuff to begin with so but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so of all these stories i've read today which is your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below and if you haven't yet if you could like and subscribe that would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking subscribing turning notifications on all of it helps grow this channel and i appreciate the heck out of it so until next time i'll see you all tomorrow with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceWICKEDBTCHWONTLEAVEMEALONERedditStoriesorig
run multiple affairs with my friend and try to ruin his life nope I will ruin your life a childhood friend who was the most empathetic kind guy I've ever known did a hitch in the Navy went into computers and played guitar in a band he married a pretty mean girl who liked the idea of a big wedding and a musician husband but had no interest in a marriage she was her family's Golden Child dropped dead gorgeous and completely narcissistic and spoiled they buy land he borrows money and has his family build their house to reduce costs he was paying them back over time while she spent money and socialized sometimes working a part-time job after 2 years she's bored and starts an affair or we think never stopped Affairs but gets caught and while the empathetic guy tries to work things out she makes false accusations of domestic aw and files for divorce with a restraining order keeping him out of the home he and his family built with their own hands now keep in mind that he's still paying his family back for the home still ordered to pay for the land and most of the upkeep and mainten he's back in his childhood bedroom while his wife entertains her men in that house with some research by the lawyer the family still technically own the house now my family owns a heavy equipment business including house and Structural Movers look up house movers to verify what I said when she went on vacation with her family and new boyfriend we went in jacked up the house and drove off with it the structure wasn't covered in the court order just the mortgage land she had a legal claim to the land her name was on the mortgage but the structure appeared nowhere on the deed and there was still money owed on most of the materials and labor so it was simply reposted now the judge wasn't happy at all but it wasn't illegal to repossess since the land mortgage was the only thing he was court ordered to pay she came home to a foundation pipes and wires sticking out of the ground and a crappy used yard barn with her personal possessions in it now it wouldn't be nuclear if it stopped there since the main character has recently passed away I can tell more we had a guy we called big Bob and the name fits everyone probably knows someone who defies jail and un alive is a walking demolition crew and in fact we called him Demolition Man for a while after the movie apparently someone put huge bilbow smeared with dried whipped cream crust in her possessions when her dad and friends came to get the rest of her possessions out of the yard Barn there were also extreme insertion adultery and beastality adultery magazines bongs shaped like corks Etc someone used her pictures in the dating magazines pre- internet for a paid ESC with her phone number her parents even had to change their phone numbers a few times someone got those change of address cards from the post office and sent her mail around the country someone knew exactly when the legal separation happened and she was supposed to get her own car insurance but she didn't get that letter her car burned down in her workplace parking lot a few days after the legal separation happened and of course she didn't get the insurance company notification in the mail so no insurance someone had intimate pictures printed with a man's face blacked out on Flyers the printing pointed out that she wasn't her husband at the time and stuck them under windshield wipers at her family's Church everywhere she worked all around her neighborhood cops got involved in that but they couldn't find where the Flyers were printed Big Bob was an over- the-road truck driver everything dried down when she finally agreed to let our friend buy her out on the land for a reasonable sum paying for it twice and dropped the restraining order less than a week after he had a clear title the house showed back up right where it was before since it was still on the steel used to move it all we had to do was stick a truck back under it take it back and hook it up this was until she decided to marry a guy from a hardworking family that was doing well she love bombed the poor hardworking sap he never knew what hit him she had a bachelorette party with her pretty mean girlfriends at a local Recreation Lake and rubbed it in her bachelorette party was going to cost more and be better than her wedding to my friend I think that's what quenched the nuclear Revenge the Flyers showed up all over at his bachelor party at his parents house house with his family and her bachelorette party got busted for drugs where they found several people in various stages of undress including the bride to be and quite a bit of drugs Bunches of alcohol Etc when that wedding blew up the wedding dress from the first marriage to our friend showed up on a scarecrow with a pentagram on the front what looked like blood paint on it in her front yard no one even missed the wedding dress from the first wedding until then every week every time she dated someone seriously Etc the Flyers showed back up she finally gained about 50 70b and quit trying to date seriously she looked like her 70b overweight mother but 30 years earlier she married a fat truck driver eventually rip Big Bob you were one hell of a friend and we are all going to miss you we will sing the song of your people and raise a glass to you every time we meet in the comments op we were in diapers together the Geeks and losers together in school most of us did a hitch in the military so we are vets together we have helped start and support support each other's businesses we are all each other's kids Godfathers Etc Bob had no filters short of psychological harm to females there wasn't much off the table for him and you never get to mess with his little buddy like she did we are all big Workhorse Farm construction boys the Betrayed husband was the smallest of us so big brother Instinct kicks in when someone messes with him Bob was a frigging force of nature how he never got arrested or paced away is beyond me and absolutely No One Believes the Big Bob stores unless they were there my wife didn't until she saw with her own eyes a copperhead snake strike at Bob and he be slapped it the circular snake shoot took place and you wouldn't believe that seven or eight guys stood in a tight circle around a snake and shot it to Pieces the kicker was that it was full of babies that flew all over us my then girlfriend now wife saw that and had 91 on speed dial but no one on alive even though we had to pull bullet jackets out of our clothes and slap off baby copperheads when Bob worked for our family business we got a 71 mph and a 55 mph Zone speeding ticket in a truck with an entire three-bedroom house on the back we get together every year and race plastic Barbie cars down a big hill alcohol and BBQ involved the past few years alive Bann Etc about 300 people passed away last year it's Armed Forces Day veterans are involved and there was actually an artistic leg bet lost the guy had to wait until next year to win it back a bet is a bet it's the want to go guys they never ask where or what it might be building or wiring someone's house or garage it might be skydiving or scuba diving you may need spare socks and bail money but it's not boring back when I first started dating my wife she said she hadn't flown before so her first flight was on the Goodyear blimp we bought a lot of tires back then and got tickets between the bunch we can move about anything we can build about anything including finishing concrete there are Computer Guys serious race carscar weekends you just never know what's next we are slowing down now that we are in our 60s I have a picture of me Big Bob and another guy on the top of a moving van Bob has a get to blaster on his shoulder it was blasting mly crew and we were doing the ZZ Top Shuffle at about 50 mph I almost got arrested that day the state police were not amused but the car Show crowd loved it we don't mess with civilians play by the rules and you have nothing to worry about it's not a good idea to screw with any of us or our families we take that personally if you think Big Bob is an exaggeration I'm 65 and he was taller than me noral athlete I knew a couple guys like you when I was in the Army their last names started with a K and another with an N but they were the type of dudes who epitomized cornfed and farm-bred Country Boys completely immune to tasers as we found out good times good guys to have on your side op intelligent and smart are two different things since they all owned or operated their own businesses I'd say they were fairly intelligent not once did I ever say they were smart these are the guys that had dirt claw fights mud fights snowball fights bicycles were for jumping crap we were the right age classic 1670 cars were just used cars so most of us went that way and since you need somewhere to work on your rust bucket our band was actually a garage band as bad as it was the military was a respected path and it helped pay for college and trade schools since none of us were trust fund babies no flex but we have all had varying degrees of success nothing that will make Forbes magazine or the Wall Street newspapers but we are mostly comfortable now in our retirement years no one is eating cat food or living in their car there has always been a spare bedroom somewhere we've been through arguments fights births deaths weddings divorces and paybacks together and it's good to have a support network thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on RunMultipleAffairsWithMyFriendAndTryToRuinHisLifeNOPEIWillRuinYourLifeNucleaorig
wife calls me ugly in front of family and gets upset when I bring it up so wife and I have been married for like 6 years she's expressed to me before that she doesn't like ugly thing was really put off by that and really just thought WTF so a few days ago we're with family like eight of us all siblings and bro and sis-in-law we're all quite close and we're talking about irrational fears so my wife goes hers is ugly people there was some gasps and stuff and she goes on to say that they just make her feel uncomfortable my sis jokingly calls her superficial and she gives an example of the movie Pride and Prejudice and how the guy in there was ugly there's some exclamations and she backtracks a little by saying she didn't like him cause he's an Etc and it's more than just looks okay but then why did you start off by describing it that way and even in the past when you told me I asked her what about Nightmare Before Christmas she loves that movie and she's like nah she loves that that's different next morning in front of a subset of that group three had left she's like isn't his hair so nice today about mine and someone makes a small comment and then she's like it usually looks so ugly after a haircut now normally that doesn't bother me she's indirectly said it to me before after a haircut and I 100% agree with her I look so much better with long hair I'm not a great-looking guy at all but the hair is the only thing I got going but what bothered me is that she said it next day after that comment and she said it in front of everyone but of all that this is what bothers me the most so I talked to her about it a few hours later that it bothered me about what she said about ugly people and then next day making the comment about my hair in front of everyone clarified that bothered not by her thinking that but saying it in front of everyone after those comments prev day she doesn't apologize or anything even once but gets defensive that am you people don't understand what I mean by ugly people that it's more than looks and am I love your hair I was joking why are you being like this I also bought up that I feel like not liking ugly people is the reason why she also bought three expensive doll 1,000 plus each cats one I've been strongly against it and wanted to get from shelters and not support breeders who keep breeding these cats when there are animals in shelters who actually need a family then she turns it on me we're talking about my character let's talk about yours like yay my character is not the best either but yay we're talking about yours but you want to rail the convo to me I was just like okay you got to get going to work she did and from there she just turned around and left no goodby nothing last thing I want to add what I find really wild is that my wife is really beautiful now but like one to two years ago she started some Skin Therapy not plastic surgery to get rid of scars she was still beautiful just really hot now she suffers from extreme anxiety where she picks at her skin so she has a lot of scars all over her body and face and she also used to be overweight but since a year now she's skinny I've never called her ugly or anything remotely close she's first expressed to me about not liking ugly people like 5 years ago I just can't understand her thought process to say something like that about not liking ugly people throughout her life people have made some really nasty remarks about her skin so maybe that had something to do with it I anyhow sorry for making this so long but am I wrong here and just being sensitive here and blowing things out of proportion
give me a good story on WifecallsmeuglyinfrontoffamilyandgetsupsetwhenIbringitup
I made a comment to my ex-husband when we signed our divorce and his GF now accuses me of being the reason he didn't propose to her on Christmas hello and Happy New Year my ex-husband and I both late 40s were a real love story for 17 years he was my world and I loved everything about him I thought he loved me too but about 2 years ago for about 2 months he was changed the change was so palpable that I knew it in my heart that it was another woman he stopped kissing me good morning or good night stopped asking me on dates and always declined when I did he didn't doze off with his head in my lap to a movie every evening always missing the end now he even sat on the other couch he stopped saying he loved me and he stopped texting me during the day I didn't know what to do other than wait and see and sure enough after 2 months he told me he was in love and wanted a divorce I was heartbroken but I couldn't do anything about it I would never beg someone to love me no matter how much I love them he moved out and started to divorce his new girlfriend early 30s moved in with him not long after my ex-husband is very successful and our divorce was finalized a couple of weeks ago I haven't seen my ex-husband much since he moved out I don't know what got into me I have kept civil and prideful during the separation I was surprised that he was with his lawyer because I thought he just signed and didn't need to be there I signed and then I looked at him for the first time in 2 years and just without giving myself the time
give me a good story on Imadeacommenttomyexhusbandwhenwesignedourdivorceaitaredditaitaredditstories
wife fantasizes about another man AI for being jealous Hi redditors here's the situation my wife 38f and I 39m are taking the family on a vacation to Orlando this summer and staying at a nice Airbnb with insanely good themed rooms one bedroom is Star Wars theme so last night when we were looking at pictures of it I was joking around and said we should sleep in that room and role play I'd dress up as a Jedi and save her and we'd make love to be funny of course she laughed and replied that if I did that then she'd leave and go straight over to Mike M's house suggesting she would leave me for a guy she met through work it took me back and hurt a little for background my wife is the hottest and sweetest person on the planet she works in interior decor and last fall she met a man named Mike m he is a decent looking divorced guy about our age who recently sold his company so he is presumably wealthy she did some Decor work for him and while usually she has a team with her this job was just her on a Saturday and she ended up staying at his place until about 9 p.m. at night apparently he offered her a tour of his fancy house and drinks she told me afterward that she could tell he was really into her which she found flattering and said she fantasized about how everything he had could be hers she said I could have him if I wanted for context we're not poor my income is near the top 1% in our state and we live in a newly built 4,000 square foot house on a nice plot of land like we're doing just fine when she first told me about her visit to his house I gave her a little bit of a hard time about it and she replied claiming that she's not attracted to him at all and that I have nothing to worry about the last time she did work for him was like 2 months ago so it was surprising when she brought him up it's like she has at the top of her mind as a backup plan or something or at least fantasizes about it the rational part of my brain understands it to some degree but the emotional part feels a little jealous and upset we've been married 10 plus years and madly in love with each other I'd say we're pretty open in our communication so maybe this is all a sign that she feels comfortable sharing her inner thoughts with me and I'm just overthinking it so what do you think AA for feeling annoyed about it am I the crazy one do most married people have a crush or someone they fantasize about being with other than their spouse because literally I don't I'd choose her every time time thanks for your thoughts and advice update thank you everyone for the advice I spoke with my wife today and asked to clarify what she meant last night I told her it was a bit hurtful and I needed to talk about it she was Defensive saying that I don't trust her and think the worst of her like do these past 10 plus years not mean anything it turned into a little bit of a fight she said that the running to Mike comment was just a joke and then listed some reasons why she's not actually interested in it she said she brought him up to tease me not hurt me she then said she can't handle my insane insecurities and was giving up trying to prove herself to to me anyway I guess feel better after talking with her we're on better terms for now
give me a good story on WifefantasizesaboutanothermanAITAHforbeingjealous
AIT for kicking my in-laws out of my home I 27f have an 8 meter old daughter with my husband 38m we have had issues with his father and stepmother since the beginning of our relationship but we have done our best to keep things civil for my husband's sake currently DH is overseas in the military and left when our daughter was 3 days old this past weekend my husband had begged me to let his parents come meet our daughter and I was told they would stay at a hotel the plans were to meet at my aunt's home during the day so they could meet our daughter well Thursday night there was knocking at the door at p.m. it was his dad with his stepmom they came early and no hotels were affordable they ended up in the guest room my husband apologizes he had no idea why they were there but asked me to make it work because he was busy with work well early Friday morning I woke up to my baby screaming in her crib in my room his stepmom had picked her up from her crib and apologized saying that the baby was awake so she thought it would be fine to pick her up I ended up grabbing my daughter and told her to get out of my room she said nothing but left and I admit I was harsh in tone the whole day I am becoming increasingly annoyed because they had complained about
give me a good story on AITAforkickingmyinlawsoutofmyhomeorig
hello everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day work-to-rule background some years back I went to work for the UK government because of the department operated flexi time and I lived on the south coast at the time and I had to commute into London I agreed at my induction that I could start work at 7:30 a.m. and finish at 3:30 p.m. this allowed me to get home and avoid the worst of the commuter traffic now I actually used to get in not long after 7 a.m. and leave closer to 4 p.m. or if I miss that train 4:30 p.m. due to working near the station and having to get whatever trains were scheduled being that I was only being paid for 35 hours a week I was actually doing well over 40 hours a week of work if you factored in that I rarely took my hour long lunch break either after a couple of years and to manager changes my then current manager said to me in my performance review that there was a perception that I left early each day I told them that my agreed-upon hours were 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each day but he wasn't interested in hearing that and just wanted me to work the standard 9:00 to 5:00 remember we had flexi time meeting anyone could start between 7:30 a.m. and a.m. and leave between 3:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. so I started working 9:00 to 5:00 I used to get in about 8:15 each morning and read a newspaper until 9:00 a.m. on the dot at 5:00 p.m. on the dot I would turn off my computer and leave each lunch break I would take exactly one hour on more than one occasion he asked me why I wasn't working and I reminded him that he asked me to work 9:00 to 5:00 which is what I was doing often between 8:15 and 9:00 a.m. he would ask me to do just do this thing quick and I would reply that I was happy to do that at 9:00 a.m. after a few weeks of this he tried to have me disciplined fortunately I pulled out the copy of my performance review that both of us had signed where he told me that he to work between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. each day and the Disciplinary was immediately dismissed sadly this didn't have a happy ending he was promoted sideways away from a managerial responsibilities after calling a colleague a racial slur and I had to stick to nine-to-five until they left a couple of years later for those two years I became another sweaty commuter armpit on the massively overcrowded trains and I hated it obviously having a great job is worth it but sometimes it's worth considering the commute in relations to whether or not you actually want a job obviously in opiez case I'm sure it was a situation where he wanted it but having a very short commute can be pretty nice but these shelving units aren't anywhere near strong enough so for a little bit of background information I was attending an animal care course in college and as part of the course I was required to complete a work experience my manager who shall only be referred to as manager was notoriously difficult to work with and seemed to enjoy making people's lives difficult I had been working there for several months on weekend basis and only had minor problems with the manager so far such as her asking me to eat my lunch on the counter in full view of customers which made me very uncomfortable and a few customers even asked manager why I was doing this but one day I was given the task of unloading an unusually large delivery after the store had been cleared out by an animal event in town eating a lot of supplies I told manager that the shelves couldn't hold anywhere near the amount she had ordered but she requested I'd do it anyway I both of the safety sheet which clearly outlined the maximum weight per shelf but she insisted I had just finished loading up all the shelves and saw them visibly bending under the weight so I informed a manager only to get told that was normal and went back downstairs to attend to my other duties five minutes go by and a crash rings throughout the entire store we all head upstate and find virtually every shelf demolished and thousands of pounds of equipment in tatters manager immediately blames me in full view of the entire shop despite the fact that all the staff clearly knew she was at fault for this regardless I was fired and the letter of termination was mailed to my tutor which led to a meeting with manager me my tutor and the principal of the college upon hearing my side of the story my tutor accompanied me to the store so she can investigate and she had found that the shelves were built improperly and had also been jury-rigged together after breaking previously after this was found manager store was blacklisted from the approved work experience providers list for the entire district and she was facing severe charges for blatant health and safety violations a few months go by and a lack of customers and employees but they were having to sell the shop so you're in this incredibly tough situation where you need this work experience and this manager is telling you to overload these shelves far beyond their capacity what do you do or what do you say let me know in the comments below sir I just do what I'm told flat broke and with limited work experience I moved to my new college town and land a job doing security it was a super small company ran by an extremely stern former cop he was extremely formal and very conservative I was basically walking sunshine at the time so our personalities didn't exactly mesh despite his obvious disdain he hired me anyways within a day I was sent immediately to a medium-sized beverage factory I hit the floor running I knew a couple of the workers from my hometown and had just met a couple of the guys at a recent party so things started off great couple of weeks in there's a break-in by some kids in the back no big deal everything worked out the beverage company general manager came out and personally thanked me over the next few weeks the general manager has me do a couple of things for him here and there nothing special just little odds and ends malicious compliance time general manager comes to me outside and tells me hey I need you to tell your boss at the security guard company a few things we need the night guard to stay an hour later for the week and we need you guys to stop wearing the silly hats that go with your uniform this isn't the army I laugh and tell general manager you've met him right you all want to hear any of this from me he is gonna call you the general manager shakes his head and says I don't want to talk to him I want to talk to you I really the message to my boss and he's furious he tells me in no uncertain terms are they to tell me anything about anything he tells me whatever they tell you don't tell me I don't want to hear it you have the general manager tell me it's a basic chain of command so of course the next day I see the general manager and he now tells me about four other things that he needed me to do I explained one what the boss said to me about relaying any information general manager smiles and tells me well tell him that we probably will go with another company if he doesn't call me in two minutes exactly I call the boss as instructed and he is furious already when he answers the phone I told you don't tell me anything they called me I don't run my company by you I didn't tell the boss as instructed that he had to call the general manager within 10 minutes the boss calls the general manager much later in the day and loses it tempers flared and two weeks later I'm working at the factory but under a new security company as the boss sold it before he lost his biggest client if you're stubborn and you're not wanting to work with the people who hire you and put money in your pocket it's gonna probably go away pretty quickly at least I would think boss trashed me for five minutes late so I complied to their wishes I worked at a great company not hourly paid official hours are nine hours thirty minutes 12 hours to 14 hours but just one hour of lunch break you have to manage it between those times 18 hours I love my work and often arrived before 9:00 and leave after 1845 so almost 2 hours more of work every day so 10 hours a week 3 but gladly done I really enjoy what I'm doing one day for my lunch break I went to have sushi but the cashier made a small mistake with the bill and we had to stay a few minutes more to regulate it so I came back to work at 1400 oh five left at 1300 so five minutes more than the usual lunch break a girl who works there not my boss or any kind of supervisor trashed me for being late not respectful yadda-yadda-yadda I was really ticked I am no child we are not at school or anything and my job was always done and with my clients satisfaction so the next day and the following week I arrived at 930 precisely and left at 1800 on the clock my real boss was quite annoyed because well I worked way less than before and I explained the situation I don't know what happened to her but she never trashed anyone after that doesn't anyone have something better to do in their lives rather than complain to somebody about being five minutes late to anything what's it worth to anyone doesn't do anybody good dad really liked oysters my dad told me this story about when he was in Vietnam it's been a few years since he told me so some of the details are a bit fuzzy so my dad was a paratrooper during the Vietnam War one day he gets some much-needed R&R and he decides to check out a restaurant can't remember the city as he's looking at the menu he sees they have raw oysters as an appetizer my opinion Oilers are gross but growing up outside of New Orleans dad was beside himself when the waiter comes to see him this happens hey man can I get a dozen raw oysters for an appetizer waiter in broken English I so sorry sir but you cannot eat a dozen raw oysters now dad was a cool dude but he could lose his patience when he had to repeat himself listen pal I'm from Louisiana just bring me a dozen raw oysters waiter says but sir bring me a dozen raw oysters Witter sighs okay a few minutes later the waiter comes out pushing a double-decker cart with 12 Auster's the size of frisbees if you all don't know most oysters fit in the palm of your hand so these are like three times the size of normal Easter's waiter gives my dad a smirk like here you go dad being the absolute madman that he was then proceeds to painfully eat all 12 raw oysters couldn't let the waiter win after all Witter comes out of the back and sees dad actually finished them and is now stuffed to the gills he looks at dad and says with a big serviceman smile would you like to order now sir they both had a laugh they warned him if somebody's gonna warn me about something I probably would heed the advice well you can't confiscate my hands so basically I have trouble concentrating in class if I have nothing to do with my hands I constantly fidget and I often stay focused if I just leave my hands to do something usually draw or fidget with my feet cube I always have paper in my pocket usually it's an a4 piece of paper folded into quarters so I have different spaces to doodle different things while I focus on what the teacher is doing this causes them to think I'm not working which I am there's been many times where I haven't had anything to do and I've started to pick up my nails and fingers causing blood to drip everywhere when I scratch too deep so obviously I had the solution to stop having to run and get tissues or plasters and also be able to concentrate a few months ago I had some paper on my desk and while I was trying to learn some quite hard maths I hate maths I'm so bad at it the teacher tells me listen to my class stop and put that piece of paper away so I groaned and did just that she said to put that piece of paper away so I brought out another piece of paper from my second pocket to which she confiscated it by the time she did that it was only a small doodle of a fox I wasn't bothered so I grabbed my sketch pad she never said anything about not having sketch pads out it was only small and once I started again she told me to stop despite the fact that she could clearly see I was listening to her she confiscated all paper I had putting it away until the end of class on this day I hadn't got my fidget cube I can't remember why I think it was just on a rush to get out the door and left it on the table because my blazer was being washed so my paper was now gone coz she didn't want me drawing on paper but what else can be drawn on my hand I got out a pen and started doodling in my hand I'm still concentrating but it's not like I understood the math anyway in the teacher just glared at me stop and listen I am listening teacher if I caught you drawing and not paying attention again I'm gonna I know I'm an idiot for cutting her off but this teacher was always annoying me for the smallest things oh you're gonna do what confiscate my hand good luck with that she went silent as the other students looked at her and then me she didn't bother me for the rest of the lesson and by the time class had finished both of my hands were covered in pen like I said she can't confiscate my hands I need them to be able to do her class this is definitely the kind of situation where it needs to be brought to the surface I don't know this is a current event happening for Opie but if it is it would be good to have that discussion with teachers with some kind of management at the school and probably having their parent discuss that too if it's applicable because having that thing known can only really help you but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories was your personal favorite and why let us know in the comments below and thank you all so much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceTheseShelvesarentanywherenearSTRONGenough
aita for refusing to let my sister dress me up as a Disney princess for her wedding I 23f have an older sister Jade 26f who has been obsessed with Disney since we were kids I too have a liking for the brand in many of its movies and characters but Jade takes it to a whole new level late last year Jade got engaged to Mike 25 male and they put in an offer on a house before the new year since then Jade has been raving about decorating her entire house with Disney stuff basically anything she can find my brothers and I have no issue with this because we know how much she loves Disney the problem arose when she began wedding planning and brainstorming and mentioned she wanted to dress up all the Bridesmaids as different Disney Princesses the signature dress makeup and hair all matching the Disney prin I thought it seemed a bit weird and as I'm not big on doing my hair or makeup a lot I was a little bothered I also felt she was a bit old to be trying to play dress up and force her bridesmaides to have makeovers and such to look like a Disney princess I myself am not very feminine so I don't wear dresses that much or even wear makeup at most I'll maybe wear a skirt and some Foundation to cover blemishes but I feel this is totally out of my comfort zone I mentioned to Jade that it was a bit childish and immature to try to fuel this Obsession by treating her bridesmaids like dolls and I didn't want to be Ault to her she got mad at me and argued that it's her wedding and her special day so everyone should comply to what she wants I argued that several of us bridesmaides aren't comfortable with that much makeup or crazy hairstyles to match someone we aren't but she continued arguing that it was her wedding and she'd do the same for me or anyone else's special day
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtoletmysisterdressmeupasaDisneyprincessforherwedding
ITA for telling my dad I don't exist to be a Reincarnation of his mother I 30f was named after my deceased grandmother Phyllis whom I never got the chance to meet she was the matriarch of my dad's side and her death left a great impact I was the first child in the family born after her death my mom said she really didn't want to name me this but my dad strong armed her this name has been difficult for me in a number of ways my dad refused to let me go by nickname all throughout my childhood the other kids still found ways to mock me such as calling me Phil and telling me I had a boy's name then in my teens they'd ask me if I wanted to be filled no I know kids can find anything to tease people with but it certainly didn't help the larger reason it was hard is I felt like I had to live up to a ghost it doesn't help I look just like her I was constantly reminded of a legacy I had to live up to anytime I made a mistake I was told I needed to uphold the honor of the name keep in mind I have always listened to my dad's stories learned about the history and I greatly appreciate that I was named after someone so amazing and I tell my dad this even though I say I'm not a fan of the name in college I decided to reinvent myself and began going by Alissa in time people began to assume my name was Alyssa and I just went with it to the point that's all my friends colleagues Etc called me this my family was aware but would still call me Phyllis which I accepted for the time my dad made his disappointment clear but I told him all that mattered as he got it to call me it I also explained why the name was difficult to me several times both growing up and as an adult and he told me the meaning behind it was greater than bullies and that I should be honored to have such a legacy I got married last fall and it was an issue from my dad that the officient called me Alysa that Alysa was written on all the wedding decorations and invitations when I went to hyphenate my last name with my husbands I also chose to legally change my name to Alysa I had my grandmother's middle name as well my whole life and I kept that as it was never an issue it's Marie for those curious
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmydadIdontexisttobeareincarnationofhismotheraitaredditstoriesorig
:00.400 --> :06.600 sometimes the craziest revenge is no Revenge we'll  get into that story in a bit but first scorex   :06.600 --> :12.040 tries to frame me for sexual harassment so I get  her fired when people said it was a bad idea to   :12.040 --> :18.680 initiate intimate relationships with a coworker I  32- year old male should have listened if I did I   :18.680 --> :22.360 wouldn't have gone through the mess I went through  a few months ago I wouldn't have gone through the   :22.360 --> :28.080 risk of losing my job my reputation and everything  I held dear but then again I can't say all the   :28.080 --> :33.680 fault lies with me I trusted the the wrong person  was all I say this to all the men out there know   :33.680 --> :38.800 the kind of woman you find yourself with even if  you trust her with your life always be prepared   :38.800 --> :43.280 for the off chance that she turns on you so  you won't end up like me it all started when   :43.280 --> :48.720 I got a promotion I became the head of the sales  department at my company the CEO Jeremiah liked   :48.720 --> :54.240 me very much we went to the same school and he  recognized my skills by this time I'd been working   :54.240 --> :59.760 in the company for almost 5 years shortly after  my promotion we had to move base to a new city   :59.760 --> :05.000 and and a bigger office we needed to employ more  staff it just happened that the digital marketing   :05.000 --> :10.960 department was in dire need of workers a few weeks  later talents were hunted and we had new employees   :10.960 --> :16.200 this was when Joanna 26-year-old female was  employed the first time I met Joanna was during   :16.200 --> :20.800 the quarterly in-house meeting this was where all  the employees of different departments gathered   :20.800 --> :25.080 and talked about the progresses they've made over  the last 3 months and how they've pushed towards   :25.080 --> :30.440 our yearly goal as usual the meeting was boring  and all I could think of was going back back to my   :30.440 --> :35.920 office to finish up my work so I could continue  swiping at profiles on Tinder but then it was   :35.920 --> :41.320 time for the social media team's presentation and  Joanna stood up with her Department co-workers and   :41.320 --> :46.960 I saw her I remember thinking about how beautiful  she looked she wasn't the most beautiful girl I've   :46.960 --> :52.880 seen but she had a stunning figure and the look  on her face when she smiled was something else   :52.880 --> :58.000 I immediately forgot about going back to swipe  on Tinder the meeting went on a lot longer but   :58.000 --> :03.320 I didn't mind Joanna wasn't the one presenting but  I enjoyed looking at her anyway by the end of the   :03.320 --> :08.800 meeting I went over to talk to the CEO about some  things when I looked over to her again I caught   :08.800 --> :14.520 her looking back at me from the way she held my  gaze and smiled I could tell she was into me just   :14.520 --> :20.160 as much as I was into her but I didn't approach  her first I was a leader in the company I had a   :20.160 --> :26.600 reputation to upkeep and besides I knew that if I  waited long enough she'd come to me I was right by   :26.600 --> :31.400 the end of the work day Jo Mana came all the way  to my department and to my office to specifically   :31.400 --> :36.000 invite me out to a co-worker's hangout that  everyone else was going for I agreed and we all   :36.000 --> :40.800 went out when it was her turn to get around she  asked me to help her so we walked over to the bar   :40.800 --> :45.760 together she introduced herself and when I tried  to reciprocate she laughed and said she knew who   :45.760 --> :50.360 I was we talked for a moment before we turned  to the group with the beer when it was time to   :50.360 --> :55.080 leave she slipped a paper to me which contained  her number when I got home I wanted to call her   :55.080 --> :00.400 at once but I stopped myself and decided to play  it even cooler so when I returned to to work the   :00.400 --> :05.440 next day she came all the way from her Department  to see me she told me she was expecting my call   :05.440 --> :10.600 or text the previous day and I just apologized  and said I fell asleep then I asked her if she'd   :10.600 --> :15.440 like to go out to lunch during the weekend she  jumped at this offer I got to know her better   :15.440 --> :21.920 during the weekend and boy I wasn't pleased with  what I heard she was beautiful I'll give her that   :21.920 --> :27.280 but that's the only thing she had going for her  she was Dumb and shallow and I didn't see how I   :27.280 --> :32.120 could spend time with her without going crazy and  and so I told her I told her that I didn't see how   :32.120 --> :37.120 we could be together because we were different and  us being in the same company further complicated   :37.120 --> :42.080 things she told me it was okay and that we didn't  have to date she said she found me physically   :42.080 --> :47.600 attractive and she didn't really care about all  that emotional stuff this was a big win for me   :47.600 --> :53.400 I didn't have to commit and we could still get  you know intimate that same day she invited me   :53.400 --> :58.520 over to her place and we got into it from that  day forward we started to exchange texts and   :58.520 --> :04.920 pictures that were mostly sexual it was great but  only for a time one thing about Joanna was that   :04.920 --> :10.560 after a month or so of being as casual as we said  we were going to be she starts to push for more   :10.560 --> :15.520 every time she did that I had to set her right and  let her know it was purely emotional and she'd get   :15.520 --> :20.920 mad and not talk to me for a day or two then she  would talk to me and apologize for how she was   :20.920 --> :27.320 acting and we would go again and I'd pull away and  she would apologize after a few months the entire   :27.320 --> :32.400 ordeal was starting to get tiring and and so I  decided to end it I told her it wasn't working   :32.400 --> :37.080 as well as I'd hoped and she clearly wanted more  than I could give so she was better off looking   :37.080 --> :42.560 for it somewhere else she didn't agree with this  and for months she tried to convince me to take   :42.560 --> :47.960 her back but I didn't I even had to resort to  blocking her at some point this was where the real   :47.960 --> :54.280 trouble started because after some time away from  Joanna I met someone else someone who I wanted to   :54.280 --> :59.840 be with her name was Lisa and she liked me just  as much as I did her we met at my younger brother   :59.840 --> :04.480 wedding and she was the friend of a friend of the  Bridesmaids after the reception I asked for her   :04.480 --> :09.280 number and we decided to get dinner together and  things picked up from there within a few months   :09.280 --> :14.640 we were officially in a relationship by this time  Joanna had stopped texting me and I decided that   :14.640 --> :19.880 it was then safe to unblock her the only person I  told about my relationship with Lisa was my best   :19.880 --> :26.440 friend Hunter and he wasn't even working in my  company so I had no Mutual idea how my co-workers   :26.440 --> :32.640 knew that I was in a relationship soon enough the  entire office knew about me and my girlfriend I   :32.640 --> :38.040 didn't really care until Joanna confronted me  in the breakroom she asked me why I was dating   :38.040 --> :42.960 another woman instead of her and I reminded her  that I told her from the start that I wasn't   :42.960 --> :48.200 interested in her that way that started a back and  forth that lasted a few minutes and then she told   :48.200 --> :54.480 me she was going to make me pay for what I'd done  to her excuse me pay for what everything we did   :54.480 --> :00.480 was purely Mutual it wasn't as if I forced myself  on her so there was nothing she could could do at   :00.480 --> :05.760 least that was what I thought until I got summoned  by the company's CEO I went to the office and made   :05.760 --> :11.440 a joke about him summoning me to fire me when he  didn't laugh I knew there was a problem he told   :11.440 --> :17.000 his personal assistant to excuse us and made sure  he closed the door before he return to face me he   :17.000 --> :22.720 told me about the sexual harassment allegations  Joanna had made against me and even showed me the   :22.720 --> :28.240 statement she wrote to say I was shocked about  what she said about me was an understatement the   :28.240 --> :33.520 deeper I went into her report the more shocked  I was she told him I had manipulated and coerced   :33.520 --> :38.320 her a lot of times by threatening her job she  even reported that I'd said I'd get away with   :38.320 --> :43.400 it because I was friends with the CEO when I  was done I immediately explained that it was   :43.400 --> :48.960 all a lie and I told my own side of the story  after the explanation I gave Jerry told me that   :48.960 --> :53.840 a formal investigation had to be carried out  to get the truth of the story before anything   :53.840 --> :59.320 could be done as soon as I left the office I was  tempted to walk into the social media department   :59.320 --> :05.400 and grab her by the hair and shake her till she  confessed but I was under investigation and any   :05.400 --> :10.520 further action I took could be used against  me so I decided to keep my cool I went back   :10.520 --> :16.240 to my office like nothing happened I avoided her  like the plague over the next few days while the   :16.240 --> :22.040 investigation was being carried out at one point  I was called in and I had to submit my phone so   :22.040 --> :27.080 they could examine our texts and gaug what was  happening from how we used to relate when they   :27.080 --> :32.080 were done with that they looked through the CCTV  cameras in the office that had clips of us being   :32.080 --> :37.320 together it took them over a month to complete  their investigation before HR called us both into   :37.320 --> :42.680 the office to talk things out they made her tell  her side of the story and while they did they used   :42.680 --> :47.920 the evidence on our phone and the video footage  to judge the truth of her words they did it for me   :47.920 --> :53.680 too but eventually they realized that most of the  things Joanna said about me didn't seem through in   :53.680 --> :59.560 the way she texted me for one they saw that she  was the one being more flirtatious in our texts   :59.560 --> :04.760 and the first time we ever spoke she was the one  who approached me and even when we broke off our   :04.760 --> :11.000 relationship they saw how she reacted and realized  that she set the entire thing up to get me fired   :11.000 --> :16.080 the case was dismissed and I received an apology  but that wasn't enough I told him I couldn't work   :16.080 --> :21.760 in the same company with her after the stunt she  pulled she spun lies against me and because she   :21.760 --> :27.000 had already told some of her co-workers in her  Department the news had spread and I was already   :27.000 --> :31.840 getting bad looks from people no matter how I  proved my innocence there were still some people   :31.840 --> :37.320 that'll believe that I was guilty and that there  was a coverup going on besides she told a lie that   :37.320 --> :42.400 could have gotten me fired her behavior didn't  represent the company in a good light and what's   :42.400 --> :47.080 to say she won't do it again with a different  person the disciplinary committee discussed my   :47.080 --> :51.800 concerns then they reached out to the head of  the social media department to get his thoughts   :51.800 --> :56.440 the head of the social media Department Alex  was also a good friend of mine and he'd gone   :56.440 --> :00.880 through something similar in his college days so  he told him that he wasn't interested in working   :00.880 --> :06.600 with someone who could tell grave lies against an  innocent person after he told them his position   :06.600 --> :12.520 they had no choice but to fire Joanna she begged  and pleaded that it wouldn't happen again but the   :12.520 --> :18.360 deed was done and she had to face the music she  called me a few more times after the office Saga   :18.360 --> :23.400 asking me to forgive her and help her get her  job back but her please fell on deaf ears when   :23.400 --> :28.720 she started to become annoying I blocked her  number so she couldn't reach me again honestly   :28.720 --> :33.560 depending on the company this could have been  more than just op got fired if there was a company   :33.560 --> :39.320 that took it very seriously something like that  especially with not exactly clear lines as far   :39.320 --> :44.560 as a position of authority goes might have led to  the company trying to Blacklist op from that kind   :44.560 --> :52.240 of industry or even as far as maybe like setting  up a potential lawsuit also hi I'm Steven and if   :52.240 --> :57.560 you guys enjoy crazy stories of Revenge it would  be amazing if you left a like or left a review if   :57.560 --> :03.960 you're listening to my podcast then set our next  story is I married my friend's ex- fiance there is   :03.960 --> :09.920 narcissism and then there is my ex-f friend's kind  of narcissism she was so out of touch with reality   :09.920 --> :14.880 that many times I wondered if she even knew what  she was doing and it was because I was convinced   :14.880 --> :19.720 that she had no idea what she was doing that I  put up with her for so long my friend and I were   :19.720 --> :24.400 friends for a total of 5 years we met at a party  my cousin took me to when I was in my freshman   :24.400 --> :29.320 year of college she wasn't in college yet at the  time but was looking to get into my University   :29.840 --> :34.560 I noticed that she danced really well and  since I was a Dancer too I walked up to her   :34.560 --> :39.160 and introduced myself we exchanged numbers  and started to text each other and that was   :39.160 --> :43.960 how our friendship blossomed I didn't really  see how selfish my friend could be until she   :43.960 --> :49.640 was offered admission by my University and moved  in with her aunt who was at the time a professor   :49.640 --> :55.480 and lived on campus first of all my friend always  wanted the best stuff for some weird reason she   :55.480 --> :00.240 always felt she deserved only the best stuff and  every other person could get the drums for all she   :00.240 --> :06.200 cared about for instance if we go out together and  get gifts we used to work together as dancers my   :06.200 --> :11.800 friend would always want to take the nicest stuff  even when I got monetary gifts or any other stuff   :11.800 --> :17.200 she tried to convince me to give the best of my  gifts to her she also never wanted to share if I   :17.200 --> :22.360 was given a gift individually she'd try to get  me to share it with her but if she got a gift   :22.360 --> :27.840 she would never want to share hers most times  she wouldn't even tell me about it on occasions   :27.840 --> :32.840 where I'd find out myself she would start an  argument or do something just to ensure that we   :32.840 --> :38.120 never share her gifts I didn't even notice that  that was intentional until it became a pattern   :38.120 --> :43.520 my friend was also very competitive I'm not a  competitive person I'm a chill kind of person   :43.520 --> :48.200 and I mostly just want to hang out with my friends  and be around them without feeling like everything   :48.200 --> :53.720 has to be a competition my friend could randomly  see me dancing and then start dancing too this   :53.720 --> :58.880 happens mostly when we have company even at random  House Parties I would start singing and my friend   :58.880 --> :04.000 would cut in ensuring that her voice was louder  than mine usually I'd just stop singing and let   :04.000 --> :08.960 her be the center of attention if that's what she  wanted when she was in her sophomore year we went   :08.960 --> :14.160 to a party together to perform my cousin's friend  had invited us to his party to dance he said there   :14.160 --> :18.040 were going to be people who were big shots in  the entertainment industry and that we would   :18.040 --> :23.200 make useful connections if we did we weren't going  to get paid but my friend and I figured it was a   :23.200 --> :28.560 good way to get more exposure we agreed and went  to dance together after performing a young man   :28.560 --> :33.960 walked up to and complimented my moves I thanked  him and we talked and flirted for a bit he then   :33.960 --> :38.840 told me that he was friends with an artist and  I made him promise to put in a word for us my   :38.840 --> :45.480 friend and me we wanted to be music video vixen  so bad at the time and him helping us get that   :45.480 --> :50.760 would have been a big deal he promised and gave  me his number that night my friend ignored me   :50.760 --> :56.400 all through the ride back home the host had given  us both a ride and she would not speak to me the   :56.400 --> :01.360 next morning she came to mine and wanted to talk  about the man I was talking to the night before   :01.360 --> :06.480 I told her about him and all that we talked about  she then started to talk about how she ignored me   :06.480 --> :12.120 all through the right home because she was jealous  I didn't understand why she would be jealous she   :12.120 --> :17.160 didn't even know him or what we were talking about  she then said she was jealous because she'd had a   :17.160 --> :22.800 crush on him for the longest time that didn't  make any sense to me because like I said she   :22.800 --> :27.920 didn't even know him but she made something up  about having seen him at a party before she even   :27.920 --> :32.560 lied that they flirted with each each other I knew  she was lying she probably had seen him at a party   :32.560 --> :37.840 in the past but they didn't flirt if they had as  much as had a conversation I just knew the young   :37.840 --> :43.360 man would have walked up to her instead of me also  he would have at least remembered her we talked   :43.360 --> :48.560 for a bit and he never even mentioned her looking  familiar you know what's even funnier my friend   :48.560 --> :54.000 then said that he probably was going to talk to  her but because we danced together he got confused   :54.000 --> :59.120 and came up to me instead my friend and I looked  nothing alike we also thought it was ridiculous to   :59.120 --> :04.600 wear matching outfits because we danced together  so we absolutely never did that anyone could tell   :04.600 --> :10.160 us apart after going back and forth about the guy  I told her that I was going to let him go it was   :10.160 --> :16.040 clear that she liked him and I just met him anyway  I wasn't going to fight my friend and business   :16.040 --> :21.000 partner over some guy that I barely knew we both  agreed to let him go and chose our friendship   :21.000 --> :27.760 instead now imagine my shock when the next time  we saw him at a party this guy said hello to me I   :27.760 --> :33.240 responded coldly and kept it moving but my friend  walked up to him and started to flirt with him   :33.240 --> :39.120 she flirted shamelessly with him all evening even  though the guy paid her very little attention the   :39.120 --> :43.720 next day when I asked her about why she behaved  that way she said it was because I'd responded   :43.720 --> :48.840 coldly to the guy and she didn't want him to feel  bad I told her she was outrightly flirting with   :48.840 --> :53.840 him and she said something about doing that  because she was a people pleaser and felt   :53.840 --> :59.200 responsible for how I treated him a month later  she came to mine one random evening and suddenly   :59.200 --> :04.480 burst out crying she then told me that she and the  guy we met at the party were in a relationship I   :04.480 --> :10.760 was stupified I didn't even ask how I just told  her to leave my house she left and that was it   :10.760 --> :15.440 we stopped communicating for 4 months after the  fourth month she reached out to me through my   :15.440 --> :21.200 cousin and apologized again my cousin pleaded  with me to forgive her and I did we went back   :21.200 --> :26.120 to being friends at the time she was still with  the guy but she'd never let us be in the same   :26.120 --> :31.840 space whenever she had him over she would never  invite me it went on like that until one day I   :31.840 --> :36.600 was at the supermarket when I saw him with some  other guy I decided to be the bigger person and   :36.600 --> :42.040 say hello to him since my friend and I were cool  I walked up to him and said hello he flashed me a   :42.040 --> :48.320 big smile and then asked when I got out of rehab  I thought I didn't hear him well so I asked what   :48.320 --> :54.040 he said and he repeated himself after a long  conversation with this guy I found out that on   :54.040 --> :59.400 the night my friend met him again the night I  responded coldly to him she told him was going   :59.400 --> :05.000 through some addiction problem and whenever I was  trying my hands on withdrawal I behaved coldly   :05.000 --> :10.000 towards others when she told me they were dating  and I cut her out of my life she told him that I'd   :10.000 --> :16.400 gone to a rehabilitation center the lies were just  ridiculous and it was pretty obvious that she told   :16.400 --> :22.240 those lies just to get him to leave me alone not  only did she lie about me being a drug addict she   :22.240 --> :27.160 made us lose money because the guy had offered  to talk to his friend for the dance gig like   :27.160 --> :32.360 he promised but my friend told him I wasn't in a  good mental state and couldn't dance I don't know   :32.360 --> :38.520 which hurts me more the fact that she stole a man  from me or the fact that she made me lose money   :38.520 --> :42.920 and what would have been a good connection that  would be useful for me in the future I told him   :42.920 --> :48.560 exactly what had happened and boy was he shocked  he told me that he'd caught her in too many lies   :48.560 --> :53.200 and that he was certainly breaking up with her  that was how her relationship with the guy came   :53.200 --> :59.080 to an end shortly after we left College my friend  started to date this Foreigner who was very invest   :59.080 --> :04.480 in starting a family early on in life he was from  a wealthy family in his home country and had only   :04.480 --> :10.400 come for business he also went to University here  he proposed to her after 5 months of being with   :10.400 --> :16.080 her she would tell me about him all the time and  even though it didn't seemed like she loved him   :16.080 --> :21.320 she was more interested in his family's money  and political power she was excited and looked   :21.320 --> :27.120 forward to being his wife at the time Facebook  was the Rave and everybody was getting the app   :27.120 --> :32.640 I got on the app and searched for him wanted then  we started to talk I did my research about him so   :32.640 --> :37.080 I figured out the stuff he liked and what we might  have in common we both lost one of our parents at   :37.080 --> :43.800 a tender age so I capitalized on that one day I  told him I had a confession I lied that my friend   :43.800 --> :49.480 was a drug addict and that she was trying to use  him for his money I basically repeated the lies   :49.480 --> :55.800 she told her ex about me but I added more flesh  to my story he confronted her about it they had   :55.800 --> :01.840 a huge fight and he ended his relationship with  her while all this was going on my friend had no   :01.840 --> :08.240 idea I'd even been communicating with her ex I was  going to tell her about everything I did though I   :08.240 --> :13.240 already planned to tell her the same way she told  me about dating that other guy but her ex started   :13.240 --> :20.840 making moves on me I'd also developed feelings of  sorts so in no time we started dating at first I   :20.840 --> :25.880 pretended to be koi and told them we had to keep  the relationship away from her until I'd talk to   :25.880 --> :31.840 her about it when I saw that our relationship was  solid I went to her home and broke the news to her   :31.840 --> :38.720 she was hysterical I ran out of her house that day  because she tried to attack me still it was fun to   :38.720 --> :44.120 watch her go crazy about doing something to her  that she' done to me too people are hardly ever   :44.120 --> :49.240 willing to take the tiniest dose of their own  medicine my man and I were together for a year   :49.240 --> :54.080 before we finally got engaged and married after  our marriage I left the country to be with him   :54.080 --> :59.640 in his home country my friend still writes and  talks about how I betrayed her to this stay but   :59.640 --> :05.840 what she never includes is it was she who started  it you know I was continuously thinking about the   :05.840 --> :11.640 fact that they can point out exactly like op did  that they fabricated the story and stole their man   :11.640 --> :16.960 but then I realized it does set it up on a silver  platter for op to turn around and say you did the   :16.960 --> :23.000 exact same thing to me to begin with I guess I'm  just afraid in the end that op's partner is going   :23.000 --> :27.960 to find out one way or another and how is that  going to look knowing your entire relationship is   :27.960 --> :35.200 based on this revenge and lies this next story is  no revenge is the best revenge my favorite thing   :35.200 --> :40.760 to do when going through stuff on my own personal  free time is to ponder and think deeply as to the   :40.760 --> :45.600 next step I'm going to take and also in that  same respect the most logical way to get out of   :45.600 --> :50.960 that situation I should say that this is my strong  suit as that's the one thing that I know I'm very   :50.960 --> :55.960 much capable of doing effectively but then again  this might also be one of those things that many   :55.960 --> :01.920 might not consider a plus or a healthy habit bit  but it's just how I am and I must say this habit   :01.920 --> :07.680 of mine proved to be very effective yet again as  it helped me not so meticulously plan out my Act   :07.680 --> :13.080 of Retribution against my partner whom I caught  red-handed cheating on me with none other than my   :13.080 --> :18.200 brother and the worst part of it all was that not  only was my brother not aware of this but she had   :18.200 --> :22.960 also taken advantage of him at his weakest I'd  like to give you a simple walkthrough so as to   :22.960 --> :28.320 provide you with a little bit of context in this  situation I male 28 had been married to my partner   :28.320 --> :33.960 the M 26 for near close to 4 years now and I know  for a fact that throughout the entirety of the   :33.960 --> :38.840 time that we were together I made sure that there  was nothing that she lacked and this was majorly   :38.840 --> :43.720 because I was quite an intentional man it was kind  of a policy of mine to make sure that there was   :43.720 --> :48.400 nothing my woman lacked whether she brought it to  my notice or not and this was one of the things   :48.400 --> :53.800 that really made our relationship flourish and for  things to work out properly for the both of us but   :53.800 --> :58.680 I guess this wasn't the slightest bit enough for  her as she'd always been finding herself wanting   :58.680 --> :05.000 more and more on several situations on several  counts but then again I knew this about her and   :05.000 --> :09.440 there was nothing I thought I could do with the  time to change her mind effectively my partner for   :09.440 --> :15.880 this story sake let's call her Eliza Liz for short  was the most kind-hearted Soul I'd ever met on our   :15.880 --> :20.640 first ever meeting and conversation with each  other was one of those days that would forever   :20.640 --> :26.000 remain ingrained in my memories and this was the  day in high school where she came to my rescue   :26.000 --> :31.760 surprisingly and mind you this was someone that  I had never engaged in conversation before and   :31.760 --> :36.680 someone that was effectively a complete stranger  to me at the time but then again it was just one   :36.680 --> :41.080 of the many things that brought the both of us  closer and closer to each other while I was in   :41.080 --> :46.920 high school at the time I was what you would  categorize as a complete and total nerd at the   :46.920 --> :52.720 time I was still under prescribed glasses and  I had little to no fashion sense and this just   :52.720 --> :58.600 seemed normal to me at the time but looking back  now I understand why I never seem to be able to   :58.600 --> :04.840 make good friends and honestly I can't even blame  myself anyways back then I had next to no friends   :04.840 --> :11.000 and more often than not I was usually always alone  by myself but on one fateful day about a few days   :11.000 --> :16.480 to Valentine's Day where every other student in  my school at the time was already obsessing and   :16.480 --> :22.480 hyping for the day to celebrate and share love  for and to their Partners there I was unable to   :22.480 --> :27.800 even be able to join in in the fry and first of  all this didn't bother me not even the slightest   :27.800 --> :32.200 bit but then then again I was a young teenager  at the time and it really didn't seem like this   :32.200 --> :37.320 was something any normal teenager should be  okay with but it wasn't like I had any other   :37.320 --> :42.200 options or any other person I could actually  have asked out for that day and so when the   :42.200 --> :46.960 school announced that it was going to organize a  little party for its students which was going to   :46.960 --> :53.080 take place on school grounds attendance by every  single student was mandatory this only made me   :53.080 --> :58.720 feel all the more left out but then again there  was quite literally nothing I could have done   :58.720 --> :04.600 so I had to attend Valentine's Day was soon  upon us and just as you would have expected   :04.600 --> :09.720 things were not looking so good for me as at  the time I'd gotten to the venue practically   :09.720 --> :14.080 every single student was with a partner and  those that were without had already gone and   :14.080 --> :20.040 paired themselves up with someone else outside of  the school students as that too was also allowed   :20.040 --> :25.200 there I was sitting alone in the corner of all the  students in every single grade I was the only one   :25.200 --> :31.280 without a partner or so I thought then right as it  was almost time for the final dance there were a   :31.280 --> :36.040 number of students who usually made me the object  of their bullying those students just so happened   :36.040 --> :41.720 to pass by me at the exact time when the dance  was supposed to start and they began their taunts   :41.720 --> :46.760 and right as they were about to get real serious  about it seeing as I wasn't responding to anything   :46.760 --> :52.800 they were saying there she was almost like a  heroine she came to my rescue driving them away   :52.800 --> :57.800 and assuming the position of my partner I don't  know what it was but then right at that moment   :57.800 --> :02.840 I didn't know what to to say nor do and she just  took my hands and told me to join her on the Dance   :02.840 --> :08.840 Floor long story short this was quite literally  the most unforgettable moment of my life as I   :08.840 --> :14.680 was forever captivated by her actions from that  day onwards and also that was the last day I ever   :14.680 --> :20.600 got to experience any sort of action resulting in  bullying from any of those guys as it seemed like   :20.600 --> :25.760 she had something to do with that ever since that  day Liz and I had always been together at first   :25.760 --> :30.440 I was of the mindset that she was just doing all  this just because she felt bad for me and all but   :30.440 --> :35.280 I was later convinced that this wasn't the case  as she took it upon herself to be open with her   :35.280 --> :39.960 feelings for me which had apparently developed  over time she did this right as we were about   :39.960 --> :45.960 to leave high school and ever since then I felt  nothing but love for her this was quite literally   :45.960 --> :51.480 the start of our relationship the Genesis if you  will and it's from this point forward that my life   :51.480 --> :56.880 really took a turn for the better quite literally  right after high school we had officially begun   :56.880 --> :02.400 dating and life was onest L good between the  both of us no complaints whatsoever and to be   :02.400 --> :08.160 very honest deep down I wasn't okay with this  don't get me wrong I very much enjoy the peace   :08.160 --> :12.640 we both bring into each other's lives and all  and I'm down for that every single day for the   :12.640 --> :18.760 rest of our lives and all but then again I always  had this uneasy feeling that something was a miss   :18.760 --> :24.080 and that I was quite literally ignoring something  very important but I could just never figure it   :24.080 --> :29.360 out and most times the thought just went by like  that yet again fast forward a bit to when we were   :29.360 --> :34.960 both done with college as at this time this was  where things had begun to get really interesting   :34.960 --> :40.240 as at the time we were both just fresh out of  college and I was the only one lucky enough to   :40.240 --> :45.160 have secured a high-paying job right off the  bat as this was due to some of the strings my   :45.160 --> :51.080 parents pulled and all Liz on the other hand was  not so lucky but then again we were both living   :51.080 --> :56.880 together at the time and this was most definitely  no problem for her as I was most certainly willing   :56.880 --> :02.280 to be a provider for her so that she would most  definitely not lack anything she needed this was   :02.280 --> :08.480 until she was able to secure some means of earning  income that is things were really okay with us and   :08.480 --> :13.920 I wasn't complaining not even in the slightest  bit however as time went on i' began to notice   :13.920 --> :19.040 that not only had she become quite complacent  with the way things were in her life at the time   :19.040 --> :24.160 but she had also misplaced a large majority  of her priorities and this was not something   :24.160 --> :29.520 I was willing to stand by and watch happen as I  only wanted what was best for for her on several   :29.520 --> :34.440 counts I would call her out on her behavior and  indifference towards quite literally having and   :34.440 --> :39.680 planning a future for herself and every single  time we talked about this she was always looking   :39.680 --> :45.520 for a means and ways to avoid the conversation by  saying that I didn't want what was best for her   :45.520 --> :51.760 and that I was always finding fault in any and  everything she tried to do it got so bad to an   :51.760 --> :57.760 extent that I just didn't know what else to say to  her anymore I just chose to leave her to her vices   :57.760 --> :03.400 because I believed she was an adult and that she  could very much make adult decisions for herself   :03.400 --> :09.080 without my intervention and that's how things took  a nose dive between us she'd begun avoiding me on   :09.080 --> :13.880 several occasions in our house she would rarely  give me the time of her day even though we were   :13.880 --> :18.920 sharing the same living and sleeping space at the  time and I wasn't just fully prepared to tackle   :18.920 --> :23.880 that issue as I was having my brother come over  to stay with me for some time he'd been having   :23.880 --> :28.800 issues in college at the time and he just needed  a place where he could calm down and collect his   :28.800 --> :33.960 thoughts before going back to school and I  offered to accommodate him for the time being   :33.960 --> :38.800 while my brother was around she would rarely come  out of the room as this was just her own way of   :38.800 --> :44.960 apparently throwing a tantrum however one very day  I was supposed to have been away from home for 2   :44.960 --> :50.800 days as it was a work-related business trip and I  left the care of our home in her hands and she was   :50.800 --> :56.360 totally uninterested from what I'd gathered as she  didn't even acknowledge my presence let alone the   :56.360 --> :01.600 info I'd just given her at this time I'd made up  my mind that I was going to sit her down and talk   :01.600 --> :07.320 things through when I got back as I was not going  to stand for all of her actions and behaviors   :07.320 --> :13.800 again I left the house that day knowing fully well  that I wasn't going to be back till I was and then   :13.800 --> :18.760 unfortunately my flight got delayed for a long  time and eventually the event got shifted to a   :18.760 --> :24.040 later date I had already spent quite some time at  the airport and I just decided to head back home   :24.040 --> :30.480 straight and when I got home the scene I saw right  before my eyes was quite damaging she was having a   :30.480 --> :36.920 forceful affair with my brother in my living room  and I just walked in on them lots of thoughts had   :36.920 --> :42.240 flooded my mind at the time but I just chose  the less impulsive and less violent one so I   :42.240 --> :48.120 walked out I couldn't bear to look at either one  of them for the time being and after that day my   :48.120 --> :53.920 brother left my house but then she was still in  there waiting for me to come back waiting for a   :53.920 --> :00.240 reaction or a response and I made sure she didn't  get one I I came back to the house wearing not a   :00.240 --> :06.560 single emotion on my face she was terrified she  didn't know what I wanted to do and when I wanted   :06.560 --> :12.640 to do it but she knew I wanted to do something and  this made living with me for her quite literally   :12.640 --> :19.600 a living heck my actions and behavior went on for  quite literally months on end until she felt like   :19.600 --> :25.520 she was going crazy and then she finally ran away  from home she went on over to her parents' place   :25.520 --> :31.440 and has never returned to my place ever since then  I think I've placed her in a state of permanent   :31.440 --> :37.920 fear as she would never be okay whenever she  sees me by doing nothing I was able to cause   :37.920 --> :43.800 the permanent and longlasting effect of fear in  her and this brought me nothing but satisfaction   :43.800 --> :49.160 even though I had just experienced something  terrible I think she got what she deserves so   :49.160 --> :53.920 let me get this straight once op found out that  their partner was sleeping with their brother   :53.920 --> :00.360 their Revenge was to come back not even have any  ounce of emotion try to almost never acknowledge   :00.360 --> :05.760 them just kind of live their life autonomously  around them and they managed to do that for weeks   :05.760 --> :11.720 on end I mean I can't lie after a day or two you'd  be like are they ever going to go back to being a   :11.720 --> :17.200 normal human being it's almost as if you manag to  find the off switch for the robot but you don't   :17.200 --> :22.960 know how to turn it back on and it just keeps on  going you just get fearful it's going to just snap   :22.960 --> :28.320 and break at some point but with that being said  that's all the time we have for today now if you   :28.320 --> :33.760 want to hear another crazy Revenge story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   :33.760 --> :39.480 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeTHEBESTREVENGEISNOREVENGERedditStoriesen
aita for not taking back pajamas my bf's girl best friend wor the past weekend my BF and I joined his friends for a weekend getaway at a cabin Airbnb there were five people in total me him a male friend his GF and my bf's girl best friend I've never liked his girl best friend because she gives Pik me Vibes and I think she either has a crush on my BF or she likes attention she doesn't like me either I remain very cordial to her when we arrived at the cabin she told my BF that she hadn't packed any pajamas and none of her clothes were appropriate since they'd get dirty she couldn't wear the other girls clothes because they wouldn't fit so she begged my BF to give me my pajamas since I always pack extra without asking me he gave her my pajamas so I came out of the shower to find her wearing my pajamas and with the bottom basically shoved all the way up her crack she spent the entire weekend lounging in my PJs when the weekend was over she tried to give them back to me and I said that she could keep them she got mad at me and asked if I thought she was dirty or had cooties I said she could just keep them since it seemed she liked them a lot she called me a mean girl and said I was being rude it ruined the mood since the other friend took her side while his girlfriend took mine and my BF had to take my side and now things are really awkward and I think I might be Iced Out by my bf's friends ITA edit he did not know I do not like her
give me a good story on AITAfornottakingbackpajamasmybfsgirlbestfriendworeorig
:14.400 --> :18.180 Earlier today I had an experience I  will treasure for the rest of my life,   :18.180 --> :19.860 best of all it's a short one! :19.860 --> :24.480 At the gym's pool I wound up befriending a  lady and her son after she gave up her swim   :24.480 --> :30.240 lane so I could flail around without potentially  steamrolling little kids in the family area. Wound   :30.240 --> :34.560 up chatting a little bit when I'd be gasping for  air on their end of the pool if I saw them again. :34.560 --> :37.320 Well, today it was pretty much the same deal,   :37.320 --> :41.400 except at one point the mom flagged me down  and asked me to keep an eye on her little one,   :41.400 --> :47.220 she had to go to the bathroom. It's not my third  day, I asked no questions. Because if you ask,   :47.220 --> :52.680 odds are a woman will tell you what's  wrong in excruciating detail. I just   :52.680 --> :56.880 nodded and assumed responsibility while she  scurried out of the pool to the locker room. :22.260 --> :27.480 She was gone for maybe ten minutes, during which  time I'd given up on helping the lil guy learn to   :27.480 --> :33.420 swim and was being used as an impromptu jumping  platform. He'd stand on my shoulders holding   :33.420 --> :37.980 my hands and then jump in the water. I guess  for him it was like jumping off a sky scraper,   :37.980 --> :41.820 and I made sure he wasn't going to knock  himself out on the pool edge or something. :41.820 --> :46.020 It was then that a woman water walked  over to us with a little girl in tow,   :46.020 --> :51.120 demanding to know where the boy's mother was  and why he was using me like a jungle gym. :51.120 --> :55.860 Before I could reply the little guy rolled  his eyes at the woman and said the following,   :55.860 --> :02.040 at max volume. "Ms. Karen Mommy asked Mr.  OP to watch me. She hasn't pooped in three   :02.040 --> :06.300 days and I think she just got unstuck. Are  you really going to ruin that for her too?" :06.300 --> :08.820 The other adults in the pool within earshot,   :08.820 --> :15.240 again, he was NOT quiet with his question all  instantly went to either complete neutrality or   :15.240 --> :19.800 barely concealed glee. I'm guessing said  lady wasn't too popular with that crowd. :19.800 --> :25.080 Her face turned an alarming shade of red, and  then huffed her way to the edge of the pool and   :25.080 --> :30.720 yanked her little one out of the pool and stalked  into the locker room, muttering unintelligibly. :30.720 --> :36.180 Lil dude DEFINITELY got a high five after  that mic drop moment. I'm not his dad,   :36.180 --> :40.020 and even if I was I'd probably  still have given him a high five. :40.020 --> :46.500 I have absolutely no idea what the too part  meant. I'll have to ask what the too meant   :46.500 --> :50.940 next chance I get. His mom was more than a  little mortified about her medical status   :50.940 --> :55.440 being broadcast like that, and she only  came back to grab her son so they could   :55.440 --> :50.400 head home. This happened my sophomore year  of high school at least the spring half. My   :50.400 --> :55.200 sister used to say this was my proudest moment  because I worked really hard. My High School   :55.200 --> :00.540 gave me off-campus lunch previliges because of  my grades were above normal for being a learning   :00.540 --> :05.460 disabled kid. Getting a B average is what is  allowable for it for sophomores and freshman. :05.460 --> :09.660 I also got to be a teacher's aide in the  special education department along with   :09.660 --> :16.260 tutoring upon request. It was awesome and for  most of January to about April, my friends who   :16.260 --> :21.180 had a car would drive to my house because my  mom was a great cook and loved serving us. :21.180 --> :26.520 But there was one issue, it was boy in the  special ed room called Cody. His mother was   :26.520 --> :30.900 one of the special ed teachers and she  was annoying as h*** because she always   :30.900 --> :36.600 tried to include Cody in everything. She was  one of those Entitled Special Needs Moms. :36.600 --> :42.420 She also had Cody follow me at lunch when I  ate in the cafeteria and he always weaseled   :42.420 --> :46.860 his way to sit with the rest of the marching  band kids. He would get upset if we talked   :46.860 --> :51.120 about music or who was trying out for drum  manager because it did not include him. :51.120 --> :56.400 I was in band since Freshman year and was  considered older by my quiet nature. Though   :56.400 --> :01.140 my band friends never escaped the fact my mom  was the one who fed us in the summer during the   :01.140 --> :06.840 Marching Field Exercises, so we made plans when  my off-campus access was allowed to see my mom. :06.840 --> :11.640 Of course Cody told his mother who asked me  when I was working in the special ed room,   :11.640 --> :14.640 "So, are you and your friends taking Cody too?" :15.360 --> :17.280 "Wait, no he doesn't have off campus,   :17.280 --> :22.740 sorry," I pointed to the rules regarding it. "If  he maintained a B average like I did he could." :22.740 --> :26.400 She crossed her arms and told me  I had to include him because I was   :26.400 --> :30.540 his friend or else. I told her  no and went forward with plans. :30.540 --> :35.220 On the day I went to sign out and noticed  something was odd when the school secretary   :35.220 --> :40.020 took me aside. She called my mom who was  basically the one who made the plans with   :40.020 --> :44.280 my friends and I. She was there in  almost five minutes with food for me. :44.280 --> :48.600 Apparently Cody's mom decided to use  my learning disabilities as a reason   :48.600 --> :53.700 to remove my off campus rights.  I worked six months to get these   :53.700 --> :57.540 privileges and they were removed all  because I wouldn't take Cody with me. :57.540 --> :02.520 I was p***** and decided to make it known in  the worst way I could. I went to my English   :02.520 --> :06.840 teacher asking her if the student aide  position was still open and she brought   :06.840 --> :10.440 the note to the special ed teacher with  a sign over sheet. "Who is going to talk   :10.440 --> :14.940 to Cody?" Was all Cody's mom asked when she  saw the signatures and couldn't get her way. :14.940 --> :20.580 Eventually my off-campus was returned a month  later when my English teacher started to fight it,   :20.580 --> :25.320 she said I worked entirely too hard.  I still maintained the B average and   :25.320 --> :29.040 also refused to go to the special ed  room for tutoring if Cody was there. :29.040 --> :32.520 By Junior year off campus was  allowed without the B average,   :32.520 --> :37.080 but I was still p***** at Cody and his  mother. I worked hard and she decided   :37.080 --> :40.920 to use my own weakness against  me for the most petty reasons. :40.920 --> :44.820 I really hope nobody has to go through  that kind of BS if they are a student   :44.820 --> :28.800 aide. I hope these policies changed at my high  school. So, I work in the floral department of   :28.800 --> :33.360 a local grocery store chain in my state. We  are always gonna be the busiest in fall and   :33.360 --> :38.340 spring due to dance season (homecoming and  Proms) and that can genuinely be really fun. :38.340 --> :43.260 Anyway, there are only ever two or three people  that work in the floral department, and rarely   :43.260 --> :47.760 do they work together. Even with dance weeks,  they will only work together towards the end   :47.760 --> :52.680 of the week. I bring this up because this specific  event happened towards the middle of a dance week. :52.680 --> :56.640 It was towards the end of my shift and I  was cleaning things up and getting ready   :56.640 --> :01.080 to go before a family of 3 walk into  the department. I don’t really mind,   :01.080 --> :05.040 since I still have a bit of time, so I  go up to them and say my usual greeting, :05.040 --> :06.420 “Hey, how can I help you today?” :06.420 --> :09.780 The mom of the family comes up to my  counter and tells me that she’s here   :09.780 --> :14.700 for a corsage pick up. I say ok and  go to grab it. Now, this lady bought   :14.700 --> :20.940 an “Admiration Petit Corsage” which is a  rather tiny corsage with about 7 spray roses,   :20.940 --> :27.720 which are just really tiny roses, in case anyone  was curious. So, by the name and flowers alone,   :27.720 --> :31.980 you would assume it wasn’t gonna be the  biggest, but it was still really pretty. :31.980 --> :37.560 She specifically ordered one with hot  pink roses, which is more of a magenta   :37.560 --> :42.240 in the roses we get. It is still a really  strong color, but it isn’t eye bleeding. :42.240 --> :49.440 ALL OF THIS- I should add, is mentioned on the  website. The size, the color, everything. We   :49.440 --> :54.780 cannot control the flowers we get, but we always  do our best to be as accurate as possible. :54.780 --> :59.760 This lady barely glances at the corsage  and says, “This isn’t what I ordered.” :59.760 --> :02.940 I look at the paper, it says “Hot Pink Petite   :02.940 --> :06.900 Admiration Corsage” so I tell  her this is what she ordered. :06.900 --> :11.880 She responds with, “no, it’s too small,  it’s not the right color, it’s hideous.”   :11.880 --> :14.220 This lady then turns to her son and is trying to   :14.220 --> :18.000 dig for his approval- and all he  says is, “I think it looks fine.” :18.000 --> :20.820 Now she’s ignoring her son and tries to get her   :20.820 --> :24.360 husband’s response- his is  the same, “it looks fine.” :24.360 --> :28.200 I tell her that there are some pre  made corsages in the walk-in cooler,   :28.200 --> :33.660 if she’d want to look at any of those. So she  does, and she comes back with like- a red,   :33.660 --> :38.280 double rose corsage- which was a bit  more expensive than the admiration one. :38.280 --> :43.620 She says to me, “You should let me just take  this one this the one you made looks disgusting.” :43.620 --> :46.860 At that point, I had it. I tell  her that we cannot do that,   :46.860 --> :51.840 mainly due to the price differences, and  I tell her exactly what she ordered. I had   :51.840 --> :54.960 to highlight to word “petite”  to show her why it was small. :54.960 --> :02.040 She then goes, “No, that is French for pretty.  I ordered a pretty admiration corsage.” :02.040 --> :07.200 Once she said that, I knew that there was  no reasoning with this lady. I apologize,   :07.200 --> :10.800 mainly to the son and father, and tell  them that if they want their refund,   :10.800 --> :12.900 they need to go upfront to do it. :12.900 --> :16.140 Floral refunds are actually only  done back in the floral department,   :16.140 --> :21.240 but I needed some time with them gone so I  could call our Central Design store to ask   :21.240 --> :25.980 them what I can do. After I finished calling  them, I called the floor managers for up front   :25.980 --> :30.480 and told them what was up- but when I told them  that they could send the lady back to floral,   :30.480 --> :33.540 they tell me they never had a  lady like that come up to them. :33.540 --> :35.940 Since she already paid for her order online,   :35.940 --> :40.560 I didn’t really care. She just had the  thing she paid for and that was that. :40.560 --> :46.500 Now, a couple days later, that same floor manager  told me and the floral manager that there was   :46.500 --> :52.560 a complaint and a refund made. It was that same  lady. I don’t know what the complaint was exactly,   :52.560 --> :57.900 but I knew it was from her because on top  of the complaint paper was her order form- :57.900 --> :24.060 Since I already told my managers what was up,  they didn’t really care much. My friend- we'll   :43.980 --> :49.440 call her June- 's mom wants to hold her back from  graduation this year (we're in 8th grade/year 9).   :50.160 --> :55.620 She isn't failing in any of her classes that  I'm aware of. She's even in both advanced math   :55.620 --> :01.320 and advanced reading as well as a teacher aide  for our art teacher. Her mom's reasoning is she   :01.320 --> :07.980 "needs to mature" and "your uncle did well and he  was held back". Worst part is she (June's mother)   :07.980 --> :15.300 was my math teacher in 6th grade/year 7, and only  recently moved from in-person teaching to online   :15.300 --> :21.240 teaching, so she is still active in her career as  a teacher. All of June's friends, myself included,   :21.240 --> :27.960 are very upset about this. She's just as smart  as we are and probably as mature as we are. I'm   :27.960 --> :32.580 honestly considering emailing her about this  because I will go off on her if she keeps   :32.580 --> :34.240 my friend back for no good reason. (My gf gave  me the full story!! She typed it out herself.) :34.240 --> :35.030 My partner had not told me they posted my  experience on Reddit until today, and I actually   :35.030 --> :35.606 have been wanting to do that, but I can’t get  to Reddit since the only device I have is my   :35.606 --> :04.680 high school Chromebooks. So, here is  a more clear version of what happened.   :04.680 --> :05.646 It is longer than what they made, so, get a  blanket, a snack, a drink, and get ready or   :05.646 --> :10.860 some real f***ed up bulls***. This all happens  within the span of like 4 months, by the way. :11.460 --> :25.140 This will be, like, part 1. It’s a saga. :25.140 --> :30.600 It started when we moved to my mother’s  house in May after school finals. Now,   :30.600 --> :33.600 me and her had had a lot of arguments  here and there over the years,   :33.600 --> :37.680 but nothing that had an impact on the  events I am about to tell you about,   :37.680 --> :42.420 it is just to tell you that my mother and I  have a rocky relationship. Anyway, to the point. :42.420 --> :48.720 My mother had started paying me $20 per every  day I babysat. Which would be my 2 siblings.   :48.720 --> :54.900 I was pretty content with it, I didn’t argue or  try to get more paid, I just got anxious when I   :54.900 --> :00.120 wasn’t paid after a while. This started when my  mom hand’t paid me in about 5 days. Which would   :00.120 --> :05.700 be about 100 dollars. During this, I had also been  designing signs for a lady that new the landowner   :05.700 --> :11.160 of my dad’s Airbnb. She took me to the store and  I went to buy the signs I needed. But she also   :11.160 --> :16.620 bought things for my littlest brother and put  them on my tab. Saying she’d pay me. I wanted   :16.620 --> :21.660 her for the active military discount, which  I got, but, she also bought almost 30 dollars   :21.660 --> :28.560 worth of toys for my brother. She promised to pay  me back. I added up how much and it was about $22   :28.560 --> :36.000 with the military discounts. So she owed me $122.  Also, that week, mom told me she’d be charging me   :36.000 --> :43.500 for my phone bill. Which was $40. So $82. I was  going to ask my mom on the 5th day for the pay,   :43.500 --> :48.840 letting her know there was an easier way  to pay, but she was sick so I didn’t say.   :48.840 --> :53.580 I wasn’t going to be some jerk who asked their  sick parent for money. I was willing to wait. :53.580 --> :57.240 While I was in the kitchen next to our  living, I was on a call with my father.   :57.240 --> :02.640 I told him about the pay and how I wanted to  ask mom for the pay and I made calculations,   :02.640 --> :07.200 he asked me how much I was being paid and so  I told him. When he told me that typically,   :07.200 --> :13.260 I would have been paid 5 dollars per kid per hour,  so I should be earning 10 dollars an hour. I said,   :13.260 --> :18.000 “So, I’m being underpaid? What do you want  me to do, bargain with her?” In a joking way,   :18.000 --> :22.620 I was not being serious in the least. I was  perfectly content with what I was being given.   :22.620 --> :27.300 My mom just sort of appears next to me, I  think she was in the living room and I just   :27.300 --> :32.340 didn’t know she was there. She grabbed my phone  and started yelling at my dad, though I have my   :32.340 --> :37.860 Bluetooth headphones connected so it was sort of  useless to yell at my phone, but then she slammed   :37.860 --> :43.800 it down (not hard but definitely not gentle), and  yelled at me. Asking: “So you’re being underpaid,   :43.800 --> :49.260 huh?! You are lucky that I’m paying you at all!!”  I tried to say, “I wasn’t agreeing with him! Why   :49.260 --> :54.660 are you yelling at me??” Then she stormed off.  That's where everything started to go downhill. :54.660 --> :59.340 A few days later, I note it’s been long enough  that my babysitting fee would be about $122.   :59.340 --> :06.720 100 dollars, plus the money she promised, minus  the $40 dollar phone bill. (So without those it   :06.720 --> :11.460 would have been $140). Before I went to ask her  for the money because I thought I should wait   :11.460 --> :15.120 a couple of days, so the phone call  thing can sizzle out and I can ask,   :15.120 --> :20.700 I received a text from her. Stating that she  didn’t believe I was taking this babysitting   :20.700 --> :26.100 seriously and she wouldn’t be paying me after  that day. So I texted her wanting to know why   :26.100 --> :32.280 she thought that and why she sent it through  text and not in person. She said we’d talk… we   :32.280 --> :37.320 didn’t. She never came to talk to me about  it. So I plotted to try and talk to her in   :37.320 --> :43.380 the most adult way I could without making her  go ballistic. She hates when I question or ask   :43.380 --> :48.360 things of her, and she gets very defensive.  So I have to be careful when talking to her. :48.360 --> :53.400 We stay with my father for a week, and we decide  to stay for the rest of the summer. The day,   :53.400 --> :57.900 we go back to her house to get more clothes  and stuff to bring back to his place. There,   :57.900 --> :02.880 I decided because I wouldn’t see her for a while,  I would tell her about the app I have for her to   :02.880 --> :08.520 become a cosponsor (One of those teen bank apps,  we can call it ‘Pace’, you can probably guess   :08.520 --> :13.620 which one it is.). When I told her, her immediate  response was: “Oh, so you can pay for your phone   :13.620 --> :20.520 bill?” She gave me this like… weird smile when  she said it. I responded: “‘Yeah, I guess,   :20.520 --> :26.280 but also-” I started to explain to her about how  I counted how much the money for the babysitting   :26.280 --> :31.260 she owed me was, and how I added the money  from the store she said she’d give me, and how   :31.260 --> :35.880 I did subtract the bill from it, and she asked:  “Did you add in the cost of the phone bill?” :35.880 --> :41.700 I stared at her, lost for words. Because I  had said that. I had just mentioned that. I   :41.700 --> :47.100 said yes but then she started going off on how  she doesn’t owe me anything and how I should be   :47.100 --> :52.680 grateful and lucky she was paying me at all for  babysitting and she said she wouldn’t be paying   :52.680 --> :58.020 me the money she owed me. I lost my temper because  she was just going off instead of listening to me,   :58.020 --> :02.940 so I just started shouting at her that  she owed me 122 dollars. By the way,   :02.940 --> :07.320 this all escalated while we were walking down  the stairs and until we got to the garage   :07.320 --> :12.900 door. I stormed to the car and didn’t look at  her when she said goodbye. I was p***** off. :12.900 --> :00.300 (1/2) (2/2) The day we came back to stay with my  mother for the school year, she took me to get a   :00.300 --> :05.700 mani-pedi, and we had a great lunch and a great  day. I was completely unaware of what would be   :05.700 --> :11.580 happening later that night. As you know, my mom  has a new boyfriend. She values his word as law   :11.580 --> :16.980 and for some reason puts him above us and gave  him disciplinary power over me and my brothers,   :16.980 --> :22.800 which I don’t care for. But that’s irrelevant.  This is where the ‘Runaway Incident’ occurred.   :22.800 --> :27.420 My mother called me downstairs while I was  on call with my s/o. We went downstairs,   :27.420 --> :34.860 and what was waiting for me gave me immediate  bad vibes. My mother and her boyfriend standing   :34.860 --> :40.260 there with black shirts with the text: ‘DRILL  INSTRUCTOR’ on it, and two of the stool chairs   :40.260 --> :45.780 sat next to each other. With gray shirts and  a reflective vest sitting on both chairs. My   :45.780 --> :50.760 middle brother was sitting there, looking at me  with an equally confused expression. My anxiety   :50.760 --> :55.620 started to peek as I went to sit down, holding  the clothes. They handed both of us a paper that   :55.620 --> :01.260 said ‘House Rules’. It might as well have read:  “Boot Camp”. The thing was fine, initially. But   :01.260 --> :06.480 it was the penalties they had placed that  were madness. Not doing chores? 2 hours of   :06.480 --> :12.720 free time. That was the most reasonable thing  on this paper. It jumps the gun really quickly. :12.720 --> :20.100 Missing assignments? 9+ days penalty. Again, a bit  overboard, but okay, livable. But here is the most   :20.100 --> :28.680 insane thing. Any grades lower than As and Bs? 30+  days penalty or more. Yes. Anything less than an A   :28.680 --> :36.300 or a B for any amount of time, no exceptions, will  result in over a MONTHS worth of penalty. Penalty   :36.300 --> :43.200 is basically no fun. No computer, no phone, no TV,  no games, no books, just staring at a wall. You   :43.200 --> :47.880 also had to do the other person’s chores on top  of your own. There was no debating or anything on   :47.880 --> :52.680 this. I look at my mother and her boyfriend and  asked: “You are joking, right? This is insane.”   :52.680 --> :57.120 They say that not, and that these rules have  always been there but now they are enforcing them. :57.120 --> :02.160 You know that sinking feeling of anxiety,  when your hands shake, and you aren’t thinking   :02.160 --> :08.640 straight? Like the ‘I want to run away’ feeling?  Yeah, that was me. Again, there was no hint that   :08.640 --> :12.900 this was going to happen. I had thought that I  was doing great for the first week of school.   :12.900 --> :18.780 No missing assignments, all homework done by  the time I get home, doing my chores on time,   :18.780 --> :24.600 I thought I was doing great. So I was freaking  out, wondering what warranted this. They look   :24.600 --> :29.700 at me brother and ask him if he’s wondering why  this is happening to him. My brother nods. Then   :29.700 --> :35.100 they proceed to tell him: “You can thank your  sister, your sister harassing your mother and   :35.100 --> :40.140 making her cry the other day, and doing nothing  to fix it or apologize for it.” (Side note:   :40.140 --> :43.800 They did call me at some point during  the month we were at father’s place, :43.800 --> :48.900 My heart and my body might as well have gone into  shock because so much was going through my head.   :48.900 --> :54.600 Remembering it makes me feel that weightlifting  anxiety all over again. Then my mother looks at   :54.600 --> :01.380 the clock and says: “Oh look, 6 minutes until 7,  so give me your phones.” We were given personal   :01.380 --> :08.640 time at 7. But we weren’t allowed to have our  phones… during the designated personal time. I   :08.640 --> :13.560 lost it there, because my s/o was still on call.  I don’t know how much they heard, but I remember   :13.560 --> :18.780 saying: “I’m going to dad’s, I’m calling dad.”  And I get up out of the chair to put the kitchen   :18.780 --> :23.340 counter between me and my mother and her boyfriend  because they were shouting at me that they were   :23.340 --> :28.740 going to cut the line to my phone and to give them  my phone and to hang up. Yelling at dad to hang up   :28.740 --> :34.920 and ignore me. I am crying at this point, begging  dad to come get me and to not hang up. I try to   :34.920 --> :39.360 run upstairs to get away from them because I was  willing to just walk the hours that it would take   :39.360 --> :44.760 to get there, and I wanted to pack and leave. I  kept saying I want to leave and to move out of   :44.760 --> :49.920 my way when they’d block me. Then her boyfriend  grabbed my arm. My mother made him let go and I   :49.920 --> :54.480 ran up the stairs, but she grabbed my by the  back of my shirt. I told them to let me go,   :54.480 --> :59.580 and I used all the strength I had to pull away  from her. But when I got to the top of the stairs,   :59.580 --> :03.900 she pinned me on my stomach. Then said:  “If you hit me, I will call the police.” :03.900 --> :10.560 … yes. You are not reading that wrong. If I hit  her, while she had me pinned… she would call the   :10.560 --> :16.260 police. I look back at it now and I wish I did  hit her for how stupid that statement was. She   :16.260 --> :21.240 got the phone from my hand, and I ran to my room  and packed my stuff My middle brother came in to   :21.240 --> :27.360 beg me not to go, but at the time, I just could  not stay there. I left downstairs and they said   :27.360 --> :32.580 I wasn’t leaving. They blocked the front door.  I shouted at home and I couldn’t take it there,   :32.580 --> :37.320 because this wasn’t the first time when something  drastic like this has happened between me and her,   :37.320 --> :41.940 and I just couldn’t deal with my mom and her  bulls*** any longer. They left the backdoor   :41.940 --> :47.100 unguarded, so I escaped through the backdoor and  the gate that lead out to the neighborhood. I   :47.100 --> :51.780 walked around for a while, trying to remember  the path to my dad’s house. But I decided to   :51.780 --> :56.220 got to my school first so that I could go  through my school day the next day and then   :56.220 --> :01.620 try to walk to dad’s house. But they found me  and my mom shouted at me to get in the car,   :01.620 --> :06.600 and that the police were coming. Which I  learned was another BS lie from her. (She   :06.600 --> :11.220 loves to use CPS against me. That whole  thing is a story of its own). I told   :11.220 --> :15.420 her no and could see the look on her  face that she was infuriated with me. :15.420 --> :21.060 I got in the car because she was taking me to  my father’s house, which I doubted. But she did   :21.060 --> :26.100 end up taking me there. Of course, not without  saying how selfish I am and how she could have   :26.100 --> :31.680 lost her job and look what I did to everyone  and why was I being so ungrateful and how she   :31.680 --> :37.560 was going to never get me anything ever again. You  know, what you say when your child runs away. Her   :37.560 --> :41.820 boyfriend tried to reason with me, but I was  determined at the time to get away from them,   :41.820 --> :46.680 and never see them again. I was weighing  my options while we drove, and when we got   :46.680 --> :51.660 to my father’s house, mom got out of the car  and talked to dad, shouting at him for like,   :51.660 --> :56.820 thirty minutes. While she was gone, her boyfriend  talked to me, and made a deal. We were going to   :56.820 --> :01.500 go to Michigan in October, so he proposed that  I follow along with the boot camp until then,   :01.500 --> :08.160 and then we can go back to normal, no boot camp  or anything. I accepted, but the ‘normal’ didn’t   :08.160 --> :12.960 seem to add onto my phone. (Another event  confirmed this. But that's for later). So   :12.960 --> :16.980 I would have to find a job, which I won’t  complain about, I needed to do that anyway. :16.980 --> :21.420 The boyfriend leaves to tell mom, my  brother and I stay with my father overnight,   :21.420 --> :26.820 he also mentioned how I needed to grow up, which  did not help at all with everything I had to deal   :26.820 --> :32.040 with. I discovered I could use discord on  my computer, and told all my friends what   :32.040 --> :37.500 happened. (Two of them are, like, actual adults)  and they all thought that it was f***ing insane. :40.020 --> :14.880 This will be the end of Part 1, Part 2 will be  posted. (2/2) Fast-forward to the day before   :14.880 --> :20.580 we leave to go on the plane. We have all of our  things packed, I was already in a bad mood since   :20.580 --> :25.920 mom tossed out all the stuff I had packed in  my suitcase and ridiculed me for packing safe.   :25.920 --> :32.160 Like having extra shirts, sweatpants to sleep in,  extra undergarments because my time of the month   :32.160 --> :38.220 is late, like, literally everything that could  be reasonable. But I could look past it. But this   :38.220 --> :44.040 is what broke any trust that my mom respected  boundaries. I was about to take a shower when   :44.040 --> :49.860 I caught her in my room behind my back with all  of my things on the bed. I told her to quit it,   :49.860 --> :55.080 and to stop taking my stuff. She then lectured  me on why I didn’t need these and walked off,   :55.080 --> :01.380 with my s***! I was so p***** off and I knew she  went in to look behind my back on purpose without   :01.380 --> :06.660 me knowing because she did not ask to look in  it. I told her what was in it. Two power cells,   :06.660 --> :13.560 chargers, etc. Normal s***. But then…  THEN. She had the audacity, the nerve,   :13.560 --> :18.960 to tell me that she wasn’t at my beckon&call  when I wanted my stuff back and where it was.   :18.960 --> :24.420 I complained to her that this broke trust that  I could leave my personal belongings alone. They   :24.420 --> :29.640 kept making fun of the pencils I had. I did have  a lot, but that's because I collect lost ones I   :29.640 --> :34.440 find at school. They kept using the excuse that  it was for TSA, but she could have told me that   :34.440 --> :39.540 she wanted to look through it or ask me to take  stuff out that might get us in trouble. That   :39.540 --> :44.700 would have been fine. But she deliberately goes  behind my back to search through my bag and not   :44.700 --> :50.040 tell me. I was p*****, I found the stuff and  hid it for me to take back when we get back. :50.040 --> :55.800 My mother, in the heat of an argument with me  about how I felt my privacy had been breached and   :55.800 --> :01.200 she shouldn’t be looking through her 18-year-old  daughter’s things, told me I was not welcome back   :01.200 --> :06.600 in her house when I moved out. Oh, I should add,  I said I didn’t want to join the military while in   :06.600 --> :12.480 earshot of my mother, and she decided to shame me,  tell me how much rent and s*** was meant to be,   :12.480 --> :18.960 and tell me I either joined the military or I move  out. So I’m moving out. She stormed upstairs with   :18.960 --> :24.900 her boyfriend. He thought I was overreacting, but  he also thought she was overreacting. So he did   :24.900 --> :29.040 vouch for me and say how she was in the wrong.  I know this because she barreled downstairs,   :29.040 --> :34.020 demanding to know if I took what she said  seriously. To keep me out of her argument,   :34.020 --> :38.880 I said ‘No’. So I felt pretty good  watching her get herself in trouble more. :38.880 --> :44.580 Right now, I’m in Michigan. Once this week is up,  boot camp is over, and I can work and do things on   :44.580 --> :49.020 my own time. There will be updates on the s***  storm to come when I start working without my   :49.020 --> :54.060 mother’s permission. I’ll take your guy’s advice  and sue her if she refuses to hand me my legal   :54.060 --> :58.620 documents. I don’t know about my birth certificate  because I don’t know how I’m getting to Alaska,   :58.620 --> :04.740 but I’ll get my SSN card and a new federal ID.  I have mine with my mother’s sponsor on it,   :04.740 --> :07.980 so I think that might be enough to  get a new one without her on it. :07.980 --> :12.240 Thank you for everyone’s support and advice,  if you have any more or are/have gone through   :12.240 --> :16.740 something like this, please leave something in  the comments. I want to know I’m not the only one.
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsMYGIRLFRIENDSMOTHERISAPSYCHOPATHRedditStories
as a man what are some of the most ridiculous double standards you've had to deal with Story one this girl in my office had a crush on me and she told everyone she started doing stuff like calling me her work husband which I said was not okay things got slowly worse she started pranking me she took a picture of me then cut out my face and started putting it all over the office I got co-workers who started talking to me about how fun and quirky she is ETC one time she wrapped my office cube in Christmas paper I asked her to stop and I even spoke with her manager nothing I got a card for my girlfriend of Valentine's Day she lit it on fire and threw it in the sink in the break area apparently this is still cute and just her showing me she cares I ended up quitting man that sucks I hope this dude found a way better job story to I used to be one of the only male teachers in an all girls high school the overwhelming majority of parents are reasonable people and the kids are great for the most part my colleagues and the administrators were the primary sources of frustration the majority of the female faculty and school administrators have this thinking that every man is a closet creep it's legitimately disgusting I left the same year that fired one of the other male teachers for patting a student in the back while she was crying he was trying to comfort her I did not think it was creepily patting her there were female faculty members who would hug students to comfort them and they were never fired or receive disciplinary action I couldn't in good conscience work there anymore or put myself at risk at the whim of some unhinged administrators the other male teacher who got fired to the school and the administrators it settled out of court as far as I know and was able to find another teaching job fortunately Story three about 12 years ago I hired a woman shortly before Halloween she had just moved to town had a couple of kids and didn't know anyone I invited her and her kids to go trick-or-treating with my wife me and our kids our kids were about the same age she and her kids came over to our house and her daughter took an immediate liking to me she was 8 years old but mentally challenged and she was more in line with a four-year-old while I was sitting on the couch she jumped onto the couch and sat down on my lap cuddling up to me like I was a teddy bear it was very odd for me to say the least but okay and I held her as she laid her head down on my chest my brother-in-law immediately started making a joke with this kid in my lap normally it would have been funny to me but it was probably the first time he made a bad joke and it made me uncomfortable her mom explained that's how her daughter expressed that she was completely comfortable with someone and thought it was the sweetest thing she'd ever seen thinking back it was a cool moment that a small child after only knowing me for barely an hour felt that comfortable with me she was and is a sweetheart story for I have a very good guy friend he's a big dude 66 about 280 lbs he has a little girl he's also single dad so no Mom to help and freaking Ador her we cannot stand the verbal diarhea people have when he goes to stores to get her little girl things I.E a special tea set and fun fluffy toys it got so bad that he called me to go into a Hello Kitty store with him and act like I was buying the gigantic fluffy Hello Kitty pillow for myself of course I did it but I cannot imagine how he feels as a guy who just wants to get things for his little girl but gets looked at like a creep because of it man it must stink that men get that kind of treatment just for trying to be parents if his father had it tough check out what the teacher in Story 6 usually goes through Story five I run through a six-month heated political battle 10 years ago work around gender equality and responsibilities of Duty which still leaves me shaking my head basically I used to run many sales teams across North America these salespeople lived on the road either by taking two to four flights a week or driving 880,000 Mi a year if they had a rural territory driving around to different parts they took a minimum of a $15,000 base salary and earned 5% of everything they sold as commission the base salary was set by years worked as a professional seller plus seniority of the firm cost of living increase plus $5,000 bump in base every year you hit the planner a 2,500 bump for not being terrible top sales people made $250,000 a year Learners and entry people made 35,000 to 50,000 and mid Packers made about 880,000 to 120,000 they also got to keep all their credit card points which could add up to two family vacations a year depending on how they spent on travel and entertainment one day I got an official letter of complaint from a female saleswoman who complained that her male collie got extra leads from a trade show and it wasn't fair the most egregious part is that she was on the lower end of the mid pack even though she had the job for 5 years and she was complaining about a kid who just started his job and barely made rent money all of a sudden about half my sales teams who were women started the same complaint in support of the first person even though careful analysis showed our Lee distribution process was very fair I almost had to stop working because of this complaint after a six-month long investigation and interviewing every one of my 500 sellers it turns out that the majority of the time female sellers all but two and those two were consistently in the top five sellers in the country consistently left trade show floors earlier to catch flights they bug to get home earlier they never did ter down and pack up equipment and ship equipment out a process that could take 2 to 5 hours longer there was nothing stopping anyone from wanting to help tear it down my sellers set their own schedules and booked their own flights all of the men said they always seem to be the de facto tear down people they were happy to do it because during this time other sales people from the trade show would shoot the crap relationships would bloom in New areas of distribution or direct customers would form because it would be the same set of people staying behind an extra half day a day to pack up rents repeat over a year or two with a trade show every two weeks and those who stayed behind to do clean work did show higher performance on commission in a job that is majority commission based and not exactly hard to measure performance in the activities that supported high performance have more meetings meet more new people track and follow up thoroughly we still had people thinking it was a gender discrimination issue story six I was a male who worked in child care for 5 years I understood the reasoning behind it but I had to be absolutely careful to be impeccable in my dealings with kids and parents just because anything slightly off about my vibe Etc could spell the end of my career on more than one occasion a new parent who hadn't dealt with me before refused to leave their kid at the school with me if I was the only staff member on the premises opting to wait in the car until a female staff member arrived this wasn't the case with parents who were familiar with me but new parents often just didn't trust me at all when I resigned from the school the other staff said how Irreplaceable I was how much the kids and staff trusted and appreciated me Etc I think I did a good job but even so just being a mement that I was trusted less from the get-go I didn't hold it against anyone but it was a double standard I ran into often story seven my sister-in-law and her husband are headed down the court battle Road over the custody of my young niece my sister-in-law is a narcissistic train wreck who chose to only keep their daughter on weekends because her teaching job was too stressful then every weekend she wants to party so her parents end up with my niece the dad is a respected canine Handler for a specific unit in Baltimore is engaged to a very nice woman owns his own home and rearranged his life to have their daughter during the week they have no formal custody agreement my father-in-law thinks because he's an a-hole is an acceptable reason why he shouldn't have custody I'd be an a-hole if I had to deal with her too he very nice to me my wife and our kids in reality the courts will probably side with her even though my wife and all of my sister-in-laws close friends find her to be unfit the person who will suffer the most is my niece man it's definitely weird how men are seen as inferior caregivers I wish these gender roles and stereotypes would eventually be addressed properly story eight if you're stay-at-home father or worse just a stay-at-home spouse as a male there's a sizable portion of people who are going to think less of you as a man assume you're a freeloader Etc well the opposite is true to an extent as well stay-at-home mothers or housewives are far more socially accepted people will sing the Praises of stay-at-home moms called it the hardest job in the world ask if their husband is helping out enough at home Etc a man will be asked if he's on babysitting Duty mocked for playing Mr Mom ridiculed for staying home while his wife works or having his wife wear the pants criticized for not providing for his family Etc I was out of work for a period due to my gym temporarily closing meaning my girlfriend was supporting us I had worked for the entirety of a 15-year relationship until that point but that didn't stop people from acting as if I were a dead beat story nine my mom took custody of both my sister and me my sister was smart enough to go with my dad after a while I was still too young to realize the situation I was in my mom inherited a bunch of money from my uncle and we were loaded so as a kid who got most of what I wanted I didn't think anything of the situation long story short my mom blew all her money on legal substances while my dad was working three jobs to pay almost $1,000 a month in child support while my sister and I were in my mom's custody she had me in a bunch of prescriptions because she didn't know how to be a parent I didn't remember much of my childhood to be honest I ended up asking my dad if I could live with him and he came and picked me up essentially across the country the next day I went from living in a $500,000 house in Florida with my mom to a double white trailer in New York with my dad he was actually a parent to me he had to work more OD jobs because we found out that my mom had blown all the money our Rich uncle had set up for us including our college funds basically I just want people to know that I know the dads can be real heroes I will never question why man has custody of his kids my dad will always be my number one story 10 I was at my wife's company Christmas party and the girlfriend of her cooworker straight up grabbed me the wrong way then she asked my wife if it was okay she literally didn't even say hi to me I felt like an object I was too surprised to do or say anything for a solid 60 seconds my wife didn't really register what was going on so she didn't say much of anything the boyfriend didn't see I guess anyway flipped the genders and someone would have said or done something man I'd be uncomfortable if that happened to me I know some of these stories must be upsetting to some of you but hey this is not the only video I have so hit the like button and subscribe to my channel I have a lot of videos that might make you feel good instead story 11 when men open up about their feelings they're often viewed as weaker less masculine immature and too emotional when women open up about their feelings they're often viewed as more empowered more feminine more mature and More in touch with their emotions when men fail they're often viewed as pathetic and not working hard enough when women fail they're often viewed as hard workers staying strong in an unfair world when men make more money than women there's controversy about the wage Gap when women make more money than men those men are viewed as inadequate and lacking an ambition story 12 I opened up to my ex about my feelings and other topics that are being brought up here being pastored or violated being uncomfortable around children l i be labeled a creep Etc she told me that it was insensitive of me to bring up these topics with her because she was violated as a kid and it was triggering to her if these things were bothering me I should talk to a therapist about them she told me at the beginning of the relationship what happened to her as a child but wouldn't talk much about it and she wouldn't go to therapy herself she said she had done therapy as a teenager and didn't need it anymore had been going to therapy for 4 years at the time and had done done a lot of good work I just wanted to be open with her about how I feel about things in our society but she told me that I needed to go to therapy four times as much as she thought I was actually going I'd been going once every two months before meeting her and was going almost every two weeks once we started dating I never told her about this because my therapy is my business she just assumed I was going every couple of months but God forbid I suggest you go to therapy no she went a few times when she was young she was fixed for good but I was the problem oh did mentioned she was a counseling psychologist Good Times story 13 half of my attractiveness has always been based on how much I make my mother married into wealth in her third marriage private jets yachts and the works I'm mostly humble about it and keep it low I mean it's not my money they don't support me and we have a terrible relationship I started hanging around a friend who lift to boast about money and the money that other people have he would tell women it come from money and they should lock me down the amount of Interest they had in me after that would Skyrocket it would be normal women one second then turn shallow fake and super desperate now going to to lie the desire felt great but I quickly learned it's not real I stopped being friends with him and having looked back man I think it's lame how some think that money makes people more attractive I don't think money should Define who we are story 14 I don't really like that women want to be treated as equals but are perfectly fine with letting their men pay for all their dates some women have dated are better than others but ideally they're not making it awkward they pull out their cards and take the bill or they tell you in advance I'm taking you in a date and paying for everything I fully believe it should be at least proportionate to your income like the guy should pay 75% of the time of his income represents 75% of their total income but that lady should be covering roughly 25% also this only applies in a relationship I'm okay with paying for the first few dates during a dating period I want a gal who supports me and wants me to be able to save money as I would want that for her too I feel disrespected when they're never paying story 15 the dress code I say this as a CIS dude all right I'm at my job and have long hair I died at pink and wor it in pigtails the boss says I can't do that fine man bun I wear skin tight jegging boss breathing down my neck again I can't do that I wore pink boots no I can't do that either they thought I was crossdressing now if I were trans and I was trying to present myself as a woman we'd be having a totally different conversation yet still messed up similar but different but I wasn't and they said I couldn't dress really girly what does that mean it's not girly when all the women do it that's a legit double standard story 16 I'm a physician surgeon I get hit on a lot by females usually older women if not directly tell me I'm hot or easy on the eyes or something they tell me a female assistant or female residents or students whom I am training and it makes them very uncomfortable or they'll tell the nurses in the preop OR Recovery Unit the NES theologist Etc imagine men saying things like that too or about a female doctor pretty sure most know that's an absolutely inappropriate Thing by now I hope I know females deal with that constantly in general but it makes for an uncomfortable situation when you're establishing a relationship with patients I've asked my female colleagues if they get directly hit on the patients and thankfully for them they've all said No so at at least there's that story 17 a fat woman is told she's beautiful at any weight and to be proud of her curves that being fat is beautiful Etc they're even plus-sized models I don't hear anyone saying fat men are fantastic huge is handsome or move's Rock I'm pretty sure that fat guys at there aren't getting their doors broken down by frisky women because fat is beautiful men shouldn't objectify women but women use toys which seems like the ultimate objectification of men if a man RS up a woman he's a dirt bag which I agree with if a woman does that to a man people will say you go girl girl power a nearby men often help the woman being a full-time mom is according to Oprah the toughest job there is being a full-time working Dad it's your job man up if a girl gets pregnant it's the man's fault unless he used sedatives on her the woman has to take some responsibility everyone knows what causes babies there was a time when the number of women being injured at work went up to 7% there was a national investigation the reason was that there was high in employment at the time so there were fewer Men at Work to be injured 93% of all workplace mortality and injuries involve men and no one bats an eye I have heard about that situation with men at work man it's stuff having a white chromosome story 18 I'm a teacher and I volunteer two weeks every summer at a camping site to entertain the kids I just like kids they're creative open-minded unpredictable and don't worry as much as adults do most little girls like me because I'm carrying and have long hair jewelry and earrings so they want me to pay a little more attention to them than other kids which I sometimes do I sit on my lap or carry them on my shoulders multiple parents have filed complaints against me for apparently being a creep because of this I am just trying to give these kids a good time let it be people in addition being grabbed at festivals by random girls and being called lucky like what the hell why is it okay to grab a guy but not a girl in What scenario should my gender decide whether I'm lucky or not story 19 I'm a rather big guy I left every day but honestly I don't realize I'm intimidating I'm kind of a blundering idiot I left my lights running in my car and went inside a grocery store I came out and my battery was dead I had jumper cables but needed another the running car right then a young woman with two children walked up to the car next to me I introduced myself started to explain my plight and asked for help she jumped in her car quickly drove off and didn't say a word then I realized they probably scared the crap out of her a random big dude walked up to her while she was alone with her kids I called a friend and he was 30 minutes away but on his way to help me I'm waiting next to the car and two police cruisers roll up on me they approached me asked me to put my hands in the car and did a vehicle search the whole nine yards the lady had called the cops the Budd showed up mid- search and they pestered him too they were convinced we were running some abduction ring or something they finally let us jump my car and go even then one of the Cruisers followed me to my house it was annoying lesson learned though never ask for help from a stranger story 20 as a single dad with custody of my son the number of times have been asked why do you have him on a first date or when I start talking to a woman in a dating app is ridiculous I can only imagine what would happen if a single mother was asked that same question why is it completely acceptable for a woman to leave a man and take his kids away with no questions asked but when a man has custody I'm treated like I must have stolen my own child story 21 behavior when drunk plenty of times you see women being overly aggressive or even just incredibly hammered in a bar or club where you know a man would be ejected but women are allowed to stay because they're seen as less of a threat I hope you enjoyed the video and if you made it this far I'm sure you'll also enjoy what myth about men is 100% fake Story 4 is such an eye opener see you on that video
give me a good story on MenWhatAreSomeDOUBLESTANDARDSYouHadToDealWithorig
AIT ta for leaving my grandparents standing outside in the rain with their grandchild my maternal grandparents showed up at my house with their grandchild who was my half sibling biologically but I have never met the child they have custody of her because my mother died a few months ago and her dad left the country abandoning her her father was my mother's Affair partner and after years of my mother not treating me or dad right when I learned about the affair I went no contact with my mom at the age of 14 I did not have any contact with my mother again the only thing I knew about her was she had another kid of 3 years after she left and she was still with her Affair partner knowing she had another kid who is technically my half sibling was not a draw to get back in contact I didn't want contact with the child I don't hate them I want that to be clear but they're not my real sibling either my mother was not a good parent and DNA isn't enough to draw me into a relationship with some random child it was only after my mother left to be with her a fair partner that her parents started to have random contact with me we did not have a relationship before that point my dad never even met them they didn't even show an interest in us being close they would just ask a couple of random questions every few months often about my mother I did not go to my mother's funeral when I heard she died and I didn't send anything or reach out to anyone but a month or so later my grandparents got in touch and told me thinking I didn't know that my mother had another child when I told them I knew they were shocked and they asked me why I had no contact with her and why I wasn't stepping up to take care of her I'm 22 now and she would be fiveish I think I told them I had no relationship with the kid and did not want to be her Savior and did not want to raise her they were horrified and tried to Guild trip me for my lack of rushing to rescue this child in the end I blocked them because they would not shut up about it which leads to the incident I'm asking about they showed up to my house last week with a child and tried to get in I unblocked them long enough to call and say I would not let them in when I realized they would stand out there all day they argued with me and said I needed to let them in and my half sister deserved to meet me and we needed to figure out a way for us to know each other I refused and I left them out in the rain and did not open my door they left after such a long time it was crazy but then my grandfather showed up the next day and yelled at me as I was leaving for work that I left them and a small child out in the rain out of some pet and that I should be ashamed of my treatment of her AIT
give me a good story on AITAforleavingmygrandparentsstandingoutsideintherainwiththeirgrandchildorig
first story op's narcissistic bomom physically assaulted her after she exposed her plan to steal the dying stepmom's money by pretending to be good with her kids not realizing op had already inherited all of it so op kicked her out of the house throwaway for obvious reasons my 17f stepmother Jane is a wonderful wonderful woman she and my father got married when I was four and she's been a rock in my life ever since my mother was always my primary caregiver but up until that point her relationship with my father was acrimonious and I basically never saw him Jane was the reason they developed a stable co-parenting relationship she encouraged everyone to have a good relationship with each other and was always there to support me and my mom when things got rough Jane was always a really hard worker when she met my dad he was living out of a hotel and my mother was doing everything in her power to keep me away from him because she was petty and angry that their relationship didn't work out meanwhile Jane had a great job a nice house helped my dad get back on his feet negotiated a visitation schedule with my mom who hated her for a long time and made sure my dad sent us money every week because neither one of them could afford an attorney to negotiate child support payments Jane had no reason to do any of these things but as I got older she made it clear that she loved me as much as she loved my half brothers who were born a few years later I even have my own room in her house because at the time we lived with my grandparents and various boyfriends of my mom and J Jane felt that I needed a more stable environment than that she's like the opposite of the evil stepmom when I was 15 Jane won a big lawsuit against an airline company and got awarded upwards of a million dollar she used the money to build sizable trust funds for me and my brothers so that we would be taken care of later in life despite having a lot more money she still wanted to live a fairly modest life so she paid off the house she had and has been living there ever since with my dad sure she bought a new car and they went on a few nice vacations but she didn't blow all her money on stupid things which I respected about a year ago things started getting really weird whenever I saw Jane she seemed to look sicker and sicker but no one would tell me or my brothers why even though I knew they knew all we knew was that she was at the hospital a lot around the same time my mom has been coming around to my dad a lot more and acting really strange basically like she was trying to romance him whenever Jane was in the hospital my mother would insist on spending the night at their house and playing mom to my brothers which was so weird to me because she never liked them or Jane she'd be the perfect little housewife and my mom is not like that at all it was super fake worst of all my dad started falling for it I'm not stupid I'm pretty sure they were sleeping together I tried to Shield my brothers from it but they're not dumb either I tried talking to my dad too but he insisted it wasn't like that then a few weeks ago my mom started talking about all the places she'd like to visit and how she wanted wanted a new car and was looking to invest which is weird because my mom has been a bartender her whole life and has lived paycheck to paycheck since before I was born she was acting like she was about to get a lot of money which started to make me really suspicious between Jane being sick and my mom acting all Novo rich I had a lot of questions finally I decided to visit Jane in the hospital and ask her about my trust fund I found out that if anything happened to her my dad would inherit all the money including full control of the trusts for me and my brothers she asked me why I was so interested in the trust fund so I told her what's going on with my parents and how my mom has been acting with my dad I didn't want to but after everything she did for me she deserved the truth it really hurt me to break her heart like that especially once I found out that she was basically in Hospice at this point because of irreversible kidney failure she's only got a few more months we both cried so much then 2 days ago everything came to a head my mom stormed in Fury and started arguing with my dad apparently Jane met with her lawyer and changed the trust so that my dad would get nothing and all of the trusts would be controlled by my stepfather she demanded to know how Jane found out about their relationship and I came out and told them that I told Jane everything I told them that if they wanted to play stupid games they would win stupid prizes and that I wasn't going to let them screw Jane over after all the help she gave my family when she didn't have to my mom slapped me and my dad just looked so defeated then my mom told my dad that she didn't really love him and that she was just pretending to so he would marry her and she could get all of the money the worst part about it is that my brothers witnessed the whole thing and now on top of their mom dying they have to deal with a cheating dad and his vindictive ex our whole family is in Ruins and I feel like it's my fault even though I know it's not yesterday I visited Jane again and told her about the Fallout she apologized and said that she had to dissolve my trust fund to make sure my mother didn't get a hold of the money but that as her oldest I will inherit the house or property after she is gone and that's worth more than the other two trust funds combined my father won't get anything because she's going to divorce him before she dies and honestly I'm happy for her she made me promise to take care of my brothers and told me that once I turn 18 this summer I can kick my dad out of the house if I want to and I fully plan to do that BTW I haven't talked to my dad since and I can't even look at my mom I can't believe they would conspire to do this to Jane after all this time just proof that they deserve each other and I'm embarrassed that they're my parents once I turn 18 I'm going to cut my dad out as much as I can and my mom out completely I hope she rots meanwhile I'm going to try and be at the hospital as much as I can until Jane passes away anyways I just needed to vent I'm really messed up about the whole thing and I feel super betrayed although I can't even begin to imagine how Jane feels I'm going to be so fed up when she dies I can't even think about that right now but at least she's not surrounded by people who just want to bring her down thanks for reading edit some people are asking a lot of the same stuff so I'll just clarify here my brothers my plan is to use some of the estate money to fight for guardianship for my twin brothers so that they can live in the house while I kick my dad out if I can't get guardianship then I will have to let my dad stay in the house however once I turn 18 I will technically be an adult so even if my dad leaves I'm still legally able to be responsible for them the only thing I won't be able to do is stop him from taking them if he leaves but they will be 18 in 6 years so even if they do have to leave they will always be able to come back whenever they want in a perfect world my dad would just leave and let my brother stay with me which I'm sure my biom would be very supportive of because right now she hates all of us and I doubt that will change anytime soon the Trust From what I understand my brothers will inherit one3 of the estate and the remaining 1/3 will be used to keep the house running until they turn 18 after that it will be up to me if I want to keep the house or sell it at that point my brothers will still have money left in the trust so they can Branch out or do whatever they want otherwise I will not sell the house and just pass it on to them or keep it and maintain it myself and they can just stay with me as long as they need to edit to the edit so I just spoke to Jane and she told me that the reason she dissolved the trust was because originally it was going to be split three times between between us kids and my dad would inherit the house she dissolved my third and switched it over to take care of the house maintenance and instead put the house in my name so my dad wouldn't get it plus by doing that at least financially I would be getting a much bigger share of the house is worth about one and half times the amount my brothers trust I just wouldn't be able to do anything with it until my brothers are 18 which I'm totally cool with sorry if I don't have a better answer but I'm just trying to translate what she told me my parents the big fight happened on Sunday and I haven't spoken to either of my parents since I think they're both at my mom's place right now but that's fine with us because we're all still mad at them so they can stay gone for all we care I know technically that's not legal to just leave us alone but since I've been taking care of my brothers for over a year I can handle a few days while he gets his sht together screw both of them I hope that clear some stuff up comments tis I'm so sorry you're going through such a hard time op the most important thing you've inherited from Jane is a strong moral compass you could have taken the easy Road and ignored everything your mom and dad were doing but your compassion for Jane is proof you take care of her the most OP thanks a lot yeah when my mom was yelling at me she asked why I couldn't keep my mouth shut and mind my business and I told her because Jane raised me better than that and that's when she slapped me I feel like she's always been threatened by Jane and that was just proof dearb three 9001 I would scream oo touchdown op L that would have been funny but at the time I was more worried about keeping my brothers out of the argument not that it worked but I tried lightning sharks you're a good kid I'm sorry you're losing the only parent who ever really cared Jane was meant to be your mama op thank you I felt like that periodically over the years but Jane always insisted that she didn't want to replace my biological mom in my life because a girl's relationship with mother is important I guess she didn't realize that I already had one judgment NTA update 3 months later hi guys it's me again a lot of you asked me for an update on my situation with Jane and my family so I've come back with a few things that have happened since I initially posted I will try to organize this in a way that addresses the major points from last time Jane is still alive and doing surprisingly well considering the circumstances she's always been a fighter and although her disease has has been progressing she's keeping a positive attitude about everything that is going on she says she's grateful that she was able to see everyone's true colors before she passed so she could go into the next life knowing the truth we have become so unbelievably Clos in the past few months and it's getting harder and harder to know that she's getting close to the end she doesn't ever talk about it though and I know it's because she doesn't want to hurt me but we both know the situation so we're just making the best of our time I'm also not being completely transparent about all of the drama at home but to be honest I don't think she needs to hear all of that we did end up having that surprise celebration of life that I planned a lot more people showed up than I thought but they all got an hotel near the hospital where Jane is and we were able to take her out and spend some time at the lake near the facility it was super Loki which I know Jane preferred and I was even able to get her old college friend to come after I found him on LinkedIn we had food there was music and we played games and it was overall a really great time except Jane started crying at the end but she promised me it was just because she was grateful my brothers are also doing okay my Aunt Jane's sister is currently paying for them to go to therapy and they've become a lot more open about talking about the situation they just turned 13 but a lot of the time it feels like I'm talking to actual adults they've become really independent lately in a good way and aside from me driving them places I don't really have to do much for them anymore their grades aren't super great but they're not failing and considering the circumstances it could be a lot worse they still hang out with friends and I'm keeping an eye out for things like depression symptoms and stuff the situation with my mom is as funny as it is embarrassing to be honest she spent a few weeks ignoring us and then she tried to crawl back into my life basically begging me to let her move in because her lease is about to expire and she has nowhere to go that conversation went about as well as you'd think and she ended up calling me an ungrateful bee and saying that I couldn't just ignore her her because she's my mom I told her to get out of the house before I called the cops and to go back to my dad who at that point was only coming home every few days to check on us and grab some clothes after that she tried coming by a few times and when I wouldn't open the door she would lose her mind and start yelling through the neighborhood after three instances of this I finally called the cops but because I'm 17 they told me there's a possibility that I would have to go home with her since technically I'm a minor and need to be with the custodial parent I told them no way because I was the only one watching my brothers at the moment that led to a whole thing where after a few hours my dad basically showed up and I was allowed to stay there because there was finally an adult present and I'd basically lived there for over a year after that the cops firmly told my mom that if she kept showing up and causing drama my neighbors confirmed that she'd been there a few times screaming they would arrest her for trespassing since technically it was Jan's house and not hers she left and hasn't tried coming to the house anymore but for a while she would call me constantly telling me I owed her and all kinds of stuff she's now blocked on everything and anything she needs to say to me gets filtered through my dad as for my dad well since he's basically required to be here for another two months until I turn 18 we've basically just avoided each other it's not too bad though because I've been heavily relying on guilting him for everything to get my way for example he was going to contest the divorce but I threatened to kick him out when I turned 18 if he did that so he just signed all the paperwork for a quick divorce and is basically doing whatever Jane tells him to do I don't openly disrespect him or anything he's still my dad but I've made it clear that I have no intentions of doing anything he says ever again and he doesn't fight me on it most of the time he's just in his room and sometimes he'll go back to my mom's but only for a day or two before they argue and she kicks him out again I haven't decided whether or not I'll kick him out yet and we haven't talked about it either so I'm kind of playing it by ear as for me I'm handling everything as well as I can I found a new job where I make a little more money so I've been focusing on saving as much as I can and just being there for my brothers between working in school and visiting Jane I've been so busy I haven't really had time to really stop and think about everything but I know it'll come one of my friends has really stepped up and helped me manage everything and I'm super grateful to him for being there for me and my brothers so we'll see how that goes anyway I wish I had something more exciting to share but that's what's happen since my last post thanks again for all the support on my last post comments Absolution holy sht I remember your first post this is such a big pile of horse crap to be dealing with but you sound so incredibly mature and like you're really taking it in stride your parents have really failed you and your brothers here but I'm so proud of how you've managed to step up to the plate and hold your ground against them I'm still sorry you have to be the next best adult in this scenario it's also great to hear that Jane is still alive and that you guys got to do a celebration of life with her I can only hope when I am at my own end that I have people who love me this dearly and this deeply I hope you and your loved ones are able to make some more happy memories with her op thank you and I promise that as long as you are a good person and work to make the lives of those around you better instead of being a burden you will have many people around you who will love and cherish you TRV lvr Jane was a wonderful example for you and raised you well I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of this you are so young and this should be a Carefree time in your life however I'm glad your brothers have you curious do dad and mom work at all or do they just mooch off Jane and others it seems like they have a lot of time on their hands to do nothing but they are horrible people op high and thank you yes my biom mom works as a bartender most nights she's been working at the same bar basically my whole life as for my dad he works in Industrial Sales he makes a pretty decent living but I think most of his money recently has been going towards my bomal since he never seems to have money to do anything anymore Second Story op cut ties with racist Mill after she accused op of unblacken her granddaughter and trying to bleach her as everyone from her place does and called her a devil worshipper spineless husband stood there and did nothing so op divorced him too the title sounds really iffy so to preface my husband M32 is okay with with it i f33 a. Hindu and it is a custom in My Religion for babies to go through a write of Passage by shaving their heads when they're typically 1 three years old it's extremely common in India since both Hindu and Muslim communities follow this practice albeit with different Traditions my husband is from the us we've been married for 4 years we're in India visiting my family 2 days ago we were on FaceTime with his parents and mentioned that while we're here we will have a ceremony mundon for our daughter 3F while were here they were excited and Mill even asked me to send photos everything was okay until my husband joked Youk finally know what Maya looks like as a baby Maya was born with a full head of hair Mill was confused but when she learned about the Shaving she was Furious this was not even for religion since she knows my daughter is being raised Hindu my husband's family are devout Christians my husband left the religion years ago she has never expressed anger towards this in particular so it was not the reason for her outburst she went on a tirade about how I was trying to unblack my daughter my husband's black and how I don't like my daughter's hair she said I don't love her natural hair and have consistently tried to make it like mine which is frankly not true she also mentioned I'll start bleaching her skin soon since it's common with my people this is completely baseless not only are we darker than her entire family but this was completely out of the blue I've done my best in my search for my daughter's hair care I've visited many blackowned salons with my CS and found the perfect one for my daughter my husband researched hair care products for babies and Maya's hair is very healthy and I've heard no complaints from anyone I even have a hair oiling tradition with her my mother and grandmother followed this and it was a great bonding time for us I wanted to share this with my daughter too I can't even say anything about the skin bleaching stuff the only conversation Mill and I had before about Maya's hair was when she mentioned she wanted to get cornrow done and asked if Maya would go to get hers done too she was two at the time so I said no I completely blew up at her after this my husband was mad at his mom but he said we should just have the ceremony down low with my immediate family and not post anything about the ceremony since her hair would grow when we go back but I want her to have a big ceremony and she's quite excited about it too I'm also pretty heard about Mill's Outburst as I've had a good relationship with her Phil has been quiet since this happened and SS are 19 so they can't say much my family was in the Next Room when this happened and they heard Mill she was that loud and were mad at my husband I don't know this was supposed to be a fun trip back home and it just spiraled into this relevant comments definitely I don't know how to even bring up piercing my daughter's ears in front of her now she didn't let my sisters get theirs until they were adults it's also another tradition here so I guess we'll have to repeat this or my daughter will just wear long hats in front of her now the racism was very unexpected from her I honestly did did not see it coming people suggest letting the daughter decide if she wants her ears pierced definitely I don't plan to do it anytime soon it'll mostly be when she's 8 n around the same time I did your husband needs to be on your side and say something against his mom my husband has always been non-confrontational and it's never really affected us but this time it was bad I'm definitely going to be on his case to talk to her because this can't keep on repeating my parents weren't also angry about his mother they were angry about how he didn't say anything to his mom and just cut the call update 2 days later thank you for all the DMS and responses after my post was locked after I was shadowbanned for a while seon read it the ceremony was held yesterday and I'm so glad I went through with it Maya had the most amazing time with her cousins and we did our best to ensure that we'd get a priest who also trained a bit in shaving hair so she was comfortable and didn't cry the only time she cried was when everyone left LOL I'm so glad that I didn't cancel especially after reading that one comment saying that I'm racist for doing this ceremony for my daughter especially since she's black too I still don't understand the thought process behind that we had a great day with our family and Maya was so glad to see her uncle's my brother and cousin who also flew out from the US for the ceremony but it seems like our day was too good and Mill called us screaming after seeing the pictures my relatives posted on Instagram she wasted no time this time around and went for her actual reason for being so against all this as many of you suspected she was still resentful that my husband married a Hindu she somehow expected me to raise my daughter Christian which totally blindsided me Phil was also pretty much on her side this time around my parents also came and spoke to her because they did not like how she was talking to me and my husband was being a complete wuss leaving that for later we kind of diffuse the situation for now and I'm so glad my parents are still there for me oh and the most surprising part SS told me Mill had herself shaved her daughter's hair when they were toddlers since no stylist would work with kids that young in their area my husband kind of remembered it too after they mentioned it so she pretty much had no problem with the hair shaving I guess the resentment was just building up with dwali and holy I mean seriously who gets mad at seeing their grandkid covered in colors the most horrible thing was the skin bleaching comment as someone who has been on the other side of it it felt horribly awful that someone would outright say that I would have any role in it the thing I'm angry most about is the audacity of her to call me up and scream about all this like I would have responded well maybe not but better than this to a nice conversation I don't know if I want this woman around my kid but that's a problem for later everything was very Indian soap opera-ish for me so well it's been a long day relevant comments glad the ceremony went well but now you have to have a talk with your husband we're going to have many interesting conversations this week but this is a whole mess and I think I'm going to frequent relationship advice too with the way things are looking right now my husband is not weak we've been happy for a long time and this is merely a blip in our otherwise extremely happy life one person accuses her of preventing her daughter from having a relationship with her Black Culture side and she will still be in touch with her culture with her dad and other members of his family but she's not being around Mill at all if I'm talking I can't believe how you're excusing all the VT she said I don't want my daughter to ever be in a situation like this with her my husband is the one who decides what aspects of his culture he wishes to pass on to our child he was accepting of this tradition in particular so we decided to go ahead with it and after the sht I heard from Mill I'm definitely not going to ever take her input anywhere op posts on RM author in laws from Hell next day she's just been horrible to me the past few days and I've realized I have no real relationship with her and at this point having no relationship is better than what I have right now to preface I'm Indian my husband is African-American hence my daughter is mixed race I'm a practicing Hindu and my husband was a Christian but he left the religion about 12 years ago his family still practices the religion our daughter was raised only as a Hindu since he does not practice Christianity anymore I had a really bad conversations with my Mill and I do not want to have any contact with her I need advice on how to bring it up with my husband and make maybe even any suggestions on how we'd handle it just summing up what happened one my husband and I held a Hindu religious ceremony for my daughter Maya mil was not happy with the head shaving aspects of the ceremony and accused me of unblack my daughter two she also mentioned I'll start bleaching her skin soon since it's common with my people this is completely baseless not only are we darker than her entire family but this was completely out of the blue three I later found out Mill had herself shaved her daughter's hair when they were toddlers since no stylist would work with kids that young in their area if this was it I would have been willing to talk to her and have a conversation about this but the next day she called us and called me a satanic worshipper I assumed due to the polytheistic nature of my religion I would never worship the shaan and a cow worshipping freak she apparently expected my daughter to be raised solely as Christian since her father was Christian she also expressed distaste I'm putting this mildly at my daughter being bilingual because she thinks it' be a secret code for the other set of grandparents and insinuated that I was so extremely lucky that I did not marry an Indian guy who'd asked me to send Bobs and vagy referring to the racist meme being circulated a while back I don't know where she learned about it when I first started dating him I knew there were going to be cultural clashes but I've usually been accommodating of their traditions and have celebrated with them in fact before Maya was born we only used to celebrate their traditions and I used to go to a local temple to celebrate my festivals with other Hindu people in my area my husband would join me sometimes but there was no initiation from his family at all even after I was married the only time I remember that I didn't agree to participate in a tradition of theirs is when I refused to wear a white dress in one part of our wedding Hindu people wear white to funerals so white is considered extremely inauspicious for the bride to wear at weddings we usually wear red I honestly found this all to be completely unhinged because how does someone's brain work like this I obviously cannot have any further contact with her and I don't want my daughter to have any contact with her either she's clearly racist and has no respect for our religion either I don't know how to bring this up with my husband obviously I won't stop him from visiting her since she's kind of his mom I also don't want to cut ties with his sisters they're great ants to Maya and I'm just really confused update 10 months later we had a few discussions and I suggested going in C or at least LC with Mill and Phil after we returned to the US he decided to visit them without Maya to get some documents that my husband needed I tried to keep my distance I was sitting in our car three blocks away but apparently Mill heard from a friend that I was trying to pull her son away and magically found my car too she doubled down on her hurtful comments and even added more fuel to the fire she accused me of brainwashing her son and trying to indianized him she claimed that I was stealing their family and culture away from them it was disheartening to see my husband tell all this to Mill he saw how distressed I was for months and still did all this he acted like a complete mom's boy choosing to side with her instead of Defending me and our daughter I had always seen him as a kind and supportive partner so this betrayal felt even more painful he suggested marriage counseling I agreed for a while but it became increasingly clear that our differences were too significant to overcome my husband's Two-Face nature where he would say one thing to me but allow his mother to treat me poorly was a deal breaker it was like he had never learned to speak for himself and grew up being pushed around by Mills so much that he couldn't even have a normal conversation with me now that I think of it we never had any disagreements about any major stuff so that's definitely a huge red flag my husband was kind of in all my friend groups from college and Beyond and I really don't have any friends that are exactly neutral since we went to college at the same place and now work at the same place I miss India a lot where I have a strong support system with my family and friends or staying in the US it's not really the 70s or 80s anymore there would not be a significant difference in our lifestyle if I lived in the US or India right now moving back to India would give me the emotional and family support that I really need right now but I worry about the potential racism Maya might face in India as a half black girl moreover my husband is unlikely to agree to the idea of his daughter moving to a different continent and I don't think that it would be the best for her to grow up without a Dad we are now in the process of filing for divorce it's ironic how I as someone who married a non-indian still found myself trapped in the S Bahu drama I really don't know what to do and it's honestly so stressful in other news Maya's hair has grown to her chin and she's having a wonderful time at preschool thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on OPsNarcissisticBioMomPhysicallyAssaultedHerAfterSheExposedHerPlantoStealtheDyingorig
wife was sleeping with other men behind my back for 13 years before she left me okay so this is going to be long very long hopefully if you comment you read over it to start I will contextualize by stating my wife just left me I have had problems with her behavior for years and it has been slowly eating away at me I'm going to try to include all of my thoughts here to give a clear picture I just feel like I need to get this out talking is how I deal you will see that an inability to do this along with a feeling something wasn't quite right in my relationship with my wife had a lot to do with poisoning our relationship we have up to about a month ago married for nearly 8 years and together for about 13 so to start I began dating my wife when she was in her first graduate year of college I can honestly say I was head over heels in love with her now she was very much the opposite of me I am introverted opinionated blunt and far from Charming she is excessively extroverted malleable to opinions depending upon the circle and extremely high energy I never at first though took her for someone shallow obsessed with opinion or superficial over time that opinion has very much changed I learned early in dating that my future wife was very seally promiscuous as a matter of fact a good number of her friends were people she had formerly slept with and she had a story of making out at one point with nearly every guy friend she had now at this time I thought okay she is a young woman in college that is just normal behavior I never thought of myself as a jealous person and had never really experienced jealousy again this would change drastically all names I use will be false by the way I don't think they will matter to those here anyway so to start the very first week I was seeing her she told me not to call or visit her because her close friend Jerry was coming into town and staying at her place she said she wanted to be alone with someone she could relate to I decided to put this to the back of my mind after all just because it was a guy that didn't mean anything right well the reason this is bookmarked in my mind is because I would come into contact with Jerry a lot and I found out that my future wife will'll call her Elisha had a past romantic history with Jerry further their interactions in my presence would often be interesting my wife's accounts often vary so putting together exactly what was going on is hard to do according to Elisha she and Jerry had crushes on each other when she was dating her first boyfriend according to her though she had many sensual Partners only one boyfriend the time frames on her relationship with this boyfriend differ on the account sometimes she was dating him from her junior year of high school until her sophomore year in college another account had her dating him until her freshman year of college she has said before that she used him this boyfriend sensually after they had split she also said they were on again off again she also stated at one point she and Jerry were behaving like a couple but then he slept with one of her friends but later she said that she had betrayed him first I kind of think she was sleeping with Jerry while her boyfriend was under the impression they were still dating I am outlining this because I wonder if the same thing hasn't happened to me if it isn't repetitive Behavior so over the first 2 years of Our dating we were regular bar flies Elisha was an admitted flirt and often flirted in front of me to put it lightly she didn't just flirt in front of me but often spoke openly and in detail of her past seal experiences with her former seal Partners again often in front of me other than Jerry she had had one other recurring FWB I can name we will call him Mark now Mark would turn out to be a legitimately good person we are friends to this day at the time I came to hate him he made it a habit to talk about the things he and Elisha would do segy again with her and in front of me it's hard to listen to someone in your girlfriend's past talk talking about the person you're dating sitting on their face with her replying yes I was other things during these first 2 years would bother me I would often meet her out to find her engaged in close conversation with a stranger and couldn't be bothered to say hello to me she often ended up surrounded by an impenetrable wall of guys and I wouldn't even be able to speak to her for hours whenever Jerry came over he always took the seat closest to her and they sat very close when he played video games she would bring him a bowl of bouquet and hold and light it for him she would interrupt me to listen to what Jerry had to say all the time for a Time Jerry was sleeping with the downstairs neighbor but when coming to see her he would always head upstairs to see Elisha first on one occasion her best friend came to visit her and again she did not want me to come over so she could be alone with her friend this one a female school friend but she ended up inviting her close friend Snyder as well as four other people over she did this again on a night that was just supposed to be a girl's night I was not to call her visit she ended up inviting four guys not including me to hang out for girls night I really was trying to let these things go but it became harder and harder to ignore them I was becoming anxious and insecure now I should also mention I had a daughter that I saw every other weekend during this period I fell into a period of unemployment it was very hard to find a job and I fell behind in child support it was during one of our many recessions at this point Elisha was doing an internship and I tried to maintain contact with her it was disheartening though because whenever I called her she sounded completely disinterested and would often carry on conversation with her friends around her while on the phone with me one one thing I took personally I had to go to court once because I was behind on my payments I almost went to jail but cut a deal with my daughter's mother I had just found a job and asked her to give me two weeks to get together over $1,000 naturally I was stressed and ended up having to borrow money I called Elisha to vent and maybe seek Comfort but again she was not only disinterested she was munching on her Chipotle and talking animatedly with her friends over the phone no interest no worry no empathy nothing a few weeks later she was going on a trip to an amusement park with people she knew from her internship again she did not want me to come but I found out others on the trip brought there significant others like I said this crap builds and becomes hard to forget she would also go to a Christmas party with Jerry in which she admits Jerry was hitting on her so now let's skip ahead another year she moves home and we have a conversation about moving in I get a small inheritance at the time that allows us to find a place I get a job in her area and we move in together after nearly 2 and 1/2 years of ignoring her inconsiderate Behavior I fin finally talked to her about how much her flirting bothers me she tells me a story about being at a nearby bar while I was gone and she stated she told the bartender I would totally e you if I was single I basically said I didn't need to hear that and the next moment she got pissed started screaming and claimed she never said that when she had literally just related the story to me I would quickly begin to find out that Elisha had no tolerance whatsoever for criticism to her character she hates it and gets violently angry of question also Jerry texts her late at night during this period And I see what he texted her when when do I get to see that fine crap again time goes by and everything is actually all right better than before in fact we establish a close group of friends she and my daughter are getting closer there are very few if any fights everything is great in this group are her cousin and cousin's husband this is important by the way we'll call them sunny and share the only thing that was not great during this time was our sexy life for reasons I cannot explain our love making life wasn't just slowing down it was completely stopping Elisha had almost no interest in love making well after 3 years about this group of friends falls apart for various reasons during this time Elisha and I became engaged things were still pretty okay between myself Elisha my daughter and our friendship with sunny and Sher after a few years we got married with sunny presiding over the ceremony another year goes by and things start to get dark very dark Sher finds out Sunny has been cheating on her for years and the two get divorced Sher starts seeking consolation from Elisha which is natural they are friends and family but then comes a very strange twist Sher is going to totally satisfy her midlife crisis and begins to go out bar hopping and boy hunting like crazy now that alone is not the strange part she insists on taking my wife with her almost every other night as her Wing man at this time I work a job that mandates sometimes 3 to four times a week I'm there often from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and my wife is going out meeting guys while I'm at work she is less interested in intimacy than ever at this point she often says it is because she is tired but she has plenty of energy for going out out at one point she gleefully brags about a bouncer hitting on her and the bartender helping him along apparently he told her well you must be here looking for something I just want to say a few things about this incident by the way first when I would go to this bar with her she did seem awfully friendly with this bartender let us call him George one night during her birthday she basically jumped at him and gave him a very close hug she would later say he hugged her but she was so drunk that night she fell flat on her face before even getting to the bar I was still very sober when I vented this to one of el friend all I had to say was Elisha and George and this friend literally broke out into tears this was the most suspicious part later someone who knew my wife and held a party my wife frequented would show up at work when he learned where I lived he asked if I knew Elisha and her boyfriend George this might have been a mistake but it's a hell of a coincidence also there was a joke around the bar that George was not well endowed but he was good at other things well later Elisha would relate to me how disappointing it is to have segs with someone not very well in doubt she said she made love with with this one guy who was small but he was good at other things I might be reading too much into that part I don't know something else strange happened at this time there was a period of 2 months where Elisha and I had literally no sex love making had been an issue for years by now but we had sporadic moments of intimacy during this period literally nothing well what is strange is that Elisha missed her period for a month and was afraid she might be pregnant whether she was or wasn't I couldn't help wondering why she would think it was a possibility if she was only sleeping with me I brought it up once and a characteristically flipped out after this she would start taking birth control and our sexy life still stagnated around this time we attended a family wedding I recall that after the wedding she was drunk and started to talk about skinny dipping in the hotel swimming pool my Dad and brothers went to bed and so did I I had been up for 24 hours at least because of work she ended up going with my cousin's husband while I lay down I actually woke up 2 hours later and she wasn't there she was in the morning but she would go on to say they didn't go skinny dipping and she came right back which which I know isn't true later Elisha would go to sher's house for a pool day she took my daughter with her one of our acquaintances let us call him Frank was there well Elisha tells me about how Frank and Sher were highly inebriated and Frank hit on her right in front of my daughter I would later mention this and Elisha got angry because she was worried I would piss off share another's present it was at this point that I realized my wife cared far more about what those in her Social Circle thought than what I did eventually the going out all the time including on my days off without me St stopped when Sher met someone new and eventually remarried after that by the way Elisha almost never heard from Sher I'm going to be completely hones I started emotionally distancing myself and even numbing myself to the idea of my wife being with another person at this point I was even trying to make myself not care about love making all of this was making me anxious I even started having panic attacks she would start to notice too the distancing not the panic attacks I told her about one I had when I was over at her cousins on my break during a Super Bowl party I had won before that of my previous job I was sent to the hospital with extremely high blood pressure I blacked out so now to the recent present I that I am talking 20202 about now a lot of things happened I lost my job got on unemployment the unemployment was rescinded putting me in debt I was accused of endangering another person at work and ended up going to court and now I'm on probation I fell into a whirlwind of depression and anxiety I felt paralyzed I didn't want to even leave home I was becoming short-tempered and unmotivated all this during the pandemic Elisha had started a new career and being the extrovert she is was not taking being stuck inside well before the pandemic got really serious Elisha went to Florida for work training there was a night when she went to a Caribbean Club and was pursued by one of the patrons apparently the chef came out to tell her how beautiful she was which struck me as odd if the chef was in the back how did he know to come out and tell a random stranger how she looked again maybe I'm reading too much into this well she called me once in the night to tell me these guys are really making me want to smoke bouquet she called me again supposedly on her way home when an unfamiliar voice started screaming into the phone I mean it was so loud this person had to have his mouth to the receiver anyway she called me back and told me it was the guy who pursued her he was an Uber driver and pulled over on the other side of the street to offer her a ride this is what she told me while she was drunk sober she said she bumped into him in person walking out of the club but when she talked to me that night she said she was already out of the club walking home we both started going to therapy well in the months leading up to her leaving she was staying at work later and later she said that it was because she had so much work but she had no problem getting out if there was a dinner with work friends or a ball game or something I went to her work friend's house with her once sober the entire time they at one point in the night started intimately holding hands and staring at each other I am not mistaken there I saw what I saw this was a female coworker with a boyfriend 3 days following this Elisha says to me you know I would still totally have a threesome just not with you that would be weird Elisha starts working out spending more time on her appearance she gets home later and later I am working a 1:00 a.m. to a.m. shift she routinely gets home when I have only four to 5 hours she went out one day to a 5-hour book club when we hadn't seen each other and got home right when I needed to go to bed she refuses to be careful with her bouquet around the house even though I am on probation I mean she hangs a bag of her stuff right by the door and leaves her grinder out any attempt I make to talk about it is met with rage and shouting anytime I vent I met with criticism and harsh reprimands when she expects me to do the opposite and just listen and I do for the most part there are times when my frustration bubbles to the surface and I snap not physically I would never hit her the only subjects she is interested in talking about anymore are her fitness goals and her job she becomes increasingly more critical of me this just causes me to be more silent and more frustrated all the frustration comes to a head over a single incident 2 years prior I became my daughter's primary guardian and her mom moved to Texas well her mother Waits to the last minute to schedule a flight and the only days where work does not interfere with one of our schedules is on the weekend her schedule in particular apparently my daughter's mother could not find a weekend flight that was continuous this was found out by Elisha who decided to contact her I'll be honest I did not consider it our responsibility to arrange flight to my daughter's mother as a matter of fact it is in the custody agreement that she is responsible for scheduling and finances and travel to and from Texas Elisha does not communicate to me my daughter's mother's inability to find a weekend flight or that Elisha took it upon her to reach out Elisha also takes it up herself to agree to a midweek time to take my daughter to the airport what she does communicate to me is my daughter's mother scheduled a flight to leave early in the morning on a Wednesday the airport is 2 hours away she tells me the flight will leave 7:00 a.m. at the latest and she expected to be home a.m. at the latest now since Elisha had worked at 9:00 a.m. I figured she had arrang the day off especially if she intended to be back at a.m. at the latest these were the talking points I was given and had knowledge of Elisha got a hotel near the airport and and asked if I wanted to come with her I did end up having that night off I had not however slept in days was absolutely exhausted and had a therapy session the next day at a.m. traffic in the area around the airport can get heavy approaching 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. and I was afraid of missing my session which was part of my probation meaning missing it could lead to a contempt of court order in actuality the flight was leaving at 6:00 a.m. I was not told this and Elisha would get home at 8:00 a.m. however under the impression she was counting on driving through heavy traffic after a flight leaving at 7:00 a.m. and plann to be back at no later than a.m. I thought it would be cutting a close I declined to go with my wife to the hotel when she tried to ask me again sleep deprived and annoyed at her constantly leaving paraphernalia everywhere and paying no regard to my schedule I snapped at her she left angry got back the next morning and still went to work she had not requested the day off and would not call off that night we had a conversation she asked how long it had been since we had been happy I told her since that time she was going out with her cousin the weekend following she stated that something broken her that night and she didn't want to pretend anymore she said she didn't think we should be together anymore and that when I told her the time for which I had been unhappy it broke her heart I asked her if she knew why I said that she said no and I outlined a good deal of what I wrote here though not everything she said she was going to her parents for a few days then loaded up way more things then I felt she could have fit into her parents tiny house I haven't seen her since she didn't even come to personally talk about our situation with my daughter after she got back for which my daughter was devastated I don't know for certain but I can't help but feel there was something more to this maybe not though maybe it was a series of really bad coincidences brought on by our differing personalities still I can't shake the feeling that there is something else update one as many pointed out it didn't really need to be confirmed but my wife confessed to a friend that when she was going out with her cousin she had a three-way Makeup Session I'm guessing it was more than a Makeup Session with her cousin and the bouncer I mentioned in my original post she was also recently caught texting her other lover before she left I know people keep saying this is fix ition but it isn't I'm furious and I can't stop thinking about it not that my WS deserves forgiveness that is not what I mean I just don't want to think about her ever I want her to disappear forever from my thoughts I hate her so much though I hate her for dragging me around people she was sleeping with and probably laughing about it I hate her for developing a bond my daughter doesn't want to break and leaving her after my daughter's mother did the same I hate her for trying to make me feel like I was at fault and inadequate like I hope she dies I've never hated anyone so much tomorrow we are meeting to discuss possessions and details of the split I think she wants to talk about what has been going on as well I sent her a very angry text it's going to feel like ripping open a wound and I don't know if I'll be able to keep it together any advice coping mechanisms has anyone else felt so strongly that they despised their WS that they didn't trust themselves not to lose control update to I think I'm doing better I'm not thinking about her all the time and I'm excited to move away from this hell and get back to family and friends but after weeks of ruminating after discussing splitting our possessions after really realizing that she walked away with no feeling after betraying and embarrassing me for years this one thought still creeps into my head she never really loved me it sucks it sucks because I could have spent 13 years either working on myself or finding someone who really did love me now I don't know when I'll be able to trust someone the way I did her again update three so it has now been 9 months since my wife left me and I got confirmation of her infidelity maybe some of you remember my original post I got the point I ignored flag after flag I understand I processed some days I'm fine but then others still I have a hard time today is one of those days every now and again I'll remember a time that where she was very intimate and seemed so sweet they were only ever when we were alone though the time I'm thinking of was around our second year dating months before we moved in together the skyline at dusk reminded me corny as it is she wanted to watch The Notebook with me and so we did I remember feeling sad and depressed that day and I was just happy to be with her she was so sweet we cuddled close on the couch had a mild night talked and just enjoyed each other's company the skyline at the time we were done with the movie was orangish red like tonight I remember we went outside to smoke a cigarette sitting so close leaning on each other you know what she said to me I hope we die together so we can be together to the end how does a person go from that to being automatically promiscuous and entirely forgetful of my presence immediately in a social setting any social setting every social setting like flicking a switch it's just so bizarre even acting embarrassed at my presence talking over me just being awkward sorry even after 9 months it hurts when I remember the contrasting moments I'm really just writing this to express myself I wish I could do what she does and just forget like it's nothing I still Recall 2 weeks after she left she texted me it doesn't have to be weird just because we're not a couple anymore like it was 13 years and we were married how do you just do that like I said not really looking for answers I just wanted to write how I was feeling after 9 months I shouldn't still be thinking about this stuff
give me a good story on WifeWasSleepingWithOtherMenBehindMyBackforYearsBeforeSheLeftMe
:00.000 --> :01.000 Posted by  :00.000 --> :00.880 u/saminator0107 5 days ago :07.560 --> :09.960 Parking at my work is a nightmare... MOC  :09.960 --> :16.760 So, for a bit of a back story. I am an overnight  security guard. I work 7pm to 7am most nights.   :16.760 --> :21.520 I am with a company that has contracts with  other companies for security, usually hotels,   :21.520 --> :28.000 apartment complexes, Clubs, etc. For this one  particular site i work at 90% of the time,   :28.000 --> :34.480 the parking is terrible. Its a luxury hotel, and  the parking garage is nowhere near as accomodating   :34.480 --> :39.880 as it should be. The hotel has valet, and a  resturant on the top floor. The parking garage is   :39.880 --> :46.720 only 2 floors, maybe 100 spots for all employee's  and hotel/resturant guests. They recently made it   :46.720 --> :52.880 so that roughly a 1/4 of the garage is reserved  for employee's, which is nowhere near enough. They   :52.880 --> :58.320 also made it so you need a parking permit to park  there. If you dont have a permit, you get towed.   :58.320 --> :05.240 One warning allowed via a sticker on your car. The  garage is also valet only for non-employee's. Only   :05.240 --> :11.120 other option is to pay to park in the street.  Personally, i have 3 cars not counting my SO's   :11.120 --> :17.440 that i drive on occasion. The parking permits list  your cars year, make, model, color, and license   :17.440 --> :22.680 plate number. My boss told me that the permits are  transferrable between cars, but they will come and   :22.680 --> :28.200 ask you why the permit does not match the car.  My boss told me to say "Well (Bosses name) told   :28.200 --> :33.920 me that the permits are transferable between  cars, and this is the car i drove today" Also,   :33.920 --> :39.480 i asked them for permits for all of my cars to  save time, and they said every person only get one   :39.480 --> :45.880 permit. I was also told that they HAVE TO CHECK  every time the permit does not match, wether they   :45.880 --> :51.720 know the car or not. Cue malicious compliance.  The day i recieved my permit, i contined to drive   :51.720 --> :00.240 a different car every day. One of my 3 cars, my  SO's car, my moms car, her boyfriends car, every   :00.240 --> :05.920 car i was able to drive, i drove to work. After a  while management was starting to get upset about   :05.920 --> :11.960 it. I gave them the same answer every time. I told  them "Well my boss said they are transferable, and   :11.960 --> :17.800 this is the car i drove here today." After about  a month and a half of this, i came in one day to   :17.800 --> :25.560 my office and there it was in all its glory,  a stack of permits for every single car i ever   :25.560 --> :34.600 drove to work. Each with their year, make, model,  color and tag number. Work: 0 Saminator0107: 1 :37.480 --> :43.360 Posted by u/1mmOff  :43.360 --> :54.840 6 days ago :13.120 --> :18.040 Wife complains I don't clean while I cook, so  I proceed to sparkle the kitchen instead of   :18.040 --> :19.000 making dinner MOC  :19.000 --> :22.560 Been a bit of a reader, thought I'd  share something from a few months back. :22.560 --> :29.027 I (33M) often do the cooking at home, including  the washing up that happens after. My wife (34f)   :30.400 --> :36.880 does not usually cook, we established that by our  second date years ago. I love her to bits, but   :36.880 --> :44.920 she is a culinary disaster and time and sweat has  failed to make improvements. It is a lost battle. :44.920 --> :49.680 The sequence of dinner prep usually starts  as soon as I finish work. This involves   :49.680 --> :54.280 chopping meat/vegetables, and rounding up  anything that was previously marinated or   :54.280 --> :59.000 thawed. This is immediately followed by  cooking, and then serving, to be eaten   :59.000 --> :04.600 hot. It seems logical to me that meals should be  enjoyed while they are fresh, and cleaning up,   :04.600 --> :09.160 can wait. Especially if the kitchen is not  being used by anyone else in the interim. :09.160 --> :12.720 I am also the one who normally does  the washing after everyone has eaten,   :12.720 --> :17.160 and I wash all the cutlery and cooking  prep stuff in the same process. This is   :17.160 --> :21.440 done while my wife settles our toddler into  bed. I prefer this setup, because I can get   :21.440 --> :26.080 all the washing done in one go, and everyone  can eat their meals at the same time together   :26.080 --> :32.800 while it is fresh. I do not like washing the  pans/pots/wok after cooking and before eating. :32.800 --> :37.600 My wife however, seems to get annoyed at this.  Every now and then while I am cooking, if she   :37.600 --> :42.920 walks in she will start complaining. Making notes  that I should pack this and that up. That I should   :42.920 --> :48.880 clean the board while waiting for the stir fry to  finish. Sometimes, there is literally no down time   :48.880 --> :54.880 for certain dishes, especially with several to  serve before it gets "too late" for the toddler. :54.880 --> :00.640 To be clear, I certainly clean some things as  I go. Especially when it concerns raw meat,   :00.640 --> :04.160 or things that need to go back into  the fridge. I'll wipe down if there's   :04.160 --> :10.000 any offensive spills. But for things like  chopping boards, certain empty packages,   :10.000 --> :13.560 or condiments, I will leave them  on the bench top until I am done,   :13.560 --> :19.120 or when I am washing up. Things that I feel don't  pose risks or have any urgency to be put away,   :19.120 --> :23.760 other than making the kitchen look tidy  during cooking. Happy to be proven wrong. :23.760 --> :29.080 Anyway, one day for whatever reason my wife got  real snarky at me because I left the chopping   :29.080 --> :35.480 board out next to the pans, saying it's not  hard to clean as I cook. Whatever, fine. :35.480 --> :40.120 So for the next meal, I made sure  to clean everything I touched as   :40.120 --> :44.120 I started my meal prep. I had already  made sure the little one had her dinner,   :44.120 --> :49.000 so there's no harm in drawing this out. Need  to open that can of pasta sauce? Better wash   :49.000 --> :55.160 down the can opener and dry it before we start.  Gotta wipe down the whole kitchen top too. Ooops,   :55.160 --> :00.440 dropped a garlic clove. I'd better give the  whole kitchen floor a good scrub. Is that a   :00.440 --> :06.680 bit of charred residue on the stove? Ok, better  de-grease the entire area. You get my drift. :06.680 --> :10.400 Wife has put the little one to  sleep by now. So 3 hours later,   :10.400 --> :17.480 the kitchen is sparkling. Literally. Pasta has  not entered water, and the sauce materials have   :17.480 --> :22.560 not touched the pan. Wife asks where's dinner?  I tell her I haven't started cooking because I   :22.560 --> :27.080 still need to clean the fridge. There were  some stains under the tomato tray. She went   :27.080 --> :32.080 back to bed. I still cooked and packed  her lunch. I've not been harassed since. :34.360 --> :35.400 Posted by  :37.000 --> :41.520 u/Ancient_Educator_76 5 days ago :04.400 --> :08.400 "Stop this ___ and tell me  what's going on right now!!"  :08.400 --> :09.920 MOC Hey all. If you know me,   :09.920 --> :15.880 you know that I operate a drive thru in the wild  west; living the dream in Arizona. Things are   :15.880 --> :22.560 hectic here at "Mendy's", but it's been admittedly  a little moreso and in a very different way since   :22.560 --> :28.120 a certain brand of the Devil's "Lettuce" has been  legalized. Like people are straight up wandering   :28.120 --> :34.080 around the valley looking like they just landed  on planet Arizona, not knowing the basics of life. :34.080 --> :40.320 I mean I'm having to explain toilets, doors,  water bottles ("Oh you gotta twisssst it   :40.320 --> :45.760 brahhhh? Gnarls"), and especially the drive  thru. It's like Idiocracy come to life, and   :45.760 --> :51.480 we've got a crew of Luke Cunningham Wilsons and  Maya Rudolphs, trying to make it through our day. :51.480 --> :57.320 Last night another one of these aliens entered our  air space, so i approach with my usual greeting (1   :57.320 --> :02.400 of 2 possible) "Hi welcome to Mendy's, please  hold on a second and I'll be right with you". :02.400 --> :08.040 It's policy that we must greet the car  within five seconds (preferably three)   :08.040 --> :11.360 of them setting our bell off (when  they drive close enough for their   :11.360 --> :16.240 window to reach the speaker). So if we're  busy with a previous order or orders,   :16.240 --> :21.920 we'll greet and have them hold. Well this wasn't  cutting it for this carful of Dax Shepards'. :21.920 --> :27.400 As soon as I told them to hold they were  "Whaaaat??? What the fooooock? Naaaahhh no   :27.400 --> :32.880 oo you talked to the other guy mannnn I swear to  gawwwd braaah Tell me what's going on right now   :32.880 --> :38.240 man what's going ON!??? Don't say no more words  til you tell me what's going on right now mannnn" :38.240 --> :42.640 Wow, just friggin wow. This  was a peppering of words,   :42.640 --> :48.040 fired at me nerf style be the entire car of  people. It was hard to say who said what,   :48.040 --> :52.640 but I applied my MC to all of  them, spray and pray style. :52.640 --> :57.480 "Well, sir, you're currently in a drive thru of  an Arizona Mendy's. By pulling your vehicle up   :57.480 --> :02.040 to our speaker, you are entering into a social  contract where I listen to what food you would   :02.040 --> :07.160 like to order from our restaurant, and put that  into our system so our amazing chefs know what   :07.160 --> :13.080 to make for you. Sometimes I don't have time to  take that order with immediacy, so I'll tell you   :13.080 --> :17.920 to hold on until I'm ready to enter your order.  I can only enter your order when I'm standing   :17.920 --> :23.960 within reaching distance of the POS, and when  I'm logged in. If I have told you to hold on,   :23.960 --> :29.320 in about thirty seconds or less I will then  take your order. Do you understand? Great,   :29.320 --> :33.160 now hold on while I figure out what's  going on with the previous order" :33.160 --> :36.440 Then they're responding "Oh  no focking way all of that   :36.440 --> :41.280 and I still have to wait you could have  taken my order already we're outta here!" :41.280 --> :44.520 I try to reply as I hear them peeling out "Sir..." :44.520 --> :48.320 But it was too late. They  hit the car in front of them. :48.320 --> :54.720 They were so ticked that they forgot how stupidly  high they were. They literally rammed the car in   :54.720 --> :59.280 front of them. They both had to pull forward  but the car in front refused to move because   :59.280 --> :03.400 they didn't want these guys taking off. It  shut our drive thru down for an hour and   :03.400 --> :10.280 a half. Our lobby was rockin. The kids each  (all four) got arrested, three in handcuffs,   :10.280 --> :16.280 one with his parents. It was a melee. One kid  wound up getting hauled off after everything,   :16.280 --> :19.680 car was towed, and the other kids  wound up in tears at the end of   :19.680 --> :25.560 it. Much drugs were involved, based on  smell alone. And Grape of all flavors. :26.280 --> :27.760 Posted by  :27.760 --> :36.600 u/Inner_Cherry4149 4 days ago :39.800 --> :41.320 Fleet Inspections MOC  :41.320 --> :46.040 I used to be the foreman at a food distribution  company with a fleet of about 100 units in   :46.040 --> :51.480 total. Every quarter, there was a “document  inspection” that essentially made sure that   :51.480 --> :56.400 all the legal paperwork was together  in case DOT ever pulled a unit over. :56.400 --> :00.480 Each technician needed to be clocked on  to a repair order for each job they would   :00.480 --> :05.840 work on. This made it easy to track time to  measure efficiency but more importantly how   :05.840 --> :11.120 much time was spent on each unit in a certain  timeframe. (If any unit had high labor times,   :11.120 --> :15.640 it would go to considerations to retire  it) And for our quarterly inspections,   :15.640 --> :20.600 I would make a generic “document inspection”  repair order to knock out all of them in one   :20.600 --> :26.360 shot. Instead of going back and forth to clock  off one and clock into another. Easy, right? :26.360 --> :32.080 The company made a position called “Director of  Transportation” and the guy they hired had no   :32.080 --> :37.560 concept of time management. We butted heads quite  a bit because he liked to micromanage things that   :37.560 --> :42.680 really didn’t matter. I’d give examples but  it would drag this on. Anyway, he was adamant   :42.680 --> :48.840 about making a repair order for EVERYTHING.  (Even sent an email DEMANDING this is to be   :48.840 --> :54.280 done) And after explaining the complexity of his  request, he waved me off like I was a peasant. :54.280 --> :57.560 So I made a repair order for  one unit, walked to the truck,   :57.560 --> :02.400 checked all the paperwork, walked back,  noted the work done and closed it. I did   :02.400 --> :08.240 this for EVERY SINGLE UNIT ON THE YARD.  He had over 100 repair orders and over   :08.240 --> :14.360 9 hours of labor to do something that usually  takes about 2 hours if you do it all at once. :14.360 --> :19.880 I was called into his office the next day. He  then wanted to write me up for “insubordination”.   :19.880 --> :24.720 I asked to have a member from HR present. When  they showed up I showed her the email chain of   :24.720 --> :29.600 what he wanted. There was nothing he could  do. He literally asked me to do it that way. :29.600 --> :33.640 I left the company and the techs followed  to work for me at another company. We all   :33.640 --> :37.480 made sure to let them know it was  because of him. Not a month later,   :37.480 --> :40.360 a driver reached out and told me they fired him. :41.560 --> :42.520 Posted by u/Ko-Riel  :42.520 --> :58.360 1 day ago :01.040 --> :06.206 Car dealer tried to rip me off, ended up having  to pay inflated maintenance bill themselves  :06.206 --> :06.240 MOC Not a native speaker or writer: :06.240 --> :10.200 This happened about 17 years ago  in a major city in the very south   :10.200 --> :12.760 of the Netherlands with a Renault dealership. :12.760 --> :16.520 I had a new job and we needed a  second car. We bought a new Twingo,   :16.520 --> :21.840 a car that went for about €12.000. There  were 2 stipulations in the contract when   :21.840 --> :28.000 we bought the car. #1 was that we had to get  financing through Renault. And #2 was that 3   :28.000 --> :34.200 years maintenance was included. We financed  a minor part for 3 years at 0% interest. :34.200 --> :39.640 After the first year, I took the car for  its first service. I had about 12,000km   :39.640 --> :44.200 on the odometer. When I dropped the car off  I was asked if there was anything that needed   :44.200 --> :48.480 attention. I think I answered something  like, "Do whatever you need to do...". :48.480 --> :53.600 In the late afternoon when I picked up the  car 3 rather bulky men were standing behind   :53.600 --> :59.000 the service desk. I remember they were really  focused on me when I was presented with the   :59.000 --> :07.720 bill. The bill was for about €1000. And for a  1-year-old car with just 12k km! I immediately   :07.720 --> :11.120 understood what had happened.. They must  have figured that they could inflate the   :11.120 --> :16.960 bill with all kinds of nonsense maintenance  actions since I gave them carte blanche,   :16.960 --> :23.200 and to avoid any troubles they made sure that I  could be intimidated by them being with 3 people. :23.200 --> :28.400 I just very friendly asked for my car  key.. "But you have to pay first!",   :28.400 --> :33.560 "No I don't, please may I have my car keys?¨.  Instead of enlightening them straight away,   :33.560 --> :36.120 I kept going like this for a bit longer. :36.120 --> :40.720 When things started to get a bit unfriendly  I reminded the rep that I had bought the car   :40.720 --> :46.480 at this dealership including 3 years of  maintenance.... All 3 guys turned a few   :46.480 --> :52.480 shades lighter.... frantically searching for the  contract.. whispering, moving away to the office   :52.480 --> :58.320 out of earshot... It took about 10 minutes before  the rep came back out and handed me my keys.. :58.320 --> :02.200 I ended up getting its 3rd service  just before the 3 years had elapsed,   :02.200 --> :07.280 and as soon as I got the title to the car, I  traded it in for a car of a different brand.   :07.280 --> :14.400 And as you would expect the bill for the second  and third services was less than €300 to €400. :31.920 --> :51.840 Not sure if this is the right reddit,  the compliance part is that did   :51.840 --> :54.064 everything they were supposed to do and way more,   :54.064 --> :54.800 and I complied as well by reminding them  that they were responsible for all costs.
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceCARDEALERSHIPTRIEDTOSCREWMERedditStoriesen
:00.179 --> :02.950 The following is a post I made on r/ProRevenge. :02.950 --> :06.029 Several commenters said I should post it here as well. :06.029 --> :08.860 I suppose it's actually a reverse case of malicious compliance since it's a troublesome :08.860 --> :10.810 employee who gets their well-deserved comeuppance when her boss decides to go strictly by the :10.810 --> :11.810 book. :11.810 --> :13.370 So here it is copied and pasted below: :13.370 --> :16.870 My friend (I'll call her Sandy) worked at a travel agency in British Columbia, Canada. :16.870 --> :20.990 It was a small, owner-operated business with the owner and three employees including my :20.990 --> :21.990 friend. :21.990 --> :25.030 Everyone worked Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. :25.030 --> :30.609 One of my friend's coworkers (I'll call her Jane), an older woman in her early to mid-sixties, :30.609 --> :32.550 was a long-time nuisance employee. :32.550 --> :38.480 Among other sketchy behaviour, Jane was always scamming ways to take time off over and above :38.480 --> :39.840 her official paid vacation time. :39.840 --> :44.200 In order to make up for the lost hours, she would claim overtime hours/pay by supposedly :44.200 --> :46.170 going in to the office in her off hours "to finish up" work without being requested by :46.170 --> :47.170 the owner to do so. :47.170 --> :51.480 Despite being caught in her own lies on a number of occasions and being warned about :51.480 --> :57.059 trying to claim for unsanctioned overtime, the owner of the travel agency was reluctant :57.059 --> :00.789 to officially reprimand Jane or get rid of her. :00.789 --> :06.720 The reason being is the owner discovered after she had hired Jane that Jane had actually :06.720 --> :11.940 been fired from her previous job at another local travel agency for pulling the same stunts; :11.940 --> :16.840 however, Jane had sued her former employer for unfair dismissal and had won a settlement. :16.840 --> :23.070 After a few years of my friend Sandy working at the travel agency, the owner was ready :23.070 --> :26.549 to retire and offered to sell the business to my friend. :26.549 --> :32.120 Sandy took her up on the deal and took over the business while keeping on Jane and the :32.120 --> :33.120 other employee. :33.120 --> :38.710 Once again, just as the previous owner was afraid to get rid of Jane, so was Sandy for :38.710 --> :39.939 fear of being sued. :39.939 --> :44.479 When Sandy took over the business, she instituted guidelines regarding taking time off and she :44.479 --> :46.759 established an official "no overtime" policy. :46.759 --> :52.450 Jane would still try with her shenanigans but was far less successful in getting what :52.450 --> :55.110 she wanted with my friend in charge. :55.110 --> :00.490 However, Jane still had one trick up her sleeve when she wanted to take time off on a whim. :00.490 --> :07.630 Sandy was a divorced single mom of two boys who were heavily involved in youth hockey. :07.630 --> :13.260 She would sometimes leave the office an hour or two before closing to get her boys to hockey :13.260 --> :14.569 practice or a game. :14.569 --> :18.930 In order to avoid requesting in person and potentially being denied, Jane would wait :18.930 --> :24.879 for Sandy to be out of the office to book a day off if she didn't feel like coming into :24.879 --> :26.109 work or had made plans. :26.109 --> :30.799 Sandy would then arrive at work the next morning only to discover that Jane wasn't coming in. :30.799 --> :38.560 Despite this happening a number of times, Sandy would usually let it slide since there :38.560 --> :40.790 was now a definite "no overtime" policy. :40.790 --> :46.439 Therefore, Jane could no longer claim to come in to work on the weekend or after hours in :46.439 --> :49.469 order to try and make up for the day off. :49.469 --> :58.010 She would either miss out on a day's pay, in turn saving Sandy money as the owner, or :58.010 --> :00.739 it would come out of her remaining paid vacation days. :00.739 --> :04.969 Moreover, two people in the office at one time could usually handle everything. :04.969 --> :07.849 Jane not coming in was really a no-loss situation for Sandy. :07.849 --> :13.730 There was one time, however, when Sandy was going to be away for one or two work days :13.730 --> :17.010 just before the weekend to take her boys to a hockey tournament. :17.010 --> :21.040 She told both Jane and the other employee both verbally and in writing that they could :21.040 --> :26.859 not book time off for the dates in question since she would be away and needed both of :26.859 --> :27.859 them in the office. :27.859 --> :34.930 Within a few days of giving this notice, Sandy went in to the office on a Saturday to do :34.930 --> :41.279 some paperwork and go through the sales for the week. :41.279 --> :46.389 This is when she discovered that, only the day before, Jane had booked a trip for her :46.389 --> :51.870 daughter and son-in-law to Las Vegas as well as a plane ticket in her name to Calgary where :51.870 --> :52.870 her daughter lived. :52.870 --> :59.659 Both the trip to Vegas and the ticket to Calgary coincided with the dates Sandy would be out :59.659 --> :00.659 of the office. :00.659 --> :05.529 Sandy then checked the vacation booking schedule to further discover that Jane had indeed booked :05.529 --> :09.010 the days off that she had expressly been told she couldn't have. :09.010 --> :13.809 Not mentioning she had discovered the travel Jane had booked for herself and her daughter, :13.809 --> :20.970 Sandy emailed Jane telling her she would have to deny her the days off since she had already :20.970 --> :26.780 been told they were unavailable because she (Sandy) would be away and needed Jane in the :26.780 --> :27.780 office. :27.780 --> :30.640 Through a continued series of email exchanges, Jane replied and outright lied to Sandy with :30.640 --> :34.060 some excuse about her daughter getting some long-awaited medical treatment or surgery, :34.060 --> :39.490 and she needed to go to Calgary to help out for a few days and look after her granddaughter. :39.490 --> :45.300 Sandy replied to this lie by telling Jane she knew about the trip she had booked to :45.300 --> :48.930 Vegas for her daughter and son-in-law; that Jane's trip to Calgary was most likely to :48.930 --> :53.090 babysit her granddaughter while her daughter was in Vegas; and that she would still have :53.090 --> :57.560 to deny Jane the days off especially since she booked them after being told they were :57.560 --> :58.560 unavailable. :58.560 --> :01.670 Jane countered in her subsequent reply, without even addressing the fact that she had been :01.670 --> :05.039 caught in a lie, that she had been a dedicated employee of the travel agency for several :05.039 --> :09.819 years and couldn't understand why she was being treated so unfairly after all she had :09.819 --> :11.229 done for the business. :11.229 --> :17.110 She then wrote that since she wasn't being treated as a valued employee, she had no choice :17.110 --> :19.870 but to retire and was giving her two-weeks' notice. :19.870 --> :22.600 Despite Jane's threat, Sandy replied that she would still be unable to grant her the :22.600 --> :27.530 days off and left it at that without making any mention of Jane's threat to quit/retire. :27.530 --> :31.680 Sandy then contacted her accountant, who also acted as her de facto business advisor, and :31.680 --> :33.110 explained what had happened with Jane. :33.110 --> :36.219 Also aware of Jane's previous shenanigans, Sandy's accountant told her that this was :36.219 --> :40.240 the out she had been looking for with Jane, and she had it all in writing. :40.240 --> :44.830 He told her that Jane had essentially resigned/retired and all Sandy needed to do was honour Jane's :44.830 --> :49.990 desire to do so, let her finish out her two weeks, or pay her two-weeks' wages in lieu :49.990 --> :53.440 with no further severance pay legally required since she hadn't been fired. :53.440 --> :56.819 The following Monday, Sandy went into the office early accompanied by her longterm boyfriend :56.819 --> :58.219 to act as a witness. :58.219 --> :02.430 She put Jane's belongings from her desk into a box and took the things that were property :02.430 --> :03.430 of the business. :03.430 --> :07.719 Since Jane was old school and had resisted inputting client information in the computer :07.719 --> :12.449 database, this also included a small box filled with index cards which had client phone numbers, :12.449 --> :16.812 addresses, credit card information, and other personal information noted on them. :16.812 --> :21.639 In the meantime the other employee had arrived for work, and they all waited for Jane to :21.639 --> :22.639 show up. :22.639 --> :26.689 Jane arrived just before 9:00 acting as though nothing had happened and greeted everyone :26.689 --> :29.849 with a "good morning" as she walked through the door. :29.849 --> :33.979 However, she was apparently taken slightly aback when she noticed Sandy's boyfriend seated :33.979 --> :36.000 in the far corner of the office. :36.000 --> :40.830 At this point, Jane was mid-way to her desk when Sandy informed her that there was no :40.830 --> :44.639 need to go any further and that she had accepted Jane's notification of retirement. :44.639 --> :50.229 She then handed Jane a cheque compensating her for the hours she had worked in the current :50.229 --> :55.819 pay period as well as two-weeks' wages in lieu of Jane finishing out her final two weeks :55.819 --> :56.819 before her "retirement". :56.819 --> :59.849 Jane was dumbfounded and went into panic mode, "But I didn't retire! :59.849 --> :01.189 I'm not ready to retire!" :01.189 --> :06.460 Sandy responded that indeed she had retired, given her notice and had proof of it in writing. :06.460 --> :09.870 All Jane could do was continue repeating, "But I didn't retire! :09.870 --> :11.419 I'm not ready to retire!" :11.419 --> :14.110 while unsuccessfully attempting to get the support of the other employee who refused :14.110 --> :16.009 to come to her defence. :16.009 --> :21.969 Sandy then pointed to the box containing Jane's belongings, wished her a happy retirement, :21.969 --> :24.630 and told her to leave the office. :24.630 --> :28.710 Jane quickly rifled through the box and noticed that the small box containing the index cards :28.710 --> :30.650 with client informaiton was not there. :30.650 --> :35.520 She insisted that Sandy return it to her which Sandy refused to do explaining that it was :35.520 --> :40.060 property of the business, contained personal client information, and that she would be :40.060 --> :43.620 in violation of Canadian privacy laws if she were to let Jane take it. :43.620 --> :49.499 Jane's shock had now turned to obstinance and she refused to leave without the box. :49.499 --> :54.889 Both the other employee and Sandy's boyfriend had started to get involved, repeatedly telling :54.889 --> :56.039 Jane to just leave. :56.039 --> :01.650 Sandy then informed Jane that if she didn't leave, they would have to call the RCMP (Canadian :01.650 --> :05.559 police), at which point, Sandy's boyfriend dialled 911 to inform the dispatcher of a :05.559 --> :10.360 disgruntled former employee at XYZ Travel Agency who was refusing to leave the premises. :10.360 --> :14.430 Within a few minutes, two police officers arrived, and Jane immediately ran to the door :14.430 --> :17.600 ranting about being fired and about the missing box of client info. :17.600 --> :24.779 In order to deescalate the situation, one police officer told Jane to come outside and :24.779 --> :28.069 explain to him her side of the story. :28.069 --> :33.550 The other officer remained in the office to hear Sandy's side of the story agreeing that :33.550 --> :36.870 Jane was not legally entitled to the box of client info. :36.870 --> :41.019 The other officer then reentered the business and told Jane to wait outside. :41.019 --> :44.960 He said that Jane was insisting that Sandy was holding onto her personal belongings, :44.960 --> :46.870 namely a box of important information. :46.870 --> :53.360 Both Sandy and the officer who had spoken to her explained the contents of the box to :53.360 --> :58.380 the other officer who in turn agreed it was not Jane's property. :58.380 --> :04.779 The police officers then picked up the larger box of Jane's personal belongings, took it :04.779 --> :09.519 outside to Jane, and told her she needed to go home. :09.519 --> :12.600 To rub salt in Jane's wounds, the next day, Sandy put up a large sign in the window of :12.600 --> :14.490 the business congratulating Jane on her retirement and even put a small announcement in the local :14.490 --> :15.589 newspaper doing the same thing. :15.589 --> :18.730 The icing on the piece of revenge cake was Sandy, when filling out the necessary government :18.730 --> :21.560 forms for when an employee quits / gets fired / retires, made sure to check the box labelled :21.560 --> :24.240 "retired" for the reason for Jane no longer being employed. :24.240 --> :27.490 By doing so, Jane was ineligible to collect unemployment insurance benefits. :27.490 --> :31.683 Yesterday I got an email from a customer who wanted an in-depth analysis of dish soap sales :31.683 --> :32.940 for the past 3 years. :32.940 --> :37.390 Easy peasy (it's all automated) but time consuming to extract that much data. :37.390 --> :42.139 As I was entering the details into the software according to the job order, I see customer :42.139 --> :43.300 specified product code A190. :43.300 --> :46.700 I check the database and uh oh, that's the code for scented candles. :46.700 --> :48.670 I think they meant A160 dish soap. :48.670 --> :54.100 Due to past shenanigans we're supposed to follow job orders to the letter and if there :54.100 --> :56.610 is a conflict the product code trumps over whatever else the customer wrote. :56.610 --> :59.070 This is spelled out very clearly in our service agreement. :59.070 --> :04.389 However if I suspect a mistake I will give the customer a call so they can amend the :04.389 --> :06.350 job order and avoid wasting time and money. :06.350 --> :08.360 They are usually grateful for the heads up. :08.360 --> :12.830 So I call the customer and I barely manage to say I'm from company xyz that this lady :12.830 --> :15.500 starts berating me about how long the job is taking. :15.500 --> :21.100 First off, I got the timestamped email less than 15 minutes ago, and this kind of report :21.100 --> :22.950 usually has a turnaround of 24-48 hours. :22.950 --> :27.980 Second, I am trying to help by pointing out the wrong product code. :27.980 --> :36.040 But this lady just will not let me talk, she keeps cutting me off and talking over me. :36.040 --> :41.870 When I finally manage to get 2 words in and say I wanted to confirm the product code, :41.870 --> :49.630 she tells me to stop wasting her time and just do what the job order says. :49.630 --> :53.650 Then she hangs up on me. :53.650 --> :56.279 You can probably guess how it went. :56.279 --> :09.350 I ran the request as written for product A190 (candles), sent it yesterday by EOB. :09.350 --> :11.769 Lady flipped when she saw it. :11.769 --> :19.320 Apparently they needed this report for a meeting that now has to be rescheduled. :19.320 --> :21.589 My boss and her boss got involved. :21.589 --> :27.660 The end result is that customer's boss just sent me a request to please run a report for :27.660 --> :34.140 dish soap (A160) when convenient, and apologising for the "misunderstanding". :34.140 --> :38.240 My company will waive the cost of the extra report. :38.240 --> :46.139 I understand the lady was moved to a role that limits the amount of damage she can do :46.139 --> :52.500 (already the fact that she ordered the report the literal day before the meeting was not :52.500 --> :53.500 great). :53.500 --> :54.500 Moral of the story... :54.500 --> :01.440 Before telling someone to shut up, maybe listen to what they are saying...I have been ordering :01.440 --> :07.660 groceries from Walmart for the last year since I have been unable to get a caregiver and :07.660 --> :09.310 I have a compromised immune system. :09.310 --> :13.699 If you get a cold it kills me variety. :13.699 --> :17.750 I also have a broken back and a condition that makes me dislocate every bone when I :17.750 --> :18.750 move. :18.750 --> :22.510 I have transitioned into frozen dinners to not starve and I can't just eat anything. :22.510 --> :24.949 My body is terrible at being alive. :24.949 --> :32.060 So I get food assistance and the snap system of EBT uses a debit card style system. :32.060 --> :34.550 I have only had two orders without issues in the last year. :34.550 --> :39.000 Instead of the food I have ordered things I received range from a plastic footlocker :39.000 --> :47.279 full of marshmallows to airborne allergens that put me in the hospital because instead :47.279 --> :52.880 of the egg, cheese, potato bowls someone went "This customer needs a ready made cucumber :52.880 --> :53.880 salad. :53.880 --> :55.230 This is the same." :55.230 --> :06.230 It's so reliable a thing my neighbors wait for my texts listing their available free :06.230 --> :07.390 food options. :07.390 --> :10.860 This week it's pineapple mango juice. :10.860 --> :14.060 I am allergic to pineapple. :14.060 --> :20.970 I pretty quickly mastered the refund system. :20.970 --> :28.769 After the third time however the system started making me call. :28.769 --> :29.839 Every single time. :29.839 --> :37.209 Then I was told "You need to open a dispute with your cardholder." :37.209 --> :40.519 "Are you sure? :40.519 --> :48.390 I am only missing a $5 item." :48.390 --> :49.390 "Yes. :49.390 --> :53.029 We no longer believe you're missing items." :53.029 --> :54.029 Me. :54.029 --> :05.519 "I just sent you photographs of everything in the bags. :05.519 --> :09.750 You admit I didn't order those mushrooms. :09.750 --> :11.510 Why are you saying I lied?" :11.510 --> :12.910 "Too many returns." :12.910 --> :18.940 So I call up the EBT system and detail everything. :18.940 --> :21.410 I offer the photos of every single order. :21.410 --> :26.019 At this point I had 3 they were refusing refunds on. :26.019 --> :35.170 It just took 4 weeks for anyone to actually talk to me. :35.170 --> :39.160 I had been hung up on many times. :39.160 --> :41.310 EBT doesn't need my evidence. :41.310 --> :43.100 "We get this all the time. :43.100 --> :48.730 I see partial refunds on two of these so they'll automatically refund the whole order and our :48.730 --> :54.389 investigation team will look at the others. :54.389 --> :55.660 If they do need that evidence? :55.660 --> :58.899 We will call you." :58.899 --> :16.470 I woke up to full refunds for 6 orders because in investigation they decided that I should :16.470 --> :19.720 have those others too. :19.720 --> :21.860 So Walmart paid me back 800 dollars. :21.860 --> :23.139 Instead of 5 dollars. :23.139 --> :29.510 The best part is they're not making me call EBT to refund. :29.510 --> :46.310 They just do it now AND I know I can have a nice meal on my birthday.
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AIT for not allowing my husband to visit his dying grandmother not my main as this is quite personal and I don't want my husband to find it all names are fake I know the title makes me sound pretty horrible before you judge me please try to understand my point of view my 32f husband 34m let's call him Caleb has a very close relationship with his grandparents Marie and Tom they raised him and his siblings because his parents were absent obviously Caleb sees them as His parental figures and loves them so do I they are wonderful kind people and I will forever be thankful to them for raising my husband so well and treating me with such love Caleb's parents live in Germany and me and Caleb live in Canada we moved for my job and better quality of life for our children 3F 6m 7f the flight to visit them is around 9 hours so visits are rare once or twice every 2 years unfortunately in the summer of 2023 Marie Caleb's mom got diagnosed with a tumor and started getting very sick we were all devastated and went to spend the whole summer with her in Germany her condition remained stable-ish for the whole time and we were hopeful we would have many more years with her in October she had a heart attack and was hospitalized we thought it was the end our whole family and Caleb's brothers and sisters went to preparing to say our goodbye turns out she got better and was stable enough to go home of course everyone was a static the same situation happened again this January and this March heart attack hospitalized it looked like it was over but then again she got better and we all went back home each time we buy tickets to Germany and back for our whole family which is about 5 6K plus accommodations plus having to take time off of work in school which is difficult last week my husband got a call that Marie had another heart attack I told him he could go alone but me and the kids would stay and he would have to buy his own plane ticket I am the main income earner reason is because I can't can't take more time off of work and we can't afford to buy more planing tickets I also find it difficult to say our heartfelt goodbyes every time only to repeat it 2 months later Caleb was outraged that I wouldn't let him visit his dying grandmother calling me all kinds of names saying I was setting a terrible example for our children after hearing Marie was okay this time again as well he calmed down a bit but is giving me the cold shoulder and will refuse to talk to me or acknowledge my presence I don't know what to do we are comfortable but can't afford to take plain trips every few months for who knows how long and I am not keeping my husband away from his grandmother I am just saying he has to pay for his own ticket if he wants to go a it
give me a good story on AITAfornotallowingmyhusbandtovisithisdyinggrandmotherorig
my kids daycare has been on lockdown for the last 2 days without going into too many revealing details a man has come to the church my kids go to daycare at twice yesterday and again today saying he's being told by Jesus he needs to start a new Resurrection through a blood bath oh and of course he has guns he needs them for his own protection don't you know they finally arrested him today after his third time trespassing and trying to get into the church but they only charged him with two misdemeanors and my friend friend who is a cop said that probably means unless they decide to hold him for a psych evaluation he'll be back on the streets tomorrow they keeping the daycare doors is locked but that means nothing if this psycho can just shoot the glass and my babies my innocent little three-year-olds are in the very first classroom you encounter when you walk in I know the teachers would lay down their lives to protect my kids but God it breaks my heart that they even have to risk that and I can't even keep them home my husband and I both can't afford
give me a good story on Mykidsdaycarehasbeenonlockdownforthelasttwodaysaitaredditstoriesredditaitaorig
AIT ta if I demand we brush my 10y stepdaughter's messy hair while we're out I have a 10-year-old stepdaughter who wants long hair but doesn't brush it while we're out it's past her waist now it becomes a tangled mess from her clothes movement weather headphones Etc she will brush it in the morning at home but won't do it again later in the day or allow us to do it I hope you can believe me that it really looks awful like she hasn't brushed it in days I don't see other kids with long hair look like this she somehow gets it teased looking with part sck piing up half folded over/ up divided strands so it looks unwashed with balls of knots keys if she's at home in a park playing with kids physically or being active Etc then I don't care she doesn't go out with her mom much her mom is a homebody doesn't like crowds events spending money Etc so her mom doesn't see or deal with this as much as we do in contrast my husband and I are very social love events and it's not a hardship to buy tickets SL outings all the time three I know it's to brush hair in a restaurant or near other people I try to catch her in the bathroom or when we're not near others I care because I think it makes her father and I look neglectful I'm embarrassed it's not about looks we're a bit alternative looking so I 100% wouldn't care if this was about style or expression I care because she looks dirty so it's going to reflect badly on us the parents that are out with her my husband just doesn't care he doesn't care about looks he's very blind to detail such as house cleaning literally doesn't notice a dirty floor type of person plusy says but she brushes her hair in the morning so I'm the nagging stepmom solely caring about step-daughter's hair if you saw a 10-year-old with rats nest hair would you judge the parents or figure the kid is just making their own decision and being a stubborn kid it's also unfortunate because she wants to keep growing it out so I'm worried it's going to look worse and worse ttld drr 10-year-old stepdaughter's hair gets insanely messy while we're on outings and she refuses to brush it again I'm embarrassed and worried I look like a neglectful parent AI for wanting to make it a that we brush it when it looks like she's been through a hurricane later in the day
give me a good story on AITAifIdemandwebrushmyyostepdaughtersmessyhairwhilewereout
today we've got a Revenge story against some awful customers who refuse to tip we'll get to that in a bit but first revenge for a dead hog this happened about five years ago to my cousin to keep it short a big pig was rummaging through the garden and messing with outdoor furniture at my cousin's house so they did what rednecks do and shot it later found out it was a meth head caller Cindy neighbors pet pig Cindy was upset and not in a good space so she robbed the house a few days after the first incident Cindy got petty revenge and arrested the pig itself was very big and came up onto the porch of the house actually got intimate with the furniture and potted plants it was destroying a lot of the stuff on the porches and it wasn't backing down when they tried to scare it off either so I'd say they had no choice but to do what they did I'm sure some disagree a few days later the house was broken into my cousin's coin jar and loose change were gone along with my sister's safe which had all of her private info in it the safe was later found at a dumpster and led to the arrest of Cindy I live in a high meth area and my cousin who I mentioned lives on the street in the area of the meth County so needless to say the Neighbors in the area are not the kind you want to meet later on I found out that she was sent to jail and her children were taken evidently they were living in the classic Trailer Park meth house no toilets rotten floors no water and so on the officer that took her in ended up getting her some food before taking her in and I'm told a video of this one viral but I haven't seen it I'm not gonna lie in all the times that I've spent reading Pro revenge stories you tend to hear a lot of similar stories I gotta say I've never read one quite like this before also hi I'm Steven and if you enjoy awesome stories of Revenge why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next story is block the driveway fine I'll block because I got nowhere to go this happened yesterday I 30 something male never will reveal my age had a hard day at work and just left the gym with my roommate as most of you know going to the gym usually makes you hungry as heck so I was already slightly cranky we live in an apartment building in the city on a Major Street our building has two driveways one in and one out the clickers to open the garage will only open the indoors and there's a button to open the outdoors inside the garage so as we're about to pull up to the turn to get to the driveway we see a huge black SUV blocking everything seeing this I was definitely ticked because I was hungry and tired since I didn't know whose car that it was I called my landlord to see if anyone had a car like that in the building however the landlord told me the person was chased off earlier for blocking the driveway the landlord tried to have him towed but technically since he was on public streets A Towing companies wouldn't touch it still wondering why but whatever they called the police earlier but the person disappeared before the police got there so I asked if I could call the non-emergency number to get the police to tow it away he said be my guest so I'm halfway through dialing the number when it clicked that they said this was the second time today that this guy has done this that's when I think the hangar became Petty I backed up my car and parked at three inches from the guy's driver's side and put my hazards on then called the police and waited I knew the person wouldn't be able to move his car at all because his passenger side door was being blocked by a tree we waited about 45 minutes for the police to show up they asked me if I called the police and I replied yes they asked me why I was parked so close and I explained the above the cops burst out laughing and asked me to move up a bit so they could get the information ten minutes later they came back to my car and said I was free to go and a tow truck would be there in 20 minutes slow day apparently apparently this guy's plates didn't match the vehicle and the plates were expired so that's three tickets and a tow I pulled into the garage up to my apartment and smirked as I watched them pull away with his SUV on a tow truck cooking all the while best tacos ever this next story is make me look bad to make yourself look good I can play that game twice as well and steal the guy I don't even want so for a quick bit of background info I got super into astrology Crystal collecting tarot cards runestones paganism modern witchcraft vulture culture Etc when I was about 19. at 21 a close friend will call her Marcy also started expressing interest in the occult so I started sharing my knowledge and supplies with her anyway so around that same time Marcy had a crush on this absolute slimy jerk of a guy she asked for my help to get him to like her not that she needed it she's drop dead gorgeous has a perfect body amazing fashion sense super interesting personality Etc so as much as I hated being the Third Wheel I said sure I'd come along and help hyper up and make her seem that much more amazing little did I know her entire plan to make herself look good was to make me look bad apparently the guy thought witches were super hot and wanted to get with one so Marcy used the scissor in she starts rattling off everything I had taught her but with a holier than thou Heir about her she pulls out my Tarot deck that I'd lent her so she could read his cards making sure to throw a quick maybe one day you can get your own deck too my way so the whole date goes on like this she's passing my own knowledge and crystals and cards off as her own all while claiming I know nothing and that she's taught me everything she knows the real kicker was when she invented Hoven she thought she was the Priestess of and claimed I was a hopeful initiate but that she had to confer with her deities as she wasn't sure I'd make the cut I was livid at no point had I agreed to let myself be belittled and demeaned and insulted just so she could spend the night with some idiot womanizing tool but I held my tongue through the evening I let her look good I let him be impressed by her vast knowledge of the occult and I planned my revenge this was over winter break in my junior year of college so I was used to working like a maniac on projects but I had nothing else to occupy me I spent the next week and a half writing my own personal grimoire I used one of those artisan-made journals with the thick rough edged paper that feels like it's handmade I drew Star Charts Palm charts astrological signs crystals and their alignments deities and their powers slash areas of jurisdictions I mapped out the pagan calendar and detailed each of the holidays and what they were celebrating I wrote spells I wrote curses I just went crazy so when Marcy asked me to hang out with her in The Jerk again I was ready he took us to some sleazy bar and bada strengths at some point I made an excuse to get up at which point I accidentally knocked over my purse and whoops my grimoire accidentally fell out of my bag and into his lap he flipped through the book and was immediately hooked for the rest of the evening he only had eyes for me only had questions for me only bought drinks for me my friend was so mad but what could I do it was only an accident that my grimoire had fallen into his lap she kept trying to get his attention back but it was all in vain he left the bar with me that night I brought him back to my place watched an episode of The Vampire Diaries and sent him on his way it was never about the guy to me I just loathed being used as the butt of the joke the antithesis of the picture of desirable I think to some extent Marcy understood she never asked me to be her third wheel again I mean it's no surprise whether or not Marcy understood she definitely understood that you stole the guy she was interested in whether or not she understood why exactly I'm sure she would never invite you again our next story is crab leg Petty revenge on a bunch of entitled kids this happened a number of years ago but it's still a funny story we share our city had a Chinese buffet that served crab legs with melted butter on Sundays one Sunday we were there for a leisurely lunch with a couple close work friends when a co-worker from another department at our company came in with his wife their kids and a few of the kids friends there must have been at least half a dozen kids there that were all about ages 10 to 12. every time a new pan of crab legs came out the kids would run up and take all of them before anyone else could get there sometimes cutting in front of people this happened at least three or four times until other diners started complaining and the workers told them they needed to stop the kids from doing that the parents basically ignored the workers and the kids kept going back eventually they all left and we talked about how bad the kids were probably going to feel after eating that much crab and butter the next day I overheard the co-worker talking about how his kids and their friends were missing school because they all got a really sick later that night and they had no idea why duh nice Petty Revenge win for the crab legs I just wish there was more revenge in like some way that he got the kids to shut down their crab eating operations our next story is I finally got some sleep a few years back I was working as a full-time ski coach what that meant for the week was I had to basically single-handedly put on a three-day event where people could buy and sell used key and Snowboard equipment with the team getting a percentage cut of all sales a Ski Swap if you will setting up this event took all week and while I had a lot of help basically everything funneled through me it was exhausting but a lot of kids paid their team fees from fundraising events like this the night before the event I got home at about midnight I had worked all day about 16 hours and when I got to my bed I could not wait to fall asleep for about four hours before opening day when I had to be at the top of my game to sell as much equipment as possible to benefit the team my upstairs neighbor who I really did not know were incessantly pounding into the floor I knew they had a few young kids and this had happened one time before so I tapped on the ceiling with a broomstick they weren't phased by this which was a little confusing as it worked before nothing major just a hey trying to sleep here you couldn't really hear them walking or anything regularly and a little noises to be expected but this was not that I'm a young guy and typically stay up pretty late so it's never really been an issue if they're kind of loud but this sounded like a 200 pound man jumping off the counter type of banging I try to sleep even put in earplugs but this was shaking the building after I had enough and it was about 1 30 a.m on a Wednesday by the way I grabbed a big long wooden ski and pounded the ceiling three or four times without skipping a beat they pounded back and then continued whatever activity they were doing that quite literally had art on my wall noticeably vibrating I did it again and they returned with a bang bang bang onto their floor my ceiling my roommate at the time worked nights so I was home alone I had a decent stereo system in the closet so I hooked it all up and turned on an eight-hour excision playlist at full volume with the speakers pointed towards the ceiling one of them on top of my kitchen cabinets if you don't know what excision is think grinding metal dubstep sounds it's kind of disorienting for someone who doesn't regularly listen to that kind of stuff at that point I knew I only had a couple hours to sleep if at all anyway so I left went to a friend's house and crashed for a few minutes and then went to work the speakers blared at full volume until about 7 A.M when my roommate got home I didn't really want to be that petty but it was so rude that late at night to pound back into the floor that I had enough never again did we have any issues with the noise this is just one big one-up game to find who's gonna stop first our next story is still graduated all that matters this happened 20 plus years ago my senior year government teacher hated me and my two best friends for some unknown reason we weren't the popular kids Band Geeks is the only reason I can think if the popular kids laughed and talked about the party last night she said nothing if we whispered to each other on a project that we were allowed to work together on we would get yelled at so I started taking her word to a t my seed was the very first left seat in the room it was a large class so I was maybe two feet from the board she liked to walk around the room when she taught to so I would turn in my seat to follow her and pay attention turn around face the front gdl so I'd turn around and face the front why aren't you listening to me you have to look at me to listen so I would turn in my seat to look at her turn around face the front wash rinse repeat multiple times finally she kicked me out of class principal asks why I got kicked out I follow directions I got sent back to class more of the same ensued for the rest of the school year final day of classes comes around she pulls me aside and says I have good news and bad news you failed your final but I gave you a D in the class I don't ever want to see you again I still got to graduate later in the summer right before the next year started but kids knew their class I was at the school visiting a teacher that I did did like I made sure to stop by that classroom of the above teacher she was less than thrilled to see me and rudely asked what do you want without a beat I said just wanted to let you know my little brother's in your class this year and oh by the way he's got a different last and if you think I'm horrible I let the statement fade and I evily laughed and walked away sure it wasn't my actual brother hence the different last name but another friend's brother who was a walking nightmare this next story is gave me a bad grade for nothing I got you the Supreme Art of War is to subdue the enemy without fighting Sun Tzu a while back when I was in high school my school was having a wave of teacher layoffs don't ask me why nobody knew well my science teacher left and another one came in let's call her Alexandra I'm going to be honest she seemed cool at first but looks can be deceiving okay let's get straight to the point she passed a huge book for us to read and summarize it she would grade it for dedication effort writing and the full summary itself I was inspired and I'll be honest I don't think I've ever worked so hard on a resume slash School assignment before it was worth half my semester grade if I'm not mistaken anyway I handed her the summary past one week and the day came for her to hand them back I could hear all my classmates screaming happiness with a plus grades when they got their work back I was excited then I hear my name being called by her but it was different than expected Chris can we talk privately huh that was my reaction anyway we left the room and I get the bad news that I got a D I was shocked never in my life had I received a grade like that my heart was pumping a mile a minute teacher but what's wrong with my essay your writing is trash if you can't write well then go back to elementary school okay I got you I'll be honest I wanted to punch her I was pretty sure my resume wasn't crap like she said and calling my writing trash what the freak but I decided to keep my composure apologize and leave the place on the way back home I had the idea to take my old science teacher to check the work and see if it was bad like Alexandra said and guess what he said it was spotless and it was a straight a job now I was pissed if I didn't do anything about it there's people that would suffer because of her too I told everything to my father since I don't have authority over school Etc who was also pissed he scheduled a meeting with the school to discuss the issue they got together in a room including Alexandra to talk about it and how the teacher was totally irresponsible in grading my work I could hear the screams in the room basically Alexandra was trying to defend herself from the accusations saying that what she did was completely Fair regarding my essay and what about calling my son's writing trash what do you have to say about that my dad asked her as expected she was out of words in there school dudes director staff in general were trying to calm down the situation but there was no Escape for her approximately an hour had passed and all I could see is Alexandra leaving the room with a hateful look at me guess what happened she was fired shortly after the meeting ended due to incompetence at work in this case Revenge was very very welcome and tasty and I don't regret anything I mean just the act of her saying that your writing is trash alone I think is a almost fireable offense you don't say that to kids a lot of kids who honestly don't do well in class they probably have real life issues going on at home imagine a teacher says oh your writing is trash to somebody whose life is probably already hard enough as it is this next story is copy from me at your own risk another bully post a few days ago spurred this memory in fourth grade I sat beside a girl who was a mean bully and she always cheated and copied my answers on tests not like in a sympathetic kind of way but always rubbing it in my face like a Power Trip like there was nothing I could do to stop her I of course first tried being a good girl and tried to get help from the teacher But the teacher ignored it and said she didn't see it happen so she couldn't do anything about it so I decided fine I'll just fix it myself on the next exam I went through and purposely chose all incorrect answers every last one she jumped up to turn her paper in and I quickly changed all my answers before turning mine in when the scores came back she had a zero and I had a perfect score she was so mad she put her head down and cried and I was all sing-song fake kindness oh no what's wrong didn't you do well on the test that's so off full bless your heart it was such a jerk move but man it felt good I mean it's one thing if you're willing to let somebody copy your answers but somebody who relentlessly does it and teases you because you can't do anything about it well that's just satisfying our next story is my thighs are too big okay you can't do math I was reminded of this yesterday years ago I was in a rut and I dated someone I knew I shouldn't I knew because he was dumb I mean like the kind of dumb that gets angry when they don't know something he misspelled his own nickname on a tattoo and tried to tell people it was on purpose yes I was rebounding hard we met through a mutual friend who should have warned me about his anger issues to be fair but she didn't she only ever played Magic the Gathering with the dude so I talked to him for about a week on the phone for hours a day even help him through a small panic attack which is easy for me he invited me to a barbecue in town that weekend everything went so well that I went back to his place and spent the night cuddling only all clothes on this is important next day he just whiffs himself out like no warning and here's where I as the presumed Handler should have received a warning dude had a micro you know what I mean it was like a third thumb down there this was my second time running into this though with men and obviously it's not something they can control so it's not like I said anything I flinched though it was surprise I'm sorry from that moment on he never forgave me didn't matter what I did no matter how I tried to please or pleasure him I was a jerk because I flinched even when he would yell at me about it I would never say anything about the size I just said a version of the truth seeing that for the first time surprised me because he didn't tell me he was whipping it out well only two weeks of this go by and finally he wants to try and actually hook up which I admit I had avoided I'm fat and I already have my own insecurities about my body and this was a new person but we had done darn near everything else so we tried I couldn't get past my thighs starts yelling about how my thighs are too big somehow I stay a few more days and don't leave until this fool manages to tear slash pop the muscle off my right forearm bone from not letting me go I leave yelling at him that basic freaking math said he knew how big my thighs were when we met but I didn't know how big his you know what was only he knew the value of x that crap was an unknown variable to me later when my mother yes my own mother found out about my arm I also mentioned what caused the argument I had to stop her from being violent towards him because she was Furious however I didn't stop her plan B which was to go to Spencer's Gifts in the mall by these stupid freaking baby-sized condoms and mail them to him anonymously with no return address which she did I never heard from him again this next story is neighbor won't even face in my direction so I made sure he's the one feeling left out met my next door neighbor the day we moved into a rental house it's a nice neighborhood so I can only imagine having a rental property isn't popular I figured that going in and planned to go out of our way to be good responsible and quiet neighbors and to make friends if we could we complimented their freshly laid sod which was being put in by landscapers while we chatted it was clearly a big deal to him about how we talked about his yard two days later I accidentally rolled onto the edge of his grasp while trying to back out and return our moving truck it bunched up a piece of sod but did virtually no damage didn't even create a divot in the dirt before I was even out of the truck he screamed something and slammed the door behind him I knocked until he answered admitted the error and offered to pay the Landscaping Bill to have it repaired even though simply pushing the sod back into place and adding some water would have made it good as new he said he would send me the bill and shut the door in my face no bill because surprise there was no damage but nonetheless he started treating us like we ran over his grandmother not only does he refuse to talk to us he'll even go as far as turning 180 so to not face in our direction if we drive by ridiculous now honestly he's putting in way more effort to avoid us than we even care about his approval in the first place so really jokes on him to begin with but it's about the principle of the thing cue Petty Revenge when we first met he had said Halloween was a big deal in our neighborhood I bought king-sized candy bars just in the chance he'd be told or hear how great our house was for having them I made Christmas gifts for three Neighbors on both sides and these guys to be polite and delivered them to introduce ourselves then we've had every one of our other neighbors over for dinner it's a it's a very close neighborhood so when they inevitably talk about us it'll always be brought up how we had them over just a matter of time before you'll have to explain why I also befriended his wife and now we go on dog walks together every week since I had a group chat to give them both my number when we moved in I use it to coordinate when we're meeting he may not have anything to do with us directly but I'll be darned if it's not going to be as difficult as possible for him I've got big plans for a neighborhood barbecue this Summer that should really be a riot everybody makes mistakes you went out of your way to go right up to their door and try to be honest try to be accommodating and apologize that dude's too stuck up on his high horse I probably would have been frustrated but I would have calmed down immediately if somebody was like legitimately apologetic like that our next story is customers have the audacity to ask for a free birthday dessert after not tipping me I'm a server at a restaurant with crabby clientele and today A family of three came in mom dad and four-ish year old son I offered the parents cocktails and appetizers like normal in order to hit my sales goals they declined but then for whatever reason after they ordered their food they left their son alone at the table so they could get drinks at the bar top this isn't normal by the way normally servers bring the drinks to the guests I asked the bartender if they tipped well on their drinks after they returned to their seats they both got two double-shot mixed drinks and I've noticed bartenders get tipped slightly better than servers for whatever reason so I was expecting to get maybe slightly lower percentage of what they gave him but he said they didn't tip him at all so now I'm in a worrisome mood I still have half of my service duties to provide for them and I might be losing out on money on them since it wasn't busy I decide to still quickly get them their things as quickly as possible because they might have just been wanting to tip once for their meal or whatever pure hopium after they pay they didn't tip so I didn't even bother with asking if they needed anything else like boxes or drinks to go but as I was going to tend to my other tables they stopped me and say that it's the mom's birthday and if they could have our free birthday dessert I decided that I wasn't going to lose all dignity and be a pushover and give them what they want especially because I hate singing happy birthday to guests for many reasons so I told them I'd let our dessert cook know and I'll have it right out for them however I did not let our dessert cook know I needed a birthday dessert for them I simply helped all my other tables and watch this particular table slowly become less and less excited with anticipation of their free chocolate cake and ice cream I reassured them it would be out shortly as many times as I could before they left empty-handed after they got the hint I think this just highlights that tipping culture sucks in a way it just all always blows my mind to know that you can be working for two dollars and 13 cents an hour in some places because you have the chance of getting tips and those places where you're working for two dollars and Thirteen Cents an hour are definitely not going to be the places where you get a decent tip most of the time some real Cheapo places for sure but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely awesome Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rProRevengeCRAZYMOTHERWANTEDAFREECAKERedditStoriesorig
my fiance is worth over $57 million and belittles my income and accomplishments since we have gotten engaged I wasn't sure where to post this on Reddit this is a throwaway for obvious reason just looking for some input I'm sort of lost and don't really know who to talk to this about well when I was 23 years old I met my fiance who was 38 when I met him when I met him I was making 200k a year was worth around $1.3 million I inherited my grandpa's house when he passed I am now 26 years old I make 420k a year plus have a bunch of stock that needs to best my fiance is 41 we got engaged 6 months ago have been wedding planning it's been great our relationship has always been so easy always been a great fit yes I was hesitant at first because we have a 15-year age Gap but he didn't have kids he has never been married or engaged before he spent his late 20s and 30s building two company and just sold the last one this year here's where we run into the issues I know my fiance has done well I've never been in it for the money I make good money and did inherit money but well as we get into being married soon I found out he's actually
give me a good story on Myfiancisworthovermilliondollarsandbelittlesmyincomeandaccomplishmentsorig
aita for not forgiving my dad for what he said my dad 45m is really into cars his dad my grandpa is also into cars my grandpa used to work in a mechanic shop and my dad learned to work on cars with him they can talk for hours about different car models and engines and tell stories about cars they've worked on I 17m am not really into them my Dad tried to get me into fixing up cars with him but it just doesn't click with me I know basic stuff like how to change a tire or oil and how to jump start a battery because he taught me and I'm glad for it but talking about cars and working on them for fun I'm just not into I always thought my dad was okay with me not being a car guy 5 months ago we got these new neighbors that moved next door it's a married couple and their nephew Mason 16m lives with them Mason and I go to school together at first I helped show him around school until he got comfortable and made his own friends he and I talk still but we don't hang out Mason is like my dad and Grandpa he's obsessed with talking about cars and has a whole list of cars he wants to drive and own one day he would come over with his aunt and uncle and a lot of times Mason and his uncle would hang out with my dad in the garage sometimes I'd be there too but usually it's just them my dad usually works on his project car in the garage every other weekend for a couple hours for Father's Day this year he said he wanted to be able to work on his car all day uninterrupted which my mom agreed too whenever he works on his car he leaves the garage door open Mason has been coming by when my dad works on it for the past couple months and he talks to my dad and sometimes helps him out with smaller stuff related to the car I don't really care my dad does other stuff with me but on Sunday I went to go ask him something when he was in the garage with Mason the door from the house to the garage was open and him and Mason were talking I was waiting by the door for a chance to speak because I didn't want to interrupt their conversation my dad was praising Mason for whatever he did Mason said he had done that with his dad and my dad told Mason his dad would be proud of him then he said Mason is the kind of son that he wanted to have it gu but that really [ __ ] hurt to hear I never thought that me not being into cars was an issue for my dad I knew he still loved me but I guess it's not enough I didn't say anything and just went back to my room he doesn't know that I know what he said I've been ignoring him since then I still answer him when he asks me questions or tells me to do something but I just don't want to talk to him just because anymore him and my mom 43f have asked me if something is wrong but I lie and say no I thought they would just let it go but a few few days ago I messed up and told my older sister 19f what happened because she kept asking and now she's not talking to my dad either and she's being a lot meaner to him about it but I made her promise not to tell anyone the reason so she's keeping her word it's really tense in our house right now my parents keep asking us why we're mad at our dad but neither of us are answering and I I feel like maybe I should just let it go and go back to the way things were I really don't want to though when my dad is disappointed in who I am AA if I don't forgive my dad relevant comments Beck 2010 dad I get that you're disappointed that I'm not into cars like you and Grandpa it's just not my thing but I do appreciate how you taught me the basics but when I went to the garage to see you on Father's Day I heard you tell Mason that he was the kind of son you wanted SL wished you had do you have any idea how hurtful that is on Father's Day I got to hear my dad tell someone else that they were the type of kid he wanted so yeah I'm hurt you said it so casually and on Father's Day NTA K the stupid wolf I think that if he mentions that it was Father's Day his dad will focus on that and the fact that it was Mason they messing with a car and not his op so it could get all like well if you had even tried maybe I wouldn't say it and [ __ ] the dad sounds like a ah so maybe he should not give his dad that power salty sees a Ned trash the day the dad asked to be left alone to work on his car yeah why wouldn't his son be there dilligaf _ 84 it also struck me that the dad specifically asked to be left alone to work on his car unup Ed on Father's day but happily lets Mason interrupt him on Father's Day and then drops the little gem about wanting a son like Mason what an awful situation many redditors advised oop to talk to either his mom dad or both about the issue writing mmore romance 30 years ago In the Heat of the Moment my dad yelled at me and called a lazy fat ass it actually still comes up in my therapy sessions sometimes the situation was simply that I didn't want to leave the living room when my mom's friends were coming over I locked myself in my room for 2 days and refused to speak to him when I opened the door he was devastated he knew I was hurt and that his words were the cause he did what he could to make it right but I still hear those words in my head sometimes telling him isn't going to make those words go away but saying it and giving him a chance to hear how it made you feel is the only way you'll start the process of healing from it as others have mentioned it may have been said to make the neighbor feel better but that doesn't excuse the hurt it caused holding it in will only make your feelings and emotions grow bargle no Zeus as in many relationships lack of communication is the fatal error it can't get better your dad can't learn until you tell him how hurt you are have a family sit down and have it out with him calmly tell him what you heard and how it made you feel ask your sister to not interject as this is between you and your dad if you handle this like an adult this should be a wake-up call for your dad if he refuses to acknowledge how hurt you are then he would be past the point of forgiveness hopefully he will realize how strongly you feel about this avoiding this discuss resolves nothing it just pushes this issue down the road while your negative feelings continue to grow until it's some time not of your choosing you randomly explode like a volcano better to handle it sooner in a controlled fashion NTA but please tackle this issue directly ASAP Vander 611 NTA for anything that you are feeling or not being able to forgive him however you should probably give him the chance to apologize and make amends for hurting you from what you described you know he never wanted to hurt you this way he cares or he would be concerned about why you are upset so give him the chance to make it up to you he might mess it up you know him better than I do but you will feel better about not being able to forgive him if he messes up again or doesn't feel the need to apologize slake amends if you don't feel comfortable taking it to him directly start with your mom or request a session with a family therapist boop I'm more upset at him saying it in the first place even if he felt that way why couldn't he just keep that thought to himself if I tell my mom she's going to confront him I know it Moxy in your dad is in the wrong but you need to talk to him you could always send him a link to this post and then he will understand the full picture of what happened and how you feel about it you could start with your mom to see how she would react as well in case you don't want to start with your dad right now you are in a holding pattern you can't go back but you can't go forward if you want to heal you need to take the steps to heal and that involves talking to your parents if they love you they will be hurt by what he did and will make the steps with you to figured how they can make you feel better he never should have said that and TB H if he is a good dad he will be horrified you heard that and he hurt you I am hopping for your reconciliation but just know that it's probably going to take time there is no magic wand that will make this pain go away I hope your dad is willing to put in the time and effort you will need to heal a doesn't have a consensus bot but almost universally oop was NTA but most said his dad was the ah update June 24th 2024 so I guess my post was put up on Tik Tok and my inbox was flooded with a bunch of new comments and DMs there's too many to read but thank you everyone for telling me that I'm not wrong for not wanting to forgive my dad cuz it still hurts knowing he said that regardless of why he said it I got a lot of questions but I'll answer two important ones my dad did ask to be left alone to work on his car but it's not because he didn't want to spend Father's Day with us we had a special breakfast for him and we gave him his gifts in the morning the incident happened in the late afternoon my mom usually wants to be left alone to work on her art projects or read one of her books on Mother's day too it's not that they don't want to spend the day with us they just like to be able to focus on their Hobbies without having to worry about household or family duties for a few hours it's normal in my family for my mom and dad to give each other breaks or a day off sometimes another thing is my dad didn't invite Mason to work on the car with him he did tell Mason a while back that if the garage door is open then Mason is free to walk in and chat that's what Mason usually does my dad doesn't talk to him outside of when Mason comes over by himself or with his aunt and uncle I don't think my dad even has Mason's number they're not really close they just both like cars I know most people told me to tell my mom or my dad or both about what I heard I was kind of hoping the tension would go away and just be forgotten which I know is dumb and not realistic but I really didn't want to have to have that awkward conversation so I just kept quiet things got really bad today my sister and I were still mostly ignoring our dad my mom would keep asking us a bunch of questions and guessing reasons why we were mad I thought she gave up but earlier today she said we were going to have a family game night tonight which we never really do I really didn't feel like doing that but I was going to sit there and just deal with it but my sister told my mom we won't be joining if Dad is there my mom asked why but my sister just said he knows what he did so my mom went to talk to our dad and like an hour later she made us all sit down in the living room to talk my dad was mad now he told us that we need to say whatever is on our minds because now our mom is asking if we caught him cheating on her or something she was running out of theories for why we were mad TBF she guessed it right on the second day as asking if he had said something to make me mad or upset but I lied and said No at the time she said she knows it has something to do with me because I was mad at him first so I finally told her what I overheard my dad say my mom was shocked and my dad immediately denied it which really sucked cuz if he thought it and said it out loud he could at least also have the balls to admit it but he didn't he kept saying he didn't say that but I told him I know what I heard he tried to lie and say that what he said was that Mason's dad would be proud of him that's true and that if Mason was his son he'd be proud of the kind of person he was that's a lie he didn't say that my sister got mad and told him to stop gaslighting me then they argued for a couple minutes until my mom stopped them my mom asked me if I was sure of what I heard and I said yes I told her exactly what he said to Mason your dad would be proud of you I know I would be you're exactly the kind of son I wanted to have I know that because I keep hearing my dad's voice saying it over and over in my head I've been hearing it whenever I look at him since that day and my mom turned to my my dad and started yelling at him for saying that so my dad finally admitted it but said that I misunderstood him he says he was just trying to make Mason feel better cause Mason was sad and kept talking about his dad that died because it was Father's Day my dad wasn't trying to put me down or say I was a disappointment to him he said he was sorry and tried to hug me but I was honestly mad that he denied it at first so I didn't let him my mom didn't accept his reasoning either she said that Mason his aunt and uncle aren't invited anymore and that we're just going to be neighbors from now on and that's it I feel bad cuz they didn't do anything wrong but my mom kept going and telling my dad that he needs to stop spending so much time on his stupid car and start paying more attention to his family he really doesn't spend a lot of time on it maybe like 2 days out of the month for 3 to 4 hours I think she was just really mad at him which is what I was worried about so my dad shouted that he'll just get rid of the car then since everyone suddenly has a problem with his hobby he left to my uncle's house his brother after that and I don't think he's coming back to night I feel really bad I should have just let it go I really want to but I can't if he hadn't tried to lie and just said sorry maybe I would have accepted his apology and this would be done I'm not even really mad anymore I just feel like a failure I wish I could have just been more into cars then this whole thing would have never happened sorry it's not a happy update but a lot of people were asking for one I hope he comes back home soon relevant comments pridey of Cape Town op if you're reading this I'm sorry your dad is a complete piece of [ __ ] and tell your mom this really isn't about the car or the amount of time your dad spends on the car it's about what your dad really thinks of you his reaction was to deny lie a manipulate minimize I'm guessing that apology was the complete opposite of truly sorry or remorseful then pout and run away instead of dealing with what he did to you not just on Father's day but during slash after this family meeting I'm sorry you have to go through this your [ __ ] dad doesn't deserve forgiveness he says he was just trying to make Mason feel better cause Mason was sad and kept talking about his dad that died because it was Father's Day my dad wasn't trying to put me down or say I was a disappointment to him [ __ ] you know what your dad would have said if was trying to make Mason feel better I'm proud of you Mason and your dad is probably watching you right now and saying the exact same thing only you can't hear him you know what your dad would have said if you were a disappointment to him you're exactly the kind of son I wanted to have you want proof that you're not a failure your sister was pissed off at what he said about you your mom mom was pissed off at what he said about you everyone on Reddit is pissed off at what he said about you that's three strikes three strikes has worked in baseball for well over a hundred years you are not a failure your father is a failure Marilyn bomb hey I know this might not feel true yet but you did some Brave important things in that conversation you told the truth and you stood up for yourself your dad lied and deflected and stormed off for reasons that have nothing to do with you and everything to do with his emotional maturity that's a tough thing to learn because as kids it feels safer to believe we're the problem because then we can fix it but this isn't on you try to be kind to yourself and maybe spend sometime your mom or sister or friends who make you feel good Boop thank you for saying this I really needed to hear some of that the Kelsey 21 as an adult who had two very emotionally immature parents I understand your pain it's hard to not blame ourselves when we confront our parents about things they have said or did to hurt us they often lie Gaslight or fake apologize their way out of it and you're still left feeling the shame for even bringing it up I just want you to know I'm proud of you it's not easy to do what you did I wasn't able to do this at 16 I'm 30 and can barely do it sometimes but I'm getting better keep enjoying the Hobbies you love and never stop standing up for yourself no matter who they are outrageous scene 290 you are not wrong for your feelings and you are not to blame for your sister your mother or your father's reactions to how you feel they make those choices and as a mom I would bet money that your mom is both pissed about what he said but even more pissed that he tried to lie and cover it up but I also believe this your Dad tried to lie and say it didn't happen because he was ashamed of what he said and ashamed of the hurt he caused to you because he does love you shame and men are just two things that rarely go well together many men are taught to hide their feelings good for you to be starting to break that bullsh asterisk tea cycle and so when they feel any emotion they react with anger but that anger reaction is not your fault your dad needs to feel his shame right now and I don't believe he would be feeling that if he didn't love you very much flat suckatash 5369 so when presented with the reason you're upset your father denies it flat out calling you a liar then gaslights you saying you misunderstood him then attempts to justify his words then throws a diversionary hissy fit claiming you all hate his beloved hobby when no you hate his insulting statement then storms out in cowardly rage to run from his actions and not having to hear anymore from all of you meanies op you're so n you're father needs to learn that when one makes a mistake one needs to admit it own up to it apologize and make every effort to ensure it's never repeated editors note since O's dad has left and not returned this issue doesn't feel resolved so I am marking it ongoing hopefully oop updates us with a more positive update in the future
give me a good story on AITAHfornotforgivingmydadforwhathesaidorig
welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video today we've got a big company bust story but first a story from bunny o'hara you sure you want me to eat that my 90 year old mother and i were reminiscing about my father and we laughed to tears thinking about this one time my father put his foot down with me and how he never did it again to this day mom has no clue why my dad acted so out of character that day my father was one of the most beautiful human beings i've known and 35 years after his passing i still miss him and aspire to be half as decent and kind as he was he had a gentle voice and manner and he never ever raised his voice or used harsh words with us kids we never knew that mom and dad would discuss and agree on discipline behind the scenes because to us dad stayed mostly silent on the matter and mom was the front man when it came to law and order one rule was that we never had to eat something we didn't like but we would have to take one bite of something new before saying we didn't like it other than that we had no other food rules or pressures like most moms 50 years ago mom was in charge of our food and knew better than dad what our individual idiosyncrasies were one of mine was that i ate most things dry because i hated soggy food and still do i couldn't deal with the texture of soggy food to the point that i wouldn't have milk on my cereal butter on my toast and absolutely no syrup etc on my pancakes and i could only eat pancakes made with bisquick commercial baking mix because it made a very firm dry pancake that i could eat like toast one day when i was about eight we were visiting grandma who made a typical huge grandma breakfast bread with bacon eggs pancakes etc as the pancakes were being passed out i asked if they were bisquick and when told that they were made from scratch i said no thank you as i handed them to my dad he picked one up and put it on my plate anyway i said but i don't like these daddy to which he replied your grandmother went through all this trouble so the least you can do is eat one of them cue the malicious mom compliance i can still picture mom staring at him in disbelief she started to explain about the bisquick thing and how it was a really bad idea but when dad shot her a quick look she just kind of shrugged okay and said to me do your best so i took a bite then i chewed and chewed and chewed some more but i couldn't choke down the disgusting soggy mess that was disintegrating in my mouth and when i could chew no more i threw up all over the table i cried brother laughed mom sat there silently dad got up to get towels gave me a kiss on the head saying it was okay and i could be excused it was never mentioned again honestly despite everything you can tell that op's dad was a good parent honestly i've heard stories of friends in school growing up who had problems with texture i had a friend in high school who could not eat a lot of berries especially raspberries because of the hairiness of them and they would tell me about how their dad who aspired to be a chef would force them to sit there and eat not only things like raspberries which they could not handle but they're weird chef creations growing up did your parents force you to eat stuff you didn't like or did you get a little bit of leeway let me know in the comments down below our next story is from abarn1115 corporate steals our fridge so we cost them more money okay to start off let me set the stage i work at an unmannet i work at an unnamed retail corporation that also has a garage i work in the garage keep in mind that we have no ac in the garage so it gets to be well over 90 degrees most days in the summer we had a fridge that we used to keep cold drinks and food in the other day our regional manager came in and told us that we're no longer allowed to have the fridge or our coffee maker we originally were told that they'd be getting rid of it but instead they decided to put it in the manager's office so my wonderful manager decided to store use a bunch of ice every single day if they take our fridge we're going to slowly take their profits more and more by the day store use basically means to take things off of the shelf and clear the price on it to use it in the store for one reason or another mainly used when it comes to tools or other supplies i don't even understand what the company stands to gain from this were they trying to like save money by like cutting down the cost of running the fridge and coffee maker were they hoping to somehow increase productivity by taking away luxuries which by the way a fridge and a coffee maker at work is very very very thinly on the line of luxuries it should probably just be commonplace especially if you're working in a place with no ac by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos our next stories from demon in the stacks want me to scrub the registers at peak time sure thing boss i work in the store where you pay for a cart and all the cashiers sit the store floors frequently get pretty dirty because well there's a lot of customers coming in and out especially at the time this story happens i'm doing some backstock when the mod comes up to me and says hey store manager wants you to scrub produce in the register area keep in mind our scrubber is a behemoth loud and can be difficult to maneuver not the best equipment to pull out at 5 pm on a monday also there's lines eight to ten people deep at both open registers i point this out to the mod and she just shrugs saying just get it done okay then i pull out the scrubber and happen to get a lucky break produce is empty so it only takes me a couple of minutes now the registers still crowded i take the scrubber around the empty registers feeling the glare of customers on my back whether it was from the noise or the weight i don't know and nor do i care now i'm left with the two jam-packed registers there's no way i could ask people to wait a moment to let me through they're already pissed i can see the manager coming gesturing at me to get it done so i do the most efficient thing i can think of i go to the back of the line shut down the scrubber and wait and wait and wait and wait customers are lining up behind me and the cashiers are holding back a laugh as i creep closer finally i'm next and i run the scrubber through the registers thankfully the line on the second register cleared just as i was finishing the first all done i take the scrubber back to the back room and i just started to empty it when the store manager comes storming in why did that take you so long scrubbing is supposed to go quickly we're too busy for you to be standing around i say you wanted me to scrub the registers but the registers were packed i told mod that it would take a while they say you weren't scrubbing you were just standing in line i say yup that was the best way to get through the line the store manager and i have a stare down for a few seconds before she throws her hands up and walks away and i've never been asked to scrub the registers during peak times again well yeah i've never worked retail in my life i've never been a store manager and i can tell you that it's a terrible idea to go around doing cleaning work around the registers when you've got lines eight to ten people deep who's the brains of that operation maybe the store manager wanted o.p to just run everybody over and clean them up too our next story is from hufflepuff pastry 23 mild but satisfying my husband went to a conference in indianapolis from the philly area and submitted receipts to get reimbursed for gas about 150 dollars they rejected his reimbursement and said they'll only reimburse based on mileage not on receipts well he submitted a new reimbursement claim based on mileage and now they have to pay him over 800 dollars i've heard a few stories like this where they try to nickel and dime you and it just ends up blowing up in their faces they want to save money by being technical but sometimes being technical is actually way more expensive especially if you have to follow any regulations this next story is from d23 fan 11 i hate bing fees too another post reminded me of this interaction on my bank several years ago i posted it as a comment last year if anyone actually remembers it i once ran out of checks and had a few bills to pay so i ran down to wells fargo after placing an order for replacement checks the teller had a blank check they could give you called a counter check basically it was a generic check that they could print your routing number and account number on at the bottom with their micr printer i asked for four counter checks to pay some bills with while waiting for new checks the teller told me that they were five dollars each i said are official bank checks still free with my account package they say yes i say i guess you're paying my bills this month let me get the statements out i responded while pulling out a stack of mail from my briefcase she defeatedly said i won't charge you for the counter checks i'm just trying to figure out if they actually have clearance to allow for that to not happen like i feel like if there's any kind of company or corporation that's going to staunchly defend their five dollar fee it's going to be a bank like wells fargo even if it doesn't really make sense our next story is from stabbing jack pal at a poutine pop-up gets pissed this happened a couple of years ago so i'm approximating some of the dialogue but you get the idea a couple years ago my ex and i went to an air canada poutine pop-up in dc i'd never been to a pop-up restaurant before and i'd never had poutine before so i was super excited we get there maybe an hour after it opened and it already had a line down the street so we go to the end and it actually moved pretty quickly probably took half an hour tops it was a small restaurant basically a big square room with a column in the center and the line inside snaked to the left and around the register there was also a board and attendant that helped guide the line there were maybe 20 people in line inside the store at most we looked at the menu for a couple of minutes but the line was moving too fast for us so we asked the employee if we could step to the side and decide and she told us to go ahead keep in mind we were still inside of the front door and only a step away from the line we eventually decided to each get two different poutine and just share bites they were small servings we went to get back into the line and the dude that was walking up was not having it at all he told us that we weren't allowed to get into line because we'd been waiting there a long time and we needed to go to the back of the line it was a simple misunderstanding so i told them that we'd actually just stepped to the side to decide what to get and that the woman who worked there could back us up but that wasn't good enough he kept at it completely ignoring the employee saying that no no he was there first and we came in after him i told him that i'd literally seen him walk in the door a few minutes prior i did also if we'd come in after him why were we further in the restaurant than he was but he just wouldn't listen and kept arguing and at this point he was being such a jerk that i was just done so i told him look sir sir since you obviously think your time is more important than everyone else in line you can go ahead and get in front of us he started to rebut but i stopped him and said sir you won you can go ahead of us and order your food the guy looked all kinds of disgusted and just scoffed and started looking around to the other people in line he was probably looking for someone to back him up because obviously he was in the right but everyone in the restaurant was just staring at him after a couple of seconds when he realized that nobody was gonna back him up he didn't say anything else he didn't go to the counter to order he just walked away and out the door the employee tried to apologize to us but it wasn't her fault my ex and i got back into line and ordered our food and it was really good they had decor from all of the cities and countries the different poutine was inspired by as well as craft beers from there as well it ended up being a pretty good night all things considered honestly i think these kinds of moments are great where you can concede and just let them have what they want but in doing so you allow them to realize it wasn't worth it at all and they were obviously being the huge jerk and everybody disagrees with them it's like allowing them to get splashed in the face with the reality that they're just being a huge jerk and i'm glad they realized and felt like it and our final story of the days from phoenix 103.082 policyholders logic got her more than she bargained for with her policy referral this could be an entitled person story but since i complied with a client's logic i felt like it belonged here i used to work as a personal auto insurance liability adjuster and my job was to investigate accidents and coverages determine who's at fault and what coverage they have an issue we commonly run into is undisclosed drivers and many parents don't add their kids to their policy to avoid a rate increase only to be stunned when we deny their collision since they essentially lied about the drivers in their household and depending on the underwriter they can be dropped i had a claim where a woman's son who was not listed on the policy and was over 18 hit another car in the state she lived in she was required to have him on her policy new jersey since that was his permanent residence she had him but removed him she was one of those karen types who felt like she knew more than me i asked her why she says he's away at college i say all year she says no most of it and his college is out of state i say does he live in the dorms or off campus she says dorms i say where does his driver license say he lives she says my address i say he still needs to be on your policy she condescendingly says no he doesn't he lives in the dorms for most of the year so he's not at this address for most of the year i say yes but when he comes home for his breaks like summer or winter break doesn't he use this car at your home she says no he has it with him on campus i say oh so your son lives in the dorms but this car he was driving he keeps with him on campus she says yes he needs it for his job and to get around i say and is this car registered to him at the address of his campus she says no the car is registered and insured by me in this state i say oh so even though he's not on the policy he's still the primary driver and is keeping his car for most of the year at his college out of state she says yes i say thank you that's all as soon as i hung up i did an underwriting referral for the car being garaged out of state since based on her logic the son was not a resident of her household so that meant the car was not being kept at her primary address she was sent a letter by underwriting explaining that her policy was not going to be renewed and since we reported the accident to the insurance database all new carriers would know her son needed to be on her policy she called her agent and we did a conference call and was livid i explained that i had taken her side she said she wasn't a resident of her address since most of the year her son was on campus but because of that the car was not being garaged at her address since the car was also out of state for most of the year she hung up in a huff after the agent tried to diplomatically explain the situation as soon as she left the call he thanked me and told me that she was his least favorite customer and how he was now thrilled he wouldn't have to deal with her anymore i just feel great for this agent if anybody's the true winner here it's definitely him just imagine having some kind of mosquito client that bothers you constantly and somebody comes along and basically says oh yeah no i squashed that mosquito thank you thank you thank you but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another compliance story that was way crazier than any of the ones in this video click on that left video or if you missed my latest video check out the one on the right that said i'll see you all next time with some more stories
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AIT for getting revenge on my best friend at his wedding when he ruined mine Avid Reader firsttime writer so apologies if the story is a bit long and complicated but any help is appreciated I 27m have a best mate of 20 years 27m who we will call Luke we have practically grown up together and we considered each other family in the past couple of years I have begun to kind of resent him more on this later but we have gone through so much together I regarded him as a brother so tolerated it we are part of a close circle of friends and we have all known each other since primary school as such we have been on many holidays together lived together some of us went to the same uni I guess the point I'm trying to make is we're all really close and trust each other with a lot some things super personal and intimate because we think of each other like family to the point I met my now wife Beth 27f 5 years ago at Uni at a coffee shop and I fell hard we moved in together after we graduated and I proposed to her after we were dating for 4 years and it was one of the best days of my life I had done some things I'm not proud of when I was younger lots of partying drugs drinking and the stuff which usually
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AIT for divorcing my husband for putting a camera in our house to prove a point about me it's been about a month since I 46f found out my husband 47m had put a hidden camera in our living room to prove that I'm lazy and worthless it was a small disguised camera hidden inside what looked like a charging block he stuck one in a living room Outlet we have three kids 16f 14m 12f who all have a bunch of chargers and such so I did not suspect the point my husband was trying to prove was that my administrative skills are not up to the super Som standards he has High earner deserved this all started after a situation where my 12-year-old needed a permission slip signed and forms filled out in order to go on a class trip I admit that things happened and we missed the submission deadline I had made a note to fill out the forms on another day since it was a task I needed to be 100% focused on but it became the start of a new month and that's when I do most of the shopping and tracking of household bills subscription I do daily cleaning but we use a service for deep cleaning SL Landscaping that I had to supervise long story short my 16 yo calls my husband after picking up her sister up saying she was crying because she can't go on her trip my husband drives to the school to beg them to let him fill the forms out in the office thankfully they let him since it was the same day I apologized profusely my husband who is self-employed as a HVAC technician laid into me about how he has so many calls a day but still handles the administrative aspect of his job Communications and bookkeeping I yelled back because his work is concentrated while my work at home has a bunch of moving parts and emotional labor as well and I do it all behind the scenes he digs his heels in about how I wasn't as busy and needed to do easy things better a week later he picks a fight about me not going the data mail checks out to his employees when I could have done it the next day he admits to the camera and starts citing proof of times I was on my phone and that automatically equals goofing off I was on my phone researching meals to fit my daughter's dietary restrictions while keeping her healthy as a ballet dancer I was looking into subscriptions for frozen but healthy meals she and the rest of us could have on the go or at home the fact he took offense to me occasionally lying down when I was researching or that I had taken a TV break before preparing dinner did it for me he knew that my days are crazy during the first days of the month which was when the permission slipped to bacle happen I kicked him out of the house it's been a month and friends have been saying that I'm missing the fact there are others out there who would not disregard the things I do to make being high earning possible I ended up seeing an attorney and just filed for divorce because I feel violated and devalued AIT
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ITA for refusing to pay for my daughter's wedding because she invited my ex-wife I 50m I'm in a dilemma that has caused a rift in my family and I'm struggling to know if I'm in the wrong my daughter Emily 25f is getting married next year and I had promised to pay for her wedding a promise I was happy to keep until recent developments 6 years ago my ex-wife Karen he 48f and I went through a bitter and public divorce after I discovered she had been having an affair with my then best friend Rick 51m the divorce was nasty and it left me emotionally and financially strained I've since rebuilt my life and I'm in a much happier place now when Emily announced her engagement I was overjoyed and immediately offered to pay for her wedding however she recently mentioned that she intends to invite Karen and to the wedding this Hit me hard I explained to Emily how uncomfortable and painful it would be for me to see them at her wedding especially since I'm financing it I asked her to reconsider their invitation explaining that their presence would bring back painful memories for me Emily became upset saying that Karen is still her mother and Rick has been a part of her life too she accused me of trying to control her wedding by using my financial contribution as leverage in response I told Emily that while I respect her right to invite whoever she wants I cannot in good conscience pay for a celebration that includes the two people who caused me immense pain now Emily is accusing me of ruining her wedding plans and being selfish my family is divided some understand my stance While others believe I'm being unreasonable and vindictive I'm
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AIT for having a fuss over my girlfriend's joke about having three-way with her friend and her friend's BF I 29m have been dating her 30f for about 5 months and everything is great recently she planned to have a trip to China for a week with her friend they've been friends since childhood and her friends BF she's been knowing him for a good long time too which I couldn't go with them because my work is very busy they've been on a trip together before but with more people like five to six people on a trip but this time only three people are going she spent a few days in the past few weeks at her friend's house planning this trip she left it afternoon and got home pretty late but she did send me some picture of her planning the trip papers with laptop on a table Etc she called me once or twice but wouldn't pick up the phone when I'm the one calling her last night while talking on a phone we haven't decided to live together yet she's living at her parents house and I'm living at my apartment she comes to my place at the weekend and spend a weekend together I asked her for more details and plans of the trip and we landed on a hotel topic I asked how are they going to
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first story my boyfriend cheated on me with my mom and then both humiliated and physically assaulted me now after 8 years he's begging me to stop humiliating him further as he's received Gara from my mom been disowned by his parents and has ruined his career and talent my ex is pissed by the fact that I keep telling people that my mom gave him goria and he wants me to stop so I'm going to tell a story about how my ex Devon contracted Gara back in 2014 I was forced into ballet by my mother I hated it as I wasn't the ballerina type so I fought with my mom but in the end I ended up giving up and going anyway and that is how I met Devon he was the most beautiful ballerina I ever saw he carried himself with Grace his smile was intoxicating and everybody wanted a piece of Devon but he only had eyes for me it didn't take long before we started dating he was 16 and I was 14 I was in love with Devon he was supposed to be my knight in shining armor however de was just a pussycat wrapped up in tin foil about 5 months into our relationship Devon and I went to a party halfway through the party I lost Deon so I went looking for him I found him receiving a BJ from another girl I just walked away I was trying to walk home when the CNT muffin rolled up telling me to get in his car I didn't want to I told Deon to go f himself I would rather walk home in the godamn dark than deal with his BR I don't remember how Devon convinced me to get in his car but when when I did I just wanted to know why why did he cheat on me that son of a bee tried to Gaslight me nothing like that happened he doesn't know what I'm talking about I saw nothing it was not what it seen I was making things up I would not buy that sht because I know what I saw then Devon cut off the headlights of his car and just floored down the dirt road with no street lights and just screamed how he was going to kill both of us and how when someone found our bodies they just assumed it was an accident Devon then stopped the car and told me that if I bring up that girl one more time it won't end well for me Devon drove me home after that I should have left him after that but I was just so afraid of him it didn't take long for the physical and emotional abuse to start dating Devon was like dating my mom he would scream at me cry and stomp his foot when I didn't do what he wanted me to hit me repeatedly pressured me into SX force me to do angel dust he threatened to kill himself when I refused to talk to him we dated for a year and in that year I experienced hell I didn't tell people what was happening because I was afraid that no one would believe me on to the title I had tennis practice but halfway through my practice I started to feel sick so I called my stepdad to pick me up and take me home before we pulled into the driveway there was Devon's car it wasn't all surprising as sometimes Devon would just be in the house waiting for me then as we walked into the house we heard them my mom and Devon weren't quiet my step Dad pulled out his phone to record and then we went upstairs and walked on Devon Jack hammering my mom there was a lot of screaming threats and crying my stepdad and I went to the car then we drove to a parking lot and just cried while our phones were blowing up my stepdad then sent the video of my mom and Devon to both of Devon's parents my ex-in-laws asked for a meeting they exchanged information and my stepdad told them he would see them in court his parents tried to play it off like Devon was a victim one the Le age of consent in my hometown is 16 and he was 17 at the time to no he effing wasn't if you watch the video Devon was trying to smack the phone out of my stepdad's hand and when I started crying and asking him how he could do this to me Devon started telling me to stop crying because I wasn't even that good at SX anyway my stepdad and I went back to the house I just went to my room while he went to pack his stuff to leave my mom came into my room and I was crying because even though Devon was a piece of sht he was still my boyfriend my mom started making fun of me for crying it's not my fault that your boyfriend wanted me boohoo stop crying maybe you put on some more makeup you can keep a man then she went on to say how Devon pleased her so well that he knows how to make her come across like a real man and unlike my stepfather he knows where the cliteral area is and Devon would always tell her that she's tighter than I am all the while Devon was trying to call me y'all Devon's way of apologizing was to blame blame me I'm sorry you had to see that but if you spent more time with me I wouldn't have been seeking other women your mom was there for me and she cared for me you abandon me when I need you the most blah blah blah victim blaming victim blaming like B I gave you my heart and soul I put my needs on the back burner for yours what the FD you want for me then Devon switched tactics trying to convince me that I misunderstood the situation like mother ifer I walked on you effing my mom you flip-flop bastard so fast forward to the time I went to school I didn't talk to my mom or Devon at that time so Devon's sister spread the news to the school that Devon had SX with my mom now I was afraid to tell people that Devon was abusing me because I knew no one would believe me because Devon had this good boy reputation only a few people have seen how awful Devon truly was however Devon let his mask slip and hit me in front of the whole student body the funny part about Devon hitting me is the fact that no one believed he was having SX with my mom no one believed that until he hit me and started screaming that I had ruined his reputation he just had to keep his effing mouth shut we were separated and I had to explain to the principal and our guidance counselor that that wasn't the first time Devon had hit me that boy did a lot worse things to me than just hit me do you want to hear some Mass up sht before me Devon was in a relationship with a girl and he did the same thing he did to me she told people and no one believed her because like I said above Devon was a good boy boy in everybody's eyes they isolated that girl to the point where she had to move away no one believed her until Devon slapped me and it didn't help that Devon threw a tantrum he got suspended because he broke things in his tantrum after that a lot of people came forward and spoke about how Devon was secretly a piece of sht Devon's parents gave my stepdad some money to keep it out of court and then moved away out of Shame and my stepdad and my mom got divorced because Devon wasn't the only person my mom was cheating with by the way my mom never stopped seeing Devon that bee took him on elaborate trips they went to Hawaii Disneyland and godamn Texas Devon and my mom were a match made in hell but karma prevails Devon suffered a leg injury and he can't do ballet anymore he got fat my mom left him his parents abandoned him and the last time I checked he works at an auto store and lives with his sister and a top all that my mom gave him garia how is your leg I know you're reading this you piece of H HT it's a shame isn't it you tried your best to live a good life but in the end you're in debt fat as hell and worth nothing but me I'm in love and happily married to a dude who treats me like a queen and has three babies eat the dirtiest part of my ARS Devon edit Devon has seen this post I repeat Devon has seen this post Devon's in the audience people look alive edit two us old tybot is not Devon leave that person alone I should have said this earlier that is not Devon I never realized some of y'all were attacking the poor dude leave them alone and no that's not my real account that is just a redditor who comments on a post leave them alone that's not me and that's not Devon leave them alone update I want to post an update to my story here finally linking is working for me again I don't know what the f happened my story has been read by Brew well Devon's sister is apparently subscribed to Reddit brew and she being an AR H shared the video with Devon and he lost his sht Devon broke things and when his sister laughed at him Devon hit her and stole her laptop to contact me through Discord also I'm sorry about Grandma's mistakes I'm way too tired to try to fix them today this is the text message I received from him I just don't know where to post them so I'm going to copy from Discord to here Addison I understand what I did to you was painful but it was almost 8 years ago your little Reddit post went way too far and and now it's everywhere on YouTube does it feel good knowing that you humiliated me I'm asking you I'm begging you Addison please remove the post before my work sees it never once did you apologize to me Devon this is the first time you acknowledge what you did to me I don't give it f that it's almost been 8 years I don't care because never once did you say I'm sorry to me never once have you said I'm sorry Addison for basically saying you drugging you forcing you to do drugs hitting you and effing your mom and and when you did you said I'm sorry then blamed me you expect me to get over it you expect me to let it go you affected me to the point where it took me years to trust another person what your sister has told me is that you have not changed and the little tantrum you threw when your sister laughed at you shows that even though it's been damn near 8 years you really have not changed suck my cork and swallow what comes afterwards you khaky shs wearing Mr Brown knees having little be yes I take great pleasure in humiliating you do know how many devans work in an auto store unless you've been bragging about effing people's mamas I doubt people would put two and two together you better be lucky your sister only kicked you out if I were her I would call the cops on you for hitting me and destroying my things go f yourself Devon you're one of the reasons why I'm in therapy maybe one day I will forgive you but we both know damn well it won't be tomorrow also some people think that my mom saw Devon because he was 17 and could not consent to it yeah that is bullsh Devon was a predator he was 17 so when their little love affair started he was above the age of consent in my hometown I'm not saying what they did was right I'm saying Devon knew what he was doing Devon was a predator he knew what the f he was doing he knew when to keep his mouth shut and when to speak he knew who to Target and who to become friends with he knew who to abuse and who to be buddy buddy with he targeted the weak and liked the strong Devon was a predator he was not a victim of my mind mom just because he was young does not mean he couldn't consent I didn't mention this in my last post but Devon used to send me videos of him doing asual things with other people just to make me upset and my mom wasn't the only person Devon was cheating on me with she was just the person I didn't know about Devon knew what he was doing but I should thank you Devon as you're the reason why I am the woman that I am today Second Story my son attempted self harm and my narcissistic husband didn't give it sht instead he wanted me to play his exual fantasies with him and now suggests opening our marriage to explore further I lost it throwa away a account my husband 43m and I 44m have been together 10 years married 8 we've had a lot of good times but a lot of Rocky ones too a few years ago things came to a head and we nearly divorced but we got counseling and worked hard on improving our relationship and communication it was a lot of emotional effort but it was working and things were getting better we were finally communicating about our issues and I was starting to feel emotionally safe and excited for our future together until Sunday on Sunday evening we were chilling in bed when my husband asked to talk and said he had something big to ask me he started by telling me how much he values our relationship I've made him feel more loved than he ever has and it's been Soul healing in a way that he hadn't known was possible but it wasn't enough one person can't be expected to fulfill all his needs he tells me and he needs more not wants but needs so without consulting me he'd come up with a plan to open our marriage he knew of a website that sounded interesting and he wanted to sign up he'd find a new guy and they'd go out once a week I asked him if he was looking for something physical or emotional he told me it's mostly emotional but would have physical attributes too he had ideas of what he wanted but he didn't know what the other guy would want so he'd have to find out I asked him if he had someone in mind he listed a few people he was attracted to but said they wouldn't be interested or available I was informed I would still be his primary partner and I'd also be free to seek outside of the relationship to meet my needs I can't forget the excitement in his voice and the light in his eyes as he talked all about it while my world imploded this is not what I signed up for he presented himself from the beginning as monogamous as did I I don't object to open relationships but it's not what I want personally and I thought he knew that I also didn't sign up to be his punching bag I can't forget lying there feeling worthless after being told I was inadequate and was unable to measure up feeling like our relationship was a gigantic bait and switch and that the new precious feeling of emotional safety was gone possibly forever because this isn't the first time he's communicated his needs in a way that hurts me or the second it's happened over and over it's why we nearly divorced we've spent yesterday and today trying to work through this we have some ideas but but I'm not willing to implement them until I feel safe this is where we reached an impass he thinks that he's communicating the best way he knows how but it's difficult because we're both autistic and my expectations are very high he says I have RSD so these kinds of misunderstandings are unavoidable my side is that this incident is part of a larger pattern that is emotionally abusive and I'm not obligated to put up with it no matter his reasons I feel he needs to take the initiative and learn how to communicate his needs without harming me more than necessary I also want to throw this in because I think it's relevant in the last 6 months or so he doesn't look at me the way he used to he's updated his style to look younger and he's gotten into the best shape I've ever seen him in he looks fantastic would you lovely people share your thoughts please tldr my husband asked for an open marriage in a very insensitive way I am very upset about both looking for outside opinions comment it's na do not cave in because you feel pressured or you want him to be happy this is not what I signed up for this means it is his problem accepting it because you feel obligated to will only make your life worse update weared it 6 and a half months later I was asked for an update summary my husband told me I wasn't meeting his needs and asked if he could cheat on me once a week tldr husband followed up on his open marriage request with an ultimatum he didn't mean we've downgraded to FWB trigger warnings self-harming ideation s warning kind of long we talked about the open marriage and I told him I did not want that because it's just a slow divorce he decided I was right and said he didn't want to open it anymore there was no apology for telling me I was inadequate after talking a bit we got down to the real problem he wanted to go back to the DD LBD dad little boy play that we had done extensively during our early marriage until he'd gotten to be such a brat that I'd threatened to divorce him we continued in a limited fashion but I no longer felt safe as his dad and my heart weren't in it anymore I asked him lots of questions to find out specifically what he wanted and it was a repeat of our early marriage extra love and attention no responsibility no accountability it was not to be rplay for brief periods of time but a semi-permanent State he was so excited talking about it right up until I asked him how we would ensure that the toxic patterns that happened in our early marriage didn't happen again he had no interest in talking about that Beyond Di noing me with rsdi calling me crazy it was enlightening that someone who was asking for so much would offer so little in return I told him I wanted to pause all the power dynamics we'd been doing there would be no more ddl play until we could meet as equals I asked him for suggestions to make that happen he had none I came up with the idea of writing a marriage contract that specified our responsibilities we also started marriage counseling things were okay for a few months his birthday was in November and I met made an exception on ddlb and took care of him all day let him get as effed up as he wanted dressed him took him to the store for snacks drove him 6 hours to our destination got us checked in gave him a chastity cage he'd asked for one and locked it on him for a bit played games some very childish some very adult L until it was time to head to our concert navigated there hung out took him for treats navigated back his only responsibility was to hold my hand so he didn't get lost we had a good time and he was very happy in the weeks after his birthday he wanted to build up his Endurance by seeing how long he could have the cage on and kept asking me to lock him up or unlock him at first it was just for an hour or so but it soon got to the point where I was his deao key holder and he was locked up for days at a time I didn't like that a power Dynamic was forming so I did what he'd done when asked to be my key holder act obviously uninterested until he stopped asking I didn't want to shut it down any harder as I didn't want to ruin the present a month later life gave me another crisis my son 14m had been Savaged by a peer and his mental health had tanked to the point of self harm and near constant thoughts of unliving himself his mom and I were trying to support him but when we tried to talk about it he would just smile and say there were no problems but there were everything came to a head in December when his counselor pulled me in and told me to get him into a facility before it was too late at the same time my husband wanted to relitigate a fight we'd had 3 years before when i' blown blown up at him after he' repeatedly bullied me he was seeking assurance that I would always be respectful and never get angry no matter how he acted that didn't seem right so I resisted and he accused me of lacking empathy when I asked him specifically what empathy he wanted he described me as his therapist he wanted me to sit him down and run him through the confrontation ask him about his feelings be objective Etc I spent a day and a half thinking about the best way to answer him before realizing that I simply did not have it in me right then I was worried sick for my son and was coming to seriously resent my husband taking up all my emotional energy also I felt that it wasn't my responsibility or priority to be his therapist right then so for the first time I cited our marriage contract I told him that he brought up this same discussion two months before and I told him I wasn't willing to talk about it until our contract was well established and that him asking me again when I'd told him no and why we had not met the terms was a violation in the contract it is specified that when either of us believes there is a violation all discussion stops until we mutually agree the problem is resolved he didn't do that instead he immediately pivoted back to his point so I cited the contract again this time for violating the violation rules he admitted to that violation so I collected the penalty kiss he was supposed to be the one to do it but he just stood there so I did then we went back to the first violation him asking me for something I'd said no to apparently my saying no was was not sufficient I needed to ask him so I did I asked him to wait until our contract was established and Trust restored he got pushy how long at least 6 months 6 months from the contract date or now marriage contract date why every time I tell him no he asks why we have different understandings of empathy I did my best to answer his questions but he was unsatisfied and gave me a hard deadline of April to step up or he would leave me based on how little time he took to consider his words I was 90% sure he didn't mean it and was willing to gamble on the other 10% I genuinely wanted him to go away and let me focus on my son so I called him out on giving me an ultimatum and he insisted that it wasn't an ultimatum just in clearly communicating where he's at I again called him out on giving me an ultimatum and he told me that ultimatums are controlling and he's not a controlling person so it's a boundary I disagreed and defined both a boundary and an ultimatum for him he asked for my source and I said it didn't matter as he was clearly going to do it either way he doubled and tripled down on where he's at he then got Huffy insisted his definition of a boundary vs an ultimatum was more pertinent than mine while also admitting he didn't actually know the difference and ended the discussion as it had become unproductive he left it there for 5 days then I reached out to him and told him in no uncertain terms that I would not be obeying him now or in April and asked where he wanted to go from here and guess what I was right where he at was not in fact where he was he wanted to go back to the rules you know the ones he broke the first time I cited them he wanted to sweep everything under the rug but it didn't happen I told him I was no longer interested in that and wanted to accept his request to open our marriage he asked if this was really just a slow divorce and I confirmed that it was he asked me to reconsider and I told him the trust was broken I'm tired of repeating these Cycles I'm no longer willing to do marriage counseling I think we'd do better as friends and I wanted to permanently downgrade our marriage to a situational relationship he countered and suggested we move to a situationship for 6 months then reassess which I accepted we're now in month 5 of six my 45th birthday was during the first month I celebrated alone in Vegas and cried myself to sleep when he started talking about Valentine's Day I told him I didn't want to celebrate it he asked why of course and when I told him it felt weird he downgraded us to just friends he didn't want me to touch him anymore I had no problem with that to checked out which I think surprised him that lasted about a month before he wanted benefits again that's where we're at now as for my son he's doing much better we celebrated Christmas in the mental institution's visitor room that'll be one for the ages he's out now and has been doing intensive therapy and it's making a huge difference he's learned so much and we're actually communicating it's amazing I'd love thoughts ideas or support I feel really alone comment Hill melson I'm truly sorry for what happened to your child and I'm glad to hear that he is getting better to be honest I think you've already invested too much time and energy into someone who doesn't respect appreciate or support you while you were struggling with what happened to your son your husband maintained his narcissistic behavior the improvements you're seeing in him are likely just temporary and he will likely revert to his old ways you should seriously consider starting divorce proceedings seeking therapy and moving on because you deserve so much better than your husband how many more years do you want to waste with him by keeping him in your life you're closing your heart to finding someone better and only further damaging your mental health and self-esteem additionally you're risking your physical health by potentially Contracting a nasty STD from him edit isolation is the worst enemy for Recovery it's time to reach out to family and friends for support you should also start new hobbies that involve being in contact with other people in person to keep your mind occupied I don't know if you enjoy being in nature but you could consider joining some hiking groups it can help clear your mind allow you to travel and meet other people in similar situations to yours thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyAbusiveBoyfriendCheatedonMewithMyMomThenBothHumiliatedandPhysicallyAssaultedMe
Welcome Friends to another r slash nuclear revenge video today we've got a couple of absolutely crazy stories but first make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos that said our first story of the day is stepbrother humiliates me in school so I made him fail his final exams what is family well for a while I thought the family was everything they're the ones you turn to when everyone else turns their back on you when the world says no they're the ones that open their arms to you with a big yes when you're at your lowest lows they're the ones that bring you back up oh that sounds good and I know lots of us want that but the reality is far from this especially when you have step family my step-brother completely humiliated me in school by telling everyone my deepest darkest secret a secret he's swore to take to his grave but not to worry I dealt with them in a way that you'll never forget but first details my mom and dad had a bad divorce a few years ago they've been having issues back to back for a long time always having to go for marriage counseling and stuff I wasn't really surprised that they eventually ended it what surprised me was the circumstances leading to the end my dad caught her banging another dude in our house I had gone to school then so I didn't get the full details but I know that the day before my dad had publicly announced at the dinner table that he was gonna travel for a business trip the next day he even had my mom drive him to the airport but once my mom left he turned around and went to a motel then snuck back home turns out he had already known the fact that Mom was cheating on him and he wanted to catch them in the act the dude mom was banging with some chiropractor or something that's funny because I never thought Mom was into Chiropractics anyways they had a huge fight that day and mom left the house dad sent their divorce papers the next day the whole divorce procedure was finalized in two months mom tried to gain custody of me and that part of the divorce was messy but when it fell to me to decide who I wanted to stay with I chose my dad I was angry at the time because of the whole mom's a cheater tune I still had ringing in my head at the time but the truth was that I didn't know the whole story because Dad was careful about his escapades but mom found out and that's why she tried to retaliate I guess anyways I should have chosen to live with my mom a few weeks after the divorce a strange woman started to visit the house more and more I knew her as the real estate agent that sold the house to Mom and Dad and when she started to come around often I was under the impression that dad wanted to sell the house that made sense you didn't want to keep the house that had memories of moms cheating right wrong a few weeks later she started to sleep over and that was when I knew that she hadn't come to sell the house dad just had a divorce with his wife less than two months ago and another woman is already sleeping over and looks like Dad wasn't completely innocent after all anyways a few days later at The Breakfast Table dad made some really really bad pancakes then announced to me that he was gonna marry the real estate agent and she was gonna be my stepmom I was mad at him because it became evident that he had been seeing the real estate agent even while he was married to Mom and that the whole divorce was his fault I didn't really have much of a say in the matter so I just went with it one day a few weeks into their marriage the real estate agent came to visit but she didn't come alone she came with her son CJ CJ was a junior in my high school where I was a freshman he had a big build and was a wide receiver for the school football team the girls loved him because he was really handsome brown hair hazel eyes a chiseled Jaw and Perfect Teeth the works I would have liked him too if he wasn't such a jerk to me in school I was a typical science nerd and an ideal victim for all this bullying he steals my lunch money and gives me wedgies anytime he could it was horrible and now he was being introduced to me as my future older stepbrother I erupted I yelled and begged my dad to not go through at the wedding I told him all the horrors I've had to endure in school with CJ and how I can't have those Horrors follow me into my home my safe Zone I even threatened to go and live with Mom if he was gonna go through at the wedding then a few days later CJ and his mom came back again he apologized profusely for all the terrible things that he had done to me in school he even told me things I wanted to hear about how much of a jerk he was and that he was only bullying me because he felt insecure about a lot of things I forgave him instantly because I was a stupid kid who gets played easily well CJ stopped the bullying at the time we walked to school together talked about girls and he even introduced me to some of his friends on the football team I I was in too deep that I couldn't see the ruse after the wedding CJ returned to his normal self with the bullying and everything else I tried to tell my dad and my new stepmom about it but they didn't do anything to help me nothing changed it got even worse because he bullied me at school and at home by the time I got to sophomore year and he was in senior year I was happy because in one year he'll be done with high school and off to college so I could enjoy the rest of my school years in peace throughout all the bullying there was nothing much I could do but rant about it in my journal and no it's not a diary it's a journal I write things I don't want to forget or don't want to tell anyone in it one day CJ decided to kick his bullying up a notch he came into my room and asked to borrow twenty dollars when I told him I didn't have it he went back to his room I went downstairs to get some snacks a few minutes later and he went into my room again probably to steal my money or something during his search he found my journal in my closet when I came back to my room I couldn't find the journal and I immediately knew what had happened I hurried to his room and begged him to give me back my journal he said he'd return it if I'd give him 50 bucks I had only 57.72 cents to my name at the time but I gave him the 50 bucks he returned my journal to me and I thought that was the end of it unknown to me CJ had already taken photos of the notes in my journal the next day he decided to read it to the whole school during lunch break I felt horrified when I saw him climb the table and announced that he had something juicy he'd like the school to listen to he pulled out his phone from his jacket and read out some of the most embarrassing Secrets leaving out all the parts where I wrote about the bullying the whole school laughed and I was so embarrassed I told my dad about it one more time but once again he didn't lift a finger during fall break I decided to leave town to go to my mom's I needed some time away from home to reflect and just you know build back some normalcy in my life my mom was staying with a boyfriend named Mark he was a professor at the local University he was also a science nerd and we hit it off immediately we did some experiments together and he even let me work on this Ford Raptor F-150 it was fun and I instantly started to regret not choosing to live with my mom Mark had a son who was a year older than me his name is McKay we stayed up one night talking about family and school and stuff I told him about CJ and how he bullies me McKay told me to hit him up the CJ gave me any more trouble I simply nodded I had to go back home a few days later for school and all the hells that came with it the problems with CJ only got worse it was as though he was looking out for new ways to embarrass me he started sneaking into my room more often going through my stuff looking for something it was crazy I wasn't at ease in my own house I couldn't do things things I wanted to do in private because I was always scared that CJ might be out there watching one night when I couldn't hold it anymore I said goodbye to my dad and stepmom after dinner and went upstairs to sleep I made sure to walk past CJ's room to make sure he was asleep I pressed my ear to his door and when I couldn't hear anything I decided that he'd gone to bed I hurried into my room to get my lotion then I walked in my bathroom to you know do me and the worst thing happened I forgot to lock my bathroom door I was deep into you know when I heard someone snickering behind me I turned around sharply and saw CJ standing behind me with his phone recording me in the ACT I was completely mortified I went on my knees and begged him to delete the video he said okay but I'd have to pay him first I did I gave him all the money I was saving for a new gaming setup which was a hundred and twenty two dollars at the time he deleted the video in my presence and for a while I thought it was safe until a few days later all the students received a broadcast message during lunch I checked my phone and there I was in my bathroom with my pants down you know the rest I almost choked on my cheeseburger as I watched myself going at it a burst of loud laughter erupted in the cafeteria as the students pointed at me as they watched the video I took one look at the center and it was CJ I couldn't hold back the tears that fell from my eyes I ran out of the cafeteria into the hallway then grabbed my bag for my locker and went home I didn't bother to tell my dad because it was way too embarrassing to talk about and I knew that he wasn't going to do anything about it I kept it to myself and I didn't go to school for a few days I claimed that I had the flu when my dad tried to make me go to school I took a bus and went back to my mom's I told McKay what happened and he told me not to lay low anymore CJ wasn't gonna stop if I didn't do anything he said it was time for me to go on the offense and he was going to help me I went home a few days later and I behaved like I was okay CJ came to my room that night and apologized for humiliating me in school he told me it won't happen again I told him it was fine and that I'd forgiven him but in truth I was biting my time I started to hang out more with him to get a feel of what he was passionate about one night we hung out on the porch and he talked about college and how excited he was to go he had just been scouted by one of the schools on his wish list all he had to do was keep his grades up so he could go I smiled to myself I knew how to get my revenge I texted McKay later that night and I told him how I'd like to get my revenge I'm gonna make CJ fail his exams that weekend I went to march to talk to McKay we brainstormed ideas on how to sabotage his exams at first we wanted to hack into the school system to change his grades after the exams but that was too risky the school board might find out and I could get suspended or Worse we decided to make it look like he was cheating instead firstly I had to get his examine schedule then I had to buy a new smartphone then the day before his chemistry exams I compiled a list of answers I got from a 12th grade textbook and I wrote them in two papers I also compiled some answers to the math exam he had done the day before then I snuck back to school that evening and used a piece of chewing gum to stick the sheets under his desk I used some glue to stick the smartphone under his desk and then I left the next day during his exams I left my class to pee and I walked past his examination Hall the students were all busy with their examinations and I saw him at the far end of the room scribbling furiously on his answer sheet I reached for my phone from my pocket then dialed the number of the phone under his desk all eyes turned to CJ as the phone began ringing under his desk the invigilator walked over to him and removed the phone from under his desk she also retrieved the papers which looked like answers to the exam M questions CJ strongly denied having anything to do with the phone or the papers but since he couldn't prove it the invigilator walked him out of the exam Hall I had to rush into the restroom so they wouldn't see me as they walked into the hallway the next day my dad and his mom were called and CJ was suspended he had to redo his final year and his scholarship was revoked I had never seen CJ cry until that day funny how I didn't feel any guilt he had it coming anyway after the end of that school year I decided to go and live with my mom and her new family and I have to say life has been good although Opie's Revenge didn't really have anything to do with social media this story kind of made me think about how the prevalence of social media and how connected we are these days one of the blessings and curses is people who are bullies like this who try to move on and get big successes for themselves and scholarships a lot of these things can be kind of exposed and publicly put out there in a way that maybe wasn't quite so possible with everybody trying to silence people like op in the past I mean let's just look at things here how they are if you are a massive bully like just straight up ruin another kid's life and you're also massively good at football do you deserve to lose your scholarship should professional teams be expected to lose interest in you as a prospect I'd like to know what you guys think in the comments down below that said our final story of the day is I gave my best friend the most hideous haircut ever my friends and I had been best friends for a long time I'm at the first in school and the second was my neighbor we've been very close ever since we did everything together and told each other everything my second best friend was particularly closer to me because she was closer in proximity she lives in the house next to ours and her family's friends with my family that was because her father and my dad taught in the same University my other friend lives closer to school so we would go to her house after school every other day for snacks and drinks and then go to my second best friend's house she didn't live close to us but she practically lived in my second best friend's house it was more convenient since my second best friend is an only child and they had enough room in their home I on the other hand had three brothers in the house was always full naturally we hung out of my second best friend's house all the time but sometimes we hung out at mine occasionally we hung out of my first best friend's house but that was usually when we had a special party in school or a school project to work on I was 13 when I started hair styling my grandmother was a hair stylist so she taught me how to style and cut hair too growing up we had a little salon and my first best friend's house girls from school would make their parents bring them to the house so I would style their hair and I always did a good job my friends and I were always rocking great hairstyles anyway so many girls wanted to look at as good as we did we had to shut down our little hair salon because my mom was upset about how I already had a job at 14. my dad also worried that my grades would go low so that's why my best friends and I packed up our one month old Salon I never stopped styling hair though I cut my mom's hair and that of my two brothers my older brother never let me cut his hair even though he's seen that I did a good job with my brother's hair I guess he didn't want me to be as mean to him as he was to me all my life my brother like most Brothers was annoying he teased me to no end and would frequently rat me out to my mom I did not like him growing up and I made sure my friends didn't like him too we wouldn't speak to him whenever he tried to talk to us or get involved in our conversations it wasn't that I hated my brother or Betty was a jerk we had good times and he was a very supportive guy but he would do the most annoying thing right after helping with my assignments or helping me take my medicine I had no no idea my best friend and my brother were dating I never even suspected that they could be together not even once she like me always thought he was gross and geeky we even made fun of his beard together if anyone had asked me which of my best friends I thought my brother would date I would have said it was most likely to have been my first best friend my first best friend would let my brother bore us with his botany talk and boring science theories she once said that he was even kind of cool when she said that my second best friend and I rolled her eyes at her yeah he's so cool he wants to talk about trees and flowers I'd said sarcastically and where plants get their air from and what a banana tree looks like my second best friend added she also once said he was cute it was with my brother's article about plants was featured in the school's magazine and his picture was on it wow you know your brother's cute she said as usual we rolled our eyes at her see I I'd even thought at the time that my first best friend probably liked him but she started dating a popular guy in school so I knew there was no way she was interested in dating my nerdy brother shortly after my second best friend and her boyfriend broke up she started acting weird and different I figured it was because she wasn't over her breakup she and her ex-boyfriend had been together for a short while but she'd like them for a longer time and she didn't get to enjoy their relationship because his family had to move to another state just after they had started dating they broke up not long after we moved because they couldn't sustain a long-distance relationship I noticed how she would spend time all by herself and whenever I asked her where she was she would say she's reading a book or some other strange excuse get this my second best friend never just read books my first best friend was more of the reader my suspicion that something was going on grew when one day I was standing in the garden in front of my house and I saw my best friend all dressed up I walked over to compliment her dress and asked where she was going oh I'm hanging out with some friends she said what friends I asked I didn't know any other friends she had she didn't even make friends easily she was close to her mom and us and that was it oh they don't go to our school you don't know them I did not believe her but I didn't ask any further questions when I got back in I asked my other first best friend if our friend had told her about going out with any friends and she said not maybe she was going out with her cousins she offered and changed the topic I'm sure she didn't understand why I was so puzzled and didn't think it was a serious issue I suspected something some other time when my second best friend was in my room trying out new pieces of jewelry with me we were talking about seeing a movie and I suggested a recent movie they say no I saw it some days ago let's watch something none of us have seen before I say you went to the movies some days ago and I say yes I say really with whom they said no one I went alone I say you went alone they say sometimes people like to go out and be by themselves is that such a bad thing I say no but it's so unlike you I turned to my first best friend isn't that different they said yeah kinda this breakup is changing things for you she said and pulled my second best friend's cheeks I was not convinced that my friend went alone but I had to shut up about it unless they start to wonder if I'm crazy her weird disappearance continued even at a carnival her parents were looking around for her and she would appear and reappear again it was weird I asked my first best friend if she did not think it was strange that our friend was missing in action this said I honestly haven't noticed I think you noticed more because you live close to each other I said I guess they said don't worry she's fine I don't think she's that shaken up by the breakup she looks more beautiful and happier as of late I shook my head and said no it's not that I don't think she's fine do you think she maybe has a secret boyfriend that we don't know about they said of course not why would she hide her boyfriend it's not like she would date some crate that she'd need to hide from us I agreed and we enjoyed the rest of the carnival my mom soon started asking my brother about his new girlfriend he had asked for some money from the money he was saving with her to take his girlfriend out we want to meet her my mom said I rolled my eyes and my dad tapped me to stop when are we all going to just admit to ourselves that he does not have a girlfriend I do have a girlfriend he said he does have a girlfriend my mom affirmed I said yeah in his head my younger brother laughed and said I think he has a girlfriend I think I have a pony in the backyard and a boat I replied my brothers laughed don't make fun of my baby my mom chatted us and we stopped I could have wondered if my brother and my second best friend were together maybe he was her secret boyfriend and my brother's girlfriend was an imaginary but that didn't even occur to me at all I just could not picture them together I didn't find out they were together until one day when I was leaving for the dog shelter where I was volunteering I saw my brother's car parked just in front of my best friend's house they couldn't see me because I was standing in the garden and the bushes covered me my second best friend was sitting in the passenger seat and my brother in the driver's seat and they were kissing they were so engrossed in it I had to look away soon after they stopped and my best friend came down from his car and walked briskly into her house my brother drove forward he was supposed to be at the library writing a new article I was so shocked by what I had seen that I was very disconnected from the animal shelter I kept wondering why they would hide it from me also some years back her cousin came over to her house and stayed with them for a full year I had a huge crush on the guy and asked if I could ask him out but she said no that would be weird dating my cousin plus you would be gone soon anyway I agreed and never contested that but she was dating my brother what a hypocrite I asked my mom about my brother's girlfriend when I got home I guess he's been seeing her for some months now your brother is Smitten by her but he wants to introduce her to us when the time is right I said are you not bothered that you don't know who your son is dating she said not really he'd be asking her to prom anyway so I guess we'll all meet her then I was offended that my brother and best friend had kept their relationship away from me but was even matter at my friend because she had stopped me from dating her cousin my brother was still away so I snuck into his room and checked his computer to see if I could get more details I saw that they'd been texting each other in their texts she told them she wanted to tell me they were dating but he asked that she wait you said you wanted prom to be perfect for you he said why not wait until after prom to tell her she would figure something is going on if I go to prom as your date we would find a way to go together you don't have to be my girlfriend to go to prom with me as my date was his response I felt uncomfortable reading their chats so I shut his computer and left for my room it was prom season in some of the seniors in school were already asking me to help do their hair when I told my best friends about it they pouted you can style all the girls in school but we're a priority my second best friend said of course you need a haircut anyway I said you said yes and ran her hand through her hair I'm getting a haircut too my first best friend exclaimed I laughed everybody gets a haircut I cut my first best friend's hair first and it came out nice everyone complimented her hair my second best friend wanted a haircut too and she wanted something similar to what I had done for our friend she had a picture of the hair she wanted and she brought it along with her when she came over to get her hair cut I knew she would see what I was doing if we sat Close to the Mirror so I made sure she sat on my bed while I cut her hair when I kept cutting her hair she asked if that was not enough but I kept telling her no I had it all under control I assured her she couldn't touch me because she knew how that upset me I hated it when I was cutting or styling someone's hair and they interrupted me by repeatedly touching their hair when I was done she walked in my mirror and screamed I was scared she would attack me she was a bit smaller than I was but I'd seen her fight many times she was a feisty fighter I ran downstairs to my brothers She chased me screaming when she got to the living room she burst into tears my brothers paused the video game they were playing and stared at her in horror what the freak did you do my older brother said lividly I know you two have been dating secretly I said triumphantly still breathing hard from all the running I had done so you give her a terrible haircut are you crazy my brother was livid so was my entire family and my best friend's family our other best friend was mad Academy too for two weeks they all avoided me nobody understood why I was mad they just chalked it up to being mad that my best friend was dating my brother but it was beyond that she had prevented me from going out with her cousin and kept talking about how it would be awkward and all that only for her to go on and date my brother I didn't care that everyone was mad at me I had done what I'd wanted so I was not bothered her mother took her to a salon and the hairdresser managed to make what's left of her hair a pixie haircut we never moved on from that my friend and brother kept dating but she avoided me for a very long time even when she started speaking to me she didn't want to be friends was it really worth it I don't know I don't blame them for being upset especially because they were a huge hypocrite all I know the main thing I picked up from this story is op must have really been into their friend's cousin cause man they seemed devastated by not getting a chance to go after that but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy Revenge story click on that left video or if you missed my latest video check out the one on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeSCREWMYBROTHERILLRUINYOURPROMRedditStoriesorig
adaah for not willing to my house to my girlfriend after she put the her house up for sale is moving in with me I M 53 was married for 20 years and my wife passed away for years ago we had no children so many years ago we both did our Wills in our Wills we gave each other everything and if we both died then everything would go to my wife's nieces and nephews I have no living relatives one of the reasons I did this was because my wife's parents had some money and my wife inherited several million dollars from them one of the things we did with her inheritance was we bought our dream house it's a big house about 4,500 ft and has a 1,500 ft garage out in the country about a year ago I met Samantha f55 she has her own house but she would always come over to my house and spend the night we got to talking and I said she could move in with me Samantha has a daughter who is 25 and asked if she could move in too my basement is pretty big with a small kitchen and a few extra bedrooms Etc so I didn't mind Samantha is in the process of selling her house and she asked me if I would put in my will that she would get my house if I died I told her no that was for my in-law's money and that should go all to my nieces and nephews as it says in my will Samantha argues that if I die and she has no house she will have no place
give me a good story on AITAHFornotwillingtomyhousetomygirlfriendaftersheputtheherhouseupforsaleis
am I the for reducing my parents allowance by whatever amount they share with my siblings my parents live in a less developed country than I do my siblings and I live in North America or Europe when I got my new job I did my budget and saw that I could send home roughly $1,300 a month without it affecting my personal Comfort I would still be able to save my future and my mom and dad could retire so when I was home I set up a joint account for us that way I could see is they need more and make sure that they were not getting scammed or anything after about a year and a half I started noticing that there was a $200 transfer every month I asked them about it and they said he was having difficulties with his budget so they were helping him out my brother doesn't need help he is a scholarship student he actually receives a stent from my home government to study abroad what he wants is money to party so I reduce the amount I give them by $200 obviously they do not need it if they can afford to give it away every month my mom called me when she noticed and was yelling at me for being crappy daughter and sister I asked her to tell me exactly how much money they contributed to my party
give me a good story on AITAforreducingmyparentsallowancebywhateveramounttheysharewithmysiblingsaita
:00.190 --> :04.180 Posted by u/CarrotOk5539 :04.180 --> :08.180 5 hours ago :08.180 --> :13.349 AITA for insulting the food my wife made, despite not knowing she made it? :13.349 --> :14.860 I will try to keep it short. :14.860 --> :17.230 My wife and I are 46 and 47. :17.230 --> :21.570 We've been married 19 years now and not once in our marriage has she ever cooked. :21.570 --> :25.710 I honestly never minded, she's told me that she's terrible in the kitchen and I like to :25.710 --> :26.770 do it anyway. :26.770 --> :29.890 Yesterday, I had a long long day at work and told my wife this. :29.890 --> :32.880 She told me she would order food in so I didn't have to cook. :32.880 --> :37.560 I come home, and she sets the table, the food is neatly placed on two plates (which should :37.560 --> :41.629 have been my first clue that it was home-cooked) and I began to dig in. :41.629 --> :46.640 The food was bland, borderline gross and nothing to what I had tasted before. :46.640 --> :50.360 My head was already pounding, I was not in the mood for some crapy food. :50.360 --> :54.109 I just looked up from the food and told her, "This freaking sucks. :54.109 --> :56.079 Please don't order from this place again." :56.079 --> :58.450 She got really quiet, and then sad. :58.450 --> :01.399 I asked if everything was okay and she said yes. :01.399 --> :03.769 She still seemed off the whole dinner. :03.769 --> :06.240 After dinner, I wouldn't stop bothering her. :06.240 --> :08.170 Wouldn't stop asking her what's wrong. :08.170 --> :12.320 Until she finally snapped and told me she cooked the food, it wasn't ordered. :12.320 --> :16.350 She said she was sorry and she won't cook for me again, and I could see her tearing :16.350 --> :17.350 up. :17.350 --> :18.350 She went right to bed. :18.350 --> :22.120 I had to leave early the next day, so she was asleep. :22.120 --> :25.840 I asked a buddy of mine for advice and he said I shouldn't have talked about anybodys :25.840 --> :05.340 food :05.340 --> :06.340 that way. :06.340 --> :07.340 AITA? :07.340 --> :15.780 Or honest mistake? :15.780 --> :19.500 Posted by u/HopefulAd1737 :19.500 --> :23.220 3 hours ago :23.220 --> :28.489 AITA for telling my stepdaughters bio dad this is why I am her real dad :28.489 --> :33.180 I (m39) have known my wife for 10 years now, married for 7. :33.180 --> :38.270 When I met her she had a 3 year old daughter (now 13) . I always made it a point to treat :38.270 --> :43.110 her as I would my own kid and we became close pretty quickly, when she was around 4 she :43.110 --> :44.990 even started calling me daddy. :44.990 --> :49.330 Her biological dad comes in and out of my step-daughters life, she calls us both dad :49.330 --> :53.710 but she usually around home with my wife and I refers to him as his first name. :53.710 --> :57.970 Well, last night she was visiting with her bio dad when I got a text from my stepdaughter :57.970 --> :59.709 wondering if I could pick her up. :59.709 --> :04.330 Well, I got there she was sitting outside with her bio dad holding her arm she came :04.330 --> :09.019 over to my car and told me she was messing around with a skateboard and fell on her arm, :09.019 --> :12.080 her arm was bruised, swollen, and hard for her to move. :12.080 --> :16.690 I asked her bio dad why didn't he call my wife he said I don't think it's that bad she's :16.690 --> :18.590 just being dramatic. :18.590 --> :23.190 My stepdaughter just looked at me and said Dad can we just please go I'm in a lot of :23.190 --> :24.190 pain. :24.190 --> :29.801 As she was getting in the car I told her bio dad see this is why I'm her real dad, not :29.801 --> :30.801 you… :30.801 --> :33.120 I actually care for her and her well-being. :33.120 --> :37.911 Later that night my wife got an angry text from bio dad calling me an AH, and my wife :37.911 --> :40.720 kinda agrees that I was being an AH At that moment. :40.720 --> :45.220 daughter actually did break her arm but her bio dad wasn't going to do anything about :45.220 --> :46.220 it… :46.220 --> :48.950 I'm the one who was in the ER with her until 1 am. :48.950 --> :53.180 Also, I would like to add I don't call her my stepdaughter instead I call her my daughter :53.180 --> :18.380 just for the sake of the post I figured it would :18.380 --> :19.959 be easier. :19.959 --> :23.949 Posted by u/numberone_kalifan :23.949 --> :26.889 8 hours ago :26.889 --> :36.320 AITA for using “guilty woman tears” and ruining my fiancé’s relationship with his :36.320 --> :37.320 family? :37.320 --> :43.699 I (24F) am getting married to the love of my life Mark (27M + fake name). :43.699 --> :48.070 His brother James (23M + fake name) has had a crush on me since high school. :48.070 --> :52.479 I never liked him because he was really creepy but I put up with him during family dinners :52.479 --> :53.830 and things like that. :53.830 --> :57.889 James is a photographer and he carries around his camera all the time. :57.889 --> :01.350 Mark and his family and I to beach birthday party for his cousin. :01.350 --> :04.830 I just wanna point out that I’m kinda curvy in anything I wear. :04.830 --> :08.440 So Mark and I went in the water and James followed behind us. :08.440 --> :10.669 He also had his camera with him. :10.669 --> :13.740 I thought it was creepy because I’ve been harassed by him enough. :13.740 --> :16.900 I asked Mark if we could get out of the water and he said yeah. :16.900 --> :21.590 While I was walking to my beach chair, I heard the click of the camera going off. :21.590 --> :25.400 I turn around and James is giddy staring at the camera. :25.400 --> :28.350 I was really fed up so I just started crying. :28.350 --> :31.500 It was kinda embarrassing but I was high in emotions. :31.500 --> :35.590 I screamed at James for a while and grabbed my sun dress and put it on. :35.590 --> :40.000 I went to the car and sat there for a while before Mark came and sat in the car with me. :40.000 --> :44.780 We went back home and our phones were blowing up with a bunch on text messages from Mark’s :44.780 --> :45.780 family. :45.780 --> :48.100 We had to block some people and uninvite others. :48.100 --> :52.590 I feel like there were better ways to handle the situation rather than ruin Mark’s cousin’s :52.590 --> :12.699 party but :12.699 --> :17.360 I don’t know. :17.360 --> :19.539 AITA? :19.539 --> :26.090 Posted by u/Elegant-Solute :26.090 --> :32.630 6 hours ago :32.630 --> :39.099 AITA for not accepting and returning the birthday present my half-sister gave my son :39.099 --> :45.270 My [27F] parents got divorced when my brother and I were around 6 because he had a mistress :45.270 --> :48.310 and another child, our half sister [25F]. :48.310 --> :54.120 On the day my parents finalized their divorce and my dad received full custody, both she :54.120 --> :56.250 and her mom came to live with us. :56.250 --> :59.039 Suffice to say, we didn't like either of them. :59.039 --> :03.540 When she was a child, she didn't understand why we didn't want to spend time together, :03.540 --> :07.880 and she would complain to our dad about us, and then he would punish us. :07.880 --> :09.470 This added to our hatred. :09.470 --> :14.410 Growing up, she was his precious child, and he would celebrate her birthdays and her milestones :14.410 --> :15.980 while ignoring ours. :15.980 --> :20.199 He always catered to her wants and desires, but never bothered to learn about ours. :20.199 --> :25.539 Any of her wrongdoings would be easily forgiven, but if my brother and I made any mistakes, :25.539 --> :29.690 like dropping the TV remote, he'd severely berate us. :29.690 --> :33.990 Despite belonging to a wealthy family, my brother and I struggled financially, and we :33.990 --> :36.729 couldn't even apply for scholarships. :36.729 --> :41.389 After all these and more, when we became mature enough, we moved away and had no contact with :41.389 --> :42.389 any of them. :42.389 --> :45.520 I thought that we'd never meet again, or so I thought. :45.520 --> :50.460 Unfortunately, the universe played me a fool, and I met her at my in-laws' family dinner. :50.460 --> :54.190 She was currently dating my husband's brother, and he brought her over to introduce her to :54.190 --> :56.190 his family for the first time. :56.190 --> :01.639 I was in disbelief, and I wanted to ignore her, but she saw me and happily had a reunion :01.639 --> :02.639 with me. :02.639 --> :04.190 She told them that we were friends. :04.190 --> :09.629 Fast-forward to the present day: They're now engaged, I have a one-year-old son, and except :09.629 --> :14.129 for my husband and his brother, no one from their family knows that we are half-sisters. :14.129 --> :18.789 Recently, we celebrated our son's birthday, and we held a small party with just our friends :18.789 --> :19.800 and family. :19.800 --> :24.550 BIL came to the party, she didn't, but when we were going through the presents my son :24.550 --> :27.610 received, I saw a gift with her name on it. :27.610 --> :33.409 It was addressed as "Aunt (blank) to (my son's name)," and it made me feel uncomfortable. :33.409 --> :38.070 I told my husband that I'd return it, and I don't want anything from her in my son's :38.070 --> :39.070 life. :39.070 --> :41.229 He was reluctant but supported me. :41.229 --> :42.300 So I did. :42.300 --> :46.920 Later, when she received the returned package, she called me and asked me why, and I told :46.920 --> :48.220 her my reasons. :48.220 --> :52.910 She said that I was being immature by denying a gift meant for someone else. :52.910 --> :56.190 And she gave it to him as his uncle's fiancée. :56.190 --> :00.510 While my husband agrees that I shouldn't have returned a gift given in goodwill, I haven't :00.510 --> :02.040 done anything wrong. :02.040 --> :06.350 But according to my brother, I'm being an jerk to someone who has respected my wishes :06.350 --> :07.890 and remained distant. :07.890 --> :19.709 AITA for returning :19.709 --> :22.760 her present? :22.760 --> :31.270 Posted by u/Far_Kaleidoscope3040 :31.270 --> :39.790 6 hours ago :39.790 --> :46.220 AITA for telling my mom I will do what she and her husband wants if it's so important :46.220 --> :49.779 to her but she needs to understand this is in no way for me? :49.779 --> :52.600 I lost my dad when I was 6 to a heart attack. :52.600 --> :56.760 He was young but had a bad heart and died in his sleep when he was 29. :56.760 --> :59.100 My mom remarried a couple of years later. :59.100 --> :03.470 She and her husband, my stepdad, met 7 months after my dad's death. :03.470 --> :06.579 They started dating after knowing each other for a few months. :06.579 --> :07.760 Then they got married. :07.760 --> :10.460 I should mention that they met through a grief support group. :10.460 --> :14.860 My mom's husband lost a child to stillbirth and his relationship fell apart. :14.860 --> :18.920 My mom and her husband wanted me to look at him as another father in my life. :18.920 --> :24.200 I never saw him that way, not even when he and my mom had my half brother's together. :24.200 --> :26.329 I never hated my mom's husband. :26.329 --> :28.910 I go through a lot of mixed feelings about him. :28.910 --> :33.040 Sometimes I like him because I see he's a good husband to my mom and a good dad to my :33.040 --> :34.279 half brothers. :34.279 --> :38.600 Sometimes I dislike him for not respecting that I want to get along but do not want a :38.600 --> :40.779 fatherly relationship with him. :40.779 --> :42.170 I have never loved him. :42.170 --> :46.250 He has never gotten to be someone I consider actually important to me. :46.250 --> :50.760 I think because throughout the negative has always outweighed the positive. :50.760 --> :54.839 What doesn't help is he will often tell me he loves me but also goes into how he lost :54.839 --> :59.589 his bio daughter and that makes him love me more, and then he also brings up that losing :59.589 --> :04.110 my bio dad means I need someone else to fill that role. :04.110 --> :08.940 He told me a young child who loses a parent cannot decide they never get a new one. :08.940 --> :13.820 They need to do their best to make the relationship as close to the original one as passible. :13.820 --> :18.390 I have asked him if it isn't enough to just be friendly and on good terms. :18.390 --> :22.982 My mom asked me before why I need to show more loyalty to my dad than to her and and :22.982 --> :27.860 her husband and why I can't let him in enough to be that second dad so everyone else can :27.860 --> :28.899 be happy. :28.899 --> :33.079 She told me she knows I would be happier if I had another person filling the role dad :33.079 --> :34.440 left behind. :34.440 --> :39.139 She said it doesn't mean he replaces dad but it means I also have a dad here. :39.139 --> :42.010 Now that I'm in my 20s and I'm engaged to be married. :42.010 --> :46.650 I asked my mom if she would walk me down the aisle at my wedding and she freaked out and :46.650 --> :49.019 told me I needed to ask my stepdad. :49.019 --> :51.630 She told me that asking her would crush him. :51.630 --> :56.089 Of course he walks in as she's still being very loud and when he realized what was going :56.089 --> :01.370 on he told me it would mean the world to him to fill the father of the bride role, and :01.370 --> :06.130 do both parts of walking me down the aisle and performing a father/daughter dance at :06.130 --> :07.130 the wedding. :07.130 --> :10.910 My mom pestered me about it for days afterward. :10.910 --> :15.231 So I asked if we could meet up and I told her I will give her what she wants but I need :15.231 --> :20.449 her to understand this is not for me, it's not what I want, it's not making me happy :20.449 --> :25.959 and it will not change how I feel about her husband, no matter how much she wants it to. :25.959 --> :29.050 But I told her if it's that important I will do it. :29.050 --> :33.889 She called me manipulative for spewing all that before formally agreeing and told me :33.889 --> :41.019 I had managed to crap on my doing a good thing. :41.019 --> :45.639 AITA? :45.639 --> :59.510 Posted by u/Dangerous-Toe-3937 :59.510 --> :13.370 7 hours ago :13.370 --> :22.380 AITA for telling my sister she doesn't get to bully me into doing what she wants? :22.380 --> :24.820 My sister is 23 and I'm 20f. :24.820 --> :29.130 We're both adopted but we do share the same bio parents as well. :29.130 --> :31.940 My sister and I were both adopted as infants. :31.940 --> :34.829 She was placed at birth and our parents adopted her. :34.829 --> :39.170 When they learned our birth parents were expecting another kid they wanted to place for adoption :39.170 --> :41.300 they were willing to adopt me as well. :41.300 --> :47.110 My birth parents decided not to have any contact with us and to leave us no letter or anything. :47.110 --> :48.959 This is something I have always been fine with. :48.959 --> :54.980 I do not consider my birth parents my real parents or even people I need to have contact :54.980 --> :55.980 with. :55.980 --> :59.680 My sister has always longed to know more about our birth family, the reason we were both :59.680 --> :03.880 placed for adoption, especially when we're full siblings and our birth parents were still :03.880 --> :06.950 together three years after placing her. :06.950 --> :11.399 Over the years she has talked about them and asked our parents what they know about them. :11.399 --> :15.820 Our parents didn't know much but promised to help us find answers when we were old enough :15.820 --> :17.240 if we wanted that. :17.240 --> :22.130 My sister always had this dream that we'd do the birth family search together. :22.130 --> :24.510 However I never wanted to get involved in that. :24.510 --> :28.339 Now I'm expecting a baby and my sister has decided it's the time. :28.339 --> :31.930 She said my son could have two more grandparents if we do this. :31.930 --> :36.459 I told her I did not want to join her on the search and I would not get involved. :36.459 --> :41.060 She told me this is something we both need to do and I need to do it for my son and for :41.060 --> :44.900 all future kids so they can know where they come from and who their family is. :44.900 --> :47.540 I told her those people are not my family. :47.540 --> :50.470 I told her my family are the people we grew up with. :50.470 --> :52.149 Our parents intervened twice. :52.149 --> :56.420 They told my sister that this is a personal thing and it's important to respect each other's :56.420 --> :58.190 view points and wishes. :58.190 --> :01.970 The second time they told her they would help her search but she needs to leave me out of :01.970 --> :04.040 it unless I change my mind. :04.040 --> :08.040 My sister tried to get my husband on her side and he told her to drop the topic. :08.040 --> :12.750 So she went back to telling me we were doing it and as someone about to become a mom I :12.750 --> :16.630 should do it and she's freaking sick of me digging in my heels. :16.630 --> :19.000 She told me a good mom would do this. :19.000 --> :23.480 Hearing that is what made me say she can't bully me into doing what she wants. :23.480 --> :28.180 She was hurt I would accuse her of bullying and told me I didn't need to be so much about :28.180 --> :29.240 all of this. :29.240 --> :31.579 My husband and parents think what I said was fair. :31.579 --> :33.980 But I still feel so bad. :33.980 --> :38.730 My sister really took my words hard. :38.730 --> :41.550 AITA? :41.550 --> :50.000 Posted by u/Altruistic_Wave_5652 :50.000 --> :58.450 5 hours ago :58.450 --> :05.370 AITA For Refusing To Host Christmas Dinner And now for my holiday drama. :05.370 --> :09.149 My husband and I have hosted Christmas day for nearly 20 years. :09.149 --> :13.900 We have the space and the money to make it magical and we truly love hosting. :13.900 --> :15.699 The problem is last year. :15.699 --> :20.410 It's important to note that in 2022 I had a falling out with one of my sisters. :20.410 --> :25.930 She refuses to see me, speak to me, or come to any event I will be present for. :25.930 --> :30.220 Last year I assumed she just wasn't coming so I had gifts delivered to her home and thought :30.220 --> :31.350 that was that. :31.350 --> :35.560 We'd have Christmas day as usual, but just not with her and her family. :35.560 --> :37.870 Everyone else did come for Christmas day. :37.870 --> :43.230 But...they literally went to my sister's home the day before and did everything. :43.230 --> :44.649 Everything. :44.649 --> :49.560 They opened all gifts and did everything that we traditionally do for Christmas day. :49.560 --> :55.380 The rice pudding my SIL brings with a hidden almond and the one who finds it gets a prize...they :55.380 --> :56.380 did that. :56.380 --> :00.130 No rice pudding for our celebration because they had it the day before. :00.130 --> :02.319 My mother brings the Christmas crackers. :02.319 --> :05.850 She sticks them in the tree and the kids pull them after opening presents. :05.850 --> :10.420 She didn't bring them because they pulled them all the day before at my sister's. :10.420 --> :13.100 These are not the only 2 things that happened. :13.100 --> :15.270 Everyone brings and shares a tradition. :15.270 --> :20.470 Rice pudding, Christmas crackers, pin the nose on Rudolph...all of the things we do :20.470 --> :24.160 just were not done because they'd done them all the day before. :24.160 --> :28.669 I have 6 children and the youngest 4 were confused and unhappy because they missed out :28.669 --> :30.660 on so many things they value. :30.660 --> :32.420 The crackers were their favourite. :32.420 --> :35.820 My 2 oldest kids and my husband sort of saved the crackers. :35.820 --> :40.150 My daughter folded crackers out of paper, my son rummaged to little gifts to stick in :40.150 --> :44.150 them, and my husband wrote the jokes (bad dad jokes, lol). :44.150 --> :48.919 It helped, but the younger kids noticed the lack, asked their cousins about it, and felt :48.919 --> :49.919 left out. :49.919 --> :54.410 So this year we talked to all the kids and booked 2 weeks in Europe over the holidays. :54.410 --> :55.840 My family is ticked. :55.840 --> :56.840 What about the big dinner? :56.840 --> :57.840 I don't care. :57.840 --> :59.660 We're going anyways. :59.660 --> :01.400 But should I feel bad about it? :01.400 --> :02.400 AITA? :02.400 --> :03.659 We have always hosted. :03.659 --> :05.960 We're the big turkey dinner and ham place. :05.960 --> :14.710 5 courses and party all day and night, and now my niblings won't get that. :14.710 --> :27.220 Posted by u/throwaway_coffeepod :27.220 --> :39.730 13 hours ago :39.730 --> :46.630 AITA for withdrawing my sister's wedding fund because of her fiancé :46.630 --> :47.630 A throwaway. :47.630 --> :55.120 My (27F) cousin (26F) and her fiancé (26M) are supposed to get married around spring, :55.120 --> :57.540 they have been engaged for two years. :57.540 --> :01.210 Cousin has been living with us since she was three, after her parents passed away, and :01.210 --> :06.451 I love her dearly as my younger sister and I support her in many of her decisions, except :06.451 --> :07.610 for this marriage. :07.610 --> :12.020 I feel like my cousin is rushing into things and ignoring the fact that they're not financially :12.020 --> :13.020 stable. :13.020 --> :17.270 Neither of them has a job, and while she is in a PhD program, and they're living off some :17.270 --> :20.470 of her research funds, it is not enough to make a living. :20.470 --> :24.140 They are currently residing in an apartment that his parents are paying for. :24.140 --> :28.890 To be fair, I never approved of their relationship, even when they were dating, and I haven't :28.890 --> :30.250 softened up on him yet. :30.250 --> :35.230 I've been vocal with her about wanting them to break up their relationship, now engagement. :35.230 --> :39.910 I find him obnoxious and rude, and he has made some unnecessary comments that still :39.910 --> :41.010 boil me. :41.010 --> :45.460 For instance, whenever we invite them for dinner, he makes snarky remarks about my wife's :45.460 --> :50.370 traditional dishes, and no, we've never forced them to eat any of them; those were more for :50.370 --> :51.880 my wife than for them. :51.880 --> :55.980 But he compliments everything I make, even something as simple as coffee, and he keeps :55.980 --> :59.080 telling me that I'll make a good man happy one day. :59.080 --> :01.970 It's infuriating that my cousin just ignores this. :01.970 --> :05.970 His disrespect for my marriage is the reason for this whole situation. :05.970 --> :10.140 With the wedding on the way, he introduced me to the other funder, his relative. :10.140 --> :11.710 We hit it off right away. :11.710 --> :15.710 We're close in age and share similar interests, so we bonded well. :15.710 --> :21.500 But I started to notice that my BIL was behaving peculiarly, like he would try to give us "space" :21.500 --> :25.610 to be alone with each other or give us hints that we are a natural couple. :25.610 --> :29.990 I had to tell the other person that I have a wife, and what he told me in return really :29.990 --> :31.700 shocked me to the core. :31.700 --> :36.260 BIL has been going around telling his family that I'm getting a divorce because my wife :36.260 --> :37.260 cheated. :37.260 --> :39.720 The sheer audacity of this man baffled me. :39.720 --> :43.480 I left and, without saying a word to anyone, withdrew my fund. :43.480 --> :47.230 After cooling down, I informed the couple, my wife, and my parents of what I had done :47.230 --> :48.230 and why. :48.230 --> :51.960 My cousin called me crying and begging for the funds, but I told her no. :51.960 --> :54.500 If she can't afford a wedding, then don't have one. :54.500 --> :59.300 My BIL has resorted to calling me names and is getting his parents involved in it as well. :59.300 --> :01.970 My parents are okay with it, as it is my money. :01.970 --> :07.440 But my wife, although she is angry with what BIL did, doesn't support my action. :07.440 --> :11.940 Whether I withdrew the fund or not, they will get married and stay family with us, so this :11.940 --> :14.280 would only cause a rift with my sister. :14.280 --> :18.029 While I understand her point, I don't see why I should support the marriage of someone :18.029 --> :19.789 who doesn't respect mine. :19.789 --> :26.000 So, AITA for withdrawing funds because my FBIL slandered my marriage. :26.000 --> :31.210 Posted by u/Old_Ganache_2093 :31.210 --> :36.419 9 hours ago :36.419 --> :47.500 AITA for refusing to pay for wedding costs my ex-boyfriend :47.500 --> :53.270 incurred for his planned wedding I (27F) have been in a relationship with my :53.270 --> :58.289 boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend) (27M) for 5.5 years. :58.289 --> :03.150 We're originally from X country but moved to Y about three years ago. :03.150 --> :07.620 Despite my boyfriend having a bit of a nasty temper, he treated me well overall. :07.620 --> :12.200 We met in college, and during a challenging time, I supported him financially and tutored :12.200 --> :13.470 him for free. :13.470 --> :16.300 After college, I helped him land a great job. :16.300 --> :20.840 When I got a job in Y country three years ago, I assisted him in finding a job there :20.840 --> :22.760 and even covered his flight tickets. :22.760 --> :26.970 I've even met his parents a few times, and they seemed like nice people. :26.970 --> :33.420 Fast forward to six months ago, a random girl (27F) contacted me on Facebook, introducing :33.420 --> :36.270 herself as my boyfriend's girlfriend. :36.270 --> :40.830 She's in X country, planning a online surprise birthday party for him. :40.830 --> :45.919 Apparently, he told her I was his close friend, so she wanted to invite me too. :45.919 --> :48.790 Here's where the part that I might be the AH begins. :48.790 --> :53.150 I continued the conversation with her like everything was alright so that I would gather :53.150 --> :55.570 as much info from her as possible. :55.570 --> :02.460 She and my boyfriend had been dating for eight years (5.5 years overlapping with my relationship), :02.460 --> :05.730 and they had set the date for their wedding in six months. :05.730 --> :11.950 I felt blindsidedI, livid and was utterly depressed so I confronted my boyfriend about :11.950 --> :14.539 this, and he didn't even bother to hide the truth. :14.539 --> :18.980 He said he had no choice but to be loyal to her because she's the one he met first, and :18.980 --> :20.670 everything was planned for the wedding. :20.670 --> :24.860 I asked him what would become of me, and why he did this to me but all he said was that :24.860 --> :29.890 these things happen, he would continue his relationship with me even after his marriage :29.890 --> :34.300 and that I should suck it up since he was apparantly doing this as a favor to me. :34.300 --> :38.880 So I spent the next few days pretending like everything was okay (we didnt meet in person :38.880 --> :40.960 so it was easier to just pretend). :40.960 --> :46.360 Meanwhile, I documented pictures/screenshoted chats of everything we did durinh our 5.5 :46.360 --> :49.029 year relationship and made them into a folder. :49.029 --> :53.020 Then, I contacted his other girlfriend and sent her all the proof. :53.020 --> :57.419 She initially thought I was lying but after going through the evidence contacted me again :57.419 --> :58.960 to apologize. :58.960 --> :01.410 She also providied proof of their relationship. :01.410 --> :08.539 To our disgust, we discovered he had given us the exact same things for birthdays, anniversaries, :08.539 --> :14.140 etc., with identical pick up lines, identical messages on some days. :14.140 --> :17.980 Prior to moving to Y country there has even been days when he had spent the morning with :17.980 --> :21.770 her and the afternoon with me and vise versa. :21.770 --> :26.260 Anyway she broke of the wedding and my now ex-boyfriend is demanding that reimburse him :26.260 --> :31.990 for all of the money he had spent on the wedding planning (approximately USD 6000) because :31.990 --> :34.580 I ruined both his wedding and life. :34.580 --> :40.140 I have refused to pay him and also cut off all contact with him but he reaches out using :40.140 --> :45.460 new numbers sends messages demanding compensation :45.460 --> :53.030 Posted by u/Striking-Sir7168 :53.030 --> :04.010 19 hours ago :04.010 --> :12.260 AITA for allowing my child to bring in souvenir snacks for his class despite knowing this :12.260 --> :13.620 would exclude one of the kids? :13.620 --> :16.169 Not the A-hole I recently went on a holiday to Japan with :16.169 --> :20.720 my son (7) and whilst we were there he tried some delicious biscuits which he really wanted :20.720 --> :23.960 to buy and share with his classmates once he got back. :23.960 --> :28.380 Obviously I was happy to purchase some additional and found it really sweet he wanted to share :28.380 --> :29.390 with everyone. :29.390 --> :34.600 I didn’t think about it at the time of purchase since we were mid holiday in a different country, :34.600 --> :39.100 however when we were back and I was packing my sons bag for his first day back at school :39.100 --> :45.110 I suddenly remembered that he has one classmate, let’s call him Joe, who has a gluten allergy :45.110 --> :47.920 and wouldn’t be able to eat these biscuits. :47.920 --> :52.480 But it was too late for me to do anything about this, it was late and shops were closed :52.480 --> :57.270 so I wouldn’t be able to buy an alternative plus they wouldn’t be from Japan anyway :57.270 --> :59.480 and would be from the local supermarket. :59.480 --> :03.840 I also wouldn’t have had time to pick any up in the morning because i work full time. :03.840 --> :08.000 Son was happy bringing them to school and said everyone also enjoyed them. :08.000 --> :12.370 However I got an angry phone call from Joe’s mum saying that I shouldn’t have let my :12.370 --> :16.529 son bring in those biscuits knowing that her son would be excluded. :16.529 --> :20.970 She said that I should cater to allergies especially children’s allergies, which I :20.970 --> :26.240 would understand if it was say for example peanut allergy which is life threatening, :26.240 --> :30.600 but should gluten intolerance be treated with the same extreme caution? :30.600 --> :35.110 I’m not sure if I was the AH for still allowing my son to bring in the biscuits despite me :35.110 --> :53.179 knowing one kid wouldn’t be able :53.179 --> :54.770 to have any? :54.770 --> :56.890 Posted by u/Silver_Barracuda_432 :56.890 --> :59.010 6 hours ago :59.010 --> :03.990 AITA for suggesting that my sister-in-law is a hypocrite for ordering a highly caloric :03.990 --> :07.000 meal for my brother who's currently on a diet? :07.000 --> :12.190 I have three brothers and my oldest brother, Andrew, is currently dating this girl, Angelina. :12.190 --> :15.559 She is decent but quite antithetical in a lot of ways. :15.559 --> :19.880 Our family always get together at weekends for dinner and stuff and now my sister-in-law :19.880 --> :21.620 gets to tag along. :21.620 --> :25.490 Andrew had a health scare in the past and is trying a completely new diet. :25.490 --> :30.679 I had a friend over last Sunday who's a professional chef and he made Indian food, but Andrew didn't :30.679 --> :33.030 want to eat it as he thought it was too spicy. :33.030 --> :38.029 Angelina ordered a highly caloric meal for him then, which I thought was funny because, :38.029 --> :40.360 oh well, he's on a diet. :40.360 --> :44.480 I mentioned this and my brother replied that the doctor has given him carte blanche to :44.480 --> :46.539 eat what he wants at weekends. :46.539 --> :51.350 I said, oh well that's funny because that's not how it works, and I mentioned the expensive :51.350 --> :55.570 treadmill they just bought for exercise, asking what's the point. :55.570 --> :00.740 Angelina is also encoraging my brother to adopt a more active lifestyle, they run every :00.740 --> :02.399 morning and go on hikes together. :02.399 --> :07.049 I also mentioned this, and said that it's quite hypocritical of her to force him to :07.049 --> :11.010 exercise while ordering death on a plate for him. :11.010 --> :15.740 Andrew got mad and told me that it's none of my business, told me to respect Angelina, :15.740 --> :17.160 and they both left dinner. :17.160 --> :21.120 My youngest brother agreed and told me I was just being nasty because I didn't have someone :21.120 --> :22.120 to take care of me. :22.120 --> :23.120 AITA here? :23.120 --> :24.120 Posted by u/AccomplishedWar3373 :24.120 --> :25.120 17 hours ago :25.120 --> :26.120 AITA for forcing my mom to abide by the boundaries she set herself? :26.120 --> :27.120 More holiday drama for the drama gods. :27.120 --> :28.120 Family situation is not awesome to start with but they upped the ante and now want to backtrack. :28.120 --> :31.690 I’m ok with being the AH if that’s how it plays out, but I don’t really see this :31.690 --> :33.539 as being as bad as my mom is making it out to be. :33.539 --> :34.870 My (25F) dad died when I was 7. :34.870 --> :38.500 My mom remarried when I was 9 and had Jill (15F) and Janet (13F) with her new husband :38.500 --> :39.500 afterward. :39.500 --> :40.539 I have never liked her husband as he seemed dead set on replacing my dad and “winning :40.539 --> :41.539 me over” in the most obvious and obnoxious ways possible. :41.539 --> :42.539 I tolerated him as much as I could stand, but I have always refused to allow him to :42.539 --> :43.539 be called my dad or to act as if he is in any way and when I moved out I told him not :43.539 --> :44.539 to contact me unless something was wrong with mom. :44.539 --> :45.539 I don’t feel anything towards Jill and Janet and avoid them. :45.539 --> :46.539 I don’t see them as siblings even if they are by blood. :46.539 --> :47.539 This upset my mom and her husband and I guess the kids, but there’s nothing they can do :47.539 --> :48.539 about it. :48.539 --> :49.539 I can’t feel what I don’t feel and I won’t fake it. :49.539 --> :50.539 Since I left home, I usually spend the holidays with my dad’s parents, visit my mom without :50.539 --> :51.539 the others, and go to the reunion on her side where there are enough people that I don’t :51.539 --> :52.539 have to deal with the others. :52.539 --> :53.539 This arrangement has been fine until last year when my mom asked me to stay with them. :53.539 --> :54.539 I declined. :54.539 --> :55.539 She asked me if it was because of her husband and the girls. :55.539 --> :56.539 I said yes, I feel like keeping distance there is best. :56.539 --> :57.539 She told me if I’m not going to be part of her family to not come at all anymore. :57.539 --> :58.539 I said ok and still went to my grandparents and visited with members of the other side :58.539 --> :59.539 separately but didn’t see her or go to the big get together. :59.539 --> :00.539 She lit my phone up like crazy trying to get me to change my mind. :00.539 --> :01.539 It was embarrassing. :01.539 --> :02.539 This year she asked when I wanted to get together with her while I’m there as if nothing happened. :02.539 --> :03.539 I told her I would respect her boundaries by not seeing her since I’m not willing :03.539 --> :04.539 to play happy family with her husband and kids and she set that as a condition. :04.539 --> :05.539 She said that wasn’t what she meant and she wants to see me. :05.539 --> :06.539 I told her she doesn’t get to retract the ultimatum once laid out. :06.539 --> :07.539 If she wants to see me, she can travel to me without the others any time of year, but :07.539 --> :08.539 I’m going to see my family for Christmas and if she doesn’t want to be included in :08.539 --> :09.539 that she doesn’t have to be. :09.539 --> :10.539 Anyway, got a LONG screed from her husband essentially calling me an AH. :10.539 --> :11.539 Jill apparently stalks my social media and tried trolling me but I deleted her comments :11.539 --> :12.539 and blocked her without responding. :12.539 --> :13.539 I explained the situation to my grandparents on that side and they say that my mom’s :13.539 --> :14.539 husband gave her an ultimatum about me so she’s in a difficult place and doesn’t :14.539 --> :15.539 know how to fix it. :15.539 --> :16.539 They suggested that they, my mom, and I have lunch to talk it out, but finding out that :16.539 --> :16.556 her husband was behind last year’s issue makes me not want to deal with it even more.
give me a good story on rAITAIWASFATPHOBICTOMYSISTERRedditStories
:19.120 --> :23.280 My brother and I were raised in a foster  home by the greatest woman on Earth.   :23.280 --> :27.920 We called her mom. She was old enough to be our  grandmother, but she raised us like her sons   :27.920 --> :33.360 and she was our mother. My brother and I aren’t  biologically related but we were both well loved   :33.360 --> :39.040 by the same woman and that made us brothers. My  brother was born deaf and given up for adoption.   :39.040 --> :44.240 And although he was younger than me, he was much  much smarter than me, He was taken in first so the   :44.240 --> :49.200 two of them learned sign language together. When  I joined the family he was like the older brother.   :49.200 --> :54.400 Showing me the ropes around the house and teaching  me to sign. He was four and I was about six at   :54.400 --> :00.480 the time. My parents had just died and mom took me  in. I was really well loved so I didn’t act out as   :00.480 --> :06.560 much as other kids do in my situation. Over time I  grew into my role as the older brother. Protecting   :06.560 --> :11.920 him from the other children and just helping  him navigate the audible world. But like I said,   :11.920 --> :17.440 he is way smarter than me, so I learned a lot  more from him that he learned from me. I still do. :17.440 --> :23.280 We did everything together. Went to school, played  sports, got into fights, hung out with girls. We   :23.280 --> :29.040 were a team. He wanted to go to college. He loved  history and engineering and he wanted to do some   :29.040 --> :34.000 sort of hybrid thing about the technology and  weapons of the ancient world. I don’t know.   :34.000 --> :39.120 That stuff was way beyond me. And I certainly  wasn’t getting the grades to go to real college,   :39.120 --> :44.320 nevermind anywhere he got into. And I was  okay with that. Our guidance counselors   :44.320 --> :49.440 all wanted him to apply for scholarships and he  definitely had what it takes to get a full ride.   :49.440 --> :55.920 He said no. He’d go where I went. And all that  left was community college. The truth was,   :55.920 --> :01.600 we couldn’t afford it. But mom made me promise to  make sure he goes to college one way or the other.   :01.600 --> :06.560 So when I graduated I started working to save  up money for the two of us to go to community   :06.560 --> :12.800 college together.I was doing odd jobs. A little  bit of construction, work on cars, body work,   :12.800 --> :18.080 repairs, stuff like that. After about a year  my brother suggested that I start a business   :18.080 --> :23.120 so that I would be intentional about what I was  doing. And since he’s pretty much always right   :23.120 --> :28.240 about these things I did. Having a business  helped me get more gigs and I was making a   :28.240 --> :33.840 bit more money, but it wasn’t nearly enough  for both of us to study. Not even at night. :33.840 --> :38.880 Mom died just before he finished high school.  She left us the house, which wasn’t very big,   :38.880 --> :43.680 but in this economy it was a huge thing. My  brother joined me in the business and that really   :43.680 --> :48.720 helped move things along. Now I know what some of  you might be thinking. ‘Sweet, you got a house.   :48.720 --> :54.720 Why not use it as leverage to get a student loan.’  We’re poor, not stupid. Well, my brother isn’t.   :54.720 --> :58.640 We’d seen what the banks were doing in our  community with people who put up their houses   :58.640 --> :03.840 as collateral. We were young and strong. We could  work. We weren’t going to risk our mother’s house. :04.400 --> :09.680 Fast forward a year. The business was doing well  and we managed to land a pretty nice construction   :09.680 --> :14.720 contract. It required us to use some of our  savings to buy a truck and some extra tools,   :14.720 --> :20.080 but the payday would have put us at more  than 80% of our goal to study full time. :20.080 --> :24.720 On the night before we were supposed to start  we met with the client at their property just   :24.720 --> :28.720 going over some last minute details.  It was late when we were approaching   :28.720 --> :32.720 the intersection into our neighborhood.  The light was green as we approached and   :32.720 --> :38.320 I continued to cross the intersection.  Then the world went sideways and black. :38.320 --> :44.720 I opened my eyes in the hospital and already I  saw all our savings vanish down the black hole   :44.720 --> :49.680 called health care. My brother wasn’t there and  suddenly all the money in the world couldn’t have   :49.680 --> :54.160 mattered less. I started thrashing in panic which  made the nurses which made the nurses come in.   :54.160 --> :59.200 I was crying, asking about my brother and they  told me that he’ll be back during visiting hours.   :59.200 --> :02.720 He’d been coming every day for the  three days I’d been in the hospital.   :02.720 --> :08.320 I hurt my back and got some sort of brain  injury which is why I was out for three days. :08.320 --> :13.600 When my brother finally came he looked livid.  Someone ran the red light and plowed straight   :13.600 --> :18.080 through the back of our truck. Because of that  we were obviously not able to get to our job   :18.080 --> :23.040 and the client fired us and threatened to  sue because now his project was delayed.   :23.040 --> :27.040 It’s not like we planned on getting  our primary business asset totaled and   :27.040 --> :32.000 me hospitalized. But none of that  mattered. So now we had no truck,   :32.000 --> :37.280 our tools were scattered across the road for  the homeless guys to pawn, I was injured and   :37.280 --> :43.920 we had massive hospital bills. But the best  news of the day was that it was a hit and run. :43.920 --> :49.680 The guy was driving one of those armored SUVs.  He went through our truck like it was drywall.   :49.680 --> :54.080 The only thing he lost was his fender  and a license plate. And this was the   :54.080 --> :59.200 cause of all our future problems. Because  we had one or two run-ins with the law the   :59.200 --> :03.520 police weren’t all that eager to help my  brother. We didn’t do anything serious,   :03.520 --> :08.400 we just got into a couple of street fights every  now and then. But still the cops weren’t trying   :08.400 --> :13.600 to hear anything from my brother. By the time  I woke up in the hospital it made sense why. :13.600 --> :18.080 My brother had taken a photo of the license  plate just in case the cops were the usual   :18.080 --> :22.480 incompetent selves. He followed up with  the cops the same day we got fired from   :22.480 --> :27.200 our contract because we had no other  jobs lined up for at least six weeks.   :27.200 --> :32.240 So he wanted to find the driver to get his details  for the insurance because the hospital fees were   :32.240 --> :38.080 gonna have us broke soon. They brushed off but  he went back the next day and they were even more   :38.080 --> :42.000 intent on not helping him. He decided  to go look for the driver himself. :42.000 --> :46.320 He went around to some of the body shops we had  done work for and said that he heard about an   :46.320 --> :51.760 accident involving an SUV and wanted to know  if he could pick up some work. He eventually   :51.760 --> :58.320 found the car and learned who the owner was. It  belonged to the son of one of the ‘connected’   :58.320 --> :02.720 families in the city. Which explained why  the cops wanted nothing to do with it.   :02.720 --> :08.960 When my brother told me this I said let’s walk  away and just start over. That’s when he lost it. :08.960 --> :14.320 While I am normally the one with the hair trigger,  my brother’s temper was unmatched when got set   :14.320 --> :20.000 off. So I tried calming him down just to get  a sense of the situation. He wasn’t having it.   :20.000 --> :25.760 When he gets like that his signing is like a one  man slap fight. And because his shoulder was hurt   :25.760 --> :31.680 he was doing the sign equivalent of slurring. It  was hard to keep up but the gist of it was this -   :31.680 --> :36.480 Everything we’ve saved will dry up in the next  few weeks. And then we’ll still spend the next   :36.480 --> :43.120 ten years paying off your hospital bill. That’s  if you can even work again. And only then can   :43.120 --> :48.560 we start thinking about college. Meanwhile that  other guy goes about his life like none of this   :48.560 --> :53.600 ever happened. He’ll probably pay for his car’s  repair work with cash he keeps in his ash tray. :53.600 --> :58.080 It didn’t seem fair, the more I thought  about it. But what were our options?   :58.080 --> :03.520 I suggest that we go talk to them and ask for a  little compensation. That we won’t press charges   :03.520 --> :09.520 or anything. My brother’s response was to ask  since when were two bullets more expensive than   :09.520 --> :16.000 a used truck and hospital bills. So I gave  in and asked him if he had a plan. He did. :16.000 --> :22.560 The way he saw it they were going to pay us either  way, but we were also going to get even. The plan   :22.560 --> :27.920 was to ask for normal work like the kind of work  we’ve been doing. They were going to underpay us,   :27.920 --> :32.240 that's just the way things worked with them.  But we hoped that because of our reputations   :32.240 --> :35.680 they might think to approach us  for some extra jobs on the side.   :35.680 --> :39.600 That’s where we were looking to make back  our money. And while that was happening   :39.600 --> :43.600 we thought we might learn a thing or  two to give to the Feds or the papers.   :43.600 --> :49.680 Make them hurt like they hurt us. In hindsight,  things like that only happen in movies. :49.680 --> :52.640 I was discharged after spending  a week in the hospital.   :52.640 --> :57.040 Apparently my back took more damage than  my brain but I was still able to walk.   :57.040 --> :01.520 All the regular problems that came with  back injuries became my new best friends.   :01.520 --> :07.200 No heavy lifting, so there goes my regular  work. Physiotherapy, like I could afford that.   :07.200 --> :12.320 And the occasional bouts of excruciating  pain, but I was willing to tough it out. :12.320 --> :16.800 We approached a couple of the guys from the  neighborhood that we knew work for this family,   :16.800 --> :21.600 but they were more on the fringes. They were able  to get us a meeting with someone who can make   :21.600 --> :27.760 the decisions that will get us jobs. The guy who  eventually started handing us jobs wasn’t near the   :27.760 --> :34.160 top of the organization but you could call him the  operator of the ‘legitimate side’ of the business. :34.160 --> :38.640 It started off with a few pick up jobs on  construction sites but at half the rate we   :38.640 --> :44.480 normally charged our clients. We did good work and  that rarely goes unnoticed. This eventually led   :44.480 --> :50.160 to us being taken to job sites in residential  areas where we were asked to case some homes,   :50.160 --> :55.360 give details on the comings and goings  of the residents and even the layout and   :55.360 --> :00.880 potential vulnerabilities of the homes. This  led to late night stripping of cars and the   :00.880 --> :07.120 occasional delivery of packages. Things became  serious when we were asked to make a collection. :07.120 --> :12.240 It was the kind of opportunity we were hoping  for. Something that would get us on the inside.   :12.240 --> :17.200 So we took it. It went well. People paid.  My brother and I weren’t small guys and   :17.200 --> :22.240 we already had a bit of a reputation. But I  think what really convinced people was that   :22.240 --> :27.920 we were an odd pair. He’d stand there,  mute, glaring at them, and I’d sign him   :27.920 --> :32.560 all their excuses. We’d have a conversation  in front of them and then I’d turn to them   :32.560 --> :39.280 and apologize saying my brother wasn’t happy with  their reasons so I’d leave them to him. They paid. :39.280 --> :43.840 We didn’t need to do that bit because my  brother was an exceptional lip reader.   :43.840 --> :48.560 He just enjoyed people not knowing and  underestimating him. Of course, one day, we   :48.560 --> :55.520 had to make good on our word when someone decided  they’re not going to pay. This changed everything. :55.520 --> :59.280 He was an old man we knew from around  the neighborhood. He bet on anything   :59.280 --> :03.520 and everything. We had paid him a visit  once before and he promised us the money.   :03.520 --> :07.600 Most of the time we were reasonable and  gave them a day or two, especially if we   :07.600 --> :14.080 knew them. In this case he lied to us. Someone  saw him at the dog track making a lot of bets.   :14.080 --> :20.160 A lot of losing bets. With money he wasn’t  supposed to have. So we made another house call. :20.160 --> :25.840 Going in we knew we were going to hurt him. In our  minds he’d brought it on himself. First, he lied   :25.840 --> :31.680 to us. He took advantage of our generosity and  then lost the money we were supposed to collect.   :31.680 --> :36.960 Second, he was a degenerate anyway. What was  he doing with his life? We were trying to build   :36.960 --> :42.080 something. Make something of ourselves. He was  just wasting away his family’s chance at a better   :42.080 --> :49.440 life. We went in thinking that an broke every bone  in his left hand, his forearm, and dislocated his   :49.440 --> :55.120 shoulder. We got our money three days later.  An no one every tried that with us again. :55.120 --> :00.080 This got us in the room with people who  made decisions. We still weren’t near the   :00.080 --> :05.280 walking phallus who totaled our truck but we  started to learn things about the organization.   :05.280 --> :10.320 By this point we had almost made back all the  money we lost. We weren’t spending it on chains,   :10.320 --> :15.520 booze, or women. We had a goal and we were  sticking to it. But the sweet nectar that   :15.520 --> :21.280 was to be our vengeance was starting to drip  into our hands. Well into my brother’s hands. :21.280 --> :26.160 Because people knew he was deaf but didn’t know  about the lip reading they tended to say things in   :26.160 --> :31.440 front of him when I wasn’t around. I’d be in the  toilet or forget something in the car or whatever   :31.440 --> :37.760 reason I could think of to leave the room, and  tiny morsels of info would drift my brother’s way. :37.760 --> :43.600 We kept a journal of everything he saw. Names  of people, places, products, scores, scams,   :43.600 --> :48.800 whatever they mentioned. Then one day someone  mentioned a time and place that a particular   :48.800 --> :54.640 illicit activity was going to take place. We  saw this as our opportunity to get the press   :54.640 --> :59.120 or the cops involved. By this time  something in my brother had changed.   :59.120 --> :04.080 He’d show a calm face when he was around  them, but as soon as we were alone his rage   :04.080 --> :10.560 was torrential. He wanted to hurt all of them, not  just the boss’ son. I didn’t know what to do and   :10.560 --> :15.120 I went along hoping he’d snap out of it.  He saw this new information as a chance to   :15.120 --> :19.920 bring other players into the game. Ones  who would make better use of this info. :19.920 --> :24.400 We were careful to hide our tracks and stay  anonymous but we made sure that the time   :24.400 --> :30.320 and place of the gathering fell into the hands of  individuals who cared little for the organization.   :30.320 --> :35.520 It was a one night only high stakes underground  poker tournament. By all rights we didn’t know   :35.520 --> :41.200 about it and so obviously we weren’t invited.  But a rumor made its way to some armed men who   :41.200 --> :47.360 happily picked the place clean. There were no  casualties that night but the cage was rattled. :47.360 --> :52.000 We went about our normal routine. Making  collections, working sites, and asking   :52.000 --> :57.440 no questions. We get summoned by a decision  maker who tells us that due to recent events   :57.440 --> :02.160 the organization had to recompense some  very serious individuals and that had put   :02.160 --> :08.240 a strain on the cash flow. We were to start making  collections from some larger account holders, and   :08.240 --> :14.560 to do so ahead of schedule. The amounts we were to  collect would have taken us ten years to make. But   :14.560 --> :19.840 we showed up, made some veiled threats and came  back a few days later for a large bag of cash. :19.840 --> :24.720 After about the third such collection my  brother’s rage began to surface again. We   :24.720 --> :30.240 would be able to afford much more than community  college with just one bag that we collected. If   :30.240 --> :35.840 we did that we’d be dead men or on the run for  the rest of our lives. We needed a scapegoat. :35.840 --> :39.680 There was another pair of guys also  doing collections like we were.   :39.680 --> :43.440 My brother happened to be in the room  when they got one of their assignments.   :43.440 --> :48.880 It was a fat bag they were collecting as well.  We surreptitiously passed this information   :48.880 --> :54.560 along to the individuals who unwittingly  served us the last time. The plan was to   :54.560 --> :00.480 do our collection on the same day as them and  claim that we were done in just as they were. :00.480 --> :04.800 We did the collection and then beat the hell  out of each other before hiding the money.   :04.800 --> :09.840 We then showed up looking pitiful only to hear  the news that our colleagues suffered a fate   :09.840 --> :15.600 worse than ours. We pretended to be shocked  and outraged of course and corroborated what   :15.600 --> :20.960 the witnesses saw. The organization  struck that night. It was a massacre. :20.960 --> :24.000 A week later my brother and  I went in to say that we   :24.000 --> :28.960 were out. That we had just wanted to get back on  our feet and that the violence was more than we   :28.960 --> :36.000 could take. They did not take kindly to that. We  were told that once we’re in, we’re in for life.   :36.000 --> :40.240 The mood in the room was a little more  than awkward. We were offered an escort   :40.240 --> :45.760 out of the building and a ride home. Nobody was  pointing guns yet and we weren’t carrying. But   :45.760 --> :50.160 we were confident we could still muscle  our way out once we were on the street. :50.160 --> :53.600 My brother was the first one out of  the building and the first to get   :53.600 --> :58.000 shot. It seems that some of the individuals  whom the organization tried to deal   :58.000 --> :01.840 with survived the assault and chose to retaliate. :01.840 --> :07.200 The son of the head of the organization showed  up at my brother's funeral to pay his respects   :07.200 --> :10.400 and to let me know that out of respect  for what happened to my brother   :10.400 --> :15.520 the organization allowed me to walk away.  He didn't recognize me, how could he? But   :15.520 --> :22.160 there he was standing in front of me. And right  there I realized what actually killed my brother. :22.160 --> :26.240 I left and went to college to study  psychology to become a counselor. I   :26.240 --> :31.280 realized that I failed my brother when I didn’t  see how much pain he was in over mom’s death.   :31.280 --> :35.840 I didn’t help him grieve in a healthy way  and that led us both down a dark path.   :35.840 --> :40.640 I can only pray that what I do know  helps prevent a repeat of our history. :07.480 --> :08.480 —------------------------------------ :08.480 --> :14.000 My neighbor and I have been at war for years. I  don’t know who started it. But I ended it. The   :14.000 --> :19.120 whole thing started with a tree. My neighbor  had a massive tree in his yard that would shed   :19.120 --> :24.800 like a kid with dandruff scratching his head. This  tree was a menace. It stood on the boundary fence   :24.800 --> :30.160 between our houses and towered over each one.  When shedding season came along I spent almost   :30.160 --> :35.920 every weekend either cleaning my pool or cleaning  my gutters. The pool was less of a concern than   :35.920 --> :41.360 the gutters. We get a lot of rain in the fall  and the last thing you want is clogged gutters. :41.360 --> :45.600 As much as I hated it there wasn’t much I  could do about it. It was a big tree and   :45.600 --> :51.360 my neighbor didn’t control where the leaves fell.  The problem was it was also a fruit bearing tree.   :51.360 --> :56.880 And my neighbor wanted all the avocados that grew  on his tree. Even the ones that hung over and fell   :56.880 --> :02.880 on my side of the fence. Now, if he had offered  to clean my pool and gutters, used his own garbage   :02.880 --> :09.440 bags and tools to clean up after his tree, I’d  have said, ‘sure, take you avos.’ But he didn’t. :09.440 --> :13.360 This may or may not have had something to do  with the fact that as children my brother and   :13.360 --> :18.000 I were quite rowdy. We rode our bikes in the  street and may have broken a window or two   :18.000 --> :23.120 playing hockey in our backyard. Whatever the  reason, he insisted that nature was nature   :23.120 --> :28.080 and that he didn’t control it, but that the  tree was on his land so the fruit were his. :28.080 --> :32.000 Now depending on where you live the  law has various things to say about   :32.000 --> :37.680 this. But where I’m from the law was pretty clear.  If the leaves fall on your side, you clean it.   :37.680 --> :43.120 And if the fruit even so much and hangs over into  your property, it's yours. He didn’t want to hear   :43.120 --> :48.800 any of that so we handled it like all neighborly  people in the world would. We went to court. :48.800 --> :52.320 He sued me first. But he was  cheap on top of everything else.   :52.320 --> :57.520 He chose to file the entire action himself. I  obviously had a counter suit, which went through   :57.520 --> :03.040 attorneys. The law on procedure is apparently  clear on this that once you have an attorney   :03.040 --> :08.640 all papers should be filed with them. But  this nimrod decided to appear at my house at   :08.640 --> :12.880 unreasonable hours to serve the  various documents for the case. :12.880 --> :16.720 So before we could actually hear the matter  regarding the tree we first had to go to   :16.720 --> :23.200 the motion court to stop him from serving on me  firstly, and then coming to my house at ungodly   :23.200 --> :28.880 hours. We won that fight. But the costs for it  were pushed onto the actual case about the tree. :28.880 --> :33.280 When matter finally appeared before a  judge he presented the most ludicrous   :33.280 --> :38.880 argument for why he should keep his avos but  not have to clean up the leaves. But also that   :38.880 --> :44.640 we had to collect them and turn them over  to him. He also demanded that we pay him   :44.640 --> :50.160 for all the avos we had kept that fell into  our yard.The judge disagreed and said that   :50.160 --> :56.320 either he should clean up and collect or  let it all go. All the costs came to us. :56.320 --> :02.480 Yay? No. He never came to clean up or collect.  Nor did he pay the costs our of attorneys.   :02.480 --> :07.600 Instead he said that since we’ve been getting  the avos for free we can deduct them from our   :07.600 --> :13.200 costs. He still demanded that the avos that  fell into our yard should be returned to him. :13.200 --> :15.520 And back to court we went. :15.520 --> :20.160 I don’t know how the judge was able to stay  so calm while explaining to a grown man why   :20.160 --> :25.680 he couldn’t use avocados that fell into  someone else’s yard to pay off legal fees   :25.680 --> :31.920 that he owed them. And that demanding the avos be  returned to him was in defiance of a court order.   :31.920 --> :36.400 So the judge ordered him to pay us  again. But this time they ordered that   :36.400 --> :42.320 the portion of the tree that hangs over  into our yard be removed at his expense. :42.320 --> :49.600 Yay? No. Remember when I said that he was cheap.  Well he was really really cheap. He decided to do   :49.600 --> :54.800 the trimming himself, from his yard. So the  next week while my wife and I were at work   :54.800 --> :00.720 and my children were at school, he got onto his  ladder and into the tree and started sawing away   :00.720 --> :09.200 at the branches. The branches that extend over the  roof of my house. I came home to a new skylight. :09.200 --> :10.800 It rained that week. :10.800 --> :14.720 We spent the next six weeks living at my  brother’s place while the roof was fixed,   :14.720 --> :19.600 and the floors redone. We didn’t have  any furniture for the next six months. :19.600 --> :21.760 And back to court we went. :21.760 --> :25.600 His argument this time was that he didn’t  have a choice because he wasn’t allowed to   :25.600 --> :30.560 come into my yard due to the court order from  the first case stating that he can’t serve   :30.560 --> :36.480 papers on me anymore. The judge wasn’t amused. He  was ordered to pay for the damages to the house   :36.480 --> :40.320 and the cost of anything that was  damaged in the house by the rain. :40.320 --> :46.640 Yay? No. Cheap. Remember. He wanted  receipts and invoices for materials and   :46.640 --> :51.680 labor for when the house was first built.  Because that was the cost of the damages.   :51.680 --> :56.080 He also wanted receipts for the stuff  in the house damaged by the rain. :56.080 --> :59.840 Heigh-ho heigh-ho it’s off to court we go. :59.840 --> :05.760 And now the judge had to explain to a grown man  why the claim for damages comes from the cost   :05.760 --> :10.240 of the repairs, and the furniture and things  had to be replaced at the price they cost   :10.240 --> :13.120 today, not the price they were bought at. Which is   :13.120 --> :18.080 what the amount in the original court  order accounted for. We got our costs. :18.080 --> :22.480 This time it seems like he didn’t have the money.  He still hadn’t paid off the full costs from the   :22.480 --> :28.080 last two matters. His options were to have a  garnishee order on his salary or to sell his   :28.080 --> :34.160 assets. His only asset was his house. He chose to  have the garnishee on his salary. Which meant that   :34.160 --> :41.040 every month, until everything was paid back to  us, 30% of his salary was going to come to me.   :41.040 --> :46.560 There was no way he was getting around this order  and it was going to take years to pay it all off. :46.560 --> :49.120 In the meantime we got some nice new furniture   :49.120 --> :52.240 and the value of the house went  up because of the repairs done. :52.240 --> :56.800 This didn’t help improve the relationship of  course. He was careful not to speak to any   :56.800 --> :01.200 of my family as he knew we weren’t afraid to  go to court. And also that it seems that the   :01.200 --> :06.160 system was on our side. But things  started happening soon after that. :06.160 --> :12.400 It was innocuous at first. My garden hose went  missing and some of my gardening tools. The tires   :12.400 --> :18.720 on both my wife’s and my car went flat around  the same time. We found nails in all of them.   :18.720 --> :23.120 My tool shed was broken into and stuff  was taken. And then there were the noises   :23.120 --> :28.160 outside my children’s bedrooms. I knew  it was him. But I had no way of proving   :28.160 --> :33.520 it. My family was beginning to feel unsafe  and my wife was talking about moving out. :33.520 --> :39.840 That was not an option for me. I grew up in  this house and I wasn’t leaving. I decided to   :39.840 --> :45.200 increase the security around my house and  get a dog as well. The incidents stopped.   :45.200 --> :50.560 Everybody was happy again and my children  even more so because now they had a dog.   :50.560 --> :56.480 Until one morning we woke up and found  the dog poisoned. This was it for me. :56.480 --> :01.360 I’d been toying with the idea for a while and  I never really considered doing it until that   :01.360 --> :07.440 morning. That same day I went out and bought some  poison that I read about while doing my research.   :07.440 --> :13.840 Over the next few weeks I’d go into my yard late  at night and start exposing the roots of the tree   :13.840 --> :19.600 that had come under the fence onto my side.  I’d water the area around the roots and dig   :19.600 --> :25.040 out the wet sand until the root had nothing to  hold onto. I made sure to cover them with fake   :25.040 --> :30.160 grass so that it didn’t show. I also began  loosening the ground near the fence so the   :30.160 --> :36.160 fence would give way. I’d then sneak over to his  side and poison the roots of the tree on his side. :36.160 --> :41.920 After a few weeks the tree began dying on his  side of the fence and the roots on my side were   :41.920 --> :49.520 completely exposed. The tree started leaning  and one day there was a loud boom. The tree   :49.520 --> :55.520 fell onto the house and demolished it. He had  to move away into some place he could afford,   :55.520 --> :59.520 minus the 30% of his salary he still pays me.
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeHOWANAVOCADOTREEDESTROYEDAMANSLIFERedditStories
today we have some crazy stories of nuclear Revenge first we have best friends stole my girlfriend so I stole this spot on the basketball team I've always thought that the only thing is sacred is the bond of family is the bond of friendship it's something that you should never mess with because for some people their friends are even closer to them than their family friends are people you can trust in your life they're the ones that know all your deep dark secrets secrets you can't tell anyone else for fear of judgment or maybe it's because it's illegal they know everything about you your likes and dislikes your fears what makes you happy and what doesn't your strengths and weaknesses everything this is why you have to be very careful when making friends there are some times when you meet people and you guys Vibe really well there's a possibility that you guys like the same things and have so much fun together but still they're not friend material for you I learned this the hard way there was a time I used to think that I had a great taste in Friends I wasn't the type of person to keep a large circle of friends I prefer a small circle because it's easier to form real bonds with a few people other than that superficial crap that comes with having a large number of people in your circle besides when you tell a few people a secret and it gets out you know exactly where to start looking anyways like I said I always thought I had a great taste in friends during my middle school days I had only one friend his name is Jared and he transferred to my middle school during the middle of the term before then I talked to everyone but wasn't close to anyone Jared and I first came into contact in detention I had gotten into trouble when a teacher found out that I was helping students do their assignments for a few bucks Jared on the other hand was there because he fought off some bullies trying to steal his own lunch money the teacher approached him when he was on top of the bully smacking the heck out of him I was there when it happened and I have to say I was really surprised Jared looked small and frail he didn't look like the type of person who would beat someone else twice his size that was one of the first things that peaked my interest in him when I got to detention after school I made sure to sit beside him the teacher in charge of detention Mr Craig could never stay awake for a full 30 minutes in detention so after he fell asleep I initiated a conversation with Jared I asked him how he was able to take out Mike that's the name of the bully and he told me that he had a black belt in Jiu Jitsu I was really surprised at this because Jared was as young as me and he already had a crazy achievement as that we introduced ourselves and I asked why he transferred to my school in the middle of the term he explained that his parents got divorced and his mom decided to move he was staying with his mom so we also had to move he was supposed to stay in his school till the end of the term but for some reason his mom was in a hurry she couldn't spend another moment in their former town she didn't want to tell him what happened exactly and what caused their divorce but he already knew his dad cheated on her Jared told me all these on the first day and to be honest I think the whole divorce and who cheated on who was a bit over sharing but I came to understand that he was just a very open person we talked about a lot of things during detention and I have to say that has to be one of the most interesting detentions I've ever experienced not like I've experienced a lot of detentions though after that day we became quite close we had a lot of things in common apart from the fact that we had most of our classes together Jared had a few other friends who were my friends also but none of them were as close as me and him after Middle School we went to chemistry camp together and we were prepared to start high school we already had this planned for our lives where we would be best friends in high school then go to the same college and be best friends there too it was perfect until it wasn't a few days ago when we got back from chemistry Camp I started to notice something strange in my house my parents weren't at home much when they got back it's usually in the company of men in suits who were checking out the house and and stuff they didn't tell me anything but I knew deep down that something was wrong eventually I asked them what was going on and they told me that they were selling the house and we were moving what the actual heck I protested their decision immediately I told them that it wasn't fair that they wanted me to uproot my life and just move away like that my mom told me that they were also uprooting their own lives and I'm not the only one being affected I don't know if she said that to soothe me or piss me off but if it was for the latter it worked really well I went to my room that day and locked myself in while distracting myself with numerous video games I didn't even answer the door when Mom came to call me for dinner the next day I went to Jared's place and told him about my parents plan he was even more pissed than I am we both tried to find solutions to the problem but none were forthcoming eventually we had to accept that I was moving away and the only way we could keep in contact was via phone calls and stuff a few weeks later we moved and I lost my best friend that's not the end of the world right well it seemed like that to me I was miles apart from my best friend and I didn't know how I could move on anyways I started the new school as a freshman and I became The Loner I was before I met Jared I even continued my business of helping people do their homework for a few bucks I got in trouble a few times and ended up in detention a part of me wish that I'd met someone as cool and smart as Jared in detention but that didn't happen Miracles don't happen twice I guess I just came up with that I spent the whole of my freshman year like this it was really boring the only Solace I took in it was that I could call Jared every day after school by the end of freshman year I realized that it was only going to get worse for me because now I'm going to have to spend the summer holiday alone I tried to convince my dad to let me spend it in Jared's place but he wasn't having it anyways during the holidays I decided to stay at home I usually went to summer school but then I was just feeling tired of everything so I stayed home I started to spend more time in the basketball court down the street from my house and for some reason the game piqued my interest I picked it up as a new hobby and I began to practice I couldn't go to the court every day so I convinced my dad to buy a ball and set up a basket hoop in the driveway this was how I spent the majority of my summer holiday sophomore year started and I was still very interested in basketball I don't know what it was maybe a coping mechanism for missing Jared and having no friends close by but whatever it was I didn't really care there was a basketball court in school and I started to watch the jocks practice it was very different from watching the basketball Legends like Shaq O'Neal or Stephen Curry or Michael Jordan these guys weren't experts so I could relate to their moves every time they finished practice I would go to the field and try out some of their moves as I did that I started to notice one of the particular their jocks always watching me one day after the practice I started my own practice and The Jock who had always been staring approached me he commented that my moves were smooth but they still needed more refining I didn't know what he was talking about until he collected the ball and did a crazy dribble and maneuver before making a shot he asked if I was planning to try out for the team and I said no I didn't like it at the time because I always thought that the jocks got too much attention and I never liked to be in the spotlight he said okay and introduced himself as Ryan he was the shooting guard of the basketball team and he was really good he told me that he could see me practice after school a lot and if I don't mind he could show me the ropes I didn't understand why he was being so nice to me all the other jocks I knew were jerks and they never looked at me twice except to make fun of the shots I got wrong anyways the next few weeks we met up at the basketball court and practiced I was really good at making shots from odd places is but now having an opponent to block my shots added pressure and forced me to become better I started to play in the street court near my house during my sophomore year summer holiday and once people saw my skill they were clamoring for me to be in their team by this time Ryan and I had started to hang out more often at first it was just basketball but then it became other things he was struggling with a lot of academic work and once or twice back in my freshman year he had paid me to help with his assignment so for helping me get better in basketball I tutored him in school work we became close friends and before I knew it by sophomore year summer holiday we were best friends there were lots of red flags with Ryan and I should have noticed but I didn't one was the fact that he went to just about every party and drank way too much and he had lots of superficial friends ones I didn't relate well with he was also something of a womanizer anyways during the summer holiday Ryan and I were hanging out at the basketball court close to my house and a very pretty girl walked past I saw her first and got distracted immediately when he saw her he made some really inappropriate comments about her body and I scolded him he dared me to go talk to her which I did I wasn't very good at talking to girls but I've had a lot of them talk to me in school whenever they needed my help with their assignments and stuff I introduced myself and asked if I could get her number she introduced herself as Charlotte and gave me her number she had just moved to town and was starting her sophomore year another thing I should have noticed about Ryan was that when I got Charlotte's number he wasn't very pleased with it it was as though he was expecting me to fail anyways Charlotte and I started talking and during the summer holiday we became really close I tried to introduce her to Ryan on countless occasions but for some reason he was always busy during those times we resumed our third year of school and by this time time I was starting to consider Ryan as my best friend it wasn't like I had another friend though I mean Charlotte was more than a friend I really liked her and I was thinking of asking her out when I told Ryan about it he told me not to lose focus on what was important I had no idea what that meant and when I asked him all he gave me were bogus excuses and I decided to just let it go a few weeks after we resumed I worked up the courage and asked her to go to the movies with me there I asked her to be my girlfriend and surprisingly she said yes the first person I broke this news to was Ryan but once again he wasn't very thrilled with it in fact he turned it into a big deal asking me why I would ask her out it got so serious that we actually got into a heated argument because of it we didn't talk for a long while after that day and the next time we spoke it was for an even bigger argument a few weeks after Charlotte and I started dating I noticed that she started to pull away from me I didn't understand why it first and I thought it was because of the upcoming midterm tests but even after the tests she still continued to pull away she always made sure she was never alone with me and she declined every time I invited her over to my place eventually I asked her what was going on and she told me that she knew about my STIs what the heck I've never had an STI in my life because at that point I haven't been intimate with any girl but no matter what I told her she didn't believe me eventually she decided that we should break up shortly after we broke up I noticed that she started going out with Ryan that's when it all became clear to me the reason why he had always been against me having anything to do with Charlotte was because he liked her that meant that he was definitely the one that spread the rumor that I had STIs I confronted him about it but he didn't even have the decency of denying it our argument almost got to blows that day but I backed down I knew that if we got into a fight he would win I was heartbroken for a few days and all I could think about was getting even with Ryan he messed with me and so it's high time I messed with him it took me some time but I finally figured out how to do it during the time I spent with Ryan I discovered that the one thing he loved more than anything in this world was his spot on the basketball team this was the reason he asked me the first time we met if I was planning to try out for the team he wanted to know if I was going to be a threat or not well since he took something from me I plan to take something from him too I never stopped practicing basketball even when Ryan and I stopped talking I even practiced harder from that day tryouts were already over by this time but I was able to convince the coach to see me play he agreed during the next practice Ryan was beyond shocked to see me there trying out for his position of shooting guard he knew I was better than him and I could see that it scared the heck out of him I did the tryout and even played against some of the members of the team by the end of the tryout the coach was convinced that I belonged on the team during the next practice he made Ryan and me play against each other for the position of starter on the team I beat Ryan and I started to play in matches while Ryan was relegated to substitute player that wasn't even the worst thing to happen to Ryan remember he had a problem with school work well over the months without me to tutor him or do his assignments he started to fail his classes by the end of the junior year he was asked to leave the basketball team till he can get his grades up I think the thing that I love the most about this story is in a situation where if Ryan was a little bit more of the star player or a consistent starter for his team at shooting guard there might have been more arguments from the coaches saying no you can't take them out of the sport even though they're failing their classes but considering op kicked them to the bench there was no room to argue for this kids spot on the basketball team when their grades were plummeting this next story is she got what she deserved I guess Thursday 31st of January 2009 my family and I had just recently moved into a new neighborhood down in Texas my little sister and I had been feeling giddy about the new neighborhood my Dad pulled up in front of our new home turned back and said to us we're here guys me Irene my sister Carolyn my mother and Richard my father came out of the car and went quickly into the house to see where was going to be our new home we had already spent more than three hours putting things in our new home in order my dad Richard went to the mall to get a new TV microwave and some other gadgets we needed in the house while my mom and my sister were in the kitchen getting the playset and readying the semi-completed dining table I went outside to scout my new environment as I waited to see what this new place has to offer took a walk down the block until I saw a beautiful young girl around my age I guess us taking some things out of the garage in her home and walking through the front door she seemed like she obviously needed some help so I decided to lend a hand I walked up to her and said hi I'm Dylan nice to meet you do you need a hand with that she was surprised to see me as she dropped the brown box that was in her hands she tucked her hair behind her ears and replied uh hi nice to meet you uh Dylan I hurriedly took the box from her and said where should I drop this she said to take it in the house as she invited me in on our way in she said my name's Anita by the way she said in a low tone this was the first conversation we had amongst many others but this was the most significant as it marked the start of our relationship later that week I found out that we were attending the same high school and we were starting the same grade this was my sign from the universe we met a few more times before we had started the session at school following the passage of time we became much closer than either of us had thought you could see we became best of friends as as we did next to everything together we went to school together we had the same classes we came back home together we hung out after school together we were thick as thieves it was a good time fast forward a few years ahead we were just done with middle school and we had already become fresh high school students our friendship was still as strong as ever we had just completed a day as usual in school and we were already making our usual plans to hang out this time at a popular gaming arcade which over time it turned into our usual hangout spot when we came across a guy I considered then the protagonist of high school Jason bornhill this was my belief because he was obviously good looking for starters he was the captain of our school's basketball team which was three times champion of our district he was two grades ahead of us Anita and I and he was also the son of the mayor of our town he basically had a main character background to me and to top it all off he had a very pompous and proud personality we came across Jason and his gang on our way back home he passed by us and stopped to talk to Anita she showed no interest but he was persistent on talking to her by force to which she forcefully tried to shrug him off I intervened and told him to back off to which for some weird reason he stared me down at first then he left with his guys he had also approached her on multiple occasions some of which I wasn't present of which I got a wind of because I was informed by Anita it got annoying at one point because I felt the persistent pestering was quite uncomfortable and frankly unnecessary I thought she also felt the same way up until the few months later closer to the end of the year actually I've always had feelings for Anita the feelings have always been there but I don't think I've actually accepted such feelings out of fear of ruining our friendship if she were to not feel the same way I did fortunately for me I'd already come to terms with my feelings but I hadn't quite on time that we had started to grow a bit distant from each other it all started with Anita canceling our plans to meet up always leaving me hanging anytime we were having a conversation online also at one point avoiding me I didn't notice all of these probably because I was too focused on trying to sort out feelings I had for her that were bottled up by the time I had noticed that we weren't as close as we used to be I tried to talk to her about us and what was happening she told me nothing was wrong in that she'd just been really busy and all that no specific explanation as to why I was avoided and ignored these past months I had suspected that something was up but I had no idea why I was being kept in the dark word around school soon got out that Anita was dating our high school protagonist Jason I don't recall how I felt but what I do remember was disappointment heartbroken and sad amongst other emotions I could recall she had always been complaining to me about how Jason's daily disturbances had been getting on her nerve lately and how she had hated the constant pestering she would always tell me when she got fed up she would table his disturbance to either her parents or the principal our school because she felt he was harassing her at some point it was shocking news as I didn't believe initially that it was true not until I'd confronted her about the matter and she violently told me off and said some unexpected things to me she said her dating Jason was none of my business as we were just friends and she regarded me as nothing more than a neighbor and a friend who has no friends and can't seem to make any friends and thus followed her everywhere she went I felt so embarrassed mainly because I met her in the hallway to talk privately and she said to speak right there because she had somewhere else to go and she wouldn't want to be late because of me and whatever it is I had to say and then when I asked her questions about the things I've been hearing about her and Jason around the school that was when she lashed out and said what business is it of yours if I'm with Jason right now it's not like I'm your girl or something and why don't you find some other girl to follow around like a dog I'm getting sick and tired of you following me wherever I go don't you have friends or something she yelled the entire hallway which is usually as busy and as noisy as ever became as silent and quiet as the school's library everyone's eyes were stuck on me like bees to honey I put my head down in shame as I hurried out through the front door when I got home that day I went deep in thought as I began to think about a few things Anita said to me I felt really bad about myself for the next week my dad noticed and came into my room one night to talk to me he gave me the usual dad pep talk and it ended with a hug and a peck on my forehead and he said whenever I needed someone to talk to I should always come to him it felt nice because I've never gotten this kind of attention from my dad I felt better soon after and before long I was back to my usual self without Anita there with me every day my daily life seems empty but I decided to go out and meet new people as the term had ended and the new one would be starting in a few weeks which would be after the New Years Anita had not spoken a word to me since that day not until we met in school the second week of which we had resumed back to school we passed by each other dozens of times in school that day of which I paid her no mind and then before I got home she approached me and began apologizing for what she had said she claimed she didn't mean a word of what she said and that she felt bad for her words and actions she also said she wished for what we had to continue I was honestly short of words as I didn't know what to say at the time I just told her I'd forgiven her and that has for us to go back to being friends I wasn't sure yet I asked for her to give me more time to think and she agreed I couldn't sleep that night as I still felt pained with the way Anita had treated me knowing that we'd been friends for quite a long time I knew deep down that I didn't want her to be my friend at all anymore so I decided to ignore her and not give a response it felt like the right thing to do at the time but when I got back to school the next day she still approached me and asked if I'd come to a conclusion already now I got a bit ticked off she sounded desperate and at the same time commanding like girl what do you want from me and who the heck are you to be demanding a friendship you cut off unilaterally at this point I'd already lost all interest in attempting to convince myself of getting back to being friends with Anita all that came to my mind was different ways I could get back at her for the humiliation she had caused me during our confrontation and the insults I'd received by now I had thought of one thing and one thing alone which was to get her back I told her I was okay with us being friends again and she hugged me tighter than my mom ever did I smirked and chuckled a bit before saying to her it's so nice to have you back she replied me too I'm glad we're back together I missed you I was already setting my plan in motion the next day I went around asking people if they knew what had happened between Jason and Anita I heard from different sources that Jason took Anita to the club and when they got back to his place he wanted to get down with her but she wasn't ready and he drove her out of his place telling her that he wasn't ready to be with a girl like her and then he cut things off with her I got the general gist of things even though there were some exaggerated parts of the story but basically I already knew how I'd said my plan for revenge in motion I'd already made plans to meet up with Jason to have a one-on-one talk with him and to most hopefully make a deal with him I confronted Jason when he was on his way out of a class it seemed oblivious to me by the way little me confronting a senior of about two years older and in a higher grade than me but I guess you could say I was determined and I wanted to get her back by all means necessary when I spoke with Jason he initially stared me down so bad I felt so little in front of him but when he heard all that I had to say he burst out in laughter and said to me okay big man let's see how useful you can be it was time I had already told Jason everything I thought he should know about Anita her personal likes dislikes irks and whatnot and I told him to play an honest attempt at trying to get her back I basically told him what to do and how to do it in a way that would get her to come back together with him he did as I was told brought her flowers knelt down to apologize right in the middle of the hallway where the eyes of the whole school were watching and he apologized and then she's flat out accepted him back on the spot all still going according to plan I was obviously not present at the time but I got wind of the general gist and decided to play the waiting game a month went by in a breeze and it was time to even the score there was a party being thrown at the house of Jason his parents were out of town for the weekend so I decided this was the perfect time I told Jason to make another sexual Advance towards Anita but this time to play it as cool as he can and to not make it seem like he's forcing her the party was from 9pm till whenever the time was past 12 am already Jason and Anita made their way silently into the main house and straight up to Jason's room and I trust Jason played his part wonderfully well because this time she was ready to get down with him I just stayed in the corner of the door and when things got heated I brought out my mini cam and recorded them from the moment they had started the deed for like five minutes and then I came out and then as she saw me leave the corner while recording she hurriedly tried to cover herself up which would have helped if only Jason wasn't in on it also so I called in everybody from the party and I left the room immediately I texted her while I was on my way home that once she had settled things at the party she should find more ways to explain herself back at home to her parents when I rang the doorbell her mom answered the door hoping it was her daughter I just showed her the pictures and videos I had while displaying a semi-sad and disappointed face for her mother her mother thanked me and told me to head back home and that this would be handled by her father and her personally that was the last time I saw and spoke to Anita thinking back now I think I could have done better yeah considering what op did here I definitely think they could have done better than what they did what they did here was pretty darn foul especially for the way they felt wronged I mean the way that they did them dirty did not deserve the way op got revenge let's be clear but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeIEXPOSEDMYCHEATINGEXTOHERMOTHERRedditStoriesorig
:00.000 --> :01.400 Posted by u/Xerzajik  :00.000 --> :00.920 16 hours ago :08.120 --> :12.720 My Neighbor Insisted On Me Getting a Fine A few years ago, my wife and I lived in a   :12.720 --> :16.520 middle-class neighborhood in the suburbs  on a quarter-acre lot. We even managed   :16.520 --> :21.280 our dream of owning about a dozen chickens! My  five-year-old son and I would go door to door   :21.280 --> :25.040 in our neighborhood to sell the excess  eggs. (Mostly to teach him how to work,   :25.040 --> :30.280 etc) The only problem was that we constantly  battled with raccoons and stray cats that would   :30.280 --> :35.800 attack and sometimes kill our birds. (We'd  catch several raccoons in traps every year.) :35.800 --> :38.760 On the other side of our fence lived  a couple of female students in their   :38.760 --> :43.080 20s who were roommates. Their front door  faced another street so we didn't talk to   :43.080 --> :47.160 them often unless they were buying  eggs from us. I'll call them Susie   :47.160 --> :51.800 and Mandy. They owned two huge dogs  that would run around their backyard. :51.800 --> :56.600 One night, a stray cat attacked, and one of  my chickens flew over the fence into Mandy   :56.600 --> :01.520 and Susie's property. We got a call from the  city to collect the chicken. I walked over and   :01.520 --> :06.280 found it hiding in the corner of the property,  directly on the other side of the fence. I was   :06.280 --> :11.600 as polite as I could be. It seems that the sudden  appearance of this chicken emotionally rattled   :11.600 --> :17.120 Susie/Mandy. I explained that we lose chickens  from time to time to raccoons, so it was great   :17.120 --> :22.440 that the hen was alive and well. Then I apologized  profusely for any inconvenience and gave them my   :22.440 --> :27.200 phone number. They didn't say much other than to  thank me for coming over to retrieve the chicken. :27.200 --> :32.560 Not long after, the animal control officer  stopped by our house. She looked embarrassed   :32.560 --> :38.160 to be there. According to the officer Mandy  and Susie both insisted on us getting a fine   :38.160 --> :43.040 for the mishap with the chicken. $50.  The officer said that she would've been   :43.040 --> :46.600 comfortable with a warning given that  this was the first offense but since   :46.600 --> :51.760 the offended party was insistent that there  wasn't much of a choice. We took the fine. :51.760 --> :57.360 About two months later, one of my chickens was  badly mutilated by another predator. The hen   :57.360 --> :02.760 was in pieces throughout the coop and at least  half of it was missing entirely. I gathered its   :02.760 --> :07.400 carcass in the early morning and chucked it  over the fence into the neighbor's yard. My   :07.400 --> :14.360 wife reported screaming and barking from that side  later that day but no visit from the authorities. :14.360 --> :15.548 Posted by  :15.548 --> :23.600 u/PLCGuy65 3 hours ago :47.840 --> :54.960 If you think the classic rock music is too loud,  try non-stop hits from Big Butt Radial Arm Saw  :54.960 --> :59.240 Many years ago I was on a construction crew  and we were building apartments across the   :59.240 --> :04.480 street from a retirement complex. One of  the FOPs got the bright idea to complain   :04.480 --> :09.160 about how loud our radio was during the  day. Mind you, we were across the street   :09.160 --> :14.240 on a very large lot with multiple buildings  going in and we were not the only contractor   :14.240 --> :19.120 on the job. I doubt any of the buildings  on the job site were within 40 meters of   :19.120 --> :24.040 any building in the retirement complex. The  radio was always tuned to the local classic   :24.040 --> :30.040 rock station, so nothing too obnoxious, and  certainly not that loud for that scenario. :30.040 --> :34.920 We had a great big radial arm saw that  we towed from job to job. I was usually   :34.920 --> :40.600 the sawyer on the job and I ran that saw  and just cut packages for most of the day.   :40.600 --> :46.400 After the "radio too loud" complaint came  in, my boss moved my whole setup directly   :46.400 --> :51.040 across the street from and as close  as possible to the retirement complex   :51.040 --> :57.080 and told me "I want that saw running at  7:00 a.m. sharp every day", which I did. :57.080 --> :59.160 I tried to post this as a  comment a few months ago,   :59.160 --> :03.520 but the AutoModerator deleted it.  Now it's a full post. pettyrevenge^2. :03.520 --> :04.480 Posted by  :05.600 --> :07.640 u/ArltheCrazy 23 hours ago :23.800 --> :27.480 Younger brother kept stealing from  my room, so I returned the favor.  :27.480 --> :32.560 Just got reminded of this story by another petty  revenge. So many years ago when i was a college   :32.560 --> :38.800 freshman (18m at the time), my younger brother  (12m at the time) would constantly take things   :38.800 --> :42.880 from my room. Pretty typical behavior,  but i would always tell him to just ask   :42.880 --> :48.240 and I probably wouldn’t have a problem with it.  However, he was notorious for not returning it   :48.240 --> :53.840 and for tearing it up. It was bad when i lived at  home, but it got worse after i left for college. :53.840 --> :58.400 I came home for Thanksgiving break and noticed  several of my things missing. I went into his   :58.400 --> :03.680 room and there they were. I told little broseph  to stop and if he wanted something from my room   :03.680 --> :09.600 to just call and ask first. I also warned him  that if he kept it up, there would be a reaction. :09.600 --> :15.120 When i came home after for Christmas, more stuff  had gone missing. Since experience is sometimes   :15.120 --> :20.000 the best teacher, i decided to reciprocate.  While little broski was still at school,   :20.000 --> :24.320 i went into his room and removed all of  his clothes.l and hid them. To be fair,   :24.320 --> :27.360 i just stuck them in the hall  closet right outside his room. :27.360 --> :33.040 Later that night about 8:30 or so he was taking  a shower and then all of a sudden i hear a “What   :33.040 --> :36.840 the heck. Where are all my clothes.” He  comes down to tue living room with just   :36.840 --> :42.240 a towel freaking out because he can’t find any  clothes. I casually mention that i had warned   :42.240 --> :47.800 him before and i had taken ALL of his clothes.  He starts screaming and freaking out and then   :47.800 --> :52.360 turns to my parents to side with him and make me  tell him where his clothes were. Unfortunately,   :52.360 --> :57.320 my parents were pretty much in stitches  and did not rally to his cause. Eventually,   :57.320 --> :01.840 i reunited him with both his under and  over garments and warned him that next   :01.840 --> :06.600 time he would have to find them on his  own if he continued to take my crap. :06.600 --> :10.760 After that he started asking to use my stuff  and i like to think that i helped save him   :10.760 --> :16.280 from a live of degeneracy and misery. He’s now  an orthopedic surgeon and i’m pretty proud of   :16.280 --> :21.040 him. You’re welcome people of the world.  Feel free to mail me my Nobel Peace Prize! :22.520 --> :23.206 Posted by  :23.206 --> :34.880 u/Efficient-Stretch-47 1 day ago :40.640 --> :42.680 I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!!  :42.680 --> :47.360 About a decade ago, I was hired for a  pretty unique job in my field of study,   :47.360 --> :51.600 and I was so excited to start. I’m flown  down to train for a week with my new manager,   :51.600 --> :56.520 who had interviewed me and I thought seemed  nice enough at the time. I was very wrong. :56.520 --> :03.040 I’ll keep the description simple: this manager  was literally The Worst. I quickly discovered   :03.040 --> :08.280 she was a micromanaging southern mean girl -  definitely that kid in kindergarten that would   :08.280 --> :15.240 yell “TEEECHUR!! Billy is chewing on his pencil  eraser AGAIN!” kind of energy. Nothing I did   :15.240 --> :21.080 was right. She called my office multiple times  per day to “check in.” If I answered the phone,   :21.080 --> :25.720 I was asked why I wasn’t out doing my job.  If she left a message because I was out,   :25.720 --> :30.800 I was asked why I didn’t answer the phone. During  one of our annual team meetings, she meant to text   :30.800 --> :35.880 another manager something nitpicky about me and  the message went to me instead (she literally   :35.880 --> :41.440 just said “oops!” when I asked what I just  received). That kind of crap wears on a person. :41.440 --> :46.520 Three years to the day I was first hired, I  was laid off with half the team. It sucked,   :46.520 --> :51.480 but I found a new job where my skills were unique  and celebrated. My new manager is supportive,   :51.480 --> :56.720 hands-off, and reasonable. I’ve been promoted  almost every year (just had my 6 year   :56.720 --> :01.560 anniversary), and now I’m part of the management  team for our program - no one else in the company   :01.560 --> :07.600 does what I do. The bad memories from my last  manager experience faded away. I was happy. :07.600 --> :12.720 So I’m working away one afternoon right before  Christmas and get a message alert from LinkedIn. :12.720 --> :15.280 It’s her. It’s The Worst Manager. :15.280 --> :20.720 Worst Manager: “Hey! I just had an interview  with [one of my programs] and they mentioned   :20.720 --> :25.400 knowing someone else that worked for [last  company]. mid interview i couldn't quite think,   :25.400 --> :31.800 but as i was sitting here eating lunch i was  like, [OP]!! ☺️ i hope you are doing well and   :31.800 --> :35.800 just wanted to let you know it made me smile-  she mentioned you had provided some stories   :35.800 --> :40.920 about [last company] and I couldn't help but  laugh because there were so many... anyway,   :40.920 --> :45.840 have a great holiday and hopefully we  will be "working together" again soon!” :45.840 --> :49.040 Oh, no, no, no. Freak no. :49.040 --> :55.320 I reply to her “Ha! Seems like a lifetime  ago. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!!” :55.320 --> :59.960 I immediately IMed the interviewing team  and asked if they had just interviewed   :59.960 --> :05.400 this person. They had. They loved her. They  were in the process of drafting an offer. :05.400 --> :12.120 All I typed was “if you hire her, I quit.” The  lead interviewer started a conference call. :12.120 --> :17.040 At some point, we had all shared horror stories  of bad managers. I asked them if they remembered   :17.040 --> :23.200 mine and they did. I explained that my story  was about the person they just interviewed. :23.200 --> :28.520 Lead Interviewer: “The last thing we need for  this team is someone like that. I’ll tell HR to   :28.520 --> :34.080 stop her offer, and I’ll wait until after the  holidays to let WM know our decision. It was a   :34.080 --> :40.760 really tough decision after all. A very strong  candidate pool.” Literally let WM twist in the   :40.760 --> :46.880 wind for 2 weeks for me. Did I mention I love  my management team here? Not all managers go   :46.880 --> :53.240 to bat for their people, and even fewer join  in on petty revenge. I can never quit now 🙃 :53.240 --> :57.160 We did fill the position, btw. With  another person from my previous company   :57.160 --> :01.480 that I advocated strongly for. I hope WM knows. :01.480 --> :01.960 Posted by u/Few-Stock-3458  :01.960 --> :14.480 23 hours ago :18.240 --> :23.600 Pro Bro Roid Rage cuts me off and  HE is the one driving away huffing.  :23.600 --> :26.000 I was driving an old truck that looked old,   :26.000 --> :30.960 not flared fenders old, but square  headlights and boxy design old. :30.960 --> :34.880 I was turning right on a green light  and across the intersection a much   :34.880 --> :37.640 newer truck was turning left, where I was turning. :37.640 --> :41.840 My truck was chugging away making the  trun and this other truck peels it and   :41.840 --> :46.840 zooms into my lane just as I'm rounding  the corner. Normally I wouldn't care much,   :46.840 --> :53.080 but then he slows right down to a crawl as I'm  revving up for second gear (again, old truck) :53.080 --> :56.640 I give the horn a toot, which  was an after market ahooga horn,   :56.640 --> :00.520 in and of itself lighthearted  and funny. He does not speed up,   :00.520 --> :04.960 but the single lane opens up to two and I  take the left as that's the way I was headed. :04.960 --> :08.760 We both arrive behind two lanes of  stopped traffic right beside each   :08.760 --> :12.600 other and he yells from his high  mount "You got a problem, bro?" :12.600 --> :16.240 I said, yeah, if you're going to  cut me off at least gas it pal! :16.240 --> :21.200 He fumes and yells "there's two lanes!"  I said not after the light there isn't. :21.200 --> :25.840 He has both arms out the window screaming  and says want me to get my badge out? :25.840 --> :30.960 Traffic is starting to roll and I say: What's  that gonna do, make two lanes back there? :30.960 --> :34.360 He screamed almost in agony and  started punching his steering   :34.360 --> :37.160 wheel as I pulled away and made my left turn. :37.160 --> :39.800 Very petty, very satisfying. :39.800 --> :46.080 Posted by  :46.080 --> :53.040 u/WHAM-BAM1301 1 day ago :57.680 --> :02.600 Snobby Classmate Bullied me… My revenge  got served to me on a platter 😂.  :02.600 --> :08.200 I (22M) went to an international primary  school in an Asian country. Kids from   :08.200 --> :13.840 all around the world and rich students went  there. I was about 8-9 Yrs old in this story. :13.840 --> :19.040 This white South African girl (let’s call  her J) who reeked of white privilege was   :19.040 --> :24.280 the most rude and snobby girl I knew  and even as adults now her social media   :24.280 --> :29.960 indicates that she is still quite snobby.  In this story she is roughly 8-9 like me. :29.960 --> :34.440 She could be quite rude to anyone but  she was definitely rude to me about   :34.440 --> :38.680 loads of things like my height or my clothes etc. :38.680 --> :42.480 One day at lunchtime I take my ball out of  my locker to play with my friends at the   :42.480 --> :48.120 courtyard. I’m holding it whilst walking down  the stairs when J snatched it out of my hands   :48.120 --> :52.480 and after asking her to give it back she kicks  the ball out of the school landing and into   :52.480 --> :58.400 the courtyard. I asked why why she did that and  she said something like “Because I can, loser”. :58.400 --> :03.640 I trudge downstairs in defeat to look for my  ball and see a very disgruntled teacher at the   :03.640 --> :09.680 courtyard entrance. My ball is a few feet away  from her and her lunch is spilled all around her… :09.680 --> :12.320 I quickly put two-and-two together. I realise   :12.320 --> :18.280 the ball had hit her and made her  drop her lunch. She…Was…TICKED!!!! :18.280 --> :23.600 At first she thinks I did it. I quickly  explain that it was my ball BUT that J   :23.600 --> :28.200 was bullying me and took my ball then kicked  it out onto the courtyard where it must have   :28.200 --> :33.560 hit her. She eventually takes my word for  it and says “Tell J to come here right now”. :33.560 --> :37.840 ‘With great pleasure’ I think to  myself. I walk to the cafeteria   :37.840 --> :42.360 and sure enough see her lining up  for lunch. I walk up to her. I say   :42.360 --> :45.560 “Remember when you kicked my ball  off the stairway a few minutes ago?” :45.560 --> :49.280 She has a smug look and says  “Nope! That never happened”   :49.280 --> :53.720 not even looking me in the eyes when  lying. I say “Well it did happen and   :53.720 --> :58.400 guess what? That ball hit the teacher at  the bottom and she spilled her lunch…” :58.400 --> :03.160 J stops smiling and now she’s looking right  at me… With the biggest crap-eating grin on   :03.160 --> :08.160 my face I take a step closer to her and  say “She wants to see you right now” :08.160 --> :12.880 I believe she got sent to the  headteacher or smt. Either way she cried. :12.880 --> :17.040 We are both in our 20s now and even though I  don’t really talk to her I pretty much don’t   :17.040 --> :21.720 hold any grudges. That being said even in  our teen years she was still the same type   :21.720 --> :26.600 of person but she didn’t bother me much  anyway. We follow each other on instagram   :26.600 --> :32.400 and WOW I could definitely say some things  about her life choices & predicament today   :32.400 --> :37.480 but it’s not my style and I don’t want  to risk giving too much info about her. :38.920 --> :40.040 Posted by  :43.480 --> :57.600 u/Xerzajik 2 days ago :04.960 --> :10.600 My sister used to casually steal from my room... Many years ago when I was seventeen years old,   :10.600 --> :15.040 I graduated from High School and moved into  my Mom's house where my other siblings lived,   :15.040 --> :17.640 including my 15-year-old sister (Nicole). :17.640 --> :23.360 I was what you might call a "loser", I worked  at a buffet and I had a pay-as-you-go phone   :23.360 --> :27.960 so I could call my mom to pick me up at the  end of my shift. Nicole, on the other hand,   :27.960 --> :32.040 had her own cellphone that she paid for.  She had worked from a young age and she   :32.040 --> :36.760 spent a lot of money. She was a cool kid  and would go out late at night with friends. :36.760 --> :41.360 My sister, at one point, was grounded from  her phone by my mom and step-dad. She went   :41.360 --> :46.000 into my room and stole my pay-as-you-go phone  and drained it out over the course of the few   :46.000 --> :51.680 days she was actually grounded. I didn't even  notice until it didn't function one day after   :51.680 --> :57.960 work. She had used hundreds of minutes! I felt  so violated because I even went as far as to   :57.960 --> :03.160 hide my phone and she still found it... Around  that same time, I noticed that my change jar   :03.160 --> :08.520 was much emptier than it had been and that loose  cash from around the room was missing as well.   :08.520 --> :15.240 Around $200 all in all. This girl was robbing me.  I wasn't the only person she was robbing. She had   :15.240 --> :20.920 gotten caught stealing clothes from name-brand  stores at the mall. She was on juvenile probation. :20.920 --> :25.520 I wanted to get even. One day, when she wasn't  home, I walked into her room and grabbed an   :25.520 --> :32.200 important-looking box from her closet. It was  full of women's panties. I paused, shrugged,   :32.200 --> :38.640 and took it anyway. The box was pretty full. I  couldn't help but notice how much lace there was   :38.640 --> :42.640 (I found out years later that my sister  was sleeping around at this age). Heck,   :42.640 --> :47.880 I'm no expert but there were probably  in excess of forty pairs in that box. :47.880 --> :52.560 I took the box straight to the backyard  and stuck it under an old canoe. I had   :52.560 --> :56.600 never seen that canoe used and it  was now a fixture of the backyard. :56.600 --> :01.680 Nicole was furious. I could hear her on the phone  accusing her friends of stealing her underwear.   :01.680 --> :06.880 She only had the pair that she was wearing and now  she was broke. The loss of her underwear drove her   :06.880 --> :12.680 up the wall for weeks. I'd never seen her so on  edge. I learned yesterday that she would have to   :12.680 --> :18.680 clean out her last pair almost every day and that  my mom refused to help her in any way because she   :18.680 --> :24.240 didn't trust her friends and thought this would  be a lesson to her on who to let inside our house. :24.240 --> :30.000 Eventually, I became a suspect. In hindsight,  I was probably low on the list of suspects and   :30.000 --> :34.920 she was desperate. I shouldn't have said  anything at all. Instead, I said "Gee,   :34.920 --> :39.920 that must really suck to have someone steal  from your room, I can't even imagine." We   :39.920 --> :46.000 locked eyes. She knew. I knew she knew. She knew  that I knew that she knew. I gave her back her   :46.000 --> :51.960 box. She stopped stealing from my room. We lived  out the next year together in relative harmony. :51.960 --> :52.160 Posted by u/Xerzajik  :52.160 --> :52.720 2 days ago :20.040 --> :22.840 You should've been nicer if  you were going to cheat off me.  :22.840 --> :27.840 In High School, I was a bit like Hermione  Granger in the worst way. I was just an   :27.840 --> :32.080 awkward kid who understood the material  as well as the teacher did. I was that   :32.080 --> :36.600 odd kid who read history books during  the summer for fun. I'd constantly be   :36.600 --> :40.760 raising my hand in class with the  answer, looking for validation. :40.760 --> :44.080 That kind of behavior got me picked  on quite a bit by a certain group of   :44.080 --> :48.760 students in my history class. They'd  tease me (mostly behind my back),   :48.760 --> :53.120 but they weren't above cheating off me  on the tests as they were difficult,   :53.120 --> :58.320 and they knew that I knew the answers. (Very few  of my test scores in this subject were below 100%   :59.040 --> :05.840 as History was/is a passion of mine) Initially,  I was flattered, but over the semester I got the   :05.840 --> :11.520 sinking feeling of being used as these same  kids didn't show me respect in any other way. :11.520 --> :15.800 Our final history exam was a 50-question+ multiple   :15.800 --> :20.400 choice test that would be worth 30%  of our grade. The stakes couldn't be   :20.400 --> :24.720 higher. The teacher wrote the questions  to be tricky. On the day of the final,   :24.720 --> :29.960 I scanned through the test in a few minutes. I  knew the material and felt confident. My peers   :29.960 --> :35.040 on either side of my desk were watching to see  how I'd answer. Their neighbors were, in turn,   :35.040 --> :41.640 discreetly watching them. It seemed as if the  entire side of my class was hanging on my answers. :41.640 --> :47.960 I answered the first three questions accurately;  then I went for the almost-correct answer every   :47.960 --> :55.920 other time. (This resulted in a ~54% score) I was  careful to let the other kids see my test. Then,   :55.920 --> :00.080 when I finished, I waited and stared at the  wall with my test still in front of me. The   :00.080 --> :03.920 time was running out, and my classmates  all began nervously turning in their   :03.920 --> :08.120 tests until only a couple of students  on the other side of the room remained. :08.120 --> :12.560 With five minutes left, I stood up  abruptly, crinkled my test into a ball,   :12.560 --> :18.800 and threw it into the garbage. I was trying to  be dramatic. It worked. You've never heard such   :18.800 --> :24.480 a stunned silence. I quickly grabbed a new test  from the table. (there were a couple still there,   :24.480 --> :28.760 missing students). With a shocked smile,  the teacher, said "There's only five   :28.760 --> :34.080 minutes left." I didn't care. I had spent  the period memorizing the correct answers. :34.080 --> :39.520 With no time to spare, I answered the  questions in a complete whirlwind... A   :39.520 --> :48.080 B C A B D D D A B C C A B B... My friends  told me later that everyone was staring.   :48.080 --> :53.560 I didn't have the bandwidth to see it. With  ten seconds left, I turned in my test. The   :53.560 --> :58.720 kids that had cheated off me looked pale and  sickly, in a state of shock. They knew that   :58.720 --> :04.800 I screwed them over. They just didn't know how  badly. There was nothing they could say or do. :04.800 --> :10.280 I was one of three students that had an A in  that class that Semester. The average grade   :10.280 --> :15.480 was in the low ~60s. That low grade for my  classmates ended up knocking several kids out   :15.480 --> :20.520 of the running for Valedictorian several  years later. Oddly, I was treated with   :20.520 --> :26.880 noticeably more respect after this, and I wasn't  cheated off of again, as far as I could tell. :26.880 --> :27.800 Posted by  :27.800 --> :40.320 u/Royal_Relief5553 3 days ago :51.240 --> :57.040 School denies me my prescription. I told them I  wanted to call a parent. Little did they know...  :57.040 --> :01.000 Throwaway because this story could  totally dox me. I don't care if   :01.000 --> :04.800 people figure out who I am from this post  alone, but don't want everyone knowing my   :04.800 --> :06.640 anonymous reddit username. I will avoid/change  details as much as possible and use fake names. :06.640 --> :11.400 I was abused by my dad's wife growing up.  My mom fought long and hard to gain custody,   :11.400 --> :16.800 but my dad was a "good Christian" with  more money and he didn't fraternize with   :16.800 --> :21.640 black people. Given our location, my  mom stood no chance. She finally got   :21.640 --> :24.760 custody when I was old enough  to where my opinion mattered. :24.760 --> :29.720 I switched from a fancy, extremely  competitive, snobby private school   :29.720 --> :35.240 to the local public school by choice. I dyed  my hair green and put a gay pride sticker on   :35.240 --> :40.120 my car. Based on where I was coming from  alone (I was a C student at Fancy School,   :40.120 --> :45.720 so it was not my grades), I was placed in all  the honors and AP classes the school offered. :45.720 --> :50.320 Teachers didn't know what to think of me. I  had green hair (this was considered absolutely   :50.320 --> :55.360 shocking at the time and my friends and I were  bullied for many things including this). My bumper   :55.360 --> :00.800 sticker was definitely the most controversial  topic in the entire school. But I was quiet, I   :00.800 --> :06.960 came from Fancy School, I paid attention in class,  I was earning straight As. Thankfully, although   :06.960 --> :12.760 most of my peers shunned me, my teachers realized  pretty quickly that I was a decent enough kid. :12.760 --> :18.040 I had a problem where I got migraines. Finally  got a prescription for them, non-narcotic,   :18.040 --> :22.280 and took it straight to the nurse's office  because the district had a zero tolerance   :22.280 --> :28.240 policy and being in possession of even Tylenol  would get you expelled for drug possession. :28.240 --> :32.120 Nurse: "You're going to have to get  the doctor's signature on this form." :32.120 --> :37.160 Me: "Why? It's a legitimate prescription  with my name on it in the original bottle." :37.160 --> :40.160 Nurse, condescendingly: "We're required to have   :40.160 --> :43.960 a doctor's signature before  we can dispense medications." :43.960 --> :50.000 Me, giving zero freaks: "How do you think  I got the prescription in the first place?" :50.000 --> :53.880 Nurse decided to impress upon me  the fact that I was powerless here,   :53.880 --> :58.120 and that there was absolutely  nothing I could do except comply. :58.120 --> :02.640 I left the office stressed because I  didn’t have access to my migraine medicine,   :02.640 --> :07.880 and of course ended up stressing myself out  into developing a migraine. Call me a Karen,   :07.880 --> :11.440 but I felt entitled to go to the  nurse's office and be dispensed my   :11.440 --> :15.280 medication and so I politely  requested it be given to me. :15.280 --> :19.000 The nurse obviously told me no,  so I asked for the principal. Got   :19.000 --> :23.320 the Assistant Principal (AP), who  simply reiterated district policy. :23.320 --> :25.440 Then it occurred to me that it was within my power   :25.440 --> :30.880 to get my medicine. Because I had a  secret weapon. So I had to be sneaky. :30.880 --> :33.800 Me: "I'd like to call one of my parents." :33.800 --> :38.240 This phone call wasn't intended  for my dad, a financial consultant. :38.240 --> :41.520 It wasn't to my mom, who worked  in sales and advertising. :41.520 --> :44.440 Of course I wasn’t calling stepmonster. :44.440 --> :50.200 But my stepdad, on the other hand, just  happened to be our region's most famous   :50.200 --> :56.640 radio talk show host at the time. And  he was on the air for another 2 hours... :56.640 --> :02.360 The AP brought me the phone book (those existed  back then), and I looked up the radio station's   :02.360 --> :07.880 number in the yellow pages without the AP  figuring out which business I was calling. :07.880 --> :12.640 Called the radio station and got the front  desk. Of course lots of people call them,   :12.640 --> :17.040 ask for him, and get absolutely nowhere.  But I knew they would interrupt his show   :17.040 --> :22.320 and he'd take the call if I told them I  was his daughter Royal. In all my life,   :22.320 --> :26.280 I had never had a situation that  warranted me calling him at work. :26.280 --> :29.800 I was hoping he'd take the call while  on air but he didn’t want to air what   :29.800 --> :33.560 was likely private business, so  he put commercials on while I   :33.560 --> :37.920 explained the situation. Then I suppressed  a crap-eating grin while handing the phone   :37.920 --> :43.600 to the AP to talk to my stepdad,  "Bill." I managed a poker face. :43.600 --> :50.560 The AP didn't realize he was talking to Bill Jones  when he dismissed my concerns, and even suggested   :50.560 --> :55.880 I should be denied my medication simply due to  my pants, which I'd been wearing half the year   :55.880 --> :02.160 without problem, but apparently were a uniform  violation that day. AP basically explained that's   :02.160 --> :08.720 just how it is and tough luck and did not realize  the crap he'd just stepped into. He hung up,   :08.720 --> :13.840 dismissed me, and walked off looking pretty  self-satisfied at winning his little power trip. :13.840 --> :17.440 I went to class feeling  victorious. I hadn't won yet,   :17.440 --> :20.320 but I'd played my cards and  knew how it would turn out. :20.320 --> :26.000 Stepdad got back on air and immediately changed  the topic of discussion to the ridiculousness   :26.000 --> :32.640 of the district's medication policy. The phone  lines lit up. Turns out LOTS of people wanted   :32.640 --> :38.680 to air their complaints. I was sitting in class,  migraine kicking in. But I was feeling satisfied   :38.680 --> :44.600 that their lack of respect for me (and all other  more powerless students) was hitting the fan. :44.600 --> :51.080 I timed it. 45 minutes after I was arrogantly  denied my legally prescribed medication that I   :51.080 --> :56.160 needed, the AP came into the classroom  I was in, knelt down beside my desk,   :56.160 --> :59.400 and whispered, "Hey. You want  to come take your medication?" :59.400 --> :04.720 Fallout: even more fun, because the school  wanted desperately to expel me. But while   :04.720 --> :10.680 I 100% can be a troublemaker when I want  to be (evidence: this post), I never did   :10.680 --> :16.880 anything for which I could have defensibly been  disciplined. They had nothing on me. I knew it.   :16.880 --> :23.480 They knew I knew it. And they knew they couldn't  get away with making crap up because Bill Jones. :23.480 --> :26.920 All my friends were seniors, and  the school admins didn't realize   :26.920 --> :33.220 until the last day of school that I was a  junior. I could see the panic in AP's eyes. :33.220 --> :37.920 AP: "You can take one summer course in  English and you'll be able to graduate early." :37.920 --> :41.520 Me: "Absolutely not. I haven't submitted any   :41.520 --> :45.280 college applications and most of the  competitive schools I'll be applying   :45.280 --> :50.760 to require more than the basic minimum to  graduate. I'll be here for another year." :50.760 --> :53.520 AP: "Would you like to take  your high school classes at   :53.520 --> :57.760 the community college instead? You'll  get high school and college credit." :57.760 --> :03.320 This was a barely heard of program at the time  but they wanted to get rid of me so badly,   :03.320 --> :06.560 I got to rack up a year's worth of college general   :06.560 --> :11.000 education credits during my senior  year. They tried to freak me over,   :11.000 --> :17.280 so I freaked back and since they couldn't punish  me, they rewarded me just to get me to go away. :20.480 --> :24.040 Posted by u/NoTcreo  :24.040 --> :38.520 4 days ago :39.720 --> :43.240 My college roommate used to  steal from me. He drank my pee.  :43.240 --> :47.960 Back in college I was roommates with a guy in  my same group of friends. He came from a rich   :47.960 --> :53.160 background and had a very entitled attitude. Over  the couple of years that we were roommates he   :53.160 --> :59.560 stole food, weed, beer and possibly money from  me and our other roommates. He used to go out,   :59.560 --> :03.000 get drunk, come home and raid the  fridge in the middle of the night. :03.000 --> :07.200 Our last semester our group of friends  went to a house party where he got drunk   :07.200 --> :12.440 and was being his usual douchbag, he  got into a verbal argument with my GF   :12.440 --> :17.040 and we ended up leaving the party. Back  at my apartment I had 2 re stripes left,   :17.040 --> :21.080 I drank one but I knew I would wake up the  next day and the other one would be gone. :21.080 --> :24.480 I carefully opened the bottle  without bending the cap too much,   :24.480 --> :32.200 poured 3/4s of beer down the kitchen drain (😱 I  know) and proceeded to empty my bladder until I   :32.200 --> :38.760 refilled the red stripe bottle. Put the cap back  on, bottle back in the fridge and went to bed. :38.760 --> :43.800 Next morning there was the empty bottle next  to the one I had thrown out a few hours before.
give me a good story on rProRevengeIMADEMYROOMMATEDRINKMYPEERedditStoriesen
what three minutes changed your life the first summer after college I had a job delivering pizza and one small decision changed my life so there I was working in the pizza place and a new order came up just as a cook tossed a half burnt pizza into the window those burnt pizzas were up for grabs among the employees and if you got there first you could grab a good unburnt slice I figured why not stay and enjoy a slice now I let my co-worker take the delivery thinking I'd take the next one the next delivery came in and I headed out with three extra large pizzas and a full stomach three minutes later an 81 year old lady blew a red light on the highway and slammed into the passenger door of my car I couldn't walk for an entire year after the accident my brand new diploma earned just a month before suddenly seemed useless because it required physical work all my sports were gone and my life took a completely different direction I had to change my attitude and plans for the future it's crazy to think that all this happened because I wanted a free slice of pizza six years later I finally received a settlement from the accident which allowed me to buy a house it's strange how one small Choice can change your life in ways you could never have imagined
give me a good story on whatminuteschangedyourlife
a for calling my wife fat I 34m work in a physically demanding field myself and my co-workers are all fit people without a lot of body type variety my wife 32f is fat the thing is she's always been fat the whole time I've known her we dated when she was fat we got married when she was fat she knows she's fat she's fat and she's beautiful I'm happy if she loses weight and I'm happy if she stays where she is I think she's the most beautiful woman in the world as is one of my co-workers Julia 28f started complaining that she's too far to be loved and fat people don't get to be loved Julia isn't fat she's maybe maybe 120 lb she works out five times a week and barely ever eat I told her that wasn't true and that my wife was fat she got really red in the face and started telling me I wasn't allowed to call my wife fat that I was insulting her and that my wife was beautiful and curvy Carol doesn't like being called curvy she thinks it's a label used to avoid calling people fat because it's a dirty word to most people I told Julie
give me a good story on AITAforcallingmywifefataitaredditstoriesredditaitaorig
am I being too clingy or is my boyfriend being too distant okay so my boyfriend and I first got together back in mid-september we met at work because we work in the same office but in different departments only a few of our co-workers know about it and they know to keep it a secret we make sure to actively avoid each other at the office so it doesn't cause any drama he was interested in me first and I turned him down but after he went out of his way to show me how thoughtful and sweet he was I agreed to a date and things quickly went from there I'd only dated one person before him but that was only two dates and things never really went anywhere thankfully because he was a total douchebag he's been in a few laters before me and even had a fiance at one point they broke up because she cheated on him for about the first month and a half of us dating he was very attentive and communicative we'd be texting almost all the time and even though we both have busy work schedules we'd usually go out or hang out at his place at least twice a week he even got me a drawer at his place like 2 weeks after we began dating so I'd have a place to put my pajamas and things he was very clearly interested in me and honestly one of my concerns when first getting into the relationship was that I may feel smothered at some point and would need to sit him down to let him know that that I needed some space honestly I wish that was my concern because trying to get his attention nowadays feels like pulling teeth here's why I feel that way Dash he used to be really sweet to me and flirt with me a lot through text and now the most I'm able to get out of him is the occasional Han Dash when we were first seeing each other he would invite me over and invite me out and would Express excitement towards seeing me now I'm usually the one who has to initiate the plans and he'll usually respond like yeah we can do that or let me check my calendar like damn do you even want to me I'm asking to spend time with my boyfriend not squeezing in an effing business meeting it makes me feel like an obligation which I really hate Dash even though my boyfriend and I usually only see each other about once a week nowadays he joked with me one day calling me clingy I got really upset with him about it and kind of bitched him out for it he apologized saying it was a joke and he didn't mean it like that but I feel like he wouldn't have made it if there wasn't a hint of truth to it Dash communication is minimal nowadays and what I do get is lackluster we used to text continuously having the most interesting and intellectually engaging conversations ations some sweet some sexy you know the drill he's on vacation right now and a few days ago he texted me a good morning text around a.m. and when I responded back he kept me on read until midnight when he finally replied back saying hey sorry I was doing so and so all day it only takes a few seconds to shoot a text saying you won't be on your phone for the rest of the day I would have preferred that to feeling like I was being blown off by my boyfriend for the entire day I feel like if he actually cared he would have taken that into consideration also I texted him asking for him to call me because I missed him after he was gone for about a week and he just replied yeah I get it can I call you tonight then when we talked on the phone later on that night I said I miss you a few times and didn't say it back I get that maybe it takes longer than that amount of time for some people to miss others but when we were first dating he once said miss you to me when we just seen each other the day previous I don't get it Dash we still physically involved when we do hang out and what we do together is good but there really isn't any buildup or tease anymore he doesn't compliment me and we don't sex it kind of makes me feel like a friends with benefits in a way except Friends with Benefits probably are more excited about seeing each other at least Dashi doesn't really open up to me emotionally anymore he used to talk to me about things that are bothering him or things that are going on personally and he doesn't really actively bring those things up anymore I want to be there for him but it's hard to do so when he won't let me I really hope that this post doesn't paint him out to be a bad guy because he's really not in fact he's an incredible guy which is why I'm with him he's charitable and sweet has a great love for his family and friends and he's smart and funny he always listens to me when I'm stressed or upset and a Oles when he messes up and it's not like he's ashamed to be with me or anything he introduces me to his friends as his girlfriend even though he has a lot of female friends I don't think he'd cheat on me he actually hadn't been sexually involved with anyone for about 2 years before seeing me so I know he doesn't give into urges and Temptation like some people do it just makes me wonder why he's acting like this I've mentioned to him as being distant before and he just tells me that he's sorry and that he hasn't noticed he's acting like that then brings up one or two very temporary things that have been on his mind I'd understand it if it had just happened for 2 weeks but it keeps happening and is getting worse I want to talk to him about this because I really want things to work out between us and I don't want to end up resenting him over something that's fixable I don't feel like I'm asking for too much I just want to be a priority and to be shown affection am I just overanalyzing everything if he was really losing interest in me he would have just broken up with me already right I know that pretty much every response I'm going to get is going to say that I won't know until I ask him but I don't know how to present this to him like I said earlier on when I do present problems in our relationship he just apologizes and apologizes I don't say these things to guilt trip him or to make me feel Superior to him I just want our relationship to be healthy and how are we supposed to do that if I don't communicate what I'm feeling I'm going to be seeing him on Saturday so I think I'm going to need to sit him down for a very serious face- t- face talk I'm just not sure exactly what to say any advice or perspective would be much appreciated update am I being too clingy or is my boyfriend being too distant I couldn't wait until Saturday on Tuesday I asked him when he was flying back in from vacation and he told me he was flying at around 1230 a.m. on Thursday so I told him I wanted to come over to his house after after work that day today to talk he apparently had plans with another cooworker of ours which I was salty about because I figured that he would want to see his girlfriend of all people after being gone for 2 weeks but he blew them off because it sounded important so I went over to his house tonight with a box of his things and gave him the Spiel I said pretty much everything I said in my post then basically laid it down too if you're not into me anymore I'd understand but please just break up with me so we can find people who are better suited to us and if you are into me still then you need to show it the entire time he nodded his head and looked very understanding once I was done talking he admitted that he had indeed been distant for the past month and a half particularly the past 3 weeks he then explained that the reason for this is because he realized that we have very different aspirations for the future and he has been racking his brain and talking to everyone trying to find a way to make it work I asked him what he wanted that I didn't and he said kids he wants kids within the next couple of years he said he thinks he'd make a really great dad and he knows that I'm young and that's not something that I want and even if it is it wouldn't be something that I would want within the next couple of years he told me that it was killing him inside that he couldn't think of a compromise that could work for us to be together because he loves me first time he's ever told me that and the last he said he didn't want to continue on in our relationship hanging on to maybe's only for us to end up resenting each other or pressuring each other into things we don't want I let him know that I'm still growing and my thoughts on it could still change and that right now my main reservation with children is actual pregnancy and I could possibly see myself adopting he shook his head and said he wanted children of his own he's right we cried in each other's arms collected my things and discussed our boundaries at the office I let him know that I didn't regret our relationship and that I'm so thankful for all of the good that we had together I thanked him for being so good to me and for showing me the way that I deserve to be treated in a relationship before the emotional distancing of course he then told me that he was honored to be my first boyfriend as he understood how big of a step that was for me to take and said that I'm the best girl friend he's ever had and I've showed him love more than anyone he has ever dated before including his ex- fiance he said that he felt for a long time that he didn't deserve love and I showed him that he did we agreed that we were going to keep all of the gifts that we'd given to each other and that we needed some time apart to grieve but that we would still be friend friends and that we wish the best for each other in finding people who have the same aspirations for the future he then walked me to my car for the last time this sucks edit thank you everyone for your kind words of support I'm still hurting and I have spent a lot of time crying and I'm sure I will for a while but I will heal with time the day after the breakup I tried to avoid him at the office but the few times I saw him on accident I could tell he was hurting it hurts me to see him hurt I have not spoken to him since and will not do so for quite a while as I don't want to reopen the wound I also deleted WhatsApp from my phone as that was what we used to message each other and I am trying to break the habit of consistently checking my phone to hear from him due to some of my current life circumstances many aspects of my life have been based off of things that would make me happy while still being feasible SL convenient for other people in my life mainly my mother not necessarily what I truly want for myself before my former I choose to refer to him as my former as opposed to my ex because I think X just sounds too harsh and has a negative connotation I never would have thought marriage would be something that I'd want for myself now that I've been shown what a good relationship is like and what it feels like to to love and be loved in return I would really like to be married since I'd previously never even thought I wanted marriage this is why I'd never really prioritized whether or not I want children I have a bad habit of focusing on my present instead of my future I have decided that for the next few months probably closer to half a year I'm going to make a point of prioritizing what I want for my future longterm in regards to what I think would make me happy I'm going to start reflecting on if having children is something I think could be a fulfilling part of my life and if it would make me happy I'm honestly not sure what children are like my friend/ close family don't have children so never really spend time with any which is another reason I haven't thought about it much so I may see if I can find some opportunities to babysit or spend time with children in some other way to see if I like them and if I could see myself caring for one long term I think it's something I need to do to avoid this kind of heartbreak in the future and if I do decide that I'd like to have children on the same timeline as my former does and it just so happens that my former is still single and he still wants to build a future with me then I'll see if he wants to pick up where we left off but if it turns out that I just don't want kids or I know I'm not going to be sure for a while then I will hope someone with just as much love to give comes into my life who feels the same
give me a good story on AmI
how do you cope when someone very beautiful becomes a part of your family that it becomes visible the awkwardness of the men when she's around my brother started dating this woman about a year ago and I find it really exhausting the way the men and the family act around her we are four siblings two brothers and two sisters all married besides my oldest brother who is dating this woman she is still new so she hasn't been in many family gatherings but the few times she has it is like Phil acting around Gloria and Modern Family minus the comedy my husband my other brother my brother-in-law and my father sometimes when my uncles or a cous cousin or a cousin's husband is around they become totally different people and it is pathetic AF to watch I am not the only one who has noticed all the women in the family have and none of us like it also my brother her boyfriend really feels uncomfortable too the woman is standoffish and hasn't really put any effort to get to know us women and it has made it even harder to appreciate her as an additional member my question is how do you cope she is getting more involved the more serious it is with my brother and he is bringing her with him almost every time now will this dissipate like the men finally get used to her and start acting normal around her and not like
give me a good story on Howdoyoucopewhensomeoneverybeautifulbecomesapartofyourfamilythatitbecomesvisible
:00.080 --> :04.720 today we have a crazy entitled parent story about  a parent who's trying their best to kick their kid   :04.720 --> :10.280 out we'll get into that in a bit but first my mom  wronged me two years ago and I feel like a [ __ ]   :10.280 --> :15.640 basically she took out nearly $200 to donate to  tithing when I never gave her consent to do so in   :15.640 --> :21.360 the first place plus I didn't even identify as  a Christian anymore at that point I eventually   :21.360 --> :26.640 forgot about it and luckily she never did it again  but recently something happened yesterday that   :26.640 --> :31.120 made me remember what I should have done years  ago she wanted me to go buy toilet paper when I   :31.120 --> :36.760 was shopping but I decided not to since we already  have five freaking packs at home already she later   :36.760 --> :41.920 gets mad and threatens to take the money to buy it  if I don't do it I was like freak this I'm too old   :41.920 --> :47.920 for this crap I'm 21 and found out how to lock the  card she has access to kind of wish I learned that   :47.920 --> :52.560 earlier currently trying to open a whole another  account or just go to a new bank but I'm mad at   :52.560 --> :57.040 myself for tolerating this crap over the years  I'm not perfect myself and I've made a lot of   :57.040 --> :02.160 mistakes on my end but what's wrong is wrong how  do I for forgive myself for being a pushover I   :02.160 --> :06.800 mean really I think you forgive yourself by just  correcting it in the future and maybe correcting   :06.800 --> :12.200 it in the future and not being a pushover is going  to give you a bit more confidence and happiness   :12.200 --> :17.400 just knowing you're not kind of doing that stuff  anymore also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy   :17.400 --> :22.080 crazy stories of entitled parents why not hit  those like And subscribe buttons down below   :22.080 --> :28.120 that said our next story is is it normal that my  mom still makes me have a bedtime at 21 years old   :28.120 --> :33.520 my mom makes me go to bed at 10 to 11: and if I  don't she takes my laptop away she already takes   :33.520 --> :38.760 my phone away at night she says it's disrespectful  if I'm up while she's sleeping and she gets mad if   :38.760 --> :44.280 I move in my sleep I can't even go to the bathroom  cuz I wake her up I don't understand cuz I'm not   :44.280 --> :50.120 loud and just want to quietly do my work or watch  my show I don't feel like an adult and never have   :50.120 --> :54.920 I'm planning to move out soon cuz I can't do  anything I tried talking to her telling her   :54.920 --> :59.520 that I'm an adult now and I should be allowed to  stay up if I want to and she says it's her house   :59.520 --> :04.920 so the only option I guess is to move out I just  don't know if this is a normal thing or if most   :04.920 --> :10.800 people my age get to stay up and I'm just not an  a normal household I mean I get that op kind of   :10.800 --> :18.200 grew up in that system but at some point I think  the thing is most most people by 21 kind of took   :18.200 --> :23.600 the reins of their own life and really pressed  for their own independence and by extension their   :23.600 --> :28.800 own bed times I mean at 21 years old you should be  able to know what's best for yourself and be able   :28.800 --> :33.560 to make the decisions you need to make especially  when it comes to things like your bedtime now I   :33.560 --> :39.000 mean if you're up and around making lots of noise  and other people in the house can't sleep I could   :39.000 --> :45.520 get it maybe in that situation but it's really  weird and there's kind of a weird babying op is   :45.520 --> :50.320 not allowed to be an adult in this house type  situation going on here definitely don't think   :50.320 --> :56.440 it's normal at all our next story is my mom  forced me to go to Africa I 18-year-old male   :56.440 --> :02.400 am 3 months into a forced trip overseas though I'm  18 and legally didn't have to go I grew up in an   :02.400 --> :07.960 authoritarian household and mentally I cannot deny  her she also had my three younger siblings there   :07.960 --> :12.720 for the past year so I badly wanted to see them  apparently my younger siblings have been living   :12.720 --> :18.400 with her new abusive fiance we moved in with him  too it's seven of us in a two-bedroom apartment   :18.400 --> :24.000 the kitchen has no stove just an electric pan  and fryer the water goes off every day for at   :24.000 --> :30.120 least 18 hours all clothes have to be washed  by hand the electricity often goes out too it   :30.120 --> :35.800 doesn't help that we're in a very hot climate so  it's 80° with humidity on a good day he yells at   :35.800 --> :41.440 my mom but doesn't get physical so she won't leave  I'm desperately trying to finish out freshman year   :41.440 --> :48.480 online but I'm struggling mentally the men here sh  me every time I go outside I cannot sleep at night   :48.480 --> :53.520 without Nightmares of the day I was assaulted  compulsively rip my hair out and bite my nails   :53.520 --> :58.800 down due to anxiousness if I express negative  thoughts she gets aggressive and gaslights me   :58.800 --> :03.720 into thinking I'm a terrible person who doesn't  want to be with my family she will not tell anyone   :03.720 --> :08.840 when we're going home because she's the parent  and I am the child she doesn't need to explain   :08.840 --> :14.200 anything to me edit my mother is here for business  reasons and wants to go home once she's done so I   :14.200 --> :18.880 know this won't be permanent I just don't know  for how long Max till the end of the year for a   :18.880 --> :24.320 fact everybody I've seen talking about this all  point to one thing op needs to get out of there   :24.320 --> :30.120 if they're a US citizen get to a US Embassy and  try their best to just get out of there let alone   :30.120 --> :35.160 the fact that op's almost being held captive here  it feels like it's obviously just not a good place   :35.160 --> :42.640 for op to be in general this next story is my  dad 45 kept arguing with my older sister 19 about   :42.640 --> :47.920 sending me to the hospital because I had trouble  breathing I 12-year-old male woke up one day with   :47.920 --> :52.920 trouble breathing through my mouth and my voice  sounded like a kid's fake sick voice my sister   :52.920 --> :58.080 thought of taking me to the Children's Hospital  and my dad kept arguing with her because he can   :58.080 --> :04.400 still breathe and he isn't having an asthma attack  which my sister never said I was having an asthma   :04.400 --> :09.440 attack it kept going back and forth between them  my dad kept saying they won't give you anything   :09.440 --> :15.560 that we can't do at home and after what felt like  hours the lift arrived and took me to the hospital   :15.560 --> :20.160 while I was at the hospital I kept feeling like  my dad was going to end me if they said to just   :20.160 --> :26.360 take my inhaler every 4 hours now thankfully my  sickness feels better but my dad still terrifies   :26.360 --> :31.080 me it obviously should go without saying but  you shouldn't fear your parent to the point   :31.080 --> :37.040 that they're going to harm you in any way all I  can say is at least Opie has the sister in this   :37.040 --> :42.480 scenario to lean on if things get even more tough  even more difficult hopefully Opie can continue   :42.480 --> :48.240 to lean on their sister our next story is rant  Boomer in-law can't even pretend to care how   :48.240 --> :55.040 we're doing this past weekend me my partner and  our kid all got sick it was downright concerning   :55.040 --> :00.120 at certain times we're still not entirely over it  but I think we're all through the worst of it the   :00.120 --> :04.760 first day or two my partner's parents were calling  non-stop because it's out of the ordinary for us   :04.760 --> :10.560 to not check in we live 700 M away and we're the  first of their children to move away eventually   :10.560 --> :15.440 my partner answered the phone and asked them to  please stop calling we're all sick we don't want   :15.440 --> :20.960 to talk we'll let you know when we're better  so today rolls around I'm far from 100% but   :20.960 --> :25.840 I'm feeling much better and I decide to call them  just to check in and ease their minds the way they   :25.840 --> :31.200 were calling one would assume they were really  concerned so mother-in-law answers the phone I in   :31.200 --> :36.640 a raspy voice struggling with every word tell her  that we're doing better still have some healing   :36.640 --> :41.880 to do but I didn't want to leave them hanging much  longer without news you might expect a response to   :41.880 --> :47.800 be something along the lines of showing concern  with my voice or their grandchild or even their   :47.800 --> :54.360 child no no follow-up questions no thank you  for checking in no hope you feel better it was   :54.360 --> :00.160 to immediately talk about some silly feud she's  having with her neighbor that I've never even met   :00.160 --> :05.560 she is so incredibly self-centered she couldn't  even pretend to care about any of us long enough   :05.560 --> :11.440 for the conversation to naturally get to something  about her it was just straight away so you know   :11.440 --> :17.600 Debbie across the street said such and such I  nearly exploded she called and harassed us over   :17.600 --> :23.400 and over pretending to be concerned about our  health when all along she yet again just wanted   :23.400 --> :29.520 a sounding boor to talk at it was never about us  it was always about her not having access to us to   :29.520 --> :35.160 bench and moan about things going on with her  meaningless neighborhood drama never mind I'm   :35.160 --> :41.600 a full-time student and working full time never  mind their grandkid becomes a teenager in 5 days   :41.600 --> :47.400 and certainly never mind their own child is just  getting over a severe case of pancreitis and is   :47.400 --> :53.480 now sick again it's all about her and her silly  little world I wish I could say I was surprised   :53.480 --> :58.840 but after 20 plus years of this Behavior it's  exactly what I expected I just needed to write   :58.840 --> :03.040 this out I don't want to burden my partner while  they're still sick with my complaints about their   :03.040 --> :10.720 mother hey at least op is very far away from them  it's already one thing when they're harassing you   :10.720 --> :15.720 and trying to talk to you about this nonsense  over the phone at least they can't like pop in   :15.720 --> :20.560 unprompted all the time and you know what the  next time they say hey it would be nice if you   :20.560 --> :24.960 fin aned the flight for me come down there and  see you all you can find whatever way you want   :24.960 --> :30.800 to weasle out of doing that this next story is  my dad feels entitled to control who my future   :30.800 --> :36.760 husband is I can't deal with my narcissistic dad  and his crap any longer so my dad is a narcissist   :36.760 --> :42.040 and it's affecting my future plans in life so  I have been secretly dating someone for 2 years   :42.040 --> :47.480 now my dad is very strict and doesn't like dating  in the American way he's an immigrant I've gotten   :47.480 --> :52.760 to know my partner really well and have fallen in  love with him I honestly can't imagine being with   :52.760 --> :58.640 anyone else so after us dating for a good amount  of time I told my dad and mom about my partner   :58.640 --> :03.240 but didn't tell them that I've been dating him  for a long time now I simply told him that I've   :03.240 --> :07.760 known him for a couple of years now and over  the past few months we've gotten to know each   :07.760 --> :13.200 other more and discussed getting married with my  parents blessing and his parents too his parents   :13.200 --> :19.560 are overseas my family is Middle Eastern and his  family is African so when I told my dad he was   :19.560 --> :24.760 shocked and taken AB at first he said no I don't  think you should be with this guy because I want   :24.760 --> :30.200 you to focus on school I'm 23 and going to dental  school and think about about marriage after you're   :30.200 --> :35.880 a doctor he also wants me to marry an hour culture  and religion but I don't want that I want the guy   :35.880 --> :41.200 I actually care about in love I've convinced him  to at least meet my partner and talk to him face   :41.200 --> :46.680 to face before he rejects the idea after some  hesitation he finally agreed and met him at our   :46.680 --> :53.160 house and questioned him in his plans for about 30  minutes my partner left and my dad took almost a   :53.160 --> :57.600 week to let me know about his thoughts last night  he came to my room and talked to me about his   :57.600 --> :02.880 thoughts and said I thought about about it and my  answer is no he continued to tell me I don't know   :02.880 --> :07.760 this guy or his family I don't know what his  intentions are he could get you pregnant and   :07.760 --> :13.480 then leave you I don't want you running back to my  house then he paused waited for me to respond and   :13.480 --> :18.560 when I didn't say anything he said say something  please I've said all this and you're not saying   :18.560 --> :23.720 anything tell me yes or no you'll leave him and  end it I asked him for an explanation as to why   :23.720 --> :30.120 he's saying no he said I'm not saying he's a bad  guy I just don't want him to be my son law I want   :30.120 --> :35.760 better for you someone we know and their family  so we can connect with them and visit their family   :35.760 --> :40.560 and have a relationship I don't know this guy  and when I look at him I can't ignore that he   :40.560 --> :46.080 looks African or black what will our family back  home think I honestly don't care what the family   :46.080 --> :50.840 back home will think he's even brought up the  idea that maybe in a few months or years I'll   :50.840 --> :56.160 find someone from America or back home who is from  our culture and religion and he won't be opposed   :56.160 --> :01.680 then he's also told me multiple times throughout  this whole situation that I'm his favorite child   :01.680 --> :07.280 and he loves me so much and he lives and breathes  for me he says that if it wasn't for me persuing   :07.280 --> :12.520 a successful career and making him proud he would  go back home to live there because he's not happy   :12.520 --> :17.760 here and only lives for his children this makes  me upset because he's putting a lot of pressure   :17.760 --> :22.840 and guilt on my shoulders he's also cried in front  of me multiple times and said he's thought about   :22.840 --> :29.320 ending himself with a gun because of how upset  and sad he is about the situation that's crazy I   :29.320 --> :34.360 really want to marry my partner because we have  so much in common he treats me kindly and I've   :34.360 --> :39.240 seen him show his love to me in multiple ways at  this point I'm ready to either tell my dad that   :39.240 --> :45.080 I won't leave my partner and see his reaction or  just pack my things in secret and move out what   :45.080 --> :49.800 should I do I also want to talk to my partner  about what my dad has said and see how he sees   :49.800 --> :55.000 things and basically ask him if he's willing to  get married even without my parents blessing well   :55.000 --> :00.440 needless to say I think the father is showing  some very controlling and manipulative Behavior   :00.440 --> :05.520 especially with the whole gun thing I'm sorry  but I cannot take that seriously and I think it   :05.520 --> :11.280 is an incredible attempt at trying to manipulate  you I would say for op to talk to their partner   :11.280 --> :15.800 see how they feel about the situation and if this  is something that they're still happy with going   :15.800 --> :20.960 forward I would say yeah for Opia to get out  of there as soon as possible so there isn't   :20.960 --> :26.800 any more like heightened levels of aggression or  manipulation trying to take place all of a sudden   :26.800 --> :32.240 trying to like take devices from you or trying to  prevent you from even going out or just good old   :32.240 --> :38.080 plain berading you in the home our next story  is how can I avoid talking about my engagement   :38.080 --> :43.600 with my dad my female 20 boyfriend of almost  6 years has bought me an engagement ring for   :43.600 --> :48.880 Valentine's Day I want to tell my dad but I also  don't because I know he'll get butt hurt that my   :48.880 --> :53.840 boyfriend didn't ask him for my hand in marriage  I'm also hiding the fact that I'm moving in with   :53.840 --> :58.840 my boyfriend during the summer because I know my  dad will flip out I come from a religious family   :58.840 --> :04.600 family who see shacking up as one of the worst  things you can do even though I was born a year   :04.600 --> :09.240 before my parents were even married my mom  knows I'm moving out and she knows that it's   :09.240 --> :15.080 because I refuse to live in the same house as  my narcissistic alcoholic father anymore I know   :15.080 --> :20.080 that the conversation about my engagement and me  moving out will have to happen eventually but how   :20.080 --> :26.080 should I go about doing it personally I'm of the  opinion that as long as you can keep it a secret   :26.080 --> :31.400 and keeping it a secret is going to make every  everything work out much more smoother in the long   :31.400 --> :36.960 run it's for the best that you keep this from him  no need to upset him and make things even harder   :36.960 --> :42.160 on you when you finally do RIP that band-aid and  try to move out as soon as you can this next story   :42.160 --> :48.480 is my mom slaps me and wants to kick me out what  do I do I'm 19 years old we got into a fight and   :48.480 --> :54.200 I honestly have no idea how it started I Tred to  keep composure the whole time but in the end I   :54.200 --> :59.640 lost control because of how my mother was treating  and belittling me during the whole ordeal in turn   :59.640 --> :04.400 she slapped me and I fought back by attempting  to prevent her from hitting me by grabbing and   :04.400 --> :09.240 restraining her hands while yelling you do not  have the right to hit me she then played like   :09.240 --> :13.920 the victim to the rest of the family and wants  me gone this had happened before but that was   :13.920 --> :18.920 a while ago I'm not going to lie I feel like I  was the one who crossed the line and maybe I was   :18.920 --> :23.120 in the wrong the whole time but I'd have to give  you the full picture in order to determine that   :23.120 --> :28.360 if anyone wants to know more I'll update this  post update before I get into the full story of   :28.360 --> :33.560 what happened happened I want to make this clear  since this is only coming from my perspective I   :33.560 --> :38.040 would highly recommend to take it with a grain  of salt I'm only going to be explaining what   :38.040 --> :43.840 happened through my eyes and what I remember and  even those two aren't credible I don't really care   :43.840 --> :48.640 if you pick a side or not I just want to give you  the full picture as best as I can because that's   :48.640 --> :54.040 what you really deserve as the reader story these  are the key people I'll be referring to without   :54.040 --> :58.920 giving their real names just for privacy I have  two dogs who are pretty much irrelevant to to the   :58.920 --> :03.280 story but I'll give you their names just for the  sake of giving you all the details one of them   :03.280 --> :08.480 is small and the other is a little bit bigger the  small one is named little bud and the bigger one   :08.480 --> :14.520 is Big Bud another person who was kind of involved  was my little brother I'll refer to him as bro bro   :14.520 --> :19.240 and the person I had a fight with is my mother  I'll refer to her as Mom I won't name the rest   :19.240 --> :23.720 of my family since they weren't there when this  happened after my last shift of the part-time   :23.720 --> :30.160 job I worked at I drove home when I made it back I  walked inside and started greeting my dog big bud   :30.160 --> :35.520 mom came in and asked about how work was and all  of those other small talk questions at this time   :35.520 --> :41.880 she was being herself honest kind and a bunch of  other positive traits that she always has I want   :41.880 --> :46.320 to mention this before getting any further but  when I have fights or out of control arguments   :46.320 --> :52.360 with Mom she's usually extremely tired stressed  or under some kind of influence like alcohol I   :52.360 --> :57.120 would excuse these but whenever it got to the  point she was getting physical I would never   :57.120 --> :02.480 excuse those causes the same goes for this case  too I'm sure this has happened more but I can   :02.480 --> :08.240 only recall two and possibly three times she got  physical and I'd rather not look back on those   :08.240 --> :13.920 memories either I remember during sophomore year  during the pandemic mom got into a fight with me   :13.920 --> :18.840 I stood my ground of course then she did the  unthinkable she reached out with her hand and   :18.840 --> :24.200 grabbed my neck like she was going to choke me  I don't remember actually getting choked but she   :24.200 --> :29.160 essentially grabbed my neck to force me to look  at her as she held my neck she stated this with   :29.160 --> :36.160 a demeaning voice I am your mother and you are  the child you don't know anything never speak   :36.160 --> :41.720 to me like that I will never forget that and what  she said I want to talk about my other memory but   :41.720 --> :46.480 we would be getting off topic back to the main  event I told her that work was fine today and we   :46.480 --> :51.440 had a pretty good talk that lasted a minute I put  away my shoes and car keys and then headed towards   :51.440 --> :56.640 the basement which was kind of my living space I  usually live down there with my twin brother but   :56.640 --> :01.440 he was still at University so I had the the whole  place to myself I hopped on our gaming console and   :01.440 --> :07.040 start to continue playing Attack on Titan 2 it's a  game based on the anime and manga just so you know   :07.040 --> :12.680 2 hours had passed and I started to feel hungry I  paused my game and started to head back upstairs   :12.680 --> :17.160 to get a snack I walked through the basement  door and into the living room as I was heading   :17.160 --> :23.320 to the kitchen as I walked by mom was laying out a  blanket on top of the living room couch she didn't   :23.320 --> :29.760 seem like she was 2 hours earlier when I got back  home she looked partially upset so obviously I   :29.760 --> :34.840 went to go and check on her I asked Mom if she  was okay and she explained she was just a little   :34.840 --> :40.440 ticked about how bro bro wasn't taking care of one  of the family dogs big bud big bud was bro bro's   :40.440 --> :45.520 early birthday gift and mom was complaining about  how bro bro was barely taking care of him while   :45.520 --> :51.320 the rest of us did I agreed with her and after  a moment I walked back to the kitchen mom then   :51.320 --> :56.720 asked if I wanted pizza from the local restaurant  we get it from though when she asked this she had   :56.720 --> :02.280 this sense of annoyance in her her voice I was  pretty hungry so obviously I was totally down   :02.280 --> :07.520 for pizza mom asked if I could pick it up and  pay the cashier with her card I agreed without   :07.520 --> :12.720 any hesitation mom said she'd call and I could  leave in 15 minutes to go get it the deal was   :12.720 --> :17.880 sealed and I went downstairs to continue playing  on the console for about 15 more minutes until   :17.880 --> :22.960 she called me up to get ready to leave I stood  up and paused the game then I noticed something   :22.960 --> :30.040 was off in one of my pockets I felt around and I  realized my wallet was Miss missing looking back   :30.040 --> :37.560 I can't believe this is where it started a around  God danged misplaced wallet I found my wallet now   :37.560 --> :41.840 I accidentally put it somewhere in the house where  I don't normally store it but I didn't know this   :41.840 --> :46.400 at the time when I was looking for it I checked  around the basement and headed upstairs to find   :46.400 --> :51.280 it before I could continue mom was waiting for me  in the kitchen she wanted to give me her card in   :51.280 --> :56.680 order to pay for the pizza I was picking up after  Mom handed me the card I asked hey have you seen   :56.680 --> :02.800 my wallet she responded with with why do you need  your wallet I'm paying for the pizza I explained   :02.800 --> :07.280 well I don't want to drive without my wallet it  had my driver's license and I never wanted to   :07.280 --> :12.640 take the risk of being pulled over and not have  it with me I then went on to say I think I might   :12.640 --> :18.560 have left it at work maybe Mom misunderstood me  because she asked with a raise in her tone you   :18.560 --> :24.680 left your wallet there I then said what no I said  I might have left it there it wouldn't have been   :24.680 --> :29.560 a big deal anyway because my wallet would have  been stored in my locker if I did accidentally   :29.560 --> :35.200 leave it at work also remember I misplaced my  wallet somewhere in the house it was never at   :35.200 --> :40.680 the place I work Mom then started to sound really  annoyed she said I needed to go get the pizza that   :40.680 --> :47.280 she was paying for while I was searching based  on my memory mom got progressively more upset she   :47.280 --> :53.160 went on over and over about how irresponsible I am  and how I would never be capable of taking care of   :53.160 --> :58.320 myself or my things she said how she couldn't  believe that I left my wallet at work and and   :58.320 --> :03.880 that I was never going to be a responsible adult  I just ignored her constant nagging it seemed like   :03.880 --> :08.600 she wanted to have a fight with me but I didn't  really have the capability to care since it was   :08.600 --> :14.600 all stupid to begin with I've spent I think 3 or  4 minutes trying to find my wallet before giving   :14.600 --> :19.760 up and heading for the car I entered the laundry  room to get to the exit and there was mom sitting   :19.760 --> :25.560 on the floor petting big bud before I walked out  mom asked did you find your wallet she asked that   :25.560 --> :31.360 question like she already knew the answer that  being no I knew what kind of BS she would pull if   :31.360 --> :37.000 I answered with a no she would continue bullying  me if that's the right word mom has done this   :37.000 --> :41.640 so many times when she was in the state I should  have just walked out right then and there without   :41.640 --> :47.640 saying anything it could have come out differently  but I didn't I already had my hand on the knob of   :47.640 --> :53.640 the door and I sighed I replied back with mind  your own business then opened the door and left   :53.640 --> :58.720 to get the pizza mom took a pause for a moment  and started spewing words out out of her mouth   :58.720 --> :03.840 as I closed the door behind me she went on and  on about something but I didn't care to listen   :03.840 --> :09.360 to whatever tangent she was on about I just wanted  to get the pizza and eat after a bit I come back   :09.360 --> :15.000 home with the pizza box in hand and made it inside  as I entered I said hey I'm back with the pizza in   :15.000 --> :20.040 the kitchen stood mom and sitting by the island  was bro bro I walked in and placed the pizza on   :20.040 --> :26.160 the counter hoping that Mom calmed down and blew  off all of her steam believe it or not she didn't   :26.160 --> :31.760 and she wasn't done with me yet I turned my head  to see her expressionless ticked off face I'm sure   :31.760 --> :36.480 we all know what that expression is she turned  around and walked away for a bit I continued   :36.480 --> :41.480 to open up the pizza box and grabbed myself a few  slices and stepped to the side so I wasn't in the   :41.480 --> :46.600 way of bro bro as he was getting some I took  out the credit card mom gave me and set it on   :46.600 --> :51.840 the kitchen island and went to go take a seat I  started eating my slices and then mom came back   :51.840 --> :57.760 still looking red I was ready for what was coming  next as I ate there Mom started losing her temper   :57.760 --> :03.760 on me and claimed that I was being way out of line  mom took it so far to the point that she said I   :03.760 --> :10.080 was just like my dad now my dad is an entirely  separate story that I might want to talk about   :10.080 --> :15.480 he's done his fair share of being toxic though  right now I'm not going to get into that at least   :15.480 --> :22.320 not yet her claims were entirely made up just  to support her rage because I knew I was nothing   :22.320 --> :28.840 like my dad after a minute of just yelling at me  Non-Stop about the same stupid crap again again   :28.840 --> :34.080 I already had enough I've tried to be reasonable  and logical that whole time only to be met with   :34.080 --> :40.480 Interruption after Interruption I yell back at her  okay great can we move on now she looked at me and   :40.480 --> :47.040 said uh-huh but then she was about to yell more at  me before I interrupted her I shouted then shut up   :47.040 --> :52.560 and let's move on she stared at me livid for a  second before quickly walking over to my plate   :52.560 --> :58.120 and grabbing it away she sounded so mad I can't  remember what she was saying but I think it was   :58.120 --> :04.080 like you do not talk back to me she was about to  get all over my face so I just raised my hands   :04.080 --> :09.120 and started to walk away until things died down  that whole time bro bro was there to witness all   :09.120 --> :14.480 of it I headed back downstairs to take a moment  to breathe and continue to play my game again   :14.480 --> :19.640 I'd like to say it was 30 minutes until I felt  I was ready to go back upstairs again I go back   :19.640 --> :25.160 upstairs and walk back to the kitchen to continue  eating I grabbed my plate and then my mom walked   :25.160 --> :32.400 over she was demanding for me to apologize to her  but for what for defending myself taking a stand   :32.400 --> :37.960 against whatever the freak she was going through  how the heck was this my fault I told myself in   :37.960 --> :43.800 my head there is nothing you need to apologize for  I don't think I said anything when I was grabbing   :43.800 --> :49.680 more slices I was just trying to ignore her she  then had the audacity to take my plate away from   :49.680 --> :56.400 me and the pizza box saying something like I'm  not going to let you eat until you do I started   :56.400 --> :02.520 calling out all of this boy B she was throwing at  me I was trying to stay calm and composed but she   :02.520 --> :07.880 just kept interrupting me again and again she  kept calling me things that just weren't true   :07.880 --> :12.520 when she finally stopped to give me a moment  to talk I try to explain to her I'm not being   :12.520 --> :17.640 a jerk I'm trying to defend myself then she  would interrupt my sentence and state defend   :17.640 --> :23.800 yourself from being a jerk her saying that I was  the one being a jerk seemed more or less of an   :23.800 --> :28.360 excuse to treat me the way she did she then went  on to continue on how I've changed changed and   :28.360 --> :33.720 that I've never spent any time with her these  claims were untrue because one I literally had   :33.720 --> :39.840 dinner with her alone at an expensive restaurant  and two how the heck have I changed did I change   :39.840 --> :45.040 from being less controllable that seems like the  case to me this whole time I've been trying to   :45.040 --> :50.080 talk normally and be reasonable with her but Mom  was not willing to cooperate I don't think I was   :50.080 --> :55.520 even able to say anything once that whole time she  was yelling at me I just couldn't take it anymore   :55.520 --> :01.640 I had to be heard to speak my mind at this point  I lost my temper I put my foot down and started   :01.640 --> :08.200 screaming at her at the top of my lungs I think  I started with shut up shut up and listen to me   :08.200 --> :13.520 I can't remember every detail on what I said but  I know I was just yelling out what was in my mind   :13.520 --> :19.280 about her about how she was treating me what I  do remember was towards the end I was summing   :19.280 --> :25.520 everything up in my argument and said you are  being a bench or something like that with that   :25.520 --> :30.440 out of my system she almost immed immediately  slapped me and I immediately started getting   :30.440 --> :35.000 defensive right after that I think she was about  to hit me again so I stopped her by grabbing her   :35.000 --> :40.480 hands before hitting me again I started shouting  you do not have the right to hit me she was just   :40.480 --> :45.640 screaming as she got a couple more hits on me with  this going on I heard bro bro coming downstairs   :45.640 --> :51.800 and shouting my name saying stop I heard his  plea and backed off I had to process what just   :51.800 --> :57.320 happened because whenever someone gets physical  with me first I always fight back automatically   :57.320 --> :03.320 without thinking a couple breaths in and mom was  screaming at me to leave to move out and not come   :03.320 --> :08.960 back anymore I was still processing what just  happened as she demanded me to leave without a   :08.960 --> :14.160 word I went to the laundry room to put my shoes  on after I put on the other shoe I stopped and   :14.160 --> :18.640 started to think about what just happened and  how this all started in the background I could   :18.640 --> :24.840 hear mom screaming get out it absolutely hurt to  hear her say that but I was too overwhelmed to   :24.840 --> :30.120 respond she and broo eventually left and I sat  there on the laundry room floor thinking about   :30.120 --> :35.240 what just happened and what I've done it must have  been an hour because everything in the house was   :35.240 --> :40.520 dark once I snapped out of it I wasn't sure if she  was bluffing when she demanded me to leave to kick   :40.520 --> :45.680 me out I stepped out of the laundry room quietly  and headed for the basement where my bedroom was   :45.680 --> :51.440 I couldn't cry and I couldn't think straight in my  head I repeated what do I do what do I do when I   :51.440 --> :57.000 arrived from my bed I didn't even know where to  start first should I call someone do I need to   :57.000 --> :03.040 tell a friend should I even call the police should  I even call the national helpline I was honestly   :03.040 --> :08.240 so scared I couldn't decide I eventually thought  that the safest place to find advice was here on   :08.240 --> :13.320 r/ entitled parents I've heard stories from here  that sounded similar to mine so I thought this   :13.320 --> :18.280 would be the best place so I made my first post  here before I updated it to include the entire   :18.280 --> :24.480 story post story I haven't interacted with Mom  yet since that night and to be honest I'm not   :24.480 --> :30.480 planning to either what she did was the last draw  I am completely done with her now the last time we   :30.480 --> :35.960 had a fight like that she promised she would never  be like that again mom broke that promise one too   :35.960 --> :40.800 many times and now I'm just completely done I  don't care about how she feels anymore I don't   :40.800 --> :45.680 care if she's in my life anymore or not I don't  care if she's going to be apologizing because I   :45.680 --> :51.000 sure know as heck that I'm not clearly she had  not learned from her past mistakes with this and   :51.000 --> :56.160 I am just done now I've seen all of your advice  and I've had the time to think I'm going to try   :56.160 --> :01.200 and move out it just makes sense sense that I do  I need to transition from being a late adolescent   :01.200 --> :06.920 into a young adult I haven't been able to make any  progress since I was dwelling on this thought but   :06.920 --> :12.120 now I do want to act on it I appreciate all of  your support and advice if anything happens I'll   :12.120 --> :18.480 try and update this post ultimately at 19 years  old regardless of the situation if she does want   :18.480 --> :24.080 op to move out op does have to kind of try to  figure things out for themselves needless to   :24.080 --> :29.280 say it's not a healthy situation for op to reside  in in general enal and it would be for the best   :29.280 --> :34.320 to move out especially if it's escalating to the  point where somebody's laying their hands on you   :34.320 --> :39.240 but with that being said that's all the time we  have for today now if you want to hear another   :39.240 --> :43.920 crazy entitled parent story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest   :43.920 --> :49.520 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsMYMOTHERSLAPPEDMERedditStoriesen
:06.430 --> :09.099 TEACHING MY STEP DAD TO MIND HIS BUSINESS :09.099 --> :13.910 Being on here and seeing that so many people hated their stepparents is kind of a shocker :13.910 --> :14.910 to me. :14.910 --> :18.820 I lived around people who loved their stepparents and parents and all of that. :18.820 --> :23.250 Like these were people in happy, functioning families who looked at me weird when I asked :23.250 --> :26.050 if they’d ever disliked their parents or stepparents. :26.050 --> :30.359 Kind of like that scene in Barbie when she asks if anyone ever feels like dying and they :30.359 --> :32.390 all stopped to look at her like she was insane. :32.390 --> :33.770 Yeah, sort of like that. :33.770 --> :38.309 But reading this thread makes me feel infinitely better about the fact that I really disliked :38.309 --> :39.399 my mother’s husband. :39.399 --> :41.970 Enough to even talk about it today. :41.970 --> :43.820 Note that I was really young when all of this happened. :43.820 --> :49.250 I am 27 with a husband and my first kid on the way and this happened over a decade ago. :49.250 --> :54.100 From as young as I could remember, my mom went through boyfriends like they were underwear, :54.100 --> :56.440 if you changed your underwear every other week. :56.440 --> :00.690 I didn’t care and wasn’t involved because my father was still in my life and they were :00.690 --> :02.140 great co-parents. :02.140 --> :06.120 They never even married as they were just friends who decided to have a kid together. :06.120 --> :10.270 My father is asexual and aromantic and my mom is not. :10.270 --> :14.229 So, when she would go on her dates, she would get ready with me in the room and I would :14.229 --> :17.290 help with her jewelry or some parts of her makeup. :17.290 --> :20.270 Its why I was so good at putting on falsies at like 5. :20.270 --> :24.880 I’m still good at it but I have a job as a makeup artist so I kind of have to be. :24.880 --> :28.200 The point is, I had a happy, fulfilled childhood. :28.200 --> :33.120 My parents communicated well, I got two Christmas presents and two birthday presents and two :33.120 --> :34.860 thanksgiving dinners. :34.860 --> :37.760 Well one thanksgiving breakfast and one dinner. :37.760 --> :41.840 My mother had dinner with whoever she was with and I had dinner with my dad and his :41.840 --> :42.840 family. :42.840 --> :46.500 When I turned 10, my father got a job that took him out to the country, to Dubai. :46.500 --> :52.189 He was an engineer and it paid a lot, which meant bigger dollhouses, but less time together. :52.189 --> :54.960 After he left, I was usually at home alone a lot. :54.960 --> :58.480 After my mother left for her dates, I would usually spend the time with my dad. :58.480 --> :02.590 But now I had free time and I dedicated it to rescuing sick animals. :02.590 --> :05.869 If you are a parent reading this, I just heard your collective sigh. :05.869 --> :11.080 But I was 10, I loved adventures and there wasn’t much else to do but watch tv. :11.080 --> :12.970 I got bored of that sometimes. :12.970 --> :18.730 I tried to hide it from my mother, getting small, sick animals like birds, worms, spiders :18.730 --> :21.640 and a few chickens and nursing them to health. :21.640 --> :25.120 I only nursed tow to health, one bird and a worm that escaped. :25.120 --> :28.540 The rest of them died and I would bury them out back. :28.540 --> :32.190 My mother found out when she was trying to do some gardening in the backyard and plant :32.190 --> :33.560 a few flowers. :33.560 --> :39.370 She came across the bones and a few decayed remains of chickens, a mouse and I don’t :39.370 --> :40.980 remember what the last one was. :40.980 --> :45.510 I came clean about my childish loneliness and she drive us to the pet store and got :45.510 --> :50.040 me a Guinea pig, with the promise that if I kept it alive, I would get another pet in :50.040 --> :51.040 the future. :51.040 --> :58.340 I named my guinea pig Greg and kept that animal so safe and loved and fed and on my 12th birthday, :58.340 --> :01.209 I got a cute little dachshund that I named daisy. :01.209 --> :02.209 Daisy the dachshund. :02.209 --> :06.340 It’s important to note the animals because that’s what caused the drama between my :06.340 --> :07.739 stepfather and me. :07.739 --> :12.310 A few weeks after my 12th birthday, my mother told me that she would like me to meet a special :12.310 --> :13.370 friend of hers. :13.370 --> :18.950 At this age, I already knew what special friends meant, especially as she had so many, but :18.950 --> :23.760 meeting said special friend was a big deal for her and I could tell she was anxious. :23.760 --> :27.900 I helped her get ready and she helped me get ready and we went out to dinner at a really :27.900 --> :30.840 nice restaurant about thirty minutes out of our way. :30.840 --> :36.019 Despite it being so far, we got there 10 minutes before the dinner time, and waited an extra :36.019 --> :37.340 hour. :37.340 --> :41.620 This dude showed up at 8:15, reeking of pot. :41.620 --> :43.980 This was my first time meeting him, mind you. :43.980 --> :49.010 My mother was upset and rightfully so, but he blamed it on nerves when meeting me, which :49.010 --> :50.150 I understood. :50.150 --> :52.680 I had been told that I was an angry little child. :52.680 --> :55.140 I wasn’t, I just didn’t smile a lot. :55.140 --> :59.260 The rest of the dinner wasn’t that bad, save for how slow this guy who I’ll call :59.260 --> :01.180 Jeff, was sometimes. :01.180 --> :05.480 Listening to him speak annoyed me and by the time the date was over, I had decided that :05.480 --> :06.610 I didn’t like him. :06.610 --> :11.700 Back home, I spoke to my father and he went on a long speech about how my mother deserved :11.700 --> :16.750 someone who could be there for her emotionally and all of that, essentially making me feel :16.750 --> :19.840 guilty about being so hard on Jeff. :19.840 --> :23.800 After the call, I decided that I would give Jeff a second chance. :23.800 --> :27.949 That was my first mistake, I should have just kept on disliking him. :27.949 --> :33.120 Jeff and my mother got married six months later and as irritating and stupid I found :33.120 --> :35.550 him, my mother seemed to adore him. :35.550 --> :40.960 He worked in construction was on a 3-year contract, so the money was coming in, or it :40.960 --> :42.169 was supposed to. :42.169 --> :47.150 My mother worked as a hospice nurse so she got paid pretty good too and she got back :47.150 --> :48.820 home by 8 every night. :48.820 --> :51.630 I used to be in charge on dinner since I was 8. :51.630 --> :56.479 It was mostly leftover or packed up food that she had given me instructions on how to heat :56.479 --> :57.699 up, or takeout. :57.699 --> :00.810 As I got older, I learned to cook simple dinners for us. :00.810 --> :05.710 Apparently, Jeff needed heavier dinners since he worked the way he did, and this man ate :05.710 --> :07.170 like a beast. :07.170 --> :13.300 I’m talking meat loaf, some kind of casserole and then a lot of whatever he considered dessert, :13.300 --> :15.970 which was almost always chips. :15.970 --> :20.330 He had an unhealthy obsession with chips that I didn’t understand. :20.330 --> :24.139 This meant that I had to learn to cook because my mother could not leave her job. :24.139 --> :28.699 That was okay, I didn’t hate it much besides the fact that I had to cook for Jeff. :28.699 --> :32.660 Contrary to what it might look like, I was actually very civil with Jeff. :32.660 --> :36.970 I spoke to him, joked with him and sometimes showed him difficult homework. :36.970 --> :38.220 He never helped though. :38.220 --> :42.610 The first thing that Jeff did to annoy me, was say that he was allergic to hamsters. :42.610 --> :48.410 I had a Guinea pig so I felt like it didn’t apply to me, until he said it was just fur. :48.410 --> :53.900 It was obviously a lie because he had held daisy before and he didn’t sneeze or react :53.900 --> :54.900 weird. :54.900 --> :57.449 He wasn’t itchy or red that week either. :57.449 --> :00.970 I tried to tell my mother but she was too tired for an argument. :00.970 --> :05.940 I decided to move my room to the attic, because it had a separate stair that led to the backyard :05.940 --> :11.130 and I could take my animals outside without having fur get on everything in the house. :11.130 --> :13.410 It wasn’t that hard figuring that one out. :13.410 --> :19.180 The next thing Jeff did was say that he was allergic to my cooking, because he was convinced :19.180 --> :21.720 I added something different. :21.720 --> :25.780 This one pissed me off because I only used the same spices in the house. :25.780 --> :29.599 We hadn’t gotten anything new in months because my mother often bought big bags of :29.599 --> :34.000 spices and we kept refilling the containers until we ran out. :34.000 --> :38.979 Usually a bag lasted us 7 months to a year, depending on how much we ate at home, which :38.979 --> :40.289 usually wasn’t a lot. :40.289 --> :45.290 With Jeff, we were on the last bit of the spice refills but nothing new had been gotten, :45.290 --> :47.919 besides the regular groceries that my mother bought. :47.919 --> :52.360 It seemed like my mom was in on his games, because she asked what the solution would :52.360 --> :55.660 be and he said that she needed to be the one cooking for her. :55.660 --> :00.130 Here my mom got mad and gave him a speech about how she didn’t enjoy his attempts :00.130 --> :04.930 to stop her from working (which meant that he had tried before) and she was putting her :04.930 --> :05.930 foot down. :05.930 --> :10.569 That weekend was tense and we left the house to my dad’s parents’ house where we ended :10.569 --> :12.860 up staying for nearly two weeks. :12.860 --> :16.889 In this time, my mom worked all day and only got back when it was my bedtime. :16.889 --> :22.379 I thought there was going to be a divorce and as sad as I was that my mom was sad, I :22.379 --> :25.050 knew that she was better without that man. :25.050 --> :29.629 Until he showed up to the house with a massive bouquet of flowers that was bigger than his :29.629 --> :30.629 face. :30.629 --> :33.360 Everyone found it cute but I was pissed and he knew it. :33.360 --> :36.630 Jeff knew I didn’t like him and was determined to make me annoyed. :36.630 --> :41.060 I don’t know what the thought process was behind it, but 12-year-old me had just found :41.060 --> :43.009 her most hated person. :43.009 --> :47.759 They started couples therapy and I retreated to my room mostly and started spending more :47.759 --> :49.900 time writing, drawing and with my animals. :49.900 --> :51.289 It wasn’t too bad. :51.289 --> :55.770 In 10th grade, I joined the swim team and was the youngest person on the team. :55.770 --> :59.530 14 going on 16 while everyone else was 16. :59.530 --> :03.870 I felt like I had to do extra to be accepted, even though the girls were perfectly nice :03.870 --> :04.879 to me. :04.879 --> :07.350 Blame it on mean girl high school movies. :07.350 --> :12.460 I invited them to a sleepover and I begged my mother to cook and bake as much as she :12.460 --> :13.460 could. :13.460 --> :18.139 She saw how important it was to me and picked up a night shift that day, promising to only :18.139 --> :20.879 cook if I let my stepfather supervise. :20.879 --> :22.650 She knew about our ongoing beef. :22.650 --> :27.040 I agreed and later that night after my teammates had come, she left. :27.040 --> :32.320 Like normal teenage girls, we giggled a made noise and watched tv. :32.320 --> :37.500 After dinner, the team captain had the brilliant idea to play ‘light as a feather, stiff :37.500 --> :40.680 as a board’ in out swimsuits to bond us. :40.680 --> :44.610 The smallest girl in the class was the person that we would attempt to raise to the high :44.610 --> :45.830 heavens. :45.830 --> :49.320 Even though I knew it wouldn’t work, I still wanted to try. :49.320 --> :51.680 These were people I was trying to impress. :51.680 --> :56.320 Because of ‘his rules’ Jeff insisted I didn’t close my room all the way so he could :56.320 --> :58.550 walk by and just peep in. :58.550 --> :03.980 my mother agreed because what danger could 15 and 16-year-old girls be up to in a locked :03.980 --> :04.980 room? :04.980 --> :07.260 I was allowed to completely shut the door when it was bedtime though. :07.260 --> :12.060 While we played the game, I swear I could feel eyes on me but when I looked outside :12.060 --> :15.250 my slightly open door, there was nobody there. :15.250 --> :20.459 I even saw shadows but I started to feel crazy and decided to focus on my game. :20.459 --> :24.640 The next day, the team captain asked if the house was haunted because she kept seeing :24.640 --> :29.589 shadows through the night and heard the door creak a few times, as well as footsteps on :29.589 --> :30.750 the stairs. :30.750 --> :37.030 It was a violently humid season and my door was shut, so why was it creaking? :37.030 --> :39.440 And footsteps on the stairs, come on. :39.440 --> :45.829 I will say that I, to this day, have no idea if what he did was innocent or not but I was :45.829 --> :48.890 already wary of him so it didn’t help his case. :48.890 --> :52.980 I forgot about it in a few days however, because I had a hot date. :52.980 --> :57.560 My mom got me ready for the date and I was having sentimental moments, while my stepfather :57.560 --> :01.480 walked around loudly and exclaimed about how much he hated everything. :01.480 --> :06.880 He embarrassed me by stepping on my laces so I fell in front of my crush, was straight :06.880 --> :12.019 up racist to the kid when my mother went to help me find my tube of lip gloss (considering :12.019 --> :16.709 I was a mixed kid, this didn’t make much sense) and called me ‘ripe.’ :16.709 --> :21.980 I was very angry by the time I left my house and all I wanted was to run him over with :21.980 --> :23.010 a car. :23.010 --> :27.710 The date was fun after I apologized to my date for my stepdads behaviour. :27.710 --> :30.690 We even ended up being together till I had to go to college. :30.690 --> :35.350 On my way back from the date, I decide that I would teach my stepdad to mind his business :35.350 --> :38.670 by making sure to use all of his tactics on him. :38.670 --> :43.040 I started with the oldest one in the book, his fake fur allergy. :43.040 --> :47.660 Turns out it wasn’t completely false, as he was allergic to cats. :47.660 --> :52.940 I adopted a kitten without anyone’s knowledge, and when it was 5 months old, I took my kitten :52.940 --> :57.940 to my mom’s bedroom and rubbed him against everything this man owned. :57.940 --> :02.560 I didn’t know if it would work, but I put just enough catnip in the pockets of his jackets :02.560 --> :07.020 and on his side of the bed to get my boy Craig the cat comfortable enough. :07.020 --> :12.540 Jeff had a rash everywhere, it was so bad he had to stay home for a week. :12.540 --> :17.870 I had a swim team meet holding that same week and my mother was facing her busiest workweek :17.870 --> :18.870 ever. :18.870 --> :22.019 She also didn’t believe him because he had done this before. :22.019 --> :26.290 After that was over, I allowed a month or so of peace and then my 16th birthday and :26.290 --> :27.990 11th grade rolled around. :27.990 --> :33.490 I wanted to have a party and Jeff refused, so I was supposed to resign to dinner with :33.490 --> :37.490 family, I pretended to agree and offered to order the pizza for dinner. :37.490 --> :40.160 Jeff was allergic to mushrooms. :40.160 --> :43.889 Not super deathly, but it also depended on how much he ingested. :43.889 --> :48.690 He was also super greedy because we were on the second box when he started clutching his :48.690 --> :50.210 stomach in pain. :50.210 --> :54.980 My birthday was the very next day and with my mother being sick of Jeff’s dramatics :54.980 --> :01.120 and her work, she gave me the go ahead to throw my party and it was the best party I :01.120 --> :02.120 had ever had. :02.120 --> :05.280 I won the party of the year award in school too. :05.280 --> :10.110 Things had started to seem rocky and my mother sent me to my father’s abroad for Christmas. :10.110 --> :14.300 I needed up staying there until two weeks into my school’s resumption and when I got :14.300 --> :17.889 back, I was told that my mother was trying for kids with Jeff. :17.889 --> :20.370 Now I did not want this at all. :20.370 --> :23.430 Not just one, but two of him in the same house as me. :23.430 --> :26.339 I was so against it that I told my friends and boyfriend. :26.339 --> :28.699 The all agreed to help figure something out. :28.699 --> :32.150 It didn’t take that long because Jeff gave us an opportunity. :32.150 --> :36.960 Just two weeks after, he had had been drunk in a pub and flirting with some ladies. :36.960 --> :42.070 My boyfriend whose dad was the mayor, was there with a fake id and his older brother. :42.070 --> :46.800 He gave one of the women some cash to be very loud and crass with Jeff and encourage him :46.800 --> :48.420 to embarrass himself. :48.420 --> :55.029 Jeff was not one to say no to such an opportunity and soon there were videos and pictures all :55.029 --> :58.270 over the internet of him doing all of this. :58.270 --> :00.720 I let the issues marinate in my household. :00.720 --> :05.899 There was complete silence between them for days and then once I heard my mom talking :05.899 --> :10.260 on the phone and telling my dad about how she regrets marrying such a buffoon. :10.260 --> :15.250 My father tried talking to her to calm down and talk things out but my mother was heated :15.250 --> :18.290 and angry and just wanted things to end. :18.290 --> :20.490 A week later, Jeff looked skinny. :20.490 --> :24.230 Not because there was no food, I made sure dinner was available. :24.230 --> :30.910 But because my mother was a very passive aggressive person and when she was mad at you, you felt :30.910 --> :31.910 it. :31.910 --> :35.290 When I decided that I had gotten enough of the drama, I spoke up to my mother about the :35.290 --> :38.870 night of the sleepover and how my friends were all uncomfortable. :38.870 --> :44.010 It was the only thing I was truly honest about at first but my mother had a way of bringing :44.010 --> :48.649 out the truth from me and before long I had told her about the whole plan. :48.649 --> :54.360 I expected a lot of scolding and to be sent away, maybe to live with my dad permanently, :54.360 --> :58.310 but she only apologized and told me that if I had to go to such lengths to get her to :58.310 --> :02.620 see who my stepdad was then maybe she wasn’t as good a mom. :02.620 --> :08.029 She was and is the best mother, and after we got over that time together, she filed :08.029 --> :09.120 for divorce. :09.120 --> :13.509 The trial lasted a while because Jeff’s family was troublesome but after my mother :13.509 --> :17.240 threatened to expose him as a paedophile, they straightened up. :17.240 --> :22.529 The settlement for it paid for a week to Disneyland and six months of my tiny apartment when I :22.529 --> :25.500 expressed not wanting to stay in the dorms in college. :25.500 --> :30.540 My mother went back to serial dating again until she found this one guy that was so obsessed :30.540 --> :34.899 with her and they got into a super weird open relationship. :34.899 --> :39.920 He was older and a former French model who had a lot of money and bankrolled me like :39.920 --> :44.480 crazy, just to impress her so the crazy relationship makes sense. :44.480 --> :49.139 My dad is the same sweet guy and now lives with my mom and her boyfriend after he left :49.139 --> :50.490 his workplace. :50.490 --> :54.490 Their house is massive and he makes pottery in the basement. :54.490 --> :56.579 Or in one of them anyway. :56.579 --> :01.740 Jeff turned out to be more than a creep and is serving jail time for assault of a minor, :01.740 --> :03.699 his new girlfriends daughter. :03.699 --> :29.449 In the end, he deserved everything I did to him :29.449 --> :31.410 GETTING BACK AT MY SELFISH PARENTS :31.410 --> :32.829 Hey Reddit, what’s good? :32.829 --> :38.160 So, I’ve been reading a lot about terrible familial situations and things of the sort. :38.160 --> :42.250 It has been quite a roller-coaster of emotions, reading these things and knowing that I also :42.250 --> :43.480 went through them. :43.480 --> :48.560 Some of them read like Netflix movie scripts but unfortunately, its real life and these :48.560 --> :52.380 are all real things that have been happening to real people and I’m glad there’s a :52.380 --> :53.720 forum to figure it out together. :53.720 --> :58.790 I will begin mine here and tell you all the story of how I got back at both of my very :58.790 --> :03.370 selfish, very weird parents after all the years of madness. :03.370 --> :05.350 That’s all I can call it. :05.350 --> :06.950 First, some backstory. :06.950 --> :09.010 I was born to black parents. :09.010 --> :12.620 From what I hear from other people and my older siblings who knew them for about 10 :12.620 --> :15.640 years before I came along, they were great people. :15.640 --> :20.090 In really wish I got to experience that side of them, but something told me that I would :20.090 --> :22.540 never, because of how much they had changed. :22.540 --> :27.040 As a kid, you’re raised with certain values and lessons and all of that, or at least you’re :27.040 --> :28.100 supposed to be. :28.100 --> :30.220 Barely any of that was instilled in us. :30.220 --> :33.370 My parents were lazy people who didn’t care for their kids. :33.370 --> :36.910 Both of my older siblings were born exactly a year after each other. :36.910 --> :40.630 They are basically twins as they also share the same birthday. :40.630 --> :45.470 The stress of having two really big babies back to back got to my mom and she had to :45.470 --> :47.579 take a break from having kids for a while. :47.579 --> :52.190 She was great to them and they always talked of their childhood fondly, but I learned that :52.190 --> :57.320 when they turned 5 and 6, she had ‘post-natal depression’ and stopped taking care of her :57.320 --> :58.320 kids. :58.320 --> :02.990 I don’t know how much time it takes to have postnatal depression but 6 years always seemed :02.990 --> :05.720 like a really long time for it to develop. :05.720 --> :10.740 I however don’t like to ask too many questions, especially since I am a man and will not go :10.740 --> :15.740 through a lot of these things so I wouldn’t want to invalidate anyone’s experience. :15.740 --> :20.420 To deal with her depression, my mother turned to drinking and my father followed swiftly :20.420 --> :23.459 behind her, leaving their very young kids alone. :23.459 --> :28.380 A helpful neighbour noticed and called my grandparents instead of child services and :28.380 --> :30.049 they came over and bundled them away. :30.049 --> :35.010 There was a small fight but knowing my parents I was sure it wasn’t more than exchanging :35.010 --> :37.620 words so it would seem like they cared. :37.620 --> :42.429 My older siblings were to stay at my grandparent’s farmhouse with them and that was the arrangement :42.429 --> :44.740 for four more years until I was born. :44.740 --> :48.070 Well three, because they died in a car crash. :48.070 --> :53.130 After the funeral, my parents took their kids home and decided to actually be parents. :53.130 --> :57.710 They were good for a few months and as if to seal the agreement, became pregnant with :57.710 --> :58.710 me. :58.710 --> :02.690 I was still warm from the oven when my mother managed to escape the hospital with the help :02.690 --> :07.100 of my father and head to the place where they could drink and do drugs. :07.100 --> :09.880 Seriously, I was only a few hours old. :09.880 --> :13.880 When they wandered back, the hospital did a few investigations of how fit they were :13.880 --> :15.340 to be parents. :15.340 --> :20.330 As if the universe was on their side, the helpful neighbour who had been babysitting :20.330 --> :24.980 my siblings brought them in, we feed, clean and put together. :24.980 --> :26.940 Far from how my parents left them. :26.940 --> :31.030 It created a façade of trust and they were discharged to go home. :31.030 --> :33.500 My older brother and older sister raised me. :33.500 --> :37.960 He was 10 and she was 9 but they were better parents than I could ever ask for. :37.960 --> :42.450 The neighbour helped teach them to cook simple breakfast foods with what we had in the kitchen, :42.450 --> :46.820 to change a diaper and care for a new born and basic life things. :46.820 --> :48.429 Thins my parents failed to do. :48.429 --> :52.450 Let me mention that both their parents were stinking rich. :52.450 --> :56.429 Although my mother’s parents lived out of town and my dads’ had died in the crash. :56.429 --> :00.150 But they came from privileged families and I don’t understand how they turned out the :00.150 --> :01.270 way they did. :01.270 --> :04.110 When I was 4, things had started to get out of hand. :04.110 --> :09.059 They were never home, left us with the neighbour all the time and after some time, stopped :09.059 --> :11.010 buying groceries for us. :11.010 --> :14.559 The neighbour was set to move abroad to live with her daughter who had just given birth :14.559 --> :17.059 and she couldn’t take care of us any longer. :17.059 --> :18.670 Out of worry, she called CPS. :18.670 --> :24.500 I don’t know how my parents were still allowed to have us, but they were and as if we hadn’t :24.500 --> :26.920 suffered enough, they were pregnant again. :26.920 --> :32.360 Between the time my baby sister was born and when she turned 2, they did regular parent :32.360 --> :33.360 things. :33.360 --> :37.140 Made sure there was food, had their kids do everything and beat us up when we did what :37.140 --> :41.840 children were supposed to do like make mistakes and want new clothes. :41.840 --> :46.440 (edit: I realized that no children are supposed to be treated this way, so forgive my crass :46.440 --> :47.440 jokes.) :47.440 --> :51.559 My older siblings were used to it, they weren’t new to the rodeo and knew how to get out of :51.559 --> :53.140 things without getting hurt. :53.140 --> :56.730 At 15 and 16, they were basically adults. :56.730 --> :00.990 They were in the same class and supposed to graduate a year early because of how smart :00.990 --> :02.100 they were. :02.100 --> :06.419 All they wanted to do was get out of there and I honestly couldn’t blame them. :06.419 --> :08.530 We lived with complete weirdos. :08.530 --> :12.640 While they prepared to leave, I was being lectured on how to survive with parents like :12.640 --> :13.640 ours. :13.640 --> :18.300 Our little sister hadn’t started to speak yet and after some evaluation at her school, :18.300 --> :22.690 it was discovered that because of her parents extended substance abuse before they knew :22.690 --> :25.760 they were pregnant with her, she had developmental issues. :25.760 --> :31.020 At 2, she hadn’t started to make any sounds and only responded to me or my older sister :31.020 --> :32.200 calling her. :32.200 --> :36.810 She didn’t walk until she was nearing 3 and because of that, the older brother decided :36.810 --> :39.240 to stay back two more years. :39.240 --> :44.380 He got a job at a local fast food and also did odd jobs on the weekends, carrying me :44.380 --> :48.430 along and promising to split the profit with me when he knew I could handle it. :48.430 --> :52.669 He was 18 and I was 8 when he finally went off to college. :52.669 --> :56.600 Thoughtful as he was, he kept my share of the money we had worked for, which was about :56.600 --> :58.570 $5k. :58.570 --> :03.440 A lot of money for a kid to be wielding, but he instructed me on how to spend it and I :03.440 --> :05.300 knew between than to fuck it up. :05.300 --> :10.320 Our parents continued to be useless and I was left in charge of my little sister who :10.320 --> :13.390 refused to interact with anyone but me. :13.390 --> :17.029 Which meant that she followed me to school and everywhere else that I went. :17.029 --> :23.100 I was a tall, gangly 8-year-old so I already looked much taller than my age and somehow :23.100 --> :25.050 that made it easier for me. :25.050 --> :29.720 We managed to make it at home till I turned 10, and then my father drunkenly lay his hands :29.720 --> :34.860 on my little sister when she refused to speak to him, forgetting that she was nonverbal. :34.860 --> :40.779 He beat her up till she was swollen and bruised all over, thankfully (for him) not breaking :40.779 --> :43.380 anything bad enough for a hospital trip. :43.380 --> :48.360 Our mother just shrugged and said the little girl deserved it and I was so angry. :48.360 --> :52.960 It was then I stopped blaming siblings for leaving us, because I had been secretly doing :52.960 --> :53.960 that. :53.960 --> :58.410 I obviously wasn’t college age and couldn’t run away to see my siblings because they were :58.410 --> :03.700 several states across, so I did the best thing I could, packed a duffel bag with our sparse :03.700 --> :08.160 belongings, some things that belonged to my older siblings and all of our money. :08.160 --> :12.290 I dragged my 8-year-old sister and we ran away from home. :12.290 --> :16.529 Now I know you’re expecting this to go a particular way, maybe that we were looked :16.529 --> :21.820 for and my revenge was to give my parents a hard time until they apologized, but I’m :21.820 --> :23.289 sorry to disappoint. :23.289 --> :24.720 They never looked for us. :24.720 --> :29.640 My little sister and I stayed together in that orphanage until I turned 19. :29.640 --> :33.880 By the time id figured out how to open a bank account and got a job too so I could save :33.880 --> :38.779 up our miniature fortune and get us a safe place to live and my little sister, a job :38.779 --> :41.240 she could do as someone who didn’t speak a lot. :41.240 --> :46.400 By now my older siblings had their own families and I was left to care for my sister. :46.400 --> :51.340 I didn’t want to disturb them in their own homes because they’d done so much for us, :51.340 --> :55.940 and a random kind-hearted stranger had paid for my full tuition at a community college :55.940 --> :58.210 where I studied Finance and Accounting. :58.210 --> :03.770 My graduation held on my 21st birthday and I got a call from the same lady who had called :03.770 --> :08.809 me to tell me about my tuition being paid for by this random kind stranger, calling :08.809 --> :11.190 again to tell me that he needed to see me. :11.190 --> :14.310 Now, this is where the movie type things start happening. :14.310 --> :18.990 He was my paternal grandparent’s lawyer, who had been ordered to keep their will after :18.990 --> :19.990 they died. :19.990 --> :24.400 They knew their kid and his wife and decided to keep some money aside for the kids. :24.400 --> :28.760 We were supposed to have access to it when the first child—my older brother—turned :28.760 --> :29.760 25. :29.760 --> :34.640 However, the minute my brother spoke to him, he didn’t hear what he had to say and hung :34.640 --> :35.680 up the call. :35.680 --> :40.700 My sister did the same thing and although he had been trying so hard to get to them, :40.700 --> :44.980 he couldn’t because they wanted nothing to do with him or the drama he brought. :44.980 --> :49.720 He only knew of my older siblings as my grandparents died before I was born. :49.720 --> :54.370 When he found out about me, he made sure my little sister and I were well fed and clothed :54.370 --> :55.370 in the orphanage. :55.370 --> :58.490 Look at me thinking it was just my charm. :58.490 --> :03.780 To cut the story short, there wasn’t a billion dollars type fortune, but there was a house :03.780 --> :09.230 they bought way before they had my father, a small beach cottage and a lot more money :09.230 --> :11.120 than I had seen in my entire life. :11.120 --> :13.770 I called my older siblings that night to tell them. :13.770 --> :18.070 My sister didn’t pick up and after I had mentioned the lawyers name, he sighed and :18.070 --> :19.840 said he wanted no parts. :19.840 --> :23.570 This was too convenient, but who was I to say no? :23.570 --> :27.570 the moment my little sister and I moved I to the 3-bedroom house, our parents showed :27.570 --> :28.570 up. :28.570 --> :33.279 They looked haggard but were in clothes I recognized as their Sunday best and they had :33.279 --> :36.169 come to ‘see their own kids.’ :36.169 --> :40.790 It was funny as hell watching them gush over how big we had gotten and how they missed :40.790 --> :41.790 us. :41.790 --> :46.320 But it was also annoying because who did they think they were to just show up like that? :46.320 --> :51.309 I expressed how I felt about it and while my father got angry and called me ungrateful, :51.309 --> :53.720 my mother shut him up and apologized. :53.720 --> :58.559 It was a desperate apology but it made me shut up long enough to hear them out. :58.559 --> :03.309 As usual, they started with a eulogy of how much they mad missed us and how they were :03.309 --> :09.020 worried sick and nearly killed themselves from guilt until a nice lady informed them :09.020 --> :10.350 of where we were. :10.350 --> :13.850 They also said that they knew we would have a better life without them. :13.850 --> :20.280 I was getting sentimental, asking all these questions and struggling not to cry, but my :20.280 --> :23.940 little sister had a blank stare on her face the whole time. :23.940 --> :28.549 when my mother tried to touch her hair, she screamed and ran to stand behind me. :28.549 --> :33.380 I tried to explain that she didn’t like to be touched, but before I could, both parents :33.380 --> :34.799 called her the r slur. :34.799 --> :38.940 Now, there weren’t that many things they could have done to make me mad. :38.940 --> :42.700 I had missed my parents too, albeit not knowing them to be good people. :42.700 --> :47.110 It’s a super normal thing to miss and want what you don’t have but calling my little :47.110 --> :50.660 sister the r slur was where I drew the line. :50.660 --> :56.159 I started to get mad, but my sister tightened her hold on my shirt, as if holding me back. :56.159 --> :02.270 I stood down and they apologized again, this time for leaving me with a stupid child. :02.270 --> :05.149 The stupid child in question was my baby sister. :05.149 --> :10.290 All of a sudden it made sense why my older siblings preferred to live on their own and :10.290 --> :11.920 far away from this mess. :11.920 --> :14.110 But that was the difference with us. :14.110 --> :17.409 Where they just wanted peace, I wanted to wreak havoc. :17.409 --> :21.570 I had a house that I didn’t need to pay for and enough money to last me at least three :21.570 --> :27.550 years if I decided not to work and spend semi-irresponsibly, sitting in my bank account. :27.550 --> :29.500 I could afford to be an asshole. :29.500 --> :33.880 There was no plan in the beginning, just to be an asshole and speak to them as rudely :33.880 --> :38.480 as I could and then kick them out, but they went on a long speech on how they had recently :38.480 --> :42.800 had their house taken from them and sell their cars to survive. :42.800 --> :48.309 In fact, they used their last couple dollars to get to us because they knew their kids :48.309 --> :49.309 would help. :49.309 --> :54.730 I promised to think over it at night while I slept, but that night my sister and I made :54.730 --> :58.919 a few plans, among which were to frustrate them until they decided to go back to whatever :58.919 --> :00.649 hellhole they came from. :00.649 --> :05.380 On the third day of them living in the only empty room, they had started to demand things :05.380 --> :08.820 like an allowance and shopping for new clothes. :08.820 --> :13.289 I said I had no money and I could see my father start to get mad. :13.289 --> :16.600 My mother calmed him down and pulled me to the corner to talk. :16.600 --> :21.080 That night, I threw a party with my community college friends after they had gone to bed. :21.080 --> :25.130 It was like 10 people, but the music was so loud that it woke them. :25.130 --> :29.340 We all pretended not to hear anything until they were forced to get back to bed. :29.340 --> :34.370 You wouldn’t believe that these people decided to call a meeting and talk to my little sister :34.370 --> :35.789 about conduct. :35.789 --> :37.720 I couldn’t believe my ears. :37.720 --> :43.450 These drug dealing, terrible excuses for parents were trying to tell us what to do? :43.450 --> :46.950 I was so mad I stormed out, but I had decided what I wanted. :46.950 --> :51.929 Now, my entire plan for revenge was to get them out of my place in the most embarrassing :51.929 --> :55.990 way possible, maybe even have it televised on the news. :55.990 --> :58.350 But I also had to worry about my job. :58.350 --> :02.760 My grandparents lawyer had guy in finance and he agreed to let me work there as a paid :02.760 --> :08.630 intern so I was out nearly all the time and much to my chagrin, had to leave my sister :08.630 --> :10.649 with our deadbeat parents. :10.649 --> :15.590 I made sure to ask her every single day if they had been assholes and usually the answer :15.590 --> :20.960 was no. till I came back early from work and walked into both of them tearing my sister :20.960 --> :23.110 apart for not wanting to speak to them. :23.110 --> :28.090 I walked directly into a slapping scene, and I got so mad. :28.090 --> :32.870 Back in the orphanage I had made some friends with a few people I met underground, mostly :32.870 --> :35.950 through doing things and being in places I shouldn’t have. :35.950 --> :38.769 But the point was that they owed me. :38.769 --> :43.260 After we spoke, they knew just what I was asking and knew my story, so they were more :43.260 --> :47.120 than happy to make sure my parents got a taste of their own medicine. :47.120 --> :51.110 If you haven’t already been put off by the random violence in this story, then you can :51.110 --> :52.260 keep reading. :52.260 --> :54.950 If not, please don’t read the rest of this. :54.950 --> :58.510 If you’re prone to judgement, you can stop reading here too. :58.510 --> :03.779 I had my special friends pick up my parents and keep them for a few days with some light :03.779 --> :05.360 torture on the side. :05.360 --> :09.980 Don’t worry, they weren’t starved, they just lived for a week in similar conditions :09.980 --> :13.679 that they kept my siblings and I as children. :13.679 --> :18.409 Complete with rotting food in the fridge, light and water bills unpaid and no one to :18.409 --> :19.409 help. :19.409 --> :24.620 When they were finally out, they came back to the house to try to use sympathy and apologize, :24.620 --> :29.519 saying they learned their lessons but my sister and I had agreed to file for emancipation :29.519 --> :30.519 from them. :30.519 --> :33.090 A fancy way of saying we were disowning our parents. :33.090 --> :36.809 They didn’t deserve to have to have children at all. :36.809 --> :41.900 It was very hard on me after because I still felt really bad but getting called by my older :41.900 --> :46.279 siblings and hearing that they wish they had done the same before going on to have their :46.279 --> :49.900 own families made my heart swell with pride. :49.900 --> :51.990 Maybe I didn’t do the wrong thing after all. :51.990 --> :55.620 I’m 27 now and my little sister is 23. :55.620 --> :00.160 I went back to school to learn to fix cars because it was interesting and now I do an :00.160 --> :02.019 array of different things. :02.019 --> :03.990 Some would even call me an entrepreneur. :03.990 --> :08.440 My sister’s been studying to be a speech therapist and I am so proud of her. :08.440 --> :12.950 All I’ll say is, if you plan to be a shit parent, don’t have kids. :12.950 --> :17.100 It’s much easier to be a bad person without them weighing you down. :17.100 --> :22.370 I don’t know if I ever want to have children, but if I do decide to I will be getting extensive :22.370 --> :28.340 therapy and reading as many self-help books as I need to in order to be the best parent :28.340 --> :03.679 I possibly can.
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeGETTINGBACKATMYSELFISHPARENTSRedditStories
hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel first things first a big congratulations to last week's giveaway winner tiffany kendall i do a giveaway every week for an amazon gift card so if you're interested in entering and don't know how to stay tuned until later in the video and i'll tell you exactly how to enter to make sure you have the best chance at winning that said let's get into our first story of the day by zard queen don't touch my stuff in college i had a randomly assigned roommate that i did not get along with at all our personalities were just on two opposite ends of the personality spectrum and we clashed the only things we had in common were that we went to the same college and lived in the same apartment that's it anyways it was a nightmare living situation the apartment had four rooms and two bathrooms she and i shared the same bathroom as our rooms were next to each other we had two roommates on the other half of the apartment that we both got along with after over eight months of just pure passive aggressiveness towards each other like i would put sticky notes on her day's old dirty dishes and she would put my wet laundry on the floor she decided to report me to apartment management for bullying her honestly we were doing it to each other however the apartment management took pity on her because i was tall and athletic and she was six inches shorter than me and very thin she claimed i physically intimidated her and she was scared to live with me she did this because she wanted to move to a new apartment without paying a 500 fee but instead the apartment issued a written warning the warning stated that we were to not touch any of each other's personal belongings without written permission first infraction was a 250 dollar fine second infraction was a 500 fine and a third infraction would result in eviction i was so scared walking out of the office because i could not afford those fines and she had the biggest smile on her face i knew that she would immediately report me i went back to the apartment and she left for work i was mortified then i realized she made a huge mistake everything communal in the apartment belonged to me and she was a super moocher i told my other roommates what had happened and they were shocked i asked if i could use their bathroom temporarily and they said of course so i immediately emptied out everything that was mine in our shared bathroom shower curtain toilet paper rug towels soap i grabbed my magnetic white board and listed out everything in the kitchen that belonged to me plates cups mugs pots pans silverware coffee maker toaster potholder towels literally listed every single item and said that she is not allowed to use any of it without my written no texts permission i also drew some eyes to remind her that everyone was watching i popped that white board on the fridge and went in my room to do some homework later she came home from work and had a meltdown she screamed not any words just a blood curdling scream in the following couple of days her father came to the apartment to threaten me that they were getting a lawyer hello well she bought her first roll of toilet paper and a plastic shower curtain but it was too much for her to handle she went back to the main office to report my bullying once again and was instead told she could either deal with it or pay 500 to move to a new apartment she moved out seven days after the warning was issued this girl sounds like she had everything handed down to her if you had a roommate that was obviously mooching off of basically everything you provided for the rooms like soap towels that kind of thing would you go out of your way to safeguard all those items to make sure that only you could use them as kind of a germaphobe myself i probably would let me know in the comments down below if you would or if you would willingly share those items this next story is by rcilix follow court orders you got it this is an ongoing story with a friend of mine who is going through heck with her ex who is the father of her four children bear with me as this will be long but worth the read backstory to the situation is she stayed with her ex for 10 years primarily out of abuse manipulation and control she didn't recognize it as such back then but her eyes were finally open to the way she was being treated that she was able to leave the relationship for good however with four children involved she has the unfortunate task of remaining in contact with him after the split they went before a judge to determine custody visitation rights and child support requirements the children were to remain in her care as sole custody though her father could have them visit every other weekend and with her permission could have the children stay overnight he is required to pay an undisclosed amount of child support which is typical in any custodial arrangement for the past two years the father has shown a little interest in the children though he kept using tactics of manipulation to enforce visitation which she begrudgingly went along with he lives an hour and a half away and when he requested to see the children she would make the three-hour trip to drop them off and then make the three-hour trip to pick them up often he would only allow one or two of the children visitation so this often left the remaining children feeling unloved or unwanted by him his sole reason for requesting visitation was to create problems for her and her children suffered as a result while they were in his care he often could not provide for them and instead relied upon his mother to feed them and shelter them two weeks ago he decided to start harassing her insulting her claiming she was a negligent parent and sending child welfare services to investigate her please note she is far from negligent spends every non-working minute with her children ensures they are fed clothed and all their needs met she frequently takes them to the lake or out to ice cream or on little adventures there is not one moment in the day her attention is not focused on them except when she is working her job this all started because her five-year-old had a stain on his t-shirt utterly ridiculous now for the malicious compliance many times he has called her phone she ignores the phone calls because she does not want to give him a chance to verbally assault her on the phone he never leaves any messages however and twice showed up unannounced and demanded visitation with the kids she obliged just to get him out of her yard and to stop the current harassment however after the last interaction he made one mistake he threatened to take her to court for not complying with the court order he claimed that his ignored phone calls meant non-compliance with visitation rights despite the fact that he never left a voicemail explaining why he called nor texted a simple message saying hey i want to see the kids this weekend so her response you want me to follow the court order as it is written sure she wrote out a calendar of visitation dates and sent him a copy the dates were two weeks apart as specified in the court order he was granted visitation from 10 am until 5 pm every other sunday no overnight stays she demanded that he pay his child support as court ordered and she would seek legal counsel should he fail to pay his obligation but the best part of this compliance the court order stated a pickup and drop-off location for two years she drove three hours round trip to drop them off and three hours round trip to pick them up however the court order says pick up and drop off is at a location 15 minutes from her house he is required to take all four children with him can be no more than 15 minutes late with pick up or drop off and now has to drive two and a half hours round trip for visitation failure to adhere to his bi-weekly schedule can result in a loss of visitation failure to adhere to his child support obligation can result in a loss of driver's license he doesn't have a job currently he also has to borrow a car with appropriate car seats in order to pick up his children he must take all four children rather than pick one or two that he can accommodate and yes he is struggling to meet all the demands of the court order he claimed she was not following and yes she is currently seeking legal counsel to get him out of her life permanently be careful what you wish for after reading through this i'm really glad that the dad was quite frankly dumb enough to suggest that she followed the agreement they had reached in court because well he wasn't following it at all so the simple act of her complying to the legal agreement which they should have been doing all along actually took all the burden she was bearing and shifted it all over onto him and kind of two-fold because not only did he have to deal with the drives and whatnot but he had to deal with taking care of all the children which obviously he wasn't able to do and it really really pressures him on his child support obligations which she absolutely should have been doing anyways i'm definitely hoping for the best for the mom and all four children in this situation this next story is by sdust15 was a fire extinguisher really necessary so here i am making just over minimum wage 15 canadian dollars an hour commuting 100 plus kilometers round trip per day to get a foot in the door in the aviation industry my job was to tow 30 plus planes around the apron for a private flight school one cold winter morning one student and instructor are having a fair amount of trouble getting one of the cessna 150s two-seat small plane to start up well one of the maintenance apprentices happens to be on the flight line and he decides they're doing it wrong and that he can help get her going so he piles a bunch of fuel in via the engine primer and starts cranking no dice still more fuel still no dice tries a flood start procedure by memory no checklist and still nothing for context this dude is standing on the ground beside the small plane leaning in over the student and using the controls i'm watching this go down knowing something ain't right but because i'm not an apprentice and hold no maintenance qualifications or a pilot's license nothing i suggest will be considered this had been proven time and time again and i was pretty fed up after quoting procedure and policy verbatim yet certain employees and management just didn't care for clarity i was busy as freak tending to the rest of the fleet but keeping tabs on this particular plane as all this was going on when suddenly i see flames wafting out of the engine cowling so i do what i'm trained and run over to give the hand signal for fire while pointing towards the cowling now this situation goes one of two ways by the book either a the engine is running so you try to elevate the engine speed and essentially blow the fire out slash suck the flames into the engine or b the engine isn't started so put the bloody fire out asap they clearly were not getting it started and not heeding my frantic hand signals only a few meters in front of them so i go grab a fire extinguisher from the hanger wall and dash back towards the now visibly smoking plane yelling fire fire fire followed by get the freak out as i pull the pin and hose that baby down the fire is likely extinguished pretty quickly but i laid on it heavy just to be sure after all there's three people more or less inside the cockpit after the dust settles i get pushback from some people on the maintenance side the aforementioned apprentice included about whether that was really necessary and complaints about how now they have to inspect slash fix the plane the schedules must be shuffled around and their workload increases i referred them to the book by literally pulling the pilot's operating handbook straight out of the seat back pocket of the smelly charred bird and walk them to the multitude of failures that led to my eventual intervention and fire suppression i finished that conversation by stating that personnel safety is paramount and that ultimately not only was it a safe decision it was a smart one with regards to the aircraft and how costly damage and loss could be i made no apologies for stepping in and told them to brush up on their bloody hand signals for freak's sake in the end the plane got fixed and was flying again two days later but now with a well-known unaddressed hard starting issue which could lead to a repeat fire or near constantly dead battery here's to aviation safety so you literally put out a fire that was endangering all those people inside the cockpit yet they're complaining to you about the additional work increased from that they're the ones with operation failure to the point where the plane caught on fire and then they ignored you when you were trying to get them aware of the fire that's going on literally a potential life-saving action was done by op and they were complaining about it that just blows my mind honestly this next story is by kid wrx make business trips with nobody to visit okay worked in sales for xyz company spring and fall were the busiest times with a pretty decent slowdown in summer works for me could do my duties from home and spend the time with my wife and kids then comes the urgent company wide phone meeting explaining that we sales department need to be out visiting customers and getting face-to-face meetings okay whatever my accounts are all really cool it's a free dinner at a decent place for them at the very least and agree to check their schedules i plan a couple driving trips that loop around to some amazing places i load the wife and kids in the truck and head out an hour outside the first stop i called to confirm the appointment and the guy apologized and won't be able to make it next day same thing other than the fuel in hotel i'm out of pocket for meals as i have my family with me on the low low boss calls asks about expense reports not having business meals or entertainment expenses i try to explain and am cut off saying get it done well okay what comes next is multiple weeks of some of the best family trips ever if there were customers that were able to keep the appointments i was there and made some huge sales if they weren't there was still good restaurant receipts to add to the reports good hotels within the budget awesome scenery in places that my kids still talk about i felt bad at first but when the company started laying boots on the ground people off and adding more executives i didn't feel so bad anymore eventually my department was axed along with a couple others and three upper middle managers were added at some point this company is going to realize that they killed all the essential positions and being like wait we have all this management why aren't we making any more money that company is gonna be doomed for failure at that rate they're just adding more executives to pad pockets how are you even gonna make sales anymore i don't i don't get it so quickly now i wanna explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine that being said our final story of the day is by bailey the nerd work badge shenanigans i apologize in advance as this is a very mild if amusing malicious compliance several months ago i lost my badge for work now this is an issue because i work it and my job is going to about two dozen offices that need a security slash id badge to get in i tried for a week or two to get by with a temporary one that a co-worker lent me while i tried to find the original i didn't until last week so it was time for a new badge i contacted my manager and the hr person to get the ball rolling as it turns out the place i work for had somehow lost the original photo for my id badge and needed me to send a new one so i could get it printed so of course along with the request to send a new picture i was sent a list of requirements which are as follows lighting must be sufficient to make all features identifiable and minimize shadows background must be unobtrusive and of light color the face neck and shoulders must be visible eyes must be open the picture must be in focus hmm did you notice what i noticed there's absolutely no mention of specific or appropriate clothing to wear for the photo i'm a person that likes to see what i can get away with so i go home and get ready to take the picture i happen to be a die hard marvel fanboy and have a very posh deadpool cosplay that i bought because i have a problem with wisecracking characters with serious subplots for halloween so i donned the deadpool costume swords and all minus the mask and had my roommate take the picture and sent it into hr hr's response i don't see a no cosplay rule in my picture requirements so i'm going to go for it i like your hutzpah now my official work badge with enough security clearance that i can happily walk into pretty much any building i want in my city has a picture of me dressed as deadpool here's the pick for those curious the deadpool cosplay actually looks pretty cool and i would say that it could actually pass for some kind of stylish wear which might also have helped get it through and i know it's not marvel but i feel like if you showed up in the light blue superman outfit with the big old emblem on your chest and the styled hair with the cowlick you might get a little bit more of a pushback but the deadpool thing is kinda stylish gotta say but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and subscribe if you haven't and make sure to click the bell to turn notifications on too so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you did whether it was liking commenting subscribing thank you for supporting me right here on the story time channel it all helps the channel grow immensely so thank you so very much for supporting me i hope you all have a wonderful day and until next time i'll be reading even more stories to share with you guys right here on the story time channel
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceYoushouldprobablyfollowtheCourtOrdersorig
hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel first things first a big congratulations to the winner of last week's giveaway i'll post them down in the comments below but again we're going to be doing the giveaway again this week so if you're interested and don't know how to enter stay tuned until later in the video and i'll tell you exactly how to do that that said let's jump into our first story of the day by toast is useful give us more money or we'll evict you go ahead a few years ago my best friend and i rented a tiny two-bedroom flat together this place was kind of terrible my friend's room had a hole cut into the wall so the last foot of the bed would fit this became a mantlepiece in the next room the kitchen was the size of a child's playhouse kitchen and the upstairs neighbors spent all hours of the day and nights screaming at each other or having loud activities but we were mostly happy because we were over living with six plus other people we paid 75 pounds a week each plus bills for this place which was pretty standard for a two bed flat in our area then six months into our one year contract the landlord sold the terrorist house hour flat and five others was a part of to a middle-aged married couple who were first-time landlords they were the kind of people who thought they were smarter than everybody else and i got the impression they thought property management was going to be the easiest thing ever we had no problem throughout the sales process we were assured nothing would change we didn't interact much with the landlord before anyway then two weeks after the sale we got an email from the couple saying we owe them 20 pounds more each a week basically in our contract it stated our rent was 75 pound each a week about 10 times but there was one typo where it said our rent was 95 each so they said they could legally charge us 95 each we laughed at this but when it became clear they were serious we reached out to the leading agent and got them to put in writing that it was a typo our rent was always 75 pound and they even give us the original advert for the flat with the correct rent on it we thought this would be the end of it we were wrong the couple insisted on coming to our flat for an in-person meeting when they got there they said that they asked the old landlord about it and he was shocked that we'd not been paying enough for six months now and the rent was always 95 pound i didn't buy this because they had nothing in writing but i made the argument that of course he would say that because he wouldn't want it to seem like he sold under false pretenses and if we had been underpaying by a total of like 160 pounds a month why had he never spoken to us about it they said that he was a busy guy with too many properties then the husband spent ages condescendingly explaining mortgages to us then they declared that if we did not start paying them the higher rent they would evict us and we had 24 hours to pay or 30 days to get out and they left honestly i think they saw two 22 year old girls and thought they could scare us into paying more money what they didn't know is that my friend and i are very pleasant until you piss us off and we become vindictive mother freakers we decided that night that if they wanted to evict us from this poop hole we were gonna make them do it properly and if they were so pedantic about contracts and rules we were going to stop letting anything slide the couple woke up the next morning with an email from our lawyer my flatmate's brother a bored lawyer with time on his hands requesting a formal eviction notice in writing and laying out a record of last night's conversation thing was they didn't actually have legal grounds to evict us because even if we went to a court and a judge favored their interpretation of the contract we were advised this was unlikely we still didn't know them more than a month's rent which would have been their only legal way of evicting us because we were otherwise great tenants by 9 15 am they were ringing us but we ignored them and emailed that our lawyer had advised us to only communicate in writing we then sent an email informing them that the fancy new front door they just installed could not be unlocked from the inside without a key which violated fire safety laws and unfortunately if this wasn't rectified asap we would have to report it we then sent texts that showed them repeatedly entering our flat with less than 24 hours notice and did they know that was illegal maybe we should talk to other tenants because if they're doing this to everyone then this could be quite a problem after about three days of this we received a very nice email saying that they don't agree our rent was supposed to be 75 pounds each a week but they would graciously allow us to finish out our contract at that rate by this point we'd found a flat triple the size for 80 pounds each a week and wanted out of that hamster cage so we offered a move if they signed mutual surrender forms they eagerly agreed the best part was that they stubbornly tried to rent that flat at the higher rate despite us telling them it was a terrible idea and the flat was empty for over a year and because they had agreed to end our contract early they got stuck paying the council tax not me if this was you would you have fought it tooth and nail all the way to the end or would you have just accepted it and paid the 95 pounds a month each instead of the 75 pounds a month each let me know which of these two you think you would have done in the comments down below our next story is by a good nugget want me to go wine to the principal because you think he'll side with you no problem so this happened back in high school but i still think about it and smile when i was in high school i ended up moving across the state to live with my great aunt due to my dad passing away and he was my last living parent when i transferred schools the guidance counselor knew the situation and was sure to make all of my teachers know about my situation this is important for later they informed them so they wouldn't mention my parents and was allowed to leave if i got upset most teachers were very understanding and would make sure i felt supported my english teacher was not one of those people she really didn't like me and i never understood why she would do petty things like asking questions then having me answer even though i didn't have my hand up because i didn't know the answer she would then make fun of me she would mark my papers down for something but not my friends who had the same mistake she would take my phone even though at first she said we could use our phones and would only take mine i kinda just took her crap until she kept saying she would call my parents knowing they were no longer alive she would say this almost every class period after class one day i asked to speak with her and asked her to please stop mentioning my parents because it upsets me and was given permission to leave class to calm down all she said was it's her classroom and she can do what she wants and if i don't like it i should go wine to the principal but he'll side with her i walked away he did but the next day i tried to ask her to stop one more time and she replied with the same wine to the principal so me being the now pissed obedient kid i did what she told me to i told the principal everything crying like a little baby he was appalled and promised it would be fixed the next day mean teacher continued to be a jerk but this day was special she decided she would take my phone and not give it back until my parents came to pick it up i was in tears and said they can't which she knew for some reason i snapped that day when she said that she was done with me and will be calling my parents i angrily screamed back good luck i don't think they have good service six feet under it would be easier to buy a ouija board to speak to them since they were dead everyone was shocked and kinda staring a minute later the principal comes in and mean teacher has a smirk thinking she won oh no sweetie you did not he sternly told her to go to a conference room and they would be having a meeting with him and me he was standing outside the door since class begun and heard everything i'll spare you all the screaming details but long story short she was fired on her way out she blamed me and told me i shouldn't have gone to the principal i smiled sweetly and said well you said if i didn't like it i should whine to the principal now if you don't like it you can whine to the principal oh wait you can't because you're fired i turned and walked away i can't imagine what would compel this teacher to act like that there's no reason to ever act like that around a kid unless they are literally verbally abusing you constantly why would you ever treat a kid like that especially over their parents in the situation involving that i'm frankly very glad they got fired i think they should be blacklisted from teaching over that stuff the next story is written by friend evil eleven you want me to leave your wish is my command i work as freelance i.t usually anything involving security networking gaming hard drive recovery and etc i had a client i would never forget he had a 10 year old pc with 20 terabytes of data 2 terabytes times 10 drives and he requested from outside the country for me to fix his slow pc i fixed it by removing the bad sectors and cloning the hard drive to another hard drive took around four hours and did it for free of charge since he knew a friend of mine two years later he comes to my country and took his pc with him this time the pc was extremely slow couldn't even access it online so i went to his place and take a look it was obvious he paid good money when he bought it unfortunately a big mistake was not taking precautions before packaging it and shipping it video card fan destroyed 5 hard drives damaged cpu aio unplugged and some kind of moisture on the motherboard the best part is he had 32 gigabytes of ram 16 by 2 gigabyte and one of them had an issue i told him not to bother with it and sell it because it would take too long and even if it's fixed it won't last much longer he told me he wanted to fix it and money isn't a problem so i replaced the five hard drives and recovered the data found the faulty memory fixed the fan cleaned the motherboard and aio was easy anyway after a week of work which os would you like to install what why you recover the data so the os should be fine unfortunately i can't clone a damaged hard drive you did it last time last time it was partially damaged but fully functional like the difference between a car that runs and one that doesn't unacceptable i am not stupid i know you can do it and are just lazy like i said before money isn't a problem after i cloned the pc i showed him it was still slow and kept an ssd with a new os installed because i figured he would understand and all they would need to do is plug it in and be on my way then he said yeah it is still the same and i am not paying for it staying the same i said the pc will stay slow because of the damaged files in the os i can show you the difference after i plug in this ssd no i am taking it to someone more qualified thank you no problem i will just return everything as it was i was so pissed off i was shivering because this was the most humiliating day of my life after he took it to somebody else they threw it back at him and he called again for me to fix it i blocked his butt no amount of money is worth the aneurysm this guy just doesn't understand what it takes to fix up a computer especially one with so many bad parts opie gave them plenty of advice and they just wouldn't listen to it the next story is written by my new romantica you won't let me break the contract let's just read it together shall we a few years ago my business partner and i rented a remodeled garage space to run our business out of the owner had not rented to a business before so she needed to get a different contract ready for us a while later we decided to close the business we informed the landlord and were told we would still need to pay monthly until the end of our contract i asked if we could transfer the contract to a new tenant and we would be willing to do the leg work there she wouldn't allow it we asked if there was a clause for buying our way out of the contract she said no we tried a few other options but all she wanted was for us to continue paying until the contract was up i was skeptical that the contract had no provisions for an early termination but i couldn't get to my copy of the contract it was stored somewhere safely off-site so i asked her for a copy and she obliged while on the phone discussing our options i noticed that because she had to find a new contract for us since we were a business not an individual she hadn't proofread as well as she thought i read a few paragraphs of the contract she provided that clearly states that our contract is month to month not annual so she got notably irritated and swore that it was the wrong contract i pointed out that the contract she sent had both of our signatures on it and she is welcome to take this to courts if she feels that is necessary we never heard from her again until we had to drop off the keys i can only imagine the satisfaction that comes out where you're reading over this contract and you catch that one clause and you know you are safe so quickly now i just want to give you info on the giveaway so if you want to be in with a chance to win 30 dollars in amazon gift cards all you have to do is leave a comment pertaining to something you saw in the video on any video we upload this week and i will pick a winner from a random video on sunday night after the last video has gone out and announce it on next monday's video so feel free to comment on every video from the week to better your chances of winning again i do want to stress that the comment has to be related to the video so you can't just leave a random comment and expect to win and whilst you're at it why not like the video because it helps more than you know and our final story of the day is by chairman mao zedong stupid job to keep me busy too easy we just got back from a field exercise army while we were there my gunner ordered me to sweep the tank turret considering it was in the middle of the exercise we were running on maybe a couple of hours sleep a day and that turret was going to be dirty again in like 30 minutes it was a pointless task to make it more annoying we had some down time at the moment so while he decided to take a nap on the front slope he told my sleep deprived butt to sweep fine but you're not gonna like it i took the back side of the brush and started vigorously scraping the mud off the turret right above where he slept dirt and dust started falling on him and he woke up spitting dirt out of his mouth and sputtering telling me you you don't have to sweep right there dude it's fine just stop you're good he he put that brush back and took a nap on the turret not too malicious but very compliant thanks for coming to my ted talk i would be so frustrated if i was running on a few hours sleep we were in the middle of our exercise and it was in the middle of down time and they told me to sweep a pointless thing to sweep up sounds like they were just trying to make you do work just to make you do work or something but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and subscribe and turn notifications on if you haven't all of those things help the channel out so incredibly much so no matter what you did whether it was commenting liking subscribing thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel that said i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceGIVEUSMOREMONEYORWEWILLEVICTYOUorig
aita for no longer speaking to my mother after she ignored my wedding backstory for context I 30m used to speak to my mom 63f basically every week just to talk catch up on the week's events upcoming Stuff Etc prior to these events we were on very good term we do not live in the same city about 2 hours away from one another so me and my now husband 32m had been together about a year and had planned on eloping while on a trip to Colorado for his BFFs birthday trip that we were invited on we live in Texas it would have only been four of us there me husband his BFF and his BFF's GF I told my mom about these plans a couple months ahead of time I knew she probably would have not liked it that she would not be there but I told her we were planning on doing a huge friends and family wedding SL vow renewal after a couple years so we could have time to save and have it the way we wanted it to be she said she understood as it normally goes life happens and the Colorado plans fell through so we pivoted our plans to having a family only very small
give me a good story on AITAfornolongerspeakingtomymotheraftersheignoredmyweddingaitaredditstoriesorig
op is about to destroy her relationship with her mom which was built off a heinous lie this is a throwaway account I'm pretty sure my sister is on here I recently discovered some interesting information about my mother that has forever changed how I view her small Story Time my dad 81 met my mom 68 when my dad was 39 and my mom was 26 my dad had two children from a previous marriage who were just turning 19 and 17 so the age difference was already really weird my mom has a sister 10 years younger than her and we will call her Dean Dean was 16 when she needed to leave her childhood home due to a pretty nasty home situation she came to live with my mom and my dad whom at the time were only dating at some point during Dean's stay with my parents which was several years an affair occurred between Dean and my dad this resulted in my older sister whom we can call Jay apparently my mom had no idea Jay was my dad until Jay was almost 7 years old heartbroken my mom took some time to think but ultimately stayed with my dad had and had me about a year later after difficult fertility issues to this day Dean has never seen the wrong in what she did and has tried to break my parents apart any chance that she gets present day the story that is above is the story my parents have fed me and anyone else that will listen for nearly 40 years but I just discovered that they have been lying to me and it just keeps getting worse this all unfolded because I was helping my parents move and I came across an old Journal it was in a box that was going to be thrown out and I can't explain why but I just reached out and took it and started reading why did I do that my mom knew my dad was having an affair long before he confessed because Dean came and told my mom in the beginning that my dad was hitting on her and she did not like it she felt he was too old my mom never confronted my dad about it though instead she called Dean jealous for answers I went to a trusted Aunt who was pretty present for the entire situation at that time she said she had been waiting years for me to ask about this the things she told me were horrible my dad is a predator and my mom has covered it for 40 years and she's done it by playing the victim and vilifying her baby sister I don't have a relationship with Dean or Jay because of what my parents told me over the years they kept me isolated and made me feel like my sister did not want me so much time if I confront my parents it's over I know they would never speak to me again for even thinking they lied to me and for listening to my aunt my mom and I have also gotten in a better place these past 2 years which is incredibly helpful when it comes to my daughter the truth is I don't know if I trust her around my daughter anymore especially with my Dad I'm disgusted by her actions and all of this her ability to lie for so long and Gaslight me anytime I got close to the truth I've even covered up my dad's other Affairs over the years claiming articles of clothing that my mom found as mine so that peace could remain in our family I feel wrong for doing that but I was 13 at the time I thought it was the right thing to do and I felt guilt about it ever since but now that I know my mom is actually knowledgeable about who he is and is in denial I could never look at either of them the same shees relevant comments you weren't alive in 1981 when your parents met I was a junior in high school sa child mole station grooming and rope were simply not talked about ever it happened but the societal Norm was to pretend it didn't if it didn't happen directly to you or someone you know it didn't exist there was no one to report it to and the police generally refused to believe or investigate it and there was no one to help deal with it there is so much more awareness of and intolerance for it than there was back then victims were shamed and shunned your dad is a predator as you said I'd bet your mom and Dean weren't his first much younger targets especially if your mom was a naive or inexperienced 26-year-old he selected her because he knew he could manipulate her and she is the type who does not have the strength to leave I'm sure he groomed her for the emotional trauma he would subject her to later all this isn't to say your mom is Guiltless in this lifetime of Lies she should have left him as she got older but as we know a lot of women in abusive relationships never leave for whatever reason they are emotional prisoners for a little perspective on the 70s and 80s when I was in high school 1980 a girl who I was friends with did the school exchange thing for a spring semester came back the following fall there were Whispers that she had gotten pregnant and her parents sent her away to have the baby but those were just rumors and gossip at the time by the next year it was kind of unspoken a knowledge that she had actually gotten pregnant and given the baby up for adoption but no one ever talked about it anymore she came back partied hard and slept with a lot of guys basic party girl but it did seem kind of out of control to me she was different nearly any guy that looked her way and wanted to she slept with several of my close friends it didn't seem like she was doing it to have fun a decade later two of her best friends explained to me that she was actually Ed not by a stranger but by her absolute best friend's boyfriend the forcible OT type imagine getting pregnant from a S as a sophomore in high school her parents knew who did it her friend's parents knew and I think his parents knew too I knew the guy we lived near each other he was a cocky rcy hole but he didn't give off a violent Vibe then again it's not like I would have been able to tell who was a potential sa taker back then no charges were ever filed no forced counseling nothing life just went on the girl ended up an alcoholic I got sober several years later but she is still 40 years later an emotional mess that aside I strongly recommend you find a therapist to sort out your own feelings and for help processing this sht storm of betrayal and eeriness maybe approach your mom alone from a position of somewhat understanding that she may be a victim of Decades of emotional abuse there are probably more skeletons in that closet maybe have that talk with your aunt Dean first to get her P then your mom another user asks am I understanding the story correctly op's dad abused op's aunt and impregnated her op's mom claimed that dad and aunt had an affair instead same first user confirms op's dad was 39 when her mom was 26 and her aunt was 16 dad is a major Predator also op chimes in correct all of my life I thought that he had an affair and my aunt has been Unapologetic and bitter since the affair ended but I learned it was not an affair from my mom's journal entries she at the very least knew my dad was hitting on Dean and said nothing to him instead she shamed Dean by calling her jealous yua not to victimize because it's pretty clear she was groomed but your mom destroyed her relationship with you by making these choices you just didn't find out until now op reply I know you are right being groomed was a factor in this for my mom but the choices she made to double down with this man and have me are a lot I get the grooming thing but F her actions afterward and to this day are loud so your dad Saed your aunt got her pregnant and then together you and your mom destroyed the reputation of the girl he at your mom's baby sister and you're worried about keeping them in your life op's reply I honestly don't know what I am feeling right now I was never Clos with my dad and he was pretty abusive towards me so my views of him being a predator are new but not surprising I gray rock him because realistically I cannot cut him out completely while he's with my mom but that was before I discovered this I put up with him because I felt like my mom deserved someone who gave a f about her in her life she's been the victim of his affair for the past 40 years and he still treats her like an ass she's been some kind of martyr my entire life by staying with him I'm worried in the sense that I'm confused about how life will look without my mom in my life or my daughter's life I'm scared I'll regret saying that I know too I honestly wish it was just as simple as you effed up seea wouldn't want to be a update one month after the original post this update is for the individuals who messaged me and wanted to know how things turned out if I spoke to my mom unfortunately it has gotten far worse than I could have ever imagined I decided that I wanted to speak with my aunt Dean I had never had a conversation with her before and I did not know what she even sounded like for 30 years when I spoke with her we cried and she told me everything I wanted to know she was so thankful that I finally broke out of my parents delusion and decided to reach out I am so happy that I have my aunt Dean and my sister Jay in my life now and though 30 years were wasted we are working on getting together next year and we text and call nearly weekly since this all happened the far worst part nearly everything my parents told me in childhood about my family was a lie to keep me isolated my extended family knew my parents were isolating me because they never brought me anywhere with family for fear that I would overhear gossip about my mom and dad apparently I was constantly invited to my cousins birthday parties and family trip trips but what I was told growing up was that my cousins were older and didn't want their baby cousin there with one set of cousins I was told they never invited me to their birthday parties at all because my uncle was white passing and I was not he had an image to uphold with his neighbors and I was too dark my parents told me this and allowed me to believe it as a small child I have since confirmed with this Uncle that this was far from the truth he would practically beg for my mom to allow me to go to their parties because my cousins loved me and missed me the reason I couldn't go because Dean and Jay were there I also thought for over a decade that my sister Uninvited me to her wedding because she was embarrassed to share how we were related to one another turns out my mom told them I did not want to go because I was mad I couldn't be at the wedding party me and my sister were at odds for over a decade over this until just two nights ago the really hurtful part though is that when I confronted my mom last weekend we got on the topic of discipline and she admitted to hitting my developmentally delayed daughter along along with my dad after I told them if they ever put their hands on her that I would put my hands on them when I made that promise they both said they never had and never would and it was convenient to lie because my daughter is for the most part non-verbal she says some phrases and is getting much better but still we cannot rely on her to tell us what happened to her I lost it on her I started dumping my childhood on her and telling her I knew about the lies she told how I didn't know who the f they were and that they were never allowed around my daughter again I'm mortified that I allowed my daughter to be with them I know they were lying but I wasn't trusting my gut and I'm very disappointed in myself as a mom right now shame on her and shame on him after all I had to say her only response was that her siblings had done a number on me and want me to hate my own father I asked her are you not ashamed of who the f you are she said I'm only ashamed I didn't hide it better y'all I found out last weekend that I never had Parents I lived with abusive strangers my entire childhood and yes abusive it's too much to put into this post but when I share my childhood it has brought even my therapist to tears I wanted to trust that they would never do that to my daughter but I was so wrong and I have to live with that not the update I was hoping to give but the Silver Lining is that I now have a family who has brought me and my daughter in with open arms and warmth I will forever be grateful for learning this really difficult truth stay safe out there you never really know anyone relevant comments I'm only ashamed I didn't hide it better is a effing wild mind to hear from your own mother not even going to comment on them hitting your non-verbal daughter I would have gone totally blind op's reply my ears were ringing when she told me I had to take a few breaths because I would have hit her and ultimately I am not them and refuse to go there for them I'm sure that's what they would want at this point anything to deflect any amount of accountability I've never heard her apologize for anything only justify but for her to say she's only ashamed of not hiding it better is pure evil that is not my mother and I'm positive now that I never had one at all so what exactly do Dean and Jay tell you apart from the invitation lies op's reply Dean confirmed that my mom knew about what my dad was doing she came to her several times about the abuse what I didn't know is how my dad stalked her and attempted to get her fired from every job she got after she moved out so she would have to move back in she begged him to use protection when he would do what he did and she suspected he was tampering with them I confirmed that he in fact was because when he gave me the talk he admitted to me that poking holes in condoms was something he did so they would break on purpose Dean also confirmed that there were countless times Jay would come home and beg her mom to adopt me because she couldn't stand leaving me with them it broke her heart Dean also told me how I would have had a sibling but my dad somehow forced a miscarriage on my mom something my mom also confirmed last weekend Jay told me that my mom would complain to our extended family about how misbehaving I was at home home and that I was running away constantly I ran away one time from my dad who was choking me to the point where blood vessels popped in my eyes they never knew he choked me my Aunt Dean also said they moved me to the middle of nowhere because it was easier to control me when I had nowhere to go and I would have to build friendships over again which they knew was hard for me it made things easy for them though that's just the bare minimum so much more has come out over the past two weeks alone I've had to reevaluate everything I hope you move far away from those monsters or at least try to get an order of protection against them op reply we live in separate cities about an hour apart so it's pretty easy to keep my distance plus they can't just walk into my building I never speaking to them after this and if I need to I will absolutely get an order of protection can you press charges for them hitting your child because you should I'm so sorry you're going through this op's reply I honestly had not thought about it but I did record my mom's confession lastek weekend I record every interaction with her now because she is a master gaslighter this is a great suggestion that I had not thought of and I think I will be looking into it if that is possible if your dad did that to your aunt I would definitely get your daughter checked out to be on the safe side I'm sorry you're going through all this op reply she actually had a physical today and they did check thankfully she is clear and safe from that have you reached out to the cousins uncles and aunts who wanted you in their lives op peas repli I have and we speak regularly now they have been absolutely amazing through all of this and I love them so much for never giving up hope that I'd make my way to them they have made me feel more loved in the past month than my parents have for 30 years wishing op starts the healing process with her new real family thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on OPIsAboutToDestroyHerRelationshipWithHerMomWhichWasBuiltOffAHeinousLie
I think I'm going to break up with my boyfriend over the orange peel Theory what is the orange peel Theory I was scrolling on Tik Tok when I saw a post about the orange peel Theory which to sum it up is when you ask another person to do a small task for you like peeling an orange or asking them to tie your shoes for you both of these are tasks that you can do by yourself the real test is how they respond to you if they respond with you can do it yourself can't you do that I guess then they are not willing to do small tasks for you and will most likely fail to do larger tasks for you in the future however if they do it willingly or take the initiative to do it immediately then they pass it away now on to the situation my boyfriend of 7 months was sitting in the couch when I saw the Tik Tock video explaining the theory and I decided I should try it out up to this point we were happy but now looking back on it I am not surprised by how he responded I asked him to tie my hair up for me and he looked at me and asked me why I couldn't do it at first I thought that maybe he was intimidated by my long hair however he has had long hair in the past and knew how to tie it up I asked asked him again thinking it was just a fluke but he told me that I could do it since I was in the kitchen and he needed to relax stating that he just got off work I know what y'all are thinking let that man relax he just got off y'all he works from home and even if he was truly tired he has plenty of energy to play games and go out to the bar with his friends regardless I honestly I didn't want to break up and thought it was dumb to throw a relationship away over a tick tock well that was until later in the day when I asked him if he could toss a towel in the dryer so I could be warm when I got out of the shower since I forgot to do it self surprise surprise he never did it and it just made me realize how much I do for him and his daughter that is not even mine and I think I have fed held and changed her more than he has so Reddit I ask you am I the Ada if I go through with it edit hello everyone thank you for listening to my post I read what your guys are saying loud and clear and completely see where you guys are coming from I admit that I should not have taken advice from Tick Tock and that it showed immaturity to do so however I disagree on the fact that what happened wasn't a big deal the method worked and made me see that I do a lot more for him than he does for me our relationship is not going to end because of my towel not being warm or my hair not being up but because I realize that I am just settling for a lazy man who doesn't take me out doesn't help out with his baby and has no motivations in life except to live at his parents house play video games and drink all while taking advantage of what I do for him in my mind since we are so new 7 months these problems are foreshadowing what's to come and I see no future with him or his baby again thank you everyone who took the time to read this update one hello again Reddit fast update for you guys first I would like to thank you for how brutally honest the comments were and no I am not 12 I am 22 I would also like to clear some things up first off I didn't mean to make it seem like I was testing him like a crazy girlfriend who sets her boyfriend up for failure I simply used the theory to see what he would do out of curiosity and came to the realization that I was giving 90% while he was giving 30% into the relationship the theory helped me take off my rosecolor tinted glasses and truly see just how much I am doing without an ounce of appreciation as for the on saying that they would also refuse the small task as well this simply does not apply to me if my partner asked me to tie a shoes I would be down on one knee because I feel like it is a simple way to show love previously I had never asked him to do something that I could do myself since I am relatively independent this was not the case for him since he uses me for almost everything babysitter while he goes out nighttime Nanny Chef cleaner washing machine chauffeur e as I took time to read the comments there was a lot of reflecting and I knew I had to talk to him and give him a chance to work this imbalance out I texted him and told him we needed to talk and he asked me for a ride to my house since his mom was out I picked him up but to my surprise he had his baby so I asked him if we could just stay in the driveway and talk he told me that he was hoping we could talk on the way when I asked him on the way to what he told me that his buddy wanted to meet up for drinks and I just lost it and told him to get out of my car I just let out everything thing I was thinking and feeling he looked very confused but then changed his tune and stated blaming me saying that I waiting too long to tell him this and that his daughter is already bonded to me she is around one I'm not sure what to do I went home and my phone was filled with messages from his mom saying that I needed to step up and be a good mom and future wife the thing is I don't want to be Ethier lastly I know you guys don't like the orange peel Theory but I think I dodged a bullet or the ones who feel bad for him he dodged a bullet story two my fiance 30 7 m made me 26f get plastic surgery just to get engaged now I want to call off the wedding I want to clarify that no this is not a fake post this is my first ever rdit post I felt compelled to get some outside perspective BC I don't confide in anyone in my personal life no one knows I got this surgery I'm glad I did post this and I really appreciate everyone's feedback I know what I need to do but it's not easy I will update in a few weeks I 26f have been engaged to my fiance 37m for 6 months now and we're getting married next spring our relationship has not been easy and we dated for 2 years before getting engaged and he broke up with me once in between for 5 months right now I am so conflicted there was a time I was so eager to be engaged to him and now I'm lost first off I kind of had to give an ultimatum to get engaged to which he responded he has not proposed all this time BC of something in my looks that he's not attracted to he asked me to get a specific plastic surgery to correct this issue and that he would pay for it and only then he's willing to get engaged so I went ahead and got the surgery anyways we get engaged and I can still tell he's not that attracted to me BC the surgery didn't really make a big difference doesn't compliment me doesn't really touch me or initiate things with me he doesn't complain or bash my looks but doesn't Rave about it either but this isn't the worst of it I am currently in grad school and he works full-time and makes over1 500 k/ year he is paying for the wedding and has rubbed it in my face on two occasions how I contribute nothing and that I basically never have the right to complain about anything ever because he works so hard to pay for things I complained once that I feel we don't spend enough quality time I just don't know if I'm making a huge mistake getting married to him I don't want to be miserable I am so anxious I don't feel like he loves me he pushes me away when he's having a bad day and doesn't talk to me I just feel kind of neglected in the relationship but I also don't want to be a victim and consider maybe he's right about some things breaking an engagement off is so embarrassing and this would be a second broken engagement and I don't want to do that to him I just feel really lost how do I go about this edit thank you for all the responses even the mean ones that I needed to hear the surgery I got was liposuction of my legs from thighs to ankles I've always carried weight in my lower body he says financially successful man don't like thick women and goes on to list all the successful men he knows and uses their women as reference I figured he was right about this and got the surgery and I'm still trying to lose weight BC the Lipo didn't make a huge difference also to those that ask what good qualities he has I initially thought he was very kind helps the poor and goes on medical mission trips he's a doctor he is funny and we actually get along really well when things are good and I love his parents so much and I really feel for them they are older and want grandkids and want to see their son married I don't think they realize how mean he can be I'm not going to pretend his money is not appealing I didn't grow up with a lot of money and watched my parents struggle as immigrants I always wanted to make sure my kids will grow up in a financially stable environment it's not really gold digging because I'm not a materialistic person I don't care for expensive things just don't want to struggle like my parents did to those who think I can get a prenup or divorce our culture and Community is very strict I probably should have mentioned we are Middle Eastern not Muslims we don't get divorced it's not an option in our church he ended his first engagement not her he said she became too obsessed with the wedding planning and felt like a different personality of her had come out after she secured the ring update hello everyone I did not think I would post the update so soon but here it is we broke up today 48 hours after my initial post and 1,000 plus people begging me not to get married the wedding is off this is how it went he picked me up BC we had our engagement photo shoot today he has been depressed for over a month now over a real estate lawsuit that he started he has already been putting me on the back burner BC of this lawsuit and gives me zero attention acts like I am an added stressor in his life so I'm already fed up with the mopi attitude he starts going off about how he's not in the mood to take pics today and that it's hard for him to smile how drained and unhappy he feels over the house I literally exploded with everything that's happened I couldn't take it anymore I told him I've never met such a literal Manchild in my life for him to break down over a lawsuit he started he is not fit to ever be the man the Sole Provider of a family to face real Troubles of life he has never had any real issues in his life he is a literal Manchild I told him he never never acknowledged how insane it is that I went and got surgery just for him to find me more attractive he never recognized the care and sacrifices I've made for him I did take ownership for letting this relationship drag out as far as an engagement after he showed me Time After Time how unfit he is to be a life partner it is my fault I ignored the red flags and I kept having hope he would change one day maybe if I brought him a child he would start to appreciate me more maybe seeing me as a mother he would start to love me I am so glad it didn't last long enough to find out we didn't make it to the shoot obviously he ended up driving me back home sadly we wasted the poor photographer's time his reaction throughout all of this was very minimal so cold he would look down and look sad but it looked like he was pretending he said he was sorry and he thought I deserved better than him he said his emotional battery had run out this was the end of it I gave him the ring back and told him we're never speaking again I want to thank everyone who responded to my original post I read every single one I can't express how much it helped me finally come to this decision today you guys actually saved my life I am not even sad I am so relieved I feel lighter thank you all so much
give me a good story on IThinkImGoingToBreakUpWithMyBoyfriendOverTheOrangePeelTheoryorig
today I messed up when I read my wife's diary well today I messed up because yes I read my wife's diary and ran into some very Troublesome topics first thing to understand she and I have been polyamorous for about three years in which time she has had three partners and I have had one which ended poorly for me because I was accused of cheating why I read my wife's Journal because usually she shares with me what is going on and recently I feel something has been up I've asked several times for her to share and try to clear some things up for me she never does so today I chose the wrong answer and invaded her privacy and boy do I wish that never happened and here is why within the contents of this diary I found out that her current other partner wants to have a baby with her she wants in his thought of marriage with him but worst of all she wants a divorce and wants me to pay child support honestly I love this woman and have had issues with our relationship before but I move on and continue loving her I hurt and wish I could go back in time oh one other thing I feel like I work hard and do a lot of things for our home but in other entry shows that I am not appreciated and I'm just seem as a lazy man who doesn't do anything depressed is to say the least
give me a good story on todayimessedupwhenIreadmywifesDiary
am I the jerk for refusing to give my daughter a kidney because she said she doesn't care if I'm scared my 38f daughter 21f is suffering from kidney failure we have been estranged for 3 years and it was due mainly to the fact that she was taking her health issues as well as her fights with her dad 38m and stepmom 31f out on me I spent hundreds of my husband Ethan 49m and eyes money on making therapy for my daughter but she has remained bitter and difficult Ethan and I have two kids 9M and 11m I had to give up quite a bit in terms of career prospects due to my first pregnancy my parents also disown me but then Ethan helped me get a degree in accounting and also a real estate license I have connections from Ethan that are helping me do nearly six figures in real estate commissions and I just joined an accounting firm that hired me based on the client connections I have from Ethan now I am working 50-hour weeks but love it because I'm finally earning six figures and E Ethan's business is also at a place where he can work at home my daughter at this point was mostly low contact since she turned 18 but now she's back because she needs a kidney I made the mistake of letting friends know about her situation and everybody I know from my mommy groups from when my daughter was born started dog piling on me saying you got to do this mama and like I'd be held down to get my kidney because of this pressure despite Ethan saying no I went to the doctor and found out I was a match I tried to reach out to my daughter's dad to see if he's a match but her stepmom had apparently already called her screaming that her dad was the provider for her and three kids so how dare she ask this of a father my ex said that his duty was obviously to his wife and minor kids so no testing for him and so he and everybody else just want it to be my kidney I tried to communicate to my daughter that I'm afraid of surgery I was too new to take that much time from work so I'd likely be working while in pain she replied asking doesn't Ethan make a lot of money I told her again how risky surgery was and she said echoing my friends I don't care this isn't about you I was so Furious from that conversation that when I went to see the doctor and the doctor asked if somebody was coercing me I told him that at this point I'd rather die than continue to serve my ungrateful rude daughter I said I indeed felt coerced and if I did it I'd probably have burning resentment towards the recipient and the doctors if I woke up in pain the doctor immediately said I am therefore not a compatible donor and that I should never feel like I'm a prisoner I told my friends and Ethan this and while Ethan just asked if I was okay and that the boys and him need me my friends were Furious and tried to shame me online with what kind of mother posts they are insisting I go back and say I was lying and I've changed my mind to sign something showing I wasn't coerced and get it notorized if it's what it takes a
give me a good story on AmIthejerkforREFUSINGtogivemydaughteraKIDNEY
my mom lied to me about my real dad Saga part two my half brother hates me I just want to preface this by saying that the majority of this was written on New Year's Day so sorry if I come off as a jerk I was just really upset that day I didn't post it until now because I went back and forth on whether or not it would even matter I didn't post it on the advice subed because I just don't see a point in asking for advice considering how the night went I don't know if anyone will even see this I was told to post this on my own profile and I think I've done it correctly with with that being said New Year's Eve sucked I thought I was prepared to meet my half brother a lot of people told me to go in with low expectations be patient and don't expect him to warm up to me right away and I was ready for that I was ready for him to maybe be too shy to talk or be uninterested and avoid me or just be on his guard and keep interaction to a minimum I was ready for so many unfortunate but understandable scenarios what I was not ready for was for him to hate me before I even walked through the door me my mom and my best friend friend Josh got to their house around 8 at night my dad was happy to see us then he introduced us to my half brother Ryan the first thing Ryan said to me was you're shorter in person I don't even know if he'd seen very many pictures of me but I'm 5'11 so I'm not exactly short and he and I were about ey level so it was kind of a weird thing to say but I work in customer service so I'm used to letting snide comments roll off my back I just laughed at off and made a comment about how I'm hoping to gain a few more inches of height before I stop growing dad gave us the house tour and his house is insane I knew he was well off and I'm not sure if this is considered a rich house by most people's standards but he has five bedrooms and three bathrooms there's a whole office that looks more like a mini library and Ryan has a huge game room it blew my mind he even offered me my choice of the three guest rooms to be my own room for When I visit Ryan rolled his eyes and let out a not at all subtle Huff me and Josh gave each other a weird look because it was honestly unnecessary the night went on and we were all talking in the living room Ryan just sat on an armchair looking pissed off the whole time our dad was trying to get a conversation going between Ryan and me on multiple different topics and I was trying to engage in a conversation with Ryan but he limited most of his answers to yes no and I don't know he was nicer to my mom when she asked him things which I at least appreciate because if he would have been rude to her I know I wouldn't have been able to hold myself back from saying something at one point my dad told Ryan to help Josh bring over a few food platters from the kitchen my mom took the opportunity to ask my dad if he had even asked Ryan how he felt about us coming over my dad said he did ask Ryan twice and both times Ryan said it was fine he was clearly embarrassed about how Ryan was acting but he said it's probably just weird for him he'll talk to him and Ryan just needs more time I asked Ryan if we could play some games in his game room because it really is a cool looking room he made an excuse about not wanting to mess up his save files on his games I was just thinking you can obviously make separate save files and delete them afterwards but again for whatever reason I just made an excuse for him saying I understood but our dad told him to show us the room so we went to the game room while my mom and dad hung out in the living room which is adjacent Ryan booted up one of his games and was playing single player he didn't offer to let us join and at this point in the night Josh and I didn't even bother asking because it was obvious he would make an excuse to not let us play I did ask him what game he was playing and what it was about because it did look like a fun game he told me it's hard to explain and it would probably be easier to just Google it Josh just let out this stifled laughter which just made me laugh too because it was honestly ridiculous Ryan was being rude at every opportunity without fail I know that probably makes us sound like AR holes but at this point in the night all we could do was laugh because it was a situation that just kept getting more and more bizarre I think we were both just sitting there wondering if this guy was serious he asked what was so funny and I just lied and said we remembered something funny that happened at school a few weeks ago thank thankfully he didn't ask for specifics although I'm pretty sure even if he did believe me he didn't care enough to ask anything about my life Josh and I went back to the living room and I asked my dad if it was cool if we checked out my room again he said yes of course but asked about Ryan I had to awkwardly tell him I thought we needed a little bit of space at the moment which he understood so Josh and I went to the room and just hung out there ourselves until about when my mom and dad called all of us to the living room they must have strategized while we were all away because as they sat us down and tried to get us to talk and address the situation Ryan just kind of shut down and wouldn't really answer anything he just looked annoyed our dad asked him if there was anything we could do to make things more comfortable for him and Ryan just straight up said we leaving would help our dad said that obviously that wasn't going to happen considering how late it was and the entire point was to celebrate the New Year together so Ryan said fine if we wouldn't leave then he would and he walked out the front door it was about 10 minutes to midnight at that point so dad follows him out to stop him and they got into a huge argument on the front porch it was so incredibly awkward I can't even begin to properly describe it my mom was frantically looking for the TV remote to turn the volume up to drown out the sound I couldn't hear everything they were saying but I heard bits and pieces my dad was upset saying he asked Ryan if it was okay if we came over and he said it was fine twice Ryan shouted that he had changed his mind dad said that's okay but we were already here and the least he can do is be C and try to make the best of it at one point Ryan shouted that we're not family and I'm not his brother which I admit really stung it's weird because I had already decided hours ago that I didn't like him but for some reason hearing him say that still hurts Ryan said we haven't even taken the test yet and dad was already just inviting me to their holiday celebrations I think Ryan is the only one who thinks that the test is going to be negative my Mom finally got the TV on full blast the three of us kind of awkwardly counted down the last 5 seconds and Qui quietly wished each other a Happy New Year I was trying to keep it together but it all kind of sank in that my idea of what the night would be just fell apart the whole reason we were there was to ring in the new year with my dad and half brother but neither of them were even there I wish I'd just stayed home about 5 minutes after midnight Ryan came back inside I didn't say a word he just quickly walked upstairs to his room my dad came up to us and apologized profusely and said he thinks Ryan needs more time to come around he did hug me for the longest time of apologizing again I wanted to tell him that I hated Ryan I wanted to say that he was rude and immature we are clearly two very different people because I would never in a million years be as disrespectful as he was to us to a guest in my mother's home but I just felt so bad for my dad who must have been in such a difficult position it was like when he was hugging me to comfort me he needed support too so instead I just said that I understood he said he was grateful to me for being so patient but the truth is I was angry I wanted to go home but but thankfully everyone was pretty tired and we all called it a night the next morning my dad made us all breakfast Ryan was up in his room the whole time my dad went to check on him but came back down saying he was still asleep I don't know if that's actually true or not I wouldn't be surprised if Ryan was just refusing to come down and have breakfast with us so breakfast was actually great we all avoided talking about the night before and just had a nice conversation Josh and my dad got along really well which was awesome because Josh is my chos and brother we've been through a lot together after breakfast we left Ryan never came down from his room and the truth is I was completely fine with that my dad apologized again and said he'd see me on Monday after school to finally take the paternity test on the ride back home my mom kind of broke the silence saying calab I'm not so sure about what the results of that test will be anymore because your brother's kind of an Ary hole and me and Josh just started dying of laughter it was even funnier because the whole ride over there she kept drilling it into my head had to be nice and not expect him to like me right away and Josh was saying he was so surprised I didn't punch him in the face at some point I know that probably makes us seem awful but it felt so good to have people who love me have my back and agree that it wasn't just me being crazy or over sensitive Ryan took it up to 100 and stayed there the whole night I didn't even realize it until then but it was like the whole time we were there I was holding my breath and on the ride back I felt like I could finally breathe again I thought that was the end of it but I got a text message from Ryan later that day I'll just post it here since it's short messages go like this Ryan hey it's Ryan my dad gave me your phone number sorry if I was weird last night I just don't really get along with strangers me it's all good man I know it's a really weird situation all around sorry of having my mom and Josh there made it harder to talk maybe you and I can hang out oneon-one sometime I hear they have a nice bowling alley and mini golf in your city or I can get us into the movies for free if you don't mind coming to just ask ask if you're down I'm usually at school late for activities during the weekday and I work nights on weekends but I can skip extracurriculars or most likely switch work shifts to hang out for whatever time you're free he never replied maybe I took too long to reply Josh and I were playing basketball at the time so I didn't have my phone on me or maybe he didn't like that I wrote too much back I tend to write a lot if that wasn't obvious by now either way it doesn't seem like Ryan cares to hang out with me so yeah not at all what I was expecting I debated even posting this because so many people seemed happy about my last couple posts I thought maybe it would be better for people to think we met and everything was perfect but that's not reality I really wanted it to work I don't even know where to go from here after school today I drove to the city and met up with my dad to take the DNA test it's done up until now I've been 100% confident in what the results will be but now I'm second guessing everything like what if I'm not actually his kid what if I just wasted his time and his money the last last few weeks my mom says there is no possible way he's not my dad because he was the only guy she was with during the time she got pregnant with me and I believe her but I still feel this uneasiness in my stomach I don't know maybe I'm just overthinking it he paid extra for the rapid results so we'll know for sure within 2 days maybe it doesn't even matter at this point Brian seems determined to not let me be a part of their family I'm sorry that this wasn't a happy update I really wanted it to be update it's official he's my dad my dad facetimed me from his car yesterday afternoon he said he'd just gotten off work and he got the DNA results my stomach was in knuts because I couldn't really get a read on his face but then he just smiled and said you're mine kiddo I just felt this huge wave of happiness and relief wash over me I was so sure he was my dad until after we took the test and doubt and fear started creeping in but now that it's been officially confirmed with a blood test I'm so freaking happy I have a doubt again after he told me he actually showed up at at the front door he wasn't really at work when he facetimed me he had gotten the results a few hours before and he wanted to celebrate in person so when he called me he'd actually just been sitting outside my house in his car he and my Mom planned the whole thing out he brought a cake and a little balloon that said it's a boy on it which was pretty hilarious K I was on Cloud9 all night we called my grandparents to tell them and they were really happy for us too my dad and I decided that we're going to go visit them next weekend since I have a 3-day weekend I I'm kind of nervous about that especially because I'll be so far away from home but they seem really great and just as excited as I am to meet them so I'm hoping for the best sorry if I seem bipolar with my posts it's just been a roller coaster with ups and downs but for right now I'm beyond ecstatic I can't stop looking at the picture of the results update weekend trip part one I split this post into two because it was just too much writing I really need to work on condensing things I know I'll probably post the second half tomorrow but in short the trip didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped but my grandparents are amazing lovely people I finally got to meet my grandparents this past weekend we had the plan set that my dad and I would leave on Saturday morning and come back Monday afternoon unfortunately my dad had a work crisis come up and he called me on Friday afternoon to tell me he wouldn't be able to go I was so bummed and I know he felt really guilty but at the same time I really wanted to meet my grandparents and I already scheduled the days off at work so I kind of had my week planned around going I consider myself an independent person so I didn't mind going by myself even though I obviously would have preferred my dad to be there my mom on the other hand felt differently she didn't want me to drive that far away on my own it's about 3 hours away so we compromised and she said if Josh goes with me I can go and as soon as Josh heard they lived right by a lake he was in I called my grandparents and they said they would love it if I still came and that Josh was more than welcome to come along so he and I drove over on Saturday day and when we got there I was nervous as hell we knocked and when they came to answer the door I instantly recognized them from our FaceTime call on Christmas but for some reason my brain shut down for a second and I stupidly asked if they were with their first names and they both laughed and my grandpa said don't you dare call us by our first names you call us grandpa and grandma and my grandma chimed in saying Josh better call them the same because they don't have enough grandkids and now they have two more I loved them right then and there it was just such a breath of fresh air after the meeting with Ryan we went inside set our bags down and had lunch my grandom made sandwiches and we all just talked about our lives for a couple hours my favorite part was hearing about their lives how they met and what their parents were like it's like this whole other side of my family tree just opened up and I'm learning so much about where I come from I could have listened to their stories all day to be honest they showed me a bunch of pictures of my dad as well TBH I thought they were just being kind and trying trying to make me feel welcomed when they kept telling me how much I looked like him in his youth but then I saw the pictures of him as a teenager and I understood what they meant it literally looked like it could be pictures of me if I was wearing '90s clothes and had a bad haircut me and Josh were both shocked at how strong the resemblances later in the day my grandma wanted to make a pie for dessert she said she loves to bake and we were celebrating so she offered to teach us her family recipe for cherry pie as we were finishing up with the pie we were surprised to see my dad show up he said the work issue got resolved a lot easier than he thought it would so he headed straight over there I was thrilled until I saw Ryan walk through the door shortly after him I was confused because my dad said that was his mom's weekend I discreetly asked about it while Ryan was saying hi to our grandparents and he just said it didn't work out whatever that means I didn't post about it but I did go over to my dad's house for dinner last week it was nowhere near as bad as New Year's Eve but Ryan still didn't really talk to me there was one moment where I thought he and I had something to connect on but he shut it down pretty quickly so when I saw Ryan walk through the door I was a bit concerned because he just doesn't like me and he makes it pretty obvious despite that the first hour and a half were fine Ryan did say hi to me well to be more accurate he said Su pretty boy which was kind of annoying because that seems to be the name he's decided for me I don't understand it or like it I mean yeah I like to dress nice and take care of myself but I'm not wearing makeup or spending hours in front of a mirror but I just let it go and said hi joshh and Ryan greeted each other all was good Ryan was just talking to our grandparents and my dad he didn't talk to me or Josh other than saying hi but that was fine but then my grandma's timer went off for the pie so I followed her to the kitchen and offered to take the pie out Ryan followed us and he made a comment about how I'm trying to come off as a nice guy it didn't even make sense the oven is low to the ground and she's an older woman so why wouldn't I offer to get it for her so she doesn't have to bend down to me that's just common courtesy I wasn't trying to put on an act I would do the same thing for my maternal Grandma but I just asked him to please not start with them because I just came to have a good weekend he started to argue but our grandma told him to knock it off and not to start a fight in her house he said sorry to her and walked out of the kitchen oh man I wanted to hug her and kiss her on the cheek I thought finally there is an adult who sees how he acts calls him out on it and shuts it down instead of babying him granted she did ask me to be patient because this is probably really hard for him to come to terms with that he's not the only child or grandson anymore I told her I'm completely fine with giving Ryan time and space I just hate that he acts so unnecessarily rude we were all having a good time so why does he have to try to start drama just because I offered to take a pie out of the oven anyway so the rest of the night was fine Ryan kind of shut down and was mostly quiet my dad did pull him aside and talked to him at one point I don't know what was said but Ryan was more talkative to our grandparents after that more more specifically he started recounting the greatest hits of his relationship with our grandparents I think he was doing it on purpose but maybe I'm just pessimistic either way I ignored it and we had a really great night the pie was absolutely delicious BTW there was a minor issue when it came time to assign sleeping Arrangements they only have two extra rooms in their house so originally it was going to be me and my dad each having our own room but we went from 2: to 4: with Josh and Ryan added in so my grandma suggested my dad take room and me Josh and Ryan take the other and I was just thinking there is no way I'm staying in a room with Ryan overnight I don't think either one of us would be comfortable with that Josh and I told them we were fine sleeping on the couches in the living room so Ryan and my Dad could have the rooms but none of the adults were having it so finally Ryan suggested he and our dad share a room and Josh and I take the other which I thought was a good compromise and to be honest I thought it was really cool of Ryan to willingly give up the room Josh and I were talking that night and we agreed that hopefully that was a sign that things were looking up with him we were wrong update weekend trip part two I just want to add a few quick notes to my last post a few people messaged me about Ryan's pretty boy comment I truly don't think he meant it in any sort of creepy or homophobic way Josh and I are just best friends more like brothers not that there would be anything wrong with us if we were gay but we're not I think Ryan calls me that as a way to try to emasculate me and when I said I try to take care of myself I just meant I try to keep my skin clear and have my hair neat so it doesn't look sloppy I don't think that makes me a pretty boy but apparently Ryan does I know a handful of people said that I shouldn't have brought Josh to NY as it might have been too much for Ryan to handle I explained that Josh was always going to be with me and my mom that night regardless of where we celebrated so I just want to give a reminder that Josh was only with me this past weekend because I was going to be alone at first even if I wasn't Ryan was never supposed to be there I'm still not sure what happened with his mom that caused him to join the trip at the last minute but please keep that in mind as you read this post so the next day we got up and went down to the lake my grandpa showed us this little area nearby that has like an obstacle course kind of thing I don't really know how to explain it it's kind of what I would expect they use to train people in the military it has balance beams monkey bars a tire section you have to hop through Etc but anyway he suggested that me Ryan and Josh run the course me and Josh were down but Ryan said no because he's done it a million times times already we still tried to get him to do it with us Josh even asked Ryan if he could walk us through it it's honestly pretty self-explanatory but we were just trying to get Ryan to join us but he insisted on not doing it Josh and I usually have friendly competitions with everything so we made a friendly wager to see who could finish the course faster so during it we were taunting each other like when I was ahead I would turn around and give him sht and then at the top of the climbing wall he started doing a weird dance it was hilarious to us but but of course when we were done Ryan made a comment asking what the point of doing it was if we weren't going to take it seriously Josh told him we're not training for the Olympics we're just having fun we went down to the lake which was an incredible sight The View there is amazing so we got into swim and there's a swing we kept jumping into the water from it was a blast Josh and I both tried to get Ryan to join us several times but he refused when we asked he refused when my grandpa and Dad encouraged him he just wanted to do his own thing after a while my grandma called us back to the house because she had made lunch so we went and ate everything was fine at lunch afterwards we're all standing outside on the front porch and my grandpa starts asking about sports I only play basketball but Josh is an all-around athlete so he and my grandpa started talking about all the sports he plays and apparently that pissed Ryan off because he made another rude comment asking if athlete was Josh's only personality trait Josh told him to chill and stop trying to start problems all the time and then Ryan shouted back asking why Josh kept calling him grandpa again our grandparents insisted on Josh calling them Grandma and Grandpa as soon as we got there and then Ryan doubled down by asking why Josh was even there because he's not family and he asked why don't you go hang out with your own grandpa I felt the whole world stop at that moment Josh's paternal grandfather passed away last year and Josh took it very very hard he loved his grandpa more than anyone he was closer to his grandpa than his actual dad to be fair to Ryan he did not know there's no way he could have known so I know he didn't purposely say it to be cruel or hurtful but in that moment it didn't matter to Josh he lunged at him and I had to hold him back trying my hardest to get through to him because Ryan doesn't know what he said I was practically begging him to take a walk with me to the lake and everyone else is just standing there looking confused and probably a bit scared because Josh looked like he wanted to un alive Ryan Josh is a guy's guy he's friends with everyone not a mean bone in his body never start fights with anyone but when Ryan said that I saw a completely different side of him he was Furious I've seen him mad before but never like that I know it hurt me when Ryan said what he said because I cared about Josh's Grandpa too but I can't even imagine what it felt like for Josh they took Ryan into the house and I managed to convince Josh to take a walk down to the lake with me my dad asked what happened and I told him to just give us a few minutes and to keep Ryan inside Josh ended up punching a tree on the way to the lake I want to reiterate that he's not a violent or angry person because I know that sounds bad Ryan just hit the one nerve that caused him to completely lose his cool I was actually grateful that he hit a tree instead of Ryan and I know he only walked away as a favor to me because he was livid we got to the lake and sat down at a bench and Josh just broke down I hated seeing him like that he's the nicest guy in the world he doesn't deserve that kind of pain he said Ryan just runs his mouth and says whatever he wants and nobody ever does sht about it I can't exactly blame him I'm frustrated about about the way Ryan acts too so we decided it was time to go back home there was no way we were going to survive another 24 hours there my dad and Grandpa eventually came up to sit with us and we explained why Josh got so angry he apologized to both of them but thankfully they completely understood they did try to convince us to stay but I was pretty adamant that it was time to go I wasn't going to let Josh have to sit through another day there and I certainly wasn't going to let him drive back home alone as we took his car there so we went back to the house I went in and quickly grabbed all of our stuff while Josh waited outside with my dad my grandma was really upset that we were leaving and I felt really bad that this was her first impression of me I apologized and basically begged her not to think that this is who I and Josh are we're good kids we don't fly off the handle and start sht all the time it was just a really horrible set of circumstances I guess at some point while I was packing someone must have told Ryan what happened because on my way out he stopped me and said he was sorry but obviously he didn't know about Josh's grandpa or he would never have said that which I do believe because he did look genuinely uncomfortable talking to me about it he said his grandma said he had to apologize to Josh before we left and I said I would tell Josh on his behalf but there's no way Josh wants to see him right now I did want to lay into him at that moment about him just being a jackar all the time but I'm not one to kick someone when they're down and his face did look like he felt like crap already my dad was really upset about the whole thing and I told him that I love him and I want to be a part of his family but if he wants me in his life he needs to get Ryan under control because his smart mouth has gotten old very fast he said he understood and to not worry about it because he was going to figure it out I did Apologize later because I knew I shouldn't have talked to him like that but I was just mad at the whole thing at that point Josh and I left and about halfway through the ride back home he was back to normal but when we got back to my house my mom was pissed off when she found out what happened Josh is like a second son to her so she was pretty angry about the whole thing in hindsight we should have just gone back to Josh's house and stayed there for the day or just said one of us was feeling sick or something and that's why we left early I don't know thankfully I convinced her not to call my dad at the time she did call him the next day when she had calmed down my dad called me a short while later and asked if I would be willing to go to a group therapy session with him and Ryan honestly I think it sounds pointless but if it's a chance to get Ryan and I to at least be courteous to each other I'll take it my dad said he has a few therapists in mine and he's going to see if one of them can get us an appointment next week last thing I'm definitely more of a logical or factual person than an emotional one so I try to write without bias even though Ryan frustrates the hell out of me I hope it doesn't come off as me painting him as the devil because I do see some semblance of a good person in him when he talks to our dad and grandparents he seems like such a normal guy it's only when it comes to me and Josh at the end of our trip that he gets really mean and belittling I don't know what his issue is but I really wish I could introduce the guy he is to everyone else thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of story we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyMomLiedToMeAboutMyRealDadPart
ex-wife is back in my life after I initiated our divorce years ago due to issues with her family now I'm wondering if we should give it another chance background we have been in relationship for 5 years and living together for four and this is the best most satisfying relationship I've had in all my life she works in the healthcare industry and her kindness towards those in need and less privilege than her is what drew me to ask her out in the first place in the last four years between us there have been some little fights and only one big fight the fight happened in October 2014 she planned for a lunch with Carl which I had to miss because of work rated emergency he called me later that night saying that I don't show him the respect he deserves and I'm always trying to get out of family events because I don't want to be around him which is not true because half of the planning and organizing on his birthday was on me and it was a big event in the morning I told GF about his call and she brushed it off as him being intoxicated the next weekend when we went to her parents place for family dinner Carl was extremely hostile towards me but I kept silent about it until he said that I should not have missed the lunch every other Sunday is family dinner at her folks place and I rarely miss it so I didn't think it was a big deal I apologized to him and said that I would make up for it in some way at the next dinner I bought a bunch of smart wearable accessories for him because GF suggested he was interested in them he refused to accept the gift and when I insisted he walked out saying he needs some air I had no clue what was going on and gf's mom was mortified apologizing to me over and over again for Carl's behavior when we got home I asked GF if there was something going on which she was not telling me at first she tried to brush it off but then she said that it was my fault for not seeing that her father was not interested in being buddies and one of my respect not friendship this was a complete surprise to me because I never really thought of him as anything more than her father we would just watch the game together sometimes and chat about it later but that was the extent of our social interaction GF said I needed to earn his respect and I told her I had done nothing wrong that's when the fight started but a few days later Carl called me and said he liked the watch and other accessories that's his way of declaring truths I guess after that I was always extra careful never to miss any event with him last June gf's mother died and it was an incredibly difficult time for everyone I tried to be as supportive towards the whole family as I could I cut down my work hours to spend more time with them GF and I started cooking the family dinner at his place because she thought it would be better for him to see the house alive with people again and we made it an every week event for a while just to spend more time with him multiple times we made extra effort to host family events and once we even flew his elder sister over for his birthday I had thought he would warm up to me a little but I guess I was wrong which brings us to today GF is away for the week on work related stuff so I planned the whole proposal I was going to decorate our apartment like a planetarium with stars and planets and right will you marry me in the Stars it's from friends which she is obsessed with I wanted to start the preparations with his Blessing because that way he would feel good about me asking him first and he'd feel included also I planned a lunch with him for today to ask for his Blessing I told him how much respect I had for him and that I wish one day I could be as good a father as he was then when I asked for his Blessing for the marriage he blew up he was absolutely livid saying that her daughter deserves a better man and that he never really liked me much and had always hoped the relationship would end he said all the ass kissing I was doing last year had showed that I just wanted to appear like a good man to GF and didn't mean any of that I was so shocked because this is not how I expected it to go at all I left him still spewing hate and went to one of my friends Place told him and his wife everything but they are just as shocked as I am I spent the day at their place and got home about 2 hours ago not sure how to proceed now or even what to do should I tell GF that her father said no should I seat as if nothing has happened for now I'm drinking and playing video games what should I do Reddit note I've kept a lot of details intentionally vague because GF and her siblings are active on Reddit update one I am trapped in a marriage I think is one-sided and I need advice I'm not sure what I will get out of this I feel like writing it all down and having a stranger over it might give me some mental Clarity but I think at this point there's no way to salvage our marriage also English is not my native language so apologies for any errors which cause misunderstandings I've been in a relationship with my wife for almost 9 years now married for two our relationship has been for the most part A fulfilling and satisfying one for the both of us it seems like I'm making a self- congratulating post but we've become better people by virtue of being together I'm an old-fashioned person so it was difficult to meet a woman who liked the things I liked and had the opinions I had the only unsavory part of our relationship over the years has been my relationship with my father-in-law my wife and I rarely have disagreements so most of the major fights we've had were because of her father I want to be clear here I don't hate it I respect the guy he sacrificed a lot in his personal life in order to provide for his family and to make sure my wife was raised with love and care I used to look up to him in the earlier years of the relationships he and my mother-in-law would host the Family twice every week and when I first started dating their daughter it took me by surprise how close they were as a family I really like the family events with these picturesque dinners of mild conflicts and contentment with how close my wife was with all her siblings and her parents too early on in the relationship I think I freaked out my wife by how much I enjoyed being at her parents house her mother was a saint of a woman who gave me so much love from the get-go she would always make sure I was included in family activities and often reserved a seat for me at the family dinner right next to her talking to me like I was one of her own I remember one time I was over at their place and had to get back to the city for work it was getting pretty late when I got up to leave and it had been snowing she came down from her room when I was leaving with an Overcoat of her husband saying I should take the coat with me just in case but I know it was because she knew my car got cold those days it was a posar getting to the end of its life she didn't didn't want me to feel like she thought less of me just because I made less money than my wife these little mom things she would do made me love her so much anyway the reason I bring up my mother-in-law is because I think she was the reason her husband was accepting of me at the time she died four years ago and it somehow changed him I think his love meter broke or something he started acting like I'd somehow slighted him all the time like one time wife and I were bringing over some groceries and restocking everything and I thought it would be nice to stay for the dinner and cook for him while he was out for his evening walk wife and I I prepared a nice dinner at dinner he thanked my wife for it she mentioned that I did most of the work for it and he kind of looked at me and just stopped talking another time in September of 2016 we were staying at his place for the weekend because we were cooking the family dinner early morning wife and I were sitting on the breakfast counter just starting our day and we thought he was out because he was usually the first one up I hit my wife on her leg over a stupid pun or something and I guess he saw because he came over and started yelling at me about not being raised right and being a woman beater he said a lot of extremely toxic things about me before my younger sister-in-law came into the kitchen and practically dragged him out my wife repeatedly said that it was a joke but he wouldn't accept the explanation saying she sticks up for me similarly I remember one time this was when his wife was alive I bought him a gift and he straight up refused to accept it in front of the whole family my wife's mother brother and his family including sister-in-law both sisters their husbands and the Elder Sisters kid were there it was such a humiliating experience for me I just wanted the man to not hate me all the time I think my mother-in-law forced him to accept the gift after a few days and made him apologize to me after my mother-in-law died he changed it was like his filter was gone he would stay in his room a lot only come out for his errands and walks he wouldn't watch the games with me saying I talk too much he wouldn't let me fix anything at the house despite me practically living there and having done a lot of work in the house in the past a popular Theory among my friends was that he hated me because I was too close to his wife which sounds so absurd she was a maternal figure in my life and I can't for the life of me understand why that would piss him off she was nice to everyone my wife is nice to everyone too to the point of it being a fault my mother-in-law used to say that she had four Sons her son two husbands of my wife's sisters and me so it's not like I was inappropriately close with the woman I've discussed this with my wife a lot too but she is always insistent that my relationship with her mother has nothing to do with it my wife is the youngest daughter so she treats her father with a lot of love and respect early on in our relationship his behavior wasn't his issue and by the time it became an issue we were already too serious for me to break it off over this everyone else in her family likes me as far as I know I've been invited over by both of her sisters at multiple times for lunches SL dinners SL favors Etc everyone treats me like a family I've talked to the eldest sister about why their father hates me but she's always maintained that he doesn't hate me she says he loves his youngest daughter a lot and has always been a difficult person to please and honestly I can see that it's true on an average day he is most tolerant of me out of all his sons-in-law but they all live in different cities or states and wife and I live in the same neighborhood say he gets to see me more I'm sure a part of his resentment is because of that too after my mother-in-law died we were all heartbroken a few days after her funeral when everyone was starting to leave my wife and I were going through some of the stuff that her mother left her she started getting choked up about the fact that the house felt like it had died with her we decided that we were going to take on the mandle of cooking for family dinners like her mom used to do it's a pretty big responsibility considering the family is almost never alt together except maybe one holiday a year sometimes it would just be my father-in-law brother-in-law and his family in us it was actually really nice for a while everyone kept visiting once in a while and the routine was nice I was glad to have more time for family and not being harassed by father-in-law it felt like he was warming up to me at that time wife and I started talking about marriage and it just felt right I don't think I was ever more sure about anything than about marrying my wife at that time there was a brief moment before the engagement where she and I got into a fight but things worked out nicely we got engaged in May and it just set things in motion my wife is the youngest child in her family so she got a lot of positive attention from her siblings they had kept her mother's wedding accessories for her which honestly was such a nice thing to do and slowly over the months it became this big and happy event in our family winter of 2016 when we got married my wife sat me down and asked me if it would be okay to move in back with her father to take care of him I think that was the moment where I made the stupidest decision of my life when I said yes I was blinded by love not just for my wife but for her family for her mother who I missed so much for her father who liked me but never really accepted me and for her siblings who lik me like I was their own I just thought thought about what would be best for everyone else a month after we moved in my father-in-law asked his son if he could come stay with him for a while at the time it felt like a good thing that he was moving past the grief of his wife's death but I don't think that was why he visited his son he just wanted to get out of the house because of me a few weeks later when he got back his passive aggressive started again but this time it was just constant nagging over small Petty things I moved the chair no I didn't I broke the thermostat no and I changed it for good measure I forgot to put the tools back I messed up the library things like that almost if I'm a child who's unwanted in this house may 2017 we had a huge fight and I gave my wife a choice to either live with me or live with her father that made her have a fight with her father and she decided she was going to move out because in her own words he is never going to accept you as his son he's delusional in grief so we moved out but still lived close by because both our jobs were quite close our moving out however messed up the whole family dinner tradition as her father refused to come to our place for dinners and we couldn't AFF for to host the whole family in our small apartment it became a logistic nightmare so her brother stepped up and said he was going to do it I think their father was really mad at me for ruining the tradition because at every single dinner I had with him he wanted nothing to do with me I actually liked it this way because it was nice to not be attacked or defended all the time but my wife started resenting me for it and I think her younger sister and brother do too it's been almost 2 years since we moved out I don't attend family dinners with much regularity maybe once a month if I'm being generous I also got busier at work so I've been spending less time with wife during the weekdays which I prefer because her resentment towards me is making it a very difficult situation she goes over to her brother's house every other weekend and the other weekend is spent at her father's place where her brother's family and she get together for dinner the only person on my side is my older sister-in-law because she thinks her father has treated me badly she has visited us twice over the last year and it's the only time I've gotten any affection from my in-laws it feels like up until 2 years ago I had a huge family who all loved me and now I'm getting more and more Lonely by the month I can't help but feel that the marriage is has changed our lives for the worse it's been more than 2 months since my wife and I have been intimate in our bedroom it's been a lot longer since we've had a date for ourselves I am at a complete loss as to what I can do to improve things this post kind of grew when I was writing it I had to edit some small details because I don't want my in-laws to find this post on Reddit and be hurt by what I've written update to I decided to go ahead and initiate divorce because I do not want to be in this relationship anymore some folks have messaged me asking for an update so I thought I could post it here instead of personal messages I've been reading a lot of relationship help books and tried to talk to my wife many times However the fact is she and I just don't work as a couple anymore I am no longer a priority in her life and I am not okay with it so last month I decided to talk to my lawyer and initiate divorce it's been a really stressful time especially from almost all of her family but at this point I just want to look after myself and recover myself from this relationship the folks at/ are/ dead bedrooms have been helpful as well I read through so many posts there which kind of open my eyes to the nature of my marriage once again thank you for people who helped me in my previous posts my ex-wife f33 and I M35 recently reconnected after she went through a bad breakup is it bad that I want to get back together with my ex-wife because of how lonely I am there's some context to why we got divorced but it will take too long to explain here the summary is that I could not get along with her family and mostly her father and that made my marriage an unhappy place for me her father always hated me and at one point told me that my ex-wife deserve eat better than me if you want to read about my relationship with him it is in the previous posts I am not sure if I'm allowed to provide links but after our divorce I lost a lot of family and friends I was very involved with family on her side and losing them all at the same time because we got divorced made things difficult for me I am an immigrant here so I did not have many friends outside of my ex-wife's family during the divorce process the co lockdown started and that killed all my relationships with her side of the family and I was really lonely here for a long time I tried to go on dates but the dating culture is so different now than 15 years ago I could not find a person I wanted to spend more time with but I think it was in part my fault too and the one person who showed interest in long-term dating she was much younger than me I did not like her friends and her friends were not thrilled with me either so that relationship kind of died in 2021 since then I have stopped going on dates even and I have lost touch with some friends and acquaintances because of Co or maybe because of age and not having a wife like they are all family men now so making time is a difficult thing but anyway I saw my ex-wife a few times in the last 2 years and we exchanged some quick words about well-being but nothing substantial I knew she lost her father due to co and I told her I was sorry for her loss because he loved her very much she also told me she was dating a younger man and it was going well however we never sat down for tea or anything it just never happened but 2 months ago I got a message from her saying she wanted to meet for lunch during this lunch she told me her relationship of one year and some months was not going well and she was thinking of breaking up with her boyfriend She and Him did not agree on kids or not having kids and she did not see see a future with him we kept in touch through the last 2 months and 12 days ago she broke up with him she told me a part of the reason was that after talking to me she remembered how it was with me when we first started dating and how it was not the same with her boyfriend she and I have been talking a lot in the last few weeks since the Brea up the first thing she does after waking up every morning is message me and then 2 days ago she called at 7:00 in the morning saying she was at my door with some food I had been feeling ill but I don't remember when I told her however she came with a lot of home-cooked food and soups which she knows I like it felt like we were back in time 10 years ago it's been a very confusing time since then I am not sure what I feel I think I am starting to love her again she pays me so much attention which is nice she also keeps sending food or bringing it herself and then last night she spent the night because I was too ill to get up and clean after myself nothing happened between us but at the same time I think she wants to talk about us dating again maybe and I will admit all the attention and food and other gestures of love and care are starting to feel incredible I am not sure who to talk to about this I think I need to keep her away for a few days to be able to think clearly but it has been so long since I have felt this good about myself and a lot of our relationship problems were from how her father acted with me so I keep thinking maybe we can try again and this time it will be better any advice or anyone wants to talk to help me think here I would really appreciate it update 3 my ex-wife f33 and I M35 recently reconnected after she went through a bad breakup is it bad that I want to get back together with my ex-wife because of how lonely I am as for the update it is a mixed bag on Saturday she came over to talk about our relationship and what we both wanted what went wrong Etc she asked to speak first and I really should have talked first instead but I let her say her part and it was focused on her relationship with her whole family how important her father was to her how much involved everyone else was in her relationship with me she said sorry for letting her family and her father in particular medal in our marriage one of the things which hurt me a lot was when she mentioned that her ex-boyfriend never wanted to be around her family and hated going to any family events or even to a simple dinner at as she said that's when she realized how much easier I had made things for her in our marriage it was incredibly hurtful because I remember telling her in so many different ways and at many times even before the death of her mother that I was okay with her family's involvement but she needed to keep some distance between our relationship and her father in particular she said that one time her father said something nasty directed at her ex-boyfriend and after that time he refused to be in the same room as him and I told her that he was right in doing that I reminded her of the time when her father told me after 5 years of our relationship that he did not want to give me blessing for asking you to marry I don't know why but hearing her say that she saw her family's Behavior towards her boyfriend and that was what helped her see how toesy they can be was really hurtful like my feelings and my protest did not matter to her as much I told her that and she had tears in her eyes she said sorry A lot of times about it she said she was young and inexperienced at first and then after her mother died she was scared of losing her father and anything I said about him was difficult for her to hear because of that I remember one time we were hosting the family dinner and her father said hurtful things about my cooking and I brought it up with her and one of her siblings and she refused to hear me even when her sister told her she should listen because I was right anyway when we got talking about her father the conversation kind of got away from me we ended up talking about him for like 2 hours I think she wanted to get a lot of it off her chest too it was very emotional and exhausting though as afterwards I did not have the energy to continue talking I really wish I had talked first because I wanted to talk to her about our problems in the bedroom as well but we had to make food first she was saying how much she missed cooking with me and being around each other I guess that's another thing her ex boyfriend did not appreciate about her after making lunch together we just sat eating and talking about the few times we had some time for ourselves when we were married she mentioned how much she liked going on two road trips we took together after we got married for context we used to have a lot more time when we first started dating as we were still studying but then after getting jobs and having to take care of a house it slowly diminished after we finished lunch I was too tired to continue our conversation so we just kind of existed around each other for a little bit we did talk about what we should not expect if we started dating I told her I want to talk about our bedroom problems but maybe not right away she told me she wanted to say sorry for Noy listening to me about that too she was a very selfish lover and she told me it was a difficult thing for her to realize that she had ignored my needs in the marriage she said if we date again she wants us to see a relationship counselor together and by herself to make our dating life better I think it is a good idea to talk to someone who can help me explain my side of things to her I am not confident how helpful the conversation can be if it is just the two of us she has a tendency to talk over me or to agree with me but not let me say my part I want to talk to her about it too but I think it's better if I wait until we have found some relationship counselor but still I think the outcome of the conversation yesterday was good I want to ask her out on a date tonight for maybe Tuesday or Wednesday she went back to her house last night and I missed her presence around me a lot I don't know if that is a good sign or if it means I am too lonely when she was here yesterday she got a call from one of her siblings and she mentioned me by name I was not listening in but I just heard her say my name so my ears picked up on that part I feel like that should be a good sign too or maybe I am just desperate to look for anything positive as take that as a sign she wanted to come over today but I told her I am feeling much better and she doesn't need to cook for me today also I spent the morning today looking through our old pictures together it was nice to remember the person she used to be I feel like yesterday I saw a little bit of that person in her am I wrong to want to start something so soon I know I said previously that I would wait but waiting for the sake of it seems pointless I do want to take things slow because I want us to find a relationship counselor soon but I am afraid I will lose her if I show no interest
give me a good story on ExwifeisBackinMyLifeAfterIInitiatedOurDivorceYearsAgoDuetoIssuesWithHer
trigger warning teen pregnancy adoption religion struggles mental health struggles I'm 14 and Pregnant I received a shepherding call today I'm very annoyed as I'm writing this because I very much hate when the elders come and their tone is always very condescending like they speak to me like I'm stupid and Gaslight me the whole conversation so my ex-boyfriend who is also a JW basically went to the elders and confessed everything me and him did together which included fornication which resulted in me now being pregnant I was under the ression from my ex and his family that we would keep this under wraps until the baby was adopted we are still in high school but this man out of nowhere went to the elders to try to get me to stop the adoption and well the elders didn't outwardly say don't adopt out the baby but they showed me freaking Bible scriptures and one that really pissed me off was Isaiah 4915 which says can a woman forget her nursing child or have no compassion for the son of her womb even if these women forget I will never forget you like what the hell do they mean by that with scripture they go on to say that our brother and sisters are a village for me and the baby and that if I just cast all my anxiety and fears on Jehovah I will be fine but they failed to realize that the moment I got pregnant and my mom refused to help me get an abortion because of this religion I was forever done with Jehovah my baby already has adoptive family members who aren't Witnesses and will have a better life than being around people like this does the father of a baby need to sign off when giving up a baby for adoption update on our legal advice I hate to come and ask Reddit this but I've been doing research on it all afternoon and can't find a clear answer but a little background me and the father are both in high school and I'm pregnant I decided that we aren't both fit to raise a child given that we both don't have jobs still live with our parents and pretty much have no resources to provide for an infant with that I'm turning to adoption but there is a slight issue the father isn't on board to give up the baby for adoption and wants us to keep it so we raise it together I'm no way interested in that and I offered that he take the child and I sign my rights over but he's not interested in being a single dad unless I'm involved we got into a slight disagreement the other day and he totally ghosted me I can't get in contact with him and I'm nervous because my due date is near and I've already been hospitalized so my question is does he need to be present for the adoption to happen I also reside in Oklahoma since I know it always varies from state to state I lost all my friends update on R true off my chest I feel absolutely horrible and so alone but there is a reason why I did it I'm pregnant and where I'm from it's very controversial for someone in high school to get pregnant plus I am part of a strict religion so when I found out I made it a point for people not to find me including my close friends my plan was to give the baby up for adoption and just hope no one knew I didn't want to tell my friends because for one it's embarrassing and second I didn't want to be the topic of any outside gossip I messed up a lot because I really ghosted my best friend and she made me feel upset or cry she feels like I don't like her anymore so I just told her straight up that I was pregnant she didn't believe me and when I showed her my belly she was still upset that I didn't tell her and that she thought we were closer since then she has been texting me really vaguely I now just feel so alone and honestly depressed and I have been having some dark thoughts I've been getting unfriended or unfollowed by my other friends and I just feel like such a loser I miss my old life so much but I honestly don't think that even if I gave up my son I would actually get my old life back it might be irrational but I've been having thoughts of keeping my baby so I can just have some sort of purpose I needed to get this off my chest and I'm sorry if my grammar stinks I typed this fast my induction is in 3 hours and I'm absolutely scared update on R baby bumps I'm honestly supposed to be sleeping but I can't because I have an immense amount of anxiety this is my first child and I am also considered to be an extreme high-risk pregnancy given my age and starting size I was diagnosed with preclampsia when I was about 22 weeks old and it made my pregnancy absolutely horrible I mean my hair is completely thinned out I was constantly swollen and was just constantly sick and I was sent on bed rest early on plus the Braxton Hicks were a lot of fun a part of me is glad like yes this will finally be over and another part of me is just completely scared because I have the additional factor that I'm giving my son up for adoption and I'm nervous once I see him how would I react and will I actually go through with it I feel stupid this is such a pointless post but I just need to get this out of my system aita for not wanting to see my son update on r two hot takes I recently had a baby boy in early March and I made a tough decision to give up my son I honestly have been in a deep depression ever since and 2 weeks after the birth I went to a mental health facility afterwards because I had a pretty intense breakdown I was there for 3 weeks and I feel a bit better now I tried so hard not to be attached to my baby and I thought I wasn't until I of course held him for the first time in sign those papers over I used to regret giving him up but now I know I made the right decision for him I'm going into my sophomore year of high school and I know it would have been selfish on my behalf if I didn't give him to a loving family that would probably give him way more than I could ever possibly give and have a much more positive and stable childhood than I had I of course love him and I think about him almost every single day he was also such a perfect and surprisingly calm baby given how much I cried during my pregnancy I haven't worked up enough courage to open the letter or go see my son ever since I gave birth I totally ghosted the adoptive parents and I feel absolutely terrible but it has just been so extremely hard to see him I'm afraid to get attached to him and in a way I feel like I let him down I don't know if I can handle the pressure of being someone who's a part of his life my mom is saying I'm heartless for not wanting to go see him or acknowledge Him in conversations but it was just extremely hard to do without wanting to burst out in tears so hold me accountable rdit aita also yes this is sort of an update for people who kept up with my past post my mental health has been really tough for me
give me a good story on ParentForcingTheirPregnantYrOldDaughterToHaveTheBabypartorig
:00.229 --> :06.170 I am applying for a position in Australia and I am required to upload certified copies :06.170 --> :07.660 of my college transcripts. :07.660 --> :08.660 Ok. :08.660 --> :10.219 That's fine and totally normal. :10.219 --> :16.359 In the US we call them official transcripts, so I thought no biggie. :16.359 --> :19.320 I had scanned my official transcript where the seals, watermarks, and signatures are :19.320 --> :21.199 all visible several months ago. :21.199 --> :23.670 I attached it and sent in my application. :23.670 --> :24.670 Done! :24.670 --> :27.689 Then I get an email saying that I need to send in a certified copy. :27.689 --> :33.160 I told them that in the US we call them official transcripts and that I had already uploaded :33.160 --> :34.190 a scan of my official transcript. :34.190 --> :36.920 I get a message back saying that they have to be certified. :36.920 --> :40.039 I explained that the original hard copy was in the US and that I wasn't and asked how :40.039 --> :45.140 I could get a certified copy of my original if the original is in the US and I am not. :45.140 --> :46.140 No kidding. :46.140 --> :49.250 This is what I was sent back as a response. :49.250 --> :52.100 "Thank you for your emailI am happy to answer all your questions. :52.100 --> :53.100 Certify copies :53.100 --> :54.260 Make a copy of the original document. :54.260 --> :57.920 Take the original document and your copy to the certifier. :57.920 --> :05.010 They will check your copy is the same as the original. :05.010 --> :09.530 On a single-page document, the certifier must write or stamp, 'This is a true certified :09.530 --> :11.250 copy of the original as sighted by me.' :11.250 --> :15.750 If you are able to get certified copies from your education provider directly to you it :15.750 --> :20.630 would be easier for you to upload them directly to the portal. :20.630 --> :21.630 " :21.630 --> :22.630 So... huh? :22.630 --> :26.850 I requested another copy of my transcript from my university and requested that it be :26.850 --> :28.120 sent to them directly. :28.120 --> :32.070 But in the meantime, I printed out the scan of my official transcript, went to the police :32.070 --> :34.440 station, and had them certify it as an original document. :34.440 --> :36.340 I then scanned it and uploaded it back to the site. :36.340 --> :39.590 Anyone with common sense would definitely not accept what I did as official, but it :39.590 --> :40.590 worked. :40.590 --> :43.110 The institution accepted the scanned copy with the police officer's stamp and my application :43.110 --> :44.110 went forward. :44.110 --> :46.780 I provided them with a certified copy of the scan of my official transcript. :46.780 --> :47.780 Like what?!? :47.780 --> :48.780 This is a really old story. :48.780 --> :49.780 (Don’t use it, it’s long). :49.780 --> :55.970 My parents lived in a house where the neighbour had right of access across my parent’s back :55.970 --> :57.440 garden to get to their’s. :57.440 --> :58.440 (Standard U.K. :58.440 --> :59.440 Victorian end terrace rules.). :59.440 --> :03.310 They were s****y neighbours, they would let their grandkids run around our garden and :03.310 --> :04.310 drop their rubbish. :04.310 --> :09.170 They would also come out and stand in our garden while my parents had family bbqs and :09.170 --> :10.170 stare at us. :10.170 --> :14.129 My folks couldn’t do much about it because they had the right to be there. :14.129 --> :19.170 My parents were fed up of this, as well as them walking across the flower beds and leaving :19.170 --> :25.090 the gates open, so when the farmer who owned the land surrounding my parents house offered :25.090 --> :27.730 to sell about 1/4 acre of it, my parents jumped at the chance. :27.730 --> :30.540 Imagine the original path to the neighbour’s back gate before the sale. :30.540 --> :34.810 They would walk up the path besides my parent’s house, across the yard (where they could look :34.810 --> :41.819 into our kitchen) and walk to their gate which was located on the boundary between our two :41.819 --> :43.450 houses, about halfway up the garden. :43.450 --> :47.060 My parents bought the land and erected two 7 foot fences around the perimeter of the :47.060 --> :48.060 land. :48.060 --> :52.060 The fences were about 4 foot apart, the entrance was around 30’ away from the original gate :52.060 --> :57.739 and when you walked all the way around the new path, it led directly to the neighbour’s :57.739 --> :58.739 back gate. :58.739 --> :02.120 Essentially they had their own path and didn’t need to enter our garden. :02.120 --> :05.810 The neighbours didn’t like this because it meant they had to walk much further to :05.810 --> :06.969 get to their back gate. :06.969 --> :09.439 My parents reminded them they have fulfilled their legal obligation to give them access :09.439 --> :11.209 across their land to the neighbours back garden. :11.209 --> :12.650 It didn’t say anywhere that it has to be the shortest route. :12.650 --> :14.889 The neighbours threatened legal action but didn’t follow it up. :14.889 --> :16.620 The farmer sold the rest of the land to a developer. :16.620 --> :20.819 The neighbour contacted the developer to ask if they could create their own exit onto the :20.819 --> :24.230 developers land at the far end of their garden so they didn’t have to use our path. :24.230 --> :26.489 The developer agreed as that area was going to be a pathway. :26.489 --> :29.790 They gloated to my dad they didn’t need our path anymore and he’d wasted his money :29.790 --> :30.790 for nothing. :30.790 --> :36.469 So my dad put a lock on the gates to ensure privacy as they no longer needed it. :36.469 --> :41.379 When the foundations for the first buildings went up the neighbour complained to council :41.379 --> :46.299 and company that they were too close (by 2 metres) and had to be moved. :46.299 --> :50.379 The fuss cost the developer a lot of extra money so they sent a letter to all the neighbours :50.379 --> :54.659 informing them a path will no longer be running along the back of our gardens as it will now :54.659 --> :57.969 be used as garages to offset the cost of reworking the foundations. :57.969 --> :00.439 They built a garage block directly behind neighbours garden. :00.439 --> :05.239 The neighbours now had a gate at the bottom of the garden that led to an ugly concrete :05.239 --> :06.239 wall. :06.239 --> :10.690 The neighbour then had to come cap in hand to ask my dad politely to removed the locks :10.690 --> :13.500 so he could start using the path again. :13.500 --> :14.560 My father obliged. :14.560 --> :19.790 The neighbours only stayed a few more years as it seemed that the son in law actually :19.790 --> :25.330 owned the house and when he divorced the daughter, he sold the house and kicked them out. :25.330 --> :29.900 Edited for clarity of what a Victorian terrace house is. :29.900 --> :34.910 Imagine a row of houses built all in a line with no spaces in between. :34.910 --> :39.270 All the houses had a front door and a back door. :39.270 --> :44.420 Because Victorian house designers wanted as many houses as possible on a plot of land, :44.420 --> :51.900 they didn’t waste space by adding a private side entrance to every house , they just made :51.900 --> :04.660 one or two entrances or entries/ginnels (look it up) to the structures for everyone to use :04.660 --> :08.110 and added a ‘right of way’ stipulation in the title deeds. :08.110 --> :14.340 This meant that the home owners closest to the entrances couldn’t block it off so his :14.340 --> :16.220 neighbours could access their gardens. :16.220 --> :20.910 In Victorian times, everyone used the back doors because the front room (the front door :20.910 --> :25.890 would open directly into the parlour) was for best and nobody used it. :25.890 --> :27.860 (Or it was a bedroom). :27.860 --> :34.590 In modern times most of these houses don’t have enough space at the front of the house :34.590 --> :40.610 for bins or bike storage etc so the owners have to use their ROW rights instead of dragging :40.610 --> :42.780 wheelie bins through their homes.This one is from my dad: :42.780 --> :46.180 My dad started to work in his job about 50 years ago and he never changed it. :46.180 --> :50.600 He went through all the stages that came with it: first he was the "post dude" and would :50.600 --> :56.620 only deliver inhouse messages and then he slowly made his way up the food chain until :56.620 --> :59.000 about 15 years ago he became teamlead of his team. :59.000 --> :05.390 His job was part of the financial department and his team consisted of 8 of the 15 people :05.390 --> :10.040 in the whole country that knew exactly how this specific part of the financial system :10.040 --> :11.560 worked and how the laws were applicable. :11.560 --> :15.420 In the last 20 years my dad was travelling all across the country, teaching his knowledge :15.420 --> :20.260 to everyone who paid a LOT for those courses and he even helped "designing" many laws regarding :20.260 --> :24.250 this topic. (which also lead to many funny stories where some know-it-all lawyers tried :24.250 --> :29.670 to get cocky with him and tell him how it should be done until he told them that he :29.670 --> :30.670 WROTE those laws. :30.670 --> :31.950 But that's for another time) :31.950 --> :35.300 My dad knew for the last 10 years in his job that he will retire and that all his team :35.300 --> :39.360 will retire shortly after him, since the department was founded not too long ago. :39.360 --> :44.131 He told his boss and her boss' boss that they should hire some people for them to teach :44.131 --> :45.131 their knowledge. :45.131 --> :46.990 That was TEN YEARS before his retirement!! :46.990 --> :52.910 And they all told him that there is plenty of time left and everything is golden and :52.910 --> :53.910 he shouldn't worry. :53.910 --> :00.030 FFW about 8 years and my dad is still trying to convince them that it is urgent that they :00.030 --> :01.030 need to hire NOW! :01.030 --> :06.100 But in the meantime, the boss' boss has changed and now the new guy just looked at him and :06.100 --> :09.680 with a really b****y voice he told him: "Why would YOU care about that?" :09.680 --> :11.720 Welp, he never brought up that topic again. :11.720 --> :13.000 Two years later he retired. :13.000 --> :17.300 His coworkers who worked with him for 40 years in this department had nobody to ask when :17.300 --> :19.210 they were unsure what to do. :19.210 --> :22.750 The new teamlead was some young dude who tried to teach my fathers coworkers how stuff worked, :22.750 --> :26.160 just because he sat in one of the courses my dad gave a few years ago... :26.160 --> :32.020 Now that about 70% of the department are all retired, stuff works REALLY slowly and the :32.020 --> :33.930 department has to reach out to the lawyers to help them. :33.930 --> :37.660 But those s***heads (sorry but lawers are truly idiots) don't know anything about this. :37.660 --> :40.602 My dad always said: "policaemen, teachers and lawyers are the worst kind of people because :40.602 --> :45.720 their job always makes it that they are right the whole day long" and he was constantly :45.720 --> :47.440 working with this type of people... :47.440 --> :52.980 Sorry for my bad engrish, it has been a long time since I wrote something like that :DMy :52.980 --> :54.320 amazing wife bought a pogo pass for the family. :54.320 --> :57.590 This allows our family of five (sometimes 7) to go to many events on the cheap. :57.590 --> :02.290 Last night we saw the rattlers play against the IFL s newest team, the Frisco Fighters. :02.290 --> :03.290 Great game. :03.290 --> :07.090 One that a certain couple didn’t get to see, thanks to some (presumably)-malicious :07.090 --> :08.930 compliance on behalf of the ticket scanner. :08.930 --> :17.060 We were waiting in line, waiting for our tickets to scan, noticed a couple in front of us getting :17.060 --> :22.170 very fidgety with their middle school twins, yelling at them to pull up the tickets on :22.170 --> :23.639 their phone. :23.639 --> :26.700 They made it a race, as if everything was a competition to these girls. :26.700 --> :31.080 Twin 2 wins (lost that bet with my wife), just in time to get scanned. :31.080 --> :35.880 All that and the man scanning didn’t take his magic wand and scan their phone…just :35.880 --> :38.399 looked and nodded them through, about ready to move on to us. :38.399 --> :40.820 But alas, it was not to be! :40.820 --> :45.139 Mom starts tripping balls, telling the young ticket scanner “but you didn’t scan us!” :45.139 --> :47.180 YTS replies “ma’am you’re good to go” :47.180 --> :52.430 He then turns back to us to scan our tickets that we’re , also, readied by our kid, saying :52.430 --> :57.379 as he makes eye contact with us “hey man some people don’t get it;if I say you’re :57.379 --> :01.170 good to go you are, got no problem with ME you’re problem FREE”. :01.170 --> :04.500 He said it so rhythmically that nothing I could write could do it justice , just how :04.500 --> :06.089 melodically he almost sang this utterance. :06.089 --> :07.089 Like a catchphrase. :07.089 --> :11.529 All of a sudden the lady shouts while whispering, probably because security is right there, :11.529 --> :12.649 “This is America! :12.649 --> :16.250 For ALL of our safety I demand you scan each of our tickets…” :16.250 --> :21.120 Enter MC by the Young Ticket Scanner (YTS) as he tells us, with his eyes more than anything, :21.120 --> :22.120 “watch this…” :22.120 --> :25.249 He takes the scanner , asks the crazy this is America lady “are ya sure?” :25.249 --> :29.180 “Positive, you know the——“ she was about to ramble on when the tickets suddenly :29.180 --> :31.560 made a weird noise; the noise of rejection. :31.560 --> :37.290 YTS says in an overly emphatic sad voice “ma’am I’m so sorry, I hate to be the one to tell :37.290 --> :41.009 you this, but this ticket is for our Next home game…see the date??” :41.009 --> :43.290 crazy lady replies “you’ve gotta be kidding me!” :43.290 --> :47.019 And she turned to her disappointed looking family and disappeared into a crowd of people :47.019 --> :48.240 I could care less about. :48.240 --> :53.310 YTS turns to me and says (to my wife most likely, añd kind of to his coworkers and :53.310 --> :57.720 the general public) “I saw that date , saw that different helmet color….I tried to :57.720 --> :00.370 help them out man no one wants to listen. :00.370 --> :03.019 No one cooperating . “ smiling all the way, shrugs in unison. :03.019 --> :08.290 Nice to see MC second hand.I requested a long term visa in a European country that needed :08.290 --> :11.509 proof that I had enough money to support myself during my stay. :11.509 --> :15.410 My money is in the stock market with a broker that operates only online. :15.410 --> :23.310 European country required the paper work to be of the last 3 months and that each page :23.310 --> :28.920 have the official stamp of the financial institution with the initials of the branch manager. :28.920 --> :34.370 My financial institution insisted that they provided ONLY online statements and that compliance :34.370 --> :37.550 can be validated with the barcode. :37.550 --> :41.870 Also, there was no branch manager, since online brokers don't offer local services. :41.870 --> :45.870 European country wanted nothing to do with a barcode from my country of origin. :45.870 --> :58.189 I figured that if they couldn't validate a code, they couldn't validate a stamp. :58.189 --> :07.610 I went to Office Depot and asked if they could make me a stamp with the financial institution's :07.610 --> :08.610 logo. :08.610 --> :09.610 They complied. :09.610 --> :14.059 I stamped and initialed my own statements. :14.059 --> :18.959 I didn't lie about having the money, I did have it... :18.959 --> :29.910 I figured that at worse they'd called the phone number on the statement s and get asked :29.910 --> :32.329 for the barcode. :32.329 --> :47.559 Then stamp or not the financial institution would confirm that I was compliant with the :47.559 --> :55.750 money requirements.In the 1990s we moved to small-ish town and learned pretty quickly :55.750 --> :07.439 that there was another person living here with the same first and last name as my husband. :07.439 --> :18.170 They are the only two people with that name in our part of the state, so it was confusing. :18.170 --> :26.350 The other guy had an unlisted number and we did not. :26.350 --> :40.350 So we received a lot of calls for this other guy. :40.350 --> :43.740 Some not so nice. :43.740 --> :51.220 We could not tell the callers the other's guy's number because we did not know it. :51.220 --> :10.970 And not everyone believed us when we said that the called the wrong guy and we did no :10.970 --> :25.380 know his number. :25.380 --> :26.380 It was annoying. :26.380 --> :35.890 As it turned out the other guy missed a music gig because the person trying to get him called :35.890 --> :39.579 us and could not reach him. :39.579 --> :49.440 So he called us and gave us his number and asked us to pass it along. :49.440 --> :04.720 So we did. :04.720 --> :08.350 For everyone who called. :08.350 --> :10.769 Old friends. :10.769 --> :13.180 Music gigs. :13.180 --> :14.389 Telemarketers. :14.389 --> :16.810 Bill collectors. :16.810 --> :27.970 There were a LOT of those! :27.970 --> :52.149 Needless the say the other guy called again and asked us not pass out his number to folks :52.149 --> :56.880 he did not want to talk to. :56.880 --> :01.319 I told him that I was not going to screen his calls him. :01.319 --> :23.829 He can choose to get ALL :23.829 --> :26.920 of them or NONE of them. :26.920 --> :31.329 Those are the only choices. :31.329 --> :50.970 I don't recall which he chose but it was not an issue for much longer after that.
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceCRAZYLADYRUINSHERFAMILYDAYOUTRedditStories
aita for not attending my daughter's wedding little background I'm a 52-year-old man and I just recently found out my youngest daughter who is 22 is getting married she lives in Washington and works as an elementary school teacher she doesn't come home often as she has her own life pretty far from where we live recently she came home for her brother also my sons baby shower as he and his wife are expecting their fourth kid I was happy to see her but was surprised when I saw a middle-aged man with her she then told me he was her fiance my ex-wife and girlfriend were so happy as were my kids and my daughter-in-law I then found out my daughter was marrying A 42-year-old man I was shocked and automatically did not approve this man was only 10 years younger than me and I didn't appreciate the fact of him dating my young daughter my family talked to him and he's a good guy he's got his own contracting business and makes a lot of money however I couldn't shake the thought of this grown man taking advantage of my daughter I was very uncomfortable and to make it worse I found out she started dating him when she was 18 I nearly blew a gasket because all I could think was my barely legal daughter being taken advantage of by a then 38-year-old man the next weekend she called me and asked if I'd save the date for May 25th as that's when she'd be getting married she said her fiance opted to pay for the immediate family's flights to Washington I told her it wouldn't be a problem as I wouldn't be attending she asked why and
give me a good story on AITAfornotattendingmydaughterswedding
:00.250 --> :11.650 An :11.650 --> :14.799 earlier post about getting to work on time reminded me of this. :14.799 --> :19.820 Where I live a drug store is not allowed to open if a pharmacist isn’t there unless :19.820 --> :23.460 they have a system to lock up over the counter medications. :23.460 --> :25.210 Cue the malicious compliance. :25.210 --> :26.730 It’s the mid 1990s. :26.730 --> :32.400 I’m a brand new 23 year old pharmacist working my first Saturday shift at a pharmacy in my :32.400 --> :35.180 hometown in a suburb of a major city. :35.180 --> :40.360 I’m short and blonde and almost always mistaken for being much younger than I am. :40.360 --> :43.890 I take the bus to work because I’m broke and it’s easy. :43.890 --> :50.650 One bus arrives at 8:27am and one at 8:57am but I take the earlier for my 9am open in :50.650 --> :51.980 case it’s running late. :51.980 --> :57.260 I get off the bus right in front of the drug store and there’s these two burly guys blocking :57.260 --> :58.260 the door. :58.260 --> :03.120 I try to get past them but they are rude and tell me to back off and they are there first. :03.120 --> :07.610 Not wanting a confrontation at my new job I walk a few stores down to a Starbucks and :07.610 --> :12.260 chat with the barista who I knew from high school and have a drink of short drip coffee :12.260 --> :13.790 (I’m broke remember). :13.790 --> :19.939 At 8:45am I try again to get into the store but the rude guys are still there and tell :19.939 --> :21.520 me to “back off b*tch”. :21.520 --> :23.360 Back to the Starbucks I go. :23.360 --> :28.009 I borrow the phone to call the stores after hours number and tell them my situation. :28.009 --> :31.750 I ask if I can be let in the receiving doors at the back of the strip mall. :31.750 --> :36.990 The store assistant manager tells me that the jerks are scalpers -Elton John is going :36.990 --> :42.110 on sale and they are there for the Ticketmaster sales at the store post office. :42.110 --> :44.490 She tells me to get behind them and wait. :44.490 --> :47.390 I go and wait about 10 feet away from them. :47.390 --> :52.450 9am rolls around, then at 9:05 they start banging on the doors. :52.450 --> :56.330 Assistant manager opens the doors about 9:07 and asks if she can help them. :56.330 --> :01.409 They are yelling and swearing and she politely tells them that she can’t open the store :01.409 --> :03.520 until the pharmacist arrives. :03.520 --> :10.350 They ask where the f*ck HE is and she points to me and I walk past and into the store. :10.350 --> :13.739 They were so rude to her that she banned them from the store. :13.739 --> :18.660 Best of all she had gotten the post office staff to run off 3 pairs of tickets for each :18.660 --> :24.610 of them right at 9am (max allowed was 6 per person) and the staff all got a chance to :24.610 --> :26.190 buy a pair instead. :26.190 --> :46.800 I splurged on a perfect birthday present for my sister! :46.800 --> :51.360 Three years ago i started working in a company were my manager was a piece of crap that would :51.360 --> :57.040 insult us and blame any problem on his employees trying to get them against eachother. :57.040 --> :02.460 I got burned out after about a year of 10 hours days and weekends and of doing tasks :02.460 --> :07.770 that were greatly above my paycheck and completely different from what i was promised as i got :07.770 --> :08.770 there. :08.770 --> :10.500 So i gave my resignations. :10.500 --> :15.770 My manager though i was useless as he often said about anyone but himself, so instead :15.770 --> :20.909 of trying to find a new employee, he decided he would have taken over my role, to the horror :20.909 --> :23.019 of all my coworkers. :23.019 --> :29.209 The only problem: I was the only person who knew perfectly the company ERP program and :29.209 --> :34.519 i would have had to teach him my 1,5 year experience in two weeks. :34.519 --> :39.250 As i started to teach him he got more and more frustrated and terrified by the amount :39.250 --> :44.930 of workload that was coming his way and started to insult me even more, but i was still trying :44.930 --> :48.569 to teach him the best i could for the sake of my coworkers. :48.569 --> :51.610 All of this until the first day of my last week. :51.610 --> :56.629 I was pointing out a mistake he was making every time he did a certain task and he replied :56.629 --> :59.550 screaming at me "Shut the freak up! :59.550 --> :02.540 I don't need you to act as a freaking teacher!" :02.540 --> :05.829 So (malicious compliance) i didn't... :05.829 --> :12.350 ... I just sat beside him for the next and last 5 days not teaching him anything and :12.350 --> :16.830 every time he couldn't remember how to do something i would jokingly cheer him up, telling :16.830 --> :21.509 him i was sure he could come up with the solution himself if he focused enough. :21.509 --> :25.880 When problems would come up that i still didn't have the time to solve i would tell him "I :25.880 --> :30.830 don't know how this thing happened, it never happened to me, you should contact the client :30.830 --> :33.460 service, they thought me everything when i needed". :33.460 --> :38.820 The peak of this was when he got so frustrated that he started to repeatedly slam his mouse :38.820 --> :44.280 against the desk and then sat there staring blankly at the screen for 10 minutes. :44.280 --> :48.660 I had to actually keep myself from laughing in his face. :48.660 --> :53.920 After i left i spent the next two months getting called almost daily by my ex-colleagues to :53.920 --> :59.150 help them find files or solve problems that they couldn't find an answer for and that :59.150 --> :03.880 i didn't have the time to teach them as i had to stay with the manager all the time. :03.880 --> :05.940 ⚠FAKE NAMES⚠ :05.940 --> :06.970 Characters: :06.970 --> :09.680 Me: 18 Female :09.680 --> :12.630 Charlotte: 12 Female (My sister) :12.630 --> :14.350 Kayla: 14 Female :14.350 --> :19.300 Karen: Mid 40s Female (Professional asshat and Kayla's mom) :19.300 --> :21.930 Jonathan: Early 40s Male (manager) :21.930 --> :25.810 Setting: Baseball/ softball facility :25.810 --> :29.710 This happened about a week ago, so I've had a bit of time to think about it. :29.710 --> :34.520 I take my younger sister to softball practice because my parents get off work later in the :34.520 --> :38.060 evening, and I am fine with this because I love watching her play. :38.060 --> :40.919 We arrive a few minutes early so Charlotte can warm up. :40.919 --> :45.800 Her class is an hour long so the warm up before it starts so they can utilize the short amount :45.800 --> :47.280 of time they have. :47.280 --> :52.020 Around ten minutes into the class, this woman, (we'll call her Karen), called over Charlotte :52.020 --> :56.020 and one other girl named Kayla, who she was practicing with. :56.020 --> :00.400 Charlotte and Kayla walked over confused, and I was a little ticked as this was wasting :00.400 --> :02.310 their and my time. :02.310 --> :04.970 I follow them over because I am curious. :04.970 --> :09.160 Karen says she needs to talk to the girls about something important, but she says she :09.160 --> :10.699 needs a witness. :10.699 --> :15.050 She calls for the owner of the facility's wife, and it takes about five minutes for :15.050 --> :16.669 her to come talk to us. :16.669 --> :20.889 I ask what is going on, and Karen says she needs to talk about dress code. :20.889 --> :26.210 I was a little bit confused, as there was never a dresscode on the facilities website, :26.210 --> :28.509 nor was it in any emails. :28.509 --> :32.350 I asked Karen if she was an employee, and she said she was. :32.350 --> :36.730 We listened to what she had to say, which was no shorts without leggings under them, :36.730 --> :38.840 no showing shoulder, etc. :38.840 --> :44.800 I was even more confused at this point, because my sister never wore anything provoking, and :44.800 --> :49.789 on this day she was wearing a short sleeved softball jersey and lululemon leggings. :49.789 --> :54.830 Karen also stated that the shorts Charlotte wore in a previous practice where too short. :54.830 --> :57.229 They were mid thigh loose shorts. :57.229 --> :01.400 At this point I was trying to hold myself together, but the last thing she said pushed :01.400 --> :02.979 me over the edge. :02.979 --> :08.180 Karen said this was all because there were highschool boys at the facility. :08.180 --> :12.830 Charlotte gave me a nervous look that basically said "I need to worry about that?". :12.830 --> :14.259 Charlotte is 12. :14.259 --> :19.090 Karen just so happens to have 3 highschool boys that practice at said facility. :19.090 --> :21.410 I asked Karen to talk to me outside. :21.410 --> :24.790 I was furious and I went off on her. :24.790 --> :29.560 I asked her if I needed to be worried about my little sister being sexualized while playing :29.560 --> :32.650 a sport in the presence of older boys. :32.650 --> :35.319 She said that boys think different than girls. :35.319 --> :38.580 I asked if there was a boys dress code, and she said there was. :38.580 --> :41.210 I asked to speak to the manager or a coach. :41.210 --> :45.910 She was hesitant at first but I finally got to speak to the owner, whose wife was the :45.910 --> :48.150 "witness" earlier. :48.150 --> :50.889 The manager was a kind man named Jonathan. :50.889 --> :53.509 My talk with Jonathan explained a few things. :53.509 --> :57.889 A: There is no dress code, athletes can wear what they want to work out. :57.889 --> :01.080 B: Karen was not indeed an employee. :01.080 --> :03.569 Jonathan was very helpful and apologetic. :03.569 --> :06.090 At this point, Charlottes practice had ended. :06.090 --> :09.759 As soon as we got in the car to go home, she started bawling. :09.759 --> :14.260 She asked basically what I asked Karen; does she have to worry about being looked at by :14.260 --> :16.540 upper-class highschoolers? :16.540 --> :20.169 She also told me her coach thought the dresscode was BS. :20.169 --> :23.610 We got milkshakes on the way home and talked about what to do next. :23.610 --> :29.360 I said we should take the high road and ignore Karen, but she had a better plan, cue malicious :29.360 --> :30.360 compliance. :30.360 --> :34.830 She said that she wanted to follow the no shorts without leggings under them rule, and :34.830 --> :36.270 she did just that. :36.270 --> :41.519 The next day, when we went back for her next practice, she wore leggings with spandex shorts :41.519 --> :42.519 over them. :42.519 --> :44.399 If you don't know what those are, look them up. :44.399 --> :47.320 It looked a little funny, but her coach got a kick out of it. :47.320 --> :49.040 Karen was FUMING. :49.040 --> :54.080 She angrily confronted me, asking if I told Charlotte to do this just to make her mad. :54.080 --> :58.780 I told her Charlotte just really took what she said to heart and decided to follow her :58.780 --> :59.780 rules. :59.780 --> :03.899 Of course Karen couldn't do anything but complain to her group of friends that also brought :03.899 --> :05.339 their kids to work out. :05.339 --> :08.920 A few of them chuckled and Karen just got angrier. :08.920 --> :13.019 Every day we have gone back, we haven't seen Karen or her kids there, so it's a win in :13.019 --> :14.019 my book. :14.019 --> :15.610 Hi, this is my very first post on reddit, so please, don’t be too harsh on me. :15.610 --> :19.390 :) Also, I am from Germany and not quite sure I translated the position titles correctly, :19.390 --> :22.269 but if not, they’re mostly minor detail to the story. :22.269 --> :27.600 And I know most of this story is explanation about the relationship, but I think it’s :27.600 --> :28.600 necessary to get what happened. :28.600 --> :33.649 I (43 F) am a learned landscape gardener, but due to an accident many years ago, can :33.649 --> :36.040 no longer work the actual craft. :36.040 --> :42.100 In 2020, after 12 years of being a STAHM, I began working in the office of a quite large :42.100 --> :43.690 landscaping firm. :43.690 --> :49.260 My position was Assistant to Management, with „Jack“, one of the COOs, as my direct :49.260 --> :50.260 boss. :50.260 --> :53.030 At the time, I did mostly supporting paperwork. :53.030 --> :57.670 A couple of months later, the company hired „Becky“ as a junior manager. :57.670 --> :02.519 She had just finished her master’s degree, and this was her first „real“ job, so :02.519 --> :06.510 she had a LOT to learn, and to gain experience. :06.510 --> :11.370 In the beginning, she relied on me for the paperwork and how our programs worked, and :11.370 --> :15.980 I thought we got along well, even though we were as different as two people can be. :15.980 --> :19.589 In spring 2021, there were some changes made. :19.589 --> :24.149 For once, our whole department moved to new office rooms, and Becky and I were put in :24.149 --> :25.510 the same office. :25.510 --> :30.790 Also, I was taken out of day-to-day-paperwork to work exclusively on surveying, to get all :30.790 --> :34.160 the measurements needed to correctly bill our clients. :34.160 --> :36.600 About that time, our problems started. :36.600 --> :43.600 I am on the ADHD spectrum, so I have habits of unconciously fiddling, or talking to myself, :43.600 --> :46.300 and other stuff, that unnverved her. :46.300 --> :52.440 She needed absolute quiet while working, whereas I prefer to hear music over headphones. :52.440 --> :57.250 Everytime she told me something I did would disturb her, I tried to stop myself from doing :57.250 --> :02.440 that, be it mumbling, listening to music while she is in the office, even drinking coffee :02.440 --> :05.500 because „your slurping is disgusting“. :05.500 --> :07.190 (Coffee is hot, duh?) :07.190 --> :13.140 I was not allowed to comment on anything concerning her (I am a terribly curious person), and :13.140 --> :14.180 so on. :14.180 --> :18.640 Even though I love my job and anyone else in the company, that daily repression made :18.640 --> :20.839 me not want to go to work in the morning. :20.839 --> :24.690 It came to afist head when one of our foremen was in the office. :24.690 --> :29.850 She gave him a task, he was annoyed, and I made a fun little comment that made the foreman :29.850 --> :32.240 chuckle (lightened his mood as intended). :32.240 --> :38.630 But after he’d left, she exploded on me how dare I undermine her authority, and how :38.630 --> :44.959 unrespecting of her position and person I was, after all SHE was a manager (junior, :44.959 --> :48.899 but who counts?), and I was merely the assistant. :48.899 --> :54.200 She went to Jack to complain about me, how she could not work with me when I was so obnoxious, :54.200 --> :55.740 yadda yadda… :55.740 --> :01.171 Long story short, Jack is a super chill boss, he talked to me to hear my side, and three :01.171 --> :07.029 days later I moved all my stuff into another, smaller office, where I work ever since. :07.029 --> :08.029 :08.029 --> :12.800 As I mentioned, I do the surveying, for all managers' projects who need it, also for Becky. :12.800 --> :17.019 And she was very particular in how the plans had to be laid out, which items had to be :17.019 --> :18.880 on them, and so on. :18.880 --> :23.750 So when I did a survey and drafted the plans, we had to have several discussions and corrections :23.750 --> :27.840 about minute details none of he other managers cared about. :27.840 --> :33.000 Everybody else, when I had a question regarding their projects, I would go to their office, :33.000 --> :37.829 see if they were free, and ask the information that I needed, if I could not draw it from :37.829 --> :39.420 the documentation. :39.420 --> :40.579 Not with Becky. :40.579 --> :45.880 She demanded I make appointments with her to schedule meetings to talk about these issues. :45.880 --> :49.500 That dragged work on her projects to absurd lengths. :49.500 --> :54.540 Also, she would give me deadlines for finishing, and then take one to four weeks before even :54.540 --> :56.820 looking at what I had made. :56.820 --> :01.320 THEN she would want to discuss that, when I was already at the next project over. :01.320 --> :02.510 It was a pain. :02.510 --> :07.540 In December 2021, we had another falling out when she questioned me about a project that :07.540 --> :12.390 I had finished in October, and got ticked when I could not immediately recall all the :12.390 --> :13.390 details. :13.390 --> :18.240 I mumbled something like „Maybe assemble the bill not 2 months after finishing the :18.240 --> :20.080 project“, and she blew up. :20.080 --> :22.329 „How dare you tell me how to to my work! :22.329 --> :26.720 I know what I am doing, and don’t have to put up with a lowly assistant!“ I left, :26.720 --> :30.500 and luckily, that was the last day of work in 2021. :30.500 --> :35.470 In 2022, work started with Becky calling me to her, and instructing me on how we would :35.470 --> :36.980 proceed in the future. :36.980 --> :42.519 I was not to talk to her while working unless she approached me first, or if we had a scheduled :42.519 --> :43.519 meeting. :43.519 --> :48.581 Also, I was only to talk to her about the tasks she had assigned me, nothing else, as :48.581 --> :51.880 it was not my position to tell her how to do her job. :51.880 --> :57.329 Breaks were fair game, but by then, my interest in making conversation with her had faded. :57.329 --> :59.429 So, that’s how it went. :59.429 --> :00.429 :00.429 --> :03.579 At this point, I have to mention that as part of my job, I sometimes look at the charts :03.579 --> :08.029 of work that has already been done - how much soil has been brought in, how much of which :08.029 --> :13.350 materials have been used -, to get an idea of what needs to be included in the survey. :13.350 --> :18.610 In Becky’s lists, I sometimes noticed typing mistakes, like the surveyed amount of square :18.610 --> :25.000 meters entered, when the volume (cubic meters) was demanded, which resulted in too high bills, :25.000 --> :28.389 which lead to complaints by the client and reduction of the bill. :28.389 --> :33.680 I tried to tell that to Becky, but she stopped me before I really began, pointing out again :33.680 --> :38.269 I had to focus on my job, and not speak to her unless addressed by her first. :38.269 --> :39.269 O-kay. :39.269 --> :45.180 For other managers, I would simply have corrected the mistake after quick consultation, :45.180 --> :47.060 but for her - nope. :47.060 --> :52.089 In the following months, I noticed a couple of these mistakes in her projects, but I kept :52.089 --> :53.519 my mouth shut. :53.519 --> :57.690 Also did not go to Jack about it, because I did not want to appear like I was blackmailing :57.690 --> :59.240 her or something. :59.240 --> :04.870 Over the summer, I noticed more and more mistakes, and how projects that had been finished in :04.870 --> :07.600 the spring had still not been billed. :07.600 --> :11.790 But somehow Becky found the time to go on summer vacation - twice. :11.790 --> :18.740 I noticed undocumented items, false entries, lacking entries, and other mistakes in the :18.740 --> :22.110 lists of her projects, and said - nothing. :22.110 --> :26.430 In early August, she had finally assembled the bill for one of her bigger projects that :26.430 --> :31.200 had been finished months ago, and forbade anyone to talk to her while she worked on :31.200 --> :32.380 the next. :32.380 --> :33.380 :33.380 --> :34.380 Then I received an email. :34.380 --> :39.120 The client who had received the aforementioned bill had rejected it, due to the amount of :39.120 --> :41.800 mistakes and lack of confirmability. :41.800 --> :47.740 I had been CCed as the surveyor - but the problem was not my surveys, but that Becky :47.740 --> :50.190 had not transferred the results correctly. :50.190 --> :54.290 The client denied payment and demanded immediate correction. :54.290 --> :01.730 The sum was around 250.000€, money the company had been waiting for for months by the time. :01.730 --> :06.240 This was serious, so I decided to break my silence and tell Becky. :06.240 --> :11.600 She saw me through the glass door, and before my hand touched the handle, she yelled „Don’t :11.600 --> :13.180 talk to me!“ Well, then… :13.180 --> :15.120 what’s a girl to do? :15.120 --> :16.120 Wait. :16.120 --> :22.120 For about 15 minutes, until my super chill boss, who’d been walking his dog over lunch :22.120 --> :24.160 break, returned to his computer. :24.160 --> :28.350 Of course he had been CCed as well, and his roar made the walls shake. :28.350 --> :33.680 Jack went to Becky’s office and tore her a new one, afterwards came to me and asked :33.680 --> :36.600 me to please correct the lists as far as I am able. :36.600 --> :41.430 In the following days, he went through all of Becky’s projects, and needless to say: :41.430 --> :43.459 She’s gone since September. :43.459 --> :44.459 :44.459 --> :48.660 She wanted me to do everything her way, and I tried to comply with so much crap. :48.660 --> :03.269 In the end, I complied so much, it got her fired. :03.269 --> :09.549 I used to work on cruise ships in the spa. :09.549 --> :13.870 Had been working for a couple years and was pretty good at my job so I started training :13.870 --> :19.010 to be an assistant manager so I could step up to manager (mainly for the much nicer work :19.010 --> :23.870 schedule and raise in pay cause being a normal spa member was heck on earth). :23.870 --> :28.809 I was working hard, staying way past when I should’ve gone home, some days only going :28.809 --> :33.970 to my cabin for a couple of hours just to sleep so I was hardly in my room ever. :33.970 --> :39.210 Then my roommate’s contract ended and I got a new roommate, lets call her Rita. :39.210 --> :44.860 Rita was Australian and just married, we were cruising the Mediterranean so in order for :44.860 --> :48.850 her to talk to her husband she had to call him at very odd times. :48.850 --> :52.309 I didn’t mind as she wasn’t super loud when chatting to him. :52.309 --> :57.669 The first month we shared a cabin was fine, nothing spectacular but fine. :57.669 --> :02.120 Then she woke up one morning and decided she wanted to try and make my life heck. :02.120 --> :06.310 I don’t know what I did to make her hate me, if I did I would’ve wanted to fix it :06.310 --> :11.370 as living away from your friends and family in such a stressful environment is difficult :11.370 --> :12.370 enough. :12.370 --> :14.530 Idk, maybe she got cabin fever. :14.530 --> :20.070 So as I said before I only really went to my cabin to shower and sleep, and that meant :20.070 --> :21.800 my stuff was hardly touched. :21.800 --> :26.340 I had the bottom bunk so I kept my stuff at the foot of my bed and under a chair I was :26.340 --> :28.390 using as a bedside table. :28.390 --> :31.890 Her stuff however was all over the place. :31.890 --> :35.860 She also started being extra noisy whenever I was trying to sleep. :35.860 --> :40.390 We were set up to be on different teams so a roommate will have some privacy for a couple :40.390 --> :45.870 of hours every time you had some time off (normally in port for a morning 3 times a :45.870 --> :46.870 week). :46.870 --> :52.000 I would start work at 7am and work till about 10pm, some days till past midnight. :52.000 --> :57.549 I was tired when I was in my cabin, but then she would insist on being the most annoying :57.549 --> :59.110 person on earth. :59.110 --> :06.130 She would dry her hair at 2 am, watch a movie on loud, drink beers loudly, and be noisy :06.130 --> :07.919 on the top bunk. :07.919 --> :13.390 Then she went lower than I could ever dream, she slept with my ex bf (who I broke up with :13.390 --> :16.320 cause he cheated on me) while I was there. :16.320 --> :20.860 I was so fed up with her and complained to my manager, who said I just needed to deal :20.860 --> :24.210 with it, or date an officer with his own cabin. :24.210 --> :25.830 I was miserable. :25.830 --> :30.340 Then finally we had a cruise where head office was cruising with us to check on standards :30.340 --> :35.381 and launch a new product, I had known this lady for years and she knew me well too, we :35.381 --> :36.740 got along well. :36.740 --> :41.059 One night after dinner I get called into the office, I thought maybe I was finally getting :41.059 --> :44.240 that promotion, boy was I wrong. :44.240 --> :48.929 Head office and my manager had called me in to tell me to move out of my cabin (in which :48.929 --> :51.920 I had been for 7 months with only 2 months to go). :51.920 --> :57.559 Apparently Rita had gone and told them I was the roommate from heck, that I was being noisy :57.559 --> :00.299 on purpose and being disrespectful. :00.299 --> :04.809 She had even claimed that I stuck her toothbrush in the toilet (toothbrush was shown to me :04.809 --> :09.560 and I’d never even seen this toothbrush in my life, also it made me worry that maybe :09.560 --> :11.600 she had done this to my toothbrush). :11.600 --> :17.419 I fired back and asked my managers why they would think I would do something so disgusting :17.419 --> :22.100 after knowing me so long, and they replied they believe me but as there is no way to :22.100 --> :26.159 disprove Rita I had to be the bigger person and move out. :26.159 --> :29.299 I had an hour to pack up and transfer cabins. :29.299 --> :36.650 I was humiliated and heartbroken that someone would be so mean, but then anger kicked in. :36.650 --> :41.970 So I packed up my stuff, but I put on my most annoying music, blocked the toilet, knowing :41.970 --> :46.770 it won’t be fixed til the next day and placed the mattress outside in the hallway so she :46.770 --> :49.010 would have to fetch it herself. :49.010 --> :54.419 Our cabin was also the only cabin with a mini fridge, and I took that thing with me, even :54.419 --> :55.610 though I didn’t use it. :55.610 --> :59.800 I left all her stuff in the fridge on the counter and set the thermostat to hot. :59.800 --> :04.710 I had some glitter from parties that I spilled on the carpet and spread all over the floor :04.710 --> :06.350 (whoops). :06.350 --> :10.909 My maintenance friends also heard of my unfair treatment and took it upon themselves to turn :10.909 --> :15.730 off the hot water in the cabin, and when it was reported they put it last on the list :15.730 --> :18.210 of things that needed to be fixed. :18.210 --> :23.270 Rita complained about me stealing the fridge, but as it was never hers to begin with and :23.270 --> :26.730 it was still in a spa cabin there was nothing she could do. :26.730 --> :32.070 My new roommate was lovely, very happy to have a fridge, and never had a disagreement :32.070 --> :33.070 with me. :33.070 --> :44.659 Rita quit and went home 2 weeks later. :44.659 --> :49.660 Around 20 years ago I got a job at a local factory which manufactured aluminium windows :49.660 --> :55.330 and doors for some very large new builds, huge skyscraper types. :55.330 --> :01.760 I started out as a general Labourer but within 3 years had worked my way up to fitter/manufacturer. :01.760 --> :07.170 Then the firm invested a huge amount of money in a new CNC machine, I was selected to be :07.170 --> :09.960 one of the programmer/ operators. :09.960 --> :15.040 I was sent to Germany from the UK to be taught how to run it, it was a real head scrambler :15.040 --> :19.679 to start with but eventually I figured it out and loved the job. :19.679 --> :24.039 Once it was installed and running smoothly the company was able to deal with much bigger :24.039 --> :27.470 contracts so naturally took them on. :27.470 --> :32.100 In order to fulfil all the work, I had to ensure the machine worked every minute of :32.100 --> :33.760 the working day possible. :33.760 --> :35.760 My hours were 8-5. :35.760 --> :41.360 I would arrive at work at 7.30 and spend the next 30 minutes firing up all the computers, :41.360 --> :46.169 turning on the machine and running it through all the set up procedures and making sure :46.169 --> :47.650 it was ready to go. :47.650 --> :52.059 Then I would walk across to the main factory at 8oclock to clock in. :52.059 --> :58.080 However one day I had a small issue with the machine which took a few minutes to fix, so :58.080 --> :01.010 by the time I got to the clock in machine it was 8.04. :01.010 --> :06.940 I really didn’t think anything of it until I got my payslip that week, it was 15 minutes :06.940 --> :07.940 short. :07.940 --> :12.390 So I went to see my manager, he looked at the pay slip and said company policy was, :12.390 --> :18.919 3 minutes late clock in allowed only, over that time is an automatic 15 minute deduction, :18.919 --> :23.420 but he knew it was a genuine reason for the late clock in so would speak to the payroll :23.420 --> :25.250 dept and get it sorted. :25.250 --> :27.610 They however said tough! :27.610 --> :29.080 Rules are rules. :29.080 --> :35.330 So no prizes for guessing what I did next, from then on I arrived at 7.30, and sat and :35.330 --> :42.789 drank coffee until 7.55, walked over to clock in, and only then started my set up. :42.789 --> :48.830 That 2.5 hours a week amounted to a large amount of lost production, teams of fitters :48.830 --> :51.750 began to run out of product after about a week. :51.750 --> :56.260 At that point the big boss got involved, he realised immediately that he could not ask :56.260 --> :02.650 me to go back to doing what I did before so he offered me 30 mins a day at overtime rate. :02.650 --> :05.110 Well why not, I was there anyway. :05.110 --> :11.529 That 1 minute extra on the clock cost them 2.5hrs a week at time and a half for the next :11.529 --> :30.960 2 years, when I finally left the company So, I work at a fast food restaurant. :30.960 --> :36.539 I work overnights 10pm to 6am and my compliance comes near the end of my shift. :36.539 --> :37.630 The build up: :37.630 --> :42.809 Now, I've been working this shift for over a year now and as most know who work this :42.809 --> :48.400 shift things need to get done before certain times (I'm in Australia for reference, we :48.400 --> :52.399 lock to doors at 10pm so you can only get drive thru for my shift) :52.399 --> :58.140 A new crew was so behind that I had to do a lot of his job so I could get my job done :58.140 --> :00.960 (I work in the kitchen they do drive thru) :00.960 --> :06.399 The night started off fine and I was on time to clean the grills when all the sudden a :06.399 --> :09.190 foul smell permiated the air. :09.190 --> :13.429 The male staff toilets had backed up and it stunk. :13.429 --> :15.980 The new crew member started to slack off. :15.980 --> :21.130 So I had done my part in cleaning the floor and was waiting on him before I could continue :21.130 --> :25.721 as I couldn't finish the floors until his side was done (because I'd just have to do :25.721 --> :28.500 it all over again as water gets everywhere). :28.500 --> :30.470 So all in all it was a bad night. :30.470 --> :32.539 On to the Compliance: :32.539 --> :37.919 So at 5am I'm behind on washing everything while trying to make the muffins so I'm a :37.919 --> :39.080 bit rushed. :39.080 --> :44.740 I had just finished 4 bacon and egg McMuffins and 3 big brekkie burgers when someone comes :44.740 --> :50.450 in and demands that I remake his bacon and egg McMuffin because it didn't look 'nice' :50.450 --> :52.990 I smiled, said 'No worries!' :52.990 --> :58.169 and proceeded to take my sweet time making sure that everything was placed nice and neat, :58.169 --> :04.110 cheese on a diagonal, egg placed perfectly in the centre and bacon stretched out so it :04.110 --> :05.630 hung over a little. :05.630 --> :08.610 The perfect looking bacon and egg McMuffin! :08.610 --> :10.289 It was a master piece! :10.289 --> :14.679 It took me about 5-10 minutes to get everything just right. :14.679 --> :17.980 My manager stood back smiling, knowing what I was doing. :17.980 --> :22.909 So once I carefully handed it to her, she very carefully placed it into the bag and :22.909 --> :27.440 handed it to the customer with a bright smile and a 'Have a great day!' :27.440 --> :33.299 We both watched as he snatched up his now cold McMuffin and stormed out of the store. :33.299 --> :36.159 As soon as he left we both had a good laugh. :36.159 --> :15.950 Thankfully I didn't get in trouble but I did have to stay longer to finish the wash up.
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceHowIRUINEDAGuysBREAKFASTRedditStories
:11.010 --> :15.510 So I work in a care home so 24 hour care everyday of the year. :15.510 --> :18.570 We have a new worker who is 21 and has 6 kids. :18.570 --> :22.390 We have just been given the Christmas rota and we are allowed to work it ourselves so :22.390 --> :24.740 we either work Christmas or new year. :24.740 --> :30.220 This girl is refusing to work Christmas saying she has kids why should she work and that :30.220 --> :34.430 people with no kids are selfish dickheads If they don’t work Christmas. :34.430 --> :38.720 Also she won’t work new year because she has organised a New Years party for her kids. :38.720 --> :42.930 Errmmm just because we haven’t squirted out 6 kids doesn’t mean we don’t have :42.930 --> :48.020 a family at home or even grandparents who it could be their last Christmas on this earth. :48.020 --> :52.870 I told her that she can’t just demand days off due to kids and everyone has a reason :52.870 --> :57.620 for wanting to be home and she said she doesn’t care about anyone else and will quit if she :57.620 --> :58.780 has to work it. :58.780 --> :03.160 Not to mention the fact she also refuses to work any holiday such as Easter because of :03.160 --> :09.940 her kids, refuses to work bank holidays and wants 6 weeks in the summer holidays off 😂😂 she :09.940 --> :14.729 also refuses to work more than 3 days a week because it effect her benefits 💀. Some :14.729 --> :16.240 people honestly. :16.240 --> :21.520 Who hires them 😭 I would also like to mention we work night shifts and she sleeps the majority :21.520 --> :27.400 of them and if you try to wake her up she starts screaming at you how she has kids and :27.400 --> :31.840 we can’t imagine how hard and tiring her life is at home and she comes to work for :31.840 --> :43.650 a break 😭😭 Hi I'm new to this sub I originally had it posted somewhere else and :43.650 --> :46.159 someone said it would fit here. :46.159 --> :54.070 So I just wanted to know what you guys think. :54.070 --> :00.390 I (27F) had bunion surgery a week ago and have a hard time getting around right now. :00.390 --> :03.380 I'm using crutches and have finally gotten the hang of them. :03.380 --> :07.460 My mom took me to an appointment a few days ago to check on the healing progression. :07.460 --> :12.720 Now for more information this doctors office is like an hour away from where I live so :12.720 --> :15.530 on the way back I had to use the bathroom. :15.530 --> :19.950 It was lunch time so my mom pulled into a McDonald's so we could get a cheap lunch and :19.950 --> :21.530 I could go to the bathroom. :21.530 --> :25.421 Another thing to note I have a hard time getting up from the toilet with the heavy cast and :25.421 --> :26.750 the crutches. :26.750 --> :30.840 As I was in the stall I heard someone come in the bathroom and huff that the handicap :30.840 --> :32.280 stall was in use. :32.280 --> :35.780 I felt bad so I tried to hurry up the best I could. :35.780 --> :40.500 It took me longer than expected because again I was having issues getting up and had to :40.500 --> :42.610 use the bar one the side. :42.610 --> :47.480 Well when I finally got out of the stall this woman started screaming at me that her child :47.480 --> :52.560 who was in a wheelchair really needed that bathroom and that I was selfish for using :52.560 --> :53.560 it. :53.560 --> :57.540 She proceeded to yell at me the entire time I was trying to wash my hands (I was holding :57.540 --> :02.530 back tears because I don't like people yelling at me) I feel bad because her child was in :02.530 --> :06.610 a wheelchair but I still feel like I'm covered and not the AH. :06.610 --> :13.390 Maybe I'm wrong? :13.390 --> :19.920 AITA? :19.920 --> :22.250 This happened years ago, but I can’t forget it. :22.250 --> :25.879 I’m a season ticket holder at a local minor league baseball team. :25.879 --> :27.450 I’m a child free woman. :27.450 --> :31.599 I was sitting in my seat, drinking a beer, and waiting for the game to start. :31.599 --> :34.989 These two guys and a little boy showed up and sat near me. :34.989 --> :39.670 From what I could hear, the younger man was the kid’s father, the older one was the :39.670 --> :40.670 grandfather. :40.670 --> :42.930 There’s a bar & grill off of left field. :42.930 --> :46.810 The two guys were looking at it and talking about wanting to go there to drink. :46.810 --> :50.540 But they didn’t want to bring the kid (even though kids are allowed there). :50.540 --> :54.819 Then grandpa turns to me and asks me if I would watch the kid so he and his son could :54.819 --> :55.950 go there to drink. :55.950 --> :57.370 He was dead serious. :57.370 --> :58.870 I told him NO. :58.870 --> :02.950 He got all peey about it, guess he figured that ALL WIMMIN LOVE KIDS. :02.950 --> :05.930 I don’t like most kids and I don’t babysit. :05.930 --> :07.629 But there was nothing he could do. :07.629 --> :11.610 I did keep an eye on them, if they took off and left the kid there, I would have found :11.610 --> :15.920 the nearest detail cop and report a case of child abandonment. :15.920 --> :19.230 And I would have told them to look for the kid’s father and grandfather in the bar. :19.230 --> :24.740 But wow, who the heck thinks that some random stranger woman is going to be happy to babysit :24.740 --> :25.740 your grandson? :25.740 --> :44.389 Why’d they even bring the kid to the game, if they don’t want to spend time with him?This :44.389 --> :46.560 happened like 12 years ago. :46.560 --> :48.280 I was 7 at that time. :48.280 --> :54.919 So characters here are my bully B (7yo at the time), and EM (her entitled insane mom) :54.919 --> :58.570 ,SC (crapy school counselor) and my mom. :58.570 --> :04.960 Everyday in school since i started elementary B would bully me insanely bad, like literally :04.960 --> :08.890 she would beat me up so badly that sometimes i was bleeding. :08.890 --> :13.800 One day i got fed up with her bs and i hit her back and she started crying. :13.800 --> :19.220 Next day her EM came to school with B and they were waiting for me at the schools gate. :19.220 --> :25.130 I came to school and EM storms at me with B and proceeds to scream her lungs out at :25.130 --> :28.260 me for next 10 minutes bcs i hit her child. :28.260 --> :34.240 She screamed so loud and called me a bunch of names, cussed at me and it was that bad :34.240 --> :39.770 that i was traumatized,crying my eyes out, like i was so scared of that woman. :39.770 --> :43.419 EM finally leaves me alone and i run to the class. :43.419 --> :47.370 Half an hour passes and i was called to come to the counselors office. :47.370 --> :52.139 There was EM,B,SC and my mom. :52.139 --> :57.550 My mom knew about that girl bullying me badly so my mom told everything to counselor. :57.550 --> :05.310 How ever EM before my mom came lied to SC how i was racist and i hit her child bcs of :05.310 --> :11.500 it (girl was romani, but i was 7, i was never thought to be racist i never hated anyone :11.500 --> :17.780 for their skin color i was just defending myself bcs B literally beat me up everyday :17.780 --> :23.870 since 1st day of 1st grade and i got fed up) And whenever my mom even showed literall proof :23.870 --> :29.350 that B bullied me,beat me up everyday and everyone around me in school knew and could :29.350 --> :35.810 confirm that B beat me up every day ,EM started screaming at my mother and me and kept saying :35.810 --> :41.610 ''well OP shouldnt have hit B'' even tho she well knew what her kid was doing to me for :41.610 --> :47.980 months . I got into trouble and B continued to beat me until she moved to another school. :47.980 --> :53.180 But thankfully one good thing in this, like 2 years after this,that counselor was fired. :53.180 --> :57.900 (the school that i went to was very corrupted and bad and they never did anything about :57.900 --> :02.940 bullying and victims always got in trouble and whole grading system even is unfair. :02.940 --> :05.970 welcome to serbian elementary and middle schools.) :05.970 --> :11.770 I know this sounds unrealistic but unfortunately for me this is a real story, im still healing :11.770 --> :17.250 mentally from all trauma i have from that school and mostly that period when B beat :17.250 --> :34.349 me up everyday. :34.349 --> :41.949 Hi I'm 23NB, a dramatic bench and I love writing, so this post is a long one. :41.949 --> :46.180 Make sure you're sitting comfortably and please enjoy this tale of my wicked mother and The :46.180 --> :48.000 Water Bottle Saga. :48.000 --> :52.910 Allow me to set the scene for you: it is autumn 2018, I am visiting during my 1st year of :52.910 --> :56.889 uni to stay with my parents and brother (younger by a few years). :56.889 --> :00.699 My mother is a narcissist and my father is a doormat. :00.699 --> :05.509 One morning, whilst both parents are out at work, I decide to cook myself breakfast. :05.509 --> :11.200 This sounds really mundane, but it's important for a few reasons: namely my parents rarely :11.200 --> :16.240 cook, ready-meals freak with my health, and the kitchen is a cluttered mess stocked with :16.240 --> :19.770 all kinds of useless food you can't actually make a meal out of. :19.770 --> :24.410 By this point, various health problems had conspired to make this my first proper meal :24.410 --> :25.990 for a few days. :25.990 --> :31.220 I made fried eggy bread (French toast but savory, whatever you want to call it). :31.220 --> :34.680 This detail (the frying) is somewhat important for later. :34.680 --> :39.399 I cook, then clean up after myself: years of childhood abuse has trained me to try to :39.399 --> :44.640 leave no trace of my passing, so even though we have a dishwasher I wash everything by :44.640 --> :49.810 hand — just in case something I've used ends up being wanted for use later and used :49.810 --> :51.519 as a reason to shout at me. :51.519 --> :56.300 My mother has left her water bottle in the sink (foreshadowing lol), which I remove from :56.300 --> :59.029 the sink and place on the side to wash up my stuff. :59.029 --> :00.649 I go upstairs, eat. :00.649 --> :02.080 The meal is good. :02.080 --> :03.830 I hear my mother come home. :03.830 --> :09.040 Like the traumatised child I am, I move one ear of my headphones off so I can hear more :09.040 --> :14.800 clearly: if she shouts for me, I must respond quickly or else she'll get angrier. :14.800 --> :16.310 She indeed shouts for me. :16.310 --> :20.840 I yank my headphones off all the way and race downstairs to the kitchen. :20.840 --> :23.690 She turns to me, voice full of scorn. :23.690 --> :28.420 "Next time you cook something, shut the doors to the rest of the house and open the windows. :28.420 --> :31.320 Otherwise you make the whole house stink of burnt oil." :31.320 --> :36.070 I say my placating apologies and promises to do better next time. :36.070 --> :42.410 I am excused after only a brief verbal lashing and retreat back upstairs to my room. :42.410 --> :44.420 That wasn't so bad, I think. :44.420 --> :46.820 Alas, it was not the end. :46.820 --> :48.250 She shouts for me again. :48.250 --> :53.080 I rush downstairs, thrumming with anxiety, waiting diligently in the kitchen. :53.080 --> :54.540 Her back is to me. :54.540 --> :00.220 In the mildest, faintly wondering voice she asks, "Did you wash my water bottle?" :00.220 --> :01.220 My mind races. :01.220 --> :03.160 What is the correct answer here? :03.160 --> :05.470 What will leave me the most unscathed? :05.470 --> :10.579 Is her water bottle fancy and special and she's worried I washed it the wrong way and :10.579 --> :12.010 ruined it somehow? :12.010 --> :13.680 Does she think it's damaged? :13.680 --> :16.360 I answer truthfully, "No." :16.360 --> :17.360 Wrong. :17.360 --> :18.360 Answer. :18.360 --> :20.580 She is furious. :20.580 --> :28.260 The verbal lashing begins: I'm lazy, ungrateful, selfish, how could I not even do so little :28.260 --> :30.410 as wash her water bottle? :30.410 --> :35.130 There is no room for me to explain that I barely made it out of bed, let alone made :35.130 --> :40.210 food, let alone washed up, let alone managed to do more than the bare minimum. :40.210 --> :46.100 No sympathy, no understanding; nothing but vicious criticism and verbal abuse. :46.100 --> :48.290 I stand there and take it; apologise. :48.290 --> :51.959 Eventually, she is finished and I slink back to my room. :51.959 --> :56.339 Now, the thing is, whilst I had grown up with this sort of treatment and developed a kind :56.339 --> :01.220 of thick skin — a numbness to it, I had been at university for months. :01.220 --> :07.730 At university I wasn't savagely berated for every minor mistake I made, I wasn't bullied, :07.730 --> :09.230 I wasn't shouted at. :09.230 --> :15.440 In fact, I had been surrounded by lovely friends who supported me, built up my self esteem :15.440 --> :16.800 and encouraged me. :16.800 --> :19.220 This meant I no longer had my thick skin. :19.220 --> :24.170 My mother's words sunk into me like knives and I… cried. :24.170 --> :29.639 And (thanks to my childhood leading me to repress most of my feelings) I very, very :29.639 --> :31.000 rarely cried. :31.000 --> :37.459 Lo and behold, what misfortune, what rotten timing, this was the moment my brother barged :37.459 --> :38.459 into my room. :38.459 --> :41.779 He stopped short upon seeing me very obviously crying. :41.779 --> :42.779 "What happened?" :42.779 --> :45.030 I didn't need to say much. :45.030 --> :46.030 "Mum." :46.030 --> :47.030 "Oh." :47.030 --> :49.200 Then I asked to be left alone and he left. :49.200 --> :51.650 A few days went by without incident. :51.650 --> :56.870 Being criticized right down to the moral quality of my character for simply not washing a water :56.870 --> :59.670 bottle had all but faded from my mind. :59.670 --> :03.670 On my last night before returning to uni, we went out for a meal in a restaurant. :03.670 --> :07.470 Often, these are the only times my family talk to each other. :07.470 --> :11.529 The food is fantastic and the conversation is going nicely enough. :11.529 --> :17.660 Then, my dear brother, making a habit of rotten timing, does the conversational equivalent :17.660 --> :19.529 of dropping a bomb. :19.529 --> :22.670 "Mum, you do know you made [OP] cry?" :22.670 --> :24.639 The table goes silent. :24.639 --> :27.370 I would very much like to not exist. :27.370 --> :32.350 Unsurprisingly, this is not something I would have ever wanted to bring up — let alone :32.350 --> :33.500 in public! :33.500 --> :39.160 My mother, all innocently miffed with wide eyes, turns to me and asks, "Did I?" :39.160 --> :45.010 And, unable to lie (something to do with being neurodivergently averse to it, and having :45.010 --> :48.960 had lying beaten out of me as a kid), I say yes. :48.960 --> :50.700 She is astonished. :50.700 --> :55.089 To my profound, dizzying relief, she doesn't get angry. :55.089 --> :56.870 She doesn’t raise her voice. :56.870 --> :58.149 She doesn't berate me. :58.149 --> :02.650 I guess I should really be grateful my brother didn't bring this topic up in private, since :02.650 --> :06.440 the public setting probably stopped her from blowing up on us. :06.440 --> :07.440 We talk. :07.440 --> :12.550 I haltingly explain that sometimes the way she talks is hurtful, that she says mean things :12.550 --> :14.260 or speaks harshly. :14.260 --> :16.079 That little things set her off. :16.079 --> :20.370 She takes it well, I think, responding with amazement and good humor. :20.370 --> :24.750 At the time I was too relieved to view it as anything but a positive. :24.750 --> :30.090 Hindsight from a few years' perspective, retelling this tale to friends and a few therapists, :30.090 --> :33.680 has me recognising her reactions as belittling. :33.680 --> :38.220 She didn't react as if she was horrified at how she'd hurt me; she didn't express any :38.220 --> :41.670 regret or attempt to apologize. :41.670 --> :46.510 Every response was of the tone, oh gosh, little old me did that? :46.510 --> :47.730 Well I never! :47.730 --> :49.060 How strange! :49.060 --> :51.519 I guess I'm just a little quirky. :51.519 --> :52.699 How silly. :52.699 --> :55.390 She was undermining the severity of it all. :55.390 --> :56.390 Making light of it. :56.390 --> :58.690 She was smiling sheepishly and laughing. :58.690 --> :03.579 I, having not yet had the habit of coping via humor trained out of me (which was done :03.579 --> :09.010 by trying to tell jokes to my therapist and her sincerely responding with a sobering "that :09.010 --> :14.800 sounds like an awful experience"), leaned into it, recounting painful or uncomfortable :14.800 --> :17.050 memories as funny stories. :17.050 --> :22.410 The meal ends, we go home, and I go to sleep feeling a little lighter and a little hopeful. :22.410 --> :24.680 Surely, this was the hardest part? :24.680 --> :27.310 The ever-so-touchy subject had been broached! :27.310 --> :32.339 Perhaps the relationship between my mother and I could really change for the better, :32.339 --> :35.839 grow into something more honest and open, something closer. :35.839 --> :40.670 I was freaking naïve, of course, and this story is barely halfway done. :40.670 --> :45.660 My mum is a narcissistic and petulant parent, desperate to be the victim. :45.660 --> :50.579 The next day as I am all packed and ready to go, putting on my shoes by the front door, :50.579 --> :54.650 my dad asks my mum if she would like to join us for the drive to my uni. :54.650 --> :56.510 She says, "Well I don't know. :56.510 --> :58.300 Am I wanted?" :58.300 --> :04.380 Bemused, I poke my head into the room she's sat in and say yes of course she's wanted. :04.380 --> :10.089 You see, although my mother was presumably now seeing our relationship in a wholly new :10.089 --> :13.019 light, to me very little had changed. :13.019 --> :16.519 This crap had been my whole childhood, right up until the present. :16.519 --> :21.170 Just because I'd torn aside the illusion that everything was fine and perfect to reveal :21.170 --> :26.339 that I was actually very hurt and fearful, didn't mean that our relationship (at least :26.339 --> :29.290 on my end) had changed. :29.290 --> :34.370 She seems surprised to see me but pleased I want her company, and joins my dad and I :34.370 --> :36.720 for the drive to my uni to see me off. :36.720 --> :40.250 And still, the biggest bullcrap is yet to come. :40.250 --> :44.130 It is now winter term and I am fighting through exam season. :44.130 --> :49.720 Biochemistry is not an easy course and I have plenty of revision to do. :49.720 --> :52.800 At 5.11am I get a message from my mother. :52.800 --> :57.819 It begins: "This is incredibly hard to write I love you so much. :57.819 --> :00.860 I’m sorry to say this but you’ve really upset me. :00.860 --> :03.089 I have been hurting since Friday at dinner. :03.089 --> :07.180 I have been crying for the last hour and feel like a crap mother." :07.180 --> :12.470 Just to be clear, to really paint a picture for you, I wake up, during exam week, to see :12.470 --> :17.410 this message from my mother, sent at 5 freaking A.M. :17.410 --> :20.170 Needless to say, my stress levels skyrocket. :20.170 --> :25.330 Her (exceedingly long) message continued with saying how hard she's tried to get my pronouns :25.330 --> :26.330 right. :26.330 --> :29.540 (Not once did I bring up the topic of pronouns during the conversation of how she'd made :29.540 --> :30.630 me cry. :30.630 --> :33.250 I'm still not sure why she brought it up here). :33.250 --> :38.769 She then says that she's been 'walking on egg shells', scared of offending me, which :38.769 --> :43.390 is funny in a tragic way since that is how I have always felt like around her. :43.390 --> :47.630 Her message continues to say she had some hard weeks at work. :47.630 --> :51.880 That ministry is emotionally, physically, and spiritually draining. :51.880 --> :54.810 She's hurt that her feelings never seem to matter. :54.810 --> :58.550 When she shouts it is because she is "deeply hurt". :58.550 --> :04.089 Please, dear reader, remember the catalyst of all this: I didn't wash her water bottle. :04.089 --> :11.189 She was deeply hurt because, whilst providing food for myself and cleaning up after myself, :11.189 --> :14.530 I did not wash the bottle she had left in the sink. :14.530 --> :19.250 This is what "deeply hurt" her to the point of berating me to tears. :19.250 --> :24.640 Her message continues in similar fashion (oh yes, it goes on much longer). :24.640 --> :28.690 Her trying hard to use the right pronouns for me is brought up again. :28.690 --> :33.799 She says she's neglecting work to write this because "I thought you were more important." :33.799 --> :36.670 She's spent 2 sleepless nights over this. :36.670 --> :41.049 She very dramatically talks about how she'll struggle to lead that morning's church service :41.049 --> :45.059 but "crying in front of your congregation is not an option." :45.059 --> :50.049 The message finally concludes with her saying she loves me, is terrified I'll never want :50.049 --> :53.799 to visit again, and "I'm sorry I'm so crap." :53.799 --> :00.470 So, all in all, a rather guilt-trip heavy message, with a mere 2 apologies — both :00.470 --> :03.350 of which are accompanied by self-deprecation. :03.350 --> :10.490 The remaining 300-odd words are her bewailing her tragic struggles, how terrible she feels, :10.490 --> :14.030 and how valiantly she's soldiering on through with her work. :14.030 --> :18.950 Setting aside any hopes of managing to focus on revision, I painstakingly put together :18.950 --> :20.030 a reply. :20.030 --> :25.650 I do my best to be kind but firm: affirming that I still love her and I can appreciate :25.650 --> :31.610 her struggles, but that she has hurt me and any pain or difficulty she is going through :31.610 --> :34.420 does not justify how she has treated me. :34.420 --> :37.110 It ends up being a fairly lengthy message. :37.110 --> :42.150 In an attempt to demonstrate how this has been an ongoing problem (i.e. spanning all :42.150 --> :47.280 the way back to when I was a kid) and that it is recognisable outside of just the relationship :47.280 --> :52.360 between her and I, I mentioned that during my visit my brother and I had joked that she :52.360 --> :57.340 had "brought back my childhood nickname" by calling me a 'selfish cow'. :57.340 --> :58.850 This was a grave error. :58.850 --> :06.370 Her reply (sent the following morning at 1.43am) begins: "To kick someone when they’re down, :06.370 --> :10.940 twist the knife and to bring your brother in for extra pain is impressive." :10.940 --> :13.620 And it really doesn't get any better from there. :13.620 --> :18.429 "I’ve already apologised for being crap mother but thanks for dragging up the past :18.429 --> :21.080 where there have been things I’ve not been proud of. :21.080 --> :25.150 Shouting seemed to be the only way to get you to do anything, it came out of pain and :25.150 --> :26.420 frustration. :26.420 --> :28.620 Tell me when have you done something to help without it? :28.620 --> :30.730 Let’s use the last 2 week’s. :30.730 --> :33.360 When did you do anything other than for yourself? :33.360 --> :37.760 How did you expect me to feel to find you wouldn’t even wash my water bottle?" :37.760 --> :42.539 I'm compared to my childhood friend who, one time when we were kids, made a cup of tea :42.539 --> :44.570 for my mother without being asked to. :44.570 --> :48.990 (My friend drinks tea; she simply made an extra cup for my mother whilst making one :48.990 --> :50.050 for herself. :50.050 --> :51.320 I do not drink tea. :51.320 --> :54.679 In fact, I don't drink anything much except water. :54.679 --> :59.580 But offering to get my mother a glass of water just wouldn't have the same depth of appreciation :59.580 --> :01.620 that a hot cup of tea would, right? :01.620 --> :06.470 Or perhaps, with how much she took the water bottle stuff to heart, the act of refilling :06.470 --> :11.870 her water whilst I did mine is exactly the gesture of mother-child appreciation she has :11.870 --> :14.059 been craving all these years). :14.059 --> :15.059 Anyways… :15.059 --> :20.610 My pronouns are brought up again, this time about how I "make a big deal" about it and :20.610 --> :26.230 when her and dad get my "description" wrong I apparently roll my eyes and mouth the correction :26.230 --> :27.230 to my friend. :27.230 --> :31.830 (I would not dare to roll my eyes in the vicinity of my mother, since it is like pressing the :31.830 --> :36.750 button on a bomb, and it is always my friends mouthing the corrections because my parents :36.750 --> :42.220 have explicitly told me not to correct them because it is "rude" or something. :42.220 --> :48.330 And, seemingly contrary to my mother's beliefs, I do my utmost best to avoid conflict). :48.330 --> :51.200 I'm really not sure how to sum up the rest of the message. :51.200 --> :55.690 Basically, she acknowledges that shouting is bad, but oh, how else was she supposed :55.690 --> :02.310 to react when she felt [various synonyms for unloved and ignored] and tired and sad? :02.310 --> :04.460 Shouting is her emotional release. :04.460 --> :06.549 As if that justifies it at all. :06.549 --> :12.080 Then she drops in the fact she didn't throw up over her congregations (congrats, I guess?), :12.080 --> :16.010 before saying she didn't know if she should even reply to my message. :16.010 --> :21.320 The reason is she "didn’t want to turn it into a childish 'who hurt who first' or 'who :21.320 --> :27.010 is hurting more'" argument, "But after another sleepless night I decided I would." :27.010 --> :31.490 So at least she's aware that it's a childish peeing contest over who is the most hurt and :31.490 --> :32.490 miserable. :32.490 --> :35.480 I reply the next day, but what I said doesn't matter! :35.480 --> :37.290 I never got a reply. :37.290 --> :41.240 The reason for this will be explained later (stay tuned, folks!) :41.240 --> :42.240 Months go by. :42.240 --> :44.300 I don't hear a single word from my mother. :44.300 --> :47.820 I try messaging my dad to ask how mum feels about me. :47.820 --> :53.630 His reply is the colossal understatement that "I think she's a little upset you wouldn't :53.630 --> :55.419 wash her water bottle." :55.419 --> :02.020 Oh sweet, ignorant father, we are WAY PAST this just being about the water bottle. :02.020 --> :07.429 Asking my brother gets a more informative, bluntly candid answer: mum has been ranting :07.429 --> :12.039 about me behind my back and saying that I am trying to turn the family against her. :12.039 --> :15.659 A very positive reunion to look forward to, then. :15.659 --> :19.580 Because summer break is fast approaching, and my accommodation contracts between my :19.580 --> :24.539 first year flat and my new second year flat have a few months long gap. :24.539 --> :28.530 I have nowhere else to go: I have to return to living with my parents. :28.530 --> :32.169 Anxious to freak, I move back in with them. :32.169 --> :36.690 Eerily, my mother acts as if the whole debacle never happened. :36.690 --> :42.549 There is no follow up, no continuation of the argument, not even a trace of animosity :42.549 --> :43.980 that I can detect. :43.980 --> :45.300 I had no idea what to do. :45.300 --> :51.809 Should I try to bring up the subject to find a resolution, or at least some kind of closure? :51.809 --> :54.360 Follow her lead and pretend it never happened? :54.360 --> :59.400 Dear reader, be rest assured, to say I felt like I was walking on eggshells would be an :59.400 --> :01.120 understatement. :01.120 --> :02.950 Weeks pass, maybe a month. :02.950 --> :08.090 The usual friction is there between us where I try to avoid incurring her wrath and mostly :08.090 --> :12.360 keep to myself; she makes passive aggressive hints that I should be helping out around :12.360 --> :13.530 the house more. :13.530 --> :18.190 Again, my parents don't do much cooking (and if they do, it is always my father). :18.190 --> :22.380 We have a dishwasher so there's very few dishes to do by hand. :22.380 --> :26.169 Sometimes I help with laundry, keeping the basket from piling up too much. :26.169 --> :30.570 One day, my mother is waiting for a lift so she pokes her head into my bedroom to look :30.570 --> :33.760 out the front window it has, looking for the car. :33.760 --> :38.400 She spots a bowl of sweets I bought earlier in the week and asks to have some. :38.400 --> :40.280 I invite her to help herself. :40.280 --> :46.190 And so I end up in the disastrous situation where my mother, linchpin of my childhood :46.190 --> :50.220 trauma, is sat in my room, on my bed, eating my sweets. :50.220 --> :56.370 After a bit of harmless conversation, somehow the topic moves on to me admitting that I :56.370 --> :01.210 wasn't sure if I was even welcome back here (to stay with my parents) because she never :01.210 --> :02.900 replied to my message. :02.900 --> :07.559 She tells me, rather detachedly, that she never even read my message. :07.559 --> :14.690 Oh no, in fact, she had deleted the entire messaging app she was using to contact me. :14.690 --> :15.710 And why? :15.710 --> :17.860 What was her reason for doing this? :17.860 --> :22.750 Eating another few of my sweets, she explained, "I felt that if I had read your message I :22.750 --> :24.809 might not have wanted you to come home." :24.809 --> :30.600 I don't know how to describe how I felt, but a good portion of me certainly felt trapped; :30.600 --> :36.270 this woman who had raised me was sat in my room — my only retreat, my safe space — on :36.270 --> :42.550 my freaking bed (eating my sweets!!) and had told me plainly to my face that she might :42.550 --> :44.429 not have wanted me to be here. :44.429 --> :47.070 The conversation only worsens from there. :47.070 --> :49.640 Stuff about me not doing enough around the house. :49.640 --> :54.790 She made the argument, "If you had a flatmate who didn't pay rent, didn't pay for food, :54.790 --> :58.770 and didn't do any cleaning around the place, would that be okay?" :58.770 --> :01.370 And I said, "No, of course not. :01.370 --> :07.510 But I didn't give birth to that flatmate, or choose to keep them and raise them—" :07.510 --> :08.510 Nope. :08.510 --> :09.510 Same thing. :09.510 --> :10.520 Same situation. :10.520 --> :13.240 Nothing I argued was considered for a second. :13.240 --> :17.330 I was selfish and lazy and ungrateful for not doing housework. :17.330 --> :23.110 It got to the point where I, on the verge of tears, asked, "So if I don't contribute :23.110 --> :29.630 anything to society, if I don't benefit other people somehow, then I am inherently worthless?" :29.630 --> :36.740 And she stared straight into my tear-filled eyes and with all the conviction of god himself :36.740 --> :38.080 she said, :38.080 --> :39.080 "Yes." :39.080 --> :43.890 Then her ride arrived and she left my room to head out the house, leaving me in tears :43.890 --> :47.010 with my now half-eaten bowl of sweets. :47.010 --> :52.591 And that was the moment that I decided I never wanted to stay with my parents again, not :52.591 --> :53.690 like this. :53.690 --> :58.520 No matter the cost, whatever my situation, I was going to get a tenancy contract that :58.520 --> :02.020 lasted over summer so I wouldn't have to come back here. :02.020 --> :19.059 I never wanted to be dependent on my parents again. :19.059 --> :37.760 Context: I work with STEM researchers (I’m admin) and several of them are passionate :37.760 --> :42.890 about engaging young people in STEM and active in several ways outside of their work. :42.890 --> :46.870 One such employee (we’ll call him Chris) have helped found and run an initiative for :46.870 --> :49.370 young kids taught by voulenters. :49.370 --> :53.480 While being aligned with his work for us, it has no formal ties to our organization. :53.480 --> :58.271 I think he once borrowed some office space on the weekend for a workshop but that is :58.271 --> :59.271 about it. :59.271 --> :01.179 Chris left last year for another job. :01.179 --> :06.640 Two days ago, I answer our main number: “This is XX organization, OP speaking, how may I :06.640 --> :07.640 help you?” :07.640 --> :10.559 EP: “Hi, I’d like to speak to Chris?” :10.559 --> :13.380 Me: “I’m sorry but Chris no longer works here” :13.380 --> :17.870 EP: “Well I need to speak to him, my kid is signed up for this STEM thing that you :17.870 --> :18.870 people do.” :18.870 --> :23.929 Me: “I’m sorry but he’s no longer here and we have no affiliation with what he does :23.929 --> :24.940 in his free time.” :24.940 --> :27.900 EP: “Well, can’t you give me his new number? :27.900 --> :29.960 What company does he work for now? :29.960 --> :33.750 And I know they have been in your building so just get me someone who can help me.” :33.750 --> :36.779 Me: “I’m sorry, I dont have that information. :36.779 --> :41.650 We have hosted an event once but we do not share a physical space, nor are any of the :41.650 --> :43.340 voulenteers employed here.” :43.340 --> :50.570 EP: deep sigh, obviously I’m too stupid to understand her question “Okay, how do :50.570 --> :56.049 you spell his last name, I will just look him up on facebook and message him then” :56.049 --> :01.820 Me, noping out of the stalking part: “I am sorry but we can’t help you. :01.820 --> :06.450 I suggest you reach out to them via their official website, I am sure it has an email :06.450 --> :07.450 adress. :07.450 --> :08.450 Good day. :08.450 --> :09.450 “ :09.450 --> :12.390 Yesterday she called on my direct work number, didn’t remember that she already spoke to :12.390 --> :16.029 me and the above conversation repeated. :16.029 --> :35.850 But sure, your kid’s hobby is worth stalking people over. :35.850 --> :40.169 So this was years ago so forgive me if I’m fuzzy on the details but I think it’s a :40.169 --> :41.419 funny story. :41.419 --> :45.480 Once when we were visiting my grandma my dad offered to take us to McDonald’s. :45.480 --> :50.470 It was the holidays so the place was packed but we managed to grab the last free table :50.470 --> :53.600 and my dad left us with my gran to save it while he got food. :53.600 --> :58.330 While we were waiting this couple with a girl a little older than me comes up and asks my :58.330 --> :59.880 gran to move. :59.880 --> :04.769 She tells them sorry no we’re just waiting on food thinking that they thought we’d :04.769 --> :05.769 finished. :05.769 --> :10.409 The woman tells her she should move because it’s their table, they saw it earlier and :10.409 --> :12.770 wanted to sit there when they got their food. :12.770 --> :17.190 My gran says sorry but one of them should have sat down and saved it then. :17.190 --> :21.130 This woman isn’t having it and is saying we need to move because she has a seven year :21.130 --> :23.590 old and she’s tired and hungry. :23.590 --> :28.250 My gran looks at her like she’s an idiot before gesturing to the four kids between :28.250 --> :34.419 ten and two sat there staring at them before saying we’re all tired and hungry and we’re :34.419 --> :36.760 the ones who sat and saved the table. :36.760 --> :41.450 At this point the dad starts shouting at her to move and I think my littlest sister started :41.450 --> :42.450 crying. :42.450 --> :44.649 Then my dad came over to see what was happening. :44.649 --> :48.370 As soon as this guy sees him, no joke, he goes white. :48.370 --> :52.539 My dad is one of the sweetest kindest men you will ever meet. :52.539 --> :58.460 He’s also a six foot something ex-rugby player who is very protective of his daughters :58.460 --> :02.059 and can get scary when it comes to looking out for us. :02.059 --> :06.930 Clearly it’s one thing to try to bully an old woman and another an angry man because :06.930 --> :13.200 they back away and storm out, the mum screaming she will never set foot in McDonalds again. :13.200 --> :16.929 Judging by the thumbs up the staff were giving us I don’t think anyone was that torn up :16.929 --> :40.269 about that.
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsTHETIMEISTOPPEDACRAZYSTALKERRedditStories
what makes you certain that aliens exist my grandfather is a very serious man I am 22 years old and in my entire life I have never seen him make a joke or tell a lie he served in World War II and I don't think he came back perfectly intact he tells my siblings and my stories all the time about his life his family his work and there is one story he tells all the time about the day he met an alien he was about 40 coming home from work when he stumbled across a tall figure in a large winter coat standing on the sidewalk as he passed the figure turned toward him and made eye contact according to my grandfather he was completely hairless his eyes were way too far apart he had no nose and his mouth was split vertically rather than horizontally it took a moment of walking for my grandpa to comprehend the image he just saw and when he did he whipped around to look back at the figure the figure saw my grandfather look and turned away and ran upwards of 30 miles away in the opposite direction my grandpa is convinced that he was not of this world
give me a good story on whatmakesyoucertainthataliensexistorig
:00.160 --> :12.599 There was a time that I believed I got murder instincts. :12.599 --> :16.930 If I was not stopped, I would have gotten in pretty serious trouble against the state. :16.930 --> :19.130 I mean, I could have literally killed someone. :19.130 --> :23.779 Trust me, I don't have anger issues or a short temper but in the heat of the moment, I picked :23.779 --> :27.480 up a vase and I was running in full speed to smash it on someone's head. :27.480 --> :31.470 It could have killed him or better, just made him unconscious. :31.470 --> :35.629 But If you think that this was at the spur of the moment or done without deliberate thinking :35.629 --> :37.850 then maybe you need to hear the whole story. :37.850 --> :39.149 Hi, I'm Lana. :39.149 --> :41.360 I had a best friend called Pamela. :41.360 --> :43.130 And my boyfriend was Joshua. :43.130 --> :47.620 This is my story of how my ex boyfriend cheated on me with none other than my former best :47.620 --> :48.620 friend. :48.620 --> :50.199 Yes, they were both replaced :50.199 --> :55.129 We were all in the same high school before I decided to travel to Turkey to further my :55.129 --> :56.129 education. :56.129 --> :01.290 I wanted to be a doctor and my father attended a Turkish school too and became a fantastic :01.290 --> :05.600 medical doctor, so yeah, he pretty much wanted the same for me. :05.600 --> :09.710 Also, some of his classmates were now working in the school and his former lecturers were :09.710 --> :10.830 still there. :10.830 --> :16.420 Somehow, my dad still had affiliations with his school but hated American school systems. :16.420 --> :20.579 It helps to say at this point that my family is from Turkey and we still have relations :20.579 --> :21.579 there. :21.579 --> :25.790 My mum and dad met and lived there until they decided to relocate to America for better :25.790 --> :26.820 opportunities. :26.820 --> :30.350 I was born in America and attended an American high school, though. :30.350 --> :33.780 Luckily for me, I did not get all that bullying and racism. :33.780 --> :36.270 Maybe I did but I did not recognize it. :36.270 --> :39.689 I was also called the prettiest girl in every class I was in. :39.689 --> :42.430 My beauty always got me some advantages. :42.430 --> :47.420 Like how before I got out of high school, I dated about four or five boyfriends. :47.420 --> :49.189 I was also a smart student. :49.189 --> :51.290 My best friend at that time was a white girl. :51.290 --> :56.159 We were both science freaks, as my dad would not let me introduce a girl who was not as :56.159 --> :58.750 brilliant as me, as my best friend. :58.750 --> :02.689 Because of this we had unhindered sleepovers that we termed studying. :02.689 --> :06.850 We would do a little bit of studying then go on talking about boys and stuff. :06.850 --> :11.720 Pamela was also pretty and she had a boyfriend at that time but a new boy got into our school :11.720 --> :14.780 who was so hot and she thought I should date him. :14.780 --> :19.280 I was dismissive of her offer because I had just recently broken up with another boy, :19.280 --> :20.930 but she was insisting. :20.930 --> :24.970 I finally saw what she was saying and agreed based on these petty ideas. :24.970 --> :29.870 If I was the first to date him then he would forever be my ex and if another girl dated :29.870 --> :32.980 him later, she would be dating my ex. :32.980 --> :37.720 Pamela convinced me that it was better for some girl to be dating my ex than me dating :37.720 --> :38.720 anyone's. :38.720 --> :43.580 Secondly, she told me to test my sexiness on him, if he calls for me and agrees to date :43.580 --> :46.630 me then I can be sure that I still got it. :46.630 --> :47.750 If not, the. :47.750 --> :48.750 I don't. :48.750 --> :51.540 She wanted me to challenge myself to get a new guy. :51.540 --> :57.180 Thinking about it now, those were probably the world's lamest reasons to get into a relationship. :57.180 --> :00.920 What if I found out that I could woo a guy but didn't want to date him. :00.920 --> :03.860 It was not okay with Pamela for him to just like me. :03.860 --> :08.709 To her, that didn't prove anything until I was able to get him to ask me out. :08.709 --> :10.480 I agreed to her challenge. :10.480 --> :12.129 We always challenged each other. :12.129 --> :15.739 In academics, sports, as well as boys. :15.739 --> :21.260 Joshua was a tall, sexy, jock, who wasted no time, settling in with the boys. :21.260 --> :23.190 He had brown hair and green eyes. :23.190 --> :26.260 He brought his skateboard to school even though it was not allowed. :26.260 --> :29.060 Soz that pretty much gave him the bad boy narrative. :29.060 --> :30.939 And he was so cute. :30.939 --> :35.830 I did not doubt my beauty anyway, even though he became friends with my ex—the guy I had :35.830 --> :37.269 just broken up with. :37.269 --> :41.700 So every class that day, I sat next to hima and started a conversation. :41.700 --> :45.430 Sometimes, it was just me sighing and calling the class boring. :45.430 --> :48.860 But he noticed how smart I was so that intrigued him. :48.860 --> :53.920 In math class, my teacher would always check on me before other students and say Mary-Anne :53.920 --> :55.380 has gotten it correct. :55.380 --> :57.880 I wonder why the rest of you are finding it difficult. :57.880 --> :02.980 It did not take long for Joshua to get interested in the hot chick who knew her algebra and :02.980 --> :04.590 physics formulas. :04.590 --> :09.690 The next thing I knew, before every class, he was asking me if I was taking the next. :09.690 --> :14.260 Before the end of the day, he changed his elective class because of me and also told :14.260 --> :18.199 me it was rare to find a smart, and pretty girl that was also nice. :18.199 --> :22.350 We exchanged contact and I told Pamela about everything. :22.350 --> :26.580 She already knew most of the things I told her because she was literally in the same :26.580 --> :27.580 class. :27.580 --> :32.840 She heard people call me a slut and a user because I went for the new guy but she encouraged :32.840 --> :34.320 me to keep trying. :34.320 --> :37.180 As long as I really wanted him, I could ignore them. :37.180 --> :40.580 At that point, I wasn't sure if I even wanted him. :40.580 --> :43.600 I didn't even know the kind of person Joshua was. :43.600 --> :45.380 So the next day, we hung out. :45.380 --> :47.520 I mean, he actually took me out. :47.520 --> :48.590 And we got talking. :48.590 --> :52.660 He knew I wanted to become a doctor and he wanted to be a computer scientist. :52.660 --> :57.650 There were many intriguing things about him that eventually made me start liking him. :57.650 --> :01.699 Skip to the important part, he asked me out not long after that day. :01.699 --> :06.150 We thought we were too good for each other not to date and since there was only one holiday :06.150 --> :10.520 and another term before the end of the school year, we had to date quickly. :10.520 --> :14.200 I never felt pressured to do anything like that before. :14.200 --> :16.290 Not even to major in medicine. :16.290 --> :20.940 When Pamela found out that he asked me out, she hurried me to give him a response. :20.940 --> :23.319 He asked out via iMessages. :23.319 --> :27.620 His reason was that we have to at least see if we're good for each other and not pass :27.620 --> :29.110 up the opportunity. :29.110 --> :32.110 Unlike me, he didn't have a friend cheering him on. :32.110 --> :36.199 My ex boyfriend at that time just stopped talking to him when Joshua started hanging :36.199 --> :37.410 out with me a lot. :37.410 --> :42.160 The only motivation Joshua would have gotten was probably that I was good-looking and the :42.160 --> :44.280 other boys probably confirmed it. :44.280 --> :45.669 I could not resist. :45.669 --> :49.759 Not because of Pamela, but I also started getting attracted to him. :49.759 --> :53.350 His brains and cool demeanor were very attractive to him. :53.350 --> :56.770 Plus, if I passed that opportunity, I knew I would regret it. :56.770 --> :59.400 So I went for it and replied to his text. :59.400 --> :05.449 He sent flower emojis right after and the very next day, in school, we were the couple :05.449 --> :07.919 everyone was talking about. :07.919 --> :12.139 Pamela and I used to go out a lot and now that I had a boyfriend, she suggested that :12.139 --> :15.479 I spend more time with him or we could double date. :15.479 --> :20.639 It was a pleasant idea because Rob, Pamela's boyfriend, was very witty. :20.639 --> :24.599 The double dates were Rob and Pamela's chances to really meet Joshua. :24.599 --> :27.039 As far as I knew, we got along so well. :27.039 --> :30.820 The holiday season was probably the best time of my life. :30.820 --> :35.150 Joshua's parents were rich, and surprisingly, he could take me home and I could even meet :35.150 --> :36.259 his parents. :36.259 --> :38.100 But not mine, obviously. :38.100 --> :40.360 My parents were very strict. :40.360 --> :45.400 Whenever we were in his room, we were always up to no good and I bet you understand. :45.400 --> :48.310 With the whole teenage hormones and everything. :48.310 --> :50.400 The bedroom was always hot. :50.400 --> :54.260 We went out to fancy restructuarants and he bought me everything I wanted. :54.260 --> :58.030 I didn't get expensive Dior handbags and Chanel shoes. :58.030 --> :02.190 I mean stuff like teddy bears, phone cases and flowers. :02.190 --> :04.970 Maybe because I never asked for expensive things. :04.970 --> :08.889 My parents trained all their kids not to desire costly items. :08.889 --> :11.240 Pamela would always act like she's happy for me. :11.240 --> :16.370 She would usually say things like, Oh I need to get this, but you Mary-Anne, you don't :16.370 --> :19.919 have an issue, just as Joshua and he will get it for you. :19.919 --> :21.930 I was happy that I had him and all. :21.930 --> :24.310 We stayed together until the last day of school. :24.310 --> :29.419 And on graduation, we agreed that we could continue our relationship long distance. :29.419 --> :32.150 He promised that With his money, sometimes he could fly me :32.150 --> :37.160 back during the holidays even if my parents said I should stay with my relatives in Turkey. :37.160 --> :42.560 He promised many things and it was all because we could not bear being away from each other :42.560 --> :43.660 for so long. :43.660 --> :46.030 The time came for me to go to school. :46.030 --> :50.009 I cried but my parents thought it was because I was going to miss them. :50.009 --> :52.490 It was mostly Joshua and Pamela. :52.490 --> :54.620 They were like family to me at that point. :54.620 --> :58.139 I could not imagine what school would be like without my best friend. :58.139 --> :02.210 The first month was hard with the new language and everything being. :02.210 --> :06.430 I had Joshua and Pamela to do group video calls with sometimes. :06.430 --> :11.650 But our workload began to get so bulky that we didn't have time for that anymore. :11.650 --> :13.800 I forced myself to fit in. :13.800 --> :18.370 During the weekend, I would call my boyfriend and talk about the food, the difference in :18.370 --> :21.300 culture and the way the teachers taught. :21.300 --> :23.030 He would tell me about his own experience in :23.030 --> :25.830 school and we would laugh about other things. :25.830 --> :28.600 My parents sent me money monthly to keep up. :28.600 --> :31.940 Joshua sent some too so I had enough money to save up. :31.940 --> :37.830 When things started getting suspicious was when I'd call Joshua and Pamela was with him :37.830 --> :41.200 or I'd call Pamela and Joshua was there. :41.200 --> :44.610 They said they were just hanging out and I believed them. :44.610 --> :49.200 Then things became hard between Joshua and I. I originally thought it was because we :49.200 --> :50.300 got too busy. :50.300 --> :55.830 I almost called this gs off because it was so frustrating trying to get him to be conversational :55.830 --> :58.730 with me and him just being a brick wall. :58.730 --> :00.540 I talked to Pamela about it. :00.540 --> :03.300 She did not give the response I expected from her. :03.300 --> :07.790 She was like, you know he's busy and everything, you should not think much about it. :07.790 --> :12.070 I asked her if she knew anything that was going on that was frustrating him. :12.070 --> :15.080 She said she didn't but it could be anything. :15.080 --> :17.690 Later I put the two things together. :17.690 --> :19.980 Pamela had broken up with Rob. :19.980 --> :25.360 Joshua was distant from me and used less words, while he was always hanging out with Pamela. :25.360 --> :28.020 I saw it on their I stagram stories and snap. :28.020 --> :30.980 They seemed to have gotten really close. :30.980 --> :33.180 Closer than they were before I left. :33.180 --> :37.860 In retrospect, Pamela was the first one to call Joshua cute and tell meqà to go for :37.860 --> :38.860 him. :38.860 --> :41.100 So, she definitely was attracted to him. :41.100 --> :43.920 I was getting too worked up about the whole matter. :43.920 --> :46.250 There was nothing I could do from Turkey. :46.250 --> :49.690 So I stopped bothering either of them about anything. :49.690 --> :51.410 And they stopped texting me too. :51.410 --> :53.140 Just once in a while. :53.140 --> :55.990 During the holiday, I told my parents I wanted to go home. :55.990 --> :59.260 I think they missed me too so they surprisingly agreed. :59.260 --> :03.360 And I got perfect grades that semester, they said I deserved what I wanted. :03.360 --> :07.610 I went home silently, and did not tell Pamela or Joshua about it. :07.610 --> :10.140 Crazily enough, I stalked them both. :10.140 --> :15.440 I followed Joshua around in my parent's car and sometimes, I saw him meet Pamela but only :15.440 --> :17.140 in public places. :17.140 --> :21.850 This is where I thought I was really losing it, acting like a psychopath, obsessively :21.850 --> :23.060 following people. :23.060 --> :26.190 I decided to give up but not totally. :26.190 --> :29.250 I still didn't let any of them know I was in town. :29.250 --> :31.079 His birthday was getting closer. :31.079 --> :33.240 I planned to surprise him. :33.240 --> :36.410 I packaged a lovely present with the money I saved up. :36.410 --> :41.470 There were shoes, a cake, goodies, a new suit, perfume and a PS 5. :41.470 --> :45.850 After packaging it beautifully and putting in in my mum's car, I thought about something :45.850 --> :46.850 crazy. :46.850 --> :49.190 What if I got there and saw him kissing Pamela? :49.190 --> :55.660 I brushed if off but before I did, I imagined myself smashing a heavy object on his head. :55.660 --> :57.350 It was not just an imagination. :57.350 --> :03.180 It was like I was devising a plan because I believed they had been making out, just :03.180 --> :04.610 that I never caught them. :04.610 --> :09.870 He was throwing a party in his house that afternoon so I got there earlier to surprise :09.870 --> :10.870 them. :10.870 --> :15.130 His mother opened the door and just before i could greet her or she could announce my :15.130 --> :18.690 presence, I ran up the stairs to his room. :18.690 --> :22.620 And just as I thought, Pamela was there. :22.620 --> :26.640 She was wearing a bra and shorts and he was in only shorts. :26.640 --> :31.490 Like I premeditated, I got a vase from where I knew it would be and I was charging after :31.490 --> :33.870 Joshua in full force. :33.870 --> :37.780 Thankfully, before I get there, Pamela saw me and rushed to hold me. :37.780 --> :42.100 Thank God she was fast because I could have killed someone and gotten in real trouble. :42.100 --> :47.279 But as she got a hold of me, I instrictiveley used my elbow to hit and jaw to destabilize :47.279 --> :48.279 her. :48.279 --> :53.560 The vase fell from my hand and broke but I continued to fight, screaming and scratching. :53.560 --> :56.730 Joshua's mother heard the commotion going on and rushed to the door. :56.730 --> :00.200 She managed to separate us but the damage had already been done. :00.200 --> :05.440 I found out later that Pamela's jaw had been hot so hard, the bone dislocated. :05.440 --> :09.339 I was lucky because it did not require surgery or anything like that. :09.339 --> :13.870 But she had to go to the hospital to nurse some wounds and and fix her jaw while I was :13.870 --> :14.870 unharmed. :14.870 --> :17.170 That would teach her not to mess with me. :17.170 --> :22.130 I was heartbroken, and I should have hurt Joshua too but something told me that if I :22.130 --> :25.620 went for him, I would also land in the hospital. :25.620 --> :30.680 Joshua's mum decided to pay the hospital bills herself and not tell my parents because she :30.680 --> :34.870 was wrong to not tell me that my boyfriend was cheating or something along the lines :34.870 --> :37.230 of not training her son well. :37.230 --> :40.850 She apologized that she did not know that we were still dating anyways. :40.850 --> :43.910 I was lucky Pam's parents didn't find out either. :43.910 --> :47.579 Pamela lied to them that she got into a fight with some students in her school. :47.579 --> :11.269 I flew back to Turkey :11.269 --> :16.139 I exposed my sister’s long-term secret and revealed to :16.139 --> :18.440 my niece that she was adopted. :18.440 --> :22.931 I wanted to get back at my sister by revealing to her daughter that she was adopted, but :22.931 --> :28.930 things got even worse than I anticipated, and my sister’s life changed, and no, it :28.930 --> :30.510 was not for the better. :30.510 --> :35.160 At the time I carried out my revenge, my sister was forty-six years old and I was thirty-six. :35.160 --> :40.680 Yes, my sister was ten years older and she was a bully because of it, well, that, and :40.680 --> :43.420 the fact that my mom enabled her bad behavior. :43.420 --> :48.570 All my life she has hated me, she hated me for having a present dad, for having healthy :48.570 --> :53.960 hair, for being beautiful, for pursuing an education, and for generally being liked by :53.960 --> :54.960 others. :54.960 --> :59.459 She hated me for these things not minding the fact that she had all of that except for :59.459 --> :01.259 the first and last ones. :01.259 --> :03.550 My sister is my mom’s first child. :03.550 --> :06.870 Our mom had her with her dad when she was fresh out of college. :06.870 --> :12.370 Her dad belonged to a different race and culture, so his family never accepted my mom, not even :12.370 --> :14.860 when she found out she was going to have a baby. :14.860 --> :19.860 My maternal grandmother, according to my mom, would always advise her kids and even her :19.860 --> :26.399 grandkids (my cousins and sister, I never met her) to never marry or date someone whose :26.399 --> :29.170 culture was vastly different from theirs. :29.170 --> :34.070 My sister’s dad was going to marry our mom, but his family was very bitter toward her. :34.070 --> :38.709 They clearly did not want her for their son and brother, and they wanted someone from :38.709 --> :40.000 their culture. :40.000 --> :44.180 My mom decided that she could not deal with having in-laws who can’t stand her. :44.180 --> :47.310 She ended things with my sister’s dad and moved on with her life. :47.310 --> :49.400 Her ex-boyfriend was mad about that. :49.400 --> :53.550 He wanted them to continue a relationship even though he never stood up to his family :53.550 --> :54.550 for her. :54.550 --> :59.329 He was so mad that he disappeared from my Mom and sister’s life so he won’t have :59.329 --> :01.350 to be responsible for my sister. :01.350 --> :07.380 My mom refused to bother him about child support, she never sued or filed a complaint against :07.380 --> :08.380 him. :08.380 --> :12.720 She accepted being a single mother and started to raise him alone until she met my dad, who :12.720 --> :15.829 married her and took responsibility for my sister. :15.829 --> :20.810 Despite my dad loving her like she was his and treating her like a literal princess, :20.810 --> :22.820 my sister was spoiled and rude. :22.820 --> :27.360 My dad and mom would assume that she was acting out for different reasons and rather than :27.360 --> :32.160 set boundaries or create consequences for her actions, they would let her get away with :32.160 --> :36.741 anything, even bullying my dad’s nieces and nephews who often came to our house to :36.741 --> :37.741 visit. :37.741 --> :41.660 My earliest memories of my sister were her bullying and teasing me. :41.660 --> :45.140 She said the meanest things to me and for no reason too. :45.140 --> :49.649 My dad could hardly caution her or tell her off because then my mom would accuse him of :49.649 --> :52.389 scolding her because she was not his child. :52.389 --> :56.220 Mom always tried to overcompensate for the absence of her father. :56.220 --> :00.470 My mom only scolded her when she’d done something very terrible, so terrible that :00.470 --> :02.160 my mom cannot look away. :02.160 --> :06.779 My mom indulged my sister so much that she soon got out of control. :06.779 --> :09.829 I remember an incident that happened when I was seven or eight. :09.829 --> :14.170 My mom and sister argued and my sister called my mom a “bitch.” :14.170 --> :20.700 My mom was enraged, and she slapped my sister, my sister surprisingly slapped her back. :20.700 --> :24.430 We (my mom, my aunt, and me) were all shocked. :24.430 --> :27.410 My mom asked her to leave the house and my sister did. :27.410 --> :31.900 She moved in with her boyfriend but they kept having several issues so she returned home :31.900 --> :37.490 later to the annoyance of my dad who had had enough of her nasty attitude and unruliness. :37.490 --> :42.480 She kept getting into trouble and all of that, so my mom made her leave town and move far :42.480 --> :44.449 away from where we all lived. :44.449 --> :48.880 She just wanted some peace, and she got it while my sister was away. :48.880 --> :53.930 Sadly, there was an unfortunate accident when my parents were out on a road trip and they :53.930 --> :54.970 both died. :54.970 --> :58.750 I was nineteen at the time and was still trying to figure life out. :58.750 --> :02.200 My sister asked if she could move back home with me and I agreed. :02.200 --> :06.970 I thought it made sense at the time, she was my only family and I needed comfort. :06.970 --> :11.490 During our first year together, we supported each other and she was like my mom, but I :11.490 --> :15.710 soon started to see certain qualities that I did not like about her. :15.710 --> :20.220 She never moved back out and she gradually went back to being my biggest bully. :20.220 --> :22.289 A thorn in my flesh. :22.289 --> :26.370 The house we lived in belonged to my parents, it was fully paid for too. :26.370 --> :30.360 My parents never wrote a will or anything but naturally, the home ought to come to my :30.360 --> :31.370 sister and me. :31.370 --> :36.090 That was what I thought until one day, I saw a letter outside our home. :36.090 --> :40.910 It read that our parents had borrowed money from a certain private money lender and that :40.910 --> :42.929 the house was used as collateral. :42.929 --> :47.100 They proposed that we pay up the loan or vacate the premises. :47.100 --> :50.669 They even added that they were willing to give us time to do it. :50.669 --> :52.190 I was devastated. :52.190 --> :56.679 When this happened, I was young and walking at a local diner, I hardly had any money and :56.679 --> :59.160 was looking to save up to go to film school. :59.160 --> :02.470 My sister was not home that night because she had traveled to spend the weekend with :02.470 --> :03.640 her boyfriend. :03.640 --> :08.580 When she returned, I showed her the mail I had gotten and she was also devastated. :08.580 --> :10.320 She cried and I cried with her. :10.320 --> :12.290 “Where are you gonna go?” she asked me. :12.290 --> :14.440 “I don’t know,” I replied to her. :14.440 --> :17.210 I truly had no idea what was next for me. :17.210 --> :19.110 My dad’s home was quite big. :19.110 --> :21.830 It had four bedrooms and a large backyard. :21.830 --> :24.960 We moved there when I was six and I have loved it there ever since. :24.960 --> :30.500 I loved my room, the small library, the space, and everything. :30.500 --> :34.760 I could not imagine anyone else living there and I told my sister this. :34.760 --> :36.620 “We can’t leave this house. :36.620 --> :37.950 We can’t let them take it.” :37.950 --> :39.990 “We don’t have a choice,” I told my sister. :39.990 --> :44.289 “I just hope that another family buys it and moves in and that they make fun memories :44.289 --> :45.289 as we did. :45.289 --> :49.980 I would hate for this place to be turned into a fancy restaurant or some other impersonal :49.980 --> :50.980 space.” :50.980 --> :54.231 My sister looked very sad and I remember giving her a big hug. :54.231 --> :59.039 I had already started to look into my savings and what kind of place I could rent in town :59.039 --> :03.530 after the three months we were allowed to stay in our home elapsed when my sister knocked :03.530 --> :04.840 on my room door. :04.840 --> :07.820 I answered and she came in, looking a little cheerful. :07.820 --> :11.720 “I talked to my boyfriend about everything that has happened and he has agreed to pay :11.720 --> :14.710 off the loan, with a little help from me, of course.” :14.710 --> :17.530 I did not understand what she had said at first. :17.530 --> :18.530 “What?” :18.530 --> :19.530 “Yes. :19.530 --> :22.350 He offered to pay off the loan and kind of buy the house.” :22.350 --> :26.010 I thought about it for a while and asked if she thought that was a good idea. :26.010 --> :28.039 “I mean it is our home. :28.039 --> :30.360 What are we going to do after he buys the house? :30.360 --> :32.970 Are we going to have to buy it from him in the future?” :32.970 --> :35.620 “No, it’d become his house. :35.620 --> :39.650 Our house really because I’d be chipping in my entire savings too.” :39.650 --> :42.490 “So the house would belong to you two?” :42.490 --> :46.950 I was not comfortable with our house belonging to my sister and her boyfriend. :46.950 --> :51.670 I did not like her even though I loved her and I did not like her boyfriend either. :51.670 --> :54.830 I had only met him once but he was quite unpleasant. :54.830 --> :57.750 He was loud and unnecessarily rude to people. :57.750 --> :02.240 The one time he took my sister and me out for dinner, he was very mean to a male waiter :02.240 --> :03.909 and for no good reason too. :03.909 --> :07.050 The thought of him owning our home terrified me. :07.050 --> :09.330 “I don’t think that is a good idea.” :09.330 --> :14.169 I told my sister I needed to take a nap as I was very tired and she left. :14.169 --> :17.950 The next day, she asked if I still thought it was not a good idea to have her boyfriend :17.950 --> :19.280 pay for the house. :19.280 --> :23.080 “Listen, I understand your fears, but we will get married soon. :23.080 --> :28.090 When we do get married, the house will belong to me, that way, the house stays in the family, :28.090 --> :29.820 even in the event of a divorce.” :29.820 --> :31.559 I agreed with my sister. :31.559 --> :36.630 I would rather my sister retain the house and I can visit whenever I want than to have :36.630 --> :42.799 a stranger move in or have it demolished and turned into a commercial building by developers. :42.799 --> :46.220 I told her to go ahead and have her boyfriend pay off the debts. :46.220 --> :51.130 That weekend, her boyfriend came over to our house and they went together to see the moneylenders. :51.130 --> :55.470 He stayed a while longer since it was a weekend and they needed to “complete signing the :55.470 --> :56.470 papers.” :56.470 --> :58.330 I was very naive at the time. :58.330 --> :02.720 I never bothered to inquire into the whole thing, to visit the money lender’s office :02.720 --> :06.090 myself and ask what exactly was going on. :06.090 --> :08.340 I trusted my sister to handle everything. :08.340 --> :13.080 A year later, my sister and her boyfriend got married and he moved in with us. :13.080 --> :17.980 It was hell, having to deal with my sister’s tantrums and horrible treatment. :17.980 --> :23.270 She was so self-absorbed and she wanted her mood to dictate everyone else’s. :23.270 --> :28.950 When she was sad, she wanted us to be sad, and whenever she was happy, we had to be happy. :28.950 --> :33.669 Her husband got tired and would randomly pack his bags and escape, but I had nowhere to :33.669 --> :34.669 go. :34.669 --> :36.090 One day, I decided to leave. :36.090 --> :41.140 I could not deal with my sister’s nastiness any longer, but my sister came begging. :41.140 --> :45.340 She revealed that she was struggling with fertility issues and that it was affecting :45.340 --> :46.480 her behavior. :46.480 --> :50.020 I knew that she wanted a child, but I did not know that she had been diagnosed with :50.020 --> :53.570 a fertility problem, so I felt sorry for her. :53.570 --> :57.740 While I felt sorry for her, I knew that my sister’s behavior had nothing to do with :57.740 --> :59.020 her situation. :59.020 --> :02.900 She had always been a self-absorbed bully, at home and even in school. :02.900 --> :04.970 Still, I stayed out of pity. :04.970 --> :08.020 When I went off to college, my sister adopted a child. :08.020 --> :09.350 A beautiful girl. :09.350 --> :12.660 I was away in college so I was not a part of the process. :12.660 --> :17.279 I didn't even know that she was considering adopting a child until the process had worked :17.279 --> :19.110 out and she told me about it. :19.110 --> :23.650 I was happy for her because I knew how much she longed to have a child. :23.650 --> :25.810 After college, I moved back to my sister’s. :25.810 --> :30.390 I honestly thought that things would have changed if she was now a mother, but she was :30.390 --> :34.309 still very mean and unkind, even to her own daughter and husband. :34.309 --> :39.049 Her husband filed for a divorce and that hurt her even more and made her meaner toward me :39.049 --> :40.049 and her daughter. :40.049 --> :44.799 I decided to move out and live on my own, it made sense to do that anyway as it was :44.799 --> :46.150 long overdue. :46.150 --> :51.550 I moved out but that angered my sister who felt I had betrayed her by moving out. :51.550 --> :56.620 She wanted me to stay and take care of her since her husband had just left, but I couldn’t :56.620 --> :58.920 because her frequent tantrums got to me. :58.920 --> :03.390 Even after I had moved out of my sister’s home, I still dealt with so many insults from :03.390 --> :07.730 her, she would call me on the phone and tell me that I’m evil and insensitive for leaving :07.730 --> :10.960 her, so I decided to cut her off altogether. :10.960 --> :14.390 I stopped taking her calls and I moved out of town. :14.390 --> :18.690 Many years later, my niece became a very fun young teenager. :18.690 --> :21.730 She looked me up on Facebook and we became friends. :21.730 --> :25.179 Very often, she would have issues with her mom and tell me about it. :25.179 --> :29.650 I think her mom snooped on her phone and saw her conversations but also did not want her :29.650 --> :32.090 daughter to think she was the bad guy. :32.090 --> :34.710 She invited me to her home and we reconciled. :34.710 --> :39.539 She then revealed to me that her daughter did not know she was adopted and made me promise :39.539 --> :40.580 not to tell her. :40.580 --> :44.340 I promised not to even though I did not agree with that decision. :44.340 --> :48.590 I went on a date and that date changed everything for me. :48.590 --> :53.880 I met this guy who was a developer and he told me about the private money lending business. :53.880 --> :59.250 Somehow, I mentioned how some years back, my ex-brother-in-law had paid off my parents’ :59.250 --> :00.250 debt. :00.250 --> :03.780 The whole thing sounded fishy to him and he asked more questions. :03.780 --> :07.860 He was very interested and asked if I could recall the name of the lending company. :07.860 --> :08.970 I told him I could. :08.970 --> :13.990 I had kept the original letter for a long time and I never forgot them since they took :13.990 --> :15.420 me home from me! :15.420 --> :20.270 Well, after a lot of investigations on both our sides, it turned out that my sister and :20.270 --> :24.620 her ex planned it to dupe me of my inheritance. :24.620 --> :26.840 I called her ex and he could not deny it. :26.840 --> :28.929 He was ashamed of himself. :28.929 --> :33.240 I never confronted my sister, I simply told her daughter that she was adopted. :33.240 --> :38.090 I knew that would make things even worse between them because they had a shitty relationship :38.090 --> :41.280 and I knew my sister was trying to fix their relationship. :41.280 --> :43.610 Her daughter was all she had at that point. :43.610 --> :47.210 As I predicted and wanted badly, her daughter was hurt. :47.210 --> :51.350 She was mad at me too for not telling her earlier but I did not care. :51.350 --> :55.490 That was nothing compared to the anger she would unleash on her mother. :55.490 --> :59.659 All I wanted was for my sister to suffer, for putting me through hell. :59.659 --> :05.250 To have duped me like that because I was young and naive was simply unforgivable. :05.250 --> :08.799 The next time my niece and I spoke, my sister had been arrested. :08.799 --> :14.210 It turned out that even her adoption was illegal and my niece called the cops herself. :14.210 --> :18.640 She had done some research on her own and had found out many irregularities and then :18.640 --> :23.529 when she confronted her mom and her mom tried to shut her out, she called the police. :23.529 --> :28.480 It was a very messy situation and I tried my best to not get involved in all of that. :28.480 --> :33.080 I never got home (because I never tried and my sister had ruined all the good memories :33.080 --> :13.590 anyway,) but I got my revenge and it felt so good to see my sister crumble.
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeSISTERSTOLEMYINHERITENCERedditStoriesen
my ex-wife trying to get me back by using our daughters to convince me doesn't really sound like a big problem right yeah well while I wish I could just plain tell her to piss off and never bother me again there is the matter of us having two daughters and sharing custody so I can't excise her for my life on a permanent basis not without removing our daughters too we married fairly early in our lives back when we were 20 and we had been dating for 3 years before that our daughters were born in the very first year of the marriage and there were some complications which meant my ex-wife would have difficulty conceiving again didn't matter to me at the time because I was just glad she made it healthy and fine through the whole ordeal and that we already had two beautiful baby girls to love and raise up the marriage lasted for 9 years ended when I divorced her for cheating I have absolutely no tolerance for it and I don't believe in forcing myself to suffer needlessly for that wasn't my fault to begin with while this might sound incredulous to some folks any love I had for my ex-wife was pretty much killed when I found out about her cheating and the details behind it so yeah this isn't a threat about me moving on from her I've done that 7 years ago hell I don't even hate her I just don't get give a damn about what goes on in her life unless it concerns our daughters the problem is that it's only me that moved on from the whole thing the ex-wife her family and even our daughters have kept trying to get us back together even though I have made it plain for everyone that I have no interest of ever doing that me not dating at first for a few years after the divorce might have been giving them false hope but I sure as wasn't going to jump into another relationship so soon after not with our daughters to look after they were my number one priority besides my own issues which stemmed from the ex's cheating those issues by The Bu got resol D with the help of friends family and some counseling so yeah that's over and done with I have no issue in communicating with our girls none what soever anything else they can understand it just fine there's never been any fighting no yelling no nonsensical teenage rebellion thus far no Tantrums thrown and so on pretty great right except this whole thing they know about her cheating on me and it was their mother in fact who told them about it some 3 years ago or so I imagine she's been feeding them some kind of since then and I've asked her count times to stop with it that it wasn't helping anyone that it only prevented them from moving on but the ex-wife didn't stop she apparently just got subtler about it in all the years since we divorced she hasn't dated or slept with anyone else while I suppose she thinks that admirable I don't to be honest I find it kind of insulting when we were married she someone else but now she's just fine going without sex for 7 years whatever not that it matters while I could ignore the occasional mentions of their mother of how well she looks of them showing me photos they took with her obviously all DED up for my sake it's gotten worse lately why because I have a girlfriend Clemens is not the first since the divorce but she is the most serious relationship I had since my marriage ended she also happens to be 8 years my junior before getting together as a couple we knew each other for 4 years through a shared hobby so basically it was a gradual transition from being friends to being involved with each other I can honestly say I love this woman it was a surprise to me when I realized that because while I didn't really want to admit it to myself I was afraid for a time that what my ex-wife did to to me damaged me on some fundamental level and rendered me incapable of ever truly loving someone else like I once did her initially my daughters had very little to say about our relationship much like they didn't comment anything on the previous two I had post divorce but then they started coming home ahead of the schedule we set up in advance and they'd find me and Clemens together nothing compromising not sex or anything of the sort then came the grumbling then came the why is she here question then came it's not fair to Mom what you're doing as if I was actually doing this solely to spite or hurt their mother so I sat them down and talked and I talked and I talked but they're just not getting it they simply won't give up on this Preposterous fantasy of theirs where I get back with their mother Clemens thank God has been understanding and isn't upset by their behavior she's basically saying to give them time but I kind of doubt that will work it hasn't so far so I have no idea why more time would change anything anyway since I'm really all out of ideas I figured I might as well ask you folks here if any one of you might have an idea how to handle this is there even a way an approach of any sort that could work on my daughters realizing I will not under any circumstances get back with their mother edit I tried telling them dozens of times that while her mother and I are on good terms it's only for them and not for us at least not on my end it just doesn't seem to be reaching them at all like I've said in other responses I brought up her cheating to explain why I don't want to be with their mother and they already knew about it but they keep using the same approach every time of how she's faithful to me now when I pointed out to them that she can't be faithful to me given that we're not together to begin with they just ignore that now here's the thing that I think is messing with their minds they never saw their mother as anything but loving towards me or them or at least they don't remember it if they did see her acting coldly and distant with me during her Affair and yes it was an affair not just a onetime thing not that I wouldn't have divorced her either way she was very much the opposite of loving in the bedroom they never really saw that nor should they have my approaches for intimacy were often rebuffed and I felt more and more dejected until one day I realized with the help of a very close and very good friend that there was nothing wrong with me and therefore something had to be wrong with her which is what led me to discover the affair because I started looking for reasons why our love life had suddenly dropped so much in quality and quantity and it wasn't just sex there were the small things missing from our daily lives too I know it sounds silly but we always kissed at the front door in plain sight before either of us went to work that's something that only now in retrospect became plain to see that was missing bottom line is their mother denied me even the most basic of affection while giving it to someone else outside of our marriage to me that's unforgivable they don't understand that they couldn't not even even if I told them which I rather not and how hurtful it can be when you realize that your spouse didn't really give a damn about you all that much so all this all the regret and remorse and pining for us to get back together to me it's worthless what's the point where was all this supposed love and guilt and remorse when it should have mattered they seem to think that us two being together would soon override any unhappiness on my part they can't really understand what it's like when you can't trust your partner your spouse at that God I hope they never have to understand that I would never wish for either of them to be cheated on now I have talked with my ex-wife about this on numerous occasions possibly a hundred times by now about not bringing our adult lives and messing up our daughters in one year and out the other as they say now despite my initial apprehension I will end up talking with them about how their mother's cheating impacted me I'm not even doing it for myself at that point but what another user here has said about how they're internalizing this as their way to love has certainly got me worried I have to make them understand that being cheated on or cheating on someone is not something to be taken lightly or just Shrugged off regarding Clemens she's not trying to be a mother figure to them at all she knows there are only 12 years of difference between them and that's not really enough for them to see her as a mother figure not to mention Clem has no intentions of usurping their mother's place to begin with her approach is to just basically wait it out until they stop hoping for their mother and me to get back together and then eventually somewhere down the line the relations between them will be comfortable enough to spend more and more time around each other which is if all things go as expected is going to happen sooner or later and to be fair my daughters are not exactly being pissy nor are they disrespectful full up in her face or behind her back hell they don't actually hate her from what I've gathered they just prefer me to be back with their mother that's all update it's been a while since I was first here and I was reminded recently that I owed an update to the kind and good people here who helped me with our troubles a lot of things have happened among those things my daughters actually stumbled across my post I had no idea they even browsed Reddit let alone this place when I came home one day from work I found them crying they pretty much jumped me hugged me wouldn't let me go and begged me to forgive them sadly they had read one of my replies and found out the Dreadful extent of my ex-wife's Affair and how much it had devastated me it took us a while but we got through it as a family there was nothing for me to forgive they're still young and they love their mother who took that love and used it to manipulate them that's on her not them there was some much needed counseling but after several months the woman who was helping us heal and move on has said that nothing more needed to be done and they should only check in with her once in a while rather than continue their weekly sessions we're closer than we were before but their relationship with their mother has suffered for it which I think is completely understandable but I still caution them about lingering too much on what she did since I had gotten over what she did all those years ago that was something also resolved in counseling both their own and our shared ones so it's all behind us now I had a brief confrontation with my ex-wife about it and made it clear that she was to not talk about this Getting Back Together nonsense anymore with our daughters I can't tell if it really got through to her but my daughters have not been pestered about me since then or they simply ignore their mother and don't bring it up at home either way so long as my daughters are doing fine I could care less about what my my ex-wife is doing since the situation had improved things had also become much better between my daughters and my girlfriend so much that they actually started talking with her rather than just exchanged chur greetings and goodbyes even occasionally asking for tips on something girly stuff of course and I can't tell you how much it warmed my heart to see it happening for the first time I'll admit that also helped me push my thoughts in the direction of proposing to my girlfriend who had been incredibly supporting and understanding through all of this we had known each other for a long time now spent so much time as a couple and after all this mess I didn't really think think there was anything more I could do to express my love for her however I was beaten to the punch 2 months ago Clemens together with my daughters surprised me one day and proposed to me I have to say that I felt very odd but also very happy not just the proposal but that my daughters had actually worked with my girlfriend on surprising me the day with dinner and a night out to put it simply I was blown away it was a small and private ceremony with only our closest friends and family attending currently we're also expecting and my daughters are looking forward to having a baby brother or sister to oil now on to the next story story two I refused to talk my sister so my mom ambushed me with an intervention background I started dating my brother's best friend when I was 16 we were together until I graduated high school when he proposed and I rejected it there was a lot of drama with my family asking me to reconsider because we could have a long engagement or make a promise to reconcile my relationship with my brother 36 suffered for a while but the one with my sister 32 never recovered she was sure my ex was the best fit for me and became unbearable when she started dating my ex ex's brother my ex was invited Everywhere by my siblings even to some family holidays but I didn't say anything since he was their friend too that is until my sister started to push for us to get back together my sister did everything from trying to get us on blind dates to making us share a room during holidays no matter the occasion my ex was invited to it after a while I had enough and asked my parents to intervene they were clear with my siblings and stopped inviting my ex to things or allowing him to tag along so much it was slightly better but while my brother backed off my sister didn't it all came to a crash when I met my husband during a seme abroad he was from another University but the same country and we just clicked it was magical for me and we got engaged after dating for a year my family was very happy for me except my sister she kept insisting I was in the honeymoon phase and will grow out of it I clearly didn't and after many many many can't express enough how many fights and attempts to reunite me with my ex I simply let her know if she pulled anything again I will stop talking to her what does she do after that warning makes me her mow and requests I spend all my time with the bridal party AKA my ex insets one of her friends as my husband's date we didn't realize until we were at the reception and the poor girl tried to make a pass at my husband my sister said that since we are not married it was okay to explore things with other people I left the party and the next day spoke with my parents and brother explained that while I won't make them choose I will not talk to my sister ever again and if they try to fix stuff between us I will simply cut contact with them too my mom was devastated and tried to negotiate but my dad and brother said they would respect my decision and apart from two attempts from my mom I haven't spoken written or anything with my sister in the past 6 years my sister has tried everything to reconcile with me from to Tantrums but I simply don't talk to her at all if we are at a family event or dinner I simply act like she doesn't exist At first she made snarky comments or tried to create drama but since nobody backed her up she gave up she did have a meltdown when she was informed she was invited to my wedding but would not be part of any preparation my brother says he feels guilty for going along with it for so long and his relationship with my ex has suffered since my ex they still talk but they are not as closed anymore the issue my mom's birthday was a couple weeks ago and I finally announced we are expecting our first child this is not the first grandchild but is the first granddaughter everybody was very happy except my sister my mom noted that and asked me for tea the other day my sixth sense told me not to go but I wanted to be positive the first thing I noticed when I arrived was my sister's car then as I entered the door there was my sister her husband my ex and my ex me they wanted to have an intervention since my childish tactic has gone for so long my ex said that he was just trying to be romantic but he understands I couldn't appreciate it his mom said I was just hurting my sister for wanting the best for me and she apologized already so I need to forgive her I was just sending texts to my family dad brother husband and looking at my mom in disbelief my bill had the balls to tell me I was a hurtful person and I need to learn how to act like an adult since I'm having a baby now then my mom began reading a letter about how hurt she was her daughters weren't close how my sister was wrong but she was well- intended Etc then my sister read her letter and began crying and telling me basically another version of what the rest did I said nothing to anybody just sat there until my brother arrived he was angry beyond anything I've ever seen before he grabbed my stuff and told them all he was really disappointed and disgusted we went outside and sat in his car until my dad and husband arrived by then I was just sobbing and he kept saying sorry I am unsure what happened in there but I sent everybody except Mom an email with my lawyer's number info attached and stated I don't wish to be contacted by any of them ever again and if they do I will go to the police nobody has contacted me but I know from my dad my mom and sister are hysterical they told him they H to repair things and for my sister to be able to be on my baby's life maybe possibly being a godmother my dad is staying with my brother at the moment they support me but some others in the family don't I've irvon had mutual friends call me since they are worried about my sister's well-being and asking me what happened since she is now going by the narrative my husband is keeping me away from my family I hate having my business in public but I did go the public route and posted a long FB post about everything that happened sister Bill and X are being dragged which even if it wasn't 100% intended I feel is deserved now my mom has been inconsolable which does make me feel bad but not as bad as she made me feel with her little intervention I agreed to have a talk with her a couple of days ago and laid the ground rules for any possible future interaction including therapy family therapy clear boundaries no sharing information about me with my sister and separate holidays most important if she ever pulls anything like this again she will for sure be cut off she feels this is too much but is willing to do it she thought it meant immediate access to baby news and it is all solved but I told her it is a process and she needs to prove she has improved my dad and brother refused to talk to my sister and they keep apologizing for not stopping it earlier we've forgiven them since they were able to move on and grow my husband supports whatever I decide but my Mill is unsure cutting my mom's access to her granddaughter is the way to go but says it is ultimately my decision I am torn about what to do with my mom edit I wanted to post but couldn't I want to thank you for the amount of support and advice so far I want to give a little more info that is in my comments since there are too many for me to answer them all individually my ex and I broke up when I was 18 He is 37 now the reason for our breakup was that I didn't want to get married or engaged my sister insistence comes from the fixation of wanting the both of us to marry brothers and being best friends my mom has always been so nice to my husband but I'm beginning to think it was all a facade which makes me very sad my my ex has been with people since the breakup he also has two kids with an ex but he's never been married my sister says that is a very romantic thing to do since he has only ever wanted to marry me I should also mention his obsessive behavior is not only with me I know from the grape vine he was very similar with the mother of his children but now he is refocusing on me because my sister is encouraging it since she needs his help on getting back in my good graces so she can be a good anunt my brother did start to cut him off when I told my parents I was very uncomfortable with my ex around all the time I was living away for college but would visit my family during breaks he ALS made a very big effort to make my husband feel welcome which deteriorated his relationship with my ex even more because he felt betrayed by my brother nowadays my husband is one of my brothers closest friends and he only speak with my ex when is about our nephew sister son or to not be rude both my parents seem to be supportive of me not wanting to be around my ex so much but I guess only my dad was in agreement on the day of the Tea Party my mom told him she was making me my favorite tea and sweets but he couldn't stay since we would have quality time together my dad left to go hang with my uncle since he thought it was a nice sentiment for my mom he is very pissed off my husb husband tried very hard with my sister when they met but now he just ignores her and believes she is mentally unwell we don't know if she is or not still there is no excuse for how she behaves they invited the ex and his mom because they thought it would be good for me to face the root of my issues with my sister or at least is their official version also we are not Indian not really religious my husband and I are from the same race there is also no wealth disparity between my ex and my husband if there is it would be in favor to my husband lastly my Sills both my brother's wife and husband sisters are enraged about the situation my husband and his sisters will be talking with their mom about her comment my brother and his wife are considering going NC with my mom permanently in the meanwhile they will not allow her to see my nephews for a bit the more I read the more I think I might have to go and see with my mom for the sake of my kid my husband is heartbroken to think all their interactions were faked but says he is even more enraged she made me cry and doubt I was a good person I realize there are still countless conversations to have with my family about my mom but I will definitely be going for a restraining order against my sister and the ex update one the state of my family so far I had a conversation with my mother but she insists she knew best I am a bad person and she will be getting grandparents rights or even custody I am nothing what she says but I still Panic so we sent her a letter about it my dad moved out definitely he told her that he could not sign on her terrorizing his kid my brother and his wife also decided to go and see I know it seems very sudden but I think I undersold the level of Despair I had after the intervention my husband told them afterward they had to think very well about what they appreciated and to be kind and receptive to everything but would not raise a kid on a toxic environment reason 3,271 637 why I love my husband my husband is very heartbroken about my mom and her fakeness he says she will never get anything from him that is as much as Revenge goes here my husband and sisters talked to my Mill about her comment and made her understand why it was very out of it as many of you assume she is a very loving mom from a loving family my dad and brother keep apologizing for any role they played on this my dad can't believe it went to this point he says it is still surreal for him regardless they support me no matter what and say they are willing to help me fight whatever ridiculous fight my mom or cider put final update I want to thank the lovely messages and encouraging words I decided to post it here so it wouldn't be deleted like the original was things are great and horrible at the same time but I'm trying to remain positive about everything my brother and his wife sat my nephews down and explained that Grandma was ill and tried to hurt Annie diamond and the little cousin they explained grandma would not be part of their lives anymore but that doesn't mean she doesn't love them it was really hard but the kids are smart they were also told other an's no longer in their life but they don't care because they dislike her not because of me alone simply because she is not exactly great with them either my mom lost it when she was informed and started claiming she had rights and she will get to see her grandchildren my dad is looking for a permanent place but will stay with us until January mainly due to my brother's Mill coming to visit and we having the space he is really sad has called divorce lawyers already moved Bank Stuff Etc he has been getting countless emails messages and calls from my mom but he doesn't reply to anything the lawyer told him to not block her right now he considered maybe forgiving her but I got a huge Spike on my blood pressure a couple days after after my last post here because she decided to come to my place with my sister my sister had never been to my home my mom knew I didn't want her there but I guess that doesn't matter anymore the cleaning lady let them in since she knows my mom and I haven't had the time to inform her she was not allowed to come in anymore I was just coming from some errands and I saw the car this time I didn't get in I called all of my relatives in my sill husband's sister was the one closer to me she confronted them and told them either they leave if I call the police on them for trespassing they left and I started feeling bad we went to the doctor and they told me all the excitement was not good and I needed to start relaxing or it would hurt the baby my dad went home with my brother uncle and my husband and took every single thing he could think of my husband says my sister was there too and she kept screaming at him that he destroyed her family my dad told my mom and sister they almost killed the baby and he also doesn't want to talk to any of them again my sister kept sending messages to my brother begging for help but is not happening I am devastated and very sad for my nephew since he is losing so much of his family because his mother has some whacky ideas but it is what it is as per the custody and grandparent writes my mom wants to throw around so much my lawyer sent her a letter stating she caused harm to my health and the baby and if she keeps harassing me it will become an official legal matter my brother also sent her a letter using her harassing of me both mom and sister have refused to go to therapy they might be mentally ill but with all of this coming to light it is obvious they have been in agreement for a long time I will focus on spending the holidays with my family being healthy and going to therapy
give me a good story on MyExWifeTryingtoGetMeBackbyusingourDaughterstoConvinceMe
my pregnant girlfriend has been lying and stealing from me and refuses to pay rent I kicked her out of my home and now she's trying to come back I posted here a few weeks ago about her canceling our plans to pick her sister up I won't get into much detail because the post has been since deleted she eventually came round to admitting to being in the wrong begged for forgiveness and told me it wouldn't happen again I was reluctant to accept her apology because it took about a week for her to come up with it but I took it and moved on what I didn't mention and probably should if she's 15 weeks pregnant since then things had been pretty much back to normal however Christmas Eve I discovered my clothes and trainers in the wardrobe had been moved around not something I'd have done I knew she'd been wrapping gifts for her family in there it's Walkin wardrobe in the spare room I know she can struggle for money sometimes and my first instinct was she'd been going through it to find something to give to her brothers as most of it still has tags on the trainers are still box to that night I wrongly looked through her FB messenger and she's taking pictures of my trainers asking her mom if her brothers will fit them because I don't like it I do like them I just haven't had chance to wear it her reply was I'll wrap them up then also asking if the exact size I am in clothes will fit her brother was on the messages making me think she stolen other things I don't even know half of the clothes I have so it's pretty hard for me to look and know what's missing and a lot are with tags on and brand new I confronted her about it that night told her exactly what I saw that my clothes had been moved around in the messages of her taking photos of my trainers she said her mom was asking what trainers I wore to buy me some what she didn't expect was me to pull up the screenshots with her reply of saying she's going to start rapping them and asking them if they'll fit her brother she then admitted she was going to but realized it was wrong and it wasn't because I confronted her about it I look at her phone yesterday whilst she's asleep to see if there's any mention of anything that's been taken and she tells her mom he wants to keep the trainers now with all previous messages deleted she keeps denying it was because I confronted her that she didn't give them away and she's denying she's stolen anything else saying I'm blowing it up into something it isn't and she'd never steal she says the reason she asked was because she gave a gift intended for me to her brother but she's refusing to show me the transaction or receipt for that tonight I told her unless I see proof she's bought gifts for her brothers herself I'm going to presume she's a thief and she's stolen from me she's adamant she hasn't and that I'm being pathetic and she'll show me proof but not when I ask for it and in her own time that was the last straw for me so I asked her to pack up and leave she has somewhere safe to go because she can stop with her family for now I'm being called dramatic and basically the one who's in the wrong she's pregnant and for the sake of the child I've been trying to work things out but this is the last straw for me today she's messaging me that she's canceled the baby scan to go away and live with her sister I'm pathetic she's not lying but can't show me the receipt and if I'm breaking up with her she's free to do what she wants she's saying I have no proof despite me seeing the messages she's also saying she only considered it and stopped herself despite me seeing she'd replied after I confronted her saying she'll have to give her brother something else because he now wants to keep them this is the way she acts to most things when she's in the wrong manipulation and not accepting fault for days where I'll refuse to speak to her she is caring and hasn't really given me other reasons not to trust her but this has broken my trust massively how can I get get over the fact that my trust has been completely broken edit I know everyone is telling me to get a paternity test and I understand why she's never really given me a reason to suspect she's cheated it's something I do now she's broken my trust and it's something I've said in a heated argument the problem is she's told me that if I don't believe the baby is mine she won't consent to a test and she'll stop any access to the baby and my name won't go on the birth certificate update one long story short my girlfriend and I have been living together for around 10 months when she first moved and she insisted on paying rent and I was reluctant to charge her if it didn't work out but she forced it and paid a month then I found out she's struggling for money unable to pay for things is in a lot of debt and lives month to month she agreed with me that she'd start when she clears the debt fast forward to Christmas I find out she's been stealing my clothes to give to her family as gifts another post on here she lied for two weeks blaming me until I showed her footage of her taking the things from the camera in the living room to watch the dog when I'm out I later then discover through letters and texts I've seen appear on her phone she's been doing nothing to pay any of it off so I confront her she tells me and shows me messages that her mother and sisters constantly guilt trip her into giving them money and have for years they'll message her on payday asking for it and she feels bad saying no despite none of them ever paying it back her mom alone owes her over £6,000 she has taken a ton of loans out for her family and they leave her with the debt and don't pay it back luckily her credit is now at the point where nobody will loan to her but she still tries and does it for them I also find out I went through her finances yes I shouldn't have but something wasn't adding up and I was being lied to that in the space of 20 20 minutes she spent £300 on gambling sites all during this time she isn't paying a penny towards rent bills anything she'll occasionally buy food shopping or trips out to Starbucks I tell her enough is enough and she needs to start paying her way if she can give handouts to her family and gamble she can pay for where she lives and she's taken me for a ride when she should have been saving and clearing debts I make roughly 5x what she does but I've been fair in that the bills are split proportionately to income she'll earn £1,400 per month and pay £600 which includes rent and her share of the bills I take on the rest which is substantially more but I believe it's not fair to take more on the first of this month she tells me she can't pay rent she says she's paid out too much on our trips to Starbucks food shopping and I'll get it when I get it but she doesn't understand why I need it this month when she's lived for free the past nine months anyway I've asked her to explain where her money has exactly gone but she tells me I'm controlling and it's none of my business In fairness she will pay when we go food shopping but rarely in comparison to me I've kicked her out as of yesterday and told her she needs to find somewhere to live she is however pregnant and she's using that card as a way to Guilt Trip me and make out I've thrown out her and my child onto the streets in my opinion she is taking me for a ride and prioritizing her family that is using her over her own family she's started what's the solution here to getting her to see she's not treating me fairly update two long story short my girlfriend and I have been living together for around 10 months when she first moved and she insisted on paying rent and I was reluctant to charge her if it didn't work out but she forced it and paid a month then I found out she's struggling for money unable to pay for things is in a lot of debt and lives month to month she agreed with me that she'd start when she clears the debt fast forward to Christmas I find out she's been stealing my clothes to give to her family as gifts another post on here she lied for two weeks blaming me until I showed her footage of her taking the things from the camera in the living room to watch the dog when I'm out I later then discover through letters and texts I've seen a pi on her phone she's been doing nothing to pay any of it off so I confront her she tells me and shows me messages that her mother and sisters constantly guilt trip her into giving them money and have for years they'll message her on payday asking for it and she feels bad saying no despite none of them ever paying it back her mom alone owes her over £6,000 she has taken a ton of loans out for her family and they leave her with a debt and don't pay it back luckily her credit is now at the point where nobody will loan to her but she still tries and does it for them I also find out I went through her finances yes I shouldn't have but something wasn't adding up and I was being lied too that in the space of 20 minutes she spent £300 on gambling sites all during this time she isn't paying a penny towards rent bills anything she'll occasionally buy food shopping or trips out to Starbucks I tell her enough is enough and she needs to start paying her way if she can give handouts to her family and gamble she can pay for where she lives and she's taken me for a ride when she should have been saving and clearing debts I make roughly 5x what she does but I've been fair in that the bills are split proportionally to income she'll earn ,400 per month and pay £600 which includes rent and her share of the bills I take on the rest which is substantially more but I believe it's not fair to take more on the first of this month she tells me she can't pay rent she says she's paid out too much on our trips to Starbucks food shopping and I'll get it when I get it but she doesn't understand why I need it this month when she's lived for free the past N9 months anyway I've asked her to explain where her money has exactly gone but she tells me I'm controlling and it's none of my business In fairness she will pay when we go food shopping but rarely in comparison to me I've kicked her out as of yesterday and told her she needs to find somewhere to live she is however pregnant and she's using that card as a way to Guilt Trip me and make out I've thrown out her and my child onto the streets in my opinion she is taking me for a ride and prioritizing her family that is using her over her own family she started what's the solution here to getting her to see she's not treating me fairly edit I sat her down and gave her an ultimatum early last week I explained to her that we are a family and became a family when she decided to have a baby with me I told her if we're going to stay together she's going to have to be a lot more open contribute to no more taking on debt she can't afford which brings it to my door when she can't pay I also told her I want to see her bank statements because I suspect she has a gambling problem and is in some serious debt she agreed to all of this and committed to sh me the bank statements when I ask and says going forward she'll pay towards bills I believe she's turned a corner and start getting along with her better and she moves back in as I was sat next to her phone last night when she went to grab a drink her phone lit up with a text message it read loan accepted by ex lender click here to accept I immediately called her out and she starts crying telling me she has no money left again for the month and she's had to resort to payday loans for some money I tell her she should have have come to me and tell her I explicitly said no more loans she also tells me she won't be able to afford to pay towards bills again she works full-time and brings home around P400 pound 1200 a month depending on hours but a lot of the time she phones sick so gets sick pay which is a lot less I ask to see her bank statements and she refuses telling me I'm being controlling by asking when she's told me and I don't need to see them that's the last straw for me I'm almost certain she's been giving it away at this point again or gambling I give her a scenario your baby is starving and needs food and there's none in the house what are you going to do she replies you'll have to pay that's fine I'll happily support my son I tell her because the mother is clearly dead be so I asked to see her Facebook Messenger to see if her family have been hitting her up for free money again and conveniently all of the family members that borrow from her have the chats cleared she says she deletes them to be tidy yet mine's still there I told her this isn't going to work and she tells me I'm a controlling freak basically and she agrees and I've not heard from her since moral of the story is she's too damaged from her upbringing I'm guessing and some people you just can't change she still messages me asking how I am but I'm just ignoring her except from anything baby related I need to move on I know a lot of people question whether she's pregnant how stupid I was to get her pregnant I agree and if it's mine I've been to every scan so I know she's pregnant as for if it's mine I've never suspected cheating but she's a Serial liar so I will be forcing a DNA test through the courts I posted on a couple of different Subs to make sure I wasn't getting biased opinions the above story is 100% true I wish it wasn't believe me but my focus is now getting as far away as possible from her for my own sake
give me a good story on MyPregnantGirlfriendHasBeenLyingStealingFromMeandRefusestoPayRentIKickedHerOut
family begs me to keep being the good child and mediate but after years of trauma I've hit my limit first off this is one of my first posts so please forgive me for any mistakes so some context my mother has two children me 24f and my younger sister 15f her and my dad were never together but when she got pregnant with my sister all those years ago she married my stepfather out of wedlock my stepfather is much much older and was pretty wealthy at the time when my mother decided to marry my stepdad she packed me up and moved us 4 hours away from my grandparents my primary caregivers since I was born and my dad I won't get to far into what my life was like after I moved in but it is worth mentioning I suffer from diagnosed cptsd and severe anxiety from my years of living with them my sister never had a chance from the start she's been spoiled not just spoiled spoiled rotten as the years went on I tried to tell my mother and stepdad that she would not just grow out of it like they said she would I've had friends compare her to veruka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory she screams throws things hits people threatens to lie to a CPS calls our mother a wh/ fat cow SL depressed loser and calls her father an old man For Heaven's Sake she called her 95-year-old grandmother an old and stomped on her other grandmother's foot she is out of control what is done about this well their idea of discipline is nothing her dad is considerably older and doesn't want to make her hate him for the short amount of time he has left with her so he leaves the discipline to our mother who is mentally very unstable and crumbles easily because my sister is so outwardly difficult I've always been revered as a good child to be clear me being the good child included my silence and compliance I had to be responsible and mature for my age because my stepdad and mother were not because of this and some guilt my mother and stepfather have always overly relied on me I'm the one who plates who mediates who tried to parent their kid but was constantly undermined it caused me to have several severe relationship issues as an adult After High School I moved out and went to college I attended therapy and started to learn that my people pleasing from living with them was crippling me so I've slowly started stopping the last key component to the context is they my mom and stepdad do not support me even when I lived with them in high school every dime for lunch money or new clothes came for my grandparents even my car was given to me by my grandparents at 18 they've paid one semester of my Jo roughly 2,500 and to their credit they did pay for my braces when I was 10 however this pales when compared to the 10K a semester they spent on her private school tuition her $11,000 monthly allowance they put on her debit card her new Porsche car which she can't even drive yet plus so much more my mother even asked me to give up my birthday last year to attend my sister's cheer Nationals in Florida which I did to be a good sister but there was no such thing for me when I was in high school for the record I understand most of this money as my wealthy stepdad I am not delusional to the fact that I am not his kid and therefore shouldn't expect support from him however they expect me to support them now I'm at ahead I've always relented and gone to my mother's house on Christmas Eve to wake up and open gifts Christmas morning because it's important to her but I don't believe I'm there because she wants me to be but mostly so I canet immediate my sister always makes a spectacle of Christmas Eve last year our mother put $44,000 worth of gifts under the tree for her and me both and my sister was not happy with a single gift that she asked for I'm talking screaming throwing gifts in the trash biting scratching all at 14 years old Christmas day has always ended in screaming in tears I hate Christmas because of this this year I wanted to spend it with my grandparents and see my dad over the holiday this was not taken well I get told by my grandmother that I'm the only thing keeping my mom sane it was implied a good kid would want to spend time with her family and sister on Christmas and I told her that my younger sister has gotten so much more than me money opportunities support Etc and she gets to be horrible to our mother and get rewarded for it why should I be a good kid if I'm not getting anything in return why should I spend a holiday with family that makes it horrible over my grandparents who are actually supporting me my grandma said that this was a horrible thing to say she begged me not to say this to my mother and to just put up with it this is not how my grandparents raised me to be or think but it's not so much about about the money as it is just the blatant usage of me some part of my feels greedy and spoiled for being upset over the difference in support but somehow it still just feels so wrong to keep giving into them what is keeping me at Bay is that my grandparents have never steered me wrong but I sometimes wonder if what was done to me gets forgotten about because my mother is mentally ill and does suffer and my sister is like this because it's all she's ever known I can't help but feel like I can't relent on this one though that my boundaries are being trampled so Ida for wanting to say this to my mother if yes what else do I do thank you advance for reading comments where op has replied Intrepid potential 60 you want to be paid to go to her house for Christmas look go be happy but that is just not a good move essentially losing all class and character and blackmailing for your attendance just don't go NTA for not wanting to go but you would be if you paid that pay me card oop I'm not asking for monetary gain I'm asking them to stop using me as their support Financial emotional Etc when they haven't shown me any since I moved in with them at 10 years old it's always been this big deal of well you came out of at a better person and they can't help it and you're out of it now but I'm still suffering from the damage they caused my sister suffers my grandparents suffer they suffer but instead of owning up to anything they'd all rather pretend to have another happy Christmas I'm ready to bring everything to a head but then comes the hard truth I can't be the golden child with nothing in return but misery Ed up nip which grandma is this why doesn't she support you being independent form you mother in trauma you won't have them forever why don't they want you to spend the time with them who love you then with your spoil sister oop these are my maternal grandparents although my grandpa is not my blood Grandpa and not my mom's biological dad her dad denounced her on his deathbed my mother has always had this jealousy when it comes to my grandparents my grandma in particular when Under the Influence she's told me several times I'm sorry I wasn't the mother you needed or I'm your mom not her my grandmother I think parents from guilt a lot for my mom because she's mentally ill and was an addict we all sympathize with my mom and her situation of not being stable and stuck in a marriage we don't think she'd ever choose to be in now how however I for some reason get the brunt of bearing the emotional load my grandma does try to lessen it but my mom wants me because having me around lessens her guilt I believe thes 514 I get that another part of the problem is that your grandparents are asking you to do this to support your mother their daughter I'm guessing it might be worth explaining that you need a break or you're going to snap and you don't want to add more drama to an already fraught situation frame it as a temporary break to your grandparents just to get some breathing space until your mother's current family unit finds a new balance that will probably end up being never but at least it gives you time and if they insist suggest that they go and support your mother while you spend Christmas with your dad if they want her lad ease so much they don't want to deal with your sister either so that should help them understand what they're asking you oop yes this is a big part of the problem my grandparents have done so much for me that they shouldn't have had to do because I'm not their child yet they did I will forever be indebted to them and if they ask anything of me I agree without hesitation so what this situation really boils down to is that if I'm not there the drama and emotional burden falls on my grandmother she's Elder L sickly and I just can't let them happen without some sort of Plan update 1 January 30th 2024 I took a lot of advice from my original post just felt like I should update things on here and get some advice in turn Christmas went unexpectedly well but not for the reasons one would think I ended up not saying anything harsh to my mother I stayed with my grandparents as long as I could then made the three-hour drive up to mother and stepdad my stepdad's family has always been so kind and treated me like family so I enjoyed going over there and spending time with them my mother and stepdad left the get together early on Christmas Eve come to find out my sister had opened all of her gifts earlier the day before I got there when she realized she didn't get everything she wanted she took a couple of my presents and threw them in the pool luckily I asked for a lot of cat toys for my cats and those are the things she threw in and they were fine after they dried I spent the night with my mother and stepdad while my sister stayed with her aunt and cousins and I opened my presents peacefully on Christmas morning before heading to see my dad all things considered it was a nice holiday compared to the others we've had what comes after is unfortunately not an improvement it seems like my sister's behavior is on a steady decline for some context last year my sister messaged me with a picture of her with a fat lip saying our mom hurt her I was so angry I called her aunt to pick her up and told her she was not allowed to go back and if they had a problem I would call the cops when talking to my mother she had a severe black eye where my sister had attacked her I didn't care who started it I just thought it should never have had to escalate to that she spent the summer with her aunt CPS investigated and found no abuse in the home both my mom and and sister went to therapy my sister wanted to go back to her parents before school started now presently my sister has learned that she can abuse our mom and get away with it I have gotten three phone calls where I've seen my mom with black eyes scratches or marks for my sister I've witnessed her snatch a wig off my mother's head and ripped her hair out my mother lacks confidence because her husband insults her on the daily and my sister will destroy anything that could bring her confidence I've witnessed her poor Starbucks into my mom's makeup bag cut her wig Etc she's thrown glass mugs at my mother too the last phone call I got from my mother was her with another black eye and she said that my stepdad tried to spank my sister but she just rolled her eyes apparently he took her phone away too but only for 2 hours my stepdad does not stand up for my mother and she has no power and no money to enforce over my sister's head my sister says they can't do anything either or she'll call CPS on them when my mother called me this last time I basically just Shrugged and told her I didn't know what else to tell her send her to boot camp a mission trip turn off her phone something but it's all things I've said before I've toyed with the idea of getting the law involved but how seriously do they take child to parent abuse whta if I did that any advice is appreciated and thanks for reading my vent post edit going no contact is almost impossible I owe my entire life to my grandparents and if I go no contact with my mom/dad the burden Falls onto my grandmother who I'm sure my mom would Hound to get to me I am taking steps to go low contact though edit 2 just found out my sister's aunt my stepdad's sister was told about the abuse from my mom my aunt would like to hold a meeting and intervention with the whole family me and the parents included I will not be part of the disciplining process but I absolutely will be giving my two cents on everything come to find out it's my aunt paying for my sister's very expensive school and she's now threatening to pull her from that school if she does not agree to a six-week anger management outpatient thing my sister is incredibly snobby and has said before she'd rather die than go to public school she also loves her cheerleading team I will keep updating comments where op has replied Siri and ta but get your mom to put up hidden Nanny cams in her house so the next time your half sister hurts her it's on camera and when half sister pulls the CPS again your mom will have footage in case she does call them she can also take the footage to the police and press charges maybe juvenile detention or jail will teach the spoiled brat she can't just get away with everything oop I've been telling my mom to record her at least what she says in voice memos but my sister gets my mom in such a tizzy she forgets to do it in the moment I have a couple of recordings but just if her being insanely bratty and mouthy nothing legally incriminating sadly a secret can might do the trick if I can convince my mom to put it up psych brick 3 it sounds like your mother is desperate for your help maybe even a way out even if that only means a roof and four walls oop I have tried to help as much as I can between my means she doesn't want the advice or Solutions I give her she doesn't want to bring up the problem to anybody or do anything drastic which I realize is also a pattern of abuse but there isn't anything else I can do I called CPS before and they found no abuse if I called the cops they'd all pretend like everything was fine fine penguin in a jacket this is really just a sad situation the only way I can really see to fix this is to have your mother and stepdad divorced to just sever the tie of your awful step sister or send her to a camp but it's very unlikely the way you're feeling is very real your burnout of trying to put out fire on someone else's house unfortunate but not your problem your mother's getting beaten by a child and your stepdad wants a brat to like him before he dies if you can't step away from the situation at least protect yourself emotionally and understand that really Tes nothing you specifically can do to fix other people lives oop through therapy I've begun the process of peeling away emotionally I will always have sympathy and compassion for my family for anyone but I've realized there's nothing more I can do I've come to terms with the fact I might have to always keep this part of my family at arms length to truly be able to breathe these are the final steps to keeping it that way until they change something the sad part is my mom had made changes by Leaps and Bounds she's quit alcohol quit abusing her pills gone to psychotherapy and gotten her bipolar under control and stuck to it Etc she is so much more controlled than my sister and step father bring out the worst in her still for their benefit aval Linate if you're in the states many states have elder abuse laws it sounds like stepdad qualifies not sure about Mom in FL it's a felony oop if I got them involved my stepdad and Mom would play dumb and deny everything they're too embarrassed to bring shame upon themselves from what they've raised sadly now on to the next story story two found out my wife cheated on me with a friend of mine now her life is a mess as my kids informed me I 35 male with was married to my ex-wife 35 for 10 years the two of us got married straight out of high school people warned us against it telling us it was way too soon and we should just wait finish college first start a career and then see where we were at was what they wanted us to do me being a Fool in Love meant that I didn't care what any of them had to say we had been dating since sophomore year of high school so I thought I knew everything and found my forever person my wife at the time seemed to be on the same page so we got married and went to the same College the two of us lived in married coupled housing which was helpful for us even though we were busy with college I felt that our marriage was at its strongest in college after we graduated we got our apartment and jobs in our chosen Fields things from there still seemed great slowly we were building our future the people who had been against us in the beginning and warned us against marriage were wrong they had since come to support us her family was like my second family so after marrying her I did gain a lot more family members it was about a year and a half before our 10th anniversary when I noticed something was going on with my wife she was more distant and didn't want me to ever touch I attributed it to me working a lot lately and just being very busy I decided to make it up to her by planning a romantic night she ended up not coming home that night and used the excuse that she was staying with a friend like I said I had no reason not to believe or trust her so I assumed she was telling the truth the closer we got to our 10th anniversary the more it continued my wife was even more indifferent to me than ever and was hardly home it was at this point I realized the chances of her having an affair was high so I used one of those Apple Air tags I was ashamed to use it but I had to find out in instead of going to a friend's house like she said she was across town in the opposite direction I drove there and waited for her to come out she did come out arm in arm with some heavily tattooed and pierced guy compared to my Straight laac self who always played by the rules it was quite a shock I took a video and quietly drove home when she got home I didn't say anything and just played the video for her after the shock wore off she started yelling at me for planting an air tag in her car and following her it was creepy apparently the logic she was spewing was just very hard to follow I just waited until she quieted and asked asked why my wife claimed she needed someone more exciting and not as boring as I was working hard to provide a good life for us wasn't what she wanted I pointed out that by working so much I was able to help us afford a nice house car Etc but my wife just told me she wanted more if what she wanted was something more than I was fine with that true to her word my wife wanted out as quickly as possible with me being the bread winner she could have gotten a lot of money and spousal support out of me however she seemed more focused on the ink being dry on the divorce papers than anything else she wanted so badly to be with her precious app who was her true soulmate I was just a stop along the way to finding him her words and not mine if that's what she wanted then fine the agreement ended up with me getting the house dog and more than half the money in the joint account I was shocked that all she wanted was the car to be paid off completely and no alimony I guess my ex wanted a complete break for me which was why she agreed to such a clean split did it hurt yeah of course it did but if that was how she wanted it then so be it it was probably better for me as well to get a clean break from the day our divorce was final I had no contact with her because I saw no reason why I should continue to have her in my life however we did have mutual friends and I still kept in contact with some of her family members so I was still privy to certain things that were going on in her life the app where the new Love of her life was gone within a year of the divorce he dumped her for someone else which sent her into a tail spin since she had been staying at his place it left her with no place to go my ex couldn't go back to her parents because they had disowned her pretty much and still talked to me to this day last I heard my ex-wife had been living in a small apartment with her sister and the new Love of her life she's working two jobs to make NS meet and is in debt had she pushed for more during our divorce then she would have had more money as well as alimony to fall back on I mean I wasn't complaining but if she had been thinking with her head instead of her heart she would have been better off to make it weirder her new boyfriend has the same name as me I'm not sure how to feel about that so I choose not to think of it very often or at all it just seems a little taboo to date someone with the same name as your ex like you wouldn't date someone that had the same or similar name of a family member so why one with the same name as your ex-husband it just didn't make sense to me but when it came to my ex there were a lot of things I didn't understand and would probably never understand either she was my past anyway so I didn't need to worry myself sick when it came to my ex-wife it's been a few years since our divorce and while my ex-wife's life has been a downward spiral mine has been great I got remarried about 3 years ago and the two of us are currently having our first child trusting another woman was difficult for me so it took me a while to even think about dating again my now wife was very patient however and was willing to wait for me as long as she needed eventually I felt ready to date again and it led to a second marriage I have even reached a new level of success my wife and I managed to sell the old house I had with my ex buy a bigger one and even have savings to spare both of us had lucrative careers though my wife planned to go on maternity leave once the baby was born if my ex knew about my new life then she is yet to reach out to me I doubt she ever will which suits me fine there is no need for her to ever speak again but sometimes I do wonder if she regrets having an affair and hurrying through a divorce so she could be with her app chances are my ex regrets it but what comes around goes around for my ex trer words have never been spoken
give me a good story on FamilyBegsMetoKeepBeingtheGoodChildandMediatebutAfterYearsof
AIT my 38f boyfriend's 36m dad says horribly offensive stuff in front of my kids 7 and n and we had a blowout because of it I honestly can't tell if I'm overreacting or not but here goes I have two kids girl seven boy nine and recently I've started introducing them to my boyfriend's parents now boyfriend's dad has no filter there is nothing he will not say they were over at our house yesterday and we were sitting at the kitchen table with my daughter before we left to go to a restaurant for dinner he was saying the most V thing terribly racist homophobic sexist jokes every swear word you can imagine the nword all of it boyfriend is laughing swearing going along with it I end up taking my daughter out of the room and keeping her busy until we go out to eat we get to the restaurant he openly mocks my 99-year-old son tells him he's a girl because he has long hair and because he's a girl does he wear a training bra makes jokes about my daughter playing hockey and how girls can't play sports everyone is laughing except me my son and daughter I'm desperately making comments to try and diffuse at one point he asks me to describe how tight the ass was of a woman who I had been referencing in a story on and on with this stuff I get home and I can't sleep all night I'm so mad at myself for not calling it out for not saying something while it was happening I texted my BF I said going forward I'm going to keep the kids out of his family stuff it's not my style I don't want the kids around it whatever a huge fight follows he says it's just the way he is that he has good intentions he doesn't mean anything by it he says it's my responsibility to teach the kids that different people exist that they need to learn that that's how some people are and that's the way it is I say no it's my job to protect my kids now to show my daughter that she doesn't need to tolerate old creepy men that say offensive things just to avoid making people uncomfortable that my son shouldn't have to put up with a grown man marking jokes at his expense and have adults laugh at him when he can't defend himself I ask him why he isn't as mad as I am that his dad is saying that stuff so freely around kids why isn't he angry that his dad is making horrible sexual comments to his son's girlfriend I say that any adult that says such vile things so freely around small children is a piece of I know that it's hard for my boyfriend to feel like I'm attacking his dad but it makes me so angry and I really think he is a disgusting man I'm very open to advice and opinions we are on the verge of breaking up over this edit to ad I'm quite literally reading every single comment and it's making me emotional to have so much validation that I was right in setting this boundary I'm pulling pieces from each response and it makes me feel so confident in what I've done and how I can move forward in conversations with my kids about what happened and how I'm going to fix things with them I'm in a good position I own my house and it's just me and the kids boyfriend lives on his own and only sleeps over when the kidss are at their dad's I have no problem leaving a bad relationship behind me I think I was convincing myself that I was overreacting and crazy thanks to these comments I know that I'm not
give me a good story on AITAMyboyfriendsdadsayshorriblyoffensivestuffinfrontofmykidsandandwehad
I'm 30 years old it's been 48 hours since I moved out of my parents home I miss them so much I have never felt this sad and lonely before in my life I just want to go back home preface why did I want to move out I wanted to learn to be independent to do things on my own learn responsibilities living in an immigrant family mom tends to take care of a lot of things for you I live literally five minutes from my parents but I cannot stop crying I am a grown man who has not stopped crying for the past 48 hours I feel no love here I feel lonely I miss my parents I miss their comfort talking to them having breakfast with them in the morning just knowing that they are in the house I've been over every day since I moved out and each time I leave the house I start to ball my eyes out I just want to hold them plus it doesn't help that I was laid off literally a month before my moving date and I haven't found a job since I have unemployment but it's just covering my rent and expenses I'm not saving money they say I can come home at any time but they want me to at least give this a chance they're sad I left too so it's not just me I should have listened to my dad and never left my heart literally hurts
give me a good story on ImyearsoldItsbeenhourssinceImovedoutofmyparentshomeImissthemsomuchorig