[ "FEDERAL DEFICIT WIDENED IN AUGUST\n\nThe federal government went another $27.8 billion deeper in the red in August, bringing the budget deficit to $203.4 billion with one month left to go in the government's fiscal year.", "\n\nThe latest projection of the Office of Management and Budget is for the 1985 deficit to reach a record $211.3 billion by the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year.", "\n\nThe existing record is 1983's $195.4 billion.", "\n\nSpending on social programs through the Department of Health and Human Services is up 2 percent from the same October-August period in the last fiscal year, to $290.5 billion.", "\n\nPentagon spending, the second-largest category, is up 10.2 percent, to $223 billion.", "\n\nThe third largest single category of spending is now interest on the national debt, up 17.1 percent from the same 11-month period last year, to $165.7 billion.", "\n\nThe administration projects that in the 1986 fiscal year the interest on the $1.8 trillion national debt will be larger than the annual deficit. ", "Interest alone is expected to be $179.3 billion next year, compared to a deficit the White House says will be only $175.4 billion.", "\n\nWith the economy as slow as it is, however, many analysts say next year's projection for the total deficit is unrealistically low and that, if interest rates go higher, the interest cost could also be more.", "\n\nThe White House expects the government to end this fiscal year having spent $937.3 billion while taking in only $736 billion.", "\n\nIn August the government spent $83.6 billion and collected $55.8 billion.", "\n\nIndividual income taxes, at $296.3 billion for 11 months, are running 12 percent ahead of last year.", "\n\nCorporate taxes, at $50.4 billion, are also 12 percent ahead of the same period in fiscal 1984." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nИнтеграция сортировки по цене в фильтр\n\n$(\".select\").change(function(){\r\n\r\n // список доступных фильтров\r\n var filters = $(\".select\").toArray().map( function(v){\r\n return $(v).data('filter');\r\n });\r\n \r\n // проверяем все элементы списка\r\n $(\"#items li\").each(function(idx, li){\r\n var show = true; // по умолчанию показываем\r\n \r\n // сверяем все data- атрибуты доступных фильтров\r\n $.each(filters, function(fIdx, fname){ \r\n // значение селекта фильтра \r\n var fv = $(\".select-\" + fname + \" :selected\").data('sort');\r\n \r\n if(fv == 'all') return true;\r\n \r\n // сверяям значение селекта с дата-атрбутом\r\n if( $(li).data(fname) !", "= fv){\r\n show = false;\r\n return false;\r\n } \r\n });\r\n \r\n $(this).toggle(show);\r\n });\r\n\r\n});\n<script src=\"https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js\"></script>\r\n<select class=\"select select-type\" data-filter=\"type\">\r\n <option value=\"all\" data-sort=\"all\">All</option>\r\n <option value=\"2\" data-sort=\"pistol\">Pistol</option>\r\n <option value=\"3\" data-sort=\"riffle\">Riffle</option>\r\n <option value=\"4\" data-sort=\"smg\">SMG</option>\r\n</select>\r\n\r\n<select class=\"select select-class\" data-filter=\"class\">\r\n <option value=\"all\" data-sort=\"all\">Все</option>\r\n <option value=\"2\" data-sort=\"Base Grade\">Base Grade</option>\r\n <option value=\"3\" data-sort=\"Extraordinary\">Extraordinary</option>\r\n <option value=\"4\" data-sort=\"Industrial Grade\">Industrial Grade</option>\r\n</select>\r\n\r\n<select class=\"select2\">\r\n <option value=\"1\">Сначала дорогие</option>\r\n <option value=\"2\">Сначала дешевые</option>\r\n</select>\r\n\r\n<ul id=\"items\">\r\n <li data-type=\"pistol\" data-class=\"Base Grade\" data-price=\"10\" >Item 1 (Pistol,Base Grad, 10)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"pistol\" data-class=\"Base Grade\" data-price=\"20\">Item 2 (Pistol,Base Grad, 20)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"smg\" data-class=\"Extraordinary\" data-price=\"15\">Item 3 (smg,Extraordinary, 15)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"riffle\" data-class=\"Extraordinary\" data-price=\"30\">Item 4 (riffle,Extraordinary, 30)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"riffle\" data-class=\"Industrial Grade\" data-price=\"5\">Item 5 (riffle,Industrial Grade, 5)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"riffle\" data-class=\"Industrial Grade\" data-price=\"10\">Item 6 (riffle,Industrial Grade, 10)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"smg\" data-class=\"Industrial Grade\" data-price=\"50\">Item 7 (smg,Industrial Grade, 50)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"smg\" data-class=\"Extraordinary\" data-price=\"25\">Item 8 (smg,Extraordinary, 25)</li>\r\n</ul>\n\nСообственно нужна сортировка по цене, по параметру data-price, желательно интегрировать в фильтрацию. ", "Под словом интегрировать я имею ввиду, чтобы при изменении параметров фильтрации - сортировка учитывалась тоже.", "\n\nA:\n\nЕсли не брать в расчет одновременную сортировку по нескольким полям, то будет как то так.", "\n\n$(\".select-filter\").change(function(){\r\n\r\n // список доступных фильтров\r\n var filters = $(\".select-filter\").toArray().map( function(v){\r\n return $(v).data('filter');\r\n });\r\n \r\n // проверяем все элементы списка\r\n $(\"#items li\").each(function(idx, li){\r\n var show = true; // по умолчанию показываем\r\n \r\n // сверяем все data- атрибуты доступных фильтров\r\n $.each(filters, function(fIdx, fname){ \r\n // значение селекта фильтра \r\n var fv = $(\".select-\" + fname + \" :selected\").data('sort');\r\n \r\n if(fv == 'all') return true;\r\n \r\n // сверяям значение селекта с дата-атрбутом\r\n if( $(li).data(fname) !", "= fv){\r\n show = false;\r\n return false;\r\n } \r\n });\r\n \r\n $(this).toggle(show);\r\n });\r\n\r\n});\r\n\r\n$(\".select-sort\").change(function(){\r\n var order = $(this).val();\r\n \r\n var items = $(\"#items li\").sort(function(a,b){\r\n var av = $(a).data('price');\r\n var bv = $(b).data('price');\r\n return order == 'desc' ? ", "av-bv : bv-av;\r\n });\r\n $(items).detach().appendTo(\"#items\");\r\n});\n<script src=\"https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js\"></script>\r\n<select class=\"select-filter select-type\" data-filter=\"type\">\r\n <option value=\"all\" data-sort=\"all\">All</option>\r\n <option value=\"2\" data-sort=\"pistol\">Pistol</option>\r\n <option value=\"3\" data-sort=\"riffle\">Riffle</option>\r\n <option value=\"4\" data-sort=\"smg\">SMG</option>\r\n</select>\r\n\r\n<select class=\"select-filter select-class\" data-filter=\"class\">\r\n <option value=\"all\" data-sort=\"all\">Все</option>\r\n <option value=\"2\" data-sort=\"Base Grade\">Base Grade</option>\r\n <option value=\"3\" data-sort=\"Extraordinary\">Extraordinary</option>\r\n <option value=\"4\" data-sort=\"Industrial Grade\">Industrial Grade</option>\r\n</select>\r\n\r\n<select class=\"select-sort\" data-sort=\"price\">\r\n <option value=\"asc\">Сначала дорогие</option>\r\n <option value=\"desc\">Сначала дешевые</option>\r\n</select>\r\n\r\n<ul id=\"items\">\r\n <li data-type=\"pistol\" data-class=\"Base Grade\" data-price=\"10\" >Item 1 (Pistol,Base Grad, 10)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"pistol\" data-class=\"Base Grade\" data-price=\"20\">Item 2 (Pistol,Base Grad, 20)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"smg\" data-class=\"Extraordinary\" data-price=\"15\">Item 3 (smg,Extraordinary, 15)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"riffle\" data-class=\"Extraordinary\" data-price=\"30\">Item 4 (riffle,Extraordinary, 30)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"riffle\" data-class=\"Industrial Grade\" data-price=\"5\">Item 5 (riffle,Industrial Grade, 5)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"riffle\" data-class=\"Industrial Grade\" data-price=\"10\">Item 6 (riffle,Industrial Grade, 10)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"smg\" data-class=\"Industrial Grade\" data-price=\"50\">Item 7 (smg,Industrial Grade, 50)</li>\r\n <li data-type=\"smg\" data-class=\"Extraordinary\" data-price=\"25\">Item 8 (smg,Extraordinary, 25)</li>\r\n</ul>\n\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction\n===============\n\nMultiple myeloma (MM) primarily occurs in the elderly, with the median diagnosis reported at 69 years. ", "As per the National Cancer Institute report, MM comprises of 1.6% of all bone malignancies in the United States and the 5-year survival rate is less than 50%.^\\[[@R1]\\]^ Although often misunderstood as a rare disease, MM is in fact the 2nd most commonly diagnosed hematologic malignancy in the Western world.^\\[[@R2]\\]^ Being a skeletal malignant disease of older adults, this disease is a clinically significant problem, if left unresolved. ", "This is mainly attributed to a substantial increase in life expectancy with medical advancements, resulting in a continually increasing aged population, shifting the bulk of socioeconomic burden onto elderly care services and facilities.^\\[[@R3]\\]^ Vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) are the most common type of fractures in patients with MM.^\\[[@R4]\\]^ VCFs are known to occur at the onset of MM in 34% to 64% of patients.^\\[[@R5]\\]^ The efficacy of current intervention therapies on reducing the risk of mortality remains less well understood.^\\[[@R6]\\]^ Accordingly, early diagnosis and treatment are critical in slowing down the disease progression rate and deterioration of quality of life.^\\[[@R7]\\]^\n\nMost MM patients report back pain at diagnosis.^\\[[@R8]\\]^ Although MM patients are checked for biological symptoms such as anemia, hypercalcemia, or renal insufficiency,^\\[[@R9]\\]^ radiological indications for the presence of MM are diffuse bone loss, focal osteolytic bone lesions and bone marrow edema, and fragility axial fractures. ", "Diffuse bone loss alone is often misdiagnosed as Osteoporosis, a skeletal disease known to result in significant bone loss,^\\[[@R10]\\]^ until more symptoms associated with MM develops. ", "Bone marrow edema is a common finding during magnetic resonance imaging in acute VCFs.^\\[[@R11]\\]^ Majority of MM cases, as high as 80% of patients, are diagnosed during routine radiological scan procedures.^\\[[@R12]\\]^ When focal osteolytic lesions or significant diffuse bone loss are observed, risk for axial fractures in the vertebrae are high.^\\[[@R13]\\]^\n\nBone mineral density (BMD) and its related T-score are the indicators for assessing the risk of fracture. ", "Almost 80% of MM patients are diagnosed with osteoporosis; hence BMD currently has a major impact on survival in MM patients.^\\[[@R14],[@R15]\\]^ It is believed that osteoporosis status could be an indicator of disease progression to MM.^\\[[@R16]\\]^ Osteoporotic patients (20%) presenting with vertebral fractures have either monoclonal gammopathy undetermined significance or MM.^\\[[@R13]\\]^ However, there are 3 problems with the use of BMD as a diagnostic tool of MM. ", "First, decline in BMD as a result of aging and/or osteoporosis has been understood; it declines 0.1% to 0.2% per year due to aging while after menopause and onset of osteoporosis, it peaks to 1% to 2% and then slows back to decline due to aging.^\\[[@R9]\\]^ However, the decline in BMD in MM-induced osteoporosis has been less understood. ", "In a recent study, Borggrefe et al^\\[[@R17]\\]^ found that BMD of fracture cases in MM patients were significantly reduced in men, but not in women. ", "Hence, understanding the decline in BMD due to MM-induced osteoporosis may be unreliable. ", "Second, BMD has been challenged as a limited tool for the diagnosis of osteoporosis itself as it only partially predicts fracture risk,^\\[[@R18]\\]^ which renders its use in the diagnostic evaluation of MM less valid. ", "Also, routine assessment of BMD in MM patients has not been recommended due to methodological difficulties of this technique in these patients and the frequent use of bisphosphonates in all symptomatic MM patients.^\\[[@R19]\\]^ Third, there is no established clinical criterion in differentiating between osteoporotic VCFs and MM-induced osteoporotic VCFs.^\\[[@R20]\\]^\n\nFinite element (FE) analysis, based on computed tomography (CT) imaging, is a noninvasive alternative to assess bone strength. ", "FE analysis is a computational approach, where radiological scan data of patients are translated into three-dimensional (3D) models to predict structural behavior using numerical method.^\\[[@R21]\\]^ These patient-specific anatomical models are provided with appropriate material properties, boundary, and loading conditions that aims to mimic as closely the in vivo fracture conditions as possible, to obtain realistic predictions of the structural strength and other related properties, and to better understand the multifactorial etiology behind fractures for instance. ", "The supremacy of CT-based FE analysis, for example, in predicting bone strength over the use of gold standard BMD, differentiating femoral strength due to various treatment options, and discerning patients with and without osteoporosis have been established in several studies.^\\[[@R22]--[@R27]\\]^\n\nTherefore, this preliminary study aims to first validate FE analysis using experimentally determined failure load values obtained during an in vitro experiment performed on vertebra segments (T9--T12) from 3 fresh frozen human donors. ", "This study also aims to apply the validated FE analysis to vertebra segments (T1--L5) modeled from in vivo multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) imaging scans from 4 MM patients with and without VCFs to assess individual fracture risk as well as correlate the fracture risk with MDCT-derived BMD measurements.", "\n\n2. ", "Materials and methods\n========================\n\n2.1. ", "Specimens and subjects\n---------------------------\n\nFresh human vertebrae (n = 12; anatomical location: T9--T12) from 3 donors (one 74-year-old woman and two 46- and 62-year-old men, respectively) were obtained from the local Institute of pathology and anatomy. ", "These donors were free of any skeletal diseases. ", "The donors had dedicated their bodies for educational and research purposes to the local Institute prior to death, in compliance with local institutional and legislative requirements. ", "Whole-body MDCT images of 4 subjects (one 60-year-old man and three 58-, 68-, and 71-year-old women, respectively) with new diagnosis of MM were retrospectively identified in our institution\\'s digital image archive (PACS). ", "The study was reviewed and approved by the local institutional review board (Ethikkommission der Fakultaet fuer Medizin der Technischen Universitaet Muenchen, Munich, Germany).", "\n\n2.2. ", "MDCT imaging\n-----------------\n\nThe in vitro vertebrae were scanned using a 256-row MDCT scanner (iCT, Philips, Netherlands.). ", "Scan parameters were a tube voltage of 120 kVp, a tube load of 585 mAs, an image matrix of 1024 × 1024 pixels, and a field of view of 150 mm. ", "Transverse sections were reconstructed with a high-resolution bone kernel (YE). ", "The interpolated voxel size was of 146 × 146 × 300 μm^3^, while the real spatial resolution, as determined at q50 of the modulation-transfer-function, was 250 × 250 × 600 μm^3^. A dedicated calibration phantom (Mindways Osteoporosis Phantom, San Francisco, CA) was placed in the scanner mat beneath the vertebrae in all scans. ", "In vivo MDCT imaging of patient with MM were performed with a 64-row MDCT scanner (Somatom Sensation 64, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). ", "Scan parameters were a tube voltage of 120 kVp, an averaged tube current of 78 mA, an image matrix of 512 × 512 pixels, a pixel spacing of 977 × 977 μm^2^, a slice thickness of 670 μm, and a field of view of 150 mm. ", "Transverse sections were reconstructed with a bone kernel (B70f). ", "For calibration purposes, a reference phantom with a bone-like and a water-like phase (Osteo Phantom, Siemens Healthcare) was placed in the scanner mat beneath patients.", "\n\n2.3. ", "Biomechanical testing\n--------------------------\n\nEach vertebra was embedded in resin (Rencast Isocyanat and Polyol, Huntsman Group, Bad Säckingen, Germany) up to 2 mm above respectively below their vertebral endplates for the purpose of mechanical testing. ", "The resin fixation was performed with parallel alignment of the upper and lower endplate of the vertebrae with the outer surface of the resin chock to guarantee strict axial loading conditions of the vertebrae during the uniaxial mechanical test. ", "The resin-embedded vertebrae were fixed in a mechanical testing system (Wolpert Werkstoffprüfmaschinen AG, Schaffhausen, Switzerland). ", "First, 10 preconditioning cycles with uniaxial tension-compression up to a load between 10 and 400 N with a rate of 5 mm/minute were applied. ", "Then, a monotonic, uniaxial compression was performed at the same rate. ", "The load--displacement curve was recorded and vertebral failure load was defined as the 1st peak of the load--displacement curve with a subsequent drop of \\>10%.", "\n\n2.4. ", "Finite element analysis of in vitro and in vivo models\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nFE analysis was applied for the 12 in vitro vertebrae samples as well as the in vivo MDCT whole-body scans of 4 MM patients obtained (n = 4). ", "The DICOM images were imported into commercial software, Mimics (Materialise, Harislee, Belgium). ", "3D models of the in vitro vertebrae samples were immediately generated whereas, for each in vivo MDCT scan of MM patients, 3D models of the whole spine was 1st generated and then the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae (T1--L5) were segmented into individual segments (Fig. [", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Flow diagram of finite element (FE) analysis of a typical vertebra segment.](medi-96-e5825-g001){#F1}\n\nFirst, wrapping was applied to all vertebrae segments to reduce surface roughness that can result in meshing difficulties. ", "This was followed by automatic meshing by 3-Matic (Materialise, Harislee, Belgium) using linear tetrahedral C3D4 elements with a constraint of a maximum aspect ratio of 25 (Fig. [", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Heterogeneous, nonlinear, and anisotropic material properties were assigned by discretizing the model into 10 different sets of materials.^\\[[@R28]\\]^ Cortical bone was simplified and assumed as denser trabecular bone;^\\[[@R29]\\]^ hence, only 1 set of relationships were used to calculate material properties as presented in Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Negative modulus values resulting from low density regions were set to 0.0001 MPa.^\\[[@R22]\\]^ Material yield and ultimate failure were assumed to coincide, and a nonlinear postyield material behavior was adopted.^\\[[@R30]\\]^\n\n###### \n\nMaterial property relations adapted from literature.", "\n\n![](", "medi-96-e5825-g002)\n\nFE analysis was performed using ABAQUS version 6.10 (Hibbitt, Karlsson, and Sorensen, Inc., Pawtucket, RI). ", "Boundary conditions were applied to emulate axial compression in the vertical direction, as VCFs are the most common type of fractures resulting from compressive loadings. ", "The displacement and rotation of the surface nodes on the inferior endplate was constrained in all directions, while a displacement load in the z-direction was applied incrementally on the surface nodes on the superior endplate (Fig. [", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).^\\[[@R31]\\]^ The predicted fracture load was defined as the peak force of the force--displacement curve over the displacement increments. ", "The predicted fracture load values were then compared with the experimentally measured values.", "\n\n2.5. ", "MDCT-derived BMD assessment\n--------------------------------\n\nElliptical regions of interest (ROIs) were placed on the each axial slice, with a slice thickness of 0.67 mm, for each vertebra (T1--L5) for each patient. ", "The ROIs are placed such that they cover as big a diameter in the vertebra segment as possible, excluding any cortical bone.^\\[[@R32]\\]^ The mean and standard deviation of Hounsfield units (HUs) were calculated in each ROI. ", "In addition, reference ROIs were also placed within 2 regions in the bone density calibration phantom composed of hydroxyapatite (HA), where the water-like part of phantom has HA density of 0 mg/cm^3^ (HA~w~), and the bone-like part of the phantom has HA density of 200 mg/cm^3^ (HA~b~). ", "The HUs of these reference ROI regions were also measured on each slice; HU~w~ and HU~b~ representing the HUs for the water-like and bone-like regions, respectively. ", "By assuming a linear relationship and by interpolating between the water-like and bone-like HUs, BMD was calculated by the following formula: BMD = \\[HA~b~/(HU~b~ − HU~w~)\\]∗(HU − HU~w~).^\\[[@R33]\\]^\n\n2.6. ", "Statistical analysis\n-------------------------\n\nDue to the small number of subjects analyzed in this study, pooled values of BMD, experimental, and FE-predicted vertebral strength values for all vertebra segments (n = 68) were compared and correlated. ", "Unadjusted Spearman rank correlation coefficient values were calculated since it is resistant to outliers.^\\[[@R34]\\]^ The *P* values were considered significant if \\<0.05. ", "All analyses were performed with a spreadsheet application (Microsoft Office Excel 2010, Redmond, WA).", "\n\n3. ", "Results\n==========\n\n3.1. ", "In vitro validation\n------------------------\n\nFailure load values predicted from the FE models (F~FE~) of the in vitro vertebrae samples (n = 12) realistically matched experimentally obtained values (F~exp~), with a significant correlation of *r* = 0.85 (*P* \\< 0.001) (Fig. [", "2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Also, Spearman rank correlation coefficient was also significant with *r* = 0.70 (*P* \\< 0.05) between F~FE~ and BMD (Fig. [", "2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}B), and *r* = 0.75 (*P* \\< 0.05) between F~exp~ and BMD.", "\n\n![", "Plots of FE-predicted strength (F~FE~) as a function of experimentally determined strength (F~exp~) (A) and FE-predicted strength (F~FE~) as a function of BMD (B). ", "BMD = bone mineral density, FE = finite element, F~FE~ = failure load values predicted from FE 55 models, F~exp~ = experimentally obtained failure load values.](medi-96-e5825-g003){#F2}\n\n3.2. ", "In vivo finite-element analysis\n------------------------------------\n\nFE-predicted strength values of each vertebra were studied in each patient (n = 4). ", "There were several key findings obtained in this study. ", "First, this study examined abrupt changes in fracture loads and discovered that subjects with fractures exhibited an erratic behavior in fracture loads between adjacent spinal segments. ", "We characterized this instability by observing peaks in fracture load values highlighted in pink rectangular boxes while the fractured segments were denoted as red columns (Fig. [", "3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In subject \\#1, there were peaks associated with T3--T4 (peak 1), T11 (peak 2), and L2--L3 (peak 3) segments and in subject \\#2, there were peaks at T6 (peak 1) and T10 (peak 2). ", "Subject \\#1 had originally attained fractures at the T4, T5, T12, L1, and L4 segments. ", "Consequently, it was indicative that segments adjacent to these peaks seemed to also experience regions of instability. ", "Hence, the 2nd finding was that peaks in fracture load seem to place the peak-associated segments as well as the adjacent segments at risk of fracture. ", "Similarly, for subject \\#2, adjacent segments at risk were T5, T7, T9, and T11. ", "This corresponded to fractured segments attained by subject \\#2, at T6, T10, and T11. ", "Third, subjects without fractures exhibit gradual changes in FE-predicted fracture load values. ", "In subject \\#3 and subject \\#4, no peaks were observed, indicating a low risk of fracture. ", "Third, the existence of peaks were also further quantified by calculating the relative changes of fracture loads of each segment, with respect to its following adjacent segment, for example, T1 with respect to T2, and T2 with respect to T3 (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The higher the relative change, the greater the instability locally and for this preliminary study, the relative change was considered to be unstable when it exceeds a value of 1.00. ", "The vertebrae segments highlighted were T4, T11, and T12 in subject \\#1 and T6 and T10 in subject \\#2 (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "To place this finding into perspective, Table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the peak-associated segments at risk, adjacent segments at risk, and fractures attained by subject \\#1 and subject \\#2. ", "All fractures attained by subject \\#1 and subject \\#2 were identified as either a peak-associated segment or adjacent segment at risk. ", "Last, it was also observed that geometrically compromised segments exhibited higher maximum principal strain values (denoted by red regions) (Fig. [", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In subject \\#1 and subject \\#2, T3, T10 and T11, and T5 and T11 showed critical plastic strain regions, respectively, whereas in subject \\#3 and subject \\#4, the segments showed geometric stability and insignificant critical strain regions.", "\n\n![", "Patient-specific FE-predicted strength and BMD in each thoracic and lumbar vertebra segments (T1--L5) of subject \\#1 (A), subject \\#2 (B), subject \\#3 (C), and subject \\#4 (D). ", "BMD = bone mineral density, FE = finite element.](medi-96-e5825-g004){#F3}\n\n###### \n\nRelative changes of fracture loads of each segment with respects to following adjacent segment (values greater than 1.00 denoted in red).", "\n\n![](", "medi-96-e5825-g005)\n\n###### \n\nPeak-associated segments at risk, adjacent segments at risk, segments with critical plastic strain regions, and current fractures attained by subject \\#1 and subject \\#2.", "\n\n![](", "medi-96-e5825-g006)\n\n![", "Maximum principal strain values from FE analysis of T1--L5 of each MM subject. ", "Geometrically compromised segments exhibited higher maximum principal strain values, denoted by red regions. ", "FE = finite element, MM = multiple myeloma.](medi-96-e5825-g007){#F4}\n\n3.3. ", "MDCT-derived BMD assessment\n--------------------------------\n\nThe Spearman rank correlation coefficient was *r* = 0.79 (*P* \\< 0.001) for the correlation between F~FE~ and BMD for lumbar segments (L1--L5) and *r* = 0.58 (*P* \\< 0.001) for thoracic segments. ", "The pooled coefficient for all the vertebrae segments was *r* = 0.57 (*P* \\< 0.001).", "\n\n4. ", "Discussion\n=============\n\nMM is still not a well-understood skeletal disease, although it poses significant burden to the society, especially being a prevalent condition among the elderly. ", "This study showed that by applying the same universal loading condition to the vertebra segments from T1 to L5, the differences in structural strength could be compared within each patient and between patients. ", "Thus, the assessment of the biomechanical properties of vertebrae segments can be performed with noninvasive CT-based FE modeling. ", "Applying FE methodology in the clinical scenario will enable clinicians to look at all the spine segments concurrently to analyze the structural strength differences and in this case better predict vertebral fracture risk in MM. ", "The accuracy of the FE modeling was validated by performing experimental testing with human cadaveric specimens. ", "Vertebral bone strength was accurately estimated by applying the FE modeling protocol.", "\n\nA novel aspect of this study is the use of MDCT and FE-based structural strength assessment to assess relative vertebral fracture risk within vertebra segments in each subject. ", "Although the correlation between FE-predicted strength and MDCT-derived BMD was moderate (Fig. [", "5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}), the interesting finding was on the erratic nature of fracture load values found in patients who have already attained fractures (ie, subject \\#1 and subject \\#2), placing the peak-associated segments and adjacent segments at high risk to future fractures (Fig. [", "3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This could be attributed to the fact that fractured segments have smaller than original geometries, resulting in extremely high bone density within a smaller volume per se, resulting in over-prediction of their fracture loads. ", "Also, they may have altered biomechanical properties that evades away from material relations found in current literature for osteoporosis. ", "This is further exacerbated by influences of MM itself on the bone characteristics, which could also explain the moderate correlation obtained between FE-predicted strength and BMD.", "\n\n![", "Plots of FE-predicted strength (F~FE~) as a function of BMD in thoracic vertebrae (A) and lumbar vertebrae (B) of MM subjects. ", "BMD = bone mineral density, FE = finite element, F~FE~ = failure load values predicted from FE 55 models, MM = multiple myeloma.](medi-96-e5825-g008){#F5}\n\nNevertheless, with information on fracture load values, relative changes in fracture loads as well as geometric, and critical plastic strain region observations, clinicians could utilize a guiding tool to evaluate patient-specific fracture risk of the spine in MM patients (Fig. [", "6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "A schematic on how patient-specific risk assessment could be evaluated is illustrated. ", "By first identifying the peak-associated segments at risk, the high relative change segments can be categorized under high risk, while for the segments with moderate/low relative change under low risk. ", "Following that, adjacent segments at risk need to be identified, categorizing them similarly as aforementioned into moderate and low risk categories (Fig. [", "6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In the case of subject \\#1, it is evident that regions of severe structural instability were exhibited throughout the individual segments of the spine. ", "This phenomenon suggests that the whole spine of subject \\#1 was at risk of fracture. ", "Evaluation of more MM subjects would enable us to have a more accurate patient-specific risk assessment and treatment strategy.", "\n\n![", "Schematic illustration of patient-specific risk assessment strategy (subject \\#1 applied as an example).](medi-96-e5825-g009){#F6}\n\nThis study also suggests that absolute value of fracture loads may have little value and it is the relative fracture loads that will provide valuable information on the relative stability between segments. ", "Most studies have presented absolute values in one or more vertebral osteoporotic segments, but this is the first study of its kind to report the fracture load values that can be simultaneously observed across the vertebrae segments in each patient. ", "In early diagnosis, the presence of peaks could indicate regions of low structural stability, providing the clinicians with preemptive treatment options to prevent the occurrence of fractures. ", "This is valuable information to the clinicians as they will be able to prescribe more targeted drug therapy^\\[[@R35]\\]^ as well as exercise regimes that improve the structural stability of the spine at the affected areas.^\\[[@R36]\\]^ Furthermore, fracture load values provide amplified differences between segments, compared to BMD, making it easier to identify segments at high fracture risk.", "\n\nSince MM is a plasma disease, it may result in severe bone loss due to crosstalk between cells responsible for bone cell activity, which explains the significantly low range of fracture loads obtained. ", "A study showed that in osteoporotic patients over the age of 65, the threshold strength in the spine for fragile bone that is highly susceptible to risk of fracture is 4500 N for women and 6500 N for men.^\\[[@R37]\\]^ In this preliminary study of n = 4 subjects, we found that the range of fracture load for subject \\#1 (male) was 310 to 3340 N, whereas for subject \\#2, it was 284 to 1274 N. Studies have shown that women aged over 50 years exhibited high correlation between vertebral strength and load-to-strength ratio to prevalent vertebral fractures.^\\[[@R38]--[@R40]\\]^ These collective literature findings also support the findings in this study that vertebral strength can be used as a diagnostic tool to access the risk of vertebral fractures.^\\[[@R37]\\]^\n\nAlthough the degeneration of the spine due to the onset of MM has not been well understood, osteoporosis of the spine has been sufficiently studied by researchers. ", "Fragility fractures have been understood to be loss in structural strength due to the weakening of the trabecular structure and an under compensation of bone resorption in the bone remodeling process, that leads to lower bone turnover.^\\[[@R41]\\]^ However in MM, the mechanisms are incompletely understood. ", "Due to increased receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand production by the bone marrow stromal cells, and an increased degradation of osteoprotegerin, there is increased osteoclast precursor differentiation and consequently, enhanced bone resorption.^\\[[@R42]\\]^ MM-derived mesenchymal stem cells produce osteoblasts that are different from healthy osteoblasts produced by normal mesenchymal stem cells. ", "This may indicate that the progression of MM is independent of osteoporosis, which may be a by-product of the bone carcinoma. ", "It is not clear how osteoporosis influences this bone cancer and vice versa. ", "Also, it is unclear how to explain the nonspecific changes that occur due to underlying biological mechanisms in MM patients, but it seems apparent that MM can result in significant reduction in structural strength, causing certain adjacent segments to have fluctuating strengths.", "\n\nThis study has several limitations. ", "First, this preliminary study only examined 4 MM subjects, 2 with and 2 without fractures. ", "Not only will a bigger sample enable statistical emphasis on the findings, a threshold value for the relative change between vertebra segments could be evaluated too. ", "This threshold value will serve as a better clinical indication on the risk of fracture and consequently aid in predicting the occurrence of fractures. ", "Also, the resolution of scans used for in vitro validation was higher than that of the scans used for in vivo scans of MM subjects, due to the restrictions imposed on radiation exposure. ", "Thirdly, we analyzed one simple compressive loading condition, but there is a combination of loadings occurring in vivo, for example flexion, rotation, and bending. ", "However, axial compressive loading accounts for 90% of fracture cases experienced by clinicians. ", "Nevertheless, future work will entail using combination loading conditions to more accurately predict fractures in MM patients. ", "Only fracture load values were used as an assessment parameter. ", "Future study will also look into using geometric parameters such as buckling ratio, which has been proven to indicate structural stability.", "\n\nIn conclusion, this study found that structural instability between vertebra segments could be the first tell-tale sign of impending fractures. ", "The erratic nature of fracture load values between the segments in patients who have attained fractures is evidence that examining the stability of the vertebrae segments in a patient specific manner could enable early prediction of fractures in MM patients. ", "Further study on establishing a threshold value for the relative change in fracture load values between adjacent segments could be useful for clinicians to identify segments at risk and suggest targeted treatment to the affected segments before the occurrence of fractures. ", "This noninvasive patient-specific examination will serve to provide key information on the relative stability of the vertebra segments in MM patients, reducing the morbidity and mortality of elderly diagnosed with MM in the long run.", "\n\nThe authors thank Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG BA 4085/2-1 \\[to JSK\\] and BA 4906/1-1 \\[to TB\\]) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) Startup research Grant (SRG EPD 2015093 \\[KS\\]) for the support.", "\n\nAbbreviations: 3D = three-dimensional, BMD = bone mineral density, CT = computed tomography, FE = finite element, F~FE~ = failure load values predicted from FE models, HA = hydroxyapatite, HU = Hounsfield Unit, MDCT = multidetector computed tomography, MM = multiple myeloma, ROIs = regions of interest, VCF= vertebral compression fracture.", "\n\nFunding/support: This work was supported by grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG BA 4085/2-1 \\[to JSK\\] and BA 4906/1-1 \\[to TB\\]) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) Startup research Grant (SRG EPD 2015093 \\[KS\\]).", "\n\nThe authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.", "\n" ]
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[ "// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s\n// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++98 %s\n// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++11 %s\n\n// PR3990\nnamespace N {\n struct Wibble {\n };\n\n typedef Wibble foo;\n\n int zeppelin; // expected-note{{declared here}}\n}\nusing namespace N;\n\nfoo::bar x; // expected-error{{no type named 'bar' in 'N::Wibble'}}\n\nvoid f() {\n foo::bar = 4; // expected-error{{no member named 'bar' in 'N::Wibble'}}\n}\n\nint f(foo::bar); // expected-error{{no type named 'bar' in 'N::Wibble'}}\n\nint f(doulbe); // expected-error{{did you mean 'double'?}}", "\n\nint fun(zapotron); // expected-error{{unknown type name 'zapotron'}}\nint var(zepelin); // expected-error{{did you mean 'zeppelin'?}}", "\n\ntemplate<typename T>\nstruct A {\n typedef T type;\n\n type f();\n\n type g();\n\n static int n;\n static type m;\n static int h(T::type, int); // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n static int h(T::type x, char); // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n};\n\ntemplate<typename T>\nA<T>::type g(T t) { return t; } // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n\ntemplate<typename T>\nA<T>::type A<T>::f() { return type(); } // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n\ntemplate<typename T>\nvoid f(T::type) { } // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n\ntemplate<typename T>\nvoid g(T::type x) { } // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n\ntemplate<typename T>\nvoid f(T::type, int) { } // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n\ntemplate<typename T>\nvoid f(T::type x, char) { } // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n\ntemplate<typename T>\nvoid f(int, T::type) { } // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n\ntemplate<typename T>\nvoid f(char, T::type x) { } // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n\ntemplate<typename T>\nvoid f(int, T::type, int) { } // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n\ntemplate<typename T>\nvoid f(int, T::type x, char) { } // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n\nint *p;\n\n// FIXME: We should assume that 'undeclared' is a type, not a parameter name\n// here, and produce an 'unknown type name' diagnostic instead.", "\nint f1(undeclared, int); // expected-error{{requires a type specifier}}\n\nint f2(undeclared, 0); // expected-error{{undeclared identifier}}\n\nint f3(undeclared *p, int); // expected-error{{unknown type name 'undeclared'}}\n\nint f4(undeclared *p, 0); // expected-error{{undeclared identifier}}\n\nint *test(UnknownType *fool) { return 0; } // expected-error{{unknown type name 'UnknownType'}}\n\ntemplate<typename T> int A<T>::n(T::value); // ok\ntemplate<typename T>\nA<T>::type // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\nA<T>::m(T::value, 0); // ok\n\ntemplate<typename T> int A<T>::h(T::type, int) {} // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\ntemplate<typename T> int A<T>::h(T::type x, char) {} // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n\ntemplate<typename T> int h(T::type, int); // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\ntemplate<typename T> int h(T::type x, char); // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n\ntemplate<typename T> int junk1(T::junk);\n#if __cplusplus <= 201103L\n// expected-warning@-2 {{variable templates are a C++14 extension}}\n#endif\ntemplate<typename T> int junk2(T::junk) throw(); // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\ntemplate<typename T> int junk3(T::junk) = delete; // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n#if __cplusplus <= 199711L\n//expected-warning@-2 {{deleted function definitions are a C++11 extension}}\n#endif\n\ntemplate<typename T> int junk4(T::junk j); // expected-error{{missing 'typename'}}\n\n// FIXME: We can tell this was intended to be a function because it does not\n// have a dependent nested name specifier.", "\ntemplate<typename T> int i(T::type, int());\n#if __cplusplus <= 201103L\n// expected-warning@-2 {{variable templates are a C++14 extension}}\n#endif\n\n\n// FIXME: We know which type specifier should have been specified here. ", "Provide\n// a fix-it to add 'typename A<T>::type'\ntemplate<typename T>\nA<T>::g() { } // expected-error{{requires a type specifier}}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nStore random numbers in an array without adjacent repeats\n\nI want to store random numbers in an array without repeats with in the range 0-9. ", "It is fine if they repeat but not if they are right next to each other like: 1577984 is incorrect(because of the double 7s) but 151515 is theoretically okay.", "\nI've been working at this a day or two now and this is my original base code:\npublic static int[] createRandomNumber(int characters){\n int randomNumberArray[] = new int[characters];\n for(int i =0; i<characters; i++){\n randomNumberArray[i] = (int)(Math.random()*9);\n }\n return randomNumberArray;\n }\n\nAnd this is what I have now but it is doing the exact opposite of what I want it's generating all of the same number:\npublic static int[] createRandomNumber(int characters)\n{\n int randomNumberArray[] = new int[characters];\n int random = (int)(Math.random()*9);\n for(int i = 0; i <characters ; i++)\n {\n randomNumberArray[i] = random;\n if(randomNumberArray[i] == random)\n randomNumberArray[i] = (int)(Math.random()*9);\n else if(randomNumberArray[i] !", "= random)\n randomNumberArray[i] = random;\n }\n return randomNumberArray;\n}\n\nIs there a simple solution that I am just not seeing? ", "I've probably rewritten this method 50 times.", "\nJust so you know the parameter code is\nint characters = in.nextInt();\n\nso just the length of their randomly generated password that they want. ", "Also I know that Math.random is pseudo-random but this isn't for real or anything. ", "Plus there's more methods that generate random letters and such as well. (", "And yes I've done lots of research but no one seems to have my particular problem and believe me asking questions is a last resort for me.)", "\nThanks for any suggestions.", "\n\nA:\n\nIn the for loop, you are assigning random to the number array. ", " But then you are immediately checking if random is equal to that spot you just assigned, which is always true. ", " So it picks another random number, which also may or may not be equal to the previous digit.", "\nI've rewritten the for loop to have a while loop in its body, to keep checking versus the previous digit to see if there is a repeated digit.", "\nfor(int i = 0; i <characters ; i++)\n{\n randomNumberArray[i] = random;\n // If not first, check if it matches the previous digit\n while(i >= 1 && randomNumberArray[i - 1] == random)\n {\n random = (int)(Math.random()*9);\n randomNumberArray[i] = random;\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "After 3PO and R2's destruction in IV, Uncle Owen's plot of land failed, causing domestic turmoil within the Skywalker household, Luke, wanting to rebel his guardians, runs away to Hoth, because he has never seen snow, but this caused his eventual demise" ]
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[ "The Citadel Bulldogs football\n\nThe Citadel Bulldogs football program represents The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina in the NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision (FCS). ", "The Bulldogs play in the Southern Conference, as they have since 1936. ", " The Bulldogs are coached by Brent Thompson, who was hired on January 19, 2016 to replace Mike Houston, who became the head football coach of James Madison University on January 18, 2016.", "\n\nHistory\n\nFacilities\nThe Bulldogs first recorded stadium was College Park, located in the northeast corner of Hampton Park in Charleston, South Carolina. ", "This field predated the current College Park at the same site, which is used as a practice facility for The Citadel Bulldogs baseball. ", "Due to increasing attendance and the poor state of the stadium, the Bulldogs moved to the original Johnson Hagood Stadium in 1927. ", "In 1948, that stadium was replaced by the current Johnson Hagood Stadium, which lies just to the south of The Citadel's gates in Charleston. ", "\n\nJohnson Hagood is a 21,000 seat stadium, in which The Citadel routinely ranks in the top 25 in attendance at the FCS level. ", " In 2001, the Altman Athletic Center opened in the south end zone, complete with new home and visitor's locker rooms, official's locker rooms, and an upstairs hospitality area for donors. ", " In 2008, The Citadel completed a re-construction of the west stands and West Side Tower. ", " The stands contain reserved premium seats and bleacher seats, while the tower, shared with the South Carolina National Guard, contains twelve suites, a club level, and state of the art press box. ", " During preparation for construction, workers discovered the remains of sailors from failed test runs of the H.L. Hunley. ", " These remains were reinterred in Magnolia Cemetery in Charleston.", "\n\nBeginning in 2012, The Citadel implemented a points system for parking and seat selection in Johnson Hagood Stadium, joining many large programs who use similar systems. ", "The program is designed to reward long-time and large donors to The Citadel athletics by giving them preference in selecting seat and parking locations.", "\n\nIn 2016, The Citadel determined that lead paint needed remediation on the east (visitor's) side of the stadium. ", " The work resulted in the entire east side being closed for the first game of the 2016 season and some sections being opened for subsequent games. ", " The capacity was thus 10,500 for the first game and about 15,000 for later games. ", " The Board of Visitors decided to fully renovate the east side of the stadium, announcing that decision on December 2, 2016.", "\n\nPractice and on-campus facilities\nPractices are held at the Maybank Triplets Practice Facility, an artificial turf field at the north edge of campus. ", " The Bulldogs utilize Seignious Hall, located across from McAlister Field House for weightlifting, locker rooms, team meeting and video space, and academic tutoring. ", " The Citadel Sports Medicine Department also utilizes Seignious Hall.", "\n\nCoaches and staff\nCoaches from The Citadel have often been targeted for larger programs. ", "Former head and assistant coaches at The Citadel include Bobby Ross, Charlie Taaffe, Ellis Johnson, Frank Beamer, Al Davis, Ralph Friedgen, and Mike Houston.", "\n\nHead Coaches\n\nCurrent Staff\nThe current coaching staff at the Citadel is:\n\nSeasons and results\n\nConference championships\nThe Citadel has won four conference championships, three outright and one shared.", "\n\n† denotes co–champions\n\nPostseason appearances\n\nBowl games\n\nFCS Playoffs\nThe Citadel has appeared in the FCS Playoffs five times, posting a 2–5 record.", "\n\nRivalries\n\nThe Citadel's primary rivals are the VMI Keydets football and Furman Paladins football. ", " The game with VMI is known as the Military Classic of the South. ", " The Citadel and Furman have been heated, annual rivals since both joined the Southern Conference in 1936. ", " The Citadel is 151-174-9 all-time against in-state opponents.", "\n\nRecord vs. Current SoCon opponents\nExcludes Furman and VMI, listed above.", "\nEast Tennessee State returned to the SoCon in 2016.", "\n\nRecord vs instate opponents\nDivision 1, non-SoCon only\n\nBulldogs in professional football\n\nMany Citadel alumni have played in various professional leagues, including the National Football League, Canadian Football League and Arena Football League. ", " Sixteen players have been drafted in the NFL Draft and AFL Draft, and other players have signed as undrafted free agents. ", " Likely the most famous Citadel alumni in professional football are Running Back Stump Mitchell and broadcaster Paul Maguire. ", " Currently, Andre Roberts is a member of the Atlanta Falcons and Cortez Allen recently played with the Pittsburgh Steelers for 5 seasons; Running Back Travis Jervey played in 2 Super Bowls with the Green Bay Packers and was named an All Pro as a special teams player.", "\n\nNational Football League Draft\n\nAmerican Football League Draft\n\nIndividual honors\n\nAll-Americans\nThis list includes selected First Team All-Americans at The Citadel\n\nRetired Jerseys\n\n14 - Jack Douglas\n15 - Lester Smith\n35 - Stump Mitchell\n51 - Brian Ruff\n59 - Marc Buoniconti\n66 - John Small\n\nFuture schedules\nThis represents the most recent verified future non-conference games as of October 31, 2018. ", "The upcoming season schedule can be found at 2018 The Citadel Bulldogs football team.", "\nNCAA Division I FCS football teams are usually permitted to play 11 games per season. ", " In years when 13 weekends fall between Labor Day and Thanksgiving, they may add a twelfth game. ", " This will be the case in 2019, 2024, and 2025. ", " With nine football playing members, the Southern Conference regular season consists of eight games, leaving 3 non-conference games to be scheduled in most years.", "\n\nReferences\n\n \nCitadel football\nCitadel football" ]
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[ "After matching groups based on the number of missed questions, subjects were\nassigned to either the 12:00 pm control group of symphony music or 12:30 pm treatment\ngroup of rap music time slot to be administered another test the following Thursday\nafternoo\n\nAnother explanation for our findings could be participants were aware of the\ndistractions during the rap music test. ", "This conscious awareness of distractions attributed\nto their attention during the experiment, and caused them to pay greater attention to\n\nNotes Ch 9 and Ch 10\nexternal cost (negative externality)\na cost of an activity that falls on people other than those who pursue the activity\nexternal benefit (or positive externality)\na benefit of an activity received by people other than those who pursu" ]
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[ "Deputy Director of the city’s tourism department Trần Chí Cường said the department in co-operation with the public security force, had completed a report on the case before proposing a strict fine for the violations committed by the Chinese nationals.", "\n\nHe said the Chinese had worked as tourist guides and had done accounting jobs for the company, which handled Chinese tour groups visiting destinations in the city and the central region.", "\n\nIt’s the second such case in which the city’s police and tourism inspection team have found Chinese nationals illegally operating tourist services and violating residency laws.", "\n\nOn July 6, the city fined six Chinese nationals VNĐ125 million (about US$5,500) for illegally operating tourist services and violating residency laws.", "\n\nAccording to the city’s tourism department, at least 60 Chinese guides were working illegally in the city, and most of the Chinese travel agencies handling Chinese tour groups disguised operations with a Vietnamese licence, as directed by Chinese managers.", "\n\nLocal Vietnamese guides had made a video clip and taken a photo of a Chinese guide Xue Chun Zhe, who had presented a distorted view of Vietnamese history and culture during a tour of the Linh Ứng Pagoda and Mỹ Khê Beach.", "\n\nLast month, the city’s tourism department revoked the business licence of a local travel agency for nine months, after one of its Chinese tourists burnt Vietnamese money in a downtown bar in the city.", "\n\nĐà Nẵng’s tourism department distributed 5,000 leaflets in Chinese last week, promoting a code of conduct for Chinese tourists at airports, stations, destinations and hotels, besides resorts and public areas.", "\n\nThe central city hosted 600,000 Chinese tourists in the first half this year, an 83 per cent increase in comparison with last year. ", "Chinese tourists comprised a quarter of all tourists visiting the city.", "\n\nThe city’s Party Secretary Nguyễn Xuân Anh said the city did not discriminate Chinese tourists from other foreign tourists, but the city would fine visitors who violated the law or committed any wrongdoing.", "\n\nThe city plans to establish a tourism police force as a pilot project to boost security for tourists and the tourism sector in the 2016-2020 period. — ", "VNS" ]
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[ "[HMGB1/SREBP-1 mediated IFN-gamma-induced lipid deposition in mouse mesangial cells].", "\nTo explore the possible mechanism of lipid deposition induced by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). ", "The mouse mesangial cells (MMC) were randomly divided into control group, stimulation group, stimulation + control vector group (sh-HMGB1) and stimulation+ specific sh-vector group (sh-SREBP-1). ", "RT-PCR was used to detect the expression of HMGB1, SREBP-1 and fatty acid synthetase (FAS) mRNA; the protein expression was determined by Western blot. ", "The Oil Red O staining revealed that the mouse mesangial cells showed significant lipid droplet in IFN-gamma group. ", "IFN-gamma up-regulated the expression of HMGB1, SREBP-1, FAS mRNA and protein time-dependently; Transfection of MMC with HMGB1 siRNA resulted in the suppression of SREBP-1, FAS protein levels induced by IFN-gamma, following with decrease of lipid deposition. ", "Stimulation with HMGB1 markedly induced expression of SREBP-1, FAS expression and peaked at 8 h, decreased at 12 h compared with that at 8 h. Sh-SREBP-1 decreased the lipid deposition induced by HMGB1 in MMC. ", "IFN-gamma might induce lipid deposition in mouse mesangial cells partly by up-regulating the expression of HMGB1/SREBP-1/FAS." ]
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[ 0.023529411764705882, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0.019736842105263157, 0.017241379310344827, 0.02702702702702703, 0.019138755980861243, 0.016 ]
[ "Heat deflection temperature\n\nThe heat deflection temperature or heat distortion temperature (HDT, HDTUL, or DTUL) is the temperature at which a polymer or plastic sample deforms under a specified load. ", " This property of a given plastic material is applied in many aspects of product design, engineering and manufacture of products using thermoplastic components.", "\n\nDetermination \nThe heat distortion temperature is determined by the following test procedure outlined in ASTM D648. ", "The test specimen is loaded in three-point bending in the edgewise direction. ", "The outer fiber stress used for testing is either 0.455 MPa or 1.82 MPa, and the temperature is increased at 2 °C/min until the specimen deflects 0.25 mm. ", "This is similar to the test procedure defined in the ISO 75 standard.", "\n\nLimitations that are associated with the determination of the HDT is that the sample is not thermally isotropic and, in thick samples in particular, will contain a temperature gradient. ", "The HDT of a particular material can also be very sensitive to stress experienced by the component which is dependent on the component’s dimensions. ", "The selected deflection of 0.25 mm (which is 0.2% additional strain) is selected arbitrarily and has no particular physical significance.", "\n\nApplication in injection molding\nAn injection molded plastic part is considered \"safe\" to remove from its mold once it is near or below the HDT. ", "This means that part deformation will be held within acceptable limits after removal. ", " The molding of plastics by necessity occurs at high temperatures (routinely 200 °C or higher) due to the low viscosity of plastics in fluid form (this issue can be addressed to some extent by the addition of plasticizers to the melt, which is a secondary function of a plasticizer). ", "Once plastic is in the mold, it must be cooled to a temperature to which little or no dimensional change will occur after removal. ", " In general, plastics do not conduct heat well and so will take quite a while to cool to room temperature. ", "One way to mitigate this is to use a cold mold (thereby increasing heat loss from the part). ", "Even so, the cooling of the part to room temperature can limit the mass production of parts.", "\n\nChoosing a resin with a higher heat deflection temperature (and therefore closer to melting temperature) can allow manufacturers to achieve a much faster molding process than they would otherwise while maintaining dimensional changes within certain limits.", "\n\nSee also\n Vicat softening point\n\nCategory:Polymer chemistry\nCategory:Threshold temperatures" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nProgrammatically generated zip invalid on pc but not on android\n\nSOLVED:\nok so I am basically stupid. ", "I couldn't open the file because I forgot to install winrar or 7zip since this pc is newly formatted... Everything works fine. ", "Sorry to waste anyone's time.", "\nIn my app I programmatically generate a .zip file from photos and .csv files in a directory.", "\nIt creates the zip and then sends the email with the attachment without a hickup. ", "The problem however is that on my pc I can't extract the .zip file because it says it's invalid, but on my device using \"WinZip\" I can check my .zip file and it has everything it is suppose to have. ", "This is confusing me. ", "\nHere is my code:\nHere I check for which checkboxes have been checked then do the zipping\nfor(int i = 0; i < cbStates.size(); ++i)\n {\n if(cbStates.get(i))\n {\n String zipFile = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + \"/ArcFlash/\" + listItems.get(i) + \".zip\";//ex: /storage/sdcard0/ArcFlash/study12.zip\n String srcDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + \"/ArcFlash/\" + listItems.get(i);\n\n try\n {\n FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(zipFile);\n\n ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(fos);\n\n File srcFile = new File(srcDir);\n\n Log.i(\"customException\", \"going to compress\");\n addDirToArchive(zos, srcFile);\n\n // close the ZipOutputStream\n zos.close();\n }\n\n catch (IOException ioe)\n {\n System.out.println(\"Error creating zip file: \" + ioe);\n }\n\n //Send the email\n Intent emailIntent = new Intent(android.content.", "Intent.", "ACTION_SEND);\n emailIntent.setType(\"application/image\");\n emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.", "Intent.", "EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[]{\"jbasson@powercoreeng.com\"});\n emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.", "Intent.", "EXTRA_SUBJECT,\"Test Subject\");\n emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.", "Intent.", "EXTRA_TEXT, \"From My App\");\n\n String folderPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + \"/ArcFlash/\" + listItems.get(i) + \".zip\";\n //Uri u = Uri.fromFile(folderPath);\n\n //Log.i(\"customException\", \"uri path: \" + u.getPath());\n emailIntent.putExtra(Intent.", "EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.parse(\"file://\" + folderPath));\n startActivity(Intent.createChooser(emailIntent, \"Send mail...\"));\n\n Toast.makeText(context,\"Case \\\"\" + studyName + \"\\\" has been sent\", Toast.", "LENGTH_LONG).show();\n //adapter.setElement(i, adapter.getStudy(i) + \"(sent)\");\n }\n }\n\nand here is the zip function:\nprivate static void addDirToArchive(ZipOutputStream zos, File srcFile)\n{\n File[] files = srcFile.listFiles();\n\n Log.i(\"customException\", \"Adding directory: \" + srcFile.getName());\n\n for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)\n {\n // if the file is directory, use recursion\n if (files[i].isDirectory())\n {\n addDirToArchive(zos, files[i]);\n continue;\n }\n try\n {\n System.out.println(\"tAdding file: \" + files[i].getName());\n\n // create byte buffer\n byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];//1024\n\n FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(files[i]);\n\n zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(files[i].getAbsolutePath() + \"/\" + files[i].getName()));//files[i].getName()\n int length;\n while ((length = fis.read(buffer)) > 0)\n {\n zos.write(buffer, 0, length);\n }\n\n zos.closeEntry();\n\n // close the InputStream\n fis.close();\n }\n catch (Exception ex)\n {\n Log.i(\"customException\", \"error zipping: \" + ex.getMessage());\n }\n }\n}\n\nA:\n\nok so I am basically stupid. ", "I couldn't open the file because I forgot to install winrar or 7zip since this pc is newly formatted... \n\n" ]
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[ "apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1\nitems:\n- metadata:\n creationTimestamp: null\n labels:\n branch: fakebranch\n context: fakecontext\n owner: fakeowner\n repository: fakerepo\n name: PR1\n namespace: jx\n spec:\n params:\n - name: version\n value: v1\n - name: build_id\n value: \"1\"\n pipelineRef: {}\n serviceAccount: \"\"\n status:\n taskRuns:\n faketaskrun:\n status:\n podName: \"\"\n steps:\n - running:\n startedAt: null\n- metadata:\n creationTimestamp: null\n labels:\n branch: fakebranch\n build: \"2\"\n context: tekton\n owner: fakeowner\n repository: fakerepo\n name: PR2\n namespace: jx\n spec:\n pipelineRef: {}\n serviceAccount: \"\"\n status: {}\nkind: PipelineRunList\nmetadata: {}\n" ]
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[ "México fue el único país del G20 en donde el salario real disminuyó en nueve años, al caer 1.7 por ciento, de acuerdo con un informe sobre la evolución de los salarios en el mundo presentado por la Organización Internacional del Trabajo.", "\n\nEl salario real de los mexicanos, que se calcula descontando la inflación para reflejar su verdadero poder adquisitivo, cayó 0.6 por ciento en 2013 y 4.3 en 2014. ", "Para los años 2015 y 2016, aumentó ligeramente a 0.5 y 1.3 por ciento, respectivamente, pero en 2017 volvió a caer hasta un 2 por ciento.", "\n\nCiudad de México, 26 de noviembre (SinEmbargo).– ", "En casi todas las economías de los países del G20 los salarios reales aumentaron de 2008 a 2017, excepto en México, donde disminuyeron 1.7 por ciento, según un informe sobre la evolución de los salarios en el mundo presentado hoy en Ginebra por la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT).", "\n\nEl salario real de los mexicanos, que se calcula descontando la inflación para reflejar su verdadero poder adquisitivo, cayó 0.6 por ciento en 2013 y 4.3 en 2014. ", "Para los años 2015 y 2016, aumentó ligeramente a 0.5 y 1.3 por ciento, respectivamente, pero en 2017 volvió a caer hasta un 2 por ciento.", "\n\nDe acuerdo con el documento, China, India, Arabia Saudita, Indonesia, Turquía, Sudáfrica, Brasil y Rusia presentaron un crecimiento del salario real en nueve años, mientras que en México fue cayendo de 2008 a 2017.", "\n\nEn la región de América Latina y El Caribe, de 2008 a 2017, el salario real en México cayó 1.7 por ciento y se ubica entre los siete países de la región con cifras negativas, junto con Jamaica (4.1 por ciento), Trinidad Tobago (1.9 por ciento), Guatemala (1.8 por ciento), Honduras (0.8 por ciento), Puerto Rico (0.3 por ciento) y El Salvador (0.1 por ciento).", "\n\nLos otros 12 países de la región mostraron un crecimiento de hasta 5 por ciento en el mismo periodo y sus salarios reales se ubicaron por arriba de los de México. ", "A la cabeza está Panamá (5.2 por ciento), seguido de Uruguay (3.5 por ciento), Costa Rica (3.1 por ciento), Chile (2.4 por ciento) y República Dominicana (2.3 por ciento).", "\n\nDe acuerdo con el informe de la OIT, los salarios en América Latina aumentaron de forma marginal el año pasado, un 0.7 por ciento y en la última década, el incremento anual promedio fue del 0.9 por ciento.", "\n\nA nivel mundial, el informe arrojó que el crecimiento de los salarios fue el año pasado el más bajo desde 2008 y muy inferior a los niveles previos a la crisis económica que estalló hace una década.", "\n\nSegún las estadísticas procedentes de 134 países, los analistas de la OIT determinaron que el crecimiento real del salario fue de 1.8 por ciento en 2017, frente a un 2.4 por ciento en 2016.", "\n\nUn informe del Observatorio de Salarios presentado en mayo pasado arrojó que el número de trabajadores a los que no les alcanza su salario para comer y vestir se incrementó a 68 por ciento en el sexenio del Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto, y en los jóvenes pasó a 52 por ciento.", "\n\nEn el análisis “Bienestar y Precariedad laboral en México con énfasis en la población joven”, el Observatorio destacó que en los últimos cinco años se ha registrado un aumento en la incidencia de pobreza monetaria para el trabajador asalariado, tanto aquélla que no alcanza la Línea de Bienestar (LB) como la Línea de Bienestar Mínimo (LBM) del Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social (Coneval).", "\n\nPara el organismo que mide la pobreza en México, la Línea de Bienestar es el valor monetario de una canasta de alimentos, bienes y servicios básicos, mientras que la Línea de Bienestar Mínimo incluye sólo el valor monetario de una canasta alimentaria básica." ]
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[ "The flag of Puerto Rico flies outside the Capitol building in San Juan Thomson Reuters WILMINGTON, Del. (Reuters) - Puerto Rico will begin its bankruptcy proceedings on May 17 in San Juan with a series of requests for managing the case as the commonwealth begins the process of restructuring its $70 billion in debt, according to court filing on Tuesday.", "\n\nPuerto Rico's federally appointed financial oversight board on May 3 filed the debt restructuring petition under Title III of last year's U.S. Congressional rescue law known as PROMESA. ", "While the initial filing was limited to obligations of the central government, it was still the largest-ever U.S. municipal bankruptcy, dwarfing that of Detroit.", "\n\nTwo days later, the oversight board sought bankruptcy protection for debt backed by sales tax revenues, known as COFINA.", "\n\nThe bankruptcy will be overseen by U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain of the Southern District of New York, who was appointed by U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts.", "\n\nThe commonwealth has asked Swain to issue orders for case management, such as notifying its creditors and hiring a firm to manage claims, according to court filings.", "\n\nBankruptcy may not immediately change the day-to-day lives of Puerto Rico's people, 45 percent of whom live in poverty, but it could lead to cuts in pensions and worker benefits and a reduction in health and education services.", "\n\nThe island's economy has been in recession for nearly a decade, and has a current unemployment rate of about 11 percent.", "\n\nThe bankruptcy process will also give Puerto Rico the legal ability to impose drastic discounts on creditor recoveries, but could also spook investors and prolong the island's lack of access to debt markets.", "\n\nPrices for the commonwealth's benchmark general obligation bonds <74514LE86=MSRB> fell to a record low on Tuesday of 58.45.", "\n\n(Reporting by Tom Hals in Wilmington, Delaware; Editing by Meredith Mazzilli)" ]
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[ "Quantitative breast elastography from B-mode images.", "\nElastography images provide information about the mechanical properties of soft tissue in a noninvasive way and can be useful to identify abnormalities and ascertain differential diagnoses of suspicious prior findings obtained through mammography ultrasound. ", "In this work we investigate, from a physics point of view, the feasibility of quantifying the Young's modulus of breast tissue from the autocorrelation of a diffuse acoustic field computed from a sequence of B-mode images acquired through conventional ultrasound scanners. ", "Inspired in the seismological approach of retrieving the Green's function by cross-correlation of diffuse fields, we obtained a quantitative expression that relates the local shear modulus of soft tissue to the autocorrelation of the displacement field generated by the presence of an acoustic diffuse field in the medium. ", "In addition, we designed a mechanical prototype device adaptable to the breast anatomy, in order to create the necessary conditions in terms of diffuse field generation. ", "The device is easy to handle, and its positioning does not interfere with the ultrasonic probe, being friendly to use within the clinical environment. ", "The displacement field was measured from a sequence of B-mode images acquired at standard frame rates (30-50 Hz) with conventional ultrasound equipment. ", "This method was tested in a breast tissue mimicking phantom using two standard ultrasound scanners (Toshiba Nemio NX and SIUI (Shantou Institute of Ultrasonic Instruments) Apogee 3800) and an open source research device (Verasonics V3.07 US). ", "We also performed an in vivo measurement as a preliminary validation. ", "In the reconstructed Young's modulus maps the inclusions were identified and the obtained quantitative results for an inclusion and the background of the phantom were 60.0 ± 4.0 and 20.4 ± 0.5 KPa for the Toshiba equipment, 65.5 ± 6.9 and 22.6 ± 2.7 KPa for the SIUI equipment and 67.2 ± 7.3 KPa and 22.6 ± 2.8 KPa for the Verasonic scanner. ", "These results are in good agreement with the values reported by the phantom's manufacturer of 60 and 20 KPa for the inclusion and the background, respectively. ", "In the case of the in vivo measurement, the obtained images are in accordance with the patient known pathology (BI-RADS 5, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Score 6). ", "The pathological breast showed a heterogeneous elasticity map with a mean Young's modulus of 98.1 ± 12.9 KPa, while the normal breast displayed a homogeneous map with a mean Young's modulus of 24.7 ± 8.1 KPa. ", "We successfully reconstructed the Young's modulus map of the breast tissue mimicking phantom and of a real breast tumor using B-mode images acquired with conventional ultrasound scanners. ", "The results obtained in this work support that our technique can be developed as a medical tool to obtain quantitative breast tissue elasticity maps." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "#!", "/usr/bin/env python\n#\n# Copyright 2017 Google Inc.\n#\n# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n# found in the LICENSE file.", "\n\n\n\"\"\"Common vars used by scripts in this directory.\"\"\"", "\n\n\nimport os\nimport sys\n\nFILE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))\nINFRA_BOTS_DIR = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(FILE_DIR, os.pardir, os.pardir))\n\nsys.path.insert(0, INFRA_BOTS_DIR)\nfrom assets import assets\n\nASSET_NAME = os.path.basename(FILE_DIR)\n\n\ndef run(cmd):\n \"\"\"Run a command, eg. \"", "upload\" or \"download\". \"\"\"", "\n assets.main([cmd, ASSET_NAME] + sys.argv[1:])\n" ]
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[ "package org.geogebra.desktop.euclidian;\r\n\r\nimport java.awt.event.", "FocusEvent;\r\nimport java.awt.event.", "FocusListener;\r\n\r\nimport javax.swing.", "Box;\r\nimport javax.swing.", "SwingUtilities;\r\n\r\nimport org.geogebra.common.awt.", "GColor;\r\nimport org.geogebra.common.awt.", "GGraphics2D;\r\nimport org.geogebra.common.awt.", "GPoint;\r\nimport org.geogebra.common.awt.", "GRectangle;\r\nimport org.geogebra.common.euclidian.", "EuclidianView;\r\nimport org.geogebra.common.euclidian.", "SymbolicEditor;\r\nimport org.geogebra.common.euclidian.draw.", "DrawInputBox;\r\nimport org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.", "GeoInputBox;\r\nimport org.geogebra.common.main.", "App;\r\nimport org.geogebra.desktop.awt.", "GColorD;\r\nimport org.geogebra.desktop.awt.", "GGraphics2DD;\r\nimport org.geogebra.desktop.awt.", "GRectangleD;\r\n\r\nimport com.himamis.retex.editor.desktop.", "MathFieldD;\r\nimport com.himamis.retex.editor.share.editor.", "MathFieldInternal;\r\nimport com.himamis.retex.renderer.share.", "TeXFont;\r\n\r\npublic class SymbolicEditorD extends SymbolicEditor {\r\n\r\n\tprivate Box box;\r\n\tprivate MathFieldD mathField;\r\n\tprivate double baseline;\r\n\r\n\tprotected SymbolicEditorD(App app, EuclidianView view) {\r\n\t\tsuper(app, view);\r\n\r\n\t\tbox = Box.createHorizontalBox();\r\n\r\n\t\tmathField = new MathFieldD();\r\n\r\n\t\tmathField.getInternal().setFieldListener(this);\r\n\t\tmathField.setVisible(true);\r\n\t\tmathField.getInternal().setType(TeXFont.", "SANSSERIF);\r\n\r\n\t\tmathField.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {\r\n\t\t\t@Override\r\n\t\t\tpublic void focusGained(FocusEvent focusEvent) {\r\n\t\t\t\t// do nothing\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t\t@Override\r\n\t\t\tpublic void focusLost(FocusEvent focusEvent) {\r\n\t\t\t\thide();\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t});\r\n\r\n\t\tbox.add(mathField);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t@Override\r\n\tpublic void resetChanges() {\r\n\t\tmathField.getInternal().parse(getGeoInputBox().getTextForEditor());\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tprotected void showRedefinedBox(final DrawInputBox drawable) {\r\n\t\tSwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {\r\n\t\t\t@Override\r\n\t\t\tpublic void run() {\r\n\t\t\t\tdrawable.setWidgetVisible(true);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t});\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t@Override\r\n\tprotected MathFieldInternal getMathFieldInternal() {\r\n\t\treturn mathField.getInternal();\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t@Override\r\n\tpublic void hide() {\r\n\t\tif (getDrawInputBox().isEditing()) {\r\n\t\t\tapplyChanges();\r\n\t\t\tgetDrawInputBox().setEditing(false);\r\n\t\t\tbox.setVisible(false);\r\n\t\t\tview.repaintView();\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t@Override\r\n\tpublic boolean isClicked(GPoint point) {\r\n\t\treturn false;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t@Override\r\n\tpublic void attach(GeoInputBox geoInputBox, GRectangle bounds) {\r\n\t\tsetInputBox(geoInputBox);\r\n\t\tgetDrawInputBox().setEditing(true);\r\n\r\n\t\tmathField.getInternal().setType(getGeoInputBox().isSerifContent()\r\n\t\t\t\t? ", "TeXFont.", "SERIF\t: TeXFont.", "SANSSERIF);\r\n\t\tmathField.getInternal().parse(getGeoInputBox().getTextForEditor());\r\n\t\tmathField.setBounds(GRectangleD.getAWTRectangle(bounds));\r\n\t\tmathField.getInternal().setSize(geoInputBox.getFontSizeMultiplier()\r\n\t\t\t\t* (app.getSettings().getFontSettings().getAppFontSize() + 3));\r\n\r\n\t\tbaseline = bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight() / 2;\r\n\r\n\t\tbox.setBounds(GRectangleD.getAWTRectangle(bounds));\r\n\t\t((EuclidianViewD) view).add(box);\r\n\t\tbox.setVisible(true);\r\n\t\tbox.revalidate();\r\n\r\n\t\tmathField.requestViewFocus();\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t@Override\r\n\tpublic void repaintBox(GGraphics2D g) {\r\n\t\tGColor bgColor = getGeoInputBox().getBackgroundColor() !", "= null\r\n\t\t\t\t? ", "getGeoInputBox().getBackgroundColor() : view.getBackgroundCommon();\r\n\r\n\t\tg.saveTransform();\r\n\t\tg.translate(box.getX(), baseline - (double) (box.getHeight()) / 2);\r\n\t\tview.getTextField().drawBounds(g, bgColor, 0, 0, box.getWidth(), box.getHeight());\r\n\r\n\t\tg.translate(DrawInputBox.", "TF_PADDING_HORIZONTAL, 0);\r\n\t\tmathField.setForeground(GColorD.getAwtColor(getGeoInputBox().getObjectColor()));\r\n\t\tbox.paint(GGraphics2DD.getAwtGraphics(g));\r\n\r\n\t\tg.restoreTransform();\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t@Override\r\n\tpublic void onKeyTyped(String key) {\r\n\t\tString text = serializer.serialize(getMathFieldInternal().getFormula());\r\n\t\tdouble currentHeight = app.getDrawEquation().measureEquation(app, null, text,\r\n\t\t\t\tgetDrawInputBox().getTextFont(text), false).getHeight() + 2 * DrawInputBox.", "TF_MARGIN_VERTICAL;\r\n\t\tbox.setBounds(box.getX(), box.getY(), box.getWidth(), (int) currentHeight);\r\n\t\tbox.revalidate();\r\n\t\tview.repaintView();\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t@Override\r\n\tpublic boolean onEscape() {\r\n\t\treturn false;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t@Override\r\n\tpublic void onTab(boolean shiftDown) {\r\n\t\tapplyChanges();\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\n" ]
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[ "\n217 F.Supp. ", "705 (1962)\nUNITED STATES of America\nv.\nJohn P. CALISE and Westchester Blood Service, Inc., Defendants.", "\nUnited States District Court S. D. New York.", "\nAugust 14, 1962.", "\n*706 *707 Robert M. Morgenthau, U. S. Atty. ", "for the Southern Dist. ", "of New York, New York City, for the United States of America; Stephen E. Kaufman, Richard A. Givens, Asst. ", "U. S. Attys., ", "of counsel.", "\nLongo & Torrisi, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., for defendants; Joseph F. Longo, Mt. Vernon, of counsel.", "\nCASHIN, District Judge.", "\nThe voluminous eighty count indictment in the above entitled action charges defendants, John P. Calise and Westchester Blood Service, Inc., with several types of violations of the Public Health Service Act and the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, and a conspiracy to violate those statutes.", "\nThe defendant John P. Calise moves to dismiss as to himself on the ground that although each count of the indictment sets forth his name as a co-defendant to the alleged unlawful acts, \"the counts and allegations show only acts of alleged wrongdoing committed by Westchester Blood Service, Inc., and attributes no unlawful act to John P. Calise.", "\"[1] This argument is without substance. ", "The counts of the indictment each charge the defendant John P. Calise with offenses in the relevant statutory wording. ", "The fact that the offenses alleged concern blood products sold by the defendant Westchester Blood Service, Inc. does not exculpate Calise from criminal responsibility for the acts charged in the indictment. ", "18 U.S.C. § 2.", "\nDefendants urge that counts 59-75 are vague because they do not show whether the blood number listed is claimed to be the number purporting to identify the pint of blood or the number which in fact identified the pint of blood.[2] The defendants' claim of vagueness is without merit, especially in view of the fact that the government has already voluntarily supplied a bill of particulars specifying that the blood numbers listed are those used by the defendants.", "\nAs for the defendants' general objection that all of the counts of the indictment should be dismissed on the ground that \"* * * the same are vague, ambiguous, indefinite, uncertain and do not apprise the defendants of any alleged offense\",[3] their objection is groundless. ", "The counts substantially follow the terminology of the statutes and they plainly inform the defendants of that which they are accused. ", "The counts of the indictment are sufficiently definite and plain so as to eliminate entirely any possibility that the defendants will be misled as to the offenses with which they stand charged. ", "See United States v. Debrow, 346 U.S. 374, 74 S.Ct. ", "113, 98 L.Ed. ", "92 (1953). ", "The defendants' objections upon the same grounds to Count 80 in particular must likewise fail for the reasons stated above.", "\nThe defendants further assert that counts 31 through 48 inclusive, and counts 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72 and 80, alleging violations of the mislabeling provisions of 42 U.S.C. § 262(b), are not within the jurisdiction of this court because the acts complained of occurred entirely within the boundaries of the State of New York.[4] The subsection reads as follows:\n\"(b) No person shall falsely label or mark any package or container of any virus, serum, toxin, antitoxin, or other product aforesaid; nor alter any label or mark on any package or container of any virus, serum, toxin, antitoxin, or other product aforesaid so as to falsify such label or mark.\" *", "708 The language in subsection (b) does not indicate that Congress intended the effect of the statute to be confined merely to products moving in interstate commerce. ", "The restrictive interpretation of subdivision (b) which the defendants urge is not persuasive, in view of the fact that Congress could very easily have expressed such an intention in the Public Health Service Act, as it was cautious to do in 21 U.S.C. § 331(k) where such an intention actually existed. ", "Furthermore, the manner in which Congress separated the mislabeling ban of Section 262(b) from the labeling requirements of Section 262(a) (2) would seem to be indicative of an intention that Section 262(b) was to reach further in its scope from Section 262(a). ", "To restrict Section 262(b) exclusively to products moving in interstate commerce would also be inconsistent with the general purpose of the Public Health Service Act as a whole, because such an interpretation would encourage unscrupulous distributors to sell falsely labeled products on the local market which have been marked so as to apparently meet federal standards, but which do not meet those standards. ", "This would grant such distributors a definite advantage in competing with those who sell interstate products which fulfill the licensing and labeling requirements of 42 U.S.C. § 262(a).", "\nDefendants urge that counts 2, 52 and 53 are specifically defective in that, it is claimed, there is no allegation that the blood labels referred to in the above counts were updated.[5] Counts 2, 52 and 53 contain allegations of \"Days Updated\" of 42plus, 4plus, and 4plus days respectively. ", "Although it is true that the allegations are not as explicit in counts 2, 52 and 53 as the other counts, there can be no question as to their sufficiency. ", "The counts sufficiently inform the defendants of the elements of the crime so that they may prepare their defense and plead the judgment as a bar to any future prosecution. ", "Hagner v. United States, 285 U.S. 427, 431, 52 S.Ct. ", "417, 76 L.Ed. ", "861 (1932).", "\nThe defendants make several objections to the conspiracy Count 80. ", "It is first argued that Count 80 is barred by the statute of limitations because \"more than three years have elapsed since the alleged offense was committed from the date of the indictment.", "\"[6] Since the applicable statute of limitations is five years, the defendants are in error. ", "18 U.S.C. § 3282, as amended 1954. ", "Defendants also assert that although Count 80 alleges that from on or about January 1, 1959 the defendants conspired with other persons to violate certain laws of the United States, the count is invalid because the earliest overt act alleged to have been committed in furtherance of the conspiracy was not committed until substantially later, i. e. May 1960. ", "The point is not well taken. ", "Since the allegation is one of a continuing conspiracy, the Government may prove that the conspiracy was formed at any time during the period referred to in the indictment. ", "Count 80 is sufficient in all respects.", "\nThe indictment further alleges that the defendants falsely labeled and marked and altered a label and mark on a container of whole human blood, \"a product analogous to a therapeutic serum and applicable to the prevention, treatment and cure of diseases and injuries of man.\" ", "The Government maintains that the term \"therapeutic serum\" or \"analogous product\", as used in Section 262 of Title 42, is broad enough to encompass normal human blood. ", "It is the defendants' contention, however, that whole human blood is not a serum, and does not come within the purview of Section 262.[7] The same contention has heretofore been rejected in this district. ", "See United States v. Steinschreiber, (218 F.Supp. ", "426, May 25, 1962). ", "It cannot be said as a matter of law that the statutory terms do not include any serous fluid used for medical purposes. ", "The *709 scientific facts will have to be determined at trial and, of course, such determination will be dependent upon the expert and authoritative scientific evidence adduced at that time. ", "The Government has, however, in its indictment sufficiently charged the defendants with a crime under the statute.", "\nThe defendants further allege that the indictment fails to state an offense against the United States in that 21 U.S.C. § 321(g) is unconstitutional. ", "It is claimed that the definition of \"drugs\" appearing therein is so \"indefinite and uncertain that it contains no ascertainable standard of guilt thereby violating the first essential of due process of law.", "\"[8] Since the Government is relying solely upon Section 321(g) (2), it will be unnecessary to discuss defendants' objections to Section 321(g) (1). ", "Section 321(g) (2) defines drugs as \"articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals.\" ", "There can be no question but that the defendants dealt in blood products for their use in the treatment of human disease. ", "I, therefore, hold that the whole human blood referred to in the indictment would constitute a \"drug\" within the meaning of the statute. ", "The language of Section 321(g) (2) clearly complies with the test of constitutionality. ", "It gives adequate warning to ordinarily intelligent persons as to what manner of conduct is prohibited. ", "It is explicit enough to place defendants on notice that what they were doing might run counter to the law.", "\nCounts 76 through 78 allege that the defendants unlawfully sold in interstate commerce \"* * * a product analogous to a therapeutic serum and applicable to the prevention, treatment and cure of disease and injuries of man, to wit, washed cells from human blood, which had been propagated, manufactured, and prepared at an establishment which did not hold a license issued by the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare.\" ", "42 U.S.C. § 262(a) provides:\n\"No person shall sell, barter, or exchange, or offer for sale * * * any virus, therapeutic serum, toxin, antitoxin, or analogous product * * *, applicable to the prevention, treatment, or cure of diseases or injuries of man, unless (1) such virus, serum, toxin, antitoxin, or other product has been propagated or manufactured and prepared at an establishment holding an unsuspended and unrevoked license * * *.\"", "\nCount 79 also involves an interpretation of the same statute.", "\nThe defendants claim that blood cannot be \"propagated\" or \"manufactured and prepared\" except in the body of a person, and that therefore blood cannot be one of the products to which Congress intended the licensing statute to apply. ", "Although this argument is truly ingenious, it must be rejected because if it were correct then nothing which is ultimately derived from nature would ever be capable of subsequently being \"manufactured and prepared.\" ", "The word \"manufactured\" as employed in this statute obviously was intended to include \"processing\" within its signification. ", "Unless the correct sanitary precautions were taken by the defendants, any processing of blood products by them could seriously imperil the health of patients. ", "For this reason the establishment is required to be licensed under 42 U.S.C. § 262(a). ", "The construction of the terminology which I have adopted is in accord with the purpose intended by Congress in enacting the statute. ", "See H.R.Rep. ", "No. ", "2713, 57th Cong., ", "1st Sess. (", "1902) on H.R. 15289.", "\nThe defendants next allege that their rights were violated in the Grand Jury proceedings.[9] Their allegation that unauthorized persons may have been present while the Grand Jury was in session has no proof to substantiate it. *", "710 The affidavits of the Foreman of the Grand Jury and of the Assistant United States Attorneys that no such unauthorized persons were ever present are uncontradicted by defendants. ", "The defendants' objections on that ground must therefore be rejected. ", "In like manner must be rejected the request that the indictment be dismissed because newspaper articles published during the Grand Jury session were so slanted that they prejudiced the deliberations. ", "The record is barren of any evidence whatsoever that the Grand Jury did not proceed conscientiously and without prejudice upon independent evidence taken under oath before it.", "\nI reject the defendants' claim that the indictment should be dismissed on the ground that \"there was insufficient evidence before the Grand Jury to warrant an indictment.", "\"[10] The indictment is valid on its face and was returned by an unprejudiced and legally constituted Grand Jury. ", "As such, it is sufficient to call for a trial on the merits without a review by this court of the weight of the evidence before the Grand Jury. ", "See Costello v. United States, 350 U.S. 359, 76 S.Ct. ", "406, 100 L.Ed. ", "397 (1956). ", "The other objections made by defendants to the procedure of the Grand Jury are also rejected.", "\nThe defendants further move for dismissal of the indictment on the ground that evidence presented to the Grand Jury was obtained by illegal search and seizure. ", "The uncontradicted affidavits submitted by the Government in opposition to the defendants' motion show, however, that the evidence referred to was lawfully appropriated by Dr. Tripp, a Public Health Service official. ", "It was trash, in the nature of bona vacantia,[11] which the defendants had abandoned for collection by a trash truck after the lease of the premises in which they formerly did business had expired. ", "And since the permission of the owner of the building was obtained for entering the premises, there is nothing at all to indicate that the appropriation of this abandoned material constituted an illegal search or seizure. ", "In any event, by affidavits which the defendants have failed to contradict, it has been shown that such material was not even submitted to the Grand Jury. ", "The defendants' objections are groundless.", "\nComing to the procedural motions, the defendants' motion for a bill of particulars is denied except to the extent that the Government has supplied the requested information in the bill of particulars voluntarily filed.", "\nThe Government has consented to an order allowing the attorneys for the defendants to inspect or copy or photograph all books, papers, documents and tangible objects obtained from or belonging to the defendants. ", "The defendants' request for a similar order with regard to all such documents and objects obtained from others by seizure or process is denied. ", "United States v. Haug, 21 F.R.D. 22 (N.D.Ohio 1957). ", "The denial is, however, without prejudice to a renewal of the motion in reference to specific documents and objects upon an adequate showing that they are necessary and material to the preparation of the defendants' case.", "\nThe defendants' requests for the return of the matter appropriated by Dr. Tripp, for the suppression of the defendant John P. Calise's testimony at the Grand Jury session, and for inspection of the Grand Jury minutes, are denied.", "\nIn sum, therefore, all defendants' motions are denied, with the exception of the copying, inspection and photographing of items obtained from the defendants, and the bill of particulars voluntarily filed by the Government.", "\nIt is so ordered.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Motion to dismiss, par. ", "1.", "\n[2] Motion to dismiss, par. ", "4.", "\n[3] Motion to dismiss, par. ", "7.", "\n[4] Motion to dismiss, par. ", "3.", "\n[5] See defendants' Memorandum, p. 15.", "\n[6] Motion to dismiss, par. ", "6.", "\n[7] Defendants' Memorandum, p. 11.", "\n[8] Defendants' Memorandum, p. 4.", "\n[9] Motion to dismiss, par. ", "5.", "\n[10] Motion to dismiss, par. ", "5(d).", "\n[11] See United States v. Abel, 362 U.S. 217, 240-241, 80 S.Ct. ", "683, 4 L.Ed.2d 668 (1960).", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nQQuickWindow in shared lib auto close when show in QApplication\n\nI develop a generic interface library with qt. ", "I have trouble with pressed effect on QPushbutton when I click with a touch screen (this effect appears one time on 10 click).", "\nSo I create a basic qml application with one button and pressed effect appear all time. ", "I incude the qml part into my library and load it in QQuickWidget and I have same problem with pressed effect.", "\nSo I want to use only qml. ", "My principal application is a QApplication and I load my library in it in which I load qml file with QQmlApplication Engine. ", "Then I show it by QQuickWindow.", "\nWhen I launch my application I saw the window open but it is automatically close. ", "I think my QApplication don't detect QML and the renderer loop is not start.", "\nI'm on windows with QT5.5.1 (MSVC2013, 32bit)\npro file of main application\nQT += core xml widgets qml quick\n\nTARGET = COM_INT\nCONFIG += console\nCONFIG -= app_bundle\n\nTEMPLATE = app\n\nSOURCES += main.cpp \\\n comint.cpp\nHEADERS += \\\n comint.h \\\n\nINCLUDEPATH += \"$$(My_Workspace)/Modules_Generique/IHM_Soft\"\nRelease{\n LIBS += \"$$(My_Workspace_build)/IHM_Soft/release/IHM_Soft.lib\"\n}\n\nDebug{\n LIBS += \"$$(My_Workspace_build)/IHM_Soft/debug/IHM_Soft.lib\"\n}\n\nMain application (exe) main.cpp\n#include <QApplication>\n#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>\n\n#include \"comint.h\"\n\nint main(int argc, char *argv[])\n{\n QApplication a(argc, argv);\n\n ComInt com;\n com.initialize();\n\n return a.exec();\n}\n\nComInt class:\nSource file comint.cpp\n#include \"comint.h\"\n#include \"ihmsoft.h\"\n\nComInt::ComInt()\n{\n}\n\nvoid ComInt::initialize()\n{\n this->m_pIHMSoft = new IHMSoft();\n}\n\nheader file comint.h\n#ifndef COMINT_H\n#define COMINT_H\n\nclass IHMSoft;\n\nclass ComInt\n{\npublic:\n ComInt();\n void initialize();\nprivate:\n IHMSoft *m_pIHMSoft;\n};\n\n#endif // COMINT_H\n\npro file of shared lib\nQT += xml widgets core qml quick quickwidgets\nCONFIG += c++11\n\nTARGET = IHM_Soft\nTEMPLATE = lib\n\nDEFINES += IHM_SOFT_LIBRARY\n\nSOURCES += ihmsoft.cpp\nHEADERS += ihmsoft.h\\\n ihm_soft_global.h\n\nRESOURCES += \\\n rsc.qrc\n\nShared library: source file ihm_soft.cpp\n#include \"ihmsoft.h\"\n#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>\n#include <QQuickWindow>\n\nIHMSoft::IHMSoft(){\n\n qputenv(\"QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_STYLE\", \"Base\");\n QQmlApplicationEngine engine;\n engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral(\"qrc:/IHM_Soft.qml\")));\n QList<QObject*> root = engine.rootObjects();\n QQuickWindow *window = qobject_cast<QQuickWindow*>(root.at(0));\n window->show();\n}\n\nheader file ihm_soft.h\n#ifndef IHM_SOFT_H\n#define IHM_SOFT_H\n\n#include \"ihm_soft_global.h\"\n\nclass IHM_SOFT_SHARED_EXPORT IHM_Soft\n{\n\npublic:\n IHM_Soft();\n};\n\n#endif // IHM_SOFT_H\n\nGlobal file ihm_soft_global.h\n#ifndef IHM_SOFT_GLOBAL_H\n#define IHM_SOFT_GLOBAL_H\n\n#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>\n\n#if defined(IHM_SOFT_LIBRARY)\n# define IHM_SOFT_SHARED_EXPORT Q_DECL_EXPORT\n#else\n# define IHM_SOFT_SHARED_EXPORT Q_DECL_IMPORT\n#endif\n\n#endif // IHM_SOFT_GLOBAL_H\n\nQml file\nimport QtQuick 2.0\nimport QtQuick.", "Controls 1.4\n\nimport QtQuick.", "Window 2.0\n\nApplicationWindow {\n visible: true\n width: 500\n height: 500\n\n Button {\n visible: true\n iconSource: \"resources/t_on_off.png\"\n }\n}\n\nEdit: Sorry the code of the main application was a test application which do not include lib.", "\n\nA:\n\nA variable is deleted when its scope ends, in your case engine is a local variable that is deleted when IHMSoft finishes being built, so you see that the window closes. ", "The solution is to make it a member of the class:\n*.h\n#ifndef IHM_SOFT_H\n#define IHM_SOFT_H\n\n#include \"ihm_soft_global.h\"\n#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>\n\nclass IHM_SOFT_SHARED_EXPORT IHM_Soft\n{\n\npublic:\n IHM_Soft();\nprivate:\n QQmlApplicationEngine engine; // member\n};\n\n#endif // IHM_SOFT_H\n\n*.cpp\n#include \"ihmsoft.h\"\n\nIHMSoft::IHMSoft(){\n qputenv(\"QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_STYLE\", \"Base\");\n engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral(\"qrc:/IHM_Soft.qml\")));\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "The Case of Dr. Oz: Ethics, Evidence, and Does Professional Self-Regulation Work?", "\nDr. Mehmet Oz is widely known not just as a successful media personality donning the title \"America's Doctor®,\" but, we suggest, also as a physician visibly out of step with his profession. ", "A recent, unsuccessful attempt to censure Dr. Oz raises the issue of whether the medical profession can effectively self-regulate at all. ", "It also raises concern that the medical profession's self-regulation might be selectively activated, perhaps only when the subject of professional censure has achieved a level of public visibility. ", "We argue here that the medical profession must look at itself with a healthy dose of self-doubt about whether it has sufficient knowledge of or handle on the less visible Dr. \"Ozes\" quietly operating under the profession's presumptive endorsement." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'We introduce the first analytical model of asymmetric community dynamics to yield Hubbell’s neutral theory in the limit of functional equivalence among all species. ", "Our focus centers on an asymmetric extension of Hubbell’s local community dynamics, while an analogous extension of Hubbell’s metacommunity dynamics is deferred to an appendix. ", "We find that mass-effects may facilitate coexistence in asymmetric local communities and generate unimodal species abundance distributions indistinguishable from those of symmetric communities. ", "Multiple modes, however, only arise from asymmetric processes and provide a strong indication of non-neutral dynamics. ", "Although the exact stationary distributions of fully asymmetric communities must be calculated numerically, we derive approximate sampling distributions for the general case and for nearly neutral communities where symmetry is broken by a single species distinct from all others in ecological fitness and dispersal ability. ", "In the latter case, our approximate distributions are fully normalized, and novel asymptotic expansions of the required hypergeometric functions are provided to make evaluations tractable for large communities. ", "Employing these results in a Bayesian analysis may provide a novel statistical test to assess the consistency of species abundance data with the neutral hypothesis.'", "\naddress:\n- 'Department of Biology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA'\n- 'Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands'\n- 'Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station C0930, Austin, TX 78712, USA'\nauthor:\n- 'Andrew E. Noble'\n- 'Nico M. Temme'\n- 'William F. Fagan'\n- 'Timothy H. Keitt'\nbibliography:\n- 'Noble\\_MainText.bib'\ntitle: A sampling theory for asymmetric communities\n---\n\n-10cm\n\nbiodiversity ,neutral theory ,nearly neutral theory ,coexistence ,mass-effects\n\nIntroduction {#intro}\n============\n\nThe ecological symmetry of trophically similar species forms the central assumption in Hubbell’s unified neutral theory of biodiversity and biogeography [@PHubbell:2001p4284]. ", "In the absence of stable coexistence mechanisms, local communities evolve under zero-sum ecological drift – a stochastic process of density-dependent birth, death, and migration that maintains a fixed community size [@PHubbell:2001p4284]. ", "Despite a homogeneous environment, migration inhibits the dominance of any single species and fosters high levels of diversity. ", "The symmetry assumption has allowed for considerable analytical developments that draw on the mathematics of neutral population genetics [@Fisher:1930; @Wright:1931] to derive exact predictions for emergent, macro-ecological patterns [@Chave:2004p1260; @Etienne:2007p3828; @McKane:2000p4318; @Vallade:2003p3851; @Volkov:2003p1299; @Etienne:2004p5302; @McKane:2004p5661; @Pigolotti:2004p5308; @He:2005p7106; @Volkov:2005p6326; @Hu:2007p7107; @Volkov:2007p1300; @Babak:2008p7108; @Babak:2009p7109]. ", "Among the most significant contributions are calculations of multivariate sampling distributions that relate local abundances to those in the regional metacommunity [@Alonso:2004p4321; @Etienne:2005p3829; @Etienne:2005p6998; @Etienne:2007p7111]. ", "Hubbell first emphasized the ultility of sampling theories for testing neutral theory against observed species abundance distributions (SADs) [@PHubbell:2001p4284]. ", "Since then, Etienne and Olff have incorporated sampling distributions as conditional likelihoods in Bayesian analyses [@Etienne:2004p5302; @Etienne:2005p6363; @Etienne:2007p7111; @Etienne:2009p8436]. ", "Recent work has shown that the sampling distributions of neutral theory remain invariant when the restriction of zero-sum dynamics is lifted [@Etienne:2007p5640; @Haegeman:2008p6364; @Conlisk:2010p8340] and when the assumption of strict symmetry is relaxed to a requirement of ecological equivalence [@Etienne:2007p5640; @Haegeman:2008p6364; @Allouche:2009p6354; @Allouche:2009p6355; @Lin:2009p6368].", "\n\nThe success of neutral theory in fitting empirical patterns of biodiversity [@PHubbell:2001p4284; @Volkov:2003p1299; @Volkov:2005p6326; @He:2005p7106; @Chave:2006p6372] has generated a heated debate among ecologists, as there is strong evidence for species asymmetry in the field [@Harper:1977; @Goldberg:1992p6747; @Chase:2003; @Wootton:2005; @Levine:2009p6069]. ", "Echoing previous work on the difficulty of resolving competitive dynamics from the essentially static observations of co-occurence data [@Hastings:1987p8336], recent studies indicate that interspecific tradeoffs may generate unimodal SADs indistinguishable from the expectations of neutral theory [@Chave:2002p6357; @Mouquet:2003p6380; @Chase:2005p6356; @He:2005p7106; @Purves:2005; @Walker:2007p4670; @Doncaster:2009p6361]. ", "These results underscore the compatibility of asymmetries and coexistence. ", "The pioneering work of @Hutchinson:1951p7110, has inspired a large literature on asymmetries in dispersal ability that permit the coexistence of “fugitive species\" with dominant competitors. ", "In particular, @Shmida:1985p7047 extended the work of @Brown:1977p7046 by introducing the paradigm of “mass-effects\", where immigration facilitates the establishment of species in sites where they would otherwise be competitively excluded. ", "Numerous attempts have been made to reconcile such deterministic approaches to the coexistence of asymmetric species with the stochastic model of ecological drift in symmetric neutral theory [@Zhang:1997p6376; @Tilman:2004p4673; @Chase:2005p6356; @Alonso:2006p4856; @Gravel:2006p4668; @Pueyo:2007p1298; @Walker:2007p4670; @Alonso:2008p4724; @Ernest:2008p1316; @Zhou:2008p6377]. ", "Many of these attempts build on insights from the concluding chapter of Hubbell’s book [@PHubbell:2001p4284].", "\n\nNevertheless, the need remains for a fully asymmetric, analytical, sampling theory that contains Hubbell’s model as a limiting case [@Alonso:2006p4856]. ", "In this article, we develop such a theory for local, dispersal-limited communities in the main text and defer an analogous treatment of metacommunities to Appendix A. Hubbell’s assumption of zero-sum dynamics is preserved, but the requirement of per capita ecological equivalence among all species is eliminated. ", "Asymmetries are introduced by allowing for the variations in ecological fitness and dispersal ability that may arise in a heterogeneous environment [@Leibold:2004p1285; @Holyoak:2005]. ", "Our work expands on the numerical simulations of @Zhou:2008p6377, where variations in ecological fitness alone were considered. ", "Coexistence emerges from mass-effects as well as ecological equivalence, and both mechanisms generate unimodal SADs that may be indistinguishable. ", "For local communities and metacommunities, we derive approximate sampling distributions for both the general case and the nearly neutral case, where symmetry is broken by a single species unique in ecological function. ", "These approximations yield the sampling distributions of Hubbell’s neutral model in the limit of functional equivalence among all species.", "\n\nA general sampling theory for local communities {#gen}\n===============================================\n\nFor a local community of $J_L$ individuals and $S$ possible species, we model community dynamics as a stochastic process, $\\vec{N}(\\tau)$, over the labelled community abundance vectors $\\vec{n}=(n_1,\\dots,n_S)$. Consistent with zero-sum dynamics, we require all accessible states to contain $J_L$ total individuals: $\\sum_{i=1}^S n_i=J_L$ and $0\\leq n_i \\leq J_L$ . ", "The number of accessible states is $A=\\sum_{n_1=0}^{J_L} \\dots \\sum_{n_S=0}^{J_L}$ $\\delta(J_L-n_1-\\dots-n_S)$.\n\nAllowed transitions first remove an individual from species $i$ and then add an individual to species $j$. Removals are due to death or emigration and occur with the density-dependent probability $n_i/J_L$. Additions are due either to an immigration event, with probability $m_j$, or a birth event, with probability $1-m_j$. We will refer to the $m_j$ as dispersal abilities. ", "If immigration occurs, we assume that metacommunity relative abundance, $x_j$, determines the proportional representation of species $j$ in the propagule rain and that the probability of establishment is weighted by ecological fitness, $w_j$, where high values correspond to a local competitive advantage or a superior adaptation to the local environment. ", "Therefore, species $j$ recruits with probability , where $x_j\\in(0,1)$, $w_j\\in(0,\\infty)$, and $\\sum_{k=1}^Sx_k=1$. If immigration does not occur, we assume that local relative abundance, $n_j/J_L$, governs propagule rain composition such that species $j$ recruits with probability . ", "In numerical simulations of an asymmetric community, @Zhou:2008p6377 employed a similar probability for recruitment in the absence of immigration. ", "Here, a factor of $w_i$ is subtracted in the denominator because species $i$ loses an individual prior to the birth event for species $j$. An analogous subtraction is absent from Eq.", " \\[othbirthprob\\] because we assume an infinite metacommunity where the $x_j$ are invariant to fluctuations in the finite, local community populations.", "\n\nIn sum, the nonzero transition probabilities are stationary and given by T\\_[ij]{} &=&\\_[0]{}\\\n&=& ((1-m\\_j)+m\\_j), where $\\vec{e}_i$ is an $S$–dimensional unit vector along the $i$th–direction, the $w_k$ must be sufficiently large such that $\\sum_{k=1}^Sw_kn_k-w_i>0$, and the time, $\\tau$, is dimensionless with a scale set by the overall transition rate. ", "The probability of state occupancy, $P_{\\vec{n}}$, evolves according to the master equation =\\_[i=1]{}\\^S\\_[j=1,ji]{}\\^S(T\\_[ij+\\_i-\\_j]{}P\\_[+\\_i-\\_j]{}-T\\_[ji]{}P\\_ ) \\_[ij]{}, where \\_[ij]{}=(J\\_L-(n\\_i+1))(n\\_j-1), and we define the step-function $\\Theta(x)$ to be zero for $x<0$ and one otherwise. ", "Eq.", " \\[evolve1\\] can be recast in terms of a transition probability matrix $W$ =\\_[b=1]{}\\^AP\\_[b]{} W\\_[ba]{}, where $a,b\\in(1, \\dots, A)$ enumerate accessible states with components $(a_1, \\dots,$ $a_S)$, $(b_1, \\dots,$ $b_S)$. The left eigenvector of $W$ with zero eigenvalue yields the stationary distribution for community composition, $P_a^*\\equiv\\lim_{\\tau\\to\\infty}P_a(\\tau)$. Marginal distributions yield the equilibrium abundance probabilities for each species $i$ P\\^[(i)\\*]{}\\_[n]{}=\\_[a=1]{}\\^[A]{} \\_[a\\_i,n]{} P\\_a\\^\\*. ", "From here, we calculate the stationary SAD by following the general treatment of asymmetric communities in @Alonso:2008p4724 S\\^\\*\\_n=\\_[i=1]{}\\^SP\\^[(i)\\*]{}\\_[n]{}. ", "The expected species richness is S\\^\\*=\\_[n=1]{}\\^SS\\_n\\^\\*&lt;S. Given that the local community, with abundances $n_i$, is defined as a sample of the metacommunity, with relative abundances $x_i$, we have established the framework for a general sampling theory of local communities.", "\n\nThis sampling theory incorporates aspects of the mass-effects paradigm [@Brown:1977p7046; @Shmida:1985p7047; @Holt:1993p7063; @Leibold:2004p1285; @Holyoak:2005]. ", "Local asymmetries in ecological fitness imply environmental heterogeneity across the metacommunity such that competitive ability peaks in the local communities where biotic and abiotic factors most closely match niche requirements [@Tilman:1982p7101; @Leibold:1998p7099; @Chase:2003]. ", "Where species experience a competitive disadvantage, the mass-effects of immigration allow for persistence. ", "Indeed, the master equation given by Eq.", " \\[evolve1\\], when applied to open communities where $m_j>0$ for all $j$, admits no absorbing states and ensures that every species has a nonzero probability of being present under equilibrium conditions. ", "By contrast, when Eq.", " \\[evolve1\\] is applied to closed communities where $m_j=0$ for all $j$, the eventual dominance of a single species is guaranteed.", "\n\n-2cm\n\n![", "image](Fig1a.png){width=\".602\\textwidth\"} -0.27cm ![", "image](Fig1c.png){width=\".5067\\textwidth\"}\n\n0.0cm\n\n0.03cm ![", "image](Fig1b.png){width=\".595\\textwidth\"} -0.13cm ![", "image](Fig1d.png){width=\".5000\\textwidth\"}\n\nMass-effects allow for a soft breaking of the symmetry of neutral theory and provide a mechanism for multi-species coexistence. ", "In Fig.", " \\[general\\], we present numerical results for the marginal equilibrium distributions of an asymmetric local community subsidized by a potentially neutral metacommunity, where the five species share a common relative abundance, $x_j$=0.2. ", "Although a single species may dominate due to a locally superior competitive ability (see Fig.", " \\[general\\]a), multi-species coexistence may arise, despite significant competitive asymmetries, due to high levels of immigration that tend to align local relative abundances with those in the metacommunity (see Fig.", " \\[general\\]c). ", "Despite the underlying asymmetric process, coexistence via mass-effects generates unimodal SADs that, given sampling errors in field data, may be indistinguishable from SADs due to neutral dynamics, as shown in Fig.", " \\[general\\]d. ", "This reinforces previous conclusions that the static, aggregate data in unimodal SADs cannot resolve the individual-level rules of engagement governing the origin and maintenance of biodiversity [@Chave:2002p6357; @Mouquet:2003p6380; @Purves:2005; @He:2005p7106; @Chase:2005p6356; @Walker:2007p4670; @Doncaster:2009p6361]. ", "However, SADs with multiple modes are not uncommon in nature [@Dornelas:2008p8337; @Gray:2010p6748] and provide a strong indicator of non-neutral dynamics [@Alonso:2008p4724]. ", "Fig.", " \\[general\\]b presents a bimodal SAD for an asymmetric local community with low levels of immigration.", "\n\nEach plot in Fig.", " \\[general\\] displays results for a relatively small community of $J_L=75$ individuals and $S=5$ possible species. ", "Sparse matrix methods were used to calculate the left eigenvector with zero eigenvalue for transition matrices of rank $\\sim1.5{\\rm M}$. Obtaining stationary distributions for larger, more realistic communities poses a formidable numerical challenge. ", "This motivates a search for analytically tractable approximations to sampling distributions of the general theory.", "\n\nAn approximation to the sampling distribution {#sc00}\n=============================================\n\nThe distribution $P^*_{\\vec{n}}$ is stationary under Eq.", " \\[evolve1\\] if it satisfies the condition of detailed balance T\\_[ij+\\_i-\\_j]{}P\\^\\*\\_[+\\_i-\\_j]{}=T\\_[ji]{}P\\^\\*\\_, for all $i$ and $j$ such that $i\\ne j$ and $\\Theta_{ij}\\ne 0$. For general (g) large–$J_L$ communities where $S,w_k<<\\sum_{l=1}^Sw_ln_l$ for all $k$, we will show that detailed balance is approximately satisfied by P\\^[[g]{}\\*]{}\\_=Z\\_[g]{}\\^[-1]{}\\_[k=1]{}\\^Sw\\_k\\^[n\\_k]{}(1-m\\_k)\\^[n\\_k]{}(\\_[k]{}x\\_k)\\_[n\\_k]{}, where \\_[k]{}=I\\_k, where $(a)_n=\\Gamma(a+n)/\\Gamma(a)$ is the Pochhammer symbol, $Z_{\\rm g}^{-1}$ is a normalization constant, and $I_k=m_k(J_L-1)/(1-m_k)$ is a generalization of the “fundamental dispersal number\" [@Etienne:2005p3829]. ", "From the definition of $T_{ij\\vec{n}}$ in Eq.", " \\[t\\], we have =, and assuming the form of $P^{{\\rm g}*}_{\\vec{n}}$ in Eq.", " \\[gensampdistrib\\], we find =\\_[k=1]{}\\^S\\\n. ", "Now, for large–$J_L$ communities where $w_k<<\\sum_{l=1}^Sw_ln_l$ for all $k$, the ratio $\\epsilon_{ijk}\\equiv (w_i-w_j)/(\\sum_{l=1}^Sw_ln_l-w_k)$ is a small number. ", "Given $(a(1+\\epsilon))_n\\sim(a)_n+{\\cal O}(\\epsilon)$, we expand the right-hand-side of Eq.", " \\[gensamptesta\\] to obtain =+\\_[k=1]{}\\^S[O]{}(\\_[ijk]{}), which validates our assertion that Eq.", " \\[gensampdistrib\\] is an approximate sampling distribution of the general theory when $S<<\\sum_{l=1}^Sw_ln_l$. For communities of species that are symmetric (s) in ecological fitness but asymmetric in dispersal ability, Eq.", " \\[gensampdistrib\\] reduces to an exact sampling distribution P\\^[[s]{}\\*]{}\\_=Z\\_[s]{}\\^[-1]{}\\_[k=1]{}\\^S(1-m\\_k)\\^[n\\_k]{}(I\\_kx\\_k)\\_[n\\_k]{}, that satisfies detailed balance without approximation. ", "Analogous distributions for general and fitness-symmetric metacommunities are provided in Appendix A. However, in all of these results, the normalization constants must be calculated numerically. ", "This limits the utility of our sampling distributions in statistical analyses. ", "Can we find a non-neutral scenario that admits an approximate sampling distribution with an analytical expression for the normalization?", "\n\nSampling nearly neutral communities {#sc1}\n===================================\n\nAs the species abundance vector evolves under Eq.", " \\[evolve1\\], consider the dynamics of marginal abundance probabilities for a single focal species that deviates in ecological function from the surrounding, otherwise symmetric, community. ", "In particular, let the first element of $\\vec{N}(\\tau)$ be the marginal process, $N(\\tau)$, over states $n\\in(0,\\dots,J_L)$, for the abundance of an asymmetric focal species with dispersal ability $m$, ecological fitness $w$, and relative metacommunity abundance $x$. If all other species share a common dispersal ability $m_o$ and ecological fitness $w_o$, then the focal species gains an individual with probability g\\_[n]{}&&\\_[i=2]{}\\^S T\\_[i1(n,n\\_2,…,n\\_S)]{}\\\n&=&((1-m)+m),\\\nand loses an individual with probability r\\_[n]{} && \\_[i=2]{}\\^S T\\_[1i(n,n\\_2,…,n\\_S)]{}\\\n&=&((1-m\\_o)+m\\_o),\\\nwhere we have used $\\sum_{k=1}^Sx_k=1$. These marginal transition probabilities do not depend separately on $w$ and $w_o$, but only on their ratio. ", "Without loss of generality, we redefine $w\\equiv w/w_o$ to be the focal species’ local [*advantage*]{} in ecological fitness. ", "Eqs.", " \\[bn\\] and \\[dn\\], which are independent of the abundances $(n_2,\\dots,n_S)$, suggest a univariate birth-death process for the marginal dynamics of the asymmetric species governed by the master equation &=&g\\_[n-1]{}(n-1)P\\_[n-1]{}+r\\_[n+1]{}(J\\_L-(n+1))P\\_[n+1]{}\\\n&&-(g\\_n(J\\_L-(n+1))+r\\_n(n-1))P\\_n, and we formally derive this result from Eq.", " \\[evolve1\\] in Appendix B. Given the well-known stationary distribution of Eq.", " \\[margprocessasymm\\] P\\_n\\^\\* = P\\_0\\^\\* \\_[i=0]{}\\^[n-1]{}. ", "we find an exact result for the stationary abundance probabilities of the focal species in a nearly neutral (nn) community P\\_n\\^[[nn]{}\\*]{}=Z \\^n , where ${\\rm B}(a,b)=\\Gamma(a)\\Gamma(b)/\\Gamma(a+b)$ is the beta-function Z\\^[-1]{}= \\_2F\\_1(-J\\_L,;1-;), and &=&w,\\\n&=&,\\\n&=& 1+. ", "For the asymmetric focal species, this is an exact result of the general model, Eq.", " \\[evolve1\\], that holds for nearly neutral local communites with any number of additional species. ", "Eq.", " \\[PnNN\\] may be classified broadly as a generalized hypergeometric distribution or more specifically as an exponentially weighted Pólya distribution [@Kemp:1968tSUDDT; @Johnson:1992tUDD].", "\n\nIn the absence of dispersal limitation, Eq.", " \\[PnNN\\] becomes \\_[m,m\\_o1]{}P\\_n\\^[[nn]{}\\*]{}=()\\^[J\\_L]{}(wx)\\^n (1-x)\\^[J\\_L-n]{}, where the identity ${\\rm B}(a,b){\\rm B}(a+b,1-b)=\\pi/(a\\sin(\\pi b))$ has been used. ", "This is a weighted binomial distribution with expected abundance $wxJ_L/(1+x(w-1))$ and variance $wx(1-x)J_L/(1+x(w-1))^2$. In the neutral, or symmetric, limit where $w=1$, Eq.", " \\[PnNNlimit\\] reduces to a binomial sampling of the metacommunity, [*sensu*]{} @Etienne:2005p3829.", "\n\nIn the presence of dispersal limitation, we evaluate $\\Sigma_{n=1}^{J_L} n P_n^{{\\rm nn}*}$ to obtain the expected abundance \\[N\\^\\*\\]&=&Z\\\n&=& , where $N^*\\equiv\\lim_{\\tau\\to\\infty}N(\\tau)$. The variance of the stationary distribution is given by \\[N\\^\\*\\]&=& Z\\\n&=&[E]{}\\[N\\^[\\*2]{}\\]-[E]{}\\[N\\^\\*\\]\\^2, and we evaluate $\\Sigma_{n=1}^{J_L} n^2 P_n^{{\\rm nn}*}$ to obtain \\[N\\^[\\*2]{}\\]= . ", "In Eqs.", " \\[avgn\\] and \\[Var\\], the normalization of Eq.", " \\[NPL\\] generates central moments for the abundance distribution and plays a role analogous to the grand partition function of statistical physics. ", "Recent studies have demonstrated the utility of partition functions in extensions of Hubbell’s neutral theory [@ODwyer:2009p4394; @ODwyer:2009p6371].", "\n\nFor large–$J_L$ communities, evaluation of the hypergeometric functions in Eqs.", " \\[PnNN\\], \\[avgn\\], and \\[avgn2\\] is computationally expensive. ", "To remove this barrier, one of us (N.M.T.) has derived novel asymptotic expansions (see Appendix C). ", "We use these expansions to plot the stationary abundance probabilities for $J_L=1$M. In Fig.", " \\[asymp\\]a, small local advantages in ecological fitness generate substantial increases in expected abundance over the neutral prediction. ", "Hubbell found evidence for these discrepancies in Manu forest data and referred to them as “ecological dominance deviations\" [@PHubbell:2001p4284]. ", "Hubbell also anticipated that dispersal effects would mitigate advantages in ecological fitness [@PHubbell:2001p4284]. ", "The right panel of Fig.", " \\[asymp\\] demonstrates, once again, that enhanced mass-effects due to increased dispersal ability may inhibit the dominance of a locally superior competitor by compelling relative local abundance to align with relative metacommunity abundance.", "\n\n![", "image](Fig2a.png){width=\".58625\\textwidth\"} -0.15cm ![", "image](Fig2b.png){width=\".5\\textwidth\"}\n\nAn approximation to the multivariate sampling distribution of nearly neutral local communities is constructed in Appendix B P\\^[[nn]{}\\*]{}\\_=Z\\^[n]{}\\_[i=2]{}\\^S(\\_[on]{} x\\_i)\\_[n\\_i]{}, where \\_[on]{}=I\\_o. ", "A related approximation for the sampling distribution of nearly neutral metacommunities is derived in Appendix A. In the absence of dispersal limitation, Eq.", " \\[PnvecNN\\] becomes \\_[m,m\\_o1]{}P\\^[[nn]{}\\*]{}\\_=()\\^[J\\_L]{}(wx)\\^n\\_[i=2]{}\\^Sx\\_i\\^[n\\_i]{}, where we have used $(a)_n\\sim a^n+{\\cal O}(a^{n-1})$ for large $a$. Finally, in the symmetric limit, Eq.", " \\[PnvecNNlimit\\] reduces to a simple multinomial sampling of the metacommunity, as expected.", "\n\nTo illustrate the impacts of an asymmetric species on the diversity of an otherwise symmetric local community, Fig.", " \\[div\\] plots Shannon’s Index of diversity H=--\\_[i=2]{}\\^S, for various values of the ecological fitness advantage, $w$, and dispersal ability, $m$, in a nearly neutral community of $S=5$ species and $J_L=75$ individuals. ", "All five species share a common relative metacommunity abundance, $x=x_i=0.2$, so given the exact result for ${\\rm E}[N^*]$ in Eq.", " \\[avgn\\], we know immediately that ${\\rm E}[N_i^*]=(J_L-{\\rm E}[N^*])/(S-1)$ for the remaining symmetric species. ", "Note that $H$ is maximized where all abundances are equivalent, such that ${\\rm E}[N^*]/J_L={\\rm E}[N_i^*]/J_L=x_i$. As can be seen from the next section, this relation holds in the neutral limit where $w=1$ and $m=m_o=0.1$, but small asymmetries in dispersal ability have a negligible impact on diversity when all species are symmetric in ecological fitness. ", "Therefore, each curve in Fig.", " \\[div\\] peaks near $w=1$ at approximately the same value of $H$. Away from $w=1$, the declines in diversity are regulated by mass-effects, with more gradual declines at higher values of $m$.\n\n![", "image](Fig3.png){width=\"80.00000%\"}\n\nRecovering the sampling distribution of neutral theory {#sc2}\n======================================================\n\nIn a perfectly symmetric local community, the stochastic dynamics for each species differ solely due to variations in relative metacommunity abundances, the $x_i$. In particular, if $m_j=m$ and $w_j=1$ for all $j$ in Eq.", " \\[t\\], we recover the multivariate transition probabilities for a neutral sampling theory of local communities, as suggested on p. 287 of Hubbell’s book [@PHubbell:2001p4284]. ", "Similarly, in the symmetric limit of Eq.", " \\[margprocessasymm\\] where $m=m_o$ and $w=1$, we recover the marginal dynamics for neutral (n) local communities with stationary distribution [@McKane:2000p4318] P\\^[[n]{}\\*]{}\\_n=, where $I=m(J_L-1)/(1-m)$. This result follows from the symmetric limit of Eq.", " \\[PnNN\\] after applying the identity $\\Gamma(a)\\Gamma(1-a)=\\pi/\\sin(\\pi a)$. The expected abundance and variance are obtained from the symmetric limits of Eqs.", " \\[avgn\\] and \\[Var\\], respectively, after applying the identities in Eqs.", " C.1.0.1 and C.2.2.2 $$\\begin{aligned}\n{\\rm E}[N^*]&=& xJ_L, \\label{avgnNeutral} \\\\\n{\\rm Var}[N^*]&=&x(1-x)J_L \\frac{J_L+I}{1+I}. ", "\\label{VarNeutral}\\end{aligned}$$ Finally, the symmetric limits of Eqs.", " \\[gensampdistrib\\], \\[gensampdistribfs\\], and \\[PnvecNN\\] all yield the stationary sampling distribution for a neutral local community [@Etienne:2005p3829; @Etienne:2007p5640] P\\^[[n]{}\\*]{}\\_=\\_[i=1]{}\\^S(Ix\\_i)\\_[n\\_i]{}. ", "In the special case of complete neutrality, Eq.", " \\[PnecNeutral\\] is an exact result of the general model, Eq.", " \\[evolve1\\]. ", "This sampling distribution continues to hold when the assumptions of zero-sum dynamics and stationarity are relaxed [@Etienne:2007p5640; @Haegeman:2008p6364].", "\n\nDiscussion {#sc3}\n==========\n\nWe have developed a general sampling theory that extends Hubbell’s neutral theory of local communities and metacommunities to include asymmetries in ecological fitness and dispersal ability. ", "We anticipate that a parameterization of additional biological complexity, such as asymmetries in survivorship probabilities or differences between the establishment probabilities of local reproduction and immigration, may be incorporated without significant changes to the structure of our analytical results. ", "Although the machinery is significantly more complicated for asymmetric theories than their symmetric counterparts, some analytical calculations remain tractable. ", "We find approximate sampling distributions for general and nearly neutral communities that yield Hubbell’s theory in the symmetric limit. ", "Our fully normalized approximation in the nearly neutral case may provide a valuable statistical tool for determining the degree to which an observed SAD is consistent with the assumption of complete neutrality. ", "To facilitate a Bayesian analysis, we have enabled rapid computation of the required hypergeometric functions by deriving previously unknown asymptotic expansions.", "\n\nAcknowledgments {#ack .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nWe gratefully acknowledge the insights of two anonymous reviewers. ", "This work is partially supported by the James S. McDonnell Foundation through their Studying Complex Systems grant (220020138) to W.F.F. N.M.T. acknowledges financial support from Gobierno of Navarra, Res.", " $07/05/2008$ and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, project MTM2009-11686.", "\n\naddtoreset[equation]{}[subsubsection]{}\n\nSampling asymmetric metacommunities {#othapp}\n===================================\n\nThe analytical insights of @Etienne:2007p5640 suggest a clear prescription for translating local community dynamics into metacommunities dynamics in the context of Hubbell’s unified neutral theory of biodiversity and biogeography [@PHubbell:2001p4284]: replace probabilities of immigration, $m_j$, with probabilities of speciation, $\\nu_j$; assume $x_j\\sim 1/S_T+{\\cal O}(1/S_T^2)$ for all $j$, where $S_T$ is the total number of species that could possibly appear through speciation events; and consider asymptotics as $S_T$ becomes large.", "\n\nFollowing this recipe, we translate the transition probabilities for asymmetric local communities, Eq.", " \\[t\\], into the transition probabilities for asymmetric metacommunities ($M$) T\\^M\\_[ij]{} = ((1-\\_j)+\\_j+[O]{}()), where $J_M$ is the number of individuals in the metacommunity, $w_j/\\sum_{k=1}^{S_T}w_k$ is the probability that an individual of species $j$ establishes following a speciation event, and \\_[ij]{}\\^M=(J\\_M-(n\\_i+1))(n\\_j-1). ", "Metacommunity dynamics are governed by the master equation =\\_[i=1]{}\\^[S\\_T]{}\\_[j=1,ji]{}\\^[S\\_T]{}(T\\^M\\_[ij+\\_i-\\_j]{}P\\^M\\_[+\\_i-\\_j]{}-T\\^M\\_[ji]{}P\\^M\\_ ) \\_[ij]{}\\^M. If $\\nu_j>0$ for all $j$, there are no absorbing states, so for large–$S_T$, there is a nonzero probability that any given species $j$ exists. ", "Analogous develops to those in Section \\[sc00\\] show that detailed balance in the general theory is approximated by P\\^[[g,M]{}\\*]{}\\_=Z\\_[g,M]{}\\^[-1]{}\\_[k=1]{}\\^[S\\_T]{}w\\_k\\^[n\\_k]{}(1-\\_k)\\^[n\\_k]{}(\\^[M]{}\\_[k]{})\\_[n\\_k]{}, where \\^[M]{}\\_[k]{}=\\_k, and $\\theta_k=\\nu_k(J_M-1)/(1-\\nu_k)$ is the generalization of Hubbell’s “fundamental biodiversity number\" [@PHubbell:2001p4284]. ", "The fitness-symmetric (s) distribution P\\^[[s,M]{}\\*]{}\\_=Z\\_[s,M]{}\\^[-1]{}\\_[k=1]{}\\^[S\\_T]{}(1-\\_k)\\^[n\\_k]{}(\\_k/S\\_T)\\_[n\\_k]{}, satisfies detailed balance up to ${\\cal O}(1/S_T)$.\n\nFor the special case of nearly neutral metacommunities, we translate the marginal dynamics for an asymmetric species in an otherwise symmetric local community into the marginal dynamics for an asymmetric species in an otherwise symmetric metacommunity. ", "The transition probabilities are g\\^M\\_[n]{}&=&((1-)++[O]{}()),\\\nr\\^M\\_[n]{} &=&((1-\\_o)+\\_o(1-)+[O]{}()),\\\nwhere the asymmetric focal species has speciation probability $\\nu$ and enjoys an ecological fitness advantage, $w$, over all other species, which share a common probability of speciation $\\nu_o$. If $n=0$ is an accessible state, then as $S_T$ becomes large and $w$ remains finite, the equilibrium probability of observing the asymmetric species approaches zero. ", "However, if we assume that the asymmetric species is identified and known to exist at nonzero abundance levels, the stationary distribution is P\\_n\\^[[nn]{},M\\*]{}=Z\\_M \\_M\\^n , with Z\\_M\\^[-1]{}= \\_2F\\_1(-J\\_M,\\_M;1-\\_M;\\_M)-1, and \\_M&=&w+[O]{}(),\\\n\\_M&=&+[O]{}(),\\\n\\_M&=& 1++[O]{}(). ", "where $\\theta=(J_M-1)\\nu/(1-\\nu)$ and $\\theta_o=(J_M-1)\\nu_o/(1-\\nu_o)$ are Hubbell’s “fundamental biodiversity numbers\" for the asymmetric species and all other species, respectively.", "\n\nAn approximate multivariate stationary distribution is obtained in an identical manner to the derivation of Eq.", " \\[PnvecNN\\] P\\^[[nn]{},M\\*]{}\\_&=&Z\\_M\\_M\\^n\\\n&&\\_[i=2]{}\\^[S\\_T]{}(\\_[n,M]{}/S\\_T)\\_[n\\_i]{}, where \\_[n,M]{}=\\_o(1+)+[O]{}().", "\n\nWe now propose a modest extension to the prescription in @Etienne:2007p5640 for converting multivariate distributions over labelled abundance vectors to distributions over unlabelled abundance vectors. ", "Because the asymmetric focal species has been identified and is known to exist with abundance $n>0$, this species must be labelled, while all other species are equivalent and may be unlabelled. ", "Therefore, we aim to transform Eq.", " \\[PnvecNNM\\] into a multivariate distribution over the “mostly unlabelled\" states $\\hat{\\vec{n}}=(n,\\hat{n}_2,\\dots,\\hat{n}_S)$, where $S$ is the number of species observed in a sample and each $(\\hat{n}_2,\\dots,\\hat{n}_S)$ is an integer partition of $J_M-n$. (To provide an example, if $J_M=3$, four distinct states are accessible: $(3)$ with $S=1$, $(2,1)$ with $S=2$, $(1,2)$ with $S=2$, and $(1,1,1)$ with $S=3$.) The conversion is given by P\\^[[nn]{},M\\*]{}\\_=P\\^[[nn]{},M\\*]{}\\_, where $\\hat{\\Phi}_i$ is the number of elements in $(\\hat{n}_2,\\dots,\\hat{n}_S)$ equal to $i$. Note that $\\hat{\\Phi}_0=S_T-1-(S-1)$. Taking the leading behavior for large–$S_T$, we obtain a modification of the @Ewens:1972p4815 sampling distribution appropriate to nearly neutral metacommunities -0.3cm\\_[S\\_T]{}P\\^[[nn]{},M\\*]{}\\_-0.3cm&=&-0.3cm\\_[S\\_T]{}\\\n&&\\\n&&\\_[i=2]{}\\^S\\\n\\\n&=&-0.3cm\\_[S\\_T]{}()\\^[S-1]{}\\\n&&\\_M\\^n(\\_M)\\_[-n]{}\\\n\\\n&=&-0.3cm\\_M\\_M\\^n(\\_M)\\_[-n]{},\\\nwhere $(a)_0=1$ allows us to take a product over the observed species, $S$, rather than the total number of possible species, $S_T$, in the first expression; $(z)_n/(n-1)!\\sim z+{\\cal O}(z^2)$ as $z$ approaches 0 for $n>0$ has been used to obtain the second expression; l’Hôpital’s rule along with $\\lim_{b\\to 0}\\partial {}_2F_1(a,b;c;z)/\\partial b=az{}_3F_2(a+1,1,1;c+1,2;z)/c$ has been used to obtain the third expression; and \\_M\\^[-1]{}=\\_3F\\_2(1-J\\_M,1,1;2-\\_M,2;\\_M), with asymptotics of the hypergeometric function provided in §\\[F21forF32\\] and §\\[F32case\\]. ", "In the neutral limit, we obtain a modification to the Ewens sampling distribution for the scenario where a single species is labelled and guaranteed to exist \\_[S\\_T]{}P\\^[[n]{},M\\*]{}\\_=(\\_[i=1]{}\\^[J\\_M]{}+)\\^[-1]{}. ", "Converting this result to a distribution over the “fully unlabelled\" states $\\hat{\\hat{\\vec{n}}}=\\left(\\hat{\\hat{n}}_1,\\dots,\\hat{\\hat{n}}_S\\right)$, we multiply by (\\_[i=1]{}\\^[J\\_M]{}+), and recover the Ewens sampling distribution [@Ewens:1972p4815], which is also the sampling distribution for Hubbell’s metacommunity theory [@PHubbell:2001p4284].", "\n\naddtoreset[equation]{}[subsubsection]{}\n\nMarginal dynamics for the local community {#app}\n=========================================\n\nWe first demonstrate that the marginal dynamics of the asymmetric species in Eq.", " \\[margprocessasymm\\] can be derived from the multivariate dynamics of Eq.", " \\[evolve1\\]. ", "Let \\^[J\\_L-n]{}\\_[n\\_2=0]{}\\^[J\\_L-n]{} …\\_[n\\_S=0]{}\\^[J\\_L-n]{}(J\\_L-n-n\\_2-…-n\\_S), so that the marginal distribution for the asymmetric species is given by P\\_n=\\^[J\\_L-n]{}P\\_. ", "Applying Eq.", " \\[defsumdeltaasymm\\] to both sides of Eq.", " \\[evolve1\\], we obtain &=&\\^[J\\_L-n]{}\\_[i=1]{}\\^S\\_[j=1,ji]{}\\^S(T\\_[ij+\\_i-\\_j]{}P\\_[+\\_i-\\_j]{}-T\\_[ji]{}P\\_ ) \\_[ij]{}\\\n&=&\\^[J\\_L-n]{}\\_[i=2]{}\\^S\\_[j=2,ji]{}\\^S(T\\_[ij+\\_i-\\_j]{}P\\_[+\\_i-\\_j]{}-T\\_[ji]{}P\\_ ) \\_[ij]{}\\\n&&+\\^[J\\_L-n]{}\\_[j=2]{}\\^S(T\\_[1j+\\_1-\\_j]{}P\\_[+\\_1-\\_j]{}-T\\_[j1]{}P\\_ ) \\_[1j]{}\\\n&&+\\^[J\\_L-n]{}\\_[i=2]{}\\^S(T\\_[i1+\\_i-\\_1]{}P\\_[+\\_i-\\_1]{}-T\\_[1i]{}P\\_ ) \\_[i1]{}. ", "By inspection, the first term is identically zero and the remaining terms generate the right-hand side of Eq.", " \\[margprocessasymm\\], namely \\^[J\\_L-n]{}\\_[j=2]{}\\^S T\\_[1j+\\_1-\\_j]{}P\\_[+\\_1-\\_j]{}\\_[1j]{} &=& r\\_[n+1]{}(J\\_L-(n+1))P\\_[n+1]{},\\\n\\^[J\\_L-n]{}\\_[j=2]{}\\^S T\\_[j1]{}P\\_ \\_[1j]{} &=& g\\_n(J\\_L-(n+1))P\\_n,\\\n\\^[J\\_L-n]{}\\_[i=2]{}\\^S T\\_[i1+\\_i-\\_1]{}P\\_[+\\_i-\\_1]{} \\_[i1]{}&=& g\\_[n-1]{}(n-1)P\\_[n-1]{},\\\n\\^[J\\_L-n]{}\\_[i=2]{}\\^S T\\_[1i]{}P\\_ \\_[i1]{}&=&r\\_n(n-1)P\\_n. ", "To provide an illustration, let $J_L=4$, $S=3$, and $n=1$. Then, &&\\^[J\\_L-n]{}\\_[j=2,ji]{}\\^ST\\_[1j+\\_1-\\_j]{}P\\_[+\\_1-\\_j]{}\\_[1j]{}\\\n&=&(P\\_[(2,0,2)]{}(T\\_[12(2,0,2)]{}+T\\_[13(2,0,2)]{})+P\\_[(2,1,1)]{}(T\\_[12(2,1,1)]{}+T\\_[13(2,1,1)]{}).\\\n&&.+P\\_[(2,2,0)]{}(T\\_[12(2,2,0)]{}+T\\_[13(2,2,0)]{}))(J\\_L-(n+1))\\\n&=&r\\_[n+1]{}(J\\_L-(n+1))(P\\_[(2,0,2)]{}+P\\_[(2,1,1)]{}+P\\_[(2,2,0)]{})\\\n&=&r\\_[n+1]{}(J\\_L-(n+1))P\\_[n+1]{}, where we have used the definitions of $\\Theta_{ij}$ from Eq.", " \\[Theta\\], $r_n$ from Eq.", " \\[dn\\], and $P_n$ from Eq.", " \\[pnexampleasymm\\].", "\n\nWe construct an approximation to the multivariate sampling distribution of a nearly neutral community, $P^{{\\rm nn}*}_{\\vec{n}}$, by following the subsample approach of @Etienne:2005p3829 and @Etienne:2007p5640 that centers on the identity. ", "P\\^[[nn]{}\\*]{}\\_=P\\_n\\^[[nn]{}\\*]{}\\_[f=2]{}\\^[S-1]{}P\\_[n\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}\\^[[nn]{}\\*]{}. ", "Assuming that $P_n$, $P_{n_2|n}$, $\\dots$, $P_{n_{f-1}|n,n_2,\\dots,n_{f-2}}$ are nonzero and stationary, we argue that conditional marginal dynamics for $P_{n_f|n,n_2,\\dots,n_{f-1}}$ are approximated by the master equation &=&g\\_[n\\_f-1|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}(n\\_f-1)P\\_[n\\_f-1|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}\\\n&&+r\\_[n\\_f+1|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}(J\\_L-(n\\_f+1))P\\_[n\\_f+1|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}\\\n&&-(g\\_[n\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}(J\\_L-(n\\_f+1)) .\\\n&&0.26cm .+r\\_[n\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}(n\\_f-1))P\\_[n\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}, where g\\_[n\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}-0.3cm&&-0.3cm\\_[i=f+1]{}\\^S T\\_[if(n,n\\_2,…,n\\_f,…,n\\_S)]{}\\\n&=&-0.3cm((1-m\\_o)+m\\_o)-0.1cm,\\\nr\\_[n\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}-0.3cm&&-0.3cm\\_[i=f+1]{}\\^S T\\_[fi(n,n\\_2,…,n\\_f,…,n\\_S)]{}\\\n&=&-0.3cm((1-m\\_o)+m\\_o)-0.1cm,\\\nand \\_f&=&n+\\_[k=2]{}\\^fn\\_k,\\\n\\_f&=&x+\\_[k=2]{}\\^fx\\_k. ", "Eq.", " \\[margprocesssymm\\] can be derived from the multivariate dynamics of Eq.", " \\[evolve1\\] under the approximation that stochastic variables $(N(\\tau),\\allowbreak N_2(\\tau),\\allowbreak \\dots,\\allowbreak N_{f-1}(\\tau))=(n,\\allowbreak n_2,\\allowbreak \\dots,\\allowbreak n_{f-1})$ are fixed in time such that $T_{ij\\vec{n}}=0$ for $i,j<f$. In this scenario, the summations on the right-hand side of Eq.", " \\[evolve1\\] may begin at $f$ =\\_[i=f]{}\\^S\\_[j=f,ji]{}\\^S(T\\_[ij+\\_i-\\_j]{}P\\_[+\\_i-\\_j]{}-T\\_[ji]{}P\\_ ) \\_[ij]{}. ", "Given the identity P\\_=P\\_n P\\_[n\\_2|n]{} P\\_[n\\_[f-1]{}|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-2]{}]{} P\\_[n\\_f,…,n\\_S|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}, the stationary factor $P_n P_{n_2|n} \\cdots P_{n_{f-1}|n,n_2,\\dots,n_{f-2}} $ cancels from both sides of Eq.", " \\[evolve1f\\] to yield &&\\\n&=&\\_[i=f]{}\\^S\\_[j=f,ji]{}\\^S(T\\_[ij+\\_i-\\_j]{}P\\_[\\_f+\\_[fi]{}-\\_[fj]{}|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}-T\\_[ji]{}P\\_[\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{} ) \\_[ij]{},\\\nwhere $\\vec{n}_f\\equiv(n_f,\\dots,n_S)$ and $e_{fi}$ is an $(S-f+1)$–dimensional unit vector along the $i$th–direction. ", "Now let \\^[J\\_L--n\\_f]{}\\_[n\\_[f+1]{}=0]{}\\^[J\\_L-n-n\\_2--n\\_f]{} …\\_[n\\_S=0]{}\\^[J\\_L-n-n\\_2--n\\_f]{}(J\\_L-n-n\\_2-…-n\\_S), so that P\\_[n\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}=\\^[J\\_L--n\\_f]{}P\\_[\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}. ", "Applying Eq.", " \\[defsumdeltasymm\\] to both sides of Eq.", " \\[evolve1ff\\], we obtain &&\\\n&=&\\^[J\\_L--n\\_f]{}\\_[i=f+1]{}\\^S\\_[j=f+1,ji]{}\\^S(T\\_[ij+\\_i-\\_j]{}P\\_[\\_f+\\_[fi]{}-\\_[fj]{}|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}.\\\n&&.-T\\_[ji]{}P\\_[\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{} ) \\_[ij]{}\\\n&&+\\^[J\\_L--n\\_f]{}\\_[j=f+1]{}\\^S(T\\_[fj+\\_f-\\_j]{}P\\_[\\_f+\\_[ff]{}-\\_[fj]{}|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}.\\\n&&.-T\\_[jf]{}P\\_[\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{} ) \\_[fj]{}\\\n&&+\\^[J\\_L--n\\_f]{}\\_[i=f+1]{}\\^S (T\\_[if+\\_i-\\_f]{}P\\_[\\_f+\\_[fi]{}-\\_[ff]{}|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}.\\\n&&.-T\\_[fi]{}P\\_[\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{} ) \\_[if]{}.\\\nBy inspection, the first term is identically zero and the remaining terms generate the right-hand side of Eq.", " \\[margprocesssymm\\], namely &&\\^[J\\_L--n\\_f]{}\\_[j=f+1]{}\\^S T\\_[fj+\\_f-\\_j]{}P\\_[\\_f+\\_[ff]{}-\\_[fj]{}|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{} \\_[fj]{}\\\n&&=r\\_[n\\_f+1|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}(J\\_L-(n\\_f+1))P\\_[n\\_f+1|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{},\\\n&&\\^[J\\_L--n\\_f]{}\\_[j=f+1]{}\\^S T\\_[jf]{}P\\_[\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{} \\_[fj]{}\\\n&&= g\\_[n\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}(J\\_L-(n\\_f+1))P\\_[n\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{},\\\n&&\\^[J\\_L--n\\_f]{}\\_[i=f+1]{}\\^S T\\_[if+\\_i-\\_f]{}P\\_[\\_f+\\_[fi]{}-\\_[ff]{}|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{} \\_[if]{}\\\n&&= g\\_[n\\_f-1|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}(n\\_f-1)P\\_[n\\_f-1|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{},\\\n&&\\^[J\\_L--n\\_f]{}\\_[i=f+1]{}\\^S T\\_[fi]{}P\\_[\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{} \\_[if]{}\\\n&&= r\\_[n\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}(n\\_f-1)P\\_[n\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}. ", "The stationary distribution of Eq.", " \\[margprocesssymm\\] is a Pólya distribution [@Johnson:1992tUDD] &P\\_[n\\_f|n,n\\_2,…,n\\_[f-1]{}]{}\\^[[nn]{}\\*]{}&\\\n&=&-1.2cm N\\_[Pf]{} ,\\\nwhere N\\_[Pf]{}\\^[-1]{}= , and \\_[on]{}=I\\_o. ", "Plugging Eqs.", " \\[PnNN\\] and \\[Pnf\\] into \\[PnvecNNAppB\\], we obtain the approximate sampling distribution of Eq.", " \\[PnvecNN\\]. ", "To validate Eq.", " \\[PnvecNN\\], we demonstrate approximate detailed balance, as defined by Eq.", " \\[detailedbalance\\], for large–$J_L$ nearly neutral communities where $S,w-1<<\\sum_{l=1}^Sw_ln_l-1=J_L-1+n(w-1)$ such that $\\epsilon\\equiv (w-1)/(J_L-1+n(w-1))$ is a small number. ", "For $i,j\\ge 2$, detailed balance is exact. ", "But for $i=1$ and $j\\ge 2$, we have &=&\\\n&&\\_[k=2]{}\\^S, where \\_[n]{}=I. Given $(a(1+\\epsilon))_n\\sim(a)_n+{\\cal O}(\\epsilon)$, we find =+[O]{}(S). ", "The case of $i\\ge 2$ and $j=1$ is similar.", "\n\naddtoreset[equation]{}[subsubsection]{}\n\nAsymptotic Expansions for Hypergeometric Functions {#app}\n==================================================\n\nCalculating Eqs.", " \\[PnNN\\], \\[avgn\\], \\[avgn2\\], \\[PnvecNN\\], \\[PnNNM\\], \\[PnvecNNM\\], and \\[PnhatvecMlimit\\] for large communities requires computationally intensive evaluations of hypergeometric functions. ", "To address this problem, one of us (N.M.T.) developed previously unknown asymptotic expansions. ", "All required expansions are summarized here. ", "Relevant details can be found in [@Abra65; @Luke:1969:SFA; @Wong:2001:AAI; @Gil:2007:NSF].", "\n\nExpanding ${}_3F_2(1-J_L,1+\\lambda,2;2-\\xi,1;\\eta)$ {#otherform}\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nUsing the reduction formula $$\\label{oth1}\n{}_3F_2(a,b,2;c,1;z)=\\frac{abz}{c}{}_2F_1(a+1,b+1;c+1;z)+{}_2F_1(a,b;c;z),$$ this case can be expanded with the methods of §\\[secondsec\\].", "\n\nExpanding ${}_2F_1(\\alpha-J_L,\\alpha+\\lambda;\\alpha+1-\\xi;\\eta)$ {#secondsec}\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n### Notation {#not}\n\nWe write $$\\label{n_1}\na=\\alpha-J_L,\\quad b=\\alpha+\\beta+\\mu J_L,\\quad c=\\alpha+\\gamma+\\rho J_L,$$ with $\\alpha=0,1,2$ and $J_L$ a positive integer. ", "In terms of $w$, $m$, $x$, and $m_o$ we have $$\\label{n_2}\n\\beta=-\\frac{mx}{1-m+x(w-1)},\\quad\\mu=-\\beta,$$ and $$\\label{n_3}\n\\gamma=\\frac{1-xwm_o+x(w-1)}{1-wm_o+x(w-1)},\\quad \\rho =-\\gamma.$$ The asymptotic behaviour will be considered of the Gauss hypergeometric function $$\\label{n_4}\nF={}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta),$$ for large–$J_L$, where $$\\label{n_5}\n\\eta=w\\frac{1-m+x(w-1)}{1-wm_o+x(w-1)},$$ and $$\\label{n_6}\nw\\in(0,\\infty),\\quad x,m,m_o\\in(0,1).$$\n\n### The neutral case: $w=1,$ $m=m_o$ {#r1}\n\nIn this case $$\\label{r_}\n\\eta=1,\\quad \\mu=\\frac{mx}{1-m},\\quad \\rho=-\\frac{1-mx}{1-m}.$$ The exact relation $$\\label{r1_2}\n{}_2F_1(-n,b;c;1)=\\frac{(c-b)_n}{(c)_n}=\\frac{\\Gamma(c)\\Gamma(c-b+n)}{\\Gamma(c+n)\\Gamma(c-b)},\\quad n=0,1,2,\\ldots,$$ can be used, together with the asymptotic estimate of the ratio of gamma functions $$\\label{r1_3}\n\\frac{\\Gamma(x+n)}{\\Gamma(y+n)}=n^{x-y}\\left(1+\\bigO(1/n)\\right),\\quad n\\to\\infty.$$\n\n### Critical values {#crit}\n\nConsidered as functions of $w$, $\\mu$ and $\\rho$ become unbounded at $w=w_{c_\\mu}$ and $w=w_{c_\\rho}$, respectively, where $$\\label{cv1}\nw_{c_\\mu}=\\frac{m+x-1}{x},\\quad w_{c_\\rho}=\\frac{1-x}{m_o-x}.$$\n\n### The case $w\\to w_{c_\\mu}$ {#rcmu .unnumbered}\n\nIn this case $\\eta$ becomes small, $b$ becomes unbounded, but the product $b\\eta$ remains finite. ", "The $k$th term of the standard power series of $F$ becomes (see also ) $$\\label{cv2}\n\\frac{(a)_k(b)_k}{k! (", "c)_k}\\eta^k\\sim\n\\frac{(a)_k}{k! (", "c_0)_k}z^k,$$ with $$\\label{cv3}\nz=\\lim_{w\\to w_{c_\\mu}} b\\eta=u+vJ_L,\\quad c_0=\\lim_{w\\to w_{c_\\mu}}c=\\gamma_0+\\rho_0J_L,$$ where $$\\label{cv4}\nu=-\\frac{mx(m+x-1)}{mx-m_o(m+x-1)},\\quad v=-u,$$ and $$\\label{cv5}\n\\gamma_0=\\frac{x(m(1-m_o)+m_o(1-x))}{mx-m_o(m+x-1)},\\quad\n\\rho_0=-\\gamma_0.$$ It follows that $F$ approaches a confluent hypergeometric function: $$\\label{cv6}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta)\\to{}_1F_1(a;c_0;z).$$ Further action is needed to obtain an asymptotic approximation of the ${}_1F_1$–function.", "\n\n### The case $w\\to w_{c_\\rho}$ {#rcnu .unnumbered}\n\nIn this case $\\eta$ and $c$ become unbounded, but the ratio $\\eta/c$ remains finite. ", "The $k$th term of the standard power series of $F$ becomes $$\\label{cv7}\n\\frac{(a)_k(b)_k}{k! (", "c)_k}\\eta^k\\sim\n\\frac{(a)_k(b_0)_k}{k!\\,z^k},$$ with $$\\label{cv8}\nz=\\lim_{w\\to w_{c_\\rho}} c/\\eta=u+vJ_L,\\quad b_0=\\lim_{w\\to w_{c_\\rho}}b=\\beta_0+\\mu_0J_L,$$ where $$\\label{cv9}\nu=\\frac{m_o(m_o-x)(1-x)}{mx-m_o(m+x-1)},\\quad v=-u,$$ and $$\\label{cv10}\n\\beta_0=-\\frac{mx(m_o-x)}{mx-m_o(m+x-1)},\\quad\n\\mu_0=-\\beta_0.$$ It follows that $F$ approaches a ${}_2F_0$ hypergeometric function $$\\label{cv11}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta)\\to{}_2F_0(a,b_0;-;1/z)=\\sum_{k=0}^{-a}\\frac{(a)_k(b_0)_k}{k! ", "\\,z^k},$$ because $a$ is a negative integer. ", "This function can be expressed in terms of the Kummer $U$–function $$\\label{cv12}\n{}_2F_0(a,b_0;-;1/z)=(-z)^aU(a,1+a-b_0,-z).$$ Further action is needed to obtain an asymptotic approximation of the $U$–function.", "\n\n### Expansion A {#simpsad}\n\nAn integral representation is $$\\label{ss1}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta)=\\frac{\\Gamma(c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(c-b)}\\int_0^1t^{b-1}(1-t)^{c-b-1}(1-t\\eta)^{-a}\\,dt,$$ valid for $c> b>0, \\eta<1$. This integral can be used when $\\rho>\\mu>0, \\eta<1$.\n\nAs an example, consider $$\\label{ss3}\nr=3, \\quad m=\\tfrac12, \\quad m_o=\\tfrac12, \\quad x=\\tfrac13.$$ This gives $$\\label{ss4}\nb=\\alpha+\\tfrac1{11}(J_L-1), \\quad c=\\alpha+5(J_L-1), \\quad \\mu=\\tfrac1{11},\\quad \\rho= 5,\\quad \\eta=-11.$$\n\nIn this case the integrand becomes small at $t=0$ and $t=1$, and there is a maximum of the integrand at $t=t_1$, with $t_1\\in(0,1)$. This point gives the main contribution.", "\n\nWrite as $$\\label{ss5}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta)=\\frac{\\Gamma(c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(c-b)}\n\\int_0^1t^{\\alpha+\\beta-1}(1-t)^{\\gamma-\\beta-1}(1-t\\eta)^{-\\alpha}e^{-J_L\\phi(t)}\\,dt,$$ where $$\\label{ss6}\n\\phi(t)=-\\mu\\ln(t)-(\\rho-\\mu)\\ln(1-t)-\\ln(1-t\\eta).$$ The saddle points $t_0$ and $t_1$ are the zeros of $\\phi^\\prime(t)$. For the example this gives $$\\label{ss7}\nt_0=-0.01169\\cdots,\\quad t_1 =0.1178\\cdots,$$ and $$\\label{ss8}\n\\phi(t_1) =-0.02136\\cdots, \\quad \\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_1)=35.83\\cdots\\,.$$\n\nAn asymptotic approximation follows from the substitution $$\\label{ss9}\n\\phi(t)-\\phi(t_1) =\\tfrac12\\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_1)s^2,\\quad \\sign(t-t_1)=\\sign(s),$$ which gives $$\\label{ss10}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta)=\\frac{\\Gamma(c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(c-b)}\ne^{-J_L\\phi(t_1)}\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty f(s) e^{-\\tfrac12J_L\\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_1)s^2}\\,ds,$$ where $$\\label{ss11}\nf(s)=t^{\\alpha+\\beta-1}(1-t)^{\\gamma-\\beta-1}(1-t\\eta)^{-\\alpha}\\frac{dt}{ds}.$$ Because locally at $t=t_1$ (or $s=0$), $t=t_1+s+\\bigO(s^2)$, we have $dt/ds=1$ at $s=0$, and $$\\label{ss12}\nf(0)=t_1^{\\alpha+\\beta-1}(1-t_1)^{\\gamma-\\beta-1}(1-t_1\\eta)^{-\\alpha}.$$ This gives the first order approximation $$\\label{ss13}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta)\\sim\\frac{\\Gamma(c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(c-b)}\ne^{-J_L\\phi(t_1)}f(0)\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty e^{-\\tfrac12J_L\\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_1)s^2}\\,ds,$$ that is $$\\label{ss14}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta)\\sim\\frac{\\Gamma(c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(c-b)}\ne^{-J_L\\phi(t_1)}f(0)\\sqrt{\\frac{2\\pi}{J_L\\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_1)}},\\quad J_L\\to\\infty.$$\n\n### Expansion B {#othsad}\n\nAnother integral representation is $$\\label{os1}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta)=\\frac{\\Gamma(1+b-c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(1-c)}\\int_0^{\\infty}t^{b-1}(t+1)^{c-b-1}(1+t\\eta)^{-a}\\,dt,$$ which is only valid for $a=0,-1,-2,\\ldots$ and $c<a+1$. It can be verified by expanding $(1+t\\eta)^{-a}$ in powers of $\\eta$.\n\nWe have $\\mu>0$ and $\\rho<-1$, and because (see , and ) $$\\label{os2}\n\\eta=-\\frac{mx}{(1-m_ox)}\\,\\frac{\\rho}{\\mu},$$ we see that $\\eta\\ge0$.\n\nAs an example, consider $$\\label{os3}\nr=\\tfrac13, \\quad m=\\tfrac12, \\quad m_o=\\tfrac12, \\quad x=\\tfrac13.$$ This gives $$\\label{os4}\nb=\\alpha+3(J_L-1), \\quad c=\\alpha+\\tfrac{15}{13}(1-J_L), \\quad \\mu=3,\\quad \\rho= -\\tfrac{15}{13},\\quad \\eta=\\tfrac{1}{13}.$$\n\nWrite as $$\\label{os5}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta)=\\frac{\\Gamma(1+b-c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(1-c)}\\int_0^{\\infty}\nt^{\\alpha+\\beta-1}(t+1)^{\\gamma-\\beta-1}(1+t\\eta)^{-\\alpha}e^{-J_L\\psi(t)}\\,dt,$$ where $$\\label{os6}\n\\psi(t)=-\\mu\\ln(t)-(\\rho-\\mu)\\ln(t+1)-\\ln(1+t\\eta).$$ The saddle points $t_0$ and $t_1$ are for the example $$\\label{os7}\nt_0=-74.89\\cdots,\\quad t_1 =3.385\\cdots,$$ and $$\\label{os8}\n\\psi(t_1) =2.251\\cdots, \\quad \\psi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_1)=0.04951\\cdots\\,.$$\n\nAn asymptotic approximation follows from the substitution $$\\label{os9}\n\\psi(t)-\\psi(t_1) =\\tfrac12\\psi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_1)s^2,\\quad \\sign(t-t_1)=\\sign(s),$$ which gives $$\\label{os10}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta)=\\frac{\\Gamma(1+b-c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(1-c)}\ne^{-J_L\\psi(t_1)}\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty g(s) e^{-\\tfrac12J_L\\psi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_1)s^2}\\,ds,$$ where $$\\label{os11}\ng(s)=t^{\\alpha+\\beta-1}(1+t)^{\\gamma-\\beta-1}(1+t\\eta)^{-\\alpha}\\frac{dt}{ds}.$$ Because locally at $t=t_1$ (or $s=0$), $t=t_1+s+\\bigO(s^2)$, we have $dt/ds=1$ at $s=0$, and $$\\label{os12}\ng(0)=t_1^{\\alpha+\\beta-1}(1+t_1)^{\\gamma-\\beta-1}(1+t_1\\eta)^{-\\alpha}.$$ This gives the first order approximation $$\\label{os13}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta)\\sim\\frac{\\Gamma(1+b-c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(1-c)}\ne^{-J_L\\psi(t_1)}g(0)\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty e^{-\\tfrac12J_L\\psi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_1)s^2}\\,ds,$$ that is $$\\label{os14}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta)\\sim\\frac{\\Gamma(1+b-c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(1-c)}\ne^{-J_L\\psi(t_1)}g(0)\\sqrt{\\frac{2\\pi}{J_L\\psi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_1)}},\\quad J_L\\to\\infty.$$\n\n### Expansion C {#finalsad}\n\nIf $\\mu<\\rho<-1$ and $\\eta<0$, apply the transformation $$\\label{rem2}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta)=(1-\\eta^\\prime)^a{}_2F_1(a,b^\\prime;c;\\eta^\\prime),$$ where $$\\label{rem3}\nb^{\\prime}=c-b=\\beta^\\prime+\\mu^\\prime J_L,\\quad \\beta^\\prime=\\gamma-\\beta,\\quad \\mu^\\prime=\\rho-\\mu, \\quad \\eta^\\prime=\\frac{\\eta}{\\eta-1}.$$ Now, $$\\label{rem4}\n\\mu^\\prime>0,\\quad \\rho<-1,\\quad \\eta^\\prime>0,$$ and it follows that Expansion B, §\\[othsad\\], applies to the Gauss function on the right-hand side of .", "\n\n### General cases for all non-critical values {#remaining}\n\n1. ", " $w_{c_\\mu},w_{c_\\rho}<0$ For all $w>0$, we have $\\mu>0$, $\\rho<-1$, and $\\eta>0$, so use Expansion B, §\\[othsad\\].", "\n\n2. ", " $w_{c_\\mu}>0$, $w_{c_\\rho}<0$ For all $w_{c_\\mu}>w>0$, we have $\\mu<-1$, $\\rho<-1$, and $\\eta<0$, so use Expansion C, §\\[finalsad\\]. ", "For all $w>w_{c_\\mu}$, we have $\\mu>0$, $\\rho<-1$, and $\\eta>0$, so use Expansion B, §\\[othsad\\].", "\n\n3. ", " $w_{c_\\mu}<0$, $w_{c_\\rho}>0$ For all $w_{c_\\rho}>w>0$, we have $\\mu>0$, $\\rho<-1$, and $\\eta>0$, so use Expansion B, §\\[othsad\\]. ", "For all $w>w_{c_\\rho}$, we have $\\rho>\\mu>0$ and $\\eta<0$, so use Expansion A, §\\[simpsad\\].", "\n\n4. ", " $w_{c_\\rho}>w_{c_\\mu}>0$ For all $w_{c_\\mu}>w>0$, we have $\\mu<-1$, $\\rho<-1$, and $\\eta<0$, so use Expansion C, §\\[finalsad\\]. ", "For all $w_{c_\\rho}>w>w_{c_\\mu}$, we have $\\mu>0$, $\\rho<-1$, and $\\eta>0$, so use Expansion B, §\\[simpsad\\]. ", "For all $w>w_{c_\\rho}$, we have $\\rho>\\mu>0$ and $\\eta<0$, so use Expansion A, §\\[simpsad\\].", "\n\nExpanding ${}_2F_1(1-J_M,1;2-\\xi_M;\\eta_M)$ {#F21forF32}\n-------------------------------------------\n\n### Notation {#notation}\n\nWe write $$\\label{othf1}\na=1-J_M,\\quad b=1, \\quad c=\\sigma+\\tau J_M,$$ with $$\\label{othf2}\n\\sigma=1+\\frac{1}{1-w\\nu_o},\\quad \\tau=-\\frac{1}{1-w\\nu_o}.$$ The asymptotic behaviour will be considered of the Gauss hypergeometric function $$\\label{othf3M}\nF={}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta_M)$$ for large–$J_M$, where $$\\label{othf4M}\n\\eta_M=\\frac{ w(1-\\nu)}{1 -w\\nu_o},$$ and $$\\label{othf5}\nw\\in(0,\\infty),\\quad \\nu,\\nu_o\\in(0,1).$$\n\n### The neutral case: $w=1$, $\\nu=\\nu_o$ {#othr1}\n\nIn this case $\\eta_M=1$ and can be used to get an exact result in terms of gamma functions.", "\n\n### The critical case $w_{c_{\\nu_o}}=1/\\nu_o$ {#othcrit}\n\nIn this case we have (see also §\\[rcnu\\]) $$\\label{othf6}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta_M)\\to{}_2F_0(a,b;-;1/z)=(-z)^aU(a,1+a-b,-z),$$ where $$\\label{othf7}\nz=-\\frac{(J_M-1)\\nu_o}{1-\\nu}.$$\n\n### The case $0<w<w_{c_{\\nu_o}}$ {#othgenrsmall}\n\nUse the integral representation $$\\label{othf11}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta_M)=\\frac{\\Gamma(1+b-c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(1-c)}\\int_0^{\\infty}\nt^{b-1}f(t)e^{-J_M\\phi(t)}\\,dt,$$ where $$\\label{othf12}\nf(t)=(1+t)^{\\sigma-b-1}(1+\\eta_M t)^{-1},\\quad \\phi(t)=-\\tau\\ln(1+t)-\\ln(1+\\eta_M t).$$ The saddle point $t_0$ follows from solving $\\phi^\\prime(t)=0$. This gives $$\\label{othf13}\n\\phi^\\prime(t)=-\\frac{\\tau}{1+t}-\\frac{\\eta_M}{1+\\eta_M t}, \\quad t_0=-\\frac{\\tau+\\eta_M}{\\eta_M(\\tau+1)}.$$ In terms of $w$ and $\\nu$ $$\\label{othf14}\nt_0=-\\frac{(1-w\\nu_o)(1-w+w\\nu)}{\\nu_o(1-\\nu)w^2}.$$\n\n1. ", " If $0<w<1/(1-\\nu)\\equiv w_{c_\\nu}$, then the saddle point is negative, and we can substitute $s=\\phi(t)$, giving $$\\label{othf15}\n {}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta_M)=\\frac{\\Gamma(1+b-c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(1-c)}\\int_0^{\\infty}\n s^{b-1}g(s) e^{-J_Ms}\\,ds,$$ where $$\\label{othf16}\n g(s)=f(t)\\left(\\frac{t}{s}\\right)^{b-1}\\,\\frac{dt}{ds}=\\left(\\frac{t}{s}\\right)^{b-1}\\,\\frac{f(t)}{\\phi^\\prime(t)}.$$ Apply Watson’s lemma by expanding $g(s)=\\sum_{k=0}^\\infty g_ks^k$ to obtain $$\\label{othf17}\n {}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta_M)\\sim\\frac{\\Gamma(1+b-c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(1-c)}\\sum_{k=0}^\\infty \\frac{\\Gamma(b+k)\\,g_k}{J_M^{b+k}}.$$ To compute the coefficients $g_k$ we first expand $t=\\sum_{k=1}^\\infty t_ks^k$. The coefficients $t_k$ follow from inverting the expansion $$\\label{othf18}\n s=-\\tau\\ln(1+t)-\\ln(1+\\eta_M t)=\\sum_{k=1}^\\infty s_kt^k,\\quad s_1=-\\tau-\\eta_M.$$ This gives $$\\label{othf19}\n t_1=-\\frac{1}{\\tau+\\eta_M}=\\frac{1-w\\nu_o}{1-w+w\\nu},$$ and for the first coefficient in the expansion $g_0=g(0)=t_1^b$. This gives $$\\label{othf20}\n {}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta_M)\\sim\\frac{\\Gamma(1+b-c)}{\\Gamma(1-c)}\\left(\\frac{t_1}{J_M}\\right)^{b}.$$\n\n2. ", " If $w>w_{c_\\nu}$, then $t_0$ is positive, and Laplace’s method can be used, as in §§\\[simpsad\\], \\[othsad\\]. ", "We substitute $$\\label{othf21}\n \\tfrac12\\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_0)s^2=\\phi(t)-\\phi(t_0),\\quad \\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_0)=\\frac{\\eta_M^2(\\tau+1)^3}{\\tau(\\eta_M-1)^2},$$ and obtain $$\\label{othf22}\n {}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta_M)\\sim\\frac{\\Gamma(1+b-c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(1-c)}\\sqrt{\\frac{2\\pi}{J_M\\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_0)}}e^{-J_M\\phi(t_0)}t_0^{b-1}f(t_0),$$ where $t_0$ is given in .", "\n\n3. ", " If $w=w_{c_\\nu}$, then $t_0=0$ and Laplace’s method on a half-infinite interval can be used.", "\n\n### The case $w>w_{c_{\\nu_o}}$ {#othgenrlarge}\n\nUse the integral representation $$\\label{othf23}\n{}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta_M)=\\frac{\\Gamma(c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(c-b)}\\int_0^1f(t)e^{-J_M\\phi(t)}\\,dt,$$ where $$\\label{othf24}\nf(t)=t^{b-1}(1-t)^{\\sigma-b-1}(1-\\eta_M t)^{-1},\\quad \\phi(t)=-\\tau\\ln(1-t)-\\ln(1-\\eta_M t).$$ The saddle point $t_0$ follows from solving $\\phi^\\prime(t)=0$. This gives $$\\label{othf25}\n\\phi^\\prime(t)=\\frac{\\tau}{1-t}+\\frac{\\eta_M}{1-\\eta_M t}, \\quad t_0=\\frac{\\tau+\\eta_M}{\\eta_M(\\tau+1)}.$$ In terms of $w$ and $\\nu$ $$\\label{othf26}\nt_0=\\frac{(1-w\\nu_o)(1-w+w\\nu)}{\\nu_o(1-\\nu)w^2}.$$\n\n1. ", " If $w<w_{c_\\nu}$, then $t_0<0$ and Watson’s lemma should be used. ", "The result is $$\\label{othf27}\n {}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta_M)\\sim\\frac{\\Gamma(c)}{\\Gamma(c-b)}\\left(\\frac{t_1}{J_M}\\right)^{b},\\quad t_1=\\frac{1}{\\eta_M+\\tau}.$$\n\n2. ", " If $w>w_{c_\\nu}$, then the saddle point $t_0$ is always inside the interval $(0,1)$, with $t_0\\to1$ if $w\\to\\infty$. Laplace’s method should be used. ", "This gives $$\\label{othf28}\n {}_2F_1(a,b;c;\\eta_M)\\sim\\frac{\\Gamma(c)}{\\Gamma(b)\\Gamma(c-b)}\\sqrt{\\frac{2\\pi}{J_M\\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_0)}}e^{-J_M\\phi(t_0)}t_0^{b-1}f(t_0),$$ where $f, \\phi$ and $t_0$ are given in – and $$\\label{othf29}\n \\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(t_0)=\\frac{\\eta_M^2(\\tau+1)^3}{\\tau(\\eta_M-1)^2}.$$\n\n3. ", " If $w=w_{c_\\nu}$ then $t_0=0$ and Laplace’s method on a half-infinite interval can be used.", "\n\nExpanding ${}_3F_2(1-J_M,1,1;2,2-\\xi_M;\\eta_M)$ {#F32case}\n-----------------------------------------------\n\n### Notation {#notation-1}\n\nWe write $$\\label{F1}\na=1-J_M, \\quad c=\\sigma+\\tau J_M,$$ with $$\\label{F3}\n\\sigma=1+\\frac{1}{1-w\\nu_o},\\quad \\tau=-\\frac{1}{1-w\\nu_o},$$ The asymptotic behaviour will be considered of the hypergeometric function $$\\label{othf3MM}\nF={}_3F_2(a,1,1;c,2;\\eta_M),$$ for large–$J_M$, where $$\\label{othf4MM}\n\\eta_M=\\frac{ w(1-\\nu)}{1 -w\\nu_o},$$ and $$\\label{F5}\nr\\in(0,\\infty),\\quad \\nu,\\nu_o\\in(0,1).$$ Note that $$\\label{F8}\n{}_3F_2(a,1,1;c,2;\\eta_M)=\\sum_{k=0}^\\infty\\frac{(a)_k(1)_k(1)_k}{k!\\,(c)_k(2)_k}\\eta_M^k=\n\\sum_{k=0}^\\infty\\frac{(a)_k}{(c)_k}\\frac{\\eta_M^k}{k+1},$$ and because $a$ is a negative integer this series terminates at $k=-a$.\n\n### Representation in terms of a Laplace integral {#Lap}\n\nWe substitute $$\\label{F9}\n\\frac{1}{k+1}=\\int_0^\\infty e^{-(k+1)w}\\,dw,$$ and obtain $$\\label{F10}\n{}_3F_2(a,1,1;c,2;\\eta_M)=\\int_0^{\\infty}e^{-w}{}_2F_1(a,1;c,z)\\,dw,\\quad z=\\eta_M e^{-w}.$$ For this representation we use the results of §§\\[othgenrsmall\\], \\[othgenrlarge\\] when, with $\\eta_M$ replaced by $\\eta_M e^{-w}$, the saddle points $t_0$ of and are negative. ", "This gives two cases.", "\n\n1. ", " *The case $w<w_{c_{\\nu_o}}$ and $w<w_{c_\\nu}$.* For this case we use the results in - with $b=1$. We have $$\\label{F11}\n {}_2F_1(a,1;c;z)=\\frac{1-c}{J_M}g_0+\\bigO(1/J_M),$$ where $g_0=t_1$ and $t_1=-1/(\\tau+\\eta_M e^{-w})$. This gives $$\\label{F12}\n {}_3F_2(a,1,1;c,2;\\eta_M)=\\frac{c-1}{J_M}\\int_0^{\\infty}e^{-w}\\,\\frac{dw}{\\tau+\\eta_M e^{-w}}+\\bigO(1/J_M).$$ Evaluating the integral we obtain $$\\label{F13}\n {}_3F_2(a,1,1;c,2;\\eta_M)=\\frac{c-1}{\\tau J_M}\\frac{\\ln(1+\\eta_M/\\tau)}{\\eta_M/\\tau}+\\bigO(1/J_M).$$\n\n2. ", " *The case $w>w_{c_{\\nu_o}}$ and $w<w_{c_\\nu}$.* In this case we use the results in -, again, with $b=1$ and $\\eta_M$ replaced with $\\eta_M e^{-w}$. We use Watson’s lemma for by substituting $s=\\phi(t)$ and obtain $$\\label{F14}\n {}_2F_1(a,1;c;z)=(c-1)\\int_0^\\infty e^{-J_Ms}g(s)\\,ds,\\quad g(s)=\\frac{ (1-t)^{\\sigma-2}}{1-te^{-w}}\\,\\frac{dt}{ds}.$$ Expanding $g$ at $s=0$ we have $g(s)=g_0+\\bigO(s)$, with $g_0=1/(\\tau+\\eta_M e^{-w})$ and, as in the above case, we derive $$\\label{F15}\n {}_3F_2(a,1,1;c,2;\\eta_M)=\\frac{c-1}{\\tau J_M}\\frac{\\ln(1+\\eta_M/\\tau)}{\\eta_M/\\tau}+\\bigO(1/J_M).$$\n\n### Summing the series by integration {#SSI}\n\nWe replace the Pochhammer symbols in by representations in terms of the gamma functions $$\\label{F16}\n(\\alpha)_k=\\frac{\\Gamma(\\alpha+k)}{\\Gamma(\\alpha)}=(-1)^k\\frac{\\Gamma(1-\\alpha)}{\\Gamma(1-\\alpha-k)}.$$ and replace the gamma functions with large positive argument by their asymptotic forms that follow from $$\\label{F17}\n\\Gamma(az+b)\\sim \\sqrt{2\\pi}\\,e^{-az}(az)^{az+b-\\frac12},\\quad z\\to\\infty,\\quad a>0.$$ This gives the remaining two cases.", "\n\n1. ", " *The case $w<w_{c_{\\nu_o}}$ and $w>w_{c_\\nu}$.* In this case $\\tau<-1$ and $ \\eta_M>0$. We replace the Pochhammer symbols in with the second form in . ", "This gives $$\\label{F18}\n {}_3F_2(a,1,1;c,2;\\eta_M)=\\sum_{k=0}^\\infty F(k),$$ where $$\\label{F19}\n F(k)=\\frac{\\Gamma(1-a)}{\\Gamma(1-c)} \\frac{\\eta_M^k}{k+1}\\frac{\\Gamma(1-c-k)}{\\Gamma(1-a-k)},$$ and we replace the summation in by integration, invoking Euler’s summation formula, or the compound trapezoidal rule $$\\label{F20}\n {}_3F_2(a,1,1;c,2;\\eta_M)\\sim\\frac{\\Gamma(1-a)}{\\Gamma(1-c)}\\int_0^{J_M} \\frac{\\eta_M^k}{k+1}\\frac{\\Gamma(1-c-k)}{\\Gamma(1-a-k)}\\,dk.$$ In Euler’s summation formula additional terms occur but in the present case they can be neglected.", "\n\n We replace the gamma functions by their asymptotic estimates following from . ", "This gives $$\\label{F21}\n {}_3F_2(a,1,1;c,2;\\eta_M)\\sim \\frac{\\Gamma(1-a)}{\\Gamma(1-c)}\\int_0^{J_M} \\frac{e^{-\\phi(k)}}{k+1}\\frac{\\sqrt{1-a-k}}{\\sqrt{1-c-k}}\\,dk,$$ where $$\\label{F22}\n \\phi(k)=-k\\ln\\eta_M-(1-c-k)\\ln(1-c-k)+(1-a-k)\\ln(1-a-k).$$ Then, $$\\label{F23}\n \\phi^\\prime(k)=-\\ln \\eta_M+\\ln(1-c-k)-\\ln(1-a-k)),$$ and the derivative vanishes for $k=k_s$, where $$\\label{F24}\n k_s=\\frac{c-1+\\eta_M(1-a)}{1-\\eta_M}=k_0+k_1J_M, \\quad \n k_0=\\frac{\\sigma-1}{\\eta_M-1},\\quad k_1=\\frac{\\tau+\\eta_M}{\\eta_M-1}.$$ and $0<k_1<1$. The dominant point of the integral in is $k=k_s$, and we apply Laplace’s method. ", "We substitute $$\\label{F25}\n \\tfrac12\\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(k_s)s^2=\\phi(k)-\\phi(k_s),\\quad \\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(k_s)=-\\frac{(\\eta_M-1)^2}{J_M\\eta_M(\\tau+1)}+\\bigO(1/J_M^2).$$ This gives $$\\label{F26}\n {}_3F_2(1-J_M,1,1;\\sigma+\\tau J_M,2;\\eta_M)\\, \\sim \\, \n \\sqrt{\\frac{2\\pi}{\\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(k_s)}}\\,F(k_s),$$ where $F(k)$ is given in . ", "After using we obtain $$\\label{F27}\n \\hskip-2cm {}_3F_2(1-J_M,1,1;\\sigma+\\tau J_M,2;\\eta_M) \\nonumber$$ $$\\sim\\sqrt{\\frac{2\\pi}{\\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(k_s)}}\\,\\frac{\\eta_M-1}{(\\eta_M+\\tau)J_M}\\left(-\\frac{\\eta_M}{\\tau}\\right)^{\\frac12-c}\n \\left(\\frac{1+\\tau}{1-\\eta_M}\\right)^{a-c}.$$\n\n2. ", " *The case $w>w_{c_{\\nu_o}}$ and $w>w_{c_\\nu}$.* In this case $\\tau>0$ and $ \\eta_M<0$. We use , replacing the Pochhammer symbol $(a)_k$ by the second form of and $(c)_k$ by the first. ", "This gives $$\\label{F28}\n {}_3F_2(a,1,1;c,2;\\eta_M)=\\sum_{k=0}^\\infty F(k),$$ where $$\\label{F29}\n F(k)=\\frac{\\Gamma(J_M)\\Gamma(c)(-\\eta_M)^k}{(k+1)\\Gamma(J_M-k)\\Gamma(c+k)}.$$ and we replace the summation in by integration,$$\\label{F30}\n {}_3F_2(a,1,1;c,2;\\eta_M)\\sim \\int_0^{J_M} F(k)\\,dk.$$\n\n Applying the asymptotic estimates of gamma functions in , we obtain $$\\label{F31}\n F(k)=\\frac{\\Gamma(J_M)\\Gamma(c)e^{c+J_M}}{2\\pi(k+1)}\\sqrt{(J_M-k)(c+k)} e^{-\\phi(k)},$$ where $$\\label{F32}\n \\phi(k)=(c+k)\\ln(c+k)+(J_M-k)\\ln(J_M-k)-k\\ln(-\\eta_M).$$ We have $$\\label{F33}\n \\phi^\\prime(k)=\\ln(c+k)-\\ln(J_M-k)-\\ln(-\\eta_M),$$ and the saddle point given by $$\\label{F34}\n k_s=\\frac{c+\\eta_M J_M}{\\eta_M-1}=k_0+k_1J_M, \\quad \n k_0=\\frac{\\sigma}{\\eta_M-1},\\quad k_1=\\frac{\\tau+\\eta_M}{\\eta_M-1},$$ where, again, $0<k_1<1$. The dominant point of the integral in is $k=k_s$, and we apply Laplace’s method to this integral. ", "We substitute $$\\label{F35}\n \\tfrac12\\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(k_s)s^2=\\phi(k)-\\phi(k_s),\\quad \\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(k_s)=-\\frac{(\\eta_M-1)^2}{J_M\\eta_M(\\tau+1)}+\\bigO(1/J_M^2),$$ where $\\phi(k)$ is given in . ", "This gives $$\\label{F36}\n {}_3F_2(1-J_M,1,1;\\sigma+\\tau J_M,2;\\eta_M)\\, \\sim \\, \n \\sqrt{\\frac{2\\pi}{\\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(k_s)}}\\,F(k_s),$$ where $F(k)$ is given in . ", "After using we obtain, as in the case above, $$\\label{F37}\n \\hskip-2cm {}_3F_2(1-J_M,1,1;\\sigma+\\tau J_M,2;\\eta_M) \\nonumber$$ $$\\sim\\sqrt{\\frac{2\\pi}{\\phi^{\\prime\\prime}(k_s)}}\\,\\frac{\\eta_M-1}{(\\eta_M+\\tau)J_M}\\left(-\\frac{\\eta_M}{\\tau}\\right)^{\\frac12-c}\n \\left(\\frac{1+\\tau}{1-\\eta_M}\\right)^{a-c}.$$\n" ]
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[ "“I was honored to deliver a letter from President Donald J. Trump to President Vladimir Putin’s administration,” Rand Paul says. ", "| Bryan Woolston/AP Photo Rand Paul delivers letter from Trump to Putin\n\nSen. Rand Paul on Wednesday delivered a letter from President Donald Trump to Russia President Vladimir Putin that \"emphasized the importance of further engagement\" between the two leaders.", "\n\n“I was honored to deliver a letter from President Donald J. Trump to President Vladimir Putin’s administration,” Paul said in a statement, which also noted that the letter was given to representatives for Putin, who has been out of Moscow all week.", "\n\n\nThe letter highlighted how the U.S. wants to continue to work together with Russia on \"countering terrorism, enhancing legislative dialogue and resuming cultural exchanges,\" Paul said.", "\n\nPaul emerged as one of the few prominent defenders of Trump after his controversial summit with Putin in Helsinki last month, during which Trump publicly sided with the Russian president over U.S. intelligence agencies regarding Russian meddling in the 2016 election.", "\n\nAs an outspoken non-interventionist, Paul praised Trump's willingness to engage with Putin and said at the time that he would travel to Russia in early August to play shuttle diplomacy for Trump.", "\n\nOn Wednesday, White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley said in a statement that it was Paul who had requested Trump to provide \"a letter of introduction.\"", "\n\n\"In the letter, the President mentioned topics of interest that Senator Paul wanted to discuss with President Putin,\" Gidley said.", "\n\nSign up here for POLITICO Huddle A daily play-by-play of congressional news in your inbox. ", "Email Sign Up By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO. ", "You can unsubscribe at any time. ", "This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.", "\n\nPaul has been visiting Moscow this week where he met with Russian officials, in addition to visiting the U.S. embassy in the city. ", "On Monday, Paul announced that Russian lawmakers have agreed to visit the U.S. Capitol, which would be the first time in almost three years that an official Russian delegation has visited the U.S. Capitol.", "\n\nPaul was the latest lawmaker to travel to Russia, as a group seven GOP senators and one House member visited Russia over the July 4 holiday week, just two weeks before Trump and Putin's meeting.", "\n\nThe letter also comes after Putin publicly announced late last month that he invited Trump to Russia for another face-to-face meeting.", "\n\nTrump had initially invited Putin to Washington D.C. this fall, but the White House later announced it was delaying a second meeting between the two leaders." ]
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[ "Recurrent retinal artery obstruction as a presenting symptom of ophthalmic artery aneurysm: a case report.", "\nRetinal artery obstruction is an ophthalmic emergency requiring immediate treatment. ", "Recurrent episodes are the result of thromboembolic seeding and necessitate diagnostic efforts to find a possible source for this seeding. ", "The most common sources of such seeding are the valves of the heart and the carotid arteries. ", "We describe a case of a 25-year-old man who had recurrent episodes of retinal artery obstruction due to embolic spread. ", "We suggest the origin of the embolic spread to be a post-traumatic ophthalmic artery aneurysm. ", "The immediate and long-term treatment given to the patient are described, the present case is compared to earlier reports, and the unusual clinical picture and suggested treatment are discussed." ]
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[ "Two years ago, Swedish communications technology giant Ericsson found itself looking for a way to explain the value it saw in the Internet of Things. ", "Rather than publish another whitepaper on the topic, the company struck on a different communication tool: Legos. ", "More specifically, Lego robots.", "\n\nEricsson used Lego Mindstorm robots in a demonstration at the 2012 Mobile World Congress to bring to life its vision of how connected machines might change the way we live. ", "A laundry-robot sorted socks by color and placed them in different baskets while it chatted with the washing machine. ", "A gardening-robot watered the plants when the plants said they were thirsty. ", "A cleaner-robot collapsed and trashed empty cardboard coffee cups that it collected from the table, and a dog-like robot fetched the newspaper when the alarm clock rang.", "\n\nLego’s Mindstorm robots (or education and innovation kits as they are sometimes known) were developed in collaboration with MIT Media Lab as a solution for education and training in the mid to late 90’s. ", "The work was an outcome of research by Professor Seymour Papert, who was co-founder of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab with Marvin Minsky. ", "Papert later co-founded the Epistemology and Learning Group within the MIT Media Lab. ", "Papert’s work has had a major impact on how people develop knowledge, and is especially relevant for building twenty-first century skills.", "\n\nPapert and his collaborators’ research indicates that training programs using robotics influences participants’ ability to learn numerous essential skills, especially creativity, critical thinking, and learning to learn or “metacognition”. ", "They also emphasize important approaches to modern work, like collaboration and communication.", "\n\nThis form of learning is called constructionism, and it is premised on the idea that people learn by actively constructing new knowledge, not by having information “poured” into their heads. ", "Moreover, constructionism asserts that people learn with particular effectiveness when they are engaged in “constructing” personally meaningful artifacts. ", "People don’t get ideas; they make them.", "\n\nPapert’s influential book Mindstorms: Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas as well as extensive scientific research into fields such as cognition, psychology, evolutionary psychology, and epistemology illustrate how this pedagogy can be combined with robotics to yield a powerful, hands-on method of training.", "\n\nIn training courses that use robotics, the program leader sets problems to be solved. ", "Teams are presented with a box of pieces and simple programs that can run on iPads, iPhones, or Android tablets and phones. ", "They are given basic training in the simple programming skills required and then set free to solve the problem presented.", "\n\nProblems can be as ‘simple’ as building a robot to pass through a maze in a certain time frame, which requires trial and error and lots of critical thinking. ", "What size wheels to use for speed and maneuverability, what drain on battery power, which sensors to use for guidance around walls. ", "One team may decide to build a small drone to view and map out the terrain of the maze, this would require theorizing on the weight of the robotic drone and relaying data filmed to a mapping system which the on-ground robot could use to negotiate through the maze.", "\n\nIt is an entirely goal-driven process.", "\n\nParticipants get to design, program, and fully control functional robotic models. ", "They use software to plan, test, and modify sequences of instructions for a variety of robotic behaviors. ", "And they learn to collect and analyze data from sensors, using data logging functionalities embedded in the software. ", "They gain the confidence to author algorithms, which taps critical thinking skills, and to creatively configure the robot to pursue goals.", "\n\nParticipants from all backgrounds gain key team building skills through collaborating closely at every stage of ideation, innovation, deployment, evaluation and scaling. ", "At the end of the training teams are required to present their ideas and results, building effective communication skills.", "\n\nIt is quite astonishing to see how teams have developed robots to achieve tasks such as solving Rubik’s cubes in seconds, playing Sudoku and drawing portraits, creating braille printers, taking part in soccer and basketball games. ", "These robots have even been used for improving ATM security.", "\n\nUsing robots in training programs to overcome challenges pushes participants out of their comfort zone. ", "It deepens their awareness of complexity and builds ownership and responsibility.", "\n\nThe array of skills and work techniques that this kind of training offers is more in need today than ever, as technology is rapidly changing the skills demanded in the workplace.", "\n\nInstead of programming people to act like robots, why not teach them to become programmers, creative thinkers, architects, and engineers? ", "For companies seeking to develop these skills in their employees, hands-on goal-focused training using robots can help." ]
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[ "PGHS\n\nPGHS may refer to:\n Pacific Grove High School, Pacific Grove, California, United States\n Palmers Green High School, Palmers Green, London, United States\n Penns Grove High School, Carneys Point, New Jersey, United States\n Palmers Green High School, Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa\n Pleasant Grove High School (California), Elk Grove, California, United States\n Pleasant Grove High School (Utah), Pleasant Grove, Utah, United States\n Pottsgrove High School, Pottsgrove, Pennsylvania, United States\n Prairie Grove High School, Prairie Grove, Arkansas, United States\n Prince George High School, Prince George, Virginia, United States\nProvidence Grove High School, North Carolina, United States" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nrealurl prevar language and get parameter\n\nI have a strange problem:\nTYPO3 7.6 with realul 2.2.1\nI got a page with a form. ", "One field of the form gets prefilled via get-parameter (sysid=xxxxx). ", "\nThe site is multilanguage: german->0, english->1, mapped via prevars '' and en.", "\nWhen I call the page via www.domain.tld/form-page/?sysid=xxxxx I can fetch the get parameter and fill the field.", "\nWhen I call the page via www.domain.tld/en/form-page/?sysid=xxxxx I get a 404. ", "That's weired because www.domain.tld/en/form-page/ works without any problems.", "\nI tried several settings (e.g. exclude sysid from chash generation) but nothing worked. ", "\nAny hints what I could do?", "\nOne additional note: the getvar links are not generated in TYPO3, the are called via barcodes. ", " \n\nA:\n\nNevermind. ", "Error occured because I didn't adjust the realurl-setting for the domain after moving to live. ", "Therefore automatic configuration took place and that didn't work. ", "With manual conf it works.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Vehicles can incorporate various types of ducts that convey air, for example. ", "Design requirements may necessitate that the ducts be somewhat compliant. ", "The ducts could need to, for example, flex away from a design position in response to a load applied in a particular direction, and then return to the design position after the load is removed. ", "The load could be a load associated with pedestrian protection, or a load resulting from the vehicle bumping into an object.", "\nOne example duct is used to convey air from outside the vehicle to an engine compartment of the vehicle. ", "Such a duct could be used in connection with an active grille shutter system at a front of the vehicle." ]
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[ "<?", "php\n/**\n * Copyright 2010-2013 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. ", "All Rights Reserved.", "\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\").", "\n * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * A copy of the License is located at\n *\n * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0\n *\n * or in the \"license\" file accompanying this file. ", "This file is distributed\n * on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either\n * express or implied. ", "See the License for the specific language governing\n * permissions and limitations under the License.", "\n */\n\nnamespace Aws\\Route53\\Enum;\n\nuse Aws\\Common\\Enum;\n\n/**\n * Contains enumerable Action values\n */\nclass Action extends Enum\n{\n const CREATE = 'CREATE';\n const DELETE = 'DELETE';\n const UPSERT = 'UPSERT';\n}\n" ]
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[ "The effect of leukemic lymphoblasts on normal granulopoiesis.", "\nAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children is often characterized by defective granulopoiesis during initial and relapse stages of the disease, resulting in absolute neutropenia in vivo and in low or absent production of granulocyte-macrophage colonies in vitro. ", "The purpose of this study was to determine if leukemic lymphoblasts from untreated ALL patients could inhibit normal granulopoiesis. ", "Several concentrations of leukemic bone marrow cells from nine patients were mixed with either normal bone marrow cells or with autologous (HLA-identical) remission bone marrow cells, incubated for 1 hour, and co-cultured by the double layer agar technique. ", "The cells were also cultured separately as controls. ", "No statistically significant differences occurred between observed and expected colony counts in the majority of experiments. ", "With three patients, slight inhibition occurred at some but not all leukemic cell concentrations tested; this inhibition was not correlated with the leukemic cell concentration. ", "These results indicate that leukemic cells from untreated ALL patients do not significantly inhibit normal in vitro granulopoiesis at the committed stem cell level or at later levels of differentiation; therefore, such inhibition does not appear to be responsible for ALL-associated neutropenia." ]
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[ "Glenn Beck's Toxic Legacy Will Live On After His Fox News Exit\n\nThe radio host, who appeared to suggest on his show Tuesday that only “hookers” depend on Planned Parenthood, may be departing Fox News. ", "But the polarised media culture he’s thrived in—one that rewards politicians and TV types for inflammatory talk that draws an audience—lives on. ", "Howard Kurtz on the lucrative lure of going too far.", "\n\nAnd yet he was doing exactly what the network wanted—not with the content of his chalkboard rants, but with the incendiary nature of his commentary.", "\n\nThe name of the game in talk television and talk radio today is to register high on the outrage meter, because that’s how you build an audience, and Beck drew a huge one by cable standards. ", "Half the country hates you, half the country loves you, but everyone in the echo chamber is talking about you. ", "And it’s a formula that extends well beyond the media. ", "Our society, not to put too fine a point on it, rewards inflammatory talk.", "\n\nBeck was at it again on his radio show this week, saying that Planned Parenthood is patronized by hookers–thus announcing he has no intention of toning down his scorched-earth, factually challenged approach.", "\n\nHow many people had heard of Republican Joe Wilson before the South Carolina congressman shouted “you lie” during a speech by President Obama? ", "It turned into a fundraising opportunity for him. ", "Democrat Alan Grayson became an MSNBC fixture after he raged that the GOP health plan for sick people was “die quickly”—though it didn’t help him save his House seat. ", "Maybe it’s contagious: During the government-shutdown theatrics, Democrat Louise Slaughter said the Republicans want to “kill women.” ", "I’m all for vigorous debate, but doesn’t that sound a tad overdramatic?", "\n\nThe 535 members of Congress compete in the same static-heavy environment as everyone else, a media culture that rewards finger-in-the-eye rhetoric. ", "They want to get their sound bite on the chat shows, or better yet get invited to make the rounds, and nuanced budget commentary won’t do the trick.", "\n\nIf you’re on Twitter, you want to stand out enough to amass plenty of followers, and caustic tweets are more likely to be picked up and retweeted. ", "Going too far in 140 characters is also a way to get fired, as some journalists have learned, not to mention Gilbert Gottfriend, who was dumped as the Aflac duck after tweeting jokes about the disaster in Japan.", "\n\nHow did we reach this point? ", "The cable-news culture certainly plays a key role. ", "Keith Olbermann, whose style included naming a mock-serious Worst Person in the World and who occasionally regretted bursts of over-the-top rhetoric, left MSNBC after a bitter falling out with management. ", "CNN fired Rick Sanchez after he called Jon Stewart a bigot and suggested that the networks are run by Jews. ", "A world in which Bill O’Reilly regularly anoints pinheads and patriots is one that thrives on polarization—and audiences that cheer for their side’s partisans.", "\n\nIn such a market, Beck was a natural fit. ", "When he was still with Headline News, Beck told the nation’s first Muslim congressman, Keith Ellison, that he felt like saying “Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.”", "\n\nDuring his 2 1/2-year run at Fox, Beck went from describing the president of the United States as having a “deep-seated hatred of white people” to likening reform Judaism to radical Islam to assailing a shadowy Middle East caliphate with ties to left-wing American groups. ", "And he did this for most of his tenure to striking silence on the right. ", "Only more recently did Bill Kristol and other conservative writers join the likes of David Frum in pronouncing such talk unacceptable. ", "Too many in the opinion world have a disinclination to call out their own side.", "\n\nIt’s a short distance between Beck’s nuttier theories and Donald Trump, celebrity businessman and alleged White House aspirant, jumping on the birther bandwagon. ", "Not long ago, anyone who spouted the nonsense that Barack Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii was dismissed as a fringe figure. ", "But the networks keep giving Trump a platform to make these unfounded charges, with varying degrees of pushback from the anchors. ", "The Donald is colourful and some Republicans believe the born-in-Kenya garbage, so the shows clearly hope to grab some Celebrity Apprentice-style ratings.", "\n\nFox will do just fine without Beck, and the radio host will have no trouble making a living, either. ", "The larger problem is a toxic culture that encourages pundits and politicians alike to do whatever it takes to get noticed. ", "And sometimes that means cranking it up to ultra-high decibels.", "\n\nThere’s no use whining about an environment that favours attacks and exaggeration over analysis and accuracy; it is here to stay. ", "But too many of us play a small role as enablers. ", "If the hosts and bloggers who indulge in the worst excesses didn’t put up the numbers, they wouldn’t get the most prominent perches. ", "Maybe they’re providing what the audience wants. ", "But even in this anything-goes atmosphere, as Beck eventually learned, there is such a thing as going too far.", "\n\nHoward Kurtz is The Daily Beast’s Washington bureau chief. ", "He also hosts CNN’s weekly media program Reliable Sources on Sundays at 11 a.m. ET. ", "The longtime media reporter and columnist for The Washington Post, Kurtz is the author of five books." ]
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[ "package org.togglz.spring.activation;\n\nimport java.util.", "ArrayList;\nimport java.util.", "List;\nimport org.springframework.context.", "ApplicationContext;\nimport org.togglz.core.activation.", "AbstractTokenizedActivationStrategy;\nimport org.togglz.core.activation.", "Parameter;\nimport org.togglz.core.activation.", "ParameterBuilder;\nimport org.togglz.core.repository.", "FeatureState;\nimport org.togglz.core.user.", "FeatureUser;\nimport org.togglz.spring.util.", "ContextClassLoaderApplicationContextHolder;\n\n/**\n * <p>\n * An activation strategy based on the profiles that are active within the Spring environment.", "\n * </p>\n * <p>\n * One or more profiles can be specified in a comma-separated value via the \"{@value #PARAM_PROFILES}\" parameter. ", "This\n * strategy works by only activating the feature if at least one of the profiles are currently active. ", "Profile names are\n * not case sensitive.", "\n * </p>\n * <p>\n * If a given profile is prefixed with the NOT operator ({@code !}), ", "the feature will only be active if the profile is\n * <b>not</b> active. ", "If the value of the \"{@value #PARAM_PROFILES}\" parameter was {@code \"p1,!p2\"}, the feature would\n * only be active if \"p1\" is active or if \"p2\" is not active.", "\n * </p>\n *\n * @author Alasdair Mercer\n * @see AbstractTokenizedActivationStrategy\n */\npublic class SpringProfileActivationStrategy extends AbstractTokenizedActivationStrategy {\n\n public static final String ID = \"spring-profile\";\n public static final String PARAM_PROFILES = \"profiles\";\n\n private static List<String> getActiveProfileNames(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {\n String[] names = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getActiveProfiles();\n List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(names.length);\n for (String name : names) {\n result.add(name.toLowerCase());\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n\n @Override\n public String getId() {\n return ID;\n }\n\n @Override\n public String getName() {\n return \"Spring Profile\";\n }\n\n @Override\n public boolean isActive(FeatureState featureState, FeatureUser user, List<Token> tokens) {\n ApplicationContext applicationContext = ContextClassLoaderApplicationContextHolder.get();\n if (applicationContext == null) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"ApplicationContext could not be found, which can occur if there is no \"\n + \"bean for TogglzApplicationContextBinderApplicationListener when TogglzAutoConfiguration is not \"\n + \"being used\");\n }\n\n List<String> activeProfileNames = getActiveProfileNames(applicationContext);\n\n for (Token token : tokens) {\n if (activeProfileNames.contains(token.getValue()) !", "= token.isNegated()) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n @Override\n public Parameter[] getParameters() {\n return new Parameter[] {\n ParameterBuilder.create(PARAM_PROFILES)\n .label(\"Profile Names\")\n .description(\"A comma-separated list of profile names for which the feature should be active. ", "A \"\n + \"profile can be negated by prefixing the name with the NOT operator (!).\")", "\n };\n }\n\n @Override\n public String getTokenParameterName() {\n return PARAM_PROFILES;\n }\n\n @Override\n public TokenTransformer getTokenParameterTransformer() {\n return new TokenTransformer() {\n @Override\n public String transform(String value) {\n return value.toLowerCase();\n }\n };\n }\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "---\nauthor:\n- |\n Andreas Fring and Rebecca Tenney\\\n Department of Mathematics, City University London,\\\n Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB, UK\\\n E-mail: a.fring@city.ac.uk, rebecca.tenney@city.ac.uk\ntitle: 'Time-independent approximations for time-dependent optical potentials'\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nSince Ashkin’s discovery of the fact that radiation pressure from continuous lasers can be used to trap small particles, almost fifty years ago [ashkin1970]{}, various types of optical traps have been designed [neuman2004optical]{}. ", "Different variants of optical traps have found widespead applications to fixate particles [@ashkin1986obs], atoms [metcalf2007laser]{}, molecules [@cronin2009optics], and even living cells such as viruses and bacteria [@ashkin1987opt; @ashkin1987optical]. ", "Once the objects are fixed in the potential their properties can be investigated in a very controlled and otherwise inaccessible manner. ", "The general underlying fundamental quantum mechanical description is provided by the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) involving explicitly time-dependent Hamiltonians in which the optical potentials typically take on the generic form $V(x,t)=\\kappa (t)V(x)$, with $V(x)$ describing the trapping shape and $\\kappa (t)$ some time-dependent modulation, e.g. [o2001scaling]{}. ", "There exist, however, also optical potentials that can not be factorised in this manner, such as for instance periodic optical lattices [@fulton2006controlling].", "\n\nIn general, there are only very few exact solutions known to the TDSE and for many physical applications one relies predominatly on approximation methods. ", "Most approximation methods for time-dependent systems are carried out on the level of the time-evolution operator, such as the adiabatic and the sudden approximation [@born1928beweis]. ", "In more concrete settings less general approximation methods have been developed to account for the specifics of the system. ", "For instance, a very active field of research involving time-dependent Hamiltonians is the area of strong laser fields [@amini2018symphony]. ", "The systems considered in this context involve Stark potentials of the form $V(x)+xE(t)$, with $E(t)$ describing a laser field and the term $xE(t)$ dominating or being comparable in strength to the potential $V(x)$. For these scenarios approximation schemes have been developed as a mixture of perturbative expansions based on the Du-Hamel formula carried out for time-evolution operator [@AC1; @Rev1; @AC3]. ", "When iterated, these expressions give rise to various versions of the Born series. ", "In the high intensity regime the two perturbative series, one in $V(x)$ and the other in $xE(t)$, are mixed and terminated after the first iteration. ", "The expressions obtained in this manner are commonly referred to as the strong field approximation [keldysh65,faisal73,reiss80,amini2018symphony]{}.", "\n\nThere are, however, methods purposefully designed to solve the TDSE exactly. ", "The Lewis-Riesenfeld method of invariants [@Lewis69] is one of them. ", "This scheme has been applied successfully to many models and scenarios, such as the harmonic oscillator with time-dependent mass and frequency in one [@pedrosa1997exact] and two dimensions [abdalla1988charged,bouguerra2006time]{}, the damped harmonic oscillator [maamache2000exact]{}, a time-dependent Coulomb potential [menouar2008exact]{}, a time-dependent Hamiltonians given in terms of linear combinations of SU(1,1) and SU(2) generators [lai1996time,maamache1998unitary,choi20071]{}, in the inverse construction of time-dependent Hamiltonian [@chen2011lewis; @fasihi2012non], for systems on noncommutative spaces in time-dependent backgrounds [PhysRevD.90.084005]{}, time-dependent non-Hermitian Hamiltonian systems [AndTom1,AndTom4,AndTom5,cen2019time]{} and other specific systems.", "\n\nEven though many exact solutions were found, in comparison they are still rare and for more involved potentials the method appears to be nonapplicable. ", "This is partly due to the attempt to complete the Lewis and Riesenfeld method in its entirety. ", "Here we propose to exploit a particular feature of the scheme and modify it when it can only be completed partially. ", "In essence the method consists of three steps, of which often only the first step, that is the construction of the invariants, can be completed. ", "Instead of abandoning the scheme one should recognize that with the completion of the first step one has achieved a major simplification and has transformed the system from a time-dependent first order differential equation to a time-independent eigenvalue equation. ", "Usually one demands in the next step the solvability for this time-independent system, which again is a rare property. ", "For many concrete optical potentials this seems to be entirely unachievable. ", "We explore here the possibility of not terminating the procedure at this stage, but instead to use perturbative theory or the WKB approximation and subsequently feed the approximated expressions back into the Lewis-Riesenfeld approach. ", "Naturally one may also use other approximation methods at this point.", "\n\nWe study here two concrete examples of optical potentials for which an exact method may be obtained and then compare it to the result for which the second step of the Lewis and Riesenfeld method has only been carried out perturbatively. ", "Our manuscript is organised as follows: In section 2 we briefly recall the Lewis-Riesenfeld method of invariants and describe our proposal of altering the second step in the scheme. ", "In section 3 and 4 we investigate in detail two concrete classes of optical potentials. ", "The potentials are chosen in such a way that the full scheme can be completed, hence allowing a comparison with the approximated approach. ", "Our conclusion and an outlook into future problems is provided in section 5.", "\n\nAn approximate Lewis-Riesenfeld method of invariants\n====================================================\n\nWe start by recalling the key steps of the method of invariants and then describe how they can be modified in an appropriate fashion. ", "The scheme was introduced originally by Lewis and Riesenfeld [@Lewis69], for the purpose of solving the TDSE $$i\\hbar \\partial _{t}\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle =H(t)\\left\\vert \\psi\n_{n}\\right\\rangle , \\label{SCH}$$for the time-dependent or dressed states $\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle $ associated to the explicitly time-dependent Hamiltonian $H(t)$.\n\nThe Lewis-Riesenfeld method of invariants is made up of three main stages: The initial step in this approach consists of constructing a time-dependent invariant $I(t)$ from the evolution equation$$\\frac{dI(t)}{dt}=\\partial _{t}I(t)+\\frac{1}{i\\hbar }[I(t),H(t)]=0.", "\n\\label{Inv}$$Often this step can be completed and an exact form for the invariant $I(t)$ can be found. ", "In the next step one needs to solve the corresponding eigenvalue system of the invariant $I(t)$$$I(t)\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}\\right\\rangle =\\lambda _{n}\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}\\right\\rangle , \\label{eigen}$$for time-independent eigenvalues $\\lambda _{n}$ and for the time-dependent states $\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}\\right\\rangle $. ", "Provided the Hamiltonian $H(t)$ is Hermitian also the invariant $I(t)$ is Hermitian and therefore the eigenvalues $\\lambda _{n}$ are guaranteed to be real. ", "The virtue of this equation, compared to the TDSE in (\\[SCH\\]), is that one has reduced the original evolutionary problem in form of a first order differential equation to an eigenvalue equation in which $t$ simply plays the role of a parameter. ", "Hence one just needs to solve a time-independent eigenvalue problem. ", "To complete this step the system in (\\[eigen\\]) needs to be solvable. ", "It is this requirement one can weaken and employ *time-independent* approximation methods to complete step two.", "\n\nThe final third step relates the eigenstates in (\\[eigen\\]) with the complete solution of the TDSE. ", "It was shown in [@Lewis69] that the states$$\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle =e^{i\\alpha _{n}(t)}\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}\\right\\rangle \\label{ph}$$satisfy the TDSE (\\[SCH\\]) provided that the real function $\\alpha (t)$ in (\\[ph\\]) obeys$$\\frac{d\\alpha (t)}{dt}=\\frac{1}{\\hbar }\\left\\langle \\phi _{n}\\right\\vert\ni\\hbar \\partial _{t}-H(t)\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}\\right\\rangle . ", " \\label{pht}$$Since all the quantities on the right hand side of (\\[pht\\]) have been obtained in the previous steps, one is left with a simple integration in time to determine the phase $\\alpha (t)$. These key equations serve mainly for reference purposes and we refer the reader to [@Lewis69] for more details.", "\n\nFor many systems we might succeed in carrying out the first step in the procedure and construct an explicit expression for the invariant $I(t)$. However, the process stalls often in the second step and for most Hamiltonians the eigenvalue equation for the invariants $I(t)$ in ([eigen]{}) can not be solved exactly. ", "In this case we can, however, use approximation methods. ", "For instance, when the potential can be separated into two terms, with one being dominating the other in absolute value, we can set up a standard time-independent perturbation theory. ", "For this purpose let us briefly recall the main formulae in this approach.", "\n\nWe are splitting the invariant as$$I(t)=I_{0}(t)+\\epsilon I_{p}(t),$$and consider the eigenvalue equation for the full invariant and the unperturbed one sparately$$I(t)\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}\\right\\rangle =\\lambda _{n}\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}\\right\\rangle ,\\qquad \\text{and\\qquad }I_{0}(t)\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle =\\lambda _{n}^{(0)}\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle . ", " \\label{I0}$$Assuming that within the perturbation term a small parameter $\\epsilon \\ll 1$ can be identified, we expand the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions of the unperturbed invariant as$$\\lambda _{n}=\\lambda _{n}^{(0)}+\\epsilon \\lambda _{n}^{(1)}+\\epsilon\n^{2}\\lambda _{n}^{(2)}+\\mathcal{O}(\\epsilon ^{3}),\\quad \\text{and\\quad }\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}\\right\\rangle =\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle\n+\\epsilon \\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{(1)}\\right\\rangle +\\epsilon ^{2}\\left\\vert\n\\phi _{n}^{(2)}\\right\\rangle +\\mathcal{O}(\\epsilon ^{3}),$$with $\\lambda _{n}^{(k)}=1/k!\\left. ", "d\\lambda _{n}/d\\epsilon ^{k}\\right\\vert\n_{\\epsilon =0}$, $\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{(k)}\\right\\rangle =1/k!\\left. ", "d\\phi\n_{n}/d\\epsilon ^{k}\\right\\vert _{\\epsilon =0}$. The first order corrections to the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the invariants are then computed in the standard fashion to$$\\lambda _{n}^{(1)}=\\left\\langle \\phi _{n}^{(0)}\\right\\vert I_{p}\\left\\vert\n\\phi _{n}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle ,\\quad \\text{and\\quad }\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}^{(1)}\\right\\rangle =\\sum\\nolimits_{k\\neq n}\\frac{\\left\\langle \\phi\n_{k}^{(0)}\\right\\vert I_{p}\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle }{\\lambda\n_{n}^{(0)}-\\lambda _{k}^{(0)}}\\left\\vert \\phi _{k}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle ,\n\\label{L1}$$respectively. ", "For orthonormal functions $\\phi _{n}$, we obtain further constraints on the normalization of contributions in the series$$\\begin{aligned}\n1=\\left\\langle \\phi _{n}\\right. ", "\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}\\right\\rangle\n=\\left\\langle \\phi _{n}^{(0)}\\right. ", "\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle\n&&+\\epsilon \\left( \\left\\langle \\phi _{n}^{(0)}\\right. ", "\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}^{(1)}\\right\\rangle +\\left\\langle \\phi _{n}^{(1)}\\right. ", "\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle \\right) \\\\\n&&+\\epsilon ^{2}\\left( \\left\\langle \\phi _{n}^{(2)}\\right. ", "\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}^{(1)}\\right\\rangle +\\left\\langle \\phi _{n}^{(1)}\\right. ", "\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}^{(1)}\\right\\rangle +\\left\\langle \\phi _{n}^{(0)}\\right. ", "\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}^{(2)}\\right\\rangle \\right) +\\ldots ~~~~\\end{aligned}$$Thus if the zero order wavefunction is normalized to $1=\\left\\langle \\phi\n_{n}^{(0)}\\right. ", "\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle $, we require the higher order wave functions to satisfy the additional constraints $$\\sum\\limits_{k=0}^{\\ell }\\left\\langle \\phi _{n}^{(\\ell -k)}\\right.", "\n\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{(k)}\\right\\rangle =0.$$Next we can use these expressions to obtain an approximate solution to the TDSE. ", "Denoting $\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}\\right\\rangle ^{(1)}:=\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle +\\epsilon \\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{(1)}\\right\\rangle $ we obtain $$\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle ^{(1)}=e^{i\\alpha _{n}^{(1)}(t)}\\left\\vert\n\\phi _{n}\\right\\rangle ^{(1)},\\quad \\text{and\\quad }\\alpha ^{(1)}(t)=\\frac{1}{\\hbar }\\int dt\\,^{(1)}\\!\\left\\langle \\phi _{n}\\right\\vert i\\hbar \\partial\n_{t}-H(t)\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}\\right\\rangle ^{(1)}\\text{.} ", " \\label{phi1}$$\n\nAlternatively, we may also solve the eigenvalue equation (\\[eigen\\]) by using the WKB approximation $\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{\\text{WKB}}\\right\\rangle $ and compute the phase using that expression$$\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}^{\\text{WKB}}\\right\\rangle =e^{i\\alpha _{n}^{\\text{WKB}}(t)}\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{\\text{WKB}}\\right\\rangle ,\\quad \\text{and\\quad }\\alpha ^{\\text{WKB}}(t)=\\frac{1}{\\hbar }\\int dt\\left\\langle \\phi _{n}^{\\text{WKB}}\\right\\vert i\\hbar \\partial _{t}-H(t)\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{\\text{WKB}}\\right\\rangle . ", " \\label{WKBa}$$Assuming that invariant $I(t)$ can be cast into the same form as a time-independent Hamiltonian, with a stndard kinetic energy term and a potential $V(\\xi )$, the WKB approximation to first order in $\\hbar $, see e.g. [@bender2013advanced], for the eigenvalue equation (\\[eigen\\]) reads $$\\hat{\\phi}^{\\text{WKB}}(\\xi )=\\frac{A}{\\sqrt{p(\\xi )}}e^{\\frac{i}{\\hbar }\\int^{\\xi }p(z)dz}+\\frac{B}{\\sqrt{p(\\xi )}}e^{-\\frac{i}{\\hbar }\\int^{\\xi\n}p(z)zx} \\label{wave1}$$in the classically allowed region, $\\lambda >V(\\xi )$ and $$\\hat{\\phi}^{\\text{WKB}}(\\xi )=\\frac{C}{\\sqrt{q(\\xi )}}e^{\\frac{1}{\\hbar }\\int^{\\xi }q(z)dz}+\\frac{D}{\\sqrt{q(\\xi )}}e^{-\\frac{1}{\\hbar }\\int^{\\xi\n}q(z)dz} \\label{wave2}$$in the classically forbidden region $\\lambda <V(\\xi )$, where $$p(\\xi ):=\\sqrt{2[\\lambda -V(\\xi )]}\\quad \\text{and\\quad }q(\\xi ):=\\sqrt{2[V(\\xi )-\\lambda ]}.$$The constants $A$, $B$, $C$, $D$ need to be determined by the appropriate asymptotic WKB matching and the normalisation conditions.", "\n\nLet us now apply this approximation scheme to some concrete systems.", "\n\nTime-dependent potentials with a Stark term\n===========================================\n\nWe first demonstrate how to solve the TDSE (\\[SCH\\]) for the one-dimensional Stark Hamiltonian involving a time-dependent potential $V(x,t)$ $$H(t)=\\frac{p^{2}}{2m}+\\frac{m\\omega ^{2}}{2}x^{2}+V(x,t)+xE(t). ", " \\label{H}$$In order to cover optical potentials of the form $V(x,t)$ in our treatment, we are slightly more general than in the standard Stark Hamiltonian where the potential is just depending on $x$ and allow for an explicit time-dependence in the potential $V(x,t)$ as well as in an electric or laser field $E(t)$. At first we assume that the potential factorizes as $V(x,t)=\\kappa (t)V(x)$. When the laser field term involving $E(t)$ dominates the potential term and $\\kappa (t)=$const several well known and successful approaches have been developed. ", "For instance, the strong field approximation is a mixture of perturbative expansions based on the Du-Hamel formula carried out on the level of the time-evolution operator [keldysh65,faisal73,reiss80,amini2018symphony]{}.", "\n\nIn our poposed approach we assume that the first step in the Lewis and Riesenfeld can be carried out and resort to an approximation in form of perturbation thory in the second step.", "\n\nConstruction of time-independent invariants\n-------------------------------------------\n\nIn order to carry out the first step in the Lewis-Riesenfeld approach to solve time-dependent systems we need to construct the invariant $I(t)$ by solving equation (\\[Inv\\]) for a given Hamiltonian, (\\[H\\]) in our case. ", "For this purpose one usually makes an Ansatz by assuming the invariant to be of a similar form as the Hamiltonian$$I(t)=\\frac{1}{2}\\left[ \\alpha (t)p^{2}+\\beta (t)V(x)+\\gamma (t)x+\\delta\n(t)\\{x,p\\}+\\varepsilon (t)x^{2}\\right] . ", " \\label{in}$$In our case it involves five unknown time-dependent coefficient functions $\\alpha (t)$, $\\beta (t)$, $\\gamma (t)$, $\\delta (t)$ and $\\varepsilon (t)$. As ususal we denote the anti-commutator by $\\{A,B\\}:=AB+BA$. The substitution of (\\[in\\]) into (\\[Inv\\]) then yields the following first order coupled differential equations as constraints$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\dot{\\alpha} &=&-2\\frac{\\delta }{m},\\quad \\gamma =2m\\alpha E,\\quad \\dot{\\gamma}=2\\delta E,\\quad \\dot{\\delta}=m\\alpha \\omega ^{2}-\\frac{\\varepsilon }{m},\\quad \\dot{\\varepsilon}=2m\\delta \\omega ^{2},\\quad \\label{co1} \\\\\n\\beta &=&m\\alpha \\kappa ,\\quad \\dot{\\beta}=\\delta \\kappa x(\\ln V)_{x}.", "\n\\label{co2}\\end{aligned}$$Remarkably, despite being overdetermined this system can be solved consistently. ", "We note that the equations in (\\[co1\\]) and (\\[co2\\]) almost decouple entirely from each other, being only related by $\\delta $. ", "We solve (\\[co1\\]) first by parameterizing $\\alpha (t)=\\sigma ^{2}(t)$ and integrating twice$$\\alpha =\\sigma ^{2},\\quad \\gamma =2m\\sigma ^{2}E(t),\\quad \\delta =-m\\sigma \n\\dot{\\sigma},\\quad \\varepsilon =m^{2}\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}+m^{2}\\frac{\\tau }{\\sigma ^{2}}. ", " \\label{ade}$$The auxiliary quantity $\\sigma $ has to satisfy the nonlinear Ermakov-Pinney (EP) [@Ermakov; @Pinney] equation $$\\ddot{\\sigma}+\\omega ^{2}\\sigma =\\frac{\\tau }{\\sigma ^{3}}, \\label{Erma}$$and in addition the electric field has to be parameterised by the solution of the EP-equation $\\sigma $ as $$E(t)=\\frac{c}{\\sigma ^{3}}. ", " \\label{E}$$The constants $c,\\tau \\in \\mathbb{R}$ result from the integrations. ", "We take here $\\tau >0$. Using the expression for $\\delta $ from (\\[ade\\]), we may now also solve the set of equations in (\\[co2\\]), obtaining $$\\beta _{p}=m\\sigma ^{2}\\kappa _{p},\\qquad V_{p}=c_{p}x^{p},\\qquad \\kappa\n_{p}=\\frac{\\tilde{c}_{p}}{\\sigma ^{2+p}}, \\label{kp}$$with real integration constants $c_{p},\\tilde{c}_{p}$ and $p\\in \\mathbb{R}$. This means that we can not choose the electric field $E(t)$ in our Hamiltonian and the potential $V(x,t)$ entirely a priori and independently from each other. ", "Notice that we may extend the analysis by allowing the constants $c_{p},\\tilde{c}_{p}$ to be complex, hence opening up the treatment to include non-Hermitian $\\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric Hamiltonians [@Bender:1998ke; @Alirev; @PTbook].", "\n\nFirst we notice that the only time-independent potential is obtained for $p=-2$, so that the potential part in $H(t)$ becomes the solvable Goldman-Krivchenko potential. ", "Crucially, the constraining equations involving the potential (\\[co2\\])  decouple from the remaining ones and since these equations are linear we may solve for potentials that factorize termwise when expanded, that is $V(x,t)=\\sum\\nolimits_{p}$ $\\kappa\n_{p}(t)V_{p}(x)$. For instance, for a time-dependent Gaussian potential of the form$$V_{\\text{Gauss}}(x,t)=A(t)\\left( e^{-\\lambda (t)x^{2}}-1\\right)\n=\\sum\\limits_{n=1}^{\\infty }\\kappa _{n}(t)V_{n}(x),$$we obtain$$V_{2n}=x^{2n},\\quad \\kappa _{n}=\\frac{(-1)^{n}}{n!}\\frac{1}{\\sigma ^{2+2n}},$$where have to restrict $A(t)=\\lambda (t)=\\sigma ^{-2}$. For another widely used potential, the soft Coulomb potential of the form $$V_{\\text{sCoulomb}}(x,t)=A(t)\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{x^{2}+k^{2}a^{2}(t)}}=\\sum\\limits_{n=1}^{\\infty }\\kappa _{n}(t)V_{n}(x),$$with $k$ taken to be a real constant, we obtain$$V_{2n}=x^{2n},\\quad \\kappa _{n}=\\frac{(-1)^{n}(2n)!}{(2n)!!(2n)!!}\\frac{1}{\\sigma ^{2+2n}k^{1+2n}},$$where we have to restrict $A(t)=1/a(t)=\\sigma ^{-1}$.\n\nAs mentioned, besides the potential, also the electric field is not entirely unconstrained as they are mutually related via the EP-function $\\sigma $. ", "However, as we shall demonstrate the solutions of the EP-equation are such that it will still allow for a large class of interesting fields, notably periodic, to be investigated in an exactly solvable manner. ", "It was found by Pinney [@Pinney] that the solutions to (\\[Erma\\]) are $$\\sigma =\\sqrt{u_{1}^{2}+\\tau \\frac{u_{2}^{2}}{W^{2}}}, \\label{SolEP}$$where $u_{1}$, $u_{2}$ are the two linearly independent solutions of the equation$$\\ddot{u}+\\omega ^{2}u=0, \\label{EPl}$$and $W=u_{1}\\dot{u}_{2}-\\dot{u}_{1}u_{2}$ is the corresponding Wronskian. ", "Thus taking the two solutions of (\\[EPl\\]) to be $u_{1}=A\\sin (\\omega t)$ and $u_{2}=B\\cos (\\omega t)$ with $A$, $B\\in \\mathbb{R}$, the solution to the EP-equation (\\[SolEP\\]) acquires the form $$\\sigma (t)=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}A\\omega }\\sqrt{\\tau +A^{4}\\omega ^{2}+\\left(\n\\tau -A^{4}\\omega ^{2}\\right) \\cos (2\\omega t)}. ", " \\label{solsig}$$The function $\\sigma (t)$ is regular since $\\tau >0$. Therefore the electric field follows to be $$E(t)=\\frac{2\\sqrt{2}\\omega ^{3}E_{0}}{\\left[ \\omega ^{2}+\\tau +(\\omega\n^{2}-\\tau )\\cos ^{2}(\\omega t)\\right] ^{3/2}},$$where we have chosen the constants $c=E_{0}$ and $A=\\sqrt{\\tau }/\\omega $ such that $E(0)=E_{0}$. We note that $\\omega =\\sqrt{\\tau }$ is a special point at which $\\sigma (t)\\rightarrow 1$ and also the field becomes time-independent $E(t)\\rightarrow E_{0}$.\n\nAssembling everything we have completed the first step in the Lewis-Riesenfeld construction procedure. ", "The invariant acquires the form$$I(t)=\\frac{\\sigma ^{2}}{2}p^{2}+\\frac{m^{2}}{2}\\left( \\dot{\\sigma}^{2}+\\frac{\\tau }{\\sigma ^{2}}\\right) x^{2}+m\\sum\\nolimits_{p}c_{p}\\tilde{c}_{p}\\left( \n\\frac{x}{\\sigma }\\right) ^{p}-\\frac{1}{2}m\\sigma \\dot{\\sigma}\\{x,p\\}+m\\sigma\n^{2}E(t)x, \\label{Inva}$$with $\\sigma (t)$ given by (\\[solsig\\]) and free constants $\\tau $, $m$, $\\omega $, $c_{p}$, $\\tilde{c}_{p}$ and $E_{0}$.\n\nThe second step, that is to solve the eigenvalue equation (\\[eigen\\]), can not be carried out exactly for all invariants $I(t)$ of the form in ([Inva]{}). ", "We therefore resort to a perturbative approach as outlined in the previous section.", "\n\nTesting the semi-exact solutions\n--------------------------------\n\n### Exact computation\n\nA good indication about the quality of the perturbation theory and the WKB approximation layed out above can be obtained by comparing both approximations to an exact expression. ", "For most cases this is of course not possible, but taking in (\\[H\\]) the potential for instance to be $V(x,t)=\\kappa (t)x^{2}\\,$, $\\kappa (t)=2c_{\\kappa }/\\sigma ^{4}$, we obtain an exactly solvable system that can serve as a benchmark. ", "In this case the expression (\\[Inva\\]) for the invariant simply becomes$$I(t)=\\frac{1}{2}\\left[ \\alpha p^{2}+\\left( 2\\beta +\\varepsilon \\right)\nx^{2}+\\delta \\{x,p\\}+\\gamma x\\right] , \\label{II}$$with $\\alpha $, $\\beta $, $\\gamma $, $\\delta $, $\\varepsilon $ as specified in (\\[ade\\]). ", "The eigenvalue equation is simplified further when eliminating the anticommutator term $\\{x,p\\}$ by means of a unitarity tranformation $U=\\exp (i\\delta x^{2}/2\\alpha )$ and the subsequent introduction of the new variable $\\xi :=x/\\sigma $. ", "We compute$$\\hat{I}=UIU^{-1}=-\\frac{1}{2}\\partial _{\\xi }^{2}+\\left( \\frac{\\tau }{2}m^{2}+mc_{\\kappa }\\right) \\xi ^{2}+mE_{0}\\xi . ", " \\label{Iha}$$The eigenvalue equation for the transformed, and in this case time-independent, invariant $\\hat{I}\\chi (\\xi )=\\lambda \\chi (\\xi )$ is then solved by $$\\chi (\\xi )=c_{1}D_{\\mu _{+}}\\left[ \\sqrt{2}m^{1/4}\\frac{(E_{0}+2c_{\\kappa\n}\\xi +m\\tau \\xi )}{(2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau )^{3/4}}\\right] +c_{2}D_{\\mu _{-}}\\left[ i\\sqrt{2}m^{1/4}\\frac{(E_{0}+2c_{\\kappa }\\xi +m\\tau \\xi )}{(2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau )^{3/4}}\\right] ,$$where $\\mu _{\\pm }=\\pm (E_{0}^{2}m+4c_{\\kappa }\\lambda )/\\sqrt{m}(2c_{\\kappa\n}+m\\tau )^{3/2}-1/2$ and $D_{\\nu }(z)$ denotes the parabolic cylinder function. ", "Demanding that the eigenfunctions vanish asymptotically, i.e. $\\lim_{\\xi \\rightarrow \\pm \\infty }$ $\\chi (\\xi )=0$, imposes the constraint $\\mu _{\\pm }=n\\in \\mathbb{N}_{0}$ and thus quantizes the eigenvalues $\\lambda\n\\rightarrow \\lambda _{n}$. We discard the solution related to $D_{\\mu _{-}}$, as its corresponding eigenvalues are not bounded from below. ", "Hence, we are left with the eigenfuctions and eigenvalues$$\\chi _{n}(\\xi )=c_{1}D_{n}\\left[ \\sqrt{2}m^{1/4}\\frac{(E_{0}+2c_{\\kappa }\\xi\n+m\\tau \\xi )}{(2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau )^{3/4}}\\right] ,~~\\lambda _{n}=\\left( n+\\frac{1}{2}\\right) \\sqrt{2mc_{\\kappa }+m^{2}\\tau }-\\frac{mE_{0}^{2}}{4c_{\\kappa }+2m\\tau }. ", " \\label{Xn}$$The eigenvalues are indeed time-independent as we expect in the context of the Lewis-Riesenfeld approach. ", "Assembling the above and using the orthonormality property of the parabolic cylinder function $\\int\\nolimits_{-\\infty }^{\\infty }D_{n}(x)D_{m}(x)dx=n!\\sqrt{2\\pi }\\delta\n_{nm}$, we obtain the normalized eigenfunction $\\phi _{n}=U^{-1}\\chi _{n}$   $$\\phi _{n}(x)=N_{n}D_{n}\\left[ a+bx\\right] e^{im\\dot{\\sigma}x^{2}/2\\sigma },$$for the operator $I$ in (\\[II\\]) with$$N_{n}=\\frac{m^{1/8}(2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau )^{1/8}}{\\sqrt{\\sigma n!\\sqrt{\\pi }}},\\qquad a=\\frac{\\sqrt{2}m^{1/4}E_{0}}{(2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau )^{3/4}},\\qquad b=\\frac{\\sqrt{2}m^{1/4}(2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau )^{1/4}}{\\sigma }. ", " \\label{ab}$$Finally we compute the phase $\\alpha _{n}(t)$ in (\\[ph\\]) by means of ([pht]{}). ", "The right hand side yields[^1]$$\\left\\langle \\phi _{n}\\right\\vert i\\partial _{t}-H(t)\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}\\right\\rangle =-\\frac{\\lambda _{n}}{m\\sigma ^{2}}$$so that phase becomes $$\\alpha _{n}(t)=-\\frac{1}{m\\sqrt{\\tau }}\\lambda _{n}\\arctan \\left[ \\frac{\\sqrt{\\tau }\\tan \\left( \\omega t\\right) }{\\omega }\\right] .$$We notice that for $\\omega \\rightarrow \\sqrt{\\tau }$ this simply reduces to $\\alpha _{n}(t)\\rightarrow -\\lambda _{n}/m$ and the Hamiltonian becomes time-independent, so that this choice simply describes the time-independent Schrödinger equation.", "\n\n### Perturbative computation\n\nNext we treat the term $V_{p}(x,t)=\\kappa (t)x^{2}$ in the Hamiltonian as a perturbation, so that we may view the system as being in the strong field approximation. ", "Accordingly we split up the invariant (\\[II\\]) as $I(t)=I_{0}(t)+\\epsilon I_{p}(t)$ with $$I_{0}(t)=\\frac{1}{2}\\left[ \\alpha p^{2}+\\varepsilon x^{2}+\\delta\n\\{x,p\\}+\\gamma x\\right] ,\\quad ~~I_{p}(t)=\\frac{m}{\\sigma ^{2}}x^{2},$$and the small expansion parameter is identified as $\\epsilon \\equiv\nc_{\\kappa }$. ", "First we compute the correction to the eigenvalue of the invariant. ", "Solving the eigenvalue equation (\\[I0\\]) and computing the expectation values in (\\[L1\\]) we obtain$$\\lambda _{n}^{(0)}=\\left( n+\\frac{1}{2}\\right) m\\sqrt{\\tau }-\\frac{E_{0}^{2}}{2\\tau },\\quad \\text{and\\quad }\\lambda _{n}^{(1)}=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{\\tau }}\\left( n+\\frac{1}{2}\\right) +\\frac{E_{0}^{2}}{m\\tau ^{2}}.$$As we expect, $\\lambda _{n}^{(0)}+$ $c_{\\kappa }\\lambda _{n}^{(1)}$ is precisely $\\lambda _{n}$ in (\\[Xn\\]) expanded up to first order in $c_{\\kappa }$. ", "Next we use (\\[L1\\]) to compute the corrections to the wavefunctions. ", "There are only four terms contributing in the infinite sum. ", "We compute$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{(1)}\\right\\rangle &=&\\frac{1}{4m\\tau }\\left[ \\sqrt{n(n-1)}\\left\\vert \\phi _{n-2}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle -\\sqrt{(n+1)(n+2)}\\left\\vert \\phi _{n+2}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle \\right] \\\\\n&&+\\frac{E_{0}\\sqrt{2}}{m^{3/2}\\tau ^{7/4}}\\left[ \\sqrt{n+1}\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n+1}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle -\\sqrt{n}\\left\\vert \\phi _{n-1}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle \\right] . ", " \\notag\\end{aligned}$$Finally we evaluate the perturbed expression for the phase $\\alpha\n_{n}^{(1)}(t)$ using equation (\\[pht\\]). ", "Up to first order we find$$\\alpha _{n}^{(1)}(t)=-\\frac{\\lambda _{n}^{(0)}+c_{\\kappa }\\lambda _{n}^{(1)}}{m\\sqrt{\\tau }}\\arctan \\left[ \\frac{\\sqrt{\\tau }\\tan \\left( \\omega t\\right) \n}{\\omega }\\right] .$$Notice that for $\\omega \\rightarrow \\sqrt{\\tau }$ this simply reduces to $\\alpha _{n}^{(1)}(t)=-t(\\lambda _{n}^{(0)}+c_{\\kappa }\\lambda _{n}^{(1)})/m$. We have now obtained the full perturbative solution to the TDSE as $\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle ^{(1)}$ as defined in (\\[phi1\\]).", "\n\n### WKB computation\n\nWe start by determining the classical turning points $\\xi _{\\pm }$ from the condition $\\lambda =V(\\xi )$. ", "We find$$\\xi _{\\pm }=-\\frac{E_{0}m\\pm \\sqrt{m}\\sqrt{mE_{0}^{2}+2\\lambda (m\\tau\n+2c_{\\kappa })}}{m(m\\tau +2c_{\\kappa })}, \\label{turning}$$so that the WKB quantisation condition $$\\int_{\\xi _{-}}^{\\xi _{+}}\\sqrt{2(\\lambda _{n}-V(\\xi ))}d\\xi =\\pi \\hbar\n\\left( n+\\frac{1}{2}\\right)$$yields the *exact* time-independent eigenvalues$$\\lambda _{n}=\\left( n+\\frac{1}{2}\\right) \\hbar \\sqrt{m}(2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau\n)^{1/2}-\\frac{mE_{0}^{2}}{2(2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau )},$$as found above in (\\[Xn\\]). ", "Next we specify WKB wavefunction further. ", "Keeping in the classically forbidden regions $\\xi \\in (-\\infty ,\\xi _{-})$ and $\\xi \\in (\\xi _{+},\\infty )$ only the asymptotically decaying parts in (\\[wave1\\]) and (\\[wave2\\]), the corresponding WKB wavefunction are $$\\hat{\\phi}_{-}(\\xi )=\\frac{C_{3}(-1)^{n}}{\\sqrt{q(\\xi )}}\\exp \\left[ -\\frac{1}{\\hbar }\\int_{\\xi }^{\\xi _{-}}q(z)dz\\right] ,$$and$$\\hat{\\phi}_{+}(\\xi )=\\frac{C_{3}}{\\sqrt{q(\\xi )}}\\exp \\left[ -\\frac{1}{\\hbar \n}\\int_{\\xi _{+}}^{\\xi }q(z)dz\\right] ,$$respectively. ", "At this point $C_{3}$ is the only undetermined constant left. ", "Carrying out the appropriate WKB matching we obtain for the classically allowed region $\\xi \\in (\\xi _{-},\\xi _{+})$ the wavefunction $$\\hat{\\phi}_{b}(\\xi )=\\frac{2C_{3}(-1)^{n}}{\\sqrt{p(\\xi )}}\\cos \\left[ \\frac{1}{\\hbar }\\int_{\\xi _{-}}^{\\xi }p(z)dz-\\frac{\\pi }{4}\\right] .$$We may compute these expressions by using the explicit expressions for the functions $q(\\xi )$ and $p(\\xi )$. ", "To do so we use the same abbreviated comnstants $a$ and $b$ as in (\\[ab\\]) that convert the potential, eigenvalues and turning points into more compact forms $$V(\\xi )=\\frac{b^{4}}{8}\\xi ^{2}+a\\frac{b^{3}}{4}\\xi ,\\quad \\lambda _{n}=\\frac{1}{2}b^{2}\\left( n+\\frac{1}{2}\\right) \\hbar -\\frac{a^{2}b^{2}}{8},\\quad \\xi _{\\pm }=\\frac{\\pm \\sqrt{2}\\sqrt{2b^{2}n\\hbar +b^{2}\\hbar }-ab}{b^{2}}.$$After a lengthy computation we obtain the WKB wavefunction in the different regions as$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\hat{\\phi}_{\\pm }(\\xi ) &=&\\frac{C_{3}(\\pm 1)^{n}2^{\\mp \\frac{n}{2}+\\frac{1}{2}\\mp \\frac{1}{4}}\\left[ \\pm \\frac{\\sqrt{b^{2}(2n+1)}}{b}\\right] ^{\\mp\n\\left( n+\\frac{1}{2}\\right) }\\left[ a+b\\xi +\\sqrt{q(\\xi )}\\right] ^{\\pm\n\\left( n+\\frac{1}{2}\\right) }e^{\\mp \\frac{1}{4}\\sqrt{q(\\xi )}(a+b\\xi )}}{\\sqrt[4]{b^{2}q(\\xi )}}, \\notag \\\\\n\\hat{\\phi}_{b}(\\xi ) &=&\\frac{C_{3}(-1)^{n}\\cos \\left[ \\left( n+\\frac{1}{2}\\right) \\arctan \\left( \\frac{a+b\\xi }{\\sqrt{p(\\xi )}}\\right) +\\frac{1}{4}\\sqrt{p(\\xi )}(a+b\\xi )+\\frac{\\pi n}{2}\\right] }{\\sqrt[4]{b^{2}p(\\xi )}}.\\end{aligned}$$The last remaining constant $C_{3}$ may be fixed by the normalization condition. ", "Converting from the $\\hat{I}$ eigenvalue equation back to the $I$ eigenvalue equation with $\\phi =U^{-1}\\hat{\\phi}$ and the variable $\\xi $ to $x/\\sigma $, the normalisation condition amounts to $$\\int_{-\\infty }^{x_{-}}\\phi _{-}^{\\ast }(x)\\phi\n_{-}(x)dx+\\int_{x_{-}}^{x_{+}}\\phi _{b}^{\\ast }(x)\\phi\n_{b}(x)dx+\\int_{x_{+}}^{\\infty }\\phi _{+}^{\\ast }(x)\\phi _{+}(x)dx=1.", "\n\\label{no}$$Evaluating the integrals in (\\[no\\]), we find the $n$ independent constant $$C_{3}\\approx \\frac{b}{2\\sqrt{\\pi \\sigma (t)}}.$$Having found the WKB eigenfunction $\\phi ^{\\text{WKB}}$, we can now compute the integrant in (\\[WKBa\\]) that yields the WKB approximated Lewis-Riesenfeld phase $$\\alpha _{n}^{\\text{WKB}}(t)\\approx -\\frac{1}{m\\sqrt{\\tau }}\\lambda\n_{n}\\arctan \\left[ \\frac{\\sqrt{\\tau }\\tan (\\omega t)}{\\omega }\\right] .$$Thus we have now obtained a WKB approximated solution $\\psi _{n}^{\\text{WKB}} $ to the time-dependent Schrödinger equation as specified in ([WKBa]{}). ", "Let us now compare these three solutions.", "\n\n### WKB versus pertubation theory versus exact solution\n\nIn order to obtain an idea about the quality of these approximations let us compute some physical quantities in an exact and perturbative manner and subequently compare them. ", "For the exact case we find the expectation values for the momentum, position and their squares as$$\\begin{array}{ll}\n\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert x\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle =-\\frac{E_{0}\\sigma }{2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau },~ & \\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert\nx^{2}\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle =\\frac{E_{0}^{2}\\sigma ^{2}}{(2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau )^{2}}+\\frac{(2n+1)\\sigma ^{2}}{2\\sqrt{m}\\sqrt{2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau }}, \\\\ \n\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert p\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle =-\\frac{mE_{0}\\dot{\\sigma}}{2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau }, & \\left\\langle \\psi\n_{n}\\right\\vert p^{2}\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle =\\frac{m^{2}E_{0}^{2}\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}}{(2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau )^{2}}+\\frac{(2n+1)m^{1/2}}{2\\sigma\n^{2}\\sqrt{2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau }}\\left( 2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau +m\\sigma ^{2}\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}\\right) ,\\end{array}$$such that the uncertainty relation becomes$$\\Delta x\\Delta p=(n+\\frac{1}{2})\\sqrt{1+\\frac{m(\\tau -\\omega ^{2})^{2}\\sin\n^{2}(2\\omega t)}{4\\omega ^{2}(2c_{\\kappa }+m\\tau )}},$$where as usual the squared uncertainty is defined as the squared standard deviation $\\Delta A^{2}:=\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert A^{2}\\left\\vert\n\\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle -\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert A\\left\\vert \\psi\n_{n}\\right\\rangle ^{2}$ for $A=x,p$. Since the square root is always greater or equal to $1$, the bound in the uncertainty relation $\\Delta x\\Delta p\\geq\n1/2$ is always respected.", "\n\nFrom the perturbed solution $\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle ^{(1)}$ we find$$\\begin{array}{l}\n\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert x\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle ^{(1)}=-\\frac{E_{0}\\sigma }{m\\tau }+c_{k}\\frac{2E_{0}\\sigma }{m^{2}\\tau ^{2}}, \\\\ \n\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert p\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle ^{(1)}=-\\frac{E_{0}\\dot{\\sigma}}{\\tau }+c_{k}\\frac{2E_{0}\\dot{\\sigma}}{m\\tau ^{2}},\n\\\\ \n\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert x^{2}\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle\n^{(1)}=\\frac{2E_{0}^{2}+(2n+1)m\\tau ^{3/2}}{2m^{2}\\tau ^{2}}\\sigma ^{2}-c_{k}\\frac{8E_{0}^{2}+(2n+1)m\\tau ^{3/2}}{2m^{3}\\tau ^{3}}\\sigma ^{2}, \\\\ \n\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert p^{2}\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle\n^{(1)}=\\frac{E_{0}^{2}\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}}{\\tau ^{2}}+\\frac{m\\sqrt{\\tau }(2n+1)}{2\\sigma ^{2}}+\\frac{m(2n+1)\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}}{2\\sqrt{\\tau }}+c_{k}\\left( \n\\frac{n+1/2}{\\sqrt{\\tau }\\sigma ^{2}}-\\frac{4E_{0}^{2}\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}}{m\\tau ^{3}}-\\frac{(2n+1)\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}}{2\\tau ^{3/2}}\\right) .\\end{array}$$and$$\\Delta x\\Delta p^{(1)}=\\left( n+\\frac{1}{2}\\right) \\left[ \\sqrt{1+\\frac{\\sigma ^{2}\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}}{\\tau }}-c_{k}\\left( \\frac{\\sigma ^{2}\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}}{m\\tau ^{3/2}\\sqrt{\\tau +\\sigma ^{2}\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}}}\\right) \\right] .$$These expresssions coincide with the exact expressions expanded up to order one in $c_{k}$. In figure \\[Fig1\\] we compare the time-dependent expectation values for $x$, $x^{2}$, $p$, $p^{2}$ computed in an exact way with those computed in a perturbative fashion. ", "In general the agreement is very good for small values of $c_{k}$. Overall the agreement is increasing for large values of $n$ as well as $m$ and for $\\omega $ approaching $\\sqrt{\\tau }$.", "\n\nA further useful quantity to compute that illustrates the quality of the perturbative approach is the autocorrelation function $$A_{n}(t):=\\left\\vert \\left\\langle \\psi _{n}(t)\\right. ", "\\left\\vert \\psi\n_{n}(0)\\right\\rangle \\right\\vert . ", " \\label{auto}$$Unlike the expectation values for position, momenta and their squares the autocorrelation function also captures the influence of the time-dependent phase $\\alpha (t)$. We depict this function in figure \\[Fig2\\]. ", "In this case the overall agreement decreases for larger values of $n$.\n\nNext we compare directly the wave functions obtained three alternative ways. ", "Figure \\[Fig5\\] shows an extremely good agreement between the WKB approximation and the exact solution, except near the turning points $\\xi\n_{\\pm }$ where the WKB approximation is singular. ", "The pertubative solution is in very good agreement with the exact solution for small values of $c_{\\kappa }$, as expected. ", "With increasing values of $c_{\\kappa }$ the perturbative solution starts to deviate stronger in the negative regime for $\\xi $ and large values of $n$.\n\nLet us next see how these properties are inherited in the time-dependent system. ", "Figure \\[Fig6\\] displays the real part of the full time-dependent wave function. ", "We observe the oscillation of the turning points with time that enter through the function $\\sigma (t)$. As in the time-independent case, extremely good agreement between the WKB approximation and the exact solution, except near the turning points $x_{\\pm }$. ", "The perturbative solution slightly overshoots at the maxima and minima, especially in the negative time regime. ", "The discrepancy becomes worse for larger values of $n$, which we do not show here.", "\n\nGoldman-Krivchenko potential with time-dependent perturbation\n=============================================================\n\nIn trying to identify solvable systems we have seen in equation (\\[kp\\]) that the value $p=-2$ is special as in that case the potential becomes the time-independent Goldman-Krivchenko potential [@goldman23problems], being a particular spiked harmonic oscillator [hall2001generalized,znojil1992spiked]{}. ", "This potential may serve also as a benchmark for which we can solve the eigenvalue equation exactly and campare it to the perturbative solution. ", "Hence we take this potential as our unperturbed system and perturb it by dropping the Stark term and replacing it by $x^{2}E(t)$. Thus we consider the time-dependent Hamiltonian $$H(t)=\\frac{p^{2}}{2m}+\\frac{m\\omega ^{2}}{2}x^{2}+\\frac{m\\Omega ^{2}}{2}\\frac{1}{x^{2}}+x^{2}E(t).$$It follows from above that the invariant for this system is $$I(t)=\\frac{1}{2}\\left[ \\sigma ^{2}p^{2}-m\\sigma \\dot{\\sigma}\\{x,p\\}+\\left(\nm^{2}\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}+\\frac{\\tau m^{2}+2mE_{0}}{\\sigma ^{2}}\\right)\nx^{2}+m^{2}\\sigma ^{2}\\Omega ^{2}\\frac{1}{x^{2}}\\right] ,$$with constraint $E(t)=E_{0}/\\sigma ^{4}$ and $\\sigma $ satisfying the EP-equation (\\[Erma\\]). ", "Also in this case we may complete the remaining steps in the Lewis-Riesenfeld approach and hence compare the exact and the perturbative solution.", " We identify $E_{0}\\ll 1$ as the expansion parameter in the perturbative series.", "\n\nTesting the approximate solution\n--------------------------------\n\n### Exact computation\n\nUsing the same similarity and variable transformation as in (\\[Iha\\]) we obtain the time-independent invariant $$\\hat{I}=UIU^{-1}=-\\frac{1}{2}\\partial _{\\xi }^{2}+\\frac{1}{2}\\left( \\tau\nm^{2}+2mE_{0}\\right) \\xi ^{2}+\\frac{m^{2}\\Omega ^{2}}{2}\\frac{1}{\\xi ^{2}}.$$We solve the eigenvalue equation $\\hat{I}\\Xi (\\zeta )=\\lambda \\Xi (\\zeta )$ exactly obtaining the solution$$\\Xi (\\zeta )=\\zeta ^{(1+b/2)}e^{-\\frac{a}{2}\\zeta ^{2}}\\left[ c_{1}L_{\\nu\n_{-}}^{b/2}\\left( a\\zeta ^{2}\\right) +c_{2}U\\left( \\nu _{+},1+b/2,\\frac{m\\sqrt{\\tau }\\zeta ^{2}}{\\hbar }\\right) \\right] ,$$where $L_{\\nu }^{\\mu }(z)$ denotes the generalized Laguerre polynomials, $U\\left( \\nu ,\\mu ,z\\right) $ the confluent hypergeometric function and $\\nu\n_{\\pm }:=\\pm \\left( 2+b-2\\lambda /a\\right) /4$, $a=\\sqrt{\\tau m^{2}+2mE_{0}}$, $b:=\\sqrt{1+4m^{2}\\Omega ^{2}}$. Demanding again that the eigenfunctions vanish asymptotically, i.e. $\\lim_{\\zeta \\rightarrow \\pm \\infty }$ $\\Xi\n(\\zeta )=0$, imposes $\\nu _{\\pm }=n\\in \\mathbb{N}_{0}$ and thus quantizes $\\lambda $. ", "We discard the solution related to $U$, as its corresponding eigenvalues are not bounded from below, leading to the eigenfuctions and eigenvalues$$\\Xi _{n}(\\zeta )=c_{1}\\zeta ^{(1+b/2)}e^{-\\frac{a}{2}\\zeta\n^{2}}L_{n}^{b/2}\\left( a\\zeta ^{2}\\right) ,\\qquad \\lambda _{n}=a(2n+1+b/2).", "\n\\label{exl}$$Assembling everything we obtain for the operator $I(t)$ the normalized eigenfunction from $U^{-1}\\Xi _{n}(x/\\sigma )$ as   $$\\phi _{n}(x)=\\sqrt{\\frac{2n!}{[1-(-1)^{b}]\\Gamma \\left( 1+n+b/2\\right) }}\\left( \\frac{a}{\\sigma ^{2}}\\right) ^{(2+b)/4}x^{(1+b)/2}e^{-\\frac{a}{2\\sigma ^{2}}x^{2}}L_{n}^{b/2}\\left( \\frac{ax^{2}}{\\sigma ^{2}}\\right) e^{im\\dot{\\sigma}x^{2}/2\\sigma \\hbar }. ", " \\label{phi}$$when $\\func{Re}b>-2$ and $\\func{Re}(a/\\sigma ^{2})>0$. This completes the second step in the Lewis-Riesenfeld approach. ", "In the third and last step we determine the phase $\\alpha $ by means of (\\[pht\\]). ", "The right hand side is computed once more to$$\\left\\langle \\phi _{n}\\right\\vert i\\partial _{t}-H(t)\\left\\vert \\phi\n_{n}\\right\\rangle =-\\frac{\\lambda _{n}}{m\\sigma ^{2}}$$so that the phase acquires the same form as in the previous example $$\\alpha _{n}(t)=-\\frac{1}{m\\sqrt{\\tau }}\\lambda _{n}\\arctan \\left[ \\frac{\\sqrt{\\tau }\\tan \\left( \\omega t\\right) }{\\omega }\\right] .$$Let us now compare these expressions with those obtained in the perturbative computation.", "\n\n### Perturbative computation\n\nWe treat the term $V_{p}(x,t)=x^{2}E(t)$ with $E(t)=E_{0}/\\sigma ^{4}$ and $E_{0}\\ll 1$ in the Hamiltonian as a perturbation. ", "Accordingly we split up the invariant (\\[II\\]) as $I(t)=I_{0}(t)+E_{0}I_{p}(t)$ with $$I_{0}(t)=\\frac{1}{2}\\left[ \\sigma ^{2}p^{2}-m\\sigma \\dot{\\sigma}\\{x,p\\}+\\left( m^{2}\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}+\\frac{\\tau m^{2}}{\\sigma ^{2}}\\right)\nx^{2}+m^{2}\\sigma ^{2}\\Omega ^{2}\\frac{1}{x^{2}}\\right] ,\\quad ~~I_{p}(t)=\\frac{m}{\\sigma ^{2}}x^{2}.$$The zeroth order wavefunction $\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle $ is simply $\\phi _{n}(x)$ in (\\[phi\\]) with $E_{0}=0$. From (\\[I0\\]) and (\\[L1\\]) we compute first two terms in the perturbative series for the eigenvalues$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\lambda _{n}^{(0)} &=&\\left( 2n+1+\\sqrt{1+4m^{2}\\Omega ^{2}}/2\\right) m\\sqrt{\\tau },\\quad \\\\\n\\lambda _{n}^{(1)} &=&\\left\\langle \\phi _{n}^{(0)}\\right\\vert\nI_{p}(t)\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle =\\left( 2n+1\\right) \\sqrt{\\frac{1+4m^{2}\\Omega ^{2}}{\\tau }}.\\end{aligned}$$As expected the eigenvalues are time-independent and $\\lambda\n_{n}^{(0)}+E_{0}\\lambda _{n}^{(1)}$ corresponds to (\\[exl\\]) expanded to first order in $E_{0}$. Next we need to compute the infinite sum in (\\[L1\\]) to determine the corrections to the wavefunctions. ", "In this case there are only two terms contributing in the infinite sum. ", "We compute$$\\left\\vert \\phi _{n}^{(1)}\\right\\rangle =\\frac{1}{2m\\tau }\\left[ \\sqrt{(n+1)(n+1+b/2)}\\left\\vert \\phi _{n+1}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle -\\sqrt{n(n+b/2)}\\left\\vert \\phi _{n-1}^{(0)}\\right\\rangle \\right] . ", " \\label{p1}$$In the last step we compute the perturbed expression for the phase $\\alpha\n_{n}^{(1)}(t)$ using equation (\\[pht\\]). ", "Once more we find up to first order$$\\alpha _{n}^{(1)}(t)=-\\frac{\\lambda _{n}^{(0)}+c_{\\kappa }\\lambda _{n}^{(1)}}{m\\sqrt{\\tau }}\\arctan \\left[ \\frac{\\sqrt{\\tau }\\tan \\left( \\omega t\\right) \n}{\\omega }\\right] , \\label{p2}$$so that we have obtained the full perturbative solution to the TDSE as $\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle ^{(1)}$ as defined in (\\[phi1\\]).", "\n\n### Exact versus perturbative solutions\n\nAs previously, we compute several physical quantities to compare the exact and the perturbative solution. ", "The momentum, position, squared momentum and squared position expectation values are computed to $$\\begin{array}{ll}\n\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert x\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle =0,~ & \n\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert x^{2}\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle =\\frac{(2n+\\ell +3/2)\\sigma ^{2}}{\\sqrt{\\tau m^{2}+2mE_{0}}}, \\\\ \n\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert p\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle =0, & \n\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert p^{2}\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle =\\frac{(4n+2)\\ell +2n+3/2}{2\\ell +1}\\frac{\\sqrt{\\tau m^{2}+2mE_{0}}}{\\sigma\n^{2}}+\\frac{(2n+\\ell +3/2)m\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}}{\\sqrt{\\tau m^{2}+2mE_{0}}}.\\end{array}$$In order to achieve convergence we had to impose the additional constraint $b=2\\ell +1$ with $\\ell \\in \\mathbb{N}_{0}$. The uncertainty relation becomes$$\\Delta x\\Delta p=\\sqrt{\\frac{(2n+\\ell +3/2)[(4n+2)\\ell +2n+3/2]}{2\\ell +1}+\\frac{m(2n+\\ell +3/2)^{2}\\sigma ^{2}\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}}{(\\tau m+2E_{0})^{2}}},$$with the lower bound $\\Delta x\\Delta p\\geq 1/2$ always well respected.", "\n\nUsing the perturbed solutions (\\[p1\\]) and (\\[p2\\]) we compute$$\\begin{array}{l}\n\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert x\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle\n^{(1)}=0,~~\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert x^{2}\\left\\vert \\psi\n_{n}\\right\\rangle ^{(1)}=(2n+\\ell +3/2)(m\\tau -E_{0})\\frac{\\sigma ^{2}}{\\tau\nm^{2}}, \\\\ \n\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert p\\left\\vert \\psi _{n}\\right\\rangle\n^{(1)}=0,~~\\left\\langle \\psi _{n}\\right\\vert p^{2}\\left\\vert \\psi\n_{n}\\right\\rangle ^{(1)}=\\frac{(4n+2)\\ell +2n+3/2}{2\\ell +1}\\frac{(m\\tau\n+E_{0})}{\\sqrt{\\tau }\\sigma ^{2}}+\\frac{(2n+\\ell +3/2)(\\tau m-E_{0})\\dot{\\sigma}^{2}}{\\tau ^{3/2}}.\\end{array}$$The approximated uncertainty relation results to$$\\Delta x\\Delta p^{(1)}=\\sqrt{\\frac{(2n+\\ell +3/2)[(4n+2)\\ell +2n+3/2]}{2\\ell\n+1}(1-\\frac{E_{0}^{2}}{m^{2}\\tau ^{2}})}.$$We are now in the position to compare the exact and the pertubative solution. ", "In figure \\[Fig3\\] we compare the time-dependent expectation values for $x^{2}$ and $p^{2}$ computed in an exact way with those computed in a perturbative fashion. ", "As in the previous example, the agreement is very good for small values of the expansion parameter, $E_{0}$ in this case. ", "Overall the agreement is increasing for large values of $n$ as well as $m$ and for $\\omega $ approaching $\\sqrt{\\tau }$.", "\n\nAs in the previous example we also compute the autocorrelation function ([auto]{}) as it captures well the effect from the time-dependent phase $\\alpha\n(t)$. We depict this function in figure \\[Fig4\\]. ", "Once more, the overall agreement decreases for larger values of $n$.\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nWe have explored the possibilty of a modified approximated Lewis and Riesenfeld method by solving the time-independent eigenvalue equation in the second step by means of standard time-independent perturbation theory. ", "We have tested the quality of this approach for two classes of optical potentials by comparing the exact solutions obtained from the completely exact solution of the Lewis-Riesenfeld approach to the approximated ones, the perturbative approach and the WKB approximation. ", "We computed some standard expectation values and the autocorrelation functions in two alternative ways. ", "For the pertubative approach we found in general good agreement which is naturally improved in quality for smaller values of the expansion parameters. ", "The WKB approximation is not limited to these small parameters and only deviates significantly at the turning points. ", "Our semi-exactly solvable approach significantly widens the scope of the Lewis-Riesenfeld method and allows to tackle more complicated physical situations that are not possible to treat when insisting on full exact solvabilty\n\nWhile in this paper we were mainly concerned with a proof of concept related to the modification of the Lewis-Riesenfeld method, it would naturally be very interesting now to apply the scheme to study more interesting and challenging physical phenomena. ", "To this end one may carry out further approximations. ", "Here we are still assuming that the first step in the approach, i.e. the computation of the invariant, can be carried out in an exact manner. ", "Naturally one may also weaken this requirement and work with an approximated invariant in the second step. ", "We will present this possibility elsewhere [@AFRTprep].", "\n\n**Acknowledgments:** RT is supported by a City, University of London Research Fellowship. 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The function $_{3}\\tilde{F}_{2}\\left( a,b,c;d,f;z\\right) $ is the regularized hypergeometric function defined as$$_{3}\\tilde{F}_{2}\\left( a,b,c;d,f;z\\right) =\\frac{1}{\\Gamma \\left( d\\right)\n \\Gamma \\left( f\\right) }\\sum\\limits_{k=0}^{\\infty }\\frac{(a)_{k}(b)_{k}(c)_{k}}{(d)_{k}(f)_{k}}\\frac{z^{k}}{k!},$$with $(a)_{k}=\\Gamma \\left( a+k\\right) /\\Gamma \\left( a\\right) $ denoting the Pochhammer symbol.", "\n" ]
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[ "Post-treatment PET/CT and p16 status for predicting treatment outcomes in locally advanced head and neck cancer after definitive radiation.", "\nTo retrospectively review post-treatment (post-tx) FDG-PET/CT scans in patients with advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and known p16 status, treated with definitive (chemo)radiation (RT). ", "A total of 108 eligible patients had N2A or greater HNSCC treated with chemoRT from August 1, 2008, to February 28, 2015, with post-tx PET/CT within 6 months after RT. ", "Kaplan-Meier curves, log-rank statistics, and Cox proportional hazards regression were used for statistical analysis. ", "Median follow-up was 2.38 years. ", "Sixty-eight (63.0%) patients had p16+ and 40 (37.0%) had p16- status. ", "Two-year overall survival and recurrence-free survival were 93.4% and 77.8%, respectively. ", "The negative predictive value (NPV) of PET/CT for local recurrence (LR) was 100%. ", "The NPV for regional recurrence (RR) was 96.5% for all patients, 100% for p16+ patients, and 88.5% for p16- patients. ", "The positive predictive value (PPV) of PET/CT for recurrence was 77.3% for all patients, 50.0% for p16+, and 78.6% for p16-. ", "The PPV for LR was 72.7% for all patients, 50.0% for p16+ patients, and 72.7% for p16- patients. ", "The PPV for RR was 50.0% for all patients, 33% for p16+, and 66.6% for p16-. ", "Post-tx PET/CT and p16 status were independent predictors of recurrence-free survival (p < 0.01). ", "Post-tx PET/CT predicts treatment outcomes in both p16 + and p16- patients, and does so independently of p16 status. ", "P16- patients with negative PET have a 10% risk of nodal recurrence, and closer follow-up in these patients is warranted." ]
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[ "Bonu Ighinu culture\n\nThe Bonuighinu culture is a pre-Nuragic culture that developed in Sardinia during the 4th millennium BC (4000-3400 BC). ", "It takes its name from a locality of the municipality of Mara, in the province of Sassari, where is located the cave of Sa de Ucca of Tintirriolu (the mouth of the bat) in which in 1971 were observed for the first time, by Renato Loria and David H. Trump, archaeological evidence related to this culture.", "\n\nIt is considered the first culture in Sardinia to have used natural cavities like graves, which then formed small necropolis. ", "The deads were buried in graves and in small artificial caves, oval and vaulted.", "\n\nThe people who developed this culture practiced agriculture and preferred to live near the coast. ", "Various findings, attributable to this culture, were found even in inland areas, when these populations occupied sites that were inhabited by earlier cultures. ", "It then spread in the plain of Oristano, not far from obsidian sources and from the ports of the coast. ", "The houses were mostly underground, with roofs made with marsh grasses.", "\n\nBibliography \n \n \n \n \n \n\nCategory:Archaeological cultures of Southern Europe\nCategory:Archaeological cultures in Sardinia\nCategory:Neolithic cultures of Europe" ]
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[ "Well, it’s looks like Twitter is again the place where we find out that Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All is collaborating with the indie rock world. ", "Nathan Williams, who I’m assuming runs the Wavves Twitter account, tweeted at OFWGKTA’s Hodgy Beats last night with the note that “this OF + WVS shit is gonna be bonkers #real.” ", "Maybe Williams and company have remixed a joint off Tyler, the Creator’s Goblin? ", "Or maybe they are working on a track with Hodgy and Left Brain on their next MellowHype record, MellowHype Numbers? ", "Whatever it is, we will keep you updated.", "\n\n[One Thirty BPM]" ]
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[ "While CTfastrak is attempting a series of public engagement meetings this month, it is simultaneously attempting to disengage one specific segment of the public: those opposed to the complete closure of Flower Street.", "\n\nRunning parallel to Broad Street between Capitol Avenue and Farmington Avenue, Flower Street has been the subject of controversy since the announcement that it would be barricaded for “safety” reasons. ", "Several inquiries made for data supporting this claim that the New Britain-Hartford Busway/CTfastrak and the existing rail would significantly endanger lives if Flower Street remained open have been disregarded by those affiliated with CTfastrak and the Connecticut Department of Transportation. ", "At a meeting in February, one employee laughed at the request, saying no such data existed.", "\n\nAt the same meeting, anyone who expressed concern with any part of the CTfastrak project was labeled a “detractor.”", "\n\nWhat are residents and stakeholders to do if they are portrayed as lousy rabblerousers for trying to help shape a project that cuts through their neighborhoods?", "\n\nTake time off from work on three consecutive days, travel to the Department of Transportation headquarters on the Berlin Turnpike, and wait around to speak out, even though the agency may arbitrarily not grant the status required for one’s voice to have any impact.", "\n\nThis is, according to the DOT’s Petition for Reconsideration, what the agency has in store.", "\n\nThe DOT, by the way, is petitioning itself. ", "All decisions related to Flower Street have been made internally.", "\n\nThis latest petition was filed on March 6, 2013 by Timothy Wilson, the Manager of Highway Design in the DOT’s Bureau of Engineering and Construction. ", "After the City of Hartford and others filed documents showing intent of having witnesses at the scheduled April 4th hearing, Wilson, in his petition, requested that the hearing take place over several days:\n\nThese are not lawyers, paid for their time to attend such meetings, but neighborhood residents and stakeholders who have to take several days off from work, in addition to the hours they may have already lost during 2012 and earlier this year, as this has been an ongoing battle. ", "It is suspected that the location of these hearings — in Newington, not Hartford — intends to minimize involvement by the public, who may find it difficult to reach DOT headquarters on foot, bike, or bus.", "\n\nWilson has requested that the decision on this be fast-tracked:\n\nThis request has been interpreted by some involved in protesting the closure as an assumption that Hearing Officer Almeida would be ruling in Wilson’s favor.", "\n\nResidents, stakeholders, and neighborhood groups like the Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association and Frog Hollow NRZ have been filing objections.", "\n\nThis is not the first time residents and neighborhood organizations have felt they were being kept from participating in the hearings. ", "In February, the Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association submitted a letter saying the group had been viewed as something to be “contended with, or worse yet, ignored” by the CT DOT:\n\nIn the same letter, AHNA recognizes the ongoing issue that is the DOT providing a shaky case for closing Flower Street on the grounds of safety:\n\nIn a lengthy letter issued in February, the Frog Hollow NRZ echoed these sentiments and suggested that the CT DOT begin accepting responsibility for its actions instead of punishing the neighborhoods for its poor planning:\n\nOn March 19th there will be two CTfastrak presentations at the Hartford Public Library. ", "There are online surveys about its service plan and there is a form provided for input." ]
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[ "The Octopus Is A Secret Genius!", "\n\nIt might look like a primitive alien life form, but the octopus is an incredibly intelligent creature.", "\n\nThese smart suckers can escape from aquariums, learn how to open clams and even change colours.", "\n\nScientists believe that octopuses developed such large brains because they live on coral reefs, the most complex and dangerous environments in the world. ", "Being unable to defend itself physically, the octopus evolved intelligence to survive.", "\n\nOther research suggests the octopus have, much like great apes, developed emotions and a personality.", "\n\nNow, new research shows that the octopus has 10,000 more genes than humans.", "\n\nClifton Ragsdale, one of the research leaders from the University of Chicago, says “The octopus appears to be utterly different from all other animals, even other molluscs, with its eight prehensile arms, its large brain and its clever problem-solving capabilities.”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nConverting text/csv files to UTF-8 format in batch file\n\nI am coding a batch file where WMIC command gives an output which is written to a temp file\nWMIC /node:%%A Volume get systemname,caption,freespace,capacity > temp.txt\n\nTemp file is generated but its encoding is UCS-2 Little Endian.", "\nSo, when I am trying to read the text file using for loop,\nfor /f \"tokens=1\" %%B in (temp.txt) do (\n echo %%B\n )\n\nThis doesnot displays any output because of its encoding format.", "\nOnce I convert this Temp.txt to UTF-8/ANSI format the for loop reads the Temp file.", "\nCan I know how can I get the output of WMIC command in UTF-8/ANSI or if not how can I convert UCS-2 Little Endian to UTF-8/ANSI\nRegards\n\nA:\n\nYou can filter the output of the wmic to convert the file\nWMIC /node:%%A Volume get systemname,caption,freespace,capacity | find /v \"\" > temp.txt\n\nOr you can convert the file with the type command\nWMIC ..... > temp1.txt\ntype temp1.txt > temp.txt\n\nOr you can directly retrieve the information in the for loop\nfor /f \"tokens=1-4 delims=,\" %%a in (\n 'wmic /node:%%A Volume get systemname^,caption^,freespace^,capacity'\n) do echo %%a %%b %%c %%d\n\n" ]
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[ "package net.finmath.montecarlo.automaticdifferentiation.backward.alternative;\n\nimport net.finmath.stochastic.", "RandomVariable;\n\n/**\n * @author Stefan Sedlmair\n *\n */\n\npublic class RandomVariableUniqueVariableTest {\n\n\t/**\n\t * @param args\n\t */\n\tpublic static void main(final String[] args) {\n\n\t\tfinal RandomVariableUniqueVariable a = new RandomVariableUniqueVariable(5.0 , new double[]{1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ,4.0, 10.0});\n\t\tSystem.out.println(a);\n\n\t\tfinal RandomVariableUniqueVariable b = new RandomVariableUniqueVariable(7.0, new double[]{1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 6.0});\n\t\tSystem.out.println(b);\n\n\t\tfinal RandomVariableUniqueVariable c = (RandomVariableUniqueVariable) a.add(b);\n\t\tSystem.out.println(c);\n\n\t\tfinal RandomVariableUniqueVariable d = (RandomVariableUniqueVariable) c.mult(b);\n\t\tSystem.out.println(d);\n\n\t\tfinal RandomVariableUniqueVariable e = (RandomVariableUniqueVariable) a.div(d);\n\t\tSystem.out.println(e);\n\n\t\tfinal RandomVariableUniqueVariable f = (RandomVariableUniqueVariable) e.exp();\n\t\tSystem.out.println(f);\n\n\t\tfinal RandomVariable[] g = f.getGradient();\n\t\tfor(int i = 0; i < g.length; i++){\n\t\t\tSystem.out.println(g[i]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t}\n\n\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to find the position of last occurrence of element in sequence with Clojure?", "\n\nI want to find the position of the last occurence of an element in a sequence. ", "Testing some solutions I came up with, \nuser> (def numbers (repeatedly 100 #(rand-int 100)))\n#'user/numbers\n\nuser> (time ((zipmap numbers (range)) 22))\n\"Elapsed time: 0.865193 msecs\"\n90\n\nuser> (time (last (keep-indexed #(if (= 22 %2) %1) numbers)))\n\"Elapsed time: 1.600483 msecs\"\n90\n\nIs there a more concise built-in that does this?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou could use lastIndexOf after you cast the object to the correct type:\n(.lastIndexOf numbers (int 22))\n\nThe method is documented here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/List.html#lastIndexOf(java.lang.Object)\n\n" ]
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[ "Orders & Account Management\n\n• Managed Shared Or Dedicated Hosting\n\n• Daily Backups\n\n• SEO-Base level Meta Titles, Keywords, and Descriptions\n\n• Google Sitemap & Google Analytic’s Integration\n\n• Project Manager & Support Team\n\nBrands, Collections & Products\n\n• JewelCloud Compatible Or Upload Direct\n\n• Ability To Set Related Products\n\n• Ability To Set Multiple Attributes\n\n• Configurable Product Capabilities\n\n• Ability To Have A Short & Long Description\n\n• Ability To Upload Product Videos\n\n• E-Mail & Share Products On Social Networks\n\n• Product Image Zoom-In Capability\n\n• Up to 4 Images per Product\n\n• Wishlists/Favorites With Abilty To E-Mail & Send RSS\n\n• Customer Group Specific & Tier Pricing\n\n• Integrate With The Most Popular Shipping Options\n\n• Built In Reporting\n\nSEO, Analytics, Support & Hosting\n\n• Managed Shared Or Dedicated Hosting\n\n• Daily Backups\n\n• SEO-Base level Meta Titles, Keywords, and Descriptions\n\n• Google Sitemap & Google Analytic’s Integration\n\n• Project Manager & Support Team" ]
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[ "Surface-Modified Sulfur Nanorods Immobilized on Radially Assembled Open-Porous Graphene Microspheres for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries.", "\nThe assembly of two-dimensional conductive nanomaterials into hierarchical complex architectures precisely controlling internal open porosity and orientation, external morphology, composition, and interaction is expected to provide promising hosts for high-capacity sulfur cathodes. ", "Herein, we demonstrate rod-like nanosulfur (nS) deposited onto radially oriented open-porous microspherical reduced graphene oxide (rGO) architectures for improved rate and cyclic capabilities of lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries. ", "The combined chemistry of a spray-frozen assembly and ozonation drives the formation of a radially oriented open-porous structure and an overall microspherical morphology as well as uniform distribution and high loading of rod-like nS. Moreover, an optimum composition and strong bonding of the rGO/nS hybrid enables the optimization of redox kinetics for high sulfur utilization and high-rate capacities. ", "The resulting rGO/nS hybrid provides a specific capacity and first-cycle Coulombic efficiency of 1269.1 mAh g-1 and 98.5%, respectively, which are much greater than those of ice-templated and physically mixed rGO/nS hybrids and radially oriented open-porous rGO/bulk sulfur with the same hybrid composition. ", "A 4C capacity of 510.3 mAhg-1 and capacity decay of 0.08% per cycle over 500 cycles (70.9% of the initial capacity over 300 cycles) also support the synergistic effect of the rod-like nS strongly interacting with the radially oriented open-porous rGO microspheres." ]
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[ "We’ve all heard it time and time again. ", "You need 20-30 minutes of exercise at least three times per week. ", "It’s a great formula for a healthy lifestyle, but is it completely necessary? ", "With people getting busier and busier they’re looking for faster ways to bolster their health. ", "The good news is that the 10-minute workout can be beneficial for you! ", "However, it’s not as clear cut as you’d hope.", "\nWalking around the block for 10-minutes a day isn’t going to accomplish weight-loss goals. ", "But when you swap out the walking for running, now you’re on to something. ", "As Tamilee Webb, the creator of Buns & Abs of Steel, states, “The key isn’t really how long the duration…it’s the intensity and the consistency”. ", "Vigorous workouts in short bursts can be just as effective if not more so than longer, less intense workouts. ", "Think running and calisthenics rather than walking or casual biking.", "\n\nHowever, it isn’t enough to just think you can go all-out for 10 minutes each day. ", "Although this is helpful, you really should break up workouts into multiple, 10 minute intervals. ", "This is great news for people who can’t seem to find the time to work out. ", "It is certainly easier to find 2 or 3, 10-minute blocks during your day to exercise as opposed to 30 or more minutes at a time.", "\nThe trend of breaking up workouts has inspired a countless number of DVDs and short workout clips on the internet. ", "You may remember seeing titles such as “8-minute Abs” or “Best Belly Fat-Blasters”. ", "Although many view these as scams to get their money, the idea behind them is valid. ", "People just can’t seem to find the time to exercise or are intimidated by long workouts. ", "Regardless of the effectiveness of DVDs like these, the idea of working out in short, intense bursts is effective.", "\nNaturally, not every trainer is sold on the idea. ", "Popular TV star and personal trainer Jillian Michaels isn’t buying it. “", "Ten minutes?” ", "she said. “", "Forget it. ", "What are you going to burn? ", "A hundred calories. ", "A pound is 3,500 calories. ", "I’m so tired of sending Americans a false message. ‘", "Hey, just take the stairs.’”", "\nShe does make a good point. ", "In some cases, 10-minutes will never be enough. ", "But you can decide to make those 10 minute workouts count by making sure they are as intense as you can handle and by repeating them at least twice daily. ", "This will be just as beneficial and much less daunting than longer, more intimidating exercise regimens.", "\nThe key takeaway here is to do what you can. ", "If 10 minutes is all you have or all you want to commit to, that’s fine. ", "Any exercise is better than no exercise. ", "So start small and work your way up. ", "The journey to your healthiest self starts with baby steps. ", "Get up and get active and as you workout more you will be able to raise the intensity as well as the duration!" ]
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[ "Serous Cystic Neoplasms of the Pancreas: Endoscopic Ultrasonographic Versus Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features of Surgically Removed Masses.", "\nOur purpose was to assess the endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) features of serous cystic neoplasms (SCNs) of the pancreas in determining the surgical removal compared with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features. ", "For 33 consecutive patients with 34 surgically confirmed SCNs over the past 11 years, preoperative EUS features were compared with those of CT and MRI (CT&MRI). ", "Besides the lesion size and location, a retrospective analysis of the various imaging features was performed by 2 observers to understand the characteristics that determine the need for surgical intervention in terms of multiplicity of locules, calcification, mural thickening, mural nodules, ductal communication, and main pancreatic duct dilatation in addition to the gross morphologic type: microcystic, macrocystic (>1 cm), mixed, or solid. ", "The most common gross morphologic type was mixed lesions, which consisted of microcystic and macrocystic components (15/34; 44%), followed by microcystic (38%), macrocystic (15%), and solid (3%) lesions. ", "A minority (5/34; 18%) of the lesions showed main pancreatic duct dilatation (upstream, n = 3; downstream, n = 0; diffuse, n = 2). ", "Mural nodules or solid components were more frequently noted in EUS (67%) than in CT&MRI (25%; P = 0.001), whereas other findings showed no remarkable difference between EUS and CT&MRI (P > 0.05). ", "In determining the surgical treatment of multiloculated cystic lesions, interpretation of EUS features for the presence of solid component or mural nodules should be more carefully determined, especially in the patients with suggestive features of SCN on CT or MRI to avoid unnecessary surgery." ]
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[ "Women's Track & Field\n\nPioneer Track Teams Close Indoor Season at ECAC/IC4A Championships\n\nMar 05, 2012\n\nBoston, MA - The Sacred Heart men's and women's track & field teams wrapped up their indoor season over the weekend at the ECAC and IC4A track championships held at Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center. ", "The men's team finished 19th in the IC4A team competition with 17 points, while the women compiled 13 points and finished in 23rd place in the ECAC team competition.", "\n\nThe biggest standout performance of the weekend came from junior Bertony Jean-Louis (Norwalk, CT) who broke his own facility record and school record in the semi-finals of the 60-meter hurdles on his way to a first place finish in the finals defending his IC4A title. ", "Jean-Louis ran a 7.76 second time in the semi-finals breaking his own facility record of 7.79. ", "He then went on to win the event for the second-straight year with a time of 7.83 seconds. ", "Jean-Louis claimed 10 points for the team and earns All-East honors.", "\n\nJean-Louis came into the competition ranked 33rd in the country at 7.85 seconds. ", "His 7.76 clocking moved him up into a 14th place tie on the NCAA Division I list, and was just off the NCAA Championship automatic qualifying standard of 7.70 seconds. ", "He will learn on Monday night if he has earned a spot in the NCAA Championships when the field is announced.", "\n\nIn the same event Sacred Heart's Jeremy Rosado (Brooklyn, NY) grabbed four points for the Pioneers finishing in fifth place with a time of 8.10 seconds to garner All-East recognition. ", "Senior Jeffrey Lusignan closed out his indoor career by placing sixth in the Mile and earning All-East honors in the event for the second year in a row. ", "He also broke the school record of 4:08.52 that he set in last year's IC4A meet with his 4:08.11 clocking.", "\n\nPatrick Peterson won his trial race in the 1000 meter run on Saturday with a new school record of 2:24.89. ", "He topped the previous record of 2:25.65 that he set in mid-January. ", "Peterson ran the fastest time in the trials and was well-positioned to win the final on Sunday, but he got injured in a collision at the start of the final, and was barely able to finish the race, struggling across the line in ninth place.", "\n\nOn the women's side, in her last indoor competition ever, Athalia Smith broke her own school record with her second place throw of 18.77 meters (61' 7\"). ", "She set the old record in late January at 18.48 meters (60' 7 ¾\"). ", "Kolbi Smith joined her on the All-East team in the event, with a throw that was 17.31 meters (56' 9 ½\"). ", "Senior Chantaul Smith ended her career with a personal best of 16.78 meters (55' ¾\"), as all three SHU throwers made the final of the event (top 9 after the first 3 throws, get 3 more throws).", "\n\nLindsay Aponte (West Islip, NY) finished eighth in the shot put event throwing a solid 13.68-meters (44'10 3/4\") for All-East recognition. ", "Brittney Lane (Greenwich, NY) finished in 12th place in the 5,000 meters with a time of 17:27.04.", "\n\nThe quartet of Brittany Llobell, Nicolette Sands, Catherine Westby and Brittany Heninger won the unseeded section of the ECAC distance medley relay in a new school record time of 11:54.16. ", "Not only did they shatter the old record of 12:05.99, which was set in 2010, but their time was good enough to place eighth overall, earning the group All-East honors. ", "Llobell got things started off by clocking a new school record for a 1200 meter relay leg. ", "The senior ran 3:36.7, followed by Sands 58.7 on the 400 meter leg, and Westby's 2:21.1 on the 800 meter leg. ", "Heninger moved the team from second in their heat, up to first, passing the George Mason University anchor with a blazing 1600 meter leg of 4:57.8. ", "The graduate student's time was a new school record for a 1600 meter relay leg, breaking the record she set previously in late January." ]
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[ "Joseph Saliste\n\nJoseph Saliste (born 10 April 1995) is an Estonian professional footballer who plays as a left back for Estonian club Paide Linnameeskond.", "\n\nCareer\nOn 20 February 2019, Saliste was loaned out to JK Trans Narva for one year.", "\n\nInternational career\nSaliste made his senior international debut for Estonia on 19 November 2017, replacing Trevor Elhi in the second half of a 2–0 away victory over Fiji in a friendly.", "\n\nHonours\n\nClub\nFlora\nMeistriliiga: 2015, 2017\nEstonian Cup: 2015–16\nEstonian Supercup: 2016\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:1995 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Sportspeople from Tallinn\nCategory:Estonian footballers\nCategory:Association football defenders\nCategory:Esiliiga players\nCategory:FC Warrior Valga players\nCategory:Meistriliiga players\nCategory:FC Flora players\nCategory:JK Narva Trans players\nCategory:Estonia youth international footballers\nCategory:Estonia under-21 international footballers\nCategory:Estonia international footballers" ]
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[ "When Cuphead was announced, it piqued my interest. ", "With classical animation schooling under my belt, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the game that was inspired by 1930s cartoons. ", "Then I had the chance to play Cuphead at an event and feared it would be too difficult for me to actually enjoy. ", "I am glad to say those fears were put to rest. ", "Cuphead is not only visually charming, but its difficulty doesn’t detract from the game, only adds to its appeal.", "\n\nThe game revolves around Cuphead and Mugman, two brothers who lost their souls to the Devil at his casino. ", "Seems like an appropriate day job for the Devil. ", "They plead with the Devil for mercy, he agrees that if the brothers collect the souls on his list, they may be spared. ", "Players work their way through Inkwells(worlds), collecting souls and trying to survive.", "\n\nDon’t be fooled, Cuphead is difficult, I mean throw the controller in frustration difficult. ", "Designed to offer players a challenge, Cuphead is up there with the likes of Mega-Man – which I have watched many people play and it always ends in anger. ", "The gameplay consists of tun-and-gun, Boss battles and levels where players pop ghosts. ", "While Cuphead is hard, StudioMDHR has considered that not every player wants THAT much of a challenge and has included mechanics to help players stand up to the challenge. ", "The run-and-gun levels serve as a way to collect coins but don’t need to be completed to continue forward. ", "Boss battles can be fought on “simple” mode, although this will not allow players to collect soul contracts, it will still allow them to proceed forward in the game. ", "Players will need to collect Soul Contracts to actually beat the game however. ", "The mausoleum levels, ghost popping fun, grant players special moves. ", "These allow players to perform a more powerful attack that can aid wildly in Boss battles. ", "There are also other upgrades which help make Cuphead slightly easier. ", "I found that if I couldn’t beat a Boss on regular mode, once I bought and equipped charms, new weapons and special moves, I had a fighting chance. ", "When I initially started playing Cuphead, I felt dismayed that the dash wouldn’t allow me to move through enemies, as many other games would, but I later discovered that players can buy the such an ability. ", "It’s obvious StudioMDHR has thought everything through. ", "Everything I longed for as a player was made available: extra health, stronger weapons, invincibility. ", "Cuphead allows for two player gameplay so players can torture play with a buddy. ", "This can be a lifesaver, literally. ", "If one player should die, the other player can bring them back, so don’t cry over spilt Cuphead. ", "Simply parry(similar to double jump) the ghost of the deceased and their spirit is prevented from fleeing the scene, dragging them back into the fight. ", "There appears to be no limit on how many times a player can be resurrected, however they do return with only 1 hit point. ", "Sometimes making Cuphead an endless stream of resurrection until one player screams out in frustration.", "\n\nWhile Cuphead has a reputation for being hard, its shining achievement is the visuals. ", "Cuphead is hand-drawn and classically animated, transporting players back to the early days of cartoons. ", "Classical animation is just not something that is done anymore. ", "Disney tried to reinvigorate it with The Princess and the Frog, however, it didn’t stick. ", "So a project of this magnitude was ambitious, especially for such a small team, but StudioMDHR brought their A-game and nailed the art. ", "Every little detail is well designed to perfectly imitate a classic cartoon Max Fleischer could be proud of. ", "StudioMDHR carefully planned and throughout their aesthetics and it is nothing short of masterful. ", "The crackling as if it were an old film reel, the hand-painted look of the backgrounds and the character animations which have them constantly bobbing up and down. ", "Characters in older cartoons had a difficult time standing still and I’m not going to speculate why. ", "Cuphead and Mugman sport a generic cartoon body, but adorn cups for heads, making the character design simple but unique. ", "They even have straws in their cup-heads, which they occasionally drink from, but we won’t even go into the psychological aspects of drinking your own brain. ", "Other characters are just as wacky and ridiculous. ", "The whole game is infused with the utmost love and hard work. ", "Everything one could want from a 1930s cartoon is here, plus colour!", "\n\nThe sound in Cuphead matches the aesthetics quite well. ", "Warm and jaunty music follows the brothers around. ", "The music is unique however definitely demonstrates a respect for classic cartoons and well-loved games. ", "There is a level where the music closely mimics Mario music, however, it doesn’t feel like a cheap knock-off, just a loving homage to one of the greats. ", "The game is mostly non-verbal. ", "There are tidbits here, but not too much. ", "This is ideal for the feel of the game, as old cartoons didn’t have much voice acting either. ", "Mickey Mouse may have said “oh boy” once in awhile but was too busy getting into trouble to say much else. ", "He was kind of a jerk back then and much of his voice acting was laughing at the misery of others.", "\n\nAs someone who studied classical animation, I fully appreciate the amount of love, respect and work that StudioMDHR put into their game, and there really isn’t much to criticise. ", "It’s nearly flawless. ", "I could ramble on and on about Cuphead, using animation jargon, but instead, just go play it. ", "While it is difficult to recommend this to players who may not possess the skill level required, Cuphead is stunning, unique and incredibly delightful. ", "It’s a challenge, but one players will keep striving to conquer. ", "No matter how many times cups are broken, players will feel drawn to return. ", "So for those seeking an enchanting challenge, roll the dice on Cuphead. ", "It’s hard, but not impossible.", "\n\nLiked this article and want to read more like it? ", "Check out more by Melanie Emile, such as her review of Surf World Series for the PlayStation 4 and her review of Archangel for the PSVR!", "\n\nWant to see more videos? ", "Subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out the First 15 – Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite and Cuphead!", "\n\nDon’t forget to tune in every Friday the Pixels & Ink Podcast to hear the latest news, previews, and in-depth game discussions!", "\n\nNever miss when new CGM articles go out by following us on Twitter and Facebook!", "\n\nCGMagazine is Canada’s premiere comics and gaming magazine. ", "Subscribe today to get the best of CGM delivered right to your door! ", "Never miss when a new issue goes live by subscribing to our newsletter! ", "Signing up gives you exclusive entry into our contest pool. ", "Sign up once, you’ll have a chance to win! ", "Sign up today!" ]
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[ "---\nlayout: default\ntitle: web.py 项目架构分析之 googlemodules\ncategory: 源代码阅读\ncomments: true\n---\n\n# web.py 项目之 googlemodules\n\n## 项目说明\n\n项目来自 [webpy.org](http://webpy.org/src/), 这是一个真实的在线上运行的\n项目: [Google Modules](http://www.googlemodules.com/), 可以上传,下载,\n一些模块,还有一些评分,打标签等等功能。(不过这网站挺奇怪的。。。)", "\n\n## 目录树\n\n```\nsrc/\n ├── application.py\n ├── forum.py\n ├── config_example.py\n ├── INSTALL\n ├── LICENCE\n ├── app\n │   ├── controllers\n │   ├── helpers\n │   ├── models\n │   └── views\n ├── app_forum\n │   ├── controllers\n │   ├── models\n │   └── views\n ├── data\n ├── public\n │   ├── css\n │   ├── img\n │   │   └── star\n │   ├── js\n │   └── rss\n ├── scripts\n └── sql\n\n18 directories\n```\n\n终于遇到个稍微大一点的项目了,要好好看看。", "\n\n从目录上看,整个项目分成两个部分,app 和 app_forum,每个部分都使用了\n典型的MVC结构,将app分成 controllers, models, views 三大部分。", "\n\n另外,网站使用的 css, js 文件,图片,也都统一放在了public目录下。", "\n\nINSTALL 文件描述了如何安装部署项目, 包括在哪里下载项目,哪里下载web.py,如何\n配置 lighttpd, 如何配置项目。", "\n\nconfig_example.py 文件给了一个配置文件模板,按自己的需要修改其中内容,最后\n把文件名改为 config.py 就可以了,其中包括对数据的配置,调试,缓存的开启等等。", "\n\nLICENCE 文件描述了项目使用的开源协议: GPLv3。", "\n\n项目使用的脚本放在scripts目录下,创建数据库使用的文件放在了sql目录下。", "\n\n## 代码统计\n\n先看看代码统计\n\n![", "googlemodules_code_stat.jpg](/assets/blog-images/googlemodules_code_stat.jpg)\n\n## application 模块\n\n### application.py\n\n```python\n\n#!", "/usr/bin/env python\n# Author: Alex Ksikes \n\n# TODO: \n# - setup SPF for sendmail and \n# - emailerrors should be sent from same domain\n# - clean up schema.sql\n# - because of a bug in webpy unicode search fails (see models/sql_search.py)\n\nimport web\nimport config\nimport app.controllers\n\nfrom app.helpers import custom_error\n\nimport forum\n\nurls = ( \n # front page\n '/', 'app.controllers.base.index',\n '/page/([0-9]+)/', 'app.controllers.base.list',\n \n # view, add a comment, vote\n '/module/([0-9]+)/', 'app.controllers.module.show',\n '/module/([0-9]+)/comment/', 'app.controllers.module.comment',\n '/module/([0-9]+)/vote/', 'app.controllers.module.vote',\n \n # submit a module\n '/submit/', 'app.controllers.submit.submit',\n \n # view author page\n '/author/(.*?)/', 'app.controllers.author.show', \n \n # search browse by tag name\n '/search/', 'app.controllers.search.search', \n '/tag/(.*?)/', 'app.controllers.search.list_by_tag',\n \n # view tag clouds\n '/tags/', 'app.controllers.cloud.tag_cloud',\n '/authors/', 'app.controllers.cloud.author_cloud',\n \n # table modules\n '/modules/(?:by-(.*?)/)?([0-9]+)?/?', ", " 'app.controllers.all_modules.list_by',\n \n # static pages\n '/feedback/', 'app.controllers.feedback.send',\n '/about/', 'app.controllers.base.about',\n '/help/', 'app.controllers.base.help',\n \n # let lighttpd handle in production\n '/(?:css|img|js|rss)/.+', 'app.controllers.public.public',\n \n # canonicalize /urls to /urls/\n '/(.*[^/])', 'app.controllers.public.redirect',\n\n # mini forum app\n '/forum', forum.app, \n\n '/hello/(.*)', ", " 'hello',\n \n # site admin app\n# '/admin', admin.app, \n)\n\napp = web.application(urls, globals())\ncustom_error.add(app)\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n app.run()\n```\n\n可以看出,这是 application 部分的入口,这个模块仅仅是定义了各个请求的处理方式,\n并完成程序的启动,所有的实现均不在这里出现,而是通过 `import` 导入,特别需要\n注意 `urls` 最后定义的 `/forum` 和 `/admin` 使用了子程序,而不是通过之前的字符串\n实现映射。还需要注意对静态文件,即css,js,img,rss文件的单独处理。", "\n\n所有这些都与之前分析过的那些小项目不同,回想起我之前写的 \n[BlogSystem](https://github.com/minixalpha/BlogSystem), 所有的处理实现都放在\n同一个文件中,导致最后一个文件居然 700多行,真是让人潸然泪下。。。", "\n而且之前也不知道使用子程序,所有处理都堆在一起。看来读完这份源代码,真应该重构一\n下了。", "\n\n### app 模块\n\n```\napp/\n ├── models # 数据模块,MVC中的 M\n ├── views # 显示模块,MVC中的 V\n ├── controllers # 控制模块,MVC中的 C\n └── helpers # 辅助模块,实现辅助功能\n\n4 directories\n```\n\n### controllers 模块\n\n```\ncontrollers/\n ├── base.py # 对基本页面,如网站主页,关于网页,帮助等的处理\n ├── all_modules.py # 显示全部模块\n ├── module.py # 对模块页面的处理\n ├── search.py # 对搜索模块功能处理\n ├── submit.py # 对提交模块的处理\n ├── author.py # 查看模块作者信息\n ├── cloud.py # 对标签云页面进行处理\n ├── feedback.py # 处理反馈信息\n └── public.py # 对静态文件的处理\n```\n\n这个模块主要是对请求处理的实现,在 `urls` 里定义的那些映射关系,\n很多被映射到这里。", "\n\n实现过程中,调用 models 模块对数据操作,再送入 views 模块通过模板引擎显示数据内容。", "\n\n### models 模块\n\n```\nmodels/\n ├── comments.py # 对评论数据的处理\n ├── modules.py # 对模块数据的处理\n ├── rss.py # 对 rss 订阅的处理\n ├── sql_search.py # 对搜索的数据处理\n ├── submission.py # 对用户提交内容的处理\n ├── tags.py # 对标签内容的数据处理\n └── votes.py # 对用户投票的数据处理\n```\n\n这个模块直接调用 web.py 的db模块对数据库进行操作,对数据库的连接在 config.py 中\n已经完成。这里完成数据的获取,处理,返回。可以看出,对不同种类的数据又分成了\n很多小的模块。", "\n\n\n### views 模块\n\n```\nviews/\n ├── about.html\n ├── all_modules.html\n ├── faq.html\n ├── feedback.html\n ├── help.html\n ├── internal_error.html\n ├── layout.html\n ├── list_modules_by_author.html\n ├── list_modules.html\n ├── not_found.html\n ├── rss.html\n ├── show_module.html\n ├── submit_module.html\n ├── submitted_form.html\n ├── tag_cloud_author.html\n └── tag_cloud.html\n```\n\n这个模块是各个页面的模板文件所在,通过模板引擎,这些模板的内容\n被填充,最终返回给用户。", "\n\n\n### helpers 模块\n\n```\nhelpers/\n ├── custom_error.py # 错误处理,如未找到页面等等\n ├── formatting.py # 格式处理相关的工具函数\n ├── image.py # 图片处理相关函数\n ├── misc.py # 用于生成一些随机数据\n ├── paging.py # 用于多条信息分成多个页面\n ├── render.py # 对基本布局的包装\n ├── strip_html.py # HTML 文件的处理\n ├── tag_cloud.py # 对标签云的处理\n └── utils.py # 常用的小工具函数\n```\n\n这一模块把需要用到的一些工具类函数分成多个类组织在一起,\n这样可以避免之前的 MVC 模块太臃肿。", "\n\n\n## forum 模块\n\n在 `application.py` 中定义了对论坛请求的处理,这是在子程序中进行处理的。", "\n\n```\n # mini forum app\n '/forum', forum.app, \n```\n\n对 `/forum` 的请求会发到子程序 `forum.py`, 这是一个类似 `application.py`\n的程序:\n\n```python\n#!", "/usr/bin/env python\n# Author: Alex Ksikes \n\nimport web\nimport config\nimport app_forum.controllers\n\nfrom app.helpers import custom_error\n\nurls = (\n '/', 'app_forum.controllers.base.index',\n '/new/', 'app_forum.controllers.base.new',\n '/page/([0-9]+)/', 'app_forum.controllers.base.list',\n '/thread/([0-9]+)/', 'app_forum.controllers.base.show',\n '/thread/([0-9]+)/reply/', 'app_forum.controllers.base.reply',\n)\n\napp = web.application(urls, globals())\ncustom_error.add(app)\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n app.run()\n```\n\n可以看出子程序的作用。在 application 中没有定义 `/forum/new/` ,但是对\n`/forum` 的请求会发给这里的 `forum.py`, 这个程序定义了对 `/new` 的处理,\n它们连起来,构成了对 `/forum/new/` 处理的映射。", "\n\n\nforum 模块的结构与 application 模块是相似的:\n\n```\napp_forum/\n ├── controllers\n │   ├── base.py # 对基本页面,如论坛主页的处理\n ├── models\n │   └── threads.py # 对论坛数据的处理\n └── views # 论坛页面模板\n ├── list_threads.html\n ├── show_thread.html\n └── submitted_form.html\n```\n\n可以看出,只有很少的文件, 只搭了个框架,具体的内容我们就不分析了。", "\n" ]
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[ "Please refer to FIG. ", "1 which is a circuit diagram of a conventional line-interactive uninterruptible power supply. ", "In FIG. ", "1, the conventional line-interactive uninterruptible power supply contains an AC input voltage AC, a switch containing two diodes D1 and D2, a single-phase AC/AC converter 11, an AC filter 12 containing a filter inductor Lo and a filter capacitor Co, and a load R.\nThe single-phase AC/AC converter 11 contains an AC inductor Li, a bus capacitor Cs and three arms. ", "The three arms are respectively a boost arm comprising a switch 51 and a switch S2, a common arm comprising a switch S3 and a switch S4 and a buck arm comprising a switch S5 and S6.", "\nAn AC input voltage AC directly provides energy to the load R by the line-interactive uninterruptible power supply 1 of FIG. ", "1 when the AC input voltage AC (mains electricity) is operated normally. ", "The boost arm and the common arm execute a rectifying function. ", "When the AC input voltage functions abnormally, a storing battery (not shown) provides energy to the load R. At this time, the common arm and the buck arm execute an inverting function.", "\nIn fact, two switches S3 and S4 of the common arm are controlled by network frequency. ", "The switching frequency is low-frequency switching. ", "Therefore, the boost arm is used as a rectifying device and the buck arm is used as an inverting device.", "\nIn the prior arts, in order to implement regulation of the AC input voltage, several controlling methods could be used. ", "The difference between the controlling methods was to generate bus voltages having different waveforms. ", "The following explanations show two kinds of common methods of controlling the bus voltages having different waveforms.", "\nPlease refer to FIGS. ", "2(a) and 2(b) which were waveform diagrams of bus voltages of an uninterruptible power supply of FIG. ", "1 for different controlling methods. ", "The FIGS. ", "2(a) and 2(b) showed respectively waveforms of different bus voltages. ", "The bus voltage of FIG. ", "2(a) had a DC voltage waveform while the bus voltage of FIG. ", "2(b) had a full-wave rectifying voltage waveform. ", "Certainly, the different bus voltages generated under different controlling methods had advantages and drawbacks.", "\nIn order to obtain the DC bus voltage shown in FIG. ", "2(a), the buck arm and the boost arm must be operated under a high frequency pulse-width-modulation mode and the common arm must be operated at low frequency switch state. ", "When the AC input voltage AC was a positive half-wave, the switch S4 turned off. ", "When the AC input voltage AC was a negative half-wave, the switch S3 turned off. ", "An unit input power factor was obtained by using a method of calculating an input current and an input voltage so as to obtain a duty cycle of the buck arm of a single-phase AC/AC converter 11. ", "Therefore, a DC voltage was controlled by controlling an increasing amount of an input reference current.", "\nA main advantage of this controlling method was that the input current could be controlled to be a sine-wave so as to obtain an unit input power factor. ", "An output voltage could be accurately regulated. ", "A no-load current would decrease. ", "On the contrary, a main drawback was that a switch loss was large and a an efficiency was poor (especially under full-load).", "\nIn order to obtain a full-wave bus voltage shown in FIG. ", "2(b), when the AC input voltage AC was abnormal, a converter 11 was operated at a boost state, the switches S1 and S2 of the boost arm were operated under high frequency pulse-width-modulation mode. ", "When the converter 11 was operated at a buck state, only the switches S5 and S6 of the buck arm were operated high frequency pulse-width-modulation mode. ", "Besides, a capacitance of a bus capacitor Cs was small, then a bus voltage having full-wave rectifying voltage waveform shown in FIG. ", "2(b) was obtained.", "\nA main advantage of this controlling method was that the volume could be decreased, reliability of the circuit was enhanced and usage life of the circuit was lengthened by using a high frequency film capacitor as the bus capacitor Cs. ", "Besides, a loss of the switches was small when a design of the controlling unit was simplified.", "\nA main drawback of this controlling method was a poor dynamic performance, a large reactive current of input, and a large ripple current of the bus capacitor Cs. ", "Because a current flowing through the load R during light-load and no-load periods was small, in order to maintain the full-wave rectifying voltage waveform of the bus capacitor Cs, an inefficient charging and discharging on the bus capacitor Cs was carried out. ", "But, a large loss of the converter 11 was generated during light-load or no-load period." ]
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[ "Your geraniums are making me so ready for summer! ", "Too funny we featured Trial and Style as well..her wall was fabulous! ", "Hope you are starting to feel on the mend. ", "Thanks for the party as always...we appreciate you!", "\n\nI didn't plant any geraniums this year so I especially love yours. ", "Don't you just hate it when you plant outdoors and then it gets cold and you have to bring it back inside? ", "Many a time I have thrown old sheets on blooming plants to save them. ", "Thanks so much for hosting this fun party. ", "~\n\nBeautiful in that container Courtney. ", "I am with you on the allergies, they have taken me out for several weeks. ", "I am just starting to get back up to speed. ", "Not fun. ", "Thanks for having us over and linking up!Sherry\n\nCourtney, I've loved geraniums since I was a child. ", "Love the fragrance and the little bouquets of flowers on each stem. ", "I have mostly white ones planted in our garden with a few reds in pots. ", "The red seem to be better bloomers. ", "They are still covered in blooms, but the whites not so much. ", "Thanks for sharing and for hosting each week. ", "~ Sarah\n\nI love geraniums, I always saw them here in spanish balconie's of colonial houses, usually in like hot pink and red ones, just gorgeous! ", "Thanks for sharing this beauties and thank you for hosting this great party.", "Lots of hugs.", "FABBY\n\nHello Courtney, The cement urn the geraniums are in is fabulous! ", "I planted several geraniums in pots last weekend.. now just waiting to see if they live. ", "I guess you could say I have a black thumb. ", "Thanks for hosting.xo,Sherry\n\nI love your blog. ", "The ideas and beautiful photography are a delight to the eyes. ", "I linked up and became a follower. ", "I don't know how I missed that before. ", "And I hope you noticed I have your button on my blog!!", "\n\nI am so mad at you! ", "hahah! ", "I was just getting ready to start housecleaning ... and you have so many wonderful things to check out! ", "I am going to go make a fresh pot of coffee ... and enjoy! ", "Seriously , thank you for all of these wonderful projects to check out. ", "Have a pretty day! ", "Kristin\n\nHi Courtney :) Thank you so much for featuring my wall! ", "I am only about a month into blogland and I can't believe how much I love it! ", "What rock have I been hiding under? ", "Thanks for hosting, and thanks for the feature!", "\n\nLove the plants... I know they had a name, but I am not a plant-smart person. ", "One day hopefully (when I can keep them alive)... and when that happens, I know where to go for inpiration ;)\n\nYou had snow, really. ", "I'm living in Finland and haven't bought nothing yet to the pots cause it might be get cold but snow is unlike...hope so:) I love geraniums too and bye them every summer.", "Have a nice weekend\n\nI love geraniums also we always have them somewhere in the garden and usually on the porch. ", "Did you know you can let them winter in your basement and bring them out the next Spring? ", "Before the first frost pull them up and place them in a box or brown paper bag. (", "pull all the leaves off). ", "Plant them the next year and they will leaf out and start to bloom in about four weeks.", "\n\nADORE geraniums! ", "I have grown all the colors, but keep coming back to trusty, lusty RED. ", "You just can't go wrong with that blowsy gal of a flower. ", "It just blooms and blooms -- several years I have still had geraniums blooming at Thanksgiving here in New Jersey. ", "Amazing.", "LOVE the red on the sideboard -- lovely!thanks for hosting ... Cass\n\nThank you for your sweet comments and inviting me to link up to Feathered Nest Friday! ", "I'm looking forward to reading through your blog! ", "I'd love to know how you found me. ", "Please come back and visit soon! - ", "Alicia\n\nGood morning Courtney- I can't thank you enough for your encouraging lovely invite on my blog to join you all here one friday- well I saw that the link up was open for another day- so I've linked up my pink roses & chippy chair post in our english garden!", "\n\nI adore geraniums...they remind me of warm days on Greek islands...yours look incredible in those big french urns.....\n\nIt's so nice to be here- I have been led here by so many other blogs- but always thought it's just to successful a blog for you to notice someone new- how wonderfully wrong I am- you have made my morning!", "\n\nI love geraniums- they remind me so much of days gone by..... I think I should have lived a hundred years ago! ", "Sorry I haven't had the time to visit or participate in your linky parties lately- life is crazy and I'm getting ready for a sale. ", "whew- I'm on a little break right now and decided to read mail. ", "Thanks for coming by for a visit! :-) ", "Sue\n\nThanks Courtney for the Facebook love!! ", "You are a jewel. ", "I still can't believe those chairs are from K-Mart. ", "Your outdoor area has inspired me to \"kick it up a notch\" on my back porch. ", "Will send a link when I do!! ", "Hugs." ]
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[ "New directions in the development of MR imaging contrast media.", "\nOngoing developments in contrast media for magnetic resonance (MR) imaging should lead to an improvement in sensitivity for the detection of disease, better definition of normal and pathologic anatomy, added functional information, and an expansion of diagnostic MR imaging applications. ", "Currently, only gadopentetate dimeglumine, a contrast enhancer of the extracellular fluid space that is able to show defects in the blood-brain barrier, is governmentally approved for routine clinical use in North America. ", "An estimated 25%-35% of patients undergoing MR imaging receive this drug. ", "Multiple, potentially competitive formulations have been tested and may soon be approved. ", "In addition, contrast agents differing in purpose and primary magnetic effect, both paramagnetic proton relaxation and magnetic susceptibility agents, are being developed. ", "These include agents for enhancing the blood pool, myocardium, liver, lymph nodes, tumors, and gastrointestinal lumen. ", "Criteria for suitability of new contrast agents include diagnostic efficacy, safety, stability, pharmacology, and cost." ]
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[ "Increased CD45RA+CD45RO+ cells indicate activated T cells after endurance exercise.", "\nTwelve endurance athletes performed either a 240-km cycle race in the Alps or an ultratriathlon (time: 731 +/- 25 min). ", "Two weeks before (S1) and on the 8th or 9th day after (S2) the competition, an exhaustive exercise at 110% of the individual anaerobic threshold was performed (stress test; S1: 21 +/- 2 min; S2: 18 +/- 2 min). ", "Blood samples at rest, at 10 min, at end, and 60 min after S1 or S2 were taken for immunophenotyping of leukocytes with fluorescein- or phycoerythrin-conjugated monoclonal antibodies (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD14, CD16, CD45, CD45RO, CD45RA, CD69, HLA-DR) and dual color flow cytometry. ", "Of the lymphocyte subpopulations, the CD45RO(+)-lymphocytes had higher cell numbers at S2 than at S1 (P < 0.01). ", "This was due to the increase of CD45RA+CD45RO+ lymphocytes (P < 0.005), but not to the CD45RA-CD45RO+ lymphocytes (P > 0.05). ", "Both the CD4+ (+39%) and CD8+ (+75%) cells were increased at S2. ", "The activation markers CD69 and HLA-DR were not significantly increased at S2. ", "Our conclusion is that a approximately 12-h endurance exercise induces activation of T-cells, which is indicated by the increase of CD45RA+CD45RO+. ", "This might also indicate an increase of memory cells by prolonged endurance exercise." ]
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[ "1.. INTRODUCTION\n================\n\nAsthma is a chronic inflammatory airway disease characterized by episodes of airway narrowing leading to manifestations of symptoms such as wheeze, shortness of breath, chest tightness and cough, that may resolve spontaneously or following treatment ([@ref1], [@ref2]).", "\n\nAsthma is a serious health problem that affects about 339 million people worldwide, with an increasing prevalence especially among children ([@ref2], [@ref3]). ", "Of serious concerns are deaths due to asthma, with around 1000 deaths each day, as many of them may be preventable ([@ref3]). ", "Asthma in children often goes under-diagnosed and consequently untreated or delayed treated with inadequate disease control and higher treatment cost ([@ref4], [@ref5]).", "\n\nMeasured by disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), globally, asthma is ranked 16th among the leading causes of years lived with disability since uncontrolled asthma interferes with daily activities that can greatly reduce a person's quality of life, and 28th among the leading causes of burden of disease, including the direct costs of treatment and the indirect costs (absenteeism and decreased productivity at work and school) ([@ref3], [@ref6]).", "\n\nTo determine the prevalence of asthma throughout the world, epidemiological studies have been focused on self-report asthma symptoms using standardized questionnaires. ", "The most comprehensive information related to the prevalence and impact of various factors on asthma and their comparison between different countries is obtained from the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) that was realized in three phases, during the period 1991-2004 ([@ref6], [@ref7]). ", "Large variations in both prevalence and severity of asthma among different regions and countries have been reported since the first global reporting by ISAAC ([@ref6]-[@ref8]).", "\n\nTo continue monitoring asthma and also to extend asthma strategies, with the aim of decreasing severity and improving symptoms control, and on the other hand considering that nearly half of the world's countries have never studied the prevalence of asthma, in 2012 was established the Global Asthma Network (GAN) by a scientist from ISAAC and the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) ([@ref3], [@ref9], [@ref10]).", "\n\nFor Kosovo this was the first time until now, as a part of the GAN study, the asthma problem among adolescents to be analyzed.", "\n\n2.. AIM\n=======\n\nThe aim of this paper was to present the collected data related to the prevalence of self-reported respiratory symptoms, asthma, and use of asthma medication among school children aged 13-14 years from the city of Gjilan, a municipality located in southeast Kosovo.", "\n\n3.. MATERIAL AND METHODS\n========================\n\nStudy design\n------------\n\nThis was a cross-sectional study realized during the year 2017 as a part of the Project of Global Asthma Network (GAN) Phase I.\n\nSample of the study\n-------------------\n\nThe study includes 1200 schoolchildren from randomly selected schools in the city of Gjilan, a municipality located in the southeast of Kosovo, from both genders, aged 13-14 years, after was received the passive consent of their parents/guardians.", "\n\nStudy instrument\n----------------\n\nThe standardized written questionnaires of GAN developed from ISSAC questionnaires used in Phases I and III, were used in the study, after being translated into the Albanian language and validated, with no additional questions added. ", "For the evaluation of the translated questionnaires, a pilot study was applied to 50 randomly selected children and remarks were included in the final version of the questionnaires. ", "In this study, we estimated the prevalence of asthma symptoms based on the responses related to: wheeze ever, wheeze in the past 12 months, frequency of severe episodes of wheeze in the past 12 months (symptoms of severe asthma). ", "Symptoms of severe asthma are defined as those with current wheeze who, in the past 12 months, have had ≥4 attacks of wheeze, or ≥1 night/week sleep disturbance from wheeze, or wheeze affecting speech. ", "Assessment of the prevalence of asthma is based on self-reported asthma (asthma ever and physician-diagnosed asthma). ", "We have also analyzed the use of asthma action plan and also the use of asthma medication in the past 12 months (short-acting β-agonist (SABA), long-acting β-agonist (LABA), inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), ICS+LABA.", "\n\nImplementation of the study\n---------------------------\n\nFirst, we measured the weight and height of the children, whereas they were wearing light clothing and were barefooted. ", "After that, the questionnaires were given to the children to be filled out, for 60-90 minutes. ", "The whole process has been observed by the trained representatives from the project time and children were told to be free to ask questions about possible dilemmas.", "\n\nEthical approval\n----------------\n\nThe implementation of GAN Phase I in Kosovo was approved by the Ethics Committee of The Ministry of Health and The Ministry of Education and Science, Kosovo.", "\n\nStatistical analyses\n--------------------\n\nThe data were statistically analyzed in SPSS software package, version 22.0 for Windows (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). ", "According to ISAAC recommendation, missing or \"any other\" responses were part of the denominator for the calculation of allergic rhinitis and eczema prevalence figures (ISAAC Phase III Newsletter. ", "Auckland, New Zealand, December 2001). ", "Quantitative series were present as mean, median and standard deviation. ", "To determine the association between qualitative variables Pearson Chi-square test was used. ", "A two-sided analysis with a significance level of p\\<0,05 was used to determine the statistical significance.", "\n\n4.. RESULTS\n===========\n\nThe study elaborated on a randomly selected sample of 1200 school children from the city of Gjilan, in the southeast of Kosovo. ", "The mean age was 13.4±0.51 with median IQR=13 ([@ref13]-[@ref14]). ", "About 618 (51.5%) were male and 582 (48.5%) were female with the relation between the genders of 1:1.1. ", "The percentage difference between the genders was not statistically significant (Difference test: Difference 3% \\[(-0.99-6.99) CI 95%\\]; Chi-square=2.159; df=1 p=0.1417).", "\n\nThe prevalence of wheezing/ whistling in the chest ever and in the last 12 months was 12.7% vs. 6.4% respectively with no significant association between gender and symptoms (p\\>0.05) ([Table 1](#table1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "About 1132 (94.3%) had no attacks of wheezing in the last 12 months, 59 (4.9%) had 1-3 attacks, 7 (0.6%) had 4-12 attacks and 2 (0.2%) had\\>12 attacks. ", "The analysis did not indicate a significant association between gender and the frequency of wheezing attacks (none / 1-3 / ≥ 4) for Pearson Chi-square: 2.5501; df=2; p=0.2801.", "\n\nDisturbed sleep due to wheezing in the last 12 months had 34 (2.8%) of adolescents. ", "Less than 1 night per week with disturbed sleep reported 23 (1.9%) of adolescents, 7 (1.1%) of males and 16 (2.7%) of females. ", "With disturbed sleep, ≥1 night per week were 11 (0.9%) adolescent out of which 7 (1.1%) males and 4 (0.7%) females. ", "No significant association was found between gender and frequency of disturbed sleep due to wheezing in the last 12 months Pearson Chi-square: 4.7771; df=2; p=0.0918). ", "About 2% of adolescents declare wheezing severe enough to limit their speech in the last 12 months ([Table 1](#table1){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nThe prevalence of self-reported asthma ever was 45 (3.7%), with 25 (2.1%) who had asthma diagnosed by a doctor ([Table 2](#table2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Additionally, we analyzed the presents of the three symptoms (more than 4 attacks of wheezing in the past 12 months or 1-2 nights/week sleep disturbance due to wheezing in the past 12 months or wheeze affecting speech in the last 12 months) among the children in the sample. ", "One of the three symptoms was present in 22 (1.8%) of adolescents, 12 (1.9%) male and 10 (1.7%) female. ", "Two of the symptoms were present in 8 (0.7%) adolescents, 4 (0.6%) male and 4 (0.7%) female. ", "All three symptoms were present in 2 (0.2%) of the adolescents, and all of them among male 3 (0.3%). ", "Minimum one of the three symptoms was present in 30 (2.7%) of adolescents.", "\n\nThe asthma action plan was used by 7 (0.6%) of adolescents, 3 (0.5%) of males and 4 (0.7%) of females.", "\n\nDue to breathing problems in the last 12 months, 100 (8.3%) of adolescents inhaled medication.", "\n\nOnly when needed use of short-acting β-agonists (SABAs) declared 44 (3.7%), of long acting β-agonists (LABAs), declared 22 (1.8%), of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), declared 22 (1.8%), of combination ICS and LABA declared 20 (1.7%). ", "Every day use of short-acting β-agonists (SABAs) declared 6 (0.5%) and of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) declared 2 (0.2%). ", "None of the adolescents stated everyday use of inhaled long-acting β-agonists (LABAs) or Combination ICS and LABA daily ([Table 3](#table3){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n5.. DISCUSSION\n==============\n\nThis study is the first in Kosovo related to asthma and therefore the obtained data can be used as a baseline for further epidemiological research of asthma. ", "Concerning asthma symptoms, the prevalence of wheeze ever was 12,7% whereas the prevalence of wheeze in the last 12 months was 6,4%, which were much higher than the prevalence of established doctor-diagnosed asthma and self-reported asthma-ever that were 2,11% respectively 3,7% suggests under-diagnosis of asthma in this region. ", "Under-diagnosed asthma consequently does not have adequate care and may go into a vicious circle of asthma control, which is notable in lower-income countries ([@ref11], [@ref12]). ", "Although, suboptimal asthma management was a global phenomenon reported by recent epidemiological surveys and as recommended by guidelines, is satisfactory in less than 30% of children ([@ref5], [@ref12], [@ref13]).", "\n\nThe global prevalence of wheeze in the past 12 months registered during ISAAC Phase III was 13.7% ([@ref14]), indicates for moderately low asthma prevalence among our adolescents. ", "Large variations in the global prevalence of asthma among adolescents have been recorded by ISAAC phase III, with a prevalence of wheeze in the past 12 months varied from 32.6% in New-Zealand to 0.8% in China, that was higher in more affluent countries, whereas more severe in less affluent countries ([@ref6]-[@ref8], [@ref15]). ", "Several reasons have been given to explain this observation such as the low socioeconomic status limits access to the healthcare system, lack of awareness that the wheezing can be asthma and the differences in environmental exposure, including air pollution and infectious agents ([@ref11], [@ref12], [@ref16], [@ref17]).", "\n\nCocerning severity of asthma in our study (≥4 attacks of wheeze, or ≥1 night/week sleep disturbance from wheeze, or wheeze affecting speech) the prevalence was 1,83% with one of the symptoms present, 0,67% with two of the symptoms present and 0.17% with three of the symptoms present, that was relatively low compared to global prevalence of severe asthma 6,9% with variation from 3,8% in Asia-Pacific and Northern and Eastern Europe to 11,3% in North America ([@ref8]). ", "No significant association has been found in our study between gender and neither of the asthma symptoms.", "\n\nAlso in this study we have estimated the use of asthma action plan by adolescent that was 0,6% with no significant association between gender, which represents a low level of education related to asthma monitoring. ", "Asthma action plan includes specific instructions for the proper identification and management of asthma exacerbations as well as the daily medication regime and its use is generally recommended (Evidence B) ([@ref18], [@ref19]). ", "Several studies suggest that by using asthma action plan can improved asthma control in partially controlled asthma ([@ref19]-[@ref21]).", "\n\nWith regard to use of inhaled medication in the past 12 months it was 8,3% with no significant association between gender and mainly their use was only when needed, with a higher rate of use of medication for acute relief of symptoms, SABA, that was 3,7% compared to use of controller medication such as LABA that was 1,8%, ICS with 1,8% and ICS/LABA 1,7%. ", "The low rate of use of inhaled medications and the predominance of the use of 'relievers' compared to 'controller' medications indicates inadequate treatment, since asthma treatment should includes daily use of a controller drug and use of short-acting bronchodilators when needed for quick symptom relief ([@ref1]). ", "Previous studies highlighted inconsistencies about the type of treatment use, in the meaning that most of the treated children used bronchodilators for both attacks prevention and therapy ([@ref5]). ", "According to some reports over 50% of children with asthma symptoms have not received treatment following guidelines ([@ref13], [@ref22], [@ref23]).", "\n\n6.. CONCLUSION\n==============\n\nThis study has found moderately low asthma prevalence among adolescents in the southeast region of Kosovo, with no significant association between genders. ", "Although, should be considered as an urgent need the proper examination because asthma seems to be under-diagnosed and also untreated. ", "It's possible that doctors in our country hesitate to diagnose asthma or the parents themselves and the children deny it. ", "Considering that this is the first study of this type in Kosovo, more extensive research is needed to define these problems.", "\n\nStrengths and limitations\n-------------------------\n\nThe results of our study represent basic epidemiological data for asthma at the country level that are suitable for further comparison and also for international comparison with other studies based on ISAAC protocol, contributing to the development of prevention and treatment strategies. ", "The strengths of the study include the use of standardized written questionnaires of the GAN phase I developed from ISAAC questionnaires and a large sample size. ", "The limitation of the study is that symptoms are self-reported and we could not confirm with physical and laboratory investigation.", "\n\nAuthors are thankful to the children and parents who participated in the study and also are grateful to the schools staff for all their support.", "\n\nAuthors contribution\n====================\n\nAll authors were included in all steps of preparation this article. ", "Final proof reading was made by the first author.", "\n\nConflict of interest\n====================\n\nNone declared.", "\n\nFinacial support and sponsorship\n================================\n\nNone.", "\n\n###### Analysis of adolescents related to problems with wheezing/whistling in the chest by gender. ", "\\*significant for p\\<0.05\n\n Questions Gender (N=1200) p \n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------- -------- ------ --------------------------------------------\n Have you ever had wheezing or whistling in the chest at any time in the past? ", " \n Yes N 80 73 153 Pearson Chi-square: 0.0435; df=1; p=0.8347\n \\% 12.94% 12.54% 12.75% \n No N 538 509 1047 \n \\% 87.06% 87.46% 87.25% \n Have you had wheezing or whistling in the chest in the past 12 months? ", " \n Yes N 44 33 77 Pearson Chi-square: 1.0489; df=1; p=0.3058\n \\% 7.12% 5.67% 6.42% \n No N 574 549 1123 \n \\% 92.88% 94.33% 93.58% \n Has your sleep been disturbed due to wheezing in the past 12 months? ", " \n Yes N 14 20 34 Pearson Chi-square: 1.4930; df=1; p=0.2217\n \\% 2.27% 3.44% 2.83% \n No N 604 562 1166 \n \\% 97.73% 96.56% 97.17% \n In the past 12 months, has wheezing ever been severe enough to limit your speech to only one or two words at a time between breaths? ", " \n Yes N 12 12 24 Pearson Chi-square: 0.0221; df=1; p=0.8819\n \\% 1.94% 2.06% 2% \n No N 606 570 1176 \n \\% 98.06% 97.94% 98% \n\n###### Distribution of asthma by gender. ", "\\*significant for p\\<0,05\n\n Questions Gender (N=1200) p \n --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------- -------- ------ --------------------------------------------\n Have you ever had asthma? ", " \n Yes N 25 20 45 Pearson Chi-square: 0.3079; df=1; p=0.5789\n \\% 4.05% 3.44% 3.75% \n No N 593 562 1155 \n \\% 95.95% 96.56% 96.25% \n Was asthma confirmed by a doctor? ", " \n Yes N 16 9 25 Pearson Chi-square: 1.5971; df=1; p=0.2063\n \\% 2.59% 1.55% 2.08% \n No N 602 573 1175 \n \\% 97.41% 98.45% 97.92% \n Do you have a written plan which tells you how to look after your asthma? ", " \n Yes N 3 4 7 Pearson Chi-square: 0.2106; df=1; p=0.6463\n \\% 0.49% 0.69% 0.58% \n No N 615 578 1193 \n \\% 99.51% 99.31% 99.42% \n\n###### Inhalation of drugs for breathing problems by gender. ", "\\*significant for p\\<0.05\n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Questions Gender (N=1200) p \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- -------- -------- ------ -------------------------------------------------\n Have you used any inhaled medicines e.g. puffers to help your breathing problems at any time in the past 12 MONTHS (when you didn't have a cold)? (", "N=1200) \n\n Yes N 60 40 100 Pearson Chi-square: 3.1858; df=1; p=0.0743\n\n \\% 9.71% 6.87% 8.33% \n\n No N 558 542 1100 \n\n \\% 90.29% 93.13% 91.67% \n\n Have you used Short acting β- agonists (SABA) in the past 12 MONTHS? (", "N=1200) \n\n Never N 584 561 1145 Never/ when needed/ in short courses+every day\\\n Pearson Chi-square: 3.1101; df=2; p=0.2110\n\n \\% 94.50% 96.39% 95.42% \n\n When needed N 26 18 44 \n\n \\% 4.21% 3.09% 3.67% \n\n In short courses N 3 2 5 \n\n \\% 0.49% 0.34% 0.42% \n\n Every day N 5 1 6 \n\n \\% 0.81% 0.17% 0.50% \n\n Have you used Long acting β- agonists (LABA) in the past 12 MONTHS? (", "N=1200) \n\n Never N 603 573 1176 Never/ when needed+ in short courses\\\n Pearson Chi-square: 1.1901; df=2; p=0.2760\n\n \\% 97.57% 98.45% 98% \n\n When needed N 13 9 22 \n\n \\% 2.10% 1.55% 1.83% \n\n In short courses N 2 0 2 \n\n \\% 0.32% 0% 0.17% \n\n Have you used Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) in the past 12 MONTHS? (", "N=1200) \n\n Never N 602 571 1173 Never/ when needed/ in short courses+every day\\\n Pearson Chi-square: 1.2301; df=2; p=0.5420\n\n \\% 97.41% 98.11% 97.75% \n\n When needed N 11 9 20 \n\n \\% 1.78% 1.55% 1.67% \n\n In short courses N 5 0 5 \n\n \\% 0.81% 0% 0.42% \n\n Every day N 0 2 2 \n\n \\% 0% 0.34% 0.17% \n\n Have you used Combination ICS and LABA in the past 12 MONTHS? (", "N=1200) \n\n Never N 604 573 1177 Never/ when needed+ in short courses\\\n Pearson Chi-square: 0,8240; df=1; p=0.3640\n\n \\% 97.73% 98.45% 98.08% \n\n When needed N 12 8 20 \n\n \\% 1.94% 1.37% 1.67% \n\n In short courses N 2 1 3 \n\n \\% 0.32% 0.17% 0.25% \n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to split string before number\n\nI have a string 1 blahblahblah 2 sdsdsdsdsd 3 uuuuuu 4 eeee 5 abcdef\nI would like to output\n1 blahblahblah\n2 sdsdsdsdsd\n3 uuuuuu\n4 eeee\n5 abcdef\n\nI have tried to add \\n before every number by using re.split but it didn't work\nre.split(' (?", "=[1-9]:)', line)\n\nA:\n\nThe following works just fine:\nre.sub(r'(\\d+)', '\\n\\\\1', input)\n\nDemo:\n>>> print(re.sub(r'(\\d+)', r'\\n\\1', input))\n\n1 blahblahblah \n2 sdsdsdsdsd \n3 uuuuuu \n4 eeee \n5 abcdef\n\nThe expression (\\d+) matches 1 or more digits, and I replace that with a newline followed by the matched digits (via the capturing group).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Jake Spencer (footballer)\n\nJake Spencer (born 9 October 1989) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played for the Melbourne Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). ", "Spencer, a ruckman, is the first person from Townsville to be drafted and play in the AFL.", "\n\nEarly life\nSpencer moved to Townsville at age 18 years of age where he played basketball, becoming an under 18 player. ", "In 2003 he began to play Australian rules football and in 2007 he moved to Brisbane because:\"I couldn't really get noticed in Townsville so I moved to Brisbane to get a better standard of football. ", "If I do become the first (Townsville product) to play AFL I would be very proud of it.\" ", "He completed his schooling at Brisbane Boys College and his performances with Redland Bombers in the AFL Queensland State League gained the attention of several AFL talent scouts. ", "Spencer's uncle is Tony Kelly, chairman of the Brisbane Lions football club, one of the teams that scouted Spencer but did not select him.", "\n\nAFL career\n\nRookie list (2008-2010)\n\n used its 35th selection in the 2008 Rookie Draft to recruit Spencer in 2008. ", "His first season was spent playing in the Victorian Football League with affiliate club where he played seven games at reserves level and 10 in the seniors. ", "He made his NAB Cup debut on 21 February 2009 to encouraging reviews. ", "He played his first AFL game in Round 1 2009 and managed six games for the season. ", "After two senior games in 2010, an injury in Round 14 prematurely ended his season. ", "At the conclusion of the 2010 season, Spencer was promoted from the rookie list to the senior list with the 96th selection in the 2010 AFL Draft.", "\n\nSenior list (2011-2017)\n\nIn May 2011 Spencer suffered a season-ending knee injury, rupturing his anterior cruciate ligament while playing for VFL affiliate the . ", "He returned to the VFL in 2012 and started to improve his form. ", "In 2013, he played consistently in the VFL and was named an emergency in the AFL side a number of times, but wasn't named in the 22-man side until round 13.", "\n\nThroughout his AFL career, Spencer struggled to get a consistent spot in Melbourne's side, as Melbourne preferred to play only one ruckman and Max Gawn began to emerge as a great ruckman. ", "In 2016, he wasn't able to play a single game for the Demons and remained a back-up ruckman for the club. ", "He was delisted at the conclusion of the 2017 season.", "\n\nStatistics\n Statistics are correct to the end of the 2017 season\n\n|- style=\"background-color: #eaeaea\"\n! ", "scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:center\" | 2008\n| || 42 || 0 || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — \n|-\n! ", "scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:center\" | 2009\n| || 42 || 6 || 0 || 1 || 14 || 31 || 45 || 18 || 11 || 67 || 0.0 || 0.2 || 2.3 || 5.2 || 7.5 || 3.0 || 1.8 || 11.2\n|- style=\"background-color: #eaeaea\"\n! ", "scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:center\" | 2010\n| || 42 || 2 || 0 || 0 || 2 || 8 || 10 || 4 || 2 || 24 || 0.0 || 0.0 || 1.0 || 4.0 || 5.0 || 2.0 || 1.0 || 12.0\n|-\n! ", "scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:center\" | 2011\n| || 42 || 0 || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —\n|- style=\"background-color: #eaeaea\"\n! ", "scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:center\" | 2012\n| || 42 || 8 || 2 || 0 || 28 || 46 || 74 || 20 || 30 || 167 || 0.3 || 0.0 || 3.5 || 5.8 || 9.3 || 2.5 || 3.8 || 20.1\n|-\n! ", "scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:center\" | 2013\n| || 42 || 8 || 1 || 3 || 23 || 57 || 80 || 25 || 19 || 213 || 0.1 || 0.4 || 2.9 || 7.1 || 10.0 || 3.1 || 2.4 || 26.6\n|- style=\"background-color: #eaeaea\"\n! ", "scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:center\" | 2014\n| || 42 || 5 || 0 || 0 || 13 || 27 || 40 || 9 || 18 || 143 || 0.0 || 0.0 || 2.6 || 5.4 || 8.0 || 1.8 || 3.6 || 28.6\n|-\n! ", "scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:center\" | 2015\n| || 42 || 7 || 3 || 0 || 20 || 34 || 54 || 9 || 35 || 173 || 0.4 || 0.0 || 2.8 || 4.9 || 7.7 || 1.3 || 5.0 || 24.7\n|- style=\"background-color: #eaeaea\"\n! ", "scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:center\" | 2016\n| || 33 || 0 || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — \n|-\n! ", "scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:center\" | 2017\n| || 33 || 2 || 2 || 0 || 7 || 10 || 17 || 7 || 5 || 28 || 1.0 || 0.0 || 3.5 || 5.0 || 8.5 || 3.5 || 2.5 || 14.0 \n|- class=\"sortbottom\"\n! ", "colspan=3| Career\n! ", "38\n! ", "8\n! ", "4\n! ", "107\n! ", "213\n! ", "320\n! ", "89\n! ", "120\n! ", "815\n! ", "0.2\n! ", "0.1\n! ", "2.8\n! ", "5.6\n! ", "8.4\n! ", "2.3\n! ", "3.1\n! ", "21.4\n|}\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nDemon Wiki profile\n\nCategory:Australian rules footballers from Queensland\nCategory:Melbourne Football Club players\nCategory:Redland Football Club players\nCategory:1989 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Sportspeople from Townsville\nCategory:Casey Demons players" ]
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[ "WHO Experts Give Nod to Using Untested Ebola Drugs\n\n(HealthDay News) — A panel of ethicists specially appointed by the World Health Organization says it is ethical to give untested treatments to people battling Ebola in the current outbreak.", "\n\n\"In the particular circumstances of this outbreak, and provided certain conditions are met, the panel reached consensus that it is ethical to offer unproven interventions with as yet unknown efficacy and adverse effects, as potential treatment or prevention,\" WHO said in a statement issued Tuesday.", "\n\nOne such drug, called ZMapp, is an antibody cocktail made by a small San Diego-based biotech firm. ", "The two U.S. aid workers who received it have been evacuated to the United States and appear to be recovering, according to media reports. ", "On Monday, Spain announced that it had obtained the drug for Miguel Pajares, a Spanish priest who caught Ebola while in Liberia. ", "But Pajares, 75, died from Ebola on Tuesday, the Associated Press reported. ", "According to the AP, two more samples of the experimental drug are on their way to West Africa to help treat two Liberian doctors stricken with Ebola and should arrive within the next 48 hours.", "\n\nWhile agreeing that untested drugs could be ethically used in the ongoing outbreak, the WHO panel did not specify who should get priority to receive them. ", "Instead, they said that \"more detailed analysis and discussion\" are required to determine how to fairly distribute the limited supply of the drugs." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUtilizar aparición como referencia Javascript\n\nNecesito poder utilizar la aparición como referencia para el siguiente código de tal forma que si un div aparece a los 1000px de scroll desaparezca 500px después, deben ser independientes una acción de la otra para poder hacer distintas combinaciones. ", "Gracias.", "\n\n$(window).scroll(function() {\r\n if ($(window).scrollTop() > 1000 ) {\r\n $(\".topmenu\").fadeIn(); // > 100px from top - show div\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n $(\".topmenu\").fadeOut(); // <= 100px from top - hide div\r\n }\r\n});\r\n$(window).scroll(function() {\r\n if ($(this).scrollTop() > 2000) { //use `this`, not `document`\r\n $('.height600').css({\r\n 'display': 'none'\r\n });\r\n }\r\n});\n.youdiclass{position:fixed; display:none;width:100px; height:100px; background:red;}\r\n#back{width:300px; height:500px;background:blue; margin:auto;}\r\n.height600{}\r\n.topmenu{\r\n display: none;\r\n position: fixed;\r\n top: 0;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: 30px;\r\n background: rgba(255,246,0,1.00);\r\n z-index: 1;\r\n }\n<script src=\"https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.2/jquery.min.js\"></script>\r\n\r\n\r\n<div class=\" topmenu height600\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"back\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"back\" style=\"background:green\";>\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"back\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"back\" style=\"background:green\";>\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"back\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"back\" style=\"background:green\";>\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"back\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"back\" style=\"background:green\";>\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"back\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"back\" style=\"background:green\";>\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"back\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"back\" style=\"background:green\";>\r\n</div>\n\nA:\n\nSi lo que quieres es que el menú (o cualquier otro elemento) aparezca llegado a un scroll y que desaparezca después de X pixels, basándote en la clase que tenga, te recomendaría que hicieras algunos cambios:\n\nNo utilices clases, utiliza los atributos data-*. ", "\nPodrías usar dos atributos data-*:\n\ndata-in: el número de pixels cuando se mostrará el elemento\ndata-out: el número de pixels cuando se esconderá el elemento\n\nCuando se haga scroll, comprueba los elementos que contengan esos atributos y muéstralos/escóndelos según corresponda (el elemento debería ser visible si cumple el siguiente requerimiento: data-in < scroll < data-out).", "\n\nAsí quedaría el código con esos cambios. ", "He añadido dos menús con diferente contenido y diferentes data-in y data-out para que puedas ver como se muestran/esconden cuando llegan a los pixels indicados:\n\n$(window).scroll(function() {\r\n\r\n // comprobar todos los elementos que tengan el atributo data-in\r\n $(\"[data-in]\").each(function() {\r\n \r\n // si cumplen con data-in < scroll < data-out, los mostramos\r\n if ($(window).scrollTop() > parseInt($(this).data(\"in\")) && $(window).scrollTop() < parseInt($(this).data(\"out\")) ) {\r\n $(this).fadeIn();\r\n }\r\n // si no, los escondemos\r\n else {\r\n $(this).fadeOut();\r\n }\r\n\r\n });\r\n\r\n});\n.youdiclass{position:fixed; display:none;width:100px; height:100px; background:red;}\r\n.back{width:300px; height:500px;background:blue; margin:auto;}\r\n.height600{}\r\n.topmenu{\r\n display: none;\r\n position: fixed;\r\n top: 0;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: 30px;\r\n background: rgba(255,246,0,1.00);\r\n z-index: 1;\r\n }\n<script src=\"https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.2/jquery.min.js\"></script>\r\n\r\n\r\n<div class=\"topmenu\" data-in=\"1000\" data-out=\"1500\">A</div>\r\n<div class=\"topmenu\" data-in=\"2000\" data-out=\"2500\">B</div>\r\n<div class=\"back\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"back\" style=\"background:green\";>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"back\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"back\" style=\"background:green\";>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"back\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"back\" style=\"background:green\";>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"back\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"back\" style=\"background:green\";>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"back\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"back\" style=\"background:green\";>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"back\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"back\" style=\"background:green\";>\r\n</div>\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0165016501650165, 0, 0.0031446540880503146, 0.023809523809523808, 0.023255813953488372, 0.004276114844227245 ]
[ "Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism and susceptibility to asthma: Meta-analysis based on 17 case-control studies.", "\nDuring the last decade, several studies have evaluated the potential association between vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphism and susceptibility to asthma. ", "In spite of valuable findings, the results are still contradictory. ", "Therefore, a comprehensive meta-analysis not only solves discrepancies but provides a clue for future projects. ", "This meta-analysis was performed to identify whether VDR gene polymorphisms (FokI (rs2228570) or TaqI (rs731236) or BsmI (rs1544410) or ApaI (rs7975232)) play a role in the risk of asthma. ", "Electronic search of Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed databases were systematically conducted from their inception until June 2019, to identify all published studies. ", "Eligibility of the studies was confirmed by precise inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the resultant studies were analyzed. ", "A total of 17 studies concerning VDR gene polymorphisms and asthma risk were included in this meta-analysis. ", "The results of pooled analysis indicated a statistically significant association between FokI SNP (dominant model [OR = 0.78, 95% CI, 0.62-0.98, random effect model] and allelic model [OR = 0.81, 95% CI, 0.67-0.98, random effect model]) and TaqI SNP (homozygote contract model [OR = 0.70, 95% CI, 0.54-0.89]) with asthma risk. ", "Moreover, subgroup analysis showed that ethnicity influences asthma risk in Asian, African, and American populations. ", "The sensitivity analyses confirmed the stability of the results. ", "This meta-analysis suggests that VDR gene polymorphism is associated with the risk of asthma." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005291005291005291, 0.005917159763313609, 0, 0, 0.01529051987767584, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "New York Faces $2.3 Billion Budget Shortfall\n\nThe announcement came after Cuomo announced a $175 billion spending proposal for 2020 last month.", "\n\nNew York faces a $2.3 billion shortfall in revenue after December and January witnessed a steep drop in income tax collections, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) and state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli announced on Monday. ", "The announcement came after Cuomo announced a $175 billion spending proposal for 2020 last month.", "\n\nCuomo blamed the loss of revenue on the federal government, the Times Union reports. ", "The governor suggested the rollback of the state and local tax deduction, known as SALT, contributed to the shortfall and was part of an effort to punish Democratic \"high-tax\" states.", "\n\n...\n\nDiNapoli also pointed to reports of people leaving the state and volatility on Wall Street as factors contributing to the shortfall.", "\n\nLong Island-based economic analyst Marty Cantor disagreed with Cuomo's explanation for the deficit.", "\n\n\"The problems here are caused by the governor and his administration,\" Cantor said. \"", "It's too expensive to live on Long Island and in New York state. ", "Taxes are too high, people are leaving. ", "It has nothing to do with Trump.\"", "\n\nNew York has the second highest combined state and local tax rate for high-income earners, and nearly half of the state's income tax revenue comes from the top 1 percent.", "\n\nDiNapoli and Cuomo did not say if they would increase taxes to address the shortfall." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.013986013986013986, 0.009569377990430622, 0.010309278350515464, 0.011494252873563218, 0.00546448087431694, 0, 0.019801980198019802, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0.011494252873563218 ]
[ "\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\tC-Track E-Filing\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n \r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t \r\n\t\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Supreme Court\nof Nevada\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAppellate Case Management System\n\n\n\n\nC-Track, the browser based CMS for Appellate Courts\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\tCase Search\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\tParticipant Search\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ 0.008658008658008658 ]
[ "I've been spotting some celebs lately also. ", "Today I sat next to Anton Enus (he was using a laptop at Taylor Square), and last week I noticed Andrew Gee (Osher Gunsberg these days) and Molly Meldrum at local cafes.", "\n\nMaggie Beer!Wow, she is sensational.", "I was told that when visiting SA you should visit here, Pheasant Farm Restaurant established 1978 in the Barossa Valley of South Australia. ", "It is only about a 30 minute drive north of Adelaide in them \"thar\" hills, traffic and roadworks, of course, permitting.", "Take plenty of cash, when purchasing, she is NOT cheap - and good for her and her husband, Colin. ", "The \"Colin - Collin - Colon\" is neither me or the former US Defence chief of staff and then the Secretary of State! ", "Powell and I missed out on a good meal - such a pity!Rather bizarre coffee locations in Melbourne. ", "I don't think I would venture there at night.", "\n\nI loved that show, they really were odd bedfellows but it worked so well! ", "I was on a TV show when I was about 16 as a 'go go' dancer can you believe, how hilarious.. NOW! ", "I wonder if it made me look short and fat or tall and thin, hopefully the latter haha!", "\n\nMy public diary, not my private one. ", "I live in a highrise apartment building in inner Melbourne. ", "My interests are varied but top of the list are old buildings, history and public transport. ", "You will find plenty of personal experiences to read in my blog too. ", "Just be aware I am not an historian, amateur or otherwise. ", "While I make some effort to be accurate, I don't do proper methodical research so I advise you check all details on your own behalf should you wish to quote me. ", "Your comments are very welcome, but try to be nice to my fragile yet overblown ego. ", "I enjoy receiving email. ", "You can find my eddress in my complete profile." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.023668639053254437, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0.008333333333333333, 0.01020408163265306, 0.017241379310344827, 0.010101010101010102, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "We bet you're intimidated just looking at it. ", "Thinkstock/Ingram Publishing\n\nMay 21, 2013\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nSign Up for\n\nOur free email newsletters\n\n10 things you need to know today\n\nToday's best articles\n\nToday's top cartoons\n\nThe good news newsletter\n\nThe week's best photojournalism\n\nDaily business briefing\n\nSpring seems like such an arbitrary time to organize your life, clean your closets, and generally get your house together. ", "Still, I always hold out hope that when spring comes I will undergo some sort of metamorphosis and tackle my growing paper piles.", "\n\nYou see, Future Me loves this sort of thing. ", "She tackles paperwork with passion, she scrapbooks, she RSVPs on time. ", "She carries tissues in her purse! ", "She is detail oriented and dangerously fit. ", "I just adore her. ", "But today all I have is Present Me.", "\n\nPresent Me doesn't really mind the great mass of paper strewn around my kitchen. ", "But I suspect my Present Husband does, so I try. ", "My version of spring cleaning is straightening the piles and then remarking to myself what nice straight edges I've made. ", "Report cards, bills, insurance forms, and medical clearance forms that were due weeks and weeks ago have become part of my visual landscape.", "\n\nBut even tidied, those piles aren't going anywhere. ", "They have a healthy pulse and a voracious appetite for reproduction. ", "Every day, the mail makes its way inside, and the backpacks seem to vomit sign-up sheets, reminders, and sticky depictions of ladybugs. ", "I eyeball one pile that is about eight inches high. ", "How many paper-thin liabilities does it take to make a pile that high, I wonder? ", "Future Me is proactive and full of enthusiasm for finding out. ", "Present Me kinda wants a nap.", "\n\nI know I'll have to tackle them all eventually, but the problem is that each piece of paper sets into motion a complicated chain of to-dos that seems like it's better suited for tomorrow than today. ", "A simple camp registration form, for example, necessitates a call to the pediatrician to schedule checkups so that I can include a recent report on my kids. ", "I look up the number, sit on hold, negotiate a post 3 p.m. time for all three of my children to come in, provided it's after baseball season and before tennis season and not on a Wednesday because of piano. ", "I have to be extra friendly on the phone to convince the scheduler that I am not in fact insane. ", "I hang up with a pit in my stomach, knowing that she's telling everyone I'm insane.", "\n\nThat task, completed in nine minutes and at great personal expense, is just the first step in getting that one piece of paper out of the pile. ", "To the naked eye, that pile will still be eight inches high when I'm done. ", "I try a different approach: I sort. ", "I take the pile and make it into three less intimidating piles. ", "The first is stuff that has to be dealt with or my water will be turned off and my kids will be in the house with me all summer. ", "I label it Code Red and straighten it furiously.", "\n\nThe next pile is stuff that means something to my husband but not to me. ", "I mark it \"Tom,\" and put it out of my line of vision. ", "I'm really getting somewhere.", "\n\nThe next pile is stuff that I should have dealt with but now it's too late so I can throw it out. (", "Rejoice!) ", "It's the order form for the yearbooks, a flyer for a seminar I wanted to attend back in February, a request for me to make cookies for a bake sale that was yesterday, and a note home saying someone in my kid's class had lice. ", "As these things seem to have worked themselves out with no involvement on my part, I sashay to the recycling bin and rid my self of three inches of paper, secretly happy that I forgot about the yearbook. ", "It's just more paper, bound in cardboard.", "\n\nNow I'm left with just a two-inch pile that's not my problem and my three-inch Code Red pile. ", "I go back to the camp registration forms and see that they want me to provide my kids' T-shirt sizes. ", "That really just involves looking at the ones from last year and going up a size, but they're all the way in the basement. ", "So I pick up the next paper. ", "This one's not so bad: I have to call Greenwich Hospital and schedule my mammogram. ", "I hold it determinedly in my hand while I make tea. ", "And then I put it down without calling because I have a great idea…\n\nI decide to make a sub-category called Problems That Can Be Solved With a Checkbook. ", "I tackle these and see that my pile is down to two inches. ", "It's two inches of Code Red, but still, I've made some progress. ", "Future Me is going to be so proud. ", "And she can take it from here." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "AP\n\nKenny Stills was a star wide receiver at Oklahoma, and Josh Rosen was a high school sophomore, the first time Rosen threw Stills a pass.", "\n\nStills and Rosen, now Dolphins teammates, are both from Southern California and found themselves working out together one summer. ", "Stills was blown away by what Rosen could do at such a young age.", "\n\n“I just remember telling the receiver coach and the quarterback coach we were with that the kid had a bright future, and I’d probably be playing with him one day,” Stills told the Sun-Sentinel.", "\n\nStills said he didn’t actually predict that they’d be NFL teammates, but now they are.", "\n\n“That was a joke, but here he is,” Stills said. “", "It’s kinda crazy how the world works.”", "\n\nIn the last two years in Miami Stills has caught passes from Ryan Tannehill, Jay Cutler, Matt Moore and Brock Osweiler. ", "This year he may be catching passes from a quarterback he’s known longer than any of them." ]
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[ 0.03571428571428571, 0.015151515151515152, 0.015384615384615385, 0.010256410256410256, 0.011363636363636364, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.03278688524590164, 0 ]
[ "\"...the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology. ... ", "The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. ... ", "As yet there is only one country which has succeeded in creating this politician’s paradise.” - ", "Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, 1960.", "\n\nSaturday, May 2, 2009\n\nDonald Rumsfeld's Controversial Links to Drug Company Behind Tamiflu\n\nMAIL ON SUNDAYwww.dailymail.co.uk02nd May 2009\n\nThe drug company behind the swine flu medicine Tamiflu is at the centre of controversy over its links to former US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.", "Mr Rumsfeld, a former chairman of the company, has refused to comment on whether he still holds shares in Californian firm Gilead Sciences, which developed the drug now being desperately stockpiled by governments around the world to combat the threatened pandemic.", "\n\nLast night an associate of Mr Rumsfeld said: ‘He does not publicly discuss his private finances.’", "\n\nHowever, should Mr Rumsfeld have held on to shares in the company, he would be a major beneficiary of the surge in the global demand for the drug. ", "The NHS alone has already purchased enough Tamiflu to treat three-quarters of the population in the UK.", "\n\nMr Rumsfeld has previously been accused of a potential conflict of interest over his links to Gilead Sciences, which sold the licensing rights for the medicine to Swiss giant Hoffman-La Roche in 1996.", "\n\nUnder the terms of the deal Gilead, headed by Mr Rumsfeld between 1997 and 2001, still receives between 14 and 22 per cent of the income from the wholesale trade in the drug, depending on the volume of sales.", "\n\nFour years ago the value of Mr Rumsfeld’s shares in Gilead Sciences saw a huge hike from an estimated £3million to an estimated £17million over the avian flu scare.", "\n\nIt was partially sparked by a warning from President Bush’s top health adviser Mike Leavitt that a pandemic could cause nearly two million deaths in the US alone.", "\n\nWhen details of Mr Rumsfeld’s shareholding became public he consulted a lawyer who advised him to keep the stock but excuse himself from any government decisions involving the flu drug.", "\n\nHe issued a document explaining the situation. ", "Some months later the Pentagon ordered £39million worth of the Tamiflu drug for US troops.", "\n\nDr Joseph Mercola, author of The Great Bird Flu Hoax, said yesterday: ‘The only thing all this talk of swine flu does is spread fear. ", "President Bush sought to instil panic by telling us a minimum of 200,000 people will die from avian flu but it could be as bad as two million deaths in the US alone. ", "This hoax was justified by the immediate purchase of 80million doses of Tamiflu.’", "\n\nAs well as Mr Rumsfeld, Gilead has links with a number of other Republican figures. ", "The largest shareholder is FMR Corporation, owned by Grover Glenn Norquist, a Republican activist.", "\n\nAnd George Schultz, President Ronald Reagan’s former Secretary of State, was a major shareholder until he sold his stake in 2005, netting around £5million.", "\n\nGilead has announced record first-quarter results, with revenues of £1billion, although a lot of revenue came from their AIDS drugs.", "\n\nMichael Riordan, 51, the founder of Gilead who retired in 1997, said yesterday: ‘If the company has been successful, it’s not because of any political affiliations.’" ]
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[ "MicroRNA-203 up-regulates nitric oxide expression in temporomandibular joint chondrocytes via targeting TRPV4.", "\nMicroRNAs (miRNAs) are recognised as important regulators of a variety of fundamental biologic processes. ", "Our study was undertaken to examine the role of MicroRNA-203 (miR-203) in modulating nitric oxide (NO) expression in female Sprague-Dawley rat mandibular condylar chondrocytes (MCCs) via targeting transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) and to demonstrate the possible mechanism of NO inhibition by chondroprotective factor 17β-oestradiol (E2). ", "The expression of TRPV4 in mandibular condylar cartilage tissue and MCCs was detected by immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence (IF), RT-PCR and Western blot, respectively. ", "Primary SD rat MCCs were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), plus Ruthenium Red, 4α-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (4αPDD), over-expressed miR-203 or E2 (10(-9) to 10(-6)M), the cellular supernatants were used for NO assay, miR-203 levels were measured by quantitative RT-PCR while TRPV4 expression changes were analysed by Western blot. ", "The dual luciferase activity assay was performed to identify the target gene of miR-203. ", "TRPV4 and miR-203 were stably expressed in MCCs. ", "The MCCs' expression of NO evoked by LPS could be enhanced or depressed by Ruthenium Red or 4αPDD. ", "The dual luciferase assay suggested that TRPV4 was the direct target gene of miR-203. ", "Over-expression of miR-203 inhibited the expression of TRPV4 and increased NO expression in MCCs. ", "E2 inhibited NO expression by inhibition of miR-203, which was concurrent with the up-regulation of TRPV4 expression level in MCCs. ", "Our findings first suggested that miR-203 could up-regulate NO expression in female rat MCCs via targeting TRPV4. ", "Moreover, the inhibition of NO by E2 might be at least in part through this mechanism." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWrite a program that takes a user's input and compares it to words in a file\n\nI am in school and got an assignment to write a C program that takes an input from a user then scans a file and returns how many times that word shows up in a file. ", " I feel like I got it 90% done, but for some reason I can't get the while loop. ", " When I run the program it crashes at the while loop. ", " Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.", "\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include <string.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n#include <windows.h>\n\nint main() {\n\n char input[50], file[50], word[50];\n int wordcount;\n printf(\"Enter a string to search for\\n\");\n scanf(\"%s\", input);\n printf(\"Enter a file location to open\\n\");\n scanf(\"%s\", file);\n FILE * fp;\n fp = fopen(\"%s\", \"r\", file);\n\n while (fscanf(fp, \"%s\", word) !", "= EOF) {\n if (strcmp(word, input)) {\n printf(\"found the word %s\\n\", input);\n wordcount++;\n }\n }\n printf(\"The world %s shows up %d times\\n\", input, wordcount);\n\n system(\"pause\");\n}\n\nA:\n\nYou have 2 problems:\nfp = fopen(\"%s\", \"r\", file);\n\nis incorrect, fopen expects only two arguments, not three. ", "The correct version\nis\nfp = fopen(file, \"r\");\n\nNote that there is no feature in the C language that allows you to construct\nstrings from variables like this \"%s\", variable1. ", "This only works for function\nlike printf that read a format and interpret the format base on a fix set of\nrules you can see here.", "\nThe second problem is this:\nif (strcmp(word, input)) \n\nstrcmp is used to compared two strings, however it return 0 when the strings\nare equal, non-zero otherwise. ", "So the correct check should be\nif(strcmp(word, input) == 0)\n{\n printf(\"found the word %s\\n\", input);\n wordcount++;\n}\n\nOne last thing: when you read a string with scanf, you should limit the amount\nof characters to be read, otherwise you will overflow the buffer and this yield\nundefined behaviour which could lead to a segfault.", "\ninput is a char[50], so it can hold at most 49 characters, the better\nscanf call would be\nscanf(\"%49s\", input);\n\nwith this you are making sure not to write beyond the bounds of the array.", "\n\nFotenotes\n1The string \"%s\" has no real meaning in the C language, like any\nother string it is merly a sequence of characters that ends with the\n'\\0'-terminating character. ", "The memory layout for this strings is\n+---+---+----+\n| % | s | \\0 |\n+---+---+----+\n\nThe printf family of functions however give certains sequences of characters\n(the ones beginning with %) a well defined meaning. ", "They're used to determine the type of the variable that should\nbe used when printing as well as other format options. ", "See the printf documentation for more information about that. ", "You have to\nremember however, that this type of constructs only works with printf because\nprintf was design to work this way.", "\nIf you need to construct a string using values of other variables, then you need\nto have an array with enough space and use a function like sprintf. ", "For\nexample:\nconst char *base = \"records\";\nint series = 8;\n\nchar fn[100];\nsprintf(fn, \"%s%d.dat\", base, series);\n\n// now fn has the string \"records8.dat\"\n\nFILE *fp = fopen(fn, \"r\");\n...\n\nBut in your case this is unnecessary because the whole filename was already\nstored in variable file, so construction a new string based on file is not\nneeded.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "\" [ horse snorts ]\" \" Give me the box.\" \"", "I will never hand it over to the likes of you.\" \" [ ", "neighs ]\" \" Then you leave me no choice.\" \" [ ", "snorts ] - [ thunder rumbles ]\" \"[ snorts ]\" \"[ neighs ]\" \" [ snorts ] - [ thunder crashes ]\" \"Your pathetic crusade is over.\" \"", "I told you\" \" I will posses the box.\" \"", "You cannot access the Battle Fire.\" \" ", "Rrrgh!\" \" ", "Oh!\" \"", "Only one pure of heart can release its powers, and your heart is pure evil!\" \"", "So true. [ ", "evil laughter ] [ thunder rumbles ]\" \"[ sighs ] Oh, Katie.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "I never want to see another mop as long as I live.\" \"", "Oh, I am so hungry I could... eat this broom!\" \"", "Don't.\" \"", "You're gonna need it again tomorrow.\" \"", "We have another cleaning job, everyone.\" \"", "Oh, again?\" \"", "Ohh.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "We're on our way.\" \"", "Thanks.\" \" ", "Trip, how 'bout pizza?\" \" ", "Really?\" \" ", "Oh, great!\" \"", "I love pizza!\" \" ", "It'll be ready in 10 minutes.\" \"", "Oh, and, uh...\" \" Thanks a lot for picking it up.\" \" ", "Me?\" \" ", "You!\" \" ", "Wait\" \" Great.\" \" ", "Extra cheese.\" \"", "That was so nice of you to offer to pick it up.\" \"", "B-but I... didn't offer.\" \"", "Trip do this and Trip do that.\" \"", "Why do I always have to pick up the pizza?\" \"[ ", "beeping ]\" \" Trip, hurry up with those pizzas.\" \" [ ", "muffled ] I'm going as fast as I can.\" \" ", "Sounds like your mouth is full.\" \" ", "No, no, no, no.\" \"", "I'm just...\" \"out of breath from hurrying.\" \" [ ", "beeps ] - [ exhales deeply ] [ thunder crashes, horse neighs ]\" \"Hyah!\" \"", "Uh!\" \"", "Hyah!\" \"", "Uh!\" \" ", "Aaaahhhh!\" \" ", "Whoa!\" \"", "My hat!\" \"", "Oh!\" \"", "Uh!\" \"", "Oh!\" \" [ ", "horse neighs ]\" \" Aah!\" \"", "Ahh... ohh!\" \"[ ", "exhales deeply ] I'm worried.\" \"", "He's been gone too long.\" \"", "I agree.\" \"", "Let's send out a search party.\" \" ", "We have to to find that pizza!\" \" ", "Let's go.\" \" ", "Whoa!\" \"", "Hey, you guys!\" \" ", "Oh!\" \" ", "All right, just give me the first piece.\" \" ", "No, no.\" \"[ ", "all shouting indistinctly ]\" \"Just listen!\" \"", "The most incredible thing just happened!\" \"", "Hey, listen to me!\" \"", "I was walking home and this...\" \"Hello?\" \"!\" \"", "Hi.\" \" ", "What happened to the pizza?\" \" ", "That's what I'm trying to say.\" \" ", "I was attacked.\" \" ", "Attacked?\" \" ", "By who?\" \" ", "By a knight.\" \" ", "Y-you mean like on a horse?\" \" ", "Right!\" \"", "A-and he had on, like, this-- this black armor and-- and-- and a sword, like, this long!\" \"[ ", "laughs ]\" \"Let me guess.\" \" ", "He was after your pizza.\" \" ", "Oh, I'm serious!\" \"", "Look what he did to my hat.\" \"", "You don't have to make up some ridiculous story.\" \" ", "Just admit you dropped the pizza.\" \" ", "But it's true!\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Whatever you say.\" \" [ ", "exhales sharply ]\" \" Okay, that's enough.\" \"", "Let's do find something to eat.\" \"", "At last, the Battle Fire is mine.\" \"[ ", "growling ]\" \"It seems I cannot open it by ordinary means.\" \"", "I shall have to use force.\" \"", "Aah!\" \"", "You will open!\" \"", "Aah!\" \"", "I must find one pure of heart to open the box.\" \"", "See that nothing happens to it.\" \"", "I will return soon.\" \"", "Wow, that was the scariest movie I've ever seen.\" \"", "Scary?\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "It was totally unbelievable.\" \"", "Kind of like, uh, Trip's story about the black knight?\" \" [ ", "laughter ]\" \" Leave me alone!\" \" ", "I'm telling the truth.\" \" [ ", "horse neighs ] [ indistinct shouting ]\" \"Come on!\" \" ", "Let's go!\" \" [ ", "evil laughter ]\" \" What?\" \" [ ", "neighs ]\" \"See?\" \"", "I told you.\" \" ", "Who are you?\" \" ", "That's none of your concern.\" \" ", "Now, get out of my way, fools!\" \" ", "Watch out!\" \" ", "Wes!\" \" [ ", "hoofbeats approaching ]\" \"[ evil laughter ]\" \"Hyah!\" \"[ ", "hoofbeats departing ]\" \"Trip, why don't you try looking under medieval mutants?\" \"[ ", "computer beeping ]\" \"There's no record of him in our database anywhere.\" \"[ ", "beeping ]\" \"Whoever that knight is he isn't a mutant.\" \"", "Mutant or not, we've got to stop him.\" \"", "I have a feeling he'll be back.\" \"", "But next time, we'll be ready.\" \"", "Hyah!\" \"", "Uh-- so... you mean you'd do anything for me?\" \"", "Oh, absolutely.\" \"", "Anything.\" \"", "Wait.\" \"", "What if someone was trying to hurt me?\" \" ", "They'd have to go through me first.\" \" [ ", "laughs ] [ horse neighs ]\" \"Look.\" \"", "Well, that's weird.\" \"", "Aah!\" \"", "Aah!\" \" [ ", "evil laughter ]\" \" Aah!\" \"", "Show your valor and fight for you damsel.\" \"", "Go ahead.\" \"", "Let him have it.\" \" ", "What, you think I'm crazy?\" \" ", "You said you'd protect me!\" \" ", "Yeah, but he's got the sword.\" \" ", "Let's begin.\" \"", "Call ya!\" \" ", "Aah!\" \"", "Aah!\" \" ", "Coward!\" \"", "Stop!\" \"", "Hold it right there!\" \"", "What do you want here?\" \"", "I seek one to open the box, but first, I'll destroy you.\" \" ", "Hyah!\" \" ", "Hyah!\" \" ", "Aah!\" \" ", "Aah!\" \"", "Let us test your skill.\" \"", "Oh!\" \"", "You are not a worthy opponent.\" \"[ ", "grunts ]\" \"Oh, no!\" \"", "He's getting away!\" \"", "Not if I can help it.\" \"", "Strata Cycle online.\" \"", "Hyah!\" \"", "Aah!\" \"", "Where's he going?\" \" [ ", "beeping ]\" \" I can't believe it.\" \"", "He vanished.\" \" ", "Did you find anything?\" \" ", "Nothing.\" \"", "You guys should head back, keep an eye on the city.\" \"", "I'm gonna stay here.\" \"", "And if I'm right, when the sun goes down...\" \"he'll be coming back.\" \"", "Be careful.\" \"", "All right, guys, let's go.\" \"[ ", "owl hooting ]\" \" [ hooting continues ] - [ exhales deeply ]\" \"Don't worry, Jen.\" \"", "He'll be okay.\" \"", "Why don't you let me watch for a while?\" \"", "Thanks.\" \"[ ", "horse neighs ] [ armor clanking ]\" \"Guys, he's heading for the city.\" \"", "LUCAS:\" \"All right.\" \"", "We got you, Wes.\" \"", "I'll alert the others.\" \"", "So, what's the plan?\" \"", "I'm gonna backtrack.\" \"", "You guys go after him.\" \"", "We're on it.\" \"", "Guys, come on.\" \"", "Let's go.\" \"[ ", "owl hooting ]\" \"[ growling ] [ roaring ]\" \"[ panting ]\" \"[ panting ]\" \" Hyah!\" \" [ ", "growling ]\" \"There he is!\" \"", "Come on, let's go!\" \"[ ", "motorcycles revving ] [ growling ]\" \" Aah!\" \" [ ", "roaring ]\" \"Hyah!\" \"", "Time for...\" \"Time Force!\" \" [ ", "roaring ]\" \" Chrono Saber!\" \" ", "Hyah!\" \" [ ", "roaring ]\" \" You're going down.\" \" [ ", "roaring ]\" \"Huh.\" \"[ ", "pulsating sound ]\" \"Your pureness of heart and defeat of the Evil Dragon have proven you worthy to receive the Battle Fire.\" \"", "With the use of my armor, you will become the Red Battle Warrior.\" \"", "You and you alone will have the power to stop the Black Knight.\" \" ", "All right, everybody ready?\" \" ", "TOGETHER:\" \"Ready!\" \"", "Let's get moving.\" \" ", "Oh!\" \" ", "Trip!\" \"", "Arg!\" \" ", "Aah!\" \" ", "Rrrgh!\" \"", "Ohh!\" \"", "Aah!\" \"", "Aah!\" \"", "You dare to entertain battle with me?\" \" ", "You haven't the fortitude.\" \" ", "Ugh!\" \"[ ", "evil laughter ]\" \" Leave her alone!\" \" ", "What?\" \"!\" \" ", "Wes!\" \" ", "I said leave her alone.\" \" ", "Ohh!\" \" ", "Only a fool would dare to return and face me for a second defeat!\" \" ", "Jen, you okay?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "I'm no fool.\" \"", "I have no intentary of being defeated and here's why.\" \"", "The Battle Fire!\" \"", "Give it to me!\" \"", "Oh, I'm gonna give it to you, all right.\" \"", "Red Battle Warrior!\" \"", "Huh!\" \" ", "Whoa!\" \"", "Check it out.\" \" ", "Cool.\" \"", "The Battle Fire belongs to me!\" \"", "Battle Fire Saber!\" \"", "Hyah!\" \" ", "Rrrrgh!\" \" ", "Aah!\" \"", "Oh!\" \"", "Aah!\" \"", "Aaaaaaahhhhhh!\" \" ", "Aah!\" \" ", "Ignite!\" \"", "Aah!\" \"[ ", "wind howling ]\" \"The reign of terror is over.\" \"", "So that dragon had three heads, all of then breathing fire down the back of my neck.\" \" [ ", "computer beeping ]\" \" There was nowhere else to run.\" \" ", "Then what?\" \" ", "Well, it was my only chance, so I leaped in with my Chrono Saber...\" \"and hyah!\" \" ", "Destroyed him.\" \" ", "Wow!\" \"", "And that's when the other knight gave you the Battle Fire?\" \" ", "Yep.\" \" ", "Wait a minute.\" \"", "When you told me the story, the dragon only had two heads.\" \"", "Uh... well... [ chuckles ]\" \"See... [ laughs ] See, it\" \"Hey, uh... pizza's here. [ ", "laughs ]\" \"You're sure, uh, not gonna believe what happened.\" \" ", "Ohh!\" \"", "Trip!\" \" [ ", "sighs ]\" \" Gross.\" \" ", "The knight's back?\" \"", "No. [ ", "sighs ]\" \" I droped the pizza.\" \" [ ", "Lucas sighs ]\" \"Captioned by Grantman Brown\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIFileOperation::DeleteItems doesn't ask for confirmation on Windows 8 (unlike Windows 7)\n\nI'm experimenting with deleting files on Windows with IFileOperation::DeleteItems. ", "On Windows 7, when I invoke IFileOperation::PerformOperations` I get a question asking whether I want to delete the files first. ", "But on Windows 8 it doesn't ask for a confirmation and just moves files to trash. ", "\nThis is the prompt I'm talking about:\n\nHere's the code:\nresult = iOperation->DeleteItems(iArray);\nif (SUCCEEDED(result))\n{\n result = iOperation->SetOperationFlags(FOF_ALLOWUNDO);\n assert(SUCCEEDED(result));\n result = iOperation->SetOwnerWindow((HWND)parentWindow);\n assert(SUCCEEDED(result));\n result = iOperation->PerformOperations();\n}\n\nI've also tried SetOperationFlags(FOF_ALLOWUNDO | FOFX_RECYCLEONDELETE); - the effect seems to be the same.", "\nIf I request a file to be deleted irrevocably instead of being moved to trash (SetOperationFlags(FOF_WANTNUKEWARNING)) I get a prompt just like in Windows 7.", "\nHow can I get deletion prompt on Windows 8?", "\n\nA:\n\nFrom the comments:\nWhether a confirmation is displayed is a user setting. ", "It can be changed from the Properties window of the recycle bin. ", "On your Windows 8 system, that option is disabled. ", "On your Windows 7 system, that option is enabled. ", "It may be, as you suggest, that the default value of this option has been changed in Windows 8, but you can still manually enable it.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "914 F.2d 614\n31 Soc.", "Sec.", "Rep.Ser. ", "170, Unempl.", "Ins.", "Rep. CCH 15698ACurtis SELDERS, Plaintiff-Appellant,v.Louis W. SULLIVAN, M.D., Secretary of Health and HumanServices, Defendant-Appellee.", "\nNo. ", "90-4207Summary Calendar.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Fifth Circuit.", "\nSept. 7, 1990.", "\n\nDoris Falkenheiner, Baton Rouge, La., for plaintiff-appellant.", "\nChristopher J. Carillo, Dallas, Tex., ", "Karen J. Sharp, Principal Reg. ", "Counsel, HHS, for defendant-appellee.", "\nAppeal from the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana.", "\nBefore CLARK, Chief Judge, JOLLY and JONES, Circuit Judges.", "\nPER CURIAM:\n\nI.\n\n1\nCurtis Selders appeals the district court's judgment in favor of the Secretary of Health and Human Services that resulted in the denial of disability benefits under 42 U.S.C. Sec. ", "423. ", " We affirm.", "\n\nII.", "\n\n2\nCurtis Selders was 36 years old at the time he filed his application for Supplemental Security Income benefits. ", " He had worked as a construction laborer and carpenter for 16 years. ", " Selders alleged that he became disabled and unable to work due to injuries sustained to his back and knee when he fell five feet and landed in a sitting position on a concrete slab. ", " Selders submitted statements with his application for benefits indicating that he could still occasionally lift up to 10 to 15 pounds, but no more than 25 pounds. ", " He stated that he could walk three blocks and sit for three hours at a time.", "\n\n\n3\nAfter his accident, Selders was examined by six different doctors as well as a number of specialists at the University Medical Center. ", " The results of the tests, x-rays, and diagnoses repeatedly indicated that Selders had no significant orthopedic or neurological problems. ", " He has a normal range of motion, normal gait, normal reflexes, and normal sensory responses. ", " Selders, however, continues to have subjective complaints of pain.", "\n\n\n4\nA rehabilitation consultant conducted a vocational evaluation of Selders. ", " Selders' I.Q. test results indicated a verbal score of 70, a performance score of 76, and a full scale score of 72. ", " He was assessed to be at a third grade level in both reading and mathematical abilities. ", " The consultant maintained that the vocational tests indicated non-marketable skill levels, and he surmised that Selders was left with no marketable skills because of his injury.", "\n\n\n5\nBased on all of the record evidence, the ALJ determined that Selders did not have an impairment or combination of impairments listed in, or medically equal to one listed in the regulations. ", " He also determined that Selders' impairments did not preclude him from performing a full range of light or sedentary work. ", " The ALJ relied on the Medical-Vocational Guidelines to direct a finding that Selders was not disabled within the meaning of the Social Security Act. ", " The Appeals Council denied Selders' request for review of the hearing decision. ", " The decision of the ALJ therefore became the final decision of the Secretary. ", " Selders sought judicial review in the district court pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Sec. ", "405(g).", "\n\n\n6\nThe magistrate to whom the case was referred recommended granting the Secretary's motion for summary judgment, concluding that there was substantial evidence to support the Secretary's conclusion that Selders was capable of performing light or sedentary work. ", " After Selders filed objections to the magistrate's report, the district court adopted the magistrate's recommendation thereby granting the Secretary's motion for summary judgment and dismissing the suit. ", " Selders appeals.", "\n\nIII.", "\n\n7\nSelders raises three issues on appeal. ", " First, he claims that decision of the Secretary of Health and Human Services is not supported by substantial evidence. ", " Second, he claims the Secretary did not properly apply the Medical-Vocational Guidelines when determining that Selders was not disabled. ", " Third, Selders claims that the Secretary should have found him to have an impairment substantially equivalent to one in the Listing of Impairments.", "\n\nSubstantial Evidence\n\n8\nOn review, this court's function is to determine whether substantial evidence exists in the record as a whole to support the Secretary's factual findings. ", " Fraga v. Bowen, 810 F.2d 1296, 1302 (5th Cir.1987). ", " If the Secretary's findings are supported by substantial evidence, they are conclusive and must be affirmed. ", " 42 U.S.C. Sec. ", "405(g); See Richardson v. Perales, 402 U.S. 389, 91 S.Ct. ", "1420, 1427, 28 L.Ed.2d 842 (1971). ", " Substantial evidence means that evidence which is relevant and sufficient for \"reasonable mind [to] accept as adequate to support a conclusion.\" ", " Jones v. Heckler, 702 F.2d 616, 620 (5th Cir.1983) (citations omitted). ", " This court may not reweigh the evidence or try the issues de novo. ", " Cook v. Heckler, 750 F.2d 391, 392 (5th Cir.1985). ", " Conflicts in the evidence are for the Secretary and not the courts to resolve. ", " Patton v. Schweiker, 697 F.2d 590, 592 (5th Cir.1983).", "\n\n\n9\nAs claimant, Selders had the burden of proving that he is disabled within the meaning of the Social Security Act. ", " Fraga v. Bowen, 810 F.2d at 1301. ", " The statute defines disability as the \"inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which ... has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than twelve months.\" ", " 42 U.S.C. Sec. ", "423(d)(1)(A). ", " Once the claimant establishes disability, the burden shifts to the Secretary to show that there is other substantial gainful employment available that the claimant is able to perform. ", " Harrell v. Bowen, 862 F.2d 471, 475 (5th Cir.1988). ", " If the Secretary fulfills his burden of pointing out potential alternative employment, \"the burden then shifts back to the claimant to prove that he is unable to perform the alternate work.\" ", " Fraga, 810 F.2d at 1302.", "\n\n\n10\nIn evaluating a claim of disability, the Secretary conducts a five-step sequential analysis: (1) the claimant is not presently working, 20 C.F.R. Sec. ", "404.1520(b); (2) the claimant has a severe impairment, 20 C.F.R. Sec. ", "404.1520(c); (3) the impairment is not listed in, or equivalent to, an impairment listed in Appendix 1 of the Regulations, 20 C.F.R. Sec. ", "404.1520(d); (4) the impairment prevents the claimant from doing past relevant work, 20 C.F.R. Sec. ", "404.1520(e); and (5) the impairment prevents the claimant from doing any other substantial gainful activity. ", " 20 C.F.R. Sec. ", "1520(f); See Hampton v. Bowen, 785 F.2d 1308, 1311 (5th Cir.1986). ", " In determining whether the claimant can do any other work, the Secretary considers the claimant's residual functional capacity, together with age, education, and work experience, according to the Medical-Vocational Guidelines set forth by the Secretary. ", " See 20 C.F.R. Sec. ", "404.1561.", "\n\n\n11\nThe ALJ concluded that Selders was unable to perform his past work but that Selders retained the residual functional capacity to perform a full range of light work. ", " Light work involves \"lifting no more than 20 pounds at a time with frequent lifting or carrying of objects weighing 10 pounds.\" ", " 20 C.F.R. Sec. ", "404.1567(b). ", " A job also fits into this category when it requires \"a good deal of walking or standing or when it involves sitting most of the time with some pushing and pulling of arm or leg controls.\" ", " Id.\n\n\n12\nThe ALJ's finding that Selders is not disabled is supported by substantial evidence. ", " None of the extensive medical evidence in the record indicates that Selders could not perform light or sedentary work. ", " Furthermore, Selders submitted a statement indicating that he could still occasionally lift up to 10 to 15 pounds, that he could walk for several blocks and sit for hours at a time. ", " The fact that the vocational expert indicated that Selders had no marketable skills is not dispositive. ", " The expert's opinion was based largely on the fact that Selders is of below average intelligence. ", " However, subjective factors such as age, education, and intelligence are taken into account in step 5 of the evaluation process.", "\n\n\n13\nApplication of the Medical-Vocational Guidelines\n\n\n14\nSelders contends that the Secretary improperly relied on the Medical-Vocational Guidelines of the Social Security regulations because he has non-exertional impairments. ", " See 20 C.F.R., Subpt. ", " P, App. ", "2. ", " When the claimant suffers only from exertional impairments or his non-exertional impairments do not significantly affect his residual functional capacity, the ALJ may rely exclusively on the Guidelines in determining whether there is other work available that the claimant can perform. ", " 20 C.F.R. Sec. ", "404.1569 & Subpt. ", " P, App. ", "2; Fraga v. Bowen, 810 F.2d at 1304.", "\n\n\n15\nSelders claims to have the non-exertional impairments of significantly subaverage mental capacity, chronic pain, and anxiety. ", " Pain may constitute a non-exertional impairment that can limit the jobs a claimant would otherwise be able to perform. ", " Carter v. Heckler, 712 F.2d 137, 141-42 (5th Cir.1983). ", " There must be clinical or laboratory diagnostic techniques which show the existence of a medical impairment which could reasonably be expected to produce the pain alleged. ", " See Hollis v. Bowen, 837 F.2d 1378, 1384-85 (5th Cir.1988). ", " Pain constitutes a disabling condition under the Social Security Act only when it is \"constant, unremitting, and wholly unresponsive to therapeutic treatment.\" ", " Harrell, 862 F.2d at 480 (quoting Hames v. Heckler, 707 F.2d 162, 166 (5th Cir.1983). ", " There was substantial evidence here, however, from which the ALJ could conclude that Selders' pain did not limit his ability to perform light work. ", " The various tests, x-rays, and diagnoses repeatedly indicated that Selders had no significant orthopedic or neurological problems. ", " He has a normal range of motion, normal gait, normal reflexes, and normal sensory responses. ", " Selders himself stated that he could lift up to 10 to 15 pounds, but no more than 25 pounds. ", " There was no medical evidence to support chronic pain of a nature that would limit Selders' work abilities entirely, and several of the doctors who examined him indicated that he could return to work and resume normal activities. ", " Repeated medical reports indicated that Selders did not appear to be in acute distress. ", " Thus, the ALJ could conclude that the medical evidence did not support a finding of chronic pain as a non-exertional limitation and, as such, the ALJ did not err in resorting to the Guidelines to determine availability of alternate work. ", " See Fraga v. Bowen, 810 F.2d at 1304-05.", "\n\n\n16\nSelders also claims anxiety as a non-exertional limitation. ", " There is no medical evidence in the record to support this claim. ", " It does not appear that Selders ever complained of anxiety or sought treatment for that condition. ", " Thus, the record is devoid of any clinical or diagnostic support for anxiety as a medically significant non-exertional impairment in this case. ", " See Jones v. Bowen, 829 F.2d 524, 526 (5th Cir.1987).", "\n\n\n17\nFinally, Selders claims that his subaverage mental capacity constitutes a non-exertional limitation that should have prevented the ALJ from determining alternate work by sole reliance on the Guidelines. ", " \"[B]elow-average intelligence alone does not constitute a non-exertional impairment.\" ", " Johnson v. Sullivan, 894 F.2d 683, 686 (5th Cir.1990). ", " While Selders characterizes his intelligence as \"significantly subaverage,\" the vocational report stated that Selders functioned within the \"borderline range of intelligence.\" ", " Although mental retardation qualifies as a non-exertional impairment, the evidence of record does not indicate that Selders is retarded. ", " His I.Q. test scores were verbal I.Q. of 70, performance I.Q. of 76, and full-scale I.Q. of 72. ", " The vocational expert's report found Selders to be functioning within the 95th-99th percentile in at least seven industry-related areas. ", " Thus there is no support for the conclusion that Selders' low mental capacity is a non-exertional impairment rendering him entirely unable to perform light or sedentary work.", "\n\nEquivalent Impairment\n\n18\nSelders asserts that the ALJ erred at level three of the five-step sequential analysis by failing to explain why Selders did not have an impairment equivalent to the impairments listed in Appendix 1 of the regulations.1 Selders asserts that his verbal I.Q. score of 70 placed him only one point away from an impairment in the Listing of Impairments in 20 C.F.R. pt. ", "404, subpt. ", " P, App. ", "1, Sec. ", "12.05(C). ", " Section 12.05(C) defines an impairment to include a valid verbal, performance, or full scale I.Q. score of 60-69 inclusive, and a physical or other mental impairment imposing additional and significant work-related limitations of function. ", " A claimant must prove both of these conditions in order to meet his burden under step three. ", " See Sullivan v. Zebley, 493 U.S. ---, 110 S.Ct. ", "885, 891, 107 L.Ed.2d 967 (1990). ", " The claimant must provide medical findings that support each of the criteria for the equivalent impairment determination. ", " Id. 110 S.Ct. ", "at 891-92; 20 C.F.R. Sec. ", "404.1526(a).", "\n\n\n19\nSelders' argument that his I.Q. score of 70 was close to the 60-69 range in the Listing of Impairments does not warrant relief. ", " Particularly since his other scores were 72 and 76, he has not demonstrated diagnostic evidence that these scores are the substantial equivalent to a score in the 60-69 range. ", " Further, he has not shown the requisite additional physical or other mental impairment imposing additional and significant work-related limitations of function. ", " Thus, substantial evidence supports the Secretary's conclusion that Selders' impairment was not equivalent to any in the Listing of Impairments.", "\n\n\n20\nBecause there is substantial evidence in the record to support the Secretary's conclusion that Selders is not disabled and is capable of performing jobs in the light work range, the decision of the district court granting summary judgment to the Secretary is\n\n\n21\nAFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n1\n If a claimant's impairment is in the Listing of Impairments or is found to be equivalent to a listed impairment, this raises the presumption of disability that makes further inquiry into work ability unnecessary. ", " See Sullivan v. Zebley, 493 U.S. ----, 110 S.Ct. ", "885, 892, 107 L.Ed.2d 967 (1990)\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Description: Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Italy, Yugoslavia, Air offensive, Southwest Pacific, Russia. ", "Maps show military activities in Eurasia and New Guinea near Salamaua with boxed text highlighting action. ", "Photograph: A story of blood [American soldier receives a transfusion while lying on the street in Santa Agata, Sicily while townspeople look on]. ", "Back: Something money can't buy - United States Army tradition! ", "Illustration shows service ribbons of service medals. ", "Text describes the purpose and conditions of award of service medals.", "\n\nDescription: Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Italy, Sardinia and Corsica, Russia, Southwest pacific, Dodecanese Is., ", "Gilbert Is., ", "Yugoslavia. ", "Maps show Russian front; European fronts; Jap-controlled territory in Southwest Pacific. ", "Inset map shows battle line of Russian front on July 5th. ", "Includes 7 photographs of war action. ", "Back: Progress of the War : Report from the Chief of Staff to the Secretary of War : 1 July 1941 to 30 June 1943. ", "Extensive text with 2 maps: Deployment of American troops; Time and space chart: air and water logistics." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Q:\n\nLogging Build messages with MSBuild 4.0\n\nI am using MsBuild 4.0 in code, like so:\n var globalProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>();\n var buildRequest = new BuildRequestData(solutionPathAbsolute, globalProperties, null, new string[] { \"Build\" }, null);\n var pc = new ProjectCollection();\n\n var result = BuildManager.", "DefaultBuildManager.", "Build(new BuildParameters(pc), buildRequest);\n\nNote how this API is completely different from MsBuild 3.5... How does one hook in a logger to recieve detailed build messages with the new API? ", " \n\nA:\n\nThe BeginBuild method on the BuildManager allows you to pass in a set of BuildParameters which includes a Loggers property.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.012232415902140673, 0, 0.015625, 0.022556390977443608, 0 ]
[ "Drug repositioning or repurposing has received major interest in the past years. ", "This approach increasingly enables scientists to discover potential pharmacological targets and to identify “new targets” of known drugs. ", "It is found to be an attractive approach for efficient drug discovery and development, taking advantage of already available preclinical and clinical knowledge, thus allowing for considerable shortcuts in many steps in the drug development process. ", "One important example of drug repositioning is colesevelam, originally developed as an adjunct to reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) but now it is approved as a hypoglycemic agent for type 2 diabetes mellitus. ", "Therefore, keeping the importance of this approach, our drug screening project is aiming to identify new drugs for lead optimization for different ailments. ", "In the present studies, urease inhibitory assay was employed to evaluate the activity of (2S)-1-[(2S)-2-methyl-3-sulfanylpropanoyl]pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid.", "\n(2S)-1-[(2S)-2-methyl-3-sulfanylpropanoyl]pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, and approved as drug (Captopril) for the treatment of hypertension, and heart failure. ", "Captopril was developed and marketed by US drug company, “Squibb and Sons Pharmaceuticals”. ", "Its discovery and development was based on concepts pioneered by Nobel Laureate Prof. John Vane.", "\nBesides its blood pressure-lowering properties, (2S)-1-[(2S)-2-methyl-3-sulfanylpropanoyl]pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid has various biological activities, such as immunomodulatory, beneficial effects on rheumatoid arthritis, prevention of complications in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and anti-inflammatory properties (in schistosomiasis). ", "Additionally it is found to be effective in lupus diseases, and autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). ", "Captopril was found to be capable of suppressing the production of monocytes/macrophage-derived proinflammatory cytokines (e.g. tumour necrosis factor (TNF), IL-1, IL-6, and IL-12). ", "These immunomodulatory actions of captopril were due to different mechanisms, such as anti-proliferation, anti-oxidant, inhibition of metalloproteases, and elevation of prostaglandin. ", "It is reported that these properties are related to the presence of thiol groups in its structure. (", "2S)-1-[(2S)-2-methyl-3-sulfanylpropanoyl]pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid has recently been found to inhibit Fas-induced apoptosis in human activated T cells and lung epithelial cells. ", "It is also known to be used for the treatment of cysteine stones. ", "The drug has a cysteine binding thiol group, resulting in the formation of captopril-cysteine complex, which is about 200 times more soluble than cysteine. ", "Dose of 70-100 mg per day effectively reduces the formation of cysteine stones. ", "Therefore, it is considered as a drug of choice in cysteine stone patents with history of hypertension.", "\nUrease (amido-hydrolase, EC is a large multimeric, Ni+ containing metallo-enzyme. ", "Ureases of plant and fungal origins are homo-oligomeric proteins, while the ureases of bacterial are heteropolymeric proteins. ", "Biologically, it catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea into ammonia and carbamate. ", "At physiological pH, carbamate spontaneously hydrolyzes into carbonic acid and ammonia. ", "It plays an important role in nitrogen cycle, as it supplies nitrogen for seed germination and for the growth of microorganisms by facilitating breakdown of urea into ammonia. ", "Beside this physiological role, it also has a pathological role in a wide range of diseases, such as urolithiasis, hepatic encephalopathy, hepatic coma, pyelonephritis, urinary catheter encrustation, gastritis, peptic, duodenal ulcers, and gastric cancers. ", "Ammonia (released by the hydrolysis of urea) is one of the well-known causes of hepatic encephalopathy. ", "Apart from causing diseases to human, it also causes several environmental and economic hazards in agriculture. ", "Urease positive soil bacteria release ammonia in high quantity which not only deplete the urea, but also cause toxicity to plants. ", "This scenario therefore demands discovery of effective inhibitors of urease enzyme.", "\nUrease inhibitors are also required as drugs for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori, for the treatment of peptic ulcers, and other diseases, caused by ureolytic bacteria. ", "Clinically used inhibitors against this enzyme include hydroxamic acid, bismuth complexes, and imidazole classes. ", "However, these medicines have proved to be largely ineffective, and only a few have been approved for the use at clinical level. ", "Search for new and effective inhibitors of urease is thus vigorously pursued in pharmaceutical research.", "\nDuring the current study, Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) urease was used for in vitro biochemical evaluation, whose active site resembles to that of bacterial ureases with a bi-nickel nuclear center. ", "The metallo-center comprises of two Ni+2 ions, bridged by a carbamylated lysine residue and water molecule. ", "One Ni ion is linked with two histidine residues and a terminal water molecule, while the second Ni ion is linked with the histidine residues, one aspartic acid residue, and water molecules. ", "The mechanistic studies were carried out to determine the binding mechanism of (captopril) to urease." ]
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[ "The activities of liver adenosine deaminase, xanthine oxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase enzymes and the levels of malondialdehyde and nitric oxide after cisplatin toxicity in rats: protective effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester.", "\nThe aim of this experimental study was to investigate the effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), an antioxidant agent, on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity through adenosine deaminase (AD), xanthine oxidase (XO), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities and malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO) levels in liver tissue of rats. ", "Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups: control group (n = 6), cisplatin group (n = 9) and CAPE + cisplatin group (n = 8). ", "All the chemicals used were applied intraperitoneally. ", "Spectrophotometric methods were used to determine the activities of the above-mentioned enzymes in the liver tissue. ", "NO level and XO activity were found to be increased in the cisplatin group compared to the control group. ", "NO level was found to be decreased in the cisplatin + CAPE group in comparison with the cisplatin group. ", "There was no significant change in the activity of XO between the cisplatin and cisplatin + CAPE groups. ", "The activity of SOD was lower in the cisplatin group than both the control and cisplatin + CAPE groups. ", "There was no significant change in the activity of CAT between the control and cisplatin groups. ", "CAT activity was increased in the cisplatin + CAPE group compared to the cisplatin group. ", "The AD activity and MDA level remained unchanged in all groups. ", "The results obtained suggested that CAPE significantly attenuated the hepatotoxicity as an indirect target of cisplatin in an animal model of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Q:\n\nNEST - Using GET instead of POST/PUT for searching\n\nIs there a way to tell NEST to use GET instead of POST when performing searches? ", "Similar to how the ElasticSearch documentation shows CURL using GET I'd like to use GET when using NEST instead of using POST as it currently does.", "\n\nA:\n\nYes \nhttps://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-net/blob/develop/src/Nest/DSL/SearchDescriptor.cs line number 135\n public static void Update(IConnectionSettingsValues settings, ElasticsearchPathInfo<SearchRequestParameters> pathInfo, ISearchRequest request)\n {\n pathInfo.", "HttpMethod = request.", "RequestParameters.", "ContainsKey(\"source\") ? ", "PathInfoHttpMethod.", "GET : PathInfoHttpMethod.", "POST;\n }\n\nObviously you need to have SearchRequest.", "RequestParameters.", "ContainsKey(\"source\") return true for it to do a Get.", "\nIn future. ", "Just RTFM.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.029197080291970802, 0.02040816326530612, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Sock runner leather sneakers\n\n€600\n40% off\n€360\n\nA rendition of the sock runner sneakers, this new sneaker style is elaborated in the mix of 80's-inspired materials of suede and leather patching and colours. ", "It is finished with an upper velcro strap fastening and rubber soles.", "\n\nStyleS59WS0071P2216H7157\n\nItem details80% Polyamide, 20% Elastane, Bovine leather\n\nHeel height5.0 cm\n\nSuede effectLightweight knittedVelcro closureRubber soleRound toeline\n\nWe offer a speedy Express shipping service for any address. ", "Return service: you can fill the online Return Form and send your items back to us within 30 days from delivery with a shipping service of your choice. ", "Read more in the Returns section." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.01702127659574468, 0, 0 ]
[ "Compression data on bovine bone confirms that a \"stressed volume\" principle explains the variability of fatigue strength results.", "\nThe literature contains many measurements of the fatigue properties of compact bone, but these experimental results have been difficult to interpret and use due to a large amount of apparent scatter: variation in the number of cycles to failure for a given cyclic stress or strain range. ", "Recently Taylor (1998a, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 16, 163-169) showed that much of this scatter could be explained using a statistical model which took into account specimen size, or more specifically stressed volume. ", "The present paper describes an attempt to test this model by using it to predict some new data, for bovine bone tested in compressive loading at room temperature at physiological loading rates. ", "Twenty specimens were tested at the same applied load range (100 MPa). ", "The theory was able to predict the mean behaviour of the specimens very well, with an accuracy (expressed in terms of stress) of 2%. ", "It was also able to predict the degree of scatter (i.e. the variation of Nf), which was shown to be similar to that measured by other workers." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.008888888888888889, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\nTable of Contents\n\nTitle Page\n\nCopyright Page\n\nDedication\n\nONE\n\nTWO\n\nTHREE\n\nFOUR\n\nFIVE\n\nSIX\n\nSEVEN\n\nEIGHT\n\nNINE\n\nTEN\n\nELEVEN\n\nTWELVE\n\nTHIRTEEN\n\nFOURTEEN\n\nFIFTEEN\n\nSIXTEEN\n\nSEVENTEEN\n\nEIGHTEEN\n\nNINETEEN\n\nTWENTY\nPENGUIN BOOKS\n\nTRUTH AND CONSEQUENCES\n\nAlison Lurie is the author of many novels, including _The War Between the Tates_ , _The Truth About Lorin Jones_ (winner of the Prix Femina Étranger), _Foreign Affairs_ (winner of the Pulitzer Prize), and _The Last Resort_. ", "Her most recent book was _Boys and Girls Forever: Children's Classics from Cinderella to Harry Potter_. ", "She teaches writing, folklore, and literature at Cornell University and divides her time between Ithaca, New York, and Key West, Florida.", "\nPraise for _Truth and Consequences_\n\n\"A delightful writer whose novels are a pleasure to read, Lurie [is] . . . ", "a writer well worth cherishing for giving us novels that are as gracefully edifying as they are incontrovertibly entertaining.\" _—", "Los Angeles Times_\n\n\"There is not one wasted word in _Truth and Consequences._ . . . ", "Lurie's language is as sharp as the claws of pain that rule Alan's life and the pangs of guilt that threaten Jane's. ", "The book is delightfully readable. ", "You are into it and out of it before you know it, but not without a fresh look at the maneuvers inside marriage.\" _—", "Chicago Tribune_\n\n\"This is a comedy of adultery with a comedy of academia thrown in . . . ", "as in the best comedies, everyone gets justice, and no one escapes it.\"", "\n\n _—The New Yorker_\n\n\"Amiable, quietly witty and readable.\" _—", "The Washington Post_\n\n\"Lurie . . . ", "is back doing what she does best.\" _—", "The Miami Herald_\n\n\"Another razor-sharp satire of upper-class social norms and male-female relationships . . . ", "a fascinating peak at the complexities of love and marriage . . . ", "a brilliant romp . . . ", "Lurie has created a novel that both pokes fun and commiserates with her characters, a tough feat and a wonderful read.\" _—", "Rocky Mountain News_\n\n\"Alison Lurie is a master at writing about how relationships—even the best of them—can come unraveled faster than you can say 'affair.' _", "Truth and Consequences_ strikes a chord because its protagonists must answer a difficult question we can all relate to: What happens when, as Jane repeatedly says, life is 'all wrong'? ", "Lurie's characters are believable because they force us to ponder this. . . . ", "Her ability to probe the complexity of human relationships becomes apparent, and the story offers plenty of tough insights about what it means to love someone and about the often illogical nature of human relationships.\" _—", "Star-Telegram_ (Fort Worth)\n\n\"Lurie's direct writing makes her novel a compelling read, and her plot drives her characters successfully. ", "The reader is allowed the near-voyeuristic pleasure of watching old ties die while new ones begin. ", "Even readers who aren't fans of romance will be enticed by Lurie's ability to fill her story with engaging characters.\" _—", "Richmond Times-Dispatch_\n\n\"A biting, funny glimpse behind the scenes of a prestigious college. . . . ", "Lurie . . . ", "has a light touch with college comedy, here, and her characters are true to life—spend any time around a campus and you'll know them all . . . ", "fun reading.\" _—", "Buffalo News_\n\n\"The characters are what make this book flow. ", "Lurie is whip-smart and very funny.", "\"—The Associated Press\n\n\" _Truth and Consequences_ is wise and funny, with a sublimated sexiness that keeps the pot bubbling in a way that transcends the narrowness of academic novels. ", "Lurie is at her best when she's sly, and she's plenty sly here. ", "In _Truth and Consequences_ , she's in top form, carefully portraying a range of deluded people but never subverting them.\" _—", "Palm Beach Post_\n\n\"Lurie is a poison-pen satirist who particularly enjoys skewering academics and writers. ", "In this tightly wound, fairy-tale parody about the ruthless self-regard of creative people and the revenge of the good and steadfast, Lurie toys with the conventions of romance. ", "Lurie is wickedly entertaining as she mocks everything from the ego of the artist to the bossiness of the meek, and everyone lives happily ever after.\" _—", "Booklist_\n\nTo request Penguin Readers Guides by mail \n(while supplies last), please call (800) 778-6425 \nor e-mail reading@us.penguingroup.com. ", " \nTo access Penguin Readers Gudes online \nvisit our Web site at www.penguin.com\n\nPENGUIN BOOKS \nPublished by the Penguin Group \nPenguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A. \nPenguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, \nOntario, Canada M4P 2Y3 (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) \nPenguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England \nPenguin Ireland, 25 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland \n(a division of Penguin Books Ltd) \nPenguin Group (Australia), 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, \nVictoria 3124, Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) \nPenguin Books India Pvt Ltd, 11 Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi - 110 017, India \nPenguin Group (NZ), cnr Airborne and Rosedale Roads, Albany, \nAuckland 1310, New Zealand (a division of Pearson New Zealand Ltd) \nPenguin Books (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd, 24 Sturdee Avenue, \nRosebank,Johannesburg 2196, South Africa\n\nPenguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England\n\nFirst published in the United States of America by Viking Penguin, \na member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. 2005 \nPublished in Penguin Books 2006\n\nCopyright © Alison Lurie, 2005\n\nAll rights reserved\n\nPhotograph courtesy of Brand X Pictures/Getty Images\n\nPUBLISHER'S NOTE\n\nThis is a work of fiction. ", "Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.", "\n\nISBN : 978-1-4406-2734-7\n\n1. ", "College teachers—Fiction. ", "2. ", "Back—Wounds and injuries—Patients—Fiction. ", " \n3. ", "Chronic pain—Patients—Fiction. ", "4. ", "Married people—Fiction. ", " \n5. ", "Older people—Fiction. ", "6. ", "New England—Fiction. ", "I. Title. ", " \nPS3562.U7T74 2005 \n813'.54—dc22 2005042253\n\nThe scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. ", "Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. ", "Your support of the author's rights is appreciated.", "\n\n<http://us.penguingroup.com>\nFOR ALISON VAN DYKE\nONE\n\nOn a hot midsummer morning, after over sixteen years of marriage, Jane Mackenzie saw her husband fifty feet away and did not recognize him.", "\n\nShe was in the garden picking lettuce when the sound of a car stopping on the road by the house made her look up. ", "Someone was getting out of a taxi, paying the driver, and then starting slowly down the long driveway: an aging man with slumped shoulders, a sunken chest, and a protruding belly, leaning on a cane. ", "The hazy sun was in her eyes and she couldn't see his face clearly, but there was something about him that made her feel uneasy and a little frightened. ", "He reminded her of other unwelcome figures: a property tax inspector who had appeared at the door soon after they moved into the house; an FBI official who was investigating one of Alan's former students; and the scruffy-looking guy who one summer two years ago used to stand just down the road where the ramp to the highway began, waving at passing cars and asking for a lift downtown. ", "If you agreed, before he got out he would lean over the seat and in a half-whiny, half-threatening way ask for the \"loan\" of a couple of dollars.", "\n\nThen Jane's vision cleared, and she saw that it was her husband Alan Mackenzie, who shouldn't be there. ", "Less than an hour ago she had driven him to the University, where he had a lunch meeting at the College of Architecture, and where she had expected him to stay until she picked him up that afternoon. ", "Since he'd hurt his back fifteen months ago, he hadn't been able to drive. ", "Jane snatched up her basket of lettuce and began to walk uphill, then almost to run.", "\n\n\"What's happened, what's the matter?\" ", "she called out when she was within range.", "\n\n\"Nothing,\" Alan muttered, not quite looking at her. ", "His cane grated on the gravel as he came to a slow halt. \"", "I didn't feel well, so I came home.\"", "\n\n\"Is it very bad?\" ", "Jane put her hand on the creased sleeve of his white shirt. ", "Crazy as it was, she still couldn't quite believe that the person inside the shirt was her husband. ", "Alan wasn't anything like this, he was healthy and strong and confident, barely over fifty. ", "This man had Alan's broad forehead and narrow straight nose and thick pale-brown hair, but he looked at least ten years older and twenty pounds heavier, and his expression was one of pain and despair. \"", "You said at breakfast you were all right—anyhow, no worse than usual. . . .\" ", "Her voice trailed off.", "\n\n\"If you want to know, I had a fucking awful night, and now I'm having a fucking awful day.\" ", "He moved sideways so that Jane's hand fell from his arm, and made a slow detour around her.", "\n\n\"Oh, I'm so sorry. ", "Is there anything I can do?\" ", "She was following him now, speaking to his long stooped back. ", "How could I not have known him? ", "she thought. ", "It wasn't my fault, it was because the sun was in my eyes and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. ", "I was surprised, that's all, the way you are when you run into neighbors when you're abroad, so at first you can't quite identify them. _", "But Alan is your husband_ , her conscience said. _", "You should know him anywhere._", "\n\n\"No.\" ", "He paused by the kitchen door. \"", "Well, maybe. ", "You could help me off with my shoes. ", "It just about kills me to bend over. ", "And if you're going upstairs, you could bring down my pillows.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, of course.\" ", "It occurred to Jane for the first time that there was a pattern here. ", "Lately, Alan usually refused any offer of assistance at first, but soon corrected himself, asking for various objects and services. ", "On other occasions he would wait longer, until she was somewhere else in the house and in the middle of some other activity, and then he would call for help.", "\n\n\"I can't go on like this. ", "It's worse every day,\" he muttered, leaning over the kitchen sink, gulping water and pills. ", "He wiped his mouth on the cuff of his shirt, which should have been thrown in the laundry basket two days ago.", "\n\n\"I'm so sorry.\" ", "Jane put her arms around the soiled shirt and began a hug—but Alan winced, and she let go. \"", "Sorry,\" she repeated.", "\n\nNot acknowledging either her sympathy or her apology, he shuffled into the sitting room and slowly, with a muffled groan, began to ease himself onto the big flowered sofa, which was now placed diagonally across the middle of the room. ", "It had been moved around last fall so that Alan could watch television while lying down, and an end table and coffee table had been positioned awkwardly beside it. ", "The sitting room of their hundred-and-fifty-year-old farmhouse was low-ceilinged and small, and now resembled a crowded antique furniture store. ", "It was difficult to have more than two people over, because with Alan stretched out on the sofa there was nowhere for them to sit. ", "They hadn't had a dinner party for months, and they couldn't have had one anyhow because Alan couldn't sit in a straight chair for more than five minutes without excruciating pain. ", "He had to eat standing up, or balance a plate on his chest as he lay on the various squashed pillows and cushions that now covered the sofa.", "\n\nOnly five—or was it already six?—years ago, Jane suddenly remembered, Alan had lain on this sofa in almost this same disarray of cushions, and she had lain there with him. ", "The sofa was new then: it had just been delivered. ", "After the man from the furniture warehouse left, Alan and Jane stood there admiring it. ", "Then they sat on the sofa, bouncing a bit on the thick down cushions, laughing lightly. ", "They congratulated themselves on their purchase; they kissed, and kissed again.", "\n\n\"We should launch it,\" Alan said presently, pressing closer.", "\n\n\"What? ", "Oh yes.\"", "\n\n\"Let's.\"", "\n\nIt was a mild, sunny autumn day, and their clothes came off easily, falling to the carpet like the bright leaves outside. ", "And then something strange and wonderful happened: the sofa, though of course it did not actually move, seemed to slide into a warm sea, to be borne through gently turbulent waves, which lifted and dropped them, raised and rocked them. ", "When she was a small child, Jane had used to pretend sometimes that the big sagging green couch in the sitting room was a ship, sailing over the carpet. ", "Now her story had come true.", "\n\n\"Look, we match the slipcover,\" Alan had said afterward, raising himself on one elbow. ", "Jane sat up, and saw that it was so: the creamy beige and soft brown and subdued crimson of the eighteenth-century flower pattern were echoed in their nakedness.", "\n\n\"Yes,\" she said.", "\n\n\"You're so beautiful, and so lovable,\" Alan said.", "\n\n\"You too.\"", "\n\nThat sea voyage, that afternoon, had been one of their best moments. ", "And now, again, Alan lay there on the same sofa in a confusion of cushions, but he was no longer beautiful, and the expression on his face was one of pain and despair.", "\n\nIt wasn't fair that he should suffer like this, Jane had told her mother only last week, it wasn't right. ", "But Jane's mother, who went to the Congregational church almost every Sunday, did not agree. \"", "We can't understand these things, dear,\" she had said, as she had said before in other circumstances. \"", "We just have to accept them, and ask God to give us the strength to bear them.\"", "\n\nIn a moment of despair, Jane had passed on this advice to Alan, who thought her mother a well-meaning ninny. ", "He also did not believe in God and, as far as she knew, had never asked him for anything. \"", "Yeah?\" ", "he had said. \"", "And what if he doesn't give us the strength? ", "Even among true believers, the record for answered prayers isn't that good.\"", "\n\nNow, with a cheese-grater groan, Alan turned over on the sofa. ", "He stuck out his feet, and Jane sat on the narrow edge of the sofa beside him. ", "Awkwardly, she untied and removed the oxfords she had put on and tied earlier that morning. ", "It was like taking care of a giant toddler, she thought—but this child's bare feet were not soft and smooth and lovable, but hard and knobby, with horny toenails. \"", "Is it really bad?\" ", "she asked.", "\n\n\"I already said it was bad.\" ", "He spoke impatiently, angrily.", "\n\n\"Where does it hurt?\"", "\n\n\"The back. ", "Always the back. ", "And I've got that shooting pain in my left leg again.\"", "\n\n\"I'm so sorry,\" Jane repeated weakly.", "\n\n\"It just won't quit. ", "Fifteen months.\" ", "Alan eased himself over onto his side, facing away from her, and in the process rucking up his shirt and revealing the back brace he now habitually wore, a kind of stiff heavy white plastic corset, all straps and Velcro, that made him look even more overweight than he was.", "\n\n\"Could you get me the pillows now? ", "And maybe a couple of icepacks out of the freezer.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, of course.\"", "\n\nJane stood up. ", "Who is this man lying on our sofa? ", "she thought as she looked down at him. ", "He's still called Alan Mackenzie, but he's not the same person. ", "And I'm not the same person either, she thought as she climbed the stairs. ", "I'm tired and worried and no fun for anybody, including myself. ", "In a way we're not really husband and wife anymore. ", "We're housekeeper and employer. ", "Or maybe, in the language of a blandly instructive pamphlet she had read while waiting for Alan in some doctor's office, caregiver and caregetter.", "\n\nAt first they had both thought his back trouble couldn't be anything major, anything permanent, because it had begun in such a small way. ", "Last year the departmental Memorial Day picnic had been held at one of the local parks, and Alan had joined his graduate students in a vigorous game of volleyball. ", "It was a hot day, alternating sun and brief showers, and most of the other faculty members weren't playing—he was the oldest person on the court by at least ten years. ", "But watching him you would never have known that: he was so tan and strong and he moved so lightly and quickly.", "\n\nThe ball came over the net, and Alan reached for it—a long elegant reach, too long. ", "He skidded on the bright wet grass and fell in an awkward heap, with one leg out sideways. ", "Everyone stopped playing; people gathered around and asked if he was all right. ", "Alan stood up at once, a little awkwardly but smiling and replying, \"Fine, just winded.\" ", "But he didn't go on with the game—instead he came to sit on the bench by Jane, saying something about getting his breath back. ", "After a while, he suggested that they leave. ", "He thought maybe he'd pulled a muscle, he told her, and wanted to get into a hot shower.", "\n\nThe shower had seemed to help, and Alan was cheerful the rest of the evening, but the next morning his back was worse. ", "It would get better in a few days, they kept assuring each other, but it did not get better.", "\n\nFor a while life went on more or less as before. ", "Alan was uncomfortable and impatient to be well, but good-natured and affectionate, just as he had been after other, earlier minor accidents or during brief illnesses. ", "But instead of moderating, his pain grew worse. ", "He began to move more slowly, to favor the injury. ", "One day, Jane caught him dragging a garbage can across the floor of the garage rather than lifting it as usual; she heard the coarse scraping sound of plastic on cement that she was to hear again so often—louder after a few months, when she took over the job.", "\n\nIt was not the only job she took over. ", "As time passed Alan began to do less and less around the house. ", "He began to put on weight from lack of exercise, and to show signs of what he called \"grumpiness.\" ", "But of course this was temporary, Jane told herself. ", "In a few weeks more, a month or two at the most, he would be himself again—healthy, handsome, slim, athletic; good-natured, affectionate, and often passionate. ", "He would love her again and make love to her again, instead of apologizing and explaining that he really wanted to, but it just hurt too goddamn much. ", "Now, when they tried to meet, as they called it, it never really worked. ", "Jane could never let herself go: she was always afraid of hurting Alan by a sudden movement, and sometimes she did hurt him, or he hurt himself. ", "Then he would groan, or even cry out in pain. ", "So she held back, and watched herself constantly, and soon their meetings had become tentative and awkwardly self-conscious, as if they were two adolescents on a date. ", "Often Alan would break off halfway. \"", "I'm sorry,\" he would say. \"", "I want to go on, but it hurts too goddamn much.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, of course, I understand, that's all right,\" Jane always said. ", "But it wasn't all right, it was all wrong.", "\n\nAlan hadn't complained of pain much at first, but as time went on he mentioned or showed it more and more often: he groaned when he got out of bed or lay down, and cursed violently when he dropped anything. ", "Of course, everyone complained when they were ill or injured, Jane told herself at first, and then they got better and stopped. ", "Or, if they didn't get better, they got medical help. ", "And indeed, when his back didn't improve after a few weeks, Alan, with the upbeat decisiveness that had for so long been part of his character and had made him such a successful department chairman, sought this help.", "\n\nAccording to the experts, his problem was something called a slipped disk, which as Jane understood it meant that a kind of spongy pad between two of his vertebrae had slid out of alignment and was pressing on the spinal nerves, causing continual pain. ", "Sometimes these disks slid back into place after a while, the doctor told them, and sometimes they did not. ", "There were, he was told, many different treatments that might help.", "\n\nFor the next ten months, therefore, Alan consulted a series of health professionals. ", "Each one approached his problem with new suggestions, and each time Alan and Jane hoped for a while that they had found the solution. ", "But every treatment ended in disappointment, and some of them in rage and despair and increased pain. ", "By Christmas Alan had seen what one of his colleagues had described as four physical therapists, three orthopedic surgeons, two neurologists, and an acupuncturist in a pear tree: a peculiar pale woman who worked in a cloud of smoky fruit-flavored incense and had inserted needles into Alan's back and shoulders and then left him to lie in pain for half an hour listening to oriental music while she spoke on the phone in an unknown language. ", "He had submitted to agonizing injections of cortisone and other substances, and practiced many different sets of exercises. ", "He had sat and bounced on various inflatable devices, including one that looked like a dull black rubber donut and another that resembled a giant shiny electric-blue beach ball.", "\n\nIn April, when nearly a year had passed without any change, Alan and Jane went to stay in a pretentious and unpleasant luxury hotel in a large city four hours' drive away, so that he could undergo what was called a diskectomy. ", "According to the surgeon, this operation was usually relatively painless and had a ninety-five percent chance of success. ", "In Alan's case, this turned out not to be so. ", "After the operation, in spite of large doses of narcotic drugs, he was in continual agony, and his pain did not improve; rather it spread and worsened. ", "As one of Jane's less sympathetic friends said at the time, \"Well, somebody has to be in the other five percent.\" ", "Before the operation the doctor had announced that usually there was immediate relief. ", "At the follow-up interview afterward, however, he claimed that sometimes it took several months. ", "But by this time, Alan did not believe a word the doctor said.", "\n\nSince then, he had treated his pain himself. ", "He used heating pads and icepacks, and wore an electronic device called a Tenz Unit that was supposed to block nerve impulses and sometimes did so. ", "He also took a great many prescription and nonprescription drugs. ", "Unfortunately, the drugs all had side effects and led to new complications and ailments. ", "Alan now suffered intermittently from constipation, severe headaches, insomnia, chills, leg pain, groin pain, weakness, and fatigue. ", "The Tenz Unit had caused an ugly raw red rash to appear on both sides of his lower back. ", "He was also eating too much, and not only at meals. ", "Jane would come upon him in the pantry gobbling peanuts out of a can, or cookies from a cellophane package. ", "Late at night she would sometimes hear a noise in the kitchen that could be mice or burglars and would tiptoe down the stairs to find Alan standing in the half dark in front of the fridge, spooning vanilla ice cream from the cardboard carton into his mouth.", "\n\n\"Jane?\" ", "called a grating voice from below. \"", "What the hell is going on up there?\"", "\n\n\"Just coming.\" ", "She snatched three pillows of varying size and consistency off his side of their bed and ran downstairs.", "\n\n\"Sorry I yelled at you.\"", "\n\n\"That's all right,\" Jane assured him, thinking at the same time that Alan now yelled at her, or at something else that had irritated him, more and more often. ", "Afterward he always apologized, and seemed to assume that canceled out the yell.", "\n\n\"And the ice,\" Alan reminded her. \"", "If you could get me the ice now.\"", "\n\n\"Sure, right away.\" ", "She headed for the kitchen and opened the freezer, which over the last year had become crowded with refreezable plastic icepacks.", "\n\n\"Here you are.\" ", "Jane held out a large white sagging object.", "\n\n\"Not that one, it's too heavy.\" ", "He shoved her hand away with a grimace of irritation. \"", "Jesus Christ. ", "I need the little blue packs. ", "Both of them.\"", "\n\n\"Sorry.\"", "\n\n\"That's better,\" he said a minute later. \"", "And could you maybe bring me a towel to wrap them in? ", "It keeps them cold longer.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, of course.\" ", "Jane climbed the stairs again, found a clean hand towel, brought it down, wrapped the icepacks in it, and helped Alan settle them between his back and the back of the sofa. \"", "Is there anything else?\"", "\n\n\"Not just now, thanks.\" ", "He groaned and closed his eyes.", "\n\nThough Alan had not said so directly, Jane knew he now suspected that his back would never get better, and in fact would probably get worse. ", "He was in almost constant severe pain, except when he was so full of drugs that he was woozy and unsteady on his feet as he had been this morning. ", "In the late afternoon and evening the pain sometimes became so bad that he would have a shot of vodka, or two, or three, though labels on the pills he took clearly stated that it was dangerous to mix them with alcohol.", "\n\nPain, according to the nineteenth-century novels that Jane's Aunt Nancy had loved as a child and presented to her at Christmas and birthdays, could be ennobling and inspiring. ", "In _What Katy Did_ and _Jack and Jill_ , thoughtless young girls, injured in accidents at play (like Alan) had to lie in bed for months, during which time they matured wonderfully and their characters changed for the better.", "\n\nBut Alan hadn't needed to change for the better, Jane thought: he had been perfect as he was. ", "So, logically, he had begun to change for the worse. ", "His admirable evenness of temper, optimism, and generosity of spirit had slowly begun to leak away. ", "He had become overweight and unattractive, he had become self-centered and touchy.", "\n\nThose books were wrong, Jane thought. ", "Pain is bad for the character, just as all misfortunes are: poverty and unemployment and loss of friends and family. ", "It makes you tired and weak; it makes you depressed and anxious and fearful. ", "Nobody says this, nobody is supposed to say it, but it is true. ", "Even Jane herself, who was only forty and healthy and strong and attractive, would one day be old and tired and ugly and probably self-centered and touchy as well.", "\n\n\"Ja-ane.\" ", "Alan's voice was tense.", "\n\n\"Yes?\" ", "She stopped washing lettuce and hurried to the sitting room.", "\n\n\"Could you possibly get me the bottle of Valium from my toilet kit, and some cold grapefruit juice to wash it down?\"", "\n\n\"Yes, of course.\" ", "Jane ran upstairs and down, filled a glass with grapefruit juice in the kitchen, and added two ice cubes.", "\n\n\"Thank you.\" ", "Alan drank. \"", "Yes, that's good,\" he said, smiling at her. ", "But then, as he lifted the glass again, his arm struck the arm of the sofa, and the rest of the grapefruit juice spilled onto the coffee table and the carpet. \"", "Oh, fuck!\" ", "he shouted in a sudden rage. \"", "I didn't need that.\"", "\n\n\"Don't worry, I'll take care of it.\" ", "Jane picked up the glass and ice cubes, ran to the kitchen, and returned carrying a pan of warm water and detergent and a sponge.", "\n\n\"Aw, shit, look at the mess,\" Alan growled.", "\n\n\"Don't worry, it's nothing,\" she assured him.", "\n\n\"It's the drugs, they interfere with my coordination.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, of course,\" Jane said as she knelt by the sofa, mopping up the juice, then soaking the carpet with water and detergent, while thinking that she too did not need this, but that at least it hadn't been grape juice.", "\n\n\"I wish I could help—\"\n\n\"It's all right, really. ", "It's nothing.\" ", "She went to the kitchen, dumped the dirty water, rinsed the sponge and brush, and filled the pan again with clean warm water. ", "Back in the sitting room she scrubbed the suds off the carpet and patted it dry with a wad of paper towels, then returned to the kitchen again and washed everything out.", "\n\n\"Ja-ane,\" Alan called. \"", "When you're finished, could you possibly bring me another glass of grapefruit juice?\"", "\n\n\"Yes, just a minute.\" ", "She put the pan in the drying rack.", "\n\n\"Okay. ", "Here you are,\" she said a few moments later, aware of forcing her voice into a pleasant neutrality.", "\n\n\"Thanks. ", "You're so very good to me, darling.\" ", "Alan smiled at her briefly, sighed, and drank.", "\n\n\"You're so very welcome,\" she said. ", "The words sounded flat in her mouth, but he did not appear to notice.", "\n\n\"I'm so lucky to have you here. ", "It makes all the difference.\"", "\n\nBetween what and what? ", "Jane thought, but did not say.", "\n\n\"It's those goddamn stairs in Mahoney Hall. ", "They get me every time.\" ", "Alan's office was on the top floor of the high-ceilinged architecture building, which had no elevator.", "\n\n\"I know. ", "It'll be easier next month when you move into the Center.\" ", "Last term Alan had been appointed as one of the two Faculty Fellows of the Matthew Unger Center for the Humanities, familiarly known as the Much, and sometimes as the Too Much. ", "This was an endowed facility for visiting scholars and artists housed in a handsome Victorian mansion just off campus. ", "Jane, for the last five years, had been its administrative director. ", "The idea that Alan should become a Fellow had not been her idea, and the appointment had made her anxious, in case people should think so. ", "But it had also made her grateful and pleased. ", "For a whole year Alan would be relieved of teaching, which had become harder and harder for him. ", "He would have peace and quiet and no stairs to climb and be able to finish his new book.", "\n\n\"I hope so,\" Alan said in the voice of one who doubts this.", "\n\n\"I'm sure it will.\"", "\n\nNo answer. \"", "I'm going out to the garden now,\" she said. \"", "Is there anything else I can get you?\"", "\n\n\"No thanks. ", "Well, if you see the _Times_ around anywhere.\"", "\n\n\"Of course. ", "I think it's in the dining room.\"", "\n\nBack in the kitchen at last, washing the last of the lettuce, Jane waited a couple of minutes to see if any further requests would follow, then took up her basket and almost fled from the house.", "\n\nIt's not right, it's not how the story was supposed to turn out, she thought as she knelt in the garden pulling long, sticky, scratchy pale-green strings of bindweed out of the strawberry bed. ", "That was stupid, it was silly and romantic: but Jane had once been romantic, though almost nobody who knew her now would have suspected this. ", "At work she appeared practical, rational, and calm. ", "Nobody would have guessed that twenty years ago, long after she knew the phrase to be foolish, she had clung to the belief that one day her prince would come, and that he would appear at the University. ", "That was partly why she had stayed so long in an entry-level job at what her father always called \"the big store at the top of the hill.\"", "\n\nMost of Jane's many relatives, including those who also worked at the University—running offices and laboratories and lunchrooms, keeping up the grounds, or repairing office machines—had wondered at her decision. ", "They believed that the faculty, on the whole, consisted of incompetent ninnies. ", "Only Jane's mother, who was also somewhat of a closet romantic and considered a wedding the high point of a woman's life, saw it differently. \"", "It doesn't pay much,\" she admitted. \"", "But maybe you'll marry one of those professors.\"", "\n\nJane did not say so, but it was what she hoped for too. ", "And as it turned out, not in vain. ", "At twenty-four, when many of her friends were already married, she remained single. ", "Because she was lively and pretty, with curly reddish brown hair and the look of a small friendly Welsh terrier, she had many suitors. ", "Though some of them were attractive and likable and ambitious and already becoming successful, none of them, in her view, were princes. ", "Somewhat discouraged, but refusing to compromise, she continued working at Corinth University, now at a more responsible job in the Entomology Department, all of whose unmarried male faculty, according to her fellow staff members, resembled different species of bugs.", "\n\nThen, miraculously, Jane's prince appeared. ", "He was an expert on architectural history, called in to consult on the possible preservation or demolition of the Biological Sciences Building. ", "Alan Mackenzie was only thirty-six, but already an associate professor, and he even looked like a prince. ", "According to one of his colleagues whom Jane met later, his friendly but slightly formal manners, his pale-brown wavy hair, and his classical musculature suggested the ideal Renaissance courtier. ", "He came from the romantic state of California, and his attitude toward the world was curious, skeptical, and easygoing. ", "And, unlike a couple of instructors whom Jane had briefly dated, he did not condescend to her because she had gone to a local branch of the state university.", "\n\nIn time, her prince had become a king: a wholly admirable and lovable man, a world-renowned expert on eighteenth-century architecture, and the holder of an endowed chair at Corinth University. ", "Meanwhile, Jane had continued to work at increasingly interesting and well-paid University jobs. ", "For more than sixteen years she had been lucky and happy.", "\n\nAnd now all that was over. ", "She sighed heavily and slumped into a crouching position against a bale of straw mulch. ", "Over the last fifteen months, her admired and beloved king had turned into a kind of shabby, whiny beggar. ", "Like the tax inspector, the FBI man, and the hitchhiker that he had reminded her of earlier that morning, he always wanted something, something she didn't always want to give and he didn't always need. ", "No, no, I mustn't think that way, Jane told herself, digging into the earth and pulling up not only bindweed but, by accident, a long pale-red runner of next year's strawberries. ", "But it was too late—the idea had already appeared in her mind and was sitting there heavily, as if glued in place.", "\n\nA dirty wave of guilt and self-hatred washed over her. ", "How can I mind doing things for Alan or think such mean, selfish thoughts, when I am well and he is in such pain—when I promised always to love him and cherish him, for better and worse, in sickness and in health?", "\n\nMaybe the most awful thing about it all was that she wasn't a good person anymore. ", "All her life, ever since she was a seven-year-old at Sunday school, it had been Jane's secret plan to be good. ", "Already in second grade she had known that she wasn't remarkable in any way—not exceptionally intelligent or gifted or strong or beautiful. ", "Well, all right then, she had decided, she would be good. ", "Not heroically good: just reasonably decent, honest, fair, and kind. ", "A good girl, a good woman, a good wife. ", "She had never confided this ambition to anyone—to do so would have been to invite ridicule and possibly retribution. ", "But for most of her life she had managed pretty well, though of course there had been lapses. ", "When she went to church with her parents on Christmas and Easter, she usually felt that God (if he existed) understood and pardoned her failings. ", "Now she felt that he was angry with her, even scornful.", "\n\nUntil last May it had mostly been easy to be good—maybe too easy. ", "Occasionally in the past Jane had felt her virtue untested. ", "When Alan first became ill she had almost welcomed it as an opportunity. ", "She had been lucky in life; now she would be the patient and reasonable and loving spouse of an admirable man who had hurt his back and was therefore sometimes impatient and unreasonable and unloving, but would soon be well. ", "It was a test of her virtue, and for many months one that she passed nearly every day. ", "Sometimes people saw her taking and passing this test, and told her that she was wonderful.", "\n\nAnd it had been true, for a while. ", "For months Jane had been wonderful to Alan, and Alan had been grateful. ", "But now she was tired of being wonderful, and Alan, she suspected, was tired of being grateful. ", "As time passed, her virtue had failed. ", "Like an old dish towel, it had begun to wear thin, developed holes and creases and stains, and she had begun to turn into a mean, grudging, angry person.", "\n\nOften in the past, when Jane felt low, she would go out to the garden, and soon her sprits would rise. ", "This year, though, it had been planted too late because of Alan's operation, and neglected because of all she had to do for him. ", "Though the beans and squash and lettuce were fresh and full and beautiful in the warm sunlight, and the green tomatoes had begun to turn a splendid sunny red, there were bare patches where things had died from lack of water, and weeds everywhere.", "\n\nTime would continue to pass, but Alan would not get well. ", "He no longer expected to get well, and Jane—though she constantly assured him otherwise—no longer expected it either. ", "His illness would continue to wind itself around them greedily, choking their marriage just as the bindweed was choking her strawberries. ", "They would never get rid of it.", "\nTWO\n\nSome days were better, Alan Mackenzie thought as he lay on the sofa. ", "Some days were worse. ", "All were bad. ", "None were good. ", "Always the pain was there. ", "Alan imagined it as a lizard about ten inches long, its sharp scales mottled red and brown as if with blood and shit. ", "It was there inside his back, gripping his spine with its dry twisted legs and claws, moving its jaw to bite and flicking its forked tongue. ", "He knew what the lizard looked like because he had seen it sixteen months ago in New Mexico. ", "It was spring vacation and he was viewing churches for his current project, a history of religious architecture in America. ", "He was alone: after twenty minutes at the church, Jane had gone to sit in a nearby coffee shop and read the paper.", "\n\nAlan was around the far side of the building, taking photographs with a heavy camera especially designed for architectural photography. ", "It was a bright but slightly overcast day, ideal for this purpose, and he was happy with the way things were going and with the last set of prints he had collected. ", "He snapped a couple of pictures; then he climbed onto a pile of stones to get a better view, and stepped on something that hissed and shifted. ", "He shouted and leaped back, thinking _Snake,_ stumbled, and dropped his camera with a crack that broke the lens.", "\n\nBut what he had stepped on wasn't a snake, only a big ugly reddish brown lizard with twisted claws. ", "Strangely, it did not scuttle off, but stood and looked at him. ", "Its bulgy black eyes were hard, and its long jaw moved, as if it were saying something. ", "What? ", "Alan couldn't tell then, but he knew now: _I see you,_ the lizard was saying. _", "I know you. ", "And you will know me._", "\n\nAs it turned out, that church in Santa Fe was the last one Alan successfully photographed. ", "He had had other trips planned for the summer, and in June he'd actually set out to look at a monastery on the Hudson; but after half an hour he had to stop the car. ", "For the rest of the way Jane drove, while he lay crumpled on the back seat, moaning under his breath from time to time and half sitting up to drink lukewarm bottled water and swallow painkillers. ", "Compared to him Jane was a slow and timid driver, and by the time they got to their destination he was in such agony that he could hardly hold his new and even heavier camera. ", "It was no surprise that those pictures came out blurred and useless.", "\n\nAfter that disastrous trip Alan had canceled the others. ", "Jane was visibly relieved. ", "She hated distance driving, and couldn't bear to see him suffer, she often said. ", "And besides, he knew, though she politely did not say, she couldn't bear how difficult and impossible he was when he was suffering.", "\n\nAlan knew he was difficult and impossible, and was becoming more and more so. ", "He also knew that as time went on his pain and self-absorption, his depression and anxiety, were driving his wife further and further from him. ", "She never said this, never even hinted it, but he assumed that she was angry and full of despair, just as he was angry and full of despair. ", "And the fact that she would not admit this somehow made him even angrier, at her dishonesty.", "\n\nHe was almost sure that Jane didn't love him as he was now, how could she, how could anyone? ", "But month after month she had remained kind and patient and helpful, assuring him that she still cared for him, that they had a wonderful marriage, and this was, as she put it, \"just a rough spot.\" ", "Alan knew he should feel gratitude; he did feel gratitude. ", "But he felt this gratitude as a weight, increasing every day, tipping the balance further\n\nIf she did really still love him it was worse, because he wasn't sure he loved her. ", "This was now even literally true; it was more than a month since they had last gone through the awkward, self-conscious, often painful process that had taken the place of what used to be one of their happiest and most carefree activities.", "\n\nOften he woke in the middle of the night and lay moaning and shifting, trying not to wake Jane. ", "At the same time, like a nasty child, he hated her for being asleep and not in pain, and sometimes, meanly and shamelessly, he would moan louder and toss about, trying to wake her, so that she could be aware of how miserable he was. ", "Sometimes he would succeed; more often, ashamed, he would get up, take another pill, and move to the guest room downstairs.", "\n\nThere, as he drifted in and out of an ugly sort of half sleep, he would think of the lizard behind the church, and say to himself that it had been a demon. ", "Not the Devil himself, of course, but a minor member of his company, like those little monsters that appear in the corners of paintings by Bosch, sometimes carrying a pitchfork or a butcher knife. ", "It would be natural that such creatures should hang about outside large old churches, seeking someone to tempt and torture and destroy.", "\n\nIt had taken the demon lizard over a month to follow Alan across the country from Santa Fe to Corinth, but it had not come alone. ", "It had been accompanied or trailed by a gaggle of smaller demons; or, in medical language, complications and side effects. ", "The primary and almost unbearable pain in his lower back was now from time to time accompanied by migratory pains in his left hip, groin, leg, and foot. ", "The strain of trying to find a comfortable position to lie in produced lesser aches in his upper back, neck, and shoulder. ", "The opiates and analgesics he took caused insomnia, headaches, and constipation, which could only be relieved by further drugs with their own side effects—among them indigestion, cramps, and mental confusion. ", "The electronic contraption that blocked maybe twenty percent of the pain produced patches of ugly red rash where the electrodes were attached with a glue to which he was apparently allergic.", "\n\nOf course, Alan didn't believe in demons. ", "He had lost his faith years ago, and anyhow the faith he had lost, or maybe only misplaced, the Scotch Presbyterian faith he had been brought up in, didn't include demons. ", "But sometimes as he lay awake in the spare room, he visualized the lizard and the little accompanying evil creatures that were causing the side effects. ", "The constipation, for instance, he saw as a mud turtle that had taken up residence in his bowels, and the rash was an invasion of invisible red ants.", "\n\nMeanwhile, he was falling apart both physically and professionally. ", "Because he was no longer able to play tennis or squash or swim or go to the gym, he had gained weight and lost muscle tone. ", "And because it was agonizing for him to sit in a chair for more than five minutes, he had been unable to work on his book—and in any case, he hadn't visited and photographed more than half the buildings he wanted to include. ", "In his current depressed condition, he felt revulsion from the book, because even if it were completed and published, so few would know or care. ", "Most people now had no interest in the architecture of the past: they liked or at least were used to the featureless or pretentious modern buildings, slabs and rectangles of plaster and glass and metal, that were everywhere now. ", "Alan had grown up among constructions like that in California. ", "But when he was twelve his father, a professor of engineering, had taken the family on a summer vacation to New England. ", "The houses and churches and public buildings he saw there, with their classical beauty, simplicity, order, and harmony of design, had been a revelation to Alan—had in the end determined his life's work.", "\n\nHis love of Colonial architecture had even played a part in his marriage. ", "When he met Jane, it was not only her good looks and lively charm that attracted him, but her intelligent and sympathetic appreciation of his plans for the building in which she worked, and her honesty and straightforwardness. ", "Compared to her, most of the women he had known in California seemed noisy, frantic, self-centered, and overdecorated. ", "Like the architecture he admired, she suggested order, harmony, and tradition. ", "She was also, he discovered with joy, quietly passionate in private, and a thoughtful reader and critic of his writing.", "\n\nAlan had already published four books on architecture, though the only one that anyone ever seemed to have read, the only one that was still in print, was a short guide to architectural follies in Great Britain. ", "Small royalty checks for this title continued to arrive regularly, and according to his publisher, it was popular with tourists. ", "But it had done little to add to his scholarly reputation; most of his colleagues, he knew, considered it amusing but trivial.", "\n\nIn his opinion, they were wrong. ", "The study of architectural follies—those imitation Greek temples, artificial ruins, shell grottoes, miniature pyramids, and prospect towers that rich landowners had constructed on their estates from the seventeenth century to the present day—was fascinating and rewarding. ", "In some ways, these follies gave him more aesthetic pleasure and said more about architectural and social history than most conventional structures. ", "When he was in college, majoring in art and thinking of becoming a landscape artist, Alan had often included such constructions in his drawings and paintings. ", "More recently, before he became ill, he had erected two such follies on his own property in Corinth: first a small triumphal arch based on the one in Washington Square, and then a former henhouse partly converted into a ruined late-nineteenth-century neo-Gothic chapel. ", "Even with the help of his graduate students, building these follies had not been easy, but it had been deeply satisfying.", "\n\nNow Alan could hardly bear to look at these constructions: he was far too aware of the irony involved. ", "Building them himself had been folly, and worse than folly, a kind of hubris—a refusal to accept that he was over fifty years old and unable any longer to move heavy stones and raise roof beams without strain. ", "It was related to the folly and hubris of his insisting on playing volleyball on a hot day, and then reaching for an impressive long shot, when his back already ached from carrying a pile of slates for the roof of his chapel earlier in the day. ", "Building a ruin, he himself had become a ruin, and one that received no respect. ", "In the past, aging men, like aging buildings, were admired as rare and marvelous survivors of time and weather: they appeared often in romantic painting and poetry. ", "But since the twentieth century, which produced so many human and architectural ruins, they have not been seen as picturesque, but rather as ugly and even frightening.", "\n\nAlan had never revealed any of these thoughts to Jane or anyone. ", "As much as possible, he concealed his anxiety and depression. ", "If Jane wanted to know how he was feeling, he would tell her, but mostly he said nothing. ", "When other people asked how he was, he was noncommittal. ", "He had memorized several banal phrases for this purpose. \"", "Oh, I'm getting along,\" he would say. \"", "Hanging in there.\" ", "Such phrases made most of them think he wasn't as badly off as he really was and probably made others think he was malingering. ", "Even on the rare occasions when he admitted the truth, most people didn't listen. ", "Nobody wants to hear bad news, he had discovered, except for certain ghouls who feed on the misery of others. ", "He hadn't known who these people were before, because they operated under disguise, pretending to be normal human beings. ", "But once you were ill, they came out of the woodwork, like woodworms, white and flabby and rapacious. \"", "You must be very discouraged,\" they said. ", "Or, \"Of course, most back trouble never really goes away.\" ", "Or \"You look awful. ", "I guess you're not getting much sleep, huh?\"", "\n\nWhen he heard remarks like this Alan was consumed with rage, and it wasn't just their authors he was angry at, but everyone who was well, including Jane. ", "In fact, the only people he felt comfortable with now or really enjoyed talking to were other semi-invalids, especially those with back trouble. ", "It had been amazing for him to discover how many such people there were. ", "It was almost like a secret society: non-members might know of its existence, but only members understood its power and importance, and only they knew what went on at meetings. ", "They didn't keep their illness a secret, but among outsiders they mentioned it only rarely, and spoke of it carelessly and dismissively. ", "Only in private did they admit the extent of their suffering, compare symptoms and diagnoses and treatments and side effects, rate doctors and hospitals, and sometimes exchange prescription drugs.", "\n\nAlan had become particularly close to two local members of the society of back-pain sufferers, both of them people who would have been of little interest to him in the past. ", "Both had been ill longer than he had: he therefore looked up to them and listened to them with respect, just as those who had joined later looked up to him. ", "One was a semi-retired veterinarian called Bernie Kotelchuck, a big, hearty, red-faced elderly man who wore loud plaid shirts. ", "Bernie was the veteran of nearly a decade of back trouble and of three operations—two diskectomies and a fusion—the last of which had been about sixty percent successful. ", "Because of these experiences, and his medical knowledge, he was respected by everyone in the back-pain society. ", "In Bernie's opinion, Alan might profit from surgical intervention, but the longer he could wait, the better his chances. ", "Right now, any operation was risky, but progress was being made, and in a hundred years there was sure to be a cure. ", "Whereas a hundred years ago the kindest thing would have been to shoot both him and Alan to put them out of their misery, as Bernie had once shot a beloved Labrador retriever that had been hit by a car.", "\n\nAccording to Bernie, what Alan should do now was get a recliner. ", "He had one himself at home: a huge, hideously vulgar gray pebbled leather object that Bernie's wife had christened The Hippopotamus and banished to his study. ", "Maybe one day, when he had given up all hope of recovery and all aesthetic sense, Alan would have to buy something like this, but as yet he had refused to do so.", "\n\nAlan's other new back-pain friend was a shy, wispy, forty-five-year-old teacher of freshman writing for foreign students at Corinth named Gilly Murphy. ", "Gilly was a Buddhist and a vegetarian; she had long pale hair and wore long trailing flowery skirts and had had back trouble for over two years. ", "When she was at her worst, she couldn't even walk. ", "So far, she had treated her pain with chiropractics, meditation, exercise, acupuncture and acupressure, and a kind of hands-off massage technique called Reiki. ", "She also consumed large quantities of herbs and seaweed, which she was eager to share with Alan. ", "As a result of all this, she claimed, she had experienced brief periods of complete relief. ", "Probably it was mostly nonsense, but he had to admit that meditation sometimes did reduce the pain temporarily, and that Gilly's fragrantly flowery but subtly bitter herbal tea sometimes helped him to sleep.", "\n\nIn Bernie's view, there was no reason for him or Alan to feel specially afflicted by fate. \"", "We've had it too good all our lives, so when something like this happens we feel insulted and injured. ", "In most other parts of the world, they'd think we were damn lucky to have survived.\" ", "Both he and Gilly believed that in fact there were many more sick people than well people anywhere, even in a relatively healthy environment like Hopkins County. \"", "The thing is,\" Bernie had explained, \"people who are sick are in the hospital, or at home, where you can't see them. ", "And those who don't stay home, the ones you might meet in the course of a day, even if they admit to a cold or a headache, a lot of them don't let on if they're chronically ill. ", "Course, it's different for me. ", "Because I'm a vet, a lot of people want to tell me all about it, and they want me to suggest a treatment. ", "I tell them, unless you're a horse or a cow or a dog, nothing doing. ", "I don't want to lose my license.\"", "\n\nGilly, though from a different perspective, concurred in this view of a world mostly composed of the ill. ", "A lot of the people she met, especially her students, she said, were victims of an imbalance between body and mind. ", "Her classes at Corinth University were largely remedial, and her students tended to be either athletes, recruited for their physical rather than their intellectual prowess, or those for whom English was a second or third language, who had had to study night and day to pass their courses. ", "The former group suffered from overemphasis on the body, the latter from mental strain and lack of sleep and exercise.", "\n\nLevering himself painfully off the sofa, Alan shuffled into the downstairs bathroom, where he peed and took half of another pill. ", "Then he rolled up his shirtsleeves to inspect his latest symptom, a red, itchy rash on his forearms. ", "Either Gilly or Bernie, he seemed to remember, had once complained of something like this. ", "Maybe whichever one it was could recommend some kind of cream, or a good dermatologist. ", "He returned to the kitchen, poured himself a glass of orange juice, and tore open a virgin bag of potato chips. ", "If Jane were there she would give him her silent better-watch-your-weight look, but (he glanced out the kitchen window to check) she was still in the garden. ", "And anyhow, so what? ", "Eating, as Bernie had once remarked, was one of the few pleasures left when you had back trouble, and (unlike alcohol) wasn't dangerous in combination with drugs.", "\n\nTrailing crumbs,Alan passed through the dining room, taking the portable phone off its base, returned to the sofa, and began to dial. ", "When neither of his new friends answered, he uttered a curse that was almost a sob. ", "Hearing this unpleasant, shameful noise, a kind of darkness of self-disgust came over him. ", "How had he gotten to this place in his life, where he was consumed with rage and despair because he couldn't whine about his rash to other invalids, people he wouldn't have even cared to know two years ago?", "\n\nAlan had always had many friends, maybe he still did, but he didn't want to see any of them. ", "Once it became clear that his back wasn't going to get better soon, they had begun to treat him in an awkward uneasy manner, as if he had joined a cult or been convicted of some embarrassing felony. ", "It reminded him of a book he had read in college, Samuel Butler's _Erewhon,_ set in an anti-utopia where illness was a crime. ", "Back then, Alan had assumed that was either a joke or a bid for more understanding of criminal offenders. ", "Now he knew it was no more than the truth. ", "To be briefly ill was merely a misdemeanor, like exceeding the speed limit or lifting a monogrammed towel from a hotel. ", "People didn't approve, but the slip was soon forgiven if not forgotten. ", "Chronic illness made you into a chronic offender: even your best friends didn't treat you the same as they once had. ", "They were solicitous, but formal and uneasy, glad to see you but gladder to leave. ", "Eventually even your own family was affected. \"", "Danielle and the kids are bored with the whole thing of my back,\" Bernie had once said. \"", "They don't want to hear about it anymore.\"", "\n\nJane isn't bored, Alan thought. ", "She still cares, she wants to help. ", "But there had been something strange in the way she had looked at him this morning out in the driveway, just for a second, almost as if she didn't recognize him. ", "And again later, when she brought him the icepacks, the same sort of look. ", "As if she were seeing him from a great distance, and maybe not liking what she saw.", "\n\nOnly eleven in the morning, and he was exhausted. ", "If he could read, it might distract him, but the _Times_ had somehow fallen to the floor in disarray. ", "He felt about with his hand, but could reach only the business section, which reminded him of the declining economy and the many medical bills he continued to receive for amounts not covered by his insurance. ", "Meanwhile, he realized that the blue icepacks Jane had brought had softened and turned lukewarm and useless. ", "Alan pulled them out from behind him with an impatient, agonizing wrench, and threw them on the floor. ", "Then he lay heavily back, trying to decide if it was worth it to get up, carry the icepacks into the kitchen, put them into the freezer, remove the inferior white icepack, return to the sofa, and lie down again. ", "All these actions would hurt, possibly more than the ice would help.", "\n\nMaybe in a few minutes he would have the energy. ", "Or maybe Jane would come in and he could ask her to do it. ", "Meanwhile, he lay there, and the lizard continued to chew on his back.", "\nTHREE\n\nOn a hot late August afternoon at the Matthew Unger Center for the Humanities, things were not going well. ", "Five professors were scheduled to move in the day after tomorrow ; but that morning a large piece of ceiling had fallen in the kitchen, filling much of the ground floor with dust and debris.", "\n\nJane had not been very surprised by this event. ", "One of the things she knew by now was that for anyone in an administrative position, probably right up to the dean of the Arts College and the provost and president of the University, the question is always, \"What is going to go wrong today, and how will I deal with it?\" ", "As her husband Alan had said of his own department chairmanship, \"You take the job because you have ideas about how things could be better, and then you spend most of your time keeping them from getting worse.\" ", "Over the past few years she had learned to anticipate and even in a way to appreciate problems and their repair.", "\n\nJane usually got to the Center just after lunch. ", "During the morning she was at her other job on campus, where she was the administrative secretary of the Humanities Council. ", "There, in Knight Hall, she collected and issued announcements of lectures and conferences and prizes, scheduled campus events and conferences, interviewed students for work-study jobs, and sent out bulletins and e-mails. ", "There were problems at Knight Hall too, but they tended to be smaller. ", "Files were lost, mistakes were made in memos and bulletins, students did not go to their assigned jobs, and computers broke down.", "\n\nBut at the Center there was almost always, or seemed to be, a major crisis. ", "For one thing, her assistant there, a young skim-milk blonde called Susie Burdett, was the sort of person to whom problems naturally seem to come, eager to cause alarm and worry. ", "Susie almost appeared to enjoy reporting to Jane, for instance, that the copier had broken down again. ", "When Jane asked if she had called Technical Services, the answer was always no. \"", "I thought you might want to look at it first,\" Susie would say, clasping her plump pink hands, whose nails were painted a different color every day.", "\n\nToday Susie's nails were a shimmery yellow-green, coordinating peculiarly well with her long blond hair, which always had a slightly greenish tinge from the chlorine in the college pool. ", "Now her green nails held a wad of pink tissues to Susie's nose, which quivered with a series of sneezes. ", "The dust from the accident, she explained, had brought on an allergic reaction.", "\n\nJane followed her to the kitchen, where they contemplated a gaping hole in the ceiling near the sink that exposed broken plaster, wires, and pipes, and a corresponding heap of debris on the floor below. \"", "It was a couple of hours ago,\" Susie explained, sneezing again. \"", "I was in the office and I heard this awful noise, sort of like thunder, only indoors. ", "The cleaners heard it too, so we all rushed in.\"", "\n\n\"I see. ", "You didn't ask them to sweep up while they were here?\"", "\n\n\"Uh-uh.\" ", "Susie sneezed again. \"", "They wanted to, but I was scared. ", "I thought, maybe there's asbestos in that stuff. ", "And maybe more of the ceiling is going to come down anytime. ", "Like even now.\" ", "She gave Jane a panicky Chicken Little look and backed toward the door.", "\n\n\"I suppose it could,\" Jane said. \"", "Well, Buildings and Grounds should be able to tell us that. ", "Let's get out of here for now.\" ", "She shut the kitchen door firmly.", "\n\nSneezing violently, Susie followed her through the dining room into the wide, oak-paneled central hall. \"", "I think maybe I ought to leave before my allergy gets worse,\" she said when she could speak again.", "\n\n\"Yes, maybe that's a good idea. ", "It's nearly four anyhow,\" Jane told her. \"", "I'll call B and G, unless you did that already.\"", "\n\nSusie, sneezing more quietly and pathetically now, shook her head.", "\n\n\"Really,\" Jane said, and might have said more, except that she had heard in her own voice a new, unpleasant tone that she recognized. ", "Though she was still managing, just barely, to be patient and kind with Alan, she had ceased to be an automatically nice person. ", "Often now it was as if all her suppressed impatient unkindness was in danger of slopping over into the rest of her life, onto innocent people like Susie.", "\n\nShe returned to the office and made the call, stressing the word \"asbestos.\" ", "The B and G people usually went home at four o'clock, but the voice on the other end promised to try and send somebody over that afternoon to inspect the damage.", "\n\n\"Better not go in there again,\" the voice ordered Jane, who, once she had hung up, immediately disobeyed. ", "The consequences of the accident were beginning to appear in her mind, and she needed a cup of tea.", "\n\nJane was not sorry to have gotten rid of Susie, who would certainly have gone on sneezing, and also been made anxious by this disobedience. ", "She only wished that she could get rid of Susie permanently. ", "Though she liked her assistant personally, she deeply regretted having assigned her this job. ", "She had been misled by Susie's many good qualities: she was cheerful, accurate, and reliable; she was also quite pretty, something the Humanities Council had felt desirable in someone who would sit at the desk in the front hall of the Center and meet the public. ", "When Susie had worked in the big Arts and Sciences office in Knight Hall it had not been apparent that she attracted problems, or that she was fearful of taking any initiative in solving them. ", "She had been sociable and outgoing, and had many friends. ", "But that had turned out to be a problem in itself. ", "Susie had been happy in Knight Hall with her friends; the promotion in rank and raise in pay had not made their loss up to her, and she was lonely and unhappy at the Center. ", "Moreover, recently she had quarreled with her boyfriend and become allergic to a wide range of substances. ", "Jane had promised her a transfer back to Knight Hall as soon as a suitable job turned up, but so far there had been nothing that paid as well as this.", "\n\nCarrying her tea in a mug with the Corinth crest on it, Jane returned to the Center office, a small sunny room with a white marble fireplace and blue Morris wallpaper, formerly the back parlor of the mansion. ", "Built in the 1890s, this was a substantial brick house picturesquely covered in Virginia creeper, with an imposing entrance, bulging bay windows, and heavy dark Victorian furniture. ", "Its large downstairs rooms were elaborately decorated and in continual demand for official lunches, dinners, receptions, and lectures. ", "Permission to use these rooms was nominally in the gift of the Humanities Council; essentially Jane made the decisions, which added considerably to the respect she received from the various departments in the Arts College.", "\n\nThe standard procedure of the Matthew Unger Humanities Center was to invite a diverse group of Fellows, from different universities and fields, and to unite them by designating a yearly theme, thus encouraging interdisciplinary dialogue. ", "This year the theme was \"Structures of Faith,\" and, as usual, there were three outside Fellows: a sociologist from India and Yale, an economist from Bosnia and the University of Ohio, and the famous writer Delia Delaney, the author of _Womenfaith_ (spiritual essays), _Dreamworks_ (poetry), and _Moon Tales_ (modern fairy stories). ", "There were also two Faculty Fellows: Jane's husband Alan and a young literary theorist from Comparative Literature called Selma Schmidt. ", "All of their projects had some relationship to the economic, social, or artistic aspects of religion.", "\n\nJane had already assigned the Fellows offices according to rank and reputation: Matthew Unger's very large former bedroom had gone to Delia Delaney; and his wife's only slightly smaller bedroom across the hall to Alan. ", "The sociologist and the economist would occupy the other big rooms on the second floor, while Selma Schmidt would have to make do with a former sewing room next to the supply cupboard.", "\n\nAccording to one of the senior administrators in Knight Hall, five Fellows automatically meant trouble, since about one professor out of five was always a real kook or a bastard or both. ", "To Jane these statistics seemed exaggerated. ", "The Fellows were usually very agreeable and accomplished people, well liked by their colleagues. ", "Once in a while, of course, one of them was a disagreeable person whose colleagues wanted him or her out of the way for a while, so they could have a holiday from this person's obnoxious behavior. ", "It was true that each year at the Center somebody became a problem, but this was not always their own fault. ", "Last winter, for instance, a well-known naturalist called Wilkie Walker, whom everybody liked, had slipped on the front steps one icy day and broken his leg.", "\n\nJane finished her tea and sat waiting for the man from Buildings and Grounds. ", "Susie's anxiety about future falls of plaster, she had realized, would probably be shared by B and G, which like all administrative offices was ever mindful of possible legal liability. ", "It was very probable that once they saw the kitchen they would want to close it until a full structural inspection could be made. ", "That could take a week or two, and meanwhile the room couldn't be used, which meant that any University event involving more than minimal refreshments would have to be moved or rescheduled, including the Labor Day reception for incoming Fellows. ", "For a moment Jane contemplated trying to convince them simply to cover the hole with a piece of drywall until it could be repaired; but a picture immediately came into her mind of heavy chunks of plaster and dust and drywall falling upon a group of catering students from the Hotel School, some of whom might be seriously injured or turn out to be the offspring of lawyers. ", "Sighing, she took out the schedule for September and began to make a list of the people in various University departments whom she would have to phone on Monday, causing them irritation and inconvenience.", "\n\nIt was hot and stuffy in the Matthew Unger Center, which, unlike Knight Hall, was not air-conditioned. ", "As time passed, Jane remembered that she had promised to stop at the drugstore on her way home and pick up a prescription and some grapefruit juice for Alan. ", "She became more and more impatient to leave, and doubtful that anyone from Buildings and Grounds would appear. ", "But shortly before five she heard the front door open, and a strong-looking man in his fifties, in jeans and a blue denim work shirt, carrying a clipboard, came in. ", "He had curly dark hair and a friendly smile.", "\n\n\"Mrs. Mackenzie?\" ", "he said. \"", "I'm Henry Hull.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, good.\" ", "She smiled back \"You've come about the ceiling.\"", "\n\n\"The ceiling?\" ", "He gazed vaguely upward.", "\n\n\"Not here, in the kitchen. ", "Come on, I'll show you.\" ", "She headed for the back hall, thinking that as a rule the guys from B and G were much better looking than the average professor. \"", "There.\"", "\n\n\"Wow. ", "It looks like a big piece of plaster has come down,\" he said.", "\n\n\"Yes.\" ", "Clearly, though attractive, he was a little slow on the uptake. \"", "So what do you think?\"", "\n\n\"It doesn't seem too bad. ", "I guess you should call Buildings and Grounds, or whatever.\"", "\n\n\"But you are Buildings and Grounds,\" Jane said, her voice fading from irritation to uncertainty.", "\n\n\"No. ", "I'm Henry Hull,\" he repeated. ", "This time, a vague feeling of having heard the name somewhere came over Jane.", "\n\n\"Delia Delaney's husband.\"", "\n\n\"Oh. ", "I'm sorry. ", "I didn't remember.\"", "\n\n\"That's all right. ", "Nobody does.\" ", "He smiled very slightly.", "\n\nI suppose not, Jane thought, and for the first time she considered that it might not always be wonderful to be married to a famous person. ", "She tried to remember what she knew about Delia Delaney's husband—not much compared to the masses of information the Center had received on his wife. ", "All she could recall was that he was an editor at a small publishing company, but worked mostly at home.", "\n\n\"Well, how do you do?\" ", "Embarrassed, but determined to be polite, she held out her hand. ", "After a second of hesitation, Henry took it; his grip was warm and hard, like that of the Buildings and Grounds employee she had believed him to be. \"", "So how is everything going? ", "Are you comfortable in the Vogelmans' house?\" ", "One of Jane's regular jobs at the Center was to find sabbatical rentals for the Visiting Fellows.", "\n\n\"Oh, very. ", "Nothing but comfortable.\" ", "Henry Hull smiled ambiguously. \"", "You've seen it?\"", "\n\n\"Oh yes.\" ", "The Vogelmans' house was one of the largest on the hill; it was totally modern, with four bedrooms, three baths, a two-car garage, a large deck, and central air-conditioning. ", "Since Henry did not comment further but only smiled, she added, \"Is something wrong?\"", "\n\n\"Not essentially. ", "But it's a bit disconcerting, don't you think, all those dead gray and brown birds?\"", "\n\nIt was true, Jane remembered, that in the dining room and study of the house there were a number of cases containing stuffed birds. \"", "Professor Vogelman and his wife are ornithologists,\" she said.", "\n\n\"Yeah, I know.\"", "\n\n\"I think they've actually discovered a new species, or maybe it's what's called a variant.\"", "\n\n\"But they look so unhappy—the birds, I mean. ", "They sit in their glass cases, on their brown and gray twigs, and look at you while you eat dinner. ", "Some seem angry, but most are just miserable.\"", "\n\nIn spite of herself, Jane giggled. \"", "I know what you mean,\" she said. \"", "I wouldn't really want them in my house. ", "But maybe you could move the cases,\" she said.", "\n\n\"Not a hope. ", "They're built into the walls. ", "I looked.\"", "\n\n\"Or put something over them?\"", "\n\n\"But we'd know the birds were still there, underneath.\"", "\n\n\"You'd forget after a while.\"", "\n\n\"Maybe.\" ", "He looked grave: for a moment she wondered if perhaps the whole thing wasn't a joke. \"", "I'd forget, but Delia wouldn't. ", "No, the only solution is never to use the dining room.\"", "\n\n\"Or the study.\"", "\n\n\"That's all right. ", "I'll be working in the study: I can get along with the birds.\"", "\n\nJane returned his smile. ", "Her wish to leave for home had wholly vanished. \"", "Would you like a cup of tea?\"", "\n\n\"No thanks. ", "I've really just come to look at the office for Delia.\"", "\n\nJane, who knew that the upstairs wouldn't be cleaned until tomorrow, would normally have said that the Center wasn't open yet. ", "But now she hesitated, not wanting to seem rude or unfriendly. \"", "Couldn't she come herself?\"", "\n\n\"No, she has a migraine. ", "Is the office upstairs?\"", "\n\nAlready he was moving toward the hall. ", "Jane reluctantly followed.", "\n\n\"This won't take much time,\" Henry assured her, beginning to ascend the wide red-carpeted staircase two steps at a time. ", "Though his build was solid, he seemed agile.", "\n\n\"If you'll show me. . . . ", "This one?\" ", "He walked into the former master bedroom, which had a bay window with views to the south and west. \"", "It's a good big space,\" he said thoughtfully \"She'll like that.\"", "\n\n\"I hope so.\" ", "Jane spoke with confidence: all the past Fellows to whom she had assigned this office had been appreciative and grateful.", "\n\n\"It's very bright,\" he added after a moment.", "\n\n\"Yes, you get wonderful light here. ", "Even in the winter.\" ", "She paused, registering something negative in his intonation. \"", "You mean it's too bright for you?\"", "\n\n\"Not for me, but maybe for Delia.\" ", "He smiled almost conspiratorially, and Jane smiled back. \"", "Bright light sometimes brings on one of her attacks.\"", "\n\n\"There are blinds,\" Jane said. \"", "And drapes she can pull.\" ", "Going to one of the west-facing windows, through which the August sun poured like thick, hot honey, she demonstrated.", "\n\n\"Yes, that might help.\" ", "Henry made a note on his clipboard; then he began to circle the room, opening the drawers of the big leather-topped oak desk, trying out the desk chair and the easy chair by the bay window, lifting the phone, and turning the desk lamp off and on. \"", "There's a connection to the University computer system?\"", "\n\n\"Oh yes, right here.\"", "\n\nHe leaned and peered behind the desk, as if he did not quite believe her.", "\n\n\"That's good. ", "And do you have a surge protector?\"", "\n\n\"She won't need one. ", "We're already wired for power outages, it was in the brochure we sent you,\" Jane said, beginning to feel impatient.", "\n\n\"Great.\" ", "Henry smiled at Jane again, but this time with less effect. \"", "I think we may have to move the desk,\" he said. \"", "Delia works best when she has a view.\"", "\n\nYou may have to move the desk, not me, Jane thought but did not say.", "\n\n\"Well, it's a pretty good space,\" he said. \"", "I think she could be happy here. ", "But she'll need a sofa.\"", "\n\n\"A sofa?\" ", "Jane said, not encouragingly.", "\n\n\"Yeah, you see, when a migraine's coming on Delia mostly gets an aura. ", "Then if she can take her pill and lie down in a darkened room, sometimes that will head it off.\"", "\n\n\"Does she get migraines often?\" ", "As far as Jane could recall, nothing in any of Delia Delaney's glowing, even fulsome letters of recommendation had mentioned this.", "\n\n\"It varies,\" Henry said vaguely. ", "He ran a hand along the pink marble mantel, over which hung a large antique sepia photograph of the University quadrangle, glanced at the dust that had collected on his fingers because the rooms hadn't been cleaned for a month, but made no comment.", "\n\nJane sighed almost audibly. ", "Very possibly, Delia Delaney was going to be this year's problem Fellow. \"", "And how long do her migraines last?\"", "\n\n\"Oh, that varies too. ", "Sometimes only a few hours, sometimes up to two days.\"", "\n\n\"That's too bad,\" Jane said. \"", "I hope she won't have them on Tuesdays and Thursdays.\" ", "In exchange for a generous salary, free secretarial service, free campus parking, and what most of them considered luxury accommodations, all the Fellows were expected to hold office hours and make themselves available to students and faculty with a special interest in their subject. ", "They were also expected to attend the two public lectures or readings each of them would give, and the informal weekly lunches to which selected members of the faculty would be invited.", "\n\n\"Unfortunately, they're not scheduled in advance.\" ", "Henry sat casually on the edge of the leather-topped oak desk, which had once belonged to Matthew Unger himself. \"", "I'm sure she'll come in when she can.\"", "\n\n\"It's important, you know,\" Jane said, beginning to be irritated by his manner, which somehow suggested that his wife was doing Corinth University a favor instead of the reverse. \"", "Really.\"", "\n\n\"Really?\" ", "He raised one eyebrow slightly.", "\n\n\"Yes, it is. ", "You know, a few years ago we had a Fellow who only showed up once a week to get his mail and use the copy machine. ", "It turned out that most of the time he was in New York. ", "He didn't understand that if he wanted to collect his paycheck he had to be in residence, the way it said in the contract he signed.\"", "\n\n\"So what happened?\" ", "Henry smiled as if this cautionary tale were a joke.", "\n\n\"Oh, well. ", "Eventually he understood,\" Jane said in what she hoped was a meaningful way. \"", "I'm afraid I have to leave now,\" she added. \"", "If you have any more questions you can call me here tomorrow afternoon.\"", "\n\n\"Yes. ", "Thank you.\" ", "Henry Hull's tone was subdued; finally he seemed to have gotten the message. ", "He followed Jane out into the wide, elegant upstairs hall, where the big stained-glass window over the entrance cast a confetti of color on the flourishing indoor plants and the pale Chinese carpet. ", "He glanced out at the view, then into the office opposite his wife's, which looked north and west.", "\n\n\"Oh, look! ", "There's a sofa in here,\" he said with an air of happy discovery. \"", "It should be easy to move it into Delia's office. ", "Or,\" he added, walking into the room, \"why not just switch rooms? ", "The light's not so glaring here too, that would be better for her.\" ", "He pointed toward the bay window, where a magnificent copper beech tempered the hot afternoon sun.", "\n\n\"I'm sorry,\" Jane said in a not-sorry tone of voice, \"but the offices have already been assigned.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, but nobody's moved in yet.\"", "\n\nJane did not reply. ", "A vision had come to her of Alan lying on the sofa at home in pain, waiting for his prescription, while she was chatting, almost flirting, with a stranger. ", "You may be attractive, she thought, looking at Henry, but I'm not going to give your wife Alan's office, and I'm not going to give her Alan's sofa. \"", "Anyhow,\" she said, \"the professor who's using this room needs a sofa.\" ", "Then, realizing that inevitably Alan's identity would come out, she added rather lamely, \"It's my husband, he has a serious back condition and he can really only work lying down.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, that's too bad,\" Henry said. \"", "Your husband?\" ", "He smiled in a way that Jane somehow did not like.", "\n\n\"Yes. ", "Alan Mackenzie. ", "He's an architectural historian.\"", "\n\n\"Ah?\" ", "Henry spoke as if this were news to him. ", "Clearly, he had not read any of the material Jane had sent.", "\n\n\"Yes.\" ", "Jane had an impulse to elaborate on this information, mentioning Alan's fame as a teacher, the books he had published, the awards he had won; but something told her that none of this would impress Henry Hull much. ", "Instead she looked at her watch meaningfully. \"", "I really must close up the building now,\" she said, and headed for the stairs.", "\n\n\"Okay, sorry.\"", "\n\nThey descended the stairs in silence.", "\n\n\"Hey, look,\" Henry said, stopping and glancing into the downstairs rooms as they passed. \"", "This place is full of sofas.\" ", "In fact, there were four sofas in the principal rooms, including a picturesque but horsehair-hard little Victorian one with mahogany arms and back carved with lumpy wooden fruit. \"", "I bet somebody could arrange for Delia to have one of them.\"", "\n\nHe's going to go over my head if I don't stop him, Jane thought, and a feeling near to rage came over her. \"", "I'll see what I can do,\" she said, giving the horsehair sofa a quick meaningful look, and Henry a cool smile.", "\n\n\"Thanks so much.\" ", "His smile, in contrast, was warm and friendly.", "\n\nJane collected her handbag from the office and led him outside. ", "She rounded the building to the parking lot, with Henry Hull following her, and stood by her car. \"", "So, I'll see you again, probably,\" she said, uneasily aware that this was something she wanted.", "\n\n\"I'm sure you will.\" ", "He smiled again; then, without warning, put his hand on her bare shoulder, causing a tremor to run down her arm. \"", "You're very pretty, you know that?\" ", "he said.", "\n\nJane, who in a sense knew this, but had not actually considered the matter for some time, since it was no longer relevant to her life, did not answer. ", "Don't you try to sweet-talk me, she thought; and without speaking, she got into the car, slammed the door, and started up the engine.", "\nFOUR\n\nOn Labor Day, in the big bedroom that he now only occasionally shared with his wife, Alan Mackenzie stood at the window looking down over his back lawn, which sloped gently toward the woods and the silvery lake beyond. ", "Usually empty, today the scene would soon be crowded. ", "Students from the University Catering Service, whose truck was parked in Alan's driveway, had just set up two long folding tables and were covering them with white cloths. ", "Next they carried in a large cut-glass punch bowl, plastic plates and glasses, buckets of ice, and bins of soda and juice bottles. ", "Then came plates of cheese and vegetables covered in plastic wrap, and containers of crackers and dips. ", "One of the students, as she crossed the bristly grass that had just been cut that morning, stumbled in her high heels and fell, dropping a bowl of potato chips. ", "Alan winced; every accident now reminded him of his own accident, his own disability and constant pain. ", "Was the girl hurt, would she too soon become a wretched invalid? ", "Apparently not. ", "She rose, stooped gracefully to pick up the bowl, and hurried on, leaving a spray of yellow chips like broken flowers on the grass.", "\n\n\"How're you doing?\" ", "Jane said, coming into the room behind him. ", "She was wearing faded jeans and a T-shirt, and looked a little worn.", "\n\n\"Not too great,\" Alan replied, half turning around. \"", "I've got that pain in my shoulder again.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, I'm so sorry.\"", "\n\n\"I don't think those goddamn exercises have helped at all; in fact I think they've made it worse.\" ", "He rotated his arm, wincing.", "\n\n\"Maybe you should stop doing them, then.\"", "\n\n\"I've got to do something. ", "I can't go on like this, I can hardly type anymore. ", "I probably never should have gone to that new physical therapist. ", "She seemed so eager to help, but I didn't trust her from the start. ", "I'm not sure she even understood my X-rays.\"", "\n\n\"It could be.\"", "\n\n\"I told her there was a bone spur, but I don't think she really listened. ", "I should have waited until the other woman got back from vacation, the one I saw before. ", "Or at least until I talked to the doctor again.\"", "\n\nJane, who was standing in the walk-in closet changing her clothes, did not reply. ", "Probably she too hadn't really been listening, he thought. ", "More and more often, she didn't listen to him, or didn't listen carefully. ", "In a way he didn't blame her: what he had to say was usually unpleasant and often monotonous. ", "But in a way he did blame her. ", "Impatient, troubled, he moved toward her.", "\n\n\"What I want to know is, am I ever going to get better,\" he demanded loudly and suddenly. \"", "What do you think?\"", "\n\n\"I—I don't know,\" Jane stuttered, clearly frightened by his tone, clutching a white silk slip against her naked body.", "\n\n\"Yes, but what do you think, honestly?\" ", "he insisted, moving nearer.", "\n\n\"I don't know, how could I know?\" ", "she said. \"", "I mean, most people do; that's—that's what everyone says.\"", "\n\n\"And some people don't get better. ", "I'm sorry,\" he added, realizing that Jane had burst into tears. \"", "I didn't mean to scare you.\" ", "He put his arm around her, touching her smooth bare back for the first time in weeks. \"", "Of course you can't know. ", "Come on. ", "Stop crying. ", "Get dressed and go on down to your party.\"", "\n\n\"It's not just my party, it's yours too,\" Jane said, her sobs beginning to subside.", "\n\n\"Whatever.\" ", "Alan gave a sigh and moved toward the window. \"", "I still don't see why you had to have it here, though,\" he said presently, looking down again at the lawn, over which the caterers were now distributing white plastic chairs.", "\n\n\"But we talked about it already, we agreed,\" Jane said, now in almost a normal tone of voice. \"", "We're having it here so you don't have to spend any more time socializing than is comfortable for you. ", "You can come in and lie down whenever you feel tired.\"", "\n\n\"I feel tired already,\" said Alan. \"", "I always feel tired.\"", "\n\n\"You only need to put in an appearance—speak to the people on the Council, meet the other new Fellows—\" Jane, now wearing a tan shirtwaist dress and low-heeled white sandals, came to look out of the window beside him. \"", "Do you think the tables are too close together?\" ", "she asked.", "\n\nHe made no comment.", "\n\n\"And why are they setting the chairs in rows? ", "We're not having a lecture. ", "I told them already—I've got to go down. ", "Come whenever you can.\"", "\n\nAlan did not move. ", "In fact, he understood very well why the Matthew Unger Center reception was being held at his house: it was not for his convenience, but because Jane was determined that he should appear at it, demonstrating proper gratitude for his faculty fellowship. ", "She knew that if the party had taken place anywhere else he would probably have refused to come, or would have wanted to be driven home early. ", "Or, possibly, he would have gotten drunk. ", "Alcohol cut his pain, though only briefly, and if he drank enough to make any real difference he would begin to feel dizzy and sick and behave badly.", "\n\nAlan was only minimally grateful for his fellowship. ", "For one thing, he was convinced that it had been Jane's idea, though she denied this. ", "In the eagerness of his colleagues to recommend him he saw mainly self-interest, for it meant that they would not have to fill in when he was too ill to meet a class, and would not have to see or hear about his pain and disability. ", "On the other hand, he was grateful that he would not have to see them so often and experience their condescending pity.", "\n\nAlan Mackenzie was a proud man, and in the past his pride had been of the sort known as \"proper,\" meaning that it had been well grounded in fact. ", "It was grounded, for example, in his professional success, his health and good looks and athletic prowess; his attractive, affectionate, and intelligent wife; and his beautiful hundred-and-fifty-year-old house with its view of the lake. ", "He had never called attention to these advantages—rather, he often spoke freely and humorously of his disadvantages: his lack of skill at golf, his failure to graduate from Yale with honors. ", "Nevertheless, one or two envious friends and colleagues had sometimes mockingly referred to him as The Mackenzie, as if he were a Scottish clan chieftain. ", "Now, of course, it was no longer necessary for him to deflect envy, since his friends and colleagues pitied rather than en-vied him.", "\n\nThe move to the Unger Center last week had been difficult. ", "Jane and a team from Buildings and Grounds had packed and transported Alan's books and papers, his computer and printer, and the drafting table he now used as a desk because he could not sit down to work. ", "But he had had to select what was to be moved and organize the packing and unpacking. ", "Presently, becoming impatient with the process, he had joined in, and had wrenched his shoulder again.", "\n\nAnd even after everything was in place at the Center Alan hadn't been able to get down to work. ", "It was really too soon to start his book on religious architecture in America: his research wasn't complete. ", "Nearly half the buildings he wanted to discuss hadn't been photographed right, and until he got well they never would be. ", "If he ever got well. \"", "But you can write up the material you have, can't you?\" ", "Jane had asked. ", "She didn't understand that it didn't work that way. ", "The ideas and the research had to come first, then the outline, and then finally the writing.", "\n\nAlan had always been interested in religion, once maybe too interested for his own good. ", "But his main feeling now was relief that he had gotten over his early beliefs at college. ", "If he still had faith he would have had to consider the spiritual meaning of the last sixteen months of severe, unrelenting pain. ", "Was he being punished, and if so, for what? ", "His life had not been blameless, but he had never been guilty of murder or plagiarism, never cheated on his taxes. ", "He had not stolen anything since sixth grade, and it was years since he had committed adultery. ", "On the other hand, he had not been so good that God would have been tempted to test his faith as he had Job's.", "\n\nOutside, the lawn was beginning to fill with guests, among whom presumably were the four other Fellows, whom Alan had not yet met. ", "Sighing, he took up his cane and went down to join them. ", "I'll give it half an hour, Jane will have to be satisfied with that, he decided, clenching his teeth as he descended the staircase, one agonizing step at a time.", "\n\nTwenty-five minutes later he had drunk two glasses of semi-alcoholic pink grapefruit punch, which only dulled the pain slightly. ", "He had eaten too much Brie and crackers, spoken to the five members of the Humanities Council and three of their wives, and met three of the four other Fellows. ", "Only Delia Delaney, this year's star, was missing, and already her absence was beginning to be unfavorably commented on. ", "From time to time Alan had observed Jane looking at him, her expression a mixture of encouragement and concern, and given her a small, ironic nod or wave. _", "See? ", "I'm doing what you wanted me to do, okay?_ ", "it conveyed.", "\n\nHis back hurt worse and worse. ", "He was about to excuse himself, and had turned to set down his empty plastic wineglass, when he saw an extraordinarily beautiful woman approaching. ", "She was tall and fair, with masses of heavy red-gold hair, elaborately arranged in a series of braids and puffs and tendrils in the manner of Botticelli's _Simonetta_ , whom she strongly resembled.", "\n\n\"You must be Alan Mackenzie, who's won all those prizes,\" she said. ", "Her voice was low, vibrating, breathy, with a warm Southern accent; her gauzy white dress was cut low, revealing full rose-pink breasts.", "\n\n\"So they tell me,\" he admitted. ", "It was true that two of his books, both now out of print, had been given awards.", "\n\n\"I'm Delia Delaney.\" ", "She smiled and looked up at him,\n\n _Of course,_ Alan almost said. ", "He had seen a black and white photo somewhere, but it hadn't revealed Delia's spectacular coloring, including the satiny rose-flushed skin and the silver-gray eyes that matched her lacy shawl.", "\n\n\"I'm so happy to be here.\" ", "She sighed as if with actual happiness. \"", "And now I want to see your famous folly, I've heard so much about it.\"", "\n\n\"That's it, over there.\" ", "Alan pointed to where, beyond the last curve of the flower bed, a gray stone arch was partly visible. \"", "Help yourself.\"", "\n\n\"But I want you to show it to me.\" ", "Delia put a warm hand on his arm.", "\n\nPhrases of polite but honest refusal passed through Alan's mind. _", "I'm sorry, but I have a bad back, I can't walk that far_. _", "I was just about to go lie down_. ", "But pride and good manners and Delia's touch on his arm outweighed them, and he allowed himself to be led painfully down the lawn toward the miniature triumphal arch he had constructed three years ago to celebrate the publication of _British Ruins and Follies_ . ", "He had to admit that it still looked good—maybe even better now that ivy covered one side of the arch and a velvety dark-green moss had spread over the lowest stones.", "\n\n\"But I know it!\" ", "Delia exclaimed, laughing. \"", "It's the arch in Washington Square, isn't that right?\"", "\n\n\"Yeah,\" Alan agreed. \"", "About one-quarter the size, of course.\"", "\n\n\"It's wonderful,\" she breathed.", "\n\n\"Thank you.\"", "\n\n\"Most people don't recognize it.\" ", "And they don't always think it's wonderful, either, he remembered. ", "Jane, for instance, did not think so. ", "When he had first shown her the drawings, she had seen them as a mildly entertaining joke, but once she realized that he was actually going to build the thing in their back yard she was clearly puzzled and dismayed, though she had never openly said so.", "\n\n\"I knew it at once,\" Delia said. \"", "My best friend in school moved to New York when I was about seven, and she sent me a postcard of that arch. ", "I had it up on my wall at home for the longest time. ", "I used to imagine I was a princess going to my coronation, and I would drive through Washington Square and under the arch in my golden coach.\" ", "She looked up at Alan with an uneven smile, as if she were about to weep. ", "Then, blinking her long-lashed gray eyes, she glanced down.", "\n\n\"Oh, look at all these delicious little white flowers growing in the grass,\" she said. \"", "What are they called?\"", "\n\n\"I haven't any idea,\" Alan admitted. \"", "Jane would know. ", "My wife. ", "Have you met her?\"", "\n\n\"Oh yes,\" Delia said, smiling, and somehow this time her smile conveyed the idea that this had not been an especially exciting meeting.", "\n\n\"She could tell you their Latin name.\"", "\n\n\"I don't want to know their Latin name,\" Delia said. \"", "It's bad enough knowing that my Latin name is _Homo sapiens_. ", "I try to forget that sort of thing as fast as I can.\" ", "She began to walk around the arch, admiring it from all angles, trailing her gauzy skirts and silver net shawl in the long flowery grass. ", "Alan, steadying himself with his cane, followed.", "\n\n\"Marvelous,\" she murmured. \"", "Are there any others? ", "Someone told me there was at least one other.\"", "\n\nAlan hesitated. ", "There was another folly, the ruined chapel, but except for Jane and the graduate students who had helped him, almost nobody had seen it. ", "He had wanted to present it formally, as a completed project, and had often refused to allow spectators. \"", "Well, there is one,\" he admitted, not wanting to lie. \"", "But I can't show it to anyone yet, it's not finished. ", "I hurt my back, and then—\"\n\n\"I must see it,\" she interrupted.", "\n\n\"Not now.\"", "\n\n\"Please.\" ", "Delia gave him an almost absurdly seductive smile.", "\n\n\"It wouldn't be right. ", "I'm sure you don't publish your stories before they're finished.\"", "\n\n\"Please.\" ", "She pouted like a hurt child; her soft mauve-red lower lip trembled. \"", "I'll only be here in Corinth for a few months; I may never have another chance.\"", "\n\n\"Well. ", "All right,\" Alan heard himself say. ", "He led the way farther down the lawn, past two old apple trees and a tall, thorny mass of blackberry bushes that were now turning a dark, smoky red. \"", "There you are.\" ", "He indicated a long shingled building with a low tower. ", "Only part of the roof and two and a half walls were standing, the latter overgrown with a tangle of climbing roses. \"", "I didn't build the original structure,\" he said. \"", "It was the chicken house when this was a farm.\"", "\n\n\"But now it's a ruined church,\" Delia said. \"", "A miniature Tintern Abbey.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah.\"", "\n\nShe looked him full in the face, her silver eyes wide. \"", "Amazing. ", "You're a real artist.\"", "\n\n\"Thank you.\" ", "No, it's not so bad, he thought, looking at the three miniature Victorian Gothic window frames he had installed along the side wall. ", "Even if I never write another book, I can be proud of this.", "\n\n\"I want to walk around it.\"", "\n\n\"All right.\" ", "Alan turned toward the blackberry bushes, but Delia did not follow.", "\n\n\"No, no!\" ", "she cried. \"", "We mustn't go that way, that's widdershins.\"", "\n\n\"What?\" ", "He stopped.", "\n\n\"Widdershins, against the sun. ", "You must never walk widdershins around a church.\"", "\n\n\"Really? ", "Why not?\"", "\n\n\"What they say back home is, the Devil will carry you off. ", "Or you could just disappear. ", "It's a superstition, of course. ", "But you never know.\" ", "She laughed lightly.", "\n\n\"But this isn't a real church,\" Alan said. \"", "It's an abandoned chicken house. ", "It's not consecrated or anything.\"", "\n\n\"Maybe. ", "But I don't want to do it anyhow.\" ", "She turned resolutely in the other direction, and Alan, shaking his head, followed her. ", "Clearly, Delia Delaney was a flake. ", "At the same time, though he was not and had never been superstitious, the memory came to him of the church in New Mexico where he had seen the lizard, and he recalled that he had in fact walked around it in what Delia Delaney, if she hadn't just been joking, would consider the dangerous direction.", "\n\nCompleting the circuit, Delia stepped over a heap of grass into the center of the building. \" '", "Bare ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang,' \" she quoted, looking around.", "\n\n\"Well yes, I suppose so. ", "Or clucked. ", "After all, they were chickens.\" ", "He followed her, and they stood where the altar would have been—its absence, or presence, suggested by a hummock of stones, grass, and tangled dark-green creeper.", "\n\n\"I don't recognize the original—is there one?\"", "\n\n\"Yes, partly.\" ", "Alan had the sense that he was recklessly giving away secrets. \"", "Thyme Chapel, on campus. ", "It's Victorian Gothic, built about 1880.\"", "\n\n\"Oh. ", "I haven't seen that yet. ", "I really haven't seen anything on campus but the library and the Center. ", "But your chapel is perfect anyhow.\"", "\n\n\"It's not finished, you know. ", "I wanted to build up that third wall a bit more. ", "And maybe fill in some of the windows with stained glass.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, I can see it,\" Delia breathed. \"", "All purple and gold and cobalt blue, with swirling iridescent Tiffany flowers.\"", "\n\n\"That's sort of what I planned. ", "There's several like that in the campus chapel. ", "But these would be original designs.\"", "\n\n\"With the Holy Ghost as a white chicken.\"", "\n\n\"That's an idea.\" ", "Alan laughed. ", "She's witty as well as beautiful, he thought.", "\n\n\"I love the wild roses.\"", "\n\n\"I can't claim credit for that. ", "They were always here. ", "I think they were just waiting until the chickens left.\"", "\n\n\"You're lucky. ", "And will there be more follies?\"", "\n\n\"I don't know. ", "Not now. ", "I once thought I might do the Plaza fountain, or an Italian Renaissance bridge over there by the brook.\" ", "He gestured widely and unwisely with his sore arm, and winced. \"", "But then my back went out—\" For almost fifteen minutes, Alan realized, he had forgotten that he was in pain.", "\n\n\"And after that?\"", "\n\n\"Oh, I had plans for a lot more—drawings and site elevations and everything. ", "But now—\" As if he had deliberately recalled it, a spasm struck him: the lizard dug its claws deep into his spine. ", "Suppressing an ugly moan, Alan turned aside, staring out toward the distant lake. ", "He didn't want to leave Delia, but he needed more codeine and he needed it now. \"", "Listen, I'm sorry, but I've got to go back to the house,\" he told her.", "\n\nSlowly, leaning on his cane and breathing hard, not looking at Delia in the stupid hope that she would not look at him and see his ugly grimaces of pain, Alan made his way through the old apple trees. ", "There were lumpy, unsprayed pale-green apples among the branches, and here and there he could see a spray of chrome yellow, predicting autumn. ", "Delia, silent now, followed, her gauzy white skirts trailing in the long grass. ", "As he started up the slope of the lawn, he saw Jane break away from a group of people and come toward him.", "\n\n\"I thought you'd gone inside,\" she said. \"", "Are you all right?\"", "\n\n\"All right,\" Alan lied, grinding his teeth against the pain. \"", "I was showing Delia the ruin.\" ", "In this last word he heard another lie, one of omission—the omission of a single letter, the letter _s_. ", "Unfortunately, he realized at once, it was a lie that would instantly be exposed.", "\n\n\"Yes, it's just delightful.\" ", "Delia laughed lightly. ", "She said no more, but it was clear to Alan that she had heard his lie and recognized it, and that she had deliberately decided not to mention the ruined chapel. ", "He looked at this smiling, innocent-seeming woman with some astonishment. ", "They had only met fifteen minutes ago, and already they were in a conspiracy.", "\n\nJane's own smile faded. \"", "It's not a joke, you know,\" she said, clearly trying to keep her voice pleasant. \"", "It's a historical reproduction. ", "It took months to build, you have no idea how hard Alan and his students worked.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, I can imagine.\" ", "Delia laughed again and rearranged her shimmering fishnet shawl.", "\n\n\"Alan's published a book about ruins and follies, you know.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, Ah've seen it.\" ", "Delia's Southern accent seemed to deepen, and she smiled even more pleasantly than before.", "\n\nJane did not reply. ", "Even in the increasing grip of his pain, it was clear to Alan that there was not and probably never would be any meeting of minds between Delia and his wife, who had already complained to him about the difficulty the former's demands were causing at the Center. ", "An awkward silence began, but it was luckily broken by the arrival of several other guests, all apparently eager to meet Delia, and one who seemed to know her well already.", "\n\n\"Hello there, darling,\" this man said, putting a heavy arm around Delia's creamy bare shoulders. (", "Did Alan imagine it, or did she flinch slightly?) \"", "How's it going?\"", "\n\n\"Just wonderfully. . . . ", "This is my husband, Henry Hull,\" she told Alan. \"", "Alan Mackenzie.\"", "\n\nAlan registered the presence of a muscular person in a checked shirt who was several inches shorter than him. \"", "How do you do,\" he said resentfully.", "\n\n\"Hi,\" Henry Hull said, as if identifying some neutral object. ", "He took Alan's cool, long-fingered hand in his broad sweaty one and gave it a painful shake. \"", "You have the office across the hall from Delia's at the Center,\" he remarked.", "\n\n\"That's right.\" ", "Suddenly the implications of this fact became clear to Alan. ", "He would see Delia again; he would have plenty of chances to see her again. ", "For the first time in several minutes, he smiled. \"", "If you'll excuse me,\" he said, \"I'm afraid I have to go back to the house now.\"", "\nFIVE\n\nIn a downtown coffee shop, Jane Mackenzie was having her regular beginning-of-term lunch with the chairman of the Humanities Council, a bachelor professor of music in his sixties called Bill Laird. ", "There were several more convenient places on campus, but since the purpose of this lunch was to exchange confidential information, Bill had always ruled them out.", "\n\n\"So how are you?\" ", "he asked, leaning forward over the little glass-topped table. ", "Today he was wearing a pink and white candy-striped shirt that brought out the natural pink and whiteness of his face and hair, and his bright blue eyes were alight with interest.", "\n\n\"Fine, thanks.\" ", "Jane gave the standard response with what sounded to her like forced enthusiasm.", "\n\n\"And how's Alan?\"", "\n\n\"He's doing all right,\" Jane lied. \"", "About the same, really,\" she amended. ", "Though the move to the Unger Center had relieved her husband of the need to climb stairs and teach courses, it had not relieved his constant pain—even though he had begun doing some exercises again.", "\n\n\"Working, I hope?\"", "\n\n\"Oh yes.\" ", "This was not so much a lie as a hopeful assumption. ", "Jane had no idea whether Alan was working in his office at the Center—but, after all, what else could he be doing there all day long?", "\n\n\"And how's everything else at the Center?\"", "\n\n\"Not bad. ", "There's always a few problems at the start.\" ", "Jane smiled a bit tightly—she liked and trusted Bill Laird, but she didn't want to begin with a complaint.", "\n\n\"Of course there are. ", "For instance?\" ", "Bill stirred two packets of brown sugar into his iced tea and smiled with an equal sweetness.", "\n\n\"Well, there's a big hole in the kitchen ceiling; I sent you an e-mail about that.\"", "\n\n\"Oh yes. ", "Luckily there was no asbestos involved. . . . ", "Thank you, darling, that looks wonderful,\" he told the waitress, contemplating a red pepper and mushroom omelet.", "\n\n\"No, that was a relief. ", "But it means Buildings and Grounds won't fix the ceiling until next month. ", "And the copier's not working right, as usual.\" ", "This machine was an ongoing problem: Vinnie Miner, a professor of children's literature who had now retired and moved to England, had named it the Copy Monster. ", "It would have been retired too, even sooner than Vinnie Miner, but it was sneaky. ", "It never broke down completely, and for days or even weeks at a time it gave no trouble. ", "It had been Vinnie's theory that whenever replacing the copier was discussed at a council meeting the machine somehow knew about it and behaved better for a while.", "\n\n\"As usual,\" Bill agreed.", "\n\n\"And then yesterday Delia Delaney kidnapped one of the Emerson Room sofas.\"", "\n\n\"Really?\" ", "Bill laughed. \"", "Why would she do that?\"", "\n\n\"Because it turns out she has migraine headaches, and when they come on she needs to lie down. ", "Her husband told me about it before Delia moved in, and I arranged for her to have the little horsehair sofa from the front hall. ", "But then yesterday morning Delia apparently decided that wouldn't do, and without waiting to ask me or anyone she somehow persuaded two of the other Fellows and a custodian to take it back downstairs and carry up one of the big red velvet sofas from the Emerson Room. ", "It wouldn't fit in the elevator, so they dragged it up the front stairs somehow, and it got stuck, and they cracked one of the banisters in half.\"", "\n\n\"Really!\" ", "Bill repeated. ", "It was clear that he was amused rather than distressed.", "\n\n\"Delia's going to be difficult, I'm afraid. ", "Or else she'll get other people to be difficult for her. ", "Just yesterday her husband came around again with two down pillows and a special reading lamp for her office. ", "I mean, doesn't he have anything better to do?\"", "\n\n\"I shouldn't think so,\" Bill said. \"", "Delia described him in one of her letters as a freelance editor, whatever that means, and I heard somewhere that he published a couple of books of poetry once.\"", "\n\n\"Really,\" Jane said. ", "For some reason that she had not bothered to analyze, not only Henry Hull himself, but the idea of Henry, made her feel edgy. \"", "I can't decide what to do about the sofas,\" she added, contemplating a tuna fish salad sandwich with indifference. \"", "I mean, I could call B and G and get them moved back.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, I don't think so,\" Bill said. \"", "I think you should just ask for someone to mend the banisters.\"", "\n\n\"But it wasn't right what Delia did. ", "It was so rude. ", "She didn't even leave me a note, I had to hear about it from Susie.\" ", "Under the table Jane clenched her small tanned hands into fists.", "\n\n\"Of course she should have asked you,\" Bill said soothingly. \"", "But we have to think of the reputation of the Center. ", "If we cross Delia Delaney there could be trouble.\"", "\n\n\"How could there be trouble? ", "She'll still have a sofa.\"", "\n\n\"Not the one she wants.\" ", "Bill smiled. \"", "You've got to realize, Janey, that woman is armed and dangerous.\"", "\n\n\"Armed?\" ", "For a moment Jane saw Delia taking a pistol out of her big tapestry handbag and pointing it, and she felt a sharp imaginary pain in her chest. \"", "You think she might have a gun?\"", "\n\n\"I suppose it's possible.\" ", "Bill laughed again—clearly he did not suppose this. \"", "But she's armed with her celebrity. ", "And her computer. ", "If she felt like it she could write an article for the _New York Times_ —\"\n\n\"Delia doesn't use a computer,\" Jane interrupted, embarrassed at her brief panic. \"", "She writes by hand with an old-fashioned pen and ink.\"", "\n\n\"Even worse. ", "She could stab us with a goose feather. ", "She could tell the world how cold and uptight and full of regulations we are. ", "When she was suffering we wouldn't even let her lie down.\" ", "Bill looked at Jane. \"", "I'm surprised you should even think of trying to take a sofa away from someone like Delia Delaney. ", "You're an experienced administrator, and she's this year's star.\"", "\n\n\"I suppose you're right. ", "But she gets my goat sometimes.\"", "\n\n\"Your goat?\" ", "Bill smiled. \"", "That's an odd phrase. ", "You don't have a goat, do you?\"", "\n\n\"Nobody has a goat,\" Jane said impatiently.", "\n\n\"Well, not many people at the University do, I expect. ", "But all the same, why a goat?\"", "\n\n\"I have no idea,\" Jane said. ", "She was used to Bill Laird's fascination with language, but did not share it. \"", "But you know, sometimes I wonder how long I can bear this job.\"", "\n\n\"Come on. ", "You know you love it, really.\"", "\n\n\"Well. ", "I suppose so. ", "At least I used to. ", "But this year—\"\n\n\"Think of it this way. ", "Every autumn fate brings the Center a new collection of entertaining characters, and then, before we can get tired of them, it takes them away.\"", "\n\n\"Except I'm already tired of one of them,\" Jane said. \"", "You know, usually I like all the Fellows. ", "But there's something about Delia—I don't know how to describe it—It's not as if she's pretending to be someone she isn't, like that professor who came to the Linguistics conference last year, who said he'd graduated from Oxford and had published two books that didn't exist. ", "With Delia, it's like she's pretending all the time to be who she is.\" ", "Jane sighed.", "\n\n\"I know what you mean. ", "But that's part of what makes her interesting, you know. ", "Delia's a phenomenon. ", "Great beauty and great egotism—that's a winning combination. ", "And that wonderful mezzo Southern voice. ", "I can't decide who it is she reminds me of—it's not Joan Sutherland, in spite of the height and the hair.\" ", "Every other year, Bill gave a famous lecture course on the opera. \"", "Is it Cecelia Bartoli?\"", "\n\nJane, who had never heard this name, shrugged.", "\n\n\"She's a real diva, though. ", "I haven't seen anything like that close up for years. ", "I expect a lot of people will fall madly in love with her.\"", "\n\n\"Are you going to fall madly in love with her?\"", "\n\n\"Heavens, no.\" ", "Bill laughed. \"", "But I admit I'm intrigued. ", "It'll be fun to watch her in action. ", "I wish I could have been there when she got them to move the sofa.\"", "\n\n\"I don't think it'll be fun for me,\" Jane said, giving up on her sandwich and pushing it aside.", "\n\n\"Well, maybe not,\" Bill admitted. \"", "But never mind, she won't be here long.\"", "\n\n\"She'll be here until the end of next May,\" Jane sighed.", "\n\n\"I don't think so.\"", "\n\n\"But she has to be. ", "She signed the contract, like all the other Fellows.\"", "\n\n\"I doubt she'll stay the course,\" Bill said. \"", "The Corinth winter will drive her away if nothing else does. ", "She's a summer creature, you can see that by looking at her. ", "Like me. ", "The minute the first flakes fall I want to be in Key West.\"", "\n\n\"You really think she'd walk out on the Center?\"", "\n\n\"I'd bet on it. ", "Would you like a little dessert?\"", "\n\n\"No thanks.\" ", "Jane smiled, hoping Bill was right, then frowned. \"", "But if she does go, what will we do?\"", "\n\n\"Oh, we'll sigh with regret, and with relief, and plow the rest of her stipend back into the endowment, and buy you a new top-of-the-line copier.\"", "\n\n\"That'd be nice.\" ", "For the first time that day, Jane laughed spontaneously.", "\n\n\"Any other problems?\"", "\n\n\"No; everything looks good. ", "Even Susie seems happy: she's not so lonely now that the Fellows are there.\"", "\n\nBack at the Center, Susie, wearing a white T-shirt and tight pink cotton slacks—too tight, in Jane's opinion—was reading _People_ magazine.", "\n\n\"Hi,\" she said. ", "Then, lowering her voice and gesturing with her head toward what had once been the long drawing room of the mansion—it still contained its original Victorian furniture and pictures, but was now called the Emerson Room and used for lectures and receptions—\"Mrs. ", "U is here.\"", "\n\n\"I'll go speak to her,\" Jane said with a certain amount of apprehension. ", "Lily Unger, the widow of the man after whom the Unger Center was named, was not only still alive but often in evidence. ", "Though it had been six years since her husband died, and four since she and her three Persian cats had moved into the former carriage house, she still apparently considered the main building her property. ", "When she was in town, she often wandered over to \"see what is going on,\" as she put it. ", "Without calling ahead to announce a visit, she would tour the rooms downstairs, and any upstairs office whose door was open. ", "In the past, this had caused problems. \"", "I looked up from the computer, and there was this little old lady in a hat standing in the middle of the room. ", "She'd walked right in, as if it was her own house,\" one Fellow had protested last year. \"", "Well, it was her own house for fifty years,\" Jane had told him.", "\n\nIf Mrs. Unger had nothing better to do on Tuesday afternoons she often attended the Fellows' lectures, and if they displeased her, she complained. \"", "I don't think Matthew would have cared for that,\" was a frequent comment. ", "Jane never answered back. ", "It was necessary to treat Mrs. Unger with great courtesy, since she still owned two-thirds of her husband's former property, more than an acre of lawn and garden only two blocks from campus. ", "There was almost no department at Corinth University that did not want to get its hands on this land, the carriage house, and the financial portfolio that Lily Unger, who had no children, had inherited.", "\n\nMrs. Unger, who unlike her husband was nobody's fool, had remained cool to the many chairmen and deans who had urged her to make them a gift of her property and move into an assisted living facility, and she was even more scornful of the people from the Development Office.", "\n\n\"They must think I'm going soft in the head,\" she had once remarked to Jane, to whom, perhaps as a fellow townie, she had taken a liking. \"", "I know perfectly well that as long as I own the property the University will be nice to me. ", "But once I sign it over to them, it's finished. ", "Poor old Nat Greene, I warned him, hold on to those fields out by the University orchards if you want to keep their respect and your parking permit, but he didn't listen to me. ", "He gave them the land and they gave him the ceremonial dinner, and the brass plaque, and a lot of pretty thank-you letters on thick cream-colored embossed paper from everyone in Knight Hall, and then they forgot about him, more or less.", "\n\n\"I've made my will,\" she had added, \"but don't you tell anyone that, Janey. ", "I want to keep them guessing. ", "That makes it more fun. ", "I want them to think I could change my mind anytime. ", "I could leave the property to the Metropolitan Opera or the Republican Party or a home for orphan cats. ", "Last time I saw that smarmy young woman from Development, at a concert in Bailey Hall it was, I couldn't stop myself from telling her how I'd been thinking that something should be done for all those AIDS orphans in Africa. ", "She practically turned green.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, I see the new letterhead has come.\" ", "Jane indicated a stack of boxes on Susie's desk. \"", "If you're not busy, you might distribute some to all the Fellows.\"", "\n\n\"Okay.\" ", "Susie rose without complaint and left the office. ", "Though incapable of initiative, she was always accommodating.", "\n\nFor a moment, Jane sat on, gathering her resources; then she headed for the Emerson Room.", "\n\n\"Oh, hello there, Janey,\" Lily Unger said. ", "She was a small, plump elderly woman with curly white hair and big brown eyes, wearing a flowered silk dress, matching pumps, and an interfering expression. \"", "What on earth has happened to the other red sofa?\"", "\n\n\"It's been moved upstairs temporarily,\" Jane said, thinking that she should have known this question would be asked. ", "Alterations in the structure or furnishings of the mansion always concerned and often annoyed Lily Unger. \"", "One of the Fellows has migraine headaches, she needs to lie down sometimes.\"", "\n\n\"You mean Delia Delaney.\"", "\n\n\"Umhm.\"", "\n\n\"It would have to be her. ", "From what I've seen of Selma Schmidt, she never lies down. ", "Wound up tight, like a clock spring.\" ", "Lily Unger always took an interest in the current year's Fellows. ", "If she liked them, she sometimes invited them to lunch and even attempted to read their books. \"", "She looks frustrated. ", "Not married, is she?\"", "\n\n\"No.\" ", "Jane neglected to add that Selma was a lesbian feminist, two words that had formerly aroused Lily Unger to rage.", "\n\n\"I'm not surprised. ", "Most men like a wife to be more restful.\" ", "Mrs. Unger smiled. ", "It was clear that in her time she had been able to be, or at least to appear, restful. \"", "Delia Delaney's married, though.\"", "\n\n\"Oh yes.\"", "\n\n\"Been married three times, I hear.\"", "\n\n\"I don't think it's that many,\" Jane said. \"", "Two, maybe.\"", "\n\n\"Three.\" ", "Mrs. Unger spoke with authority.", "\n\n\"Really? ", "Where did you hear that?\" ", "Lily Unger sometimes proffered information of this sort, which often later turned out to be correct.", "\n\n\"Oh, here and there.\" ", "It was typical of Lily not to reveal her sources. \"", "I've got nothing against it, if she can stand the strain. ", "This current one is good-looking, anyhow. ", "But I'm afraid he's a tame man.\"", "\n\n\"Really.\" ", "Jane's conscious opinion of Henry was not wholly favorable, but this statement annoyed her. \"", "How do you mean?\"", "\n\n\"You know, like those tigers in the circus. ", "You often see women who look like Delia there. ", "Same hair, same sort of figure. ", "It's amazing what they can do with a whip and a little gilt chair. ", "But of course it's not so easy to tame something that size. ", "Eventually those beasts can rebel and maul you, I saw it happen once—\" Lily broke off as, from overhead there came a sound somewhere between a squeak and a scream. \"", "Heavens, what was that?\"", "\n\n\"I don't know.\" ", "For a moment, Jane's mind remained occupied by a vision of Henry Hull transformed into a tiger and snarling on a stool in a circus ring, with Delia Delaney, in spangles and tights, cracking a whip at him.", "\n\n\"Jane, I have to talk to you!\" ", "Susie cried, rushing into the Emerson Room; her face was damp and flushed.", "\n\n\"Yes, what is it?\" ", "Jane lowered her voice; but Lily Unger, exercising her self-assumed proprietary privileges, followed them into the hall.", "\n\n\"It's that Professor Amir,\" Susie gasped, choking back a sob. \"", "He sort of just grabbed me.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, I'm sorry. ", "That's awful. ", "Where did he grab you?\"", "\n\n\"Right there in his office. ", "I brought him the letterhead, like you told me, and he said could I put it on his desk, and so I did, and he said something in a funny language, and then he sort of grabbed me and kissed me.\" ", "Susie indicated a blur of pink lipstick around her mouth and began to cry.", "\n\n\"I'm so sorry,\" Jane repeated.", "\n\n\"I never did feel comfortable around him from the start,\" Susie gasped. \"", "He always looks so sort of sad and starving.\"", "\n\n\"I know what you mean,\" Jane admitted. ", "It was true that Professor Charlie Amir had a hungry look. ", "His wife had gone back to Europe to visit her family, so that he was alone in Corinth for the time being, and Jane had sometimes wondered if he was getting enough to eat. \"", "Don't worry, he won't bother you again. ", "We'll talk to him.\"", "\n\n\"I can't talk to him,\" Susie said with a sob.", "\n\n\"You don't have to. ", "I'll do it, and if that doesn't work, Bill Laird will. ", "We'll tell him that if he tries anything like that again he'll be really sorry. ", "Now why don't you go and wash your face, and then maybe you could type up a report of what happened, just like you told me. ", "After that you can go home, if you like.\"", "\n\n\"No thanks,\" Susie choked down a final sob. \"", "I feel better now.\"", "\n\n\"It was that skinny one with the beard, wasn't it?\" ", "Lily Unger said after Susie had gone. \"", "Comes from somewhere in Eastern Europe, doesn't he? ", "They aren't brought up to respect women over there, not like here in America.\"", "\n\n\"I'm sure some of them are,\" Jane said.", "\n\n\"But this one wasn't.\"", "\n\n\"No, I guess not.\" ", "Jane frowned as she began to consider the possible consequences of this fact.", "\n\n\"Of course you have to speak to him,\" Lily Unger continued. \"", "But I do think there's too much fuss made about this so-called sexual harassment these days. ", "When I was first working, back in the forties, there were guys like that in every office. ", "It was an occupational hazard, sure, but nobody got hysterical about it. ", "When you first started the job the other girls warned you. '", "Don't go into Mr. Smithers's office alone,' I remember Margie, the office manager, telling me on my first day at the bank. '", "He can't keep his hands to himself. ", "Make some excuse if you can, and if you can't, stay on the other side of the desk,' that's what she told me. '", "And if he tries anything, scream.' ", "Creeps like that, they're not going to rape anyone. ", "They don't want to cause a commotion, all they want is to cop a feel. ", "A little noise and they back off.\"", "\n\n\"I hope so,\" Jane said. \"", "I guess I'd better go talk to him now, if you'll excuse me.\"", "\n\n\"Would you like me to come too?\"", "\n\n\"No thanks,\" Jane said, though at the same time it occurred to her that Mrs. Unger's disapproval might be more effective than her own. \"", "Not yet, anyhow.\"", "\n\n\"Well, just let me know if I can help,\" Lily Unger said, giving Jane a disappointed glance as she left the room and headed toward the stairs.", "\n\nIn the upstairs hall Jane hesitated, looking toward Charlie Amir's office and trying to plan what she would say. ", "Charlie was the youngest Fellow, only in his early thirties, but he had already distinguished himself as an economist. ", "Born in Bosnia, he had somehow managed to attend London University, and his growing reputation had won him fellowships to Oxford and a tenure-track appointment at the University of Ohio. ", "His current interest was in the economics of the Catholic Church, and he was writing a book about the church as a landowner in Central Europe, from a Marxist revisionist point of view.", "\n\nIn person Charlie seemed pleasant and rather shy, but two letters of recommendation had called him brilliant, which meant that his mind probably worked faster than hers did. ", "Jane told herself that she must speak slowly and not make any mistakes, in case the matter ended up in the office of the University ombudsman, an apparently neutral but frighteningly powerful person. ", "But what should she say?", "\n\nShe looked toward the door of Alan's office, which was shut. ", "But he was there, she knew: she could tell him what had happened, and receive his sympathy and advice. ", "As a former department chairman he had dealt with similar cases. ", "But two things stopped her: first, the closed door, which in their private code meant that the person inside could only be disturbed in an emergency; and second, the fact that since he had developed back trouble her husband did not always seem able to offer either sympathy or advice.", "\n\nWell, but this was an emergency, sort of, Jane told herself. ", "Approaching Alan's door, she knocked lightly. ", "When there was no answer she quietly turned the handle. ", "There was nobody at the desk, but something like a bundle of clothes with wires coming out of it lay on the sofa. ", "It was Alan, she realized, curled in a semi-fetal position with his back to her. ", "Wires were running out of his ears and attached to a tape-playing device. ", "Another set of wires ran from his lower back to a black electronic box that was supposed to block pain signals. ", "In the last few months since he got this box Alan had spent more and more time like this, lying on a bed or a sofa and listening to music or to books on tape. ", "When interrupted he was always disoriented and sometimes irritated.", "\n\nAs silently as possible, Jane closed the door.", "\n\nThe door of Charlie Amir's office was open, and he was sitting at his desk rolling a yellow pencil about nervously.", "\n\n\"Professor Amir—\"\n\n\"I know why you've come,\" he interrupted. \"", "I am very sorry, I am acting very wrongly.\" ", "Charlie Amir was a pleasant-faced young man, with curly light-brown hair and a short curly beard. ", "Ordinarily his English was excellent, but Jane had noticed already that in a crisis (the breakdown of the copier, for instance) it began to fail.", "\n\n\"You've upset Susie very much.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, yes,\" he agreed.", "\n\n\"We can't have that sort of thing here, you know,\" she continued. \"", "This isn't Bosnia.\"", "\n\n\"I do nothing like that in Bosnia, never anywhere, I swear by God,\" Charlie protested. \"", "I am very sorry, Mrs. Mackenzie, I have so much strain now. ", "You know my wife, she went home this summer to see her family, and she was to come back now, to join me?\"", "\n\n\"Yes, I know,\" Jane said.", "\n\n\"But now she says on the telephone that she did not get a permit. ", "Why does she say that, when already she has a permit?\"", "\n\n\"I don't know,\" Jane said weakly.", "\n\n\"I know what you are thinking, you are thinking maybe she does not want to return to America.\"", "\n\n\"No, I—\"\n\n\"I am thinking this too. ", "She is never happy here. ", "And she has many friends who say to her two years ago, when I get the job in Ohio, do not go, America is an evil country. ", "Her mother says this also, continuously.\"", "\n\n\"I'm sorry,\" Jane said.", "\n\n\"I don't feel so good then, you know. ", "It is always in my mind. ", "So I do wrong, and I am very sorry, and also about the steps.\"", "\n\n\"Steps? ", "What steps?\"", "\n\n\"Yesterday, when we were moving up the sofa, a pole of the steps was broken, by me. ", "And I acted wrongly, I didn't admit—I was afraid to lose my fellowship. ", "But I told Susie this afternoon, she should give me the bill, and I will pay, but please not to tell anyone. ", "And she is so kind, she says never mind, they will fix it anyhow, no need to pay. ", "So I don't know what happened, but I looked at her, and I wanted to embrace her, to thank her. ", "I did not mean any harm.\"", "\n\n\"Maybe not,\" Jane said. \"", "But you've upset Susie, and it's got to stop. ", "I won't say anything more about it to anyone. ", "But I have to tell you, there will be a report. ", "And if there are any more incidents there could be an official inquiry, and sometimes this is a very unpleasant process.\"", "\n\nCharlie Amir visibly flinched and looked stricken, and Jane realized that in his country of origin her statement would probably have suggested something far harsher than a reprimand from the ombudsman or even the loss of a fellowship. \"", "You threaten me,\" he said bleakly.", "\n\n\"No, no. ", "I only warn you,\" Jane hastened to say, so rapidly that she found herself adopting Professor Amir's diction. \"", "Really.\"", "\n\n\"I understand. ", "I will be careful. ", "Also I will apologize to Susie.\"", "\n\n\"That's a good idea. ", "But maybe it might be better if you just wrote her a note.\"", "\n\n\"You think?\"", "\n\nJane nodded.", "\n\n\"Very well, I will do that.\" ", "For the first time, Professor Amir seemed to relax. \"", "I am sorry that I have disturbed her, you know, she is so pretty and soft and kind. ", "She is like the peaches in my country.\"", "\n\nAnd I'm not, Jane thought as she left the office. ", "Well, too bad. ", "Somebody has to have some backbone around here. ", "But why does it have to be me? ", "Why do I always have to do everything? ", "An uneasy echo sounded in her head, of something Lily Unger had said, what? ", "Yes, that Henry Hull did everything. ", "But it wasn't the same, Jane thought, because Delia didn't need everything done, she wasn't really ill.", "\n\nBut the result was the same. ", "She was always tense and tired lately, probably because she had so much more work at home. ", "Not only all the usual cooking and cleaning and shopping and errands, but everything Alan used to do: the dishes and the laundry and the household repairs, taking the newspapers and bottles and cans and trash out, dragging the garbage cans and recycling bins up the steep driveway to the road and then down again. ", "And rewiring lamps and hanging the new shower curtain, putting up the storm windows, raking the leaves, unblocking the sink, changing the furnace filters, and replacing bulbs in ceiling fixtures. ", "For a long while she had seen it as temporary. ", "She had kept telling herself that for a while she would have to do these things, but then it would be over.", "\n\nBecause it wasn't fair now, it wasn't right. ", "Though healthy, compared to Alan Jane was small and slight, barely five-foot-two. ", "In the past one of the many things she had loved and admired about her husband was his height and strength: the easy, casual way he could lift heavy boxes of books and open bottles and reach things on top shelves. ", "But last spring, when Alan went to have his operation, Jane had had to carry everything and drag both their suitcases and lift them onto the X-ray machine, while Alan just stood there, leaning on his cane and looking off into the distance as if he weren't involved and had never even met her. ", "He had probably been embarrassed; she recognized that. ", "But the bottom line was that she had had to do everything on that trip and she still had to do everything, and though she shouldn't, she resented it, and sometimes even showed this, and she was slowly but steadily turning into a mean, resentful person.", "\nSIX\n\nOutside Alan's window at the Unger Center the sky was a bland blue, the maples a cheerful chrome yellow, and none of the people passing along the sidewalk were running or screaming. ", "There was no sign that since last Tuesday the University, the town, and the nation had been in a state of shock. ", "Over three thousand people had died in the World Trade Center, and as Susie Burdett, in the Center office downstairs, had put it, weeping, nowhere seemed nice and safe anymore.", "\n\nAlan had agreed with her, without adding that for him this was not new—that nowhere had seemed nice and safe to him for the last eighteen months. ", "Ever since the lizard moved into his back the world had been full of hazards: noisy gangs of students that might knock him over in the hallways; cars that might hit him as he slowly and painfully, leaning on his cane, made his way from the parking lot to his office; chairs and beds that were agony to sit or lie in; irregularities in the natural landscape that might trip him up and make his pain worse.", "\n\nAlan had always thought of the World Trade Center as a rather banal structure; if in the past he had been asked whether it should be torn down for aesthetic reasons, he might have said yes. ", "But its sudden destruction had affected him like a physical blow. ", "Last Tuesday, alerted by a phone call from a colleague, he had stood in his sitting room watching a TV replay of that horrible and unbelievable event. ", "As the first plane hit, he felt a sudden, much sharper pain in his back, exactly as if his spine were the inner armature of a skyscraper into which something had just crashed. ", "He gasped for air, felt dizzy, and had to lie down on the sofa.", "\n\nThe president of the University and his colleagues in Knight Hall, predictably, had announced to what they sometimes called the Corinth Community (thus including both town and gown) that life and classes must go on—indeed that to cause them to go on was everyone's patriotic and academic duty. ", "Alan's particular duty, apparently, as the senior Faculty Fellow at the Center, was to deliver his lecture on religious architecture, titled \"Houses of God\" and scheduled for that afternoon. ", "In the light of the morning's events it seemed totally irrelevant to him, and he had e-mailed the chairman of the Humanities Council, Bill Laird, to say so. ", "Bill had e-mailed him back, agreeing and suggesting they reschedule the talk for the following week, at the same time quietly deploring the president's speech.", "\n\nIt was the first, but not the only intimation Alan had had in the last week that the public and larger disaster had somehow made his private one seem petty and egocentric. ", "It was as if it were willfully selfish of him to have a bad back at a time like this, and he ought to shape up and forget about it. ", "No one had said this directly, but Alan imagined he could see it in people's faces, for example in the face of Delia Delaney.", "\n\nIt had been stupid of him to think that Delia was as interested in him as he was in her. ", "In the past he had been her equal: and at the party on Labor Day she had seemed to see him this way still, to recognize that they were two of a kind, both of them unique and superior beings. ", "Afterward he had been inspired to take out his drawings of architectural follies and work on them, and also to restart his exercise program.", "\n\nBut in fact Delia's warmth and encouragement had probably been merely charm and good manners. ", "Even before the disaster he had seen almost nothing more of her. ", "Her door at the Center was usually shut, with a DO NOT DISTURB sign, presumably stolen from some hotel, on the doorknob. ", "Once the door had been open and he had paused in it to say hello, but Delia was on the phone and merely smiled and fanned the air with one smooth white arm, in the gesture of someone waving away distraction. ", "If he had been her equal, she would not have done that. ", "But he was not her equal anymore: he was a semi-invalid has-been, while she was still beautiful and famous and well. ", "Since then, his impulse to work had gradually faded. ", "When he had looked at his drawings this morning they seemed mere piles of scribbled irrelevant paper, and his mind was empty and dark.", "\n\nNext week Alan would have to give his useless postponed lecture, to which probably almost no one would come. ", "If he could have canceled it he would have done so. ", "Religious architecture no longer interested him, and he was sure it would interest his students and colleagues even less. ", "Jane had tried to convince him that this was not true, but her effort, though no doubt well-intentioned, had ended yesterday in one of the most unpleasant conversations they had ever had.", "\n\nIn fact, things had been bad between them from the afternoon of September 11, when Jane was unbearably late picking him up, because she was consoling a campus acquaintance whose brother-in-law worked in the World Trade Center. ", "She had let Alan stand there for half an hour in front of the building, in increasingly severe pain, so that finally he had to lie down on the dusty grass next to the driveway. ", "When he asked why she hadn't at least called him, Jane replied that she had tried, twice, but nobody had answered the phone. (", "She was probably telling the truth, he admitted now. ", "The Fellows had been asked to answer after four rings, in case Susie was away from her desk, but Alan suspected that they did not always do so, and in fact he himself never did so. ", "For a while Selma Schmidt had taken on this task, but then she had rebelled. \"", "I am not a switchboard operator,\" she had protested, \"but because I am a female the rest of you assume that is my job.\")", "\n\n\"Even so,\" Alan had told Jane, \"you could have driven around to the Center and told me you'd be late. ", "You know it just about kills me to stand up for more than fifteen minutes at a time.\"", "\n\n\"I'm awfully sorry,\" Jane had said, with an unusually cool smile. \"", "But you know, darling, you aren't dead, and Becca's sister's husband probably is.\"", "\n\nWell, the way I feel now, I wish I were dead instead of him, Alan had thought, but did not say.", "\n\nAt supper the night before last, when he spoke again of canceling his lecture or at least postponing it further, Jane had pointed out that the posters had already gone up, and said she agreed with Bill Laird that the lecture should be given as soon as possible, and that it would help to raise morale at the Center and on campus. ", "Alan had said that was ridiculous; that essentially his topic, and he, were irrelevant in the present situation. ", "She was treating him as if he were a small child, he said, she was fibbing to make him feel better.", "\n\nJane, setting down her mug of Sunburst C herb tea, had wearily and indignantly denied this, and in turn suggested that in the present situation it was important not to give in to defeatism and self-pity. ", "Alan had then, against his better judgment, suggested that considering recent world events, people who thought like her were either fools or hypocrites. ", "He had accused these theoretical people of a blinkered optimism, and cast doubt on their ability to see the world as it really was. ", "Jane had choked up with tears, shoved her half-eaten slice of apple pie away, and run out of the house into the vegetable garden, where for the next half hour she vindictively pulled up carrots in the gathering dusk. ", "Later that evening they had exchanged formal apologies, but the phrases \"defeatism and self-pity\" and \"fools or hypocrites\" continued to reverberate through the house like the distant echoes of an ugly gong, and communication between them had remained tense ever since.", "\n\nOver the past year Alan had in fact sometimes found Jane's optimism foolish or hypocritical, though at times comforting. ", "Now it seemed almost disgusting. ", "He also found himself and his continued existence disgusting. ", "Thousands of strong, healthy, productive people had died in the disaster, while he, an aging unproductive invalid, survived. ", "He suspected that rules had been bent and letters written to get him this fellowship, to provide him with a generous income and a beautiful place to work, but the beauty meant nothing to him and he was not working. ", "Also, every day when he entered or left the Center he was reminded of the irony involved. ", "Five years ago, when he had been consulted about the remodeling of the Unger mansion, he had been impatient at learning of the handicap access requirements for all new university construction. ", "He had grumbled about the need to install a ramp to the back door and an elevator that spoiled the classically Victorian lines of the hall. ", "The jealous gods, who were clearly on the side of the handicapped (after all, Hephaestus, patron of architects, was lame himself), had heard him, and now Alan used this authorized equipment every day.", "\n\nAs, gazing out the window of his office and groaning from time to time with pain, he revolved these unpleasant thoughts and memories, there was a knock on his half-closed door.", "\n\n\"Yes?\" ", "He turned. ", "Delia Delaney stood there in a gauzy lavender dress and sandals, with her hair in a long braid. \"", "Oh, hello.\"", "\n\n\"Please, you've got to help me,\" she said in a tremulous half whisper. \"", "I need to hide somewhere.\"", "\n\n\"You need to hide?\" ", "Alan repeated. \"", "From what?\"", "\n\n\"It's this awful reporter from the local newspaper. ", "He's pursuing me for a statement about the World Trade Center.\" ", "She put a soft white trembling hand on his arm. \"", "Please, can I stay here, just for a little while?\"", "\n\n\"Well—yes, all right.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, thank you.\" ", "Delia came into the room and shut the door behind her, letting out a deep soft sigh that smelled of oranges. \"", "He's downstairs right now. ", "I can't bear to see him. ", "Besides, he's brought a photographer, and I look frightful today.\"", "\n\nThis last statement was, if not a lie, a delusion. ", "With her thick golden braid, from which gilt tendrils like sparks escaped in every direction, her flushed face, and her wide, pale gray eyes, Delia looked like a frightened but beautiful schoolgirl.", "\n\n\"That's them now,\" she whispered, gesturing toward the hall, from which steps and loud voices could be heard, followed by knocking and shouts:\n\n\"Ms. Delaney? ", "Ms. Delaney? ", "Are you in there?\"", "\n\n\"Please, could you lock your door?\" ", "Delia whispered.", "\n\n\"Okay.\" ", "As quietly as he could manage, Alan crossed the room and turned the key.", "\n\n\"Oh, thank you.\" ", "She gave a warm, breathy sigh.", "\n\n\"You know, you could have locked your own door,\" he whispered.", "\n\n\"No, I couldn't. ", "I couldn't have borne it to be in there while they were yelling and pounding.\"", "\n\nOut in the hall, there was more loud, half-audible conversation, and then the sound of steps receding. \"", "They're going away,\" Alan whispered.", "\n\n\"Maybe. ", "Or maybe they think I'm in the washroom, and they're going to wait downstairs for me to come out. ", "Please don't make me leave now.\" ", "She looked up at Alan, her silver eyes swimming with unshed silver tears. ", "Why, she's terrified, he thought.", "\n\n\"Of course not,\" he said.", "\n\n\"He's hateful, that reporter. ", "You haven't seen him, he's a great big ugly young man like a rhinoceros, with heavy legs and feet, he frightens me so.\"", "\n\n\"I think I have seen him,\" Alan said. \"", "Isn't he called Tom something?\"", "\n\n\"How should I know? ", "But it's not fair, this is the second time he's come after me.\" ", "She gazed up at Alan with a blurry, frightened smile. \"", "Yesterday he tramped right into my room with his big rhinoceros feet, when my mind was full of all those people falling through the air, the size of flies, with the smoke pouring out above them and around them, the air full of flies that were human beings. ", "I almost told him that, but thank God I stopped myself. ", "Instead I said I was too upset to talk. ", "So then he asked if he could come back today. ", "I didn't say no, I was afraid to make him angry. ", "But I'm not going to speak to him. ", "There's nothing I can say that won't either sound stupid or get me into trouble.\"", "\n\n\"How could it get you into trouble?\"", "\n\n\"You can always get into trouble if you give an original answer to a journalist.\" ", "Delia sighed, and subsided onto the upholstered window seat with a flutter of lavender gauze. \"", "They're looking for that; they want shock and scandal. ", "It's especially dangerous to have an aesthetic take on any disaster. ", "Even if you're as horrified as everyone else, they'll make you sound callous.\"", "\n\n\"I know what you mean,\" Alan said. \"", "When I talked to the guy from the paper he kept asking me what I thought of the World Trade Center as an architect. ", "The truth is I didn't think much. ", "It was a boring design, you know, architecturally uninteresting and out of proportion with its environment. ", "But I definitely didn't say that. ", "The architecture is not the point, I said. ", "The point is that over three thousand people are dead. ", "I could tell it wasn't what he wanted.\"", "\n\n\"No,\" Delia agreed. \"", "I expect he wanted you to say that the World Trade Center was a tragic loss to American architecture.\"", "\n\n\"Maybe. ", "Anyhow he kept after me and kept after me, and finally I told him that it was a significant structure, one that could only have appeared at this time in history and in this country.\"", "\n\n\"Perfect.\" ", "Delia laughed lightly. \"", "I wish I had your presence of mind.\"", "\n\nAcross the hall, a ringing began. \"", "That's your phone, I think,\" Alan said.", "\n\n\"I'm not going to answer it. ", "It will be the rhinoceros again, or some other awful animal.\"", "\n\nThe ringing stopped; then it commenced again in Alan's office.", "\n\n\"If they're asking for me, don't say I'm here. ", "Please.\" ", "She gave him a frightened smile.", "\n\n\"All right,\" Alan agreed. \"", "Hello. . . . ", "What? . . . ", "Just a moment, let me go and look. . . . ", "No, she's not in her office.\" ", "Again, he realized, he had somehow become involved in a conspiracy with Delia Delaney.", "\n\n\"Thank you,\" Delia said. \"", "That was very convincing. ", "And the absolute truth, too. ", "Very neat.\" ", "She gave a silvery laugh.", "\n\n\"Shh, he's probably still downstairs.\"", "\n\n\"But maybe he'll go away now.\" ", "Delia stood up and moved toward the window, swaying slightly toward Alan, so close that he felt the warmth of her bare arm against his. ", "Together they looked down through the golden, windblown leaves of the big maple. \"", "Yep, there he goes.\"", "\n\n\"It's the same guy that came to see me,\" Alan said as two heavy figures crossed the lawn. \"", "Very persistent, he was.\"", "\n\n\"Yes. ", "Awful. ", "I hate journalists, but you have to be polite to them, or they'll destroy you. ", "Well.\" ", "Her voice changed as she moved away, and it was as if a cold wind were blowing on him.", "\n\nShe's used me, now she's going to leave, Alan thought. ", "He felt an irrational disappointment and loss; and became aware again of the clawing pain in his back.", "\n\nDelia crossed the room, paused by the door, and then turned. \"", "You're speaking next week,\" she said. \"", "I'm going to come and hear you.\"", "\n\n\"Why?\" ", "Alan asked coldly.", "\n\n\"Why not?\"", "\n\n\"Are you interested in religious architecture?\"", "\n\n\"I could be interested,\" Delia said, smiling.", "\n\nHe shrugged. \"", "I'm not sure I am anymore, since last Tuesday. ", "Who can care about religious architecture, or any architecture, after what happened to those towers?\"", "\n\n\"They always reminded me of the sign for Gemini,\" Delia said. \"", "Communication, speed, restlessness, short journeys. ", "You're not a Gemini, are you?\"", "\n\n\"No.\" ", "Alan, who despised astrology, volunteered no further information. ", "The idea came to him that Delia was spacey as well as beautiful. \"", "You don't really believe that stuff, do you?\"", "\n\n\"Oh, but I do.\" ", "Delia laughed lightly. \"", "I believe it every Friday from two to three p.m.\"\n\n\"Really.\"", "\n\n\"It's always fun trying on different faiths. ", "Expands the mind. ", "If you were a Gemini, for instance, you would have liked the World Trade Center better. ", "You'd think of it as a kind of temple of commerce and communication.\" ", "She laughed again.", "\n\n\"A form of religious architecture.\" ", "Alan smiled, reassured as to her basic good sense. \"", "You know, I have thought something like that. ", "That you could see skyscrapers as the capitalist equivalent of church steeples. ", "The visible connection of business to its god.\"", "\n\n\"In that case, the World Trade Center must have been the temple to a twin god,\" Delia said.", "\n\n\"Castor and Pollux, then, probably. ", "They were violent gods, in charge of the city of Rome and thunder and storms.\"", "\n\n\"I thought they were supposed to protect travelers. ", "But I guess they didn't always.\"", "\n\n\"Apparently not this time,\" Alan said. \"", "Too bad I can't say that in my lecture.\"", "\n\n\"You can't say it right out.\" ", "Delia gave him a sideways look. \"", "But you could suggest it.\"", "\n\n\"Yes. ", "Maybe I could.\" ", "He smiled, realizing the possibilities.", "\n\n\"So I'll look forward to your talk.\" ", "She turned the knob, but the door, being locked, did not open.", "\n\n\"Sorry, I'll get that.\" ", "He crossed the room. ", "Again he stood so close to Delia that he could see all the separate sparkling gilt tendrils that escaped from her braid, and breathe her scent of orange peel.", "\n\n\"Thank you for taking me in,\" she half whispered, putting her soft white hand on his arm. ", "Then suddenly she stood on tiptoe and kissed him. ", "The sensation was light but very hot, as if a burning butterfly had brushed his cheek. ", "Before Alan could react, Delia was gone.", "\n\nHe did not try to go after her. ", "Instead he turned back toward the drafting table he now used as a stand-up desk, and the draft of his lecture. ", "This morning it had lain there dead, but now the sheets of paper seemed to glow gently, and new sentences had begun to appear in his mind.", "\nSEVEN\n\nThe automatic door of the supermarket shut behind her with its rubbery swish, and Jane was surrounded by a blast of clammy air, at least twenty degrees colder than the golden autumn outside. ", "In her sleeveless flowered cotton dress she felt chilled almost at once, and also angry. ", "Not only at the store, but at her husband Alan, whose pathetic request, as usual disguised as a question, had separated her from what might be one of the last warm Saturdays in her garden.", "\n\n\"Are you going to the grocery this morning?\" ", "he had asked as she headed for the back door, carrying her garden basket and a trowel. \"", "Because if you are, I need a bag of prunes and a couple bottles of prune juice. ", "And if you have the time, I'd like a box of Fleet Enemas from the drugstore.\" ", "Yes, he had admitted, he was constipated again, in fact very constipated, and yes, he was very uncomfortable.", "\n\nNaturally Jane had said that she was going to the grocery and would have time to stop at the drugstore. ", "She had put down her basket and taken off her gardening hat and gloves, and hastened to make this statement true.", "\n\nWhen Alan was in pain, which was still almost always, his needs took precedence over hers. ", "That was natural and inevitable, but it was also annoying. ", "But it was useless and also mean to give in to her annoyance, to let it ruin her day and also Alan's if she wasn't careful. ", "I must try to be a good person, even if I'm really not, she reminded herself, as she often did now. ", "He is in constant and awful pain, and I am not in pain.", "\n\nAnyhow the current annoyance was nearly over. ", "She'd already been to the drugstore and in twenty minutes she'd be back in her garden, picking ripe tomatoes and cutting some of her basil for pesto and covering the rest in case there was an early frost tonight. ", "But making pesto was selfish, since Alan now wouldn't eat anything that obviously contained garlic. ", "Since his illness began he had also declared a distaste for cucumbers, cabbage, spinach, artichokes, and zucchini (this last was a special nuisance since at this time of year Jane's garden, like that of everyone she knew, was oversupplied with that vegetable). ", "Once Alan had been happy to eat all these things, and also the wild dandelion greens, sorrel, purslane, and chives that she loved to gather and add to salads and soup. ", "Now he would not even touch the splendid watercress that grew in the stream near their house. ", "He had also recently asked Jane not to bake or buy any cookies, cakes, or ice cream, because he wanted to lose some weight. ", "She had complied, though she sometimes concealed a chocolate bar in the drawer of her desk. ", "Meanwhile,Alan, as if reverting to childhood, had begun to crave high-calorie snacks. ", "When he couldn't sleep at night he would go down to the pantry and graze; next morning a whole bag of potato chips or peanuts or dried coconut would be gone.", "\n\nWhat made all this worse was that it was so out of character. ", "In the past Alan had never done anything of the sort, no more than he had ever hung around the house most of the day or constantly called for her help or wanted to know where she was going to be at every moment. ", "Often now when she looked at the man lying on her sofa or bed or in her bathtub she almost did not recognize him. ", "That isn't Alan Mackenzie, she would involuntarily think: it's some pale, fat, weak, greedy, demanding person—someone like the shabby, threatening stranger she thought she'd seen coming down the drive on that bad morning in August.", "\n\nThe supermarket was more or less empty, but as Jane reached the end of one aisle and hastened up the next, she saw a man in a bright yellow shirt, jeans, and sandals frowning in front of a display of lettuce. ", "Jane noticed first that he was very attractive, and then, less happily, that he was Henry Hull, Delia's husband.", "\n\n\"Well, hello,\" he greeted her.", "\n\n\"Oh, hi, how are you?\" ", "she replied neutrally.", "\n\n\"Discouraged. ", "Look at this lettuce, it's pathetic.\" ", "Henry held up a bunch of yellow-green leaves that drooped from his square brown hand in a sickly manner. \"", "And the tomatoes. ", "Hard as rocks and such a peculiar color, like dried tomato soup. ", "Even the carrots are rubbery and withered. ", "I don't get it. ", "Here we are in the middle of farm country, you'd think they'd have something better.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, but nobody buys vegetables at the grocery, not at this time of year,\" Jane said. \"", "If you don't have a garden yourself, you go to the Farmers' Market. ", "They have wonderful tomatoes there now.\"", "\n\n\"Oh? ", "I must look into that. ", "Where is this market?\"", "\n\n\"It's downtown, near the lake.\"", "\n\n\"Downtown?\" ", "Henry said in a vague manner.", "\n\n\"Yes, you take Route 13, that's just up the road, and then . . .\" ", "Jane paused. \"", "I was planning to go there today anyhow, for apples and honey.\"", "\n\n\"They have apples and honey?\"", "\n\n\"Oh yes. ", "They have lots of things. . . . ", "If you can wait until I'm finished shopping, I'll show you,\" Jane was surprised to hear herself say.", "\n\n\"That's very kind.\" ", "Henry also sounded surprised but pleased. \"", "And I'll get rid of all this pathetic stuff.\" ", "He began to restore the vegetables to a bare space on the slanting counter; then to create a face from them. ", "The lettuce became limp, disheveled green hair, the pale tomatoes two bulging eyes, one of the carrots a nose, and another a mouth.", "\n\n\"It doesn't look happy,\" Jane said, laughing, though at the same time glancing around uneasily for the produce manager.", "\n\n\"No, why should it? ", "Ashamed of itself, that's how it should look.\"", "\n\n\"Yes,\" she agreed.", "\n\n\"He's unhappy because you don't love him,\" Henry suggested. ", "He replaced the carrot with a limp zucchini, giving the face a mournful, longing expression.", "\n\n\"He can't expect me to love him,\" Jane said, laughing again, almost giddily.", "\n\n\"But he does. ", "We all do.\" ", "He gave her a quick stare.", "\n\n\"No, you mustn't,\" she replied awkwardly, and turned away toward the front of the store.", "\n\n\"I have to drop some things off at my house, it won't take long,\" she said as they left the grocery, with Henry pushing the cart. ", "He would have seen the prunes and prune juice as she went through the checkout, and drawn conclusions, she thought, though she had attempted to muddle the message with a bag of brown sugar and some crackers. _", "It's my husband who is constipated, not me,_ she had suddenly wanted to say, though this would have been disloyal and also vulgar.", "\n\nAs she drove home to deliver Alan's groceries and enema, and then down to the Farmers' Market, followed by Henry's SUV, Jane's mind was troubled. ", "It was over eighteen months since she'd had the kind of conversation she'd just had in the grocery, and she was out of practice, she told herself. ", "In the past, she'd enjoyed flirting lightly and easily with Alan's friends. ", "But since his back trouble all that had stopped. ", "You don't flirt when your husband is seriously ill—nor, if you are a man, do you flirt with the wife of a seriously ill friend.", "\n\nThose old encounters weren't supposed to and didn't ever go anywhere; they were meant only to prove to both parties that they were amusing and attractive. ", "But Henry wasn't Alan's friend, and there was something about the glance he had given her in the grocery—But maybe, no, probably, she was imagining it, because it had been so long.", "\n\nAn hour later Henry and Jane were sitting at a picnic table between the Farmers' Market and the lake, under a big willow tree that trailed its bright delicate yellow leaves (which, Jane noticed, exactly matched his shirt) in the water. ", "They were drinking fresh cold apple cider, and beside Henry was a large new split-wood basket full of vegetables and fruit and homemade bread and honey and goat cheese and free-range brown eggs. ", "Jane had prevented him from buying any zucchini or tomatoes, promising to donate some of the excess from her garden. ", "It had turned out, as Lily claimed, that he did most of the shopping and cooking for himself and Delia.", "\n\n\"Hey,\" he said. \"", "I'm so lucky I ran into you.\"", "\n\n\"Mm.\" ", "Maybe Henry was lucky, Jane thought, but what was she? ", "Why had she volunteered to take him to the Farmers' Market instead of just giving him directions and going home? ", "Why was she here by the lake at noon instead of making lunch for Alan and finding out if he was feeling better and if there was anything else he needed? ", "Guilty was what she was, and selfish and careless.", "\n\n\"So how is everything going?\" ", "she asked politely, to break the silence and distract herself from these familiar self-accusations.", "\n\n\"All right. ", "Delia's having one of her migraines, though.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, that's too bad,\" Jane said, struck by the use of the possessive, as if the migraines were Delia's personal property. \"", "I'm very sorry,\" she added, conscious that she was not especially sorry. ", "The more she saw of Delia Delaney, the less she cared for her. ", "When Delia wasn't demanding some special service or equipment, she was interfering with things at the Center in other ways. ", "A few days ago, for instance, she had taken, or rather openly stolen, a whole ream of expensive pale-green paper (normally used only for posters and announcements) from the supply cupboard. ", "Also, after Susie had received a polite written apology from Charlie Amir, which should have closed last month's unfortunate incident, Delia had completely spoiled its effect. ", "She had done this by telling Susie that the bunch of roses that accompanied the note conveyed a message in the Victorian Language of Flowers: dark-red roses, appropriately, meant Bashful Shame, but the ferns that came with them signified Fascination. \"", "He's ashamed of what he did, but he's also fascinated by you, Susie,\" Delia had said, laughing. \"", "When he kissed you, he couldn't help himself.\"", "\n\nWhen Jane remarked that it was very unlikely that a Bosnian economist would be acquainted with this code, Delia had contradicted her. ", "The Language of Flowers was still known all over Europe, she claimed. ", "Anyhow, she had added, segueing into a vatic Jungian mode, these ancient symbolic meanings were innate. ", "Even if Charlie hadn't known what the flowers meant, they expressed what he subconsciously wanted to convey. ", "It was meant as a joke, probably, but for the rest of the afternoon Susie had remained in a dreamy, inefficient daze. \"", "Nobody ever sent me so many roses before,\" she kept saying.", "\n\n\"It's weird, you know,\" Henry remarked, as if to himself. \"", "When she's having a migraine it's as if Delia's a different person. ", "Sometimes I almost don't recognize her.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, it's—\" Jane said involuntarily, then checked herself, hoping she had given nothing away. \"", "Does Delia have migraines often?\" ", "she asked, aware that she had allowed a silence to fall.", "\n\n\"Fairly often.\" ", "Henry took a slow drink of cider. \"", "They come on when she's under stress, or when she doesn't get what she wants. ", "That's my theory, anyhow.\" ", "He smiled briefly and without mirth.", "\n\n\"Really. ", "And what does she want?\"", "\n\n\"Oh, the usual things that people want. ", "Fame, love, money.\"", "\n\n\"Really,\" Jane repeated. \"", "But doesn't she already have those things?\"", "\n\n\"Not completely. ", "Reviews often make her ill, for instance. ", "Last night it was a piece in the _Times Literary Supplement_. ", "It was favorable, mostly, but it called her the American Angela Carter. ", "Delia said the implication was that she was a weak transatlantic copy. ", "And it wasn't fair either, because Angela's tales all came out of European folklore, while most of hers are inspired by Southern popular traditions and ghost stories and American Indian legends. '", "The English are so sneaky and devious,' she kept saying. '", "They destroy you with a thousand little needle-pricks. ", "I can feel them now in my head.' \"", "\n\n\"And she got a migraine just from that?\" ", "Jane asked incredulously. \"", "But she's had so many, many good reviews, and articles and letters—I know, I've seen her folder.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, but you see, Delia doesn't feel safe unless the applause is complete. ", "She needs for everyone in the world to love her. ", "And usually they do.\"", "\n\n\"Yes; I've noticed,\" Jane said. ", "Bill Laird's prediction had come true, she thought. ", "Both Mrs. Unger and Susie admired Delia immensely now, and all the Fellows except Alan seemed to have a crush on her, including Selma Schmidt.", "\n\n\"But it's never enough, you see,\" Henry said. \"", "There's always a few people here and there who don't love Delia, however hard she tries. ", "However brilliant and charming she is, they just won't.\" ", "He paused to take another swallow of cider. \"", "People like you, for instance.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, I never said—I didn't mean—\" Jane protested.", "\n\n\"Of course not. ", "But I can always tell. ", "And so can she, usually. '", "Jane Mackenzie doesn't like me,' she said, just the other day. '", "How can I get her to like me?' \"", "\n\nNo way, Jane thought, but said nothing. ", "She looked at Henry and noticed that he was smiling, almost laughing. ", "It amuses him that I don't like Delia, she realized. ", "Maybe it even pleases him.", "\n\n\"It's not always fun being famous,\" Henry said. \"", "But somehow people want it.\"", "\n\n\"I don't see why,\" Jane said with distaste. \"", "All those people looking at you and talking about you all the time and printing your name in the papers.\"", "\n\n\"You might like it,\" Henry said. \"", "You never know till you try.\"", "\n\n\"No, I wouldn't. ", "I was sort of famous here in Corinth once, for a week or so, and it was just hateful.\"", "\n\n\"Ah? ", "How did that happen?\" ", "He smiled and leaned toward her.", "\n\n\"Well, it was kind of a mistake. ", "My picture was in the local paper because I was buying a big stack of books at the library book sale. ", "I didn't even know they'd taken it, but it was on the front page. ", "Everybody in town saw it, and they all said different intrusive things, even people I hardly know. ", "They said how I must read so much I would hardly have time for anything else, or that my hair was untidy. ", "The pharmacist in the drugstore told me I needed a haircut, and this woman in Benefits in Knight Hall said I looked very worried and unhappy; but I wasn't unhappy at all. ", "I only looked that way because the books were heavy and slipping.\" ", "She flushed, embarrassed. ", "Why am I running off at the mouth like this? ", "she thought. ", "I hardly know this person.", "\n\n\"I think I know what you mean,\" Henry said, and waited for her to go on, and for some reason, maybe because he was listening so carefully, she did.", "\n\n\"You see, if I hadn't been in the paper nobody would have dared to tell me I looked unhappy or needed a haircut, they would have known it was none of their business. ", "Nobody asked them to have an opinion, but they somehow thought it was their right, because I was in the paper. ", "I don't know how famous people can stand it. ", "I mean, it's no wonder Delia gets headaches.\"", "\n\n\"No, perhaps not.\" ", "Henry was silent for a moment, looking out over the long, shimmering lake, and then back at Jane. \"", "I wanted to be famous once, you know,\" he said. \"", "Before I saw it up close.\" ", "He shrugged and turned, glancing around at the group of musicians on the dock who were playing a ragged but cheerful bluegrass number. \"", "This is a great place,\" he said finally. \"", "I think I'm going to come here every Saturday.\"", "\n\n\"Why not?\" ", "Jane frowned. ", "Before Alan hurt his back, they used to visit the market together. ", "He would carry the basket, and often they would run into friends and acquaintances. ", "Today Jane hadn't seen anyone she knew well enough to speak to at length, but she had been uncomfortably aware that one of the technicians in her dentist's office, and an elderly couple who often came to chamber music concerts in Bailey Hall, must have noticed that a strange man was accompanying her.", "\n\n\"You know, it kind of reminds me of home,\" Henry added.", "\n\n\"Oh? ", "Where is home?\"", "\n\n\"Well. ", "It's in Ontario. ", "Or was.\"", "\n\n\"In Canada.\"", "\n\n\"Uh-huh.\"", "\n\n\"You're a Canadian.\"", "\n\nHenry sighed. \"", "God. ", "The way you say that.\"", "\n\n\"What?\"", "\n\nHe laughed. \"", "Oh, it's not just you. ", "Everyone down here says it that way. ", "With a kind of bored, dying fall.\"", "\n\n\"I didn't,\" Jane protested.", "\n\n\"Yes, you did. ", "To an American, a Canadian is something like—like this cabbage.\" ", "He lifted it from his basket. \"", "Organic, healthy, solid, reliable, boring.\"", "\n\nIn spite of herself, Jane laughed.", "\n\n\"Why are you laughing? ", "It's no joke to be Canadian.\"", "\n\n\"I didn't say all that, you did. ", "Anyhow I don't think of Canadians as cabbages.\"", "\n\n\"Ah. ", "So what do you think of them as?\"", "\n\n\"I don't think of them as anything,\" Jane said, half amused and half uncomfortable.", "\n\n\"Exactly. ", "You don't think of us at all. ", "That's our tragedy.\" ", "Henry grinned and took a final gulp of cider. \"", "You don't know how it is for us up there. ", "We're always looking south. ", "Aware that beyond the boundary there's another world: brighter, richer, full of abundance and adventure. ", "It's like being poor relations or hired help. ", "We're stuck up in the cold attic, and you're all down below where it's warm and there's always a party going on.\"", "\n\n\"Is that why you came to America?\" ", "Jane asked. ", "The idea of a whole nation—or at least of Henry Hull—longing for her life, and envying it, seemed both childish and cheering.", "\n\n\"Well.\" ", "Henry paused and looked up the lake, where a little breeze was now stirring the water. \"", "I suppose so. ", "At least partly.\"", "\n\n\"And you found what you wanted?\"", "\n\n\"Hell, no.\" ", "He laughed. \"", "I should have known. ", "See, back home I was just a guy like other guys, but the minute I got here I was a Canadian. ", "As soon as anyone heard where I came from, the organic cabbage was all they saw.\"", "\n\n\"But you didn't go back,\" Jane said.", "\n\n\"No. ", "I just stopped telling people where I was from.\"", "\n\nJane looked at him, meeting his smile. \"", "You told me,\" she said.", "\n\n\"Yeah, I did. ", "I don't know,\" Henry said. \"", "I guess I feel safe with you.\" ", "He put his large square hand on hers in a friendly manner.", "\n\nBut I don't feel safe with you, Jane thought. ", "She tried to move her hand, but found it impossible.", "\n\n\"You're not like most Americans,\" Henry said meditatively. \"", "With most Americans I never feel safe. ", "You're kind of like a Canadian,\" he added, smiling now.", "\n\n\"Really.\" ", "She found the strength to pull her hand away. \"", "Is that a compliment or an insult?\"", "\n\n\"What do you think?\" ", "Henry continued to smile.", "\n\n\"I think it's a bit of both,\" Jane said as evenly as she could manage. \"", "I must get back now,\" she added, standing up. \"", "Alan—\"\n\n\"Yeah. ", "How is Alan?\"", "\n\n\"Not too well today, actually.\"", "\n\n\"It's rough, back trouble,\" Henry said. \"", "Or so I hear.\"", "\n\n\"Yes.\" ", "Jane picked up her own basket. \"", "It's not easy for him.\"", "\n\n\"Or for you either,\" Henry suggested. ", "He looked up at her, not smiling now. \"", "It's no joke, being a caregiver, right?\"", "\n\n\"Well, no, not always,\" Jane admitted, a little surprised. \"", "But of course it's much worse for him. ", "I mean, he's in terrible pain a lot of the time. ", "I don't have any right to complain.\"", "\n\n\"Sure you do. ", "And so do I.\" Henry stood up. ", "He was not as tall as Alan, but darker and broader, and unmistakably strong and in good health. \"", "It's what you do that counts, not what you say. ", "Or what you feel.\"", "\n\n\"Well. ", "Maybe.\" ", "In spite of herself, Jane smiled; but she also took a step away.", "\n\n\"I think we should meet often and complain to each other.\" ", "Henry put his warm broad hand on her bare arm, pulling her back toward him for a disturbing moment. \"", "What about lunch someday next week?\"", "\n\n\"Oh, I don't know,\" Jane said, shifting from one foot to another.", "\n\n\"I'll call you. ", "We caregivers have got to stick together.\"", "\nEIGHT\n\nAt the Unger Center for the Humanities, Alan lay on a dusty green plush sofa in a position that decreased but did not eliminate the gnawing pain in his back. ", "For a few hours this morning he had been able to work through the pain, but then it had become too exhausting.", "\n\nStill, he had accomplished something. ", "He had written three pages on the semiotics of American religious architecture, with representative examples. ", "Catholic churches in this country, he had proposed, tended to have sturdy, even stocky brick or stone bell towers, or at least towers capable of containing bells. ", "It was usually possible, though not always easy, to climb them. ", "The standard Episcopal or Presbyterian church tower was narrower and often taller, and more difficult of ascent. ", "And in the newer and more radical denominations, the steeple tended to become thinner and thinner, so that eventually it was sometimes reduced to a mere symbolic white wood or shiny aluminum spike, a kind of exaggerated lightning rod. ", "Was this development, perhaps, related to a conception of the Holy Spirit as no longer a benevolent dove that might roost on or nest in a tower, but instead more like a bolt of electricity that could and sometimes did strike worshippers down, so that they fell to the ground and babbled in tongues?", "\n\nFor the last week or so things had been looking up a little. ", "Alan's back was not well, nothing even approaching well; but at last it was no worse than before his operation. ", "Possibly this had something to do with his new office, with its sofa and the drafting table; possibly he was just managing the drugs better, so that he got some relief without headache, constipation, confusion, and all the other nasty side effects. ", "Or, possibly, his recent attempts to resume an exercise regime were paying off. ", "Encouraged by his friend Bernie, Alan had begun going for walks, and even (with the help of a charity transportation service called Gadabout) visited the YMCA pool, where he swam for twenty minutes and did uncomfortable water exercises.", "\n\nThe lizard, though slightly less active, was still there in his back; but the lecture on church architecture had gone well, and the questions and comments from the audience had suggested several new lines of inquiry. ", "Delia had been there as she had promised, though her congratulations afterward were irritatingly cut short by the arrival of Selma Schmidt. ", "Selma, who like all the other Fellows seemed to have a kind of adolescent crush on Delia, had come up to pant and gush not over his talk, but over Delia's latest story, actually pushing him aside in her haste.", "\n\nUltimately, though, the interruption hadn't mattered, because the following day Delia had come to Alan's office to repeat her praise both for his lecture and for the artificial follies on his property. ", "Moved by her enthusiasm, Alan had shown her, first, his watercolor rendering of the ruined chapel as it would look when completed, and then his drawings for several other possible projects. ", "Delia's reaction—impressed, amused—had been gratifying.", "\n\n\"Yes—this is the real thing,\" she had declared finally. \"", "Have you shown it anywhere yet?\" ", "Alan had shaken his head. \"", "You must have sent slides to your gallery, at least.\"", "\n\n\"No,\" he had admitted. \"", "I don't have slides, and I don't have a gallery. ", "I did these drawings for myself. ", "For the fun of it.\"", "\n\n\"But you should have a show.\" ", "Delia opened her great gray eyes even wider. \"", "Everyone should see this work. ", "You mustn't be selfish.\"", "\n\n\"I don't know.\" ", "He smiled. \"", "It might be dangerous, you know. ", "All these destroyed buildings, especially now. ", "If they went on view somebody might report me to Homeland Security.\"", "\n\nDelia laughed. \"", "I suppose anything is possible,\" she said.", "\n\n\"But seriously, you know, some people might be angry.\" ", "He was quoting Jane now. ", "When she had helped him move his drawings to the Center she had suggested that this wasn't a good time to leave them lying about. \"", "There's some things you can't make fun of,\" she had warned.", "\n\n\"No, no, no,\" Delia interrupted, tossing back her heavy shock of golden hair. \"", "You've got it all backwards. ", "What's happened makes your drawings more serious; it gives them a kind of visionary, prophetic quality. ", "You see these monuments as simultaneously beautiful and endangered. ", "I wonder—I have a friend in New York who runs a gallery. ", "I think he might be interested. ", "Would you let me contact him?\"", "\n\n\"Well—\" Half doubting, wholly charmed, Alan had arranged to have photographs made of half a dozen drawings and the two follies on his property, and Delia had sent them off.", "\n\nOr so she had said. ", "But since then, nothing. ", "Over two weeks had passed and Alan had hardly seen her again, and never alone, until twenty minutes ago, when she had hastened by his office with her face averted, not responding to his greeting. ", "Probably she was avoiding him. ", "Either she hadn't heard anything from the gallery, or his slides had been rejected and she was reluctant to tell him so. ", "That had been Jane's opinion when he mentioned the matter to her. ", "She didn't like to say this, she told Alan, but she would be surprised if anything came of Delia Delaney's proposal. ", "Yes, of course Delia had encouraged him, Jane said; it was the sort of thing she did. ", "Already she had encouraged and then disappointed several people at the University.", "\n\nWhen Alan said he found this hard to believe, Jane gave examples. \"", "She promised to go to lunch with Lily Unger and some of her friends, and then canceled at the last moment, said she had a headache. ", "She's persuaded Susie that Charlie Amir is in love with her, which of course he's not. ", "And she flatters all the Fellows and anyone else who turns up and promises to read their books or manuscripts, but then she never does, and when people try to reach her she isn't there. ", "She's already missed one of our weekly lunches and walked out of the other two early. ", "If you ask me, she's here to collect her salary and do as little as possible.\"", "\n\nIt was clear to Alan that Jane had it in for Delia; he just didn't know why. ", "It was unlikely that she should be jealous—that had never been her nature, and anyhow he was in no condition to be unfaithful. ", "He had never shown any enthusiasm for Delia's writing, and when Jane had recently referred to her most famous book as \"pretentious imitation fairy tales,\" he hadn't protested. ", "But it wasn't just that Jane didn't like Delia—she also didn't like his follies and ruins, especially now.", "\n\nShe had been doubtful about this project from the start, and now her doubts had increased. ", "In her opinion, Alan would probably do best to keep that side of his work quiet for a while. ", "There were a lot of people, especially in New York, who would be upset if they saw paintings like his. ", "When Alan suggested that they might be seen as ironic and amusing, Jane wasn't convinced. \"", "There are some things you can't make fun of,\" she had repeated.", "\n\nIn spite of Jane,Alan was still sure—well, almost sure—that Delia really had liked his work and that she had tried to interest the gallery in New York. ", "He considered going across the hall and saying that if her friend didn't want it, it wasn't her fault, and he was grateful anyhow. ", "He didn't want to become another pathetic claimant on Delia's warmth and generosity of spirit. ", "Everyone at the Center now continually vied for her time and attention, and it was embarrassing the way Susie and Mrs. Unger and the other Fellows and visitors and guests crowded around her in the hall and at lectures and at the weekly lunch meeting, maneuvering to sit next to her, smiling and staring and posturing and complimenting and, almost always, asking for favors. ", "No wonder that sometimes at lunch she would excuse herself early and flee half fed to her office. ", "Still, he had waited long enough.", "\n\nSitting and then standing slowly, with pain and difficulty, he went to look across the hall. ", "Delia's tall paneled door, as usual, was shut. ", "He knew now that often she did not open it when someone knocked, and only rarely answered her phone. ", "He himself had never knocked or phoned: he did not want to be one of the intrusive people who at all hours of the day attempted to invade Delia's privacy and interrupt her creative work.", "\n\nYet as he started back, Alan heard a strange and disturbing sound: like someone breathing hard, gasping or wailing. ", "At first he thought it was the autumn wind in the tall white pine tree outside his window; but the sounds weren't coming from there. ", "When he turned again to Delia's door, which was in fact not quite shut, he could hear them more clearly. ", "Someone inside was half sighing, half sobbing.", "\n\n\"Delia?\" ", "he called softly. ", "There was no answer. ", "Slowly, Alan pushed the door open a few inches.", "\n\nAt first the room seemed empty: the heavy dark-red velvet drapes were drawn, allowing only a few slashes of late September sunlight to carve up the gloom, and there was no one at the desk. ", "Then he saw something like a bundle of crumpled white washing huddled on the sofa. ", "Delia Delaney was lying there, staring at him silently.", "\n\nOr was that really Delia? ", "She seemed somehow wan and limp, more clothes than body; it was as if all her life had gone into the great bush of red-gold hair.", "\n\n\"Go away, would you, please?\" ", "she said in a half-drowned voice.", "\n\n\"I'm sorry.\" ", "He began to back out of the room.", "\n\n\"Wait. ", "Who is it? ", "Alan? ", "Is that you?\"", "\n\n\"Yes. ", "What's the matter? ", "Are you all right?\"", "\n\n\"No. ", "I'm getting a migraine. ", "Or I should say, a migraine is getting me.\" ", "She gave a thin imitation of a laugh.", "\n\n\"I'm sorry,\" he repeated. \"", "Shall I go away?\"", "\n\n\"Yes—no. ", "I've just taken something for it. ", "It works about half the time if I take it soon enough, but it always makes me a little dizzy, a little drunk.\" ", "She laughed lightly, sadly. \"", "If I'm lucky it'll kick in after ten, fifteen minutes. ", "I'd like to pass out until then, but I won't. ", "Come and talk to me, distract me.\" ", "Her voice was low, tremulous.", "\n\n\"I—All right.\" ", "Alan crossed the darkened room and stood beside the sofa. ", "Pale and ill as Delia looked, with great blue-violet smudges under her eyes, she was still voluptuously beautiful.", "\n\n\"Tell me a story. ", "No. ", "Sing to me.\"", "\n\n\"I don't know . . .\" ", "Clumsily and painfully, he lowered himself onto a nearby chair. \"", "Okay, I'll try.\"", "\n\nAlan had a light but true tenor voice, and a small repertory of old tunes and hymns, learned from one of his aunts. ", "He chose at random.", "\n\n_Down in the valley,_ \n _The valley so low,_ \n _Hang your head over,_ \n _Hear the wind blow._", "\n\n\"That's nice,\" Delia murmured, closing her eyes and stretching out on the sofa, so that most of a bare round white leg became visible, lit at the thigh by a thin stripe of sunlight.", "\n\n_Build me a castle_ \n _Forty feet high,_ \n _So I can see her_ \n _As she goes by._", "\n\nAllan paused, thinking that his unconscious had somehow directed his choice: that the Unger Center, with its brickwork parapets, was the nearest thing to a castle on campus; also that, counting the cupola, it was about forty feet high. ", "Am I in love with her too, like everyone else? ", "he asked himself.", "\n\n\"Please, go on,\" Delia whispered plaintively, and he complied.", "\n\n _If you don't love me,_ \n _Love whom you please._ ", " \n _Throw your arms 'round me,_ \n _Give my heart ease._", "\n\nMaybe I just want to fuck her, that's what the song says, he thought. ", "Yeah, that certainly. ", "But to make a move, even if it was welcomed, would precipitate a shameful disaster. ", "It was months since he'd been able to perform normally; fear and pain and the fear of greater pain had always blocked him.", "\n\n\"Don't stop,\" Delia begged, and Alan searched his memory for the innocent tunes his mother had sung to him when he was a small child.", "\n\n_Lavender's blue, dilly dilly,_ \n _Lavender's green._ ", " \n _When I am king, dilly dilly,_ \n _You shall be queen._", "\n\nHe broke off, embarrassed by this second message from his unconscious, then went on through the remaining verses, stumbling over the last one:\n\n_Some to make hay, dilly dilly,_ \n _Some to cut corn,_ \n _While you and I, dilly dilly,_ \n _Keep ourselves warm._", "\n\n\"That's so nice,\" Delia murmured, opening her silver-gray eyes, now rimmed with long wet dark lashes. \"", "You know, I used to be called Dilly when I was little.\"", "\n\n\"Really.\" ", "Coincidence was still working against him, Alan thought. ", "Or for him. \"", "How are you feeling?\" ", "he asked.", "\n\n\"A bit better, you know. ", "I think maybe the pill's going to work this time. ", "Or maybe it's your singing. ", "You have a wonderful voice, so soothing.\" ", "She reached out one soft white hand to touch his.", "\n\n\"Thank you.\" ", "I must get out of here before I do something stupid, Alan thought. ", "Aware again of his pain, he rose agonizingly to his feet, leaning on the arm of the sofa.", "\n\n\"Don't go yet.\" ", "Delia smiled at him through the gloom. ", "Already she looked less ill: a rosy flush had come into her face. ", "As she pushed herself up slowly, her blouse slipped down to half reveal one pale, rounded breast in a border of crumpled white lace. \"", "Come on. ", "Sit down again.\"", "\n\n\"I can't—my back,\" Alan said. \"", "It hurts like hell if I sit for more than a few minutes.\"", "\n\n\"Ah.\" ", "Unlike everyone else he knew, Delia did not express sympathy. \"", "So what do you take for it?\" ", "she asked.", "\n\n\"Different things.\" ", "Then, not wanting to seem rude, he added, \"Codeine mostly. ", "And alcohol.\"", "\n\n\"Does that work for you?\"", "\n\n\"Well, sometimes. ", "But if I mix them or take too much I get a splitting headache. ", "Not a migraine like yours, at least from what I've heard, but a kind of steady hammering pressure.\"", "\n\n\"I've had that. ", "It's agony. ", "Vodka is a help, but what I really like is morphine, only it's so hard to get here.\"", "\n\nAlan looked at Delia with some surprise, realizing that they were having exactly the same sort of conversation that he often had with his back-pain pals. ", "She's an invalid too, he thought, feeling for the first time a rush of warmth that wasn't admiration or lust. \"", "I know,\" he said. \"", "It really works for me too.\"", "\n\n\"I went to see this silly little woman at the University Health Center, and she started whining about how it wasn't medically advisable. ", "That's so stupid. ", "My doctor in New York says you can't get addicted to morphine if you only take it for serious pain.\"", "\n\n\"Mine says the same thing. ", "Would you like to go and see him? ", "I'll give you the name.\"", "\n\n\"Not now, thanks. ", "I'm going down to New York soon, I can get a new prescription then. ", "I could have brought more with me, but I know it's a mistake to block all my pain. ", "Even if I could.\"", "\n\n\"How do you mean, a mistake?\" ", "Alan asked. \"", "Hell, if I could block all mine without side effects, I'd do it like a shot.\"", "\n\n\"It's cowardly. ", "I know my migraines come for a purpose. ", "They're bringing me something I need.\"", "\n\n\"Really?\"", "\n\n\"But you must feel that too, about your pain. ", "It's there for a reason. ", "I mean, don't you feel sometimes, when you lie there suffering, that images or messages are coming to you, ones you'd never find otherwise? ", "I know some of my best stories began as those strange kind of half-dreams, half-hallucinations I have late at night, or just before dawn, when I'm totally exhausted with a migraine. ", "Isn't it like that for you too?\"", "\n\n\"Sometimes,\" Alan admitted, remembering that the idea of turning the Plaza Fountain into a picturesque ruin had in fact occurred to him as he lay awake in agony one black rainy night last summer.", "\n\n\"When my aura starts, there's no way of knowing what will come. ", "Sometimes there are visions, sometimes nightmares, sometimes just blackness, oblivion.\"", "\n\n\"There's times I could use some oblivion.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, but we can't choose. ", "In the end you have to accept your affliction as a gift. ", "You have to ask, what is it trying to tell you, to give you? ", "What has it saved you from, what has it brought you?\"", "\n\n\"I hadn't thought of it like that,\" Alan said. ", "It's brought me Delia Delaney, he thought suddenly. ", "If my back were well, she wouldn't be speaking to me so intimately.", "\n\nShe leaned toward him, her eyes hypnotically wide. \"", "Inspiration comes from a dark, distant place, and it can't come without pain. ", "When I feel a migraine starting, it's as if I can see these great black things flying towards me over the hills and over the city, half-bird and half-bat, with their claws out and their beaks open. ", "Coming to hurt me and help me.\"", "\n\n\"Mine is just a big ugly reddish brown lizard,\" Alan said. \"", "Only it's always there, in my back.\" ", "He laughed awkwardly; he had never mentioned the lizard to anyone, not even Jane.", "\n\n\"But you can numb it with alcohol and drugs,\" Delia suggested. \"", "Stupefy it.\"", "\n\n\"Oh yes. ", "And then I'm numb and stupid too.\"", "\n\n\"Yes.\" ", "Delia nodded. \"", "I know all about that. ", "Your life becomes a blur, a sort of sodden, mean half-life. ", "There's some pain still, but nothing to show for it.\"", "\n\n\"No,\" Alan said. \"", "And then you keep thinking stupid things. ", "Like, It's not fair. ", "Why should I have this pain, and not other people? ", "I mean, well, for instance\"—he laughed awkwardly—\"Jane and your husband aren't attacked by bats and lizards.\"", "\n\n\"But they're not creative people,\" Delia said. ", "She sat forward on the sofa and ran both hands through her tangled hair, combing it out into a great skein of red-gold silk.", "\n\n\"Are you feeling better?\"", "\n\n\"Yes,\" she said tentatively. \"", "Yes, it's gone. ", "All gone. ", "I'm just a little dizzy.\" ", "She stood up, putting one hand on Alan's arm to steady herself. ", "The crumpled white washing resolved itself into a gauzy low-necked blouse and a long pale flowered and ruffled skirt above bare white feet.", "\n\n\"Oh, lord,\" she added as if to herself. \"", "Look at that, what a disaster.\" ", "She held out one hand, and Alan, touching Delia deliberately for the first time, took it. ", "Delia did not pull away, but let her hand lie in his own, trembling slightly, cool and soft, with white rounded fingers, each of which ended in a long sharp silver-pink talon. ", "It was like holding an exotic marine creature, he thought, some pale starfish or sea anemone.", "\n\n\"I don't see any disaster,\" he said.", "\n\n\"It's the polish. ", "It's all chipping.\"", "\n\nAlan bent closer; it was true that here and there the talons of the anemone were speckled with flakes of a darker rose. \"", "It looks fine to me,\" he told her. \"", "But I don't see—\" he added, struck by this for the first time, \"I mean, how can you do anything with nails that long?\"", "\n\n\"What sort of anything do you mean?\" ", "Delia asked, smiling oddly.", "\n\n\"I don't know. ", "Cook, clean, shop, sew—the things women do.\"", "\n\n\"But I don't do those things anymore.\" ", "She gave a little laugh and slid her hand softly away. \"", "I especially don't do them, and my nails are a sign that I don't.\"", "\n\nAlan looked from Delia's hands, now clasped in a double underwater flower, to her smiling face. \"", "Even so, isn't it hard for you to work—to type on a computer?\"", "\n\n\"But I don't. ", "That's the point,\" she murmured, smiling up at him.", "\n\n\"But then, how can you write?\"", "\n\n\"Oh, I can write. ", "I always write by hand anyhow.\" ", "She turned toward her desk, which, Alan realized now, was empty of electronic devices. ", "It held only a vase of flowers, a stack of pale-green paper, and a flowered china mug full of pens. \"", "It's the natural way—has been for thousands of years.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, but—\" Alan said, mesmerized.", "\n\n\"I despise the idea of being separated from my words by a machine. ", "I want them to flow directly from my mind down my arm into my hand and out onto the paper in one uninterrupted motion.\" ", "Delia demonstrated, stroking her bare rosy arm, long fingers, pointed seashell nails, and an imaginary sheet of paper in one slow, graceful gesture. \"", "Just the way you do when you're drawing, you know.\"", "\n\n\"Uh—yeah.\" ", "You're so beautiful, he thought.", "\n\n\"For me, writing is a sensual act. ", "Well, you must know. ", "It's like that for most artists, isn't it?\" ", "Delia turned slightly away, glancing out of the window as if she saw a procession of artists passing.", "\n\n\"Yeah, you're probably right,\" he agreed, swerving around toward her, his mind blurred by a surge of pain and the impulse toward another sort of sensual act.", "\n\n\"I'm sure I am,\" Delia said, stepping away as if she had intuited what he was planning. ", "Her voice had strengthened and lost its murmuring, confiding tone.", "\n\n\"I—you—\" Alan uttered inarticulately, putting one hand on the pain in his back.", "\n\nDelia did not reply. ", "She felt about on the carpet for her shoes, slipped her feet into them, and moved toward her desk.", "\n\n\"You know, I think I'd like to work now,\" she said.", "\n\n\"Okay. ", "I'll let you.\" ", "Alan heard a hurt, resentful overtone in his voice. ", "A few moments ago he had felt closer to Delia than to anyone in the world; now she was speaking to him like a polite stranger. ", "Or an impolite one. \"", "Well, so long,\" he added, attempting an equal unconcern.", "\n\n\"Mm.\" ", "Delia sat down at her desk, drawing a sheet of pale-green paper toward her and picking up a pen. \"", "Oh, I forgot to tell you,\" she added casually, glancing up. \"", "I heard from Jacky Herbert yesterday. ", "He really likes your paintings.\"", "\n\n\"He likes them?\" ", "Alan felt suddenly out of breath\n\n\"Mm,\" she said after a pause. \"", "He wants to meet you.\" ", "Again she turned away,\n\n\"He wants to meet me when?\"", "\n\nThis time Delia did not even seem to hear. ", "Alan stood for a moment staring at her bare flushed arms and her thick sheaf of hair. ", "As he took a step toward the door, one of the slices of dust-filled sunlight that escaped from between the heavy velvet curtains slashed and suddenly blinded him. ", "Stumbling with suddenly renewed pain, he left the room.", "\nNINE\n\nIn a campus coffee shop known as the Red Bear, Jane and Henry Hull were having lunch. ", "It was heavily cloudy outside the window, and damp yellow leaves splattered the lawns, but Jane's spirits were not cloudy or damp. ", "More and more she looked forward to these lunches, which occurred more and more often. ", "They no longer made her uneasy, since all this time Henry had never made the move she had guiltily desired and dreaded. ", "Clearly she was safe with him: all he wanted was a friend, a friend who also had an invalid spouse.", "\n\nMainly they spoke of ordinary subjects—local and national news events, films they had seen, their own histories. ", "Jane now knew that Henry had at one time or another been a waiter, an advertising executive, a counselor of troubled adolescent boys, a taxi driver, and a high school teacher. ", "At present he was a freelance editor. \"", "What that means is, somebody who knows something but can't write, puts together a book,\" he had explained. \"", "It's on weather forecasting, or city planning, or Colonial history, or whatever. ", "The information is all there, and there are readers who want it—but the prose is clumsy and the organization is confused. ", "So they send the manuscript to me. ", "And the worse it is, the longer it takes, the more they pay.\"", "\n\nAs a result of his profession, Henry knew a lot about some unusual subjects. \"", "When I take on a project I sometimes think, Oh, this won't be very interesting, but I always get hooked. ", "Did you know, for instance, that you can tell whether the moon is waxing or waning by whether its horns point east or west?\"", "\n\n\"I did, actually,\" Jane had admitted. \"", "You need to know that if you have a garden, because you have to plant aboveground crops when the moon is waxing, and root crops when it's waning.\"", "\n\n\"You really believe that?\" ", "Henry said, smiling.", "\n\n\"I don't know; but I planted my carrots at the wrong time this year, because of Alan's operation, and they're not very good—pale and kind of tasteless. ", "That's why I didn't bring you any.\" ", "Jane had continued giving Henry her excess vegetables, and he in return (in spite of her protests that the vegetables were free) insisted on paying for their lunches.", "\n\nShe had learned that Henry had two grown children by an earlier marriage, both successful yuppies. \"", "I love them, and they love me, but they're more serious and grown-up than I am by now. ", "Their attitude is, what crazy thing is Dad going to do next? ", "The trouble is, I don't usually know the answer myself.\" ", "Jane, in turn, had confided that she and Alan hadn't really wanted children.", "\n\n\"Really?\" ", "Henry said.", "\n\n\"Well, no. ", "That's not exactly so,\" she amended. \"", "We wanted them, but we didn't want to adopt. ", "Alan didn't think he could ever feel the same about a child that wasn't his.\"", "\n\n\"Ah.\" ", "Henry gave her a steady look. \"", "And could you?\"", "\n\n\"I—\" Jane swallowed. \"", "I thought maybe I could,\" she admitted. \"", "But it's not right to have children that one parent won't ever love.\"", "\n\n\"I suppose not,\" Henry said slowly. \"", "You know what's so remarkable about you?\" ", "he added. \"", "You always try to say what's true, not what will make you look good or please the person you're speaking to.\"", "\n\nYes, maybe, she had thought. ", "But that's partly because you're the person I'm speaking to.", "\n\nFor Jane, the most important subject of their conversation was what Henry had proposed that day by the lake: the problems of being a caregiver. ", "Theoretically she could have spoken of this to her women friends, and in the past she had tried to do so. ", "But their first question was always, \"How is Alan doing?\" ", "Often it did not occur to them to ask how she was doing. ", "After all, she was perfectly healthy. ", "Only her mother had ever suggested that Jane's role might not be an easy one. \"", "Yes, it can be hard,\" she had told Jane. \"", "You just have to do your duty the best you can.\" ", "It was her mother's standard solution to the problems of life, but one that had begun to work less and less well for Jane.", "\n\nEven with Henry she had resisted the topic at first. \"", "Really, I shouldn't complain,\" she had said. \"", "It seems so disloyal.\"", "\n\n\"Of course you should complain,\" Henry had replied. \"", "Besides, if you don't, I can't either.\"", "\n\n\"Well.\" ", "She smiled.", "\n\n\"Do you think I'm disloyal?\"", "\n\n\"No. ", "Not really.\" ", "In Jane's opinion, it was quite reasonable to complain about Delia Delaney, a deeply self-centered person whose headaches were, if not wholly fraudulent, certainly manipulative. ", "But Henry never said anything negative about Alan, and she had therefore resolved to refrain from criticizing his wife, though sometimes she almost slipped.", "\n\n\"We both need to let off steam,\" Henry said. \"", "It's better and safer this way. ", "If we don't, it's going to explode and burn someone.\"", "\n\n\"I guess you're right,\" Jane said. ", "She imagined a cloud of scalding hot steam bursting from his mouth and engulfing Delia. ", "How she would scream, she thought.", "\n\n\"Absolutely.\"", "\n\nJane had not protested again, though sometimes she would take an awkward step back after revealing the latest problem: today, Alan's sluggishness about doing the exercises that had been prescribed for his back. \"", "He keeps putting them off, and then when he finally starts he groans so, you can hear it all over the house. ", "He wants me to come running and tell him that he must stop if it's hurting so much, and bring him a glass of grapefruit juice and his icepacks.\"", "\n\n\"It's like that with Delia too. ", "Misery loves company. ", "I used to think that meant that miserable people love to be with other miserable people. ", "That could be true too, sometimes. ", "But lately I think it mostly means that they need for us to be there and see them suffer, and be miserable too.\"", "\n\n\"Well, yes. ", "Sometimes it seems that way,\" Jane admitted. \"", "Like last Sunday I was going to have lunch with a friend. ", "I'd told Alan about it the day before, but when I said I was leaving he acted as if I hadn't. '", "Oh, do you really have to?' ", "he said. ", "I felt terrible, because I knew he had had a bad night and was in awful pain. ", "And of course I didn't _have_ to go. ", "I just wanted to.\"", "\n\n\"And did you go?\"", "\n\n\"Yes, eventually, but I maybe shouldn't have.\" ", "Jane sighed.", "\n\n\"If you'd stayed, would Alan have felt better?\"", "\n\n\"Maybe. ", "At least I could have made him lunch. ", "Well, I did make him lunch, and left it in the fridge, but it's not the same.\"", "\n\n\"Uh-huh. ", "They want us there when they want us there. ", "And then when they don't, they don't.\"", "\n\n\"Alan always wants me there,\" Jane said. \"", "But then he's in pain all the time, not just now and then.\"", "\n\n\"At least you always know what to expect,\" Henry said. \"", "I can never tell from one day to the next whether Delia will get a sick headache and everything will have to be canceled. ", "She'll be dressing to go out to dinner, and suddenly she'll collapse and throw up, and I have to get on the phone to make excuses, and then go mop up the bathroom.\"", "\n\n\"I thought she could tell when a headache was coming on,\" Jane said.", "\n\n\"Not always.\" ", "Henry looked at her. \"", "You think maybe her migraines aren't real, but you're wrong.\"", "\n\n\"I didn't say that—\"\n\n\"But you thought it, I can tell. ", "And it's not true. ", "When one hits, Delia's in agony. ", "She wouldn't ever choose to lie for twenty-four hours in a dark room; she loves life too much.\"", "\n\n\"Mm,\" Jane said, ashamed but only partly convinced. ", "The headaches may be real, she thought, but Delia uses them. ", "Did that mean that Alan too used his pain? ", "That he deliberately—But at that disloyal thought she felt a pang of acid guilt like heartburn.", "\n\n\"Her life hasn't been easy,\" Henry told her. \"", "Bad things happened to her when she was a kid. ", "Her parents were both drunks, and she saw things no kid should see.\"", "\n\n\"Um,\" Jane said, remembering Delia's story \"A Woman Made of Fire,\" one of her most famous works. ", "The language of this tale was so poetic and allusive that it had been hard for Jane to figure out what happened. ", "But it seemed to be about a beautiful princess who is vaguely but horribly attacked in the forest at dusk by a man or monster with a burning torch. ", "As a result she is both damaged and metamorphosed, burnt and transfigured. ", "Afterward she goes to live alone in a tower by the sea. ", "Her hair grows very long, and many men come to court her. ", "They stand on the shore and call up to her, they sing and play musical instruments and recite poetry. ", "She looks out of the window, but never lets down her long burnt-gold hair to them.", "\n\nAccording to Lily Unger, this tale was supposed to be based on a traumatic event in Delia's early adolescence, and the burning torch was really a flashlight. \"", "When she was fifteen, sixteen, Delia was kind of a freak,\" Lily had explained to Jane. \"", "The other kids thought she acted superior, put on airs. ", "She wore strange clothes, and she used to go out and walk in the woods after supper, talking to herself. ", "So one evening some boys followed her into the woods, four or five of them.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, I've heard that,\" Jane said now.", "\n\n\"She was damaged,\" Henry said. \"", "It was a long time ago, but nothing can make it up to her.\"", "\n\n\"But you try,\" Jane suggested.", "\n\n\"Yeah. ", "Sometimes.\" ", "Henry shrugged.", "\n\n\"It's different for Alan,\" she said. \"", "His life has been pretty easy. ", "Until he got ill, I mean. ", "And it could be so much worse—I mean, he doesn't have a fatal disease or anything like that.\"", "\n\n\"Neither does Delia. ", "But in a way that makes it harder. ", "I remember when my father was terminally ill. ", "Of course he was miserable, and my mother was totally wiped out. ", "But they both knew that one day, maybe quite soon, it would all be over. ", "For us, it could go on the rest of our lives.\"", "\n\n\"Yes,\" Jane admitted. \"", "I'm afraid of that sometimes.\"", "\n\nHenry stirred his tea slowly. \"", "I figure there's no point in looking too far into the future. ", "What we have to do is enjoy the world as much as we can right now. ", "It doesn't do anyone any good for us to give up things and be miserable.\"", "\n\n\"I don't know.\" ", "Jane laughed unhappily. \"", "I mean, I've thought sometimes maybe it does. ", "If Alan sees me enjoying myself he might feel worse because of the contrast.\"", "\n\n\"Maybe,\" Henry said. \"", "But I don't think it works that way. ", "At least not with Delia. ", "She wants me to be strong and well and happy, otherwise I might not be able to take care of her, or I might not want to. ", "She doesn't want me to get worn down or fed up. ", "That's odd. ", "Why isn't it 'worn up' and 'fed down'?\"", "\n\n\"I have no idea.\" ", "Jane laughed. \"", "You sound like Bill Laird. ", "He's always looking sideways at words, turning them around in his mind.\"", "\n\n\"I used to do a lot of that,\" Henry said. ", "He sat back and pushed his empty plate away. \"", "You get in the habit.\"", "\n\n\"Oh yes?\" ", "Jane looked at him, admiring his thick eyebrows, high color, and thoughtful meditative expression. \"", "You mean when you were in advertising.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, and when I was a poet.\"", "\n\n\"You were a poet? ", "I never knew that.\"", "\n\n\"I don't admit to it very often. ", "But I was. ", "It was a long time ago, but I even won an award for it, and I published two books. ", "They were mostly white space, though, because I was a minimalist.\"", "\n\n\"Really? ", "So why did you stop?\"", "\n\n\"I didn't exactly stop. ", "My poems got shorter and shorter, and then they just sort of disappeared, and it was all white space.\" ", "He smiled and ran one hand around the collar of his denim shirt, as if it had suddenly become too tight.", "\n\n\"I'm sorry,\" Jane told him. \"", "But maybe you'll start again sometime.\"", "\n\n\"That's what Delia always used to say. ", "She got quite angry with me when I wouldn't even try.\"", "\n\n\"But that's not fair,\" Jane exclaimed in spite of her previous resolve. \"", "It's not the sort of thing you can just decide to do.\"", "\n\n\"Depends on how you look at it.\" ", "He shrugged. \"", "Wouldn't you like me better if I were a poet?\"", "\n\n\"No, why should I?\" ", "She laughed.", "\n\n\"Delia would.\" ", "His face darkened; he looked away from her, out of the window, which was beginning to blur with rain.", "\n\n\"Well, I like you just fine the way you are,\" Jane said, feeling a rush of distaste for Henry's wife. ", "At least Alan never wants me to be something else, something I can't be, she thought.", "\n\nHenry turned back; he looked at her, then slowly smiled. \"", "And I like you just fine the way you are,\" he said, less casually.", "\n\nJane caught her breath; for a moment the whole room blurred like the rain-washed quadrangle outside. ", "Something is happening, she thought. ", "Alarmed, she tried to block it.", "\n\n\"I'm afraid Delia has the same sort of idea about Alan,\" she said rapidly. \"", "She's convinced him he's an artist; and now she's convinced some friend of hers who owns a gallery in New York to show his pictures of ruins.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, she told me about that.\"", "\n\n\"Of course Alan was very excited when he heard the news. ", "Over the moon, he said himself. ", "He didn't say anything about his back for nearly a whole day. ", "But I'm worried about the whole thing.\"", "\n\n\"Worried?\" ", "Henry raised his eyebrows.", "\n\n\"You know, what people will think.\"", "\n\n\"What's that?\" ", "He smiled, but Jane did not.", "\n\n\"They'll think Alan's making fun of death and destruction.\"", "\n\n\"Really? ", "Do you think he is?\"", "\n\n\"No, of course not. ", "Alan would never do that. ", "Anyhow he made most of those drawings long before September 11. ", "But most people won't know that. ", "They'll think it's a joke about the World Trade Center, and they'll get angry.\"", "\n\n\"Is anyone angry at him now?\"", "\n\n\"No,\" Jane admitted. \"", "But not many people have seen his drawings.\" ", "I'm angry, she realized. ", "Not at the drawings, but at Delia, for charming and bullying her way into Alan's life, making him jump over the moon like the stupid cow in the nursery rhyme, making him forget his pain, when I've been trying to do the same thing for a year and a half without success. ", "It was so wrong, so unfair—It also was something she couldn't complain to Henry about.", "\n\n\"I'd better get back to work,\" she said instead.", "\n\n\"Okay.\" ", "He stood up. \"", "Hey, it's really raining,\" he added as he pushed open the door. \"", "Never mind, I have a big umbrella. ", "Here, take my arm.\"", "\n\nSplashing though puddles, Jane and Henry made their way across campus toward the Center, where his car was parked. ", "But though her feet were soon wet, the rest of Jane remained surprisingly dry. ", "This struck her as odd; then she realized that because Henry was shorter than Alan by several inches, his big black umbrella shielded her better. ", "Also he held his arm closer to his side, so that Jane's hand was pressed against his rough tan duffle coat. ", "A shiver ran up her arm toward her shoulder, and farther, and she had to remind herself forcibly that she was suffering from prolonged sexual frustration, and that Henry was just a friend who was married to one of the most beautiful women in Hopkins County.", "\n\n\"I'd like to come in for a moment,\" he said when they reached the Center.", "\n\n\"Yes, of course.\" ", "Jane held open the heavy door while he shook out his umbrella. \"", "How's everything?\" ", "she asked Susie.", "\n\n\"Very quiet. ", "Nobody's here but Charlie and Selma.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, I know.\" ", "Neither Alan nor Delia had come in that day—Delia almost never did on Fridays—and the fifth Fellow, a dignified Yale sociologist in his fifties called Davi Gakar, was on his way to a wedding on Long Island with his family.", "\n\n\"Oh, look at that rain.\" ", "Susie opened a pink-flowered umbrella. \"", "I'll be back in an hour. ", "Oh, I forgot, Selma wanted me to remind you that she's screening all Delia's calls. ", "Says she's Delia's watchdog.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, I know,\" Jane repeated without enthusiasm. ", "Somehow, over the past few weeks, Delia had got everyone at the Center working for her. ", "Selma took her phone messages, Susie typed her manuscripts and letters, Charlie brought her coffee at the weekly lunch, and Davi Gakar passed on his _New York Times_ every day. \"", "I expect she'll get tired of it after a while.\"", "\n\n\"Actually I don't think she will,\" Henry said as the front door closed behind Susie.", "\n\n\"No, maybe not.\" ", "Jane recalled the look of doglike devotion that Selma sometimes directed toward Delia. ", "At least Alan isn't working for her, Jane thought.", "\n\n\"Delia understands the use of obligations,\" Henry said, following Jane into the office and sitting on the edge of her desk. \"", "She knows how to bind people to her with them. ", "When you do something for Delia she's wonderfully grateful. ", "She makes you feel that she couldn't survive without your help, and that you have a big part in her fame and success. ", "But that's not what I wanted to say.\" ", "He leaned toward Jane and put one hand on her arm. \"", "I w-wanted to say—to tell you—\" He stumbled over the words.", "\n\nSomething is happening, Jane thought, I should stop it. ", "But she could not move.", "\n\n\"I—Oh, hell.\" ", "The telephone had begun to ring.", "\n\n\"Unger Center for the H-Humanities,\" Jane said, also stuttering a little.", "\n\n\"This is Sergeant Dan Warren at the Hopkins County Public Safety Office.\"", "\n\n\"Uh, yes?\" ", "And now something else is happening, she thought, feeling frightened and confused. ", "Someone has been arrested, someone is dead or injured.", "\n\n\"Who am I speaking to?\"", "\n\n\"This is Jane Mackenzie. ", "I'm the administrative director of the Unger Center for the Humanities at Corinth University.\" ", "Hearing her tense, formal tone, Henry sat back and took his hand off her arm.", "\n\n\"We have an individual here who has been detained by the Airport Security Officer at the county airport. ", "He was trying to board a plane with weapons and contraband materials. ", "Claims he is employed by your organization. ", "Says his name is David Gakar.\"", "\n\n\"Davi Gakar. ", "Yes, I mean he's a Fellow here, at the Center,\" Jane said, still shaken but also relieved. \"", "You mean, you're saying they think he was going to hijack an airplane?\"", "\n\nHenry's thick dark eyebrows rose, and he opened his mouth in a mime of astonishment.", "\n\n\"Maybe. ", "He didn't get that far.\"", "\n\n\"But Professor Gakar is a famous professor from Yale University. ", "He wouldn't—\" Jane fell silent. ", "After all, how did she know what Davi Gakar would or wouldn't do?", "\n\n\"He says you can verify his identity.\"", "\n\n\"Well, yes. ", "Of course I can.\"", "\n\n\"In that case we'd appreciate it if you would come to the County Security Building as soon as possible.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, of course. ", "I'll be right there.\" ", "The phone clattered loudly as she fit it back into its base. \"", "They've arrested Davi Gakar,\" she told Henry, annoyed to hear the wobble in her voice. \"", "They think he's a terrorist or something.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, I gathered.\"", "\n\n\"I've got to call Bill Laird.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah.\" ", "Henry smiled, to her mind inappropriately.", "\n\nBill, as usual, was calm and calming. ", "Not to worry, he said: he would get in touch with the University counsel's office and meet her at the Security Building (he called it by its former name, the County Jail) as soon as he could. ", "She should go there now, and bring Davi Gakar's file, along with his contract and letters of recommendation.", "\n\nWhat is the matter with me? ", "Jane thought as she went through the necessary actions: getting out the file, asking Charlie to cover the phone until Susie got back from lunch—carefully not telling him what the \"minor emergency\" was. ", "I am a good administrator, she told herself. ", "I am calm and capable in crises much worse than this one. ", "When Wilkie Walker slipped on the icy front steps last February and was lying there with his leg twisted under him; when the fire started in the bathroom wastebasket the year before that, I knew what to do. ", "But now she was confused; she felt as if she were running a fever, and her heart kept up a fluttering uneven rhythm. ", "It's because of Henry, she realized, looking at him and quickly looking away.", "\n\n\"I have to go now,\" she said.", "\n\n\"I'll drive you.\" ", "Henry stood up.", "\n\nThe confused thought crossed Jane's mind that this might not be a good idea. ", "But why not? ", "She did not try to answer her own question, only said, \"Thank you.\"", "\n\n\"I probably won't be of much use, but you never know.\" ", "He smiled. \"", "Anyhow, I wouldn't want to miss this.\"", "\n\nIt's not a TV show, Jane thought, but she said nothing.", "\n\nThey did not speak much on the way to the County Jail. ", "Once she asked Henry to please not mention to anybody what had happened to Professor Gakar, and he replied, \"All right.\" ", "But most of the time she was just silently watching the rain soak the windshield of Henry's SUV and the wipers slosh it away, and wondering alternately whether Davi Gakar was an international terrorist and when or if Henry would say whatever it was he had started to say at the Center. ", "She was tensely, annoyingly aware of him beside her, his rough tan duffle coat, his broad tanned hands on the wheel.", "\n\nIn the outer room of the Security Building, Davi Gakar's wife and children were sitting on a long wooden bench. ", "Whenever they came to the Center, they had always seemed happy and casual, and been dressed in casual New England preppie style. ", "They smiled often, showing perfect teeth. ", "Now they all wore formal dress-up clothes and varying unhappy expressions. ", "Davi's wife, a small, sophisticated woman who was a dentist in real life, had on a gilt-embroidered silk sari, heavy gold earrings, and a weary, sour expression. ", "His nine-year-old daughter, in a lace-collared dark-red velvet party dress, looked lost and frightened, while his five-year-old son, in a miniature suit and tie, was restless and bored.", "\n\n\"It's really important that we get to New York this afternoon,\" Mrs. Gakar said in tones frayed by repetition. \"", "My husband's niece is being married there.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, I know.\"", "\n\n\"Davi was extremely upset at the airport. ", "He was in the right, of course, but what he said wasn't useful. ", "Maybe you can talk a little sense into him.\"", "\n\n\"We'll try,\" Henry said. ", "Jane, who found Davi Gakar rather formidable, did not have the confidence to echo this promise. ", "Going to the desk, she presented his file, and Sheriff Hanshaw was summoned.", "\n\n\"If you'd come this way, please.\" ", "Jane and Henry were directed by a female clerk down a corridor to a small ugly room containing six plastic chairs, a table, a very young uniformed policeman, and Davi Gakar, in an elegantly cut three-piece suit and a state of indignation.", "\n\n\"This is totally unreasonable, unforgivable,\" he declared after being told that he and his family could not yet leave the building. \"", "You have the documents now.\"", "\n\n\"Please be patient, Professor,\" the policeman said in a manner that suggested he had said it several times before. \"", "The sheriff is looking at your papers now.\"", "\n\n\"The staff at the airport are incompetent bunglers,\" Davi Gakar declared. \"", "They cannot tell a wedding present from a weapon. ", "Look.\" ", "He gestured at the table before him, on the white plastic top of which was laid out a heterogeneous collection of objects, as in the memory game Jane had played at children's parties. ", "The center-piece was a rectangular black leather case lined in royal-blue plush and containing a large carving knife and fork with bone handles. ", "Surrounding it was a debris of shiny silver wrapping paper and ribbon, a child's flute, a pair of nail scissors and a nail file, and a bright-yellow toy bulldozer with a shiny metal scoop. \"", "The stupidity was amazing,\" Davi continued. \"", "They imagined that with this equipment my family and I planned to hijack their plane. ", "Presumably, I would attack the pilot with this carving knife and fork. ", "My wife would stab the copilot with her nail scissors, my daughter would poke them with her flute, and my son would hit them with his toy car. ", "That is what they thought, apparently.\"", "\n\nThe young policeman said nothing, but it was clear from his expression that this was exactly what he did think. ", "Henry, however, laughed, causing Jane to look at him with disapproval.", "\n\n\"Why, I asked them, would an American citizen, born in Forest Hills, New York, wish to attack an American plane? ", "And if I wished to do so, why would I bring my wife and children into danger? ", "I tried to be reasonable. ", "I pointed out that we are not Muslims, we are Hindus, whereas the terrorists of September 11 were Muslims. ", "If they are so determined to arrest someone, I said, why didn't they arrest Charles Amir when he flew to Washington last week? ", "He is a Muslim, and he is not a citizen.\"", "\n\nThe young policeman, who had been sitting at the table in an attitude of deep boredom, looked up. \"", "Would you repeat that name, please?\" ", "he asked.", "\n\n\"Amir, A-M-I—Wait a minute.\" ", "Davi checked himself. \"", "I am not accusing anyone of anything, I am merely trying to suggest that this sort of profiling is irrational, appalling, and illegal.\"", "\n\n\"Professor Gakar,\" Jane said, feeling helpless, \"I'm sure this can be resolved—\" But Henry interrupted her, turning on Davi.", "\n\n\"Listen,\" he said. \"", "If you want to get out of here today and get to that wedding, you've got to shut up. ", "These guys don't get academic irony. ", "Didn't you see that sign by the screener in the airport, warning people not to make jokes? ", "You go on like this, you're digging your cell with your own teeth.\"", "\n\n\"So what do you suggest I should do?\" ", "Davi asked scornfully.", "\n\n\"I suggest you should stop complaining and start apologizing for all the trouble you've caused.\"", "\n\n\"The trouble _I've_ caused?\" ", "Davi inquired. ", "He frowned, cleared his throat, and looked up at the acoustical tiles as if they were an object of scholarly interest. \"", "You may have a point,\" he finally said, lowering his gaze. \"", "In certain situations, expediency rules.\"", "\n\nNow more people entered the room: the sheriff followed by Bill Laird and an energetic young lawyer from the University counsel's office. ", "It was clear that the balance of the event had shifted. ", "Polite and conciliatory remarks were exchanged by all parties; local and long-distance phone calls were made. ", "The airport manager was consulted, and it was arranged that the Gakars could leave on the next flight to New York, which would depart in about an hour. ", "The carving set and the nail scissors would be transported in checked baggage; the flute and the yellow bulldozer were returned to their owners. ", "Everyone shook hands and smiled, some agreeably and others wearily or ironically. ", "The sheriff bought cans of Pepsi-Cola for the Gakar children from a vending machine, causing them to giggle and gobble, while their mother the dentist suppressed her natural reaction with difficulty. ", "Finally Henry and Jane conveyed the family back to the airport.", "\n\n\"It was really great, what you said to Davi Gakar,\" Jane told him as they drove away through the rain. \"", "I wouldn't have dared, but it worked.\"", "\n\n\"For the moment,\" Henry remarked.", "\n\n\"He was being unreasonable. ", "And why did he insist on putting that carving knife into a carry-on bag?\"", "\n\n\"Some people hate to check luggage.\"", "\n\n\"Then he could have mailed it. ", "Wait, you're going in the wrong direction; this isn't the way to the Center.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, I know.\" ", "Henry turned off the main road onto a wooded lane.", "\n\n\"I have to get back,\" Jane protested as he stopped the car under a big dripping maple tree whose wet leaves had turned a brilliant gold.", "\n\n\"Not yet.\" ", "Henry turned off the engine. ", "He moved closer, and kissed her.", "\n\n\"No, you shouldn't,\" Jane said weakly.", "\n\n\"Yes, I should. ", "We deserve it. ", "You know we do.\"", "\n\n\"No,\" Jane murmured, but when Henry moved back she met his mouth with her own. ", "Just this once, she told herself.", "\n\nTwo minutes passed in a silent, deeply satisfying blur; then another car went by, throwing up a heavy spray of water.", "\n\n\"I must get back to the office,\" Jane said, trembling all over. \"", "Susie will wonder what happened—Bill Laird's probably called too—\"\n\n\"All right.\" ", "Henry started the car. \"", "I'll come by the Center later.\"", "\n\n\"No, please don't. ", "Not now. ", "I can't—it's too much—\"\n\n\"Okay. ", "But you'll be at the Farmers' Market tomorrow morning, right?\"", "\n\n\"Yes, I guess so.\" ", "I don't have to go, she told her conscience.", "\n\n\"Good.\" ", "Henry turned back onto the highway. \"", "You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that,\" he said.", "\n\n\"No,\" Jane agreed, thinking that it couldn't be as long as she had wanted it. \"", "How long?\"", "\n\n\"Since the first time I saw you at the Center, when you were so mean about the sofas.\"", "\n\n\"Really?\" ", "And in spite of herself, she smiled.", "\nTEN\n\nOn a late October afternoon, Alan Mackenzie stood at the window of a Manhattan apartment, gazing east across Central Park. ", "Back in Corinth the trees were unsightly and bare; but here they still kept their leaves, and from the tenth floor the view was of a broad sunlit carpet of chrome yellow and ocher and flame-colored chrysanthemums, rippled by a gentle breeze. ", "Indoors, however, there was little to see. ", "This two-room apartment, the occasional pied-à-terre of an acquaintance of Delia Delaney, was furnished in a bleak, minimalist style, all smoky gray mirrors and black leather and chrome.", "\n\nFor Alan, the last twenty-four hours had been strange: alternately exhausting and exhilarating. ", "It was his first trip alone since his illness. ", "Jane had offered to come, but he had refused, partly but not wholly because he knew she disapproved of his purpose and was reluctant to ask for a leave from her job. ", "But without Jane's help he had been burdened with invalid equipment: the cane, the wheeled carry-on, and the clumsy black nylon bag containing his medications, his two icepacks, and the three foam rubber chair pads that he needed to make almost any chair tolerable. ", "Even so he could not sit for more than fifteen minutes without pain, and the flight to New York had been hideous. ", "The seats on the little commuter plane were narrow and hard, and its wind-buffeted motion made him ill. ", "The ride to the city in the jolting taxi was even worse, and by the time he reached his destination he was in agony.", "\n\nJim Weisman and Katie Fenn, the friends with whom Alan was staying near Columbia, were among his oldest and closest. ", "They had been on sabbatical all last academic year, and had not seen him since his back trouble. ", "They were clearly disconcerted to find him walking with a cane, and even more when he asked almost at once if he could put his icepacks in their freezer and lie on their sofa, with a tapestry pillow under his head and another between his knees. ", "As he explained his condition, they listened with concern and dismay. ", "They turned with relief to their own immediate history, describing with enthusiasm a Fulbright year in Southeast Asia, where Alan would now probably never go, and New York theater and opera productions that he would never see.", "\n\nAfter half an hour his exhaustion and pain were so great that he had to retreat to his friends' spare room. ", "For over an hour he lay there, unable to sleep, listening to their murmured voices. ", "He could not distinguish the words, but it was clear from the tone that Jim and Katie were distressed. ", "He realized that he should somehow have prepared them for the change in his condition and appearance, which for people back in Corinth had come more gradually.", "\n\nBy the time Alan emerged from the spare room, there had been a seismic shift in his friends' attitude. ", "They were now warm and solicitous, offering vodka and wine and bourbon, and then chicken curry and fruit sherbet; but for the rest of the evening they spoke mostly of the past, recalling their mutual adventures in college and graduate school and several European countries. ", "Though he joined in, laughing and reminiscing, he became more and more aware that invisibly his friends had taken a step or two away from him. ", "He had become a beloved character from their past rather than their present or future.", "\n\nAlan and Jim were almost exact contemporaries, but he had always been just a little ahead: published sooner, promoted to tenure sooner, married more successfully (Katie was Jim's second wife). ", "Now it was clear that he had lost this edge. ", "He was no longer ahead of his friends or even parallel with them, but a member of another, inferior species: an invalid. ", "His project for a book on religious architecture was old news, and he could see that they were surprised that it was not yet completed.", "\n\nOut of superstitious motives, he did not say that he might soon be having a show of his watercolor paintings. ", "Delia had been enthusiastic and optimistic, but she was not part of the New York art world. ", "It was quite possible that she had exaggerated her friend's interest in Alan's work, or that his gallery was only a shabby small-time operation. ", "That at least was what Jane suspected. ", "She had been doubtful about the whole project. (\"", "If that dealer really wants your pictures, why doesn't he come here to see you? ", "He knows you're ill, doesn't he?\") ", "Of course, Jane had also been prejudiced against Delia from the beginning, for some reason, and suspicious of her motives. (\"", "She's always flattering people and wanting them to think she has a lot of power and influence.\")", "\n\nLast night Alan had slept badly, in spite or perhaps because of all the wine and bourbon he had drunk and the various pills he had taken. ", "At four a.m. he staggered into the guest bathroom in a state of dizzy, blurred pain and despair. ", "Unlike the bathroom at home, Jim and Katie's was brilliantly lit, and in the mirror he could see himself with hideous clarity as they must have seen him: a sick, worn, overweight, prematurely aging man with a scruffy haircut. ", "That wasn't his fault: for almost a year and a half he had been unable to sit in a barber's chair, and at monthly intervals Jane had climbed on a stool to cut his hair. ", "She had done the best she could; but by New York standards her best was not very good.", "\n\nAs he stood before the mirror a great wash of despair and self-disgust came over Alan. ", "Why am I kidding myself? ", "he thought. ", "My back is not getting better. ", "I am not teaching or working on my book, only wasting time making drawings of imaginary ruins. ", "I am the ruin of a professor, the ruin of a scholar, the ruin of a man. ", "It would be better if I were dead. ", "In a drugged blur of self-hatred he turned to the bathroom window and tried to lift the sash. ", "But the building was old, and the window had warped shut; he could only raise it a couple of inches before he had to give up and lie down on the guest room bed again, giddy and gasping with the effort, wracked and wrecked with pain.", "\n\nIt's a good thing I couldn't get that window open last night, Alan thought now as he stood looking over the field of flowers that was Central Park. ", "I must have been a little crazed from all those drugs. ", "For one thing, Jim and Katie's apartment was on the second floor, and probably he would only have injured himself further, not to mention causing them lifelong remorse. (\"", "What could we have said to make him do that?\")", "\n\nAfter breakfast Alan had taken a painful taxi ride to the rather grand building on Central Park West where Delia was staying, and waited in the lobby for fifteen increasingly painful minutes. ", "Finally she appeared, strangely transformed. ", "Her mass of hair had been compressed into a chignon from which only a few gold-red tendrils escaped; she was elaborately made up and dressed in fashionable New York black: a long-skirted suit, a black silk blouse, a trailing black lace scarf, and dangerous-looking pointed black high-heeled sandals. ", "She did not apologize for making Alan wait, only gave him a New York air kiss near one cheek.", "\n\n\"I hardly recognized you in that getup,\" he said as they started across town in another horrible jolting taxi.", "\n\n\"It's protective coloration. ", "I'm having lunch with a new editor; I want to scare him a little.\"", "\n\n\"I was hoping to have lunch with you myself,\" Alan said, attempting without total success to keep disappointment and jealousy out of his voice.", "\n\n\"Sorry. ", "Business before pleasure.\" ", "Even Delia's voice seemed different. ", "Then she turned toward him and gave her familiar low, warm laugh. \"", "You have to dress to distress in this city. ", "And by the way, you should get rid of that tie before Jacky sees it. ", "Artists don't wear ties here, only businessmen.\"", "\n\n\"You really think—?\"", "\n\n\"Absolutely. ", "Anyhow it looks too academic. ", "Jacky doesn't want to meet a professor, he wants to meet a genius. ", "You should really have on jeans and a black sweater.\"", "\n\n\"Well, all right.\" ", "Alan laughed. ", "After all, what had he to lose? ", "He pulled off his striped tie, rolled it up, and put it in his pocket.", "\n\n\"Oh, and when you're at the gallery, you should be the strong silent type. ", "Don't talk much. ", "And don't sign anything.\"", "\n\n\"You're suggesting that Mr. Herbert is a crook,\" Alan said.", "\n\n\"No, no. ", "Jacky's a very charming, kind man. ", "I adore him.\"", "\n\n\"Really,\" Alan said, this time managing to keep the irrational rush of jealousy out of his voice.", "\n\n\"But of course he's also an art dealer. ", "So if he gives you a contract, just say you'd like to show it to your lawyer first.\"", "\n\n\"In other words, let him know I don't trust him.\" ", "Alan winced as the taxi jolted over a pothole.", "\n\n\"No, not at all. ", "He'll respect you for it.\"", "\n\nContrary to Jane's suspicions, the gallery, in a Madison Avenue office building, seemed prosperous, and the work on the walls was interesting. ", "And Jacky Herbert was an unlikely object of jealousy, being a heavy, elderly gay man with a shiny pink bald head surrounded by pale gray curls. ", "He was impeccably dressed in a pale gray suit and shiny pink silk tie, and his handshake was fleshy but firm.", "\n\nAfter an exchange of compliments and news about mutual friends that Alan could not follow, Jacky expressed his admiration for Alan's art. ", "He would like, he declared, to put four or five of the big drawings into his December group show. ", "Indeed, he had already shared some of the slides with one or two privileged patrons (\"I don't like the term 'customers' \") and might make a sale even sooner.", "\n\n\"And, the best news!\" ", "he enthused in a rumbling near-whisper. ", "Apparently, one of these patrons might be interested in having Alan design a ruined tower for his Connecticut estate. \"", "All materials and expenses paid, naturally, and the reward (I don't like the term 'fee') would be in the neighborhood of thirty thousand.\" ", "If Alan could view the site next time he was in the city, the patron would be happy to send a car.", "\n\nRecalling Delia's advice, Alan spoke very little; indeed, he hardly knew what to say. ", "He allowed that the project might interest him, and, when presented with a contract, mentioned his lawyer.", "\n\nAt the gallery Alan had almost been able to forget his pain. ", "It was only when he and Delia again stood on Madison Avenue that he realized how bad it had become, so that when she suggested they go for a quick cup of coffee before her lunch he had to decline. \"", "I'm very grateful to you,\" he told her. \"", "Amazed by everything. ", "But I'm not feeling too good. ", "I've got to get a taxi back to Morningside Drive and lie down.\"", "\n\n\"But that's so far,\" Delia protested. \"", "Why don't you go to where I'm staying, right across the park? ", "I'll come back there as soon as this stupid lunch is over.\"", "\n\n\"Well—\"\n\n\"Look, here's the key.\"", "\n\n\"Well—thank you.\"", "\n\nOnce he reached Delia's friend's apartment, Alan had taken a strong painkiller and collapsed on the hard black leather sofa. ", "Half an hour later, when the drugs had begun to work, he realized that he was hungry. ", "He couldn't go out to buy lunch, however, because he had Delia's key, and she would surely be back soon. ", "He explored the minimalist kitchen and found nothing to eat except a box of crackers, a can of anchovies, a bottle of tonic water, and one of gin.", "\n\nPresumably Delia was having all her meals out. ", "He remembered Jane saying that she didn't cook: her househusband, Henry Hull, took care of all that. ", "The thought was unpleasant to Alan. ", "A woman, he felt, should be able to cook and even enjoy cooking. ", "Also he had never liked the idea that Delia was married to Henry Hull. ", "Henry was a negligible person, a freeloader with no real job, who seemed to have accomplished nothing in over fifty years, and yet somehow projected an ironic, negative attitude toward everything, including his beautiful and gifted wife.", "\n\nWhen an hour and a half had passed, Alan began to feel aggrieved. ", "He took the contract Jacky Herbert had given him out of his jacket and discovered that according to it the gallery would get fifty percent of any sales and the exclusive right to market his work. ", "He felt more aggrieved than before. ", "Where the hell was Delia? ", "Was she just going to abandon him here, starving in this minimalist box? ", "He recalled a remark of Jane's, that Delia was a complete egotist, who saw other people only in terms of their relation to herself. ", "It was true that his damaged physical condition, his constant pain, did not appear to register with her as it did with others. ", "Until now Alan had found this strangely soothing. ", "Unlike less self-focused persons, she did not see or treat him as an invalid. ", "Now it had become clear that she also did not consider him as someone who needed lunch.", "\n\nWell, the hell with her. ", "Angrily he ripped open the box of crackers and the can of anchovies, and made himself a strong gin and tonic. ", "He looked about for something to read to pass the time, but all he could find was a pile of expensive fashion magazines and a few paperback thrillers of the Woman in Peril type, a genre he despised. ", "In his experience, women were seldom in peril.", "\n\nHe lay down on the sofa again. ", "It was harder than ever, and made his back ache worse. ", "Why had he ever come to New York? ", "Or, at least, why hadn't he let Jane come along and take care of him? ", "She had offered to do so, after all, though without much enthusiasm. ", "Alan knew the answer to that one: he had wanted to spend time alone with Delia Delaney, who clearly had no interest in spending time alone with him.", "\n\nHe rose and went into the adjoining room, which was as minimally furnished as the other, but messy rather than bare. ", "A suitcase lay open on the thick gray carpet, spilling multicolored debris. ", "The king-sized bed was a welter of crumpled gray silk sheets and pillows, and clothes, clearly Delia's, were strewn everywhere. ", "They were lacy and silky, colored like a rose garden at dusk: velvety darks, glowing dusty pinks and reds, creamy beiges and whites. ", "It was an entirely different palette from that of Jane's closet, a tidy ranked range of blue and khaki and navy. ", "And even when Jane traveled, her clothes were always hung up or folded in a drawer.", "\n\nUsually Alan preferred order, though he had sometimes been inconvenienced by Jane's far greater devotion to this principle. ", "Now he had a sudden despairing desire to add to the disorder of this room. ", "He lowered himself painfully onto the unmade bed and buried his head in a pillow that smelled both spicy and sugary. ", "Under his left hand was something slippery—a white satin nightgown, he realized, pulling it toward him and imagining heat rising from it. ", "Probably this is the nearest you'll ever get to Delia, you pathetic fool, he told himself. ", "She might be interested, but if you make a move, she'll find out you can't carry through.", "\n\nAll right, why not? ", "he thought. ", "Holding the satin nightgown against his face, he turned on his side, fighting a short spasm of pain, then dragged down the zipper of his pants. ", "Why not be as near as I ever will be to her, while I can? ", "he thought feverishly.", "\n\nHalf an hour later Alan woke from a blurred sleep, still a little drunk. ", "The apartment was still empty. ", "The hell with her, the hell with everything, he thought. ", "He stood up dizzily, returned to the sitting room, and began to gather his things. ", "But as he did this the doorbell chimed. ", "It was Delia, looking far less urban and formidable than before: more wiry golden tendrils had escaped from her chignon, and her lipstick had been smudged off.", "\n\n\"Oh, I'm so tired,\" she wailed, heading for the black leather sofa and crumpling onto it. \"", "These awful, awful shoes.\" ", "She kicked them off.", "\n\n\"Did you frighten your new editor?\"", "\n\n\"I hope so.\" ", "She smiled. \"", "But he's essentially dense. ", "His ideas for the anthology of fairy tales he wants me to edit are so banal, so brainless. ", "It's hard to frighten people like that.\"", "\n\n\"Did you get a good lunch, at least?\" ", "Alan asked, hoping not so much for an answer as for the question, _Did you?_", "\n\n\"Oh, yes. ", "Salmon and snow peas and mango sherbet. ", "First-rate Chablis too. ", "New York has such great restaurants.\"", "\n\n\"I ate the crackers and anchovies your friend left, it was all I could find. ", "And my back was giving me hell, so I had a couple of drinks.\"", "\n\n\"Mm.\" ", "Delia showed no interest in or objection to this fact. ", "As Jane had said more than once, she was completely self-centered. ", "But now it occurred to Alan that for him Delia's egotism, her self-centeredness, was one of her great attractions. ", "She might not notice or sympathize with his pain and disability, but she also never treated him as an invalid, a member of a different, inferior species.", "\n\n\"I adore the city at this time of year,\" she breathed. ", "She half sat up, pulled off her black jacket, and flung it on the floor, then stretched out on the sofa, extending rounded legs encased in sheer black tights. \"", "It's such a relief to be here, where nobody notices me and I can be anonymous.\"", "\n\n\"Really?\" ", "Alan said, looking down at her—both admiring the view and angry at its effect on him. \"", "I can't believe you wouldn't be noticed anywhere.\"", "\n\n\"Well, it's true, I am sometimes recognized in New York,\" Delia admitted, misunderstanding. \"", "But it's not oppressive, the way it's getting to be in Corinth. ", "Ever since those posters went up everywhere, announcing the reading next week.\"", "\n\n\"Ah?\" ", "Alan had seen these posters, which featured a photo of Delia in low-cut white lace, all swirling hair and huge eyes, definitely provocative—though less so than at this moment.", "\n\n\"All of a sudden people know I'm in town, and if they've ever read one of my stories they feel they have the right to call me and bomb me with e-mails and come to the Center any time of the day with books to be signed. ", "And I know it's going to be worse after my reading.\" ", "She shuddered visibly, causing her black chiffon scarf to flutter and subside.", "\n\n\"Maybe not,\" Alan said. \"", "Once they've heard and seen you, maybe they'll quiet down.\"", "\n\n\"I doubt it,\" Delia said with a movement of her head and wavering glance away that might have been either vanity or fear. \"", "And I'm awfully afraid of the reading too.\"", "\n\n\"Really? ", "You must have done so many.\"", "\n\n\"But I'm always terrified beforehand, though I know it's out of my hands. ", "I stand there, and either the spirit descends, or it doesn't. ", "When it doesn't I'm lost, ruined. ", "I hear my voice going on, blah, blah, blah, like some imbecile radio announcer, and I want to die.\"", "\n\n\"I know what you mean,\" Alan said, thinking of some unsuccessful lectures of his own.", "\n\n\"But if the spirit descends, I'm like a wild goose. ", "Flying, soaring. ", "I want to keep on forever, to fly out of the window and vanish into the sky.\" ", "She sighed, first on a rising, then a falling note. \"", "But then it's over. ", "I have to descend to earth. ", "And then comes the awful question period. ", "There's always hunters there, wanting to shoot you down, you know?\"", "\n\n\"Yeah,\" he agreed, remembering some of his own lectures.", "\n\n\"And I'm a sitting goose.\"", "\n\n\"Duck,\" Alan corrected automatically. \"", "A sitting duck.\"", "\n\n\"No. ", "Absolutely not a duck,\" Delia said coldly. \"", "Don't be such a professor.\"", "\n\n\"All right. ", "A sitting swan,\" he suggested. ", "Delia did not reply, but with her head turned away on her long white neck, she did resemble an angry swan.", "\n\n\"And then I have to sign books and go to the reception and meet the audience. ", "They all crowd around like hunting dogs, shoving and barking, wanting to eat me alive. ", "I feel so besieged, so invaded.\" ", "She laughed nervously. \"", "I can't bear that.\"", "\n\n\"I know what you mean,\" Alan said, trying not to stare at the shiny full curves of Delia's thigh, rose-pink under sheer black, where her slit skirt fell apart—or at least not to be caught staring.", "\n\n\"It's already beginning to be like that back in Corinth. ", "I'm more and more afraid to go to the Center.\" ", "She gazed up at Alan, widening her silver-gray eyes. \"", "You know, if you wanted, you could do something wonderful for me.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah? ", "What?\" ", "Still hungry, Alan was not yet mollified enough to promise anything. ", "Besides, his back hurt.", "\n\n\"You could trade offices with me. ", "That would baffle them.\" ", "She giggled.", "\n\n\"But if I were in your office, I'd be besieged and invaded.\"", "\n\n\"No, because we'd keep your name on the door. ", "A lot of them would get confused and go away. ", "And besides, your office is so lovely and shadowy, with that big tree in front of the window. ", "It would be so much better when I have a headache: the light wouldn't cut me like knives the way it does now. ", "Please.\" ", "Delia raised herself to a sitting position and leaned toward him, dropping her scarf on the floor. ", "Her black silk blouse was also semi-transparent, revealing the flushed pale skin and black lace bra beneath.", "\n\n\"Well . . .\" ", "Alan imagined the pain and inconvenience of moving, the loss of his northern light.", "\n\n\"Just for a little while. ", "Till they get discouraged and stop coming.\" ", "She smiled warmly, pathetically.", "\n\n\"Well—all right.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, you darling.\" ", "Impulsively—or with calculation?—Delia sprang to her feet, then reached up and kissed him lightly. \"", "I'm so, so grateful.\" ", "She sighed and subsided onto the sofa again. \"", "And I'm so, so tired. ", "Did you use up all the gin?\"", "\n\n\"No, there's some left. ", "Shall I make you a drink?\" ", "he added, when Delia did not move.", "\n\n\"Oh, thank you. ", "Light on the tonic, please.\"", "\n\nIn the minimal chrome kitchen, Alan made a stiff drink for Delia and another for himself, thinking that it was a long time since he had done this for anyone.", "\n\n\"That okay?\"", "\n\n\"Lovely.\" ", "Delia took a long swallow and lay back. \"", "Much better. ", "If only my feet didn't hurt so. ", "I wonder. ", "Could you possibly rub them a little?\"", "\n\n\"Well—all right, sure.\" ", "Equally excited and uncomfortable, he lowered himself to the edge of the sofa and took one warm high-arched foot in his hands.", "\n\n\"Ahh. ", "That's so nice.\" ", "Delia sighed and stretched. \"", "Go on. ", "More.\"", "\n\nTrying to recall the (ultimately unsuccessful) efforts of a new-age reflexology therapist he had consulted last summer on the advice of his back-pain pal Gilly, Alan smoothed and pressed Delia's broad but graceful feet and stubby round pink-nailed toes, strangely sexy beneath the sheer black hose.", "\n\n\"Yes, lovely,\" she repeated, stretching luxuriously. \"", "My legs are sore too.\"", "\n\n\"Okay.\" ", "Alan began stroking the ankles and full, rounded calves with a slow upward motion.", "\n\n\"Oh yes.\" ", "Delia sighed. \"", "Could you—a little higher.\"", "\n\n\"Right you are.\" ", "He moved to her round rosy knees, then, since she did not protest, beyond.", "\n\n\"Higher,\" she murmured a few moments later.", "\n\n\"Higher than this?\" ", "He looked at Delia, who lay with her eyes closed and her legs spread, breathing slowly and deeply.", "\n\n\"Yes, please.\"", "\n\nAlan hesitated. ", "He felt the approach of what seemed like delight but was in fact danger. ", "If this event continued, he would soon be expected to assume a position that would cause agonizing pain in his back, and he would falter and fail.", "\n\n\"But remember what I said,\" Delia whispered. \"", "I can't bear to be invaded. ", "Never in any way. ", "You understand.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah,\" Alan said, and his heart and cock both gave a great leap of relief as he realized what this meant: that if he did as Delia asked she would never find him out. \"", "I understand.\" ", "He lay down beside her; then, turning toward her with a wrench of pain, kissed her softly. ", "Delia opened her mouth at once, though not her eyes, and gave him a warm, full-lipped kiss.", "\n\n\"But anything else—everything else,\" she murmured. \"", "Yes. ", "Oh yes.\"", "\n\n\"That was wonderful,\" she murmured a little later, opening her long-lashed eyes and stretching.", "\n\n\"Yes,\" Alan agreed, still a little dizzy with surprise and pleasure—pleasure received as well as given. ", "He ran one hand over the amazing baroque curve of Delia's hip.", "\n\n\"Hey. ", "I scored some codeine from my New York doctor. ", "You want any?\"", "\n\n\"No thanks, not now.\" ", "But then he raised himself on one elbow so he could look down on Delia's flushed face and tangled mermaid hair, and felt a vicious twinge in his lower back. \"", "Well, maybe, if you have a couple extra.\"", "\n\n\"Sure. ", "In my bag.\" ", "She gestured at a big soft tapestry carryall on the floor by the door. ", "Alan rose slowly and painfully and brought it to her. ", "It was against the law, he knew, to use someone else's prescription drugs; Jane would have been appalled. ", "Nevertheless, among his back-pain pals this was not uncommon. ", "Gilly had given him many packets of dried herbs (some mildly effective), and he had reciprocated with orthocodone.", "\n\n\"Do you have any grass?\" ", "Delia asked, passing over a handful of pills.", "\n\n\"Not here. ", "I didn't want to take it on the plane, after what happened to Davi Gakar. ", "They have dogs now that can smell the stuff, a friend of mine says.\" ", "Gilly's husband Pedro occasionally gave Alan a joint, the last of which he had—very riskily—shared with Delia in his office, causing them both to have a fit of giggles over one of his latest drawings, a slightly suggestive fountain.", "\n\nYou are a bad influence on me, he thought now, looking at Delia as she lay flushed and disheveled on a black leather sofa on Central Park West. ", "And I am a bad influence on you. ", "And I don't care.", "\nELEVEN\n\nA few days later, on a misty October afternoon, Jane sat brooding in her office at the Unger Center. ", "The Copy Monster was giving trouble again, the kitchen was full of noise and dust and confusion caused by the men from Buildings and Grounds who had finally come to replace the fallen ceiling, and Susie and the cleaning crew had done no typing or cleaning because they had spent the entire morning moving Delia Delaney into Alan's office and Alan into Delia's, without consulting Jane. \"", "She told me it was all right; she said he'd agreed,\" Susie had explained.", "\n\nAt first Jane had suspected that Delia had made this up, but Alan (who was at home recovering from a semi-sleepless night) had confirmed it. ", "No, he didn't really mind, he said in a flat, neutral voice, after informing Jane that she had woken him up and that he was in severe pain. ", "But Jane minded: though she tried not to show it, she was furious. ", "Yet again Delia was grabbing whatever she wanted without considering anyone else—without considering the schedule of the Center or Alan's need for peace and northern light.", "\n\nYou are a hopeless ninny, she thought as she looked across the desk at Susie, and Delia is a greedy, selfish egotist. ", "As an administrator it was Jane's job to maintain a cool but friendly attitude toward all the Fellows; but over the past two months she had come to dislike and resent Delia thoroughly. ", "Why should a woman like that not only get more than Jane's yearly salary for sitting in an office for nine months and giving two lectures, but also be married to Henry Hull?", "\n\nJane sighed and rested her head against the screen of her computer. ", "She knew that these thoughts were deeply unprofessional; they were also morally wrong, because they were partly based on jealousy. ", "Somehow over the last two months, in spite of all her efforts, she had not only become a resentful unloving wife but was on the edge of becoming an unfaithful one. ", "Already the hot stains of Henry Hull's kisses under the maple tree were on her face and neck, and one, the worst one, just above her left breast, over the heart. ", "And last night, while she lay silently awake after a dream full of flying tropical birds, listening to Alan groan and shift about and pull the covers off her and toward him, she had faced the fact that she was in love with Henry Hull. ", "It wasn't just frustrated desire she felt: it was awe and wonder and a bright dizzy feeling of flying and floating whenever she thought of him.", "\n\nBut what she felt was wrong and awful and disloyal. \"", "I brought you the acorn squash, like I promised, but I can't see you again,\" she had told him at the Farmers' Market on Saturday, as they stood in front of a display of misshapen organic pumpkins, like huge orange lopsided hearts. \"", "Not like this.\"", "\n\n\"But you want to,\" Henry had suggested.", "\n\n\"Yes, but that doesn't matter. ", "It's not right.\"", "\n\nA wheeze of cool, foggy air from the hall announced that someone had entered the building. ", "Jane sat up abruptly and composed her expression into one of helpful neutrality. ", "Then she saw that the visitor was Henry, in the same tan duffle coat he had worn two days ago, a coat she now knew the warm, rough texture of intimately. ", "She rose and hurried out into the hall to intercept him.", "\n\n\"Please, I asked you not to come here,\" she said in a lowered, trembling voice. \"", "You said you wouldn't.\"", "\n\n\"This is an official visit,\" Henry replied. \"", "Delia sent me. ", "She's concerned about the room she'll be speaking in next week. ", "She doesn't think it will be big enough.\"", "\n\n\"I don't see why,\" Jane told him. \"", "There's over a hundred and fifty seats in Shaw Hall. ", "It's much larger than the room here where the other Fellows have spoken.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, maybe.\" ", "Henry ran one hand through his untidy brown curls in an untidy manner. \"", "But you know, Delia has a lot of fans. ", "It won't be just students. ", "Whenever she reads anywhere lately, these mobs of intense-looking women appear. ", "I think you'd better count on at least three hundred.\"", "\n\n\"Really,\" Jane said. ", "Already this reading had become an annoyance to her. ", "The photo that Delia had given her for the publicity release and the poster was, in Jane's opinion, on the edge of unsuitable. ", "Delia's abundant loose hair, low-cut lace blouse, and dreamy, sex-stunned expression suggested the cover of a paperback romance rather than a University lecture. ", "To make matters worse, Selma Schmidt had taken it upon herself to make an extra hundred copies of the poster on hot-pink paper and tack them up all over town. ", "Maybe this would attract a few more listeners; but it seemed very unlikely to Jane that there were three hundred people in Hopkins County who would want to hear Delia's arty, self-conscious poems and tales.", "\n\n\"I promised her you'd fix it.\" ", "Henry moved nearer to Jane; he touched her hand. ", "She pulled it away, but the place still burnt. \"", "Let's keep her happy, it's so much less trouble.\"", "\n\n\"I don't know,\" Jane temporized, reluctant to give Delia anything in addition to what she already had that she didn't deserve. \"", "It's pretty late to find another room, but I'll try.\" ", "Only not too hard, she thought.", "\n\n\"And I'll see you this Saturday at the Farmers' Market? ", "About ten?\"", "\n\n\"All right,\" she repeated weakly, aware that in fact it was all wrong.", "\n\n\"So how's it going?\" ", "Henry asked, sitting down next to Jane in a noisy, crowded coffee shop. ", "Outside it was steadily and heavily raining: the bench by the lake where they usually sat was soaked and dark with water.", "\n\n\"Oh, all right.\" ", "As Jane lifted her cup she was aware that her hand was shaking. ", "All week she had been dreading and desiring this meeting, dreading and desiring what Henry might do or say.", "\n\n\"How's Alan?\"", "\n\n\"So-so.\" ", "She tried to gather her thoughts. \"", "He's been very involved with making drawings for that show in New York. ", "But then yesterday . . .\"", "\n\n\"Yeah?\"", "\n\nJane stared at Henry. ", "How could he be so calm? ", "she thought. ", "It was as if he had taken a six-week step back in time, to a place where nobody felt anything much and all they did was complain politely about their spouses. ", "Of course that was right; it was what they should do. ", "With effort, she tried to take a similar step back. \"", "Well, yesterday he was telling me how he hadn't been able to finish his exercises because of the pain. ", "And I made a mistake, I suggested he might try going for walks instead. ", "Because his doctor said that he should lose some weight, to put less strain on his back. ", "And he got irritated.\"", "\n\n\"Ah.\"", "\n\n\"He told me I ought to realize it wasn't as easy as I thought to walk when you were in constant pain and every step you took hurt.\" ", "Jane spoke almost in a whisper, aware that the people at the tables on either side of them could hear every word.", "\n\n\"Um.\"", "\n\n\"I said I was sorry, but he's been difficult ever since, he—\" Jane realized that Henry wasn't looking at her or even listening to her, only staring out the plate-glass window, where rain streaked down in gray sheets. ", "She felt something like despair. ", "Always before he had sympathized, met her complaints with his own. \"", "So how's Delia?\" ", "she asked forlornly.", "\n\n\"All right.\" ", "He swallowed visibly. \"", "I don't want to talk about her. ", "I want to talk about us. ", "But not here. ", "Isn't there somewhere quieter we can go?\"", "\n\n\"I don't know. . . .\"", "\n\n\"What about the Center? ", "Don't you have a key?\"", "\n\n\"Yes, but so do all the Fellows. ", "Charlie Amir often comes in on Saturday, and so does Selma Schmidt.\"", "\n\nHenry laughed shortly. \"", "So what? ", "They aren't going to report us.\"", "\n\n\"Selma might. ", "She's that type. ", "And she's always looking for some reason to talk to Delia.\"", "\n\n\"And Delia is always looking for some reason not to talk to her.\" ", "He set down his half-finished coffee. \"", "Come on, Janey. ", "I'll meet you there.\"", "\n\n\"It's beautiful up here,\" Henry said. ", "It was twenty minutes later, and he and Jane had just climbed the narrow, steep stairs to the Victorian cupola above the Unger Center. ", "They had rejected all the other possible places to talk: the kitchen and dining room were still full of ladders and drop cloths and plaster dust; the main downstairs rooms were large and full of echoes, with sliding doors that hadn't been fully closed in years. ", "Charlie Amir was working upstairs, and he would think it strange if he saw them go into someone else's office.", "\n\n\"I know Alan isn't here,\" Jane had said. \"", "But I keep thinking he could suddenly decide to come in, and call a taxi.\"", "\n\n\"And I keep thinking Delia could fly in the window on a broom,\" Henry had remarked, surprising Jane. ", "He never says anything negative about her, and now he's just practically called her a witch, she thought.", "\n\n\"I never knew you could get up into the cupola,\" he said now, looking out over the tops of the maple trees, through which a few last pale-gold leaves shone, drenched now with rain and shaken with wind.", "\n\n\"Most people don't. ", "But back in Matthew Unger's time they used to have tea here and watch the storms coming across the lake, Lily told me.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, you could do that.\" ", "He glanced at the padded seats on three sides of the cupola, with their faded, flowered cushions and the little wicker table in the center. \"", "You can see a long way,\" he added. \"", "Or I guess you could if it wasn't for the rain and the fog.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, for miles. ", "But Lily Unger doesn't like people to come up here. ", "She says the stairs aren't safe, and it's too full of ghosts.\"", "\n\n\"Ghosts?\"", "\n\n\"Memories, I expect she meant.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah. ", "A place like this could have that kind of ghosts.\" ", "Without warning, he turned from the window toward Jane and kissed her lightly, instantly creating one such ghost.", "\n\n\"No-oh,\" she whispered, and pulled away. \"", "It isn't—we mustn't—\"\n\nHenry did not protest. \"", "You're right. ", "We have to talk first,\" he said, sitting down. \"", "Look, the way it is. ", "I want to be with you, and you want to be with me.\"", "\n\n\"I never said—\" Her voice trembled as she subsided onto a padded bench.", "\n\n\"But it's true, isn't it?\"", "\n\nJane swallowed. ", "It was one of her principles never to lie to a friend. \"", "Yes, but it doesn't make any difference,\" she said hurriedly. \"", "We can't be together, because of Alan and Delia. ", "We have to take care of them. ", "We promised, we're married.\"", "\n\n\"Really? ", "Are you sure?\"", "\n\n\"What?\" ", "Jane stared at Henry and the rain-smeared glass behind him.", "\n\n\"Are you sure you're married?\"", "\n\n\"Yes, of course. ", "What do you mean?\" ", "He's going to talk metaphorically, philosophically, the way some professors do, Jane thought with an irritated sinking feeling. ", "He's never done that before.", "\n\n\"You never can be sure.\" ", "Henry looked at her with a strange steady expression in his dark eyes. \"", "I thought I was married, but it turns out I was wrong.\"", "\n\n\"You're not married to Delia?\"", "\n\n\"Apparently not.\"", "\n\n\"Really? ", "But how? ", "Why?\" ", "Jane realized her mouth was hanging open, and shut it. \"", "But that can't be right,\" she said. \"", "Delia was telling everybody just last week about what a beautiful wedding you had, on a mountainside at sunset in a field of wildflowers, with a string quartet playing Schumann.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah. ", "We had all that: the music, the flowers, the sunset, the champagne. ", "Everyone said how perfect it was. ", "But it turns out Delia had neglected to get a divorce from her former husband.\"", "\n\n\"She'd what? ", "Good grief,\" Jane, stunned, heard herself utter, in her mother's voice, her mother's favorite expletive. \"", "Oh, hell,\" she amended. \"", "That's awful.\"", "\n\n\"I thought so. ", "But of course when I found out, she claimed it didn't matter. ", "She'd forgotten all about it, she said. ", "He was the past, and it was gone, blown away. ", "Anyhow our souls and our bodies and our minds were truly married, so who cared about the State of North Carolina? ", "She more or less convinced me at the time. ", "Delia can do that, she can convince anyone of anything. ", "Except you.\" ", "Henry gave her a brief smile.", "\n\n\"Wow.\" ", "Jane disregarded the compliment, if it was one. \"", "How did you find out?\"", "\n\n\"I saw a letter from her husband's lawyer yesterday. ", "He wants a divorce now, so he can marry again.\"", "\n\n\"And will Delia agree?\"", "\n\n\"I hadn't thought of that. ", "I guess so, if he pays her enough money. ", "He's not a bad guy—teaches at some little college in Ohio.\"", "\n\n\"So then you could really get married,\" Jane said without enthusiasm.", "\n\nHenry did not reply, only shrugged.", "\n\n\"You wouldn't have to have another big wedding. ", "You could just go to the town hall right here.\"", "\n\n\"Delia wouldn't do that. ", "She'd never agree to get married in an office building. ", "Not her style at all. ", "And what if someone found out? ", "It would ruin her legend.\"", "\n\n\"Really.\" ", "Jane looked at Henry. ", "He doesn't like her either, she thought, and felt a rush of joy. ", "But that was wrong, and also pointless. \"", "But if everyone thinks you're married, you should be married,\" she said. \"", "Otherwise—\"\n\n\"Otherwise we're living in sin, and we've been living in sin for seven years.\" ", "Henry laughed harshly. \"", "Is that what you mean?\"", "\n\n\"Well, yes. ", "At least, that's how my mother would put it.\"", "\n\n\"So you think I should marry a woman who's been lying to me for seven years.\"", "\n\n\"No—I don't know,\" Jane stuttered.", "\n\n\"But I don't want to get married,\" he said. \"", "Not to Delia, anyhow. ", "And I don't think she wants it either. ", "I think it's convenient for her to be free. ", "And always has been.\"", "\n\n\"Convenient?\" ", "Jane said, shocked, then convinced. ", "Well, of course Delia didn't just forget she was already married, she thought. ", "Nobody forgets something like that, no matter how poetic and flaky they are.", "\n\n\"In case she should meet someone she liked better.\"", "\n\n\"But that's awful—that's—\" Jane tried to find words.", "\n\n\"Let's not talk about her.\" ", "Henry moved toward her. \"", "Let's forget about all that for a while.\" ", "He put one arm about her, then the other. \"", "We're here now.\"", "\n\nYes, but where are we? ", "Jane thought. ", "On top of the Unger Center, in a place battered by wind and surrounded by rain and haunted by ghosts. ", "Confused, she allowed Henry to move even closer. ", "For a long moment she totally lost contact with her conscience. ", "Then, as she felt the cold plate glass of the window against her back, she struggled upright.", "\n\n\"No, no, I can't, I mustn't,\" she cried with a stifled sob. \"", "You might be free, but I'm not.\"", "\n\nHenry scowled, but let her go. \"", "Yeah, but wouldn't you like to be free?\" ", "he asked.", "\n\n\"But I can't,\" Jane wailed, staring past him at the rain-smeared glass, which made her feel as if the whole room were crying. \"", "I can't leave Alan, not when he's so ill. ", "Everyone would hate me. ", "I would hate myself.\"", "\n\n\"What if he weren't ill? ", "Could you leave him then?\"", "\n\n\"I don't know—yes, maybe. ", "But if he weren't ill, if he were the person he was before, I maybe wouldn't want to—I mean—\" Jane fell silent, aware that she had said something hurtful. \"", "Or maybe I would, I can't tell. ", "I don't know anything anymore.\" ", "She swallowed another sob. \"", "Before I met you my life was so simple, and now it's so complicated.\"", "\n\n\"And before I met you, my life was so complicated, and now it's so simple,\" Henry said, staring directly at her.", "\n\nJane did not speak; all her effort was going into trying not to weep, to explode into a rush of water and wind like the one outside the cupola.", "\n\n\"Tell me something,\" Henry said presently. \"", "Would you feel any different if you thought you weren't the only person who could take care of Alan? ", "For instance, if you thought he was having an affair?\"", "\n\n\"What?\" ", "Jane gulped down another sob, and gathered her strength to answer this absurd question. \"", "I don't know, probably, but he isn't. ", "He's not interested in that, not now. ", "Because of the pain, he can't—he doesn't—\" She gave a kind of moan, realizing that she had just been deeply disloyal as well as indiscreet. \"", "Oh, I shouldn't have said that, I—\" The sobs so long suppressed burst from her, followed by a rush of tears.", "\n\n\"I thought so,\" Henry said ambiguously. \"", "Please, Janey, don't cry.\" ", "He put his arms around her again, but lightly this time, and Jane rested her face against the familiar warm, rough tan fabric of his duffle coat. \"", "No, I take that back. ", "Cry if you want to. ", "But it's going to be all right. ", "I promise you, it's going to be all right.\"", "\n\nNo, it's not, Jane thought. ", "Nothing's going to be all right. ", "Not ever again.", "\n\n\"I can't see you anymore,\" she said, choking back a sob. \"", "It's got to stop.\"", "\n\nOn Friday of the following week, Jane was in the supply room, frowning at the Copy Monster, which all day had been refusing to collate or staple. ", "The campus technicians who repair copiers had grown tired of coming to the Unger Center, and when Jane phoned them they would not promise to be there until late next week. ", "As a result, Jane and Susie had been collating and stapling by hand nearly all afternoon. ", "Half an hour ago Susie had run one spike of a heavy-duty staple into her thumb and had to be sent first to the University Health Center and then home.", "\n\nBut the Copy Monster was the least of Jane's troubles today. ", "Though she had refused to see Henry, trying to do the right thing and get things clear in her head, her thoughts had remained uncollated and full of sharp spikes.", "\n\nWhen Henry had said that everything would be all right, what he must have meant was that she would agree that they should be together. ", "As he had pointed out, it was what she (or rather the selfish, greedy, bad part of her) wanted. ", "If she gave in to it tomorrow afternoon they would be together, but in a dishonest, sneaky way, in some motel at least an hour from Corinth. ", "Anywhere closer would be dangerous, because Jane, as a local, was known to people who owned or ran or worked in all the local motels. ", "They would have to drive for at least an hour, to some cheap highway motel where they did not ask questions, probably somewhere with a sleazy fake-satin bedspread and plastic glasses wrapped in waxed paper and snow on the television screen. ", "But they wouldn't care about any of that, because they would be together.", "\n\nJane scowled, ashamed of her own thoughts. ", "She realized that she was becoming a really terrible person, a person who was imagining how she might commit adultery while her invalid husband was lying at home in pain.", "\n\nIn fact, Alan had not complained quite as much lately about his pain, but this had not made him more pleasant. ", "He was still, or even more, preoccupied, self-centered, demanding, and distant. ", "He had begun to treat Jane as if she were hired help: he no longer always thanked her for anything she did, or apologized for his requests. ", "His mind was fixed more and more on the coming exhibition of his art in New York, and the new job he had taken on of designing a ruined tower for the estate of a foolish Connecticut millionaire. (", "Jane had not met this millionaire, but in her opinion anybody who would pay thirty thousand dollars plus costs for a pre-ruined tower was a fool.)", "\n\nIn the past, however difficult or distant Alan had been all day, when they got into bed at night he had always turned to her and rested his head in the hollow below her shoulder and told her where and how bad his pain was; often he also asked how she was doing (\"Fine,\" Jane always said) and/or told her he loved her (\"Same here,\" Jane always said). ", "Now he either went to bed at nine or ten, saying that he was exhausted, or stayed up past midnight, saying that he had napped that afternoon and was not sleepy. ", "Often he slept in his study, but if he was in the bedroom he tossed and turned and groaned in his sleep, and sometimes he got up and went downstairs to read and to eat. ", "In the morning Jane would find dirty cups and glasses in the sink and crumpled empty bags of chips or cookies on the kitchen counter.", "\n\nClearly, he was not fine, and Jane was not fine, and Henry was not fine. ", "The only person for whom everything was going well was Delia. ", "Her reading had been a huge success: the slightly larger lecture room Jane had found, and hoped would hold over a hundred empty seats, had been full to overflowing. ", "Because of her job Jane had had to be there and listen, and even seem to applaud. ", "Liar, cheat, she had thought as she padded her palms together silently, while Delia, in a long silvery lamé dress and silver sandals, her loosened hair a metallic gold (of course she dyes it, Jane realized), acknowledged the tributes of the audience with a graceful bow and blown kisses.", "\n\nJane was familiar with, and even reconciled to, the fact that bad things sometimes happened to good people. ", "This truth had often been mentioned in church during her childhood and youth. ", "It was something that we could not understand but had to accept, their minister, the Reverend Jack, had explained, knowing that God, who loved us, understood it. ", "What we could do was to love and sympathize and offer our help and support to those upon whom affliction had fallen. ", "From these efforts, more love and sympathy and support would come.", "\n\nIn the past, Jane had discovered this to be true. ", "She found it much harder to accept the fact that good things sometimes happened to bad people. ", "In cases like that, there was nothing you could do but smile politely when Delia came into the Center glowing and laughing and preening, and try not to listen when people gushed over her reading or how beautiful she had looked that afternoon or the next day at the trustees' luncheon, at which she had been a featured guest.", "\n\nAs Jane stood brooding with a stapler in one hand, the front doorbell of the Center rang: an unusual occurrence, since most people just walked right in. ", "Since Susie had left, she set the stapler down and descended the stairs. ", "Outside, she found a deliveryman from a local flower shop, with a heavy sheaf of plant material wrapped in shiny paper. ", "Of course, it was for Delia Delaney. ", "There was nothing unusual about this: even before her reading Delia had begun receiving notes and flowers and gifts, and since then it had only become worse. ", "On the other hand, nobody had sent flowers to Jane since she was in the hospital with food poisoning five years ago.", "\n\nJane went back into the office and phoned Delia, but there was no answer from upstairs. ", "Probably, while Jane was working in the supply room, she had gone home. ", "Next she tried the office of Selma Schmidt, who would no doubt be delighted to take in Delia's flowers, and indeed would probably welcome the chance to drive them to Delia's house. ", "But again there was no answer.", "\n\nJane's impulse was to leave the flowers on the table in the front hall. ", "By the time Delia came in on Monday they would be dead, which would serve her right. ", "She might guess that Jane or someone had just abandoned them, but so what? ", "Nobody had seen her take them in, and it might have been the deliveryman who had left them on the table, where they would lie all weekend, withering slowly and gasping for water.", "\n\nNo. ", "The flowers were innocent in themselves, and it went against all Jane's instincts as a gardener to damage any plant, even by passive neglect. ", "They would have to be saved. ", "Jane unwrapped the shiny white paper in the pantry, exposing a sheaf of almost vulgarly huge gold-fringed chrysanthemums and white autumn lilies nestled in fern, with two packets of plant preservative attached: the gift of someone either besotted or rich or both. ", "She chose a tall pressed-glass antique vase from the cupboard and cut the stems back two inches so that they could take up water. ", "It made a nice display, but Jane wanted it out of her sight.", "\n\nShe carried the flowers upstairs and knocked on Delia's door, then called her name, but there was no answer—clearly, she'd gone home. ", "She opened the door and saw an empty room with light streaming in and Alan's drafting table covered with papers—of course, Alan had changed offices with Delia, she remembered with annoyance—and he, no doubt, was in the library.", "\n\nThe door of Delia's new office across the hall was locked, and she did not answer a knock or call; but Jane had a master key.", "\n\nInside, the velvet curtains were drawn, the room full of heavy shadows. ", "The first thing Jane could make out after she pushed the door open was that Delia was still there, lying on the big green sofa. ", "She was in a state of disarray: her hair disheveled, her clothes rumpled. ", "She's having another migraine, Jane thought.", "\n\n\"Oh, I'm sorry, I—I thought you'd gone home,\" she stammered. \"", "I didn't mean to disturb you, but these flowers came. ", "I didn't want them to die over the weekend, so I put them in water—\"\n\n\"Yes. ", "Thank you so much,\" Delia said in a kind of exhausted whisper.", "\n\nJane looked around for a place to set the vase down, and saw something strange: the heavy dark-green velvet curtain to the right of the bay window was bulging out oddly, and a pair of large feet, in black socks, protruded from below it. ", "A man was hiding there, she realized. ", "Delia wasn't ill, she was cheating on Henry with somebody. ", "It could be one of the other Fellows, Davi Gakar or Charlie Amir, both of whom had crushes on her. ", "Or it could be somebody else, some stranger who had sneaked into the Center while Jane was in the supply room. ", "In any case it would be best if she did not actually see him or acknowledge that he was there.", "\n\n\"I'll put these on the desk,\" she said in a strained, artificial voice.", "\n\n\"That's fine,\" Delia whispered.", "\n\nBut as Jane crossed the room, averting her eyes from the bulging curtain and the feet, she saw a man's jacket lying on the desk chair. ", "It was a jacket that she had seen before: gray tweed with woven leather buttons and a light-gray silky lining like the one she herself had mended only a week ago, with a material that did not quite match. ", "Yes. ", "There was the patch, exactly like on Alan's tweed jacket. ", "Was that possible?", "\n\nWithout stopping to think, wanting only to understand, she turned and pulled back the velvet curtain. ", "There stood her husband, with his shoes off and his denim shirt hanging out.", "\n\n\"Jane, listen, it's not what you think,\" he croaked.", "\n\nJane could not answer: her head was suddenly full of smoke and steam. ", "She had not felt this sort of betrayal since junior high school—and it was the language of junior high school that now rose to her lips.", "\n\n\"You creep!\" ", "she cried. \"", "You sneaky, disgusting little creep!\" ", "She might have gone on, but was distracted by a sound from across the room: the sound of laughter. ", "She looked around, dizzy and furious, and saw Delia lying in an untidy crush of pale, lacy clothes, convulsed with mirth.", "\n\n\"Don't you laugh at me, you nasty witch!\" ", "Jane shouted, enraged, and raised the big vase of flowers, which had now become a convenient weapon. ", "But at the last moment a half-conscious sense of her responsibility as an administrator caused her to pull the flowers and ferns out of their antique cut-glass container (Property of the Unger Center for the Humanities) before she threw them hard at Delia.", "\n\nThen, stifling a sob of rage and pain, she left the room. ", "In a kind of daze she descended the stairs. ", "She rinsed out the vase and put it back into the cupboard, found her coat and scarf and handbag, left the building, and drove home.", "\nTWELVE\n\nAfter the door of Delia's office had slammed behind Jane, Alan stepped out from the heavy curtain. \"", "Oh, fuck,\" he said, as a spasm of pain gripped his lower back.", "\n\nDelia still lay on the moss-green plush sofa in her rumpled lace skirt and half-open blouse—now covered, as was she, with wet ferns and flowers. ", "She was still laughing, in bursts of amused hiccups.", "\n\n\"So now what?\" ", "he asked; but she only released another bubble of hilarity. ", "Was she having hysterics? \"", "Are you all right?\"", "\n\nDelia shrugged, nodded, giggled. ", "Sprawled there among the flowers, she resembled a Pre-Raphaelite painting—Hunt's Ophelia, or a Waterhouse water nymph.", "\n\nOr maybe she's in shock, he thought, beginning to shove his shirt back into his slacks. \"", "You'd better pull yourself together, honey,\" he told her. \"", "Jane could come back anytime.\"", "\n\n\"No, she won't. ", "She was much too embarrassed.\" ", "Delia sat up, causing foliage to scatter. \"", "Oh, look, here's the card that came with the flowers.\" ", "She tore it open. _", "Best wishes from your greatest fan,Wally Hersh._ \"", "Everyone's so unoriginal these days.\" ", "She sighed and stood up. ", "Then she selected one of the scattered white lilies, tucked it behind her ear, and turned to her reflection in the big mirror over the mantelpiece.", "\n\n\"I don't get it,\" Alan said, uneasy at this crazy indifference. \"", "You're not bothered by what just happened?\"", "\n\n\"Not really.\" ", "Delia did not glance around. \"", "If Jane was to come back with a shotgun, I'd be bothered. ", "But that's not her style.\"", "\n\n\"No,\" he agreed. \"", "She'd never do that. ", "But still—\" He heard the sound of a familiar motor and turned to the window, pulling aside the velvet curtain. ", "Below, Jane's Honda wagon was descending the driveway. \"", "You're right; she's leaving. ", "Jesus, my back is killing me.\"", "\n\nDelia did not comment. ", "She was now trying the lily tucked into the bosom of her blouse. ", "The effect was striking, but Alan didn't appreciate it fully.", "\n\n\"What the hell is the matter with you?\" ", "he said. \"", "Why are you taking this so lightly?\"", "\n\n\"Because it's not important.\" ", "Delia smiled and shook out her hair. ", "She looked beautiful, undeniably, but also somewhat crazy.", "\n\n\"Maybe not for you,\" he muttered, glancing around for his loafers. ", "As he shoved his feet into them, another spasm of pain sliced through his back. \"", "But what am I supposed to say to Jane when I get home?\"", "\n\n\"Just remember that the best defense is a good offense,\" she replied, not glancing away from the mirror.", "\n\n\"A good offense?\"", "\n\n\"You know. ", "Say we're both very hurt and angry. ", "Tell her how rude and intrusive she was, pushing her way into my room without even knocking.\"", "\n\n\"But she did knock,\" Alan protested.", "\n\n\"Well, she didn't give me time to answer. ", "Remind her how unprofessional that was. ", "She probably regrets it already. ", "And going into a rage and throwing all these flowers, without stopping to find out what the real situation was. ", "Why, she almost threw that heavy glass vase too. ", "I could have been seriously injured.\"", "\n\n\"What was the real situation?\" ", "Alan asked, amazed.", "\n\n\"Well, obviously—I was having a migraine, and you came in to see if you could do anything for me.\"", "\n\n\"And why was my shirt hanging out and my shoes off?\"", "\n\nDelia sighed. \"", "Because it was so warm in here. ", "And you took your shoes off because your feet hurt. ", "Use your imagination.\"", "\n\n\"I don't think she'll believe that,\" Alan said. \"", "But maybe it's worth a try.\"", "\n\n\"Of course it is.\" ", "Delia laughed again. \"", "It's lucky we switched offices; at least you had time to get your pants back on.\"", "\n\nAlan did not laugh. \"", "But why was I hiding behind the curtain?\"", "\n\n\"Yes, that was a mistake.\" ", "She smiled. \"", "Well, okay. ", "You knew she'd be surprised to see you. ", "You wanted to protect her, you knew she might not understand. ", "But whatever you do, don't apologize. ", "Make her apologize to you.\"", "\n\nAlan looked at Delia with something between admiration and dismay. \"", "You're talking as if we're in the right.\"", "\n\n\"But we are in the right.\" ", "She turned away from the mirror. \"", "I was ill, and you were performing an act of mercy.\"", "\n\n\"Nobody will believe that, not if Jane tells them what she saw. ", "There'll be a scandal.\"", "\n\n\"So what?\" ", "She shrugged.", "\n\n\"You don't care?\"", "\n\n\"Why should I? ", "It's right what they say: in the long run, all publicity is good publicity. ", "Scandal is what everyone wants and expects from us: melodrama and farce and comedy and tragedy. ", "Writers and artists who lead conventional, blameless lives, they don't last. ", "Everyone's bored by them.\" ", "Delia gave a little catlike yawn. \"", "You know, they're rather pretty, Wally Hersh's lilies,\" she remarked. \"", "Pity to let them die.\" ", "She began to gather the flowers that lay on the sofa. \"", "They stand for purity and innocence, you know.\"", "\n\n\"Really.\" ", "Thinking how inappropriate they were in this case, Alan handed her two long-stemmed lilies that had fallen near him. ", "Close up, they seemed to be made of thick white suede.", "\n\n\"Thank you.\" ", "She smiled.", "\n\n\"Here's some more.\" ", "With another twinge of pain, he collected two saucer-sized golden chrysanthemums, but Delia pushed them away.", "\n\n\"No, leave those. ", "Yellow mums mean slighted love.\"", "\n\n\"You don't believe that.\"", "\n\n\"Of course I do.\" ", "She sighed. \"", "Nobody understands the Language of Flowers anymore. ", "And they don't understand that it has power, even if you don't know it.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, it looks like you're already slighting Wally Hersh's love,\" he said, dropping the mums in the wastebasket.", "\n\n\"No; not completely.\" ", "Delia giggled and stooped to gather more lilies and pose with them. ", "In spite of what had recently happened, she seemed quite calm, and fully absorbed in this task.", "\n\n\"Well,\" Alan said, after watching for a few moments, baffled. \"", "It doesn't look like Jane's going to give me a ride home. ", "I'd better go call a taxi. ", "Do you want a lift?\"", "\n\n\"No thanks. ", "Henry will pick me up.\"", "\n\n\"I don't suppose you're going to tell him what happened.\"", "\n\nFor the first time since Jane had left, Delia looked at Alan directly. \"", "Are you mad?\" ", "she asked. \"", "Anyhow it's none of his business, what you and I do, what we have together.\" ", "She smiled warmly, almost seductively. \"", "It's on another plane entirely. ", "Come on, don't look so sad.\" ", "She moved nearer and gave him a quick, wet kiss. \"", "Everything's going to be all right. ", "Only if I were you I wouldn't go home just yet.\"", "\n\nAt two a.m. that night, Alan lay awake and in pain in a confusion of blankets and sheets and a sense of having behaved both stupidly and badly. ", "Whether he opened his eyes or shut them, he kept seeing Jane's face white against the darkness, with its expression of shock, hurt, and anger.", "\n\nFollowing Delia's advice, he had delayed his return and gone to the faculty club for supper. ", "In his confused state of mind, he had forgotten that sitting in a straight chair for more than a few minutes at a time always aroused the lizard in his back—whom he now sometimes thought of as Old Clootie, the familiar name of the Devil among his Scottish ancestors. ", "At home and in the office he usually stood up or lay down on the sofa to eat.", "\n\nLast night, even before his food came, he had to stand up and walk about, causing the waiter and the other diners to look at him oddly. ", "Fortunately, no one he knew was in the faculty club, but even so, agony and embarrassment had made it impossible for him to finish the meal, though he managed to drink a Scotch on the rocks and half a bottle of wine. ", "Afterward he stumbled dizzily and painfully out into the lobby and called a taxi. ", "As he did so, inside his spine, Old Clootie flexed his claws and smiled.", "\n\nFor the first few minutes of the ride Alan tried to sit up like a normal person, but was unable to manage it. ", "When Jane drove him to campus he always lay down in the back seat, to minimize the pain.", "\n\n\"Hey, you all right back there?\" ", "the taxi driver had inquired.", "\n\n\"Fine, just a little tired,\" Alan had replied in blurred tones that, he realized, sounded like those of a drunk.", "\n\nHe had arrived home in agony, but still resolved to deny everything. ", "When Jane asked, in a voice that combined fear and rage, where the hell he had been, he had said, as planned, that he had wanted to give her time to cool off.", "\n\n\"Listen, my back is in spasm,\" he had told her. \"", "I have to take a pill.\"", "\n\n\"I'm sorry,\" Jane said almost automatically, in a flat, neutral voice. ", "She followed him into the kitchen and stood waiting while he gulped water and painkillers. \"", "I'm very sorry it hurts, but I need an explanation.\"", "\n\n\"Maybe it's you who owe me an explanation,\" Alan said, his words blurred by pain and alcohol. ", "Then, though it felt unreal, he took the offensive and rebuked her for her rude unprofessional behavior and leap to false conclusions. ", "He insisted that his presence in Delia's office had been an act of concern and friendship—telling himself meanwhile that if he was stretching the truth, it was also out of concern and friendship. ", "He was sparing Jane information that would hurt her unnecessarily.", "\n\nAs he spoke in imitation of a firm, reasonable manner, he felt a rush of pity and affection for his wife: this small brown-haired woman with her neat shirtwaist dress, her fading prettiness and wide blue eyes, reddened as if with weeping. ", "She was a good person who loved him and had been unfailingly kind to him over the long months of his pain. ", "It wasn't her fault that her kindness had begun to feel more and more like a burden.", "\n\n\"I don't believe you,\" Jane said when he finished, her voice trembling. ", "She sagged against the electric stove as if for warmth and support. \"", "I think you're just saying what Delia told you to say.\"", "\n\n\"That's ridiculous,\" Alan replied weakly, alarmed by her guess. \"", "You're really prejudiced against her,\" he added, regaining control. \"", "You have been from the start.\"", "\n\n\"No, that's not so—\" Jane's voice wobbled.", "\n\n\"You've always been determined to think the worst of her.\"", "\n\n\"I haven't, I've tried—\"\n\n\"That first week, you told me she was a complete egotist.\"", "\n\n\"Well, she is. ", "She never thinks of anyone except herself.\"", "\n\n\"That's just not true,\" Alan said. \"", "Delia's actually a very wonderful and generous person.\"", "\n\nJane turned to stare at him. \"", "You're in love with her too,\" she stated in the tone of someone who has just turned over a rock and found a dead toad under it. \"", "Just like everyone else.\"", "\n\n\"I—\" Alan opened his mouth to deny this, but was unable to do so. \"", "Don't be stupid,\" he said. \"", "She's been a very good friend to me. ", "To us,\" he amended. \"", "She's found me a gallery that's already sold over fifteen thousand dollars' worth of my work. ", "She's why we have that pasta-making machine you've wanted for so long.\"", "\n\n\"I don't care. ", "I hate her, if you want to know the truth,\" Jane had cried, \"and I hate that pasta machine. ", "It's more trouble than it's worth. ", "I can't tell the least difference between what it makes and normal pasta, and I don't believe anyone else can either.\"", "\n\nIn spite of himself, Alan (who believed he could tell the difference) must have allowed an ambiguous smile to appear on his face at this. ", "Jane may have taken it as a smile of epicurean superiority, for a sudden spasm of rage convulsed her small neat features, and she snatched up the pasta machine and threw it, not exactly at Alan but at the floor next to his right foot, where it landed with a noisy, unpleasant jangle and thud.", "\n\n\"Jesus Christ,\" he exclaimed, jerking aside in a way that wrenched his back. \"", "For shit's sake, Jane, get ahold of yourself.\" ", "But already she had turned away from him and was hanging on to the back of a kitchen chair, weeping violently.", "\n\n\"I'm sorry—I shouldn't have—\" She stooped to retrieve the broken pasta machine. \"", "But it's because you're lying to me, lying and lying,\" she sobbed. \"", "If you would just tell the truth, it wouldn't be so awful.\"", "\n\nFor a moment, Alan had had the impulse to do this, but he stopped himself as he realized that the kitchen was full of other appliances and cookware that might be thrown, that might not miss. ", "If he had been well, he wouldn't have cared, but in his present condition any further injury could make his pain unbearable. ", "Jane is a violent woman, he thought. ", "I've been married to her for sixteen years and I never knew this.", "\n\n\"I am telling the truth,\" he insisted, beginning to feel like a complete louse.", "\n\nJane did not reply, only stood and stared at him, her arms full of wrecked metal parts.", "\n\n\"It's late now,\" he said, \"and I'm in a lot of pain. ", "I think we should just go to bed and sleep on it.\"", "\n\n\"All right,\" she said in a voice of great weariness. \"", "But I'm not going to sleep in the same bed as you.\" ", "With a gesture of angry distaste, she shoved the pasta machine down into the kitchen trash can.", "\n\n\"I didn't say you had to,\" Alan had retorted. \"", "Go on. ", "We'll feel better in the morning.\"", "\n\n\"Maybe,\" Jane said. \"", "You can use the bathroom first,\" she added. ", "It was the same sentence she had spoken almost every night for a year and a half. ", "Since he hurt his back, it had taken Alan longer to undress and put on his pajamas and brush his teeth and swallow his prescriptions and get into bed and arrange his many pillows and fall asleep. ", "When Jane came to join him, he would usually still be awake. ", "Then they would put their arms around each other, and he would report on his pain, discuss the events of the day, and plan for tomorrow. ", "But now the tone of the familiar phrase was no longer casual and considerate—it was harsh and flat.", "\n\nAnd when Alan, with groans and curses, had climbed into the antique four-poster, Jane had not come to lie beside him. ", "As he lay there in the dim glow of the bathroom night-light, he could hear her small slippered feet descending the stairs to the downstairs guest room.", "\n\nTwo-thirty a.m. He turned over, trying not to aggravate Old Clootie, staring into the dark. ", "Why was it, he thought, that Delia, who had never said she loved him or promised him anything, made him feel better whenever he saw her, and Jane—who loved him, and had done so much for him—made him feel worse? ", "Why was it that when he was with Delia, though his back still hurt, it was as if the pain were beside him and not within him—an unwelcome companion, but not a devil possessing and torturing him? ", "Maybe it was because Delia never asked how he was feeling or expressed a condescending pity for him—and in the long run, in Alan's opinion, all pity was condescending.", "\n\nHe turned over again, groaning. ", "Then, finally, the pills he had taken began to work, and he drifted into an uneasy, guilty sleep.", "\n\nIt was late when Alan woke, almost nine. ", "His back still hurt, but his head was clearer. ", "You made a bad mistake last night, he told himself. ", "You've got to remember that Delia is a visiting scholar at the Unger Center who will only be in town until next May. Whereas Jane is your wife who has promised to be true to you forever, in sickness and in health. ", "You have to make it up with her. ", "You don't have to admit anything, but you have to apologize for upsetting her and tell her that you love her and are very grateful to her. ", "Because it's true—it must be true, even if you don't feel it now.", "\n\nAlan groaned. ", "The house around him was quiet: probably Jane was still asleep in the downstairs guest room. ", "Well, let her sleep. ", "He hauled himself up, feeling the familiar angry clutch of the lizard in his spine as he did so. ", "He put on a navy-blue plush robe and slippers, used the bathroom, brushed his teeth, and went downstairs to make coffee.", "\n\nThe kitchen was empty, but stuck to the center of the table was a yellow Post-It note:\n\n_I've gone to stay at my mother's, will phone later. ", "J._\n\nOh, Christ, Alan thought. ", "It's too late. ", "I've already burnt my bridges. ", "An image appeared in his mind of an eighteenth-century \"Chinese\" ornamental bridge he had photographed in an English park for his book on architectural follies. ", "Originally it had been decorated in wood and plaster, with carved dragons painted red and gold and blue. ", "But the arch at the far end (not visible in his photo) had been damaged in a recent fire, and a gilt rope was strung across the near end, warning visitors not to cross. ", "He could not remember now whether the bridge had been scheduled to be repaired or demolished.", "\n\nSuppose his bridges were truly burnt, and Jane had left him for good and was out of his life? ", "Suppose he was free to see Delia, to be with her whenever they wanted? ", "It was what she wanted too, he was almost sure of it. ", "The way she sighed when he touched her, the way she widened her silver-gray eyes and gazed into his when they arranged to meet—and when they did meet—Unlike Jane, she was always erotically inventive, sometimes amazingly so. ", "She couldn't really care for that useless person Henry Hull, her whole manner when she spoke of him suggested this. ", "If she were free too—\n\nIt would mean trouble and pain, it would mean blame and guilt. ", "But so what? ", "He remembered something Delia had said more than once, that it was not important for an artist to be happy, or to be good. \"", "We're above all that,\" she had told him. \"", "What's important for us is to do our work.\" ", "Right now, he was neither happy nor good, but he was working, and if he had Delia—\n\nAlan glanced again at the note on the table, its dark-blue ink, its familiar neat girlish penmanship—and now he noticed another line of writing at the bottom, an afterthought in pencil:\n\n_Ham sandwich in fridge._", "\n\nHe knew what that meant: it meant that Jane still felt responsible for his welfare. ", "To be sure of this, he opened the fridge and saw the sandwich, on a white plate with a slice of dill pickle beside it, the whole tightly covered with plastic wrap. ", "He knew that there would be mustard and mayonnaise on the rye bread, and he could see the red-leaf lettuce that he preferred. ", "There was no mistaking the message : whether he wanted her there or not, Jane was still in his life.", "\nTHIRTEEN\n\n\"Something awful has happened,\" Jane told Henry as she climbed into his SUV late Saturday morning at the nearly deserted Farmers' Market. ", "Most of the stalls were empty; only a few sellers shivered in down jackets and knitted wool hats behind displays of pumpkins, potatoes, and homemade jams. ", "A thin, mean wind gusted from the lake, where a rim of ice clung to the withered grass of the shore.", "\n\n\"You're shivering,\" Henry said. \"", "I'll turn up the heat. ", "Now give me your hands. ", "Oh, so cold.\" ", "He pulled off Jane's driving gloves and took her chilled fingers in his own, warmer ones. \"", "All right. ", "Tell me.\"", "\n\nThough she had resolved not to break down, Jane could not keep back a strangulated sob or two as she related the events of yesterday afternoon and evening. ", "Henry did not interrupt, only nodded occasionally, holding or rubbing her hands all the while. ", "Gradually it dawned upon her that he was not registering shock or astonishment. \"", "Yeah,\" he merely said several times as she told the story, and again when she had finished. \"", "Yeah.\"", "\n\n\"How do you mean, 'Yeah?' \" ", "Jane asked, looking at him. ", "Henry did not answer, only shrugged inside his duffle coat. \"", "You're not surprised,\" she said suddenly. \"", "You already knew.\"", "\n\n\"Well. ", "More or less.\"", "\n\n\"But you didn't say anything to me.\" ", "Jane pulled her hands away.", "\n\n\"I—I could have been wrong,\" Henry stammered. \"", "I mean, I didn't know for sure it was Alan this time.\"", "\n\n\"This time?\" ", "She stared. \"", "You mean something like that has happened before?\"", "\n\nIn the silence that followed, she heard only the rough hum of the car heater.", "\n\n\"Yeah,\" Henry said finally. \"", "But see, from Delia's point of view, it's not serious, it's just something she needs sometimes. ", "It doesn't have anything to do with her feelings for me.\"", "\n\n\"But how could it not?\" ", "Jane cried.", "\n\n\"Because it's only play, she says. ", "There's no past or future to it. ", "No depth.\"", "\n\n\"No depth?\"", "\n\n\"Just a little kissing and hugging. ", "So it doesn't count.\" ", "Henry smiled uncomfortably.", "\n\nJane sat back, staring at him. ", "The unwelcome thought had come to her that perhaps Alan and Delia were no more guilty than she and Henry, and that possibly everything that had happened between them was also shallow and temporary. \"", "I see,\" she said. \"", "I mean, I don't see.\"", "\n\n\"Neither do I, if you want to know,\" he said. \"", "Not anymore.\"", "\n\n\"But at least she agrees that something happened,\" Jane said.", "\n\n\"Alan doesn't?\"", "\n\nJane shook her head. \"", "That's the worst thing, the lies,\" she said with a sob. \"", "If he admitted what was going on, if he'd said he was sorry, I could stand it. ", "If he said they were only doing what we've done, I'd have to, I guess—\" She swallowed awkwardly. ", "If Alan had told me the truth, I would have had to tell him the truth, she thought suddenly, and then maybe I wouldn't be here.", "\n\n\"But he didn't say that,\" Henry prompted.", "\n\n\"No, he said that Delia was having a migraine, and he went to see if there was anything he could do for her. ", "Then I broke into the room and screamed and threw things and made her headache much worse. ", "He sort of turned it all upside down so everything was my fault. ", "He said he never knew I could be so irrational and suspicious, and so violent.\"", "\n\n\"Uh-huh,\" Henry said. \"", "It sounds like he's been taking lessons from Delia.\"", "\n\n\"How do you mean?\"", "\n\n\"That's what she does. ", "If she doesn't like the truth, she turns it around until she does, and eventually she's convinced that things happened the way she says they did.\"", "\n\n\"But you believe me, don't you?\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, sure. ", "I believe you.\"", "\n\n\"It's not just the lies,\" Jane said with a long sigh. \"", "It's as if Alan's changed into a different person. ", "Maybe partly because of the pain, but it's more than that. ", "It's as if he's under some awful spell. ", "When he looks at me, it's so cool and judging, as if I was just somebody he'd hired to work for him, who was making a nuisance of herself. ", "Last night when we were talking in the kitchen I felt all cold and shivery, like the wind was blowing indoors. ", "I can't—I don't—\" With a wail, Jane collapsed against Henry.", "\n\n\"There, there,\" he said, putting his arms around her, stroking her hair.", "\n\nA few moments passed, then Jane sat up again. \"", "The thing is, I don't think I can stand to live in the same house with him anymore,\" she said through tears.", "\n\n\"Really?\"", "\n\n\"Uh-huh. ", "Not now, at least.\"", "\n\n\"That's the best news I've heard in years,\" Henry said. ", "He pulled Jane toward him again and kissed her wet face. \"", "Where will you live, then?\" ", "he said presently.", "\n\n\"I can stay on with my parents, in my old room.\"", "\n\n\"That's so wonderful.\" ", "He began to kiss her again.", "\n\n\"Janey, darling. ", "Shouldn't we—I mean, would you like to go somewhere where we can be together?\" ", "he said presently. \"", "It's so cold here, and anyone can see us.\" ", "He gestured across the parking lot at the stalls of the Farmers' Market, where a vendor of honey and jam was glancing in their direction.", "\n\n\"I can't,\" Jane said with a sob. \"", "I'm still sort of under the weather.\" ", "She registered the incomprehension on his face. \"", "I'm bleeding,\" she said awkwardly, and wished at once that she had chosen another phrase. ", "But what she had said was true in every sense. ", "She was underneath a storm of bad weather, blown about and half drowned, and bleeding emotionally as well as physically.", "\n\n\"I don't care. ", "I want to be with you.\" ", "Henry pushed Jane's windbreaker aside and put one heavy warm hand on her cotton shirt, over her left breast. \"", "Maybe we could go to the Center, to the cupola.\"", "\n\n\"We can't—\" Jane felt weak and confused and excited, all at the same time. ", "Even when he was well,Alan had never touched her during what he called \"your monthlies,\" though she had once or twice suggested it long ago. \"", "Anyhow, we can't go to the Center. ", "There's a conference there this weekend; the place is full of French literary theorists.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah. ", "Very bad vibes.\" ", "Henry laughed. \"", "Then we'll drive out into the country. ", "I think I know a place.\" ", "He started the car and turned toward the exit.", "\n\nI shouldn't do this, Jane thought. ", "I should tell him to stop and let me get out. ", "But another part of her thought, Why not?", "\n\n\"There's an old barn off the Myers Road, I saw it when I was jogging the other day,\" Henry said presently. \"", "No houses nearby, and nobody's using it except to store hay.\" ", "Jane said nothing—she felt out of breath, unable to speak, as if she were standing in a strong wind.", "\n\n\"Here you are,\" Henry said as he shoved open the sliding door of the barn. ", "It was full of hay, but in tight rectangular bales. ", "While Jane stood in the entrance shivering with cold or something more serious, he unfolded a knife and cut the wires on three bales of hay, then shook them out into a heap. \"", "There you are.\" ", "Henry slid the barn door back into place; now the only light came from long vertical chinks in the sides and a triangular opening at the peak of the roof. ", "Then he took off his duffle coat and spread it over the hay. \"", "Here. ", "Sit down, and I'll warm you up.\"", "\n\n\"Lovely, lovely,\" Jane murmured nearly an hour later, not for the first time. ", "She felt strange and light-headed and happy, as if she were floating on a sea of hay.", "\n\n\"Yeah. ", "There's nothing like the real thing.\" ", "Henry laughed. \"", "I'd almost forgotten.\"", "\n\n\"Me too.\" ", "It was true what he had hinted before, she thought: Delia only liked, only allowed, what her mother called \"hanky-panky.\" \"", "Is it very late?\"", "\n\n\"Well, it's\"—he held up a bare arm and checked his watch—\"twelve-fifteen.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, lord.\" ", "Jane gave a heavy sigh as a weight of obligation and guilt fell upon her, heavy and scratchy as the hay that towered around them. \"", "I have to get back to the house.\" ", "She sat up.", "\n\n\"Really?\" ", "Henry yawned and pulled her toward him.", "\n\n\"Yes, I have to pack, and cook something for Alan that he can warm up over the weekend, and find a graduate student to drive him to campus and back next week.\" ", "She gave another, deeper sigh. ", "What have I done? ", "she thought. _", "You've done what you've been wanting to do for months,_ a voice said in her head. _", "Something wonderful and right, something selfish and wrong._", "\n\n\"You still think you have to take care of Alan?\" ", "Henry raised his eyebrows.", "\n\n\"Well, yes. ", "For a while anyhow.\" ", "A sensation of fatigue came over Jane. \"", "Until I can arrange for someone else to do it. ", "Somebody has to.\" ", "She rose to her knees, pulling her clothes together and brushing herself off. ", "The nest where they had lain was flattened and trampled, and slightly stained with bodily fluids.", "\n\n\"You'll never be able to get this stuff back into bales,\" she said.", "\n\n\"No, probably not.\" ", "Henry grinned. \"", "And I'm not going to try.\"", "\n\n\"But what will they think, the people who own the barn?\"", "\n\n\"They'll think it was tramps.\"", "\n\n\"I suppose so.\" ", "It was tramps, Jane thought. ", "I'm a tramp. ", "But it was worth it.", "\n\nHolding hands, stopping every few feet to kiss, they walked to his car.", "\n\n\"Can you call me this afternoon?\" ", "Henry asked as they reached the Farmers' Market.", "\n\n\"Ye-es. ", "I can call from the P&C. But won't Delia be there?\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, probably. ", "And we're supposed to go out to dinner tonight. ", "Hell. ", "Tomorrow—can you meet me here about ten?\"", "\n\n\"I can't do that.\" ", "Jane sighed. \"", "My mom will expect me to go to church with her tomorrow morning, because it's Sunday. ", "And then there's Sunday dinner. ", "But maybe later.\"", "\n\n\"About four?\"", "\n\n\"I'll try,\" she said.", "\n\n\"I'll come then and wait.\"", "\n\n\"That's good.\" ", "She gathered her coat around her and slid toward the door.", "\n\nAs she opened it, Henry put out his hand and caught hold of hers. \"", "Oh, Janey. ", "I love you so much,\" he said.", "\n\n\"Really?\" ", "Jane knew that she was not looking her best: her hair was tangled and partly full of hay, her face streaked with the snail tracks of tears.", "\n\n\"Yeah. ", "Really.\"", "\n\n\"I love you too,\" she whispered. ", "Then she shut the door behind her and made her way through the fine icy wind toward her car.", "\n\n\"Did you have a good talk with Reverend Bob?\" ", "Jane's mother, Carrie, asked as Jane came from the cold dull November day into the warm, well-lit kitchen on Sunday afternoon.", "\n\n\"Yes, very good,\" Jane lied, glancing at the pink-flowered kitchen clock. ", "In ten minutes Henry Hull would be in the lot behind the empty Farmers' Market, waiting for her. ", "Somehow, she must find an excuse to be there too.", "\n\n\"He's a very nice young man, isn't he?\" ", "Carrie said, sifting flour into a mixing bowl. \"", "Of course, nobody can ever replace Reverend Jack.\" ", "She sighed. \"", "Would you like some coffee?\" ", "It was clear that she hoped for details of the consultation.", "\n\n\"No thanks,\" Jane said. \"", "I have to go back to the house now. ", "I forgot my hair dryer and all my makeup yesterday, and I'll need them for work tomorrow.\" ", "This was actually true.", "\n\n\"Oh, that's all right.\" ", "Her mother smiled. \"", "I can lend you—\"\n\n\"And my prescriptions,\" Jane hastened to add, though this was a lie: she had already finished her only prescription, for an ear infection picked up at the University swimming pool. \"", "But I'd better go now, before it starts to snow again. ", "I just have to stop in the bathroom.\"", "\n\n\"Mm.\" ", "Carrie gave an understanding smile.", "\n\nUpstairs, Jane's face in the mirror looked tired and pale. ", "If she had thought she could get away with it, she would have used some of her mother's lipstick and blusher, but Carrie was sure to notice and think that Jane wanted to look attractive for Alan.", "\n\nWith every word she said, every gesture she made, Jane thought, she was digging herself deeper into a pit of lies. ", "The phrase was that of the Reverend Bob Smithers, and he had applied it to Alan, but it belonged equally to her. ", "Reverend Bob was in fact a nice young man, but he had been easy to lie to, unlike the Reverend Jack, who would surely have looked directly into Jane's eyes and seen the shadow of Henry Hull there. ", "Reverend Bob sincerely wanted to bring Jane and Alan back together as soon as possible; he had spoken of patience and love and forgiveness. ", "Reverend Bob also wanted Alan to come in for counseling, something that would never happen, since Alan would never agree to be counseled by someone like Bob\n\nBut Jane had not told him this. ", "She had pretended to listen and agree, and that too had been a lie. ", "Her patience with Alan and her love for him were nearly exhausted, and she did not want to forgive him. ", "She wanted him to vanish off the face of the earth, so she could be with Henry.", "\n\nJane's mother Carrie also hoped that Jane and Alan would get back together eventually, but she felt there was no reason for haste. ", "Alan needed to be taught a lesson, she had said. ", "A bad back was no excuse for bad behavior, and if Jane stayed away for a while he would realize how much he loved her and needed her. ", "The reaction of Jane's father had been different. ", "He was a taciturn man, recently retired from the local post office, who usually offered few opinions on domestic matters. ", "But last night, after his wife had explained the situation to him, he had broken his usual silence.", "\n\n\"You and Alan have joint accounts at the Hopkins County Trust, right, Janey?\" ", "he had asked. \"", "Checking and savings?\"", "\n\nJane had agreed that this was so.", "\n\n\"Okay. ", "Monday morning, you go down there first thing. ", "You open up a new account in your own name, transfer half of both the old accounts into it.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, I don't think Janey needs to do that,\" his wife had protested. \"", "Alan isn't going to cheat her out of anything.\"", "\n\n\"Maybe not. ", "But it's best to be safe. ", "Fellow gets involved with a floozy, he might do anything.\"", "\n\n\"She's not really a floozy,\" Jane had said, speaking rather for the honor of the Unger Center than for that of Delia.", "\n\nBut her father had shaken his head. \"", "Saw her photo in the paper. ", "A floozy.\"", "\n\nNow Jane dragged a comb through her curly hair and ran downstairs. \"", "I'll be back soon,\" she said, which was probably another lie, and hurried out.", "\n\nIt was already past four when she reached the Farmers' Market parking lot, but Henry was not there. ", "Immediately a cold wave of fear and depression washed over her. ", "She had to see him, not just because she loved him, but because he was the only person in the world she could talk to now without lying. ", "Over the past couple of months she had gradually become distant from her three closest friends, all of whom often said how much they admired her devotion to Alan in his illness. ", "After she had begun to fall in love with Henry, she didn't want to confide in them, because they would have been surprised and shocked by her disloyalty.", "\n\nNow, of course, her friends would probably blame Alan for getting involved with Delia, but since Delia was a local and national celebrity, the news would be too good to keep quiet. ", "Anyhow, if she told them about Delia and not about Henry she would be lying again, sinking deeper and deeper into the Reverend Bob's pit of lies, which would probably resemble the construction site she had passed on the way to the Farmers' Market: a big deep muddy hole with orange barriers around it and a pile of dirt at one side. ", "The pit of lies was one of the gateways to hell, according to a sermon she had once heard.", "\n\nDusk was falling now, the light thickening in the bony trees by the lake, and Henry still hadn't come. ", "Maybe something had prevented him? ", "Or maybe he had just decided not to come, because seeing her was too risky or too much trouble. ", "He was still safe in his life, Jane thought for the first time, because Delia didn't know anything about her.", "\n\nSlowly, inexorably, the air darkened, and the slatted stalls of the Farmers' Market began to look more and more like empty chicken coops. _", "Don't you want to be free?_ ", "Henry had said last week. ", "Well, now she was free, but he wasn't, because he was still living with Delia. ", "He hadn't told Delia anything; maybe he wasn't planning to tell her anything. ", "Maybe he wanted to stay with her, even if they weren't really married and she only allowed hanky-panky, because she was so much more rich and glamorous and famous and interesting than Jane. ", "Maybe for him Jane was like what he'd said about Delia's affairs, something he needed sometimes.", "\n\nNow night had fallen: only a sullen gray light shimmered on the lake beyond the trees. ", "Jane would have to carry out her excuse now. ", "She would have to drive to her house and collect her makeup and her hairbrush, which would mean seeing Alan again and trying not to get into another conversation full of lies, his lies of fact and her lies of omission. ", "Then she would have to drive back to her parents' house and lie some more to them.", "\nFOURTEEN\n\nThree days later, Alan was walking slowly and painfully across campus toward the building where the annual Unger Humanities Lecture would soon be given by a famous New York critic, L. D. Zimmern. ", "It had snowed the night before, and the frozen lawn was glazed gray-white; the sky was covered with a foggy scrim of cloud, also gray-white, in which a small flaw indicated the presence of the distant sun. ", "Alan's mind was also covered with foggy cloud; the only small bright spot in it was the knowledge that he would soon see Delia again. ", "His back hurt worse than it had for weeks.", "\n\nWhen Jane had returned to the house without notice late Sunday afternoon, Alan had just burnt both his dinner and his hand by punching in BAKED POTATO instead of WARM on the microwave. ", "Jane had instantly expressed concern and filled a saucepan with cold water and ice cubes, her old standard remedy. ", "As Alan sat at the kitchen table with his hand in the pan of ice water, he had felt a rush of gratitude, even of affection.", "\n\n\"Thank you, that feels a lot better,\" he told her. ", "And then, after a pause, \"Look, I really regret what happened Friday.\"", "\n\n\"Yes?\" ", "Jane's stiff, neutral expression slowly began to soften.", "\n\n\"I—\" He opened his mouth to tell her that he was very sorry, but in fact he was involved with, maybe even in love with, Delia Delaney. _", "The best thing you can do, always, is tell the truth and take the consequences_ , his father used to say. ", "But Alan did not do this now, partly because Jane already looked so beaten-down and miserable. ", "He also did not do it because it would cause Delia to regard him with scorn. \"", "It was natural for you to get upset,\" he said instead. \"", "I know it looked suspicious, but honestly nothing was going on. ", "Delia was having a migraine, and I was just trying to give her some comfort, some sympathy—You know I'm in no shape to—\" He swallowed the half lie.", "\n\nJane stared at him, her mouth trembling. \"", "I don't believe you,\" she said finally. \"", "Nobody could believe you. ", "You don't have to take off your clothes to sympathize with somebody. ", "And nobody hides behind a curtain unless they're involved in some hanky-panky,\" she added, in her mother's phrase and almost her mother's intonation. \"", "It's all dirty lies, and I bet you didn't even think of them yourself. ", "That horrible woman put you up to it.\"", "\n\n\"Really, Jane,\" Alan said, trying to speak in a cool and reasonable manner.", "\n\n\"She's using you, just like she uses everybody. ", "She doesn't care for you or anyone but herself, and you'll find that out soon, unless you're too stupid. ", "Oh, the hell with it all.\" ", "Jane burst into tears; then she turned away and rushed upstairs. ", "When she returned, dragging a carry-on suitcase, she would not even speak, only left, slamming the back door.", "\n\n\"Jane's staying with her parents downtown, and she won't speak to me,\" he had told Delia on Monday morning.", "\n\n\"Acting out all the old clichés,\" Delia had said with a slight, scornful laugh.", "\n\n\"How do you mean?\"", "\n\n\"Giving you the silent treatment. ", "Gone home to Mother.\"", "\n\n\"So where should she have gone?\"", "\n\n\"Jesus, I don't know.\" ", "Delia sighed, almost yawned. \"", "New York, Paris? ", "But some people have no imagination.\"", "\n\nThat's true, he thought. ", "But it's not their fault; and if Jane had really gone to New York or Paris there would be confusion and scandal.", "\n\n\"And now you're supposed to admit your guilt and beg forgiveness, isn't that right?\"", "\n\n\"You think that's what I should do?\" ", "asked Alan, who had again been considering this move.", "\n\n\"Not if you want any respect at home from now on,\" Delia told him. \"", "If you wait a while, she'll come around.\"", "\n\nIt was Wednesday now, and Jane had not come around in either sense of the phrase. ", "She had been at the Center every afternoon, but had made no attempt to speak to him there, though every day a plate containing that evening's supper, wrapped in transparent plastic, had appeared in his fridge. ", "Meanwhile, incredibly rapidly, everything at home had begun to fall apart. ", "The cleaning lady wouldn't come until Friday, and the house was already a mess, littered with discarded papers and dirty dishes. ", "The flowers had died in the vases, and Alan couldn't find the can opener. ", "Yesterday he had spilled a plate of creamed chicken and waffles into his recliner, and though he had done his best to mop it up, the leather was now sticky and smelly. ", "When he went to the supermarket with his student driver he had forgotten to buy bread or milk for his morning cereal, and he was out of clean underwear and socks.", "\n\nAs he reached the entrance to the lecture hall, Alan was surprised to see in the crowd his back-pain pal Bernie Kotelchuk, the retired professor of veterinary medicine, accompanied by his wife Danielle, a retired professor of French.", "\n\n\"You going to the lecture?\" ", "he asked.", "\n\n\"Uh-huh.\" ", "Bernie grinned.", "\n\n\"You're interested in 'William James and Religious Experience ?' \" ", "Traditionally, the annual Unger Lecture was coordinated with that year's Unger Center theme.", "\n\n\"Nah, not really. ", "But Zimmern is Danielle's ex-husband.\"", "\n\n\"Really.\" ", "Alan had been more or less unaware that Danielle had an ex-husband; she seemed so well suited to her current one.", "\n\n\"I wouldn't miss it for anything,\" said Danielle. ", "Like Bernie, she was ruddy, cheerful, and sturdy. ", "She wore her thick gray hair in a ponytail tied with red and brown yarn, and was wrapped in several layers of hand-knit red and brown sweaters and scarves rather than a coat.", "\n\n\"You know, most women would do anything to avoid having to listen to their ex,\" Alan said.", "\n\n\"Not me.\" ", "Danielle smiled. \"", "I'm not angry at Lennie anymore, it's been too long. ", "Anyhow the kids will expect me to give them a report.\" ", "She moved ahead, toward the double doors.", "\n\n\"So how are you doing?\" ", "Bernie asked as they followed.", "\n\n\"Oh, okay,\" Alan replied, and saw Bernie register the true meaning of this answer according to their unspoken code, perhaps that of all invalids: _Not so good, actually_. \"", "How about you?\"", "\n\n\"Not too bad,\" Bernie said, meaning, _Better, actually_. \"", "I'm driving again, you know.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah? ", "That's great.\"", "\n\n\"It's all because of this doohickey.\" ", "Bernie held up a large brown canvas carrying case. \"", "Changed my life.\"", "\n\n\"A briefcase changed your life?\"", "\n\n\"Yep,\" Bernie asserted. \"", "Well, nah. ", "It's what's inside. ", "Feel it, see if you can guess.\" ", "Alan touched the briefcase and encountered a thick, flat, curved piece of hard material, probably wood. ", "It was familiar somehow, but he could not identify it, and shook his head.", "\n\n\"It's a toilet seat,\" Bernie confided. \"", "This exercise guy at the Y—you know, the one with the red hair and the Star Trek T-shirt—he put me on to it last week. ", "You go to Sears, he said, buy yourself one of these. ", "Take it apart, throw away the lid. ", "Get a bag for the bottom piece. ", "This here, it looks like a briefcase, right? ", "Hell, it is a briefcase. ", "Nobody can tell what's inside. ", "I take it everywhere. ", "All of a sudden, no extra pain when I sit. ", "Danielle doesn't have to drive me anywhere. ", "I can go to the drugstore, work at my desk, drive to school to check on the dog project. ", "Fly on planes, go to conferences, anything I want.\" ", "He laughed.", "\n\nIn the past, before the lizard moved into his back, nothing on earth would have persuaded Alan to carry around a toilet seat in a canvas bag. ", "But Jane had left him; he was eating scorched or soggy microwaved meals and depending on unreliable student drivers. \"", "You think it would work for me?\"", "\n\n\"Could be. ", "Wanna try it?\"", "\n\nTogether, Alan and the Kotelchuks moved toward the rear of the room. ", "Bernie placed the briefcase on a seat, and Alan lowered himself onto it cautiously. ", "Usually he could hardly bear to sit on a hard surface for more than a few minutes. ", "But now the pain did not increase ; it even seemed to moderate slightly.", "\n\n\"Yeah, that's better,\" he conceded, standing up out of the way so that Bernie could sit down. ", "Over the past year or so, several people, including Jane, had suggested that he should obtain and carry about with him an inflatable rubber ring of the type used by sufferers from hemorrhoids, or women after a painful childbirth. ", "Alan, whose horror of seeming ridiculous had not diminished, had always refused. ", "But a briefcase—yes, that might be possible, as long as nobody knew what was inside it.", "\n\nEven before the lecture started, Alan had to get up and walk about at the back of the room. ", "It was the same one in which, not long ago, Delia Delaney had read; but the scene today was very different. ", "Delia, with her red-gold curls loose down her back, her violet eye shadow and trailing lacy scarves, had been a figure of beauty and glamour. ", "Zimmern was an elderly professor of nondescript appearance with a lot of dark-gray hair and a dark-gray suit. ", "Delia's audience had been larger and younger and more than two-thirds female, and included many women whose appearance and getup was as unusual, though far from as alluring, as her own. ", "Today it was the standard mix of humanities students and faculty, with a scattering of older townspeople and retirees who had perhaps known Zimmern when he taught here a quarter century ago.", "\n\nWhile Delia spoke, Alan had leaned forward to absorb every word. ", "He had been amazed by the brilliantly theatrical, emotional quality of her performance, and gloried in the secret knowledge that earlier in the day he been closer to her than anyone in the room. ", "But though L. D. Zimmern spoke with wit and erudition, Alan lost much of his discourse. ", "Instead, his attention oscillated between the increasingly intolerable pain in his back, his own oppressive domestic situation, and his desire to see Delia again as soon as possible. ", "She should have been there now, but her husband had called the Center that morning to say that she had a migraine and wouldn't be able to make the lecture, though she hoped to be at the official dinner.", "\n\nIn order to see Delia, Alan had planned to go to the reception and skip the dinner, since he was unable to eat unless he was standing up or lying down. ", "Now, as soon as the lecture was over, he met the graduate student who had been hired to drive him home, and arranged for a detour to the local mall, where he purchased a white plastic toilet seat and a black nylon briefcase. ", "At home he separated the sections of the toilet seat with some difficulty, threw the top half in the trash can, concealed the bottom half in the briefcase, and went into the garage. ", "He had not driven his Volvo for over a year, but until recently Jane had exercised it once a week, and it started readily.", "\n\nThere was still some pain, but it was manageable, Alan decided. ", "With a sense of freedom and power that he had not had in a long time, he canceled the taxi he had ordered and drove to the Unger Center.", "\n\nHis luck held: Delia was there. ", "Unfortunately, though, the reception was over, and she was already sitting at the other end of the long dining table, not far from Jane, who clearly saw him but did not speak or wave. ", "Meanwhile, he, as the senior Unger Fellow, had been placed at the left of Lily Unger, with L. D. Zimmern, the guest of honor, on her right. ", "It was soon clear that Zimmern and Mrs. Unger were already acquainted, though they had apparently not met for some time.", "\n\n\"So you never married again,\" Lily Unger said to Zimmern, in a teasing tone that Alan had never heard her use before.", "\n\n\"No. ", "Tried it once, didn't like it. ", "Same thing with oatmeal.\"", "\n\n\"Oatmeal?\" ", "Lily giggled.", "\n\n\"It's supposed to be good for you, maybe it is, but it's also tasteless and lumpy.\"", "\n\nYeah, you could be right, Alan thought, and then was interrupted by Davi Gakar's wife, on his own left, who wished to talk about the differences between Eastern and Western religion. ", "It was not until she turned to her other neighbor that he was able to speak again to Lily Unger and ask the question that had been on his mind all through the shrimp bisque.", "\n\n\"Who's the old bald guy talking to Delia?\"", "\n\n\"Wally Hersh,\" said Lily, well informed as usual. \"", "He's a big trustee. ", "Also powerful on the Alumni Council.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah?\" ", "Zimmern said. \"", "He looks like a big hamster.\"", "\n\n\"He does, sort of.\" ", "Lily giggled.", "\n\nAlan stared down the table. ", "Wally Hersh was large and beefy, with the muscle-bound physique of a former athlete now running to fat. ", "At the moment, Delia was leaning toward him, laughing. ", "Her red-gold hair was piled on top of her head, and she was wearing a low-cut blouse with a big white lily tucked into the cleavage—apparently one of those that this same Wally Hersh had sent and Jane had thrown at her.", "\n\n\"He was here all last week for the yearly meetings,\" Lily said. \"", "I don't know why he's still hanging around.\"", "\n\nWally Hersh, who was not only well over sixty, but red-faced and slightly popeyed, was now leaning toward Delia, smiling and patting her soft white hand with his coarse red paw. ", "How can she allow that? ", "Alan thought.", "\n\n\"He'd better watch his step with Delia,\" Zimmern said. \"", "She can be dangerous.\"", "\n\n\"Really?\" ", "Lily Unger remarked with surprise and some disapproval. \"", "She's been tremendously popular at the Center. ", "A little overemotional, maybe, but very nice and charming to everyone.\"", "\n\n\"She wasn't nice and charming to me,\" Zimmern said. \"", "She cut me dead at the reception just now.\" ", "He gave a short laugh.", "\n\n\"Really?\"", "\n\n\"I figure she's still mad about something I wrote once. ", "It was years ago, but apparently she hasn't forgiven me.\"", "\n\n\"Oh? ", "What did you say?\" ", "Alan leaned forward.", "\n\n\"It was when she came out with those Southern mountain tales of ghosts and lost children and unfaithful lovers and black crows that sit on the roof and foretell death. _", "Heart's Ease,_ yeah, that was the title. ", "I called her the intellectual's Dolly Parton.\"", "\n\n\"You know, there is a resemblance,\" said Lily Unger, laughing. \"", "She's just as pretty, anyhow.\"", "\n\n\"You should have seen her twenty years ago,\" Zimmern told them. \"", "You can't believe how beautiful she was then. ", "And some of those early stories really weren't bad. ", "The trouble was, after a while she began to repeat herself.\"", "\n\n\"Her reading was a great success,\" Lily Unger said, a little huffily.", "\n\n\"No doubt. ", "Most people can't tell the difference between the original and a good copy. ", "My theory is, Delia hasn't really taken in anything that happened after she left the mountains of West Virginia. ", "Her life there was so intense, so violent, so primitive. ", "It was full of everything that's in the early stories: passionate crazy people and crazy ideas. ", "If she'd stayed, it probably would have destroyed her. ", "So she escaped, she went to college, and then eventually to New York. ", "Never went back. ", "But she paid a price. ", "The world outside the mountains isn't quite real to her, you can tell that from her later writing. ", "Same thing with Edna O'Brien, same thing with Colette, but worse because Delia's never found another subject the way they did. ", "No, I'm afraid she's had it.\"", "\n\nWith difficulty, Alan said nothing, fearing that if he spoke he would speak too vehemently, betraying the strength of his feelings. ", "Lily Unger, however, came at once to Delia's defense. \"", "Well, I must say, I don't agree. ", "I admired her last book very much.\"", "\n\n\"I'm sure you did,\" Zimmern agreed politely, but in a manner that somehow cast doubt both on Delia's writing and on Lily Unger's artistic taste and discernment. ", "Then he turned away to a pretty woman on his right, the wife of a dean, whose main interest was the preservation of the natural environment.", "\n\n\"So how are you feeling these days?\" ", "Lily Unger asked him kindly. ", "But Alan was almost unable to reply. ", "At the moment, he was hardly aware of the pain in his back, he was so preoccupied with a sour, angry sensation that he had not felt in many, many years—a sensation that he identified, after a moment, as not heartburn but corrosive sexual jealousy. \"", "Oh, not too bad,\" he lied, smiling with effort and trying without success to wrench his gaze away from the far end of the table, from Delia.", "\nFIFTEEN\n\n\"Well, hello there,\" Henry said as Jane, nearly twenty minutes late, came up to him at a display of homebaked apple and pumpkin pies on Saturday morning. ", "It was a cold, windy day, the last weekend this year for the Farmers' Market. ", "But the sun was bright, and several dozen people were buying root vegetables and eggs and homemade pottery and bread from those stalls that remained open. ", "He touched her cheek lightly, causing a sensation that resembled her sister's description of a hot flash.", "\n\nIt had been a hard week for Jane. ", "Living at her parents' house was awkward and constraining. ", "Though her mother loved her, she could not help treating Jane like the child and adolescent she had once been: asking her to set the table, sending her to the P&C when she ran out of milk, reminding her to dress warmly. ", "Carrie had always had definite ideas about what Jane should do, and what she should do now was go back to Alan. ", "He was her husband and he needed her. ", "She should forgive him and let bygones be bygones.", "\n\n\"How can I forgive him if he won't admit he did anything wrong?\" ", "Jane had asked rather desperately.", "\n\n\"He knows he's done wrong,\" Carrie had said, not ceasing to knit the blue sweater with a pattern of red and white ducks that she was making for Jane's sister's youngest child. \"", "And he knows you know it. ", "I'm sure he feels sorry and ashamed of himself now.\"", "\n\n\"Maybe,\" Jane said.", "\n\n\"But a man has his pride,\" her mother continued, as if Jane had not spoken. \"", "And it's not as if he'd actually been unfaithful. ", "From what you told me, it was probably just a little hanky-panky. ", "All you need to do is say that you want to put this behind you, and go on with your life together.\"", "\n\n\"Maybe,\" Jane repeated. ", "But I don't want to go on with that life, she thought. ", "I want to be with Henry, only Mom doesn't know it, because I haven't told her. ", "I'm just as bad as Alan, a liar and an adulteress.", "\n\n\"I'm sure he'll be relieved and grateful. ", "And of course you'll let him know that it mustn't happen again.\"", "\n\n\"But it will happen again, probably. ", "Because of that awful woman.\"", "\n\n\"You don't know that, dear.\" ", "Her mother looped a strand of red wool over the white. \"", "You've had such a good marriage. ", "And everyone admires you so much for the way you've taken care of Alan since he got ill.\"", "\n\n\"Mh,\" Jane had said. ", "She wished she could talk to someone besides her mother. ", "But since she began to love Henry, she had stopped confiding in her friends. ", "The only person she could talk to now was Henry, who was half the problem.", "\n\n\"I'm sorry I was late,\" she said to him now as they moved apart from the crowd around the stalls and stood under the bare yellow branches of a big willow.", "\n\n\"That's okay.\"", "\n\n\"I brought you some black walnuts, from the tree we saw on Warren Road. ", "Here.\" ", "She handed over a heavy brown-paper bag. \"", "They're much better than the walnuts you get in the stores. ", "But you need to let them dry out for a few weeks, and then crack them on stone with a hammer.\"", "\n\n\"Thank you. . . . ", "So how's it going?\"", "\n\n\"All right. ", "Well, not all right.\"", "\n\n\"Really.\" ", "A dark shadow seemed to cross Henry's face. \"", "Why is that? ", "No, wait. ", "Come and sit down. ", "Let's talk.\" ", "He led the way to one of the picnic tables by the windswept lake and set his basket of apples and sourdough bread and honey on it. \"", "Okay. ", "Tell me.\"", "\n\n\"It's all wrong,\" Jane said, catching her breath. \"", "It's all lies. ", "Everyone thinks I'm a good person, but I'm not. ", "Not anymore. ", "I promised in church to take care of Alan forever, and now our house is falling apart and the fridge is full of mold.\" ", "A sob escaped her.", "\n\n\"Maybe that serves him right,\" Henry said.", "\n\n\"Well, in a way it does, that's what my mother says, but not forever. ", "She says it was right that I left, because then he would know I was serious, and he would feel guilty and appreciate me properly. ", "But now she thinks it's time for me to go back, so we can all be together for Thanksgiving. ", "Anyhow, my sister's coming from New Hampshire, and she'll need the spare room.\"", "\n\n\"It's important for your family, Thanksgiving,\" he suggested.", "\n\n\"Yes, it is. ", "My sister and her husband and kids always come, and my uncle and two aunts from up the lake, and usually there's cousins too. ", "Isn't Thanksgiving important for your family?\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, but I don't always make it to Toronto. ", "I didn't last year, but I'm going up this weekend.\"", "\n\n\"And will Delia be there?\"", "\n\n\"Nah. ", "She's going to New York. ", "She doesn't get on with Canadians.\" ", "He took an apple out of his basket, looked at it, and returned it. \"", "So your mother thinks you should go back to Alan,\" he said. \"", "And do you want to go back?\"", "\n\n\"No,\" Jane admitted.", "\n\n\"That's good.\" ", "Henry smiled for the first time. ", "He put his warm hand on her arm, between the wristband of her blue parka and her driving gloves, and Jane did not have the strength to remove it.", "\n\n\"But it doesn't matter what I want,\" she said weakly, pushing back her wind-tangled brown curls. \"", "What I want is wicked and selfish.\"", "\n\n\"You really believe that?\"", "\n\n\"Yes—no. ", "I don't know,\" Jane wailed, and buried her damp face in her hands. ", "Another sob escaped her. \"", "I'm an awful person, really.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, yeah?\"", "\n\n\"I'm so angry all the time, and violent.\"", "\n\n\"Violent?\" ", "Henry laughed.", "\n\n\"Yes. ", "I told you how I nearly threw that big glass vase at Delia.\"", "\n\n\"But you didn't, because you didn't really want to hurt her.\" ", "Henry smiled.", "\n\n\"I did too. ", "When she started laughing, as if it was all some big joke, I wanted to hurt her. ", "I only didn't throw the vase because it was a valuable heirloom. ", "It belonged to Matthew Unger's mother, and now it belongs to the Center.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, Janey. ", "I love you.\" ", "Henry pulled her toward him and kissed her, but Jane only partly responded, looking over his shoulder for spectators and spies.", "\n\n\"I don't see why,\" she said miserably when he let go.", "\n\n\"I don't know. ", "I guess it's because you have such sea-blue eyes, and you're so hopelessly honest.\"", "\n\n\"Only with you. ", "I'm lying to everyone else all the time, because I'm not telling them the truth. ", "I used to be a good person, but now I'm not, I'm angry and mean all the time, really, inside. ", "Alan's in so much pain, and I used to feel so horribly sorry for him, but now I don't care, almost. ", "I don't love him anymore. ", "I don't even like him much.\"", "\n\n\"That's wonderful,\" Henry said.", "\n\n\"But it's all wrong. ", "My place is with my husband, my duty is there, that's what my mother says. ", "And her new minister, Reverend Bobby, says the same.\"", "\n\n\" 'Reverend Bobby?' \" ", "Henry laughed.", "\n\n\"I know.\" ", "In spite of herself, Jane smiled. \"", "He's only about twenty-six years old.\"", "\n\n\"Well, I don't agree. ", "I think your place is with me,\" Henry said. \"", "I'm so glad you're here,\" he added. \"", "I was afraid you weren't coming.\"", "\n\n\"I almost didn't,\" Jane admitted. \"", "But I wanted to see you too much.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah,\" he agreed. \"", "Me too.\"", "\n\n\"Even though you never came last Sunday when you said you would. ", "I waited here until it was dark.\"", "\n\n\"I couldn't. ", "I explained that. ", "Delia was insisting we go to this drinks party, and if I hadn't agreed she would have been suspicious.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, you told me.\" ", "Jane raised her streaked face and looked out across the shimmering, wind-troubled water of the lake. \"", "It's not the same for us now, is it?\" ", "she said, uttering the thought that had sat on her head like a tight dark hat for the whole week. \"", "I've left Alan, and you haven't left Delia. ", "You haven't even told her you know what happened.\"", "\n\n\"No,\" Henry admitted.", "\n\n\"Are you going to?\"", "\n\n\"I've got to wait a bit, Janey,\" he said. \"", "Right now she's tired of me. ", "I figure she's on her way out. ", "But if she knew I was in love with somebody else, she could get jealous and possessive.\"", "\n\nJane frowned. ", "It seemed unlikely to her that anyone could be tired of Henry. ", "He's a coward, she thought miserably. ", "Or he's stalling. ", "He might love me a little, and want to sleep with me, but he wants to avoid trouble even more. \"", "You want to avoid trouble,\" she said, shivering in the cold wind, which seemed now to come directly from the North Pole.", "\n\n\"Yeah. ", "But it's only for a little while.\"", "\n\n\"Oh? ", "How long?\" ", "Jane was feeling colder and colder, even though Henry's arm was around her shoulders.", "\n\n\"I don't know.\"", "\n\nJane said nothing, but she took a step back.", "\n\n\"We'll be together very soon, I hope. ", "When things are easier.\"", "\n\nJane looked at Henry, his square shoulders, his thick curly hair, and the strong blunt lines of his face. ", "He's here, but he's not really here, she thought. ", "I can't count on him.", "\nSIXTEEN\n\nIt had been another strange week for Alan Mackenzie. ", "By Friday he felt as if he had been on a long alternately exhilarating and exhausting nature hike of the sort he remembered from camp, slogging up steep slopes and down into thick swamps. ", "The highs had been his meetings with Delia, his restored ability to drive, and another sale at the gallery in New York. ", "There had also been the soggy lows of persistent backache, obsessive jealousy, a growing despair about his work, and the sudden awkward reappearance of Jane in his life.", "\n\nOn Friday night he lay awake between three and five a.m., suffering from pain and artistic depression. ", "He could not find a comfortable position—the lizard kept shifting its grip, alternately clawing his lower back and left hip. ", "Also something he had eaten, or the drugs he had taken, was causing severe gaseous indigestion. ", "Since Jane had moved to her parents' house the suppers she left had been getting less and less attractive, culminating last evening in a nasty congealed-looking macaroni and cheese casserole with lima beans. ", "Either she was punishing him with worse and worse meals, or she was (no doubt unconsciously) trying to poison him.", "\n\nIf Alan's friends and colleagues knew that his wife had left him and gone home to her mother, dinner invitations would have been forthcoming. ", "But as yet he had not told anyone, because he assumed that, as Delia put it, Jane would soon come around and make this admission unnecessary. ", "Also, he didn't want to answer the inevitable question, _Why has she left you?_ ", "either with a lie or with the truth.", "\n\nWorst of all, as he stared into the cold blackness of the cloudy November night, he had finally admitted to himself that he was sick of miniature ruins of famous public buildings. ", "The first dozen or two had been exciting and satisfying; but lately, as he turned the pages of travel books looking for possible subjects, he had begun to feel weariness, even disgust. ", "Maybe, even probably, his career as an artist was over almost before it had begun. ", "Delia Delaney loved him—anyhow, she had often allowed him to love her. ", "But when she knew he was finished as an artist, she would be disappointed and maybe even scornful, as she had been about her husband's giving up poetry. (\"", "He had a couple of bad reviews, and couldn't take it.\")", "\n\nAt five a.m. Alan unwound himself from his snarled sheets and blankets and staggered into the bathroom. ", "In the smudged, foggy glow of the night-light, he saw the face of a hysterical aging loser: in chronic pain, deserted by his wife, probably about to be dropped by his mistress, and without inspiration. ", "Someone who might as well be dead.", "\n\nBut on his way back to bed, dizzy with drugs and nausea and despair, he had a revelation. ", "By accident he switched on the wrong light in the hall and saw, blindingly white against the black of an unused bedroom, part of a wall, an open door, and a wooden goose in graceful flight toward the dark. ", "He stopped in his tracks, flash-frozen. ", "The scene was fragmentary, but also eternal That section of wall, that doorway, that chair, that motionless yet moving white bird, could have been— _could be_ , made of plaster or stone or painted metal. ", "It could stand free, as another kind of artificial ruin—perhaps comic, perhaps ironic, perhaps tragic.", "\n\nAnd if this vision could be made three-dimensional, so could other fragments of domestic architecture, each with its own complex, interlocking meanings. ", "The monumental, even mythic corner of a kitchen, with dishes in the rack and a window open over the sink, a knife and a half-sliced tomato on the sill. ", "A bathroom with crumpled hanging towels, a dining room with part of a table, dishes, glasses, a napkin thrown down—\n\nOr a section of wall from his childhood bedroom, with a half-open casement window, his narrow maple bed with its ball-topped posts and thrown-back patchwork quilt; his toy Scottish terrier and suspended model airplane, frozen in time like the ruins of Pompeii. ", "All white—or, maybe more interesting, in a spectrum of sepia browns or grayed pastels.", "\n\nAnd he needn't limit himself to domestic architecture, or to this country, Alan saw suddenly. ", "The images could come from anywhere and anywhen. ", "All of history and geography was available to him. ", "Colonial, Victorian, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Modern—Medieval, Renaissance, eighteenth-century—anything, everything. ", "Fragments of schools, stores, libraries, offices, churches—the haunting architectural equivalents of a George Segal sculpture—\n\nYes. ", "He could do it. ", "And as an architectural historian he could make all these ghostly tableaux authentic, with the right door and window frames, shutters, cornices, chairs, hanging garments, decorative objects.", "\n\nThough it was still densely dark outside, Alan did not return to bed. ", "Instead he pulled his navy blue wool bathrobe over his pajamas, went into the study, and located a pad and drawing pencils. ", "In too much of a hurry to retrieve his briefcase/toilet seat from downstairs, he stood in front of a file cabinet and made notes and sketches for well over an hour without stopping. ", "Sometimes he paused for a few moments, overcome with awe and gratitude for the revelation that had come to him. ", "Delia was right, he thought: this gift he had received was a by-product of pain and illness.", "\n\nAt dawn, stiff and chilled, he set the sheets of paper he had covered aside, took more codeine, and collapsed into bed, where he slept until noon. ", "Waking, he feared at first that he had dreamed the whole thing. ", "But the drawings were there, and in the light of day they still looked good: better than good. ", "He dressed, made himself tea and toast, and, ignoring the pain in his back as much as possible, got out some paper and old paints, and began to convert his first sketch into a colored drawing. ", "Delia will like this, he thought. ", "She always has a special feeling for birds.", "\n\nHe was halfway through a second—the attic of his parents' house this time, with its little round window, the upper left-hand pane cracked in a partial star, the old brass-hinged and brass-hasped trunk underneath, and the discarded dressmaker's dummy (terrifying at five, still sinister and melancholy when he left for college) leaning toward the light at an angle—when he heard the kitchen door open.", "\n\n\"Hello, it's me,\" Jane's voice called.", "\n\nShe's brought some even more inedible, poisonous supper, Alan thought. ", "He put down his brush, vexed at the interruption. ", "Then, to prevent his wife from coming upstairs and seeing his new drawings, which she would probably like as little as the earlier ones, he descended to the kitchen. ", "Jane was standing by the sink in front of a brown paper bag of groceries, wearing baggy jeans and a Gore-Tex windbreaker For years he had thought of his wife as amazingly pretty: now she seemed ill-dressed, commonplace, and undersized, and her curly brown hair was much too short. ", "Had she deliberately made herself unattractive, or was it that since he'd known Delia his idea of beauty had shifted?", "\n\n\"Oh, hello there,\" he said. \"", "Look, you don't have to bring me supper anymore. ", "I can drive now, I can manage on my own.\"", "\n\n\"That's all right,\" Jane told him. \"", "I mean, you don't have to. ", "I've decided it's time for me to come home, anyhow.\" ", "She indicated her suitcase by the back door.", "\n\n\"Oh yes?\" ", "Alan smiled only briefly. \"", "That's good,\" he heard himself say rather flatly. ", "He was surprised at his lack of relief—because this was what he had wanted, wasn't it?", "\n\n\"But we have to talk seriously.\"", "\n\n\"Mh,\" he agreed, though what he had to do now was get back to his drawing. ", "The light beige he had chosen for the dressmaker's dummy was wrong: it needed to be darker, or no, better, freckled with pinholes and stains.", "\n\n\"I just have to put these groceries away,\" Jane said.", "\n\n\"Yeah, okay,\" Alan said. ", "Delia had been right again, he thought. ", "Jane had come around. ", "But why did she have to come around now, breaking into his work?", "\n\nHis wife closed the door of the fridge and sat on a kitchen stool. \"", "We haven't either of us behaved perfectly,\" she said in the tone of someone trying to be more than fair.", "\n\n\"Uh, no,\" Alan agreed. ", "Delia wouldn't think much of this admission, but the last thing he wanted now was a serious talk, and this might save time. ", "He would add a section of the attic ceiling to the piece, he decided: the beams, the raw insulation and the nails coming through from the shingles. ", "Yes, yes!", "\n\n\"But that isn't what's important. ", "I mean, I don't want to let something that only happened once, and I'm sure you regret now, destroy our marriage.\" ", "Jane unzipped her windbreaker and pulled it off. ", "Underneath she had on a heavy, faded green cotton sweater from L. L. Bean that Delia would probably have died rather than wear.", "\n\n\"No,\" Alan said weakly, realizing that he was admitting guilt, and also not telling the truth. ", "It happened a lot more than once, it's still happening, and I don't regret it, he thought.", "\n\n\"So I decided we should just never mention it again.\"", "\n\n\"Mh.\" ", "He frowned. ", "You won't mention it, he thought, and I won't mention it, but we'll both think of it, and I will be forever in the wrong.", "\n\n\"All I want is, I want you to promise not to see Delia again, ever.\"", "\n\n\"But Jane, that's not possible,\" Alan exclaimed, stunned out of his preoccupation. \"", "We're both Fellows at the Center, after all.\"", "\n\n\"I realize that. ", "I know you'll have to be in the same room sometimes, at the lectures and lunches. ", "You'll have to say hello and be polite if people are watching. ", "But you don't have to be alone with her.\"", "\n\n\"Uh, no,\" Alan said. ", "I do have to be alone with her, he thought. ", "She's important to me. ", "You don't understand, and I don't want you to understand. ", "He looked at the conventionally pretty, badly dressed youngish woman who was sitting at the kitchen table. ", "At the moment she seemed like a complete stranger.", "\n\nFor years he had felt love for this woman, and sometimes passionate desire, Alan remembered with surprise. ", "He had been deeply grateful for her love and care in the worst moments of his illness: before, during, and after his operation. ", "But slowly the duty of continuing to feel this gratitude had become oppressive. ", "If Jane moved back, as she seemed determined to do, he would always have this duty. ", "He might be more comfortable physically—meals would be better and the house cleaner—but he would always be one down. ", "Also, it would be more difficult to see or speak to Delia.", "\n\n\"We have to make our marriage work. ", "It's our job, after all, the one we signed up for.\"", "\n\n\"I guess so.\" ", "Alan was struck by the conventionality of her rhetoric, as if Jane were quoting the minister of her parents' church, as was possibly the case. ", "It occurred to him that something was lacking from this conversation. ", "Jane had not said that she loved him or had missed him, and he had not said it either.", "\n\n\"We have to try, that's all.\" ", "She did not look at him, but at the oiled butcher-block surface of the kitchen table, and her tone wavered, almost as if she were about to start crying. ", "Moved by a combination of affection, pity, and good manners, Alan crossed the kitchen floor and awkwardly put his arm around her.", "\n\n\"Mm, hm,\" he said. ", "Over Jane's shoulder he saw her suitcase slumped against the fridge by the back door. ", "That could be a construction too, he thought. ", "The fridge, the broom and dustpan hanging on the wall, the open door, the wheeled carry-on suitcase with its rectangular handle echoing the shape of the door. ", "Someone is going, someone is coming. ", "Everything in pale blue shades, only the suitcase dark, ink-black, like a hole in the scene. ", "Or maybe everything else dark, and the suitcase ghostly white?", "\n\n\"Mom will be happy. ", "She really wants you to be there for Thanksgiving.\" ", "For the first time Jane spoke in a somewhat normal voice.", "\n\n\"But I can't do that,\" Alan said, letting go of his wife and standing back.", "\n\nThanksgiving had never been one of his favorite holidays, and he had given no thought to its approach this year. ", "Though he had once found domestic gratitude easy and natural, he had always resented being expected and forced to be grateful in a public manner. ", "He had also never looked forward to holidays with Jane's parents, who always, right from the beginning, had seemed to be judging him and finding him wanting. ", "He wasn't interested in local events, and didn't feel or wish to show enthusiasm for televised sports. ", "He did not like the food Jane's mother made: the creamed overcooked vegetables, the heavy, oversugared pies and cakes. ", "He detested the wine they served on special occasions, cheap sweetened brands called Blue Nun and Grenache Rosé. ", "He did not want to go to church on Thanksgiving with Jane and her overextended family—new aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and in-laws were always turning up. ", "Whenever he went he was bored, with a boredom that sometimes approached actual pain. ", "But if he declined to go, waves of disapproval would wash over him, as they had last year, even though the ache in his back had prevented him from sitting in a pew or at the dinner table for more than ten minutes at a time.", "\n\nAnd now it would be worse, because Jane always told her mother everything. ", "Her parents and probably a lot of other relatives would have heard about what she had seen in Delia's office. ", "They would look at him and see a sinner, a lost sheep. ", "Some would condemn him as an adulterer, while others, like the red-faced uncle who ran a construction company, would condemn him for being stupid enough to get caught. ", "He would never be forgiven. ", "So why should he give up anything?", "\n\n\"I have to go to New York,\" he told Jane. ", "It was hardly a lie, because he would make it true as soon as possible.", "\n\nJane gave him a disappointed look, which rapidly moderated into a suspicious one. \"", "Delia Delaney is going to New York for Thanksgiving,\" she said.", "\n\n\"So?\"", "\n\n\"You're going to see her there.\"", "\n\n\"I hadn't planned to.\" ", "Since Alan hadn't planned to go to New York, this was strictly true, but might, he realized, soon become false. \"", "I'm going to see my dealer,\" he said, realizing that this too could become true. \"", "He's sold another picture, and there's some new work I need to show him.\" ", "A surge of excitement at this idea caused him to smile at Jane, but she did not smile back. ", "Instead, her expression was one of distrust and despondency.", "\n\n\"That's nice,\" she said without enthusiasm. \"", "Well, I guess I'll go unpack.\" ", "While Alan watched, unable to stop her, she pulled her carry-on suitcase across the kitchen floor and into the hall. ", "Presently he could hear it bumping up the stairs, one step at a time, each bump the sound of boredom, duty, and depression to come.", "\nSEVENTEEN\n\nOn the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, Jane Mackenzie stood in the upstairs hall of the Unger Center in a state of frustrated suspicion. ", "The doors to Alan's and Delia's offices were both shut, and from behind the latter she seemed to hear shuffling and mumbling. ", "Alan was in there, she was almost sure of it—anyhow, he wasn't answering his phone, and neither was Delia. ", "But she couldn't know for sure, even if she had the nerve to use her master key again. ", "Yesterday, while Jane was at lunch, Delia had gotten Susie to send for a locksmith to install a bolt on the inside of her door.", "\n\n\"It's so there won't be people barging in when she's working,\" Susie had explained. \"", "She has to protect her privacy.\"", "\n\nAlan, when Jane had complained of this breach of authority and proper process, had not been sympathetic. ", "In his opinion, Delia was right to have summoned someone out of the yellow pages. \"", "You know how long she would have had to wait if you'd put in a requisition to B and G,\" he had told her. \"", "It took them over a month to fix the kitchen ceiling. ", "And this isn't an emergency.\" ", "When Jane suggested that what Delia wanted to lock out was not fans and students, but people who might catch her doing something shameful, Alan told her that she was being ridiculous. ", "It was the same phrase he had used before, when denying that there was anything wrong about his friendship with Delia.", "\n\nOf course, if she waited long enough, Jane thought, she would or would not see Alan come out of Delia's office. ", "But that would prove nothing, at least in his opinion. ", "Also she had work to attend to, and no respectable reason to be hanging around the upstairs hall of the Center. ", "If anyone saw her now, they would wonder what on earth she was doing there.", "\n\nShe was acting irrationally, Jane knew that. ", "Because it wasn't so much that she cared about Alan, it was that her mind was so full of confusion and doubt. ", "Probably, though she couldn't be sure, he and Delia had been laughing at her and lying to her for weeks, or months maybe. ", "And what was much worse, Henry had probably been lying to her too, saying he loved her but not doing anything about it, not leaving Delia even after he knew he wasn't really married to her and she was cheating on him. ", "Yes, maybe he did sort of love me, Jane thought. ", "But he wasn't going to change his life for that. ", "So it was right that she had stopped seeing him or speaking to him, that she was trying to forget him and put her marriage back together.", "\n\nThe trouble was that she kept thinking about Henry anyhow, remembering places and words and gestures: the barn full of stacked hay, the way he said \"Janey,\" a slow touch on the back of her knee—She couldn't stop thinking about Henry; she couldn't even stop loving him. ", "Meanwhile, her marriage was not back together, it was lying around in disordered ugly metallic bits, like the pasta machine she had once thrown not exactly at Alan.", "\n\nGritting her teeth, Jane went back downstairs. ", "She knew what her mother and Reverend Bob would say: they would say that she must not dwell on doubts and suspicions or immoral desires, but must go about her daily life cheerfully and prayerfully, trusting that her love for Alan and his for her would bring them back together in the end. ", "Only she doubted more and more often now that she would ever love Alan again and that he would ever love her.", "\n\nWith a sigh that made Susie look up anxiously, she opened the file of this month's expenses on her computer.", "\n\n\"Jane? ", "Are you all right?\" ", "Susie asked.", "\n\n\"Fine,\" Jane lied. \"", "It's just the bill from the caterers again. ", "I've told them before not to bring milk or sugar, because we have our own, but they keep charging for them—\" She allowed herself another sigh, almost a groan.", "\n\n\"Should I make us some tea?\"", "\n\n\"No—yes, that would be nice,\" Jane admitted. \"", "Thank you.\"", "\n\n\"Red Singer or Early Grey?\"", "\n\n\"Red Singer, please.\" ", "Jane had given up correcting Susie's cute names for her two favorite brands of tea after realizing that they had been invented by Charlie Amir. ", "Susie had forgiven him for the lunge he had made at her earlier in the term, and lately they often had lunch together on campus. \"", "He's really awfully nice,\" she had said last week, \"and really smart and funny. ", "His wife has left him, but he's such a good sport about it.\"", "\n\nA few moments later a gust of fresh, cold air entered the hall, followed immediately by Henry Hull, whom Jane had not seen since their meeting by the lake over a week ago, and hardly expected to see alone again, though in spite of herself she kept imagining how this might happen. ", "A hot pulse began to beat in her forehead, and she felt faint. ", "He's here, she thought. ", "He's not as tall as Alan, but there's so much of him somehow, even more than I remembered.", "\n\n\"Oh, hello,\" she said nervously. \"", "I think Delia's upstairs—\" _But don't go there,_ she started to say, then thought: No, go. ", "Maybe you'll find out what's happening in that room, if anything's happening.", "\n\n\"I'm not looking for her,\" Henry said. \"", "Is Susie around?\"", "\n\n\"Yes, she's in the kitchen making tea.\"", "\n\n\"Let's go into the other room, then. ", "There's something I need to tell you.\"", "\n\nJane gave a gasp and trembled slightly, but did not move.", "\n\n\"About Delia and the Center,\" he added.", "\n\n\"All right.\" ", "She followed him out of the office and then into the big reception room at the right of the front door. \"", "What is it? ", "I can't stay long.\"", "\n\n\"Delia's leaving.\"", "\n\n\"Leaving? ", "Leaving what?\"", "\n\n\"Well, everything. ", "You name it. ", "The Center, Corinth University, Hopkins County. ", "Me, probably.\" ", "Henry leaned against the carved mahogany molding of the doorway and began to unfasten his duffle coat. ", "An awful impulse came over Jane to rest her head against it, as she had so often done before.", "\n\n\"But why?\"", "\n\n\"She's decided that Corinth is making her ill. ", "You know she's had two very bad migraines in the last week. ", "She thinks it's the cold and the humidity: she's used to a Southern climate, mild sunny winters. ", "Here it's so dark and damp and cloudy all the time now: like living in an industrial freezer, she says.\"", "\n\n\"But Delia's signed a contract with the Center till the end of next term. ", "How can she leave now?\"", "\n\n\"Easy.\" ", "He smiled slightly. \"", "She packs her bags, gets on a plane, and flies away. ", "Then afterwards I make excuses for her and close up the house.\"", "\n\n\"But that's not fair. ", "You shouldn't have to—\"\n\nHenry shrugged. \"", "I've done it before. ", "Last time was worse. ", "Delia was teaching a writing seminar at Converse College; it nearly drove her crazy. ", "And when she left in the middle of the fall term, it nearly drove the department crazy.\" ", "He laughed.", "\n\nI'll bet, Jane thought, not laughing.", "\n\n\"I thought for a while this gig was going to work out, because she didn't have to teach. ", "And she did stick it out a lot longer. ", "It's better in a way: she's not walking out on a class or anything. ", "The Humanities Council won't be so enraged.\"", "\n\n\"They'll be enraged,\" Jane said. \"", "Some of them will, anyhow.\" ", "She paused, thinking. \"", "You know, Bill Laird predicted something like this months ago. ", "He said Delia wouldn't be able to take the weather.\"", "\n\n\"It's not only that, though. ", "She can't really work here, she's interrupted all the time. ", "Ever since her lecture people are after her to read manuscripts and recommend agents and publishers and write blurbs.\"", "\n\n\"When is she leaving?\"", "\n\n\"I don't know. ", "End of this week, probably.\" ", "Henry stared out the window at the icy overcast landscape. \"", "She's been saying for a while how much she longs to be in her house in North Carolina, where she can see the snow fall through the sunlight onto green grass, the way it does there sometimes in December.\"", "\n\nJane disregarded this, struck by the administrative repercussions of Delia's departure. \"", "You know, if Delia leaves, we'll stop paying her.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah. ", "That bothers her. ", "Maybe it's even kept her here a while longer.\"", "\n\n\"But that can't matter so much. ", "I mean, she must make a lot from her books.\"", "\n\n\"Sure, she does. ", "But not as much as she needs to feel safe. ", "See, Delia's been poor much of her life, in ways people like you and me know nothing about. ", "She worries about money a lot. ", "And then, writing is chancy. ", "The creek could dry up, like it did with me. ", "Most writers, if they can't live on their royalties, they get a teaching job, but Delia can't stand teaching.\"", "\n\n\"So how will she manage?\"", "\n\n\"She'll manage. ", "One way or another. ", "You've got to remember, she's famous now. ", "Seven years ago, when we met, she was only starting to be well-known, it was different. ", "Anyhow, back then I was still writing and publishing. ", "We were going to become famous together, that was her idea. ", "Her delusion.\" ", "He laughed harshly. \"", "Now I think she'd like a really successful husband. ", "Somebody like that Wally Hersh, the trustee she was so sweet to at the dinner for L. D. Zimmern.\"", "\n\n\"But Delia wouldn't marry someone like that,\" Jane exclaimed. \"", "I mean, Wally Hersh is old, he must be well over sixty. ", "And he's so funny-looking. ", "Lily Unger says he looks like a giant hamster.\"", "\n\n\"But he loves literature; I heard him say so twice.\" ", "Henry smiled. \"", "And he's rich. ", "If Delia married him she would never have to worry about money again. ", "She could hire help to drive and shop and cook and run errands. ", "Right now she has to find people like me or Selma who will do it for nothing.\"", "\n\n\"It's not just Selma. ", "Everyone at the Center does things for her.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, I know.\" ", "Henry smiled sourly. ", "He's thinking of what Alan has done for her, Jane thought—we both are.", "\n\n\"You'll be going to North Carolina too,\" she said, realizing this for the first time and feeling as if she had received a blow just above the heart.", "\n\n\"I don't think so.\" ", "He shook his head.", "\n\n\"No?\" ", "In spite of herself, Jane felt joy—foolish, of course, because what difference could it make to her?", "\n\n\"No. ", "I mean, maybe I should. ", "I understand what Delia's been through, I know how frightened she gets sometimes when she's alone. ", "I have a lot of sympathy for her, but I don't want to live with her anymore.\"", "\n\nJane caught her breath. \"", "You don't?\" ", "she echoed, forgetting for a moment that even if Henry were free now, she wasn't.", "\n\n\"No. ", "And I think she doesn't want it either. ", "She's not comfortable being with someone who doesn't worship her, doesn't believe in her absolutely. ", "I try not to let it show, but she knows, and it brings her down.\"", "\n\n\"It's the same with Alan,\" Jane said. \"", "I keep trying, but I don't believe in his art. ", "And I don't believe in him. ", "I asked him not to see Delia alone again, but it's still happening. ", "I'm almost sure of it. ", "When I was outside her office just now I heard all this shuffling and breathing inside. ", "I think he's in there with her right now.\"", "\n\n\"Really.\" ", "Henry did not look surprised or disturbed.", "\n\n\"Don't you care?\" ", "Jane stared at him.", "\n\n\"No. ", "I guess I don't, not anymore. ", "Do you?\"", "\n\n\"Yes. ", "It's so insulting, for one thing. ", "I mean, here we are, and right over our heads something's going on, whatever it is. ", "Maybe they're only talking. ", "I don't know. ", "But still—\" Jane gasped.", "\n\n\"I see what you mean.\"", "\n\n\"It's like he doesn't care what I know or what I feel, not really.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah. ", "That's what it's like.\" ", "He smiled, but Jane did not smile back.", "\n\n\"You're leaving too,\" she said, looking at Henry and realizing how awful that would be, how important it had been that she could still see him at the Tuesday lectures and the Thursday lunches, even if they could never speak privately.", "\n\n\"I don't know—it depends—\" He stumbled over the words.", "\n\n\"On what?\"", "\n\n\"You, mostly.\"", "\n\n\"Me?\" ", "Feeling dizzy, Jane subsided onto the window seat. \"", "How?\"", "\n\n\"I'd stay here if I could be with you. ", "Otherwise, it'll be the worst place in the world.\" ", "He stared at her.", "\n\nJane met his glance briefly, then looked away. \"", "I don't—I can't—\" she cried.", "\n\n\"I suppose that's understandable,\" Henry said. \"", "Alan's going to have great success as an artist, Delia tells me. ", "It's already started. ", "He'll make a lot of money too. ", "You don't want to be involved with a failure.\"", "\n\n\"It's not that, not that at all,\" Jane said, her voice shaking. \"", "I don't care about that.\"", "\n\n\"No. ", "I believe you don't,\" Henry said slowly. \"", "It's something else, then. ", "I guess probably you don't love me enough.\"", "\n\n\"No, no,\" Jane cried, choking up. \"", "I love you too much, that's what's so awful. ", "I can't help it. ", "But I'm married to Alan, I can't leave him when he's so ill. ", "I'll blame myself and everybody will blame me—\"\n\n\"I see. ", "You still want to look good. ", "But is it worth it?\"", "\n\n\"It's not—I don't—\" Jane was unable to speak.", "\n\n\"Here's your tea,\" Susie announced, coming into the room. \"", "Oh, hello, Henry. ", "Would you like a cup of tea? ", "There's some nice raisin cookies too, left over from lunch.\"", "\n\n\"No thank you, I'm just going,\" Henry said. \"", "So, Jane, you let me know what you decide,\" he added in a strained, neutral tone. \"", "Give me a call by Friday morning, okay?\"", "\n\n\"Okay,\" Jane echoed weakly.", "\n\n\"That's funny,\" Susie said as the front door closed heavily behind him. \"", "Henry always loves tea and cookies. ", "What's the matter with him today?\"", "\n\nJane swallowed, which somehow made her chest hurt terribly. \"", "I have no idea,\" she lied.", "\nEIGHTEEN\n\nFour days later, on a cold dark morning, Alan Mackenzie was on his way to the drugstore to renew a prescription for his current favorite painkiller. ", "In spite of the errand and the weather, his mood was good. ", "He was in only moderate pain, and his impetuous two-day trip to New York had been a success. ", "Not only had he avoided Thanksgiving dinner with Jane's family, he had visited the Metropolitan Museum for the first time in over two years. ", "He had also seen Jacky Herbert, who had professed to be \"very keen\" on the drawings for the new Doors and Windows constructions, and had spoken of a show the coming autumn. ", "Jacky was also still negotiating with the \"important collector\" who might want Alan to design and supervise the building of a ruined tower on his Connecticut estate.", "\n\nFlush with the checks Jacky had sent earlier,Alan had stayed in an East Side hotel rather than in his friends' cramped guest room on Morningside Drive. ", "With the help of his new toilet-seat-concealing briefcase, he had managed planes, taxis, and restaurants with only intermittent serious pain. ", "He had also seen Delia. ", "She had come to his hotel for tea, and presently lain half-naked on his king-size bed, eating room-service tea sandwiches and drinking champagne, exclaiming over his drawings.", "\n\n\"This one, with the half-open window and the thin blowing curtains, no wonder Jacky loved it, it's so strange and melancholy and beautiful,\" she had cried. \"", "I want to use it for the cover of my next book of poems. ", "If you'll let me.\" ", "She smiled.", "\n\n\"I'd be honored,\" Alan had said, bending to kiss her in an especially sensitive place.", "\n\n\"Oh yes,\" she had murmured. \"", "Oh, love.\"", "\n\nBack home after Thanksgiving, life was less agreeable. ", "Jane remained sullen and suspicious: she resented his absence from her parents' Thanksgiving dinner, and appeared to silently doubt his assurance that he had not gone to New York to see Delia, even though it was more or less true: the meeting with Delia had been a lucky accident, since Jacky had known where she was staying.", "\n\nAlan knew he should be grateful to Jane, and he was grateful. ", "But he didn't, he somehow couldn't, go beyond that, not anymore. ", "They were supposed to be working on their marriage, but it was uphill work, and he was getting more and more worn out. ", "Anyhow, love shouldn't be work. ", "As Delia had written in a poem, it should be play and passion and joy.", "\n\nOnce he had loved Jane, Alan remembered; once he had thought her beautiful. ", "But now she seemed small and thin and slight, conventional both in appearance and attitude. \"", "People can change so much,\" Delia had said, speaking about her own marriage to a professor at the Southern college she had gone to, \"and then sometimes they aren't right for each other anymore. ", "It's nobody's fault.\"", "\n\nOne important change was that Jane now had no understanding or appreciation of his work. ", "She had been very supportive and proud of his books on architecture, which always included a warm acknowledgment of her encouragement and help (research, typing, editing). ", "His longest and most serious book, on eighteenth-century American vernacular architecture, was dedicated to her. ", "At first Alan had thought that maybe she felt left out of his new projects, for which her assistance was not necessary. ", "But it was more than that.", "\n\n\"You don't really like them, do you?\" ", "he had asked last week, indicating the new drawings spread out on his drafting table at the Center.", "\n\n\"It's not that, exactly,\" his wife said, flatly honest as always, but obviously straining to be positive or at least polite. \"", "Probably I just don't understand. ", "I mean, you draw so beautifully—but I don't know . . . ", "All these doors and windows, they're so kind of strange and empty. ", "Scary, even. ", "Maybe if there were people in the rooms . . .\"", "\n\n\"But that's part of the point, that there's no one,\" Alan had tried to explain. \"", "They're the ghosts of rooms. ", "Memories of rooms.\" ", "But Jane's expression had not altered, and for a moment a cold heavy surge of self-doubt had drenched him, like a storm-weather wave full of seaweed and broken shells.", "\n\nHe needed to see Delia, Alan realized, to hear her tell him again that his work was good. ", "But on Monday she hadn't come in to the Center; according to Susie, she was at home with a bad migraine. ", "On Tuesday she was still absent, and that afternoon, against his better judgment, Alan had called her house.", "\n\n\"Yeah?\" ", "It was the voice of Delia's husband, Henry Hull. . . . \"", "No, she can't come to the phone, she's not well.\" . . . \"", "No, she doesn't want to talk to you or anyone. ", "Look, it would be better if you people at the Center would stop calling, all right? ", "She'll come in when she can.\" ", "Henry's voice was harsh with irritation, even with active hostility. ", "Did he guess what Alan and Delia meant to each other? ", "Or could Jane have told him about the incident in Delia's office?", "\n\nAnother cold flood of despondency had washed over Alan. ", "But yesterday Delia, restored to health and more beautiful than ever in a new creamy lace shawl, had mopped up the flood. ", "She had repeated her praise of his work and her desire for one of the drawings as a cover for her new book. ", "Warmed by this, and by a half hour of pure pleasure, Alan had exclaimed impulsively that he wished that they could be together more often—always.", "\n\n\"Oh, my dear.\" ", "Delia smiled and made a small shooing gesture, as if waving invisible moths away. \"", "I'd love that too. ", "But you know it's not possible. ", "I need someone with no serious work of his own, someone who has time to take care of me. ", "We both need that.\"", "\n\n\"You mean you need Henry.\" ", "Alan felt a heartburn spurt of jealousy.", "\n\n\"Not necessarily.\" ", "She sighed softly, and fell silent. \"", "There's a time and place for everyone,\" she said finally, \"and I've begun to wonder if Henry's right for me now. ", "There's so much sorrow and failure around him.\" ", "She shook her head slowly, causing her tangled curls to rise and subside. \"", "It's sad. ", "He had a gift once, but he wouldn't put it first, so he couldn't hold on to it.\"", "\n\nHenry's on his way out, thought Alan. ", "And about time. ", "He was never right for her: a dim, semi-employed Canadian, with an irritatingly ironic manner—a parasite on his beautiful, brilliant wife. \"", "Yeah,\" he agreed.", "\n\nDelia gave a long sigh. \"", "You have to put your gift first, always,\" she said. \"", "Because it's the only thing that will last. ", "You have to sacrifice everything for it, including yourself. ", "You'll be consumed soon enough anyhow, vanished into dust and smoke.\"", "\n\n\"That's true,\" Alan said, remembering times in the last year and a half in which he had felt this disappearance imminent, even desirable. \"", "There's not that much time.\"", "\n\n\"You know, if you're a creative person, when you're with someone who doesn't really understand what you're doing, gradually a kind of horrible vacuum develops. ", "It sucks everything up eventually. ", "Even your soul.\"", "\n\nYes, it's the same for me, he had thought. ", "Jane believed in my books, but she doesn't believe in what I'm doing now. ", "She fears and dislikes it, really. \"", "Jane doesn't like my new drawings much,\" he said. \"", "Really she doesn't like anything I've done lately.\"", "\n\n\"That's serious.\" ", "Delia had stopped smiling. ", "She knew, she told him, how destructive it was to live with someone who didn't believe in your work. \"", "That's how it was with my first husband,\" she told Alan. \"", "Whenever he talked about my writing it was like frogs croaking in a swamp. ", "He tried to be neutral; he didn't say much, but once you hear that croaking sound, the echoes of it are with you night and day, dragging you down and down into the mud. ", "You have to snatch up everything and get away before it drives you mad.\"", "\n\n\"You're right,\" Alan replied. ", "Another vision had come to him, and when he was back in his own office he began a drawing. ", "Its central feature was the big Victorian sofa in the room across the hall, its cushions holding the imprint of Delia's body. ", "Her lace shawl was thrown over the back next to the tall open window, and a book lay facedown on the carpet. ", "The sculpture would be mostly in different shades of white and cream, but tinted here and there with a flush of rose-sepia. ", "Sentimental? ", "Yes, perhaps. ", "But he would make it all the same, Alan thought now as he pulled into the snowy parking lot of the drugstore, for love, for Delia.", "\n\nTwenty minutes later, as he left the store, his mood had darkened to match the weather. ", "He drove to the Center—exceeding the speed limit—and, without stopping to hang his coat under the stairs or wait for the elevator, ascended directly and painfully to Delia's office. ", "For the first time in months the door was wide open. ", "Delia, in a long pale-gray suede vest and embroidered gray silk skirt, stood gazing out the tall window into the pale-gray sky.", "\n\nIn an uneven, angry voice, he spoke her name.", "\n\n\"Oh, hello,\" she murmured, turning.", "\n\nAlan did not bother with a greeting. \"", "I just saw Lily Unger in the drugstore. ", "She says you're leaving town forever this weekend.\"", "\n\n\"Mm. ", "Yes,\" Delia admitted.", "\n\n\"You never told me.\" ", "His tone was harsh, accusing.", "\n\n\"I couldn't.\" ", "She looked at him, smiling softly and regretfully. '", "I promised.\"", "\n\n\"Promised whom?\" ", "Alan raised his voice.", "\n\nShe did not answer, only continued to smile.", "\n\n\"Promised what?\" ", "Now he was almost shouting.", "\n\n\"Not to make waves.\" ", "Delia made the gesture of waves with one hand. \"", "Just to slip away, without causing anyone any trouble. ", "I wanted so much to call you, but I was afraid.\" ", "She took a swaying step toward him.", "\n\n\"Afraid of what?\"", "\n\n\"Everything. ", "Everyone.\" ", "She came closer. ", "How frail she looks today, almost ill, he thought suddenly. ", "How wide and silver-pale her eyes are, how thick and dark her lashes. \"", "Lily said, if I told anyone, they'd argue and threaten and try to stop me.\"", "\n\n\"I wouldn't—\" Alan began, and fell silent, aware that this was what he had been about to do, in any way possible—that he would try even now.", "\n\n\"You don't really have to leave,\" he said, trying to speak calmly, convincingly.", "\n\n\"But I do.\" ", "She had reached his side, and gazed up at him, her rosy mouth half open as if for a passionate kiss. \"", "You know how awful it's been here for me, ever since my reading. ", "I knew what was coming. ", "I asked Henry to explain that there would probably be two or three hundred people. ", "But they wouldn't listen. ", "Sometimes I think it was deliberate.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah,\" Alan agreed, realizing that \"they\" in this context meant Jane.", "\n\n\"Lots of people were turned away, and that made them angry and frantic. ", "They felt they had a right to call me on the phone, and come here to get their books signed and ask the questions they didn't get to ask.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, you told me,\" he said impatiently.", "\n\n\"I haven't been able to work since then, not really, you know. ", "Even when I lock the door and don't answer the phone, I know they're out there, on their way. ", "Soon they'll be here and then they'll call, and pound on the door and leave messages and notes. ", "They push them under the door sometimes; I can see them sliding into the room like slimy flat white fish. ", "They all want me to read their manuscripts and recommend agents and editors and publishers and be their best friend. ", "You know how it's been, you've seen them.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah,\" Alan admitted, remembering some of the strange-looking fans who, unable to reach Delia, had thrust their way into his office and asked for his help in \"getting hold\" of her, which he naturally did not give.", "\n\n\"And then, next Tuesday, Selma Schmidt is giving a lecture on me, with the most awful, embarrassing title—have you seen the poster?\"", "\n\n\"I saw it. '", "The Erotic Goddess: Destruction and Reconstruction in Delaney.' \"", "\n\n\"And I'm supposed to just sit there and listen, and tell her afterwards how much I enjoyed it.\" ", "Delia half laughed, half shuddered. \"", "You know I came to Corinth mostly for the privacy. ", "I thought no one could find me here, so far away in the north. ", "And I wouldn't have to teach. ", "The last time I tried that, it was so frightful. ", "The students wouldn't let me alone, they stayed after class and crowded around, and followed me out to the car. ", "Sometimes they even got into the car and sat there, talking and talking and patting my arm and trying to hold my hand. ", "It was like being in a swarm of mosquitoes, all these little itchy bites.\"", "\n\n\"But you don't have students here,\" Alan protested.", "\n\n\"No. ", "It was all right for a while. ", "And there was you.\" ", "She smiled enchantingly. \"", "But since my lecture it's been horrible, really. ", "I feel as if everyone is snatching at me, wanting to tear me apart. ", "I can't work here. ", "Everything I write is false, fouled. ", "I'm having more and more migraines all the time. ", "I feel so besieged, so invaded.\" ", "Delia shuddered and pushed a tangle of hair away from her pale, damp forehead.", "\n\n\"I'm very sorry.\" ", "Alan took her in his arms, and she subsided softly against him, yielding to his kiss.", "\n\n\"The thing is,\" she whispered, catching her breath in a near-sob, \"if I can't write, I'm nobody, I'm nothing. ", "No, worse than that. ", "I'm like those demons in Scandinavian legend that look like beautiful women, but they're all hollow behind.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, Delia. ", "Of course you're not.\"", "\n\n\"No, I am, sometimes. ", "When I haven't been working and I go onstage to read, that's how I feel, that I mustn't stop or turn around, or they'll all know.\" ", "She shuddered. \"", "Sometimes I think I'll never write anything real again.\"", "\n\n\"Hell, no. ", "Of course you will.\"", "\n\n\"But not here—I can't do it here. ", "I have to go back to North Carolina, where it's not so cold and dark and ugly. ", "I have to cut myself off from everything, and be absolutely alone in the woods and listen for my voices.\"", "\n\nShe's really leaving, Alan thought, confused, as if Delia were simultaneously there in his arms and gone.", "\n\n\"Maybe you could work in the house,\" he told her desperately.", "\n\n\"I couldn't—I hate that place,\" Delia said, pulling away. \"", "It's full of dead birds. ", "You've seen them.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah.\" ", "Alan recalled the cases in the hall and dining room.", "\n\n\"Darling, you've got to understand. ", "You've got to help me.\" ", "She gazed at him, her huge gray eyes brimming with tears. \"", "You'll help, won't you?\"", "\n\nAlan did not reply. ", "He felt confused, angry, bereft. ", "Then a stunning idea came to him. \"", "Maybe I should leave too,\" he said. \"", "Maybe we could go together.\" ", "His head whirled as he tried to think how this could be arranged, how he could fly to North Carolina without terrible pain, how he could rent a studio and get supplies and work there; what he could say to the Council and his department and Jane.", "\n\n\"Not now, dearest. ", "I need to be alone now, to lure my voices back.\"", "\n\n\"But I—I need—\" Alan stuttered and fell silent, unwilling to imitate all the other people who were crowding and pulling at Delia.", "\n\n\"And we'll still be together, really. ", "We're too close now ever to be apart.\" ", "As if to demonstrate this closeness, Delia moved back toward Alan and placed one soft white hand on his shirt, over his heart. \"", "Part of me will always be with you, wherever I go, and part of you will be with me. ", "You know that.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, I know—\" Alan, moved, put his hand over Delia's, then started back as her office door banged open. ", "What looked at first like a stack of cardboard packing boxes entered the room, followed closely by Selma Schmidt. ", "She was wearing farmer's striped overalls and a melancholy expression, and her frizzy dark hair seemed to take up even more room than usual.", "\n\n\"I got them,\" she declared. \"", "Exactly the kind you wanted.\" ", "She set the stack of boxes on the carpet and gave Alan an unfriendly look. ", "Clearly she wished he were not there.", "\n\n\"Oh, that's wonderful,\" Delia said, gazing at the boxes as if they were birthday presents. \"", "Thank you so much.\"", "\n\n\"It's so awful that you're leaving, even before my lecture.\" ", "Selma's voice trembled with what appeared to Alan as an exaggerated parody of his own feelings. \"", "I can't stand it here without you. ", "You don't really have to go, not yet.\"", "\n\n\"I do, though.\" ", "Delia treated Selma to one of her wonderful half smiles. \"", "If I'm going to work again, I have to be alone for a while.\"", "\n\n\"You could be alone here.\"", "\n\n\"No, not anymore. ", "You know that.\" ", "She smiled fully now, but sadly; it was the same full, sad smile she had just given Alan. ", "Selma already knew Delia was leaving, he realized with a stab of pain. ", "Delia must have told her, though she didn't tell me.", "\n\n\"If you'll show me the books you want packed, I'll start now,\" Selma said, casting another hostile, impatient look at Alan. _", "Why don't you get lost?_ ", "this look said clearly. \"", "Then I can take them to the post office today before it closes.\"", "\n\n\"That's not necessary, dear,\" Delia said. \"", "Tomorrow will be plenty of time.\"", "\n\nIf he had been in good shape physically, Alan might have tried to ease Selma aside and packed the books himself; but this was impossible now. ", "Suddenly he had no reason to be in this room. ", "If he stayed there, he could only appear as an observer, a physically incompetent cripple.", "\n\n\"I'll see you later,\" he uttered, with what he hoped was significant meaning.", "\n\n\"Oh yes.\" ", "Delia did not smile, but she opened her huge gray eyes and gave him a brief look of profound warmth and meaning. _", "You understand, my darling,_ this look seemed to promise, or to lie. _", "One day soon we will be together again._", "\nNINETEEN\n\nAt noon that same day, Jane was having lunch on campus with Susie Burdett's mother, Linda, whom she had known since childhood, when Linda had been one of Jane's sister's best friends. ", "She was now a secretary in a doctor's office, still a pretty pale blonde like her daughter and, like her, usually cheerful. ", "Today, however, she was depressed and anxious, because Susie had just told her parents that she and Charlie Amir were in love and planning to get married.", "\n\n\"She wants to ruin her life,\" Linda wailed, shoving her half-eaten sandwich aside. \"", "She won't listen to us, maybe she'll listen to you. ", "I know she admires you a lot.\"", "\n\n\"I don't understand,\" Jane said. \"", "I mean, why shouldn't Susie marry Charlie? ", "He's a nice man, very successful in his career, and I think he loves her.\"", "\n\n\"Oh yeah. ", "You can tell he's stuck on Susie. ", "And he looks like a friendly, ordinary guy, I admit that. ", "I liked him fine at first. ", "But that's not the point. ", "The point is, what we just found out yesterday, he's a Muslim.\"", "\n\n\"Yes. ", "And?\" ", "Jane sighed under her breath.", "\n\n\"Those are the people that blew up the World Trade Center. ", "And they're awful to women. ", "They each have four wives at once, and they shut them up in the house and make them wear these kind of black tent things when they go out.\"", "\n\n\"I'm sure Charlie isn't that kind of Muslim,\" Jane said, hoping this was true. \"", "He's an educated man, a professor of economics. ", "I'm sure he won't have four wives and want Susie to wear a tent.\"", "\n\n\"Well. ", "Maybe not. ", "But you never can tell. ", "And if she marries him she'll be far away and cut off from her family.\"", "\n\n\"She'll only be in Columbus, Ohio.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, but still . . .\" ", "Linda frowned. \"", "You know, I didn't much like that boy she was going with before, with his loud voice and his low-life friends, but if Susie had married him she would at least have stayed in town and we could have seen her all the time. ", "You've got to talk to her. ", "Please. ", "You can convince her to break it off.\"", "\n\n\"I can't do that, Linda,\" Jane said. \"", "And I wouldn't, anyhow. ", "Susie and Charlie are in love, and people who are in love deserve to be happy together.\" ", "As she uttered these words, a desperate sinking feeling came over Jane. \"", "I'm really sorry,\" she told Linda, her voice weighted down by all the things she was sorry for.", "\n\nCrossing the campus ten minutes later, Jane reached the Center and found it in disorder. ", "Since Susie had phoned that morning with the news that Delia Delaney was resigning her fellowship and leaving town the next day, she did not have to pretend to be surprised, but she still had to pretend to be dismayed.", "\n\nFrom a practical point of view Jane was slightly dismayed, because of the official hassle that would immediately follow. ", "From the impractical point of view she was worse than dismayed. ", "Delia was going away, a good thing; but Henry Hull was presumably going too. ", "She had not called him, so she would probably never see him again in her whole life. ", "It was a bright early winter day outside, but at this thought the rooms of the Center, especially the office, seemed to be full of dark smoke.", "\n\n\"It's so sad,\" Susie said, raising a gloomy face from her computer. \"", "It just won't be the same around here without Delia.\"", "\n\n\"No, it won't,\" Jane agreed. \"", "But we can't brood about that; we have a lot to do today. ", "I'll call Bill and Lily now, and write the e-mails to the other council members and the dean. ", "When you get back from lunch you can send them out, along with hard copies by campus mail. ", "And then you'll need to get in touch with the payroll and insurance people in Knight Hall.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, but I can't!\" ", "Susie wailed. \"", "Delia's just given me her latest revisions, and I promised I'd type them up and print everything out today so she can take it with her to North Carolina.\"", "\n\n\"Really,\" Jane sighed. ", "Lately, much of Susie's time had been spent on Delia's letters and manuscripts, to the neglect of her actual job. ", "The filing, for instance, hadn't been done for a week.", "\n\n\"I'm sorry, but that will just have to wait,\" she said. \"", "We've got to send the official announcements of Delia's resignation to the Humanities Council today, before it's all over the campus as a rumor.\"", "\n\n\"Oh—but—\" Susie wailed. \"", "You know, I don't have to go out for lunch. ", "If I stay here, maybe I can finish up Delia's work. ", "She really needs it now, and she's done so much for me.\"", "\n\nWhat Delia had done for Susie, Jane thought, was to tell her that Charlie Amir was in love with her, not giving a thought to the possible consequences. \"", "Well. ", "If you want to miss lunch, naturally that's up to you,\" she said.", "\n\nBill, when she reached him, was quite untroubled. \"", "I told you so weeks ago,\" he said, laughing. \"", "I said Delia wouldn't be able to take the winter, didn't I?\"", "\n\n\"Yes, you did,\" Jane admitted.", "\n\n\"You should be pleased, after all the trouble she's caused.\"", "\n\n\"Well, I am, in a way,\" Jane agreed wearily, thinking, If only you knew. \"", "But it always looks bad when a famous visitor cancels a lecture or walks out on the University. ", "And now I have to write to everyone on the council, and Dean Lewis, and the people at Knight Hall, and they'll all blame us.\"", "\n\n\"Of course they won't. ", "Visiting professors do this kind of thing all the time—especially artists. ", "There was a case just the other year in the Music Department, involving a frozen cello, as I remember.\" ", "He laughed.", "\n\n\"Yes, I heard about it,\" she said.", "\n\n\"And now you can get a new state-of-the-art copier.\"", "\n\n\"Well, that's true,\" Jane said, expressing but not feeling enthusiasm.", "\n\nWhat is the matter with me? ", "she thought as she hung up. ", "I used to get a lot of satisfaction out of going into a crisis and putting everything to rights. ", "But now it just makes me tired. ", "I feel as if I were pushing a stone uphill—no, not a stone, something bigger and uglier, like a dead cow.", "\n\nNext Jane called Lily Unger, who turned out to know the news already. ", "Delia had confided in her yesterday, she admitted, because she knew Lily would understand and would keep her confidence. ( _", "Unlike you and most other people_ , was implied.) ", "And Lily did understand, completely. ", "Delia was so sensitive, and Southerners just weren't prepared, biologically or psychologically or even spiritually, for our northern winters, were they?", "\n\n\"I suppose not,\" Jane said, thinking that Lily was probably parroting Delia's excuses. ", "Well, maybe that was the way to go—the letters could, should, say that Delia was resigning for health reasons.", "\n\n\"So you have to be gentle with her. ", "You have to remember that she's not a tough winter-hardy plant like you, with generations of rural ancestors.\"", "\n\nWhat the hell did that mean? ", "Jane thought. ", "Well, it meant that Lily was a snob, no surprise really. ", "Okay, my grandfather and great-grandfather were farmers, and I'm not a Southerner, but so what?", "\n\n\"Of course, we'll all miss her terribly. ", "But what really counts, after all, is her writing, isn't that true?\"", "\n\n\"I suppose so.\"", "\n\n\"I expect everyone's a bit upset at the Center, though.\"", "\n\n\"Well, yes. ", "Some of them are,\" Jane agreed.", "\n\n\"I have friends here to lunch, but I'll be over as soon as I can.\"", "\n\n\"You don't have to—\" Jane began, but Lily had hung up; it was not like her to miss any crisis.", "\n\nIn fact, many people at the Center were upset. ", "At the buffet lunch Davi Gakar, Charlie Amir, Selma Schmidt, two visiting graduate students, and the entire catering staff from the Hotel School had hovered over Delia, regretting her departure, fetching her plates of food, and presenting books for her to autograph. ", "Delia, looking pale and a little weary in a flimsy gray-blue tunic and long skirt, with her golden-spaniel curls pulled into a ponytail and hanging loose down her back, thanked them all effusively, with Southern spaniel charm. ", "She assured Charlie that no one had ever before understood how to make a cup of coffee exactly the way she liked it; she promised Davi to send his children a signed copy of her Southern folktales.", "\n\nIn the office, Susie was eating crackers and drinking soda from a can and sniveling as she typed, and Selma Schmidt, red-eyed and weepy, was banging about pasting address labels onto cartons of Delia's books and papers.", "\n\n\"You don't have to do this today,\" Jane told her. \"", "I mean, surely some of these books can be stored at Delia's house for a while—\" Oh, hell, she thought. ", "It's not Delia's house, it's the Vogelers' house. ", "It's rented until next May fifteenth—but if Delia and Henry leave, who will pay the rent? ", "She realized with a sinking feeling that there was no lease, only a file of letters, several of them signed by her, Jane, as director of the Center. ", "It had never happened before that a Visiting Fellow had left in the middle of the year, and nobody had asked for an official rental agreement. ", "But maybe Delia and Henry were still liable. ", "Or maybe I am, Jane thought, already beginning to feel exhausted. ", "I must talk to Bill Laird. ", "I must remember to make sure that this never happens again.", "\n\nOnly Alan was not caught up in the general low-level hysteria, she realized. ", "At the start of the lunch hour he had made himself a ham and Swiss cheese sandwich from the buffet table, picked up a bottle of sparkling water, and retreated to his office. ", "Maybe he was trying to avoid Delia, as Jane had asked him to do. ", "Maybe she had been wrong and even wicked to suspect and spy on him for the last couple of weeks. ", "Maybe, even, nothing much had been happening that day in Delia's office.", "\n\nI must give him time, I must try to be more patient and more affectionate with him, Jane told herself, as her mother and Reverend Bobby had been telling her and she had been telling herself ever since she moved back into the house. ", "And why should that be so hard? ", "Alan wasn't difficult and demanding now, not often anyhow. ", "Instead, he was distant and preoccupied. ", "Sometimes he would ask her to fetch something or do an errand for him, but he usually asked politely, even apologetically, and afterward he thanked her politely. \"", "Thank you. ", "You're a very kind person,\" he had said just the other day, as if she weren't his wife anymore, but a houseguest or a distant relative.", "\n\nMost of the time, when Alan was home, she couldn't talk to him at all, because he was wearing headphones that looked like black chrome and rubber snails and listening to his CDs, or to the books on tape he kept ordering by mail or taking out of the local and University libraries. \"", "It helps me to concentrate, and forget the pain,\" he had told her last night when she finally asked if he had to have the headphones on all the time.", "\n\nWhen they ate dinner together he took off the headphones, and responded to her questions and comments, but almost never initiated any. ", "And as soon as she put her fork down, he would begin to clear the table and put things away, groaning sometimes with pain as he stooped to place a heavy pan on a low shelf, but refusing her assistance. \"", "No,\" he would say. \"", "This is my job.\" ", "Then he would retreat to his study to work on his peculiar new drawings: plans for sculptures of open windows and doors and fragments of empty rooms. ", "All empty, like their marriage, Jane thought as she looked at them, nobody there, nothing left.", "\n\nMore than once, as she sat alone in the evening, or lay awake in bed alone (Alan was still sleeping in the study, and when she had suggested he move back he had said he often got up at night and didn't want to disturb her) the depressing thought came to her that he had never asked her to return to their house, she had just gone and done it.", "\n\nThe worst thing was that she kept thinking about Henry, something she mustn't do. ", "It didn't matter that Henry was so kind and strong and honest and healthy and had curly dark hair and loved her. ", "He was also weak and unreliable. ", "She had to put him out of her mind and keep trying to repair her marriage, as she had promised she would. ", "Alan was ill, he needed her. ", "That was what she had to remember. ", "Things had to get better between them: after all, they had loved each other once, they had been happy together all those years when everything was all right and they were friends.", "\n\nTrying to shove these repetitive thoughts aside, Jane turned to her computer and began to compose the letter to the dean. ", "But as soon as the words \"for health reasons\" appeared on the screen, she sighed and stopped. \"", "Susie?\" ", "she asked. \"", "Did Delia say why she was leaving?\"", "\n\n\"Uh-huh,\" replied Susie. \"", "Well, not exactly. ", "She just said she had to go because it was so cold and she couldn't work here.\"", "\n\n\"I see.\" ", "For the first time it struck Jane that as the director of the Unger Center for the Humanities she, not her assistant, should have been the person to whom Delia announced her resignation. ", "That she had neglected to do this was rude, even insulting. ", "Probably Delia had wanted to avoid speaking to her: in fact, they had both been avoiding each other ever since the awful scene upstairs. ", "All the same, it would have been right.", "\n\nBut of course Delia cared nothing about what was right. ", "If she had, there would already be a proper letter of resignation. ", "Jane groaned as she realized that before she could write to the dean and the council she would have to obtain such a letter.", "\n\nLunch was now over, and except for Susie, and Selma with her piles of books and cartons, the ground floor was empty. ", "Pushing the invisible dead cow ahead of her, Jane slowly climbed the stairs and stood in front of Delia's door. ", "From behind it she could hear a murmur of voices, and a sensation of awful events about to repeat themselves caused her to recoil and glance across the hall. ", "But no: Alan was in his office, standing at his drafting table with his back to her.", "\n\nTaking a deep breath, she knocked. ", "There was no response.", "\n\n\"Delia? ", "Are you there? ", "I'm sorry to disturb you now, but I have to speak to you,\" Jane said, realizing that this was a lie: she did want to disturb Delia, now and always.", "\n\nSilence. ", "Then the door opened a few inches, but the face in the gap was that of Lily Unger.", "\n\n\"It's Jane,\" Lily announced.", "\n\nThere was an indistinct response from within, then the door was opened fully.", "\n\n\"Thank you,\" Delia said, rising from the sofa. \"", "Darling Lily, thank you so much for everything.\" ", "She put a hand on Lily's arm and, without seeming to, conveyed her into the hall. \"", "Really, I'll be all right,\" she added with a long soft sigh. \"", "I'll call you tonight. ", "I promise.", "\n\n\"Oh, Jane. ", "I'm so exhausted,\" she said, shutting the door. ", "At lunch Delia had looked pale and tense; now she seemed almost ill. ", "An unkind smear of winter light from a gap in the curtains lit her face, exposing bruised violet hollows around the huge gray watery eyes and crepey skin beneath them, roughened rouged cheeks, and a sag of flesh under the chin. ", "Why, she's old, Jane thought. ", "Bill was right; she's much older than she told us: over fifty maybe.", "\n\n\"And I'm cold all the time,\" Delia moaned. \"", "So cold.\" ", "She shivered and clutched a slate-gray fringed pashmina shawl more closely around her shoulders. \"", "I think I must be coming down with something.\"", "\n\n\"I'm sorry to disturb you,\" Jane repeated, this time sincerely,\n\n\"No, I'm happy you're here. ", "It's my appointment book: it was right there on my desk, and now it's vanished. ", "It's black, with a scarlet pimpernel on the cover—for assignations, you know—and my whole future is in there.\" ", "Her voice rose to a soft wail. \"", "I can't go on without it. ", "Please. ", "My head hurts so—and my eyes. ", "Maybe you can see it somewhere.\"", "\n\nShe's old and ill, Jane thought, old and ill and frightened; Henry doesn't love her; he loves me. ", "She felt a tremor of compassion. \"", "Well, okay. ", "I'll try,\" she said. ", "She went to the desk and began to turn over drifts of paper. ", "Many of them, she noticed, were sheets of the expensive heavy lime-green poster stock that Delia kept taking from the supply cupboard, with only a line or two scrawled on each one.", "\n\n\"Maybe it fell off the desk,\" she suggested, but Delia only looked at her hopelessly. ", "Sighing, Jane dropped to her hands and knees and crawled under the big oak desk, where the wastebasket had been overturned and the oriental carpet was littered with scrap paper. ", "She crawled closer and began shuffling through the debris.", "\n\n\"Wait—is this it?\" ", "She held up a small notebook.", "\n\n\"Oh yes! ", "Oh, thank you, thank you.\" ", "Delia snatched the book, giving Jane a wonderful smile.", "\n\n\"You're welcome,\" Jane said, backing out awkwardly, smiling too. ", "She remembered something Henry had said, that we always feel kinder toward people after we have helped them. ", "But maybe that could work both ways.", "\n\n\"Well, now you've got to help me,\" she said, standing up. \"", "I have to write to the dean and the Humanities Council today, and I need an official letter of resignation from you.\"", "\n\n\"A letter?\" ", "Delia put one hand on her forehead, as if a migraine were churning there under the tangled golden tendrils. \"", "I don't understand. ", "I'm not resigning, it's just the cold here, the darkness, it's making me so horribly ill—\"\n\n\"Susie says you told her you were leaving town tomorrow.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, I am, I must. ", "But as soon as I'm better—at least, I hope so—Lily says January can be very beautiful here, with radiant sunny days, and the snow gleaming like sugar frosting.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, it can,\" Jane admitted. ", "Lily Unger put you up to this just now, she thought. ", "She suggested that if you go on leave, instead of resigning, your paychecks and health insurance will continue. ", "That's what you were thanking her for.", "\n\n\"And the spring, too. ", "She says that in April the hill below the University is covered with golden flowering sythia trees.\"", "\n\n\"Forsythia,\" Jane corrected. \"", "It's a bush.\" ", "Delia's not going forever, she thought. ", "She'll be back, and Henry will come with her, and I'll see him again. ", "A surge of joy washed over her.", "\n\n\"Oh yes? ", "I should like to see that, so much.\"", "\n\n\"Well. ", "In that case, we'll need a request for a medical leave of absence. ", "I'll get Susie to type up a letter for you to sign.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, but I can't do that. ", "I'm not ill, really—it's just that I can't work here. ", "It's the chill, the darkness. ", "The town is so ugly now, and so full of ugly boring people. . . .\" ", "Delia gazed at Jane, her eyes wide with appeal.", "\n\nAnd I'm one of them, Jane thought. ", "She hardened her heart. \"", "That's up to you, of course,\" she said. \"", "But if you're not in residence, and there's no medical leave form on file, the accounting office in Knight Hall will stop processing your paychecks.\" ", "This statement was probably a lie: the payroll office would not stop Delia's checks unless they were told to do so. ", "But when you deal with immoral people, you become immoral. ", "You touch pitch and are defiled, as the Reverend Bobby had said just last Sunday.", "\n\n\"They are so petty?\" ", "Delia asked, pouting.", "\n\n\"Yes, I'm afraid so.\"", "\n\n\"Very well.\" ", "A long, sad sigh. \"", "Wait, don't go. ", "I want to speak to you. ", "About Alan.\"", "\n\n\"Yes?\" ", "Jane stopped with one hand on the new bolt of the door. ", "She's going to admit what really happened, she's going to say she's sorry, she thought, feeling ashamed of her recent spiteful thoughts.", "\n\n\"You must know—you must realize that Alan has great talent—even genius,\" Delia insisted, coming closer and putting one soft hand on Jane's arm. \"", "He's going to have a great success with his art. ", "But the more original something is, the longer it takes for it to be fully recognized. ", "Some stupid people will never understand. ", "They'll say cruel things.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, so I've heard,\" Jane said flatly, wondering if Alan had repeated to Delia some of the things she had said about his art. ", "But they weren't cruel, she told herself, just uncomprehending, and anyhow Alan had promised her not to talk to Delia again.", "\n\n\"So it is important that when I'm gone he has someone he can depend on to support him and encourage him. ", "That's what you need to do, even if you don't understand his work.\" ", "Delia moved nearer, so close that Jane could see the bruised violet skin around her eyes, and her thick mascaraed lashes.", "\n\nShe thinks I'm one of the stupid people, Jane realized. \"", "Naturally I support Alan,\" she said, becoming indignant. \"", "He's my husband.\"", "\n\n\"No, I don't think you do. ", "That's why I've had to help and comfort him. ", "But I'm leaving tomorrow, and then it will all be over.\"", "\n\nWhat it, what all? ", "Jane thought, angry and confused. \"", "You mean it's not over now?\" ", "she said. \"", "But Alan promised, weeks ago—\"\n\nDelia sighed. \"", "Yes, I know,\" she said. \"", "But men are so weak, don't you agree? ", "It's hard for them to follow through on their promises. ", "And how could I refuse, when he needed my encouragement and affection so desperately?\" ", "She had taken hold of the doorknob; now she pulled it open and began to push Jane out. \"", "So you must forgive him, and stay with him and be kind to him,\" she murmured.", "\n\n\"Don't you tell me what to do!\" ", "Jane cried in a furious whisper. ", "But she said it to the closed door; the only response was the sound of the bolt being shoved home. ", "Her heart was pounding, and she was trembling with rage at Delia, and at Alan, who had continued to mess around with Delia—unless she was lying, out of spite. ", "But no: there were the voices behind her door so many afternoons, and his coolness at home. ", "It was Alan who was lying, and had been lying all along, for weeks and months. ", "How could Delia dare to ask her to forgive him? ", "How could she think she could work her phony charm on Jane? ", "How could she not know that Jane would naturally want to do the opposite of what Delia told her to do?", "\n\nShe tried to gather her thoughts, to concentrate on practical matters, but her head was full of confusion. ", "Delia wasn't resigning, so there was no need to write to the dean, and the letters to the council could wait until next week. ", "The only person she needed to speak to today was Bill.", "\n\nBack in the office, Susie was still typing and eating crackers, and Selma was addressing cartons, as if only a few minutes had passed since she went upstairs. ", "And in fact, that was so, Jane realized. ", "She took two deep breaths, lifted the phone off its cradle, and called Bill's number.", "\n\nAs always, he was calm, even amused. \"", "Well, yes, it was interfering of Lily to talk to Delia about a medical leave,\" he said. \"", "But you know how Delia is, she gets people to do things for her by looking helpless.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, I know,\" Jane said, catching her breath. ", "I felt sorry for her, she thought, and so somehow she got me to crawl under her desk and dig through her dirty trash. \"", "What I don't understand is how she does it.\"", "\n\n\"I guess she sort of casts a glamour over them, like the gypsies in the old ballad,\" Bill said, laughing. \"", "But you know, it will be a lot simpler for us if Delia doesn't resign,\" he added. \"", "Less talk.\"", "\n\n\"Maybe.\"", "\n\n\"I know—you're thinking about the new copier. ", "But I expect we can find the money somewhere. . . . ", "For instance we might rent out Delia's office to some other department that needs space for the spring term. ", "There's often extra faculty at the Law School, for instance.\"", "\n\n\"We can't rent Delia's office; she's going to be here next term,\" Jane protested.", "\n\n\"Oh, I don't think so.\" ", "Bill laughed.", "\n\n\"You think she and Henry won't come back at all?\" ", "Jane said, her heart sinking.", "\n\n\"I doubt it. ", "Why should she, when she'll be getting her checks anyhow? ", "And then there's her migraines, that the climate here is so bad for.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, hell,\" she exclaimed, so sharply that Bill said:\n\n\"Jane? ", "What's the matter?\"", "\n\n\"It's just—\" She tried to lower her voice. \"", "I sort of can't face it.\" ", "She took another deep breath. \"", "I mean the rescheduling, and the conference we've set up for the spring, so many people coming because they think Delia will be here—\"\n\n\"Oh, you'll manage, I'm sure of it,\" Bill told her. \"", "You always do. ", "You're a very good administrator. ", "Well, call me if anything else comes up.\"", "\n\nStill holding on to the cordless phone, Jane walked out into the hall. ", "Her heart was still pounding. ", "Everyone is lying to me, and telling me who I am and what I should do, she thought. ", "Everyone except Henry. ", "She moved down the hall to the entrance, gazing through the double doors into a brilliant landscape of graceful bare maple trees and gas-flame-blue sky and distant gold and lavender hills.", "\n\nNo matter what Delia says, it's not ugly here in Corinth, she thought, it's beautiful; and nobody here is boring. ", "I don't have to do what people tell me or be who they tell me I am. ", "And I deserve to be happy, just as much as Susie does. ", "She lifted the phone and punched in Henry's number.", "\nTWENTY\n\nIt was a fine early June evening, with a soft salty breeze in the plumed pampas grass by the water, and the organic-food tycoon and art collector Franklin Bannerman was hosting a large drinks party on his Greenwich estate. ", "The occasion, officially, was the completion of a brand-new ruined medieval tower on the shore, designed by the newly fashionable installation artist Alan Mackenzie. ", "The tower itself was not actually ruined, though a few crenellations were missing from its battlements. ", "But only a fragment of the adjoining walls remained—or, rather, had just been built—suggesting the ghostly presence of a much larger structure.", "\n\nThe stonemason and the two architecture graduate students who had helped Alan in the construction were on the terrace mingling with the guests, drinking and scarfing up salmon pâté and creamed chicken in puff pastry. ", "But Alan, tired of walking back and forth, waited beside the warm gray stones of the tower, leaning on his cane, while people in groups of two or more crossed the long velvety lawn to see the structure more closely and ask questions about it, some intelligent and some ridiculous. ", "Those of the men tended to be practical or ribald (\"Took you how long to put up this thing?\" \"", "Well, Frank finally got himself a really big prick.\"). ", "Those of the women were more often sentimental or domestic (\"Oh, it's lovely, it makes me feel as if I was in a fairy tale\" \"You ought to put some lights in here, so Frank could use it for parties\").", "\n\nAlan was beginning to think of returning to the terrace for another drink, but decided to give it a few more minutes. ", "His back hurt, as usual, though the pain was somewhat blurred now by alcohol and codeine, and by a sense of professional triumph. ", "Otherwise he felt and looked well: he had lost weight and picked up a tan from working on the tower, and he had a new expensive haircut and an even more expensive beige summer suit.", "\n\nThe last six months had been strange and confused, marked by both gains and losses. ", "His career was going well: several more big drawings had been sold at what he still thought of as inflated prices; and there were two more commissions in prospect, one definite. ", "He had a show scheduled in October at Jacky Herbert's gallery, and there had been short but gratifying pieces about his installations in the _New York Times_ and the _Corinth Courier._ ", "On the other hand, he had lost both his wife and his true love, Delia Delaney.", "\n\nWhen Delia left Corinth in December she had vanished almost completely, leaving no address or telephone number, only a PO box in Ashland, North Carolina. ", "Alan had written to this box frequently, and received in reply only three warmly affectionate but very brief notes, the last one in March.", "\n\n_Wild snowdrops in the sunlit woods today, a message of new life and hope.", "Winds whispering secrets, songbirds calling and mating in the pines. ", "My pen is in my hand—you are in my thoughts always._", "\n\n _Dilly_\n\nSince then, silence. ", "Of course, Delia had warned him; she had explained that in order to work again—to make contact with her spirits, as she put it—she would have to cut herself off from everyone for a while, even from the people who meant most to her—perhaps especially from them, she had murmured, with a meaningful glance at Alan. ", "But she had refused even to guess how long she might be gone, or when he might see her again. \"", "Darling, I can't know that now—I can't know anything.\"", "\n\nTrying to reconcile himself to her temporary absence, Alan had frequently reminded himself of all Delia had given him already. ", "It was because of her that he had a New York gallery and sales at New York prices. ", "It was because of her that he had crawled out from under the heap of dirt and stones that his life had become, and dared to commit himself to art and to love. ", "Delia had even persuaded him to see the clawing lizard in his back as not wholly evil. ", "If he had remained free of it, he would also have remained merely a professor of architectural history, with an occasional hobby of building and drawing follies and ruins. ", "She had changed his life—and he had hoped to change hers.", "\n\nAll through December and January he thought of Delia, his Dilly, almost constantly, remembering her voice, her touch, her words so vividly that at first he sometimes forgot that she was gone. ", "As he walked down the hall at the Unger Center he would often automatically glance into her room, and only then remember that she had left. ", "Meanwhile, her freeloader husband, Henry Hull, was already back in Corinth, living in their rented house. ", "From time to time Alan saw him hanging around the Center office. ", "It was clear that Delia had no further use for him—yet Henry, apparently not realizing this, or hiding his true feelings, maintained a cheerful manner. ", "A couple of times, when Jane wasn't around, Alan had stopped to ask him how Delia was doing, and the answer was always the same: \"Fine, far as I know.\" ", "His tone was offhand, but no doubt he was feeling uneasy and rejected, and with good reason. ", "You're on your way out, pal, Alan thought. ", "Whether you know it or not.", "\n\nAt home, Alan never mentioned Delia's name; he tried to behave politely and pleasantly during this interim period. ", "There was no point, after all, in making trouble for Jane before it had to be made. ", "Then, one evening just before Christmas, his wife had declared that she wanted to move back into her parents' house, after they left for their annual winter stay in an RV park in Tampa.", "\n\nThe thing was, she told him, she did not think their marriage was working. ", "Though he disliked the idea of his or any marriage as a malfunctioning appliance, Alan could not disagree; he knew that in effect Jane was right. ", "They had been happy together once, but the person who had been happy with Jane and with whom she had been happy was someone else, someone healthier and more conventional—not an invalid and not an artist. ", "Besides, when Delia returned it would be easier if he was living alone.", "\n\nThis time Jane did not bring him a dinner wrapped in foil every day, but she arranged for their cleaning lady to come in three afternoons a week instead of one, to do the laundry, shopping, and errands, and leave a meal for Alan to warm up. ", "Jane also provided him with the take-away menus of several local restaurants. ", "Thanks to the checks that kept coming from the gallery, he could easily afford the extra expense.", "\n\nHe missed her, in a way, but it was also a relief that she was not there every evening serving his dinner and doing the dishes and then sitting alone in the living room switching channels on the TV and hoping that their marriage, that ill-functioning stove or fridge, would recover by itself, when he already knew it would not recover—that what was wrong with it was fatal.", "\n\nIt was a hard, lonely winter. ", "January and February were cold and gray, and Alan was often in pain or blurry from the effects of drugs with threatening names that sounded like diseases. ", "Sometimes he was well enough to draw and paint, or make notes for his study of church architecture, which he had not quite abandoned. ", "At other times he spent whole afternoons lying on the sofa in his office, trying to read a heavy book held awkwardly and painfully on his chest, or listening to tapes of classical music. ", "Over and over again he kept telling himself that one day, after the snow melted, Delia would be there.", "\n\nOften he imagined this time: their meeting, their walks in the greening woods or in the Corinth Orchard; Dilly in his bed, or bedded among the falling apple blossoms. ", "He even imagined the trouble-free end of his marriage, and of Delia's, and a summer wedding at her cabin in the North Carolina mountains—or perhaps here in Corinth, in the ruined chapel he and his students had built—its stained-glass window of holy chickens now in place. ", "He imagined Delia crowned with flowers whose names and meanings she would know, and their procession through the miniature triumphal arch that had been the first step toward his new career. ", "He was pleased and encouraged when he received a formal request from Delia's publisher asking for the right to use a reproduction of his drawing for _Attic Window_ on the cover of her forthcoming book. ", "It proved that, though she might be silent, Delia was indeed thinking of him.", "\n\nMeanwhile, the news of Alan and Jane's separation had made a considerable stir locally. ", "Acquaintances, including a couple of single women whom he hardly knew, invited him to dinner and attempted to pump him for details and motivation; friends sympathized and attempted to give advice. ", "Bernie and Danielle Kotelchuck gave him roast beef and beer and suggested that he try to make it up with Jane, who, they said, was essentially a very good person. ", "Gilly and her husband Pedro gave him stir-fry and marijuana and suggested that he and Jane go together to a very good crisis mediator they knew. ", "Public opinion, largely, was on Alan's side. ", "Jane, after all, had deserted an invalid husband—a cruel, selfish act. ", "She had also walked out on someone who was beginning to have considerable artistic success—a foolish, impulsive act, possibly motivated by envy. ", "If she had supporters, they did not speak to Alan.", "\n\nEarly in February Jane asked Alan to have lunch with her on campus and suggested that they file for divorce. ", "She didn't think they would be getting back together, she said—and he had to agree. ", "She also declared that she wanted to be fair about everything. ", "They had already split the checking and savings accounts, and she didn't want any part of Alan's TIIA/CREF, which his salary had paid for.", "\n\nJane didn't want the house either. ", "She knew Alan loved it, but she never had, really. ", "Yes, it was old and historic, maybe even beautiful, she said. ", "But it was awfully hard to take care of, all those little rooms and steep narrow stairs and low ceilings. ", "It was drafty and badly insulated too, with the plumbing and heating always breaking down, and the soil in the garden was mostly clay. ", "All she wanted was half its assessed value, not counting the follies, so that she could buy a newer, more modern house nearer to town, with good soil and a chimney that didn't smoke. ", "And, if it was all right with him, she'd like to take the furniture and china that had been her grand-mother's, and her Cuisinart and all the cookbooks and garden books.", "\n\nAnd then, Jane said, when the frost was out of the ground, and she'd found a new place, she'd like to come and dig up some of the plants from her garden: the peonies and daylilies and some of the myrtle, and the asparagus and the raspberry and blackberry canes and the rhubarb.", "\n\n\"Sure, you can have them all, take anything you like,\" Alan had said, amazed and relieved by the modesty of her demands, and especially by the news that he would not lose his beloved house—wondering if this leniency was in part dictated by the consciousness of public opinion.", "\n\nAfter this, when they met at the Unger Center, relations between Alan and Jane remained cordial though cool. ", "Considering what had happened to a couple of his colleagues whose marriages had ended, he felt very fortunate. ", "But he was stunned when, in mid-March, Jane announced that she was planning to marry Henry Hull. ", "In the surprise and heat of the moment, Alan spoke unsympathetically of Henry, calling him a loser and a layabout and asking how she could even consider marrying someone like that. \"", "Yes,\" Jane remarked in a low, strained voice, \"that's what Henry thought you would say. ", "It's what he thinks everybody will say, but it's not true. ", "He has a perfectly good well-paying job, with more editing work than he can possibly take on.\"", "\n\nYes, she admitted, her mother had been kind of upset by the idea of the marriage at first, because she disapproved of divorce, but she'd come around. ", "She liked Henry, and so did Jane's dad, and they could watch sports together. ", "Anyhow, it was what she wanted to do, what was right for her.", "\n\nAlan could not bring himself to congratulate her. ", "He felt insulted, injured, and worst of all, made to look ridiculous. ", "Naturally he wanted Jane to be happy, or at least content—it was what any reasonable man would want for his ex-wife. ", "He had already hoped that she would meet someone suitable, someone dependable, someone more like her, eventually—but not right away. ", "If she found someone first, it would look as if he, Alan, had been rejected. ", "Of course, really he had found Delia first, but nobody knew that. ", "And now, when Delia returned to Corinth, probably in a few weeks, and their relationship became public, they would be a joke. ", "People would speak of wife-swapping. ", "At the thought, Alan shuddered. ", "Though he knew it to be a weakness, he still had a horror of being laughed at. ", "It was a weakness Delia didn't share: she didn't care if people laughed, she had said once—it just showed how limited and stupid and conventional they were. ", "Sometimes Alan wished he were more like her. ", "Maybe one day he would learn to be.", "\n\nIf Jane and Henry were to marry after he and Delia, it might be seen as the slightly pathetic union of the two rejected, less successful partners—yes, maybe then he could endure it. ", "He had therefore tried to persuade Jane not to announce her plans for six months, suggesting that it would look better. ", "But she had refused. \"", "I don't care anymore if things look good,\" she had said. \"", "If you pour chocolate sauce over an old cake of soap it will look good, but you wouldn't want to eat it.\"", "\n\nThe only silver lining to the whole disaster had been the news that Delia had never been married to Henry Hull. ", "This would not only make things simpler for her and Alan, it proved that she had had the self-respect and the good sense not to tie herself legally to someone like that. ", "And indeed, when Jane's plan to marry Henry Hull finally became known, she was further condemned, and so was Henry, especially by the many on-campus fans of Delia Delaney, who of course did not know that Delia loved Alan and that they would soon be together.", "\n\nYes, but when? ", "Time was passing: the coarse, gritty, porous heaps of snow by the driveway and in the parking lots at the University were beginning to shrink. ", "Early in April Jane asked Alan if he wouldn't like to move back into his original office at the Center, with its north light and view of the lake and big green sofa. \"", "No, I don't think there's any point in that,\" he had told her. \"", "After all, it's almost spring now, and Delia should be back soon.\"", "\n\n\"I'm not sure she will,\" Jane said.", "\n\n\"Why not?\" ", "Though he tried to control it, Alan's voice rose a bit. \"", "Have you heard something?\"", "\n\n\"No, nobody has. ", "But Bill Laird thinks she's never coming back, and she hasn't answered any of the official letters I've sent her.\"", "\n\n\"But that doesn't mean anything. ", "Delia hasn't answered anybody's letters, Susie says.\" (", "Except mine, he thought.)", "\n\n\"No,\" Jane said sourly. \"", "And what that means, if you want to know what Bill thinks, and I agree with him, is that Delia doesn't want to admit she's not coming, because she's on medical leave, and she wants the University to keep sending her paychecks.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, she wouldn't do that,\" Alan said. \"", "She wants to be in Corinth as soon as the weather's warm enough for her to stay well.\" ", "He tried to speak firmly, reminding himself that Jane didn't know the main reason Delia wanted to be there—but something in his voice wobbled slightly, unbalanced for a moment by doubt.", "\n\n\"Maybe,\" Jane said. \"", "Maybe not.\"", "\n\nShe knows something—Henry's told her something, Alan thought. ", "And for a moment he felt panic. ", "But once he was back in his office, he lifted the brown paper that covered his drawing board and slid out Delia's three note cards. \"", "Your downcast Dilly,\" he read, and \"You are in my thoughts always,\" and the doubt and panic passed.", "\n\nAll this had been hard enough. ", "What was worse, what was intolerable, had happened early last month. ", "On a sunny Monday morning, Davi Gakar came into the Unger Center carrying the Style section of Sunday's _New York Times_. ", "Horribly, unbelievably, it contained a wedding announcement headlined \"Delia Delaney, Wallace Hersh.\" ", "Below this was a photograph of Delia looking beautiful and Wally Hersh, the Corinth trustee, looking like a large, fat, old, bald hamster. ", "This was followed by the disgusting, improbable news of a marriage in Palm Beach, where Mr. Hersh lived. ", "He also, it appeared, lived in Manhattan and in Rye, New York, and was the chairman of something called Hersh International Manufacturing, sixty-four years old, and a widower.", "\n\nAlan's first reaction was that the whole thing must be a hoax of some sort, a hideous joke by a former fraternity brother or business associate, for instance, who wanted to embarrass Wally Hersh. ", "Or someone who had it in for Delia, some crazed fan. ", "The announcement gave her age as fifty-one instead of forty-five, clearly a malicious lie. ", "But then Lily Unger sidled into the Center, looking smug, and said she'd known it all along, or anyhow for a couple of weeks. ", "She had even been invited to the wedding, and would have gone if it wasn't so far and the planes so unreliable at this time of year.", "\n\n\"I predicted it. ", "And of course I was the one who introduced them,\" Lily said, preening. ", "It was at this point that Alan had had to go upstairs and shut himself in his office, and try not to break anything that would show or make the kind of noise anyone could hear. ", "He slammed his fist into the wall a couple of times, but Matthew Unger's father had built well, and he managed only to dent the plaster and bruise his knuckles badly—there was still a dried smear of blood there by the window.", "\n\nShe was supposed to be working so hard she couldn't see anyone or answer anyone's letters,Alan thought. ", "But all along she must have been writing to Wally Hersh and seeing him. ", "Maybe, even probably, he came to the cabin in the woods, which Alan had only once seen a photograph of, but fantasized about often. ", "He should have suspected it, or something like it. ", "After all, Delia had betrayed Henry Hull with Alan, so what was more likely than that she would betray Alan in his turn? ", "Of course she didn't love Wally Hersh—she had married him for his three houses and his wealth, which (according to Lily Unger) was considerable. ", "Maybe she really was fifty-one years old: the _Times_ ought to know, they had files going back years to when she wouldn't have wanted to lie about her age. ", "Bitch, whore, liar.", "\n\nAnd she never even wrote to tell me, Alan thought. ", "She's a coward too. ", "Or maybe worse, she had just forgotten him and couldn't be bothered. ", "He recalled something his dealer, Jacky Herbert, had said. \"", "Delia's not capable of multi-tasking. ", "When she's working, she doesn't notice anything that happens around her. ", "Or if you manage to interrupt her, then she turns her attention on you—her complete attention, like a high-powered spotlight, though usually not for long. ", "People are drawn to it like moths, they flutter frantically against the glass, and then the spotlight is turned off and they fall to the ground, scorched.\"", "\n\nThe next few weeks were agony, both physical and psychological. ", "For a while Alan allowed himself to indulge in fantasies of confrontation, accusation, injury, and even murder. ", "But finally he realized that the only thing he could do now was to curse Delia as a liar and a bitch and a gold digger and then forget her completely—never think of her again. ", "Easier said than done. ", "His back pain flared up, he drank alone in the evenings, and slept badly, the first few hours in a drunken stupor, the rest of the night in nervous fits and starts. ", "At three and four a.m. he stumbled into the kitchen and broke things, mostly glasses and plates, sometimes by accident and sometimes on purpose, while the lizard hissed and clawed in his back.", "\n\nHe couldn't, of course, tell anyone what was the matter, but his friends noticed that he was looking ill and miserable; they suggested false causes and useless cures. ", "The only thing that helped, finally, was work. ", "Cursing Delia, he also remembered something she had said to him once. \"", "It's not important for an artist to be good, or to be happy. ", "If you're serious, you have to give all that up. ", "If you don't, if you keep wanting those things, every time you pick up a pen you'll make the wrong choices.\"", "\n\nHis back was starting to ache seriously; he needed another drink, Alan thought now, and he looked toward the house to see if anyone else was coming to inspect the tower up close. ", "No—yes, a figure had just detached itself from the crowd on the terrace and was starting across the lawn: a blond woman in a long, filmy white dress. ", "The declining sun was full in his eyes, and for a moment he thought it was Delia. ", "Over the past six months he had imagined that he saw her so often—in New York especially, but also, stupidly, in Corinth. ", "More than once in the past six months he had followed some innocent female stranger down a street or across campus. ", "He blinked hard, impatient with the persistence of his illusion, his obsession.", "\n\nThen, with a sensation of having been struck hard in the chest, he realized that this time it was not a mirage. ", "Approaching him was the person in the whole world he most and least wanted to see.", "\n\nWhile he watched, she came nearer, becoming realer and even more beautiful than he had remembered, with a kind of faultless elegance he had never seen before. ", "The Delia he'd known had been always just a little untidy—her mane of golden hair loosely and seductively disordered, her trailing thrift-shop skirts and fringed scarves slightly creased or disarranged as if she had just gotten out of bed. ", "Once he had quoted to her Herrick's poem, which she of course knew, that begins, \"A sweet disorder in the dress . . .\" ", "Now her hair had the braided and curled and puffed perfection of the Botticelli portrait he had been reminded of the day they met, and her dress was an elaborate designer's confection of silk chiffon with layered floating pleats. ", "As she came nearer Alan could see that she was carrying a wineglass in each hand.", "\n\nFor months he had rehearsed what he would say to Delia when and if they met, though the script had changed over time, from passion to interrogation to accusation to rejection. ", "Now he could remember none of the lines, and stood tongue-tied.", "\n\n\"I brought us some champagne,\" she said, holding out one hand. ", "The familiar sound of her voice, the low, caressing Southern accent, broke Alan's daze, and he struck out, knocking the glass onto the lawn. ", "Almost any other woman—especially Jane, with her instinctive domesticity—would have exclaimed, would have stooped to pick up the broken pieces. ", "Delia paid no attention—she merely set the remaining glass of champagne on a bit of artificial ruined stone wall and gazed at him with her dark-fringed gray eyes.", "\n\n\"Wh-what are you doing here, what the hell are you doing?\" ", "he stuttered.", "\n\n\"I came to see you,\" she murmured. \"", "I made Jacky invite me. ", "I had to come, I had to see you.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, well, hell.\" ", "Alan swallowed. \"", "You could have tried to see me before. ", "You could have written, at least, to tell me you were going to marry Wally Hersh.\" ", "His voice had strengthened and he pronounced the name with all the scorn he could manage.", "\n\n\"I couldn't, I didn't dare. ", "I was afraid you'd try to stop me. ", "I knew you could stop me.\" ", "She gazed at him helplessly.", "\n\n\"Oh, shit,\" Alan said with feeling.", "\n\n\"I thought—I hoped you'd understand.\" ", "Delia moved nearer; he could smell her subtly flowery, presumably expensive, perfume. \"", "You have to understand. ", "I couldn't bear it if you didn't.\" ", "Her voice wavered, and her huge pale eyes seemed to fill with tears. ", "But Alan was unmoved. ", "Yeah, maybe I could have stopped you, but you didn't give me a chance to stop you, he thought. ", "Or, more likely, the whole thing is a lie.", "\n\n\"You're not going to tell me you're in love with him?\" ", "he said.", "\n\n\"I've been so frightened, always,\" Delia said, disregarding his question and thus, Alan realized, answering it. \"", "You don't know. ", "All my life.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah? ", "Frightened of what?\"", "\n\n\"Of everything. ", "Of losing everything, being nothing and nobody.\" ", "She looked at him innocently, helplessly. ", "But she's not innocent, she's not helpless, Alan reminded himself.", "\n\n\"That's ridiculous. ", "You're famous. ", "And you're beautiful,\" he said, painfully aware of how true this was as she stood before him, the tendrils of her hair and the thin gauze of her long sleeves fluttering in the wind.", "\n\n\"Yes, now I am,\" Delia admitted, putting one soft hand on his arm and speaking low and intensely. \"", "But that could end anytime. ", "Suppose suddenly I couldn't write anymore. ", "The world forgets so fast; it always wants something new. ", "Everyone knows how it goes. ", "You don't write anything, but you still get a little grant or a little prize here and there, and then pretty soon you've had most of the grants and prizes. ", "You try to make it on readings, but they come less and less often. ", "Soon you're one of those sad former writers you meet at art colonies, living from one residency to another. ", "Then you wake up one morning and you can't even get into a colony, you're old and ugly and poor and mostly forgotten. ", "All you have is a leaky log cabin in the mountains and a lot of used clothes and dead manuscripts. ", "I couldn't bear that. ", "I had to do something.\"", "\n\n\"But—Wally Hersh—he's—\" Alan swallowed the angry words. ", "He did not believe that Delia could ever be old and ugly and forgotten, but he believed in her irrational fear of this future.", "\n\n\"He's very sweet, really.\" ", "She smiled, sweetly, as if to demonstrate.", "\n\n\"Sweet.\" ", "Alan tried but failed to say this word neutrally.", "\n\n\"He loves artists and writers. ", "When I took him to the Academy lunch last month and he met John Updike and Dick Wilbur he was really happy. ", "His favorite course in college was English literature.\"", "\n\n\"So?\" ", "He felt rage rising in him.", "\n\n\"You don't understand,\" Delia almost wailed. \"", "It's different for you, you can always teach and support yourself. ", "And I can't—I've tried, but it destroys me, it destroys my work. ", "You have tenure and health benefits and retirement—you're safe.\"", "\n\n\"And now you're safe too,\" Alan said, half in sympathy, half in scorn.", "\n\n\"Yes. ", "You don't know, it's such a relief. ", "It's as if, all my life, I'd been holding my breath, dreading the mail because I know it will be full of bills, maxing out credit cards, giving readings in awful places when I was coming down with the flu, being charming to awful people to get them to help me, fighting through migraines, lying sick as a cow in motels—\" She gave a great sigh, then a wonderful smile. \"", "But now I don't have to do any of that. ", "When you have enough money, you can hire people to do whatever you need done, and you don't have to pay them in kisses and compliments—or if you do, it's a bonus for them.\"", "\n\n\"You have to pay Wally Hersh, though,\" Alan said flatly, fighting a crazy impulse to grab her and crush her elaborate white frills. \"", "But I suppose it saves time, like consolidating all your debts with a single credit card company.\"", "\n\n\"No. ", "It's more like owning the company.\" ", "Delia did not obviously take offense, but she withdrew her hand and took a step away. \"", "It's very beautiful, your tower,\" she said. \"", "Even more than I thought it would be when Jacky showed me the drawings.\"", "\n\n\"Thank you,\" he said repressively, refusing to express pleasure.", "\n\n\"Can you get up to the top?\"", "\n\n\"Yes,\" he admitted. \"", "There's stairs inside.\"", "\n\n\"Wonderful.\" ", "She started toward the arched stone entrance, and Alan, after a moment, picked up his cane and followed, drawn by both antagonism and passion. ", "Painfully he climbed the stone steps behind a flurry of white gauze and bare pale rosy legs in high-heeled silver sandals.", "\n\n\"Oh, it's nice up here. ", "There's a lovely view.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, that was the idea.\" ", "Alan followed her gaze across Long Island Sound, now a sheet of rippled gray silk near the shore, touched with ultramarine farther out. ", "Then he looked back to where Delia stood, where the crenellated wall had been deliberately designed and built to look broken away. ", "Suppose I pushed her now, suppose she fell, would she die? ", "he thought. ", "No, probably not, because of the thick bushes just below, sumac and blackberry and wild rose—but she might be injured, or at least badly scratched—\n\n\"Jacky says you're doing awfully well with your art,\" Delia remarked. \"", "He showed me the piece in the _Times._ ", "And he says you've got more commissions after this one.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah. ", "There's a collector in New Jersey who has a sculpture park; I'm building something for him next month. ", "And there's supposed to be another commission, somewhere in Westchester. ", "Only it's not certain—Jacky won't even tell me the guy's name.\"", "\n\n\"Yes. ", "The mystery client.\" ", "Delia smiled. \"", "It's Wally. ", "He wants the ruined Temple of Venus that was in the group show last year.\"", "\n\n\"Well, he can't have it,\" Alan said, feeling a surge of rage and losing his cool. \"", "That stupid rich bastard.\" ", "He swallowed hard, fighting the urge to strike out. \"", "He's bought you, and now he wants to buy me.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, darling. ", "Don't say that,\" Delia wailed. \"", "It's my place too. ", "It's for me, really; I've been dreaming about it for months.\"", "\n\n\"A ruined Temple of Venus,\" Alan growled. \"", "Well, that's fucking appropriate.\" ", "He turned away and began slowly and painfully to descend the stone steps, with Delia following close behind.", "\n\n\"It doesn't have to be very ruined,\" she cried, clutching on to his arm to stop him. \"", "Just a little. ", "And it could be so beautiful, like in your drawing, with the columns and the stone garlands of flowers and fruit, and the faded frescoes—it would be a big project, it could take months to build. ", "And you'd be there, and I'd be there. . . .\" ", "She took another step down and moved toward him, then against him. ", "For the first time since December he felt the warm, soft weight of her; he saw, in the shadows of the circular stair, her pale face turned to his.", "\n\n\"Oh, my dear,\" she whispered. \"", "I've missed you so much.\"", "\n\nWhat the fuck am I doing? ", "Alan thought. ", "How can I trust this bitch, how can I love her? ", "She betrayed Henry Hull, then she betrayed me, and now she's betraying Wally Hersh. ", "But the pull was too strong, and he moved closer.", "\n\n\"You could build it in September,\" Delia murmured when they paused for breath. \"", "Wally has to be in Hong Kong then, I'll be all alone—but of course you'll have to come to Rye much sooner, to look at the site. ", "There's a little pond that might be just right—\"\n\n\"I didn't say I would do it,\" Alan said, crushing Delia's elaborate tiered skirts against the rough stone of the staircase.", "\n\n\"But you will, won't you?\" ", "She kissed him again, lightly and warmly, then swayed back. \"", "And then, you know your _Attic Window,_ that's going to be on the cover of my new book? ", "I want you to build it by my cabin in North Carolina, just where the mountain falls away, so that what you see through the window is all sky and distant hills.\"", "\n\n\"Oh yeah?\"", "\n\n\"Yes. ", "Absolutely.\"", "\n\n\"And I suppose then you'll want another piece for Wally Hersh's place in Palm Beach,\" he said as coolly as he could manage.", "\n\n\"No. ", "I don't like Palm Beach. ", "And Wally's house is really awful, all pink and green Cuban tiles and stucco arches and chandeliers and ugly fountains. ", "My spirits would never come there, not in a thousand years. ", "I'm going to persuade Wally to sell it and move to Key West. ", "That'll be much more welcoming for them.\"", "\n\n\"Really.\" ", "Alan descended the last few steps to the ground floor of the tower, trying to get a grip on himself, and stepped outside. \"", "According to what I read, Key West is overrun with homeless chickens and feral six-toed cats, and drugs, and drunken writers and crazy motorcyclists, and the local government is completely corrupt,\" he said.", "\n\n\"Yes, doesn't it sound wonderful?\" ", "Delia laughed. \"", "I'm going to be so happy there. ", "Even happier than Henry and Jane.\" ", "She paused in the natural frame of the tower's archway, whose gray stone had begun to turn a faint gold in the light of the declining sun.", "\n\n\"You think they're going to be happy?\"", "\n\n\"Oh yes, probably. ", "Boringly happy. ", "Or maybe eventually they'll begin to bore each other, who knows?\"", "\n\n\"And will you really be happy?\"", "\n\n\"Maybe. ", "Sometimes.\"", "\n\n\"I thought you didn't believe artists should be happy.\"", "\n\n\"I don't. ", "Not as a steady thing. ", "The world is a bad place for us, mostly. ", "That's why we mustn't miss anything good that comes along. ", "And there's pleasure sometimes, there's joy—like today. ", "I wasn't sure you'd even speak to me.\"", "\n\n\"Probably I shouldn't have,\" Alan said.", "\n\n\"Too late now.\" ", "Delia laughed and came closer. \"", "Let's drink to that.\" ", "She lifted the remaining champagne glass from where she had set it on an outcrop of artificial ruined wall, sipped, and handed it to Alan. ", "A few bubbles still rose unhurriedly through the liquid, whose color, he thought, could have been described as pale gold—or as piss. \"", "It's hardly gone flat at all,\" she said.", "\n\nAlan drank. \"", "No. ", "Only a little.\" ", "He looked across the lawn toward the party. \"", "I think we'd better get back,\" he said.", "\n\n\"Yes.\" ", "Delia sighed. \"", "But I'll call you soon, so we can arrange for you to come to Rye.\"", "\n\nAlan said neither yes nor no, but a heavy dark feeling—or was it light, was it joy?—came over him that he was fated to go to Rye, fated to build Delia's ruined Temple of Venus, to join her in her ruin, or whatever it was, maybe for the rest of his life.", "\n\n\"You know,\" she murmured as they began to cross the lawn, \"you could do what I did, if you wanted to. ", "I've met so many women lately—they're widowed or divorced, in their forties and fifties, but quite attractive, and very well off. ", "They try to keep up their spirits, but their children have grown and gone, and they're real lonely and sad. ", "They don't know what to do with themselves. ", "Most of them would jump over the moon for a man like you, an artist, a genius.\"", "\n\n\"A cripple,\" Alan said.", "\n\n\"But that just makes it more romantic. ", "Wally loves my migraines, they appeal to his protective instincts. ", "It would be the same for you—artists always have a tragic wound, to go with their invincible bow, you know. ", "They need to be taken care of. ", "Anyhow, that's what my new girlfriends think. ", "When you're in Rye I'll invite two or three of them to lunch, and you'll see.\"", "\n\n\"I don't want to see,\" Alan said, stopping and turning to stare at Delia. ", "In her floating white dress, overlaid with gold by the low sun, like the grass and the gray stones of the tower behind her, she looked almost unearthly. \"", "Who are you, Dilly, what are you?\" ", "he asked, catching hold of her arm. \"", "Are you a demon come to tempt me to sin?\"", "\n\n\"No, I'm your good angel, like I always was,\" Delia said. \"", "I'm your true love.\" ", "She gave him a quick, blazing look. ", "Then she laughed and walked on. ", "They were near enough to the terrace now to be seen, and soon many well-dressed, gold-tinged people began to surge toward them: greeting them, congratulating them, separating them.", "\n" ]
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0.00510204081632653, 0.005681818181818182, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0, 0.005076142131979695, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.005813953488372093, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0.0049504950495049506, 0.013157894736842105, 0.004405286343612335, 0, 0, 0, 0.004672897196261682, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.029850746268656716, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0, 0.005681818181818182, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0.01652892561983471, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0.029850746268656716, 0.012578616352201259, 0.006211180124223602, 0.01948051948051948, 0, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0.004830917874396135, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 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0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01652892561983471, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0.004032258064516129, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0.03278688524590164, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.02857142857142857, 0.004032258064516129, 0.03333333333333333, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0.0035087719298245615, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0.005025125628140704, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0.00641025641025641, 0.020134228187919462, 0, 0.00558659217877095, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.02, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.014018691588785047, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004424778761061947, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.013574660633484163, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0.007905138339920948, 0, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.00975609756097561, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015037593984962405, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0.018633540372670808, 0.008264462809917356, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005076142131979695, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0.015151515151515152, 0.005208333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0.011406844106463879, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0, 0.025, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.029850746268656716, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0.027777777777777776, 0.003355704697986577, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0.04, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.0049261083743842365, 0, 0.0125, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.015625, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.045454545454545456, 0.007633587786259542, 0.005813953488372093, 0.01, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0.04081632653061224, 0.0625, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.015625, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0.014634146341463415, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0125, 0.05263157894736842, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.005050505050505051, 0, 0, 0, 0.015037593984962405, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012422360248447204, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0.011194029850746268, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.00625, 0.043478260869565216, 0.015748031496062992, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0.015625, 0.015625, 0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0.012578616352201259, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.09090909090909091, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0.023809523809523808, 0.007246376811594203, 0.014084507042253521, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0.014925373134328358, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0392156862745098, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.014184397163120567, 0, 0.0038314176245210726, 0.09090909090909091, 0.013333333333333334, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.013333333333333334, 0.013513513513513514, 0.038461538461538464, 0.005235602094240838, 0.009900990099009901, 0.007272727272727273, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0.005649717514124294, 0.00423728813559322, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0.04, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.02, 0, 0.02197802197802198, 0.044444444444444446, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0.009345794392523364, 0.013157894736842105, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.021505376344086023, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.030303030303030304, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.03076923076923077, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0.03125, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0.01694915254237288, 0.005813953488372093, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0.05128205128205128, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0.013986013986013986, 0.017391304347826087, 0.008403361344537815, 0.016042780748663103, 0.005434782608695652, 0.005681818181818182, 0.01, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0.008547008547008548, 0.015625, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0.006896551724137931, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.04, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0.02702702702702703, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0.0031847133757961785, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.010238907849829351, 0, 0, 0.005319148936170213, 0.008849557522123894, 0.011363636363636364, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010135135135135136, 0.005235602094240838, 0.012738853503184714, 0.006289308176100629, 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0.016, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0.004807692307692308, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0.008733624454148471, 0.005649717514124294, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0.016574585635359115, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0.006024096385542169, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.0048543689320388345, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0.004608294930875576, 0, 0.016260162601626018, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0051813471502590676, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0.07692307692307693, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0.03076923076923077, 0, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0, 0.021505376344086023, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0.005025125628140704, 0, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0.0038314176245210726, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.0047169811320754715, 0, 0.004329004329004329, 0.004739336492890996, 0.026785714285714284, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.01680672268907563, 0.005128205128205128, 0.008547008547008548, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0, 0, 0.03636363636363636, 0.008849557522123894, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.016, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0.017045454545454544, 0.007936507936507936, 0.020618556701030927, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.014285714285714285, 0.009615384615384616, 0.009174311926605505, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.028169014084507043, 0.00510204081632653, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.019230769230769232, 0.04225352112676056, 0.02040816326530612, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.014285714285714285, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011695906432748537, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.020202020202020204, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0.008, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.04, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0.07692307692307693, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0.025, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0.009569377990430622, 0.00980392156862745, 0.005263157894736842, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0.04, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0.00510204081632653, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.017094017094017096, 0.023255813953488372, 0.012195121951219513, 0.028985507246376812, 0.007575757575757576, 0.022988505747126436, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0, 0.02531645569620253, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0.02197802197802198, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0.008021390374331552, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.005376344086021506, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.16666666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014814814814814815, 0.03508771929824561, 0, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.07692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005076142131979695, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.005681818181818182, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0.05, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0.01282051282051282, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0.01639344262295082, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0.020202020202020204, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0.025, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.04, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.04, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0.011764705882352941, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0.0037174721189591076, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017094017094017096, 0.012658227848101266, 0.0136986301369863, 0.009259259259259259, 0.0038910505836575876, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.018018018018018018, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.034482758620689655, 0.0196078431372549, 0.011363636363636364, 0.02247191011235955, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0.04, 0.015748031496062992, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0.02666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0.010526315789473684, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.029850746268656716, 0.03125, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0.005208333333333333, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0.01485148514851485, 0, 0, 0.004830917874396135, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0.01652892561983471, 0.01048951048951049, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0.020833333333333332, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0.012605042016806723, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005434782608695652, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014388489208633094, 0, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0, 0, 0.01, 0.031746031746031744, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0.024691358024691357, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0.024691358024691357, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0.005376344086021506, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0.006024096385542169, 0.0037593984962406013, 0, 0, 0, 0.025210084033613446, 0, 0, 0, 0.004424778761061947, 0, 0, 0.019417475728155338, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0.020512820512820513, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0.006896551724137931, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0, 0, 0.008, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0.005917159763313609, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0.011695906432748537, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03278688524590164, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0.02142857142857143, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.005050505050505051, 0, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0.019801980198019802, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0.028169014084507043, 0.004219409282700422, 0.014705882352941176, 0.00510204081632653, 0, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0.017699115044247787, 0.012048192771084338, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0.014925373134328358, 0.017391304347826087, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.008, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0.01293103448275862, 0, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0.012919896640826873, 0.0136986301369863, 0.02097902097902098, 0.007142857142857143, 0.014925373134328358, 0.011627906976744186, 0.016666666666666666, 0.016216216216216217, 0.011560693641618497, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0.00851063829787234, 0, 0, 0.004310344827586207, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.015748031496062992, 0.006172839506172839, 0.006289308176100629, 0.0048543689320388345, 0, 0.04081632653061224, 0, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0.009345794392523364, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.0091324200913242, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0.025, 0.014814814814814815, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0.02912621359223301, 0, 0, 0, 0.01680672268907563, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03389830508474576, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0.04, 0, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0.04, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0.00980392156862745, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0.006896551724137931, 0.021739130434782608, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0.037037037037037035, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0.011627906976744186, 0.022222222222222223, 0.013333333333333334, 0.015873015873015872, 0.006172839506172839, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0.008522727272727272, 0, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0.02666666666666667, 0.016129032258064516, 0.006060606060606061, 0.012195121951219513, 0.006968641114982578, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.0030864197530864196, 0.0064516129032258064, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.006329113924050633, 0.008620689655172414, 0.022222222222222223, 0.013888888888888888, 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0.011764705882352941, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0.003787878787878788, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.007352941176470588, 0.013215859030837005, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.0041841004184100415, 0, 0.03389830508474576, 0.030303030303030304, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0, 0.027522935779816515, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0.04, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0.007042253521126761, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.01818181818181818, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0051813471502590676, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0.00510204081632653, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0.009478672985781991, 0.005128205128205128, 0.011976047904191617, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0.004464285714285714, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0, 0.0033783783783783786, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.01, 0.020134228187919462, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0.02040816326530612, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0.06060606060606061, 0.01507537688442211, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.058823529411764705, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0.023255813953488372, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0, 0, 0.04, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0.01, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0, 0, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0.023809523809523808, 0.013157894736842105, 0.020618556701030927, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.015384615384615385, 0.008547008547008548, 0.017699115044247787, 0.02030456852791878, 0.02142857142857143, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0.012658227848101266, 0.03007518796992481, 0.02040816326530612, 0.007462686567164179, 0.02, 0, 0, 0.0375, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0.01680672268907563, 0, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0.0056179775280898875, 0.006535947712418301, 0.01092896174863388, 0.012012012012012012, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0.005263157894736842, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.0045662100456621, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0.0106951871657754, 0.008695652173913044, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0.021052631578947368, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.025974025974025976, 0, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0.00851063829787234, 0, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0.014492753623188406, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.02, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0.028169014084507043, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0.004347826086956522, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0.009259259259259259, 0.007042253521126761, 0.00909090909090909, 0.005376344086021506, 0.005263157894736842, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.00546448087431694, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.015151515151515152, 0.007352941176470588, 0.029411764705882353, 0.005434782608695652, 0.02142857142857143, 0.016666666666666666, 0.025210084033613446, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016216216216216217, 0.005780346820809248, 0, 0.03773584905660377, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0.009615384615384616, 0.01818181818181818, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.07692307692307693, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023622047244094488, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0.018404907975460124, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0.004545454545454545, 0.026785714285714284, 0, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.0111731843575419, 0, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.07692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0.015748031496062992, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0.041666666666666664, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023529411764705882, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0.005917159763313609, 0, 0, 0, 0.004807692307692308, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0026455026455026454, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0.025, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0.0071174377224199285, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0.037037037037037035, 0.025, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0.04, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0.015748031496062992, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0.023255813953488372, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013986013986013986, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0.008849557522123894, 0.005988023952095809, 0, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0.013793103448275862, 0.015873015873015872, 0.018691588785046728, 0, 0.023622047244094488, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.018691588785046728, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0.016304347826086956, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.00909090909090909, 0.00819672131147541, 0.0045871559633027525, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0.01107011070110701, 0.006097560975609756, 0.02040816326530612, 0.006920415224913495, 0.009174311926605505, 0.00909090909090909, 0.1111111111111111, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.041666666666666664, 0.020833333333333332, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0.007067137809187279, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023529411764705882, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02197802197802198, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020618556701030927, 0.03076923076923077, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.04878048780487805, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0.10526315789473684, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0.00423728813559322, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0.02, 0, 0.02, 0.03076923076923077, 0, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.01639344262295082, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.013333333333333334, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0.014184397163120567, 0.011560693641618497, 0.012121212121212121, 0.01948051948051948, 0, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0, 0.012307692307692308, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0.005154639175257732, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0.005988023952095809, 0.010869565217391304, 0.009523809523809525, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0.037037037037037035, 0.015384615384615385, 0.017241379310344827, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.025, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0.025, 0.025, 0, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018691588785046728, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00816326530612245, 0, 0, 0.015267175572519083, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0.018691588785046728, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.014084507042253521, 0.019230769230769232, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0.046511627906976744, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0.004545454545454545, 0, 0, 0, 0.05, 0, 0.02247191011235955, 0.0136986301369863, 0.010526315789473684, 0.01098901098901099, 0.009174311926605505, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0.025974025974025976, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.018867924528301886, 0.03125, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0.006493506493506494, 0.04, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0.013793103448275862, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.025806451612903226, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.03125, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0.016, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.006578947368421052, 0.033707865168539325, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.018726591760299626, 0.004405286343612335, 0.00510204081632653, 0.013574660633484163, 0.018867924528301886, 0.009708737864077669, 0.04, 0.022222222222222223, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0.044444444444444446, 0.015151515151515152, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.03076923076923077, 0, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0035211267605633804, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0.0029069767441860465, 0.011904761904761904, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0.125, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0, 0.016042780748663103, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0.008403361344537815, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.013605442176870748, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0.02, 0.02040816326530612, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0.07692307692307693, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0.014705882352941176, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0.0056179775280898875, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03636363636363636, 0.014925373134328358, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0.025, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0, 0.01652892561983471, 0.01694915254237288, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0.0425531914893617, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0.012578616352201259, 0.010869565217391304, 0.012658227848101266, 0.020833333333333332, 0.016666666666666666, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0.018518518518518517, 0.006211180124223602, 0.024390243902439025, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0.011764705882352941, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.024096385542168676, 0, 0.07692307692307693, 0.019230769230769232, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 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0.034482758620689655, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014814814814814815, 0, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0, 0.004545454545454545, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0.044444444444444446, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.011560693641618497, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0.05714285714285714, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0.01568627450980392, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 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[ "Follow us :\n\nWhat to watch for in 2016\n\nThe 2015 year ends pretty much as it started. ", "Some promises were delivered, some fell short. ", "At least for now. ", "With mobile continuing to dominate as the number one gateway to the online experience and visual being its strongest appeal, one would have thought that visual tech would have exploded by now. ", "But not yet. ", "At least not at full capacity.", "\n\nWhile image advertising has taken a foothold on all major social media site, with Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest adding a “buy” button within photos, most of the effort has been peripheral. ", "Companies like Snapchat, as those previously mentioned, have rather increased the visual experience, adding channels, slide shows or formats in order to increase time spent, rather than delivering stronger link baits. ", "As if they were more interested in enhancing their platforms potential to deliver rather than actually delivering. ", "Nevertheless, brands have been quick to adopt, as numbers on Instagram have demonstrated.", "\n\nInstagram will bring in $595 million in mobile ad revenues worldwide this year, and $2.81 billion by 2017\n\nFor 2016, we can expect experimentation to continue. ", "Estimated at 4 Billion photographers creating 1.2 trillion images in 2015 alone, and with 63% of social media made of images, there is no slowing down users’ addiction to photography. ", "Messaging apps like WhatsApp, with almost 500,000 photos shared every minute, have yet to enter the market, while others, like Flickr or Tumblr seem to have taken a back seat to innovation. ", "Outside of the wall gardens, unfortunately, not much has happened. ", "While in-image companies like Znaptag, GumGum or Netseer continue to develop their network, they seem to focus exclusively on fast, low CPM, automated, voluminous delivery, leaving user experience as an after thought. ", "They might soon be facing the growing wrath of adblocking before they even have a chance to mature.", "\n\nVisual recognition, as we expected, has also gone mainstream, as we close the year with Google famously opening its engine for free, to anyone with API experience. ", "While still riddled with embarrassing false positive, the technology has appeared on Apple, Flickr and Google Photos as well as in myriads of photo or shopping phone apps. ", "It’s just a beginning. ", "For now, its applications are limited to auto-tagging, content matching and clustering of similar content. ", "With rare exceptions.", "\n\nFor 2016, we should finally see some more semantic applications that would greatly enhance user’s experience. ", "The next step of visual recognition is to start linking the discovery of content with relevant information so that photos ( or videos) become the stepping stone to more knowledge. ", "By identifying objects in photos, our connected devices will be able to link them to any other relevant content. ", "Like opening door. ", "Pictures of Sushi seen on Facebook, for example, could\n\nBeyond voice commands: Appliances will act upon visual cues.", "\n\nautomatically link to nearby Sushi restaurant via Yelp. ", "Locations could pull up maps and concert photos, iTunes songs. ", "Facebook has already started experimenting with the concept by identifying friends in photos and suggesting you share those with them. ", "But there is much more that can be done. ", "With IoT getting traction, we will more and more interact visually with objects around us and they, in turn, will learn to read from visual cues only. ", "Already doors can open just by using face recognition. ", "Beyond voice commands, our appliances, using visual recognition, will automatically act upon identifying their surroundings.", "\n\nWe saw VR point its nose in 2015, mostly via gear and a few underwhelming content. ", "Since novelty beats dullness, it served as a teaser for things to come. ", "The big launch will happen around Oculus Rift‘s delivery of its glasses and anticipation is high. ", "While there are obvious applications for the gaming world (expect all new platforms to carry it), as well as for real estate and tourism, there are still questions on how much it will be adopted elsewhere.", "\n\nSony Playstation VR headset ( seen here) are expected to ship in 2016.", "\n\n2016 will be the VR year. ", "Not only in terms of launches but as well as usage. ", "Lead by Facebook’s efforts, everything and everyone will have some VR aspect. ", "Some will be exciting, most will be boring. ", "The result, by years end, will decide if VR will be just another fad or a technology forever embedded in our everyday lives. ", "The challenge for VR, in other words, is not in the hardware, but in the content. ", "For it to succeed, it will need to find its “killer app” outside of the gaming world. ", "Adding interactivity to the VR experience, where users can engage with what they are seeing, will certainly be a determining enhancement.", "\n\nWhich brings us to format. ", "2015 has seen a flurry of new photo formats introduced or expand. ", "Animated Gif, while having been around for a long time, have gone mainstream. ", "It’s on news websites, social media and in email marketing and shows no sign of slowing down. ", "Cinemagraph , its more sophisticated version, is starting to gain traction, already gathering 71% higher organic reach than still photographs. ", "A great tool for marketers, it has yet to gain mainstream traction mostly due to its more complex fabrication method. ", "In between sits Apple Live photos, just recently introduced. ", "While limited to iPhone users, it might gain widespread traction due to its native status in Facebook and ultimately in Instagram. ", "As well, Google just recently launched Google Cardboard camera, allowing anyone to easily create VR photos and shared them.", "\n\n2016 will certainly be the year of the new photo formats. ", "From camera manufacturers to independent app producers along with major social media\n\nPhotonomie‘s immersive 360 is one of the many new photo formats to appear.", "\n\nplatforms, everyone is experimenting in redefining what a photo is, and how it appears. ", "Finally using the full potential of electronic publishing, photos are breaking out from their 2-D shell and expanding our relationship to them. ", "Depth, movement, interactivity and sound are just a few of the attributes it is now adding to its previously flat and static appearance and we can expect a lot more to come. ", "Easier to create, to share and more fun to consume, the new photo formats will overtake its ancestor in the years to come. ", "Expect the year 2016 to be full of new experiments with some becoming standards in the near future.", "\n\nFinally, a word on computational imaging. ", "2015 has been a breakout year where we saw research lab experiments surface. ", "Some applications are starting to appear in mobile phone processors with much more on the way. ", "Pretty soon, it will be impossible to take a bad picture. ", "From reframing to focus correction, via automated pixel editing, our pictures will hardly look like those we initially took. ", "Since all mobile manufacturers have put photo quality at the top of their features list, the results will only be limited to the chip’s power. ", "While it will irritate photo purists, it will certainly be an extra boost to the photo taking/sharing frenzy.", "\n\n2016 promises to be even more visual than 2015 and the technology surrounding it will continue to expand in a multitude of directions. ", "With Millions of dollars being poured in research by companies like Samsung, Qualcomm, Apple, Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Adobe and Facebook along with ingenious solutions discovered by enthusiastic startups, we can only expect the upcoming year to deliver even more visual tech innovations than previous years.", "\n\nPaul Melcher is the founder of Kaptur and Managing Director of Melcher System, a consultancy for visual technology firms. ", "He is an entrepreneur, advisor, and consultant with a rich background in visual tech, content licensing, business strategy, and technology with more than 20 years experience in developing world-renowned photo-based companies with already two successful exits." ]
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[ "The coronavirus, or COVID-19, is going to strain America’s biggest cities financially, and Chicago is likely to feel the most pain.", "\n\nS&P Global Ratings looked at 10 of the biggest cities in America — Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Francisco, Seattle — and weighed various factors like each city’s cash balance, their reliance on property, sales, and income taxes, intergovernmental revenues, and pension obligations, among others.", "\n\nThe authors found that while all 10 cities “enjoy proactive management teams,” COVID-19 will put immense pressure on them to “respond quickly and adequately.”", "\n\nOne of the cities facing immense pressure is Chicago.", "\n\n“Chicago's … uphill climb has gotten harder with the addition of COVID-19 and recession pressures on a city already struggling to regain structural balance,” the authors stated.", "\n\nChicago has the lowest rating among all of the 10 major cities in the U.S. that S&P looked at, at BBB+, which denotes that the city’s bonds are still investment grade.", "\n\nView photos People wait in line in their cars to get tested for COVID-19 at Roseland Community Hospital in Chicago, Illinois on April 3, 2020. (", "Photo: E. Jason Wambsgans/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images) More\n\nEffect on pension system ‘could range from benign to catastrophic’\n\nChicago is walking a tightrope trying to balance all of its financial commitments.", "\n\nFor one, it has a huge pension obligation. ", "The city participates in four pension plans “with a combined funded ratio of only 22.9% and a combined net pension liability of $30.1 billion as of Dec. 31, 2018,” which are sensitive to the markets, the authors noted. ", "Hence, market volatility “could have an outsized effect on the funds,” they warned.", "\n\nAnd Chicago will incur further expenses from COVID-19 and related costs.", "\n\nThe city will likely be able to cope in the short term, but in the long term, “the damage the ensuing recession will inflict on the city's pension plans could range from benign to catastrophic,” the authors stated.", "\n\nAdditionally, “economically sensitive revenues” like transport tax, shared-state income tax, and other revenue sources could also be at risk — and that’s significant, as that money previously made up 35% of Chicago’s key operating revenues in fiscal 2018.", "\n\nUltimately, the level of pain will depend on the city’s management of the issues.", "\n\nView photos Coronavirus case continue to rise in the U.S. (David Foster/Yahoo Finance) More\n\nChicago also least prepared for a recession\n\nS&P is not the only one worried about Chicago.", "\n\nIn a separate report by Moody’s Investor Service published last year, the city was also singled out as one of the least prepared for a recession.", "\n\nUsing four main factors to determine how prepared a city was for a recession — fiscal volatility, reserve coverage, financial flexibility, and pension risk — the researchers found that most of the largest 25 U.S. cities are prepared to handle a recession like the previous one, but the two cities of Chicago and Detroit were not.", "\n\nAccording to Moody’s analysis of the cities’ bond ratings, which is a measure of the quality of the creditworthiness of corporate or government-grade bonds, an “investment grade” rating refers to bonds that present a relatively low risk of default: “Aaa” and “Aa1” denote the highest credit quality while “Ba1,” “Ba2,” “Ba3” and others denote medium credit quality and non-investment grade." ]
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[ "DoDonPachi (Arcade) review\n\n\"What is DoDonPachi? ", "If you answered ''a shooter,'' you are wrong. ", "Go home, go directly home, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.", "\n\"\n\nWhat is DoDonPachi? ", "If you answered ''a shooter,'' you are wrong. ", "Go home, go directly home, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.", "\n\nDoDonPachi is every great thrill that life has to offer. ", "It's the steepest hill on a rollercoaster, the most tender steak you've ever eaten, the fastest car you've ever driven, the best sex you've ever had. ", "Bullets are fired from enemy turrets faster than you can sweat them, but there isn't the same kind of panic here that is found in other shooters. ", "Ammunition pounds out of the turrets forcefully in other games, but not so in DDP. ", "Here it just sort of wafts out of the cannons, letting the wind carry it where it will. ", "Walls of gunfire crash into you, and yet DDP finds that perfect balance of order and chaos that lets you face a number of bullets so high it doesn't exist yet and slip through all the cracks unscathed, leaving you to wipe the drool from your chin and wonder how on earth you did it.", "\n\nOver and over again, tanks and planes look you straight in the eye and unload oceans of bullets on you. ", "Although your heart palpitates and painful shivers course down your spine, you never feel your confidence shaken, because DoDonPachi gives you a weapon worthy of killing gods - the mightiest laser in all of video game history. ", "When rapidly tapped, you and the almost unnoticeable miniature planes flanking you fire a three-way shot that has its use in certain sticky situations but can cramp the finger of even the most diehard shooter fanatic. ", "Hold down that fire button, however, and what you see is perfection flowing from the barrel of your guns. ", "Picture Ryu channeling all his energy into an endless, streaming hadoken, or a solar flare coming out of a cigarette lighter, and you have a good idea of the intensity of your arsenal in DDP. ", "Add to this a super bomb of pyrotechnic divinity that either blows up the entire screen or becomes an extension of your eternal laser based on whether or not you're holding the fire button, and you have all you need to take on innumerable enemy units.", "\n\nWith these accoutrements you are sent out into the harsh world of DoDonPachi, which excitedly anticipates your arrival. ", "You get a sense that the game wants to save some of its greatest surprises for later on in the game, and so the gunfire, while not as reserved as it could be, still is somewhat. ", "But even before you reach the first boss, DDP blows its load early, spewing a bright orgasm of magenta and electric blue bullets in your face that continues through the rest of the game. ", "Most of the bullets head straight at you in normal shooter fashion. ", "Others are more theatrical, and you'll lose more than one life staring at laser rainstorms and pods that burst open to let the ammunition they house float in the breeze like fragile dandelion seeds blown from their stems. ", "Give the standard shots some interesting fanning and homing formations and you'll be eternally thankful for your ship's mercifully small hitbox.", "\n\nIt's simply amazing the way the elements of the game are all at one with each other. ", "Everything in DoDonPachi is sheer brilliance, from the bosses taking up half a screen and spilling their artillery in your lap to the pulse-pounding soundtrack laden with electric guitars and blunt stacatto strings. ", "Stars pour out from the craters left by the dead, more badges of pride in ability than cheap trinkets for points. ", "And best of all, you're rarely without sufficient power-ups: the appropriate icons swim about the screen when your ship explodes and a maximizing power-up appears if the need to continue arises (and unless you're God, it will). ", "Prodigious use of the infinite laser and your super bombs will keep the kamikaze hordes at bay, but only for so long - this is a game that demands a knack for calculated thought and fingers faster than a door-to-door sales pitch.", "\n\nWhile even a novice will get the feeling that DoDonPachi is not quite as hard as a shooter has the potential to be, it is nevertheless ruthless in the way it besets legions of war ships upon your tiny yet well-equipped vessel. ", "If your testicles haven't yet dropped, this game will give them the push they need. ", "DoDonPachi is the kind of game that causes voice changes and puts hair on chests, regardless of gender or age. ", "Your thumbs have probably gotten plenty of exercise from mind-numbing platformers and time-killing RPGs; let the rest of your hands in on the fun for once. ", "Just one intense level in, and they'll be thanking you for it.", "\n\nIf you ever want to know why arcades eventually fell out of favor in America, just play DoDonPachi. ", "It will have you wondering all the more.", "\n\nI’m a sucker for a solid create-a-character mode, to the point where it often distracts me from getting anything else done in a game. ", "I could make wrestlers for hours without doing any actual wrestling, or spend a day assembling a football team full of wide receivers that are seven-foot-four, 400 pounds, and can outrun...\n\nDon't talk to Frank Castle about anger issues. ", "He's a walking one. ", "But then, you would be too if you and your family witnessed a botched mob hit and the hitmen killed your entire family to prevent being ratted out.", "\n\nFeedback\n\nIf you enjoyed this DoDonPachi review, you're encouraged to discuss it with the author and with other members of the site's community. ", "If you don't already have an HonestGamers account, you can sign up for one in a snap. ", "Thank you for reading!", "\n\nYou must be signed into an HonestGamers user account to leave feedback on this review." ]
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[ "Optand Teknikland\n\nTeknikland is a military history and technology museum which is located at the Östersund-Optand airfield southwest of Östersund. ", "\nTeknikland has one of Sweden's largest collections of civilian and military aircraft. ", "On the grounds howitzers, Bofors guns and armoured personal carriers are also displayed.", "\n\nHistory\nTeknikland was opened on 5 June 2010. ", "The basis for the museum was the Jämtlands Flyg- och Lottamuseum which opened in 1994. ", "The museum is run by the Aktiebolag Jämtland Teknikland AB. ", "Shareholders are Jamtli and a number of nonprofit organizations. ", "The museum is funded by Statens Försvarshistoriska museer, the European Regional Development Fund, and private donors.", "\n\nThe museum consists of three permanent and a number of temporary exhibitions. ", "One of the permanent exhibitions is called the Garage (Garaget) and consists of antique cars and buses. ", "This building also hosts a workshop for kids based on the educational concept KomTek. ", "The permanent aircraft exhibition Flyg- och Lottamuseum contains all the jet-aircraft that have previously been deployed by Jämtland Air Force Wing (Jämtlands Flygflottilj). ", "\n\nThere is also an exhibition dedicated to the Swedish Women's Voluntary Defence Service ( Svenska Lottakåren) which operated a canteen on the airfield during the 1930s–1940s (when the airfield was a secret military airbase in preparation for a German attack). ", "\n\nThe third permanent exhibition is the Garrison (Garnisonen) containing weapons, uniforms and other artifacts of Swedish army history, mostly from the former Östersund regiments I 5 and A 4.", "\nThe visitor is able to learn about the Carolean Death March; a disastrous retreat by a Swedish Carolean army under the command of Lieutenant-general Carl Gustaf Armfeldtt (1666–1736) across the Tydal mountain range in Norway around the new year 1718–1719.", "\n\nSee also\nSwedish Air Force Museum\nVästerås Flygmuseum\nList of aerospace museums\n\nNotes\n\nExternal links\nTeknikland website\n\nCategory:Transport museums in Sweden\nCategory:Museums in Jämtland County\nCategory:Automobile museums in Sweden\nCategory:Technology museums\nCategory:Aerospace museums in Sweden" ]
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[ " Case: 15-12821 Date Filed: 06/13/2016 Page: 1 of 8\n\n\n [DO NOT PUBLISH]\n\n\n\n IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n\n FOR THE ELEVENTH CIRCUIT\n ________________________\n\n No. ", "15-12821\n Non-Argument Calendar\n ________________________\n\n D.C. Docket No. ", "2:14-cv-00535-AKK\n\n\n\nCORNELIUS MAHONE,\n\n Plaintiff-Appellant,\n\n versus\n\nCSX TRANSPORTATION, INC.,", "\n\n Defendant-Appellee.", "\n\n ________________________\n\n Appeal from the United States District Court\n for the Northern District of Alabama\n ________________________\n\n (June 13, 2016)\n\n\n\nBefore JORDAN, JULIE CARNES and JILL PRYOR, Circuit Judges.", "\n\nPER CURIAM:\n\f Case: 15-12821 Date Filed: 06/13/2016 Page: 2 of 8\n\n\n Cornelius Mahone, an African-American train conductor, appeals the district\n\ncourt’s grant of CSX Transportation, Inc.’s (“CSXT”) motion for summary\n\njudgment as to Mahone’s allegations of racial harassment under Title VII of the\n\nCivil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”), 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2(a)(1), and 42 U.S.C.\n\n§ 1981. ", "On appeal, he contends that the district court erred in granting summary\n\njudgment because his coworkers’ use of the term “homeboy” was sufficient to\n\ncreate a hostile work environment. ", "Upon review of the record and consideration of\n\nthe parties’ briefs, we affirm.", "\n\n I.\n\n On or about September 26, 2011, CSXT employee Christopher Ellis called\n\nthe company’s ethics hotline to register a complaint against Mahone. ", "1 Ellis\n\ncomplained that Mahone threatened him and his family after he called Mahone\n\n“sleepyhead” over CSXT’s internal radio. ", "Decl. ", "of Linda Mundy ¶ 16, Doc. ", "31-17\n\nat 6.2 Ellis stated that Mahone responded on a mobile phone, warning Ellis that\n\n“you don’t know who you’re f[*]cking with” and “you don’t know what can\n\nhappen.” ", "Id. ¶ 17 (alteration in original). ", "A coworker who overheard the\n\ninteraction said that Mahone told Ellis that Mahone was “going to do something to\n\n\n\n\n 1\n In reviewing the district court’s grant of summary judgment, we recount the facts in the\nlight most favorable to Mahone. ", "See infra section II.", "\n 2\n “Doc.” ", "refers to the docket entry in the district court record in this case.", "\n 2\n\f Case: 15-12821 Date Filed: 06/13/2016 Page: 3 of 8\n\n\n[Ellis] in Mobile,” that he knew where Ellis lived, and that for $500 he could get\n\none of his buddies to “take care” of Ellis. ", "Id. ¶ 18 (alteration in original).", "\n\n Ellis also complained to Melvin Murray, Mahone’s supervisor. ", "Murray then\n\nnotified his supervisor, who instructed him to assess a disciplinary infraction\n\nagainst Mahone for threatening workplace violence and against Ellis for using the\n\ncompany’s internal radio improperly. ", "CSXT removed Mahone from service\n\npending an investigative hearing. ", "Mark Mayo, the manager responsible for\n\ndisciplinary issues in Mahone’s division, cancelled the hearing in an effort to\n\nresolve the complaint informally without risking Mahone’s employment. ", "Instead,\n\nMayo scheduled a staff meeting for November 2011 with Mahone, Ellis, Murray,\n\ntwo union representatives, and two witnesses to the interaction. ", "Mahone recorded\n\nthis meeting without the knowledge of anyone else present.", "\n\n During the staff meeting, Mayo and the union representatives highlighted the\n\nimportance of communication and observing regulations. ", "A witness to the incident\n\nstated that Mahone told Ellis to “watch [his] back . . . [", "because Mahone was going\n\nto] pay [his] homeboy $500 to ride by over at [Ellis’s] house.” ", "Meeting Audio at\n\n1:25:25, Doc. ", "35-1. ", "At that point, Mahone and his coworkers began shouting at\n\neach other while Mayo, Murray, and the union representatives attempted to calm\n\nthem down. ", "A union representative asked Mahone to assure Ellis that he would\n\nnot come by Ellis’s house. ", "After another heated discussion, Mahone claimed that\n\n\n 3\n\f Case: 15-12821 Date Filed: 06/13/2016 Page: 4 of 8\n\n\nhis coworkers were racially harassing him by making false statements. ", "Mahone\n\ncharacterized these false accusations as a hate crime. ", "The union representative\n\nreplied that “this [was] not about a black and white issue.” ", "Id. at 1:33:20. ", "Mayo\n\ntold Ellis that he should not have called Mahone a sleepyhead and that Mahone\n\nshould not have picked up the phone to respond to Ellis. ", "Mayo declined to\n\ndiscipline Mahone for the alleged threat, but he explained to all of the parties that\n\nif they could not work together they should find employment elsewhere. ", "Mahone\n\ndid not make any further allegations of racial harassment after the meeting.", "\n\n In April 2013, Mahone filed a claim for racial discrimination, retaliation,\n\nand harassment against CSXT with the Equal Employment Opportunity\n\nCommission (“EEOC”). ", "3 The EEOC was unable to conclude that CSXT violated\n\nTitle VII and issued Mahone a notice of his right to sue in federal or state court.", "\n\n In February 2014, Mahone sued CSXT in state court bringing causes of\n\naction under Title VII and § 1981 alleging racial discrimination, retaliation, and\n\nracial harassment. ", "CSXT removed the action to federal court based on federal\n\nquestion jurisdiction. ", "CSXT filed a motion for summary judgment, which the\n\n\n\n\n 3\n CSXT ultimately discharged Mahone in 2013 after he violated company policy with\nthree serious operating-rule violations in two years. ", "Mahone concedes that the incident at issue\nin this case did not result in his termination.", "\n 4\n\f Case: 15-12821 Date Filed: 06/13/2016 Page: 5 of 8\n\n\ndistrict court granted, dismissing all of Mahone’s claims. ", "Mahone now appeals the\n\ndismissal of his racial harassment claim. ", "4\n\n II.", "\n\n We review a grant of summary judgment de novo. ", "Holly v. Clairson Indus.,", "\n\nL.C.C., 492 F.3d 1247, 1255 (11th Cir. ", "2007). ", "Summary judgment is appropriate\n\nif, drawing all reasonable inferences in favor of the nonmoving party, the movant\n\nshows that there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the movant is\n\nentitled to judgment as a matter of law. ", "Fed. ", "R. Civ. ", "P. 56(a).", "\n\n III.", "\n\n Mahone argues that CSXT exposed him to a racially hostile working\n\nenvironment in violation of Title VII and § 1981. ", "Specifically, Mahone contends\n\nthat his white coworkers’ use of the word “homeboy” created a hostile work\n\nenvironment by characterizing Mahone as a “black thug or black gangster.”", "\n\nAppellant’s Br. ", "at 6.", "\n\n To establish a hostile work environment claim under Title VII or § 1981, a\n\nplaintiff must show:\n\n (1) that he belongs to a protected group; (2) that he has been subject to\n unwelcome harassment; (3) that the harassment must have been based\n\n 4\n Mahone does not appeal the dismissal of his racial discrimination and retaliation claims.", "\nWe thus need not consider these claims. ", "See Sapuppo v. Allstate Floridian Ins. ", "Co., 739 F.3d\n678, 680 (11th Cir. ", "2014) (“When an appellant fails to challenge properly on appeal one of the\ngrounds on which the district court based its judgment, he is deemed to have abandoned any\nchallenge of that ground, and it follows that the judgment is due to be affirmed.”).", "\n 5\n\f Case: 15-12821 Date Filed: 06/13/2016 Page: 6 of 8\n\n\n on a protected characteristic of the employee, such as national origin;\n (4) that the harassment was sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the\n terms and conditions of employment and create a discriminatorily\n abusive working environment; and (5) that the employer is\n responsible for such environment under either a theory of vicarious or\n of direct liability.", "\n\nMiller v. Kenworth of Dothan, Inc., 277 F.3d 1269, 1275 (11th Cir. ", "2002). ", "To\n\nsustain a hostile work environment claim, the plaintiff must prove that “the\n\nworkplace is permeated with discriminatory intimidation, ridicule, and insult that is\n\nsufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of the victim’s employment\n\nand create an abusive working environment.” ", "Harris v. Forklift Sys., ", "Inc., 510\n\nU.S. 17, 21 (1993) (citations and internal quotation marks omitted).5\n\n The district court properly granted summary judgment because, even\n\nviewing the evidence in the light most favorable to Mahone, he failed to come\n\nforward with evidence that the harassment was severe or pervasive enough to\n\namount to a racially hostile work environment. ", "This fourth element of the hostile\n\nwork environment test “includes a subjective and objective component.” ", "Mendoza\n\nv. Borden, Inc., 195 F.3d 1238, 1246 (11th Cir. ", "1999) (en banc). ", "In the objective\n\ninquiry, we consider “the totality of the circumstances” including the following\n\nfactors: the frequency of the conduct, the severity of the conduct, whether the\n\nconduct is physically threatening or humiliating or a mere offensive utterance, and\n\n 5\n Although Harris is a Title VII case, Title VII and § 1981 hostile work environment\nclaims have the same elements and are subject to the same analytical framework. ", "See Shields v.\nFort James Corp., 305 F.3d 1280, 1282 (11th Cir. ", "2002).", "\n 6\n\f Case: 15-12821 Date Filed: 06/13/2016 Page: 7 of 8\n\n\nwhether the conduct unreasonably interferes with the employee’s job performance.", "\n\nId. We must keep in mind that neither Title VII nor § 1981 is a “general civility\n\ncode” that makes actionable ordinary workplace “tribulations.” ", "Cotton v. Cracker\n\nBarrel Old Country Store, Inc., 434 F.3d 1227, 1234 (11th Cir. ", "2006) (internal\n\nquotation marks omitted). “[", "S]imple teasing, offhand comments, and isolated\n\nincidents (unless extremely serious) will not amount to discriminatory changes in\n\nthe terms and conditions of employment.” ", "Faragher v. City of Boca Raton, 524\n\nU.S. 775, 788 (1998) (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).", "\n\n Although Mahone may have subjectively perceived that the harassment was\n\nsevere enough to change the terms or conditions of his employment, we cannot say\n\nthat under the totality of the circumstances this perception was objectively\n\nreasonable. ", "The evidence here reflects only a single incident in which a coworker\n\nused a racially-charged word during a staff-meeting, but this conduct was not\n\nphysically threatening or humiliating, and the plaintiff suffered no adverse\n\nemployment actions.6 See Mendoza, 195 F.3d at 1246. ", "Additionally, this solitary\n\nevent 7 during Mahone’s multiyear employment at CSXT is too “isolated to\n\nestablish that [Mahone’s] employers’ conduct was so objectively severe or\n\n 6\n We assume for purposes of this appeal that the term “homeboy” was a racially-charged\nreference.", "\n 7\n There is some evidence in the record suggesting that Mahone encountered other\ninstances of racial harassment at least two years before this incident, such as when he saw a\nracial slur painted on a bathroom and a train engine. ", "But Mahone raises no argument on appeal\nthat these earlier incidents should be considered as part of the severe and pervasive harassment.", "\n 7\n\f Case: 15-12821 Date Filed: 06/13/2016 Page: 8 of 8\n\n\npervasive as to alter the terms and conditions of [his] employment.” ", "McCann v.\n\nTillman, 526 F.3d 1370, 1379 (11th Cir. ", "2008) (concluding that over more than\n\ntwo years of employment the use of one racially derogatory term in front of the\n\nplaintiff and two racial epithets outside of the plaintiff’s presence was insufficient\n\nto support a hostile work environment claim). ", "Although an isolated incident—if\n\ngrave enough—may render a work environment hostile, that is not the case here.", "\n\nSee Faragher, 524 U.S. at 788.", "\n\n Accordingly, the district court did not err in determining that Mahone failed\n\nto show that he was subjected to a hostile work environment.", "\n\n IV.", "\n\n For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the district court’s grant of summary\n\njudgment.", "\n\n AFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n\n 8\n\f" ]
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[ "This is bizzare. ", " Global Markets promised Jean this money and won't seem to write her a check. ", " It was also a low number relative to what was created for GM.", "\n\nJohn\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGossett, Jeffrey C. \nSent:\tTuesday, May 29, 2001 7:41 AM\nTo:\tLavorato, John\nCc:\tMrha, Jean\nSubject:\tFormosa - 1.25 Million\n\nJohn -\n\nGlobal Markets is maintaining that there are \"accounting issues\" with the $1.25 million. ", " Should we get Faith Killen or Wes to get this wrapped up?" ]
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= \"✂\"\n , clipX = \"✂x\"\n , clipY = \"✂y\"\n\n -- borders\n , borderNone = \"border-none\"\n , borderDashed = \"border-dashed\"\n , borderDotted = \"border-dotted\"\n , borderSolid = \"border-solid\"\n\n -- text weight\n , textThin = \"text-thin\"\n , textExtraLight = \"text-extra-light\"\n , textLight = \"text-light\"\n , textNormalWeight = \"text-normal-weight\"\n , textMedium = \"text-medium\"\n , textSemiBold = \"text-semi-bold\"\n , bold = \"bold\"\n , textExtraBold = \"text-extra-bold\"\n , textHeavy = \"text-heavy\"\n , italic = \"italic\"\n , strike = \"strike\"\n , underline = \"underline\"\n , textUnitalicized = \"text-unitalicized\"\n\n -- text alignment\n , textJustify = \"text-justify\"\n , textJustifyAll = \"text-justify-all\"\n , textCenter = \"text-center\"\n , textRight = \"text-right\"\n , textLeft = \"text-left\"\n }\n\n\nsingle =\n { root = \"z\"\n , any = \"s\"\n , single = \"e\"\n , row = \"r\"\n , column = \"c\"\n , page = \"l\"\n , paragraph = \"p\"\n , text = \"t\"\n , grid = \"g\"\n\n -- widhts/heights\n , widthFill = \"↔\"\n , widthContent = \"wc\"\n , widthExact = \"w\"\n , heightFill = \"↕\"\n , heightContent = \"hc\"\n , heightExact = \"h\"\n\n -- nearby elements\n , above = \"o\"\n , below = \"u\"\n , onRight = \"r\"\n , onLeft = \"l\"\n , inFront = \"f\"\n , behind = \"b\"\n\n -- alignments\n , alignTop = \"⤒\"\n , alignBottom = \"⤓\"\n , alignRight = \"⇥\"\n , alignLeft = \"⇤\"\n , alignCenterX = \"self-center-x\"\n , alignCenterY = \"self-center-y\"\n\n -- space evenly\n , spaceEvenly = \"space-evenly\"\n , container = \"container\"\n\n -- content alignments\n , contentTop = \"c⤒\"\n , contentBottom = \"c⤓\"\n , contentRight = \"c⇥\"\n , contentLeft = \"c⇤\"\n , contentCenterX = \"content-center-x\"\n , contentCenterY = \"content-center-y\"\n\n -- selection\n , noTextSelection = \"no-text-selection\"\n , cursorPointer = \"cursor-pointer\"\n , cursorText = \"cursor-text\"\n\n -- pointer events\n , passPointerEvents = \"pass-pointer-events\"\n , capturePointerEvents = \"capture-pointer-events\"\n , transparent = \"transparent\"\n , opaque = \"opaque\"\n\n --scrollbars\n , scrollbars = \"scrollbars\"\n , scrollbarsX = \"scrollbars-x\"\n , scrollbarsY = \"scrollbars-y\"\n , clip = \"✂\"\n , clipX = \"✂x\"\n , clipY = \"✂y\"\n\n -- borders\n , borderNone = \"border-none\"\n , borderDashed = \"border-dashed\"\n , borderDotted = \"border-dotted\"\n , borderSolid = \"border-solid\"\n\n -- text weight\n , textThin = \"text-thin\"\n , textExtraLight = \"text-extra-light\"\n , textLight = \"text-light\"\n , textNormalWeight = \"text-normal-weight\"\n , textMedium = \"text-medium\"\n , textSemiBold = \"text-semi-bold\"\n , bold = \"b\"\n , textExtraBold = \"text-extra-bold\"\n , textHeavy = \"text-heavy\"\n , italic = \"i\"\n , strike = \"-\"\n , underline = \"u\"\n , textUnitalicized = \"text-unitalicized\"\n\n -- text alignment\n , textJustify = \"text-justify\"\n , textJustifyAll = \"text-justify-all\"\n , textCenter = \"text-center\"\n , textRight = \"text-right\"\n , textLeft = \"text-left\"\n }\n\n\ndescribeAlignment values =\n let\n createDescription alignment =\n let\n ( content, indiv ) =\n values alignment\n in\n [ Descriptor (contentName (Content alignment)) <|\n content\n , Child (dot classes.any)\n [ Descriptor (selfName <| Self alignment) indiv\n ]\n ]\n in\n Batch <|\n List.concatMap createDescription alignments\n\n\ngridAlignments values =\n let\n createDescription alignment =\n [ Child (dot classes.any)\n [ Descriptor (selfName <| Self alignment) (values alignment)\n ]\n ]\n in\n Batch <|\n List.concatMap createDescription alignments\n\n\ntype SelfDescriptor\n = Self Alignment\n\n\ntype ContentDescriptor\n = Content Alignment\n\n\ntype Alignment\n = Top\n | Bottom\n | Right\n | Left\n | CenterX\n | CenterY\n\n\ntype Intermediate\n = Intermediate\n { selector : String\n , props : List ( String, String )\n , closing : String\n , others : List Intermediate\n }\n\n\nemptyIntermediate : String -> String -> Intermediate\nemptyIntermediate selector closing =\n Intermediate\n { selector = selector\n , props = []\n , closing = closing\n , others = []\n }\n\n\nrenderRules : Intermediate -> List Rule -> Intermediate\nrenderRules (Intermediate parent) rulesToRender =\n let\n generateIntermediates rule rendered =\n case rule of\n Prop name val ->\n { rendered | props = ( name, val ) :: rendered.props }\n\n Supports ( prop, value ) props ->\n { rendered\n | others =\n Intermediate\n { selector = \"@supports (\" ++ prop ++ \":\" ++ value ++ \") {\" ++ parent.selector\n , props = props\n , closing = \"\\n}\"\n , others = []\n }\n :: rendered.others\n }\n\n Adjacent selector adjRules ->\n { rendered\n | others =\n renderRules\n (emptyIntermediate (parent.selector ++ \" + \" ++ selector) \"\")\n adjRules\n :: rendered.others\n }\n\n Child child childRules ->\n { rendered\n | others =\n renderRules\n (emptyIntermediate (parent.selector ++ \" > \" ++ child) \"\")\n childRules\n :: rendered.others\n }\n\n AllChildren child childRules ->\n { rendered\n | others =\n renderRules\n (emptyIntermediate (parent.selector ++ \" \" ++ child) \"\")\n childRules\n :: rendered.others\n }\n\n Descriptor descriptor descriptorRules ->\n { rendered\n | others =\n renderRules\n (emptyIntermediate (parent.selector ++ descriptor) \"\")\n descriptorRules\n :: rendered.others\n }\n\n Batch batched ->\n { rendered\n | others =\n renderRules (emptyIntermediate parent.selector \"\") batched\n :: rendered.others\n }\n in\n Intermediate <| List.foldr generateIntermediates parent rulesToRender\n\n\nrender : List Class -> String\nrender classNames =\n let\n renderValues values =\n values\n |> List.map (\\( x, y ) -> \" \" ++ x ++ \": \" ++ y ++ \";\")\n |> String.join \"\\n\"\n\n renderClass rule =\n case rule.props of\n [] ->\n \"\"\n\n _ ->\n rule.selector ++ \" {\\n\" ++ renderValues rule.props ++ rule.closing ++ \"\\n}\"\n\n renderIntermediate (Intermediate rule) =\n renderClass rule\n ++ String.join \"\\n\" (List.map renderIntermediate rule.others)\n in\n classNames\n |> List.foldr\n (\\(Class name styleRules) existing ->\n renderRules (emptyIntermediate name \"\") styleRules :: existing\n )\n []\n |> List.map renderIntermediate\n |> String.join \"\\n\"\n\n\nrenderCompact : List Class -> String\nrenderCompact styleClasses =\n let\n renderValues values =\n values\n |> List.map (\\( x, y ) -> x ++ \":\" ++ y ++ \";\")\n |> String.concat\n\n renderClass rule =\n case rule.props of\n [] ->\n \"\"\n\n _ ->\n rule.selector ++ \"{\" ++ renderValues rule.props ++ rule.closing ++ \"}\"\n\n renderIntermediate (Intermediate rule) =\n renderClass rule\n ++ String.concat (List.map renderIntermediate rule.others)\n in\n styleClasses\n |> List.foldr\n (\\(Class name styleRules) existing ->\n renderRules (emptyIntermediate name \"\") styleRules :: existing\n )\n []\n |> List.map renderIntermediate\n |> String.concat\n\n\nviewportRules : String\nviewportRules =\n \"\"\"html, body {\n height: 100%;\n width: 100%;\n} \"\"\" ++ rules\n\n\ndescribeText : String -> List Rule -> Rule\ndescribeText cls props =\n Descriptor cls\n (List.map makeImportant props\n ++ [ Child \".text\"\n props\n , Child \".el\"\n props\n , Child \".el > .text\"\n props\n ]\n )\n\n\nmakeImportant : Rule -> Rule\nmakeImportant rule =\n case rule of\n Prop name prop ->\n Prop name (prop ++ \" !", "important\")\n\n _ ->\n rule\n\n\ndot c =\n \".\" ", "++ c\n\n\noverrides =\n \"\"\"@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {\"\"\"\n ++ dot classes.any\n ++ dot classes.row\n ++ \" > \"\n ++ dot classes.any\n ++ \" { flex-basis: auto !", "important; } \"\n ++ dot classes.any\n ++ dot classes.row\n ++ \" > \"\n ++ dot classes.any\n ++ dot classes.container\n ++ \" { flex-basis: auto !", "important; }}\"\n ++ inputTextReset\n ++ sliderReset\n ++ trackReset\n ++ thumbReset\n ++ explainer\n\n\ninputTextReset =\n \"\"\"\ninput[type=\"search\"],\ninput[type=\"search\"]::-webkit-search-decoration,\ninput[type=\"search\"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,\ninput[type=\"search\"]::-webkit-search-results-button,\ninput[type=\"search\"]::-webkit-search-results-decoration {\n -webkit-appearance:none;\n}\n\"\"\"\n\n\nsliderReset =\n \"\"\"\ninput[type=range] {\n -webkit-appearance: none; \n background: transparent;\n position:absolute;\n left:0;\n top:0;\n z-index:10;\n width: 100%;\n outline: dashed 1px;\n height: 100%;\n opacity: 0;\n}\n\"\"\"\n\n\ntrackReset =\n \"\"\"\ninput[type=range]::-moz-range-track {\n background: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-ms-track {\n background: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {\n background: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\"\"\"\n\n\nthumbReset =\n \"\"\"\ninput[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n opacity: 0.5;\n width: 80px;\n height: 80px;\n background-color: black;\n border:none;\n border-radius: 5px;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-moz-range-thumb {\n opacity: 0.5;\n width: 80px;\n height: 80px;\n background-color: black;\n border:none;\n border-radius: 5px;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-ms-thumb {\n opacity: 0.5;\n width: 80px;\n height: 80px;\n background-color: black;\n border:none;\n border-radius: 5px;\n}\ninput[type=range][orient=vertical]{\n writing-mode: bt-lr; /* IE */\n -webkit-appearance: slider-vertical; /* WebKit */\n}\n\"\"\"\n\n\nexplainer =\n \"\"\"\n.explain {\n border: 6px solid rgb(174, 121, 15) !", "important;\n}\n.explain > .\"\"\" ", "++ classes.any ++ \"\"\" {\n border: 4px dashed rgb(0, 151, 167) !", "important;\n}\n\n.ctr {\n border: none !", "important;\n}\n.explain > .ctr > .\"\"\" ", "++ classes.any ++ \"\"\" {\n border: 4px dashed rgb(0, 151, 167) !", "important;\n}\n\n\"\"\"\n\n\ncommonValues =\n List.concat\n [ List.map\n (\\x ->\n Class (\".border-\" ++ String.fromInt x) [ Prop \"border-width\" (String.fromInt x ++ \"px\") ]\n )\n (List.range 0 6)\n , List.map\n (\\i ->\n Class (\".font-size-\" ++ String.fromInt i) [ Prop \"font-size\" (String.fromInt i ++ \"px\") ]\n )\n (List.range 8 32)\n , List.map\n (\\i ->\n Class (\".p-\" ++ String.fromInt i) [ Prop \"padding\" (String.fromInt i ++ \"px\") ]\n )\n (List.range 0 24)\n\n -- Common Font Variants\n , [ Class \".v-smcp\"\n [ Prop \"font-variant\" \"small-caps\"\n ]\n , Class \".v-smcp-off\"\n [ Prop \"font-variant\" \"normal\"\n ]\n ]\n\n -- , fontVariant \"smcp\"\n , fontVariant \"zero\"\n , fontVariant \"onum\"\n , fontVariant \"liga\"\n , fontVariant \"dlig\"\n , fontVariant \"ordn\"\n , fontVariant \"tnum\"\n , fontVariant \"afrc\"\n , fontVariant \"frac\"\n ]\n\n\nfontVariant var =\n [ Class (\".v-\" ++ var)\n [ Prop \"font-feature-settings\" (\"\\\"\" ++ var ++ \"\\\"\")\n ]\n , Class (\".v-\" ++ var ++ \"-off\")\n [ Prop \"font-feature-settings\" (\"\\\"\" ++ var ++ \"\\\" 0\")\n ]\n ]\n\n\nrules : String\nrules =\n overrides\n ++ renderCompact (baseSheet ++ commonValues)\n\n\nelDescription =\n [ Prop \"display\" \"flex\"\n , Prop \"flex-direction\" \"column\"\n , Prop \"white-space\" \"pre\"\n , Descriptor (dot classes.hasBehind)\n [ Prop \"z-index\" \"0\"\n , Child (dot classes.behind)\n [ Prop \"z-index\" \"-1\"\n ]\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.seButton)\n -- Special default for text in a button.", "\n -- This is overridden is they put the text inside an `el`\n [ Child (dot classes.text)\n [ Descriptor (dot classes.heightFill)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"0\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.widthFill)\n [ Prop \"align-self\" \"auto !", "important\"\n ]\n ]\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.heightContent)\n [ Prop \"height\" \"auto\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.heightFill)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"100000\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.widthFill)\n [ -- alignLeft, alignRight, centerX are overridden by width.", "\n -- Prop \"align-self\" \"stretch !", "important\"\n Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.widthFillPortion)\n [ Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.widthContent)\n [ Prop \"align-self\" \"flex-start\"\n ]\n\n -- , Child (dot classes.widthFill)\n -- [ Prop \"align-self\" \"stretch\"\n -- , Descriptor (dot classes.alignedHorizontally)\n -- [ Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n -- ]\n -- ]\n , describeAlignment <|\n \\alignment ->\n case alignment of\n Top ->\n ( [ Prop \"justify-content\" \"flex-start\" ]\n , [ Prop \"margin-bottom\" \"auto !", "important\"\n , Prop \"margin-top\" \"0 !", "important\"\n ]\n )\n\n Bottom ->\n ( [ Prop \"justify-content\" \"flex-end\" ]\n , [ Prop \"margin-top\" \"auto !", "important\"\n , Prop \"margin-bottom\" \"0 !", "important\"\n ]\n )\n\n Right ->\n ( [ Prop \"align-items\" \"flex-end\" ]\n , [ Prop \"align-self\" \"flex-end\" ]\n )\n\n Left ->\n ( [ Prop \"align-items\" \"flex-start\" ]\n , [ Prop \"align-self\" \"flex-start\" ]\n )\n\n CenterX ->\n ( [ Prop \"align-items\" \"center\" ]\n , [ Prop \"align-self\" \"center\"\n ]\n )\n\n CenterY ->\n ( [ -- Prop \"justify-content\" \"center\"\n Child (dot classes.any)\n [ Prop \"margin-top\" \"auto\"\n , Prop \"margin-bottom\" \"auto\"\n ]\n ]\n , [ Prop \"margin-top\" \"auto !", "important\"\n , Prop \"margin-bottom\" \"auto !", "important\"\n ]\n )\n ]\n\n\nbaseSheet =\n [ Class \"html,body\"\n [ Prop \"height\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"padding\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"margin\" \"0\"\n ]\n , Class (dot classes.any ++ dot classes.single ++ dot classes.imageContainer)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"block\"\n ]\n , Class (dot classes.any ++ \":focus\")\n [ Prop \"outline\" \"none\"\n ]\n , Class (dot classes.root)\n [ Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"height\" \"auto\"\n , Prop \"min-height\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"z-index\" \"0\"\n , Descriptor\n (dot classes.any\n -- ++ dot classes.single\n ++ dot classes.heightFill\n )\n [ Prop \"height\" \"100%\"\n , Child (dot classes.heightFill)\n [ Prop \"height\" \"100%\"\n ]\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.inFront)\n [ Descriptor (dot classes.nearby)\n [ Prop \"position\" \"fixed\"\n ]\n ]\n ]\n , Class (dot classes.nearby)\n [ Prop \"position\" \"relative\"\n , Prop \"border\" \"none\"\n , Prop \"display\" \"flex\"\n , Prop \"flex-direction\" \"row\"\n , Prop \"flex-basis\" \"auto\"\n , Descriptor (dot classes.single)\n elDescription\n , Batch <|\n (\\fn -> List.map fn locations) <|\n \\loc ->\n case loc of\n Above ->\n Descriptor (dot classes.above)\n [ Prop \"position\" \"absolute\"\n , Prop \"bottom\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"left\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"z-index\" \"20\"\n , Prop \"margin\" \"0 !", "important\"\n , Child (dot classes.heightFill)\n [ Prop \"height\" \"auto\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.widthFill)\n [ Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n ]\n , Prop \"pointer-events\" \"none\"\n , Child \"*\"\n [ Prop \"pointer-events\" \"auto\"\n ]\n ]\n\n Below ->\n Descriptor (dot classes.below)\n [ Prop \"position\" \"absolute\"\n , Prop \"bottom\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"left\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"height\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"z-index\" \"20\"\n , Prop \"margin\" \"0 !", "important\"\n , Prop \"pointer-events\" \"none\"\n , Child \"*\"\n [ Prop \"pointer-events\" \"auto\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.heightFill)\n [ Prop \"height\" \"auto\"\n ]\n ]\n\n OnRight ->\n Descriptor (dot classes.onRight)\n [ Prop \"position\" \"absolute\"\n , Prop \"left\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"top\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"height\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"margin\" \"0 !", "important\"\n , Prop \"z-index\" \"20\"\n , Prop \"pointer-events\" \"none\"\n , Child \"*\"\n [ Prop \"pointer-events\" \"auto\"\n ]\n ]\n\n OnLeft ->\n Descriptor (dot classes.onLeft)\n [ Prop \"position\" \"absolute\"\n , Prop \"right\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"top\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"height\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"margin\" \"0 !", "important\"\n , Prop \"z-index\" \"20\"\n , Prop \"pointer-events\" \"none\"\n , Child \"*\"\n [ Prop \"pointer-events\" \"auto\"\n ]\n ]\n\n Within ->\n Descriptor (dot classes.inFront)\n [ Prop \"position\" \"absolute\"\n , Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"height\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"left\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"top\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"margin\" \"0 !", "important\"\n , Prop \"z-index\" \"20\"\n , Prop \"pointer-events\" \"none\"\n , Child \"*\"\n [ Prop \"pointer-events\" \"auto\"\n ]\n ]\n\n Behind ->\n Descriptor (dot classes.behind)\n [ Prop \"position\" \"absolute\"\n , Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"height\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"left\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"top\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"margin\" \"0 !", "important\"\n , Prop \"z-index\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"pointer-events\" \"none\"\n , Child \"*\"\n [ Prop \"pointer-events\" \"auto\"\n ]\n ]\n ]\n , Class (dot classes.any)\n [ Prop \"position\" \"relative\"\n , Prop \"border\" \"none\"\n , Prop \"flex-shrink\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"display\" \"flex\"\n , Prop \"flex-direction\" \"row\"\n , Prop \"flex-basis\" \"auto\"\n , Prop \"resize\" \"none\"\n , Prop \"font-feature-settings\" \"inherit\"\n\n -- , Prop \"flex-basis\" \"0%\"\n , Prop \"box-sizing\" \"border-box\"\n , Prop \"margin\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"padding\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"border-width\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"border-style\" \"solid\"\n\n -- inheritable font properties\n , Prop \"font-size\" \"inherit\"\n , Prop \"color\" \"inherit\"\n , Prop \"font-family\" \"inherit\"\n , Prop \"line-height\" \"1\"\n , Prop \"font-weight\" \"inherit\"\n\n -- Text decoration is *mandatorily inherited* in the css spec.", "\n -- There's no way to change this. ", " How crazy is that?", "\n , Prop \"text-decoration\" \"none\"\n , Prop \"font-style\" \"inherit\"\n , Descriptor (dot classes.wrapped)\n [ Prop \"flex-wrap\" \"wrap\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.noTextSelection)\n [ Prop \"-moz-user-select\" \"none\"\n , Prop \"-webkit-user-select\" \"none\"\n , Prop \"-ms-user-select\" \"none\"\n , Prop \"user-select\" \"none\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.cursorPointer)\n [ Prop \"cursor\" \"pointer\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.cursorText)\n [ Prop \"cursor\" \"text\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.passPointerEvents)\n [ Prop \"pointer-events\" \"none !", "important\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.capturePointerEvents)\n [ Prop \"pointer-events\" \"auto !", "important\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.transparent)\n [ Prop \"opacity\" \"0\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.opaque)\n [ Prop \"opacity\" \"1\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot (classes.hover ++ classes.transparent) ++ \":hover\")\n [ Prop \"opacity\" \"0\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot (classes.hover ++ classes.opaque) ++ \":hover\")\n [ Prop \"opacity\" \"1\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot (classes.focus ++ classes.transparent) ++ \":focus\")\n [ Prop \"opacity\" \"0\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot (classes.focus ++ classes.opaque) ++ \":focus\")\n [ Prop \"opacity\" \"1\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot (classes.active ++ classes.transparent) ++ \":active\")\n [ Prop \"opacity\" \"0\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot (classes.active ++ classes.opaque) ++ \":active\")\n [ Prop \"opacity\" \"1\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.transition)\n [ Prop \"transition\"\n (String.join \", \" <|\n List.map (\\x -> x ++ \" 160ms\")\n [ \"transform\"\n , \"opacity\"\n , \"filter\"\n , \"background-color\"\n , \"color\"\n , \"font-size\"\n ]\n )\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.scrollbars)\n [ Prop \"overflow\" \"auto\"\n , Prop \"flex-shrink\" \"1\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.scrollbarsX)\n [ Prop \"overflow-x\" \"auto\"\n , Descriptor (dot classes.row)\n [ Prop \"flex-shrink\" \"1\"\n ]\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.scrollbarsY)\n [ Prop \"overflow-y\" \"auto\"\n , Descriptor (dot classes.column)\n [ Prop \"flex-shrink\" \"1\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.single)\n [ Prop \"flex-shrink\" \"1\"\n ]\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.clip)\n [ Prop \"overflow\" \"hidden\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.clipX)\n [ Prop \"overflow-x\" \"hidden\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.clipY)\n [ Prop \"overflow-y\" \"hidden\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.widthContent)\n [ Prop \"width\" \"auto\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.borderNone)\n [ Prop \"border-width\" \"0\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.borderDashed)\n [ Prop \"border-style\" \"dashed\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.borderDotted)\n [ Prop \"border-style\" \"dotted\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.borderSolid)\n [ Prop \"border-style\" \"solid\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.text)\n [ Prop \"white-space\" \"pre\"\n , Prop \"display\" \"inline-block\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.inputText)\n -- chrome and safari have a minimum recognized line height for text input of 1.05\n -- If it's 1, it bumps up to something like 1.2\n [ Prop \"line-height\" \"1.05\"\n , Prop \"background\" \"transparent\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.single)\n elDescription\n , Descriptor (dot classes.row)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"flex\"\n , Prop \"flex-direction\" \"row\"\n , Child (dot classes.any)\n [ Prop \"flex-basis\" \"0%\"\n , Descriptor (dot classes.widthExact)\n [ Prop \"flex-basis\" \"auto\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.link)\n [ Prop \"flex-basis\" \"auto\"\n ]\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.heightFill)\n [ -- alignTop, centerY, and alignBottom need to be disabled\n Prop \"align-self\" \"stretch !", "important\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.heightFillPortion)\n [ -- alignTop, centerY, and alignBottom need to be disabled\n Prop \"align-self\" \"stretch !", "important\"\n ]\n\n -- TODO:: This may be necessary..should it move to classes.heightFIll?", "\n -- , Child (dot classes.heightFillBetween)\n -- [ Prop \"align-self\" \"stretch\"\n -- , Descriptor \".aligned-vertically\"\n -- [ Prop \"height\" \"100%\"\n -- ]\n -- ]\n , Child (dot classes.widthFill)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"100000\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.container)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"flex-basis\" \"auto\"\n , Prop \"align-self\" \"stretch\"\n ]\n\n -- , Child \"alignLeft:last-of-type.align-container-left\"\n -- [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"1\"\n -- ]\n -- alignRight -> <u>\n --centerX -> <s>\n , Child (\"u:first-of-type.\" ", "++ classes.alignContainerRight)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"1\"\n ]\n\n -- first center y\n , Child (\"s:first-of-type.\" ", "++ classes.alignContainerCenterX)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"1\"\n , Child (dot classes.alignCenterX)\n [ Prop \"margin-left\" \"auto !", "important\"\n ]\n ]\n , Child (\"s:last-of-type.\" ", "++ classes.alignContainerCenterX)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"1\"\n , Child (dot classes.alignCenterX)\n [ Prop \"margin-right\" \"auto !", "important\"\n ]\n ]\n\n -- lonley centerX\n , Child (\"s:only-of-type.\" ", "++ classes.alignContainerCenterX)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"1\"\n , Child (dot classes.alignCenterY)\n [ Prop \"margin-top\" \"auto !", "important\"\n , Prop \"margin-bottom\" \"auto !", "important\"\n ]\n ]\n\n -- alignBottom's after a centerX should not grow\n , Child\n (\"s:last-of-type.\" ", "++ classes.alignContainerCenterX ++ \" ~ u\")\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"0\"\n ]\n\n -- centerX's after an alignBottom should be ignored\n , Child (\"u:first-of-type.\" ", "++ classes.alignContainerRight ++ \" ~ s.\" ++ classes.alignContainerCenterX)\n -- Bottom alignment always overrides center alignment\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"0\"\n ]\n , describeAlignment <|\n \\alignment ->\n case alignment of\n Top ->\n ( [ Prop \"align-items\" \"flex-start\" ]\n , [ Prop \"align-self\" \"flex-start\"\n ]\n )\n\n Bottom ->\n ( [ Prop \"align-items\" \"flex-end\" ]\n , [ Prop \"align-self\" \"flex-end\"\n ]\n )\n\n Right ->\n ( [ Prop \"justify-content\" \"flex-end\"\n ]\n , []\n )\n\n Left ->\n ( [ Prop \"justify-content\" \"flex-start\"\n ]\n , []\n )\n\n CenterX ->\n ( [ Prop \"justify-content\" \"center\"\n ]\n , []\n )\n\n CenterY ->\n ( [ Prop \"align-items\" \"center\" ]\n , [ Prop \"align-self\" \"center\"\n ]\n )\n\n -- Must be below the alignment rules or else it interferes\n , Descriptor (dot classes.spaceEvenly)\n [ Prop \"justify-content\" \"space-between\"\n ]\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.column)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"flex\"\n , Prop \"flex-direction\" \"column\"\n , Child (dot classes.any)\n -- *Note* - While rows have flex-basis 0%,\n -- which allows for the children of a row to default to their content size\n -- This apparently is a different story for columns.", "\n -- Safari has an issue if this is flex-basis: 0%, as it goes entirely to 0,\n -- instead of the expected content size.", "\n [ Prop \"flex-basis\" \"auto\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.heightFill)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"100000\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.widthFill)\n [ -- alignLeft, alignRight, centerX need to be disabled\n -- Prop \"align-self\" \"stretch !", "important\"\n Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.widthFillPortion)\n [ -- alignLeft, alignRight, centerX need to be disabled\n -- Prop \"align-self\" \"stretch !", "important\"\n Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n ]\n\n -- TODO:: This might be necessary, maybe it should move to widthFill?", "\n -- , Child (dot classes.widthFill)\n -- [ Prop \"align-self\" \"stretch\"\n -- , Descriptor (dot classes.alignedHorizontally)\n -- [ Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n -- ]\n -- ]\n , Child (dot classes.widthContent)\n [ Prop \"align-self\" \"flex-start\"\n ]\n\n -- , Child \"alignTop:last-of-type.align-container-top\"\n -- [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"1\"\n -- ]\n , Child (\"u:first-of-type.\" ", "++ classes.alignContainerBottom)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"1\"\n ]\n\n -- centerY -> <s>\n -- alignBottom -> <u>\n -- first center y\n , Child (\"s:first-of-type.\" ", "++ classes.alignContainerCenterY)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"1\"\n , Child (dot classes.alignCenterY)\n [ Prop \"margin-top\" \"auto !", "important\"\n , Prop \"margin-bottom\" \"0 !", "important\"\n ]\n ]\n , Child (\"s:last-of-type.\" ", "++ classes.alignContainerCenterY)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"1\"\n , Child (dot classes.alignCenterY)\n [ Prop \"margin-bottom\" \"auto !", "important\"\n , Prop \"margin-top\" \"0 !", "important\"\n ]\n ]\n\n -- lonley centerY\n , Child (\"s:only-of-type.\" ", "++ classes.alignContainerCenterY)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"1\"\n , Child (dot classes.alignCenterY)\n [ Prop \"margin-top\" \"auto !", "important\"\n , Prop \"margin-bottom\" \"auto !", "important\"\n ]\n ]\n\n -- alignBottom's after a centerY should not grow\n , Child (\"s:last-of-type.\" ", "++ classes.alignContainerCenterY ++ \" ~ u\")\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"0\"\n ]\n\n -- centerY's after an alignBottom should be ignored\n , Child (\"u:first-of-type.\" ", "++ classes.alignContainerBottom ++ \" ~ s.\" ++ classes.alignContainerCenterY)\n -- Bottom alignment always overrides center alignment\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"0\"\n ]\n , describeAlignment <|\n \\alignment ->\n case alignment of\n Top ->\n ( [ Prop \"justify-content\" \"flex-start\" ]\n , [ Prop \"margin-bottom\" \"auto\" ]\n )\n\n Bottom ->\n ( [ Prop \"justify-content\" \"flex-end\" ]\n , [ Prop \"margin-top\" \"auto\" ]\n )\n\n Right ->\n ( [ Prop \"align-items\" \"flex-end\" ]\n , [ Prop \"align-self\" \"flex-end\" ]\n )\n\n Left ->\n ( [ Prop \"align-items\" \"flex-start\" ]\n , [ Prop \"align-self\" \"flex-start\" ]\n )\n\n CenterX ->\n ( [ Prop \"align-items\" \"center\" ]\n , [ Prop \"align-self\" \"center\"\n ]\n )\n\n CenterY ->\n ( [ Prop \"justify-content\" \"center\" ]\n , []\n )\n , Child (dot classes.container)\n [ Prop \"flex-grow\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"flex-basis\" \"auto\"\n , Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"align-self\" \"stretch !", "important\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.spaceEvenly)\n [ Prop \"justify-content\" \"space-between\"\n ]\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.grid)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"-ms-grid\"\n , Child \".gp\"\n [ Child (dot classes.any)\n [ Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n ]\n ]\n , Supports ( \"display\", \"grid\" )\n [ ( \"display\", \"grid\" )\n ]\n , gridAlignments <|\n \\alignment ->\n case alignment of\n Top ->\n [ Prop \"justify-content\" \"flex-start\" ]\n\n Bottom ->\n [ Prop \"justify-content\" \"flex-end\" ]\n\n Right ->\n [ Prop \"align-items\" \"flex-end\" ]\n\n Left ->\n [ Prop \"align-items\" \"flex-start\" ]\n\n CenterX ->\n [ Prop \"align-items\" \"center\" ]\n\n CenterY ->\n [ Prop \"justify-content\" \"center\" ]\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.page)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"block\"\n , Child (dot <| classes.any ++ \":first-child\")\n [ Prop \"margin\" \"0 !", "important\"\n ]\n\n -- clear spacing of any subsequent element if an element is float-left\n , Child (dot <| classes.any ++ selfName (Self Left) ++ \":first-child + .\" ", "++ classes.any)\n [ Prop \"margin\" \"0 !", "important\"\n ]\n , Child (dot <| classes.any ++ selfName (Self Right) ++ \":first-child + .\" ", "++ classes.any)\n [ Prop \"margin\" \"0 !", "important\"\n ]\n , describeAlignment <|\n \\alignment ->\n case alignment of\n Top ->\n ( []\n , []\n )\n\n Bottom ->\n ( []\n , []\n )\n\n Right ->\n ( []\n , [ Prop \"float\" \"right\"\n , Descriptor \"::after\"\n [ Prop \"content\" \"\\\"\\\"\"\n , Prop \"display\" \"table\"\n , Prop \"clear\" \"both\"\n ]\n ]\n )\n\n Left ->\n ( []\n , [ Prop \"float\" \"left\"\n , Descriptor \"::after\"\n [ Prop \"content\" \"\\\"\\\"\"\n , Prop \"display\" \"table\"\n , Prop \"clear\" \"both\"\n ]\n ]\n )\n\n CenterX ->\n ( []\n , []\n )\n\n CenterY ->\n ( []\n , []\n )\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.inputMultiline)\n [ Prop \"white-space\" \"pre-wrap !", "important\"\n , Prop \"height\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"background-color\" \"transparent\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.inputMultilineWrapper)\n -- Get this.", "\n -- This allows multiline input to anchor scrolling to the bottom of the node\n -- when in a scrolling viewport, and the user is adding content.", "\n -- however, it only works in chrome. ", " In firefox, it prevents scrolling.", "\n --\n -- But how crazy is this solution?", "\n -- [ Prop \"display\" \"flex\"\n -- , Prop \"flex-direction\" \"column-reverse\"\n -- ]\n [ -- to increase specificity to beat another rule\n Descriptor (dot classes.single)\n [ Prop \"flex-basis\" \"auto\" ]\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.inputMultilineParent)\n [ Prop \"white-space\" \"pre-wrap !", "important\"\n , Prop \"cursor\" \"text\"\n , Child (dot classes.inputMultilineFiller)\n [ Prop \"white-space\" \"pre-wrap !", "important\"\n , Prop \"color\" \"transparent\"\n ]\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.paragraph)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"block\"\n , Prop \"white-space\" \"normal\"\n , Descriptor (dot classes.hasBehind)\n [ Prop \"z-index\" \"0\"\n , Child (dot classes.behind)\n [ Prop \"z-index\" \"-1\"\n ]\n ]\n , AllChildren (dot classes.text)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"inline\"\n , Prop \"white-space\" \"normal\"\n ]\n , AllChildren (dot classes.paragraph)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"inline\"\n , Descriptor \"::after\"\n [ Prop \"content\" \"none\"\n ]\n , Descriptor \"::before\"\n [ Prop \"content\" \"none\"\n ]\n ]\n , AllChildren (dot classes.single)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"inline\"\n , Prop \"white-space\" \"normal\"\n\n -- Inline block allows the width of the item to be set\n -- but DOES NOT like wrapping text in a standard, normal, sane way.", "\n -- We're sorta counting that if an exact width has been set,\n -- people aren't expecting proper text wrapping for this element\n , Descriptor (dot classes.widthExact)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"inline-block\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.inFront)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"flex\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.behind)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"flex\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.above)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"flex\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.below)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"flex\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.onRight)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"flex\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.onLeft)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"flex\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.text)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"inline\"\n , Prop \"white-space\" \"normal\"\n ]\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.row)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"inline\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.column)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"inline-flex\"\n ]\n , Child (dot classes.grid)\n [ Prop \"display\" \"inline-grid\"\n ]\n , describeAlignment <|\n \\alignment ->\n case alignment of\n Top ->\n ( []\n , []\n )\n\n Bottom ->\n ( []\n , []\n )\n\n Right ->\n ( []\n , [ Prop \"float\" \"right\" ]\n )\n\n Left ->\n ( []\n , [ Prop \"float\" \"left\" ]\n )\n\n CenterX ->\n ( []\n , []\n )\n\n CenterY ->\n ( []\n , []\n )\n ]\n , Descriptor \".hidden\"\n [ Prop \"display\" \"none\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textThin)\n [ Prop \"font-weight\" \"100\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textExtraLight)\n [ Prop \"font-weight\" \"200\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textLight)\n [ Prop \"font-weight\" \"300\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textNormalWeight)\n [ Prop \"font-weight\" \"400\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textMedium)\n [ Prop \"font-weight\" \"500\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textSemiBold)\n [ Prop \"font-weight\" \"600\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.bold)\n [ Prop \"font-weight\" \"700\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textExtraBold)\n [ Prop \"font-weight\" \"800\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textHeavy)\n [ Prop \"font-weight\" \"900\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.italic)\n [ Prop \"font-style\" \"italic\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.strike)\n [ Prop \"text-decoration\" \"line-through\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.underline)\n [ Prop \"text-decoration\" \"underline\"\n , Prop \"text-decoration-skip-ink\" \"auto\"\n , Prop \"text-decoration-skip\" \"ink\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.underline ++ dot classes.strike)\n [ Prop \"text-decoration\" \"line-through underline\"\n , Prop \"text-decoration-skip-ink\" \"auto\"\n , Prop \"text-decoration-skip\" \"ink\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textUnitalicized)\n [ Prop \"font-style\" \"normal\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textJustify)\n [ Prop \"text-align\" \"justify\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textJustifyAll)\n [ Prop \"text-align\" \"justify-all\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textCenter)\n [ Prop \"text-align\" \"center\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textRight)\n [ Prop \"text-align\" \"right\"\n ]\n , Descriptor (dot classes.textLeft)\n [ Prop \"text-align\" \"left\"\n ]\n , Descriptor \".modal\"\n [ Prop \"position\" \"fixed\"\n , Prop \"left\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"top\" \"0\"\n , Prop \"width\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"height\" \"100%\"\n , Prop \"pointer-events\" \"none\"\n ]\n ]\n ]\n" ]
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[ "Being that we aren’t on the West Coast, finding good boba (also known as bubble tea) can be hard. ", "Wherever you are, though, you can spread your love of boba with this Boba Milk Tea shirt ($21) by Sinotology. ", "This is one of three designs currently available on the site; more should be coming soon.", "\n\nSpecial Offer: From now until September 30th, Sinotology is offering a special deal to GASP! ", "readers. ", "Simply enter “888” at checkout for 10% off of your order." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.01020408163265306, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0 ]
[ "Apr 14 - Intro to Animal Portraiture with Gaella Materne\n\nItem# GM180414\n\n$120.00\n\nProduct Description\n\nIntro to Pet Portraiture Instructor: Gaella Materne\n\nClass Code: GM180414\n\nWorkshop Fee: $120\n\nMedium: Drawing\n\nSaturday, April 14th, 10 AM - 4:00 PM\n\nDive into this class ready to learn the secrets on making graphite portraiture come to life! ", "Join Gaella as she makes understanding drawing simple for beginners and intermediate levels. ", "You will learn the value of contrast as well as different techniques in this detailed step by step workshop.", "\n\nGaella uses a combination of conventional and unconventional tools to achieve realism in her work. ", "Get ready to be inspired." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.005747126436781609, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "There are a lot of great movies that have been written about selling. ", "In fact, Amazon lists the top ten sales movies when you search the site, and, unfortunately, none of them present the sales profession is a very favorable light. ", "Movies like Boiler Room, Used Cars, Tommy Boy, Wall Street, Tin Men and even The Godfather come to my mind when I do a quick scan. ", "Yes, The Godfather! ", "Who can forget the memorable sales pitch from the movie, “I’m going to make you an offer you can’t refuse.”", "\n\nI still love sales movies, even though they stereotype my profession in an almost cartoonish way. ", "There is one that really captures my vocation like no other and I have watched it so many times I can immediately quote many of the lines.", "\n\nOnce a year, I sit with a large bowl of popcorn and watch the movie version of the Broadway play, Glengarry Glen Ross. ", "It is full of rich sales dialogue sprinkled with numerous expletives deleted and immortal sales phrases like, “Coffee is for closers, only,” and “A-B-C. A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing. ", "Always be closing, always be closing.” ", "As an aside, if you are a business owner or sales manager and conduct regular sales meetings, pay close attention to the sales meeting that Alec Baldwin’s character conducts at about the midpoint of the movie.", "\n\nSpeaking of closing, we are a single-minded army of salespeople with the following thought on our mind: Close the prospect! ", "It’s our mantra and our driving directive. ", "We pursue it doggedly and judge all our successes by our ability in this key area.", "\n\nThere have been thousands of books written about the tactics we should use to accomplish this. ", "In the 60′s, a well-known training company coined the phrase, “If I could show you a way….” ", "That was followed by the impending event close, “If you buy before Friday, I’ll throw in a free toaster.” ", "And who can forget the famous insurance industry close as they slide the contract toward you, “Press hard there are 3 copies underneath.”", "\n\nI often wonder if anyone ever asked a prospect how they feel when salespeople try to trap them into buying with a cluster of canned approaches. ", "Do they feel violated and recognize that they are a footnote in a sales success journal?", "\n\nI have a developed a theory that each prospect knows how he or she should be closed. ", "When a pushy sales type tries to close without understanding their buying process, the prospect is smart enough to make the “close” contingent on the lowest price.", "\n\nSalespeople need to earn the right to close a prospect. ", "We earn this right when the prospect has a high degree of confidence in the salesperson, is aware of their current situation and has enough knowledge to make an intelligent buying decision.", "\n\nHere are some questions to ask yourself when you begin your closing “dance”:\n\nDo I thoroughly understand this prospect’s problem?", "\n\nDoes the prospect understand the consequences of not fixing this problem?", "\n\nDid the prospect get the sense that I understood their business?", "\n\nDoes the prospect see me as an expert in my field?", "\n\nIs the prospect totally comfortable with me?", "\n\nDoes the prospect have confidence in me?", "\n\nDoes the prospect really need what I sell?", "\n\nDoes the prospect understand the ways my product or service will help them?", "\n\nCan the prospect afford what I sell?", "\n\nDo I understand how the prospect will make will make a decision?", "\n\nDoes the prospect know enough to make a buying decision?", "\n\nIs the prospect willing and able to invest in my product or service?", "\n\nBy asking these 12 questions after each sales call, a salesperson can predict with some degree of confidence, whether they stand a chance to close this sale or not. ", "I personally use these 12 questions as a strategic roadmap to prepare for each sales call, recognizing that I must be confident in each answer while I’m involved in the sales call.", "\n\nToo many times either the buyer or seller tries to dominate a selling situation, creating an imbalance that can only be solved with price concessions. ", "Both the buyer and seller play equally important roles in the closing of any sale. ", "They need to work as a team, gathering critical information necessary for a successful decision.", "\n\nYesterday I heard an interesting interview on Radio 4 about a study that had been conducted for many years on happiness. ", "The outcome was that happiness was not down to what you were born with or the possessions you hold, but could be found in “emotional intelligence. “", "\n\nAs business leaders, owners and professionals, we spend hours and invest thousands of pounds developing our skills set but are we missing the point? ", "If we ignore developing ourselves, our self -concept and our personal development will all this professional development be for nothing?", "\n\nI have come to the conclusion over my years of working with those in the business community, that developing purely our business life can bring results. ", "But by ignoring the development of our inner selves, our self – concept, we are making it so much harder to keep the results in the long term. ", "To use a medical analogy, its as if we are realizing our arm is hurting but have decided only to stick a plaster on it and hope it will cure it rather than looking as to why we think it hurts in the first place.", "\n\nYou have probably heard that you need to find something in common with your prospective customer or client in order to produce a trusting relationship. ", "The thinking is that if you find you have something in common with a decision-maker, somehow a bond or trust will be formed from a shared interest or mutual acquaintance.", "\n\nIt is true that people buy from people like themselves, so on the surface this selling technique seems like a reasonable method to produce positive feelings in a prospect, customer or client. ", "But, finding something in common with a decision-maker just takes too long in todays fast paced selling environment and often is too difficult to uncover to build the trusting relationship that actually produces sales success.", "\n\nTo build trust quickly in a sales transaction, all you need to do is ask a series of “open-ended, personal questions.” ", "One of the easiest ways to build rapport and trust is to get a decision-maker chatting about something that she loves to talk about–herself!", "\n\nGenerally, people are far more interested in themselves than in you, your organization, or what you are selling. ", "However, psychologists tell us that when a prospect reveals something personal about themselves, they are forming a strong and trusting relationship. ", "And buy fioricet uk you can always remember: People buy from people they trust!" ]
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[ 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0.004784688995215311, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "US soccer team to play exhibition against Russia at Krasnodar on Nov. 14\n\nThe U.S. soccer team will complete its 2012 schedule with an exhibition against Russia at Krasnodar on Nov. 14.", "\n\nThe U.S. Soccer Federation announced the match Thursday. ", "The game could be the last for the Americans before starting the final round of World Cup qualifying on Feb. 6.", "\n\nU.S. coach Jurgen Klinsmann is leaning toward scrapping the annual January training camp in Carson, Calif., which started in 2004.", "\n\nOfficials from the six teams in the final round of qualifying in North and Central America and the Caribbean — the U.S., Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama and Jamaica — are to meet Friday in Miami in an attempt to work out a schedule for the matches next year. ", "If they can't, FIFA would conduct a draw." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Endogenous peptides profiles of human infantile hemangioma tissue and their clinical significance for treatment.", "\nEndogenous peptides play crucial roles in various biological processes. ", "Their effects on the pathogenesis of human infantile hemangioma remains poorly understood. ", "In this study, we construct a comparative peptidomic profiling between human infantile hemangioma tissue and matched normal skin using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. ", "A total of 192 peptides were significantly differentially expressed in human infantile hemangioma tissue, with 182 upregulated, and 10 downregulated peptides between infantile hemangioma tissue and matched normal skin. ", "Performing bioinformatics analysis (Gene ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway analysis), we found that precursor proteins of these differentially expressed peptides correlate with metabolic process, biological regulation, binding, catalytic activity, and pathways in cancer occurring during pathological changes of infantile hemangioma. ", "Furthermore, 89 differentially expressed peptides shared homology with antimicrobial peptides and 13 matched known immunomodulatory peptides based on prediction database. ", "In conclusion, our results reveal significantly altered expression profiles of peptides in human infantile hemangioma tissue. ", "These peptides may participate in the etiology of infantile hemangioma and provide beneficial scheme for clinical treatments." ]
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[ "Martin Drent\n\nMartin Drent (born 31 March 1970) is a Dutch retired footballer, best remembered for his stints at SC Veendam, FC Emmen and FC Groningen.", "\n\nPlaying career\n\nClub\nA big target man, Martin Drent started his career at amateur club GVAV Rapiditas in 1991. ", "His career in amateur football was short lived, however, as he proved his quality, signing for Eredivisie side FC Groningen in 1992. ", "He played very few games at Groningen and left after just one season to join SC Veendam where he was a relative success. ", "In 1993, he signed for FC Emmen where he played for six years. ", "He returned to Groningen in 1999 where he scored 22 goals in his first season back at the club, helping them achieve promotion from the Eerste Divisie. ", "In January 2005 he returned to another former club BV Veendam where he retired at the end of the season.", "\n\nManagerial career\nAfter retiring as a player, Drent worked as commercial director at Veendam and became assistant to manager Joop Gall at Emmen in 2013 next to his job as coach at amateurs Rolder Boys. ", "He was released by Emmen in 2014.", "\n\nDrent was appointed head coach of amateur side DZOH in December 2015, only two weeks after being dismissed by ROHDA Raalte.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1970 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Sportspeople from Groningen (city)\nCategory:Association football forwards\nCategory:Dutch footballers\nCategory:FC Groningen players\nCategory:SC Veendam players\nCategory:FC Emmen players\nCategory:Eredivisie players\nCategory:Eerste Divisie players" ]
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[ "Colon examination in patients with proven colorectal cancer.", "\nIt has been recommended that all patients with proven colorectal cancer should have a total colon check. ", "This prospective study examines the practical implementation of this recommendation. ", "It demonstrates the extent to which clinical practice may appear to drift away from a guideline, whilst remaining entirely justifiable. ", "This has implications for future attempts to audit the implementation of guidelines." ]
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[ "Ferndale Schools Asks: \"What Should the New FHS Look Like?\"", "\n\n[Ferndale, Wash.] Ferndale voters passed a school bond in February 2019. ", "Of the $112 million total bond amount, $105 million is designated for construction of a new Ferndale High School and rehabilitation of the Performing Arts Center on the Ferndale High School campus.", "\n\n\n\nPublic input is an essential part of moving forward with design. ", "According to Ferndale School District Superintendent Dr. Linda Quinn, “We want this building to be reflective of what our community wants for its high school. ", "In addition to serving the needs of today’s students, it will be a legacy we are leaving for future generations.”", "\n\n\n\nThe Ferndale School District is currently in the “Pre-Design Phase” of the project and the focus is gathering as much input as possible from current users of the space, future users of the space and community members.", "\n\n\n\nA Visioning Week is taking place the week of September 16th. ", "The week begins and ends with assemblies at the two middle schools – Vista and Horizon. ", "Ferndale High School students will attend lunchtime open houses and participate in classroom interview sessions with architects.", "\n\n\n\nSuperintendent Quinn explains, “Our current middle school students will be the first students in our new Ferndale High School building. ", "We want to be sure to include their input as we move forward with design. ", "Although our current high school students are not likely to use the new building as students, their input is essential.”", "\n\n\n\nFerndale School District certificated teaching staff, paraeducator professionals and administrative assistants will also weigh in during Visioning Week. ", "In future weeks, the district and representatives from Dykeman Architects will meet with a wide range of staff members to gather additional detail.", "\n\n\n\nIn addition to Visioning Week input, the district is planning upcoming opportunities for public input, including a meeting with business leaders as well as a rally gathering before the FHS home football game on September 27th.", "\n\n\n\n“We are working really hard right now to get out and meet with people. ", "We have a Design Advisory Committee made up of community applicants. ", "We are working to reach students and we are asking staff for very specific details regarding current and future use of space. ", "We are out touring other schools and doing our due diligence so that we go into the design phase with clear input from our community. ", "This is a legacy project. ", "We want to make sure it reflects our community’s needs,” Superintendent Dr. Quinn said.", "\n\n\n\nFor more information on the Ferndale School District bond projects, including weekly updates, please visit www.weareferndale.org." ]
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[ "The decision, announced by Palestinian Authority (PA) Minister of Local Governance Khalid al-Kawasmi on Sunday evening, is expected to draw an angry reaction from the 170,000 residents of the city, many of whom are supporters of the Islamic resistance movement, Hamas.", "\n\nAl-Kawasmi blamed \"Israeli impediments\" for the delay, saying Israel had refused to give assurances it would allow the PA to organise \"fair, free and transparent elections\" in the city.", "\n\nHebron is controlled by the Israeli occupation army.", "\n\n\"I know some people will say it is because we dread a Hamas victory that we have postponed the elections,\" said al-Kawasmi.", "\n\n\"However, the truth of the matter is that the postponement is the result of Israeli restrictive measures that would corrode and undermine the credibility of the elections.\"", "\n\nIsraeli refusal\n\nAl-Kawasmi told Aljazeera.net that Israel refused to commit itself to withdraw troops from the PA-run part of Hebron, known as H-1, for three days to facilitate the organisation of the elections.", "\n\nHebron is controlled by the Israeli occupation army\n\n\"So how can we possibly hold elections while Israeli tanks and military vehicles roam the streets?\" ", "al-Kawasmi asked.", "\n\nAn Israeli army spokesman, AviHai Adraei, said the Israeli army did not intend to interfere with the elections.", "\n\nWhile asserting that the elections were an internal Palestinian matter, Adraei confirmed that the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) did not commit itself to withdraw from Hebron for three days for the elections.", "\n\nAsked why the Israeli army gave the PA assurances to facilitate elections in other Palestinian towns but not in Hebron, Adraei said the decision had been made at a \"political level, the government\".", "\n\nHowever, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev told Aljazeera.net that the PA decision had nothing to do with Israel.", "\n\n\"I can assure you that the PA has not approached us on this matter. ", "They have not asked us to facilitate the elections. ", "The IDF is totally unaware of any problems in this regard.\"", "\n\nCriticism\n\nThe postponement of the local elections in Hebron was denounced by all Palestinian factions except Fatah, which dominates the PA.", "\n\n\"We know who is behind this undemocratic decision. ", "It is those who want to perpetuate the status quo and maintain stagnation, corruption, misgovernment and despotism\"\n\nAziz Dweik,Professor, Al-Najah University, Nablus\n\n\"This decision shows that the PA has no democratic credentials, that it can't be trusted for the fate and well-being of the Palestinian people,\" said Aziz Dweik, a Muslim leader in Hebron.", "\n\nDweik, a professor of geography at Nablus's Al-Najah University, told Aljazeera.net that the PA had no right to defy the people's will by putting off elections arbitrarily.", "\n\nAnother leader, Azzam Hassuneh, blamed Fatah for the delay.", "\n\n\"We know who is behind this undemocratic decision - it is those who want to perpetuate the status quo and maintain stagnation, corruption, misgovernment and despotism,\" he said.", "\n\n\"Ill-conceived\"\n\nA leaflet signed by the Islamic Movement in Hebron and circulated throughout the city on Monday morning accused the PA of \"malice and ill-will\".", "\n\n\"We shall not remain silent, and we will take every necessary measure to force the PA to respect the will of people and end this wanton state of dictatorship, despotism and authoritarianism,\" the leaflet stated.", "\n\nThe Popular and Democratic Fronts for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and (DFLP) as well as the Palestine People's Party (PPP) also rejected the postponement of the elections, calling the decision \"ill-conceived and politically motivated\" and constituting a \"confiscation of the inherent civil and human rights of our people\".", "\n\nA Hamas spokesman told Aljazeera.net the movement and other political factions would organise demonstrations throughout the city to protest against the delay." ]
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[ "Holier-than-thou, an adjective, meaning “marked by an air of superior piety or morality”. ", "Everybody has moments in their life where they get into a “holier-than-thou” attitude, and I think Steve Jobs’ open letter regarding Adobe, and Flash in particular, really fits the bill. ", "There are three specific points I want to address to illustrate just how holier-than-thou, hypocritical, and misleading this letter really is.", "\n\nJobs’ letter contains a lot of good points. ", "Flash is indeed a very problematic piece of software; its performance is terrible (although 10.1 improves this), it’s riddled with security issues, and it’s highly unstable. ", "It crashes a lot, eats CPU, and to boot, opens up your machine to all sorts of security nastiness. ", "To make matters worse, it’s proprietary and not a web standard in the true sense of the word.", "\n\nThat being said, Jobs’ letter is incredibly two-faced, hypocritical, and very misleading. ", "It’s clearly a marketing trick to pull the wool over the eyes of consumers, and while that’s okay (they’re in it to make money, after all), it’s our job to remove that wool from our eyes. ", "Just as we geeks immediately understand Microsoft’s ulterior motive in licensing patents to Linux/Android vendors, we should not just accept Jobs’ words either.", "\n\nThere are three points I wish to address specifically to illustrate just how hypercritical the letter is: Carbon, H264, and iTunes on Windows (or iTunes’ non-existence on Linux). ", "The order is entirely random, and there’s no deeper meaning behind it.", "\n\nCarbon\n\nIn his letter, Jobs derided Adobe for not adopting new technologies quick enough, pointing specifically towards how long it has taken Adobe to leave Carbon behind. ", "It wasn’t until the recently released Creative Suite version 5.0 that Adobe switched its applications over to Cocoa. ", "Considering how old Cocoa is, it’s indeed about time.", "\n\nBut then, why did it take Apple so many years to transition the prime Mac OS X application, the Finder, to Cocoa? ", "The Cocoa variant of the Finder shipped with Snow Leopard, which was released August 28, 2009. ", "To make matters worse – iTunes still hasn’t been re-written in Cocoa, and is still shipping in all its 32bit Carbon goodness.", "\n\nYou could argue that surely, iTunes has no benefit from switching to Carbon and 64bit, and I’ll grant you that one. ", "However, Apple has one massive application that is still fully Carbon and 32bit, an application that is very similar in scope to Adobe’s product offerings: Final Cut Pro is still written in Carbon, and is still 32bit. ", "In other words, it’s okay for Apple to neglect Cocoa for Final Cut Pro, but it’s not okay for Adobe to take their time.", "\n\nI think the prime reason it is taking/has taken both Adobe and Apple so long to transition these massively complex applications over to Cocoa is quite a simple one: it’s really hard. ", "These aren’t Chess or TextEdit we’re talking about, people – we’re looking at what is probably a massive amount of complicated code.", "\n\nIt’s not just Adobe that has taken its sweet time to transition to Cocoa. ", "Microsoft Office:Mac 2008 is also written in Carbon, and heck, even Apple itself is still in the middle of transitioning to Cocoa.", "\n\nH264\n\nWe’ve talked about this on OSNews in quite some detail already. ", "H264 is no better than Flash. ", "This video codec is proprietary and patented up the wazzoo, and therefore, wholly incompatible with the very concept of an open standard. ", "To make matters much, much worse, the licensing body that oversees H264, the MPEG-LA, has stated in no uncertain terms that they will not hesitate to sue ordinary users for using the video codec.", "\n\nWhy, then, is Apple, in a letter full of talk of openness and standards, promoting this closed codec, a codec that will once again shackle the web to a proprietary technology, just as we’re busy breaking free from Flash? ", "The answer is easy: follow the money.", "\n\nApple is part of the MPEG-LA, as is Microsoft. ", "This means that the more people license H264, the more money Apple and Microsoft get, since their patents are in the patent pool. ", "Steve Jobs might go all starry-eyed and gush about how much Apple believes in open standards and the open web, but just as with any other company – Adobe, Microsoft – this support ends where Apple’s wallet begins.", "\n\nThat is the sole reason why they’re promoting H264, disguising it as a web standard. ", "As you can see, I can get very worked up over this. ", "At least when Microsoft is talking about standards, everybody knows it’s out of self-interest; we geeks know Microsoft, and none of us will fall for that trap any longer. ", "This, however, is not yet the case with Apple – people still have this 1984-esque perception of Apple being the rebel, and this leads to people accepting H264 without question.", "\n\nThis is dangerous, and will cripple the web once again. ", "And yes, I will hammer on this subject on OSNews for as long as it takes. ", "I have no problems whatsoever with proprietary software or technologies (heck, my media centres both run Windows 7, and I love my iPhone), but when it comes to the web, I am nearly militant about keeping it open. ", "I still remember the days when not having Flash was a major problem on many alternative operating systems, and just as we are starting to break free from it, Apple and Microsoft come in, pull the wool over everybody’s eyes, and shackle the web to yet another proprietary technology.", "\n\nI don’t want to boot up Haiku R1 only to not be able to watch video content on the web. ", "It brings back too many unpleasant memories of yore.", "\n\niTunes\n\nThis one is strongly related to the Carbon aspect. ", "Jobs’ letter talks about how it’s bad for a platform if developers use cross-platform technologies, and more specifically, that Adobe has been slow in adopting new technologies in Mac OS X, with Carbon of course being the prime example.", "\n\nAnd yet, without any sense of shame, Apple ships iTunes for Windows. ", "iTunes for Windows is by far one of the worst pieces of (major) Windows software you can possibly think of. ", "It does not integrate with Windows in any way, does not use any of the advanced technologies present since Windows Vista (refined in Windows 7), it’s incredibly slow, it crashes a lot, it still hasn’t been ported to 64bit (despite consumer 64bit versions of Windows existing since 2005) and in general, sucks harder than a… No, I’m not going to finish that analogy.", "\n\nOh, and of course, it installs a whole boatload of services that run in the background without actually asking you for permission. ", "Install iTunes on Windows, and watch WinPatrol spaz out.", "\n\nRemind you of anything? ", "Yes, iTunes (and all other Windows software Apple ships) is the Flash of the Windows platform (other than, uh, Flash itself, obviously). ", "The hypocrisy is so thick here you could cut it with a knife. ", "What makes it worse is the situation isn’t getting any better – quite the opposite. ", "Every new version of iTunes for Windows only seems to make it worse instead of better.", "\n\nI have an iPhone and I love it. ", "However, I will not install iTunes for Windows. ", "I installed it to first set up my iPhone and transfer my CD collection, and then removed it as quickly as I could. ", "I’ll install it again on a Windows machine once iPhone OS 4.0 is released. ", "Point releases be damned.", "\n\nThis actually brings up the last point I wanted to make, yet another point to illustrate the hypocrisy. ", "My main desktop, which I use for everything, has always had Linux installed alongside Windows, but somewhere late last year I realised I didn’t really use Windows any longer, so I decided to just remove it altogether.", "\n\nThis, of course, has cut me off from iTunes (yay!), ", "while also cutting me off from access to my iPhone (boo!). ", "It would be incredibly trivial for Apple to allow people to manage their iPhone’s and iPod’s contents manually through the file manager, but illustrating its love for double standards, Apple refuses to. ", "They want to tie you to iTunes, world’s worst piece of Windows software.", "\n\nConclusion\n\nI really dreaded writing this article, since it will surely be construed as me somehow being pro-Microsoft. ", "The issue, however, is that pointing out that Microsoft is two-faced about open standards is about as useful as pointing out that humans need oxygen to live. ", "Stating the obvious is not interesting.", "\n\nApple is continuously putting itself out there as the hero of open standards, which is okay. ", "That’s called marketing and there’s nothing wrong with it. ", "Every company does it (Google comes to mind), but the scary thing with Apple is that so many people actually eat this marketing up as fact.", "\n\nNow, if you don’t mind, I’m going to watch Twin Peaks on one of my Windows 7-powered media centres, while checking my iPhone for messages. ", "I’m nothing if not totally aware of my own hypocrisy." ]
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