Proof systems for hybrid logic typically use @-operators to access information hidden behind modalities; this labelling approach lies at the heart of the best known hybrid resolution, natural deduction, and tableau systems. But there is another approach, which we have come to believe is conceptually clearer. We call this Seligman-style inference, as it was rst introduced and explored by Jerry Seligman in natural deduction [31] and sequent calculus [32] in the 1990s. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a Seligman-style tableau system, to prove its completeness, and to show how it can be made to terminate. The most obvious feature of Seligman-style systems is that they work with arbitrary formulas, not just statements prexed by @-operators. They do so by introducing machinery for switching to other proof contexts. We capture this idea in the setting of tableaus by introducing a rule called GoTo which allows us to \jump to a named world" on a tableau branch. We rst develop a Seligman-style tableau system for basic hybrid logic and prove its completeness. We then prove termination of a restricted version of the system without resorting to loop checking, and show that the restrictions do not eect completeness. Both completeness and termination results are proved by explicit translations that transform tableaus in a standard labelled system into Seligman-style tableaus and vice-versa.
['Patrick Blackburn', 'Thomas Bolander', 'Torben Braüner', 'Klaus Frovin Jørgensen']
Completeness and termination for a Seligman-style tableau system
DNA microarray technology provides a broad snapshot of the state of the cell by measuring the expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously. Visualization techniques can enable the exploration and detection of patterns and relationships in a complex dataset by presenting the data in a graphical format in which the key characteristics become more apparent. The purpose of this study is to present an interactive visualization technique conveying the temporal patterns of gene expression data in a form intuitive for nonspecialized end-users. The first Fourier harmonic projection (FFHP) was introduced to translate the multidimensional time series data into a two dimensional scatter plot. The spatial relationship of the points reflect the structure of the original dataset and relationships among clusters become two dimensional. The proposed method was tested using two published, array-derived gene expression datasets. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.
['Li Zhang', 'Aidong Zhang', 'Murali Ramanathan']
Fourier harmonic approach for visualizing temporal patterns of gene expression data
This paper presents "Activity Analysis" as a method for conducting and analyzing field studies based on Activity Theory. Two cases of activity analysis of work in a hospital ward and inside an operating room are presented. Guidelines for moving from Activity Analysis to systems design is presented and illustrated with the design of a context-aware system for hospitals.
['Jakob E. Bardram', 'Afsaneh Doryab']
Activity analysis: applying activity theory to analyze complex work in hospitals
Closeness to singularities of manipulators based on geometric average normalized volume spanned by weighted screws
['Wanghui Bu']
Closeness to singularities of manipulators based on geometric average normalized volume spanned by weighted screws
If a Steiner system S(4,5,17) exists, it would contain derived S(3,4,16) designs. By relying on a recent classification of the S(3,4,16), an exhaustive computer search for S(4,5,17) is carried out. The search shows that no S(4,5,17) exists, thereby ruling out the existence of Steiner systems S(t,t+1,t+13) for t>=4.
['Patric R. J. Östergård', 'Olli Pottonen']
There exists no Steiner system S(4,5,17)
While research has examined digital inequalities in general Internet use, little research has examined inequalities in social networking website use. This study extends previous research by examining how Facebook use is related to student background characteristics. Analyses were conducted to assess differences in time spent and activities performed on Facebook using a large sample (N=2359) of college students. Results showed that women were more likely to use Facebook for communication, African Americans were less likely to use Facebook to check up on their friends, and students from lower socioeconomic levels were less likely to use Facebook for communication and sharing. Implications for education, communication, and student outcomes are presented.
['Reynol Junco']
Inequalities in Facebook use
As an extension of the virtual testbed framework for space missions planning, design and analysis, the recently introduced concept of eRobotics supports the entire hardware-life-cycle of robotic systems and paves the way for new technologies, while drastically cutting down costs. In this work, within the context of eRobotics, we address the simulation of electrically driven robot manipulators down to actuation. We present a systematical, highly modular approach, which exploits the electromechanical analogy to capture the structure of the robot drive train system uniformly. The modified nodal analysis is used to assemble and simulate the drive train. A polymorphism-based architecture is introduced to handle both electrical and mechanical constituting components. Torques needed to enable a simulated 7-DoF light-weight-robot manipulator to track a given joint trajectory are commanded and provided in a two-stage position and torque control scheme. The motor voltage requirement is predicted. Simulation results...
['Eric Guiffo Kaigom', 'Jürgen Roßmann']
Simulation of actuated and controlled robot manipulators
The paper presents two new approaches to multi-objective design space exploration for parametric VLSI systems. Both considerably reduce the number of simulations needed to determine the Pareto-optimal set as compared with an exhaustive approach. The first uses sensitivity analysis while the second uses evolutionary computing techniques. Application to a highly parametric system-on-a-chip for digital camera applications shows the validity of the methodologies presented in terms of both accuracy of results and efficiency, measured as the number of simulations needed to determine the power/execution-time trade-off front.
['Giuseppe Ascia', 'Vincenzo Catania', 'Maurizio Palesi']
A Framework for Design Space Exploration of Parameterized VLSI Systems
We consider stabilisation for a linear ordinary differential equation system with input dynamics governed by a heat equation, subject to boundary control matched disturbance. The active disturbance rejection control approach is applied to estimate, in real time, the disturbance with both constant high gain and time-varying high gain. The disturbance is cancelled in the feedback loop. The closed-loop systems with constant high gain and time-varying high gain are shown, respectively, to be practically stable and asymptotically stable.
['Bao-Zhu Guo', 'Jun-Jun Liu', 'A. S. Al-Fhaid', 'Arshad Mahmood M. Younas', 'Asim Asiri']
The active disturbance rejection control approach to stabilisation of coupled heat and ODE system subject to boundary control matched disturbance
We are designing scalable dynamic information flow tracking techniques and employing them to carry out tasks related to debugging (bug location and fault avoidance), security (software attack detection), and data validation (lineage tracing of scientific data). The focus of our ongoing work is on developing online dynamic analysis techniques for long running multithreaded programs that may be executed on a single core or on multiple cores to exploit thread level parallelism.
['Rajiv Gupta', 'Neelam Gupta', 'Xiangyu Zhang', 'Dennis Jeffrey', 'Vijay Nagarajan', 'Sriraman Tallam', 'Chen Tian']
Scalable dynamic information flow tracking and its applications
Bucklew's (1984) high-rate vector quantizer mismatch result is extended from fixed-rate coding to variable-rate coding using a Lagrangian formulation. It is shown that if an asymptotically (high-rate) optimal sequence of variable rate codes is designed for a k-dimensional probability density function (PDF) g and then applied to another PDF f for which f/g is bounded, then the resulting mismatch or loss of performance from the optimal possible is given by the relative entropy or Kullback-Leibler (1968) divergence I(f/spl par/g). It is also shown that under the same assumptions, an asymptotically optimal code sequence for g can be converted to an asymptotically optimal code sequence for a mismatched source f by modifying only the lossless component of the code. Applications to quantizer design using uniform and Gaussian densities are described, including a high-rate analog to the Shannon rate-distortion result of Sakrison (1975) and Lapidoth (1997) showing that the Gaussian is the "worst case" for lossy compression of a source with known covariance. By coupling the mismatch result with composite quantizers, the worst case properties of uniform and Gaussian densities are extended to conditionally uniform and Gaussian densities, which provides a Lloyd clustering algorithm for fitting mixtures to general densities.
['Robert M. Gray', 'Tamás Linder']
Mismatch in high-rate entropy-constrained vector quantization
In the current climate of high-throughput computational biology, the inference of a protein's function from related measurements, such as protein-protein interaction relations, has become a canonical task. Most existing technologies pursue this task as a classification problem, on a term-by-term basis, for each term in a database, such as the Gene Ontology (GO) database, a popular rigorous vocabulary for biological functions. However, ontology structures are essentially hierarchies, with certain top to bottom annotation rules which protein function predictions should in principle follow. Currently, the most common approach to imposing these hierarchical constraints on network-based classifiers is through the use of transitive closure to predictions.
['Xiaoyu Jiang', 'Naoki Nariai', 'Martin Steffen', 'Simon Kasif', 'Eric D. Kolaczyk']
Integration of Relational and Hierarchical Network Information for Protein Function Prediction
The promise of middleware is to enable integration and evolution of complex systems dynamically. In demanding domains such as wireless control networks, fulfilling this promise while maintaining complete generality is extremely complicated. Understanding and exploiting the forcing functions of a domain helps manage this complexity by avoiding redundant generalizations. Domainware exploits this technique and adopts a simpler architecture to support more important nonfunctional requirements effectively. This paper presents Etherware, a domainware for wireless control networks. Capitalizing on our development of a fairly complex control system testbed, commonly supported yet redundant generalizations are identified and eliminated. The resulting architecture is simple, and can support a wide range of trade-offs that can be manipulated easily at run-time. This is illustrated by showing how the performance of control time protocol (CTP), an Etherware service, is optimized by the additional options available in Etherware
['Girish Baliga', 'Scott R. Graham', 'Lui Sha', 'P. R. Kumar']
Etherware: domainware for wireless control networks
In discrete manufacturing system the time to processing work-piece are often uncertain. It is important to study the processing time fluctuate and its effect on scheduling for us to improve the production plan, and control. We have analyzed the distributed relationship of processing times between two jobs and have developed a model for the failure probability of scheduling rule in the case that the distributed extents of processing times of two jobs overlap. We have further developed a model of failure probability for the case of multi-jobs, and have analyzed the impacts of the processing time expectation difference of the jobs and of the fluctuate extent of processing time on the failure probability of the scheduling rule.
['Zhang Bi-xi', 'Lin Haisong', 'Liu Rong']
Effects of processing time fluctuate on scheduling rule
We propose a Modular Mixed-Reality Learning Space System (MRLSS) that relies on middleware tools and distributed mixed-reality technologies to support multi-modal communications between local, remote, and virtual audience sets. Each audience set occupies a spatial module represented throughout the system as a cell which is visually displayed on specifically aligned projection surfaces in each module. A module can host multiple cells and can be categorized based on scalability and technical advantage. For example, an Individual Cell (ICell) could contain a participant with only a web cam and audio. A Classroom Cell (CCell) could be a single classroom. A Virtual Cell (VCell) is a graphically rendered space with unique possibilities for interaction, experience, and exploration. A Studio Cell (SCell) is a specialized facility with advanced systems, services, and scalable spatial capabilities. A University Cell (UCell) can host multiple instances of an MRLSS, i.e. simultaneously host and combine more than one MRLSS.
['Timothy J. Rogers', 'Bedrich Beneo', 'Gary R. Bertoline']
Towards a Modular Network-Distributed Mixed-Reality Learning Space System
We introduce a new structure for symmetric-antisymmetric multiwavelets (SAMWTs) and symmetric-antisymmetric multifilter banks (SAMFBs). First, by exploring the connection between SAMFBs and traditional (scalar) linear phase perfect reconstruction filter banks (LPPRFBs), we show that the implementation and design of an SAMFB can be converted into that of a LPPRFB. Then, based on the lattice factorization for LPPRFBs, we propose a fast, modular, minimal structure for SAMFBs. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed lattice structure, a multiplierless SAMWT design example is presented along with its application in image coding.
['Lu Gan', 'Kai-Kuang Ma']
On lattice factorization of symmetric-antisymmetric multifilter banks
Keyword auctions are becoming increasingly important in today's electronic marketplaces. One of their most challenging aspects is the limited amount of information revealed about other advertisers. In this paper, we present a particle filter that can be used to estimate the bids of other advertisers given a periodic ranking of their bids. This particle filter makes use of models of the bidding behavior of other advertisers, and so we also show how such models can be learned from past bidding data. In experiments in the Ad Auction scenario of the Trading Agent Competition, the combination of this particle filter and bidder modeling outperforms all other bid estimation methods tested.
['David Pardoe', 'Peter Stone']
A particle filter for bid estimation in ad auctions with periodic ranking observations
This paper deals with the analysis of broadcast soccer video. To recognize interesting events such as a goal, estimation of ball movements is necessary. It is, however, sometimes difficult to detect a ball by a simple color and shape-based method when it overlaps with players and lines. We therefore develop a method of estimating a ball route during such overlaps by considering spatio-temporal relationships between players, lines, and the ball. The method can deal with difficult cases such as the one where a ball disappears at a player and re-appears from another player. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the method
['Takumi Shimawaki', 'Takuro Sakiyama', 'Jun Miura', 'Yoshiaki Shirai']
Estimation of Ball Route under Overlapping with Players and Lines in Soccer Video Image Sequence
Autonomous composition and execution of REST APIs for smart sensors
['Daniela Ventura', 'Ruben Verborgh', 'Vincenzo Catania', 'Erik Mannens']
Autonomous composition and execution of REST APIs for smart sensors
Fingerprint recognition is widely used for verification and identification in many commercial, governmental and forensic applications. The orientation field (OF) plays an important role at various processing stages in fingerprint recognition systems. OFs are used for image enhancement, fingerprint alignment, for fingerprint liveness detection, fingerprint alteration detection and fingerprint matching. In this study, a novel approach is presented to globally model an OF combined with locally adaptive methods. The authors show that this model adapts perfectly to the ‘true OF’ in the limit. This perfect OF is described by a small number of parameters with straightforward geometric interpretation. Applications are manifold: Quick expert marking of very poor quality (for instance latent) OFs, high-fidelity low parameter OF compression and a direct road to ground truth OFs markings for large databases, say. In this contribution, they describe an algorithm to perfectly estimate OF parameters automatically or semi-automatically, depending on image quality, and they establish the main underlying claim of high-fidelity low parameter OF compression.
['Carsten Gottschlich', 'Benjamin Tams', 'Stephan Huckemann']
Perfect Fingerprint Orientation Fields by Locally Adaptive Global Models
L'evaluation de la borne d'union pour la probabilite d'erreur des codes concatenes comprenant un code Reed-Solomon externe et un code convolutif interne indique que la performance pourrait etre largement amelioree si l'on appliquait du decodage iteratif souple. Cet article presente un algorithme iteratif pour le decodage des tels codes concatenes. L'amelioration dans les performances pour des decodeurs iteratifs et non-iteratifs est evaluee. Des solutions existantes pour les etapes de decodage et leurs interfaces sont analysees et leurs performances comparees. Une nouvelle procedure est proposee pour definir le signal de retroaction de la sortie du decodeur Reed-Solomon vers l'entree du decodeur convolutif. Ce signal porte l'information de fiabilite, laquelle peut etre extraite des decodeurs RS traitant erreurs et effacements. L'approche state-pinning en est un cas particulier. Les schemas de decodage sont appliques au code concatene de la norme DVB-S.
['Meritxell Lamarca', 'Josep Sala', 'Alfonso Martinez']
Advanced decoding algorithms for Reed-Solomon/Convolutional concatenated codes
A decision maker may experience regret when a choice he makes results in a more adverse outcome than a different choice would have yielded. Analogously, he may experience rejoice when his choice resulted in better outcomes. We used fMRI to investigate the neural correlates of regret and rejoice where payoffs are in terms of a non-monetary medium. Incentives were created using painful outcomes in the form of mild electrical shocks to the foot and the possibility of avoiding them. We hypothesized that the neural response to a painful outcome resulting from an individual’s choice would also reflect the degree of regret as measured by the likelihood that alternative choices would have yielded the same adverse outcome. Similarly, when an individual avoids a potential shock, he would experience a degree of rejoice that correlates with the probability he had of receiving the shock. For example, winning a bet when winning was unlikely, even if the outcome is the same, evokes more rejoice than winning when it was highly probable. Our results suggest that activation of a cortical network, consisting of the medial orbitofrontal cortex, left superior frontal cortex, right angular gyrus, and left thalamus, correlates with the degree of regret. A different network, including the rostral anterior cingulate, left hippocampus, left ventral striatum, and brain stem/midbrain correlated with rejoice. The right inferior orbitofrontal cortex, pre-supplementary motor area, anterior cingulate, and posterior cingulate showed similar patterns of activation with both regret and rejoice, suggesting that these regions may be associated with surprise from the realization of relatively unlikely events. Our results suggest that distinct, but overlapping networks are involved in the experiences of regret and rejoice.
['Pammi V.S. Chandrasekhar', 'C. Monica Capra', 'Sara Moore', 'Charles N. Noussair', 'Gregory S. Berns']
Neurobiological regret and rejoice functions for aversive outcomes.
We consider a singular stochastic control problem, which is called the monotone follower stochastic control problem, and give sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a local-time type optimal control. To establish this result, we use a methodology that has not been employed to solve singular control problems. We first confine ourselves to local-time strategies. We then apply a transformation to the total reward accrued by reflecting the diffusion at a given boundary and show that it is linear in its continuation region. Now, the problem of finding the optimal boundary becomes a nonlinear optimization problem: The slope of the linear function and an obstacle function need to be simultaneously maximized. The necessary conditions of optimality come from first-order derivative conditions. We show that under some weak assumptions these conditions become sufficient. We also show that the local-time strategies are optimal in the class of all monotone increasing controls.#R##N##R##N#As a by-product of our analysis, we give sufficient conditions for the value function to be C2 on all of its domain. We solve two dividend payment problems to show that our sufficient conditions are satisfied by the examples considered in the mainstream literature. We show that our assumptions are satisfied not only when capital of a company is modeled by a Brownian motion with drift, but also when we change the modeling assumptions and use a square root process to model the capital.
['Erhan Bayraktar', 'Masahiko Egami']
An Analysis of Monotone Follower Problems for Diffusion Processes
A Pattern Approach to Conquer the Data Complexity in Simulation Workflow Design
['Peter Reimann', 'Holger Schwarz', 'Bernhard Mitschang']
A Pattern Approach to Conquer the Data Complexity in Simulation Workflow Design
As of today, Underwater Acoustic Networks (UANs) are heavily dependent on commercially available acoustic modems. While commercial modems are often able to support specific applications, they are typically not flexible enough to satisfy the requirements of next-generation UANs, which need to be able to adapt their communication and networking protocols in real-time based on the environmental and application conditions. To address these needs, we present SEANet (Software-dEfined Acoustic Networking), a modular, evolving software-defined framework for UAN devices that offers the necessary flexibility to adapt and satisfy different application and system requirements through a well-defined set of functionalities at the physical, data-link, network, and application layers of the networking protocol stack. SEANet is based on a structured modular architecture that enables real-time reconfiguration at different layers, provides a flexible platform for the deployment of new protocol designs and enhancements, and ensures software portability for platform independence. Moreover, we present a prototype of a low-cost, fully reconfigurable underwater sensing platform that implements the SEANet framework, and discuss performance evaluation results from water tank tests.
['Emrecan Demirors', 'Bharatwaj G. Shankar', 'G. Enrico Santagati', 'Tommaso Melodia']
SEANet: A Software-Defined Acoustic Networking Framework for Reconfigurable Underwater Networking
Authorisation constraints can help the policy architect design and express higher-level security policies for organisations such as financial institutes or governmental agencies. Although the importance of constraints has been addressed in the literature, there does not exist a systematic way to validate and test authorisation constraints. In this paper, we attempt to specify non-temporal constraints and history-based constraints in Object Constraint Language (OCL) which is a constraint specification language of Unified Modeling Language (UML) and describe how we can facilitate the USE tool to validate and test such policies. We also discuss the issues of identification of conflicting constraints and missing constraints.
['Karsten Sohr', 'Gail-Joon Ahn', 'Martin Gogolla', 'Lars Migge']
Specification and validation of authorisation constraints using UML and OCL
Controllability of Discrete-Time Linear Switched Systems with Constrains on Switching Signal
['Artur Babiarz', 'Adam Czornik', 'Jerzy Klamka', 'Michał Niezabitowski']
Controllability of Discrete-Time Linear Switched Systems with Constrains on Switching Signal
Classification of tumor types based on genomic information is essential for improving future cancer diagnosis and drug development. Since DNA microarray studies produce a large amount of data, effective analytical methods have to be developed to sort out whether specific cancer samples have distinctive features of gene expression over normal samples or other types of cancer samples. In this paper, an integrated approach of support vector machine (SVM) and genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed for this purpose. The proposed approach can simultaneously optimize the feature subset and the classifier through a common solution coding mechanism. As an illustration, the proposed approach is applied in searching the combinational gene signatures for predicting histologic response to chemotherapy of osteosarcoma patients, which is the most common malignant bone tumor in children. Cross-validation results show that the proposed approach outperforms other existing methods in terms of classification accuracy. Further validation using an independent dataset shows misclassification of only one of fourteen patient samples suggesting that the selected gene signatures can reflect the chemoresistance in osteosarcoma.
['Kit Yan Chan', 'Hai Long Zhu', 'Ching C. Lau', 'Sai-Ho Ling']
Gene signature selection for cancer prediction using an integrated approach of genetic algorithm and support vector machine
Recent work has considered power control for wireless data networks from the framework of microeconomics. The user preferences have been mapped to utility functions measured in useful bits transmitted per unit of battery energy. We consider utility maximizing distributed power control in the presence of pricing and study the existence and efficiency of equilibria achieved. Specifically, we investigate the Pareto efficiency of a pricing policy that punishes asocial behavior in terms of the transmit power used by each user and hence the interference caused by it. The Nash equilibria achieved under pricing are characterized by using supermodularity. We propose a simple implementation of the pricing scheme where the base station broadcasts a pricing parameter that users use in their distributed power control algorithm. With the appropriate choice of the pricing parameter, all users increase their utilities significantly as compared to the case where there is no pricing. We also discuss the implication of pricing with regard to achieving a socially optimum operating point.
['Cem U. Saraydar', 'Narayan B. Mandayam', 'David J. Goodman']
Pareto efficiency of pricing-based power control in wireless data networks
This paper discusses algorithmic issues when computing with a heterogeneous network of work-stations (the typical poor man's parallel computer). Dealing with processors of different speeds requires to use more involved strategies than block-cyclic data distributions. Dynamic data distribution is a first possibility but may prove impractical and not scalable due to communication and control overhead. Static data distributions tuned to balance execution times constitute another possibility but may prove ineffcient due to variations in the processor speeds (e.g. because of different workloads during the computation). We introduce a static distribution strategy that can be refined on the fly, and we show that it is well-suited to parallelizing scientific computing applications such as finite-difference stencils or LU decomposition.
['Pierre Boulet', 'Jack Dongarra', 'Fabrice Rastello', 'Yves Robert', 'Frédéric Vivien']
Algorithmic issues on heterogeneous computing platforms
This paper presents the experience gained on semantic web service composition technique applied to the bioinformatics domain. Specifically, the approach presented here consists of knowledge retrieval perspective in biological pathway. Semantic web services, annotated with domain ontology are used to describe services for pathway knowledge retrieval for Kyoto Encyclopedia of Gene and Genomes (KEGG) database. Retrieving knowledge can be seen as high level goals and the tasks involved can be decomposed into subtask to achieve the specified goals. We execute the composition of service by treating composition as planning problem using Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning system based on Simple Hierarchical Order Planner 2 (SHOP2). The approach for plan (task) decomposition using SHOP2 is implemented in automated way. We investigate the effectiveness of this approach by applying real world scenario in pathway information retrieval for Lactococcus Lactis (L. lactis) organism where biologists need to find out the pathway description from the given specific gene of interest.
['Muhammad Akmal Remli', 'Safaai Deris']
Automated biological pathway knowledge retrieval based on semantic web services composition and AI Planning
Brief Discussion on Current Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
['Hanshu Cai', 'Shixin Wei', 'Xue Han', 'Lijuan Xu', 'Xiaocong Sha', 'Bin Hu']
Brief Discussion on Current Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
In this paper, a special class of wireless networks, called wireless erasure networks, is considered. In these networks, each node is connected to a set of nodes by possibly correlated erasure channels. The network model incorporates the broadcast nature of the wireless environment by requiring each node to send the same signal on all outgoing channels. However, we assume there is no interference in reception. Such models are therefore appropriate for wireless networks where all information transmission is packetized and where some mechanism for interference avoidance is already built in. This paper looks at multicast problems over these networks. The capacity under the assumption that erasure locations on all the links of the network are provided to the destinations is obtained. It turns out that the capacity region has a nice max-flow min-cut interpretation. The definition of cut-capacity in these networks incorporates the broadcast property of the wireless medium. It is further shown that linear coding at nodes in the network suffices to achieve the capacity region. Finally, the performance of different coding schemes in these networks when no side information is available to the destinations is analyzed
['Amir F. Dana', 'Radhika Gowaikar', 'Ravi Palanki', 'Babak Hassibi', 'Michelle Effros']
Capacity of wireless erasure networks
The goal of this paper is to study the learning abilities of adaptive networks in the context of cognitive radio networks and to investigate how well they assist in allocating power and communications resources in the frequency domain. The allocation mechanism is based on a social foraging swarm model that lets every node allocate its resources (power/bits) in the frequency regions where the interference is at a minimum while avoiding collisions with other nodes. We employ adaptive diffusion techniques to estimate the interference profile in a cooperative manner and to guide the motion of the swarm individuals in the resource domain. A mean square performance analysis of the proposed strategy is provided and confirmed by simulation results. Numerical examples show that cooperative spectrum sensing improves the performance of the swarm-based resource allocation technique considerably.
['Paolo Di Lorenzo', 'Sergio Barbarossa', 'Ali H. Sayed']
Bio-inspired swarming for dynamic radio access based on diffusion adaptation
Multi-modal Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on Self-organizing Active Contour Model
['Rui Liu', 'Jian Cheng', 'Xiaoya Zhu', 'Hao Liang', 'Zezhou Chen']
Multi-modal Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on Self-organizing Active Contour Model
Rural teachers as innovative co-creators: An intentional Teacher Professional Development strategy.
['Adele Botha', 'Marlien Herselman']
Rural teachers as innovative co-creators: An intentional Teacher Professional Development strategy.
In our previous work, we have proposed a distributed self-assembly method based on Sambot platform. But there have interference of the infrared sensors between multiple Sambots. In this paper, two interference problems with multiple DSAs are solved and a novel simultaneous self-assembly method is proposed to enhance the efficiency of the self-assembly of modular swarm robots. Meanwhile, the simulation platform is established; some simulation experiments for various configurations are made and the results are analyzed for finding out evidence for further improvement. The simulation and physical experiment results verify the effectiveness and scalability of the simultaneous self-assembly algorithm which is more effective to shorten the assembly time.
['Hongxing Wei', 'Yizhou Huang', 'Haiyuan Li', 'Jindong Tan']
Simulation and experiments of the simultaneous self-assembly for modular swarm robots
The two major obstacles towards high-capacity indoor wireless networks are distortion due to the indoor channel and the limited bandwidth which necessitates a high spectral efficiency. The combination of single carrier with cyclic prefix (SC-CP) modulation and spatial division multiple access (SDMA) tackles both obstacles and paves the way for low cost, high-capacity wireless indoor networks (see Vandenameele, P. et al., ICASSP, p.3714-17, 2000). The channel distortion due to multipath propagation is elegantly mitigated with SC-CP while the bandwidth efficiency is increased with the use of SDMA. However, to keep the WLAN cost low, simple SDMA processors with good performance are necessary. Hence, we propose a new low-complexity multiuser SDMA detector, which is designed for constant modulus signals. This linear constrained least squares (CLS) receiver, which explicitly exploits the constant modulus nature of the modulation, is compared in terms of performance and complexity with the zero forcing (ZF) and the minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver. Simulations show that the CLS detector significantly outperforms the ZF detector and comes very close to the performance of the MMSE detector. Furthermore, the estimation complexity for the CLS detector is substantially lower than for the MMSE detector, which additionally requires estimation of the noise power.
['S. Thoen', 'Luc Deneire', 'L. Van der Perre', 'M. Engels']
Constrained least squares SDMA detector for single carrier transmission with cyclic prefix
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Computations on FPGAs.
['Erich Wenger', 'Paul Wolfger']
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Computations on FPGAs.
This paper studies the effects of introducing centrifugal incentives in an otherwise standard Downsian model of electoral competition. First, we demonstrate that a symmetric equilibrium is guaranteed to exist when centrifugal incentives are induced by any kind of partial voter participation (such as abstention due to indifference, abstention due to alienation, etc.) and, then, we argue that: a) this symmetric equilibrium is in pure strategies, and it is hence convergent, only when centrifugal incentives are sufficiently weak on both sides; b) when centrifugal incentives are strong on both sides (when, for example, a lot of voters abstain when they are su¢ ciently indi¤erent between the two candidates) players use mixed strategies - the stronger the centrifugal incentives, the larger the probability weight that players assign to locations near the extremes; and c) when centrifugal incentives are strong on one side only - say for example only on the right - the support of players'mixed strategies contain all policies except from those that are su¢ ciently close to the left extreme.
['Didier Laussel', 'Michel Le Breton', 'Dimitrios Xefteris']
Simple Centrifugal Incentives in Spatial Competition
A computational model has been developed to simulate the electrical behavior of the type II hair cell dissected from the crista ampullaris of frog semicircular canals. In its basolateral membrane, it hosts a system of four voltage-dependent conductances (gA, gKV, gKCa, gCa). The conductance behavior was mathematically described using original patch-clamp experimental data. The transient K current, IA, was isolated as the difference between the currents obtained before and after removing IA inactivation. The remaining current, IKD, results from the summation of a voltage-dependent K current, IKV, a voltage-calcium-dependent K current, IKCa, and the calcium current, ICa. IKD was modeled as a single lumped current, since the physiological role of each component is actually not discernible. To gain a clear understanding of its prominent role in sustaining transmitter release at the cytoneural junction, ICa was modeled under different experimental conditions. The model includes the description of voltage- and time-dependent kinetics for each single current. After imposing any starting holding potential, the system sets the pertinent values of the variables and continually updates them in response to variations in membrane potential. The model reconstructs the individual I-V curves obtained in voltage-clamp experiments and simulations compare favorably with the experimental data. The model proves useful in describing the early steps of signal processing that results from the interaction of the apical receptor current with the basolateral voltage-dependent conductances. The program is thus helpful in understanding aspects of sensory transduction that are hard to analyze in the native hair cell of the crista ampullaris.
['Rita Canella', 'Marta Martini', 'Maria Lisa Rossi']
A model of signal processing at the isolated hair cell of the frog semicircular canal
Proposes a new real-time optimistic protocol. By using a dynamic adjustment of the serialization order by backward-adjusting the non-serious conflicting transactions before the committing transactions, many unnecessary restarts can be eliminated. In the protocol, no conflict or serialization constraints have to be recorded during the read phase of a transaction. Different priority conflict resolution methods can be easily incorporated in the protocol. In addition, with the use of Thomas's write rule, the number of transaction restarts can further be much reduced.
['Kwok-Wa Lam', 'Kam-Yiu Lam', 'Sheung-lun Hung']
Real-time optimistic concurrency control protocol with dynamic adjustment of serialization order
Background#R##N#Recent national developments in alert systems are the main motivation of this work. The aim is to provide an account on the development and first tests of a new Meteorological Alert System—MAS for mobile devices to deliver alert signals. The fundamentals encompass a summary description of the Brazilian government towards the installation and maintenance of a national wide climate sensor network where the new Meteorological Alert System can be integrated. The main challenges in installing and maintaining such a network in face of its continental scope are presented.
['Ademir L. Xavier', 'Daniel Leão Bonatti', 'Sergio Celaschi']
Rain gauge simulator and first tests with a new mobile climate alert system in Brazil.
The article presents a general model of the emergence of social order in multi-agent-systems (MAS). The agents consist of two types of neural networks that have the task to generate social actions as their output and to adjust these actions to the actions of other agents. The result is a form of social order, i.e., a set of rules of interaction. The agents can generalize these rules by applying them on new but similar agents. An example is given how this model could be applied to the interaction of humans and roboters for some tasks of NASA.
['Jürgen Klüver', 'Maarten Sierhuis', 'Christina Stoica']
The emergence of social order in a robotic society
A good primary health care is the base for a better healthcare system. Taking a good decision on time by the primary health care physician could have a huge repercussion. In order to ease the diagnosis task arise the Decision Support Systems (DSS), which offer counselling instead of refresh the medical knowledge, in a profession where it is still learning every day. The implementation of these systems in diseases which are a frequent cause of visit to the doctor like ophthalmologic pathologies are, which affect directly to our quality of life, takes more importance. This paper aims to develop OphthalDSS, a totally new mobile DSS for red eye diseases diagnosis. The main utilities that OphthalDSS offers will be a study guide for medical students and a clinical decision support system for primary care professionals. Other important goal of this paper is to show the user experience results after OphthalDSS being used by medical students of the University of Valladolid. For achieving the main purpose of this research work, a decision algorithm will be developed and implemented by an Android mobile application. Moreover, the Quality of Experience (QoE) has been evaluated by the students through the questions of a short inquiry. The app developed which implements the algorithm OphthalDSS is capable of diagnose more than 30 eye's anterior segment diseases. A total of 67 medical students have evaluated the QoE. The students find the diseases' information presented very valuable, the appearance is adequate, it is always available and they have ever found what they were looking for. Furthermore, the students think that their quality of life has not been improved using the app and they can do the same without using the OphthalDSS app. OphthalDSS is easy to use, which is capable of diagnose more than 30 ocular diseases in addition to be used as a DSS tool as an educational tool at the same time.
['Marta Manovel López', 'Miguel López', 'Isabel de la Torre Díez', 'José Carlos Pastor Jimeno', 'Miguel López-Coronado']
A mobile decision support system for red eye diseases diagnosis: experience with medical students
Recent studies have shown that non-Poisson (“bursty”) behaviors in human interactions can impede the diffusion of information or infectious diseases in social networks. Those studies generally consider models in which nodes are independently active according to the same random timing process, and vary that timing. In reality, people differ widely in the patterns of their activity. In this paper, we develop a simple model of diffusion on networks in which agents can differ in the autocorrelation of their activity patterns. We show that bursty behavior does not always hurt the diffusion, and depending on the features of the environment, having some (but not all) of the population being bursty significantly helps diffusion. Moreover, we prove that in a variety of settings maximizing diffusion requires heterogeneous activity patterns across agents and does not involve any Poisson behavior.
['Mohammad Akbarpour', 'Matthew O. Jackson']
Diffusion in Networks and the Unexpected Virtue of Burstiness
The Reality Editor is a system that supports editing the behavior and interfaces of socalled "smarter objects", i.e. objects or devices that have an embedded processor and communication capability. Using augmented reality techniques, the Reality Editor maps graphical elements directly on top of the tangible interfaces found on physical objects, such as push buttons or knobs. The Reality Editor allows flexible reprogramming of the interfaces and behavior of the objects as well as defining relationships between smarter objects in order to easily create new functionalities. This paper describes the different functionalities of the Reality Editor and presents several examples.
['Valentin Heun', 'James Hobin', 'Pattie Maes']
Reality editor: programming smarter objects
We analyze a business model for e-supermarkets to enable multi-product sourcing capacity through co-opetition (collaborative competition). The logistics aspect of our approach is to design and execute a network system where “premium” goods are acquired from vendors at multiple locations in the supply network and delivered to customers. Our specific goals are to: (i) investigate the role of premium product offerings in creating critical mass and profit; (ii) develop a model for the multiple-pickup single-delivery vehicle routing problem in the presence of multiple vendors; and (iii) propose a hybrid solution approach. To solve the problem introduced in this paper, we develop a hybrid metaheuristic approach that uses a Genetic Algorithm for vendor selection and allocation, and a modified savings algorithm for the capacitated VRP with multiple pickup, single delivery and time windows (CVRPMPDTW). The proposed Genetic Algorithm guides the search for optimal vendor pickup location decisions, and for each generated solution in the genetic population, a corresponding CVRPMPDTW is solved using the savings algorithm. We validate our solution approach against published VRPTW solutions and also test our algorithm with Solomon instances modified for CVRPMPDTW.
['Seda Yanık', 'Burçin Bozkaya', 'Ronan deKervenoael']
A new VRPPD model and a hybrid heuristic solution approach for e-tailing
Most modern applications are networked and make heavy use of various communication protocols such as TCP/IP and SOAP over HTTP in case of Web Services. This paper presents the results of an experimental evaluation of the communication and inherent processing overhead of these two protocols in the context of client/server applications. Experiments were carried out to determine the impact of the size of reply message as well as the complexity of the SOAP reply message in terms of number of elements. Analysis of variance was used to determine the statistical significance of the differences obtained.
['D. Menasce']
An Empirical Evaluation of Communication and Processing Overhead in Service Oriented Architectures.
Development of reliable methods for optimised energy storage and generation is one of the most imminent challenges in moder power systems. In this paper an adaptive approach to load leveling problem using novel dynamic models based on the Volterra integral equations of the first kind with piecewise continuous kernels. These integral equations efficiently solve such inverse problem taking into account both the time dependent efficiencies and the availability of generation/storage of each energy storage technology. In this analysis a direct numerical method is employed to find the least-cost dispatch of available storages. The proposed collocation type numerical method has second order accuracy and enjoys self-regularization properties, which is associated with confidence levels of system demand. This adaptive approach is suitable for energy storage optimisation in real time. The efficiency of the proposed methodology is demonstrated on the Single Electricity Market of Republic of Ireland and Sakhalin island in the Russian Far East.
['Ildar Muftahov', 'Denis N. Sidorov', 'Aleksei Zhukov', 'Daniil Panasetsky', 'Aoife Foley', 'Yong Li', 'Aleksandr Tynda']
Application of Volterra Equations to Solve Unit Commitment Problem of Optimised Energy Storage and Generation
The Internet has witnessed a rapid growth in deployment of gossip-based protocol in many multicast applications. In a typical gossip-based protocol, each node independently exchanges data with its neighbors, acting as dual roles of receiver and sender to facilitate scalability and resilience. However, most of previous work in this literature seldom considered cheating issue of end users, which is also very important in face of the fact that the mutual cooperation inherently determines overall system performance. In this paper, we mainly investigate the dishonest behaviors in decentralized gossip-based protocol through extensive experimental study. Our original contributions come in two-fold: In the first part of cheating study, we analytically discuss two typical cheating strategies, that is, intentionally increasing subscription requests and untruthfully calculating forwarding probability, and further evaluate their negative impacts. The results indicate that more attention should be paid on defending cheating behaviors in gossip-based protocol. In the second part of anti-cheating study, we propose a simple receiver-driven measurement mechanism, which evaluates individual forwarding traffic from the perspective of receivers and thus identifies cheating nodes with high incoming/outgoing ratio. The experiments under various conditions show that it performs quite well in case of serious cheating and achieves considerable performance in other cases.
['Yun Tang', 'Nan Zhang', 'Yuanchun Shi', 'Shiqiang Yang', 'Yuzhuo Zhong']
An Experimental Study on Cheating and Anti-Cheating in Gossip-Based Protocol
Despite recent investigations aimed at modeling 3D QSAR for dye molecules a controversy still exists: can a pharamacophore hypothesis be used for such purposes. In the present publication we reported on the application of the CoMSA method for modeling 3D QSAR of azo and anthraquinone dyes. We obtained very predictive models, which significantly outperform those reported in the previous CoMFA studies, especially for the azo dyes. Our results proved the previous conclusion that steric requirements are far less pronounced for the cellulose cavities than for the classical drug receptor. Moreover, our results indicate that all molecular surface segments are important for dye-fiber interactions, which also makes an important difference in relation to the classical drug pharmacophore. On the other hand, high predictivity of the CoMSA models indicates that a pharmacophore concept is suitable for the description of the dye-fiber interactions. However, this pharmacophore must substantially differ from the drug pharmacophore used for the illustration of the drug-receptor interactions. From a theoretical point of view dye -cellulose interactions can be an interesting case in which shape decides the activity rules not by the steric repulsion but as a cofactor determining the electrostatic potential distribution.
['Jaroslaw Polanski', 'Rafal Gieleciak', 'Miroslaw Wyszomirski']
Comparative molecular surface analysis (CoMSA) for modeling dye-fiber affinities of the azo and anthraquinone dyes.
Event-triggered and self-triggered control have been recently proposed as an alternative to the more traditional periodic execution of control tasks. The possibility of reducing the number of executions while guaranteeing desired levels of performance makes event-triggered and self-triggered control very appealing in the context of sensor/actuator networks. In this setting, reducing the number of times that a feedback control law is executed implies a reduction in transmissions and thus a reduction in energy expenditures. In this paper we introduce two novel distributed implementations of event-triggered and self-triggered policies over sensor/actuator networks and discuss their performance in terms of energy expenditure.
['Manuel Mazo', 'Paulo Tabuada']
On event-triggered and self-triggered control over sensor/actuator networks
Path planning for autonomous vehicles using QZSS and satellite visibility map
['Mitsunori Kitamura', 'Yoichi Yasuoka', 'Taro Suzuki', 'Yoshiharu Amano', 'Takumi Hashizume']
Path planning for autonomous vehicles using QZSS and satellite visibility map
We investigate the prediction of player engagement to address temporal issues arising from the long-term character of pervasive experiences such as interruptibility, mutual player state awareness, disengagement and synchronization on re-engagement. We introduce a model that operationalizes engagement in terms of the elapsed and response time in game messages. We designed and conducted an experiment based on the experience-sampling method to evaluate our model on the basis of a long-term SMS-based game called Day of the Figurines. Statistical analysis supports the hypothesis that player engagement can be predicted by the continuous data properties elapsed time and response time. Our findings point towards further research towards the adaptation of pervasive experiences to the player's temporal context.
['Joel E. Fischer', 'Steve Benford']
Inferring player engagement in a pervasive experience
Pathfinding on large maps is time-consuming. Classical search algorithms such as Dijkstra's and A* algorithms may solve difficult problems in polynomial time. However, in real-world pathfinding examples where the search space increases dramatically, these algorithms are not appropriate. Hierarchical pathfinding algorithms that provide abstract plans of future routing, such as HPA* and PRA*, have been explored by previous researchers based on classical ones. Although the two hierarchical algorithms show improvement in efficiency, they only obtain near optimal solutions. In this paper, we introduce the Hierarchical Shortest Path algorithm (HSP) and a hybrid of the HSP and A* (HSPA*) algorithms, which find optimal solutions in logarithmic time for numerous examples. Our empirical study shows that HSP and HSPA* are superior to the classical algorithms on realistic examples, and our experimental results illustrate the efficiency of the two algorithms. We also demonstrate their applicability by providing an overview of our Route Planner project that applies the two algorithms proposed in this paper.
['Suling Yang', 'Alan K. Mackworth']
Hierarchical Shortest Pathfinding Applied to Route-Planning for Wheelchair Users
We propose a new power index based on the minimum sum representation (MSR) of a weighted voting game. The MSR oers a redesign of a voting game, such that voting power as measured by the MSR index becomes proportional to voting weight. The MSR index is a coherent measure of power that is ordinally equivalent to the Banzhaf, Shapley-Shubik and Johnston indices. We provide a characterization for a bicameral meet as a weighted game or a complete game, and show that the MSR index is immune to the bicameral meet paradox. We discuss the computation of the MSR index using a linear integer program and the inverse MSR problem of designing a weighted voting game with a given distribution of power.
['Josep Freixas', 'Serguei Kaniovski']
The Minimum Sum Representation as an Index of Voting Power
Rank analysis of a light field for dual-layer 3D displays
['Keita Takahashi', 'Toyohiro Saito', 'Mehrdad Panahpour Tehrani', 'Toshiaki Fujii']
Rank analysis of a light field for dual-layer 3D displays
INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL SYSTEMS, by Milós Ercegovac, Tomás Lang and Jaime H. Moreno, Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1999, 498 pages, inc. CD and Index (Hb; £29.50)
['Iain D. Craig']
INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL SYSTEMS, by Milós Ercegovac, Tomás Lang and Jaime H. Moreno, Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1999, 498 pages, inc. CD and Index (Hb; £29.50)
Networking with aerial vehicles has evolved considerably over a period of time. Its applications range across a wide spectrum covering areas of military and civilian activities. Connectivity between aerial vehicles in ad hoc mode allows formation of multiple control units in the sky which have an ability to handle complex tasks. One of the major applications of these aerial vehicles is to coordinate simultaneously with another ad hoc network operating on the ground. This formation is termed as cooperative ad hoc networking. These networks operate on multiple data-sharing in form of cognitive maps. Thus, an efficient traffic management strategy is required to form a robust network. In this paper, an ambient network framework for coordination between ground and flying ad hoc network is presented. A fault-tolerant and robust connectivity strategy is proposed using neural, fuzzy and genetic modules. quaternion Kalman filter and its variant \(\alpha -\beta -\gamma \) filter is used to form the neural and decision system for guided aerial network. Effectiveness of the proposed traffic management framework for aerial vehicles is presented using mathematical simulations.
['Vishal Sharma', 'Rajesh Kumar']
G-FANET: an ambient network formation between ground and flying ad hoc networks
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TCC.2015.2489211
['Thomas F. J.-M. Pasquier', 'Jatinder Singh', 'David M. Eyers', 'Jean Bacon']
CamFlow: Managed Data-sharing for Cloud Services
A model of bottom-up overt attention is proposed based on the principle of maximizing information sampled from a scene. The proposed operation is based on Shannon's self-information measure and is achieved in a neural circuit, which is demonstrated as having close ties with the circuitry existent in die primate visual cortex. It is further shown that the proposed salicney measure may be extended to address issues that currently elude explanation in the domain of saliency based models. Results on natural images are compared with experimental eye tracking data revealing the efficacy of the model in predicting the deployment of overt attention as compared with existing efforts.
['Neil D. B. Bruce', 'John K. Tsotsos']
Saliency Based on Information Maximization
Almost all analog signal processing is being replaced by digital signal processing techniques in today's communication networks, as well as in other applications. This means that analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converters (DACs), which serve as the interfaces between the analog and the digital worlds, will together share a growing influence on overall system performance. In this paper, we present a new method, based on wavelet transforms, for measuring ADC errors, namely nonlinearity, gain error, and offset error. Unlike the traditional DNL method, this new method, which we have called NSR, for noise-to-signal ratio estimated in amplitude-scale plane, can be used during circuit design, production testing, and in service testing of ADCs and DACs.
['Takahiro J. Yamaguchi']
Static testing of ADCs using wavelet transforms
Current mobile agent systems are based on agent architectures that are partially or fully implementation programming language-specific. Mobile agent implementation in a specific programming language has usage limitations as the inter agent communication and agent migration to other agent hosts needs support for the same language. Widely used Java-based agents have an advantage of easy agent migration through bytecode transfer but this also imposes the requirement of a Java virtual machine (JVM) on each agent host where agents can migrate. To achieve a truly system independent and agent system architecture independent solution, we propose a XML-based mobile agent architecture. This paper presents a mobile agent system design based on the use of XML-based agent code, the UDDI registry for agent registration and lookup/discovery and XML Web service calls for mobile agent intercommunication and migration. This also facilitates industry to have easier and less risky adaptation from existing agent system implementation.
['Robert Steele', 'Tharam S. Dillon', 'Parth Pandya', 'Yuri Ventsov']
XML-based mobile agents
Shape descriptors have demonstrated encouraging potential in retrieving images based on image content. A number of shape descriptors have been reported in the literature. Nevertheless, most of the reported descriptors still face accuracy and computational challenges. Fourier descriptors are considered to be promising descriptors as they are based on sound theoretical foundation, and possess computational efficiency and attractive invariance properties. In this paper, we propose a novel Fourier descriptor based on contour curvature. The proposed descriptor takes an unconventional view of the curvature-scale-space representation of a shape contour as it treats it as a 2-D binary image (hence referred to as Curvature-Scale Image, or CSI). The invariant descriptor is derived from the 2-D Fourier transform of the Curvature-Scale Image. This allows the descriptor to capture detailed dynamics of the shape curvature and enhance the efficiency of the shape matching process. Experiments using images from the MPEG-7 database have been conducted to compare the performance of the proposed descriptor with the Curvature- Scale-Space Descriptor (CSSD), the Generic Fourier Descriptor (GFD), and the 1-D Fourier Descriptor (1-FD). The proposed descriptor demonstrated superior performance.
['Akrem El-ghazal', 'Otman A. Basir', 'Saeid Belkasim']
A novel curvature-based shape Fourier Descriptor
Interpretive research in information systems (IS) is now a well-established part of the field. However, there is a need for more material on how to carry out such work from inception to publication. I published a paper a decade ago (Walsham, 1995) which addressed the nature of interpretive IS case studies and methods for doing such research. The current paper extends this earlier contribution, with a widened scope of all interpretive research in IS, and through further material on carrying out fieldwork, using theory and analysing data. In addition, new topics are discussed on constructing and justifying a research contribution, and on ethical issues and tensions in the conduct of interpretive work. The primary target audience for the paper is lessexperienced IS researchers, but I hope that the paper will also stimulate reflection for the more-experienced IS researcher and be of relevance to interpretive researchers in other social science fields.
['Geoff Walsham']
Doing interpretive research
Integration of Large Scale Systems
['Wilhelm Rossak']
Integration of Large Scale Systems
Energy consumption in cellular network: ON-OFF model and impact of mobility
['Thanh-Tung Vu', 'Laurent Decreusefond', 'Philippe Martins']
Energy consumption in cellular network: ON-OFF model and impact of mobility
In this paper we present a novel algorithm to synthesize an optimal decision tree from OR-decision tables, an extension of standard decision tables, complete with the formal proof of optimality and computational cost analysis. As many problems which require to recognize particular patterns can be modeled with this formalism, we select two common binary image processing algorithms, namely connected components labeling and thinning, to show how these can be represented with decision tables, and the benefits of their implementation as optimal decision trees in terms of reduced memory accesses. Experiments are reported, to show the computational time improvements over state of the art implementations.
['Costantino Grana', 'Manuela Montangero', 'Daniele Borghesani']
Optimal decision trees for local image processing algorithms
Recently, the problem of autonomous navigation of automobiles has gained substantial interest in the robotics community. Especially during the two recent DARPA grand challenges, autonomous cars have been shown to robustly navigate over extended periods of time through complex desert courses or through dynamic urban traffic environments. In these tasks, the robots typically relied on GPS traces to follow pre-defined trajectories so that only local planners were required. In this paper, we present an approach for autonomous navigation of cars in indoor structures such as parking garages. Our approach utilizes multi-level surface maps of the corresponding environments to calculate the path of the vehicle and to localize it based on laser data in the absence of sufficiently accurate GPS information. It furthermore utilizes a local path planner for controlling the vehicle. In a practical experiment carried out with an autonomous car in a real parking garage we demonstrate that our approach allows the car to autonomously park itself in a large-scale multi-level structure.
['Rainer Kümmerle', 'Dirk Hähnel', 'Dmitri A. Dolgov', 'Sebastian Thrun', 'Wolfram Burgard']
Autonomous driving in a multi-level parking structure
A Smart Grid combines the use of traditional technology with innovative digital solutions, making the management of the electricity grid more flexible. It allows for monitoring, analysis, control and communication within the supply chain to improve efficiency, reduce the energy consumption and cost, and maximize the transparency and reliability of the energy supply chain. The optimization of energy consumption in Smart Grids is possible by using an innovative system based on Non Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring (NIALM) algorithms, in which individual appliance power consumption information is disaggregated from single-point measurements, that provide a feedback in such a way to make energy more visible and more amenable to understanding and control. We contribute with an approach for monitoring consumption of electric power in households based on both a NILM algorithm, that uses a simple load signatures, and a web interactive systems that allows an active role played by users.
['Giuseppe Marco Tina', 'Valeria Amenta', 'Orazio Tomarchio', 'G. Di Modica']
Web interactive non intrusive load disaggregation system for active demand in smart grids
A speaker-independent speech recognizer for continuously spelled names, implemented for a switchboard call-routing task, is analyzed for sources of error. Results indicate most errors are due to extraneous speech and end-point detection errors. Strategies are proposed for improving the robustness of recognition, including tolerance for speech with pauses, and a letter-spotting strategy to handle extraneous speech. Experimental results on laboratory data indicate that with the letter-spotting method, name retrieval error rate is reduced on noisy signals or signals with extraneous speech 60.1%, while it is increased on clean signals from 4.5% to 5.5%. On data collected during a telephone field trial, name retrieval error is reduced 54.1% in offline tests by introducing the letter-spotting algorithm.
['Michael Galler', 'Jean-Claude Junqua']
Robustness improvements in continuously spelled names over the telephone
Managing the extremely large volume of information generated by Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, estimated to be in excess of 400 ZB per year by 2018, is going to be an increasingly relevant issue. Most of the approaches to IoT information management proposed so far, based on the collection of IoT-generated raw data for storage and processing in the Cloud, place a significant burden on both communications and computational resources, and introduce significant latency. IoT applications would instead benefit from new paradigms to enable definition and deployment of dynamic IoT services and facilitate their use of computational resources at the edge of the network for data analysis purposes, and from smart dissemination solutions to deliver the processed information to consumers. This paper presents SPF (as in “Sieve, Process, and Forward”), an SDN solution which extends the reference ONF architecture replacing the Data Plane with an Information Processing and Dissemination Plane. By leveraging programmable information processors deployed at the Internet/IoT edge and disruption tolerant information dissemination solutions, SPF allows to define and manage IoT applications and services and represents a promising architecture for future urban computing applications.
['Mauro Tortonesi', 'James Michaelis', 'Alessandro Morelli', 'Niranjan Suri', 'Michael A. Baker']
SPF: An SDN-based middleware solution to mitigate the IoT information explosion
Good IT decision making is a highly desirable property that can be furthered by the use of enterprise architecture, an approach to IT management using diagrammatic models. In order to support decision making, the models must contain only relevant information since creation of enterprise architecture models often is a demanding task. This paper suggests a method for constructing an enterprise architecture model framework where enterprises in need of architecture and rational decision making are designated. The paper also describes the outcome of the method at a case for a Swedish utility company, Vattenfall AB.
['Adrian Kallgren', 'Johan Ullberg', 'Pontus Johnson']
A Method for Constructing a Company Specific Enterprise Architecture Model Framework
The SIFT keypoint descriptor is a powerful approach to encoding local image description using edge orientation histograms. Through codebook construction via k -means clustering and quantisation of SIFT features we can achieve image retrieval treating images as bags-of-words. Intensity inversion of images results in distinct SIFT features for a single local image patch across the two images. Intensity inversions notwithstanding these two patches are structurally identical. Through careful reordering of the SIFT feature vectors, we can construct the SIFT feature that would have been generated from a non-inverted image patch starting with those extracted from an inverted image patch. Furthermore, through examination of the local feature detection stage, we can estimate whether a given SIFT feature belongs in the space of inverted features, or non-inverted features. Therefore we can consistently separate the space of SIFT features into two distinct subspaces. With this knowledge, we can demonstrate reduced time complexity of codebook construction via clustering by up to a factor of four and also reduce the memory consumption of the clustering algorithms while producing equivalent retrieval results.
['Jonathon S. Hare', 'Sina Samangooei', 'Paul H. Lewis']
Efficient clustering and quantisation of SIFT features: exploiting characteristics of the SIFT descriptor and interest region detectors under image inversion
Statistical model learning problems are traditionally solved using either heuristic greedy optimization or stochastic simulation, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo or simulated annealing. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the use of combinatorial search methods, including those based on computational logic. Some of these methods are particularly attractive since they can also be successful in proving the global optimality of solutions, in contrast to stochastic algorithms that only guarantee optimality at the limit. Here we improve and generalize a recently introduced constraint-based method for learning undirected graphical models. The new method combines perfect elimination orderings with various strategies for solution pruning and offers a dramatic improvement both in terms of time and memory complexity. We also show that the method is capable of efficiently handling a more general class of models, called stratified/labeled graphical models, which have an astronomically larger model space.
['Tomi Janhunen', 'Martin Gebser', 'Jussi Rintanen', 'Henrik J. Nyman', 'Johan Pensar', 'Jukka Corander']
Learning discrete decomposable graphical models via constraint optimization
Decomposition-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) have been studied a lot and have been widely and successfully used in practice. However, there are no related theoretical studies on this kind of MOEAs. In this paper, we theoretically analyze the MOEAs based on decomposition. First, we analyze the runtime complexity with two basic simple instances. In both cases the Pareto front have one-to-one map to the decomposed subproblems or not. Second, we analyze the runtime complexity on two difficult instances with bad neighborhood relations in fitness space or decision space. Our studies show that: 1) in certain cases, polynomial-sized evenly distributed weight parameters-based decomposition cannot map each point in a polynomial sized Pareto front to a subproblem; 2) an ideal serialized algorithm can be very efficient on some simple instances; 3) the standard MOEA based on decomposition can benefit a runtime cut of a constant fraction from its neighborhood coevolution scheme; and 4) the standard MOEA based on decomposition performs well on difficult instances because both the Pareto domination-based and the scalar subproblem-based search schemes are combined in a proper way.
['Yuan-Long Li', 'Yuren Zhou', 'Zhi-Hui Zhan', 'Jun Zhang']
A Primary Theoretical Study on Decomposition-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms
Implementing an online shop can be a risky project, since there's no widespread and profound knowledge or experiences. This guideline is intended to support the management of organizational, technical and human challenges in online shop implementation projects. An overview of the implementation process is given. Subsequently, the development of a concept, using the services offered by a company to its customers, is discussed. Prototyping, realization and operation of the online shop are further topics. The last part introduces some practical "helper" tools for the implementation of online shops.
['Andreas Bartelt', 'Jochen Meyer']
A practical guideline to the implementation of online shops
Fault-tolerance may be expected to gain more and more importance in the future. Extremely harsh and changing environments, like outer space, already force us to think about this issue today, but issues like production of large-scale devices might put the same requirements on the devices of tomorrow. Imagine a mixture of chemical substances in a reservoir, together with a circuit-implementing shell that has self-repairing properties based on the maintenance of the chemical equilibrium. Could this type of solution be the basis for a robust future technology for evolvable hardware? A long term goal of evolvable hardware is to evolve large complex designs for large devices. However, both evolving large complex designs and manufacturing large reliable devices is technologically out of reach due to the resource greedy nature of GAs and low device yield rates. In this article we explore the technological requirements of digital design, design by evolution and development and the reliability issue in the light of today's digital evolvable hardware technology, FPGA and a proposed fault tolerant technology, Amorphous Computers. Considering the limitation of these platforms, we project these findings towards possible future technology platforms.
['Pauline C. Haddow', 'P. van Remortel']
From here to there : future robust EHW technologies for large digital designs
Political views frequently conflict in the coverage of contentious political issues, potentially causing serious social problems. We present a novel social annotation analysis approach for identification of news articles' political orientation. The approach focuses on the behavior of individual commenters. It uncovers commenters' sentiment patterns towards political news articles, and predicts the political orientation from the sentiments expressed in the comments. It takes advantage of commenters' participation as well as their knowledge and intelligence condensed in the sentiment of comments, thereby greatly reduces the high complexity of political view identification. We conduct extensive study on commenters' behaviors, and discover predictive commenters showing a high degree of regularity in their sentiment patterns. We develop and evaluate sentiment pattern-based methods for political view identification.
['Souneil Park', 'Minsam Ko', 'Jungwoo Kim', 'Ying Liu', 'Junehwa Song']
The politics of comments: predicting political orientation of news stories with commenters' sentiment patterns
In this paper, we consider one secondary user sensing the radio spectrum, and find its optimal sensing parameters to maximize its throughput in a periodic sensing framework, while keeping its interference to primary network below a certain level. To this end, we propose a new interference measure which takes into account not only the probability of detection, but also the secondary user transmission time and probability of false alarm. By doing so, we are able to find the optimal transmission time besides the optimal threshold and sensing time. Finally, we check the validity of our model through simulation.
['Borzoo Rassouli', 'Ali Olfat']
Periodic spectrum sensing parameters optimization in cognitive radio networks
Compressible Flows of Viscous Fluid in 3D Channel
['Petra Pořízková', 'Karel Kozel', 'Jaromír Horáček']
Compressible Flows of Viscous Fluid in 3D Channel
In a WDM network, messages are carried in all-optical form using lightpaths. These set of semi-permanent light-paths may be viewed as a virtual topology. Virtual topologies are designed to optimize some objective function with traffic as the input. The virtual topology may need to be changed in response to the changing traffic patterns. This process of changing the virtual topology is called reconfiguration. We view the reconfiguration as an on-line process and it provides a tradeoff between the objective function value and the number of changes to the virtual topology. The objective function value decides how best the topology is suited for the given traffic demand. The number of changes decides the extent of disruption of traffic in the network while making a transition to the new virtual topology. We develop a heuristic based on a two-phase approach. The effectiveness of the proposed heuristics is verified by extensive simulation experiments.
['N. Sreenath', 'G.R. Panesar', 'C.S.R. Murthy']
A two-phase approach for virtual topology reconfiguration of wavelength-routed WDM optical networks
In this paper, we propose a subnetwork key management strategy in which the heterogeneous security requirements of a wireless sensor network are considered to provide differing levels of security with minimum communication overhead. Additionally, it allows the dynamic creation of high security subnetworks within the wireless sensor network and provides subnetworks with a mechanism for dynamically creating a secure key using a novel and dynamic group key management protocol. The proposed energy-efficient protocol utilizes a combination of pre-deployed group keys and initial trustworthiness of nodes to create a level of trust between neighbors in the network. This trust is later used to allow secure communication between neighbors when creating a dynamic, high security subnetwork within the sensor network. Results of simulations of the protocol in Ns2 are presented and the complexity of the protocol is analyzed. The proposed protocol reduces delay by 50% and energy consumption by 70% over the existing dynamic group key management (DGKM) scheme.
['Tim Landstra', 'Maciej J. Zawodniok', 'Sarangapani Jagannathan']
Energy-Efficient Hybrid Key Management Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
In this paper we focus on the process of deep packet inspection of compressed web traffic. The major limiting factor in this process imposed by the compression, is the high memory requirements of 32KB per connection. This leads to the requirements of hundreds of megabytes to gigabytes of main memory on a multi-connection setting. We introduce new algorithms and techniques that drastically reduce this space requirement for such bump-in-the-wire devices like security and other content based networking tools. Our proposed scheme improves both space and time performance by almost 80% and over 40% respectively, thus making real-time compressed traffic inspection a viable option for networking devices.
['Yehuda Afek', 'Anat Bremler-Barr', 'Yaron Koral']
Space efficient deep packet inspection of compressed web traffic
We propose a domain embedding method to solve second order elliptic problems in arbitrary two-dimensional domains. This method can be easily extended to three-dimensional problems. The method is based on formulating the problem as an optimal distributed control problem inside a rectangle in which the arbitrary domain is embedded. A periodic solution of the equation under consideration is constructed easily by making use of Fourier series. Numerical results obtained for Dirichlet problems are presented. The numerical tests show a high accuracy of the proposed algorithm and the computed solutions are in very good agreement with the exact solutions.
['Lori Badea', 'Prabir Daripa']
On a Fourier Method of Embedding Domains Using an Optimal Distributed Control
Previous research applied SMCSPO (sliding mode control with sliding perturbation observer) algorithm as robust controller to control the instrument and found that the value of SPO (sliding perturbation observer) followed force disturbance, reaction force loaded on the tip very similarly. However, in fact, some factors like friction which are not easy to find model parameters beforehand can make an effect on reaction force estimation because the factors are included in any perturbation. This paper addresses the SPO based reaction force estimation method to extract a reaction force on the surgical robot instrument in case of including Coulomb friction due to operation of cable-pulley structure. The Coulomb friction can be estimated by experiment and compensated from the estimated perturbation. To prove the suggested estimation method, experimental evaluation is performed. The results show that it is possible to substitute SPO for sensors to measure the reaction force. This estimated reaction force will be used to realize haptic function by sending the reaction force to a master device for a surgeon. The results will contribute to create surgical benefit such as shortening the practice time of a surgeon and giving haptic information to surgeon by using it as haptic signal to protect an organ by making force boundary.
['Sung Min Yoon', 'Min-Cheol Lee', 'Chi Yen Kim']
Sliding Perturbation Observer Based Reaction Force Estimation Method in Surgical Robot Instrument
Software development is most often done in teams, where human and cooperative aspects are vital for team effectiveness. This has been the topic of study in several disciplines, and in this article we describe three team effectiveness models from other fields. We discuss priorities for future studies on software teams, and ask: Do we need our own effectiveness model for software teams?
['Torgeir Dingsøyr', 'Tore Dybå']
Team effectiveness in software development: human and cooperative aspects in team effectiveness models and priorities for future studies
WaterlooClarke: TREC 2015 Temporal Summarization Track.
['Ahsan Raza', 'Devin M. Rotondo', 'Charles L. A. Clarke']
WaterlooClarke: TREC 2015 Temporal Summarization Track.
Energy-Aware Web Caching over Hybrid Networks.
['Valérie Issarny', 'Francoise Sailhan']
Energy-Aware Web Caching over Hybrid Networks.
Semantic caching was originally used for structural data objects such as 2D location data and cannot be directly applied to mobile image data access. First, traditional semantic caching relies on exact match and therefore is not suitable for approximate and similarity-based queries. Second, the semantic description of cached data is defined on query context instead of data content, which leads to inefficient use of cache storage. Third, the semantic description of cached data does not reflect the popularity of the data, making it difficult to conduct popularity-driven content analysis and prediction. To facilitate content-based image retrieval in wireless ad hoc networks, we propose a semantic-aware image caching (SAIC) scheme in this paper. The proposed scheme can efficiently utilize the cache space and significantly reduce the cost of image retrieval. The proposed SAIC scheme is based on several innovative ideas: 1) multilevel representation of the semantic contents, 2) association-based and Bayesian probability-based content prediction, 3) constraint-based representation method showing the semantic similarity between images, 4) nonflooding query processing, and 5) adaptive cache consistency maintenance. The proposed model is introduced, and through extensive simulation, its behavior has been compared against two state-of-the-art ad hoc caching schemes as advanced in the literature.
['Bo Yang', 'Ali R. Hurson']
Semantic-Aware and QoS-Aware Image Caching in Ad Hoc Networks
MOBILE is an extension of the .NET Common Intermediate Language that supports certified In-Lined Reference Monitoring. Mobile programs have the useful property that if they are well-typed with respect to a declared security policy, then they are guaranteed not to violate that security policy when executed. Thus, when an In-Lined Reference Monitor (IRM) is expressed in Mobile, it can be certified by a simple type-checker to eliminate the need to trust the producer of the IRM.Security policies in Mobile are declarative, can involve unbounded collections of objects allocated at runtime, and can regard infinite-length histories of security events exhibited by those objects. The prototype Mobile implementation enforces properties expressed by finite-state security automata - one automaton for each security-relevant object - and can type-check Mobile programs in the presence of exceptions, finalizers, concurrency, and non-termination. Executing Mobile programs requires no change to existing .NET virtual machine implementations, since Mobile programs consist of normal managed CIL code with extra typing annotations stored in .NET attributes.
['Kevin W. Hamlen', 'Greg Morrisett', 'Fred B. Schneider']
Certified In-lined Reference Monitoring on .NET
We consider the problem of sum-rate maximization in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) amplify-and-forward relay networks with multi-operator. The aim is to design the MIMO relay amplification matrix (i.e., the relay beamformer) to maximize the achievable communication sum rate through the relay. The design problem for the case of single-antenna users can be cast as a non-convex optimization problem, which, in general, belongs to a class of NP-hard problems. We devise a method based on the minorization–maximization technique to obtain quality solutions to the problem. Each iteration of the proposed method consists of solving a strictly convex unconstrained quadratic program. This task can be done quite efficiently, such that the suggested algorithm can handle the beamformer design for relays with up to $\sim 70$ antennas within a few minutes on an ordinary personal computer. Such a performance lays the ground for the proposed method to be employed in medium-scale (or lower regime massive) MIMO scenarios.
['Mohammad Mahdi Naghsh', 'Mojtaba Soltanalian', 'Petre Stoica', 'Maryam Masjedi', 'Björn E. Ottersten']
Efficient Sum-Rate Maximization for Medium-Scale MIMO AF-Relay Networks
MIMO-OFDM wireless systems require adaptive modulation and coding based on channel state information (CSI) to maximize throughput in changing wireless channels. Traditional adaptive modulation and coding attempts to predict the best rate available by estimating the packet error rate for each modulation and coding scheme (MCS) by using CSI, which has shown to be challenging. This paper considers supervised learning with the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) algorithm as a new framework for adaptive modulation and coding. Practical k-NN operation is enabled through feature space dimensionality reduction using subcarrier ordering techniques based on postprocessing SNR. Simulation results of an IEEE 802.11n draft-compatible physical layer in flat and frequency selective wireless channels shows the k-NN with an ordered subcarrier feature space performs near ideal adaptation under packet error rate constraints.
['Robert C. Daniels', 'Constantine Caramanis', 'W Robert Heath']
A Supervised Learning Approach to Adaptation in Practical MIMO-OFDM Wireless Systems
The Predictable Leading Monomial Property for Linearized Polynomials and Gabidulin List-Decoding.
['Margreta Kuijper', 'Anna-Lena Trautmann']
The Predictable Leading Monomial Property for Linearized Polynomials and Gabidulin List-Decoding.
This paper presents a new approach to designing business process management solutions leveraging the principles of service-oriented computing and representational state transfer. We discuss the IT artifacts that underpin this new design, illustrate the design using a real world example, and present an evaluation highlighting several desirable features of our approach.
['Santhosh Kumaran', 'Rong Liu', 'Pankaj Dhoolia', 'Terry Heath', 'Prabir Nandi', 'Florian Pinel']
A RESTful Architecture for Service-Oriented Business Process Execution
The development of car cloud sensor network isbased on the open sources of Hadoop that support themultidimensional information service studies in this paper. Theoverall system is divided into the layers of physical sensorinformation, communications platform, real-world information, aswell as applications to develop. The function of physical sensorinformation layer builds the connection between in-vehiclenetwork and 3G/4G mobile phone being bridged by the Bluetooth. The physical sensor information is collected into the distributivefile systems on the cloud computing platform by socket providedby communication platform. Finally, a car cloud sensor networkcontained privacy cars and environment regions sensor networksare generated by real-world information layer, and in turnsupport the development of applications based on the car cloudsensor network. The functions of application layer have beencreated to include partner location marking and real-timeenvironment region parameter query at current stage to verifyand validate the functionality of car cloud sensor networkplatform and its services.
['Chi-Pan Hwang', 'Mu-Song Chen', 'Hsuan-Fu Wang']
Development of Car Cloud Sensor Network Application Platform
A Formal Modeling Approach to Information Systems Evolution and Data Migration.
['Mohammed A. Aboulsamh', 'Jim Davies']
A Formal Modeling Approach to Information Systems Evolution and Data Migration.
Being both EU-IST integrated projects in the field of AAL, PER- SONA and SOPRANO organized a conjoint workshop on the occasion of the AmI-07 conference in order for the researchers of the projects to exchange in- sights of the approaches to the key field challenges, the achievements so far in each of the projects, and possible synergies in the future. Here, we summarize the exchanged info and the workshop results. The paper gives a good overview of the two projects and their status by the end of October 2007.
['Elena Avatangelou', 'Rochi Febo Dommarco', 'Michael Klein', 'Sonja Müller', 'Claus Nielsen', 'Mª Pilar Sala Soriano', 'Andreas Schmidt', 'Mohammad-Reza Tazari', 'Reiner Wichert']
Conjoint PERSONA – SOPRANO Workshop
Previously, pictures were painted using tools such as crayons or even by hand. Surfaces such as canvases or walls, provided the tactile sensations of the drawing surface while painting. However, this tactile experience has got lost because of advances in computer graphics software. Besides, a conventional multi-touch interface [1] can not provide tactile sensation. We propose a novel interactive painting interface called "Colorful Touch Palette" that may help us to rediscover our creativity. The user can touch the canvas having the electrode, select or blend tactile textures of their choice, draw a line, and experience the tactile sensations of painting as shown in Figure 1. Various tactile textures can be created by blending textures as paints. This interface can be used to design complex spatial tactile patterns for haptic-friendly products. Moreover, this system can be potentially used to create novel tactile paintings.
['Yuki Hirobe', 'Shinobu Kuroki', 'Katsunari Sato', 'Takumi Yoshida', 'Kouta Minamizawa', 'Susumu Tachi']
Colorful Touch Palette