[ "Photo of the week: Japanese 2000 yen note\n\nThe Japanese yen has bounced around quite a bit recently. ", "Actually, Japanese companies have been taking a battering, as the US dollar drops in value, and the Euro discovers it’s got nothing propping it up, so the Yen is the next best safe haven if you can’t or for some other reason, won’t get gold. ", "In truth, Japan is deep in debt, and needs customers (the US) to buy. ", "If Americans don’t buy, then the whole country will whither or remain stagnant. ", "So one could say that Japan needs to economise, why print a 2,000yen note, when you could just keep a restricted production run of 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 yen notes?", "\n\nNote that “Nippon Ginko” means “Bank of Japan” (the central bank for Japan)." ]
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[ "My Blog\n\nMost of us would concede our financial plans need improvement. ", "In fact, according to a recent Northwestern Mutual study, just one-quarter of participants in the study felt secure in their ability to achieve their financial goals.", "\n\n\"Like any other partnership, creating a fulfilling financial life requires attention, consistency and communication,\" says Rebekah Barsch, vice president of planning and sales for Northwestern Mutual.", "\n\nBarsch advises revitalizing your strategy by:\n\nMaking a Quarterly Date with Your Financial Plan – Only one-quarter of study participants who’ve created a financial plan review it on a quarterly basis. ", "This is a missed opportunity, Barsch says, to reconnect with your financial resources and objectives and adjust to changing needs and market developments.", "\n\nTalking It Out – Candid conversations with loved ones about financial priorities are essential to remaining committed to your retirement and lifestyle goals. ", "Moreover, depending on your challenges and objectives, you may want to consider getting guidance from a professional.", "\n\nPlanning a 30-Year Vacation – If packing for two weeks away can be challenging, imagine preparing for a 30-year vacation. ", "That’s essentially what retirement could be for many Americans as life expectancy increases.", "\n\nYour \"luggage,” or financial strategy, says Barsch, has to accommodate routine expenses like food and shelter, healthcare costs, lifestyle needs and perhaps even a legacy for your loved ones or a philanthropic organization. ", "In a time of ebbing social safety nets and rising costs, proactive financial planning is key to shaping the retirement experience you've worked hard to enjoy.", "\n\nShedding the Debt Weight – Your financial happiness may be hamstrung by debt baggage. ", "Revisit your budget and create a strategy to commit to a smaller number of credit cards and lighten your loan load as much as you can.", "\n\nRemember: LTC Is the Same as TLC – The U.S. government estimates 70 percent of adults 65 or older will require some form of long-term care, or \"LTC.” ", "And the financial implications of caregiving can be quite sobering, explains Barsch, potentially accounting for a quarter of a caregiver's monthly budget. ", "Tapping into savings or retirement funds and/or reducing discretionary spending are common ways of managing the financial demands of caregiving.", "\n\nBarsch says this approach, however, could actually create more stress because it may impact lifestyle and future financial security. ", "Proactively exploring options for long-term care planning can mitigate the pressure around care decisions for you and your loved ones.", "\n\nDid you know more than one trillion gallons of water leak from homes across America each year?*", "\n\n“People are often shocked at the volumes of water wasted through household leaks,” says Paul Abrams, ROTOGreen expert with Roto-Rooter. “", "A dripping faucet is easy to ignore and fix whenever you get around to it, but numerous small leaks can add up and have a very noticeable impact on the water usage and water bill.”", "\n\nThe average household can save up to 10,000 gallons of water each year simply by fixing leaks—one of the biggest culprits of which is toilets, which can leak up to 200 gallons per day. ", "To detect for leaks in the toilet(s) in your home, Abrams recommends the following DIY tricks:\n\n• Put a few drops of food coloring in the tank and wait 15 minutes. ", "If colored water appears in the bowl, you have a leak. ", "Repairing this type of leak is best left to a professional plumber.", "\n\n• Sprinkle a pinch of flour or talcum powder on top of the water in your toilet tank. ", "Watch it carefully. ", "If it drifts toward the tank’s overflow tube, then you have an overflow leak. ", "Overflow leaks can easily be repaired by replacing the float valve.", "\n\nPeople move for all kinds of reasons—but as a recent Harris Poll® revealed, their decision-making is primarily driven by region. ", "Just over half of respondents to the poll, and mostly millennials, said they’d consider moving to another state to live in an area with a better climate or better weather.", "\n\nNot surprisingly, climate consideration appears to be a greater motivating factor for prospective movers in regions prone to less-than-pleasant weather. ", "According to poll results, 64 percent of Easterners and 61 percent of Midwesterners would consider moving to an area with better weather; just 48 percent of Southerners and 39 percent of Westerners would do the same.", "\n\nThe poll also shed light on other common moving motivators. ", "Over 40 percent of respondents would consider moving for a job opportunity, more than one-third would factor in proximity to family, and exactly one-quarter would consider a move for health reasons.", "\n\nLess common, yet still significant reasons emerged in the poll’s findings, as well. ", "For example:\n\n• Eighteen (18) percent of respondents would consider a move to be closer to friends.", "\n• Sixteen (16) percent of respondents would consider a move to be closer to a significant other.", "\n• Fourteen (14) percent of respondents would consider a move for an educational opportunity.", "\n• Thirteen (13) percent of respondents would consider a move to a location in which their lifestyle is more accepted.", "\n• Eleven (11) percent of respondents would consider a move to a location in which their political views are more accepted, or to a location in which recreational marijuana is legal.", "\n• Seven (7) percent of respondents would consider a move to a location in which their religious views are more accepted.", "\n\n(Family Features)—How many times have you put off organizing your closets? ", "The issue doesn’t lie with your habits—often, it’s a lack of storage solutions that makes organizing intimidating, says professional organizer Barbara Reich. ", "To quit procrastinating once and for all, it’s best to install functional storage systems—set-it-and-forget-it tools that help you keep your closets in order without constant upkeep, says Reich.", "\n\nStart by determining your overall goal. ", "Are you simply organizing what you have, or do you need to purge unused items? ", "Don’t be afraid to get rid of things you don't need or won't wear, Reich says. ", "Remember that items in good condition can be donated to those in need.", "\n\nOnce you've determined just how much you'll have to organize, consider what systems will best fit your space and needs. ", "Reich recommends do-it-yourself closet organizers, which are affordable, easy to install and adjustable. ", "Accessories such as drawers, fabric bins and shoe shelves can also help personalize the space.", "\n\nAfter your new system has been put in place, hang as much as possible—this makes it easier to see what you have, says Reich. ", "Group and place like garments together, and position clothing you wear most often in a place that is most accessible.", "\n\nRemember to stay consistent, Reich adds. ", "Have a plan in mind when you purchase new items. ", "A good rule of thumb is the 1:1 ratio: for every one item you purchase, remove one item from your closet.", "\n\nLike many homeowners, you’re probably wondering when to take down your Christmas tree. ", "Did you know that the longer the tree remains in the home, the greater the fire risk becomes?", "\n\n“Christmas trees are very flammable,” says National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Vice President of Outreach and Advocacy Lorraine Carli. “", "Trees dry out the longer they remain in the home, and can be consumed by fire in a matter of seconds.”", "\n\nNFPA statistics show nearly 40 percent of Christmas tree fires occur in January—and though they are not common, they are much more likely to be serious when they do occur.", "\n\nWhen removing your Christmas tree, the NFPA recommends the following safety tips:\n\n• Use the gripping area on the plug when unplugging electrical decorations. ", "Never pull the cord to unplug any device from an electrical outlet, as this can harm the wire and insulation of the cord, increasing the risk for shock or electrical fire.", "\n\n• As you pack up light strings, inspect each line for damage, throwing out any sets that have loose connections, broken sockets or cracked or bare wires.", "\n\n• Wrap each set of lights and put them in individual plastic bags, or wrap them around a piece of cardboard.", "\n\n• Store electrical decorations in a dry place away from children and pets where they will not be damaged by water or dampness.", "\n\n• Use your local community recycling program, if available, for tree disposal. ", "Trees should not be put in the garage or left outside.", "\n\nThe 30-year fixed mortgage rate lowered to 4.11 percent at the start of the New Year, making the monthly payment for a $200,000 loan $967.56, according to Bankrate.com’s weekly national survey. ", "This downward trend was also reflected in the 15-year fixed mortgage rate, which lowered to 3.38 percent.", "\n\nThe decrease can partly be attributed to the movement of global stock prices, which fell following disappointing news regarding China’s economy. ", "Mortgage rates are closely related to yields on long-term government bonds.", "\n\nThe average American spends upwards of 10 hours each day connected to digital media. ", "The problem with all that screen time? ", "Many users neglect to safeguard their digital presence, according to the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA).", "\n\n\"We live in a global, always-connected digital age, and everyone needs to adopt good habits to lead a safer, more secure online life,\" says NCSA Executive Director Michael Kaiser. \"", "As we think about how to better protect our virtual lives, we've identified three reliable practices that will empower Internet users to reap the benefits of connectivity with greater confidence.”", "\n\nThese three practices are:\n\n1. ", "Turning on Two-Step Authentication\n\nTo thwart cybercriminals, anyone who is active online should make a commitment to get two steps ahead and turn on two-step authentication—also known as two-step verification or multi-factor authentication—to make their accounts more secure. ", "Activating this technology adds an additional layer of protection beyond a password to better protect the safety of your online identity and sensitive personal data.", "\n\nMany of the Internet's most popular email services, social networks and financial institutions offer this key security step free of charge, but you must opt in to turn it on. ", "Visit stopthinkconnect.org/2stepsahead to view a list of the websites that offer two-step authentication.", "\n\n2. ", "Limiting Exposure to Public WiFi\n\nThere’s no such thing as a free lunch, and the same goes for free WiFi. ", "Free public WiFi is often a playground for lurking cybercriminals waiting to obtain your personal data once you connect to an open network. ", "Public wireless networks, including hotspots, are not secure, which means that anyone could potentially see what you are doing if you use them on your connected device.", "\n\nTo limit what you do on public WiFi, avoid logging in to key accounts like email and financial services. ", "Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) or a personal or mobile hotspot for a more secure connection.", "\n\n3. ", "Assigning Digital Chores\n\nAlmost 70 percent of American households have between one and five devices at home connected to the Internet. ", "With this increased connectivity, there is a need for maintenance where everyone in the household has a role to play. ", "Just as families have daily tasks, like making the bed, or weekly chores, like mowing the lawn, all households should take responsibility to keep their connected families safe by incorporating ongoing digital maintenance into their household routines. ", "This can include updating software and backing up documents to keeping up with latest ways to stay safe online.", "\n\nThere are several ways to improve the energy-efficiency of your home—and many are too costly for the average homeowner to finance. ", "The truth is, you don’t have to spend a fortune to reap the benefits of increased energy-efficiency. ", "In fact, you can save up to 30 percent on energy bills every month with a simple, DIY home energy audit, plus the following inexpensive fixes:\n\n1. ", "Take advantage of the automatic setting on your air conditioner. ", "This turns your AC and heater automatically on or off to save energy.", "\n\n2. ", "Pay attention to rooms that you are not using. ", "Close those air vents in order to avoid needlessly cooling or heating unused spaces.", "\n\n3. ", "Look for openings around window and door frames where air can enter or escape the home. ", "Block them with weather strips or draft guards.", "\n\n4. ", "Non-insulated attics are a major source of energy loss, as they do not effectively protect your home's interior from outside temperatures. ", "Make sure to insulate your attic properly and ask for help from a certified contractor if you are not sure how to do it yourself.", "\n\n5. ", "Replace incandescent light bulbs with LED or CFL models that last much longer and save significant amounts of energy and money in the long run.", "\n\nMigration patterns inform inbound and outbound trends across the country, revealing which states see an influx of new residents and which states see departures. ", "In 2015, one state stood above the rest when it comes to inbound migration, according to a recent report by Allied Van Lines: Texas.", "\n\nThe Lone Star State is no stranger to inbound moves—in fact, Texas has topped Allied’s list for 11 consecutive years. ", "In 2015, the state saw a net relocation gain of 2,558 families.", "\n\n\"Texas continues to be a strong attractive state,\" says Lesli Bertoli, general manager and vice president of Allied Van Lines. \"", "Corporate moves continue to influence these results, with corporate relocations strongly favoring moves to Texas in 2015.\"", "\n\nSecond to Texas in terms of inbound moves was Florida, which saw a net relocation gain of 1,611 families in 2015. ", "Following Florida was Arizona, Oregon and South Carolina, in that order.", "\n\nOutbound moves, on the other hand, were most prevalent in Virginia, with 1,343 moves out of state in 2015. ", "Second for outbound moves was Illinois, followed by Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey, in that order.", "\n\nThe Allied report also tracked the most mobile states, or states that see both significant inbound and outbound rates. ", "The most mobile state in 2015 was California, with more than 12,000 moves in all. ", "Behind California in 2015 was Ohio and Louisiana.", "\n\n(BPT)—The New Year is an ideal time to evaluate your financial situation. ", "To start the year off strong, take these simple, do-it-now steps:\n\n1. ", "Reassess Your Budget – If you don't have a budget, make one. ", "A budget is an essential tool for planning how you will spend, save, invest and enjoy your money. ", "It should be a guideline to how your money will work for you, and not written in stone. ", "Life changes, and outside influences mean you need to periodically examine and update your budget. ", "Start by jotting down your financial goals for the year, then review your budget to see if it's going to help you achieve those goals, or if you need to make adjustments.", "\n\n2. ", "Pay Off Holiday Bills ASAP – Every month you carry a balance on a credit card, interest rates increase the actual out-of-pocket cost of those holiday gifts you purchased. ", "If possible, pay balances in full right away during the month of January. ", "If that's not possible, create a payment plan for yourself with the goal of paying off the total balance in as high an increment as you can afford, so you minimize the time you're carrying a balance.", "\n\n3. ", "Maximize \"Found\" Money – Did you know more than a third of gift card recipients in the last year have not used their cards? ", "If you have a gift cards you don’t plan on using, bring them to a Coinstar Exchange kiosk at your local grocery store and exchange them for instant cash. ", "Put the extra money toward paying off holiday bills or boosting your emergency fund.", "\n\n4. ", "Review All Your Credit Accounts – Even the most careful shopper can fall prey to crooks, who are particularly active and crafty during the holidays. ", "Look over your credit card statements to ensure you authorized all the charges that appear on them. ", "For an extra layer of safety, check your credit report; it can help you detect signs of identity theft or other fraud.", "\n\n5. ", "Increase Your Savings – By now, you've reviewed your budget and cashed in your unused gift cards, so you've got some extra money in your pocket. ", "Instead of spending it, use that money to increase your savings. ", "It's especially important to have an emergency fund equivalent to a few months of living expenses. ", "Those savings can help protect your financial health against unforeseen circumstances like a big auto expense or home repair bill, or even a job loss." ]
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[ "Everything a Survivor fan needs to Know Before Watching Big Brother for the First Time\n\nRob Cesternino (@RobCesternino) is joined by Jordan Parhar to why a Survivor fan should give Big Brother a chance for the first time. ", "On this episode, Rob and Jordan will discuss:\n\nWhat are the rules of Big Brother and how does the week play out?", "\n\nDoes a viewer need to watch all 3 episodes a week?", "\n\nWhat are the major differences from Survivor?", "\n\nWhat are some selling points about why somebody SHOULD watch Big Brother at all?", "\n\nDo you have to watch the live feeds?", "\n\nWhat kind of coverage does RHAP do for Big Brother and how is different than Survivor?" ]
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[ "Mercedes-AMG has, for the first time, opened a dedicated retail outlet in Tokyo Setagaya. ", "The car dealership is located in a favourite residential area in Tokyo's Setagaya district, and is an advancement of the existing shop-in-shop system.", "\n\nMore than 400 AMG Performance Centers in 40 countries have been opened since 2008 including five in India. ", "Customers can experience the brand universe of AMG on two storeys. ", "The focus in the showroom is exclusively on the models and themes of the sports car and performance brand.", "\n\n\"Based on the strategic expansion of the product range, we have vigorously pushed ahead with the advancement of the AMG Performance Centers in the last three years. ", "We create an approachable brand experience and establish a link to our motorsport DNA in the 400 retail outlets around the world. ", "The new dedicated store in Tokyo forms the pinnacle of the dealer network and defines the next stage of our sales initiative. ", "With it, we ensure exclusive and competent care for existing and potential AMG customers at the point of sale. ", "The store serves as a role model for future stand-alone projects in other major cities, which are already on the drawing board. ", "Another dedicated store will open in Sydney before the year 2017 is out,” said Tobias Moers, chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes‑AMG GmbH.\n\nCar dealership meets industrial design\n\nThe design of the enclosed structure is modelled after the architecture of the modern company building in Affalterbach and on the AMG ‘Driving Performance’ brand claim. ", "The highlight of the building's exterior is a LED façade. ", "During daytime, the white louvres and the diagonal structure provide a dynamic appearance. ", "At night, white-red exterior lighting is activated.", "\n\nCustomers and prospects can learn about the latest AMG Performance models and their technological features, the AMG Driving Academy, the AMG Collection, and the involvement of AMG in motorsport on two storeys with a total area of almost 1000 square metres. ", "In future, the independent AMG retail partners will handle all functions of a car dealership, and create a unique brand and product experience for customers.", "\n\nReal motorsport situations are staged inside. ", "A deliberately simplified interior design and focused lighting provide the perfect stage for the sports car and performance models from Affalterbach. ", "The new retail outlet features lounges, a boutique, motorsport exhibits, and consultation areas to provide several appealing places for conversations with customers. ", "The vehicle hand-over area is integrated into the showroom and can be flexibly separated to provide customer privacy if needed.", "\n\nGenerous, functional areas permit flexible uses, for example, for market launches or VIP events. ", "State-of-the-art video and audio technology are a given. ", "A power wall allows customers to configure Mercedes-AMG vehicles to their personal preferences, while a sound counter lets them experience different engine sounds. ", "Large-scale graphics create a close link to motorsport.", "\n\nThe vehicles on display sit on asphalt. ", "The black colour creates an intriguing contrast to the white ‘arena’ on the upper storey. ", "Various road markings transport the racetrack into the showroom. ", "They refer to the roots of the sports car and performance brand, which scored a legendary win with a red AMG 300 SEL 6.8 at the Circuit de Spa‑Francorchamps in 1971.", "\n\nOver 400 AMG Performance Centers in 40 countries\n\n\"The mission of the sales network development at Mercedes-AMG is to bring the fascination of motorsport to the customers' daily life. ", "The aim is to make the wishes of the target group come true in every aspect with vehicles that are thought-out in every detail, and with an equally fascinating brand universe. ", "The perfect customer approach is an increasingly important success factor in this regard. ", "The store, based on a stand-alone concept, represents a new dimension in the customer approach,\" said Tobias Moers.", "\n\nThe showrooms of all AMG Performance Centers are characterised by a uniform and discrete AMG brand appearance. ", "High-quality materials, exclusive motorsport feeling and the hallmark AMG colours create a special consultation atmosphere. ", "For example, the fascination of motorsport is expressed in a pit lane scenario with authentic look and feel. ", "An interactive module offers interested visitors the chance to experience the unmistakable engine sound of the AMG models. ", "Targeted training of the AMG sales and service experts conducted by employees from Affalterbach ensures consistent first-class customer consultation and care worldwide, says Mercedes-AMG." ]
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[ "Judging by the people at the party the canon ending is Ciri becomes a witcher, the crones ate the orphans, Regis being chased by vampires, Keira went to Kaer Moren (and kept the research) and Geralt defeated Gaunter O'Dimm. ", "¬_¬\n\nsecond_base wrote:You need to fuck off now...like right now dude.", "\n\nParv wrote:Edwin has been my least favourite forumite for a long time now.", "\n\nIn the middle of my second run through of Witcher 3. ", "I'm very nearly at the end of the main quest (both DLCs still to go), and as much as I've enjoyed it again I'm very much looking forward to going back to wandering from village to village taking contracts as and when I find them. ", "That sense of being a travelling professional - actually doing what a witcher is meant to do - is one of the game's greatest strengths.", "\n\nAlso, igni sign vs enemies with shields is so much more fun than trying to just parry/attack them. ", "Burn, puny bandit!", "\n\nI think it was after playing Witcher 2 and seeing they were working on the third game, that I commented that what I really wanted to see from the series was for it to capture the feeling of being an itinerant monster hunter, trekking about, taking contracts etc.", "\n\nTo say they delivered that in spades is actually underselling it a bit. ", "Sometimes wish I could play it again for the first time and experience that same thrill I got then. ", "It was just my perfect game, really.", "\n\nI hope they can recreate some of that lightning in a bottle for Cyberpunk.", "\n\nSly Boots wrote:I would love for something a bit more open-world that let's you live life more like a Witcher in the books, going between various villages, investigating their local problems, building up to a big fight with a monster... could be epic.", "\n\nIt's a startlingly accurate prediction. ", "I like to think the devs read that and thought \"shit, he's onto something guys\", and lo, the final game was realised." ]
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[ "Evaluation of a collagen-based biosynthetic material for the repair of abdominal wall defects.", "\nA collagen tissue polymer composite manufactured in sheep and prepared in two different forms (wet and dry) was compared to polypropylene mesh and to a control group for effectiveness in the repair of an abdominal wall defect in a rabbit model. ", "The wet and dry patches were shown to differ significantly in their pore size. ", "The wet material was shown to retain its natural porosity and promoted neovascularization, tissue integration, cellular infiltration, and neomatrix formation compared to the dry collagen-polymer patch. ", "This material was superior to the polypropylene mesh implant, which was associated with significant adhesions. ", "The appearance of type VI collagen was the earliest sign of new cell infiltration and neomatrix formation within the implant. ", "New deposition of type VI collagen was apparent throughout the thickness of the implant within 4 weeks, followed by type III collagen accumulation. ", "Decreased porosity of the collagen component in the dry patches resulted in a totally nonintegrated implant. ", "This induced a foreign-body capsule with minimal cellular tissue infiltration and no deposition of collagen types VI and III within the implant." ]
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[ "51020100pcs\n\nDescription: Brand new and high quality Plug and play Storage capacity: 2GB / 4GB Waterproof, Dustproof Compatible with USB 1.0/1.1/2.0 Long life time and durable to use High speed transfer and low power consumption No…" ]
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[ "Fixed some issues with class and faction filters for data collected from different characters.", "\n\nFixed alternate items missing from non catalogue tooltips.", "\n\nWishlist tooltip info should now better match saved items.", "\n\nOne handed weapons should now properly be be removed before displaying a new one in the catalogue.", "\n\n3.8.0\n\nChanges since 3.6.5:\n\nImplemented automatic database collection. ", "Database is now empty by default. ", "Log in on characters to store the items they can use. ", "Read this for more information.", "\n\nUpdated for patch 7.2.", "\n\nRemoved tracking of bag items. ", "This was relevant when transmogging was based on physical items and for some time after transitioning to the wardrobe system, but is now out of scope for MogIt.", "\n\nLogic regarding indication of owned items was revisited and should now work better. ", "Should no longer flag all difficulty versions of items as owned, for one.", "\n\nWeapons may now be sheathed on preview and catalogue models. ", "Look for the option in the preview and catalogue menus, respectively.", "\n\nModels now get omnidirectional lighting and should no longer be half cast in shadow.", "\n\nAdded click-to-preview support to dungeon journal boss loot items.", "\n\n3.7.1\n\nFix wishlist error.", "\n\n3.7.0\n\nImplemented automatic database collection. ", "Database is now empty by default. ", "Log in on characters to store the items they can use.", "\n\nMerged weapons into a single module.", "\n\nMoved cloaks, shirts and tabards into 'Other' module.", "\n\nEnable previewing of encounter journal items.", "\n\n3.6.5\n\nFixed option for extra tooltip appearance info.", "\n\nWardrobe outfits may now be loaded into a preview via the load menu.", "\n\nFixed auction house error happening while certain auction house addons were used.", "\n\nWhole auction house item listing frame should now be clickable for MogIt previewing.", "\n\nFixed error when trying to add items to a new set.", "\n\n3.6.4\n\nFix flashing tooltip model in tradeskill frame.", "\n\nSaving a new set from preview will now put the name of the loaded set, if applicable, in the naming dialog.", "\n\nIndicating ownership of alternate items should now work even if \"Search bags\" is not enabled.", "\n\nModels should no longer play random idle animations such as bouncing. ", "Maybe. (", "they will still breathe)\n\n\"View in dressing room\" button in inspect frame can now be ctrl-right clicked for previewing.", "\n\nAuction house listings may now be ctrl-right clicked for previewing.", "\n\n3.6.3\n\nFix demon hunter error.", "\n\n3.6.2\n\nAdded option to show tooltip info for all missing wardrobe items. (", "enabled by default)\n\nSupport additional item difficulty modifiers.", "\n\nImplemented workaround for certain broken plugins.", "\n\nUse different color for \"known from other item\" tooltip text.", "\n\n3.6.1\n\nFixed error for broken tooltip links.", "\n\nFixed tooltip model for item tokens when only transmog items are allowed.", "\n\nAllow shirts and tabards for tooltip model.", "\n\n3.6.0\n\nOwned items now checks whether it's collected in wardrobe instead. ", "A new option to also search in bags has been added and is disabled by default.", "\n\nItems in the wardrobe may now be ctrl-right clicked to be added to a MogIt preview.", "\n\nEnable hidden option in the default UI to show tooltip info for all missing wardrobe items.", "\n\nFixed items getting added as the normal difficulty version under certain circumstances.", "\n\nFixed some dual wielding model issues.", "\n\nUse transmogrify target for shirt and tabard when equipping current gear in preview.", "\n\nRestore \"Only transmog items\" tooltip option. (", "semi experimental)\n\nFixed tooltip models for item exchange tokens.", "\n\nAdded option to display tooltip model on the left or right instead of above or below.", "\n\nUpdate ToC for base module addons.", "\n\n3.5.12\n\nFixed some errors introduced in 7.0.", "\n\n3.5.11\n\nFixed tooltip alt info for synced DataStore accounts.", "\n\n3.5.10\n\nFixed error when alt search is enabled and very old profiles are present.", "\n\nAdded option to load base modules on login. (", "disabled by default)\n\nTake items using same appearance into account when checking for owned and wishlist items. ", "Requires appropriate modules to be loaded. ", "Above option is useful for this. ", "Similar items are denoted with (*) in the tooltip.", "\n\nCheck alts for owned items even if current character owns it.", "\n\nUse profile names instead of characters when listing wishlists in tooltips." ]
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[ "キャットには「クラックと同等の中毒性がある」との主張もあるが、効果はそこまで強くない。扱いやすいスピード、もしくは、効き過ぎるリタリン、とでもいったところだ。南アフリカのリハブの報告によれば、このドラッグを、薬物使用者が集中する17〜25歳では収まらない幅広い年齢層が摂取しているそうだ。", "\n\n警察当局は、最近、この麻薬を製造し、取引を行う大規模な麻薬密売シンジケートを壊滅させた、と発表した。クルマンとセツンダで4人の容疑者が逮捕された。2014年後半、南アフリカの有名ラグビー選手ユースト・ファン・デル・ヴェストハイゼンの一夜限りのお相手、マリリーズ・ファン・エメニスは、ハンドバッグにキャットを忍ばせていたため逮捕された。その1年前、とある女性は赤児のおむつに14パックのキャットを隠し持って逮捕された。赤ん坊は、密輸の隠れ蓑として誘拐されたらしい。", "\n\nメトカチノン(Methcathinone)は、欧米では謎多き、この白いクリスタル状の粉は、「キャット(cat)」「バスタブ・スピード(bathtub speed)」として知られ、南アフリカでは大きな市場を形成している。", "\n\nメトカチノン人気の理由の1つに、「製造の容易さ」が挙げられる。素人に化学実験は難しい。MDMAを合成するには、博士レベルの精緻さが求められる。スピードの合成には、特殊な装置、政府の危険物リストに載るような「特別な分子」が必要だ。", "\n\nそれに比べ、キャットの製造法はとてもシンプルだ。原料は、一般的な風邪薬に含まれているエフェドリン、 塗料溶剤としてホームセンターで販売されているアセトン、硫酸。製造に必要な装置は、ストレーナー(ろ過器)、電子レンジ、もしくはヘアドライヤーと冷凍庫があればよい。", "\n\n1袋が、およそ20~60南アフリカランド(約143円から430円)程度の末端価格も、キャットが「南アフリカで濫用される薬物」ランキング第6位に入り、メタフェタミンのポジションを脅かす理由だ。", "\n\n国内のどの地域でもある程度の人気を誇るキャットだが、このドラッグの本拠地となっているのはハウテン州。この州には国内最大の都市ヨハネスブルクと首都プレトリアがある。", "\n\nこのドラッグは、嚥下、喫煙どちらもありだが、鼻からの吸引がなにより効果的だ。", "\n\nリハビリ施設ステップ・アウェイ・トリートメントセンターの経営者、ウェイン・ ケルサルは、「キャットは貧乏人のコカインだ」と教えてくれた。「このあたりでコカインは高い。だからキャットとクリスタル・メス市場が急成長しているんだ」\n\nサンドラ・プレトリウスは、政府のリハビリテーション・クリニックSANCA Horizon の所長だ。彼女は、入所者のバラエティがキャット市場の拡大を示唆している、と分析する。「以前は19から26才くらいの若者が中心だったのに、今はU19や高い年齢層の使用者が増えている。エクスタシー、コカイン、スピードなどの『クラブ・ドラッグ』になった」とサンドラは説明した。", "\n\nアランは、ヨハネスブルクのプライベート・クリニックを退院したばかりのウェブ・デザイナーだ。「ゲイ・シーンに出入りするようになったのは最近なんだ。最初は、コカインを買えないときの代替として、なかなか良いパーティー・ドラッグを見つけた、と思ってた。1グラムで1晩中楽しむことができるし、3グラムのコカインより安い。パラノイアもあまりない。手軽な気がしたんだ。 ", "簡単に嵌まったんだ」\n\nポート・エリザベス出身のマイケル・モリスは、15才でキャットを始めた。17才になった彼は、リハブから出たばかりだ。モリスは、「キャットは、南アフリカ中に蔓延している。南アフリカでもポピュラーなドラッグの1つだ。使用者の大半は白人」と教えてくれた。満足度の高さはコカインを上回るらしいが、「切れたときの落ち込みが半端なかった。鬱ったり攻撃的になったりした」\n\nキャットには、スピードとカット(khat)という近親麻薬がある。葉っぱを咀嚼して摂取するカットは、東アフリカやアラビア半島では一般的で、イギリスのソマリ・カフェでも手に入る。しかし、法の網を潜り抜けた数々のドラッグと同様に、キャットの初お目見えはソビエト連邦だった。1928年、ドイツで初めて合成され、1930年代から40年代には、ソビエト連邦で抗うつ剤として処方されるようになった。第2次世界大戦後、薬用目的外で濫用されたため禁止された。60、70年代には麻薬として摂取され続けた。" ]
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[ "931 F.2d 890\nU.S.v.", "Gonzalez*\nNO. ", "90-2727\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Fifth Circuit.", "\nAPR 16, 1991\n\n1\nAppeal From: S.D.Tex.", "\n\n\n2\nAFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n*\n Fed.", "R.App.", "P. 34(a); 5th Cir.", "R. 34.2\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Monosodium l-glutamate-obesity onset is associated with disruption of central control of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and autonomic nervous system.", "\nThe hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) exerts important catabolic peripheral effects and influences autonomic nervous system (ANS)-mediated processes. ", "Impaired negative-feedback control or reduced HPA axis sensitivity and altered ANS activity appear to be associated with the development and maintenance of obesity. ", "In the present study, we examined the hypothesis that the central HPA axis is dysregulated favouring ANS disbalance in monosodium l-glutamate (MSG)-induced rat obesity. ", "Glucose homeostasis, corticosterone, leptin and ANS electrical activity were evaluated. ", "Adult MSG-induced obese rats exhibited fasting hyperinsulinaemia, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, hypercorticosteronaemia, hyperleptinaemia and altered ANS activity. ", "A decrease in food intake was observed during corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) treatment in both control and MSG-treated rats. ", "By contrast, food intake was significantly elevated in control rats treated with dexamethasone (DEXA), whereas no alterations were observed following DEXA treatment in MSG-induced obese rats. ", "After DEXA injection, an increase in fasting insulin and glucose levels, associated with insulin resistance, was seen in both groups. ", "As expected, there was a decrease of parasympathetic activity and an increase of sympathetic nervous activity in CRH-treated control animals and the opposite effect was seen after DEXA treatment. ", "By contrast, there was no effect on ANS activity in MSG-rats treated with CRH or DEXA. ", "In conclusion, impairment of the HPA axis can lead to disbalance of ANS activity in MSG-treated rats, contributing to the establishment and maintenance of obesity." ]
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[ "UNESCO Chair Inaugural Lecture\n\nEvent Name\n\nUNESCO Chair Inaugural Lecture\n\nStart Date\n\n7th Oct 2013 1:00pm\n\nEnd Date\n\n7th Oct 2013 4:00pm\n\nDuration\n\n3 hours\n\nCelebrate the launch of the UNESCO Chair, Comparative Research on Cultural Diversity and Social Justice with an inaugural lecture hosted by Deakin University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Jane den Hollander" ]
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[ "Foucaucourt-en-Santerre\n\nFoucaucourt-en-Santerre is a commune in the Somme department in Hauts-de-France in northern France.", "\n\nGeography\nThe commune is situated on the N29 road, some east of Amiens.", "\n\nPopulation\n\nWorld War I\nDuring World War I the village hosted a temporary aerodrome to the west of the village opposite the cemetery. ", "It was first held by the Germans, and fell into allied hands by the end of the war. ", "The German Jagdstaffel 34 was stationed here from April to July 1918, and RAF 208 Squadron moved in on 22 September 1918.", "\n\nPlaces of interest\n The war memorial\n The Roman road, the ‘Chaussée Brunehaut’, which passes by the village.", "\n\nSee also\nCommunes of the Somme department\n\nReferences\nINSEE\n\nExternal links\n\n Foucaucourt-en-Santerre on the Quid website \n\nCategory:Communes of Somme (department)" ]
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[ "REPLACEMENT AND AFTERMARKET JEEP PARTS\n\nMorris 4x4 Center has been offering the best Jeep Wrangler parts to the off-road community for 27 years. ", "As you browse the catalog of Jeep parts online, know that you are placing an order through a trusted company with comprehensive expertise in replacement and aftermarket Jeep parts. ", "Morris 4x4 Center began as a means for Jeep fanatics to get answers to their questions and find the best Jeep Wrangler aftermarket parts and accessories available while receiving industry-leading customer service. ", "We are comprised of experts on all things Wrangler and the Jeep parts needed to outfit your JK, TJ, YJ, CJ7, CJ5, Cherokee, XJ, Willys and others. ", "Do some exploring, read reviews from your peers, take a look at our special offers from your favorite brands and call or message us with your questions. ", "If you are into trail riding, camping in the great outdoors, do-it-yourself automotive, adventures unknown or simply enjoy being on the road talk to us about your next upgrade - we will find you the right Wrangler parts to fit your rig and your price range!" ]
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[ "Theresa May will continue her weekly door knocks in her constituency despite becoming the Prime Minister.", "\n\nMrs May will not give up her regular canvassing sessions despite moving into Number 10.", "\n\nShe was first elected to the Maidenhead constituency 19 years ago and is often seen out and about." ]
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[ "ENGEVITA + B12\n\nEngevita yeast provides a rich source of B vitamins and minerals. ", "It is a natural food grown on molasses under carefully controlled conditions. ", "Engevita is a primary inactive yeast of the genus Saccharomyces cerevisiae, entirely free from Candida albicans yeast.", "\n\nVitamin B12 is considered to be an essential supplement to the vegan diet.", "Gluten free, The vegan food with a cheesy, nutty taste made from primary inactive yeast, Added B12, Contains no artificial preservatives, colouring, flavouring or genetically-modified material, The ideal condiment for soups, cereals and smoothies, Rich in B vitamins, folic acid, zinc and B12" ]
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[ "/** \\file\n * \\brief Declares stuff related to DOT format lexical analysis.", "\n *\n * \\author Łukasz Hanuszczak\n *\n * \\par License:\n * This file is part of the Open Graph Drawing Framework (OGDF).", "\n *\n * \\par\n * Copyright (C)<br>\n * See README.md in the OGDF root directory for details.", "\n *\n * \\par\n * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n * Version 2 or 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation;\n * see the file LICENSE.txt included in the packaging of this file\n * for details.", "\n *\n * \\par\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n *\n * \\par\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public\n * License along with this program; if not, see\n * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\n */\n\n#pragma once\n\n#include <iostream>\n#include <sstream>\n#include <vector>\n\n\nnamespace ogdf {\n\nnamespace dot {\n\n\n//! ", "Just a simple token struct representing a DOT file fragment.", "\n/**\n * Each token is represented by type: its either \\a special string (a keyword\n * or punctuation character) or identifier (which is \\a normal string).", "\n *\n * Additionaly, each token have its row and column fields indicating where\n * it appeared. ", "This information could be useful for displaying useful debug\n * messages.", "\n *\n * \\sa dot::Lexer\n */\nstruct Token {\n\n\tenum class Type {\n\t\t// Operators\n\t\tassignment, colon, semicolon, comma, edgeOpDirected, edgeOpUndirected,\n\t\t// Brackets\n\t\tleftBracket, rightBracket,\n\t\tleftBrace, rightBrace,\n\t\t// Keywords\n\t\tgraph, digraph, subgraph, node, edge,\n\t\tstrict,\n\t\t// Values\n\t\tidentifier\n\t};\n\n\t//! ", "The type of an field.", "\n\tType type;\n\t//! ", "Indicates a token row (line).", "\n\tsize_t row;\n\t//! ", "Indicated a token column.", "\n\tsize_t column;\n\t//! ", "Identifier content (nullptr for non-id tokens).", "\n\tstd::string *value;\n\n\tToken(size_t tokenRow, size_t tokenColumn, std::string *identifierContent = nullptr);\n\n\t//! ", "Returns string representation of given token type.", "\n\tstatic std::string toString(const Type &type);\n};\n\n\n//! ", "Lexical analysis tool.", "\n/**\n * This class reads the given input and generates a token list. ", "Token list\n * representation of DOT file is much easier for further processing (like\n * parsing) as it automatically gets rid of comments and deals with various\n * identifier representations in DOT format (C-like identifier, double-quoted\n * strings, number literals).", "\n *\n * \\sa dot::Parser\n */\nclass Lexer {\nprivate:\n\tstd::istream &m_input;\n\n\tstd::string m_buffer; // Current line of given file.", "\n\tsize_t m_row, m_col; // Current position in parsed file.", "\n\n\tstd::vector<Token> m_tokens;\n\n\tbool tokenizeLine();\n\n\t//! ", "Checks if \\a head matches given token. ", "Advances \\a head on success.", "\n\t/**\n\t * @param type A type of token being matched.", "\n\t * @param word True if token is part of a word, false otherwise.", "\n\t * @return True if matches, false otherwise.", "\n\t */\n\tbool match(const Token::Type &type, bool word = false);\n\n\t//! ", "Checks if \\a head matches given string. ", "Advances \\a head on success.", "\n\t/**\n\t * @param str A string being matched.", "\n\t * @param word True if token is part of a word, false otherwise.", "\n\t * @return True if matches, false otherwise.", "\n\t */\n\tbool match(const std::string &str, bool word = false);\n\n\t//! ", "Checks whether \\a head is an identifier.", "\n\t/**\n\t * @param token Function fills it with identifier value and col/row info.", "\n\t * @return True if matches, false otherwise.", "\n\t */\n\tbool identifier(Token &token);\n\n\t//! ", "Checks if character is allowed in an identifier by DOT standard\n\t/**\n\t * @param c A character\n\t * @return True if c is one of alphabetic ([a-zA-Z\\200-\\377]) characters, underscores ('_') or digits ([0-9])\n\t */\n\tbool isDotAlnum(signed char c);\n\npublic:\n\t//! ", "Initializes lexer with given input (but does nothing to it).", "\n\texplicit Lexer(std::istream &input);\n\t~Lexer();\n\n\t//! ", "Scans input and turns it into token list.", "\n\t/**\n\t * @return True if success, false otherwise.", "\n\t */\n\tbool tokenize();\n\t//! ", "Returns list of tokens (first use Lexer#tokenize())\n\tconst std::vector<Token> &tokens() const;\n};\n\n}\n}\n" ]
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[ "Babalú-Ayé\n\n{{Infobox deity\n| type = Yoruba\n| other_names = Ọbaluaye or Sopona| member_of = Orisha\n| venerated_in = Yoruba religion, Umbanda, Candomble, Santeria, Haitian Vodou, Folk Catholicism\n| image = Omolu.jpg\n| caption = Omolú. ", "Woodcut by Carybé\n| deity_of = Infectious Disease (Smallpox, HIV, Epilepsy, Leprosy), Healing, Illness, Epidemics\n| color = \n| region = Nigeria, Benin, Latin America\n| ethnic_group = Yoruba\n| symbol =\n}}Babalú-Ayé , (also Omolu, Obaluaye, or Obaluaê) (Yoruba: , lit. '", "Father, Lord of the Earth') is an Orisha strongly associated with infectious disease and healing in the Yoruba religion, including the body, wealth, and physical possessions. ", "In West Africa, he was strongly associated with epidemics of smallpox, leprosy, influenza, ebola, and HIV/AIDS. ", " Although strongly associated with illness and disease, Babalú-Ayé is also the spirit that cures these ailments. ", "Both feared and loved, Babalú-Ayé is sometimes referred to as the “Wrath of the supreme god” because he punishes people for their transgressions. ", "People hold Babalú-Ayé in great respect and avoid calling his actual name, because they do not wish to invoke epidemics.", "\n\nHis worship is widely associated with the Earth itself, and his shrines are often separated from commonly travelled areas. ", "His ritual tools include a ritual broom for purification, a covered terra-cotta vessel, and abundant cowry shells. ", "Usually considered hobbled by disease, he universally takes grains as offerings.", "\n\nIn Africa\n\nYoruba\n\nVenerated by the Yoruba, O̩balúayé is usually called Shopona and said to have dominion over the Earth and smallpox. ", "He demands respect and even gratitude when he claims a victim, and so people sometimes honor him with the praise name Alápa-dúpé, meaning “One who kills and is thanked for it”. ", " In one commonly recounted story, Shopona was old and lame. ", "He attended a celebration at the palace of Obatala, the father of the orishas. ", "When Shopona tried to dance, he stumbled and fell. ", "All the other orishas laughed at him, and he in turn tried to infect them with smallpox. ", "Obatala stopped him and drove him into the bush, where he has lived as an outcast ever since.", "\n\nFon\n\nVenerated by the Fon, the spirit is most commonly called Sakpata. ", "He owns the Earth and has strong associations with smallpox and other infections. ", "His worship is very diverse in Fon communities, where many distinct manifestations of the spirit are venerated. ", "Because the dead are buried in the Earth, the manifestation called Avimadye is considered the chief of the ancestors.", "Herskovits 1938:131\n\nEwe\n\nVenerated by the Ewe, there is a similar figure with the praise name Anyigbato who is closely associated with sickness and displaced peoples. ", "He is believed to wander the land at night, wearing a garment of rattling snail shells; the snail shells are also a key feature of his fetish.", "\n\nIn Latin America\n\nIn Santería, Babalú-Ayé is among the most popular orishas. ", "Syncretized with Saint Lazarus, and regarded as particularly miraculous, Babalú-Ayé is publicly honored with a pilgrimage on December 17, when tens of thousands of devotees gather at the Church and Leprosorium of Saint Lazarus in El Rincón, in the outskirts of Santiago de las Vegas, Havana. ", "Arará communities in Cuba and its diaspora honor the spirit as Asojano. ", "Both traditions use sack cloth in rituals to evoke his humility. ", "The spirit also appears in Palo as Pata en Llaga.", "\n\nIn Candomblé, Obaluaiê's face is thought to be so scarred by disease and so terrifying that he appears covered with a raffia masquerade that covers his whole body. ", "He also manifests in Umbanda and Macumba.", "\n\nIn Ifá and Dilogun divination\n\nThrough divination, he often speaks to his devotees through the Ifá signs (Odu Ifá) Ojuani Meyi and Irete Meyi, though as a sickness, he can manifest in any divination sign. ", "In cowrie-shell divination (Dilogun), he is also strongly also associated with the sign called Metanlá (16 cowries).", "\n\nRelationship to other Orisha\n\nThere are several, sometimes contradictory, accounts of Babalú-Ayé's genealogical relationships to other orisha. ", "Babalú-Ayé is often considered the son of Yemoja and the brother of Shango. ", "However, some religious lineages maintain that he is the son of Nana Buluku, while others assert that he is her husband.", "Ramos 1996:68\n\nSome lineages of Candomblé relate myths that justify Babalú-Ayé being the child of both Yemoja and Nana Burukú. ", "In these myths, Nana Burukú is Babalú-Ayé's true mother who abandons him to die of exposure on the beach where he is badly scarred by crabs. ", "Yemoja discovers him there, takes him under her protection, nurses him back to health, and educates him in many secrets.", "\n\nBecause of his knowledge of the forest and the healing power of plants, Babalú-Ayé is strongly associated with Osain, the orisha of herbs. ", "Oba Ecun (an oriate in La Regla de Ocha) describes the two orisha as two aspects of a single being, while William Bascom noted that some connect the two through their mutual close relationship with the spirits of the forest called ijimere.", "\n\nThemes in the worship of Babalú\n\nThe narratives and rituals that carry important cultural information about Babalú-Ayé include various recurring and interrelated themes.", "Earth: Babalú-Ayé’s worship is frequently linked to the Earth itself, and even his name identifies him with the Earth itself.", "Illness and Suffering: Long referred to as the “god of smallpox,” Babalú-Ayé certainly links back to disease in the body and the changes it brings. ", "Because Babalú-Ayé both punishes people with illness and rewards them with health, his stories and ceremonies often deal with the body as a central locus of experience for both human limitations and divine power. ", "Similarly, his mythical lameness evokes the idea of living in a constant state of limitation and physical pain, while people appeal to him to protect them from disease.", "The Permeable Nature of Things: In the Americas, Babalú-Ayé vessels always have various holes in their lids, allowing offerings to enter but also symbolizing the difficulty in containing illness completely. ", "These holes are often explicitly compared to sores that pock the orisha’s skin. ", "This permeability also appears in the sack cloth and raffia fringe called mariwó used to dress the orisha.", "Secrecy and Revelation: The contrast between silence and speech, darkness, and light, and secrecy and revelation permeate the worship of Babalú-Ayé. ", "According to the tradition, certain things must remain secret to sustain their ritual power or their healthy function. ", "In turn inappropriate revelation leads to illness and other negative manifestations. ", "Conversely the appropriate revelation of information can provide important teaching and guidance.", "Wickedness and Righteousness: Represented in sacred narratives as a transgressor in some instances, Babalú-Ayé himself is condemned to exile because he breaks the social contract. ", "The physical pain of his lame leg transforms into the emotional pain of exile. ", "Only after spending much time in isolation does he return to society. ", "In other contexts, he is lauded as the most righteous of all the orishas. ", "Similarly he is often referred to as punishing the offense of human beings.", "Exile and Movement: Strongly associated with the forest and the road itself, the key stories and ceremonies related to Babalú-Ayé involve movement as an antidote to stagnation. ", "In Lucumí and Arará ceremonies in Cuba, his vessel is ritually moved from place to place in important initiations. ", "But through this movement through different spaces, Babalú-Ayé regularly appears as a complex, even liminal, figure who unites various realms. ", "Strongly associated with powerful herbs used for poisons and panaceas, he is sometimes associated with Osain and the powerful acts of magicians. ", "Strongly associated with the Earth and the ancestors buried within it, he is sometimes ritually honored with the dead. ", "At the same time, he is widely included as an orisha or a fodun, as the Arará traditionally call their deities in Cuba. ", "Similarly the dogs strongly associated with Babalú-Ayé move from the house, to the street, to the forest, and back with relative facility.", "Death and Resurrection': Last but not least, Babalú-Ayé's own journey of exile, debilitation, and finally restoration addresses the cyclic nature of all life. ", "While this theme of transcendence plays a much more prominent role in the Americas than in West Africa, it is also present there in narratives about epidemics befalling kings and kingdoms, only to find relief and remedy in Babalú-Ayé.", "\n\nSee also\nBabalú (Cuban song)\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography\nBrown, David H. 2003. ", "Santería Enthroned: Art, Ritual and Innovation in an Afro-Cuban Religion. ", "Chicago: University of Chicago Press.", "\nBuckley, Anthony D. 1985. ", "Yoruba Medicine. ", "Oxford: Clarendon Press.", "\nEcun, Oba. ", "1996. ", "Ita: Mythology of the Yoruba Religion. ", "Miami: ObaEcun Books.", "\nEllis, A.B. 1894. ", "The Yoruba-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa. ", "Their religion, manners, customs, laws, language, etc. ", "London: Chapman and Hall.", "\nFriedson, Steven M. 2009. ", "Remains of Ritual: Northern Gods in a Southern Land. ", "Chicago: University of Chicago Press.", "\nHerskovits, Melville. ", "1938. ", " Dahomey: An Ancient West African Kingdom. ", "New York: J.J. Augustin.", "\nIdowu, E. Bolaji. ", "1962. ", "Olodumare: God in Yoruba Belief. ", "London: Longmans, Green, and Co.\nLele, Ocha'ni. ", "2003. ", "The Diloggun: The Orishas, Proverbs, Sacrifices, and Prohibitions of Cuban Santeria. ", "Rochester, Vt.: ", "Destiny Books.", "\nLovell, Nadia. ", "2002. ", "Cord of Blood: Possession and the Making of Voodoo. ", "London: Pluto Press.", "\nLucas, J. Olumide. ", "1996. ", "The Religion of the Yoruba: Being an Account of the Religious Beliefs and Practices of the Yoruba People of Southwest Nigeria. ", "Especially in Relation to the Religion of Egypt. ", "Brooklyn, NY: Athelia Henrietta Press. [", "Originally published in 1948 in London by the Church Missionary Society Bookshop]\nMason, Michael Atwood. ", "2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. ", "Baba Who? ", "Babalú! ", "Blog. ", "http://baba-who-babalu-santeria.blogspot.com/\nMcKenzie, Peter. ", "1997. ", "Hail Orisha! ", "A Phenomenology of a West African Religion in the Mid-Nineteenth Century. ", "Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill.", "\nRamos, Miguel “Willie.” ", "1996. ", "Afro-Cuban Orisha Worship. ", "In A. Lindsey, ed., ", "Santería Aesthetics in Contemporary Latin American Art, pp.", " 51–76. ", "Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.", "\nRosenthal, Judy. ", "1998. ", "Possession, Ecstasy, and Law in Ewe Voodoo. ", "Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.", "\n\nVerger, Pierre F. 1957. ", "Notes sur le culte des orisa et vodun a Bahia, la Baie de tous les Saints, au Brésil, et à l’ancienne Côte des Esclaves en Afrique. ", "Dakar: IFAN.", "\nVoeks, Robert A. 1997. ", "Sacred Leaves of Candomblé: African Magic, Medicine, and Religion in Brazil. ", "Austin: University of Texas Press.", "\nWenger, Susanne. ", "1983. ", "A Life With the Gods in their Yoruba Homeland''. ", "Wörgl, Austria: Perlinger Verlag.", "\n\nCategory:Yoruba gods\nCategory:Brazilian deities\nCategory:African mythology\nCategory:Health gods\nCategory:Santería\nCategory:Smallpox deities" ]
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[ "The present invention generally relates to wireless communication networks, and particularly relates to load balancing in wireless packet data networks.", "\nCurrent and evolving wireless communication networks offer a range of packet data services. ", "The push toward higher data rates led to the introduction of shared, high-speed packet data channels in several of the current wireless communication network standards. ", "The IS-2000 standards for cdma2000 networks introduced the high-rate Forward Packet Data Channel (F-PDCH), for example, and the W-CDMA standards introduced the High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) channel.", "\nSeveral subscribers (mobile stations) simultaneously share a F-PDCH (or HSDPA channel), and each one is served on the channel via time-multiplexed delivery of per-subscriber data. ", "Some form of “scheduler” manages the multiplexed delivery of data according to one or more service criteria, such as by prioritizing delivery to subscribers in good radio conditions with maximum throughput as the scheduling goal, or by prioritizing delivery to subscribers that are underserved relative to their prevailing radio conditions with “fairness” of service as the scheduling goal.", "\nIn a typical cdma2000-based network offering F-PDCH services, each radio sector transmits the F-PDCH, and individual mobile stations are served on the F-PDCH in the radio sector that currently provides the “best” signal quality. ", "Each mobile station dynamically monitors the signal quality from its serving sector and from the other sectors in its “active set” of radio sectors that are candidates for serving it on the F-PDCH.", "\nIf the signal quality from one of the candidate sectors becomes better than that of its current serving sector, the mobile station selects that candidate sector as its new serving sector and signals that reselection to the network. ", "In turn, the base station controller or other entity managing the involved radio sectors coordinates the transfer of that mobile station's packet data traffic from the F-PDCH of the old serving sector to the F-PDCH of the new serving sector.", "\nMobile stations receiving packet data traffic the F-PDCH thus “move” toward the best signal strength and, ultimately, end up selecting the radio sector offering them the best signal strength. ", "Of course, the radio sector offering the best signal strength to a given mobile station is not always the best F-PDCH serving sector for that mobile station.", "\nIndeed, the F-PDCH in that sector already may be heavily loaded, or there may be a relatively large number of dedicated channel users operating in that sector—mobile stations engaged in circuit-switched voice or low-rate data services—which reduces the transmit power and spreading code availability for the F-PDCH. ", "In short, mobile stations autonomously selecting and reselecting serving sectors for F-PDCH service based simply on following the best radio sector signal strength leave the supporting wireless packet data network vulnerable to potentially significant congestion and efficiency problems." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to an encoded video signal and, more particularly, to a method for broadcasting an encoded video signal and to receiving apparatus for decoding the video signal.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nA video signal can be encoded before broadcasting to prevent the use of the video signal unless the coding technique is known. ", "Certain \"pay-TV\" systems are based on the payment of a fee for a device that is programmed for the particular coding technique being used so that the received signal can be used to generate a television picture.", "\nThose systems have encountered a problem when the coded video signal is recorded by the subscriber using a video tape recorder (VTR). ", "VTR's normally have noise reduction circuits to mask noise in the signal when it is played back. ", "Unfortunately, noise reduction circuits can also mask information in the broadcast signal which is necessary for decoding the signal. ", "Thus, when the recorded, encoded signal is played back through the receiver apparatus, it often will not be properly decoded." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMongoDb Aggregation: How can I group an array-1 based on another array-2 when given array-1 and array-2?", "\n\nEDIT: My original question was\n\nMongoDb Aggregation: Can you $unwind an input document variable in the pipline of a $lookup stage?", "\n\nConsider the code below:\n{$lookup: {\n from:\"mydoc\", \n let: {\"c\":\"$myArray\"}, \n pipeline: [ \n {$unwind: \"$$c\"},\n ]\n as:\"myNewDoc\"\n }}\n\nHow would I unwind c if I wanted to?", "\n/////END OF ORIGINAL QUESTION\n-----EDIT-----\nFrom Tom Slabbaert's comment we now know that it is possible to $unwind an input document variable in the pipline of a $lookup stage. ", "But it is not recommended.", "\n\nWhat am I trying to achieve?", "\n\nConsider these collections, poll and castedvote from this answer from a question I had asked.", "\nI am trying to get an output like below:\nnumberOfVotes: 6,\nhasThisUserVoted: true,\nnumberOfComments: 12,\ncastedVotesPerChoice:{\n \"choiceA\": [\n {\"_id\": ObjectId(\"...\"), \"voter\": \"Juzi\", \"choice\": 0, \"pollId\": 100 },\n {\"_id\": ObjectId(\"...\"), \"voter\": \"Juma\", \"choice\": 0, \"pollId\": 100 },\n {\"_id\": ObjectId(\"...\"), \"voter\": \"Jane\", \"choice\": 0, \"pollId\": 100 },\n ],\n \"choiceB\": [\n {\"_id\": ObjectId(\"...\"), \"voter\": \"Jamo\", \"choice\": 1, \"pollId\": 100 },\n {\"_id\": ObjectId(\"...\"), \"voter\": \"Juju\", \"choice\": 1, \"pollId\": 100 },\n {\"_id\": ObjectId(\"...\"), \"voter\": \"Jana\", \"choice\": 1, \"pollId\": 100 }\n ],\n \"choiceC\": [ ]\n}\n\nmy current implementation:\ndb.poll.aggregate([\n {\"$match\": {\"_id\": 100}}, \n // ...lookup to get comments\n {\"$lookup\": {\n \"from\":\"castedvotes\", \n \"let\": {\"pollId\":\"$_id\"}, \n \"pipeline\":[\n {\"$match\":\n {\"$expr\":\n {\"$eq\": [\"$pollId\", \"$$pollId\"]},\n }},\n ], \n \"as\":\"votes\" // will use this to get number of votes and find out if the authenticated user has voted.", "\n }},\n {\"$unwind\":\"$choices\"},\n {\"$lookup\": {\n \"from\":\"castedvotes\", \n \"let\": {\"c\":\"$choices\"}, \n \"pipeline\":[\n {\"$match\":\n {\"$expr\":\n {\"$eq\": [\"$choice\", \"$$c.id\"]},\n }},\n ], \n \"as\":\"votesPerChoice\"\n }},\n])\n\nThe issue I have with my current implementation is that it is doing a lookup on the same collection twice I feel like this is unnecessary and it makes the code not dry.", "\nWith $unwind I know I can un-$unwind as described here.", "\nSo my question is how can I get my desired output with one $lookup to the casted vote collection? ", "Since both lookups return the same data.", "\nOr to ask the question differently how can I group an array-1 based on another array-2 in mongodb aggregation when given array-1 and array-2?", "\nThis question answers how to group arrays based on another array in mongodb aggregation by structuring the $lookup stage a certain way. ", "It does not answer my question.", "\n\nA:\n\nIf I've understood the \"puzzle\" post correctly (Post title and EDIT are different use cases), we can get the desired result with a single $lookup:\ndb.poll.aggregate([\n {\n \"$match\": {\n \"_id\": 100\n }\n },\n {\n \"$lookup\": {\n \"from\": \"castedvotes\",\n \"localField\": \"pollId\",\n \"foreignField\": \"choices.id\",\n \"as\": \"voters\"\n }\n },\n {\n $project: {\n numberOfVotes: {\n $size: \"$voters\"\n },\n hasThisUserVoted: {\n $in: [\n \"$_id\",\n \"$voters.pollId\"\n ]\n },\n /**How to calculate it?*/\n numberOfComments: {\n $multiply: [\n {\n $size: \"$voters\"\n },\n 2\n ]\n },\n castedVotesPerChoice: {\n $arrayToObject: {\n $map: {\n input: \"$choices\",\n as: \"choice\",\n in: {\n k: \"$$choice.name\",\n v: {\n $filter: {\n input: \"$voters\",\n as: \"voter\",\n cond: {\n $eq: [\n \"$$voter.choice\",\n \"$$choice.id\"\n ]\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n])\n\nMongoPlayground\n\n" ]
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[ "Celebrating the great Canadian game. ", "Tracking the NHL, the Canadian teams and a lot more!", "\n\nFriday, December 07, 2007\n\nMy hockey card collection never looked like this!", "\n\nA Boston area artist is taking the task of exposing the past legends of the game to a whole new area, with the release of a series of ahem, portraits, of some famous Boston players au natural.", "\n\nCalled \"Everybody Knows That Canadians Were The Best Hockey Players.\", ", "Kurt Kauper, has used his imagination to portray such Boston legends as Bobby Orr and Derek Sanderson in the raw, an interesting concept for a game played in such a cold environment.", "\n\nNeither Orr or Sanderson have had much to say about the collection, which apparently has sold all but one of the five portraits created. ", "Though Sanderson, never short for a quote provided perhaps the best line about the risque paintings.", "\n\n\"Hey, you know, he has poetic license, he can pretty much bloody well do what he bloody pleases,\" No. ", "16 told the Boston Globe. \"", "I just hope he's a good artist.\"" ]
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[ "Page 2\n\nHow many people actually make a living -- even a modest one -- playing poker?", "\n\nWhat percentage of \"serious\" players show a profit -- even a minuscule one -- for their careers?", "\n\nYou'd think a guy (that would be moi) would ask himself those two questions before he embarked on a year-long odyssey as a \"high-stakes poker pro.\" ", "Well, what can I say ... sometimes, people are irrational.", "\n\nBut, as it turns out, it wouldn't have mattered if I had asked myself those questions, because there is no reliable research on either subject -- at least, nothing since the poker explosion of a few years ago, the one started by the Card Cam (the TV camera which allows audiences to see the players' hold cards during the hand), fueled by ESPN's coverage of the World Series of Poker and the Travel Channel's broadcasts of the World Poker Tour, and topped off by the $2.5 million lamb-defeats-wolf victory of online amateur Chris Moneymaker over cunning pro Sam Farha in the 2003 WSOP.", "\n\nThe only somewhat scholarly attempt to answer the second question that I've heard about is a piece by Nolan Dalla that appeared in Card Player magazine back in 1995, long before poker's big breakout. ", "Dalla, a long-time writer/thinker about poker issues -- he's something of a specialist on questions of poker ethics -- teamed up with Jeff Goldberg, a math professor from Arizona State.", "\n\n\"We calculated that about 15,000-to-20,000 players were winners in any given year, U.S. cardroom figures only,\" Dalla tells me. \"", "This amounted to about 10-to-12 percent of the U.S. poker base, estimated roughly at 200,000, which we defined as the number of players who play in a public cardroom two-plus times in a calendar year.\"", "\n\nHowever, as Dalla points out, \"these figures are grossly outdated\" because this came before the expansion of gambling, the explosion of interest in poker, and, perhaps most importantly, the advent of online poker.", "\n\nI also asked Dalla how many people he thinks make a \"decent living\" from poker, which I define as $50,000-to-$100,000 per year, after deducting poker-playing expenses like the cost of traveling to and from casinos, food and lodging, dealers' tips, etc.", "\n\n\"Well, 'decent living' means something beyond those parameters,\" Dalla says. \"", "I suggest you define a 'professional,' as opposed to a semi-professional or part-timer, as anyone who makes a subsistence income or more, as long as those winnings go for living expenses. ", "For instance, there are quite a few semi-retired players who grind out $20,000-to-$30,000 a year playing in small limit games. ", "Also, you can't include a person with a full-time job who gets lucky and wins $200,000 in a tournament somewhere, which might account for four times his regular salary. ", "By my definition, I would estimate the number of semi-professionals in the U.S. to be in the 30,000 range, if you define a semi-professional as a part-timer who makes some money playing poker. ", "The number of full-time professionals, I would estimate, is a small fraction of that -- about 3,000 or so. ", "I think 60 percent of those are online players.\"", "\n\nGreg Raymer, the winner of last year's WSOP (and a life-changing $5 million which allowed him to quit his job as a patent attorney), pretty much agrees with Dalla's educated guesses, though his evidence is mostly anecdotal and personal.", "\n\n\"I've often heard people say that about 10 percent of poker players in any room are long-term winners,\" he says. \"", "But many of those are not winning enough to support themselves. ", "For example, I've never had a losing year; but until last year's WSOP, I also never had a year where I won anywhere near as much as my job paid, and there were only a couple of years where I won enough to call it 'a decent living'.\"", "\n\nAs usual, Matt Matros, my fellow contrarian thinker and mentor/teacher (which means, like it or not, that he has to take some responsibility for my miserable performance of recent months), questions my questions themselves.", "\n\n\"If the question is, 'What percentage of people who play poker in casinos and/or online are winners?', ", "then the answer is probably somewhere around 5 percent, or even lower,\" he says. \"", "A lot of people will try poker once in a casino without knowing how to play, and the vast majority will go home broke. ", "The same is true -- though to a lesser degree -- online.", "\n\n\"But if the question is, 'What percentage of people who take the game seriously are winners?', ", "then that's tougher. ", "Of course, we'd have to define what it means to take the game seriously. ", "You could say, 'anybody who has read one poker book,' but that would exclude guys like Paul Darden, who has never read a poker book. ", "So, leaving it as a subjective definition, I would guess 25-to-30 percent of people who take the game seriously are winners.", "\n\n\"This brings us to the question, 'How many players actually win enough every year to earn at least $50,000 per?' ", "I would say, very few. ", "There are a bunch of pros playing the Vegas $30-60 games and higher, and most of them probably qualify. ", "Ditto for the scene in L.A. Then there are the online pros -- like me, sort of. ", "Most of them are young guys who started playing online really young and became good enough so they didn't start looking for real jobs. ", "I would guess that, all in all, there were probably 600 people who play poker for a living and who made $50,000 or more last year.", "\n\n\"But this is a highly unscientific guess. ", "As you suggested, there really is no reliable 'information' on this, because this stuff obviously isn't documented anywhere.\"", "\n\nWell, this raises another question: Why not? ", "How is it that, in an activity where every possible result is calibrated to an infinite number of decimal places, nobody can answer basic questions about how many poker players are \"successful\" on any level?", "\n\nAsk Jackpot Jay! ", "Got a poker problem or want more details about Jay's poker adventure? ", "Send in your questions and comments.", "\n\nThree simple little words:\n\nPoker players lie.", "\n\n(Though we insiders like to think of it as \"bluffing.\")", "\n\nAs Ashley Adams, author of \"Winning 7-Card Stud\" (Lyle Stuart/Kensington), points out, it comes with the territory. \"", "It's like driving,\" he says. \"", "The AAA surveyed drivers, asking people to rate their own driving skills. ", "Something like 90 percent said they were above average! ", "Poker players are the same way. ", "Most keep shoddy records, if any, and greatly overestimate how they have done. ", "So even if someone took the time to do a thorough survey, the participants are apt to misrepresent their results.\"", "\n\nAnd this, says Adams, is a good thing. \"", "If bad players knew how much they lost each year to their favorite hobby, they'd probably stop playing.\"", "\n\nThere are many reasons, beyond self-delusion, why poker players lie.", "\n\n1.) ", "To hide income from the IRS.", "\n\n2.) ", "To hide income/extravagant losses from their spouses/significant others.", "\n\n3.) ", "Table image. ", "Losers don't scare anybody; big winners scare away the fish.", "\n\n4.) ", "Self-image. ", "Some people can't play with confidence unless they feel like winners; others can't play their best unless driven by horrific visions of failure.", "\n\n5.) ", "Habit (see \"joke\" about bluffing, above).", "\n\nSimilarly, there are many reasons why few casino and online players can win, long-term, and why even fewer can make a \"decent living\" at the game.", "\n\n1.) ", "Lack of technical knowledge. ", "Most players don't bother to learn how to play correctly in the first place. (", "To be fair, the real motivations for most players have little to do with making money. ", "Most players are looking for one or more of the following: some fun, a distracting hobby, excitement, proof that God loves them.)", "\n\n2.) ", "Lack of self-knowledge. ", "If you are unable to figure out, and accept, how good/not good you are, you will be unable to find the proper level of game in which to play (that is, a game you can regularly beat).", "\n\n3.) ", "Lack of discipline. ", "Most players, even those who actually possess an \"A\" game, cannot maintain their \"A\" game when they are ...\n\n... tired.", "\n\nPoker Central Have you become obsessed with poker too? ", "Well, no worries -- Page 2 has launched its very own poker section. ", "Check it out.", "\n\n... bored.", "\n\n... drunk.", "\n\n... sick.", "\n\n... losing.", "\n\n... on tilt.", "\n\n4.) ", "Major \"leaks.\" ", "To put it mildly, poker tends to attract people with addictive personalities. (", "Jackpot Jay reluctantly pleads guilty.) ", "It is not uncommon, even at the Hall-of-Fame level, to find poker players who fritter away their bankrolls by indulging their addictive selves in loser gambling activities (sports betting, betting on horse racing, craps), alcoholic excess, cocaine, you name it. ", "Most people are familiar with the story of how Stu Ungar, possibly the greatest poker player who ever lived, lost everything -- including his life -- to cocaine addiction. ", "Even casual hangers-on can offer up a litany of many of the top players who are constantly in bankroll freefall thanks to their inability to resist the lure of bad bets, excessive drinking, unwise pharmaceutical indulgences, etc.", "\n\nHowever, the main reason so few players will ever show a long-term profit -- minimal or enough to live on -- is ...\n\n5.) ", "The \"rake\" casinos and online sites charge, which is the money they take out of each pot (or the hourly seat fee some charge for no-limit games) that allows them to stay in business most profitably.", "\n\nConsider the following typical example, and the inevitability that follows:\n\nGenerally speaking, most casinos and online sites will take $4 out of any reasonably-sized pot. ", "If you play, say, 60 hands per hour in a 10-handed $10-20 game online, the site will wind up taking about $240 out of the game. ", "So, in theory, if you play with the same 10 players for 40 hours over a week, and all the players are fairly evenly matched in ability, and all have a similar amount of luck -- good and bad -- during that time, the casino/site will have taken about $10,000 out of the game by the end of the week. ", "This means that if each player starts with a $1,000 bankroll -- which is a reasonable amount to take part in a $10-20 game -- by the end of the week, everybody would be completely broke. (", "And if you play in two or more games simultaneously -- especially of they are six-handed games or, worse, high-speed games -- it might not take anywhere near a week.)", "\n\nIn other words, even if you are an average player in a game -- let alone a bad one -- you must lose money over a long period of time. ", "The only way you can win any money at all is if you consistently play with people who are not as good as you are. ", "And that is hard to do, because even if you can find such a game, and even if you are able to correctly evaluate your own talent level, and even if you are able to consistently play your patient \"A\" game without getting bored or going on tilt over a bad run, or getting too tired, or drinking too much, or not getting enough sleep, or just plain freaking out, the likelihood is that the players you are so much better than eventually will quit the game or go broke or both.", "\n\nJackpot Jay's Poker Glossary Confused by some of the terms Jay uses in his poker columns? ", "Get their definitions right here.", "\n\nAnd, realistically, the percentage of players who can consistently dominate a typical $10-20 limit hold 'em game is quite small, under the best of circumstances. ", "So the number of players who can dominate a large-enough limit game -- for the sake of argument, let's use the $30-60 limit Matt Matros typically plays -- is geometrically smaller yet.", "\n\nThis explains why so few people can hope to support themselves playing poker -- let's say, somewhere between Nolan Dalla's guess of 3,000 and Matros' estimate of 600, which isn't many when you consider that approximately 50 million people in the U.S. alone play the game (that's the New York Times' best guess).", "\n\nBottom line: Maybe it's time to cut ol' Jackpot Jay a little slack. ", "I am, after all, on the plus side to the tune of almost $15,000, and I'm more than halfway through my year-long poker odyssey.", "\n\nSecond-thought bottom line: On the other hand, those who expect ol' JJ to earn a \"decent living\" playing poker -- including Mr. and Mrs. Jackpot Jay -- may be in for a bit of a disappointment.", "\n\nNOTE TO THE READERS\n\nIf anyone knows of research pertinent to the chances of earning a living playing poker -- or even showing a small profit -- please let me know. ", "I'd also like to hear from readers who want to make informed guesses on the correct percentages of real pros and in-the-black players (please include the whys and wherefores of your beliefs), and anybody who wants to describe the story of their own struggles in interesting and succinct ways.", "\n\nNEXT WEEK'S COLUMN\n\nA review of the poker soap opera \"Tilt,\" which debuts Thursday night at 9 p.m. ET, on ESPN.", "\n\nHEY, IRS: HOW JAY IS DOING IN HIS NEW CAREER\n\nLast week: DNP\n\nCareer-to-date: plus $14,439\n\nJay Lovinger, a former managing editor of Life and a founding editor of Page 2, is writing on his poker adventures for ESPN.com and also writing a book for HarperCollins." ]
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[ "Posts in the Announcements category:\n\nThe Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved waivers for New York and New Jersey under Section 1135 of the Social Security Act. ", "The waivers ease certain legal requirements on healthcare providers who are serving those impacted by Sandy. ", "The Section 1135 waiver for New York is available here. ", "The waivers relax the rules […]\n\nThe New York State Office of Medicaid Inspector General (“OMIG”) recently released a Compliance Alert that explains what types of Medicaid providers are required to have a compliance program and what steps those providers can take to ensure that they are meeting their obligations under the law. ", "The New York Social Services Law and its […]\n\nThe federal government’s Office of the Inspector General (“OIG”), part of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, is considering revising its self-disclosure protocol to provide additional guidance to federal health care program providers. ", "The OIG is soliciting comments from all sources on the process by which health care providers can report overpayments […]\n\nGovernor Cuomo and the New York State legislature reached an agreement late on Sunday, June 17, that is expected to lead to the creation of the Governor’s proposed Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs (“Justice Center”). ", "The bill, S. 7749/A.10721, will be brought to the Assembly for a vote on Wednesday, […]\n\nToday, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver announced an agreement on legislation that will establish a new Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs, which will change how the state protects New Yorkers in state-operated, certified, or licensed facilities and programs. ", "As we previously […]\n\nThe Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) has released a report following its review of the National Medicaid Audit Program. ", "The GAO has determined that this program, designed to fight Medicaid fraud, has cost the United States at least $102 million in auditing fees since 2008 while identifying less than $20 million in overpayments. ", "Analysis of the GAO’s findings […]\n\nNew York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced on Tuesday that it had reached settlements with Group Health Inc. (“GHI”) and a New York City health care provider regarding overpayments to consumers. ", "GHI has agreed to repay consumers for approximately three years of overbilling. ", "GHI purportedly charged its assureds out-of-network rates for certain medical providers, […]\n\nGovernor Andrew Cuomo announced on Tuesday, June 5, that New York State will seek to spend $10 billion in Medicaid savings to redesign the state’s health care system. ", "The state must ask the Federal Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) for a waiver that would allow the state to use up to $10 billion […]\n\nOn Wednesday, May 24, the Public Health and Health Planning Council (“PHHPC”) met to further discuss the streamlining of the Certificate of Need (“CON”) process in New York State. ", "The PHHPC produced documents that explain the mission and vision for the CON, as well as a report of its recommendations for streamlining the CON program. ", "Over […]\n\nIncreasingly, nursing homes seek guidance on the considerations involved in the use of surveillance equipment in their facilities. ", "On May 22, 2012, the New York State Department of Health issued a “Dear Administrator Letter” (DAL) addressing the use and installation of audio and/or video surveillance equipment in nursing homes. ", "The DAL is available here." ]
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[ "City officials are exploring the possibility of allowing park users to drink alcohol in designated picnic areas in Calgary.", "\n\nThe concept comes from a recent engagement on possible changes to the city’s Parks and Pathway Bylaw that showed a public desire to allow for the practice.", "\n\nAccording to regulations from Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis, alcohol can only be consumed at a designated park site marked with proper signage and must be accompanied with food.", "\n\nCity officials say the regular prohibitions and penalties regarding public intoxication would remain in place.", "\n\nConcerned residents are encouraged to forward their opinions during a public engagement process, available online from January 17 to 31.", "\n\nIf the response is positive, the city says the idea could be launched as a pilot project as soon as this summer.", "\n\nLast year, city officials dropped an idea to establish pot parks due to public backlash against the proposal that would have seen four such sites in Calgary.", "\n\nMore information is expected on Thursday." ]
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[ "The generous single story Russo plan by Lennar features a welcoming entry foyer, a spacious study with french doors and a stylish box window, an open family room with the option to add a corner fireplace, an open island kitchen with large walk-in pantry, and an open dining room with box windows and access to a relaxing covered rear patio. ", "The generous master suite features a separate shower and tub, dual sinks, a private toilet enclosure, and a large master closet.", "\n\nCommunity Info\n\nCreekside Ranch - Brookstone and Fairway Collections\n\nThe exciting new Fairway Collection of floor plans are COMING SOON to Creekside Ranch!", "\nThe Brookstone Collection by Lennar offers the perfect combination of beauty and affordability. ", "These homes are perfectly suited for all family sizes and feature fantastic included amenities you'll love, such as an island kitchen, a first floor master suite with en suite master bathroom that features dual sinks, large walk-in closets, a relaxing covered rear patio. *", "The Brookstone Collection requires the addition of the three-car garage for all Brookstone Collection homes completed. ", "This feature will add an additional cost to the base pricing for each Brookstone Collection home plan.", "\nLennar’s Next Gen® collection, is available in Creekside Ranch: Brookstone Collection. ", "These homes are perfect for a variety of dual living situations and include a separate entrance, living space, kitchen, bedroom and full bath. ", "Lennar designed these unique floor plans to be incorporated into the main home in a way that allows it to be a separate space, but also offers direct access to the main home. ", "See a New Home Consultant for more information!", "\nNeed a home now? ", "Click here to see CalAtlantic Quick Move-In Homes! ", "Limited Quick Move-In Opportunities Available in Creekside Ranch!", "\n\nAt NewHomeSource.com, we update the content on our site on a nightly basis. ", "We seek to ensure that all of the data presented on the site regarding new homes and new home communities is current and accurate. ", "However, we do not assume any liability for inaccuracies. ", "It is your responsibility to independently verify the information on the site." ]
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[ "Clinical application of an external fixator in the repair of bone fractures in 28 birds.", "\nThe repair of seven tibiotarsal fractures, three humeral fractures, three tarsometatarsal fractures, two femoral fractures and 13 radial and ulnar fractures with a tubular external fixator system was evaluated prospectively in 10 common pigeons (Columba livia), 11 psittacine birds, six birds of prey and one Bali starling (Leucopsar rothschildii). ", "The fixations included type 1, type 2 and intramedullary tie-in methods, and the fractures healed in all but three cases. ", "A comparison of the weight of different connecting bars showed that the external fixation system and polymethylmethacrylate are the lightest available systems and that there was no clinically relevant difference between them." ]
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[ " IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TENNESSEE\n\n AT JACKSON\n\n MAY 1997 SESSION\n\n\n\nARTHUR MELVIN TURNER, * C.C.A. # 02C01-9607-CR-00233\n\n Appellant, * SHELBY COUNTY\n\nVS. ", " * Hon. ", "John P. Colton, Jr., Judge\n\nSTATE OF TENNESSEE, * (Post-Conviction)\n\n Appellee. ", " *\n FILED\n July 8, 1997\n\nFor Appellant: For Appellee: Cecil Crowson, Jr.\n Appellate C ourt Clerk\n\nArthur Melvin Turner Charles W. Burson\nPro Se Attorney General & Reporter\nNo. ", "13253-076\nFederal Correctional Institute William David Bridgers\nP.O. Box 34550 Assistant Attorney General\nMemphis, TN 38134-0550 450 James Robertson Parkway\n Nashville, TN 37243-0493\n\n Lorraine Craig\n Asst. ", "District Attorney General\n Criminal Justice Center\n 201 Poplar Avenue, Suite 301\n Memphis, TN 38103\n\n\nOPINION FILED:_____________________\n\n\n\nAFFIRMED\n\n\n\nPER CURIAM\n\f OPINION\n\n The petitioner, Arthur Melvin Turner, appeals the trial court's denial of\n\nhis petition for post-conviction relief. ", "The issue presented for review is whether the\n\ntrial court correctly dismissed the petition without an evidentiary hearing on the basis\n\nthat it was barred by the statute of limitations. ", "We affirm the judgment of the trial\n\ncourt.", "\n\n\n\n This post-conviction petition, filed April 15, 1996, challenges the\n\nvalidity of three separate convictions: a March 17, 1971, guilty plea to third degree\n\nburglary; a May 23, 1974, guilty plea to second degree burglary; and a February 28,\n\n1983, guilty plea. ", "The petitioner contends these sentences are being used to\n\nenhance a sentence received in federal court. ", "He alleges that the guilty pleas were\n\nnot knowingly and voluntarily made. ", "The trial court summarily dismissed the petition\n\nas being time-barred.", "\n\n\n\n In this appeal of right, the petitioner makes several arguments as to\n\nwhy his petition should not be barred by the statute of limitations. ", "First, he contends\n\nthat the statute of limitations does not apply because he is in custody of the federal\n\nrather than state government. ", "This court has previously held, however, that there is\n\nno distinction under the post-conviction act between a prisoner in federal custody\n\nand one in state custody. ", "Passarella v. State, 891 S.W.2d 619, 622-23 (Tenn. Crim.", "\n\nApp. ", "1994). ", "Also, this court has upheld application of the statute of limitations\n\nagainst a federal prisoner. ", "See Phillip Woody v. State, No. ", "03C01-9211-CR-00396,\n\nslip op. ", "at 5 (Tenn. Crim. ", "App., ", "at Knoxville, July 29, 1993). ", "Thus, this contention is\n\nwithout merit.", "\n\n\n\n The petitioner also contends that application of the statute of\n\n\n 2\n\flimitations violates the ex post facto provisions of both the state and federal\n\nconstitutions. ", "Our courts have consistently rejected this argument. ", "See State v.\n\nRichard S. Butler, No. ", "1338, slip op. ", "at 3 (Tenn. Crim. ", "App., ", "at Knoxville, May 19,\n\n1992). ", "See also William Lynn Johnson v. State, No. ", "02C01-9605-CR-00136, slip\n\nop. ", "at 5 (Tenn. Crim. ", "App., ", "at Jackson, June 10, 1997).", "\n\n\n\n Next, the petitioner argues that the new Post-Conviction Procedure Act\n\ncreates a one-year window in which any petitioner may file. ", "Effective May 10, 1995,\n\nthe new Post-Conviction Procedure Act replaced the prior act in its entirety. ", "See\n\n1995 Tenn. Pub. ", "Act 207, §§ 1 and 3. ", "Because this petition was filed in April of\n\n1996, the new act applies. ", "The most recent legislation replaced a three-year with a\n\none-year limitation:\n\n (a) ...[A] person in custody under a sentence of a court of\n this state must petition for post-conviction relief under\n this part within one (1) year of the date of the final action\n of the highest state appellate court to which an appeal is\n taken or, if no appeal is taken, within one (1) year of the\n date on which the judgment became final, or\n consideration of such petition shall be barred. ", "The\n statute of limitations shall not be tolled for any reason....\n\n (b) No court shall have jurisdiction to consider a petition\n filed after such time unless:\n\n (1) The claim in the petition is based upon a final\n ruling of an appellate court establishing a constitutional\n right that was not recognized as existing at the time of\n trial, if retrospective application of that right is required.", "\n Such petition must be filed within one (1) year of the\n ruling of the highest state appellate court or the United\n States [S]upreme [C]ourt establishing a constitutional\n right that was not recognized as existing at the time of\n trial;\n\n (2) The claim in the petition is based upon new\n scientific evidence establishing that such petitioner is\n actually innocent of the offense or offenses for which the\n petitioner was convicted; or\n\n (3) The claim asserted in the petition seeks relief\n from a sentence that was enhanced because of a\n previous conviction and such conviction in the case in\n\n 3\n\f which the claim is asserted was not a guilty plea with an\n agreed sentence, and the previous conviction has\n subsequently been held to be invalid, in which case the\n petition must be filed within one (1) year of the finality of\n the ruling holding the previous conviction to be invalid.", "\n\nTenn. Code Ann. § ", "40-30-202 (Supp. ", "1996).", "\n\n\n\n Because the convictions in this case became final in 1971, 1974, and\n\n1983, this petition appears to have been barred not only by the current one-year\n\nstatute of limitations but also the former three-year statute. ", "Moreover, the grounds\n\nraised in the petition and on appeal do not appear to fall within any of the exceptions\n\nset out in Tenn. Code Ann. § ", "40-30-202(b)(1), (2), or (3) (Supp. ", "1996).", "\n\n\n\n In Arnold Carter v. State, No. ", "03C01-9509-CC-00270 (Tenn. Crim.", "\n\nApp., ", "at Knoxville, July 11, 1996), appeal granted, (Tenn., Dec. 2, 1996), a panel of\n\nthis court, by a two-to-one margin, ruled that the literal terms of the new statute\n\ncreated a one-year window, starting on May 10, 1995, during which post-conviction\n\npetitions may be filed, notwithstanding the date of the judgment:\n\n This act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public\n welfare requiring it and shall govern all petitions for post-\n conviction relief filed after this date, and any motions\n which may be filed after this date to reopen petitions for\n post-conviction relief which were concluded prior to the\n effective date of this act. ", "Notwithstanding any other\n provision of this act to the contrary, any person having a\n ground for relief recognized under this act shall have at\n least one (1) year from the effective date of this act to file\n a petition or a motion to reopen under this act.", "\n\n1995 Tenn. Pub. ", "Act 207, § 3 (emphasis added).", "\n\n\n\n This majority found no ambiguities in the terminology of the statute\n\ndespite the reasonable argument by the dissent to the contrary. ", "In Carter, our\n\nsupreme court granted the state's application for permission to appeal. ", "While no\n\ndecision has yet been filed, other panels of this court have adopted the dissenting\n\n 4\n\fview in Carter and have held that the new act did not create a new one-year filing\n\nperiod. ", "See, e.g., Ronald Albert Brummitt v. State, No. ", "03C01-9512-CC-00415\n\n(Tenn. Crim. ", "App., ", "at Knoxville, Mar. 11, 1997); Jimmy Earl Lofton v. State, No.", "\n\n02C01-9603-CR-00073 (Tenn. Crim. ", "App., ", "at Jackson, Mar. 7, 1997); Roy Barnett v.\n\nState, No. ", "03C01-9512-CV-00394 (Tenn. Crim. ", "App., ", "at Knoxville, Feb. 20, 1997);\n\nStephen Koprowski v. State, No. ", "03C01-9511-CC-00365 (Tenn. Crim. ", "App., ", "at\n\nKnoxville, Jan. 28, 1997); Johnny L. Butler v. State, No. ", "02C01-9509-CR-00289\n\n(Tenn. Crim. ", "App., ", "at Jackson, Dec. 2, 1996). ", "A majority of this panel now adheres\n\nto the holding in these subsequent cases. ", "Thus, treating the petition as one for\n\npost-conviction relief, this claim is barred by the statute of limitations under the new\n\nAct.", "\n\n\n\n The petitioner also argues he is entitled to relief under the principles\n\nannounced in State v. Frazier, 784 S.W.2d 927 (Tenn. 1990); State v. Newsome,\n\n778 S.W.2d 34 (Tenn. 1989); and State v. McClintock, 732 S.W.2d 268 (Tenn.\n\n1987). ", "Frazier held that Boykin was not to be applied retrospectively and that\n\nMackey violations that exceeded the mandates of Boykin were not subject to review\n\nduring a post-conviction proceeding. ", "Frazier, 784 S.W.2d at 928. ", "Newsome held\n\nthat the harmless error rule applies to violations of Mackey. ", "Newsome, 778 S.W.2d\n\nat 38. ", "Neither Frazier nor Newsome created a new constitutional right to be applied\n\nretroactively. ", "The plain language in McClintock provides that the ruling only applies\n\nto litigants already in the \"pipeline.\" ", "McClintock, 732 S.W.2d at 274. ", "None of these\n\nrulings afford the petitioner any relief.", "\n\n\n\n The petitioner also argues that the former post-conviction statute of\n\nlimitations does not apply to guilty proceedings unless an action is filed in the\n\nhighest state appellate court. ", "Our court has routinely held that the statute of\n\n\n 5\n\flimitations on guilty pleas commences \"when the judgment of conviction [is]\n\nentered.\" ", "Sharon Ann Conner v. State, No. ", "03C01-9509-CC-00279, slip op. ", "at 2\n\n(Tenn. Crim. ", "App., ", "at Knoxville, June 3, 1996).", "\n\n\n\n The petitioner also argues that the application of the statute of\n\nlimitations to his case denies him due process of law and that the post-conviction\n\ncourt erred when it did not find an exception to the statute of limitations in this case.", "\n\nIn Burford v. State, 845 S.W.2d 204 (Tenn.1992), our supreme court carved out a\n\nnarrow exception to the three-year statute of limitations. ", "Burford had been\n\nsentenced as a habitual criminal to a term of life imprisonment based upon five prior\n\nrobbery convictions. ", "Id. at 205. ", "He filed a timely post-conviction petition, alleging\n\nthat certain of his five prior robbery convictions were constitutionally infirm because\n\nhe had not been advised of his right against self-incrimination before entering his\n\nplea; he was granted post-conviction relief from these convictions. ", "Id. Later, after\n\nthe three-year statute of limitations had expired, Burford filed a petition to set aside\n\nthe finding of habitual criminality on the basis that there was no longer a sufficient\n\nnumber of prior felony convictions to qualify him for the enhanced punishment. ", "Id.\n\nat 206. ", "Our supreme court ruled that the statute of limitations, while generally\n\ncompliant with constitutional due process, violated Burford's specific due process\n\nrights:\n\n If consideration of the petition is barred, Burford will be\n forced to serve a persistent offender sentence that was\n enhanced by previous convictions that no longer stand.", "\n As a result, Burford will be forced to serve an excessive\n sentence in violation of his rights under the Eighth\n Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and Article I, § 16\n of the Tennessee Constitution, which, by definition, are\n fundamental rights entitled to heightened protection.", "\n\nBurford, 845 S.W.2d at 209.", "\n\n\n\n In Sands v. State, 903 S.W.2d 297 (Tenn.1995), our supreme court\n\n 6\n\ffurther defined how to apply the Burford test. ", "A court must:\n\n (1) determine when the limitations period would normally\n have begun to run; (2) determine whether the grounds\n for relief actually arose after the limitations period would\n normally have commenced; and (3) if the grounds are\n \"later arising,\" determine if, under the facts of the case, a\n strict application of the limitations period would effectively\n deny the petitioner a reasonable opportunity to present\n the claim. ", "In making this final determination, courts\n should carefully weigh the petitioner's liberty interest in\n \"collaterally attacking constitutional violations occurring\n during the conviction process,\" against the State's\n interest in preventing the litigation of \"stale and\n fraudulent claims.\"", "\n\nSands, 903 S.W.2d at 301 (citations omitted) (quoting Burford, 845 S.W.2d at 207,\n\n208).", "\n\n\n\n By the use of these guidelines, we have first determined that the\n\nstatute of limitations for this petitioner's convictions expired in 1989.1 The\n\npetitioner's argument fails at the second step. ", "He argues his pleas were involuntary.", "\n\nThe right to the voluntariness of a guilty plea was established well before petitioner's\n\nconvictions were entered. ", "See, e.g., Boykin v. Alabama, 395 U.S. 238 (1969).", "\n\nThus, he has not established that a constitutional right arose after his convictions\n\nbecame final or after his statute of limitations expired. ", "To the extent the petitioner\n\nargues his pleas are invalid because he was not advised that the conviction could\n\nbe used to enhance a subsequent punishment, that portion of the advice litany is not\n\nconstitutionally required. ", "Our supreme court has ruled that the \"advice [that the\n\nconviction may be used to enhance a future sentence] ... is not based upon any\n\nconstitutional provision, federal or state... such omissions have no validity on the ...\n\npost-conviction proceeding.\" ", "State v. Prince, 781 S.W.2d 846, 853 (Tenn. 1989).", "\n\n\n\n\n 1\n Th e thre e-year statu te of lim itations was pas sed in 198 6. ", "See Tenn. Code Ann. § ", "40-30-102\n(repealed 1995 ).", "\n\n 7\n\f This court is compelled to comment on the 1983 guilty plea. ", "The\n\npetition states that this conviction occurred on \"February 28, 1993.\" ", "The state did\n\nnot file an answer indicating when the conviction occurred. ", "The trial court's order\n\ndismissing the petition also did not indicate the date of conviction. ", "Our court,\n\nhowever, takes judicial notice of the fact that the conviction in this case occurred on\n\nFebruary 28, 1983, and that the petition contains a typographical error. \"", "The courts\n\nmay take judicial notice of the court records in an earlier proceeding of the same\n\ncase and the actions of the courts thereon.\" ", "Delbridge v. State, 742 S.W.2d 266,\n\n267 (Tenn. 1987). ", "In addition, appellate courts are authorized to supplement\n\nincomplete records. ", "Tenn. R. App. ", "P. 24(e). ", "Accordingly, we have supplemented\n\nthe record with a copy of the judgment and conclude that the conviction did, in fact,\n\nbecome final on February 28, 1983.", "\n\n\n\n If judgment had been entered on February 28, 1993, as alleged, the\n\npetitioner would have filed a timely petition. ", "In Betsy Jane Pendergrast v. State, No.", "\n\n01C01-9607-CC-00289, slip op. ", "at 3 (Tenn. Crim. ", "App., ", "at Nashville, May 16, 1997),\n\nthis court ruled that the new Post-Conviction Act gives individuals whose statute of\n\nlimitations had not yet run a year from the effective date of the new Act until May 10,\n\n1996.", "\n\n\n\n We emphasize that the state has an obligation to file portions of the\n\nrecord \"that are material to the questions raised therein.\" ", "Tenn. Code Ann. § ", "40-30-\n\n208(b) (1996 Supp.). \"", "It is the role of the State, and not the court, to file those parts\n\nof the record that are material to the questions raised in the petition.\" ", "Allen v. State,\n\n854 S.W.2d 873, 875 (Tenn. 1993).", "\n\n\n\n We affirm the judgment of the trial court.", "\n\n\n 8\n\f PER CURIAM\n\n Joe B. Jones, Presiding Judge\n Gary R. Wade, Judge\n John H. Peay, Judge\n\n\n\n\n9\n\f" ]
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[ "TRH-induced prolactin release in unipolar depressed patients and controls.", "\nWe compared unipolar depressed patients (N = 32) with normal controls (N = 38) for their prolactin responses on the thyrotropin releasing hormone test. ", "Depressed patients showed prolactin responses similar to sex matched controls. ", "Among the depressed patients there were no significant differences for prolactin response between those with or without a blunted thyroid stimulating hormone response, dexamethasone suppressors or nonsuppressors, or between melancholic and nonmelancholic depressive subgroups." ]
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[ "WhyIslam Street Dawah\n\nStreet Dawah involves calling people to Islam in a spontaneous manner. ", "Usually, it involves walking up to people on the street to engage them in conversation. ", "This might surprise you, but many people have embraced Islam and learn about Islam through this method. ", "There have been people who have said, “Where have you been? ", "This is the truth I have been searching for my whole life!” ", "WhyIslam team does street dawah every month (including Global Dawah day and Global Messenger Day) in following locations:\n\nPiedmont Park\n\nOlympic Centennial Park\n\nMARTA stations\n\nPlease follow us on Facebook or call 770 300 0067 or email us @ info@icnaga.org to know more details." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow should you combine the hash codes of class members?", "\n\nWhen generating hashcodes for a class, is it ok to use the hashcodes of that class's members? ", " Here is a sample class:\nclass Sample\n{\n private readonly string _strA, _strB;\n public Sample(string strA, string strB)\n {\n this._strA = strA;\n this._strB = strB;\n }\n public override int GetHashCode()\n {\n return (this._strA + \"###\" + this._strB).GetHashCode();\n }\n}\n\nI think this will work as long as neither _strA nor _strB contain the string \"###\". ", " I'm not totally sure though as I don't know the specifics of how hashcodes are generated on strings.", "\nI saw a solution in the post at Create a hashcode of two numbers that I could tailor for my purposes, but I think that my solution is more simple (as long as neither string contains \"###\").", "\n\nA:\n\nA better approach would be to combine the hash codes mathematically, using something like the Times 33 hash. ", "In your current code you create a temporary string each time GetHashCode is called, which could suffer from poor performance.", "\npublic override int GetHashCode()\n{\n // omit null-coalesce if we know them to be non-null\n return (33 * (this._strA ?? \"\")", ".GetHashCode())\n + (this._strB ?? \"\")", ".GetHashCode();\n}\n\nIf your class is truly immutable, calculation of the hashcode up front may be worth the 4-bytes:\nprivate readonly int _hash;\n\npublic Sample(string strA, string strB)\n{\n this._strA = strA;\n this._strB = strB;\n this._hash = (33 * (this._strA ?? \"\")", ".GetHashCode())\n + (this._strB ?? \"\")", ".GetHashCode();\n}\n\npublic override int GetHashCode()\n{\n return this._hash;\n}\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.002544529262086514, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0.008, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678 ]
[ "Bonka Bird Toys 946 Shredburst\n\nListing Detail Tabs\n\nWe ship our products from the US and the UK and aim to deliver your products within 10 working days. ", "However, some items may take up to 20 working days - please allow for this when making your purchase.", "\n\nProduct Description:\n\nA colourful shred and forage toy.", "Will occupy him for toy.", "Wilat for small to medium-sized birds.", "\n\nBrand: Bonka Bird Toys Other Information: 946\n\nPlease allow up to 20 working days for delivery\n\nThere were no answered questions or comments placed on this listing.", "\n\nYou must have Javascript enabled to ask and answer questions\n\nYour question and answer privileges have been disabled.", "\n\nYou must log in to view questions and answers on this listing. ", "We recommend reading questions before you make any purchases.", "\n\nQuestion submitted\n\nNote:\n\nComment submitted\n\nYou must log in to ask or answer questions posted. ", "We recommend reading questions before you make any purchases.", "Available only to approved bidders.", "You must be an authenticated member to ask questionsFind out more about becoming authenticated.", "Your account is in debtYour current account balance is You must credit your account to use this feature.", "\n\nFirearms licence #\n\nFirearms licence holder name\n\nFirst name is required\n\nLast name is required\n\nYour current account balance is Please note you will lose your question and answer privileges if your account is in debt for more than 2 weeks. ", "Credit your account.", "\n\nI confirm that I am over 18 years old.", "\n\nTo prevent your personal details being misused please do not put emails or phone numbers in questions.", "\nFailure to comply may result in the suspension of your account. ", "The seller cannot add a Buy Now price once bidding has started." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Category: Local Issues\n\nThe Dene, The Crescent, Crescent Close, Brookfield Avenue, Midway Close, Riverdale, Ashtree Avenue, Willowfield and Parkside in Nettleham to be given a new lease of life. ", "The £230,000 project is due to begin on Wednesday, 31st October and is expected to be completed on Monday, 26th November. ", "To allow the improvements to be carried out…\n\nFormer Olympic athlete, Colin Jackson, CBE, says West Lindsey Leisure Centre boasts facilities and equipment that are comparable to the biggest in the UK following a local community open day over the weekend. ", "The event, which took place on Saturday, 15th September, celebrated the opening of the new state-of-the-art Health and Wellbeing Hub, with the…\n\nCllr. ", "Giles McNeill, who represents West Lindsey District Council on Lincoln Area Dial-a-Ride’s committee, has welcomed the arrival of three brand new mini-buses with a grant of £100,000 from the National Lottery’s Big Lottery Fund. ", "The new vehicles were received at the firm’s base in Lincoln with the Worshipful Mayor of Lincoln, Cllr. ", "Keith Weaver,…\n\nLace Housing has formally marked the start of the building of its two new schemes for older people in two sought-after villages near Lincoln. ", "The official turning of the turf ceremonies were held Tuesday, 17th July for the developments, which are being built on land formerly used for farming on Lincoln Road in Ingham and…\n\nLocal Councillor welcomes the grant of planning permission for West Lindsey District Council’s new state of the art crematorium. ", "The application for the new build on Gainsborough Road, Lea was considered at the meeting of the authority’s Planning Committee, held at the Guildhall, Marshall’s Yard, Gainsborough on Wednesday, 27th June 2018; where it was approved. ", "West Lindsey…\n\nLincolnshire will receive an additional £3.4 million from the Government’s Pothole Action Fund to repair the county’s roads. ", "The conservative-led county council now has a total of £12.4 million to spend on potholes, road repairs and other improvements during 2018/19, which included the £9m previously earmarked by the council for this financial year. ", "Lincolnshire’s allocation…\n\nNettleham put its best foot forward for Channel 4’s ‘Village of the Year’ programme and looked stunning in glorious sunshine from last summer. ", "Penelope Keith and judges – archaeologist Alex Langlands, garden designer Juliet Sargeant and craft expert Patrick Grant – have been visiting UK villages vying for the title of ‘Village of the Year’…\n\nWest Lindsey District Council has adopted a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for the district. ", "This means that developers of new housing and other types of development specified within the Authorities’ Charging Schedule will be required to pay a levy, based on the amount and size of newfound buildings. ", "The new CIL charge will be introduced…\n\nAs 2018 begins I would like to wish everyone, particularly people who live in Grange-de-Lings, Nettleham and Riseholme, the people that I represent on West Lindsey District Council, my very best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2018. ", "When last year’s civic year began in May I was very pleased to be offered the opportunity…\n\nThe annual independent audit by KPMG has assessed West Lindsey District Council’s Statement of Accounts 2016/17 resulting in the best possible outcome of an unqualified audit opinion. ", "In addition auditors confirmed that West Lindsey District Council, which has been under Conservative control since 2008, represents good value for money in its use of resources for the…" ]
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[ 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0.006622516556291391, 0.01762114537444934, 0.02857142857142857, 0.0189873417721519, 0.003205128205128205, 0.00851063829787234, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0.016722408026755852, 0.004784688995215311, 0.01090909090909091, 0.007246376811594203, 0.005405405405405406 ]
[ "Die indische Telekom-Aufsicht TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) gab heute bekannt, keine Zero-Rating-Angebote in Indien zuzulassen, da diese gegen die Netzneutralität verstoßen. ", "Dies betrifft auch den Facebook-Dienst Free Basics, der zwar einen kostenlosen, aber dafür eingeschränkten Online-Zugang zu ausgesuchten Partnerseiten bietet. ", "TRAI hatte ihn im Dezember bereits vorläufig untersagt, um seine Rechtmäßigkeit zu prüfen.", "\n\nFacebooks breit angelegte PR-Kampagne, die TRAI als „völlig unangebracht“ kritisiert hatte, konnte den grundlegenden Verstoß von Free Bascis gegen die Prinzipien eines gleichberechtigten Netzes nicht verdecken – die Anordnung der Telekom-Aufsicht richtet sich jedoch nicht direkt gegen Facebook, sondern gegen Zero-Rating-Angebote im Allgemeinen. ", "So dürfe künftig „kein Anbieter diskriminierende Datendienste anbieten“, es sei denn es handele sich um Notdienste. ", "Bei Verletzung des Beschlusses droht eine Strafe von 50.000 Rupien täglich, das entspricht etwa 660 Euro. ", "Provider haben sechs Monate Zeit, die Vorgabe umzusetzen. ", "In einer Pressemittleilung (pdf) heißt es von TRAI:\n\nBei der Formulierung dieser Anordnung wurde die Behörde hauptsächlich von den Prinzipien der Netzneutralität gelenkt, die anstrebt, Nutzern einen ungehinderten und nicht-diskriminierten Zugang zum Internet zu gewährleisten. ", "Diese Bestimmung intendiert, Datendienste für den Zugang zum Internet inhalts-agnostisch zu machen.", "\n\nAuch das ägyptische Telekommunikationsministerium hatte Free Basics Ende des Jahres ausgesetzt, allerdings ohne Gründe zu nennen. ", "Für seinen Verstoß gegen die Netzneutralität kritisiert wird derzeit zudem das Binge-On-Angebot des US-Mobilfunkbetreibers T-Mobile, das es Nutzer_innen erlaubt, Videos bestimmter Partnerplattformen anzusehen, ohne dass das dabei verbrauchte Datenvolumen auf das monatliche Transferlimit angerechnet wird.", "\n\nDie Entscheidung der indischen Telekom-Aufsicht stellt einen herben Rückschlag für Facebook dar, hatte sich das Unternehmen doch durch Indien einen Durchbruch in den Schwellenländern erhofft. ", "Der Subkontinent stellt zudem den zweitgrößten Markt für Facebook, 132 Millionen Inder_innen sind bisher auf der Social-Media-Plattform angemeldet – bei 1.2 Milliarden Einwohner_innen ist da noch Platz nach oben. ", "Facebook hat sich noch nicht zum Verbot in Indien geäußert, den Reaktionen auf die Sperre im Dezember folgend wird Mark Zuckerberg seinen Traum von der „nächsten Milliarde“ jedoch nicht so leicht aufgeben." ]
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[ "Q:\n\niOS to Android: How to display a TextView\n\nI have a background in iPhone development, which may be a cause of some of my confusion with Android, which I am very new at developing.", "\nMy question is this: How to I create two TextViews, and specify their exact location on screen? ", " For example, on the iPhone, I would create a UILabel, generate a rectangular frame that specified the label's size and position, and then set this rectangle to the frame property of the UILabel.", "\nIf you can help me understand the similarities with Objective C and iOS' UILabel, that would be most helpful.", "\n\nA:\n\nCreate a basic Android project in eclipse. ", "You will be having a main.xml layout file in your project. ", "You can open it in Eclipse using Ctrl+Shift+r and keying in main.xml\ncopy paste this in your xml after clearing its content. ", "\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", ">\n<LinearLayout\n xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n android:orientation=\"horizontal\"\n android:layout_width=\"fill_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"fill_parent\">\n <TextView\n android:id=\"@+id/textView1\"\n android:layout_width=\"fill_parent\"\n android:text=\"TextView One\"\n android:layout_height=\"fill_parent\"\n android:layout_weight=\"1\"></TextView>\n <TextView\n android:id=\"@+id/textView2\"\n android:layout_width=\"fill_parent\"\n android:text=\"TextView Two\"\n android:layout_height=\"fill_parent\"\n android:layout_weight=\"1\"></TextView>\n</LinearLayout>\n\n" ]
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[ 0.01639344262295082, 0.010309278350515464, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.016, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.009216589861751152 ]
[ "Q:\n\nPython script continue through null\n\nI am running into an issue finding the proper documentation for this. ", "My script will run until it hit the null value of player as you can see below and than stops. ", "I think there needs to be a if statement in the Player for loop I am just struggling with the proper way to write it and finding exactly what i am looking for. ", " \n import base64\n import requests\n import json\n import csv\n\n USERNAME, PASSWORD = 'Name', 'Pass'\n\n header = [\"Update\", \"Home_Abbrev\", \"Home_Pos\", \"Home_First\", \"Home_Last\", \"Away_Abbrev\", \"Away_Pos\", \"Away_First\", \"Away_Last\"]\n headers = {\n \"Authorization\": \"Basic \" +\n base64.b64encode('{}:{}'.format(USERNAME,PASSWORD)\\\n .encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii')\n }\n\n with open(\"GameDayLines.csv\", 'w', newline='') as f:\n writer = csv.writer(f)\n writer.writerow(header)\n for gameid in range(41262,41264): #ENTER GAME ID'S 12/14/2017\n req = requests.get(url=\"https://api.mysportsfeeds.com/v1.1/pull/nhl/2017-2018-regular/game_startinglineup.json?gameid=\" + str(gameid) , headers=headers)\n req.raise_for_status()\n data = req.json()\n\n starting_lineup = data['gamestartinglineup']\n update = starting_lineup['lastUpdatedOn']\n\n away_team_abbrev = starting_lineup['game']['awayTeam']\n home_team_abbrev = starting_lineup['game']['homeTeam']\n away_abbrev = away_team_abbrev['Abbreviation']\n home_abbrev = home_team_abbrev['Abbreviation']\n\n team_away = starting_lineup['teamLineup'][0]['expected']['starter']\n team_home = starting_lineup['teamLineup'][1]['expected']['starter']\n\n for i in range(20):\n home_player_first = team_home[i]['player']['FirstName']\n home_player_last = team_home[i]['player']['LastName']\n home_player_pos = team_home[i]['position']\n\n away_player_first = team_away[i]['player']['FirstName']\n away_player_last = team_away[i]['player']['LastName']\n away_player_pos = team_away[i]['position'] \n\n writer.writerow([update, home_abbrev, home_player_pos, home_player_first, home_player_last, away_abbrev, away_player_pos, away_player_first, away_player_last])\n print(update, home_abbrev, home_player_pos, home_player_first, home_player_last, away_abbrev, away_player_pos, away_player_first, away_player_last)\n\nHere is what the json looks like:\n 1 \n position \"ForwardLine1-RW\"\n player \n ID \"5605\"\n LastName \"Rantanen\"\n FirstName \"Mikko\"\n JerseyNumber \"96\"\n Position \"RW\"\n 2 \n position \"ForwardLine2-C\"\n player \n ID \"5564\"\n LastName \"Compher\"\n FirstName \"J.T.\"\n JerseyNumber \"37\"\n Position \"LW\"\n 3 \n position \"ForwardLine4-C\"\n player null\n\nA:\n\nIf home_player and away_player can be null you should check them just before usage like\nfor i in range(20): \n if team_home[i]['player'] is not None:\n home_home_player_firstplayer_first = team_home[i]['player']['FirstName'] \n home_player_last = team_home[i]['player']['LastName'] \n home_player_pos = team_home[i]['position'] \n\n if team_away[i]['player'] is not None:\n away_player_first = team_away[i]['player']['FirstName'] \n away_player_last = team_away[i]['player']['LastName'] \n away_player_pos = team_away[i]['position'] \n\n" ]
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[ "Dangerous tiger mozzies found in imported plants\n\nFederal authorities have eradicated a dozen potentially dangerous mosquitoes found inside a shipment of Chinese plants.", "\n\nInvestigators from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry discovered the Asian tiger mosquitoes (Aedes albopictus) inside two glasshouses at a quarantine station on Melbourne's outskirts." ]
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[ "Gas turbine engines are generally space-restricted based on the apparatus in which they operate (e.g., fixed wing or rotary wing aircraft propulsion, auxiliary power units, land or marine vehicle propulsion, missile propulsion, etc.). ", "Certain gas turbine engines may be more space-restricted than others, such as to limit or eliminate radial or axial protrusions or non-axisymmetric features.", "\nFor example, for small gas turbine engines (e.g., those producing approximately 500 shaft horsepower or less), practical considerations of component size and cost become limiting on components such as fuel injectors. ", "Dimensions such as fuel passage size and metering orifice areas on the liner may become too small to allow practical manufacturing tolerances and, as such, become prone to plugging, clogging, or other obstructions that may deteriorate performance, efficiency, operability, or increase maintenance and operating cost, or result in overall combustor and engine failure. ", "Additionally, as unit cost of a fuel injector does not become substantially less as the injector gets smaller, multiple fuel injector designs undesirably become a major limiting factor in achieving cost targets for small gas turbine engines.", "\nA known solution for small gas turbine engines is a single can combustor with a single fuel injector large enough to have practical manufacturing dimensions and tolerances. ", "However, known can combustors provide radial and/or axial protrusions of the combustor from an otherwise axisymmetric device, thus undesirably increasing radial and/or axial dimensions of the engine. ", "Furthermore, known combustors may include radially and/or axially protruding ducting that is required to direct air from an annular compressor exit to the cylindrical can combustor.", "\nAs such, there is a need for a gas turbine engine that provides improved gas turbine engine radial and/or axial packaging." ]
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[ "AUDIO: El aumento fue publicado en el Boletín Oficial (Por Juan Pablo Viola)\n\nAUDIO: A partir de enero aumentan los servicios de agua y luz (Por Juan Pablo Viola).", "\n\nMientras en el Concejo Deliberante se realiza la audiencia pública para el traspaso del servicio de agua al Municipio, el concejal Juan Pablo Quinteros detalló los aumentos previstos para la tarifa del agua y de la luz, a partir del 1 de enero.", "\n\n\"Aguas Cordobesas tiene un aumento del 14,12% a partir del 1 de enero y a eso hay que sumarle el 9% del Fisap, ese fondo que se creó a través del presupuesto\", detalló el edil a Cadena 3.", "\n\n\"Los usuarios van a tener un 25% de aumento en su factura\", advirtió.", "\n\nSeñaló, además, que \"Epec anunció en el Boletín Oficial de este jueves, en la resolución 88 del Ersep, que aumenta un 7,87% la tarifa a partir del 1º de enero por una variación de costo del último trimestre 2019\".", "\n\nSegún Facundo Cortés Olmedo, vocal del Ente Regulador de Servicios Públicos (Ersep), el aumento acumulado del año -sin considerar el que comenzará a regir a partir del 1 de enero- alcanzó un 57,54%.", "\n\n\"La gente no lo va a poder pagar. ", "El año pasado tuvimos picos de aumentos y hubo reclamos porque la gente se encontró con que no podía afrontarlo. ", "Mandan a votar una ley de emergencia y de congelamiento de tarifa y los cordobeses seguimos aumentando\", dijo a Cadena 3.", "\n\nAl ser consultado sobre cómo se aprueban estos aumentos, Cortés Olmedio expresó que lo hacen \"sin los balances de la empresa\".", "\n\n\"Si bien los equipos técnicos del Ersep revisan el pedido, los aumentos se autorizan sin los balances. ", "No hay posibilidades de controlar ni de conocer las estructuras de costos\".", "\n\nInforme de Juan Pablo Viola- Entrevista de Fernando Genesir." ]
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[ "Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome: the role of the endocrine surgeon.", "\nAndrogen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is an X-linked recessive disorder characterized by varying degrees of feminization secondary to androgen receptor insensitivity. ", "We report a case of a 34-year-old female with complete androgen insensitivity who presented with a history of primary amenorrhea and two intra-abdominal gonads found on CT scan. ", "The patient underwent successful laparoscopic bilateral gonadectomy without complications. ", "AIS is present in 1:20,000 to 64,000 males; complete androgen insensitivity is seen in 2-5:100,000 phenotypic females and should therefore be considered in any otherwise healthy female with abnormal pubertal development and infertility. ", "Although controversial, most endocrinologists agree that gonadectomy may be performed after puberty with minimal risk of testicular neoplasm." ]
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[ "---\naddress: |\n $^{1}$ Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale (IRIF), Université Paris-Diderott, F-75013 Paris, France\\\n $^{2}$ ENEA – Frascati Research Center, Via Enrico Fermi 45, 00044 Rome, Italy\\\n $^{3}$ H. Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Science, 31-342 Kraków, Poland\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nWe discuss in this paper the notion of so-called *pseudo-evolutionary differential equations*, which we define as equations of the Cauchy type, $$\\label{eq:PEO}\n\\hat{D}_t F(x,t)=\\alpha \\;\\hat{O}_x\\,F(x,t)\\,\\qquad F(x,0)=f(x)\\,.$$ Here, $\\hat D_t$ is an operator playing the role of the derivative with respect to the variable $t$, $\\alpha$ is a constant, $\\hat O_x$ is an operator of differential or pseudo-differential nature (to be specified later in our discussion), and where $f(x)$ is the initial condition.", "\n\nThe development of suitable solution methods, mimicking those exploited for the ordinary Cauchy problem setting, requires the following steps:\n\n1. ", " Finding an eigenfunction of the $\\hat D_t$ operator, such that $$\\hat{D}_t E(\\lambda t)=\\lambda E(\\lambda t)\\,.$$\n\n2. ", " Constructing a *pseudo evolution operator (PEO)* as $$\\hat{U}(t)=E(\\alpha \\;t\\;\\hat{O}_x)\\,,$$ which leads to the solution of  via $$\\label{eq:Fev}\n F(x,t)=E(\\alpha \\;t\\;\\hat{O}_x)f(x)\\,.$$\n\n3. ", " Establishing rules that permit the explicit evaluation of the action of the PEO $\\hat{U}(t)$ on the initial function $f(x)$ in the formal solution  .", "\n\nConsequently, the precise properties of the eigenfunctions $E$ that arise in the first step of this procedure are of crucial importance in terms of developing explicit calculation techniques. ", "It is evident that the strategy we have in mind is that of treating $E$ as a kind of exponential function (the eigenfunction of the ordinary derivative operator) — in this way, we can recover most of the techniques associated with operator disentanglement and time-ordering (whenever necessary).", "\n\nA first study in this direction has been addressed by D. Babusci and one of the present authors in [@babusci2011umbral], which has later been specialized in a number of papers for situations in which $\\hat D_t$ is a fractional [@Dattoli_2017] or Laguerre [@dattoli1999hermite] derivative. ", "In elaborating this program, we have been faced with some difficulties associated with the fact that the corresponding eigenfunctions $E$ lack the semi-group property, namely $$E(x+y)\\neq E(x)\\;E(y)=E(y)\\;E(x)\\,.$$ This is an additional source of difficulties also when dealing with operator-ordering in pseudo-evolutionary problems. ", "If $\\hat{x},\\hat{y}$ are non-commuting operators, such that $$\\left[\\hat{x}\\;,\\;\\hat{y}\\right]\\neq 0\\,,$$ it is well known that even for the exponential function one finds that [@weyl1950theory] $$e^{\\hat x+\\hat y}\\neq e^{\\hat x}e^{\\hat y}\\neq e^{\\hat y}e^{\\hat x}\\,.$$ Instead, one finds the following types of expansions [@Wilcox_1967; @Dattoli_1988] $$e^{\\hat x+\\hat y}\n =e^{\\hat x}e^{\\hat y}e^{\\hat f_1}\\dotsc e^{\\hat f_n}\\dotsc\n =e^{\\hat y}e^{\\hat x}e^{\\hat g_1}\\dotsc e^{\\hat\ng_n}\\dotsc\\,,$$ where $\\hat f_n,\\;\\hat g_n$ are expressed in terms of chains of commutators involving $\\hat x\\;,\\;\\hat y$, as it happens e.g. for the Zassenhaus expansion [@Casas:2012aa]. ", "It is evident that in the special case $\\left[\\hat x\\;,\\;\\hat y\\right]=0$, the $\\hat f_n$ and $\\hat g_n$ operator functions vanish, and the semi-group property is restored.", "\n\nTime-ordering is a further element of complication, which may arise in evolutionary problems (ordinary or pseudo) whenever the operator $\\hat O_x$ on the rhs of  is explicitly time-dependent and does not commute with itself at different times.", "\n\nIn this paper we reconsider the operator-ordering problem for pseudo-evolutionary problems in more general terms than those considered in [@babusci2011umbral; @Dattoli_2017; @dattoli1999hermite], and we address the time-ordering problem by discussing the possibility of adapting for this purpose the use of expansions such as the Volterra-Neumann or Feynman-Dyson series [@Gill_2017]. ", "The paper is organized as follows: In section \\[section\\_lag\\], we summarize and extend the results contained in [@Dattoli_2017; @dattoli1999hermite]. ", "In Section \\[sec:three\\], we provide a general view on the problem of time-ordering for pseudo evolution equations, while Section \\[sec:four\\] contains a number of specific examples and final comments.", "\n\nLaguerre derivative, Laguerre exponential and operator-ordering {#section_lag}\n===============================================================\n\nThe Laguerre transform and the associated operational calculus have played a crucial role in the theory of operational calculus [@ditkin1967operational]. ", "They have offered elements of key importance within the context of the monomiality theory [@Dattoli_2000] and for the study of integro-differential equations of Volterra type [@Dattoli_2006]. ", "We will outline the procedure allowing the merging of ordering procedures and umbral image type methods, using as a reference example the so-called *“Laguerre-calculus”* along the lines of [@babusci2011umbral].", "\n\nWe introduce the forthcoming discussion by going back to the paradigmatic strategy sketched in the introductory section and, accordingly, fix the following specific steps:\n\n1. ", " We specialize the operators in  to $$\\hat{D}_t={}_l\\partial_t\n =\\partial_t t\\;\\partial_t\\,,\\qquad \n \\hat O_x=\\partial_x\\,,$$ where ${}_l\\partial _t$ is the *Laguerre derivative* [@dattoli1999hermite; @Dattoli_2000; @Dattoli_2005].", "\n\n2. ", " The eigenfunction of the Laguerre derivative operator is the Bessel-like function ${}_l e(x)$ [@Dattoli_2018], $${}_l e(x)=\\sum_{r\\geq 0}\\frac{x^r}{(r!)^2}\\,,$$ which satisfies $\\hat{D}_t\\, {}_le(\\lambda t)=\\lambda\\, {}_l e(\\lambda t)$.\n\n3. ", " In view of explicit computations, it will prove advantageous to express ${}_l e(x)$ via an *umbral image* [@Babusci_2014; @Behr_2019] (where we refer to Appendix \\[sec:UIT\\] for the explicit definition of the full formalism) $$\\label{eq:lE1}\n {}_le(x)={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(v e^{vx}\\right)}\\,.$$ Here, $v$ is a formal variable, and $\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}$ a formal integration operator, which acts according to $$\\label{eq:fioEx}\n {\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(v^{\\alpha}\\right)}:=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\alpha)}\\qquad (\\alpha\\in \\mathbb{C})\\,.$$\n\nWe can therefore write the solution of our problem as $$F(x,t)={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(ve^{\\alpha v t \\partial_x}f(x)\\right)}\n ={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(v f(x+\\alpha v t)\\right)}\\,,$$ where we have just adopted the properties of the exponential shift operator (i.e. Taylor’s formula). ", "This illustrates one particularly simple scenario in which the approach sketched in the introduction may be explicitly carried out.\\\nThe next example addresses the problem of operator-ordering. ", "We consider a *Laguerre-type evolution problem* (with $\\hat{x}$ the operator of multiplication by $x$, i.e. $\\hat{x}(x^n):=x^{n+1}$), $$\\hat{O}_x=-(\\alpha \\;\\hat{x}-\\beta \\;\\partial _x)\\,,$$ in which the novelty and the difficulty stems from the fact that it consists of the sum of two terms that are not commuting with each other (due to $[\\partial_x,\\hat{x}]=1\\neq 0$). ", "The solution of our problem can be cast in a first step into the form $$F(x,t)={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(v e^{-vt(\\alpha\\hat{x}-\\beta\\partial_x)}f(x)\\right)}\\,.$$ However, the PEO in this expression cannot be disentangled into the product of two exponentials, because the operators in the argument of the exponential do not commute. ", "We thus proceed as follows:\n\n1. ", " We define the auxiliary operators $$\\hat{X}:=-\\alpha v t \\hat{x}\\,,\\quad \\hat{Y}:=\\beta v t \\partial_x\\,.$$\n\n2. ", " Applying the Weyl disentanglement rule (taking advantage of the fact that $[[\\hat{X},\\hat{Y}],\\hat{X}]=[[\\hat{X},\\hat{Y}],\\hat{Y}]=0$), we find that $$e^{\\hat{X}+\\hat{Y}}=e^{-\\frac{1}{2}[\\hat{X},\\hat{Y}]}e^{\\hat{X}}e^{\\hat{Y}}\\,.$$\n\n3. ", " We then eventually arrive at the closed-form expression $$F(x,t)={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(\n ve^{-\\frac{(vt)^2}{2}\\alpha\\beta}e^{-vt\\alpha \\hat{x}}e^{vt\\beta \\partial_x}f(x)\\right)}\n ={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(ve^{-\\frac{(vt)^2}{2}\\alpha\\beta}e^{-vt\\alpha \\hat{x}}\n f(x+v\\beta t)\\right)}\\,.$$\n\nIt important to emphasize that the operational ordering as performed above thus brings into play a term depending on the square of the formal variable $v$ (which commutes with the differential operators $\\hat{x}$ and $\\partial _x$). ", "Assuming for simplicity $f(x)=1$, we find that $$\\label{eq:UIex}\n F(x,t)={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(ve^{-\\frac{(vt)^2}{2}\\alpha\\beta}e^{-vt\\alpha x}\\right)}\\,.$$ Finally, after Taylor-expanding the exponential and evaluating the action of the formal integral operator ${\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}}$ according to , we find the closed-form expression $$F(x,t)\n ={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(v\\sum_{n\\geq 0} \\frac{(-v t \\alpha)^n}{n!}e^{-\\frac{(vt)^2}{2}\\alpha\\beta}\\right)}\n =\\sum_{n\\geq 0}\\frac{(-\\alpha t)^n}{n!} ", "\n {}_le^{(2)}\\left(-\\frac{\\alpha\\beta t^2}{2}\\right)\\,,$$ where ${}_le_n^{(m)}(x)$ is the Bessel-like function defined as $${}_le_n^{(m)}(x):=\n {\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(v^{n+1}e^{x\\, v^m}\\right)}=\n \\sum_{r\\geq 0}\\frac{x^r}{r!\\Gamma(m r+n+1)} \\,.$$ The example we have discussed is sufficient to demonstrate that the umbral image formalism naturally yields the solution of evolution problems involving a Laguerre derivative and non-commuting operators.\\\nIn order to stress the generality and the flexibility of our method, we consider the further example concerning the Schrödinger-type equation $$\\label{eq:SE}\n {\\mathbf{i}}\\, {}_l\\partial_t\\Psi(x,t)=\\hat{O}_x\\, \\Psi(x,t)\\,,\\quad \\hat{O}_x=-\\left(\\alpha\\,x+\\tfrac{\\beta}{2}\\partial_x^2\\right)\\,.$$ We will derive the PEO associated with eq.", "  in complete analogy to the procedure discussed in the previous example. ", "As a preparatory step, let us recall for the readers’ convenience the *Zassenhaus formula* in its “right- and left-oriented” forms (see e.g. [@Casas:2012aa]), whereby for a formal variable $\\lambda$ and for two composable linear operators $X$ and $Y$ one has $$\\label{eq:Zassenhaus}\n\\begin{aligned}\n e^{\\lambda(X+Y)}&=e^{\\lambda X} e^{\\lambda Y}\n e^{\\lambda^2 C_2(X,Y)}e^{\\lambda^3 C_3(X,Y)}\n e^{\\lambda^4 C_4(X,Y)}\\cdots\\\\\n e^{\\lambda(X+Y)}&=\\dotsc\n e^{\\lambda^4\\hat{C}_4(X,Y)}\n e^{\\lambda^3\\hat{C}_3(X,Y)}e^{\\lambda^2\\hat{C}_2(X,Y)}\n e^{\\lambda Y} e^{\\lambda X}\\\\\n C_2(X,Y)&=\\tfrac{1}{2}[Y,X]\\,,\\quad C_3(X,Y)=\\tfrac{1}{3}[C_2(X,Y),X+2Y]\\\\\n C_n(X,Y)&=\\tfrac{1}{n!}\\left(\n \\tfrac{d^n}{d\\lambda^n}\\left(\n e^{-\\lambda^{n-1}C_{n-1}(X,Y)}\n \\dotsc\n e^{-\\lambda^{3}C_{3}(X,Y)}\n e^{-\\lambda^{2}C_{2}(X,Y)}\\,\n e^{-\\lambda Y}e^{-\\lambda X}e^{\\lambda(X+Y)}\n \\right)\n \\right)\\bigg\\vert_{\\lambda\\to0}\\qquad (n\\geq 3)\\\\\n \\hat{C}_n(X,Y)&=(-1)^{n+1}C_n(X,Y)\\qquad (n\\geq 2)\\,.", "\n\\end{aligned}$$ Introducing the auxiliary operators $$\\hat{A}:=\\lambda \\partial_x^2\\,,\\quad\n \\hat{B}:=\\kappa \\hat{x}\\,,\\quad \\lambda:=\\tfrac{{\\mathbf{i}}}{2}\\beta v t\\,,\\; \\kappa:={\\mathbf{i}}\\alpha v t\\,,$$ we find the commutation relations $$\\label{eq:commrel}\n \\left[\\hat{A},\\hat{B}\\right]=2\\kappa \\lambda \\partial_x\\,,\\quad \n [\\hat{A},[\\hat{A},\\hat{B}]]=0\\,,\\quad \n [\\hat{B},[\\hat{A},\\hat{B}]]= -2\\kappa^2\\lambda\\,,$$ with all higher nested commutators vanishing. ", "Thus invoking the “left-oriented” form of the formula (setting $X=\\hat{A}$, $Y=\\hat{B}$ and $\\lambda=1$) and using the commutation relations , we obtain $$\\label{eq:ZasComp1}\n \\begin{aligned}\n e^{\\hat{A}+\\hat{B}}\n &=e^{\\frac{1}{3!}([\\hat{A},[\\hat{A},\\hat{B}]]+2[\\hat{B},[\\hat{A},\\hat{B}]])}e^{\\frac{1}{2}[\\hat{A},\\hat{B}]}e^{\\hat{B}}e^{\\hat{A}}\\\\\n &\\overset{(*)}{=}e^{-\\frac{2}{3}\\kappa^2\\lambda}e^{\\kappa\\lambda\\partial_x}e^{\\kappa\\hat{x}}e^{\\lambda \\partial_x^2}\\\\\n &=e^{-\\frac{2}{3}\\kappa^2\\lambda}\n e^{\\kappa(\\hat{x}+\\kappa\\lambda)}\n e^{\\kappa\\lambda\\partial_x}e^{\\lambda\\partial_x^2}\\\\\n &=e^{\\frac{1}{3}\\kappa^2\\lambda}\n e^{\\kappa\\hat{x}}\n e^{\\kappa\\lambda\\partial_x}e^{\\lambda\\partial_x^2}\n \\end{aligned}$$ Here, in the step marked $(*)$, we have taken advantage of the *Crofton-Glaisher identity* [@crofton79] (see also [@Dattoli_1997 Eq.", " (I.3.17)] and [@Dattoli_2000]), whereby for a formal power series[^1] $f(x)$ and for an integer-valued parameter $m\\geq1$, $$\\label{eq:CGI}\ne^{\\lambda \\partial_x^m}f(\\hat{x})=f\\left(\\hat{x}+m\\lambda \\partial_x^{m-1}\\right)e^{\\lambda \\partial_x^m}$$ Coincidentally, this identity also permits us to compute the action of the operational expression computed in  on an initial condition $\\Psi (x,0)=\\varphi (x)$, resulting in[^2] $$e^{\\frac{1}{3}\\kappa^2\\lambda}\n e^{\\kappa\\hat{x}}\n e^{\\kappa\\lambda\\partial_x}e^{\\lambda\\partial_x^2}\\varphi(x)=\n e^{\\frac{1}{3}\\kappa^2\\lambda}\n e^{\\kappa\\hat{x}}\\varphi(\\hat{x}+\\kappa \\lambda+2\\lambda \\partial_x)1\\,.$$ Combining this result with the explicit formula for the eigenfunctions ${}_le(x)$ as provided in , we thus finally arrive at the explicit solution for $\\Psi(x,t)$ evolving according to the pseudo-evolution equation  with initial condition $\\Psi (x,0)=\\varphi (x)$: $$\\label{eq:SEgenSol}\n \\Psi(x,t)={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(\n ve^{\\frac{1 }{6}({\\mathbf{i}}vt)^3 \\alpha^2\\beta}\n e^{ ({\\mathbf{i}}vt)\\alpha \\hat{x}}\\varphi(\\hat{x}\n +\\tfrac{\\alpha\\beta}{2}({\\mathbf{i}}vt)^2+({\\mathbf{i}}vt)\\beta\\partial_x)1\n \\right)}\\,.$$ Specializing for simplicity to the case $\\varphi(x)=1$, evaluates to $$\\label{eq:PEOex3}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\Psi(x,t)&={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(\n ve^{({\\mathbf{i}}vt)\\alpha x+\\frac{1 }{6}({\\mathbf{i}}vt)^3 \\alpha^2\\beta}\n \\right)}\\,.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ Coincidentally, the expression obtained in the last step has an interesting formal meaning: consider the *third order Hermite polynomials* $H_n^{(3)}(x,y)$, which are defined as $$\\label{eq:HermitePolyThirdOrder}\n H_n^{(3)}(x,y)\n :=e^{y\\partial_x^3}x^n=n!\\sum_{r=0}^{\\left\\lfloor \\frac n 3\\right\\rfloor}\n \\frac{x^{n-3r}y^r}{(n-3r)!\\;r!}\\,,$$ and whose exponential generating function (EGF) reads[^3] $$\\label{eq:HthreeEGF}\n \\mathcal{H}^{(3)}(t;x,y):=\\sum_{n\\geq 0}\\frac{t^n}{n!}H_n^{(3)}(x,y)\n =e^{y\\partial_x^3}e^{tx}= e^{tx+t^3y}\\,.$$ We thus recognize the occurrence of the above EGF as a term in , which allows us to express $\\Psi(x,t)$ in the alternative form $$\\Psi(x,t)={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(v\\sum_{n\\geq 0}\\frac{({\\mathbf{i}}vt)^n}{n!} ", "\n H_n^{(3)}\\left(\\alpha x,\\tfrac{\\alpha^2\\beta}{6}\\right)\\right)}\n =\\sum_{n\\geq 0}\\frac{({\\mathbf{i}}t)^n}{(n!)^2} H_n^{(3)}\\left(\\alpha x,\\tfrac{\\alpha^2\\beta}{6}\\right)\\,.$$\n\nThe examples of this introductory section have shown that a judicious combination of our suggested pseudo evolution operator (PEO) method with various elements from the theory of generalized functions and umbral image type techniques results in a toolset that allows to deal with non-standard forms of partial differential equations efficiently.\\\nBefore closing this section, it is worth commenting on the role played by the concepts associated with the semi-group property (or, rather, lack thereof) of the Laguerre exponential. ", "We follow the point of view of [@Dattoli_2017], where these problems have been systematically investigated. ", "As may be verified via an explicit calculation, one finds that the Laguerre exponential does not satisfy the semi-group property $e^{x+y}=e^x e^y$ (for $x,y$ commuting variables) of the ordinary exponential function, whence $$\\label{eq:LaguerreNonSemiGroup}\n {}_le(x+y)\\neq {}_le(x)\\; {}_le(y)\\,,$$ but rather satisfies $${}_le(x)\\; {}_le(y)\n =\\sum_{r\\geq 0} \\frac{x^r}{\\left(r!\\right)^2}\n \\sum_{s\\geq 0}\\frac{y^s}{\\left(s!\\right)^2}\n =\\sum_{n\\geq 0}\\frac 1{\\left(n!\\right)^2}\\left(x{\\oplus}_ly\\right)^n\\,.$$ Here, the symbol ${\\oplus}_l$ denotes the *composition rule* $$\\left(x{\\oplus}_ly\\right)^n\n :=\\sum_{s=0}^n \\binom{n}{s}^2 x^{n-s}y^s\\,,$$ thus yielding the so-called *“Laguerre Newton binomial”*. ", "According to the previous identities we may redefine the *semi-group property* for the Laguerre exponential as $$\\label{eq:LNP}\n{}_le(x) {}_le(y)={}_le(x{\\oplus}_ly)\\,.$$\n\nThe recently introduced reformulation [@Behr_2019] of the umbral calculus framework in terms of umbral image type techniques permits to understand the calculations that lead to  in a very direct manner: taking advantage of the identity (see Appendix \\[sec:UIT\\] for further details) $$\\label{eq:fioId}\n {\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(u^{\\alpha}v^{\\alpha}\\right)}=\\frac{\\Gamma(\\alpha)}{\\Gamma(\\alpha)}=1\\quad (\\alpha\\in \\mathbb{C}\\setminus \\{0,-1,-2,\\dotsc\\})\\,,$$ we may compute a *“Laguerre Newton binomial”* type result as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n{}_le(x){}_le(y)&={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(v_1v_2e^{v_1x+v_2y}\\right)}\\\\\n&={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(u v_1v_2v_3 e^{v_3(u(v_1x+v_2y))}\\right)}\\\\\n&={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(uv_1v_2{}_le(u(v_1x+v_2y))\\right)}\\,.", "\n\\end{aligned}$$ We thus indeed find that $${\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(uv_1v_2(u(v_1x+v_2y))^n\\right)}=\\sum_{r=0}^n\\binom{n}{r}\\frac{n! ", "x^ry^{n-r}}{r! (", "n-r)!}=\\left(x{\\oplus}_ly\\right)^n\\,.$$ This form of “umbral image reshaping” will prove particularly useful when considering more complicated types of special functions in the sequel.", "\n\nPseudo-evolutive problems and matrix calculus {#sec:three}\n=============================================\n\nIn this section, we will demonstrate an extension of the previously introduced pseudo-evolution equation techniques to a form of matrix calculus. ", "The problem we wish to address is the search of a solution for equations of the type $$\\label{eq.32}\n {}_l\\partial_t(x)\\underline{Y}(t)=\\hat{M}\\underline{Y}(t)\\,,\\quad\n \\underline{Y}(0)=\\underline{Y}_0\\,,$$ with ${}_l\\partial_t=\\partial_t t \\partial_t$ the Laguerre-type time-derivative, and where $\\hat{M}$ and $\\underline{Y}(t),\\underline{Y}_0$ denote an $n\\times n$ matrix and $n$-element column vectors, respectively. ", "We specialize our discussion to the case of a non-singular $2\\times 2$ matrix with eigenvalues $\\lambda_\\pm$. Following the paradigm of the PEO method introduced in Section \\[section\\_lag\\], one may obtain a solution of  in the form $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\underline{Y}(t)&=\\hat{U}(t)\\underline{Y}_0\\,,\\qquad \n \\hat{U}(t)={}_le(\\hat{M}t)=\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}\\frac{(\\hat{M}t)^n}{(n!)^2}\\,.", "\n\\end{aligned}$$ By application of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, we thus obtain $$\\label{eq.34}\n {}_le(\\hat{M}t)=\\frac{1}{\\lambda_+-\\lambda_-}\\Big[(\\lambda_+\\hat{1}-\\hat{M}){}_le(\\lambda_-t)-(\\lambda_-\\hat{1}-\\hat{M}){}_le(\\lambda_+ t))\\Big]\\,,$$ where $\\hat{1}$ denotes the $2\\times2$ unit matrix. ", "Let us now consider for illustration a matrix with zero diagonal entries and imaginary eigenvalues, namely $$\\hat{M}=\\begin{pmatrix} 0 & -\\alpha \\\\ \\beta & 0 \\end{pmatrix}\\,.$$ According to , the corresponding PEO $\\hat{U}(t)$ can be reduced to the “pseudo rotation matrix” $${}_le(\\hat{M}t)=\\begin{pmatrix} {}_lc(\\sqrt{\\alpha\\beta}t) & -\\sqrt{\\frac{\\alpha}{\\beta}} {}_ls(\\sqrt{\\alpha\\beta}t) \\\\ \\sqrt{\\frac{\\beta}{\\alpha}}{}_ls(\\sqrt{\\alpha\\beta}t) & {}_lc(\\sqrt{\\alpha\\beta}t) \\end{pmatrix}\\,,$$ where ${}_lc(x)$ and ${}_ls(x)$ denote the *Laguerre (co-)sine functions* [@Dattoli_2018] defined as $$\\label{eq:LaguerreCoSine}\n {}_lc(x)=\\frac{ {}_le({\\mathbf{i}}x)+{}_le(-{\\mathbf{i}}x)}{2}\\,,\\quad \n {}_ls(x)=\\frac{ {}_le({\\mathbf{i}}x)-{}_le(-{\\mathbf{i}}x)}{2{\\mathbf{i}}}\\qquad ({\\mathbf{i}}^2=-1)\\,.$$ The relevant geometrical meaning differs from that of the ordinary circular functions and is illustrated in Figure \\[figsencos\\], where we have plotted ${}_ls(x)$ against ${}_lc(x)$ in the region of the first negative and positive zeros of the Laguerre sine function (cf.", "  Figure \\[figsen\\]).", "\n\n![", "Polar plot of the fundamental l-trigonometric relation.[]{data-label=\"figsencos\"}](figura1B2.pdf)\n\n![", "Plot of the ${}_ls(x)$ function. []{", "data-label=\"figsen\"}](figura1A.pdf)\n\nThe functions in  can be recognized as Bessel type functions (in particular as Kelvin ber, bei functions), and they satisfy the differential equations $${}_l\\partial^2_t {}_lc(\\omega t)=-\\omega^2 {}_lc(\\omega t)\\,,\\quad \n {}_l\\partial^2_t {}_ls(\\omega t)=-\\omega^2 {}_ls(\\omega t)\\,.$$ We also note that the Laguerre derivative satisfies the identity $$\\label{eq.39}\n {}_l\\partial^{\\alpha}_t=\\partial^{\\alpha}_t t^\\alpha \\partial^\\alpha_t\\qquad (\\alpha\\in\\mathbb{R})\\,.$$\n\nOur next example illustrates a possible generalization of the PEO methods in a different direction, namely in the form of *fractional* evolutive problems such as $$\\label{eq.40}\n \\partial_t^\\mu\\underline{Y}(t)=\\hat{M}\\underline{Y}(t)+\\frac{t^{-\\mu}}{\\Gamma(1-\\mu)}\\underline{Y}_0\\,,\\quad\n \\underline{Y}(0)=\\underline{Y}_0\\qquad (0<\\mu<1)\\,.$$ Following the paradigm of the PEO method, the first step in solving  consists in finding an eigenfunction of the fractional differential operator $\\hat{D}_t=\\partial_t^{\\mu}$. To this end, we recall the definition of the so-called *Mittag-Leffler function (ML-f)* [@mittag1903nouvelle] $E_{\\alpha,\\beta}(x)$ (for $\\alpha,\\beta\\in \\bC$), $$\\label{eq:MLf1}\n E_{\\alpha,\\beta}(x)\n =\\sum_{r\\geq 0}\n \\frac{x^r}{\\Gamma(\\alpha r+\\beta)}\n ={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(\\frac{v^{\\beta}}{1-xv^{\\alpha}}\\right)}\\,.$$ Here, we have yet again taken advantage of the formal integral operator ${\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(\\dotsc\\right)}$ as introduced in [@Behr_2019] (compare ). ", "An alternative useful expression for the ML-f $E_{\\alpha,\\beta}(x)$ may be obtained via taking a suitable Laplace transform of , whence $$\\label{eq:MLf2}\n E_{\\alpha,\\beta}(x)={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(v^{\\beta} \\int_0^{\\infty} e^{-s}\\, e^{v^{\\alpha}\\,x}\\,ds\\right)}\\,.$$ For example, the alternative form  for the ML-f allows to derive (via a suitable umbral image reshaping) a multiplicative law in a straightforward fashion: $$\\begin{aligned}\n E_{\\alpha,\\beta}(x)E_{\\alpha,\\beta}(y)\n &={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(\n (v_1v_2)^{\\beta}\\int_0^{\\infty} e^{-s} \\,\n e^{v_1^{\\alpha} x+v_2^{\\alpha} y}\\,ds\n \\right)}\\\\\n &={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(v_3^{\\beta} (uv_1v_2)^{\\beta}\n \\int_0^{\\infty} e^{-s} \\,\n e^{v_3^{\\alpha} (u^{\\alpha}(v_1^{\\alpha}x+v_2^{\\alpha} y))}\\,ds\n \\right)}\\\\\n &\\overset{\\eqref{eq:MLf1}}{=}{\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(\n (uv_1v_2)^{\\beta} \n E_{\\alpha,\\beta}(\n u^{\\alpha}(v_1^{\\alpha}x+v_2^{\\alpha} y))\\right)}\n \\equiv E_{\\alpha,\\beta}(x\\oplus_{E_{\\alpha,\\beta}} y)\\,.", "\n\\end{aligned}$$ Here, in the second step we have introduced two additional formal integration variables $u$ and $v_3$ and took advantage of the identity  in order to suitably “reshape” the umbral image type expression without changing its evaluation result. ", "This then permits to utilize the formal variable $v_3$ in order to realize the defining equation for the ML-f according to , resulting in the ML-f at modified argument depending on the remaining formal integration variables as presented in the third step above. ", "We thus conclude that the “Mittag-Leffler binomial” law should read $$\\begin{aligned}\n(x\\oplus_{E_{\\alpha,\\beta}} y)^n\n&={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left((uv_1v_2)^{\\beta} (u^{\\alpha}(v_1^{\\alpha}x+v_2^{\\alpha} y)^n\\right)}\\\\\n&=\\sum_{r=0}^n\\binom{n}{r}{\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(\n u^{\\alpha n+\\beta}v_1^{\\alpha r+\\beta}x^rv_2^{\\alpha(n-r)+\\beta} y^{(n-r)}\n\\right)}\\\\\n&=\\sum_{r=0}^n\\binom{n}{r}\\frac{\\Gamma(n\\alpha+\\beta)\\, x^ry^{n-r}}{\\Gamma(\\alpha r+\\beta)\\Gamma(\\alpha(n-r)+\\beta)}\\,.", "\n\\end{aligned}$$\n\nBack to the fractional pseudo evolution problem described in , note that the Mittag-Leffler function $E_{\\alpha,\\beta}(x)$ may be utilized to construct a “pseudo eigenfunction” of the fractional time-derivative operator $\\hat{D}_t=\\partial_t^{\\mu}$ as follows[^4]: $$\\label{eq:PseudoEF}\n \\partial_t^{\\mu}\\,{\\hat{D}_t} E_{\\mu,1}(\\hat{M}t^{\\mu})\n =\\hat{M}\\, E_{\\mu,1}(\\hat{M}t^{\\mu}) +\\frac{t^{-\\mu}}{\\Gamma(1-\\mu)}\\,.$$ This permits us to determine the solution of the fractional pseudo-evolution equation  in closed form as $$\\underline{Y}(t)=E_{\\mu,1}(\\hat{M}t^\\mu)\\underline{Y}_0\\,.$$\n\nAs a final example of an interesting fractional pseudo evolution problem, which in a sense combines the technique of the previous example with the one presented in the beginning of this section, consider $$\\label{eq.44}\n \\partial_t^\\mu\\, F(x,t)\n =\\alpha\\hat{O}_x F(x,t)+\\frac{t^{-\\mu}}{\\Gamma(1-\\mu)}f(x)\\,,\\quad\n F(x,0)=f(x) \\qquad (0<\\mu<1)\\,.$$ Following the previously presented strategy, we find an explicit solution of  in the form $$F(x,t)=E_{\\mu,1}(\\alpha t^\\mu\\hat{O}_x)f(x)\\,.$$ Let us then specialize this result to the case of $\\alpha=1$, and with a differential operator $\\hat{O}_x$ as in , $$\\hat{O}_x=-\\left(\\alpha\\,x+\\tfrac{\\beta}{2}\\partial_x^2\\right)\\,.$$ Taking advantage of the form of the Mittag-Leffler function $E_{\\alpha,\\beta}(x)$ as presented in , $$E_{\\mu,1}(\\hat{O}_x\\,t^{\\mu})={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(\n v\\int_0^{\\infty}e^{-s}\\, e^{(vt)^{\\mu}\\,\\hat{O}_x}\\,ds\n \\right)}\\,,$$ and by performing an analysis based on the Zassenhaus formula  and the Crofton-Glaisher identity , we obtain the general formula (for $F(x,0)=f(x)$): $$\\label{eq:PEOfract}\n\\begin{aligned}\nF(x,t)&=E_{\\mu,1}(\\alpha t^\\mu\\hat{O}_x)f(x)\\\\\n&={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(\n v\\int_0^{\\infty}e^{-s}\\, \n e^{-\\frac{1}{6}\\alpha^2\\beta (vt)^{3\\mu}}\n e^{-\\alpha(vt)^{\\mu}\\hat{x}}\\, \n f\\bigg(\\hat{x}+\\tfrac{\\alpha\\beta}{2}(vt)^{\\mu} \n -\\beta(vt)^{\\mu}\\partial_x\\bigg)\\,1\\right)}\n\\end{aligned}$$ In particular, specializing further to the case $F(x,0)=f(x)=1$, the result of  may be evaluated by using the third-order Hermite polynomial exponential generating function formula , namely $$\\label{eq:PEOfractB}\n\\begin{aligned}\nF(x,t)&=E_{\\mu,1}(\\alpha t^\\mu\\hat{O}_x)\\,1=\n{\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(\n v\\int_0^{\\infty}e^{-s}\\, \n e^{-\\alpha (vt)^{\\mu} x-\\frac{1}{6}\\alpha^2\\beta (vt)^{3\\mu}}\\right)}\\\\\n &\\overset{\\eqref{eq:HthreeEGF}}{=}\n e^{-\\frac{\\alpha^2\\beta}{6}\\partial_z^3}\n {\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(\n v\\int_0^{\\infty}e^{-s}\\, \n e^{(vt)^{\\mu} z}\\right)}\\qquad (z=-\\alpha x)\\\\\n &\\overset{\\eqref{eq:MLf2}}{=}e^{-\\frac{\\alpha^2\\beta}{6}\\partial_z^3}\\, E_{\\mu,1}(zt^{\\mu})\\,.", "\n\\end{aligned}$$ Recalling both the definition of the third-order Hermite polynomials $H^{(3)}_n(x,y)$ as given in  and of the Mittag-Leffler function as given in , we may reformulate the above result in the more explicit form $$F(x,t)=\\sum_{r\\geq 0}\\frac{t^{\\mu r}}{\\Gamma(\\mu r+1)}H^{(3)}_r\\left(-\\alpha x,-\\tfrac{\\alpha^2\\beta}{6}\\right)\\,.$$\n\nTime-ordering and concluding comments {#sec:four}\n=====================================\n\nIn this section we touch upon on the problem of time-dependent pseudo-evolutive equations. ", "We will then take a cursory look at the possibility of extending our techniques as introduced thus far to time-ordering problems, which as will become apparent is a nontrivial challenge even for the standard Cauchy problems.\\\nTo illustrate the difficulties we are going to meet, we first consider the non-homogeneous first order Laguerre differential equation $${}_l\\partial _tY(t)=f(t)\\,,\\quad Y(0)=Y_0\\,,$$ where $f(t)$ is a time-dependent function. ", "The formal solution of this equation reads $$\\label{eq:48}\nY(t)={}_l\\partial _t^{-1}\\left[f(t)\\right]+Y_0\n =\\partial_t^{-1}t^{-1}\\partial_t^{-1}\\left[f(t)\\right]+Y_0\\,,$$ with the second identity obtained using . ", "We may then rewrite  into the form $$\\label{eq:49}\nY(t)=\\int_0^t\\frac{dt_1}{t_1}\\int_0^{t_1}f(t_2)dt_2+Y_0\\,.$$ The Laguerre integration can be carried out straightforwardly. ", "For instance, if the integrand function is expandable as a (summable) series $f(t)=\\sum_{n\\geq 0}\\tfrac{t^n}{n!}a_n$, we obtain $$\\label{eq:50}\nY(t)=\\sum_{n\\geq0}\\frac{a_n}{n!(n+1)^2}t^{n+1}+Y_0\\,,$$ which is valid provided that we can exchange summation and integral sign, and given suitable convergence properties.\\\nThe problem becomes more difficult if we consider the equation $$\\label{eq:51}\n{}_l\\partial _tY(t)=f(t)Y(t)\\,,\\quad Y(0)=Y_0\\,,$$ whose solution is obtained through a judicious application of the recipes we have discussed in the previous sections. ", "We may indeed use the corresponding equation for the ordinary derivative, namely $$y(t)=y_0 e^{\\int_0^t f(t')dt'}\\,,$$ by replacing the exponential by its Laguerre counterpart, and the relevant argument by a suitable integration of the function $f(t)$. To better illustrate this technique, let us proceed by transforming  into an integral equation, $$\\label{eq:52}\nY(t)={}_l\\partial_t^{-1}\\left[f(t)Y(t)\\right]\n=\\int_0^t\\frac{dt_1}{t_1}\\int_0^{t_1}f(t_2)Y(t_2)dt_2+Y_0\\,.$$ We then eventually apply a *Volterra-Neumann expansion*, defined as $$\\label{eq:53}\n\\begin{aligned}\n Y(t)&=\\sum_{n\\geq 0} Y_n(t)\\\\\n Y_0(t)&=Y_0\\\\\n Y_{n+1}(t)\n &=\\int_0^t\\frac{dt_1}{t_1}\\int_0^{t_1}f(t_2)Y_n(t_2)dt_2\\,.", "\n\\end{aligned}$$ It is worth noting that the inclusion of a non-homogeneous term ${}_l\\partial _tY(t)=f(t)Y(t)+g(t)$ does not introduce any further conceptual complication, but leads to additional inessential computational details, whence we omit the discussion of this more general case for brevity.\\\nWe may verify the correctness of the procedure by considering the example with $f(t)=-t$ in , resulting in the fractional differential equation $$\\label{eq:54}\n \\frac{1}{t}\\partial_t\\, t\\,\\partial_t\\,Y(t)=-Y(t)\\,,\\quad Y(0)=Y_0\\,.$$ Noting that $$\\label{eq:55}\n \\frac{1}{t}\\partial_t\\, t\\,\\partial_t\n =\\partial_{\\left(\\frac{t}{2}\\right)^2}\\left(\\frac{t}{2}\\right)^2\\;\\partial_{\\left(\\frac{t}{2}\\right)^2}\\,,$$ we may conclude that the solution of  with the initial condition $Y(0)=1$ is just the Bessel function $$J_0(t)={}_le\\left(-\\left(\\tfrac{t}{2}\\right)^2\\right)\\,.$$ We may then verify that the same result may be obtained by summing the series in  directly, noting that $$\\label{eq:56}\n\\int_0^t\\frac{dt_1}{t_1}\\int_0^{t_1}t_2dt_2\n =\\left(\\frac{t}{2}\\right)^2\\,,$$ which then entails that performing the Volterra-Neumann expansion  indeed evaluates to $$\\label{eq:57}\nY(t)={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(v e^{-v\\;\\left(\\frac{t}{2}\\right)^2}\\right)}={}_le\\left(-\\left(\\tfrac{t}{2}\\right)^2\\right)\\,.$$ An entirely analogous computation permits to derive the solution of  with $f(t)=-t^m$ and with initial condition $Y(0)=Y_0=1$, which reads $$\\label{eq:58}\nY(t)={}_le\\left(-\\frac{t^{m+1}}{(m+1)^2}\\right)\\,.$$\n\nUnfortunately, the above procedures become considerably more complicated if $f(t)$ is not just a monic function such as $f(t)=-t^m$ as above. ", "This is in fact a direct consequence of the lack of the semi-group property of the Laguerre exponential (see ). ", "If for instance $f(t)=\\cos(t)$, the solution of  with initial condition $Y(0)=Y_0=1$ indeed becomes rather intricate: $$\\begin{aligned}\nY(t)&=\\sum_{n\\geq 0} Y_n(t)\\\\\n Y_n(t)&=\\sum_{r=0}^{\\infty}\n \\frac{(-1)^r t^{2r+n}}{(2r+n)^2}{}_na_r\\quad (n\\geq 1)\\,,\\qquad Y_0(t)=Y_0=1\\\\\n {}_na_r&=\\sum_{k=0}^{r}\\frac{{}_{n-1}a_k}{(2k+n-1)^2[2(r-k)]!}\\quad (n\\geq2)\\,,\\qquad {}_1a_r=\\frac{1}{(2r)!}\\,.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\nOur formalism remains applicable when passing to the setting of fractional derivatives. ", "Consider for illustration the fractional evolution equation $$\\label{eq:60}\n \\partial_t^{\\alpha} Y(t)=f(t)Y(t)+Y_0\\frac{t^{-{\\alpha}}}{\\Gamma(1-\\alpha)}\\,,\\quad Y(0)=Y_0\\,,$$ which may be transformed into integral form via noting that according to the definition of the fractional derivative in the sense of Riemann-Liouville, one finds that $\\partial_t^{\\alpha} 1=t^{-\\alpha}/\\Gamma(1-\\alpha)$, and thus $$\\label{eq:61}\n Y(t)=\\partial_t^{-\\alpha }\\left[f(t)Y(t)\\right]+Y_0\\,.$$ The use of the Riemann-Liouville integral in order to evaluate the action of $\\partial_t^{-\\alpha }$ yields [@Diethelm_2010] $$\\label{eq:62}\nY(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\alpha)}\\int_0^t f(\\tau)Y(\\tau)\\,(t-\\tau)^{\\alpha-1}d\\tau + Y_0\\,,$$ and the coefficients $Y_n(t)$ of the Volterra-Neumann expansion  consequently satisfy the following recursion equation (with $Y_0(\\tau)=Y_0$ as before): $$\\label{eq:63}\n Y_{n+1}(t)\n =\\frac{1}{\\Gamma (\\alpha )}\n \\int_0^t f(\\tau )Y_n(\\tau )\\,\n (t-\\tau )^{\\alpha-1}d\\tau\\qquad (n\\geq 0)\\,.$$ Specializing for illustration to the case of $f(t)=-t$ and $Y_0=1$, the expansion terms evaluate to $$Y_n(t)=\\left(-\\frac{t^{\\alpha+1}}{\\Gamma(\\alpha)}\\right)^n\\left[\n \\prod_{k=0}^{n-1}B\\Big(k(\\alpha+1)+2,\\alpha\\Big)\n\\right]\\,,$$ where $B(x,y)$ denotes the Euler Beta function.\\\nThe notions we have developed so far are in fact a necessary prerequisite for the development of the concepts associated with time-ordering. ", "Let us thus pass to an illustrative first problem requiring explicit time-ordering, in the form of the matrix equation $$\\label{eq:82}\n\\partial_t^{\\alpha}\\underline{Y}(t)\n =\\hat{M}(t)\\underline{Y}(t)+\\frac{t^{-\\alpha}}{\\Gamma(1-\\alpha)}\\, \\underline{Y}_0\\,,\\qquad\n \\underline{Y}(0)=\\underline{Y}_0\\,.$$ Here, $\\underline{Y}(t)$ and $\\underline{Y}_0$ denote $n$-column vectors, while $\\hat{M}(t)$ denotes a non-singular time-dependent $n\\;\\times \\;n$ matrix, which is in general assumed to be non-commuting with itself at different times (i.e. $[\\hat{M}(t),\\hat{M}(t')]\\neq 0$ for $t\\neq t'$). ", "It is evident that also in this case the most appropriate treatment is a series expansion, but ordering criteria such as those inherent in the well-known *Dyson expansion* are necessary. ", "We will therefore write the formal solution of  as $$\\label{eq:83}\n\\underline{Y}(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\alpha)}\\int_0^t\\hat{M}(\\tau)\\underline{Y}(\\tau)(t-\\tau)^{\\alpha-1}\\,d\\tau+\\underline{Y}_0\\,.$$ The corresponding Volterra-Neumann series reads $$\\label{eq:84}\n \\underline{Y}(t)=\\hat{U}(t)\\underline{Y}_0\\,,$$ with a matrix-valued evolution operator $\\hat U(t)$ defined as $$\\label{eq:85}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\hat{U}(t)\n &=\\hat{1}\n +\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\alpha)}\\int_0^t\\hat{M}(t_1)(t-t_1)^{\\alpha-1}\\,dt_2\\\\\n &\\quad +\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\alpha)^2}\\int_0^t\\hat{M}(t_2)(t-t_2)^{\\alpha-1}\\left[\n\\int_0^{t_2}\\hat{M}(t_1)(t-t_1)^{\\alpha-1}dt_1\n\\right]\\,dt_2\\\\\n&\\quad +\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\alpha)^3}\\int_0^t\\hat{M}(t_3)(t-t_3)^{\\alpha-1}\\left[\n\\int_0^{t_3}\\hat{M}(t_2)(t-t_2)^{\\alpha-1}\n\\left[\n\\int_0^{t_2}\\hat{M}(t_1)(t-t_1)^{\\alpha-1}dt_1\n\\right]\\,\ndt_2\n\\right]\\,dt_3\\\\\n&\\quad +\\dotsc\n\\end{aligned}$$ The series in  has been obtained by translating to the fractional integration setting the usual expression given e.g. in [@louisell1973quantum]. ", "The derivation of the corresponding Feynman-Dyson series along with the associated diagrammatic interpretation will be discussed in a forthcoming investigation.\\\nIn this paper, we have demonstrated that the operator and time-ordering techniques familiar from the setting of ordinary differential calculus may be exploited for analyzing fractional and for Laguerre operators as well. ", "The methods we have highlighted are based on a suitable interpretation of operators and functions in umbral image form. ", "The price to be paid is the demand for a certain level of abstraction allowing the search of a common thread yielding the pathway to generalized ordered formulae of Feynman-Dyson type.", "\n\nThe umbral image type technique of [@Behr_2019] {#sec:UIT}\n===============================================\n\nFor the readers’ convenience, we briefly recall the central definition of the umbral image type technique as introduced in [@Behr_2019]:\n\n\\[def:IT\\] Let $\\cA=\\{\\lambda\\}\\uplus\\cU\\uplus\\cV\\uplus \\cX$ be an alphabet of formal variables, where $\\uplus$ denotes the operation of disjoint union, and where $\\{\\lambda\\}$, $\\cU$, $\\cV$ and $\\cX$ are four (disjoint) alphabets of auxiliary formal variables. ", "We will typically employ notations such as $\\cX=\\{x,y,x_1,x_2,\\dotsc\\}$, where we make use of the indexed variable notations in case of many variables for convenience. ", "Let furthermore $\\cA_\\bullet=\\cA\\setminus\\{\\lambda\\}$.\n\nWe define a *formal integration operator* ${\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}}$ via specifying first its domain ${\\mathop{dom}({\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}})}$ as $$\\label{eq:domainTIO}\n{\\mathop{dom}({\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}})}:=\\{S\\in \\bC[G_\\mathbb{C}(\\cA_\\bullet)][[\\lambda]]\\mid \\mbox{for all } \\cA^{\\alpha}\\in supp(S) : {\\mathop{range}(\\alpha\\vert_{\\cU})}\\subset\\bC\\setminus\\bZ_{\\leq 0}\\}\\,,$$ whence elements of ${\\mathop{dom}({\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}})}$ are formal power series in $\\lambda$ with coefficients that are generalized polynomials over the alphabet $\\cA_{\\bullet}$ (where the extension to formal power series requires a suitable notion of summability, see below). [", "Here, the notation ${\\mathop{range}(\\alpha\\vert_{\\cU})}\\subset\\bC\\setminus\\bZ_{\\leq 0}$ entails that functions $\\alpha:\\cA_{\\bullet}\\rightarrow \\bC$ are required to not take zero or negative integer values when evaluated on elements of $\\cU$.]{} Then for some monomial $\\cA^{\\alpha}\\in {\\mathop{dom}({\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}})}$, which reads more explicitly (recall that by definition of $\\bC^{(\\cA)}$, we have that $\\alpha(u_i)\\neq 0$ and $\\alpha(v_j)\\neq 0$ for only finitely many indices $i$ and $j$) $$\\cA^{\\alpha}=u_1^{\\alpha(u_1)}u_2^{\\alpha(u_2)}\\dotsc v_1^{\\alpha(v_1)}v_2^{\\alpha(v_2)}\\dotsc\\,,$$ the action of ${\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}}$ on $\\cA^{\\alpha}$ is defined as $$\\begin{aligned}\n{\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}}\\left(\\cA^{\\alpha}\\right)&:=\\left(\\prod_{u_i \\in U(\\alpha)}\\int_0^{\\infty}du_i\\; \\frac{e^{-u_i}}{u_i}\\right)\\left[\n\\left(\\prod_{v_j\\in V(\\alpha)}\\frac{1}{2\\pi i}\\int_{\\gamma}dv_j\\; e^{v_j}\\right)\\left[\n\\cA^{\\tilde{\\alpha}}\\right]\\right]\\\\\nU(\\alpha)&:={\\mathop{supp}(\\alpha)}\\cap \\cU\\,,\\; V(\\alpha):={\\mathop{supp}(\\alpha)}\\cap \\cV\\\\\n\\tilde{\\alpha}(a)&:=\\begin{cases}\n\\alpha(a) &\\text{if } a\\in \\cA\\setminus\\cV\\\\\n-\\alpha(a)\\quad &\\text{if } a\\in \\cV\\,.", "\n\\end{cases}\n\\end{aligned}$$\n\nWe extend ${\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}}$ by linearity to finite sums. ", "For infinite sums, this requires an appropriate notion of convergence. ", "A series $\\sum_{i\\in I}c_i\\cA^{\\alpha_i}$ will be in ${\\mathop{dom}({\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}})}$ (the domain of ${\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}}$) if the family $\\Big(c_i{\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}}(\\cA^{\\alpha_i})\\Big)_{i\\in I}$ is *summable* in the target (in the sense of discrete summability or compact convergence for entire functions).", "\n\nIntuitively, the above definition allows to define a type of transformation of formal power series in which monomials in the auxiliary variable alphabet $\\cU=\\{u,u',u_1,u_2,\\dotsc \\}$ yield occurrences of Gamma functions in the numerators (i.e. ${\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(u^{\\alpha}\\right)}=\\Gamma(\\alpha)$ for $\\alpha\\in \\bC\\setminus\\{0,-1,-2,\\dotsc\\}$), while monomials in the formal variables of the alphabet $\\cV=\\{v,v',v_1,v_2,\\dotsc\\}$ yield occurrences of reciprocal Gamma functions (i.e. ${\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(v^{\\beta}\\right)}=1/\\Gamma(\\beta)$ for $\\beta\\in \\bC$). ", "The only “rule” in translating an expressions involving Gamma and reciprocal Gamma functions into the “umbral image form” via using the formal integration operator ${\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}}$ is that if one wishes to express the *product* of two expressions via the operator, we have that $${\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(S_1\\right)}{\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(S_2\\right)}={\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(S_1S_2\\right)}$$ if and only if the *support* of the formal power series $S_1$ and $S_2$ is disjoint (i.e. if $S_1$ and $S_2$ do not share any of the formal variables; cf.", " Lemma 1 of [@Behr_2019]). ", "It is this “rule” that replaces a lot of more heuristic concepts in the traditional umbral calculus literature. ", "To provide a quick application example, we present the following short list of expressions for illustration (where the exponents of the formal variables of the alphabet $\\cU$ are constrained to only take complex values not equal to $0$ or a negative integer): $$\\begin{aligned}\n {\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(u^{\\alpha}\\right)}&=\\Gamma(\\alpha)\\,, \\qquad & \n {\\hat{\\mathbb{I}}\\left(v^{\\beta}\\right)}&=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\beta)}\\\\\n {\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}}\\left(u^{\\alpha+n}v^{\\alpha}\\right)\n &=\\frac{\\Gamma(\\alpha+n)}{\\Gamma(\\alpha)}=(\\alpha)_n\\,, \\qquad & \n{\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}}\\left(u^{\\beta}v^{\\beta+n}\\right)&=\\frac{\\Gamma(\\beta)}{\\Gamma(\\beta+n)}=\\frac{1}{(\\beta)_n}\n\\end{aligned}$$ A more complex set of examples is provided by the following expression quoted from [@Behr_2019] for the generalized hypergeometric functions, illustrating further the utility of the umbral image type formalism: $$\\begin{aligned}\n{ \\begingroup \\pFqmuskip=8mu\\relax\n \\mathchardef\\normalcomma=\\mathcode`,\n \\mathcode`\\,=\\string\"8000\n \\begingroup\\lccode`\\~=`\\,\n \\lowercase{\\endgroup\\let~}{{\\normalcomma}\\mskip\\pFqmuskip}{}_{p}F_{q}{\\left[\\genfrac..{0pt}{}{\\vec{\\alpha}}{\\vec{\\beta}};z\\right]} \\endgroup\n}\\equiv{ \\begingroup \\pFqmuskip=8mu\\relax\n \\mathchardef\\normalcomma=\\mathcode`,\n \\mathcode`\\,=\\string\"8000\n \\begingroup\\lccode`\\~=`\\,\n \\lowercase{\\endgroup\\let~}{{\\normalcomma}\\mskip\\pFqmuskip}{}_{p}F_{q}{\\left[\\genfrac..{0pt}{}{\\seq{\\alpha_i}{1\\leq i\\leq p}}{\\seq{\\beta_j}{1\\leq j\\leq q}};z\\right]} \\endgroup\n}&:=\\sum_{n\\geq 0}\\frac{z^n}{n!}\\frac{(\\alpha_1)_n\\cdots (\\alpha_p)_n}{(\\beta_1)_n\\cdots (\\beta_q)_n}\\\\\n&=\n{\\hat{\\mathbf{\\mathbb{I}}}}\\left(\n\\left(\\prod_{i=1}^p (u_i v_i)^{\\alpha_i}\\right)\n\\left(\\prod_{j=1}^q (u_{j+p} v_{j+p})^{\\beta_j}\\right)\\;e^{z u_1\\cdots u_p v_{p+1}\\cdots v_{p+q}}\n\\right)\\,.", "\n\\end{aligned}$$\n\nAn alternative to the Zassenhaus formula\n========================================\n\nIn Section \\[section\\_lag\\], we have exploited the Zassenhaus formula to derive the solution of Laguerre or fractional Schrödinger equations, in which the operators appearing in the arguments of the respective pseudo evolution operators may be reduced to exponentials of the type $$\\label{a_1}\n e^{\\hat{X}+\\hat{Y}}=e^{\\hat{X}}e^{\\hat{Y}}e^{-\\frac{1}{2}[\\hat{X},\\hat{Y}]}e^{\\frac{1}{3}[\\hat{Y},[\\hat{X},\\hat{Y}]]+\\frac{1}{6}[\\hat{X},[\\hat{X},\\hat{Y}]]}\\,.$$ An alternative to the use of eq. ", "is provided by the following Berry-type rule [@berry1966diffraction] $$\\label{a_berry}\n e^{\\hat{X}+\\hat{Y}}=e^{\\frac{{m}^2}{12}-\\frac{{m}}{2}\\hat{X}^{\\frac{1}{2}}+\\hat{X}}e^{\\hat{Y}},$$ which is valid if $$[\\hat{X},\\hat{Y}]=m\\hat{X}^{\\frac{1}{2}}\\,.$$ To verify the correctness of , let us consider the following realization of the operators $\\hat{X}$ and $\\hat{Y}$: $$\\hat{X}=\\alpha\\partial^2_x \\qquad \\text{and}\\qquad \\hat{Y}=\\beta \\hat{x}$$ By applying the identity \\[a\\_berry\\], noting that here indeed $[\\hat{X},\\hat{Y}]=m\\hat{X}^{\\frac{1}{2}}$ (with $m=2\\sqrt{\\alpha}\\beta$), we obtain $$\\label{a_3}\\begin{split}\n e^{\\hat{X}+\\hat{Y}}&=e^{\\frac{{m}^2}{12}-\\frac{{m}}{2}\\hat{X}^{\\frac{1}{2}}+\\hat{X}}e^{\\hat{Y}}\\\\&=e^{\\frac{1}{3}\\alpha\\beta^2-\\alpha\\beta\\partial_x+\\alpha\\partial^2_x}e^{\\beta x}\\,.", "\n \\end{split}$$ This is thus consistent with the result calculated via the Zassenhaus-type formula . ", "A detailed proof of the Berry-type identity  independent of the Zassenhaus expansion may also be found in [@Dattoli_1997; @babusci2010lectures].", "\n\n[999]{} \\[1\\][\\#1]{}\n\nBabusci, D.; Dattoli, G. Umbral methods and operator ordering. .", "\n\nDattoli, G.; Gorska, K.; Horzela, A.; Licciardi, S.; Pidatella, R.M. . , [ *", "226*]{}, 3427–3443. ", "doi:[[](https://doi.org/10.1140/epjst/e2018-00073-1)]{}.", "\n\nDattoli, G. Hermite-Bessel and Laguerre-Bessel functions: a by-product of the monomiality principle, 1999.", "\n\nWeyl, H. ; Courier Corporation, 1950.", "\n\nWilcox, R.M. Exponential Operators and Parameter Differentiation in Quantum Physics. , [*", "8*]{}, 962–982. ", "doi:[[](https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1705306)]{}.", "\n\nDattoli, G.; Gallardo, J.C.; Torre, A. An algebraic view to the operatorial ordering and its applications to optics. , [ *", "11*]{}, 1–79. ", "doi:[[](https://doi.org/10.1007/bf02724503)]{}.", "\n\nCasas, F.; Murua, A.; Nadinic, M. . , [ *", "183*]{}, 2386–2391. ", "doi:[[](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2012.06.006)]{}.", "\n\nGill, T.L. The Feynman-Dyson view. , [ *", "845*]{}, 012023. ", "doi:[[](https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/845/1/012023)]{}.", "\n\nDitkin, V.A.; Prudnikov, A.P. Operational calculus. , [*", "4*]{}, 7–82.", "\n\nDattoli, G. Generalized polynomials, operational identities and their applications. , [*", "118*]{}, 111–123. ", "doi:[[](https://doi.org/10.1016/s0377-0427(00)00283-1)]{}.", "\n\nDattoli, G.; Srivastava, H.M.; Zhukovsky, K. A new family of integral transforms and their applications. , [ *", "17*]{}, 31–37. ", "doi:[[](https://doi.org/10.1080/10652460500389081)]{}.", "\n\nDattoli, G.; He, M.; Ricci, P. Eigenfunctions of laguerre-type operators and generalized evolution problems. , [ *", "42*]{}, 1263–1268. ", "doi:[[](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcm.2005.01.034)]{}.", "\n\nDattoli, G.; Licciardi, S.; Pidatella, R. . , [*", "468*]{}, 103–115. ", "doi:[[](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2018.07.044)]{}.", "\n\nBabusci, D.; Dattoli, G.; G[ó]{}rska, K.; Penson, K. The spherical Bessel and Struve functions and operational methods. , [ *", "238*]{}, 1–6. ", "doi:[[](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2014.03.137)]{}.", "\n\nBehr, N.; Dattoli, G.; Duchamp, G.H.; Penson, S. . , [*", "7*]{}, 124. ", "doi:[[](https://doi.org/10.3390/math7020124)]{}.", "\n\nCrofton, M.W. . , [*", "16:323–352*]{}.", "\n\nDattoli, G.; Ottaviani, P.L.; Torre, A.; V[á]{}zquez, L. Evolution operator equations: Integration with algebraic and finitedifference methods. ", "Applications to physical problems in classical and quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. , [*", "20*]{}, 3–133. ", "doi:[[](https://doi.org/10.1007/bf02907529)]{}.", "\n\nMittag-Leffler, G. Sur la nouvelle fonction E$\\alpha$ (x). , [*", "137*]{}, 554–558.", "\n\nDiethelm, K. ; Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. ", "doi:[[](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-14574-2)]{}.", "\n\nLouisell, W.H. ; Vol.", " 7, Wiley New York, 1973.", "\n\nBerry, M.V. ; Academic Press, 1966.", "\n\nBabusci, D.; Dattoli, G.; Del Franco, M. Lectures on mathematical methods for physics. , [*", "58*]{}.", "\n\n[^1]: Note that we provide this identity in “operational form”, i.e. by using the formal multiplication operator $\\hat{x}$, this expression is also valid when part of larger expressions.", "\n\n[^2]: Here and throughout this paper, in expressions such as $\\varphi(\\hat{x}+\\kappa \\lambda+2\\lambda \\partial_x)1$, the occurrence of the symbol “$1$” entails that the expression is to be evaluated by expanding $\\varphi(\\hat{x}+\\kappa \\lambda+2\\lambda \\partial_x)$ into normal-ordered form (i.e. into a series in the normal-ordered monomials $\\hat{x}^r\\partial_x^s$ for $r,s\\geq 0$), followed by acting on $1$ (which due to $\\partial_x^s1=0$ for $s>0$ in effect amounts to dropping all terms of the expansion involving non-zero powers of $\\partial_x$).", "\n\n[^3]: One may in fact derive the explicit formula for this generating function directly via use of the Crofton-Glaisher identity  combined with the results of .", "\n\n[^4]: Here, the last term in  arises due to the action of the fractional derivative in the sense of Riemann-Liouville onto the constant term $1$ of $E_{\\alpha,\\beta}(\\hat{M}t^{\\mu})$, i.e. it is the contribution $\\partial_t^{\\mu} 1=t^{-\\mu}/\\Gamma(1-\\mu)$ (compare [@Dattoli_2017]).", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs it possible to get PC's # of physical USB ports?", "\n\nI'm trying to get number of physical USB ports of PC for different Windows operating systems. ", "To start with it seemed like an easy task but now I'm getting desperate.", "\nMaybe this question is not even valid since I don't know how USB ports are treated on hardware level.", "\nI thought using WMI(C) and ManagementObjectSearcher would be the right path to take and it returned right values... on certain operating systems. ", "Or that's what I thought.", "\nFor example, I tried the following:\n// >wmic path win32_usbhub get name\n\nprivate const string UsbProperty = \"Name\";\nprivate const string UsbPath = \"Win32_USBHub\";\nprivate const string UsbPortName = \"USB ROOT HUB\";\n\n...\n\n// Get USB Ports\npublic IEnumerable<string> GetUsbPorts()\n{\n // All from Win32_USBHub where name contains USB ROOT HUB\n return GetManagementObjectValues(UsbProperty, UsbPath).Where(name => \n CultureInfo.", "CurrentCulture.", "CompareInfo.", "IndexOf(\n name, UsbPortName, CompareOptions.", "IgnoreCase) >= 0);\n}\n\n.", "\n// Query\nprivate static IEnumerable<string> GetManagementObjectValues(\n string properties, string path, Func<object, string> formatter = null)\n{\n var values = new List<string>();\n string query = string.", "Format(\"SELECT {0} FROM {1}\", properties, path);\n var search = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);\n\n try\n {\n foreach (ManagementObject item in search.", "Get())\n {\n string value = string.", "Empty;\n foreach (string property in properties.", "Split(',')\n .Select(prop => prop.", "Trim()))\n {\n if (item[property] == null)\n continue;\n\n if (value.", "Length > 0)\n value += \" \";\n\n if (formatter !", "= null)\n value += formatter(item[properties]);\n value += item[property].ToString();\n }\n values.", "Add(value.", "TrimEnd());\n }\n }\n catch (Exception e)\n {\n if (e is ManagementException)\n Logger.", "Warn(string.", "Format(\n \"Can't extract {0} properties of {1}\", properties, path), e);\n else\n Logger.", "Error(e);\n }\n\n return values.", "Count >= 1 ? ", "values : new List<string> { DefaultValue };\n}\n\nThis seemed to get me the right amount on Windows8 but on WindowsXP it was totally off. ", "\nNext, I tried (for example) the following. ", "I noticed that on Win8 I have USB<number> as ExternalReferenceDesignator but on WinXP, there's plain USB as InternalReferenceDesignator and external is empty.", "\nFor XP this seemed to work just fine but then again on Win8 amount of ports was six (6). ", "Actual port count is 3 and with docking station station seven (7).", "\n// >wmic path Win32_PortConnector get ExternalReferenceDesignator,InternalReferenceDesignator\n\nprivate const string UsbPortName = \"USB\"; \nprivate const string PortProperties = \n \"ExternalReferenceDesignator, InternalReferenceDesignator\";\nprivate const string PortPath = @\"Win32_PortConnector\";\n\n...\n\npublic IEnumerable<string> GetEthernetPorts()\n{\n // All where external includes USB or internal equals USB\n return GetManagementObjectValues(PortProperties, PortPath).Where(name => \n CultureInfo.", "CurrentCulture.", "CompareInfo.", "IndexOf(\n name, UsbPortName, CompareOptions.", "IgnoreCase) >= 0 ||\n string.", "Compare(name, UsbPortName, StringComparison.", "OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);\n} \n\nSo is it even possible or am I just looking from the wrong place?", "\n\nA:\n\nAnd to answer my own question: No, it's not possible.", "\nWMIC query results for Win32_USBController (or some related path) might seem right but you can't draw any conclusions from them. ", "Information about connectors aren't stored on the baseboard or any other location either.", "\nFor example an old Dell Latitude D830 with Windows XP SP3 has three (3) physical connectors but WMIC and USBView.exe shows results below:\nC:\\>wmic path win32_usbcontroller get caption\nCaption\nIntel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2834\nIntel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2835\nIntel(R) ICH8 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 283A\nIntel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2830\nIntel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2831\nIntel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2832\nIntel(R) ICH8 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 2836\n\n" ]
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[ "Staphylococcus aureus host cell invasion and post-invasion events.", "\nStaphylococcus aureus is now recognized as a facultative intracellular pathogen. ", "The aim of this review is to discuss novel data regarding the invasion mechanism and post-invasion events with a focus on the fate of the infected phagosome in non-professional phagocytes and the role of S. aureus alpha-toxin." ]
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[ "Outlaw Instagrammers: the sky-high urban explorers\n\nA new generation of daredevils are clambering up buildings to take stunning selfies with vertiginous views, and then posting the results to an adoring fan base on social media" ]
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[ "Intracerebral mesenchymal chondrosarcoma.", "\nThe current case report deals with a 14-year-old girl with an intracerebral mesenchymal chondrosarcoma which has been recognized in two males and two females varying from 25 to 59 years of age. ", "Three of the five patients had an associated malignant glioma. ", "The present girl died eight years after her initial neurologic deficits and never received any definitive treatment for her deep seated neoplasm. ", "These unique sarcomas may be confused with vascular lesions and have not been found to spread through the neuraxis. ", "This unusual primary intracerebral mesenchymal chondrosarcoma appears to represent a field phenomenon with cartilaginous differentiation of glial and mesenchymal elements in the central nervous system." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nYou started with one chip. ", "You need to get 4 chips to win. ", "What is the probability that you will win?", "\n\nThis is very similar to the question I've just asked, except now the requirement is to gain $4$ chips to win (instead of $3$) \nThe game is:\n\nYou start with one chip. ", "You flip a fair coin. ", "If it throws heads, you gain\n one chip. ", "If it throws tails, you lose one chip. ", "If you have zero\n chips, you lose the game. ", "If you have four chips, you win. ", "What is the\n probability that you will win this game?", "\n\nI've tried to use the identical reasoning used to solve the problem with three chips, but seems like in this case, it doesn't work.", "\nSo the attempt is:\nWe will denote $H$ as heads and $T$ as tails (i.e $HHH$ means three heads in a row, $HT$ means heads and tails etc)\nLet $p$ be the probability that you win the game. ", "If you throw $HHH$ ($\\frac{1}{8}$ probability), then you win. ", "If you throw $HT$ ($\\frac{1}{4}$ probability), then your probability of winning is $p$ at this stage. ", "If you throw heads $HHT$ ($\\frac{1}{8}$ probability), then your probability of winning $\\frac{1}{2}p$\nHence the recursion formula is \n$$\\begin{align}p & = \\frac{1}{8} + \\frac{1}{4}p+ \\frac{1}{8}\\frac{1}{2}p \\\\ \n&= \\frac{1}{8} + \\frac{1}{4}p +\\frac{1}{16}p \\\\\n&= \\frac{1}{8} + \\frac{5}{16}p \n\\end{align}$$\nSolving for $p$ gives\n$$\\frac{11}{16}p = \\frac{1}{8} \\implies p = \\frac{16}{88}$$\nNow, to verify the accuracy of the solution above, I've tried to calculate the probability of losing using the same logic, namely:\nLet $p$ denote the probability of losing. ", "If you throw $T$ ($\\frac{1}{2}$ probability), you lose. ", "If you throw $H$ ($\\frac{1}{2}$ probability), the probaility of losing at this stage is $\\frac{1}{2}p$. If you throw $HH$($\\frac{1}{4}$ probability), the probability of losing is $\\frac{1}{4}p$. Setting up the recursion gives\n$$\\begin{align}p & = \\frac{1}{2} + \\frac{1}{4}p+ \\frac{1}{8}\\frac{1}{2}p \\\\ \n&= \\frac{1}{2} + \\frac{1}{4}p +\\frac{1}{16}p \\\\\n&= \\frac{1}{2} + \\frac{5}{16}p \n\\end{align}$$\nWhich implies that \n$$\\frac{11}{16}p = \\frac{1}{2} \\implies p = \\frac{16}{22} = \\frac{64}{88}$$\nWhich means that probabilities of winning and losing the game do not add up to $1$.\nSo the main question is: Where is the mistake? ", "How to solve it using recursion? (", "Note that for now, I'm mainly interested in the recursive solution)\nAnd the bonus question: Is there a possibility to generalize? ", "I.e to find the formula that will give us the probability of winning the game, given that we need to gain $n$ chips to win? ", "\n\nA:\n\nThis answer only addresses what's wrong with your recursion, since the other answers (both in this question and your earlier question) already gave many different ways to set up the right recursions (or use other methods).", "\nThe key mistake is what you highlighted. ", " When you throw $HHT$, you now have $2$ chips. ", " For the special case of this problem, $2$ chips is right in the middle between $0$ and $4$ chips, so the winning prob is obviously $\\color{red}{\\frac12}$ by symmetry. ", " But you had it as $\\color{red}{\\frac12 p}$ which is wrong. ", " Thus the correct equation is:\n$$p = P(HHH) + P(HT) p + P(HHT) \\color{red}{\\frac12}= \\frac18 + \\frac14 p + \\frac18 \\color{red}{\\frac12}$$\n\n" ]
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[ "Justices with the California 2nd District Court of Appeal threw out the case Monday against four former social workers who faced criminal charges in the death of 8-year-old Gabriel Fernandez.", "\n\nGabriel died in May 2013 after months of torture and abuse, according to prosecutors. ", "His mother, Pearl Sinthia Fernandez, and her boyfriend, Isauro Aguirre, are expected to spend the rest of their lives in prison for his murder.", "\n\nA surprising twist in the case came in 2016 when the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office charged former county Department of Children and Family Services employees Kevin Bom, Stefanie Rodriguez, Gregory Merritt and Patricia Clement with one felony count of child abuse and one felony count of falsifying public records. ", "It marked the first time in recent memory in which child protective workers were criminally charged over the alleged mishandling of a case.", "\n\nIn their 2-1 decision filed Monday, the justices ruled that, because the allegations against the four social workers were based on their “alleged nonfeasance,” prosecutors had to prove that the workers either had the duty and ability to control Gabriel’s abusers or had custody or control of him. ", "The court concluded that the workers “never had the requisite duty to control the abusers and did not have care or custody of Gabriel,” according to the opinion.", "\n\n\nFour social workers — Kevin Bom, left, Stefanie Rodriguez, Gregory Merritt and Patricia Clement — faced criminal charges in the case of Gabriel Fernandez. (", "Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)\n\nIn 2016 when the workers were charged, prosecutors argued that the employees minimized “the significance of the physical, mental and emotional injuries that Gabriel suffered … [and] allowed a vulnerable boy to remain at home and continue to be abused.”", "\n\n“Social workers play a vital role in society. ", "We entrust them to protect our children from harm,” Dist. ", "Atty. ", "Jackie Lacey said in a 2016 statement. “", "When their negligence is so great as to become criminal, young lives are put at risk. ", "We believe these social workers were criminally negligent and performed their legal duties with willful disregard for Gabriel’s well-being.”", "\n\nRodriguez’s attorney, Lance Michael Filer, said that his client has been dealing with the case for years and that “this has been the news she’s been waiting to hear for a long time.”", "\n\n\n“Our position has always been the same,” Filer said, “that neither she nor anyone else in her shoes should have been held criminally accountable for the unpredictable nature of criminals and that the people that actually harmed Gabriel have already had their trial and day in court.”", "\n\nProsecutors could hold another preliminary hearing in the case or take it to the California Supreme Court. ", "The district attorney’s office could not be reached for comment Monday.", "\n\nClement’s attorney, Shelly Barbara Albert, said neither she nor Clement were focusing on what was next and instead were appreciating the appeal court’s decision.", "\n\n“This has been a very difficult time for [Clement] and very stressful,” Albert said. “", "She’s looking forward to putting this behind her, and that’s where things are right now.”" ]
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[ "I am a 42 year old Pharmacist looking for nsa sex with hot females/couples.", "Working at Walgreens Guilderland location.", "If you want to introduce yourself/get a look.", "Attractive/Sexy and Horny.", "Meet for drinks/conversation?.", "\n\nI am a 42 year old Pharmacist looking for nsa sex with hot females/couples.", "Working at Walgreens Guilderland location.", "If you want to introduce yourself/get a look.", "Attractive/Sexy and Horny.", "Meet for drinks/conversation?." ]
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[ "In an ongoing projective randomized controlled clinical trial (RFA award), we are comparing the treatment results of two commonly used therapies with differing modes of action on Class II, Division 1 malocclusion: head gear, and the Frankel functional appliance. ", "There are few systematic, prospective longitudinal studies evaluating the effects of early (phase 1) treatment of this malocclusion, and controlling for the growth and maturational factors which may be associated with therapeutic outcome. ", "The projected sample size was planned to include 80 white male and female patient selected in mid to late childhood, and randomly assigned to the two treatment groups which were stratified by severity of malocclusion and skeletal maturity. ", "Our selection criteria were very stringent. ", "Data collected consist of a series of measures made at different time periods. ", "Evaluation of cephalometric data involves comparison of linear and angular measurements, as well as an improved method for detecting growth from superimposition on cranial, maxillary and mandibular bases. ", "Dental casts taken bimonthly are measured for changes during treatment . ", "Detailed growth, maturational and hormonal data are collected to determine the growth correlates of therapeutic outcome during the treatment period: monthly anthropometric measurements, including a new precise measure of knee height; monthly measurement of the salivary and quarterly measurement of the serum concentration of the adrenal androgen, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), which has been associated with the midgrowth spurt of childhood. ", "Our working hypothesis relates to therapeutic outcome of the Frankel appliance on mandibular growth versus the headgear (which directly operates on the maxilla), controlling for skeletal maturity and severity of malocclusion. ", "Other hypotheses involving the effects of variation of growth, maturation and hormonal change during the treatment period, are evaluated in order to determine more completely the correlates of the efficacy of early treatment. ", "Our present population (60 enrolled, 50 remaining) includes mostly children in mid-childhood (45 enrolled, 38 remaining). ", "In this competing renewal, we aim to recruit additional patients in late childhood, closer to the adolescent growth curve, to establish whether the effect of treatment by both or either appliance(s) is more significant in this age period. ", "Successful treatment in late childhood may be timely enough to correct the malocclusion without the need to intervene in mid-childhood. ", "Also, treatment in late childhood may require a shorter or no retention interval before a final therapeutic phase (phase 2) in which orthodontic appliances are used in the permanent dentition. ", "A sample of 60 children, as determined by power analysis, projects the need for an additional 18 - 20 patients in late childhood. ", "Significant results found to date underline the importance of this study and its continuation, which will provide a population for a future follow-up study of phase 2 that would include an appropriate control group of patients who have not received early treatment." ]
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[ "One player sacrificed a once-in-a-lifetime privilege due to her personal convictions, while the other insists on using that same privilege to essentially declare, 'You’re either with me or against me.'", "\n\nUnited States Women’s National Soccer Team (USWNT) player Megan Rapinoe recently declared, “I’ll probably never put my hand over my heart. “", "I’ll probably never sing the national anthem again” (mphasis mine). ", "Fewer than 30 days before the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup, where USWNT will defend their world title, it was only a matter of time before the elephant in the room revealed itself once again.", "\n\nIt started three years ago, at the height of the national anthem protests. ", "In a show of solidarity with protest spearhead Colin Kaepernick, Rapinoe knelt during the national anthem before a match with her club team and, later, before an international match. ", "After U.S. Soccer expressed its disapproval, Rapinoe ceased her protest, but no longer sings the anthem nor places her hand over her heart.", "\n\nThen and now, Rapinoe expressed anger with the reaction to the protests, including hers. “", "I think it’s actually pretty disgusting the way [Kaepernick] was treated and the way that a lot of the media has covered it and made it about something that it absolutely isn’t,” she said in 2016. “", "We need to have a more thoughtful, two-sided conversation about racial issues in this country.”", "\n\nRapinoe is correct—a more thoughtful, two-sided conversation regarding just about every issue is needed in this country. ", "Besides toxic rhetoric, there is a startling lack of good faith and dedication to reasoned argument that is either the product of a faltering civil society or a contributing factor to it.", "\n\nBut, as the saying goes, there’s a time and place for everything. ", "The Women’s World Cup is a prime face of the USWNT and a de facto national emissary. ", "Is this international athletic tournament that has grown grander in stature over the years the place to air grievances and express what can only be described as contempt for one’s country?", "\n\nRapinoe Needs to Consider the Effects of Her Choices\n\nThe choice is hers alone. ", "But should she persist in being a “walking protest,” as Rapinoe describes herself, she would benefit her team and country to acknowledge the unfortunate and unnecessary distraction and divisive effects her actions pose.", "\n\nOf course, if Rapinoe feels as strongly about her cause as she seems, she is not only free to protest but probably should. ", "Americans should never be forced to choose between their conscience and their livelihood, nor be discouraged from taking part in the important conversations of the day. ", "The nation doesn’t need less engagement from citizens, it needs more.", "\n\nBut the freedom to protest has been conflated with the constitutional right to protest. ", "As many legal analysts pointed out, there’s no such thing as the latter. ", "Paul Callan explained in 2017: “The First Amendment restricts only the government from abridging ‘the freedom of speech.’ ", "Private employers can do as they please. ", "Thus, kneeling during the National Anthem can never be legally prohibited by the government, but can always be prohibited by private employers.”", "\n\nNobody needs to indulge any player’s personal conduct. ", "As a recent interview with ESPN President Jimmy Pitaro reveals, most fans believe athletics and politics shouldn’t mix.", "\n\nSoccer’s Entry into the Culture War\n\nIn the case of U.S. Soccer and the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL), however, that ship may have already sailed. ", "Both organizations became embroiled in the culture wars long before Rapinoe’s protests. ", "Soccer in the United States has a strong LGBTQ following. ", "U.S. Soccer celebrates Pride month every year and invests considerable time and money in LGBTQ-associated programs. ", "More than any other sport in America, soccer has been at the forefront of ensuring LGBTQ people can partake in the game openly and have their interests represented.", "\n\nA supporter of such gestures would counter by saying this isn’t about politics, but about acceptance, tolerance, and a constant reminder the game is open to all. ", "But is it, really? ", "In June 2017, fellow USWNT player Jaelene Hinkle discovered there isn’t a whole lot of room in professional soccer for those who aren’t in lockstep with the LGBTQ movement.", "\n\nAfter being called up to the national team in June 2017, Hinkle, a devout Christian, withdrew herself from the roster, later citing personal opposition to wearing the rainbow-adorned jerseys celebrating Pride month. ", "She faced tremendous backlash from fans and critics, who made a fair point about whether her views might cause issues in a LGBTQ-saturated sport—many players are open regarding their sexual orientation, which can generate controversy in other sports.", "\n\nThe point isn’t to judge Hinkle’s beliefs. ", "It’s to show why so many Americans are wary of turning sports into yet another culture war battlefield. ", "Hinkle’s views were virtually unknown prior to the June ’17 incident, and she didn’t divulge her reasons for her withdrawal until much later. ", "Moreover, according to coaches and teammates, her “homophobic” views had never been an issue on the playing field.", "\n\nEven her critics had no choice but to concede the Pride month flap had created an unfortunate dilemma where the USWNT would have to enter the World Cup without a player described by many as one of the best at her position. ", "The culture wars’ effects on sports are undeniable—they impose ideological conformity in an arena where athletic ability and a willingness to represent one’s country should serve as the sole litmus test.", "\n\nNobody should be forced to choose between her conscience and her livelihood, but the culture wars often assess such a decision. ", "Hinkle chose her conscience. ", "Although she hasn’t expressed any regret, between her and Rapinoe, only one made such a choice, and it wasn’t the latter. ", "More importantly, one player sacrificed a once-in-a-lifetime privilege due to her personal convictions, while the other insists on using that same privilege to essentially declare, “You’re either with me or against me.”", "\n\nRapinoe: Representing America?", "\n\nRapinoe will likely go down as one of the greatest soccer players in American history. ", "She has been a key cog in the machine that has won three World Cups and is the clear favorite to win a fourth in 2019. ", "It’s more reason why it’d be so unfortunate to see her as likely the only player in the entire tournament to draw such a stark line in the sand between herself and her country.", "\n\nWhile Rapinoe insists her protest is about “representing all of America,” how exactly does a protest represent her country in any capacity? ", "Protesting during a league game is one thing. ", "Doing so during international matches is another. ", "It sends the message that her differences with her country are irreconcilable to the point she, even on the grandest global stage of them all, cannot set them aside.", "\n\nIf these differences are irreconcilable, then why not follow the example of Hinkle and commit the ultimate protest of all: leave the national team? ", "This would at least be consistent with Rapinoe’s belief that U.S. Soccer has insufficiently addressed the critical issues of the day, accusing the federation of “[trying] to just stop me from doing what I’m doing instead of at least having a conversation, and trying to figure out a [solution] that makes sense for everyone.”", "\n\nOnly extreme culture warriors honestly believe institutions like U.S. Soccer can solve all the world’s problems. ", "They’re not policymakers nor partisan institutions. ", "They exist solely to regulate a game beloved by millions around the world, entertain and, hopefully, unite a world in a shared passion.", "\n\nFor that unity to manifest, players must be willing to set aside their differences when walking onto the pitch. ", "Representing all Americans includes representing those they don’t see eye-to-eye with.", "\n\nThe overall controversy would be minimal had Rapinoe chosen to pursue social justice during her personal time, but her insistence on using the soccer pitch to do it has made the situation more fraught than it needs to be. ", "In the end, her “somber protest” will find acclaim among those who share her views and upbraid those who simply want to see the United States win another world title without engaging in self-loathing. ", "Less hyperpartisanship might be a tough ask, but more is the last thing America needs.", "\n\nUnfortunate as her actions may prove, Americans who choose to tune in to the 2019 Women’s World Cup can offset any negative impact her “somber protest” will have by setting the example themselves—support the USWNT and Rapinoe in a highly competitive tournament. ", "It would send the message that, for all our differences, we still comprise one nation worth honoring and proudly representing on the world stage, proving again that yes, we can rise above our differences and accomplish great things. ", "It’s the American thing to do." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSpring - Spring-WS with SOAP with attachements or MTOM with JAXB as data binder\n\nI have a Spring-WS web service where i would like to be able to send back binary data to the client. ", "My intention is to format the SOAP response to either use MTOM or Soap with attachements. ", "The response will be a JAXB object. ", " \nI have already setup the Spring-WS environment and can send and receive requests usign JAXB. ", "I am however struggling to setup the Binary attachement response as most of the tutorials and information on the web are mostly related to Clients sending attachements whereas i am interested in Server sending attachements back to the client. ", "\nTwo questions:\n\nWhich is the recommended approach for returning binary data to the client? ", "SOAP with attachements, MTOM or just simply return the base64encoded data as an xml tag?", "\nAre there any examples that shows how to configure Spring-WS to return Binary attachments using either of the two methods? ", "\n\nA:\n\n1)\nMtom is apparently the de-facto standard for sending files via soap, so i would recommend that. ", "\n2)\nif you look at the mtom example that comes with the spring-ws distrobution (not from maven) you will see 90% of the setup required. ", " the one difference is the expectedContentType for your attachment you should set that to application/octet-stream\nnow your code on the server will look something like this\ntry {\n dataHandler = new DataHandler(new File(\"/tmp/test.exe\").toURL());\n } catch (MalformedURLException e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n }\n return new JaxbObjectResponse(\"id\", dataHandler);\n\nand your schema definition looks something like this.", "\n<xsd:element name=\"JaxbObjectResponse\">\n <xsd:complexType>\n <xsd:sequence>\n <xsd:element name=\"id\" type=\"xsd:string\" />\n <xsd:element name=\"file\" type=\"xsd:base64Binary\" xmime:expectedContentTypes=\"application/octet-stream\" />\n </xsd:sequence>\n </xsd:complexType>\n</xsd:element>\n\n" ]
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[ "Select a store\nChecking availability...\nCheck other stores\nAvailable at {0}\nNot available at {0}\nNot available within {0} miles of {1}\nService is unavailable\nPlease select a store.", "\nPlease select a different store.", "\nWe're sorry, this item is not available for pick up within {0} miles of {1}. ", "Please try another location\nNot available for in-store pickup\n\nRated 5 out of 5Â by Monashall This bistro set was adorabable\nEven my husband loved this bistro set and that it fit nicely on our front porch without being too large. ", "We enjoy having this fine set displayed for all to see.", "\n07/27/2011\n\nRated 5 out of 5Â by MilagrosR Its a lovely Bistro Table and two chairs\nIt is not cast iron, but is heavy enough to stay down and easy to move around, thats important very nice set. ", "All I need is the umbrella\n04/04/2012\n\n2015-08-02\n\nbvseo-cps-pl-PRR\n\n2015-08-02T07:08:09.856Z\n\nbvseo_lps, prod_bvrr, vn_prr_5.6\n\ncp-1, bvpage1\n\nco_hasreviews, tv_2, tr_2\n\nloc_en_US, sid_350895, prod, sort_default\n\n1-2of2\n\nbvseo-\n\nbvseo-true\n\nbvseo-j\n\nbvseo-CLOUD\n\nbvseo-29ms\n\nbvseo-REVIEWS\n\nbvseo-PRODUCT\n\nbvseo-getReviews\n\nSponsored Links\n\nWhat's this?", "\n\nSponsored Links\n\nThe links below are ads provided by the Google AdWords™ program. ", "Outside companies pay to advertise via these links when specific phrases and words are searched. ", "These ads are provided by Google and are labeled as sponsored links. ", "Clicking on these links will open a new tab displaying that respective company's own website. ", "The website you link to is not affiliated with or sponsored by Kohls.com" ]
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[ "Oligonucleotide hybridization and free-solution electrokinetic separation in a nanofluidic device.", "\nThere is significant interest in developing on-chip DNA hybridization assays to leverage the advantages of lab-on-a-chip systems, which include smaller sample and reagent volumes, faster processing speeds, and greater opportunities for large-scale integration. ", "While much research has explored ways to integrate DNA microarrays on-chip, little work has been done to incorporate hybridization with existing microscale separation platforms. ", "We present the first separation of single-stranded and double-stranded oligonucleotides in a nanofluidic device. ", "We couple this separation with free-solution hybridization to develop a simple, electrokinetic technique that detects DNA hybridization without sample labeling. ", "The technique is used both to detect target DNA sequences and to quantitatively measure hybridization kinetics. ", "To demonstrate the method, we measured the second order reaction coefficient of complementary 20-mer oligonucleotides as a function of sodium ion concentration, which ranged from 0.0048 mol(-1).sec(-1) at 5 mM sodium to 0.42 mol(-1).sec(-1) at 50 mM. We also distinguished between a pair of complementary oligonucleotides and a pair with a single nucleotide mismatch, observing a two-fold difference in hybridization rate. ", "Additionally, we observed a relative change in the mobility of single-stranded and double-stranded DNA with increasing sodium concentration, suggesting that our device may provide a useful platform for studying biomolecule transport in nanochannels." ]
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[ "#!", "/usr/bin/env bash\n\n##############################################################################\n##\n## Gradle start up script for UN*X\n##\n##############################################################################\n\n# Add default JVM options here. ", "You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.", "\nDEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=\"\"\n\nAPP_NAME=\"Gradle\"\nAPP_BASE_NAME=`basename \"$0\"`\n\n# Use the maximum available, or set MAX_FD !", "= -1 to use that value.", "\nMAX_FD=\"maximum\"\n\nwarn ( ) {\n echo \"$*\"\n}\n\ndie ( ) {\n echo\n echo \"$*\"\n echo\n exit 1\n}\n\n# OS specific support (must be 'true' or 'false').", "\ncygwin=false\nmsys=false\ndarwin=false\ncase \"`uname`\" in\n CYGWIN* )\n cygwin=true\n ;;\n Darwin* )\n darwin=true\n ;;\n MINGW* )\n msys=true\n ;;\nesac\n\n# For Cygwin, ensure paths are in UNIX format before anything is touched.", "\nif $cygwin ; then\n [ -n \"$JAVA_HOME\" ] && JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --unix \"$JAVA_HOME\"`\nfi\n\n# Attempt to set APP_HOME\n# Resolve links: $0 may be a link\nPRG=\"$0\"\n# Need this for relative symlinks.", "\nwhile [ -h \"$PRG\" ] ; do\n ls=`ls -ld \"$PRG\"`\n link=`expr \"$ls\" : '.*-> \\(.*\\)$'`\n if expr \"$link\" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then\n PRG=\"$link\"\n else\n PRG=`dirname \"$PRG\"`\"/$link\"\n fi\ndone\nSAVED=\"`pwd`\"\ncd \"`dirname \\\"$PRG\\\"`/\" >&-\nAPP_HOME=\"`pwd -P`\"\ncd \"$SAVED\" >&-\n\nCLASSPATH=$APP_HOME/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar\n\n# Determine the Java command to use to start the JVM.", "\nif [ -n \"$JAVA_HOME\" ] ; then\n if [ -x \"$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java\" ] ; then\n # IBM's JDK on AIX uses strange locations for the executables\n JAVACMD=\"$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java\"\n else\n JAVACMD=\"$JAVA_HOME/bin/java\"\n fi\n if [ ! ", "-x \"$JAVACMD\" ] ; then\n die \"ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: $JAVA_HOME\n\nPlease set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the\nlocation of your Java installation.\"", "\n fi\nelse\n JAVACMD=\"java\"\n which java >/dev/null 2>&1 || die \"ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.", "\n\nPlease set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the\nlocation of your Java installation.\"", "\nfi\n\n# Increase the maximum file descriptors if we can.", "\nif [ \"$cygwin\" = \"false\" -a \"$darwin\" = \"false\" ] ; then\n MAX_FD_LIMIT=`ulimit -H -n`\n if [ $? ", "-eq 0 ] ; then\n if [ \"$MAX_FD\" = \"maximum\" -o \"$MAX_FD\" = \"max\" ] ; then\n MAX_FD=\"$MAX_FD_LIMIT\"\n fi\n ulimit -n $MAX_FD\n if [ $? ", "-ne 0 ] ; then\n warn \"Could not set maximum file descriptor limit: $MAX_FD\"\n fi\n else\n warn \"Could not query maximum file descriptor limit: $MAX_FD_LIMIT\"\n fi\nfi\n\n# For Darwin, add options to specify how the application appears in the dock\nif $darwin; then\n GRADLE_OPTS=\"$GRADLE_OPTS \\\"-Xdock:name=$APP_NAME\\\" \\\"-Xdock:icon=$APP_HOME/media/gradle.icns\\\"\"\nfi\n\n# For Cygwin, switch paths to Windows format before running java\nif $cygwin ; then\n APP_HOME=`cygpath --path --mixed \"$APP_HOME\"`\n CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --mixed \"$CLASSPATH\"`\n\n # We build the pattern for arguments to be converted via cygpath\n ROOTDIRSRAW=`find -L / -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d 2>/dev/null`\n SEP=\"\"\n for dir in $ROOTDIRSRAW ; do\n ROOTDIRS=\"$ROOTDIRS$SEP$dir\"\n SEP=\"|\"\n done\n OURCYGPATTERN=\"(^($ROOTDIRS))\"\n # Add a user-defined pattern to the cygpath arguments\n if [ \"$GRADLE_CYGPATTERN\" !", "= \"\" ] ; then\n OURCYGPATTERN=\"$OURCYGPATTERN|($GRADLE_CYGPATTERN)\"\n fi\n # Now convert the arguments - kludge to limit ourselves to /bin/sh\n i=0\n for arg in \"$@\" ; do\n CHECK=`echo \"$arg\"|egrep -c \"$OURCYGPATTERN\" -`\n CHECK2=`echo \"$arg\"|egrep -c \"^-\"` ### Determine if an option\n\n if [ $CHECK -ne 0 ] && [ $CHECK2 -eq 0 ] ; then ### Added a condition\n eval `echo args$i`=`cygpath --path --ignore --mixed \"$arg\"`\n else\n eval `echo args$i`=\"\\\"$arg\\\"\"\n fi\n i=$((i+1))\n done\n case $i in\n (0) set -- ;;\n (1) set -- \"$args0\" ;;\n (2) set -- \"$args0\" \"$args1\" ;;\n (3) set -- \"$args0\" \"$args1\" \"$args2\" ;;\n (4) set -- \"$args0\" \"$args1\" \"$args2\" \"$args3\" ;;\n (5) set -- \"$args0\" \"$args1\" \"$args2\" \"$args3\" \"$args4\" ;;\n (6) set -- \"$args0\" \"$args1\" \"$args2\" \"$args3\" \"$args4\" \"$args5\" ;;\n (7) set -- \"$args0\" \"$args1\" \"$args2\" \"$args3\" \"$args4\" \"$args5\" \"$args6\" ;;\n (8) set -- \"$args0\" \"$args1\" \"$args2\" \"$args3\" \"$args4\" \"$args5\" \"$args6\" \"$args7\" ;;\n (9) set -- \"$args0\" \"$args1\" \"$args2\" \"$args3\" \"$args4\" \"$args5\" \"$args6\" \"$args7\" \"$args8\" ;;\n esac\nfi\n\n# Split up the JVM_OPTS And GRADLE_OPTS values into an array, following the shell quoting and substitution rules\nfunction splitJvmOpts() {\n JVM_OPTS=(\"$@\")\n}\neval splitJvmOpts $DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS $JAVA_OPTS $GRADLE_OPTS\nJVM_OPTS[${#JVM_OPTS[*]}]=\"-Dorg.gradle.appname=$APP_BASE_NAME\"\n\nexec \"$JAVACMD\" \"${JVM_OPTS[@]}\" -classpath \"$CLASSPATH\" org.gradle.wrapper.", "GradleWrapperMain \"$@\"\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nEmacs Regexp Replace Group Only\n\nI have a few header strings in a file that I'd like to replace with expected_status. ", "header appears either as headers or header:. ", "I only want to replace those with the colon with expected status, so: header: --> expected_status:\nI am using replace-regexp with the following command:\nReplace string (default \\(header\\):?$ -> expected_status):\nHowever, it is not replacing properly. ", "It is replacing the colon as well with expected_status. ", "Is there a way to let emacs only do the replacement on the identified regexp group?", "\n\nA:\n\nIs there a way to let emacs only do the replacement on the identified regexp group?", "\n\nSure; but not with replace-regexp.", "\n(while (re-search-forward \"\\\\(header\\\\):\" nil t)\n (replace-match \"expected_status\" nil nil nil 1))\n\nThe 1 at the end is the SUBEXP argument to replace-match, specifying the group/sub-expression to replace from the matched regexp.", "\nSo, for example:\n(defun my-replace-regexp-group (from to group)\n \"In all matches for regexp FROM, replace the content of GROUP with TO.\"", "\n (interactive \"sFrom: \\nsTo: \\nnGroup: \")\n (while (re-search-forward from nil t)\n (replace-match to nil nil nil group)))\n\n" ]
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[ "Cross off another milestone for Clemson, college football’s newest superpower.", "\n\nFor the first time, the defending national champion Tigers are No. ", "1 in The Associated Press preseason Top 25. ", "The Tigers won the program’s second national title in three seasons behind freshman quarterback Trevor Lawrence in January. ", "Clemson now can claim equal standing with Alabama at the top of the sport.", "\n\nThe Crimson Tide, coming off a 44-16 loss to Clemson in the College Football Playoff championship, is No. ", "2. ", "Clemson received 52 first-place votes and Alabama received the other 10 from the media. ", "Clemson snaps a record-tying string of three straight years in which Alabama was preseason No. ", "1.", "\n\nGeorgia, Alabama’s Southeastern Conference rival, is No. ", "3, followed by No. ", "4 Oklahoma and No. ", "5 Ohio State.", "\n\nClemson’s rise under coach Dabo Swinney has been uncommon in college football. ", "The school won the national championship in 1981, but mostly it had resided on a tier well below the traditional national powers. ", "Clemson football was usually good and sometimes excellent, but never this.", "\n\nLast season’s championship made Clemson just the 12th school with at least three AP titles since the poll started in 1936.", "\n\nThe Tigers enter 2019 with a 15-game winning streak and eight straight double-digit victory seasons. ", "Since 2015, when they lost the national championship game to Alabama, the Tigers are 55-4.", "\n\nNick Saban’s Alabama dynasty, with five national titles in a 10-year span, has finally met its match. ", "The Tide is also 55-4 in the last four seasons.", "\n\nClemson and Alabama have split the last four national championships, played in the last four playoffs and are poised to make it five straight. ", "This will be the third time since 2016 the Tigers and Tide have started the season Nos. ", "1 and 2 in the Top 25. ", "Beginning with 2015, when Alabama and Clemson occupied the top two spots in the last four AP polls of the season, the Tide and Tigers have been Nos. ", "1 and 2 in some order 22 times.", "\n\nLast year’s Clemson team was highlighted by a defensive line that had three starters selected in the first round of the NFL draft, and a fourth taken in round four.", "\n\nThe Tigers have some rebuilding to do on that side of the ball, but recent history suggests reinforcements are ready. ", "This year Lawrence and the offense will be the headliner. ", "The first freshman quarterback in more than three decades to lead a team to a national championship, Lawrence will be joined by star receivers Tee Higgins (12 touchdowns) and Justyn Ross (nine touchdowns) and game-breaking running back Travis Etienne (8.1 yards per carry).", "\n\nAlabama returns quarterback Tua Tagovailoa, the Heisman Trophy runner-up, and an array of weapons, too. ", "As a new season starts, college football fans best be prepared for Tide vs. Tigers V.\n\nThe Top 25\n\n1. ", "Clemson\n\n2. ", "Alabama\n\n3. ", "Georgia\n\n4. ", "Oklahoma\n\n5. ", "Ohio St.\n\n6. ", "LSU\n\n7. ", "Michigan\n\n8. ", "Florida\n\n9. ", "Notre Dame\n\n10. ", "Texas\n\n11. ", "Oregon\n\n12. ", "Texas A&M\n\n13. ", "Washington\n\n14. ", "Utah\n\n15. ", "Penn St.\n\n16. ", "Auburn\n\n17. ", "UCF\n\n18. ", "Michigan St.\n\n19. ", "Wisconsin\n\n20. ", "Iowa\n\n21. ", "Iowa St.\n\n22. ", "Syracuse\n\n23. ", "Washington St.\n\n24. ", "Nebraska\n\n25. ", "Stanford\n\nOthers receiving votes: Missouri 117, Army 94, Mississippi St. 87, Miami 70, Northwestern 63, TCU 57, Virginia 44, Boise St. 38, Cincinnati 16, South Carolina 15, Virginia Tech 12, Fresno St. 8, Utah St. 8, Minnesota 7, Memphis 6, Appalachian St. 5, UAB 3, West Virginia 3, Oklahoma St. 3, Arizona St. 3, Arizona 1, Southern Cal 1." ]
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[ "Sheep Springs, New Mexico\n\nSheep Springs () is a census-designated place (CDP) in San Juan County, New Mexico, United States. ", "The population was 237 at the 2000 census. ", "It is part of the Farmington Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "\n\nGeography\nSheep Springs is located at (36.148654, -108.703443).", "\n\nAccording to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of , all land.", "\n\nDemographics\nAs of the census of 2000, there were 237 people, 57 households, and 49 families residing in the CDP. ", "The population density was 39.9 people per square mile (15.4/km²). ", "There were 71 housing units at an average density of 11.9 per square mile (4.6/km²). ", "The racial makeup of the CDP was 96.20% Native American, 1.27% White, 1.69% from other races, and 0.84% from two or more races. ", "Hispanic or Latino of any race were 2.95% of the population.", "\n\nThere were 57 households out of which 63.2% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 42.1% were married couples living together, 40.4% had a female householder with no husband present, and 12.3% were non-families. ", "7.0% of all households were made up of individuals and 3.5% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. ", "The average household size was 4.16 and the average family size was 4.34.", "\n\nIn the CDP, the population was spread out with 49.8% under the age of 18, 9.7% from 18 to 24, 26.2% from 25 to 44, 8.0% from 45 to 64, and 6.3% who were 65 years of age or older. ", "The median age was 18 years. ", "For every 100 females, there were 106.1 males. ", "For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 88.9 males.", "\n\nThe median income for a household in the CDP was $11,786, and the median income for a family was $11,429. ", "Males had a median income of $15,750 versus $45,417 for females. ", "The per capita income for the CDP was $4,260. ", "About 67.9% of families and 72.6% of the population were below the poverty line, including 72.2% of those under the age of 18 and 100.0% of those 65 or over.", "\n\nEducation\nCentral Consolidated Schools serves Sheep Springs as well as other communities in western San Juan County.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Census-designated places in San Juan County, New Mexico\nCategory:Census-designated places in New Mexico\nCategory:Populated places on the Navajo Nation" ]
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[ "Bone and 67Ga scintigraphy in the evaluation of rib lesions in patients with multiple myeloma.", "\nRib lesions in 14 patients with multiple myeloma were evaluated by 99mTc-phosphorous compound bone scintigraphy and 67Ga scintigraphy. ", "In the present study, in order to accurately detect rib lesions in multiple myeloma, bone and 67Ga scintigraphy were performed in 14 patients with multiple myeloma. ", "The patterns of radionuclide accumulation in rib lesions on bone scintigraphy were classified by their grade, type, and site, and the findings were compared with the results of 67Ga scintigraphy. ", "Thus, in cases of multiple myeloma, it was important to consider carefully both the intensity and the design of bone scintigraphy in combination with follow-up study by 67Ga scintigraphy. ", "As a result of such consideration, we found that bone and 67Ga scintigraphy were useful in distinguishing invasive lesions from benign degenerative changes in the rib cage in cases with suspected rib involvement of multiple myeloma." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat is the regular expression to find a function containing specific text?", "\n\nI'm asking this partially because it is something I would find very useful, but also to understand the syntax of the answer so I can make my own, creative, better regular expressions!", "\nSo here's the question: I want to find a function in my code and I know part of the function name, and something that is inside of the function. ", " For example, given these functions:\nFoo::bar1(Baz* baz)\n{\n ...\n doWork();\n ...\n}\n\nFoo::bar2()\n{\n ...\n beHappy();\n ...\n}\n\nFoo::hasAbar3Meat(Baz* baz1, Baz* baz2)\n{\n ...\n beSad();\n ...\n}\n\nI want to find any of these \"bar\" functions that have the word \"beHappy\" in them, using regular expressions. ", " Keep in mind that these functions may call each other, and more generally, we don't know what is in the \"...\". ", " It may even be that more than one of these functions has \"beHappy\" in them.", "\nEDIT: If it is not possible due to C++ not being a regular language, please explain why, and, if possible, give a solution with it's required restraints (such as, \"there are no nested code blocks - using curly braces {} - in the code\").", "\n\nA:\n\nPretending that every function has correct indentation (there are no blocks of code that belong to the function and have indentation that is less or equal to indentation of function definition):\n/\\v(^\\s*)regexForFunctionName\\(.*[^;](\\n\\1\\{)?(\\n$|\\n\\1\\s.*){-}\\n\\1\\s.*\\zs(whatToFind)/\n\n(braces around whatToFind are here only for a bit more readability). ", "For your particular example regex will look like this:\n/\\v(^\\s*)[^(]*bar.*\\(.*(\\n\\1\\{)?(\\n$|\\n\\1\\s.*){-}\\n\\1\\s.*\\zsbeHappy/\n\nIt is better to remove the only ? ", "sign near (\\n\\1\\{) in order to reduce probability that it captures code that is not a function definition. ", "Depending on code style, more restrictions can be put on the part that ends with (\\n\\1\\{)?. ", "Note that if you use perl (and, probably, pcre), you can write an expression that will work with any valid C++ code, but this expression won't definitely be regular.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Polymeric filamentary materials and films have been produced in the past under a variety of melt extrusion conditions. ", "Both high stress and low stress spinning processes have been employed. ", "Under high stress conditions the as-spun filamentary material is withdrawn from the spinneret under conditions whereby substantial orientation is imparted to the same soon after it is extruded and prior to its complete solidification. ", "See, for instance, U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "2,604,667 and 2.604,689. ", "Such high stress conditions of the prior art commonly yield a non-uniform filamentary material wherein substantial radial non-homogeneity exists across the fiber diameter leading to self-crimping characteristics upon heating, or less than desired tensile properties.", "\nMelt spinning processes have also been proposed wherein the cooling of the extruded filamentary material has been retarded (i.e., prolonged) prior to complete solidification so as to alter the properties thereof. ", "See, for instance, U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "2,323,383; 3,053,611 and 3,361,859.", "\nHeretofore, polymeric fibers, e.g., polyester fibers, following extrusion and solidification have commonly been drawn while at an elevated temperature to further enhance their tensile properties. ", "Such drawing may be conducted in an in-line fashion following fiber formation wherein the fiber is passed about appropriate drawing equipment of after the as-spun fiber is unwound from an intermediate collection device. ", "Such drawing is commonly conducted upon contact with an appropriate heating device, heated gaseous atmosphere, or heated liquid medium. ", "Also, it has been known that previously drawn polyester fibers may be heat treated with or without allowed shrinkage (i.e., post-annealed) in order to modify their physical properties.", "\nAs-spun polyester filamentary material consisting principally of polyethylene terephthalate, because of its extremely slow crystallization rate at room temperature, forms a stable fiber package unlike an as-spun polyamide filamentary material. ", "As-spun polyamide filamentary materials have a marked tendency to rapidly crystallize at room temperature with an accompanying growth in fiber length thereby rendering wound fiber packages of the same highly unstable and difficult to handle. ", "See, for instance, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,291,880 which discloses a process for treating an as-spun polyamide yarn with steam so as to render it capable of forming a stable fiber package. ", "A comparable treatment of an as-spun polyester filamentary material has been completely omitted, since the need for such intermediate processing is absent. ", "Also, a polyamide filamentary material commonly is taken up following melt extrusion and solidification at a lower stress for a given take-up speed than a polyester filamentary material formed using the same equipment because of the varying extensional viscosities of the polymeric materials.", "\nIt is an object of the present invention to provide an improved process for the formation and structural modification of a polymeric filamentary material and film.", "\nIt is an object of the present invention to provide a process for the production of filamentary material or film possessing commercial properties directly from the spinning machine.", "\nIt is an object of the present invention to provide an improved process for the production of a polymeric filamentary material or film which operates at high speed.", "\nIt is another object of the present invention to provide an overall process for the production of polyester filamentary material possessing commercial properties which may be carried out on a highly economical basis.", "\nIt is another object of the present invention to provide a process for the formation of a novel polyester fiber which may be carried out employing conventional nylon fiber equipment provided with an appropriate conditioning zone and take-up equipment to produce the desired stress.", "\nIt is a further object of the present invention to provide an improved process for the production of polyester fiber wherein a conventional drawing process for the solidified fiber may be completely eliminated.", "\nThese and other objects, as well as the scope, nature and utilization of the process, will be apparent to those skilled in the art from the following description and appended claims." ]
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[ "93610*l**2\nWhat is the second derivative of -4098*c**2*l**2 - 4471*c**2*q - 4*c*l*q + l**3*q + 4*l**2*q wrt l?", "\n-8196*c**2 + 6*l*q + 8*q\nWhat is the first derivative of -7*i*p*w - 2327*i*p + p*w + 7*p + w + 236 wrt i?", "\n-7*p*w - 2327*p\nWhat is the second derivative of 104497*x**3*y**5 + 687*x**3*y + 5*x**2*y wrt y?", "\n2089940*x**3*y**3\nFind the third derivative of 35137*x**6 - 10*x**2 + 133 wrt x.\n4216440*x**3\nFind the second derivative of 1161733*d**4 + 1280261*d wrt d.\n13940796*d**2\nWhat is the third derivative of -97*h*s*x**4 + 2*h*s*x**3 - 357*h*x**3 + 62*h*x**2 - 750*h*x + 4*s*x wrt x?", "\n-2328*h*s*x + 12*h*s - 2142*h\nDifferentiate 325916*b*f - 369542*f with respect to b.\n325916*f\nFind the first derivative of -53*o*y**2 - 4*o*y - 339*o - y**2 - 37*y + 665 wrt y.\n-106*o*y - 4*o - 2*y - 37\nWhat is the third derivative of 2*i**2*l*y**3 - i**2*l*y + i**2*y - 243829*l*y**3 - 18541*l*y**2 wrt y?", "\n12*i**2*l - 1462974*l\nWhat is the second derivative of 5*o**5 - 3415*o**4 - 2*o**3 - o + 735?", "\n100*o**3 - 40980*o**2 - 12*o\nDifferentiate 130249*g + 180200 with respect to g.\n130249\nWhat is the third derivative of -110887*d**3 + 1176*d**2 + 36*d?", "\n-665322\nFind the second derivative of 30*i**2*n*x**2 - 5*i**2*n + 15*i*n*x**2 + 49*i*n - 2*i*x + 35*n*x**2 + 5*x wrt x.\n60*i**2*n + 30*i*n + 70*n\nWhat is the third derivative of -569799*c**3 + 3393484*c**2 wrt c?", "\n-3418794\nFind the third derivative of -12*c*f*o**4 - c*o**5 - 48*c*o**3 + 695*c*o + 5*f*o**2 - 2*o wrt o.\n-288*c*f*o - 60*c*o**2 - 288*c\nWhat is the first derivative of -6*o**4 + 540*o**3 - 4*o - 25958 wrt o?", "\n-24*o**3 + 1620*o**2 - 4\nFind the second derivative of 1344682*j**2*r**2 - 37531*j*r - 7*r**2 wrt j.\n2689364*r**2\nFind the second derivative of -12393*i**3 + 43642*i.", "\n-74358*i\nWhat is the third derivative of -h**4*l - 3*h**4 + 629*h**3 + 4*h**2*l + 5879*h**2 wrt h?", "\n-24*h*l - 72*h + 3774\nWhat is the third derivative of -d**3*n - 303*d**3*v**3 + 106*d**3*v + 3*d**2*n*v**2 - 4*d**2*n*v - d**2*v**2 - 26*d**2*v - 2*n*v**3 wrt d?", "\n-6*n - 1818*v**3 + 636*v\nFind the third derivative of -125694*h**6 + 46117*h**2.", "\n-15083280*h**3\nWhat is the third derivative of 35449*v**3 + 1005*v**2 wrt v?", "\n212694\nWhat is the third derivative of -116156*q**4 - 7570*q**2 + 4 wrt q?", "\n-2787744*q\nFind the first derivative of 58*n*p*x**3 - 58*n*p - 17*n*x**3 + 33665*n*x**2 - 77*p*x**2 + 3*x**3 wrt p.\n58*n*x**3 - 58*n - 77*x**2\nFind the third derivative of -232*s**5 - 8*s**4 - 3*s**3 + 395*s**2 - 2*s + 11 wrt s.\n-13920*s**2 - 192*s - 18\nFind the third derivative of 7261*o**5 - 2*o**4 + 8*o**3 - 3428*o**2 - 100*o + 2 wrt o.\n435660*o**2 - 48*o + 48\nFind the third derivative of -33547*w**6*y + 5*w**4*y + 4*w**2 - 16886*w*y wrt w.\n-4025640*w**3*y + 120*w*y\nFind the second derivative of 1025824*f**2 + 1594708*f wrt f.\n2051648\nWhat is the second derivative of -q**3*s**3 - q**3*s + 37643*q**2*s + 12*q*s**3 - q - 1554*s**3 wrt q?", "\n-6*q*s**3 - 6*q*s + 75286*s\nFind the second derivative of -15799*o**2*r**2 + 2*o**2*r + 2*o**2 + 552*o*r + 2*o + 4*r wrt r.\n-31598*o**2\nFind the first derivative of 46*w**4 - 13*w**3 - 9*w**2 - 4*w - 282492.", "\n184*w**3 - 39*w**2 - 18*w - 4\nFind the third derivative of -q**2*s**3 - 146*q**2*s**2 + q**2*s - 6*q**2 - 34838*q*s**5 + 77*q*s**2 wrt s.\n-6*q**2 - 2090280*q*s**2\nWhat is the second derivative of -483*w**4 - 16*w**3 - w**2 + 2*w + 15305?", "\n-5796*w**2 - 96*w - 2\nWhat is the derivative of 2933*k**2*n**3 - 6*k**2*o**2 - 34833*k*o**2 - 147*n**3*o**2 wrt n?", "\n8799*k**2*n**2 - 441*n**2*o**2\nDifferentiate -13*i**4 + 5909*i**2 - 218624.", "\n-52*i**3 + 11818*i\nWhat is the second derivative of -63245*z**2 + 2*z - 13869 wrt z?", "\n-126490\nFind the second derivative of 404457*q**2 - 14844*q + 6 wrt q.\n808914\nFind the first derivative of 10241*p**3*q**2*x + 1217*p**3 - 4*p**2*q*x + 2*q**2 - q wrt x.\n10241*p**3*q**2 - 4*p**2*q\nWhat is the second derivative of d**4 + 46498*d**2*t - 2*d*t - 16*d + 5883*t wrt d?", "\n12*d**2 + 92996*t\nWhat is the second derivative of 1190*p**4 - 8*p**3 - 115*p - 158 wrt p?", "\n14280*p**2 - 48*p\nFind the second derivative of -22*a**3 - 310*a**2 - a + 32 wrt a.\n-132*a - 620\nWhat is the third derivative of 11675*f**4*s - 12*f**3*s + 2*f**3 + 331*f**2*s - f**2 + 9*f*s + f - 2 wrt f?", "\n280200*f*s - 72*s + 12\nWhat is the derivative of -66327*a*q**3*w**2 + 277*a*q**2 + 132*q**3 + w**2 wrt w?", "\n-132654*a*q**3*w + 2*w\nWhat is the third derivative of -2963200*c**4 + 7*c**2 - 161552*c?", "\n-71116800*c\nWhat is the second derivative of -35262*b**3 + 34556*b wrt b?", "\n-211572*b\nFind the second derivative of -71*f**4 - 367*f**3 - 2*f**2 - 132548*f wrt f.\n-852*f**2 - 2202*f - 4\nFind the third derivative of 1389805*i**6 - 68*i**2 + 4*i + 819 wrt i.\n166776600*i**3\nFind the third derivative of -4182*k**3*l*p - 11*k**3*l - k**3*p - 3*k**2*l*p - 50*k**2*p + 57*k**2 wrt k.\n-25092*l*p - 66*l - 6*p\nWhat is the derivative of 546*f*h*k**3 + 3*f*h*k*n**2 + f*n**2 - 4*f*n + 4*h*n**2 + 3*h wrt k?", "\n1638*f*h*k**2 + 3*f*h*n**2\nFind the third derivative of -3224009*a**5 + 2125065*a**2.", "\n-193440540*a**2\nWhat is the derivative of -1287648*p + 947872 wrt p?", "\n-1287648\nWhat is the second derivative of -2634*j**4 + 2*j**3 + 25*j**2 - 887365*j?", "\n-31608*j**2 + 12*j + 50\nWhat is the first derivative of -382*g**4*x + 409*g**4 - 1937734*x wrt g?", "\n-1528*g**3*x + 1636*g**3\nFind the first derivative of -37*o**3 - 38*o**2 - o + 907026.", "\n-111*o**2 - 76*o - 1\nDifferentiate -592*b**4 + 18*b**2 + 21777.", "\n-2368*b**3 + 36*b\nDifferentiate -2*l**3*t + 2764*l**3 - 3*l**2*t + 25126*t wrt l.\n-6*l**2*t + 8292*l**2 - 6*l*t\nFind the third derivative of 2*l**4 + 11442*l**3 - 73613*l**2 - 3*l.", "\n48*l + 68652\nWhat is the second derivative of 399*o**2*t**2 - 4*o**2*t + 31655*o**2 + 2*o*t**2 - 21*t**2 wrt t?", "\n798*o**2 + 4*o - 42\nDifferentiate -621*u**2*z**2 + 15019*u**2 + 12*u*z**2 with respect to z.\n-1242*u**2*z + 24*u*z\nWhat is the first derivative of -40049*v**4 + 44204?", "\n-160196*v**3\nFind the third derivative of 704*t**6 + t**5 + 4*t**3 + 17*t**2 + 10*t wrt t.\n84480*t**3 + 60*t**2 + 24\nDifferentiate -635*a**4 + 117*a*j - 2*j + 1262 wrt a.\n-2540*a**3 + 117*j\nWhat is the second derivative of 52*d**2*h**3 + 35*d**2*h + 12*d**2 - 12*d*h**3 + 281*d*h**2 wrt d?", "\n104*h**3 + 70*h + 24\nFind the third derivative of 289619*p**3 + 4686*p**2 + 26*p.", "\n1737714\nWhat is the third derivative of 8*k**4 + 1468*k**3 - 122950*k**2?", "\n192*k + 8808\nFind the third derivative of -19776*g**2*q**3 + 72*g**2*q + g*q**2 + 18*g*q wrt q.\n-118656*g**2\nWhat is the second derivative of 34265*x**5 + 2*x**4 - 2*x**2 - 2648*x + 10 wrt x?", "\n685300*x**3 + 24*x**2 - 4\nDifferentiate -a**4 + 35*a**3 - 2981*a**2 + 711225 with respect to a.\n-4*a**3 + 105*a**2 - 5962*a\nWhat is the second derivative of 14237*c**2 + 22251*c wrt c?", "\n28474\nWhat is the first derivative of 446659*c*n**2 - 391179*n**2 wrt c?", "\n446659*n**2\nFind the second derivative of -265920*d**2 - 8*d + 46384 wrt d.\n-531840\nFind the first derivative of g**2*i*t - 16*g**2*i + 519895*g**2*t**2 + 26*g**2 - g*i - 2*g + 112*i wrt t.\ng**2*i + 1039790*g**2*t\nWhat is the third derivative of -4595*j**3*t*z**3 - 150*j**3*t - 5*j**3*z**2 - 6*j**2*t**2*z**3 + 17*j*t**2*z**2 wrt z?", "\n-27570*j**3*t - 36*j**2*t**2\nFind the third derivative of -179251*d**3 + 100*d**2 + 104*d wrt d.\n-1075506\nWhat is the third derivative of 20*i*o**2*w**3 + 34*i*o*w**2 + i*o*w + i*w**4 + 2*i*w**2 - 3*o**2*w**2 - 6*o**2*w - 185*o*w**4 wrt w?", "\n120*i*o**2 + 24*i*w - 4440*o*w\nFind the second derivative of 11*a**2*p**2 + a**2 + 887*a*p**2 + 144*a*p - 2*p**2 - 58 wrt p.\n22*a**2 + 1774*a - 4\nWhat is the derivative of -17*t*y + 3343078*t + 34336*y wrt y?", "\n-17*t + 34336\nDifferentiate -616555*n**4 - 670966 wrt n.\n-2466220*n**3\nFind the third derivative of -5649*f**3*h*v**5 - 2350*f**3*h*v**2 - 5*f**3*h*v - f**3*v + 2*f**2*h*v - 2*f*h*v - 64*h*v**4 wrt v.\n-338940*f**3*h*v**2 - 1536*h*v\nFind the third derivative of 45074*s**4 + 33081*s**2.", "\n1081776*s\nFind the second derivative of -29747*x**3 - x - 10763 wrt x.\n-178482*x\nWhat is the second derivative of 66375*x**2 + 23443*x - 1 wrt x?", "\n132750\nFind the third derivative of 2*d**5 - 513*d**4 + 13*d**3 + 49*d**2 - 14*d - 185.", "\n120*d**2 - 12312*d + 78\nFind the second derivative of 128048*b*z**2 + 193*b - z**2 + 1179*z wrt z.\n256096*b - 2\nWhat is the derivative of -2*d**2*h - 94692*d**2 - 120315*h wrt d?", "\n" ]
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[ "Steven Webber\n\nSteven Webber is a fictional character from the American ABC soap opera, General Hospital. ", "Steve was born in 1977, the character has appeared briefly in three different storylines, played each time by a different actor. ", " As an infant in the late 1970s, the character was portrayed by Martin Hewitt. ", "From 2004 to 2005, the character was portrayed as an adult by Shaun Benson. ", "In late 2009, Scott Reeves was cast in the role, with Steve initially on recurring status as the head of the ER trauma unit at General Hospital. ", "In February 2010, Reeves' status was upgraded to contract.", "\n\nStorylines\n\nBackground\nSteven Lars Webber was born to Jeff Webber and Heather Grant. ", "His paternal grandfather is General Hospital's former chief of staff and one of the show's original characters, Steve Hardy. ", "He was named after Steve Hardy and Lars Webber. ", "When Steven was conceived in 1976, Jeff was a newlywed, married to Monica Bard, who was having an affair with Jeff's brother Rick Webber. ", "Jeff then had an affair with Heather, a scheming nanny, though when Heather became pregnant, Jeff told her to get an abortion, since he wanted to stay with his wife Monica. ", "Heather gives birth to Steven Lars on July 11, 1977 and complications immediately follow. ", "Shortly after, Heather sells the baby to Peter Taylor and his wife Diana Taylor for $10,000, though she told Jeff that the baby had died. ", " Later, when Monica divorced Jeff, he married Heather in 1978, still not knowing about the child. ", "The relationship was strained when Heather got a job as her own child's nanny—the child was now going by the name Peter Taylor, Jr. In the winter of 1979, Heather became obsessed with seeing her son. ", "She had planned to put LSD in the adoptive mother, Diana Taylor's, drink to make her go insane, but little Peter accidentally swapped the glasses, and Heather lost her own mind. ", "Jeff was forced to institutionalize her.", "\n\nAfter Peter Taylor Sr. ", "died, Diana learned the truth about Steven while going through her husband's effects, finding a note which said, \"PJ is Steven Lars\". ", "Afraid to lose her child, she tried to woo Jeff, though at the time he was interested in Anne Logan, a nurse who was Audrey Hardy's niece. ", "He still did not know the child was his, until 1981 when Diana finally told him. ", " Diana and Heather continued to compete for Jeff's attention, and plotting to kill each other to remove a rival. ", "A scuffle ensued, and Diana was accidentally killed by Heather's mother, Alice Grant, though Heather tried to frame Anne for the murder. ", "Jeff then took his infant son (renamed from Peter Taylor Jr. to Steven Lars Webber) and left town, to keep him safe from Heather's plotting. ", "Off-screen, Jeff divorced Heather, married again to a woman later identified as \"Carolyn\", and had two more daughters, Elizabeth Webber and Sarah Webber, who grew up in Boulder, Colorado but in 1997 were sent back to Port Charles as teenagers to live with their \"grandmother\" Audrey Hardy, until Sarah too left the show, going to live with her father.", "\n\n2004, 2009–13\nNow older, Steven returns to Port Charles. ", "He was working for attorney John Durant to get to John's biological daughter Carly Corinthos. ", "It was around the same time when his natural mother Heather came back as well, but other than several unplanned meetings, Steven had nothing to do with her. ", "Steven briefly disappears from the show after murder, before reappearing as Steve Webber in 2009, invited by his former stepmother Monica Quartermaine to be the acting chief of staff at General Hospital, so she could return to being a full-time cardiologist. ", "He reveals during the intervening years, he had been running a trauma unit down in Memphis.", "\n\nSteve becomes good friends with his fellow doctors, Robin Scorpio, her husband Patrick Drake, and Lisa Niles. ", "When Dante Falconeri is brought to the hospital with a gunshot wound, Steve and Lisa help operate. ", "Dante flatlines. ", "Luckily, Steve revives him. ", "Patrick is a little jealous. ", "Steve and Lisa go to a Tim McGraw concert together when they discover they both like his music. ", "Lisa wonders why such a decent guy like him isn't with anyone. ", "He opens up to her about his girlfriend who he was planning on marrying. ", "The day before the proposal, his girlfriend reveals she and his best friend are getting married. ", "Lisa and Steve then make another date. ", "Steve notices Patrick is jealous over his relationship with Lisa, though he denies it. ", "Eventually, Steve discovers Patrick and Lisa slept together and breaks things off with her.", "\n\nSteve and Cameron were involved in the ski resort bus crash that took place during late December 2010 to early January 2011. ", "He and Cameron both survived as did others, except for the bus driver and Ali, a good friend of Kristina Corinthos-Davis.", "\n\nIn May 2011, Lisa, whom Patrick and Robin have been harassed by for months, is finally outed as the deranged woman she is and arrested, but escapes from Shadybrook a week later. ", "When Steve finds out, he immediately blames himself. ", "He states none of these events would have happened if he had just fired Lisa months ago, especially since Patrick and Robin had come to him repeatedly and told him what Lisa was trying to do to Robin.", "\n\nDuring the hospital lock down in 2010, Olivia Falconeri helps Steve to save the life of Ethan Lovett after he gets shot. ", "During the next few months, Steve and Olivia grow closer, and begin to flirt with each other. ", "Steve and Olivia are also both chaperones on the General Hospital ski trip, but when their bus hits black ice, and goes off the road, Steve must help the injured citizens of Port Charles. ", "Olivia is one of the most seriously injured, she suffered from internal bleeding. ", "Steve helps to keep Olivia awake, until an emergency helicopter arrives, to take Olivia to General Hospital to be rushed into emergency surgery. ", "Olivia thanks Steve for saving her life on the mountain, and Steve ends up taking Olivia home from the hospital.", "\n\nSteve and Olivia continue to grow closer, and eventually make love on May 4, 2011.", "\n\nIn July, Steve stated that when he was 13, his grandfather told him to never show up empty-handed when taking a girl out.", "\n\nOn October 20, 2011, Elizabeth tells Matt that while Steve was in Memphis, he was involved with this girl and he even proposed; however, it later turned \"messy\".", "\n\nIn November 2011, a new doctor, Maggie Wurth, comes to General Hospital and it is revealed that she was the girl Steven proposed to. ", "When she first shows up in town, she is dressed as a clown, wearing a mask and lurking around the hospital. ", "We see her spying on Steve, and others while in disguise. ", "It is later revealed that in Memphis, Steve killed a prisoner, who was his patient, when Maggie came to him needed the prisoner's heart to save a little girl she was treating. ", "Olivia is originally suspicious of Maggie, and assumes she is still hung up on Steve; but Steve assures there that she has nothing to worry about.", "\n\nIn early 2012, Steve's mother, Heather Webber, is released from Ferncliff under Steve's watch. ", " She eventually creates a lot of trouble for Steve, getting in several situations, that Steve has to get her out of. ", " This later causes problems for him and Olivia.", "\n\nJohnny Zacchara later finds out about the patient Steve killed, and blackmailed him into helping Johnny sell organs on the black market. ", "After a while, Steve refuses, and Johnny calls the Memphis police and they arrest Steve. ", "Dante travels to Memphis to help Steve, but he isn't released until Heather kills Maggie Wurth, and makes it look like Maggie killed herself, and was responsible for the patient in Memphis.", "\n\nAs soon as Heather gets released from Ferncliff, Olivia is suspicious of her, and continually tries to warn Steve about his mother. ", "Steve believes that Heather is cured, and says he wants to believe the best of her. ", "When Heather steals Olivia's car and disappears in the middle of the night, Olivia decides to hire Damian Spinelli, a private investigator, to look into Heather's actions. ", "Heather continues to lie about everything she's done, and eventually Olivia goes to her son, Detective Dante Falconeri to help investigate Heather. ", "When Steve finds this out, he's angry that Olivia went behind his back, and tells her that he thinks they should take a break from their relationship. ", "Olivia tells Steve she loves him, and he confesses his love for her too, but can't let go of his loyalty to his mother. ", "When Heather injects Olivia with LSD, sending her into hallucinations, and causing her to hold a knife to her throat, Steve is by her side, and promises to send Heather back to Ferncliff, where she will not hurt Olivia again. ", "He is able to talk Olivia down from killing herself, and supports her while she deals with the side-effects from being injected. ", "He also finds out about the numerous crimes Heather has committed. ", "Heather is sent to Ferncliff, but not before Steve tells her he does not want anything to do with her.", "\n\nOlivia starts having hallucinations that end up coming true. ", "Eventually, Steve started to give her hallucinations more credit when they involve his mother. ", "During the water poisoning scare in Port Charles, Steve received a call from Heather, saying she was worried about him, but Steve coldly rejected her. ", "Afterwards, he finds out Heather escaped from Ferncliff. ", "He's later approached by Jason Morgan, who tells him that Heather switched his wife, Sam's son with a stillborn infant. ", "Steve is horrified by what his mother has done, and when Jason says he doesn't know where the other baby came from, Steve reveals he treated Téa Delgado and her newborn son the same night Sam gave birth. ", "Jason eventually gets proof that Téa Delgado's \"son\" is Sam's baby, and tells Steve this. ", "However, he also reveals that Heather has kidnapped the baby after posing as his nanny. ", "After Jason leaves, Heather shows up, trying to make a new start with Steve and the baby, but Steve deceives her and tries to call the cops. ", "Heather hits him over the head and escapes, and he's found by Olivia.", "\n\nOlivia takes Steve to the hospital. ", "Meanwhile, the police get a lead that Heather is in Port Charles, and try to track her down. ", "However, Heather makes her way to the hospital to steal medication for the baby. ", "Olivia finds her in the stairwell, and when she tries to grab the baby, Heather pushes her down the stairs. ", "Steve finds Olivia and gets her help. ", "Meanwhile, Heather goes to the roof with the baby, where she's cornered by Jason and Sam. ", "Steve is about to go to the roof, when Dante comes and tells him that his mother fell from the roof and is severely injured. ", "Steve goes out to help, but Elizabeth holds him back. ", "Eventually, Heather ends up in a coma after surgery. ", "While Heather is in the hospital, Steve monitors her. ", "When he comes with Olivia, she freaks out when she sees Heather standing in front of her, but Steve stops her, because it's actually Todd Manning, Heather's former employer. ", "Todd drops off Heather's belongings to Steve, and among them, Steve finds the paternity test for Sam Morgan's child, saying that Jason is the father of her baby, not Franco, and realizes Heather switched Sam's paternity test. ", "He drops off the results to Sam. ", "Meanwhile, it is revealed that Steve helped Monica fake her son, A.J. Quartermaine's, death. ", "In early 2013, Steve proposes to his girlfriend of two years Olivia, and the two become engaged. ", "On February 14, Heather is presumed dead after being choked and thrown into the harbor. ", "\nOn February 26, 2013, Heather is revealed alive. ", "She attempts to kill Olivia with a knife. ", "Steve rushes in, and Olivia's arm is slit open by Heather. ", "Heather is about to stab Olivia, when Steve throws himself in between the two of them, saving his fiancée's life. ", "Olivia calls an ambulance, and Heather flees. ", "On February 27, Olivia tells Elizabeth and A.J. that Steve had been stabbed. ", "Heather turns herself in. ", "Steve comes out of surgery and speaks with Olivia and Elizabeth. ", "Olivia is elated that Steve survived, so she quickly tasks Maxie with planning a wedding overnight. ", "The wedding takes place on March 1, 2013. ", "On March 5, 2013, Steve calls off his wedding to Olivia, because he is being sent to prison in Memphis.", "\n\nSee also \n Hardy/Webber family\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nSteve Webber Character Profile @ SoapCentral.com\n\nCategory:General Hospital characters\nCategory:Fictional physicians\nCategory:Television characters introduced in 1979\nCategory:Fictional murderers" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTcp client sometimes get only part of the message\n\nMy scenario: \nI have an async tcp server which accepts connections,and upon requests it responses with this method:\n private void SendMessage(Client client, string message)\n {\n var buffer = Encoding.", "UTF8.GetBytes(message);\n try\n {\n client.", "TCPClient.", "GetStream().Write(buffer, 0, buffer.", "Length);\n }\n catch (Exception ex) when (ex is InvalidOperationException || ex is System.", "IO.IOException)\n {\n RemoveClient(client);\n Task exceptionHandler = Program.", "ExceptionHandler.", "Server(ex);\n }\n }\n\nAnd I have a client application which receives data with this method:\n private string GetMessage()\n {\n StringBuilder returndata = new StringBuilder();\n NetworkStream clientStream = this.tcpClient.", "GetStream();\n var sr = new StreamReader(clientStream, Encoding.", "UTF8);\n int value;\n while (sr.", "Peek() >= 0 || clientStream.", "DataAvailable)\n {\n value = sr.", "Read();\n returndata.", "Append((char)value);\n }\n return returndata.", "ToString();\n }\n\nMostly I send objects serialized with JSON,and it has worked fine until now.", "\nWhen I restart the client it grabs data from the server, but sometimes only a part of it arrives and the application crashes with ArgumentException at JSON deserialize.", "\nIt's strange that when it happens (randomly)\nsr.", "Peek() = -1 but clientStream.", "DataAvailable = true\nAnother information is that always when it crashes the readed message is the same.", "\nAnyone could help me what could cause that sometimes I got only a part of the message not all?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe TCP APIs expose a bidirectional byte stream in both directions - not a packet API. ", "You write to the stream on one socket and read from it on the other end. ", "However there are no guarantees that a single write will cause exactly one read or more of them. ", "This is because the bytes that are sent might be fragmented over multiple IP packets and some may arrive delayed.", "\nIf you want packets or messages on your application layer, you need to introduce your own framing mechanism.", "\nTypical solutions to do this are:\n\nPrefix each message with it's length, which is serialized in a well-known format (e.g. 4byte big endian number). ", "Then the receiving side can wait for the length, and afterwards read exactly that number of bytes and interpret it as a message.", "\nUse some delimiter characters to separate messages. ", "E.g. a newline in the simplest case. ", "This however has the drawback that this character may not be contained in your message payload (must be escaped) and that the receiver needs to search for it. ", "However this is e.g. the mechanism which is used in HTTP to separate the header and body part.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Mechanically tissue-like elastomeric polymers and their potential as a vehicle to deliver functional cardiomyocytes.", "\nOne of the major challenges in the field of biomaterials engineering is the replication of the non-linear elasticity observed in soft tissues. ", "In the present study, non-linearly elastic biomaterials were successfully fabricated from a chemically cross-linked elastomeric poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS) and thermoplastic poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) using the core/shell electrospinning technique. ", "The spun fibrous materials, containing a PGS core and PLLA shell, demonstrated J-shaped stress-strain curves, and having ultimate tensile strength, rupture elongation, and stiffness constants respectively comparable to muscle tissue properties. ", "In vitro evaluations also showed that PGS/PLLA fibrous biomaterials possess excellent biocompatibility, capable of supporting human stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes over several weeks in culture. ", "Therefore, the core/shell electrospun elastomeric materials provide a new potential scaffold to support cells in the therapy of a wide range of soft tissues exposed to cyclic deformation, such as tendon, ligament, cardiac or smooth muscle and lung epithelium." ]
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[ "\nThe Fax Is Not Yet Obsolete - rustcharm\nhttps://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/11/why-people-still-use-fax-machines/576070/#\n======\nfrv103\nThese requirements for faxing are becoming almost silly. ", "Not only is the PSTN\ninfrastructure in some areas so bad (40 year old corroded copper lines and\nsuch) that there are potential problems every time it rains, but incumbent\ncarriers are trying to do everything they can to rip down what is left of the\ncopper infrastructure. ", "I don’t blame them as this makes practical and\nfinancial sense (remove copper phone lines, replace with fiber, offer data and\nvoice through the fiber).", "\n\nThe dream is that the PSTN will be done away with entirely, with all traffic\ngoing through the internet.", "\n\nA big problem is with fax machine manufacturers simply claiming that their\nmachines “are not voip compatible” which is ridiculous, but the extra effort\ninvolved with getting faxes to work smoothly over voip can be a nightmare, and\nnot something any vendor wants to be involved in supporting.", "\n\nThe result of this is clients with $15k fax machines reporting a myriad of\nproblems, which the fax machine vendor claims that the only solution is a PSTN\nphone line for the machine, which in many areas is no longer possible due to\nthe incumbent carrier phasing out the infrastructure or making it incredibly\ndifficult to obtain.", "\n\nThere are a lot of “Efax” services whose purpose is to get around this problem\nby making the “fax” step just a transparent formality to appease regulatory\nconstraints. ", "Users can send an email with a specially formatted subject, then\nthe “efax” company will actually “fax” the document specified in the email to\na phone number owned by the efax company, which is then emailed to the\nintended receiver.", "\n\n~~~\ndvtrn\n_The dream is that the PSTN will be done away with entirely, with all traffic\ngoing through the internet_\n\nHow far off the mark am I in thinking that part of this dream you have, that\nwas left unstated is that 'all traffic going through the internet' assumes\nwe've fixed the last mile problem of broadband connectivity to rural areas?", "\nBecause otherwise that dream effectively cuts a lot of people off from the\nrest of the world.", "\n\n~~~\nSpooky23\nIt’s already happening. ", "My parents regularly deal with days long outages with\nPSTN service. ", "Hell, in the middle of Albany, NY Verizon landlines were broken\nfor 1-6 weeks due to some legacy hardware failure.", "\n\nThe companies want to replace the copper with wireless service because the\nregulatory environment is more profitable, even though they sell fully\ndepreciated copper at $40/mo.", "\n\n------\ncknight\nIT Manager of a large medical centre in Australia here. ", "I've been spending\nquite a lot of time trying to minimise the number of faxes we send and receive\nbut there's only so far I can go.", "\n\nEmail and fax-to-email services are generally frowned upon by the relevant\nmedical accreditation boards, as they consider these to be insecure unless PGP\nis used. ", "Email addresses have the ease of use and interoperability that fax\nnumbers have, but PGP throws that right out the window.", "\n\nBeyond the technical discussion, I remember reading that fax is considered\n\"secure\" from a regulatory/legal standpoint because fax lines are subject to\nwiretapping laws just as a regular phone line is. ", "An email however, sent in\nplain text, can be legally read by anyone along the line who has the authority\nto do so. ", "No surprises there, we know what GMail does.", "\n\nWhat we've ended up with in Australia is a trio of internet-based secure\nmessaging systems which have only just recently been in discussions about\ninteroperability between themselves. ", "I believe two of them are just end-client\nsoftware which automates the PGP encryption/decryption of a given email\naddress that you register, sending and receiving directly from your practice's\nclinical management system. ", "Uptake has been kinda miserable. ", "Until the systems\nare interoperable and have a large centralised directory of all health\npractitioners in the country, uptake will remain low. ", "It's also only for\nmedical practices and hospitals. ", "It doesn't cover all the crap we get from\nlegal and insurance firms.", "\n\nOther legal issues are also stymieing progress. ", "I have been told specifically\nby the CEO of a large specialist group that they won't be using any of the\nabove systems, because having the software available means they might get\nelectronic referrals directly from GPs.", "This would be instead of paper referral\nletters that simply go with the patient. ", "This changes the legal onus of who is\nresponsible for following up with patients who don't make that specialist\nappointment when referred. ", "It matters when a patient decides not go do\nanything with a given referral, and then finds out they're terminal months\nlater.", "\n\nAnd so, we fax and get faxed. ", "And it sucks.", "\n\n~~~\naskvictor\nI wonder how this squares with the NBN, given that, once activated, the\ntraditional phone line ceases to exist, and you use VoIP instead. ", "And that the\nPOTS will be entirely deactivated (in theory) once rollout is complete.", "\n\n~~~\ncknight\nAll our fax machines are already using Cisco ATAs to connect to our VoIP\nsystem anyway. ", "Only problem I've ever had with that aspect was a dud ATA.", "\n\nI know many practices use eFax though, even though it uses email and hence is\nagainst accreditation standards. ", "Small one- or two-practitioner clinics don't\nhave the means to trudge through the RACGP's information security standards\nlike we do.", "\n\nI did trial a local Australian eFax competitor who offered a fax-to-my-server-\nvia-SFTP method, and was accredited with several government health agencies.", "\nThe PDF image quality sucked so badly though, I couldn't run with it.", "\nIllegible. ", "Even if it worked well though, it's still just faxes as image\nfiles, which is painful. ", "OCR doesn't look like it'd help much, even before you\nthink about doctors handwriting.", "\n\nI've got 30 practitioners and I need incoming messages to be directed to their\nrespective inboxes in the practice management system so we don't all go crazy.", "\n\n~~~\ntomjen3\nWould a physical fax machine that saved the incoming faxes as a searchable PDF\non a network drive make sense? ", "It could literally just have a folder you put\nthings in and then you could select the recipient on some webmanager.", "\n\n~~~\ncknight\nAt the moment we have non-searchable PDFs coming in to a network drive. ", "These\nare manually reviewed and sent to the relevant GP's inbox (or to nursing or to\nmanagement) as necessary, with the relevant patient selected so all the doctor\nhas to do is read it and hit \"accept\" or \"seen\". ", "They're not willing to do\nmore than that, of course.", "\n\nAdding in OCR to make the documents searchable doesn't help a lot on its own.", "\nJust because one of our GP's names is listed on a fax doesn't mean it's\nactually for them, nor does another name mean it is the patient in question. ", "A\nlot of names get put on these documents. ", "Every fax we get is laid out\ndifferently, there's no consistency of any kind. ", "Faxes being unreliable means\nwe are sent plenty of duplicates, half-sent documents, and upside down ones\ntoo.", "\n\nNothing can beat an electronic message that contains the recipient doctor's\nID, the patient's name and birth date (we have plenty with same names), and\nall the other relevant info. ", "It's the only way forward.", "\n\n~~~\nocrcustomserver\nIf this is important to you (extraction of information like ID/name/date from\nnon-searchable PDFs), you could send me an email and we could discuss it\nfurther.", "\n\nI might be able to help you with this.", "\n\n------\nvthriller\nTo me, a person that doesn't (and never did) live in the US, faxes there seem\nto be even more ubiquitous than this article paints. ", "Imagine my amusement when\nI registered an Amazon account only to get it suspended with the request to\nverify it by... faxing bank statements and whatnot. ", "Internationally on a +1\nnumber. [", "0] And yes, support was not been able to offer any alternative to\nthat.", "\n\n[0]\n[https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/?nodeId...](https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/?nodeId=201742120)\n\n~~~\nmetildaa\nFax has a carve out in PCI & HIPPA compliance, and there is a huge existing\nmomentum behind continuing to use fax.", "\n\nAlternatives for actually secure document transmission boil down to difficult\nto use private messaging/\"secure\" email systems (that only work in their\nwalled garden).", "\n\nMany in the general public get frustrated with these walled gardens, as it is\nanother login & interface to remember, and their credit union/bank, healthcare\nprovider, company, etc will each have its own totally unique system\n\n~~~\nZak\n> _Alternatives for actually secure document transmission boil down to\n> difficult to use private messaging /\"secure\" email systems (that only work\n> in their walled garden)._", "\n\nOh bloody hell. ", "Begin rant.", "\n\nWe've had PGP for 27 years. ", "Twenty seven years. ", "Since 1991. ", "Why the hell\nhaven't we, the tech community, gotten the rest of the world to use it? ", "I\nthink the only person I've had a PGP-encrypted email exchange with is my\nmother. ", "It's not a walled garden, and it solves the problem described here\nperfectly.", "\n\nWe could have vote-by-email (using the key registered when registering to\nvote). ", "We could have universal passwordless login. ", "We could have virtually all\ncommunications secure from eavesdropping all the time. ", "But no, nobody uses it\noutside of a few computer geeks, spies, and journalists.", "\n\n~~~\nmetildaa\nI use PGP, but it is a pain in the ass to use, severely stunting its usr.", "\nNormal people can't effectively use PGP without significant training, hence no\none outside some DMCA notice bots using PGP in production for the common\nperson to see.", "\n\nEven Riot with its fucked up key mismanagement is easier to use as a normie\nthan PGP, though its looking like Riot will fix most of those trusted key\nmanagement issues soon with the PRs that are about to land.", "\n\nSignal is the gold standard for secure, easy to use crypto at this point IMO.", "\nHopefully Briar continues to improve tho, normie friendly metadata free\ncommunication is highly alluring, and the key management is a middle ground\nbetween Riot and Signal.", "\n\n~~~\nZak\nPGP isn't _that_ hard to learn, and 20 years ago when the main form of online\nmessaging was email, using a desktop email client, it was easier. ", "It would be\nconsiderably harder _now_ with everyone communicating in walled-garden\nplatforms.", "\n\nI think we really missed an opportunity, and I don't see a way forward to a\nworld where PGP keys are a widely-used basis for security communication and\nverifying identity online.", "\n\n~~~\nqrbLPHiKpiux\nKey strokes required. ", "Everyone taps today. ", "Tapping input on a device is\nhorribly inefficient.", "\n\n~~~\nZak\nThis is one of several reasons about 1998 would have been the right time to\npopularize it, not 2018.", "\n\n~~~\ntim333\nThough a plus of 2018 is people are being forced to sort out public and\nprivate keys if they want to muck about with cryptocurrency.", "\n\n------\nmjevans\nIt's that \"Faxes\" are //exempt//, they are, by far:\n\n \n \n * Obsolete\n * Insecure (no encryption in transit)\n * Insecure (no recipient validation)\n * Insecure (no validation of sender or data integrity)\n * Horrid quality (200, maybe 300, DPI, monochrome)\n * Like PTSN interlinked phones, fairly ubiquitous.", "\n \n\nSadly, that last line item there is why they still exist.", "\n\nThe exempt status also precludes any real attempt at security which makes 'fax\nthe thing' quick and easy for untrained end users. ", "Fire, and forget until\nsomeone pokes you about a failed fax, or even claim you tried and just assume\ngremlins ate all record of the first (never happened) actions.", "\n\nThere's also not a /ubiquitous/ replacement. ", "The mere cost of telephone calls\nand duration makes blindly trying to fax out spam that way not-cost-effective\n(plus the negotiation of fax technology inhibits just recording a dumb audio\nfile to play against VoIP lines). ", "Email is practically free, but HORRENDOUS\nfor file transfers, and at any corporation where data retention is required\nfor legal discovery holding on to EVERY file transferred forever is hell.", "\n\nWhile some better standards do exist, they aren't ubiquitous and often require\n'non standard' software (mostly because Microsoft is highly allergic to any\nprotocols/formats not invented by them).", "\n\nAlso, it needs to be part of the /default/ OS install. ", "It would be really\ngreat if Windows Explorer (the desktop shell) understood SFTP (SSH file\ntransfer).", "\n\n------\nmrweasel\nIf someone was to build a device that could clamp on to the phone line and\nlisten for incoming faxes and copy the signal and sent it of to a remote\nserver, would that force us to rethink the use of faxes? ", "Sadly I think the\nanswer is no.", "\n\nOne argument that could be made for the fax is the lack of availability. ", "Some\ngovernment office in Denmark have been known to email sensitive information to\nwrong email addresses, because of poor spelling. ", "Some guy owns anders.dk and\nhave a catch-all email address, and employees of the city of Randers sometimes\ndo check that they actually typed randers.dk and not anders.dk. ", "That guy\nreceives have received a boat load of sensitive data. ", "The solution is to block\nhis domain in the citys Exchange server.... Yeeeah.", "\n\nNeither fax, phone or email is particularly well suited for transmitting\nsensitive information, but the fax is seen as more secure, because when was\nthe last time someone received a fax by mistake.", "\n\n~~~\nalex_young\nYou can man in the middle a fax by walking into a phone closet a mile away\nfrom either party. ", "Same thing with a voice call.", "\n\nDon't send anything you don't want to post publicly via fax people.", "\n\n~~~\ntim333\nI realise it's technically possible but are there any documented instances of\nsomeone doing that?", "\n\n------\ncodingdave\nBack when I first started working in tech, in the early 90s, up to when I left\nenterprise IT in 2011, email-to-fax gateways were a thing. ", "You just emailed a\nspecific address format, something like: 999-999-9999@your.fax.gateway, and\nthe email server would send an image of the email and attached documents to\nthat number, via a connected fax machine. ", "Likewise, incoming faxes to your\nnumber were received as images in an email.", "\n\nDo those things no longer exist? ", "You would think, if anything, that would be\neasier today than it was 25 years ago.", "\n\n~~~\nSpooky23\nInane bureaucracy and primadonna users make change difficult.", "\n\nDoctors can’t be bothered doing anything differently, and they often don’t\nwork for the place they are providing service at, and don’t have reliable\naccess to email.", "\n\nAs doctors get swallowed up by medical networks/cartels, fax will shift to\nEMRs and patient portals that will leave you wishing for a fax machine.", "\n\n~~~\nZak\n> _Doctors often don’t have reliable access to email._", "\n\nWhy? ", "It would be very unusual for a doctor in a wealthy country not to have a\nsmartphone with service, or the ability to get one.", "\n\n~~~\nepochwolf\nHIPAA requires any email with patient data be encrypted. ", "That kills any\nattempt to receive email on a smart phone.", "\n\n~~~\nZak\n[Repeat rant about people not adopting PGP when we've had it for 27 years]\n\nNothing about a smartphone prevents email from being encrypted. ", "The fact that\nnobody's sending encrypted email does, but that's a user adoption problem\nrather than a technical problem. ", "The technical problem is solved, solved well,\nand has been solved for decades.", "\n\n~~~\nSpooky23\nEncryption is easy. ", "Key management is not. ", "PGP is a lousy solution. ", "Too\ndifficult to use and sacrifices too much functionality.", "\n\nThe world needs something like iMessage but more open.", "\n\n~~~\nZak\nKey management is moderately difficult, and more of a UX problem than a\ntechnical one. ", "A UX very much like that of iMessage could be built on top of\nPGP and keyservers.", "\n\nWe've had the ability to do this for a long time, but only a few major players\nare in a position to ensure sufficient user adoption, and they're not\ninterested in creating anything that doesn't drive users to their walled\ngardens.", "\n\n------\npetecox\nOnly if your telco still supports it.", "\n\nIn Australia, perhaps not.", "\n\nOur home phone service was moved from copper to VOIP as part of the NBN\nrollout. ", "The technician who did the installation confirmed our multifunction\nlaser printer would no longer fax, as the network didn't enable it.", "\n\n~~~\nObsoleteNerd\nYeah our building (Melbourne) doesn't even have copper going to it, we just\nhave FTTB then CAT5 to each apartment.", "\n\n------\nreustle\n> Law and Medicine Still Rely on the Device\n\nAnd a vast number of businesses in Japan, unfortunately\n\n~~~\nu801e\nIt looks like the movie Back to the Future part 2 got something right\nregarding faxes:\n[https://youtu.be/UlEFqR4SaVA?t=60](https://youtu.be/UlEFqR4SaVA?t=60)\n\n------\nrootusrootus\nMy desk phone at work has automatic inbound fax detection and reception. ", "And\none of the local medical firms has a phone number with a prefix that is one\ndigit off from my desk phone direct line. ", "You can guess what happens.", "\n\nIt's kind of amazing what kinds of things they will put in a fax. ", "Stuff I\nwould find very personal, for sure, and wouldn't want to have faxed around\ncarelessly.", "\n\n~~~\nmetildaa\nInbound fax detection is pretty easy to script, I've gotten lots of sensitive\nfaxes from insurers despite emailing them to cease and desist faxing me. ", "Very\nannoying!", "\n\n------\nkgwxd\nI just dealt with American Public Life. ", "I had to mail or fax (I went mail, fax\nis harder for me) all my forms and documents to get a claim started. ", "Several\ndays later, I was able to see that my claim required more information online\nby manually checking the site several times a day, no email notice about a\nclaim update, I also got a notice in the mail 3 days later. ", "I was able to ask\nthem, via a contact web form, \"is there a way to send docs electronically?\" ", "to\nwhich I got a \"secured\" reply to my email via \"proofpoint\" stating I must mail\nor fax all documents. ", "Noticing there was an option to attach a file in\nproofpoint system, I ignored the requirements and sent the PDFs anyway. ", "They\naccepted them but with a stern warning that I should mail or fax all documents\nif I want to ensure they will be associated with my claim. ", "All this printing,\nsigning, mailing, waiting, waiting, waiting, rinse, repeat, is a huge waste of\nresources and human life.", "\n\n------\nVSpike\nIt makes me wonder what other legacy telecom systems are still in use\nsomewhere.", "\n\nAre there any public X25 networks still in use? ", "What about telex? ", "Telex over\nHF? ", "Inmarsat C? ", "Any X400 gateways still running? ", "Can you still send a UUCP\nmail?", "\n\nThis kind of digital archaeology has a strange fascination to it.", "\n\n~~~\ntomjen3\nTechnically all that is required for UUCP is a phone connection between two\ncomputers and the willingness to run it.", "\n\nThere are a bunch of nostalgia computer geeks on youtube, but I haven't seen\nany of them focus on unix yet. ", "Could be fun though.", "\n\n------\ngpm\nDuring the hiring process for my previous internship a problem with my credit\nscore was discovered (equifax had someone else under my SIN). ", "This ended up\ndelaying my start date.", "\n\nThe only way to fix it in any \"reasonable\" (weeks) amount of time was to fax\nthem a bunch of documents.", "\n\n~~~\ndc_gregory\nPossibly a naive question, but why would you need a credit score for being\nhired, especially as an intern? ", "I can (somewhat) see the need for privileged\npositions (i.e. CFO or similar).", "\n\n~~~\ngpm\nIt was a bank, that was just standard procedure for everyone. ", "Technically I\nwas a contractor not a intern (and it \"just happened\" to be for a summer\nbetween two semesters of university), but I doubt being an official intern\nwould have changed anything.", "\n\n~~~\nmarcosdumay\nWere they advancing you any money? ", "If not, it's a stupid procedure that should\nbe regarded as harassment.", "\n\n~~~\ngpm\nThey were not.", "\n\nI don't particularly think it counts as harassment. ", "They can add any non-\ndiscriminatory stupid terms to the contract that they want.", "\n\nAnd there are certainly lots of jobs in a bank where it makes sense to\nminimize insider risk (say, if you're the one approving peoples loans...).", "\n\n------\niptel\nFax is not more secure than email.", "\n\n~~~\nsokoloff\nIt _is_ more secure in some senses. ", "You can't get a PDF-borne virus from an\nold-school fax reception. ", "My tax preparer only accepts mailed documents and\nfaxed documents. ", "It's sometimes a pain, but I have to admit that I'm a little\nbit happy that he's more paranoid than I am about my financial information.", "\n\n~~~\nrustcharm\nActually, you can! ", "There was a presentation at DEFCON this year (DEFCON 26)\nshowing exactly this:\n\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLCE8spVX9Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLCE8spVX9Q)\n\n> \"See for yourself first-hand as we give a live demonstration of the first\n> ever full fax exploitation, leading to complete control over the entire\n> device as well as the network, using nothing but a standard telephone line.", "\n> \"\n\nMaybe it's time for you to find another tax preparer. ", "Mine accepts encrypted\ndocuments with her public key.", "\n\n~~~\nsokoloff\nI need my tax guy to be an expert on tax law way more than I need them to be\non the cutting edge of computer communications and security.", "\n\nIf he wants to stick to his old-school fax machine and keeps me on the right\nside of the tax agencies, I can accommodate his preferences on tech.", "\n\n------\nokonomiyaki3000\nJapan still loves its faxes. ", "Gotta maintain a sense of tradition, I guess.", "\nTake pride in doing things the same way their forefathers did.", "\n\n~~~\njacobush\nIt's also a thing there to write stuff with a pen, which translates better to\nfax culture than email?", "\n\n------\nalkonaut\nDon't forget that in the US _utility bills_ are still often used as proof of\nliving address. _", "signatures_ are compared in some cases of identity\nverification (e.g. voting). _", "Paper checks_ are still used as means of payment,\neven in retail.", "\n\nIt's hardly surprising that fax machines are still used.", "\n\n~~~\npaulie_a\nOn the plus side I have noticed an upward trend to not allowing checks at\nretail locations.", "\n\n~~~\nSpivak\nSeems silly not to when they just end up being slightly more cumbersome to use\ndebit cards. ", "Like it's not that bad in the grand scheme of things.", "\n\n~~~\npaulie_a\nIt is substantially better per transaction. ", "Insert card, wait a few seconds,\ntype pin. ", "Vs fumble for check book, find a pen, write all the details and sign\nit, then because most business have fraud issues with checks. ", "run it through a\nthird party processing to verify the check is valid. ", "I'm guessing debit vs\ncheck is probably at least 3 times longer for check. ", "Also the merchant has to\npay the additional fees that are higher vs debit.", "\n\n------\ncrushcrashcrush\nMy company deals with medical professionals and we absolutely need to maintain\na fax line. ", "The IRS loves faxes, too.", "\n\n------\nshaklee3\nI noticed real estate also heavily relies on it. ", "Everything still seems to be\ndone with paper and fax.", "\n\n~~~\nmdanger007\nWhy not scan the paper to email?", "\n\n~~~\nRoboprog\nHopefully the upload was to a _secure_ web site.", "\n\n------\ntyingq\nI keep an account at Anveo for incoming and outgoing faxes. ", "It's very cheap.", "\n$2/month, I think, if you just need a phone number that can send/receive\nfaxes. ", "There's a simple web interface to send a pdf as a fax.", "\n\n------\nstevenwoo\nMy insurance company mailed me a pdf to make a claim but they made me snail\nmail my printed copy with signature on it to them, they said they would have\naccepted a fax but would never accept an email with a photo of the same\ndocuments.", "\n\n------\nams6110\nPurchasing departments still use fax also. ", "Where I work, most purchase orders\nwith established vendors are sent by fax.", "\n\n------\nodiroot\nIt is still omnipresent in Germany.", "Even startups have to use (usually just a\ncloud service).", "\n\n------\nRoboprog\nFAXes have legal standing in California. ", "As much as I hate supporting them :-)\n\n------\nianai\nAnd I’ve had two employers furnish me with pagers.", "\n\n------\ndejaime\nAnd I bet they use Microsoft Windows.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Dowell\n\nDowell or dowel may refer to:\n\nPeople\n Dowell (surname)\n Dowell Loggains (born 1980), American football coach\n Dowell Myers, professor of urban planning and demography\n Dowell Philip O'Reilly (1865–1923), Australian poet, short story writer, and politician\n William Dowel (1837–1905), English-born Australian politician\n\nPlaces\nDowell, Illinois, a village in the United States\nDowell, Maryland, an unincorporated community in the United States\n\nOther uses\nDowel, a cylindrical rod, usually made from wood, plastic, or metal\nDowell Center, office building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma\nDowell Middle School, middle school in McKinney Independent School District\nProfessor Dowell's Head, a science fiction novel (later filmed) by Alexander Belyayev\n\nSee also\nLones-Dowell House, historic house in Knoxville, Tennessee\nMcConnell Dowell, New Zealand infrastructure construction company\nMacDowell (disambiguation)\nMcDowell (disambiguation)" ]
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[ "Danmark har vundet VM for hold efter en historisk finalesejr på 3-2 over Indonesien\n\nHvad koryfæer som Erland Kops, Knud Aage Nielsen, Svend Pri, Flemming Delfs, Morten Frost, Thomas Stuer-Lauridsen, Poul-Erik Høyer, Peter Gade med flereikke har kunne præstere, blev søndag formiddag til virkelighed, da de danske badmintonmænd i 9. ", "forsøg vandt Thomas Cup, VM for hold.", "\n\nDet blev manden med det hårde smash, Hans Kristian Vittinghus, som sørgede for, at triumfen kom i hus, da han i den 5. ", "og afgørende kamp mod Indonesien udspillede sin 10 år yngre modstander, Ihsan Mustofa.", "\n\nMed cifrene 21-15, 21-7 blev tingene sat på plads.", "\n\nDa den sidste bold var slået, styrtede de danske spillere ind på banen og lavede bunken ovenpå triumfatoren.", "\n\n- Vi har ikke haft de bedste spillere, men det bedste hold, lød det fra Mathias Boe, som var kommet i overskud i finalen.", "\n\nHans Kristian Vittinghus, der i det daglige må finde sig i at stå i skyggen af Viktor Axelsen og Jan Ø. Jørgensen, havde styr på nerverne, og der var aldrig tvivl om, hvem der ville vinde den afgørende kamp.", "\n\n- Vi vandt også for de gamle helte, som tidligere har forsøgt at vinde trofæet, sagde Hans-Kristian Vittinghus, inden han måtte afbryde TV 2-interviewet for at modtage sin fortjente guldmedalje.", "\n\nStortalentet Viktor Axelsen, som havde lagt ud med at vinde åbningskampen mod Tommy Sugiarto med 21-17, 21-18, var måske den spiller, som var mest berørt af det store øjeblik og kunne kunne ikke holde tårerne tilbage.", "\n\nEn skadet Jan Ø. Jørgensen fulgte op ved at slå Jonathan Christie med 21-17, 21-12, så det var ikke nok for Indonesien, som ellers har vundet Thomas Cup 13. ", "gange, der ikke uventet var stærkest i herredoublerne." ]
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[ "Investigation of the immunogenicity of diclofenac and diclofenac metabolites.", "\nOral administration of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac (DCF) is associated with a high incidence of adverse drug reactions, some of which are thought to be mediated by the immune system. ", "It has been proposed that metabolic activation of DCF and covalent binding to protein generates an antigenic determinant that stimulates immune cells; however, the nature of the metabolite remains ill-defined. ", "The aim of this study was to synthesize and evaluate the antigenic potential of DCF metabolites in the mouse. ", "DCF and DCF metabolites were administered via subcutaneous injection over a 5-day period to BALB/C strain mice to induce immune activation. ", "Proliferation was measured by the addition of [(3)H] thymidine to ex vivo isolated draining auricular lymph node cells. ", "Results were compared with those provoked by exposure to 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene. ", "Lymph node activation was observed following treatment with 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene, 5-hydroxy DCF quinoneimine and 4'-hydroxy DCF quinoneimine, but not DCF acyl glucuronide or DCF itself. ", "Interestingly, lymph node cells from 5-hydroxy DCF treated mice were also found to proliferate, when compared with cells from vehicle-treated mice, while 4'-hydroxy DCF did not stimulate lymph node cell activation. ", "The reactivity of 5-hydroxy DCF quinoneimine was confirmed by synthesis and characterization of an N-acetyl cysteine adduct. ", "These data show that formation of 5-hydroxy DCF and subsequent autoxidation provides an antigenic determinant for immune cell activation in the mouse." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0.009302325581395349, 0.008, 0.006666666666666667 ]
[ "Germanium monosulfide\n\nGermanium monosulfide or Germanium(II) sulfide is the chemical compound with the formula GeS. It is a chalcogenide glass and a semiconductor. ", "Germanium sulfide is described as a red-brown powder or black crystals. ", "Germanium(II) sulfide when dry is stable in air, hydrolyzes slowly in moist air but rapidly reacts in water forming Ge(OH)2 and then GeO. It is one of a few sulfides that can be sublimed under vacuum without decomposition.", "\n\nPreparation\nFirst made by Winkler by reducing GeS2 with Ge. ", "Other methods include reduction in a stream of H2 gas, or with an excess of H3PO2 followed by vacuum sublimation.", "\n\nStructure\nIt has a layer structure similar to that of black phosphorus. ", " The Ge-S distances range from 247 to 300 pm. ", "Molecular GeS in the gas phase has a \nGe-S bond length of 201.21 pm.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Germanium compounds\nCategory:Sulfides" ]
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[ "package com.example.algamoney.api.resource;\n\nimport javax.servlet.http.", "HttpServletResponse;\nimport javax.validation.", "Valid;\n\nimport org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.", "Autowired;\nimport org.springframework.context.", "ApplicationEventPublisher;\nimport org.springframework.data.domain.", "Page;\nimport org.springframework.data.domain.", "Pageable;\nimport org.springframework.http.", "HttpStatus;\nimport org.springframework.http.", "ResponseEntity;\nimport org.springframework.security.access.prepost.", "PreAuthorize;\nimport org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "DeleteMapping;\nimport org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "GetMapping;\nimport org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "PathVariable;\nimport org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "PostMapping;\nimport org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "PutMapping;\nimport org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "RequestBody;\nimport org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "RequestMapping;\nimport org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "RequestParam;\nimport org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "ResponseStatus;\nimport org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "RestController;\n\nimport com.example.algamoney.api.event.", "RecursoCriadoEvent;\nimport com.example.algamoney.api.model.", "Pessoa;\nimport com.example.algamoney.api.repository.", "PessoaRepository;\nimport com.example.algamoney.api.service.", "PessoaService;\n\n@RestController\n@RequestMapping(\"/pessoas\")\npublic class PessoaResource {\n\n\t@Autowired\n\tprivate PessoaRepository pessoaRepository;\n\t\n\t@Autowired\n\tprivate PessoaService pessoaService;\n\t\n\t@Autowired\n\tprivate ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;\n\n\t@PostMapping\n\t@PreAuthorize(\"hasAuthority('ROLE_CADASTRAR_PESSOA') and #oauth2.hasScope('write')\")\n\tpublic ResponseEntity<Pessoa> criar(@Valid @RequestBody Pessoa pessoa, HttpServletResponse response) {\n\t\tPessoa pessoaSalva = pessoaService.salvar(pessoa);\n\t\tpublisher.publishEvent(new RecursoCriadoEvent(this, response, pessoaSalva.getCodigo()));\n\t\treturn ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.", "CREATED).body(pessoaSalva);\n\t}\n\n\t@GetMapping(\"/{codigo}\")\n\t@PreAuthorize(\"hasAuthority('ROLE_PESQUISAR_PESSOA') and #oauth2.hasScope('read')\")\n\tpublic ResponseEntity<Pessoa> buscarPeloCodigo(@PathVariable Long codigo) {\n\t\tPessoa pessoa = pessoaRepository.findOne(codigo);\n\t\treturn pessoa !", "= null ? ", "ResponseEntity.ok(pessoa) : ResponseEntity.notFound().build();\n\t}\n\t\n\t@DeleteMapping(\"/{codigo}\")\n\t@ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.", "NO_CONTENT)\n\t@PreAuthorize(\"hasAuthority('ROLE_REMOVER_PESSOA') and #oauth2.hasScope('write')\")\n\tpublic void remover(@PathVariable Long codigo) {\n\t\tpessoaRepository.delete(codigo);\n\t}\n\t\n\t@PutMapping(\"/{codigo}\")\n\t@PreAuthorize(\"hasAuthority('ROLE_CADASTRAR_PESSOA') and #oauth2.hasScope('write')\")\n\tpublic ResponseEntity<Pessoa> atualizar(@PathVariable Long codigo, @Valid @RequestBody Pessoa pessoa) {\n\t\tPessoa pessoaSalva = pessoaService.atualizar(codigo, pessoa);\n\t\treturn ResponseEntity.ok(pessoaSalva);\n\t}\n\t\n\t@PutMapping(\"/{codigo}/ativo\")\n\t@ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.", "NO_CONTENT)\n\t@PreAuthorize(\"hasAuthority('ROLE_CADASTRAR_PESSOA') and #oauth2.hasScope('write')\")\n\tpublic void atualizarPropriedadeAtivo(@PathVariable Long codigo, @RequestBody Boolean ativo) {\n\t\tpessoaService.atualizarPropriedadeAtivo(codigo, ativo);\n\t}\n\t\n\t@GetMapping\n\t@PreAuthorize(\"hasAuthority('ROLE_PESQUISAR_PESSOA')\")\n\tpublic Page<Pessoa> pesquisar(@RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"%\") String nome, Pageable pageable) {\n\t\treturn pessoaRepository.findByNomeContaining(nome, pageable);\n\t}\n\n}\n" ]
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[ "most live in societies where there is no balance between the feminine and the masculine…causing the flux of conflict between genders and inner selves…Conscious Thought: Intelligent Awareness, by RD Revilo…available at Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble…peace\n\nlearning to learn is the foundation of education…it’s what mother teaches…but if that is all you know (repetition and memorization)…the basement level…how will you reach the penthouse…Conscious Thought: Intelligent Awareness, by RD Revilo….Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble…peace\n\nthere’s more coming…it is the times which we are living, as the population continues to grow…so will the intensity…Conscious Thought: Intelligent Awareness, by RD Revilo…at Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble..peace\n\nsave everyone, that’s what the masons ( Illuminati ) believe about Lucifer, why they favor him as the Sun of God, being the true light…while the popular God is seen as a murderer, tyrant and evil…Conscious Thought: Intelligent Awareness, by RD Revilo….Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble…peace\n\nI wonder if we really ponder about this ‘community’ we refer to as our body…its interaction, its genius, and just who designed it, for it is their genius, the genius of The Engineer…Conscious Thought: Intelligent Awareness, by RD Revilo…at Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble…peace" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.010670731707317074 ]
[ "We are evaluating biomarkers in patients with severe infections that lead to shock and lung dysfunction. ", "Samples are being analyzed in collaboration with collaborators at the University of Tennessee Memphis who have conducted a trial prospectively evaluating the effects of corticosteroids on outcome from septic shock or severe respiratory failure. ", "Our goals are to evaluate biomarkers at the time of study entry and during the course of the illness to determine if there are molecules that will help characterize the patients who are likely to have a beneficial response from corticosteroid therapy. ", "During the last year we have screened samples from patients with documented infection and ARDS for chemokines, cytokines, hemostatic, and growth factors that have been suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of lung injury. ", "We utilized a highly sensitive antibody profiling technology to study autoantibodies in 48 patients with either acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or severe sepsis. ", "57% of ARDS and 46% of septic patients without ARDS had elevated autoantibodies compared to the healthy controls. ", "Frequent high titer antibodies were detected against a spectrum of autoantigens including potassium channel regulator, gastric ATPase, glutamic decarboxylase-65 and several cytokines. ", "Analysis of serial samples revealed that titers of low autoantibodies at early time points rose precipitously and peaked between days 7-14. ", "The rapid induction of autoantibodies in ARDS and severe sepsis suggests that ongoing systemic inflammation and associated tissue destruction mediate the break in tolerance against these self-proteins and may contribute to late term sequela of systemic inflammation. (", "J Transl Med 2010; 8:97) We studied biomarkers in 79 patients receiving methylprednisolone or usual care during early ARDS. ", "Interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, protein C, procalcitonin and proadrenomedullin were measured in archived plasma. ", "We found that the changes in biomarkers changes varied with the precipitating cause of ARDS (infectious vs. noninfectious and pulmonary vs. non-pulmonary etiologies), suggesting that the underlying mechanisms and response to anti-inflammatory therapy may vary with the cause of ARDS. (", "Crit Care Med 2012; 40:495) We are currently evaluating the differential effects of anti-inflammatory therapy on the expression of microRNA species associated with archived samples of peripheral blood cells from patients with ARDS. ", "These molecules may provide insight into mechanisms that are engaged with the initiation of this therapy for severely ill patients. ", "Preliminary analysis of this work has been presented (microRNA Expression in Peripheral Blood Cells from Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Treated with Corticosteroids. ", "American Thoracic Society International Conference, May 16-24, 2014, San Diego, CA )." ]
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[ "Ethological approach to social isolation effects in behavioral studies of laboratory rodents.", "\nThe aim of the present review is to discuss how housing conditions affect behavioral performance in laboratory rodents from an ethological view. ", "Commonly used laboratory rodents such as rats and mice, are originally captured animals that largely retain species-typical natural behaviors, while have fully adapted to a laboratory setting after long-term domestication. ", "Laboratory settings including caging and artificial group housing are a considerable ethological factor influencing rodents' behaviors in commonly employed behavioral test paradigms, including emotional and defensive behaviors, learning and memory, and attention-related behaviors. ", "Particularly, isolation rearing, single-housed in a cage, is referred to a deprivation of social relationships with cagemates, has a substantial impact on behavioral performance in laboratory rodents. ", "In this review, we will fully examine the importance of caging related ethological factors, e.g., social relationships and its deprivation, which are essential for unraveling the nature of housing effect in laboratory rodents. ", "These discussions regarding the housing conditions will provide valuable information for appropriately conducting behavioral studies and interpreting data of rodents' behaviors in neuroscience." ]
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[ "I hope you'll forgive me, but I can't help but be reminded of \"Metal Gear Solid\" and a similar moment when a certain character...uh, cleaned house! ", "But this bloodstained beauty is far more intense. ", "Excellent!" ]
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[ "こんな時は、読書だ。ひと足早く夏休みをとって、大の字になって寝転んで、本を読むに限る。", "\n\n「戦後」には、いつもの夏と同じく蝉が鳴き、隅田川の花火には落雷がかぶり、稲穂は青々と、お盆と甲子園の例年と変わらない日本の夏の光景が眼前に広がっている。", "\n\nあれが21世紀前半の日本を決定づける戦いだった、あの時こそ日本の歴史の分岐点だったと、後日ほぞを噛む思いで振り返ることになるかもしれない、そんな真夏の選挙戦も終わった。", "\n\nそうそうたるメンバーが名を連ねる論集への掲載を、あえて拒否した安倍総理\n\n冒頭を飾るのは、ノーベル経済学賞を受賞した、経済学者のジョセフ・スティグリッツ氏の「崖っぷちの一年」。マイクロソフト会長のビル・ゲイツ氏は「ある楽観主義者のタイムライン」、世界的な投資家のジョージ・ソロス氏は「欧州の落日」という論文を寄稿し、さらに、栄華をきわめるゴールドマン・サックスからは、ジム・オニール氏(GSアセットマネジメント会長)とピーター・サザーランド氏(GSインターナショナル会長)の2人が、それぞれ「新興世界が立ち上がる」「危機に瀕する多角的貿易交渉」という論文を寄稿している。", "\n\n日銀総裁に就任する前の黒田東彦氏は、アジア開発銀行総裁の肩書きで「険しい道を行くアジア」という論考を寄せ、前米国防長官のレオン・パネッタ氏は、米国の戦略について、ずばり「太平洋に軸足を移す米国」というタイトルで綴っている。そして、締めくくりはハーバード大学教授のマイケル・サンデル氏の筆による「市場原理に限界はあるか」。", "\n\nそうそうたるメンバーの論文が並ぶが、この中で、最も価値があるかどうかはともかくとして、間違いなく、最も興味深い論文は、上記の論文のどれでもなく、この叢書を編む段階で漏れた論考である。「セキュリティ・ダイヤモンド構想」。インドまで巻き込んで「中国封じ込め」を訴える「雄大」な構想のこの論考の筆者は、昨年末、総理に就任したばかりの安倍晋三氏。国際言論組織「プロジェクト・シンジケート」のサイトに英文で寄稿し、全世界で読まれたはずの論文を、なぜか邦訳で本にまとめるに際しては、安倍総理サイドが掲載を承諾しなかったという。日本語で、広く日本国民に読んでもらいたいとは思わなかったらしい。", "\n\n英文で書かれたこの「セキュリティ・ダイヤモンド構想」が「プロジェクト・シンジケート」のサイト上に発表されたのは、安倍晋三氏が昨年末の衆院選に勝利して総理に就任して間もない12月27日。その危うさは以前にも指摘したが(【第72号】岩上安身のIWJ特報! ― ", "メディアが報じない『安倍セキュリティダイヤモンド構想』の危険性 〜米国ネオコンの筋書き通りに進む日本の「右傾化」 2013.1.23)、安倍政権が国内で未曾有の政治的勝利をおさめ、国際的に孤立を深めている今、改めて全文を読み返してみると、包囲されているのは中国ではなく、日本ではないのか、と事態の移り行きの速さに眩暈さえ覚える。発表してから、半年強しか時間は経過していないのだ。", "\n\n日本における、獰猛無比な「蝗」(いなご)の復活\n\n「セキュリティ・ダイヤモンド構想」が掲載されていない「世界は考える」を手に取り、頁をめくる。「蝗(いなご)の年」と題された前書きは、こんな印象的な書き出しで始まる。", "\n\n「大恐慌とファシズムの台頭に打ちひしがれ、従来の秩序や価値観が崩壊した1930年代初頭をふりかえって、英国のサー・ウィンストン・チャーチルは『蝗の年』と呼んだ。後世の歴史家はいつか2012年を『蝗に食い尽くされた年』と呼ぶことになるのだろうか」。", "\n\n「蝗」が、侵略と収奪、戦意と暴力の比喩であることは論をまたない。ドイツは一度目の敗戦に懲りなかった。ワイマールの民主主義はもろく、復讐戦への誘惑がナチス台頭を押し上げた。その結果が欧州における「蝗の年」だ。ファシズムの嵐が、蝗のごとく、全欧州を覆った。", "\n\n日本もまた、東アジアにおける獰猛無比な蝗だった。明治維新以後、日清、日露、第一次大戦、日中戦争と、太平洋戦争で大敗を喫するまで、対外戦に負けたことなし、という「戦績」を誇りつつ、アジアへの侵略をほしいままにした。", "\n\n大日本帝国という蝗は、東アジアを食い尽くす前に倒れはしたが、懲りない面々は巣鴨プリズンを出獄して米国のバックアップのもと栄達を果たした。岸信介は安保を改定し、正力松太郎は原発導入を手がけ、その孫らの世代が今、70年近くに渡った日本の「ワイマール」時代に、幕を引こうとしている。", "\n\n「先に手を出すこと」は得策なのか\n\n「世界は考える」の前書き「蝗の年」の続きを読もう。", "\n\n「大恐慌の二の舞いになることは避けられたし、それが実体をともなうものであれ、仮想のものであれ、中国の台頭という脅威は1930年代のファシズムおよび独裁者による恐怖とは比べようもない」。", "\n\n「だが」と、続く。", "\n\n「国際社会が団結し、適切な経済政策をとることでグローバル金融危機を乗り越えるだろうという希望も、いまやかき消されようとしている。(中略)アジアでは東シナ海および南シナ海の領土問題をめぐって地域の安全が脅かされている」。", "\n\n「中国の台頭は脅威」とされつつも、安全を脅かすものが、一方的に中国であると名指しされているわけではないことに、留意する必要がある。紛争はいったん生じれば喧嘩両成敗と見なされる。喧嘩と同じで、その経緯次第では、「先に手を出した」のは誰か、問われることもありうるし、喧嘩の結果、一方的に大きく軍事バランスが傾くようなことは、第三国から歓迎されないのが常である。", "\n\n「セキュリティ・ダイヤモンド構想」の荒唐無稽\n\n安倍総理が、「プロジェクト・シンジケート」のサイトに英文で寄稿し、「世界は考える」邦訳版への掲載を拒絶した、「セキュリティ・ダイヤモンド構想」の中身をひもといてみよう。", "\n\nこの論文は、過激に対中強硬姿勢を打ち出す内容となっている。「南シナ海は『北京の湖』となっていくかのように見える」と、中国の脅威を過剰なまでに煽り、「オーストラリア、インド、日本、米国ハワイによって、インド洋地域から西太平洋に広がる海洋権益を保護するダイヤモンドを形成」して、中国を南シナ海から排除すべきだ、と主張しているのである。", "\n\n今回は、ほぼ全文を取り上げて解説する。全文を紹介したのちに、この論文が掲載されてから以後の、世界の反応、とりわけ最重要な外交・安保のパートナーである米国の反応などを詳述する。少し長くなるが、ぜひ、おつきあい願いたい。(翻訳協力:野村佳男)\n\n※全文(Asia’s Democratic Security Diamond by Shinzo Abe – Project Syndicate)\n\n安倍論文の正式なタイトルは、「Asia’s Democratic Security Diamond」、すなわち、「アジアの民主主義セキュリティダイヤモンド」というものである。", "\n\n「2007年の夏、日本の首相としてインド国会のセントラルホールで演説した」と、安倍総理は、前回の第1次安倍政権の時の記憶から、この論文を書き起こす。続けて、その演説の際に、「『二つの海の交わり』 ─1655年にムガル帝国の皇子ダーラー・シコーが著わした本の題名から引用したフレーズ─ について話した」と、『二つの海の交わり』という本のエピソードを紹介する。", "\n\n安倍総理は、この「二つの海の交わり」というフレーズを引用して話し、「居並ぶ議員の賛同と拍手喝采を得た」と、自画自賛し、さらに、「あれから5年を経て、私は自分の発言が正しかったことをますます強く確信するようになった」と胸を張る。", "\n\n▲In the summer of 2007, addressing the Central Hall of the Indian Parliament as Japan’s prime minister, I spoke of the “Confluence of the Two Seas” – a phrase that I drew from the title of a book written by the Mughal prince Dara Shikoh in 1655 – to the applause and stomping approval of the assembled lawmakers. ", "In the five years since then, I have become even more strongly convinced that what I said was correct.", "\n\nそのうえで、安倍総理は「太平洋における平和、安定、航海の自由は、インド洋における平和、安定、航海の自由と切り離すことはできない。互いの発展はこれまで以上に結びついている」と、太平洋の安全保障とインド洋の安全保障が結びついていると強調する。そして、「アジアにおける最も古い海洋民主国家たる日本は、両地域の共通利益を維持する上でより大きな役割を果たすべきである」と記し、太平洋とインド洋という二つの大洋およびそれに面したエリアで、日本が安全保障面で大きなプレゼンスを発揮すべきだと宣言する。", "\n\n▲Peace, stability, and freedom of navigation in the Pacific Ocean are inseparable from peace, stability, and freedom of navigation in the Indian Ocean. ", "Developments affecting each are more closely connected than ever. ", "Japan, as one of the oldest sea-faring democracies in Asia, should play a greater role in preserving the common good in both regions.", "\n\n「にもかかわらず」と、論文は一転、厳しい筆づかいになる・・・" ]
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[ "Elevated factor XI activity levels are associated with an increased odds ratio for cerebrovascular events.", "\nHigh levels of factor XI have been implicated as a risk factor for deep venous thrombosis and possibly cardiovascular disease; however, the relationship between elevated factor XI activity and stroke has yet to be established. ", "We retrospectively evaluated factor XI activity, factor XI antigen, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) values in samples from 65 patients with stroke, 13 with transient ischemic attack (TIA), and 17 with venous thrombosis, younger than 55 years with normal prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times who underwent evaluation for a hypercoagulable state. ", "Factor XI activity levels were more than normal in 22% of patients with stroke or TIA and 18% of patients with venous thrombosis, producing odds ratios of 5.3 and 4.1 for stroke or TIA and venous thrombosis, respectively. ", "Factor XI activity levels correlate with factor XI antigen levels by Deming regression analysis (slope, 1.3; R = 0.667) and a lack of correlation of both with hs-CRP suggests that factor XI is not an acute phase reactant. ", "Our findings suggest an association between elevated factor XI activity and stroke." ]
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[ "A 62-year-old man with diffuse large B cell lymphoma presented with upper abdominal mass and shortness of breath. ", "General physical examination revealed bilateral cervical, axillary, epitrochlear ([Fig. ", "1](#f1-kjim-2018-218){ref-type=\"fig\"}), and inguinal lymphadenopathy. ", "These nodes were symmetrical, large, discrete, firm, mobile, and nontender. ", "A computed tomographic scan of the chest and abdomen showed gross left sided pleural effusion and a large lobulated lymph nodal mass in the retroperitoneum. ", "He was started on chemotherapy using rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone (R-CHOP).", "\n\nEnlargement of epitrochlear nodes is almost always pathological and usually occurs with disorders causing generalized lymphadenopathy; such as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, human immunodeficiency virus infection, Epstein-Barr virus infection, sarcoidosis, or rarely, syphilis. ", "It provides a useful discriminatory sign in the diagnosis of fever with lymphadenopathy.", "\n\nWritten informed consents were obtained.", "\n\nNo potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.", "\n\n![(", "A) Right epitrochlear lymphadenopathy (arrows). (", "B) Left epitrochlear lymphadenopathy (arrows).](kjim-2018-218f1){#f1-kjim-2018-218}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nturn numbering off, but keep Table of Contents intact?", "\n\nI have a LaTeX template I created for use with Emacs org-mode, to export to PDF via LaTeX using xelatex. ", "\nI don't edit LaTeX directly, I just generate from org-mode. ", "\nThis works perfectly for me except for one thing: it only works when I have heading numbering turned on. ", "\nWhen I turn numbering off in org-mode, by adding this line to my org-mode file...\n#+OPTIONS: num:nil\n\n...LaTeX no longer recognizes my headings as headings. ", "This creates two problems in the resulting PDF: \n\nThe Table of Contents is blank.", "\nThe \\leftmark in the heading shows up as \"Contents\" instead of showing up as the title of the section. ", "\n\nHow do I modify these org-mode preferences such that my I can turn heading numbering off in org-mode while still correctly generating a Table of Contents and adding my section title to the header?", "\nI'm sorry, but I don't know enough about LaTeX to make a minimum representation of this. ", "I have no idea where the problem is. ", "\nHere are the org-mode preferences in question: \nhttp://pastebin.com/62Nugpsg\n\nA:\n\nI had the same problem as you and I tried what @jfbu was suggesting in the comments and this worked with org-mode:\nNear the beginning of your file, add\n#+LaTeX: \\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}\n\n" ]
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[ "How Zaiba Becomes “Pilelo Didi” to Change the Game for Hundreds of Children in a Mysore Slum\n\nThe expressions of the children change when she takes their class in a fun way. ", "Meet Zaiba Taj, the favourite teacher of Haleem Nagar slum kids in Mysore. ", "Here is how she found her own dreams by teaching these young minds.", "\n\nEvery morning, a young woman steps out of her small two-room home, which she shares with her grandmother, parents and three siblings, ready to take on another hectic day at work. ", "As she briskly walks past a row of cramped tenements, a gaggle of enthusiastic children follows her. ", "She takes this opportunity to quickly find out whether they have done their homework and what they plan to do after returning from school.", "\n\nEvery once in a while she stops to talk to some older women to enquire how their little ones are faring in studies and whether they need any guidance. ", "There is something quite charismatic about this girl, who has donned the traditional ‘salwar kameez’ and ‘hijab’ – everyone seems to love her and the respect she commands from the community belies her age.", "\n\nMeet Zaiba Taj, 21, mentor to several hundred children in and around her Haleem Nagar slum in Mysore and a true agent of change, who has not only managed to bring about a positive transformation in her own life but has been able to motivate others like her to follow in her footsteps.", "\n\nZaiba Taj, 21, mentors several hundred children in and around her Haleem Nagar slum in Mysore and is a true agent of change, who has brought about a positive transformation in her own life as well as motivate others like her to follow in her footsteps. (", "Credit: Roshin Varghese\\WFS)\n\nAs someone who has seen her parents struggle to make ends meet, Taj, who belongs to a conservative Muslim family, understands the importance of quality education and gainful employment, something she constantly talks to her young mentees about in her capacity as a Youth Mentor with Magic Bus, a non-government organisation that attempts to move children from poverty by making sure they have the basics they need to grow up well.", "\n\nFounded by Matthew Spacie, the organisation works in 22 states in India and runs a successful youth programme that uses sports and other “fun activities” to impart valuable life lessons.", "\n\nOver the years, Taj has closely observed her grandmother and parents work day-and-night to keep the home fires burning, a harsh reality that has only started to improve since she began working with Magic Bus three years ago. ", "While her grandmother is employed as a mid-day meal cook at a government school, her father is a daily wager who makes Rs 3,000 a month. ", "Her mother is not just burdened with household chores but she tries to take out time to roll ‘beedis’ (country cigarettes) to augment their meagre earnings.", "\n\nOf course, had it not been for Taj’s grandmother, who sat in on a recruitment drive organised by Magic Bus in their neighbourhood, she would never have gotten the chance to turn her life around.", "\n\nRecalls the 50-year-old, who staunchly supports her granddaughter, “The NGO was looking for youngsters who they could train as mentors to talk to children about why they should go to school regularly or the need for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. ", "I felt Zaiba was capable of doing this job, so I suggested her name.”", "\n\nWhat came next for this reticent young woman was an eight-day residential training programme under the guidance of Venkatesh N.T., Programme Manager, Magic Bus, Mysore. ", "Says Venkatesh, “We have been working with children in this city since 2012 and have created a dynamic group of staff and volunteers. ", "We pick potential team members with the help of community elders, parents and teachers. ", "Thereafter, the selected candidates are put through an effective training module. ", "I have watched Zaiba grow from being a shy teenager to a confident young woman, keen to make a real difference.”", "\n\nNaturally, prospective mentors have to first change themselves in order to be able to do the same for those they reach out to. ", "And that’s precisely what the programme equips them to do.", "\n\nZaiba Taj, or ‘pilelo-didi’ as she is known among her mentees, makes it a point to introduce interesting educational games and other sporting activities to make schooling enjoyable for children. (", "Credit: Roshin Varghese\\WFS)\n\nElaborates Mrinalini Sanyal, State Head, Magic Bus-Karnataka, “This intensive programme is designed to create change-makers. ", "At the onset, most youth mentors are quiet. ", "But since the programme is activity driven and focuses on team building, in the end a kind of emotional upheaval happens in them. ", "In a sense, we allow them to explore and evaluate themselves as individuals.” ", "Though it is an immensely empowering experience, Sanyal does admit that “families are not comfortable sending young women for a residential training. ", "Magic Bus staff has to explain everything in great detail before they agree”.", "\n\nTaj is glad that her parents let her follow her dream of “doing something big with her life”. “", "That training was an eye-opener for me. ", "I gained insights into a variety of issues like health, gender and child protection. ", "I came to know the difference between what is right and just and what is unfair. ", "But more importantly, I learnt how to express myself. ", "There was a time when I couldn’t step outside the home on my own or speak freely with my peers. ", "These days, I am not afraid of approaching the area municipal corporator if the need arises and can effortlessly address a large gathering,” she remarks with a smile.", "\n\nAmong the several duties that fill her busy six-day work schedule the time she spends at the HUDCO government school at Bannimantap is perhaps the most precious to her.", "\n\nShe does not mind trudging for nearly four kilometres to interact with 320 students four days in the week.", "\n\nIncidentally, Taj trades her ‘hijab’ for a blue T-shirt, trainers and peaked cap while at school, where “pilelo-didi”, as she is known among her mentees, makes it a point to introduce interesting educational games and other sporting activities to make schooling enjoyable.", "\n\nZaiba Taj, who belongs to a conservative Muslim family, understands the importance of quality education and gainful employment, something she constantly talks to her young mentees about. (", "Credit: Roshin Varghese\\WFS)\n\n“The curriculum developed by Magic Bus is fun and every week we do something different during our sessions so that the children are engaged enough to keep coming back to school,” explains Taj.", "\n\nSo much so, that besides students, teachers at the government school also look forward to overseeing her interactive sessions that are held in the playground.", "\n\nStella Kumari, who teaches Classes One and Two, and her colleague, A.K. Gunavathi, who takes Class Three, acknowledge Taj’s contribution, “When we instruct them using textbooks the children learn concepts in theory. ", "But Zaiba teaches them the same subject from a practical point of view, which reinforces their knowledge.”", "\n\nAdds Parvathi, who teaches Class five, “Every week there is some new activity and so there is a great deal of curiosity among my students regarding what they are going to learn when they go out of the classroom.”", "\n\nFor Fatima, the Urdu teacher, it’s the expressions of her pupils that are priceless, “You should see the way our children’s expressions change when they see Zaiba; the sheer joy is rewarding. ", "Her powers of persuasion are so incredible that no parent complains when she gets the girls to join in the football matches she organises, despite it being a sport for boys.”", "\n\nApart from visiting the HUDCO school, Taj spends time in Haleem Nagar conducting after-school workshops and visiting homes of children who are absent from school. ", "In fact, attendance at HUDCO school has gone up by 20 per cent in the last three years thanks to her relentless efforts.", "\n\nHer work as a youth mentor has not only helped Zaiba gain insights into issues like health, gender and child protection, but also given her the confidence to express herself and effortlessly address a large gathering. (", "Credit: Roshin Varghese\\WFS)\n\nOn Sundays, too, she holds meetings with the Community Youth Leaders in the area, exchanging notes and evaluating their work. ", "Currently, through its three-tiered structure, which comprises six Team Monitoring Officers, 30 Youth Mentors like Taj, and over 550 honorary Community Youth Leaders, Magic Bus is reaching out to 20,263 children across Mysore.", "\n\nTaj’s ambitions do not end with her success as a Youth Mentor. ", "She hopes to complete her Bachelor of Arts degree soon and has been religiously saving up from her Rs 7,500 monthly salary to be able to buy things for the two most important women in her life – her grandmother and mother. “", "Zaiba is an ideal Youth Mentor and the kind of changes she has brought about in her locality are simply amazing. ", "Leading by example, she continues to inspire many young people to improve their lives,” signs off Venkatesh.", "\n\nStay In Touch\n\nAbout\n\nThe Better India is an attempt to bring out the happy stories, the unsung heroes (and heroines!), ", "the small good deeds, and showcase them to the world. ", "Over here, you will read about the incremental progress being made by the people of this country, the developments happening on the social and economic front. ", "Click here to read more about our work and the impact we have created so far." ]
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[ "[Art. ", "114] Dueling.", "\n\nAny person subject to this code who fights or promotes, or is concerned in or connives at fighting a duel, or who, having knowledge of a challenge sent or about to be sent, fails to report the fact promptly to the proper authority, shall be punished as a court martial may direct." ]
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[ "KFC Teamed Up with ‘Drunk History’ to Tell the Tale of Colonel Sanders\n\nIn the comedy world, the term “branded content” often signifies jokes that are dead on arrival. ", "Authentically funny comedy usually requires a bit of risk—and risk is something many major brands aren’t willing to take. ", "One such risk would be putting the tale of your founder in the hands of a couple of drunk guys, but during last night’s episode of the Comedy Central series Drunk History, KFC sponsored a segment that gave Colonel Sanders the full drunk treatment, with Steve Agee (The Sarah Silverman Program, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. ", "2) in the title role.", "\n\nIn many ways, this team-up between Drunk History and KFC actually makes plenty of sense—and not just because fried chicken makes for great drunk food. ", "Back in 2015, KFC launched what became an ongoing ad campaign featuring a rotating cast of characters—mostly comedians—taking over the role of Colonel Sanders, with each performer adding their own bizarre spin to the chain’s real-life founder. ", "Though ostensibly none of these people were drunk during their appearances, the commercials aren’t that far off from Drunk History’s approach of using random celebrities to play historical figures. ", "Plus, getting back to that “great drunk food” thing, let’s be honest: KFC’s target demographic and the Drunk History audience probably have some overlap.", "\n\n“We think it tells the story with a wink and a nod in way that people will be entertained,” Steve Kelly, director of media and digital for KFC U.S., told Adweek. “", "We’re not just taking advantage of their audience. ", "It’s a win for both sides.\"", "\n\nMeanwhile, due to the negative connotation of branded content, comedians can also be wary of these sorts of projects. ", "But Michelle Zoni, who works with Comedy Central’s parent company Viacom, explained why, in this case, the partnership made sense. “", "Drunk History, as a show, really believes in telling interesting, and in some cases, well-known and in other cases little-known stories from history in an entertaining and humorous way,” Zoni was quoted as saying. “", "We knew Drunk History was the perfect fit. ", "And that’s not something we can say often given the nature of the show.”", "\n\nOf course, whether you think the resulting two-and-a-half-minute ad is actually funny is up to you. ", "It probably depends on how you feel about Drunk History—which has now been on Comedy Central for a somewhat remarkable five seasons—to begin with. ", "That said, if Steve Agee was on your short list of comedians you’re upset haven’t gotten a chance to handle the Colonel Sanders role, this is the branded content of your dreams." ]
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[ "Απάντησε η Άγκυρα στο κοινό ανακοινωθέν Κύπρου – Ελλάδας – Αιγύπτου. ", "Ο εκπρόσωπος του τουρκικού ΥΠΕΞ Χαμί Ακσόι τονίζει ότι δεν δέχεται τη διακήρυξη. ", "Κάνει επίθεση στην Ελλάδα την οποία χαρακτηρίζει ανειλικρινή. ", "Μιλάει για μαξιμαλιστικές και παράνομες πολιτικές.", "\n\nΔεν άρεσε στην Άγκυρα το κοινό ανακοινωθέν Κύπρου – Ελλάδας – Αιγύπτου μετά τη συνάντηση των τριών υπουργών Εξωτερικών στη Νέα Υόρκη που καταδίκαζε την τουρκική επιθετικότητα και εξέδωσε μια οργισμένη ανακοίνωση.", "\n\nΟ εκπρόσωπος του τουρκικού υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Χαμί Ακσόι, σύμφωνα με ρεπορτάζ του δημοσιογράφου Μανώλη Κωστίδη, απορρίπτει τη διακήρυξη και επιτίθεται σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο. ", "Μάλιστα χαρακτηρίζει την Ελλάδα ανειλικρινή και τονίζει ότι «στην ανατολική Μεσόγειο θα συνεχίσουμε μέχρι τέλους, να υποστηρίζουμε τα δικαιώματα μας και των Τουρκοκυπρίων».", "\n\nΑναλυτικά τα όσα είπε ο Χαμί Ακσόι:\n\n«Αρνούμαστε τους αβάσιμους ισχυρισμούς που συμπεριλαμβάνονται στην κοινή ανακοίνωση που εκδόθηκε μετά τη συνάντηση των Υπουργών Εξωτερικών της Αιγύπτου, της Ελλάδος και της Ελληνοκυπριακής Διοίκησης ( Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία).", "\n\nΔεν έχει όφελος για την ειρήνη και τη σταθερότητα στην ανατολική Μεσόγειο, η προσπάθεια της Ελλάδος και της Ελληνοκυπριακής Διοίκησης να εντάξουν στις μαξιμαλιστικές και στις παράνομες πολιτικές τους και τις χώρες της Ε.Ε. αλλά και τις χώρες τις περιοχής.", "\n\nΟι χώρες τις περιοχής δεν έχουν ούτε την αρμοδιότητα, ούτε την ευθύνη αλλά ούτε λόγια να πουν για τα προβλήματα του Αιγαίου ούτε στο ζήτημα της Κύπρου.", "\n\nΣτην ανατολική Μεσόγειο δεν έχουν καμία τύχη οι προσπάθειες που γίνονται με πολιτική σκοπιμότητα κι έχουν στόχο να αγνοούν την Τουρκία και τους Τουρκοκυπριους και να τους αφομοιώσουν.", "\n\nΕπίσης είναι μια απόδειξη της ανειλικρίνειας της Ελλάδος που από τη μια στέλνει μηνύματα συνεργασίας και από την άλλη για τη χώρα μας εκφράζει αβάσιμους ισχυρισμούς.", "\n\nΚαλούμε τις χώρες αυτές να έρθουν αντιμέτωπες με την πολιτική, οικονομική και γεωγραφική πραγματικότητα της περιοχής και να ασκήσουν πολιτική που να αρμόζει με την πραγματικότητα αυτή.", "\n\nΔεν υπάρχει άλλος τρόπος σταθερότητας στην ανατολική Μεσόγειο. ", "αλλά και δίκαιης και μόνιμης επίλυσης του Κυπριακού.", "\n\nΣτην περιοχή αυτή δεν θα επιρροή και ισχύ τα σχέδια τα οποία δεν θα περιλαμβάνουν την Τουρκία και τους Τουρκοκύπριους.", "\n\nΣτην ανατολική Μεσόγειο θα συνεχίσουμε μέχρι τέλους, να υποστηρίζουμε τα δικαιώματα μας και των Τουρκοκυπρίων».", "\n\nΠηγή: Newsit" ]
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[ "About Alexandria Real Estate Equities (NYSE:ARE)\n\nAlexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. is a real estate investment (REIT). ", "The Company is engaged in the business of providing space for lease to the life science and technology industries. ", "It focuses on collaborative life science and technology campuses. ", "It develops urban cluster campuses and ecosystems. ", "As of December 31, 2016, the Company had 199 properties in North America. ", "As of December 31, 2016, its asset base in North America consisted of 25.2 million square feet, including 19.9 million rentable square feet/foot (RSF) of operating properties, and development and redevelopment of under construction or pre-construction, as well as 5.3 million square feet of future ground-up development projects. ", "Its properties are located in various areas, including Greater Boston, San Francisco, New York City, San Diego, Seattle, Maryland and Research Triangle Park. ", "Its properties include Alexandria Technology Square, Alexandria Park at 128 and Alexandria Technology Center-Gateway.", "\n\nReceive ARE News and Ratings via Email\n\nSign-up to receive the latest news and ratings for ARE and its competitors with MarketBeat's FREE daily newsletter.", "\n\nMiscellaneous\n\nAlexandria Real Estate Equities (NYSE:ARE) Frequently Asked Questions\n\nWhat is Alexandria Real Estate Equities' stock symbol?", "\n\nAlexandria Real Estate Equities trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker symbol \"ARE.\"", "\n\nHow often does Alexandria Real Estate Equities pay dividends? ", "What is the dividend yield for Alexandria Real Estate Equities?", "\n\nAlexandria Real Estate Equities declared a quarterly dividend on Tuesday, December 5th. ", "Stockholders of record on Friday, December 29th will be paid a dividend of $0.90 per share on Monday, January 15th. ", "This represents a $3.60 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 3.04%. ", "The ex-dividend date is Thursday, December 28th. ", "This is an increase from Alexandria Real Estate Equities's previous quarterly dividend of $0.86. ", "View Alexandria Real Estate Equities' Dividend History.", "\n\nHow were Alexandria Real Estate Equities' earnings last quarter?", "\n\nAlexandria Real Estate Equities Inc (NYSE:ARE) announced its quarterly earnings data on Monday, January, 29th. ", "The real estate investment trust reported $0.38 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, missing analysts' consensus estimates of $1.54 by $1.16. ", "The real estate investment trust earned $298.79 million during the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $293.63 million. ", "Alexandria Real Estate Equities had a return on equity of 3.08% and a net margin of 14.77%. ", "Alexandria Real Estate Equities's revenue was up 19.9% on a year-over-year basis. ", "During the same quarter in the prior year, the firm posted $1.42 earnings per share. ", "View Alexandria Real Estate Equities' Earnings History.", "\n\nWhen will Alexandria Real Estate Equities make its next earnings announcement?", "\n\nWhat guidance has Alexandria Real Estate Equities issued on next quarter's earnings?", "\n\nAlexandria Real Estate Equities issued an update on its FY18 earnings guidance on Monday, January, 29th. ", "The company provided EPS guidance of $6.45-6.65 for the period, compared to the Thomson Reuters consensus EPS estimate of $6.56.", "\n\nWhere is Alexandria Real Estate Equities' stock going? ", "Where will Alexandria Real Estate Equities' stock price be in 2018?", "\n\nAre investors shorting Alexandria Real Estate Equities?", "\n\nAlexandria Real Estate Equities saw a increase in short interest during the month of January. ", "As of January 12th, there was short interest totalling 8,784,633 shares, an increase of 453.0% from the December 29th total of 1,588,588 shares. ", "Based on an average trading volume of 1,126,693 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 7.8 days. ", "Currently, 9.3% of the company's shares are sold short.", "\n\nHow do I buy Alexandria Real Estate Equities stock?", "\n\nShares of Alexandria Real Estate Equities can be purchased through any online brokerage account. ", "Popular online brokerages with access to the U.S. stock market include Vanguard Brokerage Services, TD Ameritrade, E*TRADE, Scottrade, Fidelity and Charles Schwab.", "\n\nWhat is Alexandria Real Estate Equities' stock price today?", "\n\nOne share of Alexandria Real Estate Equities stock can currently be purchased for approximately $118.43.", "\n\nHow big of a company is Alexandria Real Estate Equities?", "\n\nAlexandria Real Estate Equities has a market capitalization of $11.99 billion and generates $1.13 billion in revenue each year. ", "The real estate investment trust earns $169.09 million in net income (profit) each year or $1.57 on an earnings per share basis. ", "Alexandria Real Estate Equities employs 323 workers across the globe.", "\n\nMarketBeat Community Rating for Alexandria Real Estate Equities (ARE)\n\nMarketBeat's community ratings are surveys of what our community members think about Alexandria Real Estate Equities and other stocks. ", "Vote \"Outperform\" if you believe the stock will outperform the S&P 500 over the long term. ", "Vote \"Underperform\" if you believe the stock will underperform the S&P 500 over the long term. ", "You may vote once every thirty days.", "\n\nAlexandria Real Estate Equities (NYSE:ARE) Analysts' Consensus Rating\n\nMarketBeat calculates consensus analyst ratings for company stocks using the most recent rating from each brokerage that has rated a stock within the last twelve months. ", "Since brokers often use different ratings systems, each rating is normalized to a standardized rating score of 1 (sell), 2 (hold), 3 (buy) or 4 (strong buy). ", "Analyst consensus ratings scores are calculated using the mean average of the number of normalized sell, hold, buy and strong buy ratings from Wall Street analysts. ", "Each stock's consensus analyst rating is derived from its calculated consensus ratings score (0-1.5 = Sell, 1.5-2.5 = Hold, 2.5-3.5 = Buy, >3.5 = Strong Buy). ", "MarketBeat's consensus price targets are a mean average of the most recent available price targets set by each analyst that has set a price target for the stock in the last twelve months.", "\n\nMarketBeat will no longer include ratings and price target data in its consensus calculation if a broker drops coverage and MarketBeat has received a report that coverage was dropped. ", "Ratings from certain research firms that issue ratings using purely quantitative methods (such as Zacks, Vetr and ValuEngine) are not included in consensus calculations. ", "MarketBeat's consensus ratings and consensus price targets may differ from those calculated by other firms due to differences in methodology and available data." ]
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[ "AMP POWER CO\n\nHours of Operation\n\nMonday to Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM\n\nSaturday 9:00 AM – 1:00PM\n\nSunday Closed\n\nPayment Options:\n\nBefore:\n\nAfter:\n\nExperts in Industrial Batteries\n\nHigh Power Battery for Your Engine\n\nFor heavy duty industrial and automotive batteries, turn to AMP POWER\nCO in Fairfield, CA. ", "Visit our store today and take a look at our products;\nwe are sure we will find the product to suit your battery needs. ", "We\nkeep your engines moving and in good working condition.", "\n\nPromoting Environment-Friendly Services\n\nAutomotive batteries contain materials that can be harmful to the\nenvironment; that is why proper waste disposal of batteries should be\nimplemented. ", "We have been at the forefront of battery recycling and\ndisposal and in turn fulfill our commitment to help keep California\nclean and safe for generations to come. ", "Take part in this role as well.", "\nAllow us to properly dispose your old lead acid batteries, bring them to us and get $$ cash for them.", "\n\nCall Our Store Today\n\nDo you need a new battery for your forklift, vehicle, motorhome,\nmotorcycle, computer, or Solar System? ", "Give us a call now at (707) 428-6066.", "\nOur friendly sales representatives will help you get the battery you\nneed. ", "We provide free battery evaluation and installation." ]
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[ "The present invention relates to a transport container system, in particular for bulk goods, comprising a stackable transport container, preferably a crate, which may be of the collapsible or non-collapsible type. ", "This type of crate is known and used in particular for transporting bulk goods such as fruit and vegetables. ", "The term bulk goods as used in the context of the present invention shall denote a unit of goods to be transported which consists of discrete pieces of a minimum size between 0.5 cm and 1.0 cm.", "\nThe non-collapsible and collapsible containers of the prior art, in particular crates, for transporting fruit and vegetables are made of cardboard, wood or plastic. ", "The special feature of collapsible transport containers is that their side walls can be moved down onto the inner bottom surface of the transport containers, which results in a volume reduction of the empty transport container. ", "When folding the container up again, the side wall elements will be arranged perpendicular (at 90°) to the inner bottom surface and will be detachably connected to each other through various means. ", "While the bottom surface of the transport containers is of a defined size, there are containers which have side walls of different heights, in which two or four side wall elements have the same height, to allow different transport volumes to be obtained. ", "Furthermore, on their upper side facing away from the bottom surface, the side wall elements are provided with a profile or a means to make them stackable. ", "In order to increase the stability of the transport containers, especially as regards their stackability, these are preferably reinforced at their corners. ", "The maximum volumetric capacity of the prior art transport containers is defined by the size of the bottom surface and the height of the side wall elements. ", "For a higher volumetric capacity, the transport containers must have different and higher side wall elements. ", "This does not allow for a fast adjustment of their volumetric capacity to changing consumer demands.", "\nThe sizes of certain kinds of fruit and vegetables will vary from one harvest season to the next depending on different factors, for example during their growth period. ", "The sizes of fruit or vegetables to be packaged are specified in EC regulations. ", "The varying sizes of the bulk goods to be transported are thus a known problem in the transport of bulk goods such as fruit and vegetables which makes optimal filling of transport containers difficult. ", "In order to cope with the varying demands posed by the bulk goods, the transport containers, in particular crates, are machine-produced in certain sizes which are also determined by the production line and/or by the production parameters selected. ", "This makes it impossible to rapidly change the size—and thus the volumetric capacity—of a vast number of transport containers so as to ensure optimal filling of the containers based on the size of the bulk goods without major logistic transport problems or a time-consuming change-over of production lines and resulting high costs.", "\nThe above mentioned problem will crop up with the prior art transport containers especially when relatively easy-to-produce cardboard packaging for transporting bulk goods such as fruit and vegetables is replaced with returnable containers made of plastic or a material similarly suitable for this purpose which are friendlier to the environment but also more complex and costly in production. ", "An ideal adjustment of the transport containers to the size of the bulk goods to be transported will prove especially complex and difficult in the case of the prior art returnable plastic containers. ", "For maximum utilization of the means of transport, the transport containers can be stacked which allows a vast number of them to be transported in large containers, on loading areas, in goods wagons or similar means of transport. ", "The bulk goods thus transported must not protrude above the upper edge of the transport containers since this would interfere with the stacking of the transport containers or otherwise damage the bulk goods. ", "As a consequence, the volumetric capacity of the prior art transport containers cannot be fully utilized in many instances.", "\nThe applicant's returnable transport containers, the technical term for which is “round trip containers”, come in at least ten different designs which differ in the height of their side wall elements. ", "The heights of the side wall elements range between 8 cm and 28 cm, with heights of 8 cm, 10 cm, 13 cm, 15 cm, 16 cm, 18 cm, 20 cm and 23 cm being preferably used. ", "The bases of these transport containers are preferably rectangular in shape and their external measurements are preferably 600 mm×400 mm. ", "This is approximately an integer fraction of the size of the surface area of standard Euro and U.S. pallets. ", "However, transport containers of a different size, for example 400 mm×300 mm, are also used.", "\nNL 93 00 986 discloses a container having at least one bottom element and one wall element. ", "Provided on the wall element are projections which can be made to engage in recesses provided in the bottom element to connect the wall element to the bottom element. ", "It is furthermore disclosed in NL 93 00 986 how a circumferential one-piece frame may be placed on a container to enlarge its volume which is delimited by the wall element and the bottom element.", "\nDE 103 26 574 A1 discloses a transport container, in particular for transporting bulk goods such as fruit and vegetables, comprising a collapsible or non-collapsible stackable crate having a bottom element as well as four side wall elements of a pressure- and/or load-resistant structure. ", "For increasing the volumetric capacity of the transport container, an attachment unit is provided whose shape corresponds to that of the side wall elements and which can be placed on top of the side wall elements of the crate. ", "The attachment unit has been designed to form a closed frame which can be folded at its diagonal corners. ", "The foldable attachment unit is preferably made of cardboard and will be disposed of after use. ", "The side wall elements of the crate and the side wall elements of the attachment unit can be snapped into mutual engagement when the attachment unit is put on top of the crate, and can be released again when the attachment unit is taken off.", "\nUS 2004/0222222 A1 discloses a collapsible transport container which is adjustable in height. ", "The transport container has a base which also constitutes the bottom surface of the transport container. ", "The transport container furthermore includes a pair of long side walls extending opposite each other and a pair of short side walls extending opposite each other, with extension walls being provided on each of the side walls. ", "Together with the extension walls, the short and the long side walls can be folded down onto the base to reduce the volume of the empty transport container to a minimum. ", "The short side walls and the long side walls can be arranged so as to extend perpendicular to the bottom surface in which position they will then be locked with each other by means of locking elements provided on the short side walls. ", "If required, long extension walls may be folded out from the long side walls and short extension walls may be folded out from the short side walls so as to form—in a first embodiment—upwards extensions each of the long and of the short side walls. ", "Once folded out, the extension walls will be mutually locked, by means of additional locking elements disposed in the short extension walls, so as to form a frame.", "\nThe attachment unit can thus be taken off and disposed at the place of delivery. ", "Once it has been emptied and cleaned, the reusable crate may for example be folded and stacked and will then be ready for future use for which no attachment units, attachment units of a different height or the same attachment units but a different amount thereof may be required. ", "In most cases, it therefore makes more sense to store the crates separately from the attachment units. ", "This leads to various costs, on the one hand for producing the attachment units and on the other hand for storing crates and attachment units separately, with the increased expenditure being incurred both at the place where the crates are filled and at the place where they are made. ", "Additional costs will also be incurred at the place where the crates with the attachment units are emptied, due to the disposal of the cardboard attachment units." ]
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[ "In recent years, as semiconductor processes become finer, transfer patterns for use in photolithographies of semiconductor processes have rapidly become finer. ", "In the next generation, microfabrication at 70 nm to 45 nm, and further, microfabrication at 32 nm or less will be demanded. ", "In order to meet the demand for microfabrication at 32 nm or less, for example, the development of an exposure apparatus in which a system for generating EUV light at a wavelength of approximately 13 nm is combined with a reduced projection reflective optical system is expected.", "\nThree types of EUV light generation systems have been proposed, which include an LPP (laser produced plasma) type system using plasma generated by irradiating a target material with a laser beam, a DPP (discharge produced plasma) type system using plasma generated by electric discharge, and an SR (synchrotron radiation) type system using orbital radiation." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to sample from a multivariate normal given the $P^T LDL^T P$ decomposition of $\\Sigma$?", "\n\nHow to sample from a multivariate normal given the $P^TLDL^TP$ decomposition of $\\Sigma$, and $\\mu$?", "\nHere, $P$ is a permutation matrix, $L$ is lower-triangular, and $D$ is diagonal\nGiven the Cholesky decomposition $LL^T$ of $\\Sigma$, and $\\mu$, we can sample by doing:\n$sample = \\mu + L * z$\n... where $z$ is a vector of univariate standard normals.", "\nI imagine that there must be some way of tweaking this formula to work with the $P^TLDL^TP$ decomposition, but my maths isn't quite good enough to see how to do that?", "\n\nA:\n\nWith credit to whuber, I'm just typing up the exchange in the comments so that this question is marked as having an answer.", "\nWe can write $$\nP^\\prime \\Lambda D \\Lambda^\\prime P=LL^\\prime\n$$\nand $\nL=P^\\prime\\Lambda\\sqrt{D}\n$ where we understand $\\sqrt{D}$ to be the square root of the diagonal of $D$. The only requirement for this to work is that $LL^\\prime=\\Sigma,$ so it's not important in this instance that $L=P^\\prime\\Lambda\\sqrt{D}$ may be permuted.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Annetorp\n\nAnnetorp is a neighbourhood of Malmö, situated in the Borough of Limhamn-Bunkeflo, Malmö Municipality, Skåne County, Sweden.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Neighbourhoods of Malmö" ]
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[ "Ssc is one of the remarkable examination for the requirement for govt. ", "jobs in India. ", "In India if you want to crack the ssc examination you are at the right platform. ", "We brilliant academy of learning has a nice team of faculties and their experienced concepts . ", "Our students have a higher strike perc...\n\nThe Program trains an 8th class student in imbibing the fundamental of subjects and development of personality. ", "The course will lay Strong Foundation & Preliminary Preparation for various Competitive Exams like IIT-JEE, AIPMT, and Olympiads etc.", "\n\nThe Program trains an 8th class student in imbibing the fundamental of subjects and development of personality. ", "The course will lay Strong Foundation & Preliminary Preparation for various Competitive Exams like IIT-JEE, AIPMT, and Olympiads etc.", "\n\nPost Graduate Diploma in Data Science (PGDDS) full time training program conducted by experts at Manipal Prolearn. ", "Enroll Now for Data Science Course in Kolkata. ", "Program Benefits: Learn about Big Data and Machine Learning from the foundation to advanced level. ", "Become an expert in Big Data Technolog...\n\nCoffee Maker Walmart The brewing processes very much resemble one another. ", "But the truth is that the slightest difference in the brewing process means a huge difference in the taste of the coffee made.ona coffee is grown on the island of Hawaii, also known as the Big Island. ", "Coffee was first brought...\n\nCatalyseR is a High Profile educational Institute started by experienced Faculty with new ideas to facilitate IIT JEE (Mains) +(advanced) and for other competitive exam like NTSE, with the highest level of expertise to achieve the goal. ", "CatalyseR is a synonym of success. 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[ "Field\nThe present disclosure relates generally to the field of connectors, and more particularly, to connectors with a simple structure, low manufacturing cost, capable of providing a variety of ways of connections, and capable of providing output in multiple directions.", "\nBackground\nConnectors are components that provide connection and isolation functions among electrical or battery terminals. ", "As connectors can be applied in extensive fields, such as transportation, communication, network, information technology (IT), medical care, and household electrical appliances, connectors have numerous different types. ", "Moreover, one type of connector may be vastly different from another type of connector in structure.", "\nConnectors are also basic components of complete lithium battery packs, battery cabinets, and battery systems for electric automobiles. ", "Because different battery packs may have different ways and directions of connections, connectors are required to be able to provide a variety of ways of connections and, at the same time, to provide output in multiple directions, so as to be adapted to various circumstances and expand the application range of the connectors.", "\nConventional connectors, however, do not meet the above-mentioned requirements. ", "They can only provide one way of connection, for example, only provide a cable connection, or only provide a busbar connection. ", "It can be difficult to perfectly integrate several different ways of connection. ", "Moreover, conventional connectors can only achieve output in one direction. ", "As a result, the application range of the conventional connectors has been greatly restricted. ", "Meanwhile, conventional connectors further have drawbacks of complex structure and high manufacturing cost.", "\nIn light of this, it is indeed necessary to provide a connector with simple structure, low manufacturing cost, capable of providing a variety of ways of connections, and capable of providing output in multiple directions." ]
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[ "Barrows: 49ers, Shanahan could go after Kirk Cousins\n\nfollow By Site Staff Jan 19, 2017 at 4:09 PM •\n\n\n\n\n\nOf course, the demand for Cousins will depend on what Washington decides to do with the quarterback and you can bet a number of teams in need of a new signal-caller, including the San Francisco 49ers, will be keeping an eye on the situation.", "\n\n\n\nMatt Barrows of the Sacramento Bee\n\n\n\nThis year's crop of quarterbacks in the NFL Draft is not rated very high, which will likely work in favor of Cousins and other potential NFL quarterbacks available in free agency or via a trade.", "\n\n\n\nThere is still a chance that Washington places the franchise tag on Cousins, which would likely force teams to abandon any attempt to acquire the quarterback. ", "That would keep Cousins with Washington for another year at the cost of about $24 million.", "\n\n\n\nWill the 49ers go after Cousins? \"", "If he becomes available on the free agent market, I think they do,\" Barrows said on KNBR. \"", "They've got the salary cap space to go after him and they've got the need. ", "Those two things line up as does the fact that Shanahan was the offensive coordinator when Washington drafted Cousins.", "\n\n\n\n\"The question becomes, 'What happens if Washington franchises Kirk Cousins?' ", "I don't think that the 49ers, given all of the various position groups that need to be filled, would be keen on giving up even one draft pick or high round draft pick for Kirk Cousins, much less two. ", "I think it's only if he becomes an unrestricted free agent, would they throw their name into the hat for Kirk Cousins.\"", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIn 2016, Cousins had the best season of his career, completing 67-percent of his passes for 4,917 yards and throwing 25 touchdowns compared to 12 interceptions. ", "In 2015, Cousins threw 29 touchdowns while completing nearly 70-percent of his passes. ", "Washington Redskins quarterback Kirk Cousins is scheduled to become a free agent. ", "His former offensive coordinator and now head coach of the Los Angeles Rams, Sean McVay, went on WTEM this week and called Cousins \"a guy you can absolutely win a championship with.", "\"Of course, the demand for Cousins will depend on what Washington decides to do with the quarterback and you can bet a number of teams in need of a new signal-caller, including the San Francisco 49ers, will be keeping an eye on the situation.", "Matt Barrows of the Sacramento Bee joined KNBR on Wednesday and believes that the 49ers, with the reported hiring of Atlanta Falcons offense coordinator Kyle Shanahan to be their new head coach , could be interested in Cousins. ", "Shanahan was the offensive coordinator for Washington when the team drafted Cousins in 2012. ", "Although, Cousins only started four games for Washington while Shanahan was there.", "This year's crop of quarterbacks in the NFL Draft is not rated very high, which will likely work in favor of Cousins and other potential NFL quarterbacks available in free agency or via a trade.", "There is still a chance that Washington places the franchise tag on Cousins, which would likely force teams to abandon any attempt to acquire the quarterback. ", "That would keep Cousins with Washington for another year at the cost of about $24 million.", "Will the 49ers go after Cousins? \"", "If he becomes available on the free agent market, I think they do,\" Barrows said on KNBR. \"", "They've got the salary cap space to go after him and they've got the need. ", "Those two things line up as does the fact that Shanahan was the offensive coordinator when Washington drafted Cousins.", "\"The question becomes, 'What happens if Washington franchises Kirk Cousins?' ", "I don't think that the 49ers, given all of the various position groups that need to be filled, would be keen on giving up even one draft pick or high round draft pick for Kirk Cousins, much less two. ", "I think it's only if he becomes an unrestricted free agent, would they throw their name into the hat for Kirk Cousins.", "\"You can listen to the entire interview on KNBR.In 2016, Cousins had the best season of his career, completing 67-percent of his passes for 4,917 yards and throwing 25 touchdowns compared to 12 interceptions. ", "In 2015, Cousins threw 29 touchdowns while completing nearly 70-percent of his passes.", "\n\nMore San Francisco 49ers News\n\nGeorge Kittle could play vs. Jets even if he doesn't practice, says 49ers' Kyle Shanahan\n\nBy David Bonilla Sep 16, 2020\n\nA San Francisco 49ers player rarely suits up for a game without practicing during the days leading up to that game. ", "George Kittle is a rare tight end, though. ", "Head coach Kyle Shanahan confirmed that Kittle wouldn't practice Wednesday or Thursday. ", "The tight end may not practice until Friday, and even that is not a certainty. ", "That doesn't mean the New York Jets won't have to game plan for him, though. \"", "Kittle, he's battling,\" Shanahan told reporters before Wednesday's practice. \"", "We thought it would be alright. ", "He woke up the next day a little sore. ", "He fully expects to be there Sunday, like he always does. ", "Just like he always plays through the game when it happens.\" ", "Kittle suffered a knee sprain on a hit from safety Budda Baker during Sunday's loss to\n\nKyle Shanahan says Jimmy Garoppolo, offense have to play better after 49ers' loss to Cardinals\n\nBy Kirk Larrabee Sep 13, 2020\n\nThere's plenty of blame to go around for the 49ers' 24-20 loss to the Arizona Cardinals on Sunday, but one place the team will need to find some answers in a hurry is on offense, particularly in the passing game. ", "On the surface, the numbers the 49ers put up through the air on Sunday don't look too bad, with starting quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo finishing with 259 yards, two touchdowns, zero interceptions, and a 103.0 rating on 19 of 33 passing. ", "But on Sunday there were certainly some inconsistencies in Garoppolo's game, which showed up on third and fourth downs in particular. ", "The 49ers converted just two of 11 third-down opportunities on Sunday, while also falling short on each of their two chances on fourth down. ", "One of Garoppolo's touchdown passes came on a\n\n49ers rookie Javon Kinlaw explains why he wishes he could sack Jimmy Garoppolo\n\nBy David Bonilla Sep 5, 2020\n\nSan Francisco 49ers rookie defensive tackle Javon Kinlaw is looking to be a game-wrecker during his pro career. ", "He is looking forward to frustrating opposing offensive linemen, making running backs feel like they are hitting a brick wall, and making quarterbacks run for their lives. ", "Kinlaw joined Training Camp Rewind this week, and team reporter Keiana Martin asked the rookie defender which quarterback he is most looking forward to sacking. ", "His answer might surprise you. \"", "Jimmy, honestly,\" Kinlaw responded. \"", "My own quarterback.\" ", "Now, Kinlaw isn't going to be sacking Jimmy Garoppolo any time soon. ", "They are teammates, after all. ", "So why did Kinlaw name his own team's" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGetting the \"locked\" state of a file on macOS\n\nOne can lock a file against deletion, via the Finder's Get Info window.", "\nI need to determine this lock state from within my program. ", "I need a modern (64 bit savvy) C/ObjC/Swift API operation that lets me do that.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt's the NSURLIsUserImmutableKey resource key. ", "Sneaky, because the documentation makes no mention of \"lock\".", "\nSo, to get the lock state, use this code:\n- (BOOL)isLocked {\n NSNumber *result;\n if ([self.url getResourceValue:&result forKey:NSURLIsUserImmutableKey error:nil]) {\n return result.boolValue;\n }\n return NO;\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWho made the Dyson's sphere in Star Trek TNG?", "\n\nAccording to this wikia, the Dyson's sphere discovered by the Enterprise in the episode, \"Relics\" was large enough to support the life of 4 million earth sized planets, if you do some rough math, that's billions upon billions of people (potentially 24 quadrillion people), and 3,999,750 more planets than all the member planets of the federation, yet, they find it uninhabited, abandoned, and somehow have no clue who built it, or where they went. ", "You could have literally fit the entire population of the federation of planets inside this sphere (if the star inside the sphere had not been unstable and emitting deadly amounts of radiation), and they would only have occupied about 0.0000375% of its surface area. ", "How is it possible that no one in the known galaxy knows about this megastructures history, or its former inhabitants?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhy is the Dyson Sphere uninhabited and abandoned?", "\nThis is answered in the episode itself. ", "The star is unstable:\n\nDATA: The sphere appears to be abandoned. ", "Sensors show that the star is extremely unstable. ", "It is experiencing severe bursts of radiation and matter expulsions.", "\nPICARD: Then that would explain why they abandoned it. ", "But if there's no one still living there, how were we brought inside?", "\nDATA: I believe we triggered a series of automatic piloting beams designed to guide ships into the sphere.", "\nWORF: Sir, Sensors show a large magnetic disturbance on the star's surface.", "\nDATA: It is a solar flare, Captain. ", "Magnitude twelve, class B.\n\nHow does no one in the known galaxy know about it?", "\nFirst, it's hard to find. ", "Since it completely obscures the star it surrounds, it's pretty hard to distinguish it from open space. ", "It also seems to not be emitting much in the way of communications signals. ", "Data finally reports \"something on the sphere which could be a communications device\" but not until after they've been in orbit for some time. ", "It is only \"emitting low intensity subspace signals.\" ", "It's likely that from a distance, there's nothing to detect at all.", "\nIt also seems to be a bit out of the way. ", "The Jenolan crashed on it and was broadcasting a distress call for seventy-five years before the Enterprise passed by.", "\nAs for why there aren't any former inhabitants telling people about it, the episode makes no indication how long the sphere has been abandoned. ", "It could easily be a long long long time. ", "The Iconians, for instance, were highly developed when their homeworld was destroyed 200,000 years ago. ", "And some of their technology (i.e. the Gateway) is still functional. ", "It's not a stretch to think that a civilization that could build a Dyson Sphere could make it last hundreds of thousands or even millions of years uninhabited. (", "And even a million years isn't much in the lifetime of a star.)", "\nSo I feel like there are two possibilities:\n\nThe Dyson Sphere was not evacuated. ", "The unstable star irradiated the inside of the sphere, killing quadrillions of sentient humanoids in a gruesome mega-genocide.", "\nThe sphere was evacuated, but so long ago that the memories of it only live as myths and legends (at best) in the diaspora.", "\n\nNeither has ever been addressed, in either canon or in any licensed material.", "\n\nA:\n\nIn what we consider true \"canon\" of star trek (tv show/movies), this is not answered. ", "In the lower tiers of cannon it was answered in the star trek online mmo. ", "In sto this and another dyson sphere were created by a race called the solangae, we also have instances in game of dyson spheres being created by the iconians. ", "http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Dyson_sphere\n\nA:\n\nTL;DR : We never get an official answer, but one of the TNG follow-up novels takes a few guesses and attempts to expand on the Dyson Sphere artifact.", "\n\nThe only Star Trek novel to expand on the story of the Dyson Sphere is \"Dyson Sphere\" by Charles Pellegrino & George Zebrowski. ", "It's TNG novel #50 and has the following summary:\n\nTwo hundred million kilometers across, with a surface area that\n exceeds that of a quarter-billion worlds, the Dyson sphere is one of\n the most astounding discoveries the Federation has ever made. ", "Now the\n U.S.S. Enterprise has returned to explore the awesome mysteries of the\n sphere. ", "Intrigued by what is possibly the greatest archaeological\n treasure of all time, Captain Jean-Luc Picard hopes to discover the\n origin of humanoid life throughout the galaxy -- or perhaps the\n ultimate secret of the Borg.", "\nBut when a neutron star approaches on a collision course with the\n sphere, a mission of discovery becomes a desperate race against time.", "\n The many sentient species inhabiting the sphere face extinction -- can\n even the Starship Enterprise save them all?", "\n\nIn the novel, Picard leads an expedition back to the Dyson Sphere for more in-depth study. ", "What they find is that the sphere is far more sophisticated than they believed, and is hardly lifeless. ", "Rather, the sphere is functionally a gigantic zoo-ship that houses countless species, some of whom are just becoming warp-capable. ", "The Macguffin of the story is a neutron star which seems to have been fired at the sphere to purposely destroy it.", "\nThroughout the novel, Picard and his team make guesses as to who built the sphere and why they abandoned it. ", "The author's pet theory - the one he keeps coming back to - is that the race that built the Sphere eventually\n\n evolved into The Borg. ", "Furthermore, it would seem to be the modern Borg who fired the neutron star at it, perhaps wishing to erase the work of their \"imperfect\" ancestors. ", "This theory is supported at the end, when a Borg cube is spotted watching events unfold, then warps away without attacking.", "\n\nThe novel also notes that the area around the Dyson Sphere has unusual subspace properties, properties that can only be found in one other area of space - the planet Sarpeidon, focus of the TOS episode \"All Our Yesterdays\". ", "However, nothing further is made of that connection after its initial mention.", "\nIn the end, Picard and crew were able to \n\n save a few species' arkships, but the Dyson Sphere itself narrowly avoided the neutron star and then shrunk away into subspace. ", "The epilogue reveals that the Sphere and its inhabitants are still fine, but now smaller than an atom - apparently a self-defense mechanism of the Sphere's artificial intelligence system.", "\n\nNote: It's also revealed that the star located at the center of the Dyson Sphere is not unstable as believed during the TNG episode, but rather is\n\n being siphoned to provide enough energy for the Sphere to move. ", "Therefore, the theory that it was abandoned because of an unstable star is proven false.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "“The site is located in Suffolk, in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and forms part of an overall land ownership of 2.5ha surrounded by agricultural and wood land. ", "The current site has foundations, ruins and some low walls from a house that burned down eight years ago. ", "There is also an existing outdoor pool. ", "Immediately to the west of the pool and ruins, there is a small area of open grass that runs up to the edge of a beautiful copse of mature oak trees. ", "The site is located on the edge of flood zone 2 and 3, and requires a raised floor level 1.5m (5ft) above the old cottage.", "\n\nThe clients’ brief is for a country house – ‘a dream in a wood’, a peaceful place to relax, regenerate, and think of new ideas.", "\n\nThe existing site with the pool, its ruins and low walls has a very strong presence, and we wanted to keep this as an important part of the site. ", "The design is linear and has picked up on the building form – the ‘long cottage’ – found in the nearby village, and we see the design as an evolution of this.", "\n\nThe building sits above the ruins and the edge of the pool, as to respect the current site, but also to deal with the floor level that is required, due to the potential flood risk. ", "The building is also set like this so that it can be read on its own, and thus touch the existing site lightly. ", "The building is orientated towards the west-south-west, and sits on an angle above the existing ruins facing the best views as well as creating a clear juxtaposition of geometry to the ruins.", "\n\nA two-storey element punctures through the roof, and contain a master bedroom suite at the first floor. ", "This is positioned towards the existing coach house, thus minimising the impact of the building on the more open site to the south. ", "This two-storey element is recessed from both the west and east facades as to reduce the scale and the appearance of the building.", "\n\nThe building is entered via a bridge that spans the ruins. ", "This sets up the whole philosophy of the house, even before you actually enter, as well as successfully dealing with safe egress form the house to higher land in case of a flood.”" ]
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[ "---\naddress:\n- |\n $^1$ Institut für Physik, Theoretische Physik III, Elektronische Korrelationen und Magnetismus,\\\n Universität Augsburg, 86135 Augsburg, Germany\n- '$^2$ Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530'\n- '$^3$ Department of Physics, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697'\n-   \nauthor:\n- 'Arno P. Kampf$^1$[^1], Douglas J. Scalapino$^2$[^2], and Steven R. White$^3$[^3]'\ntitle: 'Stripe Orientation in an Anisotropic $t$-$J$ Model'\n---\n\n0.3cm\n\nEarly Hartree-Fock calculations [@ZG89] found evidence for domain-wall formation in doped 2D Hubbard and $t$-$J$ models. ", "In these calculations the domain walls contained one hole per unit cell and separated $\\pi$-phase shifted antiferromagnetic (AF) regions. ", "Subsequent density-matrix-renormalization-group (DMRG) calculations [@WSxx] also found hole-domain walls separating $\\pi$-phase shifted AF regions, but in these calculations the linear filling of the horizontal (or vertical) domain walls corresponded to one hole per two unit cells of the wall. ", "In these calculations, domain-wall formation originates as a compromise in the inherent competition between the kinetic and exchange energies which arises when holes are added to a Mott antiferromagnetic insulator. ", "In the parameter regime where horizontal or vertical stripes formed, these four-fold rotationally invarient models did not distinguish between the two orientations. ", "Here we wish to discuss a possible electronic mechanism for stripe orientation.", "\n\nWe are motivated by the structural phase transition [@Buc94] of $La_{1.6-x} Nd_{0.4} Sr_x CuO_4$, in which the system goes from a low temperature orthorhombic (LTO) to a low temperature tetragonal (LTT) phase below $\\sim 70K$. Here, as illustrated in Fig.", " 1a, in the LTT phase the $CuO_6$ octahedra tilt around an axis oriented along the planar $Cu$-$O$ bonds, say along the $y$-direction. ", "As a consequence, oxygen atoms on the tilt axis remain in the plane, but in the perpendicular $x$-direction a staggered tilting pattern results with oxygen atoms $O_a$ and $O_b$ in Fig.", " 1a displaced above or below the $CuO_2$ plane, respectively. ", "The $x$- and $y$-directions are therefore no longer equivalent in contrast to the LTO phase, where the tilt axis is rotated by 45 degrees, as shown in Fig.", " 1b.", "\n\n0.2cm 0.5cm\n\nThe electronic hopping integrals, and thus the antiferromagnetic superexchange, in the $CuO_2$ planes depends sensitively on the $Cu$-$O$-$Cu$ bond angle $\\theta$. In the specific buckling pattern of the LTT phase, this bond angle is $\\theta_y=\\pi$ along the tilt axis direction, but is reduced by twice the octahedral tilt angle $\\alpha$ in the perpendicular direction, i.e. $\\theta_x=\\pi-2\\alpha$. This $x$-$y$ anisotropy for the electronic hopping and superexchange parameters may be conveniently translated into an anisotropic $t$-$J$ model Hamiltonian $$\\begin{aligned}\nH= &-& t_x \\sum_{\\langle i, i+x\\rangle\\sigma} \\left(c^\\dagger_{i+x\\sigma}\nc_{i\\sigma} + h.c.\\right) \\nonumber\\\\\n&+& J_x \\sum_{\\langle i,i+x\\rangle} \\left({\\bf S}_{i+x}\n\\cdot {\\bf S}_i- \\frac{n_{i+x}n_i}{4}\\right)\\nonumber\\\\\n &-& t_y \\sum_{\\langle i,i+y\\rangle\\sigma} \\left(c^\\dagger_{i+y\\sigma}\nc_{i\\sigma} + h.c.\\right) \\nonumber\\\\\n&+& J_y \\sum_{\\langle i,i+y\\rangle} \\left({\\bf S}_{i+y}\n\\cdot {\\bf S}_i - \\frac{n_{i+y}n_i}{4}\\right)\\ .", "\n\\label{one}\\end{aligned}$$ Here, $\\langle i,i+x\\rangle$ and $\\langle i,i+y\\rangle$ denote nearest-neighbor sites along the $x$- and $y$-directions on a square lattice, respectively, and doubly-occupied sites are explicitly excluded from the Hilbert space.", "\n\nThe magnitude of the anisotropies is easily estimated for typical tilt angles of $4^\\circ$–$5^\\circ$ in $La_{1.6-x} Nd_{0.4} Sr_x CuO_4$ with $x$ near 1/8 [@Buc94]. ", "When the tilt axis of the LTT phase is vertical, as shown in Fig.", " 1a, we have $$\\frac{t_x}{t_y} \\cong |\\cos (\\pi-2\\alpha)| \\qquad {\\rm and} \\qquad\n\\frac{J_x}{J_y} \\cong \\cos^2 (\\pi-2\\alpha)\n\\label{two}$$ It follows that for a tilt angle of order $4^\\circ$–$5^\\circ$, $\\Delta\nt/t\\sim 1.$–1.5% and $\\Delta J/J\\sim 2.$–3.%. ", "We note that the direction with the larger exchange coupling is naturally also the direction with the larger hopping amplitude. ", "Choosing $t=500$meV and with the exchange coupling constant $J=1500K$ of undoped $La_2CuO_4$ these estimates give $\\Delta t= |t_x-t_y| \\sim 60K$ and $\\Delta J= |J_x - J_y| \\sim 40K$. This rough estimate for the exchange anisotropy agrees with results from quantum chemistry calculations [@Marxx].", "\n\nGiven this model Hamiltonian, with $J_y>J_x$ and $t_y>t_x$, one may ask in which direction stripes are expected to form. ", "Since $J_y>J_x$, the exchange energy is optimized by orienting the domain walls along the $y$-axis so as to minimize the number of broken exchange bonds in the direction with the stronger superexchange. ", "Now, one might be tempted to argue that since $t_y>t_x$, this also lowers the kinetic energy of the system. ", "However, transverse motion of the domain walls is also known to be important [@ZG89; @NKxx; @ZO96], so that an anisotropy in the hopping with $t_y>t_x$ can favor a horizonal orientation of the stripes. ", "Because $\\Delta\nJ$ and $\\Delta t$ are comparable in magnitude, we analyze the results of a DMRG calculation to obtain further insight in this point.", "\n\nWe have used DMRG techniques to study a $9\\times 8$ lattice with periodic boundary conditions in the 8-site $y$-direction and open boundary conditions in the 9-site $x$-direction. ", "Fig.2a shows a domain which forms when 4 holes are added for an isotropic Hamiltonian with $J/t=0.35$. The boundary conditions cause the domain to form around the middle of this 8-leg cylinder. ", "According to the Hellman-Feynman theorem, $$\\frac{\\partial \\langle H\\rangle}{\\partial J_x} = \\sum_{\\langle \nij\\rangle \\atop x{\\rm -bonds}}\n\\left\\langle \\vec S_i \\cdot \\vec S_j - \\frac{n_in_j}{4}\\right\\rangle\n\\label{three}$$ Therefore, by calculating the change $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Delta \\left\\langle\\vec S_i\\cdot \\vec S_j - \\frac{n_in_j}{4}\\right\\rangle\n&=&\\left\\langle\\vec S_i\\cdot\\vec S_j-\\frac{n_in_j}{4}\\right\\rangle_4\\nonumber\\\\\n&-&\\left\\langle\\vec S_i\\cdot \\vec S_j - \\frac{n_in_j}{4}\\right\\rangle_o\n\\label{four}\\end{aligned}$$ between the expectation value in the 4-hole ground state and the undoped ground state for the isotropic case with a given value of $J/t$, we can determine the variation of the domain wall energy with respect to small changes in $J_x$ near $J$. The local change for the individual $x$-bonds, eq.", " (\\[four\\]), which contribute to $\\partial\\langle\nH\\rangle/\\partial J_x$ are shown on the horizontal $x$-bonds in Fig.", " 2b for $J/t=0.35$. Note that these contributions decrease as one moves away from the domain wall and we find that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac{1}{4}\\ \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial J_x}\\ \\left(\\langle H\\rangle_4 -\n\\langle H\\rangle_o\\right) &=& -\\frac{1}{4}\\ \\sum_{\\langle\nij\\rangle \\atop x{\\rm -bonds}} \\Delta \\left\\langle\\vec S_i\\cdot \\vec S_j - \n\\frac{n_in_j}{4}\\right\\rangle\\nonumber\\\\\n &=& 1.91/{\\rm hole}\\ .", "\n\\label{five}\\end{aligned}$$\n\n0.5cm\n\nIn a similar manner we find that the variation of the domain wall energy with the exchange energy $J_y$ parallel to the wall gives $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac{1}{4}\\ \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial J_y}\\, \\left(\\langle H\\rangle_4\n- \\langle H\\rangle_o\\right)\n&=& - \\frac{1}{4}\\ \\sum_{\\langle ij\\rangle \\atop y{\\rm -bonds}} \\Delta \n\\left\\langle\\vec S_i\\cdot \\vec S_j - \\frac{n_in_j}{4}\\right\\rangle\\nonumber\\\\\n&=& 1.20/{\\rm hole}\\ .", "\n\\label{six}\\end{aligned}$$ Continuing with the kinetic energy terms, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac{1}{4}\\ \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t_x}\\ \\langle H\\rangle_4 &=& -\n\\frac{1}{4} \\sum_{\\langle ij\\rangle s \\atop x{\\rm -bonds}} \\left\\langle\nc^\\dagger_{is} c_{js} + c^\\dagger_{js} c_{is}\\right\\rangle\\nonumber\\\\\n &=& - 1.43/{\\rm hole}\n\\label{seven}\\end{aligned}$$ and $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac{1}{4}\\ \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t_y}\\ \\langle H\\rangle_4 &=& \n-\\frac{1}{4} \\sum_{\\langle ij\\rangle s \\atop y{\\rm -bonds}}\\left\\langle \nc^\\dagger_{is} c_{js} + c^\\dagger_{js} c_{is}\\right\\rangle\\nonumber\\\\ \n&=& -\n1.43/{\\rm hole}\\ .", "\n\\label{eight}\\end{aligned}$$ The local kinetic energy of the 4-hole systems associated with the domain wall are listed in Fig.", " 2c.", "\n\nNow, if the tilt axis of the LTT structure runs along the $y$-axis so that it is parallel to the domain wall, then $J_y=J$, $J_x=J-\\Delta J$, $t_y=t$, and $t_x=t-\\Delta t$. In this case, the shift in energy per hole of the domain wall due to the small anisotropy is $$\\Delta E_\\| = -1.9 \\Delta J+ 1.41 \\Delta t\\ .", "\n\\label{nine}$$ Alternatively, if the LTT tilt axis runs along the $x$-axis, perpendicular to the domain wall, the shift in energy per hole is $$\\Delta E_\\perp = - 1.20 \\Delta J+1.43 \\Delta t\\ .", "\n\\label{ten}$$ Therefore, if the domain wall is oriented parallel to the LTT tilt axis, there is a net energy reduction (relative to an orientation perpendicular to the tilt axes) of $$\\Delta E= 0.7 \\Delta J- 0.02 \\Delta t \\simeq 25K/{\\rm hole}\\ .", "\n\\label{eleven}$$ For a section of domain wall containing 4 holes, this would be 100K. The extensive nature of this energy favors alignment of the domain wall with the LTT tilt axis.", "\n\nThus we conclude that the $\\Delta J$ anisotropy dominates and favors orienting the stripes along the direction of the tilt axis of the LTT phase. ", "This is the same orientation as suggested from the “structural corrugation” driven orientation mechanism originally set forth by Tranquada et.", " al. [", "@Tran95]. ", "Here, we have simply looked at a particular model in which the corrugation manifests itself by giving rise to an anisotropic $t$-$J$ model.", "\n\nAPK would like to acknowledge support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through SFB 484. ", "DJS and SRW would like to acknowledge support from the US Department of Energy under Grant No.", " DE-FG03-85ER45197.", "\n\nJ. Zaanen and O. Gunnarsson, [*Phys.", " Rev. B*]{} [**40**]{}, 7391 (1989); D. Poilblanc and T.M. Rice, [*Phys.", " Rev. B*]{} [**39**]{}, 9749 (1989).", "\n\nS.R. White and D.J. Scalapino, [*Phys.", " Rev. Lett.*]{} [**", "80**]{}, 1272 (1998); [*ibid.*]{} [**", "81**]{}, 3227 (1998).", "\n\nB. Büchner et al., [*", "Phys.", " Rev. Lett.*]{} [**", "73**]{}, 1841 (1994); H.-H. Klauß et al., ", "in preparation.", "\n\nR.L. Martin, private communication.", "\n\nB. Normand and A.P. Kampf, preprint cond- mat/0102201.", "\n\nJ.M. Tranquada et al., [*", "Nature*]{} [**375**]{}, 561 (1995); [*Phys.", " Rev. B*]{} [**54**]{}, 7489 (1996).", "\n\nJ. Zaanen and A.M. Oleś, [*Ann. ", "Phys. (", "Leipzig)*]{} [**5**]{}, 224 (1996).", "\n\n[^1]: kampfa@physik.uni-augsburg.de\n\n[^2]: djs@vulcan.physics.ucsb.edu\n\n[^3]: srwhite@uci.edu\n" ]
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[ "Ashes 2019: Stunning Smith century rescues Australia in first Test\n\nSteve Smith scored arguably the finest century of his Test career to rescue Australia from the brink of collapse in the first Ashes Test against England side facing an anxious wait to learn the extent of an injury to James Anderson.", "\n\nHaving won the toss and opted to bat, Australia twice looked in deep trouble despite England only being able to get four overs out of leading Test wicket-taker Anderson, who was sent for a scan due to \"tightness\" in his calf.", "\n\nAustralia were reduced to 35-3 and then 122-8, but on each occasion former captain Smith performed a rebuilding job and was rewarded for anchoring the innings with a hundred on his first Test appearance since serving a 12-month ban.", "\n\nHe thrived amid the predictable boos that greeted him, David Warner and Cameron Bancroft following their suspensions for ball-tampering in the South Africa series last year and, having successfully reviewed an lbw decision on 34, racked up 144 to guide Australia to 284 before Stuart Broad bowled him to claim his fifth wicket and 100th in Ashes cricket.", "\n\nEngland survived two overs without loss before the close, reaching stumps on 10-0.", "\n\nAustralia won the toss and opted to bat, a decision that looked questionable as the first three wickets fell in short order. ", "Warner, having been incorrectly given not out caught behind, went in the fourth over lbw to Broad.", "\n\nHawkEye showed the ball would have missed the stumps, setting the tone for a day when umpire errors were commonplace before Bancroft edged the same man to first slip.", "\n\nEngland successfully reviewed and had Usman Khawaja caught behind for 13, but Smith – in a stand of 64 with Travis Head – mounted his first recovery effort of the day as Australia reached lunch without further damage.", "\n\nChris Woakes trapped Head in front in the sixth over after the restart, with an aghast Smith correctly given a reprieve in the following over after initially being ruled out not playing a shot.", "\n\nAnother successful review saw Matthew Wade fall to Woakes lbw before captain Tim Paine and James Pattinson went in the space of three balls to Broad. ", "Paine played a dreadful pull shot and Pattinson's exit came with another incorrect lbw decision.", "\n\nA sub-200 total looked on the cards but Smith, aided by a battling 44 from Peter Siddle, managed the situation brilliantly, farming the strike and peppering the boundary as the depleted England attack tired.", "\n\nSiddle, who put on 88 with Smith, fell to Moeen Ali but the ex-skipper added another 74 with Lyon, an innings that comprised 16 fours and two sixes eventually ended by a visibly frustrated Broad before Rory Burns and Jason Roy staved off 12 balls.", "\n\nANDERSON ABSENCE KEENLY FELT\n\nEngland appeared poised to bowl Australia out for a meagre total without their star man, but as they struggled to find a way through Smith's incredible defences, the impact of the absence of perhaps the greatest exponent of swing bowling could not have been more obvious.", "\n\nUMPIRING VERY UNIMPRESSIVE\n\nSmith looked utterly indignant as he reviewed Aleem Dar's decision to give him out lbw and his facial expression probably summed up the overall attitude to the performance of the two umpires. ", "They made seven errors in a performance not fitting of the most famous series in cricket.", "\n\nMOMENT OF THE DAY\n\nA day that seemed set to belong to England's bowlers ended up belonging to Smith. ", "Though there were some boos as he reached his century with a wondrous cover drive, the majority of those inside Edgbaston rose to applaud a memorable Ashes innings, with Smith raising his arms as he soaked in the acclaim.", "\n\nKEY OPTA FACTS\n\n- Matthew Wade has been out lbw in each of his last four Test innings.", "\n\n- Steve Smith has claimed a century in five of his last seven Ashes Tests.", "\n\n- Stuart Broad brought up 100 Test wickets against Australia, becoming only the ninth man to do so for England.", "\n\n- Steve Smith has a first-innings Test average of 79 for Australia.", "\n\nGet the latest local and international news straight to your mobile phone for free:" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUsing C# method group executes code\n\nWhile updating my UI code (C# in a .NET 4.0 application), I ran into a strange crash due to a call to the UI being executed in the wrong thread. ", "However, I was invoking that call on the main thread already, so the crash made no sense: MainThreadDispatcher.", "Invoke(new Action(View.", "Method)) crashed with \"The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.\" ", "on the View property.", "\nUpon further investigation I found the cause: I was invoking via a method group. ", "I had thought that using a method group or a delegate/lambda are essentially the same thing (see also this question and this question). ", "Instead, converting the method group to a delegate causes code to execute, checking the value of View. ", "This is done immediately, i.e. on the original (non-UI) thread, which caused the crash. ", "If I use a lambda instead, checking the property is done later, and thus in the correct thread.", "\nThat seems interesting, to say the least. ", "Is there anyplace in the C# standard where this is mentioned? ", "Or is that implicit due to the need to find the correct conversion?", "\nHere's a test program. ", "First, the direct way. ", "Second, in two steps, which better shows what happens. ", "For additional fun, I then modify Item after the delegate has been created.", "\nnamespace ConsoleApplication1 // Add a reference to WindowsBase to a standard ConsoleApplication\n{\n using System.", "Threading;\n using System.", "Windows.", "Threading;\n using System;\n\n static class Program\n {\n static Dispatcher mainDispatcher;\n static void Main()\n {\n mainDispatcher = Dispatcher.", "CurrentDispatcher;\n mainDispatcher.", "Thread.", "Name = \"Main thread\";\n var childThread = new Thread(() =>\n {\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"--- Method group ---\");\n mainDispatcher.", "Invoke(new Action(Item.", "DoSomething));\n\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"\\n--- Lambda ---\");\n mainDispatcher.", "Invoke(new Action(() => Item.", "DoSomething()));\n\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"\\n--- Method group (two steps) ---\");\n var action = new Action(Item.", "DoSomething);\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"Invoking\");\n mainDispatcher.", "Invoke(action);\n\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"\\n--- Lambda (two steps) ---\");\n action = new Action(() => Item.", "DoSomething());\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"Invoking\");\n mainDispatcher.", "Invoke(action);\n\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"\\n--- Method group (modifying Item) ---\");\n action = new Action(Item.", "DoSomething);\n item = null;\n mainDispatcher.", "Invoke(action);\n item = new UIItem();\n\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"\\n--- Lambda (modifying Item) ---\");\n action = new Action(() => Item.", "DoSomething());\n item = null;\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"Invoking\");\n mainDispatcher.", "Invoke(action);\n\n mainDispatcher.", "InvokeShutdown();\n });\n childThread.", "Name = \"Child thread\";\n childThread.", "Start();\n\n Dispatcher.", "Run();\n }\n\n static UIItem item = new UIItem();\n static UIItem Item\n {\n get\n {\n // mainDispatcher.", "VerifyAccess(); // Uncomment for crash.", "\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"UIItem: In thread: {0}\", Dispatcher.", "CurrentDispatcher.", "Thread.", "Name);\n return item;\n }\n }\n\n private class UIItem\n {\n public void DoSomething()\n {\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"DoSomething: In thread: {0}\", Dispatcher.", "CurrentDispatcher.", "Thread.", "Name);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nShort version:\nnamespace ConsoleApplication1 // Add a reference to WindowsBase to a standard ConsoleApplication\n{\n using System.", "Threading;\n using System.", "Windows.", "Threading;\n using System;\n\n static class Program\n {\n static Dispatcher mainDispatcher;\n static void Main()\n {\n mainDispatcher = Dispatcher.", "CurrentDispatcher;\n mainDispatcher.", "Thread.", "Name = \"Main thread\";\n var childThread = new Thread(() =>\n {\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"--- Method group ---\");\n mainDispatcher.", "Invoke(new Action(Item.", "DoSomething));\n\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"\\n--- Lambda ---\");\n mainDispatcher.", "Invoke(new Action(() => Item.", "DoSomething())); \n\n mainDispatcher.", "InvokeShutdown();\n });\n childThread.", "Name = \"Child thread\";\n childThread.", "Start();\n\n Dispatcher.", "Run();\n }\n\n static UIItem item = new UIItem();\n static UIItem Item\n {\n get\n {\n mainDispatcher.", "VerifyAccess();\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"UIItem: In thread: {0}\", Dispatcher.", "CurrentDispatcher.", "Thread.", "Name);\n return item;\n }\n }\n\n private class UIItem\n {\n public void DoSomething()\n {\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"DoSomething: In thread: {0}\", Dispatcher.", "CurrentDispatcher.", "Thread.", "Name);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nA:\n\nYou're creating a closed delegate, which stores the this object inside the delegate. ", " (to pass as the hidden first parameter to the method.)", "\nTherefore, when you create a delegate from a method group, the object is accessed immediately to store in the delegate. ", " \nBy contrast, when you create a lambda expression, the object owning the delegate is only accessed when the delegate is called.", "\nYour lambda expressions creates an open delegate which accesses the static property directly within the delegate.", "\nHad it accessed a non-static property or local variable, it would have created a closed delegate from a closure, and it would still work.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe fact that the property will be eagerly accessed is not special to method-group members in any way; it's a characteristic of member-expressions in general. ", "\nIt's actually the lambda that's creating the special case: its body (and thus the property-access) will be deferred until the delegate is actually executed.", "\nFrom the specification:\n\n7.6.4 Member access\n[...] A member-access is either of the form E.I or of the form E.I, where E is a primary-expression.", "\n[...] if E is a property or indexer access, then the value\n of the property or indexer access is obtained (§7.1.1) and E is\n reclassified as a value.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Tulisiko Suomen liittyä Natoon ja luopua yleisestä asevelvollisuudesta? ", "Tulisiko päivähoito-oikeutta kaventaa? ", "Mitä tehdään Syyriaan sotimaan lähteneille suomalaisille? ", "Miten annetaan tekohengitystä? ", "Sannika Michelsson ja Eero Mäntymaa kysyvät, kansanedustaja Pekka Haavisto (vihr.) ", "vastaa.", "\n\nHaavisto vastasi neljään kysymykseen ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikasta maanantaina Yle Helsingin nettistudiossa.", "\n\n1.HS:n (siirryt toiseen palveluun) mukaan Suomen ulkopolitiikan johdossa on erimielisyyksiä siitä, osallistuuko Suomen ilmavoimat Virossa järjestettävään Naton sotilasharjoitukseen. ", "Tulisiko Suomen välttää tällaisiin Naton harjoituksiin osallistumista?", "\n\n– Minusta on tärkeää, että meidän horneteilla harjoitellaan tällä alueella niin pohjoismaissa kuin Baltiankin alueella. ", "Jos harjoitus ei ole suunnattu ketään vastaan, niin en näe siinä mitään estettä.", "\n\nEikö näihin harjoituksiin osallistuminen provosoi Venäjää ja anna aseita länsivastaiseen propagandaan?", "\n\n– Kyllä Venäjälläkin on omaa Nato-yhteistyötä. ", "Venäjä on itse mukana Partnership for peace (siirryt toiseen palveluun) –rakenteessa Naton kanssa.", "\n\n2. ", "Olet aiemmin sanonut, että et kannata Suomen liittymistä Natoon. ", "Onko kanta edelleen sama?", "\n\n– Kantani on sama. ", "Naton kanssa voidaan tehdä läheistäkin yhteistyötä, mutta on tärkeää, että Euroopassa on tällainen Suomen ja Ruotsin kaltainen saareke, jolla on mahdollisuus toimia liittoutumattomana. ", "En näe, että saisimme Nato-yhteistyöstä mitään puolustuksellisesti uutta. ", "Jos jotain yhteistyötä pitää viedä eteenpäin, se on pohjoismainen yhteistyö ja eurooppalainen yhteistyö.", "\n\n3. ", "Tulisiko yleinen asevelvollisuus lakkauttaa?", "\n\n– Oma ajatteluni on kehittynyt niin, että voitaisiin ajatella kansalaispalvelusta kaikille, jossa olisi väestönsuojelutehtäviä, tai ensiaputehtäviä, joita kaikki voisivat opetella. ", "Siitä voisi eriytyä aseellinen koulutus ja toisaalta sellainen koulutus, mitä siviilipalveluksessa nyt tapahtuu.", "\n\nOlisiko se kansalaispalvelus pakollinen miehille ja naisille?", "\n\n– Pitäisin sitä aika hyvänä. ", "Se olisi tasa-arvoinen.", "\n\nEt siis kannata pakollisen asevelvollisuuden, tai muun kansalaispalveluksen lopettamista tykkänään?", "\n\n– En kannata lopettamista, pikemminkin kehittämistä. ", "Olisi erittäin hyvä, että kaikki saisivat väestönsuojeluosaamista ja ensiapuosaamista. ", "Ehkä ympäristönsuojelutehtäviin myöskin.", "\n\nOnko tällainen pakollisen asevelvollisuuden lakkauttaminen realismia, kun otetaan huomioon Venäjän mahdollisesti arvaamatonkin kehitys?", "\n\n– On hyvä, että on järjestelmä jolla pystytään ylläpitämään suunnilleen sen kokoinen reservi kuin mitä se nyt on. ", "Eli sellainen joka voidaan varustaa. ", "Tällainen nykyinen 200 000:n reservi on varmaan aika oikea koko Suomelle.", "\n\n4. *", "Suomesta on joidenkin arvioiden mukaan lähtenyt Syyriaan sotimaan noin 50 henkilöä, joista osa mahdollisesti ISIS:n riveihin. *", "Miten varmistutaan siitä, etteivät nämä ihmiset Suomeen palatessaan tuo mukanaan mahdollista terrorismin uhkaa?", "\n\n– Kaikille pitää olla samat säännöt. ", "Jos osallistuu terroristijärjestön toimintaan – vaikka siellä vain soppaa keittelisi – niin silloin se on terroristijärjestön toiminnan tukemista ja kyllä heitä pitää siitä rankaista.", "\n\nMiten?", "\n\n– Heidät pitää saada oikeuteen terroristijärjestön toimintaan osallistumisesta ihan normaalin lainsäädännön mukaan. ", "Ja sitten tietysti uudelleen Suomeen sopeuttaminen kouluttautumisen kautta. ", "Pitää varmistaa, etteivät he ole vihkiytyneet tällaiseen radikaalitoimintaan jatkossa. ", "Nythän monet palaajat kuulemma ovat pettyneitä ISIS:n toimintaan. ", "Tämä antaa hyvän pohjan heidän uudelleenorientoimiseensa.", "\n\nJotkut ovat sitä mieltä, että heiltä pitäisi ottaa kansalaisuus pois ja että heidät pitäisi käännyttää rajalla.", "\n\n– En siihen menisi. ", "Mutta normaali rikosoikeudellinen tutkinta siitä, mihin he ovat konfliktialueella syyllistyneet ja näiden mukaiset rangaistukset. ", "Näinhän tapahtuu myös suomalaiselle, joka osallistuu sotatoimiin laittomasti tai terroristijärjestön toimintaan." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nNodemailer - Works locally but not on production\n\nhttps://gist.github.com/anonymous/ba82f74071cc38a0700b\nBefore changing some settings, e.g. host and port, it was working fine locally, but just won't work on production.", "\nAnyone know why?", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nDisable Captcha temporarily so you can mail using new server,\nhttps://accounts.google.com/b/0/displayunlockcaptcha\n\n" ]
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