The O
Application O
Blocks O
in O
Enterprise B-Application
Library I-Application
are O
designed O
to O
be O
as O
agnostic O
as O
possible O
to O
the O
application O
architecture O
, O
for O
example O
the O
Logging O
Application O
Block O
may O
be O
used O
equally O
in O
a O
web O
, O
smart B-Protocol
client I-Protocol
or O
service-oriented O
application O
. O
On O
the O
release O
of O
the O
Macintosh B-Device
Plus I-Device
in O
1986 O
, O
the O
company O
had O
to O
revise O
the O
MacEnhancer B-Device
slightly O
to O
account O
for O
a O
missing O
power O
rail O
on O
one O
of O
its O
rear O
serial B-Protocol
connectors I-Protocol
. O
However O
, O
VoIP B-Application
differs O
in O
that O
it O
uses O
RTP B-Protocol
, O
UDP B-Protocol
and O
IP B-Protocol
, O
all O
of O
which O
are O
connectionless B-Protocol
protocols I-Protocol
. O