DistilBERT, a distilled version of BERT: smaller, faster, cheaper and lighter Victor SANH, Lysandre DEBUT, Julien CHAUMOND, Thom
DistilBERT, a distilled version of BERT: smaller, faster, cheaper and lighter
As Transfer Learning from large-scale pre-trained models becomes more prevalent in Natural Language Processing (NLP), operating these large models in on-the-edge and/or under constrained computational training or inference budgets remains challenging. In this work, we propose a method to pre-train a smaller general-purpose language representation model, called DistilBERT, which can then be fine-tuned with good performances on a wide range of tasks like its larger counterparts. While most prior work investigated the use of distillation for building task-specific models, we leverage knowledge distillation during the pre-training phase and show that it is possible to reduce the size of a BERT model by 40%, while retaining 97% of its language understanding capabilities and being 60% faster. To leverage the inductive biases learned by larger models during pre-training, we introduce a triple loss combining language modeling, distillation and cosine-distance losses. Our smaller, faster and lighter model is cheaper to pre-train and we demonstrate its capabilities for on-device computations in a proof-of-concept experiment and a comparative on-device study.
[ "Victor Sanh", "Lysandre Debut", "Julien Chaumond", "Thomas Wolf" ]
Constructing Datasets for Multi-hop Reading Comprehension Across Documents Johannes Welbl1Pontus Stenetorp1Sebastian Riedel1;2 1
Constructing Datasets for Multi-hop Reading Comprehension Across Documents
Most Reading Comprehension methods limit themselves to queries which can be answered using a single sentence, paragraph, or document. Enabling models to combine disjoint pieces of textual evidence would extend the scope of machine comprehension methods, but currently there exist no resources to train and test this capability. We propose a novel task to encourage the development of models for text understanding across multiple documents and to investigate the limits of existing methods. In our task, a model learns to seek and combine evidence - effectively performing multi-hop (alias multi-step) inference. We devise a methodology to produce datasets for this task, given a collection of query-answer pairs and thematically linked documents. Two datasets from different domains are induced, and we identify potential pitfalls and devise circumvention strategies. We evaluate two previously proposed competitive models and find that one can integrate information across documents. However, both models struggle to select relevant information, as providing documents guaranteed to be relevant greatly improves their performance. While the models outperform several strong baselines, their best accuracy reaches 42.9% compared to human performance at 74.0% - leaving ample room for improvement.
[ "Johannes Welbl", "Pontus Stenetorp", "Sebastian Riedel" ]
Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms John Schulman, Filip Wolski, Prafulla Dhariwal, Alec Radford, Oleg Klimov OpenAI {joschu
Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms
We propose a new family of policy gradient methods for reinforcement learning, which alternate between sampling data through interaction with the environment, and optimizing a "surrogate" objective function using stochastic gradient ascent. Whereas standard policy gradient methods perform one gradient update per data sample, we propose a novel objective function that enables multiple epochs of minibatch updates. The new methods, which we call proximal policy optimization (PPO), have some of the benefits of trust region policy optimization (TRPO), but they are much simpler to implement, more general, and have better sample complexity (empirically). Our experiments test PPO on a collection of benchmark tasks, including simulated robotic locomotion and Atari game playing, and we show that PPO outperforms other online policy gradient methods, and overall strikes a favorable balance between sample complexity, simplicity, and wall-time.
[ "John Schulman", "Filip Wolski", "Prafulla Dhariwal", "Alec Radford", "Oleg Klimov" ]
Can Automatic Post-Editing Improve NMT? Shamil Chollampatt Rakuten, Inc. shamil.chollampatt@rakuten.comRaymond Hendy Susanto Rak
Can Automatic Post-Editing Improve NMT?
Automatic post-editing (APE) aims to improve machine translations, thereby reducing human post-editing effort. APE has had notable success when used with statistical machine translation (SMT) systems but has not been as successful over neural machine translation (NMT) systems. This has raised questions on the relevance of APE task in the current scenario. However, the training of APE models has been heavily reliant on large-scale artificial corpora combined with only limited human post-edited data. We hypothesize that APE models have been underperforming in improving NMT translations due to the lack of adequate supervision. To ascertain our hypothesis, we compile a larger corpus of human post-edits of English to German NMT. We empirically show that a state-of-art neural APE model trained on this corpus can significantly improve a strong in-domain NMT system, challenging the current understanding in the field. We further investigate the effects of varying training data sizes, using artificial training data, and domain specificity for the APE task. We release this new corpus under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license at
[ "Shamil Chollampatt", "Raymond Hendy Susanto", "Liling Tan", "Ewa Szymanska" ]
arXiv:1706.05125v1 [cs.AI] 16 Jun 2017Deal or No Deal? End-to-End Learning for Negotiation Dialog ues Mike Lewis1, Denis Yarat
Deal or No Deal? End-to-End Learning for Negotiation Dialogues
Much of human dialogue occurs in semi-cooperative settings, where agents with different goals attempt to agree on common decisions. Negotiations require complex communication and reasoning skills, but success is easy to measure, making this an interesting task for AI. We gather a large dataset of human-human negotiations on a multi-issue bargaining task, where agents who cannot observe each other's reward functions must reach an agreement (or a deal) via natural language dialogue. For the first time, we show it is possible to train end-to-end models for negotiation, which must learn both linguistic and reasoning skills with no annotated dialogue states. We also introduce dialogue rollouts, in which the model plans ahead by simulating possible complete continuations of the conversation, and find that this technique dramatically improves performance. Our code and dataset are publicly available (
[ "Mike Lewis", "Denis Yarats", "Yann N. Dauphin", "Devi Parikh", "Dhruv Batra" ]
Aligning Books and Movies: Towards Story-like Visual Explanations by Watching Movies and Reading Books Yukun Zhu;1Ryan Kiros*,1
Aligning Books and Movies: Towards Story-like Visual Explanations by Watching Movies and Reading Books
Books are a rich source of both fine-grained information, how a character, an object or a scene looks like, as well as high-level semantics, what someone is thinking, feeling and how these states evolve through a story. This paper aims to align books to their movie releases in order to provide rich descriptive explanations for visual content that go semantically far beyond the captions available in current datasets. To align movies and books we exploit a neural sentence embedding that is trained in an unsupervised way from a large corpus of books, as well as a video-text neural embedding for computing similarities between movie clips and sentences in the book. We propose a context-aware CNN to combine information from multiple sources. We demonstrate good quantitative performance for movie/book alignment and show several qualitative examples that showcase the diversity of tasks our model can be used for.
[ "Yukun Zhu", "Ryan Kiros", "Richard Zemel", "Ruslan Salakhutdinov", "Raquel Urtasun", "Antonio Torralba", "Sanja Fidler" ]
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 POISONING AND BACKDOORING CONTRASTIVE LEARNING Nicholas Carlini GoogleAndreas Terzi
Poisoning and Backdooring Contrastive Learning
Multimodal contrastive learning methods like CLIP train on noisy and uncurated training datasets. This is cheaper than labeling datasets manually, and even improves out-of-distribution robustness. We show that this practice makes backdoor and poisoning attacks a significant threat. By poisoning just 0.01% of a dataset (e.g., just 300 images of the 3 million-example Conceptual Captions dataset), we can cause the model to misclassify test images by overlaying a small patch. Targeted poisoning attacks, whereby the model misclassifies a particular test input with an adversarially-desired label, are even easier requiring control of 0.0001% of the dataset (e.g., just three out of the 3 million images). Our attacks call into question whether training on noisy and uncurated Internet scrapes is desirable.
[ "Nicholas Carlini", "Andreas Terzis" ]
Demoting Racial Bias in Hate Speech Detection Mengzhou Xia Anjalie Field Yulia Tsvetkov Language Technologies Institute Carnegie
Demoting Racial Bias in Hate Speech Detection
In current hate speech datasets, there exists a high correlation between annotators' perceptions of toxicity and signals of African American English (AAE). This bias in annotated training data and the tendency of machine learning models to amplify it cause AAE text to often be mislabeled as abusive/offensive/hate speech with a high false positive rate by current hate speech classifiers. In this paper, we use adversarial training to mitigate this bias, introducing a hate speech classifier that learns to detect toxic sentences while demoting confounds corresponding to AAE texts. Experimental results on a hate speech dataset and an AAE dataset suggest that our method is able to substantially reduce the false positive rate for AAE text while only minimally affecting the performance of hate speech classification.
[ "Mengzhou Xia", "Anjalie Field", "Yulia Tsvetkov" ]
arXiv:2008.02637v1 [cs.CL] 6 Aug 2020Question and Answer Test-Train Overlap in Open-Domain Ques tion Answering Datasets Patric
Question and Answer Test-Train Overlap in Open-Domain Question Answering Datasets
Ideally Open-Domain Question Answering models should exhibit a number of competencies, ranging from simply memorizing questions seen at training time, to answering novel question formulations with answers seen during training, to generalizing to completely novel questions with novel answers. However, single aggregated test set scores do not show the full picture of what capabilities models truly have. In this work, we perform a detailed study of the test sets of three popular open-domain benchmark datasets with respect to these competencies. We find that 60-70% of test-time answers are also present somewhere in the training sets. We also find that 30% of test-set questions have a near-duplicate paraphrase in their corresponding training sets. Using these findings, we evaluate a variety of popular open-domain models to obtain greater insight into what extent they can actually generalize, and what drives their overall performance. We find that all models perform dramatically worse on questions that cannot be memorized from training sets, with a mean absolute performance difference of 63% between repeated and non-repeated data. Finally we show that simple nearest-neighbor models out-perform a BART closed-book QA model, further highlighting the role that training set memorization plays in these benchmarks
[ "Patrick Lewis", "Pontus Stenetorp", "Sebastian Riedel" ]
Mitigating Statistical Bias within Differentially Private Synthetic Data Sahra Ghalebikesabi1Harrison Wilde2Jack Jewson3Arnaud D
Mitigating Statistical Bias within Differentially Private Synthetic Data
Increasing interest in privacy-preserving machine learning has led to new and evolved approaches for generating private synthetic data from undisclosed real data. However, mechanisms of privacy preservation can significantly reduce the utility of synthetic data, which in turn impacts downstream tasks such as learning predictive models or inference. We propose several re-weighting strategies using privatised likelihood ratios that not only mitigate statistical bias of downstream estimators but also have general applicability to differentially private generative models. Through large-scale empirical evaluation, we show that private importance weighting provides simple and effective privacy-compliant augmentation for general applications of synthetic data.
[ "Sahra Ghalebikesabi", "Harrison Wilde", "Jack Jewson", "Arnaud Doucet", "Sebastian Vollmer", "Chris Holmes" ]
Measuring the Reliability of Hate Speech Annotations: The Case of the European Refugee Crisis Bj¨orn Ross Michael Rist Guillermo
Measuring the Reliability of Hate Speech Annotations: The Case of the European Refugee Crisis
Some users of social media are spreading racist, sexist, and otherwise hateful content. For the purpose of training a hate speech detection system, the reliability of the annotations is crucial, but there is no universally agreed-upon definition. We collected potentially hateful messages and asked two groups of internet users to determine whether they were hate speech or not, whether they should be banned or not and to rate their degree of offensiveness. One of the groups was shown a definition prior to completing the survey. We aimed to assess whether hate speech can be annotated reliably, and the extent to which existing definitions are in accordance with subjective ratings. Our results indicate that showing users a definition caused them to partially align their own opinion with the definition but did not improve reliability, which was very low overall. We conclude that the presence of hate speech should perhaps not be considered a binary yes-or-no decision, and raters need more detailed instructions for the annotation.
[ "Björn Ross", "Michael Rist", "Guillermo Carbonell", "Benjamin Cabrera", "Nils Kurowsky", "Michael Wojatzki" ]
DetectGPT: Zero-Shot Machine-Generated Text Detection using Probability Curvature Eric Mitchell1Yoonho Lee1Alexander Khazatsky1C
DetectGPT: Zero-Shot Machine-Generated Text Detection using Probability Curvature
The increasing fluency and widespread usage of large language models (LLMs) highlight the desirability of corresponding tools aiding detection of LLM-generated text. In this paper, we identify a property of the structure of an LLM's probability function that is useful for such detection. Specifically, we demonstrate that text sampled from an LLM tends to occupy negative curvature regions of the model's log probability function. Leveraging this observation, we then define a new curvature-based criterion for judging if a passage is generated from a given LLM. This approach, which we call DetectGPT, does not require training a separate classifier, collecting a dataset of real or generated passages, or explicitly watermarking generated text. It uses only log probabilities computed by the model of interest and random perturbations of the passage from another generic pre-trained language model (e.g., T5). We find DetectGPT is more discriminative than existing zero-shot methods for model sample detection, notably improving detection of fake news articles generated by 20B parameter GPT-NeoX from 0.81 AUROC for the strongest zero-shot baseline to 0.95 AUROC for DetectGPT. See for code, data, and other project information.
[ "Eric Mitchell", "Yoonho Lee", "Alexander Khazatsky", "Christopher D. Manning", "Chelsea Finn" ]
Text and Patterns: For Effective Chain of Thought, It Takes Two to Tango
The past decade has witnessed dramatic gains in natural language processing and an unprecedented scaling of large language models. These developments have been accelerated by the advent of few-shot techniques such as chain of thought (CoT) prompting. Specifically, CoT pushes the performance of large language models in a few-shot setup by augmenting the prompts with intermediate steps. Despite impressive results across various tasks, the reasons behind their success have not been explored. This work uses counterfactual prompting to develop a deeper understanding of CoT-based few-shot prompting mechanisms in large language models. We first systematically identify and define the key components of a prompt: symbols, patterns, and text. Then, we devise and conduct an exhaustive set of experiments across four different tasks, by querying the model with counterfactual prompts where only one of these components is altered. Our experiments across three models (PaLM, GPT-3, and CODEX) reveal several surprising findings and brings into question the conventional wisdom around few-shot prompting. First, the presence of factual patterns in a prompt is practically immaterial to the success of CoT. Second, our results conclude that the primary role of intermediate steps may not be to facilitate learning how to solve a task. The intermediate steps are rather a beacon for the model to realize what symbols to replicate in the output to form a factual answer. Further, text imbues patterns with commonsense knowledge and meaning. Our empirical and qualitative analysis reveals that a symbiotic relationship between text and patterns explains the success of few-shot prompting: text helps extract commonsense from the question to help patterns, and patterns enforce task understanding and direct text generation.
[ "Aman Madaan", "Amir Yazdanbakhsh" ]
Partitioned Variational Inference: A unified framework encompassing federated and continual learning Thang D. Bui1, Cuong V. Nguy
Partitioned Variational Inference: A unified framework encompassing federated and continual learning
Variational inference (VI) has become the method of choice for fitting many modern probabilistic models. However, practitioners are faced with a fragmented literature that offers a bewildering array of algorithmic options. First, the variational family. Second, the granularity of the updates e.g. whether the updates are local to each data point and employ message passing or global. Third, the method of optimization (bespoke or blackbox, closed-form or stochastic updates, etc.). This paper presents a new framework, termed Partitioned Variational Inference (PVI), that explicitly acknowledges these algorithmic dimensions of VI, unifies disparate literature, and provides guidance on usage. Crucially, the proposed PVI framework allows us to identify new ways of performing VI that are ideally suited to challenging learning scenarios including federated learning (where distributed computing is leveraged to process non-centralized data) and continual learning (where new data and tasks arrive over time and must be accommodated quickly). We showcase these new capabilities by developing communication-efficient federated training of Bayesian neural networks and continual learning for Gaussian process models with private pseudo-points. The new methods significantly outperform the state-of-the-art, whilst being almost as straightforward to implement as standard VI.
[ "Thang D. Bui", "Cuong V. Nguyen", "Siddharth Swaroop", "Richard E. Turner" ]
Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining Guillaume Lample Facebook AI Research Sorbonne Universit ´es glample@fb.comAlexis Conn
Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining
Recent studies have demonstrated the efficiency of generative pretraining for English natural language understanding. In this work, we extend this approach to multiple languages and show the effectiveness of cross-lingual pretraining. We propose two methods to learn cross-lingual language models (XLMs): one unsupervised that only relies on monolingual data, and one supervised that leverages parallel data with a new cross-lingual language model objective. We obtain state-of-the-art results on cross-lingual classification, unsupervised and supervised machine translation. On XNLI, our approach pushes the state of the art by an absolute gain of 4.9% accuracy. On unsupervised machine translation, we obtain 34.3 BLEU on WMT'16 German-English, improving the previous state of the art by more than 9 BLEU. On supervised machine translation, we obtain a new state of the art of 38.5 BLEU on WMT'16 Romanian-English, outperforming the previous best approach by more than 4 BLEU. Our code and pretrained models will be made publicly available.
[ "Guillaume Lample", "Alexis Conneau" ]
LaMDA: Language Models for Dialog Applications Romal Thoppilan Daniel De FreitasJamie Hall Noam ShazeerApoorv Kulshreshtha Hen
LaMDA: Language Models for Dialog Applications
We present LaMDA: Language Models for Dialog Applications. LaMDA is a family of Transformer-based neural language models specialized for dialog, which have up to 137B parameters and are pre-trained on 1.56T words of public dialog data and web text. While model scaling alone can improve quality, it shows less improvements on safety and factual grounding. We demonstrate that fine-tuning with annotated data and enabling the model to consult external knowledge sources can lead to significant improvements towards the two key challenges of safety and factual grounding. The first challenge, safety, involves ensuring that the model's responses are consistent with a set of human values, such as preventing harmful suggestions and unfair bias. We quantify safety using a metric based on an illustrative set of human values, and we find that filtering candidate responses using a LaMDA classifier fine-tuned with a small amount of crowdworker-annotated data offers a promising approach to improving model safety. The second challenge, factual grounding, involves enabling the model to consult external knowledge sources, such as an information retrieval system, a language translator, and a calculator. We quantify factuality using a groundedness metric, and we find that our approach enables the model to generate responses grounded in known sources, rather than responses that merely sound plausible. Finally, we explore the use of LaMDA in the domains of education and content recommendations, and analyze their helpfulness and role consistency.
[ "Romal Thoppilan", "Daniel De Freitas", "Jamie Hall", "Noam Shazeer", "Apoorv Kulshreshtha", "Heng-Tze Cheng", "Alicia Jin", "Taylor Bos", "Leslie Baker", "Yu Du", "YaGuang Li", "Hongrae Lee", "Huaixiu Steven Zheng", "Amin Ghafouri", "Marcelo Menegali", "Yanping Huang", "Maxim Krikun", "Dmitry Lepikhin", "James Qin", "Dehao Chen", "Yuanzhong Xu", "Zhifeng Chen", "Adam Roberts", "Maarten Bosma", "Vincent Zhao", "Yanqi Zhou", "Chung-Ching Chang", "Igor Krivokon", "Will Rusch", "Marc Pickett", "Pranesh Srinivasan", "Laichee Man", "Kathleen Meier-Hellstern", "Meredith Ringel Morris", "Tulsee Doshi", "Renelito Delos Santos", "Toju Duke", "Johnny Soraker", "Ben Zevenbergen", "Vinodkumar Prabhakaran", "Mark Diaz", "Ben Hutchinson", "Kristen Olson", "Alejandra Molina", "Erin Hoffman-John", "Josh Lee", "Lora Aroyo", "Ravi Rajakumar", "Alena Butryna", "Matthew Lamm", "Viktoriya Kuzmina", "Joe Fenton", "Aaron Cohen", "Rachel Bernstein", "Ray Kurzweil", "Blaise Aguera-Arcas", "Claire Cui", "Marian Croak", "Ed Chi", "Quoc Le" ]
Rethinking with Retrieval: Faithful Large Language Model Inference Hangfeng HeyHongming ZhangzDan Rothx yUniversity of Rocheste
Rethinking with Retrieval: Faithful Large Language Model Inference
Despite the success of large language models (LLMs) in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks, the stored knowledge in these models may inevitably be incomplete, out-of-date, or incorrect. This motivates the need to utilize external knowledge to assist LLMs. Unfortunately, current methods for incorporating external knowledge often require additional training or fine-tuning, which can be costly and may not be feasible for LLMs. To address this issue, we propose a novel post-processing approach, rethinking with retrieval (RR), which retrieves relevant external knowledge based on the decomposed reasoning steps obtained from the chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting. This lightweight approach does not require additional training or fine-tuning and is not limited by the input length of LLMs. We evaluate the effectiveness of RR through extensive experiments with GPT-3 on three complex reasoning tasks: commonsense reasoning, temporal reasoning, and tabular reasoning. Our results show that RR can produce more faithful explanations and improve the performance of LLMs.
[ "Hangfeng He", "Hongming Zhang", "Dan Roth" ]
Is ChatGPT Good at Search? Investigating Large Language Models as Re-Ranking Agent Weiwei Sun1Lingyong Yan2Xinyu Ma2Pengjie Ren1
Is ChatGPT Good at Search? Investigating Large Language Models as Re-Ranking Agent
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated a remarkable ability to generalize zero-shot to various language-related tasks. This paper focuses on the study of exploring generative LLMs such as ChatGPT and GPT-4 for relevance ranking in Information Retrieval (IR). Surprisingly, our experiments reveal that properly instructed ChatGPT and GPT-4 can deliver competitive, even superior results than supervised methods on popular IR benchmarks. Notably, GPT-4 outperforms the fully fine-tuned monoT5-3B on MS MARCO by an average of 2.7 nDCG on TREC datasets, an average of 2.3 nDCG on eight BEIR datasets, and an average of 2.7 nDCG on ten low-resource languages Mr.TyDi. Subsequently, we delve into the potential for distilling the ranking capabilities of ChatGPT into a specialized model. Our small specialized model that trained on 10K ChatGPT generated data outperforms monoT5 trained on 400K annotated MS MARCO data on BEIR. The code to reproduce our results is available at
[ "Weiwei Sun", "Lingyong Yan", "Xinyu Ma", "Pengjie Ren", "Dawei Yin", "Zhaochun Ren" ]
arXiv:1905.10044v1 [cs.CL] 24 May 2019BoolQ: Exploring the Surprising Difficulty of Natural Yes/N o Questions Christopher Clark
BoolQ: Exploring the Surprising Difficulty of Natural Yes/No Questions
In this paper we study yes/no questions that are naturally occurring --- meaning that they are generated in unprompted and unconstrained settings. We build a reading comprehension dataset, BoolQ, of such questions, and show that they are unexpectedly challenging. They often query for complex, non-factoid information, and require difficult entailment-like inference to solve. We also explore the effectiveness of a range of transfer learning baselines. We find that transferring from entailment data is more effective than transferring from paraphrase or extractive QA data, and that it, surprisingly, continues to be very beneficial even when starting from massive pre-trained language models such as BERT. Our best method trains BERT on MultiNLI and then re-trains it on our train set. It achieves 80.4% accuracy compared to 90% accuracy of human annotators (and 62% majority-baseline), leaving a significant gap for future work.
[ "Christopher Clark", "Kenton Lee", "Ming-Wei Chang", "Tom Kwiatkowski", "Michael Collins", "Kristina Toutanova" ]
Behavior Cloned Transformers are Neurosymbolic Reasoners Ruoyao Wangz, Peter Jansenz, Marc-Alexandre Côté|, Prithviraj Ammanabro
Behavior Cloned Transformers are Neurosymbolic Reasoners
In this work, we explore techniques for augmenting interactive agents with information from symbolic modules, much like humans use tools like calculators and GPS systems to assist with arithmetic and navigation. We test our agent's abilities in text games -- challenging benchmarks for evaluating the multi-step reasoning abilities of game agents in grounded, language-based environments. Our experimental study indicates that injecting the actions from these symbolic modules into the action space of a behavior cloned transformer agent increases performance on four text game benchmarks that test arithmetic, navigation, sorting, and common sense reasoning by an average of 22%, allowing an agent to reach the highest possible performance on unseen games. This action injection technique is easily extended to new agents, environments, and symbolic modules.
[ "Ruoyao Wang", "Peter Jansen", "Marc-Alexandre Côté", "Prithviraj Ammanabrolu" ]
Negated and Misprimed Probes for Pretrained Language Models: Birds Can Talk, But Cannot Fly Nora Kassner, Hinrich Sch ¨utze Cent
Negated and Misprimed Probes for Pretrained Language Models: Birds Can Talk, But Cannot Fly
Building on Petroni et al. (2019), we propose two new probing tasks analyzing factual knowledge stored in Pretrained Language Models (PLMs). (1) Negation. We find that PLMs do not distinguish between negated ("Birds cannot [MASK]") and non-negated ("Birds can [MASK]") cloze questions. (2) Mispriming. Inspired by priming methods in human psychology, we add "misprimes" to cloze questions ("Talk? Birds can [MASK]"). We find that PLMs are easily distracted by misprimes. These results suggest that PLMs still have a long way to go to adequately learn human-like factual knowledge.
[ "Nora Kassner", "Hinrich Schütze" ]
Self-Consistency Improves Chain of Thought Reasoning in Language Models
Chain-of-thought prompting combined with pre-trained large language models has achieved encouraging results on complex reasoning tasks. In this paper, we propose a new decoding strategy, self-consistency, to replace the naive greedy decoding used in chain-of-thought prompting. It first samples a diverse set of reasoning paths instead of only taking the greedy one, and then selects the most consistent answer by marginalizing out the sampled reasoning paths. Self-consistency leverages the intuition that a complex reasoning problem typically admits multiple different ways of thinking leading to its unique correct answer. Our extensive empirical evaluation shows that self-consistency boosts the performance of chain-of-thought prompting with a striking margin on a range of popular arithmetic and commonsense reasoning benchmarks, including GSM8K (+17.9%), SVAMP (+11.0%), AQuA (+12.2%), StrategyQA (+6.4%) and ARC-challenge (+3.9%).
[ "Xuezhi Wang", "Jason Wei", "Dale Schuurmans", "Quoc Le", "Ed Chi", "Sharan Narang", "Aakanksha Chowdhery", "Denny Zhou" ]
Is Reinforcement Learning (Not) for Natural Language Processing: Benchmarks, Baselines, and Building Blocks for Natural Language Policy Optimization
We tackle the problem of aligning pre-trained large language models (LMs) with human preferences. If we view text generation as a sequential decision-making problem, reinforcement learning (RL) appears to be a natural conceptual framework. However, using RL for LM-based generation faces empirical challenges, including training instability due to the combinatorial action space, as well as a lack of open-source libraries and benchmarks customized for LM alignment. Thus, a question rises in the research community: is RL a practical paradigm for NLP? To help answer this, we first introduce an open-source modular library, RL4LMs (Reinforcement Learning for Language Models), for optimizing language generators with RL. The library consists of on-policy RL algorithms that can be used to train any encoder or encoder-decoder LM in the HuggingFace library (Wolf et al. 2020) with an arbitrary reward function. Next, we present the GRUE (General Reinforced-language Understanding Evaluation) benchmark, a set of 6 language generation tasks which are supervised not by target strings, but by reward functions which capture automated measures of human preference.GRUE is the first leaderboard-style evaluation of RL algorithms for NLP tasks. Finally, we introduce an easy-to-use, performant RL algorithm, NLPO (Natural Language Policy Optimization)} that learns to effectively reduce the combinatorial action space in language generation. We show 1) that RL techniques are generally better than supervised methods at aligning LMs to human preferences; and 2) that NLPO exhibits greater stability and performance than previous policy gradient methods (e.g., PPO (Schulman et al. 2017)), based on both automatic and human evaluations.
[ "Rajkumar Ramamurthy", "Prithviraj Ammanabrolu", "Kianté Brantley", "Jack Hessel", "Rafet Sifa", "Christian Bauckhage", "Hannaneh Hajishirzi", "Yejin Choi" ]
Visualizing the Loss Landscape of Neural Nets Hao Li1, Zheng Xu1, Gavin Taylor2, Christoph Studer3, Tom Goldstein1 1University o
Visualizing the Loss Landscape of Neural Nets
Neural network training relies on our ability to find "good" minimizers of highly non-convex loss functions. It is well-known that certain network architecture designs (e.g., skip connections) produce loss functions that train easier, and well-chosen training parameters (batch size, learning rate, optimizer) produce minimizers that generalize better. However, the reasons for these differences, and their effects on the underlying loss landscape, are not well understood. In this paper, we explore the structure of neural loss functions, and the effect of loss landscapes on generalization, using a range of visualization methods. First, we introduce a simple "filter normalization" method that helps us visualize loss function curvature and make meaningful side-by-side comparisons between loss functions. Then, using a variety of visualizations, we explore how network architecture affects the loss landscape, and how training parameters affect the shape of minimizers.
[ "Hao Li", "Zheng Xu", "Gavin Taylor", "Christoph Studer", "Tom Goldstein" ]
CONDA QA: A Contrastive Reading Comprehension Dataset for Reasoning about Negation Abhilasha Ravichander Carnegie Mellon Univer
CONDAQA: A Contrastive Reading Comprehension Dataset for Reasoning about Negation
The full power of human language-based communication cannot be realized without negation. All human languages have some form of negation. Despite this, negation remains a challenging phenomenon for current natural language understanding systems. To facilitate the future development of models that can process negation effectively, we present CONDAQA, the first English reading comprehension dataset which requires reasoning about the implications of negated statements in paragraphs. We collect paragraphs with diverse negation cues, then have crowdworkers ask questions about the implications of the negated statement in the passage. We also have workers make three kinds of edits to the passage -- paraphrasing the negated statement, changing the scope of the negation, and reversing the negation -- resulting in clusters of question-answer pairs that are difficult for models to answer with spurious shortcuts. CONDAQA features 14,182 question-answer pairs with over 200 unique negation cues and is challenging for current state-of-the-art models. The best performing model on CONDAQA (UnifiedQA-v2-3b) achieves only 42% on our consistency metric, well below human performance which is 81%. We release our dataset, along with fully-finetuned, few-shot, and zero-shot evaluations, to facilitate the development of future NLP methods that work on negated language.
[ "Abhilasha Ravichander", "Matt Gardner", "Ana Marasović" ]
Chain-of-Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models Jason Wei Xuezhi Wang Dale Schuurmans Maarten Bosma Brian
Chain-of-Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models
We explore how generating a chain of thought -- a series of intermediate reasoning steps -- significantly improves the ability of large language models to perform complex reasoning. In particular, we show how such reasoning abilities emerge naturally in sufficiently large language models via a simple method called chain of thought prompting, where a few chain of thought demonstrations are provided as exemplars in prompting. Experiments on three large language models show that chain of thought prompting improves performance on a range of arithmetic, commonsense, and symbolic reasoning tasks. The empirical gains can be striking. For instance, prompting a 540B-parameter language model with just eight chain of thought exemplars achieves state of the art accuracy on the GSM8K benchmark of math word problems, surpassing even finetuned GPT-3 with a verifier.
[ "Jason Wei", "Xuezhi Wang", "Dale Schuurmans", "Maarten Bosma", "Brian Ichter", "Fei Xia", "Ed Chi", "Quoc Le", "Denny Zhou" ]
2022-1-8 AndroidEnv: A Reinforcement Learning Platform for Android Daniel Toyama*,1, Philippe Hamel*,1, Anita Gergely*,1, Gheorg
AndroidEnv: A Reinforcement Learning Platform for Android
We introduce AndroidEnv, an open-source platform for Reinforcement Learning (RL) research built on top of the Android ecosystem. AndroidEnv allows RL agents to interact with a wide variety of apps and services commonly used by humans through a universal touchscreen interface. Since agents train on a realistic simulation of an Android device, they have the potential to be deployed on real devices. In this report, we give an overview of the environment, highlighting the significant features it provides for research, and we present an empirical evaluation of some popular reinforcement learning agents on a set of tasks built on this platform.
[ "Daniel Toyama", "Philippe Hamel", "Anita Gergely", "Gheorghe Comanici", "Amelia Glaese", "Zafarali Ahmed", "Tyler Jackson", "Shibl Mourad", "Doina Precup" ]
Generating Fake Cyber Threat Intelligence Using Transformer-Based Models Priyanka Ranade, Aritran Piplai, Sudip Mittaly, Anupa
Generating Fake Cyber Threat Intelligence Using Transformer-Based Models
Cyber-defense systems are being developed to automatically ingest Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) that contains semi-structured data and/or text to populate knowledge graphs. A potential risk is that fake CTI can be generated and spread through Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) communities or on the Web to effect a data poisoning attack on these systems. Adversaries can use fake CTI examples as training input to subvert cyber defense systems, forcing the model to learn incorrect inputs to serve their malicious needs. In this paper, we automatically generate fake CTI text descriptions using transformers. We show that given an initial prompt sentence, a public language model like GPT-2 with fine-tuning, can generate plausible CTI text with the ability of corrupting cyber-defense systems. We utilize the generated fake CTI text to perform a data poisoning attack on a Cybersecurity Knowledge Graph (CKG) and a cybersecurity corpus. The poisoning attack introduced adverse impacts such as returning incorrect reasoning outputs, representation poisoning, and corruption of other dependent AI-based cyber defense systems. We evaluate with traditional approaches and conduct a human evaluation study with cybersecurity professionals and threat hunters. Based on the study, professional threat hunters were equally likely to consider our fake generated CTI as true.
[ "Priyanka Ranade", "Aritran Piplai", "Sudip Mittal", "Anupam Joshi", "Tim Finin" ]
PAL: Program-aided Language Models Luyu Gao* 1Aman Madaan* 1Shuyan Zhou* 1Uri Alon1Pengfei Liu1 2Yiming Yang1Jamie Callan1 Graha
PAL: Program-aided Language Models
Large language models (LLMs) have recently demonstrated an impressive ability to perform arithmetic and symbolic reasoning tasks, when provided with a few examples at test time ("few-shot prompting"). Much of this success can be attributed to prompting methods such as "chain-of-thought'', which employ LLMs for both understanding the problem description by decomposing it into steps, as well as solving each step of the problem. While LLMs seem to be adept at this sort of step-by-step decomposition, LLMs often make logical and arithmetic mistakes in the solution part, even when the problem is decomposed correctly. In this paper, we present Program-Aided Language models (PAL): a novel approach that uses the LLM to read natural language problems and generate programs as the intermediate reasoning steps, but offloads the solution step to a runtime such as a Python interpreter. With PAL, decomposing the natural language problem into runnable steps remains the only learning task for the LLM, while solving is delegated to the interpreter. We demonstrate this synergy between a neural LLM and a symbolic interpreter across 13 mathematical, symbolic, and algorithmic reasoning tasks from BIG-Bench Hard and other benchmarks. In all these natural language reasoning tasks, generating code using an LLM and reasoning using a Python interpreter leads to more accurate results than much larger models. For example, PAL using Codex achieves state-of-the-art few-shot accuracy on the GSM8K benchmark of math word problems, surpassing PaLM-540B which uses chain-of-thought by absolute 15% top-1. Our code and data are publicly available at .
[ "Luyu Gao", "Aman Madaan", "Shuyan Zhou", "Uri Alon", "Pengfei Liu", "Yiming Yang", "Jamie Callan", "Graham Neubig" ]
ACL 2023 SELF-INSTRUCT : Aligning Language Models with Self-Generated Instructions Yizhong Wang♣Yeganeh Kordi♢Swaroop Mishra♡Ali
Self-Instruct: Aligning Language Models with Self-Generated Instructions
Large "instruction-tuned" language models (i.e., finetuned to respond to instructions) have demonstrated a remarkable ability to generalize zero-shot to new tasks. Nevertheless, they depend heavily on human-written instruction data that is often limited in quantity, diversity, and creativity, therefore hindering the generality of the tuned model. We introduce Self-Instruct, a framework for improving the instruction-following capabilities of pretrained language models by bootstrapping off their own generations. Our pipeline generates instructions, input, and output samples from a language model, then filters invalid or similar ones before using them to finetune the original model. Applying our method to the vanilla GPT3, we demonstrate a 33% absolute improvement over the original model on Super-NaturalInstructions, on par with the performance of InstructGPT-001, which was trained with private user data and human annotations. For further evaluation, we curate a set of expert-written instructions for novel tasks, and show through human evaluation that tuning GPT3 with Self-Instruct outperforms using existing public instruction datasets by a large margin, leaving only a 5% absolute gap behind InstructGPT-001. Self-Instruct provides an almost annotation-free method for aligning pre-trained language models with instructions, and we release our large synthetic dataset to facilitate future studies on instruction tuning. Our code and data are available at
[ "Yizhong Wang", "Yeganeh Kordi", "Swaroop Mishra", "Alisa Liu", "Noah A. Smith", "Daniel Khashabi", "Hannaneh Hajishirzi" ]
Language Generation Models Can Cause Harm: So What Can We Do About It? An Actionable Survey Sachin Kumar;|Vidhisha Balachandran
Language Generation Models Can Cause Harm: So What Can We Do About It? An Actionable Survey
Recent advances in the capacity of large language models to generate human-like text have resulted in their increased adoption in user-facing settings. In parallel, these improvements have prompted a heated discourse around the risks of societal harms they introduce, whether inadvertent or malicious. Several studies have explored these harms and called for their mitigation via development of safer, fairer models. Going beyond enumerating the risks of harms, this work provides a survey of practical methods for addressing potential threats and societal harms from language generation models. We draw on several prior works' taxonomies of language model risks to present a structured overview of strategies for detecting and ameliorating different kinds of risks/harms of language generators. Bridging diverse strands of research, this survey aims to serve as a practical guide for both LM researchers and practitioners, with explanations of different mitigation strategies' motivations, their limitations, and open problems for future research.
[ "Sachin Kumar", "Vidhisha Balachandran", "Lucille Njoo", "Antonios Anastasopoulos", "Yulia Tsvetkov" ]
Learning from the Worst: Dynamically Generated Datasets to Improve Online Hate Detection Bertie Vidgeny, Tristan Thrushz, Zeerak
Learning from the Worst: Dynamically Generated Datasets to Improve Online Hate Detection
We present a human-and-model-in-the-loop process for dynamically generating datasets and training better performing and more robust hate detection models. We provide a new dataset of ~40,000 entries, generated and labelled by trained annotators over four rounds of dynamic data creation. It includes ~15,000 challenging perturbations and each hateful entry has fine-grained labels for the type and target of hate. Hateful entries make up 54% of the dataset, which is substantially higher than comparable datasets. We show that model performance is substantially improved using this approach. Models trained on later rounds of data collection perform better on test sets and are harder for annotators to trick. They also perform better on HateCheck, a suite of functional tests for online hate detection. We provide the code, dataset and annotation guidelines for other researchers to use. Accepted at ACL 2021.
[ "Bertie Vidgen", "Tristan Thrush", "Zeerak Waseem", "Douwe Kiela" ]
Longformer: The Long-Document Transformer Iz BeltagyMatthew E. PetersArman Cohan Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence,
Longformer: The Long-Document Transformer
Transformer-based models are unable to process long sequences due to their self-attention operation, which scales quadratically with the sequence length. To address this limitation, we introduce the Longformer with an attention mechanism that scales linearly with sequence length, making it easy to process documents of thousands of tokens or longer. Longformer's attention mechanism is a drop-in replacement for the standard self-attention and combines a local windowed attention with a task motivated global attention. Following prior work on long-sequence transformers, we evaluate Longformer on character-level language modeling and achieve state-of-the-art results on text8 and enwik8. In contrast to most prior work, we also pretrain Longformer and finetune it on a variety of downstream tasks. Our pretrained Longformer consistently outperforms RoBERTa on long document tasks and sets new state-of-the-art results on WikiHop and TriviaQA. We finally introduce the Longformer-Encoder-Decoder (LED), a Longformer variant for supporting long document generative sequence-to-sequence tasks, and demonstrate its effectiveness on the arXiv summarization dataset.
[ "Iz Beltagy", "Matthew E. Peters", "Arman Cohan" ]
TOWARDS CONTINUAL KNOWLEDGE LEARNING OF LANGUAGE MODELS Joel Jang1Seonghyeon Ye1Sohee Yang1Joongbo Shin2 Janghoon Han2Gyeonghun
Towards Continual Knowledge Learning of Language Models
Large Language Models (LMs) are known to encode world knowledge in their parameters as they pretrain on a vast amount of web corpus, which is often utilized for performing knowledge-dependent downstream tasks such as question answering, fact-checking, and open dialogue. In real-world scenarios, the world knowledge stored in the LMs can quickly become outdated as the world changes, but it is non-trivial to avoid catastrophic forgetting and reliably acquire new knowledge while preserving invariant knowledge. To push the community towards better maintenance of ever-changing LMs, we formulate a new continual learning (CL) problem called Continual Knowledge Learning (CKL). We construct a new benchmark and metric to quantify the retention of time-invariant world knowledge, the update of outdated knowledge, and the acquisition of new knowledge. We adopt applicable recent methods from literature to create several strong baselines. Through extensive experiments, we find that CKL exhibits unique challenges that are not addressed in previous CL setups, where parameter expansion is necessary to reliably retain and learn knowledge simultaneously. By highlighting the critical causes of knowledge forgetting, we show that CKL is a challenging and important problem that helps us better understand and train ever-changing LMs. The benchmark datasets, evaluation script, and baseline code to reproduce our results are available at
[ "Joel Jang", "Seonghyeon Ye", "Sohee Yang", "Joongbo Shin", "Janghoon Han", "Gyeonghun Kim", "Stanley Jungkyu Choi", "Minjoon Seo" ]
A Crowd-based Evaluation of Abuse Response Strategies in Conversational Agents Amanda Cercas Curry Interaction Lab Heriot-Watt U
A Crowd-based Evaluation of Abuse Response Strategies in Conversational Agents
How should conversational agents respond to verbal abuse through the user? To answer this question, we conduct a large-scale crowd-sourced evaluation of abuse response strategies employed by current state-of-the-art systems. Our results show that some strategies, such as "polite refusal" score highly across the board, while for other strategies demographic factors, such as age, as well as the severity of the preceding abuse influence the user's perception of which response is appropriate. In addition, we find that most data-driven models lag behind rule-based or commercial systems in terms of their perceived appropriateness.
[ "Amanda Cercas Curry", "Verena Rieser" ]
MasakhaNER: Named Entity Recognition for African Languages David Ifeoluwa Adelani1∗, Jade Abbott2∗, Graham Neubig3, Daniel D’sou
MasakhaNER: Named Entity Recognition for African Languages
We take a step towards addressing the under-representation of the African continent in NLP research by creating the first large publicly available high-quality dataset for named entity recognition (NER) in ten African languages, bringing together a variety of stakeholders. We detail characteristics of the languages to help researchers understand the challenges that these languages pose for NER. We analyze our datasets and conduct an extensive empirical evaluation of state-of-the-art methods across both supervised and transfer learning settings. We release the data, code, and models in order to inspire future research on African NLP.
[ "David Ifeoluwa Adelani", "Jade Abbott", "Graham Neubig", "Daniel D'souza", "Julia Kreutzer", "Constantine Lignos", "Chester Palen-Michel", "Happy Buzaaba", "Shruti Rijhwani", "Sebastian Ruder", "Stephen Mayhew", "Israel Abebe Azime", "Shamsuddeen Muhammad", "Chris Chinenye Emezue", "Joyce Nakatumba-Nabende", "Perez Ogayo", "Anuoluwapo Aremu", "Catherine Gitau", "Derguene Mbaye", "Jesujoba Alabi", "Seid Muhie Yimam", "Tajuddeen Gwadabe", "Ignatius Ezeani", "Rubungo Andre Niyongabo", "Jonathan Mukiibi", "Verrah Otiende", "Iroro Orife", "Davis David", "Samba Ngom", "Tosin Adewumi", "Paul Rayson", "Mofetoluwa Adeyemi", "Gerald Muriuki", "Emmanuel Anebi", "Chiamaka Chukwuneke", "Nkiruka Odu", "Eric Peter Wairagala", "Samuel Oyerinde", "Clemencia Siro", "Tobius Saul Bateesa", "Temilola Oloyede", "Yvonne Wambui", "Victor Akinode", "Deborah Nabagereka", "Maurice Katusiime", "Ayodele Awokoya", "Mouhamadane MBOUP", "Dibora Gebreyohannes", "Henok Tilaye", "Kelechi Nwaike", "Degaga Wolde", "Abdoulaye Faye", "Blessing Sibanda", "Orevaoghene Ahia", "Bonaventure F. P. Dossou", "Kelechi Ogueji", "Thierno Ibrahima DIOP", "Abdoulaye Diallo", "Adewale Akinfaderin", "Tendai Marengereke", "Salomey Osei" ]
An Empirical Model of Large-Batch Training Sam McCandlish OpenAI sam@openai.comJared Kaplan Johns Hopkins University, OpenAI ja
An Empirical Model of Large-Batch Training
In an increasing number of domains it has been demonstrated that deep learning models can be trained using relatively large batch sizes without sacrificing data efficiency. However the limits of this massive data parallelism seem to differ from domain to domain, ranging from batches of tens of thousands in ImageNet to batches of millions in RL agents that play the game Dota 2. To our knowledge there is limited conceptual understanding of why these limits to batch size differ or how we might choose the correct batch size in a new domain. In this paper, we demonstrate that a simple and easy-to-measure statistic called the gradient noise scale predicts the largest useful batch size across many domains and applications, including a number of supervised learning datasets (MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR-10, ImageNet, Billion Word), reinforcement learning domains (Atari and Dota), and even generative model training (autoencoders on SVHN). We find that the noise scale increases as the loss decreases over a training run and depends on the model size primarily through improved model performance. Our empirically-motivated theory also describes the tradeoff between compute-efficiency and time-efficiency, and provides a rough model of the benefits of adaptive batch-size training.
[ "Sam McCandlish", "Jared Kaplan", "Dario Amodei", "OpenAI Dota Team" ]
Language Models are Few-shot Multilingual Learners Genta Indra Winata1, Andrea Madotto1;3, Zhaojiang Lin1, Rosanne Liu2;3, Jas
Language Models are Few-shot Multilingual Learners
General-purpose language models have demonstrated impressive capabilities, performing on par with state-of-the-art approaches on a range of downstream natural language processing (NLP) tasks and benchmarks when inferring instructions from very few examples. Here, we evaluate the multilingual skills of the GPT and T5 models in conducting multi-class classification on non-English languages without any parameter updates. We show that, given a few English examples as context, pre-trained language models can predict not only English test samples but also non-English ones. Finally, we find the in-context few-shot cross-lingual prediction results of language models are significantly better than random prediction, and they are competitive compared to the existing state-of-the-art cross-lingual models.
[ "Genta Indra Winata", "Andrea Madotto", "Zhaojiang Lin", "Rosanne Liu", "Jason Yosinski", "Pascale Fung" ]
2022-03-16 Teaching language models to support answers with verified quotes Jacob Menick*,1,2, Maja Trebacz*,1, Vladimir Mikulik*
Teaching language models to support answers with verified quotes
Recent large language models often answer factual questions correctly. But users can't trust any given claim a model makes without fact-checking, because language models can hallucinate convincing nonsense. In this work we use reinforcement learning from human preferences (RLHP) to train "open-book" QA models that generate answers whilst also citing specific evidence for their claims, which aids in the appraisal of correctness. Supporting evidence is drawn from multiple documents found via a search engine, or from a single user-provided document. Our 280 billion parameter model, GopherCite, is able to produce answers with high quality supporting evidence and abstain from answering when unsure. We measure the performance of GopherCite by conducting human evaluation of answers to questions in a subset of the NaturalQuestions and ELI5 datasets. The model's response is found to be high-quality 80\% of the time on this Natural Questions subset, and 67\% of the time on the ELI5 subset. Abstaining from the third of questions for which it is most unsure improves performance to 90\% and 80\% respectively, approaching human baselines. However, analysis on the adversarial TruthfulQA dataset shows why citation is only one part of an overall strategy for safety and trustworthiness: not all claims supported by evidence are true.
[ "Jacob Menick", "Maja Trebacz", "Vladimir Mikulik", "John Aslanides", "Francis Song", "Martin Chadwick", "Mia Glaese", "Susannah Young", "Lucy Campbell-Gillingham", "Geoffrey Irving", "Nat McAleese" ]
Pythia : A Suite for Analyzing Large Language Models Across Training and Scaling Stella Biderman* 1 2Hailey Schoelkopf* 1 3Quent
Pythia: A Suite for Analyzing Large Language Models Across Training and Scaling
How do large language models (LLMs) develop and evolve over the course of training? How do these patterns change as models scale? To answer these questions, we introduce \textit{Pythia}, a suite of 16 LLMs all trained on public data seen in the exact same order and ranging in size from 70M to 12B parameters. We provide public access to 154 checkpoints for each one of the 16 models, alongside tools to download and reconstruct their exact training dataloaders for further study. We intend \textit{Pythia} to facilitate research in many areas, and we present several case studies including novel results in memorization, term frequency effects on few-shot performance, and reducing gender bias. We demonstrate that this highly controlled setup can be used to yield novel insights toward LLMs and their training dynamics. Trained models, analysis code, training code, and training data can be found at \url{}.
[ "Stella Biderman", "Hailey Schoelkopf", "Quentin Anthony", "Herbie Bradley", "Kyle O'Brien", "Eric Hallahan", "Mohammad Aflah Khan", "Shivanshu Purohit", "USVSN Sai Prashanth", "Edward Raff", "Aviya Skowron", "Lintang Sutawika", "Oskar van der Wal" ]
Recursively Summarizing Books with Human Feedback Jeff WuLong OuyangDaniel M. ZieglerNisan StiennonRyan Lowe Jan LeikePaul
Recursively Summarizing Books with Human Feedback
A major challenge for scaling machine learning is training models to perform tasks that are very difficult or time-consuming for humans to evaluate. We present progress on this problem on the task of abstractive summarization of entire fiction novels. Our method combines learning from human feedback with recursive task decomposition: we use models trained on smaller parts of the task to assist humans in giving feedback on the broader task. We collect a large volume of demonstrations and comparisons from human labelers, and fine-tune GPT-3 using behavioral cloning and reward modeling to do summarization recursively. At inference time, the model first summarizes small sections of the book and then recursively summarizes these summaries to produce a summary of the entire book. Our human labelers are able to supervise and evaluate the models quickly, despite not having read the entire books themselves. Our resulting model generates sensible summaries of entire books, even matching the quality of human-written summaries in a few cases ($\sim5\%$ of books). We achieve state-of-the-art results on the recent BookSum dataset for book-length summarization. A zero-shot question-answering model using these summaries achieves state-of-the-art results on the challenging NarrativeQA benchmark for answering questions about books and movie scripts. We release datasets of samples from our model.
[ "Jeff Wu", "Long Ouyang", "Daniel M. Ziegler", "Nisan Stiennon", "Ryan Lowe", "Jan Leike", "Paul Christiano" ]
A Survey on Universal Adversarial Attack Chaoning Zhang1,Philipp Benz1,Chenguo Lin2,Adil Karjauv1,Jing Wu3,In So Kweon1 1Kore
A Survey On Universal Adversarial Attack
The intriguing phenomenon of adversarial examples has attracted significant attention in machine learning and what might be more surprising to the community is the existence of universal adversarial perturbations (UAPs), i.e. a single perturbation to fool the target DNN for most images. With the focus on UAP against deep classifiers, this survey summarizes the recent progress on universal adversarial attacks, discussing the challenges from both the attack and defense sides, as well as the reason for the existence of UAP. We aim to extend this work as a dynamic survey that will regularly update its content to follow new works regarding UAP or universal attack in a wide range of domains, such as image, audio, video, text, etc. Relevant updates will be discussed at: We welcome authors of future works in this field to contact us for including your new finding.
[ "Chaoning Zhang", "Philipp Benz", "Chenguo Lin", "Adil Karjauv", "Jing Wu", "In So Kweon" ]
Efficient Large Scale Language Modeling with Mixtures of Experts Mikel Artetxe,Shruti Bhosale,Naman Goyal,Todor Mihaylov,Myle
Efficient Large Scale Language Modeling with Mixtures of Experts
Mixture of Experts layers (MoEs) enable efficient scaling of language models through conditional computation. This paper presents a detailed empirical study of how autoregressive MoE language models scale in comparison with dense models in a wide range of settings: in- and out-of-domain language modeling, zero- and few-shot priming, and full-shot fine-tuning. With the exception of fine-tuning, we find MoEs to be substantially more compute efficient. At more modest training budgets, MoEs can match the performance of dense models using $\sim$4 times less compute. This gap narrows at scale, but our largest MoE model (1.1T parameters) consistently outperforms a compute-equivalent dense model (6.7B parameters). Overall, this performance gap varies greatly across tasks and domains, suggesting that MoE and dense models generalize differently in ways that are worthy of future study. We make our code and models publicly available for research use.
[ "Mikel Artetxe", "Shruti Bhosale", "Naman Goyal", "Todor Mihaylov", "Myle Ott", "Sam Shleifer", "Xi Victoria Lin", "Jingfei Du", "Srinivasan Iyer", "Ramakanth Pasunuru", "Giri Anantharaman", "Xian Li", "Shuohui Chen", "Halil Akin", "Mandeep Baines", "Louis Martin", "Xing Zhou", "Punit Singh Koura", "Brian O'Horo", "Jeff Wang", "Luke Zettlemoyer", "Mona Diab", "Zornitsa Kozareva", "Ves Stoyanov" ]
Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning Volodymyr Mnih1VMNIH @GOOGLE .COM Adrià Puigdomènech Badia1ADRIAP @GOOGLE .
Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
We propose a conceptually simple and lightweight framework for deep reinforcement learning that uses asynchronous gradient descent for optimization of deep neural network controllers. We present asynchronous variants of four standard reinforcement learning algorithms and show that parallel actor-learners have a stabilizing effect on training allowing all four methods to successfully train neural network controllers. The best performing method, an asynchronous variant of actor-critic, surpasses the current state-of-the-art on the Atari domain while training for half the time on a single multi-core CPU instead of a GPU. Furthermore, we show that asynchronous actor-critic succeeds on a wide variety of continuous motor control problems as well as on a new task of navigating random 3D mazes using a visual input.
[ "Volodymyr Mnih", "Adrià Puigdomènech Badia", "Mehdi Mirza", "Alex Graves", "Timothy P. Lillicrap", "Tim Harley", "David Silver", "Koray Kavukcuoglu" ]
TruthfulQA: Measuring How Models Mimic Human Falsehoods Stephanie Lin University of Oxford sylin07@gmail.comJacob Hilton OpenAI
TruthfulQA: Measuring How Models Mimic Human Falsehoods
We propose a benchmark to measure whether a language model is truthful in generating answers to questions. The benchmark comprises 817 questions that span 38 categories, including health, law, finance and politics. We crafted questions that some humans would answer falsely due to a false belief or misconception. To perform well, models must avoid generating false answers learned from imitating human texts. We tested GPT-3, GPT-Neo/J, GPT-2 and a T5-based model. The best model was truthful on 58% of questions, while human performance was 94%. Models generated many false answers that mimic popular misconceptions and have the potential to deceive humans. The largest models were generally the least truthful. This contrasts with other NLP tasks, where performance improves with model size. However, this result is expected if false answers are learned from the training distribution. We suggest that scaling up models alone is less promising for improving truthfulness than fine-tuning using training objectives other than imitation of text from the web.
[ "Stephanie Lin", "Jacob Hilton", "Owain Evans" ]
BLOOM: A 176B-Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Language Model BigScience Workshop Major Contributors Teven Le Scao, Angela Fa
BLOOM: A 176B-Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Language Model
Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
[ "BigScience Workshop", ":", "Teven Le Scao", "Angela Fan", "Christopher Akiki", "Ellie Pavlick", "Suzana Ilić", "Daniel Hesslow", "Roman Castagné", "Alexandra Sasha Luccioni", "François Yvon", "Matthias Gallé", "Jonathan Tow", "Alexander M. Rush", "Stella Biderman", "Albert Webson", "Pawan Sasanka Ammanamanchi", "Thomas Wang", "Benoît Sagot", "Niklas Muennighoff", "Albert Villanova del Moral", "Olatunji Ruwase", "Rachel Bawden", "Stas Bekman", "Angelina McMillan-Major", "Iz Beltagy", "Huu Nguyen", "Lucile Saulnier", "Samson Tan", "Pedro Ortiz Suarez", "Victor Sanh", "Hugo Laurençon", "Yacine Jernite", "Julien Launay", "Margaret Mitchell", "Colin Raffel", "Aaron Gokaslan", "Adi Simhi", "Aitor Soroa", "Alham Fikri Aji", "Amit Alfassy", "Anna Rogers", "Ariel Kreisberg Nitzav", "Canwen Xu", "Chenghao Mou", "Chris Emezue", "Christopher Klamm", "Colin Leong", "Daniel van Strien", "David Ifeoluwa Adelani", "Dragomir Radev", "Eduardo González Ponferrada", "Efrat Levkovizh", "Ethan Kim", "Eyal Bar Natan", "Francesco De Toni", "Gérard Dupont", "Germán Kruszewski", "Giada Pistilli", "Hady Elsahar", "Hamza Benyamina", "Hieu Tran", "Ian Yu", "Idris Abdulmumin", "Isaac Johnson", "Itziar Gonzalez-Dios", "Javier de la Rosa", "Jenny Chim", "Jesse Dodge", "Jian Zhu", "Jonathan Chang", "Jörg Frohberg", "Joseph Tobing", "Joydeep Bhattacharjee", "Khalid Almubarak", "Kimbo Chen", "Kyle Lo", "Leandro Von Werra", "Leon Weber", "Long Phan", "Loubna Ben allal", "Ludovic Tanguy", "Manan Dey", "Manuel Romero Muñoz", "Maraim Masoud", "María Grandury", "Mario Šaško", "Max Huang", "Maximin Coavoux", "Mayank Singh", "Mike Tian-Jian Jiang", "Minh Chien Vu", "Mohammad A. Jauhar", "Mustafa Ghaleb", "Nishant Subramani", "Nora Kassner", "Nurulaqilla Khamis", "Olivier Nguyen", "Omar Espejel", "Ona de Gibert", "Paulo Villegas", "Peter Henderson", "Pierre Colombo", "Priscilla Amuok", "Quentin Lhoest", "Rheza Harliman", "Rishi Bommasani", "Roberto Luis López", "Rui Ribeiro", "Salomey Osei", "Sampo Pyysalo", "Sebastian Nagel", "Shamik Bose", "Shamsuddeen Hassan Muhammad", "Shanya Sharma", "Shayne Longpre", "Somaieh Nikpoor", "Stanislav Silberberg", "Suhas Pai", "Sydney Zink", "Tiago Timponi Torrent", "Timo Schick", "Tristan Thrush", "Valentin Danchev", "Vassilina Nikoulina", "Veronika Laippala", "Violette Lepercq", "Vrinda Prabhu", "Zaid Alyafeai", "Zeerak Talat", "Arun Raja", "Benjamin Heinzerling", "Chenglei Si", "Davut Emre Taşar", "Elizabeth Salesky", "Sabrina J. Mielke", "Wilson Y. Lee", "Abheesht Sharma", "Andrea Santilli", "Antoine Chaffin", "Arnaud Stiegler", "Debajyoti Datta", "Eliza Szczechla", "Gunjan Chhablani", "Han Wang", "Harshit Pandey", "Hendrik Strobelt", "Jason Alan Fries", "Jos Rozen", "Leo Gao", "Lintang Sutawika", "M Saiful Bari", "Maged S. Al-shaibani", "Matteo Manica", "Nihal Nayak", "Ryan Teehan", "Samuel Albanie", "Sheng Shen", "Srulik Ben-David", "Stephen H. Bach", "Taewoon Kim", "Tali Bers", "Thibault Fevry", "Trishala Neeraj", "Urmish Thakker", "Vikas Raunak", "Xiangru Tang", "Zheng-Xin Yong", "Zhiqing Sun", "Shaked Brody", "Yallow Uri", "Hadar Tojarieh", "Adam Roberts", "Hyung Won Chung", "Jaesung Tae", "Jason Phang", "Ofir Press", "Conglong Li", "Deepak Narayanan", "Hatim Bourfoune", "Jared Casper", "Jeff Rasley", "Max Ryabinin", "Mayank Mishra", "Minjia Zhang", "Mohammad Shoeybi", "Myriam Peyrounette", "Nicolas Patry", "Nouamane Tazi", "Omar Sanseviero", "Patrick von Platen", "Pierre Cornette", "Pierre François Lavallée", "Rémi Lacroix", "Samyam Rajbhandari", "Sanchit Gandhi", "Shaden Smith", "Stéphane Requena", "Suraj Patil", "Tim Dettmers", "Ahmed Baruwa", "Amanpreet Singh", "Anastasia Cheveleva", "Anne-Laure Ligozat", "Arjun Subramonian", "Aurélie Névéol", "Charles Lovering", "Dan Garrette", "Deepak Tunuguntla", "Ehud Reiter", "Ekaterina Taktasheva", "Ekaterina Voloshina", "Eli Bogdanov", "Genta Indra Winata", "Hailey Schoelkopf", "Jan-Christoph Kalo", "Jekaterina Novikova", "Jessica Zosa Forde", "Jordan Clive", "Jungo Kasai", "Ken Kawamura", "Liam Hazan", "Marine Carpuat", "Miruna Clinciu", "Najoung Kim", "Newton Cheng", "Oleg Serikov", "Omer Antverg", "Oskar van der Wal", "Rui Zhang", "Ruochen Zhang", "Sebastian Gehrmann", "Shachar Mirkin", "Shani Pais", "Tatiana Shavrina", "Thomas Scialom", "Tian Yun", "Tomasz Limisiewicz", "Verena Rieser", "Vitaly Protasov", "Vladislav Mikhailov", "Yada Pruksachatkun", "Yonatan Belinkov", "Zachary Bamberger", "Zdeněk Kasner", "Alice Rueda", "Amanda Pestana", "Amir Feizpour", "Ammar Khan", "Amy Faranak", "Ana Santos", "Anthony Hevia", "Antigona Unldreaj", "Arash Aghagol", "Arezoo Abdollahi", "Aycha Tammour", "Azadeh HajiHosseini", "Bahareh Behroozi", "Benjamin Ajibade", "Bharat Saxena", "Carlos Muñoz Ferrandis", "Daniel McDuff", "Danish Contractor", "David Lansky", "Davis David", "Douwe Kiela", "Duong A. Nguyen", "Edward Tan", "Emi Baylor", "Ezinwanne Ozoani", "Fatima Mirza", "Frankline Ononiwu", "Habib Rezanejad", "Hessie Jones", "Indrani Bhattacharya", "Irene Solaiman", "Irina Sedenko", "Isar Nejadgholi", "Jesse Passmore", "Josh Seltzer", "Julio Bonis Sanz", "Livia Dutra", "Mairon Samagaio", "Maraim Elbadri", "Margot Mieskes", "Marissa Gerchick", "Martha Akinlolu", "Michael McKenna", "Mike Qiu", "Muhammed Ghauri", "Mykola Burynok", "Nafis Abrar", "Nazneen Rajani", "Nour Elkott", "Nour Fahmy", "Olanrewaju Samuel", "Ran An", "Rasmus Kromann", "Ryan Hao", "Samira Alizadeh", "Sarmad Shubber", "Silas Wang", "Sourav Roy", "Sylvain Viguier", "Thanh Le", "Tobi Oyebade", "Trieu Le", "Yoyo Yang", "Zach Nguyen", "Abhinav Ramesh Kashyap", "Alfredo Palasciano", "Alison Callahan", "Anima Shukla", "Antonio Miranda-Escalada", "Ayush Singh", "Benjamin Beilharz", "Bo Wang", "Caio Brito", "Chenxi Zhou", "Chirag Jain", "Chuxin Xu", "Clémentine Fourrier", "Daniel León Periñán", "Daniel Molano", "Dian Yu", "Enrique Manjavacas", "Fabio Barth", "Florian Fuhrimann", "Gabriel Altay", "Giyaseddin Bayrak", "Gully Burns", "Helena U. Vrabec", "Imane Bello", "Ishani Dash", "Jihyun Kang", "John Giorgi", "Jonas Golde", "Jose David Posada", "Karthik Rangasai Sivaraman", "Lokesh Bulchandani", "Lu Liu", "Luisa Shinzato", "Madeleine Hahn de Bykhovetz", "Maiko Takeuchi", "Marc Pàmies", "Maria A Castillo", "Marianna Nezhurina", "Mario Sänger", "Matthias Samwald", "Michael Cullan", "Michael Weinberg", "Michiel De Wolf", "Mina Mihaljcic", "Minna Liu", "Moritz Freidank", "Myungsun Kang", "Natasha Seelam", "Nathan Dahlberg", "Nicholas Michio Broad", "Nikolaus Muellner", "Pascale Fung", "Patrick Haller", "Ramya Chandrasekhar", "Renata Eisenberg", "Robert Martin", "Rodrigo Canalli", "Rosaline Su", "Ruisi Su", "Samuel Cahyawijaya", "Samuele Garda", "Shlok S Deshmukh", "Shubhanshu Mishra", "Sid Kiblawi", "Simon Ott", "Sinee Sang-aroonsiri", "Srishti Kumar", "Stefan Schweter", "Sushil Bharati", "Tanmay Laud", "Théo Gigant", "Tomoya Kainuma", "Wojciech Kusa", "Yanis Labrak", "Yash Shailesh Bajaj", "Yash Venkatraman", "Yifan Xu", "Yingxin Xu", "Yu Xu", "Zhe Tan", "Zhongli Xie", "Zifan Ye", "Mathilde Bras", "Younes Belkada", "Thomas Wolf" ]
Gender Bias in Machine Translation Beatrice Savoldi1,2, Marco Gaido1,2, Luisa Bentivogli2, Matteo Negri2, Marco Turchi2 1Univers
Gender Bias in Machine Translation
Machine translation (MT) technology has facilitated our daily tasks by providing accessible shortcuts for gathering, elaborating and communicating information. However, it can suffer from biases that harm users and society at large. As a relatively new field of inquiry, gender bias in MT still lacks internal cohesion, which advocates for a unified framework to ease future research. To this end, we: i) critically review current conceptualizations of bias in light of theoretical insights from related disciplines, ii) summarize previous analyses aimed at assessing gender bias in MT, iii) discuss the mitigating strategies proposed so far, and iv) point toward potential directions for future work.
[ "Beatrice Savoldi", "Marco Gaido", "Luisa Bentivogli", "Matteo Negri", "Marco Turchi" ]
arXiv:2207.00560v1 [cs.CL] 1 Jul 2022Is neural language acquisition similar to natural? A chronological probing study Ekaterin
Is neural language acquisition similar to natural? A chronological probing study
The probing methodology allows one to obtain a partial representation of linguistic phenomena stored in the inner layers of the neural network, using external classifiers and statistical analysis. Pre-trained transformer-based language models are widely used both for natural language understanding (NLU) and natural language generation (NLG) tasks making them most commonly used for downstream applications. However, little analysis was carried out, whether the models were pre-trained enough or contained knowledge correlated with linguistic theory. We are presenting the chronological probing study of transformer English models such as MultiBERT and T5. We sequentially compare the information about the language learned by the models in the process of training on corpora. The results show that 1) linguistic information is acquired in the early stages of training 2) both language models demonstrate capabilities to capture various features from various levels of language, including morphology, syntax, and even discourse, while they also can inconsistently fail on tasks that are perceived as easy. We also introduce the open-source framework for chronological probing research, compatible with other transformer-based models.
[ "Ekaterina Voloshina", "Oleg Serikov", "Tatiana Shavrina" ]
Leveraging QA Datasets to Improve Generative Data Augmentation Dheeraj MekalaµTu Vu¹Timo SchickºJingbo Shangµ;·;˜ µUniversity of
Leveraging QA Datasets to Improve Generative Data Augmentation
The ability of generative language models (GLMs) to generate text has improved considerably in the last few years, enabling their use for generative data augmentation. In this work, we propose CONDA, an approach to further improve GLMs' ability to generate synthetic data by reformulating data generation as context generation for a given question-answer (QA) pair and leveraging QA datasets for training context generators. Then, we cast downstream tasks into the same question answering format and adapt the fine-tuned context generators to the target task domain. Finally, we use the fine-tuned GLM to generate relevant contexts, which are in turn used as synthetic training data for their corresponding tasks. We perform extensive experiments on multiple classification datasets and demonstrate substantial improvements in performance for both few- and zero-shot settings. Our analysis reveals that QA datasets that require high-level reasoning abilities (e.g., abstractive and common-sense QA datasets) tend to give the best boost in performance in both few-shot and zero-shot settings.
[ "Dheeraj Mekala", "Tu Vu", "Timo Schick", "Jingbo Shang" ]
Revealing Persona Biases in Dialogue Systems Emily Sheng1*Josh Arnold2 Zhou Yu3Kai-Wei Chang4Nanyun Peng1;4 1Information Scienc
Revealing Persona Biases in Dialogue Systems
Dialogue systems in the form of chatbots and personal assistants are being increasingly integrated into people's lives. Modern dialogue systems may consider adopting anthropomorphic personas, mimicking societal demographic groups to appear more approachable and trustworthy to users. However, the adoption of a persona can result in the adoption of biases. In this paper, we present the first large-scale study on persona biases in dialogue systems and conduct analyses on personas of different social classes, sexual orientations, races, and genders. We define persona biases as harmful differences in responses (e.g., varying levels of offensiveness, agreement with harmful statements) generated from adopting different demographic personas. Furthermore, we introduce an open-source framework, UnitPersonaBias, to explore and aggregate persona biases in dialogue systems. By analyzing the Blender and DialoGPT dialogue systems, we observe that adopting personas can actually decrease harmful responses, compared to not using any personas. Additionally, we find that persona choices can affect the degree of harms in generated responses and thus should be systematically evaluated before deployment. We also analyze how personas can result in different amounts of harm towards specific demographics.
[ "Emily Sheng", "Josh Arnold", "Zhou Yu", "Kai-Wei Chang", "Nanyun Peng" ]
A Deep Reinforcement Learning Chatbot Iulian V . Serban ,Chinnadhurai Sankar ,Mathieu Germain ,Saizheng Zhang ,Zhouhan Lin , San
A Deep Reinforcement Learning Chatbot
We present MILABOT: a deep reinforcement learning chatbot developed by the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA) for the Amazon Alexa Prize competition. MILABOT is capable of conversing with humans on popular small talk topics through both speech and text. The system consists of an ensemble of natural language generation and retrieval models, including template-based models, bag-of-words models, sequence-to-sequence neural network and latent variable neural network models. By applying reinforcement learning to crowdsourced data and real-world user interactions, the system has been trained to select an appropriate response from the models in its ensemble. The system has been evaluated through A/B testing with real-world users, where it performed significantly better than many competing systems. Due to its machine learning architecture, the system is likely to improve with additional data.
[ "Iulian V. Serban", "Chinnadhurai Sankar", "Mathieu Germain", "Saizheng Zhang", "Zhouhan Lin", "Sandeep Subramanian", "Taesup Kim", "Michael Pieper", "Sarath Chandar", "Nan Rosemary Ke", "Sai Rajeshwar", "Alexandre de Brebisson", "Jose M. R. Sotelo", "Dendi Suhubdy", "Vincent Michalski", "Alexandre Nguyen", "Joelle Pineau", "Yoshua Bengio" ]
2022-3-16 Competition-Level Code Generation with AlphaCode Yujia Li*, David Choi*, Junyoung Chung*, Nate Kushman*, Julian Schrit
Competition-Level Code Generation with AlphaCode
Programming is a powerful and ubiquitous problem-solving tool. Developing systems that can assist programmers or even generate programs independently could make programming more productive and accessible, yet so far incorporating innovations in AI has proven challenging. Recent large-scale language models have demonstrated an impressive ability to generate code, and are now able to complete simple programming tasks. However, these models still perform poorly when evaluated on more complex, unseen problems that require problem-solving skills beyond simply translating instructions into code. For example, competitive programming problems which require an understanding of algorithms and complex natural language remain extremely challenging. To address this gap, we introduce AlphaCode, a system for code generation that can create novel solutions to these problems that require deeper reasoning. In simulated evaluations on recent programming competitions on the Codeforces platform, AlphaCode achieved on average a ranking of top 54.3% in competitions with more than 5,000 participants. We found that three key components were critical to achieve good and reliable performance: (1) an extensive and clean competitive programming dataset for training and evaluation, (2) large and efficient-to-sample transformer-based architectures, and (3) large-scale model sampling to explore the search space, followed by filtering based on program behavior to a small set of submissions.
[ "Yujia Li", "David Choi", "Junyoung Chung", "Nate Kushman", "Julian Schrittwieser", "Rémi Leblond", "Tom Eccles", "James Keeling", "Felix Gimeno", "Agustin Dal Lago", "Thomas Hubert", "Peter Choy", "Cyprien de Masson d'Autume", "Igor Babuschkin", "Xinyun Chen", "Po-Sen Huang", "Johannes Welbl", "Sven Gowal", "Alexey Cherepanov", "James Molloy", "Daniel J. Mankowitz", "Esme Sutherland Robson", "Pushmeet Kohli", "Nando de Freitas", "Koray Kavukcuoglu", "Oriol Vinyals" ]
Training Compute-Optimal Large Language Models Jordan Hoffmann★, Sebastian Borgeaud★, Arthur Mensch★, Elena Buchatskaya, Trevor C
Training Compute-Optimal Large Language Models
We investigate the optimal model size and number of tokens for training a transformer language model under a given compute budget. We find that current large language models are significantly undertrained, a consequence of the recent focus on scaling language models whilst keeping the amount of training data constant. By training over 400 language models ranging from 70 million to over 16 billion parameters on 5 to 500 billion tokens, we find that for compute-optimal training, the model size and the number of training tokens should be scaled equally: for every doubling of model size the number of training tokens should also be doubled. We test this hypothesis by training a predicted compute-optimal model, Chinchilla, that uses the same compute budget as Gopher but with 70B parameters and 4$\times$ more more data. Chinchilla uniformly and significantly outperforms Gopher (280B), GPT-3 (175B), Jurassic-1 (178B), and Megatron-Turing NLG (530B) on a large range of downstream evaluation tasks. This also means that Chinchilla uses substantially less compute for fine-tuning and inference, greatly facilitating downstream usage. As a highlight, Chinchilla reaches a state-of-the-art average accuracy of 67.5% on the MMLU benchmark, greater than a 7% improvement over Gopher.
[ "Jordan Hoffmann", "Sebastian Borgeaud", "Arthur Mensch", "Elena Buchatskaya", "Trevor Cai", "Eliza Rutherford", "Diego de Las Casas", "Lisa Anne Hendricks", "Johannes Welbl", "Aidan Clark", "Tom Hennigan", "Eric Noland", "Katie Millican", "George van den Driessche", "Bogdan Damoc", "Aurelia Guy", "Simon Osindero", "Karen Simonyan", "Erich Elsen", "Jack W. Rae", "Oriol Vinyals", "Laurent Sifre" ]
Recipes for Safety in Open-domain Chatbots Jing Xu Da Ju Margaret Li Y-Lan Boureau Jason Weston Emily Dinan Facebook AI Research
Recipes for Safety in Open-domain Chatbots
Models trained on large unlabeled corpora of human interactions will learn patterns and mimic behaviors therein, which include offensive or otherwise toxic behavior and unwanted biases. We investigate a variety of methods to mitigate these issues in the context of open-domain generative dialogue models. We introduce a new human-and-model-in-the-loop framework for both training safer models and for evaluating them, as well as a novel method to distill safety considerations inside generative models without the use of an external classifier at deployment time. We conduct experiments comparing these methods and find our new techniques are (i) safer than existing models as measured by automatic and human evaluations while (ii) maintaining usability metrics such as engagingness relative to the state of the art. We then discuss the limitations of this work by analyzing failure cases of our models.
[ "Jing Xu", "Da Ju", "Margaret Li", "Y-Lan Boureau", "Jason Weston", "Emily Dinan" ]
2022-5-20 Selection-Inference: Exploiting Large Language Models for Interpretable Logical Reasoning Antonia Creswell1, Murray Sh
Selection-Inference: Exploiting Large Language Models for Interpretable Logical Reasoning
Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be capable of impressive few-shot generalisation to new tasks. However, they still tend to perform poorly on multi-step logical reasoning problems. Here we carry out a comprehensive evaluation of LLMs on 50 tasks that probe different aspects of logical reasoning. We show that language models tend to perform fairly well at single step inference or entailment tasks, but struggle to chain together multiple reasoning steps to solve more complex problems. In light of this, we propose a Selection-Inference (SI) framework that exploits pre-trained LLMs as general processing modules, and alternates between selection and inference to generate a series of interpretable, casual reasoning steps leading to the final answer. We show that a 7B parameter LLM used within the SI framework in a 5-shot generalisation setting, with no fine-tuning, yields a performance improvement of over 100% compared to an equivalent vanilla baseline on a suite of 10 logical reasoning tasks. The same model in the same setting even outperforms a significantly larger 280B parameter baseline on the same suite of tasks. Moreover, answers produced by the SI framework are accompanied by a causal natural-language-based reasoning trace, which has important implications for the safety and trustworthiness of the system.
[ "Antonia Creswell", "Murray Shanahan", "Irina Higgins" ]
InstructDial: Improving Zero and Few-shot Generalization in Dialogue through Instruction Tuning Prakhar Gupta|Cathy Jiao|Yi-Ting
InstructDial: Improving Zero and Few-shot Generalization in Dialogue through Instruction Tuning
Instruction tuning is an emergent paradigm in NLP wherein natural language instructions are leveraged with language models to induce zero-shot performance on unseen tasks. Instructions have been shown to enable good performance on unseen tasks and datasets in both large and small language models. Dialogue is an especially interesting area to explore instruction tuning because dialogue systems perform multiple kinds of tasks related to language (e.g., natural language understanding and generation, domain-specific interaction), yet instruction tuning has not been systematically explored for dialogue-related tasks. We introduce InstructDial, an instruction tuning framework for dialogue, which consists of a repository of 48 diverse dialogue tasks in a unified text-to-text format created from 59 openly available dialogue datasets. Next, we explore cross-task generalization ability on models tuned on InstructDial across diverse dialogue tasks. Our analysis reveals that InstructDial enables good zero-shot performance on unseen datasets and tasks such as dialogue evaluation and intent detection, and even better performance in a few-shot setting. To ensure that models adhere to instructions, we introduce novel meta-tasks. We establish benchmark zero-shot and few-shot performance of models trained using the proposed framework on multiple dialogue tasks.
[ "Prakhar Gupta", "Cathy Jiao", "Yi-Ting Yeh", "Shikib Mehri", "Maxine Eskenazi", "Jeffrey P. Bigham" ]
A Survey of Race, Racism, and Anti-Racism in NLP Anjalie Field Carnegie Mellon University anjalief@cs.cmu.eduSu Lin Blodgett Mic
A Survey of Race, Racism, and Anti-Racism in NLP
Despite inextricable ties between race and language, little work has considered race in NLP research and development. In this work, we survey 79 papers from the ACL anthology that mention race. These papers reveal various types of race-related bias in all stages of NLP model development, highlighting the need for proactive consideration of how NLP systems can uphold racial hierarchies. However, persistent gaps in research on race and NLP remain: race has been siloed as a niche topic and remains ignored in many NLP tasks; most work operationalizes race as a fixed single-dimensional variable with a ground-truth label, which risks reinforcing differences produced by historical racism; and the voices of historically marginalized people are nearly absent in NLP literature. By identifying where and how NLP literature has and has not considered race, especially in comparison to related fields, our work calls for inclusion and racial justice in NLP research practices.
[ "Anjalie Field", "Su Lin Blodgett", "Zeerak Waseem", "Yulia Tsvetkov" ]
DEEP LEARNING FOR SYMBOLIC MATHEMATICS Guillaume Lample Facebook AI Research glample@fb.comFranc ¸ois Charton Facebook AI Rese
Deep Learning for Symbolic Mathematics
Neural networks have a reputation for being better at solving statistical or approximate problems than at performing calculations or working with symbolic data. In this paper, we show that they can be surprisingly good at more elaborated tasks in mathematics, such as symbolic integration and solving differential equations. We propose a syntax for representing mathematical problems, and methods for generating large datasets that can be used to train sequence-to-sequence models. We achieve results that outperform commercial Computer Algebra Systems such as Matlab or Mathematica.
[ "Guillaume Lample", "François Charton" ]
INSTRUCTION TUNING WITH GPT-4 Baolin Peng, Chunyuan Li, Pengcheng He, Michel Galley, Jianfeng Gao Microsoft Research fbapeng,
Instruction Tuning with GPT-4
Prior work has shown that finetuning large language models (LLMs) using machine-generated instruction-following data enables such models to achieve remarkable zero-shot capabilities on new tasks, and no human-written instructions are needed. In this paper, we present the first attempt to use GPT-4 to generate instruction-following data for LLM finetuning. Our early experiments on instruction-tuned LLaMA models show that the 52K English and Chinese instruction-following data generated by GPT-4 leads to superior zero-shot performance on new tasks to the instruction-following data generated by previous state-of-the-art models. We also collect feedback and comparison data from GPT-4 to enable a comprehensive evaluation and reward model training. We make our data generated using GPT-4 as well as our codebase publicly available.
[ "Baolin Peng", "Chunyuan Li", "Pengcheng He", "Michel Galley", "Jianfeng Gao" ]
Documenting Large Webtext Corpora: A Case Study on the Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus Jesse Dodge|Maarten Sap|~Ana Marasovi ´c|~W
Documenting Large Webtext Corpora: A Case Study on the Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus
Large language models have led to remarkable progress on many NLP tasks, and researchers are turning to ever-larger text corpora to train them. Some of the largest corpora available are made by scraping significant portions of the internet, and are frequently introduced with only minimal documentation. In this work we provide some of the first documentation for the Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus (C4; Raffel et al., 2020), a dataset created by applying a set of filters to a single snapshot of Common Crawl. We begin by investigating where the data came from, and find a significant amount of text from unexpected sources like patents and US military websites. Then we explore the content of the text itself, and find machine-generated text (e.g., from machine translation systems) and evaluation examples from other benchmark NLP datasets. To understand the impact of the filters applied to create this dataset, we evaluate the text that was removed, and show that blocklist filtering disproportionately removes text from and about minority individuals. Finally, we conclude with some recommendations for how to created and document web-scale datasets from a scrape of the internet.
[ "Jesse Dodge", "Maarten Sap", "Ana Marasović", "William Agnew", "Gabriel Ilharco", "Dirk Groeneveld", "Margaret Mitchell", "Matt Gardner" ]
Least-to-Most Prompting Enables Complex Reasoning in Large Language Models
Chain-of-thought prompting has demonstrated remarkable performance on various natural language reasoning tasks. However, it tends to perform poorly on tasks which requires solving problems harder than the exemplars shown in the prompts. To overcome this challenge of easy-to-hard generalization, we propose a novel prompting strategy, least-to-most prompting. The key idea in this strategy is to break down a complex problem into a series of simpler subproblems and then solve them in sequence. Solving each subproblem is facilitated by the answers to previously solved subproblems. Our experimental results on tasks related to symbolic manipulation, compositional generalization, and math reasoning reveal that least-to-most prompting is capable of generalizing to more difficult problems than those seen in the prompts. A notable finding is that when the GPT-3 code-davinci-002 model is used with least-to-most prompting, it can solve the compositional generalization benchmark SCAN in any split (including length split) with an accuracy of at least 99% using just 14 exemplars, compared to only 16% accuracy with chain-of-thought prompting. This is particularly noteworthy because neural-symbolic models in the literature that specialize in solving SCAN are trained on the entire training set containing over 15,000 examples. We have included prompts for all the tasks in the Appendix.
[ "Denny Zhou", "Nathanael Schärli", "Le Hou", "Jason Wei", "Nathan Scales", "Xuezhi Wang", "Dale Schuurmans", "Claire Cui", "Olivier Bousquet", "Quoc Le", "Ed Chi" ]
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2023 BINDING LANGUAGE MODELS IN SYMBOLIC LANGUAGES Zhoujun Cheng ~Tianbao XiePeng S
Binding Language Models in Symbolic Languages
Though end-to-end neural approaches have recently been dominating NLP tasks in both performance and ease-of-use, they lack interpretability and robustness. We propose Binder, a training-free neural-symbolic framework that maps the task input to a program, which (1) allows binding a unified API of language model (LM) functionalities to a programming language (e.g., SQL, Python) to extend its grammar coverage and thus tackle more diverse questions, (2) adopts an LM as both the program parser and the underlying model called by the API during execution, and (3) requires only a few in-context exemplar annotations. Specifically, we employ GPT-3 Codex as the LM. In the parsing stage, with only a few in-context exemplars, Codex is able to identify the part of the task input that cannot be answerable by the original programming language, correctly generate API calls to prompt Codex to solve the unanswerable part, and identify where to place the API calls while being compatible with the original grammar. In the execution stage, Codex can perform versatile functionalities (e.g., commonsense QA, information extraction) given proper prompts in the API calls. Binder achieves state-of-the-art results on WikiTableQuestions and TabFact datasets, with explicit output programs that benefit human debugging. Note that previous best systems are all finetuned on tens of thousands of task-specific samples, while Binder only uses dozens of annotations as in-context exemplars without any training. Our code is available at .
[ "Zhoujun Cheng", "Tianbao Xie", "Peng Shi", "Chengzu Li", "Rahul Nadkarni", "Yushi Hu", "Caiming Xiong", "Dragomir Radev", "Mari Ostendorf", "Luke Zettlemoyer", "Noah A. Smith", "Tao Yu" ]
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 FINETUNED LANGUAGE MODELS AREZERO-SHOT LEARNERS Jason Wei, Maarten Bosma, Vincent
Finetuned Language Models Are Zero-Shot Learners
This paper explores a simple method for improving the zero-shot learning abilities of language models. We show that instruction tuning -- finetuning language models on a collection of tasks described via instructions -- substantially improves zero-shot performance on unseen tasks. We take a 137B parameter pretrained language model and instruction-tune it on over 60 NLP tasks verbalized via natural language instruction templates. We evaluate this instruction-tuned model, which we call FLAN, on unseen task types. FLAN substantially improves the performance of its unmodified counterpart and surpasses zero-shot 175B GPT-3 on 20 of 25 tasks that we evaluate. FLAN even outperforms few-shot GPT-3 by a large margin on ANLI, RTE, BoolQ, AI2-ARC, OpenbookQA, and StoryCloze. Ablation studies reveal that number of finetuning datasets, model scale, and natural language instructions are key to the success of instruction tuning.
[ "Jason Wei", "Maarten Bosma", "Vincent Y. Zhao", "Kelvin Guu", "Adams Wei Yu", "Brian Lester", "Nan Du", "Andrew M. Dai", "Quoc V. Le" ]
Discovering and Categorising Language Biases in Reddit Xavier Ferrer+, Tom van Nuenen+, Jose M. Such+and Natalia Criado+ +Depar
Discovering and Categorising Language Biases in Reddit
We present a data-driven approach using word embeddings to discover and categorise language biases on the discussion platform Reddit. As spaces for isolated user communities, platforms such as Reddit are increasingly connected to issues of racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination. Hence, there is a need to monitor the language of these groups. One of the most promising AI approaches to trace linguistic biases in large textual datasets involves word embeddings, which transform text into high-dimensional dense vectors and capture semantic relations between words. Yet, previous studies require predefined sets of potential biases to study, e.g., whether gender is more or less associated with particular types of jobs. This makes these approaches unfit to deal with smaller and community-centric datasets such as those on Reddit, which contain smaller vocabularies and slang, as well as biases that may be particular to that community. This paper proposes a data-driven approach to automatically discover language biases encoded in the vocabulary of online discourse communities on Reddit. In our approach, protected attributes are connected to evaluative words found in the data, which are then categorised through a semantic analysis system. We verify the effectiveness of our method by comparing the biases we discover in the Google News dataset with those found in previous literature. We then successfully discover gender bias, religion bias, and ethnic bias in different Reddit communities. We conclude by discussing potential application scenarios and limitations of this data-driven bias discovery method.
[ "Xavier Ferrer", "Tom van Nuenen", "Jose M. Such", "Natalia Criado" ]
AMBIPUN: Generating Puns with Ambiguous Context Anirudh Mittal2y, Yufei Tian1*, Nanyun Peng1 1Computer Science Department, Univ
AmbiPun: Generating Humorous Puns with Ambiguous Context
In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective way to generate pun sentences that does not require any training on existing puns. Our approach is inspired by humor theories that ambiguity comes from the context rather than the pun word itself. Given a pair of definitions of a pun word, our model first produces a list of related concepts through a reverse dictionary. We then utilize one-shot GPT3 to generate context words and then generate puns incorporating context words from both concepts. Human evaluation shows that our method successfully generates pun 52\% of the time, outperforming well-crafted baselines and the state-of-the-art models by a large margin.
[ "Anirudh Mittal", "Yufei Tian", "Nanyun Peng" ]
Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable Image Recognition Barret Zoph Google Brain barretzoph@google.comVijay Vasudevan
Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable Image Recognition
Developing neural network image classification models often requires significant architecture engineering. In this paper, we study a method to learn the model architectures directly on the dataset of interest. As this approach is expensive when the dataset is large, we propose to search for an architectural building block on a small dataset and then transfer the block to a larger dataset. The key contribution of this work is the design of a new search space (the "NASNet search space") which enables transferability. In our experiments, we search for the best convolutional layer (or "cell") on the CIFAR-10 dataset and then apply this cell to the ImageNet dataset by stacking together more copies of this cell, each with their own parameters to design a convolutional architecture, named "NASNet architecture". We also introduce a new regularization technique called ScheduledDropPath that significantly improves generalization in the NASNet models. On CIFAR-10 itself, NASNet achieves 2.4% error rate, which is state-of-the-art. On ImageNet, NASNet achieves, among the published works, state-of-the-art accuracy of 82.7% top-1 and 96.2% top-5 on ImageNet. Our model is 1.2% better in top-1 accuracy than the best human-invented architectures while having 9 billion fewer FLOPS - a reduction of 28% in computational demand from the previous state-of-the-art model. When evaluated at different levels of computational cost, accuracies of NASNets exceed those of the state-of-the-art human-designed models. For instance, a small version of NASNet also achieves 74% top-1 accuracy, which is 3.1% better than equivalently-sized, state-of-the-art models for mobile platforms. Finally, the learned features by NASNet used with the Faster-RCNN framework surpass state-of-the-art by 4.0% achieving 43.1% mAP on the COCO dataset.
[ "Barret Zoph", "Vijay Vasudevan", "Jonathon Shlens", "Quoc V. Le" ]
I love your chain mail! Making knights smile in a fantasy game world: Open-domain goal-oriented dialogue agents Shrimai Prabhumo
I love your chain mail! Making knights smile in a fantasy game world: Open-domain goal-oriented dialogue agents
Dialogue research tends to distinguish between chit-chat and goal-oriented tasks. While the former is arguably more naturalistic and has a wider use of language, the latter has clearer metrics and a straightforward learning signal. Humans effortlessly combine the two, for example engaging in chit-chat with the goal of exchanging information or eliciting a specific response. Here, we bridge the divide between these two domains in the setting of a rich multi-player text-based fantasy environment where agents and humans engage in both actions and dialogue. Specifically, we train a goal-oriented model with reinforcement learning against an imitation-learned ``chit-chat'' model with two approaches: the policy either learns to pick a topic or learns to pick an utterance given the top-K utterances from the chit-chat model. We show that both models outperform an inverse model baseline and can converse naturally with their dialogue partner in order to achieve goals.
[ "Shrimai Prabhumoye", "Margaret Li", "Jack Urbanek", "Emily Dinan", "Douwe Kiela", "Jason Weston", "Arthur Szlam" ]
Detecting Hate Speech with GPT-3 * Ke-Li Chiu University of Toronto Annie Collins University of Toronto Rohan Alexander Universi
Detecting Hate Speech with GPT-3
Sophisticated language models such as OpenAI's GPT-3 can generate hateful text that targets marginalized groups. Given this capacity, we are interested in whether large language models can be used to identify hate speech and classify text as sexist or racist. We use GPT-3 to identify sexist and racist text passages with zero-, one-, and few-shot learning. We find that with zero- and one-shot learning, GPT-3 can identify sexist or racist text with an average accuracy between 55 per cent and 67 per cent, depending on the category of text and type of learning. With few-shot learning, the model's accuracy can be as high as 85 per cent. Large language models have a role to play in hate speech detection, and with further development they could eventually be used to counter hate speech.
[ "Ke-Li Chiu", "Annie Collins", "Rohan Alexander" ]
Adversarial training for high-stakes reliability Daniel M. Ziegler∗Seraphina Nix Lawrence Chan†Tim Bauman Peter Schmidt-Nielsen
Adversarial Training for High-Stakes Reliability
In the future, powerful AI systems may be deployed in high-stakes settings, where a single failure could be catastrophic. One technique for improving AI safety in high-stakes settings is adversarial training, which uses an adversary to generate examples to train on in order to achieve better worst-case performance. In this work, we used a safe language generation task (``avoid injuries'') as a testbed for achieving high reliability through adversarial training. We created a series of adversarial training techniques -- including a tool that assists human adversaries -- to find and eliminate failures in a classifier that filters text completions suggested by a generator. In our task, we determined that we can set very conservative classifier thresholds without significantly impacting the quality of the filtered outputs. We found that adversarial training increased robustness to the adversarial attacks that we trained on -- doubling the time for our contractors to find adversarial examples both with our tool (from 13 to 26 minutes) and without (from 20 to 44 minutes) -- without affecting in-distribution performance. We hope to see further work in the high-stakes reliability setting, including more powerful tools for enhancing human adversaries and better ways to measure high levels of reliability, until we can confidently rule out the possibility of catastrophic deployment-time failures of powerful models.
[ "Daniel M. Ziegler", "Seraphina Nix", "Lawrence Chan", "Tim Bauman", "Peter Schmidt-Nielsen", "Tao Lin", "Adam Scherlis", "Noa Nabeshima", "Ben Weinstein-Raun", "Daniel de Haas", "Buck Shlegeris", "Nate Thomas" ]
CHATGPT OUTPERFORMS CROWD -WORKERS FOR TEXT -ANNOTATION TASKS Fabrizio Gilardi University of Zurich Zurich, SwitzerlandMeysam A
ChatGPT Outperforms Crowd-Workers for Text-Annotation Tasks
Many NLP applications require manual data annotations for a variety of tasks, notably to train classifiers or evaluate the performance of unsupervised models. Depending on the size and degree of complexity, the tasks may be conducted by crowd-workers on platforms such as MTurk as well as trained annotators, such as research assistants. Using a sample of 2,382 tweets, we demonstrate that ChatGPT outperforms crowd-workers for several annotation tasks, including relevance, stance, topics, and frames detection. Specifically, the zero-shot accuracy of ChatGPT exceeds that of crowd-workers for four out of five tasks, while ChatGPT's intercoder agreement exceeds that of both crowd-workers and trained annotators for all tasks. Moreover, the per-annotation cost of ChatGPT is less than $0.003 -- about twenty times cheaper than MTurk. These results show the potential of large language models to drastically increase the efficiency of text classification.
[ "Fabrizio Gilardi", "Meysam Alizadeh", "Maël Kubli" ]
CodeNet: A Large-Scale AI for Code Dataset for Learning a Diversity of Coding Tasks Ruchir Puri1, David S. Kung1, Geert Janssen1
CodeNet: A Large-Scale AI for Code Dataset for Learning a Diversity of Coding Tasks
Over the last several decades, software has been woven into the fabric of every aspect of our society. As software development surges and code infrastructure of enterprise applications ages, it is now more critical than ever to increase software development productivity and modernize legacy applications. Advances in deep learning and machine learning algorithms have enabled numerous breakthroughs, motivating researchers to leverage AI techniques to improve software development efficiency. Thus, the fast-emerging research area of AI for Code has garnered new interest and gathered momentum. In this paper, we present a large-scale dataset CodeNet, consisting of over 14 million code samples and about 500 million lines of code in 55 different programming languages, which is aimed at teaching AI to code. In addition to its large scale, CodeNet has a rich set of high-quality annotations to benchmark and help accelerate research in AI techniques for a variety of critical coding tasks, including code similarity and classification, code translation between a large variety of programming languages, and code performance (runtime and memory) improvement techniques. Additionally, CodeNet provides sample input and output test sets for 98.5% of the code samples, which can be used as an oracle for determining code correctness and potentially guide reinforcement learning for code quality improvements. As a usability feature, we provide several pre-processing tools in CodeNet to transform source code into representations that can be readily used as inputs into machine learning models. Results of code classification and code similarity experiments using the CodeNet dataset are provided as a reference. We hope that the scale, diversity and rich, high-quality annotations of CodeNet will offer unprecedented research opportunities at the intersection of AI and Software Engineering.
[ "Ruchir Puri", "David S. Kung", "Geert Janssen", "Wei Zhang", "Giacomo Domeniconi", "Vladimir Zolotov", "Julian Dolby", "Jie Chen", "Mihir Choudhury", "Lindsey Decker", "Veronika Thost", "Luca Buratti", "Saurabh Pujar", "Shyam Ramji", "Ulrich Finkler", "Susan Malaika", "Frederick Reiss" ]
The Values Encoded in Machine Learning Research ABEBA BIRHANE∗,Mozilla Foundation & School of Computer Science, University Colle
The Values Encoded in Machine Learning Research
Machine learning currently exerts an outsized influence on the world, increasingly affecting institutional practices and impacted communities. It is therefore critical that we question vague conceptions of the field as value-neutral or universally beneficial, and investigate what specific values the field is advancing. In this paper, we first introduce a method and annotation scheme for studying the values encoded in documents such as research papers. Applying the scheme, we analyze 100 highly cited machine learning papers published at premier machine learning conferences, ICML and NeurIPS. We annotate key features of papers which reveal their values: their justification for their choice of project, which attributes of their project they uplift, their consideration of potential negative consequences, and their institutional affiliations and funding sources. We find that few of the papers justify how their project connects to a societal need (15\%) and far fewer discuss negative potential (1\%). Through line-by-line content analysis, we identify 59 values that are uplifted in ML research, and, of these, we find that the papers most frequently justify and assess themselves based on Performance, Generalization, Quantitative evidence, Efficiency, Building on past work, and Novelty. We present extensive textual evidence and identify key themes in the definitions and operationalization of these values. Notably, we find systematic textual evidence that these top values are being defined and applied with assumptions and implications generally supporting the centralization of power.Finally, we find increasingly close ties between these highly cited papers and tech companies and elite universities.
[ "Abeba Birhane", "Pratyusha Kalluri", "Dallas Card", "William Agnew", "Ravit Dotan", "Michelle Bao" ]
Emergence of Locomotion Behaviours in Rich Environments Nicolas Heess, Dhruva TB, Srinivasan Sriram, Jay Lemmon, Josh Merel, Gre
Emergence of Locomotion Behaviours in Rich Environments
The reinforcement learning paradigm allows, in principle, for complex behaviours to be learned directly from simple reward signals. In practice, however, it is common to carefully hand-design the reward function to encourage a particular solution, or to derive it from demonstration data. In this paper explore how a rich environment can help to promote the learning of complex behavior. Specifically, we train agents in diverse environmental contexts, and find that this encourages the emergence of robust behaviours that perform well across a suite of tasks. We demonstrate this principle for locomotion -- behaviours that are known for their sensitivity to the choice of reward. We train several simulated bodies on a diverse set of challenging terrains and obstacles, using a simple reward function based on forward progress. Using a novel scalable variant of policy gradient reinforcement learning, our agents learn to run, jump, crouch and turn as required by the environment without explicit reward-based guidance. A visual depiction of highlights of the learned behavior can be viewed following .
[ "Nicolas Heess", "Dhruva TB", "Srinivasan Sriram", "Jay Lemmon", "Josh Merel", "Greg Wayne", "Yuval Tassa", "Tom Erez", "Ziyu Wang", "S. M. Ali Eslami", "Martin Riedmiller", "David Silver" ]
Montreal AI Ethics Institute An international, non-profit research institute helping humanity define its place in a world
SECure: A Social and Environmental Certificate for AI Systems
In a world increasingly dominated by AI applications, an understudied aspect is the carbon and social footprint of these power-hungry algorithms that require copious computation and a trove of data for training and prediction. While profitable in the short-term, these practices are unsustainable and socially extractive from both a data-use and energy-use perspective. This work proposes an ESG-inspired framework combining socio-technical measures to build eco-socially responsible AI systems. The framework has four pillars: compute-efficient machine learning, federated learning, data sovereignty, and a LEEDesque certificate. Compute-efficient machine learning is the use of compressed network architectures that show marginal decreases in accuracy. Federated learning augments the first pillar's impact through the use of techniques that distribute computational loads across idle capacity on devices. This is paired with the third pillar of data sovereignty to ensure the privacy of user data via techniques like use-based privacy and differential privacy. The final pillar ties all these factors together and certifies products and services in a standardized manner on their environmental and social impacts, allowing consumers to align their purchase with their values.
[ "Abhishek Gupta", "Camylle Lanteigne", "Sara Kingsley" ]
TeraPipe: Token-Level Pipeline Parallelism for Training Large-Scale Language Models Zhuohan Li1Siyuan Zhuang1Shiyuan Guo1Danyang
TeraPipe: Token-Level Pipeline Parallelism for Training Large-Scale Language Models
Model parallelism has become a necessity for training modern large-scale deep language models. In this work, we identify a new and orthogonal dimension from existing model parallel approaches: it is possible to perform pipeline parallelism within a single training sequence for Transformer-based language models thanks to its autoregressive property. This enables a more fine-grained pipeline compared with previous work. With this key idea, we design TeraPipe, a high-performance token-level pipeline parallel algorithm for synchronous model-parallel training of Transformer-based language models. We develop a novel dynamic programming-based algorithm to calculate the optimal pipelining execution scheme given a specific model and cluster configuration. We show that TeraPipe can speed up the training by 5.0x for the largest GPT-3 model with 175 billion parameters on an AWS cluster with 48 p3.16xlarge instances compared with state-of-the-art model-parallel methods. The code for reproduction can be found at
[ "Zhuohan Li", "Siyuan Zhuang", "Shiyuan Guo", "Danyang Zhuo", "Hao Zhang", "Dawn Song", "Ion Stoica" ]
Learning to summarize from human feedback Nisan StiennonLong OuyangJeff WuDaniel M. ZieglerRyan Lowe Chelsea VossAlec Radf
Learning to summarize from human feedback
As language models become more powerful, training and evaluation are increasingly bottlenecked by the data and metrics used for a particular task. For example, summarization models are often trained to predict human reference summaries and evaluated using ROUGE, but both of these metrics are rough proxies for what we really care about -- summary quality. In this work, we show that it is possible to significantly improve summary quality by training a model to optimize for human preferences. We collect a large, high-quality dataset of human comparisons between summaries, train a model to predict the human-preferred summary, and use that model as a reward function to fine-tune a summarization policy using reinforcement learning. We apply our method to a version of the TL;DR dataset of Reddit posts and find that our models significantly outperform both human reference summaries and much larger models fine-tuned with supervised learning alone. Our models also transfer to CNN/DM news articles, producing summaries nearly as good as the human reference without any news-specific fine-tuning. We conduct extensive analyses to understand our human feedback dataset and fine-tuned models We establish that our reward model generalizes to new datasets, and that optimizing our reward model results in better summaries than optimizing ROUGE according to humans. We hope the evidence from our paper motivates machine learning researchers to pay closer attention to how their training loss affects the model behavior they actually want.
[ "Nisan Stiennon", "Long Ouyang", "Jeff Wu", "Daniel M. Ziegler", "Ryan Lowe", "Chelsea Voss", "Alec Radford", "Dario Amodei", "Paul Christiano" ]
Searching for Fast Model Families on Datacenter Accelerators Sheng Li, Mingxing Tan, Ruoming Pang, Andrew Li, Liqun Cheng, Quoc
Searching for Fast Model Families on Datacenter Accelerators
Neural Architecture Search (NAS), together with model scaling, has shown remarkable progress in designing high accuracy and fast convolutional architecture families. However, as neither NAS nor model scaling considers sufficient hardware architecture details, they do not take full advantage of the emerging datacenter (DC) accelerators. In this paper, we search for fast and accurate CNN model families for efficient inference on DC accelerators. We first analyze DC accelerators and find that existing CNNs suffer from insufficient operational intensity, parallelism, and execution efficiency. These insights let us create a DC-accelerator-optimized search space, with space-to-depth, space-to-batch, hybrid fused convolution structures with vanilla and depthwise convolutions, and block-wise activation functions. On top of our DC accelerator optimized neural architecture search space, we further propose a latency-aware compound scaling (LACS), the first multi-objective compound scaling method optimizing both accuracy and latency. Our LACS discovers that network depth should grow much faster than image size and network width, which is quite different from previous compound scaling results. With the new search space and LACS, our search and scaling on datacenter accelerators results in a new model series named EfficientNet-X. EfficientNet-X is up to more than 2X faster than EfficientNet (a model series with state-of-the-art trade-off on FLOPs and accuracy) on TPUv3 and GPUv100, with comparable accuracy. EfficientNet-X is also up to 7X faster than recent RegNet and ResNeSt on TPUv3 and GPUv100.
[ "Sheng Li", "Mingxing Tan", "Ruoming Pang", "Andrew Li", "Liqun Cheng", "Quoc Le", "Norman P. Jouppi" ]
Crosslingual Generalization through Multitask Finetuning Niklas Muennighoff1Thomas Wang1Lintang Sutawika2,3Adam Roberts4Stella B
Crosslingual Generalization through Multitask Finetuning
Multitask prompted finetuning (MTF) has been shown to help large language models generalize to new tasks in a zero-shot setting, but so far explorations of MTF have focused on English data and models. We apply MTF to the pretrained multilingual BLOOM and mT5 model families to produce finetuned variants called BLOOMZ and mT0. We find finetuning large multilingual language models on English tasks with English prompts allows for task generalization to non-English languages that appear only in the pretraining corpus. Finetuning on multilingual tasks with English prompts further improves performance on English and non-English tasks leading to various state-of-the-art zero-shot results. We also investigate finetuning on multilingual tasks with prompts that have been machine-translated from English to match the language of each dataset. We find training on these machine-translated prompts leads to better performance on human-written prompts in the respective languages. Surprisingly, we find models are capable of zero-shot generalization to tasks in languages they have never intentionally seen. We conjecture that the models are learning higher-level capabilities that are both task- and language-agnostic. In addition, we introduce xP3, a composite of supervised datasets in 46 languages with English and machine-translated prompts. Our code, datasets and models are freely available at
[ "Niklas Muennighoff", "Thomas Wang", "Lintang Sutawika", "Adam Roberts", "Stella Biderman", "Teven Le Scao", "M Saiful Bari", "Sheng Shen", "Zheng-Xin Yong", "Hailey Schoelkopf", "Xiangru Tang", "Dragomir Radev", "Alham Fikri Aji", "Khalid Almubarak", "Samuel Albanie", "Zaid Alyafeai", "Albert Webson", "Edward Raff", "Colin Raffel" ]
Improving Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks via Knowledge Distillation for Natural Language Understanding Xiaodong Liu1, Pengcheng
Improving Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks via Knowledge Distillation for Natural Language Understanding
This paper explores the use of knowledge distillation to improve a Multi-Task Deep Neural Network (MT-DNN) (Liu et al., 2019) for learning text representations across multiple natural language understanding tasks. Although ensemble learning can improve model performance, serving an ensemble of large DNNs such as MT-DNN can be prohibitively expensive. Here we apply the knowledge distillation method (Hinton et al., 2015) in the multi-task learning setting. For each task, we train an ensemble of different MT-DNNs (teacher) that outperforms any single model, and then train a single MT-DNN (student) via multi-task learning to \emph{distill} knowledge from these ensemble teachers. We show that the distilled MT-DNN significantly outperforms the original MT-DNN on 7 out of 9 GLUE tasks, pushing the GLUE benchmark (single model) to 83.7\% (1.5\% absolute improvement\footnote{ Based on the GLUE leaderboard at as of April 1, 2019.}). The code and pre-trained models will be made publicly available at
[ "Xiaodong Liu", "Pengcheng He", "Weizhu Chen", "Jianfeng Gao" ]
Towards Reasoning in Large Language Models: A Survey Jie Huang Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang Department of Computer Science, University
Towards Reasoning in Large Language Models: A Survey
Reasoning is a fundamental aspect of human intelligence that plays a crucial role in activities such as problem solving, decision making, and critical thinking. In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have made significant progress in natural language processing, and there is observation that these models may exhibit reasoning abilities when they are sufficiently large. However, it is not yet clear to what extent LLMs are capable of reasoning. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge on reasoning in LLMs, including techniques for improving and eliciting reasoning in these models, methods and benchmarks for evaluating reasoning abilities, findings and implications of previous research in this field, and suggestions on future directions. Our aim is to provide a detailed and up-to-date review of this topic and stimulate meaningful discussion and future work.
[ "Jie Huang", "Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang" ]
Quality at a Glance: An Audit of Web-Crawled Multilingual Datasets Julia Kreutzera;b, Isaac Caswella, Lisa Wanga, Ahsan Wahabc,
Quality at a Glance: An Audit of Web-Crawled Multilingual Datasets
With the success of large-scale pre-training and multilingual modeling in Natural Language Processing (NLP), recent years have seen a proliferation of large, web-mined text datasets covering hundreds of languages. We manually audit the quality of 205 language-specific corpora released with five major public datasets (CCAligned, ParaCrawl, WikiMatrix, OSCAR, mC4). Lower-resource corpora have systematic issues: At least 15 corpora have no usable text, and a significant fraction contains less than 50% sentences of acceptable quality. In addition, many are mislabeled or use nonstandard/ambiguous language codes. We demonstrate that these issues are easy to detect even for non-proficient speakers, and supplement the human audit with automatic analyses. Finally, we recommend techniques to evaluate and improve multilingual corpora and discuss potential risks that come with low-quality data releases.
[ "Julia Kreutzer", "Isaac Caswell", "Lisa Wang", "Ahsan Wahab", "Daan van Esch", "Nasanbayar Ulzii-Orshikh", "Allahsera Tapo", "Nishant Subramani", "Artem Sokolov", "Claytone Sikasote", "Monang Setyawan", "Supheakmungkol Sarin", "Sokhar Samb", "Benoît Sagot", "Clara Rivera", "Annette Rios", "Isabel Papadimitriou", "Salomey Osei", "Pedro Ortiz Suarez", "Iroro Orife", "Kelechi Ogueji", "Andre Niyongabo Rubungo", "Toan Q. Nguyen", "Mathias Müller", "André Müller", "Shamsuddeen Hassan Muhammad", "Nanda Muhammad", "Ayanda Mnyakeni", "Jamshidbek Mirzakhalov", "Tapiwanashe Matangira", "Colin Leong", "Nze Lawson", "Sneha Kudugunta", "Yacine Jernite", "Mathias Jenny", "Orhan Firat", "Bonaventure F. P. Dossou", "Sakhile Dlamini", "Nisansa de Silva", "Sakine Çabuk Ballı", "Stella Biderman", "Alessia Battisti", "Ahmed Baruwa", "Ankur Bapna", "Pallavi Baljekar", "Israel Abebe Azime", "Ayodele Awokoya", "Duygu Ataman", "Orevaoghene Ahia", "Oghenefego Ahia", "Sweta Agrawal", "Mofetoluwa Adeyemi" ]
Will we run out of data? An analysis of the limits of scaling datasets in Machine Learning Pablo Villalobos, Jaime Sevillay, L
Will we run out of data? An analysis of the limits of scaling datasets in Machine Learning
We analyze the growth of dataset sizes used in machine learning for natural language processing and computer vision, and extrapolate these using two methods; using the historical growth rate and estimating the compute-optimal dataset size for future predicted compute budgets. We investigate the growth in data usage by estimating the total stock of unlabeled data available on the internet over the coming decades. Our analysis indicates that the stock of high-quality language data will be exhausted soon; likely before 2026. By contrast, the stock of low-quality language data and image data will be exhausted only much later; between 2030 and 2050 (for low-quality language) and between 2030 and 2060 (for images). Our work suggests that the current trend of ever-growing ML models that rely on enormous datasets might slow down if data efficiency is not drastically improved or new sources of data become available.
[ "Pablo Villalobos", "Jaime Sevilla", "Lennart Heim", "Tamay Besiroglu", "Marius Hobbhahn", "Anson Ho" ]
Transformer-XL: Attentive Language Models Beyond a Fixed-Length Context Zihang Dai12, Zhilin Yang12, Yiming Yang1, Jaime Carbo
Transformer-XL: Attentive Language Models Beyond a Fixed-Length Context
Transformers have a potential of learning longer-term dependency, but are limited by a fixed-length context in the setting of language modeling. We propose a novel neural architecture Transformer-XL that enables learning dependency beyond a fixed length without disrupting temporal coherence. It consists of a segment-level recurrence mechanism and a novel positional encoding scheme. Our method not only enables capturing longer-term dependency, but also resolves the context fragmentation problem. As a result, Transformer-XL learns dependency that is 80% longer than RNNs and 450% longer than vanilla Transformers, achieves better performance on both short and long sequences, and is up to 1,800+ times faster than vanilla Transformers during evaluation. Notably, we improve the state-of-the-art results of bpc/perplexity to 0.99 on enwiki8, 1.08 on text8, 18.3 on WikiText-103, 21.8 on One Billion Word, and 54.5 on Penn Treebank (without finetuning). When trained only on WikiText-103, Transformer-XL manages to generate reasonably coherent, novel text articles with thousands of tokens. Our code, pretrained models, and hyperparameters are available in both Tensorflow and PyTorch.
[ "Zihang Dai", "Zhilin Yang", "Yiming Yang", "Jaime Carbonell", "Quoc V. Le", "Ruslan Salakhutdinov" ]
ALERT : Adapting Language Models to Reasoning Tasks Ping YuTianlu WangOlga GolovnevaBadr AlKhamissi4 Siddharth Verma4Zhijing
ALERT: Adapting Language Models to Reasoning Tasks
Current large language models can perform reasonably well on complex tasks that require step-by-step reasoning with few-shot learning. Are these models applying reasoning skills they have learnt during pre-training and reason outside of their training context, or are they simply memorizing their training corpus at finer granularity and have learnt to better understand their context? To tease apart these possibilities, we introduce ALERT, a benchmark and suite of analyses for assessing language models' reasoning ability comparing pre-trained and finetuned models on complex tasks that require reasoning skills to solve. ALERT provides a test bed to asses any language model on fine-grained reasoning skills, which spans over 20 datasets and covers 10 different reasoning skills. We leverage ALERT to further investigate the role of finetuning. With extensive empirical analysis we find that language models learn more reasoning skills such as textual entailment, abductive reasoning, and analogical reasoning during finetuning stage compared to pretraining state. We also find that when language models are finetuned they tend to overfit to the prompt template, which hurts the robustness of models causing generalization problems.
[ "Ping Yu", "Tianlu Wang", "Olga Golovneva", "Badr AlKhamissi", "Siddharth Verma", "Zhijing Jin", "Gargi Ghosh", "Mona Diab", "Asli Celikyilmaz" ]
Looped Transformers as Programmable Computers Angeliki Giannouw*, Shashank Rajputw, Jy-yong Sohnw, Kangwook Leew, Jason D. Leep
Looped Transformers as Programmable Computers
We present a framework for using transformer networks as universal computers by programming them with specific weights and placing them in a loop. Our input sequence acts as a punchcard, consisting of instructions and memory for data read/writes. We demonstrate that a constant number of encoder layers can emulate basic computing blocks, including embedding edit operations, non-linear functions, function calls, program counters, and conditional branches. Using these building blocks, we emulate a small instruction-set computer. This allows us to map iterative algorithms to programs that can be executed by a looped, 13-layer transformer. We show how this transformer, instructed by its input, can emulate a basic calculator, a basic linear algebra library, and in-context learning algorithms that employ backpropagation. Our work highlights the versatility of the attention mechanism, and demonstrates that even shallow transformers can execute full-fledged, general-purpose programs.
[ "Angeliki Giannou", "Shashank Rajput", "Jy-yong Sohn", "Kangwook Lee", "Jason D. Lee", "Dimitris Papailiopoulos" ]
Evaluating the Underlying Gender Bias in Contextualized Word Embeddings Christine Basta Marta R. Costa-juss `a Noe Casas Univers
Evaluating the Underlying Gender Bias in Contextualized Word Embeddings
Gender bias is highly impacting natural language processing applications. Word embeddings have clearly been proven both to keep and amplify gender biases that are present in current data sources. Recently, contextualized word embeddings have enhanced previous word embedding techniques by computing word vector representations dependent on the sentence they appear in. In this paper, we study the impact of this conceptual change in the word embedding computation in relation with gender bias. Our analysis includes different measures previously applied in the literature to standard word embeddings. Our findings suggest that contextualized word embeddings are less biased than standard ones even when the latter are debiased.
[ "Christine Basta", "Marta R. Costa-jussà", "Noe Casas" ]
Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification Jeremy Howard University of San Francisco j@fast.aiSebastia
Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification
Inductive transfer learning has greatly impacted computer vision, but existing approaches in NLP still require task-specific modifications and training from scratch. We propose Universal Language Model Fine-tuning (ULMFiT), an effective transfer learning method that can be applied to any task in NLP, and introduce techniques that are key for fine-tuning a language model. Our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art on six text classification tasks, reducing the error by 18-24% on the majority of datasets. Furthermore, with only 100 labeled examples, it matches the performance of training from scratch on 100x more data. We open-source our pretrained models and code.
[ "Jeremy Howard", "Sebastian Ruder" ]
Chat as Expected: Learning to Manipulate Black-box Neural Dialogue Models Haochen Liu Michigan State University
Chat as Expected: Learning to Manipulate Black-box Neural Dialogue Models
Recently, neural network based dialogue systems have become ubiquitous in our increasingly digitalized society. However, due to their inherent opaqueness, some recently raised concerns about using neural models are starting to be taken seriously. In fact, intentional or unintentional behaviors could lead to a dialogue system to generate inappropriate responses. Thus, in this paper, we investigate whether we can learn to craft input sentences that result in a black-box neural dialogue model being manipulated into having its outputs contain target words or match target sentences. We propose a reinforcement learning based model that can generate such desired inputs automatically. Extensive experiments on a popular well-trained state-of-the-art neural dialogue model show that our method can successfully seek out desired inputs that lead to the target outputs in a considerable portion of cases. Consequently, our work reveals the potential of neural dialogue models to be manipulated, which inspires and opens the door towards developing strategies to defend them.
[ "Haochen Liu", "Zhiwei Wang", "Tyler Derr", "Jiliang Tang" ]
Fine-tuned Language Models are Continual Learners Thomas Scialom1Tuhin Chakrabarty2Smaranda Muresan2 1Meta AI 2Department of C
Fine-tuned Language Models are Continual Learners
Recent work on large language models relies on the intuition that most natural language processing tasks can be described via natural language instructions. Language models trained on these instructions show strong zero-shot performance on several standard datasets. However, these models even though impressive still perform poorly on a wide range of tasks outside of their respective training and evaluation sets. To address this limitation, we argue that a model should be able to keep extending its knowledge and abilities, without forgetting previous skills. In spite of the limited success of Continual Learning we show that Language Models can be continual learners. We empirically investigate the reason for this success and conclude that Continual Learning emerges from self-supervision pre-training. Our resulting model Continual-T0 (CT0) is able to learn diverse new tasks, while still maintaining good performance on previous tasks, spanning remarkably through 70 datasets in total. Finally, we show that CT0 is able to combine instructions in ways it was never trained for, demonstrating some compositionality.
[ "Thomas Scialom", "Tuhin Chakrabarty", "Smaranda Muresan" ]
GPT-NeoX-20B: An Open-Source Autoregressive Language Model Sid Black * Stella Biderman * Eric Hallahan * Quentin Anthony Leo Gao
GPT-NeoX-20B: An Open-Source Autoregressive Language Model
We introduce GPT-NeoX-20B, a 20 billion parameter autoregressive language model trained on the Pile, whose weights will be made freely and openly available to the public through a permissive license. It is, to the best of our knowledge, the largest dense autoregressive model that has publicly available weights at the time of submission. In this work, we describe \model{}'s architecture and training and evaluate its performance on a range of language-understanding, mathematics, and knowledge-based tasks. We find that GPT-NeoX-20B is a particularly powerful few-shot reasoner and gains far more in performance when evaluated five-shot than similarly sized GPT-3 and FairSeq models. We open-source the training and evaluation code, as well as the model weights, at
[ "Sid Black", "Stella Biderman", "Eric Hallahan", "Quentin Anthony", "Leo Gao", "Laurence Golding", "Horace He", "Connor Leahy", "Kyle McDonell", "Jason Phang", "Michael Pieler", "USVSN Sai Prashanth", "Shivanshu Purohit", "Laria Reynolds", "Jonathan Tow", "Ben Wang", "Samuel Weinbach" ]
ESTIMATING THE CARBON FOOTPRINT OF BLOOM, A176B P ARAMETER LANGUAGE MODEL Alexandra Sasha Luccioni Hugging Face sasha.luccioni@h
Estimating the Carbon Footprint of BLOOM, a 176B Parameter Language Model
Progress in machine learning (ML) comes with a cost to the environment, given that training ML models requires significant computational resources, energy and materials. In the present article, we aim to quantify the carbon footprint of BLOOM, a 176-billion parameter language model, across its life cycle. We estimate that BLOOM's final training emitted approximately 24.7 tonnes of~\carboneq~if we consider only the dynamic power consumption, and 50.5 tonnes if we account for all processes ranging from equipment manufacturing to energy-based operational consumption. We also study the energy requirements and carbon emissions of its deployment for inference via an API endpoint receiving user queries in real-time. We conclude with a discussion regarding the difficulty of precisely estimating the carbon footprint of ML models and future research directions that can contribute towards improving carbon emissions reporting.
[ "Alexandra Sasha Luccioni", "Sylvain Viguier", "Anne-Laure Ligozat" ]
Task-aware Retrieval with Instructions Akari Asaiyz, Timo Schicky, Patrick Lewisy, Xilun Cheny, Gautier Izacardy, Sebastian Rie
Task-aware Retrieval with Instructions
We study the problem of retrieval with instructions, where users of a retrieval system explicitly describe their intent along with their queries. We aim to develop a general-purpose task-aware retrieval system using multi-task instruction tuning, which can follow human-written instructions to find the best documents for a given query. We introduce the first large-scale collection of approximately 40 retrieval datasets with instructions, BERRI, and present TART, a multi-task retrieval system trained on BERRI with instructions. TART shows strong capabilities to adapt to a new retrieval task via instructions and advances the state of the art on two zero-shot retrieval benchmarks, BEIR and LOTTE, outperforming models up to three times larger. We further introduce a new evaluation setup, X^2-Retrieval to better reflect real-world scenarios, where diverse domains and tasks are pooled and a system needs to find documents aligning users' intents. In this setup, TART significantly outperforms competitive baselines, further demonstrating the effectiveness of guiding retrieval with instructions.
[ "Akari Asai", "Timo Schick", "Patrick Lewis", "Xilun Chen", "Gautier Izacard", "Sebastian Riedel", "Hannaneh Hajishirzi", "Wen-tau Yih" ]
Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
In recent years, supervised learning with convolutional networks (CNNs) has seen huge adoption in computer vision applications. Comparatively, unsupervised learning with CNNs has received less attention. In this work we hope to help bridge the gap between the success of CNNs for supervised learning and unsupervised learning. We introduce a class of CNNs called deep convolutional generative adversarial networks (DCGANs), that have certain architectural constraints, and demonstrate that they are a strong candidate for unsupervised learning. Training on various image datasets, we show convincing evidence that our deep convolutional adversarial pair learns a hierarchy of representations from object parts to scenes in both the generator and discriminator. Additionally, we use the learned features for novel tasks - demonstrating their applicability as general image representations.
[ "Alec Radford", "Luke Metz", "Soumith Chintala" ]
A Constructive Prediction of the Generalization Error Across Scales
The dependency of the generalization error of neural networks on model and dataset size is of critical importance both in practice and for understanding the theory of neural networks. Nevertheless, the functional form of this dependency remains elusive. In this work, we present a functional form which approximates well the generalization error in practice. Capitalizing on the successful concept of model scaling (e.g., width, depth), we are able to simultaneously construct such a form and specify the exact models which can attain it across model/data scales. Our construction follows insights obtained from observations conducted over a range of model/data scales, in various model types and datasets, in vision and language tasks. We show that the form both fits the observations well across scales, and provides accurate predictions from small- to large-scale models and data.
[ "Jonathan S. Rosenfeld", "Amir Rosenfeld", "Yonatan Belinkov", "Nir Shavit" ]
RAINIER : Reinforced Knowledge Introspector for Commonsense Question Answering Jiacheng Liu~Skyler Hallinan~Ximing Lu~Pengfei H
Rainier: Reinforced Knowledge Introspector for Commonsense Question Answering
Knowledge underpins reasoning. Recent research demonstrates that when relevant knowledge is provided as additional context to commonsense question answering (QA), it can substantially enhance the performance even on top of state-of-the-art. The fundamental challenge is where and how to find such knowledge that is high quality and on point with respect to the question; knowledge retrieved from knowledge bases are incomplete and knowledge generated from language models are inconsistent. We present Rainier, or Reinforced Knowledge Introspector, that learns to generate contextually relevant knowledge in response to given questions. Our approach starts by imitating knowledge generated by GPT-3, then learns to generate its own knowledge via reinforcement learning where rewards are shaped based on the increased performance on the resulting question answering. Rainier demonstrates substantial and consistent performance gains when tested over 9 different commonsense benchmarks: including 5 datasets that are seen during model training, as well as 4 datasets that are kept unseen. Our work is the first to report that knowledge generated by models that are orders of magnitude smaller than GPT-3, even without direct supervision on the knowledge itself, can exceed the quality of commonsense knowledge elicited from GPT-3.
[ "Jiacheng Liu", "Skyler Hallinan", "Ximing Lu", "Pengfei He", "Sean Welleck", "Hannaneh Hajishirzi", "Yejin Choi" ]
Generate & Rank: A Multi-task Framework for Math Word Problems Jianhao Shen1y, Yichun Yin2, Lin Li3, Lifeng Shang2, Xin Jiang2,M
Generate & Rank: A Multi-task Framework for Math Word Problems
Math word problem (MWP) is a challenging and critical task in natural language processing. Many recent studies formalize MWP as a generation task and have adopted sequence-to-sequence models to transform problem descriptions to mathematical expressions. However, mathematical expressions are prone to minor mistakes while the generation objective does not explicitly handle such mistakes. To address this limitation, we devise a new ranking task for MWP and propose Generate & Rank, a multi-task framework based on a generative pre-trained language model. By joint training with generation and ranking, the model learns from its own mistakes and is able to distinguish between correct and incorrect expressions. Meanwhile, we perform tree-based disturbance specially designed for MWP and an online update to boost the ranker. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method on the benchmark and the results show that our method consistently outperforms baselines in all datasets. Particularly, in the classical Math23k, our method is 7% (78.4% $\rightarrow$ 85.4%) higher than the state-of-the-art.
[ "Jianhao Shen", "Yichun Yin", "Lin Li", "Lifeng Shang", "Xin Jiang", "Ming Zhang", "Qun Liu" ]
SemEval-2022 Task 2: Multilingual Idiomaticity Detection and Sentence Embedding Harish Tayyar Madabushi1, Edward Gow-Smith1, Mar
SemEval-2022 Task 2: Multilingual Idiomaticity Detection and Sentence Embedding
This paper presents the shared task on Multilingual Idiomaticity Detection and Sentence Embedding, which consists of two subtasks: (a) a binary classification task aimed at identifying whether a sentence contains an idiomatic expression, and (b) a task based on semantic text similarity which requires the model to adequately represent potentially idiomatic expressions in context. Each subtask includes different settings regarding the amount of training data. Besides the task description, this paper introduces the datasets in English, Portuguese, and Galician and their annotation procedure, the evaluation metrics, and a summary of the participant systems and their results. The task had close to 100 registered participants organised into twenty five teams making over 650 and 150 submissions in the practice and evaluation phases respectively.
[ "Harish Tayyar Madabushi", "Edward Gow-Smith", "Marcos Garcia", "Carolina Scarton", "Marco Idiart", "Aline Villavicencio" ]
NL-Augmenter A Framework for Task-Sensitive Natural Language Augmentation December 5, 2021 Kaustubh D. Dhole3;18†, Varun Gangal7
NL-Augmenter: A Framework for Task-Sensitive Natural Language Augmentation
Data augmentation is an important component in the robustness evaluation of models in natural language processing (NLP) and in enhancing the diversity of the data they are trained on. In this paper, we present NL-Augmenter, a new participatory Python-based natural language augmentation framework which supports the creation of both transformations (modifications to the data) and filters (data splits according to specific features). We describe the framework and an initial set of 117 transformations and 23 filters for a variety of natural language tasks. We demonstrate the efficacy of NL-Augmenter by using several of its transformations to analyze the robustness of popular natural language models. The infrastructure, datacards and robustness analysis results are available publicly on the NL-Augmenter repository (
[ "Kaustubh D. Dhole", "Varun Gangal", "Sebastian Gehrmann", "Aadesh Gupta", "Zhenhao Li", "Saad Mahamood", "Abinaya Mahendiran", "Simon Mille", "Ashish Shrivastava", "Samson Tan", "Tongshuang Wu", "Jascha Sohl-Dickstein", "Jinho D. Choi", "Eduard Hovy", "Ondrej Dusek", "Sebastian Ruder", "Sajant Anand", "Nagender Aneja", "Rabin Banjade", "Lisa Barthe", "Hanna Behnke", "Ian Berlot-Attwell", "Connor Boyle", "Caroline Brun", "Marco Antonio Sobrevilla Cabezudo", "Samuel Cahyawijaya", "Emile Chapuis", "Wanxiang Che", "Mukund Choudhary", "Christian Clauss", "Pierre Colombo", "Filip Cornell", "Gautier Dagan", "Mayukh Das", "Tanay Dixit", "Thomas Dopierre", "Paul-Alexis Dray", "Suchitra Dubey", "Tatiana Ekeinhor", "Marco Di Giovanni", "Tanya Goyal", "Rishabh Gupta", "Rishabh Gupta", "Louanes Hamla", "Sang Han", "Fabrice Harel-Canada", "Antoine Honore", "Ishan Jindal", "Przemyslaw K. Joniak", "Denis Kleyko", "Venelin Kovatchev", "Kalpesh Krishna", "Ashutosh Kumar", "Stefan Langer", "Seungjae Ryan Lee", "Corey James Levinson", "Hualou Liang", "Kaizhao Liang", "Zhexiong Liu", "Andrey Lukyanenko", "Vukosi Marivate", "Gerard de Melo", "Simon Meoni", "Maxime Meyer", "Afnan Mir", "Nafise Sadat Moosavi", "Niklas Muennighoff", "Timothy Sum Hon Mun", "Kenton Murray", "Marcin Namysl", "Maria Obedkova", "Priti Oli", "Nivranshu Pasricha", "Jan Pfister", "Richard Plant", "Vinay Prabhu", "Vasile Pais", "Libo Qin", "Shahab Raji", "Pawan Kumar Rajpoot", "Vikas Raunak", "Roy Rinberg", "Nicolas Roberts", "Juan Diego Rodriguez", "Claude Roux", "Vasconcellos P. H. S.", "Ananya B. Sai", "Robin M. Schmidt", "Thomas Scialom", "Tshephisho Sefara", "Saqib N. Shamsi", "Xudong Shen", "Haoyue Shi", "Yiwen Shi", "Anna Shvets", "Nick Siegel", "Damien Sileo", "Jamie Simon", "Chandan Singh", "Roman Sitelew", "Priyank Soni", "Taylor Sorensen", "William Soto", "Aman Srivastava", "KV Aditya Srivatsa", "Tony Sun", "Mukund Varma T", "A Tabassum", "Fiona Anting Tan", "Ryan Teehan", "Mo Tiwari", "Marie Tolkiehn", "Athena Wang", "Zijian Wang", "Gloria Wang", "Zijie J. Wang", "Fuxuan Wei", "Bryan Wilie", "Genta Indra Winata", "Xinyi Wu", "Witold Wydmański", "Tianbao Xie", "Usama Yaseen", "Michael A. Yee", "Jing Zhang", "Yue Zhang" ]
SGPT: GPT Sentence Embeddings for Semantic Search Niklas Muennighoff Peking University Abstract Decod
SGPT: GPT Sentence Embeddings for Semantic Search
Decoder transformers have continued increasing in scale reaching hundreds of billions of parameters. Due to their scale the same decoder sets state-of-the-art results on various language tasks via prompting or fine-tuning. Yet, these large foundation models remain unusable for the related fields of semantic search and sentence embeddings. This prevents possibly new state-of-the-art results and forces organizations to train and maintain separate models. To this end, we propose SGPT to use decoders for sentence embeddings and semantic search via prompting or fine-tuning. At 5.8 billion parameters SGPT improves on the previously best sentence embeddings by a margin of 7% and outperforms a concurrent method with 175 billion parameters as measured on the BEIR search benchmark. Code, models and result files are freely available at
[ "Niklas Muennighoff" ]
Societal Biases in Language Generation: Progress and Challenges Emily Sheng1, Kai-Wei Chang2, Premkumar Natarajan1, Nanyun Peng1
Societal Biases in Language Generation: Progress and Challenges
Technology for language generation has advanced rapidly, spurred by advancements in pre-training large models on massive amounts of data and the need for intelligent agents to communicate in a natural manner. While techniques can effectively generate fluent text, they can also produce undesirable societal biases that can have a disproportionately negative impact on marginalized populations. Language generation presents unique challenges for biases in terms of direct user interaction and the structure of decoding techniques. To better understand these challenges, we present a survey on societal biases in language generation, focusing on how data and techniques contribute to biases and progress towards reducing biases. Motivated by a lack of studies on biases from decoding techniques, we also conduct experiments to quantify the effects of these techniques. By further discussing general trends and open challenges, we call to attention promising directions for research and the importance of fairness and inclusivity considerations for language generation applications.
[ "Emily Sheng", "Kai-Wei Chang", "Premkumar Natarajan", "Nanyun Peng" ]