a round of applause greeted them when they surfaced .
everyone thought cooling off in the pool was a great idea and several people joined them , fully clothed .
zack asked as he caught annie around the waist .
she shrugged him off , swam to the side and hauled herself out of the pool .
her soaked top clung to her body , outlining her curves seductively .
he followed her , wanting to hide her from the ogling eyes but was unsure how he 'd be received .
she 'd probably slap him , going by the vibes coming off her .
he strode to her side .
`` annie , where are you going ? ''
`` you 'd better , because i 'm not waiting for a cab . ''
apparently the dip had n't cooled her temper .
they stormed past an open-mouthed louisa mondeo and a dogged servant carrying towels and mopping up their drips .
she called goodbyes after them and zack managed to thank her politely while keeping up with annie .
they drove to santa monica in tortuous silence , giving him time to think .
but he did n't like the conclusions he came to .
what had happened to his sweet little annie ?
the girl with a sassy attitude was still there but she was a beautiful woman now , with an undeniable animal magnetism that men could n't ignore when she flirted with them .
she 'd always had it , hidden just below the surface , but he 'd released it when he encouraged her to let loose , flirt a little and enjoy herself .
he 'd dug his own grave when he fell for her , and filled it in when he allowed other men to see what he saw-an exquisite and sensual woman with intelligence and a sense of humor .
he was the biggest fool in the world .
`` annie , '' he said quietly , when he pulled into a car space outside her building .
she said nothing as she opened the car door .
zack reached across and pulled it shut again before she could move .
`` you 're not going anywhere until we sort this out , '' he growled .
`` sort what out , zack ?
that you 're an arrogant jerk ?
well , i 've already sorted that out . ''
`` stop it , annie , and listen to me . ''
he caught her shoulders and turned her toward him .
fire burned in her eyes and her brow creased into a deep frown .
chapter 16 she crossed her arms .
but suddenly he could n't find the appropriate words to say what he wanted to say .
lord , he 'd give anything for a thesaurus right now .
`` i 'm sorry , '' was all he could manage .
`` for changing you . ''
she stared at him , her lips slightly parted .
from the horrified look on her face he got the feeling he 'd said the wrong thing .
he just wished he knew what was the right thing to say .
`` changing me ! ''
`` changing me into what ? ''
he shrugged , swallowed and chose his words very carefully .
`` bob wanted to turn you into a wild child .
a woman who enjoys life and likes to have fun .
i think i did my job too well .
i was n't expecting you to flirt with every man you met . ''
i was n't expecting to hate watching it , he wanted to say but did n't .
her mood was too dark to reveal something so intimate .
she might pounce on that admission and crush him with it .
watching her with another man was pain enough for one day-he could n't cope with an outright rejection on top of that .
`` you arrogant jerk !
you think you can actually change me !
what sort of egotistical man are you ?
and what sort of pathetic idiot do you think i am ?
do you think i 'm so weak that i 'd actually be influenced permanently by anything that you 've supposedly taught me over the last few days ?
either you think i 'm incredibly shallow or you think you have a power over me .
is that how you see me , zack , as a blank canvas that you can just paint a personality onto ?
turn me into your dream woman ?
plastic surgery ? ''
he stared without blinking at her .
and how the hell had she jumped to those conclusions ?
`` now wait a minute , '' he managed to say before she could use the silence to continue .
`` i do n't think that at all and you know it . ''
in fact , i know nothing about you , zack dimarco .
you 're as much a mystery to me as you were when we first met .
and that 's probably a good thing because i do n't think i want to know what makes the real zack tick . ''
he felt the screws tightening around his heart , and her fingerprints were all over them .
how could she say that after everything they 'd been through in the last few days ?
he thought she 'd known him better than any woman .
he 'd revealed more of himself to her than to anyone .
he swallowed , but the lump in his throat remained .
annie opened the car door and got out .
*** for almost two days , annie thought of insults she could fling at zack 's face next time she saw him .
unfortunately flea on a dog 's behind was the best she could do .
not even worth e-mailing that one , if she 'd known his address .
she sighed and slumped forward , resting her head on her forearms .
she was out of insults .
at least thinking of insults had kept the tears at bay .
it was easier to be angry with him than sorry for herself .
and she had a lot to be sorry for .
she 'd thrown away the best sex she 'd ever had .
yep , she was the biggest idiot this side of the sun .
at first she 'd been angry with him .
who did he think he was , saying that he 'd changed her ?
it made her feel like she was his puppet , just like all the other women he dated .
for a few hours at the party , she had become one of those women , the sort of women she 'd helped into taxis after her father 's parties .
she 'd become the type of person she loathed , just to please zack , a man she had no right to want in her life .
and that annoyed her more than zack 's arrogant comment about changing her .
although that sure had fired her up .
but when she calmed down , she realized he was partially right .
at least , it must seem that way from his perspective .
she 'd pretended to enjoy flirting with mike at the bar , then with rick at the party , just to get up zack 's nose .
to get him back for his own flirting with melanie melons , but also because he 'd made it clear that she was just a temporary , sexual liaison that meant nothing .
she wanted to show him what he was missing out on .
when in zack 's arms , kissing him , she thought a casual fling was what she wanted too .
she wanted it all and she wanted it to be permanent .
zack dimarco was n't the settling down kind .
but this time , as herself .
she was n't going to be the woman zack had tried to mold her into over the last few days .
she was n't comfortable with that annie .
last night , she came to the decision to represent the mccallum and horton agency as herself in her meeting with dug-e dug .