<s>[INST] I have been having alot of catching ,pain and discomfort under my right rib. If I twist to either side especially my right it feels like my rib actually catches on something and at times I have to stop try to catch my breath and wait for it to subside. There are times if I am laughing too hard that it will do the same thing but normally its more so if I have twisted or moved a certain way [/INST] Hi thanks for asking question. Here you are complaining pain in particular position esp. While turning to a side. So strong possibility is about moderate degree muscular strain. It might have occurred by heavyweight lift or during some activities. Simple analgesic taken. Take rest. Sleep in supine position. Second here Costco Chat Doctor. Ribs are tender to touch.x-ray also useful. If cough, cold, sore throat present then respiratory infections also has to be ruled out. Treat it symptomatically. If still seems serious then x-ray done for chest. CBC will also be done. If you have yellow sclera, right abdomen pain, anorexia then do your serum liver enzyme study for detecting liver pathology. Avoid stress as it can aggravate pain. I hope you will understand my concern. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello,I am concerned about little lumps (i would call it spots inside the skin) in my right labium, I found one earlier this week that sarted swelling up quite a lot and hurt terribly, it was difficult to find a way of sitting down comfortably. Now I found a second one in the same labium further down, a bit smaller, also tender to touch, if that starts swelling like the other one I wont be able to sit at all. Then i started looking for more, and found one that is where my leg starts already, so away from the genital region at the start of the pubic hair area (loin/lumbar area). I am now really worried and would like to know what that could be, before I go to a doc as it is quite embarrassing. Thanks for your help [/INST] Hi, Dear Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual Clinic. I studied your query with available details given in your query. I understood your health concerns. Cause of the painful and swollen lumps on labium-From the facts given in your query, you seem to have-infected hair follicles/Boils, as your story goes by. The lump on the pubic area nearby confirms it being boiled. The chances of it being Carolina Cyst are less in your case because of the weeks' history when the first lump in right labium got bigger and was tender, not allowing you to sit even. So Don't worry.It's not cancerous but is infective lump. This would help you to plan treatment with your doctor, whom you should plan your visit urgently, before it complicates anymore.Don't Self-treat or medicate in your case as the case may go in to further complications. Hope this reply would resolve your query and would help you to plan treatment with your doctor. Hope this would relieve of your health concerns. Welcome for any further query in this regard before final suggestions are given in your query. Wishing you fast recovery. Have a good day. Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. </s>
<s>[INST] My 15yo daughter has a fever of 102..she is experiencing cold chills and is achy...we went to the er on wed..flu test negative and they said stomach virus.She hasn t eaten in two days and she has no desire to move...what should I do? She is 5 4 and 140lbs [/INST] Hi.... I understand your concern. But by what you say this looks like a viral illness. If the child is active in between two fever episodes along with non-specific symptoms like what you are quoting then you need not worry. But if she is extremely lethargic or developing rash over the body and along with low urine output, then I suggest you get her back to the nearest Emergency Room.Otherwise you can just continue with oral Paracetamol at the appropriate dose every 6 or 4 hourly once, if temperature is more than Hun Chat Doctor. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, ive just had an embryo replacement 5 days ago. SInce then i have had pain down my right leg near my groin , a kind of cold tinkly discomfort. Today i started getting reasonable stomach pains as well Is this suggestive of anything? does it mean the embryo hasn t taken? I have my blood test to confirm pregnany on day ten to come with thanks [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor The tingling sensation in the groin and stomach pain does not indicate success or failure of embryo replacement. These two symptoms have some other pathology. Stomach pain can occur due to various causes- ingestion, muscular pain, spasm of stomach muscles. Infact it is due to the organ which lies at the point of pain. Abdomen is a big area and many organs are present in the abdominal cavity like liver, pancreas, spleen, intestine, etc. You need to visit the GP to know the exact cause. You may need an ultrasound abdomen. Regarding the tingling sensation in the groin, it could be due to nerve compression while performing the embryo replacement. If it is not relieved in few days please consult your GP for complete examination. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am Sasi from Chennai India. My baby boy just crossed 6 months and step into 7th month on 26th Dec 2013. From birth my baby is feeding with NAN PRO 1. On 25th Dec, we changed to NAN PRO 2. 2 hours after feeding baby affected by fever and got vamtings at evening. On 26th Dec night he is continuously crying for 3 to 4 hours and no fever at this time. When I taken to doctor on next day, Dr told that baby is doing good and no worries. But later also he cried for one to two hours for 3 to 4 times. I am not sure why this was happen? is it beacuse of NAN 2. If so which milk I need to feed my baby. Please clarify me with above question. [/INST] Most formula milks are cow milk based and hence difficult to digest. Sometimes child Chat Doctor. That could be due to the reason that NAN Pro 2 has not yet been tolerated well. After a few days, you can try it in double dilution and see if the problem persists. I think that it would go well. But rather than concentrating on which milk formula to give, I would rather suggest introducing semi-solid food items, introducing one new item a week. In due course milk would become just an optional item provided the nutrients get procured from other sources. </s>
<s>[INST] hi myself Prodipto. I m 27 m kolkata. I am suffering from kidney stone of 6 mm in my right kidney which was confirmed after going through USG since 5 months. I am very much afraid of surgery . what is the procedure of removal of kidney stone ? Ayurvedic or Homoeopathy ? Kindly suggest. [/INST] Dear Product. Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Kidney stones are often asymptomatic and do not require any treatment. With proper HY Chat Doctor. Treatment is planned if symptoms occur... The treating options are planned based on the size and the location of the stone. A stone of less than 10 mm usually gets flushed out. Plenty of water intakes with or without use of diuretics are all that is needed. Stones bigger would need therapeutic management - ECCL or cystoscope removal. In your case, since the size of the stone is smaller, such treatment strategies will be planned only if you persist to have symptoms. Consult a urologist who will guide you through this. Hope this message was useful to you... Regards </s>
<s>[INST] HI dr. my belly button peircing is really infected. Its been infected for about 3 weeks, ive tried like every treatment and nothing has helped.amoung with the infection im feeling tired, and sick all the time, i also have lost a good deal of weight, and i have had pain in my chest for a couple of months and some other symptoms.what does this mean? what should i do? [/INST] Welcome at Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and being your physician I completely understand your health concerns. For how long you are suffering from it? Any other associated problem? Like diabetes or hypertension? Which antibiotics you have used? If it is not healing then there is need to check your blood sugar levels. There is need to get the cultures of the swabs taken from the wound so that appropriate antibiotics can be prescribed. There is need to get the chest x-ray to rule out any infection of the lungs. Stay calm and meet your surgeon for proper clinical examination Meanwhile stay calm and use acetaminophen to relieve pain Get well soon Hope your query is adequately ad Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am married, on 30 jan 2011.me and my husband decided that we dont use any precautions. my husband come with me around 15 days in a month.but now in july we lives in same place and in these days we did sex about daiy. but till i don;t concieve a baby.so we concienerned a doctor. and i have a mildly bulky uterus. is this reson for me not getting concieving. i am very sad .please help me what can i do for concieving a baby. [/INST] HIIT would have been nice if you had provided me some more information like your age, BMI, regularity of menstrual cycles, and whether you have had basic infertility investigations (hormone tests and fallopian tube patency test for you and semen analysis for your husband)What treatment have you taken so far?Don't worry. Mild bulky uterus does not cause infertility. If you have not done the basic investigations mentioned above, first do them. Further treatment depends on the results of those investigations. To increase your chances of conception maintain normal BMI, quit smoking (if you're a smoker) and have intercourse at least three times in a week. If you have any further concerns do contact me through Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have little lumps along the tendons in my neck and behind my knee and I had one on my jaw line that has seemed to disappear. any idea what they could be? the ones in my neck are sore but thats because i have serious neck strain from computer work but the ones behind my knees do not hurt [/INST] Hi! Thanks for writing to us describing kind of unusual clinical situation of lump in neck and behind the knee.! Here are some possible explanations to these:1. The lump on your jawline that disappeared is a lymph node that was enlarged due to local infection in the throat, salivary glands or oral cavity2. Soreness in the nodule is related to cervical spinal pain not the node itself because nodes are tender only when they are rubbed or has some active infection!3. The painless lump behind your knee is kind of bursa or popliteal cyst could be related to chronic pressure etc.Therefore, see a physician for examination and needle biopsy if necessary for confirmation. Regards, </s>
<s>[INST] Name: Pratibha Sharma Age: 31 (F) I am pregnent from last six month. My LMP is 14-09-10. Last week I got fever all test were normal except increase in TLC (11500). My Gyne doctor advised me to take Novaclox, but it causes skin irritation alongwith I don t like anything to eat. There is pain observed from Coller Bone to right abdomen. Please advice me. [/INST] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the elevated leukocyte might not be considered as abnormal. Because there is elevation of leukocyte count up to 15000 in pregnancy. So you need worry regarding the elevated counts. Relax.the pain from collar bone to abdomen might be due to muscular pain. Some or the other type of non-specific pain appear in pregnancy which subside on their own.Don't worry. Take Paradox if pain is severe. The skin irritation might be due to sensitivity to antibiotics. Take adequate fluids up to 3 liters per day to prevent deny Chat Doctor. Hope this helps. Best regards... </s>
<s>[INST] hi doctor.i am 26 year old mother of 2 year old baby .not having my periods yet.i was having gastritis problem and fatty liver problem 3 months back due to which i vomits for 2 months regularly(yellow acidic vomit)and now vomit stops but i m having headche all the time and heartburn and eye strain also.what is this can u help me to get rid of this.when it all becomes to normal?thanks doctor [/INST] Dear Friend. I would like to know how were you diagnosed to have fatty liver. Was it associated with pregnancy? There is a condition called as Acute Fatty Liver of pregnancy. If not, then alcohol is another cause of fatty liver. If you don't consume alcohol, You high be having Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease, And Your vomiting might be because of Non-Alcoholic Steaohepatitis NASH. Get your Liver function tests and tell us. You can take a combination of Pantoprazole and domperidome for heart burn, gastritis. Stay Healthy </s>
<s>[INST] while shaving my legs this morning, I discovered a soft, painless, little larger then a golf ball size lump behind my knee that wasnt there a week ago. It is large enough to see when standing, but I can not feel it all when sitting. Im 61, 55 185 lbs. [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some soft tissue tumor like lipoma or neurofibroma or dermatofibroma or some benign cyst like lesion. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Im 28 and my blood pressure readiong at home is typically 131/60 to 140/70. I know this is high but I am active and eat well, I dont know how to get my blood pressure lower. Recently I took my blood pressure and it was 143/59. 15 minutes later it was 153/62. Whats going on [/INST] Hi, This much variation is possible with blood pressure and also variation depends on the position of hand, whether your is relaxed or not, also BP apparatus. You should take resting blood pressure and in the same position every time. Also follow healthy lifestyle like avoid fatty, oily and high calorie diet. Have low salt diet and monitor blood pressure regularly thrice a day for one week then once or twice a week. Regular exercises like brisk walking, jogging according your capacity, at least 30 minutes a day and 5 days a week. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables, fruits, fish once or twice a week, avoid meat. Avoid smoking and alcohol if any. There shouldn't be abdominal fat deposition or obesity. Get your lipid profile and sugars tested once. After all this if your average is falling over 140/90 then you will need medicine. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] hi,I have a small white/grey spots on my glans penis and foreskin for the last 15-20 days..they are not itchy and not painful..I thought it was some scabies infection and used some anti scabies soap but no use....I am a married man and I am having regular sex with my wife.. and I am not having any problems during sex and my wife also didnt get any kind of infection...SO, What it could be? [/INST] Hello painless and non-itchy white gray spot for 15 to 20 days can be caused by a sexually transmitted infection like Android, syphilis or other infections need to be worried but not too much until diagnosis confirmed In my opinion you must book an appointment with your doctor or a general disease specialist for physical examination and further investigations you can upload a photograph I will be able to help you better should maintain good hygiene. Condom while having sex, there are possible chances of its spread to your partner You should clean it with antiseptic soap or solutions and apply an antibiotic ointment Hope this answers your questionPlease feel free to ask for more assistance, I will be happy to help you Best wishes </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctorThis is siddesh, I would like to have a suggestion regarding my mothers conditions. She is recently been diagnosed with NIDDM and she was prescribed zitamet ( 50mg of sitagliptin + 500 mg of Metformin). After a couple of months, one of her knee (right) started to show pain. But, after few more weeks, she felt normal again. When we informed this symptoms to the physician, he advice to follow up some blood test. Based on the report, he said, nothing to worry. Later the whole blood analysis reveled her triglycerides and total cholesterol level were higher than above normal levels, and now she is prescribed with statins. Now, she is showing a sign of high blood pressure and her BP is 160/90. The physician, who was looking after my mother is left the town and moved to another city. which is literally for away from my home town. Could you please suggest which medication is suitable in her condition. Please help me. [/INST] Hello Sides, Your mother can continue taking medications for diabetes and cholesterol. For high blood pressure she can start using Telmisartan 40 mg once daily.It's important for her to take the medications regularly. Restrict salt. Must get her sugar levels and blood pressure checked regularly. Hope my advice was helpful to you, and you can follow up with the test results. I wish your mother good health </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I had a meningioma removed from my brain that was pushing up against my optic nerve 2 years ago. I have had two MRIs since my surgery, and everything looks great. The problem is right after my surgery I was recovering just fine and some time possibly 4-6 weeks after surgery I must have lost my sense of smell. I could definitely smell after surgery! I can taste,but cant smell. I sometimes have phantom smells. Do you think this may be part of the slow healing process? Should I try acupuncture? [/INST] Hello I have gone through history provided by you. Good, surgery for meningioma was successful. Change in smell or its loss is due to damage to olfactory nerve which lies in vicinity. This could be prior to surgery or can be during surgical process. It is inevitable consequence of surgery. You should learn to live with this minor deficit. There is no specific treatment. Trial of acupuncture can be taken and hope for good results Regards Protein </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am 26 years old. My foreskin has become dry and flaky..when I try to mastrubate..the skin burnss...when I try to retract my foreskin backwards...it pains a lot..but 4 weeks back it was finee..Now i cant even pull it back even a little...for the dry skin and swelling at the tip of the foreskin I am applying soframycin...do i need to go for circumcision.. [/INST] Hi, Your symptoms could be due to Atlantis. It causes inflammation and edema. I would suggest consulting urologist and undergo examination to confirm the cause. Following treatment will be useful:- Application of Clotrimazole and steroid ointment-Frequent hot bath-Apply man 1 man oil formulation- Wear pure cotton loose inner and keep area clean and Chat Doctor. Hope this may help you. Contact further if follow up needed. Best regards, </s>
<s>[INST] I hit my lower shin really hard two weeks ago, it was very painful, warm to the touch even so I took ibuprofen, iced it, and kept it elevated. At this point the swelling has gone away as has most of the pain unless I touch it or bump it. However I just noticed that there is a large solid feeling lump right above where my shin connects to my foot. Is this lump something to be worried about or will it just go away with time as the deeper levels of bruising heals? [/INST] Hello! Thank you for the query. This lump is most likely a hematoma. Due to recent injury blood vessels have been ruptured, and the blood appeared in the soft tissues. Such blood collection, if its large enough, can not be absorbed without medical help. That is why it should be checked by a general surgeon. Soft tissues' ultrasound should be done at first. If fluid collection will be confirmed, it should be Chat Doctor. Hope this will help. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] I have a rare disease called Scheuermanns disease which causes kyphosis and before I have corrective surgery my kyphosis measured 92 degrees I was like the hunch back of notre dame. I have titanium rods from top to bottom of my spine C T and L . Now since I Had the surgery I can t stop having muscle spasms so I m trying to find a doctor online who will write a prescription for the only medicine that will work for me which is Carisodoprol 350mg T PO q 8 h # 90 (ninety) thanks, Jason Teasdale CPhT [/INST] Hi, On this network there is no prescription ability given to the physicians since the software is designed only to manage discussions with some limited uploading ability of PDF documents of labs, reports, etc. for doctors to review. You will need to search on another platform for prescriptions. Your other option is to have your surgeon review what's going on since muscle spasms are not typically part of the common sequela to this type of procedure unless there is a problem arising as a complication from surgery or the diagnosis is something different. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I have molluscum warts on my genital area ive had it for over 3 years now if thats what it still is I think I just keep passing it back and forth to my partner and the tip of my dick looks scaly and very dry or it will be red and ruff and it looks wrinkly or it will have big read spots that feel like sand paper the doctor said my molluscum warts was gone over 3 years ago and it looked like it but everytime I would have sex my tip would get really read and with read blotches and little read dots on it but then it would go away the next day so I didnt think nothing about but it keeps happening but its getting worst I dont have insurance but I think its still molluscum warts cuz I have 2 lil read bumps in my pubic area that looks like it ust to but the tip of my dick I dont know cuz when I had it befor it was only in my pubic area but when I had it befor it itched and hurt really bad all the time and they never whent away but it gose away with in a week till I have sex agen or jack off but now its not going away idk what to do doc plz help me plz [/INST] Hello,molluscan. Warts are curable with homeopathy without any side effect. Molluscan are usually infectious. It can spread infection to others. So avoid physical relation till it treated or try to cover molluscan during sex. Homeopathic treatment is based on total understanding of patient on physical and mental level. And that's why detail history of patient is needed for proper homeopathic treatment. Your problem can be cured permanently with homeopathy. So consult to good classical homeopath nearby you or contact us. Have a better health. </s>
<s>[INST] hI i AM 47 YEARS OLD. A MONTH AGO I STARTED HAVING A VERY BAD HEADACHE AND A STIFF NECK WITH DIZZY SPELLS WHEN I STOOD UP AND WALKED. I PASSED OUT SEVEREL TIMES. I WENT TO THE HOSPITAL AND SPENT SEVERLA NIGHTS AFTER BEING DIAGNISED WITH VIRAL MENEGITIS. AFTER BEING SENT HOME STILL WITH THE MAJOR HEADACHES AND STIFF NECKS AND DIZZY SPELLS CONTINUED. IT HAS BEEN A MONTH NOW AND THEY ARE STILL CONTINUING. I PASS OUT ALMOST DAILY, MY DOCTER SAYS TO BE PATIENT. I HAVE A APPOINTMNET WITH A NEUROLOGIST BUT NOT FOR ANOTHER 2 WEEKS. IS THIS NORMAL? WHAT CAN I DO. THIS IS AFFECTING MY LIFE, AND MY JOB. I AM GETTING SCARED AND I FEEL HORRIBLE ALL THE TIME ANY MORE. [/INST] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted your symptoms. Based on that, we need to exclude seizures. Seizures could occur following an episode of viral meningitis. Viral meningitis refers to infection of brain covering (meninges) by a virus. How was it confirmed for you? Was a lumbar puncture done? Please upload the results. Also, we need to see your MRI brain scan. Swelling in the brain could cause headaches. You would get better with treatment. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/ </s>
<s>[INST] hi I am 55 and my weight is close to 62 from last few months I am feeling numbness in my hand and thumb is most affected.I was working continuously with pressure on this thumb which I feel is the cause of this numbness. I have consullted a doctor and took few medicines too [/INST] Dear patient Numbness is restricted to thumb or outer 3 fingers? If its involving thumb only it might be due to nerve root compression in cervical spine. If numbness is in outer three fingers possibility of carpet tunnel syn Chat Doctor. This needs to be investigated with EMG NCV of involved upper limb to confirm diagnosis. Meanwhile, start tab vitamin B12 plus pregabalin 75 mg at bedtime for relief of numbness. You need to consult expert orthopedic surgeon with report. All the best. </s>
<s>[INST] My baby boy is 8 weeks old & I am breastfeeding him & supplementing him w/Enfamil. He has been wanting to nurse for over an hour & still doesn t seem satified, so I started to just pump & give it through a bottle for the last 4 days. But I am unable to give him only breastmilk so he is getting about 2-3 4 oz bottles of enfamil a day. The last few nites he has been very fussy in the evening. He just doesn t appear to be comfortable or satified. This morning I noticed a small raised rash on his face. Could he have a milk allergy? And do you think I should switch to a soy based formula? [/INST] Baby is nursing for longer than usual. If it is going on since birth, look for latching. If baby is not latched well he will not be able to Chat Doctor. So correct your positioning and latching. If it is just since few days it may be due to growth spurt period when his requirements suddenly exceed supply. In that case continue breastfeeding, have patience. Your breastmilk supply will adjust to baby needs. Best wishes </s>
<s>[INST] Occasionally I will get a tightness feeling in the back of my head, in the cerebellum area and then a painful popping sensation afterwards. Generally I ll get a kind of shocking feeling that will start on the top of my head, travel to the back of my head and then throughout my body. This has been going on for years now and I have been to a doctor for it but they didn t think anything was wrong. Is there? [/INST] Hello dear friend, Please accept my concerns for you. You mentioned that it is occasional, that you tend to have such episodes. Please make it clear about a few points-1) what is the frequency of these episodes, ie, once in a week, once in a month or once in a year and likewise.2)How long does each episode last?3)Are there any triggering factors for your episode-may be anything, cheese,coffee, smoke,stress, sunlight,lack of sleep. If you don't know yet, try to watch out if there is anything associated?4)Do you have any abnormality in vision, during these episodes?-like reading half words, seeing star like things, shimmering or flashing lights, light in a zigzag fashion? Closest possibility if any of an organic cause in your case can be of a migraine variant and to rule out the same, i asked you the above questions. If I had been your treating physician, i would have asked you to get a contrast enhanced CT scan done to rule out any structural abnormalities, still. You can discuss the possibilities, accordingly, with a neurologist. I hope it helps you. </s>
<s>[INST] My mothers echo shows that her aortic valve is so calcified that it could even hardly move. My mom has periods of shortness of breath. She has no other symptoms. She is 74 yrs.old. She had hx. of rheumatic fever when she was 14. yrs. old. Would you recommend valve replacement for her?Should she restrict her activities, Would you recommend that she should be in a wheelchair? Would you recommend red wine for her?Thank you. [/INST] Howell come to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, Aortic valve if affected by rheumatic fever, so it can be managed with medicine but later of sooner valves becomes calcified, at the age of 74 it is risky to change the valve, other cardiac parameters are matter of concern, even if the patient is physically fit still the procedures carries some risk, in my opinion it is better to manage the case medically, complete bed rest is advisable, but she can move around in house just for routine purpose hope this information helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Drs my name is asmaa i was taking northisteron for about 3 weeks because i went for a holiday. And also I am planning to get pregnat. After stopping it I get swollen and sore brest as well as i feel sick everyday for 4 weeks I am wondering are these symptoms from northisteron? the other thing could northisteron decrese my chances from getting pregnant? [/INST] Hallow Dear Asmara, Norethisteroe is a Progesterone preparation. It does cause engorgement and soreness of the breasts. If increases the acidity and also due to effect on liver, it does cause nauseating feeling. However, after discontinuing the medicines, these symptoms should not persist. Norethisterone being progestational medicine, may act like birth control pill; however after discontinuing the pills, it should not create any problem in conception. You do have good chances of pregnancy provided you are releasing your eggs fairly regularly, there is no block anywhere in your genital organs and the husband has a good quality semen. You may get these tested if you do not conceive in fair time. Currently, if you have not missed your period and are still sick for more than 4 months, please report to your physician to get your Liver function test done. Norethisterone may diminish the function of liver and then these symptoms may continue. Take Folic acid tablets daily. I hope this helps you. </s>
<s>[INST] My baby is having loose motions from last 4 days.. We are keeping him hydrated.. He is taking his food. and giving him mixture in water like ORS.. is this because of teething. ? what are your suggestions. can any antibiotic is required for making the motions stop? [/INST] Hi... It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting...you need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been diagnosed with H Pylori 5 weeks ago (gscope - biopsy).The doctor treated me wit antibiotics, Klacid, Flagyl, Nexium and Zantac.The Flagyl made me feel sick and my stomach worse but I finished the course. I was on a 5 day course. I feel worse I am so bloated it is not even funny, I get Nauseous in the morning and when I eat I feel better, but then my stomach start feeling bloated again I feel very Uncomfortable and in pain and some kind of movement just below my left side rib, I am scared to eat because its going to make me feel better for a while and then worse again. My bowel movements seems to be normal but I burp alot. I am scared of stomach cancer, are these symptoms related to stomach cancer. Sometimes I feel some Uncomfortable on the right side as well. I am only 31 and otherwise in good health. Please help? [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Stomach cancer would have been seen on endoscopy and would have shown up in the biopsy that you had a few weeks ago. It would not develop in the weeks since the biopsy, cancer takes months to years to develop. Since the biopsy 5 weeks ago did not show cancer, then this is highly, highly unlikely. Bloating is a common symptom and can be related to your history of h pylori, reflux. It can also be due to the use of gas producing foods such as certain vegetables or fruits. Constipation is also a possible cause. The use of reflux medication such as medium, Prilosec, prevail, cipher, may help. I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] I have been extremely dizzy all day - if I move my head quickly I have some blurred vision. My blood pressure this morning was 100/60. I take meds for high blood pressure. My doctor is off today should I try to get in touch with her or go to hospital. [/INST] Dear-thanks for using our service, I will try to help you in your medical concern.First, your blood pressure is in the low range, so any change in position or movement of the head can make you dizzy and produce the blurred vision. Most likely, you need to have changes in your blood pressure medications in order to get better control. Other possibility of dizziness is a laryngitis which is an inflammation in the inner ear which controls equilibrium, but this is less likely. Benign positional vertigo is another cause of dizziness when moves the head hope that my advice will be helpful. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] 12 years ago I had a schwannoma removed from the spine at L4-L5 and now have another, which has been confirmed via MRI , located behind my left knee . It is large enough that it can been easily felt without much effort. Can you tell me how long the surgery would last? What is the recovery time? Is there a chance that there will be another schwannoma that will show up somewhere else? [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Surgery isn't Lon in most cases and last for less than 1 hours. Recovers is also rapid if there is no nerve or ligament involvement and usually there is no. it is possible to have another Schwann, but this is not common and you don't have to be worried at all. Just do this procedure and frequent check-ups and everything will be fine. Hope I have answered your query. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello!!! I just went to see my GP & told her the last two visits, (about 2yrs), I have been trying to concieve. She says to get on clomid ASAP, but I am overweight & am concerned that it will be difficult to find someone to perscribe it. I have been losing weight, but turned 39 at the end of Feb. & cant wait any longer, I feel it is worth a try!!! Also, I do have a a son who just turned 19 and had no problems cocieving him, but age is no longer on my side... Im desperate!!!! [/INST] Hi, Thanks for the query. If your cycles are regular ovulatory cycles, then no need to use closed. Clomid will help in inducing the ovulation only. If your cycles are irregular, better to get evaluated for the cause for it. And take treatment accordingly. Then if your doctor suggests you can go for closed. Maintaining ideal weight will help in regularization of the cycles and in fertility. If your general health is normal, age may not affect the fertility much. For more details you can ask me through: http://www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] about 8 months ago i developed a celebrity crush but it wasn t anything serious it was just fangirling if i saw his face but now its gradually got worse. If i see him i hyperventilate and start to cry uncontrollably and now i think about him everyday. my family think im going insane, am i? [/INST] It is a variant of obsession disease. I would suggest meeting a behavioral therapist as well as a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist will be able to suggest some medications for youths medicines can have some side effects, so it is best left for a psychiatrist to prescribe after reviewing you fully think actually you realize the futility of the obsession yourself. Otherwise you won't have entered the query. Yes, everyone has a favorite celebrity, usually of the opposite sex, but one does not obsess over it. Best of luck Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...hi im 29weeeks pregnant, an im carrying really low, when he kick or moves i feel it more down below in my vagina.is this normal as 8yrs ago when i had my son i never experienced this [/INST] HI, I understand your concern. At 29 weeks of pregnancy fetal movements are nicely felt. In 2nd delivery, the maternal body is already loose due to previous delivery. So baby can sag down in pelvis & when it moves you get the feeling. Another thing the pubic symphysis gets separated due to loosening of ligaments between them. This also facilitates the downward decent of baby . Feeling it right down in pelvis later weeks of pregnancy. * but this is no way suggests labor. Excessive vaginal discharge, loosing mucus plug, getting labor pains form the signs of labor. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have had so many neurological symptoms on and off over the last 10 years it really annoys me if something else happens. I have now noticed pins and needles/numbness in my left hand. It has got worse in the last few weeks and is now there several times a day. I have carpel tunnel and have had it for years, and that is in both hands in the first two fingers and thumb but I only get that at night or first thing in the morning. This is different - it is during the day and affects my whole hand whilst I am using it, especially when my hand is not down. Is it worth going to the doctor again? [/INST] Hello dear, The symptoms as mentioned in your post can be due to nerve compression secondary to Carpal tunnel syn Chat Doctor. Other reasons for such symptoms can be:1. Peripheral neuropathy2. Anemia (either Iron deficiency or It B12 deficiency anemia)3. Any abnormality in blood pressure & blood sugar levels4. Deficiency of certain nutrients like Iron, vitamin B 12, Calcium, etc. which also interferes with blood formation & nerve conductionSymptomatic relief can be obtained with intake of cervicogenic agents like It B12, B6 & Folic acid. However, the underlying cause needs to be treated. So, kindly visit a Neurologist & get a proper clinical examination done including nerve conduction studies. Investigations like complete blood count, estimation of blood pressure and blood sugar levels & Thyroid profile will be helpful. Wishing you a good health. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I slightly stubbed my big toe and now my whole area around the toe is swollen and I can barely walk...its quite painful, especially on top of the foot around the big toe. The injury was extremely minor at the time and seems to have gotten worse without any further injury. What Should I do to treat it? [/INST] Hello, Your pain and swelling following trauma, requires further evaluation with x-ray to rule out fracture. Please be advised to follow-up with an orthopedic to get an x-ray done. Meanwhile, apply cold compress to the affected area, elevate the leg, take adequate rest and Ibuprofen (if not allergic) for pain. Toe fracture is treated with immobilization of toe with cast/buddy tape. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] j have a left leg retaining fluid with a very painful heel..burning and sharp pains. what can be the cause and what can I do? I had non hodgkins lymphoma three years ago and I am still having booster treatments evert three months. the swelling first started after I had a biopsy on on the lympb node in the liower back can dr Mathew Mintz reply [/INST] Dear, There must be the recurrence of the disease or must be residual disease after the initial treatment for non Hodgkin lymphoma. The swelling of the leg is because of the pressure on the lymphatic vessels by the tumor. If the chemotherapy has not relieved it, did your doctors advise local radiotherapy in the inguinal area. You can discuss it with your doctor, and he will be the right person to tell you whether you could be benefited with it. Residual disease after chemotherapy is most of the time taken care with Radiotherapy. Truly, </s>
<s>[INST] hii.i am rahul..i am 17 years old..from last 2 months.i am observing that i am having red rashes..with white patches under my penis and thigh areas..it smell also bad..so please prescribe me any medicine or suggest some tips to get rid off this problem [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor I would keep a possibility of fungal infection. This is because closely apposing body folds e.g. thighs and groin, maxilla, submammary folds etc. can trap sweat, heat and moisture, therefore making the area favorable for fungal proliferation. If I was the treating doctor I would have asked you to use a topical antifungal like clotrimazole/ketoconazole/fluconazole cream, twice daily, regularly for 4 weeks. An Oral antifungal e.g. fluconazole once weekly for4 -6 weeks OR oral terminating once daily for 2-4 weeks OR Itraconazole 100 mg capsule, 2 capsules once daily for a week, is also advisable for a more complete urban OTC antihistamine e.g. cetirizine 10 mg once daily would help you in symptomatic itch relief. Keeping the folds Chat Doctor. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] i have a friend who has stage 4 colon cancer spread to liver and lung he has survived about 5 years his bowel keeps on getting twisted and he vomits because of it they know have found a hole in the stomach he has a baghe is back at sloan kettering conscious in a good mood but has a morphine drip is this the final stage of life for him [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor, thank you for your query. It seems like this is terminal stage of malignant disease, unfortunately. I suppose that he is not a candidate for surgical procedure anymore, and he is probably too weak for chemotherapy so the treatment is palliative, and it is hard to predict his life expectancy. It is most important now to fight against pain a dinfections and give him emotional support. Wish you good health. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] Hi there. Im suffering with what I thought was/is a tooth abscess as I have what looks like a tiny open cut on my gum next to my molar and my face swells from time to time. Underneath and around my jaw is very painful when pressed and Ive just brushed my teeth and spat out blood. Ive had hot flushes all day too, any ideas as to what may this be? Im 19 years old. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. As you describe it appears to be the wisdom tooth, means a 2nd molar tooth behind the 1st molar tooth. As the space there is little, it will tear the gums and stop for while, so cause the infection. I advise you to consult a dentist, for diagnosis and treatment. If not cured by conservatory treatment, it is to be extracted by surgery. Take more of green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, and protein rich foods. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] I have high blood pressure and am currently on medication. I suddenly had my hands and feet swell up and I can t figure out why. I have made no changes to activity or diet. I did drive for 8 hours yesterday with no real break and that s not normal for me. I noticed the swelling when I got out of the car. But it hasn t gone down or got worse. What s it from and what can I do? [/INST] Dear Sir/Madam have gone through your query and read your symptoms. In my opinion, you yourself describe the cause of your swelling, patient with high BP tend to have fluid collection in the dependent parts on long sitting, which seems to be true in your case also, now what you need to do is1 Rest with limbs elevated2 Do not walk for long or sit for long, this can increase your symptoms.3 Get your BP under control by consulting a physician and following the Chat Doctor. I hope that answers your query. If you want any more clarification, contact me back. </s>
<s>[INST] Good morning, My doctor checked my blood pressure three weeks ago and it read160/100. The nurses checked it three days ago and it was 166/93. I keep getting headaches, darkness over my eyes, im aftigued and having trouble breathing. I am only 30 and physically healthy. Please advise. [/INST] Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that your blood pressure values are above the normal ranges. The headaches could be related to high blood pressure. But, at your age it is not normal to have such blood pressure values. That is why, I would recommend consulting with your attending physician and performing some tests to investigate for possible secondary causes of high blood pressure: - a chest X-ray study- a resting ECG-complete blood count for anemia-thyroid hormone levels for possible dysfunction- blood electrolytes for possible imbalance-kidney and liver function tests-cortisol and aldosterone plasma levels for possible a Chat Doctor. You should discuss with your doctor. Meanwhile, I recommend avoiding salt and caffeine intake and perform a lot of physical activity in order to have a better control of blood pressure. Starting antihypertensive therapy may be necessary if your blood pressure values keep being at this level. Hope to have been helpful! Kind regards, </s>
<s>[INST] For the past couple of weeks I have been getting Charlie horses in the upper inside of my legs. Last night I got one in the left leg and just as that started letting up I got one in the right leg which lasted much longer. Today my legs feel weak and sore and I am afraid to try to do too much. I take a Potassium tablet every day. [/INST] Hi, I feel you should try contrast bath. The method of performing is pretty simple by starting dipping the leg first in hot for 3 minutes followed by 2 minutes in cold water. Repeat this for 5-7 times and end up with hot water dipping. Post that try doing some small ankle toe movements and straight leg raise which you can hold up 5-10 counts based on your capacity. Repeat straight leg raise for 10-15 times. Perform static qua Chat Doctor. Post this try doing static hamstrings by placing towel beneath the heel and press with to heal. Hold it for up to 10-15 counts and repeat for 10-15 times. I wish you get helped and feel better thank you </s>
<s>[INST] doctor my father is 83 years old and four days back he suffered from cardiomegaly as per reports the heart size has increased and few water is also found ,he is undergoing treatement but still i want to know as to what this deseases is all about and is it cureable and what precations and medicines he should take [/INST] Cardiomegaly is enlarged heart, and it may occur due to following causes cardiomyopathy heart valve disease congestive heart failure pulmonary hypertension hypertensioncardiomegaly leads to ineffective pumping of blood by heart and may result into cardiac failure if appropriate treatment is delayed. Your cardiac surgeon will do following test to find out the cause-examine heart sound by stethoscope to detect any murmur.ECG advise a chest x -ray advise an echocardiography after following test are done, and the cause is diagnosed he will choose the medicines to continue the treatment because the choice of medicine varies according to the cause of cardiomegaly. Thankyou and take care. </s>
<s>[INST] hi there I have disc hrnnietion L5S1 and i did 3 month phsiotharapy and i did not have any improvment my dr recommaned Mcnzy Ex for 6 week and also I did not have good resalt .. now i have weeknes in my left leg and pain shooting in the night I can not sleep well I have to put pellow under my knee or between my legs when i lay on a site my dr will do a surger is there anther thing but not a surgery [/INST] Sir, the results for disc herniation with or without surgery are the same at the end of May be 2-4 years. The question you need to answer for yourself is are you ready to suffer the pain until then. Discectomy is a very simple surgery in the hands of a right surgeon. At L5S1 level, the incidence of complications is also very low. If you choose the right surgeon there is a 99% chance that your pain will be relieved completely the very next day. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doctor, I am suffering from allergy & as per the our family doctor advice I have started consuming Levosiz 10 1 tablet in a day since last one year and feeling comfortable now. Please let me know, how harmful to an individual health when he consinuously consumes Levosiz 10 & what pre-cautions should be taken to over come from any side effects. [/INST] Hi Venues. DEPOSIT is a 2nd generation Antihistamines which block the action of HISTAMINE(cause of allergy). So it is helpful in allergic reaction. Side effects are very few and only occurs in continuous long term use. These may be-1.light headedness2.nausea (feeling like omitting)3.sedation (increase sleep)4. Chat Doctor. Loose motions you can take it but try to take as less than possible. Best of luck. </s>
<s>[INST] my mother is suffering from glioma of brain cancer grade 4 she is on bed she is not taking her right side hand is paralised due to left side glioma we r operated in j.j hospital on 28 th january12 she is on liguid tata hosp given 10 continues radiation now that tumur ariesesto 5cm what can i do ? [/INST] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern for your mother looking to the history given here I could say that, there you are in the best place for the cancer patients, and no need to worry about the line of treatment what ever might be suggested, as long as the glioma is concern you better have a word with the medical team for prognosis, hope this information helps you, take care and have a nice day. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I have had my tubes tied for 2 years and ever since then my periods have been every 29-31 days. I recently decided that I wanted to get on depo because i have heard of cases of pregnancy with your tubes tied. I had my depo shot on March 27 and was due for period anywhere between April 10-12. Around that time I had cramping like i was going to come on my period but it never came. Could that have been a side effect of depo? Also this morning i was really dizzy and I had to sit still, now I have a bad headache because of the dizziness. could that be a side effect of the depo also? [/INST] Hi, Your symptoms could be due to the effect of the demo shot since you did not time it with your cycle. Your period may get delayed or may not come at all as happens in some people. The headache and dizziness could be related to the effect of the hormone, and you should get your blood pressure and other vital data checked to see if you need any medical assistance. If you continue having persistent discomfort you should report to your consultant and switch to some other contraception. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I am an 87yr old lady and when I had to have my appendicitis out last summer a small cancer was found onn one of my kidney s i chose to leave it alone, and tthe Dr agreed with me, this year when I had a ultra sound it had grown about a centimeter again I chose to leave it alone , wondering if I did the right thing/ , [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you have done correct thing. At your age it is not advisable to diagnose malignancy and start chemotherapy and radiotherapy as these will not improve your life expectancy. Any treatment or work up is worth doing if it improves life expectancy and reduce suffering s. But this is not true for your age. Infact chemo and radiotherapy will harm you more than they are not routine medicines, they are highly toxic Chat Doctor. So I advise to leave it as it is and if you are symptomatic in future than go for palliative treatment. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor, this is my first time asking a live question about health quaries? I have low BP, numbness in my left feet or both, and nite sweats and poor circulation. Although I work out 3x during the week, drink lots of water, and try to eat well. But not sure what is causing this alignment. [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have hypotension. You should go for regular checking of your blood pressure. You may go in hypotensive shock also. You should take salt water when you feel dizziness. Your numbness is due to your low blood pressure. You may need acupressure Chat Doctor. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly/ </s>
<s>[INST] hi i want to get pregnant after an abortion in jan this year.even after having unproctected sex for past 3 months i could not concieve.i get my periods regularly and last month i had bled dark brown bloodclots juz for a day .i had consultated a gyanee she said to wait for 3 months , [/INST] Hi, I have gone through your question and understand your concerns. Infertility is said to occur when one fails to conceive after one year of successful unprotected intercourse. Moreover, since you have conceived once, so it is appropriate for you to wait for at least three months before undergoing any infertility investigations and management. Chances to conceive in each menstrual cycle is only 20-25 %, therefore do not take stress and try for natural conception for at least next3-4 months. Hope you found the answer helpful. Wishing you good health. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My son 20 month old wake up from sleep with frontal swelling above left eye side. Later it reduce in size. Then the swelling starts to spread around 2-3 cm in size. When I press hard he didn t cry. He didn t show any other symptoms. He didn t fall or hit himself recently. What could be the reason. [/INST] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have frontal swelling. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like sinusitis. There can be other problem also like hematoma or inflammation from any kind of injury. I would suggest you to apply warm compresses gently and consult pediatrician for proper examination. Doctor may examine physically to check tenderness and consistency. Doctor may also order CT scan or X-ray to confirm the diagnosis. Doctor may prescribe antibiotics like amoxicillin at least for 5 days, analgesic along with anti-inflammatory or may Chat Doctor. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes, </s>
<s>[INST] We Have went through about 8 different test and 3 diagnoses. My son is has be sent from therapist to another. After this last test he was diagnosed with schizoaffective Disorder and sent of to another doc that is a C.N.P and she gave use yet another disorder Mood Instability disorder. how do we know were to go from here. the women saw him for on appt. what ? s do we ask [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Different therapists diagnosing differently? Really a matter of concern. I don't know what to say to you, but I can understand your emotions. Let me suggest you to please provide more details here itself so that I shall try to diagnose. There is another alternative. Forget about the diagnosis till now and consult a prominent clinical psychologist after researching on the internet. Proper diagnosis is the key for any cure. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] My child (15 weeks age) stool report says Color : Greenish Mucus : Present Chemical Reaction/pH : Neutral (7.0) Pus Cells : 2-4/HPF Fatglobules Present (+) Starch Granules : Present (+) Remarks : Mucus threads present Kindly tell me wat report says. plzzzzz [/INST] Thanks for putting up your query at Chat Doctor. The stool report is otherwise normal except for some amount of undigested food material in the stool. It needs to be clinically correlated to malabsorption if symptoms are there. The stool pH is normally alkaline. Neutral indicates that some amount of acids has been present in order to neutralize it. It could be due to bacterial degeneration of undigested carboy Chat Doctor. Had I known the symptoms for which the stool test had been done, I would have been able to comment better. Mucus threads are not a cause of concern. I hope that helps. Feel free to revert with further queries if any. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... HI! my name is Steve and I live in Chile and my blood work came back pretty good. However, one test shows IgE Total 196 IU/mL and the chart says that for my age 41, this is high, yes? [/INST] Hello Steve, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. Yes, 196 IGE is high, but it is not that high that you should worry too much.2. To derive conclusion, I would like to know whether you have any symptoms. If you do not have any symptoms and IGE was only a lab finding, you should not worry at all, and I usually suggest my such patients repeat test after 6 months.3. If you have symptoms of allergies (allergic rhinitis, asthma, atomic dermatitis, etc.), I would suggest you allergy testing for specific allergens (allergy causing substances). Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 57 yrs old and have been taking nebicard sm daily to control my BP. My cholesterol level is 233 and Triglylcerides is 211. I am not taking any other medicines. Kindly let me know if the triglycerides levels go up because of the BP medicine and if so what other medicine can I take as a substitute? [/INST] Hi & Welcome. Nebicard SM contains a beta blocker (Nebivolol) & a calcium channel blocker Amlodipine commonly prescribed to treat high BP. Increased cholesterol & triglycerides appear to have been caused by Nebivolol. Beta blockers like Nebivolol can affect your cholesterol & triglyceride levels causing a slight increase in their levels. These changes are often temporary. You shouldn't abruptly stop taking a beta blocker because doing so could increase your risk of a heart attack or other heart problems. Consult your treating doctor for an alternate, but a safer medication like Losartan to lower your high BP. Hope this will help. </s>
<s>[INST] hello doctor, I am physiotherapist. my query is about consanguineous marriages, My parents are arranging marriage to my cousine only, i have a doubt about children health.Please guide whether their will be any physicall or mentall disabilities in the children. [/INST] Hi...scientifically seeing consanguineous marriages are not advisable as the kids may be prone for some inherited disorders which might be running sub-clinically in the family line. Another issue is that it can lead to pregnancy complications and birth weight issues. But at the same time it doesn't mean that all consanguineous marriages will lead to defective babies. It is not so. The best way for you will be that - Consult a genetics specialist (both of you) and get evaluated and then take a decision of the marriage. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] I m having serious pain in my lower right abdomen. That s also in my back. I ve been having pain for a week or two and I just got diagnosed with a uti. I have a history of kidney stones in my family, but when I went to the doctors Monday they said there was no blood in my urine. What should I do? [/INST] HelloThanks for query. Considering family history of urinary stone disease and you're having pain in abdomen and back with UTI there is possibility of presence of stone either in kidney or Ureter. Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis. 1) Urine routine and culture. 2) Ultrasound scanning of abdomen and pelvis.3) C. T Scan of abdomen (If required). Further treatment will depend upon result of these tests and final diagnosis. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have had abdominal pain, like a dull pain where my ovaries are located and my lower back for the past few days. My period is not due for at least another 10 days. I ve also been very emotional recently. Starting to tear up from minor things and unable to control my mood. [/INST] HI. Thanks for your query. The pain in lower abdomen along with lower back can be due to the following reasons:Enteritis ColitisSalpingitisOvarian cyst or its torsionIBSYou have not mentioned any other symptoms either related to intestinal or bowel habits. Consult a Doctor to get examined and get ultrasonography done just to rule out some reasons known to cause problems as mentioned and get treated accordingly, May is for the emotional upset or so. </s>
<s>[INST] I ve been suffering from swollen legs feet and red rash all over that changes colour to purple,my joints are always tender and my hands wrists and fingers are always very painfull, and recently I have starting having trouble breathing and skin peeling of my toes feet and fingers,just last night I noticed a red blood like blister on the back of my foot and someone that looked like a small black piece of soot fell out I ve been to my local drs on a regular basis but they don t seem to do anything or seem interested [/INST] Hi, Sorry to hear about your condition but from the report that you have given I can briefly I say it's a case of Psoriasis arthritis. In this condition there is Psoriasis of skin, multiple joint pain especially the fingers and toes and restlessness. The treatment is mainly related to the symptoms that show up. For this you need to visit a Rheumatologist. However, I would suggest you to talk to him about a new line of treatment called biologics that has stood helpful in treating such genetic conditions. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] ive been having slightly sharp pains in my left abdomen and im worried i might have damaged my liver the pain isnt sever and it only happens once or twice every couple weeks i had blood tests done three months ago for being dizzy but im not sure if a liver test was included in that should i be wooried? [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. You have got a pain on the left side of the abdomen; for your information the liver is on the right side of the abdomen so a liver damage - Hepatitis can not cause pain on the left side. Since you have got pain on the left side occasionally, it is possibly due to colitis or impacted feces. Consult a Doctor whenever you get pain and since you have got a suspicion about liver problem get liver function tests done once at least so that the phobia will go away. </s>
<s>[INST] I am looking for a doctor in the Philadelphia are that can do one of the following 2 techniques to remove a Sebaceous Cyst on the thigh and the back. 1. Removal of the Cyst Content with a Laser Punch and the Cyst Wall with a Minimal Postponed Excision 2. Electrolysis method. Can you recommend anyone? [/INST] Hi, thanks for sharing your health concerns with Chat Doctor! Well, in any way, the cyst wall needs to be removed completely without spillage of its contents therefore I would like the option 1. Removal of the Cyst Content with a Laser Punch and the Cyst Wall with a Minimal Postponed Excision Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 52 yr od female with a history of stroke at age 46. I am on Plavix and aspirin. I have low back pain, sciatic nerve pain, bursitis etc which no longer responds to oral prednisone. My PM & R physician gave me a injection in my bursa sac which relieved the pain significantly. But it did not help the sciatic or low back pain. X-rays show I have scoliosis and a compressed disc. Never diagnosed with this prior to stroke. I am now considering a steroid injection in my low back performed at the surgical center . I have to stop Plavix for 5 days. My primary care physician and cardiologist are deferring to each other on my release to have the injection. Siting risk of stroke...basically I am on my own. I walk around like a 80 year old at age 52,! Most activities including walking are painful for me. Am I crazy for electing to stop Plavix and aspirin for 5 days to get some pain relief which will never go away? I had a colonoscopy at 50 with no problems at all. Thank you! [/INST] Hallo dear friend, thanks for writing to ChatDoctori have studied your case do you had any injury to back there might be lumbar disc prolapse leading to articular pain you need some neurotrophic like methylcobalamine [reserve forte]add calcium with it Take rest, take some analgesic, hot or cold fomentation avoid lifting weights sit with taking support to your back continue spine extension exercises physiotherapy - SD, IF TWILL HELP you need MRI SPINE steroid injection will help more when there is lumbar canal stenosis considering your whole case I will support taking injection for further query contact Chat Doctor. Com </s>
<s>[INST] I m 18 and have a lump on the back of my head. I didn t hit my head though. It s the size of a dime and hurts like a bruise but also hurts my whole head like an underlying head ache. The bump is about an inch to the right of my spine where my skull and neck meet. The bump is rather hard and can move a little when I touch it. Please help. [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. The lump as you described can be due to neurofibroma as it is causing so much pain or a lipoma or a sebaceous cyst pressing on a nerve causing pain. The movement suggests that it is not fixed and not from the bone. Get a physical examination done by a Surgeon and get this removed for 2 reasons 1. You get rid of the swelling / disease2. You get a correct diagnosis. </s>
<s>[INST] hi Doctor my blood report says Microcytic hypochromic with moderate anisopoikilocytosis, which is an outcome of my RBC peripheral smear. Whereas WBC and Platelets seems normal and adequate respectively on reports. Report advice is HPLC to rule out Thal Trait. Kindly explain this and suggest a way ahead. [/INST] You have hypodermic microcytic anemia. Now there are few causes of that. The most common cause is iron deficiency, and other is thalassemia minor. Chronic disease may lead to hypodermic microcytic anemia and some rare causes is neuroblastic anemia. But most of the time its common thing like iron deficiency and sometimes thalassemia minor. So go for s.ferritin and s. iron and HPLC. Then take treatment accordingly. You are on perfect way. </s>
<s>[INST] hi am azharuddin from india 25 years of age am a civil engg. my skin is dry from last 6 months my skin is becoming dark. i used the product also by seeing the add the product is (glo rapid fairness cream) but after applying it my skin become more dark,i stopped the product. the company memb has called me and they saying that. it impossible to get black after using glo product.they saying that we have prepared the product in b.lab. what i has to do to improve my skin tone from black. please give you suggestion. your quick response is highly appreciated thank you. [/INST] Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. Complexion of any person is having two components; constitutive, one which is predetermined by genetics and racial factors and usually can be changed with any treatment. The other component is due to external agents like environmental exposure, sunlight, use of any cosmetics etc. and is amenable to treatment. I would suggest you to stop the current medicated cream you are using as it might contain harmful ingredients which can aggravate your pigmentation. Use a plain moisturizer like detail DAM on daily basis for Chat Doctor. You can get a series of chemical peels, which actually remove the upper dead layers of skin and stimulate regeneration of collagen and thus newer layers of skin. Many options are available in chemical peels depending on the requirement and skin type. (Glycol peel, retinol peel, cocktail peel etc.)Also, chemical peeling can be preceded by a simple procedure called microdermabrasion or commonly known as skin polishing to augment the results. Also, at home you can try using cream containing comic acid, betray </s>
<s>[INST] I am 64 years old weighs 100kgs 5ft 11inchs my pressure readings yesterday was 180/100 I was taking ATEN-25 for some time but, I had stopped taking the tablets for the past 3months. as I ran out of stock as I cant find the drug in the UAE I visted a doctor in the UAE and he precribed COVERSLY 5mg But I did not take it thinking the change in drug would effect me. This morning my readings are 164/90 should I continue taking the tablets for BPWhat should I do? [/INST] Hello and thank you for using Chat Doctor. I carefully read your question and I understand your concern. I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion. You should know that we talk about hypertension if we have mean value that exceeds 140 / 90 mmHg. A person might have high value during emotional and physicals trees so It's mandatory to judge on mean values during day and night. Hypertension is divided into two groups. Essential hypertension is a chronic disease, without an identified cause, and it should be treated all live long. Secondary hypertension is common in younger ages, and it means that it has a secondary house of it. This might be a renal disease, an endocrine problem or a cardiovascular anomaly. So, if your doctor has previously prescribed you blood pressure medication than they probably have diagnosed you with essential hypertension meaning that you should treat it live long. At this moment, as you have been without treatment for a long time, if I was your treating doctor I would recommend some examination like a cardiac echo to evaluate heart function and walls, a full blood analyze to check renal function, electrolyte and a pressure holder monitoring to evaluate your values during day and night. After all this we can better judge what is the most adapt Chat Doctor. Hope I was helpful. Best regards, </s>
<s>[INST] hi i have been feeling some strange sensation on the back of my teeth , on the front bottom ones... i looked at them and i found out some yellow n blackish stuff on them which wont go away by brushing.. it feels very strange when i touch them with my tounge and a feeling of dryness and like something sucking my teeth ... [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. As far as the black and yellow stuff on your teeth is concerned, I have two possibilities. It can be secondary to the stains or deposits due to poor oral hygiene. The other cause could be because of the decayed tooth. Consult an oral physician and get it ruled out. If it is because of the deposits, then get your teeth cleaned and maintain oral hygiene. If it is secondary to decay, then get the teeth restored. I hope my answer will help you, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 76 yr old woman with PD.....some cognetive problems....slight depression..periodicaly... I find my self singing-humming 85percent of the time. Nearlly uncontrolable......Is this a mental health thing.....I live alone, have never been a singer...... [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. In your case, self humming of songs are not at all a mental health thing. Instead, it is clearly healthy. We often ask people with mental problems to sing or hum songs which they like. Such an exercise keeps their mind away from unnecessary thinking and thereby other related mental troubles. Means, you are healthy otherwise and do not relate the humming with mental illness. Actually it is entertaining. Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] In the last 3 weeks since we had a heatwave, temps over 40 degrees, I have been experiencing allergy type symptoms. I am lightheaded, uncoordinated, my face and tongue feel swollen, my sight is affected, I feel sort of high and like I am ghosting or following my body. The doctor thought I might be allergic to heat, but I don t have any rashes or get itchy, my nose does not run or block, just I feel so swollen and puffy. I have had blood tests for the general body functions and all are fine. I have heamocromotosis and my blood is getting thicker and harder to extract. I am retaining fluid badly and drinking a fair bit, but not getting rid of much. I was prescribed with a short course of steroids and also Zyrtec, but this isn t really helping. It can get very scary as I feel so weird. I have tried to see if it is food related, but no real results. I am thinking it may be the air-conditioner as I am in a new residence and using the air-con for the first time. Do you have any suggestions please???? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. As you describe, it appears to be the reaction of the cool air, from the air conditioner, and sometimes allergen gases may come out along with the cool air. Or the cause may be due to the food in the new area, or water. I advise you to consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment. Avoid taking fruits, juices, ice water, ice cream, and the things allergic to you. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] I am always tired but I seem to sleep through the night. I am a 14 year old girl. I weigh about 155 lbs. I wear a size HH bra. All of my joints pop in and out of place and they always hurt. I am always aching. Especially my hips, lower back, shoulders, neck, and ankles. I have sharp pain in my right foot on the top outside part of the foot. When I run, my breathing gets really loud and my throat feels like it s closing up. I get pretty frequent headaches and my eyes are very sensitive to light. My mom is a nutritionist, so I eat pretty healthy. Don t eat out that often. I play volleyball and we run a mile each day and lift weights after. My mom works at a gym, so I know how to lift the weights correctly. I don t feel good and energized after workouts like everyone else does. Please help. [/INST] You must ask your mom to take you to a rheumatologist for consultation. Multiple joint pains and irritability to light in eyes may have to be considered for evaluation for any juvenile arthritis (it should rule out ERA). Anyway, even if some symptoms are there they are easily manageable, nothing to worry. Take lots of vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, turmeric, ginger, pineapples, and fish oils omega 3 fatty acids rich fish diets like tuna, mackerel, cod liver oil, they reduce pain in joints </s>
<s>[INST] Dear sir/Madam, My daughter is suffering with white coloured patches on her chick ( mostly on left hand side). Although it doesn t show any further reaction like blood, itching etc but not look good. Some people says she needs multivitamin syrup as treatment, please can you tell me what is better for her? Thank you Regards VIVEK SHARMA Delhi [/INST] Hi...by what you quote I feel that it could be Satyriasis Alba - a sort of fungal infection. It will usually respond to mild steroids. But.... Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health. </s>
<s>[INST] My GGT was 113 and ALT 72. I have been a heavy drinker for 10 years (Now 32 years old). Do I have to quit drinking altogether to avoid further liver disease or is it possible to continue drinking 3 beers a night which I do now instead of the 10+ I used to. Is this GGT and ALT level dangerous? [/INST] Thank you for posting query at ChatDoctorAlcohol is toxic to liver (kitchen Chat Doctor. It should be avoided and strictly avoided if liver enzymes are elevated (hepatitis).further evaluation.is hep A, B C viral serology Negative??do a lipid profile test and an "abdominal ultrasound".are you using any medication that maybe toxic to liver?if all above results negative then advice:abstinence from "Alcohol and </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter who is five years old had an infection I think. No doctor would litsen to me, now she seems better but her stomach is very bloated and soft. She complains of headaches and stomach ache. She is also severely constipated and her stools are very dehidrated. [/INST] Your child is probably having what is called a functional constipation, there will be a very hard stool, abdominal pain and when she tries to pass the bowel motion hard it causes her headache because of the tension I recommend starting her on regular laxatives which are safe and the body doesn't absorb them, they increase the amount of water in the stool and make it soft and easier to pass increasing diet which is rich in fibers is very helpful and Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 61 . Ive had Rhumetiod Arthritis for about 7 years. I have been taking prednizone, metheltrexate, percacet 5mg, or morphine sulphate 5 Mg. most of the time, ususally at a much higher dose than now. I do have dry mouth during sleep accasionally. 15 months ago I had my teeth x-rayed. No cavites were appearant. In the last 4 months I have lost 4 teeth and I need crowns on about 14 more. I also have osteoperosis. Can you tell me why so many teeth seemed to have decayed so rapidly at one time? Thank you. [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The increased incidence of caries in the mouth could be because of the compromised immune system since you are taking steroids, and you have reduced salivary secretion. Consult an oral physician and get these things ruled out. You have to maintain the oral hygiene by brushing twice daily, Rinse your mouth soon after eating anything. Consult an oral physician and get the decayed teeth restored and once in 6 months visit a dentist for check up and over all review. I hope my answer will help you, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] had unprotected sex and the next day woke up feeling sore and by the end of the same day developed thick white discharge and itchiness. I have had a yeast infection thrush before once but it was when I was pregnant and really worried that it is a symptom of pregnancy rather than a ph imbalance as a result of the unprotected sex. If I had become pregnant would my body react with a yeast infection this quickly to hormone change... is it even possible to become pregnant this quickly?? thanks in advance! [/INST] Hello, Above clinical features are mostly suggestive of vaginal yeast infection. Here, you need to take antifungal cream or vaginal suppository at bedtime to get relief. Next thing, you would undergo one home pregnancy test soon after missed your period. Blood test for beta Chat Doctor is required after 7 days to confirm. Consult with gynecologist regarding this for suggestive measures. Maintain genital hygiene before & after each sexual activity. All the best. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a pimple under my nose that I assume is now infected...I am trying not to squeeze it but it is quite large and painful...It has been there for over a week...i have tried acne creams, i have been leaving it alone for days and just putting neosporin on it in case it is infected, it started to improve over the weekend I woke up this morning and it is a white head again and painful again what should I do? [/INST] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you painful pimple with white head below my nose which could be due to deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid, continuous irritation and due to allergic reaction to dust. Need not worry. I would suggest you not to scratch the scab from the pimple. You should apply clindamycin ointment. You should apply Lepidus cream in night keep it for an hour and wash your face. Furthermore, you should apply apply sun cote gel as well. Avoid acidic foods such as citrus fruits or spicy foods that may aggravate symptoms. Start taking multivitamin supplement for few days. If condition doesn't improve in 4-5 days then consult oral pathologist for proper diagnosis and start treatment accordingly. Doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes, </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, Im eighteen years old and about two weeks ago, I had a sinus infection that lasted about two weeks with a lot of mucus. The infection was gone for about a week and a half, but in its wake I was left with an odd sensation of intense burning in my nose when laying down or bending over (a lot like inhaling water). This is typically accompanied by headaches and dizziness. In the last few days, my nose has become congested again, but there is rarely any mucus, and if there is, its clear. Mostly just inflammation. Is this normal? What should I do to remedy this? [/INST] Hello dear, welcome to Ask a doctor service. I reviewed your query and here is advised. I think this is sinusitis. You can use Loratadine as an antihistamine to help inflammation. Also rinse nose frequently with saline water. You can use Striving or pseudocode Chat Doctor. Your doctor may prescribe you Corticosteroids spry as Budesonide for it. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] my daugher has a bad cold, severe fatigue, moderate temp. nausea and vomiting, cough with pain in back ( lower) tthey said she had plus four ketones, and respiratory infection. and needed treatment ,liter of IV fluids zofran ( pres) and zpac. they could not get vein for IV and on discharge no antibiotic because doc said if would have interaction with zofran. the nurse said sorry, you are the only iv i have ever missed. my God should they send someone home with a plus four ketone my daughter is still so sick, I am very disappointed in [/INST] Thanks for posting on Chat Doctor. I am sorry to hear about your daughter. During illness when the child does not eat properly, the body has to manage nutrition from elsewhere and converts fats to ketones which act as the food for brain. That is probably the reason for your child to have 4+ ketones. All that has to be done is to give her feed properly. I would also insist giving her ORS to help her regain salt and water imbalance. At times, it is extremely difficult to find the vein in small child Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hi. I have had this pain in my heart area for a long time now, i cant feel it when i breath half way and then sometimes i can feel it with every beat of my heart. I get dizzy when i stand up from doing gardening or low things. I have an irregular heart beat and my blood pressure is low as it runs in my family. [/INST] Hello, You described different symptoms and I will try to go over them one by one. If low blood pressure runs in your family, then nothing to worry about it, it is your normal blood pressure. The only issue with this is that you should be careful when standing up, as standing up abruptly can cause dizziness and blacken in front of your eyes. Just do it slowly and everything will be fine. Concerning the pain in your chest which worsens with breathing; such pain is usually muscle pain, it can come from the spine. It is not dangerous but can cause quite a discomfort. You can take Ibuprofen unless you are allergic to Ibuprofen or have stomach problems. For irregular heart rhythm; if you feel it occasionally, especially as a skipped beat, then there is nothing to worry, it can happen to a healthy adult as well without any consequences. Just limit the intake of caffeine and quit smoking and excessive Chat Doctor. In case the palpitations are frequent and don't decrease after decreasing caffeine, avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, you will need to refer to a doctor and have ECG monitoring, to find out what type of heart rhythm disturbance you have. So your doctor can prescribe treatment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] i had some brown spots on my right cheek,so i consulted my doctor and he advised me hydroquinone and tretinoin gel...but after using them for just 2 days i got redness,itchyness and burning sensation all over my cheek..could you please suggest me what to do..how can i reduce this side effects with home remedies...i just dont want to stop using this medicine because i think it will work [/INST] You got allergy to that cream containing HQ and retinoid. There is known side effect of these creams. You haven't mentioned your contact time for the cream, it shout be more than 2 hrs, no application at daytime, strict sun avoidance are the rules with this cream. You stop them for now, just try to avoid soap and other cosmetics for five to seven days, apply cultivate cream twice daily over rash. Once rash subsides u can try that cream again with guidelines i have mentioned above, still rasChatDoctores better to stop it and go for chemical peel. </s>
<s>[INST] I have chest pain I believe is due to anxiety. I am on Sertraline 100 mg and I would have thought that the mood disorder was taken care of. However, the chest pain which was provoked by a known stressor has persisted for three days and prevents me from working or sleeping, it makes me want to sigh a lot. Rang my gp but cannot see me until one more week, should I take a valium? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I advise you to consult psychiatrist first, rather than taking Valium. Better to first diagnose yourself. You need proper counseling sessions from psychiatrist. Try to discuss your problems, stressors and find out their solution. No need to take extra medicine (Valium). You will be benefitted more by counseling than the Valium. So consult psychiatrist and try to discuss your problems. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I am concerned about an dull aching right side, that moves more towards my back, but not low back. Will sometimes move from right hip inward. This does leave for a few days but returns. I have had an ultra sound and cat scan done, with results showing nothing of concern. Have wondered if it could be the start of an appendix or ovarian issue, but the symptoms I have leave and come back. Would appreciate some educated info as what I should do. Thank you [/INST] Hi, thanks for posting your concern in the Chat Doctor. Dull aching pain in the back may be due to several reasons, which need to be excluded by further evaluation. This may be due to1. Mechanical back pain. This may be due to faulty posture or injury to para spinal muscles due to any reason. The former cause seems to be more likely because the pain is on and off.2. Any liver or pancreatic pathology. This seems to be less likely, taking into consideration that your imaging reports came out to be normal. Furthermore, they more commonly cause pain over both abdomen and back.3. Functional bowel disease. If you have irregular bowel habit and / or bloating, the pain may arise from the same. This is more common with constipation predominantly irritable bowel syn Chat Doctor. 4. Renal or ureteric pathology, stone or urinary tract infection may be associated with this. Usually, the pain is associated with dysuria, fever with chills etc. in these cases. However, renal pain may present with this alone. I think your imaging should have ruled out this also.5. Ovarian pathology e.g. SOL, infected cyst or torsion may produce back pain. Even genital infection or PID may present with this. Appendicitis usually don't present with back pain as a sole complaint. I think except for mechanical back pain and IBS or FBD all others can be ruled out by imaging (USG or CAT scan). Therefore, you should consult your local physician for further evaluation. For the time being1. Maintain good oral HY </s>
<s>[INST] My two year old son received a third degree burn on his index finger. A piece of melted plastic stuck to the top of his finger from the fingernail to the first joint, and covered the finger from side to side. It has since continued to reveal it s severity, as the subcutaneous layer turned white and has stopped leaking plasma. My question is, could he lose the function of his cuticle, and what kind of procedure can we expect at the E.R. [/INST] Hi, Thank you for asking question on Chat Doctor. Third degree burn of your children index finger needs immediate attention of burns and plastic surgery specialist. Antibiotics to prevent sepsis in addition pain relieving Chat Doctor. Skin grafting and physiotherapy may be required once the wound heals. It is difficult to pronounce prognosis right now. Hope this answer will serve your purposeless feel free to ask any more queries if requiredTake care </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. 32 year old female with constant pain under right ribs mainly in back. Helps to put pressure on my back side by ribs. Lots of discomfort and seems a tad worse after I eat. Have been exercising with turbo kick and wondering did I pull a muscle in this area or is it something I should go in for? [/INST] Your symptoms suggest that you have spasm of chest muscle due to exercises. You need not worry a lot. Analgesics such as ibuprofen, muscle relaxant (thiocolchiside) and ice will decrease pain .deep breathing exercises will also be beneficial. If pain does not subside within 5-7 days then consult to an orthopaedician. Hope this helps. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am taking a generic birth control pill of Necon and it is called Cyclafem and it is 1-35-28. I was prescribed this on the 12th of July and I have been bleeding every day since then. It is sometimes a light bleeding such as spotting, but in some cases it gets a little heavier. I had switched my last birth control before this and have also upgraded this medication because of the same issue. At times it is a brown discharge but than at times it is red. I am getting irritated having to wear something everyday. [/INST] Hiiii, Welcome to Chat Doctor. You have taking CYCLAMEN 1-35-28 birth control pill from 12th July. Now suffering from continuous spotting or heavy bleeding. It is due to side effect of the pill or other uterine pathology. So I advise you to do a USG Pelvis to rule out underlying uterine pathology. If no abnormality is detected, then change your OCP to NOVEL ON or FELON or anything suited for you. If pathology is there, consult your doctor for further treatment. All the best. </s>
<s>[INST] i am 34years old and my husband is also of same age.we got married 2 years back.i have not conceived yet.i have endometrial polyp less than 1cm and posterior wall subserous fibroid.my height is 153cm and weight 60kg.regular period-24 to 27 days.2-3 days normal flow.Folicular study is ovulatory cycle without medicines.we have seen allopathy drs.husbands tests are normal.doctors said everything is fine.please sugest me some advice to get pregnant [/INST] Hi, I think you can try naturally for at least one year before undergoing any fertility treatment. Be in contact with your husband every 2 to 3 days after your periods stop. It will increase chances of your pregnancy. If it doesn't work then you can go for some medicines for growth of your follicles and track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound. When follicles reach a size more than 17 to 18 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband for 2 to 3 days after injection. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 months. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my son is 3years 8months. he is told that he is having mild Asthma and whenever he gets i give Asthalin spray 3 times a day and budecort100 spray i am giving and is advised to give budecort100 for 3months. after using this my son is getting rashes on the body. is it safe to give these inhalers [/INST] Hi... I don't think the rash is related to Decor inhaler. Stalin should not be given 3 times a day. It should be given 2 puffs every 4-6th hourly that too only if there is wheeze or cough disturbing sleep. I think the rashes could be recurrent or chronic allergy. By what you quote it seems rather like a skin allergy which is unlikely to be food allergy or Chat Doctor. I have some questions and some suggestions for you. Questions:1. Is there any family history of similar allergies or skin rash?2. Is this rash associated with severe pain in the stomach?3. Is it associated with blood in the stools or black colored motion?4. Is there any blood in the urine?5. Has his blood pressure been monitored in these 5 months and is it normal?6. Are there any bed bugs in her cot or in his school seating arrangements - kindly inquire.7. Does his hands and feet and face swell during attack of allergy or does he have any noisy breathing during high severity? I wish your kid a speedy recovery. If you need any future medical consultation and suggestions, I will be glad to help. You can approach me at the following link. Please find the link below.www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ </s>
<s>[INST] I am really frustrated. I have had chronic bad breath for years. Now, I am getting an awful smell in my nose. I have had my tonsils taken out. I have gone to several dentists; therefore, I dont have a dental problem. I have been to half dozen ENTs, and Ive even had a CT scan, so I dont have a sinus issue. Please dont tell me to brush, floss, gargle, or scrape my tongue. I dont have an issue with any of that. I dont eat garlic or onions, and I even stopped eating poultry and dairy. I dont know what else to do. Ive done several cleanses: herbal and liver, and an all juice cleanse. Why is it that I cannot find help? This is very frustrating and embarrassing. Its obviously a common problem that no one wants to talk about. However, I see it all over the internet with people with the same problem. I cannot find a doctor who knows what is going on. [/INST] Hellooo...read through your query .1st thing I must say u that don't get upset with this.its just natural problem faced by most people...u shut remember it's not something that's threatening to your life (just think for a minute about those who have cancer and various other life-threatening diseases .u shut feel blessed)but yes thinking from your view this is bad problem for you after so many precautions and steps followed still its persisting...I suggest you to first reduce the stress and tension of life.try doing yoga meditation(to cool and soothe your mind)when stress or tension comes your mouth becomes Chat Doctor. .so u have to keep your mouth HY </s>
<s>[INST] I am now having severe right buttocks pain, which has gotten worse after two cortisone shots, physical therapy for 11 sessions and an xray was taken in the begginning. Do you think my next step will be an MRI to determine what the pain is coming from? [/INST] Hi, thank-you for providing the brief history. As the history suggest that this is more of a lumbar spine disc degenerative disease. As due to nerve root impingement in the lumbar spine the sciatic notch in the gluteal region will have a severe pain and needs a thorough clinical examination and an MRI to understand the pathology of the lumbar spine. Infact with 11 sessions of physical therapy the pain can not come down and may need more sessions as well. Taking therapeutic ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy should help control the pain symptomatically and exercises will play an important role in stabilizing the spine and also improving the muscle strength to hold the spine without leading to nerve root impingement. In my clinical practice most patients need more than 15 sessions of physical therapy, and they respond well. Regards Jay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Good morning. my 4-month old broke out in a full body rash after his second ever bottle of enfamil formula. we went for allergy testing and passed for milk, soy, and a couple common proteins . Gave him similac... full body rash and threw up. passed allergy tests again. gave him soy formula, was fine for over 4 bottles in 2 days. woke up this morning with full body rash again. no other environmental changes come to mind. advice? [/INST] For 4-month-old baby no need to add any other Milton mother milk is required for baby for 2 years and after that no military has no immunity till 2 years which is given by mothers milk till 2 years after that the internal immunity of baby starts, and he does not need support of mother milk after 2 years you can add other thingsThis age also you can be other substances instead of million add any milk till 2 yearsCamelmilk has the same structure as human milk you still want you can add but no need for rashes you can apply calamine lotion ABD fluticasone ointment </s>
<s>[INST] Hi,im having a weird feeling in my upper abdomen just below the rib cage,its almost a tickle feeling or crawling,i do have some kind of cold or sinus infection ,where i feel kind of dizzy and my head is heavy,but ive never had this feeling before,its about to drive me crazy,its also like a full feeling,hard to explain,please help [/INST] Hi Thanks for askingBased on your query my opinion is1. Sinus infection and the tingling sensation are not related.2. Abdominal fullness or discomfort may be due to gastritis.3. Tingling/ tickling sensation might be due to vitamin deficiency or just a local skin reaction.4. If there is pain or mass in the rib cage or inability to move then it's of concern. It needs to be evaluated.5. Take multivitamin supplements along with anti-inflammatory agents and antibiotics for sinus infection. Hope this helpsRegards </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my daughter 16 mths old just got cut the toe when someone open the door and did not expect the little one at the back, the bleeding was not much, I put the antiseptic on and seems like she is very painful when her toe touching something.1) how do I know if the toe nail has away from the skin?2) can I still swim with her by using the waterproof bandage as no bleeding at all? [/INST] Hi, If nail has separated from its bed, there will be hematoma formation underneath (red-blue-black color sequentially). If no such color change, nail is intact. You can take her for swimming. Just clean the wound after that with soap and water and apply antiseptic lotion/cream. Meanwhile, give her paracetamol 2-3 times a day for pain relief, and apply antibiotic creams like mupirocin 2 times a day. She will be alright in 3-5 days. If the pain and swelling increases, kindly take her to doctor to look for any secondary infection needing antibiotic treatment. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My son is 17 months old. Within the last three weeks he had tummy bug and ear infection. His stool started being grey then it turned whitish which was accompanied with vomiting. It lasted 3-4 days. After two weeks he started it all over again, and he has just started having grey stools again, the third time within a short period of time. He doesn t really want to eat, and he lost lots of weight. We took him to the Gp, who said our son has mild ear infection and is not dehydrated. I am worried for him. He is so week now, when he walks he keeps falling all the time. [/INST] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. This looks like viral illness with diarrhea and cold. It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting...you need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] So when i was 3 i was diagnosed with growth hormone defciency and i took daily shots in my stomach until i was 14 and my doctor said if i didnt get my period by 16 i have to go back and see whats wrong. i am 16 and still no period. so i was wondering what could be wrong? what tests they will run? if it will be awkward? if its normal? ya know just so im not freaked out about this! ps.. i really dont like going to my doctor. its a guy and i just think its awkward talking about period stuff. [/INST] Thank you for posting your query in Chat Doctor .com.....see first, talking to a doctor about anything is not awkward....but for proper diagnosis and treatment, you should tell your doctor everything...anyway, primary amenorrhea is said to be present when there are no periods and no secondary sexual character at age 13 or no periods but presence of secondary sexual character at age 15...so irrespective of your secondary characters like breast growth, pubic hair etc. you are suffering from primary amenorrhea....well there are various reasons behind primary amenorrhea, most common being genetic and uterine developmental defects...so in my opinion, you should definitely visit your GYNECOLOGIST and he/she would run some tests like USG, laparoscopy or hysteroscopy and might be karyotyping also depending on your features...also definitely some hormonal studies also....it might not be very serious till now, so don't worry but visit your doctor immediately...hope this was helpful....come back to me for further queries...regards </s>
<s>[INST] I m training for a 1/2 marathon and ran 11 miles on a flat course a week ago. The next day there was considerable pain in my lower leg. localized swelling. No redness. Area is interior about 6 inches above my ankle. I tried running again three days later and was unable to. [/INST] Hi, You may be having a stress fracture of tibia. This fracture happens due to overexertion. You were not having enough experience running and due to overrunning this has happened. Please Avoid running for a period of six weeks from now and take rest. Pain will go away once you stop running. Take calcium and vitamin D supplements. X-ray is not helpful for diagnosis. After 6 weeks start progressive training under the guidance of physiotherapists. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] 2weeks ago I started zpak for sinus infection. 4days after last pill I was put on 2nd zpack for still blowing green mucous and ill feeling. Today I m on day 3 of 2nd pack and still coughing green, chills, and tight chest.should I worry or wait to finish second round? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, you should definitely consult pulmonologist and rule out lower respiratory tract infection (LETI - pneumonia). Your symptoms (brown sputum, chest tightness) are commonly seen with pneumonia. Your symptoms are not improving after 2nd round of azithromycin (z pack). So get done chest x-ray. Chest x-ray is must for the diagnosis of pneumonia. You may need higher antibiotics, bucolic and expectorant (N acetyl cysteine) Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hi,i have itching between my legs and testicles,im facing this from past 2 years.im using antifungal powder for timebeing but it is not completely went off.now in that affected area some kind sticky liquid coming out and im unable to work properly.skin became black and looking like dried tree outer layer [/INST] Hello, Thank You for consulting Chat Doctor ! Looks like you would have neglected much and infection got complicated. I think that you would have initially got fungal infection, but this now got complicated with secondary bacterial infection. You need scraping and microscopic examination of effected parts, CBC you might also need an empiric course of antibiotics. Stay healthy, and thank you for consulting! You can contact me again anytime, if you need clarifications or further assistance in the future. Kindly rate the answer if you are satisfied. </s>
<s>[INST] Helllo, I am a 32 year old female, I am 5 7 and I weigh 180lbs. I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroidism and currently takes synthroid daily, b-12 nasally every other week, and vitamin d every three weeks. Around the thanksgiving holidays, I had a stomach virus, but got better. However, it seems as if my bile continues to be a little loose and at times my legs feel weak. [/INST] Hello Thank you for trusting Chat Doctor Dear continuous loose motion can cause loss of electrolytes can cause weakness in legs, sometimes viral induced gastroenteritis may cause weakness. Hypothyroidism is due to Hashimoto may cause generalized weakness. Please get it done Serum electrolytes and calcium. Stool microscopy and culture, and tab. Popular thrice a day, tab. Of lox Ornidazole 200 mg twice a day for 5 days, tab. Operative twice a day. If symptoms not improved consult your doctor immediately. </s>
<s>[INST] my son aged 25 yr had small size of testies. he has been treated by a endocrologist in shifa international hospital islamabad pakistn. doctor treated him abt 2yr and rest him on testoviron injection. but nothing improved. his testy size 2.7 and 1.8 cm each. we want marry him but he is reluctant. he fed up by injection and desire alternate remedy either homeopthy or alopathy. pl advise [/INST] Hello and. As a Urologist, i can understand your concern. The testis is reduced in size on both sides. Home doesn't help in this. He needs certain tests to know if he can marry and be able to plan a family.1. Blood routine, FSH,LH, PRL,testosterone, creatinine,RBS and LFT.2. Semen analysis.3. Scrotal Doppler ultrasound scan. If there are no sperms in the semen, will he be able to father a child If you've any doubts, you can send it as a direct question to me. Chat Doctor. Manga. </s>
<s>[INST] am i eligible to deliver a baby with L5-S1 disc prolapse and protrusion? Hello sir, Am 31 yrs -female - had a c-section 3 years ago. I have L5-S1 disc prolapse(dont know how it came) with protrusion and also recently diagnised with more insulin - abt 42.8 units- taking metformin advised for 3 months - I would like to have a second baby - am I eligible? If yes - when can I proceed and what are all the cautions? [/INST] Hi welcome, due to disc problem no need to worry only you should be in rest during the time. For increased insulin any way you have to take medicines to reduce it otherwise consumption will not lead to child. Any way never leave this disc problem as simple thing and also never go for the surgery also since it is not an over growth or waste thing to be removed, and also effective treatments are available in Ayurveda along with panchakarma keep in touch for further clarificationchristyjoseph1@gmail.com </s>