221 values
15 values
SUBROUTINE DCHKBD( NSIZES, MVAL, NVAL, NTYPES, DOTYPE, NRHS, $ ISEED, THRESH, A, LDA, BD, BE, S1, S2, X, LDX, $ Y, Z, Q, LDQ, PT, LDPT, U, VT, WORK, LWORK, $ IWORK, NOUT, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.1) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. * November 2006 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDA, LDPT, LDQ, LDX, LWORK, NOUT, NRHS, $ NSIZES, NTYPES DOUBLE PRECISION THRESH * .. * .. Array Arguments .. LOGICAL DOTYPE( * ) INTEGER ISEED( 4 ), IWORK( * ), MVAL( * ), NVAL( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), BD( * ), BE( * ), PT( LDPT, * ), $ Q( LDQ, * ), S1( * ), S2( * ), U( LDPT, * ), $ VT( LDPT, * ), WORK( * ), X( LDX, * ), $ Y( LDX, * ), Z( LDX, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DCHKBD checks the singular value decomposition (SVD) routines. * * DGEBRD reduces a real general m by n matrix A to upper or lower * bidiagonal form B by an orthogonal transformation: Q' * A * P = B * (or A = Q * B * P'). The matrix B is upper bidiagonal if m >= n * and lower bidiagonal if m < n. * * DORGBR generates the orthogonal matrices Q and P' from DGEBRD. * Note that Q and P are not necessarily square. * * DBDSQR computes the singular value decomposition of the bidiagonal * matrix B as B = U S V'. It is called three times to compute * 1) B = U S1 V', where S1 is the diagonal matrix of singular * values and the columns of the matrices U and V are the left * and right singular vectors, respectively, of B. * 2) Same as 1), but the singular values are stored in S2 and the * singular vectors are not computed. * 3) A = (UQ) S (P'V'), the SVD of the original matrix A. * In addition, DBDSQR has an option to apply the left orthogonal matrix * U to a matrix X, useful in least squares applications. * * DBDSDC computes the singular value decomposition of the bidiagonal * matrix B as B = U S V' using divide-and-conquer. It is called twice * to compute * 1) B = U S1 V', where S1 is the diagonal matrix of singular * values and the columns of the matrices U and V are the left * and right singular vectors, respectively, of B. * 2) Same as 1), but the singular values are stored in S2 and the * singular vectors are not computed. * * For each pair of matrix dimensions (M,N) and each selected matrix * type, an M by N matrix A and an M by NRHS matrix X are generated. * The problem dimensions are as follows * A: M x N * Q: M x min(M,N) (but M x M if NRHS > 0) * P: min(M,N) x N * B: min(M,N) x min(M,N) * U, V: min(M,N) x min(M,N) * S1, S2 diagonal, order min(M,N) * X: M x NRHS * * For each generated matrix, 14 tests are performed: * * Test DGEBRD and DORGBR * * (1) | A - Q B PT | / ( |A| max(M,N) ulp ), PT = P' * * (2) | I - Q' Q | / ( M ulp ) * * (3) | I - PT PT' | / ( N ulp ) * * Test DBDSQR on bidiagonal matrix B * * (4) | B - U S1 VT | / ( |B| min(M,N) ulp ), VT = V' * * (5) | Y - U Z | / ( |Y| max(min(M,N),k) ulp ), where Y = Q' X * and Z = U' Y. * (6) | I - U' U | / ( min(M,N) ulp ) * * (7) | I - VT VT' | / ( min(M,N) ulp ) * * (8) S1 contains min(M,N) nonnegative values in decreasing order. * (Return 0 if true, 1/ULP if false.) * * (9) | S1 - S2 | / ( |S1| ulp ), where S2 is computed without * computing U and V. * * (10) 0 if the true singular values of B are within THRESH of * those in S1. 2*THRESH if they are not. (Tested using * DSVDCH) * * Test DBDSQR on matrix A * * (11) | A - (QU) S (VT PT) | / ( |A| max(M,N) ulp ) * * (12) | X - (QU) Z | / ( |X| max(M,k) ulp ) * * (13) | I - (QU)'(QU) | / ( M ulp ) * * (14) | I - (VT PT) (PT'VT') | / ( N ulp ) * * Test DBDSDC on bidiagonal matrix B * * (15) | B - U S1 VT | / ( |B| min(M,N) ulp ), VT = V' * * (16) | I - U' U | / ( min(M,N) ulp ) * * (17) | I - VT VT' | / ( min(M,N) ulp ) * * (18) S1 contains min(M,N) nonnegative values in decreasing order. * (Return 0 if true, 1/ULP if false.) * * (19) | S1 - S2 | / ( |S1| ulp ), where S2 is computed without * computing U and V. * The possible matrix types are * * (1) The zero matrix. * (2) The identity matrix. * * (3) A diagonal matrix with evenly spaced entries * 1, ..., ULP and random signs. * (ULP = (first number larger than 1) - 1 ) * (4) A diagonal matrix with geometrically spaced entries * 1, ..., ULP and random signs. * (5) A diagonal matrix with "clustered" entries 1, ULP, ..., ULP * and random signs. * * (6) Same as (3), but multiplied by SQRT( overflow threshold ) * (7) Same as (3), but multiplied by SQRT( underflow threshold ) * * (8) A matrix of the form U D V, where U and V are orthogonal and * D has evenly spaced entries 1, ..., ULP with random signs * on the diagonal. * * (9) A matrix of the form U D V, where U and V are orthogonal and * D has geometrically spaced entries 1, ..., ULP with random * signs on the diagonal. * * (10) A matrix of the form U D V, where U and V are orthogonal and * D has "clustered" entries 1, ULP,..., ULP with random * signs on the diagonal. * * (11) Same as (8), but multiplied by SQRT( overflow threshold ) * (12) Same as (8), but multiplied by SQRT( underflow threshold ) * * (13) Rectangular matrix with random entries chosen from (-1,1). * (14) Same as (13), but multiplied by SQRT( overflow threshold ) * (15) Same as (13), but multiplied by SQRT( underflow threshold ) * * Special case: * (16) A bidiagonal matrix with random entries chosen from a * logarithmic distribution on [ulp^2,ulp^(-2)] (I.e., each * entry is e^x, where x is chosen uniformly on * [ 2 log(ulp), -2 log(ulp) ] .) For *this* type: * (a) DGEBRD is not called to reduce it to bidiagonal form. * (b) the bidiagonal is min(M,N) x min(M,N); if M<N, the * matrix will be lower bidiagonal, otherwise upper. * (c) only tests 5--8 and 14 are performed. * * A subset of the full set of matrix types may be selected through * the logical array DOTYPE. * * Arguments * ========== * * NSIZES (input) INTEGER * The number of values of M and N contained in the vectors * MVAL and NVAL. The matrix sizes are used in pairs (M,N). * * MVAL (input) INTEGER array, dimension (NM) * The values of the matrix row dimension M. * * NVAL (input) INTEGER array, dimension (NM) * The values of the matrix column dimension N. * * NTYPES (input) INTEGER * The number of elements in DOTYPE. If it is zero, DCHKBD * does nothing. It must be at least zero. If it is MAXTYP+1 * and NSIZES is 1, then an additional type, MAXTYP+1 is * defined, which is to use whatever matrices are in A and B. * This is only useful if DOTYPE(1:MAXTYP) is .FALSE. and * DOTYPE(MAXTYP+1) is .TRUE. . * * DOTYPE (input) LOGICAL array, dimension (NTYPES) * If DOTYPE(j) is .TRUE., then for each size (m,n), a matrix * of type j will be generated. If NTYPES is smaller than the * maximum number of types defined (PARAMETER MAXTYP), then * types NTYPES+1 through MAXTYP will not be generated. If * NTYPES is larger than MAXTYP, DOTYPE(MAXTYP+1) through * DOTYPE(NTYPES) will be ignored. * * NRHS (input) INTEGER * The number of columns in the "right-hand side" matrices X, Y, * and Z, used in testing DBDSQR. If NRHS = 0, then the * operations on the right-hand side will not be tested. * NRHS must be at least 0. * * ISEED (input/output) INTEGER array, dimension (4) * On entry ISEED specifies the seed of the random number * generator. The array elements should be between 0 and 4095; * if not they will be reduced mod 4096. Also, ISEED(4) must * be odd. The values of ISEED are changed on exit, and can be * used in the next call to DCHKBD to continue the same random * number sequence. * * THRESH (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The threshold value for the test ratios. A result is * included in the output file if RESULT >= THRESH. To have * every test ratio printed, use THRESH = 0. Note that the * expected value of the test ratios is O(1), so THRESH should * be a reasonably small multiple of 1, e.g., 10 or 100. * * A (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,NMAX) * where NMAX is the maximum value of N in NVAL. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,MMAX), * where MMAX is the maximum value of M in MVAL. * * BD (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (max(min(MVAL(j),NVAL(j)))) * * BE (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (max(min(MVAL(j),NVAL(j)))) * * S1 (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (max(min(MVAL(j),NVAL(j)))) * * S2 (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (max(min(MVAL(j),NVAL(j)))) * * X (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDX,NRHS) * * LDX (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the arrays X, Y, and Z. * LDX >= max(1,MMAX) * * Y (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDX,NRHS) * * Z (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDX,NRHS) * * Q (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDQ,MMAX) * * LDQ (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array Q. LDQ >= max(1,MMAX). * * PT (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDPT,NMAX) * * LDPT (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the arrays PT, U, and V. * LDPT >= max(1, max(min(MVAL(j),NVAL(j)))). * * U (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (LDPT,max(min(MVAL(j),NVAL(j)))) * * V (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (LDPT,max(min(MVAL(j),NVAL(j)))) * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK) * * LWORK (input) INTEGER * The number of entries in WORK. This must be at least * 3(M+N) and M(M + max(M,N,k) + 1) + N*min(M,N) for all * pairs (M,N)=(MM(j),NN(j)) * * IWORK (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension at least 8*min(M,N) * * NOUT (input) INTEGER * The FORTRAN unit number for printing out error messages * (e.g., if a routine returns IINFO not equal to 0.) * * INFO (output) INTEGER * If 0, then everything ran OK. * -1: NSIZES < 0 * -2: Some MM(j) < 0 * -3: Some NN(j) < 0 * -4: NTYPES < 0 * -6: NRHS < 0 * -8: THRESH < 0 * -11: LDA < 1 or LDA < MMAX, where MMAX is max( MM(j) ). * -17: LDB < 1 or LDB < MMAX. * -21: LDQ < 1 or LDQ < MMAX. * -23: LDPT< 1 or LDPT< MNMAX. * -27: LWORK too small. * If DLATMR, SLATMS, DGEBRD, DORGBR, or DBDSQR, * returns an error code, the * absolute value of it is returned. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Some Local Variables and Parameters: * ---- ----- --------- --- ---------- * * ZERO, ONE Real 0 and 1. * MAXTYP The number of types defined. * NTEST The number of tests performed, or which can * be performed so far, for the current matrix. * MMAX Largest value in NN. * NMAX Largest value in NN. * MNMIN min(MM(j), NN(j)) (the dimension of the bidiagonal * matrix.) * MNMAX The maximum value of MNMIN for j=1,...,NSIZES. * NFAIL The number of tests which have exceeded THRESH * COND, IMODE Values to be passed to the matrix generators. * ANORM Norm of A; passed to matrix generators. * * OVFL, UNFL Overflow and underflow thresholds. * RTOVFL, RTUNFL Square roots of the previous 2 values. * ULP, ULPINV Finest relative precision and its inverse. * * The following four arrays decode JTYPE: * KTYPE(j) The general type (1-10) for type "j". * KMODE(j) The MODE value to be passed to the matrix * generator for type "j". * KMAGN(j) The order of magnitude ( O(1), * O(overflow^(1/2) ), O(underflow^(1/2) ) * * ====================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE, TWO, HALF PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, ONE = 1.0D0, TWO = 2.0D0, $ HALF = 0.5D0 ) INTEGER MAXTYP PARAMETER ( MAXTYP = 16 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL BADMM, BADNN, BIDIAG CHARACTER UPLO CHARACTER*3 PATH INTEGER I, IINFO, IMODE, ITYPE, J, JCOL, JSIZE, JTYPE, $ LOG2UI, M, MINWRK, MMAX, MNMAX, MNMIN, MQ, $ MTYPES, N, NFAIL, NMAX, NTEST DOUBLE PRECISION AMNINV, ANORM, COND, OVFL, RTOVFL, RTUNFL, $ TEMP1, TEMP2, ULP, ULPINV, UNFL * .. * .. Local Arrays .. INTEGER IDUM( 1 ), IOLDSD( 4 ), KMAGN( MAXTYP ), $ KMODE( MAXTYP ), KTYPE( MAXTYP ) DOUBLE PRECISION DUM( 1 ), DUMMA( 1 ), RESULT( 19 ) * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH, DLARND EXTERNAL DLAMCH, DLARND * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ALASUM, DBDSDC, DBDSQR, DBDT01, DBDT02, DBDT03, $ DCOPY, DGEBRD, DGEMM, DLABAD, DLACPY, DLAHD2, $ DLASET, DLATMR, DLATMS, DORGBR, DORT01, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, EXP, INT, LOG, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Scalars in Common .. LOGICAL LERR, OK CHARACTER*32 SRNAMT INTEGER INFOT, NUNIT * .. * .. Common blocks .. COMMON / INFOC / INFOT, NUNIT, OK, LERR COMMON / SRNAMC / SRNAMT * .. * .. Data statements .. DATA KTYPE / 1, 2, 5*4, 5*6, 3*9, 10 / DATA KMAGN / 2*1, 3*1, 2, 3, 3*1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0 / DATA KMODE / 2*0, 4, 3, 1, 4, 4, 4, 3, 1, 4, 4, 0, $ 0, 0, 0 / * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Check for errors * INFO = 0 * BADMM = .FALSE. BADNN = .FALSE. MMAX = 1 NMAX = 1 MNMAX = 1 MINWRK = 1 DO 10 J = 1, NSIZES MMAX = MAX( MMAX, MVAL( J ) ) IF( MVAL( J ).LT.0 ) $ BADMM = .TRUE. NMAX = MAX( NMAX, NVAL( J ) ) IF( NVAL( J ).LT.0 ) $ BADNN = .TRUE. MNMAX = MAX( MNMAX, MIN( MVAL( J ), NVAL( J ) ) ) MINWRK = MAX( MINWRK, 3*( MVAL( J )+NVAL( J ) ), $ MVAL( J )*( MVAL( J )+MAX( MVAL( J ), NVAL( J ), $ NRHS )+1 )+NVAL( J )*MIN( NVAL( J ), MVAL( J ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE * * Check for errors * IF( NSIZES.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( BADMM ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( BADNN ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( NTYPES.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( NRHS.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -6 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MMAX ) THEN INFO = -11 ELSE IF( LDX.LT.MMAX ) THEN INFO = -17 ELSE IF( LDQ.LT.MMAX ) THEN INFO = -21 ELSE IF( LDPT.LT.MNMAX ) THEN INFO = -23 ELSE IF( MINWRK.GT.LWORK ) THEN INFO = -27 END IF * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DCHKBD', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Initialize constants * PATH( 1: 1 ) = 'Double precision' PATH( 2: 3 ) = 'BD' NFAIL = 0 NTEST = 0 UNFL = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) OVFL = DLAMCH( 'Overflow' ) CALL DLABAD( UNFL, OVFL ) ULP = DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) ULPINV = ONE / ULP LOG2UI = INT( LOG( ULPINV ) / LOG( TWO ) ) RTUNFL = SQRT( UNFL ) RTOVFL = SQRT( OVFL ) INFOT = 0 * * Loop over sizes, types * DO 200 JSIZE = 1, NSIZES M = MVAL( JSIZE ) N = NVAL( JSIZE ) MNMIN = MIN( M, N ) AMNINV = ONE / MAX( M, N, 1 ) * IF( NSIZES.NE.1 ) THEN MTYPES = MIN( MAXTYP, NTYPES ) ELSE MTYPES = MIN( MAXTYP+1, NTYPES ) END IF * DO 190 JTYPE = 1, MTYPES IF( .NOT.DOTYPE( JTYPE ) ) $ GO TO 190 * DO 20 J = 1, 4 IOLDSD( J ) = ISEED( J ) 20 CONTINUE * DO 30 J = 1, 14 RESULT( J ) = -ONE 30 CONTINUE * UPLO = ' ' * * Compute "A" * * Control parameters: * * KMAGN KMODE KTYPE * =1 O(1) clustered 1 zero * =2 large clustered 2 identity * =3 small exponential (none) * =4 arithmetic diagonal, (w/ eigenvalues) * =5 random symmetric, w/ eigenvalues * =6 nonsymmetric, w/ singular values * =7 random diagonal * =8 random symmetric * =9 random nonsymmetric * =10 random bidiagonal (log. distrib.) * IF( MTYPES.GT.MAXTYP ) $ GO TO 100 * ITYPE = KTYPE( JTYPE ) IMODE = KMODE( JTYPE ) * * Compute norm * GO TO ( 40, 50, 60 )KMAGN( JTYPE ) * 40 CONTINUE ANORM = ONE GO TO 70 * 50 CONTINUE ANORM = ( RTOVFL*ULP )*AMNINV GO TO 70 * 60 CONTINUE ANORM = RTUNFL*MAX( M, N )*ULPINV GO TO 70 * 70 CONTINUE * CALL DLASET( 'Full', LDA, N, ZERO, ZERO, A, LDA ) IINFO = 0 COND = ULPINV * BIDIAG = .FALSE. IF( ITYPE.EQ.1 ) THEN * * Zero matrix * IINFO = 0 * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.2 ) THEN * * Identity * DO 80 JCOL = 1, MNMIN A( JCOL, JCOL ) = ANORM 80 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.4 ) THEN * * Diagonal Matrix, [Eigen]values Specified * CALL DLATMS( MNMIN, MNMIN, 'S', ISEED, 'N', WORK, IMODE, $ COND, ANORM, 0, 0, 'N', A, LDA, $ WORK( MNMIN+1 ), IINFO ) * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.5 ) THEN * * Symmetric, eigenvalues specified * CALL DLATMS( MNMIN, MNMIN, 'S', ISEED, 'S', WORK, IMODE, $ COND, ANORM, M, N, 'N', A, LDA, $ WORK( MNMIN+1 ), IINFO ) * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.6 ) THEN * * Nonsymmetric, singular values specified * CALL DLATMS( M, N, 'S', ISEED, 'N', WORK, IMODE, COND, $ ANORM, M, N, 'N', A, LDA, WORK( MNMIN+1 ), $ IINFO ) * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.7 ) THEN * * Diagonal, random entries * CALL DLATMR( MNMIN, MNMIN, 'S', ISEED, 'N', WORK, 6, ONE, $ ONE, 'T', 'N', WORK( MNMIN+1 ), 1, ONE, $ WORK( 2*MNMIN+1 ), 1, ONE, 'N', IWORK, 0, 0, $ ZERO, ANORM, 'NO', A, LDA, IWORK, IINFO ) * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.8 ) THEN * * Symmetric, random entries * CALL DLATMR( MNMIN, MNMIN, 'S', ISEED, 'S', WORK, 6, ONE, $ ONE, 'T', 'N', WORK( MNMIN+1 ), 1, ONE, $ WORK( M+MNMIN+1 ), 1, ONE, 'N', IWORK, M, N, $ ZERO, ANORM, 'NO', A, LDA, IWORK, IINFO ) * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.9 ) THEN * * Nonsymmetric, random entries * CALL DLATMR( M, N, 'S', ISEED, 'N', WORK, 6, ONE, ONE, $ 'T', 'N', WORK( MNMIN+1 ), 1, ONE, $ WORK( M+MNMIN+1 ), 1, ONE, 'N', IWORK, M, N, $ ZERO, ANORM, 'NO', A, LDA, IWORK, IINFO ) * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.10 ) THEN * * Bidiagonal, random entries * TEMP1 = -TWO*LOG( ULP ) DO 90 J = 1, MNMIN BD( J ) = EXP( TEMP1*DLARND( 2, ISEED ) ) IF( J.LT.MNMIN ) $ BE( J ) = EXP( TEMP1*DLARND( 2, ISEED ) ) 90 CONTINUE * IINFO = 0 BIDIAG = .TRUE. IF( M.GE.N ) THEN UPLO = 'U' ELSE UPLO = 'L' END IF ELSE IINFO = 1 END IF * IF( IINFO.EQ.0 ) THEN * * Generate Right-Hand Side * IF( BIDIAG ) THEN CALL DLATMR( MNMIN, NRHS, 'S', ISEED, 'N', WORK, 6, $ ONE, ONE, 'T', 'N', WORK( MNMIN+1 ), 1, $ ONE, WORK( 2*MNMIN+1 ), 1, ONE, 'N', $ IWORK, MNMIN, NRHS, ZERO, ONE, 'NO', Y, $ LDX, IWORK, IINFO ) ELSE CALL DLATMR( M, NRHS, 'S', ISEED, 'N', WORK, 6, ONE, $ ONE, 'T', 'N', WORK( M+1 ), 1, ONE, $ WORK( 2*M+1 ), 1, ONE, 'N', IWORK, M, $ NRHS, ZERO, ONE, 'NO', X, LDX, IWORK, $ IINFO ) END IF END IF * * Error Exit * IF( IINFO.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 )'Generator', IINFO, M, N, $ JTYPE, IOLDSD INFO = ABS( IINFO ) RETURN END IF * 100 CONTINUE * * Call DGEBRD and DORGBR to compute B, Q, and P, do tests. * IF( .NOT.BIDIAG ) THEN * * Compute transformations to reduce A to bidiagonal form: * B := Q' * A * P. * CALL DLACPY( ' ', M, N, A, LDA, Q, LDQ ) CALL DGEBRD( M, N, Q, LDQ, BD, BE, WORK, WORK( MNMIN+1 ), $ WORK( 2*MNMIN+1 ), LWORK-2*MNMIN, IINFO ) * * Check error code from DGEBRD. * IF( IINFO.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 )'DGEBRD', IINFO, M, N, $ JTYPE, IOLDSD INFO = ABS( IINFO ) RETURN END IF * CALL DLACPY( ' ', M, N, Q, LDQ, PT, LDPT ) IF( M.GE.N ) THEN UPLO = 'U' ELSE UPLO = 'L' END IF * * Generate Q * MQ = M IF( NRHS.LE.0 ) $ MQ = MNMIN CALL DORGBR( 'Q', M, MQ, N, Q, LDQ, WORK, $ WORK( 2*MNMIN+1 ), LWORK-2*MNMIN, IINFO ) * * Check error code from DORGBR. * IF( IINFO.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 )'DORGBR(Q)', IINFO, M, N, $ JTYPE, IOLDSD INFO = ABS( IINFO ) RETURN END IF * * Generate P' * CALL DORGBR( 'P', MNMIN, N, M, PT, LDPT, WORK( MNMIN+1 ), $ WORK( 2*MNMIN+1 ), LWORK-2*MNMIN, IINFO ) * * Check error code from DORGBR. * IF( IINFO.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 )'DORGBR(P)', IINFO, M, N, $ JTYPE, IOLDSD INFO = ABS( IINFO ) RETURN END IF * * Apply Q' to an M by NRHS matrix X: Y := Q' * X. * CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'No transpose', M, NRHS, M, ONE, $ Q, LDQ, X, LDX, ZERO, Y, LDX ) * * Test 1: Check the decomposition A := Q * B * PT * 2: Check the orthogonality of Q * 3: Check the orthogonality of PT * CALL DBDT01( M, N, 1, A, LDA, Q, LDQ, BD, BE, PT, LDPT, $ WORK, RESULT( 1 ) ) CALL DORT01( 'Columns', M, MQ, Q, LDQ, WORK, LWORK, $ RESULT( 2 ) ) CALL DORT01( 'Rows', MNMIN, N, PT, LDPT, WORK, LWORK, $ RESULT( 3 ) ) END IF * * Use DBDSQR to form the SVD of the bidiagonal matrix B: * B := U * S1 * VT, and compute Z = U' * Y. * CALL DCOPY( MNMIN, BD, 1, S1, 1 ) IF( MNMIN.GT.0 ) $ CALL DCOPY( MNMIN-1, BE, 1, WORK, 1 ) CALL DLACPY( ' ', M, NRHS, Y, LDX, Z, LDX ) CALL DLASET( 'Full', MNMIN, MNMIN, ZERO, ONE, U, LDPT ) CALL DLASET( 'Full', MNMIN, MNMIN, ZERO, ONE, VT, LDPT ) * CALL DBDSQR( UPLO, MNMIN, MNMIN, MNMIN, NRHS, S1, WORK, VT, $ LDPT, U, LDPT, Z, LDX, WORK( MNMIN+1 ), IINFO ) * * Check error code from DBDSQR. * IF( IINFO.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 )'DBDSQR(vects)', IINFO, M, N, $ JTYPE, IOLDSD INFO = ABS( IINFO ) IF( IINFO.LT.0 ) THEN RETURN ELSE RESULT( 4 ) = ULPINV GO TO 170 END IF END IF * * Use DBDSQR to compute only the singular values of the * bidiagonal matrix B; U, VT, and Z should not be modified. * CALL DCOPY( MNMIN, BD, 1, S2, 1 ) IF( MNMIN.GT.0 ) $ CALL DCOPY( MNMIN-1, BE, 1, WORK, 1 ) * CALL DBDSQR( UPLO, MNMIN, 0, 0, 0, S2, WORK, VT, LDPT, U, $ LDPT, Z, LDX, WORK( MNMIN+1 ), IINFO ) * * Check error code from DBDSQR. * IF( IINFO.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 )'DBDSQR(values)', IINFO, M, N, $ JTYPE, IOLDSD INFO = ABS( IINFO ) IF( IINFO.LT.0 ) THEN RETURN ELSE RESULT( 9 ) = ULPINV GO TO 170 END IF END IF * * Test 4: Check the decomposition B := U * S1 * VT * 5: Check the computation Z := U' * Y * 6: Check the orthogonality of U * 7: Check the orthogonality of VT * CALL DBDT03( UPLO, MNMIN, 1, BD, BE, U, LDPT, S1, VT, LDPT, $ WORK, RESULT( 4 ) ) CALL DBDT02( MNMIN, NRHS, Y, LDX, Z, LDX, U, LDPT, WORK, $ RESULT( 5 ) ) CALL DORT01( 'Columns', MNMIN, MNMIN, U, LDPT, WORK, LWORK, $ RESULT( 6 ) ) CALL DORT01( 'Rows', MNMIN, MNMIN, VT, LDPT, WORK, LWORK, $ RESULT( 7 ) ) * * Test 8: Check that the singular values are sorted in * non-increasing order and are non-negative * RESULT( 8 ) = ZERO DO 110 I = 1, MNMIN - 1 IF( S1( I ).LT.S1( I+1 ) ) $ RESULT( 8 ) = ULPINV IF( S1( I ).LT.ZERO ) $ RESULT( 8 ) = ULPINV 110 CONTINUE IF( MNMIN.GE.1 ) THEN IF( S1( MNMIN ).LT.ZERO ) $ RESULT( 8 ) = ULPINV END IF * * Test 9: Compare DBDSQR with and without singular vectors * TEMP2 = ZERO * DO 120 J = 1, MNMIN TEMP1 = ABS( S1( J )-S2( J ) ) / $ MAX( SQRT( UNFL )*MAX( S1( 1 ), ONE ), $ ULP*MAX( ABS( S1( J ) ), ABS( S2( J ) ) ) ) TEMP2 = MAX( TEMP1, TEMP2 ) 120 CONTINUE * RESULT( 9 ) = TEMP2 * * Test 10: Sturm sequence test of singular values * Go up by factors of two until it succeeds * TEMP1 = THRESH*( HALF-ULP ) * DO 130 J = 0, LOG2UI * CALL DSVDCH( MNMIN, BD, BE, S1, TEMP1, IINFO ) IF( IINFO.EQ.0 ) $ GO TO 140 TEMP1 = TEMP1*TWO 130 CONTINUE * 140 CONTINUE RESULT( 10 ) = TEMP1 * * Use DBDSQR to form the decomposition A := (QU) S (VT PT) * from the bidiagonal form A := Q B PT. * IF( .NOT.BIDIAG ) THEN CALL DCOPY( MNMIN, BD, 1, S2, 1 ) IF( MNMIN.GT.0 ) $ CALL DCOPY( MNMIN-1, BE, 1, WORK, 1 ) * CALL DBDSQR( UPLO, MNMIN, N, M, NRHS, S2, WORK, PT, LDPT, $ Q, LDQ, Y, LDX, WORK( MNMIN+1 ), IINFO ) * * Test 11: Check the decomposition A := Q*U * S2 * VT*PT * 12: Check the computation Z := U' * Q' * X * 13: Check the orthogonality of Q*U * 14: Check the orthogonality of VT*PT * CALL DBDT01( M, N, 0, A, LDA, Q, LDQ, S2, DUMMA, PT, $ LDPT, WORK, RESULT( 11 ) ) CALL DBDT02( M, NRHS, X, LDX, Y, LDX, Q, LDQ, WORK, $ RESULT( 12 ) ) CALL DORT01( 'Columns', M, MQ, Q, LDQ, WORK, LWORK, $ RESULT( 13 ) ) CALL DORT01( 'Rows', MNMIN, N, PT, LDPT, WORK, LWORK, $ RESULT( 14 ) ) END IF * * Use DBDSDC to form the SVD of the bidiagonal matrix B: * B := U * S1 * VT * CALL DCOPY( MNMIN, BD, 1, S1, 1 ) IF( MNMIN.GT.0 ) $ CALL DCOPY( MNMIN-1, BE, 1, WORK, 1 ) CALL DLASET( 'Full', MNMIN, MNMIN, ZERO, ONE, U, LDPT ) CALL DLASET( 'Full', MNMIN, MNMIN, ZERO, ONE, VT, LDPT ) * CALL DBDSDC( UPLO, 'I', MNMIN, S1, WORK, U, LDPT, VT, LDPT, $ DUM, IDUM, WORK( MNMIN+1 ), IWORK, IINFO ) * * Check error code from DBDSDC. * IF( IINFO.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 )'DBDSDC(vects)', IINFO, M, N, $ JTYPE, IOLDSD INFO = ABS( IINFO ) IF( IINFO.LT.0 ) THEN RETURN ELSE RESULT( 15 ) = ULPINV GO TO 170 END IF END IF * * Use DBDSDC to compute only the singular values of the * bidiagonal matrix B; U and VT should not be modified. * CALL DCOPY( MNMIN, BD, 1, S2, 1 ) IF( MNMIN.GT.0 ) $ CALL DCOPY( MNMIN-1, BE, 1, WORK, 1 ) * CALL DBDSDC( UPLO, 'N', MNMIN, S2, WORK, DUM, 1, DUM, 1, $ DUM, IDUM, WORK( MNMIN+1 ), IWORK, IINFO ) * * Check error code from DBDSDC. * IF( IINFO.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 )'DBDSDC(values)', IINFO, M, N, $ JTYPE, IOLDSD INFO = ABS( IINFO ) IF( IINFO.LT.0 ) THEN RETURN ELSE RESULT( 18 ) = ULPINV GO TO 170 END IF END IF * * Test 15: Check the decomposition B := U * S1 * VT * 16: Check the orthogonality of U * 17: Check the orthogonality of VT * CALL DBDT03( UPLO, MNMIN, 1, BD, BE, U, LDPT, S1, VT, LDPT, $ WORK, RESULT( 15 ) ) CALL DORT01( 'Columns', MNMIN, MNMIN, U, LDPT, WORK, LWORK, $ RESULT( 16 ) ) CALL DORT01( 'Rows', MNMIN, MNMIN, VT, LDPT, WORK, LWORK, $ RESULT( 17 ) ) * * Test 18: Check that the singular values are sorted in * non-increasing order and are non-negative * RESULT( 18 ) = ZERO DO 150 I = 1, MNMIN - 1 IF( S1( I ).LT.S1( I+1 ) ) $ RESULT( 18 ) = ULPINV IF( S1( I ).LT.ZERO ) $ RESULT( 18 ) = ULPINV 150 CONTINUE IF( MNMIN.GE.1 ) THEN IF( S1( MNMIN ).LT.ZERO ) $ RESULT( 18 ) = ULPINV END IF * * Test 19: Compare DBDSQR with and without singular vectors * TEMP2 = ZERO * DO 160 J = 1, MNMIN TEMP1 = ABS( S1( J )-S2( J ) ) / $ MAX( SQRT( UNFL )*MAX( S1( 1 ), ONE ), $ ULP*MAX( ABS( S1( 1 ) ), ABS( S2( 1 ) ) ) ) TEMP2 = MAX( TEMP1, TEMP2 ) 160 CONTINUE * RESULT( 19 ) = TEMP2 * * End of Loop -- Check for RESULT(j) > THRESH * 170 CONTINUE DO 180 J = 1, 19 IF( RESULT( J ).GE.THRESH ) THEN IF( NFAIL.EQ.0 ) $ CALL DLAHD2( NOUT, PATH ) WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )M, N, JTYPE, IOLDSD, J, $ RESULT( J ) NFAIL = NFAIL + 1 END IF 180 CONTINUE IF( .NOT.BIDIAG ) THEN NTEST = NTEST + 19 ELSE NTEST = NTEST + 5 END IF * 190 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE * * Summary * CALL ALASUM( PATH, NOUT, NFAIL, NTEST, 0 ) * RETURN * * End of DCHKBD * 9999 FORMAT( ' M=', I5, ', N=', I5, ', type ', I2, ', seed=', $ 4( I4, ',' ), ' test(', I2, ')=', G11.4 ) 9998 FORMAT( ' DCHKBD: ', A, ' returned INFO=', I6, '.', / 9X, 'M=', $ I6, ', N=', I6, ', JTYPE=', I6, ', ISEED=(', 3( I5, ',' ), $ I5, ')' ) * END
*> \brief \b ZSBMV * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE ZSBMV( UPLO, N, K, ALPHA, A, LDA, X, INCX, BETA, Y, * INCY ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * CHARACTER UPLO * INTEGER INCX, INCY, K, LDA, N * COMPLEX*16 ALPHA, BETA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * COMPLEX*16 A( LDA, * ), X( * ), Y( * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> ZSBMV performs the matrix-vector operation *> *> y := alpha*A*x + beta*y, *> *> where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are n element vectors and *> A is an n by n symmetric band matrix, with k super-diagonals. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \verbatim *> UPLO - CHARACTER*1 *> On entry, UPLO specifies whether the upper or lower *> triangular part of the band matrix A is being supplied as *> follows: *> *> UPLO = 'U' or 'u' The upper triangular part of A is *> being supplied. *> *> UPLO = 'L' or 'l' The lower triangular part of A is *> being supplied. *> *> Unchanged on exit. *> *> N - INTEGER *> On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A. *> N must be at least zero. *> Unchanged on exit. *> *> K - INTEGER *> On entry, K specifies the number of super-diagonals of the *> matrix A. K must satisfy 0 .le. K. *> Unchanged on exit. *> *> ALPHA - COMPLEX*16 *> On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha. *> Unchanged on exit. *> *> A - COMPLEX*16 array, dimension( LDA, N ) *> Before entry with UPLO = 'U' or 'u', the leading ( k + 1 ) *> by n part of the array A must contain the upper triangular *> band part of the symmetric matrix, supplied column by *> column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row *> ( k + 1 ) of the array, the first super-diagonal starting at *> position 2 in row k, and so on. The top left k by k triangle *> of the array A is not referenced. *> The following program segment will transfer the upper *> triangular part of a symmetric band matrix from conventional *> full matrix storage to band storage: *> *> DO 20, J = 1, N *> M = K + 1 - J *> DO 10, I = MAX( 1, J - K ), J *> A( M + I, J ) = matrix( I, J ) *> 10 CONTINUE *> 20 CONTINUE *> *> Before entry with UPLO = 'L' or 'l', the leading ( k + 1 ) *> by n part of the array A must contain the lower triangular *> band part of the symmetric matrix, supplied column by *> column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row 1 of *> the array, the first sub-diagonal starting at position 1 in *> row 2, and so on. The bottom right k by k triangle of the *> array A is not referenced. *> The following program segment will transfer the lower *> triangular part of a symmetric band matrix from conventional *> full matrix storage to band storage: *> *> DO 20, J = 1, N *> M = 1 - J *> DO 10, I = J, MIN( N, J + K ) *> A( M + I, J ) = matrix( I, J ) *> 10 CONTINUE *> 20 CONTINUE *> *> Unchanged on exit. *> *> LDA - INTEGER *> On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared *> in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least *> ( k + 1 ). *> Unchanged on exit. *> *> X - COMPLEX*16 array, dimension at least *> ( 1 + ( N - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ). *> Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the *> vector x. *> Unchanged on exit. *> *> INCX - INTEGER *> On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of *> X. INCX must not be zero. *> Unchanged on exit. *> *> BETA - COMPLEX*16 *> On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta. *> Unchanged on exit. *> *> Y - COMPLEX*16 array, dimension at least *> ( 1 + ( N - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ). *> Before entry, the incremented array Y must contain the *> vector y. On exit, Y is overwritten by the updated vector y. *> *> INCY - INTEGER *> On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of *> Y. INCY must not be zero. *> Unchanged on exit. *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \ingroup complex16_eig * * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE ZSBMV( UPLO, N, K, ALPHA, A, LDA, X, INCX, BETA, Y, $ INCY ) * * -- LAPACK test routine -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER INCX, INCY, K, LDA, N COMPLEX*16 ALPHA, BETA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX*16 A( LDA, * ), X( * ), Y( * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. COMPLEX*16 ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = ( 1.0D+0, 0.0D+0 ) ) COMPLEX*16 ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = ( 0.0D+0, 0.0D+0 ) ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, INFO, IX, IY, J, JX, JY, KPLUS1, KX, KY, L COMPLEX*16 TEMP1, TEMP2 * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 IF( .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = 1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = 2 ELSE IF( K.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = 3 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.( K+1 ) ) THEN INFO = 6 ELSE IF( INCX.EQ.0 ) THEN INFO = 8 ELSE IF( INCY.EQ.0 ) THEN INFO = 11 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'ZSBMV ', INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible. * IF( ( N.EQ.0 ) .OR. ( ( ALPHA.EQ.ZERO ) .AND. ( BETA.EQ.ONE ) ) ) $ RETURN * * Set up the start points in X and Y. * IF( INCX.GT.0 ) THEN KX = 1 ELSE KX = 1 - ( N-1 )*INCX END IF IF( INCY.GT.0 ) THEN KY = 1 ELSE KY = 1 - ( N-1 )*INCY END IF * * Start the operations. In this version the elements of the array A * are accessed sequentially with one pass through A. * * First form y := beta*y. * IF( BETA.NE.ONE ) THEN IF( INCY.EQ.1 ) THEN IF( BETA.EQ.ZERO ) THEN DO 10 I = 1, N Y( I ) = ZERO 10 CONTINUE ELSE DO 20 I = 1, N Y( I ) = BETA*Y( I ) 20 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IY = KY IF( BETA.EQ.ZERO ) THEN DO 30 I = 1, N Y( IY ) = ZERO IY = IY + INCY 30 CONTINUE ELSE DO 40 I = 1, N Y( IY ) = BETA*Y( IY ) IY = IY + INCY 40 CONTINUE END IF END IF END IF IF( ALPHA.EQ.ZERO ) $ RETURN IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN * * Form y when upper triangle of A is stored. * KPLUS1 = K + 1 IF( ( INCX.EQ.1 ) .AND. ( INCY.EQ.1 ) ) THEN DO 60 J = 1, N TEMP1 = ALPHA*X( J ) TEMP2 = ZERO L = KPLUS1 - J DO 50 I = MAX( 1, J-K ), J - 1 Y( I ) = Y( I ) + TEMP1*A( L+I, J ) TEMP2 = TEMP2 + A( L+I, J )*X( I ) 50 CONTINUE Y( J ) = Y( J ) + TEMP1*A( KPLUS1, J ) + ALPHA*TEMP2 60 CONTINUE ELSE JX = KX JY = KY DO 80 J = 1, N TEMP1 = ALPHA*X( JX ) TEMP2 = ZERO IX = KX IY = KY L = KPLUS1 - J DO 70 I = MAX( 1, J-K ), J - 1 Y( IY ) = Y( IY ) + TEMP1*A( L+I, J ) TEMP2 = TEMP2 + A( L+I, J )*X( IX ) IX = IX + INCX IY = IY + INCY 70 CONTINUE Y( JY ) = Y( JY ) + TEMP1*A( KPLUS1, J ) + ALPHA*TEMP2 JX = JX + INCX JY = JY + INCY IF( J.GT.K ) THEN KX = KX + INCX KY = KY + INCY END IF 80 CONTINUE END IF ELSE * * Form y when lower triangle of A is stored. * IF( ( INCX.EQ.1 ) .AND. ( INCY.EQ.1 ) ) THEN DO 100 J = 1, N TEMP1 = ALPHA*X( J ) TEMP2 = ZERO Y( J ) = Y( J ) + TEMP1*A( 1, J ) L = 1 - J DO 90 I = J + 1, MIN( N, J+K ) Y( I ) = Y( I ) + TEMP1*A( L+I, J ) TEMP2 = TEMP2 + A( L+I, J )*X( I ) 90 CONTINUE Y( J ) = Y( J ) + ALPHA*TEMP2 100 CONTINUE ELSE JX = KX JY = KY DO 120 J = 1, N TEMP1 = ALPHA*X( JX ) TEMP2 = ZERO Y( JY ) = Y( JY ) + TEMP1*A( 1, J ) L = 1 - J IX = JX IY = JY DO 110 I = J + 1, MIN( N, J+K ) IX = IX + INCX IY = IY + INCY Y( IY ) = Y( IY ) + TEMP1*A( L+I, J ) TEMP2 = TEMP2 + A( L+I, J )*X( IX ) 110 CONTINUE Y( JY ) = Y( JY ) + ALPHA*TEMP2 JX = JX + INCX JY = JY + INCY 120 CONTINUE END IF END IF * RETURN * * End of ZSBMV * END
*> \brief \b ZLATSY * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE ZLATSY( UPLO, N, X, LDX, ISEED ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * CHARACTER UPLO * INTEGER LDX, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * INTEGER ISEED( * ) * COMPLEX*16 X( LDX, * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> ZLATSY generates a special test matrix for the complex symmetric *> (indefinite) factorization. The pivot blocks of the generated matrix *> will be in the following order: *> 2x2 pivot block, non diagonalizable *> 1x1 pivot block *> 2x2 pivot block, diagonalizable *> (cycle repeats) *> A row interchange is required for each non-diagonalizable 2x2 block. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] UPLO *> \verbatim *> UPLO is CHARACTER *> Specifies whether the generated matrix is to be upper or *> lower triangular. *> = 'U': Upper triangular *> = 'L': Lower triangular *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The dimension of the matrix to be generated. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] X *> \verbatim *> X is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDX,N) *> The generated matrix, consisting of 3x3 and 2x2 diagonal *> blocks which result in the pivot sequence given above. *> The matrix outside of these diagonal blocks is zero. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDX *> \verbatim *> LDX is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array X. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] ISEED *> \verbatim *> ISEED is INTEGER array, dimension (4) *> On entry, the seed for the random number generator. The last *> of the four integers must be odd. (modified on exit) *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \ingroup complex16_lin * * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE ZLATSY( UPLO, N, X, LDX, ISEED ) * * -- LAPACK test routine -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER LDX, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER ISEED( * ) COMPLEX*16 X( LDX, * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. COMPLEX*16 EYE PARAMETER ( EYE = ( 0.0D0, 1.0D0 ) ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J, N5 DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA, ALPHA3, BETA COMPLEX*16 A, B, C, R * .. * .. External Functions .. COMPLEX*16 ZLARND EXTERNAL ZLARND * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Initialize constants * ALPHA = ( 1.D0+SQRT( 17.D0 ) ) / 8.D0 BETA = ALPHA - 1.D0 / 1000.D0 ALPHA3 = ALPHA*ALPHA*ALPHA * * UPLO = 'U': Upper triangular storage * IF( UPLO.EQ.'U' ) THEN * * Fill the upper triangle of the matrix with zeros. * DO 20 J = 1, N DO 10 I = 1, J X( I, J ) = 0.0D0 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE N5 = N / 5 N5 = N - 5*N5 + 1 * DO 30 I = N, N5, -5 A = ALPHA3*ZLARND( 5, ISEED ) B = ZLARND( 5, ISEED ) / ALPHA C = A - 2.D0*B*EYE R = C / BETA X( I, I ) = A X( I-2, I ) = B X( I-2, I-1 ) = R X( I-2, I-2 ) = C X( I-1, I-1 ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) X( I-3, I-3 ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) X( I-4, I-4 ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) IF( ABS( X( I-3, I-3 ) ).GT.ABS( X( I-4, I-4 ) ) ) THEN X( I-4, I-3 ) = 2.0D0*X( I-3, I-3 ) ELSE X( I-4, I-3 ) = 2.0D0*X( I-4, I-4 ) END IF 30 CONTINUE * * Clean-up for N not a multiple of 5. * I = N5 - 1 IF( I.GT.2 ) THEN A = ALPHA3*ZLARND( 5, ISEED ) B = ZLARND( 5, ISEED ) / ALPHA C = A - 2.D0*B*EYE R = C / BETA X( I, I ) = A X( I-2, I ) = B X( I-2, I-1 ) = R X( I-2, I-2 ) = C X( I-1, I-1 ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) I = I - 3 END IF IF( I.GT.1 ) THEN X( I, I ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) X( I-1, I-1 ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) IF( ABS( X( I, I ) ).GT.ABS( X( I-1, I-1 ) ) ) THEN X( I-1, I ) = 2.0D0*X( I, I ) ELSE X( I-1, I ) = 2.0D0*X( I-1, I-1 ) END IF I = I - 2 ELSE IF( I.EQ.1 ) THEN X( I, I ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) I = I - 1 END IF * * UPLO = 'L': Lower triangular storage * ELSE * * Fill the lower triangle of the matrix with zeros. * DO 50 J = 1, N DO 40 I = J, N X( I, J ) = 0.0D0 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE N5 = N / 5 N5 = N5*5 * DO 60 I = 1, N5, 5 A = ALPHA3*ZLARND( 5, ISEED ) B = ZLARND( 5, ISEED ) / ALPHA C = A - 2.D0*B*EYE R = C / BETA X( I, I ) = A X( I+2, I ) = B X( I+2, I+1 ) = R X( I+2, I+2 ) = C X( I+1, I+1 ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) X( I+3, I+3 ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) X( I+4, I+4 ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) IF( ABS( X( I+3, I+3 ) ).GT.ABS( X( I+4, I+4 ) ) ) THEN X( I+4, I+3 ) = 2.0D0*X( I+3, I+3 ) ELSE X( I+4, I+3 ) = 2.0D0*X( I+4, I+4 ) END IF 60 CONTINUE * * Clean-up for N not a multiple of 5. * I = N5 + 1 IF( I.LT.N-1 ) THEN A = ALPHA3*ZLARND( 5, ISEED ) B = ZLARND( 5, ISEED ) / ALPHA C = A - 2.D0*B*EYE R = C / BETA X( I, I ) = A X( I+2, I ) = B X( I+2, I+1 ) = R X( I+2, I+2 ) = C X( I+1, I+1 ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) I = I + 3 END IF IF( I.LT.N ) THEN X( I, I ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) X( I+1, I+1 ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) IF( ABS( X( I, I ) ).GT.ABS( X( I+1, I+1 ) ) ) THEN X( I+1, I ) = 2.0D0*X( I, I ) ELSE X( I+1, I ) = 2.0D0*X( I+1, I+1 ) END IF I = I + 2 ELSE IF( I.EQ.N ) THEN X( I, I ) = ZLARND( 2, ISEED ) I = I + 1 END IF END IF * RETURN * * End of ZLATSY * END
! ! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Quantum ESPRESSO group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or . !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE set_int12_nc(iflag) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This is a driver to call the routines that rotate and multiply ! by the Pauli matrices the integrals. ! USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp USE spin_orb, ONLY : lspinorb USE uspp_param, only: upf USE phus, ONLY : int1, int2, int1_nc, int2_so IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: iflag INTEGER :: np, na int1_nc=(0.d0,0.d0) IF (lspinorb) int2_so=(0.d0,0.d0) DO np = 1, ntyp IF ( upf(np)%tvanp ) THEN DO na = 1, nat IF (ityp(na)==np) THEN IF (upf(np)%has_so) THEN CALL transform_int1_so(int1,na,iflag) CALL transform_int2_so(int2,na,iflag) ELSE CALL transform_int1_nc(int1,na,iflag) IF (lspinorb) CALL transform_int2_nc(int2,na,iflag) END IF END IF END DO END IF END DO END SUBROUTINE set_int12_nc !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE set_int3_nc(npe) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp USE uspp_param, only: upf USE phus, ONLY : int3, int3_nc IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: npe INTEGER :: np, na int3_nc=(0.d0,0.d0) DO np = 1, ntyp IF ( upf(np)%tvanp ) THEN DO na = 1, nat IF (ityp(na)==np) THEN IF (upf(np)%has_so) THEN CALL transform_int3_so(int3,na,npe) ELSE CALL transform_int3_nc(int3,na,npe) END IF END IF END DO END IF END DO END SUBROUTINE set_int3_nc ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE set_dbecsum_nc(dbecsum_nc, dbecsum, npe) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE kinds, ONLY : DP USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp USE uspp_param, only: upf, nhm USE noncollin_module, ONLY : nspin_mag USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: npe INTEGER :: np, na COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: dbecsum_nc( nhm, nhm, nat, nspin, npe) COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: dbecsum( nhm*(nhm+1)/2, nat, nspin_mag, npe) DO np = 1, ntyp IF ( upf(np)%tvanp ) THEN DO na = 1, nat IF (ityp(na)==np) THEN IF (upf(np)%has_so) THEN CALL transform_dbecsum_so(dbecsum_nc,dbecsum,na, npe) ELSE CALL transform_dbecsum_nc(dbecsum_nc,dbecsum,na, npe) END IF END IF END DO END IF END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE set_dbecsum_nc
! *****************************COPYRIGHT******************************* ! (c) [University of Edinburgh] [2009]. All rights reserved. ! This routine has been licensed to the Met Office for use and ! distribution under the JULES collaboration agreement, subject ! to the terms and conditions set out therein. ! [Met Office Ref SC237] ! *****************************COPYRIGHT******************************* ! SUBROUTINE SNOWPACK------------------------------------------------- ! Description: ! Snow thermodynamics and hydrology ! Subroutine Interface: MODULE snowpack_mod CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: ModuleName='SNOWPACK_MOD' CONTAINS SUBROUTINE snowpack ( land_pts,surft_pts,timestep,cansnowtile, & nsnow,surft_index,csnow,ei_surft,hcaps,hcons, & infiltration, & ksnow,rho_snow_grnd,smcl1,snowfall,sthf1, & surf_htf_surft,tile_frac,v_sat1,ds, & melt_surft,sice,sliq,snomlt_sub_htf, & snowdepth,snowmass,tsnow,tsoil1,tsurf_elev_surft, & snow_soil_htf,rho_snow,rho0,sice0,tsnow0 ) USE tridag_mod, ONLY: tridag USE c_0_dg_c, ONLY : & ! imported scalar parameters tm ! Temperature at which fresh water freezes ! ! and ice melts (K) USE c_densty, ONLY : & ! imported scalar parameters rho_water ! density of pure water (kg/m3) USE c_lheat , ONLY : & ! imported scalar parameters lc & ! latent heat of condensation of water ! ! at 0degC (J kg-1) ,lf ! latent heat of fusion at 0degC (J kg-1) USE water_constants_mod, ONLY : & ! imported scalar parameters hcapi & ! Specific heat capacity of ice (J/kg/K) ,hcapw & ! Specific heat capacity of water (J/kg/K) ,rho_ice ! Specific density of solid ice (kg/m3) USE ancil_info, ONLY : l_lice_point USE jules_soil_mod, ONLY : dzsoil, dzsoil_elev USE jules_surface_mod, ONLY : l_elev_land_ice USE jules_snow_mod, ONLY : & nsmax & ! Maximum possible number of snow layers ,l_snow_infilt & ! Include infiltration of rain into snow ,rho_snow_const & ! constant density of lying snow (kg per m**3) ,rho_snow_fresh & ! density of fresh snow (kg per m**3) ,snowliqcap & ! Liquid water holding capacity of lying snow ! as a fraction of snow mass. ,snow_hcon & ! Conductivity of snow ,rho_firn_pore_restrict & ! Density at which ability of snowpack to hold/percolate ! water starts to be restricted ,rho_firn_pore_closure ! Density at which snowpack pores close off entirely and ! no additional melt can be held/percolated through USE parkind1, ONLY: jprb, jpim USE yomhook, ONLY: lhook, dr_hook IMPLICIT NONE ! Scalar parameters REAL, PARAMETER :: GAMMA = 0.5 ! Implicit timestep weighting ! Scalar arguments with intent(in) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: & land_pts & ! Total number of land points ,surft_pts ! Number of tile points REAL, INTENT(IN) :: & timestep ! Timestep (s) LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: & cansnowtile ! Switch for canopy snow model ! Array arguments with intent(in) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: & nsnow(land_pts) & ! Number of snow layers ,surft_index(land_pts) ! Index of tile points REAL, INTENT(IN) :: & csnow(land_pts,nsmax) & ! Areal heat capacity of layers (J/K/m2) ,ei_surft(land_pts) & ! Sublimation of snow (kg/m2/s) ,hcaps(land_pts) & ! Heat capacity of soil surface layer (J/K/m3) ,hcons(land_pts) & ! Thermal conductivity of top soil layer, ! ! including water and ice (W/m/K) ,ksnow(land_pts,nsmax) & ! Thermal conductivity of layers (W/m/K) ,rho_snow_grnd(land_pts) & ! Snowpack bulk density (kg/m3) ,smcl1(land_pts) & ! Moisture content of surface soil layer (kg/m2) ,snowfall(land_pts) & ! Snow reaching the ground (kg/m2) ,infiltration(land_pts) & ! Rainfall infiltrating into snowpack (kg/m2) ,sthf1(land_pts) & ! Frozen soil moisture content of surface layer ! ! as a fraction of saturation. ,surf_htf_surft(land_pts) & ! Snow surface heat flux (W/m2) ,tile_frac(land_pts) & ! Tile fractions ,v_sat1(land_pts) ! Surface soil layer volumetric ! ! moisture concentration at saturation ! Array arguments with intent(inout) REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: & ds(land_pts,nsmax) & ! Snow layer depths (m) ,melt_surft(land_pts) & ! Surface snowmelt rate (kg/m2/s) ,sice(land_pts,nsmax) & ! Ice content of snow layers (kg/m2) ,sliq(land_pts,nsmax) & ! Liquid content of snow layers (kg/m2) ,snomlt_sub_htf(land_pts) & ! Sub-canopy snowmelt heat flux (W/m2) ,snowdepth(land_pts) & ! Snow depth (m) ,snowmass(land_pts) & ! Snow mass on the ground (kg/m2) ,tsnow(land_pts,nsmax) & ! Snow layer temperatures (K) ,tsoil1(land_pts) & ! Soil surface layer temperature(K) ,tsurf_elev_surft(land_pts) ! Temperature of elevated subsurface tiles (K) ! Array arguments with intent(out) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: & snow_soil_htf(land_pts) & ! Heat flux into the uppermost subsurface layer ! ! (W/m2) ! ! i.e. snow to ground, or into snow/soil ! ! composite layer ,rho0(land_pts) & ! Density of fresh snow (kg/m3) ! ! Where NSNOW=0, rho0 is the density ! ! of the snowpack. ,sice0(land_pts) & ! Ice content of fresh snow (kg/m2) ! ! Where NSNOW=0, SICE0 is the mass of ! ! the snowpack. ,tsnow0(land_pts) & ! Temperature of fresh snow (K) ,rho_snow(land_pts,nsmax) ! Density of snow layers (kg/m3) ! Local scalars INTEGER :: & i & ! land point index ,k & ! Tile point index ,n ! Snow layer index REAL :: & asoil & ! 1 / (dz*hcap) for surface soil layer ,can_melt & ! Melt of snow on the canopy (kg/m2/s) ,coldsnow & ! layer cold content (J/m2) ,dsice & ! Change in layer ice content (kg/m2) ,g_snow_surf & ! Heat flux at the snow surface (W/m2) ,sliqmax & ! Maximum liquid content for layer (kg/m2) ,submelt & ! Melt of snow beneath canopy (kg/m2/s) ,smclf & ! Frozen soil moisture content of ! ! surface layer (kg/m2) ,win & ! Water entering layer (kg/m2) ,tsoilw & ,hconsw & ,dzsoilw ! working copies of tsoil, hcon and dzsoil for the loop ! Local arrays REAL :: & asnow(nsmax) & ! Effective thermal conductivity (W/m2/k) ,a(nsmax) & ! Below-diagonal matrix elements ,b(nsmax) & ! Diagonal matrix elements ,c(nsmax) & ! Above-diagonal matrix elements ,dt(nsmax) & ! Temperature increments (k) ,r(nsmax) ! Matrix equation rhs REAL :: rho_temp ! Temporary array for layer density INTEGER(KIND=jpim), PARAMETER :: zhook_in = 0 INTEGER(KIND=jpim), PARAMETER :: zhook_out = 1 REAL(KIND=jprb) :: zhook_handle CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: RoutineName='SNOWPACK' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (lhook) CALL dr_hook(ModuleName//':'//RoutineName,zhook_in,zhook_handle) !Required for bit comparison in the UM to ensure all tile points are set to !zero regardless of fraction present rho_snow(:,:) = 0.0 snow_soil_htf(:)=0. DO k=1,surft_pts i = surft_index(k) IF (l_elev_land_ice .AND. l_lice_point(i)) THEN tsoilw=tsurf_elev_surft(i) hconsw=snow_hcon dzsoilw=dzsoil_elev ELSE tsoilw=tsoil1(i) hconsw=hcons(i) dzsoilw=dzsoil(1) END IF g_snow_surf = surf_htf_surft(i) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Add melt to snow surface heat flux, unless using the snow canopy model !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( .NOT. cansnowtile ) & g_snow_surf = g_snow_surf + lf*melt_surft(i) IF ( nsnow(i) == 0 ) THEN ! Add snowfall (including canopy unloading) to ground snowpack. snowmass(i) = snowmass(i) + snowfall(i) IF ( .NOT. cansnowtile ) THEN !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Remove sublimation and melt from snowpack. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- snowmass(i) = snowmass(i) - & ( ei_surft(i) + melt_surft(i) ) * timestep ELSE IF ( tsoilw > tm ) THEN !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! For canopy model, calculate melt of snow on ground underneath canopy. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- smclf = rho_water * dzsoilw * v_sat1(i) * sthf1(i) asoil = 1./ ( dzsoilw * hcaps(i) + & hcapw * (smcl1(i) - smclf) + hcapi*smclf ) submelt = MIN( snowmass(i) / timestep, & (tsoilw - tm) / (lf * asoil * timestep) ) snowmass(i) = snowmass(i) - submelt * timestep tsoilw = tsoilw - & tile_frac(i) * asoil * timestep * lf * submelt melt_surft(i) = melt_surft(i) + submelt snomlt_sub_htf(i) = snomlt_sub_htf(i) + & tile_frac(i) * lf * submelt END IF ! Set flux into uppermost snow/soil layer (after melting). snow_soil_htf(i) = surf_htf_surft(i) ! Diagnose snow depth. snowdepth(i) = snowmass(i) / rho_snow_grnd(i) ! Set values for the surface layer. These are only needed for nsmax>0. IF ( nsmax > 0 ) THEN rho0(i) = rho_snow_grnd(i) sice0(i) = snowmass(i) tsnow0(i) = MIN( tsoilw, tm ) END IF ! Note with nsmax>0 the density of a shallow pack (nsnow=0) does not ! evolve with time (until it is exhausted). We could consider updating ! the density using a mass-weighted mean of the pack density and that ! of fresh snow, so that a growing pack would reach nsnow=1 more quickly. ! This would only affect a pack that grows from a non-zero state, and ! is not an issue if the pack grows from zero, because in that case the ! the density was previously set to the fresh snow value. ELSE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! There is at least one snow layer. Calculate heat conduction between ! layers and temperature increments. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Save rate of melting of snow on the canopy. IF ( cansnowtile ) THEN can_melt = melt_surft(i) ELSE can_melt = 0.0 END IF IF ( nsnow(i) == 1 ) THEN ! Single layer of snow. asnow(1) = 2.0 / & ( snowdepth(i)/ksnow(i,1) + dzsoilw/hconsw ) snow_soil_htf(i) = asnow(1) * ( tsnow(i,1) - tsoilw ) dt(1) = ( g_snow_surf - snow_soil_htf(i) ) * timestep / & ( csnow(i,1) + GAMMA * asnow(1) * timestep ) snow_soil_htf(i) = asnow(1) * & ( tsnow(i,1) + GAMMA*dt(1) - tsoilw ) tsnow(i,1) = tsnow(i,1) + dt(1) ELSE ! Multiple snow layers. DO n=1,nsnow(i)-1 asnow(n) = 2.0 / & ( ds(i,n)/ksnow(i,n) + ds(i,n+1)/ksnow(i,n+1) ) END DO n = nsnow(i) asnow(n) = 2.0 / ( ds(i,n)/ksnow(i,n) + dzsoilw/hconsw ) a(1) = 0. b(1) = csnow(i,1) + GAMMA*asnow(1)*timestep c(1) = -GAMMA * asnow(1) * timestep r(1) = ( g_snow_surf - asnow(1)*(tsnow(i,1)-tsnow(i,2)) ) & * timestep DO n=2,nsnow(i)-1 a(n) = -GAMMA * asnow(n-1) * timestep b(n) = csnow(i,n) + GAMMA * ( asnow(n-1) + asnow(n) ) & * timestep c(n) = -GAMMA * asnow(n) * timestep r(n) = asnow(n-1)*(tsnow(i,n-1) - tsnow(i,n) ) * timestep & + asnow(n)*(tsnow(i,n+1) - tsnow(i,n)) * timestep END DO n = nsnow(i) a(n) = -GAMMA * asnow(n-1) * timestep b(n) = csnow(i,n) + GAMMA * (asnow(n-1)+asnow(n)) * timestep c(n) = 0. r(n) = asnow(n-1)*( tsnow(i,n-1) - tsnow(i,n) ) * timestep & + asnow(n) * ( tsoilw - tsnow(i,n) ) * timestep !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Call the tridiagonal solver. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL tridag( nsnow(i),nsmax,a,b,c,r,dt ) n = nsnow(i) snow_soil_htf(i) = asnow(n) * & ( tsnow(i,n) + GAMMA*dt(n) - tsoilw ) DO n=1,nsnow(i) tsnow(i,n) = tsnow(i,n) + dt(n) END DO END IF ! NSNOW !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Melt snow in layers with temperature exceeding melting point !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO n=1,nsnow(i) coldsnow = csnow(i,n)*(tm - tsnow(i,n)) IF ( coldsnow < 0 ) THEN tsnow(i,n) = tm dsice = -coldsnow / lf IF ( dsice > sice(i,n) ) dsice = sice(i,n) ds(i,n) = ( 1.0 - dsice/sice(i,n) ) * ds(i,n) sice(i,n) = sice(i,n) - dsice sliq(i,n) = sliq(i,n) + dsice END IF END DO ! Melt still > 0? - no snow left !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Remove snow by sublimation unless snow is beneath canopy !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( .NOT. cansnowtile ) THEN dsice = MAX( ei_surft(i), 0. ) * timestep IF ( dsice > 0.0 ) THEN DO n=1,nsnow(i) IF ( dsice > sice(i,n) ) THEN ! Layer sublimates completely dsice = dsice - sice(i,n) sice(i,n) = 0. ds(i,n) = 0. ELSE ! Layer sublimates partially ds(i,n) = (1.0 - dsice/sice(i,n))*ds(i,n) sice(i,n) = sice(i,n) - dsice EXIT ! sublimation exhausted END IF END DO END IF ! DSICE>0 END IF ! CANSNOWTILE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Move liquid water in excess of holding capacity downwards or refreeze. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Optionally include infiltration of rainwater and melting from the ! canopy into the snowpack. IF (l_snow_infilt) THEN win = infiltration(i) + can_melt * timestep ELSE win = 0.0 END IF DO n=1,nsnow(i) sliq(i,n) = sliq(i,n) + win win = 0.0 sliqmax = snowliqcap * rho_water * ds(i,n) !construct a temporary rho here. Can't guarantee !sensible values of anything at ths point in the routine. If layer !has gone (ds=0), just feed everything down to the next layer IF ( ds(i,n) > EPSILON(0.0) ) THEN rho_temp = min(rho_ice,(sice(i,n) + sliq(i,n)) / ds(i,n)) ELSE rho_temp = rho_ice END IF !reduce pore density of pack as we approach solid ice IF (l_elev_land_ice .AND. l_lice_point(i)) THEN IF(rho_temp >= rho_firn_pore_closure) THEN sliqmax = 0.0 ELSE IF((rho_temp >= rho_firn_pore_restrict) .AND. & (rho_temp < rho_firn_pore_closure)) THEN sliqmax = sliqmax * (rho_firn_pore_closure - rho_temp) / & (rho_firn_pore_closure - rho_firn_pore_restrict) ENDIF ENDIF IF (sliq(i,n) > sliqmax) THEN ! Liquid capacity exceeded win = sliq(i,n) - sliqmax sliq(i,n) = sliqmax END IF coldsnow = csnow(i,n)*(tm - tsnow(i,n)) IF (coldsnow > 0) THEN ! Liquid can freeze dsice = MIN(sliq(i,n), coldsnow / lf) sliq(i,n) = sliq(i,n) - dsice sice(i,n) = sice(i,n) + dsice tsnow(i,n) = tsnow(i,n) + lf*dsice/csnow(i,n) END IF END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The remaining liquid water flux is melt. ! Include any separate canopy melt in this diagnostic. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( l_snow_infilt ) THEN ! Canopy melting has already been added to infiltration. melt_surft(i) = ( win / timestep ) ELSE melt_surft(i) = ( win / timestep ) + can_melt END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Diagnose layer densities !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO n=1,nsnow(i) ! rho_snow(i,n) = 0.0 IF ( ds(i,n) > EPSILON(ds) ) & rho_snow(i,n) = (sice(i,n) + sliq(i,n)) / ds(i,n) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Add snowfall and frost as layer 0. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- sice0(i) = snowfall(i) IF ( .NOT. cansnowtile ) & sice0(i) = snowfall(i) - MIN(ei_surft(i), 0.) * timestep tsnow0(i) = tsnow(i,1) rho0(i) = rho_snow_fresh !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Diagnose total snow depth and mass !----------------------------------------------------------------------- snowdepth(i) = sice0(i) / rho0(i) snowmass(i) = sice0(i) DO n=1,nsnow(i) snowdepth(i) = snowdepth(i) + ds(i,n) snowmass(i) = snowmass(i) + sice(i,n) + sliq(i,n) END DO END IF ! NSNOW ! tsoil only modified for canopy snow tiles (and not land ice ones, ! although they shouldn't have this switch on anyway) IF (.NOT. l_elev_land_ice) THEN tsoil1(i)=tsoilw ELSE IF (.NOT. l_lice_point(i)) THEN tsoil1(i)=tsoilw END IF END DO ! k (points) IF (lhook) CALL dr_hook(ModuleName//':'//RoutineName,zhook_out,zhook_handle) RETURN END SUBROUTINE snowpack END MODULE snowpack_mod
SUBROUTINE CPPTRI( UPLO, N, AP, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. * November 2006 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER INFO, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX AP( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * CPPTRI computes the inverse of a complex Hermitian positive definite * matrix A using the Cholesky factorization A = U**H*U or A = L*L**H * computed by CPPTRF. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'U': Upper triangular factor is stored in AP; * = 'L': Lower triangular factor is stored in AP. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * AP (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (N*(N+1)/2) * On entry, the triangular factor U or L from the Cholesky * factorization A = U**H*U or A = L*L**H, packed columnwise as * a linear array. The j-th column of U or L is stored in the * array AP as follows: * if UPLO = 'U', AP(i + (j-1)*j/2) = U(i,j) for 1<=i<=j; * if UPLO = 'L', AP(i + (j-1)*(2n-j)/2) = L(i,j) for j<=i<=n. * * On exit, the upper or lower triangle of the (Hermitian) * inverse of A, overwriting the input factor U or L. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * > 0: if INFO = i, the (i,i) element of the factor U or L is * zero, and the inverse could not be computed. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL UPPER INTEGER J, JC, JJ, JJN REAL AJJ * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME COMPLEX CDOTC EXTERNAL LSAME, CDOTC * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CHPR, CSSCAL, CTPMV, CTPTRI, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC REAL * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 UPPER = LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) IF( .NOT.UPPER .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CPPTRI', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Invert the triangular Cholesky factor U or L. * CALL CTPTRI( UPLO, 'Non-unit', N, AP, INFO ) IF( INFO.GT.0 ) $ RETURN IF( UPPER ) THEN * * Compute the product inv(U) * inv(U)'. * JJ = 0 DO 10 J = 1, N JC = JJ + 1 JJ = JJ + J IF( J.GT.1 ) $ CALL CHPR( 'Upper', J-1, ONE, AP( JC ), 1, AP ) AJJ = AP( JJ ) CALL CSSCAL( J, AJJ, AP( JC ), 1 ) 10 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Compute the product inv(L)' * inv(L). * JJ = 1 DO 20 J = 1, N JJN = JJ + N - J + 1 AP( JJ ) = REAL( CDOTC( N-J+1, AP( JJ ), 1, AP( JJ ), 1 ) ) IF( J.LT.N ) $ CALL CTPMV( 'Lower', 'Conjugate transpose', 'Non-unit', $ N-J, AP( JJN ), AP( JJ+1 ), 1 ) JJ = JJN 20 CONTINUE END IF * RETURN * * End of CPPTRI * END
*> \brief \b ZGEBAL * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download ZGEBAL + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE ZGEBAL( JOB, N, A, LDA, ILO, IHI, SCALE, INFO ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * CHARACTER JOB * INTEGER IHI, ILO, INFO, LDA, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE( * ) * COMPLEX*16 A( LDA, * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> ZGEBAL balances a general complex matrix A. This involves, first, *> permuting A by a similarity transformation to isolate eigenvalues *> in the first 1 to ILO-1 and last IHI+1 to N elements on the *> diagonal; and second, applying a diagonal similarity transformation *> to rows and columns ILO to IHI to make the rows and columns as *> close in norm as possible. Both steps are optional. *> *> Balancing may reduce the 1-norm of the matrix, and improve the *> accuracy of the computed eigenvalues and/or eigenvectors. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] JOB *> \verbatim *> JOB is CHARACTER*1 *> Specifies the operations to be performed on A: *> = 'N': none: simply set ILO = 1, IHI = N, SCALE(I) = 1.0 *> for i = 1,...,N; *> = 'P': permute only; *> = 'S': scale only; *> = 'B': both permute and scale. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] A *> \verbatim *> A is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDA,N) *> On entry, the input matrix A. *> On exit, A is overwritten by the balanced matrix. *> If JOB = 'N', A is not referenced. *> See Further Details. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDA *> \verbatim *> LDA is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] ILO *> \verbatim *> ILO is INTEGER *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] IHI *> \verbatim *> IHI is INTEGER *> ILO and IHI are set to INTEGER such that on exit *> A(i,j) = 0 if i > j and j = 1,...,ILO-1 or I = IHI+1,...,N. *> If JOB = 'N' or 'S', ILO = 1 and IHI = N. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] SCALE *> \verbatim *> SCALE is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) *> Details of the permutations and scaling factors applied to *> A. If P(j) is the index of the row and column interchanged *> with row and column j and D(j) is the scaling factor *> applied to row and column j, then *> SCALE(j) = P(j) for j = 1,...,ILO-1 *> = D(j) for j = ILO,...,IHI *> = P(j) for j = IHI+1,...,N. *> The order in which the interchanges are made is N to IHI+1, *> then 1 to ILO-1. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] INFO *> \verbatim *> INFO is INTEGER *> = 0: successful exit. *> < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \ingroup complex16GEcomputational * *> \par Further Details: * ===================== *> *> \verbatim *> *> The permutations consist of row and column interchanges which put *> the matrix in the form *> *> ( T1 X Y ) *> P A P = ( 0 B Z ) *> ( 0 0 T2 ) *> *> where T1 and T2 are upper triangular matrices whose eigenvalues lie *> along the diagonal. The column indices ILO and IHI mark the starting *> and ending columns of the submatrix B. Balancing consists of applying *> a diagonal similarity transformation inv(D) * B * D to make the *> 1-norms of each row of B and its corresponding column nearly equal. *> The output matrix is *> *> ( T1 X*D Y ) *> ( 0 inv(D)*B*D inv(D)*Z ). *> ( 0 0 T2 ) *> *> Information about the permutations P and the diagonal matrix D is *> returned in the vector SCALE. *> *> This subroutine is based on the EISPACK routine CBAL. *> *> Modified by Tzu-Yi Chen, Computer Science Division, University of *> California at Berkeley, USA *> \endverbatim *> * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE ZGEBAL( JOB, N, A, LDA, ILO, IHI, SCALE, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK computational routine -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER JOB INTEGER IHI, ILO, INFO, LDA, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE( * ) COMPLEX*16 A( LDA, * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION SCLFAC PARAMETER ( SCLFAC = 2.0D+0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION FACTOR PARAMETER ( FACTOR = 0.95D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL NOCONV INTEGER I, ICA, IEXC, IRA, J, K, L, M DOUBLE PRECISION C, CA, F, G, R, RA, S, SFMAX1, SFMAX2, SFMIN1, $ SFMIN2 * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL DISNAN, LSAME INTEGER IZAMAX DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH, DZNRM2 EXTERNAL DISNAN, LSAME, IZAMAX, DLAMCH, DZNRM2 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA, ZDSCAL, ZSWAP * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, DBLE, DIMAG, MAX, MIN * * Test the input parameters * INFO = 0 IF( .NOT.LSAME( JOB, 'N' ) .AND. .NOT.LSAME( JOB, 'P' ) .AND. $ .NOT.LSAME( JOB, 'S' ) .AND. .NOT.LSAME( JOB, 'B' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -4 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'ZGEBAL', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * K = 1 L = N * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ GO TO 210 * IF( LSAME( JOB, 'N' ) ) THEN DO 10 I = 1, N SCALE( I ) = ONE 10 CONTINUE GO TO 210 END IF * IF( LSAME( JOB, 'S' ) ) $ GO TO 120 * * Permutation to isolate eigenvalues if possible * GO TO 50 * * Row and column exchange. * 20 CONTINUE SCALE( M ) = J IF( J.EQ.M ) $ GO TO 30 * CALL ZSWAP( L, A( 1, J ), 1, A( 1, M ), 1 ) CALL ZSWAP( N-K+1, A( J, K ), LDA, A( M, K ), LDA ) * 30 CONTINUE GO TO ( 40, 80 )IEXC * * Search for rows isolating an eigenvalue and push them down. * 40 CONTINUE IF( L.EQ.1 ) $ GO TO 210 L = L - 1 * 50 CONTINUE DO 70 J = L, 1, -1 * DO 60 I = 1, L IF( I.EQ.J ) $ GO TO 60 IF( DBLE( A( J, I ) ).NE.ZERO .OR. DIMAG( A( J, I ) ).NE. $ ZERO )GO TO 70 60 CONTINUE * M = L IEXC = 1 GO TO 20 70 CONTINUE * GO TO 90 * * Search for columns isolating an eigenvalue and push them left. * 80 CONTINUE K = K + 1 * 90 CONTINUE DO 110 J = K, L * DO 100 I = K, L IF( I.EQ.J ) $ GO TO 100 IF( DBLE( A( I, J ) ).NE.ZERO .OR. DIMAG( A( I, J ) ).NE. $ ZERO )GO TO 110 100 CONTINUE * M = K IEXC = 2 GO TO 20 110 CONTINUE * 120 CONTINUE DO 130 I = K, L SCALE( I ) = ONE 130 CONTINUE * IF( LSAME( JOB, 'P' ) ) $ GO TO 210 * * Balance the submatrix in rows K to L. * * Iterative loop for norm reduction * SFMIN1 = DLAMCH( 'S' ) / DLAMCH( 'P' ) SFMAX1 = ONE / SFMIN1 SFMIN2 = SFMIN1*SCLFAC SFMAX2 = ONE / SFMIN2 140 CONTINUE NOCONV = .FALSE. * DO 200 I = K, L * C = DZNRM2( L-K+1, A( K, I ), 1 ) R = DZNRM2( L-K+1, A( I, K ), LDA ) ICA = IZAMAX( L, A( 1, I ), 1 ) CA = ABS( A( ICA, I ) ) IRA = IZAMAX( N-K+1, A( I, K ), LDA ) RA = ABS( A( I, IRA+K-1 ) ) * * Guard against zero C or R due to underflow. * IF( C.EQ.ZERO .OR. R.EQ.ZERO ) $ GO TO 200 G = R / SCLFAC F = ONE S = C + R 160 CONTINUE IF( C.GE.G .OR. MAX( F, C, CA ).GE.SFMAX2 .OR. $ MIN( R, G, RA ).LE.SFMIN2 )GO TO 170 IF( DISNAN( C+F+CA+R+G+RA ) ) THEN * * Exit if NaN to avoid infinite loop * INFO = -3 CALL XERBLA( 'ZGEBAL', -INFO ) RETURN END IF F = F*SCLFAC C = C*SCLFAC CA = CA*SCLFAC R = R / SCLFAC G = G / SCLFAC RA = RA / SCLFAC GO TO 160 * 170 CONTINUE G = C / SCLFAC 180 CONTINUE IF( G.LT.R .OR. MAX( R, RA ).GE.SFMAX2 .OR. $ MIN( F, C, G, CA ).LE.SFMIN2 )GO TO 190 F = F / SCLFAC C = C / SCLFAC G = G / SCLFAC CA = CA / SCLFAC R = R*SCLFAC RA = RA*SCLFAC GO TO 180 * * Now balance. * 190 CONTINUE IF( ( C+R ).GE.FACTOR*S ) $ GO TO 200 IF( F.LT.ONE .AND. SCALE( I ).LT.ONE ) THEN IF( F*SCALE( I ).LE.SFMIN1 ) $ GO TO 200 END IF IF( F.GT.ONE .AND. SCALE( I ).GT.ONE ) THEN IF( SCALE( I ).GE.SFMAX1 / F ) $ GO TO 200 END IF G = ONE / F SCALE( I ) = SCALE( I )*F NOCONV = .TRUE. * CALL ZDSCAL( N-K+1, G, A( I, K ), LDA ) CALL ZDSCAL( L, F, A( 1, I ), 1 ) * 200 CONTINUE * IF( NOCONV ) $ GO TO 140 * 210 CONTINUE ILO = K IHI = L * RETURN * * End of ZGEBAL * END
PROGRAM TEST3 * * -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.2) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. * November 2006 * * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION BASE, EMAX, EMIN, EPS, PREC, RMAX, RMIN, RND, $ SFMIN, T * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * EPS = DLAMCH( 'Epsilon' ) SFMIN = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) BASE = DLAMCH( 'Base' ) PREC = DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) T = DLAMCH( 'Number of digits in mantissa' ) RND = DLAMCH( 'Rounding mode' ) EMIN = DLAMCH( 'Minimum exponent' ) RMIN = DLAMCH( 'Underflow threshold' ) EMAX = DLAMCH( 'Largest exponent' ) RMAX = DLAMCH( 'Overflow threshold' ) * WRITE( 6, * )' Epsilon = ', EPS WRITE( 6, * )' Safe minimum = ', SFMIN WRITE( 6, * )' Base = ', BASE WRITE( 6, * )' Precision = ', PREC WRITE( 6, * )' Number of digits in mantissa = ', T WRITE( 6, * )' Rounding mode = ', RND WRITE( 6, * )' Minimum exponent = ', EMIN WRITE( 6, * )' Underflow threshold = ', RMIN WRITE( 6, * )' Largest exponent = ', EMAX WRITE( 6, * )' Overflow threshold = ', RMAX WRITE( 6, * )' Reciprocal of safe minimum = ', 1 / SFMIN * END
SUBROUTINE ZPTSV( N, NRHS, D, E, B, LDB, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. * November 2006 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDB, N, NRHS * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ) COMPLEX*16 B( LDB, * ), E( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * ZPTSV computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations * A*X = B, where A is an N-by-N Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal * matrix, and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. * * A is factored as A = L*D*L**H, and the factored form of A is then * used to solve the system of equations. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * NRHS (input) INTEGER * The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns * of the matrix B. NRHS >= 0. * * D (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry, the n diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix * A. On exit, the n diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix * D from the factorization A = L*D*L**H. * * E (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (N-1) * On entry, the (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal * matrix A. On exit, the (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the * unit bidiagonal factor L from the L*D*L**H factorization of * A. E can also be regarded as the superdiagonal of the unit * bidiagonal factor U from the U**H*D*U factorization of A. * * B (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDB,N) * On entry, the N-by-NRHS right hand side matrix B. * On exit, if INFO = 0, the N-by-NRHS solution matrix X. * * LDB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N). * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * > 0: if INFO = i, the leading minor of order i is not * positive definite, and the solution has not been * computed. The factorization has not been completed * unless i = N. * * ===================================================================== * * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA, ZPTTRF, ZPTTRS * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( NRHS.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDB.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -6 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'ZPTSV ', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Compute the L*D*L' (or U'*D*U) factorization of A. * CALL ZPTTRF( N, D, E, INFO ) IF( INFO.EQ.0 ) THEN * * Solve the system A*X = B, overwriting B with X. * CALL ZPTTRS( 'Lower', N, NRHS, D, E, B, LDB, INFO ) END IF RETURN * * End of ZPTSV * END
c this file contains the following user-callable routines: c c c routine idz_sffti initializes routine idz_sfft. c c routine idz_sfft rapidly computes a subset of the entries c of the DFT of a vector, composed with permutation matrices c both on input and on output. c c routine idz_ldiv finds the greatest integer less than or equal c to a specified integer, that is divisible by another (larger) c specified integer. c c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c c subroutine idz_ldiv(l,n,m) c c finds the greatest integer less than or equal to l c that divides n. c c input: c l -- integer at least as great as m c n -- integer divisible by m c c output: c m -- greatest integer less than or equal to l that divides n c implicit none integer n,l,m c c m = l c 1000 continue if(m*(n/m) .eq. n) goto 2000 c m = m-1 goto 1000 c 2000 continue c c return end c c c c subroutine idz_sffti(l,ind,n,wsave) c c initializes wsave for use with routine idz_sfft. c c input: c l -- number of entries in the output of idz_sfft to compute c ind -- indices of the entries in the output of idz_sfft c to compute c n -- length of the vector to be transformed c c output: c wsave -- array needed by routine idz_sfft for processing c implicit none integer l,ind(l),n,nblock,ii,m,idivm,imodm,i,j,k real*8 r1,twopi,fact complex*16 wsave(2*l+15+3*n),ci,twopii c ci = (0,1) r1 = 1 twopi = 2*4*atan(r1) twopii = twopi*ci c c c Determine the block lengths for the FFTs. c call idz_ldiv(l,n,nblock) m = n/nblock c c c Initialize wsave for use with routine zfftf. c call zffti(nblock,wsave) c c c Calculate the coefficients in the linear combinations c needed for the direct portion of the calculation. c fact = 1/sqrt(r1*n) c ii = 2*l+15 c do j = 1,l c i = ind(j) c idivm = (i-1)/m imodm = (i-1)-m*idivm c do k = 1,m wsave(ii+m*(j-1)+k) = exp(-twopii*imodm*(k-1)/(r1*m)) 1 * exp(-twopii*(k-1)*idivm/(r1*n)) * fact enddo ! k c enddo ! j c c return end c c c c subroutine idz_sfft(l,ind,n,wsave,v) c c computes a subset of the entries of the DFT of v, c composed with permutation matrices both on input and on output, c via a two-stage procedure (routine zfftf2 is supposed c to calculate the full vector from which idz_sfft returns c a subset of the entries, when zfftf2 has the same parameter c nblock as in the present routine). c c input: c l -- number of entries in the output to compute c ind -- indices of the entries of the output to compute c n -- length of v c v -- vector to be transformed c wsave -- processing array initialized by routine idz_sffti c c output: c v -- entries indexed by ind are given their appropriate c transformed values c c _N.B._: The user has to boost the memory allocations c for wsave (and change iii accordingly) if s/he wishes c to use strange sizes of n; it's best to stick to powers c of 2. c c references: c Sorensen and Burrus, "Efficient computation of the DFT with c only a subset of input or output points," c IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 41 (3): 1184-1200, c 1993. c Woolfe, Liberty, Rokhlin, Tygert, "A fast randomized algorithm c for the approximation of matrices," Applied and c Computational Harmonic Analysis, 25 (3): 335-366, 2008; c Section 3.3. c implicit none integer n,m,l,k,j,ind(l),i,idivm,nblock,ii,iii real*8 r1,twopi complex*16 v(n),wsave(2*l+15+3*n),ci,sum c ci = (0,1) r1 = 1 twopi = 2*4*atan(r1) c c c Determine the block lengths for the FFTs. c call idz_ldiv(l,n,nblock) c c m = n/nblock c c c FFT each block of length nblock of v. c do k = 1,m call zfftf(nblock,v(nblock*(k-1)+1),wsave) enddo ! k c c c Transpose v to obtain wsave(2*l+15+2*n+1 : 2*l+15+3*n). c iii = 2*l+15+2*n c do k = 1,m do j = 1,nblock wsave(iii+m*(j-1)+k) = v(nblock*(k-1)+j) enddo ! j enddo ! k c c c Directly calculate the desired entries of v. c ii = 2*l+15 iii = 2*l+15+2*n c do j = 1,l c i = ind(j) c idivm = (i-1)/m c sum = 0 c do k = 1,m sum = sum + wsave(ii+m*(j-1)+k) * wsave(iii+m*idivm+k) enddo ! k c v(i) = sum c enddo ! j c c return end
MODULE casino_pp ! ! All variables read from CASINO file format ! ! trailing underscore means that a variable with the same name ! is used in module 'upf' containing variables to be written ! USE kinds, ONLY : dp CHARACTER(len=20) :: dft_ CHARACTER(len=2) :: psd_ REAL(dp) :: zp_ INTEGER nlc, nnl, lmax_, lloc, nchi, rel_ LOGICAL :: numeric, bhstype, nlcc_ CHARACTER(len=2), ALLOCATABLE :: els_(:) REAL(dp) :: zmesh REAL(dp) :: xmin = -7.0_dp REAL(dp) :: dx = 20.0_dp/1500.0_dp REAL(dp) :: tn_prefac = 0.75E-6_dp LOGICAL :: tn_grid = .true. REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE:: r_(:) INTEGER :: mesh_ REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE:: vnl(:,:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE:: lchi_(:), nns_(:) REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE:: chi_(:,:), oc_(:) CONTAINS ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE read_casino(iunps,nofiles, waveunit) ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Reads in a CASINO tabulated pp file and it's associated ! awfn files. Some basic processing such as removing the ! r factors from the potentials is also performed. USE kinds, ONLY : dp IMPLICIT NONE TYPE :: wavfun_list INTEGER :: occ,eup,edwn, nquant, lquant CHARACTER(len=2) :: label #ifdef __STD_F95 REAL(dp), POINTER :: wavefunc(:) #else REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: wavefunc(:) #endif TYPE (wavfun_list), POINTER :: p END TYPE wavfun_list TYPE :: channel_list INTEGER :: lquant #ifdef __STD_F95 REAL(dp), POINTER :: channel(:) #else REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: channel(:) #endif TYPE (channel_list), POINTER :: p END TYPE channel_list TYPE (channel_list), POINTER :: phead TYPE (channel_list), POINTER :: pptr TYPE (channel_list), POINTER :: ptail TYPE (wavfun_list), POINTER :: mhead TYPE (wavfun_list), POINTER :: mptr TYPE (wavfun_list), POINTER :: mtail INTEGER :: iunps, nofiles, ios ! LOGICAL :: groundstate, found CHARACTER(len=2) :: label, rellab INTEGER :: l, i, ir, nb, gsorbs, j,k,m,tmp, lquant, orbs, nquant INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: gs(:,:) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: waveunit(nofiles) NULLIFY ( mhead, mptr, mtail ) dft_ = 'HF' !Hardcoded at the moment should eventually be HF anyway nlc = 0 !These two values are always 0 for numeric pps nnl = 0 !so lets just hard code them nlcc_ = .false. !Again these two are alwas false for CASINO pps bhstype = .false. READ(iunps,'(a2,35x,a2)') rellab, psd_ READ(iunps,*) IF ( rellab == 'DF' ) THEN rel_=1 ELSE rel_=0 ENDIF READ(iunps,*) zmesh,zp_ !Here we are reading zmesh (atomic #) and DO i=1,3 !zp_ (pseudo charge) READ(iunps,*) ENDDO READ(iunps,*) lloc !reading in lloc IF ( zp_<=0d0 ) & CALL errore( 'read_casino','Wrong zp ',1 ) IF ( lloc>3.or.lloc<0 ) & CALL errore( 'read_casino','Wrong lloc ',1 ) ! ! compute the radial mesh ! DO i=1,3 READ(iunps,*) ENDDO READ(iunps,*) mesh_ !Reading in total no. of mesh points ALLOCATE( r_(mesh_)) READ(iunps,*) DO i=1,mesh_ READ(iunps,*) r_(i) ENDDO ! Read in the different channels of V_nl ALLOCATE(phead) ptail => phead pptr => phead ALLOCATE( pptr%channel(mesh_) ) READ(iunps, '(15x,I1,7x)') l pptr%lquant=l READ(iunps, *) (pptr%channel(ir),ir=1,mesh_) DO READ(iunps, '(15x,I1,7x)', IOSTAT=ios) l IF (ios /= 0 ) THEN exit ENDIF ALLOCATE(pptr%p) pptr=> pptr%p ptail=> pptr ALLOCATE( pptr%channel(mesh_) ) pptr%lquant=l READ(iunps, *) (pptr%channel(ir),ir=1,mesh_) ENDDO !Compute the number of channels read in. lmax_ =-1 pptr => phead DO IF ( .not. associated(pptr) )exit lmax_=lmax_+1 pptr =>pptr%p ENDDO ALLOCATE(vnl(mesh_,0:lmax_)) i=0 pptr => phead DO IF ( .not. associated(pptr) )exit ! lchi_(i) = pptr%lquant DO ir=1,mesh_ vnl(ir,i) = pptr%channel(ir) ENDDO DEALLOCATE( pptr%channel ) pptr =>pptr%p i=i+1 ENDDO !Clean up the linked list (deallocate it) DO IF ( .not. associated(phead) )exit pptr => phead phead => phead%p DEALLOCATE( pptr ) ENDDO DO l = 0, lmax_ DO ir = 1, mesh_ vnl(ir,l) = vnl(ir,l)/r_(ir) !Removing the factor of r CASINO has ENDDO ! correcting for possible divide by zero IF ( r_(1) == 0 ) THEN vnl(1,l) = 0 ENDIF ENDDO ALLOCATE(mhead) mtail => mhead mptr => mhead NULLIFY(mtail%p) groundstate=.true. DO j=1,nofiles DO i=1,4 READ(waveunit(j),*) ENDDO READ(waveunit(j),*) orbs IF ( groundstate ) THEN ALLOCATE( gs(orbs,3) ) gs = 0 gsorbs = orbs ENDIF DO i=1,2 READ(waveunit(j),*) ENDDO READ(waveunit(j),*) mtail%eup, mtail%edwn READ(waveunit(j),*) DO i=1,mtail%eup+mtail%edwn READ(waveunit(j),*) tmp, nquant, lquant IF ( groundstate ) THEN found = .true. DO m=1,orbs IF ( (nquant==gs(m,1) .and. lquant==gs(m,2)) ) THEN gs(m,3) = gs(m,3) + 1 exit ENDIF found = .false. ENDDO IF (.not. found ) THEN DO m=1,orbs IF ( gs(m,1) == 0 ) THEN gs(m,1) = nquant gs(m,2) = lquant gs(m,3) = 1 exit ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO READ(waveunit(j),*) READ(waveunit(j),*) DO i=1,mesh_ READ(waveunit(j),*) ENDDO DO k=1,orbs READ(waveunit(j),'(13x,a2)', err=300) label READ(waveunit(j),*) tmp, nquant, lquant IF ( .not. groundstate ) THEN found = .false. DO m = 1,gsorbs IF ( nquant == gs(m,1) .and. lquant == gs(m,2) ) THEN found = .true. exit ENDIF ENDDO mptr => mhead DO IF ( .not. associated(mptr) )exit IF ( nquant == mptr%nquant .and. lquant == mptr%lquant ) found = .true. mptr =>mptr%p ENDDO IF ( found ) THEN DO i=1,mesh_ READ(waveunit(j),*) ENDDO CYCLE ENDIF ENDIF #ifdef __STD_F95 IF ( associated(mtail%wavefunc) ) THEN #else IF ( allocated(mtail%wavefunc) ) THEN #endif ALLOCATE(mtail%p) mtail=>mtail%p NULLIFY(mtail%p) ALLOCATE( mtail%wavefunc(mesh_) ) ELSE ALLOCATE( mtail%wavefunc(mesh_) ) ENDIF mtail%label = label mtail%nquant = nquant mtail%lquant = lquant READ(waveunit(j), *, err=300) (mtail%wavefunc(ir),ir=1,mesh_) ENDDO groundstate = .false. ENDDO nchi =0 mptr => mhead DO IF ( .not. associated(mptr) )exit nchi=nchi+1 mptr =>mptr%p ENDDO ALLOCATE(lchi_(nchi), els_(nchi), nns_(nchi)) ALLOCATE(oc_(nchi)) ALLOCATE(chi_(mesh_,nchi)) oc_ = 0 !Sort out the occupation numbers DO i=1,gsorbs oc_(i)=gs(i,3) ENDDO DEALLOCATE( gs ) i=1 mptr => mhead DO IF ( .not. associated(mptr) )exit nns_(i) = mptr%nquant lchi_(i) = mptr%lquant els_(i) = mptr%label DO ir=1,mesh_ chi_(ir:,i) = mptr%wavefunc(ir) ENDDO DEALLOCATE( mptr%wavefunc ) mptr =>mptr%p i=i+1 ENDDO !Clean up the linked list (deallocate it) DO IF ( .not. associated(mhead) )exit mptr => mhead mhead => mhead%p DEALLOCATE( mptr ) ENDDO ! ---------------------------------------------------------- WRITE (0,'(a)') 'Pseudopotential successfully read' ! ---------------------------------------------------------- RETURN 300 CALL errore('read_casino','pseudo file is empty or wrong',1) END SUBROUTINE read_casino ! ---------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE convert_casino(upf_out) ! ---------------------------------------------------------- USE kinds, ONLY : dp USE upf_module USE radial_grids, ONLY: radial_grid_type, deallocate_radial_grid USE funct, ONLY : set_dft_from_name, get_iexch, get_icorr, & get_igcx, get_igcc IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(pseudo_upf), INTENT(inout) :: upf_out REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: aux(:) REAL(dp) :: vll INTEGER :: kkbeta, l, iv, ir, i, nb WRITE(upf_out%generated, '("From a Trail & Needs tabulated & &PP for CASINO")') WRITE(upf_out%author,'("unknown")') WRITE(upf_out%date,'("unknown")') upf_out%comment = 'Info: automatically converted from CASINO & &Tabulated format' IF (rel_== 0) THEN upf_out%rel = 'no' ELSEIF (rel_==1 ) THEN upf_out%rel = 'scalar' ELSE upf_out%rel = 'full' ENDIF IF (xmin == 0 ) THEN xmin= log(zmesh * r_(2) ) ENDIF ! Allocate and assign the raidal grid upf_out%mesh = mesh_ upf_out%zmesh = zmesh upf_out%dx = dx upf_out%xmin = xmin ALLOCATE(upf_out%rab(upf_out%mesh)) ALLOCATE( upf_out%r(upf_out%mesh)) upf_out%r = r_ DEALLOCATE( r_ ) upf_out%rmax = maxval(upf_out%r) ! ! subtract out the local part from the different ! potential channels ! DO l = 0, lmax_ IF ( l/=lloc ) vnl(:,l) = vnl(:,l) - vnl(:,lloc) ENDDO ALLOCATE (upf_out%vloc(upf_out%mesh)) upf_out%vloc(:) = vnl(:,lloc) ! Compute the derivatives of the grid. The Trail and Needs ! grids use r(i) = (tn_prefac / zmesh)*( exp(i*dx) - 1 ) so ! must be treated differently to standard QE grids. IF ( tn_grid ) THEN DO ir = 1, upf_out%mesh upf_out%rab(ir) = dx * ( upf_out%r(ir) + tn_prefac / zmesh ) ENDDO ELSE DO ir = 1, upf_out%mesh upf_out%rab(ir) = dx * upf_out%r(ir) ENDDO ENDIF ! ! compute the atomic charges ! ALLOCATE (upf_out%rho_at(upf_out%mesh)) upf_out%rho_at(:) = 0.d0 DO nb = 1, nchi IF( oc_(nb)/=0.d0) THEN upf_out%rho_at(:) = upf_out%rho_at(:) +& & oc_(nb)*chi_(:,nb)**2 ENDIF ENDDO ! This section deals with the pseudo wavefunctions. ! These values are just given directly to the pseudo_upf structure upf_out%nwfc = nchi ALLOCATE( upf_out%oc(upf_out%nwfc), upf_out%epseu(upf_out%nwfc) ) ALLOCATE( upf_out%lchi(upf_out%nwfc), upf_out%nchi(upf_out%nwfc) ) ALLOCATE( upf_out%els(upf_out%nwfc) ) ALLOCATE( upf_out%rcut_chi(upf_out%nwfc) ) ALLOCATE( upf_out%rcutus_chi (upf_out%nwfc) ) DO i=1, upf_out%nwfc upf_out%nchi(i) = nns_(i) upf_out%lchi(i) = lchi_(i) upf_out%rcut_chi(i) = 0.0d0 upf_out%rcutus_chi(i)= 0.0d0 upf_out%oc (i) = oc_(i) upf_out%els(i) = els_(i) upf_out%epseu(i) = 0.0d0 ENDDO DEALLOCATE (lchi_, oc_, nns_) upf_out%psd = psd_ upf_out%typ = 'NC' upf_out%nlcc = nlcc_ upf_out%zp = zp_ upf_out%etotps = 0.0d0 upf_out%ecutrho=0.0d0 upf_out%ecutwfc=0.0d0 upf_out%lloc=lloc IF ( lmax_ == lloc) THEN upf_out%lmax = lmax_-1 ELSE upf_out%lmax = lmax_ ENDIF upf_out%nbeta = lmax_ ALLOCATE ( upf_out%els_beta(upf_out%nbeta) ) ALLOCATE ( upf_out%rcut(upf_out%nbeta) ) ALLOCATE ( upf_out%rcutus(upf_out%nbeta) ) upf_out%rcut=0.0d0 upf_out%rcutus=0.0d0 upf_out%dft =dft_ IF (upf_out%nbeta > 0) THEN ALLOCATE(upf_out%kbeta(upf_out%nbeta), upf_out%lll(upf_out%nbeta)) upf_out%kkbeta=upf_out%mesh DO ir = 1,upf_out%mesh IF ( upf_out%r(ir) > upf_out%rmax ) THEN upf_out%kkbeta=ir exit ENDIF ENDDO ! make sure kkbeta is odd as required for simpson IF(mod(upf_out%kkbeta,2) == 0) upf_out%kkbeta=upf_out%kkbeta-1 upf_out%kbeta(:) = upf_out%kkbeta ALLOCATE(aux(upf_out%kkbeta)) ALLOCATE(upf_out%beta(upf_out%mesh,upf_out%nbeta)) ALLOCATE(upf_out%dion(upf_out%nbeta,upf_out%nbeta)) upf_out%dion(:,:) =0.d0 iv=0 DO i=1,upf_out%nwfc l=upf_out%lchi(i) IF (l/=upf_out%lloc) THEN iv=iv+1 upf_out%els_beta(iv)=upf_out%els(i) upf_out%lll(iv)=l DO ir=1,upf_out%kkbeta upf_out%beta(ir,iv)=chi_(ir,i)*vnl(ir,l) aux(ir) = chi_(ir,i)**2*vnl(ir,l) ENDDO CALL simpson(upf_out%kkbeta,aux,upf_out%rab,vll) upf_out%dion(iv,iv) = 1.0d0/vll ENDIF IF(iv >= upf_out%nbeta) exit ! skip additional pseudo wfns ENDDO DEALLOCATE (vnl, aux) ! ! redetermine ikk2 ! DO iv=1,upf_out%nbeta upf_out%kbeta(iv)=upf_out%kkbeta DO ir = upf_out%kkbeta,1,-1 IF ( abs(upf_out%beta(ir,iv)) > 1.d-12 ) THEN upf_out%kbeta(iv)=ir exit ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ALLOCATE (upf_out%chi(upf_out%mesh,upf_out%nwfc)) upf_out%chi = chi_ DEALLOCATE (chi_) RETURN END SUBROUTINE convert_casino SUBROUTINE write_casino_tab(upf_in, grid) USE upf_module USE radial_grids, ONLY: radial_grid_type, deallocate_radial_grid IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(pseudo_upf), INTENT(in) :: upf_in TYPE(radial_grid_type), INTENT(in) :: grid INTEGER :: i, lp1 INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: atomic_number WRITE(6,*) "Converted Pseudopotential in REAL space for ", upf_in%psd WRITE(6,*) "Atomic number and pseudo-charge" WRITE(6,"(I3,F8.2)") atomic_number( upf_in%psd ),upf_in%zp WRITE(6,*) "Energy units (rydberg/hartree/ev):" WRITE(6,*) "rydberg" WRITE(6,*) "Angular momentum of local component (0=s,1=p,2=d..)" WRITE(6,"(I2)") upf_in%lloc WRITE(6,*) "NLRULE override (1) VMC/DMC (2) config gen (0 ==> & &input/default VALUE)" WRITE(6,*) "0 0" WRITE(6,*) "Number of grid points" WRITE(6,*) grid%mesh WRITE(6,*) "R(i) in atomic units" WRITE(6, "(T4,E22.15)") grid%r(:) lp1 = size ( vnl, 2 ) DO i=1,lp1 WRITE(6, "(A,I1,A)") 'r*potential (L=',i-1,') in Ry' WRITE(6, "(T4,E22.15)") vnl(:,i) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE write_casino_tab SUBROUTINE conv_upf2casino(upf_in,grid) USE upf_module USE radial_grids, ONLY: radial_grid_type, deallocate_radial_grid IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(pseudo_upf), INTENT(in) :: upf_in TYPE(radial_grid_type), INTENT(in) :: grid INTEGER :: i, l, channels REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: offset=1E-20_dp !This is an offset added to the wavefunctions to !eliminate any divide by zeros that may be caused by !zeroed wavefunction terms. channels=upf_in%nbeta+1 ALLOCATE ( vnl(grid%mesh,channels) ) !Set up the local component of each channel DO i=1,channels vnl(:,i)=grid%r(:)*upf_in%vloc(:) ENDDO DO i=1,upf_in%nbeta l=upf_in%lll(i)+1 !Check if any wfc components have been zeroed !and apply the offset IF they have IF ( minval(abs(upf_in%chi(:,l))) /= 0 ) THEN vnl(:,l)= (upf_in%beta(:,l)/(upf_in%chi(:,l)) & *grid%r(:)) + vnl(:,l) ELSE WRITE(0,"(A,ES10.3,A)") 'Applying ',offset , ' offset to & &wavefunction to avoid divide by zero' vnl(:,l)= (upf_in%beta(:,l)/(upf_in%chi(:,l)+offset) & *grid%r(:)) + vnl(:,l) ENDIF ENDDO END SUBROUTINE conv_upf2casino END MODULE casino_pp
SUBROUTINE CLAROT( LROWS, LLEFT, LRIGHT, NL, C, S, A, LDA, XLEFT, $ XRIGHT ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary test routine (version 3.1) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. * November 2006 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL LLEFT, LRIGHT, LROWS INTEGER LDA, NL COMPLEX C, S, XLEFT, XRIGHT * .. * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX A( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * CLAROT applies a (Givens) rotation to two adjacent rows or * columns, where one element of the first and/or last column/row * for use on matrices stored in some format other than GE, so * that elements of the matrix may be used or modified for which * no array element is provided. * * One example is a symmetric matrix in SB format (bandwidth=4), for * which UPLO='L': Two adjacent rows will have the format: * * row j: * * * * * . . . . * row j+1: * * * * * . . . . * * '*' indicates elements for which storage is provided, * '.' indicates elements for which no storage is provided, but * are not necessarily zero; their values are determined by * symmetry. ' ' indicates elements which are necessarily zero, * and have no storage provided. * * Those columns which have two '*'s can be handled by SROT. * Those columns which have no '*'s can be ignored, since as long * as the Givens rotations are carefully applied to preserve * symmetry, their values are determined. * Those columns which have one '*' have to be handled separately, * by using separate variables "p" and "q": * * row j: * * * * * p . . . * row j+1: q * * * * * . . . . * * The element p would have to be set correctly, then that column * is rotated, setting p to its new value. The next call to * CLAROT would rotate columns j and j+1, using p, and restore * symmetry. The element q would start out being zero, and be * made non-zero by the rotation. Later, rotations would presumably * be chosen to zero q out. * * Typical Calling Sequences: rotating the i-th and (i+1)-st rows. * ------- ------- --------- * * General dense matrix: * * CALL CLAROT(.TRUE.,.FALSE.,.FALSE., N, C,S, * A(i,1),LDA, DUMMY, DUMMY) * * General banded matrix in GB format: * * j = MAX(1, i-KL ) * NL = MIN( N, i+KU+1 ) + 1-j * CALL CLAROT( .TRUE., i-KL.GE.1, i+KU.LT.N, NL, C,S, * A(KU+i+1-j,j),LDA-1, XLEFT, XRIGHT ) * * [ note that i+1-j is just MIN(i,KL+1) ] * * Symmetric banded matrix in SY format, bandwidth K, * lower triangle only: * * j = MAX(1, i-K ) * NL = MIN( K+1, i ) + 1 * CALL CLAROT( .TRUE., i-K.GE.1, .TRUE., NL, C,S, * A(i,j), LDA, XLEFT, XRIGHT ) * * Same, but upper triangle only: * * NL = MIN( K+1, N-i ) + 1 * CALL CLAROT( .TRUE., .TRUE., i+K.LT.N, NL, C,S, * A(i,i), LDA, XLEFT, XRIGHT ) * * Symmetric banded matrix in SB format, bandwidth K, * lower triangle only: * * [ same as for SY, except:] * . . . . * A(i+1-j,j), LDA-1, XLEFT, XRIGHT ) * * [ note that i+1-j is just MIN(i,K+1) ] * * Same, but upper triangle only: * . . . * A(K+1,i), LDA-1, XLEFT, XRIGHT ) * * Rotating columns is just the transpose of rotating rows, except * for GB and SB: (rotating columns i and i+1) * * GB: * j = MAX(1, i-KU ) * NL = MIN( N, i+KL+1 ) + 1-j * CALL CLAROT( .TRUE., i-KU.GE.1, i+KL.LT.N, NL, C,S, * A(KU+j+1-i,i),LDA-1, XTOP, XBOTTM ) * * [note that KU+j+1-i is just MAX(1,KU+2-i)] * * SB: (upper triangle) * * . . . . . . * A(K+j+1-i,i),LDA-1, XTOP, XBOTTM ) * * SB: (lower triangle) * * . . . . . . * A(1,i),LDA-1, XTOP, XBOTTM ) * * Arguments * ========= * * LROWS - LOGICAL * If .TRUE., then CLAROT will rotate two rows. If .FALSE., * then it will rotate two columns. * Not modified. * * LLEFT - LOGICAL * If .TRUE., then XLEFT will be used instead of the * corresponding element of A for the first element in the * second row (if LROWS=.FALSE.) or column (if LROWS=.TRUE.) * If .FALSE., then the corresponding element of A will be * used. * Not modified. * * LRIGHT - LOGICAL * If .TRUE., then XRIGHT will be used instead of the * corresponding element of A for the last element in the * first row (if LROWS=.FALSE.) or column (if LROWS=.TRUE.) If * .FALSE., then the corresponding element of A will be used. * Not modified. * * NL - INTEGER * The length of the rows (if LROWS=.TRUE.) or columns (if * LROWS=.FALSE.) to be rotated. If XLEFT and/or XRIGHT are * used, the columns/rows they are in should be included in * NL, e.g., if LLEFT = LRIGHT = .TRUE., then NL must be at * least 2. The number of rows/columns to be rotated * exclusive of those involving XLEFT and/or XRIGHT may * not be negative, i.e., NL minus how many of LLEFT and * LRIGHT are .TRUE. must be at least zero; if not, XERBLA * will be called. * Not modified. * * C, S - COMPLEX * Specify the Givens rotation to be applied. If LROWS is * true, then the matrix ( c s ) * ( _ _ ) * (-s c ) is applied from the left; * if false, then the transpose (not conjugated) thereof is * applied from the right. Note that in contrast to the * output of CROTG or to most versions of CROT, both C and S * are complex. For a Givens rotation, |C|**2 + |S|**2 should * be 1, but this is not checked. * Not modified. * * A - COMPLEX array. * The array containing the rows/columns to be rotated. The * first element of A should be the upper left element to * be rotated. * Read and modified. * * LDA - INTEGER * The "effective" leading dimension of A. If A contains * a matrix stored in GE, HE, or SY format, then this is just * the leading dimension of A as dimensioned in the calling * routine. If A contains a matrix stored in band (GB, HB, or * SB) format, then this should be *one less* than the leading * dimension used in the calling routine. Thus, if A were * dimensioned A(LDA,*) in CLAROT, then A(1,j) would be the * j-th element in the first of the two rows to be rotated, * and A(2,j) would be the j-th in the second, regardless of * how the array may be stored in the calling routine. [A * cannot, however, actually be dimensioned thus, since for * band format, the row number may exceed LDA, which is not * legal FORTRAN.] * If LROWS=.TRUE., then LDA must be at least 1, otherwise * it must be at least NL minus the number of .TRUE. values * in XLEFT and XRIGHT. * Not modified. * * XLEFT - COMPLEX * If LLEFT is .TRUE., then XLEFT will be used and modified * instead of A(2,1) (if LROWS=.TRUE.) or A(1,2) * (if LROWS=.FALSE.). * Read and modified. * * XRIGHT - COMPLEX * If LRIGHT is .TRUE., then XRIGHT will be used and modified * instead of A(1,NL) (if LROWS=.TRUE.) or A(NL,1) * (if LROWS=.FALSE.). * Read and modified. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IINC, INEXT, IX, IY, IYT, J, NT COMPLEX TEMPX * .. * .. Local Arrays .. COMPLEX XT( 2 ), YT( 2 ) * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC CONJG * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Set up indices, arrays for ends * IF( LROWS ) THEN IINC = LDA INEXT = 1 ELSE IINC = 1 INEXT = LDA END IF * IF( LLEFT ) THEN NT = 1 IX = 1 + IINC IY = 2 + LDA XT( 1 ) = A( 1 ) YT( 1 ) = XLEFT ELSE NT = 0 IX = 1 IY = 1 + INEXT END IF * IF( LRIGHT ) THEN IYT = 1 + INEXT + ( NL-1 )*IINC NT = NT + 1 XT( NT ) = XRIGHT YT( NT ) = A( IYT ) END IF * * Check for errors * IF( NL.LT.NT ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CLAROT', 4 ) RETURN END IF IF( LDA.LE.0 .OR. ( .NOT.LROWS .AND. LDA.LT.NL-NT ) ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CLAROT', 8 ) RETURN END IF * * Rotate * * CROT( NL-NT, A(IX),IINC, A(IY),IINC, C, S ) with complex C, S * DO 10 J = 0, NL - NT - 1 TEMPX = C*A( IX+J*IINC ) + S*A( IY+J*IINC ) A( IY+J*IINC ) = -CONJG( S )*A( IX+J*IINC ) + $ CONJG( C )*A( IY+J*IINC ) A( IX+J*IINC ) = TEMPX 10 CONTINUE * * CROT( NT, XT,1, YT,1, C, S ) with complex C, S * DO 20 J = 1, NT TEMPX = C*XT( J ) + S*YT( J ) YT( J ) = -CONJG( S )*XT( J ) + CONJG( C )*YT( J ) XT( J ) = TEMPX 20 CONTINUE * * Stuff values back into XLEFT, XRIGHT, etc. * IF( LLEFT ) THEN A( 1 ) = XT( 1 ) XLEFT = YT( 1 ) END IF * IF( LRIGHT ) THEN XRIGHT = XT( NT ) A( IYT ) = YT( NT ) END IF * RETURN * * End of CLAROT * END
subroutine fprppo(nu,nv,if1,if2,cosi,ratio,c,f,ncoff) c given the coefficients of a constrained bicubic spline, as determined c in subroutine fppola, subroutine fprppo calculates the coefficients c in the standard b-spline representation of bicubic splines. c .. c ..scalar arguments.. real*8 ratio integer nu,nv,if1,if2,ncoff c ..array arguments real*8 c(ncoff),f(ncoff),cosi(5,nv) c ..local scalars.. integer i,iopt,ii,j,k,l,nu4,nvv c .. nu4 = nu-4 nvv = nv-7 iopt = if1+1 do 10 i=1,ncoff f(i) = 0. 10 continue i = 0 do 120 l=1,nu4 ii = i if( go to 80 go to (20,40,60),l 20 do 30 k=1,nvv i = i+1 f(i) = c(1) 30 continue j = 1 go to 100 40 do 50 k=1,nvv i = i+1 f(i) = c(1)+c(2)*cosi(1,k)+c(3)*cosi(2,k) 50 continue j = 3 go to 100 60 do 70 k=1,nvv i = i+1 f(i) = c(1)+ratio*(c(2)*cosi(1,k)+c(3)*cosi(2,k))+ * c(4)*cosi(3,k)+c(5)*cosi(4,k)+c(6)*cosi(5,k) 70 continue j = 6 go to 100 80 if(l.eq.nu4 .and. go to 120 do 90 k=1,nvv i = i+1 j = j+1 f(i) = c(j) 90 continue 100 do 110 k=1,3 ii = ii+1 i = i+1 f(i) = f(ii) 110 continue 120 continue do 130 i=1,ncoff c(i) = f(i) 130 continue return end
subroutine reduc(nm,n,a,b,dl,ierr) c integer i,j,k,n,i1,j1,nm,nn,ierr double precision a(nm,n),b(nm,n),dl(n) double precision x,y c c this subroutine is a translation of the algol procedure reduc1, c num. math. 11, 99-110(1968) by martin and wilkinson. c handbook for auto. comp., vol.ii-linear algebra, 303-314(1971). c c this subroutine reduces the generalized symmetric eigenproblem c ax=(lambda)bx, where b is positive definite, to the standard c symmetric eigenproblem using the cholesky factorization of b. c c on input c c nm must be set to the row dimension of two-dimensional c array parameters as declared in the calling program c dimension statement. c c n is the order of the matrices a and b. if the cholesky c factor l of b is already available, n should be prefixed c with a minus sign. c c a and b contain the real symmetric input matrices. only the c full upper triangles of the matrices need be supplied. if c n is negative, the strict lower triangle of b contains, c instead, the strict lower triangle of its cholesky factor l. c c dl contains, if n is negative, the diagonal elements of l. c c on output c c a contains in its full lower triangle the full lower triangle c of the symmetric matrix derived from the reduction to the c standard form. the strict upper triangle of a is unaltered. c c b contains in its strict lower triangle the strict lower c triangle of its cholesky factor l. the full upper c triangle of b is unaltered. c c dl contains the diagonal elements of l. c c ierr is set to c zero for normal return, c 7*n+1 if b is not positive definite. c c questions and comments should be directed to burton s. garbow, c mathematics and computer science div, argonne national laboratory c c this version dated august 1983. c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c ierr = 0 nn = iabs(n) if (n .lt. 0) go to 100 c .......... form l in the arrays b and dl .......... do 80 i = 1, n i1 = i - 1 c do 80 j = i, n x = b(i,j) if (i .eq. 1) go to 40 c do 20 k = 1, i1 20 x = x - b(i,k) * b(j,k) c 40 if (j .ne. i) go to 60 if (x .le. 0.0d0) go to 1000 y = dsqrt(x) dl(i) = y go to 80 60 b(j,i) = x / y 80 continue c .......... form the transpose of the upper triangle of inv(l)*a c in the lower triangle of the array a .......... 100 do 200 i = 1, nn i1 = i - 1 y = dl(i) c do 200 j = i, nn x = a(i,j) if (i .eq. 1) go to 180 c do 160 k = 1, i1 160 x = x - b(i,k) * a(j,k) c 180 a(j,i) = x / y 200 continue c .......... pre-multiply by inv(l) and overwrite .......... do 300 j = 1, nn j1 = j - 1 c do 300 i = j, nn x = a(i,j) if (i .eq. j) go to 240 i1 = i - 1 c do 220 k = j, i1 220 x = x - a(k,j) * b(i,k) c 240 if (j .eq. 1) go to 280 c do 260 k = 1, j1 260 x = x - a(j,k) * b(i,k) c 280 a(i,j) = x / dl(i) 300 continue c go to 1001 c .......... set error -- b is not positive definite .......... 1000 ierr = 7 * n + 1 1001 return end
! ! Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Quantum ESPRESSO group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or . ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine addusdbec (ik, wgt, psi, dbecsum) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine adds to dbecsum the contribution of this ! k point. It implements Eq. B15 of PRB 64, 235118 (2001). ! USE kinds, only : DP USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp, ntyp => nsp USE becmod, ONLY : calbec USE wvfct, only: npw, npwx, nbnd USE uspp, only: nkb, vkb, okvan, ijtoh USE uspp_param, only: upf, nh, nhm USE phus, ONLY : becp1 USE qpoint, ONLY : npwq, ikks USE control_ph, ONLY : nbnd_occ ! USE mp_bands, ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm ! implicit none ! ! the dummy variables ! complex(DP) :: dbecsum (nhm*(nhm+1)/2, nat), psi(npwx,nbnd) ! inp/out: the sum kv of bec * ! input : contains delta psi integer :: ik ! input: the k point real(DP) :: wgt ! input: the weight of this k point ! ! here the local variables ! integer :: na, nt, ih, jh, ibnd, ikk, ikb, jkb, ijh, startb, & lastb, ijkb0 ! counter on atoms ! counter on atomic type ! counter on solid beta functions ! counter on solid beta functions ! counter on the bands ! the real k point ! counter on solid becp ! counter on solid becp ! composite index for dbecsum ! divide among processors the sum ! auxiliary variable for counting complex(DP), allocatable :: dbecq (:,:) ! the change of becq if (.not.okvan) return call start_clock ('addusdbec') allocate (dbecq( nkb, nbnd)) ikk = ikks(ik) ! ! First compute the product of psi and vkb ! call calbec (npwq, vkb, psi, dbecq) ! ! And then we add the product to becsum ! ! Band parallelization: each processor takes care of its slice of bands ! call divide (intra_bgrp_comm, nbnd_occ (ikk), startb, lastb) ! ijkb0 = 0 do nt = 1, ntyp if (upf(nt)%tvanp ) then do na = 1, nat if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) then ! ! And qgmq and becp and dbecq ! do ih = 1, nh(nt) ikb = ijkb0 + ih ijh=ijtoh(ih,ih,nt) do ibnd = startb, lastb dbecsum (ijh, na) = dbecsum (ijh, na) + & wgt * ( CONJG(becp1(ik)%k(ikb,ibnd)) * dbecq(ikb,ibnd) ) enddo do jh = ih + 1, nh (nt) ijh=ijtoh(ih,jh,nt) jkb = ijkb0 + jh do ibnd = startb, lastb dbecsum (ijh, na) = dbecsum (ijh, na) + & wgt*( CONJG(becp1(ik)%k(ikb,ibnd))*dbecq(jkb,ibnd) + & CONJG(becp1(ik)%k(jkb,ibnd))*dbecq(ikb,ibnd) ) enddo ijh = ijh + 1 enddo enddo ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh (nt) endif enddo else do na = 1, nat if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh (nt) enddo endif enddo ! deallocate (dbecq) call stop_clock ('addusdbec') return end subroutine addusdbec
*> \brief \b DLASV2 computes the singular value decomposition of a 2-by-2 triangular matrix. * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download DLASV2 + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE DLASV2( F, G, H, SSMIN, SSMAX, SNR, CSR, SNL, CSL ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * DOUBLE PRECISION CSL, CSR, F, G, H, SNL, SNR, SSMAX, SSMIN * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> DLASV2 computes the singular value decomposition of a 2-by-2 *> triangular matrix *> [ F G ] *> [ 0 H ]. *> On return, abs(SSMAX) is the larger singular value, abs(SSMIN) is the *> smaller singular value, and (CSL,SNL) and (CSR,SNR) are the left and *> right singular vectors for abs(SSMAX), giving the decomposition *> *> [ CSL SNL ] [ F G ] [ CSR -SNR ] = [ SSMAX 0 ] *> [-SNL CSL ] [ 0 H ] [ SNR CSR ] [ 0 SSMIN ]. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] F *> \verbatim *> F is DOUBLE PRECISION *> The (1,1) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] G *> \verbatim *> G is DOUBLE PRECISION *> The (1,2) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] H *> \verbatim *> H is DOUBLE PRECISION *> The (2,2) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] SSMIN *> \verbatim *> SSMIN is DOUBLE PRECISION *> abs(SSMIN) is the smaller singular value. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] SSMAX *> \verbatim *> SSMAX is DOUBLE PRECISION *> abs(SSMAX) is the larger singular value. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] SNL *> \verbatim *> SNL is DOUBLE PRECISION *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] CSL *> \verbatim *> CSL is DOUBLE PRECISION *> The vector (CSL, SNL) is a unit left singular vector for the *> singular value abs(SSMAX). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] SNR *> \verbatim *> SNR is DOUBLE PRECISION *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] CSR *> \verbatim *> CSR is DOUBLE PRECISION *> The vector (CSR, SNR) is a unit right singular vector for the *> singular value abs(SSMAX). *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \ingroup OTHERauxiliary * *> \par Further Details: * ===================== *> *> \verbatim *> *> Any input parameter may be aliased with any output parameter. *> *> Barring over/underflow and assuming a guard digit in subtraction, all *> output quantities are correct to within a few units in the last *> place (ulps). *> *> In IEEE arithmetic, the code works correctly if one matrix element is *> infinite. *> *> Overflow will not occur unless the largest singular value itself *> overflows or is within a few ulps of overflow. (On machines with *> partial overflow, like the Cray, overflow may occur if the largest *> singular value is within a factor of 2 of overflow.) *> *> Underflow is harmless if underflow is gradual. Otherwise, results *> may correspond to a matrix modified by perturbations of size near *> the underflow threshold. *> \endverbatim *> * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE DLASV2( F, G, H, SSMIN, SSMAX, SNR, CSR, SNL, CSL ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION CSL, CSR, F, G, H, SNL, SNR, SSMAX, SSMIN * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION HALF PARAMETER ( HALF = 0.5D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TWO PARAMETER ( TWO = 2.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION FOUR PARAMETER ( FOUR = 4.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL GASMAL, SWAP INTEGER PMAX DOUBLE PRECISION A, CLT, CRT, D, FA, FT, GA, GT, HA, HT, L, M, $ MM, R, S, SLT, SRT, T, TEMP, TSIGN, TT * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SIGN, SQRT * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * FT = F FA = ABS( FT ) HT = H HA = ABS( H ) * * PMAX points to the maximum absolute element of matrix * PMAX = 1 if F largest in absolute values * PMAX = 2 if G largest in absolute values * PMAX = 3 if H largest in absolute values * PMAX = 1 SWAP = ( HA.GT.FA ) IF( SWAP ) THEN PMAX = 3 TEMP = FT FT = HT HT = TEMP TEMP = FA FA = HA HA = TEMP * * Now FA .ge. HA * END IF GT = G GA = ABS( GT ) IF( GA.EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * Diagonal matrix * SSMIN = HA SSMAX = FA CLT = ONE CRT = ONE SLT = ZERO SRT = ZERO ELSE GASMAL = .TRUE. IF( GA.GT.FA ) THEN PMAX = 2 IF( ( FA / GA ).LT.DLAMCH( 'EPS' ) ) THEN * * Case of very large GA * GASMAL = .FALSE. SSMAX = GA IF( HA.GT.ONE ) THEN SSMIN = FA / ( GA / HA ) ELSE SSMIN = ( FA / GA )*HA END IF CLT = ONE SLT = HT / GT SRT = ONE CRT = FT / GT END IF END IF IF( GASMAL ) THEN * * Normal case * D = FA - HA IF( D.EQ.FA ) THEN * * Copes with infinite F or H * L = ONE ELSE L = D / FA END IF * * Note that 0 .le. L .le. 1 * M = GT / FT * * Note that abs(M) .le. 1/macheps * T = TWO - L * * Note that T .ge. 1 * MM = M*M TT = T*T S = SQRT( TT+MM ) * * Note that 1 .le. S .le. 1 + 1/macheps * IF( L.EQ.ZERO ) THEN R = ABS( M ) ELSE R = SQRT( L*L+MM ) END IF * * Note that 0 .le. R .le. 1 + 1/macheps * A = HALF*( S+R ) * * Note that 1 .le. A .le. 1 + abs(M) * SSMIN = HA / A SSMAX = FA*A IF( MM.EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * Note that M is very tiny * IF( L.EQ.ZERO ) THEN T = SIGN( TWO, FT )*SIGN( ONE, GT ) ELSE T = GT / SIGN( D, FT ) + M / T END IF ELSE T = ( M / ( S+T )+M / ( R+L ) )*( ONE+A ) END IF L = SQRT( T*T+FOUR ) CRT = TWO / L SRT = T / L CLT = ( CRT+SRT*M ) / A SLT = ( HT / FT )*SRT / A END IF END IF IF( SWAP ) THEN CSL = SRT SNL = CRT CSR = SLT SNR = CLT ELSE CSL = CLT SNL = SLT CSR = CRT SNR = SRT END IF * * Correct signs of SSMAX and SSMIN * IF( PMAX.EQ.1 ) $ TSIGN = SIGN( ONE, CSR )*SIGN( ONE, CSL )*SIGN( ONE, F ) IF( PMAX.EQ.2 ) $ TSIGN = SIGN( ONE, SNR )*SIGN( ONE, CSL )*SIGN( ONE, G ) IF( PMAX.EQ.3 ) $ TSIGN = SIGN( ONE, SNR )*SIGN( ONE, SNL )*SIGN( ONE, H ) SSMAX = SIGN( SSMAX, TSIGN ) SSMIN = SIGN( SSMIN, TSIGN*SIGN( ONE, F )*SIGN( ONE, H ) ) RETURN * * End of DLASV2 * END
*> \brief <b> DGGES3 computes the eigenvalues, the Schur form, and, optionally, the matrix of Schur vectors for GE matrices (blocked algorithm)</b> * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download DGGES3 + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE DGGES3( JOBVSL, JOBVSR, SORT, SELCTG, N, A, LDA, B, LDB, * SDIM, ALPHAR, ALPHAI, BETA, VSL, LDVSL, VSR, * LDVSR, WORK, LWORK, BWORK, INFO ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * CHARACTER JOBVSL, JOBVSR, SORT * INTEGER INFO, LDA, LDB, LDVSL, LDVSR, LWORK, N, SDIM * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * LOGICAL BWORK( * ) * DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), ALPHAI( * ), ALPHAR( * ), * $ B( LDB, * ), BETA( * ), VSL( LDVSL, * ), * $ VSR( LDVSR, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * .. Function Arguments .. * LOGICAL SELCTG * EXTERNAL SELCTG * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> DGGES3 computes for a pair of N-by-N real nonsymmetric matrices (A,B), *> the generalized eigenvalues, the generalized real Schur form (S,T), *> optionally, the left and/or right matrices of Schur vectors (VSL and *> VSR). This gives the generalized Schur factorization *> *> (A,B) = ( (VSL)*S*(VSR)**T, (VSL)*T*(VSR)**T ) *> *> Optionally, it also orders the eigenvalues so that a selected cluster *> of eigenvalues appears in the leading diagonal blocks of the upper *> quasi-triangular matrix S and the upper triangular matrix T.The *> leading columns of VSL and VSR then form an orthonormal basis for the *> corresponding left and right eigenspaces (deflating subspaces). *> *> (If only the generalized eigenvalues are needed, use the driver *> DGGEV instead, which is faster.) *> *> A generalized eigenvalue for a pair of matrices (A,B) is a scalar w *> or a ratio alpha/beta = w, such that A - w*B is singular. It is *> usually represented as the pair (alpha,beta), as there is a *> reasonable interpretation for beta=0 or both being zero. *> *> A pair of matrices (S,T) is in generalized real Schur form if T is *> upper triangular with non-negative diagonal and S is block upper *> triangular with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 blocks. 1-by-1 blocks correspond *> to real generalized eigenvalues, while 2-by-2 blocks of S will be *> "standardized" by making the corresponding elements of T have the *> form: *> [ a 0 ] *> [ 0 b ] *> *> and the pair of corresponding 2-by-2 blocks in S and T will have a *> complex conjugate pair of generalized eigenvalues. *> *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] JOBVSL *> \verbatim *> JOBVSL is CHARACTER*1 *> = 'N': do not compute the left Schur vectors; *> = 'V': compute the left Schur vectors. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] JOBVSR *> \verbatim *> JOBVSR is CHARACTER*1 *> = 'N': do not compute the right Schur vectors; *> = 'V': compute the right Schur vectors. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] SORT *> \verbatim *> SORT is CHARACTER*1 *> Specifies whether or not to order the eigenvalues on the *> diagonal of the generalized Schur form. *> = 'N': Eigenvalues are not ordered; *> = 'S': Eigenvalues are ordered (see SELCTG); *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] SELCTG *> \verbatim *> SELCTG is a LOGICAL FUNCTION of three DOUBLE PRECISION arguments *> SELCTG must be declared EXTERNAL in the calling subroutine. *> If SORT = 'N', SELCTG is not referenced. *> If SORT = 'S', SELCTG is used to select eigenvalues to sort *> to the top left of the Schur form. *> An eigenvalue (ALPHAR(j)+ALPHAI(j))/BETA(j) is selected if *> SELCTG(ALPHAR(j),ALPHAI(j),BETA(j)) is true; i.e. if either *> one of a complex conjugate pair of eigenvalues is selected, *> then both complex eigenvalues are selected. *> *> Note that in the ill-conditioned case, a selected complex *> eigenvalue may no longer satisfy SELCTG(ALPHAR(j),ALPHAI(j), *> BETA(j)) = .TRUE. after ordering. INFO is to be set to N+2 *> in this case. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The order of the matrices A, B, VSL, and VSR. N >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] A *> \verbatim *> A is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA, N) *> On entry, the first of the pair of matrices. *> On exit, A has been overwritten by its generalized Schur *> form S. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDA *> \verbatim *> LDA is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of A. LDA >= max(1,N). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] B *> \verbatim *> B is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB, N) *> On entry, the second of the pair of matrices. *> On exit, B has been overwritten by its generalized Schur *> form T. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDB *> \verbatim *> LDB is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of B. LDB >= max(1,N). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] SDIM *> \verbatim *> SDIM is INTEGER *> If SORT = 'N', SDIM = 0. *> If SORT = 'S', SDIM = number of eigenvalues (after sorting) *> for which SELCTG is true. (Complex conjugate pairs for which *> SELCTG is true for either eigenvalue count as 2.) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] ALPHAR *> \verbatim *> ALPHAR is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] ALPHAI *> \verbatim *> ALPHAI is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] BETA *> \verbatim *> BETA is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) *> On exit, (ALPHAR(j) + ALPHAI(j)*i)/BETA(j), j=1,...,N, will *> be the generalized eigenvalues. ALPHAR(j) + ALPHAI(j)*i, *> and BETA(j),j=1,...,N are the diagonals of the complex Schur *> form (S,T) that would result if the 2-by-2 diagonal blocks of *> the real Schur form of (A,B) were further reduced to *> triangular form using 2-by-2 complex unitary transformations. *> If ALPHAI(j) is zero, then the j-th eigenvalue is real; if *> positive, then the j-th and (j+1)-st eigenvalues are a *> complex conjugate pair, with ALPHAI(j+1) negative. *> *> Note: the quotients ALPHAR(j)/BETA(j) and ALPHAI(j)/BETA(j) *> may easily over- or underflow, and BETA(j) may even be zero. *> Thus, the user should avoid naively computing the ratio. *> However, ALPHAR and ALPHAI will be always less than and *> usually comparable with norm(A) in magnitude, and BETA always *> less than and usually comparable with norm(B). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] VSL *> \verbatim *> VSL is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDVSL,N) *> If JOBVSL = 'V', VSL will contain the left Schur vectors. *> Not referenced if JOBVSL = 'N'. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDVSL *> \verbatim *> LDVSL is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the matrix VSL. LDVSL >=1, and *> if JOBVSL = 'V', LDVSL >= N. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] VSR *> \verbatim *> VSR is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDVSR,N) *> If JOBVSR = 'V', VSR will contain the right Schur vectors. *> Not referenced if JOBVSR = 'N'. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDVSR *> \verbatim *> LDVSR is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the matrix VSR. LDVSR >= 1, and *> if JOBVSR = 'V', LDVSR >= N. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] WORK *> \verbatim *> WORK is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK)) *> On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LWORK *> \verbatim *> LWORK is INTEGER *> The dimension of the array WORK. *> *> If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine *> only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns *> this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error *> message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] BWORK *> \verbatim *> BWORK is LOGICAL array, dimension (N) *> Not referenced if SORT = 'N'. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] INFO *> \verbatim *> INFO is INTEGER *> = 0: successful exit *> < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. *> = 1,...,N: *> The QZ iteration failed. (A,B) are not in Schur *> form, but ALPHAR(j), ALPHAI(j), and BETA(j) should *> be correct for j=INFO+1,...,N. *> > N: =N+1: other than QZ iteration failed in DLAQZ0. *> =N+2: after reordering, roundoff changed values of *> some complex eigenvalues so that leading *> eigenvalues in the Generalized Schur form no *> longer satisfy SELCTG=.TRUE. This could also *> be caused due to scaling. *> =N+3: reordering failed in DTGSEN. *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \ingroup doubleGEeigen * * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE DGGES3( JOBVSL, JOBVSR, SORT, SELCTG, N, A, LDA, B, $ LDB, SDIM, ALPHAR, ALPHAI, BETA, VSL, LDVSL, $ VSR, LDVSR, WORK, LWORK, BWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK driver routine -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER JOBVSL, JOBVSR, SORT INTEGER INFO, LDA, LDB, LDVSL, LDVSR, LWORK, N, SDIM * .. * .. Array Arguments .. LOGICAL BWORK( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), ALPHAI( * ), ALPHAR( * ), $ B( LDB, * ), BETA( * ), VSL( LDVSL, * ), $ VSR( LDVSR, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * .. Function Arguments .. LOGICAL SELCTG EXTERNAL SELCTG * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL CURSL, ILASCL, ILBSCL, ILVSL, ILVSR, LASTSL, $ LQUERY, LST2SL, WANTST INTEGER I, ICOLS, IERR, IHI, IJOBVL, IJOBVR, ILEFT, $ ILO, IP, IRIGHT, IROWS, ITAU, IWRK, LWKOPT DOUBLE PRECISION ANRM, ANRMTO, BIGNUM, BNRM, BNRMTO, EPS, PVSL, $ PVSR, SAFMAX, SAFMIN, SMLNUM * .. * .. Local Arrays .. INTEGER IDUM( 1 ) DOUBLE PRECISION DIF( 2 ) * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGEQRF, DGGBAK, DGGBAL, DGGHD3, DLAQZ0, DLABAD, $ DLACPY, DLASCL, DLASET, DORGQR, DORMQR, DTGSEN, $ XERBLA * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH, DLANGE EXTERNAL LSAME, DLAMCH, DLANGE * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Decode the input arguments * IF( LSAME( JOBVSL, 'N' ) ) THEN IJOBVL = 1 ILVSL = .FALSE. ELSE IF( LSAME( JOBVSL, 'V' ) ) THEN IJOBVL = 2 ILVSL = .TRUE. ELSE IJOBVL = -1 ILVSL = .FALSE. END IF * IF( LSAME( JOBVSR, 'N' ) ) THEN IJOBVR = 1 ILVSR = .FALSE. ELSE IF( LSAME( JOBVSR, 'V' ) ) THEN IJOBVR = 2 ILVSR = .TRUE. ELSE IJOBVR = -1 ILVSR = .FALSE. END IF * WANTST = LSAME( SORT, 'S' ) * * Test the input arguments * INFO = 0 LQUERY = ( LWORK.EQ.-1 ) IF( IJOBVL.LE.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( IJOBVR.LE.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( ( .NOT.WANTST ) .AND. ( .NOT.LSAME( SORT, 'N' ) ) ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -5 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -7 ELSE IF( LDB.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -9 ELSE IF( LDVSL.LT.1 .OR. ( ILVSL .AND. LDVSL.LT.N ) ) THEN INFO = -15 ELSE IF( LDVSR.LT.1 .OR. ( ILVSR .AND. LDVSR.LT.N ) ) THEN INFO = -17 ELSE IF( LWORK.LT.6*N+16 .AND. .NOT.LQUERY ) THEN INFO = -19 END IF * * Compute workspace * IF( INFO.EQ.0 ) THEN CALL DGEQRF( N, N, B, LDB, WORK, WORK, -1, IERR ) LWKOPT = MAX( 6*N+16, 3*N+INT( WORK ( 1 ) ) ) CALL DORMQR( 'L', 'T', N, N, N, B, LDB, WORK, A, LDA, WORK, $ -1, IERR ) LWKOPT = MAX( LWKOPT, 3*N+INT( WORK ( 1 ) ) ) IF( ILVSL ) THEN CALL DORGQR( N, N, N, VSL, LDVSL, WORK, WORK, -1, IERR ) LWKOPT = MAX( LWKOPT, 3*N+INT( WORK ( 1 ) ) ) END IF CALL DGGHD3( JOBVSL, JOBVSR, N, 1, N, A, LDA, B, LDB, VSL, $ LDVSL, VSR, LDVSR, WORK, -1, IERR ) LWKOPT = MAX( LWKOPT, 3*N+INT( WORK ( 1 ) ) ) CALL DLAQZ0( 'S', JOBVSL, JOBVSR, N, 1, N, A, LDA, B, LDB, $ ALPHAR, ALPHAI, BETA, VSL, LDVSL, VSR, LDVSR, $ WORK, -1, 0, IERR ) LWKOPT = MAX( LWKOPT, 2*N+INT( WORK ( 1 ) ) ) IF( WANTST ) THEN CALL DTGSEN( 0, ILVSL, ILVSR, BWORK, N, A, LDA, B, LDB, $ ALPHAR, ALPHAI, BETA, VSL, LDVSL, VSR, LDVSR, $ SDIM, PVSL, PVSR, DIF, WORK, -1, IDUM, 1, $ IERR ) LWKOPT = MAX( LWKOPT, 2*N+INT( WORK ( 1 ) ) ) END IF WORK( 1 ) = LWKOPT END IF * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DGGES3 ', -INFO ) RETURN ELSE IF( LQUERY ) THEN RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) THEN SDIM = 0 RETURN END IF * * Get machine constants * EPS = DLAMCH( 'P' ) SAFMIN = DLAMCH( 'S' ) SAFMAX = ONE / SAFMIN CALL DLABAD( SAFMIN, SAFMAX ) SMLNUM = SQRT( SAFMIN ) / EPS BIGNUM = ONE / SMLNUM * * Scale A if max element outside range [SMLNUM,BIGNUM] * ANRM = DLANGE( 'M', N, N, A, LDA, WORK ) ILASCL = .FALSE. IF( ANRM.GT.ZERO .AND. ANRM.LT.SMLNUM ) THEN ANRMTO = SMLNUM ILASCL = .TRUE. ELSE IF( ANRM.GT.BIGNUM ) THEN ANRMTO = BIGNUM ILASCL = .TRUE. END IF IF( ILASCL ) $ CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, ANRM, ANRMTO, N, N, A, LDA, IERR ) * * Scale B if max element outside range [SMLNUM,BIGNUM] * BNRM = DLANGE( 'M', N, N, B, LDB, WORK ) ILBSCL = .FALSE. IF( BNRM.GT.ZERO .AND. BNRM.LT.SMLNUM ) THEN BNRMTO = SMLNUM ILBSCL = .TRUE. ELSE IF( BNRM.GT.BIGNUM ) THEN BNRMTO = BIGNUM ILBSCL = .TRUE. END IF IF( ILBSCL ) $ CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, BNRM, BNRMTO, N, N, B, LDB, IERR ) * * Permute the matrix to make it more nearly triangular * ILEFT = 1 IRIGHT = N + 1 IWRK = IRIGHT + N CALL DGGBAL( 'P', N, A, LDA, B, LDB, ILO, IHI, WORK( ILEFT ), $ WORK( IRIGHT ), WORK( IWRK ), IERR ) * * Reduce B to triangular form (QR decomposition of B) * IROWS = IHI + 1 - ILO ICOLS = N + 1 - ILO ITAU = IWRK IWRK = ITAU + IROWS CALL DGEQRF( IROWS, ICOLS, B( ILO, ILO ), LDB, WORK( ITAU ), $ WORK( IWRK ), LWORK+1-IWRK, IERR ) * * Apply the orthogonal transformation to matrix A * CALL DORMQR( 'L', 'T', IROWS, ICOLS, IROWS, B( ILO, ILO ), LDB, $ WORK( ITAU ), A( ILO, ILO ), LDA, WORK( IWRK ), $ LWORK+1-IWRK, IERR ) * * Initialize VSL * IF( ILVSL ) THEN CALL DLASET( 'Full', N, N, ZERO, ONE, VSL, LDVSL ) IF( IROWS.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DLACPY( 'L', IROWS-1, IROWS-1, B( ILO+1, ILO ), LDB, $ VSL( ILO+1, ILO ), LDVSL ) END IF CALL DORGQR( IROWS, IROWS, IROWS, VSL( ILO, ILO ), LDVSL, $ WORK( ITAU ), WORK( IWRK ), LWORK+1-IWRK, IERR ) END IF * * Initialize VSR * IF( ILVSR ) $ CALL DLASET( 'Full', N, N, ZERO, ONE, VSR, LDVSR ) * * Reduce to generalized Hessenberg form * CALL DGGHD3( JOBVSL, JOBVSR, N, ILO, IHI, A, LDA, B, LDB, VSL, $ LDVSL, VSR, LDVSR, WORK( IWRK ), LWORK+1-IWRK, $ IERR ) * * Perform QZ algorithm, computing Schur vectors if desired * IWRK = ITAU CALL DLAQZ0( 'S', JOBVSL, JOBVSR, N, ILO, IHI, A, LDA, B, LDB, $ ALPHAR, ALPHAI, BETA, VSL, LDVSL, VSR, LDVSR, $ WORK( IWRK ), LWORK+1-IWRK, 0, IERR ) IF( IERR.NE.0 ) THEN IF( IERR.GT.0 .AND. IERR.LE.N ) THEN INFO = IERR ELSE IF( IERR.GT.N .AND. IERR.LE.2*N ) THEN INFO = IERR - N ELSE INFO = N + 1 END IF GO TO 50 END IF * * Sort eigenvalues ALPHA/BETA if desired * SDIM = 0 IF( WANTST ) THEN * * Undo scaling on eigenvalues before SELCTGing * IF( ILASCL ) THEN CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, ANRMTO, ANRM, N, 1, ALPHAR, N, $ IERR ) CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, ANRMTO, ANRM, N, 1, ALPHAI, N, $ IERR ) END IF IF( ILBSCL ) $ CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, BNRMTO, BNRM, N, 1, BETA, N, IERR ) * * Select eigenvalues * DO 10 I = 1, N BWORK( I ) = SELCTG( ALPHAR( I ), ALPHAI( I ), BETA( I ) ) 10 CONTINUE * CALL DTGSEN( 0, ILVSL, ILVSR, BWORK, N, A, LDA, B, LDB, ALPHAR, $ ALPHAI, BETA, VSL, LDVSL, VSR, LDVSR, SDIM, PVSL, $ PVSR, DIF, WORK( IWRK ), LWORK-IWRK+1, IDUM, 1, $ IERR ) IF( IERR.EQ.1 ) $ INFO = N + 3 * END IF * * Apply back-permutation to VSL and VSR * IF( ILVSL ) $ CALL DGGBAK( 'P', 'L', N, ILO, IHI, WORK( ILEFT ), $ WORK( IRIGHT ), N, VSL, LDVSL, IERR ) * IF( ILVSR ) $ CALL DGGBAK( 'P', 'R', N, ILO, IHI, WORK( ILEFT ), $ WORK( IRIGHT ), N, VSR, LDVSR, IERR ) * * Check if unscaling would cause over/underflow, if so, rescale * (ALPHAR(I),ALPHAI(I),BETA(I)) so BETA(I) is on the order of * B(I,I) and ALPHAR(I) and ALPHAI(I) are on the order of A(I,I) * IF( ILASCL ) THEN DO 20 I = 1, N IF( ALPHAI( I ).NE.ZERO ) THEN IF( ( ALPHAR( I ) / SAFMAX ).GT.( ANRMTO / ANRM ) .OR. $ ( SAFMIN / ALPHAR( I ) ).GT.( ANRM / ANRMTO ) ) THEN WORK( 1 ) = ABS( A( I, I ) / ALPHAR( I ) ) BETA( I ) = BETA( I )*WORK( 1 ) ALPHAR( I ) = ALPHAR( I )*WORK( 1 ) ALPHAI( I ) = ALPHAI( I )*WORK( 1 ) ELSE IF( ( ALPHAI( I ) / SAFMAX ).GT. $ ( ANRMTO / ANRM ) .OR. $ ( SAFMIN / ALPHAI( I ) ).GT.( ANRM / ANRMTO ) ) $ THEN WORK( 1 ) = ABS( A( I, I+1 ) / ALPHAI( I ) ) BETA( I ) = BETA( I )*WORK( 1 ) ALPHAR( I ) = ALPHAR( I )*WORK( 1 ) ALPHAI( I ) = ALPHAI( I )*WORK( 1 ) END IF END IF 20 CONTINUE END IF * IF( ILBSCL ) THEN DO 30 I = 1, N IF( ALPHAI( I ).NE.ZERO ) THEN IF( ( BETA( I ) / SAFMAX ).GT.( BNRMTO / BNRM ) .OR. $ ( SAFMIN / BETA( I ) ).GT.( BNRM / BNRMTO ) ) THEN WORK( 1 ) = ABS( B( I, I ) / BETA( I ) ) BETA( I ) = BETA( I )*WORK( 1 ) ALPHAR( I ) = ALPHAR( I )*WORK( 1 ) ALPHAI( I ) = ALPHAI( I )*WORK( 1 ) END IF END IF 30 CONTINUE END IF * * Undo scaling * IF( ILASCL ) THEN CALL DLASCL( 'H', 0, 0, ANRMTO, ANRM, N, N, A, LDA, IERR ) CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, ANRMTO, ANRM, N, 1, ALPHAR, N, IERR ) CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, ANRMTO, ANRM, N, 1, ALPHAI, N, IERR ) END IF * IF( ILBSCL ) THEN CALL DLASCL( 'U', 0, 0, BNRMTO, BNRM, N, N, B, LDB, IERR ) CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, BNRMTO, BNRM, N, 1, BETA, N, IERR ) END IF * IF( WANTST ) THEN * * Check if reordering is correct * LASTSL = .TRUE. LST2SL = .TRUE. SDIM = 0 IP = 0 DO 40 I = 1, N CURSL = SELCTG( ALPHAR( I ), ALPHAI( I ), BETA( I ) ) IF( ALPHAI( I ).EQ.ZERO ) THEN IF( CURSL ) $ SDIM = SDIM + 1 IP = 0 IF( CURSL .AND. .NOT.LASTSL ) $ INFO = N + 2 ELSE IF( IP.EQ.1 ) THEN * * Last eigenvalue of conjugate pair * CURSL = CURSL .OR. LASTSL LASTSL = CURSL IF( CURSL ) $ SDIM = SDIM + 2 IP = -1 IF( CURSL .AND. .NOT.LST2SL ) $ INFO = N + 2 ELSE * * First eigenvalue of conjugate pair * IP = 1 END IF END IF LST2SL = LASTSL LASTSL = CURSL 40 CONTINUE * END IF * 50 CONTINUE * WORK( 1 ) = LWKOPT * RETURN * * End of DGGES3 * END
SUBROUTINE CHETRF( UPLO, N, A, LDA, IPIV, WORK, LWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. * November 2006 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER INFO, LDA, LWORK, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPIV( * ) COMPLEX A( LDA, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * CHETRF computes the factorization of a complex Hermitian matrix A * using the Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting method. The form of the * factorization is * * A = U*D*U**H or A = L*D*L**H * * where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) * triangular matrices, and D is Hermitian and block diagonal with * 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. * * This is the blocked version of the algorithm, calling Level 3 BLAS. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'U': Upper triangle of A is stored; * = 'L': Lower triangle of A is stored. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * A (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the Hermitian matrix A. If UPLO = 'U', the leading * N-by-N upper triangular part of A contains the upper * triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly lower * triangular part of A is not referenced. If UPLO = 'L', the * leading N-by-N lower triangular part of A contains the lower * triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly upper * triangular part of A is not referenced. * * On exit, the block diagonal matrix D and the multipliers used * to obtain the factor U or L (see below for further details). * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). * * IPIV (output) INTEGER array, dimension (N) * Details of the interchanges and the block structure of D. * If IPIV(k) > 0, then rows and columns k and IPIV(k) were * interchanged and D(k,k) is a 1-by-1 diagonal block. * If UPLO = 'U' and IPIV(k) = IPIV(k-1) < 0, then rows and * columns k-1 and -IPIV(k) were interchanged and D(k-1:k,k-1:k) * is a 2-by-2 diagonal block. If UPLO = 'L' and IPIV(k) = * IPIV(k+1) < 0, then rows and columns k+1 and -IPIV(k) were * interchanged and D(k:k+1,k:k+1) is a 2-by-2 diagonal block. * * WORK (workspace/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK)) * On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. * * LWORK (input) INTEGER * The length of WORK. LWORK >=1. For best performance * LWORK >= N*NB, where NB is the block size returned by ILAENV. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * > 0: if INFO = i, D(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization * has been completed, but the block diagonal matrix D is * exactly singular, and division by zero will occur if it * is used to solve a system of equations. * * Further Details * =============== * * If UPLO = 'U', then A = U*D*U', where * U = P(n)*U(n)* ... *P(k)U(k)* ..., * i.e., U is a product of terms P(k)*U(k), where k decreases from n to * 1 in steps of 1 or 2, and D is a block diagonal matrix with 1-by-1 * and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks D(k). P(k) is a permutation matrix as * defined by IPIV(k), and U(k) is a unit upper triangular matrix, such * that if the diagonal block D(k) is of order s (s = 1 or 2), then * * ( I v 0 ) k-s * U(k) = ( 0 I 0 ) s * ( 0 0 I ) n-k * k-s s n-k * * If s = 1, D(k) overwrites A(k,k), and v overwrites A(1:k-1,k). * If s = 2, the upper triangle of D(k) overwrites A(k-1,k-1), A(k-1,k), * and A(k,k), and v overwrites A(1:k-2,k-1:k). * * If UPLO = 'L', then A = L*D*L', where * L = P(1)*L(1)* ... *P(k)*L(k)* ..., * i.e., L is a product of terms P(k)*L(k), where k increases from 1 to * n in steps of 1 or 2, and D is a block diagonal matrix with 1-by-1 * and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks D(k). P(k) is a permutation matrix as * defined by IPIV(k), and L(k) is a unit lower triangular matrix, such * that if the diagonal block D(k) is of order s (s = 1 or 2), then * * ( I 0 0 ) k-1 * L(k) = ( 0 I 0 ) s * ( 0 v I ) n-k-s+1 * k-1 s n-k-s+1 * * If s = 1, D(k) overwrites A(k,k), and v overwrites A(k+1:n,k). * If s = 2, the lower triangle of D(k) overwrites A(k,k), A(k+1,k), * and A(k+1,k+1), and v overwrites A(k+2:n,k:k+1). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL LQUERY, UPPER INTEGER IINFO, IWS, J, K, KB, LDWORK, LWKOPT, NB, NBMIN * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME INTEGER ILAENV EXTERNAL LSAME, ILAENV * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CHETF2, CLAHEF, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 UPPER = LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) LQUERY = ( LWORK.EQ.-1 ) IF( .NOT.UPPER .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( LWORK.LT.1 .AND. .NOT.LQUERY ) THEN INFO = -7 END IF * IF( INFO.EQ.0 ) THEN * * Determine the block size * NB = ILAENV( 1, 'CHETRF', UPLO, N, -1, -1, -1 ) LWKOPT = N*NB WORK( 1 ) = LWKOPT END IF * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CHETRF', -INFO ) RETURN ELSE IF( LQUERY ) THEN RETURN END IF * NBMIN = 2 LDWORK = N IF( NB.GT.1 .AND. NB.LT.N ) THEN IWS = LDWORK*NB IF( LWORK.LT.IWS ) THEN NB = MAX( LWORK / LDWORK, 1 ) NBMIN = MAX( 2, ILAENV( 2, 'CHETRF', UPLO, N, -1, -1, -1 ) ) END IF ELSE IWS = 1 END IF IF( NB.LT.NBMIN ) $ NB = N * IF( UPPER ) THEN * * Factorize A as U*D*U' using the upper triangle of A * * K is the main loop index, decreasing from N to 1 in steps of * KB, where KB is the number of columns factorized by CLAHEF; * KB is either NB or NB-1, or K for the last block * K = N 10 CONTINUE * * If K < 1, exit from loop * IF( K.LT.1 ) $ GO TO 40 * IF( K.GT.NB ) THEN * * Factorize columns k-kb+1:k of A and use blocked code to * update columns 1:k-kb * CALL CLAHEF( UPLO, K, NB, KB, A, LDA, IPIV, WORK, N, IINFO ) ELSE * * Use unblocked code to factorize columns 1:k of A * CALL CHETF2( UPLO, K, A, LDA, IPIV, IINFO ) KB = K END IF * * Set INFO on the first occurrence of a zero pivot * IF( INFO.EQ.0 .AND. IINFO.GT.0 ) $ INFO = IINFO * * Decrease K and return to the start of the main loop * K = K - KB GO TO 10 * ELSE * * Factorize A as L*D*L' using the lower triangle of A * * K is the main loop index, increasing from 1 to N in steps of * KB, where KB is the number of columns factorized by CLAHEF; * KB is either NB or NB-1, or N-K+1 for the last block * K = 1 20 CONTINUE * * If K > N, exit from loop * IF( K.GT.N ) $ GO TO 40 * IF( K.LE.N-NB ) THEN * * Factorize columns k:k+kb-1 of A and use blocked code to * update columns k+kb:n * CALL CLAHEF( UPLO, N-K+1, NB, KB, A( K, K ), LDA, IPIV( K ), $ WORK, N, IINFO ) ELSE * * Use unblocked code to factorize columns k:n of A * CALL CHETF2( UPLO, N-K+1, A( K, K ), LDA, IPIV( K ), IINFO ) KB = N - K + 1 END IF * * Set INFO on the first occurrence of a zero pivot * IF( INFO.EQ.0 .AND. IINFO.GT.0 ) $ INFO = IINFO + K - 1 * * Adjust IPIV * DO 30 J = K, K + KB - 1 IF( IPIV( J ).GT.0 ) THEN IPIV( J ) = IPIV( J ) + K - 1 ELSE IPIV( J ) = IPIV( J ) - K + 1 END IF 30 CONTINUE * * Increase K and return to the start of the main loop * K = K + KB GO TO 20 * END IF * 40 CONTINUE WORK( 1 ) = LWKOPT RETURN * * End of CHETRF * END
! ! Copyright (C) 2011 Quantum ESPRESSO group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or . ! !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= MODULE stick_set !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= ! ... Distribute G-vectors across processors as sticks and planes, ! ... initialize FFT descriptors for both dense and smooth grids ! ... Most important dependencies: next three modules USE stick_base ! USE kinds, ONLY: DP USE io_global, ONLY: ionode, stdout USE fft_types, ONLY: fft_dlay_descriptor, fft_dlay_allocate, & fft_dlay_set, fft_dlay_scalar IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE SAVE PUBLIC :: pstickset, pstickset_custom !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= CONTAINS !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= SUBROUTINE pstickset( gamma_only, bg, gcut, gkcut, gcuts, & dfftp, dffts, ngw, ngm, ngs, mype, root, nproc, comm, nogrp_ ) LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: gamma_only ! ... bg(:,1), bg(:,2), bg(:,3) reciprocal space base vectors. REAL(DP), INTENT(in) :: bg(3,3) REAL(DP), INTENT(in) :: gcut, gkcut, gcuts TYPE(fft_dlay_descriptor), INTENT(inout) :: dfftp, dffts INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: ngw, ngm, ngs INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mype, root, nproc, comm INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nogrp_ LOGICAL :: tk INTEGER :: ub(3), lb(3) ! ... ub(i), lb(i) upper and lower miller indexes ! ! ... Plane Waves ! INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: stw(:,:) ! ... stick map (wave functions), stw(i,j) = number of G-vector in the ! ... stick whose x and y miller index are i and j INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: nstpw(:) ! ... number of sticks (wave functions), nstpw(ip) = number of stick ! ... for processor ip INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sstpw(:) ! ... number of G-vectors (wave functions), sstpw(ip) = sum of the ! ... sticks length for processor ip = number of G-vectors ! ... owned by the processor ip INTEGER :: nstw, nstpwx ! ... nstw local number of sticks (wave functions) ! ... nstpwx maximum among all processors of nstw ! ! ... Potentials ! INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: st(:,:) ! ... stick map (potentials), st(i,j) = number of G-vector in the ! ... stick whose x and y miller index are i and j INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: nstp(:) ! ... number of sticks (potentials), nstp(ip) = number of stick ! ... for processor ip INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sstp(:) ! ... number of G-vectors (potentials), sstp(ip) = sum of the ! ... sticks length for processor ip = number of G-vectors ! ... owned by the processor ip INTEGER :: nst, nstpx ! ... nst local number of sticks (potentials) ! ... nstpx maximum among all processors of nst ! ! ... Smooth Mesh ! INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sts(:,:) ! ... stick map (smooth mesh), sts(i,j) = number of G-vector in the ! ... stick whose x and y miller index are i and j INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: nstps(:) ! ... number of sticks (smooth mesh), nstp(ip) = number of stick ! ... for processor ip INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sstps(:) ! ... number of G-vectors (smooth mesh), sstps(ip) = sum of the ! ... sticks length for processor ip = number of G-vectors ! ... owned by the processor ip INTEGER :: nsts ! ... nsts local number of sticks (smooth mesh) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ist(:,:) ! sticks indices ordered INTEGER :: ip, ngm_ , ngs_ INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: idx(:) tk = .not. gamma_only ub(1) = ( dfftp%nr1 - 1 ) / 2 ub(2) = ( dfftp%nr2 - 1 ) / 2 ub(3) = ( dfftp%nr3 - 1 ) / 2 lb = - ub ! ... Allocate maps ALLOCATE( stw ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ) ALLOCATE( st ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ) ALLOCATE( sts ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ) st = 0 stw = 0 sts = 0 ! ... Fill in the stick maps, for given g-space base and cut-off CALL sticks_maps( tk, ub, lb, bg(:,1), bg(:,2), bg(:,3), & gcut, gkcut, gcuts, st, stw, sts, mype, & nproc, comm ) ! ... Now count the number of stick nst and nstw nst = count( st > 0 ) nstw = count( stw > 0 ) nsts = count( sts > 0 ) ALLOCATE(ist(nst,5)) ALLOCATE(nstp(nproc)) ALLOCATE(sstp(nproc)) ALLOCATE(nstpw(nproc)) ALLOCATE(sstpw(nproc)) ALLOCATE(nstps(nproc)) ALLOCATE(sstps(nproc)) ! ... initialize the sticks indexes array ist CALL sticks_countg( tk, ub, lb, st, stw, sts, & ist(:,1), ist(:,2), ist(:,4), ist(:,3), ist(:,5) ) ! ... Sorts the sticks according to their length ALLOCATE( idx( nst ) ) CALL sticks_sort( ist(:,4), ist(:,3), ist(:,5), nst, idx, nproc ) ! ... Set as first stick the stick containing the G=0 ! ! DO iss = 1, nst ! IF( ist( idx( iss ), 1 ) == 0 .AND. ist( idx( iss ), 2 ) == 0 ) EXIT ! END DO ! itmp = idx( 1 ) ! idx( 1 ) = idx( iss ) ! idx( iss ) = itmp CALL sticks_dist( tk, ub, lb, idx, ist(:,1), ist(:,2), ist(:,4), ist(:,3), ist(:,5), & nst, nstp, nstpw, nstps, sstp, sstpw, sstps, st, stw, sts, nproc ) ngw = sstpw( mype + 1 ) ngm = sstp( mype + 1 ) ngs = sstps( mype + 1 ) CALL sticks_pairup( tk, ub, lb, idx, ist(:,1), ist(:,2), ist(:,4), ist(:,3), ist(:,5), & nst, nstp, nstpw, nstps, sstp, sstpw, sstps, st, stw, sts, nproc ) ! ... Allocate and Set fft data layout descriptors #if defined __MPI CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dfftp, mype, root, nproc, comm, nogrp_ , dfftp%nr1x, dfftp%nr2x ) CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dffts, mype, root, nproc, comm, nogrp_ , dffts%nr1x, dffts%nr2x ) CALL fft_dlay_set( dfftp, tk, nst, dfftp%nr1, dfftp%nr2, dfftp%nr3, dfftp%nr1x, dfftp%nr2x, dfftp%nr3x, & ub, lb, idx, ist(:,1), ist(:,2), nstp, nstpw, sstp, sstpw, st, stw ) CALL fft_dlay_set( dffts, tk, nsts, dffts%nr1, dffts%nr2, dffts%nr3, dffts%nr1x, dffts%nr2x, dffts%nr3x, & ub, lb, idx, ist(:,1), ist(:,2), nstps, nstpw, sstps, sstpw, sts, stw ) #else DEALLOCATE( stw ) ALLOCATE( stw( lb(2) : ub(2), lb(3) : ub(3) ) ) CALL sticks_maps_scalar( (, ub, lb, bg(:,1),bg(:,2),bg(:,3),& gcut, gkcut, gcuts, stw, ngm_ , ngs_ ) IF( ngm_ /= ngm ) CALL errore( ' pstickset ', ' inconsistent ngm ', abs( ngm - ngm_ ) ) IF( ngs_ /= ngs ) CALL errore( ' pstickset ', ' inconsistent ngs ', abs( ngs - ngs_ ) ) CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dfftp, mype, root, nproc, comm, 1, max(dfftp%nr1x, dfftp%nr3x), dfftp%nr2x ) CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dffts, mype, root, nproc, comm, 1, max(dffts%nr1x, dffts%nr3x), dffts%nr2x ) CALL fft_dlay_scalar( dfftp, ub, lb, dfftp%nr1, dfftp%nr2, dfftp%nr3, dfftp%nr1x, dfftp%nr2x, dfftp%nr3x, stw ) CALL fft_dlay_scalar( dffts, ub, lb, dffts%nr1, dffts%nr2, dffts%nr3, dffts%nr1x, dffts%nr2x, dffts%nr3x, stw ) #endif ! ... Maximum number of sticks (potentials) nstpx = maxval( nstp ) ! ... Maximum number of sticks (wave func.) nstpwx = maxval( nstpw ) IF( dffts%have_task_groups ) THEN ! ! Initialize task groups. ! Note that this call modify dffts adding task group data. ! CALL task_groups_init( dffts ) ! END IF IF (ionode) THEN WRITE( stdout,*) IF ( nproc > 1 ) THEN WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"Parallelization info")') ELSE WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"G-vector sticks info")') ENDIF WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"--------------------")') WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"sticks: dense smooth PW", & & 5X,"G-vecs: dense smooth PW")') IF ( nproc > 1 ) THEN WRITE( stdout,'(5X,"Min",4X,2I8,I7,12X,2I9,I8)') & minval(nstp), minval(nstps), minval(nstpw), & minval(sstp), minval(sstps), minval(sstpw) WRITE( stdout,'(5X,"Max",4X,2I8,I7,12X,2I9,I8)') & maxval(nstp), maxval(nstps), maxval(nstpw), & maxval(sstp), maxval(sstps), maxval(sstpw) END IF WRITE( stdout,'(5X,"Sum",4X,2I8,I7,12X,2I9,I8)') & sum(nstp), sum(nstps), sum(nstpw), & sum(sstp), sum(sstps), sum(sstpw) ! in the case k=0, the lines above and below differ: ! above all sticks, below only those in the half sphere IF ( .NOT. tk ) & WRITE( stdout,'(5X,"Tot",4X,2I8,I7)') nst, nsts, nstw ENDIF DEALLOCATE( ist ) DEALLOCATE( idx ) DEALLOCATE( st, stw, sts ) DEALLOCATE( sstp ) DEALLOCATE( nstp ) DEALLOCATE( sstpw ) DEALLOCATE( nstpw ) DEALLOCATE( sstps ) DEALLOCATE( nstps ) IF(ionode) WRITE( stdout,*) RETURN END SUBROUTINE pstickset !---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE pstickset_custom( gamma_only, bg, gcut, gkcut, gcuts, & dfftp, dffts, ngw, ngm, ngs, mype, root, nproc, comm, nogrp_ ) LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: gamma_only ! ... bg(:,1), bg(:,2), bg(:,3) reciprocal space base vectors. REAL(DP), INTENT(in) :: bg(3,3) REAL(DP), INTENT(in) :: gcut, gkcut, gcuts TYPE(fft_dlay_descriptor), INTENT(inout) :: dfftp, dffts INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: ngw, ngm, ngs INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mype, root, nproc, comm INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nogrp_ LOGICAL :: tk INTEGER :: ub(3), lb(3) ! ... ub(i), lb(i) upper and lower miller indexes ! ! ... Plane Waves ! INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: stw(:,:) ! ... stick map (wave functions), stw(i,j) = number of G-vector in the ! ... stick whose x and y miller index are i and j INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: nstpw(:) ! ... number of sticks (wave functions), nstpw(ip) = number of stick ! ... for processor ip INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sstpw(:) ! ... number of G-vectors (wave functions), sstpw(ip) = sum of the ! ... sticks length for processor ip = number of G-vectors ! ... owned by the processor ip INTEGER :: nstw, nstpwx ! ... nstw local number of sticks (wave functions) ! ... nstpwx maximum among all processors of nstw ! ! ... Potentials ! INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: st(:,:) ! ... stick map (potentials), st(i,j) = number of G-vector in the ! ... stick whose x and y miller index are i and j INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: nstp(:) ! ... number of sticks (potentials), nstp(ip) = number of stick ! ... for processor ip INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sstp(:) ! ... number of G-vectors (potentials), sstp(ip) = sum of the ! ... sticks length for processor ip = number of G-vectors ! ... owned by the processor ip INTEGER :: nst, nstpx ! ... nst local number of sticks (potentials) ! ... nstpx maximum among all processors of nst ! ! ... Smooth Mesh ! INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sts(:,:) ! ... stick map (smooth mesh), sts(i,j) = number of G-vector in the ! ... stick whose x and y miller index are i and j INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: nstps(:) ! ... number of sticks (smooth mesh), nstp(ip) = number of stick ! ... for processor ip INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sstps(:) ! ... number of G-vectors (smooth mesh), sstps(ip) = sum of the ! ... sticks length for processor ip = number of G-vectors ! ... owned by the processor ip INTEGER :: nsts ! ... nsts local number of sticks (smooth mesh) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ist(:,:) ! sticks indices ordered INTEGER :: ip, ngm_ , ngs_ INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: idx(:) tk = .not. gamma_only ub(1) = ( dfftp%nr1 - 1 ) / 2 ub(2) = ( dfftp%nr2 - 1 ) / 2 ub(3) = ( dfftp%nr3 - 1 ) / 2 lb = - ub ! ... Allocate maps ALLOCATE( stw ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ) ALLOCATE( st ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ) ALLOCATE( sts ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ) st = 0 stw = 0 sts = 0 ! ... Fill in the stick maps, for given g-space base and cut-off CALL sticks_maps( tk, ub, lb, bg(:,1), bg(:,2), bg(:,3), & gcut, gkcut, gcuts, st, stw, sts, mype, & nproc, comm ) ! ... Now count the number of stick nst and nstw nst = count( st > 0 ) nstw = count( stw > 0 ) nsts = count( sts > 0 ) ALLOCATE(ist(nst,5)) ALLOCATE(nstp(nproc)) ALLOCATE(sstp(nproc)) ALLOCATE(nstpw(nproc)) ALLOCATE(sstpw(nproc)) ALLOCATE(nstps(nproc)) ALLOCATE(sstps(nproc)) ! ... initialize the sticks indexes array ist CALL sticks_countg( tk, ub, lb, st, stw, sts, & ist(:,1), ist(:,2), ist(:,4), ist(:,3), ist(:,5) ) ! ... Sorts the sticks according to their length ALLOCATE( idx( nst ) ) CALL sticks_sort( ist(:,4), ist(:,3), ist(:,5), nst, idx, nproc ) ! ... Distribute the sticks as in dfftp CALL sticks_ordered_dist( tk, ub, lb, idx, ist(:,1), ist(:,2), ist(:,4), ist(:,3), ist(:,5), & nst, nstp, nstpw, nstps, sstp, sstpw, sstps, st, stw, sts, nproc ) ngw = sstpw( mype + 1 ) ngm = sstp( mype + 1 ) ngs = sstps( mype + 1 ) CALL sticks_pairup( tk, ub, lb, idx, ist(:,1), ist(:,2), ist(:,4), ist(:,3), ist(:,5), & nst, nstp, nstpw, nstps, sstp, sstpw, sstps, st, stw, sts, nproc ) ! ... Allocate and Set fft data layout descriptors #if defined __MPI CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dffts, mype, root, nproc, comm, nogrp_ , dffts%nr1x, dffts%nr2x ) CALL fft_dlay_set( dffts, tk, nsts, dffts%nr1, dffts%nr2, dffts%nr3, dffts%nr1x, dffts%nr2x, dffts%nr3x, & ub, lb, idx, ist(:,1), ist(:,2), nstps, nstpw, sstps, sstpw, sts, stw ) #else DEALLOCATE( stw ) ALLOCATE( stw( lb(2) : ub(2), lb(3) : ub(3) ) ) CALL sticks_maps_scalar( (, ub, lb, bg(:,1),bg(:,2),bg(:,3),& gcut, gkcut, gcuts, stw, ngm_ , ngs_ ) IF( ngs_ /= ngs ) CALL errore( ' pstickset_custom ', ' inconsistent ngs ', abs( ngs - ngs_ ) ) CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dffts, mype, root, nproc, comm, 1, max(dffts%nr1x, dffts%nr3x), dffts%nr2x ) CALL fft_dlay_scalar( dffts, ub, lb, dffts%nr1, dffts%nr2, dffts%nr3, dffts%nr1x, dffts%nr2x, dffts%nr3x, stw ) #endif ! ... Maximum number of sticks (potentials) nstpx = maxval( nstp ) ! ... Maximum number of sticks (wave func.) nstpwx = maxval( nstpw ) DEALLOCATE( ist ) DEALLOCATE( idx ) DEALLOCATE( st, stw, sts ) DEALLOCATE( sstp ) DEALLOCATE( nstp ) DEALLOCATE( sstpw ) DEALLOCATE( nstpw ) DEALLOCATE( sstps ) DEALLOCATE( nstps ) IF(ionode) WRITE( stdout,*) RETURN END SUBROUTINE pstickset_custom !----------------------------------------- ! Task groups Contributed by C. Bekas, October 2005 ! Revised by C. Cavazzoni !-------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE task_groups_init( dffts ) USE parallel_include ! USE io_global, ONLY : stdout USE fft_types, ONLY : fft_dlay_descriptor ! T.G. ! NPGRP: Number of processors per group ! NOGRP: Number of processors per orbital task group IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(fft_dlay_descriptor), INTENT(inout) :: dffts !---------------------------------- !Local Variables declaration !---------------------------------- INTEGER :: I INTEGER :: IERR INTEGER :: num_planes, num_sticks INTEGER :: nnrsx_vec ( dffts%nproc ) INTEGER :: pgroup( dffts%nproc ) INTEGER :: strd CALL task_groups_init_first( dffts ) ! #ifdef DEBUG IF ( dffts%nogrp > 1 ) WRITE( stdout, 100 ) dffts%nogrp, dffts%npgrp 100 FORMAT( /,3X,'Task Groups are in USE',/,3X,'groups and procs/group : ',I5,I5 ) #endif !Find maximum chunk of local data concerning coefficients of eigenfunctions in g-space #if defined __MPI CALL MPI_Allgather( dffts%nnr, 1, MPI_INTEGER, nnrsx_vec, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dffts%comm, IERR) strd = maxval( nnrsx_vec( 1:dffts%nproc ) ) #else strd = dffts%nnr #endif IF( strd /= dffts%tg_nnr ) CALL errore( ' task_groups_init ', ' inconsistent nnr ', 1 ) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !C. Bekas...TASK GROUP RELATED. FFT DATA STRUCTURES ARE ALREADY DEFINED ABOVE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !dfft%nsw(me) holds the number of z-sticks for the current processor per wave-function !We can either send these in the group with an mpi_allgather...or put them !in the PSIS vector (in special positions) and send them with them. !Otherwise we can do this once at the beginning, before the loop. !we choose to do the latter one. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ALLOCATE( dffts%tg_nsw(dffts%nproc)) ALLOCATE( dffts%tg_npp(dffts%nproc)) num_sticks = 0 num_planes = 0 DO i = 1, dffts%nogrp num_sticks = num_sticks + dffts%nsw( dffts%nolist(i) + 1 ) num_planes = num_planes + dffts%npp( dffts%nolist(i) + 1 ) ENDDO #if defined __MPI CALL MPI_ALLGATHER(num_sticks, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dffts%tg_nsw(1), 1, MPI_INTEGER, dffts%comm, IERR) CALL MPI_ALLGATHER(num_planes, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dffts%tg_npp(1), 1, MPI_INTEGER, dffts%comm, IERR) #else dffts%tg_nsw(1) = num_sticks dffts%tg_npp(1) = num_planes #endif ALLOCATE( dffts%tg_snd( dffts%nogrp ) ) ALLOCATE( dffts%tg_rcv( dffts%nogrp ) ) ALLOCATE( dffts%tg_psdsp( dffts%nogrp ) ) ALLOCATE( dffts%tg_usdsp( dffts%nogrp ) ) ALLOCATE( dffts%tg_rdsp( dffts%nogrp ) ) dffts%tg_snd(1) = dffts%nr3x * dffts%nsw( dffts%mype + 1 ) IF( dffts%nr3x * dffts%nsw( dffts%mype + 1 ) > dffts%tg_nnr ) THEN CALL errore( ' task_groups_init ', ' inconsistent dffts%tg_nnr ', 1 ) ENDIF dffts%tg_psdsp(1) = 0 dffts%tg_usdsp(1) = 0 dffts%tg_rcv(1) = dffts%nr3x * dffts%nsw( dffts%nolist(1) + 1 ) dffts%tg_rdsp(1) = 0 DO i = 2, dffts%nogrp dffts%tg_snd(i) = dffts%nr3x * dffts%nsw( dffts%mype + 1 ) dffts%tg_psdsp(i) = dffts%tg_psdsp(i-1) + dffts%tg_nnr dffts%tg_usdsp(i) = dffts%tg_usdsp(i-1) + dffts%tg_snd(i-1) dffts%tg_rcv(i) = dffts%nr3x * dffts%nsw( dffts%nolist(i) + 1 ) dffts%tg_rdsp(i) = dffts%tg_rdsp(i-1) + dffts%tg_rcv(i-1) ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE task_groups_init ! SUBROUTINE task_groups_init_first( dffts ) USE parallel_include ! USE fft_types, ONLY : fft_dlay_descriptor ! IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(fft_dlay_descriptor), INTENT(inout) :: dffts ! INTEGER :: i, n1, ipos, color, key, ierr, itsk, ntsk INTEGER :: pgroup( dffts%nproc ) ! !SUBDIVIDE THE PROCESSORS IN GROUPS ! DO i = 1, dffts%nproc pgroup( i ) = i - 1 ENDDO ! !LIST OF PROCESSORS IN MY ORBITAL GROUP ! (processors dealing with my same pw's of different orbitals) ! ! processors in these group have contiguous indexes ! n1 = ( dffts%mype / dffts%nogrp ) * dffts%nogrp ipos = dffts%mype - n1 DO i = 1, dffts%nogrp dffts%nolist( i ) = pgroup( n1 + i ) ENDDO ! !LIST OF PROCESSORS IN MY PLANE WAVE GROUP ! (processors dealing with different pw's of my same orbital) ! DO i = 1, dffts%npgrp dffts%nplist( i ) = pgroup( ipos + ( i - 1 ) * dffts%nogrp + 1 ) ENDDO ! !SET UP THE GROUPS ! !CREATE ORBITAL GROUPS ! #if defined __MPI ! processes with the same color are in the same new communicator color = dffts%mype / dffts%nogrp key = MOD( dffts%mype , dffts%nogrp ) CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( dffts%comm, color, key, dffts%ogrp_comm, ierr ) if( ierr /= 0 ) & CALL errore( ' task_groups_init_first ', ' creating ogrp_comm ', ABS(ierr) ) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( dffts%ogrp_comm, itsk, IERR ) CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( dffts%ogrp_comm, ntsk, IERR ) IF( dffts%nogrp /= ntsk ) CALL errore( ' task_groups_init_first ', ' ogrp_comm size ', ntsk ) DO i = 1, dffts%nogrp IF( dffts%mype == dffts%nolist( i ) ) THEN IF( (i-1) /= itsk ) CALL errore( ' task_groups_init_first ', ' ogrp_comm rank ', itsk ) END IF END DO #endif ! !CREATE PLANEWAVE GROUPS ! #if defined __MPI ! processes with the same color are in the same new communicator color = MOD( dffts%mype , dffts%nogrp ) key = dffts%mype / dffts%nogrp CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( dffts%comm, color, key, dffts%pgrp_comm, ierr ) if( ierr /= 0 ) & CALL errore( ' task_groups_init_first ', ' creating pgrp_comm ', ABS(ierr) ) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( dffts%pgrp_comm, itsk, IERR ) CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( dffts%pgrp_comm, ntsk, IERR ) IF( dffts%npgrp /= ntsk ) CALL errore( ' task_groups_init_first ', ' pgrp_comm size ', ntsk ) DO i = 1, dffts%npgrp IF( dffts%mype == dffts%nplist( i ) ) THEN IF( (i-1) /= itsk ) CALL errore( ' task_groups_init_first ', ' pgrp_comm rank ', itsk ) END IF END DO dffts%me_pgrp = itsk #endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE task_groups_init_first ! !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= END MODULE stick_set !=----------------------------------------------------------------------=
*> \brief \b ZDRVRFP * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE ZDRVRFP( NOUT, NN, NVAL, NNS, NSVAL, NNT, NTVAL, * + THRESH, A, ASAV, AFAC, AINV, B, * + BSAV, XACT, X, ARF, ARFINV, * + Z_WORK_ZLATMS, Z_WORK_ZPOT02, * + Z_WORK_ZPOT03, D_WORK_ZLATMS, D_WORK_ZLANHE, * + D_WORK_ZPOT01, D_WORK_ZPOT02, D_WORK_ZPOT03 ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * INTEGER NN, NNS, NNT, NOUT * DOUBLE PRECISION THRESH * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * INTEGER NVAL( NN ), NSVAL( NNS ), NTVAL( NNT ) * COMPLEX*16 A( * ) * COMPLEX*16 AINV( * ) * COMPLEX*16 ASAV( * ) * COMPLEX*16 B( * ) * COMPLEX*16 BSAV( * ) * COMPLEX*16 AFAC( * ) * COMPLEX*16 ARF( * ) * COMPLEX*16 ARFINV( * ) * COMPLEX*16 XACT( * ) * COMPLEX*16 X( * ) * COMPLEX*16 Z_WORK_ZLATMS( * ) * COMPLEX*16 Z_WORK_ZPOT02( * ) * COMPLEX*16 Z_WORK_ZPOT03( * ) * DOUBLE PRECISION D_WORK_ZLATMS( * ) * DOUBLE PRECISION D_WORK_ZLANHE( * ) * DOUBLE PRECISION D_WORK_ZPOT01( * ) * DOUBLE PRECISION D_WORK_ZPOT02( * ) * DOUBLE PRECISION D_WORK_ZPOT03( * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> ZDRVRFP tests the LAPACK RFP routines: *> ZPFTRF, ZPFTRS, and ZPFTRI. *> *> This testing routine follow the same tests as ZDRVPO (test for the full *> format Symmetric Positive Definite solver). *> *> The tests are performed in Full Format, conversion back and forth from *> full format to RFP format are performed using the routines ZTRTTF and *> ZTFTTR. *> *> First, a specific matrix A of size N is created. There is nine types of *> different matrixes possible. *> 1. Diagonal 6. Random, CNDNUM = sqrt(0.1/EPS) *> 2. Random, CNDNUM = 2 7. Random, CNDNUM = 0.1/EPS *> *3. First row and column zero 8. Scaled near underflow *> *4. Last row and column zero 9. Scaled near overflow *> *5. Middle row and column zero *> (* - tests error exits from ZPFTRF, no test ratios are computed) *> A solution XACT of size N-by-NRHS is created and the associated right *> hand side B as well. Then ZPFTRF is called to compute L (or U), the *> Cholesky factor of A. Then L (or U) is used to solve the linear system *> of equations AX = B. This gives X. Then L (or U) is used to compute the *> inverse of A, AINV. The following four tests are then performed: *> (1) norm( L*L' - A ) / ( N * norm(A) * EPS ) or *> norm( U'*U - A ) / ( N * norm(A) * EPS ), *> (2) norm(B - A*X) / ( norm(A) * norm(X) * EPS ), *> (3) norm( I - A*AINV ) / ( N * norm(A) * norm(AINV) * EPS ), *> (4) ( norm(X-XACT) * RCOND ) / ( norm(XACT) * EPS ), *> where EPS is the machine precision, RCOND the condition number of A, and *> norm( . ) the 1-norm for (1,2,3) and the inf-norm for (4). *> Errors occur when INFO parameter is not as expected. Failures occur when *> a test ratios is greater than THRES. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] NOUT *> \verbatim *> NOUT is INTEGER *> The unit number for output. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] NN *> \verbatim *> NN is INTEGER *> The number of values of N contained in the vector NVAL. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] NVAL *> \verbatim *> NVAL is INTEGER array, dimension (NN) *> The values of the matrix dimension N. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] NNS *> \verbatim *> NNS is INTEGER *> The number of values of NRHS contained in the vector NSVAL. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] NSVAL *> \verbatim *> NSVAL is INTEGER array, dimension (NNS) *> The values of the number of right-hand sides NRHS. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] NNT *> \verbatim *> NNT is INTEGER *> The number of values of MATRIX TYPE contained in the vector NTVAL. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] NTVAL *> \verbatim *> NTVAL is INTEGER array, dimension (NNT) *> The values of matrix type (between 0 and 9 for PO/PP/PF matrices). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] THRESH *> \verbatim *> THRESH is DOUBLE PRECISION *> The threshold value for the test ratios. A result is *> included in the output file if RESULT >= THRESH. To have *> every test ratio printed, use THRESH = 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] A *> \verbatim *> A is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*NMAX) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] ASAV *> \verbatim *> ASAV is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*NMAX) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] AFAC *> \verbatim *> AFAC is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*NMAX) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] AINV *> \verbatim *> AINV is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*NMAX) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] B *> \verbatim *> B is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*MAXRHS) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] BSAV *> \verbatim *> BSAV is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*MAXRHS) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] XACT *> \verbatim *> XACT is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*MAXRHS) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] X *> \verbatim *> X is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*MAXRHS) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] ARF *> \verbatim *> ARF is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension ((NMAX*(NMAX+1))/2) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] ARFINV *> \verbatim *> ARFINV is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension ((NMAX*(NMAX+1))/2) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] Z_WORK_ZLATMS *> \verbatim *> Z_WORK_ZLATMS is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension ( 3*NMAX ) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] Z_WORK_ZPOT02 *> \verbatim *> Z_WORK_ZPOT02 is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension ( NMAX*MAXRHS ) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] Z_WORK_ZPOT03 *> \verbatim *> Z_WORK_ZPOT03 is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension ( NMAX*NMAX ) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] D_WORK_ZLATMS *> \verbatim *> D_WORK_ZLATMS is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( NMAX ) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] D_WORK_ZLANHE *> \verbatim *> D_WORK_ZLANHE is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( NMAX ) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] D_WORK_ZPOT01 *> \verbatim *> D_WORK_ZPOT01 is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( NMAX ) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] D_WORK_ZPOT02 *> \verbatim *> D_WORK_ZPOT02 is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( NMAX ) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] D_WORK_ZPOT03 *> \verbatim *> D_WORK_ZPOT03 is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( NMAX ) *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \ingroup complex16_lin * * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE ZDRVRFP( NOUT, NN, NVAL, NNS, NSVAL, NNT, NTVAL, + THRESH, A, ASAV, AFAC, AINV, B, + BSAV, XACT, X, ARF, ARFINV, + Z_WORK_ZLATMS, Z_WORK_ZPOT02, + Z_WORK_ZPOT03, D_WORK_ZLATMS, D_WORK_ZLANHE, + D_WORK_ZPOT01, D_WORK_ZPOT02, D_WORK_ZPOT03 ) * * -- LAPACK test routine -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER NN, NNS, NNT, NOUT DOUBLE PRECISION THRESH * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER NVAL( NN ), NSVAL( NNS ), NTVAL( NNT ) COMPLEX*16 A( * ) COMPLEX*16 AINV( * ) COMPLEX*16 ASAV( * ) COMPLEX*16 B( * ) COMPLEX*16 BSAV( * ) COMPLEX*16 AFAC( * ) COMPLEX*16 ARF( * ) COMPLEX*16 ARFINV( * ) COMPLEX*16 XACT( * ) COMPLEX*16 X( * ) COMPLEX*16 Z_WORK_ZLATMS( * ) COMPLEX*16 Z_WORK_ZPOT02( * ) COMPLEX*16 Z_WORK_ZPOT03( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D_WORK_ZLATMS( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D_WORK_ZLANHE( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D_WORK_ZPOT01( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D_WORK_ZPOT02( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D_WORK_ZPOT03( * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) INTEGER NTESTS PARAMETER ( NTESTS = 4 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL ZEROT INTEGER I, INFO, IUPLO, LDA, LDB, IMAT, NERRS, NFAIL, + NRHS, NRUN, IZERO, IOFF, K, NT, N, IFORM, IIN, + IIT, IIS CHARACTER DIST, CTYPE, UPLO, CFORM INTEGER KL, KU, MODE DOUBLE PRECISION ANORM, AINVNM, CNDNUM, RCONDC * .. * .. Local Arrays .. CHARACTER UPLOS( 2 ), FORMS( 2 ) INTEGER ISEED( 4 ), ISEEDY( 4 ) DOUBLE PRECISION RESULT( NTESTS ) * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZLANHE EXTERNAL ZLANHE * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ALADHD, ALAERH, ALASVM, ZGET04, ZTFTTR, ZLACPY, + ZLAIPD, ZLARHS, ZLATB4, ZLATMS, ZPFTRI, ZPFTRF, + ZPFTRS, ZPOT01, ZPOT02, ZPOT03, ZPOTRI, ZPOTRF, + ZTRTTF * .. * .. Scalars in Common .. CHARACTER*32 SRNAMT * .. * .. Common blocks .. COMMON / SRNAMC / SRNAMT * .. * .. Data statements .. DATA ISEEDY / 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 / DATA UPLOS / 'U', 'L' / DATA FORMS / 'N', 'C' / * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Initialize constants and the random number seed. * NRUN = 0 NFAIL = 0 NERRS = 0 DO 10 I = 1, 4 ISEED( I ) = ISEEDY( I ) 10 CONTINUE * DO 130 IIN = 1, NN * N = NVAL( IIN ) LDA = MAX( N, 1 ) LDB = MAX( N, 1 ) * DO 980 IIS = 1, NNS * NRHS = NSVAL( IIS ) * DO 120 IIT = 1, NNT * IMAT = NTVAL( IIT ) * * If N.EQ.0, only consider the first type * IF( N.EQ.0 .AND. IIT.GE.1 ) GO TO 120 * * Skip types 3, 4, or 5 if the matrix size is too small. * IF( IMAT.EQ.4 .AND. N.LE.1 ) GO TO 120 IF( IMAT.EQ.5 .AND. N.LE.2 ) GO TO 120 * * Do first for UPLO = 'U', then for UPLO = 'L' * DO 110 IUPLO = 1, 2 UPLO = UPLOS( IUPLO ) * * Do first for CFORM = 'N', then for CFORM = 'C' * DO 100 IFORM = 1, 2 CFORM = FORMS( IFORM ) * * Set up parameters with ZLATB4 and generate a test * matrix with ZLATMS. * CALL ZLATB4( 'ZPO', IMAT, N, N, CTYPE, KL, KU, + ANORM, MODE, CNDNUM, DIST ) * SRNAMT = 'ZLATMS' CALL ZLATMS( N, N, DIST, ISEED, CTYPE, + D_WORK_ZLATMS, + MODE, CNDNUM, ANORM, KL, KU, UPLO, A, + LDA, Z_WORK_ZLATMS, INFO ) * * Check error code from ZLATMS. * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL ALAERH( 'ZPF', 'ZLATMS', INFO, 0, UPLO, N, + N, -1, -1, -1, IIT, NFAIL, NERRS, + NOUT ) GO TO 100 END IF * * For types 3-5, zero one row and column of the matrix to * test that INFO is returned correctly. * ZEROT = IMAT.GE.3 .AND. IMAT.LE.5 IF( ZEROT ) THEN IF( IIT.EQ.3 ) THEN IZERO = 1 ELSE IF( IIT.EQ.4 ) THEN IZERO = N ELSE IZERO = N / 2 + 1 END IF IOFF = ( IZERO-1 )*LDA * * Set row and column IZERO of A to 0. * IF( IUPLO.EQ.1 ) THEN DO 20 I = 1, IZERO - 1 A( IOFF+I ) = ZERO 20 CONTINUE IOFF = IOFF + IZERO DO 30 I = IZERO, N A( IOFF ) = ZERO IOFF = IOFF + LDA 30 CONTINUE ELSE IOFF = IZERO DO 40 I = 1, IZERO - 1 A( IOFF ) = ZERO IOFF = IOFF + LDA 40 CONTINUE IOFF = IOFF - IZERO DO 50 I = IZERO, N A( IOFF+I ) = ZERO 50 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IZERO = 0 END IF * * Set the imaginary part of the diagonals. * CALL ZLAIPD( N, A, LDA+1, 0 ) * * Save a copy of the matrix A in ASAV. * CALL ZLACPY( UPLO, N, N, A, LDA, ASAV, LDA ) * * Compute the condition number of A (RCONDC). * IF( ZEROT ) THEN RCONDC = ZERO ELSE * * Compute the 1-norm of A. * ANORM = ZLANHE( '1', UPLO, N, A, LDA, + D_WORK_ZLANHE ) * * Factor the matrix A. * CALL ZPOTRF( UPLO, N, A, LDA, INFO ) * * Form the inverse of A. * CALL ZPOTRI( UPLO, N, A, LDA, INFO ) IF ( N .NE. 0 ) THEN * * Compute the 1-norm condition number of A. * AINVNM = ZLANHE( '1', UPLO, N, A, LDA, + D_WORK_ZLANHE ) RCONDC = ( ONE / ANORM ) / AINVNM * * Restore the matrix A. * CALL ZLACPY( UPLO, N, N, ASAV, LDA, A, LDA ) END IF * END IF * * Form an exact solution and set the right hand side. * SRNAMT = 'ZLARHS' CALL ZLARHS( 'ZPO', 'N', UPLO, ' ', N, N, KL, KU, + NRHS, A, LDA, XACT, LDA, B, LDA, + ISEED, INFO ) CALL ZLACPY( 'Full', N, NRHS, B, LDA, BSAV, LDA ) * * Compute the L*L' or U'*U factorization of the * matrix and solve the system. * CALL ZLACPY( UPLO, N, N, A, LDA, AFAC, LDA ) CALL ZLACPY( 'Full', N, NRHS, B, LDB, X, LDB ) * SRNAMT = 'ZTRTTF' CALL ZTRTTF( CFORM, UPLO, N, AFAC, LDA, ARF, INFO ) SRNAMT = 'ZPFTRF' CALL ZPFTRF( CFORM, UPLO, N, ARF, INFO ) * * Check error code from ZPFTRF. * IF( INFO.NE.IZERO ) THEN * * LANGOU: there is a small hick here: IZERO should * always be INFO however if INFO is ZERO, ALAERH does not * complain. * CALL ALAERH( 'ZPF', 'ZPFSV ', INFO, IZERO, + UPLO, N, N, -1, -1, NRHS, IIT, + NFAIL, NERRS, NOUT ) GO TO 100 END IF * * Skip the tests if INFO is not 0. * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN GO TO 100 END IF * SRNAMT = 'ZPFTRS' CALL ZPFTRS( CFORM, UPLO, N, NRHS, ARF, X, LDB, + INFO ) * SRNAMT = 'ZTFTTR' CALL ZTFTTR( CFORM, UPLO, N, ARF, AFAC, LDA, INFO ) * * Reconstruct matrix from factors and compute * residual. * CALL ZLACPY( UPLO, N, N, AFAC, LDA, ASAV, LDA ) CALL ZPOT01( UPLO, N, A, LDA, AFAC, LDA, + D_WORK_ZPOT01, RESULT( 1 ) ) CALL ZLACPY( UPLO, N, N, ASAV, LDA, AFAC, LDA ) * * Form the inverse and compute the residual. * IF(MOD(N,2).EQ.0)THEN CALL ZLACPY( 'A', N+1, N/2, ARF, N+1, ARFINV, + N+1 ) ELSE CALL ZLACPY( 'A', N, (N+1)/2, ARF, N, ARFINV, + N ) END IF * SRNAMT = 'ZPFTRI' CALL ZPFTRI( CFORM, UPLO, N, ARFINV , INFO ) * SRNAMT = 'ZTFTTR' CALL ZTFTTR( CFORM, UPLO, N, ARFINV, AINV, LDA, + INFO ) * * Check error code from ZPFTRI. * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) + CALL ALAERH( 'ZPO', 'ZPFTRI', INFO, 0, UPLO, N, + N, -1, -1, -1, IMAT, NFAIL, NERRS, + NOUT ) * CALL ZPOT03( UPLO, N, A, LDA, AINV, LDA, + Z_WORK_ZPOT03, LDA, D_WORK_ZPOT03, + RCONDC, RESULT( 2 ) ) * * Compute residual of the computed solution. * CALL ZLACPY( 'Full', N, NRHS, B, LDA, + Z_WORK_ZPOT02, LDA ) CALL ZPOT02( UPLO, N, NRHS, A, LDA, X, LDA, + Z_WORK_ZPOT02, LDA, D_WORK_ZPOT02, + RESULT( 3 ) ) * * Check solution from generated exact solution. * CALL ZGET04( N, NRHS, X, LDA, XACT, LDA, RCONDC, + RESULT( 4 ) ) NT = 4 * * Print information about the tests that did not * pass the threshold. * DO 60 K = 1, NT IF( RESULT( K ).GE.THRESH ) THEN IF( NFAIL.EQ.0 .AND. NERRS.EQ.0 ) + CALL ALADHD( NOUT, 'ZPF' ) WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )'ZPFSV ', UPLO, + N, IIT, K, RESULT( K ) NFAIL = NFAIL + 1 END IF 60 CONTINUE NRUN = NRUN + NT 100 CONTINUE 110 CONTINUE 120 CONTINUE 980 CONTINUE 130 CONTINUE * * Print a summary of the results. * CALL ALASVM( 'ZPF', NOUT, NFAIL, NRUN, NERRS ) * 9999 FORMAT( 1X, A6, ', UPLO=''', A1, ''', N =', I5, ', type ', I1, + ', test(', I1, ')=', G12.5 ) * RETURN * * End of ZDRVRFP * END
subroutine fpcoco(iopt,m,x,y,w,v,s,nest,maxtr,maxbin,n,t,c,sq,sx, * bind,e,wrk,lwrk,iwrk,kwrk,ier) c ..scalar arguments.. real*8 s,sq integer iopt,m,nest,maxtr,maxbin,n,lwrk,kwrk,ier c ..array arguments.. integer iwrk(kwrk) real*8 x(m),y(m),w(m),v(m),t(nest),c(nest),sx(m),e(nest),wrk(lwrk) * logical bind(nest) c ..local scalars.. integer i,ia,ib,ic,iq,iu,iz,izz,i1,j,k,l,l1,m1,nmax,nr,n4,n6,n8, * ji,jib,jjb,jl,jr,ju,mb,nm real*8 sql,sqmax,term,tj,xi,half c ..subroutine references.. c fpcosp,fpbspl,fpadno,fpdeno,fpseno,fpfrno c .. c set constant half = 0.5e0 c determine the maximal admissible number of knots. nmax = m+4 c the initial choice of knots depends on the value of iopt. c if iopt=0 the program starts with the minimal number of knots c so that can be guarantied that the concavity/convexity constraints c will be satisfied. c if iopt = 1 the program will continue from the point on where she c left at the foregoing call. if( go to 80 c find the minimal number of knots. c a knot is located at the data point x(i), i=2,3,...m-1 if c 1) v(i) ^= 0 and c 2) v(i)*v(i-1) <= 0 or v(i)*v(i+1) <= 0. m1 = m-1 n = 4 do 20 i=2,m1 if(v(i).eq.0. .or. (v(i)*v(i-1).gt.0. .and. * v(i)*v(i+1).gt.0.)) go to 20 n = n+1 c test whether the required storage space exceeds the available one. if( go to 200 t(n) = x(i) 20 continue c find the position of the knots t(1),...t(4) and t(n-3),...t(n) which c are needed for the b-spline representation of s(x). do 30 i=1,4 t(i) = x(1) n = n+1 t(n) = x(m) 30 continue c test whether the minimum number of knots exceeds the maximum number. if( go to 210 c main loop for the different sets of knots. c find corresponding values e(j) to the knots t(j+3),j=1,2,...n-6 c e(j) will take the value -1,1, or 0 according to the requirement c that s(x) must be locally convex or concave at t(j+3) or that the c sign of s''(x) is unrestricted at that point. 40 i= 1 xi = x(1) j = 4 tj = t(4) n6 = n-6 do 70 l=1,n6 50 if( go to 60 i = i+1 xi = x(i) go to 50 60 e(l) = v(i) j = j+1 tj = t(j) 70 continue c we partition the working space nm = n+maxbin mb = maxbin+1 ia = 1 ib = ia+4*n ic = ib+nm*maxbin iz = ic+n izz = iz+n iu = izz+n iq = iu+maxbin ji = 1 ju = ji+maxtr jl = ju+maxtr jr = jl+maxtr jjb = jr+maxtr jib = jjb+mb c given the set of knots t(j),j=1,2,...n, find the least-squares cubic c spline which satisfies the imposed concavity/convexity constraints. call fpcosp(m,x,y,w,n,t,e,maxtr,maxbin,c,sq,sx,bind,nm,mb,wrk(ia), * * wrk(ib),wrk(ic),wrk(iz),wrk(izz),wrk(iu),wrk(iq),iwrk(ji), * iwrk(ju),iwrk(jl),iwrk(jr),iwrk(jjb),iwrk(jib),ier) c if sq <= s or in case of abnormal exit from fpcosp, control is c repassed to the driver program. if(sq.le.s .or. go to 300 c calculate for each knot interval t(l-1) <= xi <= t(l) the c sum((wi*(yi-s(xi)))**2). c find the interval t(k-1) <= x <= t(k) for which this sum is maximal c on the condition that this interval contains at least one interior c data point x(nr) and that s(x) is not given there by a straight line. 80 sqmax = 0. sql = 0. l = 5 nr = 0 i1 = 1 n4 = n-4 do 110 i=1,m term = (w(i)*(sx(i)-y(i)))**2 if(x(i).lt.t(l) .or. go to 100 term = term*half sql = sql+term if(i-i1.le.1 .or. (bind(l-4).and.bind(l-3))) go to 90 if(sql.le.sqmax) go to 90 k = l sqmax = sql nr = i1+(i-i1)/2 90 l = l+1 i1 = i sql = 0. 100 sql = sql+term 110 continue if(m-i1.le.1 .or. (bind(l-4).and.bind(l-3))) go to 120 if(sql.le.sqmax) go to 120 k = l nr = i1+(m-i1)/2 c if no such interval is found, control is repassed to the driver c program (ier = -1). 120 if(nr.eq.0) go to 190 c if s(x) is given by the same straight line in two succeeding knot c intervals t(l-1) <= x <= t(l) and t(l) <= x <= t(l+1),delete t(l) n8 = n-8 l1 = 0 if(n8.le.0) go to 150 do 140 i=1,n8 if(.not. (bind(i).and.bind(i+1).and.bind(i+2))) go to 140 l = i+4-l1 if( k = k-1 n = n-1 l1 = l1+1 do 130 j=l,n t(j) = t(j+1) 130 continue 140 continue c test whether we cannot further increase the number of knots. 150 if(n.eq.nmax) go to 180 if(n.eq.nest) go to 170 c locate an additional knot at the point x(nr). j = n do 160 i=k,n t(j+1) = t(j) j = j-1 160 continue t(k) = x(nr) n = n+1 c restart the computations with the new set of knots. go to 40 c error codes and messages. 170 ier = -3 go to 300 180 ier = -2 go to 300 190 ier = -1 go to 300 200 ier = 4 go to 300 210 ier = 5 300 return end
! ! Copyright (C) 2013 Quantum ESPRESSO group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or . ! !==-----------------------------------------------------------------------==! ! Wrappers for accessing facilities in the Modules subdirectory !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! These init subroutines have to be outside of Fortran modules so they ! can be called from C/C++ or Fortran code !==-----------------------------------------------------------------------==! ! Configure qm/mm interface for MPI message passing, C version SUBROUTINE c2qmmm_mpi_config ( qmmm_mode, inter_comm, verb, steps ) BIND(C) USE iso_c_binding USE qmmm, ONLY: qmmm_config IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER(C_INT), VALUE, INTENT(in) :: qmmm_mode, inter_comm, verb, steps CALL qmmm_config( mode=qmmm_mode, comm=inter_comm, verbose=verb, step=steps ) END SUBROUTINE c2qmmm_mpi_config !==-----------------------------------------------------------------------==! ! Configure qm/mm interface for MPI message passing, Fortran version SUBROUTINE f2qmmm_mpi_config ( qmmm_mode, inter_comm, verb, steps ) USE iso_c_binding USE qmmm, ONLY: qmmm_config IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: qmmm_mode, inter_comm, verb, steps CALL qmmm_config( mode=qmmm_mode, comm=inter_comm, verbose=verb, step=steps ) END SUBROUTINE f2qmmm_mpi_config !==-----------------------------------------------------------------------==!
! Input/Output Tool Kit (IOTK) ! Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Giovanni Bussi ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ! version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Inclusion of configuration file #include "iotk_config.h" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #include "iotk_auxmacros.h" #ifdef __IOTK_COMPLEX1 #if 3 <= __IOTK_MAXRANK subroutine iotk_write_dat_COMPLEX1_3(unit,name,dat,dummy,attr,columns,sep,fmt,ierr) use iotk_base use iotk_error_interf use iotk_attr_interf, only : iotk_write_attr use iotk_write_interf use iotk_fmt_interf use iotk_str_interf use iotk_unit_interf use iotk_misc_interf implicit none integer, parameter :: this_kind = iotk_COMPLEX1 integer, intent(in) :: unit character(len=*), intent(in) :: name COMPLEX (kind=this_kind), intent(in) :: dat (:,:,:) type(iotk_dummytype), optional :: dummy character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: attr integer, optional, intent(in) :: columns character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: sep character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: fmt integer, optional, intent(out) :: ierr integer :: ierrl,lunit,iostat logical :: binary,raw,stream integer :: lcolumns !-< integer :: dat_rank,i integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: dat_shape logical :: qe_syntax !-> integer(iotk_header_kind), parameter :: idummy=0 character(100) :: lsep character(300) :: usefmt character(iotk_attlenx) :: lattr character(iotk_attlenx) :: attr_tmp !-< character(len=10) :: tmpstr !-> type (iotk_unit), pointer :: this COMPLEX (kind=this_kind),allocatable :: dattmp(:) integer :: itmp ierrl = 0 iostat = 0 lcolumns = 1 lsep(1:2) = " "//iotk_eos if(present(columns)) lcolumns = columns if(present(sep)) then call iotk_strcpy(lsep,sep,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if lunit = iotk_phys_unit(unit) call iotk_unit_get(lunit,pointer=this) !-< qe_syntax = .false. if (associated(this)) then qe_syntax = this%qe_syntax end if !-> raw = .false. if(associated(this)) then raw = this%raw end if call iotk_inquire(lunit,binary,stream,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_strcpy(usefmt,"!",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(present(fmt) .and. .not. raw) call iotk_strcpy(usefmt,iotk_strtrim(fmt),ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(iotk_strscan(usefmt,"<>&")/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Special characters (<>&) found in fmt string') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"unit",unit) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"name",trim(name)) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"fmt",trim(fmt)) goto 1 end if !-< if (.not.qe_syntax) then !-> call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"type",iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),first=.true.,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"size",size(dat),ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if !-< end if !-> !-< if (qe_syntax) then lattr(1:1) = iotk_eos dat_rank = size(shape(dat)) if (dat_rank>0) then allocate(dat_shape(dat_rank)) dat_shape = shape(dat) call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"rank",dat_rank,ierr=ierrl,first=.true.) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if do i=1,dat_rank write(tmpstr,'(i10)') i tmpstr = adjustl(tmpstr) call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"n"//tmpstr(1:len_trim(tmpstr)),dat_shape(i),ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end do deallocate(dat_shape) end if end if !-> if(binary) then call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"kind",kind(dat),ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if if(.not.iotk_strcomp(usefmt,"!") .and. .not.qe_syntax) call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"fmt",iotk_strtrim(usefmt),ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(lcolumns/=1) call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"columns",lcolumns,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if !-< if (.not.qe_syntax) then !-> if(present(attr)) then attr_tmp(1:1)=iotk_eos call iotk_strcpy(attr_tmp,attr,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"type",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"kind",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"size",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"fmt",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"columns",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"len",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(iotk_strlen_trim(attr_tmp)>0) call iotk_strcat(lattr,iotk_strtrim(attr_tmp),ierr=ierrl) end if if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_write_begin(unit,name,lattr,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if !-< else if(present(attr)) then call iotk_write_begin(unit,name,attr,ierr=ierrl) else call iotk_write_begin(unit,name,ierr=ierrl) end if if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_write_begin(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),lattr,ierr=ierrl,new_line=.true.) end if !-> allocate(dattmp(size(dat))) #if defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND3) || defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND4) call iotk_private_pack_COMPLEX1(dattmp,dat,size(dattmp),1) #else dattmp = pack(dat,mask=.true.) #endif if(binary) then if(raw) then write(lunit,iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else write(lunit,iostat=iostat) idummy,(dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if else if(raw) then write(lunit,*,iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else if(iotk_strcomp(usefmt,"*")) then write(lunit,*,iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else if(iotk_strcomp(usefmt,"!")) then !-< if ((.not. qe_syntax) .or. (size(dattmp)>1)) then write(lunit,fmt=trim(iotk_wfmt("COMPLEX",kind(dattmp),lcolumns,-1,lsep)),iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else write(lunit,fmt=trim(iotk_wfmt("COMPLEX",kind(dattmp),lcolumns,-1,lsep)),advance='no',iostat=iostat) dattmp(1) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if !-> else !-< if ((.not. qe_syntax) .or. (size(dattmp)>1)) then write(lunit,fmt=usefmt(1:iotk_strlen(usefmt)),iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else write(lunit,fmt=usefmt(1:iotk_strlen(usefmt)),advance='no',iostat=iostat) dattmp(1) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if !-> end if end if !-< if (qe_syntax) then call iotk_write_end(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),indentation=.true.,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if !-> call iotk_write_end(unit,name,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if 1 continue if(allocated(dattmp)) deallocate(dattmp) if(present(ierr)) then ierr = ierrl else if(ierrl/=0) call iotk_error_handler(ierrl) end if end subroutine iotk_write_dat_COMPLEX1_3 subroutine iotk_scan_dat_COMPLEX1_3(unit,name,dat,dummy,attr,found,default,ierr) use iotk_base !-< use iotk_unit_interf use iotk_attr_interf, only : iotk_scan_attr !-> use iotk_error_interf use iotk_dat_interf, only: iotk_scan_dat_aux use iotk_scan_interf use iotk_str_interf use iotk_misc_interf implicit none integer, parameter :: this_kind = iotk_COMPLEX1 integer, intent(in) :: unit character(len=*), intent(in) :: name #ifdef __IOTK_WORKAROUND6 COMPLEX(kind=this_kind) :: dat (:,:,:) #else COMPLEX(kind=this_kind), intent(out) :: dat (:,:,:) #endif type(iotk_dummytype), optional :: dummy #ifdef __IOTK_WORKAROUND6 character(len=*), optional :: attr #else character(len=*), optional, intent(out) :: attr #endif logical, optional, intent(out) :: found COMPLEX(kind=this_kind), optional, intent(in) :: default (:,:,:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: ierr COMPLEX (kind=this_kind), allocatable :: tmpdat(:) integer :: ierrl,ierrl2 integer :: rkind,rsize,rlen character(iotk_vallenx) :: rtype character(iotk_vallenx) :: fmt character(iotk_attlenx) :: lattr !-< ! ... necessary because i need the syntax to use type (iotk_unit), pointer :: this ! ... necessary to read the tag describing the type character(iotk_taglenx) :: ltag character(iotk_namlenx) :: r_name character(iotk_attlenx) :: lattr2 character(len=20) :: tmpstr ! ... necessary for scan_tag logical :: binary,stream,qe_syntax integer :: r_control,rrank integer :: rshape,i !-> integer :: columns logical :: inside,foundl !-< call iotk_unit_get(iotk_phys_unit(unit),pointer=this) qe_syntax = .false. if (associated(this)) THEN qe_syntax = this%qe_syntax end if !-> inside = .false. ierrl = 0 ierrl2 = 0 foundl=.false. call iotk_scan_begin(unit,name,lattr,found=foundl,ierr=ierrl) if(.not. foundl) goto 1 foundl = .true. inside = .true. if(present(attr)) call iotk_strcpy(attr,lattr,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if !-< if (.not.qe_syntax) then !-< call iotk_parse_dat(lattr,rtype,rkind,rsize,rlen,fmt,columns,ierrl) ! Note that columns is not effectively used if(ierrl/=0) goto 1 !-< else call iotk_inquire(iotk_phys_unit(unit),binary,stream,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if do call iotk_scan_tag(unit,+1,r_control,ltag,binary,stream,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if (r_control==4) then cycle else exit end if end do call iotk_tag_parse(ltag,r_name,lattr2,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_strcpy(rtype,r_name,ierrl) rtype = iotk_toupper(rtype) rlen = -1 if (rtype(1:iotk_strlen(rtype))/="STRING") then call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"rank",rrank,ierr=ierrl,default=0) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if rsize = 1 if (rrank>0) then do i=1,rrank write(tmpstr,'(i20)') i tmpstr = adjustl(tmpstr) call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"n"//tmpstr(1:len_trim(tmpstr)),rshape,ierr=ierrl,default=0) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if rsize = rsize*rshape end do end if else call iotk_strcpy(rtype,"CHARACTER",ierrl) rsize = -1 end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"kind",rkind,ierr=ierrl,default=-1) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"fmt", fmt, ierr=ierrl,eos=.true.,default="!"//iotk_eos) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierr,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierr,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"columns",columns,ierr=ierrl,default=1) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierr,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierr,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if end if !-> if(.not. (iotk_strcomp(rtype,iotk_eos) .or. iotk_strcomp(rtype,"COMPLEX") ) ) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,' ') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rtype",rtype(1:iotk_strlen(rtype))) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"type","COMPLEX") goto 1 end if if(.not. (rsize==-1 .or. rsize==size(dat)) ) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(rkind==-1) rkind = kind(dat) allocate(tmpdat(size(dat))) call iotk_scan_dat_aux(unit,tmpdat,rkind,rlen,fmt(1:iotk_strlen(fmt)),ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Error reading data') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"name",name) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rkind",rkind) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rlen",rlen) goto 1 end if #if defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND3) || defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND4) call iotk_private_pack_COMPLEX1(dat,tmpdat,size(tmpdat),1) #else dat = reshape(tmpdat,shape(dat)) #endif 1 continue !-< if ( allocated(tmpdat) ) deallocate(tmpdat) !-> if(inside) then !-< if (qe_syntax) then call iotk_scan_end(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),ierr=ierrl2) if(ierrl2/=0) then call iotk_error_clear(ierrl) ierrl=ierrl2 end if end if !-> call iotk_scan_end(unit,name,ierr=ierrl2) if(ierrl2/=0) then call iotk_error_clear(ierrl) ierrl=ierrl2 end if end if if(ierrl/=0) foundl=.false. if(present(found)) found = foundl if(ierrl==0 .and. .not. present(found) .and. .not. present(default) .and. .not. foundl) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Dat not found') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"name",name) ierrl = - ierrl end if if(present(default) .and. .not. foundl) then dat=default end if if(present(ierr)) then ierr = ierrl else if(ierrl>0 .or. (.not.present(found) .and. .not.present(default))) call iotk_error_handler(ierrl) end if end subroutine iotk_scan_dat_COMPLEX1_3 !-< ! ... new procedure: scan dat when you are already inside the data tag subroutine iotk_scan_dat_inside_COMPLEX1_3(unit,dat,dummy,found,default,ierr) use iotk_base use iotk_unit_interf use iotk_attr_interf, only : iotk_scan_attr use iotk_error_interf use iotk_dat_interf, only: iotk_scan_dat_aux use iotk_scan_interf use iotk_str_interf use iotk_misc_interf implicit none integer, parameter :: this_kind = iotk_COMPLEX1 integer, intent(in) :: unit #ifdef __IOTK_WORKAROUND6 COMPLEX(kind=this_kind) :: dat (:,:,:) #else COMPLEX(kind=this_kind), intent(out) :: dat (:,:,:) #endif type(iotk_dummytype), optional :: dummy logical, optional, intent(out) :: found COMPLEX(kind=this_kind), optional, intent(in) :: default (:,:,:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: ierr COMPLEX (kind=this_kind), allocatable :: tmpdat(:) character(len=20) :: tmpstr integer :: rrank integer :: rshape,i integer :: ierrl,ierrl2 integer :: rkind,rsize,rlen character(iotk_vallenx) :: rtype character(iotk_vallenx) :: fmt character(iotk_attlenx) :: lattr character(iotk_namlenx) :: rname type (iotk_unit), pointer :: this integer :: columns logical :: inside,foundl,qe_syntax call iotk_unit_get(iotk_phys_unit(unit),pointer=this) qe_syntax = .true. IF (associated(this)) then qe_syntax = this%qe_syntax END IF inside = .false. ierrl = 0 ierrl2 = 0 foundl=.false. if (.not.qe_syntax) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if rname = iotk_tolower("COMPLEX") call iotk_scan_begin(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),lattr,found=foundl,ierr=ierrl) if(.not. foundl) goto 1 foundl = .true. inside = .true. if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if rlen = -1 call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"rank",rrank,ierr=ierrl,default=0) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if rsize = 1 if (rrank>0) then do i=1,rrank write(tmpstr,'(i20)') i tmpstr = adjustl(tmpstr) call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"n"//tmpstr(1:len_trim(tmpstr)),rshape,ierr=ierrl,default=0) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if rsize = rsize*rshape end do end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"kind",rkind,ierr=ierrl,default=-1) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"fmt", fmt, ierr=ierrl,eos=.true.,default="!"//iotk_eos) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierr,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierr,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"columns",columns,ierr=ierrl,default=1) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierr,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierr,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if if(.not. (rsize==-1 .or. rsize==size(dat)) ) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(rkind==-1) rkind = kind(dat) allocate(tmpdat(size(dat))) call iotk_scan_dat_aux(unit,tmpdat,rkind,rlen,fmt(1:iotk_strlen(fmt)),ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Error reading data') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rname",rname) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rkind",rkind) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rlen",rlen) goto 1 end if #if defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND3) || defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND4) call iotk_private_pack_COMPLEX1(dat,tmpdat,size(tmpdat),1) #else dat = reshape(tmpdat,shape(dat)) #endif deallocate(tmpdat) 1 continue if(inside) then call iotk_scan_end(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),ierr=ierrl2) if(ierrl2/=0) then call iotk_error_clear(ierrl) ierrl=ierrl2 end if end if if(ierrl/=0) foundl=.false. if(present(found)) found = foundl if(ierrl==0 .and. .not. present(found) .and. .not. present(default) .and. .not. foundl) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Dat not found') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rname",rname) ierrl = - ierrl end if if(present(default) .and. .not. foundl) then dat=default end if if(present(ierr)) then ierr = ierrl else if(ierrl>0 .or. (.not.present(found) .and. .not.present(default))) call iotk_error_handler(ierrl) end if end subroutine iotk_scan_dat_inside_COMPLEX1_3 !-> #endif #endif subroutine iotk_dat_dummy_COMPLEX1_3 write(0,*) end subroutine iotk_dat_dummy_COMPLEX1_3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Inclusion of configuration file #include "iotk_config.h" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #include "iotk_auxmacros.h" #ifdef __IOTK_COMPLEX1 #if 4 <= __IOTK_MAXRANK subroutine iotk_write_dat_COMPLEX1_4(unit,name,dat,dummy,attr,columns,sep,fmt,ierr) use iotk_base use iotk_error_interf use iotk_attr_interf, only : iotk_write_attr use iotk_write_interf use iotk_fmt_interf use iotk_str_interf use iotk_unit_interf use iotk_misc_interf implicit none integer, parameter :: this_kind = iotk_COMPLEX1 integer, intent(in) :: unit character(len=*), intent(in) :: name COMPLEX (kind=this_kind), intent(in) :: dat (:,:,:,:) type(iotk_dummytype), optional :: dummy character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: attr integer, optional, intent(in) :: columns character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: sep character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: fmt integer, optional, intent(out) :: ierr integer :: ierrl,lunit,iostat logical :: binary,raw,stream integer :: lcolumns !-< integer :: dat_rank,i integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: dat_shape logical :: qe_syntax !-> integer(iotk_header_kind), parameter :: idummy=0 character(100) :: lsep character(300) :: usefmt character(iotk_attlenx) :: lattr character(iotk_attlenx) :: attr_tmp !-< character(len=10) :: tmpstr !-> type (iotk_unit), pointer :: this COMPLEX (kind=this_kind),allocatable :: dattmp(:) integer :: itmp ierrl = 0 iostat = 0 lcolumns = 1 lsep(1:2) = " "//iotk_eos if(present(columns)) lcolumns = columns if(present(sep)) then call iotk_strcpy(lsep,sep,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if lunit = iotk_phys_unit(unit) call iotk_unit_get(lunit,pointer=this) !-< qe_syntax = .false. if (associated(this)) then qe_syntax = this%qe_syntax end if !-> raw = .false. if(associated(this)) then raw = this%raw end if call iotk_inquire(lunit,binary,stream,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_strcpy(usefmt,"!",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(present(fmt) .and. .not. raw) call iotk_strcpy(usefmt,iotk_strtrim(fmt),ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(iotk_strscan(usefmt,"<>&")/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Special characters (<>&) found in fmt string') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"unit",unit) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"name",trim(name)) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"fmt",trim(fmt)) goto 1 end if !-< if (.not.qe_syntax) then !-> call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"type",iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),first=.true.,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"size",size(dat),ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if !-< end if !-> !-< if (qe_syntax) then lattr(1:1) = iotk_eos dat_rank = size(shape(dat)) if (dat_rank>0) then allocate(dat_shape(dat_rank)) dat_shape = shape(dat) call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"rank",dat_rank,ierr=ierrl,first=.true.) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if do i=1,dat_rank write(tmpstr,'(i10)') i tmpstr = adjustl(tmpstr) call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"n"//tmpstr(1:len_trim(tmpstr)),dat_shape(i),ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end do deallocate(dat_shape) end if end if !-> if(binary) then call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"kind",kind(dat),ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if if(.not.iotk_strcomp(usefmt,"!") .and. .not.qe_syntax) call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"fmt",iotk_strtrim(usefmt),ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(lcolumns/=1) call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"columns",lcolumns,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if !-< if (.not.qe_syntax) then !-> if(present(attr)) then attr_tmp(1:1)=iotk_eos call iotk_strcpy(attr_tmp,attr,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"type",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"kind",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"size",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"fmt",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"columns",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"len",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(iotk_strlen_trim(attr_tmp)>0) call iotk_strcat(lattr,iotk_strtrim(attr_tmp),ierr=ierrl) end if if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_write_begin(unit,name,lattr,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if !-< else if(present(attr)) then call iotk_write_begin(unit,name,attr,ierr=ierrl) else call iotk_write_begin(unit,name,ierr=ierrl) end if if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_write_begin(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),lattr,ierr=ierrl,new_line=.true.) end if !-> allocate(dattmp(size(dat))) #if defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND3) || defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND4) call iotk_private_pack_COMPLEX1(dattmp,dat,size(dattmp),1) #else dattmp = pack(dat,mask=.true.) #endif if(binary) then if(raw) then write(lunit,iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else write(lunit,iostat=iostat) idummy,(dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if else if(raw) then write(lunit,*,iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else if(iotk_strcomp(usefmt,"*")) then write(lunit,*,iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else if(iotk_strcomp(usefmt,"!")) then !-< if ((.not. qe_syntax) .or. (size(dattmp)>1)) then write(lunit,fmt=trim(iotk_wfmt("COMPLEX",kind(dattmp),lcolumns,-1,lsep)),iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else write(lunit,fmt=trim(iotk_wfmt("COMPLEX",kind(dattmp),lcolumns,-1,lsep)),advance='no',iostat=iostat) dattmp(1) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if !-> else !-< if ((.not. qe_syntax) .or. (size(dattmp)>1)) then write(lunit,fmt=usefmt(1:iotk_strlen(usefmt)),iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else write(lunit,fmt=usefmt(1:iotk_strlen(usefmt)),advance='no',iostat=iostat) dattmp(1) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if !-> end if end if !-< if (qe_syntax) then call iotk_write_end(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),indentation=.true.,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if !-> call iotk_write_end(unit,name,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if 1 continue if(allocated(dattmp)) deallocate(dattmp) if(present(ierr)) then ierr = ierrl else if(ierrl/=0) call iotk_error_handler(ierrl) end if end subroutine iotk_write_dat_COMPLEX1_4 subroutine iotk_scan_dat_COMPLEX1_4(unit,name,dat,dummy,attr,found,default,ierr) use iotk_base !-< use iotk_unit_interf use iotk_attr_interf, only : iotk_scan_attr !-> use iotk_error_interf use iotk_dat_interf, only: iotk_scan_dat_aux use iotk_scan_interf use iotk_str_interf use iotk_misc_interf implicit none integer, parameter :: this_kind = iotk_COMPLEX1 integer, intent(in) :: unit character(len=*), intent(in) :: name #ifdef __IOTK_WORKAROUND6 COMPLEX(kind=this_kind) :: dat (:,:,:,:) #else COMPLEX(kind=this_kind), intent(out) :: dat (:,:,:,:) #endif type(iotk_dummytype), optional :: dummy #ifdef __IOTK_WORKAROUND6 character(len=*), optional :: attr #else character(len=*), optional, intent(out) :: attr #endif logical, optional, intent(out) :: found COMPLEX(kind=this_kind), optional, intent(in) :: default (:,:,:,:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: ierr COMPLEX (kind=this_kind), allocatable :: tmpdat(:) integer :: ierrl,ierrl2 integer :: rkind,rsize,rlen character(iotk_vallenx) :: rtype character(iotk_vallenx) :: fmt character(iotk_attlenx) :: lattr !-< ! ... necessary because i need the syntax to use type (iotk_unit), pointer :: this ! ... necessary to read the tag describing the type character(iotk_taglenx) :: ltag character(iotk_namlenx) :: r_name character(iotk_attlenx) :: lattr2 character(len=20) :: tmpstr ! ... necessary for scan_tag logical :: binary,stream,qe_syntax integer :: r_control,rrank integer :: rshape,i !-> integer :: columns logical :: inside,foundl !-< call iotk_unit_get(iotk_phys_unit(unit),pointer=this) qe_syntax = .false. if (associated(this)) THEN qe_syntax = this%qe_syntax end if !-> inside = .false. ierrl = 0 ierrl2 = 0 foundl=.false. call iotk_scan_begin(unit,name,lattr,found=foundl,ierr=ierrl) if(.not. foundl) goto 1 foundl = .true. inside = .true. if(present(attr)) call iotk_strcpy(attr,lattr,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if !-< if (.not.qe_syntax) then !-< call iotk_parse_dat(lattr,rtype,rkind,rsize,rlen,fmt,columns,ierrl) ! Note that columns is not effectively used if(ierrl/=0) goto 1 !-< else call iotk_inquire(iotk_phys_unit(unit),binary,stream,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if do call iotk_scan_tag(unit,+1,r_control,ltag,binary,stream,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if (r_control==4) then cycle else exit end if end do call iotk_tag_parse(ltag,r_name,lattr2,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_strcpy(rtype,r_name,ierrl) rtype = iotk_toupper(rtype) rlen = -1 if (rtype(1:iotk_strlen(rtype))/="STRING") then call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"rank",rrank,ierr=ierrl,default=0) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if rsize = 1 if (rrank>0) then do i=1,rrank write(tmpstr,'(i20)') i tmpstr = adjustl(tmpstr) call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"n"//tmpstr(1:len_trim(tmpstr)),rshape,ierr=ierrl,default=0) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if rsize = rsize*rshape end do end if else call iotk_strcpy(rtype,"CHARACTER",ierrl) rsize = -1 end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"kind",rkind,ierr=ierrl,default=-1) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"fmt", fmt, ierr=ierrl,eos=.true.,default="!"//iotk_eos) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierr,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierr,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"columns",columns,ierr=ierrl,default=1) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierr,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierr,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if end if !-> if(.not. (iotk_strcomp(rtype,iotk_eos) .or. iotk_strcomp(rtype,"COMPLEX") ) ) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,' ') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rtype",rtype(1:iotk_strlen(rtype))) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"type","COMPLEX") goto 1 end if if(.not. (rsize==-1 .or. rsize==size(dat)) ) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(rkind==-1) rkind = kind(dat) allocate(tmpdat(size(dat))) call iotk_scan_dat_aux(unit,tmpdat,rkind,rlen,fmt(1:iotk_strlen(fmt)),ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Error reading data') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"name",name) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rkind",rkind) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rlen",rlen) goto 1 end if #if defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND3) || defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND4) call iotk_private_pack_COMPLEX1(dat,tmpdat,size(tmpdat),1) #else dat = reshape(tmpdat,shape(dat)) #endif 1 continue !-< if ( allocated(tmpdat) ) deallocate(tmpdat) !-> if(inside) then !-< if (qe_syntax) then call iotk_scan_end(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),ierr=ierrl2) if(ierrl2/=0) then call iotk_error_clear(ierrl) ierrl=ierrl2 end if end if !-> call iotk_scan_end(unit,name,ierr=ierrl2) if(ierrl2/=0) then call iotk_error_clear(ierrl) ierrl=ierrl2 end if end if if(ierrl/=0) foundl=.false. if(present(found)) found = foundl if(ierrl==0 .and. .not. present(found) .and. .not. present(default) .and. .not. foundl) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Dat not found') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"name",name) ierrl = - ierrl end if if(present(default) .and. .not. foundl) then dat=default end if if(present(ierr)) then ierr = ierrl else if(ierrl>0 .or. (.not.present(found) .and. .not.present(default))) call iotk_error_handler(ierrl) end if end subroutine iotk_scan_dat_COMPLEX1_4 !-< ! ... new procedure: scan dat when you are already inside the data tag subroutine iotk_scan_dat_inside_COMPLEX1_4(unit,dat,dummy,found,default,ierr) use iotk_base use iotk_unit_interf use iotk_attr_interf, only : iotk_scan_attr use iotk_error_interf use iotk_dat_interf, only: iotk_scan_dat_aux use iotk_scan_interf use iotk_str_interf use iotk_misc_interf implicit none integer, parameter :: this_kind = iotk_COMPLEX1 integer, intent(in) :: unit #ifdef __IOTK_WORKAROUND6 COMPLEX(kind=this_kind) :: dat (:,:,:,:) #else COMPLEX(kind=this_kind), intent(out) :: dat (:,:,:,:) #endif type(iotk_dummytype), optional :: dummy logical, optional, intent(out) :: found COMPLEX(kind=this_kind), optional, intent(in) :: default (:,:,:,:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: ierr COMPLEX (kind=this_kind), allocatable :: tmpdat(:) character(len=20) :: tmpstr integer :: rrank integer :: rshape,i integer :: ierrl,ierrl2 integer :: rkind,rsize,rlen character(iotk_vallenx) :: rtype character(iotk_vallenx) :: fmt character(iotk_attlenx) :: lattr character(iotk_namlenx) :: rname type (iotk_unit), pointer :: this integer :: columns logical :: inside,foundl,qe_syntax call iotk_unit_get(iotk_phys_unit(unit),pointer=this) qe_syntax = .true. IF (associated(this)) then qe_syntax = this%qe_syntax END IF inside = .false. ierrl = 0 ierrl2 = 0 foundl=.false. if (.not.qe_syntax) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if rname = iotk_tolower("COMPLEX") call iotk_scan_begin(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),lattr,found=foundl,ierr=ierrl) if(.not. foundl) goto 1 foundl = .true. inside = .true. if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if rlen = -1 call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"rank",rrank,ierr=ierrl,default=0) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if rsize = 1 if (rrank>0) then do i=1,rrank write(tmpstr,'(i20)') i tmpstr = adjustl(tmpstr) call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"n"//tmpstr(1:len_trim(tmpstr)),rshape,ierr=ierrl,default=0) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if rsize = rsize*rshape end do end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"kind",rkind,ierr=ierrl,default=-1) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"fmt", fmt, ierr=ierrl,eos=.true.,default="!"//iotk_eos) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierr,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierr,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"columns",columns,ierr=ierrl,default=1) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierr,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierr,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if if(.not. (rsize==-1 .or. rsize==size(dat)) ) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(rkind==-1) rkind = kind(dat) allocate(tmpdat(size(dat))) call iotk_scan_dat_aux(unit,tmpdat,rkind,rlen,fmt(1:iotk_strlen(fmt)),ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Error reading data') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rname",rname) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rkind",rkind) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rlen",rlen) goto 1 end if #if defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND3) || defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND4) call iotk_private_pack_COMPLEX1(dat,tmpdat,size(tmpdat),1) #else dat = reshape(tmpdat,shape(dat)) #endif deallocate(tmpdat) 1 continue if(inside) then call iotk_scan_end(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),ierr=ierrl2) if(ierrl2/=0) then call iotk_error_clear(ierrl) ierrl=ierrl2 end if end if if(ierrl/=0) foundl=.false. if(present(found)) found = foundl if(ierrl==0 .and. .not. present(found) .and. .not. present(default) .and. .not. foundl) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Dat not found') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rname",rname) ierrl = - ierrl end if if(present(default) .and. .not. foundl) then dat=default end if if(present(ierr)) then ierr = ierrl else if(ierrl>0 .or. (.not.present(found) .and. .not.present(default))) call iotk_error_handler(ierrl) end if end subroutine iotk_scan_dat_inside_COMPLEX1_4 !-> #endif #endif subroutine iotk_dat_dummy_COMPLEX1_4 write(0,*) end subroutine iotk_dat_dummy_COMPLEX1_4 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Inclusion of configuration file #include "iotk_config.h" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #include "iotk_auxmacros.h" #ifdef __IOTK_COMPLEX1 #if 5 <= __IOTK_MAXRANK subroutine iotk_write_dat_COMPLEX1_5(unit,name,dat,dummy,attr,columns,sep,fmt,ierr) use iotk_base use iotk_error_interf use iotk_attr_interf, only : iotk_write_attr use iotk_write_interf use iotk_fmt_interf use iotk_str_interf use iotk_unit_interf use iotk_misc_interf implicit none integer, parameter :: this_kind = iotk_COMPLEX1 integer, intent(in) :: unit character(len=*), intent(in) :: name COMPLEX (kind=this_kind), intent(in) :: dat (:,:,:,:,:) type(iotk_dummytype), optional :: dummy character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: attr integer, optional, intent(in) :: columns character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: sep character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: fmt integer, optional, intent(out) :: ierr integer :: ierrl,lunit,iostat logical :: binary,raw,stream integer :: lcolumns !-< integer :: dat_rank,i integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: dat_shape logical :: qe_syntax !-> integer(iotk_header_kind), parameter :: idummy=0 character(100) :: lsep character(300) :: usefmt character(iotk_attlenx) :: lattr character(iotk_attlenx) :: attr_tmp !-< character(len=10) :: tmpstr !-> type (iotk_unit), pointer :: this COMPLEX (kind=this_kind),allocatable :: dattmp(:) integer :: itmp ierrl = 0 iostat = 0 lcolumns = 1 lsep(1:2) = " "//iotk_eos if(present(columns)) lcolumns = columns if(present(sep)) then call iotk_strcpy(lsep,sep,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if lunit = iotk_phys_unit(unit) call iotk_unit_get(lunit,pointer=this) !-< qe_syntax = .false. if (associated(this)) then qe_syntax = this%qe_syntax end if !-> raw = .false. if(associated(this)) then raw = this%raw end if call iotk_inquire(lunit,binary,stream,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_strcpy(usefmt,"!",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(present(fmt) .and. .not. raw) call iotk_strcpy(usefmt,iotk_strtrim(fmt),ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(iotk_strscan(usefmt,"<>&")/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Special characters (<>&) found in fmt string') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"unit",unit) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"name",trim(name)) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"fmt",trim(fmt)) goto 1 end if !-< if (.not.qe_syntax) then !-> call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"type",iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),first=.true.,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"size",size(dat),ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if !-< end if !-> !-< if (qe_syntax) then lattr(1:1) = iotk_eos dat_rank = size(shape(dat)) if (dat_rank>0) then allocate(dat_shape(dat_rank)) dat_shape = shape(dat) call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"rank",dat_rank,ierr=ierrl,first=.true.) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if do i=1,dat_rank write(tmpstr,'(i10)') i tmpstr = adjustl(tmpstr) call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"n"//tmpstr(1:len_trim(tmpstr)),dat_shape(i),ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end do deallocate(dat_shape) end if end if !-> if(binary) then call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"kind",kind(dat),ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if if(.not.iotk_strcomp(usefmt,"!") .and. .not.qe_syntax) call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"fmt",iotk_strtrim(usefmt),ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(lcolumns/=1) call iotk_write_attr(lattr,"columns",lcolumns,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if !-< if (.not.qe_syntax) then !-> if(present(attr)) then attr_tmp(1:1)=iotk_eos call iotk_strcpy(attr_tmp,attr,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"type",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"kind",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"size",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"fmt",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"columns",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_delete_attr(attr_tmp,"len",ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(iotk_strlen_trim(attr_tmp)>0) call iotk_strcat(lattr,iotk_strtrim(attr_tmp),ierr=ierrl) end if if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_write_begin(unit,name,lattr,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if !-< else if(present(attr)) then call iotk_write_begin(unit,name,attr,ierr=ierrl) else call iotk_write_begin(unit,name,ierr=ierrl) end if if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_write_begin(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),lattr,ierr=ierrl,new_line=.true.) end if !-> allocate(dattmp(size(dat))) #if defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND3) || defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND4) call iotk_private_pack_COMPLEX1(dattmp,dat,size(dattmp),1) #else dattmp = pack(dat,mask=.true.) #endif if(binary) then if(raw) then write(lunit,iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else write(lunit,iostat=iostat) idummy,(dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if else if(raw) then write(lunit,*,iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else if(iotk_strcomp(usefmt,"*")) then write(lunit,*,iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else if(iotk_strcomp(usefmt,"!")) then !-< if ((.not. qe_syntax) .or. (size(dattmp)>1)) then write(lunit,fmt=trim(iotk_wfmt("COMPLEX",kind(dattmp),lcolumns,-1,lsep)),iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else write(lunit,fmt=trim(iotk_wfmt("COMPLEX",kind(dattmp),lcolumns,-1,lsep)),advance='no',iostat=iostat) dattmp(1) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if !-> else !-< if ((.not. qe_syntax) .or. (size(dattmp)>1)) then write(lunit,fmt=usefmt(1:iotk_strlen(usefmt)),iostat=iostat) (dattmp(itmp),itmp=1,size(dattmp)) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if else write(lunit,fmt=usefmt(1:iotk_strlen(usefmt)),advance='no',iostat=iostat) dattmp(1) if(iostat/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if !-> end if end if !-< if (qe_syntax) then call iotk_write_end(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),indentation=.true.,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if end if !-> call iotk_write_end(unit,name,ierr=ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_write_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if 1 continue if(allocated(dattmp)) deallocate(dattmp) if(present(ierr)) then ierr = ierrl else if(ierrl/=0) call iotk_error_handler(ierrl) end if end subroutine iotk_write_dat_COMPLEX1_5 subroutine iotk_scan_dat_COMPLEX1_5(unit,name,dat,dummy,attr,found,default,ierr) use iotk_base !-< use iotk_unit_interf use iotk_attr_interf, only : iotk_scan_attr !-> use iotk_error_interf use iotk_dat_interf, only: iotk_scan_dat_aux use iotk_scan_interf use iotk_str_interf use iotk_misc_interf implicit none integer, parameter :: this_kind = iotk_COMPLEX1 integer, intent(in) :: unit character(len=*), intent(in) :: name #ifdef __IOTK_WORKAROUND6 COMPLEX(kind=this_kind) :: dat (:,:,:,:,:) #else COMPLEX(kind=this_kind), intent(out) :: dat (:,:,:,:,:) #endif type(iotk_dummytype), optional :: dummy #ifdef __IOTK_WORKAROUND6 character(len=*), optional :: attr #else character(len=*), optional, intent(out) :: attr #endif logical, optional, intent(out) :: found COMPLEX(kind=this_kind), optional, intent(in) :: default (:,:,:,:,:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: ierr COMPLEX (kind=this_kind), allocatable :: tmpdat(:) integer :: ierrl,ierrl2 integer :: rkind,rsize,rlen character(iotk_vallenx) :: rtype character(iotk_vallenx) :: fmt character(iotk_attlenx) :: lattr !-< ! ... necessary because i need the syntax to use type (iotk_unit), pointer :: this ! ... necessary to read the tag describing the type character(iotk_taglenx) :: ltag character(iotk_namlenx) :: r_name character(iotk_attlenx) :: lattr2 character(len=20) :: tmpstr ! ... necessary for scan_tag logical :: binary,stream,qe_syntax integer :: r_control,rrank integer :: rshape,i !-> integer :: columns logical :: inside,foundl !-< call iotk_unit_get(iotk_phys_unit(unit),pointer=this) qe_syntax = .false. if (associated(this)) THEN qe_syntax = this%qe_syntax end if !-> inside = .false. ierrl = 0 ierrl2 = 0 foundl=.false. call iotk_scan_begin(unit,name,lattr,found=foundl,ierr=ierrl) if(.not. foundl) goto 1 foundl = .true. inside = .true. if(present(attr)) call iotk_strcpy(attr,lattr,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if !-< if (.not.qe_syntax) then !-< call iotk_parse_dat(lattr,rtype,rkind,rsize,rlen,fmt,columns,ierrl) ! Note that columns is not effectively used if(ierrl/=0) goto 1 !-< else call iotk_inquire(iotk_phys_unit(unit),binary,stream,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if do call iotk_scan_tag(unit,+1,r_control,ltag,binary,stream,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if (r_control==4) then cycle else exit end if end do call iotk_tag_parse(ltag,r_name,lattr2,ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if call iotk_strcpy(rtype,r_name,ierrl) rtype = iotk_toupper(rtype) rlen = -1 if (rtype(1:iotk_strlen(rtype))/="STRING") then call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"rank",rrank,ierr=ierrl,default=0) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if rsize = 1 if (rrank>0) then do i=1,rrank write(tmpstr,'(i20)') i tmpstr = adjustl(tmpstr) call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"n"//tmpstr(1:len_trim(tmpstr)),rshape,ierr=ierrl,default=0) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if rsize = rsize*rshape end do end if else call iotk_strcpy(rtype,"CHARACTER",ierrl) rsize = -1 end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"kind",rkind,ierr=ierrl,default=-1) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"fmt", fmt, ierr=ierrl,eos=.true.,default="!"//iotk_eos) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierr,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierr,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr2,"columns",columns,ierr=ierrl,default=1) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierr,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierr,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if end if !-> if(.not. (iotk_strcomp(rtype,iotk_eos) .or. iotk_strcomp(rtype,"COMPLEX") ) ) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,' ') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rtype",rtype(1:iotk_strlen(rtype))) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"type","COMPLEX") goto 1 end if if(.not. (rsize==-1 .or. rsize==size(dat)) ) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(rkind==-1) rkind = kind(dat) allocate(tmpdat(size(dat))) call iotk_scan_dat_aux(unit,tmpdat,rkind,rlen,fmt(1:iotk_strlen(fmt)),ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Error reading data') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"name",name) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rkind",rkind) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rlen",rlen) goto 1 end if #if defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND3) || defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND4) call iotk_private_pack_COMPLEX1(dat,tmpdat,size(tmpdat),1) #else dat = reshape(tmpdat,shape(dat)) #endif 1 continue !-< if ( allocated(tmpdat) ) deallocate(tmpdat) !-> if(inside) then !-< if (qe_syntax) then call iotk_scan_end(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),ierr=ierrl2) if(ierrl2/=0) then call iotk_error_clear(ierrl) ierrl=ierrl2 end if end if !-> call iotk_scan_end(unit,name,ierr=ierrl2) if(ierrl2/=0) then call iotk_error_clear(ierrl) ierrl=ierrl2 end if end if if(ierrl/=0) foundl=.false. if(present(found)) found = foundl if(ierrl==0 .and. .not. present(found) .and. .not. present(default) .and. .not. foundl) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Dat not found') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"name",name) ierrl = - ierrl end if if(present(default) .and. .not. foundl) then dat=default end if if(present(ierr)) then ierr = ierrl else if(ierrl>0 .or. (.not.present(found) .and. .not.present(default))) call iotk_error_handler(ierrl) end if end subroutine iotk_scan_dat_COMPLEX1_5 !-< ! ... new procedure: scan dat when you are already inside the data tag subroutine iotk_scan_dat_inside_COMPLEX1_5(unit,dat,dummy,found,default,ierr) use iotk_base use iotk_unit_interf use iotk_attr_interf, only : iotk_scan_attr use iotk_error_interf use iotk_dat_interf, only: iotk_scan_dat_aux use iotk_scan_interf use iotk_str_interf use iotk_misc_interf implicit none integer, parameter :: this_kind = iotk_COMPLEX1 integer, intent(in) :: unit #ifdef __IOTK_WORKAROUND6 COMPLEX(kind=this_kind) :: dat (:,:,:,:,:) #else COMPLEX(kind=this_kind), intent(out) :: dat (:,:,:,:,:) #endif type(iotk_dummytype), optional :: dummy logical, optional, intent(out) :: found COMPLEX(kind=this_kind), optional, intent(in) :: default (:,:,:,:,:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: ierr COMPLEX (kind=this_kind), allocatable :: tmpdat(:) character(len=20) :: tmpstr integer :: rrank integer :: rshape,i integer :: ierrl,ierrl2 integer :: rkind,rsize,rlen character(iotk_vallenx) :: rtype character(iotk_vallenx) :: fmt character(iotk_attlenx) :: lattr character(iotk_namlenx) :: rname type (iotk_unit), pointer :: this integer :: columns logical :: inside,foundl,qe_syntax call iotk_unit_get(iotk_phys_unit(unit),pointer=this) qe_syntax = .true. IF (associated(this)) then qe_syntax = this%qe_syntax END IF inside = .false. ierrl = 0 ierrl2 = 0 foundl=.false. if (.not.qe_syntax) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if rname = iotk_tolower("COMPLEX") call iotk_scan_begin(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),lattr,found=foundl,ierr=ierrl) if(.not. foundl) goto 1 foundl = .true. inside = .true. if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if rlen = -1 call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"rank",rrank,ierr=ierrl,default=0) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if rsize = 1 if (rrank>0) then do i=1,rrank write(tmpstr,'(i20)') i tmpstr = adjustl(tmpstr) call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"n"//tmpstr(1:len_trim(tmpstr)),rshape,ierr=ierrl,default=0) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if rsize = rsize*rshape end do end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"kind",rkind,ierr=ierrl,default=-1) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"fmt", fmt, ierr=ierrl,eos=.true.,default="!"//iotk_eos) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierr,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierr,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if call iotk_scan_attr(lattr,"columns",columns,ierr=ierrl,default=1) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierr,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierr,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") return end if if(.not. (rsize==-1 .or. rsize==size(dat)) ) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") goto 1 end if if(rkind==-1) rkind = kind(dat) allocate(tmpdat(size(dat))) call iotk_scan_dat_aux(unit,tmpdat,rkind,rlen,fmt(1:iotk_strlen(fmt)),ierrl) if(ierrl/=0) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Error reading data') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rname",rname) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rkind",rkind) call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rlen",rlen) goto 1 end if #if defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND3) || defined(__IOTK_WORKAROUND4) call iotk_private_pack_COMPLEX1(dat,tmpdat,size(tmpdat),1) #else dat = reshape(tmpdat,shape(dat)) #endif deallocate(tmpdat) 1 continue if(inside) then call iotk_scan_end(unit,iotk_tolower("COMPLEX"),ierr=ierrl2) if(ierrl2/=0) then call iotk_error_clear(ierrl) ierrl=ierrl2 end if end if if(ierrl/=0) foundl=.false. if(present(found)) found = foundl if(ierrl==0 .and. .not. present(found) .and. .not. present(default) .and. .not. foundl) then call iotk_error_issue(ierrl,"iotk_scan_dat_inside",__FILE__,__LINE__) call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,"CVS Revision: 1.27 ") call iotk_error_msg(ierrl,'Dat not found') call iotk_error_write(ierrl,"rname",rname) ierrl = - ierrl end if if(present(default) .and. .not. foundl) then dat=default end if if(present(ierr)) then ierr = ierrl else if(ierrl>0 .or. (.not.present(found) .and. .not.present(default))) call iotk_error_handler(ierrl) end if end subroutine iotk_scan_dat_inside_COMPLEX1_5 !-> #endif #endif subroutine iotk_dat_dummy_COMPLEX1_5 write(0,*) end subroutine iotk_dat_dummy_COMPLEX1_5
*> \brief \b DSECND Using ETIME * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * * Definition: * =========== * * DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DSECND( ) * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> DSECND returns the user time for a process in seconds. *> This version gets the time from the EXTERNAL system function ETIME. *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date December 2016 * *> \ingroup auxOTHERauxiliary * * ===================================================================== DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DSECND( ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.7.0) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * December 2016 * * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. REAL T1 * .. * .. Local Arrays .. REAL TARRAY( 2 ) * .. * .. External Functions .. REAL ETIME EXTERNAL ETIME * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * T1 = ETIME( TARRAY ) DSECND = TARRAY( 1 ) RETURN * * End of DSECND * END
*> \brief \b DTGEX2 swaps adjacent diagonal blocks in an upper (quasi) triangular matrix pair by an orthogonal equivalence transformation. * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download DTGEX2 + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE DTGEX2( WANTQ, WANTZ, N, A, LDA, B, LDB, Q, LDQ, Z, * LDZ, J1, N1, N2, WORK, LWORK, INFO ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * LOGICAL WANTQ, WANTZ * INTEGER INFO, J1, LDA, LDB, LDQ, LDZ, LWORK, N, N1, N2 * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ), Q( LDQ, * ), * $ WORK( * ), Z( LDZ, * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> DTGEX2 swaps adjacent diagonal blocks (A11, B11) and (A22, B22) *> of size 1-by-1 or 2-by-2 in an upper (quasi) triangular matrix pair *> (A, B) by an orthogonal equivalence transformation. *> *> (A, B) must be in generalized real Schur canonical form (as returned *> by DGGES), i.e. A is block upper triangular with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 *> diagonal blocks. B is upper triangular. *> *> Optionally, the matrices Q and Z of generalized Schur vectors are *> updated. *> *> Q(in) * A(in) * Z(in)**T = Q(out) * A(out) * Z(out)**T *> Q(in) * B(in) * Z(in)**T = Q(out) * B(out) * Z(out)**T *> *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] WANTQ *> \verbatim *> WANTQ is LOGICAL *> .TRUE. : update the left transformation matrix Q; *> .FALSE.: do not update Q. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] WANTZ *> \verbatim *> WANTZ is LOGICAL *> .TRUE. : update the right transformation matrix Z; *> .FALSE.: do not update Z. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The order of the matrices A and B. N >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] A *> \verbatim *> A is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimensions (LDA,N) *> On entry, the matrix A in the pair (A, B). *> On exit, the updated matrix A. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDA *> \verbatim *> LDA is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] B *> \verbatim *> B is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimensions (LDB,N) *> On entry, the matrix B in the pair (A, B). *> On exit, the updated matrix B. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDB *> \verbatim *> LDB is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] Q *> \verbatim *> Q is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDQ,N) *> On entry, if WANTQ = .TRUE., the orthogonal matrix Q. *> On exit, the updated matrix Q. *> Not referenced if WANTQ = .FALSE.. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDQ *> \verbatim *> LDQ is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array Q. LDQ >= 1. *> If WANTQ = .TRUE., LDQ >= N. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] Z *> \verbatim *> Z is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDZ,N) *> On entry, if WANTZ =.TRUE., the orthogonal matrix Z. *> On exit, the updated matrix Z. *> Not referenced if WANTZ = .FALSE.. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDZ *> \verbatim *> LDZ is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array Z. LDZ >= 1. *> If WANTZ = .TRUE., LDZ >= N. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] J1 *> \verbatim *> J1 is INTEGER *> The index to the first block (A11, B11). 1 <= J1 <= N. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N1 *> \verbatim *> N1 is INTEGER *> The order of the first block (A11, B11). N1 = 0, 1 or 2. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N2 *> \verbatim *> N2 is INTEGER *> The order of the second block (A22, B22). N2 = 0, 1 or 2. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] WORK *> \verbatim *> WORK is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK)). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LWORK *> \verbatim *> LWORK is INTEGER *> The dimension of the array WORK. *> LWORK >= MAX( 1, N*(N2+N1), (N2+N1)*(N2+N1)*2 ) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] INFO *> \verbatim *> INFO is INTEGER *> =0: Successful exit *> >0: If INFO = 1, the transformed matrix (A, B) would be *> too far from generalized Schur form; the blocks are *> not swapped and (A, B) and (Q, Z) are unchanged. *> The problem of swapping is too ill-conditioned. *> <0: If INFO = -16: LWORK is too small. Appropriate value *> for LWORK is returned in WORK(1). *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \ingroup doubleGEauxiliary * *> \par Further Details: * ===================== *> *> In the current code both weak and strong stability tests are *> performed. The user can omit the strong stability test by changing *> the internal logical parameter WANDS to .FALSE.. See ref. [2] for *> details. * *> \par Contributors: * ================== *> *> Bo Kagstrom and Peter Poromaa, Department of Computing Science, *> Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden. * *> \par References: * ================ *> *> \verbatim *> *> [1] B. Kagstrom; A Direct Method for Reordering Eigenvalues in the *> Generalized Real Schur Form of a Regular Matrix Pair (A, B), in *> M.S. Moonen et al (eds), Linear Algebra for Large Scale and *> Real-Time Applications, Kluwer Academic Publ. 1993, pp 195-218. *> *> [2] B. Kagstrom and P. Poromaa; Computing Eigenspaces with Specified *> Eigenvalues of a Regular Matrix Pair (A, B) and Condition *> Estimation: Theory, Algorithms and Software, *> Report UMINF - 94.04, Department of Computing Science, Umea *> University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden, 1994. Also as LAPACK Working *> Note 87. To appear in Numerical Algorithms, 1996. *> \endverbatim *> * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE DTGEX2( WANTQ, WANTZ, N, A, LDA, B, LDB, Q, LDQ, Z, $ LDZ, J1, N1, N2, WORK, LWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL WANTQ, WANTZ INTEGER INFO, J1, LDA, LDB, LDQ, LDZ, LWORK, N, N1, N2 * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ), Q( LDQ, * ), $ WORK( * ), Z( LDZ, * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * Replaced various illegal calls to DCOPY by calls to DLASET, or by DO * loops. Sven Hammarling, 1/5/02. * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TWENTY PARAMETER ( TWENTY = 2.0D+01 ) INTEGER LDST PARAMETER ( LDST = 4 ) LOGICAL WANDS PARAMETER ( WANDS = .TRUE. ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL STRONG, WEAK INTEGER I, IDUM, LINFO, M DOUBLE PRECISION BQRA21, BRQA21, DDUM, DNORMA, DNORMB, DSCALE, $ DSUM, EPS, F, G, SA, SB, SCALE, SMLNUM, $ THRESHA, THRESHB * .. * .. Local Arrays .. INTEGER IWORK( LDST ) DOUBLE PRECISION AI( 2 ), AR( 2 ), BE( 2 ), IR( LDST, LDST ), $ IRCOP( LDST, LDST ), LI( LDST, LDST ), $ LICOP( LDST, LDST ), S( LDST, LDST ), $ SCPY( LDST, LDST ), T( LDST, LDST ), $ TAUL( LDST ), TAUR( LDST ), TCPY( LDST, LDST ) * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGEMM, DGEQR2, DGERQ2, DLACPY, DLAGV2, DLARTG, $ DLASET, DLASSQ, DORG2R, DORGR2, DORM2R, DORMR2, $ DROT, DSCAL, DTGSY2 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.LE.1 .OR. N1.LE.0 .OR. N2.LE.0 ) $ RETURN IF( N1.GT.N .OR. ( J1+N1 ).GT.N ) $ RETURN M = N1 + N2 IF( LWORK.LT.MAX( 1, N*M, M*M*2 ) ) THEN INFO = -16 WORK( 1 ) = MAX( 1, N*M, M*M*2 ) RETURN END IF * WEAK = .FALSE. STRONG = .FALSE. * * Make a local copy of selected block * CALL DLASET( 'Full', LDST, LDST, ZERO, ZERO, LI, LDST ) CALL DLASET( 'Full', LDST, LDST, ZERO, ZERO, IR, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, A( J1, J1 ), LDA, S, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, B( J1, J1 ), LDB, T, LDST ) * * Compute threshold for testing acceptance of swapping. * EPS = DLAMCH( 'P' ) SMLNUM = DLAMCH( 'S' ) / EPS DSCALE = ZERO DSUM = ONE CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, S, LDST, WORK, M ) CALL DLASSQ( M*M, WORK, 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) DNORMA = DSCALE*SQRT( DSUM ) DSCALE = ZERO DSUM = ONE CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, T, LDST, WORK, M ) CALL DLASSQ( M*M, WORK, 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) DNORMB = DSCALE*SQRT( DSUM ) * * THRES has been changed from * THRESH = MAX( TEN*EPS*SA, SMLNUM ) * to * THRESH = MAX( TWENTY*EPS*SA, SMLNUM ) * on 04/01/10. * "Bug" reported by Ondra Kamenik, confirmed by Julie Langou, fixed by * Jim Demmel and Guillaume Revy. See forum post 1783. * THRESHA = MAX( TWENTY*EPS*DNORMA, SMLNUM ) THRESHB = MAX( TWENTY*EPS*DNORMB, SMLNUM ) * IF( M.EQ.2 ) THEN * * CASE 1: Swap 1-by-1 and 1-by-1 blocks. * * Compute orthogonal QL and RQ that swap 1-by-1 and 1-by-1 blocks * using Givens rotations and perform the swap tentatively. * F = S( 2, 2 )*T( 1, 1 ) - T( 2, 2 )*S( 1, 1 ) G = S( 2, 2 )*T( 1, 2 ) - T( 2, 2 )*S( 1, 2 ) SA = ABS( S( 2, 2 ) ) * ABS( T( 1, 1 ) ) SB = ABS( S( 1, 1 ) ) * ABS( T( 2, 2 ) ) CALL DLARTG( F, G, IR( 1, 2 ), IR( 1, 1 ), DDUM ) IR( 2, 1 ) = -IR( 1, 2 ) IR( 2, 2 ) = IR( 1, 1 ) CALL DROT( 2, S( 1, 1 ), 1, S( 1, 2 ), 1, IR( 1, 1 ), $ IR( 2, 1 ) ) CALL DROT( 2, T( 1, 1 ), 1, T( 1, 2 ), 1, IR( 1, 1 ), $ IR( 2, 1 ) ) IF( SA.GE.SB ) THEN CALL DLARTG( S( 1, 1 ), S( 2, 1 ), LI( 1, 1 ), LI( 2, 1 ), $ DDUM ) ELSE CALL DLARTG( T( 1, 1 ), T( 2, 1 ), LI( 1, 1 ), LI( 2, 1 ), $ DDUM ) END IF CALL DROT( 2, S( 1, 1 ), LDST, S( 2, 1 ), LDST, LI( 1, 1 ), $ LI( 2, 1 ) ) CALL DROT( 2, T( 1, 1 ), LDST, T( 2, 1 ), LDST, LI( 1, 1 ), $ LI( 2, 1 ) ) LI( 2, 2 ) = LI( 1, 1 ) LI( 1, 2 ) = -LI( 2, 1 ) * * Weak stability test: |S21| <= O(EPS F-norm((A))) * and |T21| <= O(EPS F-norm((B))) * WEAK = ABS( S( 2, 1 ) ) .LE. THRESHA .AND. $ ABS( T( 2, 1 ) ) .LE. THRESHB IF( .NOT.WEAK ) $ GO TO 70 * IF( WANDS ) THEN * * Strong stability test: * F-norm((A-QL**H*S*QR)) <= O(EPS*F-norm((A))) * and * F-norm((B-QL**H*T*QR)) <= O(EPS*F-norm((B))) * CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, A( J1, J1 ), LDA, WORK( M*M+1 ), $ M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, S, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'T', M, M, M, -ONE, WORK, M, IR, LDST, ONE, $ WORK( M*M+1 ), M ) DSCALE = ZERO DSUM = ONE CALL DLASSQ( M*M, WORK( M*M+1 ), 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) SA = DSCALE*SQRT( DSUM ) * CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, B( J1, J1 ), LDB, WORK( M*M+1 ), $ M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, T, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'T', M, M, M, -ONE, WORK, M, IR, LDST, ONE, $ WORK( M*M+1 ), M ) DSCALE = ZERO DSUM = ONE CALL DLASSQ( M*M, WORK( M*M+1 ), 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) SB = DSCALE*SQRT( DSUM ) STRONG = SA.LE.THRESHA .AND. SB.LE.THRESHB IF( .NOT.STRONG ) $ GO TO 70 END IF * * Update (A(J1:J1+M-1, M+J1:N), B(J1:J1+M-1, M+J1:N)) and * (A(1:J1-1, J1:J1+M), B(1:J1-1, J1:J1+M)). * CALL DROT( J1+1, A( 1, J1 ), 1, A( 1, J1+1 ), 1, IR( 1, 1 ), $ IR( 2, 1 ) ) CALL DROT( J1+1, B( 1, J1 ), 1, B( 1, J1+1 ), 1, IR( 1, 1 ), $ IR( 2, 1 ) ) CALL DROT( N-J1+1, A( J1, J1 ), LDA, A( J1+1, J1 ), LDA, $ LI( 1, 1 ), LI( 2, 1 ) ) CALL DROT( N-J1+1, B( J1, J1 ), LDB, B( J1+1, J1 ), LDB, $ LI( 1, 1 ), LI( 2, 1 ) ) * * Set N1-by-N2 (2,1) - blocks to ZERO. * A( J1+1, J1 ) = ZERO B( J1+1, J1 ) = ZERO * * Accumulate transformations into Q and Z if requested. * IF( WANTZ ) $ CALL DROT( N, Z( 1, J1 ), 1, Z( 1, J1+1 ), 1, IR( 1, 1 ), $ IR( 2, 1 ) ) IF( WANTQ ) $ CALL DROT( N, Q( 1, J1 ), 1, Q( 1, J1+1 ), 1, LI( 1, 1 ), $ LI( 2, 1 ) ) * * Exit with INFO = 0 if swap was successfully performed. * RETURN * ELSE * * CASE 2: Swap 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 blocks, or 2-by-2 * and 2-by-2 blocks. * * Solve the generalized Sylvester equation * S11 * R - L * S22 = SCALE * S12 * T11 * R - L * T22 = SCALE * T12 * for R and L. Solutions in LI and IR. * CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N1, N2, T( 1, N1+1 ), LDST, LI, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N1, N2, S( 1, N1+1 ), LDST, $ IR( N2+1, N1+1 ), LDST ) CALL DTGSY2( 'N', 0, N1, N2, S, LDST, S( N1+1, N1+1 ), LDST, $ IR( N2+1, N1+1 ), LDST, T, LDST, T( N1+1, N1+1 ), $ LDST, LI, LDST, SCALE, DSUM, DSCALE, IWORK, IDUM, $ LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 * * Compute orthogonal matrix QL: * * QL**T * LI = [ TL ] * [ 0 ] * where * LI = [ -L ] * [ SCALE * identity(N2) ] * DO 10 I = 1, N2 CALL DSCAL( N1, -ONE, LI( 1, I ), 1 ) LI( N1+I, I ) = SCALE 10 CONTINUE CALL DGEQR2( M, N2, LI, LDST, TAUL, WORK, LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 CALL DORG2R( M, M, N2, LI, LDST, TAUL, WORK, LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 * * Compute orthogonal matrix RQ: * * IR * RQ**T = [ 0 TR], * * where IR = [ SCALE * identity(N1), R ] * DO 20 I = 1, N1 IR( N2+I, I ) = SCALE 20 CONTINUE CALL DGERQ2( N1, M, IR( N2+1, 1 ), LDST, TAUR, WORK, LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 CALL DORGR2( M, M, N1, IR, LDST, TAUR, WORK, LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 * * Perform the swapping tentatively: * CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, S, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'T', M, M, M, ONE, WORK, M, IR, LDST, ZERO, S, $ LDST ) CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, T, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'T', M, M, M, ONE, WORK, M, IR, LDST, ZERO, T, $ LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, S, LDST, SCPY, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, T, LDST, TCPY, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, IR, LDST, IRCOP, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, LI, LDST, LICOP, LDST ) * * Triangularize the B-part by an RQ factorization. * Apply transformation (from left) to A-part, giving S. * CALL DGERQ2( M, M, T, LDST, TAUR, WORK, LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 CALL DORMR2( 'R', 'T', M, M, M, T, LDST, TAUR, S, LDST, WORK, $ LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 CALL DORMR2( 'L', 'N', M, M, M, T, LDST, TAUR, IR, LDST, WORK, $ LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 * * Compute F-norm(S21) in BRQA21. (T21 is 0.) * DSCALE = ZERO DSUM = ONE DO 30 I = 1, N2 CALL DLASSQ( N1, S( N2+1, I ), 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) 30 CONTINUE BRQA21 = DSCALE*SQRT( DSUM ) * * Triangularize the B-part by a QR factorization. * Apply transformation (from right) to A-part, giving S. * CALL DGEQR2( M, M, TCPY, LDST, TAUL, WORK, LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 CALL DORM2R( 'L', 'T', M, M, M, TCPY, LDST, TAUL, SCPY, LDST, $ WORK, INFO ) CALL DORM2R( 'R', 'N', M, M, M, TCPY, LDST, TAUL, LICOP, LDST, $ WORK, INFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 * * Compute F-norm(S21) in BQRA21. (T21 is 0.) * DSCALE = ZERO DSUM = ONE DO 40 I = 1, N2 CALL DLASSQ( N1, SCPY( N2+1, I ), 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) 40 CONTINUE BQRA21 = DSCALE*SQRT( DSUM ) * * Decide which method to use. * Weak stability test: * F-norm(S21) <= O(EPS * F-norm((S))) * IF( BQRA21.LE.BRQA21 .AND. BQRA21.LE.THRESHA ) THEN CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, SCPY, LDST, S, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, TCPY, LDST, T, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, IRCOP, LDST, IR, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, LICOP, LDST, LI, LDST ) ELSE IF( BRQA21.GE.THRESHA ) THEN GO TO 70 END IF * * Set lower triangle of B-part to zero * CALL DLASET( 'Lower', M-1, M-1, ZERO, ZERO, T(2,1), LDST ) * IF( WANDS ) THEN * * Strong stability test: * F-norm((A-QL**H*S*QR)) <= O(EPS*F-norm((A))) * and * F-norm((B-QL**H*T*QR)) <= O(EPS*F-norm((B))) * CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, A( J1, J1 ), LDA, WORK( M*M+1 ), $ M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, S, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, -ONE, WORK, M, IR, LDST, ONE, $ WORK( M*M+1 ), M ) DSCALE = ZERO DSUM = ONE CALL DLASSQ( M*M, WORK( M*M+1 ), 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) SA = DSCALE*SQRT( DSUM ) * CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, B( J1, J1 ), LDB, WORK( M*M+1 ), $ M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, T, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, -ONE, WORK, M, IR, LDST, ONE, $ WORK( M*M+1 ), M ) DSCALE = ZERO DSUM = ONE CALL DLASSQ( M*M, WORK( M*M+1 ), 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) SB = DSCALE*SQRT( DSUM ) STRONG = SA.LE.THRESHA .AND. SB.LE.THRESHB IF( .NOT.STRONG ) $ GO TO 70 * END IF * * If the swap is accepted ("weakly" and "strongly"), apply the * transformations and set N1-by-N2 (2,1)-block to zero. * CALL DLASET( 'Full', N1, N2, ZERO, ZERO, S(N2+1,1), LDST ) * * copy back M-by-M diagonal block starting at index J1 of (A, B) * CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, S, LDST, A( J1, J1 ), LDA ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, T, LDST, B( J1, J1 ), LDB ) CALL DLASET( 'Full', LDST, LDST, ZERO, ZERO, T, LDST ) * * Standardize existing 2-by-2 blocks. * CALL DLASET( 'Full', M, M, ZERO, ZERO, WORK, M ) WORK( 1 ) = ONE T( 1, 1 ) = ONE IDUM = LWORK - M*M - 2 IF( N2.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DLAGV2( A( J1, J1 ), LDA, B( J1, J1 ), LDB, AR, AI, BE, $ WORK( 1 ), WORK( 2 ), T( 1, 1 ), T( 2, 1 ) ) WORK( M+1 ) = -WORK( 2 ) WORK( M+2 ) = WORK( 1 ) T( N2, N2 ) = T( 1, 1 ) T( 1, 2 ) = -T( 2, 1 ) END IF WORK( M*M ) = ONE T( M, M ) = ONE * IF( N1.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DLAGV2( A( J1+N2, J1+N2 ), LDA, B( J1+N2, J1+N2 ), LDB, $ TAUR, TAUL, WORK( M*M+1 ), WORK( N2*M+N2+1 ), $ WORK( N2*M+N2+2 ), T( N2+1, N2+1 ), $ T( M, M-1 ) ) WORK( M*M ) = WORK( N2*M+N2+1 ) WORK( M*M-1 ) = -WORK( N2*M+N2+2 ) T( M, M ) = T( N2+1, N2+1 ) T( M-1, M ) = -T( M, M-1 ) END IF CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', N2, N1, N2, ONE, WORK, M, A( J1, J1+N2 ), $ LDA, ZERO, WORK( M*M+1 ), N2 ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N2, N1, WORK( M*M+1 ), N2, A( J1, J1+N2 ), $ LDA ) CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', N2, N1, N2, ONE, WORK, M, B( J1, J1+N2 ), $ LDB, ZERO, WORK( M*M+1 ), N2 ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N2, N1, WORK( M*M+1 ), N2, B( J1, J1+N2 ), $ LDB ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, WORK, M, ZERO, $ WORK( M*M+1 ), M ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, WORK( M*M+1 ), M, LI, LDST ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', N2, N1, N1, ONE, A( J1, J1+N2 ), LDA, $ T( N2+1, N2+1 ), LDST, ZERO, WORK, N2 ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N2, N1, WORK, N2, A( J1, J1+N2 ), LDA ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', N2, N1, N1, ONE, B( J1, J1+N2 ), LDB, $ T( N2+1, N2+1 ), LDST, ZERO, WORK, N2 ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N2, N1, WORK, N2, B( J1, J1+N2 ), LDB ) CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, IR, LDST, T, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, WORK, M, IR, LDST ) * * Accumulate transformations into Q and Z if requested. * IF( WANTQ ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', N, M, M, ONE, Q( 1, J1 ), LDQ, LI, $ LDST, ZERO, WORK, N ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N, M, WORK, N, Q( 1, J1 ), LDQ ) * END IF * IF( WANTZ ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', N, M, M, ONE, Z( 1, J1 ), LDZ, IR, $ LDST, ZERO, WORK, N ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N, M, WORK, N, Z( 1, J1 ), LDZ ) * END IF * * Update (A(J1:J1+M-1, M+J1:N), B(J1:J1+M-1, M+J1:N)) and * (A(1:J1-1, J1:J1+M), B(1:J1-1, J1:J1+M)). * I = J1 + M IF( I.LE.N ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', M, N-I+1, M, ONE, LI, LDST, $ A( J1, I ), LDA, ZERO, WORK, M ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, N-I+1, WORK, M, A( J1, I ), LDA ) CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', M, N-I+1, M, ONE, LI, LDST, $ B( J1, I ), LDB, ZERO, WORK, M ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, N-I+1, WORK, M, B( J1, I ), LDB ) END IF I = J1 - 1 IF( I.GT.0 ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', I, M, M, ONE, A( 1, J1 ), LDA, IR, $ LDST, ZERO, WORK, I ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', I, M, WORK, I, A( 1, J1 ), LDA ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', I, M, M, ONE, B( 1, J1 ), LDB, IR, $ LDST, ZERO, WORK, I ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', I, M, WORK, I, B( 1, J1 ), LDB ) END IF * * Exit with INFO = 0 if swap was successfully performed. * RETURN * END IF * * Exit with INFO = 1 if swap was rejected. * 70 CONTINUE * INFO = 1 RETURN * * End of DTGEX2 * END
! ! Copyright (C) 2004 PWSCF group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or . ! !-------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE calculate_gipaw_orbitals !------------------------------------------------------------ USE ld1_parameters, ONLY : nwfsx USE ld1inc, ONLY : nld, file_logder, zed, grid, & wfc_ae_recon, wfc_ps_recon, nspin, nwftsc, lltsc, enltsc, & nwfs, eltsc, el, nwf, enl, rel, vpot, nbeta, pseudotype, & vpstot, nstoaets, enlts, vnl, lls, betas, ddd, qq, jjs, els, & rcutus, ikk, nwfts, verbosity USE io_global, ONLY : stdout USE kinds, ONLY : dp USE radial_grids, ONLY : ndmx, series IMPLICIT NONE !<apsi> from lderiv.f90 INTEGER :: & lam, & ! the angular momentum nc, & ! counter on logarithmic derivatives is, & ! counter on spin ierr, & ! used for allocation control ios, & ! used for I/O control n,ie ! generic counter real(DP) :: & aux(ndmx), & ! the square of the wavefunction aux_dir(ndmx,2), & ! the square of the wavefunction ze2, & ! the nuclear charge in Ry units e, & ! the eigenvalue j ! total angular momentum for log_der INTEGER :: & nbf ! number of b functions real(DP) :: & jam, & ! the total angular momentum lamsq, & ! combined angular momentum b(0:3),c(4), & ! used for starting guess of the solution b0e, rr1,rr2, & ! auxiliary xl1, x4l6, ddx12, & x6l12, x8l20 real(DP) :: & vaux(ndmx), & ! auxiliary: the potential al(ndmx) ! the known part of the differential equation real(DP), EXTERNAL :: int_0_inf_dr INTEGER :: & ib,jb,iib,jjb, & ! counters on beta functions nst,nstop, & ! auxiliary for integrals ind ! counters on index REAL ( dp ) :: r1, r2, thrdum = 0.0_dp INTEGER :: ns, outer_r_radial_index, n_idx, ik, i, r_write_max_index INTEGER :: ik_stop REAL ( dp ) :: factor, rcut_match, max_val REAL ( dp ) :: wfc_ae_recon2(ndmx,nwfsx) REAL ( dp ) :: wfc_ps_recon2(ndmx,nwfsx) REAL ( dp ) :: de REAL ( dp ), ALLOCATABLE :: f_ae(:), f_ps(:) IF ( verbosity == 'high' ) THEN WRITE ( stdout, '( 3A )' ) & " ------------------------", & " (GI)PAW reconstruction ", & "-------------------------" ENDIF IF ( nld > nwfsx ) & CALL errore ( 'calculate_gipaw_orbitals', 'nld is too large', 1 ) vaux(:) = 0.0_dp ze2=-zed*2.0_dp ! Choose a radius for the normalisation of all-electron wave functions ! In principle the value for radius is arbitrary [apsi] ik_stop = 10 DO n = 1, grid%mesh IF ( grid%r(n) < 1.5 ) ik_stop = n ENDDO DO is=1,nspin DO ns = 1, nwftsc(1) lam = lltsc(ns,1) j = 0.0_dp DO n = 1, grid%mesh IF ( grid%r(n) < 15.0 ) THEN outer_r_radial_index = n ENDIF ENDDO n_idx = -1 IF ( abs ( enltsc(ns,1) ) > 1e-8 ) THEN e = enltsc(ns,1) DO n = 1, nwf IF ( eltsc(ns,1) == el(n) ) THEN n_idx = n ENDIF ENDDO ELSE DO n = 1, nwf IF ( eltsc(ns,1) == el(n) ) THEN e = enl(n) n_idx = n ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF IF ( verbosity == 'high' ) THEN WRITE ( stdout, '( /, 5X, 3A )') "========================= ", & trim(el(n_idx)), & " =========================" WRITE ( stdout, * ) " AE: e(ref), l, n_idx ", e, lam, n_idx ENDIF ! ! integrate outward up to ik_stop ! IF (rel == 1) THEN CALL lschps(3, zed, thrdum, grid, outer_r_radial_index, & 1, lam, e, vpot(1,is), aux, nstop) ELSEIF (rel == 2) THEN CALL dir_outward(ndmx,outer_r_radial_index,lam,j,e,grid%dx,& aux_dir,grid%r,grid%rab,vpot(1,is)) aux(:)=aux_dir(:,1) ELSE CALL intref(lam,e,outer_r_radial_index,grid,vpot(1,is),ze2,aux) ENDIF wfc_ae_recon(:grid%mesh,n_idx) = aux(:grid%mesh) ! Set the maximum to be +-1 wfc_ae_recon(:grid%mesh,n_idx) = wfc_ae_recon(:grid%mesh,n_idx) & / maxval ( abs ( wfc_ae_recon(:ik_stop,n_idx) ) ) ENDDO ENDDO !</apsi> from lderiv.f90 !<apsi> from lderivps.f90 DO is = 1, nspin IF ( .not. rel < 2 ) THEN CALL errore ( 'calculate_gipaw_orbitals', & 'not implemented for rel >= 2', rel ) ENDIF DO ns = 1, nwftsc(1) lam = lltsc(ns,1) jam=0.0_dp xl1=lam+1 x4l6=4*lam+6 x6l12=6*lam+12 x8l20=8*lam+20 ddx12=grid%dx*grid%dx/12.0_dp nst=(lam+1)*2 nbf=nbeta IF (pseudotype == 1) THEN IF (rel < 2 .or. lam == 0 .or. abs(jam-lam+0.5_dp) < 0.001_dp) THEN ind=1 ELSEIF (rel==2 .and. lam>0 .and. abs(jam-lam-0.5_dp)<0.001_dp) THEN ind=2 ENDIF DO n=1,grid%mesh vaux(n) = vpstot(n,is) + vnl(n,lam,ind) ENDDO nbf=0.0 ELSE DO n=1,grid%mesh vaux(n) = vpstot(n,is) ENDDO ENDIF DO n=1,4 al(n)=vaux(n)-ze2/grid%r(n) ENDDO CALL series(al,grid%r,grid%r2,b) IF ( abs ( enltsc(ns,1) ) > 1e-8 ) THEN e = enltsc(ns,1) ELSE e = enlts(ns) ENDIF DO n = 1, nwftsc(1) IF ( eltsc(n,1) == el(nstoaets(ns)) ) THEN n_idx = n ENDIF ENDDO IF ( verbosity == 'high' ) THEN WRITE ( stdout, '( /, 5X, 3A )' ) "========================= ", & trim(eltsc(ns,1)), & " =========================" WRITE ( stdout, * ) " PS: e(ref), e(eig), n_idx ", & e, enlts(ns), n_idx ENDIF rcut_match = -1.0_dp DO n = 1, nwfs ! If this one has already a core radius... IF ( els(n) == el(nstoaets(ns)) ) THEN rcut_match = rcutus(n) ENDIF ENDDO IF ( rcut_match < 0.0_dp ) THEN DO n = 1, nwfs ! If there is one with the same l... IF ( lltsc(ns,1) == lls(n) ) THEN rcut_match = rcutus(n) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF IF ( rcut_match < 0.0_dp ) THEN max_val = -1.0_dp DO n = 1, grid%mesh IF ( grid%r(n) < 5.0_dp & .and. abs ( wfc_ae_recon(n,n_idx) ) > max_val ) THEN rcut_match = grid%r(n) max_val = abs ( wfc_ae_recon(n,n_idx) ) ENDIF ENDDO ! In case over divergence rcut_match = min ( rcut_match, 5.0_dp ) ENDIF ik = 10 DO n = 1, grid%mesh IF ( grid%r(n) < rcut_match ) ik = n ENDDO IF ( verbosity == 'high' ) THEN WRITE ( stdout, * ) " r(cut): ", rcut_match, ik, outer_r_radial_index ENDIF DO n = 1, grid%mesh IF ( grid%r(n) < 15.0 ) THEN outer_r_radial_index = n ENDIF ENDDO lamsq=(lam+0.5_dp)**2 ! ! b) find the value of solution s in the first two points ! b0e=b(0)-e c(1)=0.5_dp*ze2/xl1 c(2)=(c(1)*ze2+b0e)/x4l6 c(3)=(c(2)*ze2+c(1)*b0e+b(1))/x6l12 c(4)=(c(3)*ze2+c(2)*b0e+c(1)*b(1)+b(2))/x8l20 r1 = grid%r(1) r2 = grid%r(2) rr1=(1.0_dp+r1*(c(1)+r1*(c(2)+r1*(c(3)+r1*c(4)))))*r1**(lam+1) rr2=(1.0_dp+r2*(c(1)+r2*(c(2)+r2*(c(3)+r2*c(4)))))*r2**(lam+1) aux(1)=rr1/grid%sqr(1) aux(2)=rr2/grid%sqr(2) DO n=1,grid%mesh al(n)=( (vaux(n)-e)*grid%r2(n) + lamsq )*ddx12 al(n)=1.0_dp-al(n) ENDDO CALL integrate_outward (lam,jam,e,grid%mesh,ndmx,grid,al,b,aux, & betas,ddd,qq,nbf,nwfsx,lls,jjs,ikk,outer_r_radial_index) wfc_ps_recon(:grid%mesh,n_idx) = aux(:grid%mesh) & * sqrt ( grid%r(:grid%mesh) ) DO n = 1, grid%mesh IF ( grid%r(n) > 5.0 ) exit ENDDO IF ( abs ( wfc_ps_recon(ik,n_idx) ) < 1e-5 ) THEN WRITE ( stdout, * ) " Warning: ", wfc_ps_recon(ik,n_idx), ns CALL errore ( "calculate_gipaw_orbitals", & "safer to stop here...", ik ) ENDIF factor = wfc_ae_recon(ik,nstoaets(n_idx)) / wfc_ps_recon(ik,n_idx) wfc_ps_recon(:grid%mesh,n_idx) = wfc_ps_recon(:grid%mesh,n_idx) & * factor IF ( verbosity == 'high' ) THEN WRITE ( stdout, * ) " SCALE: ", & wfc_ae_recon(ik,nstoaets(n_idx)) & / wfc_ps_recon(ik,n_idx), grid%r(ik), factor WRITE ( stdout, * ) " SCALE: ", & wfc_ae_recon(ik+5,nstoaets(n_idx)) & / wfc_ps_recon(ik+5,n_idx),grid%r(ik+5) ALLOCATE ( f_ae(grid%mesh), f_ps(grid%mesh) ) f_ae = wfc_ae_recon(:grid%mesh,nstoaets(n_idx)) ** 2 f_ps = wfc_ps_recon(:grid%mesh,n_idx) ** 2 ! Test the norm nst = ( lam + 1 ) * 2 IF ( verbosity == 'high' ) THEN WRITE ( stdout, '(A,3F12.8)' ) " NORM: ", & int_0_inf_dr ( f_ae, grid, ik, nst ), & int_0_inf_dr ( f_ps, grid, ik, nst ) ENDIF DEALLOCATE ( f_ae, f_ps ) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO !</apsi> from lderivps.f90 IF ( verbosity == 'high' ) THEN WRITE ( stdout, '( 3A )' ) & " ---------------------", & " End of (GI)PAW reconstruction ", & "---------------------" ENDIF END SUBROUTINE calculate_gipaw_orbitals
*> \brief \b SPPEQU * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download SPPEQU + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE SPPEQU( UPLO, N, AP, S, SCOND, AMAX, INFO ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * CHARACTER UPLO * INTEGER INFO, N * REAL AMAX, SCOND * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * REAL AP( * ), S( * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> SPPEQU computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a *> symmetric positive definite matrix A in packed storage and reduce *> its condition number (with respect to the two-norm). S contains the *> scale factors, S(i)=1/sqrt(A(i,i)), chosen so that the scaled matrix *> B with elements B(i,j)=S(i)*A(i,j)*S(j) has ones on the diagonal. *> This choice of S puts the condition number of B within a factor N of *> the smallest possible condition number over all possible diagonal *> scalings. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] UPLO *> \verbatim *> UPLO is CHARACTER*1 *> = 'U': Upper triangle of A is stored; *> = 'L': Lower triangle of A is stored. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] AP *> \verbatim *> AP is REAL array, dimension (N*(N+1)/2) *> The upper or lower triangle of the symmetric matrix A, packed *> columnwise in a linear array. The j-th column of A is stored *> in the array AP as follows: *> if UPLO = 'U', AP(i + (j-1)*j/2) = A(i,j) for 1<=i<=j; *> if UPLO = 'L', AP(i + (j-1)*(2n-j)/2) = A(i,j) for j<=i<=n. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] S *> \verbatim *> S is REAL array, dimension (N) *> If INFO = 0, S contains the scale factors for A. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] SCOND *> \verbatim *> SCOND is REAL *> If INFO = 0, S contains the ratio of the smallest S(i) to *> the largest S(i). If SCOND >= 0.1 and AMAX is neither too *> large nor too small, it is not worth scaling by S. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] AMAX *> \verbatim *> AMAX is REAL *> Absolute value of largest matrix element. If AMAX is very *> close to overflow or very close to underflow, the matrix *> should be scaled. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] INFO *> \verbatim *> INFO is INTEGER *> = 0: successful exit *> < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value *> > 0: if INFO = i, the i-th diagonal element is nonpositive. *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \ingroup realOTHERcomputational * * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE SPPEQU( UPLO, N, AP, S, SCOND, AMAX, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK computational routine -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER INFO, N REAL AMAX, SCOND * .. * .. Array Arguments .. REAL AP( * ), S( * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E+0, ZERO = 0.0E+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL UPPER INTEGER I, JJ REAL SMIN * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 UPPER = LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) IF( .NOT.UPPER .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'SPPEQU', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) THEN SCOND = ONE AMAX = ZERO RETURN END IF * * Initialize SMIN and AMAX. * S( 1 ) = AP( 1 ) SMIN = S( 1 ) AMAX = S( 1 ) * IF( UPPER ) THEN * * UPLO = 'U': Upper triangle of A is stored. * Find the minimum and maximum diagonal elements. * JJ = 1 DO 10 I = 2, N JJ = JJ + I S( I ) = AP( JJ ) SMIN = MIN( SMIN, S( I ) ) AMAX = MAX( AMAX, S( I ) ) 10 CONTINUE * ELSE * * UPLO = 'L': Lower triangle of A is stored. * Find the minimum and maximum diagonal elements. * JJ = 1 DO 20 I = 2, N JJ = JJ + N - I + 2 S( I ) = AP( JJ ) SMIN = MIN( SMIN, S( I ) ) AMAX = MAX( AMAX, S( I ) ) 20 CONTINUE END IF * IF( SMIN.LE.ZERO ) THEN * * Find the first non-positive diagonal element and return. * DO 30 I = 1, N IF( S( I ).LE.ZERO ) THEN INFO = I RETURN END IF 30 CONTINUE ELSE * * Set the scale factors to the reciprocals * of the diagonal elements. * DO 40 I = 1, N S( I ) = ONE / SQRT( S( I ) ) 40 CONTINUE * * Compute SCOND = min(S(I)) / max(S(I)) * SCOND = SQRT( SMIN ) / SQRT( AMAX ) END IF RETURN * * End of SPPEQU * END
*> \brief \b ZLA_GBRFSX_EXTENDED improves the computed solution to a system of linear equations for general banded matrices by performing extra-precise iterative refinement and provides error bounds and backward error estimates for the solution. * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download ZLA_GBRFSX_EXTENDED + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE ZLA_GBRFSX_EXTENDED( PREC_TYPE, TRANS_TYPE, N, KL, KU, * NRHS, AB, LDAB, AFB, LDAFB, IPIV, * COLEQU, C, B, LDB, Y, LDY, * BERR_OUT, N_NORMS, ERR_BNDS_NORM, * ERR_BNDS_COMP, RES, AYB, DY, * Y_TAIL, RCOND, ITHRESH, RTHRESH, * DZ_UB, IGNORE_CWISE, INFO ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * INTEGER INFO, LDAB, LDAFB, LDB, LDY, N, KL, KU, NRHS, * $ PREC_TYPE, TRANS_TYPE, N_NORMS, ITHRESH * LOGICAL COLEQU, IGNORE_CWISE * DOUBLE PRECISION RTHRESH, DZ_UB * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * INTEGER IPIV( * ) * COMPLEX*16 AB( LDAB, * ), AFB( LDAFB, * ), B( LDB, * ), * $ Y( LDY, * ), RES( * ), DY( * ), Y_TAIL( * ) * DOUBLE PRECISION C( * ), AYB(*), RCOND, BERR_OUT( * ), * $ ERR_BNDS_NORM( NRHS, * ), * $ ERR_BNDS_COMP( NRHS, * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> ZLA_GBRFSX_EXTENDED improves the computed solution to a system of *> linear equations by performing extra-precise iterative refinement *> and provides error bounds and backward error estimates for the solution. *> This subroutine is called by ZGBRFSX to perform iterative refinement. *> In addition to normwise error bound, the code provides maximum *> componentwise error bound if possible. See comments for ERR_BNDS_NORM *> and ERR_BNDS_COMP for details of the error bounds. Note that this *> subroutine is only responsible for setting the second fields of *> ERR_BNDS_NORM and ERR_BNDS_COMP. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] PREC_TYPE *> \verbatim *> PREC_TYPE is INTEGER *> Specifies the intermediate precision to be used in refinement. *> The value is defined by ILAPREC(P) where P is a CHARACTER and P *> = 'S': Single *> = 'D': Double *> = 'I': Indigenous *> = 'X' or 'E': Extra *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] TRANS_TYPE *> \verbatim *> TRANS_TYPE is INTEGER *> Specifies the transposition operation on A. *> The value is defined by ILATRANS(T) where T is a CHARACTER and T *> = 'N': No transpose *> = 'T': Transpose *> = 'C': Conjugate transpose *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The number of linear equations, i.e., the order of the *> matrix A. N >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] KL *> \verbatim *> KL is INTEGER *> The number of subdiagonals within the band of A. KL >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] KU *> \verbatim *> KU is INTEGER *> The number of superdiagonals within the band of A. KU >= 0 *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] NRHS *> \verbatim *> NRHS is INTEGER *> The number of right-hand-sides, i.e., the number of columns of the *> matrix B. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] AB *> \verbatim *> AB is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDAB,N) *> On entry, the N-by-N matrix A. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDAB *> \verbatim *> LDAB is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array A. LDAB >= max(1,N). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] AFB *> \verbatim *> AFB is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDAF,N) *> The factors L and U from the factorization *> A = P*L*U as computed by ZGBTRF. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDAFB *> \verbatim *> LDAFB is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array AF. LDAF >= max(1,N). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] IPIV *> \verbatim *> IPIV is INTEGER array, dimension (N) *> The pivot indices from the factorization A = P*L*U *> as computed by ZGBTRF; row i of the matrix was interchanged *> with row IPIV(i). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] COLEQU *> \verbatim *> COLEQU is LOGICAL *> If .TRUE. then column equilibration was done to A before calling *> this routine. This is needed to compute the solution and error *> bounds correctly. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] C *> \verbatim *> C is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) *> The column scale factors for A. If COLEQU = .FALSE., C *> is not accessed. If C is input, each element of C should be a power *> of the radix to ensure a reliable solution and error estimates. *> Scaling by powers of the radix does not cause rounding errors unless *> the result underflows or overflows. Rounding errors during scaling *> lead to refining with a matrix that is not equivalent to the *> input matrix, producing error estimates that may not be *> reliable. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] B *> \verbatim *> B is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDB,NRHS) *> The right-hand-side matrix B. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDB *> \verbatim *> LDB is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] Y *> \verbatim *> Y is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDY,NRHS) *> On entry, the solution matrix X, as computed by ZGBTRS. *> On exit, the improved solution matrix Y. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDY *> \verbatim *> LDY is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array Y. LDY >= max(1,N). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] BERR_OUT *> \verbatim *> BERR_OUT is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (NRHS) *> On exit, BERR_OUT(j) contains the componentwise relative backward *> error for right-hand-side j from the formula *> max(i) ( abs(RES(i)) / ( abs(op(A_s))*abs(Y) + abs(B_s) )(i) ) *> where abs(Z) is the componentwise absolute value of the matrix *> or vector Z. This is computed by ZLA_LIN_BERR. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N_NORMS *> \verbatim *> N_NORMS is INTEGER *> Determines which error bounds to return (see ERR_BNDS_NORM *> and ERR_BNDS_COMP). *> If N_NORMS >= 1 return normwise error bounds. *> If N_NORMS >= 2 return componentwise error bounds. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] ERR_BNDS_NORM *> \verbatim *> ERR_BNDS_NORM is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (NRHS, N_ERR_BNDS) *> For each right-hand side, this array contains information about *> various error bounds and condition numbers corresponding to the *> normwise relative error, which is defined as follows: *> *> Normwise relative error in the ith solution vector: *> max_j (abs(XTRUE(j,i) - X(j,i))) *> ------------------------------ *> max_j abs(X(j,i)) *> *> The array is indexed by the type of error information as described *> below. There currently are up to three pieces of information *> returned. *> *> The first index in ERR_BNDS_NORM(i,:) corresponds to the ith *> right-hand side. *> *> The second index in ERR_BNDS_NORM(:,err) contains the following *> three fields: *> err = 1 "Trust/don't trust" boolean. Trust the answer if the *> reciprocal condition number is less than the threshold *> sqrt(n) * slamch('Epsilon'). *> *> err = 2 "Guaranteed" error bound: The estimated forward error, *> almost certainly within a factor of 10 of the true error *> so long as the next entry is greater than the threshold *> sqrt(n) * slamch('Epsilon'). This error bound should only *> be trusted if the previous boolean is true. *> *> err = 3 Reciprocal condition number: Estimated normwise *> reciprocal condition number. Compared with the threshold *> sqrt(n) * slamch('Epsilon') to determine if the error *> estimate is "guaranteed". These reciprocal condition *> numbers are 1 / (norm(Z^{-1},inf) * norm(Z,inf)) for some *> appropriately scaled matrix Z. *> Let Z = S*A, where S scales each row by a power of the *> radix so all absolute row sums of Z are approximately 1. *> *> This subroutine is only responsible for setting the second field *> above. *> See Lapack Working Note 165 for further details and extra *> cautions. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] ERR_BNDS_COMP *> \verbatim *> ERR_BNDS_COMP is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (NRHS, N_ERR_BNDS) *> For each right-hand side, this array contains information about *> various error bounds and condition numbers corresponding to the *> componentwise relative error, which is defined as follows: *> *> Componentwise relative error in the ith solution vector: *> abs(XTRUE(j,i) - X(j,i)) *> max_j ---------------------- *> abs(X(j,i)) *> *> The array is indexed by the right-hand side i (on which the *> componentwise relative error depends), and the type of error *> information as described below. There currently are up to three *> pieces of information returned for each right-hand side. If *> componentwise accuracy is not requested (PARAMS(3) = 0.0), then *> ERR_BNDS_COMP is not accessed. If N_ERR_BNDS < 3, then at most *> the first (:,N_ERR_BNDS) entries are returned. *> *> The first index in ERR_BNDS_COMP(i,:) corresponds to the ith *> right-hand side. *> *> The second index in ERR_BNDS_COMP(:,err) contains the following *> three fields: *> err = 1 "Trust/don't trust" boolean. Trust the answer if the *> reciprocal condition number is less than the threshold *> sqrt(n) * slamch('Epsilon'). *> *> err = 2 "Guaranteed" error bound: The estimated forward error, *> almost certainly within a factor of 10 of the true error *> so long as the next entry is greater than the threshold *> sqrt(n) * slamch('Epsilon'). This error bound should only *> be trusted if the previous boolean is true. *> *> err = 3 Reciprocal condition number: Estimated componentwise *> reciprocal condition number. Compared with the threshold *> sqrt(n) * slamch('Epsilon') to determine if the error *> estimate is "guaranteed". These reciprocal condition *> numbers are 1 / (norm(Z^{-1},inf) * norm(Z,inf)) for some *> appropriately scaled matrix Z. *> Let Z = S*(A*diag(x)), where x is the solution for the *> current right-hand side and S scales each row of *> A*diag(x) by a power of the radix so all absolute row *> sums of Z are approximately 1. *> *> This subroutine is only responsible for setting the second field *> above. *> See Lapack Working Note 165 for further details and extra *> cautions. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] RES *> \verbatim *> RES is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (N) *> Workspace to hold the intermediate residual. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] AYB *> \verbatim *> AYB is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) *> Workspace. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] DY *> \verbatim *> DY is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (N) *> Workspace to hold the intermediate solution. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] Y_TAIL *> \verbatim *> Y_TAIL is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (N) *> Workspace to hold the trailing bits of the intermediate solution. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] RCOND *> \verbatim *> RCOND is DOUBLE PRECISION *> Reciprocal scaled condition number. This is an estimate of the *> reciprocal Skeel condition number of the matrix A after *> equilibration (if done). If this is less than the machine *> precision (in particular, if it is zero), the matrix is singular *> to working precision. Note that the error may still be small even *> if this number is very small and the matrix appears ill- *> conditioned. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] ITHRESH *> \verbatim *> ITHRESH is INTEGER *> The maximum number of residual computations allowed for *> refinement. The default is 10. For 'aggressive' set to 100 to *> permit convergence using approximate factorizations or *> factorizations other than LU. If the factorization uses a *> technique other than Gaussian elimination, the guarantees in *> ERR_BNDS_NORM and ERR_BNDS_COMP may no longer be trustworthy. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] RTHRESH *> \verbatim *> RTHRESH is DOUBLE PRECISION *> Determines when to stop refinement if the error estimate stops *> decreasing. Refinement will stop when the next solution no longer *> satisfies norm(dx_{i+1}) < RTHRESH * norm(dx_i) where norm(Z) is *> the infinity norm of Z. RTHRESH satisfies 0 < RTHRESH <= 1. The *> default value is 0.5. For 'aggressive' set to 0.9 to permit *> convergence on extremely ill-conditioned matrices. See LAWN 165 *> for more details. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] DZ_UB *> \verbatim *> DZ_UB is DOUBLE PRECISION *> Determines when to start considering componentwise convergence. *> Componentwise convergence is only considered after each component *> of the solution Y is stable, which we define as the relative *> change in each component being less than DZ_UB. The default value *> is 0.25, requiring the first bit to be stable. See LAWN 165 for *> more details. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] IGNORE_CWISE *> \verbatim *> IGNORE_CWISE is LOGICAL *> If .TRUE. then ignore componentwise convergence. Default value *> is .FALSE.. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] INFO *> \verbatim *> INFO is INTEGER *> = 0: Successful exit. *> < 0: if INFO = -i, the ith argument to ZGBTRS had an illegal *> value *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \ingroup complex16GBcomputational * * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE ZLA_GBRFSX_EXTENDED( PREC_TYPE, TRANS_TYPE, N, KL, KU, $ NRHS, AB, LDAB, AFB, LDAFB, IPIV, $ COLEQU, C, B, LDB, Y, LDY, $ BERR_OUT, N_NORMS, ERR_BNDS_NORM, $ ERR_BNDS_COMP, RES, AYB, DY, $ Y_TAIL, RCOND, ITHRESH, RTHRESH, $ DZ_UB, IGNORE_CWISE, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK computational routine -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDAB, LDAFB, LDB, LDY, N, KL, KU, NRHS, $ PREC_TYPE, TRANS_TYPE, N_NORMS, ITHRESH LOGICAL COLEQU, IGNORE_CWISE DOUBLE PRECISION RTHRESH, DZ_UB * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPIV( * ) COMPLEX*16 AB( LDAB, * ), AFB( LDAFB, * ), B( LDB, * ), $ Y( LDY, * ), RES( * ), DY( * ), Y_TAIL( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION C( * ), AYB(*), RCOND, BERR_OUT( * ), $ ERR_BNDS_NORM( NRHS, * ), $ ERR_BNDS_COMP( NRHS, * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. CHARACTER TRANS INTEGER CNT, I, J, M, X_STATE, Z_STATE, Y_PREC_STATE DOUBLE PRECISION YK, DYK, YMIN, NORMY, NORMX, NORMDX, DXRAT, $ DZRAT, PREVNORMDX, PREV_DZ_Z, DXRATMAX, $ DZRATMAX, DX_X, DZ_Z, FINAL_DX_X, FINAL_DZ_Z, $ EPS, HUGEVAL, INCR_THRESH LOGICAL INCR_PREC COMPLEX*16 ZDUM * .. * .. Parameters .. INTEGER UNSTABLE_STATE, WORKING_STATE, CONV_STATE, $ NOPROG_STATE, BASE_RESIDUAL, EXTRA_RESIDUAL, $ EXTRA_Y PARAMETER ( UNSTABLE_STATE = 0, WORKING_STATE = 1, $ CONV_STATE = 2, NOPROG_STATE = 3 ) PARAMETER ( BASE_RESIDUAL = 0, EXTRA_RESIDUAL = 1, $ EXTRA_Y = 2 ) INTEGER FINAL_NRM_ERR_I, FINAL_CMP_ERR_I, BERR_I INTEGER RCOND_I, NRM_RCOND_I, NRM_ERR_I, CMP_RCOND_I INTEGER CMP_ERR_I, PIV_GROWTH_I PARAMETER ( FINAL_NRM_ERR_I = 1, FINAL_CMP_ERR_I = 2, $ BERR_I = 3 ) PARAMETER ( RCOND_I = 4, NRM_RCOND_I = 5, NRM_ERR_I = 6 ) PARAMETER ( CMP_RCOND_I = 7, CMP_ERR_I = 8, $ PIV_GROWTH_I = 9 ) INTEGER LA_LINRX_ITREF_I, LA_LINRX_ITHRESH_I, $ LA_LINRX_CWISE_I PARAMETER ( LA_LINRX_ITREF_I = 1, $ LA_LINRX_ITHRESH_I = 2 ) PARAMETER ( LA_LINRX_CWISE_I = 3 ) INTEGER LA_LINRX_TRUST_I, LA_LINRX_ERR_I, $ LA_LINRX_RCOND_I PARAMETER ( LA_LINRX_TRUST_I = 1, LA_LINRX_ERR_I = 2 ) PARAMETER ( LA_LINRX_RCOND_I = 3 ) * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ZAXPY, ZCOPY, ZGBTRS, ZGBMV, BLAS_ZGBMV_X, $ BLAS_ZGBMV2_X, ZLA_GBAMV, ZLA_WWADDW, DLAMCH, $ CHLA_TRANSTYPE, ZLA_LIN_BERR DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH CHARACTER CHLA_TRANSTYPE * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions.. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN * .. * .. Statement Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION CABS1 * .. * .. Statement Function Definitions .. CABS1( ZDUM ) = ABS( DBLE( ZDUM ) ) + ABS( DIMAG( ZDUM ) ) * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF (INFO.NE.0) RETURN TRANS = CHLA_TRANSTYPE(TRANS_TYPE) EPS = DLAMCH( 'Epsilon' ) HUGEVAL = DLAMCH( 'Overflow' ) * Force HUGEVAL to Inf HUGEVAL = HUGEVAL * HUGEVAL * Using HUGEVAL may lead to spurious underflows. INCR_THRESH = DBLE( N ) * EPS M = KL+KU+1 DO J = 1, NRHS Y_PREC_STATE = EXTRA_RESIDUAL IF ( Y_PREC_STATE .EQ. EXTRA_Y ) THEN DO I = 1, N Y_TAIL( I ) = 0.0D+0 END DO END IF DXRAT = 0.0D+0 DXRATMAX = 0.0D+0 DZRAT = 0.0D+0 DZRATMAX = 0.0D+0 FINAL_DX_X = HUGEVAL FINAL_DZ_Z = HUGEVAL PREVNORMDX = HUGEVAL PREV_DZ_Z = HUGEVAL DZ_Z = HUGEVAL DX_X = HUGEVAL X_STATE = WORKING_STATE Z_STATE = UNSTABLE_STATE INCR_PREC = .FALSE. DO CNT = 1, ITHRESH * * Compute residual RES = B_s - op(A_s) * Y, * op(A) = A, A**T, or A**H depending on TRANS (and type). * CALL ZCOPY( N, B( 1, J ), 1, RES, 1 ) IF ( Y_PREC_STATE .EQ. BASE_RESIDUAL ) THEN CALL ZGBMV( TRANS, M, N, KL, KU, (-1.0D+0,0.0D+0), AB, $ LDAB, Y( 1, J ), 1, (1.0D+0,0.0D+0), RES, 1 ) ELSE IF ( Y_PREC_STATE .EQ. EXTRA_RESIDUAL ) THEN CALL BLAS_ZGBMV_X( TRANS_TYPE, N, N, KL, KU, $ (-1.0D+0,0.0D+0), AB, LDAB, Y( 1, J ), 1, $ (1.0D+0,0.0D+0), RES, 1, PREC_TYPE ) ELSE CALL BLAS_ZGBMV2_X( TRANS_TYPE, N, N, KL, KU, $ (-1.0D+0,0.0D+0), AB, LDAB, Y( 1, J ), Y_TAIL, 1, $ (1.0D+0,0.0D+0), RES, 1, PREC_TYPE ) END IF ! XXX: RES is no longer needed. CALL ZCOPY( N, RES, 1, DY, 1 ) CALL ZGBTRS( TRANS, N, KL, KU, 1, AFB, LDAFB, IPIV, DY, N, $ INFO ) * * Calculate relative changes DX_X, DZ_Z and ratios DXRAT, DZRAT. * NORMX = 0.0D+0 NORMY = 0.0D+0 NORMDX = 0.0D+0 DZ_Z = 0.0D+0 YMIN = HUGEVAL DO I = 1, N YK = CABS1( Y( I, J ) ) DYK = CABS1( DY( I ) ) IF (YK .NE. 0.0D+0) THEN DZ_Z = MAX( DZ_Z, DYK / YK ) ELSE IF ( DYK .NE. 0.0D+0 ) THEN DZ_Z = HUGEVAL END IF YMIN = MIN( YMIN, YK ) NORMY = MAX( NORMY, YK ) IF ( COLEQU ) THEN NORMX = MAX( NORMX, YK * C( I ) ) NORMDX = MAX(NORMDX, DYK * C(I)) ELSE NORMX = NORMY NORMDX = MAX( NORMDX, DYK ) END IF END DO IF ( NORMX .NE. 0.0D+0 ) THEN DX_X = NORMDX / NORMX ELSE IF ( NORMDX .EQ. 0.0D+0 ) THEN DX_X = 0.0D+0 ELSE DX_X = HUGEVAL END IF DXRAT = NORMDX / PREVNORMDX DZRAT = DZ_Z / PREV_DZ_Z * * Check termination criteria. * IF (.NOT.IGNORE_CWISE $ .AND. YMIN*RCOND .LT. INCR_THRESH*NORMY $ .AND. Y_PREC_STATE .LT. EXTRA_Y ) $ INCR_PREC = .TRUE. IF ( X_STATE .EQ. NOPROG_STATE .AND. DXRAT .LE. RTHRESH ) $ X_STATE = WORKING_STATE IF ( X_STATE .EQ. WORKING_STATE ) THEN IF ( DX_X .LE. EPS ) THEN X_STATE = CONV_STATE ELSE IF ( DXRAT .GT. RTHRESH ) THEN IF ( Y_PREC_STATE .NE. EXTRA_Y ) THEN INCR_PREC = .TRUE. ELSE X_STATE = NOPROG_STATE END IF ELSE IF ( DXRAT .GT. DXRATMAX ) DXRATMAX = DXRAT END IF IF ( X_STATE .GT. WORKING_STATE ) FINAL_DX_X = DX_X END IF IF ( Z_STATE .EQ. UNSTABLE_STATE .AND. DZ_Z .LE. DZ_UB ) $ Z_STATE = WORKING_STATE IF ( Z_STATE .EQ. NOPROG_STATE .AND. DZRAT .LE. RTHRESH ) $ Z_STATE = WORKING_STATE IF ( Z_STATE .EQ. WORKING_STATE ) THEN IF ( DZ_Z .LE. EPS ) THEN Z_STATE = CONV_STATE ELSE IF ( DZ_Z .GT. DZ_UB ) THEN Z_STATE = UNSTABLE_STATE DZRATMAX = 0.0D+0 FINAL_DZ_Z = HUGEVAL ELSE IF ( DZRAT .GT. RTHRESH ) THEN IF ( Y_PREC_STATE .NE. EXTRA_Y ) THEN INCR_PREC = .TRUE. ELSE Z_STATE = NOPROG_STATE END IF ELSE IF ( DZRAT .GT. DZRATMAX ) DZRATMAX = DZRAT END IF IF ( Z_STATE .GT. WORKING_STATE ) FINAL_DZ_Z = DZ_Z END IF * * Exit if both normwise and componentwise stopped working, * but if componentwise is unstable, let it go at least two * iterations. * IF ( X_STATE.NE.WORKING_STATE ) THEN IF ( IGNORE_CWISE ) GOTO 666 IF ( Z_STATE.EQ.NOPROG_STATE .OR. Z_STATE.EQ.CONV_STATE ) $ GOTO 666 IF ( Z_STATE.EQ.UNSTABLE_STATE .AND. CNT.GT.1 ) GOTO 666 END IF IF ( INCR_PREC ) THEN INCR_PREC = .FALSE. Y_PREC_STATE = Y_PREC_STATE + 1 DO I = 1, N Y_TAIL( I ) = 0.0D+0 END DO END IF PREVNORMDX = NORMDX PREV_DZ_Z = DZ_Z * * Update soluton. * IF ( Y_PREC_STATE .LT. EXTRA_Y ) THEN CALL ZAXPY( N, (1.0D+0,0.0D+0), DY, 1, Y(1,J), 1 ) ELSE CALL ZLA_WWADDW( N, Y(1,J), Y_TAIL, DY ) END IF END DO * Target of "IF (Z_STOP .AND. X_STOP)". Sun's f77 won't EXIT. 666 CONTINUE * * Set final_* when cnt hits ithresh. * IF ( X_STATE .EQ. WORKING_STATE ) FINAL_DX_X = DX_X IF ( Z_STATE .EQ. WORKING_STATE ) FINAL_DZ_Z = DZ_Z * * Compute error bounds. * IF ( N_NORMS .GE. 1 ) THEN ERR_BNDS_NORM( J, LA_LINRX_ERR_I ) = $ FINAL_DX_X / (1 - DXRATMAX) END IF IF ( N_NORMS .GE. 2 ) THEN ERR_BNDS_COMP( J, LA_LINRX_ERR_I ) = $ FINAL_DZ_Z / (1 - DZRATMAX) END IF * * Compute componentwise relative backward error from formula * max(i) ( abs(R(i)) / ( abs(op(A_s))*abs(Y) + abs(B_s) )(i) ) * where abs(Z) is the componentwise absolute value of the matrix * or vector Z. * * Compute residual RES = B_s - op(A_s) * Y, * op(A) = A, A**T, or A**H depending on TRANS (and type). * CALL ZCOPY( N, B( 1, J ), 1, RES, 1 ) CALL ZGBMV( TRANS, N, N, KL, KU, (-1.0D+0,0.0D+0), AB, LDAB, $ Y(1,J), 1, (1.0D+0,0.0D+0), RES, 1 ) DO I = 1, N AYB( I ) = CABS1( B( I, J ) ) END DO * * Compute abs(op(A_s))*abs(Y) + abs(B_s). * CALL ZLA_GBAMV( TRANS_TYPE, N, N, KL, KU, 1.0D+0, $ AB, LDAB, Y(1, J), 1, 1.0D+0, AYB, 1 ) CALL ZLA_LIN_BERR( N, N, 1, RES, AYB, BERR_OUT( J ) ) * * End of loop for each RHS. * END DO * RETURN * * End of ZLA_GBRFSX_EXTENDED * END
SUBROUTINE cumfnc(f,dfn,dfd,pnonc,cum,ccum) C********************************************************************** C C F -NON- -C-ENTRAL F DISTRIBUTION C C C C Function C C C COMPUTES NONCENTRAL F DISTRIBUTION WITH DFN AND DFD C DEGREES OF FREEDOM AND NONCENTRALITY PARAMETER PNONC C C C Arguments C C C X --> UPPER LIMIT OF INTEGRATION OF NONCENTRAL F IN EQUATION C C DFN --> DEGREES OF FREEDOM OF NUMERATOR C C DFD --> DEGREES OF FREEDOM OF DENOMINATOR C C PNONC --> NONCENTRALITY PARAMETER. C C CUM <-- CUMULATIVE NONCENTRAL F DISTRIBUTION C C CCUM <-- COMPLIMENT OF CUMMULATIVE C C C Method C C C USES FORMULA 26.6.20 OF REFERENCE FOR INFINITE SERIES. C SERIES IS CALCULATED BACKWARD AND FORWARD FROM J = LAMBDA/2 C (THIS IS THE TERM WITH THE LARGEST POISSON WEIGHT) UNTIL C THE CONVERGENCE CRITERION IS MET. C C FOR SPEED, THE INCOMPLETE BETA FUNCTIONS ARE EVALUATED C BY FORMULA 26.5.16. C C C REFERENCE C C C HANDBOOD OF MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS C EDITED BY MILTON ABRAMOWITZ AND IRENE A. STEGUN C NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS APPLIED MATEMATICS SERIES - 55 C MARCH 1965 C P 947, EQUATIONS 26.6.17, 26.6.18 C C C Note C C C THE SUM CONTINUES UNTIL A SUCCEEDING TERM IS LESS THAN EPS C TIMES THE SUM (OR THE SUM IS LESS THAN 1.0E-20). EPS IS C SET TO 1.0E-4 IN A DATA STATEMENT WHICH CAN BE CHANGED. C C********************************************************************** C .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION dfd,dfn,pnonc,f,cum,ccum C .. C .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION dsum,dummy,prod,xx,yy DOUBLE PRECISION adn,aup,b,betdn,betup,centwt,dnterm,eps,sum, + upterm,xmult,xnonc,x,abstol INTEGER i,icent,ierr C .. C .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION alngam EXTERNAL alngam C .. C .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC log,dble,exp C .. C .. Statement Functions .. LOGICAL qsmall C .. C .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL bratio,cumf C .. C .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION half PARAMETER (half=0.5D0) DOUBLE PRECISION done PARAMETER (done=1.0D0) C .. C .. Data statements .. DATA eps/1.0D-4/ DATA abstol/1.0D-300/ C .. C .. Statement Function definitions .. qsmall(x) = sum .LT. abstol .OR. x .LT. eps*sum C .. C .. Executable Statements .. C IF (.NOT. (f.LE.0.0D0)) GO TO 10 cum = 0.0D0 ccum = 1.0D0 RETURN 10 IF (.NOT. (pnonc.LT.1.0D-10)) GO TO 20 C C Handle case in which the non-centrality parameter is C (essentially) zero. CALL cumf(f,dfn,dfd,cum,ccum) RETURN 20 xnonc = pnonc/2.0D0 C Calculate the central term of the poisson weighting factor. icent = xnonc IF (icent.EQ.0) icent = 1 C Compute central weight term centwt = exp(-xnonc+icent*log(xnonc)-alngam(dble(icent+1))) C Compute central incomplete beta term C Assure that minimum of arg to beta and 1 - arg is computed C accurately. prod = dfn*f dsum = dfd + prod yy = dfd/dsum IF (yy.GT.half) THEN xx = prod/dsum yy = done - xx ELSE xx = done - yy END IF CALL bratio(dfn*half+dble(icent),dfd*half,xx,yy,betdn,dummy,ierr) adn = dfn/2.0D0 + dble(icent) aup = adn b = dfd/2.0D0 betup = betdn sum = centwt*betdn C Now sum terms backward from icent until convergence or all done xmult = centwt i = icent dnterm = exp(alngam(adn+b)-alngam(adn+1.0D0)-alngam(b)+ + adn*log(xx)+b*log(yy)) 30 IF (qsmall(xmult*betdn) .OR. i.LE.0) GO TO 40 xmult = xmult* (i/xnonc) i = i - 1 adn = adn - 1 dnterm = (adn+1)/ ((adn+b)*xx)*dnterm betdn = betdn + dnterm sum = sum + xmult*betdn GO TO 30 40 i = icent + 1 C Now sum forwards until convergence xmult = centwt IF ((aup-1+b).EQ.0) THEN upterm = exp(-alngam(aup)-alngam(b)+ (aup-1)*log(xx)+ + b*log(yy)) ELSE upterm = exp(alngam(aup-1+b)-alngam(aup)-alngam(b)+ + (aup-1)*log(xx)+b*log(yy)) END IF GO TO 60 50 IF (qsmall(xmult*betup)) GO TO 70 60 xmult = xmult* (xnonc/i) i = i + 1 aup = aup + 1 upterm = (aup+b-2.0D0)*xx/ (aup-1)*upterm betup = betup - upterm sum = sum + xmult*betup GO TO 50 70 cum = sum ccum = 0.5D0 + (0.5D0-cum) RETURN END
SUBROUTINE DORMR2( SIDE, TRANS, M, N, K, A, LDA, TAU, C, LDC, $ WORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. * November 2006 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER SIDE, TRANS INTEGER INFO, K, LDA, LDC, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), C( LDC, * ), TAU( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DORMR2 overwrites the general real m by n matrix C with * * Q * C if SIDE = 'L' and TRANS = 'N', or * * Q'* C if SIDE = 'L' and TRANS = 'T', or * * C * Q if SIDE = 'R' and TRANS = 'N', or * * C * Q' if SIDE = 'R' and TRANS = 'T', * * where Q is a real orthogonal matrix defined as the product of k * elementary reflectors * * Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k) * * as returned by DGERQF. Q is of order m if SIDE = 'L' and of order n * if SIDE = 'R'. * * Arguments * ========= * * SIDE (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'L': apply Q or Q' from the Left * = 'R': apply Q or Q' from the Right * * TRANS (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'N': apply Q (No transpose) * = 'T': apply Q' (Transpose) * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix C. M >= 0. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix C. N >= 0. * * K (input) INTEGER * The number of elementary reflectors whose product defines * the matrix Q. * If SIDE = 'L', M >= K >= 0; * if SIDE = 'R', N >= K >= 0. * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (LDA,M) if SIDE = 'L', * (LDA,N) if SIDE = 'R' * The i-th row must contain the vector which defines the * elementary reflector H(i), for i = 1,2,...,k, as returned by * DGERQF in the last k rows of its array argument A. * A is modified by the routine but restored on exit. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,K). * * TAU (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (K) * TAU(i) must contain the scalar factor of the elementary * reflector H(i), as returned by DGERQF. * * C (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDC,N) * On entry, the m by n matrix C. * On exit, C is overwritten by Q*C or Q'*C or C*Q' or C*Q. * * LDC (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array C. LDC >= max(1,M). * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (N) if SIDE = 'L', * (M) if SIDE = 'R' * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL LEFT, NOTRAN INTEGER I, I1, I2, I3, MI, NI, NQ DOUBLE PRECISION AII * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLARF, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input arguments * INFO = 0 LEFT = LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) NOTRAN = LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) * * NQ is the order of Q * IF( LEFT ) THEN NQ = M ELSE NQ = N END IF IF( .NOT.LEFT .AND. .NOT.LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( .NOT.NOTRAN .AND. .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'T' ) ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( M.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( K.LT.0 .OR. K.GT.NQ ) THEN INFO = -5 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, K ) ) THEN INFO = -7 ELSE IF( LDC.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -10 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DORMR2', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( M.EQ.0 .OR. N.EQ.0 .OR. K.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * IF( ( LEFT .AND. .NOT.NOTRAN ) .OR. ( .NOT.LEFT .AND. NOTRAN ) ) $ THEN I1 = 1 I2 = K I3 = 1 ELSE I1 = K I2 = 1 I3 = -1 END IF * IF( LEFT ) THEN NI = N ELSE MI = M END IF * DO 10 I = I1, I2, I3 IF( LEFT ) THEN * * H(i) is applied to C(1:m-k+i,1:n) * MI = M - K + I ELSE * * H(i) is applied to C(1:m,1:n-k+i) * NI = N - K + I END IF * * Apply H(i) * AII = A( I, NQ-K+I ) A( I, NQ-K+I ) = ONE CALL DLARF( SIDE, MI, NI, A( I, 1 ), LDA, TAU( I ), C, LDC, $ WORK ) A( I, NQ-K+I ) = AII 10 CONTINUE RETURN * * End of DORMR2 * END
#include "fpapi_test.h" #define ITERS 100 #if defined(sun) && defined(sparc) #define CACHE_LEVEL "PAPI_L2_TCM" #define EVT1 PAPI_L2_TCM #define EVT2 PAPI_L2_TCA #define EVT3 PAPI_L2_TCH #define EVT1_STR "PAPI_L2_TCM" #define EVT2_STR "PAPI_L2_TCA" #define EVT3_STR "PAPI_L2_TCH" #else #if defined(__powerpc__) #define CACHE_LEVEL "PAPI_L1_DCA" #define EVT1 PAPI_L1_DCA #define EVT2 PAPI_L1_DCW #define EVT3 PAPI_L1_DCR #define EVT1_STR "PAPI_L1_DCA" #define EVT2_STR "PAPI_L1_DCW" #define EVT3_STR "PAPI_L1_DCR" #else #define CACHE_LEVEL "PAPI_L1_TCM" #define EVT1 PAPI_L1_TCM #define EVT2 PAPI_L1_ICM #define EVT3 PAPI_L1_DCM #define EVT1_STR "PAPI_L1_TCM" #define EVT2_STR "PAPI_L1_ICM" #define EVT3_STR "PAPI_L1_DCM" #endif #endif program tenth implicit integer (p) integer*8 values(10) integer es1, es2, es3 integer*4 mask1, mask2, mask3 integer domain, granularity character*(PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN) domainstr, grnstr integer retval Integer last_char External last_char integer tests_quiet, get_quiet external get_quiet tests_quiet = get_quiet() es1 = PAPI_NULL es2 = PAPI_NULL es3 = PAPI_NULL mask1 = EVT1 mask2 = EVT2 mask3 = EVT3 retval = PAPI_VER_CURRENT call PAPIf_library_init(retval) if ( retval.NE.PAPI_VER_CURRENT) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPI_library_init', retval) end if call PAPIf_query_event(mask1, retval) if ( retval.NE.PAPI_OK) then call ftest_skip(__FILE__, __LINE__, .'PAPIf_query_event', retval) end if call PAPIf_query_event(mask2, retval) if ( retval.NE.PAPI_OK) then call ftest_skip(__FILE__, __LINE__, .'PAPIf_query_event', retval) end if call PAPIf_query_event(mask3, retval) if ( retval.NE.PAPI_OK) then call ftest_skip(__FILE__, __LINE__, .'PAPIf_query_event', retval) end if call PAPIf_create_eventset(es1, retval) if ( retval.NE.PAPI_OK) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_create_eventset', *retval) end if call PAPIf_add_event( es1, mask1, retval ) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_add_event', retval) end if call PAPIf_create_eventset(es2, retval) if ( retval.NE.PAPI_OK) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_create_eventset', *retval) end if call PAPIf_add_event( es2, mask2, retval ) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_add_event', retval) end if call PAPIf_create_eventset(es3, retval) if ( retval.NE.PAPI_OK) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_create_eventset', * retval) end if call PAPIf_add_event( es3, mask3, retval ) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_add_event', retval) end if call fdo_l1misses(ITERS) call PAPIf_start(es1, retval) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_start', retval) end if call fdo_l1misses(ITERS) call PAPIf_stop(es1, values(1), retval) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_stop', retval) end if call PAPIf_start(es2, retval) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_start', retval) end if call fdo_l1misses(ITERS) call PAPIf_stop(es2, values(3), retval) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_stop', retval) end if call PAPIf_start(es3, retval) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_start', retval) end if call fdo_l1misses(ITERS) call PAPIf_stop(es3, values(5), retval) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_stop', retval) end if call PAPIf_remove_event( es1, mask1, retval ) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_remove_event', retval) end if call PAPIf_remove_event( es2, mask2, retval ) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_remove_event', retval) end if call PAPIf_remove_event( es3, mask3, retval ) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_remove_event', retval) end if if (tests_quiet .EQ. 0) then #if (defined(sun) && defined(sparc)) print *, "Test case 10: start, stop for derived event ", *"PAPI_L2_TCM." #else print *, "Test case 10: start, stop for derived event ", *"PAPI_L1_TCM." #endif print *, "------------------------------------------------------" end if call PAPIf_get_domain(es1, domain, PAPI_DEFDOM, retval) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_get_domain', retval) end if call stringify_domain(domain, domainstr) if (tests_quiet .EQ. 0) then write (*,900) "Default domain is:", domain, domainstr 900 format(a20, i3, " ", a70) end if call PAPIf_get_granularity(es1, granularity, PAPI_DEFGRN, *retval) if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, . 'PAPIf_get_granularity', *retval) end if call stringify_granularity(granularity, grnstr) if (tests_quiet .EQ. 0) then write (*,800) "Default granularity is:", granularity, grnstr 800 format(a25, i3, " ", a20) print *, "Using", NUM_FLOPS, " iterations of c += b*c" print *, "------------------------------------------------------" write (*,500) "Test type", 1, 2, 3 #if (defined(sun) && defined(sparc)) write (*,500) EVT1_STR, values(1), 0, 0 write (*,500) EVT2_STR, 0, values(3), 0 write (*,500) EVT3_STR, 0, 0, values(5) print *, "------------------------------------------------", *"------" print *, "Verification:" print *, "First number row 1 approximately equals (2,2) - (3,3) ", *"or ",(values(3)-values(5)) #else write (*,500) EVT1_STR, values(1), 0, 0 write (*,500) EVT2_STR, 0, values(3), 0 write (*,500) EVT3_STR, 0, 0, values(5) print *, "------------------------------------------------", *"------" print *, "Verification:" print *, "First number row 1 approximately equals (2,2) + (3,3) ", *"or ", (values(3)+values(5)) #endif end if 500 format(A13, ": ", I10, I10, I10) call ftests_pass(__FILE__) end
!===================================================================== ! ! S p e c f e m 3 D V e r s i o n 3 . 0 ! --------------------------------------- ! ! Main historical authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp ! Princeton University, USA ! and CNRS / University of Marseille, France ! (there are currently many more authors!) ! (c) Princeton University and CNRS / University of Marseille, July 2012 ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ! !===================================================================== subroutine prepare_assemble_MPI (nelmnts,knods, & ibool,npoin, & ninterface, max_interface_size, & my_nelmnts_neighbours, my_interfaces, & ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh, & nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh,NGNOD ) ! returns: ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh with the global indices (as defined in ibool) ! nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh with the number of points in ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh ! ! for all points on the interface defined by ninterface, my_nelmnts_neighbours and my_interfaces use constants implicit none ! spectral element indexing ! ( nelmnts = number of spectral elements ! NGNOD = number of element control points ! knods = corner indices array ) integer, intent(in) :: NGNOD,nelmnts integer, dimension(NGNOD,nelmnts), intent(in) :: knods ! global number of points integer, intent(in) :: npoin ! global indexing integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nelmnts), intent(in) :: ibool ! MPI interfaces integer :: ninterface integer :: max_interface_size integer, dimension(ninterface) :: my_nelmnts_neighbours integer, dimension(6,max_interface_size,ninterface) :: my_interfaces integer, dimension(NGLLX*NGLLX*max_interface_size,ninterface) :: ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh integer, dimension(ninterface) :: nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh ! local parameters integer :: num_interface integer :: ispec_interface logical, dimension(:),allocatable :: mask_ibool_ext_mesh integer :: ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax, izmin, izmax integer, dimension(NGNOD_EIGHT_CORNERS) :: n integer :: e1, e2, e3, e4 integer :: ispec,k,ix,iy,iz,ier,itype,iglob integer :: npoin_interface_ext_mesh ! initializes allocate( mask_ibool_ext_mesh(npoin), stat=ier); if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array' ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh(:,:) = 0 nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh(:) = 0 ! loops over MPI interfaces do num_interface = 1, ninterface npoin_interface_ext_mesh = 0 mask_ibool_ext_mesh(:) = .false. ! loops over number of elements on interface do ispec_interface = 1, my_nelmnts_neighbours(num_interface) ! spectral element on interface ispec = my_interfaces(1,ispec_interface,num_interface) ! type of interface: (1) corner point, (2) edge, (4) face itype = my_interfaces(2,ispec_interface,num_interface) ! gets spectral element corner indices (defines all nodes of face/edge) do k = 1, NGNOD_EIGHT_CORNERS n(k) = knods(k,ispec) enddo ! interface node ids e1 = my_interfaces(3,ispec_interface,num_interface) e2 = my_interfaces(4,ispec_interface,num_interface) e3 = my_interfaces(5,ispec_interface,num_interface) e4 = my_interfaces(6,ispec_interface,num_interface) ! gets i,j,k ranges for interface type call get_edge(n, itype, e1, e2, e3, e4, & ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax, izmin, izmax) ! counts number and stores indices of (global) points on MPI interface do iz = min(izmin,izmax), max(izmin,izmax) do iy = min(iymin,iymax), max(iymin,iymax) do ix = min(ixmin,ixmax), max(ixmin,ixmax) ! global index iglob = ibool(ix,iy,iz,ispec) ! stores global index of point on interface if (.not. mask_ibool_ext_mesh(iglob)) then ! masks point as being accounted for mask_ibool_ext_mesh(iglob) = .true. ! adds point to interface npoin_interface_ext_mesh = npoin_interface_ext_mesh + 1 ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh(npoin_interface_ext_mesh,num_interface) = iglob endif enddo enddo enddo enddo ! stores total number of (global) points on this MPI interface nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh(num_interface) = npoin_interface_ext_mesh enddo deallocate( mask_ibool_ext_mesh ) end subroutine prepare_assemble_MPI ! !---- ! subroutine get_edge ( n, itype, e1, e2, e3, e4, & ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax, izmin, izmax ) ! returns range of local (GLL) point indices i,j,k depending on given type ! for corner point (1), edge (2) or face (4) use constants implicit none ! corner node indices per spectral element (8) integer, dimension(NGNOD_EIGHT_CORNERS), intent(in) :: n ! interface type & nodes integer, intent(in) :: itype, e1, e2, e3, e4 ! local (GLL) i,j,k index ranges integer, intent(out) :: ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax, izmin, izmax ! local parameters integer, dimension(4) :: en integer :: valence, i ! determines local indexes for corners/edges/faces if (itype == 1) then ! corner point if (e1 == n(1)) then ixmin = 1 ixmax = 1 iymin = 1 iymax = 1 izmin = 1 izmax = 1 endif if (e1 == n(2)) then ixmin = NGLLX ixmax = NGLLX iymin = 1 iymax = 1 izmin = 1 izmax = 1 endif if (e1 == n(3)) then ixmin = NGLLX ixmax = NGLLX iymin = NGLLY iymax = NGLLY izmin = 1 izmax = 1 endif if (e1 == n(4)) then ixmin = 1 ixmax = 1 iymin = NGLLY iymax = NGLLY izmin = 1 izmax = 1 endif if (e1 == n(5)) then ixmin = 1 ixmax = 1 iymin = 1 iymax = 1 izmin = NGLLZ izmax = NGLLZ endif if (e1 == n(6)) then ixmin = NGLLX ixmax = NGLLX iymin = 1 iymax = 1 izmin = NGLLZ izmax = NGLLZ endif if (e1 == n(7)) then ixmin = NGLLX ixmax = NGLLX iymin = NGLLY iymax = NGLLY izmin = NGLLZ izmax = NGLLZ endif if (e1 == n(8)) then ixmin = 1 ixmax = 1 iymin = NGLLY iymax = NGLLY izmin = NGLLZ izmax = NGLLZ endif else if (itype == 2) then ! edges if (e1 == n(1)) then ixmin = 1 iymin = 1 izmin = 1 if (e2 == n(2)) then ixmax = NGLLX iymax = 1 izmax = 1 endif if (e2 == n(4)) then ixmax = 1 iymax = NGLLY izmax = 1 endif if (e2 == n(5)) then ixmax = 1 iymax = 1 izmax = NGLLZ endif endif if (e1 == n(2)) then ixmin = NGLLX iymin = 1 izmin = 1 if (e2 == n(3)) then ixmax = NGLLX iymax = NGLLY izmax = 1 endif if (e2 == n(1)) then ixmax = 1 iymax = 1 izmax = 1 endif if (e2 == n(6)) then ixmax = NGLLX iymax = 1 izmax = NGLLZ endif endif if (e1 == n(3)) then ixmin = NGLLX iymin = NGLLY izmin = 1 if (e2 == n(4)) then ixmax = 1 iymax = NGLLY izmax = 1 endif if (e2 == n(2)) then ixmax = NGLLX iymax = 1 izmax = 1 endif if (e2 == n(7)) then ixmax = NGLLX iymax = NGLLY izmax = NGLLZ endif endif if (e1 == n(4)) then ixmin = 1 iymin = NGLLY izmin = 1 if (e2 == n(1)) then ixmax = 1 iymax = 1 izmax = 1 endif if (e2 == n(3)) then ixmax = NGLLX iymax = NGLLY izmax = 1 endif if (e2 == n(8)) then ixmax = 1 iymax = NGLLY izmax = NGLLZ endif endif if (e1 == n(5)) then ixmin = 1 iymin = 1 izmin = NGLLZ if (e2 == n(1)) then ixmax = 1 iymax = 1 izmax = 1 endif if (e2 == n(6)) then ixmax = NGLLX iymax = 1 izmax = NGLLZ endif if (e2 == n(8)) then ixmax = 1 iymax = NGLLY izmax = NGLLZ endif endif if (e1 == n(6)) then ixmin = NGLLX iymin = 1 izmin = NGLLZ if (e2 == n(2)) then ixmax = NGLLX iymax = 1 izmax = 1 endif if (e2 == n(7)) then ixmax = NGLLX iymax = NGLLY izmax = NGLLZ endif if (e2 == n(5)) then ixmax = 1 iymax = 1 izmax = NGLLZ endif endif if (e1 == n(7)) then ixmin = NGLLX iymin = NGLLY izmin = NGLLZ if (e2 == n(3)) then ixmax = NGLLX iymax = NGLLY izmax = 1 endif if (e2 == n(8)) then ixmax = 1 iymax = NGLLY izmax = NGLLZ endif if (e2 == n(6)) then ixmax = NGLLX iymax = 1 izmax = NGLLZ endif endif if (e1 == n(8)) then ixmin = 1 iymin = NGLLY izmin = NGLLZ if (e2 == n(4)) then ixmax = 1 iymax = NGLLY izmax = 1 endif if (e2 == n(5)) then ixmax = 1 iymax = 1 izmax = NGLLZ endif if (e2 == n(7)) then ixmax = NGLLX iymax = NGLLY izmax = NGLLZ endif endif else if (itype == 4) then ! face corners en(1) = e1 en(2) = e2 en(3) = e3 en(4) = e4 ! zmin face valence = 0 do i = 1, 4 if (en(i) == n(1)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(2)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(3)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(4)) then valence = valence+1 endif enddo if (valence == 4) then ixmin = 1 iymin = 1 izmin = 1 ixmax = NGLLX iymax = NGLLY izmax = 1 endif ! ymin face valence = 0 do i = 1, 4 if (en(i) == n(1)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(2)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(5)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(6)) then valence = valence+1 endif enddo if (valence == 4) then ixmin = 1 iymin = 1 izmin = 1 ixmax = NGLLX iymax = 1 izmax = NGLLZ endif ! xmax face valence = 0 do i = 1, 4 if (en(i) == n(2)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(3)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(6)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(7)) then valence = valence+1 endif enddo if (valence == 4) then ixmin = NGLLX iymin = 1 izmin = 1 ixmax = NGLLX iymax = NGLLZ izmax = NGLLZ endif ! ymax face valence = 0 do i = 1, 4 if (en(i) == n(3)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(4)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(7)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(8)) then valence = valence+1 endif enddo if (valence == 4) then ixmin = 1 iymin = NGLLY izmin = 1 ixmax = NGLLX iymax = NGLLY izmax = NGLLZ endif ! xmin face valence = 0 do i = 1, 4 if (en(i) == n(1)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(4)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(5)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(8)) then valence = valence+1 endif enddo if (valence == 4) then ixmin = 1 iymin = 1 izmin = 1 ixmax = 1 iymax = NGLLY izmax = NGLLZ endif ! zmax face valence = 0 do i = 1, 4 if (en(i) == n(5)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(6)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(7)) then valence = valence+1 endif if (en(i) == n(8)) then valence = valence+1 endif enddo if (valence == 4) then ixmin = 1 iymin = 1 izmin = NGLLZ ixmax = NGLLX iymax = NGLLY izmax = NGLLZ endif else stop 'ERROR get_edge' endif ! endif ! endif end subroutine get_edge
SUBROUTINE ZLARGV( N, X, INCX, Y, INCY, C, INCC ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.2) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. * November 2006 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCC, INCX, INCY, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION C( * ) COMPLEX*16 X( * ), Y( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * ZLARGV generates a vector of complex plane rotations with real * cosines, determined by elements of the complex vectors x and y. * For i = 1,2,...,n * * ( c(i) s(i) ) ( x(i) ) = ( r(i) ) * ( -conjg(s(i)) c(i) ) ( y(i) ) = ( 0 ) * * where c(i)**2 + ABS(s(i))**2 = 1 * * The following conventions are used (these are the same as in ZLARTG, * but differ from the BLAS1 routine ZROTG): * If y(i)=0, then c(i)=1 and s(i)=0. * If x(i)=0, then c(i)=0 and s(i) is chosen so that r(i) is real. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of plane rotations to be generated. * * X (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (1+(N-1)*INCX) * On entry, the vector x. * On exit, x(i) is overwritten by r(i), for i = 1,...,n. * * INCX (input) INTEGER * The increment between elements of X. INCX > 0. * * Y (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (1+(N-1)*INCY) * On entry, the vector y. * On exit, the sines of the plane rotations. * * INCY (input) INTEGER * The increment between elements of Y. INCY > 0. * * C (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (1+(N-1)*INCC) * The cosines of the plane rotations. * * INCC (input) INTEGER * The increment between elements of C. INCC > 0. * * Further Details * ======= ======= * * 6-6-96 - Modified with a new algorithm by W. Kahan and J. Demmel * * This version has a few statements commented out for thread safety * (machine parameters are computed on each entry). 10 feb 03, SJH. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION TWO, ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( TWO = 2.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) COMPLEX*16 CZERO PARAMETER ( CZERO = ( 0.0D+0, 0.0D+0 ) ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. * LOGICAL FIRST INTEGER COUNT, I, IC, IX, IY, J DOUBLE PRECISION CS, D, DI, DR, EPS, F2, F2S, G2, G2S, SAFMIN, $ SAFMN2, SAFMX2, SCALE COMPLEX*16 F, FF, FS, G, GS, R, SN * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH, DLAPY2 EXTERNAL DLAMCH, DLAPY2 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, DBLE, DCMPLX, DCONJG, DIMAG, INT, LOG, $ MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Statement Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION ABS1, ABSSQ * .. * .. Save statement .. * SAVE FIRST, SAFMX2, SAFMIN, SAFMN2 * .. * .. Data statements .. * DATA FIRST / .TRUE. / * .. * .. Statement Function definitions .. ABS1( FF ) = MAX( ABS( DBLE( FF ) ), ABS( DIMAG( FF ) ) ) ABSSQ( FF ) = DBLE( FF )**2 + DIMAG( FF )**2 * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * IF( FIRST ) THEN * FIRST = .FALSE. SAFMIN = DLAMCH( 'S' ) EPS = DLAMCH( 'E' ) SAFMN2 = DLAMCH( 'B' )**INT( LOG( SAFMIN / EPS ) / $ LOG( DLAMCH( 'B' ) ) / TWO ) SAFMX2 = ONE / SAFMN2 * END IF IX = 1 IY = 1 IC = 1 DO 60 I = 1, N F = X( IX ) G = Y( IY ) * * Use identical algorithm as in ZLARTG * SCALE = MAX( ABS1( F ), ABS1( G ) ) FS = F GS = G COUNT = 0 IF( SCALE.GE.SAFMX2 ) THEN 10 CONTINUE COUNT = COUNT + 1 FS = FS*SAFMN2 GS = GS*SAFMN2 SCALE = SCALE*SAFMN2 IF( SCALE.GE.SAFMX2 ) $ GO TO 10 ELSE IF( SCALE.LE.SAFMN2 ) THEN IF( G.EQ.CZERO ) THEN CS = ONE SN = CZERO R = F GO TO 50 END IF 20 CONTINUE COUNT = COUNT - 1 FS = FS*SAFMX2 GS = GS*SAFMX2 SCALE = SCALE*SAFMX2 IF( SCALE.LE.SAFMN2 ) $ GO TO 20 END IF F2 = ABSSQ( FS ) G2 = ABSSQ( GS ) IF( F2.LE.MAX( G2, ONE )*SAFMIN ) THEN * * This is a rare case: F is very small. * IF( F.EQ.CZERO ) THEN CS = ZERO R = DLAPY2( DBLE( G ), DIMAG( G ) ) * Do complex/real division explicitly with two real * divisions D = DLAPY2( DBLE( GS ), DIMAG( GS ) ) SN = DCMPLX( DBLE( GS ) / D, -DIMAG( GS ) / D ) GO TO 50 END IF F2S = DLAPY2( DBLE( FS ), DIMAG( FS ) ) * G2 and G2S are accurate * G2 is at least SAFMIN, and G2S is at least SAFMN2 G2S = SQRT( G2 ) * Error in CS from underflow in F2S is at most * UNFL / SAFMN2 .lt. sqrt(UNFL*EPS) .lt. EPS * If MAX(G2,ONE)=G2, then F2 .lt. G2*SAFMIN, * and so CS .lt. sqrt(SAFMIN) * If MAX(G2,ONE)=ONE, then F2 .lt. SAFMIN * and so CS .lt. sqrt(SAFMIN)/SAFMN2 = sqrt(EPS) * Therefore, CS = F2S/G2S / sqrt( 1 + (F2S/G2S)**2 ) = F2S/G2S CS = F2S / G2S * Make sure abs(FF) = 1 * Do complex/real division explicitly with 2 real divisions IF( ABS1( F ).GT.ONE ) THEN D = DLAPY2( DBLE( F ), DIMAG( F ) ) FF = DCMPLX( DBLE( F ) / D, DIMAG( F ) / D ) ELSE DR = SAFMX2*DBLE( F ) DI = SAFMX2*DIMAG( F ) D = DLAPY2( DR, DI ) FF = DCMPLX( DR / D, DI / D ) END IF SN = FF*DCMPLX( DBLE( GS ) / G2S, -DIMAG( GS ) / G2S ) R = CS*F + SN*G ELSE * * This is the most common case. * Neither F2 nor F2/G2 are less than SAFMIN * F2S cannot overflow, and it is accurate * F2S = SQRT( ONE+G2 / F2 ) * Do the F2S(real)*FS(complex) multiply with two real * multiplies R = DCMPLX( F2S*DBLE( FS ), F2S*DIMAG( FS ) ) CS = ONE / F2S D = F2 + G2 * Do complex/real division explicitly with two real divisions SN = DCMPLX( DBLE( R ) / D, DIMAG( R ) / D ) SN = SN*DCONJG( GS ) IF( COUNT.NE.0 ) THEN IF( COUNT.GT.0 ) THEN DO 30 J = 1, COUNT R = R*SAFMX2 30 CONTINUE ELSE DO 40 J = 1, -COUNT R = R*SAFMN2 40 CONTINUE END IF END IF END IF 50 CONTINUE C( IC ) = CS Y( IY ) = SN X( IX ) = R IC = IC + INCC IY = IY + INCY IX = IX + INCX 60 CONTINUE RETURN * * End of ZLARGV * END
module module_fuerzas_fcnv !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Modulo para guardar las condiciones sobre la fuerza ! Last update: 30/07/2009 ! Programmer: ! ! ATRIBUTOS PRIVADOS DE CLASE: ! val: matrix 3 x n de valores de la fuerza ! (cada fila de 'val' indica los valores de la condicion n-esima) ! nod: para cada n, nodos asociados a la condicion n-esima ! ! METODOS PUBLICOS: ! set_FORCE: para cada linea con una condicion SPC, almacena (val, nod) ! assign_FORCE: asigna los numeros de referencia Neumann a cada nodo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use basicmod, only: string use module_ALLOC_int_alloc_r2_fcnv use module_ALLOC_real_r2_fcnv implicit none !Variables integer, private :: ncond = 0 !numero total de condiciones real, private, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: val !valores de la fuerza type(int_alloc_r2), private :: nod !nodos asociados a la condicion contains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set_SPC: para cada linea con una entrada FORCE, almacena (val, nod) ! ! Lectura del cammpo SPC: MD Nastran 2006. Quick Reference Guide (p.1550) ! FORCE: (A8) ! SID: Load set identification number. (I8) ! G: Grid point identification number. (I8) ! CID: Coordinate system identification number. (I8) ! F: Scale factor. (Real, 8 pos.) ! N1, N2, N3: Components of a vector [...] (Real, 8 pos.) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine set_FORCE(iu) integer, intent(in) :: iu !identificador del fichero integer :: SID, G, CID character(len=8) :: FORCE, F, N1, N2, N3 real, dimension(3) :: newval integer :: res, i newval = 0. ! lectura del registro read(unit=iu, fmt='(A8,I8,I8,I8,A8,A8,A8,A8)', iostat=res) FORCE, SID, G, CID, F, N1, N2, N3 if (res /= 0) call info('(module_desplazamientos/set_FORCE) Unable to read record') newval = (/ real(N1), real(N2), real(N3) /) !construcci�n de newval do i = 1, ncond if (maxval(abs(val(:,i)-newval)) < epsilon(1.)) then !condicion ya guardada (en i) call set(nod, G, row=i, fit_col=.true.) exit end if end do if (i > ncond) then !la condicion no estaba guardada ncond = ncond + 1 call set(val, newval, col=ncond, fit_row=.true.) call set(nod, G, row=ncond, fit_col=.true.) end if end subroutine !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! assign_FORCE: asigna los numeros de referencia Neumann a cada nodo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine assign_FORCE(nnrv, nD) integer, dimension(:) :: nnrv !numeros de referencia (por nodo) integer, intent(in) :: nD !numero total de condiciones Dirichlet (ya asignadas) integer :: i, j, n do i = 1, ncond do j = 1, size(nod%row(i)%col, 1) n = nod%row(i)%col(j) ! si no tiene Dirichlet, se le asigna el mayor valor de Neumann if (nnrv(n) <=0 .or. nD < nnrv(n)) nnrv(n) = nD + i end do end do end subroutine end module
LOGICAL FUNCTION LSAME(CA,CB) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.1) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. * November 2006 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER CA,CB * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * LSAME returns .TRUE. if CA is the same letter as CB regardless of * case. * * Arguments * ========= * * CA (input) CHARACTER*1 * * CB (input) CHARACTER*1 * CA and CB specify the single characters to be compared. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ICHAR * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER INTA,INTB,ZCODE * .. * * Test if the characters are equal * LSAME = CA .EQ. CB IF (LSAME) RETURN * * Now test for equivalence if both characters are alphabetic. * ZCODE = ICHAR('Z') * * Use 'Z' rather than 'A' so that ASCII can be detected on Prime * machines, on which ICHAR returns a value with bit 8 set. * ICHAR('A') on Prime machines returns 193 which is the same as * ICHAR('A') on an EBCDIC machine. * INTA = ICHAR(CA) INTB = ICHAR(CB) * IF (ZCODE.EQ.90 .OR. ZCODE.EQ.122) THEN * * ASCII is assumed - ZCODE is the ASCII code of either lower or * upper case 'Z'. * IF (INTA.GE.97 .AND. INTA.LE.122) INTA = INTA - 32 IF (INTB.GE.97 .AND. INTB.LE.122) INTB = INTB - 32 * ELSE IF (ZCODE.EQ.233 .OR. ZCODE.EQ.169) THEN * * EBCDIC is assumed - ZCODE is the EBCDIC code of either lower or * upper case 'Z'. * IF (INTA.GE.129 .AND. INTA.LE.137 .OR. + INTA.GE.145 .AND. INTA.LE.153 .OR. + INTA.GE.162 .AND. INTA.LE.169) INTA = INTA + 64 IF (INTB.GE.129 .AND. INTB.LE.137 .OR. + INTB.GE.145 .AND. INTB.LE.153 .OR. + INTB.GE.162 .AND. INTB.LE.169) INTB = INTB + 64 * ELSE IF (ZCODE.EQ.218 .OR. ZCODE.EQ.250) THEN * * ASCII is assumed, on Prime machines - ZCODE is the ASCII code * plus 128 of either lower or upper case 'Z'. * IF (INTA.GE.225 .AND. INTA.LE.250) INTA = INTA - 32 IF (INTB.GE.225 .AND. INTB.LE.250) INTB = INTB - 32 END IF LSAME = INTA .EQ. INTB * * RETURN * * End of LSAME * END
!!****m* ABINIT/m_spin_hist !! NAME !! m_spin_hist !! !! FUNCTION !! This module contains definition the type spin_hist_t !! and its related routines !! The observables are also calculated. !! !! Datatypes: !! !! * spin_hist_t: history record of spin orientations and amplitudes !! !! Subroutines: !! !! * init !! * free !! * spin_hist_t !! * get_S !! * findIndex !! * set_vars !! * set_params !! !! !! COPYRIGHT !! Copyright (C) 2001-2021 ABINIT group (hexu) !! This file is distributed under the terms of the !! GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING !! or . !! For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt . !! !! SOURCE ! TODO hexu: ! sync ihist_latt when with lattice dynamics ! add average, variance, etc (should they be here?) ! structural information and some parameters are no longer ! used here. They should be removed form this file. #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "abi_common.h" module m_spin_hist use defs_basis use m_abicore use m_errors use m_xmpi implicit none private !!*** !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!****t* m_spin_hist/spin_hist_t !! NAME !! spin_hist_t !! !! FUNCTION !! This type has several vectors, and index scalars to store !! a proper history of previous evaluations of forces and !! stresses,velocities,positions and energies !! !! It contains: !! * mxhist : Maximum size of history !! * ihist : index of history !! natoms : number of atoms !! nspin: number of magnetic atoms !! * acell(3) : Acell (acell , rprimd, xred: only initial value kept if there is!! no lattice dynamics. Other wise for each step, the corresponding lattice step number is kept) !! * rprimd(3,3) : Rprimd !! * xred(3,natoms) : Xred !! * index_spin : the index of atom in spin model, -1 if it is not in the spin model !! * heff(3,nspin,mxhist) : effective magnetic field (cartesian) !! * snorm(nspin, mxhist) : magnetitude of spin. !! * S(3,nspin,mxhist) : spin orientation of atoms (cartesian) !! * dSdt(3, nspin, mxhist) : dS/dt (cartesian) !! * etot(mxhist) : Electronic total Energy !! * entropy(mxhist) : Entropy !! * itime(mxhist) : index of spin dynamics step. !! * time(mxhist) : Time (or iteration number for GO) !! !! * has_latt (whether lattice dynamics is also present) !! * ihist_latt(mxhist): the corresponding lattice step. 0 if none. !! SOURCE type, public :: spin_hist_t ! scalars ! Index of the last element on all records integer :: ihist = 0 integer :: ihist_prev = -1 ! Maximun size of the historical records integer :: mxhist = 0 integer :: nspin, nspin_prim ! whether lattice dynamics is also present integer, allocatable :: ihist_latt(:) logical :: has_latt ! arrays ! placeholders for structure-related parameters. They are not used currently. integer :: natoms real(dp) :: acell(3) real(dp) :: rprimd(3,3) real(dp), allocatable :: xred(:, :) integer :: ntypat integer, allocatable :: typat(:) real(dp), allocatable :: znucl(:) integer, allocatable :: spin_index(:) ! spin !heff(3, nspin, mxhist) real(dp), allocatable :: heff(:, :, :) !snorm(nspin, mxhist) real(dp), allocatable :: snorm(:, :) !S(3, nspin, mxhist) real(dp), allocatable :: S(:, :, :) !dSdt(3, nspin, mxhist) ! TODO hexu: is it useful? real(dp), allocatable :: dSdt(:, :, :) ! etot(mxhist) real(dp), allocatable :: etot(:) real(dp), allocatable :: entropy(:) real(dp), allocatable :: time(:) integer, allocatable :: itime(:) ! spin_nctime: interval of step for writing to netcdf hist file. integer :: spin_nctime real(dp) :: spin_temperature ! observables integer:: calc_thermo_obs, calc_traj_obs, calc_correlation_obs real(dp), allocatable :: ms_sub(:,:) ! staggered M. real(dp), allocatable :: Cv(:) ! specfic heat real(dp), allocatable :: binderU4_sub(:,:), binderU4(:) real(dp), allocatable :: chi_sub(:, :), chi(:) ! magnetic susceptibility real(dp), allocatable :: rcorr(:,:) real(dp), allocatable :: sp_corr_func(:,:,:) contains procedure :: initialize procedure :: finalize procedure :: reset procedure :: set_vars procedure :: get_S => get_S procedure :: findIndex => findIndex procedure :: set_params => set_params procedure :: inc1 end type spin_hist_t !!*** !public :: spinhist2var !public :: var2spinhist !public :: write_sd_hist !public :: read_md_hist !public :: get_dims_spinhist contains !!****f* m_spin_hist/initialize !! !! NAME !! initialize !! !! FUNCTION !! initialize spin hist !! !! INPUTS !! nspin = number of magnetic atoms !! mxhist = maximum number of hist steps !! has_latt = whether spin dynamics in with lattice dynamics !! !! OUTPUT !! hist <type(spin_hist_t)()> = spin hist type !! PARENTS !! m_spin_hist !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine initialize(self, nspin, mxhist, has_latt) implicit none class(spin_hist_t), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: nspin, mxhist logical, intent(in) :: has_latt !integer, optional, intent(in) :: calc_traj_obs, calc_thermo_obs, calc_correlation_obs self%nspin=nspin self%ntypat=0 self%ihist=1 self%ihist_prev=0 self%mxhist=mxhist self%natoms=0 self%has_latt=has_latt ABI_MALLOC(self%heff, (3, nspin, mxhist)) ABI_MALLOC(self%snorm, (nspin, mxhist)) ABI_MALLOC(self%S, (3, nspin, mxhist)) ABI_MALLOC(self%dSdt, (3, nspin, mxhist)) ABI_MALLOC(self%etot, (mxhist)) ABI_MALLOC(self%entropy, (mxhist)) ABI_MALLOC(self%time, (mxhist)) ABI_MALLOC(self%itime, (mxhist)) ABI_MALLOC(self%ihist_latt, (mxhist)) ! TODO: add observable allocation here. self%etot(1) =zero self%entropy(1) =zero self%time(1) =zero !self%acell(:)=zero !self%rprimd(:, :)=zero !self%xred(:,:) =zero self%heff(:,:,:)=zero self%S(:,:,:)=zero self%dSdt(:,:,:)=zero self%snorm(:,:)=zero end subroutine initialize !!*** subroutine reset(self, array_to_zero) implicit none class(spin_hist_t), intent(inout) :: self logical :: array_to_zero self%ntypat=0 self%ihist=1 self%ihist_prev=0 self%natoms=0 self%etot(1) =zero self%entropy(1) =zero self%time(1) =zero if(array_to_zero) then self%heff(:,:,1)=zero self%S(:,:,1)=zero self%dSdt(:,:,1)=zero self%snorm(:,1)=zero self%Cv( 1)=zero self%sp_corr_func(:, :, 1)=zero endif end subroutine reset !!****f* m_spin_hist/set_atomic_structure !! !! NAME !! set_atomic_structure !! !! FUNCTION !! !! set atomic structure !! !! INPUTS !! acell(3) = acell !! rprimd(3, 3) = !! xred(3, natoms) = positions in reduced coordinates !! spin_index(3, natoms) = index of atom in spin hamiltonian !! ntypat = number of types of atoms !! typat(ntypat)=types of atoms !! znucl=z of atoms !! !! OUTPUT !! hist <type(spin_hist_t)()> = spin hist type !! PARENTS !! !! CHILDREN !! self%inc1 !! !! SOURCE subroutine set_atomic_structure(self, acell, rprimd, xred, spin_index, ntypat, typat, znucl) class(spin_hist_t), intent(inout) :: self real(dp), intent(in) :: acell(3), rprimd(3,3), xred(:,:), znucl(:) integer, intent(in):: spin_index(:), ntypat, typat(:) integer :: natoms natoms=size(typat) ABI_MALLOC(self%xred, (3, natoms)) ABI_MALLOC(self%spin_index, (natoms)) ABI_MALLOC(self%typat,(ntypat)) ABI_MALLOC(self%znucl, (ntypat)) self%acell(:)=acell(:) self%rprimd(:,:)=rprimd(:,:) self%xred(:,:)=xred(:,:) self%spin_index(:)=spin_index(:) self%ntypat=ntypat self%typat(:)=typat(:) self%znucl(:)=znucl(:) end subroutine set_atomic_structure !!*** !!****f* m_spin_hist/set_params !! !! NAME !! set_params !! !! FUNCTION !! !! set parameters for spin_hist_t !! !! INPUTS !! spin_nctime=number of step between two write to netcdf hist file !! spin_temperate= temperature of spin !! !! OUTPUT !! hist <type(spin_hist_t)()> = spin hist type !! PARENTS !! m_spin_hist !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine set_params(self, spin_nctime, spin_temperature) class(spin_hist_t), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: spin_nctime real(dp), intent(in) :: spin_temperature self%spin_nctime= spin_nctime self%spin_temperature=spin_temperature end subroutine set_params !!*** !!****f* m_spin_hist/finalize !! !! NAME !! finalize !! !! FUNCTION !! !! free memory for spin_hist_t !! !! INPUTS !! !! OUTPUT !! hist <type(spin_hist_t)()> = spin hist type !! PARENTS !! m_spin_hist !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine finalize(self) class(spin_hist_t) , intent(inout) :: self if (allocated(self%xred)) then ABI_FREE(self%xred) end if if (allocated(self%typat)) then ABI_FREE(self%typat) end if if (allocated(self%znucl)) then ABI_FREE(self%znucl) end if if (allocated(self%spin_index)) then ABI_FREE(self%spin_index) end if if (allocated(self%heff)) then ABI_FREE(self%heff) end if if (allocated(self%snorm)) then ABI_FREE(self%snorm) end if if (allocated(self%S)) then ABI_FREE(self%S) end if if (allocated(self%dSdt)) then ABI_FREE(self%dSdt) end if if (allocated(self%etot)) then ABI_FREE(self%etot) end if if (allocated(self%entropy)) then ABI_FREE(self%entropy) end if if (allocated(self%time)) then ABI_FREE(self%time) end if if (allocated(self%itime)) then ABI_FREE(self%itime) end if if (allocated(self%ihist_latt)) then ABI_FREE(self%ihist_latt) end if end subroutine finalize !!*** !!****f* m_spin_hist/get_S !! !! NAME !! get_S !! !! FUNCTION !! !! get the S for step. step=0 is current. step=-1 is last... !! !! INPUTS !! hist <type(spin_hist_t)()> = spin hist type !! step = index of step. current step is 0. last step is -1. !! OUTPUT !! S(3, nspin)=spin orientations at step !! PARENTS !! m_spin_hist !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE function get_S(self, step) result(S) class(spin_hist_t), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in), optional:: step real(dp) :: S(3, self%nspin) integer :: i, j if (.not. present(step)) then j=0 else j=step end if i=self%findIndex(step=j) S(:,:)=self%S(:,:,i) end function get_S !!*** !!****f* m_spin_hist/inc1 !! !! NAME !! inc1 !! !! FUNCTION !! !! time counter increase !! !! INPUTS !! !! OUTPUT !! hist <type(spin_hist_t)()> = spin hist type !! PARENTS !! !! CHILDREN !! self%inc1 !! !! SOURCE subroutine inc1(self) class(spin_hist_t), intent(inout) :: self if(self%ihist_prev ==0 ) then self%itime(self%ihist)=1 else self%itime(self%ihist)=self%itime(self%ihist_prev)+1 endif self%ihist_prev=self%ihist self%ihist=self%findIndex(1) end subroutine inc1 !!*** !!***f* m_spin_hist/findIndex !! !! NAME !! get_findIndex !! !! FUNCTION !! get the index of the step in the self%S array !! INPUTS !! !! OUTPUT !! index: the index of the step in the self%S array. !! PARENTS !! m_spin_hist !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE function findIndex(self, step) result(index) class(spin_hist_t), intent(inout) :: self integer , intent(in) :: step integer :: index !Local variables------------------------------- !scalars integer :: mxhist !arrays character(len=500) :: msg ! ************************************************************* mxhist = self%mxhist if ((mxhist ==1.and.step/=+1).or.& & (mxhist /=1.and.abs(step) >=mxhist)) then write(msg,'(a,I0,2a)')' The requested step must be less than ',mxhist,ch10,& & 'Action: increase the number of history store in the hist' ABI_BUG(msg) end if index= mod(self%ihist+step, self%mxhist)+1 end function findIndex !!*** !!***f* m_spin_hist/set_vars !! !! NAME !! get_set_vars !! !! FUNCTION !! put the data into hist !! INPUTS !! S(3, nspin)=spin orientation !! Snorm(nspin)=spin amplitude !! dSdt(3,nspin)= dS/dt !! Heff(3, nspin) = effective magnetic field !! etot = total energy !! entropy = entropy !! time = time (note: not index of time) !! ihist_latt = index of lattice dynamics step. !! inc = whether this step is finished. If true, increment counter. !! OUTPUT !! index: the index of the step in the self%S array. !! PARENTS !! m_spin_hist !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine set_vars(self, S, Snorm, dSdt, Heff, etot, entropy, time, ihist_latt, inc) class(spin_hist_t), intent(inout) ::self real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: S(3, self%nspin), Snorm(self%nspin), dSdt(3, self%nspin), & & Heff(3, self%nspin), etot, entropy, time integer, optional :: ihist_latt logical, intent(in), optional :: inc integer :: ihist ihist=self%ihist if(present(inc)) then if (inc) then call self%inc1() end if end if if(present(S)) then self%S(:, :, ihist)=S(:,:) end if if(present(Snorm)) then self%Snorm(:, ihist)=Snorm(:) endif if(present(dSdt)) then self%dSdt(:, :, ihist)=dSdt(:,:) end if if(present(Heff)) then self%Heff(:, :, ihist)=Heff(:,:) end if if(present(etot)) then self%etot(ihist)=etot end if if(present(entropy)) then self%entropy(ihist)=entropy end if if(present(time)) then self%time( ihist)=time end if if(present(ihist_latt)) then self%ihist_latt(ihist)=ihist_latt endif end subroutine set_vars !!*** end module m_spin_hist
* td_h0_mfv.F * generated 25-Sep-2020 15:37 * this file is part of FeynHiggs * please do not edit directly #include "externals.h" #include "types.h" #include "debug.h" subroutine td_h0_mfv(se) implicit none ComplexType se #include "FH.h" #include "looptools.h" integer Cha2, Gen2, Neu2, Sfe2 se = 0 LOOP(Gen2, gM,3,1) se = se - 3/(8.D0*Pi**2)* & (CA*EL1L*A0(Mf2(tM1,Gen2))*Mf2(tM1,Gen2))/(MW*SB*SW) ENDLOOP(Gen2) LOOP(Sfe2, 1,2,1) LOOP(Gen2, gM,3,1) se = se + 1/(32.D0*Pi**2)* & (EL1L*A0(MSf2(Sfe2,tM1,Gen2))* & (((1 - 4*CW2)*MW*MZ*SAB*SB + 6*CA*CW*Mf2(tM1,Gen2))* & USf2(Sfe2,1,tM1,Gen2) - & 2*(2*MW*MZ*SAB*SB*SW2 - 3*CA*CW*Mf2(tM1,Gen2))* & USf2(Sfe2,2,tM1,Gen2) + & 3*CW*((CA*Kf(Gen2,Gen2,tM1) + & MUEC*SA*Mf(tM1,Gen2))*USf(Sfe2,2,tM1,Gen2)* & USfC(Sfe2,1,tM1,Gen2) + & (CA*KfC(Gen2,Gen2,tM1) + MUE*SA*Mf(tM1,Gen2))* & USf(Sfe2,1,tM1,Gen2)*USfC(Sfe2,2,tM1,Gen2))))/ & (CW*MW*SB*SW) ENDLOOP(Gen2) ENDLOOP(Sfe2) #ifdef DETAILED_DEBUG DHIGGS "td_h0_mfv t/st =", se ENDL #endif if( mssmpart .le. 1 ) return LOOP(Gen2, gM,3,1) se = se + 3/(8.D0*Pi**2)* & (EL1L*SA*A0(Mf2(bM1,Gen2))*Mf2(bM1,Gen2))/(CB*MW*SW) ENDLOOP(Gen2) LOOP(Sfe2, 1,2,1) LOOP(Gen2, gM,3,1) se = se + 1/(32.D0*Pi**2)* & (EL1L*A0(MSf2(Sfe2,bM1,Gen2))* & ((CB*(1 + 2*CW2)*MW*MZ*SAB - 6*CW*SA*Mf2(bM1,Gen2))* & USf2(Sfe2,1,bM1,Gen2) + & 2*(CB*MW*MZ*SAB*SW2 - 3*CW*SA*Mf2(bM1,Gen2))* & USf2(Sfe2,2,bM1,Gen2) - & 3*CW*((SA*Kf(Gen2,Gen2,bM1) + & CA*MUEC*Mf(bM1,Gen2))*USf(Sfe2,2,bM1,Gen2)* & USfC(Sfe2,1,bM1,Gen2) + & (SA*KfC(Gen2,Gen2,bM1) + CA*MUE*Mf(bM1,Gen2))* & USf(Sfe2,1,bM1,Gen2)*USfC(Sfe2,2,bM1,Gen2))))/ & (CB*CW*MW*SW) ENDLOOP(Gen2) ENDLOOP(Sfe2) #ifdef DETAILED_DEBUG DHIGGS "td_h0_mfv +b/sb =", se ENDL #endif if( mssmpart .le. 2 ) return LOOP(Gen2, 1,3,1) se = se - 1/(32.D0*Pi**2)* & (EL1L*(CB*MW*MZ*SAB*A0(MSf2(1,1,Gen2)) - & 4*CW*SA*A0(Mf2(2,Gen2))*Mf2(2,Gen2)))/(CB*CW*MW*SW) ENDLOOP(Gen2) LOOP(Gen2, 1,3,1) LOOP(Sfe2, 1,2,1) se = se - 1/(32.D0*Pi**2)* & (EL1L*A0(MSf2(Sfe2,2,Gen2))* & ((CB*(1 - 2*CW2)*MW*MZ*SAB + 2*CW*SA*Mf2(2,Gen2))* & USf2(Sfe2,1,2,Gen2) - & 2*(CB*MW*MZ*SAB*SW2 - CW*SA*Mf2(2,Gen2))* & USf2(Sfe2,2,2,Gen2) + & CW*((SA*Kf(Gen2,Gen2,2) + CA*MUEC*Mf(2,Gen2))* & USf(Sfe2,2,2,Gen2)*USfC(Sfe2,1,2,Gen2) + & (SA*KfC(Gen2,Gen2,2) + CA*MUE*Mf(2,Gen2))* & USf(Sfe2,1,2,Gen2)*USfC(Sfe2,2,2,Gen2))))/ & (CB*CW*MW*SW) ENDLOOP(Sfe2) ENDLOOP(Gen2) #ifdef DETAILED_DEBUG DHIGGS "td_h0_mfv +l/sl =", se ENDL #endif if( mssmpart .le. 3 ) return se = se + 1/(64.D0*Pi**2)* & (EL1L*MW*(SAB*(C2B*A0(MA02) + 3*C2A*A0(Mh02)) - & (2*CAB*S2A + C2A*SAB)*A0(MHH2) + & 2*(CA*(C2B + 2*CW2)*SB - & SA*(CW2*S2B*SB + CB*(1 - 2*CB2*SW2)))*A0(MHp2)- & 2*(C2B*SAB - 6*CW2*SBA)*A0(MW2) - & (C2B*SAB - 6*SBA)*A0(MZ2)))/(CW2*SW) LOOP(Cha2, 1,2,1) se = se + 1/(8.D0*Pi**2*sqrt2)* & (EL1L*A0(MCha2(Cha2))*MCha(Cha2)* & (SA*(UCha(Cha2,2)*VCha(Cha2,1) + & UChaC(Cha2,2)*VChaC(Cha2,1)) - & CA*(UCha(Cha2,1)*VCha(Cha2,2) + & UChaC(Cha2,1)*VChaC(Cha2,2))))/SW ENDLOOP(Cha2) LOOP(Neu2, 1,4,1) se = se - 1/(16.D0*Pi**2)* & (EL1L*A0(MNeu2(Neu2))*MNeu(Neu2)* & ((SW*ZNeu(Neu2,1) - CW*ZNeu(Neu2,2))* & (SA*ZNeu(Neu2,3) + CA*ZNeu(Neu2,4)) + & (SW*ZNeuC(Neu2,1) - CW*ZNeuC(Neu2,2))* & (SA*ZNeuC(Neu2,3) + CA*ZNeuC(Neu2,4))))/(CW*SW) ENDLOOP(Neu2) #ifdef DETAILED_DEBUG DHIGGS "td_h0_mfv all =", se ENDL #endif end
! CP modified !!****m* ABINIT/m_common !! NAME !! m_common !! !! FUNCTION !! This module gathers routines used by higher-level procedures. !! Mainly printing routines. !! !! COPYRIGHT !! Copyright (C) 1998-2021 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, AF, GMR, LBoeri, MT) !! This file is distributed under the terms of the !! GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING !! or . !! !! PARENTS !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "abi_common.h" module m_common use defs_basis use m_errors use m_abicore use m_exit use m_fftcore use m_fock use m_io_tools #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC use m_xc_vdw #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF use netcdf #endif use m_nctk use m_crystal use m_wfk use m_ebands use m_hdr use m_xmpi use m_dtset use m_xpapi use m_yaml use m_invars2 use m_dtset use m_fstrings, only : indent, endswith, sjoin, itoa use m_electronpositron, only : electronpositron_type use m_energies, only : energies_type, energies_eval_eint use m_pair_list, only : pair_list use m_geometry, only : mkrdim, metric use m_kg, only : getcut use m_parser, only : parsefile, ab_dimensions use m_invars1, only : invars0, invars1m, indefo use m_time, only : timab, time_set_papiopt use defs_abitypes, only : MPI_type use defs_datatypes, only : pspheader_type, ebands_t use m_pspheads, only : inpspheads, pspheads_comm use m_kpts, only : kpts_timrev_from_kptopt implicit none private !!*** public :: scprqt public :: setup1 public :: prteigrs public :: prtene public :: get_dtsets_pspheads ! Parse input file, get list of pseudos for files file and build list of datasets ! pseudopotential headers, maxval of dimensions needed in outvars public :: ebands_from_file ! Build an ebands_t object from file. Supports Fortran and netcdf files public :: crystal_from_file ! Build a crystal_t object from netcdf or Fortran file with Header !!*** contains !!*** !!****f* ABINIT/scprqt !! NAME !! scprqt !! !! FUNCTION !! Conducts printing inside the scfcv.F90 routine, according to the value of choice. !! Also checks the convergence with respect to the different criteria. !! Eventually send a signal to quit the SCF cycle. !! !! INPUTS !! choice= if 1 => called at the initialisation of scfcv.f !! if 2 => called during the loop in scfcv.f !! if 3 => called at the end of scfcv.f !! cpus=cpu time limit in seconds !! deltae=change in energy between the previous and present SCF cycle !! diffor=maximum absolute change in component of fcart between present and previous SCF cycle. !! dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset !! | chkexit= if non-zero, check whether the user wishes to exit !! | enunit=parameter determining units of output energies !! | ionmov=governs the movement of atoms (see help file) !! | kptopt=option for the generation of k points !! | mband=maximum number of bands !! | natom=number of atoms in cell. !! | nnsclo_now=number of non-self-consistent loops for the current vtrial !! | (often 1 for SCF calculation, =nstep for non-SCF calculations) !! | nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized !! | occopt=option for occupancies !! | prtxml=1 if values have to be stored in an XML file. !! | prteig= !! | prtstm=print STM input variable !! | prtvol= control print volume !! | usedmatpu=DFT+U: number of SCF steps keeping occ. matrix fixed !! | usefock=1 if Fock operator is present (hence possibility of a double loop) !! | usepawu=0 if no DFT+U; /=0 if DFT+U !! eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree) !! electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>=quantities for the electron-positron annihilation (optional argument) !! etotal=total energy (hartree) !! favg(3)=average of forces (ha/bohr) !! fcart(3,natom)=cartesian forces (hartree/bohr) !! fermie=fermi energy (Hartree) / for electrons thermalized in the conduction bands when occopt==9 ! CP modified !! fermih=fermi energy (Hartree) for holes thermalized in the VB when occopt==9 ! CP added !! fname_eig=filename for printing of the eigenenergies !! fock <type(fock_type)>=quantities for the fock operator (optional argument) !! character(len=fnlen) :: filnam1=character strings giving input file name !! initGS= 1 if one GS SCF cycle has already be done !! iscf=( <= 0 =>non-SCF), >0 => SCF) !! iscf =1 => determination of the largest eigenvalue of the SCF cycle !! iscf =2 => SCF cycle, simple mixing !! iscf =3 => SCF cycle, anderson mixing !! iscf =5 => SCF cycle, CG based on estimations of gradients of the energy !! iscf =6 => SCF cycle, CG based on true minimization of the energy !! iscf =-3, although non-SCF, the energy is computed, so print it here. !! istep=number of the SCF iteration (needed if choice=2) !! istep_fock_outer=number of outer SCF iteration in the double loop approach !! istep_mix=number of inner SCF iteration in the double loop approach !! kpt(3,nkpt)=reduced coordinates of k points. !! maxfor=maximum absolute value of fcart !! moved_atm_inside: if==1, the atoms are allowed to move. !! mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization !! nband(nkpt*nsppol)=number of bands at each k point, for each polarization !! nkpt=number of k points !! nstep=number of steps expected in iterations. !! occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occupation number for each band at each k point. !! optres=0 if the residual (res2) is a POTENTIAL residual !! 1 if the residual (res2) is a DENSITY residual !! prtfor=1 only if forces have to be printed (0 otherwise) !! prtxml=1 if XML file has to be output !! res2=square of the density/potential residual !! resid(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=residuals for each band over all k points and spins !! residm=maximum value from resid array (except for nbdbuf highest bands) !! in Wavelets mode, it is used as the maximum value for the gradient norm. !! response= if 0, GS case, if 1, RF case. !! tollist(12)=tolerance list. Presently, the following are defined : !! tollist(1)=tolmxf ; tollist(2)=tolwfr ; tollist(3)=toldff !! tollist(4)=toldfe ; tollist(5)=toleig ; tollist(6)=tolvrs !! tollist(7)=tolrff !! usepaw= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation !! vxcavg=mean of the vxc potential !! wtk(nkpt)=weight assigned to each k point. !! xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates !! !! OUTPUT !! quit= 0 if the SCF cycle is not finished; 1 otherwise. !! conv_retcode=Only if choice==3, != 0 if convergence is not achieved. !! !! PARENTS !! m_afterscfloop,m_dfpt_scfcv,m_scfcv_core !! !! CHILDREN !! hdr%free,hdr_ncread,hdr_read_from_fname,indefo,inpspheads,invars0 !! invars1m,invars2m,macroin,macroin2,parsefile,pspheads_comm,timab !! time_set_papiopt,wfk_read_eigenvalues !! !! SOURCE ! CP modified: added fermih to the list of arguments subroutine scprqt(choice,cpus,deltae,diffor,dtset,& & eigen,etotal,favg,fcart,fermie,fermih,fname_eig,filnam1,initGS,& & iscf,istep,istep_fock_outer,istep_mix,kpt,maxfor,moved_atm_inside,mpi_enreg,& & nband,nkpt,nstep,occ,optres,& & prtfor,prtxml,quit,res2,resid,residm,response,tollist,usepaw,& & vxcavg,wtk,xred,conv_retcode,& & electronpositron, fock) ! optional arguments) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(in) :: choice,initGS,iscf,istep,istep_fock_outer,istep_mix integer,intent(in) :: moved_atm_inside,nkpt,nstep integer,intent(in) :: optres,prtfor,prtxml,response,usepaw integer,intent(out) :: quit,conv_retcode real(dp),intent(in) :: cpus,deltae,diffor,etotal,fermie,fermih,maxfor,res2,residm ! CP added fermih real(dp),intent(in) :: vxcavg character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: fname_eig,filnam1 type(electronpositron_type),pointer,optional :: electronpositron type(fock_type),pointer,optional :: fock type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset !arrays integer,intent(in) :: nband(nkpt*dtset%nsppol) real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol),favg(3) real(dp),intent(in) :: fcart(3,dtset%natom),kpt(3,nkpt) real(dp),intent(in) :: occ(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol) real(dp),intent(in) :: resid(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol),tollist(12) real(dp),intent(in) :: wtk(nkpt),xred(3,dtset%natom) !Local variables------------------------------- !scalars integer,parameter :: master=0 integer,save :: toldfe_ok,toldff_ok,tolrff_ok,ttoldfe,ttoldff,ttolrff,ttolvrs,ttolwfr integer :: iatom,iband,iexit,ikpt,ii,ishift,isppol,my_rank integer :: nband_index,nband_k,nnsclohf integer :: openexit,option,tmagnet,usefock #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC integer :: ivdw #endif real(dp),save :: toldfe,toldff,tolrff,tolvrs,tolwfr,vdw_df_threshold real(dp) :: diff_e,diff_f,magnet,rhodn,rhoup logical :: noquit,use_dpfft character(len=500) :: message, message2, message3 character(len=2) :: format_istep character(len=5) :: format_magnet character(len=8) :: colname character(len=1) :: firstchar type(yamldoc_t) :: ydoc !arrays real(dp) :: residm_band(dtset%mband,dtset%nsppol), f_tmp(3) ! ********************************************************************* DBG_ENTER("COLL") my_rank = mpi_enreg%me_cell quit=0; conv_retcode=0 usefock=dtset%usefock nnsclohf=dtset%nnsclohf use_dpfft = .False. tmagnet=0 if(response==0.and.(iscf>0.or.iscf==-3).and.dtset%nsppol==2.and.dtset%occopt>2)tmagnet=1 ishift=0 residm_band = zero do isppol=1, dtset%nsppol do ikpt=1, nkpt do iband=1, nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt) ishift = ishift+1 residm_band(iband, isppol) = max (resid(ishift), residm_band(iband, isppol)) end do end do end do select case (choice) case (1) ! choice= if 1 => called at the initialisation of scfcv.f ! Examine tolerance criteria ! NB: The tests on tolwfr and the presence of tolerances in the SCF case are ! also done at the level of the parser in chkinp. tolwfr=tollist(2) toldff=tollist(3) toldfe=tollist(4) tolvrs=tollist(6) tolrff=tollist(7) vdw_df_threshold=tollist(8) ttolwfr=0 ; ttoldff=0 ; ttoldfe=0 ; ttolvrs=0; ttolrff=0; if(abs(tolwfr)>tiny(zero))ttolwfr=1 if(abs(toldff)>tiny(zero))ttoldff=1 if(abs(tolrff)>tiny(zero))ttolrff=1 if(abs(toldfe)>tiny(zero))ttoldfe=1 if(abs(tolvrs)>tiny(zero))ttolvrs=1 ! If non-scf calculations, tolwfr must be defined if(ttolwfr /= 1 .and. (iscf<0 .and. iscf/=-3) )then write(message,'(a,a,a,es14.6,a,a)')& 'when iscf <0 and /= -3, tolwfr must be strictly',ch10,& 'positive, while it is ',tolwfr,ch10,& 'Action: change tolwfr in your input file and resubmit the job.' ABI_ERROR(message) end if ! toldff only allowed when prtfor==1 ! FIXME: this test should be done on input, not during calculation if((ttoldff == 1 .or. ttolrff == 1) .and. prtfor==0 )then ABI_ERROR('toldff only allowed when prtfor=1!') end if ! If SCF calculations, one and only one of these can differ from zero if(ttolwfr+ttoldff+ttoldfe+ttolvrs+ttolrff /= 1 .and. (iscf>0 .or. iscf==-3))then write(message,'(6a,es14.6,a,es14.6,a,es14.6,a,es14.6,a,a,es14.6,a,a,a)' )& & 'For the SCF case, one and only one of the input tolerance criteria ',ch10,& & 'tolwfr, toldff, tolrff, toldfe or tolvrs ','must differ from zero, while they are',ch10,& & 'tolwfr=',tolwfr,', toldff=',toldff,', tolrff=',tolrff,', toldfe=',toldfe,ch10,& & 'and tolvrs=',tolvrs,' .',ch10,& & 'Action: change your input file and resubmit the job.' ABI_ERROR(message) end if if (dtset%usewvl == 1) then write(colname, "(A)") "grdnorm " else write(colname, "(A)") "residm " end if if (nstep>0 .and. (iscf>=0 .or.iscf==-3) .and. dtset%prtstm==0) then if(tmagnet==1)then if (prtfor==0) then if (optres==0) then write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,& & ' iter Etot(hartree) deltaE(h) ',colname,' vres2 magn' else write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,& & ' iter Etot(hartree) deltaE(h) ',colname,' nres2 magn' end if else if (optres==0) then write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,& & ' iter Etot(hartree) deltaE(h) ',colname,' vres2 diffor maxfor magn' else write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,& & ' iter Etot(hartree) deltaE(h) ',colname,' nres2 diffor maxfor magn' end if end if else if(response==0)then if (prtfor==0) then if (optres==0) then write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,& ' iter Etot(hartree) deltaE(h) ', colname, ' vres2' else write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,& ' iter Etot(hartree) deltaE(h) ', colname, ' nres2' end if else if (optres==0) then write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,& ' iter Etot(hartree) deltaE(h) ',colname,' vres2 diffor maxfor ' else write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,& ' iter Etot(hartree) deltaE(h) ',colname,' nres2 diffor maxfor ' end if end if else if (optres==0) then write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,& ' iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) ', colname, ' vres2' else write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,& ' iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) ', colname, ' nres2' end if end if end if ydoc = yamldoc_open('BeginCycle') call ydoc%add_ints("iscf, nstep, nline, wfoptalg", & [dtset%iscf, dtset%nstep, dtset%nline, dtset%wfoptalg], dict_key="solver") call ydoc%add_reals("tolwfr, toldff, toldfe, tolvrs, tolrff", & ! , vdw_df_threshold", & [tolwfr, toldff, toldfe, tolvrs, tolrff], & !, vdw_df_threshold], & real_fmt="(es8.2)", dict_key="tolerances", ignore=zero) !if (dtset%use_yaml == 1) then call ydoc%write_and_free(ab_out, newline=.False.) !else !call ydoc%write_and_free(std_out, newline=.False.) !end if call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL') end if case (2) ! Examine tolerance criteria tolwfr=tollist(2) toldff=tollist(3) toldfe=tollist(4) tolvrs=tollist(6) tolrff=tollist(7) vdw_df_threshold=tollist(8) ttolwfr=0 ; ttoldff=0 ; ttoldfe=0 ; ttolvrs=0; ttolrff=0; if(abs(tolwfr)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttolwfr=1 if(abs(toldff)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttoldff=1 if(abs(tolrff)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttolrff=1 if(abs(toldfe)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttoldfe=1 if(abs(tolvrs)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttolvrs=1 ! Conduct printing. If extra output follows, then put a blank line into the output here if (dtset%prtvol>=10) call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], ' ') ! Calculate up and down charge and magnetization if(tmagnet==1) then rhoup = zero rhodn = zero nband_index = 1 do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol do ikpt=1,nkpt nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt) do iband=1,nband_k if(isppol==1) rhoup = rhoup + wtk(ikpt)*occ(nband_index) if(isppol==2) rhodn = rhodn + wtk(ikpt)*occ(nband_index) nband_index = nband_index + 1 end do end do end do magnet = abs(rhoup - rhodn) end if if (prtxml == 1) then write(ab_xml_out, "(A)", advance = "NO") ' <scfcvStep' write(message, "(es22.10)") etotal write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' eTotal="', trim(message) ,'"' write(message, "(es20.8)") deltae write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' deltaETotal="', trim(message) ,'"' write(message, "(es20.8)") residm write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' maxResid="', trim(message) ,'"' write(message, "(es20.8)") res2 if (optres == 0) then write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' potResid="', trim(message) ,'"' else write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' denResid="', trim(message) ,'"' end if if (tmagnet== 1) then write(message, "(es20.8)") magnet write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' magn="', trim(message) ,'"' end if if (prtfor == 1) then write(message, "(es20.8)") diffor write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' deltaForces="', trim(message) ,'"' write(message, "(es20.8)") maxfor write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' maxForces="', trim(message) ,'"' end if write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") " />" end if ! Print total (free) energy (hartree) and other convergence measures if(dtset%prtstm==0)then format_istep='i3' if(istep>99)format_istep='i5' if(istep>9999)format_istep='i7' if(tmagnet==1)then if(magnet<10)then format_magnet='f6.3)' else if(magnet<100)then format_magnet='f6.2)' else format_magnet='f6.1)' end if if (prtfor==0) then write(message, '(a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,3es9.2,0p,'//format_magnet ) & & ' ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2,magnet else write(message, '(a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,3es9.2,es8.1,es9.2,0p,'//format_magnet ) & & ' ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2,diffor,maxfor,magnet end if else firstchar=' ' if (response/=0.and.istep==1) firstchar="-" if (response==0) then if (prtfor==0) then write(message, '(2a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,3es10.3)' ) & & firstchar,'ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2 else write(message, '(2a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,5es10.3)' ) & & firstchar,'ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2,diffor,maxfor end if else write(message, '(2a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,1x,3es10.3)' ) & & firstchar,'ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2 end if end if !if (etot_yaml_doc%stream%length /= 0) call etot_yaml_doc%add_tabular_line(' '//message(6:)) call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL') if(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==1) then call wrtout(std_out, message,'PERS') elseif(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==0) then call wrtout(std_out, message,'COLL') end if end if ! dtset%prtstm==0 ! Print positions/forces every step if dtset%prtvol>=10 and iscf>0 or -3 and GS case if (dtset%prtvol>=10.and.(iscf>=0.or.iscf==-3).and.response==0.and.dtset%prtstm==0) then call wrtout(ab_out," ",'COLL') ! Print up and down charge and magnetization if(tmagnet==1) then write(message,'(a,f11.6,a,f11.6,a,f10.6)')& & ' #electrons spin up=',rhoup,', spin down=',rhodn,', magnetization=',magnet call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) end if ! Moreover, print atomic positions if dtset%ionmov==4, and moved_atm_inside==1 if (dtset%ionmov==4 .and. moved_atm_inside==1)then call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], ' reduced coordinates :') do iatom=1,dtset%natom write(message, '(i5,1x,3es21.11)' ) iatom,xred(:,iatom) call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) end do end if ! Slightly change favg for printing reasons if (prtfor>0) then f_tmp(:)=favg(:) if(abs(favg(1))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(1)=zero if(abs(favg(2))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(2)=zero if(abs(favg(3))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(3)=zero write(message, '(a,3es10.2)' )' cartesian forces (ha/bohr); non-corrected avg=',f_tmp(:) call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) do iatom=1,dtset%natom f_tmp(:)=fcart(:,iatom) if(abs(fcart(1,iatom))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(1)=zero if(abs(fcart(2,iatom))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(2)=zero if(abs(fcart(3,iatom))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(3)=zero write(message, '(i5,1x,3es21.11)' ) iatom,f_tmp(:) call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) end do end if end if ! Print eigenvalues every step if dtset%prtvol>=10 and GS case if (my_rank == master .and. (dtset%prtvol>=10 .and. response==0 .and. dtset%tfkinfunc==0 .and. dtset%usewvl==0)) then option=1 ! CP modified ! call prteigrs(eigen,dtset%enunit,fermie,fname_eig,ab_out,iscf,kpt,dtset%kptopt,dtset%mband,& !& nband,nkpt,dtset%nnsclo,dtset%nsppol,occ,dtset%occopt,option,dtset%prteig,dtset%prtvol,resid,tolwfr,vxcavg,wtk) ! ! call prteigrs(eigen,dtset%enunit,fermie,fname_eig,std_out,iscf,kpt,dtset%kptopt,dtset%mband,& !& nband,nkpt,dtset%nnsclo,dtset%nsppol,occ,dtset%occopt,option,dtset%prteig,dtset%prtvol,resid,tolwfr,vxcavg,wtk) call prteigrs(eigen,dtset%enunit,fermie,fermih,fname_eig,ab_out,iscf,kpt,dtset%kptopt,dtset%mband,& & nband,nkpt,dtset%nnsclo,dtset%nsppol,occ,dtset%occopt,option,dtset%prteig,dtset%prtvol,resid,tolwfr,vxcavg,wtk) call prteigrs(eigen,dtset%enunit,fermie,fermih,fname_eig,std_out,iscf,kpt,dtset%kptopt,dtset%mband,& & nband,nkpt,dtset%nnsclo,dtset%nsppol,occ,dtset%occopt,option,dtset%prteig,dtset%prtvol,resid,tolwfr,vxcavg,wtk) ! End CP modified end if if(response==0)then write(message, '(a,1p,e15.7,a)' ) ' scprqt: <Vxc>=',vxcavg,' hartree' call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL') end if ! Check whether exiting was required by the user. openexit=1 ; if(dtset%chkexit==0) openexit=0 call exit_check(cpus,filnam1,iexit,ab_out,mpi_enreg%comm_cell,openexit) if (iexit/=0) quit=1 ! In special cases, do not quit even if convergence is reached noquit=((istep<nstep).and.(usepaw==1).and.(dtset%usepawu/=0).and.& & (dtset%usedmatpu/=0).and.(istep<=abs(dtset%usedmatpu)).and.& & (dtset%usedmatpu<0.or.initGS==0)) ! Additional stuff for electron/positron if (present(electronpositron)) then if (associated(electronpositron)) then if (electronpositron%istep_scf==1) then toldff_ok=0;tolrff_ok=0;toldfe_ok=0 end if end if end if ! Stopping criteria in the SCF case if(iscf>1 .or. iscf==-3 .or. iscf == 0) then ! Here treat the vdw_df_threshold criterion : if the change of energy is less than ! input vdw_df_threshold, trigger the calculation of vdW interactions ! write(message,'(1x,a,e10.3,1x,a,e10.3,1x,l1,a)') & ! & '[vdW-DF][DEBUG] deltae=',deltae,'vdw_df_threshold=',vdw_df_threshold, & ! & (abs(deltae)<vdw_df_threshold),ch10 ! call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL') #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC call xc_vdw_trigger( (abs(deltae)<vdw_df_threshold) ) #endif ! Here treat the tolwfr criterion: if maximum residual is less than ! input tolwfr, stop steps (exit loop here) if (ttolwfr == 1 .and. .not. noquit) then if (residm < tolwfr) then if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a,a)' )ch10, & ' At SCF step',istep,' max residual=',residm,' < tolwfr=',tolwfr,' =>converged.' else write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a,a)' )ch10, & ' At SCF step',istep,' max grdnorm=',residm,' < tolwfr=',tolwfr,' =>converged.' end if call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) quit=1 else use_dpfft = residm < tol7 end if end if ! Here treat the toldff criterion: if maximum change of fcart is less than ! input toldff twice consecutively, stop steps (exit loop here) if (ttoldff==1) then if (istep==1) then toldff_ok=0 else if (diffor < toldff) then toldff_ok=toldff_ok+1 ! add warning for forces which are 0 by symmetry. Also added Matteo check below that the wave ! functions are relatively converged as well if (diffor < tol12) then write (message,'(3a)') ' toldff criterion is satisfied, but your forces are suspiciously low.', ch10,& & ' Check if the forces are 0 by symmetry: in that case you can not use the toldff convergence criterion!' ABI_WARNING(message) if (maxfor < tol16 .and. res2 > tol9) tolrff_ok=0 end if else toldff_ok=0 use_dpfft = diffor < tol6 end if if(toldff_ok==2 .and. .not.noquit)then write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, & & ' At SCF step',istep,', forces are converged : ',ch10,& & ' for the second time, max diff in force=',diffor,' < toldff=',toldff call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) quit=1 end if end if ! Here treat the tolrff criterion: if maximum change of fcart is less than ! input tolrff times fcart itself twice consecutively, stop steps (exit loop here) if (ttolrff==1) then if (istep==1) then tolrff_ok=0 ! 27/7/2009: added test for absolute value of maxfor, otherwise if it is 0 this never exits the scf loop. else if (diffor < tolrff*maxfor .or. (maxfor < tol16 .and. diffor < tol16)) then tolrff_ok=tolrff_ok+1 ! Thu Mar 12 19:01:40 MG: added additional check on res2 to make sure the SCF cycle is close to convergence. ! Needed for structural relaxations otherwise the stress tensor is wrong and the relax algo makes wrong moves. if (maxfor < tol16 .and. res2 > tol9) tolrff_ok=0 else tolrff_ok=0 use_dpfft = diffor < tolrff * maxfor * five end if if(tolrff_ok==2 .and. (.not.noquit))then write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) ch10, & ' At SCF step',istep,', forces are sufficiently converged : ',ch10,& ' for the second time, max diff in force=',diffor,& ' is less than < tolrff=',tolrff, ' times max force' call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) quit=1 end if end if ! Here treat the toldfe criterion: if the change of energy is less than ! input toldfe twice consecutively, stop steps (exit loop here) if (ttoldfe==1) then if (istep==1) then toldfe_ok=0 else if (abs(deltae)<toldfe) then toldfe_ok=toldfe_ok+1 else toldfe_ok=0 use_dpfft = abs(deltae) < tol8 end if if(toldfe_ok==2 .and. (.not.noquit))then if(usefock==0 .or. nnsclohf<2)then write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, & ' At SCF step',istep,', etot is converged : ',ch10,& ' for the second time, diff in etot=',abs(deltae),' < toldfe=',toldfe else write(message, '(a,i3,a,i3,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) & ' Outer loop step',istep_fock_outer,' - inner step',istep_mix,' - frozen Fock etot converged : ',ch10,& ' for the second time, diff in etot=',abs(deltae),' < toldfe=',toldfe endif call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) quit=1 end if if(usefock==1 .and. nnsclohf>1)then if(istep_mix==1 .and. (.not.noquit))then ! The change due to the update of the Fock operator is sufficiently small. No need to meet it a second times. if (abs(deltae)<toldfe) then write(message, '(a,i3,a,i3,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) & ' Outer loop step',istep_fock_outer,' - inner step',istep_mix,' - etot converged : ',ch10,& ' update of Fock operator yields diff in etot=',abs(deltae),' < toldfe=',toldfe call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) fock%fock_common%fock_converged=.true. quit=1 endif endif !TODO: separate messages: if HF is imposing a continuation of the loop, then abs(deltae) is actually not > toldfe if(istep_mix==nnsclohf .and. quit==0)then write(message, '(a,i3,a,i3,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) & ' Outer loop step',istep_fock_outer,' - inner step',istep_mix,' - frozen Fock etot NOT converged : ',ch10,& ' diff in etot=',abs(deltae),' > toldfe=',toldfe call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) endif endif ! Here treat the vdw_df_threshold criterion for non-SCF vdW-DF ! calculations: If input vdw_df_threshold is lesss than toldfe ! then the vdW-DF is triggered once selfconsistency criteria is ! reached for the first time. ! write(message,'(1x,a,e10.3,1x,a,e10.3,1x,l1,a)') & ! & '[vdW-DF][DEBUG] deltae=',deltae,'vdw_df_threshold=',vdw_df_threshold, & ! & (abs(deltae)<toldfe),ch10 ! call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL') #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC ivdw = 0 if ( toldfe > vdw_df_threshold ) then ivdw = ivdw + 1 end if call xc_vdw_trigger((toldfe_ok==1 .and. toldfe>vdw_df_threshold)) if ( ivdw == 2) then quit=1 end if #endif end if ! Here treat the tolvrs criterion: if density/potential residual (squared) ! is less than input tolvrs, stop steps (exit loop here) if (ttolvrs==1 .and. .not. noquit) then if (res2 < tolvrs) then if (optres==0) then write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a)' ) ch10,& ' At SCF step',istep,' vres2 =',res2,' < tolvrs=',tolvrs,' =>converged.' else write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a)' ) ch10,& ' At SCF step',istep,' nres2 =',res2,' < tolvrs=',tolvrs,' =>converged.' end if call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) quit=1 else use_dpfft = res2 < tol5 end if end if if (quit==1.and.noquit) then write(message, '(a,a,a)' ) ch10, & ' SCF cycle will continue as it is in an initialization stage',' (occ. matrix was kept constant)...' call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) end if end if ! Activate FFT in double-precision. if (use_dpfft) then if (fftcore_mixprec == 1) call wrtout(std_out, " Approaching convergence. Activating FFT in double-precision") ii = fftcore_set_mixprec(0) end if case (3) ! If wavefunction convergence was not reached (for nstep>0) print a warning and return conv_retcode conv_retcode = 0 if(nstep>0) then if (.not. converged()) then conv_retcode = 1 if(iscf>=1 .or. iscf==-3 .or. iscf == 0)then write(message, '(a,a,a,a,i5,a)' ) ch10,& ' scprqt: WARNING -',ch10,& ' nstep=',nstep,' was not enough SCF cycles to converge;' write(std_out,'(6a,i0,3a)')ch10,& "--- !ScfConvergenceWarning",ch10,& "message: |",ch10,& ' nstep ',nstep,' was not enough SCF cycles to converge.',ch10,& "..." !ABI_WARNING_CLASS(message, "ScfConvergenceWarning") else write(message, '(a,a,a,a,i5,a)' ) ch10,& ' scprqt: WARNING -',ch10,& ' nstep=',nstep,' was not enough non-SCF iterations to converge;' write(std_out,'(8a)')ch10,& "--- !NscfConvergenceWarning",ch10,& "message: |",ch10,TRIM(indent(message)),ch10,& "..." !ABI_WARNING_CLASS(message, "NScfConvergenceWarning") end if call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) if (ttolwfr==1) then if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) & ' maximum residual=',residm,' exceeds tolwfr=',tolwfr,ch10 write(message2, '(a,es11.3,2a)' ) & ' maximum residual each band. tolwfr= ',tolwfr,ch10,& ' iband, isppol, individual band residuals (max over all k-points):' call wrtout(std_out, message2,'COLL') do isppol = 1, dtset%nsppol do iband = 1, dtset%mband write(message3, '(2i6, es11.3)') iband, isppol, residm_band(iband,isppol) call wrtout(std_out,message3,'COLL') end do end do else write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) & ' maximum grdnorm=',residm,' exceeds tolwfr=',tolwfr,ch10 end if else if (ttoldff==1) then write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) & ' maximum force difference=',diffor,' exceeds toldff=',toldff,ch10 else if (ttolrff==1) then write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) & ' maximum force difference=',diffor,' exceeds tolrff*maxfor=',tolrff*maxfor,ch10 else if (ttoldfe==1) then write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) & ' maximum energy difference=',abs(deltae),' exceeds toldfe=',toldfe,ch10 else if(ttolvrs==1)then if (optres==0) then write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) & ' potential residual=',res2,' exceeds tolvrs=',tolvrs,ch10 else write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) & ' density residual=',res2,' exceeds tolvrs=',tolvrs,ch10 end if end if call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) if (prtxml == 1) then write(ab_xml_out, "(A)", advance = "NO") ' <status cvState="Failed"' end if else ! Convergence is OK if (prtxml == 1) then write(ab_xml_out, "(A)", advance = "NO") ' <status cvState="Ok"' end if end if ! test for convergence reached or not if (prtxml == 1) then if (ttoldfe == 1) then write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="toldfe" />' else if (ttoldff == 1) then write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="toldff" />' else if (ttolrff == 1) then write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="tolrff" />' else if (ttolvrs == 1) then write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="tolvrs" />' else if (ttolwfr == 1) then write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="tolwfr" />' else write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' />' end if end if ! If enabled, output a YAML document with the ETOT iterations !if (etot_yaml_doc%stream%length > 0) call etot_yaml_doc%write_and_free(ab_out) end if ! nstep == 0 : no output case default write(message, '(a,i0,a)' )' choice = ',choice,' is not an allowed value.' ABI_BUG(message) end select ! Additional stuff for the Fock+SCF cycle if (present(fock)) then if (associated(fock)) then fock%fock_common%scf_converged=(quit==1) ! At present, the decision that the Fock loop is converged is not taken here if (.not.fock%fock_common%fock_converged)quit=0 end if end if ! Additional stuff for the two-component DFT SCF cycle (electrons+positron) if (present(electronpositron)) then if (associated(electronpositron)) then electronpositron%scf_converged=(quit==1) if (dtset%positron<0) then diff_e=abs(etotal-electronpositron%etotal_prev) diff_f=abs(maxfor-electronpositron%maxfor_prev) end if if (choice==1) then ttoldff=0;ttoldfe=0 if(abs(dtset%postoldff)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttoldff=1 if(abs(dtset%postoldfe)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttoldfe=1 if (dtset%positron<0.and.ttoldff+ttoldfe/=1.and.iscf>0) then ABI_ERROR('one and only one of toldff or toldfe must differ from zero !') end if end if if (choice==2) then if (dtset%positron<0.and.istep<=nstep) then if (electronpositron%scf_converged) then if (electronpositron%istep/=electronpositron%nstep) then if ((.not.noquit).and.& & (diff_e<electronpositron%postoldfe.or.diff_f<electronpositron%postoldff).and.& & (mod(electronpositron%calctype,2)==0.or.(dtset%positron>-20.and.dtset%positron/=-2))) then if (diff_e<electronpositron%postoldfe) then write(message, '(2a,i5,5a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, & & ' At SCF step',istep,', the difference between',ch10,& & ' etotal from electronic calculation and etotal from positronic calculation',ch10,& & ' is converged : diff(etot_el-etot_pos)=',diff_e,' < postoldfe=',electronpositron%postoldfe else write(message, '(2a,i5,5a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, & & ' At SCF step',istep,', the difference between',ch10,& & ' max. force from electronic calculation and max. force from positronic calculation',ch10,& & ' is converged : diff(maxfor_el-maxfor_pos)=',diff_f,' < postoldff=',electronpositron%postoldff end if call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) else quit=0 end if end if end if end if end if if (choice==3) then if (dtset%positron<0.and.nstep>0)then if (diff_e>=electronpositron%postoldfe.and.abs(dtset%postoldfe)>tiny(0.0_dp)) then write(message, '(4a,i5,5a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10,& & ' scprqt: WARNING -',ch10,& & ' posnstep=',dtset%posnstep,' was not enough SCF cycles to converge difference between',ch10,& & ' etotal from electronic calculation and etotal from positronic calculation;',ch10,& & ' diff=',diff_e,' exceeds postoldfe=',electronpositron%postoldfe call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) end if if (diff_f>=electronpositron%postoldff.and.abs(dtset%postoldff)>tiny(0.0_dp)) then write(message, '(4a,i5,5a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10,& & ' scprqt: WARNING -',ch10,& & ' posnstep=',dtset%posnstep,' was not enough SCF cycles to converge difference between',ch10,& & ' max. force from electronic calculation and max. force from positronic calculation;',ch10,& & ' diff=',diff_e,' exceeds postoldff=',electronpositron%postoldff call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) end if end if end if end if end if call flush_unit(ab_out) DBG_EXIT("COLL") contains logical function converged() ! LB-02/01/2017: ! This code avoids evaluation of undefined variables (which could happen in respfn, apparently) logical :: loc_conv loc_conv = .true. if (ttolwfr==1) then if (residm > tolwfr) loc_conv=.false. end if if (ttoldff==1) then if (diffor > toldff) loc_conv=.false. end if if (ttolrff==1) then if (diffor > tolrff*maxfor .and. maxfor > tol16) loc_conv=.false. end if if (ttoldfe==1) then if (abs(deltae) > toldfe) loc_conv=.false. end if if (ttolvrs==1) then if (res2 > tolvrs) loc_conv=.false. end if converged = loc_conv end function converged end subroutine scprqt !!*** !!****f* ABINIT/setup1 !! NAME !! setup1 !! !! FUNCTION !! Call near top of main routine to handle setup of various arrays, !! filenames, checking of input data, etc. !! !! INPUTS !! acell(3)=length scales (bohr) !! ecut_eff=effective energy cutoff (hartree) for planewave basis sphere !! ecutc_eff=- PAW only - effective energy cutoff (hartree) for the coarse grid !! natom=number of atoms !! ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft !! ngfftc(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT for the coarse grid !! nkpt=number of k points !! nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized !! ntypat=number of types of atoms !! response=0 if called by gstate, =1 if called by respfn !! rprim(3,3)=dimensionless real space primitive translations !! usepaw= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation !! !! OUTPUT !! bantot=total number of bands at all k points !! gmet(3,3)=metric for reciprocal space inner products (bohr^-2) !! gprimd(3,3)=dimens. primitive translations for reciprocal space (bohr**-1) !! gsqcut_eff=Fourier cutoff on G^2 for "large sphere" of radius double !! gsqcutc_eff=(PAW) Fourier cutoff on G^2 for "large sphere" of radius double for the coarse FFT grid !! that of the basis sphere--appropriate for charge density rho(G), !! Hartree potential, and pseudopotentials, corresponding to ecut_eff !! rmet(3,3)=real space metric (bohr**2) !! rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr) !! ucvol=unit cell volume (bohr^3) !! !! NOTES !! SHOULD BE CLEANED ! !! !! PARENTS !! m_gstate,m_longwave,m_nonlinear,m_respfn_driver !! !! CHILDREN !! hdr%free,hdr_ncread,hdr_read_from_fname,indefo,inpspheads,invars0 !! invars1m,invars2m,macroin,macroin2,parsefile,pspheads_comm,timab !! time_set_papiopt,wfk_read_eigenvalues !! !! SOURCE subroutine setup1(acell,bantot,dtset,ecut_eff,ecutc_eff,gmet,& & gprimd,gsqcut_eff,gsqcutc_eff,ngfft,ngfftc,nkpt,nsppol,& & response,rmet,rprim,rprimd,ucvol,usepaw) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset integer,intent(in) :: nkpt,nsppol integer,intent(in) :: response,usepaw integer,intent(out) :: bantot real(dp),intent(in) :: ecut_eff,ecutc_eff real(dp),intent(out) :: gsqcut_eff,gsqcutc_eff,ucvol !arrays integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18),ngfftc(18) real(dp),intent(in) :: acell(3),rprim(3,3) real(dp),intent(out) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3) real(dp),intent(out) :: rprimd(3,3) !Local variables------------------------------- !scalars integer :: ikpt,isppol real(dp) :: boxcut,boxcutc character(len=500) :: message !arrays real(dp) :: k0(3) ! ************************************************************************ !Compute bantot bantot=0 do isppol=1,nsppol do ikpt=1,nkpt bantot=bantot+dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt) end do end do if(dtset%nqpt>1.or.dtset%nqpt<0) then write(message,'(a,i0,5a)')& 'nqpt =',dtset%nqpt,' is not allowed',ch10,& '(only 0 or 1 are allowed).',ch10,& 'Action: correct your input file.' ABI_ERROR(message) end if ! Compute dimensional primitive translations rprimd call mkrdim(acell,rprim,rprimd) ! Obtain dimensional translations in reciprocal space gprimd, ! metrics and unit cell volume, from rprimd. ! Also output rprimd, gprimd and ucvol call metric(gmet,gprimd,ab_out,rmet,rprimd,ucvol) ! Get boxcut for given acell, gmet, ngfft, and ecut_eff ! (center at 000 for groundstate, center at q for respfn): ! boxcut=ratio of basis sphere diameter to fft box side k0(:)=0.0_dp if(response==1 .and. dtset%nqpt==1)then k0(:)=dtset%qptn(:) write(message, '(a)' )' setup1 : take into account q-point for computing boxcut.' call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) end if if (usepaw==1) then write(message,'(2a)') ch10,' Coarse grid specifications (used for wave-functions):' call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) call getcut(boxcutc,ecutc_eff,gmet,gsqcutc_eff,dtset%iboxcut,ab_out,k0,ngfftc) write(message,'(2a)') ch10,' Fine grid specifications (used for densities):' call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message) call getcut(boxcut,ecut_eff,gmet,gsqcut_eff,dtset%iboxcut,ab_out,k0,ngfft) else call getcut(boxcut,ecut_eff,gmet,gsqcut_eff,dtset%iboxcut,ab_out,k0,ngfft) gsqcutc_eff=gsqcut_eff end if ! Check that boxcut>=2 if dtset%intxc=1; otherwise dtset%intxc must be set=0 if (boxcut<2.0_dp.and.dtset%intxc==1) then write(message, '(a,es12.4,a,a,a,a,a)' )& 'boxcut= ',boxcut,' is < 2.0 => intxc must be 0;',ch10,& 'Need larger ngfft to use intxc=1.',ch10,& 'Action: you could increase ngfft, or decrease ecut, or put intxcn=0.' ABI_ERROR(message) end if end subroutine setup1 !!*** !!****f* ABINIT/prteigrs !! NAME !! prteigrs !! !! FUNCTION !! Print out eigenvalues band by band and k point by k point. !! If option=1, do it in a standard way, for self-consistent calculations. !! If option=2, print out residuals and eigenvalues, in a format !! adapted for nonself-consistent calculations, within the loops. !! If option=3, print out eigenvalues, in a format !! adapted for nonself-consistent calculations, at the end of the job. !! If option=4, print out derivatives of eigenvalues (same format as option==3, except header that is printed) !! If option=5, print out Fan contribution to zero-point motion correction to eigenvalues (averaged) !! (same format as option==3, except header that is printed) !! If option=6, print out DDW contribution to zero-point motion correction to eigenvalues (averaged) !! (same format as option==3, except header that is printed) !! If option=7, print out Fan+DDW contribution to zero-point motion correction to eigenvalues (averaged) !! (same format as option==3, except header that is printed) !! !! INPUTS !! eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=eigenvalues (hartree) !! or, if option==4, diagonal of derivative of eigenvalues !! or, if option==5...7, zero-point motion correction to eigenvalues (averaged) !! enunit=choice parameter: 0=>output in hartree; 1=>output in eV; !! 2=> output in both hartree and eV !! fermie=fermi energy (Hartree)/ for electrons thermalized in the conduction bands when occopt==9 ! CP modified !! fermih=fermi energy (Hartree) for holes thermalized in the VB when occopt==9 ! CP modified !! fname_eig=filename for printing of the eigenenergies !! iout=unit number for formatted output file !! iscf=option for self-consistency !! kptns(3,nkpt)=k points in reduced coordinates !! kptopt=option for the generation of k points !! mband=maximum number of bands !! nband(nkpt)=number of bands at each k point !! nkpt=number of k points !! nnsclo_now=number of non-self-consistent loops for the current vtrial !! (often 1 for SCF calculation, =nstep for non-SCF calculations) !! nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized !! occ(maxval(nband(:))*nkpt*nsppol)=occupancies for each band and k point !! occopt=option for occupancies !! option= (see above) !! prteig=control print eigenenergies !! prtvol=control print volume and debugging !! resid(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=residuals (hartree**2) !! tolwfr=tolerance on band residual of wf, hartrees**2 (needed when option=2) !! vxcavg=average of vxc potential !! wtk(nkpt)=k-point weights !! !! OUTPUT !! (only writing) !! !! PARENTS !! m_common,m_dfpt_looppert,m_gstate,m_respfn_driver,m_vtorho !! !! CHILDREN !! hdr%free,hdr_ncread,hdr_read_from_fname,indefo,inpspheads,invars0 !! invars1m,invars2m,macroin,macroin2,parsefile,pspheads_comm,timab !! time_set_papiopt,wfk_read_eigenvalues !! !! SOURCE !CP added fermih to argument list subroutine prteigrs(eigen,enunit,fermie,fermih,fname_eig,iout,iscf,kptns,kptopt,mband,nband,& & nkpt,nnsclo_now,nsppol,occ,occopt,option,prteig,prtvol,resid,tolwfr,vxcavg,wtk) use m_io_tools, only : open_file !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(in) :: enunit,iout,iscf,kptopt,mband,nkpt,nnsclo_now,nsppol integer,intent(in) :: occopt,option,prteig,prtvol real(dp),intent(in) :: fermie,fermih,tolwfr,vxcavg ! CP added fermih character(len=*),intent(in) :: fname_eig !arrays integer,intent(in) :: nband(nkpt*nsppol) real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol),kptns(3,nkpt) real(dp),intent(in) :: occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol),resid(mband*nkpt*nsppol) real(dp),intent(in) :: wtk(nkpt) !Local variables------------------------------- !scalars integer,parameter :: nkpt_max=50 integer :: band_index,iband,ienunit,ii,ikpt,isppol,nband_index,nband_k,nkpt_eff,tmagnet,tmetal,temp_unit real(dp) :: convrt,magnet,residk,rhodn,rhoup character(len=2) :: ibnd_fmt,ikpt_fmt character(len=7) :: strunit1,strunit2 character(len=39) :: kind_of_output character(len=500) :: msg ! ************************************************************************* if (enunit<0.or.enunit>2) then ABI_BUG(sjoin('enunit must be 0, 1 or 2. Argument was:', itoa(enunit))) end if if (prteig > 0) then call wrtout(iout, sjoin(' prteigrs : about to open file ', fname_eig)) if (open_file(fname_eig, msg, newunit=temp_unit, status='unknown', form='formatted') /= 0) then ABI_ERROR(msg) end if rewind(temp_unit) ! always rewind disk file and print latest eigenvalues end if kind_of_output= ' Eigenvalues ' if(option==4) kind_of_output=' Expectation of eigenvalue derivatives' if(option==5) kind_of_output=' Fan corrections to eigenvalues at T=0' if(option==6) kind_of_output=' DDW corrections to eigenvalues at T=0' if(option==7) kind_of_output=' Fan+DDW corrs to eigenvalues at T=0' nkpt_eff=nkpt !write(msg,'(a,5i5)')' prtvol,iscf,kptopt,nkpt_eff,nkpt_max ',prtvol,iscf,kptopt,nkpt_eff,nkpt_max !call wrtout(iout,msg) if( (prtvol==0.or.prtvol==1) .and. (iscf/=-2 .or. kptopt>0) .and. nkpt_eff>nkpt_max)nkpt_eff=nkpt_max if( (prtvol==0.or.prtvol==1) .and. (iscf/=-2 .or. kptopt>0) .and. nkpt_eff>1 .and. iout==ab_out)nkpt_eff=1 if(option==1 .or. (option>=3 .and. option<=7))then do ienunit=0,1 if (enunit==1 .and. ienunit==0)cycle if (enunit==0 .and. ienunit==1)cycle ! Print eigenvalues in hartree for enunit=0 or 2 ! The definition of two different strings is quite ridiculous. Historical reasons ... if (ienunit==0)then convrt=one strunit1='hartree' strunit2='hartree' end if if (ienunit==1)then convrt=Ha_eV strunit1=' eV ' strunit2='eV ' end if band_index=0 if(ienunit==0)then ! XG20140730 I do not know why this is only done when ienunit==0 tmetal=0 if(option==1 .and. occopt>=3 .and. occopt<=8)tmetal=1 tmagnet=0 if(tmetal==1 .and. nsppol==2)then tmagnet=1 rhoup = 0._dp rhodn = 0._dp nband_index = 1 do isppol=1,nsppol do ikpt=1,nkpt nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt) do iband=1,nband_k if(isppol==1) rhoup = rhoup + wtk(ikpt)*occ(nband_index) if(isppol==2) rhodn = rhodn + wtk(ikpt)*occ(nband_index) nband_index = nband_index + 1 end do end do end do magnet = abs(rhoup - rhodn) end if end if if(iscf>=0 .and. (ienunit==0 .or. option==1))then ! CP modified for occopt 9 case !write(msg, '(3a,f10.5,3a,f10.5)' ) & ! ' Fermi (or HOMO) energy (',trim(strunit2),') =',convrt*fermie,' Average Vxc (',trim(strunit2),')=',convrt*vxcavg if (occopt == 9) then write(msg, '(3a,f10.5,a,f10.5,3a,f10.5)' ) & ' Fermi energy for thermalized electrons and holes (',trim(strunit2),') =',& convrt*fermie,', ',convrt*fermih,' Average Vxc (',trim(strunit2),')=',convrt*vxcavg else write(msg, '(3a,f10.5,3a,f10.5)' ) & ' Fermi (or HOMO) energy (',trim(strunit2),') =',convrt*fermie,' Average Vxc (',trim(strunit2),')=',convrt*vxcavg end if ! End CP modified call wrtout(iout,msg) if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg) end if ! if( (iscf>=0 .or. iscf==-3) .and. ienunit==0)then ! This is the most correct if(iscf>=0 .and. ienunit==0)then ! For historical reasons if(tmagnet==1)then write(msg, '(a,es16.8,a,a,es16.8,a,es16.8)' )& & ' Magnetization (Bohr magneton)=',magnet,ch10,& & ' Total spin up =',rhoup,' Total spin down =',rhodn call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg) end if end if ! Loop over spins (suppress spin data if nsppol not 2) do isppol=1,nsppol ikpt_fmt="i4" ; if(nkpt>=10000)ikpt_fmt="i6" ; if(nkpt>=1000000)ikpt_fmt="i9" if (nsppol==2.and.isppol==1) then write(msg, '(4a,'//ikpt_fmt//',2x,a)' ) & & trim(kind_of_output),' (',strunit1,') for nkpt=',nkpt,'k points, SPIN UP:' else if (nsppol==2.and.isppol==2) then write(msg, '(4a,'//ikpt_fmt//',2x,a)' ) & & trim(kind_of_output),' (',strunit1,') for nkpt=',nkpt,'k points, SPIN DOWN:' else write(msg, '(4a,'//ikpt_fmt//',2x,a)' ) & & trim(kind_of_output),' (',strunit1,') for nkpt=',nkpt,'k points:' end if call wrtout(iout,msg) if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg) if(ienunit==0)then if(option>=4 .and. option<=7)then msg = ' (in case of degenerate eigenvalues, averaged derivative)' call wrtout(iout,msg) if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg) end if end if do ikpt=1,nkpt nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt) ikpt_fmt="i4" ; if(nkpt>=10000)ikpt_fmt="i6" ; if(nkpt>=1000000)ikpt_fmt="i9" ibnd_fmt="i3" ; if(nband_k>=1000)ibnd_fmt="i6" ; if(nband_k>=1000000)ibnd_fmt="i9" if(ikpt<=nkpt_eff)then write(msg, '(a,'//ikpt_fmt//',a,'//ibnd_fmt//',a,f9.5,a,3f8.4,a)' ) & & ' kpt#',ikpt,', nband=',nband_k,', wtk=',wtk(ikpt)+tol10,', kpt=',& & kptns(1:3,ikpt)+tol10,' (reduced coord)' call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg) do ii=0,(nband_k-1)/8 ! write(msg, '(8f15.10)' ) (convrt*eigen(iband+band_index),& write(msg, '(8(f10.5,1x))' ) (convrt*eigen(iband+band_index), iband=1+ii*8,min(nband_k,8+ii*8)) call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg) end do if(ienunit==0 .and. option==1 .and. occopt>=3 .and. occopt<=8)then write(msg, '(5x,a,'//ikpt_fmt//')' ) ' occupation numbers for kpt#',ikpt call wrtout(iout,msg) do ii=0,(nband_k-1)/8 write(msg, '(8(f10.5,1x))' ) (occ(iband+band_index),iband=1+ii*8,min(nband_k,8+ii*8)) call wrtout(iout,msg) end do end if else if(ikpt==nkpt_eff+1)then write(msg, '(a,a)' )' prteigrs : prtvol=0 or 1, do not print more k-points.',ch10 call wrtout(iout,msg) end if if (prteig > 0) then write(msg, '(a,'//ikpt_fmt//',a,'//ibnd_fmt//',a,f9.5,a,3f8.4,a)' ) & & ' kpt#',ikpt,', nband=',nband_k,', wtk=',wtk(ikpt)+tol10,', kpt=',& & kptns(1:3,ikpt)+tol10,' (reduced coord)' call wrtout(temp_unit,msg) do ii=0,(nband_k-1)/8 write(msg, '(8(f10.5,1x))' ) (convrt*eigen(iband+band_index),iband=1+ii*8,min(nband_k,8+ii*8)) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg) end do end if end if band_index=band_index+nband_k end do ! do ikpt=1,nkpt end do ! do isppol=1,nsppol end do ! End loop over Hartree or eV else if(option==2)then band_index=0 do isppol=1,nsppol if(nsppol==2)then if(isppol==1)write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10,' SPIN UP channel ' if(isppol==2)write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10,' SPIN DOWN channel ' call wrtout(iout,msg) if(prteig>0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg) end if do ikpt=1,nkpt nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt) ikpt_fmt="i5" ; if(nkpt>=10000)ikpt_fmt="i7" ; if(nkpt>=1000000)ikpt_fmt="i9" if(ikpt<=nkpt_eff)then write(msg, '(1x,a,'//ikpt_fmt//',a,f9.5,2f9.5,a)' ) & & 'Non-SCF case, kpt',ikpt,' (',(kptns(ii,ikpt),ii=1,3),'), residuals and eigenvalues=' call wrtout(iout,msg) if (prteig > 0) then write(msg, '(1x,a,'//ikpt_fmt//',a,f9.5,2f9.5,a)' ) & & 'Non-SCF case, kpt',ikpt,' eig(',(kptns(ii,ikpt),ii=1,3),') ' call wrtout(temp_unit,msg) end if do ii=0,(nband_k-1)/8 write(msg, '(1p,8e10.2)' )(resid(iband+band_index),iband=1+8*ii,min(8+8*ii,nband_k)) call wrtout(iout,msg) end do do ii=0,(nband_k-1)/6 write(msg, '(1p,6e12.4)' )(eigen(iband+band_index),iband=1+6*ii,min(6+6*ii,nband_k)) call wrtout(iout,msg) if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg) end do else if(ikpt==nkpt_eff+1)then write(msg, '(a,a)' )' prteigrs : prtvol=0 or 1, do not print more k-points.',ch10 call wrtout(iout,msg) end if if (prteig > 0) then write(msg, '(1x,a,i5,a,f9.5,2f9.5,a)' )'Non-SCF kpt',ikpt,' eig(',(kptns(ii,ikpt),ii=1,3),') ' call wrtout(temp_unit,msg) do ii=0,(nband_k-1)/6 write(msg, '(1p,6e12.4)' )(eigen(iband+band_index),iband=1+6*ii,min(6+6*ii,nband_k)) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg) end do end if end if ! MG: I don't understand why we should include the buffer in the output. ! It's already difficult to make the tests pass for the residuals without the buffer if nband >> nbocc residk=maxval(resid(band_index+1:band_index+nband_k)) if (residk>tolwfr) then write(msg, '(1x,a,2i5,a,1p,e13.5)' ) & & ' prteigrs : nnsclo,ikpt=',nnsclo_now,ikpt,' max resid (incl. the buffer)=',residk call wrtout(iout,msg) end if band_index=band_index+nband_k end do end do call wrtout(iout," ") else ABI_BUG(sjoin('option:', itoa(option),', is not allowed.')) end if if (prteig > 0) close (temp_unit) end subroutine prteigrs !!*** !!****f* ABINIT/prtene !! !! NAME !! prtene !! !! FUNCTION !! Print components of total energy in nice format !! !! INPUTS !! dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset !! | berryphase !! | kptopt !! | occopt !! | positron=option for electron-positron calculation !! | tphysel="physical" electronic temperature with FD occupations !! | tsmear=smearing energy or temperature (if metal) !! energies <type(energies_type)>=values of parts of total energy !! iout=unit number to which output is written !! usepaw= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation !! !! OUTPUT !! (only writing) !! !! PARENTS !! m_gstate,m_scfcv_core !! !! CHILDREN !! hdr%free,hdr_ncread,hdr_read_from_fname,indefo,inpspheads,invars0 !! invars1m,invars2m,macroin,macroin2,parsefile,pspheads_comm,timab !! time_set_papiopt,wfk_read_eigenvalues !! !! SOURCE subroutine prtene(dtset,energies,iout,usepaw) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(in) :: iout,usepaw type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset type(energies_type),intent(in) :: energies !Local variables------------------------------- !scalars integer :: ipositron,optdc logical :: directE_avail,testdmft real(dp) :: eent,enevalue,etotal,etotaldc,exc_semilocal ! Do not modify the length of these strings character(len=14) :: eneName character(len=500) :: msg type(yamldoc_t) :: edoc, dc_edoc !arrays !character(len=10) :: EPName(1:2)=(/"Positronic","Electronic"/) ! ************************************************************************* directE_avail=(usepaw==0.or.dtset%pawspnorb==0.or.dtset%pawcpxocc==2.or.dtset%kptopt==1.or.dtset%kptopt==2) !============= Evaluate some parts of the energy =========== optdc=-1;ipositron=merge(0,2,dtset%positron==0) if (abs(energies%e_ewald)<1.e-15_dp.and.abs(energies%e_hartree)<1.e-15_dp) ipositron=1 call energies_eval_eint(energies,dtset,usepaw,optdc,etotal,etotaldc) !Here, treat the case of metals !In re-smeared case the free energy is defined with tphysel if(dtset%occopt>=3 .and. dtset%occopt<=8)then if (abs(dtset%tphysel) < tol10) then eent=-dtset%tsmear * energies%entropy else eent=-dtset%tphysel * energies%entropy end if else eent=zero end if ! If DMFT is used and DMFT Entropy is not computed, then do not print ! non interacting entropy testdmft=(dtset%dmftcheck>=0.and.dtset%usedmft>=1.and.(sum(dtset%upawu(:,1))>=tol8.or. & & sum(dtset%jpawu(:,1))>tol8).and.dtset%dmft_entropy==0) if(testdmft) eent=zero etotal = etotal + eent etotaldc = etotaldc + eent !============= Printing of Etotal by direct scheme =========== if (dtset%icoulomb == 1) then eneName = "Ion-ion energy" else eneName = "Ewald energy" end if enevalue = energies%e_ewald if (optdc==0.or.optdc==2) then if (directE_avail) then edoc = yamldoc_open('EnergyTerms', info='Components of total free energy in Hartree', & width=20, real_fmt='(es21.14)') call edoc%add_real('kinetic', energies%e_kinetic) if(abs(energies%e_extfpmd)>tiny(0.0_dp)) then call edoc%add_real('kinetic_extfpmd',energies%e_extfpmd) call edoc%add_real('total_kinetic',energies%e_extfpmd+energies%e_kinetic) end if if (ipositron/=1) then exc_semilocal=energies%e_xc+energies%e_hybcomp_E0-energies%e_hybcomp_v0+energies%e_hybcomp_v ! XG20181025 This should NOT be a part of the semilocal XC energy, but treated separately. ! At present, there is still a problem with the variational formulation for the Fock term with PAW. ! So, for the time being, keep it inside. if(usepaw==1)exc_semilocal=exc_semilocal+energies%e_fock call edoc%add_real('hartree', energies%e_hartree) call edoc%add_real('xc', exc_semilocal) call edoc%add_real(eneName, enevalue) call edoc%add_real('psp_core', energies%e_corepsp) #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC if ( (dtset%vdw_xc > 0) .and. (dtset%vdw_xc < 10) .and. (xc_vdw_status()) ) then call edoc%add_real('VdWaals_df', energies%e_xc_vdw) end if #endif end if call edoc%add_real('local_psp', energies%e_localpsp) if (usepaw==0) then if(abs(energies%e_fock0)<tol8)then call edoc%add_real('non_local_psp', energies%e_nlpsp_vfock) else call edoc%add_real('non_local_psp+x', energies%e_nlpsp_vfock-energies%e_fock0) endif else call edoc%add_real('spherical_terms', energies%e_paw) !!!XG20181025 Does not work (yet)... !!!if(abs(energies%e_nlpsp_vfock)>tol8)then !!! write(msg, '(a,es21.14)' )' Fock-type term = ',energies%e_nlpsp_vfock !!! call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') !!! write(msg, '(a,es21.14)' ) ' -frozen Fock en.= ',-energies%e_fock0 !!! call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') !!!endif end if if (ANY(ABS(dtset%nucdipmom)>tol8)) then call edoc%add_real('nucl. magn. dipoles',energies%e_nucdip) end if if ((dtset%vdw_xc>=5.and.dtset%vdw_xc<=7).and.ipositron/=1) then call edoc%add_real('VdWaals_dft_d', energies%e_vdw_dftd) end if if (dtset%nzchempot>=1) then call edoc%add_real('chem_potential', energies%e_chempot) end if if(dtset%occopt>=3.and.dtset%occopt<=8.and.ipositron==0) then call edoc%add_real('internal', etotal-eent) if(.not.testdmft) then call edoc%add_real('-kT*entropy', eent) end if else if (ipositron/=0) then if (dtset%occopt>=3.and.dtset%occopt<=8) then call edoc%add_real('-kT*entropy', eent) end if !write(msg, '(3a,es21.14,a)' ) & ! ' >>> ',EPName(ipositron),' E= ',etotal-energies%e0_electronpositron -energies%e_electronpositron,ch10 !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') !write(msg, '(3a,es21.14,2a,es21.14)' ) & ! ' ',EPName(3-ipositron),' ener.= ',energies%e0_electronpositron,ch10,& ! ' EP interaction E= ' ,energies%e_electronpositron !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') if(ipositron == 1) then call edoc%add_real('positronic', etotal - energies%e0_electronpositron-energies%e_electronpositron) call edoc%add_real('electronic', energies%e0_electronpositron) else call edoc%add_real('electronic', etotal- energies%e0_electronpositron-energies%e_electronpositron) call edoc%add_real('positronic', energies%e0_electronpositron) end if call edoc%add_real('electron_positron_interaction', energies%e_electronpositron) end if if ((dtset%berryopt==4 .or. dtset%berryopt==6 .or. dtset%berryopt==7 .or. & dtset%berryopt==14 .or. dtset%berryopt==16 .or. dtset%berryopt==17) .and.ipositron/=1) then call edoc%add_real('electric', energies%e_elecfield) call edoc%add_real('kohn_sham', etotal-energies%e_elecfield) end if call edoc%add_real('total_energy', etotal) else write(msg, '(9a)' ) & ' COMMENT: ',ch10,& ' "Direct" decomposition of total free energy cannot be printed out !!!',ch10,& ' PAW contribution due to spin-orbit coupling cannot be evaluated',ch10,& ' without the knowledge of imaginary part of Rhoij atomic occupancies',ch10,& ' (computed only when pawcpxocc=2).' call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') end if end if !============= Printing of Etotal by double-counting scheme =========== if (optdc>=1) then dc_edoc = yamldoc_open('EnergyTermsDC', info='"Double-counting" decomposition of free energy', & width=20, real_fmt="(es21.14)") call dc_edoc%add_real('band_energy', energies%e_eigenvalues) if(abs(energies%e_extfpmd)>tiny(0.0_dp)) then call dc_edoc%add_real('kinetic_extfpmd_dc',energies%edc_extfpmd) end if if (ipositron/=1) then !write(msg, '(2(a,es21.14,a),a,es21.14)' ) & ! ' '//eneName//' =',enevalue,ch10,& ! ' PspCore energy = ',energies%e_corepsp-energies%e_corepspdc,ch10,& ! ' Dble-C XC-energy= ',-energies%e_hartree+energies%e_xc-energies%e_xcdc -energies%e_fock0 + & ! energies%e_hybcomp_E0-energies%e_hybcomp_v0 !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') call dc_edoc%add_real(eneName, enevalue) call dc_edoc%add_real('psp_core', energies%e_corepsp-energies%e_corepspdc) call dc_edoc%add_real('xc_dc', -energies%e_hartree+energies%e_xc-energies%e_xcdc - energies%e_fock0 + & energies%e_hybcomp_E0-energies%e_hybcomp_v0) end if if ((dtset%berryopt==4 .or. dtset%berryopt==6 .or. dtset%berryopt==7 .or. & dtset%berryopt==14 .or. dtset%berryopt==16 .or. dtset%berryopt==17).and.ipositron/=1) then call dc_edoc%add_real('electric_field', energies%e_elecfield) end if if (usepaw==1) then call dc_edoc%add_real('spherical_terms', energies%e_pawdc) end if if ((dtset%vdw_xc>=5.and.dtset%vdw_xc<=7).and.ipositron/=1) then call dc_edoc%add_real('VdWaals_dft_d', energies%e_vdw_dftd) end if if (dtset%nzchempot>=1) then call dc_edoc%add_real('chem_potential', energies%e_chempot) end if if(dtset%occopt>=3.and.dtset%occopt<=8.and.ipositron==0) then if(.not.testdmft) then !write(msg, '(a,es21.14,a,a,a,es21.14)' ) & ! ' >>>>> Internal E= ',etotaldc-eent,ch10,ch10,& ! ' -kT*entropy = ',eent !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') call dc_edoc%add_real('internal', etotaldc-eent) call dc_edoc%add_real('-kT*entropy', eent) else call dc_edoc%add_real('internal', etotaldc-eent) end if else if (ipositron/=0) then if (dtset%occopt>=3 .and. dtset%occopt<=8) then call dc_edoc%add_real('-kT*entropy', eent) end if !write(msg, '(a,es21.14,4a,es21.14,a)' ) & ! ' - EP dble-ct En.= ',-energies%edc_electronpositron,ch10,& ! ' >>> ',EPName(ipositron),' E= ',etotaldc-energies%e0_electronpositron -energies%e_electronpositron,ch10 !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') !write(msg, '(3a,es21.14,2a,es21.14)' ) & ! ' ',EPName(3-ipositron),' ener.= ',energies%e0_electronpositron,ch10,& ! ' EP interaction E= ' ,energies%e_electronpositron !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') call dc_edoc%add_real('electron_positron_dc', -energies%edc_electronpositron) if(ipositron == 1) then call dc_edoc%add_real('positronic', etotaldc-energies%e0_electronpositron-energies%e_electronpositron) call dc_edoc%add_real('electronic', energies%e0_electronpositron) else call dc_edoc%add_real('electronic', etotaldc-energies%e0_electronpositron-energies%e_electronpositron) call dc_edoc%add_real('positronic', energies%e0_electronpositron) end if call dc_edoc%add_real('electron_positron_interaction', energies%e_electronpositron) end if write(msg, '(a,es21.14)' ) ' >>>> Etotal (DC)= ',etotaldc !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') call dc_edoc%add_real('total_energy_dc', etotaldc) end if !======= Additional printing for compatibility ========== if (usepaw==0.and.optdc==0) then call edoc%add_real('total_energy_eV', etotal*Ha_eV) call edoc%add_real('band_energy', energies%e_eigenvalues) end if if ((optdc==0.or.optdc==2).and.(.not.directE_avail)) then !write(msg, '(a,a,es18.10)' ) ch10,' Band energy (Ha)= ',energies%e_eigenvalues !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') call edoc%add_real('band_energy', energies%e_eigenvalues) end if if (usepaw==1) then if ((optdc==0.or.optdc==2).and.(directE_avail)) then call edoc%add_real('total_energy_eV', etotal*Ha_eV) end if if (optdc>=1) then !if (optdc==1) write(msg, '(a,a,es21.14)' ) ch10,' >Total DC energy in eV = ',etotaldc*Ha_eV !if (optdc==2) write(msg, '(a,es21.14)' ) ' >Total DC energy in eV = ',etotaldc*Ha_eV !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') call dc_edoc%add_real('total_energy_dc_eV', etotaldc*Ha_eV) end if end if if( dtset%icoulomb/=1.and.abs(dtset%cellcharge(1))>tol8) then write(msg, '(6a)' ) & ch10,' Calculation was performed for a charged system with PBC',& ch10,' You may consider including the monopole correction to the total energy',& ch10,' The correction is to be divided by the dielectric constant' call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL') call edoc%add_real('monopole_correction', energies%e_monopole) call edoc%add_real('monopole_correction_eV', energies%e_monopole*Ha_eV) end if ! Write components of total energies in Yaml format. call edoc%write_and_free(iout) if (optdc >= 1) call dc_edoc%write_and_free(iout) end subroutine prtene !!*** !!****f* ABINIT/get_dtsets_pspheads !! NAME !! get_dtsets_pspheads !! !! FUNCTION !! Parse input file, get list of pseudos for files file and build list of datasets !! pseudopotential headers, maxval of dimensions needed in outvars !! !! INPUTS !! input_path: Input filename specifed on the command line. zero lenght if files file syntax is used. !! Mainly used to check whether pseudos are defined in the input to avoid entering the files file !! branch that prompts for pseudos. !! path: Input Filename !! comm: MPI communicator !! !! OUTPUT !! lenstr= the length of the resulting string. !! ndtset= the number of declared datasets. !! string= contains on output the content of the file, ready for parsing. !! dtsets(0:ndtset): List of datasets !! dmatpuflag=flag controlling the use of an initial density matrix in PAW+U (max. value over datasets) !! mx<ab_dimensions>=datatype storing the maximal dimensions. !! pspheads(npsp)=<type pspheader_type>=all the important information from the !! pseudopotential file headers, as well as the psp file names !! !! PARENTS !! abinit !! !! CHILDREN !! hdr%free,hdr_ncread,hdr_read_from_fname,indefo,inpspheads,invars0 !! invars1m,invars2m,macroin,macroin2,parsefile,pspheads_comm,timab !! time_set_papiopt,wfk_read_eigenvalues !! !! SOURCE subroutine get_dtsets_pspheads(input_path, path, ndtset, lenstr, string, timopt, dtsets, pspheads, mx, dmatpuflag, comm) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(out) :: lenstr, ndtset type(ab_dimensions),intent(out) :: mx character(len=strlen), intent(out) :: string character(len=*),intent(in) :: input_path, path integer,intent(in) :: comm integer,intent(out) :: timopt, dmatpuflag !arrays type(dataset_type),allocatable,intent(out) :: dtsets(:) type(pspheader_type),allocatable,intent(out):: pspheads(:) !Local variables------------------------------- !scalars integer :: ipsp,ios, me, ndtset_alloc, nprocs integer :: istatr,istatshft, papiopt, npsp, ii, idtset, msym, usepaw character(len=fnlen) :: filpsp character(len=500) :: msg !arrays integer,allocatable :: mband_upper_(:) real(dp) :: ecut_tmp(3,2,10),tsec(2) real(dp),allocatable :: zionpsp(:) character(len=fnlen), allocatable :: pspfilnam_(:), pseudo_paths(:) !************************************************************************ me = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm) ! Read the file, stringify it and return the number of datasets. call parsefile(path, lenstr, ndtset, string, comm) ndtset_alloc = ndtset; if (ndtset == 0) ndtset_alloc=1 ABI_MALLOC(dtsets, (0:ndtset_alloc)) timopt = 1; if (xmpi_paral==1) timopt = 0 ! Continue to analyze the input string, get upper dimensions, and allocate the remaining arrays. call invars0(dtsets, istatr, istatshft, lenstr, msym, mx%natom, mx%nimage, mx%ntypat, & ndtset, ndtset_alloc, npsp, pseudo_paths, papiopt, timopt, string, comm) ! Enable PAPI timers call time_set_papiopt(papiopt) dtsets(:)%timopt = timopt dtsets(0)%timopt = 1 if (xmpi_paral == 1) dtsets(0)%timopt = 0 call timab(41,2,tsec) call timab(timopt,5,tsec) ! Initialize pspheads, that contains the important information ! from the pseudopotential headers, as well as the psp filename call timab(42,1,tsec) usepaw = 0 ABI_MALLOC(pspheads, (npsp)) if (npsp > 10) then ABI_BUG('ecut_tmp is not well defined.') end if ecut_tmp = -one pspheads(:)%usewvl = dtsets(1)%usewvl if (me == 0) then ABI_MALLOC(pspfilnam_, (npsp)) if (len_trim(pseudo_paths(1)) == 0) then ! Enter Legacy `files file` mode --> Read the name of the psp file from files file. ! Catch possible mistake done by user (input without pseudos and `abinit` syntax) ! else the code starts to prompt for pseudos and execution gets stuck if (len_trim(input_path) /= 0) then ABI_ERROR("`pseudos` variable must be specified in input when the code is invoked with the `abinit` syntax") end if ! Finish to read the "file" file completely, as npsp is known, do ipsp=1,npsp write(std_out,'(/,a)' )' Please give name of formatted atomic psp file (and finish with a newline character)' read (std_in, '(a)' , iostat=ios ) filpsp ! It might be that a file name is missing if (ios /= 0) then write(msg, '(5a)' )& 'There are not enough names of pseudopotentials provided in the files file.',ch10,& 'Action: check first the variable ntypat (and/or npsp) in the input file;',ch10,& 'if they are correct, complete your files file.' ABI_ERROR(msg) end if pspfilnam_(ipsp) = trim(filpsp) write(std_out,'(a,i0,2a)' )' For atom type ',ipsp,', psp file is ',trim(filpsp) end do ! ipsp else ! Get pseudopotential paths from input file. pspfilnam_ = pseudo_paths do ipsp=1,npsp write(std_out,'(a,i0,2a)' )' For atom type ',ipsp,', psp file is ',trim(pspfilnam_(ipsp)) end do end if ! Now read the psp headers call inpspheads(pspfilnam_, npsp, pspheads, ecut_tmp) ABI_FREE(pspfilnam_) if (minval(abs(pspheads(1:npsp)%pspcod - 7)) == 0) usepaw=1 if (minval(abs(pspheads(1:npsp)%pspcod - 17)) == 0) usepaw=1 end if ABI_FREE(pseudo_paths) ! Communicate pspheads to all processors call pspheads_comm(npsp, pspheads, usepaw) ! If (all) pspcod are 7 then this is a PAW calculation. Initialize (default) the value of ratsph do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc dtsets(idtset)%usepaw = usepaw if (usepaw == 0) then dtsets(idtset)%ratsph(:)=two else ! Note that the following coding assumes that npsp=ntypat for PAW, which is true as of now (XG20101024). ! dtsets(idtset)%ratsph(1:npsp)=token%pspheads(1:npsp)%pawheader%rpaw do ipsp=1,npsp dtsets(idtset)%ratsph(ipsp) = pspheads(ipsp)%pawheader%rpaw end do endif end do ! Take care of other dimensions, and part of the content of dtsets that is or might be needed early. ABI_MALLOC(zionpsp, (npsp)) do ii=1,npsp zionpsp(ii) = pspheads(ii)%zionpsp end do ABI_MALLOC(mband_upper_, (0:ndtset_alloc)) ! Get MAX dimension over datasets call invars1m(dmatpuflag, dtsets, ab_out, lenstr, mband_upper_, mx,& msym, ndtset, ndtset_alloc, string, npsp, zionpsp, comm) ABI_FREE(zionpsp) call timab(42,2,tsec) call timab(43,3,tsec) ! Provide defaults for the variables that have not yet been initialized. call indefo(dtsets, ndtset_alloc, nprocs) ! Perform some global initialization, depending on the value of ! pseudopotentials, parallelism variables, or macro input variables call macroin(dtsets, ecut_tmp, lenstr, ndtset_alloc, string) ! If all the pseudopotentials have the same pspxc, override the default value for dtsets 1 to ndtset if (minval(abs((pspheads(1:npsp)%pspxc - pspheads(1)%pspxc)))==0) then dtsets(1:ndtset_alloc)%ixc = pspheads(1)%pspxc end if ! Call the main input routine. call invars2m(dtsets,ab_out,lenstr,mband_upper_,msym,ndtset,ndtset_alloc,npsp,pspheads,string, comm) call macroin2(dtsets, ndtset_alloc) mx%mband = dtsets(1)%mband do ii=1,ndtset_alloc mx%mband = max(dtsets(ii)%mband, mx%mband) end do call timab(43,2,tsec) ABI_FREE(mband_upper_) end subroutine get_dtsets_pspheads !!*** !!****f* ABINIT/ebands_from_file !! NAME !! ebands_from_file !! !! FUNCTION !! Build and ebands_t object from file. Supports Fortran and netcdf files !! provided they have a Abinit header and obviously GS eigenvalues !! !! INPUTS !! path: File name. !! comm: MPI communicator. !! !! OUTPUT !! !! PARENTS !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE type(ebands_t) function ebands_from_file(path, comm) result(new) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars character(len=*),intent(in) :: path integer,intent(in) :: comm !Local variables------------------------------- !scalars integer :: ncid, fform type(hdr_type) :: hdr !arrays real(dp),pointer :: gs_eigen(:,:,:) ! ************************************************************************* ! NOTE: Assume file with header. Must use wfk_read_eigenvalues to handle Fortran WFK if (endswith(path, "_WFK") .or. endswith(path, "")) then call wfk_read_eigenvalues(path, gs_eigen, hdr, comm) new = ebands_from_hdr(hdr, maxval(hdr%nband), gs_eigen) else if (endswith(path, ".nc")) then #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_read(ncid, path, comm)) call hdr_ncread(hdr, ncid, fform) ABI_CHECK(fform /= 0, "fform == 0") ABI_MALLOC(gs_eigen, (hdr%mband, hdr%nkpt, hdr%nsppol)) NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "eigenvalues"), gs_eigen)) new = ebands_from_hdr(hdr, maxval(hdr%nband), gs_eigen) NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid)) #endif else ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Don't know how to construct crystal structure from: ", path, ch10, "Supported extensions: _WFK or .nc")) end if ABI_FREE(gs_eigen) call hdr%free() end function ebands_from_file !!*** !!****f* ABINIT/crystal_from_file !! NAME !! crystal_from_file !! !! FUNCTION !! Build crystal_t object from netcdf file !! !! INPUTS !! !! OUTPUT !! !! PARENTS !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE type(crystal_t) function crystal_from_file(path, comm) result(new) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars character(len=*),intent(in) :: path integer,intent(in) :: comm !Local variables------------------------------- !scalars integer :: fform type(hdr_type) :: hdr ! ************************************************************************* ! Assume file with Abinit header ! TODO: Should add routine to read crystal from structure without hdr call hdr_read_from_fname(hdr, path, fform, comm) ABI_CHECK(fform /= 0, "fform == 0") new = hdr%get_crystal() call hdr%free() end function crystal_from_file !!*** end module m_common !!***
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (4 < __GNUC__ || 4 == __GNUC__ && 7 < __GNUC_MINOR__) \ || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && (1600 < __INTEL_COMPILER) MODULE m_type_bound_procedure_attr TYPE :: t INTEGER :: v CONTAINS PROCEDURE,PASS(x),non_overridable :: show => show PROCEDURE,PASS(x),private:: show1 END TYPE t CONTAINS SUBROUTINE show(x, v1) integer v1 CLASS(t) :: x call show1(x, v1) END SUBROUTINE show SUBROUTINE show1(x, v1) integer v1 CLASS(t) :: x ! PRINT *, v1 + x%v if (v1+x%v.eq.3) then print *, 'PASS' else print *, 'NG : ', v1+x%v, ', should be 3' call exit(1) endif END SUBROUTINE show1 END MODULE m_type_bound_procedure_attr PROGRAM MAIN USE m_type_bound_procedure_attr CLASS(t), POINTER :: a TYPE(t), TARGET :: b = t(v=1) a => b CALL a%show(2) END PROGRAM MAIN #else print *, 'SKIPPED' end #endif
if( sqrtm .lt. 14.142135623730951D0 .or. & sqrtm .gt. 24.49489742783178D0 ) & Warning('Extrapolating tHm2 in MHiggs') if( TBeff .lt. 1.D0 .or. & TBeff .gt. 60.D0 ) & Warning('Extrapolating tHm2 in TBeff') if( ) then tHm2 = enh*exp(13.436746248619631D0 - & sqrtm*(0.08324422879362986D0 + & sqrtm*(0.008644014723430408D0 + & TBeff*(0.00037805820241529266D0 - & 3.5463287600719694D-6*TBeff) - & sqrtm*(0.00011780437026987039D0 + & 6.318271081715444D-8*sqrtm + & 5.702646863097232D-6*TBeff)) - & TBeff*(0.00824040038717313D0 - & TBeff*(0.00011316298574048705D0 + & 0.000010307125839643559D0*TBeff))) - & TBeff*(3.457576926158099D0 - & TBeff*(0.9670523793599399D0 - & TBeff*(0.12903948595180198D0 + & TBeff* & (0.0034185782525928D0 - & TBeff* & (0.0027663706330801814D0 - & 0.000202200905345916D0*TBeff)))))) else if( ) then tHm2 = enh*exp(10.957253227431181D0 - & sqrtm*(0.09898940902026043D0 + & TBeff*(0.002582840064649972D0 - & TBeff*(0.00004914980575925384D0 - & 1.9936491067797788D-7*TBeff)) + & sqrtm*(0.00541989044675933D0 - & TBeff*(0.00003613518898170127D0 + & 4.512237727486485D-8*TBeff) + & sqrtm*(0.000033397357839278356D0 - & 2.408802770295183D-6*sqrtm + & 4.3046509525023864D-7*TBeff))) - & TBeff*(1.1498683420882574D0 - & TBeff*(0.13003757937440716D0 - & TBeff*(0.0057164378426485425D0 - & 0.00009142415549207455D0*TBeff)))) else if( ) then tHm2 = enh*exp(7.109062657165521D0 - & sqrtm*(0.22660488357832087D0 + & 0.0015832946872747404D0*sqrtm + & 0.00003584792605161799D0*TBeff) + & TBeff*(0.15208288322676444D0 - & 0.001443815805546688D0*TBeff)) else tHm2 = enh*exp(8.070708897011066D0 - & sqrtm*(0.22749176703828072D0 + & 0.0015796916651176236D0*sqrtm + & 9.905026119661305D-6*TBeff) + & TBeff*(0.09247841854821934D0 - & 0.000517754467164491D0*TBeff)) endif #ifdef DETAILED_DEBUG DPROD "tHm2 =", tHm2 ENDL #endif if( sqrtm .lt. 14.142135623730951D0 .or. & sqrtm .gt. 24.49489742783178D0 ) & Warning('Extrapolating tHm2lo in MHiggs') if( TBeff .lt. 1.D0 .or. & TBeff .gt. 60.D0 ) & Warning('Extrapolating tHm2lo in TBeff') if( ) then tHm2lo = enh*exp(12.487256152833043D0 + & sqrtm*(0.07417626088567057D0 + & TBeff*(0.005149299759343552D0 - & TBeff*(6.6889301920602925D-6 + & 1.3250070405421093D-6*TBeff)) - & sqrtm*(0.02119755632813506D0 + & TBeff*(0.0002350636185958048D0 + & 1.255439472055291D-6*TBeff) - & sqrtm*(0.0005628606054062444D0 - & 5.852888569113973D-6*sqrtm + & 3.7195888172528723D-6*TBeff))) - & TBeff*(3.4405346255004527D0 - & TBeff*(0.9689605318607828D0 - & TBeff*(0.12969972619835585D0 + & TBeff* & (0.003408082542892064D0 - & TBeff* & (0.0027769848733989644D0 - & 0.00020321410734441483D0*TBeff)))))) else if( ) then tHm2lo = enh*exp(10.58815995809759D0 - & sqrtm*(0.08432437878158214D0 + & TBeff*(0.007920269440391684D0 - & TBeff*(0.00014051011873331668D0 - & 1.7648834049517707D-6*TBeff)) + & sqrtm*(0.0056435801966716725D0 - & TBeff*(0.0002492482402297318D0 - & 7.363281125140205D-7*TBeff) + & sqrtm*(0.000038885465672113586D0 - & 2.5061566722708945D-6*sqrtm + & 3.6289330100293575D-6*TBeff))) - & TBeff*(1.1096098294998273D0 - & TBeff*(0.1296542250566069D0 - & TBeff*(0.005756511951400485D0 - & 0.00009295907222951423D0*TBeff)))) else if( ) then tHm2lo = enh*exp(6.864162690297306D0 - & sqrtm*(0.22225928625897007D0 + & 0.0017034685005055431D0*sqrtm + & 0.00003158002364425872D0*TBeff) + & TBeff*(0.1521709843189063D0 - & 0.0014472834434296777D0*TBeff)) else tHm2lo = enh*exp(7.820306427674642D0 - & sqrtm*(0.22262255728054425D0 + & 0.001711729333350848D0*sqrtm + & 6.691365867374509D-6*TBeff) + & TBeff*(0.09250271510423186D0 - & 0.0005186137850249781D0*TBeff)) endif #ifdef DETAILED_DEBUG DPROD "tHm2lo =", tHm2lo ENDL #endif if( sqrtm .lt. 14.142135623730951D0 .or. & sqrtm .gt. 24.49489742783178D0 ) & Warning('Extrapolating tHm2hi in MHiggs') if( TBeff .lt. 1.D0 .or. & TBeff .gt. 60.D0 ) & Warning('Extrapolating tHm2hi in TBeff') if( ) then tHm2hi = enh*exp(14.789256715794139D0 - & sqrtm*(0.3529700900413113D0 - & sqrtm*(0.01430253684017569D0 - & TBeff*(0.0005057290462755276D0 - & 7.187273401174564D-6*TBeff) - & sqrtm*(0.000743282238984049D0 - & 0.000012065506670769241D0*sqrtm - & 7.5513649138153195D-6*TBeff)) - & TBeff*(0.010950149098506005D0 - & TBeff*(0.0002006121976933005D0 + & 0.00001638158163268968D0*TBeff))) - & TBeff*(3.473152101179105D0 - & TBeff*(0.9658996624445984D0 - & TBeff*(0.12858233287559D0 + & TBeff* & (0.003429831346174149D0 - & TBeff* & (0.002759846074737704D0 - & 0.00020155379390869257D0*TBeff)))))) else if( ) then tHm2hi = enh*exp(12.034301573776196D0 - & sqrtm*(0.29952853195028967D0 - & TBeff*(0.0013067338755130603D0 - & TBeff*(3.5585119709207857D-6 - & 7.880933027598925D-7*TBeff)) - & sqrtm*(0.01152322026481797D0 - & TBeff*(0.0001303516759692075D0 - & 4.108267782300673D-7*TBeff) - & sqrtm*(0.0006756771166600049D0 - & 0.000011500799503762068D0*sqrtm - & 2.216944237523049D-6*TBeff))) - & TBeff*(1.1782030356400874D0 - & TBeff*(0.1302353259004671D0 - & TBeff*(0.005690616141020891D0 - & 0.0000904389555763092D0*TBeff)))) else if( ) then tHm2hi = enh*exp(7.358694835495833D0 - & sqrtm*(0.2354653732837003D0 + & 0.0013497302691223235D0*sqrtm + & 0.00003870014891298283D0*TBeff) + & TBeff*(0.15200939622113957D0 - & 0.0014412432922088349D0*TBeff)) else tHm2hi = enh*exp(8.324239853206478D0 - & sqrtm*(0.23674004594129472D0 + & 0.0013372489725143291D0*sqrtm + & 0.000012065316082131659D0*TBeff) + & TBeff*(0.09245927560206861D0 - & 0.0005171481279629904D0*TBeff)) endif #ifdef DETAILED_DEBUG DPROD "tHm2hi =", tHm2hi ENDL #endif
!!****m* ABINIT/m_wfd_optic !! NAME !! m_wfd_optic !! !! FUNCTION !! Functions to compute optical matrix elements using the wavefunction descriptor. !! !! COPYRIGHT !! Copyright (C) 2008-2021 ABINIT group (MG) !! This file is distributed under the terms of the !! GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING !! or . !! !! PARENTS !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "abi_common.h" module m_wfd_optic use defs_basis use m_errors use m_abicore use m_xmpi use defs_datatypes, only : ebands_t, pseudopotential_type use m_hide_lapack, only : matrginv use m_bz_mesh, only : kmesh_t, get_BZ_item use m_crystal, only : crystal_t use m_vkbr, only : vkbr_t, vkbr_free, vkbr_init, nc_ihr_comm use m_wfd, only : wfd_t, wave_t use m_pawtab, only : pawtab_type use m_pawcprj, only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_free use m_paw_hr, only : pawhur_t, paw_ihr implicit none private !!*** public :: calc_optical_mels !!*** contains !!*** !!****f* ABINIT/calc_optical_mels !! NAME !! calc_optical_mels !! !! FUNCTION !! Calculate all optical matrix elements in the BZ. !! !! INPUTS !! lomo_spin(Wfd%nsppol)=Index of the lomo band for the different spins. !! lomo_min,max_band=minimum and max band index to be calculated. !! nkbz=Number of points in the full Brillouin zone. !! inclvkb=if different from 0, [Vnl,r] is included in the calculation of the !! matrix element of the velocity operator. No meaning for PAW (except for DFT+U) !! qpt(3) !! Kmesh<kmesh_t>=Info on the k-point sampling for wave functions. !! Cryst<crystal_t>=Structure defining the crystalline structure. !! KS_Bst<ebands_t> !! Pawtab(Cryst%ntypat*usepaw)<pawtab_type>=PAW tabulated starting data !! Psps <pseudopotential_type>=variables related to pseudopotentials. !! Hur(Cryst%natom*usepaw)<pawhur_t>=Only for PAW and DFT+U, quantities used to evaluate the commutator [H_u,r]. !! Wfd<wfd_t>=Handler for the wavefunctions. !! !! OUTPUT !! opt_cvk(lomo_min:max_band,lomo_min:max_band,nkbz,nsppol)=Matrix elements <c k|e^{+iqr}|v k> !! !! PARENTS !! m_exc_spectra,m_haydock !! !! CHILDREN !! get_bz_item,matrginv,pawcprj_alloc,pawcprj_free,vkbr_free,vkbr_init !! wfd%distribute_bbp,wfd%get_cprj,wrtout,xmpi_barrier,xmpi_sum !! !! SOURCE subroutine calc_optical_mels(Wfd,Kmesh,KS_Bst,Cryst,Psps,Pawtab,Hur,& & inclvkb,lomo_spin,lomo_min,max_band,nkbz,qpoint,opt_cvk) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(in) :: nkbz,inclvkb,lomo_min,max_band type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: KS_Bst type(wfd_t),target,intent(inout) :: Wfd !arrays integer,intent(in) :: lomo_spin(Wfd%nsppol) real(dp),intent(in) :: qpoint(3) complex(dpc),intent(out) :: opt_cvk(lomo_min:max_band,lomo_min:max_band,nkbz,Wfd%nsppol) type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: Pawtab(Cryst%ntypat*Wfd%usepaw) type(pawhur_t),intent(in) :: Hur(Cryst%natom*Wfd%usepaw) !Local variables ------------------------------ !scalars integer :: nsppol,usepaw,nspinor,comm,spin,npw_k,istwf_k,my_nbbp integer :: ik_bz,ik_ibz,itim_k,isym_k,ib_c,ib_v,ierr,my_rank real(dp) :: ediff complex(dpc) :: emcvk character(len=500) :: msg type(vkbr_t) :: vkbr type(wave_t),pointer :: wave_v, wave_c !arrays integer,allocatable :: bbp_distrb(:,:) integer,ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: kg_k(:,:) real(dp) :: mat_dp(3,3),qrot(3),b1(3),b2(3),b3(3),kbz(3) complex(dpc),allocatable :: ir_kibz(:,:,:,:,:) complex(gwpc), ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: ug_c(:),ug_v(:) complex(gwpc) :: ihrc(3,Wfd%nspinor**2) logical :: bbp_mask(Wfd%mband,Wfd%mband) type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: Cp_v(:,:),Cp_c(:,:) !************************************************************************ call wrtout(std_out," Calculating optical matrix elements in the IBZ","COLL") ABI_CHECK(Wfd%nspinor==1,"nspinor==2 not coded") comm = Wfd%comm my_rank = Wfd%my_rank nsppol = Wfd%nsppol nspinor = Wfd%nspinor usepaw = Wfd%usepaw if (usepaw==1) then ABI_MALLOC(Cp_v,(Wfd%natom,nspinor)) call pawcprj_alloc(Cp_v,0,Wfd%nlmn_atm) ABI_MALLOC(Cp_c,(Wfd%natom,nspinor)) call pawcprj_alloc(Cp_c,0,Wfd%nlmn_atm) end if if (inclvkb==1.and.usepaw==0) then ABI_ERROR("inclvkb==1 not coded,using inclvkb==2") end if ! ! Calculate the matrix elements of ir in the IBZ. ABI_MALLOC(ir_kibz,(3,lomo_min:max_band,lomo_min:max_band,Wfd%nkibz,nsppol)) ir_kibz=czero ABI_MALLOC(bbp_distrb, (Wfd%mband,Wfd%mband)) do spin=1,nsppol do ik_ibz=1,Wfd%nkibz ! ! Distribute the (b,b') entries. bbp_mask=.FALSE.; bbp_mask(lomo_spin(spin):max_band,lomo_spin(spin):max_band)=.TRUE. call wfd%distribute_bbp(ik_ibz,spin,"All",my_nbbp,bbp_distrb,bbp_mask=bbp_mask) if (ALL(bbp_distrb/=my_rank)) CYCLE istwf_k = Wfd%istwfk(ik_ibz) ABI_CHECK(istwf_k==1,"istwf_k/=1 not coded") ! KB stuff is missing. npw_k = Wfd%npwarr(ik_ibz) kg_k => Wfd%Kdata(ik_ibz)%kg_k if (inclvkb/=0.and.usepaw==0) then ! Prepare term i <n,k|[Vnl,r]|n"k> call vkbr_init(vkbr,Cryst,Psps,inclvkb,istwf_k,npw_k,Kmesh%ibz(:,ik_ibz),kg_k) end if ! Note: spinorial case is not coded therefore we work with ihrc(:,1). ! TODO: The lower triangle can be Reconstructed by symmetry. do ib_v=lomo_spin(spin),max_band ! Loop over bands if ( ALL(bbp_distrb(ib_v,:)/=my_rank) ) CYCLE ABI_CHECK(wfd%get_wave_ptr(ib_v, ik_ibz, spin, wave_v, msg) == 0, msg) ug_v => wave_v%ug if (usepaw==1) call wfd%get_cprj(ib_v,ik_ibz,spin,Cryst,Cp_v,sorted=.FALSE.) do ib_c=lomo_spin(spin),max_band if (bbp_distrb(ib_v,ib_c)/=my_rank) CYCLE ABI_CHECK(wfd%get_wave_ptr(ib_c, ik_ibz, spin, wave_c, msg) == 0, msg) ug_c => wave_c%ug if (usepaw==0) then ! Calculate matrix elements of i[H,r] for NC pseudopotentials. ihrc = nc_ihr_comm(vkbr,cryst,psps,npw_k,nspinor,istwf_k,inclvkb,Kmesh%ibz(:,ik_ibz),ug_c,ug_v,kg_k) else ! Matrix elements of i[H,r] for PAW. call wfd%get_cprj(ib_c,ik_ibz,spin,Cryst,Cp_c,sorted=.FALSE.) ihrc = paw_ihr(spin,nspinor,npw_k,istwf_k,Kmesh%ibz(:,ik_ibz),Cryst,Pawtab,ug_c,ug_v,kg_k,Cp_c,Cp_v,HUr) end if ! ! Save matrix elements of i*r in the IBZ ediff = KS_Bst%eig(ib_c,ik_ibz,spin) - KS_BSt%eig(ib_v,ik_ibz,spin) if (ABS(ediff)<tol16) ediff=tol6 ! Treat a possible degeneracy between v and c. ir_kibz(:,ib_c,ib_v,ik_ibz,spin) = ihrc(:,1)/ediff end do !ib_c end do !ib_v call vkbr_free(vkbr) end do !spin end do !ik_ibz ! Collect results on each node. call xmpi_sum(ir_kibz,comm,ierr) ABI_FREE(bbp_distrb) if (usepaw==1) then call pawcprj_free(Cp_v) ABI_FREE(Cp_v) call pawcprj_free(Cp_c) ABI_FREE(Cp_c) end if ! ! ====================================================== ! ==== Calculate Fcv(kBZ) in the full Brilouin zone ==== ! ====================================================== ! ! Symmetrization of the matrix elements of the position operator. ! <Sk b|r|Sk b'> = R <k b|r|k b'> + \tau \delta_{bb'} ! where S is one of the symrec operations in reciprocal space, R is the ! corresponding operation in real space, \tau being the associated fractional translations. ! ! q.Mcv( Sk) = S^{-1}q. Mcv(k) ! q.Mcv(-Sk) = -S^{-1}q. CONJG(Mcv(k)) if time-reversal is used. b1=Cryst%gprimd(:,1)*two_pi b2=Cryst%gprimd(:,2)*two_pi b3=Cryst%gprimd(:,3)*two_pi opt_cvk = czero do spin=1,nsppol do ik_bz=1,nkbz ! ! Get ik_ibz, and symmetries index from ik_bz. call get_BZ_item(Kmesh,ik_bz,kbz,ik_ibz,isym_k,itim_k) mat_dp = DBLE(Cryst%symrec(:,:,isym_k)) call matrginv(mat_dp,3,3) ! Invert qrot = (3-2*itim_k) * MATMUL(mat_dp,qpoint) do ib_v=lomo_spin(spin),max_band ! Loops over the bands C and V start do ib_c=lomo_spin(spin),max_band !if (ib_c==ib_v) CYCLE emcvk = pdtqrc(qrot,ir_kibz(:,ib_c,ib_v,ik_ibz,spin),b1,b2,b3) if (itim_k==2) emcvk = CONJG(emcvk) opt_cvk(ib_c,ib_v,ik_bz,spin) = emcvk end do !ib_c end do !ib_v end do !ik_bz end do !spin ABI_FREE(ir_kibz) call xmpi_barrier(comm) contains !!*** !!****f* ABINIT/pdtqrc !! NAME !! pdtqrc !! !! FUNCTION !! Calculate the dot product of a real vector with a complex vector, where each is in terms of b1-b3 !! !! INPUTS !! !! OUTPUT !! !! PARENTS !! !! SOURCE pure function pdtqrc(R,C,b1,b2,b3) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !arrays real(dp),intent(in) :: R(3),b1(3),b2(3),b3(3) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: C(3) complex(dpc) :: pdtqrc !Local variables ------------------------------ !scalars integer :: ii !************************************************************************ pdtqrc=czero do ii=1,3 pdtqrc = pdtqrc + (R(1)*b1(ii)+R(2)*b2(ii)+R(3)*b3(ii)) * & & (C(1)*b1(ii)+C(2)*b2(ii)+C(3)*b3(ii)) end do end function pdtqrc !!*** end subroutine calc_optical_mels !!*** end module m_wfd_optic !!***
!!****m* ABINIT/m_outvar_a_h !! NAME !! m_outvar_a_h !! !! FUNCTION !! !! COPYRIGHT !! Copyright (C) 1998-2021 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, MM) !! This file is distributed under the terms of the !! GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING !! or . !! !! PARENTS !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "abi_common.h" module m_outvar_a_h use defs_basis use m_abicore use m_results_out use m_dtset use m_parser, only : prttagm, prttagm_images, ab_dimensions implicit none private !!*** public :: outvar_a_h !!*** contains !!*** !!****f* ABINIT/outvar_a_h !! NAME !! outvar_a_h !! !! FUNCTION !! Echo variables between acell and gw_ ... (by alphabetic order) for the ABINIT code. !! !! INPUTS !! choice= 1 if echo of preprocessed variables, 2 if echo after call driver !! dmatpuflag=flag controlling the use of an initial density matrix in PAW+U (max. value over datasets) !! dtsets(0:ndtset_alloc)=<type datafiles_type>contains all input variables !! iout=unit number for echoed output !! jdtset_(0:ndtset_alloc)=actual index of the dataset (equal to dtsets(:)%jdtset) !! marr=maximum number of numbers in an array (might need to be increased ... !) !! multivals= <type ab_dimensions> either 0 or 1 , depending whether the !! dimension has different values for different datasets !! mxvals= <type ab_dimensions> !! maximum size of some arrays along all datasets, including !! lpawu =maximal value of input lpawu for all the datasets !! gw_nqlwl =maximal value of input gw_nqlwl for all the datasets !! mband =maximum number of bands !! natom =maximal value of input natom for all the datasets !! natpawu =maximal value of number of atoms on which +U is applied for all the datasets !! natvshift =maximal value of input natvshift for all the datasets !! nconeq =maximal value of input nconeq for all the datasets !! nimage =maximal value of input nimage for all the datasets !! nkpt =maximal value of input nkpt for all the datasets !! nkptgw =maximal value of input nkptgw for all the datasets !! nnos =maximal value of input nnos for all the datasets !! nqptdm =maximal value of input nqptdm for all the datasets !! nspinor =maximal value of input nspinor for all the datasets !! nsppol =maximal value of input nsppol for all the datasets !! nsym =maximum number of symmetries !! ntypat =maximum number of type of atoms !! nzchempot =maximal value of input nzchempot for all the datasets !! ncid= NetCDF handler !! ndtset=number of datasets !! ndtset_alloc=number of datasets, corrected for allocation of at least !! one data set. Use for most dimensioned arrays. !! for different datasets !! results_out(0:ndtset_alloc)=<type results_out_type>contains the results !! needed for outvars, including evolving variables !! !! OUTPUT !! !! NOTES !! Note that this routine is called only by the processor me==0 . !! In consequence, no use of message and wrtout routine. !! The lines of code needed to output the defaults are preserved !! (see last section of the routine, but are presently disabled) !! !! Note that acell, occ, rprim, xred and vel might have been modified by the !! computation, so that their values if choice=1 or choice=2 will differ. !! !! PARENTS !! m_outvars !! !! CHILDREN !! prttagm,prttagm_images !! !! SOURCE subroutine outvar_a_h (choice,dmatpuflag,dtsets,iout,& & jdtset_,marr,multivals,mxvals,ncid,ndtset,ndtset_alloc,& & results_out,strimg) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(in) :: choice,dmatpuflag,iout,marr,ndtset integer,intent(in) :: ndtset_alloc,ncid !arrays integer,intent(in) :: jdtset_(0:ndtset_alloc) type(ab_dimensions),intent(in) :: multivals,mxvals type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtsets(0:ndtset_alloc) type(results_out_type),intent(in) :: results_out(0:ndtset_alloc) character(len=8),intent(in) :: strimg(mxvals%nimage) !Local variables------------------------------- !scalars integer,parameter :: nkpt_max=50 integer :: defo,idtset,ii,iimage,ga_n_rules,nn integer :: lpawu1,narr,mxnsp integer :: natom,nimfrqs,nimage integer :: ntypalch,ntypat,print_constraint,size1,size2,tmpimg0 logical :: compute_static_images real(dp) :: cpus character(len=1) :: firstchar_fftalg,firstchar_gpu character(len=14) :: str_hyb !arrays integer,allocatable :: narrm(:) integer,allocatable :: nimagem(:),prtimg(:,:) integer,allocatable :: intarr(:,:) real(dp),allocatable :: dprarr(:,:),dprarr_images(:,:,:) ! ************************************************************************* !########################################################### !### 01. Initial allocations and initialisations. ABI_MALLOC(dprarr,(marr,0:ndtset_alloc)) ABI_MALLOC(dprarr_images,(marr,mxvals%nimage,0:ndtset_alloc)) ABI_MALLOC(intarr,(marr,0:ndtset_alloc)) ABI_MALLOC(narrm,(0:ndtset_alloc)) ABI_MALLOC(nimagem,(0:ndtset_alloc)) ABI_MALLOC(prtimg,(mxvals%nimage,0:ndtset_alloc)) do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc nimagem(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%nimage end do firstchar_gpu=' ';if (maxval(dtsets(1:ndtset_alloc)%use_gpu_cuda)>0) firstchar_gpu='-' !if(multivals%ga_n_rules==0)ga_n_rules=dtsets(1)%ga_n_rules ga_n_rules=dtsets(1)%ga_n_rules !if(multivals%natom==0)natom=dtsets(1)%natom natom=dtsets(1)%natom !if(multivals%nimage==0)nimage=dtsets(1)%nimage nimage=dtsets(1)%nimage nimfrqs=dtsets(1)%cd_customnimfrqs !if(multivals%ntypalch==0)ntypalch=dtsets(1)%ntypalch ntypalch=dtsets(1)%ntypalch !if(multivals%ntypat==0)ntypat=dtsets(1)%ntypat ntypat=dtsets(1)%ntypat !########################################################### !### 03. Print all the input variables (A) !## intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%iomode call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'iomode','INT',0,firstchar="-") intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%accuracy call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'accuracy','INT',0) !acell prtimg(:,:)=1 do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc narrm(idtset)=3 do iimage=1,nimagem(idtset) if (narrm(idtset)>0) then dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset)=results_out(idtset)%acell(1:3,iimage) end if end do end do call prttagm_images(dprarr_images,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'acell','LEN',& mxvals%nimage,nimagem,ndtset,prtimg,strimg) !adpimd and adpimd_gamma intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%adpimd call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'adpimd','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%adpimd_gamma call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'adpimd_gamma','DPR',0) !algalch narr=ntypalch ! default size for all datasets do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset narrm(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%ntypalch if(idtset==0)narrm(idtset)=mxvals%ntypat intarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%algalch(1:narrm(idtset)) end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narr,& narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'algalch','INT',multivals%ntypalch) !amu prtimg(:,:)=1 do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc if(idtset/=0)then size1=dtsets(idtset)%ntypat else size1=mxvals%ntypat end if narrm(idtset)=size1 do iimage=1,nimagem(idtset) if (narrm(idtset)>0) then dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset)=results_out(idtset)%amu(1:size1,iimage) end if end do end do call prttagm_images(dprarr_images,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'amu','DPR',& & mxvals%nimage,nimagem,ndtset,prtimg,strimg,forceprint=2) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%asr call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'asr','INT',0) !atvshift if(mxvals%natpawu>0)then narr=dtsets(1)%natvshift*dtsets(1)%nsppol*mxvals%natom ! default size for all datasets do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset if(idtset/=0)then narrm(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%natvshift*dtsets(idtset)%nsppol*mxvals%natom if(narrm(idtset)/=0)& & dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=& & reshape(dtsets(idtset)%atvshift(1:dtsets(idtset)%natvshift,& & 1:dtsets(idtset)%nsppol,1:mxvals%natom),& & (/ narrm(idtset) /) ) else narrm(idtset)=mxvals%natvshift*mxvals%nsppol*mxvals%natom if(narrm(idtset)/=0)& & dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=& & reshape(dtsets(idtset)%atvshift(1:mxvals%natvshift,& & 1:mxvals%nsppol,1:mxvals%natom),& & (/ narrm(idtset) /) ) end if end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,5,marr,narr,& & narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'atvshift','DPR',& & multivals%natvshift+multivals%nsppol+multivals%natom) end if intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%autoparal call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'autoparal','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%auxc_ixc call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'auxc_ixc','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%auxc_scal call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'auxc_scal','DPR',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%awtr call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'awtr','INT',0) !########################################################### !### 03. Print all the input variables (B) !## intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bandpp call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bandpp','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bdberry(1) intarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%bdberry(2) intarr(3,:)=dtsets(:)%bdberry(3) intarr(4,:)=dtsets(:)%bdberry(4) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,4,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bdberry','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bdeigrf call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bdeigrf','INT',0) !bdgw narr=2*dtsets(1)%nkptgw*dtsets(1)%nsppol ! default size for all datasets do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset if(idtset/=0)then narrm(idtset)=2*dtsets(idtset)%nkptgw*dtsets(idtset)%nsppol if (narrm(idtset)>0)& & intarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=& & reshape(dtsets(idtset)%bdgw(1:2,1:dtsets(idtset)%nkptgw,1:dtsets(idtset)%nsppol),(/narrm(idtset)/)) else narrm(idtset)=2*mxvals%nkptgw*mxvals%nsppol if (narrm(idtset)>0)& & intarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=& & reshape(dtsets(idtset)%bdgw(1:2,1:mxvals%nkptgw,1:mxvals%nsppol),(/ narrm(idtset) /) ) end if end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,narr,& & narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bdgw','INT',multivals%nkptgw+multivals%nsppol) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%berryopt call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'berryopt','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%berrysav call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'berrysav','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%berrystep call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'berrystep','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bfield(1) dprarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%bfield(2) dprarr(3,:)=dtsets(:)%bfield(3) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bfield','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bmass call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bmass','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%boxcenter(1) dprarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%boxcenter(2) dprarr(3,:)=dtsets(:)%boxcenter(3) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'boxcenter','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%boxcutmin call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'boxcutmin','DPR',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%brav call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'brav','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bs_algorithm call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_algorithm','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bs_calctype call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_calctype','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bs_coulomb_term call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_coulomb_term','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bs_coupling call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_coupling','INT',0) do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc dprarr(1:2,idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%bs_eh_cutoff(1:2) end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,2,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_eh_cutoff','ENE',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bs_exchange_term call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_exchange_term','INT',0) do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc dprarr(1:3,idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%bs_freq_mesh(1:3) end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_freq_mesh','ENE',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bs_haydock_niter call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_haydock_niter','INT',0) do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc dprarr(1:2,idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%bs_haydock_tol(:) end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,2,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_haydock_tol','DPR',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bs_hayd_term call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_hayd_term','INT',0) do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc intarr(1:3,idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%bs_interp_kmult(1:3) end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_interp_kmult','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bs_interp_method call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_interp_method','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bs_interp_mode call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_interp_mode','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bs_interp_prep call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_interp_prep','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bs_interp_rl_nb call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_interp_rl_nb','INT',0) !bs_loband narr=dtsets(1)%nsppol ! default size for all datasets intarr = 0 do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset if(idtset/=0)then narrm(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%nsppol else narrm(idtset)=mxvals%nsppol end if intarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%bs_loband(1:narrm(idtset)) end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_loband','INT',multivals%nsppol) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bs_nstates call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bs_nstates','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%builtintest call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'builtintest','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%bxctmindg call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'bxctmindg','DPR',0) !########################################################### !### 03. Print all the input variables (C) !## if (ANY(dtsets(:)%cd_customnimfrqs/=0)) then intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%cd_customnimfrqs call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'cd_customnimfrqs','INT',0) end if intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%cd_frqim_method call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'cd_frqim_method','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%cd_full_grid call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'cd_full_grid','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%cd_halfway_freq call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'cd_halfway_freq','ENE',0) !cd_imfrqs narr=mxvals%nimfrqs ! default size for all datasets do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset narrm(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%cd_customnimfrqs if(idtset==0)narrm(idtset)=mxvals%nimfrqs if (narrm(idtset)>0) then dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%cd_imfrqs(1:narrm(idtset)) end if end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,6,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'cd_imfrqs','ENE',multivals%nimfrqs) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%cd_max_freq call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'cd_max_freq','ENE',0) if (ANY(dtsets(:)%cd_subset_freq(1)/=0)) then intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%cd_subset_freq(1) intarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%cd_subset_freq(2) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,2,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'cd_subset_freq','INT',0) end if !cellcharge prtimg(:,:)=1 do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc narrm(idtset)=1 do iimage=1,nimagem(idtset) if (narrm(idtset)>0) then dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%cellcharge(iimage) end if end do end do call prttagm_images(dprarr_images,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'cellcharge','DPR',& & mxvals%nimage,nimagem,ndtset,prtimg,strimg) !chempot narr=3*mxvals%nzchempot*mxvals%ntypat ! default size for all datasets if(narr/=0)then do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset if(idtset/=0)then narrm(idtset)=3*dtsets(idtset)%nzchempot*dtsets(idtset)%ntypat if(narrm(idtset)/=0)& & dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=& & reshape(dtsets(idtset)%chempot(1:3,1:dtsets(idtset)%nzchempot,& & 1:dtsets(idtset)%ntypat),& & (/ narrm(idtset) /) ) else narrm(idtset)=3*mxvals%nzchempot*mxvals%ntypat if(narrm(idtset)/=0)& & dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=& & reshape(dtsets(idtset)%chempot(1:3,1:mxvals%nzchempot,1:mxvals%ntypat),(/ narrm(idtset) /) ) end if end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'chempot','DPR',1) end if intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%chkdilatmx call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'chkdilatmx','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%chkexit call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'chkexit','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%chkprim call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'chkprim','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%chksymbreak call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'chksymbreak','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%chksymtnons call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'chksymtnons','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%chneut call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'chneut','INT',0) !chrgat narr=mxvals%natom ! default size for all datasets do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset narrm(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%natom if(idtset==0)narrm(idtset)=mxvals%natom if (narrm(idtset)>0) dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%chrgat(1:narrm(idtset)) end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'chrgat','DPR',multivals%natom) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%cineb_start call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'cineb_start','INT',0) if(dtsets(1)%cpus>one)then cpus=dtsets(1)%cpus write(iout,'(1x,a16,1x,1p,t22,g10.2,t25,a)') 'cpus',cpus,'(seconds)' write(iout,'(1x,a16,1x,1p,t22,g10.2,t25,a)') 'cpum',cpus/60.0_dp,'(minutes)' write(iout,'(1x,a16,1x,1p,t22,g10.2,t25,a)') 'cpuh',cpus/3600.0_dp,'(hours)' end if !constraint_kind narr=mxvals%ntypat ! default size for all datasets do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset narrm(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%ntypat if(idtset==0)narrm(idtset)=mxvals%ntypat if (narrm(idtset)>0) intarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%constraint_kind(1:narrm(idtset)) end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'constraint_kind','INT',multivals%ntypat) !corecs narr=mxvals%ntypat ! default size for all datasets do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset narrm(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%ntypat if(idtset==0)narrm(idtset)=mxvals%ntypat if (narrm(idtset)>0) dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%corecs(1:narrm(idtset)) end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'corecs','DPR',multivals%ntypat) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%cprj_update_lvl call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'cprj_update_lvl','INT',0) !########################################################### !### 03. Print all the input variables (D) !## dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%ddamp call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'ddamp','DPR',0) do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc intarr(1:3,idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%ddb_ngqpt end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'ddb_ngqpt','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%ddb_shiftq(1) dprarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%ddb_shiftq(2) dprarr(3,:)=dtsets(:)%ddb_shiftq(3) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'ddb_shiftq','DPR',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%delayperm call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'delayperm','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%densfor_pred call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'densfor_pred','INT',0) !densty narr=mxvals%ntypat ! default size for all datasets do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset narrm(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%ntypat if(idtset==0)narrm(idtset)=mxvals%ntypat ! Only one component of densty is used until now dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%densty(1:narrm(idtset),1) end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'densty','DPR',multivals%ntypat) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dfield(1) dprarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%dfield(2) dprarr(3,:)=dtsets(:)%dfield(3) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dfield','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dfpt_sciss call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dfpt_sciss','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%diecut call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'diecut','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%diegap call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'diegap','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dielam call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dielam','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dielng call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dielng','LEN',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%diemac call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'diemac','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%diemix call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'diemix','DPR',0) if (any(dtsets(1:ndtset_alloc)%diemixmag/=dtsets(1:ndtset_alloc)%diemix)) then dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%diemixmag call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'diemixmag','DPR',0) end if intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%diismemory call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'diismemory','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dilatmx call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dilatmx','DPR',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dipdip call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dipdip','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dipquad call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dipquad','INT',0) !dmatpawu if (dmatpuflag==1.and.mxvals%natpawu>0) then prtimg(:,:)=1 do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc mxnsp=max(dtsets(idtset)%nsppol,dtsets(idtset)%nspinor) lpawu1=maxval(dtsets(idtset)%lpawu(:)) narrm(idtset)=((2*lpawu1+1)**2)*mxnsp*dtsets(idtset)%natpawu do iimage=1,nimagem(idtset) if (narrm(idtset)>0) then dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset)= & & reshape(dtsets(idtset)%dmatpawu(& & 1:2*lpawu1+1,1:2*lpawu1+1,1:mxnsp,1:dtsets(idtset)%natpawu,iimage),& & (/narrm(idtset)/)) end if end do end do call prttagm_images(dprarr_images,iout,jdtset_,5,marr,narrm,& ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmatpawu','DPR',mxvals%nimage,nimagem,ndtset,prtimg,strimg) end if intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmatpuopt call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmatpuopt','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmatudiag call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmatudiag','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmftbandf call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmftbandf','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmftbandi call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmftbandi','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmftcheck call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmftcheck','INT',0) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_dc','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmft_iter call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_iter','INT',0) ! intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmft_kspectralfunc ! call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_kspectralfunc','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmft_mxsf call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_mxsf','DPR',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmft_nwli call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_nwli','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmft_nwlo call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_nwlo','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmft_occnd_imag call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_occnd_imag','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmft_read_occnd call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_read_occnd','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmft_rslf call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_rslf','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmft_solv call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_solv','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmft_tolfreq call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_tolfreq','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmft_tollc call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_tollc','DPR',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmft_wanorthnorm call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_wanorthnorm','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dmft_charge_prec call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dmft_charge_prec','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dosdeltae call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dosdeltae','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dtion call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dtion','DPR',0,forceprint=2) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dvdb_add_lr call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dvdb_add_lr','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dvdb_qcache_mb call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dvdb_qcache_mb','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dvdb_qdamp call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dvdb_qdamp','DPR',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%dvdb_rspace_cell call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dvdb_rspace_cell','INT',0) !dynimage intarr(1:marr,0)=1 ! default value narr=nimage ! default size for all datasets do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc ! specific size and array for each dataset narrm(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%nimage intarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%dynimage(1:narrm(idtset)) end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'dynimage','INT',multivals%nimage) !Variables for nonlinear response intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert1_atpol(1) intarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert1_atpol(2) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,2,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'d3e_pert1_atpol','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert1_dir(1) intarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert1_dir(2) intarr(3,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert1_dir(3) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'d3e_pert1_dir','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert1_elfd call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'d3e_pert1_elfd','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert1_phon call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'d3e_pert1_phon','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert2_atpol(1) intarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert2_atpol(2) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,2,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'d3e_pert2_atpol','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert2_dir(1) intarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert2_dir(2) intarr(3,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert2_dir(3) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'d3e_pert2_dir','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert2_elfd call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'d3e_pert2_elfd','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert2_phon call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'d3e_pert2_phon','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert2_strs call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'d3e_pert2_strs','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert3_atpol(1) intarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert3_atpol(2) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,2,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'d3e_pert3_atpol','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert3_dir(1) intarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert3_dir(2) intarr(3,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert3_dir(3) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'d3e_pert3_dir','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert3_elfd call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'d3e_pert3_elfd','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%d3e_pert3_phon call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'d3e_pert3_phon','INT',0) !########################################################### !### 03. Print all the input variables (E) !## dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%ecut call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'ecut','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%ecuteps call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'ecuteps','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%ecutsigx call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'ecutsigx','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%ecutsm call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'ecutsm','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%ecutwfn call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'ecutwfn','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%effmass_free call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'effmass_free','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%efield(1) dprarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%efield(2) dprarr(3,:)=dtsets(:)%efield(3) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'efield','DPR',0) nn = size(dtsets(0)%einterp) do ii=1,nn dprarr(ii,:)=dtsets(:)%einterp(ii) end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,nn,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'einterp','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%elph2_imagden call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'elph2_imagden','ENE',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%enunit call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'enunit','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_ecutosc call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_ecutosc','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_phwinfact call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_phwinfact','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_extrael call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_extrael','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_fermie call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_fermie','ENE',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_frohlichm call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_frohlichm','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_fsewin call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_fsewin','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_fsmear call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_fsmear','ENE',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_intmeth call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_intmeth','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_mustar call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_mustar','DPR',0) do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc intarr(1:3,idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%eph_ngqpt_fine end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_ngqpt_fine','INT',0) narr = size(dtsets(0)%eph_np_pqbks) do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc intarr(1:narr,idtset) = dtsets(idtset)%eph_np_pqbks end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_np_pqbks','INT',0, firstchar="-") intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_phrange(1) intarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_phrange(2) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,2,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_phrange','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_restart call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_restart','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_stern call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_stern','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_task call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_task','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_tols_idelta(1) dprarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_tols_idelta(2) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,2,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_tols_idelta','DPR',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_transport call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_transport','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eph_use_ftinterp call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eph_use_ftinterp','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%eshift call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'eshift','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%esmear call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'esmear','ENE',0) !etotal if(choice==2)then prtimg(:,:)=1 do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset compute_static_images=(dtsets(idtset)%istatimg>0) narrm(idtset)=1 if(dtsets(idtset)%iscf>=0 .or. dtsets(idtset)%iscf==-3)then do iimage=1,dtsets(idtset)%nimage if (narrm(idtset)>0) then dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset)=results_out(idtset)%etotal(iimage) end if if(.not.(dtsets(idtset)%dynimage(iimage)==1.or.compute_static_images))then prtimg(iimage,idtset)=0 end if end do else narrm(idtset)=0 end if end do ! This is a trick to force printing of etotal even if zero, still not destroying the value of nimagem(0). tmpimg0=nimagem(0) nimagem(0)=0 call prttagm_images(dprarr_images,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'etotal','DPR',& mxvals%nimage,nimagem,ndtset,prtimg,strimg) nimagem(0)=tmpimg0 end if dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%exchmix call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'exchmix','DPR',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%exchn2n3d call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'exchn2n3d','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%extrapwf call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'extrapwf','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%expert_user call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'expert_user','INT',0) !########################################################### !### 03. Print all the input variables (F) !## !fcart if(choice==2)then prtimg(:,:)=1 do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset compute_static_images=(dtsets(idtset)%istatimg>0) size2=dtsets(idtset)%natom if(idtset==0)size2=0 narrm(idtset)=3*size2 if(dtsets(idtset)%iscf>=0 .or. idtset==0)then do iimage=1,dtsets(idtset)%nimage if (narrm(idtset)>0) then dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset)=& & reshape(results_out(idtset)%fcart(1:3,1:size2,iimage),(/ narrm(idtset) /) ) end if if(.not.(dtsets(idtset)%dynimage(iimage)==1.or.compute_static_images))then prtimg(iimage,idtset)=0 end if end do else narrm(idtset)=0 end if end do ! This is a trick to force printing of fcart even if zero, still not destroying the value of nimagem(0). tmpimg0=nimagem(0) nimagem(0)=0 call prttagm_images(dprarr_images,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'fcart','DPR',& mxvals%nimage,nimagem,ndtset,prtimg,strimg) nimagem(0)=tmpimg0 end if dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%fermie_nest call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'fermie_nest','DPR',0) firstchar_fftalg = "_" intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%ngfft(7) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'fftalg','INT',0,firstchar="-",forceprint=3) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%ngfft(8) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'fftcache','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%fftgw call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'fftgw','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%fft_count call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'fft_count','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%fockoptmix call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'fockoptmix','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%focktoldfe call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'focktoldfe','DPR',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%fockdownsampling(1) intarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%fockdownsampling(2) intarr(3,:)=dtsets(:)%fockdownsampling(3) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'fockdownsampling','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%fock_icutcoul call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'fock_icutcoul','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%freqim_alpha call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'freqim_alpha','DPR',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%freqremax call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'freqremax','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%freqremin call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'freqremin','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%freqspmax call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'freqspmax','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%freqspmin call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'freqspmin','ENE',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%friction call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'friction','DPR',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%frzfermi call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'frzfermi','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%fxcartfactor call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'fxcartfactor','DPR',0) !f4of2_sla narr=mxvals%ntypat ! default size for all datasets do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset narrm(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%ntypat if(idtset==0)narrm(idtset)=mxvals%ntypat if (narrm(idtset)>0) then dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%f4of2_sla(1:narrm(idtset)) end if end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'f4of2_sla','DPR',multivals%ntypat) !f6of2_sla narr=mxvals%ntypat ! default size for all datasets do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset narrm(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%ntypat if(idtset==0)narrm(idtset)=mxvals%ntypat if (narrm(idtset)>0) then dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%f6of2_sla(1:narrm(idtset)) end if end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'f6of2_sla','DPR',multivals%ntypat) !########################################################### !### 03. Print all the input variables (G) !## intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%ga_algor call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'ga_algor','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%ga_fitness call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'ga_fitness','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%ga_n_rules call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'ga_n_rules','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%ga_opt_percent call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'ga_opt_percent','DPR',0) !ga_rules narr=ga_n_rules ! default size for all datasets do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset narrm(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%ga_n_rules if(idtset==0)narrm(idtset)=mxvals%ga_n_rules intarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%ga_rules(1:narrm(idtset)) end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'ga_rules','INT',multivals%ga_n_rules) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getbscoup call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getbscoup','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getbseig call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getbseig','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getbsreso call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getbsreso','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getcell call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getcell','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getddb call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getddb','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getddk call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getddk','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getdelfd call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getdelfd','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getdkdk call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getdkdk','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getdkde call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getdkde','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getden call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getden','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getdvdb call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getdvdb','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getefmas call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getefmas','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getgam_eig2nkq call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getgam_eig2nkq','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gethaydock call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gethaydock','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getocc call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getocc','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getpawden call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getpawden','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getqps call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getqps','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getscr call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getscr','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getsuscep call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getsuscep','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getvel call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getvel','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getwfk call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getwfk','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getwfkfine call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getwfkfine','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getwfq call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getwfq','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getxcart call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getxcart','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%getxred call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'getxred','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%get1den call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'get1den','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%get1wf call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'get1wf','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%goprecon call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'goprecon','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%goprecprm(1) dprarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%goprecprm(2) dprarr(3,:)=dtsets(:)%goprecprm(3) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,3,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'goprecprm','DPR',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gpu_devices(1) ; intarr(2,:)=dtsets(:)%gpu_devices(2) intarr(3,:)=dtsets(:)%gpu_devices(3) ; intarr(4,:)=dtsets(:)%gpu_devices(4) intarr(5,:)=dtsets(:)%gpu_devices(5) call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,5,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gpu_devices','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gpu_linalg_limit call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gpu_linalg_limit','INT',0) !grchrg print_constraint=0 do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc if(any(dtsets(idtset)%constraint_kind(:)>=10))print_constraint=1 enddo if(print_constraint==1)then !if(any(dtsets(1:ndtset_alloc)%constraint_kind(:)>=10))then if(choice==2)then prtimg(:,:)=1 do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset compute_static_images=(dtsets(idtset)%istatimg>0) size2=dtsets(idtset)%natom if(idtset==0)size2=0 narrm(idtset)=size2 if(dtsets(idtset)%iscf>=0 .or. idtset==0)then do iimage=1,dtsets(idtset)%nimage if (narrm(idtset)>0) then ! Note the minus sign, because chrgat is the ziontypat minus the electronic charge dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset)=& & -results_out(idtset)%intgres(1,1:size2,iimage) end if if(.not.(dtsets(idtset)%dynimage(iimage)==1.or.compute_static_images))then prtimg(iimage,idtset)=0 end if end do else narrm(idtset)=0 end if end do ! This is a trick to force printing of fcart even if zero, still not destroying the value of nimagem(0). tmpimg0=nimagem(0) nimagem(0)=0 call prttagm_images(dprarr_images,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'grchrg','DPR',& mxvals%nimage,nimagem,ndtset,prtimg,strimg) nimagem(0)=tmpimg0 end if endif !grspin print_constraint=0 do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc if(any(mod(dtsets(idtset)%constraint_kind(:),10)>0))print_constraint=1 enddo if(print_constraint==1)then !if(any(mod(dtsets(1:ndtset_alloc)%constraint_kind(:),10)/=0))then if(choice==2)then prtimg(:,:)=1 do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset compute_static_images=(dtsets(idtset)%istatimg>0) size2=dtsets(idtset)%natom if(idtset==0)size2=0 narrm(idtset)=3*size2 if(dtsets(idtset)%iscf>=0 .or. idtset==0)then do iimage=1,dtsets(idtset)%nimage if (narrm(idtset)>0) then dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset)=& & reshape(results_out(idtset)%intgres(2:4,1:size2,iimage),(/ narrm(idtset) /) ) end if if(.not.(dtsets(idtset)%dynimage(iimage)==1.or.compute_static_images))then prtimg(iimage,idtset)=0 end if end do else narrm(idtset)=0 end if end do ! This is a trick to force printing of fcart even if zero, still not destroying the value of nimagem(0). tmpimg0=nimagem(0) nimagem(0)=0 call prttagm_images(dprarr_images,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'grspin','DPR',& mxvals%nimage,nimagem,ndtset,prtimg,strimg) nimagem(0)=tmpimg0 end if endif intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gwaclowrank call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gwaclowrank','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gwcalctyp call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gwcalctyp','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gw1rdm call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw1rdm','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gwcomp call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gwcomp','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gwencomp call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gwencomp','ENE',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gwgamma call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gwgamma','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gwmem call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gwmem','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gwpara call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gwpara','INT',0, firstchar="-") intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gwrpacorr call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gwrpacorr','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gwgmcorr call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gwgmcorr','INT',0) !gw_customnfreqsp !It actually overrides the content of nfreqsp (which is forbidden !) in dtset. !This is to be cleaned ... if (ANY(dtsets(:)%gw_customnfreqsp/=0)) then intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gw_customnfreqsp call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_customnfreqsp','INT',0) end if !gw_freqsp !This is to be cleaned ... See above ... narr=mxvals%nfreqsp ! default size for all datasets do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset dprarr(1:narr,idtset)=zero narrm(idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%gw_customnfreqsp if(idtset==0)narrm(idtset)=mxvals%nfreqsp if (narrm(idtset)>0) then dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=dtsets(idtset)%gw_freqsp(1:narrm(idtset)) end if end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,6,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_freqsp','ENE',multivals%nfreqsp) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gw_frqim_inzgrid call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_frqim_inzgrid','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gw_frqre_inzgrid call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_frqre_inzgrid','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gw_frqre_tangrid call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_frqre_tangrid','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gw_invalid_freq call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_invalid_freq','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gw_qprange call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_qprange','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gw_nqlwl call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_nqlwl','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gw_nstep call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_nstep','INT',0) !gw_qlwl narr=3*dtsets(1)%gw_nqlwl ! default size for all datasets do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc ! specific size for each dataset if(idtset/=0)then narrm(idtset)=3*dtsets(idtset)%gw_nqlwl if (narrm(idtset)>0)then dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=& & reshape(dtsets(idtset)%gw_qlwl(1:3,1:dtsets(idtset)%gw_nqlwl),(/ narrm(idtset) /) ) end if else narrm(idtset)=3*mxvals%gw_nqlwl if (narrm(idtset)>0)then dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=zero dprarr(1:3,idtset)=(/0.00001_dp, 0.00002_dp, 0.00003_dp/) end if end if end do call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_qlwl','DPR',multivals%gw_nqlwl) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gw_sctype call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_sctype','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gw_sigxcore call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_sigxcore','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gw_icutcoul call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_icutcoul','INT',0) dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%gw_toldfeig call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,1,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'gw_toldfeig','ENE',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%hmcsst call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'hmcsst','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%hmctt call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'hmctt','INT',0) intarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%extfpmd_nbcut call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,'extfpmd_nbcut','INT',0) !Special treatment of the default values for the hybrid functional parameters. do ii=1,4 if(ii==1)dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%hyb_mixing if(ii==2)dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%hyb_mixing_sr if(ii==3)dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%hyb_range_dft if(ii==4)dprarr(1,:)=dtsets(:)%hyb_range_fock defo=1 do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc if(dprarr(1,idtset)<-tol8 .and. abs(dprarr(1,idtset)+999.0_dp)>tol8)defo=0 end do if(defo==0)then do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc ! Change the sign of user defined input value if(dprarr(1,idtset)<-tol8 .and. abs(dprarr(1,idtset)+999.0_dp)>tol8)then dprarr(1,idtset)=abs(dprarr(1,idtset)) end if end do if(ii==1)str_hyb='hyb_mixing' if(ii==2)str_hyb='hyb_mixing_sr' if(ii==3)str_hyb='hyb_range_dft' if(ii==4)str_hyb='hyb_range_fock' call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,2,marr,1,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,str_hyb,'DPR',0) end if end do !########################################################### !## Deallocation for generic arrays, and for n-z variables ABI_FREE(dprarr) ABI_FREE(intarr) ABI_FREE(narrm) ABI_FREE(nimagem) ABI_FREE(dprarr_images) ABI_FREE(prtimg) end subroutine outvar_a_h !!*** end module m_outvar_a_h !!***
module control use const implicit none save public !!! CONFIG VARIABLES FROM INPUT FILE integer :: space_Order,space_disc character ( len = len_str_filename ):: file_cfg_in = "config.bin" !< character ( len = len_str_filename ):: file_git_in = "git.bin" !< character ( len = len_str_filename ):: file_bc_in = "bc.bin" !< character ( len = len_str_filename ):: file_sol_out = "sol.bin" !< character ( len = len_str_filename ):: file_ani_out = "ani.bin" !< integer :: control_num_iteration integer :: control_sol_out integer :: control_res_out integer :: control_bc_cells_out !< defines if bc_cells are outputtet to sol file !< 0: not outputted !< 1: outputted integer :: control_dimension !< Gibt die Art der Simulation an !< 1 : 2D Simulation !< 2 : 2D Rotationssymmetrisch e Simulation !< 3 : 3D Simulation integer :: control_riemann_solver !< Gibt die Riemann Löser an !< 1 : RHLL !< 2 : Roe !< 3 : AUSM real(kind=dp) :: control_CFL real(kind=dp) :: control_timestep integer :: control_equation !< Gibt das Physikalische Modell an: !< 1: Euler - Gleichung !< 2: Navier-Stokes !< [ 3: Wärmeleitung ] integer :: control_dt_method !< Gibt an wie der Zeitschritt berechnet wird: !< 1: Es wird ein vorgegebener Zeitschritt verwendet !< 2: Es wird mittels einer CFL Nummer ein Lokaler Zeitschritt in jeder Zelle berechnet !< 3: Es wird mittels einer CFL Nummer ein Lokaler Zeitschritt in jeder Zelle berechnet, !< und alle Zellen verwenden den kleinsten Zeitschritt aller Zellen !!! CALCULATED VARIABLES integer :: n_BC_Cells integer :: nVar !< Anzahl der Variablen im Variablenvektor Q integer :: sol_out_nVar !< Anzahl der Variablen in der Ausgabedatei end module control
!!****m* ABINIT/m_haydock !! NAME !! m_haydock !! !! FUNCTION !! !! COPYRIGHT !! Copyright (C) 2008-2021 ABINIT group (M.Giantomassi, Y. Gillet, L.Reining, V.Olevano, F.Sottile, S.Albrecht, G.Onida) !! This file is distributed under the terms of the !! GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING !! or . !! !! PARENTS !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "abi_common.h" MODULE m_haydock use defs_basis use m_abicore use m_bs_defs use m_xmpi use m_errors use m_nctk use m_haydock_io use m_linalg_interfaces use m_ebands use m_hdr #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF use netcdf #endif use m_time, only : timab use m_fstrings, only : strcat, sjoin, itoa, int2char4 use m_io_tools, only : file_exists, open_file use defs_datatypes, only : ebands_t, pseudopotential_type use m_geometry, only : normv use m_hide_blas, only : xdotc, xgemv use m_hide_lapack, only : matrginv use m_numeric_tools, only : print_arr, symmetrize, hermitianize, continued_fract, wrap2_pmhalf, iseven use m_kpts, only : listkk use m_crystal, only : crystal_t use m_bz_mesh, only : kmesh_t, findqg0, get_bz_item use m_double_grid, only : double_grid_t, get_kpt_from_indices_coarse, compute_corresp use m_paw_hr, only : pawhur_t use m_wfd, only : wfd_t use m_bse_io, only : exc_write_optme use m_pawtab, only : pawtab_type use m_vcoul, only : vcoul_t use m_hexc, only : hexc_init, hexc_interp_init, hexc_free, hexc_interp_free, & & hexc_build_hinterp, hexc_matmul_tda, hexc_matmul_full, hexc_t, hexc_matmul_elphon, hexc_interp_t use m_exc_spectra, only : exc_write_data, exc_eps_rpa, exc_write_tensor, mdfs_ncwrite use m_eprenorms, only : eprenorms_t, renorm_bst use m_wfd_optic, only : calc_optical_mels implicit none private !!*** public :: exc_haydock_driver ! Driver for the Haydock method (main entry point for client code). CONTAINS !======================================================================= !!*** !!****f* m_haydock/exc_haydock_driver !! NAME !! exc_haydock_driver !! !! FUNCTION !! Calculate the imaginary part of the macroscopic dielectric function with the Haydock recursive method. !! !! INPUTS !! BSp<type(excparam)=The parameter for the Bethe-Salpeter run. !! BS_files<excparam>=Files associated to the bethe_salpeter code. !! Cryst<crystal_t>=Info on the crystalline structure. !! Kmesh<type(kmesh_t)>=The list of k-points in the BZ, IBZ and symmetry tables. !! Cryst<type(crystal_t)>=Info on the crystalline structure. !! Hdr_bse !! KS_BSt=The KS energies. !! QP_BSt=The QP energies. !! Wfd<wfd_t>=Wavefunction descriptor (input k-mesh) !! Psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials. !! Pawtab(Cryst%ntypat*usepaw)<pawtab_type>=PAW tabulated starting data. !! Hur(Cryst%natom*usepaw)<type(pawhur_t)>=Only for PAW and DFT+U, quantities used to evaluate the commutator [H_u,r]. !! !! OUTPUT !! The imaginary part of the macroscopic dielectric function is written on the external file _EXC_MDF !! !! PARENTS !! m_bethe_salpeter !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine exc_haydock_driver(BSp,BS_files,Cryst,Kmesh,Hdr_bse,KS_BSt,QP_Bst,Wfd,Psps,Pawtab,Hur,Epren,& & Kmesh_dense, KS_BSt_dense, QP_BSt_dense, Wfd_dense, Vcp_dense, grid) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars type(excparam),intent(in) :: BSp type(excfiles),intent(in) :: BS_files type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst type(Hdr_type),intent(in) :: Hdr_bse type(wfd_t),intent(inout) :: Wfd type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: KS_BSt,QP_Bst type(double_grid_t),intent(in),optional :: grid type(kmesh_t),intent(in),optional :: Kmesh_dense type(wfd_t),intent(inout),optional :: Wfd_dense type(ebands_t),intent(in),optional :: KS_BSt_dense, QP_Bst_dense type(vcoul_t),intent(in),optional :: Vcp_dense type(eprenorms_t),intent(in) :: Epren !arrays type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: Pawtab(Cryst%ntypat*Wfd%usepaw) type(pawhur_t),intent(in) :: Hur(Cryst%natom*Wfd%usepaw) !Local variables ------------------------------ !scalars integer,parameter :: master=0 integer :: io,my_rank,iq,itt,ierr integer :: hsize,comm,my_t1,my_t2,nsppol,nkets,nproc,ncid integer :: spin,spad,ik_bz,iv,ic,trans_idx,lomo_min,max_band real(dp) :: omegaev,rand_phi !,norm complex(dpc) :: ks_avg,gw_avg,exc_avg logical :: use_mpio,prtdos character(len=500) :: msg type(hexc_t) :: hexc type(hexc_interp_t) :: hexc_i !arrays real(dp) :: tsec(2) real(dp),allocatable :: dos(:),dos_gw(:),dos_ks(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: green(:,:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: opt_cvk(:,:,:,:,:),kets(:,:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: eps_rpanlf(:,:),eps_gwnlf(:,:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: tensor_cart(:,:),tensor_cart_rpanlf(:,:),tensor_cart_gwnlf(:,:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: tensor_red(:,:),tensor_red_rpanlf(:,:),tensor_red_gwnlf(:,:) !Temperature real(dp) :: dksqmax, en integer,allocatable :: bs2eph(:,:) integer :: sppoldbl, timrev logical :: do_ep_renorm, do_ep_lifetime integer :: ntemp character(len=4) :: ts character(len=fnlen) :: prefix character(len=fnlen) :: path complex(dpc),allocatable :: ep_renorms(:) integer :: ep_ik, ik, ireh, isppol integer :: itemp type(ebands_t) :: EPBSt, EP_QPBSt !************************************************************************ call timab(690,1,tsec) ! exc_haydock_driver call timab(691,1,tsec) ! exc_haydock_driver(read) if (BSp%have_complex_ene) then ABI_ERROR("Complex energies are not supported yet") end if my_rank = Wfd%my_rank comm = Wfd%comm nsppol = Wfd%nsppol nproc = Wfd%nproc use_mpio=.FALSE. #ifdef HAVE_MPI_IO use_mpio = (nproc > 1) !use_mpio = .TRUE. #endif use_mpio=.FALSE. !use_mpio = .TRUE. ! Hsize refers to the size of the individual blocks (resonant and coupling). ! Thanks to the symmetry property of the starting vector, the Haydock method ! can be reformulated in terms of matrix-vector multiplication involving the ! blocks thus avoiding to allocation of the full matrix ( R C ) ! -C* -R*) hsize=SUM(BSp%nreh) !YG2014 call hexc_init(hexc, BSp, BS_files, Cryst, Kmesh, Wfd, KS_BSt, QP_BSt, comm) !YG2014 if(BSp%use_interp) then call hexc_interp_init(hexc_i, hexc, BSp%interp_m3_width, BSp%interp_method,& & Kmesh_dense, Vcp_dense, grid, Wfd_dense, & & KS_BSt_dense, QP_BSt_dense, Psps, Pawtab) end if call timab(691,2,tsec) ! exc_haydock_driver(read) call timab(692,1,tsec) ! exc_haydock_driver(prep) ! ! Prepare the starting vectors for the Lanczos chain. nkets=Bsp%nq prtdos=.FALSE. !prtdos=.TRUE. if (prtdos) then nkets=nkets+1 if (Bsp%use_coupling>0) then ABI_ERROR("DOS with coupling not coded") nkets=nkets+1 end if end if !YG2014 ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(kets,(hexc%hsize,nkets), ierr) kets=czero ! ! Prepare the kets for the macroscopic dielectric function. lomo_min=Bsp%lomo_min; max_band=Bsp%nbnds !YG2014 ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(opt_cvk,(lomo_min:max_band,lomo_min:max_band,hexc%nbz,Wfd%nsppol,BSp%nq), ierr) do iq=1,Bsp%nq ! Note KS_BSt is used here to calculate the commutator. call calc_optical_mels(hexc%Wfd,hexc%Kmesh,hexc%KS_BSt,Cryst,Psps,Pawtab,Hur, & & BSp%inclvkb,BSp%lomo_spin,lomo_min,max_band,hexc%nbz,BSp%q(:,iq),opt_cvk(:,:,:,:,iq)) ! Fill ket0 using the same ordering for the indeces as the one used for the excitonic Hamiltonian. ! Note that only the resonant part is used here. do spin=1,nsppol if(BSp%use_interp) then spad=(spin-1)*BSp%nreh_interp(spin) else spad=(spin-1)*BSp%nreh(spin) end if do ik_bz=1,hexc%nbz do iv=BSp%lomo_spin(spin),BSp%homo_spin(spin) do ic=BSp%lumo_spin(spin),BSp%nbnds if(BSp%use_interp) then trans_idx = BSp%vcks2t_interp(iv,ic,ik_bz,spin) else trans_idx = BSp%vcks2t(iv,ic,ik_bz,spin) end if if (trans_idx>0) kets(trans_idx+spad,iq)=opt_cvk(ic,iv,ik_bz,spin,iq) end do end do end do end do end do ! ! ======================================================== ! === Write the Optical Matrix Elements to NetCDF file === ! ======================================================== !if (.false.) then ! ome_fname='' ! call exc_write_optme(ome_fname,minb,maxb,BSp%nkbz,Wfd%nsppol,BSp%nq,opt_cvk,ierr) !end if ! Free WFD descriptor, we don't need ur and ug anymore ! ! We make space for interpolated hamiltonian call wfd%wave_free("All") if(BSp%use_interp) call wfd_dense%wave_free("All") ! Build interpolated hamiltonian if(BSp%use_interp) then if (any(BSp%interp_mode == [2,3,4])) then call hexc_build_hinterp(hexc, hexc_i) end if end if call timab(692,2,tsec) ! exc_haydock_driver(prep) call timab(693,1,tsec) ! exc_haydock_driver(wo lf) - that is, without local field do_ep_renorm = .FALSE. ntemp = 1 do_ep_lifetime = .FALSE. if(BSp%do_ep_renorm) then if (BSp%nsppol == 2) then ABI_ERROR('Elphon renorm with nsppol == 2 not yet coded !') end if do_ep_renorm = .TRUE. ntemp = Epren%ntemp if(BSp%do_lifetime) then do_ep_lifetime = .TRUE. end if ! Force elphon linewidth do_ep_lifetime = .TRUE. ! Map points from BSE to elphon kpoints sppoldbl = 1 !; if (any(Cryst%symafm == -1) .and. Epren%nsppol == 1) nsppoldbl=2 ABI_MALLOC(bs2eph, (Kmesh%nbz*sppoldbl, 6)) ABI_MALLOC(ep_renorms, (hsize)) timrev = 1 call listkk(dksqmax, Cryst%gmet, bs2eph, Epren%kpts, Kmesh%bz, Epren%nkpt, Kmesh%nbz, Cryst%nsym, & sppoldbl, Cryst%symafm, Cryst%symrel, timrev, comm, use_symrec=.False.) end if call timab(693,2,tsec) ! exc_haydock_driver(wo lf - that is, without local field call timab(694,1,tsec) ! exc_haydock_driver(apply prefix = "" do itemp = 1, ntemp call ebands_copy(hexc%KS_BSt, EPBSt) call ebands_copy(hexc%QP_BSt, EP_QPBSt) ! ================================================= ! == Calculate elphon vector in transition space == ! ================================================= if (do_ep_renorm) then ! Will perform elphon renormalization for itemp call int2char4(itemp,ts) prefix = TRIM("_T") // ts ! No scissor with KSBST call renorm_bst(Epren, EPBSt, Cryst, itemp, do_lifetime=.TRUE.,do_check=.TRUE.) call renorm_bst(Epren, EP_QPBSt, Cryst, itemp, do_lifetime=.TRUE.,do_check=.FALSE.) do isppol = 1, BSp%nsppol do ireh = 1, BSp%nreh(isppol) ic = BSp%Trans(ireh,isppol)%c iv = BSp%Trans(ireh,isppol)%v ik = BSp%Trans(ireh,isppol)%k ! In the full bz en = BSp%Trans(ireh,isppol)%en ep_ik = bs2eph(ik,1) !TODO support multiple spins ! if(ABS(en - (Epren%eigens(ic,ep_ik,isppol)-Epren%eigens(iv,ep_ik,isppol)+BSp%mbpt_sciss)) > tol3) then ABI_ERROR("Eigen from the transition does not correspond to the EP file !") end if ep_renorms(ireh) = (Epren%renorms(1,ic,ik,isppol,itemp) - Epren%renorms(1,iv,ik,isppol,itemp)) ! Add linewith if(do_ep_lifetime) then ep_renorms(ireh) = ep_renorms(ireh) - j_dpc*(Epren%linewidth(1,ic,ik,isppol,itemp) +& & Epren%linewidth(1,iv,ik,isppol,itemp)) end if end do end do end if ! ======================================================= ! === Make EPS RPA and GW without local-field effects === ! ======================================================= ABI_MALLOC(eps_rpanlf,(BSp%nomega,BSp%nq)) ABI_MALLOC(dos_ks,(BSp%nomega)) ABI_MALLOC(eps_gwnlf ,(BSp%nomega,BSp%nq)) ABI_MALLOC(dos_gw,(BSp%nomega)) call wrtout(std_out," Calculating RPA NLF and QP NLF epsilon","COLL") call exc_eps_rpa(BSp%nbnds,BSp%lomo_spin,BSp%lomo_min,BSp%homo_spin,hexc%Kmesh,EPBSt,BSp%nq,nsppol,& & opt_cvk,Cryst%ucvol,BSp%broad,BSp%nomega,BSp%omega,eps_rpanlf,dos_ks) call exc_eps_rpa(BSp%nbnds,BSp%lomo_spin,BSp%lomo_min,BSp%homo_spin,hexc%Kmesh,EP_QPBSt,BSp%nq,nsppol,& & opt_cvk,Cryst%ucvol,Bsp%broad,BSp%nomega,BSp%omega,eps_gwnlf,dos_gw) if (my_rank==master) then ! Only master works. ! ! Master node writes final results on file. call exc_write_data(BSp,BS_files,"RPA_NLF_MDF",eps_rpanlf,prefix=prefix,dos=dos_ks) call exc_write_data(BSp,BS_files,"GW_NLF_MDF",eps_gwnlf,prefix=prefix,dos=dos_gw) ! Computing and writing tensor in files ! RPA_NLF ABI_MALLOC(tensor_cart_rpanlf,(BSp%nomega,6)) ABI_MALLOC(tensor_red_rpanlf,(BSp%nomega,6)) call wrtout(std_out," Calculating RPA NLF dielectric tensor","COLL") call haydock_mdf_to_tensor(BSp,Cryst,eps_rpanlf,tensor_cart_rpanlf, tensor_red_rpanlf, ierr) if(ierr == 0) then ! Writing tensor call exc_write_tensor(BSp,BS_files,"RPA_NLF_TSR_CART",tensor_cart_rpanlf) call exc_write_tensor(BSp,BS_files,"RPA_NLF_TSR_RED",tensor_red_rpanlf) else write(msg,'(3a)')& & 'The RPA_NLF dielectric complex tensor cannot be computed',ch10,& & 'There must be 6 different q-points in long wavelength limit (see gw_nqlwl)' ABI_COMMENT(msg) end if ABI_FREE(tensor_cart_rpanlf) ABI_FREE(tensor_red_rpanlf) ! GW_NLF ABI_MALLOC(tensor_cart_gwnlf,(BSp%nomega,6)) ABI_MALLOC(tensor_red_gwnlf,(BSp%nomega,6)) call wrtout(std_out," Calculating GW NLF dielectric tensor","COLL") call haydock_mdf_to_tensor(BSp,Cryst,eps_gwnlf,tensor_cart_gwnlf, tensor_red_gwnlf, ierr) if(ierr == 0) then ! Writing tensor call exc_write_tensor(BSp,BS_files,"GW_NLF_TSR_CART",tensor_cart_gwnlf) call exc_write_tensor(BSp,BS_files,"GW_NLF_TSR_RED",tensor_red_gwnlf) else write(msg,'(3a)')& & 'The GW_NLF dielectric complex tensor cannot be computed',ch10,& & 'There must be 6 different q-points in long wavelength limit (see gw_nqlwl)' ABI_COMMENT(msg) end if ABI_FREE(tensor_cart_gwnlf) ABI_FREE(tensor_red_gwnlf) !call wrtout(std_out," Checking Kramers Kronig on Excitonic Macroscopic Epsilon","COLL") !call check_kramerskronig(BSp%nomega,REAL(BSp%omega),eps_exc(:,1)) !call wrtout(std_out," Checking Kramers Kronig on RPA NLF Macroscopic Epsilon","COLL") !call check_kramerskronig(BSp%nomega,REAL(BSp%omega),eps_rpanlf(:,1)) !call wrtout(std_out," Checking Kramers Kronig on GW NLF Macroscopic Epsilon","COLL") !call check_kramerskronig(BSp%nomega,REAL(BSp%omega),eps_gwnlf(:,1)) !call wrtout(std_out," Checking f-sum rule on Excitonic Macroscopic Epsilon","COLL") !if (BSp%exchange_term>0) then ! ABI_COMMENT(' f-sum rule should be checked without LF') !end if !call check_fsumrule(BSp%nomega,REAL(BSp%omega),AIMAG(eps_exc(:,1)),drude_plsmf) !call wrtout(std_out," Checking f-sum rule on RPA NLF Macroscopic Epsilon","COLL") !call check_fsumrule(BSp%nomega,REAL(BSp%omega),AIMAG(eps_rpanlf(:,1)),drude_plsmf) !call wrtout(std_out," Checking f-sum rule on GW NLF Macroscopic Epsilon","COLL") !call check_fsumrule(BSp%nomega,REAL(BSp%omega),AIMAG(eps_gwnlf(:,1)),drude_plsmf) end if ! my_rank==master !call xmpi_barrier(comm) ! ! The ket for the approximated DOS. if (prtdos) then ABI_WARNING("Calculating DOS with Haydock method") ABI_CHECK(BSp%use_coupling==0,"DOS with coupling not coded") iq = BSp%nq + 1 if (my_rank==master) then !call random_seed() do itt=1,SUM(Bsp%nreh) call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_phi) rand_phi = two_pi*rand_phi kets(itt,iq) = CMPLX( COS(rand_phi), SIN(rand_phi) ) end do ! Normalize the vector. !norm = SQRT( DOT_PRODUCT(kets(:,iq), kets(:,iq)) ) !kets(:,iq) = kets(:,iq)/norm end if call xmpi_bcast(kets(:,iq),master,comm,ierr) end if ABI_MALLOC(green,(BSp%nomega,nkets)) if (BSp%use_coupling==0) then if(do_ep_renorm) then call haydock_bilanczos(BSp,BS_files,Cryst,Hdr_bse,hexc,hexc_i,hsize,hexc%my_t1,hexc%my_t2,nkets,kets,ep_renorms,green,comm) else !YG2014 call haydock_herm(BSp,BS_files,Cryst,Hdr_bse,hexc%my_t1,hexc%my_t2,& & nkets,kets,green,hexc,hexc_i,comm) end if else if (BSp%use_interp) then ABI_ERROR("BSE Interpolation with coupling is not supported") else call haydock_psherm(BSp,BS_files,Cryst,Hdr_bse,hexc,hexc_i,hsize,my_t1,my_t2,nkets,kets,green,comm) end if end if ! ! Add 1 to have the real part right. green = one + green if (my_rank==master) then ! Master writes the final results. ! if (prtdos) then ABI_MALLOC(dos,(BSp%nomega)) dos = -AIMAG(green(:,BSp%nq+1)) call exc_write_data(BSp,BS_files,"EXC_MDF",green,prefix=prefix,dos=dos) ABI_FREE(dos) else call exc_write_data(BSp,BS_files,"EXC_MDF",green,prefix=prefix) end if ! ! ========================= ! === Write out Epsilon === ! ========================= ABI_MALLOC(tensor_cart,(BSp%nomega,6)) ABI_MALLOC(tensor_red,(BSp%nomega,6)) call wrtout(std_out," Calculating EXC dielectric tensor","COLL") call haydock_mdf_to_tensor(BSp,Cryst,green,tensor_cart,tensor_red,ierr) if (ierr == 0) then ! Writing tensor call exc_write_tensor(BSp,BS_files,"EXC_TSR_CART",tensor_cart) call exc_write_tensor(BSp,BS_files,"EXC_TSR_RED",tensor_red) else write(msg,'(3a)')& & 'The EXC dielectric complex tensor cannot be computed',ch10,& & 'There must be 6 different q-points in long wavelength limit (see gw_nqlwl)' ABI_COMMENT(msg) end if ABI_FREE(tensor_cart) ABI_FREE(tensor_red) ! ! This part will be removed when fldiff will be able to compare two mdf files. write(ab_out,*)" " write(ab_out,*)"Macroscopic dielectric function:" write(ab_out,*)"omega [eV] <KS_RPA_nlf> <GW_RPA_nlf> <BSE> " do io=1,MIN(BSp%nomega,10) omegaev = REAL(BSp%omega(io))*Ha_eV ks_avg = SUM( eps_rpanlf(io,:)) / Bsp%nq gw_avg = SUM( eps_gwnlf (io,:)) / Bsp%nq exc_avg = SUM( green (io,:)) / BSp%nq write(ab_out,'(7f9.4)')omegaev,ks_avg,gw_avg,exc_avg end do write(ab_out,*)" " ! Write MDF file with the final results. ! FIXME: It won't work if prtdos == True #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF path = strcat(BS_files%out_basename,strcat(prefix,"")) NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_create(ncid, path, xmpi_comm_self)) NCF_CHECK(cryst%ncwrite(ncid)) NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(QP_bst, ncid)) call mdfs_ncwrite(ncid, Bsp, green, eps_rpanlf, eps_gwnlf) NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid)) #else ABI_UNUSED(ncid) #endif end if ABI_FREE(green) ABI_FREE(eps_rpanlf) ABI_FREE(eps_gwnlf) ABI_FREE(dos_ks) ABI_FREE(dos_gw) call ebands_free(EPBSt) call ebands_free(EP_QPBst) end do ! itemp loop ABI_FREE(opt_cvk) ABI_FREE(kets) call timab(694,2,tsec) ! exc_haydock_driver(apply call timab(695,1,tsec) ! exc_haydock_driver(end) !YG2014 call hexc_free(hexc) call hexc_interp_free(hexc_i) if (do_ep_renorm) then ABI_FREE(ep_renorms) ABI_FREE(bs2eph) end if call timab(695,2,tsec) ! exc_haydock_driver(end) call timab(690,2,tsec) ! exc_haydock_driver end subroutine exc_haydock_driver !!*** !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!****f* m_haydock/haydock_herm !! NAME !! haydock_herm !! !! FUNCTION !! Reads the excitonic Hamiltonian from file and construct the Lanczos set of vectors !! by iterative matrix-vector multiplications. !! !! INPUTS !! BSp<excparam>=Parameters for the Bethe-Salpeter calculation. !! BS_files<excparam>=Files associated to the bethe_salpeter code. !! Cryst<crystal_t>=Info on the crystalline structure. !! Pawtab(Cryst%ntypat*usepaw)<pawtab_type>=PAW tabulated starting data. !! hize=Size of the excitonic matrix. !! my_t1,my_t2=First and last columns treated by this node. !! nkets=Number of starting vectors for Haydock method. !! kets(hsize,nkets)=The kets in the eh representation. !! comm=MPI communicator. !! !! OUTPUT !! green(BSp%nomega,nkets)= !! !! PARENTS !! m_haydock !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine haydock_herm(BSp,BS_files,Cryst,Hdr_bse,my_t1,my_t2,& & nkets,kets,green,hexc,hexc_i,comm) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(in) :: my_t1,my_t2,nkets,comm type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst type(excparam),intent(in) :: BSp type(excfiles),intent(in) :: BS_files type(Hdr_type),intent(in) :: Hdr_bse type(hexc_t),intent(inout) :: hexc type(hexc_interp_t),intent(inout) :: hexc_i !arrays complex(dp),intent(out) :: green(BSp%nomega,nkets) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: kets(hexc%hsize,nkets) !Local variables ------------------------------ !scalars integer,parameter :: master=0 integer :: inn,nproc,my_rank,ierr integer :: niter_file,niter_max,niter_done,nsppol,iq,my_nt,term_type,n_all_omegas real(dp) :: norm,nfact logical :: can_restart,is_converged complex(dpc) :: factor character(len=500) :: msg character(len=fnlen),parameter :: tag_file="_HAYDR_SAVE" character(len=fnlen) :: restart_file,out_file type(haydock_type) :: haydock_file !arrays real(dp),allocatable :: bb_file(:) real(dp),allocatable :: bb(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: aa(:),phi_nm1(:),phi_n(:),hphi_n(:),hphi_nm1(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: aa_file(:),phi_n_file(:),phi_nm1_file(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: ket0(:),all_omegas(:),green_temp(:,:) ! complex(dpc),allocatable :: diag_dense(:) logical :: check(2) !************************************************************************ ABI_CHECK(Bsp%nsppol==1,"nsppol > 1 not implemented yet") nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm); my_rank= xmpi_comm_rank(comm) nsppol = Hdr_bse%nsppol if (BSp%use_interp) then ABI_COMMENT("No parallelization in Interpolation") my_nt = SUM(Bsp%nreh_interp) else my_nt = my_t2-my_t1+1 end if ABI_CHECK(my_nt>0,"One of the processors has zero columns") write(msg,'(a,i0)')' Haydock algorithm with MAX number of iterations: ',BSp%niter call wrtout(std_out,msg,"COLL") ! ! Select the terminator for the continued fraction. term_type=0; if (Bsp%hayd_term>0) term_type=1 call wrtout(std_out,sjoin("Using terminator type: ",itoa(term_type)),"COLL") ! ! Check for presence of the restart file. can_restart=.FALSE. if ( BS_files%in_haydock_basename /= BSE_NOFILE) then restart_file = TRIM(BS_files%in_haydock_basename)//TRIM(tag_file) if (file_exists(restart_file) ) then can_restart=.TRUE. msg = " Restarting Haydock calculation from file: "//TRIM(restart_file) call wrtout(std_out,msg,"COLL") call wrtout(ab_out,msg,"COLL") else can_restart=.FALSE. call wrtout(ab_out," WARNING: cannot find restart file: "//TRIM(restart_file),"COLL") end if end if ABI_CHECK(.not.can_restart,"restart not yet implemented") ! Open the file and write basic dimensions and info. if (my_rank==master) then out_file = TRIM(BS_files%out_basename)//TRIM(tag_file) call open_haydock(out_file,haydock_file) haydock_file%hsize = hexc%hsize haydock_file%use_coupling = Bsp%use_coupling haydock_file%op = BSE_HAYD_IMEPS haydock_file%nq = nkets haydock_file%broad = Bsp%broad call write_dim_haydock(haydock_file) end if ! ! Calculate green(w) for the different starting points. green=czero do iq=1,nkets ABI_MALLOC(ket0,(hexc%hsize)) ket0=kets(:,iq) ! niter_file=0 if (can_restart) then call haydock_restart(BSp,restart_file,BSE_HAYD_IMEPS,iq,hexc%hsize,& & niter_file,aa_file,bb_file,phi_nm1_file,phi_n_file,comm) end if ! ! For n>1, we have: ! 1) a_n = <n|H|n> ! 2) b_n = || H|n> - a_n|n> -b_{n-1}|n-1> || ! 3) |n+1> = [H|n> -a_n|n> -b_{n-1}|n-1>]/b_n ! ! The sequences starts with |1> normalized to 1 and b_0 =0, therefore: ! a_1 = <1|H|1> ! b_1 = || H|1> - a_1|1> || ! |2> = [H|1> - a_1|1>]/b_1 ! ABI_MALLOC(hphi_n,(hexc%hsize)) ABI_MALLOC(hphi_nm1,(hexc%hsize)) ABI_MALLOC(phi_nm1,(my_nt)) ABI_MALLOC(phi_n,(my_nt)) niter_max = niter_file + Bsp%niter ABI_MALLOC(aa,(niter_max)) ABI_MALLOC(bb,(niter_max)) aa=czero; bb=zero if (niter_file==0) then ! Calculation from scratch. phi_nm1=ket0(my_t1:my_t2) ! Select the slice treated by this node. norm = DZNRM2(hexc%hsize,ket0,1) ! Normalization phi_nm1=phi_nm1/norm call hexc_matmul_tda(hexc,hexc_i,phi_nm1,hphi_n) aa(1)=xdotc(my_nt,phi_nm1,1,hphi_n(my_t1:),1) call xmpi_sum(aa(1:1),comm,ierr) phi_n = hphi_n(my_t1:my_t2) - aa(1)*phi_nm1 bb(1) = xdotc(my_nt,phi_n,1,phi_n,1) call xmpi_sum(bb(1:1),comm,ierr) bb(1) = SQRT(bb(1)) phi_n = phi_n/bb(1) niter_done=1 else ! Use the previous a and b. niter_done=niter_file aa(1:niter_done) = aa_file bb(1:niter_done) = bb_file phi_nm1=phi_nm1_file(my_t1:my_t2) ! Select the slice treated by this node. phi_n =phi_n_file (my_t1:my_t2) end if if (can_restart) then ABI_FREE(aa_file) ABI_FREE(bb_file) ABI_FREE(phi_nm1_file) ABI_FREE(phi_n_file) end if ! Multiplicative factor (k-point sampling and unit cell volume) ! TODO be careful with the spin here ! TODO four_pi comes from the coulomb term 1/|q| is already included in the ! oscillators hence the present approach wont work if a cutoff interaction is used. nfact = -four_pi/(Cryst%ucvol*hexc%nbz) if (nsppol==1) nfact=two*nfact factor = nfact*(DZNRM2(hexc%hsize,ket0,1)**2) ! Which quantity should be checked for convergence? check = (/.TRUE.,.TRUE./) if (ABS(Bsp%haydock_tol(2)-one)<tol6) check = (/.TRUE. ,.FALSE./) if (ABS(Bsp%haydock_tol(2)-two)<tol6) check = (/.FALSE.,.TRUE./) ! Create new frequencies "mirror" in negative range to add ! their contributions. Can be improved by computing only once ! zero frequency, but loosing clearness n_all_omegas = 2*BSp%nomega ABI_MALLOC(all_omegas,(n_all_omegas)) ! Put all omegas with frequency > 0 in table all_omegas(BSp%nomega+1:n_all_omegas) = BSp%omega ! Put all omegas with frequency < 0 ! Warning, the broadening must be kept positive all_omegas(1:BSp%nomega) = -DBLE(BSp%omega(BSp%nomega:1:-1)) + j_dpc*AIMAG(BSp%omega(BSp%nomega:1:-1)) ABI_MALLOC(green_temp,(n_all_omegas,nkets)) call haydock_herm_algo(niter_done,niter_max,n_all_omegas,all_omegas,BSp%haydock_tol(1),check,& & my_t1,my_t2,factor,term_type,aa,bb,phi_nm1,phi_n,& & green_temp(:,iq),inn,is_converged,& & hexc, hexc_i, comm) ! Computing result from two ranges of frequencies ! The real part is added, the imaginary part is substracted green(:,iq) = green_temp(BSp%nomega+1:n_all_omegas,iq)+CONJG(green_temp(BSp%nomega:1:-1,iq)) ABI_FREE(all_omegas) ABI_FREE(green_temp) ! ! Save the a"s and the b"s for possible restarting. ! 1) Info on the Q. ! 2) Number of iterations performed. ! 3) do iter=1,niter_performed ! aa(iter),bb(iter) ! end do ! 4) |n-1> ! |n> ! hphi_nm1 = czero hphi_nm1(my_t1:my_t2) = phi_nm1 call xmpi_sum_master(hphi_nm1,master,comm,ierr) hphi_n = czero hphi_n(my_t1:my_t2) = phi_n call xmpi_sum_master(hphi_n,master,comm,ierr) if (my_rank==master) then ! Write data for restarting call write_haydock(haydock_file, hexc%hsize, Bsp%q(:,iq), aa, bb, hphi_n, hphi_nm1, MIN(inn,niter_max), factor) end if ABI_FREE(hphi_n) ABI_FREE(hphi_nm1) ABI_FREE(phi_nm1) ABI_FREE(phi_n) ABI_FREE(aa) ABI_FREE(bb) ABI_FREE(ket0) end do ! iq if (my_rank==master) call close_haydock(haydock_file) call xmpi_barrier(comm) end subroutine haydock_herm !!*** !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!****f* m_haydock/haydock_herm_algo !! NAME !! haydock_herm_algo !! !! FUNCTION !! !! INPUTS !! niter_done=Number of iterations already performed (0 if the run starts from scratch). !! niter_max=Max number of iterations. Always > niter_done !! nomega=Number of Frequency points for the evaluation of the matrix element. !! omega(nomega)=Frequency set (imaginary part is already included). !! tol_iter=Tolerance used to stop the algorithm. !! check(2)=Logical flags to specify where both the real and the imaginary part of the !! matrix elements of the Green functions have to be checked for convergence. !! hsize=Size of the blocks. !! my_t1,my_t2=Indices of the first and last column stored treated by this done. !! term_type=0 if no terminator is used, 1 otherwise. !! hmat(hsize,my_t1:my_t2)=The columns of the block. !! factor !! ntrans = Number of transitions !! corresp = mapping between coarse points and neighbours !! overlaps = overlaps of wavefunctions between dense k-point coarse neighbours and bands !! comm=MPI communicator. !! !! OUTPUT !! green(nomega)=Output matrix elements. !! inn=Last iteration performed. !! is_converged=.TRUE. of the algorithm converged. !! !! SIDE EFFECTS !! phi_nm1(my_t2-my_t1+1), phi_n(my_t2-my_t1+1) !! input: vectors used to initialize the iteration !! output: the vectors obtained in the last iteration !! aa(niter_max) and bb(niter_max) !! if niter_done>0: aa(1:niter_done), bb(1:niter_done) store the coefficients of the previous run. !! when the routine returns aa(1:inn) and bb(1:inn) contain the matrix elements of the tridiagonal form. !! !! PARENTS !! m_haydock !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine haydock_herm_algo(niter_done,niter_max,nomega,omega,tol_iter,check,& & my_t1,my_t2,factor,term_type,aa,bb,phi_nm1,phi_n,& & green,inn,is_converged,& & hexc, hexc_i, comm) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(in) :: niter_max,niter_done,nomega integer,intent(in) :: my_t1,my_t2,term_type integer,intent(in) :: comm integer,intent(out) :: inn logical,intent(out) :: is_converged real(dp),intent(in) :: tol_iter complex(dpc),intent(in) :: factor type(hexc_t),intent(in) :: hexc type(hexc_interp_t),intent(in) :: hexc_i !arrays real(dp),intent(inout) :: bb(niter_max) complex(dpc),intent(out) :: green(nomega) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: omega(nomega) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: aa(niter_max) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: phi_nm1(my_t2-my_t1+1) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: phi_n (my_t2-my_t1+1) logical,intent(in) :: check(2) !Local variables ------------------------------ !scalars integer :: ierr,my_nt,niter_min,nconv character(len=500) :: msg logical,parameter :: force_real=.TRUE. !arrays real(dp) :: abs_err(nomega,2) !,rel_err(nomega,2) complex(dpc),allocatable :: oldg(:),newg(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: phi_np1(:),hphi_n(:),cfact(:) logical :: test(2) !************************************************************************ ! The sequences starts with |1> normalized to 1 and b_0 =0, therefore: ! a_1 = <1|H|1> ! b_1 = || H|1> - a_1|1> || ! |2> = [H|1> - a_1|1>]/b_1 ! ! For n>1 we have ! 1) a_n = <n|H|n> ! 2) b_n = || H|n> - a_n|n> -b_{n-1}|n-1> || ! 3) |n+1> = [H|n> -a_n|n> -b_{n-1}|n-1>]/b_n ! my_nt = my_t2-my_t1+1 ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(hphi_n,(hexc%hsize), ierr) ABI_MALLOC(phi_np1,(my_nt)) ABI_MALLOC(oldg,(nomega)) oldg=czero ABI_MALLOC(newg,(nomega)) newg=czero ABI_MALLOC(cfact,(nomega)) cfact=czero nconv=0 do inn=niter_done+1,niter_max !YG2014 call hexc_matmul_tda(hexc,hexc_i,phi_n,hphi_n) aa(inn) = xdotc(my_nt,phi_n,1,hphi_n(my_t1:),1) call xmpi_sum(aa(inn:inn),comm,ierr) if (force_real) aa(inn) = DBLE(aa(inn)) ! Matrix is Hermitian. ! |n+1> = H|n> - A(n)|n> - B(n-1)|n-1> phi_np1 = hphi_n(my_t1:my_t2) - aa(inn)*phi_n - bb(inn-1)*phi_nm1 bb(inn) = xdotc(my_nt,phi_np1,1,phi_np1,1) call xmpi_sum(bb(inn),comm,ierr) bb(inn) = SQRT(bb(inn)) phi_np1 = phi_np1/bb(inn) phi_nm1 = phi_n phi_n = phi_np1 write(msg,'(a,i0,a,3es12.4)')' Iteration number ',inn,', b_i RE(a_i) IM(a_i) ',bb(inn),REAL(aa(inn)),AIMAG(aa(inn)) call wrtout(std_out,msg,"COLL") call continued_fract(inn,term_type,aa,bb,nomega,omega,cfact) newg= factor*cfact ! ! Avoid spurious convergence. niter_min=4; if (niter_done>1) niter_min=niter_done+1 if (inn>niter_min) then test=.TRUE. abs_err(:,1) = ABS(DBLE (newg-oldg)) abs_err(:,2) = ABS(AIMAG(newg-oldg)) ! if (tol_iter>zero) then ! Test on the L1 norm. if (check(1)) test(1) = SUM(abs_err(:,1)) < tol_iter*SUM(ABS(DBLE (newg))) if (check(2)) test(2) = SUM(abs_err(:,2)) < tol_iter*SUM(ABS(AIMAG(newg))) else ! Stringent test for each point. if (check(1)) test(1) = ALL( abs_err(:,1) < -tol_iter*ABS(DBLE (newg))) if (check(2)) test(2) = ALL( abs_err(:,2) < -tol_iter*ABS(AIMAG(newg))) end if ! if (ALL(test)) then nconv = nconv+1 else nconv = 0 end if if (nconv==2) then if(inn<100)then write(msg,'(a,es10.2,a)')& & " >>> Haydock algorithm converged twice within haydock_tol= ",tol_iter," after less than 100 iterations." else write(msg,'(a,es10.2,a,i0,a)')& & " >>> Haydock algorithm converged twice within haydock_tol= ",tol_iter," after ",inn," iterations." endif call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL') call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL') EXIT end if end if oldg = newg end do ! inn green = newg if (nconv/=2) then write(msg,'(a,es10.2,a,i0,a)')& & " WARNING: Haydock algorithm did not converge within ",tol_iter," after ",niter_max," iterations." call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL') call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL') end if is_converged = (nconv==2) ABI_FREE(oldg) ABI_FREE(newg) ABI_FREE(cfact) ABI_FREE(hphi_n) ABI_FREE(phi_np1) end subroutine haydock_herm_algo !!*** !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!****f* m_haydock/haydock_restart !! NAME !! haydock_restart !! !! FUNCTION !! Restart the Haydock method from file reading the data produced in a previous run. !! !! INPUTS !! BSp<type(excparam)>=Parameters defining the Bethe-Salpeter calculation. !! omega(BSp%nomega)=Frequency mesh for the macroscopic dielectric function (broadening is already included). !! iq_search=The index of the q-point to be searched. !! hsize !! comm=MPI communicator. !! nsppol !! restart_file !! !! OUTPUT !! niter_file=Number of iterations already performed. 0 to signal that an error occurred during the reading !! bb_file(:) !! aa_file(:) !! phi_n_file(:) !! phi_nm1_file(:) !! !! PARENTS !! m_haydock !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine haydock_restart(BSp,restart_file,ftype,iq_search,hsize,niter_file,aa_file,bb_file,phi_nm1_file,phi_n_file,comm) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(in) :: comm,hsize,iq_search,ftype integer,intent(out) :: niter_file character(len=*),intent(in) :: restart_file type(excparam),intent(in) :: BSp !arrays real(dp),allocatable,intent(out) :: bb_file(:) complex(dpc),allocatable,intent(out) :: aa_file(:),phi_n_file(:),phi_nm1_file(:) !Local variables ------------------------------ !scalars integer,parameter :: master=0 integer :: nproc,my_rank,ierr,op_file integer :: hsize_file,use_coupling_file complex(dpc) :: factor_file character(len=500) :: msg type(haydock_type) :: haydock_file !************************************************************************ nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm); my_rank= xmpi_comm_rank(comm) if (my_rank==master) then call open_haydock(restart_file, haydock_file) call read_dim_haydock(haydock_file) if (haydock_file%op/=ftype) then write(msg,"(2(a,i0))")" Expecting restart file with filetype: ",ftype," but found ",op_file ABI_ERROR(msg) end if if (haydock_file%hsize/=hsize) then write(msg,"(2(a,i0))")& & " Rank of H_exc read from file: ",hsize_file," differs from the one used in this run: ",hsize ABI_ERROR(msg) end if if (haydock_file%use_coupling /= BSp%use_coupling) then write(msg,'(2(a,i0))')& & " use_coupling_file: ",use_coupling_file," differs from input file value: ",BSp%use_coupling ABI_ERROR(msg) end if call read_haydock(haydock_file, Bsp%q(:,iq_search), aa_file, bb_file, & & phi_n_file, phi_nm1_file, niter_file, factor_file) if (niter_file == 0) then write(msg,"(a,3f8.4,3a)")& & " Could not find q-point: ",BSp%q(:,iq_search)," in file ",TRIM(restart_file),& & " Cannot restart Haydock iterations for this q-point" ABI_COMMENT(msg) else write(msg,'(a,i0)')" Number of iterations already performed: ",niter_file call wrtout(std_out,msg,"COLL") call wrtout(ab_out,msg,"COLL") if ( ABS(haydock_file%broad - BSp%broad) > tol6) then write(msg,'(2a,2(a,f8.4),a)')& & " Restart file has been produced with a different Lorentzian broadening: ",ch10,& & " broad_file: ",haydock_file%broad," input broadening: ",BSp%broad," Continuing anyway. " ABI_WARNING(msg) end if call close_haydock(haydock_file) end if end if ! ! Master broadcasts the data. call xmpi_bcast(niter_file,master,comm,ierr) if (my_rank/=master) then ABI_MALLOC(aa_file,(niter_file)) ABI_MALLOC(bb_file,(niter_file)) ABI_MALLOC(phi_nm1_file,(hsize)) ABI_MALLOC(phi_n_file,(hsize)) end if call xmpi_bcast(aa_file,master,comm,ierr) call xmpi_bcast(bb_file,master,comm,ierr) call xmpi_bcast(phi_nm1_file,master,comm,ierr) call xmpi_bcast(phi_n_file,master,comm,ierr) end subroutine haydock_restart !!*** !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!****f* m_haydock/haydock_mdf_to_tensor !! NAME !! haydock_mdf_to_tensor !! !! FUNCTION !! Transform macroscopic dielectric function from green function to each components of the tensor in red and cart coord. !! !! INPUTS !! BSp<type(excparam)>=Parameters defining the Bethe-Salpeter calculation. !! omega(BSp%nomega)=Frequency mesh for the macroscopic dielectric function (broadening is already included). !! Cryst=Parameters of the crystal !! eps(BSp%nomega,BSp%nq) = Macroscopic dielectric function to be written. !! !! OUTPUT !! tensor_cart(BSp%nomega,6) = dielectric tensor for each frequency, order (11,22,33,12,13,23) in cart. coord. !! tensor_red(BSp%nomega, 6) = idem in reduced coordinated !! ierr = 0 if the tensors have been successfully computed !! \= 0 if the system is ill-posed in terms of q-points (not enough or not independent q-points) !! !! PARENTS !! m_haydock !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine haydock_mdf_to_tensor(BSp,Cryst,eps,tensor_cart,tensor_red,ierr) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(out) :: ierr type(excparam),intent(in) :: BSp type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst !arrays complex(dpc),intent(in) :: eps(BSp%nomega,BSp%nq) complex(dpc),intent(out) :: tensor_cart(BSp%nomega,6), tensor_red(BSp%nomega,6) !Local variables ------------------------------ !scalars integer :: iq,info real(dp) :: normqcart, normqred !arrays integer,allocatable :: ipiv(:) real(dp) :: qcart(3), qtmet(3) real(dp) :: qred2cart(3,3),qcart2red(3,3) complex(dpc) :: qqcart(BSp%nq,6), qqred(BSp%nq,6) complex(dpc) :: b(6,BSP%nomega) !************************************************************************ ! Error flag ierr = 0 if(BSp%nq /= 6) then ierr = -1 return end if ! Transformation matrices from reduced coordinates to cartesian coordinates qred2cart = two_pi*Cryst%gprimd qcart2red = qred2cart call matrginv(qcart2red,3,3) do iq = 1, 6 ! Computing cartesian q-vector qcart = MATMUL(qred2cart, BSp%q(:,iq)) ! Computing product 'metric - qred' to form quadratic form qtmet = (two_pi**2)*MATMUL(Cryst%gmet, BSp%q(:,iq)) ! squared norms normqcart = qcart(1)**2+qcart(2)**2+qcart(3)**2 normqred = (normv(BSp%q(:,iq),Cryst%gmet,"G"))**2 ! Compute line 'iq' for matrix in cartesian coord qqcart(iq,1) = (qcart(1))**2 qqcart(iq,2) = (qcart(2))**2 qqcart(iq,3) = (qcart(3))**2 qqcart(iq,4) = 2*(qcart(1)*qcart(2)) qqcart(iq,5) = 2*(qcart(1)*qcart(3)) qqcart(iq,6) = 2*(qcart(2)*qcart(3)) ! Compute line 'iq' for matrix in reduced coord qqred(iq,1) = (qtmet(1))**2 qqred(iq,2) = (qtmet(2))**2 qqred(iq,3) = (qtmet(3))**2 qqred(iq,4) = 2*(qtmet(1)*qtmet(2)) qqred(iq,5) = 2*(qtmet(1)*qtmet(3)) qqred(iq,6) = 2*(qtmet(2)*qtmet(3)) ! Renormalize line qqcart(iq,:) = qqcart(iq,:)/normqcart qqred(iq,:) = qqred(iq,:)/normqred end do ABI_MALLOC(ipiv,(6)) ! Solving linear system b = TRANSPOSE(eps) call ZGESV(6,BSp%nomega,qqcart,6,ipiv,b,6,info) tensor_cart = TRANSPOSE(b) if(info /= 0) then ! Skipping the rest of the routine ierr = info ABI_FREE(ipiv) return end if b = TRANSPOSE(eps) call ZGESV(6,BSp%nomega,qqred,6,ipiv,b,6,info) tensor_red = TRANSPOSE(b) if(info /= 0) ierr = info ABI_FREE(ipiv) end subroutine haydock_mdf_to_tensor !!*** !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!****f* m_haydock/haydock_psherm !! NAME !! haydock_psherm !! !! FUNCTION !! Reads the excitonic Hamiltonian from file and construct the Lanczos set of vectors !! by iterative matrix-vector multiplications. !! !! INPUTS !! BSp<type(excparam)>=Parameters defining the Bethe-Salpeter calculation. !! omega(BSp%nomega)=Frequency mesh for the macroscopic dielectric function (broadening is already included). !! hize !! my_t1,my_t2 !! hreso(hsize,my_t1:my_t2) !! hcoup(hsize,my_t1:my_t2) !! nkets !! kets(hsize,nkets) !! comm=MPI communicator. !! !! OUTPUT !! green(BSp%nomega)=The imaginary part of the macroscopic dielectric function. !! !! PARENTS !! m_haydock !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine haydock_psherm(BSp,BS_files,Cryst,Hdr_bse,hexc,hexc_i,hsize,my_t1,my_t2,nkets,kets,green,comm) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(in) :: hsize,my_t1,my_t2,nkets,comm type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst type(excparam),intent(in) :: BSp type(excfiles),intent(in) :: BS_files type(Hdr_type),intent(in) :: Hdr_bse !arrays complex(dp),intent(out) :: green(BSp%nomega,BSp%nq) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: kets(hsize,nkets) !Local variables ------------------------------ !scalars integer,parameter :: master=0 integer :: inn,itt,out_unt,nproc,my_rank,ierr integer :: niter_file,niter_max,niter_done,nsppol,iq,my_nt,term_type real(dp) :: ket0_hbar_norm,nfact logical :: can_restart,is_converged complex(dpc) :: factor character(len=fnlen),parameter :: tag_file="_HAYDC_SAVE" character(len=500) :: msg character(len=fnlen) :: restart_file,out_file type(hexc_t),intent(in) :: hexc type(hexc_interp_t),intent(in) :: hexc_i !arrays real(dp),allocatable :: bb_file(:) real(dp),allocatable :: bb(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: aa(:),cc(:),phi_np1(:),phi_n(:),phi_nm1(:),cbuff(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: aa_file(:),phi_n_file(:),phi_np1_file(:),cc_file(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: ket0(:) logical :: check(2) !************************************************************************ ABI_WARNING("Haydock + coupling is still under development") if(BSp%use_interp) then ABI_ERROR("Coupling is not yet implemented with interpolation") end if nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm) my_rank= xmpi_comm_rank(comm) nsppol = Hdr_bse%nsppol my_nt = my_t2-my_t1+1 ABI_CHECK(my_nt>0,"One of the processors has zero columns") ! Multiplicative factor (k-point sampling and unit cell volume) ! TODO be careful with the spin here ! TODO four_pi comes from the coulomb term 1/|q| is already included in the ! oscillators hence the present approach wont work if a cutoff interaction is used. nfact = four_pi/(Cryst%ucvol*BSp%nkbz) if (nsppol==1) nfact=two*nfact write(msg,'(a,i0)')' Haydock algorithm with MAX number of iterations: ',BSp%niter call wrtout(std_out,msg,"COLL") ! ! Check for presence of the restart file. can_restart=.FALSE. if ( BS_files%in_haydock_basename /= BSE_NOFILE) then restart_file = strcat(BS_files%in_haydock_basename,tag_file) if (file_exists(restart_file) ) then can_restart=.TRUE. msg = strcat(" Restarting Haydock calculation from file: ",restart_file) call wrtout(std_out,msg,"COLL") call wrtout(ab_out,msg,"COLL") ABI_ERROR("Restart is not tested") else can_restart=.FALSE. ABI_WARNING(strcat("Cannot find restart file: ",restart_file)) end if end if ! ! Open the file and writes basic dimensions and info. if (my_rank==master) then out_file = TRIM(BS_files%out_basename)//TRIM(tag_file) if (open_file(out_file,msg,newunit=out_unt,form="unformatted") /= 0) then ABI_ERROR(msg) end if ! write header TODO: standardize this part. write(out_unt)hsize,Bsp%use_coupling,BSE_HAYD_IMEPS,nkets,Bsp%broad end if ! ! Select the terminator for the continued fraction. term_type=0 !; if (Bsp%hayd_term>0) term_type=2 call wrtout(std_out,sjoin("Using terminator type: ",itoa(term_type)),"COLL") ! ! Calculate green(w) for the different starting kets. green=czero do iq=1,nkets ABI_MALLOC(ket0,(my_nt)) ket0 = kets(my_t1:my_t2,iq) ! niter_file=0 if (can_restart) then call haydock_restart(BSp,restart_file,BSE_HAYD_IMEPS,iq,hsize,& & niter_file,aa_file,bb_file,phi_np1_file,phi_n_file,comm) end if ! ABI_MALLOC(phi_nm1,(my_nt)) ABI_MALLOC(phi_n,(my_nt)) ABI_MALLOC(phi_np1,(my_nt)) ! ! TODO: Note the different convention used for the coefficients ! Should use the same convention in the Hermitian case. niter_max = niter_file + Bsp%niter ABI_MALLOC(aa,(niter_max)) ABI_MALLOC(bb,(niter_max+1)) ABI_MALLOC(cc,(niter_max+1)) aa=czero; bb=czero; cc=czero if (niter_file==0) then ! Calculation from scratch. phi_n = ket0 call hexc_matmul_full(hexc, hexc_i, phi_n, phi_np1, -1) !phi_np1 = MATMUL(hreso,ket0) - MATMUL(hcoup,CONJG(ket0)) ket0_hbar_norm = SQRT(two*DBLE(DOT_PRODUCT(phi_n,phi_np1))) phi_n = phi_n /ket0_hbar_norm phi_np1 = phi_np1/ket0_hbar_norm !ket0 = ket0/ket0_hbar_norm cc(1)=zero ! <P|F|P> !cc(1) = DOT_PRODUCT(ket0,phi_np1) write(std_out,*)" cc(1), ket0_hbar_norm =",cc(1),ket0_hbar_norm phi_nm1 = czero niter_done=0 ! TODO Be careful here else ! Use the previously calculates a and b. niter_done=niter_file ABI_ERROR("Restart not coded") !aa(1:niter_done) = aa_file !bb(1:niter_done) = bb_file !phi_np1=phi_np1_file(my_t1:my_t2) ! Select the slice treated by this node. !phi_n =phi_n_file (my_t1:my_t2) end if if (can_restart) then ABI_FREE(aa_file) ABI_FREE(bb_file) ABI_FREE(cc_file) ABI_FREE(phi_np1_file) ABI_FREE(phi_n_file) end if ! This factor gives the correct results factor = -nfact*ket0_hbar_norm / SQRT(two) ! Which quantity should be checked for convergence? check = (/.TRUE.,.TRUE./) if (ABS(Bsp%haydock_tol(2)-one)<tol6) check = (/.TRUE. ,.FALSE./) if (ABS(Bsp%haydock_tol(2)-two)<tol6) check = (/.FALSE.,.TRUE./) call haydock_psherm_optalgo(niter_done,niter_max,BSp%nomega,BSp%omega,BSp%haydock_tol(1),check,hexc,hexc_i,& & hsize,my_t1,my_t2,factor,term_type,aa,bb,cc,ket0,ket0_hbar_norm,phi_nm1,phi_n,phi_np1,& & green(:,iq),inn,is_converged,comm) ! ! Save the a"s and the b"s for possible restarting. ! 1) Info on the Q. ! 2) Number of iterations performed. ! 3) do iter=1,niter_performed ! aa(iter),bb(iter) ! end do ! 4) |n-1> ! |n> ! |n+1> ! if (my_rank==master) then ! Open the file and writes basic dimensions and info. write(out_unt)Bsp%q(:,iq) write(out_unt)MIN(inn,niter_max) ! NB: if the previous loop completed inn=niter_max+1 do itt=1,MIN(inn,niter_max) ! if we exited then inn is not incremented by one. write(out_unt)itt,aa(itt),bb(itt) end do end if ! ! cbuff is used as workspace to gather |n-1>, |n> and |n+1>. ABI_MALLOC(cbuff,(hsize)) cbuff=czero; cbuff(my_t1:my_t2) = phi_nm1 call xmpi_sum_master(cbuff,master,comm,ierr) if (my_rank==master) write(out_unt) cbuff ! |n-1> cbuff=czero; cbuff(my_t1:my_t2) = phi_n call xmpi_sum_master(cbuff,master,comm,ierr) if (my_rank==master) write(out_unt) cbuff ! |n> cbuff=czero; cbuff(my_t1:my_t2) = phi_np1 call xmpi_sum_master(cbuff,master,comm,ierr) if (my_rank==master) write(out_unt) cbuff ! |n+1> ABI_FREE(phi_nm1) ABI_FREE(phi_n) ABI_FREE(phi_np1) ABI_FREE(cbuff) ABI_FREE(aa) ABI_FREE(bb) ABI_FREE(cc) ABI_FREE(ket0) end do ! iq if (my_rank==master) close(out_unt) call xmpi_barrier(comm) end subroutine haydock_psherm !!*** !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!****f* m_haydock/haydock_psherm_optalgo !! NAME !! haydock_psherm_optalgo !! !! FUNCTION !! Haydock algorithm for pseudo-hermitian matrix !! !! INPUTS !! niter_done=Number of iterations already performed (0 if the run starts from scratch). !! niter_tot=Max number of iterations. Always > niter_done !! nomega=Number of Frequency points for the evaluation of the matrix element. !! omega(nomega)=Frequency set (imaginary part is already included). !! tol_iter=Tollerance used to stop the the algorithm. !! check(2)=Logical flags to specify where both the real and the imaginary part of the !! matrix elements of the Green functions have to be checked for convergence. !! hsize=Size of the blocks. !! my_t1,my_t2=Indeces of the first and last column stored treated by this done. !! term_type=0 if no terminator is used, 1 otherwise. !! hreso(hsize,my_t1:my_t2)=The columns of the resonant block. !! hcoup(hsize,my_t1:my_t2)=The columns of the coupling block. !! factor !! comm=MPI communicator. !! !! OUTPUT !! green(nomega)=Output matrix elements. !! inn=Last iteration performed. !! is_converged=.TRUE. of the algorithm converged. !! !! SIDE EFFECTS !! phi_nm1(my_t2-my_t1+1), phi_n(my_t2-my_t1+1) !! input: vectors used to initialize the iteration !! output: the vectors obtained in the last iteration !! aa(niter_tot) and bb(niter_tot+1) !! if niter_done>0: aa(1:niter_done), bb(1:niter_done) store the coefficients of the previous run. !! when the routine returns aa(1:inn) and bb(1:inn) contain the matrix elements of the tridiagonal form. !! cc(niter_tot+1) !! !! PARENTS !! m_haydock !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine haydock_psherm_optalgo(niter_done,niter_tot,nomega,omega,tol_iter,check,hexc,hexc_i,hsize,my_t1,my_t2,& & factor,term_type,aa,bb,cc,ket0,ket0_hbar_norm,phi_nm1,phi_n,phi_np1,green,inn,is_converged,comm) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(in) :: niter_tot,niter_done,nomega,comm,hsize,my_t1,my_t2,term_type integer,intent(out) :: inn logical,intent(out) :: is_converged real(dp),intent(in) :: tol_iter,ket0_hbar_norm complex(dpc),intent(in) :: factor type(hexc_t),intent(in) :: hexc type(hexc_interp_t),intent(in) :: hexc_i !arrays real(dp),intent(inout) :: bb(niter_tot+1) complex(dpc),intent(out) :: green(nomega) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: omega(nomega) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: aa(niter_tot),cc(niter_tot+1) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: ket0(my_t2-my_t1+1) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: phi_nm1(my_t2-my_t1+1) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: phi_n (my_t2-my_t1+1) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: phi_np1(my_t2-my_t1+1) logical,intent(in) :: check(2) !Local variables ------------------------------ !scalars integer :: my_nt,niter_min,nconv,parity,ii,jj,tdim,ierr integer :: row_max,col_max,nlev character(len=500) :: msg real(dp) :: max_err,mean_err,mean_err2,std_dev,err logical :: keep_vectors=.TRUE. !arrays real(dp) :: abs_err(nomega,2) !,ww_err(nomega,2) complex(dpc) :: gn0(nomega,niter_tot) complex(dpc),allocatable :: oldg(:),newg(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: hphi_n(:),save_phi(:,:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: alpha(:,:),beta(:,:),ovlp(:,:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: phi_test(:),phi_test2(:),g00(:) logical :: test(2) !************************************************************************ ABI_UNUSED(ket0_hbar_norm) my_nt = my_t2-my_t1+1 ABI_MALLOC(oldg,(nomega)) ABI_MALLOC(newg,(nomega)) ABI_MALLOC(g00,(nomega)) oldg=czero; newg=czero; g00=czero nconv=0 keep_vectors = (keep_vectors.and.xmpi_comm_size(comm)==1) if (keep_vectors) then ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(save_phi,(my_t2-my_t1+1,niter_tot), ierr) save_phi=czero end if ABI_MALLOC(hphi_n,(hsize)) do inn=niter_done+1,niter_tot ! ! a(n) = <Vn+1|F|Vn+1> = <Vn|HFH|Vn>) = 0 by symmetry. aa(inn)=zero ! |n+1> = |n+1> - a(n)|Vn> - a(n)|n-1> phi_np1 = phi_np1 - bb(inn)*phi_nm1 ! ! |n-1> = |n> ! |n> = |n+1> phi_nm1 = phi_n phi_n = phi_np1 ! !|n+1> = H |n> using all eh components. parity = (-1)**(inn+1) call hexc_matmul_full(hexc, hexc_i, phi_n, phi_np1, parity) !phi_np1 = MATMUL(hreso,phi_n) + parity * MATMUL(hcoup,CONJG(phi_n)) !call xmpi_sum(hphi_np1,comm,ierr) ! ! B(n+1)= <n|F|n+1>^(1/2) = <n|FH|n>^(1/2))= (2*Re(<n|V+1>))^(1/2) ! by symmetry, where the dot_product is done in the resonant eh sub-space. ! bb(inn+1)=SQRT(two*DBLE(DOT_PRODUCT(phi_n,phi_np1))) !bb(inn+1)=two*DBLE(DOT_PRODUCT(phi_n,phi_np1)) !call xmpi_sum(bb(inn+1),comm,ierr) !bb(inn+1)=SQRT(bb(inn+1) ! !|n+1> =|n+1>/B(n+1) phi_n = phi_n /bb(inn+1) phi_np1 = phi_np1/bb(inn+1) if (keep_vectors) save_phi(:,inn) = phi_n parity = (-1)**(inn+1) !if (parity==-1) then ! cc(inn+1)=czero !else cc(inn+1)=DOT_PRODUCT(ket0,phi_n) + parity * DOT_PRODUCT(phi_n,ket0) !end if !call xmpi_sum(cc(inn+1),comm,ierr) write(msg,'(a,i0,a,3es12.4)')' Iteration number ',inn,', b_i RE(c_i+1) IM(c_i+1) ',bb(inn),REAL(cc(inn+1)),AIMAG(cc(inn+1)) call wrtout(std_out,msg,"COLL") call continued_fract(inn,term_type,aa,bb(2:),nomega,omega,g00) gn0(:,1) = g00 if (.FALSE.) then gn0(:,2) = (one - omega(:)*g00(:))/bb(2) do ii=3,inn gn0(:,ii) = -(-bb(ii)*gn0(:,ii-2) -omega(:)*gn0(:,ii-1))/bb(ii+1) end do else do ii=2,inn nlev = inn-ii call continued_fract(nlev,term_type,aa,bb(ii+1:),nomega,omega,g00) gn0(:,ii) = +bb(ii+1) * g00 * gn0(:,ii-1) end do end if newg=czero do ii=1,inn newg(:) = newg + cc(ii)* gn0(:,ii) end do newg = factor*newg ! ! Avoid spurious convergence. niter_min=4; if (niter_done>1) niter_min=niter_done+1 if (inn>niter_min) then test=.TRUE. abs_err(:,1) = ABS(DBLE (newg-oldg)) abs_err(:,2) = ABS(AIMAG(newg-oldg)) ! if (tol_iter>zero) then ! Test on the L1 norm. if (check(1)) test(1) = SUM(abs_err(:,1)) < tol_iter*SUM(ABS(DBLE (newg))) if (check(2)) test(2) = SUM(abs_err(:,2)) < tol_iter*SUM(ABS(AIMAG(newg))) else ! Stringent test for each point. if (check(1)) test(1) = ALL( abs_err(:,1) < -tol_iter*ABS(DBLE (newg))) if (check(2)) test(2) = ALL( abs_err(:,2) < -tol_iter*ABS(AIMAG(newg))) end if ! if (ALL(test)) then nconv = nconv+1 else nconv = 0 end if if (nconv==2) then if(inn<100)then write(msg,'(a,es10.2,a)')& & " >>> Haydock algorithm converged twice within haydock_tol= ",tol_iter," after less than 100 iterations." else write(msg,'(a,es10.2,a,i0,a)')& & " >>> Haydock algorithm converged twice within haydock_tol= ",tol_iter," after ",inn," iterations." endif call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL') call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL') EXIT end if end if ! oldg = newg end do ! inn green = newg if (nconv/=2) then write(msg,'(a,es10.2,a,i0,a)')& & " WARNING: Haydock algorithm did not converge within ",tol_iter," after ",niter_tot," iterations." call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL') call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL') end if is_converged = (nconv==2) ABI_FREE(oldg) ABI_FREE(newg) ABI_FREE(g00) ABI_FREE(hphi_n) if (keep_vectors) then tdim = MIN(inn,niter_tot) ABI_MALLOC(ovlp,(tdim,tdim)) ABI_MALLOC(phi_test,(hsize)) ABI_MALLOC(phi_test2,(hsize)) max_err=smallest_real; mean_err=zero; mean_err2=zero; row_max=-1 do ii=1,tdim parity = (-1)**(ii+1) phi_test = save_phi(:,ii) call hexc_matmul_full(hexc, hexc_i, phi_test, phi_test2, parity) !phi_test2 = MATMUL(hreso,phi_test) + parity * MATMUL(hcoup,CONJG(phi_test)) ovlp(ii,ii) = DOT_PRODUCT(phi_test,phi_test2) + DOT_PRODUCT(phi_test2,phi_test) err = ABS(ovlp(ii,ii)-cone) mean_err = mean_err + err mean_err2 = mean_err2 + err**2 if (err > max_err) then max_err = err row_max = ii end if end do mean_err = mean_err/tdim std_dev = mean_err2/tdim -mean_err**2 write(std_out,'(a,i0,1x,3es14.6)')& & " Error in normalization (ii, max_err,mean,std_dev): ",row_max,max_err,mean_err,std_dev ABI_FREE(phi_test) ABI_FREE(phi_test2) ABI_MALLOC(alpha,(hsize,tdim)) ! Less efficient but for sake of simplicity with hexc_matmul ! TODO possibility to call hreso * phi, and hcoup * phi separately do ii=1,tdim parity = (-1)**(ii+1) call hexc_matmul_full(hexc, hexc_i, save_phi(:,ii), alpha(:,ii), parity) end do !alpha = MATMUL(hreso,save_phi(:,1:tdim)) ! !do ii=1,tdim ! parity = (-1)**(ii+1) ! alpha(:,ii) = alpha(:,ii) + parity*MATMUL(hcoup,CONJG(save_phi(:,ii))) !end do ovlp = MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(CONJG(save_phi(:,1:tdim))),alpha) ABI_MALLOC(beta,(hsize,tdim)) do ii=1,tdim parity = (-1)**(ii+1) beta(:,ii) = parity*save_phi(:,ii) alpha(:,ii) = -parity*alpha(:,ii) end do ovlp = ovlp - MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(CONJG(beta)),alpha) max_err=smallest_real; row_max=-1; col_max=-1 mean_err=zero; mean_err2=zero do jj=1,tdim do ii=1,jj err = ABS(ovlp(ii,jj)) if (ii==jj) err = ABS(err - one) mean_err = mean_err + err mean_err2 = mean_err2 + err**2 if (err > max_err) then max_err = err row_max=ii col_max=jj end if end do end do mean_err = mean_err/(tdim*(tdim+1)/2) std_dev = mean_err2/(tdim*(tdim+1)/2) - mean_err**2 write(std_out,'(a,2(i0,1x),3es14.6)')& & " Error in Hbar-ortho (i,j), max_err, mean, std_dev ",row_max,col_max,max_err,mean_err,std_dev !call print_arr(ovlp,max_r=185,max_c=10,unit=std_out) ABI_FREE(alpha) ABI_FREE(beta) ABI_FREE(ovlp) ABI_FREE(save_phi) end if end subroutine haydock_psherm_optalgo !!*** !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!****f* m_haydock/haydock_bilanczos !! NAME !! haydock_bilanczos !! !! FUNCTION !! Reads the excitonic Hamiltonian from file and construct the Lanczos set of vectors !! by iterative matrix-vector multiplications for any general matrix. !! !! INPUTS !! BSp<type(excparam)>=Parameters defining the Bethe-Salpeter calculation. !! omega(BSp%nomega)=Frequency mesh for the macroscopic dielectric function (broadening is already included). !! hize !! my_t1,my_t2 !! hreso(hsize,my_t1:my_t2) !! hcoup(hsize,my_t1:my_t2) !! nkets !! kets(hsize,nkets) !! comm=MPI communicator. !! !! OUTPUT !! green(BSp%nomega)=The imaginary part of the macroscopic dielectric function. !! !! PARENTS !! m_haydock !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine haydock_bilanczos(BSp,BS_files,Cryst,Hdr_bse,hexc,hexc_i,hsize,my_t1,my_t2,nkets,kets,ep_renorms,green,comm) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(in) :: hsize,my_t1,my_t2,nkets,comm type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst type(excparam),intent(in) :: BSp type(excfiles),intent(in) :: BS_files type(Hdr_type),intent(in) :: Hdr_bse !arrays complex(dp),intent(out) :: green(BSp%nomega,BSp%nq) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: kets(hsize,nkets) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: ep_renorms(hsize) !Local variables ------------------------------ !scalars integer,parameter :: master=0 integer :: inn,itt,out_unt,nproc,my_rank,ierr integer :: niter_file,niter_max,niter_done,nsppol,iq,my_nt,term_type,n_all_omegas real(dp) :: ket0_hbar_norm,nfact,norm logical :: can_restart,is_converged complex(dpc) :: factor character(len=fnlen),parameter :: tag_file="_HAYDC_SAVE" character(len=500) :: msg character(len=fnlen) :: restart_file,out_file type(hexc_t),intent(in) :: hexc type(hexc_interp_t),intent(in) :: hexc_i !arrays complex(dpc),allocatable :: aa_file(:),bb_file(:),cc_file(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: aa(:),bb(:),cc(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: phi_np1(:),phi_n(:),phi_nm1(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: phit_np1(:),phit_n(:),phit_nm1(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: cbuff(:), phi_n_file(:),phi_np1_file(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: ket0(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: hphi_n(:), hphit_n(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: all_omegas(:),green_temp(:,:) logical :: check(2) !************************************************************************ ABI_WARNING("Haydock with Bilanczos is still under development") if(BSp%use_interp) then ABI_ERROR("Bilanczos is not yet implemented with interpolation") end if nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm) my_rank= xmpi_comm_rank(comm) nsppol = Hdr_bse%nsppol my_nt = my_t2-my_t1+1 ABI_CHECK(my_nt>0,"One of the processors has zero columns") ! Multiplicative factor (k-point sampling and unit cell volume) ! TODO be careful with the spin here ! TODO four_pi comes from the coulomb term 1/|q| is already included in the ! oscillators hence the present approach wont work if a cutoff interaction is used. nfact = four_pi/(Cryst%ucvol*BSp%nkbz) if (nsppol==1) nfact=two*nfact write(msg,'(a,i0)')' Bi-Lanczos algorithm with MAX number of iterations: ',BSp%niter call wrtout(std_out,msg,"COLL") ! ! Check for presence of the restart file. can_restart=.FALSE. if ( BS_files%in_haydock_basename /= BSE_NOFILE) then restart_file = strcat(BS_files%in_haydock_basename,tag_file) if (file_exists(restart_file) ) then can_restart=.TRUE. msg = strcat(" Restarting Haydock calculation from file: ",restart_file) call wrtout(std_out,msg,"COLL") call wrtout(ab_out,msg,"COLL") ABI_ERROR("Restart is not implemented") else can_restart=.FALSE. ABI_WARNING(strcat("Cannot find restart file: ",restart_file)) end if end if ! ! Open the file and writes basic dimensions and info. if (my_rank==master) then out_file = TRIM(BS_files%out_basename)//TRIM(tag_file) if (open_file(out_file,msg,newunit=out_unt,form="unformatted") /= 0) then ABI_ERROR(msg) end if ! write header TODO: standardize this part. write(out_unt)hsize,Bsp%use_coupling,BSE_HAYD_IMEPS,nkets,Bsp%broad end if ! ! Select the terminator for the continued fraction. term_type=0 !; if (Bsp%hayd_term>0) term_type=2 call wrtout(std_out,sjoin("Using terminator type: ",itoa(term_type)),"COLL") ! ! Calculate green(w) for the different starting kets. green=czero do iq=1,nkets ABI_MALLOC(ket0,(hexc%hsize)) ket0 = kets(:,iq) ! niter_file=0 if (can_restart) then ! call haydock_restart(BSp,restart_file,BSE_HAYD_IMEPS,iq,hsize,& !& niter_file,aa_file,bb_file,phi_np1_file,phi_n_file,comm) end if ! ABI_MALLOC(phi_nm1,(my_nt)) ABI_MALLOC(phi_n,(my_nt)) ABI_MALLOC(phi_np1,(my_nt)) ABI_MALLOC(phit_nm1,(my_nt)) ABI_MALLOC(phit_n,(my_nt)) ABI_MALLOC(phit_np1,(my_nt)) ABI_MALLOC(hphi_n,(hexc%hsize)) ABI_MALLOC(hphit_n,(hexc%hsize)) ! ! TODO: Note the different convention used for the coefficients ! Should use the same convention in the Hermitian case. niter_max = niter_file + Bsp%niter ABI_MALLOC(aa,(niter_max)) ABI_MALLOC(bb,(niter_max)) ABI_MALLOC(cc,(niter_max)) aa=czero; bb=czero; cc=czero if (niter_file==0) then ! Calculation from scratch. phi_nm1 = ket0(my_t1:my_t2) phit_nm1 = ket0(my_t1:my_t2) norm = DZNRM2(hexc%hsize,ket0,1) phi_nm1=phi_nm1/norm phit_nm1=phit_nm1/norm call hexc_matmul_elphon(hexc,phi_nm1,hphi_n,'N',ep_renorms) call hexc_matmul_elphon(hexc,phit_nm1,hphit_n,'C',ep_renorms) aa(1)=xdotc(my_nt,phit_nm1,1,hphi_n(my_t1:),1) call xmpi_sum(aa(1:1),comm,ierr) phi_n = hphi_n(my_t1:my_t2) - aa(1)*phi_nm1 phit_n = hphit_n(my_t1:my_t2) - CONJG(aa(1))*phit_nm1 bb(1)=xdotc(my_nt,phi_n,1,phi_n,1) call xmpi_sum(bb(1:1),comm,ierr) bb(1) = SQRT(bb(1)) cc(1)=xdotc(my_nt,phit_n,1,phi_n,1) call xmpi_sum(cc(1:1),comm,ierr) cc(1) = cc(1)/bb(1) phi_n = phi_n /bb(1) phit_n = phit_n /CONJG(cc(1)) niter_done=1 ! TODO Be careful here else ! Use the previously calculates a and b. niter_done=niter_file ABI_ERROR("Restart not coded") !aa(1:niter_done) = aa_file !bb(1:niter_done) = bb_file !phi_np1=phi_np1_file(my_t1:my_t2) ! Select the slice treated by this node. !phi_n =phi_n_file (my_t1:my_t2) end if if (can_restart) then ABI_FREE(aa_file) ABI_FREE(bb_file) ABI_FREE(cc_file) ABI_FREE(phi_np1_file) ABI_FREE(phi_n_file) end if ! This factor gives the correct results factor = -nfact*(DZNRM2(hexc%hsize,ket0,1)**2) ! Which quantity should be checked for convergence? check = (/.TRUE.,.TRUE./) if (ABS(Bsp%haydock_tol(2)-one)<tol6) check = (/.TRUE. ,.FALSE./) if (ABS(Bsp%haydock_tol(2)-two)<tol6) check = (/.FALSE.,.TRUE./) ! Create new frequencies "mirror" in negative range to add ! their contributions. Can be improved by computing only once ! zero frequency, but loosing clearness n_all_omegas = 2*BSp%nomega ABI_MALLOC(all_omegas,(n_all_omegas)) ! Put all omegas with frequency > 0 in table all_omegas(BSp%nomega+1:n_all_omegas) = BSp%omega ! Put all omegas with frequency < 0 ! Warning, the broadening must be kept positive all_omegas(1:BSp%nomega) = -DBLE(BSp%omega(BSp%nomega:1:-1)) + j_dpc*AIMAG(BSp%omega(BSp%nomega:1:-1)) ABI_MALLOC(green_temp,(n_all_omegas,nkets)) call haydock_bilanczos_optalgo(niter_done,niter_max,n_all_omegas,all_omegas,BSp%haydock_tol(1),check,hexc,hexc_i,& & hsize,my_t1,my_t2,factor,term_type,ep_renorms,aa,bb,cc,ket0,ket0_hbar_norm,phi_nm1,phi_n,phi_np1,& & phit_nm1,phit_n,phit_np1,green_temp(:,iq),inn,is_converged,comm) ! Computing result from two ranges of frequencies ! The real part is added, the imaginary part is substracted green(:,iq) = green_temp(BSp%nomega+1:n_all_omegas,iq)+CONJG(green_temp(BSp%nomega:1:-1,iq)) ABI_FREE(all_omegas) ABI_FREE(green_temp) ! ! Save the a"s and the b"s for possible restarting. ! 1) Info on the Q. ! 2) Number of iterations performed. ! 3) do iter=1,niter_performed ! aa(iter),bb(iter) ! end do ! 4) |n-1> ! |n> ! |n+1> ! if (my_rank==master) then ! Open the file and writes basic dimensions and info. write(out_unt)Bsp%q(:,iq) write(out_unt)MIN(inn,niter_max) ! NB: if the previous loop completed inn=niter_max+1 do itt=1,MIN(inn,niter_max) ! if we exited then inn is not incremented by one. write(out_unt)itt,aa(itt),bb(itt) end do end if ! ! cbuff is used as workspace to gather |n-1>, |n> and |n+1>. ABI_MALLOC(cbuff,(hsize)) cbuff=czero; cbuff(my_t1:my_t2) = phi_nm1 call xmpi_sum_master(cbuff,master,comm,ierr) if (my_rank==master) write(out_unt) cbuff ! |n-1> cbuff=czero; cbuff(my_t1:my_t2) = phi_n call xmpi_sum_master(cbuff,master,comm,ierr) if (my_rank==master) write(out_unt) cbuff ! |n> cbuff=czero; cbuff(my_t1:my_t2) = phi_np1 call xmpi_sum_master(cbuff,master,comm,ierr) if (my_rank==master) write(out_unt) cbuff ! |n+1> ABI_FREE(phi_nm1) ABI_FREE(phi_n) ABI_FREE(phi_np1) ABI_FREE(phit_nm1) ABI_FREE(phit_n) ABI_FREE(phit_np1) ABI_FREE(hphi_n) ABI_FREE(hphit_n) ABI_FREE(cbuff) ABI_FREE(aa) ABI_FREE(bb) ABI_FREE(cc) ABI_FREE(ket0) end do ! iq if (my_rank==master) close(out_unt) call xmpi_barrier(comm) end subroutine haydock_bilanczos !!*** !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!****f* m_haydock/haydock_bilanczos_optalgo !! NAME !! haydock_bilanczos_optalgo !! !! FUNCTION !! Haydock algorithm for general matrix !! !! INPUTS !! niter_done=Number of iterations already performed (0 if the run starts from scratch). !! niter_tot=Max number of iterations. Always > niter_done !! nomega=Number of Frequency points for the evaluation of the matrix element. !! omega(nomega)=Frequency set (imaginary part is already included). !! tol_iter=Tollerance used to stop the the algorithm. !! check(2)=Logical flags to specify where both the real and the imaginary part of the !! matrix elements of the Green functions have to be checked for convergence. !! hsize=Size of the blocks. !! my_t1,my_t2=Indeces of the first and last column stored treated by this done. !! term_type=0 if no terminator is used, 1 otherwise. !! hreso(hsize,my_t1:my_t2)=The columns of the resonant block. !! hcoup(hsize,my_t1:my_t2)=The columns of the coupling block. !! factor !! comm=MPI communicator. !! !! OUTPUT !! green(nomega)=Output matrix elements. !! inn=Last iteration performed. !! is_converged=.TRUE. of the algorithm converged. !! !! SIDE EFFECTS !! phi_nm1(my_t2-my_t1+1), phi_n(my_t2-my_t1+1) !! input: vectors used to initialize the iteration !! output: the vectors obtained in the last iteration !! aa(niter_tot) and bb(niter_tot+1) !! if niter_done>0: aa(1:niter_done), bb(1:niter_done) store the coefficients of the previous run. !! when the routine returns aa(1:inn) and bb(1:inn) contain the matrix elements of the tridiagonal form. !! cc(niter_tot+1) !! !! PARENTS !! m_haydock !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine haydock_bilanczos_optalgo(niter_done,niter_tot,nomega,omega,tol_iter,check,hexc,hexc_i,hsize,my_t1,my_t2,& & factor,term_type,ep_renorms,aa,bb,cc,ket0,ket0_hbar_norm,phi_nm1,phi_n,phi_np1,phit_nm1,phit_n,phit_np1,& & green,inn,is_converged,comm) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(in) :: niter_tot,niter_done,nomega,comm,hsize,my_t1,my_t2,term_type integer,intent(out) :: inn logical,intent(out) :: is_converged real(dp),intent(in) :: tol_iter,ket0_hbar_norm complex(dpc),intent(in) :: factor type(hexc_t),intent(in) :: hexc type(hexc_interp_t),intent(in) :: hexc_i !arrays complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: bb(niter_tot+1) complex(dpc),intent(out) :: green(nomega) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: omega(nomega) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: aa(niter_tot),cc(niter_tot+1) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: ket0(my_t2-my_t1+1) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: ep_renorms(hsize) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: phi_nm1(my_t2-my_t1+1) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: phi_n (my_t2-my_t1+1) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: phi_np1(my_t2-my_t1+1) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: phit_nm1(my_t2-my_t1+1) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: phit_n (my_t2-my_t1+1) complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: phit_np1(my_t2-my_t1+1) logical,intent(in) :: check(2) !Local variables ------------------------------ !scalars integer :: my_nt,niter_min,nconv !,ierr character(len=500) :: msg logical :: keep_vectors=.TRUE. !arrays real(dp) :: abs_err(nomega,2) !,ww_err(nomega,2) complex(dpc),allocatable :: oldg(:),newg(:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: hphi_np1(:),hphit_np1(:),save_phi(:,:),save_phit(:,:) complex(dpc),allocatable :: g00(:) logical :: test(2) integer :: ierr !************************************************************************ ABI_UNUSED(ket0_hbar_norm) ABI_UNUSED(ket0(1)) ABI_UNUSED(hexc_i%hsize_dense) my_nt = my_t2-my_t1+1 ABI_MALLOC(oldg,(nomega)) ABI_MALLOC(newg,(nomega)) ABI_MALLOC(g00,(nomega)) oldg=czero; newg=czero; g00=czero nconv=0 keep_vectors = (keep_vectors.and.xmpi_comm_size(comm)==1) if (keep_vectors) then ABI_MALLOC(save_phi,(my_t2-my_t1+1,niter_tot)) ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(save_phit,(my_t2-my_t1+1,niter_tot),ierr) save_phi=czero save_phit=czero end if ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(hphi_np1,(hexc%hsize),ierr) ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(hphit_np1,(hexc%hsize),ierr) do inn=niter_done+1,niter_tot !|n+1> = H |n> using all eh components. call hexc_matmul_elphon(hexc, phi_n, hphi_np1, 'N', ep_renorms) call hexc_matmul_elphon(hexc, phit_n, hphit_np1, 'C', ep_renorms) ! a(n) = < phit_n | H | phi_n > aa(inn)=xdotc(my_nt,phit_n,1,hphi_np1(my_t1:),1) call xmpi_sum(aa(inn),comm,ierr) ! |n+1> = |n+1> - a(n)|Vn> - c(n)|n-1> phi_np1 = hphi_np1(my_t1:my_t2) - aa(inn)*phi_n - cc(inn-1)*phi_nm1 phit_np1 = hphit_np1(my_t1:my_t2) - CONJG(aa(inn))*phit_n - CONJG(bb(inn-1))*phit_nm1 bb(inn) = xdotc(my_nt,phi_np1,1,phi_np1,1) call xmpi_sum(bb(inn),comm,ierr) bb(inn) = SQRT(bb(inn)) cc(inn) = xdotc(my_nt,phit_np1,1,phi_np1,1) call xmpi_sum(cc(inn),comm,ierr) cc(inn) = cc(inn)/bb(inn) phi_np1 = phi_np1 / bb(inn) phit_np1 = phit_np1 / CONJG(cc(inn)) ! ! |n-1> = |n> ! |n> = |n+1> phi_nm1 = phi_n phi_n = phi_np1 phit_nm1 = phit_n phit_n = phit_np1 if (keep_vectors) then save_phi(:,inn) = phi_n save_phit(:,inn) = phit_n end if write(msg,'(a,i0,a,3es12.4)')' Iteration number ',inn,', b_i RE(c_i) IM(c_i) ',REAL(bb(inn)),REAL(cc(inn)),AIMAG(cc(inn)) call wrtout(std_out,msg,"COLL") call continued_fract_general(inn,term_type,aa,bb,cc,nomega,omega,g00) newg = factor*g00 ! ! Avoid spurious convergence. niter_min=4; if (niter_done>1) niter_min=niter_done+1 if (inn>niter_min) then test=.TRUE. abs_err(:,1) = ABS(DBLE (newg-oldg)) abs_err(:,2) = ABS(AIMAG(newg-oldg)) ! if (tol_iter>zero) then ! Test on the L1 norm. if (check(1)) test(1) = SUM(abs_err(:,1)) < tol_iter*SUM(ABS(DBLE (newg))) if (check(2)) test(2) = SUM(abs_err(:,2)) < tol_iter*SUM(ABS(AIMAG(newg))) else ! Stringent test for each point. if (check(1)) test(1) = ALL( abs_err(:,1) < -tol_iter*ABS(DBLE (newg))) if (check(2)) test(2) = ALL( abs_err(:,2) < -tol_iter*ABS(AIMAG(newg))) end if ! if (ALL(test)) then nconv = nconv+1 else nconv = 0 end if if (nconv==2) then if(inn<100)then write(msg,'(a,es10.2,a)')& & " >>> Haydock algorithm converged twice within haydock_tol= ",tol_iter," after less than 100 iterations." else write(msg,'(a,es10.2,a,i0,a)')& & " >>> Haydock algorithm converged twice within haydock_tol= ",tol_iter," after ",inn," iterations." endif call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL') call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL') EXIT end if end if ! oldg = newg end do ! inn green = newg if (nconv/=2) then write(msg,'(a,es10.2,a,i0,a)')& & " WARNING: Haydock algorithm did not converge within ",tol_iter," after ",niter_tot," iterations." call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL') call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL') end if is_converged = (nconv==2) ABI_FREE(oldg) ABI_FREE(newg) ABI_FREE(g00) ABI_FREE(hphi_np1) ABI_FREE(hphit_np1) if (keep_vectors) then ABI_FREE(save_phi) ABI_FREE(save_phit) end if !! if (keep_vectors) then !! tdim = MIN(inn,niter_tot) !! ABI_MALLOC(ovlp,(tdim,tdim)) !! ABI_MALLOC(phi_test,(hsize)) !! ABI_MALLOC(phi_test2,(hsize)) !! max_err=smallest_real; mean_err=zero; mean_err2=zero; row_max=-1 !! do ii=1,tdim !! parity = (-1)**(ii+1) !! phi_test = save_phi(:,ii) !! call hexc_matmul_full(hexc, hexc_i, phi_test, phi_test2, parity) !! !phi_test2 = MATMUL(hreso,phi_test) + parity * MATMUL(hcoup,CONJG(phi_test)) !! ovlp(ii,ii) = DOT_PRODUCT(phi_test,phi_test2) + DOT_PRODUCT(phi_test2,phi_test) !! err = ABS(ovlp(ii,ii)-cone) !! mean_err = mean_err + err !! mean_err2 = mean_err2 + err**2 !! if (err > max_err) then !! max_err = err !! row_max = ii !! end if !! end do !! mean_err = mean_err/tdim !! std_dev = mean_err2/tdim -mean_err**2 !! write(std_out,'(a,i0,1x,3es14.6)')& !!& " Error in normalization (ii, max_err,mean,std_dev): ",row_max,max_err,mean_err,std_dev !! ABI_FREE(phi_test) !! ABI_FREE(phi_test2) !! !! ABI_MALLOC(alpha,(hsize,tdim)) !! ! Less efficient but for sake of simplicity with hexc_matmul !! ! TODO possibility to call hreso * phi, and hcoup * phi separately !! do ii=1,tdim !! parity = (-1)**(ii+1) !! call hexc_matmul_full(hexc, hexc_i, save_phi(:,ii), alpha(:,ii), parity) !! end do !! !alpha = MATMUL(hreso,save_phi(:,1:tdim)) !! ! !! !do ii=1,tdim !! ! parity = (-1)**(ii+1) !! ! alpha(:,ii) = alpha(:,ii) + parity*MATMUL(hcoup,CONJG(save_phi(:,ii))) !! !end do !! ovlp = MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(CONJG(save_phi(:,1:tdim))),alpha) !! ABI_MALLOC(beta,(hsize,tdim)) !! do ii=1,tdim !! parity = (-1)**(ii+1) !! beta(:,ii) = parity*save_phi(:,ii) !! alpha(:,ii) = -parity*alpha(:,ii) !! end do !! ovlp = ovlp - MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(CONJG(beta)),alpha) !! max_err=smallest_real; row_max=-1; col_max=-1 !! mean_err=zero; mean_err2=zero !! do jj=1,tdim !! do ii=1,jj !! err = ABS(ovlp(ii,jj)) !! if (ii==jj) err = ABS(err - one) !! mean_err = mean_err + err !! mean_err2 = mean_err2 + err**2 !! if (err > max_err) then !! max_err = err !! row_max=ii !! col_max=jj !! end if !! end do !! end do !! mean_err = mean_err/(tdim*(tdim+1)/2) !! std_dev = mean_err2/(tdim*(tdim+1)/2) - mean_err**2 !! write(std_out,'(a,2(i0,1x),3es14.6)')& !! " Error in Hbar-ortho (i,j), max_err, mean, std_dev ",row_max,col_max,max_err,mean_err,std_dev !! !call print_arr(ovlp,max_r=185,max_c=10,unit=std_out) !! ABI_FREE(alpha) !! ABI_FREE(beta) !! ABI_FREE(ovlp) !! ABI_FREE(save_phi) !! end if end subroutine haydock_bilanczos_optalgo !!*** !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!****f* m_numeric_tools/continued_fract_general !! NAME !! continued_fract !! !! FUNCTION !! This routine calculates the continued fraction: !! !! 1 !! f(z) = _______________________________ !! z - a1 - b1^2 !! _____________________ !! z - a2 - b2^2 !! ___________ !! z -a3 - ........ !! !! INPUTS !! nlev=Number of "levels" in the continued fraction. !! term_type=Type of the terminator. !! 0 --> No terminator. !! -1 --> Assume constant coefficients for a_i and b_i for i>nlev with a_inf = a(nlev) and b_inf = b(nleb) !! 1 --> Same as above but a_inf and b_inf are obtained by averaging over the nlev values. !! aa(nlev)=Set of a_i coefficients. !! bb(nlev)=Set of b_i coefficients. !! nz=Number of points on the z-mesh. !! zpts(nz)=z-mesh. !! !! OUTPUT !! spectrum(nz)=Contains f(z) on the input mesh. !! !! PARENTS !! bsepostproc,m_haydock !! !! CHILDREN !! !! SOURCE subroutine continued_fract_general(nlev,term_type,aa,bb,cc,nz,zpts,spectrum) !Arguments ------------------------------------ !scalars integer,intent(in) :: nlev,term_type,nz !arrays complex(dpc),intent(in) :: bb(nlev) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: cc(nlev) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: aa(nlev) complex(dpc),intent(in) :: zpts(nz) complex(dpc),intent(out) :: spectrum(nz) !Local variables ------------------------------ !scalars integer :: it complex(dpc) :: bb_inf,bg,bu,swap complex(dpc) :: aa_inf character(len=500) :: msg !arrays complex(dpc),allocatable :: div(:),den(:) !************************************************************************ ABI_MALLOC(div,(nz)) ABI_MALLOC(den,(nz)) select case (term_type) case (0) ! No terminator. div=czero case (-1,1) ABI_ERROR("Not yet implemented") if (term_type==-1) then bb_inf=bb(nlev) aa_inf=aa(nlev) else bb_inf=SUM(bb)/nlev aa_inf=SUM(aa)/nlev end if ! Be careful with the sign of the SQRT. div(:) = half*(bb(nlev)/(bb_inf))**2 * ( zpts-aa_inf - SQRT((zpts-aa_inf)**2 - four*bb_inf**2) ) case (2) ABI_ERROR("Not yet implemented") div = zero if (nlev>4) then bg=zero; bu=zero do it=1,nlev,2 if (it+2<nlev) bg = bg + bb(it+2) bu = bu + bb(it) end do bg = bg/(nlev/2+MOD(nlev,2)) bu = bg/((nlev+1)/2) !if (iseven(nlev)) then if (.not.iseven(nlev)) then swap = bg bg = bu bu = bg end if !write(std_out,*)nlev,bg,bu !Here be careful with the sign of SQRT do it=1,nz div(it) = half/zpts(it) * (bb(nlev)/bu)**2 * & & ( (zpts(it)**2 +bu**2 -bg**2) - SQRT( (zpts(it)**2+bu**2-bg**2)**2 -four*(zpts(it)*bu)**2) ) end do end if case default write(msg,'(a,i0)')" Wrong value for term_type : ",term_type ABI_ERROR(msg) end select do it=nlev,2,-1 den(:) = zpts(:) - aa(it) - div(:) div(:) = (bb(it-1)*cc(it-1) )/ den(:) end do den = zpts(:) - aa(1) - div(:) div = one/den(:) spectrum = div ABI_FREE(div) ABI_FREE(den) end subroutine continued_fract_general !!*** !---------------------------------------------------------------------- end module m_haydock !!***
PROGRAM CBLAT1 * Test program for the COMPLEX Level 1 BLAS. * Based upon the original BLAS test routine together with: * F06GAF Example Program Text * .. Parameters .. INTEGER NOUT PARAMETER (NOUT=6) * .. Scalars in Common .. INTEGER ICASE, INCX, INCY, MODE, N LOGICAL PASS * .. Local Scalars .. REAL SFAC INTEGER IC * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CHECK1, CHECK2, HEADER * .. Common blocks .. COMMON /COMBLA/ICASE, N, INCX, INCY, MODE, PASS * .. Data statements .. DATA SFAC/9.765625E-4/ * .. Executable Statements .. WRITE (NOUT,99999) DO 20 IC = 1, 10 ICASE = IC CALL HEADER * * Initialize PASS, INCX, INCY, and MODE for a new case. * The value 9999 for INCX, INCY or MODE will appear in the * detailed output, if any, for cases that do not involve * these parameters. * PASS = .TRUE. INCX = 9999 INCY = 9999 MODE = 9999 IF (ICASE.LE.5) THEN CALL CHECK2(SFAC) ELSE IF (ICASE.GE.6) THEN CALL CHECK1(SFAC) END IF * -- Print IF (PASS) WRITE (NOUT,99998) 20 CONTINUE STOP * 99999 FORMAT (' Complex BLAS Test Program Results',/1X) 99998 FORMAT (' ----- PASS -----') END SUBROUTINE HEADER * .. Parameters .. INTEGER NOUT PARAMETER (NOUT=6) * .. Scalars in Common .. INTEGER ICASE, INCX, INCY, MODE, N LOGICAL PASS * .. Local Arrays .. CHARACTER*6 L(10) * .. Common blocks .. COMMON /COMBLA/ICASE, N, INCX, INCY, MODE, PASS * .. Data statements .. DATA L(1)/'CDOTC '/ DATA L(2)/'CDOTU '/ DATA L(3)/'CAXPY '/ DATA L(4)/'CCOPY '/ DATA L(5)/'CSWAP '/ DATA L(6)/'SCNRM2'/ DATA L(7)/'SCASUM'/ DATA L(8)/'CSCAL '/ DATA L(9)/'CSSCAL'/ DATA L(10)/'ICAMAX'/ * .. Executable Statements .. WRITE (NOUT,99999) ICASE, L(ICASE) RETURN * 99999 FORMAT (/' Test of subprogram number',I3,12X,A6) END SUBROUTINE CHECK1(SFAC) * .. Parameters .. INTEGER NOUT PARAMETER (NOUT=6) * .. Scalar Arguments .. REAL SFAC * .. Scalars in Common .. INTEGER ICASE, INCX, INCY, MODE, N LOGICAL PASS * .. Local Scalars .. COMPLEX CA REAL SA INTEGER I, J, LEN, NP1 * .. Local Arrays .. COMPLEX CTRUE5(8,5,2), CTRUE6(8,5,2), CV(8,5,2), CX(8), + MWPCS(5), MWPCT(5) REAL STRUE2(5), STRUE4(5) INTEGER ITRUE3(5) * .. External Functions .. REAL SCASUM, SCNRM2 INTEGER ICAMAX EXTERNAL SCASUM, SCNRM2, ICAMAX * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CSCAL, CSSCAL, CTEST, ITEST1, STEST1 * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX * .. Common blocks .. COMMON /COMBLA/ICASE, N, INCX, INCY, MODE, PASS * .. Data statements .. DATA SA, CA/0.3E0, (0.4E0,-0.7E0)/ DATA ((CV(I,J,1),I=1,8),J=1,5)/(0.1E0,0.1E0), + (1.0E0,2.0E0), (1.0E0,2.0E0), (1.0E0,2.0E0), + (1.0E0,2.0E0), (1.0E0,2.0E0), (1.0E0,2.0E0), + (1.0E0,2.0E0), (0.3E0,-0.4E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), + (3.0E0,4.0E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), + (3.0E0,4.0E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), + (0.1E0,-0.3E0), (0.5E0,-0.1E0), (5.0E0,6.0E0), + (5.0E0,6.0E0), (5.0E0,6.0E0), (5.0E0,6.0E0), + (5.0E0,6.0E0), (5.0E0,6.0E0), (0.1E0,0.1E0), + (-0.6E0,0.1E0), (0.1E0,-0.3E0), (7.0E0,8.0E0), + (7.0E0,8.0E0), (7.0E0,8.0E0), (7.0E0,8.0E0), + (7.0E0,8.0E0), (0.3E0,0.1E0), (0.1E0,0.4E0), + (0.4E0,0.1E0), (0.1E0,0.2E0), (2.0E0,3.0E0), + (2.0E0,3.0E0), (2.0E0,3.0E0), (2.0E0,3.0E0)/ DATA ((CV(I,J,2),I=1,8),J=1,5)/(0.1E0,0.1E0), + (4.0E0,5.0E0), (4.0E0,5.0E0), (4.0E0,5.0E0), + (4.0E0,5.0E0), (4.0E0,5.0E0), (4.0E0,5.0E0), + (4.0E0,5.0E0), (0.3E0,-0.4E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), + (6.0E0,7.0E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), + (6.0E0,7.0E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), + (0.1E0,-0.3E0), (8.0E0,9.0E0), (0.5E0,-0.1E0), + (2.0E0,5.0E0), (2.0E0,5.0E0), (2.0E0,5.0E0), + (2.0E0,5.0E0), (2.0E0,5.0E0), (0.1E0,0.1E0), + (3.0E0,6.0E0), (-0.6E0,0.1E0), (4.0E0,7.0E0), + (0.1E0,-0.3E0), (7.0E0,2.0E0), (7.0E0,2.0E0), + (7.0E0,2.0E0), (0.3E0,0.1E0), (5.0E0,8.0E0), + (0.1E0,0.4E0), (6.0E0,9.0E0), (0.4E0,0.1E0), + (8.0E0,3.0E0), (0.1E0,0.2E0), (9.0E0,4.0E0)/ DATA STRUE2/0.0E0, 0.5E0, 0.6E0, 0.7E0, 0.7E0/ DATA STRUE4/0.0E0, 0.7E0, 1.0E0, 1.3E0, 1.7E0/ DATA ((CTRUE5(I,J,1),I=1,8),J=1,5)/(0.1E0,0.1E0), + (1.0E0,2.0E0), (1.0E0,2.0E0), (1.0E0,2.0E0), + (1.0E0,2.0E0), (1.0E0,2.0E0), (1.0E0,2.0E0), + (1.0E0,2.0E0), (-0.16E0,-0.37E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), + (3.0E0,4.0E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), + (3.0E0,4.0E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), + (-0.17E0,-0.19E0), (0.13E0,-0.39E0), + (5.0E0,6.0E0), (5.0E0,6.0E0), (5.0E0,6.0E0), + (5.0E0,6.0E0), (5.0E0,6.0E0), (5.0E0,6.0E0), + (0.11E0,-0.03E0), (-0.17E0,0.46E0), + (-0.17E0,-0.19E0), (7.0E0,8.0E0), (7.0E0,8.0E0), + (7.0E0,8.0E0), (7.0E0,8.0E0), (7.0E0,8.0E0), + (0.19E0,-0.17E0), (0.32E0,0.09E0), + (0.23E0,-0.24E0), (0.18E0,0.01E0), + (2.0E0,3.0E0), (2.0E0,3.0E0), (2.0E0,3.0E0), + (2.0E0,3.0E0)/ DATA ((CTRUE5(I,J,2),I=1,8),J=1,5)/(0.1E0,0.1E0), + (4.0E0,5.0E0), (4.0E0,5.0E0), (4.0E0,5.0E0), + (4.0E0,5.0E0), (4.0E0,5.0E0), (4.0E0,5.0E0), + (4.0E0,5.0E0), (-0.16E0,-0.37E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), + (6.0E0,7.0E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), + (6.0E0,7.0E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), + (-0.17E0,-0.19E0), (8.0E0,9.0E0), + (0.13E0,-0.39E0), (2.0E0,5.0E0), (2.0E0,5.0E0), + (2.0E0,5.0E0), (2.0E0,5.0E0), (2.0E0,5.0E0), + (0.11E0,-0.03E0), (3.0E0,6.0E0), + (-0.17E0,0.46E0), (4.0E0,7.0E0), + (-0.17E0,-0.19E0), (7.0E0,2.0E0), (7.0E0,2.0E0), + (7.0E0,2.0E0), (0.19E0,-0.17E0), (5.0E0,8.0E0), + (0.32E0,0.09E0), (6.0E0,9.0E0), + (0.23E0,-0.24E0), (8.0E0,3.0E0), + (0.18E0,0.01E0), (9.0E0,4.0E0)/ DATA ((CTRUE6(I,J,1),I=1,8),J=1,5)/(0.1E0,0.1E0), + (1.0E0,2.0E0), (1.0E0,2.0E0), (1.0E0,2.0E0), + (1.0E0,2.0E0), (1.0E0,2.0E0), (1.0E0,2.0E0), + (1.0E0,2.0E0), (0.09E0,-0.12E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), + (3.0E0,4.0E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), + (3.0E0,4.0E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), (3.0E0,4.0E0), + (0.03E0,-0.09E0), (0.15E0,-0.03E0), + (5.0E0,6.0E0), (5.0E0,6.0E0), (5.0E0,6.0E0), + (5.0E0,6.0E0), (5.0E0,6.0E0), (5.0E0,6.0E0), + (0.03E0,0.03E0), (-0.18E0,0.03E0), + (0.03E0,-0.09E0), (7.0E0,8.0E0), (7.0E0,8.0E0), + (7.0E0,8.0E0), (7.0E0,8.0E0), (7.0E0,8.0E0), + (0.09E0,0.03E0), (0.03E0,0.12E0), + (0.12E0,0.03E0), (0.03E0,0.06E0), (2.0E0,3.0E0), + (2.0E0,3.0E0), (2.0E0,3.0E0), (2.0E0,3.0E0)/ DATA ((CTRUE6(I,J,2),I=1,8),J=1,5)/(0.1E0,0.1E0), + (4.0E0,5.0E0), (4.0E0,5.0E0), (4.0E0,5.0E0), + (4.0E0,5.0E0), (4.0E0,5.0E0), (4.0E0,5.0E0), + (4.0E0,5.0E0), (0.09E0,-0.12E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), + (6.0E0,7.0E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), + (6.0E0,7.0E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), (6.0E0,7.0E0), + (0.03E0,-0.09E0), (8.0E0,9.0E0), + (0.15E0,-0.03E0), (2.0E0,5.0E0), (2.0E0,5.0E0), + (2.0E0,5.0E0), (2.0E0,5.0E0), (2.0E0,5.0E0), + (0.03E0,0.03E0), (3.0E0,6.0E0), + (-0.18E0,0.03E0), (4.0E0,7.0E0), + (0.03E0,-0.09E0), (7.0E0,2.0E0), (7.0E0,2.0E0), + (7.0E0,2.0E0), (0.09E0,0.03E0), (5.0E0,8.0E0), + (0.03E0,0.12E0), (6.0E0,9.0E0), (0.12E0,0.03E0), + (8.0E0,3.0E0), (0.03E0,0.06E0), (9.0E0,4.0E0)/ DATA ITRUE3/0, 1, 2, 2, 2/ * .. Executable Statements .. DO 60 INCX = 1, 2 DO 40 NP1 = 1, 5 N = NP1 - 1 LEN = 2*MAX(N,1) * .. Set vector arguments .. DO 20 I = 1, LEN CX(I) = CV(I,NP1,INCX) 20 CONTINUE IF (ICASE.EQ.6) THEN * .. SCNRM2 .. CALL STEST1(SCNRM2(N,CX,INCX),STRUE2(NP1),STRUE2(NP1), + SFAC) ELSE IF (ICASE.EQ.7) THEN * .. SCASUM .. CALL STEST1(SCASUM(N,CX,INCX),STRUE4(NP1),STRUE4(NP1), + SFAC) ELSE IF (ICASE.EQ.8) THEN * .. CSCAL .. CALL CSCAL(N,CA,CX,INCX) CALL CTEST(LEN,CX,CTRUE5(1,NP1,INCX),CTRUE5(1,NP1,INCX), + SFAC) ELSE IF (ICASE.EQ.9) THEN * .. CSSCAL .. CALL CSSCAL(N,SA,CX,INCX) CALL CTEST(LEN,CX,CTRUE6(1,NP1,INCX),CTRUE6(1,NP1,INCX), + SFAC) ELSE IF (ICASE.EQ.10) THEN * .. ICAMAX .. CALL ITEST1(ICAMAX(N,CX,INCX),ITRUE3(NP1)) ELSE WRITE (NOUT,*) ' Shouldn''t be here in CHECK1' STOP END IF * 40 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE * INCX = 1 IF (ICASE.EQ.8) THEN * CSCAL * Add a test for alpha equal to zero. CA = (0.0E0,0.0E0) DO 80 I = 1, 5 MWPCT(I) = (0.0E0,0.0E0) MWPCS(I) = (1.0E0,1.0E0) 80 CONTINUE CALL CSCAL(5,CA,CX,INCX) CALL CTEST(5,CX,MWPCT,MWPCS,SFAC) ELSE IF (ICASE.EQ.9) THEN * CSSCAL * Add a test for alpha equal to zero. SA = 0.0E0 DO 100 I = 1, 5 MWPCT(I) = (0.0E0,0.0E0) MWPCS(I) = (1.0E0,1.0E0) 100 CONTINUE CALL CSSCAL(5,SA,CX,INCX) CALL CTEST(5,CX,MWPCT,MWPCS,SFAC) * Add a test for alpha equal to one. SA = 1.0E0 DO 120 I = 1, 5 MWPCT(I) = CX(I) MWPCS(I) = CX(I) 120 CONTINUE CALL CSSCAL(5,SA,CX,INCX) CALL CTEST(5,CX,MWPCT,MWPCS,SFAC) * Add a test for alpha equal to minus one. SA = -1.0E0 DO 140 I = 1, 5 MWPCT(I) = -CX(I) MWPCS(I) = -CX(I) 140 CONTINUE CALL CSSCAL(5,SA,CX,INCX) CALL CTEST(5,CX,MWPCT,MWPCS,SFAC) END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE CHECK2(SFAC) * .. Parameters .. INTEGER NOUT PARAMETER (NOUT=6) * .. Scalar Arguments .. REAL SFAC * .. Scalars in Common .. INTEGER ICASE, INCX, INCY, MODE, N LOGICAL PASS * .. Local Scalars .. COMPLEX CA INTEGER I, J, KI, KN, KSIZE, LENX, LENY, MX, MY * .. Local Arrays .. COMPLEX CDOT(1), CSIZE1(4), CSIZE2(7,2), CSIZE3(14), + CT10X(7,4,4), CT10Y(7,4,4), CT6(4,4), CT7(4,4), + CT8(7,4,4), CX(7), CX1(7), CY(7), CY1(7) INTEGER INCXS(4), INCYS(4), LENS(4,2), NS(4) * .. External Functions .. COMPLEX CDOTC, CDOTU EXTERNAL CDOTC, CDOTU * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CAXPY, CCOPY, CSWAP, CTEST * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MIN * .. Common blocks .. COMMON /COMBLA/ICASE, N, INCX, INCY, MODE, PASS * .. Data statements .. DATA CA/(0.4E0,-0.7E0)/ DATA INCXS/1, 2, -2, -1/ DATA INCYS/1, -2, 1, -2/ DATA LENS/1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 1, 3, 7/ DATA NS/0, 1, 2, 4/ DATA CX1/(0.7E0,-0.8E0), (-0.4E0,-0.7E0), + (-0.1E0,-0.9E0), (0.2E0,-0.8E0), + (-0.9E0,-0.4E0), (0.1E0,0.4E0), (-0.6E0,0.6E0)/ DATA CY1/(0.6E0,-0.6E0), (-0.9E0,0.5E0), + (0.7E0,-0.6E0), (0.1E0,-0.5E0), (-0.1E0,-0.2E0), + (-0.5E0,-0.3E0), (0.8E0,-0.7E0)/ DATA ((CT8(I,J,1),I=1,7),J=1,4)/(0.6E0,-0.6E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.32E0,-1.41E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.32E0,-1.41E0), + (-1.55E0,0.5E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.32E0,-1.41E0), (-1.55E0,0.5E0), + (0.03E0,-0.89E0), (-0.38E0,-0.96E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0)/ DATA ((CT8(I,J,2),I=1,7),J=1,4)/(0.6E0,-0.6E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.32E0,-1.41E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (-0.07E0,-0.89E0), + (-0.9E0,0.5E0), (0.42E0,-1.41E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.78E0,0.06E0), (-0.9E0,0.5E0), + (0.06E0,-0.13E0), (0.1E0,-0.5E0), + (-0.77E0,-0.49E0), (-0.5E0,-0.3E0), + (0.52E0,-1.51E0)/ DATA ((CT8(I,J,3),I=1,7),J=1,4)/(0.6E0,-0.6E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.32E0,-1.41E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (-0.07E0,-0.89E0), + (-1.18E0,-0.31E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.78E0,0.06E0), (-1.54E0,0.97E0), + (0.03E0,-0.89E0), (-0.18E0,-1.31E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0)/ DATA ((CT8(I,J,4),I=1,7),J=1,4)/(0.6E0,-0.6E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.32E0,-1.41E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.32E0,-1.41E0), (-0.9E0,0.5E0), + (0.05E0,-0.6E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.32E0,-1.41E0), + (-0.9E0,0.5E0), (0.05E0,-0.6E0), (0.1E0,-0.5E0), + (-0.77E0,-0.49E0), (-0.5E0,-0.3E0), + (0.32E0,-1.16E0)/ DATA CT7/(0.0E0,0.0E0), (-0.06E0,-0.90E0), + (0.65E0,-0.47E0), (-0.34E0,-1.22E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (-0.06E0,-0.90E0), + (-0.59E0,-1.46E0), (-1.04E0,-0.04E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (-0.06E0,-0.90E0), + (-0.83E0,0.59E0), (0.07E0,-0.37E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (-0.06E0,-0.90E0), + (-0.76E0,-1.15E0), (-1.33E0,-1.82E0)/ DATA CT6/(0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.90E0,0.06E0), + (0.91E0,-0.77E0), (1.80E0,-0.10E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.90E0,0.06E0), (1.45E0,0.74E0), + (0.20E0,0.90E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.90E0,0.06E0), + (-0.55E0,0.23E0), (0.83E0,-0.39E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.90E0,0.06E0), (1.04E0,0.79E0), + (1.95E0,1.22E0)/ DATA ((CT10X(I,J,1),I=1,7),J=1,4)/(0.7E0,-0.8E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.6E0,-0.6E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.6E0,-0.6E0), (-0.9E0,0.5E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.6E0,-0.6E0), + (-0.9E0,0.5E0), (0.7E0,-0.6E0), (0.1E0,-0.5E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0)/ DATA ((CT10X(I,J,2),I=1,7),J=1,4)/(0.7E0,-0.8E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.6E0,-0.6E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.7E0,-0.6E0), (-0.4E0,-0.7E0), + (0.6E0,-0.6E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.8E0,-0.7E0), + (-0.4E0,-0.7E0), (-0.1E0,-0.2E0), + (0.2E0,-0.8E0), (0.7E0,-0.6E0), (0.1E0,0.4E0), + (0.6E0,-0.6E0)/ DATA ((CT10X(I,J,3),I=1,7),J=1,4)/(0.7E0,-0.8E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.6E0,-0.6E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (-0.9E0,0.5E0), (-0.4E0,-0.7E0), + (0.6E0,-0.6E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.1E0,-0.5E0), + (-0.4E0,-0.7E0), (0.7E0,-0.6E0), (0.2E0,-0.8E0), + (-0.9E0,0.5E0), (0.1E0,0.4E0), (0.6E0,-0.6E0)/ DATA ((CT10X(I,J,4),I=1,7),J=1,4)/(0.7E0,-0.8E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.6E0,-0.6E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.6E0,-0.6E0), (0.7E0,-0.6E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.6E0,-0.6E0), + (0.7E0,-0.6E0), (-0.1E0,-0.2E0), (0.8E0,-0.7E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0)/ DATA ((CT10Y(I,J,1),I=1,7),J=1,4)/(0.6E0,-0.6E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.7E0,-0.8E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.7E0,-0.8E0), (-0.4E0,-0.7E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.7E0,-0.8E0), + (-0.4E0,-0.7E0), (-0.1E0,-0.9E0), + (0.2E0,-0.8E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0)/ DATA ((CT10Y(I,J,2),I=1,7),J=1,4)/(0.6E0,-0.6E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.7E0,-0.8E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (-0.1E0,-0.9E0), (-0.9E0,0.5E0), + (0.7E0,-0.8E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (-0.6E0,0.6E0), + (-0.9E0,0.5E0), (-0.9E0,-0.4E0), (0.1E0,-0.5E0), + (-0.1E0,-0.9E0), (-0.5E0,-0.3E0), + (0.7E0,-0.8E0)/ DATA ((CT10Y(I,J,3),I=1,7),J=1,4)/(0.6E0,-0.6E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.7E0,-0.8E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (-0.1E0,-0.9E0), (0.7E0,-0.8E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (-0.6E0,0.6E0), + (-0.9E0,-0.4E0), (-0.1E0,-0.9E0), + (0.7E0,-0.8E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0)/ DATA ((CT10Y(I,J,4),I=1,7),J=1,4)/(0.6E0,-0.6E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.7E0,-0.8E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.7E0,-0.8E0), (-0.9E0,0.5E0), + (-0.4E0,-0.7E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.7E0,-0.8E0), + (-0.9E0,0.5E0), (-0.4E0,-0.7E0), (0.1E0,-0.5E0), + (-0.1E0,-0.9E0), (-0.5E0,-0.3E0), + (0.2E0,-0.8E0)/ DATA CSIZE1/(0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.9E0,0.9E0), + (1.63E0,1.73E0), (2.90E0,2.78E0)/ DATA CSIZE3/(0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (1.17E0,1.17E0), + (1.17E0,1.17E0), (1.17E0,1.17E0), + (1.17E0,1.17E0), (1.17E0,1.17E0), + (1.17E0,1.17E0), (1.17E0,1.17E0)/ DATA CSIZE2/(0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), + (0.0E0,0.0E0), (0.0E0,0.0E0), (1.54E0,1.54E0), + (1.54E0,1.54E0), (1.54E0,1.54E0), + (1.54E0,1.54E0), (1.54E0,1.54E0), + (1.54E0,1.54E0), (1.54E0,1.54E0)/ * .. Executable Statements .. DO 60 KI = 1, 4 INCX = INCXS(KI) INCY = INCYS(KI) MX = ABS(INCX) MY = ABS(INCY) * DO 40 KN = 1, 4 N = NS(KN) KSIZE = MIN(2,KN) LENX = LENS(KN,MX) LENY = LENS(KN,MY) * .. initialize all argument arrays .. DO 20 I = 1, 7 CX(I) = CX1(I) CY(I) = CY1(I) 20 CONTINUE IF (ICASE.EQ.1) THEN * .. CDOTC .. CDOT(1) = CDOTC(N,CX,INCX,CY,INCY) CALL CTEST(1,CDOT,CT6(KN,KI),CSIZE1(KN),SFAC) ELSE IF (ICASE.EQ.2) THEN * .. CDOTU .. CDOT(1) = CDOTU(N,CX,INCX,CY,INCY) CALL CTEST(1,CDOT,CT7(KN,KI),CSIZE1(KN),SFAC) ELSE IF (ICASE.EQ.3) THEN * .. CAXPY .. CALL CAXPY(N,CA,CX,INCX,CY,INCY) CALL CTEST(LENY,CY,CT8(1,KN,KI),CSIZE2(1,KSIZE),SFAC) ELSE IF (ICASE.EQ.4) THEN * .. CCOPY .. CALL CCOPY(N,CX,INCX,CY,INCY) CALL CTEST(LENY,CY,CT10Y(1,KN,KI),CSIZE3,1.0E0) ELSE IF (ICASE.EQ.5) THEN * .. CSWAP .. CALL CSWAP(N,CX,INCX,CY,INCY) CALL CTEST(LENX,CX,CT10X(1,KN,KI),CSIZE3,1.0E0) CALL CTEST(LENY,CY,CT10Y(1,KN,KI),CSIZE3,1.0E0) ELSE WRITE (NOUT,*) ' Shouldn''t be here in CHECK2' STOP END IF * 40 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE STEST(LEN,SCOMP,STRUE,SSIZE,SFAC) * ********************************* STEST ************************** * * THIS SUBR COMPARES ARRAYS SCOMP() AND STRUE() OF LENGTH LEN TO * SEE IF THE TERM BY TERM DIFFERENCES, MULTIPLIED BY SFAC, ARE * NEGLIGIBLE. * * C. L. LAWSON, JPL, 1974 DEC 10 * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER NOUT PARAMETER (NOUT=6) * .. Scalar Arguments .. REAL SFAC INTEGER LEN * .. Array Arguments .. REAL SCOMP(LEN), SSIZE(LEN), STRUE(LEN) * .. Scalars in Common .. INTEGER ICASE, INCX, INCY, MODE, N LOGICAL PASS * .. Local Scalars .. REAL SD INTEGER I * .. External Functions .. REAL SDIFF EXTERNAL SDIFF * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS * .. Common blocks .. COMMON /COMBLA/ICASE, N, INCX, INCY, MODE, PASS * .. Executable Statements .. * DO 40 I = 1, LEN SD = SCOMP(I) - STRUE(I) IF (SDIFF(ABS(SSIZE(I))+ABS(SFAC*SD),ABS(SSIZE(I))).EQ.0.0E0) + GO TO 40 * * HERE SCOMP(I) IS NOT CLOSE TO STRUE(I). * IF ( .NOT. PASS) GO TO 20 * PRINT FAIL MESSAGE AND HEADER. PASS = .FALSE. WRITE (NOUT,99999) WRITE (NOUT,99998) 20 WRITE (NOUT,99997) ICASE, N, INCX, INCY, MODE, I, SCOMP(I), + STRUE(I), SD, SSIZE(I) 40 CONTINUE RETURN * 99999 FORMAT (' FAIL') 99998 FORMAT (/' CASE N INCX INCY MODE I ', + ' COMP(I) TRUE(I) DIFFERENCE', + ' SIZE(I)',/1X) 99997 FORMAT (1X,I4,I3,3I5,I3,2E36.8,2E12.4) END SUBROUTINE STEST1(SCOMP1,STRUE1,SSIZE,SFAC) * ************************* STEST1 ***************************** * * THIS IS AN INTERFACE SUBROUTINE TO ACCOMODATE THE FORTRAN * REQUIREMENT THAT WHEN A DUMMY ARGUMENT IS AN ARRAY, THE * ACTUAL ARGUMENT MUST ALSO BE AN ARRAY OR AN ARRAY ELEMENT. * * C.L. LAWSON, JPL, 1978 DEC 6 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. REAL SCOMP1, SFAC, STRUE1 * .. Array Arguments .. REAL SSIZE(*) * .. Local Arrays .. REAL SCOMP(1), STRUE(1) * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL STEST * .. Executable Statements .. * SCOMP(1) = SCOMP1 STRUE(1) = STRUE1 CALL STEST(1,SCOMP,STRUE,SSIZE,SFAC) * RETURN END REAL FUNCTION SDIFF(SA,SB) * ********************************* SDIFF ************************** * COMPUTES DIFFERENCE OF TWO NUMBERS. C. L. LAWSON, JPL 1974 FEB 15 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. REAL SA, SB * .. Executable Statements .. SDIFF = SA - SB RETURN END SUBROUTINE CTEST(LEN,CCOMP,CTRUE,CSIZE,SFAC) * **************************** CTEST ***************************** * * C.L. LAWSON, JPL, 1978 DEC 6 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. REAL SFAC INTEGER LEN * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX CCOMP(LEN), CSIZE(LEN), CTRUE(LEN) * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I * .. Local Arrays .. REAL SCOMP(20), SSIZE(20), STRUE(20) * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL STEST * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC AIMAG, REAL * .. Executable Statements .. DO 20 I = 1, LEN SCOMP(2*I-1) = REAL(CCOMP(I)) SCOMP(2*I) = AIMAG(CCOMP(I)) STRUE(2*I-1) = REAL(CTRUE(I)) STRUE(2*I) = AIMAG(CTRUE(I)) SSIZE(2*I-1) = REAL(CSIZE(I)) SSIZE(2*I) = AIMAG(CSIZE(I)) 20 CONTINUE * CALL STEST(2*LEN,SCOMP,STRUE,SSIZE,SFAC) RETURN END SUBROUTINE ITEST1(ICOMP,ITRUE) * ********************************* ITEST1 ************************* * * THIS SUBROUTINE COMPARES THE VARIABLES ICOMP AND ITRUE FOR * EQUALITY. * C. L. LAWSON, JPL, 1974 DEC 10 * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER NOUT PARAMETER (NOUT=6) * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER ICOMP, ITRUE * .. Scalars in Common .. INTEGER ICASE, INCX, INCY, MODE, N LOGICAL PASS * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER ID * .. Common blocks .. COMMON /COMBLA/ICASE, N, INCX, INCY, MODE, PASS * .. Executable Statements .. IF (ICOMP.EQ.ITRUE) GO TO 40 * * HERE ICOMP IS NOT EQUAL TO ITRUE. * IF ( .NOT. PASS) GO TO 20 * PRINT FAIL MESSAGE AND HEADER. PASS = .FALSE. WRITE (NOUT,99999) WRITE (NOUT,99998) 20 ID = ICOMP - ITRUE WRITE (NOUT,99997) ICASE, N, INCX, INCY, MODE, ICOMP, ITRUE, ID 40 CONTINUE RETURN * 99999 FORMAT (' FAIL') 99998 FORMAT (/' CASE N INCX INCY MODE ', + ' COMP TRUE DIFFERENCE', + /1X) 99997 FORMAT (1X,I4,I3,3I5,2I36,I12) END
MODULE CONV_CLOSURES_MOD ! use Sat_Vapor_Pres_Mod, ONLY: ESCOMP, DESCOMP ! use Constants_Mod, ONLY: tfreeze,HLv,HLf,HLs,CP_AIR,GRAV,Kappa,rdgas,rvgas use fms_mod, only: write_version_number use conv_utilities_k_mod,only: sd_copy_k, adi_cloud_k, extend_sd_k,& adicloud, sounding, uw_params use conv_plumes_k_mod, only: cumulus_plume_k, cumulus_tend_k, & cplume, ctend, cpnlist !--------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none private !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------- ****** VERSION NUMBER ******* --------------------------- character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: conv_closures.F90,v 19.0 2012/01/06 20:25:26 fms Exp $' character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: tikal $' logical :: module_is_initialized=.false. ! module initialized ? !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !------- interfaces -------- public :: cclosure_bretherton, cclosure_relaxcbmf, cclosure_emanuel, & cclosure_implicit, cclosure_relaxwfn, & conv_closures_init, conv_closures_end character(len=11) :: mod_name = 'conv_closures' public cclosure type cclosure real :: cbmf, wrel, ufrc, scaleh, dcin, dcape, dwfn, wfn integer :: igauss real :: rkfre, rmaxfrac, rbuoy, tau_sh, tau_dp, wcrit_min real :: maxcldfrac end type cclosure contains !##################################################################### !##################################################################### function erfccc(x) !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! This numerical recipes routine calculates the complementary ! error function. !-------------------------------------------------------------- real :: erfccc real, intent(in) :: x real :: t,z z=abs(x) t=1./(1.+0.5*z) erfccc=t*exp(-z*z-1.26551223+t*(1.00002368+t*(.37409196+t* & (.09678418+t*(-.18628806+t*(.27886807+t*(-1.13520398+t* & (1.48851587+t*(-.82215223+t*.17087277))))))))) if ( erfccc=2.-erfccc end function erfccc !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine solvecbmf(alpha, beta, x) !Newton iteration solving Eq. x = beta * exp (-alpha * x) implicit none real, intent(in) :: alpha, beta real, intent(inout) :: x integer :: iteration, niteration=5, id_check real :: dydx, x0, y0 x0=1. do iteration = 1,niteration y0 = x0 - beta * exp(-alpha * x0) dydx = 1. + beta * alpha * exp(-alpha * x0) x0 = x0 - y0 / dydx if (abs(y0) < 0.0001) then x=x0; id_check=0 else id_check=1 end if end do if (id_check==1) then x=1. print*, 'ID_CHECK=1, in solvecbmfffffffffffff' endif end subroutine solvecbmf !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine cclosure_bretherton(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc, & cbmf_unmod) implicit none real, intent(in) :: tkeavg type(cpnlist), intent(in) :: cpn type(sounding), intent(in) :: sd type(uw_params), intent(inout) :: Uw_p type(adicloud), intent(in) :: ac type(cclosure), intent(inout) :: cc real, intent(out), optional :: cbmf_unmod real :: sigmaw, wcrit, erfarg, cbmf, wexp, ufrc, wtw real :: rmfk1=0.3, rmfk2=5.0, rmfk3=3.0 cc%cbmf=0.; cc%wrel=0.; cc%ufrc=0.; if(cc%igauss.eq.0)then !Use cin and pbl tke cbmf = rmfk1* ac % rho0lcl * sqrt(tkeavg) * exp(-rmfk2* ac % cin/tkeavg) wexp = rmfk3* sqrt(tkeavg) !Updraft vertical velocity at release height depends on tke elseif(cc%igauss.eq.1)then !Use cin and gaussian distribution of w wcrit = sqrt(2. * ac % cin * cc%rbuoy) sigmaw = sqrt(cc%rkfre * tkeavg) wcrit = max(wcrit, cc%wcrit_min*sigmaw) cbmf = ac % rho0lcl * sigmaw / 2.5066 * exp(-0.5*((wcrit/sigmaw)**2.)) if (present (cbmf_unmod)) then cbmf_unmod = MAX(0.0, cbmf) endif !Diagnose updraft fraction sqrt(2.) = 1.4142 erfarg=wcrit / (1.4142 * sigmaw) if( ufrc = min(cc%maxcldfrac, cc%rmaxfrac, 0.5*erfccc(erfarg)) else ufrc = 0. endif if( then !Diagnose expected value of cloud base vertical velocity wexp = cbmf / ac % rho0lcl / ufrc else wexp = 0. cbmf = 0. endif endif wtw = wexp * wexp - 2 * ac % cin * cc%rbuoy !used for the runs of xx-hv1_amip and tropical storm if(wtw.le.0.) then cc%wrel=0.; else cc%wrel=sqrt(wtw) end if cc%cbmf=cbmf cc%wrel=min(cc%wrel, 50.)!cc%ufrc=min(cc%rmaxfrac, cc%ufrc) cbmf = (sd%ps(0) - ac%plcl ) * 0.25 / sd%delt / Uw_p%GRAV if (cc%cbmf .gt. cbmf) cc%cbmf = cbmf if (cc%wrel .gt. 0.) then cc%ufrc=cc%cbmf / cc%wrel /ac % rho0lcl else cc%ufrc=0. end if if (cc%ufrc > cc%maxcldfrac) then cc%ufrc = cc%maxcldfrac cc%cbmf = cc%wrel*ac%rho0lcl*cc%ufrc end if ! cc%cbmf=cbmf ! cc%ufrc=ufrc ! ! cbmf = (sd%ps(0) - ac%plcl ) * 0.25 / sd%delt / Uw_p%GRAV ! if (cc%cbmf .gt. cbmf .and. cc%wrel .gt. 0) then ! cc%cbmf = cbmf ! cc%ufrc = cc%cbmf / wexp /ac % rho0lcl ! end if ! cc%wrel=min(cc%wrel, 50.) ! cc%ufrc=min(cc%rmaxfrac, cc%ufrc) return end subroutine cclosure_bretherton !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine cclosure_implicit(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc, delt, rkm, & do_coldT, sd1, ac1, cc1, cp1, ct1, ier, ermesg) implicit none real, intent(in) :: tkeavg, delt, rkm type(cpnlist), intent(in) :: cpn type(sounding), intent(in) :: sd type(uw_params), intent(inout) :: Uw_p type(adicloud), intent(in) :: ac type(cclosure), intent(inout) :: cc, cc1 type(sounding), intent(inout) :: sd1 type(adicloud), intent(inout) :: ac1 type(cplume), intent(inout) :: cp1 type(ctend), intent(inout) :: ct1 logical, intent(in) :: do_coldT integer, intent(out) :: ier character(len=256), intent(out) :: ermesg logical :: dofast=.false., doice=.true. real :: cbmf0=0.001, alpha, beta, phi call cclosure_bretherton(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc) if(cc%cbmf.eq.0.) then cc % dcin=0. return end if call cumulus_plume_k(cpn, sd, ac, cp1, rkm, cbmf0, cc%wrel, cc%scaleh, Uw_p, ier, ermesg) if (ier /= 0) then ermesg = 'Called from cclosure_implicit : '// trim(ermesg) return endif if( .or. cp1%let.le.cp1%krel+1) then cc % dcin=0. return else call cumulus_tend_k(cpn, sd, Uw_p, cp1, ct1, do_coldT) call sd_copy_k(sd, sd1) sd1 % t = sd1 % t + ct1%tten * delt sd1 % qv = sd1 % qv + ct1%qvten * delt sd1 % ql = sd1 % ql + ct1%qlten * delt sd1 % qi = sd1 % qi + ct1%qiten * delt sd1 % qa = sd1 % qa + ct1%qaten * delt sd1 % qn = sd1 % qn + ct1%qnten * delt sd1 % u = sd1 % u + ct1%uten * delt sd1 % v = sd1 % v + ct1%vten * delt call extend_sd_k(sd1, sd%pblht, doice, Uw_p) call adi_cloud_k(sd1%zs(1), sd1%ps(1), sd1%hl(1), sd1%thc(1), sd1%qct(1), sd1, Uw_p, dofast, doice, ac1) cc % dcin=(ac1%cin-ac%cin)/cbmf0 alpha = (2. * cc%rbuoy) / (2. * cc%rkfre * tkeavg) * cc % cbmf * cc % dcin beta = 1. ! ac % rho0lcl * sqrt(cc%rkfre * tkeavg) / 2.5066 phi = 1. if (alpha .gt. 0.) then call solvecbmf(alpha, beta, phi) cc % cbmf = phi * cc % cbmf end if end if end subroutine cclosure_implicit !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine cclosure_relaxcbmf(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc, delt) implicit none real, intent(in) :: tkeavg, delt type(cpnlist), intent(in) :: cpn type(sounding), intent(in) :: sd type(uw_params), intent(in) :: Uw_p type(adicloud), intent(in) :: ac type(cclosure), intent(inout) :: cc real :: sigmaw, wcrit, erfarg, wexp, wtw real :: cbmfs, tmp cc%wrel=0.; cc%ufrc=0.; wcrit = sqrt(2. * ac % cin * cc%rbuoy) sigmaw = sqrt(cc%rkfre * tkeavg) cbmfs = ac % rho0lcl * sigmaw / 2.5066 * exp(-0.5*((wcrit/sigmaw)**2.)) tmp = delt/cc%tau_sh cc%cbmf= max((cc%cbmf+tmp*cbmfs)/(1.+tmp),0.0) !Diagnose updraft fraction erfarg=wcrit / (1.4142 * sigmaw) if( cc%ufrc = min(cc%maxcldfrac, cc%rmaxfrac, 0.5*erfccc(erfarg)) else cc%ufrc = 0. endif if( !Diagnose expected value of cloud base vertical velocity wexp = cc%cbmf / ac % rho0lcl / cc%ufrc else wexp = 0. cc%cbmf = 0. endif wexp=min(wexp, 50.) wtw = wexp * wexp - 2 * ac % cin * cc%rbuoy if(wtw.le.0.) then cc%wrel=0.; else cc%wrel=sqrt(wtw) end if return end subroutine cclosure_relaxcbmf !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine cclosure_emanuel(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc, delt) implicit none real, intent(in) :: tkeavg, delt type(cpnlist), intent(in) :: cpn type(uw_params), intent(inout) :: Uw_p type(sounding), intent(in) :: sd type(adicloud), intent(in) :: ac type(cclosure), intent(inout) :: cc integer :: k real :: ufrc=0.01 real :: dtmin, dpsum, dtpbl, damps real :: cbmf real :: dtmax = 0.9 ! MAXIMUM NEGATIVE TEMPERATURE PERTURBATION ! A LIFTED PARCEL IS ALLOWED TO HAVE BELOW ITS LFC real :: damp = 0.1 ! ALPHA AND DAMP ARE PARAMETERS THAT CONTROL THE RATE OF real :: alpha = 0.1 ! APPROACH TO QUASI-EQUILIBRIUM cbmf=cc%cbmf; cc%cbmf=0.; cc%wrel=0.; cc%ufrc=0.; dpsum=0.; dtpbl=0. do k=1, ac%klcl-1 dtpbl=dtpbl+(ac%thv(k)-sd%thv(k))*sd%exner(k)*sd%dp(k) dpsum=dpsum+sd%dp(k); end do dtpbl=dtpbl/dpsum dtmin=(ac%thvlcl-ac%thv0lcl)+dtpbl+dtmax damps=damp*delt/300. cbmf =(1.-damps)*cbmf+0.1*alpha*dtmin cc%cbmf=max(cbmf,0.0) cc%wrel=cbmf / ac % rho0lcl / ufrc cc%ufrc=ufrc return end subroutine cclosure_emanuel !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine cclosure_relaxwfn(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc, cp, ct, delt, rkm, & do_coldT, sd1, ac1, cc1, cp1, ct1, ier, ermesg) implicit none real, intent(in) :: tkeavg, delt, rkm type(cpnlist), intent(in) :: cpn type(uw_params), intent(inout) :: Uw_p type(sounding), intent(in) :: sd type(adicloud), intent(in) :: ac type(cclosure), intent(inout) :: cc, cc1 type(sounding), intent(inout) :: sd1 type(adicloud), intent(inout) :: ac1 type(cplume), intent(inout) :: cp, cp1 type(ctend), intent(inout) :: ct, ct1 logical, intent(in) :: do_coldT integer, intent(out) :: ier character(len=256), intent(out) :: ermesg logical :: dofast=.false., doice=.true. integer :: k real :: cbmf0=0.0001, delp, cbmf_old, tmp, cbmfs cbmf_old= cc%cbmf call cclosure_bretherton(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc) call cumulus_plume_k(cpn, sd, ac, cp, rkm, cbmf0, cc%wrel, cc%scaleh, Uw_p, ier, ermesg) if (ier /= 0) then ermesg = 'Called from cclosure_relaxwfn : '//trim(ermesg) return endif if( .or. cp%let.le.cp%krel+1) then cc % dcin=0. return else call cumulus_tend_k(cpn, sd, Uw_p, cp, ct, do_coldT) call sd_copy_k(sd, sd1) sd1 % t = sd1 % t + ct%tten * delt sd1 % qv = sd1 % qv + ct%qvten * delt sd1 % ql = sd1 % ql + ct%qlten * delt sd1 % qi = sd1 % qi + ct%qiten * delt sd1 % qa = sd1 % qa + ct%qaten * delt sd1 % qn = sd1 % qn + ct%qnten * delt sd1 % u = sd1 % u + ct%uten * delt sd1 % v = sd1 % v + ct%vten * delt call extend_sd_k(sd1, sd%pblht, doice, Uw_p) call adi_cloud_k(sd1%zs(1), sd1%ps(1), sd1%hl(1), sd1%thc(1), sd1%qct(1), sd1, Uw_p, dofast, doice, ac1) cc % dcin=(ac1%cin-ac%cin)/cbmf0 cc % dcape=(ac1%cape-ac%cape)/cbmf0 call cumulus_plume_k(cpn, sd1, ac1, cp1, rkm, cbmf0, cc%wrel, cc%scaleh, Uw_p, ier, ermesg) if (ier /= 0) then ermesg = 'Called from cclosure_relaxwfn 2nd call : '//trim(ermesg) endif cc%dwfn=0.; cc%wfn=0.; delp=0.; do k=cp1%krel, cp1%let cc % wfn = cc % wfn + 0.5*(cp %wu(k)*cp %wu(k)) * cp%dp(k) cc % dwfn = cc % dwfn + 0.5*(cp1%wu(k)*cp1%wu(k) - cp%wu(k)*cp%wu(k)) * cp%dp(k) delp = delp + cp%dp(k) end do cc % wfn = cc % wfn / delp cc % dwfn = cc % dwfn / delp / cbmf0 cbmfs = - cc%wfn / cc % dwfn tmp = delt/cc%tau_sh cc%cbmf= (cbmf_old+tmp*cbmfs)/(1.+tmp) cc % cbmf = max(cc%cbmf,0.) end if end subroutine cclosure_relaxwfn !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine conv_closures_init !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write version number and namelist to logfile. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call write_version_number(version, tagname) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! mark the module as initialized. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- module_is_initialized = .true. end subroutine conv_closures_init !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine conv_closures_end module_is_initialized = .false. end subroutine conv_closures_end !##################################################################### !##################################################################### end MODULE CONV_CLOSURES_MOD
c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine z_solve c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c Performs line solves in Z direction by first factoring c the block-tridiagonal matrix into an upper triangular matrix, c and then performing back substitution to solve for the unknow c vectors of each line. c c Make sure we treat elements zero to cell_size in the direction c of the sweep. c--------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'header.h' include 'mpinpb.h' integer c, kstart, stage, > first, last, recv_id, error, r_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE), > isize,jsize,ksize,send_id kstart = 0 c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c in our terminology stage is the number of the cell in the y-direction c i.e. stage = 1 means the start of the line stage=ncells means end c--------------------------------------------------------------------- do stage = 1,ncells c = slice(3,stage) isize = cell_size(1,c) - 1 jsize = cell_size(2,c) - 1 ksize = cell_size(3,c) - 1 c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c set last-cell flag c--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (stage .eq. ncells) then last = 1 else last = 0 endif if (stage .eq. 1) then c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c This is the first cell, so solve without receiving data c--------------------------------------------------------------------- first = 1 c call lhsz(c) call z_solve_cell(first,last,c) else c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c Not the first cell of this line, so receive info from c processor working on preceeding cell c--------------------------------------------------------------------- first = 0 call z_receive_solve_info(recv_id,c) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c overlap computations and communications c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c call lhsz(c) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c wait for completion c--------------------------------------------------------------------- call mpi_wait(send_id,r_status,error) call mpi_wait(recv_id,r_status,error) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c install C'(kstart+1) and rhs'(kstart+1) to be used in this cell c--------------------------------------------------------------------- call z_unpack_solve_info(c) call z_solve_cell(first,last,c) endif if (last .eq. 0) call z_send_solve_info(send_id,c) enddo c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c now perform backsubstitution in reverse direction c--------------------------------------------------------------------- do stage = ncells, 1, -1 c = slice(3,stage) first = 0 last = 0 if (stage .eq. 1) first = 1 if (stage .eq. ncells) then last = 1 c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c last cell, so perform back substitute without waiting c--------------------------------------------------------------------- call z_backsubstitute(first, last,c) else call z_receive_backsub_info(recv_id,c) call mpi_wait(send_id,r_status,error) call mpi_wait(recv_id,r_status,error) call z_unpack_backsub_info(c) call z_backsubstitute(first,last,c) endif if (first .eq. 0) call z_send_backsub_info(send_id,c) enddo return end c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine z_unpack_solve_info(c) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c unpack C'(-1) and rhs'(-1) for c all i and j c--------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'header.h' integer i,j,m,n,ptr,c,kstart kstart = 0 ptr = 0 do j=0,JMAX-1 do i=0,IMAX-1 do m=1,BLOCK_SIZE do n=1,BLOCK_SIZE lhsc(m,n,i,j,kstart-1,c) = out_buffer(ptr+n) enddo ptr = ptr+BLOCK_SIZE enddo do n=1,BLOCK_SIZE rhs(n,i,j,kstart-1,c) = out_buffer(ptr+n) enddo ptr = ptr+BLOCK_SIZE enddo enddo return end c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine z_send_solve_info(send_id,c) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c pack up and send C'(kend) and rhs'(kend) for c all i and j c--------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'header.h' include 'mpinpb.h' integer i,j,m,n,ksize,ptr,c,ip,jp integer error,send_id,buffer_size ksize = cell_size(3,c)-1 ip = cell_coord(1,c) - 1 jp = cell_coord(2,c) - 1 buffer_size=MAX_CELL_DIM*MAX_CELL_DIM* > (BLOCK_SIZE*BLOCK_SIZE + BLOCK_SIZE) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c pack up buffer c--------------------------------------------------------------------- ptr = 0 do j=0,JMAX-1 do i=0,IMAX-1 do m=1,BLOCK_SIZE do n=1,BLOCK_SIZE in_buffer(ptr+n) = lhsc(m,n,i,j,ksize,c) enddo ptr = ptr+BLOCK_SIZE enddo do n=1,BLOCK_SIZE in_buffer(ptr+n) = rhs(n,i,j,ksize,c) enddo ptr = ptr+BLOCK_SIZE enddo enddo c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c send buffer c--------------------------------------------------------------------- call mpi_isend(in_buffer, buffer_size, > dp_type, successor(3), > BOTTOM+ip+jp*NCELLS, comm_solve, > send_id,error) return end c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine z_send_backsub_info(send_id,c) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c pack up and send U(jstart) for all i and j c--------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'header.h' include 'mpinpb.h' integer i,j,n,ptr,c,kstart,ip,jp integer error,send_id,buffer_size c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c Send element 0 to previous processor c--------------------------------------------------------------------- kstart = 0 ip = cell_coord(1,c)-1 jp = cell_coord(2,c)-1 buffer_size=MAX_CELL_DIM*MAX_CELL_DIM*BLOCK_SIZE ptr = 0 do j=0,JMAX-1 do i=0,IMAX-1 do n=1,BLOCK_SIZE in_buffer(ptr+n) = rhs(n,i,j,kstart,c) enddo ptr = ptr+BLOCK_SIZE enddo enddo call mpi_isend(in_buffer, buffer_size, > dp_type, predecessor(3), > TOP+ip+jp*NCELLS, comm_solve, > send_id,error) return end c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine z_unpack_backsub_info(c) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c unpack U(ksize) for all i and j c--------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'header.h' integer i,j,n,ptr,c ptr = 0 do j=0,JMAX-1 do i=0,IMAX-1 do n=1,BLOCK_SIZE backsub_info(n,i,j,c) = out_buffer(ptr+n) enddo ptr = ptr+BLOCK_SIZE enddo enddo return end c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine z_receive_backsub_info(recv_id,c) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c post mpi receives c--------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'header.h' include 'mpinpb.h' integer error,recv_id,ip,jp,c,buffer_size ip = cell_coord(1,c) - 1 jp = cell_coord(2,c) - 1 buffer_size=MAX_CELL_DIM*MAX_CELL_DIM*BLOCK_SIZE call mpi_irecv(out_buffer, buffer_size, > dp_type, successor(3), > TOP+ip+jp*NCELLS, comm_solve, > recv_id, error) return end c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine z_receive_solve_info(recv_id,c) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c post mpi receives c--------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'header.h' include 'mpinpb.h' integer ip,jp,recv_id,error,c,buffer_size ip = cell_coord(1,c) - 1 jp = cell_coord(2,c) - 1 buffer_size=MAX_CELL_DIM*MAX_CELL_DIM* > (BLOCK_SIZE*BLOCK_SIZE + BLOCK_SIZE) call mpi_irecv(out_buffer, buffer_size, > dp_type, predecessor(3), > BOTTOM+ip+jp*NCELLS, comm_solve, > recv_id, error) return end c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine z_backsubstitute(first, last, c) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c back solve: if last cell, then generate U(ksize)=rhs(ksize) c else assume U(ksize) is loaded in un pack backsub_info c so just use it c after call u(kstart) will be sent to next cell c--------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'header.h' integer first, last, c, i, k integer m,n,j,jsize,isize,ksize,kstart kstart = 0 isize = cell_size(1,c)-end(1,c)-1 jsize = cell_size(2,c)-end(2,c)-1 ksize = cell_size(3,c)-1 if (last .eq. 0) then do j=start(2,c),jsize do i=start(1,c),isize c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c U(jsize) uses info from previous cell if not last cell c--------------------------------------------------------------------- do m=1,BLOCK_SIZE do n=1,BLOCK_SIZE rhs(m,i,j,ksize,c) = rhs(m,i,j,ksize,c) > - lhsc(m,n,i,j,ksize,c)* > backsub_info(n,i,j,c) enddo enddo enddo enddo endif do k=ksize-1,kstart,-1 do j=start(2,c),jsize do i=start(1,c),isize do m=1,BLOCK_SIZE do n=1,BLOCK_SIZE rhs(m,i,j,k,c) = rhs(m,i,j,k,c) > - lhsc(m,n,i,j,k,c)*rhs(n,i,j,k+1,c) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo return end c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine z_solve_cell(first,last,c) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c performs guaussian elimination on this cell. c c assumes that unpacking routines for non-first cells c preload C' and rhs' from previous cell. c c assumed send happens outside this routine, but that c c'(KMAX) and rhs'(KMAX) will be sent to next cell. c--------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'header.h' include 'work_lhs.h' integer first,last,c integer i,j,k,isize,ksize,jsize,kstart double precision utmp(6,-2:KMAX+1) kstart = 0 isize = cell_size(1,c)-end(1,c)-1 jsize = cell_size(2,c)-end(2,c)-1 ksize = cell_size(3,c)-1 call lhsabinit(lhsa, lhsb, ksize) do j=start(2,c),jsize do i=start(1,c),isize c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c This function computes the left hand side for the three z-factors c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c Compute the indices for storing the block-diagonal matrix; c determine c (labeled f) and s jacobians for cell c c--------------------------------------------------------------------- do k = start(3,c)-1, cell_size(3,c)-end(3,c) utmp(1,k) = 1.0d0 / u(1,i,j,k,c) utmp(2,k) = u(2,i,j,k,c) utmp(3,k) = u(3,i,j,k,c) utmp(4,k) = u(4,i,j,k,c) utmp(5,k) = u(5,i,j,k,c) utmp(6,k) = qs(i,j,k,c) end do do k = start(3,c)-1, cell_size(3,c)-end(3,c) tmp1 = utmp(1,k) tmp2 = tmp1 * tmp1 tmp3 = tmp1 * tmp2 fjac(1,1,k) = 0.0d+00 fjac(1,2,k) = 0.0d+00 fjac(1,3,k) = 0.0d+00 fjac(1,4,k) = 1.0d+00 fjac(1,5,k) = 0.0d+00 fjac(2,1,k) = - ( utmp(2,k)*utmp(4,k) ) > * tmp2 fjac(2,2,k) = utmp(4,k) * tmp1 fjac(2,3,k) = 0.0d+00 fjac(2,4,k) = utmp(2,k) * tmp1 fjac(2,5,k) = 0.0d+00 fjac(3,1,k) = - ( utmp(3,k)*utmp(4,k) ) > * tmp2 fjac(3,2,k) = 0.0d+00 fjac(3,3,k) = utmp(4,k) * tmp1 fjac(3,4,k) = utmp(3,k) * tmp1 fjac(3,5,k) = 0.0d+00 fjac(4,1,k) = - (utmp(4,k)*utmp(4,k) * tmp2 ) > + c2 * utmp(6,k) fjac(4,2,k) = - c2 * utmp(2,k) * tmp1 fjac(4,3,k) = - c2 * utmp(3,k) * tmp1 fjac(4,4,k) = ( 2.0d+00 - c2 ) > * utmp(4,k) * tmp1 fjac(4,5,k) = c2 fjac(5,1,k) = ( c2 * 2.0d0 * utmp(6,k) > - c1 * ( utmp(5,k) * tmp1 ) ) > * ( utmp(4,k) * tmp1 ) fjac(5,2,k) = - c2 * ( utmp(2,k)*utmp(4,k) ) > * tmp2 fjac(5,3,k) = - c2 * ( utmp(3,k)*utmp(4,k) ) > * tmp2 fjac(5,4,k) = c1 * ( utmp(5,k) * tmp1 ) > - c2 * ( utmp(6,k) > + utmp(4,k)*utmp(4,k) * tmp2 ) fjac(5,5,k) = c1 * utmp(4,k) * tmp1 njac(1,1,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(1,2,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(1,3,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(1,4,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(1,5,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(2,1,k) = - c3c4 * tmp2 * utmp(2,k) njac(2,2,k) = c3c4 * tmp1 njac(2,3,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(2,4,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(2,5,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(3,1,k) = - c3c4 * tmp2 * utmp(3,k) njac(3,2,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(3,3,k) = c3c4 * tmp1 njac(3,4,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(3,5,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(4,1,k) = - con43 * c3c4 * tmp2 * utmp(4,k) njac(4,2,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(4,3,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(4,4,k) = con43 * c3 * c4 * tmp1 njac(4,5,k) = 0.0d+00 njac(5,1,k) = - ( c3c4 > - c1345 ) * tmp3 * (utmp(2,k)**2) > - ( c3c4 - c1345 ) * tmp3 * (utmp(3,k)**2) > - ( con43 * c3c4 > - c1345 ) * tmp3 * (utmp(4,k)**2) > - c1345 * tmp2 * utmp(5,k) njac(5,2,k) = ( c3c4 - c1345 ) * tmp2 * utmp(2,k) njac(5,3,k) = ( c3c4 - c1345 ) * tmp2 * utmp(3,k) njac(5,4,k) = ( con43 * c3c4 > - c1345 ) * tmp2 * utmp(4,k) njac(5,5,k) = ( c1345 )* tmp1 enddo c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c now joacobians set, so form left hand side in z direction c--------------------------------------------------------------------- do k = start(3,c), ksize-end(3,c) tmp1 = dt * tz1 tmp2 = dt * tz2 lhsa(1,1,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(1,1,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(1,1,k-1) > - tmp1 * dz1 lhsa(1,2,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(1,2,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(1,2,k-1) lhsa(1,3,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(1,3,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(1,3,k-1) lhsa(1,4,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(1,4,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(1,4,k-1) lhsa(1,5,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(1,5,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(1,5,k-1) lhsa(2,1,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(2,1,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(2,1,k-1) lhsa(2,2,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(2,2,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(2,2,k-1) > - tmp1 * dz2 lhsa(2,3,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(2,3,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(2,3,k-1) lhsa(2,4,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(2,4,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(2,4,k-1) lhsa(2,5,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(2,5,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(2,5,k-1) lhsa(3,1,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(3,1,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(3,1,k-1) lhsa(3,2,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(3,2,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(3,2,k-1) lhsa(3,3,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(3,3,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(3,3,k-1) > - tmp1 * dz3 lhsa(3,4,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(3,4,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(3,4,k-1) lhsa(3,5,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(3,5,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(3,5,k-1) lhsa(4,1,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(4,1,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(4,1,k-1) lhsa(4,2,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(4,2,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(4,2,k-1) lhsa(4,3,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(4,3,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(4,3,k-1) lhsa(4,4,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(4,4,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(4,4,k-1) > - tmp1 * dz4 lhsa(4,5,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(4,5,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(4,5,k-1) lhsa(5,1,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(5,1,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(5,1,k-1) lhsa(5,2,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(5,2,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(5,2,k-1) lhsa(5,3,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(5,3,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(5,3,k-1) lhsa(5,4,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(5,4,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(5,4,k-1) lhsa(5,5,k) = - tmp2 * fjac(5,5,k-1) > - tmp1 * njac(5,5,k-1) > - tmp1 * dz5 lhsb(1,1,k) = 1.0d+00 > + tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(1,1,k) > + tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * dz1 lhsb(1,2,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(1,2,k) lhsb(1,3,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(1,3,k) lhsb(1,4,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(1,4,k) lhsb(1,5,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(1,5,k) lhsb(2,1,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(2,1,k) lhsb(2,2,k) = 1.0d+00 > + tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(2,2,k) > + tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * dz2 lhsb(2,3,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(2,3,k) lhsb(2,4,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(2,4,k) lhsb(2,5,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(2,5,k) lhsb(3,1,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(3,1,k) lhsb(3,2,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(3,2,k) lhsb(3,3,k) = 1.0d+00 > + tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(3,3,k) > + tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * dz3 lhsb(3,4,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(3,4,k) lhsb(3,5,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(3,5,k) lhsb(4,1,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(4,1,k) lhsb(4,2,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(4,2,k) lhsb(4,3,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(4,3,k) lhsb(4,4,k) = 1.0d+00 > + tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(4,4,k) > + tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * dz4 lhsb(4,5,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(4,5,k) lhsb(5,1,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(5,1,k) lhsb(5,2,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(5,2,k) lhsb(5,3,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(5,3,k) lhsb(5,4,k) = tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(5,4,k) lhsb(5,5,k) = 1.0d+00 > + tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * njac(5,5,k) > + tmp1 * 2.0d+00 * dz5 lhsc(1,1,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(1,1,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(1,1,k+1) > - tmp1 * dz1 lhsc(1,2,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(1,2,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(1,2,k+1) lhsc(1,3,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(1,3,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(1,3,k+1) lhsc(1,4,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(1,4,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(1,4,k+1) lhsc(1,5,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(1,5,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(1,5,k+1) lhsc(2,1,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(2,1,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(2,1,k+1) lhsc(2,2,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(2,2,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(2,2,k+1) > - tmp1 * dz2 lhsc(2,3,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(2,3,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(2,3,k+1) lhsc(2,4,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(2,4,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(2,4,k+1) lhsc(2,5,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(2,5,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(2,5,k+1) lhsc(3,1,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(3,1,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(3,1,k+1) lhsc(3,2,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(3,2,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(3,2,k+1) lhsc(3,3,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(3,3,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(3,3,k+1) > - tmp1 * dz3 lhsc(3,4,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(3,4,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(3,4,k+1) lhsc(3,5,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(3,5,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(3,5,k+1) lhsc(4,1,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(4,1,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(4,1,k+1) lhsc(4,2,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(4,2,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(4,2,k+1) lhsc(4,3,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(4,3,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(4,3,k+1) lhsc(4,4,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(4,4,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(4,4,k+1) > - tmp1 * dz4 lhsc(4,5,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(4,5,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(4,5,k+1) lhsc(5,1,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(5,1,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(5,1,k+1) lhsc(5,2,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(5,2,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(5,2,k+1) lhsc(5,3,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(5,3,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(5,3,k+1) lhsc(5,4,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(5,4,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(5,4,k+1) lhsc(5,5,i,j,k,c) = tmp2 * fjac(5,5,k+1) > - tmp1 * njac(5,5,k+1) > - tmp1 * dz5 enddo c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c outer most do loops - sweeping in i direction c--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (first .eq. 1) then c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c multiply c(i,j,kstart) by b_inverse and copy back to c c multiply rhs(kstart) by b_inverse(kstart) and copy to rhs c--------------------------------------------------------------------- call binvcrhs( lhsb(1,1,kstart), > lhsc(1,1,i,j,kstart,c), > rhs(1,i,j,kstart,c) ) endif c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c begin inner most do loop c do all the elements of the cell unless last c--------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=kstart+first,ksize-last c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c subtract A*lhs_vector(k-1) from lhs_vector(k) c c rhs(k) = rhs(k) - A*rhs(k-1) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- call matvec_sub(lhsa(1,1,k), > rhs(1,i,j,k-1,c),rhs(1,i,j,k,c)) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c B(k) = B(k) - C(k-1)*A(k) c call matmul_sub(aa,i,j,k,c,cc,i,j,k-1,c,bb,i,j,k,c) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- call matmul_sub(lhsa(1,1,k), > lhsc(1,1,i,j,k-1,c), > lhsb(1,1,k)) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c multiply c(i,j,k) by b_inverse and copy back to c c multiply rhs(i,j,1) by b_inverse(i,j,1) and copy to rhs c--------------------------------------------------------------------- call binvcrhs( lhsb(1,1,k), > lhsc(1,1,i,j,k,c), > rhs(1,i,j,k,c) ) enddo c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c Now finish up special cases for last cell c--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (last .eq. 1) then c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c rhs(ksize) = rhs(ksize) - A*rhs(ksize-1) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- call matvec_sub(lhsa(1,1,ksize), > rhs(1,i,j,ksize-1,c),rhs(1,i,j,ksize,c)) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c B(ksize) = B(ksize) - C(ksize-1)*A(ksize) c call matmul_sub(aa,i,j,ksize,c, c $ cc,i,j,ksize-1,c,bb,i,j,ksize,c) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- call matmul_sub(lhsa(1,1,ksize), > lhsc(1,1,i,j,ksize-1,c), > lhsb(1,1,ksize)) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c multiply rhs(ksize) by b_inverse(ksize) and copy to rhs c--------------------------------------------------------------------- call binvrhs( lhsb(1,1,ksize), > rhs(1,i,j,ksize,c) ) endif enddo enddo return end
! C+++ ! C PROGRAM GEN_SOURCE ! C ! C PURPOSE Reads in a start.00 file and create the specified ! C source (file begin.dat) ! C ! C INPUT Variables in start.00 type file ! C ! C OUTPUT A BINARY file begin.dat ! C ! C COMMAND LINE gen_source [start_file_name] ! C ! C NOTE: This program mimics the gen_source program in shadow2 ! C It is maintained for compatibility reasons. ! C The same functionality is also in shadow3.f90 ! ! C--- PROGRAM Gen_Source use shadow_globaldefinitions ! Global definitions use stringio, only : RString use shadow_beamio, only : beamWrite use shadow_variables use shadow_kernel use shadow_synchrotron implicit none character(len=sklen) :: infile,outfile,bgnfile,arg integer(kind=ski) :: indx, numArg, iErr integer (kind=ski) :: iSynchrotron=0, ioform=0 type (poolSource) :: pool00 real(kind=skr), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: ray infile = " " bgnfile = "begin.dat" ! C ! C Look at the command line for user parameters. ! C numArg = COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT() IF (numarg.NE.0) THEN indx = 1 DO WHILE (indx .LE. numarg) !! Curiously get_command_argument is not recognised by g95 in 64bit !! Back to OLD way, which seems to work !! CALL get_command_argument (INDX, ARG) CALL GETARG (indx, arg) IF (arg (1:1) .NE. '-') infile = arg ! this option (ascii output) has been eliminated in Shadow3 (srio) ! IF (ARG (1:2) .EQ. '-a' .OR. ARG (1:2) .EQ. '-A') THEN ! IOFORM = 1 ! BGNFILE = 'begin.dat.ascii' indx = indx + 1 END DO ENDIF ! C ! C If the INFILE was not supplied in the command line, ask for it. ! C IF (infile(1:1).EQ." ") THEN infile = RString ('GEN_SOURCE => File with source specifications ? ') ENDIF ! ! load variables from start.00 ! CALL PoolSourceLoad(pool00,infile) ! ! allocate ray ! !print *,'Allocating array with pool00%npoint: ',pool00%npoint ALLOCATE( ray(18,pool00%npoint) ) ray=0.0d0 IF ((pool00%fdistr.EQ.4).OR.(pool00%fsource_depth.EQ.4).OR.(pool00%f_wiggler.GT.0)) THEN iSynchrotron = 1 ENDIF IF (iSynchrotron .eq. 1) THEN CALL SourceSync (pool00,ray,pool00%npoint) ELSE ! Note that the routine sourceGeom (geometrical source) in ! shadow_kernel is a subset of SourceSync (in shadow_sourcesync) ! therefore this call is unnecessary because the same work can be ! done by SourceSync. ! The reason for keeping the two functions is for simplicity and ! to structurate better the shadow3 code: sourceGeom uses a relatively ! small number of subroutines and functions, all available in the ! kernel, whereas SourceSync is much more complex and is included in ! a separated synchrotron module. ! Therefore, users that do not want synchrotron, they just comment ! the "USE shadow_sourcesync" and "CALL SourceSync" CALL sourceGeom(pool00, ray,pool00%npoint) ENDIF ! write file begin.dat CALL beamWrite(ray,ierr,ncol,npoint,bgnfile) IF (ierr.NE.0) PRINT *, "GEN_SOURCE: beamWrite failed to write file: "//TRIM(bgnfile) ! write end.00 file CALL GlobalToPoolSource(pool00) CALL PoolSourceWrite(pool00,"end.00") END PROGRAM Gen_Source
! testp041.f ! reduction»Ø¼¨Ê¸(min)¤Î¥Æ¥¹¥È program main include 'xmp_lib.h' integer,parameter:: N=1000 integer random_array(N), ans_val, val !$xmp nodes p(*) !$xmp template t(N) !$xmp distribute t(block) onto p character(len=2) result result = 'OK' do k=114, 10000, 17 random_array(1) = k do i=2, N random_array(i) = $ mod(random_array(i-1)**2, 100000000) random_array(i) = $ mod((random_array(i)-mod(random_array(i),100))/100, $ 10000) enddo val = 2147483647 !$xmp loop on t(i) do i=1, N val = min(val, random_array(i)) enddo !$xmp reduction(min: val) async(1) ans_val = 2147483647 do i=1, N ans_val = min(ans_val, random_array(i)) enddo !$xmp wait_async(1) if(val .ne. ans_val) then print *, val, '!=', ans_val result = 'NG' endif enddo print *, xmp_node_num(), 'testp041.f ', result end
module ocean_blob_util_mod #define COMP isc:iec,jsc:jec ! !<CONTACT EMAIL=""> Michael L. Bates !</CONTACT> ! !<CONTACT EMAIL=""> Stephen M. Griffies !</CONTACT> ! !<OVERVIEW> ! This module contains subroutines that are common (or are likely to ! need be common to future implementations) to some or all of the ! various modules that run the Lagrangian blob scheme. !</OVERVIEW> ! !<DESCRIPTION> ! This module contains subroutines that are common (or may be common ! in a future implementation) to some of the modules that make up the ! blobs framework. ! ! Some of the subroutines contained herein perform tasks such as ! performing checksums, checking a linked lists for very small blobs ! (and deleting them), inserting blobs into a list, a bunch of routines ! for writing blob restart and history files, grid cell search algorithms, ! buffer manipulations, computations etc. ! ! The module has no namelist. All potential namelist variables are ! controlled through the ocean_blob_mod namelist. !</DESCRIPTION> ! !<INFO> ! <REFERENCE> ! Cormen, T. H, Leiserson, C. E. Rivest, R. L., Stein, C. (2001) Introduction ! to Algorithms. The MIT Press. ! </REFERENCE> ! ! <REFERENCE> ! Shepard, D. (1968) A two-dimensional interpolation function for ! irregularly-spaced data. In: Proceedings of the 1968 23rd ACM national ! conference. ACM '68. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 517-524. ! </REFERENCE> ! ! <REFERENCE> ! Murray, R. J. (1996) Explicit generation of orthogonal grids for ! ocean models. Journal of Computational Physics 126, 251-273. ! </REFERENCE> ! !</INFO> use constants_mod, only: rad_to_deg, epsln use fms_mod, only: error_mesg, FATAL, WARNING, stdout, stderr, mpp_error use fms_mod, only: read_data use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_global_sum, mpp_get_neighbor_pe, mpp_update_domains use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_get_current_ntile, mpp_get_tile_id use mpp_domains_mod, only: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST use mpp_mod, only: mpp_sum, NULL_PE use grid_mod, only: get_grid_cell_vertices, get_grid_size use ocean_parameters_mod, only: onehalf, rho0r, grav, omega_earth use ocean_parameters_mod, only: GEOPOTENTIAL, ZSTAR, DEPTH_BASED use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_thickness_type, ocean_lagrangian_type use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_prog_tracer_type, ocean_time_type use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_blob_type, ocean_grid_type, ocean_external_mode_type use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_domain_type, ocean_density_type, blob_grid_type use ocean_workspace_mod, only: wrk1, wrk2 use ocean_util_mod, only: write_chksum_3d, write_chksum_3d_int implicit none include '' private integer :: vert_coordinate_class integer :: vert_coordinate ! set module types type(ocean_grid_type), pointer :: Grd => NULL() type(ocean_domain_type), pointer :: Dom => NULL() type(ocean_domain_type), pointer :: Bdom => NULL() type(blob_grid_type), pointer :: Info => NULL() real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: ht => NULL() real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: hu => NULL() real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: vert_t real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: ij_im1j, im1jm1_im1j, ij_ijm1, im1jm1_ijm1 real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: t_im1jm1, t_ijm1, t_ij, t_im1j real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: xt, xu real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: yt, yu real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: datdtime_r ! 1./(Grd%dat*dtime) integer, dimension(9) :: im, jm integer, dimension(5) :: it, jt integer, dimension(4) :: iu, ju integer :: nig,njg,ni,nip1 real :: grav_rho0r real :: two_omega real :: dtimer real :: grav_dtimer public blob_util_init public blob_chksum public lagrangian_system_chksum public E_and_L_totals public blob_delete public insert_blob public count_blob public put_att public inq_var public get_double public get_int public put_double public put_int public def_var public blob_util_end public write_blobs public check_ijcell public check_kcell public kill_blob public free_blob_memory public hashfun public unlink_blob public allocate_interaction_memory public reallocate_interaction_memory public interp_tcoeff public interp_ucoeff public check_cyclic ! variables that are read in during init integer :: index_temp integer :: index_salt integer :: global_sum_flag integer :: num_prog_tracers logical :: bitwise_reproduction logical :: debug_this_module logical :: really_debug integer :: isd,ied,jsd,jed integer :: isc,iec,jsc,jec integer :: isg,ieg,jsg,jeg integer :: nk integer :: isbd, iebd, jsbd, jebd real :: blob_small_mass contains !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="blob_util_init"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Initialises this module. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine blob_util_init(Grid, Domain, PE_info, Blob_domain, & sum_flag, num_tracers, itemp, isalt, & small_mass, dtime, bitwise, ver_coordinate_class,& ver_coordinate, debug, debug_lots) type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in), target :: Grid type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in), target :: Domain type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in), target :: Blob_domain type(blob_grid_type), intent(in), target :: PE_info integer, intent(in) :: sum_flag integer, intent(in) :: num_tracers integer, intent(in) :: itemp integer, intent(in) :: isalt real, intent(in) :: small_mass real, intent(in) :: dtime logical, intent(in) :: bitwise integer, intent(in) :: ver_coordinate_class integer, intent(in) :: ver_coordinate logical, intent(in) :: debug logical, intent(in) :: debug_lots real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: dxte, dxue, dytn, dyun, verticies real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: lon_vert, lat_vert integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: tile_ids integer :: tile, nlon, nlat integer :: stdoutunit integer :: nfstatus, gsfile, x_vert_t_id, y_vert_t_id, ni, nj integer :: i,j,m, iscii,jscjj integer :: ii(4), jj(4) logical :: do_wst_bnd, do_est_bnd, do_nth_bnd, do_sth_bnd logical :: other_vars character(len=128) :: filename stdoutunit = stdout() write (stdoutunit, '(/,a)') 'Note from ocean_blob_util_mod: Initialising ocean_blob_util_mod' Grd => Grid Dom => Domain Bdom => Blob_domain Info => PE_info isd=Dom%isd; ied=Dom%ied; jsd=Dom%jsd; jed=Dom%jed isc=Dom%isc; iec=Dom%iec; jsc=Dom%jsc; jec=Dom%jec isg=Dom%isg; ieg=Dom%ieg; jsg=Dom%jsg; jeg=Dom%jeg ni = Grd%ni; nk = Grd%nk nip1 = ni+1 nig = ieg-(isg-1); njg = jeg-(jsg-1) isbd=Bdom%isd; iebd=Bdom%ied; jsbd=Bdom%jsd; jebd=Bdom%jed index_temp = itemp index_salt = isalt num_prog_tracers = num_tracers global_sum_flag = sum_flag bitwise_reproduction = bitwise blob_small_mass = small_mass debug_this_module = debug really_debug = debug_lots vert_coordinate_class = ver_coordinate_class vert_coordinate = ver_coordinate ! handy constants grav_rho0r = grav*rho0r two_omega = 2 * omega_earth dtimer = 1./dtime grav_dtimer = grav*dtimer !1: (i,j) !2: (i+1,j), 3: (i+1,j+1), 4: (i,j+1), 5: (i-1,j+1) !6: (i-1,j), 7: (i-1,j-1), 8: (i,j-1), 9: (i+1,j-1) im(1)= 0; jm(1)= 0 im(2)= 1; jm(2)= 0 im(3)= 1; jm(3)= 1 im(4)= 0; jm(4)= 1 im(5)=-1; jm(5)= 1 im(6)=-1; jm(6)= 0 im(7)=-1; jm(7)=-1 im(8)= 0; jm(8)=-1 im(9)= 1; jm(9)=-1 allocate(xt(isbd:iebd, jsbd:jebd)) allocate(yt(isbd:iebd, jsbd:jebd)) allocate(xu(isbd:iebd, jsbd:jebd)) allocate(yu(isbd:iebd, jsbd:jebd)) xt(isc:iec, jsc:jec) = Grd%xt(isc:iec, jsc:jec) yt(isc:iec, jsc:jec) = Grd%yt(isc:iec, jsc:jec) xu(isc:iec, jsc:jec) = Grd%xu(isc:iec, jsc:jec) yu(isc:iec, jsc:jec) = Grd%yu(isc:iec, jsc:jec) call mpp_update_domains(xt(:,:), Bdom%domain2d, complete=.false.) call mpp_update_domains(yt(:,:), Bdom%domain2d, complete=.false.) call mpp_update_domains(xu(:,:), Bdom%domain2d, complete=.false.) call mpp_update_domains(yu(:,:), Bdom%domain2d, complete=.true.) ! For cyclic boundary conditions, we need to adjust the halo values ! for lon and lat so that the lon and lat are always monotonic ! on the one processor to make the calculations for the point location ! scheme a bit easier. if (Grd%cyclic_x) then do_wst_bnd = .false. do_est_bnd = .false. do j=jsc,jec if (xt(iec+1,j) < xt(iec, j)) do_est_bnd=.true. if (xt(isc, j) < xt(isc-1,j)) do_wst_bnd=.true. enddo allocate(dxte(isbd:iebd,jsbd:jebd)) allocate(dxue(isbd:iebd,jsbd:jebd)) dxte(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = Grd%dxte(isc:iec,jsc:jec) dxue(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = Grd%dxue(isc:iec,jsc:jec) call mpp_update_domains(dxte(:,:), Bdom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(dxue(:,:), Bdom%domain2d) if (do_wst_bnd) then xt(isc-1,jsc:jec) = & xt(isc ,jsc:jec) - rad_to_deg*2*dxte(isc-1,jsc:jec)/(Info%ht(isc ,jsc:jec,1)+Info%ht(isc-1,jsc:jec,1)) xt(isc-2,jsc:jec) = & xt(isc-1,jsc:jec) - rad_to_deg*2*dxte(isc-2,jsc:jec)/(Info%ht(isc-1,jsc:jec,1)+Info%ht(isc-2,jsc:jec,1)) xu(isc-1,jsc:jec) = & xu(isc ,jsc:jec) - rad_to_deg*2*dxue(isc-1,jsc:jec)/(Info%hu(isc ,jsc:jec,2)+Info%hu(isc-1,jsc:jec,2)) xu(isc-2,jsc:jec) = & xu(isc-1,jsc:jec) - rad_to_deg*2*dxue(isc-2,jsc:jec)/(Info%hu(isc-1,jsc:jec,2)+Info%hu(isc-2,jsc:jec,2)) ! Take care of the corners if(Info%pe_NW /= NULL_PE) then xt(isc-1,jed:jebd) = & xt(isc ,jed:jebd) - rad_to_deg*2*dxte(isc-1,jed:jebd)/(Info%ht(isc ,jed:jebd,1)+Info%ht(isc-1,jed:jebd,1)) xt(isc-2,jed:jebd) = & xt(isc-1,jed:jebd) - rad_to_deg*2*dxte(isc-2,jed:jebd)/(Info%ht(isc-1,jed:jebd,1)+Info%ht(isc-2,jed:jebd,1)) xu(isc-1,jed:jebd) = & xu(isc ,jed:jebd) - rad_to_deg*2*dxue(isc-1,jed:jebd)/(Info%hu(isc ,jed:jebd,2)+Info%hu(isc-1,jed:jebd,2)) xu(isc-2,jed:jebd) = & xu(isc-1,jed:jebd) - rad_to_deg*2*dxue(isc-2,jed:jebd)/(Info%hu(isc-1,jed:jebd,2)+Info%hu(isc-2,jed:jebd,2)) endif if(Info%pe_SW /= NULL_PE) then xt(isc-1,jsbd:jsd) = & xt(isc ,jsbd:jsd) - rad_to_deg*2*dxte(isc-1,jsbd:jsd)/(Info%ht(isc ,jsbd:jsd,1)+Info%ht(isc-1,jsbd:jsd,1)) xt(isc-2,jsbd:jsd) = & xt(isc-1,jsbd:jsd) - rad_to_deg*2*dxte(isc-2,jsbd:jsd)/(Info%ht(isc-1,jsbd:jsd,1)+Info%ht(isc-2,jsbd:jsd,1)) xu(isc-1,jsbd:jsd) = & xu(isc ,jsbd:jsd) - rad_to_deg*2*dxue(isc-1,jsbd:jsd)/(Info%hu(isc ,jsbd:jsd,2)+Info%hu(isc-1,jsbd:jsd,2)) xu(isc-2,jsbd:jsd) = & xu(isc-1,jsbd:jsd) - rad_to_deg*2*dxue(isc-2,jsbd:jsd)/(Info%hu(isc-1,jsbd:jsd,2)+Info%hu(isc-2,jsbd:jsd,2)) endif endif if (do_est_bnd) then xt(iec+1,jsc:jec) = & xt(iec ,jsc:jec) + rad_to_deg*2*dxte(iec ,jsc:jec)/(Info%ht(iec ,jsc:jec,1)+Info%ht(iec+1,jsc:jec,1)) xt(iec+2,jsc:jec) = & xt(iec+1,jsc:jec) + rad_to_deg*2*dxte(iec+1,jsc:jec)/(Info%ht(iec+1,jsc:jec,1)+Info%ht(iec+2,jsc:jec,1)) xu(iec+1,jsc:jec) = & xu(iec ,jsc:jec) + rad_to_deg*2*dxue(iec ,jsc:jec)/(Info%hu(iec ,jsc:jec,2)+Info%hu(iec+1,jsc:jec,2)) xu(iec+2,jsc:jec) = & xu(iec+1,jsc:jec) + rad_to_deg*2*dxue(iec+1,jsc:jec)/(Info%hu(iec+1,jsc:jec,2)+Info%hu(iec+2,jsc:jec,2)) ! Take care of the corners if(Info%pe_NE /= NULL_PE) then xt(iec+1,jed:jebd) = & xt(iec ,jed:jebd) + rad_to_deg*2*dxte(iec ,jed:jebd)/(Info%ht(iec ,jed:jebd,1)+Info%ht(iec+1,jed:jebd,1)) xt(iec+2,jed:jebd) = & xt(iec+1,jed:jebd) + rad_to_deg*2*dxte(iec+1,jed:jebd)/(Info%ht(iec+1,jed:jebd,1)+Info%ht(iec+2,jed:jebd,1)) xu(iec+1,jed:jebd) = & xu(iec ,jed:jebd) + rad_to_deg*2*dxue(iec ,jed:jebd)/(Info%hu(iec ,jed:jebd,2)+Info%hu(iec+1,jed:jebd,2)) xu(iec+2,jed:jebd) = & xu(iec+1,jed:jebd) + rad_to_deg*2*dxue(iec+1,jed:jebd)/(Info%hu(iec+1,jed:jebd,2)+Info%hu(iec+2,jed:jebd,2)) endif if(Info%pe_SE /= NULL_PE) then xt(iec+1,jsbd:jsd) = & xt(iec ,jsbd:jsd) + rad_to_deg*2*dxte(iec ,jsbd:jsd)/(Info%ht(iec ,jsbd:jsd,1)+Info%ht(iec+1,jsbd:jsd,1)) xt(iec+2,jsbd:jsd) = & xt(iec+1,jsbd:jsd) + rad_to_deg*2*dxte(iec+1,jsbd:jsd)/(Info%ht(iec+1,jsbd:jsd,1)+Info%ht(iec+2,jsbd:jsd,1)) xu(iec+1,jsbd:jsd) = & xu(iec ,jsbd:jsd) + rad_to_deg*2*dxue(iec ,jsbd:jsd)/(Info%hu(iec ,jsbd:jsd,2)+Info%hu(iec+1,jsbd:jsd,2)) xu(iec+2,jsbd:jsd) = & xu(iec+1,jsbd:jsd) + rad_to_deg*2*dxue(iec+1,jsbd:jsd)/(Info%hu(iec+1,jsbd:jsd,2)+Info%hu(iec+2,jsbd:jsd,2)) endif endif deallocate(dxte) deallocate(dxue) endif if (Grd%cyclic_y .or. Grd%tripolar) then do_nth_bnd = .false. do_sth_bnd = .false. do i=isc,iec if (yt(i,jec+1) < yt(i,jec) ) do_nth_bnd=.true. if (yt(i,jsc) < yt(i,jsc-1)) do_sth_bnd=.true. enddo allocate(dytn(isbd:iebd,jsbd:jebd)) allocate(dyun(isbd:iebd,jsbd:jebd)) dytn(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = Grd%dytn(isc:iec,jsc:jec) dyun(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = Grd%dyun(isc:iec,jsc:jec) call mpp_update_domains(dytn(:,:), Bdom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(dyun(:,:), Bdom%domain2d) if (do_sth_bnd .and. .not. Grd%tripolar) then ! The tripolar grid has a solid southern boundary, so, we only want to alter the halos at the northern boundary yt(isc:iec,jsc-1) = & yt(isc:iec,jsc ) - rad_to_deg*2*dytn(isc:iec,jsc-1)/(Info%ht(isc:iec,jsc ,1)+Info%ht(isc:iec,jsc-1,1)) yt(isc:iec,jsc-2) = & yt(isc:iec,jsc-1) - rad_to_deg*2*dytn(isc:iec,jsc-2)/(Info%ht(isc:iec,jsc-1,1)+Info%ht(isc:iec,jsc-2,1)) yu(isc:iec,jsc-1) = & yu(isc:iec,jsc ) - rad_to_deg*2*dyun(isc:iec,jsc-1)/(Info%hu(isc:iec,jsc ,2)+Info%hu(isc:iec,jsc-1,2)) yu(isc:iec,jsc-2) = & yu(isc:iec,jsc-1) - rad_to_deg*2*dyun(isc:iec,jsc-2)/(Info%hu(isc:iec,jsc-1,2)+Info%hu(isc:iec,jsc-2,2)) ! Do the corners if (Info%pe_SW /= NULL_PE) then yt(isbd:isd,jsc-1) = & yt(isbd:isd,jsc ) - rad_to_deg*2*dytn(isbd:isd,jsc-1)/(Info%ht(isbd:isd,jsc ,1)+Info%ht(isbd:isd,jsc-1,1)) yt(isbd:isd,jsc-2) = & yt(isbd:isd,jsc-1) - rad_to_deg*2*dytn(isbd:isd,jsc-2)/(Info%ht(isbd:isd,jsc-1,1)+Info%ht(isbd:isd,jsc-2,1)) yu(isbd:isd,jsc-1) = & yu(isbd:isd,jsc ) - rad_to_deg*2*dyun(isbd:isd,jsc-1)/(Info%hu(isbd:isd,jsc ,2)+Info%hu(isbd:isd,jsc-1,2)) yu(isbd:isd,jsc-2) = & yu(isbd:isd,jsc-1) - rad_to_deg*2*dyun(isbd:isd,jsc-2)/(Info%hu(isbd:isd,jsc-1,2)+Info%hu(isbd:isd,jsc-2,2)) endif if (Info%pe_SE /= NULL_PE) then yt(ied:iebd,jsc-1) = & yt(ied:iebd,jsc ) - rad_to_deg*2*dytn(ied:iebd,jsc-1)/(Info%ht(ied:iebd,jsc ,1)+Info%ht(ied:iebd,jsc-1,1)) yt(ied:iebd,jsc-2) = & yt(ied:iebd,jsc-1) - rad_to_deg*2*dytn(ied:iebd,jsc-2)/(Info%ht(ied:iebd,jsc-1,1)+Info%ht(ied:iebd,jsc-2,1)) yu(ied:iebd,jsc-1) = & yu(ied:iebd,jsc ) - rad_to_deg*2*dyun(ied:iebd,jsc-1)/(Info%hu(ied:iebd,jsc ,2)+Info%hu(ied:iebd,jsc-1,2)) yu(ied:iebd,jsc-2) = & yu(ied:iebd,jsc-1) - rad_to_deg*2*dyun(ied:iebd,jsc-2)/(Info%hu(ied:iebd,jsc-1,2)+Info%hu(ied:iebd,jsc-2,2)) endif endif if (do_nth_bnd) then yt(isc:iec,jec+1) = & yt(isc:iec,jec ) + rad_to_deg*2*dytn(isc:iec,jsc )/(Info%ht(isc:iec,jec ,1)+Info%ht(isc:iec,jec+1,1)) yt(isc:iec,jec+2) = & yt(isc:iec,jec+1) + rad_to_deg*2*dytn(isc:iec,jsc+1)/(Info%ht(isc:iec,jec+1,1)+Info%ht(isc:iec,jec+2,1)) yu(isc:iec,jec+1) = & yu(isc:iec,jec ) + rad_to_deg*2*dyun(isc:iec,jsc )/(Info%hu(isc:iec,jec ,2)+Info%hu(isc:iec,jec+1,2)) yu(isc:iec,jec+2) = & yu(isc:iec,jec+1) + rad_to_deg*2*dyun(isc:iec,jsc+1)/(Info%hu(isc:iec,jec+1,2)+Info%hu(isc:iec,jec+2,2)) ! Do the corners if (Info%pe_NW /= NULL_PE) then yt(isbd:isd,jec+1) = & yt(isbd:isd,jec ) + rad_to_deg*2*dytn(isbd:isd,jsc )/(Info%ht(isbd:isd,jec ,1)+Info%ht(isbd:isd,jec+1,1)) yt(isbd:isd,jec+2) = & yt(isbd:isd,jec+1) + rad_to_deg*2*dytn(isbd:isd,jsc+1)/(Info%ht(isbd:isd,jec+1,1)+Info%ht(isbd:isd,jec+2,1)) yu(isbd:isd,jec+1) = & yu(isbd:isd,jec ) + rad_to_deg*2*dyun(isbd:isd,jsc )/(Info%hu(isbd:isd,jec ,2)+Info%hu(isbd:isd,jec+1,2)) yu(isbd:isd,jec+2) = & yu(isbd:isd,jec+1) + rad_to_deg*2*dyun(isbd:isd,jsc+1)/(Info%hu(isbd:isd,jec+1,2)+Info%hu(isbd:isd,jec+2,2)) endif if (Info%pe_NE /= NULL_PE) then yt(ied:iebd,jec+1) = & yt(ied:iebd,jec ) + rad_to_deg*2*dytn(ied:iebd,jsc )/(Info%ht(ied:iebd,jec ,1)+Info%ht(ied:iebd,jec+1,1)) yt(ied:iebd,jec+2) = & yt(ied:iebd,jec+1) + rad_to_deg*2*dytn(ied:iebd,jsc+1)/(Info%ht(ied:iebd,jec+1,1)+Info%ht(ied:iebd,jec+2,1)) yu(ied:iebd,jec+1) = & yu(ied:iebd,jec ) + rad_to_deg*2*dyun(ied:iebd,jsc )/(Info%hu(ied:iebd,jec ,2)+Info%hu(ied:iebd,jec+1,2)) yu(ied:iebd,jec+2) = & yu(ied:iebd,jec+1) + rad_to_deg*2*dyun(ied:iebd,jsc+1)/(Info%hu(ied:iebd,jec+1,2)+Info%hu(ied:iebd,jec+2,2)) endif endif deallocate(dytn) deallocate(dyun) endif allocate( datdtime_r(isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) datdtime_r(:,:) = Grd%datr(:,:)/dtime ! Calculate the vectors of the sides of grid cells (in ! the horizontal) for the point location scheme. allocate( vert_t(2,4,isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate(tile_ids(mpp_get_current_ntile(Dom%domain2d))) tile_ids = mpp_get_tile_id(Dom%domain2d) tile = tile_ids(1) ! Assume one tile per PE deallocate(tile_ids) call get_grid_size('OCN', tile, nlon, nlat) allocate(lon_vert(nlon+1, nlat+1)) allocate(lat_vert(nlon+1, nlat+1)) call get_grid_cell_vertices('OCN', tile, lon_vert, lat_vert) ! In this grid configuration, we derive the verticies from a 2d configuration ! with shape (isc:iec+1,jsc:jec+1). ! The verticies with the bottom left hand corner corresponding to i,j ! ! 4 3 ! +-----+ ! | i,j | ! +-----+ ! 1 2 ! ! 1==(i,j); 2==(i+1,j); 3==(i+1,j+1); 4==(i,j+1) call mpp_update_domains(lon_vert(:,:), Dom%domain2d) vert_t(1, 1, isc:iec, jsc:jec) = lon_vert(isc:iec, jsc:jec) vert_t(1, 2, isc:iec, jsc:jec) = lon_vert((1+isc):(1+iec), jsc:jec) vert_t(1, 3, isc:iec, jsc:jec) = lon_vert((1+isc):(1+iec), (1+jsc):(1+jec)) vert_t(1, 4, isc:iec, jsc:jec) = lon_vert(isc:iec, (1+jsc):(1+jec)) call mpp_update_domains(lat_vert(:,:), Dom%domain2d) vert_t(2, 1, isc:iec, jsc:jec) = lat_vert(isc:iec, jsc:jec) vert_t(2, 2, isc:iec, jsc:jec) = lat_vert((1+isc):(1+iec), jsc:jec) vert_t(2, 3, isc:iec, jsc:jec) = lat_vert((1+isc):(1+iec), (1+jsc):(1+jec)) vert_t(2, 4, isc:iec, jsc:jec) = lat_vert(isc:iec, (1+jsc):(1+jec)) deallocate(lon_vert) deallocate(lat_vert) ! Now fill/get the values in the halos if (Info%pe_E==NULL_PE) vert_t(:,:,ied,jsc:jec) = 0.0 if (Info%pe_N==NULL_PE) vert_t(:,:,isc:iec,jed) = 0.0 if (Info%pe_W==NULL_PE) vert_t(:,:,isd,jsc:jec) = 0.0 if (Info%pe_S==NULL_PE) vert_t(:,:,isc:iec,jsd) = 0.0 if (Info%pe_NE==NULL_PE) vert_t(:,:,ied,jed) = 0.0 if (Info%pe_NW==NULL_PE) vert_t(:,:,isd,jed) = 0.0 if (Info%pe_SW==NULL_PE) vert_t(:,:,isd,jsd) = 0.0 if (Info%pe_SE==NULL_PE) vert_t(:,:,ied,jsd) = 0.0 ! The verticies are indexed from southwest, anticlockwise ! 4-----3 ! | | ! | T | ! | | ! 1-----2 !Pre calculate some of the vectors for the point location scheme !See notes for details allocate( ij_im1j( 2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate( im1jm1_ijm1(2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate( ij_ijm1( 2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate( im1jm1_im1j(2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate( t_im1j( 2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate( t_ij( 2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate( t_ijm1( 2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate( t_im1jm1( 2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) !North vector: U(i ,j )=>U(i-1,j ), aka 3=>4 ij_im1j( :,isd:ied,jsd:jed) = vert_t(:,4,isd:ied,jsd:jed) - vert_t(:,3,isd:ied,jsd:jed) !South vector: U(i-1,j-1)=>U(i-1,j ), aka 1=>2 im1jm1_ijm1(:,isd:ied,jsd:jed) = vert_t(:,2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) - vert_t(:,1,isd:ied,jsd:jed) !East vector: U(i ,j )=>U(i ,j-1), aka 3=>2 ij_ijm1( :,isd:ied,jsd:jed) = vert_t(:,2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) - vert_t(:,3,isd:ied,jsd:jed) !West vector: U(i-1,j-1)=>U(i-1,j ), aka 1=>4 im1jm1_im1j(:,isd:ied,jsd:jed) = vert_t(:,4,isd:ied,jsd:jed) - vert_t(:,1,isd:ied,jsd:jed) !T(i,j)=>U(i-1,j-1) t_im1jm1(1,isd:ied,jsd:jed) = vert_t(1,1,isd:ied,jsd:jed) - Grd%xt(isd:ied,jsd:jed) t_im1jm1(2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) = vert_t(2,1,isd:ied,jsd:jed) - Grd%yt(isd:ied,jsd:jed) !T(i,j)=>U(i ,j-1) t_ijm1(1,isd:ied,jsd:jed) = vert_t(1,2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) - Grd%xt(isd:ied,jsd:jed) t_ijm1(2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) = vert_t(2,2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) - Grd%yt(isd:ied,jsd:jed) !T(i,j)=>U(i ,j ) t_ij(1,isd:ied,jsd:jed) = vert_t(1,3,isd:ied,jsd:jed) - Grd%xt(isd:ied,jsd:jed) t_ij(2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) = vert_t(2,3,isd:ied,jsd:jed) - Grd%yt(isd:ied,jsd:jed) !T(i,j)=>U(i-1,j ) t_im1j(1,isd:ied,jsd:jed) = vert_t(1,4,isd:ied,jsd:jed) - Grd%xt(isd:ied,jsd:jed) t_im1j(2,isd:ied,jsd:jed) = vert_t(2,4,isd:ied,jsd:jed) - Grd%yt(isd:ied,jsd:jed) allocate(Info%maxlon(jsc:jec)) allocate(Info%minlon(jsc:jec)) allocate(Info%maxlat(isc:iec)) allocate(Info%minlat(isc:iec)) do j=jsc,jec Info%minlon(j) = minval(vert_t(1,:,isc:iec,j)) Info%maxlon(j) = maxval(vert_t(1,:,isc:iec,j)) enddo do i=isc,iec Info%minlat(i) = minval(vert_t(2,:,i,jsc:jec)) Info%maxlat(i) = maxval(vert_t(2,:,i,jsc:jec)) enddo end subroutine blob_util_init ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="blob_util_init" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="blob_chksum"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Performs global sums and checksums for all blob types (for diagnostic ! purposes). ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine blob_chksum(T_prog, head_static_free, head_static_bott, & head_dynamic_free, head_dynamic_bott, blob_counter) type(ocean_prog_tracer_type), intent(in) :: T_prog(:) type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: head_static_free type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: head_static_bott type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: head_dynamic_free type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: head_dynamic_bott integer, dimension(isc:iec,jsc:jec,nk), intent(in) :: blob_counter type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: this=>NULL() real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk,num_prog_tracers) :: grdtracer, grdfield real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: grdlat, grdlon, grddepth, grdgeodepth real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: grdu, grdv, grdw, grdent real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: grdmass, grddens, grdvolume real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: grdh1, grdh2, grdstep, grdst integer, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: grdhash, grdnum integer, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: grdnsteps, grdmsteps integer, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: grdi, grdj, grdk integer :: tmpi integer :: i, j, k, p, n, nblobs character(len=28) :: tname character(len=28) :: fname character(len=*), parameter :: fmti="(a,x,i25)" character(len=*), parameter :: fmte="(a,x,es25.18)" integer :: stdoutunit real :: tmpr stdoutunit=stdout() grdlat(:,:,:) = 0.0 grdlon(:,:,:) = 0.0 grddepth(:,:,:) = 0.0 grdgeodepth(:,:,:) = 0.0 grdst(:,:,:) = 0.0 grdmass(:,:,:) = 0.0 grddens(:,:,:) = 0.0 grdvolume(:,:,:) = 0.0 grdu(:,:,:) = 0.0 grdv(:,:,:) = 0.0 grdw(:,:,:) = 0.0 grdent(:,:,:) = 0.0 grdh1(:,:,:) = 0.0 grdh2(:,:,:) = 0.0 grdstep(:,:,:) = 0.0 grdtracer(:,:,:,:) = 0.0 grdfield(:,:,:,:) = 0.0 grdhash(:,:,:) = 0 grdnum(:,:,:) = 0 grdnsteps(:,:,:) = 0 grdmsteps(:,:,:) = 0 grdi(:,:,:) = 0 grdj(:,:,:) = 0 grdk(:,:,:) = 0 nblobs = 0 !number of blobs do p=1,4 nullify(this) if(p==1 .and. associated(head_static_free)) this=>head_static_free if(p==2 .and. associated(head_static_bott)) this=>head_static_bott if(p==3 .and. associated(head_dynamic_free)) this=>head_dynamic_free if(p==4 .and. associated(head_dynamic_bott)) this=>head_dynamic_bott if (associated(this)) then fullcycle: do i = this%i - Dom%ioff j = this%j - Dom%joff k = this%k if (isc<=i .and. i<=iec .and. jsc<=j .and. j<=jec) then grdlat(i,j,k) = grdlat(i,j,k) + this%lat grdlon(i,j,k) = grdlon(i,j,k) + this%lon grddepth(i,j,k) = grddepth(i,j,k) + this%depth grdgeodepth(i,j,k) = grdgeodepth(i,j,k) + this%geodepth grdst(i,j,k) = grdst(i,j,k) + this%st grdmass(i,j,k) = grdmass(i,j,k) + this%mass grddens(i,j,k) = grddens(i,j,k) + this%density grdvolume(i,j,k) = grdvolume(i,j,k) + this%volume grdu(i,j,k) = grdu(i,j,k) + this%v(1) grdv(i,j,k) = grdv(i,j,k) + this%v(2) grdw(i,j,k) = grdw(i,j,k) + this%v(3) grdent(i,j,k) = grdent(i,j,k) + this%ent grdh1(i,j,k) = grdh1(i,j,k) + this%h1 grdh2(i,j,k) = grdh2(i,j,k) + this%h2 grdhash(i,j,k) = grdhash(i,j,k) + this%hash grdnum(i,j,k) = grdnum(i,j,k) + this%number grdstep(i,j,k) = grdstep(i,j,k) + this%step grdnsteps(i,j,k) = grdnsteps(i,j,k) + this%nsteps grdmsteps(i,j,k) = grdmsteps(i,j,k) + this%model_steps grdi(i,j,k) = grdi(i,j,k) + this%i grdj(i,j,k) = grdj(i,j,k) + this%j grdk(i,j,k) = grdk(i,j,k) + this%k nblobs = nblobs + 1 do n=1,num_prog_tracers grdtracer(i,j,k,n) = grdtracer(i,j,k,n) + this%tracer(n) if (p==3.or.p==4) grdfield(i,j,k,n) = grdfield(i,j,k,n) + this%field(n) enddo endif this=>this%next if(.not. associated(this)) exit fullcycle enddo fullcycle endif enddo call mpp_sum(nblobs) write(stdoutunit, fmti) 'total number of blobs =', nblobs tmpi = sum(blob_counter(:,:,:)) call mpp_sum(tmpi) write(stdoutunit, fmti) 'global number of blobs for all time =', tmpi tmpr = mpp_global_sum(Dom%domain2d, grdmass(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1:nk),global_sum_flag) write(stdoutunit, fmte) 'global mass of blobs =', tmpr do n=1,num_prog_tracers tmpr = mpp_global_sum(Dom%domain2d, grdtracer(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1:nk,n),global_sum_flag) if(n==index_temp) then write(stdoutunit, fmte) 'global heat content of blobs =', tmpr else tname = trim(T_prog(n)%name)//' content of blobs' fname = trim(T_prog(n)%name)//' concentration of blobs' write(stdoutunit, fmte) 'global '//tname(:)//' =', tmpr endif enddo call write_chksum_3d_int('blob counter', blob_counter(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('blob latitude', grdlat(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('blob longitude', grdlon(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('blob depth', grddepth(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('blob geodepth', grdgeodepth(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('blob vertical coord. (st)', grdst(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('blob mass', grdmass(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('blob density', grddens(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('blob volume', grdvolume(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('blob zonal velocity', grdu(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('blob meridional velocity', grdv(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('blob vertical velocity', grdw(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('blob entrainment velocity', grdent(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('stretching function 1', grdh1(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('stretching function 2', grdh2(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d_int('blob number', grdnum(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('blob step size', grdstep(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d_int('number of blob steps', grdnsteps(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d_int('number of E system steps', grdmsteps(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d_int('zonal cell index (i)', grdi(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d_int('meridional cell index (j)', grdj(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d_int('depth cell index (k)', grdk(COMP,1:nk)) do n=1,num_prog_tracers if (n==index_temp) then call write_chksum_3d('blob heat content', grdtracer(COMP,1:nk,n)) call writE_chksum_3d('blob temp concentration', grdfield(COMP,1:nk,n)) else tname = trim(T_prog(n)%name)//' content' call write_chksum_3d('blob '//tname(1:19), grdtracer(COMP,1:nk,n)) call write_chksum_3d(fname(1:19), grdfield(COMP,1:nk,n)) endif enddo write(stdoutunit, '(a)') 'end blob chksums' end subroutine blob_chksum ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="blob_chksum" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="lagrangian_system_chksum"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! ! Performs checksums for the Lagrangian_system derived type. This is ! the derived type that stores all of the "gridded" blob variables, ! and is essential for the accounting required to interact with the ! Eulerian model in a conservative manner. The checksums are for ! diagnostic purposes. ! ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine lagrangian_system_chksum(L_system) type(ocean_lagrangian_type), intent(in) :: L_system integer :: stdoutunit character(len=*), parameter :: fmt="(a,x,i20)" stdoutunit=stdout() call write_chksum_3d('T-grid upper cell rho_dzt (taup1)', L_system%rho_dztup(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('T-grid lower cell rho_dzt (taup1)', L_system%rho_dztlo(COMP,1:nk)) call write_chksum_3d('T-grid blob convergence (taup1)', L_system%conv_blob(COMP,1:nk)) write(stdoutunit, fmt) 'end Lagrangian system chksums' end subroutine lagrangian_system_chksum ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="lagrangian_system_chksum" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="E_and_L_totals"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Gives a brief summary of the total mass, volume and tracer content ! of the E, L and total systems. Usually used for debuggin purposes. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine E_and_L_totals(L_system, Thickness, T_prog, idx) type(ocean_lagrangian_type), intent(in) :: L_system type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness type(ocean_prog_tracer_type), intent(in) :: T_prog(:) integer, intent(in) :: idx real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: tmpE, tmpL1, tmpL2, tmpT real :: tmpE_total, tmpL1_total, tmpL2_total, tmpT_total character(len=128) :: tname integer :: n, k integer :: stdoutunit stdoutunit=stdout() tmpE = Grd%dat(:,:)*sum(Grd%tmask(:,:,:)*Thickness%rho_dzt( :,:,:,idx),3) tmpL1 = Grd%dat(:,:)*sum(Grd%tmask(:,:,:)*Thickness%rho_dztL(:,:,:,idx),3) do k=1,nk tmpL2 = Grd%tmask(:,:,k)*Grd%dat(:,:)*(L_system%rho_dztup(:,:,k)+L_system%rho_dztlo(:,:,k)) enddo tmpT = Grd%dat(:,:)*sum(Grd%tmask(:,:,:)*Thickness%rho_dztT(:,:,:,idx),3) call maketotal(.true.) write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'E mass =',tmpE_total, 'kg' write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'L mass (from thickness) =',tmpL1_total,'kg' write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'L mass (from L_system) =',tmpL2_total,'kg' write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'E + L mass =',tmpE_total+tmpL1_total,'kg' write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'T mass (from rho_dztT) =',tmpT_total,'kg' tmpE = Grd%dat(:,:)*sum(Grd%tmask(:,:,:)*Thickness%dzt( :,:,:),3) tmpL1 = Grd%dat(:,:)*sum(Grd%tmask(:,:,:)*Thickness%dztL(:,:,:),3) tmpT = Grd%dat(:,:)*sum(Grd%tmask(:,:,:)*Thickness%dztT(:,:,:,idx),3) call maketotal(.true.) write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'E volume =',tmpE_total, 'm^3' write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'L volume (from thickness) =',tmpL1_total,'m^3' write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'E + L volume =',tmpE_total+tmpL1_total,'m^3' write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'T volume (from dztT) =',tmpT_total,'m^3' do n=1,num_prog_tracers tmpE = T_prog(n)%conversion*Grd%dat(:,:) & *sum( Grd%tmask(:,:,:)*Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,idx)*T_prog(n)%field(:,:,:,idx), 3) tmpL1 = T_prog(n)%conversion*sum(Grd%tmask(:,:,:)*T_prog(n)%sum_blob(:,:,:,idx), 3) tmpT = tmpE + tmpL1 call maketotal(.false.) if(n==index_temp) then write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'E heat =',tmpE_total, 'J' write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'L heat =',tmpL1_total,'J' write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'T heat =',tmpT_total, 'J' elseif(T_prog(n)%name(1:3)=='age') then tname = trim(T_prog(n)%name) write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'E '//tname(1:10)//' =',tmpE_total, 'yr' write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'L '//tname(1:10)//' =',tmpL1_total,'yr' write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'T '//tname(1:10)//' =',tmpT_total, 'yr' else tname = trim(T_prog(n)%name) write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'E '//tname(1:10)//' =',tmpE_total, 'kg' write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'L '//tname(1:10)//' =',tmpL1_total,'kg' write(stdoutunit,'(a,x,es25.18,x,a)') 'T '//tname(1:10)//' =',tmpT_total, 'kg' endif enddo contains !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! This is a nested subroutine that does the global sum of an array for ! ! each of the E system, L system and the combined system. ! !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% subroutine maketotal(do_L2) logical, intent(in) :: do_L2 tmpE_total = mpp_global_sum(Dom%domain2d, tmpE, global_sum_flag) tmpL1_total = mpp_global_sum(Dom%domain2d, tmpL1, global_sum_flag) tmpT_total = mpp_global_sum(Dom%domain2d, tmpT, global_sum_flag) if (do_L2) then tmpL2_total = mpp_global_sum(Dom%domain2d, tmpL2, global_sum_flag) endif end subroutine maketotal end subroutine E_and_L_totals ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="E_and_L_totals" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="write_blobs"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Dumps most of the information carried around by blobs, for all blobs ! in a particular list. Useful for debugging. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine write_blobs(head, head_name, time) type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: head character(len=*), intent(in) :: head_name character(len=*), intent(in) :: time type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: this=>NULL() integer :: i,j,n integer :: stdoutunit stdoutunit = stdout() write(stdoutunit, '(a)') ' ' write(stdoutunit, '(a)') 'Summary of all blobs in '//trim(head_name)//' list ('//trim(time)//')' write(stdoutunit,'(4(a3,x),2(a6,x),4(a6,x),2(a10,x),1(a8,x),2(a10,x),2(a6,x),3(a9,x),(a10))') & 'pe','i','j','k', & 'hash','number', & 'lat','lon','depth', 'gdepth',& 'mass','volume','density', & 'heat','S (kg)', & 'temp','sal', & 'u','v','w', & 'dzt' n=0 if(associated(head)) then this=>head blobcycle: do i=this%i; j=this%j print('(4(i3,x),2(i6,x),4(f6.1,x),2(es10.3,x),(f8.2,x),2(es10.3,x),2(f6.2,x),3(es9.2,x),(es10.3))'), & Info%pe_this, i, j, this%k,& this%hash, this%number, & this%lat, this%lon, this%depth, this%geodepth,& this%mass, this%volume, & this%density,& this%tracer(index_temp), this%tracer(index_salt), & this%field(index_temp), this%field(index_salt),& this%v(1), this%v(2), this%v(3), & this%volume*Grd%datr(i,j) n=n+1 this=>this%next if(.not.associated(this)) exit blobcycle enddo blobcycle endif print('(a,i3,a,i10)'), 'total '//trim(head_name)//' blobs on pe ',Info%pe_this,' = ', n end subroutine write_blobs ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="write_blobs" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="blob_delete"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Deletes all (nearly) zero mass blob objects from the linked list. ! The size of the blobs that are deleted is controlled by the variable ! blob_small_mass in the ocean_blob_nml. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine blob_delete(Time, Thickness, T_prog, head) type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(inout) :: Thickness type(ocean_prog_tracer_type), intent(inout) :: T_prog(:) type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: head ! local variables type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: prev => NULL() type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: this => NULL() type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: next => NULL() integer :: i,j,k,tau,taup1 taup1 = Time%taup1 tau = Time%tau ! point this to the head blob this => head !====================================================================! ! if the head is not associated, the list is empty and there is ! ! nothing to delete if it is associated, then cycle through the list,! ! deleting all zero-mass blobs until the end (tail) of the list is ! ! reached ! !====================================================================! ! check if the head is associated if(associated(this)) then next => this%next blobdel: do i = this%i j = this%j k = this%k if(this%mass < blob_small_mass) then ! return any blob properties to the E system call kill_blob(Thickness, T_prog(:), this, i, j, k) ! Deallocate the blob from memory call free_blob_memory(this) ! Unlink the blob from the list. Point the previous blob ! to the next blob and vice versa. if(associated(prev)) then prev%next=>next else ! if the prev is not associated, we are at the head ! and we need to point the head towards the next head => next if(associated(next)) next%prev=>NULL() endif ! this is the vice versa bit if(associated(next)) next%prev=>prev endif ! blob mass small? ! check to see whether we are at the end of the list. If so, exit ! the loop. If not, then move our current, prev and next blobs ! further down the list and go back to the beginning of the do loop if(associated(next)) then this => next prev => this%prev next => this%next else exit blobdel endif enddo blobdel nullify(this) nullify(prev) nullify(next) endif !head associated? end subroutine blob_delete ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="blob_delete" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="unlink_blob"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Unlinks a blob from a doubly linked list. It returns pointers to ! the blob, the head of the list, the (formerly) previous blob in the ! list and the (formerly) next blob in the list. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine unlink_blob(blob, head, prev, next) type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: blob type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: head type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: prev type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: next prev=>blob%prev next=>blob%next ! Unlink the list from the blob if(associated(prev)) then prev%next=>next else head=>next if(associated(next)) next%prev=>NULL() endif if(associated(next)) next%prev=>prev ! Unlink the blob from the list blob%next=>NULL() blob%prev=>NULL() end subroutine unlink_blob ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="unlink_blob" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="insert_blob"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Inserts a blob to the linked list. The relative order of blobs in ! a linked list determines whether bitwise reproduction is possible. ! ! Regardless of bitwise reproducability or not, we must ensure that ! blobs always appear in the same relative order when we are using ! dynamic blobs because if we have a situation where dztL>dztT, we ! start destroying blobs to enforce dztL<dztT. In order that we do ! not significantly change answers, we must always destroy the same ! blob, regardless of domain decomposition, restarts, etc. So, we must ! always sort blobs so they appear in the linked list in the same ! relative order. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine insert_blob(blob, head) type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: blob type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: head ! local variables type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: prev type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: next logical :: order, eol integer :: stdoutunit stdoutunit = stdout() if (associated(head)) then prev => NULL() next => head ! cycle through hash, looking for a spot checkhash: do call inorder(blob%hash, next%hash, order, eol) if (eol .or. order) exit checkhash enddo checkhash if (eol) return ! cycle through the blob number, ensuring we remain ! in the correct hash checknumber: do if (blob%hash > next%hash) then order = .true. elseif(blob%hash == next%hash) then call inorder(blob%number, next%number, order, eol) else write(stdoutunit,'(a)') 'ocean_blob_util_mod, insert_blob: list out of order' call debugoutput('blob information (hash and number)', prev, blob, next) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'ocean_blob_util_mod, insert_blob: list out of order') endif if (eol .or. order) exit checknumber enddo checknumber if (eol) return ! if we have made it this far, then we have not reached the end of the ! list and the blob should be in its correct place in the list, so ! insert it into the list between prev and next, or if we are at the ! top of the list, insert it at the head. if (associated(prev)) then ! insert the blob after the previous blob prev%next => blob blob%prev => prev else ! insert the blobs at the head of the list head => blob blob%prev => NULL() endif next%prev => blob blob%next => next else !head associated ! the list is empty, so make the blob the only item in the list head => blob blob%next => NULL() blob%prev => NULL() endif !head associated contains !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! This is a nested subroutine that checks if the blob is in the right spot ! in the linked list !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% subroutine inorder(var1, var2, foundslot, eolist) integer, intent(in) :: var1, var2 logical, intent(out) :: foundslot, eolist foundslot = .false. eolist = .false. if (var1 >= var2) then foundslot = .true. else call checkeol(eolist) if (.not. eolist) then ! move down the list prev => next next => next%next endif endif end subroutine inorder !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! This is a nested subroutine that checks if we are at the end of the ! linked list !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% subroutine checkeol(endoflist) logical :: endoflist endoflist = .false. if(.not. associated(next%next)) then ! we are at the end of the list next%next => blob blob%prev => next blob%next => NULL() endoflist = .true. endif end subroutine checkeol !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! This is a nested subroutine that outputs useful debugging information !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% subroutine debugoutput(message, pr, th, ne) type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: pr, th, ne character(len=*), intent(in) :: message print ('(/,a)'), trim(message) if(associated(pr)) then print('(a5,2i6)'), 'prev:', pr%hash, pr%number else print('(a19)'), 'prev not associated' endif if(associated(th)) then print('(a5,2i6)'), 'this:', th%hash, th%number else print('(a19)'), 'this not associated' endif if(associated(ne)) then print('(a5,2i6)'), 'next:', ne%hash, ne%number else print('(a19)'), 'next not associated' endif end subroutine debugoutput end subroutine insert_blob ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="insert_blob" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="count_blob"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Allocates a blob its hash and a number. These two numbers can ! uniquely identify any blob. The hash and number is based on the grid ! cell of origin. Each grid cell has a unique hash. We have an array ! which keeps track of the number of blobs formed in a grid cell. These ! two numbers give the unique identifier. So, we also need to increment ! the counter array. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine count_blob(blob, blob_counter) type(ocean_blob_type) :: blob integer, dimension(isc:iec,jsc:jec,nk), intent(inout) :: blob_counter integer :: ii, jj, kk blob%hash = hashfun(blob%i, blob%j, blob%k) ii = blob%i jj = blob%j kk = blob%k blob%number = blob_counter(ii, jj, kk) + 1 blob_counter(ii,jj,kk) = blob%number end subroutine count_blob ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="count_blob" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="put_att"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Writes an attribute to a netcdf file. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine put_att(ncid, id, att, attval) integer, intent(in) :: ncid, id character (len=*), intent(in) :: att, attval integer :: vallen, mret integer :: stderrunit stderrunit=stderr() ! Define the attribute for the netcdf file vallen=len_trim(attval) mret = nf_put_att_text(ncid, id, att, vallen, attval) ! If something goes wrong give error and bring the model down if (mret .ne. NF_NOERR) then write(stderrunit,'(a)') 'ocean_blob_util_mod, putt_att: '& //'nf_put_att_text failed adding '//trim(att)//' = '//trim(attval) write(stderrunit,'(3x,a,i3)') 'error code = ',mret call give_error_code(mret) call error_mesg('ocean_blob_util_mod, put_att', & 'netcdf function returned a failure!', FATAL) endif end subroutine put_att ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="put_att" !###################################################################### ! <FUNCTION NAME="inq_var"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Gets the variable identifier from a netcdf file. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! integer function inq_var(ncid, var) integer, intent(in) :: ncid character(len=*), intent(in) :: var integer :: iret integer :: stderrunit stderrunit = stderr() iret = nf_inq_varid(ncid, var, inq_var) if (iret .ne. NF_NOERR) then write(stderrunit,*) 'ocean_blob_util_mod, inq_var: nf_inq_varid ',& var,' failed' call error_mesg('ocean_blob_util_mod, inq_var', & 'netcdf function returned a failure!', FATAL) endif end function inq_var ! </FUNCTION> NAME="inq_var" !###################################################################### ! <FUNCTION NAME="get_double"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Gets the value of a "double" variable from a netcdf file ! </DESCRIPTION> ! real function get_double(ncid, id, m) integer, intent(in) :: ncid, id, m integer :: iret integer :: stderrunit stderrunit = stderr() iret=nf_get_var1_double(ncid, id, m, get_double) if (iret .ne. NF_NOERR) then write(stderrunit,'(a)') 'ocean_blob_util_mod, get_double: ' & //'nf_get_var1_double failed reading' call error_mesg('ocean_blob_util_mod, get_double', & 'netcdf function returned a failure!', FATAL) endif end function get_double ! </FUNCTION> NAME="get_double" !###################################################################### ! <FUNCTION NAME="get_int"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Gets the value of an integer variable from a netcdf file ! </DESCRIPTION> ! integer function get_int(ncid, id, m) integer, intent(in) :: ncid, id, m integer :: iret integer :: stderrunit stderrunit = stderr() iret=nf_get_var1_int(ncid, id, m, get_int) if (iret .ne. NF_NOERR) then write(stderrunit,'(a)') 'ocean_blob_util_mod, get_int: '& //'nf_get_var1_double failed reading' call error_mesg('ocean_blob_util_mod, get_int', & 'netcdf function returned a failure!', FATAL) endif end function get_int ! </FUNCTION> NAME="get_int" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="put_double"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Writes the value of a "double" variable to a netcdf file ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine put_double(ncid, varid, start, val) integer, intent(in) :: ncid, varid, start real, intent(in) :: val integer :: mret, mret1 character(len=31) :: varname integer :: stderrunit stderrunit = stderr() mret = nf_put_vara_double(ncid, varid, start, 1, val) if (mret .ne. NF_NOERR) then mret1 = nf_inq_varname(ncid, varid, varname) write(stderrunit,*) 'ocean_blob_util_mod, put_double: '& //'nf_put_vara_double failed writing'//trim(varname) write(stderrunit, '(a,i10)') 'Failed with error code: ', mret print *, 'ocean_blob_util_mod, put_double: '& //'nf_put_vara_double failed writing '//trim(varname) print *, 'Failed with error code: ', mret call give_error_code(mret) call error_mesg('ocean_blob_util_mod, put_double', & 'netcdf function returned a failure!', FATAL) endif end subroutine put_double ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="put_double" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="put_int"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Writes the value of an integer variable to a netcdf file ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine put_int(ncid, varid, start, val) integer, intent(in) :: ncid, varid, start, val integer :: mret, mret1 character(len=31) :: varname integer :: stderrunit stderrunit = stderr() mret = nf_put_vara_int(ncid, varid, start, 1, val) if (mret .ne. NF_NOERR) then mret1 = nf_inq_varname(ncid, varid, varname) write(stderrunit,*) 'ocean_blob_util_mod, put_int: '& //'nf_put_vara_int failed writing '//trim(varname) write(stderrunit, '(a,i10)') 'Failed with error code: ', mret print *, 'ocean_blob_util_mod, put_int: '& //'nf_put_vara_int failed writing '//trim(varname) print *, 'Failed with error code: ', mret call give_error_code(mret) call error_mesg('ocean_blob_util_mod, put_int', & 'netcdf function returned a failure!', FATAL) endif end subroutine put_int ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="put_int" !###################################################################### ! <FUNCTION NAME="def_var"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Defines a netcdf variable ! </DESCRIPTION> ! integer function def_var(ncid, var, ntype, idim) integer, intent(in) :: ncid integer, intent(in) :: ntype integer, intent(in) ::idim character(len=*), intent(in) :: var integer :: mret character(len=30) :: problem integer :: stderrunit stderrunit = stderr() mret = nf_def_var(ncid, var, ntype, 1, idim, def_var) if (mret .ne. NF_NOERR) then write(stderrunit,'(a,i4)') 'ocean_blob_util_mod, def_var: '//& 'nf_def_var failed for '//trim(var)//'with error code ',mret write(stderrunit,'(3x,a,i3)') 'error code = ',mret call give_error_code(mret) call error_mesg('ocean_blob_util_mod, '//trim(problem), & 'netcdf function returned a failure!', FATAL) endif end function def_var ! </FUNCTION> NAME="def_var" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="give_error_code"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Gives error descriptions for netcdf calls. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine give_error_code(retval) integer :: retval print *, ' ' if(retval == NF_EBADDIM) print *, 'Bad dimension' if(retval == NF_ENAMEINUSE) print *, 'Name already in use' if(retval == NF_ENOTVAR) print *, 'Not a variable' end subroutine give_error_code ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="give_error_code" !###################################################################### ! <FUNCTION NAME="hashfun"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Calculates the hash ! </DESCRIPTION> ! integer function hashfun(i,j,k) integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(in) :: j integer, intent(in) :: k hashfun = k + nk*j + Info%nk_nj*i end function hashfun ! </FUNCTION> NAME="hashfun" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="blob_util_end"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Does what is necessary to shut down the module. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine blob_util_end() nullify(Info) nullify(Grd) nullify(Dom) end subroutine blob_util_end ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="blob_util_end" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="check_ijcell"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Checks whether a blob (horizontally) resides in a grid cell or not. ! If it does not it figures out which direction the blob is in and ! checks the neighbouring grid cell, until it finds which grid cell ! the blob resides in. ! ! It uses a cross product technique from computational geometry ! (Cormen et al., 2001). ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine check_ijcell(dx, dy, i, j, h, a, lon, lat, off) real, intent(in) :: dx real, intent(in) :: dy integer, intent(inout) :: i integer, intent(inout) :: j real, dimension(2), intent(inout) :: h real, dimension(2), intent(in) :: a real, intent(out) :: lon real, intent(out) :: lat logical, dimension(2), intent(out) :: off real, dimension(2) :: b, a_b, b_ij, b_im1jm1, t_b logical :: check_north, check_south, check_east, check_west, doublecheck integer :: new_i, new_j integer :: stdoutunit stdoutunit = stdout() ! set default values check_north = .true. check_south = .true. check_east = .true. check_west = .true. doublecheck = .true. ! Update the blob longitude and latitude and calculate the required vectors a_b(1) = dx/h(1) a_b(2) = dy/h(2) a_b(:) = rad_to_deg*a_b(:) b(:) = a(:) + a_b(:) new_i = i new_j = j ! The verticies are indexed from southwest, anticlockwise ! 4-----3 U(i-1,j ) == im1j == 4 ! | | U(i ,j ) == ij == 3 ! | T | tracer cell, T(i,j) ! | a-+-b U(i j-1) == ijm1 == 2 ! 1-----2 U(i-1,j-1) == im1jm1 == 1 ! a is the start position of the blob and b is the end position checkcell: do while (doublecheck) doublecheck = .false. b_im1jm1(:) = vert_t(:,1,i,j) - b(:) b_ij(:) = vert_t(:,3,i,j) - b(:) t_b(1) = b(1) - xt(i,j) t_b(2) = b(2) - yt(i,j) if (check_north) then if( cross( t_im1j(:,i,j), t_b(:) ) < 0.0 .and. & !T=>i-1j x T =>b cross( t_ij(:,i,j), t_b(:) ) > 0.0 .and. & !T=>ij x T =>b cross( b_ij(:), ij_im1j(:,i,j) ) < 0.0 ) then !b=>ij x ij=>i-1j new_j=new_j+1 check_south = .false. doublecheck = .true. endif endif if (check_south) then if( cross( t_ijm1(:,i,j), t_b(:) ) < 0.0 .and. & !T=>ij-1 x T =>b cross( t_im1jm1(:,i,j), t_b(:) ) > 0.0 .and. & !b=>i-1j-1 x T =>b cross( b_im1jm1(:), im1jm1_ijm1(:,i,j) ) < 0.0 ) then !b=>i-1j-1 x i-1j-1=>ij-1 new_j=new_j-1 check_north = .false. doublecheck = .true. endif endif if (check_east) then if( cross( t_ij(:,i,j), t_b(:) ) < 0.0 .and. & !T=>ij x T =>b cross( t_ijm1(:,i,j), t_b(:) ) > 0.0 .and. & !T=>ij-1 x T =>b cross( b_ij(:), ij_ijm1(:,i,j) ) > 0.0 ) then !b=>ij x ij=>ij-1 new_i=new_i+1 check_west = .false. doublecheck = .true. endif endif if (check_west) then if( cross( t_im1jm1(:,i,j), t_b(:) ) < 0.0 .and. & !T=>i-1j-1 x T =>b cross( t_im1j(:,i,j), t_b(:) ) > 0.0 .and. & !T=>i-1j x T =>b cross( b_im1jm1(:), im1jm1_im1j(:,i,j) ) > 0.0) then !b=>i-1j-1 x i-1j-1=>i-1j new_i=new_i-1 check_east = .false. doublecheck = .true. endif endif if (new_i<isd .or. ied<new_i .or. new_j<jsd .or. jed<new_j) then if (bitwise_reproduction) then write (stdoutunit, '(a,i4,a,a,2(i4,a),a,4(i4,a))') & 'Error on pe ',Info%pe_this, ' a blob has gone outside the halo. ',& 'blobs (i,j) location = (',new_i,',',new_j,') ', & '(isd:ied,jsd:jed) = (',isd,':',ied,',',jsd,':',jed,')' call mpp_error(FATAL, & '==>Error in ocean_blob_util_mod (check_ijcell): ' & //'blob has gone outside of halo.') else b(:) = a(:) exit checkcell endif else i = new_i j = new_j endif enddo checkcell off(1:2) = .false. if (i<isc .or. iec<i) off(1) = .true. if (j<jsc .or. jec<j) off(2) = .true. lon = b(1) lat = b(2) contains !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! A nested function that does the cross product of two vectors of length! ! two. ! !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% pure function cross(vec1,vec2) real :: cross real, intent(in) :: vec1(2) real, intent(in) :: vec2(2) cross = vec1(1)*vec2(2) - vec1(2)*vec2(1) end function cross end subroutine check_ijcell ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="check_ijcell" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="check_kcell"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Searches for which (vertical) grid cell a blob resides in). ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine check_kcell(Time,Ext_mode,Thickness,geodepth,w,i,j,k,off) type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_external_mode_type), intent(in) :: Ext_mode type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness real, intent(in) :: geodepth real, intent(in) :: w integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(in) :: j integer, intent(inout) :: k logical, intent(out) :: off integer :: tau, increment logical :: foundk tau = Time%tau off = .false. foundk = .false. ! Check if the blob has gone out of bounds. This can happen even if ! a blob does not change from one k level to another. if (geodepth < -Ext_mode%eta_t(i,j,tau)) then k=1 off=.true. return elseif (geodepth > Grd%ht(i,j)) then k=Grd%kmt(i,j) off=.true. return endif ! Next, check if the blob remains in the same vertical k-level. if (k>1) then if (Thickness%geodepth_zwt(i,j,k-1) < geodepth .and. geodepth <= Thickness%geodepth_zwt(i,j,k)) foundk=.true. else if (-Ext_mode%eta_t(i,j,tau) < geodepth .and. geodepth <= Thickness%geodepth_zwt(i,j,k)) foundk=.true. endif if (foundk) then ! Because of the way that Thickness%geodepth_zwt is calculated, there !can be a very small discrepency with Grd%ht. So, we double check ! that the cell that we are in is actually a water cell. If it is not, ! and we have made it here, we know that ! Thickness%geodepth_zwt(k)<geodepth<=Grd%ht for some k<kmt. However, ! there can be circumstances where, due to the discrepency between ! geodepth_zwt and ht, we can have geodepth<Grd%ht and ! Thickness%geodepth_zwt(kmt)<geodepth<=Thickness%geodepth_zwt(kmt+1). ! In these cases we need to ensure that the blob is in the kmt cell and ! not kmt+1. if (k>Grd%kmt(i,j)) k=Grd%kmt(i,j) return endif ! Guess which direction to search based on the vertical velocity if(w>=0.0) then !up increment = -1 else !down increment = +1 endif kcycle: do k = k+increment if (k<2 .or. Grd%kmt(i,j)<k) exit kcycle !note: we need to treat the surface grid cell differently if (Thickness%geodepth_zwt(i,j,k-1) < geodepth .and. geodepth <= Thickness%geodepth_zwt(i,j,k)) return enddo kcycle ! Treating the surface cell k=1 if ( -Ext_mode%eta_t(i,j,tau) < geodepth .and. geodepth <= Thickness%geodepth_zwt(i,j,1)) return ! If we have made it this far then the search has not been successful, so, we take a brute ! force approach and do a full sweep of the water column from top to bottom column: do k=k+1 if (k>Grd%kmt(i,j)) exit column !something is wrong if (Thickness%geodepth_zwt(i,j,k-1) < geodepth .and. geodepth <= Thickness%geodepth_zwt(i,j,k)) return enddo column ! Somtimes, there can be really small differences between Thickness%geodepth_zwt(kmt) and Grd%ht. ! So, we check against Grd%ht before raising an error if (Thickness%geodepth_zwt(i,j,Grd%kmt(i,j))<geodepth .and. geodepth<=Grd%ht(i,j)) then k = Grd%kmt(i,j) return endif ! By now, we have covered all bases, so if we have made it this far, there is a problem with the logic ! of the search algorithm, so, we raise a fatal error call mpp_error(FATAL, 'ocean_blob_util_mod, check_kcell: Cannot find vertical cell for blob!') end subroutine check_kcell ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="check_kcell" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="kill_blob"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Kills a blob by returning all of its remaining properties to the E ! system. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine kill_blob(Thickness, T_prog, this, i, j, k) type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(inout) :: Thickness type(ocean_prog_tracer_type), intent(inout) :: T_prog(:) type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: this integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(in) :: j integer, intent(in) :: k integer :: n Thickness%blob_source(i,j) = Thickness%blob_source(i,j) & + datdtime_r(i,j)*this%mass this%mass = 0.0 do n=1,num_prog_tracers T_prog(n)%tend_blob(i,j,k) = T_prog(n)%tend_blob(i,j,k) & + this%tracer(n)*datdtime_r(i,j) this%tracer(n) = 0.0 enddo end subroutine kill_blob ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="kill_blob" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="free_blob_memory"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Frees the heap memory taken up by a blob. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine free_blob_memory(blob) type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: blob deallocate(blob) nullify(blob) end subroutine free_blob_memory ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="free_blob_memory" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="allocate_interaction_memory"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Allocates the history arrays for a blob (only used when ! bitwise_reproduction=.true. in the ocean_blob_nml). ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine allocate_interaction_memory(blob, total_ns) type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: blob integer, intent(in) :: total_ns allocate(blob%dtracer(num_prog_tracers)) if (bitwise_reproduction) then allocate(blob%di(0:total_ns)) allocate(blob%dj(0:total_ns)) allocate(blob%dk(0:total_ns)) allocate(blob%entrainment(1:total_ns,0:num_prog_tracers)) allocate(blob%detrainment(1:total_ns,0:num_prog_tracers)) allocate(blob%mass_in(1:total_ns)) allocate(blob%mass_out(0:total_ns)) endif end subroutine allocate_interaction_memory ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="allocate_interaction_memory" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="reallocate_interaction_memory"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Different blobs can have different history memory requirements. ! When they change from one type of blob to another, we need to change ! the memory allocated to a blob to reflect the new requirements. This ! is only necessary if bitwise_reproduction=.true. in the ocean_blob_nml. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine reallocate_interaction_memory(blob, head, total_ns) type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: blob type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: head integer, intent(in) :: total_ns type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: new_blob ! Allocate memory to the new blob allocate(new_blob) allocate(new_blob%tracer(num_prog_tracers)) allocate(new_blob%field( num_prog_tracers)) call allocate_interaction_memory(new_blob, total_ns) ! Copy the data from the old blob to the new blob new_blob%i = blob%i new_blob%j = blob%j new_blob%k = blob%k new_blob%m = blob%m new_blob%kdw = blob%kdw new_blob%kup = blob%kup new_blob%hash = blob%hash new_blob%number = blob%number new_blob%model_steps = blob%model_steps new_blob%nsteps = blob%nsteps new_blob%sink = blob%sink new_blob%new = blob%new new_blob%h1 = blob%h1 new_blob%h2 = blob%h2 new_blob%lat = blob%lat new_blob%lon = blob%lon new_blob%depth = blob%depth new_blob%geodepth = blob%geodepth new_blob%st = blob%st new_blob%mass = blob%mass new_blob%density = blob%density new_blob%densityr = blob%densityr new_blob%volume = blob%volume new_blob%tracer(:) = blob%tracer(:) new_blob%field(:) = blob%field(:) new_blob%step = blob%step new_blob%nfrac_steps = blob%nfrac_steps new_blob%v(:) = blob%v(:) ! Unlink the blob from the list, and link in the new blob new_blob%next => blob%next if(associated(new_blob%next)) new_blob%next%prev=>new_blob new_blob%prev => blob%prev if(associated(new_blob%prev)) then new_blob%prev%next=>new_blob else head=>new_blob endif ! Deallocate memory from the old blob call free_blob_memory(blob) ! Now point to the new bit of memory blob => new_blob end subroutine reallocate_interaction_memory ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="reallocate_interaction_memory" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="interp_tcoeff"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Used for the horizontal interpolation of T grid variables. The ! routine returns coefficients required for inverse distance ! weighting (Shephard, 1968). ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine interp_tcoeff(i, j, h, lon, lat, dsq_r) integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(in) :: j real, dimension(2), intent(in) :: h real, intent(in) :: lon real, intent(in) :: lat real, dimension(9), intent(out) :: dsq_r real, dimension(9) :: distance integer :: m, iit, jjt distance(:) = 0.0 ! We have special treatment for solid boundaries tcoeff: do m=1,Info%tidx(0,i,j) iit = i+Info%it(Info%tidx(m,i,j)) jjt = j+Info%jt(Info%tidx(m,i,j)) ! Calculate the distance from each point to the blob ! We do not need to include deg_to_rad because it cancels anyway distance(m) = onehalf & *sqrt( abs(lon-xt(iit,jjt))**2 * (h(1)+Info%ht(iit,jjt,1))**2 & +abs(lat-yt(iit,jjt))**2 * (h(2)+info%ht(iit,jjt,2))**2 ) if (distance(m)<epsln) then dsq_r(:) = 0.0 dsq_r(m) = 1.0 exit tcoeff endif ! Accumulate that distance dsq_r(m) = 1.0/distance(m)**2 enddo tcoeff end subroutine interp_tcoeff ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="interp_tcoeff" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="interp_ucoeff"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Used for the horizontal interpolation of U grid variables. The ! routine returns coefficients required for inverse distance ! weighting (Shephard, 1968). ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine interp_ucoeff(i, j, h, lon, lat, dsq_r) integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(in) :: j real, dimension(2), intent(in) :: h real, intent(in) :: lon real, intent(in) :: lat real, dimension(4), intent(out) :: dsq_r real, dimension(4) :: distance integer :: m, iiu, jju !Initialise some variables distance(:) = 0.0 ucoeff: do m=1,Info%uidx(0,i,j) iiu = i+Info%iu(Info%uidx(m,i,j)) jju = j+Info%ju(Info%uidx(m,i,j)) ! Calculate the distance from each point to the blob ! We do not need to include deg_to_rad because it cancels anyway distance(m) = onehalf & *sqrt( abs(lon-xu(iiu,jju))**2 * (h(1)+Info%hu(iiu,jju,1))**2 & +abs(lat-yu(iiu,jju))**2 * (h(2)+Info%hu(iiu,jju,2))**2 ) if (distance(m)<epsln) then dsq_r(:) = 0.0 dsq_r(m) = 1.0 exit ucoeff endif ! Accumulate that distance dsq_r(m) = 1.0/distance(m)**2 enddo ucoeff end subroutine interp_ucoeff ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="interp_ucoeff" !###################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="check_cyclic"> ! ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Checks and adjusts blob position and grid cell index ! for cylclic/periodic domains, as well as ! the Murray (1996) tripolar grid. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! subroutine check_cyclic(blob, i, j, adjust_latlon) type(ocean_blob_type), pointer :: blob integer, intent(inout) :: i integer, intent(inout) :: j logical, intent(in) :: adjust_latlon logical :: change_ij ! If we have a cyclic grid and a blob goes from one PE to another ! we need to reset its (i,j) coordinates and its (lon,lat). ! Same with the tripolar grid. Things get a bit more ! complicated if we cross the arctic bipolar fold. change_ij = .false. if (Grd%cyclic_x) then if (i<isg) then i = nig - i change_ij=.true. elseif (i>ieg) then i = i - nig change_ij=.true. endif endif if (Grd%cyclic_y) then if (j<jsg) then j = njg - j change_ij=.true. elseif (j>jeg) then j = j - njg change_ij=.true. endif elseif(Grd%tripolar) then if (j>jeg) then ! We have crossed the bipolar Arctic fold. ! We reset the i vlue to correspond to the ! opposing i value, and reset the j value ! to be jeg. ! See figure 4.6 of Griffies et al (2004) i = nip1 - i j = jeg ! If we cross the geographic north pole. if (blob%lat>90.) then blob%lat = 180-blob%lat blob%v(2) = -blob%v(2) endif if (adjust_latlon) then ! Handle the x-cyclic bit, if required if (blob%lon<Info%minlon(j)) then blob%lon = Info%maxlon(j) - modulo(Info%minlon(j),blob%lon) elseif(blob%lon>Info%maxlon(j)) then blob%lon = Info%minlon(j) + modulo(blob%lon,Info%maxlon(j)) endif endif endif endif if (adjust_latlon) then if (change_ij) then if (blob%lon<Info%minlon(j)) then blob%lon = Info%maxlon(j) - modulo(Info%minlon(j),blob%lon) elseif(blob%lon>Info%maxlon(j)) then blob%lon = Info%minlon(j) + modulo(blob%lon,Info%maxlon(j)) endif if (blob%lat<Info%minlat(i)) then blob%lat = Info%maxlat(i) - modulo(Info%minlat(i),blob%lat) elseif(blob%lat>Info%maxlat(i)) then blob%lat = Info%minlat(i) + modulo(blob%lat,Info%maxlat(i)) endif endif endif end subroutine check_cyclic ! </SUBROUTINE> NAME="check_cyclic" end module ocean_blob_util_mod
#ifndef T1 !T1:construct-independent,atomic,V:2.0-2.7 LOGICAL FUNCTION test1() IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "acc_testsuite.Fh" INTEGER :: x, y !Iterators REAL(8),DIMENSION(LOOPCOUNT, 10):: a !Data REAL(8),DIMENSION(LOOPCOUNT):: totals, totals_comparison INTEGER :: errors = 0 !Initilization SEEDDIM(1) = 1 # ifdef SEED SEEDDIM(1) = SEED # endif CALL RANDOM_SEED(PUT=SEEDDIM) CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(a) totals = 0 totals_comparison = 0 !$acc data copyin(a(1:LOOPCOUNT, 1:10)) copy(totals(1:LOOPCOUNT)) !$acc parallel !$acc loop DO x = 1, LOOPCOUNT DO y = 1, 10 !$acc atomic update totals(x) = totals(x) + a(x, y) END DO END DO !$acc end parallel !$acc end data DO x = 1, LOOPCOUNT DO y = 1, 10 totals_comparison(x) = totals_comparison(x) + a(x, y) END DO END DO DO x = 1, LOOPCOUNT IF (totals_comparison(x) .NE. totals(x)) THEN errors = errors + 1 WRITE(*, *) totals_comparison(x) END IF END DO IF (errors .eq. 0) THEN test1 = .FALSE. ELSE test1 = .TRUE. END IF END #endif PROGRAM main IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: failcode, testrun LOGICAL :: failed INCLUDE "acc_testsuite.Fh" #ifndef T1 LOGICAL :: test1 #endif failed = .FALSE. failcode = 0 #ifndef T1 DO testrun = 1, NUM_TEST_CALLS failed = failed .or. test1() END DO IF (failed) THEN failcode = failcode + 2 ** 0 failed = .FALSE. END IF #endif CALL EXIT (failcode) END PROGRAM
!------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine : ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Copyright (c) 2010 CSE Lab (ETH Zurich), MOSAIC Group (ETH Zurich), ! Center for Fluid Dynamics (DTU) ! ! FFTW plan wrapper for 3d arrays, 1d complex to complex ! (backward) FFT in the z direction ! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers !------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if __KIND == __SINGLE #define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z_s #define __PREC ppm_kind_single #elif __KIND == __DOUBLE #define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z_d #define __PREC ppm_kind_double #endif SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE(topoid,meshid,ppmplan,infield,outfield,info) !!! FFTW plan wrapper for 3d arrays, 1d complex to complex !!! (backward) FFT in the z direction !!! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers USE ppm_module_substart USE ppm_module_substop USE ppm_module_typedef USE ppm_module_topo_get USE ppm_module_write USE ppm_module_data,ONLY:ppm_rank,ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'fftw3.f' ! if debug check if dimensions are 2a 3b 5c 7d 11e 13f !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !!!topology identifier of target INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: topoid !!!id of the mesh INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: meshid !!!ppm fft plan type TYPE(ppm_fft_plan),INTENT(INOUT) :: ppmplan !!!input field to fourier transform !COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT) :: infield COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER :: infield !!!output field for the result of the fourier transform !COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT) :: outfield COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER :: outfield !!!Returns status, 0 upon success INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: info !in time perhaps an argument for alternate directions !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables !------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(__PREC) :: t0 INTEGER :: isub,isubl INTEGER :: nsubs INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER :: isublist TYPE(ppm_t_topo),POINTER :: topology TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh) :: mesh !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialise routine !------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL substart('ppm_fft_plan',t0,info) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get topology and mesh values !------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ppm_topo_get(topoid,topology,info) IF (info .NE. 0) THEN CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_plan','Failed to get topology.',isub) GOTO 9999 ENDIF nsubs = topology%nsublist ALLOCATE(isublist(nsubs)) DO isub=1,nsubs isublist(isub) = topology%isublist(isub) ENDDO mesh = topology%mesh(meshid) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Setup parameters for this particular routine !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !the dimension of the FFT (1D/2D/3D) ppmplan%rank=1 !the number of points along each direction of the piece to be transformed ALLOCATE(ppmplan%nx(ppmplan%rank,nsubs)) !the direction of the transform ppmplan%sign=FFTW_BACKWARD !the method to setup the optimal plan ppmplan%flag=FFTW_MEASURE !the number of components to transform - 3 component vector ppmplan%howmany=3 !the size of the input array - full size (assuming LBOUND=1 thus UBOUND) ALLOCATE(ppmplan%inembed(ppmplan%rank)) ppmplan%inembed(1) = UBOUND(infield,4) !the size of the output array - full size (assuming LBOUND=1 thus UBOUND) ALLOCATE(ppmplan%onembed(ppmplan%rank)) ppmplan%onembed(1) = UBOUND(outfield,4) !istride tells how the same componenet data points are spaced in memory !e.g. z values recur every x-dim*y-dim*component values ppmplan%istride = UBOUND(infield,2) *UBOUND(infield,3)*3 ppmplan%ostride = UBOUND(outfield,2)*UBOUND(outfield,3)*3 !idist tells how multiple arrays are spaced in memory. I.e. a memory !offset. e.g. vector components (idist=1) or scalar 2D arrays in !3D array(idist=NxNy) ppmplan%idist = 1 ppmplan%odist = 1 !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate plan array !------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(ASSOCIATED(ppmplan%plan)) THEN DEALLOCATE(ppmplan%plan,stat=info) IF (info .NE. 0) THEN CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_plan','Failed to deallocate plan-array.',isub) GOTO 9999 ENDIF END IF ALLOCATE(ppmplan%plan(nsubs)) DO isub=1,nsubs isubl=isublist(isub) !@ maybe the -1 needs to be removed when doing cell data !we subtract the -1 to avoid the periodic vertex point IF (topology%bcdef(3) .EQ. ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN !vertex ppmplan%nx(1,isub) = mesh%nm(3)-1 ELSE ppmplan%nx(1,isub) = mesh%nm(3) ENDIF CALL dfftw_plan_many_dft(ppmplan%plan(isub),ppmplan%rank,& & ppmplan%nx(:,isub),ppmplan%howmany,infield(1,1,1,1,isub),& & ppmplan%inembed(1),ppmplan%istride,ppmplan%idist,& & outfield(1,1,1,1,isub),ppmplan%onembed(1),ppmplan%ostride,& & ppmplan%odist,ppmplan%sign,ppmplan%flag) END DO !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Return !------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999 CONTINUE CALL substop('ppm_fft_plan',t0,info) RETURN END SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE #undef __ROUTINE #undef __PREC
c Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-11 Matteo Frigo c Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-11 Massachusetts Institute of Technology c c This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by c the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or c (at your option) any later version. c c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the c GNU General Public License for more details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License c along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software c Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c This is an example implementation of Fortran wisdom export/import c to/from a Fortran unit (file), exploiting the generic c dfftw_export_wisdom/dfftw_import_wisdom functions. c c We cannot compile this file into the FFTW library itself, lest all c FFTW-calling programs be required to link to the Fortran I/O c libraries. c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Strictly speaking, the '$' format specifier, which allows us to c write a character without a trailing newline, is not standard F77. c However, it seems to be a nearly universal extension. subroutine write_char(c, iunit) character c integer iunit write(iunit,321) c 321 format(a,$) end subroutine export_wisdom_to_file(iunit) integer iunit external write_char call dfftw_export_wisdom(write_char, iunit) end c Fortran 77 does not have any portable way to read an arbitrary c file one character at a time. The best alternative seems to be to c read a whole line into a buffer, since for fftw-exported wisdom we c can bound the line length. (If the file contains longer lines, c then the lines will be truncated and the wisdom import should c simply fail.) Ugh. subroutine read_char(ic, iunit) integer ic integer iunit character*256 buf save buf integer ibuf data ibuf/257/ save ibuf if (ibuf .lt. 257) then ic = ichar(buf(ibuf:ibuf)) ibuf = ibuf + 1 return endif read(iunit,123,end=666) buf ic = ichar(buf(1:1)) ibuf = 2 return 666 ic = -1 ibuf = 257 123 format(a256) end subroutine import_wisdom_from_file(isuccess, iunit) integer isuccess integer iunit external read_char call dfftw_import_wisdom(isuccess, read_char, iunit) end
#ifndef T1 !T1:serial,private,V:2.6-2.7 LOGICAL FUNCTION test1() IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "acc_testsuite.Fh" REAL(8),DIMENSION(LOOPCOUNT, 10):: a, b REAL(8),DIMENSION(LOOPCOUNT):: c REAL(8),DIMENSION(10):: d REAL(8):: temp INTEGER:: x, y INTEGER:: errors errors = 0 SEEDDIM(1) = 1 # ifdef SEED SEEDDIM(1) = SEED # endif CALL RANDOM_SEED(PUT=SEEDDIM) CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(a) CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(b) c = 0 d = 0 !$acc data copyin(a(1:LOOPCOUNT, 1:10), b(1:LOOPCOUNT, 1:10)) copy(d(1:10)) !$acc serial private(c(1:LOOPCOUNT)) !$acc loop gang DO y = 1, 10 !$acc loop worker DO x = 1, LOOPCOUNT c(x) = a(x, y) + b(x, y) END DO !$acc loop seq DO x = 1, LOOPCOUNT d(y) = d(y) + c(x) END DO END DO !$acc end serial !$acc end data DO y = 1, 10 temp = 0 DO x = 1, LOOPCOUNT temp = temp + (a(x, y) + b(x, y)) END DO IF (abs(d(x) - temp) .gt. (2 * PRECISION * LOOPCOUNT)) THEN errors = errors + 1 END IF END DO IF (errors .eq. 0) THEN test1 = .FALSE. ELSE test1 = .TRUE. END IF END #endif PROGRAM main IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: failcode, testrun LOGICAL :: failed INCLUDE "acc_testsuite.Fh" #ifndef T1 LOGICAL :: test1 #endif failed = .FALSE. failcode = 0 #ifndef T1 DO testrun = 1, NUM_TEST_CALLS failed = failed .or. test1() END DO IF (failed) THEN failcode = failcode + 2 ** 0 failed = .FALSE. END IF #endif CALL EXIT (failcode) END PROGRAM
subroutine dqags(f,a,b,epsabs,epsrel,result,abserr,neval,ier, * limit,lenw,last,iwork,work) c***begin prologue dqags c***date written 800101 (yymmdd) c***revision date 830518 (yymmdd) c***category no. h2a1a1 c***keywords automatic integrator, general-purpose, c (end-point) singularities, extrapolation, c globally adaptive c***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven c de doncker,elise,appl. math. & prog. div. - k.u.leuven c***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given c definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b), c hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy c abs(i-result).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)). c***description c c computation of a definite integral c standard fortran subroutine c double precision version c c c parameters c on entry c f - double precision c function subprogram defining the integrand c function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be c declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program. c c a - double precision c lower limit of integration c c b - double precision c upper limit of integration c c epsabs - double precision c absolute accuracy requested c epsrel - double precision c relative accuracy requested c if epsabs.le.0 c and*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28), c the routine will end with ier = 6. c c on return c result - double precision c approximation to the integral c c abserr - double precision c estimate of the modulus of the absolute error, c which should equal or exceed abs(i-result) c c neval - integer c number of integrand evaluations c c ier - integer c ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the c routine. it is assumed that the requested c accuracy has been achieved. c abnormal termination of the routine c the estimates for integral and error are c less reliable. it is assumed that the c requested accuracy has not been achieved. c error messages c ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed c has been achieved. one can allow more sub- c divisions by increasing the value of limit c (and taking the according dimension c adjustments into account. however, if c this yields no improvement it is advised c to analyze the integrand in order to c determine the integration difficulties. if c the position of a local difficulty can be c determined (e.g. singularity, c discontinuity within the interval) one c will probably gain from splitting up the c interval at this point and calling the c integrator on the subranges. if possible, c an appropriate special-purpose integrator c should be used, which is designed for c handling the type of difficulty involved. c = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is detec- c ted, which prevents the requested c tolerance from being achieved. c the error may be under-estimated. c = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour c occurs at some points of the integration c interval. c = 4 the algorithm does not converge. c roundoff error is detected in the c extrapolation table. it is presumed that c the requested tolerance cannot be c achieved, and that the returned result is c the best which can be obtained. c = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or c slowly convergent. it must be noted that c divergence can occur with any other value c of ier. c = 6 the input is invalid, because c (epsabs.le.0 and c*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28) c or or*4. c result, abserr, neval, last are set to c zero.except when limit or lenw is invalid, c iwork(1), work(limit*2+1) and c work(limit*3+1) are set to zero, work(1) c is set to a and work(limit+1) to b. c c dimensioning parameters c limit - integer c dimensioning parameter for iwork c limit determines the maximum number of subintervals c in the partition of the given integration interval c (a,b), c if, the routine will end with ier = 6. c c lenw - integer c dimensioning parameter for work c lenw must be at least limit*4. c if*4, the routine will end c with ier = 6. c c last - integer c on return, last equals the number of subintervals c produced in the subdivision process, detemines the c number of significant elements actually in the work c arrays. c c work arrays c iwork - integer c vector of dimension at least limit, the first k c elements of which contain pointers c to the error estimates over the subintervals c such that work(limit*3+iwork(1)),... , c work(limit*3+iwork(k)) form a decreasing c sequence, with k = last if last.le.(limit/2+2), c and k = limit+1-last otherwise c c work - double precision c vector of dimension at least lenw c on return c work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left c end-points of the subintervals in the c partition of (a,b), c work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain c the right end-points, c work(limit*2+1), ..., work(limit*2+last) contain c the integral approximations over the subintervals, c work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3+last) c contain the error estimates. c c***references (none) c***routines called dqagse,xerror c***end prologue dqags c c double precision a,abserr,b,epsabs,epsrel,f,result,work integer ier,iwork,last,lenw,limit,lvl,l1,l2,l3,neval c dimension iwork(limit),work(lenw) c external f c c check validity of limit and lenw. c c***first executable statement dqags ier = 6 neval = 0 last = 0 result = 0.0d+00 abserr = 0.0d+00 if(*4) go to 10 c c prepare call for dqagse. c l1 = limit+1 l2 = limit+l1 l3 = limit+l2 c call dqagse(f,a,b,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr,neval, * ier,work(1),work(l1),work(l2),work(l3),iwork,last) c c call error handler if necessary. c lvl = 0 10 if(ier.eq.6) lvl = 1 if( call xerror('abnormal return from dqags',26,ier,lvl) return end
*> \brief \b CLARFB * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download CLARFB + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE CLARFB( SIDE, TRANS, DIRECT, STOREV, M, N, K, V, LDV, * T, LDT, C, LDC, WORK, LDWORK ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * CHARACTER DIRECT, SIDE, STOREV, TRANS * INTEGER K, LDC, LDT, LDV, LDWORK, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * COMPLEX C( LDC, * ), T( LDT, * ), V( LDV, * ), * $ WORK( LDWORK, * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> CLARFB applies a complex block reflector H or its transpose H**H to a *> complex M-by-N matrix C, from either the left or the right. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] SIDE *> \verbatim *> SIDE is CHARACTER*1 *> = 'L': apply H or H**H from the Left *> = 'R': apply H or H**H from the Right *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] TRANS *> \verbatim *> TRANS is CHARACTER*1 *> = 'N': apply H (No transpose) *> = 'C': apply H**H (Conjugate transpose) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] DIRECT *> \verbatim *> DIRECT is CHARACTER*1 *> Indicates how H is formed from a product of elementary *> reflectors *> = 'F': H = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k) (Forward) *> = 'B': H = H(k) . . . H(2) H(1) (Backward) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] STOREV *> \verbatim *> STOREV is CHARACTER*1 *> Indicates how the vectors which define the elementary *> reflectors are stored: *> = 'C': Columnwise *> = 'R': Rowwise *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] M *> \verbatim *> M is INTEGER *> The number of rows of the matrix C. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The number of columns of the matrix C. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] K *> \verbatim *> K is INTEGER *> The order of the matrix T (= the number of elementary *> reflectors whose product defines the block reflector). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] V *> \verbatim *> V is COMPLEX array, dimension *> (LDV,K) if STOREV = 'C' *> (LDV,M) if STOREV = 'R' and SIDE = 'L' *> (LDV,N) if STOREV = 'R' and SIDE = 'R' *> The matrix V. See Further Details. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDV *> \verbatim *> LDV is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array V. *> If STOREV = 'C' and SIDE = 'L', LDV >= max(1,M); *> if STOREV = 'C' and SIDE = 'R', LDV >= max(1,N); *> if STOREV = 'R', LDV >= K. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] T *> \verbatim *> T is COMPLEX array, dimension (LDT,K) *> The triangular K-by-K matrix T in the representation of the *> block reflector. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDT *> \verbatim *> LDT is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array T. LDT >= K. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] C *> \verbatim *> C is COMPLEX array, dimension (LDC,N) *> On entry, the M-by-N matrix C. *> On exit, C is overwritten by H*C or H**H*C or C*H or C*H**H. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDC *> \verbatim *> LDC is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array C. LDC >= max(1,M). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] WORK *> \verbatim *> WORK is COMPLEX array, dimension (LDWORK,K) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDWORK *> \verbatim *> LDWORK is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array WORK. *> If SIDE = 'L', LDWORK >= max(1,N); *> if SIDE = 'R', LDWORK >= max(1,M). *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date November 2011 * *> \ingroup complexOTHERauxiliary * *> \par Further Details: * ===================== *> *> \verbatim *> *> The shape of the matrix V and the storage of the vectors which define *> the H(i) is best illustrated by the following example with n = 5 and *> k = 3. The elements equal to 1 are not stored; the corresponding *> array elements are modified but restored on exit. The rest of the *> array is not used. *> *> DIRECT = 'F' and STOREV = 'C': DIRECT = 'F' and STOREV = 'R': *> *> V = ( 1 ) V = ( 1 v1 v1 v1 v1 ) *> ( v1 1 ) ( 1 v2 v2 v2 ) *> ( v1 v2 1 ) ( 1 v3 v3 ) *> ( v1 v2 v3 ) *> ( v1 v2 v3 ) *> *> DIRECT = 'B' and STOREV = 'C': DIRECT = 'B' and STOREV = 'R': *> *> V = ( v1 v2 v3 ) V = ( v1 v1 1 ) *> ( v1 v2 v3 ) ( v2 v2 v2 1 ) *> ( 1 v2 v3 ) ( v3 v3 v3 v3 1 ) *> ( 1 v3 ) *> ( 1 ) *> \endverbatim *> * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE CLARFB( SIDE, TRANS, DIRECT, STOREV, M, N, K, V, LDV, $ T, LDT, C, LDC, WORK, LDWORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.4.0) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * November 2011 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER DIRECT, SIDE, STOREV, TRANS INTEGER K, LDC, LDT, LDV, LDWORK, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX C( LDC, * ), T( LDT, * ), V( LDV, * ), $ WORK( LDWORK, * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. COMPLEX ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = ( 1.0E+0, 0.0E+0 ) ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. CHARACTER TRANST INTEGER I, J, LASTV, LASTC * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME INTEGER ILACLR, ILACLC EXTERNAL LSAME, ILACLR, ILACLC * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CCOPY, CGEMM, CLACGV, CTRMM * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC CONJG * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( M.LE.0 .OR. N.LE.0 ) $ RETURN * IF( LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) ) THEN TRANST = 'C' ELSE TRANST = 'N' END IF * IF( LSAME( STOREV, 'C' ) ) THEN * IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) THEN * * Let V = ( V1 ) (first K rows) * ( V2 ) * where V1 is unit lower triangular. * IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) THEN * * Form H * C or H**H * C where C = ( C1 ) * ( C2 ) * LASTV = MAX( K, ILACLR( M, K, V, LDV ) ) LASTC = ILACLC( LASTV, N, C, LDC ) * * W := C**H * V = (C1**H * V1 + C2**H * V2) (stored in WORK) * * W := C1**H * DO 10 J = 1, K CALL CCOPY( LASTC, C( J, 1 ), LDC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) CALL CLACGV( LASTC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 10 CONTINUE * * W := W * V1 * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C2**H *V2 * CALL CGEMM( 'Conjugate transpose', 'No transpose', $ LASTC, K, LASTV-K, ONE, C( K+1, 1 ), LDC, $ V( K+1, 1 ), LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T**H or W * T * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', TRANST, 'Non-unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - V * W**H * IF( M.GT.K ) THEN * * C2 := C2 - V2 * W**H * CALL CGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Conjugate transpose', $ LASTV-K, LASTC, K, -ONE, V( K+1, 1 ), LDV, $ WORK, LDWORK, ONE, C( K+1, 1 ), LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V1**H * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Unit', LASTC, K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C1 := C1 - W**H * DO 30 J = 1, K DO 20 I = 1, LASTC C( J, I ) = C( J, I ) - CONJG( WORK( I, J ) ) 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) THEN * * Form C * H or C * H**H where C = ( C1 C2 ) * LASTV = MAX( K, ILACLR( N, K, V, LDV ) ) LASTC = ILACLR( M, LASTV, C, LDC ) * * W := C * V = (C1*V1 + C2*V2) (stored in WORK) * * W := C1 * DO 40 J = 1, K CALL CCOPY( LASTC, C( 1, J ), 1, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 40 CONTINUE * * W := W * V1 * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C2 * V2 * CALL CGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', $ LASTC, K, LASTV-K, $ ONE, C( 1, K+1 ), LDC, V( K+1, 1 ), LDV, $ ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T or W * T**H * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', TRANS, 'Non-unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - W * V**H * IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * C2 := C2 - W * V2**H * CALL CGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Conjugate transpose', $ LASTC, LASTV-K, K, $ -ONE, WORK, LDWORK, V( K+1, 1 ), LDV, $ ONE, C( 1, K+1 ), LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V1**H * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Unit', LASTC, K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C1 := C1 - W * DO 60 J = 1, K DO 50 I = 1, LASTC C( I, J ) = C( I, J ) - WORK( I, J ) 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE END IF * ELSE * * Let V = ( V1 ) * ( V2 ) (last K rows) * where V2 is unit upper triangular. * IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) THEN * * Form H * C or H**H * C where C = ( C1 ) * ( C2 ) * LASTV = MAX( K, ILACLR( M, K, V, LDV ) ) LASTC = ILACLC( LASTV, N, C, LDC ) * * W := C**H * V = (C1**H * V1 + C2**H * V2) (stored in WORK) * * W := C2**H * DO 70 J = 1, K CALL CCOPY( LASTC, C( LASTV-K+J, 1 ), LDC, $ WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) CALL CLACGV( LASTC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 70 CONTINUE * * W := W * V2 * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, V( LASTV-K+1, 1 ), LDV, $ WORK, LDWORK ) IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C1**H*V1 * CALL CGEMM( 'Conjugate transpose', 'No transpose', $ LASTC, K, LASTV-K, ONE, C, LDC, V, LDV, $ ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T**H or W * T * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', TRANST, 'Non-unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - V * W**H * IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * C1 := C1 - V1 * W**H * CALL CGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Conjugate transpose', $ LASTV-K, LASTC, K, -ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK, $ ONE, C, LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V2**H * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Unit', LASTC, K, ONE, V( LASTV-K+1, 1 ), LDV, $ WORK, LDWORK ) * * C2 := C2 - W**H * DO 90 J = 1, K DO 80 I = 1, LASTC C( LASTV-K+J, I ) = C( LASTV-K+J, I ) - $ CONJG( WORK( I, J ) ) 80 CONTINUE 90 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) THEN * * Form C * H or C * H**H where C = ( C1 C2 ) * LASTV = MAX( K, ILACLR( N, K, V, LDV ) ) LASTC = ILACLR( M, LASTV, C, LDC ) * * W := C * V = (C1*V1 + C2*V2) (stored in WORK) * * W := C2 * DO 100 J = 1, K CALL CCOPY( LASTC, C( 1, LASTV-K+J ), 1, $ WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 100 CONTINUE * * W := W * V2 * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, V( LASTV-K+1, 1 ), LDV, $ WORK, LDWORK ) IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C1 * V1 * CALL CGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', $ LASTC, K, LASTV-K, $ ONE, C, LDC, V, LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T or W * T**H * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', TRANS, 'Non-unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - W * V**H * IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * C1 := C1 - W * V1**H * CALL CGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Conjugate transpose', $ LASTC, LASTV-K, K, -ONE, WORK, LDWORK, V, LDV, $ ONE, C, LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V2**H * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Unit', LASTC, K, ONE, V( LASTV-K+1, 1 ), LDV, $ WORK, LDWORK ) * * C2 := C2 - W * DO 120 J = 1, K DO 110 I = 1, LASTC C( I, LASTV-K+J ) = C( I, LASTV-K+J ) $ - WORK( I, J ) 110 CONTINUE 120 CONTINUE END IF END IF * ELSE IF( LSAME( STOREV, 'R' ) ) THEN * IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) THEN * * Let V = ( V1 V2 ) (V1: first K columns) * where V1 is unit upper triangular. * IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) THEN * * Form H * C or H**H * C where C = ( C1 ) * ( C2 ) * LASTV = MAX( K, ILACLC( K, M, V, LDV ) ) LASTC = ILACLC( LASTV, N, C, LDC ) * * W := C**H * V**H = (C1**H * V1**H + C2**H * V2**H) (stored in WORK) * * W := C1**H * DO 130 J = 1, K CALL CCOPY( LASTC, C( J, 1 ), LDC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) CALL CLACGV( LASTC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 130 CONTINUE * * W := W * V1**H * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Unit', LASTC, K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C2**H*V2**H * CALL CGEMM( 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Conjugate transpose', LASTC, K, LASTV-K, $ ONE, C( K+1, 1 ), LDC, V( 1, K+1 ), LDV, $ ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T**H or W * T * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', TRANST, 'Non-unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - V**H * W**H * IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * C2 := C2 - V2**H * W**H * CALL CGEMM( 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Conjugate transpose', LASTV-K, LASTC, K, $ -ONE, V( 1, K+1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK, $ ONE, C( K+1, 1 ), LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V1 * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C1 := C1 - W**H * DO 150 J = 1, K DO 140 I = 1, LASTC C( J, I ) = C( J, I ) - CONJG( WORK( I, J ) ) 140 CONTINUE 150 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) THEN * * Form C * H or C * H**H where C = ( C1 C2 ) * LASTV = MAX( K, ILACLC( K, N, V, LDV ) ) LASTC = ILACLR( M, LASTV, C, LDC ) * * W := C * V**H = (C1*V1**H + C2*V2**H) (stored in WORK) * * W := C1 * DO 160 J = 1, K CALL CCOPY( LASTC, C( 1, J ), 1, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 160 CONTINUE * * W := W * V1**H * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Unit', LASTC, K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C2 * V2**H * CALL CGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Conjugate transpose', $ LASTC, K, LASTV-K, ONE, C( 1, K+1 ), LDC, $ V( 1, K+1 ), LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T or W * T**H * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', TRANS, 'Non-unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - W * V * IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * C2 := C2 - W * V2 * CALL CGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', $ LASTC, LASTV-K, K, $ -ONE, WORK, LDWORK, V( 1, K+1 ), LDV, $ ONE, C( 1, K+1 ), LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V1 * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C1 := C1 - W * DO 180 J = 1, K DO 170 I = 1, LASTC C( I, J ) = C( I, J ) - WORK( I, J ) 170 CONTINUE 180 CONTINUE * END IF * ELSE * * Let V = ( V1 V2 ) (V2: last K columns) * where V2 is unit lower triangular. * IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) THEN * * Form H * C or H**H * C where C = ( C1 ) * ( C2 ) * LASTV = MAX( K, ILACLC( K, M, V, LDV ) ) LASTC = ILACLC( LASTV, N, C, LDC ) * * W := C**H * V**H = (C1**H * V1**H + C2**H * V2**H) (stored in WORK) * * W := C2**H * DO 190 J = 1, K CALL CCOPY( LASTC, C( LASTV-K+J, 1 ), LDC, $ WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) CALL CLACGV( LASTC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 190 CONTINUE * * W := W * V2**H * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Unit', LASTC, K, ONE, V( 1, LASTV-K+1 ), LDV, $ WORK, LDWORK ) IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C1**H * V1**H * CALL CGEMM( 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Conjugate transpose', LASTC, K, LASTV-K, $ ONE, C, LDC, V, LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T**H or W * T * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', TRANST, 'Non-unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - V**H * W**H * IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * C1 := C1 - V1**H * W**H * CALL CGEMM( 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Conjugate transpose', LASTV-K, LASTC, K, $ -ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK, ONE, C, LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V2 * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, V( 1, LASTV-K+1 ), LDV, $ WORK, LDWORK ) * * C2 := C2 - W**H * DO 210 J = 1, K DO 200 I = 1, LASTC C( LASTV-K+J, I ) = C( LASTV-K+J, I ) - $ CONJG( WORK( I, J ) ) 200 CONTINUE 210 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) THEN * * Form C * H or C * H**H where C = ( C1 C2 ) * LASTV = MAX( K, ILACLC( K, N, V, LDV ) ) LASTC = ILACLR( M, LASTV, C, LDC ) * * W := C * V**H = (C1*V1**H + C2*V2**H) (stored in WORK) * * W := C2 * DO 220 J = 1, K CALL CCOPY( LASTC, C( 1, LASTV-K+J ), 1, $ WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 220 CONTINUE * * W := W * V2**H * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Unit', LASTC, K, ONE, V( 1, LASTV-K+1 ), LDV, $ WORK, LDWORK ) IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C1 * V1**H * CALL CGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Conjugate transpose', $ LASTC, K, LASTV-K, ONE, C, LDC, V, LDV, ONE, $ WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T or W * T**H * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', TRANS, 'Non-unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - W * V * IF( LASTV.GT.K ) THEN * * C1 := C1 - W * V1 * CALL CGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', $ LASTC, LASTV-K, K, -ONE, WORK, LDWORK, V, LDV, $ ONE, C, LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V2 * CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', $ LASTC, K, ONE, V( 1, LASTV-K+1 ), LDV, $ WORK, LDWORK ) * * C1 := C1 - W * DO 240 J = 1, K DO 230 I = 1, LASTC C( I, LASTV-K+J ) = C( I, LASTV-K+J ) $ - WORK( I, J ) 230 CONTINUE 240 CONTINUE * END IF * END IF END IF * RETURN * * End of CLARFB * END
SUBROUTINE SGTTRS( TRANS, N, NRHS, DL, D, DU, DU2, IPIV, B, LDB, $ INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * November 2006 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER TRANS INTEGER INFO, LDB, N, NRHS * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPIV( * ) REAL B( LDB, * ), D( * ), DL( * ), DU( * ), DU2( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * SGTTRS solves one of the systems of equations * A*X = B or A**T*X = B, * with a tridiagonal matrix A using the LU factorization computed * by SGTTRF. * * Arguments * ========= * * TRANS (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the form of the system of equations. * = 'N': A * X = B (No transpose) * = 'T': A**T* X = B (Transpose) * = 'C': A**T* X = B (Conjugate transpose = Transpose) * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. * * NRHS (input) INTEGER * The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns * of the matrix B. NRHS >= 0. * * DL (input) REAL array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) multipliers that define the matrix L from the * LU factorization of A. * * D (input) REAL array, dimension (N) * The n diagonal elements of the upper triangular matrix U from * the LU factorization of A. * * DU (input) REAL array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) elements of the first super-diagonal of U. * * DU2 (input) REAL array, dimension (N-2) * The (n-2) elements of the second super-diagonal of U. * * IPIV (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N) * The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= n, row i of the matrix was * interchanged with row IPIV(i). IPIV(i) will always be either * i or i+1; IPIV(i) = i indicates a row interchange was not * required. * * B (input/output) REAL array, dimension (LDB,NRHS) * On entry, the matrix of right hand side vectors B. * On exit, B is overwritten by the solution vectors X. * * LDB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N). * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL NOTRAN INTEGER ITRANS, J, JB, NB * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER ILAENV EXTERNAL ILAENV * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL SGTTS2, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 NOTRAN = ( TRANS.EQ.'N' .OR. TRANS.EQ.'n' ) IF( .NOT.NOTRAN .AND. .NOT.( TRANS.EQ.'T' .OR. TRANS.EQ. $ 't' ) .AND. .NOT.( TRANS.EQ.'C' .OR. TRANS.EQ.'c' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( NRHS.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( LDB.LT.MAX( N, 1 ) ) THEN INFO = -10 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'SGTTRS', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 .OR. NRHS.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Decode TRANS * IF( NOTRAN ) THEN ITRANS = 0 ELSE ITRANS = 1 END IF * * Determine the number of right-hand sides to solve at a time. * IF( NRHS.EQ.1 ) THEN NB = 1 ELSE NB = MAX( 1, ILAENV( 1, 'SGTTRS', TRANS, N, NRHS, -1, -1 ) ) END IF * IF( NB.GE.NRHS ) THEN CALL SGTTS2( ITRANS, N, NRHS, DL, D, DU, DU2, IPIV, B, LDB ) ELSE DO 10 J = 1, NRHS, NB JB = MIN( NRHS-J+1, NB ) CALL SGTTS2( ITRANS, N, JB, DL, D, DU, DU2, IPIV, B( 1, J ), $ LDB ) 10 CONTINUE END IF * * End of SGTTRS * END
SUBROUTINE SLASD8( ICOMPQ, K, D, Z, VF, VL, DIFL, DIFR, LDDIFR, $ DSIGMA, WORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.3.0) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * November 2010 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER ICOMPQ, INFO, K, LDDIFR * .. * .. Array Arguments .. REAL D( * ), DIFL( * ), DIFR( LDDIFR, * ), $ DSIGMA( * ), VF( * ), VL( * ), WORK( * ), $ Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * SLASD8 finds the square roots of the roots of the secular equation, * as defined by the values in DSIGMA and Z. It makes the appropriate * calls to SLASD4, and stores, for each element in D, the distance * to its two nearest poles (elements in DSIGMA). It also updates * the arrays VF and VL, the first and last components of all the * right singular vectors of the original bidiagonal matrix. * * SLASD8 is called from SLASD6. * * Arguments * ========= * * ICOMPQ (input) INTEGER * Specifies whether singular vectors are to be computed in * factored form in the calling routine: * = 0: Compute singular values only. * = 1: Compute singular vectors in factored form as well. * * K (input) INTEGER * The number of terms in the rational function to be solved * by SLASD4. K >= 1. * * D (output) REAL array, dimension ( K ) * On output, D contains the updated singular values. * * Z (input/output) REAL array, dimension ( K ) * On entry, the first K elements of this array contain the * components of the deflation-adjusted updating row vector. * On exit, Z is updated. * * VF (input/output) REAL array, dimension ( K ) * On entry, VF contains information passed through DBEDE8. * On exit, VF contains the first K components of the first * components of all right singular vectors of the bidiagonal * matrix. * * VL (input/output) REAL array, dimension ( K ) * On entry, VL contains information passed through DBEDE8. * On exit, VL contains the first K components of the last * components of all right singular vectors of the bidiagonal * matrix. * * DIFL (output) REAL array, dimension ( K ) * On exit, DIFL(I) = D(I) - DSIGMA(I). * * DIFR (output) REAL array, * dimension ( LDDIFR, 2 ) if ICOMPQ = 1 and * dimension ( K ) if ICOMPQ = 0. * On exit, DIFR(I,1) = D(I) - DSIGMA(I+1), DIFR(K,1) is not * defined and will not be referenced. * * If ICOMPQ = 1, DIFR(1:K,2) is an array containing the * normalizing factors for the right singular vector matrix. * * LDDIFR (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of DIFR, must be at least K. * * DSIGMA (input/output) REAL array, dimension ( K ) * On entry, the first K elements of this array contain the old * roots of the deflated updating problem. These are the poles * of the secular equation. * On exit, the elements of DSIGMA may be very slightly altered * in value. * * WORK (workspace) REAL array, dimension at least 3 * K * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit. * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * > 0: if INFO = 1, a singular value did not converge * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of * California at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IWK1, IWK2, IWK2I, IWK3, IWK3I, J REAL DIFLJ, DIFRJ, DJ, DSIGJ, DSIGJP, RHO, TEMP * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL SCOPY, SLASCL, SLASD4, SLASET, XERBLA * .. * .. External Functions .. REAL SDOT, SLAMC3, SNRM2 EXTERNAL SDOT, SLAMC3, SNRM2 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SIGN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 * IF( ( ICOMPQ.LT.0 ) .OR. ( ICOMPQ.GT.1 ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( K.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDDIFR.LT.K ) THEN INFO = -9 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'SLASD8', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( K.EQ.1 ) THEN D( 1 ) = ABS( Z( 1 ) ) DIFL( 1 ) = D( 1 ) IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.1 ) THEN DIFL( 2 ) = ONE DIFR( 1, 2 ) = ONE END IF RETURN END IF * * Modify values DSIGMA(i) to make sure all DSIGMA(i)-DSIGMA(j) can * be computed with high relative accuracy (barring over/underflow). * This is a problem on machines without a guard digit in * add/subtract (Cray XMP, Cray YMP, Cray C 90 and Cray 2). * The following code replaces DSIGMA(I) by 2*DSIGMA(I)-DSIGMA(I), * which on any of these machines zeros out the bottommost * bit of DSIGMA(I) if it is 1; this makes the subsequent * subtractions DSIGMA(I)-DSIGMA(J) unproblematic when cancellation * occurs. On binary machines with a guard digit (almost all * machines) it does not change DSIGMA(I) at all. On hexadecimal * and decimal machines with a guard digit, it slightly * changes the bottommost bits of DSIGMA(I). It does not account * for hexadecimal or decimal machines without guard digits * (we know of none). We use a subroutine call to compute * 2*DLAMBDA(I) to prevent optimizing compilers from eliminating * this code. * DO 10 I = 1, K DSIGMA( I ) = SLAMC3( DSIGMA( I ), DSIGMA( I ) ) - DSIGMA( I ) 10 CONTINUE * * Book keeping. * IWK1 = 1 IWK2 = IWK1 + K IWK3 = IWK2 + K IWK2I = IWK2 - 1 IWK3I = IWK3 - 1 * * Normalize Z. * RHO = SNRM2( K, Z, 1 ) CALL SLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, RHO, ONE, K, 1, Z, K, INFO ) RHO = RHO*RHO * * Initialize WORK(IWK3). * CALL SLASET( 'A', K, 1, ONE, ONE, WORK( IWK3 ), K ) * * Compute the updated singular values, the arrays DIFL, DIFR, * and the updated Z. * DO 40 J = 1, K CALL SLASD4( K, J, DSIGMA, Z, WORK( IWK1 ), RHO, D( J ), $ WORK( IWK2 ), INFO ) * * If the root finder fails, the computation is terminated. * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'SLASD4', -INFO ) RETURN END IF WORK( IWK3I+J ) = WORK( IWK3I+J )*WORK( J )*WORK( IWK2I+J ) DIFL( J ) = -WORK( J ) DIFR( J, 1 ) = -WORK( J+1 ) DO 20 I = 1, J - 1 WORK( IWK3I+I ) = WORK( IWK3I+I )*WORK( I )* $ WORK( IWK2I+I ) / ( DSIGMA( I )- $ DSIGMA( J ) ) / ( DSIGMA( I )+ $ DSIGMA( J ) ) 20 CONTINUE DO 30 I = J + 1, K WORK( IWK3I+I ) = WORK( IWK3I+I )*WORK( I )* $ WORK( IWK2I+I ) / ( DSIGMA( I )- $ DSIGMA( J ) ) / ( DSIGMA( I )+ $ DSIGMA( J ) ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE * * Compute updated Z. * DO 50 I = 1, K Z( I ) = SIGN( SQRT( ABS( WORK( IWK3I+I ) ) ), Z( I ) ) 50 CONTINUE * * Update VF and VL. * DO 80 J = 1, K DIFLJ = DIFL( J ) DJ = D( J ) DSIGJ = -DSIGMA( J ) IF( J.LT.K ) THEN DIFRJ = -DIFR( J, 1 ) DSIGJP = -DSIGMA( J+1 ) END IF WORK( J ) = -Z( J ) / DIFLJ / ( DSIGMA( J )+DJ ) DO 60 I = 1, J - 1 WORK( I ) = Z( I ) / ( SLAMC3( DSIGMA( I ), DSIGJ )-DIFLJ ) $ / ( DSIGMA( I )+DJ ) 60 CONTINUE DO 70 I = J + 1, K WORK( I ) = Z( I ) / ( SLAMC3( DSIGMA( I ), DSIGJP )+DIFRJ ) $ / ( DSIGMA( I )+DJ ) 70 CONTINUE TEMP = SNRM2( K, WORK, 1 ) WORK( IWK2I+J ) = SDOT( K, WORK, 1, VF, 1 ) / TEMP WORK( IWK3I+J ) = SDOT( K, WORK, 1, VL, 1 ) / TEMP IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.1 ) THEN DIFR( J, 2 ) = TEMP END IF 80 CONTINUE * CALL SCOPY( K, WORK( IWK2 ), 1, VF, 1 ) CALL SCOPY( K, WORK( IWK3 ), 1, VL, 1 ) * RETURN * * End of SLASD8 * END
*> \brief \b CSPR performs the symmetrical rank-1 update of a complex symmetric packed matrix. * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download CSPR + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE CSPR( UPLO, N, ALPHA, X, INCX, AP ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * CHARACTER UPLO * INTEGER INCX, N * COMPLEX ALPHA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * COMPLEX AP( * ), X( * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> CSPR performs the symmetric rank 1 operation *> *> A := alpha*x*x**H + A, *> *> where alpha is a complex scalar, x is an n element vector and A is an *> n by n symmetric matrix, supplied in packed form. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] UPLO *> \verbatim *> UPLO is CHARACTER*1 *> On entry, UPLO specifies whether the upper or lower *> triangular part of the matrix A is supplied in the packed *> array AP as follows: *> *> UPLO = 'U' or 'u' The upper triangular part of A is *> supplied in AP. *> *> UPLO = 'L' or 'l' The lower triangular part of A is *> supplied in AP. *> *> Unchanged on exit. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A. *> N must be at least zero. *> Unchanged on exit. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] ALPHA *> \verbatim *> ALPHA is COMPLEX *> On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha. *> Unchanged on exit. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] X *> \verbatim *> X is COMPLEX array, dimension at least *> ( 1 + ( N - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ). *> Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the N- *> element vector x. *> Unchanged on exit. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] INCX *> \verbatim *> INCX is INTEGER *> On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of *> X. INCX must not be zero. *> Unchanged on exit. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] AP *> \verbatim *> AP is COMPLEX array, dimension at least *> ( ( N*( N + 1 ) )/2 ). *> Before entry, with UPLO = 'U' or 'u', the array AP must *> contain the upper triangular part of the symmetric matrix *> packed sequentially, column by column, so that AP( 1 ) *> contains a( 1, 1 ), AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 1, 2 ) *> and a( 2, 2 ) respectively, and so on. On exit, the array *> AP is overwritten by the upper triangular part of the *> updated matrix. *> Before entry, with UPLO = 'L' or 'l', the array AP must *> contain the lower triangular part of the symmetric matrix *> packed sequentially, column by column, so that AP( 1 ) *> contains a( 1, 1 ), AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 2, 1 ) *> and a( 3, 1 ) respectively, and so on. On exit, the array *> AP is overwritten by the lower triangular part of the *> updated matrix. *> Note that the imaginary parts of the diagonal elements need *> not be set, they are assumed to be zero, and on exit they *> are set to zero. *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date September 2012 * *> \ingroup complexOTHERauxiliary * * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE CSPR( UPLO, N, ALPHA, X, INCX, AP ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.4.2) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * September 2012 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER INCX, N COMPLEX ALPHA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX AP( * ), X( * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. COMPLEX ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = ( 0.0E+0, 0.0E+0 ) ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, INFO, IX, J, JX, K, KK, KX COMPLEX TEMP * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 IF( .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = 1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = 2 ELSE IF( INCX.EQ.0 ) THEN INFO = 5 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CSPR ', INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible. * IF( ( N.EQ.0 ) .OR. ( ALPHA.EQ.ZERO ) ) $ RETURN * * Set the start point in X if the increment is not unity. * IF( INCX.LE.0 ) THEN KX = 1 - ( N-1 )*INCX ELSE IF( INCX.NE.1 ) THEN KX = 1 END IF * * Start the operations. In this version the elements of the array AP * are accessed sequentially with one pass through AP. * KK = 1 IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN * * Form A when upper triangle is stored in AP. * IF( INCX.EQ.1 ) THEN DO 20 J = 1, N IF( X( J ).NE.ZERO ) THEN TEMP = ALPHA*X( J ) K = KK DO 10 I = 1, J - 1 AP( K ) = AP( K ) + X( I )*TEMP K = K + 1 10 CONTINUE AP( KK+J-1 ) = AP( KK+J-1 ) + X( J )*TEMP ELSE AP( KK+J-1 ) = AP( KK+J-1 ) END IF KK = KK + J 20 CONTINUE ELSE JX = KX DO 40 J = 1, N IF( X( JX ).NE.ZERO ) THEN TEMP = ALPHA*X( JX ) IX = KX DO 30 K = KK, KK + J - 2 AP( K ) = AP( K ) + X( IX )*TEMP IX = IX + INCX 30 CONTINUE AP( KK+J-1 ) = AP( KK+J-1 ) + X( JX )*TEMP ELSE AP( KK+J-1 ) = AP( KK+J-1 ) END IF JX = JX + INCX KK = KK + J 40 CONTINUE END IF ELSE * * Form A when lower triangle is stored in AP. * IF( INCX.EQ.1 ) THEN DO 60 J = 1, N IF( X( J ).NE.ZERO ) THEN TEMP = ALPHA*X( J ) AP( KK ) = AP( KK ) + TEMP*X( J ) K = KK + 1 DO 50 I = J + 1, N AP( K ) = AP( K ) + X( I )*TEMP K = K + 1 50 CONTINUE ELSE AP( KK ) = AP( KK ) END IF KK = KK + N - J + 1 60 CONTINUE ELSE JX = KX DO 80 J = 1, N IF( X( JX ).NE.ZERO ) THEN TEMP = ALPHA*X( JX ) AP( KK ) = AP( KK ) + TEMP*X( JX ) IX = JX DO 70 K = KK + 1, KK + N - J IX = IX + INCX AP( K ) = AP( K ) + X( IX )*TEMP 70 CONTINUE ELSE AP( KK ) = AP( KK ) END IF JX = JX + INCX KK = KK + N - J + 1 80 CONTINUE END IF END IF * RETURN * * End of CSPR * END
SUBROUTINE DTPTRI( UPLO, DIAG, N, AP, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * September 30, 1994 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER DIAG, UPLO INTEGER INFO, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION AP( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DTPTRI computes the inverse of a real upper or lower triangular * matrix A stored in packed format. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'U': A is upper triangular; * = 'L': A is lower triangular. * * DIAG (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'N': A is non-unit triangular; * = 'U': A is unit triangular. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * AP (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N*(N+1)/2) * On entry, the upper or lower triangular matrix A, stored * columnwise in a linear array. The j-th column of A is stored * in the array AP as follows: * if UPLO = 'U', AP(i + (j-1)*j/2) = A(i,j) for 1<=i<=j; * if UPLO = 'L', AP(i + (j-1)*((2*n-j)/2) = A(i,j) for j<=i<=n. * See below for further details. * On exit, the (triangular) inverse of the original matrix, in * the same packed storage format. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * > 0: if INFO = i, A(i,i) is exactly zero. The triangular * matrix is singular and its inverse can not be computed. * * Further Details * =============== * * A triangular matrix A can be transferred to packed storage using one * of the following program segments: * * UPLO = 'U': UPLO = 'L': * * JC = 1 JC = 1 * DO 2 J = 1, N DO 2 J = 1, N * DO 1 I = 1, J DO 1 I = J, N * AP(JC+I-1) = A(I,J) AP(JC+I-J) = A(I,J) * 1 CONTINUE 1 CONTINUE * JC = JC + J JC = JC + N - J + 1 * 2 CONTINUE 2 CONTINUE * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL NOUNIT, UPPER INTEGER J, JC, JCLAST, JJ DOUBLE PRECISION AJJ * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DSCAL, DTPMV, XERBLA * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 UPPER = LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) NOUNIT = LSAME( DIAG, 'N' ) IF( .NOT.UPPER .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( .NOT.NOUNIT .AND. .NOT.LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -3 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DTPTRI', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Check for singularity if non-unit. * IF( NOUNIT ) THEN IF( UPPER ) THEN JJ = 0 DO 10 INFO = 1, N JJ = JJ + INFO IF( AP( JJ ).EQ.ZERO ) $ RETURN 10 CONTINUE ELSE JJ = 1 DO 20 INFO = 1, N IF( AP( JJ ).EQ.ZERO ) $ RETURN JJ = JJ + N - INFO + 1 20 CONTINUE END IF INFO = 0 END IF * IF( UPPER ) THEN * * Compute inverse of upper triangular matrix. * JC = 1 DO 30 J = 1, N IF( NOUNIT ) THEN AP( JC+J-1 ) = ONE / AP( JC+J-1 ) AJJ = -AP( JC+J-1 ) ELSE AJJ = -ONE END IF * * Compute elements 1:j-1 of j-th column. * CALL DTPMV( 'Upper', 'No transpose', DIAG, J-1, AP, $ AP( JC ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( J-1, AJJ, AP( JC ), 1 ) JC = JC + J 30 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Compute inverse of lower triangular matrix. * JC = N*( N+1 ) / 2 DO 40 J = N, 1, -1 IF( NOUNIT ) THEN AP( JC ) = ONE / AP( JC ) AJJ = -AP( JC ) ELSE AJJ = -ONE END IF IF( J.LT.N ) THEN * * Compute elements j+1:n of j-th column. * CALL DTPMV( 'Lower', 'No transpose', DIAG, N-J, $ AP( JCLAST ), AP( JC+1 ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( N-J, AJJ, AP( JC+1 ), 1 ) END IF JCLAST = JC JC = JC - N + J - 2 40 CONTINUE END IF * RETURN * * End of DTPTRI * END
*> \brief \b DGEBRD * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download DGEBRD + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE DGEBRD( M, N, A, LDA, D, E, TAUQ, TAUP, WORK, LWORK, * INFO ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * INTEGER INFO, LDA, LWORK, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), D( * ), E( * ), TAUP( * ), * $ TAUQ( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> DGEBRD reduces a general real M-by-N matrix A to upper or lower *> bidiagonal form B by an orthogonal transformation: Q**T * A * P = B. *> *> If m >= n, B is upper bidiagonal; if m < n, B is lower bidiagonal. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] M *> \verbatim *> M is INTEGER *> The number of rows in the matrix A. M >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The number of columns in the matrix A. N >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] A *> \verbatim *> A is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) *> On entry, the M-by-N general matrix to be reduced. *> On exit, *> if m >= n, the diagonal and the first superdiagonal are *> overwritten with the upper bidiagonal matrix B; the *> elements below the diagonal, with the array TAUQ, represent *> the orthogonal matrix Q as a product of elementary *> reflectors, and the elements above the first superdiagonal, *> with the array TAUP, represent the orthogonal matrix P as *> a product of elementary reflectors; *> if m < n, the diagonal and the first subdiagonal are *> overwritten with the lower bidiagonal matrix B; the *> elements below the first subdiagonal, with the array TAUQ, *> represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a product of *> elementary reflectors, and the elements above the diagonal, *> with the array TAUP, represent the orthogonal matrix P as *> a product of elementary reflectors. *> See Further Details. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDA *> \verbatim *> LDA is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] D *> \verbatim *> D is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N)) *> The diagonal elements of the bidiagonal matrix B: *> D(i) = A(i,i). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] E *> \verbatim *> E is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N)-1) *> The off-diagonal elements of the bidiagonal matrix B: *> if m >= n, E(i) = A(i,i+1) for i = 1,2,...,n-1; *> if m < n, E(i) = A(i+1,i) for i = 1,2,...,m-1. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] TAUQ *> \verbatim *> TAUQ is DOUBLE PRECISION array dimension (min(M,N)) *> The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors which *> represent the orthogonal matrix Q. See Further Details. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] TAUP *> \verbatim *> TAUP is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N)) *> The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors which *> represent the orthogonal matrix P. See Further Details. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] WORK *> \verbatim *> WORK is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK)) *> On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LWORK *> \verbatim *> LWORK is INTEGER *> The length of the array WORK. LWORK >= max(1,M,N). *> For optimum performance LWORK >= (M+N)*NB, where NB *> is the optimal blocksize. *> *> If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine *> only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns *> this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error *> message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] INFO *> \verbatim *> INFO is INTEGER *> = 0: successful exit *> < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date November 2011 * *> \ingroup doubleGEcomputational * *> \par Further Details: * ===================== *> *> \verbatim *> *> The matrices Q and P are represented as products of elementary *> reflectors: *> *> If m >= n, *> *> Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(n) and P = G(1) G(2) . . . G(n-1) *> *> Each H(i) and G(i) has the form: *> *> H(i) = I - tauq * v * v**T and G(i) = I - taup * u * u**T *> *> where tauq and taup are real scalars, and v and u are real vectors; *> v(1:i-1) = 0, v(i) = 1, and v(i+1:m) is stored on exit in A(i+1:m,i); *> u(1:i) = 0, u(i+1) = 1, and u(i+2:n) is stored on exit in A(i,i+2:n); *> tauq is stored in TAUQ(i) and taup in TAUP(i). *> *> If m < n, *> *> Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(m-1) and P = G(1) G(2) . . . G(m) *> *> Each H(i) and G(i) has the form: *> *> H(i) = I - tauq * v * v**T and G(i) = I - taup * u * u**T *> *> where tauq and taup are real scalars, and v and u are real vectors; *> v(1:i) = 0, v(i+1) = 1, and v(i+2:m) is stored on exit in A(i+2:m,i); *> u(1:i-1) = 0, u(i) = 1, and u(i+1:n) is stored on exit in A(i,i+1:n); *> tauq is stored in TAUQ(i) and taup in TAUP(i). *> *> The contents of A on exit are illustrated by the following examples: *> *> m = 6 and n = 5 (m > n): m = 5 and n = 6 (m < n): *> *> ( d e u1 u1 u1 ) ( d u1 u1 u1 u1 u1 ) *> ( v1 d e u2 u2 ) ( e d u2 u2 u2 u2 ) *> ( v1 v2 d e u3 ) ( v1 e d u3 u3 u3 ) *> ( v1 v2 v3 d e ) ( v1 v2 e d u4 u4 ) *> ( v1 v2 v3 v4 d ) ( v1 v2 v3 e d u5 ) *> ( v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 ) *> *> where d and e denote diagonal and off-diagonal elements of B, vi *> denotes an element of the vector defining H(i), and ui an element of *> the vector defining G(i). *> \endverbatim *> * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE DGEBRD( M, N, A, LDA, D, E, TAUQ, TAUP, WORK, LWORK, $ INFO ) * * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.4.0) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * November 2011 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDA, LWORK, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), D( * ), E( * ), TAUP( * ), $ TAUQ( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL LQUERY INTEGER I, IINFO, J, LDWRKX, LDWRKY, LWKOPT, MINMN, NB, $ NBMIN, NX DOUBLE PRECISION WS * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGEBD2, DGEMM, DLABRD, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC DBLE, MAX, MIN * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER ILAENV EXTERNAL ILAENV * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters * INFO = 0 NB = MAX( 1, ILAENV( 1, 'DGEBRD', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) ) LWKOPT = ( M+N )*NB WORK( 1 ) = DBLE( LWKOPT ) LQUERY = ( LWORK.EQ.-1 ) IF( M.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( LWORK.LT.MAX( 1, M, N ) .AND. .NOT.LQUERY ) THEN INFO = -10 END IF IF( INFO.LT.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DGEBRD', -INFO ) RETURN ELSE IF( LQUERY ) THEN RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * MINMN = MIN( M, N ) IF( MINMN.EQ.0 ) THEN WORK( 1 ) = 1 RETURN END IF * WS = MAX( M, N ) LDWRKX = M LDWRKY = N * IF( NB.GT.1 .AND. NB.LT.MINMN ) THEN * * Set the crossover point NX. * NX = MAX( NB, ILAENV( 3, 'DGEBRD', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) ) * * Determine when to switch from blocked to unblocked code. * IF( NX.LT.MINMN ) THEN WS = ( M+N )*NB IF( LWORK.LT.WS ) THEN * * Not enough work space for the optimal NB, consider using * a smaller block size. * NBMIN = ILAENV( 2, 'DGEBRD', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) IF( LWORK.GE.( M+N )*NBMIN ) THEN NB = LWORK / ( M+N ) ELSE NB = 1 NX = MINMN END IF END IF END IF ELSE NX = MINMN END IF * DO 30 I = 1, MINMN - NX, NB * * Reduce rows and columns i:i+nb-1 to bidiagonal form and return * the matrices X and Y which are needed to update the unreduced * part of the matrix * CALL DLABRD( M-I+1, N-I+1, NB, A( I, I ), LDA, D( I ), E( I ), $ TAUQ( I ), TAUP( I ), WORK, LDWRKX, $ WORK( LDWRKX*NB+1 ), LDWRKY ) * * Update the trailing submatrix A(i+nb:m,i+nb:n), using an update * of the form A := A - V*Y**T - X*U**T * CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M-I-NB+1, N-I-NB+1, $ NB, -ONE, A( I+NB, I ), LDA, $ WORK( LDWRKX*NB+NB+1 ), LDWRKY, ONE, $ A( I+NB, I+NB ), LDA ) CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', M-I-NB+1, N-I-NB+1, $ NB, -ONE, WORK( NB+1 ), LDWRKX, A( I, I+NB ), LDA, $ ONE, A( I+NB, I+NB ), LDA ) * * Copy diagonal and off-diagonal elements of B back into A * IF( M.GE.N ) THEN DO 10 J = I, I + NB - 1 A( J, J ) = D( J ) A( J, J+1 ) = E( J ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE DO 20 J = I, I + NB - 1 A( J, J ) = D( J ) A( J+1, J ) = E( J ) 20 CONTINUE END IF 30 CONTINUE * * Use unblocked code to reduce the remainder of the matrix * CALL DGEBD2( M-I+1, N-I+1, A( I, I ), LDA, D( I ), E( I ), $ TAUQ( I ), TAUP( I ), WORK, IINFO ) WORK( 1 ) = WS RETURN * * End of DGEBRD * END
SUBROUTINE ZSPR( UPLO, N, ALPHA, X, INCX, AP ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.2) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * November 2006 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER INCX, N COMPLEX*16 ALPHA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX*16 AP( * ), X( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * ZSPR performs the symmetric rank 1 operation * * A := alpha*x*x**H + A, * * where alpha is a complex scalar, x is an n element vector and A is an * n by n symmetric matrix, supplied in packed form. * * Arguments * ========== * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * On entry, UPLO specifies whether the upper or lower * triangular part of the matrix A is supplied in the packed * array AP as follows: * * UPLO = 'U' or 'u' The upper triangular part of A is * supplied in AP. * * UPLO = 'L' or 'l' The lower triangular part of A is * supplied in AP. * * Unchanged on exit. * * N (input) INTEGER * On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A. * N must be at least zero. * Unchanged on exit. * * ALPHA (input) COMPLEX*16 * On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha. * Unchanged on exit. * * X (input) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension at least * ( 1 + ( N - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ). * Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the N- * element vector x. * Unchanged on exit. * * INCX (input) INTEGER * On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of * X. INCX must not be zero. * Unchanged on exit. * * AP (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension at least * ( ( N*( N + 1 ) )/2 ). * Before entry, with UPLO = 'U' or 'u', the array AP must * contain the upper triangular part of the symmetric matrix * packed sequentially, column by column, so that AP( 1 ) * contains a( 1, 1 ), AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 1, 2 ) * and a( 2, 2 ) respectively, and so on. On exit, the array * AP is overwritten by the upper triangular part of the * updated matrix. * Before entry, with UPLO = 'L' or 'l', the array AP must * contain the lower triangular part of the symmetric matrix * packed sequentially, column by column, so that AP( 1 ) * contains a( 1, 1 ), AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 2, 1 ) * and a( 3, 1 ) respectively, and so on. On exit, the array * AP is overwritten by the lower triangular part of the * updated matrix. * Note that the imaginary parts of the diagonal elements need * not be set, they are assumed to be zero, and on exit they * are set to zero. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. COMPLEX*16 ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = ( 0.0D+0, 0.0D+0 ) ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, INFO, IX, J, JX, K, KK, KX COMPLEX*16 TEMP * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 IF( .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = 1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = 2 ELSE IF( INCX.EQ.0 ) THEN INFO = 5 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'ZSPR ', INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible. * IF( ( N.EQ.0 ) .OR. ( ALPHA.EQ.ZERO ) ) $ RETURN * * Set the start point in X if the increment is not unity. * IF( INCX.LE.0 ) THEN KX = 1 - ( N-1 )*INCX ELSE IF( INCX.NE.1 ) THEN KX = 1 END IF * * Start the operations. In this version the elements of the array AP * are accessed sequentially with one pass through AP. * KK = 1 IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN * * Form A when upper triangle is stored in AP. * IF( INCX.EQ.1 ) THEN DO 20 J = 1, N IF( X( J ).NE.ZERO ) THEN TEMP = ALPHA*X( J ) K = KK DO 10 I = 1, J - 1 AP( K ) = AP( K ) + X( I )*TEMP K = K + 1 10 CONTINUE AP( KK+J-1 ) = AP( KK+J-1 ) + X( J )*TEMP ELSE AP( KK+J-1 ) = AP( KK+J-1 ) END IF KK = KK + J 20 CONTINUE ELSE JX = KX DO 40 J = 1, N IF( X( JX ).NE.ZERO ) THEN TEMP = ALPHA*X( JX ) IX = KX DO 30 K = KK, KK + J - 2 AP( K ) = AP( K ) + X( IX )*TEMP IX = IX + INCX 30 CONTINUE AP( KK+J-1 ) = AP( KK+J-1 ) + X( JX )*TEMP ELSE AP( KK+J-1 ) = AP( KK+J-1 ) END IF JX = JX + INCX KK = KK + J 40 CONTINUE END IF ELSE * * Form A when lower triangle is stored in AP. * IF( INCX.EQ.1 ) THEN DO 60 J = 1, N IF( X( J ).NE.ZERO ) THEN TEMP = ALPHA*X( J ) AP( KK ) = AP( KK ) + TEMP*X( J ) K = KK + 1 DO 50 I = J + 1, N AP( K ) = AP( K ) + X( I )*TEMP K = K + 1 50 CONTINUE ELSE AP( KK ) = AP( KK ) END IF KK = KK + N - J + 1 60 CONTINUE ELSE JX = KX DO 80 J = 1, N IF( X( JX ).NE.ZERO ) THEN TEMP = ALPHA*X( JX ) AP( KK ) = AP( KK ) + TEMP*X( JX ) IX = JX DO 70 K = KK + 1, KK + N - J IX = IX + INCX AP( K ) = AP( K ) + X( IX )*TEMP 70 CONTINUE ELSE AP( KK ) = AP( KK ) END IF JX = JX + INCX KK = KK + N - J + 1 80 CONTINUE END IF END IF * RETURN * * End of ZSPR * END
SUBROUTINE CLAHQR( WANTT, WANTZ, N, ILO, IHI, H, LDH, W, ILOZ, $ IHIZ, Z, LDZ, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.2) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd.. * November 2006 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER IHI, IHIZ, ILO, ILOZ, INFO, LDH, LDZ, N LOGICAL WANTT, WANTZ * .. * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX H( LDH, * ), W( * ), Z( LDZ, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * CLAHQR is an auxiliary routine called by CHSEQR to update the * eigenvalues and Schur decomposition already computed by CHSEQR, by * dealing with the Hessenberg submatrix in rows and columns ILO to * IHI. * * Arguments * ========= * * WANTT (input) LOGICAL * = .TRUE. : the full Schur form T is required; * = .FALSE.: only eigenvalues are required. * * WANTZ (input) LOGICAL * = .TRUE. : the matrix of Schur vectors Z is required; * = .FALSE.: Schur vectors are not required. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix H. N >= 0. * * ILO (input) INTEGER * IHI (input) INTEGER * It is assumed that H is already upper triangular in rows and * columns IHI+1:N, and that H(ILO,ILO-1) = 0 (unless ILO = 1). * CLAHQR works primarily with the Hessenberg submatrix in rows * and columns ILO to IHI, but applies transformations to all of * H if WANTT is .TRUE.. * 1 <= ILO <= max(1,IHI); IHI <= N. * * H (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDH,N) * On entry, the upper Hessenberg matrix H. * On exit, if INFO is zero and if WANTT is .TRUE., then H * is upper triangular in rows and columns ILO:IHI. If INFO * is zero and if WANTT is .FALSE., then the contents of H * are unspecified on exit. The output state of H in case * INF is positive is below under the description of INFO. * * LDH (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array H. LDH >= max(1,N). * * W (output) COMPLEX array, dimension (N) * The computed eigenvalues ILO to IHI are stored in the * corresponding elements of W. If WANTT is .TRUE., the * eigenvalues are stored in the same order as on the diagonal * of the Schur form returned in H, with W(i) = H(i,i). * * ILOZ (input) INTEGER * IHIZ (input) INTEGER * Specify the rows of Z to which transformations must be * applied if WANTZ is .TRUE.. * 1 <= ILOZ <= ILO; IHI <= IHIZ <= N. * * Z (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDZ,N) * If WANTZ is .TRUE., on entry Z must contain the current * matrix Z of transformations accumulated by CHSEQR, and on * exit Z has been updated; transformations are applied only to * the submatrix Z(ILOZ:IHIZ,ILO:IHI). * If WANTZ is .FALSE., Z is not referenced. * * LDZ (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array Z. LDZ >= max(1,N). * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * .GT. 0: if INFO = i, CLAHQR failed to compute all the * eigenvalues ILO to IHI in a total of 30 iterations * per eigenvalue; elements i+1:ihi of W contain * those eigenvalues which have been successfully * computed. * * If INFO .GT. 0 and WANTT is .FALSE., then on exit, * the remaining unconverged eigenvalues are the * eigenvalues of the upper Hessenberg matrix * rows and columns ILO thorugh INFO of the final, * output value of H. * * If INFO .GT. 0 and WANTT is .TRUE., then on exit * (*) (initial value of H)*U = U*(final value of H) * where U is an orthognal matrix. The final * value of H is upper Hessenberg and triangular in * rows and columns INFO+1 through IHI. * * If INFO .GT. 0 and WANTZ is .TRUE., then on exit * (final value of Z) = (initial value of Z)*U * where U is the orthogonal matrix in (*) * (regardless of the value of WANTT.) * * Further Details * =============== * * 02-96 Based on modifications by * David Day, Sandia National Laboratory, USA * * 12-04 Further modifications by * Ralph Byers, University of Kansas, USA * This is a modified version of CLAHQR from LAPACK version 3.0. * It is (1) more robust against overflow and underflow and * (2) adopts the more conservative Ahues & Tisseur stopping * criterion (LAWN 122, 1997). * * ========================================================= * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER ITMAX PARAMETER ( ITMAX = 30 ) COMPLEX ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = ( 0.0e0, 0.0e0 ), $ ONE = ( 1.0e0, 0.0e0 ) ) REAL RZERO, RONE, HALF PARAMETER ( RZERO = 0.0e0, RONE = 1.0e0, HALF = 0.5e0 ) REAL DAT1 PARAMETER ( DAT1 = 3.0e0 / 4.0e0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. COMPLEX CDUM, H11, H11S, H22, SC, SUM, T, T1, TEMP, U, $ V2, X, Y REAL AA, AB, BA, BB, H10, H21, RTEMP, S, SAFMAX, $ SAFMIN, SMLNUM, SX, T2, TST, ULP INTEGER I, I1, I2, ITS, J, JHI, JLO, K, L, M, NH, NZ * .. * .. Local Arrays .. COMPLEX V( 2 ) * .. * .. External Functions .. COMPLEX CLADIV REAL SLAMCH EXTERNAL CLADIV, SLAMCH * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CCOPY, CLARFG, CSCAL, SLABAD * .. * .. Statement Functions .. REAL CABS1 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, AIMAG, CONJG, MAX, MIN, REAL, SQRT * .. * .. Statement Function definitions .. CABS1( CDUM ) = ABS( REAL( CDUM ) ) + ABS( AIMAG( CDUM ) ) * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN IF( ILO.EQ.IHI ) THEN W( ILO ) = H( ILO, ILO ) RETURN END IF * * ==== clear out the trash ==== DO 10 J = ILO, IHI - 3 H( J+2, J ) = ZERO H( J+3, J ) = ZERO 10 CONTINUE IF( ILO.LE.IHI-2 ) $ H( IHI, IHI-2 ) = ZERO * ==== ensure that subdiagonal entries are real ==== IF( WANTT ) THEN JLO = 1 JHI = N ELSE JLO = ILO JHI = IHI END IF DO 20 I = ILO + 1, IHI IF( AIMAG( H( I, I-1 ) ).NE.RZERO ) THEN * ==== The following redundant normalization * . avoids problems with both gradual and * . sudden underflow in ABS(H(I,I-1)) ==== SC = H( I, I-1 ) / CABS1( H( I, I-1 ) ) SC = CONJG( SC ) / ABS( SC ) H( I, I-1 ) = ABS( H( I, I-1 ) ) CALL CSCAL( JHI-I+1, SC, H( I, I ), LDH ) CALL CSCAL( MIN( JHI, I+1 )-JLO+1, CONJG( SC ), H( JLO, I ), $ 1 ) IF( WANTZ ) $ CALL CSCAL( IHIZ-ILOZ+1, CONJG( SC ), Z( ILOZ, I ), 1 ) END IF 20 CONTINUE * NH = IHI - ILO + 1 NZ = IHIZ - ILOZ + 1 * * Set machine-dependent constants for the stopping criterion. * SAFMIN = SLAMCH( 'SAFE MINIMUM' ) SAFMAX = RONE / SAFMIN CALL SLABAD( SAFMIN, SAFMAX ) ULP = SLAMCH( 'PRECISION' ) SMLNUM = SAFMIN*( REAL( NH ) / ULP ) * * I1 and I2 are the indices of the first row and last column of H * to which transformations must be applied. If eigenvalues only are * being computed, I1 and I2 are set inside the main loop. * IF( WANTT ) THEN I1 = 1 I2 = N END IF * * The main loop begins here. I is the loop index and decreases from * IHI to ILO in steps of 1. Each iteration of the loop works * with the active submatrix in rows and columns L to I. * Eigenvalues I+1 to IHI have already converged. Either L = ILO, or * H(L,L-1) is negligible so that the matrix splits. * I = IHI 30 CONTINUE IF( I.LT.ILO ) $ GO TO 150 * * Perform QR iterations on rows and columns ILO to I until a * submatrix of order 1 splits off at the bottom because a * subdiagonal element has become negligible. * L = ILO DO 130 ITS = 0, ITMAX * * Look for a single small subdiagonal element. * DO 40 K = I, L + 1, -1 IF( CABS1( H( K, K-1 ) ).LE.SMLNUM ) $ GO TO 50 TST = CABS1( H( K-1, K-1 ) ) + CABS1( H( K, K ) ) IF( TST.EQ.ZERO ) THEN IF( K-2.GE.ILO ) $ TST = TST + ABS( REAL( H( K-1, K-2 ) ) ) IF( K+1.LE.IHI ) $ TST = TST + ABS( REAL( H( K+1, K ) ) ) END IF * ==== The following is a conservative small subdiagonal * . deflation criterion due to Ahues & Tisseur (LAWN 122, * . 1997). It has better mathematical foundation and * . improves accuracy in some examples. ==== IF( ABS( REAL( H( K, K-1 ) ) ).LE.ULP*TST ) THEN AB = MAX( CABS1( H( K, K-1 ) ), CABS1( H( K-1, K ) ) ) BA = MIN( CABS1( H( K, K-1 ) ), CABS1( H( K-1, K ) ) ) AA = MAX( CABS1( H( K, K ) ), $ CABS1( H( K-1, K-1 )-H( K, K ) ) ) BB = MIN( CABS1( H( K, K ) ), $ CABS1( H( K-1, K-1 )-H( K, K ) ) ) S = AA + AB IF( BA*( AB / S ).LE.MAX( SMLNUM, $ ULP*( BB*( AA / S ) ) ) )GO TO 50 END IF 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE L = K IF( L.GT.ILO ) THEN * * H(L,L-1) is negligible * H( L, L-1 ) = ZERO END IF * * Exit from loop if a submatrix of order 1 has split off. * IF( L.GE.I ) $ GO TO 140 * * Now the active submatrix is in rows and columns L to I. If * eigenvalues only are being computed, only the active submatrix * need be transformed. * IF( .NOT.WANTT ) THEN I1 = L I2 = I END IF * IF( ITS.EQ.10 ) THEN * * Exceptional shift. * S = DAT1*ABS( REAL( H( L+1, L ) ) ) T = S + H( L, L ) ELSE IF( ITS.EQ.20 ) THEN * * Exceptional shift. * S = DAT1*ABS( REAL( H( I, I-1 ) ) ) T = S + H( I, I ) ELSE * * Wilkinson's shift. * T = H( I, I ) U = SQRT( H( I-1, I ) )*SQRT( H( I, I-1 ) ) S = CABS1( U ) IF( S.NE.RZERO ) THEN X = HALF*( H( I-1, I-1 )-T ) SX = CABS1( X ) S = MAX( S, CABS1( X ) ) Y = S*SQRT( ( X / S )**2+( U / S )**2 ) IF( SX.GT.RZERO ) THEN IF( REAL( X / SX )*REAL( Y )+AIMAG( X / SX )* $ AIMAG( Y ).LT.RZERO )Y = -Y END IF T = T - U*CLADIV( U, ( X+Y ) ) END IF END IF * * Look for two consecutive small subdiagonal elements. * DO 60 M = I - 1, L + 1, -1 * * Determine the effect of starting the single-shift QR * iteration at row M, and see if this would make H(M,M-1) * negligible. * H11 = H( M, M ) H22 = H( M+1, M+1 ) H11S = H11 - T H21 = REAL( H( M+1, M ) ) S = CABS1( H11S ) + ABS( H21 ) H11S = H11S / S H21 = H21 / S V( 1 ) = H11S V( 2 ) = H21 H10 = REAL( H( M, M-1 ) ) IF( ABS( H10 )*ABS( H21 ).LE.ULP* $ ( CABS1( H11S )*( CABS1( H11 )+CABS1( H22 ) ) ) ) $ GO TO 70 60 CONTINUE H11 = H( L, L ) H22 = H( L+1, L+1 ) H11S = H11 - T H21 = REAL( H( L+1, L ) ) S = CABS1( H11S ) + ABS( H21 ) H11S = H11S / S H21 = H21 / S V( 1 ) = H11S V( 2 ) = H21 70 CONTINUE * * Single-shift QR step * DO 120 K = M, I - 1 * * The first iteration of this loop determines a reflection G * from the vector V and applies it from left and right to H, * thus creating a nonzero bulge below the subdiagonal. * * Each subsequent iteration determines a reflection G to * restore the Hessenberg form in the (K-1)th column, and thus * chases the bulge one step toward the bottom of the active * submatrix. * * V(2) is always real before the call to CLARFG, and hence * after the call T2 ( = T1*V(2) ) is also real. * IF( K.GT.M ) $ CALL CCOPY( 2, H( K, K-1 ), 1, V, 1 ) CALL CLARFG( 2, V( 1 ), V( 2 ), 1, T1 ) IF( K.GT.M ) THEN H( K, K-1 ) = V( 1 ) H( K+1, K-1 ) = ZERO END IF V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = REAL( T1*V2 ) * * Apply G from the left to transform the rows of the matrix * in columns K to I2. * DO 80 J = K, I2 SUM = CONJG( T1 )*H( K, J ) + T2*H( K+1, J ) H( K, J ) = H( K, J ) - SUM H( K+1, J ) = H( K+1, J ) - SUM*V2 80 CONTINUE * * Apply G from the right to transform the columns of the * matrix in rows I1 to min(K+2,I). * DO 90 J = I1, MIN( K+2, I ) SUM = T1*H( J, K ) + T2*H( J, K+1 ) H( J, K ) = H( J, K ) - SUM H( J, K+1 ) = H( J, K+1 ) - SUM*CONJG( V2 ) 90 CONTINUE * IF( WANTZ ) THEN * * Accumulate transformations in the matrix Z * DO 100 J = ILOZ, IHIZ SUM = T1*Z( J, K ) + T2*Z( J, K+1 ) Z( J, K ) = Z( J, K ) - SUM Z( J, K+1 ) = Z( J, K+1 ) - SUM*CONJG( V2 ) 100 CONTINUE END IF * IF( K.EQ.M .AND. M.GT.L ) THEN * * If the QR step was started at row M > L because two * consecutive small subdiagonals were found, then extra * scaling must be performed to ensure that H(M,M-1) remains * real. * TEMP = ONE - T1 TEMP = TEMP / ABS( TEMP ) H( M+1, M ) = H( M+1, M )*CONJG( TEMP ) IF( M+2.LE.I ) $ H( M+2, M+1 ) = H( M+2, M+1 )*TEMP DO 110 J = M, I IF( J.NE.M+1 ) THEN IF( I2.GT.J ) $ CALL CSCAL( I2-J, TEMP, H( J, J+1 ), LDH ) CALL CSCAL( J-I1, CONJG( TEMP ), H( I1, J ), 1 ) IF( WANTZ ) THEN CALL CSCAL( NZ, CONJG( TEMP ), Z( ILOZ, J ), 1 ) END IF END IF 110 CONTINUE END IF 120 CONTINUE * * Ensure that H(I,I-1) is real. * TEMP = H( I, I-1 ) IF( AIMAG( TEMP ).NE.RZERO ) THEN RTEMP = ABS( TEMP ) H( I, I-1 ) = RTEMP TEMP = TEMP / RTEMP IF( I2.GT.I ) $ CALL CSCAL( I2-I, CONJG( TEMP ), H( I, I+1 ), LDH ) CALL CSCAL( I-I1, TEMP, H( I1, I ), 1 ) IF( WANTZ ) THEN CALL CSCAL( NZ, TEMP, Z( ILOZ, I ), 1 ) END IF END IF * 130 CONTINUE * * Failure to converge in remaining number of iterations * INFO = I RETURN * 140 CONTINUE * * H(I,I-1) is negligible: one eigenvalue has converged. * W( I ) = H( I, I ) * * return to start of the main loop with new value of I. * I = L - 1 GO TO 30 * 150 CONTINUE RETURN * * End of CLAHQR * END
SUBROUTINE DSYEVD_F95( A, W, JOBZ, UPLO, INFO ) ! .. USE STATEMENTS .. USE LA_PRECISION, ONLY: WP => DP USE LA_AUXMOD, ONLY: ERINFO, LSAME USE F77_LAPACK, ONLY: SYEVD_F77 => LA_SYEVD, ILAENV_F77 => ILAENV ! ! -- LAPACK95 interface driver routine (version 3.0) -- ! UNI-C, Denmark; Univ. of Tennessee, USA; NAG Ltd., UK ! September, 2000 ! ! .. IMPLICIT STATEMENT .. IMPLICIT NONE ! .. CHARACTER ARGUMENTS .. CHARACTER(LEN=1), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: JOBZ, UPLO ! .. SCALAR ARGUMENTS .. INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: INFO ! .. ARRAY ARGUMENTS .. REAL(WP), INTENT(INOUT) :: A(:,:) REAL(WP), INTENT(OUT) :: W(:) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose ! ======= ! ! LA_SYEV and LA_SYEVD compute all eigenvalues and, optionally, all ! eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix A. ! LA_HEEV and LA_HEEVD compute all eigenvalues and, optionally, all ! eigenvectors of a complex Hermitian matrix A. ! LA_SYEVD and LA_HEEVD use a divide and conquer algorithm. If ! eigenvectors are desired, they can be much faster than LA_SYEV and ! LA_HEEV for large matrices but use more workspace. ! ! ========= ! ! SUBROUTINE LA_SYEV / LA_HEEV / LA_SYEVD / LA_HEEVD( A, W, & ! JOBZ=jobz, UPLO=uplo, INFO=info ) ! <type>(<wp>), INTENT(INOUT) :: A(:,:) ! REAL(<wp>), INTENT(OUT) :: W(:) ! CHARACTER(LEN=1), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: JOBZ, UPLO ! INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: INFO ! where ! <type> ::= REAL | COMPLEX ! <wp> ::= KIND(1.0) | KIND(1.0D0) ! ! ! Arguments ! ========= ! ! A (input/output) REAL or COMPLEX square array, shape (:,:). ! On entry, the matrix A. ! If UPLO = 'U', the upper triangular part of A contains the upper ! triangular part of the matrix A. If UPLO = 'L', the lower ! triangular part of A contains the lower triangular part of the ! matrix A. ! On exit: ! If JOBZ = 'V', then the columns of A contain the orthonormal ! eigenvectors of the matrix A in the order of the eigenvalues. ! If JOBZ = 'N', then the upper triangle (if UPLO = 'U') or the ! lower triangle (if UPLO = 'L') of A, including the diagonal, is ! destroyed. ! W (output) REAL array, shape (:) with size(W) = size(A,1). ! The eigenvalues in ascending order. ! JOBZ Optional (input) CHARACTER(LEN=1). ! = 'N': Computes eigenvalues only; ! = 'V': Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors. ! Default value: 'N'. ! UPLO Optional (input) CHARACTER(LEN=1). ! = 'U': Upper triangle of A is stored; ! = 'L': Lower triangle of A is stored. ! Default value: 'U'. ! INFO Optional (output) INTEGER. ! = 0: successful exit. ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value ! > 0: if INFO = i, then i off-diagonal elements of an ! intermediate tridiagonal form did not converge to zero. ! If INFO is not present and an error occurs, then the program is ! terminated with an error message. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! .. LOCAL PARAMETERS .. CHARACTER(LEN=8), PARAMETER :: SRNAME = 'LA_SYEVD' CHARACTER(LEN=6), PARAMETER :: BSNAME = 'DSYTRD' ! .. LOCAL SCALARS .. CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: LJOBZ, LUPLO INTEGER :: N, LINFO, LD, ISTAT, ISTAT1, LIWORK, LMWORK, LWORK, NB ! .. LOCAL ARRAYS .. REAL(WP), POINTER :: WORK(:) INTEGER, POINTER :: IWORK(:) ! .. INTRINSIC FUNCTIONS .. INTRINSIC MAX, PRESENT ! .. EXECUTABLE STATEMENTS .. N = SIZE( A, 1 ); LINFO = 0; LD = MAX(1,N); ISTAT = 0 IF( PRESENT(JOBZ) ) THEN LJOBZ = JOBZ ELSE LJOBZ = 'N' END IF IF( PRESENT(UPLO) ) THEN LUPLO = UPLO ELSE LUPLO = 'U' END IF ! .. TEST THE ARGUMENTS IF( SIZE( A, 2 ) /= N .OR. N < 0 )THEN LINFO = -1 ELSE IF( SIZE( W ) /= N )THEN LINFO = -2 ELSE IF( .NOT.LSAME(LJOBZ,'N') .AND. .NOT.LSAME(LJOBZ,'V') )THEN LINFO = -3 ELSE IF( .NOT.LSAME(LUPLO,'U') .AND. .NOT.LSAME(LUPLO,'L') )THEN LINFO = -4 ELSE IF( N > 0 )THEN ! .. DETERMINE THE WORKSPACE IF( LSAME(LJOBZ,'V') )THEN LMWORK = 1+6*N+2*N**2 LIWORK = 3+5*N ELSE LMWORK = 2*N+1 LIWORK = 1 END IF NB = ILAENV_F77( 1, BSNAME, LUPLO, N, -1, -1, -1 ) IF( NB <= 1 .OR. NB >= N )THEN NB = 1 END IF LWORK = MAX( LMWORK, (NB+2)*N ) ALLOCATE(WORK(LWORK), IWORK(LIWORK), STAT=ISTAT) IF( ISTAT /= 0 )THEN DEALLOCATE(WORK, IWORK, STAT=ISTAT1) LWORK = LMWORK ALLOCATE(WORK(LWORK), IWORK(LIWORK), STAT=ISTAT) IF( ISTAT /= 0 ) THEN LINFO = - 100 ELSE CALL ERINFO( -200, SRNAME, LINFO ) ENDIF ENDIF ! IF( LINFO == 0 )THEN ! .. CALL LAPACK77 ROUTINE CALL SYEVD_F77( LJOBZ, LUPLO, N, A, LD, W, WORK, LWORK, & IWORK, LIWORK, LINFO ) ENDIF DEALLOCATE(WORK, IWORK, STAT=ISTAT1) ENDIF CALL ERINFO(LINFO,SRNAME,INFO,ISTAT) END SUBROUTINE DSYEVD_F95
*> \brief \b CLAUUM computes the product UUH or LHL, where U and L are upper or lower triangular matrices (blocked algorithm). * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download CLAUUM + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE CLAUUM( UPLO, N, A, LDA, INFO ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * CHARACTER UPLO * INTEGER INFO, LDA, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * COMPLEX A( LDA, * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> CLAUUM computes the product U * U**H or L**H * L, where the triangular *> factor U or L is stored in the upper or lower triangular part of *> the array A. *> *> If UPLO = 'U' or 'u' then the upper triangle of the result is stored, *> overwriting the factor U in A. *> If UPLO = 'L' or 'l' then the lower triangle of the result is stored, *> overwriting the factor L in A. *> *> This is the blocked form of the algorithm, calling Level 3 BLAS. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] UPLO *> \verbatim *> UPLO is CHARACTER*1 *> Specifies whether the triangular factor stored in the array A *> is upper or lower triangular: *> = 'U': Upper triangular *> = 'L': Lower triangular *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The order of the triangular factor U or L. N >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] A *> \verbatim *> A is COMPLEX array, dimension (LDA,N) *> On entry, the triangular factor U or L. *> On exit, if UPLO = 'U', the upper triangle of A is *> overwritten with the upper triangle of the product U * U**H; *> if UPLO = 'L', the lower triangle of A is overwritten with *> the lower triangle of the product L**H * L. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDA *> \verbatim *> LDA is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] INFO *> \verbatim *> INFO is INTEGER *> = 0: successful exit *> < 0: if INFO = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date September 2012 * *> \ingroup complexOTHERauxiliary * * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE CLAUUM( UPLO, N, A, LDA, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.4.2) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * September 2012 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER INFO, LDA, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX A( LDA, * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E+0 ) COMPLEX CONE PARAMETER ( CONE = ( 1.0E+0, 0.0E+0 ) ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL UPPER INTEGER I, IB, NB * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME INTEGER ILAENV EXTERNAL LSAME, ILAENV * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CGEMM, CHERK, CLAUU2, CTRMM, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 UPPER = LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) IF( .NOT.UPPER .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -4 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CLAUUM', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Determine the block size for this environment. * NB = ILAENV( 1, 'CLAUUM', UPLO, N, -1, -1, -1 ) * IF( NB.LE.1 .OR. NB.GE.N ) THEN * * Use unblocked code * CALL CLAUU2( UPLO, N, A, LDA, INFO ) ELSE * * Use blocked code * IF( UPPER ) THEN * * Compute the product U * U**H. * DO 10 I = 1, N, NB IB = MIN( NB, N-I+1 ) CALL CTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Non-unit', I-1, IB, CONE, A( I, I ), LDA, $ A( 1, I ), LDA ) CALL CLAUU2( 'Upper', IB, A( I, I ), LDA, INFO ) IF( I+IB.LE.N ) THEN CALL CGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Conjugate transpose', $ I-1, IB, N-I-IB+1, CONE, A( 1, I+IB ), $ LDA, A( I, I+IB ), LDA, CONE, A( 1, I ), $ LDA ) CALL CHERK( 'Upper', 'No transpose', IB, N-I-IB+1, $ ONE, A( I, I+IB ), LDA, ONE, A( I, I ), $ LDA ) END IF 10 CONTINUE ELSE * * Compute the product L**H * L. * DO 20 I = 1, N, NB IB = MIN( NB, N-I+1 ) CALL CTRMM( 'Left', 'Lower', 'Conjugate transpose', $ 'Non-unit', IB, I-1, CONE, A( I, I ), LDA, $ A( I, 1 ), LDA ) CALL CLAUU2( 'Lower', IB, A( I, I ), LDA, INFO ) IF( I+IB.LE.N ) THEN CALL CGEMM( 'Conjugate transpose', 'No transpose', IB, $ I-1, N-I-IB+1, CONE, A( I+IB, I ), LDA, $ A( I+IB, 1 ), LDA, CONE, A( I, 1 ), LDA ) CALL CHERK( 'Lower', 'Conjugate transpose', IB, $ N-I-IB+1, ONE, A( I+IB, I ), LDA, ONE, $ A( I, I ), LDA ) END IF 20 CONTINUE END IF END IF * RETURN * * End of CLAUUM * END
subroutine cfftmb ( lot, jump, n, inc, c, lenc, wsave, lensav, work, & lenwrk, ier ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CFFTMB: complex double precision backward FFT, 1D, multiple vectors. ! ! Discussion: ! ! CFFTMB computes the one-dimensional Fourier transform of multiple ! periodic sequences within a complex array. This transform is referred ! to as the backward transform or Fourier synthesis, transforming the ! sequences from spectral to physical space. This transform is ! normalized since a call to CFFTMF followed by a call to CFFTMB (or ! vice-versa) reproduces the original array within roundoff error. ! ! The parameters INC, JUMP, N and LOT are consistent if equality ! I1*INC + J1*JUMP = I2*INC + J2*JUMP for I1,I2 < N and J1,J2 < LOT ! implies I1=I2 and J1=J2. For multiple FFTs to execute correctly, ! input variables INC, JUMP, N and LOT must be consistent, otherwise ! at least one array element mistakenly is transformed more than once. ! ! License: ! ! Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). ! Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Scientific Computing Division, ! University Corporation for Atmospheric Research ! ! Modified: ! ! 15 November 2011 ! ! Author: ! ! Original FORTRAN77 version by Paul Swarztrauber, Richard Valent. ! FORTRAN90 version by John Burkardt. ! ! Reference: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the Fast Fourier Transforms, ! in Parallel Computations, ! edited by G. Rodrigue, ! Academic Press, 1982. ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms for Vector Computers, ! Parallel Computing, pages 45-63, 1984. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LOT, the number of sequences to be transformed ! within array C. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JUMP, the increment between the locations, in ! array C, of the first elements of two consecutive sequences to be ! transformed. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the length of each sequence to be ! transformed. The transform is most efficient when N is a product of ! small primes. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INC, the increment between the locations, in ! array C, of two consecutive elements within the same sequence to be ! transformed. ! ! Input/output, complex ( kind = 8 ) C(LENC), an array containing LOT ! sequences, each having length N, to be transformed. C can have any ! number of dimensions, but the total number of locations must be at least ! LENC. On output, C contains the transformed sequences. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LENC, the dimension of the C array. ! LENC must be at least (LOT-1)*JUMP + INC*(N-1) + 1. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) WSAVE(LENSAV). WSAVE's contents must be ! initialized with a call to CFFTMI before the first call to routine CFFTMF ! or CFFTMB for a given transform length N. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LENSAV, the dimension of the WSAVE array. ! LENSAV must be at least 2*N + INT(LOG(REAL(N))) + 4. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) WORK(LENWRK). ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LENWRK, the dimension of the WORK array. ! LENWRK must be at least 2*LOT*N. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IER, error flag. ! 0, successful exit ! 1, input parameter LENC not big enough; ! 2, input parameter LENSAV not big enough; ! 3, input parameter LENWRK not big enough; ! 4, input parameters INC, JUMP, N, LOT are not consistent. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) lenc integer ( kind = 4 ) lensav integer ( kind = 4 ) lenwrk complex ( kind = 8 ) c(lenc) integer ( kind = 4 ) ier integer ( kind = 4 ) inc integer ( kind = 4 ) iw1 integer ( kind = 4 ) jump integer ( kind = 4 ) lot integer ( kind = 4 ) n real ( kind = 8 ) work(lenwrk) real ( kind = 8 ) wsave(lensav) logical xercon ier = 0 if (lenc < (lot-1)*jump + inc*(n-1) + 1) then ier = 1 call xerfft ('cfftmb ', 6) else if (lensav < 2*n + int(log( real ( n, kind = 8 )) & /log( 2.0D+00 )) + 4) then ier = 2 call xerfft ('cfftmb ', 8) else if (lenwrk < 2*lot*n) then ier = 3 call xerfft ('cfftmb ', 10) else if (.not. xercon(inc,jump,n,lot)) then ier = 4 call xerfft ('cfftmb ', -1) end if if (n == 1) then return end if iw1 = n+n+1 call cmfm1b (lot,jump,n,inc,c,work,wsave,wsave(iw1),wsave(iw1+1)) return end
SUBROUTINE DSYSVX_F95(A, B, X, UPLO, AF, IPIV, FACT, & FERR, BERR, RCOND, INFO) ! ! -- LAPACK95 interface driver routine (version 3.0) -- ! UNI-C, Denmark; Univ. of Tennessee, USA; NAG Ltd., UK ! September, 2000 ! ! .. USE STATEMENTS .. USE LA_PRECISION, ONLY: WP => DP USE LA_AUXMOD, ONLY: LSAME, ERINFO USE F77_LAPACK, ONLY: SYSVX_F77 => LA_SYSVX, ILAENV_F77 => ILAENV ! .. IMPLICIT STATEMENT .. IMPLICIT NONE ! .. SCALAR ARGUMENTS .. CHARACTER(LEN=1), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: UPLO, FACT INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: INFO REAL(WP), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: RCOND ! .. ARRAY ARGUMENTS .. REAL(WP), INTENT(IN) :: A(:,:), B(:,:) REAL(WP), INTENT(OUT) :: X(:,:) INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL, TARGET :: IPIV(:) REAL(WP), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL, TARGET :: AF(:,:) REAL(WP), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL, TARGET :: FERR(:), BERR(:) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose ! ======= ! ! LA_SYSVX computes the solution to a linear system of equations ! A*X = B, where A is a real or complex symmetric matrix and X and B are ! rectangular matrices or vectors. ! LA_HESVX computes the solution to a linear system of equations ! A*X = B, where A is a complex Hermitian matrix and X and B are ! rectangular matrices or vectors. ! LA_SYSVX and LA_HESVX can also optionally estimate the condition ! number of A and compute error bounds. ! ! ========= ! ! SUBROUTINE LA_SYSVX / LA HESVX( A, B, X, UPLO=uplo, AF=af, & ! IPIV=ipiv, FACT=fact, FERR=ferr, BERR=berr, & ! RCOND=rcond, INFO=info ) ! <type>(<wp>), INTENT(IN) :: A(:,:), <rhs> ! <type>(<wp>), INTENT(OUT) :: <sol> ! CHARACTER(LEN=1), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: UPLO ! <type>(<wp>), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: AF(:,:) ! INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: IPIV(:) ! CHARACTER(LEN=1), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: FACT ! REAL(<wp>), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: <err>, RCOND ! INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: INFO ! where ! <type> ::= REAL | COMPLEX ! <wp> ::= KIND(1.0) | KIND(1.0D0) ! <rhs> ::= B(:,:) | B(:) ! <sol> ::= X(:,:) | X(:) ! <err> ::= FERR(:), BERR(:) | FERR, BERR ! ! Arguments ! ========= ! ! A (input) REAL or COMPLEX square array, shape (:,:). ! The symmetric or Hermitian matrix A. ! If UPLO = 'U', the upper triangular part of A contains the ! upper triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly lower ! triangular part of A is not referenced. If UPLO = 'L', the ! lower triangular part of A contains the lower triangular part ! of the matrix A, and the strictly upper triangular part of A is ! not referenced. ! B (input) REAL or COMPLEX array, shape (:,:) with size(B,1) = ! size(A,1) or shape (:) with size(B) = size(A,1). ! The matrix B. ! X (output) REAL or COMPLEX array, shape (:,:) with size(X,1) = ! size(A,1) and size(X,2) = size(B,2), or shape (:) with size(X) ! = size(A,1). ! The solution matrix X. ! UPLO Optional (input) CHARACTER(LEN=1). ! = 'U': Upper triangle of A is stored; ! = 'L': Lower triangle of A is stored. ! Default value: 'U'. ! AF Optional (input or output) REAL or COMPLEX array, shape (:,:) ! with the same size as A. ! If FACT = 'F', then AF is an input argument that contains the ! block diagonal matrix D and the multipliers used to obtain the ! factor L or U from the factorization of A, returned by a ! previous call to LA_SYSVX or LA_HESVX. ! If FACT = 'N', then AF is an output argument that contains the ! block diagonal matrix D and the multipliers used to obtain the ! factor L or U from the factorization of A. ! IPIV Optional (input or output) INTEGER array, shape (:) with ! size(IPIV) = size(A,1). ! If FACT = 'F', then IPIV is an input argument that contains ! details of the row and column interchanges and the block ! structure of D. ! If IPIV(k) > 0 , then rows and columns k and IPIV(k) were ! interchanged and D(k,k) is a 1 by 1 diagonal block. ! If IPIV(k) < 0 , then there are two cases: ! 1. If UPLO = 'U' and IPIV(k) = IPIV(k-1) < 0, then rows and ! columns k-1 and -IPIV(k) were interchanged and ! D(k-1:k,k-1:k) is a 2 by 2 diagonal block. ! 2. If UPLO = 'L' and IPIV(k) = IPIV(k+1) < 0, then rows and ! columns k+1 and -IPIV(k) were interchanged and ! D(k:k+1,k:k+1) is a 2 by 2 diagonal block. ! If FACT = 'N', then IPIV is an output argument that contains ! details of the row and column interchanges and the block ! structure of D; as described above. ! FACT Optional (input) CHARACTER(LEN=1). ! Specifies whether the factored form of the matrix A has been ! supplied on entry. ! = 'N': The matrix A will be copied to AF and factored. ! = 'F': AF and IPIV contain the factored form of A. ! Default value: 'N'. ! FERR Optional (output) REAL array of shape (:), with ! size(FERR) = size(X,2), or REAL scalar. ! The estimated forward error bound for each solution vector ! X(j) (the j-th column of the solution matrix X). If XTRUE is ! the true solution corresponding to X(j), FERR(j) is an ! estimated upper bound for the magnitude of the largest element ! in (X(j)-XTRUE) divided by the magnitude of the largest element ! in X(j). The estimate is as reliable as the estimate for RCOND, ! and is almost always a slight overestimate of the true error. ! BERR Optional (output) REAL array of shape (:), with size(BERR) = ! size(X,2), or REAL scalar. ! The componentwise relative backward error of each solution ! vector X(j) (i.e., the smallest relative change in any element ! of A or B that makes X(j) an exact solution). ! RCOND Optional (output) REAL ! The estimate of the reciprocal condition number of A. If RCOND ! is less than the machine ! precision, the matrix is singular to working precision. This ! condition is indicated by a return code of INFO > 0. ! INFO (output) INTEGER ! = 0: successful exit. ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. ! > 0: if INFO = i, and i is ! <= n: D(i,i) = 0. The factorization has been completed, but ! the block diagonal matrix D is singular, so the ! solution could not be computed. ! = n+1: D is nonsingular, but RCOND is less than machine ! precision, so the matrix is singular to working ! precision. Nevertheless, the solution and error bounds ! are computed because the computed solution can be more ! accurate than the value of RCOND would suggest. ! n is the order of A. ! If INFO is not present and an error occurs, then the program is ! terminated with an error message. !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! .. PARAMETERS .. CHARACTER(LEN=8), PARAMETER :: SRNAME = 'LA_SYSVX' CHARACTER(LEN=6), PARAMETER :: BSNAME = 'DSYTRF' ! .. LOCAL SCALARS .. CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: LFACT, LUPLO INTEGER :: LINFO, NRHS, N, NB, LWORK, ISTAT, ISTAT1, SIPIV, S1AF, S2AF, SFERR, SBERR REAL(WP) :: LRCOND ! .. LOCAL POINTERS .. INTEGER, POINTER :: IWORK(:), LPIV(:) REAL(WP), POINTER :: LFERR(:), LBERR(:) REAL(WP), POINTER :: WORK(:), LAF(:, :) ! .. INTRINSIC FUNCTIONS .. INTRINSIC PRESENT, SIZE, MAX ! .. EXECUTABLE STATEMENTS .. LINFO = 0; ISTAT = 0; N = SIZE(A, 1); NRHS = SIZE(B, 2) IF( PRESENT(RCOND) ) RCOND = 1.0_WP IF( PRESENT(FACT) )THEN; LFACT = FACT; ELSE; LFACT='N'; END IF IF( PRESENT(UPLO) ) THEN; LUPLO = UPLO; ELSE; LUPLO = 'U'; END IF IF( PRESENT(IPIV) )THEN; SIPIV = SIZE(IPIV); ELSE; SIPIV = N; END IF IF( PRESENT(AF) )THEN; S1AF = SIZE(AF,1); S2AF = SIZE(AF,2) ELSE; S1AF = N; S2AF = N; END IF IF( PRESENT(FERR) )THEN; SFERR = SIZE(FERR); ELSE; SFERR = NRHS; END IF IF( PRESENT(BERR) )THEN; SBERR = SIZE(BERR); ELSE; SBERR = NRHS; END IF ! .. TEST THE ARGUMENTS IF( SIZE(A, 2) /= N .OR. N < 0 )THEN; LINFO = -1 ELSE IF( SIZE(B, 1) /= N .OR. NRHS < 0 )THEN; LINFO = -2 ELSE IF( SIZE(X, 1) /= N .OR. SIZE(X, 2) /= NRHS )THEN; LINFO = -3 ELSE IF( .NOT.LSAME(LUPLO,'U') .AND. .NOT.LSAME(LUPLO,'L') )THEN; LINFO = -4 ELSE IF( S1AF /= N .OR. S2AF /= N ) THEN; LINFO = -5 ELSE IF( SIPIV /= N )THEN; LINFO = -6 ELSE IF( ( .NOT. LSAME(LFACT,'F') .AND. .NOT. LSAME(LFACT,'N') ) .OR. & ( LSAME(LFACT,'F') .AND. .NOT.( PRESENT(AF) .AND. PRESENT(IPIV) ) ) )THEN; LINFO = -7 ELSE IF( SFERR /= NRHS )THEN; LINFO = -8 ELSE IF( SBERR /= NRHS )THEN; LINFO = -9 ELSE IF ( N > 0 )THEN IF( .NOT.PRESENT(AF) ) THEN; ALLOCATE( LAF(N,N), STAT=ISTAT ) ELSE; LAF => AF; END IF IF( ISTAT == 0 )THEN IF( .NOT.PRESENT(IPIV) )THEN; ALLOCATE( LPIV(N), STAT=ISTAT ) ELSE; LPIV => IPIV; END IF END IF IF( ISTAT == 0 )THEN IF( .NOT.PRESENT(FERR) )THEN; ALLOCATE( LFERR(NRHS), STAT=ISTAT ) ELSE; LFERR => FERR; END IF END IF IF( ISTAT == 0 )THEN IF( .NOT.PRESENT(BERR) )THEN; ALLOCATE( LBERR(NRHS), STAT=ISTAT ) ELSE; LBERR => BERR; END IF END IF IF( ISTAT == 0 )THEN NB = ILAENV_F77( 1, BSNAME, LUPLO, N, -1, -1, -1 ) IF( NB <= 1 .OR. NB >= N ) NB = 1; LWORK = MAX(1,3*N,N*NB) ALLOCATE(WORK(LWORK), IWORK(N), STAT=ISTAT) IF( ISTAT /= 0 )THEN DEALLOCATE(WORK, IWORK, STAT=ISTAT1); LWORK = MAX(1,3*N) ALLOCATE(WORK(LWORK), IWORK(N), STAT=ISTAT) IF( ISTAT /= 0 ) THEN; LINFO = - 100 ELSE; CALL ERINFO( -200, SRNAME, LINFO ); ENDIF ENDIF END IF IF( ISTAT == 0 )THEN ! .. CALL LAPACK77 ROUTINE CALL SYSVX_F77( LFACT, LUPLO, N, NRHS, A, N, LAF, N, LPIV, B, N, X, N, & LRCOND, LFERR, LBERR, WORK, LWORK, IWORK, LINFO ) ELSE; LINFO = -100; END IF IF( .NOT.PRESENT(AF) ) DEALLOCATE( LAF, STAT=ISTAT1 ) IF( .NOT.PRESENT(IPIV) ) DEALLOCATE( LPIV, STAT=ISTAT1 ) IF( .NOT.PRESENT(FERR) ) DEALLOCATE( LFERR, STAT=ISTAT1 ) IF( .NOT.PRESENT(BERR) ) DEALLOCATE( LBERR, STAT=ISTAT1 ) IF( PRESENT(RCOND) ) RCOND=LRCOND DEALLOCATE( WORK, IWORK, STAT=ISTAT1 ) END IF CALL ERINFO( LINFO, SRNAME, INFO, ISTAT ) END SUBROUTINE DSYSVX_F95
*> \brief \b DGEBAK * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download DGEBAK + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE DGEBAK( JOB, SIDE, N, ILO, IHI, SCALE, M, V, LDV, * INFO ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * CHARACTER JOB, SIDE * INTEGER IHI, ILO, INFO, LDV, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE( * ), V( LDV, * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> DGEBAK forms the right or left eigenvectors of a real general matrix *> by backward transformation on the computed eigenvectors of the *> balanced matrix output by DGEBAL. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] JOB *> \verbatim *> JOB is CHARACTER*1 *> Specifies the type of backward transformation required: *> = 'N', do nothing, return immediately; *> = 'P', do backward transformation for permutation only; *> = 'S', do backward transformation for scaling only; *> = 'B', do backward transformations for both permutation and *> scaling. *> JOB must be the same as the argument JOB supplied to DGEBAL. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] SIDE *> \verbatim *> SIDE is CHARACTER*1 *> = 'R': V contains right eigenvectors; *> = 'L': V contains left eigenvectors. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The number of rows of the matrix V. N >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] ILO *> \verbatim *> ILO is INTEGER *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] IHI *> \verbatim *> IHI is INTEGER *> The integers ILO and IHI determined by DGEBAL. *> 1 <= ILO <= IHI <= N, if N > 0; ILO=1 and IHI=0, if N=0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] SCALE *> \verbatim *> SCALE is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) *> Details of the permutation and scaling factors, as returned *> by DGEBAL. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] M *> \verbatim *> M is INTEGER *> The number of columns of the matrix V. M >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] V *> \verbatim *> V is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDV,M) *> On entry, the matrix of right or left eigenvectors to be *> transformed, as returned by DHSEIN or DTREVC. *> On exit, V is overwritten by the transformed eigenvectors. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDV *> \verbatim *> LDV is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array V. LDV >= max(1,N). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] INFO *> \verbatim *> INFO is INTEGER *> = 0: successful exit *> < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date November 2011 * *> \ingroup doubleGEcomputational * * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE DGEBAK( JOB, SIDE, N, ILO, IHI, SCALE, M, V, LDV, $ INFO ) * * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.4.0) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * November 2011 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER JOB, SIDE INTEGER IHI, ILO, INFO, LDV, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE( * ), V( LDV, * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL LEFTV, RIGHTV INTEGER I, II, K DOUBLE PRECISION S * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DSCAL, DSWAP, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Decode and Test the input parameters * RIGHTV = LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) LEFTV = LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) * INFO = 0 IF( .NOT.LSAME( JOB, 'N' ) .AND. .NOT.LSAME( JOB, 'P' ) .AND. $ .NOT.LSAME( JOB, 'S' ) .AND. .NOT.LSAME( JOB, 'B' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( .NOT.RIGHTV .AND. .NOT.LEFTV ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( ILO.LT.1 .OR. ILO.GT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( IHI.LT.MIN( ILO, N ) .OR. IHI.GT.N ) THEN INFO = -5 ELSE IF( M.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -7 ELSE IF( LDV.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -9 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DGEBAK', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN IF( M.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN IF( LSAME( JOB, 'N' ) ) $ RETURN * IF( ILO.EQ.IHI ) $ GO TO 30 * * Backward balance * IF( LSAME( JOB, 'S' ) .OR. LSAME( JOB, 'B' ) ) THEN * IF( RIGHTV ) THEN DO 10 I = ILO, IHI S = SCALE( I ) CALL DSCAL( M, S, V( I, 1 ), LDV ) 10 CONTINUE END IF * IF( LEFTV ) THEN DO 20 I = ILO, IHI S = ONE / SCALE( I ) CALL DSCAL( M, S, V( I, 1 ), LDV ) 20 CONTINUE END IF * END IF * * Backward permutation * * For I = ILO-1 step -1 until 1, * IHI+1 step 1 until N do -- * 30 CONTINUE IF( LSAME( JOB, 'P' ) .OR. LSAME( JOB, 'B' ) ) THEN IF( RIGHTV ) THEN DO 40 II = 1, N I = II IF( I.GE.ILO .AND. I.LE.IHI ) $ GO TO 40 IF( I.LT.ILO ) $ I = ILO - II K = SCALE( I ) IF( K.EQ.I ) $ GO TO 40 CALL DSWAP( M, V( I, 1 ), LDV, V( K, 1 ), LDV ) 40 CONTINUE END IF * IF( LEFTV ) THEN DO 50 II = 1, N I = II IF( I.GE.ILO .AND. I.LE.IHI ) $ GO TO 50 IF( I.LT.ILO ) $ I = ILO - II K = SCALE( I ) IF( K.EQ.I ) $ GO TO 50 CALL DSWAP( M, V( I, 1 ), LDV, V( K, 1 ), LDV ) 50 CONTINUE END IF END IF * RETURN * * End of DGEBAK * END
SUBROUTINE DGEHRD( N, ILO, IHI, A, LDA, TAU, WORK, LWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.3.1) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * -- April 2009 -- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER IHI, ILO, INFO, LDA, LWORK, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), TAU( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DGEHRD reduces a real general matrix A to upper Hessenberg form H by * an orthogonal similarity transformation: Q**T * A * Q = H . * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * ILO (input) INTEGER * IHI (input) INTEGER * It is assumed that A is already upper triangular in rows * and columns 1:ILO-1 and IHI+1:N. ILO and IHI are normally * set by a previous call to DGEBAL; otherwise they should be * set to 1 and N respectively. See Further Details. * 1 <= ILO <= IHI <= N, if N > 0; ILO=1 and IHI=0, if N=0. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the N-by-N general matrix to be reduced. * On exit, the upper triangle and the first subdiagonal of A * are overwritten with the upper Hessenberg matrix H, and the * elements below the first subdiagonal, with the array TAU, * represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a product of elementary * reflectors. See Further Details. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). * * TAU (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors (see Further * Details). Elements 1:ILO-1 and IHI:N-1 of TAU are set to * zero. * * WORK (workspace/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK) * On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. * * LWORK (input) INTEGER * The length of the array WORK. LWORK >= max(1,N). * For optimum performance LWORK >= N*NB, where NB is the * optimal blocksize. * * If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine * only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns * this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error * message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * * Further Details * =============== * * The matrix Q is represented as a product of (ihi-ilo) elementary * reflectors * * Q = H(ilo) H(ilo+1) . . . H(ihi-1). * * Each H(i) has the form * * H(i) = I - tau * v * v**T * * where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with * v(1:i) = 0, v(i+1) = 1 and v(ihi+1:n) = 0; v(i+2:ihi) is stored on * exit in A(i+2:ihi,i), and tau in TAU(i). * * The contents of A are illustrated by the following example, with * n = 7, ilo = 2 and ihi = 6: * * on entry, on exit, * * ( a a a a a a a ) ( a a h h h h a ) * ( a a a a a a ) ( a h h h h a ) * ( a a a a a a ) ( h h h h h h ) * ( a a a a a a ) ( v2 h h h h h ) * ( a a a a a a ) ( v2 v3 h h h h ) * ( a a a a a a ) ( v2 v3 v4 h h h ) * ( a ) ( a ) * * where a denotes an element of the original matrix A, h denotes a * modified element of the upper Hessenberg matrix H, and vi denotes an * element of the vector defining H(i). * * This file is a slight modification of LAPACK-3.0's DGEHRD * subroutine incorporating improvements proposed by Quintana-Orti and * Van de Geijn (2006). (See DLAHR2.) * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER NBMAX, LDT PARAMETER ( NBMAX = 64, LDT = NBMAX+1 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, $ ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL LQUERY INTEGER I, IB, IINFO, IWS, J, LDWORK, LWKOPT, NB, $ NBMIN, NH, NX DOUBLE PRECISION EI * .. * .. Local Arrays .. DOUBLE PRECISION T( LDT, NBMAX ) * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DAXPY, DGEHD2, DGEMM, DLAHR2, DLARFB, DTRMM, $ XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER ILAENV EXTERNAL ILAENV * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters * INFO = 0 NB = MIN( NBMAX, ILAENV( 1, 'DGEHRD', ' ', N, ILO, IHI, -1 ) ) LWKOPT = N*NB WORK( 1 ) = LWKOPT LQUERY = ( LWORK.EQ.-1 ) IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( ILO.LT.1 .OR. ILO.GT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( IHI.LT.MIN( ILO, N ) .OR. IHI.GT.N ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -5 ELSE IF( LWORK.LT.MAX( 1, N ) .AND. .NOT.LQUERY ) THEN INFO = -8 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DGEHRD', -INFO ) RETURN ELSE IF( LQUERY ) THEN RETURN END IF * * Set elements 1:ILO-1 and IHI:N-1 of TAU to zero * DO 10 I = 1, ILO - 1 TAU( I ) = ZERO 10 CONTINUE DO 20 I = MAX( 1, IHI ), N - 1 TAU( I ) = ZERO 20 CONTINUE * * Quick return if possible * NH = IHI - ILO + 1 IF( NH.LE.1 ) THEN WORK( 1 ) = 1 RETURN END IF * * Determine the block size * NB = MIN( NBMAX, ILAENV( 1, 'DGEHRD', ' ', N, ILO, IHI, -1 ) ) NBMIN = 2 IWS = 1 IF( NB.GT.1 .AND. NB.LT.NH ) THEN * * Determine when to cross over from blocked to unblocked code * (last block is always handled by unblocked code) * NX = MAX( NB, ILAENV( 3, 'DGEHRD', ' ', N, ILO, IHI, -1 ) ) IF( NX.LT.NH ) THEN * * Determine if workspace is large enough for blocked code * IWS = N*NB IF( LWORK.LT.IWS ) THEN * * Not enough workspace to use optimal NB: determine the * minimum value of NB, and reduce NB or force use of * unblocked code * NBMIN = MAX( 2, ILAENV( 2, 'DGEHRD', ' ', N, ILO, IHI, $ -1 ) ) IF( LWORK.GE.N*NBMIN ) THEN NB = LWORK / N ELSE NB = 1 END IF END IF END IF END IF LDWORK = N * IF( NB.LT.NBMIN .OR. NB.GE.NH ) THEN * * Use unblocked code below * I = ILO * ELSE * * Use blocked code * DO 40 I = ILO, IHI - 1 - NX, NB IB = MIN( NB, IHI-I ) * * Reduce columns i:i+ib-1 to Hessenberg form, returning the * matrices V and T of the block reflector H = I - V*T*V**T * which performs the reduction, and also the matrix Y = A*V*T * CALL DLAHR2( IHI, I, IB, A( 1, I ), LDA, TAU( I ), T, LDT, $ WORK, LDWORK ) * * Apply the block reflector H to A(1:ihi,i+ib:ihi) from the * right, computing A := A - Y * V**T. V(i+ib,ib-1) must be set * to 1 * EI = A( I+IB, I+IB-1 ) A( I+IB, I+IB-1 ) = ONE CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', $ IHI, IHI-I-IB+1, $ IB, -ONE, WORK, LDWORK, A( I+IB, I ), LDA, ONE, $ A( 1, I+IB ), LDA ) A( I+IB, I+IB-1 ) = EI * * Apply the block reflector H to A(1:i,i+1:i+ib-1) from the * right * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'Transpose', $ 'Unit', I, IB-1, $ ONE, A( I+1, I ), LDA, WORK, LDWORK ) DO 30 J = 0, IB-2 CALL DAXPY( I, -ONE, WORK( LDWORK*J+1 ), 1, $ A( 1, I+J+1 ), 1 ) 30 CONTINUE * * Apply the block reflector H to A(i+1:ihi,i+ib:n) from the * left * CALL DLARFB( 'Left', 'Transpose', 'Forward', $ 'Columnwise', $ IHI-I, N-I-IB+1, IB, A( I+1, I ), LDA, T, LDT, $ A( I+1, I+IB ), LDA, WORK, LDWORK ) 40 CONTINUE END IF * * Use unblocked code to reduce the rest of the matrix * CALL DGEHD2( N, I, IHI, A, LDA, TAU, WORK, IINFO ) WORK( 1 ) = IWS * RETURN * * End of DGEHRD * END
SUBROUTINE CH3PISET(JJ) C information on 3 pion sub-channel under construction obtained C J3PI=1 means 3 prong C J3PI=2 means 1 prong C to be initialized in routine DPHSAA of tauola.f COMMON /CHANOPT/ J3PI INTEGER J3PI J3PI=JJ end SUBROUTINE CH3PIGET(JJ) C information on 3 pion sub-channel under construction obtained C J3PI=1 means 3 prong C J3PI=2 means 1 prong C to be initialized in routine DPHSAA of tauola.f COMMON /CHANOPT/ J3PI INTEGER J3PI IF (J3PI.EQ.1.OR.J3PI.EQ.2) THEN JJ=J3PI ELSE write(*,*) 'FROM value_parameter.f CH3PIGET, wrong J3PI=',J3PI stop ENDIF end SUBROUTINE GETFF2PIRHO(JJ) IMPLICIT NONE include '../' INTEGER JJ JJ = FF2PIRHO END SUBROUTINE OLACHNL(SIGN) C provides sign of tau, to be used in CP dependent parts of current. COMMON / JAKI / JAK1,JAK2,JAKP,JAKM,KTOM INTEGER JAK1,JAK2,JAKP,JAKM,KTOM COMMON / IDFC / IDFF INTEGER KTO REAL SIGN IF (KTOM.EQ.1.OR.KTOM.EQ.-1) THEN SIGN= IDFF/ABS(IDFF) ELSEIF (KTOM.EQ.2) THEN SIGN=-IDFF/ABS(IDFF) ELSE PRINT *, 'STOP IN OLACHNL: KTOM=',KTOM STOP ENDIF END FUNCTION COEFrr(I,J) C clebsh gordan (or so ...) coefs for 3 scalar final states implicit none C TAUOLA RChL COEF(I,J) = COEFr(I,J) REAL COEFr(1:5,0:7) REAL COEFrr DATA PI /3.141592653589793238462643/ REAL PI DATA ICONT /0/ INTEGER ICONT INTEGER I,J REAL FPIr C initialization of FPI matrix defined in ... C FPIc is to be used with cleo initialization C FPIr is to be used with RChL initialization C actual choice is made in ??? DATA FPIr /92.4E-3/ C initialization of COEF matrix defined in ... C COEFc is to be used with cleo initialization C COEFr is to be used with RChL initialization IF (ICONT.EQ.0) THEN ICONT=1 C C********* COEFr(I,J) ******* COEFr(1,0)= 1. COEFr(2,0)= -1. COEFr(3,0)= 0. COEFr(4,0)= 1. COEFr(5,0)= 0. COEFr(1,1)= 1. COEFr(2,1)= -1. COEFr(3,1)= 0. COEFr(4,1)= 1. COEFr(5,1)= 1. C COEFr(1,2)=1. COEFr(2,2)= -1. COEFr(3,2)= 0.0 COEFr(4,2)= 1. COEFr(5,2)=1. C COEFr(1,3)= 0. COEFr(2,3)= 1. COEFr(3,3)= -1. COEFr(4,3)= 1. COEFr(5,3)= - 1. C COEFr(1,4)= 1.0/SQRT(2.)/3.0 COEFr(2,4)=-1.0/SQRT(2.)/3.0 COEFr(3,4)= 0.0 COEFr(4,4)= 0.0 COEFr(5,4)= 0.0 C COEFr(1,5)=-SQRT(2.)/3.0 COEFr(2,5)= SQRT(2.)/3.0 COEFr(3,5)= 0.0 COEFr(4,5)= 0.0 COEFr(5,5)=-SQRT(2.) C COEFr(1,6)= 1./3. COEFr(2,6)=-2./3. COEFr(3,6)= 2./3. COEFr(4,6)= 0.0 COEFr(5,6)=-2.0 C COEFr(1,7)= 0.0 COEFr(2,7)= 0.0 COEFr(3,7)= 0.0 COEFr(4,7)= 0.0 COEFr(5,7)=-SQRT(2.0/3.0) ENDIF COEFrr=COEFr(I,J) END subroutine rchl_parameters(KAK) implicit none C============================================================================== C Initialization, of '../' common block group C C KAK may be equal to JAK of TAUOLA namespace, but it is not always the case C Hard-coded fit parameters: C rho, rhoprime, f2(1275), f0(1186), sigma(made up!) C The value of both the mass and width of resonances are taken C from fit to ALEPH data (ref [1], Set 1) C References: [1] arXiv: 0911.4436 [hep-ph] D. Gomez Dumm et al C [2] arXiv: 0911.2640 [hep-ph] D. Gomez Dumm et al. C [3] P Roig, talk PhiPsi2011, Novosibirsk C [4] arXiv:0807.4883 [hep-ph] Diogo R. Boito et al. C [5] arXiv:0803.1786 [hep-ph] M. Jamin et al. C WARNING: some of parameters require RERUN of da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f C pretabulating Q dependent a1 width, C directory RChL-currents/tabler/a1 C============================================================================== include '../' INTEGER KAK DATA IWARM/0/ INTEGER IWARM INTEGER J3PI COMMON /CHANOPT/ J3PI IF(KAK.EQ.4) THEN C /MASS_RES/; resonances parameters initialization: C ! at present only for two pion mode non-default c ! values are used: mro = 0.77554d0 mrho1 = 1.453d0 grho1 = 0.50155D0 c /PAR_RHOPRIME/; parameters of rho' and rho'' C used for 2 pion form factor, reference [3] COEF_GA = 0.14199D0 COEF_DE = -0.12623D0 phi_1 = -0.17377D0 phi_2 = 0.27632D0 grho2 = 0.41786D0 mrho2 = 1.8105d0 ELSE IF(KAK.EQ.5) THEN MRO = 0.771849d0 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f MRHO1 = 1.35d0 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f GRHO1 = 0.448379d0 !0.473287d0 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f ELSE MRO = 0.775 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f MRHO1 = 1.465 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f GRHO1 = 0.4 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f c /PAR_RHOPRIME/; parameters of rho' and rho'' C used for 2 kaon form factor, reference [3] c FOR THE MOMENT THEIR NUMERICAL VALUES COINCIDE WITH c ONES FOR THE TWO PION MODE !!!! COEF_GA = 0.14199D0 COEF_DE = -0.12623D0 phi_1 = -0.17377D0 phi_2 = 0.27632D0 grho2 = 0.41786D0 mrho2 = 1.8105d0 ENDIF IF(KAK.EQ.70) THEN ! non default values to be used ! for KPI MODE NO FSR INTERACTION c /PAR_KPI/; parameters for Kpi mode, reference [4], table 4, row2 MKST = 0.943d0 MKSTPR = 1.374D0 GAMMA_KST = 0.06672d0 GAMMA_KSTPR = 0.240d0 GAMMA_RCHT =-0.039d0 ELSE IF(KAK.EQ.71) THEN ! non default values to be used ! for KPI MODE WITH FSR INTERACTION c parameters for Kpi mode, reference [5] MKST = 0.8953d0 GAMMA_KST = 0.0475d0 MKSTPR = 1.307d0 GAMMA_KSTPR = 0.206d0 GAMMA_RCHT = -0.043d0 ELSE C /MASS_SCAL/; stable particles - final scalars Mksp = 0.89166d0 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f Mks0 = 0.89610d0 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f MKST = (Mksp +Mks0)/2. MKSTPR = 1.374d0 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f GAMMA_KST = 0.06672 GAMMA_KSTPR = 0.240 GAMMA_RCHT = -0.043 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f ENDIF C /RCHT_3PI/; model parameters; their value are from fit, c reference [1], set 1 C CHANGE OF THEIR VALUES REQUIRES C RERUN /tabler/a1/da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f IF(KAK.EQ.5) THEN FPI_RPT = 0.091337d0 FV_RPT = 0.168652d0 FA_RPT = 0.131425d0 BETA_RHO = -0.318551d0 ELSE FPI_RPT = 0.0924 FV_RPT = 0.18 FA_RPT = 0.149 BETA_RHO = -0.25 ENDIF FK_RPT = FPI_RPT*1.198d0 GV_RPT = FPI_RPT*FPI_RPT/FV_RPT c$$$c It has to be used for a new parametrization of rho1 for 3pions, C$$$c that is not checked yet c$$$c IF(KAK.EQ.5) THEN ! high energy behaviour imposes these relations c$$$c GV_RPT = 0.066 c$$$c FV1_RPT = 0.18D0 c$$$c GV1_RPT = (FPI_RPT*FPI_RPT- FV_RPT*GV_RPT)/FV1_RPT c$$$c ELSE c$$$c GV_RPT = FPI_RPT*FPI_RPT/FV_RPT c$$$c ENDIF c /SCAL_3PI/; parameters of sigma meson for 3 pion mode C* Parameteres for the sigma contribution, using BW for sigma IF(KAK.EQ.5) THEN IF (J3PI.EQ.1) THEN alpsig = -8.795938d0 betasig = 9.763701d0 gamsig = 1.264263d0 delsig = 0.656762d0 rsigma = 1.866913d0 ELSE IF (J3PI.EQ.2) THEN alpsig = 1.139486d0*0.63d0 betasig = 1.139486d0*0.63d0 gamsig = 0.889769d0*0.63d0 delsig = 0.889769d0*0.63d0 rsigma = 0.000013d0 ENDIF ENDIF C /MASS_RES/ IF(KAK.EQ.5) THEN MMA1 = 1.091865d0 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f IF (J3PI.EQ.1) THEN MSIG = 0.487512d0 GSIG = 0.70d0 ELSE IF(J3PI.EQ.2) THEN MSIG = 0.55d0 GSIG = 0.7d0 ENDIF ELSE MMA1 = 1.12 MSIG = 0.475 GSIG = 0.550 ENDIF call rchl_REparam(0,IWARM,KAK) IF (IWARM.EQ.1) RETURN ! parameters below do not need IWARM=1 ! re-initialization C /MASS_RES/ GRO = 0.149d0 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f MF2 = 1.275d0 GF2 = 0.185d0 MF0 = 1.186d0 GF0 = 0.350d0 MSG = 0.860d0 GSG = 0.880d0 MPHI = 1.019d0 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f GPHI = 0.0042d0 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f MOM = 0.781940d0 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f GOM = 0.00843d0 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f C /RES_MIXING_RCHT/; a parameter defines w-phi angle mixing THETA = 35.*PI/180. C /FF0SCKPI/ a parameter normalized FFSC_KPI F00 = 0.972 C /MASS_SCAL/; stable particles - final scalars C CHANGE OF THEIR VALUES (useful for some tests) REQUIRES, C RERUN /tabler/a1/da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f MPIZ = 0.1349766d0 !PKORB(1,7) ! NEUTRAL PION MASS MPIC = 0.13957018d0 !PKORB(1,8) ! CHARGED PION MASS MMPI_AV = (MPIZ+2.*MPIC)/3.d0 MKZ = 0.497648d0 !PKORB(1,12) ! NEUTRAL KAON MASS MKC = 0.493677d0 !PKORB(1,11) ! CHARGED KAON MASS MMK = (MKC+MKZ)/2.d0 MTAU = 1.777 MNUTA = 0.001 META = 0.547d0 c /PAR_KKPI/; parameters to describe KKpi modes, reference [2] C CHANGE OF THEIR VALUES REQUIRES C RERUN /tabler/a1/da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f G2 = mro/(192.*pi*pi*sqrt(2.)*FV_RPT)*3. G13 = -2.*g2 G4 = -0.72 G5 = -0.6-2.*g4 C125 = 0. C1256 = -3/96./pi**2*FV_RPT*MRO/SQRT(2.)/FPI_RPT**2 C1235 = 0. C4 = -0.07 D123 = 0.05 D3 = -MRO**2/(64.*PI*PI*FPI_RPT**2) c /PAR_KPI/; parameters to describe Kpi mode, reference [4] Ht0 = -1.2400398216503017D-2 C Ht0 = !!!!! TO ADD A FORMULAE FOR Ht0 (Jamin's email) !!!!! lap_KPI = 24.66e-3 lapp_KPI = 11.99e-4 c1_KPI = lap_KPI/mpic**2 c2_KPI = (lapp_KPI - lap_kpi**2)/2.d0/mpic**4 c /KPISC_EM/; parameters for Kpi scalar FF from c lnC = 0.20193d0 lambda0 = 0.013139d0 c /SCAL_3PI/; parameters of sigma meson for 3 pion mode a00_3piscal = 0.220 b00_3piscal = 0.268/mmpi_av**2 c00_3piscal = -0.0139/mmpi_av**4 d00_3piscal = -0.00139/mmpi_av**6 x00_3piscal = 36.77*mmpi_av**2 a02_3piscal = -0.0444 b02_3piscal = -0.0857/mmpi_av**2 c02_3piscal = -0.00221/mmpi_av**4 d02_3piscal = -0.000129/mmpi_av**6 x02_3piscal = -21.62*mmpi_av**2 MMF0 = 0.441 c /SCAL_3PI/; parameters for the scalar part 3 pion modes c Pablo private ALPHA0_3PI = 1. ALPHA1_3PI = 1. GAMMA0_3PI = 1. GAMMA1_3PI = 1. C FFVEC: dipswitch for Final State interaction in two scalar modes C with FSI (default FFVEC =1) and C without FSI (FFVEC =0) FFVEC = 1 C FFKPIVEC : parameter to choose the parametrization for C vector Kpi form factor with FSI effects C FFKPIVEC = 0 parametrization Eqs.(17),(18) of [4] C FFKPIVEC = 1 parametrization Eq.(5) of [5] C FFKPIVEC = 2 parmetrization [4], total result FFKPIVEC = 2 C FFKPISCAL : parameter to choose the parametrization for C scalar Kpi form factor with FSI effects C FFKPISCAL = 0 no scalar contribution C FFKPISCAL = 1 parametrization of Mathias Jamin,adopted his private code C FFKPISCAL = 2 parametrization of Emilie Passerman, C adopted her private code [] FFKPISCAL = 1 C FFKKVEC: dipswitch for K0K- mode C with rho' and rho'' (FFKKVEC =1) and C without rho' and rho'' (default FFKKVEC =0) FFKKVEC = 0 C FF3PISCAL: dipswitch for the scalar contribution for 3 pion modes C with the scalar contribution ( default FF3PISCAL = 2) c FF3PISCAL = 2 BW parametrization for sigma meson c FF3PISCAL = 1 simplified RCHT results C FF3PISCAL =0 no sigma contribution FF3PISCAL = 2 C Implemetation of another parametrization rho1, not checked yet by tests C FF3PIRHOPR: dipswitch for the parametrization for rho' contribution C For 3 pion modes C general parametrization ( default FF3RHOPR =1) and C simplified (FF3PIRHOPR =0) FF3PIRHOPR = 0 C FF2PIRHO: dipswitch for the two pion form factor (default FF2PIRHO = 1) C FF2PIRHO =1 RChL parametrization C FF2PIRHO = 2 Belle parametrization, C all parameters par (1...11) of fit are free C FF2PIRHO = 3 Belle parametrization, C parameters of fit are free C except for fixed par(1)=F_pi(0)=1 FF2PIRHO =2 C FCOUL: dipswitch for the Coulomb interaction C FCOUL = 1 with C FCOUL = 0 without FCOUL = 0 call rchl_REparam(1,IWARM,KAK) return end subroutine rchl_REparam(IMODE,IWARM,KAK) include '../' common / PARAMS / P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16,IUSE INTEGER IUSE DOUBLE PRECISION P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16 DATA IUSE /0/ IF(IUSE.EQ.0) RETURN IF (IMODE.EQ.-1) THEN IWARM=IWARM ELSE C FF3PISCAL: dipswitch for the scalar contribution for 3 pion modes C with the scalar contribution ( default FF3PISCAL = 2) c FF3PISCAL = 2 BW parametrization for sigma meson c FF3PISCAL = 1 simplified RCHT results C FF3PISCAL =0 no sigma contribution c FF3PISCAL = 2 C CANDIDATES FOR PARAMETERS TO FIT with default values C* Parameteres for the sigma contribution, using BW for sigma alpsig = P1 betasig = P2 gamsig = P3 delsig = P4 rsigma = P5 MRO = P6 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f MRHO1 = P7 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f GRHO1 = P8 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f C /MASS_RES/ GRO = P9 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f MMA1 = P10 !CHANGE REQUIRES RERUN da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f MSIG = P11 GSIG = P12 C /RCHT_3PI/; model parameters; their value are from fit, c reference [1], set 1 C CHANGE OF THEIR VALUES REQUIRES C RERUN /tabler/a1/da1wid_tot_rho1_gauss.f FPI_RPT = P13 FV_RPT = P14 FA_RPT = P15 BETA_RHO = P16 FK_RPT = FPI_RPT*1.198d0 GV_RPT = FPI_RPT*FPI_RPT/FV_RPT ENDIF return end
*> \brief \b CLARFG generates an elementary reflector (Householder matrix). * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download CLARFG + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE CLARFG( N, ALPHA, X, INCX, TAU ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * INTEGER INCX, N * COMPLEX ALPHA, TAU * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * COMPLEX X( * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> CLARFG generates a complex elementary reflector H of order n, such *> that *> *> H**H * ( alpha ) = ( beta ), H**H * H = I. *> ( x ) ( 0 ) *> *> where alpha and beta are scalars, with beta real, and x is an *> (n-1)-element complex vector. H is represented in the form *> *> H = I - tau * ( 1 ) * ( 1 v**H ) , *> ( v ) *> *> where tau is a complex scalar and v is a complex (n-1)-element *> vector. Note that H is not hermitian. *> *> If the elements of x are all zero and alpha is real, then tau = 0 *> and H is taken to be the unit matrix. *> *> Otherwise 1 <= real(tau) <= 2 and abs(tau-1) <= 1 . *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The order of the elementary reflector. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] ALPHA *> \verbatim *> ALPHA is COMPLEX *> On entry, the value alpha. *> On exit, it is overwritten with the value beta. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] X *> \verbatim *> X is COMPLEX array, dimension *> (1+(N-2)*abs(INCX)) *> On entry, the vector x. *> On exit, it is overwritten with the vector v. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] INCX *> \verbatim *> INCX is INTEGER *> The increment between elements of X. INCX > 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] TAU *> \verbatim *> TAU is COMPLEX *> The value tau. *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date September 2012 * *> \ingroup complexOTHERauxiliary * * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE CLARFG( N, ALPHA, X, INCX, TAU ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.4.2) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * September 2012 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCX, N COMPLEX ALPHA, TAU * .. * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX X( * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E+0, ZERO = 0.0E+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER J, KNT REAL ALPHI, ALPHR, BETA, RSAFMN, SAFMIN, XNORM * .. * .. External Functions .. REAL SCNRM2, SLAMCH, SLAPY3 COMPLEX CLADIV EXTERNAL SCNRM2, SLAMCH, SLAPY3, CLADIV * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, AIMAG, CMPLX, REAL, SIGN * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CSCAL, CSSCAL * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.LE.0 ) THEN TAU = ZERO RETURN END IF * XNORM = SCNRM2( N-1, X, INCX ) ALPHR = REAL( ALPHA ) ALPHI = AIMAG( ALPHA ) * IF( XNORM.EQ.ZERO .AND. ALPHI.EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * H = I * TAU = ZERO ELSE * * general case * BETA = -SIGN( SLAPY3( ALPHR, ALPHI, XNORM ), ALPHR ) SAFMIN = SLAMCH( 'S' ) / SLAMCH( 'E' ) RSAFMN = ONE / SAFMIN * KNT = 0 IF( ABS( BETA ).LT.SAFMIN ) THEN * * XNORM, BETA may be inaccurate; scale X and recompute them * 10 CONTINUE KNT = KNT + 1 CALL CSSCAL( N-1, RSAFMN, X, INCX ) BETA = BETA*RSAFMN ALPHI = ALPHI*RSAFMN ALPHR = ALPHR*RSAFMN IF( ABS( BETA ).LT.SAFMIN ) $ GO TO 10 * * New BETA is at most 1, at least SAFMIN * XNORM = SCNRM2( N-1, X, INCX ) ALPHA = CMPLX( ALPHR, ALPHI ) BETA = -SIGN( SLAPY3( ALPHR, ALPHI, XNORM ), ALPHR ) END IF TAU = CMPLX( ( BETA-ALPHR ) / BETA, -ALPHI / BETA ) ALPHA = CLADIV( CMPLX( ONE ), ALPHA-BETA ) CALL CSCAL( N-1, ALPHA, X, INCX ) * * If ALPHA is subnormal, it may lose relative accuracy * DO 20 J = 1, KNT BETA = BETA*SAFMIN 20 CONTINUE ALPHA = BETA END IF * RETURN * * End of CLARFG * END
program test implicit none include "mpif.h" #include "fftw3.f" include "pfft.f" integer np(2), myrank, ierror, comm_cart_2d integer(ptrdiff_t_kind) :: l, m integer(ptrdiff_t_kind) :: n(3), ni(3), no(3) integer(ptrdiff_t_kind) :: alloc_local_forw, alloc_local_back, alloc_local integer(ptrdiff_t_kind) :: howmany integer(ptrdiff_t_kind) :: local_ni(3), local_i_start(3) integer(ptrdiff_t_kind) :: local_n(3), local_start(3) integer(ptrdiff_t_kind) :: local_no(3), local_o_start(3) integer(8) plan_forw, plan_back complex(8), allocatable :: data_in(:) complex(8), allocatable :: data_out(:) real(8) error ! Set size of FFT and process mesh ni = (/ 16,16,16 /) n = (/ 29,27,31 /) do l=1,3 no(l) = ni(l) enddo howmany = 1 np = (/ 2,2 /) ! Initialize MPI and PFFT call MPI_Init(ierror) call dpfft_init(); call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, myrank, ierror) ! Create two-dimensional process grid of ! size np(1) x np(2), if possible call dpfft_create_procmesh_2d(ierror, MPI_COMM_WORLD, & & np(1), np(2), comm_cart_2d) if (ierror .ne. 0) then if(myrank .eq. 0) then write(*,*) "Error: This test file only works with 4 processes" endif call MPI_Finalize(ierror) call exit(1) endif ! Get parameters of data distribution call dpfft_local_size_many_dft( & & alloc_local_forw, 3, n, ni, n, howmany, & & PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCKS, PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCKS, & & comm_cart_2d, PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT, & & local_ni, local_i_start, local_n, local_start); call dpfft_local_size_many_dft( & & alloc_local_back, 3, n, n, no, howmany, & & PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCKS, PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCKS, & & comm_cart_2d, PFFT_TRANSPOSED_IN, & & local_n, local_start, local_no, local_o_start); ! Allocate enough memory for both trafos alloc_local = alloc_local_forw if(alloc_local_back .gt. alloc_local_forw) then alloc_local = alloc_local_back endif allocate(data_in(alloc_local)) allocate(data_out(alloc_local)) ! Plan parallel forward FFT call dpfft_plan_many_dft( & & plan_forw, 3, n, ni, n, howmany, & & PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCKS, PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCKS, & & data_in, data_out, comm_cart_2d, & & PFFT_FORWARD, PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT + PFFT_MEASURE + PFFT_DESTROY_INPUT) ! Plan parallel backward FFT call dpfft_plan_many_dft( & & plan_back, 3, n, n, no, howmany, & & PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCKS, PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCKS, & & data_out, data_in, comm_cart_2d, & & PFFT_BACKWARD, PFFT_TRANSPOSED_IN + PFFT_MEASURE + PFFT_DESTROY_INPUT) ! Initialize input with random numbers call dpfft_init_input_complex_3d(ni, local_ni, local_i_start, & & data_in) ! Execute parallel forward FFT call dpfft_execute(plan_forw) ! Execute parallel backward FFT call dpfft_execute(plan_back) ! Scale data m=1 do l=1,local_ni(1) * local_ni(2) * local_ni(3) data_in(l) = data_in(l) / (n(1)*n(2)*n(3)) m = m+1 enddo ! Print error of back transformed data call dpfft_check_output_complex_3d(error, ni, local_ni, local_i_start, & & data_in, comm_cart_2d) if(myrank .eq. 0) then write(*,*) "Error after one forward and backward& & trafo of size n=(", n(1), n(2), n(3), "):" write(*,*) "maxerror = ", error endif ! free mem and finalize call dpfft_destroy_plan(plan_forw) call dpfft_destroy_plan(plan_back) call MPI_Comm_free(comm_cart_2d, ierror) deallocate(data_out) deallocate(data_in) ! Finalize MPI call MPI_Finalize(ierror) end
SUBROUTINE DLASQ3( I0, N0, Z, PP, DMIN, SIGMA, DESIG, QMAX, NFAIL, $ ITER, NDIV, IEEE ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * May 17, 2000 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL IEEE INTEGER I0, ITER, N0, NDIV, NFAIL, PP DOUBLE PRECISION DESIG, DMIN, QMAX, SIGMA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASQ3 checks for deflation, computes a shift (TAU) and calls dqds. * In case of failure it changes shifts, and tries again until output * is positive. * * Arguments * ========= * * I0 (input) INTEGER * First index. * * N0 (input) INTEGER * Last index. * * Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 4*N ) * Z holds the qd array. * * PP (input) INTEGER * PP=0 for ping, PP=1 for pong. * * DMIN (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Minimum value of d. * * SIGMA (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Sum of shifts used in current segment. * * DESIG (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Lower order part of SIGMA * * QMAX (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Maximum value of q. * * NFAIL (output) INTEGER * Number of times shift was too big. * * ITER (output) INTEGER * Number of iterations. * * NDIV (output) INTEGER * Number of divisions. * * TTYPE (output) INTEGER * Shift type. * * IEEE (input) LOGICAL * Flag for IEEE or non IEEE arithmetic (passed to DLASQ5). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION CBIAS PARAMETER ( CBIAS = 1.50D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, QURTR, HALF, ONE, TWO, HUNDRD PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, QURTR = 0.250D0, HALF = 0.5D0, $ ONE = 1.0D0, TWO = 2.0D0, HUNDRD = 100.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IPN4, J4, N0IN, NN, TTYPE DOUBLE PRECISION DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, DN1, DN2, EPS, S, SAFMIN, T, $ TAU, TEMP, TOL, TOL2 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASQ4, DLASQ5, DLASQ6 * .. * .. External Function .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Save statement .. SAVE TTYPE SAVE DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, DN1, DN2, TAU * .. * .. Data statement .. DATA TTYPE / 0 / DATA DMIN1 / ZERO /, DMIN2 / ZERO /, DN / ZERO /, $ DN1 / ZERO /, DN2 / ZERO /, TAU / ZERO / * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * N0IN = N0 EPS = DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) SAFMIN = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) TOL = EPS*HUNDRD TOL2 = TOL**2 * * Check for deflation. * 10 CONTINUE * IF( N0.LT.I0 ) $ RETURN IF( N0.EQ.I0 ) $ GO TO 20 NN = 4*N0 + PP IF( N0.EQ.( I0+1 ) ) $ GO TO 40 * * Check whether E(N0-1) is negligible, 1 eigenvalue. * IF( Z( NN-5 ).GT.TOL2*( SIGMA+Z( NN-3 ) ) .AND. $ Z( NN-2*PP-4 ).GT.TOL2*Z( NN-7 ) ) $ GO TO 30 * 20 CONTINUE * Z( 4*N0-3 ) = Z( 4*N0+PP-3 ) + SIGMA N0 = N0 - 1 GO TO 10 * * Check whether E(N0-2) is negligible, 2 eigenvalues. * 30 CONTINUE * IF( Z( NN-9 ).GT.TOL2*SIGMA .AND. $ Z( NN-2*PP-8 ).GT.TOL2*Z( NN-11 ) ) $ GO TO 50 * 40 CONTINUE * IF( Z( NN-3 ).GT.Z( NN-7 ) ) THEN S = Z( NN-3 ) Z( NN-3 ) = Z( NN-7 ) Z( NN-7 ) = S END IF IF( Z( NN-5 ).GT.Z( NN-3 )*TOL2 ) THEN T = HALF*( ( Z( NN-7 )-Z( NN-3 ) )+Z( NN-5 ) ) S = Z( NN-3 )*( Z( NN-5 ) / T ) IF( S.LE.T ) THEN S = Z( NN-3 )*( Z( NN-5 ) / $ ( T*( ONE+SQRT( ONE+S / T ) ) ) ) ELSE S = Z( NN-3 )*( Z( NN-5 ) / ( T+SQRT( T )*SQRT( T+S ) ) ) END IF T = Z( NN-7 ) + ( S+Z( NN-5 ) ) Z( NN-3 ) = Z( NN-3 )*( Z( NN-7 ) / T ) Z( NN-7 ) = T END IF Z( 4*N0-7 ) = Z( NN-7 ) + SIGMA Z( 4*N0-3 ) = Z( NN-3 ) + SIGMA N0 = N0 - 2 GO TO 10 * 50 CONTINUE * * Reverse the qd-array, if warranted. * IF( DMIN.LE.ZERO .OR. N0.LT.N0IN ) THEN IF( CBIAS*Z( 4*I0+PP-3 ).LT.Z( 4*N0+PP-3 ) ) THEN IPN4 = 4*( I0+N0 ) DO 60 J4 = 4*I0, 2*( I0+N0-1 ), 4 TEMP = Z( J4-3 ) Z( J4-3 ) = Z( IPN4-J4-3 ) Z( IPN4-J4-3 ) = TEMP TEMP = Z( J4-2 ) Z( J4-2 ) = Z( IPN4-J4-2 ) Z( IPN4-J4-2 ) = TEMP TEMP = Z( J4-1 ) Z( J4-1 ) = Z( IPN4-J4-5 ) Z( IPN4-J4-5 ) = TEMP TEMP = Z( J4 ) Z( J4 ) = Z( IPN4-J4-4 ) Z( IPN4-J4-4 ) = TEMP 60 CONTINUE IF( N0-I0.LE.4 ) THEN Z( 4*N0+PP-1 ) = Z( 4*I0+PP-1 ) Z( 4*N0-PP ) = Z( 4*I0-PP ) END IF DMIN2 = MIN( DMIN2, Z( 4*N0+PP-1 ) ) Z( 4*N0+PP-1 ) = MIN( Z( 4*N0+PP-1 ), Z( 4*I0+PP-1 ), $ Z( 4*I0+PP+3 ) ) Z( 4*N0-PP ) = MIN( Z( 4*N0-PP ), Z( 4*I0-PP ), $ Z( 4*I0-PP+4 ) ) QMAX = MAX( QMAX, Z( 4*I0+PP-3 ), Z( 4*I0+PP+1 ) ) DMIN = -ZERO END IF END IF * 70 CONTINUE * IF( DMIN.LT.ZERO .OR. SAFMIN*QMAX.LT.MIN( Z( 4*N0+PP-1 ), $ Z( 4*N0+PP-9 ), DMIN2+Z( 4*N0-PP ) ) ) THEN * * Choose a shift. * CALL DLASQ4( I0, N0, Z, PP, N0IN, DMIN, DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, DN1, $ DN2, TAU, TTYPE ) * * Call dqds until DMIN > 0. * 80 CONTINUE * CALL DLASQ5( I0, N0, Z, PP, TAU, DMIN, DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, $ DN1, DN2, IEEE ) * NDIV = NDIV + ( N0-I0+2 ) ITER = ITER + 1 * * Check status. * IF( DMIN.GE.ZERO .AND. DMIN1.GT.ZERO ) THEN * * Success. * GO TO 100 * ELSE IF( DMIN.LT.ZERO .AND. DMIN1.GT.ZERO .AND. $ Z( 4*( N0-1 )-PP ).LT.TOL*( SIGMA+DN1 ) .AND. $ ABS( DN ).LT.TOL*SIGMA ) THEN * * Convergence hidden by negative DN. * Z( 4*( N0-1 )-PP+2 ) = ZERO DMIN = ZERO GO TO 100 ELSE IF( DMIN.LT.ZERO ) THEN * * TAU too big. Select new TAU and try again. * NFAIL = NFAIL + 1 IF( TTYPE.LT.-22 ) THEN * * Failed twice. Play it safe. * TAU = ZERO ELSE IF( DMIN1.GT.ZERO ) THEN * * Late failure. Gives excellent shift. * TAU = ( TAU+DMIN )*( ONE-TWO*EPS ) TTYPE = TTYPE - 11 ELSE * * Early failure. Divide by 4. * TAU = QURTR*TAU TTYPE = TTYPE - 12 END IF GO TO 80 ELSE IF( DMIN.NE.DMIN ) THEN * * NaN. * TAU = ZERO GO TO 80 ELSE * * Possible underflow. Play it safe. * GO TO 90 END IF END IF * * Risk of underflow. * 90 CONTINUE CALL DLASQ6( I0, N0, Z, PP, DMIN, DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, DN1, DN2 ) NDIV = NDIV + ( N0-I0+2 ) ITER = ITER + 1 TAU = ZERO * 100 CONTINUE IF( TAU.LT.SIGMA ) THEN DESIG = DESIG + TAU T = SIGMA + DESIG DESIG = DESIG - ( T-SIGMA ) ELSE T = SIGMA + TAU DESIG = SIGMA - ( T-TAU ) + DESIG END IF SIGMA = T * RETURN * * End of DLASQ3 * END
SUBROUTINE CTRSYL( TRANA, TRANB, ISGN, M, N, A, LDA, B, LDB, C, $ LDC, SCALE, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER TRANA, TRANB INTEGER INFO, ISGN, LDA, LDB, LDC, M, N REAL SCALE * .. * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ), C( LDC, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * CTRSYL solves the complex Sylvester matrix equation: * * op(A)*X + X*op(B) = scale*C or * op(A)*X - X*op(B) = scale*C, * * where op(A) = A or A**H, and A and B are both upper triangular. A is * M-by-M and B is N-by-N; the right hand side C and the solution X are * M-by-N; and scale is an output scale factor, set <= 1 to avoid * overflow in X. * * Arguments * ========= * * TRANA (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the option op(A): * = 'N': op(A) = A (No transpose) * = 'C': op(A) = A**H (Conjugate transpose) * * TRANB (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the option op(B): * = 'N': op(B) = B (No transpose) * = 'C': op(B) = B**H (Conjugate transpose) * * ISGN (input) INTEGER * Specifies the sign in the equation: * = +1: solve op(A)*X + X*op(B) = scale*C * = -1: solve op(A)*X - X*op(B) = scale*C * * M (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A, and the number of rows in the * matrices X and C. M >= 0. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix B, and the number of columns in the * matrices X and C. N >= 0. * * A (input) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDA,M) * The upper triangular matrix A. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). * * B (input) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDB,N) * The upper triangular matrix B. * * LDB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N). * * C (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDC,N) * On entry, the M-by-N right hand side matrix C. * On exit, C is overwritten by the solution matrix X. * * LDC (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array C. LDC >= max(1,M) * * SCALE (output) REAL * The scale factor, scale, set <= 1 to avoid overflow in X. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * = 1: A and B have common or very close eigenvalues; perturbed * values were used to solve the equation (but the matrices * A and B are unchanged). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL NOTRNA, NOTRNB INTEGER J, K, L REAL BIGNUM, DA11, DB, EPS, SCALOC, SGN, SMIN, $ SMLNUM COMPLEX A11, SUML, SUMR, VEC, X11 * .. * .. Local Arrays .. REAL DUM( 1 ) * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME REAL CLANGE, SLAMCH COMPLEX CDOTC, CDOTU, CLADIV EXTERNAL LSAME, CLANGE, SLAMCH, CDOTC, CDOTU, CLADIV * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CSSCAL, SLABAD, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, AIMAG, CMPLX, CONJG, MAX, MIN, REAL * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Decode and Test input parameters * NOTRNA = LSAME( TRANA, 'N' ) NOTRNB = LSAME( TRANB, 'N' ) * INFO = 0 IF( .NOT.NOTRNA .AND. .NOT.LSAME( TRANA, 'T' ) .AND. .NOT. $ LSAME( TRANA, 'C' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( .NOT.NOTRNB .AND. .NOT.LSAME( TRANB, 'T' ) .AND. .NOT. $ LSAME( TRANB, 'C' ) ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( ISGN.NE.1 .AND. ISGN.NE.-1 ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( M.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -5 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -7 ELSE IF( LDB.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -9 ELSE IF( LDC.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -11 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CTRSYL', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( M.EQ.0 .OR. N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Set constants to control overflow * EPS = SLAMCH( 'P' ) SMLNUM = SLAMCH( 'S' ) BIGNUM = ONE / SMLNUM CALL SLABAD( SMLNUM, BIGNUM ) SMLNUM = SMLNUM*REAL( M*N ) / EPS BIGNUM = ONE / SMLNUM SMIN = MAX( SMLNUM, EPS*CLANGE( 'M', M, M, A, LDA, DUM ), $ EPS*CLANGE( 'M', N, N, B, LDB, DUM ) ) SCALE = ONE SGN = ISGN * IF( NOTRNA .AND. NOTRNB ) THEN * * Solve A*X + ISGN*X*B = scale*C. * * The (K,L)th block of X is determined starting from * bottom-left corner column by column by * * A(K,K)*X(K,L) + ISGN*X(K,L)*B(L,L) = C(K,L) - R(K,L) * * Where * M L-1 * R(K,L) = SUM [A(K,I)*X(I,L)] +ISGN*SUM [X(K,J)*B(J,L)]. * I=K+1 J=1 * DO 30 L = 1, N DO 20 K = M, 1, -1 * SUML = CDOTU( M-K, A( K, MIN( K+1, M ) ), LDA, $ C( MIN( K+1, M ), L ), 1 ) SUMR = CDOTU( L-1, C( K, 1 ), LDC, B( 1, L ), 1 ) VEC = C( K, L ) - ( SUML+SGN*SUMR ) * SCALOC = ONE A11 = A( K, K ) + SGN*B( L, L ) DA11 = ABS( REAL( A11 ) ) + ABS( AIMAG( A11 ) ) IF( DA11.LE.SMIN ) THEN A11 = SMIN DA11 = SMIN INFO = 1 END IF DB = ABS( REAL( VEC ) ) + ABS( AIMAG( VEC ) ) IF( DA11.LT.ONE .AND. DB.GT.ONE ) THEN IF( DB.GT.BIGNUM*DA11 ) $ SCALOC = ONE / DB END IF X11 = CLADIV( VEC*CMPLX( SCALOC ), A11 ) * IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN DO 10 J = 1, N CALL CSSCAL( M, SCALOC, C( 1, J ), 1 ) 10 CONTINUE SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF C( K, L ) = X11 * 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( .NOT.NOTRNA .AND. NOTRNB ) THEN * * Solve A' *X + ISGN*X*B = scale*C. * * The (K,L)th block of X is determined starting from * upper-left corner column by column by * * A'(K,K)*X(K,L) + ISGN*X(K,L)*B(L,L) = C(K,L) - R(K,L) * * Where * K-1 L-1 * R(K,L) = SUM [A'(I,K)*X(I,L)] + ISGN*SUM [X(K,J)*B(J,L)] * I=1 J=1 * DO 60 L = 1, N DO 50 K = 1, M * SUML = CDOTC( K-1, A( 1, K ), 1, C( 1, L ), 1 ) SUMR = CDOTU( L-1, C( K, 1 ), LDC, B( 1, L ), 1 ) VEC = C( K, L ) - ( SUML+SGN*SUMR ) * SCALOC = ONE A11 = CONJG( A( K, K ) ) + SGN*B( L, L ) DA11 = ABS( REAL( A11 ) ) + ABS( AIMAG( A11 ) ) IF( DA11.LE.SMIN ) THEN A11 = SMIN DA11 = SMIN INFO = 1 END IF DB = ABS( REAL( VEC ) ) + ABS( AIMAG( VEC ) ) IF( DA11.LT.ONE .AND. DB.GT.ONE ) THEN IF( DB.GT.BIGNUM*DA11 ) $ SCALOC = ONE / DB END IF * X11 = CLADIV( VEC*CMPLX( SCALOC ), A11 ) * IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN DO 40 J = 1, N CALL CSSCAL( M, SCALOC, C( 1, J ), 1 ) 40 CONTINUE SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF C( K, L ) = X11 * 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( .NOT.NOTRNA .AND. .NOT.NOTRNB ) THEN * * Solve A'*X + ISGN*X*B' = C. * * The (K,L)th block of X is determined starting from * upper-right corner column by column by * * A'(K,K)*X(K,L) + ISGN*X(K,L)*B'(L,L) = C(K,L) - R(K,L) * * Where * K-1 * R(K,L) = SUM [A'(I,K)*X(I,L)] + * I=1 * N * ISGN*SUM [X(K,J)*B'(L,J)]. * J=L+1 * DO 90 L = N, 1, -1 DO 80 K = 1, M * SUML = CDOTC( K-1, A( 1, K ), 1, C( 1, L ), 1 ) SUMR = CDOTC( N-L, C( K, MIN( L+1, N ) ), LDC, $ B( L, MIN( L+1, N ) ), LDB ) VEC = C( K, L ) - ( SUML+SGN*CONJG( SUMR ) ) * SCALOC = ONE A11 = CONJG( A( K, K )+SGN*B( L, L ) ) DA11 = ABS( REAL( A11 ) ) + ABS( AIMAG( A11 ) ) IF( DA11.LE.SMIN ) THEN A11 = SMIN DA11 = SMIN INFO = 1 END IF DB = ABS( REAL( VEC ) ) + ABS( AIMAG( VEC ) ) IF( DA11.LT.ONE .AND. DB.GT.ONE ) THEN IF( DB.GT.BIGNUM*DA11 ) $ SCALOC = ONE / DB END IF * X11 = CLADIV( VEC*CMPLX( SCALOC ), A11 ) * IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN DO 70 J = 1, N CALL CSSCAL( M, SCALOC, C( 1, J ), 1 ) 70 CONTINUE SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF C( K, L ) = X11 * 80 CONTINUE 90 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( NOTRNA .AND. .NOT.NOTRNB ) THEN * * Solve A*X + ISGN*X*B' = C. * * The (K,L)th block of X is determined starting from * bottom-left corner column by column by * * A(K,K)*X(K,L) + ISGN*X(K,L)*B'(L,L) = C(K,L) - R(K,L) * * Where * M N * R(K,L) = SUM [A(K,I)*X(I,L)] + ISGN*SUM [X(K,J)*B'(L,J)] * I=K+1 J=L+1 * DO 120 L = N, 1, -1 DO 110 K = M, 1, -1 * SUML = CDOTU( M-K, A( K, MIN( K+1, M ) ), LDA, $ C( MIN( K+1, M ), L ), 1 ) SUMR = CDOTC( N-L, C( K, MIN( L+1, N ) ), LDC, $ B( L, MIN( L+1, N ) ), LDB ) VEC = C( K, L ) - ( SUML+SGN*CONJG( SUMR ) ) * SCALOC = ONE A11 = A( K, K ) + SGN*CONJG( B( L, L ) ) DA11 = ABS( REAL( A11 ) ) + ABS( AIMAG( A11 ) ) IF( DA11.LE.SMIN ) THEN A11 = SMIN DA11 = SMIN INFO = 1 END IF DB = ABS( REAL( VEC ) ) + ABS( AIMAG( VEC ) ) IF( DA11.LT.ONE .AND. DB.GT.ONE ) THEN IF( DB.GT.BIGNUM*DA11 ) $ SCALOC = ONE / DB END IF * X11 = CLADIV( VEC*CMPLX( SCALOC ), A11 ) * IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN DO 100 J = 1, N CALL CSSCAL( M, SCALOC, C( 1, J ), 1 ) 100 CONTINUE SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF C( K, L ) = X11 * 110 CONTINUE 120 CONTINUE * END IF * RETURN * * End of CTRSYL * END
SUBROUTINE CPSTRF( UPLO, N, A, LDA, PIV, RANK, TOL, WORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2.2) -- * Craig Lucas, University of Manchester / NAG Ltd. * October, 2008 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. REAL TOL INTEGER INFO, LDA, N, RANK CHARACTER UPLO * .. * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX A( LDA, * ) REAL WORK( 2*N ) INTEGER PIV( N ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * CPSTRF computes the Cholesky factorization with complete * pivoting of a complex Hermitian positive semidefinite matrix A. * * The factorization has the form * P**T * A * P = U**H * U , if UPLO = 'U', * P**T * A * P = L * L**H, if UPLO = 'L', * where U is an upper triangular matrix and L is lower triangular, and * P is stored as vector PIV. * * This algorithm does not attempt to check that A is positive * semidefinite. This version of the algorithm calls level 3 BLAS. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the upper or lower triangular part of the * symmetric matrix A is stored. * = 'U': Upper triangular * = 'L': Lower triangular * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * A (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the symmetric matrix A. If UPLO = 'U', the leading * n by n upper triangular part of A contains the upper * triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly lower * triangular part of A is not referenced. If UPLO = 'L', the * leading n by n lower triangular part of A contains the lower * triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly upper * triangular part of A is not referenced. * * On exit, if INFO = 0, the factor U or L from the Cholesky * factorization as above. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). * * PIV (output) INTEGER array, dimension (N) * PIV is such that the nonzero entries are P( PIV(K), K ) = 1. * * RANK (output) INTEGER * The rank of A given by the number of steps the algorithm * completed. * * TOL (input) REAL * User defined tolerance. If TOL < 0, then N*U*MAX( A(K,K) ) * will be used. The algorithm terminates at the (K-1)st step * if the pivot <= TOL. * * WORK (workspace) REAL array, dimension (2*N) * Work space. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * < 0: If INFO = -K, the K-th argument had an illegal value, * = 0: algorithm completed successfully, and * > 0: the matrix A is either rank deficient with computed rank * as returned in RANK, or is indefinite. See Section 7 of * LAPACK Working Note #161 for further information. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E+0, ZERO = 0.0E+0 ) COMPLEX CONE PARAMETER ( CONE = ( 1.0E+0, 0.0E+0 ) ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. COMPLEX CTEMP REAL AJJ, SSTOP, STEMP INTEGER I, ITEMP, J, JB, K, NB, PVT LOGICAL UPPER * .. * .. External Functions .. REAL SLAMCH INTEGER ILAENV LOGICAL LSAME, SISNAN EXTERNAL SLAMCH, ILAENV, LSAME, SISNAN * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CGEMV, CHERK, CLACGV, CPSTF2, CSSCAL, CSWAP, $ XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC CONJG, MAX, MIN, REAL, SQRT, MAXLOC * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 UPPER = LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) IF( .NOT.UPPER .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -4 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CPSTRF', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Get block size * NB = ILAENV( 1, 'CPOTRF', UPLO, N, -1, -1, -1 ) IF( NB.LE.1 .OR. NB.GE.N ) THEN * * Use unblocked code * CALL CPSTF2( UPLO, N, A( 1, 1 ), LDA, PIV, RANK, TOL, WORK, $ INFO ) GO TO 230 * ELSE * * Initialize PIV * DO 100 I = 1, N PIV( I ) = I 100 CONTINUE * * Compute stopping value * DO 110 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = REAL( A( I, I ) ) 110 CONTINUE PVT = MAXLOC( WORK( 1:N ), 1 ) AJJ = REAL( A( PVT, PVT ) ) IF( AJJ.EQ.ZERO.OR.SISNAN( AJJ ) ) THEN RANK = 0 INFO = 1 GO TO 230 END IF * * Compute stopping value if not supplied * IF( TOL.LT.ZERO ) THEN SSTOP = N * SLAMCH( 'Epsilon' ) * AJJ ELSE SSTOP = TOL END IF * * IF( UPPER ) THEN * * Compute the Cholesky factorization P**T * A * P = U**H * U * DO 160 K = 1, N, NB * * Account for last block not being NB wide * JB = MIN( NB, N-K+1 ) * * Set relevant part of first half of WORK to zero, * holds dot products * DO 120 I = K, N WORK( I ) = 0 120 CONTINUE * DO 150 J = K, K + JB - 1 * * Find pivot, test for exit, else swap rows and columns * Update dot products, compute possible pivots which are * stored in the second half of WORK * DO 130 I = J, N * IF( J.GT.K ) THEN WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + $ REAL( CONJG( A( J-1, I ) )* $ A( J-1, I ) ) END IF WORK( N+I ) = REAL( A( I, I ) ) - WORK( I ) * 130 CONTINUE * IF( J.GT.1 ) THEN ITEMP = MAXLOC( WORK( (N+J):(2*N) ), 1 ) PVT = ITEMP + J - 1 AJJ = WORK( N+PVT ) IF( AJJ.LE.SSTOP.OR.SISNAN( AJJ ) ) THEN A( J, J ) = AJJ GO TO 220 END IF END IF * IF( J.NE.PVT ) THEN * * Pivot OK, so can now swap pivot rows and columns * A( PVT, PVT ) = A( J, J ) CALL CSWAP( J-1, A( 1, J ), 1, A( 1, PVT ), 1 ) IF( PVT.LT.N ) $ CALL CSWAP( N-PVT, A( J, PVT+1 ), LDA, $ A( PVT, PVT+1 ), LDA ) DO 140 I = J + 1, PVT - 1 CTEMP = CONJG( A( J, I ) ) A( J, I ) = CONJG( A( I, PVT ) ) A( I, PVT ) = CTEMP 140 CONTINUE A( J, PVT ) = CONJG( A( J, PVT ) ) * * Swap dot products and PIV * STEMP = WORK( J ) WORK( J ) = WORK( PVT ) WORK( PVT ) = STEMP ITEMP = PIV( PVT ) PIV( PVT ) = PIV( J ) PIV( J ) = ITEMP END IF * AJJ = SQRT( AJJ ) A( J, J ) = AJJ * * Compute elements J+1:N of row J. * IF( J.LT.N ) THEN CALL CLACGV( J-1, A( 1, J ), 1 ) CALL CGEMV( 'Trans', J-K, N-J, -CONE, A( K, J+1 ), $ LDA, A( K, J ), 1, CONE, A( J, J+1 ), $ LDA ) CALL CLACGV( J-1, A( 1, J ), 1 ) CALL CSSCAL( N-J, ONE / AJJ, A( J, J+1 ), LDA ) END IF * 150 CONTINUE * * Update trailing matrix, J already incremented * IF( K+JB.LE.N ) THEN CALL CHERK( 'Upper', 'Conj Trans', N-J+1, JB, -ONE, $ A( K, J ), LDA, ONE, A( J, J ), LDA ) END IF * 160 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Compute the Cholesky factorization P**T * A * P = L * L**H * DO 210 K = 1, N, NB * * Account for last block not being NB wide * JB = MIN( NB, N-K+1 ) * * Set relevant part of first half of WORK to zero, * holds dot products * DO 170 I = K, N WORK( I ) = 0 170 CONTINUE * DO 200 J = K, K + JB - 1 * * Find pivot, test for exit, else swap rows and columns * Update dot products, compute possible pivots which are * stored in the second half of WORK * DO 180 I = J, N * IF( J.GT.K ) THEN WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + $ REAL( CONJG( A( I, J-1 ) )* $ A( I, J-1 ) ) END IF WORK( N+I ) = REAL( A( I, I ) ) - WORK( I ) * 180 CONTINUE * IF( J.GT.1 ) THEN ITEMP = MAXLOC( WORK( (N+J):(2*N) ), 1 ) PVT = ITEMP + J - 1 AJJ = WORK( N+PVT ) IF( AJJ.LE.SSTOP.OR.SISNAN( AJJ ) ) THEN A( J, J ) = AJJ GO TO 220 END IF END IF * IF( J.NE.PVT ) THEN * * Pivot OK, so can now swap pivot rows and columns * A( PVT, PVT ) = A( J, J ) CALL CSWAP( J-1, A( J, 1 ), LDA, A( PVT, 1 ), LDA ) IF( PVT.LT.N ) $ CALL CSWAP( N-PVT, A( PVT+1, J ), 1, $ A( PVT+1, PVT ), 1 ) DO 190 I = J + 1, PVT - 1 CTEMP = CONJG( A( I, J ) ) A( I, J ) = CONJG( A( PVT, I ) ) A( PVT, I ) = CTEMP 190 CONTINUE A( PVT, J ) = CONJG( A( PVT, J ) ) * * Swap dot products and PIV * STEMP = WORK( J ) WORK( J ) = WORK( PVT ) WORK( PVT ) = STEMP ITEMP = PIV( PVT ) PIV( PVT ) = PIV( J ) PIV( J ) = ITEMP END IF * AJJ = SQRT( AJJ ) A( J, J ) = AJJ * * Compute elements J+1:N of column J. * IF( J.LT.N ) THEN CALL CLACGV( J-1, A( J, 1 ), LDA ) CALL CGEMV( 'No Trans', N-J, J-K, -CONE, $ A( J+1, K ), LDA, A( J, K ), LDA, CONE, $ A( J+1, J ), 1 ) CALL CLACGV( J-1, A( J, 1 ), LDA ) CALL CSSCAL( N-J, ONE / AJJ, A( J+1, J ), 1 ) END IF * 200 CONTINUE * * Update trailing matrix, J already incremented * IF( K+JB.LE.N ) THEN CALL CHERK( 'Lower', 'No Trans', N-J+1, JB, -ONE, $ A( J, K ), LDA, ONE, A( J, J ), LDA ) END IF * 210 CONTINUE * END IF END IF * * Ran to completion, A has full rank * RANK = N * GO TO 230 220 CONTINUE * * Rank is the number of steps completed. Set INFO = 1 to signal * that the factorization cannot be used to solve a system. * RANK = J - 1 INFO = 1 * 230 CONTINUE RETURN * * End of CPSTRF * END
SUBROUTINE CGETRF( M, N, A, LDA, IPIV, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * November 2006 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDA, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPIV( * ) COMPLEX A( LDA, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * CGETRF computes an LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix A * using partial pivoting with row interchanges. * * The factorization has the form * A = P * L * U * where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with unit * diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is upper * triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n). * * This is the right-looking Level 3 BLAS version of the algorithm. * * Arguments * ========= * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * A (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the M-by-N matrix to be factored. * On exit, the factors L and U from the factorization * A = P*L*U; the unit diagonal elements of L are not stored. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). * * IPIV (output) INTEGER array, dimension (min(M,N)) * The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the * matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * > 0: if INFO = i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization * has been completed, but the factor U is exactly * singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used * to solve a system of equations. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. COMPLEX ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = ( 1.0E+0, 0.0E+0 ) ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IINFO, J, JB, NB * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CGEMM, CGETF2, CLASWP, CTRSM, XERBLA * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER ILAENV EXTERNAL ILAENV * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 IF( M.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -4 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CGETRF', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( M.EQ.0 .OR. N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Determine the block size for this environment. * NB = ILAENV( 1, 'CGETRF', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) IF( NB.LE.1 .OR. NB.GE.MIN( M, N ) ) THEN * * Use unblocked code. * CALL CGETF2( M, N, A, LDA, IPIV, INFO ) ELSE * * Use blocked code. * DO 20 J = 1, MIN( M, N ), NB JB = MIN( MIN( M, N )-J+1, NB ) * * Factor diagonal and subdiagonal blocks and test for exact * singularity. * CALL CGETF2( M-J+1, JB, A( J, J ), LDA, IPIV( J ), IINFO ) * * Adjust INFO and the pivot indices. * IF( INFO.EQ.0 .AND. IINFO.GT.0 ) $ INFO = IINFO + J - 1 DO 10 I = J, MIN( M, J+JB-1 ) IPIV( I ) = J - 1 + IPIV( I ) 10 CONTINUE * * Apply interchanges to columns 1:J-1. * CALL CLASWP( J-1, A, LDA, J, J+JB-1, IPIV, 1 ) * IF( J+JB.LE.N ) THEN * * Apply interchanges to columns J+JB:N. * CALL CLASWP( N-J-JB+1, A( 1, J+JB ), LDA, J, J+JB-1, $ IPIV, 1 ) * * Compute block row of U. * CALL CTRSM( 'Left', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', JB, $ N-J-JB+1, ONE, A( J, J ), LDA, A( J, J+JB ), $ LDA ) IF( J+JB.LE.M ) THEN * * Update trailing submatrix. * CALL CGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', M-J-JB+1, $ N-J-JB+1, JB, -ONE, A( J+JB, J ), LDA, $ A( J, J+JB ), LDA, ONE, A( J+JB, J+JB ), $ LDA ) END IF END IF 20 CONTINUE END IF RETURN * * End of CGETRF * END
SUBROUTINE CTGEVC( SIDE, HOWMNY, SELECT, N, S, LDS, P, LDP, VL, $ LDVL, VR, LDVR, MM, M, WORK, RWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * November 2006 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER HOWMNY, SIDE INTEGER INFO, LDP, LDS, LDVL, LDVR, M, MM, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. LOGICAL SELECT( * ) REAL RWORK( * ) COMPLEX P( LDP, * ), S( LDS, * ), VL( LDVL, * ), $ VR( LDVR, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * * Purpose * ======= * * CTGEVC computes some or all of the right and/or left eigenvectors of * a pair of complex matrices (S,P), where S and P are upper triangular. * Matrix pairs of this type are produced by the generalized Schur * factorization of a complex matrix pair (A,B): * * A = Q*S*Z**H, B = Q*P*Z**H * * as computed by CGGHRD + CHGEQZ. * * The right eigenvector x and the left eigenvector y of (S,P) * corresponding to an eigenvalue w are defined by: * * S*x = w*P*x, (y**H)*S = w*(y**H)*P, * * where y**H denotes the conjugate tranpose of y. * The eigenvalues are not input to this routine, but are computed * directly from the diagonal elements of S and P. * * This routine returns the matrices X and/or Y of right and left * eigenvectors of (S,P), or the products Z*X and/or Q*Y, * where Z and Q are input matrices. * If Q and Z are the unitary factors from the generalized Schur * factorization of a matrix pair (A,B), then Z*X and Q*Y * are the matrices of right and left eigenvectors of (A,B). * * Arguments * ========= * * SIDE (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'R': compute right eigenvectors only; * = 'L': compute left eigenvectors only; * = 'B': compute both right and left eigenvectors. * * HOWMNY (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'A': compute all right and/or left eigenvectors; * = 'B': compute all right and/or left eigenvectors, * backtransformed by the matrices in VR and/or VL; * = 'S': compute selected right and/or left eigenvectors, * specified by the logical array SELECT. * * SELECT (input) LOGICAL array, dimension (N) * If HOWMNY='S', SELECT specifies the eigenvectors to be * computed. The eigenvector corresponding to the j-th * eigenvalue is computed if SELECT(j) = .TRUE.. * Not referenced if HOWMNY = 'A' or 'B'. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrices S and P. N >= 0. * * S (input) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDS,N) * The upper triangular matrix S from a generalized Schur * factorization, as computed by CHGEQZ. * * LDS (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of array S. LDS >= max(1,N). * * P (input) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDP,N) * The upper triangular matrix P from a generalized Schur * factorization, as computed by CHGEQZ. P must have real * diagonal elements. * * LDP (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of array P. LDP >= max(1,N). * * VL (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDVL,MM) * On entry, if SIDE = 'L' or 'B' and HOWMNY = 'B', VL must * contain an N-by-N matrix Q (usually the unitary matrix Q * of left Schur vectors returned by CHGEQZ). * On exit, if SIDE = 'L' or 'B', VL contains: * if HOWMNY = 'A', the matrix Y of left eigenvectors of (S,P); * if HOWMNY = 'B', the matrix Q*Y; * if HOWMNY = 'S', the left eigenvectors of (S,P) specified by * SELECT, stored consecutively in the columns of * VL, in the same order as their eigenvalues. * Not referenced if SIDE = 'R'. * * LDVL (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of array VL. LDVL >= 1, and if * SIDE = 'L' or 'l' or 'B' or 'b', LDVL >= N. * * VR (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDVR,MM) * On entry, if SIDE = 'R' or 'B' and HOWMNY = 'B', VR must * contain an N-by-N matrix Q (usually the unitary matrix Z * of right Schur vectors returned by CHGEQZ). * On exit, if SIDE = 'R' or 'B', VR contains: * if HOWMNY = 'A', the matrix X of right eigenvectors of (S,P); * if HOWMNY = 'B', the matrix Z*X; * if HOWMNY = 'S', the right eigenvectors of (S,P) specified by * SELECT, stored consecutively in the columns of * VR, in the same order as their eigenvalues. * Not referenced if SIDE = 'L'. * * LDVR (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array VR. LDVR >= 1, and if * SIDE = 'R' or 'B', LDVR >= N. * * MM (input) INTEGER * The number of columns in the arrays VL and/or VR. MM >= M. * * M (output) INTEGER * The number of columns in the arrays VL and/or VR actually * used to store the eigenvectors. If HOWMNY = 'A' or 'B', M * is set to N. Each selected eigenvector occupies one column. * * WORK (workspace) COMPLEX array, dimension (2*N) * * RWORK (workspace) REAL array, dimension (2*N) * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit. * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0E+0, ONE = 1.0E+0 ) COMPLEX CZERO, CONE PARAMETER ( CZERO = ( 0.0E+0, 0.0E+0 ), $ CONE = ( 1.0E+0, 0.0E+0 ) ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL COMPL, COMPR, ILALL, ILBACK, ILBBAD, ILCOMP, $ LSA, LSB INTEGER I, IBEG, IEIG, IEND, IHWMNY, IM, ISIDE, ISRC, $ J, JE, JR REAL ACOEFA, ACOEFF, ANORM, ASCALE, BCOEFA, BIG, $ BIGNUM, BNORM, BSCALE, DMIN, SAFMIN, SBETA, $ SCALE, SMALL, TEMP, ULP, XMAX COMPLEX BCOEFF, CA, CB, D, SALPHA, SUM, SUMA, SUMB, X * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME REAL SLAMCH COMPLEX CLADIV EXTERNAL LSAME, SLAMCH, CLADIV * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CGEMV, SLABAD, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, AIMAG, CMPLX, CONJG, MAX, MIN, REAL * .. * .. Statement Functions .. REAL ABS1 * .. * .. Statement Function definitions .. ABS1( X ) = ABS( REAL( X ) ) + ABS( AIMAG( X ) ) * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Decode and Test the input parameters * IF( LSAME( HOWMNY, 'A' ) ) THEN IHWMNY = 1 ILALL = .TRUE. ILBACK = .FALSE. ELSE IF( LSAME( HOWMNY, 'S' ) ) THEN IHWMNY = 2 ILALL = .FALSE. ILBACK = .FALSE. ELSE IF( LSAME( HOWMNY, 'B' ) ) THEN IHWMNY = 3 ILALL = .TRUE. ILBACK = .TRUE. ELSE IHWMNY = -1 END IF * IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) THEN ISIDE = 1 COMPL = .FALSE. COMPR = .TRUE. ELSE IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) THEN ISIDE = 2 COMPL = .TRUE. COMPR = .FALSE. ELSE IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'B' ) ) THEN ISIDE = 3 COMPL = .TRUE. COMPR = .TRUE. ELSE ISIDE = -1 END IF * INFO = 0 IF( ISIDE.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( IHWMNY.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( LDS.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -6 ELSE IF( LDP.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -8 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CTGEVC', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Count the number of eigenvectors * IF( .NOT.ILALL ) THEN IM = 0 DO 10 J = 1, N IF( SELECT( J ) ) $ IM = IM + 1 10 CONTINUE ELSE IM = N END IF * * Check diagonal of B * ILBBAD = .FALSE. DO 20 J = 1, N IF( AIMAG( P( J, J ) ).NE.ZERO ) $ ILBBAD = .TRUE. 20 CONTINUE * IF( ILBBAD ) THEN INFO = -7 ELSE IF( COMPL .AND. LDVL.LT.N .OR. LDVL.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -10 ELSE IF( COMPR .AND. LDVR.LT.N .OR. LDVR.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -12 ELSE IF( MM.LT.IM ) THEN INFO = -13 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CTGEVC', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * M = IM IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Machine Constants * SAFMIN = SLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) BIG = ONE / SAFMIN CALL SLABAD( SAFMIN, BIG ) ULP = SLAMCH( 'Epsilon' )*SLAMCH( 'Base' ) SMALL = SAFMIN*N / ULP BIG = ONE / SMALL BIGNUM = ONE / ( SAFMIN*N ) * * Compute the 1-norm of each column of the strictly upper triangular * part of A and B to check for possible overflow in the triangular * solver. * ANORM = ABS1( S( 1, 1 ) ) BNORM = ABS1( P( 1, 1 ) ) RWORK( 1 ) = ZERO RWORK( N+1 ) = ZERO DO 40 J = 2, N RWORK( J ) = ZERO RWORK( N+J ) = ZERO DO 30 I = 1, J - 1 RWORK( J ) = RWORK( J ) + ABS1( S( I, J ) ) RWORK( N+J ) = RWORK( N+J ) + ABS1( P( I, J ) ) 30 CONTINUE ANORM = MAX( ANORM, RWORK( J )+ABS1( S( J, J ) ) ) BNORM = MAX( BNORM, RWORK( N+J )+ABS1( P( J, J ) ) ) 40 CONTINUE * ASCALE = ONE / MAX( ANORM, SAFMIN ) BSCALE = ONE / MAX( BNORM, SAFMIN ) * * Left eigenvectors * IF( COMPL ) THEN IEIG = 0 * * Main loop over eigenvalues * DO 140 JE = 1, N IF( ILALL ) THEN ILCOMP = .TRUE. ELSE ILCOMP = SELECT( JE ) END IF IF( ILCOMP ) THEN IEIG = IEIG + 1 * IF( ABS1( S( JE, JE ) ).LE.SAFMIN .AND. $ ABS( REAL( P( JE, JE ) ) ).LE.SAFMIN ) THEN * * Singular matrix pencil -- return unit eigenvector * DO 50 JR = 1, N VL( JR, IEIG ) = CZERO 50 CONTINUE VL( IEIG, IEIG ) = CONE GO TO 140 END IF * * Non-singular eigenvalue: * Compute coefficients a and b in * H * y ( a A - b B ) = 0 * TEMP = ONE / MAX( ABS1( S( JE, JE ) )*ASCALE, $ ABS( REAL( P( JE, JE ) ) )*BSCALE, SAFMIN ) SALPHA = ( TEMP*S( JE, JE ) )*ASCALE SBETA = ( TEMP*REAL( P( JE, JE ) ) )*BSCALE ACOEFF = SBETA*ASCALE BCOEFF = SALPHA*BSCALE * * Scale to avoid underflow * LSA = ABS( SBETA ).GE.SAFMIN .AND. ABS( ACOEFF ).LT.SMALL LSB = ABS1( SALPHA ).GE.SAFMIN .AND. ABS1( BCOEFF ).LT. $ SMALL * SCALE = ONE IF( LSA ) $ SCALE = ( SMALL / ABS( SBETA ) )*MIN( ANORM, BIG ) IF( LSB ) $ SCALE = MAX( SCALE, ( SMALL / ABS1( SALPHA ) )* $ MIN( BNORM, BIG ) ) IF( LSA .OR. LSB ) THEN SCALE = MIN( SCALE, ONE / $ ( SAFMIN*MAX( ONE, ABS( ACOEFF ), $ ABS1( BCOEFF ) ) ) ) IF( LSA ) THEN ACOEFF = ASCALE*( SCALE*SBETA ) ELSE ACOEFF = SCALE*ACOEFF END IF IF( LSB ) THEN BCOEFF = BSCALE*( SCALE*SALPHA ) ELSE BCOEFF = SCALE*BCOEFF END IF END IF * ACOEFA = ABS( ACOEFF ) BCOEFA = ABS1( BCOEFF ) XMAX = ONE DO 60 JR = 1, N WORK( JR ) = CZERO 60 CONTINUE WORK( JE ) = CONE DMIN = MAX( ULP*ACOEFA*ANORM, ULP*BCOEFA*BNORM, SAFMIN ) * * H * Triangular solve of (a A - b B) y = 0 * * H * (rowwise in (a A - b B) , or columnwise in a A - b B) * DO 100 J = JE + 1, N * * Compute * j-1 * SUM = sum conjg( a*S(k,j) - b*P(k,j) )*x(k) * k=je * (Scale if necessary) * TEMP = ONE / XMAX IF( ACOEFA*RWORK( J )+BCOEFA*RWORK( N+J ).GT.BIGNUM* $ TEMP ) THEN DO 70 JR = JE, J - 1 WORK( JR ) = TEMP*WORK( JR ) 70 CONTINUE XMAX = ONE END IF SUMA = CZERO SUMB = CZERO * DO 80 JR = JE, J - 1 SUMA = SUMA + CONJG( S( JR, J ) )*WORK( JR ) SUMB = SUMB + CONJG( P( JR, J ) )*WORK( JR ) 80 CONTINUE SUM = ACOEFF*SUMA - CONJG( BCOEFF )*SUMB * * Form x(j) = - SUM / conjg( a*S(j,j) - b*P(j,j) ) * * with scaling and perturbation of the denominator * D = CONJG( ACOEFF*S( J, J )-BCOEFF*P( J, J ) ) IF( ABS1( D ).LE.DMIN ) $ D = CMPLX( DMIN ) * IF( ABS1( D ).LT.ONE ) THEN IF( ABS1( SUM ).GE.BIGNUM*ABS1( D ) ) THEN TEMP = ONE / ABS1( SUM ) DO 90 JR = JE, J - 1 WORK( JR ) = TEMP*WORK( JR ) 90 CONTINUE XMAX = TEMP*XMAX SUM = TEMP*SUM END IF END IF WORK( J ) = CLADIV( -SUM, D ) XMAX = MAX( XMAX, ABS1( WORK( J ) ) ) 100 CONTINUE * * Back transform eigenvector if HOWMNY='B'. * IF( ILBACK ) THEN CALL CGEMV( 'N', N, N+1-JE, CONE, VL( 1, JE ), LDVL, $ WORK( JE ), 1, CZERO, WORK( N+1 ), 1 ) ISRC = 2 IBEG = 1 ELSE ISRC = 1 IBEG = JE END IF * * Copy and scale eigenvector into column of VL * XMAX = ZERO DO 110 JR = IBEG, N XMAX = MAX( XMAX, ABS1( WORK( ( ISRC-1 )*N+JR ) ) ) 110 CONTINUE * IF( XMAX.GT.SAFMIN ) THEN TEMP = ONE / XMAX DO 120 JR = IBEG, N VL( JR, IEIG ) = TEMP*WORK( ( ISRC-1 )*N+JR ) 120 CONTINUE ELSE IBEG = N + 1 END IF * DO 130 JR = 1, IBEG - 1 VL( JR, IEIG ) = CZERO 130 CONTINUE * END IF 140 CONTINUE END IF * * Right eigenvectors * IF( COMPR ) THEN IEIG = IM + 1 * * Main loop over eigenvalues * DO 250 JE = N, 1, -1 IF( ILALL ) THEN ILCOMP = .TRUE. ELSE ILCOMP = SELECT( JE ) END IF IF( ILCOMP ) THEN IEIG = IEIG - 1 * IF( ABS1( S( JE, JE ) ).LE.SAFMIN .AND. $ ABS( REAL( P( JE, JE ) ) ).LE.SAFMIN ) THEN * * Singular matrix pencil -- return unit eigenvector * DO 150 JR = 1, N VR( JR, IEIG ) = CZERO 150 CONTINUE VR( IEIG, IEIG ) = CONE GO TO 250 END IF * * Non-singular eigenvalue: * Compute coefficients a and b in * * ( a A - b B ) x = 0 * TEMP = ONE / MAX( ABS1( S( JE, JE ) )*ASCALE, $ ABS( REAL( P( JE, JE ) ) )*BSCALE, SAFMIN ) SALPHA = ( TEMP*S( JE, JE ) )*ASCALE SBETA = ( TEMP*REAL( P( JE, JE ) ) )*BSCALE ACOEFF = SBETA*ASCALE BCOEFF = SALPHA*BSCALE * * Scale to avoid underflow * LSA = ABS( SBETA ).GE.SAFMIN .AND. ABS( ACOEFF ).LT.SMALL LSB = ABS1( SALPHA ).GE.SAFMIN .AND. ABS1( BCOEFF ).LT. $ SMALL * SCALE = ONE IF( LSA ) $ SCALE = ( SMALL / ABS( SBETA ) )*MIN( ANORM, BIG ) IF( LSB ) $ SCALE = MAX( SCALE, ( SMALL / ABS1( SALPHA ) )* $ MIN( BNORM, BIG ) ) IF( LSA .OR. LSB ) THEN SCALE = MIN( SCALE, ONE / $ ( SAFMIN*MAX( ONE, ABS( ACOEFF ), $ ABS1( BCOEFF ) ) ) ) IF( LSA ) THEN ACOEFF = ASCALE*( SCALE*SBETA ) ELSE ACOEFF = SCALE*ACOEFF END IF IF( LSB ) THEN BCOEFF = BSCALE*( SCALE*SALPHA ) ELSE BCOEFF = SCALE*BCOEFF END IF END IF * ACOEFA = ABS( ACOEFF ) BCOEFA = ABS1( BCOEFF ) XMAX = ONE DO 160 JR = 1, N WORK( JR ) = CZERO 160 CONTINUE WORK( JE ) = CONE DMIN = MAX( ULP*ACOEFA*ANORM, ULP*BCOEFA*BNORM, SAFMIN ) * * Triangular solve of (a A - b B) x = 0 (columnwise) * * WORK(1:j-1) contains sums w, * WORK(j+1:JE) contains x * DO 170 JR = 1, JE - 1 WORK( JR ) = ACOEFF*S( JR, JE ) - BCOEFF*P( JR, JE ) 170 CONTINUE WORK( JE ) = CONE * DO 210 J = JE - 1, 1, -1 * * Form x(j) := - w(j) / d * with scaling and perturbation of the denominator * D = ACOEFF*S( J, J ) - BCOEFF*P( J, J ) IF( ABS1( D ).LE.DMIN ) $ D = CMPLX( DMIN ) * IF( ABS1( D ).LT.ONE ) THEN IF( ABS1( WORK( J ) ).GE.BIGNUM*ABS1( D ) ) THEN TEMP = ONE / ABS1( WORK( J ) ) DO 180 JR = 1, JE WORK( JR ) = TEMP*WORK( JR ) 180 CONTINUE END IF END IF * WORK( J ) = CLADIV( -WORK( J ), D ) * IF( J.GT.1 ) THEN * * w = w + x(j)*(a S(*,j) - b P(*,j) ) with scaling * IF( ABS1( WORK( J ) ).GT.ONE ) THEN TEMP = ONE / ABS1( WORK( J ) ) IF( ACOEFA*RWORK( J )+BCOEFA*RWORK( N+J ).GE. $ BIGNUM*TEMP ) THEN DO 190 JR = 1, JE WORK( JR ) = TEMP*WORK( JR ) 190 CONTINUE END IF END IF * CA = ACOEFF*WORK( J ) CB = BCOEFF*WORK( J ) DO 200 JR = 1, J - 1 WORK( JR ) = WORK( JR ) + CA*S( JR, J ) - $ CB*P( JR, J ) 200 CONTINUE END IF 210 CONTINUE * * Back transform eigenvector if HOWMNY='B'. * IF( ILBACK ) THEN CALL CGEMV( 'N', N, JE, CONE, VR, LDVR, WORK, 1, $ CZERO, WORK( N+1 ), 1 ) ISRC = 2 IEND = N ELSE ISRC = 1 IEND = JE END IF * * Copy and scale eigenvector into column of VR * XMAX = ZERO DO 220 JR = 1, IEND XMAX = MAX( XMAX, ABS1( WORK( ( ISRC-1 )*N+JR ) ) ) 220 CONTINUE * IF( XMAX.GT.SAFMIN ) THEN TEMP = ONE / XMAX DO 230 JR = 1, IEND VR( JR, IEIG ) = TEMP*WORK( ( ISRC-1 )*N+JR ) 230 CONTINUE ELSE IEND = 0 END IF * DO 240 JR = IEND + 1, N VR( JR, IEIG ) = CZERO 240 CONTINUE * END IF 250 CONTINUE END IF * RETURN * * End of CTGEVC * END
*> \brief \b DLARTGS generates a plane rotation designed to introduce a bulge in implicit QR iteration for the bidiagonal SVD problem. * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download DLARTGS + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE DLARTGS( X, Y, SIGMA, CS, SN ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * DOUBLE PRECISION CS, SIGMA, SN, X, Y * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> DLARTGS generates a plane rotation designed to introduce a bulge in *> Golub-Reinsch-style implicit QR iteration for the bidiagonal SVD *> problem. X and Y are the top-row entries, and SIGMA is the shift. *> The computed CS and SN define a plane rotation satisfying *> *> [ CS SN ] . [ X^2 - SIGMA ] = [ R ], *> [ -SN CS ] [ X * Y ] [ 0 ] *> *> with R nonnegative. If X^2 - SIGMA and X * Y are 0, then the *> rotation is by PI/2. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] X *> \verbatim *> X is DOUBLE PRECISION *> The (1,1) entry of an upper bidiagonal matrix. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] Y *> \verbatim *> Y is DOUBLE PRECISION *> The (1,2) entry of an upper bidiagonal matrix. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] SIGMA *> \verbatim *> SIGMA is DOUBLE PRECISION *> The shift. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] CS *> \verbatim *> CS is DOUBLE PRECISION *> The cosine of the rotation. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] SN *> \verbatim *> SN is DOUBLE PRECISION *> The sine of the rotation. *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date September 2012 * *> \ingroup auxOTHERcomputational * * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE DLARTGS( X, Y, SIGMA, CS, SN ) * * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.4.2) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * September 2012 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION CS, SIGMA, SN, X, Y * .. * * =================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION NEGONE, ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( NEGONE = -1.0D0, ONE = 1.0D0, ZERO = 0.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION R, S, THRESH, W, Z * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. Executable Statements .. * THRESH = DLAMCH('E') * * Compute the first column of B**T*B - SIGMA^2*I, up to a scale * factor. * IF( (SIGMA .EQ. ZERO .AND. ABS(X) .LT. THRESH) .OR. $ (ABS(X) .EQ. SIGMA .AND. Y .EQ. ZERO) ) THEN Z = ZERO W = ZERO ELSE IF( SIGMA .EQ. ZERO ) THEN IF( X .GE. ZERO ) THEN Z = X W = Y ELSE Z = -X W = -Y END IF ELSE IF( ABS(X) .LT. THRESH ) THEN Z = -SIGMA*SIGMA W = ZERO ELSE IF( X .GE. ZERO ) THEN S = ONE ELSE S = NEGONE END IF Z = S * (ABS(X)-SIGMA) * (S+SIGMA/X) W = S * Y END IF * * Generate the rotation. * CALL DLARTGP( Z, W, CS, SN, R ) might seem more natural; * reordering the arguments ensures that if Z = 0 then the rotation * is by PI/2. * CALL DLARTGP( W, Z, SN, CS, R ) * RETURN * * End DLARTGS * END
SUBROUTINE DGERQF( M, N, A, LDA, TAU, WORK, LWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.3.1) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * -- April 2011 -- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDA, LWORK, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), TAU( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DGERQF computes an RQ factorization of a real M-by-N matrix A: * A = R * Q. * * Arguments * ========= * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the M-by-N matrix A. * On exit, * if m <= n, the upper triangle of the subarray * A(1:m,n-m+1:n) contains the M-by-M upper triangular matrix R; * if m >= n, the elements on and above the (m-n)-th subdiagonal * contain the M-by-N upper trapezoidal matrix R; * the remaining elements, with the array TAU, represent the * orthogonal matrix Q as a product of min(m,n) elementary * reflectors (see Further Details). * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). * * TAU (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N)) * The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors (see Further * Details). * * WORK (workspace/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK)) * On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. * * LWORK (input) INTEGER * The dimension of the array WORK. LWORK >= max(1,M). * For optimum performance LWORK >= M*NB, where NB is * the optimal blocksize. * * If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine * only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns * this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error * message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * * Further Details * =============== * * The matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors * * Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k), where k = min(m,n). * * Each H(i) has the form * * H(i) = I - tau * v * v**T * * where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with * v(n-k+i+1:n) = 0 and v(n-k+i) = 1; v(1:n-k+i-1) is stored on exit in * A(m-k+i,1:n-k+i-1), and tau in TAU(i). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL LQUERY INTEGER I, IB, IINFO, IWS, K, KI, KK, LDWORK, LWKOPT, $ MU, NB, NBMIN, NU, NX * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGERQ2, DLARFB, DLARFT, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER ILAENV EXTERNAL ILAENV * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input arguments * INFO = 0 LQUERY = ( LWORK.EQ.-1 ) IF( M.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -4 END IF * IF( INFO.EQ.0 ) THEN K = MIN( M, N ) IF( K.EQ.0 ) THEN LWKOPT = 1 ELSE NB = ILAENV( 1, 'DGERQF', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) LWKOPT = M*NB END IF WORK( 1 ) = LWKOPT * IF( LWORK.LT.MAX( 1, M ) .AND. .NOT.LQUERY ) THEN INFO = -7 END IF END IF * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DGERQF', -INFO ) RETURN ELSE IF( LQUERY ) THEN RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( K.EQ.0 ) THEN RETURN END IF * NBMIN = 2 NX = 1 IWS = M IF( NB.GT.1 .AND. NB.LT.K ) THEN * * Determine when to cross over from blocked to unblocked code. * NX = MAX( 0, ILAENV( 3, 'DGERQF', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) ) IF( NX.LT.K ) THEN * * Determine if workspace is large enough for blocked code. * LDWORK = M IWS = LDWORK*NB IF( LWORK.LT.IWS ) THEN * * Not enough workspace to use optimal NB: reduce NB and * determine the minimum value of NB. * NB = LWORK / LDWORK NBMIN = MAX( 2, ILAENV( 2, 'DGERQF', ' ', M, N, -1, $ -1 ) ) END IF END IF END IF * IF( NB.GE.NBMIN .AND. NB.LT.K .AND. NX.LT.K ) THEN * * Use blocked code initially. * The last kk rows are handled by the block method. * KI = ( ( K-NX-1 ) / NB )*NB KK = MIN( K, KI+NB ) * DO 10 I = K - KK + KI + 1, K - KK + 1, -NB IB = MIN( K-I+1, NB ) * * Compute the RQ factorization of the current block * A(m-k+i:m-k+i+ib-1,1:n-k+i+ib-1) * CALL DGERQ2( IB, N-K+I+IB-1, A( M-K+I, 1 ), LDA, TAU( I ), $ WORK, IINFO ) IF( M-K+I.GT.1 ) THEN * * Form the triangular factor of the block reflector * H = H(i+ib-1) . . . H(i+1) H(i) * CALL DLARFT( 'Backward', 'Rowwise', N-K+I+IB-1, IB, $ A( M-K+I, 1 ), LDA, TAU( I ), WORK, LDWORK ) * * Apply H to A(1:m-k+i-1,1:n-k+i+ib-1) from the right * CALL DLARFB( 'Right', 'No transpose', 'Backward', $ 'Rowwise', M-K+I-1, N-K+I+IB-1, IB, $ A( M-K+I, 1 ), LDA, WORK, LDWORK, A, LDA, $ WORK( IB+1 ), LDWORK ) END IF 10 CONTINUE MU = M - K + I + NB - 1 NU = N - K + I + NB - 1 ELSE MU = M NU = N END IF * * Use unblocked code to factor the last or only block * IF( MU.GT.0 .AND. NU.GT.0 ) $ CALL DGERQ2( MU, NU, A, LDA, TAU, WORK, IINFO ) * WORK( 1 ) = IWS RETURN * * End of DGERQF * END
*> \brief \b SSYTRI2X * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download SSYTRI2X + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE SSYTRI2X( UPLO, N, A, LDA, IPIV, WORK, NB, INFO ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * CHARACTER UPLO * INTEGER INFO, LDA, N, NB * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * INTEGER IPIV( * ) * REAL A( LDA, * ), WORK( N+NB+1,* ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> SSYTRI2X computes the inverse of a real symmetric indefinite matrix *> A using the factorization A = U*D*U**T or A = L*D*L**T computed by *> SSYTRF. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] UPLO *> \verbatim *> UPLO is CHARACTER*1 *> Specifies whether the details of the factorization are stored *> as an upper or lower triangular matrix. *> = 'U': Upper triangular, form is A = U*D*U**T; *> = 'L': Lower triangular, form is A = L*D*L**T. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] A *> \verbatim *> A is REAL array, dimension (LDA,N) *> On entry, the NNB diagonal matrix D and the multipliers *> used to obtain the factor U or L as computed by SSYTRF. *> *> On exit, if INFO = 0, the (symmetric) inverse of the original *> matrix. If UPLO = 'U', the upper triangular part of the *> inverse is formed and the part of A below the diagonal is not *> referenced; if UPLO = 'L' the lower triangular part of the *> inverse is formed and the part of A above the diagonal is *> not referenced. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDA *> \verbatim *> LDA is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] IPIV *> \verbatim *> IPIV is INTEGER array, dimension (N) *> Details of the interchanges and the NNB structure of D *> as determined by SSYTRF. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] WORK *> \verbatim *> WORK is REAL array, dimension (N+NNB+1,NNB+3) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] NB *> \verbatim *> NB is INTEGER *> Block size *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] INFO *> \verbatim *> INFO is INTEGER *> = 0: successful exit *> < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value *> > 0: if INFO = i, D(i,i) = 0; the matrix is singular and its *> inverse could not be computed. *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date November 2011 * *> \ingroup realSYcomputational * * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE SSYTRI2X( UPLO, N, A, LDA, IPIV, WORK, NB, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.4.0) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * November 2011 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER INFO, LDA, N, NB * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPIV( * ) REAL A( LDA, * ), WORK( N+NB+1,* ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E+0, ZERO = 0.0E+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL UPPER INTEGER I, IINFO, IP, K, CUT, NNB INTEGER COUNT INTEGER J, U11, INVD REAL AK, AKKP1, AKP1, D, T REAL U01_I_J, U01_IP1_J REAL U11_I_J, U11_IP1_J * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL SSYCONV, XERBLA, STRTRI EXTERNAL SGEMM, STRMM, SSYSWAPR * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 UPPER = LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) IF( .NOT.UPPER .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -4 END IF * * Quick return if possible * * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'SSYTRI2X', -INFO ) RETURN END IF IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Convert A * Workspace got Non-diag elements of D * CALL SSYCONV( UPLO, 'C', N, A, LDA, IPIV, WORK, IINFO ) * * Check that the diagonal matrix D is nonsingular. * IF( UPPER ) THEN * * Upper triangular storage: examine D from bottom to top * DO INFO = N, 1, -1 IF( IPIV( INFO ).GT.0 .AND. A( INFO, INFO ).EQ.ZERO ) $ RETURN END DO ELSE * * Lower triangular storage: examine D from top to bottom. * DO INFO = 1, N IF( IPIV( INFO ).GT.0 .AND. A( INFO, INFO ).EQ.ZERO ) $ RETURN END DO END IF INFO = 0 * * Splitting Workspace * U01 is a block (N,NB+1) * The first element of U01 is in WORK(1,1) * U11 is a block (NB+1,NB+1) * The first element of U11 is in WORK(N+1,1) U11 = N * INVD is a block (N,2) * The first element of INVD is in WORK(1,INVD) INVD = NB+2 IF( UPPER ) THEN * * invA = P * inv(U**T)*inv(D)*inv(U)*P**T. * CALL STRTRI( UPLO, 'U', N, A, LDA, INFO ) * * inv(D) and inv(D)*inv(U) * K=1 DO WHILE ( K .LE. N ) IF( IPIV( K ).GT.0 ) THEN * 1 x 1 diagonal NNB WORK(K,INVD) = ONE / A( K, K ) WORK(K,INVD+1) = 0 K=K+1 ELSE * 2 x 2 diagonal NNB T = WORK(K+1,1) AK = A( K, K ) / T AKP1 = A( K+1, K+1 ) / T AKKP1 = WORK(K+1,1) / T D = T*( AK*AKP1-ONE ) WORK(K,INVD) = AKP1 / D WORK(K+1,INVD+1) = AK / D WORK(K,INVD+1) = -AKKP1 / D WORK(K+1,INVD) = -AKKP1 / D K=K+2 END IF END DO * * inv(U**T) = (inv(U))**T * * inv(U**T)*inv(D)*inv(U) * CUT=N DO WHILE (CUT .GT. 0) NNB=NB IF (CUT .LE. NNB) THEN NNB=CUT ELSE COUNT = 0 * count negative elements, DO I=CUT+1-NNB,CUT IF (IPIV(I) .LT. 0) COUNT=COUNT+1 END DO * need a even number for a clear cut IF (MOD(COUNT,2) .EQ. 1) NNB=NNB+1 END IF CUT=CUT-NNB * * U01 Block * DO I=1,CUT DO J=1,NNB WORK(I,J)=A(I,CUT+J) END DO END DO * * U11 Block * DO I=1,NNB WORK(U11+I,I)=ONE DO J=1,I-1 WORK(U11+I,J)=ZERO END DO DO J=I+1,NNB WORK(U11+I,J)=A(CUT+I,CUT+J) END DO END DO * * invD*U01 * I=1 DO WHILE (I .LE. CUT) IF (IPIV(I) > 0) THEN DO J=1,NNB WORK(I,J)=WORK(I,INVD)*WORK(I,J) END DO I=I+1 ELSE DO J=1,NNB U01_I_J = WORK(I,J) U01_IP1_J = WORK(I+1,J) WORK(I,J)=WORK(I,INVD)*U01_I_J+ $ WORK(I,INVD+1)*U01_IP1_J WORK(I+1,J)=WORK(I+1,INVD)*U01_I_J+ $ WORK(I+1,INVD+1)*U01_IP1_J END DO I=I+2 END IF END DO * * invD1*U11 * I=1 DO WHILE (I .LE. NNB) IF (IPIV(CUT+I) > 0) THEN DO J=I,NNB WORK(U11+I,J)=WORK(CUT+I,INVD)*WORK(U11+I,J) END DO I=I+1 ELSE DO J=I,NNB U11_I_J = WORK(U11+I,J) U11_IP1_J = WORK(U11+I+1,J) WORK(U11+I,J)=WORK(CUT+I,INVD)*WORK(U11+I,J) + $ WORK(CUT+I,INVD+1)*WORK(U11+I+1,J) WORK(U11+I+1,J)=WORK(CUT+I+1,INVD)*U11_I_J+ $ WORK(CUT+I+1,INVD+1)*U11_IP1_J END DO I=I+2 END IF END DO * * U11**T*invD1*U11->U11 * CALL STRMM('L','U','T','U',NNB, NNB, $ ONE,A(CUT+1,CUT+1),LDA,WORK(U11+1,1),N+NB+1) * DO I=1,NNB DO J=I,NNB A(CUT+I,CUT+J)=WORK(U11+I,J) END DO END DO * * U01**T*invD*U01->A(CUT+I,CUT+J) * CALL SGEMM('T','N',NNB,NNB,CUT,ONE,A(1,CUT+1),LDA, $ WORK,N+NB+1, ZERO, WORK(U11+1,1), N+NB+1) * * U11 = U11**T*invD1*U11 + U01**T*invD*U01 * DO I=1,NNB DO J=I,NNB A(CUT+I,CUT+J)=A(CUT+I,CUT+J)+WORK(U11+I,J) END DO END DO * * U01 = U00**T*invD0*U01 * CALL STRMM('L',UPLO,'T','U',CUT, NNB, $ ONE,A,LDA,WORK,N+NB+1) * * Update U01 * DO I=1,CUT DO J=1,NNB A(I,CUT+J)=WORK(I,J) END DO END DO * * Next Block * END DO * * Apply PERMUTATIONS P and P**T: P * inv(U**T)*inv(D)*inv(U) *P**T * I=1 DO WHILE ( I .LE. N ) IF( IPIV(I) .GT. 0 ) THEN IP=IPIV(I) IF (I .LT. IP) CALL SSYSWAPR( UPLO, N, A, LDA, I ,IP ) IF (I .GT. IP) CALL SSYSWAPR( UPLO, N, A, LDA, IP ,I ) ELSE IP=-IPIV(I) I=I+1 IF ( (I-1) .LT. IP) $ CALL SSYSWAPR( UPLO, N, A, LDA, I-1 ,IP ) IF ( (I-1) .GT. IP) $ CALL SSYSWAPR( UPLO, N, A, LDA, IP ,I-1 ) ENDIF I=I+1 END DO ELSE * * LOWER... * * invA = P * inv(U**T)*inv(D)*inv(U)*P**T. * CALL STRTRI( UPLO, 'U', N, A, LDA, INFO ) * * inv(D) and inv(D)*inv(U) * K=N DO WHILE ( K .GE. 1 ) IF( IPIV( K ).GT.0 ) THEN * 1 x 1 diagonal NNB WORK(K,INVD) = ONE / A( K, K ) WORK(K,INVD+1) = 0 K=K-1 ELSE * 2 x 2 diagonal NNB T = WORK(K-1,1) AK = A( K-1, K-1 ) / T AKP1 = A( K, K ) / T AKKP1 = WORK(K-1,1) / T D = T*( AK*AKP1-ONE ) WORK(K-1,INVD) = AKP1 / D WORK(K,INVD) = AK / D WORK(K,INVD+1) = -AKKP1 / D WORK(K-1,INVD+1) = -AKKP1 / D K=K-2 END IF END DO * * inv(U**T) = (inv(U))**T * * inv(U**T)*inv(D)*inv(U) * CUT=0 DO WHILE (CUT .LT. N) NNB=NB IF (CUT + NNB .GT. N) THEN NNB=N-CUT ELSE COUNT = 0 * count negative elements, DO I=CUT+1,CUT+NNB IF (IPIV(I) .LT. 0) COUNT=COUNT+1 END DO * need a even number for a clear cut IF (MOD(COUNT,2) .EQ. 1) NNB=NNB+1 END IF * L21 Block DO I=1,N-CUT-NNB DO J=1,NNB WORK(I,J)=A(CUT+NNB+I,CUT+J) END DO END DO * L11 Block DO I=1,NNB WORK(U11+I,I)=ONE DO J=I+1,NNB WORK(U11+I,J)=ZERO END DO DO J=1,I-1 WORK(U11+I,J)=A(CUT+I,CUT+J) END DO END DO * * invD*L21 * I=N-CUT-NNB DO WHILE (I .GE. 1) IF (IPIV(CUT+NNB+I) > 0) THEN DO J=1,NNB WORK(I,J)=WORK(CUT+NNB+I,INVD)*WORK(I,J) END DO I=I-1 ELSE DO J=1,NNB U01_I_J = WORK(I,J) U01_IP1_J = WORK(I-1,J) WORK(I,J)=WORK(CUT+NNB+I,INVD)*U01_I_J+ $ WORK(CUT+NNB+I,INVD+1)*U01_IP1_J WORK(I-1,J)=WORK(CUT+NNB+I-1,INVD+1)*U01_I_J+ $ WORK(CUT+NNB+I-1,INVD)*U01_IP1_J END DO I=I-2 END IF END DO * * invD1*L11 * I=NNB DO WHILE (I .GE. 1) IF (IPIV(CUT+I) > 0) THEN DO J=1,NNB WORK(U11+I,J)=WORK(CUT+I,INVD)*WORK(U11+I,J) END DO I=I-1 ELSE DO J=1,NNB U11_I_J = WORK(U11+I,J) U11_IP1_J = WORK(U11+I-1,J) WORK(U11+I,J)=WORK(CUT+I,INVD)*WORK(U11+I,J) + $ WORK(CUT+I,INVD+1)*U11_IP1_J WORK(U11+I-1,J)=WORK(CUT+I-1,INVD+1)*U11_I_J+ $ WORK(CUT+I-1,INVD)*U11_IP1_J END DO I=I-2 END IF END DO * * L11**T*invD1*L11->L11 * CALL STRMM('L',UPLO,'T','U',NNB, NNB, $ ONE,A(CUT+1,CUT+1),LDA,WORK(U11+1,1),N+NB+1) * DO I=1,NNB DO J=1,I A(CUT+I,CUT+J)=WORK(U11+I,J) END DO END DO * IF ( (CUT+NNB) .LT. N ) THEN * * L21**T*invD2*L21->A(CUT+I,CUT+J) * CALL SGEMM('T','N',NNB,NNB,N-NNB-CUT,ONE,A(CUT+NNB+1,CUT+1) $ ,LDA,WORK,N+NB+1, ZERO, WORK(U11+1,1), N+NB+1) * * L11 = L11**T*invD1*L11 + U01**T*invD*U01 * DO I=1,NNB DO J=1,I A(CUT+I,CUT+J)=A(CUT+I,CUT+J)+WORK(U11+I,J) END DO END DO * * L01 = L22**T*invD2*L21 * CALL STRMM('L',UPLO,'T','U', N-NNB-CUT, NNB, $ ONE,A(CUT+NNB+1,CUT+NNB+1),LDA,WORK,N+NB+1) * * Update L21 * DO I=1,N-CUT-NNB DO J=1,NNB A(CUT+NNB+I,CUT+J)=WORK(I,J) END DO END DO ELSE * * L11 = L11**T*invD1*L11 * DO I=1,NNB DO J=1,I A(CUT+I,CUT+J)=WORK(U11+I,J) END DO END DO END IF * * Next Block * CUT=CUT+NNB END DO * * Apply PERMUTATIONS P and P**T: P * inv(U**T)*inv(D)*inv(U) *P**T * I=N DO WHILE ( I .GE. 1 ) IF( IPIV(I) .GT. 0 ) THEN IP=IPIV(I) IF (I .LT. IP) CALL SSYSWAPR( UPLO, N, A, LDA, I ,IP ) IF (I .GT. IP) CALL SSYSWAPR( UPLO, N, A, LDA, IP ,I ) ELSE IP=-IPIV(I) IF ( I .LT. IP) CALL SSYSWAPR( UPLO, N, A, LDA, I ,IP ) IF ( I .GT. IP) CALL SSYSWAPR( UPLO, N, A, LDA, IP ,I ) I=I-1 ENDIF I=I-1 END DO END IF * RETURN * * End of SSYTRI2X * END
*> \brief \b DTZRQF * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download DTZRQF + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE DTZRQF( M, N, A, LDA, TAU, INFO ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * INTEGER INFO, LDA, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), TAU( * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> This routine is deprecated and has been replaced by routine DTZRZF. *> *> DTZRQF reduces the M-by-N ( M<=N ) real upper trapezoidal matrix A *> to upper triangular form by means of orthogonal transformations. *> *> The upper trapezoidal matrix A is factored as *> *> A = ( R 0 ) * Z, *> *> where Z is an N-by-N orthogonal matrix and R is an M-by-M upper *> triangular matrix. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] M *> \verbatim *> M is INTEGER *> The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= M. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] A *> \verbatim *> A is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) *> On entry, the leading M-by-N upper trapezoidal part of the *> array A must contain the matrix to be factorized. *> On exit, the leading M-by-M upper triangular part of A *> contains the upper triangular matrix R, and elements M+1 to *> N of the first M rows of A, with the array TAU, represent the *> orthogonal matrix Z as a product of M elementary reflectors. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDA *> \verbatim *> LDA is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] TAU *> \verbatim *> TAU is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (M) *> The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] INFO *> \verbatim *> INFO is INTEGER *> = 0: successful exit *> < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date November 2011 * *> \ingroup doubleOTHERcomputational * *> \par Further Details: * ===================== *> *> \verbatim *> *> The factorization is obtained by Householder's method. The kth *> transformation matrix, Z( k ), which is used to introduce zeros into *> the ( m - k + 1 )th row of A, is given in the form *> *> Z( k ) = ( I 0 ), *> ( 0 T( k ) ) *> *> where *> *> T( k ) = I - tau*u( k )*u( k )**T, u( k ) = ( 1 ), *> ( 0 ) *> ( z( k ) ) *> *> tau is a scalar and z( k ) is an ( n - m ) element vector. *> tau and z( k ) are chosen to annihilate the elements of the kth row *> of X. *> *> The scalar tau is returned in the kth element of TAU and the vector *> u( k ) in the kth row of A, such that the elements of z( k ) are *> in a( k, m + 1 ), ..., a( k, n ). The elements of R are returned in *> the upper triangular part of A. *> *> Z is given by *> *> Z = Z( 1 ) * Z( 2 ) * ... * Z( m ). *> \endverbatim *> * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE DTZRQF( M, N, A, LDA, TAU, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.4.0) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * November 2011 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDA, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), TAU( * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, K, M1 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DAXPY, DCOPY, DGEMV, DGER, DLARFG, XERBLA * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 IF( M.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.M ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -4 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DTZRQF', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Perform the factorization. * IF( M.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN IF( M.EQ.N ) THEN DO 10 I = 1, N TAU( I ) = ZERO 10 CONTINUE ELSE M1 = MIN( M+1, N ) DO 20 K = M, 1, -1 * * Use a Householder reflection to zero the kth row of A. * First set up the reflection. * CALL DLARFG( N-M+1, A( K, K ), A( K, M1 ), LDA, TAU( K ) ) * IF( ( TAU( K ).NE.ZERO ) .AND. ( K.GT.1 ) ) THEN * * We now perform the operation A := A*P( k ). * * Use the first ( k - 1 ) elements of TAU to store a( k ), * where a( k ) consists of the first ( k - 1 ) elements of * the kth column of A. Also let B denote the first * ( k - 1 ) rows of the last ( n - m ) columns of A. * CALL DCOPY( K-1, A( 1, K ), 1, TAU, 1 ) * * Form w = a( k ) + B*z( k ) in TAU. * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', K-1, N-M, ONE, A( 1, M1 ), $ LDA, A( K, M1 ), LDA, ONE, TAU, 1 ) * * Now form a( k ) := a( k ) - tau*w * and B := B - tau*w*z( k )**T. * CALL DAXPY( K-1, -TAU( K ), TAU, 1, A( 1, K ), 1 ) CALL DGER( K-1, N-M, -TAU( K ), TAU, 1, A( K, M1 ), LDA, $ A( 1, M1 ), LDA ) END IF 20 CONTINUE END IF * RETURN * * End of DTZRQF * END
SUBROUTINE ZPTCON( N, D, E, ANORM, RCOND, RWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.3.1) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * -- April 2011 -- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, N DOUBLE PRECISION ANORM, RCOND * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), RWORK( * ) COMPLEX*16 E( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * ZPTCON computes the reciprocal of the condition number (in the * 1-norm) of a complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal matrix * using the factorization A = L*D*L**H or A = U**H*D*U computed by * ZPTTRF. * * Norm(inv(A)) is computed by a direct method, and the reciprocal of * the condition number is computed as * RCOND = 1 / (ANORM * norm(inv(A))). * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The n diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D from the * factorization of A, as computed by ZPTTRF. * * E (input) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) off-diagonal elements of the unit bidiagonal factor * U or L from the factorization of A, as computed by ZPTTRF. * * ANORM (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The 1-norm of the original matrix A. * * RCOND (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The reciprocal of the condition number of the matrix A, * computed as RCOND = 1/(ANORM * AINVNM), where AINVNM is the * 1-norm of inv(A) computed in this routine. * * RWORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * * Further Details * =============== * * The method used is described in Nicholas J. Higham, "Efficient * Algorithms for Computing the Condition Number of a Tridiagonal * Matrix", SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput., Vol. 7, No. 1, January 1986. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IX DOUBLE PRECISION AINVNM * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER IDAMAX EXTERNAL IDAMAX * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input arguments. * INFO = 0 IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( ANORM.LT.ZERO ) THEN INFO = -4 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'ZPTCON', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * RCOND = ZERO IF( N.EQ.0 ) THEN RCOND = ONE RETURN ELSE IF( ANORM.EQ.ZERO ) THEN RETURN END IF * * Check that D(1:N) is positive. * DO 10 I = 1, N IF( D( I ).LE.ZERO ) $ RETURN 10 CONTINUE * * Solve M(A) * x = e, where M(A) = (m(i,j)) is given by * * m(i,j) = abs(A(i,j)), i = j, * m(i,j) = -abs(A(i,j)), i .ne. j, * * and e = [ 1, 1, ..., 1 ]**T. Note M(A) = M(L)*D*M(L)**H. * * Solve M(L) * x = e. * RWORK( 1 ) = ONE DO 20 I = 2, N RWORK( I ) = ONE + RWORK( I-1 )*ABS( E( I-1 ) ) 20 CONTINUE * * Solve D * M(L)**H * x = b. * RWORK( N ) = RWORK( N ) / D( N ) DO 30 I = N - 1, 1, -1 RWORK( I ) = RWORK( I ) / D( I ) + RWORK( I+1 )*ABS( E( I ) ) 30 CONTINUE * * Compute AINVNM = max(x(i)), 1<=i<=n. * IX = IDAMAX( N, RWORK, 1 ) AINVNM = ABS( RWORK( IX ) ) * * Compute the reciprocal condition number. * IF( AINVNM.NE.ZERO ) $ RCOND = ( ONE / AINVNM ) / ANORM * RETURN * * End of ZPTCON * END
*> \brief \b CGEQLF * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download CGEQLF + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE CGEQLF( M, N, A, LDA, TAU, WORK, LWORK, INFO ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * INTEGER INFO, LDA, LWORK, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * COMPLEX A( LDA, * ), TAU( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> CGEQLF computes a QL factorization of a complex M-by-N matrix A: *> A = Q * L. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] M *> \verbatim *> M is INTEGER *> The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] A *> \verbatim *> A is COMPLEX array, dimension (LDA,N) *> On entry, the M-by-N matrix A. *> On exit, *> if m >= n, the lower triangle of the subarray *> A(m-n+1:m,1:n) contains the N-by-N lower triangular matrix L; *> if m <= n, the elements on and below the (n-m)-th *> superdiagonal contain the M-by-N lower trapezoidal matrix L; *> the remaining elements, with the array TAU, represent the *> unitary matrix Q as a product of elementary reflectors *> (see Further Details). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDA *> \verbatim *> LDA is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] TAU *> \verbatim *> TAU is COMPLEX array, dimension (min(M,N)) *> The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors (see Further *> Details). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] WORK *> \verbatim *> WORK is COMPLEX array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK)) *> On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LWORK *> \verbatim *> LWORK is INTEGER *> The dimension of the array WORK. LWORK >= max(1,N). *> For optimum performance LWORK >= N*NB, where NB is *> the optimal blocksize. *> *> If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine *> only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns *> this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error *> message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] INFO *> \verbatim *> INFO is INTEGER *> = 0: successful exit *> < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date November 2011 * *> \ingroup complexGEcomputational * *> \par Further Details: * ===================== *> *> \verbatim *> *> The matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors *> *> Q = H(k) . . . H(2) H(1), where k = min(m,n). *> *> Each H(i) has the form *> *> H(i) = I - tau * v * v**H *> *> where tau is a complex scalar, and v is a complex vector with *> v(m-k+i+1:m) = 0 and v(m-k+i) = 1; v(1:m-k+i-1) is stored on exit in *> A(1:m-k+i-1,n-k+i), and tau in TAU(i). *> \endverbatim *> * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE CGEQLF( M, N, A, LDA, TAU, WORK, LWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.4.0) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * November 2011 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDA, LWORK, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX A( LDA, * ), TAU( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL LQUERY INTEGER I, IB, IINFO, IWS, K, KI, KK, LDWORK, LWKOPT, $ MU, NB, NBMIN, NU, NX * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CGEQL2, CLARFB, CLARFT, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER ILAENV EXTERNAL ILAENV * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input arguments * INFO = 0 LQUERY = ( LWORK.EQ.-1 ) IF( M.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -4 END IF * IF( INFO.EQ.0 ) THEN K = MIN( M, N ) IF( K.EQ.0 ) THEN LWKOPT = 1 ELSE NB = ILAENV( 1, 'CGEQLF', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) LWKOPT = N*NB END IF WORK( 1 ) = LWKOPT * IF( LWORK.LT.MAX( 1, N ) .AND. .NOT.LQUERY ) THEN INFO = -7 END IF END IF * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CGEQLF', -INFO ) RETURN ELSE IF( LQUERY ) THEN RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( K.EQ.0 ) THEN RETURN END IF * NBMIN = 2 NX = 1 IWS = N IF( NB.GT.1 .AND. NB.LT.K ) THEN * * Determine when to cross over from blocked to unblocked code. * NX = MAX( 0, ILAENV( 3, 'CGEQLF', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) ) IF( NX.LT.K ) THEN * * Determine if workspace is large enough for blocked code. * LDWORK = N IWS = LDWORK*NB IF( LWORK.LT.IWS ) THEN * * Not enough workspace to use optimal NB: reduce NB and * determine the minimum value of NB. * NB = LWORK / LDWORK NBMIN = MAX( 2, ILAENV( 2, 'CGEQLF', ' ', M, N, -1, $ -1 ) ) END IF END IF END IF * IF( NB.GE.NBMIN .AND. NB.LT.K .AND. NX.LT.K ) THEN * * Use blocked code initially. * The last kk columns are handled by the block method. * KI = ( ( K-NX-1 ) / NB )*NB KK = MIN( K, KI+NB ) * DO 10 I = K - KK + KI + 1, K - KK + 1, -NB IB = MIN( K-I+1, NB ) * * Compute the QL factorization of the current block * A(1:m-k+i+ib-1,n-k+i:n-k+i+ib-1) * CALL CGEQL2( M-K+I+IB-1, IB, A( 1, N-K+I ), LDA, TAU( I ), $ WORK, IINFO ) IF( N-K+I.GT.1 ) THEN * * Form the triangular factor of the block reflector * H = H(i+ib-1) . . . H(i+1) H(i) * CALL CLARFT( 'Backward', 'Columnwise', M-K+I+IB-1, IB, $ A( 1, N-K+I ), LDA, TAU( I ), WORK, LDWORK ) * * Apply H**H to A(1:m-k+i+ib-1,1:n-k+i-1) from the left * CALL CLARFB( 'Left', 'Conjugate transpose', 'Backward', $ 'Columnwise', M-K+I+IB-1, N-K+I-1, IB, $ A( 1, N-K+I ), LDA, WORK, LDWORK, A, LDA, $ WORK( IB+1 ), LDWORK ) END IF 10 CONTINUE MU = M - K + I + NB - 1 NU = N - K + I + NB - 1 ELSE MU = M NU = N END IF * * Use unblocked code to factor the last or only block * IF( MU.GT.0 .AND. NU.GT.0 ) $ CALL CGEQL2( MU, NU, A, LDA, TAU, WORK, IINFO ) * WORK( 1 ) = IWS RETURN * * End of CGEQLF * END
FUNCTION f_lammps_with_args() BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: c_ptr USE liblammps USE keepstuff, ONLY: lmp IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(c_ptr) :: f_lammps_with_args CHARACTER(len=12), DIMENSION(12), PARAMETER :: args = & [ CHARACTER(len=12) :: 'liblammps', '-log', 'none', & '-echo','screen','-nocite','-var','zpos','1.5','-var','x','2'] lmp = lammps(args) f_lammps_with_args = lmp%handle END FUNCTION f_lammps_with_args SUBROUTINE f_lammps_close() BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: c_null_ptr USE liblammps USE keepstuff, ONLY: lmp IMPLICIT NONE CALL lmp%close() lmp%handle = c_null_ptr END SUBROUTINE f_lammps_close SUBROUTINE f_lammps_setup_extract_compute() BIND(C) USE LIBLAMMPS USE keepstuff, ONLY : lmp, big_input, cont_input, more_input, pair_input IMPLICIT NONE CALL lmp%commands_list(big_input) CALL lmp%commands_list(cont_input) CALL lmp%commands_list(more_input) CALL lmp%commands_list(pair_input) CALL lmp%command("compute peratompe all pe/atom") ! per-atom vector call lmp%command("compute stress all stress/atom thermo_temp") ! per-atom array CALL lmp%command("compute totalpe all reduce sum c_peratompe") ! global scalar CALL lmp%command("compute COM all com") ! global vector CALL lmp%command("compute RDF all rdf 100") ! global array CALL lmp%command("compute pairdist all pair/local dist") ! local vector CALL lmp%command("compute pairlocal all pair/local dist dx dy dz") ! local array CALL lmp%command("thermo_style custom step pe c_totalpe c_COM[1]") CALL lmp%command("run 0") ! must be here, otherwise will SEGFAULT END SUBROUTINE f_lammps_setup_extract_compute FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_peratom_vector(i) BIND(C) USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY : c_double, c_int USE LIBLAMMPS USE keepstuff, ONLY : lmp IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(c_int), INTENT(IN), VALUE :: i REAL(c_double) :: f_lammps_extract_compute_peratom_vector REAL(c_double), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: vector => NULL() vector = lmp%extract_compute('peratompe', lmp%style%atom, lmp%type%vector) f_lammps_extract_compute_peratom_vector = vector(i) END FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_peratom_vector FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_peratom_array(i,j) BIND(C) USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY : c_double, c_int USE LIBLAMMPS USE keepstuff, ONLY : lmp IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(c_int), INTENT(IN), VALUE :: i, j REAL(c_double) :: f_lammps_extract_compute_peratom_array REAL(c_double), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: array => NULL() array = lmp%extract_compute('stress', lmp%style%atom, lmp%type%array) f_lammps_extract_compute_peratom_array = array(i,j) END FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_peratom_array FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_global_scalar() BIND(C) USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY : c_double, c_int USE LIBLAMMPS USE keepstuff, ONLY : lmp IMPLICIT NONE REAL(c_double) :: f_lammps_extract_compute_global_scalar REAL(c_double), POINTER :: scalar scalar = lmp%extract_compute('totalpe', lmp%style%global, lmp%type%scalar) f_lammps_extract_compute_global_scalar = scalar END FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_global_scalar FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_global_vector(i) BIND(C) USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY : c_double, c_int USE LIBLAMMPS USE keepstuff, ONLY : lmp IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(c_int), INTENT(IN), VALUE :: i REAL(c_double) :: f_lammps_extract_compute_global_vector REAL(c_double), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: vector vector = lmp%extract_compute('COM', lmp%style%global, lmp%type%vector) f_lammps_extract_compute_global_vector = vector(i) END FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_global_vector FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_global_array(i,j) BIND(C) USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY : c_double, c_int USE LIBLAMMPS USE keepstuff, ONLY : lmp IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(c_int), INTENT(IN), VALUE :: i, j REAL(c_double) :: f_lammps_extract_compute_global_array REAL(c_double), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: array array = lmp%extract_compute('RDF', lmp%style%global, lmp%type%array) f_lammps_extract_compute_global_array = array(i,j) END FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_global_array FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_local_vector(i) BIND(C) USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY : c_double, c_int USE LIBLAMMPS USE keepstuff, ONLY : lmp IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(c_int), INTENT(IN), VALUE :: i REAL(c_double) :: f_lammps_extract_compute_local_vector REAL(c_double), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: vector vector = lmp%extract_compute('pairdist', lmp%style%local, lmp%type%vector) f_lammps_extract_compute_local_vector = vector(i) END FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_local_vector FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_local_array(i, j) BIND(C) USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY : c_double, c_int USE LIBLAMMPS USE keepstuff, ONLY : lmp IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(c_int), INTENT(IN), VALUE :: i, j REAL(c_double) :: f_lammps_extract_compute_local_array REAL(c_double), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: array array = lmp%extract_compute('pairlocal', lmp%style%local, lmp%type%array) f_lammps_extract_compute_local_array = array(i,j) END FUNCTION f_lammps_extract_compute_local_array
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c\BeginDoc c c\Name: dsaup2 c c\Description: c Intermediate level interface called by dsaupd. c c\Usage: c call dsaup2 c ( IDO, BMAT, N, WHICH, NEV, NP, TOL, RESID, MODE, IUPD, c ISHIFT, MXITER, V, LDV, H, LDH, RITZ, BOUNDS, Q, LDQ, WORKL, c IPNTR, WORKD, INFO ) c c\Arguments c c IDO, BMAT, N, WHICH, NEV, TOL, RESID: same as defined in dsaupd. c MODE, ISHIFT, MXITER: see the definition of IPARAM in dsaupd. c c NP Integer. (INPUT/OUTPUT) c Contains the number of implicit shifts to apply during c each Arnoldi/Lanczos iteration. c If ISHIFT=1, NP is adjusted dynamically at each iteration c to accelerate convergence and prevent stagnation. c This is also roughly equal to the number of matrix-vector c products (involving the operator OP) per Arnoldi iteration. c The logic for adjusting is contained within the current c subroutine. c If ISHIFT=0, NP is the number of shifts the user needs c to provide via reverse communication. 0 < NP < NCV-NEV. c NP may be less than NCV-NEV since a leading block of the current c upper Tridiagonal matrix has split off and contains "unwanted" c Ritz values. c Upon termination of the IRA iteration, NP contains the number c of "converged" wanted Ritz values. c c IUPD Integer. (INPUT) c IUPD .EQ. 0: use explicit restart instead implicit update. c IUPD .NE. 0: use implicit update. c c V Double precision N by (NEV+NP) array. (INPUT/OUTPUT) c The Lanczos basis vectors. c c LDV Integer. (INPUT) c Leading dimension of V exactly as declared in the calling c program. c c H Double precision (NEV+NP) by 2 array. (OUTPUT) c H is used to store the generated symmetric tridiagonal matrix c The subdiagonal is stored in the first column of H starting c at H(2,1). The main diagonal is stored in the arscnd column c of H starting at H(1,2). If dsaup2 converges store the c B-norm of the final residual vector in H(1,1). c c LDH Integer. (INPUT) c Leading dimension of H exactly as declared in the calling c program. c c RITZ Double precision array of length NEV+NP. (OUTPUT) c RITZ(1:NEV) contains the computed Ritz values of OP. c c BOUNDS Double precision array of length NEV+NP. (OUTPUT) c BOUNDS(1:NEV) contain the error bounds corresponding to RITZ. c c Q Double precision (NEV+NP) by (NEV+NP) array. (WORKSPACE) c Private (replicated) work array used to accumulate the c rotation in the shift application step. c c LDQ Integer. (INPUT) c Leading dimension of Q exactly as declared in the calling c program. c c WORKL Double precision array of length at least 3*(NEV+NP). (INPUT/WORKSPACE) c Private (replicated) array on each PE or array allocated on c the front end. It is used in the computation of the c tridiagonal eigenvalue problem, the calculation and c application of the shifts and convergence checking. c If ISHIFT .EQ. O and IDO .EQ. 3, the first NP locations c of WORKL are used in reverse communication to hold the user c supplied shifts. c c IPNTR Integer array of length 3. (OUTPUT) c Pointer to mark the starting locations in the WORKD for c vectors used by the Lanczos iteration. c ------------------------------------------------------------- c IPNTR(1): pointer to the current operand vector X. c IPNTR(2): pointer to the current result vector Y. c IPNTR(3): pointer to the vector B * X when used in one of c the spectral transformation modes. X is the current c operand. c ------------------------------------------------------------- c c WORKD Double precision work array of length 3*N. (REVERSE COMMUNICATION) c Distributed array to be used in the basic Lanczos iteration c for reverse communication. The user should not use WORKD c as temporary workspace during the iteration !!!!!!!!!! c See Data Distribution Note in dsaupd. c c INFO Integer. (INPUT/OUTPUT) c If INFO .EQ. 0, a randomly initial residual vector is used. c If INFO .NE. 0, RESID contains the initial residual vector, c possibly from a previous run. c Error flag on output. c = 0: Normal return. c = 1: All possible eigenvalues of OP has been found. c NP returns the size of the invariant subspace c spanning the operator OP. c = 2: No shifts could be applied. c = -8: Error return from trid. eigenvalue calculation; c This should never happen. c = -9: Starting vector is zero. c = -9999: Could not build an Lanczos factorization. c Size that was built in returned in NP. c c\EndDoc c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c\BeginLib c c\References: c 1. D.C. Sorensen, "Implicit Application of Polynomial Filters in c a k-Step Arnoldi Method", SIAM J. Matr. Anal. Apps., 13 (1992), c pp 357-385. c 2. R.B. Lehoucq, "Analysis and Implementation of an Implicitly c Restarted Arnoldi Iteration", Rice University Technical Report c TR95-13, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics. c 3. B.N. Parlett, "The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem". Prentice-Hall, c 1980. c 4. B.N. Parlett, B. Nour-Omid, "Towards a Black Box Lanczos Program", c Computer Physics Communications, 53 (1989), pp 169-179. c 5. B. Nour-Omid, B.N. Parlett, T. Ericson, P.S. Jensen, "How to c Implement the Spectral Transformation", Math. Comp., 48 (1987), c pp 663-673. c 6. R.G. Grimes, J.G. Lewis and H.D. Simon, "A Shifted Block Lanczos c Algorithm for Solving Sparse Symmetric Generalized Eigenproblems", c SIAM J. Matr. Anal. Apps., January (1993). c 7. L. Reichel, W.B. Gragg, "Algorithm 686: FORTRAN Subroutines c for Updating the QR decomposition", ACM TOMS, December 1990, c Volume 16 Number 4, pp 369-377. c c\Routines called: c dgetv0 ARPACK initial vector generation routine. c dsaitr ARPACK Lanczos factorization routine. c dsapps ARPACK application of implicit shifts routine. c dsconv ARPACK convergence of Ritz values routine. c dseigt ARPACK compute Ritz values and error bounds routine. c dsgets ARPACK reorder Ritz values and error bounds routine. c dsortr ARPACK sorting routine. c ivout ARPACK utility routine that prints integers. c arscnd ARPACK utility routine for timing. c dvout ARPACK utility routine that prints vectors. c dlamch LAPACK routine that determines machine constants. c dcopy Level 1 BLAS that copies one vector to another. c ddot Level 1 BLAS that computes the scalar product of two vectors. c dnrm2 Level 1 BLAS that computes the norm of a vector. c dscal Level 1 BLAS that scales a vector. c dswap Level 1 BLAS that swaps two vectors. c c\Author c Danny Sorensen Phuong Vu c Richard Lehoucq CRPC / Rice University c Dept. of Computational & Houston, Texas c Applied Mathematics c Rice University c Houston, Texas c c\Revision history: c 12/15/93: Version ' 2.4' c xx/xx/95: Version ' 2.4'. (R.B. Lehoucq) c c\SCCS Information: @(#) c FILE: saup2.F SID: 2.7 DATE OF SID: 5/19/98 RELEASE: 2 c c\EndLib c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine dsaup2 & ( ido, bmat, n, which, nev, np, tol, resid, mode, iupd, & ishift, mxiter, v, ldv, h, ldh, ritz, bounds, & q, ldq, workl, ipntr, workd, info ) c c %----------------------------------------------------% c | Include files for debugging and timing information | c %----------------------------------------------------% c include 'debug.h' include 'stat.h' c c %------------------% c | Scalar Arguments | c %------------------% c character bmat*1, which*2 integer ido, info, ishift, iupd, ldh, ldq, ldv, mxiter, & n, mode, nev, np Double precision & tol c c %-----------------% c | Array Arguments | c %-----------------% c integer ipntr(3) Double precision & bounds(nev+np), h(ldh,2), q(ldq,nev+np), resid(n), & ritz(nev+np), v(ldv,nev+np), workd(3*n), & workl(3*(nev+np)) c c %------------% c | Parameters | c %------------% c Double precision & one, zero parameter (one = 1.0D+0, zero = 0.0D+0) c c %---------------% c | Local Scalars | c %---------------% c character wprime*2 logical cnorm, getv0, initv, update, ushift integer ierr, iter, j, kplusp, msglvl, nconv, nevbef, nev0, & np0, nptemp, nevd2, nevm2, kp(3) Double precision & rnorm, temp, eps23 save cnorm, getv0, initv, update, ushift, & iter, kplusp, msglvl, nconv, nev0, np0, & rnorm, eps23 c c %----------------------% c | External Subroutines | c %----------------------% c external dcopy, dgetv0, dsaitr, dscal, dsconv, dseigt, dsgets, & dsapps, dsortr, dvout, ivout, arscnd, dswap c c %--------------------% c | External Functions | c %--------------------% c Double precision & ddot, dnrm2, dlamch external ddot, dnrm2, dlamch c c %---------------------% c | Intrinsic Functions | c %---------------------% c intrinsic min c c %-----------------------% c | Executable Statements | c %-----------------------% c if (ido .eq. 0) then c c %-------------------------------% c | Initialize timing statistics | c | & message level for debugging | c %-------------------------------% c call arscnd (t0) msglvl = msaup2 c c %---------------------------------% c | Set machine dependent constant. | c %---------------------------------% c eps23 = dlamch('Epsilon-Machine') eps23 = eps23**(2.0D+0/3.0D+0) c c %-------------------------------------% c | nev0 and np0 are integer variables | c | hold the initial values of NEV & NP | c %-------------------------------------% c nev0 = nev np0 = np c c %-------------------------------------% c | kplusp is the bound on the largest | c | Lanczos factorization built. | c | nconv is the current number of | c | "converged" eigenvlues. | c | iter is the counter on the current | c | iteration step. | c %-------------------------------------% c kplusp = nev0 + np0 nconv = 0 iter = 0 c c %--------------------------------------------% c | Set flags for computing the first NEV steps | c | of the Lanczos factorization. | c %--------------------------------------------% c getv0 = .true. update = .false. ushift = .false. cnorm = .false. c if (info .ne. 0) then c c %--------------------------------------------% c | User provides the initial residual vector. | c %--------------------------------------------% c initv = .true. info = 0 else initv = .false. end if end if c c %---------------------------------------------% c | Get a possibly random starting vector and | c | force it into the range of the operator OP. | c %---------------------------------------------% c 10 continue c if (getv0) then call dgetv0 (ido, bmat, 1, initv, n, 1, v, ldv, resid, rnorm, & ipntr, workd, info) c if (ido .ne. 99) go to 9000 c if (rnorm .eq. zero) then c c %-----------------------------------------% c | The initial vector is zero. Error exit. | c %-----------------------------------------% c info = -9 go to 1200 end if getv0 = .false. ido = 0 end if c c %------------------------------------------------------------% c | Back from reverse communication: continue with update step | c %------------------------------------------------------------% c if (update) go to 20 c c %-------------------------------------------% c | Back from computing user specified shifts | c %-------------------------------------------% c if (ushift) go to 50 c c %-------------------------------------% c | Back from computing residual norm | c | at the end of the current iteration | c %-------------------------------------% c if (cnorm) go to 100 c c %----------------------------------------------------------% c | Compute the first NEV steps of the Lanczos factorization | c %----------------------------------------------------------% c call dsaitr (ido, bmat, n, 0, nev0, mode, resid, rnorm, v, ldv, & h, ldh, ipntr, workd, info) c c %---------------------------------------------------% c | ido .ne. 99 implies use of reverse communication | c | to compute operations involving OP and possibly B | c %---------------------------------------------------% c if (ido .ne. 99) go to 9000 c if (info .gt. 0) then c c %-----------------------------------------------------% c | dsaitr was unable to build an Lanczos factorization | c | of length NEV0. INFO is returned with the size of | c | the factorization built. Exit main loop. | c %-----------------------------------------------------% c np = info mxiter = iter info = -9999 go to 1200 end if c c %--------------------------------------------------------------% c | | c | M A I N LANCZOS I T E R A T I O N L O O P | c | Each iteration implicitly restarts the Lanczos | c | factorization in place. | c | | c %--------------------------------------------------------------% c 1000 continue c iter = iter + 1 c if (msglvl .gt. 0) then call ivout (logfil, 1, iter, ndigit, & '_saup2: **** Start of major iteration number ****') end if if (msglvl .gt. 1) then call ivout (logfil, 1, nev, ndigit, & '_saup2: The length of the current Lanczos factorization') call ivout (logfil, 1, np, ndigit, & '_saup2: Extend the Lanczos factorization by') end if c c %------------------------------------------------------------% c | Compute NP additional steps of the Lanczos factorization. | c %------------------------------------------------------------% c ido = 0 20 continue update = .true. c call dsaitr (ido, bmat, n, nev, np, mode, resid, rnorm, v, & ldv, h, ldh, ipntr, workd, info) c c %---------------------------------------------------% c | ido .ne. 99 implies use of reverse communication | c | to compute operations involving OP and possibly B | c %---------------------------------------------------% c if (ido .ne. 99) go to 9000 c if (info .gt. 0) then c c %-----------------------------------------------------% c | dsaitr was unable to build an Lanczos factorization | c | of length NEV0+NP0. INFO is returned with the size | c | of the factorization built. Exit main loop. | c %-----------------------------------------------------% c np = info mxiter = iter info = -9999 go to 1200 end if update = .false. c if (msglvl .gt. 1) then call dvout (logfil, 1, rnorm, ndigit, & '_saup2: Current B-norm of residual for factorization') end if c c %--------------------------------------------------------% c | Compute the eigenvalues and corresponding error bounds | c | of the current symmetric tridiagonal matrix. | c %--------------------------------------------------------% c call dseigt (rnorm, kplusp, h, ldh, ritz, bounds, workl, ierr) c if (ierr .ne. 0) then info = -8 go to 1200 end if c c %----------------------------------------------------% c | Make a copy of eigenvalues and corresponding error | c | bounds obtained from _seigt. | c %----------------------------------------------------% c call dcopy(kplusp, ritz, 1, workl(kplusp+1), 1) call dcopy(kplusp, bounds, 1, workl(2*kplusp+1), 1) c c %---------------------------------------------------% c | Select the wanted Ritz values and their bounds | c | to be used in the convergence test. | c | The selection is based on the requested number of | c | eigenvalues instead of the current NEV and NP to | c | prevent possible misconvergence. | c | * Wanted Ritz values := RITZ(NP+1:NEV+NP) | c | * Shifts := RITZ(1:NP) := WORKL(1:NP) | c %---------------------------------------------------% c nev = nev0 np = np0 call dsgets (ishift, which, nev, np, ritz, bounds, workl) c c %-------------------% c | Convergence test. | c %-------------------% c call dcopy (nev, bounds(np+1), 1, workl(np+1), 1) call dsconv (nev, ritz(np+1), workl(np+1), tol, nconv) c if (msglvl .gt. 2) then kp(1) = nev kp(2) = np kp(3) = nconv call ivout (logfil, 3, kp, ndigit, & '_saup2: NEV, NP, NCONV are') call dvout (logfil, kplusp, ritz, ndigit, & '_saup2: The eigenvalues of H') call dvout (logfil, kplusp, bounds, ndigit, & '_saup2: Ritz estimates of the current NCV Ritz values') end if c c %---------------------------------------------------------% c | Count the number of unwanted Ritz values that have zero | c | Ritz estimates. If any Ritz estimates are equal to zero | c | then a leading block of H of order equal to at least | c | the number of Ritz values with zero Ritz estimates has | c | split off. None of these Ritz values may be removed by | c | shifting. Decrease NP the number of shifts to apply. If | c | no shifts may be applied, then prepare to exit | c %---------------------------------------------------------% c nptemp = np do 30 j=1, nptemp if (bounds(j) .eq. zero) then np = np - 1 nev = nev + 1 end if 30 continue c if ( (nconv .ge. nev0) .or. & (iter .gt. mxiter) .or. & (np .eq. 0) ) then c c %------------------------------------------------% c | Prepare to exit. Put the converged Ritz values | c | and corresponding bounds in RITZ(1:NCONV) and | c | BOUNDS(1:NCONV) respectively. Then sort. Be | c | careful when NCONV > NP since we don't want to | c | swap overlapping locations. | c %------------------------------------------------% c if (which .eq. 'BE') then c c %-----------------------------------------------------% c | Both ends of the spectrum are requested. | c | Sort the eigenvalues into algebraically decreasing | c | order first then swap low end of the spectrum next | c | to high end in appropriate locations. | c | NOTE: when np < floor(nev/2) be careful not to swap | c | overlapping locations. | c %-----------------------------------------------------% c wprime = 'SA' call dsortr (wprime, .true., kplusp, ritz, bounds) nevd2 = nev0 / 2 nevm2 = nev0 - nevd2 if ( nev .gt. 1 ) then np = kplusp - nev0 call dswap ( min(nevd2,np), ritz(nevm2+1), 1, & ritz( max(kplusp-nevd2+1,kplusp-np+1) ), 1) call dswap ( min(nevd2,np), bounds(nevm2+1), 1, & bounds( max(kplusp-nevd2+1,kplusp-np+1)), 1) end if c else c c %--------------------------------------------------% c | LM, SM, LA, SA case. | c | Sort the eigenvalues of H into the an order that | c | is opposite to WHICH, and apply the resulting | c | order to BOUNDS. The eigenvalues are sorted so | c | that the wanted part are always within the first | c | NEV locations. | c %--------------------------------------------------% c if (which .eq. 'LM') wprime = 'SM' if (which .eq. 'SM') wprime = 'LM' if (which .eq. 'LA') wprime = 'SA' if (which .eq. 'SA') wprime = 'LA' c call dsortr (wprime, .true., kplusp, ritz, bounds) c end if c c %--------------------------------------------------% c | Scale the Ritz estimate of each Ritz value | c | by 1 / max(eps23,magnitude of the Ritz value). | c %--------------------------------------------------% c do 35 j = 1, nev0 temp = max( eps23, abs(ritz(j)) ) bounds(j) = bounds(j)/temp 35 continue c c %----------------------------------------------------% c | Sort the Ritz values according to the scaled Ritz | c | esitmates. This will push all the converged ones | c | towards the front of ritzr, ritzi, bounds | c | (in the case when NCONV < NEV.) | c %----------------------------------------------------% c wprime = 'LA' call dsortr(wprime, .true., nev0, bounds, ritz) c c %----------------------------------------------% c | Scale the Ritz estimate back to its original | c | value. | c %----------------------------------------------% c do 40 j = 1, nev0 temp = max( eps23, abs(ritz(j)) ) bounds(j) = bounds(j)*temp 40 continue c c %--------------------------------------------------% c | Sort the "converged" Ritz values again so that | c | the "threshold" values and their associated Ritz | c | estimates appear at the appropriate position in | c | ritz and bound. | c %--------------------------------------------------% c if (which .eq. 'BE') then c c %------------------------------------------------% c | Sort the "converged" Ritz values in increasing | c | order. The "threshold" values are in the | c | middle. | c %------------------------------------------------% c wprime = 'LA' call dsortr(wprime, .true., nconv, ritz, bounds) c else c c %----------------------------------------------% c | In LM, SM, LA, SA case, sort the "converged" | c | Ritz values according to WHICH so that the | c | "threshold" value appears at the front of | c | ritz. | c %----------------------------------------------% call dsortr(which, .true., nconv, ritz, bounds) c end if c c %------------------------------------------% c | Use h( 1,1 ) as storage to communicate | c | rnorm to _seupd if needed | c %------------------------------------------% c h(1,1) = rnorm c if (msglvl .gt. 1) then call dvout (logfil, kplusp, ritz, ndigit, & '_saup2: Sorted Ritz values.') call dvout (logfil, kplusp, bounds, ndigit, & '_saup2: Sorted ritz estimates.') end if c c %------------------------------------% c | Max iterations have been exceeded. | c %------------------------------------% c if (iter .gt. mxiter .and. nconv .lt. nev) info = 1 c c %---------------------% c | No shifts to apply. | c %---------------------% c if (np .eq. 0 .and. nconv .lt. nev0) info = 2 c np = nconv go to 1100 c else if (nconv .lt. nev .and. ishift .eq. 1) then c c %---------------------------------------------------% c | Do not have all the requested eigenvalues yet. | c | To prevent possible stagnation, adjust the number | c | of Ritz values and the shifts. | c %---------------------------------------------------% c nevbef = nev nev = nev + min (nconv, np/2) if (nev .eq. 1 .and. kplusp .ge. 6) then nev = kplusp / 2 else if (nev .eq. 1 .and. kplusp .gt. 2) then nev = 2 end if np = kplusp - nev c c %---------------------------------------% c | If the size of NEV was just increased | c | resort the eigenvalues. | c %---------------------------------------% c if (nevbef .lt. nev) & call dsgets (ishift, which, nev, np, ritz, bounds, & workl) c end if c if (msglvl .gt. 0) then call ivout (logfil, 1, nconv, ndigit, & '_saup2: no. of "converged" Ritz values at this iter.') if (msglvl .gt. 1) then kp(1) = nev kp(2) = np call ivout (logfil, 2, kp, ndigit, & '_saup2: NEV and NP are') call dvout (logfil, nev, ritz(np+1), ndigit, & '_saup2: "wanted" Ritz values.') call dvout (logfil, nev, bounds(np+1), ndigit, & '_saup2: Ritz estimates of the "wanted" values ') end if end if c if (ishift .eq. 0) then c c %-----------------------------------------------------% c | User specified shifts: reverse communication to | c | compute the shifts. They are returned in the first | c | NP locations of WORKL. | c %-----------------------------------------------------% c ushift = .true. ido = 3 go to 9000 end if c 50 continue c c %------------------------------------% c | Back from reverse communication; | c | User specified shifts are returned | c | in WORKL(1:*NP) | c %------------------------------------% c ushift = .false. c c c %---------------------------------------------------------% c | Move the NP shifts to the first NP locations of RITZ to | c | free up WORKL. This is for the non-exact shift case; | c | in the exact shift case, dsgets already handles this. | c %---------------------------------------------------------% c if (ishift .eq. 0) call dcopy (np, workl, 1, ritz, 1) c if (msglvl .gt. 2) then call ivout (logfil, 1, np, ndigit, & '_saup2: The number of shifts to apply ') call dvout (logfil, np, workl, ndigit, & '_saup2: shifts selected') if (ishift .eq. 1) then call dvout (logfil, np, bounds, ndigit, & '_saup2: corresponding Ritz estimates') end if end if c c %---------------------------------------------------------% c | Apply the NP0 implicit shifts by QR bulge chasing. | c | Each shift is applied to the entire tridiagonal matrix. | c | The first 2*N locations of WORKD are used as workspace. | c | After dsapps is done, we have a Lanczos | c | factorization of length NEV. | c %---------------------------------------------------------% c call dsapps (n, nev, np, ritz, v, ldv, h, ldh, resid, q, ldq, & workd) c c %---------------------------------------------% c | Compute the B-norm of the updated residual. | c | Keep B*RESID in WORKD(1:N) to be used in | c | the first step of the next call to dsaitr. | c %---------------------------------------------% c cnorm = .true. call arscnd (t2) if (bmat .eq. 'G') then nbx = nbx + 1 call dcopy (n, resid, 1, workd(n+1), 1) ipntr(1) = n + 1 ipntr(2) = 1 ido = 2 c c %----------------------------------% c | Exit in order to compute B*RESID | c %----------------------------------% c go to 9000 else if (bmat .eq. 'I') then call dcopy (n, resid, 1, workd, 1) end if c 100 continue c c %----------------------------------% c | Back from reverse communication; | c | WORKD(1:N) := B*RESID | c %----------------------------------% c if (bmat .eq. 'G') then call arscnd (t3) tmvbx = tmvbx + (t3 - t2) end if c if (bmat .eq. 'G') then rnorm = ddot (n, resid, 1, workd, 1) rnorm = sqrt(abs(rnorm)) else if (bmat .eq. 'I') then rnorm = dnrm2(n, resid, 1) end if cnorm = .false. 130 continue c if (msglvl .gt. 2) then call dvout (logfil, 1, rnorm, ndigit, & '_saup2: B-norm of residual for NEV factorization') call dvout (logfil, nev, h(1,2), ndigit, & '_saup2: main diagonal of compressed H matrix') call dvout (logfil, nev-1, h(2,1), ndigit, & '_saup2: subdiagonal of compressed H matrix') end if c go to 1000 c c %---------------------------------------------------------------% c | | c | E N D O F M A I N I T E R A T I O N L O O P | c | | c %---------------------------------------------------------------% c 1100 continue c mxiter = iter nev = nconv c 1200 continue ido = 99 c c %------------% c | Error exit | c %------------% c call arscnd (t1) tsaup2 = t1 - t0 c 9000 continue return c c %---------------% c | End of dsaup2 | c %---------------% c end
SUBROUTINE DLARRB( N, D, L, LD, LLD, IFIRST, ILAST, SIGMA, RELTOL, $ W, WGAP, WERR, WORK, IWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER IFIRST, ILAST, INFO, N DOUBLE PRECISION RELTOL, SIGMA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IWORK( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), L( * ), LD( * ), LLD( * ), W( * ), $ WERR( * ), WGAP( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * Given the relatively robust representation(RRR) L D L^T, DLARRB * does ``limited'' bisection to locate the eigenvalues of L D L^T, * W( IFIRST ) thru' W( ILAST ), to more accuracy. Intervals * [left, right] are maintained by storing their mid-points and * semi-widths in the arrays W and WERR respectively. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix. * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The n diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D. * * L (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The n-1 subdiagonal elements of the unit bidiagonal matrix L. * * LD (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The n-1 elements L(i)*D(i). * * LLD (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The n-1 elements L(i)*L(i)*D(i). * * IFIRST (input) INTEGER * The index of the first eigenvalue in the cluster. * * ILAST (input) INTEGER * The index of the last eigenvalue in the cluster. * * SIGMA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The shift used to form L D L^T (see DLARRF). * * RELTOL (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The relative tolerance. * * W (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On input, W( IFIRST ) thru' W( ILAST ) are estimates of the * corresponding eigenvalues of L D L^T. * On output, these estimates are ``refined''. * * WGAP (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The gaps between the eigenvalues of L D L^T. Very small * gaps are changed on output. * * WERR (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On input, WERR( IFIRST ) thru' WERR( ILAST ) are the errors * in the estimates W( IFIRST ) thru' W( ILAST ). * On output, these are the ``refined'' errors. * *****Reminder to Inder --- WORK is never used in this subroutine ***** * WORK (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (???) * Workspace. * * IWORK (input) INTEGER array, dimension (2*N) * Workspace. * *****Reminder to Inder --- INFO is never set in this subroutine ****** * INFO (output) INTEGER * Error flag. * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Inderjit Dhillon, IBM Almaden, USA * Osni Marques, LBNL/NERSC, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, TWO, HALF PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, TWO = 2.0D0, HALF = 0.5D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER CNT, I, I1, I2, INITI1, INITI2, J, K, NCNVRG, $ NEIG, NINT, NRIGHT, OLNINT DOUBLE PRECISION DELTA, EPS, GAP, LEFT, MID, PERT, RIGHT, S, $ THRESH, TMP, WIDTH * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * EPS = DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) I1 = IFIRST I2 = IFIRST NEIG = ILAST - IFIRST + 1 NCNVRG = 0 THRESH = RELTOL DO 10 I = IFIRST, ILAST IWORK( I ) = 0 PERT = EPS*( ABS( SIGMA )+ABS( W( I ) ) ) WERR( I ) = WERR( I ) + PERT IF( WGAP( I ).LT.PERT ) $ WGAP( I ) = PERT 10 CONTINUE DO 20 I = I1, ILAST IF( I.EQ.1 ) THEN GAP = WGAP( I ) ELSE IF( I.EQ.N ) THEN GAP = WGAP( I-1 ) ELSE GAP = MIN( WGAP( I-1 ), WGAP( I ) ) END IF IF( WERR( I ).LT.THRESH*GAP ) THEN NCNVRG = NCNVRG + 1 IWORK( I ) = 1 IF( I1.EQ.I ) $ I1 = I1 + 1 ELSE I2 = I END IF 20 CONTINUE * * Initialize the unconverged intervals. * I = I1 NINT = 0 RIGHT = ZERO 30 CONTINUE IF( I.LE.I2 ) THEN IF( IWORK( I ).EQ.0 ) THEN DELTA = EPS LEFT = W( I ) - WERR( I ) * * Do while( CNT(LEFT).GT.I-1 ) * 40 CONTINUE IF( I.GT.I1 .AND. LEFT.LE.RIGHT ) THEN LEFT = RIGHT CNT = I - 1 ELSE S = -LEFT CNT = 0 DO 50 J = 1, N - 1 TMP = D( J ) + S S = S*( LD( J ) / TMP )*L( J ) - LEFT IF( TMP.LT.ZERO ) $ CNT = CNT + 1 50 CONTINUE TMP = D( N ) + S IF( TMP.LT.ZERO ) $ CNT = CNT + 1 IF( CNT.GT.I-1 ) THEN DELTA = TWO*DELTA LEFT = LEFT - ( ABS( SIGMA )+ABS( LEFT ) )*DELTA GO TO 40 END IF END IF DELTA = EPS RIGHT = W( I ) + WERR( I ) * * Do while( CNT(RIGHT).LT.I ) * 60 CONTINUE S = -RIGHT CNT = 0 DO 70 J = 1, N - 1 TMP = D( J ) + S S = S*( LD( J ) / TMP )*L( J ) - RIGHT IF( TMP.LT.ZERO ) $ CNT = CNT + 1 70 CONTINUE TMP = D( N ) + S IF( TMP.LT.ZERO ) $ CNT = CNT + 1 IF( CNT.LT.I ) THEN DELTA = TWO*DELTA RIGHT = RIGHT + ( ABS( SIGMA )+ABS( RIGHT ) )*DELTA GO TO 60 END IF WERR( I ) = LEFT W( I ) = RIGHT IWORK( N+I ) = CNT NINT = NINT + 1 I = CNT + 1 ELSE I = I + 1 END IF GO TO 30 END IF * * While( NCNVRG.LT.NEIG ) * INITI1 = I1 INITI2 = I2 80 CONTINUE IF( NCNVRG.LT.NEIG ) THEN OLNINT = NINT I = I1 DO 100 K = 1, OLNINT NRIGHT = IWORK( N+I ) IF( IWORK( I ).EQ.0 ) THEN MID = HALF*( WERR( I )+W( I ) ) S = -MID CNT = 0 DO 90 J = 1, N - 1 TMP = D( J ) + S S = S*( LD( J ) / TMP )*L( J ) - MID IF( TMP.LT.ZERO ) $ CNT = CNT + 1 90 CONTINUE TMP = D( N ) + S IF( TMP.LT.ZERO ) $ CNT = CNT + 1 CNT = MAX( I-1, MIN( NRIGHT, CNT ) ) IF( I.EQ.NRIGHT ) THEN IF( I.EQ.IFIRST ) THEN GAP = WERR( I+1 ) - W( I ) ELSE IF( I.EQ.ILAST ) THEN GAP = WERR( I ) - W( I-1 ) ELSE GAP = MIN( WERR( I+1 )-W( I ), WERR( I )-W( I-1 ) ) END IF WIDTH = W( I ) - MID IF( WIDTH.LT.THRESH*GAP ) THEN NCNVRG = NCNVRG + 1 IWORK( I ) = 1 IF( I1.EQ.I ) THEN I1 = I1 + 1 NINT = NINT - 1 END IF END IF END IF IF( IWORK( I ).EQ.0 ) $ I2 = K IF( CNT.EQ.I-1 ) THEN WERR( I ) = MID ELSE IF( CNT.EQ.NRIGHT ) THEN W( I ) = MID ELSE IWORK( N+I ) = CNT NINT = NINT + 1 WERR( CNT+1 ) = MID W( CNT+1 ) = W( I ) W( I ) = MID I = CNT + 1 IWORK( N+I ) = NRIGHT END IF END IF I = NRIGHT + 1 100 CONTINUE NINT = NINT - OLNINT + I2 GO TO 80 END IF DO 110 I = INITI1, INITI2 W( I ) = HALF*( WERR( I )+W( I ) ) WERR( I ) = W( I ) - WERR( I ) 110 CONTINUE * RETURN * * End of DLARRB * END
c\BeginDoc c c\Name: zsortc c c\Description: c Sorts the Complex*16 array in X into the order c specified by WHICH and optionally applies the permutation to the c Double precision array Y. c c\Usage: c call zsortc c ( WHICH, APPLY, N, X, Y ) c c\Arguments c WHICH Character*2. (Input) c 'LM' -> sort X into increasing order of magnitude. c 'SM' -> sort X into decreasing order of magnitude. c 'LR' -> sort X with real(X) in increasing algebraic order c 'SR' -> sort X with real(X) in decreasing algebraic order c 'LI' -> sort X with imag(X) in increasing algebraic order c 'SI' -> sort X with imag(X) in decreasing algebraic order c c APPLY Logical. (Input) c APPLY = .TRUE. -> apply the sorted order to array Y. c APPLY = .FALSE. -> do not apply the sorted order to array Y. c c N Integer. (INPUT) c Size of the arrays. c c X Complex*16 array of length N. (INPUT/OUTPUT) c This is the array to be sorted. c c Y Complex*16 array of length N. (INPUT/OUTPUT) c c\EndDoc c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c\BeginLib c c\Routines called: c dlapy2 LAPACK routine to compute sqrt(x**2+y**2) carefully. c c\Author c Danny Sorensen Phuong Vu c Richard Lehoucq CRPC / Rice University c Dept. of Computational & Houston, Texas c Applied Mathematics c Rice University c Houston, Texas c c Adapted from the sort routine in LANSO. c c\SCCS Information: @(#) c FILE: sortc.F SID: 2.2 DATE OF SID: 4/20/96 RELEASE: 2 c c\EndLib c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine zsortc (which, apply, n, x, y) c c %------------------% c | Scalar Arguments | c %------------------% c character*2 which logical apply integer n c c %-----------------% c | Array Arguments | c %-----------------% c Complex*16 & x(0:n-1), y(0:n-1) c c %---------------% c | Local Scalars | c %---------------% c integer i, igap, j Complex*16 & temp Double precision & temp1, temp2 c c %--------------------% c | External functions | c %--------------------% c Double precision & dlapy2 c c %--------------------% c | Intrinsic Functions | c %--------------------% Intrinsic & dble, dimag c c %-----------------------% c | Executable Statements | c %-----------------------% c igap = n / 2 c if (which .eq. 'LM') then c c %--------------------------------------------% c | Sort X into increasing order of magnitude. | c %--------------------------------------------% c 10 continue if (igap .eq. 0) go to 9000 c do 30 i = igap, n-1 j = i-igap 20 continue c if ( go to 30 c temp1 = dlapy2(dble(x(j)),dimag(x(j))) temp2 = dlapy2(dble(x(j+igap)),dimag(x(j+igap))) c if ( then temp = x(j) x(j) = x(j+igap) x(j+igap) = temp c if (apply) then temp = y(j) y(j) = y(j+igap) y(j+igap) = temp end if else go to 30 end if j = j-igap go to 20 30 continue igap = igap / 2 go to 10 c else if (which .eq. 'SM') then c c %--------------------------------------------% c | Sort X into decreasing order of magnitude. | c %--------------------------------------------% c 40 continue if (igap .eq. 0) go to 9000 c do 60 i = igap, n-1 j = i-igap 50 continue c if (j .lt. 0) go to 60 c temp1 = dlapy2(dble(x(j)),dimag(x(j))) temp2 = dlapy2(dble(x(j+igap)),dimag(x(j+igap))) c if ( then temp = x(j) x(j) = x(j+igap) x(j+igap) = temp c if (apply) then temp = y(j) y(j) = y(j+igap) y(j+igap) = temp end if else go to 60 endif j = j-igap go to 50 60 continue igap = igap / 2 go to 40 c else if (which .eq. 'LR') then c c %------------------------------------------------% c | Sort XREAL into increasing order of algebraic. | c %------------------------------------------------% c 70 continue if (igap .eq. 0) go to 9000 c do 90 i = igap, n-1 j = i-igap 80 continue c if ( go to 90 c if (dble(x(j)).gt.dble(x(j+igap))) then temp = x(j) x(j) = x(j+igap) x(j+igap) = temp c if (apply) then temp = y(j) y(j) = y(j+igap) y(j+igap) = temp end if else go to 90 endif j = j-igap go to 80 90 continue igap = igap / 2 go to 70 c else if (which .eq. 'SR') then c c %------------------------------------------------% c | Sort XREAL into decreasing order of algebraic. | c %------------------------------------------------% c 100 continue if (igap .eq. 0) go to 9000 do 120 i = igap, n-1 j = i-igap 110 continue c if ( go to 120 c if (dble(x(j)).lt.dble(x(j+igap))) then temp = x(j) x(j) = x(j+igap) x(j+igap) = temp c if (apply) then temp = y(j) y(j) = y(j+igap) y(j+igap) = temp end if else go to 120 endif j = j-igap go to 110 120 continue igap = igap / 2 go to 100 c else if (which .eq. 'LI') then c c %--------------------------------------------% c | Sort XIMAG into increasing algebraic order | c %--------------------------------------------% c 130 continue if (igap .eq. 0) go to 9000 do 150 i = igap, n-1 j = i-igap 140 continue c if ( go to 150 c if (dimag(x(j)).gt.dimag(x(j+igap))) then temp = x(j) x(j) = x(j+igap) x(j+igap) = temp c if (apply) then temp = y(j) y(j) = y(j+igap) y(j+igap) = temp end if else go to 150 endif j = j-igap go to 140 150 continue igap = igap / 2 go to 130 c else if (which .eq. 'SI') then c c %---------------------------------------------% c | Sort XIMAG into decreasing algebraic order | c %---------------------------------------------% c 160 continue if (igap .eq. 0) go to 9000 do 180 i = igap, n-1 j = i-igap 170 continue c if ( go to 180 c if (dimag(x(j)).lt.dimag(x(j+igap))) then temp = x(j) x(j) = x(j+igap) x(j+igap) = temp c if (apply) then temp = y(j) y(j) = y(j+igap) y(j+igap) = temp end if else go to 180 endif j = j-igap go to 170 180 continue igap = igap / 2 go to 160 end if c 9000 continue return c c %---------------% c | End of zsortc | c %---------------% c end
SUBROUTINE STPTTF( TRANSR, UPLO, N, AP, ARF, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.3.1) -- * * -- Contributed by Fred Gustavson of the IBM Watson Research Center -- * -- April 2011 -- * * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * * .. * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER TRANSR, UPLO INTEGER INFO, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. REAL AP( 0: * ), ARF( 0: * ) * * Purpose * ======= * * STPTTF copies a triangular matrix A from standard packed format (TP) * to rectangular full packed format (TF). * * Arguments * ========= * * TRANSR (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'N': ARF in Normal format is wanted; * = 'T': ARF in Conjugate-transpose format is wanted. * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'U': A is upper triangular; * = 'L': A is lower triangular. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * AP (input) REAL array, dimension ( N*(N+1)/2 ), * On entry, the upper or lower triangular matrix A, packed * columnwise in a linear array. The j-th column of A is stored * in the array AP as follows: * if UPLO = 'U', AP(i + (j-1)*j/2) = A(i,j) for 1<=i<=j; * if UPLO = 'L', AP(i + (j-1)*(2n-j)/2) = A(i,j) for j<=i<=n. * * ARF (output) REAL array, dimension ( N*(N+1)/2 ), * On exit, the upper or lower triangular matrix A stored in * RFP format. For a further discussion see Notes below. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * * Further Details * =============== * * We first consider Rectangular Full Packed (RFP) Format when N is * even. We give an example where N = 6. * * AP is Upper AP is Lower * * 00 01 02 03 04 05 00 * 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 * 22 23 24 25 20 21 22 * 33 34 35 30 31 32 33 * 44 45 40 41 42 43 44 * 55 50 51 52 53 54 55 * * * Let TRANSR = 'N'. RFP holds AP as follows: * For UPLO = 'U' the upper trapezoid A(0:5,0:2) consists of the last * three columns of AP upper. The lower triangle A(4:6,0:2) consists of * the transpose of the first three columns of AP upper. * For UPLO = 'L' the lower trapezoid A(1:6,0:2) consists of the first * three columns of AP lower. The upper triangle A(0:2,0:2) consists of * the transpose of the last three columns of AP lower. * This covers the case N even and TRANSR = 'N'. * * RFP A RFP A * * 03 04 05 33 43 53 * 13 14 15 00 44 54 * 23 24 25 10 11 55 * 33 34 35 20 21 22 * 00 44 45 30 31 32 * 01 11 55 40 41 42 * 02 12 22 50 51 52 * * Now let TRANSR = 'T'. RFP A in both UPLO cases is just the * transpose of RFP A above. One therefore gets: * * * RFP A RFP A * * 03 13 23 33 00 01 02 33 00 10 20 30 40 50 * 04 14 24 34 44 11 12 43 44 11 21 31 41 51 * 05 15 25 35 45 55 22 53 54 55 22 32 42 52 * * * We then consider Rectangular Full Packed (RFP) Format when N is * odd. We give an example where N = 5. * * AP is Upper AP is Lower * * 00 01 02 03 04 00 * 11 12 13 14 10 11 * 22 23 24 20 21 22 * 33 34 30 31 32 33 * 44 40 41 42 43 44 * * * Let TRANSR = 'N'. RFP holds AP as follows: * For UPLO = 'U' the upper trapezoid A(0:4,0:2) consists of the last * three columns of AP upper. The lower triangle A(3:4,0:1) consists of * the transpose of the first two columns of AP upper. * For UPLO = 'L' the lower trapezoid A(0:4,0:2) consists of the first * three columns of AP lower. The upper triangle A(0:1,1:2) consists of * the transpose of the last two columns of AP lower. * This covers the case N odd and TRANSR = 'N'. * * RFP A RFP A * * 02 03 04 00 33 43 * 12 13 14 10 11 44 * 22 23 24 20 21 22 * 00 33 34 30 31 32 * 01 11 44 40 41 42 * * Now let TRANSR = 'T'. RFP A in both UPLO cases is just the * transpose of RFP A above. One therefore gets: * * RFP A RFP A * * 02 12 22 00 01 00 10 20 30 40 50 * 03 13 23 33 11 33 11 21 31 41 51 * 04 14 24 34 44 43 44 22 32 42 52 * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL LOWER, NISODD, NORMALTRANSR INTEGER N1, N2, K, NT INTEGER I, J, IJ INTEGER IJP, JP, LDA, JS * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MOD * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 NORMALTRANSR = LSAME( TRANSR, 'N' ) LOWER = LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) IF( .NOT.NORMALTRANSR .AND. .NOT.LSAME( TRANSR, 'T' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( .NOT.LOWER .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -3 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'STPTTF', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN IF( NORMALTRANSR ) THEN ARF( 0 ) = AP( 0 ) ELSE ARF( 0 ) = AP( 0 ) END IF RETURN END IF * * Size of array ARF(0:NT-1) * NT = N*( N+1 ) / 2 * * Set N1 and N2 depending on LOWER * IF( LOWER ) THEN N2 = N / 2 N1 = N - N2 ELSE N1 = N / 2 N2 = N - N1 END IF * * If N is odd, set NISODD = .TRUE. * If N is even, set K = N/2 and NISODD = .FALSE. * * set lda of ARF^C; ARF^C is (0:(N+1)/2-1,0:N-noe) * where noe = 0 if n is even, noe = 1 if n is odd * IF( MOD( N, 2 ).EQ.0 ) THEN K = N / 2 NISODD = .FALSE. LDA = N + 1 ELSE NISODD = .TRUE. LDA = N END IF * * ARF^C has lda rows and n+1-noe cols * IF( .NOT.NORMALTRANSR ) $ LDA = ( N+1 ) / 2 * * start execution: there are eight cases * IF( NISODD ) THEN * * N is odd * IF( NORMALTRANSR ) THEN * * N is odd and TRANSR = 'N' * IF( LOWER ) THEN * * N is odd, TRANSR = 'N', and UPLO = 'L' * IJP = 0 JP = 0 DO J = 0, N2 DO I = J, N - 1 IJ = I + JP ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO JP = JP + LDA END DO DO I = 0, N2 - 1 DO J = 1 + I, N2 IJ = I + J*LDA ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO END DO * ELSE * * N is odd, TRANSR = 'N', and UPLO = 'U' * IJP = 0 DO J = 0, N1 - 1 IJ = N2 + J DO I = 0, J ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 IJ = IJ + LDA END DO END DO JS = 0 DO J = N1, N - 1 IJ = JS DO IJ = JS, JS + J ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO JS = JS + LDA END DO * END IF * ELSE * * N is odd and TRANSR = 'T' * IF( LOWER ) THEN * * N is odd, TRANSR = 'T', and UPLO = 'L' * IJP = 0 DO I = 0, N2 DO IJ = I*( LDA+1 ), N*LDA - 1, LDA ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO END DO JS = 1 DO J = 0, N2 - 1 DO IJ = JS, JS + N2 - J - 1 ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO JS = JS + LDA + 1 END DO * ELSE * * N is odd, TRANSR = 'T', and UPLO = 'U' * IJP = 0 JS = N2*LDA DO J = 0, N1 - 1 DO IJ = JS, JS + J ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO JS = JS + LDA END DO DO I = 0, N1 DO IJ = I, I + ( N1+I )*LDA, LDA ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO END DO * END IF * END IF * ELSE * * N is even * IF( NORMALTRANSR ) THEN * * N is even and TRANSR = 'N' * IF( LOWER ) THEN * * N is even, TRANSR = 'N', and UPLO = 'L' * IJP = 0 JP = 0 DO J = 0, K - 1 DO I = J, N - 1 IJ = 1 + I + JP ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO JP = JP + LDA END DO DO I = 0, K - 1 DO J = I, K - 1 IJ = I + J*LDA ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO END DO * ELSE * * N is even, TRANSR = 'N', and UPLO = 'U' * IJP = 0 DO J = 0, K - 1 IJ = K + 1 + J DO I = 0, J ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 IJ = IJ + LDA END DO END DO JS = 0 DO J = K, N - 1 IJ = JS DO IJ = JS, JS + J ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO JS = JS + LDA END DO * END IF * ELSE * * N is even and TRANSR = 'T' * IF( LOWER ) THEN * * N is even, TRANSR = 'T', and UPLO = 'L' * IJP = 0 DO I = 0, K - 1 DO IJ = I + ( I+1 )*LDA, ( N+1 )*LDA - 1, LDA ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO END DO JS = 0 DO J = 0, K - 1 DO IJ = JS, JS + K - J - 1 ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO JS = JS + LDA + 1 END DO * ELSE * * N is even, TRANSR = 'T', and UPLO = 'U' * IJP = 0 JS = ( K+1 )*LDA DO J = 0, K - 1 DO IJ = JS, JS + J ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO JS = JS + LDA END DO DO I = 0, K - 1 DO IJ = I, I + ( K+I )*LDA, LDA ARF( IJ ) = AP( IJP ) IJP = IJP + 1 END DO END DO * END IF * END IF * END IF * RETURN * * End of STPTTF * END
#include "m_debug.h" !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !> !! Read random media volume !! !! @copyright !! Copyright 2013-2019 Takuto Maeda. All rights reserved. This project is released under the MIT license. !< !! -- module m_rdrmed use m_std use m_debug #ifdef _NETCDF use netcdf #endif implicit none public contains !! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! subroutine rdrmed__2d( ib, ie, kb, ke, fn_rmed, vol ) integer, intent(in) :: ib, ie integer, intent(in) :: kb, ke character(*), intent(in) :: fn_rmed real(SP), intent(out) :: vol(kb:ke, ib:ie) !! -- real(SP), allocatable :: hh(:,:) integer :: i, k, ii, kk integer :: ncid, vid character(80) :: xn, zn, vn integer :: nxc, nzc !< netcdf volume size !! ---- #ifdef _NETCDF call debug( fn_rmed ) call assert( nf90_open( fn_rmed, NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) == NF90_NOERR ) !! size call assert( nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid, 1, xn, nxc ) == NF90_NOERR ) call assert( nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid, 2, zn, nzc ) == NF90_NOERR ) call assert( nf90_inquire_variable ( ncid, 3, vn ) == NF90_NOERR ) call assert( nf90_inq_varid ( ncid, vn, vid ) == NF90_NOERR ) call debug( vn ) call debug( vid ) call debug( ncid ) allocate( hh(nxc,nzc) ) call assert( nf90_get_var( ncid, vid, hh ) == NF90_NOERR ) do k=kb, min(ke,nzc) if( k <= 0 ) then kk = k + nzc else kk = k end if do i=ib, ie ii = mod(i,nxc) if( ii<=0 ) ii = ii + nxc vol(k,i) = hh(ii,kk) end do end do deallocate( hh ) !! bottom cyclic part do k=nzc+1, ke kk = mod(k,nzc) if( kk<=0 ) kk = kk + nzc vol(k,ib:ie) = vol(kk,ib:ie) end do #endif end subroutine rdrmed__2d !! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! subroutine rdrmed__3d( ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke, fn_rmed, vol ) integer, intent(in) :: ib, ie integer, intent(in) :: jb, je integer, intent(in) :: kb, ke character(*), intent(in) :: fn_rmed real(SP), intent(out) :: vol(kb:ke, ib:ie, jb:je) !! -- real(SP), allocatable :: hh(:,:) integer :: i, j, k, ii, jj, kk integer :: ncid, vid character(80) :: xn, yn, zn, vn integer :: nxc, nyc, nzc !< netcdf volume size integer :: st(3), ct(3) !! ---- #ifdef _NETCDF call assert( nf90_open( fn_rmed, NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) == NF90_NOERR ) !! size call assert( nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid, 1, xn, nxc ) == NF90_NOERR ) call assert( nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid, 2, yn, nyc ) == NF90_NOERR ) call assert( nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid, 3, zn, nzc ) == NF90_NOERR ) call assert( nf90_inquire_variable ( ncid, 4, vn ) == NF90_NOERR ) call assert( nf90_inq_varid ( ncid, vn, vid ) == NF90_NOERR ) allocate( hh(nxc,nyc) ) st(1:3) = (/1,1,1/) ct(1:3) = (/nxc,nyc,1/) do k=kb, min(ke,nzc) if( k <= 0 ) then kk = k + nzc else kk = k end if st(3) = kk call assert( nf90_get_var(ncid, vid, hh, start=st, count=ct ) == NF90_NOERR ) do j=jb, je jj = mod(j,nyc) if( jj<=0 ) jj = jj + nyc do i=ib, ie ii = mod(i,nxc) if( ii<=0 ) ii = ii + nxc vol(k,i,j) = hh(ii,jj) end do end do end do deallocate( hh ) !! bottom cyclic part do k=nzc+1, ke kk = mod(k,nzc) vol(k,ib:ie,jb:je) = vol(kk,ib:ie,jb:je) end do #endif end subroutine rdrmed__3d !! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! end module m_rdrmed !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !!
SUBROUTINE CUNBDB( TRANS, SIGNS, M, P, Q, X11, LDX11, X12, LDX12, $ X21, LDX21, X22, LDX22, THETA, PHI, TAUP1, $ TAUP2, TAUQ1, TAUQ2, WORK, LWORK, INFO ) IMPLICIT NONE * * -- LAPACK routine ((version 3.3.0)) -- * * -- Contributed by Brian Sutton of the Randolph-Macon College -- * -- November 2010 * * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER SIGNS, TRANS INTEGER INFO, LDX11, LDX12, LDX21, LDX22, LWORK, M, P, $ Q * .. * .. Array Arguments .. REAL PHI( * ), THETA( * ) COMPLEX TAUP1( * ), TAUP2( * ), TAUQ1( * ), TAUQ2( * ), $ WORK( * ), X11( LDX11, * ), X12( LDX12, * ), $ X21( LDX21, * ), X22( LDX22, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * CUNBDB simultaneously bidiagonalizes the blocks of an M-by-M * partitioned unitary matrix X: * * [ B11 | B12 0 0 ] * [ X11 | X12 ] [ P1 | ] [ 0 | 0 -I 0 ] [ Q1 | ]**H * X = [-----------] = [---------] [----------------] [---------] . * [ X21 | X22 ] [ | P2 ] [ B21 | B22 0 0 ] [ | Q2 ] * [ 0 | 0 0 I ] * * X11 is P-by-Q. Q must be no larger than P, M-P, or M-Q. (If this is * not the case, then X must be transposed and/or permuted. This can be * done in constant time using the TRANS and SIGNS options. See CUNCSD * for details.) * * The unitary matrices P1, P2, Q1, and Q2 are P-by-P, (M-P)-by- * (M-P), Q-by-Q, and (M-Q)-by-(M-Q), respectively. They are * represented implicitly by Householder vectors. * * B11, B12, B21, and B22 are Q-by-Q bidiagonal matrices represented * implicitly by angles THETA, PHI. * * Arguments * ========= * * TRANS (input) CHARACTER * = 'T': X, U1, U2, V1T, and V2T are stored in row-major * order; * otherwise: X, U1, U2, V1T, and V2T are stored in column- * major order. * * SIGNS (input) CHARACTER * = 'O': The lower-left block is made nonpositive (the * "other" convention); * otherwise: The upper-right block is made nonpositive (the * "default" convention). * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows and columns in X. * * P (input) INTEGER * The number of rows in X11 and X12. 0 <= P <= M. * * Q (input) INTEGER * The number of columns in X11 and X21. 0 <= Q <= * MIN(P,M-P,M-Q). * * X11 (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDX11,Q) * On entry, the top-left block of the unitary matrix to be * reduced. On exit, the form depends on TRANS: * If TRANS = 'N', then * the columns of tril(X11) specify reflectors for P1, * the rows of triu(X11,1) specify reflectors for Q1; * else TRANS = 'T', and * the rows of triu(X11) specify reflectors for P1, * the columns of tril(X11,-1) specify reflectors for Q1. * * LDX11 (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of X11. If TRANS = 'N', then LDX11 >= * P; else LDX11 >= Q. * * X12 (input/output) CMPLX array, dimension (LDX12,M-Q) * On entry, the top-right block of the unitary matrix to * be reduced. On exit, the form depends on TRANS: * If TRANS = 'N', then * the rows of triu(X12) specify the first P reflectors for * Q2; * else TRANS = 'T', and * the columns of tril(X12) specify the first P reflectors * for Q2. * * LDX12 (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of X12. If TRANS = 'N', then LDX12 >= * P; else LDX11 >= M-Q. * * X21 (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDX21,Q) * On entry, the bottom-left block of the unitary matrix to * be reduced. On exit, the form depends on TRANS: * If TRANS = 'N', then * the columns of tril(X21) specify reflectors for P2; * else TRANS = 'T', and * the rows of triu(X21) specify reflectors for P2. * * LDX21 (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of X21. If TRANS = 'N', then LDX21 >= * M-P; else LDX21 >= Q. * * X22 (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDX22,M-Q) * On entry, the bottom-right block of the unitary matrix to * be reduced. On exit, the form depends on TRANS: * If TRANS = 'N', then * the rows of triu(X22(Q+1:M-P,P+1:M-Q)) specify the last * M-P-Q reflectors for Q2, * else TRANS = 'T', and * the columns of tril(X22(P+1:M-Q,Q+1:M-P)) specify the last * M-P-Q reflectors for P2. * * LDX22 (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of X22. If TRANS = 'N', then LDX22 >= * M-P; else LDX22 >= M-Q. * * THETA (output) REAL array, dimension (Q) * The entries of the bidiagonal blocks B11, B12, B21, B22 can * be computed from the angles THETA and PHI. See Further * Details. * * PHI (output) REAL array, dimension (Q-1) * The entries of the bidiagonal blocks B11, B12, B21, B22 can * be computed from the angles THETA and PHI. See Further * Details. * * TAUP1 (output) COMPLEX array, dimension (P) * The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors that define * P1. * * TAUP2 (output) COMPLEX array, dimension (M-P) * The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors that define * P2. * * TAUQ1 (output) COMPLEX array, dimension (Q) * The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors that define * Q1. * * TAUQ2 (output) COMPLEX array, dimension (M-Q) * The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors that define * Q2. * * WORK (workspace) COMPLEX array, dimension (LWORK) * * LWORK (input) INTEGER * The dimension of the array WORK. LWORK >= M-Q. * * If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine * only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns * this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error * message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit. * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * * Further Details * =============== * * The bidiagonal blocks B11, B12, B21, and B22 are represented * implicitly by angles THETA(1), ..., THETA(Q) and PHI(1), ..., * PHI(Q-1). B11 and B21 are upper bidiagonal, while B21 and B22 are * lower bidiagonal. Every entry in each bidiagonal band is a product * of a sine or cosine of a THETA with a sine or cosine of a PHI. See * [1] or CUNCSD for details. * * P1, P2, Q1, and Q2 are represented as products of elementary * reflectors. See CUNCSD for details on generating P1, P2, Q1, and Q2 * using CUNGQR and CUNGLQ. * * Reference * ========= * * [1] Brian D. Sutton. Computing the complete CS decomposition. Numer. * Algorithms, 50(1):33-65, 2009. * * ==================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL REALONE PARAMETER ( REALONE = 1.0E0 ) COMPLEX NEGONE, ONE PARAMETER ( NEGONE = (-1.0E0,0.0E0), $ ONE = (1.0E0,0.0E0) ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL COLMAJOR, LQUERY INTEGER I, LWORKMIN, LWORKOPT REAL Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CAXPY, CLARF, CLARFGP, CSCAL, XERBLA EXTERNAL CLACGV * * .. * .. External Functions .. REAL SCNRM2 LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL SCNRM2, LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions INTRINSIC ATAN2, COS, MAX, MIN, SIN INTRINSIC CMPLX, CONJG * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test input arguments * INFO = 0 COLMAJOR = .NOT. LSAME( TRANS, 'T' ) IF( .NOT. LSAME( SIGNS, 'O' ) ) THEN Z1 = REALONE Z2 = REALONE Z3 = REALONE Z4 = REALONE ELSE Z1 = REALONE Z2 = -REALONE Z3 = REALONE Z4 = -REALONE END IF LQUERY = LWORK .EQ. -1 * IF( M .LT. 0 ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( P .LT. 0 .OR. P .GT. M ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( Q .LT. 0 .OR. Q .GT. P .OR. Q .GT. M-P .OR. $ Q .GT. M-Q ) THEN INFO = -5 ELSE IF( COLMAJOR .AND. LDX11 .LT. MAX( 1, P ) ) THEN INFO = -7 ELSE IF( .NOT.COLMAJOR .AND. LDX11 .LT. MAX( 1, Q ) ) THEN INFO = -7 ELSE IF( COLMAJOR .AND. LDX12 .LT. MAX( 1, P ) ) THEN INFO = -9 ELSE IF( .NOT.COLMAJOR .AND. LDX12 .LT. MAX( 1, M-Q ) ) THEN INFO = -9 ELSE IF( COLMAJOR .AND. LDX21 .LT. MAX( 1, M-P ) ) THEN INFO = -11 ELSE IF( .NOT.COLMAJOR .AND. LDX21 .LT. MAX( 1, Q ) ) THEN INFO = -11 ELSE IF( COLMAJOR .AND. LDX22 .LT. MAX( 1, M-P ) ) THEN INFO = -13 ELSE IF( .NOT.COLMAJOR .AND. LDX22 .LT. MAX( 1, M-Q ) ) THEN INFO = -13 END IF * * Compute workspace * IF( INFO .EQ. 0 ) THEN LWORKOPT = M - Q LWORKMIN = M - Q WORK(1) = LWORKOPT IF( LWORK .LT. LWORKMIN .AND. .NOT. LQUERY ) THEN INFO = -21 END IF END IF IF( INFO .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'xORBDB', -INFO ) RETURN ELSE IF( LQUERY ) THEN RETURN END IF * * Handle column-major and row-major separately * IF( COLMAJOR ) THEN * * Reduce columns 1, ..., Q of X11, X12, X21, and X22 * DO I = 1, Q * IF( I .EQ. 1 ) THEN CALL CSCAL( P-I+1, CMPLX( Z1, 0.0E0 ), X11(I,I), 1 ) ELSE CALL CSCAL( P-I+1, CMPLX( Z1*COS(PHI(I-1)), 0.0E0 ), $ X11(I,I), 1 ) CALL CAXPY( P-I+1, CMPLX( -Z1*Z3*Z4*SIN(PHI(I-1)), $ 0.0E0 ), X12(I,I-1), 1, X11(I,I), 1 ) END IF IF( I .EQ. 1 ) THEN CALL CSCAL( M-P-I+1, CMPLX( Z2, 0.0E0 ), X21(I,I), 1 ) ELSE CALL CSCAL( M-P-I+1, CMPLX( Z2*COS(PHI(I-1)), 0.0E0 ), $ X21(I,I), 1 ) CALL CAXPY( M-P-I+1, CMPLX( -Z2*Z3*Z4*SIN(PHI(I-1)), $ 0.0E0 ), X22(I,I-1), 1, X21(I,I), 1 ) END IF * THETA(I) = ATAN2( SCNRM2( M-P-I+1, X21(I,I), 1 ), $ SCNRM2( P-I+1, X11(I,I), 1 ) ) * CALL CLARFGP( P-I+1, X11(I,I), X11(I+1,I), 1, TAUP1(I) ) X11(I,I) = ONE CALL CLARFGP( M-P-I+1, X21(I,I), X21(I+1,I), 1, TAUP2(I) ) X21(I,I) = ONE * CALL CLARF( 'L', P-I+1, Q-I, X11(I,I), 1, CONJG(TAUP1(I)), $ X11(I,I+1), LDX11, WORK ) CALL CLARF( 'L', P-I+1, M-Q-I+1, X11(I,I), 1, $ CONJG(TAUP1(I)), X12(I,I), LDX12, WORK ) CALL CLARF( 'L', M-P-I+1, Q-I, X21(I,I), 1, CONJG(TAUP2(I)), $ X21(I,I+1), LDX21, WORK ) CALL CLARF( 'L', M-P-I+1, M-Q-I+1, X21(I,I), 1, $ CONJG(TAUP2(I)), X22(I,I), LDX22, WORK ) * IF( I .LT. Q ) THEN CALL CSCAL( Q-I, CMPLX( -Z1*Z3*SIN(THETA(I)), 0.0E0 ), $ X11(I,I+1), LDX11 ) CALL CAXPY( Q-I, CMPLX( Z2*Z3*COS(THETA(I)), 0.0E0 ), $ X21(I,I+1), LDX21, X11(I,I+1), LDX11 ) END IF CALL CSCAL( M-Q-I+1, CMPLX( -Z1*Z4*SIN(THETA(I)), 0.0E0 ), $ X12(I,I), LDX12 ) CALL CAXPY( M-Q-I+1, CMPLX( Z2*Z4*COS(THETA(I)), 0.0E0 ), $ X22(I,I), LDX22, X12(I,I), LDX12 ) * IF( I .LT. Q ) $ PHI(I) = ATAN2( SCNRM2( Q-I, X11(I,I+1), LDX11 ), $ SCNRM2( M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), LDX12 ) ) * IF( I .LT. Q ) THEN CALL CLACGV( Q-I, X11(I,I+1), LDX11 ) CALL CLARFGP( Q-I, X11(I,I+1), X11(I,I+2), LDX11, $ TAUQ1(I) ) X11(I,I+1) = ONE END IF CALL CLACGV( M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), LDX12 ) CALL CLARFGP( M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), X12(I,I+1), LDX12, $ TAUQ2(I) ) X12(I,I) = ONE * IF( I .LT. Q ) THEN CALL CLARF( 'R', P-I, Q-I, X11(I,I+1), LDX11, TAUQ1(I), $ X11(I+1,I+1), LDX11, WORK ) CALL CLARF( 'R', M-P-I, Q-I, X11(I,I+1), LDX11, TAUQ1(I), $ X21(I+1,I+1), LDX21, WORK ) END IF CALL CLARF( 'R', P-I, M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), LDX12, TAUQ2(I), $ X12(I+1,I), LDX12, WORK ) CALL CLARF( 'R', M-P-I, M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), LDX12, TAUQ2(I), $ X22(I+1,I), LDX22, WORK ) * IF( I .LT. Q ) $ CALL CLACGV( Q-I, X11(I,I+1), LDX11 ) CALL CLACGV( M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), LDX12 ) * END DO * * Reduce columns Q + 1, ..., P of X12, X22 * DO I = Q + 1, P * CALL CSCAL( M-Q-I+1, CMPLX( -Z1*Z4, 0.0E0 ), X12(I,I), $ LDX12 ) CALL CLACGV( M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), LDX12 ) CALL CLARFGP( M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), X12(I,I+1), LDX12, $ TAUQ2(I) ) X12(I,I) = ONE * CALL CLARF( 'R', P-I, M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), LDX12, TAUQ2(I), $ X12(I+1,I), LDX12, WORK ) IF( M-P-Q .GE. 1 ) $ CALL CLARF( 'R', M-P-Q, M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), LDX12, $ TAUQ2(I), X22(Q+1,I), LDX22, WORK ) * CALL CLACGV( M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), LDX12 ) * END DO * * Reduce columns P + 1, ..., M - Q of X12, X22 * DO I = 1, M - P - Q * CALL CSCAL( M-P-Q-I+1, CMPLX( Z2*Z4, 0.0E0 ), $ X22(Q+I,P+I), LDX22 ) CALL CLACGV( M-P-Q-I+1, X22(Q+I,P+I), LDX22 ) CALL CLARFGP( M-P-Q-I+1, X22(Q+I,P+I), X22(Q+I,P+I+1), $ LDX22, TAUQ2(P+I) ) X22(Q+I,P+I) = ONE CALL CLARF( 'R', M-P-Q-I, M-P-Q-I+1, X22(Q+I,P+I), LDX22, $ TAUQ2(P+I), X22(Q+I+1,P+I), LDX22, WORK ) * CALL CLACGV( M-P-Q-I+1, X22(Q+I,P+I), LDX22 ) * END DO * ELSE * * Reduce columns 1, ..., Q of X11, X12, X21, X22 * DO I = 1, Q * IF( I .EQ. 1 ) THEN CALL CSCAL( P-I+1, CMPLX( Z1, 0.0E0 ), X11(I,I), $ LDX11 ) ELSE CALL CSCAL( P-I+1, CMPLX( Z1*COS(PHI(I-1)), 0.0E0 ), $ X11(I,I), LDX11 ) CALL CAXPY( P-I+1, CMPLX( -Z1*Z3*Z4*SIN(PHI(I-1)), $ 0.0E0 ), X12(I-1,I), LDX12, X11(I,I), LDX11 ) END IF IF( I .EQ. 1 ) THEN CALL CSCAL( M-P-I+1, CMPLX( Z2, 0.0E0 ), X21(I,I), $ LDX21 ) ELSE CALL CSCAL( M-P-I+1, CMPLX( Z2*COS(PHI(I-1)), 0.0E0 ), $ X21(I,I), LDX21 ) CALL CAXPY( M-P-I+1, CMPLX( -Z2*Z3*Z4*SIN(PHI(I-1)), $ 0.0E0 ), X22(I-1,I), LDX22, X21(I,I), LDX21 ) END IF * THETA(I) = ATAN2( SCNRM2( M-P-I+1, X21(I,I), LDX21 ), $ SCNRM2( P-I+1, X11(I,I), LDX11 ) ) * CALL CLACGV( P-I+1, X11(I,I), LDX11 ) CALL CLACGV( M-P-I+1, X21(I,I), LDX21 ) * CALL CLARFGP( P-I+1, X11(I,I), X11(I,I+1), LDX11, TAUP1(I) ) X11(I,I) = ONE CALL CLARFGP( M-P-I+1, X21(I,I), X21(I,I+1), LDX21, $ TAUP2(I) ) X21(I,I) = ONE * CALL CLARF( 'R', Q-I, P-I+1, X11(I,I), LDX11, TAUP1(I), $ X11(I+1,I), LDX11, WORK ) CALL CLARF( 'R', M-Q-I+1, P-I+1, X11(I,I), LDX11, TAUP1(I), $ X12(I,I), LDX12, WORK ) CALL CLARF( 'R', Q-I, M-P-I+1, X21(I,I), LDX21, TAUP2(I), $ X21(I+1,I), LDX21, WORK ) CALL CLARF( 'R', M-Q-I+1, M-P-I+1, X21(I,I), LDX21, $ TAUP2(I), X22(I,I), LDX22, WORK ) * CALL CLACGV( P-I+1, X11(I,I), LDX11 ) CALL CLACGV( M-P-I+1, X21(I,I), LDX21 ) * IF( I .LT. Q ) THEN CALL CSCAL( Q-I, CMPLX( -Z1*Z3*SIN(THETA(I)), 0.0E0 ), $ X11(I+1,I), 1 ) CALL CAXPY( Q-I, CMPLX( Z2*Z3*COS(THETA(I)), 0.0E0 ), $ X21(I+1,I), 1, X11(I+1,I), 1 ) END IF CALL CSCAL( M-Q-I+1, CMPLX( -Z1*Z4*SIN(THETA(I)), 0.0E0 ), $ X12(I,I), 1 ) CALL CAXPY( M-Q-I+1, CMPLX( Z2*Z4*COS(THETA(I)), 0.0E0 ), $ X22(I,I), 1, X12(I,I), 1 ) * IF( I .LT. Q ) $ PHI(I) = ATAN2( SCNRM2( Q-I, X11(I+1,I), 1 ), $ SCNRM2( M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), 1 ) ) * IF( I .LT. Q ) THEN CALL CLARFGP( Q-I, X11(I+1,I), X11(I+2,I), 1, TAUQ1(I) ) X11(I+1,I) = ONE END IF CALL CLARFGP( M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), X12(I+1,I), 1, TAUQ2(I) ) X12(I,I) = ONE * IF( I .LT. Q ) THEN CALL CLARF( 'L', Q-I, P-I, X11(I+1,I), 1, $ CONJG(TAUQ1(I)), X11(I+1,I+1), LDX11, WORK ) CALL CLARF( 'L', Q-I, M-P-I, X11(I+1,I), 1, $ CONJG(TAUQ1(I)), X21(I+1,I+1), LDX21, WORK ) END IF CALL CLARF( 'L', M-Q-I+1, P-I, X12(I,I), 1, CONJG(TAUQ2(I)), $ X12(I,I+1), LDX12, WORK ) CALL CLARF( 'L', M-Q-I+1, M-P-I, X12(I,I), 1, $ CONJG(TAUQ2(I)), X22(I,I+1), LDX22, WORK ) * END DO * * Reduce columns Q + 1, ..., P of X12, X22 * DO I = Q + 1, P * CALL CSCAL( M-Q-I+1, CMPLX( -Z1*Z4, 0.0E0 ), X12(I,I), 1 ) CALL CLARFGP( M-Q-I+1, X12(I,I), X12(I+1,I), 1, TAUQ2(I) ) X12(I,I) = ONE * CALL CLARF( 'L', M-Q-I+1, P-I, X12(I,I), 1, CONJG(TAUQ2(I)), $ X12(I,I+1), LDX12, WORK ) IF( M-P-Q .GE. 1 ) $ CALL CLARF( 'L', M-Q-I+1, M-P-Q, X12(I,I), 1, $ CONJG(TAUQ2(I)), X22(I,Q+1), LDX22, WORK ) * END DO * * Reduce columns P + 1, ..., M - Q of X12, X22 * DO I = 1, M - P - Q * CALL CSCAL( M-P-Q-I+1, CMPLX( Z2*Z4, 0.0E0 ), $ X22(P+I,Q+I), 1 ) CALL CLARFGP( M-P-Q-I+1, X22(P+I,Q+I), X22(P+I+1,Q+I), 1, $ TAUQ2(P+I) ) X22(P+I,Q+I) = ONE * CALL CLARF( 'L', M-P-Q-I+1, M-P-Q-I, X22(P+I,Q+I), 1, $ CONJG(TAUQ2(P+I)), X22(P+I,Q+I+1), LDX22, WORK ) * END DO * END IF * RETURN * * End of CUNBDB * END
SUBROUTINE SLASV2( F, G, H, SSMIN, SSMAX, SNR, CSR, SNL, CSL ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. REAL CSL, CSR, F, G, H, SNL, SNR, SSMAX, SSMIN * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * SLASV2 computes the singular value decomposition of a 2-by-2 * triangular matrix * [ F G ] * [ 0 H ]. * On return, abs(SSMAX) is the larger singular value, abs(SSMIN) is the * smaller singular value, and (CSL,SNL) and (CSR,SNR) are the left and * right singular vectors for abs(SSMAX), giving the decomposition * * [ CSL SNL ] [ F G ] [ CSR -SNR ] = [ SSMAX 0 ] * [-SNL CSL ] [ 0 H ] [ SNR CSR ] [ 0 SSMIN ]. * * Arguments * ========= * * F (input) REAL * The (1,1) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * G (input) REAL * The (1,2) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * H (input) REAL * The (2,2) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * SSMIN (output) REAL * abs(SSMIN) is the smaller singular value. * * SSMAX (output) REAL * abs(SSMAX) is the larger singular value. * * SNL (output) REAL * CSL (output) REAL * The vector (CSL, SNL) is a unit left singular vector for the * singular value abs(SSMAX). * * SNR (output) REAL * CSR (output) REAL * The vector (CSR, SNR) is a unit right singular vector for the * singular value abs(SSMAX). * * Further Details * =============== * * Any input parameter may be aliased with any output parameter. * * Barring over/underflow and assuming a guard digit in subtraction, all * output quantities are correct to within a few units in the last * place (ulps). * * In IEEE arithmetic, the code works correctly if one matrix element is * infinite. * * Overflow will not occur unless the largest singular value itself * overflows or is within a few ulps of overflow. (On machines with * partial overflow, like the Cray, overflow may occur if the largest * singular value is within a factor of 2 of overflow.) * * Underflow is harmless if underflow is gradual. Otherwise, results * may correspond to a matrix modified by perturbations of size near * the underflow threshold. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0E0 ) REAL HALF PARAMETER ( HALF = 0.5E0 ) REAL ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E0 ) REAL TWO PARAMETER ( TWO = 2.0E0 ) REAL FOUR PARAMETER ( FOUR = 4.0E0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL GASMAL, SWAP INTEGER PMAX REAL A, CLT, CRT, D, FA, FT, GA, GT, HA, HT, L, M, $ MM, R, S, SLT, SRT, T, TEMP, TSIGN, TT * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SIGN, SQRT * .. * .. External Functions .. REAL SLAMCH EXTERNAL SLAMCH * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * FT = F FA = ABS( FT ) HT = H HA = ABS( H ) * * PMAX points to the maximum absolute element of matrix * PMAX = 1 if F largest in absolute values * PMAX = 2 if G largest in absolute values * PMAX = 3 if H largest in absolute values * PMAX = 1 SWAP = ( HA.GT.FA ) IF( SWAP ) THEN PMAX = 3 TEMP = FT FT = HT HT = TEMP TEMP = FA FA = HA HA = TEMP * * Now FA .ge. HA * END IF GT = G GA = ABS( GT ) IF( GA.EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * Diagonal matrix * SSMIN = HA SSMAX = FA CLT = ONE CRT = ONE SLT = ZERO SRT = ZERO ELSE GASMAL = .TRUE. IF( GA.GT.FA ) THEN PMAX = 2 IF( ( FA / GA ).LT.SLAMCH( 'EPS' ) ) THEN * * Case of very large GA * GASMAL = .FALSE. SSMAX = GA IF( HA.GT.ONE ) THEN SSMIN = FA / ( GA / HA ) ELSE SSMIN = ( FA / GA )*HA END IF CLT = ONE SLT = HT / GT SRT = ONE CRT = FT / GT END IF END IF IF( GASMAL ) THEN * * Normal case * D = FA - HA IF( D.EQ.FA ) THEN * * Copes with infinite F or H * L = ONE ELSE L = D / FA END IF * * Note that 0 .le. L .le. 1 * M = GT / FT * * Note that abs(M) .le. 1/macheps * T = TWO - L * * Note that T .ge. 1 * MM = M*M TT = T*T S = SQRT( TT+MM ) * * Note that 1 .le. S .le. 1 + 1/macheps * IF( L.EQ.ZERO ) THEN R = ABS( M ) ELSE R = SQRT( L*L+MM ) END IF * * Note that 0 .le. R .le. 1 + 1/macheps * A = HALF*( S+R ) * * Note that 1 .le. A .le. 1 + abs(M) * SSMIN = HA / A SSMAX = FA*A IF( MM.EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * Note that M is very tiny * IF( L.EQ.ZERO ) THEN T = SIGN( TWO, FT )*SIGN( ONE, GT ) ELSE T = GT / SIGN( D, FT ) + M / T END IF ELSE T = ( M / ( S+T )+M / ( R+L ) )*( ONE+A ) END IF L = SQRT( T*T+FOUR ) CRT = TWO / L SRT = T / L CLT = ( CRT+SRT*M ) / A SLT = ( HT / FT )*SRT / A END IF END IF IF( SWAP ) THEN CSL = SRT SNL = CRT CSR = SLT SNR = CLT ELSE CSL = CLT SNL = SLT CSR = CRT SNR = SRT END IF * * Correct signs of SSMAX and SSMIN * IF( PMAX.EQ.1 ) $ TSIGN = SIGN( ONE, CSR )*SIGN( ONE, CSL )*SIGN( ONE, F ) IF( PMAX.EQ.2 ) $ TSIGN = SIGN( ONE, SNR )*SIGN( ONE, CSL )*SIGN( ONE, G ) IF( PMAX.EQ.3 ) $ TSIGN = SIGN( ONE, SNR )*SIGN( ONE, SNL )*SIGN( ONE, H ) SSMAX = SIGN( SSMAX, TSIGN ) SSMIN = SIGN( SSMIN, TSIGN*SIGN( ONE, F )*SIGN( ONE, H ) ) RETURN * * End of SLASV2 * END
subroutine nnfc * (n, r,c,ic, ia,ja,a, z, b, * lmax,il,jl,ijl,l, d, umax,iu,ju,iju,u, * row, tmp, irl,jrl, flag) clll. optimize c*** subroutine nnfc c*** numerical ldu-factorization of sparse nonsymmetric matrix and c solution of system of linear equations (compressed pointer c storage) c c c input variables.. n, r, c, ic, ia, ja, a, b, c il, jl, ijl, lmax, iu, ju, iju, umax c output variables.. z, l, d, u, flag c c parameters used internally.. c nia - irl, - vectors used to find the rows of l. at the kth step c nia - jrl of the factorization, jrl(k) points to the head c - of a linked list in jrl of column indices j c - such j .lt. k and l(k,j) is nonzero. zero c - indicates the end of the list. irl(j) ( c - points to the smallest i such that i .ge. k and c - l(i,j) is nonzero. c - size of each = n. c fia - row - holds intermediate values in calculation of u and l. c - size = n. c fia - tmp - holds new right-hand side b* for solution of the c - equation ux = b*. c - size = n. c c internal variables.. c jmin, jmax - indices of the first and last positions in a row to c be examined. c sum - used in calculating tmp. c integer rk,umax integer r(1), c(1), ic(1), ia(1), ja(1), il(1), jl(1), ijl(1) integer iu(1), ju(1), iju(1), irl(1), jrl(1), flag double precision a(1), l(1), d(1), u(1), z(1), b(1), row(1) double precision tmp(1), lki, sum, dk c c ****** initialize pointers and test storage *********************** if(il(n+1)-1 .gt. lmax) go to 104 if(iu(n+1)-1 .gt. umax) go to 107 do 1 k=1,n irl(k) = il(k) jrl(k) = 0 1 continue c c ****** for each row *********************************************** do 19 k=1,n c ****** reverse jrl and zero row where kth row of l will fill in *** row(k) = 0 i1 = 0 if (jrl(k) .eq. 0) go to 3 i = jrl(k) 2 i2 = jrl(i) jrl(i) = i1 i1 = i row(i) = 0 i = i2 if (i .ne. 0) go to 2 c ****** set row to zero where u will fill in *********************** 3 jmin = iju(k) jmax = jmin + iu(k+1) - iu(k) - 1 if (jmin .gt. jmax) go to 5 do 4 j=jmin,jmax 4 row(ju(j)) = 0 c ****** place kth row of a in row ********************************** 5 rk = r(k) jmin = ia(rk) jmax = ia(rk+1) - 1 do 6 j=jmin,jmax row(ic(ja(j))) = a(j) 6 continue c ****** initialize sum, and link through jrl *********************** sum = b(rk) i = i1 if (i .eq. 0) go to 10 c ****** assign the kth row of l and adjust row, sum **************** 7 lki = -row(i) c ****** if l is not required, then comment out the following line ** l(irl(i)) = -lki sum = sum + lki * tmp(i) jmin = iu(i) jmax = iu(i+1) - 1 if (jmin .gt. jmax) go to 9 mu = iju(i) - jmin do 8 j=jmin,jmax 8 row(ju(mu+j)) = row(ju(mu+j)) + lki * u(j) 9 i = jrl(i) if (i .ne. 0) go to 7 c c ****** assign kth row of u and diagonal d, set tmp(k) ************* 10 if (row(k) .eq. 0.0d0) go to 108 dk = 1.0d0 / row(k) d(k) = dk tmp(k) = sum * dk if (k .eq. n) go to 19 jmin = iu(k) jmax = iu(k+1) - 1 if (jmin .gt. jmax) go to 12 mu = iju(k) - jmin do 11 j=jmin,jmax 11 u(j) = row(ju(mu+j)) * dk 12 continue c c ****** update irl and jrl, keeping jrl in decreasing order ******** i = i1 if (i .eq. 0) go to 18 14 irl(i) = irl(i) + 1 i1 = jrl(i) if (irl(i) .ge. il(i+1)) go to 17 ijlb = irl(i) - il(i) + ijl(i) j = jl(ijlb) 15 if (i .gt. jrl(j)) go to 16 j = jrl(j) go to 15 16 jrl(i) = jrl(j) jrl(j) = i 17 i = i1 if (i .ne. 0) go to 14 18 if (irl(k) .ge. il(k+1)) go to 19 j = jl(ijl(k)) jrl(k) = jrl(j) jrl(j) = k 19 continue c c ****** solve ux = tmp by back substitution ********************** k = n do 22 i=1,n sum = tmp(k) jmin = iu(k) jmax = iu(k+1) - 1 if (jmin .gt. jmax) go to 21 mu = iju(k) - jmin do 20 j=jmin,jmax 20 sum = sum - u(j) * tmp(ju(mu+j)) 21 tmp(k) = sum z(c(k)) = sum 22 k = k-1 flag = 0 return c c ** error.. insufficient storage for l 104 flag = 4*n + 1 return c ** error.. insufficient storage for u 107 flag = 7*n + 1 return c ** error.. zero pivot 108 flag = 8*n + k return end
*DECK DQAWFE SUBROUTINE DQAWFE (F, A, OMEGA, INTEGR, EPSABS, LIMLST, LIMIT, + MAXP1, RESULT, ABSERR, NEVAL, IER, RSLST, ERLST, IERLST, LST, + ALIST, BLIST, RLIST, ELIST, IORD, NNLOG, CHEBMO) C***BEGIN PROLOGUE DQAWFE C***PURPOSE The routine calculates an approximation result to a C given Fourier integral C I = Integral of F(X)*W(X) over (A,INFINITY) C where W(X)=COS(OMEGA*X) or W(X)=SIN(OMEGA*X), C hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy C ABS(I-RESULT).LE.EPSABS. C***LIBRARY SLATEC (QUADPACK) C***CATEGORY H2A3A1 C***TYPE DOUBLE PRECISION (QAWFE-S, DQAWFE-D) C***KEYWORDS AUTOMATIC INTEGRATOR, CONVERGENCE ACCELERATION, C FOURIER INTEGRALS, INTEGRATION BETWEEN ZEROS, QUADPACK, C QUADRATURE, SPECIAL-PURPOSE INTEGRAL C***AUTHOR Piessens, Robert C Applied Mathematics and Programming Division C K. U. Leuven C de Doncker, Elise C Applied Mathematics and Programming Division C K. U. Leuven C***DESCRIPTION C C Computation of Fourier integrals C Standard fortran subroutine C Double precision version C C PARAMETERS C ON ENTRY C F - Double precision C Function subprogram defining the integrand C Function F(X). The actual name for F needs to C be declared E X T E R N A L in the driver program. C C A - Double precision C Lower limit of integration C C OMEGA - Double precision C Parameter in the WEIGHT function C C INTEGR - Integer C Indicates which WEIGHT function is used C INTEGR = 1 W(X) = COS(OMEGA*X) C INTEGR = 2 W(X) = SIN(OMEGA*X) C If INTEGR.NE.1.AND.INTEGR.NE.2, the routine will C end with IER = 6. C C EPSABS - Double precision C absolute accuracy requested, EPSABS.GT.0 C If EPSABS.LE.0, the routine will end with IER = 6. C C LIMLST - Integer C LIMLST gives an upper bound on the number of C cycles, LIMLST.GE.1. C If LIMLST.LT.3, the routine will end with IER = 6. C C LIMIT - Integer C Gives an upper bound on the number of subintervals C allowed in the partition of each cycle, LIMIT.GE.1 C each cycle, LIMIT.GE.1. C C MAXP1 - Integer C Gives an upper bound on the number of C Chebyshev moments which can be stored, I.E. C for the intervals of lengths ABS(B-A)*2**(-L), C L=0,1, ..., MAXP1-2, MAXP1.GE.1 C C ON RETURN C RESULT - Double precision C Approximation to the integral X C C ABSERR - Double precision C Estimate of the modulus of the absolute error, C which should equal or exceed ABS(I-RESULT) C C NEVAL - Integer C Number of integrand evaluations C C IER - IER = 0 Normal and reliable termination of C the routine. It is assumed that the C requested accuracy has been achieved. C IER.GT.0 Abnormal termination of the routine. The C estimates for integral and error are less C reliable. It is assumed that the requested C accuracy has not been achieved. C ERROR MESSAGES C If OMEGA.NE.0 C IER = 1 Maximum number of cycles allowed C Has been achieved., i.e. of subintervals C (A+(K-1)C,A+KC) where C C = (2*INT(ABS(OMEGA))+1)*PI/ABS(OMEGA), C for K = 1, 2, ..., LST. C One can allow more cycles by increasing C the value of LIMLST (and taking the C according dimension adjustments into C account). C Examine the array IWORK which contains C the error flags on the cycles, in order to C look for eventual local integration C difficulties. If the position of a local C difficulty can be determined (e.g. C SINGULARITY, DISCONTINUITY within the C interval) one will probably gain from C splitting up the interval at this point C and calling appropriate integrators on C the subranges. C = 4 The extrapolation table constructed for C convergence acceleration of the series C formed by the integral contributions over C the cycles, does not converge to within C the requested accuracy. As in the case of C IER = 1, it is advised to examine the C array IWORK which contains the error C flags on the cycles. C = 6 The input is invalid because C (INTEGR.NE.1 AND INTEGR.NE.2) or C EPSABS.LE.0 or LIMLST.LT.3. C RESULT, ABSERR, NEVAL, LST are set C to zero. C = 7 Bad integrand behaviour occurs within one C or more of the cycles. Location and type C of the difficulty involved can be C determined from the vector IERLST. Here C LST is the number of cycles actually C needed (see below). C IERLST(K) = 1 The maximum number of C subdivisions (= LIMIT) has C been achieved on the K th C cycle. C = 2 Occurrence of roundoff error C is detected and prevents the C tolerance imposed on the C K th cycle, from being C achieved. C = 3 Extremely bad integrand C behaviour occurs at some C points of the K th cycle. C = 4 The integration procedure C over the K th cycle does C not converge (to within the C required accuracy) due to C roundoff in the C extrapolation procedure C invoked on this cycle. It C is assumed that the result C on this interval is the C best which can be obtained. C = 5 The integral over the K th C cycle is probably divergent C or slowly convergent. It C must be noted that C divergence can occur with C any other value of C IERLST(K). C If OMEGA = 0 and INTEGR = 1, C The integral is calculated by means of DQAGIE C and IER = IERLST(1) (with meaning as described C for IERLST(K), K = 1). C C RSLST - Double precision C Vector of dimension at least LIMLST C RSLST(K) contains the integral contribution C over the interval (A+(K-1)C,A+KC) where C C = (2*INT(ABS(OMEGA))+1)*PI/ABS(OMEGA), C K = 1, 2, ..., LST. C Note that, if OMEGA = 0, RSLST(1) contains C the value of the integral over (A,INFINITY). C C ERLST - Double precision C Vector of dimension at least LIMLST C ERLST(K) contains the error estimate corresponding C with RSLST(K). C C IERLST - Integer C Vector of dimension at least LIMLST C IERLST(K) contains the error flag corresponding C with RSLST(K). For the meaning of the local error C flags see description of output parameter IER. C C LST - Integer C Number of subintervals needed for the integration C If OMEGA = 0 then LST is set to 1. C C ALIST, BLIST, RLIST, ELIST - Double precision C vector of dimension at least LIMIT, C C IORD, NNLOG - Integer C Vector of dimension at least LIMIT, providing C space for the quantities needed in the subdivision C process of each cycle C C CHEBMO - Double precision C Array of dimension at least (MAXP1,25), providing C space for the Chebyshev moments needed within the C cycles C C***REFERENCES (NONE) C***ROUTINES CALLED D1MACH, DQAGIE, DQAWOE, DQELG C***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) C 800101 DATE WRITTEN C 890531 Changed all specific intrinsics to generic. (WRB) C 890831 Modified array declarations. (WRB) C 891009 Removed unreferenced variable. (WRB) C 891009 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 C 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) C***END PROLOGUE DQAWFE C DOUBLE PRECISION A,ABSEPS,ABSERR,ALIST,BLIST,CHEBMO,CORREC,CYCLE, 1 C1,C2,DL,DRL,D1MACH,ELIST,ERLST,EP,EPS,EPSA, 2 EPSABS,ERRSUM,F,FACT,OMEGA,P,PI,P1,PSUM,RESEPS,RESULT,RES3LA, 3 RLIST,RSLST,UFLOW INTEGER IER,IERLST,INTEGR,IORD,KTMIN,L,LAST,LST,LIMIT,LIMLST,LL, 1 MAXP1,MOMCOM,NEV,NEVAL,NNLOG,NRES,NUMRL2 C DIMENSION ALIST(*),BLIST(*),CHEBMO(MAXP1,25),ELIST(*), 1 ERLST(*),IERLST(*),IORD(*),NNLOG(*),PSUM(52), 2 RES3LA(3),RLIST(*),RSLST(*) C EXTERNAL F C C C THE DIMENSION OF PSUM IS DETERMINED BY THE VALUE OF C LIMEXP IN SUBROUTINE DQELG (PSUM MUST BE OF DIMENSION C (LIMEXP+2) AT LEAST). C C LIST OF MAJOR VARIABLES C ----------------------- C C C1, C2 - END POINTS OF SUBINTERVAL (OF LENGTH CYCLE) C CYCLE - (2*INT(ABS(OMEGA))+1)*PI/ABS(OMEGA) C PSUM - VECTOR OF DIMENSION AT LEAST (LIMEXP+2) C (SEE ROUTINE DQELG) C PSUM CONTAINS THE PART OF THE EPSILON TABLE C WHICH IS STILL NEEDED FOR FURTHER COMPUTATIONS. C EACH ELEMENT OF PSUM IS A PARTIAL SUM OF THE C SERIES WHICH SHOULD SUM TO THE VALUE OF THE C INTEGRAL. C ERRSUM - SUM OF ERROR ESTIMATES OVER THE SUBINTERVALS, C CALCULATED CUMULATIVELY C EPSA - ABSOLUTE TOLERANCE REQUESTED OVER CURRENT C SUBINTERVAL C CHEBMO - ARRAY CONTAINING THE MODIFIED CHEBYSHEV C MOMENTS (SEE ALSO ROUTINE DQC25F) C SAVE P, PI DATA P/0.9D+00/ DATA PI / 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 50 D0 / C C TEST ON VALIDITY OF PARAMETERS C ------------------------------ C C***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT DQAWFE RESULT = 0.0D+00 ABSERR = 0.0D+00 NEVAL = 0 LST = 0 IER = 0 IF((INTEGR.NE.1.AND.INTEGR.NE.2).OR.EPSABS.LE.0.0D+00.OR. 1 LIMLST.LT.3) IER = 6 IF(IER.EQ.6) GO TO 999 IF(OMEGA.NE.0.0D+00) GO TO 10 C C INTEGRATION BY DQAGIE IF OMEGA IS ZERO C -------------------------------------- C IF(INTEGR.EQ.1) CALL DQAGIE(F,A,1,EPSABS,0.0D+00,LIMIT, 1 RESULT,ABSERR,NEVAL,IER,ALIST,BLIST,RLIST,ELIST,IORD,LAST) RSLST(1) = RESULT ERLST(1) = ABSERR IERLST(1) = IER LST = 1 GO TO 999 C C INITIALIZATIONS C --------------- C 10 L = ABS(OMEGA) DL = 2*L+1 CYCLE = DL*PI/ABS(OMEGA) IER = 0 KTMIN = 0 NEVAL = 0 NUMRL2 = 0 NRES = 0 C1 = A C2 = CYCLE+A P1 = 0.1D+01-P UFLOW = D1MACH(1) EPS = EPSABS IF(EPSABS.GT.UFLOW/P1) EPS = EPSABS*P1 EP = EPS FACT = 0.1D+01 CORREC = 0.0D+00 ABSERR = 0.0D+00 ERRSUM = 0.0D+00 C C MAIN DO-LOOP C ------------ C DO 50 LST = 1,LIMLST C C INTEGRATE OVER CURRENT SUBINTERVAL. C EPSA = EPS*FACT CALL DQAWOE(F,C1,C2,OMEGA,INTEGR,EPSA,0.0D+00,LIMIT,LST,MAXP1, 1 RSLST(LST),ERLST(LST),NEV,IERLST(LST),LAST,ALIST,BLIST,RLIST, 2 ELIST,IORD,NNLOG,MOMCOM,CHEBMO) NEVAL = NEVAL+NEV FACT = FACT*P ERRSUM = ERRSUM+ERLST(LST) DRL = 0.5D+02*ABS(RSLST(LST)) C C TEST ON ACCURACY WITH PARTIAL SUM C IF((ERRSUM+DRL).LE.EPSABS.AND.LST.GE.6) GO TO 80 CORREC = MAX(CORREC,ERLST(LST)) IF(IERLST(LST).NE.0) EPS = MAX(EP,CORREC*P1) IF(IERLST(LST).NE.0) IER = 7 IF(IER.EQ.7.AND.(ERRSUM+DRL).LE.CORREC*0.1D+02.AND. 1 LST.GT.5) GO TO 80 NUMRL2 = NUMRL2+1 IF(LST.GT.1) GO TO 20 PSUM(1) = RSLST(1) GO TO 40 20 PSUM(NUMRL2) = PSUM(LL)+RSLST(LST) IF(LST.EQ.2) GO TO 40 C C TEST ON MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SUBINTERVALS C IF(LST.EQ.LIMLST) IER = 1 C C PERFORM NEW EXTRAPOLATION C CALL DQELG(NUMRL2,PSUM,RESEPS,ABSEPS,RES3LA,NRES) C C TEST WHETHER EXTRAPOLATED RESULT IS INFLUENCED BY ROUNDOFF C KTMIN = KTMIN+1 IF(KTMIN.GE.15.AND.ABSERR.LE.0.1D-02*(ERRSUM+DRL)) IER = 4 IF(ABSEPS.GT.ABSERR.AND.LST.NE.3) GO TO 30 ABSERR = ABSEPS RESULT = RESEPS KTMIN = 0 C C IF IER IS NOT 0, CHECK WHETHER DIRECT RESULT (PARTIAL SUM) C OR EXTRAPOLATED RESULT YIELDS THE BEST INTEGRAL C APPROXIMATION C IF((ABSERR+0.1D+02*CORREC).LE.EPSABS.OR. 1 (ABSERR.LE.EPSABS.AND.0.1D+02*CORREC.GE.EPSABS)) GO TO 60 30 IF(IER.NE.0.AND.IER.NE.7) GO TO 60 40 LL = NUMRL2 C1 = C2 C2 = C2+CYCLE 50 CONTINUE C C SET FINAL RESULT AND ERROR ESTIMATE C ----------------------------------- C 60 ABSERR = ABSERR+0.1D+02*CORREC IF(IER.EQ.0) GO TO 999 IF(RESULT.NE.0.0D+00.AND.PSUM(NUMRL2).NE.0.0D+00) GO TO 70 IF(ABSERR.GT.ERRSUM) GO TO 80 IF(PSUM(NUMRL2).EQ.0.0D+00) GO TO 999 70 IF(ABSERR/ABS(RESULT).GT.(ERRSUM+DRL)/ABS(PSUM(NUMRL2))) 1 GO TO 80 IF(IER.GE.1.AND.IER.NE.7) ABSERR = ABSERR+DRL GO TO 999 80 RESULT = PSUM(NUMRL2) ABSERR = ERRSUM+DRL 999 RETURN END
SUBROUTINE CPTSVX( FACT, N, NRHS, D, E, DF, EF, B, LDB, X, LDX, $ RCOND, FERR, BERR, WORK, RWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.3.1) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * -- April 2011 -- * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER FACT INTEGER INFO, LDB, LDX, N, NRHS REAL RCOND * .. * .. Array Arguments .. REAL BERR( * ), D( * ), DF( * ), FERR( * ), $ RWORK( * ) COMPLEX B( LDB, * ), E( * ), EF( * ), WORK( * ), $ X( LDX, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * CPTSVX uses the factorization A = L*D*L**H to compute the solution * to a complex system of linear equations A*X = B, where A is an * N-by-N Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal matrix and X and B * are N-by-NRHS matrices. * * Error bounds on the solution and a condition estimate are also * provided. * * Description * =========== * * The following steps are performed: * * 1. If FACT = 'N', the matrix A is factored as A = L*D*L**H, where L * is a unit lower bidiagonal matrix and D is diagonal. The * factorization can also be regarded as having the form * A = U**H*D*U. * * 2. If the leading i-by-i principal minor is not positive definite, * then the routine returns with INFO = i. Otherwise, the factored * form of A is used to estimate the condition number of the matrix * A. If the reciprocal of the condition number is less than machine * precision, INFO = N+1 is returned as a warning, but the routine * still goes on to solve for X and compute error bounds as * described below. * * 3. The system of equations is solved for X using the factored form * of A. * * 4. Iterative refinement is applied to improve the computed solution * matrix and calculate error bounds and backward error estimates * for it. * * Arguments * ========= * * FACT (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether or not the factored form of the matrix * A is supplied on entry. * = 'F': On entry, DF and EF contain the factored form of A. * D, E, DF, and EF will not be modified. * = 'N': The matrix A will be copied to DF and EF and * factored. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * NRHS (input) INTEGER * The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns * of the matrices B and X. NRHS >= 0. * * D (input) REAL array, dimension (N) * The n diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix A. * * E (input) COMPLEX array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix A. * * DF (input or output) REAL array, dimension (N) * If FACT = 'F', then DF is an input argument and on entry * contains the n diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D * from the L*D*L**H factorization of A. * If FACT = 'N', then DF is an output argument and on exit * contains the n diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D * from the L*D*L**H factorization of A. * * EF (input or output) COMPLEX array, dimension (N-1) * If FACT = 'F', then EF is an input argument and on entry * contains the (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the unit * bidiagonal factor L from the L*D*L**H factorization of A. * If FACT = 'N', then EF is an output argument and on exit * contains the (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the unit * bidiagonal factor L from the L*D*L**H factorization of A. * * B (input) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDB,NRHS) * The N-by-NRHS right hand side matrix B. * * LDB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N). * * X (output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDX,NRHS) * If INFO = 0 or INFO = N+1, the N-by-NRHS solution matrix X. * * LDX (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array X. LDX >= max(1,N). * * RCOND (output) REAL * The reciprocal condition number of the matrix A. If RCOND * is less than the machine precision (in particular, if * RCOND = 0), the matrix is singular to working precision. * This condition is indicated by a return code of INFO > 0. * * FERR (output) REAL array, dimension (NRHS) * The forward error bound for each solution vector * X(j) (the j-th column of the solution matrix X). * If XTRUE is the true solution corresponding to X(j), FERR(j) * is an estimated upper bound for the magnitude of the largest * element in (X(j) - XTRUE) divided by the magnitude of the * largest element in X(j). * * BERR (output) REAL array, dimension (NRHS) * The componentwise relative backward error of each solution * vector X(j) (i.e., the smallest relative change in any * element of A or B that makes X(j) an exact solution). * * WORK (workspace) COMPLEX array, dimension (N) * * RWORK (workspace) REAL array, dimension (N) * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * > 0: if INFO = i, and i is * <= N: the leading minor of order i of A is * not positive definite, so the factorization * could not be completed, and the solution has not * been computed. RCOND = 0 is returned. * = N+1: U is nonsingular, but RCOND is less than machine * precision, meaning that the matrix is singular * to working precision. Nevertheless, the * solution and error bounds are computed because * there are a number of situations where the * computed solution can be more accurate than the * value of RCOND would suggest. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0E+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL NOFACT REAL ANORM * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME REAL CLANHT, SLAMCH EXTERNAL LSAME, CLANHT, SLAMCH * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CCOPY, CLACPY, CPTCON, CPTRFS, CPTTRF, CPTTRS, $ SCOPY, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 NOFACT = LSAME( FACT, 'N' ) IF( .NOT.NOFACT .AND. .NOT.LSAME( FACT, 'F' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( NRHS.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( LDB.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -9 ELSE IF( LDX.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -11 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CPTSVX', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * IF( NOFACT ) THEN * * Compute the L*D*L**H (or U**H*D*U) factorization of A. * CALL SCOPY( N, D, 1, DF, 1 ) IF( N.GT.1 ) $ CALL CCOPY( N-1, E, 1, EF, 1 ) CALL CPTTRF( N, DF, EF, INFO ) * * Return if INFO is non-zero. * IF( INFO.GT.0 )THEN RCOND = ZERO RETURN END IF END IF * * Compute the norm of the matrix A. * ANORM = CLANHT( '1', N, D, E ) * * Compute the reciprocal of the condition number of A. * CALL CPTCON( N, DF, EF, ANORM, RCOND, RWORK, INFO ) * * Compute the solution vectors X. * CALL CLACPY( 'Full', N, NRHS, B, LDB, X, LDX ) CALL CPTTRS( 'Lower', N, NRHS, DF, EF, X, LDX, INFO ) * * Use iterative refinement to improve the computed solutions and * compute error bounds and backward error estimates for them. * CALL CPTRFS( 'Lower', N, NRHS, D, E, DF, EF, B, LDB, X, LDX, FERR, $ BERR, WORK, RWORK, INFO ) * * Set INFO = N+1 if the matrix is singular to working precision. * IF( RCOND.LT.SLAMCH( 'Epsilon' ) ) $ INFO = N + 1 * RETURN * * End of CPTSVX * END
*> \brief \b CUNBDB4 * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download CUNBDB4 + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE CUNBDB4( M, P, Q, X11, LDX11, X21, LDX21, THETA, PHI, * TAUP1, TAUP2, TAUQ1, PHANTOM, WORK, LWORK, * INFO ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * INTEGER INFO, LWORK, M, P, Q, LDX11, LDX21 * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * REAL PHI(*), THETA(*) * COMPLEX PHANTOM(*), TAUP1(*), TAUP2(*), TAUQ1(*), * $ WORK(*), X11(LDX11,*), X21(LDX21,*) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: *> ============= *> *>\verbatim *> *> CUNBDB4 simultaneously bidiagonalizes the blocks of a tall and skinny *> matrix X with orthonomal columns: *> *> [ B11 ] *> [ X11 ] [ P1 | ] [ 0 ] *> [-----] = [---------] [-----] Q1**T . *> [ X21 ] [ | P2 ] [ B21 ] *> [ 0 ] *> *> X11 is P-by-Q, and X21 is (M-P)-by-Q. M-Q must be no larger than P, *> M-P, or Q. Routines CUNBDB1, CUNBDB2, and CUNBDB3 handle cases in *> which M-Q is not the minimum dimension. *> *> The unitary matrices P1, P2, and Q1 are P-by-P, (M-P)-by-(M-P), *> and (M-Q)-by-(M-Q), respectively. They are represented implicitly by *> Householder vectors. *> *> B11 and B12 are (M-Q)-by-(M-Q) bidiagonal matrices represented *> implicitly by angles THETA, PHI. *> *>\endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] M *> \verbatim *> M is INTEGER *> The number of rows X11 plus the number of rows in X21. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] P *> \verbatim *> P is INTEGER *> The number of rows in X11. 0 <= P <= M. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] Q *> \verbatim *> Q is INTEGER *> The number of columns in X11 and X21. 0 <= Q <= M and *> M-Q <= min(P,M-P,Q). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] X11 *> \verbatim *> X11 is COMPLEX array, dimension (LDX11,Q) *> On entry, the top block of the matrix X to be reduced. On *> exit, the columns of tril(X11) specify reflectors for P1 and *> the rows of triu(X11,1) specify reflectors for Q1. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDX11 *> \verbatim *> LDX11 is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of X11. LDX11 >= P. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] X21 *> \verbatim *> X21 is COMPLEX array, dimension (LDX21,Q) *> On entry, the bottom block of the matrix X to be reduced. On *> exit, the columns of tril(X21) specify reflectors for P2. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDX21 *> \verbatim *> LDX21 is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of X21. LDX21 >= M-P. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] THETA *> \verbatim *> THETA is REAL array, dimension (Q) *> The entries of the bidiagonal blocks B11, B21 are defined by *> THETA and PHI. See Further Details. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] PHI *> \verbatim *> PHI is REAL array, dimension (Q-1) *> The entries of the bidiagonal blocks B11, B21 are defined by *> THETA and PHI. See Further Details. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] TAUP1 *> \verbatim *> TAUP1 is COMPLEX array, dimension (P) *> The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors that define *> P1. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] TAUP2 *> \verbatim *> TAUP2 is COMPLEX array, dimension (M-P) *> The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors that define *> P2. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] TAUQ1 *> \verbatim *> TAUQ1 is COMPLEX array, dimension (Q) *> The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors that define *> Q1. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] PHANTOM *> \verbatim *> PHANTOM is COMPLEX array, dimension (M) *> The routine computes an M-by-1 column vector Y that is *> orthogonal to the columns of [ X11; X21 ]. PHANTOM(1:P) and *> PHANTOM(P+1:M) contain Householder vectors for Y(1:P) and *> Y(P+1:M), respectively. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] WORK *> \verbatim *> WORK is COMPLEX array, dimension (LWORK) *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LWORK *> \verbatim *> LWORK is INTEGER *> The dimension of the array WORK. LWORK >= M-Q. *> *> If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine *> only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns *> this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error *> message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] INFO *> \verbatim *> INFO is INTEGER *> = 0: successful exit. *> < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date July 2012 * *> \ingroup complexOTHERcomputational * *> \par Further Details: * ===================== *> \verbatim *> *> The upper-bidiagonal blocks B11, B21 are represented implicitly by *> angles THETA(1), ..., THETA(Q) and PHI(1), ..., PHI(Q-1). Every entry *> in each bidiagonal band is a product of a sine or cosine of a THETA *> with a sine or cosine of a PHI. See [1] or CUNCSD for details. *> *> P1, P2, and Q1 are represented as products of elementary reflectors. *> See CUNCSD2BY1 for details on generating P1, P2, and Q1 using CUNGQR *> and CUNGLQ. *> \endverbatim * *> \par References: * ================ *> *> [1] Brian D. Sutton. Computing the complete CS decomposition. Numer. *> Algorithms, 50(1):33-65, 2009. *> * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE CUNBDB4( M, P, Q, X11, LDX11, X21, LDX21, THETA, PHI, $ TAUP1, TAUP2, TAUQ1, PHANTOM, WORK, LWORK, $ INFO ) * * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.4.0) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * July 2012 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LWORK, M, P, Q, LDX11, LDX21 * .. * .. Array Arguments .. REAL PHI(*), THETA(*) COMPLEX PHANTOM(*), TAUP1(*), TAUP2(*), TAUQ1(*), $ WORK(*), X11(LDX11,*), X21(LDX21,*) * .. * * ==================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. COMPLEX NEGONE, ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( NEGONE = (-1.0E0,0.0E0), ONE = (1.0E0,0.0E0), $ ZERO = (0.0E0,0.0E0) ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. REAL C, S INTEGER CHILDINFO, I, ILARF, IORBDB5, J, LLARF, $ LORBDB5, LWORKMIN, LWORKOPT LOGICAL LQUERY * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CLARF, CLARFGP, CUNBDB5, CSROT, CSCAL, XERBLA * .. * .. External Functions .. REAL SCNRM2 EXTERNAL SCNRM2 * .. * .. Intrinsic Function .. INTRINSIC ATAN2, COS, MAX, SIN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test input arguments * INFO = 0 LQUERY = LWORK .EQ. -1 * IF( M .LT. 0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( P .LT. M-Q .OR. M-P .LT. M-Q ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( Q .LT. M-Q .OR. Q .GT. M ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( LDX11 .LT. MAX( 1, P ) ) THEN INFO = -5 ELSE IF( LDX21 .LT. MAX( 1, M-P ) ) THEN INFO = -7 END IF * * Compute workspace * IF( INFO .EQ. 0 ) THEN ILARF = 2 LLARF = MAX( Q-1, P-1, M-P-1 ) IORBDB5 = 2 LORBDB5 = Q LWORKOPT = ILARF + LLARF - 1 LWORKOPT = MAX( LWORKOPT, IORBDB5 + LORBDB5 - 1 ) LWORKMIN = LWORKOPT WORK(1) = LWORKOPT IF( LWORK .LT. LWORKMIN .AND. .NOT.LQUERY ) THEN INFO = -14 END IF END IF IF( INFO .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'CUNBDB4', -INFO ) RETURN ELSE IF( LQUERY ) THEN RETURN END IF * * Reduce columns 1, ..., M-Q of X11 and X21 * DO I = 1, M-Q * IF( I .EQ. 1 ) THEN DO J = 1, M PHANTOM(J) = ZERO END DO CALL CUNBDB5( P, M-P, Q, PHANTOM(1), 1, PHANTOM(P+1), 1, $ X11, LDX11, X21, LDX21, WORK(IORBDB5), $ LORBDB5, CHILDINFO ) CALL CSCAL( P, NEGONE, PHANTOM(1), 1 ) CALL CLARFGP( P, PHANTOM(1), PHANTOM(2), 1, TAUP1(1) ) CALL CLARFGP( M-P, PHANTOM(P+1), PHANTOM(P+2), 1, TAUP2(1) ) THETA(I) = ATAN2( REAL( PHANTOM(1) ), REAL( PHANTOM(P+1) ) ) C = COS( THETA(I) ) S = SIN( THETA(I) ) PHANTOM(1) = ONE PHANTOM(P+1) = ONE CALL CLARF( 'L', P, Q, PHANTOM(1), 1, CONJG(TAUP1(1)), X11, $ LDX11, WORK(ILARF) ) CALL CLARF( 'L', M-P, Q, PHANTOM(P+1), 1, CONJG(TAUP2(1)), $ X21, LDX21, WORK(ILARF) ) ELSE CALL CUNBDB5( P-I+1, M-P-I+1, Q-I+1, X11(I,I-1), 1, $ X21(I,I-1), 1, X11(I,I), LDX11, X21(I,I), $ LDX21, WORK(IORBDB5), LORBDB5, CHILDINFO ) CALL CSCAL( P-I+1, NEGONE, X11(I,I-1), 1 ) CALL CLARFGP( P-I+1, X11(I,I-1), X11(I+1,I-1), 1, TAUP1(I) ) CALL CLARFGP( M-P-I+1, X21(I,I-1), X21(I+1,I-1), 1, $ TAUP2(I) ) THETA(I) = ATAN2( REAL( X11(I,I-1) ), REAL( X21(I,I-1) ) ) C = COS( THETA(I) ) S = SIN( THETA(I) ) X11(I,I-1) = ONE X21(I,I-1) = ONE CALL CLARF( 'L', P-I+1, Q-I+1, X11(I,I-1), 1, $ CONJG(TAUP1(I)), X11(I,I), LDX11, WORK(ILARF) ) CALL CLARF( 'L', M-P-I+1, Q-I+1, X21(I,I-1), 1, $ CONJG(TAUP2(I)), X21(I,I), LDX21, WORK(ILARF) ) END IF * CALL CSROT( Q-I+1, X11(I,I), LDX11, X21(I,I), LDX21, S, -C ) CALL CLACGV( Q-I+1, X21(I,I), LDX21 ) CALL CLARFGP( Q-I+1, X21(I,I), X21(I,I+1), LDX21, TAUQ1(I) ) C = REAL( X21(I,I) ) X21(I,I) = ONE CALL CLARF( 'R', P-I, Q-I+1, X21(I,I), LDX21, TAUQ1(I), $ X11(I+1,I), LDX11, WORK(ILARF) ) CALL CLARF( 'R', M-P-I, Q-I+1, X21(I,I), LDX21, TAUQ1(I), $ X21(I+1,I), LDX21, WORK(ILARF) ) CALL CLACGV( Q-I+1, X21(I,I), LDX21 ) IF( I .LT. M-Q ) THEN S = SQRT( SCNRM2( P-I, X11(I+1,I), 1, X11(I+1,I), $ 1 )**2 + SCNRM2( M-P-I, X21(I+1,I), 1, X21(I+1,I), $ 1 )**2 ) PHI(I) = ATAN2( S, C ) END IF * END DO * * Reduce the bottom-right portion of X11 to [ I 0 ] * DO I = M - Q + 1, P CALL CLACGV( Q-I+1, X11(I,I), LDX11 ) CALL CLARFGP( Q-I+1, X11(I,I), X11(I,I+1), LDX11, TAUQ1(I) ) X11(I,I) = ONE CALL CLARF( 'R', P-I, Q-I+1, X11(I,I), LDX11, TAUQ1(I), $ X11(I+1,I), LDX11, WORK(ILARF) ) CALL CLARF( 'R', Q-P, Q-I+1, X11(I,I), LDX11, TAUQ1(I), $ X21(M-Q+1,I), LDX21, WORK(ILARF) ) CALL CLACGV( Q-I+1, X11(I,I), LDX11 ) END DO * * Reduce the bottom-right portion of X21 to [ 0 I ] * DO I = P + 1, Q CALL CLACGV( Q-I+1, X21(M-Q+I-P,I), LDX21 ) CALL CLARFGP( Q-I+1, X21(M-Q+I-P,I), X21(M-Q+I-P,I+1), LDX21, $ TAUQ1(I) ) X21(M-Q+I-P,I) = ONE CALL CLARF( 'R', Q-I, Q-I+1, X21(M-Q+I-P,I), LDX21, TAUQ1(I), $ X21(M-Q+I-P+1,I), LDX21, WORK(ILARF) ) CALL CLACGV( Q-I+1, X21(M-Q+I-P,I), LDX21 ) END DO * RETURN * * End of CUNBDB4 * END
SUBROUTINE ZPTEQR( COMPZ, N, D, E, Z, LDZ, WORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER COMPZ INTEGER INFO, LDZ, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), E( * ), WORK( * ) COMPLEX*16 Z( LDZ, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * ZPTEQR computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a * symmetric positive definite tridiagonal matrix by first factoring the * matrix using DPTTRF and then calling ZBDSQR to compute the singular * values of the bidiagonal factor. * * This routine computes the eigenvalues of the positive definite * tridiagonal matrix to high relative accuracy. This means that if the * eigenvalues range over many orders of magnitude in size, then the * small eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors will be computed * more accurately than, for example, with the standard QR method. * * The eigenvectors of a full or band positive definite Hermitian matrix * can also be found if ZHETRD, ZHPTRD, or ZHBTRD has been used to * reduce this matrix to tridiagonal form. (The reduction to * tridiagonal form, however, may preclude the possibility of obtaining * high relative accuracy in the small eigenvalues of the original * matrix, if these eigenvalues range over many orders of magnitude.) * * Arguments * ========= * * COMPZ (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'N': Compute eigenvalues only. * = 'V': Compute eigenvectors of original Hermitian * matrix also. Array Z contains the unitary matrix * used to reduce the original matrix to tridiagonal * form. * = 'I': Compute eigenvectors of tridiagonal matrix also. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix. N >= 0. * * D (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry, the n diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix. * On normal exit, D contains the eigenvalues, in descending * order. * * E (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * On entry, the (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal * matrix. * On exit, E has been destroyed. * * Z (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDZ, N) * On entry, if COMPZ = 'V', the unitary matrix used in the * reduction to tridiagonal form. * On exit, if COMPZ = 'V', the orthonormal eigenvectors of the * original Hermitian matrix; * if COMPZ = 'I', the orthonormal eigenvectors of the * tridiagonal matrix. * If INFO > 0 on exit, Z contains the eigenvectors associated * with only the stored eigenvalues. * If COMPZ = 'N', then Z is not referenced. * * LDZ (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array Z. LDZ >= 1, and if * COMPZ = 'V' or 'I', LDZ >= max(1,N). * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (4*N) * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit. * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * > 0: if INFO = i, and i is: * <= N the Cholesky factorization of the matrix could * not be performed because the i-th principal minor * was not positive definite. * > N the SVD algorithm failed to converge; * if INFO = N+i, i off-diagonal elements of the * bidiagonal factor did not converge to zero. * * ==================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. COMPLEX*16 CZERO, CONE PARAMETER ( CZERO = ( 0.0D+0, 0.0D+0 ), $ CONE = ( 1.0D+0, 0.0D+0 ) ) * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DPTTRF, XERBLA, ZBDSQR, ZLASET * .. * .. Local Arrays .. COMPLEX*16 C( 1, 1 ), VT( 1, 1 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, ICOMPZ, NRU * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 * IF( LSAME( COMPZ, 'N' ) ) THEN ICOMPZ = 0 ELSE IF( LSAME( COMPZ, 'V' ) ) THEN ICOMPZ = 1 ELSE IF( LSAME( COMPZ, 'I' ) ) THEN ICOMPZ = 2 ELSE ICOMPZ = -1 END IF IF( ICOMPZ.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( ( LDZ.LT.1 ) .OR. ( ICOMPZ.GT.0 .AND. LDZ.LT.MAX( 1, $ N ) ) ) THEN INFO = -6 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'ZPTEQR', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN IF( ICOMPZ.GT.0 ) $ Z( 1, 1 ) = CONE RETURN END IF IF( ICOMPZ.EQ.2 ) $ CALL ZLASET( 'Full', N, N, CZERO, CONE, Z, LDZ ) * * Call DPTTRF to factor the matrix. * CALL DPTTRF( N, D, E, INFO ) IF( INFO.NE.0 ) $ RETURN DO 10 I = 1, N D( I ) = SQRT( D( I ) ) 10 CONTINUE DO 20 I = 1, N - 1 E( I ) = E( I )*D( I ) 20 CONTINUE * * Call ZBDSQR to compute the singular values/vectors of the * bidiagonal factor. * IF( ICOMPZ.GT.0 ) THEN NRU = N ELSE NRU = 0 END IF CALL ZBDSQR( 'Lower', N, 0, NRU, 0, D, E, VT, 1, Z, LDZ, C, 1, $ WORK, INFO ) * * Square the singular values. * IF( INFO.EQ.0 ) THEN DO 30 I = 1, N D( I ) = D( I )*D( I ) 30 CONTINUE ELSE INFO = N + INFO END IF * RETURN * * End of ZPTEQR * END
*> \brief \b DLAQP2 computes a QR factorization with column pivoting of the matrix block. * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * * *> \htmlonly *> Download DLAQP2 + dependencies *> <a href=""> *> [TGZ]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [ZIP]</a> *> <a href=""> *> [TXT]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE DLAQP2( M, N, OFFSET, A, LDA, JPVT, TAU, VN1, VN2, * WORK ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * INTEGER LDA, M, N, OFFSET * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * INTEGER JPVT( * ) * DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), TAU( * ), VN1( * ), VN2( * ), * $ WORK( * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> DLAQP2 computes a QR factorization with column pivoting of *> the block A(OFFSET+1:M,1:N). *> The block A(1:OFFSET,1:N) is accordingly pivoted, but not factorized. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] M *> \verbatim *> M is INTEGER *> The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] OFFSET *> \verbatim *> OFFSET is INTEGER *> The number of rows of the matrix A that must be pivoted *> but no factorized. OFFSET >= 0. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] A *> \verbatim *> A is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) *> On entry, the M-by-N matrix A. *> On exit, the upper triangle of block A(OFFSET+1:M,1:N) is *> the triangular factor obtained; the elements in block *> A(OFFSET+1:M,1:N) below the diagonal, together with the *> array TAU, represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a product of *> elementary reflectors. Block A(1:OFFSET,1:N) has been *> accordingly pivoted, but no factorized. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] LDA *> \verbatim *> LDA is INTEGER *> The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] JPVT *> \verbatim *> JPVT is INTEGER array, dimension (N) *> On entry, if JPVT(i) .ne. 0, the i-th column of A is permuted *> to the front of A*P (a leading column); if JPVT(i) = 0, *> the i-th column of A is a free column. *> On exit, if JPVT(i) = k, then the i-th column of A*P *> was the k-th column of A. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] TAU *> \verbatim *> TAU is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N)) *> The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] VN1 *> \verbatim *> VN1 is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) *> The vector with the partial column norms. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in,out] VN2 *> \verbatim *> VN2 is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) *> The vector with the exact column norms. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] WORK *> \verbatim *> WORK is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date November 2013 * *> \ingroup doubleOTHERauxiliary * *> \par Contributors: * ================== *> *> G. Quintana-Orti, Depto. de Informatica, Universidad Jaime I, Spain *> X. Sun, Computer Science Dept., Duke University, USA *> \n *> Partial column norm updating strategy modified on April 2011 *> Z. Drmac and Z. Bujanovic, Dept. of Mathematics, *> University of Zagreb, Croatia. * *> \par References: * ================ *> *> LAPACK Working Note 176 * *> \htmlonly *> <a href="">[PDF]</a> *> \endhtmlonly * * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE DLAQP2( M, N, OFFSET, A, LDA, JPVT, TAU, VN1, VN2, $ WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.5.0) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * November 2013 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER LDA, M, N, OFFSET * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER JPVT( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), TAU( * ), VN1( * ), VN2( * ), $ WORK( * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, ITEMP, J, MN, OFFPI, PVT DOUBLE PRECISION AII, TEMP, TEMP2, TOL3Z * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLARF, DLARFG, DSWAP * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER IDAMAX DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH, DNRM2 EXTERNAL IDAMAX, DLAMCH, DNRM2 * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * MN = MIN( M-OFFSET, N ) TOL3Z = SQRT(DLAMCH('Epsilon')) * * Compute factorization. * DO 20 I = 1, MN * OFFPI = OFFSET + I * * Determine ith pivot column and swap if necessary. * PVT = ( I-1 ) + IDAMAX( N-I+1, VN1( I ), 1 ) * IF( PVT.NE.I ) THEN CALL DSWAP( M, A( 1, PVT ), 1, A( 1, I ), 1 ) ITEMP = JPVT( PVT ) JPVT( PVT ) = JPVT( I ) JPVT( I ) = ITEMP VN1( PVT ) = VN1( I ) VN2( PVT ) = VN2( I ) END IF * * Generate elementary reflector H(i). * IF( OFFPI.LT.M ) THEN CALL DLARFG( M-OFFPI+1, A( OFFPI, I ), A( OFFPI+1, I ), 1, $ TAU( I ) ) ELSE CALL DLARFG( 1, A( M, I ), A( M, I ), 1, TAU( I ) ) END IF * IF( I.LT.N ) THEN * * Apply H(i)**T to A(offset+i:m,i+1:n) from the left. * AII = A( OFFPI, I ) A( OFFPI, I ) = ONE CALL DLARF( 'Left', M-OFFPI+1, N-I, A( OFFPI, I ), 1, $ TAU( I ), A( OFFPI, I+1 ), LDA, WORK( 1 ) ) A( OFFPI, I ) = AII END IF * * Update partial column norms. * DO 10 J = I + 1, N IF( VN1( J ).NE.ZERO ) THEN * * NOTE: The following 4 lines follow from the analysis in * Lapack Working Note 176. * TEMP = ONE - ( ABS( A( OFFPI, J ) ) / VN1( J ) )**2 TEMP = MAX( TEMP, ZERO ) TEMP2 = TEMP*( VN1( J ) / VN2( J ) )**2 IF( TEMP2 .LE. TOL3Z ) THEN IF( OFFPI.LT.M ) THEN VN1( J ) = DNRM2( M-OFFPI, A( OFFPI+1, J ), 1 ) VN2( J ) = VN1( J ) ELSE VN1( J ) = ZERO VN2( J ) = ZERO END IF ELSE VN1( J ) = VN1( J )*SQRT( TEMP ) END IF END IF 10 CONTINUE * 20 CONTINUE * RETURN * * End of DLAQP2 * END
REAL FUNCTION CLANGT( NORM, N, DL, D, DU ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER NORM INTEGER N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. COMPLEX D( * ), DL( * ), DU( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * CLANGT returns the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm, or * the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of a * complex tridiagonal matrix A. * * Description * =========== * * CLANGT returns the value * * CLANGT = ( max(abs(A(i,j))), NORM = 'M' or 'm' * ( * ( norm1(A), NORM = '1', 'O' or 'o' * ( * ( normI(A), NORM = 'I' or 'i' * ( * ( normF(A), NORM = 'F', 'f', 'E' or 'e' * * where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum), * normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and * normF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix (square root of sum of * squares). Note that max(abs(A(i,j))) is not a matrix norm. * * Arguments * ========= * * NORM (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the value to be returned in CLANGT as described * above. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. When N = 0, CLANGT is * set to zero. * * DL (input) COMPLEX array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) sub-diagonal elements of A. * * D (input) COMPLEX array, dimension (N) * The diagonal elements of A. * * DU (input) COMPLEX array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) super-diagonal elements of A. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E+0, ZERO = 0.0E+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I REAL ANORM, SCALE, SUM * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL CLASSQ * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.LE.0 ) THEN ANORM = ZERO ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'M' ) ) THEN * * Find max(abs(A(i,j))). * ANORM = ABS( D( N ) ) DO 10 I = 1, N - 1 ANORM = MAX( ANORM, ABS( DL( I ) ) ) ANORM = MAX( ANORM, ABS( D( I ) ) ) ANORM = MAX( ANORM, ABS( DU( I ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'O' ) .OR. NORM.EQ.'1' ) THEN * * Find norm1(A). * IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN ANORM = ABS( D( 1 ) ) ELSE ANORM = MAX( ABS( D( 1 ) )+ABS( DL( 1 ) ), $ ABS( D( N ) )+ABS( DU( N-1 ) ) ) DO 20 I = 2, N - 1 ANORM = MAX( ANORM, ABS( D( I ) )+ABS( DL( I ) )+ $ ABS( DU( I-1 ) ) ) 20 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'I' ) ) THEN * * Find normI(A). * IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN ANORM = ABS( D( 1 ) ) ELSE ANORM = MAX( ABS( D( 1 ) )+ABS( DU( 1 ) ), $ ABS( D( N ) )+ABS( DL( N-1 ) ) ) DO 30 I = 2, N - 1 ANORM = MAX( ANORM, ABS( D( I ) )+ABS( DU( I ) )+ $ ABS( DL( I-1 ) ) ) 30 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'F' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'E' ) ) ) THEN * * Find normF(A). * SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE CALL CLASSQ( N, D, 1, SCALE, SUM ) IF( N.GT.1 ) THEN CALL CLASSQ( N-1, DL, 1, SCALE, SUM ) CALL CLASSQ( N-1, DU, 1, SCALE, SUM ) END IF ANORM = SCALE*SQRT( SUM ) END IF * CLANGT = ANORM RETURN * * End of CLANGT * END
module cta_f90_resultwriter implicit none public ! \brief Handle a string message send to the resultwriter ! ! \param idWriter I ID of this resultwriter (Counter of number of native result writers) ! \param config I Name of XML configuration file containting the function pointers and additional information ! \param workingDir I Full path to working directory ! \param message I Message send to resultwriter ! ! \param status O error status: CTA_OK if successful ! interface CTA_F90_Resultwriter_putmessage subroutine CTA_Resultwriter_putmessage( idWriter, config, workingDir, message, status ) integer , intent(in ) :: idWriter character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: config(*) character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: workingDir(*) character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: message(*) integer , intent(out ) :: status end subroutine CTA_Resultwriter_putmessage end interface ! \brief Handle a string message send to the resultwriter ! ! \param idWriter I ID of this resultwriter (Counter of number of native result writers) ! \param config I Name of XML configuration file containting the function pointers and additional information ! \param workingDir I Full path to working directory ! \param id I Name of the variable/array send to the resultwriter ! \param handle I Handle (Vector or TreeVector) of variable ! \param outputLevel I Selected output level (see opendabridge for possible values) ! \param context I Location from which the resultwriter was called ! \param iteration I Iteration number from which the resultwriter was called ! ! \param status O error status: CTA_OK if successful ! interface CTA_F90_Resultwriter_putvalue subroutine CTA_Resultwriter_putvalue( idWriter, config, workingDir, id, handle, outputLevel, context, iteration, status ) integer , intent(in ) :: idWriter character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: config(*) character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: workingDir(*) character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: id(*) integer , intent(in ) :: handle integer , intent(in ) :: outputLevel character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: context(*) integer , intent(in ) :: iteration integer , intent(out ) :: status end subroutine CTA_Resultwriter_putvalue end interface ! \brief Handle a string message send to the resultwriter ! ! \param idWriter I ID of this resultwriter (Counter of number of native result writers) ! \param config I Name of XML configuration file containting the function pointers and additional information ! \param workingDir I Full path to working directory ! \param iteration I Iteration number from which the resultwriter was called ! \param cost I Value of cost function ! \param handle I Handle (Vector or TreeVector) of the current parameters ! ! \param status O error status: CTA_OK if successful ! interface CTA_F90_Resultwriter_putiterationreport subroutine CTA_Resultwriter_putiterationreport( idWriter, config, workingDir, iteration, cost, handle, status ) integer , intent(in ) :: idWriter character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: config(*) character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: workingDir(*) integer , intent(in ) :: iteration real(8) , intent(in ) :: cost integer , intent(in ) :: handle integer , intent(out ) :: status end subroutine CTA_Resultwriter_putiterationreport end interface ! \brief Free a resultwriter (close output files etc). ! ! \param idWriter I ID of this resultwriter (Counter of number of native result writers) ! ! \param status O error status: CTA_OK if successful ! interface CTA_F90_Resultwriter_free subroutine CTA_Resultwriter_free( idWriter, status ) integer , intent(in ) :: idWriter integer , intent(out ) :: status end subroutine CTA_Resultwriter_free end interface end module cta_f90_resultwriter