should it be called Yahoopedia? :-)
Doubtful, since Wikipedia is the source for many of the answers here. This format doesn't allow for the same degree of detail and digression as Wikipedia. \n\nHopefully it will be a complement to Wikipedia, allowing questioners to get to the heart of the information they're seeking quickly.
I just figured there were stages to every relationship and i was curious which one me and my boyfriend were on, and when we should move to the next.
There are no such thing as stages that you should follow or you think you might be in but there are studies saying this and saying that... \n\nWhen you try to evaluate or compare your relationship to a stage or rule book then you will eventually look at your relationship as a mechanical or battery operated relationship... The one that is run by the book... And believe me its not fun and it wont last...
cant imagine careing about someone i have never met. i cannot even figure out how there are magizines devoted to this
Celebrities are fascinating to people because they have talents (most of the time), good looks, and seem to lead a perfect life. more thing..sometimes it's okay to care about someone you've never met.
how can i rotate the image?\nwhat would "programming & design" (under the "computers & internet" category) be?
When you are composing your email, select attach file, press the browse button, go to the folder where you saved your scanned image, and select attach (or ok). I sugest you to reduce the image size to not make your email giantic and to not use to much inbox space\n\nget a program like irfanview (, It allows you change your image, including rotate and resizing it.\n\nProgramming is the science (or art) to give a sequence os statements to be executed by and computer and design refers about the ways you can design your programming project.
It can be a movie, cartoon series, sport, book or any other hobby!!!
I am in love with the Harry Potter series
Urgent problem: I have 1 1/2 days to pick up gifts for my beloved just-turned-15 daughter. If I get her an iPod does anyone have any suggestions what to do -- or NOT to do? There are so many iPods I don't know where to begin. Also, what accessories do you need to go with the iPod? We have a basic computer. Are there any other cool electronic gifts for 15 year old girls? Can't afford the ongoing expensive of a cellphone so a picturecamera is probably out of the question, but maybe a digital camera? All advice welcomed. T minus 2 and counting....
An ipod is a great gift.. I love mine and I never really go anywhere without will need to download itunes on your computer so she can get music for it. and since ipods have so many accessories they are always nice too.. the cases help protect the body and screen which is good and the ipod bose stereo docks are also very nice but are pretty costly. you could also pick her up an itunes giftcard(sold wherever ipods are sold) so she can get new music right away. \nI got my sister the new scene it dvd trivia game and its a lot of fun we have a few versions already and my whole family loves it.. also if she has a favorite tv show.. dvd box sets make great gifts.\nand digital cameras are definatley an awesome gift. you can even find them now on sale with included printer docks so you can just print the photos from your home at your own convenience.
Some said that she was just jealous, but some said it was my fault. I told her and my group that both of them (GFs and BF)are important to me in different ways, but they didnt stop comparing. She made me choose HER or HIM, and now it is me that is left alone by her. What can I do?
Hey, I think I can appreciate your answer but try following what I have been doing and I guess most of the people are happy with me.\n1. Remember you can not make every one happy all the times, Moral: Make some people happy some times, just prioritize your selves and your time.\n2. Put all focus to the people with whom you are: dont think about ur BF when u r with friend and vice versa.
I found papers when going through my deceased father's things that said he had been arrested in 1977. I'm wondering what the charge was.
Unfortunately, since 1977, the laws have changed so those numbers don't mean much. You can't find the set of 1977 laws online. You may want to try going to the Buffalo city hall ask for help there.
I need to know for this science project I'm doind. And it's due tomarrow.
The link in the first answer doesn't work.\n\nOnly some of the stars in this constellation have names: \nAlrisha (Alpha Psc), aka Alrescha [Al Rescha, Rescha, El Rischa, Al Richa] or Kaitain or Okda (= the ropes).\nOkda (= Knot) \nFum al Samakah (Beta Psc)(=Mouth of the fish) \nTorcularis Septentrionalis (Omicron Psc) (=Of the northern wine/oil press)\nAlpherg or Kullat-Nunu \nvan Maanen's star
bodybuilding is about sex(N.A.K.E.D) or it is about developing muscles because some of them deposed N.U.D.E?
I'm not sure you used the word Deposed in the right context. However, to answer your question bodybuilding is on the same level of any other material possession used to gain status over others; to make one feel achievement when compaired to their peers. It's just like the guy who buys a vet or wears DNKY. You get noticed and you enjoy the feelings that accompany it. There is also the feeling of being HIGH from releasing endorphins, which can be addicting.
Hi Moisi,\n\nI´ve tried alot of different ways to make money online over the past "painful" 2 years and theres alot of crap out there that just doesn´t work, it´s amazing how they can keep getting awy with it! Now after soooo many disappointments I´m using Data Entry Pro and it´s now making me money (finally!) online. \n\nAnyway, basically you sign up with them and then once your logged in you just fill in as many forms as you like in their members section and you get paid for each one. I get checks from them every 2 weeks each averaging around $250-$350. You could make more but I just use the site as an extra income stream aswell as my full time job so I only work on it for around an hour each night. \n\nYou do have to be prepared to spend a little money though if you want to do anything online like this but it´s already been worth it for me.\n\nHere`s the link you can get them at anyway -> \n\nHope this helps!\nGoodluck,\nDave
What's wrong with that question? I don't get it...
no make a choice, and stop cheating on me!
I like a girl I met who works at a department store. We had a nice chat while I was buying something and I left her my card. It has been two weeks and I have not heard from her, even though she seemed interested in me when we met. Should I assume that she is not interested in me or did I make the mistake of not asking for her number? Should I go back to ask for her number or should I just accept that she isn't interested?
You should go back to the store at about the time that she finishes work but not give ask her phone number or ask her why she did not call you. Buy somth and then ask her to go for a beer.\nBe careful it is not good to show to girls that you are offended or that you feel bad that she did not call you. She might have forgot it or was ashamed to call a stranger.
I'm living in Tokyo and often travel in China and would love to hear Howard uncensored. I'm a 20 year fan of his since the mid-1980's in NYC. Please help if you know the answer!
While Howard will not be available online, subscribers can listen to all of Sirius' other commercial-free music online if you are a subscriber.
83yr Female nondiabetic presnets with parasthesiasof feet due to idiopathic senile peripheral neuropathy, B12: normal, diet: normal. Tried application of local anestetics on sole but got no benefit. She seeks medical treatment?
This is not a good place to ask medical questions, at least not when somebody's health is in danger. She needs to talk with a doctor.
Hmmm..... It's a tricky one. So, here is a tricky answer from my side.\n\nOn their current form India looks capable of winning the WC 2007, Infactany team can win it. If we look at the ICC ODI Ranking Table then we would see that Australia is 1st and way ahead. But competition is strict from 2nd to 7th as South Africa is marginally ahead of Pakistan who is followed by India, England, Sri Lanka, and New Zealand. This shows how close these teams are when it comes to their standard of play and their consistency. It also means that from 2nd to 7th Position any team can beat its opponent (Even Australia, As New Zealand has just proved it by beating Australia in a record chase). So I think any of the Top Seven teams can won the World Cup on its day. Now a days ODI cricket has become so unpredictable that any thing can happen. \n\nComing back to the question, I would say that Aussies are favorites to defend their title but a bad day can stop their march towards a dream hat trick. Apart from Australia, every other team (i.e.; England, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, South Africa) have equal chance to win the WC 2007. Any of the above mentioned team can make Aussies pay for their mistakes on the certain day. So, I would say that, India has equal chance of winning the World Cup 2007 as any other Top 7 team, with Aussies being the Favorites.
what can i use for packaging?
We actually just unpacked our good china from the boxes for Christmas dinner. It's all stored in a huge box (50 lbs worth of dishes) and it's packed with foam padding (like the type you use when you put down floors or rugs), cardboard and tissue paper. You have to make sure you pad and wrap everything individually before stacking them in the box. You can also pour foam peanuts (from the post office or a packing store) in the box after you put all the dishes in before you seal the box. Don't forget to mark it FRAGILE!
I have a retail store with one year left on my lease. I am wondering when would be a good time to start talks with the landlord. Should I wait for another 3 months or perhaps 6 months? Or should I let it be known I want to extend it now?
I would start to plant the seed with the landlord soon. You will be in a better position to negotiate with him if you have more time and thought invested. Start by dropping hints and let him know what you like and dislike about where you are. Also check out what similar areas in other retail locations are renting for. Not for the sake of moving, but to use in your negotiation process if needed.\n\nNegotiating is like dating. Not many people say yes to a marrige proposal on the first date. You have to court that person for some time before popping the big question.
And the email's attachment with virus. I wonder if the email is really from Yahoo or not.
This looks like a fake email.\n\nLegitimate Yahoo email headers would look like this, including a confirmation by Yahoo! DomainKeys:\n\n\n"Yahoo! Answers" \n<> \n\nYahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by
tell me where he is so we share that 25 million dollars award
I don't know where he is but I do know one place where he hasn't been. Our local pizza shop will give the person who captures him, free pizza for life, so I know he hasn't been brought in there yet.
Could please tell me the logic of solving a magic cube with six faces having six different colours suffeled in disorder (I mean the real solid cube.)\n\nThanks \nBarbie N
Unless you know about group theory, there is going to be no mathematics involved to solve the Magic Cube(better known as Rubik's Cube). To read about relation between group theory and Rubik's Cube, visit\n\nThere are a lot of different algorithms to solve Rubik's cube. Layer by Layer is the most suitable for beginners. Fridrich method is popular among speedcubers. One that I use is mixture of these two algorithms and my average time is about 70 seconds. Good speedcubers have average of about 15 seconds.\nTo find out more about speedcubing visit\n\nIf you just want to solve the cube without learning how to solve it, you can visit\nto repair your cube.
what is pi to the hundred decimal
3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989 3809525720 1065485863 2788659361 5338182796 8230301952 0353018529 6899577362 2599413891 2497217752 8347913151 5574857242 4541506959 5082953311 6861727855 8890750983 8175463746 4939319255 0604009277 0167113900 9848824012 8583616035 6370766010 4710181942 9555961989 4676783744 9448255379 7747268471 0404753464 6208046684 2590694912 9331367702 8989152104 7521620569 6602405803 8150193511 2533824300 3558764024 7496473263 9141992726 0426992279 6782354781 6360093417 2164121992 4586315030 2861829745 5570674983 8505494588 5869269956 9092721079 7509302955 3211653449 8720275596 0236480665 4991198818 3479775356 6369807426 5425278625 5181841757 4672890977 7727938000 8164706001 6145249192 1732172147 7235014144 1973568548 1613611573 5255213347 5741849468 4385233239 0739414333 4547762416 8625189835 6948556209 9219222184 2725502542 5688767179 0494601653 4668049886 2723279178 6085784383 8279679766 8145410095 3883786360 9506800642 2512520511 7392984896 0841284886 2694560424 1965285022 2106611863 0674427862 2039194945 0471237137 8696095636 4371917287 4677646575 7396241389 0865832645 9958133904 7802759009 9465764078 9512694683 9835259570 9825822620 5224894077 2671947826 8482601476 9909026401 3639443745 5305068203 4962524517 4939965143 1429809190 6592509372 2169646151 5709858387 4105978859 5977297549 8930161753 9284681382 6868386894 2774155991 8559252459 5395943104 9972524680 8459872736 4469584865 3836736222 6260991246 0805124388 4390451244 1365497627 8079771569 1435997700 1296160894 4169486855 5848406353 4220722258 2848864815 8456028506 0168427394 5226746767 8895252138 5225499546 6672782398 6456596116 3548862305 7745649803 5593634568 1743241125 1507606947 9451096596 0940252288 7971089314 5669136867 2287489405 6010150330 8617928680 9208747609 1782493858 9009714909 6759852613 6554978189 3129784821 6829989487 2265880485 7564014270 4775551323 7964145152 3746234364 5428584447 9526586782 1051141354 7357395231 1342716610 2135969536 2314429524 8493718711 0145765403 5902799344 0374200731 0578539062 1983874478 0847848968 3321445713 8687519435 0643021845 3191048481 0053706146 8067491927 8191197939 9520614196 6342875444 0643745123 7181921799 9839101591 9561814675 1426912397 4894090718 6494231961 5679452080 9514655022 5231603881 9301420937 6213785595 6638937787 0830390697 9207734672 2182562599 6615014215 0306803844 7734549202 6054146659 2520149744 2850732518 6660021324 3408819071 0486331734 6496514539 0579626856 1005508106 6587969981 6357473638 4052571459 1028970641 4011097120 6280439039 7595156771 5770042033 7869936007 2305587631 7635942187 3125147120 5329281918 2618612586 7321579198 4148488291 6447060957 5270695722 0917567116 7229109816 9091528017 3506712748 5832228718 3520935396 5725121083 5791513698 8209144421 0067510334 6711031412 6711136990 8658516398 3150197016 5151168517 1437657618 3515565088 4909989859 9823873455 2833163550 7647918535 8932261854 8963213293 3089857064 20467
Tried to send my Reume to IDRC and FAO for consultancy/project job assignment but failed due to the reply of Hotmail service that it is no longer free to email to these organizations.Further, I am a resident of Pakistan, I request how to communicate to my required destinations.\nThanks.
And this is chemistry how??
I was wrongly charged for some services that I did not order from Sprint. I contacted Sprint's Fraud Management, filled out the paperwork as instructed and mailed them in. Its been three months and I have not heard anything from that department. I have not been able to contact them to find out the status of my complaint. My question is: "How can I deal with this problem and get that false charged off my credit report?"
I recommend checking your credit report to see if Sprint has placed this account on there. The only company that gives free credit reports offered by the government is If the Sprint account is on there but you never opened any account with them you might be the victim of identity theft. Your first step is to place a fraud victim security alert on your credit report which lasts approximentally 3 months to a year depending on the credit bureau. Your next step is to go to your local police department and file an identity theft report. Once you have a copy of your police report send it in along with a letter disputing the account as not belonging to you to the credit bureau. They will send a copy of your police report to Sprint for you and block the account from appearing on your credit report.
If it is better to turn it down at times, wouldn't the heater kick in more (and therefore use up more gas) to warm up the extra chilly air? The gas company tells me to leave it on at the same temp throughout, others tell me otherwise - and I have no idea who is right. Should I really trust the company who stands to gain more profit from me getting higher bills (even though I lean towards their rationale)?
You are better off turning it down at night. You can get a programmable thermostat so you don't have to do it manually. You can get a 7 day programmable (recommended if you will be changing the temp every day) or a 5/2 (changes it only on weekends). I'd recommend a White-Rodgers 1F80-361
like in the movie THE DAY AFTER TOMMORROW
Yes Not only NewYork but a lot of countries will loose its lands to killer waves. Miami which was built on the ashes of an valcono will be submerged and a lot of south east asian countries also will be destroyed by these waves. This is happening because of the melting of ice in artic, antartic ice selves. \n\nThis raises the water level and all the low level places will submerge
I have head this word a lot of times but did not understand it. what does it mean?
A blog is a website for which an individual or a group frequently generates text, photographs, video or audio files, and/or links, typically (but not always) on a daily basis. The term is a shortened form of weblog. Authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called "blogging". Individual articles on a blog are called "blog posts," "posts," or "entries". The person who posts these entries is called a "blogger".\n\n * Electronic communities existed before internetworking. For example the AP wire was, in effect, similar to a large chat room with "wire fights" and electronic conversations. Another pre-digital electronic community, amateur (or "ham") radio, allowed individuals who set up their own broadcast equipment to communicate with others directly. Ham radio also had logs called "glogs" that were personal diaries made using wearable computers in the early 1980s.\n * Before blogging became popular, digital communities took many forms, including Usenet, e-mail lists and bulletin boards. In the 1990s Internet forum software, such as WebX, created running conversations with "threads." Threads are topical connections between messages on a electronic "corkboard." See "Common terms," below.\n * Diarists kept journals on the Web: most called themselves online diarists, journalists, journallers, or journalers. A few called themselves escribitionists. The Open Pages webring contained members of the online-journal community. The first famous journaller was probably Justin Hall.\n * Other forms of journals kept online also existed. A notable example was game programmer John Carmack's widely read journal, published via the finger protocol.\n * Websites, including both corporate sites and personal homepages, had and still often have "What's New" or "News" sections, often on the index page and sorted by date.
i just need to know to night if possible.
They provide training, equipment, management support, marketing support, supply management, and product development. And sometimes they offer financing and consulting. But there are no guarantees. Even franchises can fail.
it has dark spots now and i don't know how i could get it off... if i can't, it's totally fine... i'll just use it for dirty work or throw it away...
try using a flat iron in a low setting and pressing tissue paper between the flat iron and your shoes, the heated butter will go to the heated tissue, drying up the dark spots in the process.
In the how retain the style of the contents in the textarea and store to the database.When I use it I can restore the style.
Is very easy. If you are using a textarea with a HTMLArea (WYSIWYG) and you want to stores the styles, the solution is to store in the database all the content of the posted field (when you submit the page the content of the textarea will include the formated text, e.g. <p align='center'><b>foo</b></p>). Next, when you want to extract the content from the data base, it's piece of cake because if you want to show it, it's already formated and you will see as the original. \nIf you want to put it in the textarea just write in the HTML source file the following:\n<textarea ...><% // echo the extracted content here %></textarea>\n\nI hope this will help you.
i blew up this blood spatter, because im in forensic science, and i want a clear picture, not like where u can see the digital dots, but a clear picture how do i do that, when it is blown up. what programs do i use ?? help??
If you blow up a photo and you see a lot of pixels, there really is no way to clear it up, even though you may sometimes see people on TV do it.\n\nIf sharpening doesn't work (be sure to use "unsharp mask", it allows a greater degree of control than other sharpening options), then I don't there's anything you can do. You can't add information to a photo that is not already there (which is what you are doing when you blow up a digital image and see pixelization).
Whenever I find a stash, I keep going back to it and sneaking some. I want to break this habit!
When I learned I was diabetic, I first tried to not eat any chocolate. Then I discovered that just a small amount (half a dozen mini chocolate chips) would satisfy my craving without blowing my diet. Something along this line might work for you, too.
I need information for a science project for my middle school daughter. The hypothesis, data, purpose of watches. Maybe charts, graphs. or internet pages where I can search the information.
Basically, you have two types of watches a old school wind up mechanical and the new modern quartz watches. In each of these two types you can have more quality controlled manufacturing of the mechanical components to produce a more accurate watch.
you can check out
check out the OAV I've seen both and while the TV is kinda stupid the OAV was really good!
Any one inside europe know where to find "DATSUN PARTS" GTX 1973-1977
You can find these parts at the following websites :\n\n\n\n\nHope It Helps
Is this procedure available to general public? Are there any side affects or dangers on future health?
No. It is not available to general public. He had to submit to this procedure due to the skin desease he has called Vitiligo. \n\nThis illness destroys the skin pigmentation in some areas of the body... causing that in a black person skin (like Michael) appear big white patches.\nThe process Michael had was to destroy the pigmentation of the rest of the still coloured skin when the illness was too advanced and he could not put make up on the white patches like he did in the beginning (Late 70s, early 80s)\n\nAlthough I think it is not too dangerous, since its a common procedure to treat patients with advanced Vitiligo it has side effects. This process destroys the pigmentation of the skin, that is the natural protection from the sun, so you have to be very careful with your skin. Especially you cannot be exposed to the sun. That's the reason Michael wears dark clothes, mask, fedora and umbrella most of the times he goes out.\nAnd probably you will have to put some creams for the skin, sun blocker or even take special medicine. \n\nThough I'm not so sure of how much this may cost... I bet it's a lot.
he is 20 years old& i 17
Use the will help you decide.
This is supposed to be done while the Guy is fully clothed.\nDon't really know, have heard so many answers.
Whatever they say, it is probably wrong. It is not correlated with the size of any other body part.\nI guess the best estimation would be from the bulge they can observe in the area, in various situations :)
I am 50 years old, single and on a fixed income;SSI disability.I am looking to relocate and want to choose the best area for help since I have no family.\nThank you.
It is my understanding that SSI disability is a federal program under Social Security. Therefore there is no difference in the benefits received in different states.\n\nInstead of looking for more money, perhaps you should consider finding where it's less expensive to live on the income you have.
Without being too bold? I just get sick of people buying me stuff that I do not want. I usually declare things pretty boldly, and then I don't get those items.
I don't think it's in bad form to send around a wish list to your relatives and friends. I actually prefer it when I get a wish list for someone 'cause I always worry that I'm getting them something they don't want.\n\nIf you're into books, games, dvds, or cds, Amazon has a wish list function built in that's searchable by name, so creating a wishlist on there and letting people know about it would be a good way to hint to them what you want. Plus it lets them pick depending on how much they want to spend on you.
My hotel, in Colorado, (as well as all the hotels in this brand) require a mailing address in order to check in. The reservation process can NOT be completed unless an address is put into the system. A guest last night told me it was against the law for me to ask for his mailing address...that it was an invasion of his privacy. He proceeded to tell me that in his business- banking- that it was an invasion of privacy to ask for an address. I asked him if I were to show up at his bank and try to open an account without giving an address, would he do it, and he said that he is legally not allowed to ask for an address. I disagreed with him and he gave a false address anyway. \n\nPlease, in the future, refrain from treating me as an imbecile and simply ask me to add more information to my question. Me not giving enough information in the original question means only that I am unfamiliar with laws and NOT that I am uneducated. : )
Tell him, that if his check or credit card "bounces", how are you going to know where to look for him...\n\nAlso, if he pays cash, and then trashes the room, you still want to know where you can "track him down!"\n\nThink of it as a short-term rental agreement. He doesn't get what he wants, until you get what you need, or at least have the "security" to know how you would be able to recover that consideration in the future, should the need arise!
Britney Spears has filed a $20 million libel lawsuit against Us Weekly, charging the celebrity magazine published a false story reporting she and husband Kevin Federline had made a sex tape and were worried about its release.The lawsuit, filed Monday, seeks $10 million in libel damages and $10 million for misappropriating the 24-year-old pop singer's name and image to promote sales. It also seeks unspecified punitive damages."We have a very credible source and we stand by our story," Us Weekly spokesman Alex Dudley said Tuesday in a statement.According to the lawsuit, the article was published Oct. 17 in the magazine's "Hot Stuff" column and claimed that Spears and Federline feared the release of a secret sex tape, which they had viewed with their estate planning lawyers.The article stated that Spears gave a copy of the tape to the lawyers on Sept. 30 and that she and her husband were "acting goofy the whole time" while watching the video. Your Thoughts?
She's way over rated and just wants to be in the spotlight like she used to be
hi.. i just wanted to say thank you 4 answering my Q. unfortunately I don't know the answer of your's.
I want my regular HTML hyperlinks to look and behave like a button. I know CSS does it, but I can't seem to find the right settings.
Try this! apply this class to the link\n\n.button {\nfont: bold 11px Arial;\ntext-decoration: none;\nbackground-color: #EEEEEE;\ncolor: #333333;\npadding: 2px 6px 2px 6px;\nborder-top: 1px solid #CCCCCC;\nborder-right: 1px solid #333333;\nborder-bottom: 1px solid #333333;\nborder-left: 1px solid #CCCCCC;\n}
Half the people that come to my ER have NON-EMERGENT complaints and the half that do, think they should be treated as if they're dying. Most people don't know what pain is. They think that life can exist with NO PAIN and NO SICKNESS. They think just because they're being seen by a Physician that there should be some kind of INSTANT DIAGNOSIS with a MAGICAL PILL that make all their pain and weakness go away. REALITY CHECK!! There's no such thing. With the happiness and joy that life brings there is also sometimes PAIN and SADNESS. It's unavoidable. When you come to the ER, don't expect MCDONALD'S drive-thru style service with %100 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.
When someone goes to the Emergency Room it's usually because they have never felt so sick. Or had such pain before. They hope they can be treated right away because it is scarey to feel so bad and they don't want it to get worse. If you can't be understanding and caring to these people then find another job. You don't seem to be the type that has deep enough feelings for somenoe else.
Also can you give me some sites where I can host it?
broadcast it to sites like, or; also use usenet binaries, ect to host.
Assuming the average life span is 70 years.
my idea\n \n70(years) * 365(days) * 6(hours in day) * 60(minute)\n\n=> 25% of my life is wasting\nbecause\nI does sleeping 8h in day that 5-6h was better.\nI does eating 2h in day that .5h was better.\n.\n.\n.
Greenhalgh was drafted as a pitcher from Folsom High School in Folsom, Texas as the 548th pick in the 1971 June draft. This much I know is true. He is currently, alledgedly, a pro baseball scout. There is no record of him having ever played for the Phillies according to their media guide, I can find no major league stats for him anywhere and I have not located a baseball card for him. He is dating my sister and claims he played in the majors for 7 years, mostly with the Giants. I think he is a fraud, but perhaps he at least spent some time in the minors or, though unlikely, maybe I just haven't looked in the right places. Anyone who can provide me some answers would do me a great service and might just prevent a relationship disaster from happening. lists every major league player that has appeared in a game, and does not list Greenhalgh. (It essentially replaced the old Baseball Encyclopedia.)\n\nIf his claim is that he was a professional player, that is certainly possible, since minor league players are professionals, and you know he was drafted. He may also have been a coach or instructor of some kind. There are no good complete sources listing minor league players or coaches, or even scouts. Much baseball scouting is done by people who are essentially amateurs, who receive a commision for refering good prospects if they find one.
I have a 1994 Honda Civic coupe that has Nokya artic purple pro halogen headlights in it. I was pulled over last night and told by 2 officers that they were illegal and I needed to replace them. Is their a law against having them?
Yes. "A person shall not operate a motor vehicle with a colored transparent or translucent substance or material installed, affixed or applied on or in front of the head lamps, the auxiliary driving lamp or the auxiliary passing lamp or combinations of the head lamps, driving lamp or passing lamp that would obstruct, reduce or interfere with the visibility or effectiveness of the head lamps or that would change the color of light emitted. This paragraph does not prohibit the placement of clear transparent material mounted in front of the head lamps, fog lamps or auxiliary driving lamps."
Many analysts think that our moral standards, especially amonst the young is going downhill. What should we do to improve our image??
Push the religious "right" out of power and influence. Those who cry the loudest about moral values or family values seem to be the least moral of all.\n\nThose who seek to push their beliefs on others are neither moral or right (i.e. conservative). \n\nWe improve the true moral character of our leaders our image will follow.
Can anyone let me know the name of company and cost of card in euros !!
Are you saying that the laptop does not already have a wireless card in it. Most new laptops sold are already equipped with 802.11g (aka 54g) wireless cards. I would check your manual or specs to make sure that it doesn't already have a card in it. If it doesn't read on.\n\nIf you want to use WiFi in your home then you will need a router. My personal favorite is anything by Netgear but any basic WiFi router should serve your needs.\n\nAs I said above if your laptop doesn't already have a WiFi card, then you will need to get a PCMCIA or USB wireless adapter.\n\nI would bet though, that the new laptop does already have a WiFi adapter in it.
Over the last 3 years I have kindly notifed my landlords of the things in my apartment that were not working properly ie; leaky windows, mold etc. Plus there were problems that came unexpectedly ie; flood and oil buildup in front drain which came into the foyer etc.\nThey have fixed one or two things in the meantime, but I am moving now and I feel I'm going to have problems getting my security back. They seem to conveniently forgotten in the past about the things that were wrong and I'm afraid they will say I made those problems.\nThey let the lease expire after the first year but I still have my original. They seem to be avoiding the topic and have a new tenant coming in the day after I move out(whom I feel bad for). They live UPSTAIRS from me and I can't help it if they don't care about their house.\nI need to know what to do to protect myself. If I take pictures and write a statement about the conditions can I get it notarized?\nI'm moving out by Jan 1st. What can I do?
Yes, you can get the document notarized, but that will not make the document any more valid in court than a non-notarized document.
Im looking for a job, please help me.
my girlfriend was a hostess at a chain restaurant... places like chili's and red lobster pay 8-10 an hour for hostesses where i am from... usually no experience needed.
Hi, \n What should I learn to create simple DOS graphics by controlling pixels on the monitor. I already know how to control pixels in assembly, but i wanted it in C
This will let you create ASCII art, which is character mode graphics. Should work with a PC and any other computer as well. Which is good; it means people will be able to read them on other computers if they get them in their emali or look at them in their web browser or word processor.
Were can i find fan fic for the old t.v show popular
This link will take you to the list of tv shows currently available on\n
Do you think I will take notice of my own question?
cant stop now..must look infinity and beyond!
Christ was a Jew and if we follow the teachings that happened in the Old Testament, then why do we not celebrate that, too?
A very sensitive question to be sure. Hanukkah means re-dedication and it is a time when present-day Jews re-dedicate their faith. As many people know it is certainly not as important of a holiday as Passover, Yom Kippur, Shavuot, and other Jewish holidays. Most of the over-importance heaped on Hanukkah is due to its timing when comparing the Hebrew calendar to the Roman calendar. I personally find it ironic that the 25th of Kislev (the Hebrew calendar date for the first night of Hanukkah) is associated with the 25th of December (the Roman calendar date for the observance of Christmas). \n\nSo on to your specific question. There is no good answer why Christians do not celebrate Hanukkah. In the spirit of global tolerance and of coming together Christians may want to light a menorah to usher in the holiday time. After all there are an increasing number of Christians that celebrate the Passover holiday; even if it is likened to Christ's Last Supper which was undoubtably a Seder. \n\nOne of the most poignant discussions on the significance and relevance of Hanukkah to Christians is from Reverend Ricky Hoyt. I have included it as source. \n\nHappy holidays!!
I can download videos from my camera, but I can't get the image to show up, just the sound plays, what am I doing wrong?
What format are the videos stored in. It could be you are missing a codec to play that particular format but until I (we) know what format they are in now (provide the file extension if you don't know) then it is nearly impossible to know what your problem is.
i know his full name and cdc# but can not seem to find a site that will allow me to locxate him online
California is one of the states that does not put inmate custody or release information online. If you want location information you must contact the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation by telephone at (916) 445-6713.
I am currently looking for great technical partners for a new Internet and IT startup. I already know about, but I was hoping to find out about similar websites or ways to find great people.
If you're looking for technical people you could try forums/mailing lists of open source projects close to your domain.
ex. Dukes of Hazzard, Starsky & Hutch, King Kong, Posieden Adventure, War of the Worlds...
It depends on the movie. I found the new Jim Carrey remake of what is it, the 77 movie Fun with Dick and Jane ok. It was like he is a great (if not the greatest) comedian right now and I thought the movie impeded itself, even with him. \n\nStarsky and Hutch I thought was good. Great acting and good story. \n\nI think the originals remain in part better than the remakes. But, it depends on the actors in my opinion.
I have watched this stock "FURA" for several months, I am a trucker and this company seems it may change the transportation industry as I know it. I would love to get paid for helping other drivers get loads. But the stock seems volatile and I don't have money to lose. Thx.
I would stay away from penny stocks. This stock is at a 52 week low for a reason. Also, penny stocks can be manipulated easily with pump and dump schemes.\n\nYou're better off putting your money in other transportation stocks like JB HUNT or Fed Ex. Both are excellent companies.
I want to build a vaction home in west africa (in Cote d'ivore near abidjan ideally)how can I find a reliable agent? or source
I'm a real estate agent in Texas (Just a disclaimer)\n\nYou can try the US Embassy in that country - their internet site is\n\nJust an FYI - Unless the laws have changed (and with all the turmoil over there they may have), you can own property, but only in urban areas. Rural areas are off limits. The legal system over their is.. weak, and therefore obtaining a mortgage or owning a property outright (freehold) is very difficult. For this reason most real estate transactions are leaseholds.\n\nIt's been a long time since I've sent a referral to Africa, but I might be able to dig up a good qualified professional in Abidjan to help you out. E-mail me and we can talk.
I got one virus or worm from one of those MP3 downloader, please suggest the best free antivirus/ worm software
I'll let you on a little secret. Most anti-virus companies offer users free online virus-scans. It's great because it's always up-to-date and there's no registration needed! Try it out and hopefully it'll help out with your virus/worm problem.\n\nOne thing though: You will have to use Microsoft Internet Explorer in order to perform the scan. Some of them will be able to use Mozilla or Netscape but it's not a given.
sir, if you know the detailes of it kindly inform to me.
Please visit . This is the official web-site of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. You can start after higher secondary education (through CA Foundation course) or after graduation (through CA Prof.Edu-II, which is the erstwhile CA Intermediate). All the best!
Yes, that's my question. I've seen so many American series with homosexual (men) in it, of which I remember "Spin City" the most. But I'm not sure that series gives the correct picture of homosexual men/women in USA. Thanks.
There's no one correct picture of homosexual men, because everyone experiences it differently. And of course television shows are trying to entertain you rather than being strictly accurate, so that changes things.\n\nI have known many gay men (and my next door neighbors are lesbians) and in urban areas, gays are generally accepted without it being a big deal to anyone. They rightly point out that sexuality is only a small part of someone's entire life and personality, so it's poor manners to make too big a deal of it.\n\nThat said, homosexuals still have to deal with harassment, which becomes more of an issue in rural areas. Also many families are not comfortable with their sons and daughters being gay which can also cause strain.
My brother and I are 58 and 60 years old and are considering going to a good golf school in the south the week of March 20, 2006. We normally score about 95 for 18 holes. Need recommendations based on personnel experience.
Ben Sutton Golf School in Tampa Florida. I attended in Sept. This school has a simulated course, so you are not just on the driving range all day like the other schools. You are actually practicing actual shots. I attended the 7-day school. If you go request Charlie Tawse as your instructor. By far he is the best. He played on PGA tour for 10 years in the early 1970's.
I challenged a high school kid with this problem and now I'm not sure I know the answer. Help!\n\nA = 1 + 1 + 1 + ... = infinity\nB = 1.1 + 1.2 + 1.3 + ... = infinity\nC = A - B = infinity - infinity = 0\nHowever,\nC = (1-1.1) + (1-1.2) + (1-1.3) + ... = negative infinity\n\nWhich is it?
C = A - B = infinity - infinity = undefined :-), not 0.\n\nIf you have the specific series for A and B, then you could technically substitute them into C and figure out C for different {A,B}.\n\nThe short answer is this: not all infinity series are the same, so their difference is really not zero.
It says it needs a Micro-ATX Form Factor, but I was just browsin' eBay and I seen Mid-ATXs and ATXs... Are those the same thing and will the Micro-ATX fit in those? Any guidance?
Micro-ATX form factor means that your board will fit in smaller micro-atx cases. However, you can still install micro-ATX board in mid-ATXs and full ATXs. Most ATX cases can accommodate micro-ATX sized boards.
I heard that cargos were out.
WAAAAYYYY out of style. oh my god. like totally.
I've gotten these rashes on my lag and i been itching them alot, its from the knee up but not around the private. What can it be?
dont know. but you should see a doctor
hi,\n\ni have an msn email address rg., <username> \n\nhow can i register it in outlook express ? i have win xp prof system. with sp2.\n\npls help.\n\ntnx
Setting Up Mail Servers in Outlook Express\n\nSometimes simple questions are maddeningly difficult to answer. A recurring example is the apparently simple "How do I set up my mail server in Outlook Express?" The easy answer is simplicity itself: Click Tools, click Accounts, click Add, click Mail, and then just follow the wizard. The wizard asks for your name (easy), your e-mail address (also usually easy), and then asks you to set up your mail server. It is here that the easy answer all too often fails since many users, especially new ones, not only don't know the names and type of their mail servers, but also often don't know what a mail server is.\n
i mean what is the reason for creating it ?\nis it a way to profiling people and knowing how everyone thinks and his believes ?
Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a journal (or newsletter) that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs generally represent the personality of the author or the Web site.\n\nA blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary/guide site, although there are as many unique types of blogs as there are people.\n\nPeople maintained blogs long before the term was coined, but the trend gained momentum with the introduction of automated published systems. \n\nTo see a few specific types of blogs look here:\n\n
Remember, catch a cab, get a ride, sober up, run a marathon, stay where you are, etc...
Good Advice!! Have a wonderful holiday!
I'm not sick. I dont have a cold. But somtimes I just smell and taste the cold/mucas. especially when I'm running, swimming, or breathing hard. Sometimes I dont smell anything though. its only at times. What can I use to drain the cold/muscas away?
Although mucous is a natural and necessary part of the body's system, too much can be very annoying. Taking echinacea can help. Using antihistamines will resolve the problem, but will MORE THAN LIKELY cause other problems down the road. Also, try drinking more water and juices. Caffinated drinks and sodas can actually make the problem worse.
Regularly I visit my website to see what the counter is at. How do I stop it from counting up when I visit? I know there is a way to do this, I just forgot where I saw it. I also like to edit the webpage and keep going to a browser to see how it looks and it adds another hit. Basically, my question is, is there a setting I can set that will stop the counter from counting up when I, the creator of the site, visits?\n\nThanks
Yes you can, there is usually an option that looks like "Exclude hits from xxx" where you fill in the xxx with your own IP address.\nWithout giving us the exact hit counter you are using, it is pretty much imopssible to explain exactly how to do it though.
My customer is business class or high class people, and they have no time to answer any form or question to get their opinion.\n\nBut I need to know what they are thinking about us, and if our restaurant is good or not. If not then what is it? \n\nHow can I do?\n\nThanks
If the same people keep coming back, its a sure sign they like the dining experience.\n\nOffer a Free Dessert at end of meal on the condition if they fill out a questionaire.\n\n"Were offering free dessert to everyone who fill out our survey tonight, would you care to participate?"
Not convicted or known child molesters. what would help deter someone from doing it for the first time?
castrate in public those who are found guilty, show them what they might have in store for them.
What is the best source of all the stupid/funny/awkward quotes by George W. Bush?
A Bushism is a word, phrase, or other grammatical configuration unique to the style of President George W. Bush while speaking publicly and usually extemporaneously.\n\nHere is a list of Bushism:\n\n * "I mean, there was a serious international effort to say to Saddam Hussein, you're a threat. And the 9/11 attacks extenuated that threat, as far as I—concerned." -- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Dec. 12, 2005\n * “Wow! Brazil is big.”, after being shown a map of Brazil by President Lula da Silva. November 7, 2005\n * "I think it's important to bring somebody from outside the system, the judicial system, somebody that hasn't been on the bench and, therefore, there's not a lot of opinions for people to look at." —George W. Bush, on the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court, Washington, D.C., October 4, 2005\n * "We look forward to hearing your vision, so we can more better do our job." -- Gulfport, Miss., Sept. 20, 2005.\n * "I'm also mindful that man should never try to put words in God's mouth. I mean, we should never ascribe natural disasters or anything else, to God. We are in no way, shape, or form should a human being play God." --Appearing on ABC's 20/20, Washington D.C., January 14, 2005\n * "I believe we are called to do the hard work to make our communities and quality of life a better place." --Collinsville, Illinois, January 5, 2005\n * "I refuse to be sucked into your hypnotheoretical arguments." -Indianapolis, IN, October 15, 2004\n * "I want to thank my friend, Sen. Bill Frist, for joining us today. … He married a Texas girl, I want you to know. (Laughter.) Karyn is with us. A West Texas girl, just like me." -—Nashville, Tenn., May 27, 2004\n * "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." -—Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004\n * "I want to remind you all that in order to fight and win the war, it requires an expenditure of money that is commiserate with keeping a promise to our troops to make sure that they're well-paid, well-trained, well-equipped." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2003\n * "See, without the tax relief package, there would have been a deficit, but there wouldn't have been the commiserate — not 'commiserate' — the kick to our economy that occurred as a result of the tax relief." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2003\n * "[T]he Iraqis need to be very much involved. They were the people that was brutalized by this man." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2003\n * "[T]he best way to find these terrorists who hide in holes is to get people coming forth to describe the location of the hole, is to give clues and data." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2003\n * "Justice was being delivered to a man who defied that gift from the Almighty to the people of Iraq." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2003\n * "This very week in 1989, there were protests in East Berlin and in Leipzig. By the end of that year, every communist dictatorship in Central America had collapsed." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Nov. 6, 2003\n * "America stands for liberty, for the pursuit of happiness, and for the unalienalienable right of life." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Nov. 3, 2003\n * "[A]s you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Oct. 28, 2003\n * "The ambassador and the general were briefing me on the — the vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world. And we will find these people and we will bring them to justice." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Oc
I am trying to look for someone located in Sunnyvale, California. I know there is another search instead of using people search. Can anyone help me?
You need SuperMan for finding your someone.
How can I access my email account if I forgot both the user ID and the password?
Contact your service provider (the company you have the account with.) They're the only people who can help you with this.
Seriously, can it work out in the end-given a situation where each person comes from a completely different background. And don't answer with all the PC garbage. Whats the truth here?
i'll tell you what, you want a straight up answer? i'll give you one! all PC crap aside. i have been all over this planet and seen some pretty awesome things and dated some very foreign women. in the end i have learned that there is two things that make this a little more difficult than dating some one of your own class and ethniticity. 1) parents- they make life difficult on every level of this because they are usually stuck in a oneminded track of how things ought to be. usualy because thats how they were brought up. but even thats a poor excuse for their offten tired and outdated principles. most times they just have a cankering of racial bigotry in their heads just like everyone else. they usually make things twice as difficult on their dughter/son as what things already are and in the end the child will usually claim allegiance to them and their wishes. it snot fair and you cant really do much about it. this is usually the biggest reason for "intermixed" relationships to fail. 2) each other- you to individuals are in most cases born of two completely different worlds. in each of these worlds there are certain rules and traditions that are generally expected to be followed without question (parents usually play a role in this also). often times you two individuals get these rules and traditions crossed or confused and guess what? problems occur! whats worse, is mosot times you blame eachother for not understanding the other or you tell eachother that the other refuses to listen or learn. the fact is, both times it all depends on the want or need to make it work. it can and often times does work out, but not without a whole lot of headache and elbow grease. you want to take this person on, good, but make damn well sure they want to take you on. there is a such thing as "slumming it", and you will find people out there that know they are going to end up with a person of their own race and class but are interested in playing with something a little differernt for a while. more often than not, and dont take this personal, but it is usually the female that gets this idea. guys dont usually particulary care too much about and too tell you the truth, the most bigoted and hard headed people i have ever met were mothers. they can play hell on their children if they dont approve of them spending their lives with some white boy, or this black girl of yours, blah,blah,blah..its hard man, you just got to have a pair and go for it in the end if its what you want. sometimes you cant control the outcome, but you can work to make the outcome better than it would be if you just left it for what it is on ts own. thats the truth in it from how i see things. everybody is different, thats how i look at things too. nothing ever exactly works out too plan. there wil always be a glitch or hitch somewhere, just make it work for you and your other instead of getting stuck on it. if your in that relationship than you should both know that it isnt interracial, its interpersonal. you two, together, or you two falling apart. thats the best i can explain it to you.
i just want to know what happens when u tak the morning after pill because me and my girl had unprotected sex and then we went to the youth health center so she took the pill and she said that she menstruated again after she had her period again so im just curious does this mean that she is pregnant
The morning after pill basically forces the woman to have a period, thereby alleviating virtually any possibility of being pregnant. In nearly any case, you will not remain pregnant if you have your period, most especially if it was that early after conception.
i was just wondering since i had just recently seen her movie Cheaper by the Dozen 2 and she is too skinny...she looks way older
'cause it is the thing to do. Look at all the stars her age-all unhealthy looking. The olsens, hilary, lindsay. Give these girls a cheeseburger
Then she goes and tells everyone it was you who gave her the idea which isn't true? All your friends know it is not true and that it was the other person. Even though you know it doesn't matter your friends know what is true and not true you still feel awful? What do i do to feel better?????
me as a people person i would go up to the friends thats being bad and talk to them if you listen and try to hammer in that you are listining people will talk they may have some bad pent up feelings that just came out that way. so talk is all i can say.
If god was always there how do you explain the fossil record, the big bang, and 4/6 of the world not bevileing in jeusu. Which means they go to hell, which is hard to belive. How do you explain Lucy, the fisrt homind and the first human like creature that live 6 millions years ago. How do you explain that the first people were Adam and Eve, but were really the first people were black. If one of you people can disprove elovution right now i would be amazing.
no one can disprove evolution, only ignorant christians think that evolution didn't occur
if not, then what is a good test?
I would say that SAT is a poor measure of "how smart you are", it really isn't a intelligence test.\n\nThe SAT does have a rather good record of predicting college success, but it doesn't tell the whole story. It also use to have some major cultural biases which causes white men to score better, although it is claimed that has largly been fixed. Also much of college success is about time managment. If you work hard, you should do just fine.
For the past few years the both medical domains have recorded a high rate of development. With the introducing of CT scan the imagistics have broaden their area of diagnosis,from discovering small cerebral infarcts, to mediastinal tumours.\nAlso, the new surgiacal technics of plastic surgery have opened a new page in the domain of reconstructing and redefining human fisionomy.\nSo, my question needs an answer: which branch of medicine should I choose? Thank you.
experience has shown me that if you pick based upon money you will be unhappy in the future. \n\nyou will find a job, no matter what you do. question is what you like.\n\nif you really want to pick taking everything into consideration - future employment, tolerability over time, pay - pick medical imaging - particularly interventional radiology.\n\ngood luck.
My son went click happy aand moved it verticle to the right side and I cant move it back. HELP!!
Right click on it and make sure that there isn't a check next to "Lock the Taskbar". If there is, uncheck it. Now, left-click on an empty space of the taskbar and drag it to the bottom of the screen. Right-click on it and check "Lock the Taskbar" so it won't move again.
It is so nice outside, I'm having a major motivation problem today. What would you be doing right now if you could.....
i think i would like to be lying on the beach somewhere tropical, sipping on some fruity drink. enjoying the blue water, the sand between my toes, the sun on my face.mmmmmmmmm thanx. i needed that!
What is the highest temperature ever measured?
On September 13, 1922, El Azizia in Libya recorded a temperature of 136 degrees Fahrenheit (57.8 Celsius)! Death Valley in California makes for a close second, though. On July 10, 1913, it got up to 134 Fahrenheit. Whew. That is HOT. Best,
how can they go through all the words in a million or so pages in less than a secong?
They cache all the websites in advance and the results we see is not real data but based on data in the database. If you click the cached link you can find the date of the cache
Hi my name is Whitney Boyer.I am in 6th grade.I am doing a Science Fair Project.My BIG QUESTION is how does temperature affect the germination of a plants growth?
Temperature affects both the germination (sprouting) and growth of plants. Check out the site below for more details, including one science fair project on germination and temperature.
he wants to play pro baseball ....\nhow do i contact a scout
Contact athlectic directors at colleges, especially the ones he may plan on attending.\n\nOr you might try contacting some of the minor league teams scouts in your area.
im buying a new stove just wanted to know which one is better and why?
Gas for me, it bakes nicely and broils beautifully
Who was the best Bond? Why?\n\nSean Connery?\nGeorge Lazenby?\nRoger Moore?\nTimothy Dalton?\nPierce Brosnan?
I knew this would come up sooner or later. The best, the original Bond, Sean Connery. No good reasons but all the other Bonds are second to him.\n\nBut I do like the Bond movies with Pierce Brosnan in them because of the better special effects and the comical relationship he had with "Q". Timothy Dalton was also a pretty good Bond and he had a resemblance to Pierce Brosnan.\n\nLazenby, now he was probably the worst Bond ever, he was in what, one Bond movie and it's the one I hate most.\n\nBut Sean Connery was in a stinker Bond also, the one where he plays that holographic game called "Domination" or something like that, I can't remember the name of it but I think it is one of the worst Bond films ever.
clean ones please life after all is a big joke.
what would u do if ur sister have on tall high heells and fell flat in the ground.
Guaifenesin (guai for short) is an expectorant medication that helps thin and loosen mucus in the lungs, and is found in most over-the-counter cold medicines. I have read that guai can help treat IBS, but that it (Guaifenesin) must be used in pure form either with prescription tablets, or over-the-counter strength tablets or powder. Anybody have any experience using this to help with their IBS?
Since you are asking for a personal experience with this drug, I cannot be of any help. And there are very few people who were treated with guaifenesin for IBS cause its still an anecdotal treatment but you might wanna grab a book called The Guaifenesin Guide: For Treating Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Paperback) written by Gregory K. Penniston.
i have cable connetion with my wirelss router and the signal for the router is there and im connected for a little while and the signal strength says 54mps few seconds later it drops to 24 sometimes 1mps. sometimes the router just doesnt show up. ive run ad_aware and spy bot and whats been found has been deleted.I cant thinfk of what else i can do? please help i was barely able to stay connected long enough to write this!
You could be experiencing interference from other appliances that transmit at 2.4 ghz (cordless telephone?) Or, you might need to lower your packet rate. Try packets first, than give Linksys a call to reset transmission. Go to the HTTP address that belongs to your router to access the settings. Don't forget to enable security!
Well, it works...\n\nMaybe the site was down a few minutes