53801 ::: La confession (2016) ::: drama ::: Under the German occupation, in a small French town, the arrival of a new priest arouses the interest of all women... Barny, a young communist and atheist woman, can not however be more indifferent. Driven by curiosity, the young skeptic went to the church in order to challenge this.
53802 ::: Daddy's Home (2014) ::: comedy ::: With a young daughter, two baby mamas, and his own mama breathing down his neck, Ronald "R.C." Carr (Travis Winfrey) has got more ladies in his life than he can handle! He's one hit song away from fame and fortune as a music producer, but he can't seem to find the rhythm that makes him a good, reliable father. Between his love interests (Caryn Ward and Chyna Layne) scheming to get him to settle down and his unresolved issues with his own father, R.C. has got some growing up to do. It'll take finding the right harmony of love and forgiveness to be a real man and a true father.
53803 ::: It Is No Dream (2012) ::: documentary ::: The latest production of Moriah Films is It Is No Dream: The Life of Theodor Herzl, exploring the life and times of Theodor Herzl, father of the modern state of Israel. Narrated by Academy Award winner, Sir Ben Kingsley and starring Academy Award winner Christoph Waltz as the voice of Theodor Herzl, the film examines how Herzl, a well known journalist and playwright, an assimilated, Budapest born Jew, horrified by the Dreyfus trial in Paris and the anti-Semitism he saw spreading across Europe, took upon himself the task of attempting to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine against all odds. Over the span of 8 years, Herzl organized and led a worldwide political movement that within 50 years led to the establishment of the state of Israel. The film follows Herzl as he meets with Kings, Prime Ministers, Ambassadors, a Sultan, a Pope and government ministers from Constantinople to St. Petersburg, from Paris to Berlin, from Vienna to Vilna in his quest to build a Jewish nation.
53804 ::: The Lamb (????/II) ::: thriller ::: A shocking tale of young innocence facing a sinister evil. A small religious sect harbors gruesome secrets, within an unthinkable way of life. These secrets lead to unintended consequences and a dark and violent transformation from the sect's most unlikely of members. This young devoute midwest pre-teen, Nomi, is increasingly overcome with uncontrollable urges of blood lust. While Nomi's violent transformations threaten those within the congregation, they could be most devastating to the church's leader, Thomas. The threat of Nomi and the potential exposure of Thomas's dark secrets hurl the two toward a savage confrontation.
53805 ::: "Game for It" (2001) ::: reality-tv ::: Three inexperienced climbers attempt to scale Alpamayo, one of the highest mountains in Peru. Then an attempt to fly from South America to South Africa in a special craft called a microlight. And Steve Backshall packs his ruck-sack and sets off for Israel.
53806 ::: Dean Smith (2015) ::: documentary ::: Coach, mentor, social activist... the life and legacy of Dean Smith, North Carolina's legendary basketball coach. Who went to 11 Final Fours and and won two National Championships, with players like Michael Jordan, James Worthy, Vince Carter and Jerry Stackhouse. Smith, is remembered and celebrated by former players and colleagues.
53807 ::: A Picture of Birmingham (2005) ::: documentary ::: To compliment a new series on England, this one-off special follows poet Benjamin Zephaniah as he tours Birmingham recalling the influence the city had on him as he grew up there and its continued influence on his work and life today. Charged with composing a poem about the city he revisits the areas of his youth, from Soho Road in Handsworth to Villa Park in Witton - home of Aston Villa football club. As his personal journey continues he visits his old schools and stomping grounds looking for inspiration.
53808 ::: See You Off to the Edge of Town (2002) ::: comedy ::: A Chinese mother and father come to LA from Hong Kong to attend their youngest daughter's graduation. It's a family reunion of sorts, as the eldest daughter, who runs a travel agency in New York, attends as well. The youngest wants to take her parents to see the sights, so they take a trip to the Grand Canyon. Along the way, the car breaks down. The youngest daughter calls her boyfriend, a Chinese-Indonesian, who appears on the scene in the desert driving a 1953 baby blue Cadillac hearse - complete with coffin stocked with cold drinks and ice cream. This creates more conflict between the daughter and her controlling, highly critical mother. Along the way, more about the parents and their relationships are revealed.
53809 ::: "Take the High Road" (1980) ::: drama ::: Greg explains to Paul why he has offered Eric a job at the marina. Dougal is grumpy because of the redecoration of the cottage. Inverdarroch cheers up after being persuaded to go to the market with Morag and Dougal until - - Mrs Mack has a word with Alun. Fiona offers Susan a job. Tee Jay and Kenny are invited back to Carol and Lynne's cottage after the disco. Eric tells Greg he would like the job at the marina.
53810 ::: The Gertie at Thirty (2015) ::: history ::: "Great Lady in Dirty Oil Town Builds Theatre Palace for College Kids." That's a headline Gertrude Krampert would have loved. Gertrude Krampert was a colorful, worldly woman whose love of theatre was wholly unmatched in central Wyoming. The Gertie at 30 commemorates the Gertrude Krampert Center for Theatre and Dance at Casper College. The "Gertie" turns 30 this fall. The story behind the theatre's origin and its rise to prominence as the elegant regional home of top-quality entertainment is a compelling tale. The documentary blends a rich variety of local lore and legend with past voices and historical perspectives to honor the grand and generous lady who bought a theatre and thus elevated Casper College Theatre and Dance to impact the national stage. This unique glimpse into Casper history will deepen your appreciation for "Gertie", and for the many students who have proudly called Mrs. Krampert's glorious playhouse, "home".
53811 ::: Escape the Living Dead (2016) ::: short ::: A VR experience seen through the eyes of a bitten survivor, as a group of heavily-armed neighbors desperately try to escape a zombie horde, only to find themselves blocked in by the military. Will they escape, and even if they do -- what will happen to the bitten survivor?
53812 ::: Barrura begiratzeko leihoak (2012) ::: documentary ::: Five directors portray five Basque political prisoners. A young woman counts the days remaining before she is arrested. A man returns to society after 17 years in prison. A mother records every phone conversation she had with her imprisoned daughter on 125 cassette tapes. An intellect and professor of journalism tries to find himself from the solitude of his cell. And a former ETA leader reconnects with a close friend from his youth, now a filmmaker. "Windows looking inward" gives a brief insight into the lives of the people behind the bars, behind the events, behind the headlines.
53813 ::: Me, Joe & B.T.K. (2008) ::: documentary ::: ME, JOE & B.T.K. is the debut feature documentary from Paul Nixon and Matthew Clyde. Part road movie, part investigation, it tells the story of the filmmakers' journey to the heart of America's most shocking modern-day murder mystery. In January 1974, notorious serial killer, the B.T.K. Strangler, claimed his first victims in Wichita, Kansas. A present day Jack the Ripper, the Strangler would Bind, Torture and Kill seven victims over the next five years, writing gleeful letters detailing his crimes to a police force in utter turmoil. The letters and killings then ceased completely. No sooner had the Strangler arrived, than he had vanished into thin air. In March 2004, 25 years later, a local newspaper receives a letter - B.T.K. is back. This compelling documentary follows the B.T.K. story from the first brutal murders through to the present day, revealing both the complexity of the case and the scale of impact on the local community. Extensive interviews with law enforcement, former suspects and a criminal profiler provide a reliable tip-off as to the identity of the Strangler, suddenly taking the filmmakers out of their comfort zone and into a heart-racing manhunt. Compelled by mounting evidence, Nixon and Clyde take matters into their own hands and team up with private detective Angela Byrd in a bid to locate and confront their suspect Joe Grill. Believing they might just have their man, they engineer a face-to-face meeting. Is this really B.T.K? Or has their tireless quest compromised their subjectivity?
53814 ::: The Identity Game (????) ::: thriller ::: Vucetich was born as Ivan Vucetic in Croatia, then part of the Habsburg Monarchy. In 1882, he immigrated to Argentina. In 1891 Vucetich began the first filing of fingerprints based on ideas of Francis Galton which he expanded significantly. He became the director of the Center for Dactyloscopy in Buenos Aires. At the time, he included the Bertillon system alongside the fingerprint files. In 1892 Vucetich made the first positive identification of a criminal in a case where Francisca Rojas had killed her two children and then cut her throat, trying to put the blame on the outside attacker. A bloody print identified her as the killer. Argentine police adopted Vucetich's method of fingerprinting classification and it spread to police forces all over the world. Vucetich improved his method with new material and in 1904 published Dactiloscopía Comparada ("Comparative Dactyloscopy"). He traveled to India and China and attended scientific conferences to gather more data. Juan Vucetich died in Dolores, Buenos Aires.
53815 ::: Eric Brown: A Pilot's Story (2014) ::: documentary ::: Captain Eric Brown RN is one of the most accomplished aviators of the 20th century. He has played a major part in the evolution of flight and set records in the process that will never be broken. He recalls his amazing life in this new feature length documentary.
53816 ::: Locker (2009) ::: short ::: LOCKER follows the emotional journey of a teenager suffering depression and loss. Faced with the recent loss of his mother, a father who is not coping and has become aggressive towards him, a difficult time at school, and a younger brother who doesn't understand, Tim Kelly has become confused, lonely and withdrawn. Forced to reconsider the path before him, Tim cleans out his locker and leaves school, and looks set to leave home and maybe take a further tragic step. Through jumps in time we reveal the series of events that lead to Tim's decision, and how Tim is saved from his destructive path by the unspoken love of his brother and father, and help from another troubled boy who ultimately becomes a friend.
53817 ::: The Private Affairs of Bel Ami (1947) ::: drama ::: Writer Georges Duroy (George Sanders) is one social-climbing S.O.B. who does most of his climbing over the warm (and cold) bodies of women. He begins with Rachel (Marie Wilson), a hanger-on in the cafes and Folies Bergere crowd, and then moves on to dally with Clotilde de Morelle (Angela Lansbury). Always striving to move upward on the social scale, he ditches her to marry Madeleine Forestier (Ann Dvorak). Now he gets on the fast track. He persuades Madame Walter (Katherine Emery), the wife of his publisher, to fall in love with him, and then compromises Madeleine to frame a divorce, so he can pursue Madame Walter's daughter, Suzanne (Susan Douglas, before somebody decided her later-married name was her most-often used screen name). He moves along so well that ere long he is in legal position to usurp the title of one of France's most noble houses. The moral, at the end, is it is okay to mess with French women, but triffling with French titles is going too far.
53818 ::: Everybody's Got a System (1965) ::: documentary ::: Using his own personal system, gap-toothed British comic Terry-Thomas calculates the roulette odds on his computer at a posh London gambling house in one of the scenes from the B.F. Goodrich tele-special. The hour-long special will take a lighthearted, but penetrating, around-the-world look at gamblers and their games, from penny-ante poker players to the bet-a-million Wall Street brokers.
53819 ::: "Kalabsh" (2017) ::: action ::: Police officer accused by murder that he never did it . The murdered man is witness in another crime and he is killed by another police man during investigation . The police officer run away seeking for evidences that make him anoncent . Drama action and romance .
53820 ::: Burnside (2007) ::: drama ::: Three vignettes about life on Portland's infamous avenue. Dusty, a burnt out military reject, can't find a job and, to make matters worse, his girlfriend is pregnant. His luck seems to change when he meets up with an old childhood friend who promises to change all of that, but it very well may cost him his morality. Jack, a troubleshooter and code programmer at a high-tech software firm, is experiencing a reawakening about his job, his girlfriend, and his life. On the outside, his downward social spiral seems to be liberating him from the monotony of the cubicle. However, on the inside, something else is terribly wrong, and it's only a matter of time until it all comes spilling out. Asha, a young high school student, dreams of escaping her restrained family and social life and longs for understanding. Her thoughts manifest themselves in intricate rhyme patterns inspired by her main influence in life, Hiphop music. Her introspective rhymes begin to find a voice through her experiences with the few who support her and those who are out to take advantage.
53821 ::: Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) ::: documentary ::: An unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's really going on in our world by following the money upstream - uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
53822 ::: 7 Petala Cinta (2012) ::: drama ::: Hamka is a graduate from University Al-Azhar who is engaged to the daughter of his teacher, Saidatul Nafisah, before migrating to Yemen to further his studies. However, in actuality, Hamka just wants to finish writing the whole al-Quran by hand in order to present it as his future wedding gift. Not long after Hamka left for Yemen, a political conflict and a war between Yemen rulers break out, and soon, his family receives reports that Hamka is dead. Despite that, her fiancée, Nafisah continues to wait patiently for Hamka's return, while Attar, a man who longs harbored feelings for Nafisah, begins to approach her. This is the story of one woman's dedication and love to her man that withstands all obstacles.
53823 ::: O'Mally Rides Alone (1930) ::: western ::: Mounties O'Mally and Calhoun are sent to see why miners are not returning with their gold. Arriving, they recover the gold from a robbery attempt. O'Mally who was not seen decides to put away his uniform to let the outlaws think Calhoun is the only Mountie. Just as Sassoon's men who are after the gold capture him, Calhoun arrives and he confesses to the murder of the miner to escape them. He then has Calhoun tell Sassoon where the gold is planning to trap him but Sassoon's men knock out Calhoun before he can release O'Mally from his jail cell.
53824 ::: La bimba di Satana (1982) ::: horror ::: In the crypt of the remote castle of the Aguilars lies the recently-deceased body of Maria. Her husband Antonio is a jealous bully, his mute brother Ignazio is in a wheelchair peeping on his caretaker Sol, a novice. Also present are Miria, the couple's virginal daughter, and Isidro, a factotum who fears Satan's power. A frequent visitor is Juan Suarez, a doctor who wants Miria in a sanatorium for a month. She doesn't want to go. Isidro tries to exorcize the castle's evil spirits. Bodies pile up. Is Miria's mother truly dead, and who is Satan's tool?
53825 ::: "Giffoni Film Festival" (2007) ::: family ::: Giffoni Film Festival is founded in 1971 by Claudio Gubitosi to promote and develop cinema for children. The format of the festival centers on the jury being composed entirely of children. Therefore the jury selection is in fact the children's' selection. In his 1982 visit to the festival, Francois Truffaut complimented in his letter that "Of all the festivals, Giffoni is the most necessary". For 6 years now GFF has created a network of festivals in the world under the Giffoni World Alliance using the same format to promote films for children around the planet. Giffoni Hollywood is a testimony to the success of this format. Robert De Niro, Oliver Stone, Meryl Streep,Jeremy Irons, John Travolta, Wim Wenders, Ben Kingsley, Kathy Bates, Krzystof Kieslowsky, Roman Polanski, Danny De Vito are just a few of the stars that have been guests to the festival in its 38 years of activity. The complete list includes practically the most important writers, actors/actresses, directors and producers of Italian cinema in the last 4 decades.
53826 ::: Changing Sands (2009) ::: documentary ::: Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, has gone through an enormous transformation in the past 60 years. Changing Sands, the first feature documentary to be produced by PyraMovies, is a breathtaking film that will give viewers a glimpse into the amazing history and future of a part of the world that is destined to be on everyone's lips for many years to come.
53827 ::: Just Friends (1993) ::: music ::: Jack has a tenor saxophone and he plays jazz. In the 1950s, in the Belgian harbor town Antwerp, there is not a lot off future for a jazz musician. Jack and his band try to earn a living by playing at weddings and the odd tea party, usually resulting in mixed emotions and hilarious scenes. Most of the time, he earns a living by unloading bananas in the Antwerp docks. Jack is convinced that New York is the place to be for a jazz musician, but where will he get the money for the big trip? And what is more important: a woman or a saxophone?
53828 ::: The Student (2017/I) ::: thriller ::: After leading a jury to wrongly sentence a man, Abigail enters her new teaching job at the law school with a newfound commitment to ethics. When she takes over her new class, it includes Vincent, an intensely ambitious student who will do anything for an A. When Abigail fails him for academic dishonesty, Vincent threatens that he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. As Vincent's devious plot begins to unravel, she must take her life into her own hands, or Vincent will take it himself.
53829 ::: Maria 38 (1959) ::: comedy ::: Maria is a young woman who becomes a well-known crook in the bohemian district of Lapa, in Rio de Janeiro. She earns her living with little scams and tricks. Nevertheless, she is good-hearted, and that's why her latest cheat doesn't work at all.
53830 ::: Out of Athens Part 1 (2000) ::: adult ::: Blessed by the gods, with a handsome face and a noble physique, Johnny Brosnan sets out on his personal odyssey to conquer new worlds. Armed with a bit of luck, deception, and enough daring bravado, the young Adonis journeys to Greece, forging hot, sexual bonds and alliances and he endures a gang bang payback for his duplicity with a pantheon of god-like, sun-bronzed titans.
53831 ::: Night Guards (2015) ::: short ::: Two night guards, belonging to different generations and different epochs, this, as every other night are repeating what they did while they were alive. Generation gap in the other world becomes evident, too. And everything would be so endless if, this night, two live people didn't enter that world of theirs.
53832 ::: American Dreams ... Stories of Immigration (2017) ::: documentary ::: America, since the beginning of its history, has served as a haven for those who are in search of a place to live free from the things which have compelled people to move. AMERICAN DREAMS...STORIES OF IMMIGRATION chronicles the stories of immigrants who explain their decisions, or a decision made for them, of abandoning their homeland to come to America. This intimate documentary discusses the history of our country's immigration and examines the driving forces, among them fear, poverty and persecution and hope that make men and women risk everything to come to America.
53833 ::: How to Be a Model (A 12 Step Plan) (2003) ::: documentary ::: The idea of modeling brings to mind the "glamorous" high stakes world of the supermodel, complete with fame, fortune, and addictive disorders. But what about the majority of women who make a living on catwalks, billboards and in magazines? Filmmaker, and ex-model, Allison Beda sets out to demystify the profession by mapping the 12 steps on the road to success. Yet, faced with a job that prioritizes virtually unattainable external qualities and promises daily rejection by prospective clients, it quickly becomes apparent that modelling also entails a process of recovery. From New York to Paris and Toronto, Beda follows her friend, international model Peggi Lepage, as she embarks on what will likely be the final year of her career; given that a youthful appearance is a prerequisite, the need to move on to new endeavours is inevitable. With "go-sees," agency meetings and castings, the myriad challenges and contradictions of Peggi's career emerge. Many of the most insightful moments in the documentary arise when Beda must confront her own role as filmmaker. As she finds herself drawn back into the world of modeling, she re-experiences its lure firsthand but also re-discovers its pitfalls. Drawing on interviews with agents, former models and even Peggi's mother (who is protective but supportive), Beda ultimately tests the limits of Peggi's resolve. Their divergent perspectives begin to drive a wedge in their relationship and Peggi threatens to withdraw from the project. The end result is a revealing guide to being a model, filmmaker and friend. Following the work and life of international model Peggi LePage, filmmaker (and ex-model) Allison Beda sets out to demystify the road to success. As Beda finds herself drawn back into the world of her subjects, she re-experiences its lure firsthand but also re-discovers its pitfalls.
53834 ::: "Exploring Horizons" (1999) ::: documentary ::: Exploring Horizons travels to the remote corners of the globe to look at what brings us together, what sets us apart and what ignites our passion to explore. Far out destinations, unusual perspectives, fascinating storytellers: together these elements achieve a unique portrait of each place, and inspire us to look at the world through different eyes.
53835 ::: Dying of a Light (2006) ::: drama ::: The title character Diamond Palladium narrates a perilous journey, which is familiar to some, known to a few, but told by none. The story begins in the nineteen seventies when Palladium is born into total chaos and rescued by a strong woman. He embarks upon an odyssey, which is all too natural in regards to his genetic coding, but contrary to his moral home teachings. This serious life threatening, life-loosing narrative gives a unique view into the actuality of clandestine events that take place subsequent to young adults leaving their parents nest. Experience the picturesque waterfront criminal campus in historic Virginia, the raw sounds, smells & mind state of the Jersey City & Newport News Street Ecosystem. An interesting thought provoking insight into the sociocultural theoretical perspective of urban youth.
53836 ::: The Last Nomads (2016) ::: documentary ::: Cut off from the world, deep in the desert of Tunisia, without papers and birth certificates, The last six families from 'Rebayaa' tribe maintains a nomadic lifestyle. We discover their day-to-day life, its traditions, songs and music. Their decision to end with this lifestyle and take the road to the 'civilized" world, the borders between Tunisia and Algeria and how to get a citizenship becomes the community debate.
53837 ::: The Duke Is Tops (1938) ::: musical ::: Duke Davis has invested all his savings to back his sweetheart, Ethel, in a road show over the old T.O.B.A. circuit, on which they have both been performers since childhood. Marshall, a New York talent scout, makes an offer to Ethel as a single and, to induce her to take it, Duke writes a fake check, made out to him, for $5000 pretending he has sold his contract with Ethel to Marshall. Resentful and heartbroken, she accepts and becomes a big hit in New York. Marshall then books her at the swanky Century Club, plans her show himself, and it flops miserably. Meanwhile, Duke has used his last resources to start a new show, but without Ethel it also fails. He joins the Doc Dorando medicine show, and with him as the speiler for the quack elixir sold by Dorando, it is successful. He becomes Doc's partner with an elaborate trailer and a company of entertainers, including Willie Covans, the Basin Street Boys, The Cats and the Fiddle, "Rubberneck" Holmes and Joe Stevenson. Money is rolling in but he drops everything to hurry to Ethel's side when he hears of her misfortune. Ella, Ethel's faithful companion and maid, has also told Ethel of Duke's sacrifice in order to give her a chance in New York. Duke talks the Century Club owner, Fenton, into allowing him to build an elaborate show based on a medicine show concept, and sends for Doc Dorando and the other entertainers.
53838 ::: ABBA in Australia (1976) ::: music ::: The export version of an Australian television special that ABBA made in 1976, featuring the super group singing a number of their songs in the TV studio, interspersed with filmed scenes in and around Sydney, Australia. The special was included on the deluxe edition of the 'ABBA' CD.
53839 ::: Between the Lines (1998) ::: short ::: Between the lines is a visually lyrical experimental documentary about women who cut themselves. The film is about gray areas in women's relationship to their bodies in the context of deliberate selfharm. the women in this film negotiate the fine lines between self destructive behavior and self-preserving coping mechanisms, as well as personal marking and the record keeping of experiences that defy language.
53840 ::: Caught in the Act (2017) ::: comedy ::: Theatre kids are some of the most unique people you'll ever meet. It's basically an athletic team for the kids that don't do sports and love attention. Especially in the deep south these flamboyant or otherwise outcast set of young people need somewhere that will accept them. And that's what this theatre is. A set of outcast, homeschool, or otherwise exiled set of young adults looking for a place to go. These kids all have some sort of creative aspirations. The city they are in though has limited opportunity for that. This series follows this set of young adults as they pursue their passions or interests through the theatre. We watch them put on improv shows weekly to try to bring enough money into the theatre to pay rent. We watch them rehearse daily for both scripted and improvised shows. And finally we watch as their attention spans dwindle and really nothing ever gets done.
53841 ::: Butch Camp (1996) ::: comedy ::: Closeted young gay man gets fed up with being pushed around and signs up for "Butch Camp", a macho-training boot camp run by a very butch lesbian.
53842 ::: La mal'ombra (2007) ::: drama ::: A year in the battle of the people of San Pietro, in the province of Vicenza. Starting in May 2006, on the day the Conference of Public Services gave the permission for construction work to begin on a zinc factory without taking its environmental impact into consideration.
53843 ::: "Voennaya razvedka. Pervyy udar" (2011) ::: war ::: Series "War Intelligence Service: the First hit" is the prequel to the first season "War Intelligence Service: Western Front line" and it covers the first months of the Great Patriotic War and the operations of the intelligence officers in 1941-1942. The outline of invasion code-named ŤBarbarossať is being executed The Germans are moving fast along the invaded Soviet lands. Our characters are challenged by the need to rescue the science men with their families who were taken hostage at the time of their summer vacations. It becomes an almost impossible task for them to destroy a military soviet factory invaded by the Germans. Bringing a Soviet resident back into the German back land would become a mentally challenging psychological game. And it's not enough to just bring him back, his reputation has to remain unquestionable! In the fourth episode the intelligence officers are taken on a challenge of overthrowing the Nazi Germany economic agenda that Germans imposed on the territories taken over by Reich. While on that mission, our heroes will have to not only destroy the Ťgoldenť shipment of Reichsmark, but also kill the man behind the new economical notions, the Gauleiter of Belorussia. As usual, the intelligence officers would take on challenging enemies and impossible tasks, but with the force of their reckless courage, cleverness and friendship they manage to deal with all the "special cases".
53844 ::: Dhurandhar Bhatawdekar (2015) ::: comedy ::: Dhurandhar and Bhatawdekar are diametrically opposite personalities made to live as roommates in a facility administered by an attractive 55 year old Mrs. Damle. Three levels of romances occur in various age groups. A juvenile love track in the form of Mrs. Damle's daughter and her fiance from college, a middle aged romance of Dr. Patkar and the gym trainer Fiona Gonsalves, and a mature romantic triangle of the two central protagonists with Mrs. Damle. This however transcends into a sort of a Tom and Jerry situation with Dhurandhar and Bhatawdekar pitted against each other in a romantic battle to get the girl. The rest of the cast supports either one in this battle. The film deals with some pertinent issues of senior citizens as well albeit in a very funny manner.
53845 ::: The Girl Who Would Be Russian (2001) ::: drama ::: Based on real stories of a community of Russians who settled in rural Maine: a once-famous ballerina, a priest who may be a soviet spy, a girl whose imaginary friends are the murdered Russian Royal Family, a real-estate operator, and an American girl who wants more than anything to be Russian.
53846 ::: The Miso Soup (????) ::: thriller ::: Kenji, twenty something, is a Japanese 'nightlife' guide for foreigners, touring them around Tokyo's sex clubs and hostess bars. Guiding an American named Frank, Kenji wonders if his strange, plastic-skinned boss could be responsible for some of the gruesome events recently reported in the news.
53847 ::: House of Lungula (2013) ::: comedy ::: Harrison, overworked and underpaid is looking for money for bride price. A 'business' opportunity presents itself when he gets the keys to the Company house. With the CEO away on holiday, he has access to a vacant fully furnished house. He decides to cash in... Easy money doesn't always come cheap.
53848 ::: Weather Boy! (2016) ::: animation ::: As a son of a weatherman, Jamie, follows his father to a weather station in Switzerland where he is going for his further research. There is a weather simulation machine which can simulate and predict the weather of different time periods. However, one day while they are doing the research they saw a scene that looks like the end of the world. In the beginning they think it is due the technical malfunction, but eventually they realized it is not a machine problem, and the world will be full of disasters if people don't change and protect the earth. So, they decide to take action immediately, and do their best to delivery this information to everyone to save the earth.
53849 ::: Mom and Dad (1945) ::: drama ::: Because a high school girl's parents refuse to discuss sex education (called "personal hygiene" in the film) with her, she gets pregnant by her boyfriend, who conveniently dies. Her parents are blamed, and the local sex education teacher uses this opportunity to show a film showing the dangers (and results) of VD and the birth of a baby.
53850 ::: The Craving (1916) ::: drama ::: Oliver Bailey, a substitute for star player Foster Calhoun on the Newbridge College football team, owes a lot of money to gamblers, and in order to repay it he decides to throw an important game. He tricks Calhoun into drinking too much and when Calhoun is unable to play, Bailey is sent in his place. He deliberately throws the game, but the college holds Calhoun responsible for the loss and expels him. Having lost his reputation, his girlfriend and becoming a pariah in town, he turns into a hopeless alcoholic. Traveling west, he hooks up with a dance-hall girl who tricks him into marrying her. However, he soon receives some good news regarding his old school, but it may be too late for him to take advantage of it.
53851 ::: Roba da ricchi (1987) ::: comedy ::: 3 episodes set in Montecarlo. In the first one a priest is compelled to become the lover of a princess. In the second, a con woman tries to cheat an insurance man. In the third, a man has to deal with his wife's suicidal attempts.
53852 ::: Our island: Lipsi (2017) ::: documentary ::: Come on a crystal blue water journey with director Angelique Papadelias to the Greek island Lipsi, located in the Dodecanese, Greece. You will experience first hand, their life, culture and unique ability to survive the economic crisis through their self-sustaining and organic farming lifestyle. French Artist Dominique Renson shares with us her exclusive island studio and the local community share with us the secrets to island living and the beauty of it's surrounds.
53853 ::: PorNO (2010) ::: drama ::: Max films his friends having lecherous fun at his own birthday party; unaware of how it will change his life. Just out of high school, by haphazard, he becomes a big porno producer. His father, a principled police major, chases porno makers, not suspecting that one of them lives in his own apartment. Hoodlums and girls from good families, corrupted policemen, petty dealers find themselves in a luring and scary world of porno.
53854 ::: 22.03.16 (2017) ::: short ::: On March 22nd, 2016, Brussels was shook by three coordinated suicide bombings. This was the city's response - one of love and union. After hearing of close friend Andrei fleeing Brussels in the wake of the devastating terrorist attacks on March 22nd, Sam Holding felt compelled to make a film about the city's response to such an atrocity. The overwhelming sense of peace and unity took the film in a direction we could never have predicted. The combination of the city's inspiring beauty and its citizens' resilience lead us to find our message: 'L'Union fait la force' (Unity makes strength).
53855 ::: Georgia Florida Line: Life on Stage (2014) ::: documentary ::: Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley are a dynamic duo. Their unique fusion of traditional, and modern country, has taken the world by storm. The duo became a household name with hits like You're Country, Man I Am Today, and Cruise. This is a story of how Florida Georgia Line, picked up their guitars, and rose to stardom.
53856 ::: Plein sud (1981) ::: drama ::: In France in the near future, revolt and chaos erupt. A right-wing politician, Philippe Muphand, is set to take control when his lady friend Caroline walks out, announcing she will take up with the first fool she sees. The fool is Serge Laine, a professor and author of the prize-winning "Le voyage qui ne finit pas," headed to the train station for tickets to Barcelona where he and his wife will enjoy a second honeymoon and he will lecture at the university. Caroline seduces Serge, and he soon abandons wife, family, job, and honesty to embrace Caroline, the romanticism of Jack London, and murder.
53857 ::: Maddalena (1971) ::: drama ::: A woman is desperate to find real love in a steady and secure relationship. A priest is doubting his ability to cope with celibacy. When she decides the priest is the man she wants, erotic tension and self-questioning about true Faith fill up the air.
53858 ::: Lindenflair oder Hannover-Linden (2011) ::: documentary ::: Last Saturday Hannover-Linden presented his multicultural side and offered a varied program with a participatory character in the foreground. And there were plenty of reasons to celebrate: - 150 Years "Young Linden" - 50 years "Freizeitheim Linden" - 40 years "IGS Linden" - 30 years "DGB-Choir" - 20 years of "Faust" and - 10 years "IG Ahrbergviertel".
53859 ::: It Takes Two! (2016) ::: adult ::: When husband appears to have become bored with their marriage, his pretty blonde wife attempts to add zip to their relationship. She first tries a bit of self-bondage, but when that doesn't help, she appeals to her shapely neighbor, a psychologist by trade, for assistance and soon the sight of two bound and gagged women are stoking the husband's ardor.
53860 ::: Children of the Feud (1916) ::: drama ::: Pap Clayton a Mountaineer has promised his daughter Sairy Ann ( Dorothy Gish ) to his cousin Jed Martin, but Sairy Ann loves Dr. Richard Cavanagh ( Sam DeGrasse ), the son of Judge Lee Cavanagh In the midst of a feud between the Claytons and the Jacksons, a jealous Jed sets out to kill Richard. Jed shoots a deputy who gets in his way and so is taken before Judge Cavanagh, whom the Claytons have threatened to kill if Jed is convicted. The Claytons are true to their word when Cavanagh finds him guilty, and Richard immediately vows to kill Jed, who has escaped. Sairy Ann, however, reminds Richard that he has railed against family feuding and has said that only the law can take a life. A sobered Richard captures Jed and hands him over to authorities, and then, after he has forgiven the Claytons, he and Sairy Ann become engaged.
53861 ::: A Company of Heroes (2012) ::: documentary ::: They were the "other" Band of Brothers. A Company of Heroes features interviews with many of the men not focused on in the book "Band of Brothers" by Stephen Ambrose or in the television mini-series by the same name. Never before seen video and photos are also included in this film. Airing on American Public Television.
53862 ::: La cantata dei pastori (2012) ::: comedy ::: Razzullo is a scrivener hired by the Emperor Augusto to take a census of all the Empire citizens, who is keeping on looking for stratagems which allow him to satisfy his hunger. On his way he runs into Sarchiapone, his looney countryman, barber and violin scraper, on the run because he has cheated a gangster. They handle together many vicissitudes in order to earn some money to buy something to eat. In the meanwhile, Mary and Joseph are travelling looking for a place in which waiting for Baby Jesus' birth, pursued by Plutone, Lord of underworld, and the four little devils in his service.
53863 ::: The Apache Kid's Escape (1930) ::: western ::: After escaping from Sheriff Lang, the Apache Kid takes a job on the Wilson ranch as Jim. Wilson's hand Ted Conway uses the kerchief given him by Jim and robs the stage. But his Apache Kid impersonation fails and he is jailed. Jim's job now is to set Ted straight, return the gold, and put the Apache Kid name to rest. Following a narrow escape from the sheriff, the Apache Kid takes up the romantic problems of Ted Conway, who has just been informed by Frank Conway that Ted is not his son but an orphan picked up on the plains after his parents were killed in an Indian attack. Rancher Larry Wilson rejects Ted's request to marry his daughter, Jane, and accepts Frank Conway's offer to destroy his mortgage note, that Frank holds, and pay a large sum of money in return for Jane's hand in marriage. The Kid clears Ted of a stagecoach robbery, pulled by Frank, obtains the note for Wilson, throws the pursuing sheriff off his trail, and moves on to clear his own name of a false charge.
53864 ::: Flush (1995) ::: short ::: At the end of time. In the heights of the city. The morning toilet is a deadly game. The contract in the cinema. Localization is followed by application. The glimpse succeeds in startling. The power of the object now always goes beyond it.
53865 ::: One Day in Africa (2009) ::: documentary ::: In Kenyan offices and Malian farms, in Moroccan tea houses and Nigerian huts normal people of various backgrounds go about their day. For them, life in the developing world isn't about desperate squalor or improbable triumph; it's a complex, imperfect existence at odds with the stunning pictures beamed out from African safaris or the sad stories written to spur donations to Western aid groups. On a single day at the messy juncture of tradition and modernity, six people from different geographic and cultural backgrounds describe six versions of the African story.
53866 ::: Tadmor (2016) ::: documentary ::: Amidst the popular uprising against the Syrian regime that began in 2011, a group of former Lebanese detainees decides to break their long-held silence about the horrific years they spent imprisoned in Tadmor (Palmyra), one of the Assad regime's most dreadful prisons. They decide to testify publicly about the systematic torture and humiliation they experienced. To reclaim and overcome this dark chapter in their lives, they rebuild Tadmor in an abandoned school near Beirut. By playing the role of both "victim" and "victimizer," they will relive their survival.
53867 ::: Professor Green: Hidden and Homeless (2016) ::: documentary ::: Professor Green sets out to discover the modern face of homelessness, changing our perceptions of who the homeless are and the harsh reality of their lives. From the shocking streets of Manchester, where rough sleeping has doubled in the last year, to meeting those trapped in the same cycle of temporary hostel life and sofa surfing, he uncovers a generation of people without access to normal society or to their futures.
53868 ::: Oranje Hein (1936) ::: comedy ::: There is trouble brewing in the Jordaan when Ant wants to divorce Thijs and their daughter Mientje is dating a posh boy called Herman. Meanwhile Ant's parents are about to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary, but their youngest daughter Fien is more interested in pursuing a handsome cabaret singer.
53869 ::: Das kalte Eisen (2013) ::: documentary ::: The volume of arms seized or turned in and annually destroyed by Baden-Württemberg's arms disposal service is said to be measured in tons. It's a measure taken to minimize violence, or at least "opportunity" - such as the one taken by a 17-year-old boy in March 2009 when he took his father's gun to his former school and killed 15 people. Jana Schober and Selina Marx were among the victims. Jana's father and Selina's mother have been actively working to support the destruction of firearms ever since. The amateur shooters, hunters and gun collectors, though, are rather sceptical, sometimes even angry, about this so-called "review of Winnenden". And then there is the local gunsmith, who makes excellent precision firearms and suffers because nowadays his profession is more despised than a prostitute's. Thomas Lauterbach takes a close look at the personal concerns of his protagonists, giving us extraordinary insights into the different perspectives on the issue. His film examines very diverse facets of the question of guilt and responsibility. But above all, he finds astonishing ways to shake up a specific view of life.
53870 ::: "To the Ends of the Earth" (1997) ::: documentary ::: Follows ethnobotanist Piers Gibbon on his trip to the Peruvian jungle in search of the highly hallucinogenic Ayahuasca brew drunk by Amazonian shamans. He wants to know the contents of the brew, but the shamans insist he has to spend several nights on his own drinking the concoction first - which makes him violently sick.
53871 ::: Maximum Cage Fighting (2006) ::: action ::: Jimmy Garren, a former Tae Kwon Do world champion, is now retired and a widowed father to ten-year-old Katie. So when he's challenged by a famous cage fighter-and former rival Nick "the Nasty" Harper-to a fight, he refuses...until Katie is kidnapped by Harper's crew. With the match being the only way to save his daughter, Jimmy travels to Brazil to train with world-renowned MMA fighter Renzo Gracie for a deadly fight in the cage...that only one man will survive.
53872 ::: "My Roommate's an Escort" (2017) ::: comedy ::: "My Roommate's an Escort" is an original comedy series created by and starring Trish Rainone and Katie Uhlmann. It's slated for release in 2017. It's an off-kilter comedy about two polar opposite roommates who influence each other's lives, for better or worse. As small-town girl Heather gets to know her new street-wise roommate Kesha, she starts to suspect Kesha may be an escort because of her dubious and sketchy behaviour. However, Heather is non-confrontational in the extreme, and her inability to address a series of Kesha's red-flag moments leads to the hilarious unraveling of Heather's life.
53873 ::: Santa's Letters (2000) ::: comedy ::: Ten-year-old Edward Krieger writes to Santa Claus asking him to not stop by this year "Because there's too much yelling at my house." Shocked, Mr. Claus himself writes back: "Ed, you threw Santa Claus for a loop. The last time somebody told me not to come, the guy's name was Scrooge. I had to send out three of my best people to work him over." Santa reminds him that he is also bringing presents for the rest of Eddie's family, so Eddie relents. As the Christmas holiday draws closer, Eddie's family delights in the usual rituals: dressing the tree, decorating, Christmas concerts, etc. But something is bothering Eddie. He is almost constantly in trouble at school, his latest crime being hitting another child for making fun of the letter from Santa that Eddie brought for Show and Tell. His teacher, Betty Schmall, is mystified and powerless to help the boy. Edward's father Brian is facing his own troubles at work. While hosting a home-cooked meal with his boss, Mr. Barlow, Brian learns that his position at a model aircraft company may be in jeopardy. Brian's fifteen-year-old daughter Maureen, already miserable and further dismayed to see that her father is unwilling to fight harder to keep his job, sneaks out and runs away. Eddie writes to Santa Claus asking if anyone at the North Pole has seen his big sister. A fruitless search for Maureen ends as Brian, Edward, and the youngest Krieger, seven-year-old Ingrid, drag themselves home. All are overjoyed to discover that Maureen has returned, but her anger at her father has not subsided. Edward writes again to Santa, informing him that "My sister came back from running away, and she's still as mean to me as ever. Please disregard the previous message." Almost nothing can suppress the joy of Christmas for this little family: shopping for presents at a toy store, a pet shop, the mall. Even Maureen musters up a smile, though she maintains "I hate this holiday." At a Christmas Eve church service Edward and family run into Betty Schmall, and Edward reluctantly introduces his teacher to his father. (Eddie has always assumed that when school got out teachers went back to their planet.) Even Eddie can't miss the sparks that fly between his father and his teacher. Too weird. Christmas morning dawns as magically as Eddie has ever dreamed. Mr. Claus has brought everything everyone wanted... it seems. In the midst of the present-opening revelry, Brian's friends and co-workers Tim Grimm and Connie Chappell arrive and invite everyone to a party -- which they're holding at Brian's house because he needs cheering up. Brian's protests are easily overruled, and a few hours later the house is filled with laughter. Connie's teenage son Courtney romances Maureen in one corner while Connie, Tim, and Brian read aloud funny entries in the company's "Indecent Proposal" contest, in which the person with the most entertaining story about a marriage proposal wins a thousand dollars. Eddie just eats. Surprise guests turn out to be Betty Schmall and Shannon Lunt, a family friend of Betty's and a classmate of Eddie's (and his secret crush). More sparks between Brian and Betty, and more weirding out by Edward. In the year that follows, Edward watches his family struggle with anger, sadness, and loss. On a family visit to their mother, Maureen refuses to even get out of the car" Ingrid's scary devotion to violent video games and her disturbing habit of destroying her toys -- usually by hitting them with a big rock -- grows. Eddie tells every detail to Santa Claus, who always writes back... until one day he doesn't. And things start to fall apart. Edward's school problems escalate to the point where Betty Schmall demands a parent-teacher conference. Santa merely forgets to write, but Eddie doesn't know that. Eddie finally asks the question that all children ask sooner or later: Is Santa Claus a fake? Santa does his best to reassure the boy, but Eddie decides that only one thing will convince him that Santa is not a fake: a real miracle. That miracle -- and how it tests both Santa and Eddie's faith in everything that Christmas is all about -- may prove too big for even Santa to give.
53874 ::: Lo sceriffo di Rockspring (1971) ::: western ::: Rock Springs is electing a "little sheriff", whereby a child is chosen to assist the sheriff for a week. When a young girl is kidnapped by an escaped outlaw, the sheriff goes in pursuit. Meanwhile, the children form a search party to free their friend.
53875 ::: Yours Truly (2013/II) ::: short ::: Yours Truly tells a story about a girl who goes off to college to pursue a career in writing and meet the man of her dreams. Everything appears to go her way expect for the annoying high school acquaintance who stands in the way. However, when things don't turn out as she expected, she discovers what truly matters.
53876 ::: "The Queen's Garden" (2014) ::: documentary ::: This gorgeous film documents a year in the life of the Royal garden behind Buckingham Palace. Beautifully shot, thoughtfully arranged to entertain, this documentary appeals to Anglophiles, gardeners, birders, and anyone interested in history.
53877 ::: "JewDate" (2013) ::: comedy ::: Noah Stone has been obsessed with the same girl, Kara Bates, for over five years, and she has him tightly wrapped around her finger. Adam Klein is Noah's roommate and childhood friend who signs him up for Jewish online dating (JewDate) to get him over Kara, out of his rut and on his path to finding happiness. It is a journey wrought with surprises, both pleasurable and extremely painful, but always hilarious.
53878 ::: El sofá de la Habana (2011) ::: documentary ::: Caruka, Raul, Nelson and Yanuci are divided between collectivism and individualism. Cuba changes and their only reference mark is the Havana's sea front, El Malecon. There, inside this micro-society, they are looking for an outlet for their daily difficulties. This place is the expression of their faintness and their daily fight Ťla lucha ť to live with dignity. The Havana's Sofa, seven kilometers long low wall gathers all the Cubans. Malecon is one of the last barrier to the change of their society.
53879 ::: Gyilkos kedv (1997) ::: drama ::: Kora delutan egy iskolabol hazatero kislany csapdaba esik: kamionosok felkapjak kocsijukba, magukkal viszik. Bea, az elrabolt lany nem csavargo tipus, nem egyike annak a tobbszaz kislanynak, aki iskolai, csaladi zurjei elol az orszagutakra sodrodik. Az elet napos oldalan nevelkedett, s varatlanul zuhan a pokol bugyraiba. A kislanyt elrabloi meztelenre vetkoztetik, megalazzak, sot prostituciora kenyszeritik...
53880 ::: "Who's in Charge" (2015) ::: comedy ::: A comedy web series about a father who was recently suspended from practicing law and also had his assets frozen by the SEC due to a malpractice suit. He must now move in with his college age daughter and roommate and learns to adjust his relationship with her now that he is living under her roof.
53881 ::: Relationshep (????) ::: reality-tv ::: A Southern Charm spinoff that follows Shep as he tries to find a women that's the perfect counterpart, and who is enough to make him want to leave the single life behind for good. This series follows Shep as his friends set him up on dates at different locations around the country.
53882 ::: Konvoy (2012) ::: drama ::: Army captain escorting in part-deserter soldier. The heroes spend a day in Moscow, during which face the realities of life in the modern metropolis: sometimes comical, sometimes tragic. The resulting friendship between an officer and a soldier, deserter changes the attitude of the hero to life. Cynical captain again finds the meaning of life and faith in man.
53883 ::: Il sorteggio (2010) ::: drama ::: The film tells the story of Tonino, a worker of the Fiat Mirafiori factory with a passion for tango and detached from the vicissitudes of politics. One day Tonino is drawn as a juror for the trial of the Red Brigades. Not realizing the situation, Tonino initially welcomes the convening with enthusiasm, seeing it as a way to get away from the factory, but as soon as he realizes what it is, also troubled by a series of terrorist acts that take place in the meantime, comes into crisis the economic burden of responsibility with regard to this task. Meanwhile, even his love life suffers setbacks, with girlfriend Anna, unaware of the convocation, who decides to leave just before the wedding considering it a very mature and unreliable man. Between doubts, fears and torments, the end Tonino assumes responsibility for the selection, accepting the juror task despite the difficult climate of the time, while others called renounce fear. This difficult choice, however, allows him to recover the relationship with Anna.
53884 ::: Romeo & Julius (2009) ::: documentary ::: A young group of actors are preparing an updated version of Shakespeare's ROMEO & JULIET. Two boys perform the central roles - both of them struggling with their own questions of love alongside their roles on stage. And as rehearsals begin, reality soon starts to interfere with the play.
53885 ::: Marvin's Song (2011) ::: drama ::: While slouched in a toilet cubicle drunk and half asleep in the bar where he works as a musician, a woman gives Marvin a request to write a song. It turns out to be from his wife who has been dead 12 months. The next few days of his life are spent trying to write the song, to come to terms with his grief, and to re-evaluate and take stock of what he has and needs. Friends and rivals help him to make his decisions. Marvin's song is an existential love story of loss and grief set against a Lancashire landscape.
53886 ::: Aabhraan (????) ::: family ::: "Aabhraan" means an clothe colorful ornament against waist , "Potraj, is one of the major factor of the down trained community of Maharashtra. They beg (madaan) in the name of goddess to live there livelihood and in return bless people for their offerings so that goddess takes away pain and fury from there lives. Potraj begs from door to door with colorful clothes tied up around their waist, heavy ornament in the feet making sum rhythmic sound and a hand-drum (halgi). But behind this colorful attire lies the deep dark side of there survival." This story is about Lakha- the Potraj, his wife Lakshmi, and his son Arjun. It holds the emotional, loving a well as thoughtful struggle between father and son. Lakha lives with belief that his son will carry his tradition and culture which is followed through the past generations, but still he is happily carrying the burden of long lasted customs and traditions, and on the other hand Lakshmi is fighting against the injustice of upper caste and still managing her family. She is also blaming her husband for all the situation but also aware of the helplessness of her husband. Whereas Arjun is still struggling hard to find answers to his question that, "Why is this happening with me?" hard to find answers he runs away after the ceremony of becoming Potraj. Will Arjun Return? What Will Happen To Lakha And Lakshmi After That?
53887 ::: Four Minutes on an Abandoned Bridge (2008) ::: short ::: In the spring of 2007, independent filmmaker, Todd Tinkham, traveled across the US capturing footage of rivers and other natural areas. From an abandoned bridge near Richland, WA, Tinkham caught these images of the Columbia river and its surroundings.
53888 ::: Finding a Good Man (2007) ::: romance ::: Tekoa Muntford had it all. That is, until she found her fiance in bed with another man. Just as she is about to give up on finding Mr. Right, Tony walks into her life. Tony is the ideal man. He is so ideal, her friends try to convince her something is wrong with him.
53889 ::: "A Prince Among Men" (1997) ::: comedy ::: The self-centred, egocentric Gary Prince, the man who always knows he is right, has successfully converted his career as a famous, popular England international football star into a business and financial entrepreneur. His next more difficult challenge is to convert this new found success into a knighthood much to the annoyance of his long suffering wife and employees.
53890 ::: "Akiba's Trip: The Animation" (2017) ::: animation ::: Otaku siblings Tamotsu and Niwaka Denkigai are shopping in Akihabara when it is overrun by vampiric cosplaying monsters! These creatures, known as "Bugged Ones," can possess anyone they bite and soon they begin causing mayhem across the city. Tamotsu and Matome, along with excitable otaku cosplayer Arisa Ahokainen, make up the group "The Electric Mayonnaise"
53891 ::: Keep It for Yourself (1991) ::: short ::: Sophie comes to New York from France with the intention of joining a man she met a few months before. She finds herself alone in the apartment of the guy, who left town because he was scared stiff at the idea of seeing her.
53892 ::: The Ditchdigger's Daughters (1997) ::: drama ::: In many ways "The Ditchdigger's Daughters" adheres to the well worn path of a genre best described as the black struggle in an injust white America. But the real plot in this movie revolves around the tyranny of a father and the effect it has on his six daughters as he cajoles, demands, blusters, and drives his daughters to reach for his notion of excellence. Demanding all "A" report cards, prohibiting dating, punishing with housework, and insisting that each daughter aim her sights on a career as a doctor all harken to the underlying fact of his own failure to complete school, and his own view of being poor and black.
53893 ::: "Tyler Florence Test Kitchen" (2016) ::: family ::: Steakhouse classics are on the menu, when Tyler demonstrates his techniques for shaping, seasoning and searing burgers. Included: recipes for Tyler's Goop Sauce and scratch-made potato buns. Also: New York strip steaks with just three ingredients.
53894 ::: The Three Sisters (1981) ::: drama ::: Olga, Masha, and Irina Prozoroff lead lonely and purposeless lives following the death of their father who has commanded the local army post. Olga attempts to find satisfaction in teaching but secretly longs for a home and family. Masha, unhappy with her marriage to a timid schoolmaster, falls hopelessly in love with a married colonel. Irina works in the local telegraph office but longs for gaiety. Their sense of futility is increased by their brother's marriage to Natasha, a coarse peasant girl. She gradually encroaches on the family home until even the private refuge of the sisters is destroyed. They dream of starting a new life in Moscow but are saddled with the practicalities of their quiet existence. Despite their past failures, they resolve to seek some purpose and hope when the army post is withdrawn from the town.
53895 ::: "Closed Course" (2016) ::: sport ::: Closed Course tracks 30 athletes when they converge in Sarajevo, Bosnia transforming abandoned sports ruins into an arena like no other. These awe-inspiring influencers of bmx, parkour, slackline, skateboarding, extreme pogo and more are always looking to take their discipline to the next level whether it be bigger air, an extra rotation, or a longer run.. Once a global stage in 1984, our Whistle Sports crew of thrill-seekers restore glory to these venues converting them into playgrounds for the action sports of today.
53896 ::: CNN Future Summit: World in Motion (2006) ::: reality-tv ::: CNN Future Summit: World in Motion, an hour long program hosted by CNN's Richard Quest, was taped in Singapore and broadcast worldwide on November 23rd, 2006. The panel included astronaut Buzz Aldrin and space tourist Anousheh Ansari. The program included interviews with explorers, adventurers and visionaries who will lead us into the future of travel; on the ground, in the air, and into space itself.
53897 ::: 2008 Ultimate Mormon Lake Team Roping (2008) ::: sport ::: Thirteen exciting complete short go rounds from the Jack Fuller 4th of July Team Roping held in the beautiful town of Mormon Lake, Arizona. This DVD brings you all the short go rounds plus the All Girl Team Roping held over the 4th of July weekend.
53898 ::: TumbleWeeds (????) ::: western ::: Its High Noon...really high. When two stagecoach delivery boys lose their jobs after a particularly heavy day of reefer smoking, they find themselves in over their heads as they unknowingly deliver stolen gold across the west for a band of ruthless outlaws. Guns, drugs, girls, donkeys, and plenty of Blazing...trails.
53899 ::: The Slower the Fall (????) ::: drama ::: Lana and Morgan have nothing but depression and a desire to run away into the unknown. So that's what they do. With nothing but their savings, a two dollar suitcase, a gun and a kidnapped bartender (don't ask) the two leave, starting the disturbingly beautiful road movie about the inner lives of small town kids trying to escape the fate of rotting in Olsen Town, a teenage wasteland.
53900 ::: Finding Alice (2018) ::: drama ::: Erin escapes from a brothel. Desperate for money she cheats her way into a job at a nursing home but ends up stealing cash and going on the run, kidnapping one of the patients in the process. But Erin's frantic escape gradually turns into an inspirational and revealing road trip due to the unconventional relationship which develops between her and her kidnap victim; an seventy-year-old man.