4 values
2 classes
{ "story": "mc500.train.0", "question": 0 }
What city is Alyssa in?
Alyssa got to the beach after a long trip. She's from Charlotte. She traveled from Atlanta. She's now in Miami. She went to Miami to visit some friends. But she wanted some time to herself at the beach, so she went there first. After going swimming and laying out, she went to her friend Ellen's house. Ellen greeted Alyssa and they both had some lemonade to drink. Alyssa called her friends Kristin and Rachel to meet at Ellen's house. The girls traded stories and caught up on their lives. It was a happy time for everyone. The girls went to a restaurant for dinner. The restaurant had a special on catfish. Alyssa enjoyed the restaurant's special. Ellen ordered a salad. Kristin had soup. Rachel had a steak. After eating, the ladies went back to Ellen's house to have fun. They had lots of fun. They stayed the night because they were tired. Alyssa was happy to spend time with her friends again.
{ "author": "2778399758", "work_time": 839, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "granddaughter", "close", "feed", "top", "wetter", "wave", "closer", "sock", "spank", "belting", "boot", "dance", "boy", "brush", "ice" ] }
{ "A": "trip", "B": "Miami", "C": "Atlanta", "D": "beach" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.0", "question": 1 }
Why did Alyssa go to Miami?
Alyssa got to the beach after a long trip. She's from Charlotte. She traveled from Atlanta. She's now in Miami. She went to Miami to visit some friends. But she wanted some time to herself at the beach, so she went there first. After going swimming and laying out, she went to her friend Ellen's house. Ellen greeted Alyssa and they both had some lemonade to drink. Alyssa called her friends Kristin and Rachel to meet at Ellen's house. The girls traded stories and caught up on their lives. It was a happy time for everyone. The girls went to a restaurant for dinner. The restaurant had a special on catfish. Alyssa enjoyed the restaurant's special. Ellen ordered a salad. Kristin had soup. Rachel had a steak. After eating, the ladies went back to Ellen's house to have fun. They had lots of fun. They stayed the night because they were tired. Alyssa was happy to spend time with her friends again.
{ "author": "2778399758", "work_time": 839, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "granddaughter", "close", "feed", "top", "wetter", "wave", "closer", "sock", "spank", "belting", "boot", "dance", "boy", "brush", "ice" ] }
{ "A": "swim", "B": "travel", "C": "visit friends", "D": "laying out" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.0", "question": 2 }
How many friends does Alyssa have?
Alyssa got to the beach after a long trip. She's from Charlotte. She traveled from Atlanta. She's now in Miami. She went to Miami to visit some friends. But she wanted some time to herself at the beach, so she went there first. After going swimming and laying out, she went to her friend Ellen's house. Ellen greeted Alyssa and they both had some lemonade to drink. Alyssa called her friends Kristin and Rachel to meet at Ellen's house. The girls traded stories and caught up on their lives. It was a happy time for everyone. The girls went to a restaurant for dinner. The restaurant had a special on catfish. Alyssa enjoyed the restaurant's special. Ellen ordered a salad. Kristin had soup. Rachel had a steak. After eating, the ladies went back to Ellen's house to have fun. They had lots of fun. They stayed the night because they were tired. Alyssa was happy to spend time with her friends again.
{ "author": "2778399758", "work_time": 839, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "granddaughter", "close", "feed", "top", "wetter", "wave", "closer", "sock", "spank", "belting", "boot", "dance", "boy", "brush", "ice" ] }
{ "A": "1", "B": "2", "C": "3", "D": "4" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.0", "question": 3 }
What did Alyssa eat at the restaurant?
Alyssa got to the beach after a long trip. She's from Charlotte. She traveled from Atlanta. She's now in Miami. She went to Miami to visit some friends. But she wanted some time to herself at the beach, so she went there first. After going swimming and laying out, she went to her friend Ellen's house. Ellen greeted Alyssa and they both had some lemonade to drink. Alyssa called her friends Kristin and Rachel to meet at Ellen's house. The girls traded stories and caught up on their lives. It was a happy time for everyone. The girls went to a restaurant for dinner. The restaurant had a special on catfish. Alyssa enjoyed the restaurant's special. Ellen ordered a salad. Kristin had soup. Rachel had a steak. After eating, the ladies went back to Ellen's house to have fun. They had lots of fun. They stayed the night because they were tired. Alyssa was happy to spend time with her friends again.
{ "author": "2778399758", "work_time": 839, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "granddaughter", "close", "feed", "top", "wetter", "wave", "closer", "sock", "spank", "belting", "boot", "dance", "boy", "brush", "ice" ] }
{ "A": "steak", "B": "soup", "C": "salad", "D": "catfish" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.1", "question": 0 }
What is the very first thing Elena does after waking up?
One morning, Elena woke up, much like she did every day. She threw the covers on the floor and rolled out of bed, yawning hugely. She walked to the window and said, "Hello there, Mr. tree!" at the big tree in the yard. It waved its branches back at her. She walked over to her fish bowl next. "Hello there, Mr. Fish!" But wait. Where was Mr. Fish? The bowl was empty--oh, the rocks and water and tiny castle were all there alright, but the pretty blue fish with the long shiny tail was nowhere to be seen. Elena was very worried. She liked Mr. Fish very much. She looked all around her desk, but here wasn't there. Then she looked on the floor behind the desk--and there he was! He was covered in dust bunnies and not moving. Elena picked him up and put him back in the bowl. And what do you know? He shook himself off and started swimming around again!
{ "author": "3208685851", "work_time": 836, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "elephant", "piece", "hope", "gum", "fish", "pea", "napkin", "win", "seed", "swing", "fluff", "catch", "girl", "bye", "wash" ] }
{ "A": "she says hello to the tree", "B": "she throws the covers on the floor", "C": "she says hello to the sun", "D": "she gets out of bed" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.1", "question": 1 }
At what time of day does this story take place?
One morning, Elena woke up, much like she did every day. She threw the covers on the floor and rolled out of bed, yawning hugely. She walked to the window and said, "Hello there, Mr. tree!" at the big tree in the yard. It waved its branches back at her. She walked over to her fish bowl next. "Hello there, Mr. Fish!" But wait. Where was Mr. Fish? The bowl was empty--oh, the rocks and water and tiny castle were all there alright, but the pretty blue fish with the long shiny tail was nowhere to be seen. Elena was very worried. She liked Mr. Fish very much. She looked all around her desk, but here wasn't there. Then she looked on the floor behind the desk--and there he was! He was covered in dust bunnies and not moving. Elena picked him up and put him back in the bowl. And what do you know? He shook himself off and started swimming around again!
{ "author": "3208685851", "work_time": 836, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "elephant", "piece", "hope", "gum", "fish", "pea", "napkin", "win", "seed", "swing", "fluff", "catch", "girl", "bye", "wash" ] }
{ "A": "Before the tree", "B": "At the end of the day", "C": "The story doesn't say", "D": "Morning" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.1", "question": 2 }
What happened to Mr. Fish in the end?
One morning, Elena woke up, much like she did every day. She threw the covers on the floor and rolled out of bed, yawning hugely. She walked to the window and said, "Hello there, Mr. tree!" at the big tree in the yard. It waved its branches back at her. She walked over to her fish bowl next. "Hello there, Mr. Fish!" But wait. Where was Mr. Fish? The bowl was empty--oh, the rocks and water and tiny castle were all there alright, but the pretty blue fish with the long shiny tail was nowhere to be seen. Elena was very worried. She liked Mr. Fish very much. She looked all around her desk, but here wasn't there. Then she looked on the floor behind the desk--and there he was! He was covered in dust bunnies and not moving. Elena picked him up and put him back in the bowl. And what do you know? He shook himself off and started swimming around again!
{ "author": "3208685851", "work_time": 836, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "elephant", "piece", "hope", "gum", "fish", "pea", "napkin", "win", "seed", "swing", "fluff", "catch", "girl", "bye", "wash" ] }
{ "A": "He got put back in the bowl, but he was dead", "B": "He started swimming around in Elena's hand", "C": "He got put in a new bowl", "D": "He got put back in his bowl and started swimming around again" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.1", "question": 3 }
What was missing from the fish bowl?
One morning, Elena woke up, much like she did every day. She threw the covers on the floor and rolled out of bed, yawning hugely. She walked to the window and said, "Hello there, Mr. tree!" at the big tree in the yard. It waved its branches back at her. She walked over to her fish bowl next. "Hello there, Mr. Fish!" But wait. Where was Mr. Fish? The bowl was empty--oh, the rocks and water and tiny castle were all there alright, but the pretty blue fish with the long shiny tail was nowhere to be seen. Elena was very worried. She liked Mr. Fish very much. She looked all around her desk, but here wasn't there. Then she looked on the floor behind the desk--and there he was! He was covered in dust bunnies and not moving. Elena picked him up and put him back in the bowl. And what do you know? He shook himself off and started swimming around again!
{ "author": "3208685851", "work_time": 836, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "elephant", "piece", "hope", "gum", "fish", "pea", "napkin", "win", "seed", "swing", "fluff", "catch", "girl", "bye", "wash" ] }
{ "A": "the rocks", "B": "Mr. Fish", "C": "the water", "D": "the tiny castle" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.2", "question": 0 }
Billy was like a...
Billy was like a king on the school yard. A king without a queen. He was the biggest kid in our grade, so he made all the rules during recess. He was a big bully. He told kids what to do, what to play, what to sing, and called them names like "Dork". He always had a smile on his face as he sat on the bench next to the big tree and watched his "kingdom". All of the other kids were scared of him. Even I was scared of him. He was mean and he could beat you up if you made him angry. Last week, a very, very stupid kid chose not to listen to Billy. Billy beat him up and Mr.Stupid Kid told the grownups that he tripped. No one would dare get Billy in trouble. Billy was mean, but he kept the school yard from getting too crazy. Well I had enough it. Billy had been picking on us for too long and we had to stop him. I grabbed some fishing line from home and brought it to school the next day. Before recess, I tied a long piece of fishing line around the tree by Billy's bench and tied the other end to a big rock. Then I went inside for class. When it was recess, Billy sat on his bench and started yelling at people. This was it. I called out, "Hey you big dummy! You're not so tough". Billy's face turned red with anger and he started marching my way. Billy marched and then tripped over the fishing line. Billy was lying face down and he seemed to be crying. Everyone cheered. The king was down.
{ "author": "3165469218", "work_time": 1546, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "feed", "sticker", "facing", "riding", "smile", "bench", "sleep", "present", "animal", "scare", "soda", "key", "long", "bantling", "tree" ] }
{ "A": "prince", "B": "dummy", "C": "queen", "D": "king" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.2", "question": 1 }
Who was Billy?
Billy was like a king on the school yard. A king without a queen. He was the biggest kid in our grade, so he made all the rules during recess. He was a big bully. He told kids what to do, what to play, what to sing, and called them names like "Dork". He always had a smile on his face as he sat on the bench next to the big tree and watched his "kingdom". All of the other kids were scared of him. Even I was scared of him. He was mean and he could beat you up if you made him angry. Last week, a very, very stupid kid chose not to listen to Billy. Billy beat him up and Mr.Stupid Kid told the grownups that he tripped. No one would dare get Billy in trouble. Billy was mean, but he kept the school yard from getting too crazy. Well I had enough it. Billy had been picking on us for too long and we had to stop him. I grabbed some fishing line from home and brought it to school the next day. Before recess, I tied a long piece of fishing line around the tree by Billy's bench and tied the other end to a big rock. Then I went inside for class. When it was recess, Billy sat on his bench and started yelling at people. This was it. I called out, "Hey you big dummy! You're not so tough". Billy's face turned red with anger and he started marching my way. Billy marched and then tripped over the fishing line. Billy was lying face down and he seemed to be crying. Everyone cheered. The king was down.
{ "author": "3165469218", "work_time": 1546, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "feed", "sticker", "facing", "riding", "smile", "bench", "sleep", "present", "animal", "scare", "soda", "key", "long", "bantling", "tree" ] }
{ "A": "The skinny kid", "B": "A teacher", "C": "A little kid", "D": "The big kid" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.2", "question": 2 }
What did the boy grab from his home?
Billy was like a king on the school yard. A king without a queen. He was the biggest kid in our grade, so he made all the rules during recess. He was a big bully. He told kids what to do, what to play, what to sing, and called them names like "Dork". He always had a smile on his face as he sat on the bench next to the big tree and watched his "kingdom". All of the other kids were scared of him. Even I was scared of him. He was mean and he could beat you up if you made him angry. Last week, a very, very stupid kid chose not to listen to Billy. Billy beat him up and Mr.Stupid Kid told the grownups that he tripped. No one would dare get Billy in trouble. Billy was mean, but he kept the school yard from getting too crazy. Well I had enough it. Billy had been picking on us for too long and we had to stop him. I grabbed some fishing line from home and brought it to school the next day. Before recess, I tied a long piece of fishing line around the tree by Billy's bench and tied the other end to a big rock. Then I went inside for class. When it was recess, Billy sat on his bench and started yelling at people. This was it. I called out, "Hey you big dummy! You're not so tough". Billy's face turned red with anger and he started marching my way. Billy marched and then tripped over the fishing line. Billy was lying face down and he seemed to be crying. Everyone cheered. The king was down.
{ "author": "3165469218", "work_time": 1546, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "feed", "sticker", "facing", "riding", "smile", "bench", "sleep", "present", "animal", "scare", "soda", "key", "long", "bantling", "tree" ] }
{ "A": "a rock", "B": "a bench", "C": "a tree", "D": "Fishing line" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.2", "question": 3 }
What did the boy call Billy?
Billy was like a king on the school yard. A king without a queen. He was the biggest kid in our grade, so he made all the rules during recess. He was a big bully. He told kids what to do, what to play, what to sing, and called them names like "Dork". He always had a smile on his face as he sat on the bench next to the big tree and watched his "kingdom". All of the other kids were scared of him. Even I was scared of him. He was mean and he could beat you up if you made him angry. Last week, a very, very stupid kid chose not to listen to Billy. Billy beat him up and Mr.Stupid Kid told the grownups that he tripped. No one would dare get Billy in trouble. Billy was mean, but he kept the school yard from getting too crazy. Well I had enough it. Billy had been picking on us for too long and we had to stop him. I grabbed some fishing line from home and brought it to school the next day. Before recess, I tied a long piece of fishing line around the tree by Billy's bench and tied the other end to a big rock. Then I went inside for class. When it was recess, Billy sat on his bench and started yelling at people. This was it. I called out, "Hey you big dummy! You're not so tough". Billy's face turned red with anger and he started marching my way. Billy marched and then tripped over the fishing line. Billy was lying face down and he seemed to be crying. Everyone cheered. The king was down.
{ "author": "3165469218", "work_time": 1546, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "feed", "sticker", "facing", "riding", "smile", "bench", "sleep", "present", "animal", "scare", "soda", "key", "long", "bantling", "tree" ] }
{ "A": "A dork", "B": "Dummy", "C": "Mr.Stupid Kid", "D": "A bully" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.3", "question": 0 }
What did Billy buy at the farm?
Billy went to the farm to buy some beef for his brother's birthday. When he arrived there he saw that all six of the cows were sad and had brown spots. The cows were all eating their breakfast in a big grassy meadow. He thought that the spots looked very strange so he went closer to the cows to get a better look. When he got closer he also saw that there were five white chickens sitting on the fence. The fence was painted blue and had some dirty black spots on it. Billy wondered where the dirty spots had come. Soon he got close to the chickens and they got scared. All five chickens flew away and went to eat some food. After Billy got a good look at the cows he went to the farmer to buy some beef. The farmer gave him four pounds of beef for ten dollars. Billy thought that it was a good deal so he went home and cooked his brother dinner. His brother was very happy with the dinner. Billy's mom was also very happy.
{ "author": "3323630398", "work_time": 712, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "farm", "mess", "see", "blue", "air", "stripe", "block", "vanilla", "circle", "cough", "reach", "cook", "birthday", "change", "game" ] }
{ "A": "Beef", "B": "Chicken", "C": "Cows", "D": "Fence" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.3", "question": 1 }
What color were the spots on the cows?
Billy went to the farm to buy some beef for his brother's birthday. When he arrived there he saw that all six of the cows were sad and had brown spots. The cows were all eating their breakfast in a big grassy meadow. He thought that the spots looked very strange so he went closer to the cows to get a better look. When he got closer he also saw that there were five white chickens sitting on the fence. The fence was painted blue and had some dirty black spots on it. Billy wondered where the dirty spots had come. Soon he got close to the chickens and they got scared. All five chickens flew away and went to eat some food. After Billy got a good look at the cows he went to the farmer to buy some beef. The farmer gave him four pounds of beef for ten dollars. Billy thought that it was a good deal so he went home and cooked his brother dinner. His brother was very happy with the dinner. Billy's mom was also very happy.
{ "author": "3323630398", "work_time": 712, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "farm", "mess", "see", "blue", "air", "stripe", "block", "vanilla", "circle", "cough", "reach", "cook", "birthday", "change", "game" ] }
{ "A": "Blue", "B": "Brown", "C": "White", "D": "Black" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.3", "question": 2 }
How many chickens were on the purple fence?
Billy went to the farm to buy some beef for his brother's birthday. When he arrived there he saw that all six of the cows were sad and had brown spots. The cows were all eating their breakfast in a big grassy meadow. He thought that the spots looked very strange so he went closer to the cows to get a better look. When he got closer he also saw that there were five white chickens sitting on the fence. The fence was painted blue and had some dirty black spots on it. Billy wondered where the dirty spots had come. Soon he got close to the chickens and they got scared. All five chickens flew away and went to eat some food. After Billy got a good look at the cows he went to the farmer to buy some beef. The farmer gave him four pounds of beef for ten dollars. Billy thought that it was a good deal so he went home and cooked his brother dinner. His brother was very happy with the dinner. Billy's mom was also very happy.
{ "author": "3323630398", "work_time": 712, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "farm", "mess", "see", "blue", "air", "stripe", "block", "vanilla", "circle", "cough", "reach", "cook", "birthday", "change", "game" ] }
{ "A": "Ten", "B": "Six", "C": "Five", "D": "Four" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.3", "question": 3 }
How did Billy's brother feel after dinner?
Billy went to the farm to buy some beef for his brother's birthday. When he arrived there he saw that all six of the cows were sad and had brown spots. The cows were all eating their breakfast in a big grassy meadow. He thought that the spots looked very strange so he went closer to the cows to get a better look. When he got closer he also saw that there were five white chickens sitting on the fence. The fence was painted blue and had some dirty black spots on it. Billy wondered where the dirty spots had come. Soon he got close to the chickens and they got scared. All five chickens flew away and went to eat some food. After Billy got a good look at the cows he went to the farmer to buy some beef. The farmer gave him four pounds of beef for ten dollars. Billy thought that it was a good deal so he went home and cooked his brother dinner. His brother was very happy with the dinner. Billy's mom was also very happy.
{ "author": "3323630398", "work_time": 712, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "farm", "mess", "see", "blue", "air", "stripe", "block", "vanilla", "circle", "cough", "reach", "cook", "birthday", "change", "game" ] }
{ "A": "Strange", "B": "Scared", "C": "Happy", "D": "Sad" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.4", "question": 0 }
Why did Grandpa answer the door?
The road to Grandpa's house was long and winding. There were lots of tall trees and animals in the woods. The trip took a long time because Jimmy was walking in his new boots and he wasn't used to them yet. He could have taken a ride to Grandpa's house, but that wouldn't be as fun. Jimmy liked to collect insects on the way to his Grandpa's house, so had picked the longer path. \newline\newlineAs he went along, Jimmy found more and more insects to add to his jar. His favorite was the lightning bug and he had found five of them total. He liked the moths too, but they were difficult to catch and took up a lot of space.\newline\newlineFinally, Jimmy arrived at Grandpa's house and knocked. Grandpa answered the door with a smile and welcomed Jimmy inside. They sat by the fire and talked about the insects. They watched the lightning bugs light up as night came.
{ "author": "646501657", "work_time": 743, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "paint", "coffee", "tree", "wood", "kitchen", "trashcan", "grandpa", "ride", "spank", "dinnertime", "have", "wish", "insect", "winding", "boot" ] }
{ "A": "Because he saw the insects", "B": "Because Jimmy was walking", "C": "Because Jimmy knocked", "D": "Because the trip took a long time" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.4", "question": 1 }
Where do Jimmy and his Grandpa sit?
The road to Grandpa's house was long and winding. There were lots of tall trees and animals in the woods. The trip took a long time because Jimmy was walking in his new boots and he wasn't used to them yet. He could have taken a ride to Grandpa's house, but that wouldn't be as fun. Jimmy liked to collect insects on the way to his Grandpa's house, so had picked the longer path. \newline\newlineAs he went along, Jimmy found more and more insects to add to his jar. His favorite was the lightning bug and he had found five of them total. He liked the moths too, but they were difficult to catch and took up a lot of space.\newline\newlineFinally, Jimmy arrived at Grandpa's house and knocked. Grandpa answered the door with a smile and welcomed Jimmy inside. They sat by the fire and talked about the insects. They watched the lightning bugs light up as night came.
{ "author": "646501657", "work_time": 743, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "paint", "coffee", "tree", "wood", "kitchen", "trashcan", "grandpa", "ride", "spank", "dinnertime", "have", "wish", "insect", "winding", "boot" ] }
{ "A": "On insects", "B": "Outside", "C": "By the fire", "D": "On the path" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.4", "question": 2 }
What was Jimmy's favorite insect in the jar?
The road to Grandpa's house was long and winding. There were lots of tall trees and animals in the woods. The trip took a long time because Jimmy was walking in his new boots and he wasn't used to them yet. He could have taken a ride to Grandpa's house, but that wouldn't be as fun. Jimmy liked to collect insects on the way to his Grandpa's house, so had picked the longer path. \newline\newlineAs he went along, Jimmy found more and more insects to add to his jar. His favorite was the lightning bug and he had found five of them total. He liked the moths too, but they were difficult to catch and took up a lot of space.\newline\newlineFinally, Jimmy arrived at Grandpa's house and knocked. Grandpa answered the door with a smile and welcomed Jimmy inside. They sat by the fire and talked about the insects. They watched the lightning bugs light up as night came.
{ "author": "646501657", "work_time": 743, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "paint", "coffee", "tree", "wood", "kitchen", "trashcan", "grandpa", "ride", "spank", "dinnertime", "have", "wish", "insect", "winding", "boot" ] }
{ "A": "Beetle", "B": "Lady bug", "C": "Moth", "D": "Lightning bug" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.4", "question": 3 }
Why doesn't Jimmy collect more moths?
The road to Grandpa's house was long and winding. There were lots of tall trees and animals in the woods. The trip took a long time because Jimmy was walking in his new boots and he wasn't used to them yet. He could have taken a ride to Grandpa's house, but that wouldn't be as fun. Jimmy liked to collect insects on the way to his Grandpa's house, so had picked the longer path. \newline\newlineAs he went along, Jimmy found more and more insects to add to his jar. His favorite was the lightning bug and he had found five of them total. He liked the moths too, but they were difficult to catch and took up a lot of space.\newline\newlineFinally, Jimmy arrived at Grandpa's house and knocked. Grandpa answered the door with a smile and welcomed Jimmy inside. They sat by the fire and talked about the insects. They watched the lightning bugs light up as night came.
{ "author": "646501657", "work_time": 743, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "paint", "coffee", "tree", "wood", "kitchen", "trashcan", "grandpa", "ride", "spank", "dinnertime", "have", "wish", "insect", "winding", "boot" ] }
{ "A": "They're difficult to catch and they take up a lot of space", "B": "They're his favorite", "C": "He doesn't like them", "D": "Grandpa doesn't like them" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.5", "question": 0 }
What was Ben's job before the party?
Sammy, Kate and Ben were planning a birthday party for their friend Stew. This party was going to be a surprise. They were going to have the party in Stew's house. Sammy's job was making the house look nice. Kate's job was to get a clown to come to the party. Ben's job was to make enough food for all of the guests. Also, each of the three friends got Stew a gift. Sammy got Stew a few goldfish in a bowl. Kate got Stew a really cool little tree in a pot. Ben got Stew a new shirt with people from Stew's favorite television show on it. His favorite television show is Crazy Town, by the way. On the day of the party, Sammy was taping signs on the walls, Kate was on the phone with the clown and Ben was cooking in the kitchen. There was a storm outside, so they were worried that all their friends might not show up. There was thunder and lightning, wind and rain. They even lost power for a little bit! But everything turned out okay in the end. All their friends showed up and Stew was very surprised. He loved all of his gifts and he thought the clown was funny. Everyone loved the food Ben made, too.
{ "author": "4279219396", "work_time": 2530, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "barn", "name", "trip", "arm", "tree", "storm", "white", "word", "clown", "tape", "goldfish", "draw", "winding", "banana", "street" ] }
{ "A": "Stopping the storm", "B": "Getting a clown", "C": "Cooking food for the guests", "D": "Calling all the guests" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.5", "question": 1 }
What did the storm do?
Sammy, Kate and Ben were planning a birthday party for their friend Stew. This party was going to be a surprise. They were going to have the party in Stew's house. Sammy's job was making the house look nice. Kate's job was to get a clown to come to the party. Ben's job was to make enough food for all of the guests. Also, each of the three friends got Stew a gift. Sammy got Stew a few goldfish in a bowl. Kate got Stew a really cool little tree in a pot. Ben got Stew a new shirt with people from Stew's favorite television show on it. His favorite television show is Crazy Town, by the way. On the day of the party, Sammy was taping signs on the walls, Kate was on the phone with the clown and Ben was cooking in the kitchen. There was a storm outside, so they were worried that all their friends might not show up. There was thunder and lightning, wind and rain. They even lost power for a little bit! But everything turned out okay in the end. All their friends showed up and Stew was very surprised. He loved all of his gifts and he thought the clown was funny. Everyone loved the food Ben made, too.
{ "author": "4279219396", "work_time": 2530, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "barn", "name", "trip", "arm", "tree", "storm", "white", "word", "clown", "tape", "goldfish", "draw", "winding", "banana", "street" ] }
{ "A": "Made their friends not show up", "B": "Made Stew not surprised about the party", "C": "Made them lose power for a little bit", "D": "Made Ben cook bad food" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.5", "question": 2 }
What did Kate get Stew for his birthday?
Sammy, Kate and Ben were planning a birthday party for their friend Stew. This party was going to be a surprise. They were going to have the party in Stew's house. Sammy's job was making the house look nice. Kate's job was to get a clown to come to the party. Ben's job was to make enough food for all of the guests. Also, each of the three friends got Stew a gift. Sammy got Stew a few goldfish in a bowl. Kate got Stew a really cool little tree in a pot. Ben got Stew a new shirt with people from Stew's favorite television show on it. His favorite television show is Crazy Town, by the way. On the day of the party, Sammy was taping signs on the walls, Kate was on the phone with the clown and Ben was cooking in the kitchen. There was a storm outside, so they were worried that all their friends might not show up. There was thunder and lightning, wind and rain. They even lost power for a little bit! But everything turned out okay in the end. All their friends showed up and Stew was very surprised. He loved all of his gifts and he thought the clown was funny. Everyone loved the food Ben made, too.
{ "author": "4279219396", "work_time": 2530, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "barn", "name", "trip", "arm", "tree", "storm", "white", "word", "clown", "tape", "goldfish", "draw", "winding", "banana", "street" ] }
{ "A": "A little tree", "B": "A few goldfish", "C": "A new shirt", "D": "A clown" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.5", "question": 3 }
What was Stew's favorite television show?
Sammy, Kate and Ben were planning a birthday party for their friend Stew. This party was going to be a surprise. They were going to have the party in Stew's house. Sammy's job was making the house look nice. Kate's job was to get a clown to come to the party. Ben's job was to make enough food for all of the guests. Also, each of the three friends got Stew a gift. Sammy got Stew a few goldfish in a bowl. Kate got Stew a really cool little tree in a pot. Ben got Stew a new shirt with people from Stew's favorite television show on it. His favorite television show is Crazy Town, by the way. On the day of the party, Sammy was taping signs on the walls, Kate was on the phone with the clown and Ben was cooking in the kitchen. There was a storm outside, so they were worried that all their friends might not show up. There was thunder and lightning, wind and rain. They even lost power for a little bit! But everything turned out okay in the end. All their friends showed up and Stew was very surprised. He loved all of his gifts and he thought the clown was funny. Everyone loved the food Ben made, too.
{ "author": "4279219396", "work_time": 2530, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "barn", "name", "trip", "arm", "tree", "storm", "white", "word", "clown", "tape", "goldfish", "draw", "winding", "banana", "street" ] }
{ "A": "Sammy, Kate and Ben", "B": "Thunder and Lightning", "C": "Crazy Town", "D": "Ben and the Clown" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.6", "question": 0 }
why was Sally picking out a dress?
Sally was looking through her closet for some clothes to wear to the school dance tomorrow night. She had a lot of clothes to look through, but she needed something perfect for the dance, since she would be seen by a lot of other people, and she wanted to stand out from the rest of the girls. There would be a lot of boys there, too. If she looked as nice as she imagined she could, she would have a lot of boys asking her to dance. And she didn't want to dance alone, because that would make her feel sad. But she had to hurry, since it was getting late, and she had to sleep soon. She was so excited, that she barely touched her baked potato she had during suppertime. She also had chicken, some green beans, and corn on the cob.\newline\newlineShe came down to four choices for what she could wear to the dance. a pink dress, a green dress, a red dress, and a yellow dress. She tried on each one and looked at herself in the mirror to see how she looked. She chose the yellow dress, because it was the prettiest. After making her choice, she changed into her pajamas and got in bed. She turned the light out and fell asleep. She dreamed about the fun she would have at the dance. Sally smiled as she slept.
{ "author": "3388028663", "work_time": 1116, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "chair", "hush", "winning", "dry", "spill", "door", "string", "jump", "catch", "wave", "suppertime", "letting", "potato", "planting", "skin" ] }
{ "A": "For a school dance", "B": "for suppertime", "C": "so she could dream", "D": "to sleep" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.6", "question": 1 }
What did Sally barely touch at suppertime?
Sally was looking through her closet for some clothes to wear to the school dance tomorrow night. She had a lot of clothes to look through, but she needed something perfect for the dance, since she would be seen by a lot of other people, and she wanted to stand out from the rest of the girls. There would be a lot of boys there, too. If she looked as nice as she imagined she could, she would have a lot of boys asking her to dance. And she didn't want to dance alone, because that would make her feel sad. But she had to hurry, since it was getting late, and she had to sleep soon. She was so excited, that she barely touched her baked potato she had during suppertime. She also had chicken, some green beans, and corn on the cob.\newline\newlineShe came down to four choices for what she could wear to the dance. a pink dress, a green dress, a red dress, and a yellow dress. She tried on each one and looked at herself in the mirror to see how she looked. She chose the yellow dress, because it was the prettiest. After making her choice, she changed into her pajamas and got in bed. She turned the light out and fell asleep. She dreamed about the fun she would have at the dance. Sally smiled as she slept.
{ "author": "3388028663", "work_time": 1116, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "chair", "hush", "winning", "dry", "spill", "door", "string", "jump", "catch", "wave", "suppertime", "letting", "potato", "planting", "skin" ] }
{ "A": "chicken", "B": "a baked potato", "C": "green beans", "D": "corn on the cob" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.6", "question": 2 }
What dress did Sally pick?
Sally was looking through her closet for some clothes to wear to the school dance tomorrow night. She had a lot of clothes to look through, but she needed something perfect for the dance, since she would be seen by a lot of other people, and she wanted to stand out from the rest of the girls. There would be a lot of boys there, too. If she looked as nice as she imagined she could, she would have a lot of boys asking her to dance. And she didn't want to dance alone, because that would make her feel sad. But she had to hurry, since it was getting late, and she had to sleep soon. She was so excited, that she barely touched her baked potato she had during suppertime. She also had chicken, some green beans, and corn on the cob.\newline\newlineShe came down to four choices for what she could wear to the dance. a pink dress, a green dress, a red dress, and a yellow dress. She tried on each one and looked at herself in the mirror to see how she looked. She chose the yellow dress, because it was the prettiest. After making her choice, she changed into her pajamas and got in bed. She turned the light out and fell asleep. She dreamed about the fun she would have at the dance. Sally smiled as she slept.
{ "author": "3388028663", "work_time": 1116, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "chair", "hush", "winning", "dry", "spill", "door", "string", "jump", "catch", "wave", "suppertime", "letting", "potato", "planting", "skin" ] }
{ "A": "pink", "B": "red", "C": "Yellow", "D": "green" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.6", "question": 3 }
Why did Sally want to look nice?
Sally was looking through her closet for some clothes to wear to the school dance tomorrow night. She had a lot of clothes to look through, but she needed something perfect for the dance, since she would be seen by a lot of other people, and she wanted to stand out from the rest of the girls. There would be a lot of boys there, too. If she looked as nice as she imagined she could, she would have a lot of boys asking her to dance. And she didn't want to dance alone, because that would make her feel sad. But she had to hurry, since it was getting late, and she had to sleep soon. She was so excited, that she barely touched her baked potato she had during suppertime. She also had chicken, some green beans, and corn on the cob.\newline\newlineShe came down to four choices for what she could wear to the dance. a pink dress, a green dress, a red dress, and a yellow dress. She tried on each one and looked at herself in the mirror to see how she looked. She chose the yellow dress, because it was the prettiest. After making her choice, she changed into her pajamas and got in bed. She turned the light out and fell asleep. She dreamed about the fun she would have at the dance. Sally smiled as she slept.
{ "author": "3388028663", "work_time": 1116, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "chair", "hush", "winning", "dry", "spill", "door", "string", "jump", "catch", "wave", "suppertime", "letting", "potato", "planting", "skin" ] }
{ "A": "so she could go to sleep", "B": "so she would have fun", "C": "so she would have a lot of boys asking her to dance", "D": "so she could have chicken" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.7", "question": 0 }
What kind of ice-cream was in the cone?
One day my dad was walking home and he had a big ice-cream cone. He had chocolate and vanilla and strawberry ice-cream on top of each other. He was moving his head back and forward to some music that he was playing when a spider dropped on his ice-cream for a little bite. My dad saw right away that a spider was on it and he brushed the spider off. After the spider was put on the floor, a fly flew into his ice-cream, right where the spider had been! Oh how terrible! My dad made the spider leave and right after that he saw an alligator come running up to him wanting a bite of his ice-cream too! My dad dropped his cone, ran away, and bought a yoghurt instead. He thought about buying a dingdong, but since dinner time was so close and he had such a big lunch, he thought a yoghurt would be better. It's a much safer and better dessert. \newline\newline165 words.
{ "author": "3960989957", "work_time": 666, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "fly", "cone", "roll", "head", "boy", "dad", "tear", "dingdong", "alligator", "make", "dark", "spider", "bathroom", "yoghurt", "walk" ] }
{ "A": "Strawberry, peach, blueberry", "B": "Vanilla, vanilla, chocolate", "C": "Chocolate, vanilla, blueberry", "D": "Chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.7", "question": 1 }
In what order did the animals meet my dad?
One day my dad was walking home and he had a big ice-cream cone. He had chocolate and vanilla and strawberry ice-cream on top of each other. He was moving his head back and forward to some music that he was playing when a spider dropped on his ice-cream for a little bite. My dad saw right away that a spider was on it and he brushed the spider off. After the spider was put on the floor, a fly flew into his ice-cream, right where the spider had been! Oh how terrible! My dad made the spider leave and right after that he saw an alligator come running up to him wanting a bite of his ice-cream too! My dad dropped his cone, ran away, and bought a yoghurt instead. He thought about buying a dingdong, but since dinner time was so close and he had such a big lunch, he thought a yoghurt would be better. It's a much safer and better dessert. \newline\newline165 words.
{ "author": "3960989957", "work_time": 666, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "fly", "cone", "roll", "head", "boy", "dad", "tear", "dingdong", "alligator", "make", "dark", "spider", "bathroom", "yoghurt", "walk" ] }
{ "A": "First fly, then pig, then alligator", "B": "First fly, then spider, then alligator.", "C": "First spider, then fly, and then alligator", "D": "First alligator, then spider, then fly." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.7", "question": 2 }
Why did my dad not eat a dingdong?
One day my dad was walking home and he had a big ice-cream cone. He had chocolate and vanilla and strawberry ice-cream on top of each other. He was moving his head back and forward to some music that he was playing when a spider dropped on his ice-cream for a little bite. My dad saw right away that a spider was on it and he brushed the spider off. After the spider was put on the floor, a fly flew into his ice-cream, right where the spider had been! Oh how terrible! My dad made the spider leave and right after that he saw an alligator come running up to him wanting a bite of his ice-cream too! My dad dropped his cone, ran away, and bought a yoghurt instead. He thought about buying a dingdong, but since dinner time was so close and he had such a big lunch, he thought a yoghurt would be better. It's a much safer and better dessert. \newline\newline165 words.
{ "author": "3960989957", "work_time": 666, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "fly", "cone", "roll", "head", "boy", "dad", "tear", "dingdong", "alligator", "make", "dark", "spider", "bathroom", "yoghurt", "walk" ] }
{ "A": "Dinner time was so far away and he had such a small lunch.", "B": "The yoghurt tasted much better.", "C": "Dinner time was so close and he had such a big lunch, he thought a yoghurt would be better. It's a much safer and better dessert.", "D": "The dingdong was too much money and did not taste good." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.7", "question": 3 }
What animals dropped on his ice-cream cone?
One day my dad was walking home and he had a big ice-cream cone. He had chocolate and vanilla and strawberry ice-cream on top of each other. He was moving his head back and forward to some music that he was playing when a spider dropped on his ice-cream for a little bite. My dad saw right away that a spider was on it and he brushed the spider off. After the spider was put on the floor, a fly flew into his ice-cream, right where the spider had been! Oh how terrible! My dad made the spider leave and right after that he saw an alligator come running up to him wanting a bite of his ice-cream too! My dad dropped his cone, ran away, and bought a yoghurt instead. He thought about buying a dingdong, but since dinner time was so close and he had such a big lunch, he thought a yoghurt would be better. It's a much safer and better dessert. \newline\newline165 words.
{ "author": "3960989957", "work_time": 666, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "fly", "cone", "roll", "head", "boy", "dad", "tear", "dingdong", "alligator", "make", "dark", "spider", "bathroom", "yoghurt", "walk" ] }
{ "A": "A spider and a fly", "B": "Spider and a pig", "C": "Fly and a bee", "D": "Spider and a bee" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.8", "question": 0 }
Which side was ordered with the fish sandwich?
Once upon a time, a horse, a cow, a ox, and a donkey were playing outside when they got really hungry. So, they went to a drive-in to get some lunch. The horse ordered a cheeseburger. The cow ordered a chili dog. The ox ordered a chicken sandwich. And the donkey ordered a fish sandwich. The horse ordered fries. The cow ordered onion rings. The ox ordered a baked potato. The donkey ordered a side salad. The horse had ketchup on his cheeseburger. The cow had mayonnaise on his chili dog. The ox had mustard on his chicken sandwich. And the donkey had Miracle Whip on his fish sandwich. But the restaurant didn't get any of the orders right because they had their sauces mixed up. The ketchup got mixed up with the Miracle Whip. The mayonnaise got mixed up with the ketchup. The mustard got mixed up with the mayonnaise. And the Miracle Whip got mixed up with the mustard. The Miracle Whip was red. The ketchup was yellow. The mayonnaise was blue. And the mustard was green.
{ "author": "202747500", "work_time": 449, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "crawl", "danger", "coat", "get", "alligator", "playground", "quieter", "grandmother", "let", "sock", "kind", "win", "cup", "sticker", "liar" ] }
{ "A": "a side salad", "B": "onion rings", "C": "baked potato", "D": "fries" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.8", "question": 1 }
Who ordered a side salad?
Once upon a time, a horse, a cow, a ox, and a donkey were playing outside when they got really hungry. So, they went to a drive-in to get some lunch. The horse ordered a cheeseburger. The cow ordered a chili dog. The ox ordered a chicken sandwich. And the donkey ordered a fish sandwich. The horse ordered fries. The cow ordered onion rings. The ox ordered a baked potato. The donkey ordered a side salad. The horse had ketchup on his cheeseburger. The cow had mayonnaise on his chili dog. The ox had mustard on his chicken sandwich. And the donkey had Miracle Whip on his fish sandwich. But the restaurant didn't get any of the orders right because they had their sauces mixed up. The ketchup got mixed up with the Miracle Whip. The mayonnaise got mixed up with the ketchup. The mustard got mixed up with the mayonnaise. And the Miracle Whip got mixed up with the mustard. The Miracle Whip was red. The ketchup was yellow. The mayonnaise was blue. And the mustard was green.
{ "author": "202747500", "work_time": 449, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "crawl", "danger", "coat", "get", "alligator", "playground", "quieter", "grandmother", "let", "sock", "kind", "win", "cup", "sticker", "liar" ] }
{ "A": "the cow", "B": "the donkey", "C": "the horse", "D": "the ox" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.8", "question": 2 }
What did the cow order?
Once upon a time, a horse, a cow, a ox, and a donkey were playing outside when they got really hungry. So, they went to a drive-in to get some lunch. The horse ordered a cheeseburger. The cow ordered a chili dog. The ox ordered a chicken sandwich. And the donkey ordered a fish sandwich. The horse ordered fries. The cow ordered onion rings. The ox ordered a baked potato. The donkey ordered a side salad. The horse had ketchup on his cheeseburger. The cow had mayonnaise on his chili dog. The ox had mustard on his chicken sandwich. And the donkey had Miracle Whip on his fish sandwich. But the restaurant didn't get any of the orders right because they had their sauces mixed up. The ketchup got mixed up with the Miracle Whip. The mayonnaise got mixed up with the ketchup. The mustard got mixed up with the mayonnaise. And the Miracle Whip got mixed up with the mustard. The Miracle Whip was red. The ketchup was yellow. The mayonnaise was blue. And the mustard was green.
{ "author": "202747500", "work_time": 449, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "crawl", "danger", "coat", "get", "alligator", "playground", "quieter", "grandmother", "let", "sock", "kind", "win", "cup", "sticker", "liar" ] }
{ "A": "a fish sandwich with Miracle Whip", "B": "a chicken sandwich with ketchup", "C": "a cheeseburger with mustard", "D": "a chili dog with mayonnaise" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.8", "question": 3 }
Who ordered a cheeseburger?
Once upon a time, a horse, a cow, a ox, and a donkey were playing outside when they got really hungry. So, they went to a drive-in to get some lunch. The horse ordered a cheeseburger. The cow ordered a chili dog. The ox ordered a chicken sandwich. And the donkey ordered a fish sandwich. The horse ordered fries. The cow ordered onion rings. The ox ordered a baked potato. The donkey ordered a side salad. The horse had ketchup on his cheeseburger. The cow had mayonnaise on his chili dog. The ox had mustard on his chicken sandwich. And the donkey had Miracle Whip on his fish sandwich. But the restaurant didn't get any of the orders right because they had their sauces mixed up. The ketchup got mixed up with the Miracle Whip. The mayonnaise got mixed up with the ketchup. The mustard got mixed up with the mayonnaise. And the Miracle Whip got mixed up with the mustard. The Miracle Whip was red. The ketchup was yellow. The mayonnaise was blue. And the mustard was green.
{ "author": "202747500", "work_time": 449, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "crawl", "danger", "coat", "get", "alligator", "playground", "quieter", "grandmother", "let", "sock", "kind", "win", "cup", "sticker", "liar" ] }
{ "A": "the ox", "B": "the cow", "C": "the donkey", "D": "the horse" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.9", "question": 0 }
Why did Scott want to go by the river?
Scott Alan woke up very early that morning in his bedroom in his house. He felt something licking his face and he wasn't sure what it was. As he opened his green eyes slowly, he saw a bit of fur. Then he saw a tongue. After that, some more fur and then slurp! He was licked again!\newline\newline"Oh, Boscoe!" the little boy said with joy as he kissed his furry little brown dog. The dog had been Scott's friend for as long as could remember. They went on many adventures together. The two of them really never left each other's side and Scott woke up many times this way.\newline\newlineOne of the most memorable adventures that Scott and Boscoe had happened when Scott was 12. Scott wanted to have a little fun. He also wanted to adventure with Boscoe. Scott had got done eating breakfast and wanted to ride his bicycle. Boscoe was walking and Scott was riding his bicycle down by the park very close to the river near Scott's house. He wanted to do a little adventuring. Boscoe was walking next to the shore and started barking his head off! Scott wasn't sure what he was barking at, so he got off his bicycle and ran down into the river to see what all the noise was about. \newline\newlineAll of the sudden, Boscoe fell in the water and was taken down stream with the fast water. Scott yelled, "Boscoe!" and he was off. He jumped into the water and began swimming after Boscoe. Boscoe's little legs were doggy paddling as fast as they could, but had no hope! Finally, Scott caught up to him, but he couldn't get back to the side of the river!\newline\newlineAs Scott was thinking this was the last of him and Boscoe, a large stick from a fallen log was well in reach and Scott grabbed it and using all of this might, he pulled him and Boscoe out of the river. \newline\newline"Boy, was that close!" Scott yelled out loud!\newline\newlineThat was the best adventure ever!
{ "author": "2354660034", "work_time": 1601, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "lunch", "goldfish", "grandpa", "toilet", "eye", "lip", "breakfast", "meal", "roar", "look", "unicorn", "rule", "meet", "grass", "bicycle" ] }
{ "A": "To ride his bike and have fun", "B": "To make his mom mad", "C": "To fall into the water", "D": "To go for a swim" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.9", "question": 1 }
What color were Scott's eyes?
Scott Alan woke up very early that morning in his bedroom in his house. He felt something licking his face and he wasn't sure what it was. As he opened his green eyes slowly, he saw a bit of fur. Then he saw a tongue. After that, some more fur and then slurp! He was licked again!\newline\newline"Oh, Boscoe!" the little boy said with joy as he kissed his furry little brown dog. The dog had been Scott's friend for as long as could remember. They went on many adventures together. The two of them really never left each other's side and Scott woke up many times this way.\newline\newlineOne of the most memorable adventures that Scott and Boscoe had happened when Scott was 12. Scott wanted to have a little fun. He also wanted to adventure with Boscoe. Scott had got done eating breakfast and wanted to ride his bicycle. Boscoe was walking and Scott was riding his bicycle down by the park very close to the river near Scott's house. He wanted to do a little adventuring. Boscoe was walking next to the shore and started barking his head off! Scott wasn't sure what he was barking at, so he got off his bicycle and ran down into the river to see what all the noise was about. \newline\newlineAll of the sudden, Boscoe fell in the water and was taken down stream with the fast water. Scott yelled, "Boscoe!" and he was off. He jumped into the water and began swimming after Boscoe. Boscoe's little legs were doggy paddling as fast as they could, but had no hope! Finally, Scott caught up to him, but he couldn't get back to the side of the river!\newline\newlineAs Scott was thinking this was the last of him and Boscoe, a large stick from a fallen log was well in reach and Scott grabbed it and using all of this might, he pulled him and Boscoe out of the river. \newline\newline"Boy, was that close!" Scott yelled out loud!\newline\newlineThat was the best adventure ever!
{ "author": "2354660034", "work_time": 1601, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "lunch", "goldfish", "grandpa", "toilet", "eye", "lip", "breakfast", "meal", "roar", "look", "unicorn", "rule", "meet", "grass", "bicycle" ] }
{ "A": "Green", "B": "Brown", "C": "Blue", "D": "Red" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.9", "question": 2 }
Where did the boy ride his bicycle to?
Scott Alan woke up very early that morning in his bedroom in his house. He felt something licking his face and he wasn't sure what it was. As he opened his green eyes slowly, he saw a bit of fur. Then he saw a tongue. After that, some more fur and then slurp! He was licked again!\newline\newline"Oh, Boscoe!" the little boy said with joy as he kissed his furry little brown dog. The dog had been Scott's friend for as long as could remember. They went on many adventures together. The two of them really never left each other's side and Scott woke up many times this way.\newline\newlineOne of the most memorable adventures that Scott and Boscoe had happened when Scott was 12. Scott wanted to have a little fun. He also wanted to adventure with Boscoe. Scott had got done eating breakfast and wanted to ride his bicycle. Boscoe was walking and Scott was riding his bicycle down by the park very close to the river near Scott's house. He wanted to do a little adventuring. Boscoe was walking next to the shore and started barking his head off! Scott wasn't sure what he was barking at, so he got off his bicycle and ran down into the river to see what all the noise was about. \newline\newlineAll of the sudden, Boscoe fell in the water and was taken down stream with the fast water. Scott yelled, "Boscoe!" and he was off. He jumped into the water and began swimming after Boscoe. Boscoe's little legs were doggy paddling as fast as they could, but had no hope! Finally, Scott caught up to him, but he couldn't get back to the side of the river!\newline\newlineAs Scott was thinking this was the last of him and Boscoe, a large stick from a fallen log was well in reach and Scott grabbed it and using all of this might, he pulled him and Boscoe out of the river. \newline\newline"Boy, was that close!" Scott yelled out loud!\newline\newlineThat was the best adventure ever!
{ "author": "2354660034", "work_time": 1601, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "lunch", "goldfish", "grandpa", "toilet", "eye", "lip", "breakfast", "meal", "roar", "look", "unicorn", "rule", "meet", "grass", "bicycle" ] }
{ "A": "House", "B": "Library", "C": "River", "D": "School" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.9", "question": 3 }
What two characters are in this book?
Scott Alan woke up very early that morning in his bedroom in his house. He felt something licking his face and he wasn't sure what it was. As he opened his green eyes slowly, he saw a bit of fur. Then he saw a tongue. After that, some more fur and then slurp! He was licked again!\newline\newline"Oh, Boscoe!" the little boy said with joy as he kissed his furry little brown dog. The dog had been Scott's friend for as long as could remember. They went on many adventures together. The two of them really never left each other's side and Scott woke up many times this way.\newline\newlineOne of the most memorable adventures that Scott and Boscoe had happened when Scott was 12. Scott wanted to have a little fun. He also wanted to adventure with Boscoe. Scott had got done eating breakfast and wanted to ride his bicycle. Boscoe was walking and Scott was riding his bicycle down by the park very close to the river near Scott's house. He wanted to do a little adventuring. Boscoe was walking next to the shore and started barking his head off! Scott wasn't sure what he was barking at, so he got off his bicycle and ran down into the river to see what all the noise was about. \newline\newlineAll of the sudden, Boscoe fell in the water and was taken down stream with the fast water. Scott yelled, "Boscoe!" and he was off. He jumped into the water and began swimming after Boscoe. Boscoe's little legs were doggy paddling as fast as they could, but had no hope! Finally, Scott caught up to him, but he couldn't get back to the side of the river!\newline\newlineAs Scott was thinking this was the last of him and Boscoe, a large stick from a fallen log was well in reach and Scott grabbed it and using all of this might, he pulled him and Boscoe out of the river. \newline\newline"Boy, was that close!" Scott yelled out loud!\newline\newlineThat was the best adventure ever!
{ "author": "2354660034", "work_time": 1601, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "lunch", "goldfish", "grandpa", "toilet", "eye", "lip", "breakfast", "meal", "roar", "look", "unicorn", "rule", "meet", "grass", "bicycle" ] }
{ "A": "Boscoe and Scott Alan", "B": "Scott and Ray", "C": "Bingo and Boscoe", "D": "Alan and Tom" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.10", "question": 0 }
What did Stinky Pete borrow from James?
Stinky Pete wanted to build a tree house. He needed to get a ladder to bring wood up the tree. He went to his friend's house to borrow a ladder. He also borrowed a bucket. He needed the bucket to carry nails. His friend is named James. The ladder was too big for Stinky Pete to carry alone. He had James help him carry the ladder back home. The ladder was heavy. They were careful to stay on the sidewalk. Stinky Pete got the hammer from his tool box. He gave James a rope. Stinky Pete and James got to work on the tree house. They worked all day. They painted the inside of the tree house blue. They painted the outside of the tree house red. They did not use green or orange paint. They used the rope to climb down from the tree house. When they were all finished, Stinky Pete helped James carry the ladder and bucket back to his house. Stinky Pete thanked James for helping him.
{ "author": "1444843715", "work_time": 1369, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "beard", "fist", "call", "flower", "bump", "thing", "knee", "knob", "bleed", "build", "train", "sidewalk", "close", "wait", "red" ] }
{ "A": "He borrowed a hammer", "B": "He borrowed a ladder and a bucket.", "C": "He borrowed a rope", "D": "He borrowed a tool box" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.10", "question": 1 }
Why did Stinky Pete need a bucket?
Stinky Pete wanted to build a tree house. He needed to get a ladder to bring wood up the tree. He went to his friend's house to borrow a ladder. He also borrowed a bucket. He needed the bucket to carry nails. His friend is named James. The ladder was too big for Stinky Pete to carry alone. He had James help him carry the ladder back home. The ladder was heavy. They were careful to stay on the sidewalk. Stinky Pete got the hammer from his tool box. He gave James a rope. Stinky Pete and James got to work on the tree house. They worked all day. They painted the inside of the tree house blue. They painted the outside of the tree house red. They did not use green or orange paint. They used the rope to climb down from the tree house. When they were all finished, Stinky Pete helped James carry the ladder and bucket back to his house. Stinky Pete thanked James for helping him.
{ "author": "1444843715", "work_time": 1369, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "beard", "fist", "call", "flower", "bump", "thing", "knee", "knob", "bleed", "build", "train", "sidewalk", "close", "wait", "red" ] }
{ "A": "To carry wood", "B": "To carry nails", "C": "To carry a ladder", "D": "To carry a rope" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.10", "question": 2 }
What was Stinky Pete building?
Stinky Pete wanted to build a tree house. He needed to get a ladder to bring wood up the tree. He went to his friend's house to borrow a ladder. He also borrowed a bucket. He needed the bucket to carry nails. His friend is named James. The ladder was too big for Stinky Pete to carry alone. He had James help him carry the ladder back home. The ladder was heavy. They were careful to stay on the sidewalk. Stinky Pete got the hammer from his tool box. He gave James a rope. Stinky Pete and James got to work on the tree house. They worked all day. They painted the inside of the tree house blue. They painted the outside of the tree house red. They did not use green or orange paint. They used the rope to climb down from the tree house. When they were all finished, Stinky Pete helped James carry the ladder and bucket back to his house. Stinky Pete thanked James for helping him.
{ "author": "1444843715", "work_time": 1369, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "beard", "fist", "call", "flower", "bump", "thing", "knee", "knob", "bleed", "build", "train", "sidewalk", "close", "wait", "red" ] }
{ "A": "A tool box", "B": "A ladder", "C": "A sidewalk", "D": "A tree house." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.10", "question": 3 }
What color paint did they use on the tree house?
Stinky Pete wanted to build a tree house. He needed to get a ladder to bring wood up the tree. He went to his friend's house to borrow a ladder. He also borrowed a bucket. He needed the bucket to carry nails. His friend is named James. The ladder was too big for Stinky Pete to carry alone. He had James help him carry the ladder back home. The ladder was heavy. They were careful to stay on the sidewalk. Stinky Pete got the hammer from his tool box. He gave James a rope. Stinky Pete and James got to work on the tree house. They worked all day. They painted the inside of the tree house blue. They painted the outside of the tree house red. They did not use green or orange paint. They used the rope to climb down from the tree house. When they were all finished, Stinky Pete helped James carry the ladder and bucket back to his house. Stinky Pete thanked James for helping him.
{ "author": "1444843715", "work_time": 1369, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "beard", "fist", "call", "flower", "bump", "thing", "knee", "knob", "bleed", "build", "train", "sidewalk", "close", "wait", "red" ] }
{ "A": "Green and orange", "B": "Red and blue", "C": "Red and orange", "D": "Green and blue" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.11", "question": 0 }
Did James get a treat? What kind was it?
It was a hot Saturday afternoon, and James was going shopping with his mother. While she made her shopping list, James looked out the window. In the sky, he saw pretty birds. He smiled - James liked birds. He saw one last Friday when he was getting muddy in the puddles, and another on Wednesday when he was playing with his toy spaceship.\newline\newlineOnce his mother was done making her list, James got his shoes on before getting in the car. "Should I bring my jacket, Mom?" he asked. \newline\newline"No," his mother answered, fixing his hair, "it is warmer today than it was yesterday, in fact, it's hot!"\newlineJames and his mother got in the car, and drove off to the store. He leaned his head on the car window, looking at the animals and trees they passed. He saw flowers, a puppy, ants, and people walking, and even a chipmunk! \newline\newlineWhen they got to the store, James and his mother grabbed an empty shopping cart. James always liked helping his mother do her shopping - she sometimes let him get a treat if he was good. They went up and down the aisles, picking up the things on the list, including James' favorite food - peanut butter - and James was very well behaved.\newlineAs they finished their shopping and walked to the front of the store in order to pay, James' mother said, "James, you can get a candy bar if you'd like, so I can say 'thank you' for being a super good helper today."\newline\newlineJames was so excited. He picked one with peanuts and chocolate, and placed it with the rest of their items. \newline\newlineWhen they got home, James spent the rest of the day playing Legos in his room. It was a good day.
{ "author": "2989923883", "work_time": 948, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "hot", "head", "window", "yes", "sky", "thank", "empty", "jacket", "mother", "place", "finger", "light", "gentle", "warmer", "chipmunk" ] }
{ "A": "Yes, a plane", "B": "No, he threw a temper tantrum.", "C": "Yes, a candy bar with peanuts and chocolate", "D": "No, but he wanted one with peanut butter." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.11", "question": 1 }
What did James do on the way to the store? What did he see?
It was a hot Saturday afternoon, and James was going shopping with his mother. While she made her shopping list, James looked out the window. In the sky, he saw pretty birds. He smiled - James liked birds. He saw one last Friday when he was getting muddy in the puddles, and another on Wednesday when he was playing with his toy spaceship.\newline\newlineOnce his mother was done making her list, James got his shoes on before getting in the car. "Should I bring my jacket, Mom?" he asked. \newline\newline"No," his mother answered, fixing his hair, "it is warmer today than it was yesterday, in fact, it's hot!"\newlineJames and his mother got in the car, and drove off to the store. He leaned his head on the car window, looking at the animals and trees they passed. He saw flowers, a puppy, ants, and people walking, and even a chipmunk! \newline\newlineWhen they got to the store, James and his mother grabbed an empty shopping cart. James always liked helping his mother do her shopping - she sometimes let him get a treat if he was good. They went up and down the aisles, picking up the things on the list, including James' favorite food - peanut butter - and James was very well behaved.\newlineAs they finished their shopping and walked to the front of the store in order to pay, James' mother said, "James, you can get a candy bar if you'd like, so I can say 'thank you' for being a super good helper today."\newline\newlineJames was so excited. He picked one with peanuts and chocolate, and placed it with the rest of their items. \newline\newlineWhen they got home, James spent the rest of the day playing Legos in his room. It was a good day.
{ "author": "2989923883", "work_time": 948, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "hot", "head", "window", "yes", "sky", "thank", "empty", "jacket", "mother", "place", "finger", "light", "gentle", "warmer", "chipmunk" ] }
{ "A": "Washed his hair", "B": "Slept", "C": "Got muddy", "D": "Leaned his head on the car window and saw flowers, people walking, and a chipmunk." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.11", "question": 2 }
What day is it?
It was a hot Saturday afternoon, and James was going shopping with his mother. While she made her shopping list, James looked out the window. In the sky, he saw pretty birds. He smiled - James liked birds. He saw one last Friday when he was getting muddy in the puddles, and another on Wednesday when he was playing with his toy spaceship.\newline\newlineOnce his mother was done making her list, James got his shoes on before getting in the car. "Should I bring my jacket, Mom?" he asked. \newline\newline"No," his mother answered, fixing his hair, "it is warmer today than it was yesterday, in fact, it's hot!"\newlineJames and his mother got in the car, and drove off to the store. He leaned his head on the car window, looking at the animals and trees they passed. He saw flowers, a puppy, ants, and people walking, and even a chipmunk! \newline\newlineWhen they got to the store, James and his mother grabbed an empty shopping cart. James always liked helping his mother do her shopping - she sometimes let him get a treat if he was good. They went up and down the aisles, picking up the things on the list, including James' favorite food - peanut butter - and James was very well behaved.\newlineAs they finished their shopping and walked to the front of the store in order to pay, James' mother said, "James, you can get a candy bar if you'd like, so I can say 'thank you' for being a super good helper today."\newline\newlineJames was so excited. He picked one with peanuts and chocolate, and placed it with the rest of their items. \newline\newlineWhen they got home, James spent the rest of the day playing Legos in his room. It was a good day.
{ "author": "2989923883", "work_time": 948, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "hot", "head", "window", "yes", "sky", "thank", "empty", "jacket", "mother", "place", "finger", "light", "gentle", "warmer", "chipmunk" ] }
{ "A": "Wednesday", "B": "Saturday", "C": "Monday", "D": "Friday" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.11", "question": 3 }
What can James get at the store if he is well behaved?
It was a hot Saturday afternoon, and James was going shopping with his mother. While she made her shopping list, James looked out the window. In the sky, he saw pretty birds. He smiled - James liked birds. He saw one last Friday when he was getting muddy in the puddles, and another on Wednesday when he was playing with his toy spaceship.\newline\newlineOnce his mother was done making her list, James got his shoes on before getting in the car. "Should I bring my jacket, Mom?" he asked. \newline\newline"No," his mother answered, fixing his hair, "it is warmer today than it was yesterday, in fact, it's hot!"\newlineJames and his mother got in the car, and drove off to the store. He leaned his head on the car window, looking at the animals and trees they passed. He saw flowers, a puppy, ants, and people walking, and even a chipmunk! \newline\newlineWhen they got to the store, James and his mother grabbed an empty shopping cart. James always liked helping his mother do her shopping - she sometimes let him get a treat if he was good. They went up and down the aisles, picking up the things on the list, including James' favorite food - peanut butter - and James was very well behaved.\newlineAs they finished their shopping and walked to the front of the store in order to pay, James' mother said, "James, you can get a candy bar if you'd like, so I can say 'thank you' for being a super good helper today."\newline\newlineJames was so excited. He picked one with peanuts and chocolate, and placed it with the rest of their items. \newline\newlineWhen they got home, James spent the rest of the day playing Legos in his room. It was a good day.
{ "author": "2989923883", "work_time": 948, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "hot", "head", "window", "yes", "sky", "thank", "empty", "jacket", "mother", "place", "finger", "light", "gentle", "warmer", "chipmunk" ] }
{ "A": "A puppy", "B": "A spaceship", "C": "A bubble bath", "D": "A treat" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.12", "question": 0 }
How many trees did John and Rick plant?
Once upon a time, there was an old man named John. John loved to eat peaches. In fact, John's whole family, including his mother Stephanie, his father Bob, and his brother James loved to eat peaches. John would eat peaches in the morning for breakfast, in the afternoon for lunch, and in the evening for dinner. John and his best friend, Rick, shared their love for peaches. One day John and Rick started a peach farm so that they would never run out of their favorite fruit. They planted hundreds of peach trees and waited for them to bear fruit. After 6 years of waiting, 1 lonely peach finally grew on one of the trees John and Rick planted. They picked the peach and brought it home. They waited until the weekend to eat it in case more peaches grew, but none did. John and Rick were sad and confused about their farm. They planted hundreds of trees and were sure that there would be thousands of peaches for them to eat in no time. Another peach never grew on their farm for 17 years. One day, a mighty crack of thunder led to a strong storm. Lightning hit the ground over and over, and John and Rick were scared their trees might be killed. The next morning, every tree on the farm had more than 10 peaches on it. John and Rick started shouting for joy.
{ "author": "4075854844", "work_time": 711, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "turn", "get", "god", "ankle", "cup", "house", "hair", "thunder", "shouting", "weekend", "driver", "pink", "lunch", "peach", "try" ] }
{ "A": "Thousands", "B": "Hundreds", "C": "6", "D": "17" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.12", "question": 1 }
How many years did it take for the first peach to grow?
Once upon a time, there was an old man named John. John loved to eat peaches. In fact, John's whole family, including his mother Stephanie, his father Bob, and his brother James loved to eat peaches. John would eat peaches in the morning for breakfast, in the afternoon for lunch, and in the evening for dinner. John and his best friend, Rick, shared their love for peaches. One day John and Rick started a peach farm so that they would never run out of their favorite fruit. They planted hundreds of peach trees and waited for them to bear fruit. After 6 years of waiting, 1 lonely peach finally grew on one of the trees John and Rick planted. They picked the peach and brought it home. They waited until the weekend to eat it in case more peaches grew, but none did. John and Rick were sad and confused about their farm. They planted hundreds of trees and were sure that there would be thousands of peaches for them to eat in no time. Another peach never grew on their farm for 17 years. One day, a mighty crack of thunder led to a strong storm. Lightning hit the ground over and over, and John and Rick were scared their trees might be killed. The next morning, every tree on the farm had more than 10 peaches on it. John and Rick started shouting for joy.
{ "author": "4075854844", "work_time": 711, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "turn", "get", "god", "ankle", "cup", "house", "hair", "thunder", "shouting", "weekend", "driver", "pink", "lunch", "peach", "try" ] }
{ "A": "10", "B": "17", "C": "1", "D": "6" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.12", "question": 2 }
Who was John's best friend?
Once upon a time, there was an old man named John. John loved to eat peaches. In fact, John's whole family, including his mother Stephanie, his father Bob, and his brother James loved to eat peaches. John would eat peaches in the morning for breakfast, in the afternoon for lunch, and in the evening for dinner. John and his best friend, Rick, shared their love for peaches. One day John and Rick started a peach farm so that they would never run out of their favorite fruit. They planted hundreds of peach trees and waited for them to bear fruit. After 6 years of waiting, 1 lonely peach finally grew on one of the trees John and Rick planted. They picked the peach and brought it home. They waited until the weekend to eat it in case more peaches grew, but none did. John and Rick were sad and confused about their farm. They planted hundreds of trees and were sure that there would be thousands of peaches for them to eat in no time. Another peach never grew on their farm for 17 years. One day, a mighty crack of thunder led to a strong storm. Lightning hit the ground over and over, and John and Rick were scared their trees might be killed. The next morning, every tree on the farm had more than 10 peaches on it. John and Rick started shouting for joy.
{ "author": "4075854844", "work_time": 711, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "turn", "get", "god", "ankle", "cup", "house", "hair", "thunder", "shouting", "weekend", "driver", "pink", "lunch", "peach", "try" ] }
{ "A": "Rick", "B": "Bob", "C": "James", "D": "Stephanie" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.12", "question": 3 }
What did John and Rick both love?
Once upon a time, there was an old man named John. John loved to eat peaches. In fact, John's whole family, including his mother Stephanie, his father Bob, and his brother James loved to eat peaches. John would eat peaches in the morning for breakfast, in the afternoon for lunch, and in the evening for dinner. John and his best friend, Rick, shared their love for peaches. One day John and Rick started a peach farm so that they would never run out of their favorite fruit. They planted hundreds of peach trees and waited for them to bear fruit. After 6 years of waiting, 1 lonely peach finally grew on one of the trees John and Rick planted. They picked the peach and brought it home. They waited until the weekend to eat it in case more peaches grew, but none did. John and Rick were sad and confused about their farm. They planted hundreds of trees and were sure that there would be thousands of peaches for them to eat in no time. Another peach never grew on their farm for 17 years. One day, a mighty crack of thunder led to a strong storm. Lightning hit the ground over and over, and John and Rick were scared their trees might be killed. The next morning, every tree on the farm had more than 10 peaches on it. John and Rick started shouting for joy.
{ "author": "4075854844", "work_time": 711, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "turn", "get", "god", "ankle", "cup", "house", "hair", "thunder", "shouting", "weekend", "driver", "pink", "lunch", "peach", "try" ] }
{ "A": "Thunder", "B": "Peaches", "C": "Trees", "D": "Lunch" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.13", "question": 0 }
Who likes wearing bows?
Katie went to the store. She needed to buy some flowers. She also needed to buy a snack and a bow. The store is down the street. Katie's mother drove her to the store. Her mother is named June. Katie looked around for the flowers. She found some pink ones. Katie then looked for the snacks. She wanted cookies not chips. She found some chocolate cookies. Katie then looked for a bow. She wanted to get one for her cat. Her cat is named James. James likes wearing bows. Katie also has a dog, but he does not like bows. His name is Sammy. Katie gave the bow to James the cat. He liked it. Katie ate her snack. She likes chocolate cookies. Katie gave the flowers to her mother. Her mother was very happy. She likes flowers. Katie did not get anything for Sammy. She gave Sammy a hug instead. Sammy likes hugs. James does not like hugs. Katie had a great day.
{ "author": "1444843715", "work_time": 619, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "snack", "meat", "snow", "change", "juice", "hit", "seat", "cat", "chalk", "pink", "bow", "flower", "seat", "forward", "burp" ] }
{ "A": "Sammy", "B": "James", "C": "Katie", "D": "Her mother" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.13", "question": 1 }
What snack did Katie buy?
Katie went to the store. She needed to buy some flowers. She also needed to buy a snack and a bow. The store is down the street. Katie's mother drove her to the store. Her mother is named June. Katie looked around for the flowers. She found some pink ones. Katie then looked for the snacks. She wanted cookies not chips. She found some chocolate cookies. Katie then looked for a bow. She wanted to get one for her cat. Her cat is named James. James likes wearing bows. Katie also has a dog, but he does not like bows. His name is Sammy. Katie gave the bow to James the cat. He liked it. Katie ate her snack. She likes chocolate cookies. Katie gave the flowers to her mother. Her mother was very happy. She likes flowers. Katie did not get anything for Sammy. She gave Sammy a hug instead. Sammy likes hugs. James does not like hugs. Katie had a great day.
{ "author": "1444843715", "work_time": 619, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "snack", "meat", "snow", "change", "juice", "hit", "seat", "cat", "chalk", "pink", "bow", "flower", "seat", "forward", "burp" ] }
{ "A": "Chips", "B": "Chocolate cookies", "C": "Flowers", "D": "Bows" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.13", "question": 2 }
What is the name of Katie's dog?
Katie went to the store. She needed to buy some flowers. She also needed to buy a snack and a bow. The store is down the street. Katie's mother drove her to the store. Her mother is named June. Katie looked around for the flowers. She found some pink ones. Katie then looked for the snacks. She wanted cookies not chips. She found some chocolate cookies. Katie then looked for a bow. She wanted to get one for her cat. Her cat is named James. James likes wearing bows. Katie also has a dog, but he does not like bows. His name is Sammy. Katie gave the bow to James the cat. He liked it. Katie ate her snack. She likes chocolate cookies. Katie gave the flowers to her mother. Her mother was very happy. She likes flowers. Katie did not get anything for Sammy. She gave Sammy a hug instead. Sammy likes hugs. James does not like hugs. Katie had a great day.
{ "author": "1444843715", "work_time": 619, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "snack", "meat", "snow", "change", "juice", "hit", "seat", "cat", "chalk", "pink", "bow", "flower", "seat", "forward", "burp" ] }
{ "A": "June", "B": "Katie", "C": "Sammy", "D": "James" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.13", "question": 3 }
Who drove Katie to the store?
Katie went to the store. She needed to buy some flowers. She also needed to buy a snack and a bow. The store is down the street. Katie's mother drove her to the store. Her mother is named June. Katie looked around for the flowers. She found some pink ones. Katie then looked for the snacks. She wanted cookies not chips. She found some chocolate cookies. Katie then looked for a bow. She wanted to get one for her cat. Her cat is named James. James likes wearing bows. Katie also has a dog, but he does not like bows. His name is Sammy. Katie gave the bow to James the cat. He liked it. Katie ate her snack. She likes chocolate cookies. Katie gave the flowers to her mother. Her mother was very happy. She likes flowers. Katie did not get anything for Sammy. She gave Sammy a hug instead. Sammy likes hugs. James does not like hugs. Katie had a great day.
{ "author": "1444843715", "work_time": 619, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "snack", "meat", "snow", "change", "juice", "hit", "seat", "cat", "chalk", "pink", "bow", "flower", "seat", "forward", "burp" ] }
{ "A": "Her mother", "B": "Sammy", "C": "James", "D": "Katie" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.14", "question": 0 }
What day did Mary and her grandma see a movie?
Mary was spending a few days over her grandma and grandpa's house. Mary and her grandpa went to the park on Thursday morning. She had so much fun with him, and they were smiling the whole time! He pushed her on the swings, then helped her go down the slide. After they left the park, they went back to her grandpa's house. Mary asked her grandpa to make her lunch because she was starving! He told her that he could make her a few things. She could choose between chicken and pasta, beef and rice, or pizza and salad. Mary asked him to make her chicken and pasta. They ate lunch together at the kitchen table. The next day, Mary and her grandma went to see a movie at the movie theater. There was a new cartoon movie about cats and dogs that she couldn't wait to see! They ate popcorn and candy, and Mary had some juice. On Saturday, Mary's grandparents brought her back home to her mom and dad. They were so excited to see her! Mary spent Sunday with her mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa. They had a big picnic, and it was a great end to the week.
{ "author": "3593402326", "work_time": 759, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "slide", "rice", "smile", "potato", "dot", "reading", "meal", "pocket", "coffee", "pain", "warm", "heavy", "push", "granddaddy", "pan" ] }
{ "A": "Friday", "B": "Sunday", "C": "Saturday", "D": "Thursday" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.14", "question": 1 }
Where did Mary go on Thursday?
Mary was spending a few days over her grandma and grandpa's house. Mary and her grandpa went to the park on Thursday morning. She had so much fun with him, and they were smiling the whole time! He pushed her on the swings, then helped her go down the slide. After they left the park, they went back to her grandpa's house. Mary asked her grandpa to make her lunch because she was starving! He told her that he could make her a few things. She could choose between chicken and pasta, beef and rice, or pizza and salad. Mary asked him to make her chicken and pasta. They ate lunch together at the kitchen table. The next day, Mary and her grandma went to see a movie at the movie theater. There was a new cartoon movie about cats and dogs that she couldn't wait to see! They ate popcorn and candy, and Mary had some juice. On Saturday, Mary's grandparents brought her back home to her mom and dad. They were so excited to see her! Mary spent Sunday with her mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa. They had a big picnic, and it was a great end to the week.
{ "author": "3593402326", "work_time": 759, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "slide", "rice", "smile", "potato", "dot", "reading", "meal", "pocket", "coffee", "pain", "warm", "heavy", "push", "granddaddy", "pan" ] }
{ "A": "To the movie theater.", "B": "To the park.", "C": "To her mom and dad's house.", "D": "To a restaurant." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.14", "question": 2 }
Whose house did Mary stay over?
Mary was spending a few days over her grandma and grandpa's house. Mary and her grandpa went to the park on Thursday morning. She had so much fun with him, and they were smiling the whole time! He pushed her on the swings, then helped her go down the slide. After they left the park, they went back to her grandpa's house. Mary asked her grandpa to make her lunch because she was starving! He told her that he could make her a few things. She could choose between chicken and pasta, beef and rice, or pizza and salad. Mary asked him to make her chicken and pasta. They ate lunch together at the kitchen table. The next day, Mary and her grandma went to see a movie at the movie theater. There was a new cartoon movie about cats and dogs that she couldn't wait to see! They ate popcorn and candy, and Mary had some juice. On Saturday, Mary's grandparents brought her back home to her mom and dad. They were so excited to see her! Mary spent Sunday with her mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa. They had a big picnic, and it was a great end to the week.
{ "author": "3593402326", "work_time": 759, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "slide", "rice", "smile", "potato", "dot", "reading", "meal", "pocket", "coffee", "pain", "warm", "heavy", "push", "granddaddy", "pan" ] }
{ "A": "Her friend's house.", "B": "A cat and dog's house.", "C": "Her grandma and grandpa's house.", "D": "Her mom and dad's house." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.14", "question": 3 }
What did Mary eat for lunch on Thursday?
Mary was spending a few days over her grandma and grandpa's house. Mary and her grandpa went to the park on Thursday morning. She had so much fun with him, and they were smiling the whole time! He pushed her on the swings, then helped her go down the slide. After they left the park, they went back to her grandpa's house. Mary asked her grandpa to make her lunch because she was starving! He told her that he could make her a few things. She could choose between chicken and pasta, beef and rice, or pizza and salad. Mary asked him to make her chicken and pasta. They ate lunch together at the kitchen table. The next day, Mary and her grandma went to see a movie at the movie theater. There was a new cartoon movie about cats and dogs that she couldn't wait to see! They ate popcorn and candy, and Mary had some juice. On Saturday, Mary's grandparents brought her back home to her mom and dad. They were so excited to see her! Mary spent Sunday with her mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa. They had a big picnic, and it was a great end to the week.
{ "author": "3593402326", "work_time": 759, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "slide", "rice", "smile", "potato", "dot", "reading", "meal", "pocket", "coffee", "pain", "warm", "heavy", "push", "granddaddy", "pan" ] }
{ "A": "Pizza and salad.", "B": "Beef and rice.", "C": "Chicken and pasta.", "D": "Popcorn and candy." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.15", "question": 0 }
Who makes the paper balls the cats play with?
Brendan loves cats. He owns 8 cats. He has 7 girl cats and only 1 boy cat. Brendan brushes the cats' hair every day. He makes sure to feed them every morning and evening and always checks to see if the cats have water. Sometimes he feeds them special treats because he loves them. Each cat gets 3 treats. He doesn't give them food like chips and cake and candy, because those foods aren't good for cats. He likes to play with the cats. The cats like to chase balls of paper that Brendan makes for them. Some of his cats have orange fur, some have black fur, some are spotted and one is white. The white cat is Brendan's favorite. She is the first cat he owned. Her name is Snowball. When he first got Snowball she was a kitten. His other cats are named Fluffy, Salem, Jackie, Cola, Snickers, Pumpkin and Whiskers.
{ "author": "4191584747", "work_time": 1109, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "sleeve", "frosting", "take", "name", "pain", "tiger", "juice", "kitchen", "kid", "shape", "feather", "whisper", "square", "rinse", "corn" ] }
{ "A": "Whiskers", "B": "Pumpkin", "C": "Snickers", "D": "Brendan" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.15", "question": 1 }
What does Brendan feed his cats?
Brendan loves cats. He owns 8 cats. He has 7 girl cats and only 1 boy cat. Brendan brushes the cats' hair every day. He makes sure to feed them every morning and evening and always checks to see if the cats have water. Sometimes he feeds them special treats because he loves them. Each cat gets 3 treats. He doesn't give them food like chips and cake and candy, because those foods aren't good for cats. He likes to play with the cats. The cats like to chase balls of paper that Brendan makes for them. Some of his cats have orange fur, some have black fur, some are spotted and one is white. The white cat is Brendan's favorite. She is the first cat he owned. Her name is Snowball. When he first got Snowball she was a kitten. His other cats are named Fluffy, Salem, Jackie, Cola, Snickers, Pumpkin and Whiskers.
{ "author": "4191584747", "work_time": 1109, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "sleeve", "frosting", "take", "name", "pain", "tiger", "juice", "kitchen", "kid", "shape", "feather", "whisper", "square", "rinse", "corn" ] }
{ "A": "cake", "B": "chips", "C": "candy", "D": "cat food and treats" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.15", "question": 2 }
How many cats does Brendan have?
Brendan loves cats. He owns 8 cats. He has 7 girl cats and only 1 boy cat. Brendan brushes the cats' hair every day. He makes sure to feed them every morning and evening and always checks to see if the cats have water. Sometimes he feeds them special treats because he loves them. Each cat gets 3 treats. He doesn't give them food like chips and cake and candy, because those foods aren't good for cats. He likes to play with the cats. The cats like to chase balls of paper that Brendan makes for them. Some of his cats have orange fur, some have black fur, some are spotted and one is white. The white cat is Brendan's favorite. She is the first cat he owned. Her name is Snowball. When he first got Snowball she was a kitten. His other cats are named Fluffy, Salem, Jackie, Cola, Snickers, Pumpkin and Whiskers.
{ "author": "4191584747", "work_time": 1109, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "sleeve", "frosting", "take", "name", "pain", "tiger", "juice", "kitchen", "kid", "shape", "feather", "whisper", "square", "rinse", "corn" ] }
{ "A": "7", "B": "3", "C": "1", "D": "8" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.15", "question": 3 }
What is the name of Brendan's favorite cat?
Brendan loves cats. He owns 8 cats. He has 7 girl cats and only 1 boy cat. Brendan brushes the cats' hair every day. He makes sure to feed them every morning and evening and always checks to see if the cats have water. Sometimes he feeds them special treats because he loves them. Each cat gets 3 treats. He doesn't give them food like chips and cake and candy, because those foods aren't good for cats. He likes to play with the cats. The cats like to chase balls of paper that Brendan makes for them. Some of his cats have orange fur, some have black fur, some are spotted and one is white. The white cat is Brendan's favorite. She is the first cat he owned. Her name is Snowball. When he first got Snowball she was a kitten. His other cats are named Fluffy, Salem, Jackie, Cola, Snickers, Pumpkin and Whiskers.
{ "author": "4191584747", "work_time": 1109, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "sleeve", "frosting", "take", "name", "pain", "tiger", "juice", "kitchen", "kid", "shape", "feather", "whisper", "square", "rinse", "corn" ] }
{ "A": "Snowball", "B": "Jackie", "C": "Fluffy", "D": "Salem" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.16", "question": 0 }
Who thought it was dumb to play inside?
Dave and John were playing catch in the living room. Rose told them that was dumb, but she did not stop them. She kept writing in her notebook. If they wanted to get in trouble, then they could. It was not her responsibility.\newline\newlineDave told John to go long. Dave did not have good aim and missed John's hands when he threw the ball. Instead he hit the lamp and knocked it over. He was glad he did not hit the dishes. Nor did he hit the cat. John was not glad that he hit the lamp, but was glad that the lamp was not broken.\newline\newlineWhen John's dad came home, he was very happy that John came clean about the lamp even when it was not broken. After telling them off for playing inside, John's dad made them all a cake. The cake had lemon frosting, which was Dave's favorite. Rose cannot eat lemon, so she let Dave have her slice. He chose to take Rose's cake home to his Bro. Dave thanked her a lot.
{ "author": "3884445576", "work_time": 4950, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "lamp", "taste", "face", "small", "cake", "sour", "let", "candy", "ground", "knock", "daylight", "bubble", "play", "can", "maybe" ] }
{ "A": "John", "B": "Rose", "C": "Dave's Bro", "D": "Dave" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.16", "question": 1 }
What happened to Rose's slice of cake?
Dave and John were playing catch in the living room. Rose told them that was dumb, but she did not stop them. She kept writing in her notebook. If they wanted to get in trouble, then they could. It was not her responsibility.\newline\newlineDave told John to go long. Dave did not have good aim and missed John's hands when he threw the ball. Instead he hit the lamp and knocked it over. He was glad he did not hit the dishes. Nor did he hit the cat. John was not glad that he hit the lamp, but was glad that the lamp was not broken.\newline\newlineWhen John's dad came home, he was very happy that John came clean about the lamp even when it was not broken. After telling them off for playing inside, John's dad made them all a cake. The cake had lemon frosting, which was Dave's favorite. Rose cannot eat lemon, so she let Dave have her slice. He chose to take Rose's cake home to his Bro. Dave thanked her a lot.
{ "author": "3884445576", "work_time": 4950, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "lamp", "taste", "face", "small", "cake", "sour", "let", "candy", "ground", "knock", "daylight", "bubble", "play", "can", "maybe" ] }
{ "A": "Rose ate it.", "B": "Rose gave it to Dave who brought it home for his Bro.", "C": "The cat ate it.", "D": "It was thrown away." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.16", "question": 2 }
Who were playing in the living room?
Dave and John were playing catch in the living room. Rose told them that was dumb, but she did not stop them. She kept writing in her notebook. If they wanted to get in trouble, then they could. It was not her responsibility.\newline\newlineDave told John to go long. Dave did not have good aim and missed John's hands when he threw the ball. Instead he hit the lamp and knocked it over. He was glad he did not hit the dishes. Nor did he hit the cat. John was not glad that he hit the lamp, but was glad that the lamp was not broken.\newline\newlineWhen John's dad came home, he was very happy that John came clean about the lamp even when it was not broken. After telling them off for playing inside, John's dad made them all a cake. The cake had lemon frosting, which was Dave's favorite. Rose cannot eat lemon, so she let Dave have her slice. He chose to take Rose's cake home to his Bro. Dave thanked her a lot.
{ "author": "3884445576", "work_time": 4950, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "lamp", "taste", "face", "small", "cake", "sour", "let", "candy", "ground", "knock", "daylight", "bubble", "play", "can", "maybe" ] }
{ "A": "Rose and Dave", "B": "John, Rose, and Dave", "C": "John and Dave", "D": "John's Dad and Dave's Bro" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.16", "question": 3 }
What were not touched by the ball?
Dave and John were playing catch in the living room. Rose told them that was dumb, but she did not stop them. She kept writing in her notebook. If they wanted to get in trouble, then they could. It was not her responsibility.\newline\newlineDave told John to go long. Dave did not have good aim and missed John's hands when he threw the ball. Instead he hit the lamp and knocked it over. He was glad he did not hit the dishes. Nor did he hit the cat. John was not glad that he hit the lamp, but was glad that the lamp was not broken.\newline\newlineWhen John's dad came home, he was very happy that John came clean about the lamp even when it was not broken. After telling them off for playing inside, John's dad made them all a cake. The cake had lemon frosting, which was Dave's favorite. Rose cannot eat lemon, so she let Dave have her slice. He chose to take Rose's cake home to his Bro. Dave thanked her a lot.
{ "author": "3884445576", "work_time": 4950, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "lamp", "taste", "face", "small", "cake", "sour", "let", "candy", "ground", "knock", "daylight", "bubble", "play", "can", "maybe" ] }
{ "A": "Dave's hands and the cake.", "B": "Rose's notebook and the lamp.", "C": "The lamp.", "D": "The dishes and the cat." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.17", "question": 0 }
How did Ruth's father treat the cut?
Once there was a girl named Ruth, who loved to play outside whenever she could. One day, she was running around outside with a friend, but she tripped and scraped her knee very badly. She doubled over in pain, screaming for her father "DADDY!!!" she yelled, until he ran outside to help. "Thank goodness that only the skin on your knee was hurt!" he said, as he picked her up to bring her inside. "We need to cover your cut, and it looks like it was about to start raining anyway," he said. He brought her into the restroom, so he could wash the cut, then put on medicine and a large bandage. "That medicine hurt..." Ruth said, but her cut was feeling better than it did before. "Well, at least now you don't have to worry about it getting worse," her father said. "Hopefully it won't take long for your cut to get better, then you can go back to playing outside again - be careful from now on!"
{ "author": "3057281179", "work_time": 1375, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "word", "dry", "mustard", "madder", "pasting", "wash", "line", "play", "quieter", "skin", "rain", "clap", "arm", "daddy", "breakfast" ] }
{ "A": "He used medicine", "B": "He cleaned it with medicine and put on a bandage.", "C": "He put on a bandage", "D": "He told her to ignore the cut" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.17", "question": 1 }
How did Ruth hurt herself?
Once there was a girl named Ruth, who loved to play outside whenever she could. One day, she was running around outside with a friend, but she tripped and scraped her knee very badly. She doubled over in pain, screaming for her father "DADDY!!!" she yelled, until he ran outside to help. "Thank goodness that only the skin on your knee was hurt!" he said, as he picked her up to bring her inside. "We need to cover your cut, and it looks like it was about to start raining anyway," he said. He brought her into the restroom, so he could wash the cut, then put on medicine and a large bandage. "That medicine hurt..." Ruth said, but her cut was feeling better than it did before. "Well, at least now you don't have to worry about it getting worse," her father said. "Hopefully it won't take long for your cut to get better, then you can go back to playing outside again - be careful from now on!"
{ "author": "3057281179", "work_time": 1375, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "word", "dry", "mustard", "madder", "pasting", "wash", "line", "play", "quieter", "skin", "rain", "clap", "arm", "daddy", "breakfast" ] }
{ "A": "She screamed", "B": "She put on a bandage", "C": "She used medicine", "D": "She tripped" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.17", "question": 2 }
What was Ruth doing when she got hurt?
Once there was a girl named Ruth, who loved to play outside whenever she could. One day, she was running around outside with a friend, but she tripped and scraped her knee very badly. She doubled over in pain, screaming for her father "DADDY!!!" she yelled, until he ran outside to help. "Thank goodness that only the skin on your knee was hurt!" he said, as he picked her up to bring her inside. "We need to cover your cut, and it looks like it was about to start raining anyway," he said. He brought her into the restroom, so he could wash the cut, then put on medicine and a large bandage. "That medicine hurt..." Ruth said, but her cut was feeling better than it did before. "Well, at least now you don't have to worry about it getting worse," her father said. "Hopefully it won't take long for your cut to get better, then you can go back to playing outside again - be careful from now on!"
{ "author": "3057281179", "work_time": 1375, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "word", "dry", "mustard", "madder", "pasting", "wash", "line", "play", "quieter", "skin", "rain", "clap", "arm", "daddy", "breakfast" ] }
{ "A": "Putting on a bandage", "B": "Screaming", "C": "Running", "D": "Talking" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.17", "question": 3 }
Who helped Ruth with her cut?
Once there was a girl named Ruth, who loved to play outside whenever she could. One day, she was running around outside with a friend, but she tripped and scraped her knee very badly. She doubled over in pain, screaming for her father "DADDY!!!" she yelled, until he ran outside to help. "Thank goodness that only the skin on your knee was hurt!" he said, as he picked her up to bring her inside. "We need to cover your cut, and it looks like it was about to start raining anyway," he said. He brought her into the restroom, so he could wash the cut, then put on medicine and a large bandage. "That medicine hurt..." Ruth said, but her cut was feeling better than it did before. "Well, at least now you don't have to worry about it getting worse," her father said. "Hopefully it won't take long for your cut to get better, then you can go back to playing outside again - be careful from now on!"
{ "author": "3057281179", "work_time": 1375, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "word", "dry", "mustard", "madder", "pasting", "wash", "line", "play", "quieter", "skin", "rain", "clap", "arm", "daddy", "breakfast" ] }
{ "A": "Her mother", "B": "A friend", "C": "Herself", "D": "Her \"daddy\"" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.18", "question": 0 }
Why did Kelly hide the flowers a second time?
Kelly woke up one morning and went outside to her back yard. She was in a hurry because it was Mother's Day and she had to collect flowers before her mom woke up to give to her as a present. She was going to give her mom the biggest, most beautiful bunch of flowers her mother had ever seen. She knew where the best flowers were in her yard. She got a lot of different sized flowers. The red ones were big, the orange ones were small, and the green ones were in the middle. After Kelly collected all of the flowers, she went inside and tied them together with string. After that, she had to hide the flowers in a secret spot. She hoped her baby sister Morgan, who was still in diapers, wouldn't find the flowers and eat them. Kelly was worried, so she hid them in a new spot that was up higher. Finally, her mother woke up at 8:30 AM, and Kelly was excited! Kelly gave her mother the flowers. Her mother's favorite was the red one.
{ "author": "1606103326", "work_time": 835, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "hide", "fist", "yard", "dream", "diaper", "hurry", "string", "liking", "cereal", "middle", "size", "dropping", "place", "silly", "out" ] }
{ "A": "Because the first spot was too easy", "B": "Her baby sister Morgan might have told mother the first spot", "C": "So mother couldn't find them", "D": "So her baby sister Morgan wouldn't eat them" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.18", "question": 1 }
Why was Kelly collecting flowers?
Kelly woke up one morning and went outside to her back yard. She was in a hurry because it was Mother's Day and she had to collect flowers before her mom woke up to give to her as a present. She was going to give her mom the biggest, most beautiful bunch of flowers her mother had ever seen. She knew where the best flowers were in her yard. She got a lot of different sized flowers. The red ones were big, the orange ones were small, and the green ones were in the middle. After Kelly collected all of the flowers, she went inside and tied them together with string. After that, she had to hide the flowers in a secret spot. She hoped her baby sister Morgan, who was still in diapers, wouldn't find the flowers and eat them. Kelly was worried, so she hid them in a new spot that was up higher. Finally, her mother woke up at 8:30 AM, and Kelly was excited! Kelly gave her mother the flowers. Her mother's favorite was the red one.
{ "author": "1606103326", "work_time": 835, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "hide", "fist", "yard", "dream", "diaper", "hurry", "string", "liking", "cereal", "middle", "size", "dropping", "place", "silly", "out" ] }
{ "A": "To give to her baby sister", "B": "Just for fun", "C": "It was mother's day", "D": "Her mother was sick" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.18", "question": 2 }
Which flower was mother's favorite?
Kelly woke up one morning and went outside to her back yard. She was in a hurry because it was Mother's Day and she had to collect flowers before her mom woke up to give to her as a present. She was going to give her mom the biggest, most beautiful bunch of flowers her mother had ever seen. She knew where the best flowers were in her yard. She got a lot of different sized flowers. The red ones were big, the orange ones were small, and the green ones were in the middle. After Kelly collected all of the flowers, she went inside and tied them together with string. After that, she had to hide the flowers in a secret spot. She hoped her baby sister Morgan, who was still in diapers, wouldn't find the flowers and eat them. Kelly was worried, so she hid them in a new spot that was up higher. Finally, her mother woke up at 8:30 AM, and Kelly was excited! Kelly gave her mother the flowers. Her mother's favorite was the red one.
{ "author": "1606103326", "work_time": 835, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "hide", "fist", "yard", "dream", "diaper", "hurry", "string", "liking", "cereal", "middle", "size", "dropping", "place", "silly", "out" ] }
{ "A": "All of them", "B": "The middle one", "C": "The smallest one", "D": "The big one" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.18", "question": 3 }
What time did Kelly's mother wake up?
Kelly woke up one morning and went outside to her back yard. She was in a hurry because it was Mother's Day and she had to collect flowers before her mom woke up to give to her as a present. She was going to give her mom the biggest, most beautiful bunch of flowers her mother had ever seen. She knew where the best flowers were in her yard. She got a lot of different sized flowers. The red ones were big, the orange ones were small, and the green ones were in the middle. After Kelly collected all of the flowers, she went inside and tied them together with string. After that, she had to hide the flowers in a secret spot. She hoped her baby sister Morgan, who was still in diapers, wouldn't find the flowers and eat them. Kelly was worried, so she hid them in a new spot that was up higher. Finally, her mother woke up at 8:30 AM, and Kelly was excited! Kelly gave her mother the flowers. Her mother's favorite was the red one.
{ "author": "1606103326", "work_time": 835, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "hide", "fist", "yard", "dream", "diaper", "hurry", "string", "liking", "cereal", "middle", "size", "dropping", "place", "silly", "out" ] }
{ "A": "After Kelly picked the flowers", "B": "8:30 AM", "C": "8:30 PM", "D": "When Kelly woke up" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.19", "question": 0 }
What did the boy eat for breakfast?
A boy woke up super excited for this special day. He could not contain his excitement knowing that the soccer final was today! He had been working all year long to get to this day. He quickly hopped off his bed and went to eat his breakfast. His mom had made pancakes, waffles, and eggs, but the boy felt like eating cereal. His mom had laid out his soccer clothes and after he was done with his breakfast, he couldn't wait to put them on. He quickly changed into the clothes, and ran to the car where his mom was waiting for him to get in. The ride seemed to take a long time as he was super excited to play. The team was there and they started a small practice before the big game! The game started and the boy was very nervous since the other team looked really good. His team was as good too and they were tied at the end! Everyone either got a trophy or a medal for playing in the game, and the boy got a trophy. It was one of the best times the boy had ever had. The day was starting to get dark and he could feel sprinkles on his hands. His parents asked the boy if he wanted to eat ice cream and pizza after the game. The boy said he was tired and went home with his parents and he could not stop talking about how super fun the game was. He talked and talked and talked and his parents were very proud of him. He talked so much that he fell asleep in the car! His dad carried him into the house and put him in his bed. The boy had such a great day that he dreamed of soccer all night long. The trophy he had been given would let him remember about the fun day he had.
{ "author": "180621155", "work_time": 1418, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "marshmallow", "sofa", "apple", "dance", "paste", "head", "driver", "bag", "coffee", "cereal", "wait", "winning", "sun", "rattle", "peach" ] }
{ "A": "Waffles", "B": "Eggs", "C": "Pancakes", "D": "Cereal" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.19", "question": 1 }
Who won the game and what did the boy win?
A boy woke up super excited for this special day. He could not contain his excitement knowing that the soccer final was today! He had been working all year long to get to this day. He quickly hopped off his bed and went to eat his breakfast. His mom had made pancakes, waffles, and eggs, but the boy felt like eating cereal. His mom had laid out his soccer clothes and after he was done with his breakfast, he couldn't wait to put them on. He quickly changed into the clothes, and ran to the car where his mom was waiting for him to get in. The ride seemed to take a long time as he was super excited to play. The team was there and they started a small practice before the big game! The game started and the boy was very nervous since the other team looked really good. His team was as good too and they were tied at the end! Everyone either got a trophy or a medal for playing in the game, and the boy got a trophy. It was one of the best times the boy had ever had. The day was starting to get dark and he could feel sprinkles on his hands. His parents asked the boy if he wanted to eat ice cream and pizza after the game. The boy said he was tired and went home with his parents and he could not stop talking about how super fun the game was. He talked and talked and talked and his parents were very proud of him. He talked so much that he fell asleep in the car! His dad carried him into the house and put him in his bed. The boy had such a great day that he dreamed of soccer all night long. The trophy he had been given would let him remember about the fun day he had.
{ "author": "180621155", "work_time": 1418, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "marshmallow", "sofa", "apple", "dance", "paste", "head", "driver", "bag", "coffee", "cereal", "wait", "winning", "sun", "rattle", "peach" ] }
{ "A": "The team the boy was on won and they all got free pizza and ice cream", "B": "It was a tie game so the boy won a trophy", "C": "The team the boy was on won and they each got a trophy", "D": "The team the boy was not on won and they each won a medal" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.19", "question": 2 }
What did the boy do after the game?
A boy woke up super excited for this special day. He could not contain his excitement knowing that the soccer final was today! He had been working all year long to get to this day. He quickly hopped off his bed and went to eat his breakfast. His mom had made pancakes, waffles, and eggs, but the boy felt like eating cereal. His mom had laid out his soccer clothes and after he was done with his breakfast, he couldn't wait to put them on. He quickly changed into the clothes, and ran to the car where his mom was waiting for him to get in. The ride seemed to take a long time as he was super excited to play. The team was there and they started a small practice before the big game! The game started and the boy was very nervous since the other team looked really good. His team was as good too and they were tied at the end! Everyone either got a trophy or a medal for playing in the game, and the boy got a trophy. It was one of the best times the boy had ever had. The day was starting to get dark and he could feel sprinkles on his hands. His parents asked the boy if he wanted to eat ice cream and pizza after the game. The boy said he was tired and went home with his parents and he could not stop talking about how super fun the game was. He talked and talked and talked and his parents were very proud of him. He talked so much that he fell asleep in the car! His dad carried him into the house and put him in his bed. The boy had such a great day that he dreamed of soccer all night long. The trophy he had been given would let him remember about the fun day he had.
{ "author": "180621155", "work_time": 1418, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "marshmallow", "sofa", "apple", "dance", "paste", "head", "driver", "bag", "coffee", "cereal", "wait", "winning", "sun", "rattle", "peach" ] }
{ "A": "He told his parents all about it and fell asleep", "B": "It rained so everyone got muddy and the boy fell in a puddle", "C": "The team ate pizza after the game", "D": "He went to eat ice cream where his ice cream fell on the floor" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.19", "question": 3 }
Who won the game?
A boy woke up super excited for this special day. He could not contain his excitement knowing that the soccer final was today! He had been working all year long to get to this day. He quickly hopped off his bed and went to eat his breakfast. His mom had made pancakes, waffles, and eggs, but the boy felt like eating cereal. His mom had laid out his soccer clothes and after he was done with his breakfast, he couldn't wait to put them on. He quickly changed into the clothes, and ran to the car where his mom was waiting for him to get in. The ride seemed to take a long time as he was super excited to play. The team was there and they started a small practice before the big game! The game started and the boy was very nervous since the other team looked really good. His team was as good too and they were tied at the end! Everyone either got a trophy or a medal for playing in the game, and the boy got a trophy. It was one of the best times the boy had ever had. The day was starting to get dark and he could feel sprinkles on his hands. His parents asked the boy if he wanted to eat ice cream and pizza after the game. The boy said he was tired and went home with his parents and he could not stop talking about how super fun the game was. He talked and talked and talked and his parents were very proud of him. He talked so much that he fell asleep in the car! His dad carried him into the house and put him in his bed. The boy had such a great day that he dreamed of soccer all night long. The trophy he had been given would let him remember about the fun day he had.
{ "author": "180621155", "work_time": 1418, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "marshmallow", "sofa", "apple", "dance", "paste", "head", "driver", "bag", "coffee", "cereal", "wait", "winning", "sun", "rattle", "peach" ] }
{ "A": "No one, it was tied.", "B": "It rained so the game was not played", "C": "The team the boy was not on", "D": "The team the boy was on" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.20", "question": 0 }
Why does the pink rabbit feel sad?
The pink rabbit is sitting on a bench in the park. The pink rabbit loves being at the park because she loves bird watching. She watches birds, and sometimes feeds them. She doesn't feed them corn, candy bars, or pizza. She feeds them sunflower seeds.\newline\newlineAcross from the pink rabbit, a blue dinosaur is sitting alone at a seesaw. The blue dinosaur likes playing on the seesaw because he thinks it's fun. The blue dinosaur is sad, because he can't ride on the seesaw by himself.\newline\newlineThe pink rabbit sees the blue dinosaur. She sees that he is by himself. She feels sad because she knows he cannot play on the seesaw.\newline\newlineThe pink rabbit hops over to the blue dinosaur and asks, "Would you ride the seesaw with me?"\newline\newlineThe blue dinosaur said, "Sure."\newline\newlineAnd they rode on the seesaw for the rest of the afternoon. It was the best afternoon of their lives.
{ "author": "3172467108", "work_time": 799, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "draw", "seesaw", "thanksgiving", "blue", "tissue", "diaper", "dinosaur", "noodle", "cartoon", "meet", "pink", "rabbit", "sitting", "bench", "bedtime" ] }
{ "A": "She ran out of sunflower seeds.", "B": "She was stung by a bee.", "C": "There are no birds in the park today.", "D": "She knows that the blue dinosaur can't play on the seesaw." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.20", "question": 1 }
What does the rabbit feed the birds?
The pink rabbit is sitting on a bench in the park. The pink rabbit loves being at the park because she loves bird watching. She watches birds, and sometimes feeds them. She doesn't feed them corn, candy bars, or pizza. She feeds them sunflower seeds.\newline\newlineAcross from the pink rabbit, a blue dinosaur is sitting alone at a seesaw. The blue dinosaur likes playing on the seesaw because he thinks it's fun. The blue dinosaur is sad, because he can't ride on the seesaw by himself.\newline\newlineThe pink rabbit sees the blue dinosaur. She sees that he is by himself. She feels sad because she knows he cannot play on the seesaw.\newline\newlineThe pink rabbit hops over to the blue dinosaur and asks, "Would you ride the seesaw with me?"\newline\newlineThe blue dinosaur said, "Sure."\newline\newlineAnd they rode on the seesaw for the rest of the afternoon. It was the best afternoon of their lives.
{ "author": "3172467108", "work_time": 799, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "draw", "seesaw", "thanksgiving", "blue", "tissue", "diaper", "dinosaur", "noodle", "cartoon", "meet", "pink", "rabbit", "sitting", "bench", "bedtime" ] }
{ "A": "pizza", "B": "candy bars", "C": "corn", "D": "sunflower seeds" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.20", "question": 2 }
Why does the rabbit love being in the park?
The pink rabbit is sitting on a bench in the park. The pink rabbit loves being at the park because she loves bird watching. She watches birds, and sometimes feeds them. She doesn't feed them corn, candy bars, or pizza. She feeds them sunflower seeds.\newline\newlineAcross from the pink rabbit, a blue dinosaur is sitting alone at a seesaw. The blue dinosaur likes playing on the seesaw because he thinks it's fun. The blue dinosaur is sad, because he can't ride on the seesaw by himself.\newline\newlineThe pink rabbit sees the blue dinosaur. She sees that he is by himself. She feels sad because she knows he cannot play on the seesaw.\newline\newlineThe pink rabbit hops over to the blue dinosaur and asks, "Would you ride the seesaw with me?"\newline\newlineThe blue dinosaur said, "Sure."\newline\newlineAnd they rode on the seesaw for the rest of the afternoon. It was the best afternoon of their lives.
{ "author": "3172467108", "work_time": 799, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "draw", "seesaw", "thanksgiving", "blue", "tissue", "diaper", "dinosaur", "noodle", "cartoon", "meet", "pink", "rabbit", "sitting", "bench", "bedtime" ] }
{ "A": "She loves sitting on benches.", "B": "She loves bird watching.", "C": "She loves eating sunflower seeds.", "D": "She loves riding on seesaws." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.20", "question": 3 }
Why can't the blue dinosaur play on the seesaw?
The pink rabbit is sitting on a bench in the park. The pink rabbit loves being at the park because she loves bird watching. She watches birds, and sometimes feeds them. She doesn't feed them corn, candy bars, or pizza. She feeds them sunflower seeds.\newline\newlineAcross from the pink rabbit, a blue dinosaur is sitting alone at a seesaw. The blue dinosaur likes playing on the seesaw because he thinks it's fun. The blue dinosaur is sad, because he can't ride on the seesaw by himself.\newline\newlineThe pink rabbit sees the blue dinosaur. She sees that he is by himself. She feels sad because she knows he cannot play on the seesaw.\newline\newlineThe pink rabbit hops over to the blue dinosaur and asks, "Would you ride the seesaw with me?"\newline\newlineThe blue dinosaur said, "Sure."\newline\newlineAnd they rode on the seesaw for the rest of the afternoon. It was the best afternoon of their lives.
{ "author": "3172467108", "work_time": 799, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "draw", "seesaw", "thanksgiving", "blue", "tissue", "diaper", "dinosaur", "noodle", "cartoon", "meet", "pink", "rabbit", "sitting", "bench", "bedtime" ] }
{ "A": "He doesn't like playing on seesaws.", "B": "He likes watching birds.", "C": "He is alone.", "D": "He likes watching pink rabbits." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.21", "question": 0 }
What did my sister and I do in the car and what could I not do?
One day, my family took a vacation to the beach. We were in our car for over 10 hours but it felt like we were in the car for maybe 11, 12, or 13 hours! We thought it would only be 8 hours, but we got lost. My mom and dad were in the front seat, and my sister and I were in the back seat. My sister and I were very bored, but we had to sit still and stay quiet for a lot of the time because our dad needed to be a good driver. My sister and I played with our dolls, or we tried to play easy games. I could not read or eat in the car because I felt too sick. My sister spilled Coke on the car and my mom spanked her with a glove. The look of sadness on my sister's face almost made me cry, too! We got to the ocean so late at night, but we took a nice walk next to the ocean and then we went to bed. We were so tired from doing nothing all day! The next morning we woke up early and ran to the beach and we saw so many animals! We saw dolphins, turtles, and fish! We were hoping to see a shark, but I'm glad we did not. When it was lunch time we played with some chalk and mother made lunch. I was very happy and had a great vacation!
{ "author": "3960989957", "work_time": 760, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "chalk", "doll", "sit", "plate", "shut", "talk", "spanking", "glove", "spill", "keeping", "sister", "ocean", "sounding", "look", "face" ] }
{ "A": "We played with dolls. I could not play easy games.", "B": "We played with dolls and played easy games. I could not read or eat in the car.", "C": "we read and ate food. I could not play with dolls.", "D": "We played easy games and ate food. I could not play easy games or read." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.21", "question": 1 }
Where did my mom sit in the car?
One day, my family took a vacation to the beach. We were in our car for over 10 hours but it felt like we were in the car for maybe 11, 12, or 13 hours! We thought it would only be 8 hours, but we got lost. My mom and dad were in the front seat, and my sister and I were in the back seat. My sister and I were very bored, but we had to sit still and stay quiet for a lot of the time because our dad needed to be a good driver. My sister and I played with our dolls, or we tried to play easy games. I could not read or eat in the car because I felt too sick. My sister spilled Coke on the car and my mom spanked her with a glove. The look of sadness on my sister's face almost made me cry, too! We got to the ocean so late at night, but we took a nice walk next to the ocean and then we went to bed. We were so tired from doing nothing all day! The next morning we woke up early and ran to the beach and we saw so many animals! We saw dolphins, turtles, and fish! We were hoping to see a shark, but I'm glad we did not. When it was lunch time we played with some chalk and mother made lunch. I was very happy and had a great vacation!
{ "author": "3960989957", "work_time": 760, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "chalk", "doll", "sit", "plate", "shut", "talk", "spanking", "glove", "spill", "keeping", "sister", "ocean", "sounding", "look", "face" ] }
{ "A": "In the back seat with my sister.", "B": "In the back seat with me.", "C": "In the front seat with dad.", "D": "She did not come with us." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.21", "question": 2 }
How many hours was my family in the car?
One day, my family took a vacation to the beach. We were in our car for over 10 hours but it felt like we were in the car for maybe 11, 12, or 13 hours! We thought it would only be 8 hours, but we got lost. My mom and dad were in the front seat, and my sister and I were in the back seat. My sister and I were very bored, but we had to sit still and stay quiet for a lot of the time because our dad needed to be a good driver. My sister and I played with our dolls, or we tried to play easy games. I could not read or eat in the car because I felt too sick. My sister spilled Coke on the car and my mom spanked her with a glove. The look of sadness on my sister's face almost made me cry, too! We got to the ocean so late at night, but we took a nice walk next to the ocean and then we went to bed. We were so tired from doing nothing all day! The next morning we woke up early and ran to the beach and we saw so many animals! We saw dolphins, turtles, and fish! We were hoping to see a shark, but I'm glad we did not. When it was lunch time we played with some chalk and mother made lunch. I was very happy and had a great vacation!
{ "author": "3960989957", "work_time": 760, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "chalk", "doll", "sit", "plate", "shut", "talk", "spanking", "glove", "spill", "keeping", "sister", "ocean", "sounding", "look", "face" ] }
{ "A": "Over 12 hours", "B": "Over 11 hours.", "C": "Over 10 hours.", "D": "Over 13 hours." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.21", "question": 3 }
What 3 animals did we see and what 1 animal did we not see?
One day, my family took a vacation to the beach. We were in our car for over 10 hours but it felt like we were in the car for maybe 11, 12, or 13 hours! We thought it would only be 8 hours, but we got lost. My mom and dad were in the front seat, and my sister and I were in the back seat. My sister and I were very bored, but we had to sit still and stay quiet for a lot of the time because our dad needed to be a good driver. My sister and I played with our dolls, or we tried to play easy games. I could not read or eat in the car because I felt too sick. My sister spilled Coke on the car and my mom spanked her with a glove. The look of sadness on my sister's face almost made me cry, too! We got to the ocean so late at night, but we took a nice walk next to the ocean and then we went to bed. We were so tired from doing nothing all day! The next morning we woke up early and ran to the beach and we saw so many animals! We saw dolphins, turtles, and fish! We were hoping to see a shark, but I'm glad we did not. When it was lunch time we played with some chalk and mother made lunch. I was very happy and had a great vacation!
{ "author": "3960989957", "work_time": 760, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "chalk", "doll", "sit", "plate", "shut", "talk", "spanking", "glove", "spill", "keeping", "sister", "ocean", "sounding", "look", "face" ] }
{ "A": "Dolphin, turtle, and fish. Did not see a shark.", "B": "Turtle, dolphin, and shark. Did not a see a fish.", "C": "Fish, turtle, and shark. Did not see a dolphin.", "D": "Shark, dolphin, and fish. Did not see a turtle." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.22", "question": 0 }
What color boots did Clementine buy, and what pair did she end up with?
Once upon a time, there was a cowgirl named Clementine. Orange was her favorite color. Her favorite food was the strawberry. She really liked her Blackberry phone, which allowed her to call her friends and family when out on the range. One day Clementine thought she needed a new pair of boots, so she went to the mall. Before Clementine went inside the mall, she smoked a cigarette. Then she got a new pair of boots. She couldn't choose between brown and red. Finally she chose red, which the seller really liked. Once she got home, she found that her red boots didn't match her blue cowgirl clothes, so she knew she needed to return them. She traded them for a brown pair. While she was there, she also bought a pretzel from Auntie Anne's.
{ "author": "1789392668", "work_time": 993, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "not", "trashcan", "up", "frog", "moon", "noodle", "knob", "smoke", "unicorn", "ceiling", "lamb", "banana", "line", "run", "beard" ] }
{ "A": "Orange, Blue", "B": "Red, Brown", "C": "Blue, Orange", "D": "Blue, Red" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.22", "question": 1 }
What was the cowgirl's name?
Once upon a time, there was a cowgirl named Clementine. Orange was her favorite color. Her favorite food was the strawberry. She really liked her Blackberry phone, which allowed her to call her friends and family when out on the range. One day Clementine thought she needed a new pair of boots, so she went to the mall. Before Clementine went inside the mall, she smoked a cigarette. Then she got a new pair of boots. She couldn't choose between brown and red. Finally she chose red, which the seller really liked. Once she got home, she found that her red boots didn't match her blue cowgirl clothes, so she knew she needed to return them. She traded them for a brown pair. While she was there, she also bought a pretzel from Auntie Anne's.
{ "author": "1789392668", "work_time": 993, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "not", "trashcan", "up", "frog", "moon", "noodle", "knob", "smoke", "unicorn", "ceiling", "lamb", "banana", "line", "run", "beard" ] }
{ "A": "Clementine", "B": "Blackberry", "C": "Strawberry", "D": "Orange" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.22", "question": 2 }
What did the cowgirl do before buying new boots?
Once upon a time, there was a cowgirl named Clementine. Orange was her favorite color. Her favorite food was the strawberry. She really liked her Blackberry phone, which allowed her to call her friends and family when out on the range. One day Clementine thought she needed a new pair of boots, so she went to the mall. Before Clementine went inside the mall, she smoked a cigarette. Then she got a new pair of boots. She couldn't choose between brown and red. Finally she chose red, which the seller really liked. Once she got home, she found that her red boots didn't match her blue cowgirl clothes, so she knew she needed to return them. She traded them for a brown pair. While she was there, she also bought a pretzel from Auntie Anne's.
{ "author": "1789392668", "work_time": 993, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "not", "trashcan", "up", "frog", "moon", "noodle", "knob", "smoke", "unicorn", "ceiling", "lamb", "banana", "line", "run", "beard" ] }
{ "A": "She ate an orange", "B": "She ate a strawberry", "C": "She called her friend", "D": "She smoked a cigarette" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.22", "question": 3 }
What did Clementine buy at the mall?
Once upon a time, there was a cowgirl named Clementine. Orange was her favorite color. Her favorite food was the strawberry. She really liked her Blackberry phone, which allowed her to call her friends and family when out on the range. One day Clementine thought she needed a new pair of boots, so she went to the mall. Before Clementine went inside the mall, she smoked a cigarette. Then she got a new pair of boots. She couldn't choose between brown and red. Finally she chose red, which the seller really liked. Once she got home, she found that her red boots didn't match her blue cowgirl clothes, so she knew she needed to return them. She traded them for a brown pair. While she was there, she also bought a pretzel from Auntie Anne's.
{ "author": "1789392668", "work_time": 993, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "not", "trashcan", "up", "frog", "moon", "noodle", "knob", "smoke", "unicorn", "ceiling", "lamb", "banana", "line", "run", "beard" ] }
{ "A": "boots and a Blackberry", "B": "boots", "C": "boots and a strawberry", "D": "boots and a pretzel" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.23", "question": 0 }
What did Andrew need to do before he could go to the circus?
It was Saturday afternoon and Andrew was bored. He had been watching TV all day. He told his dad, "There's nothing to do!" Andrew's dad said, "I think the newspaper is here. Maybe we can find an idea in the newspaper." Andrew looked outside the window and saw the newspaper by the door. On the front was a picture of an elephant. He picked up the newspaper and brought it to his dad. Andrew and his dad read the story. The circus was in town! Andrew had never been to the circus. He asked his dad, "Can we go?" "Yes, we can,' Andrew's dad said, 'but first you need to feed your goldfish." Andrew fed his goldfish some goldfish food. He promised to bring it some peanuts from the circus for later. Andrew and his dad went to the circus. The people and animals at the circus did lots of tricks. The elephant even went down a slide! Andrew and his dad ate lots of peanuts. There weren't any peanuts left to bring home to the goldfish. Andrew and his dad had a lot of fun at the circus.
{ "author": "1774644397", "work_time": 2918, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "four", "elephant", "plane", "digging", "rice", "goldfish", "voice", "bearing", "right", "slide", "take", "circus", "wrong", "doll", "burn" ] }
{ "A": "eat some peanuts", "B": "watch TV", "C": "do some tricks", "D": "feed his goldfish" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.23", "question": 1 }
Which character in the story went down the slide?
It was Saturday afternoon and Andrew was bored. He had been watching TV all day. He told his dad, "There's nothing to do!" Andrew's dad said, "I think the newspaper is here. Maybe we can find an idea in the newspaper." Andrew looked outside the window and saw the newspaper by the door. On the front was a picture of an elephant. He picked up the newspaper and brought it to his dad. Andrew and his dad read the story. The circus was in town! Andrew had never been to the circus. He asked his dad, "Can we go?" "Yes, we can,' Andrew's dad said, 'but first you need to feed your goldfish." Andrew fed his goldfish some goldfish food. He promised to bring it some peanuts from the circus for later. Andrew and his dad went to the circus. The people and animals at the circus did lots of tricks. The elephant even went down a slide! Andrew and his dad ate lots of peanuts. There weren't any peanuts left to bring home to the goldfish. Andrew and his dad had a lot of fun at the circus.
{ "author": "1774644397", "work_time": 2918, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "four", "elephant", "plane", "digging", "rice", "goldfish", "voice", "bearing", "right", "slide", "take", "circus", "wrong", "doll", "burn" ] }
{ "A": "the elephant", "B": "Andrew", "C": "the goldfish", "D": "Andrew's dad" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.23", "question": 2 }
Who ate peanuts in the story?
It was Saturday afternoon and Andrew was bored. He had been watching TV all day. He told his dad, "There's nothing to do!" Andrew's dad said, "I think the newspaper is here. Maybe we can find an idea in the newspaper." Andrew looked outside the window and saw the newspaper by the door. On the front was a picture of an elephant. He picked up the newspaper and brought it to his dad. Andrew and his dad read the story. The circus was in town! Andrew had never been to the circus. He asked his dad, "Can we go?" "Yes, we can,' Andrew's dad said, 'but first you need to feed your goldfish." Andrew fed his goldfish some goldfish food. He promised to bring it some peanuts from the circus for later. Andrew and his dad went to the circus. The people and animals at the circus did lots of tricks. The elephant even went down a slide! Andrew and his dad ate lots of peanuts. There weren't any peanuts left to bring home to the goldfish. Andrew and his dad had a lot of fun at the circus.
{ "author": "1774644397", "work_time": 2918, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "four", "elephant", "plane", "digging", "rice", "goldfish", "voice", "bearing", "right", "slide", "take", "circus", "wrong", "doll", "burn" ] }
{ "A": "the elephant", "B": "Andrew", "C": "Andrew and his goldfish", "D": "Andrew and his dad" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.23", "question": 3 }
Why did Andrew read the newspaper with his dad?
It was Saturday afternoon and Andrew was bored. He had been watching TV all day. He told his dad, "There's nothing to do!" Andrew's dad said, "I think the newspaper is here. Maybe we can find an idea in the newspaper." Andrew looked outside the window and saw the newspaper by the door. On the front was a picture of an elephant. He picked up the newspaper and brought it to his dad. Andrew and his dad read the story. The circus was in town! Andrew had never been to the circus. He asked his dad, "Can we go?" "Yes, we can,' Andrew's dad said, 'but first you need to feed your goldfish." Andrew fed his goldfish some goldfish food. He promised to bring it some peanuts from the circus for later. Andrew and his dad went to the circus. The people and animals at the circus did lots of tricks. The elephant even went down a slide! Andrew and his dad ate lots of peanuts. There weren't any peanuts left to bring home to the goldfish. Andrew and his dad had a lot of fun at the circus.
{ "author": "1774644397", "work_time": 2918, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "four", "elephant", "plane", "digging", "rice", "goldfish", "voice", "bearing", "right", "slide", "take", "circus", "wrong", "doll", "burn" ] }
{ "A": "Andrew was bored and looking for ideas for the afternoon", "B": "Andrew's dad likes reading", "C": "Andrew liked the picture of the elephant", "D": "Andrew likes reading" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.24", "question": 0 }
Why did Billy smell the mix?
I love to bake cakes for my granddaughter Abigail. She gets so happy when she eats them! So one day, I thought I'd surprise her at school with cake for her school class! I thought that would make her love me even more.\newline\newlineI went into the kitchen and washed my hands. Then I dried them on a dishtowel. I went to the refrigerator and took out my cake mix. Then I took out the special bottle of vanilla sauce! I always pour it in for Abigail. Her mom and dad like orange sauce, but Abigail loves vanilla sauce. I mixed it in with the cake mix, and put it on the table. Then I went to turn on the oven.\newline\newlineThen, a bad thing happened! My friendly old cat Billy jumped up to smell the mix! Billy also loves vanilla sauce! But then Billy accidently kicked the mix! It fell all the way from the table to the ground. My lip tightened as I started to cry. Now, Abigail wouldn't have a cake for her class. What a silly Billy!
{ "author": "1818039030", "work_time": 920, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "bottle", "chew", "wash", "cake", "kick", "lip", "behind", "feather", "lake", "ground", "taking", "class", "granddaughter", "class", "ceiling" ] }
{ "A": "he is a mean cat", "B": "He likes vanilla sauce", "C": "it was on the floor near him", "D": "he didn't smell it" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.24", "question": 1 }
Who is the narrator making cake for?
I love to bake cakes for my granddaughter Abigail. She gets so happy when she eats them! So one day, I thought I'd surprise her at school with cake for her school class! I thought that would make her love me even more.\newline\newlineI went into the kitchen and washed my hands. Then I dried them on a dishtowel. I went to the refrigerator and took out my cake mix. Then I took out the special bottle of vanilla sauce! I always pour it in for Abigail. Her mom and dad like orange sauce, but Abigail loves vanilla sauce. I mixed it in with the cake mix, and put it on the table. Then I went to turn on the oven.\newline\newlineThen, a bad thing happened! My friendly old cat Billy jumped up to smell the mix! Billy also loves vanilla sauce! But then Billy accidently kicked the mix! It fell all the way from the table to the ground. My lip tightened as I started to cry. Now, Abigail wouldn't have a cake for her class. What a silly Billy!
{ "author": "1818039030", "work_time": 920, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "bottle", "chew", "wash", "cake", "kick", "lip", "behind", "feather", "lake", "ground", "taking", "class", "granddaughter", "class", "ceiling" ] }
{ "A": "Mom", "B": "Dad", "C": "Abigail", "D": "Billy" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.24", "question": 2 }
who preferred orange sauce?
I love to bake cakes for my granddaughter Abigail. She gets so happy when she eats them! So one day, I thought I'd surprise her at school with cake for her school class! I thought that would make her love me even more.\newline\newlineI went into the kitchen and washed my hands. Then I dried them on a dishtowel. I went to the refrigerator and took out my cake mix. Then I took out the special bottle of vanilla sauce! I always pour it in for Abigail. Her mom and dad like orange sauce, but Abigail loves vanilla sauce. I mixed it in with the cake mix, and put it on the table. Then I went to turn on the oven.\newline\newlineThen, a bad thing happened! My friendly old cat Billy jumped up to smell the mix! Billy also loves vanilla sauce! But then Billy accidently kicked the mix! It fell all the way from the table to the ground. My lip tightened as I started to cry. Now, Abigail wouldn't have a cake for her class. What a silly Billy!
{ "author": "1818039030", "work_time": 920, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "bottle", "chew", "wash", "cake", "kick", "lip", "behind", "feather", "lake", "ground", "taking", "class", "granddaughter", "class", "ceiling" ] }
{ "A": "Abigail", "B": "Billy", "C": "the narrator", "D": "Mom and Dad" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.24", "question": 3 }
What was the surprise at school going to be?
I love to bake cakes for my granddaughter Abigail. She gets so happy when she eats them! So one day, I thought I'd surprise her at school with cake for her school class! I thought that would make her love me even more.\newline\newlineI went into the kitchen and washed my hands. Then I dried them on a dishtowel. I went to the refrigerator and took out my cake mix. Then I took out the special bottle of vanilla sauce! I always pour it in for Abigail. Her mom and dad like orange sauce, but Abigail loves vanilla sauce. I mixed it in with the cake mix, and put it on the table. Then I went to turn on the oven.\newline\newlineThen, a bad thing happened! My friendly old cat Billy jumped up to smell the mix! Billy also loves vanilla sauce! But then Billy accidently kicked the mix! It fell all the way from the table to the ground. My lip tightened as I started to cry. Now, Abigail wouldn't have a cake for her class. What a silly Billy!
{ "author": "1818039030", "work_time": 920, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "bottle", "chew", "wash", "cake", "kick", "lip", "behind", "feather", "lake", "ground", "taking", "class", "granddaughter", "class", "ceiling" ] }
{ "A": "a bottle of sauce", "B": "cake for the whole class", "C": "baking help", "D": "oranges for the whole class" }