[ "179378", "164128", "166069", "95066", "140122", "175096", "91332", "161935" ]
[ "Lo (2009)", "Kill Bill: Volume 2 (2004)", "Kill Bill", "Django Unchained (2012)", "Reservoir Dogs (1992)", "Titanic (1997)", "Pulp Fiction (1994)", "John Tucker Must Die (2006)" ]
[ "I've seen them all. I really enjoy @140122 , @95066 , @166069 , and @164128. Gogo Yubari is hot.", "Hello have you seen @91332 ?", "I really like @175096", "I haven't seen @91332", "@175096 was good", "Are there any other movies you like? I'm into chick flicks.", "Like @161935", "I don't really know chick flicks. @179378 was a fantastic movie though", "Guy goes to Hell just to see his girlfriend", "I thought it was pretty good too!", "it's really well done", "Oh you've seen it?", "awesome movie", "Well, when in rome. And, yes, I have.", "Its crazy what people will do for the ones they love.", "Nice chatting with you!", "Thanks for talking!" ]
[ 545, 545, 546, 546, 545, 546, 546, 545, 545, 546, 545, 545, 545, 546, 546, 546, 545 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "3767" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "11760" ], [], [], [] ]
[ [ "7528", "19080", "23128", "2848" ], [ "10612" ], [ "13111" ], [ "10612" ], [ "13111" ], [], [ "22670" ], [ "24952" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "116976", "88487", "140335", "113213" ]
[ "Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)", "Juno (2007)", "Knocked Up (2007)", "I Love You, Man (2009)" ]
[ "Hi, what types of movies do you like?", "Hey!", "I love romantic comedies", "Hope the day is going well over there", "Great! Have you seen @116976 ? That has to be one of my favorites! My day is good here and yours?", "The day is pretty chill so far", "I have it was with Jason Seagal right?", "Yeah exactly like that film", "or @140335", "Yes! If you like him I would like to suggest @113213", "Or @88487 is another great one!", "That would be a cool movie to watch", "Have you seen either of those?", "I haven't seen @113213", "Juno either but I think the first one would be pretty cool. Sombody told me about it", "@113213 also has Paul Rudd in it", "THank you so much today!", "Cool!", "Glad to help. Have a good one!" ]
[ 253, 239, 239, 239, 253, 239, 239, 239, 239, 253, 253, 239, 253, 239, 239, 253, 239, 239, 253 ]
[ [], [], [ "904" ], [], [], [], [ "16514" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "246" ], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "1323" ], [], [], [], [ "18736" ], [ "28635" ], [ "29832" ], [], [], [ "28635" ], [], [ "28635" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "157029", "148477", "107826", "198562", "107616" ]
[ "The Cannonball Run (1981)", "The Blues Brothers (1980)", "Meet the Fockers (2004)", "Grown Ups (2010)", "Dead Again (1991)" ]
[ "Hi", "hello", "what type of films do you like?", "Can you recommend some comedies? Two of my favorites are @198562 and @107826?", "I enjoyed @107616 and @157029", "old films but still good", "I have seen @157029 but not @107616. How is it?", "Last night i watched @148477 and that is a great comedy", "@107616 is an unusual comedy but also very funny", "I will have to give it a try. Thank you for your help", "you are welcome,", "goodbye", "bye" ]
[ 254, 25, 25, 254, 25, 25, 254, 25, 25, 254, 25, 25, 254 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "2734", "5228" ], [], [], [], [ "2734" ], [ "2734" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "6159", "17005" ], [ "28684", "9931" ], [], [ "28684", "9931" ], [ "4440" ], [ "9931" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "192815", "95199", "157924", "135571", "173333" ]
[ "Tropic Thunder (2008)", "Home Alone (1990)", "Shrek (2001)", "The Hangover (2009)", "Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)" ]
[ "Hello.", "Hello there!", "I am interested in a good comedy to watch", "@135571 is funny, have you seen it?", "Oh yes! I have! I really enjoy that movie", "I also like movies like @95199", "How about @173333? It's a classic, but great.", "Which I thought was hilarious", "That is a good movie.", "Oh I do love that one!", "@192815 is hilarious", "@157924 is my favorite though.", "I have never seen or heard of that one! I will check it out!", "Great!", "Oh I loooove Shrek!", "Me too!", "Thank you for all the suggestions", "Have a great afternoon!", "Have a wonderful day, bye." ]
[ 696, 707, 707, 696, 707, 707, 696, 707, 696, 707, 696, 696, 707, 696, 707, 696, 707, 707, 696 ]
[ [], [], [ "2734" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "379" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "23657" ], [], [ "25170" ], [ "14658" ], [], [], [], [ "27666" ], [ "379" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "140476", "96998", "151670", "188939", "156731", "99660", "169085", "100043", "151102" ]
[ "Suicide Squad (2016)", "Ali (2001)", "Six Degrees of Separation (1993)", "Hitch (2005)", "Bad Boys (2003)", "I, Robot (2004)", "Independence Day (2000)", "Back to the Future ", "Men in Black (1997)" ]
[ "Good afternoon, Have you seen the movie @100043 ?", "Hello, No i have not is it a very interesting one. I wanted o introduce to you sci fi like @99660", "I have seen @99660 but I didn't care for the movie very much. The acting was pretty bad. I am more of horror fan but I do like sci-fi too.", "But Will Smith is a very good actor. He did well especially in his movie @169085", "Yes, I agree he is a pretty good actor but in some movies he just doesn't perform well. @99660 is one of those movies. Seen any good horror movies lately?", "Not at all. I am a fan of sci fi and Will Smith. Have you seen @140476", "Yes, I did see @140476 and I liked it. The Joker and Harley Quinn were my favorite actors in that movie. I didn't think was a stand out in that film.", "No he was not but i love his role more. I have always liked him from the movie @156731", "He was also good in @96998 but he sucked in @188939 .", "of course he cant be good always. I however hope i give you good recommendations about his movies", "Right no actor I've seen is good in every movie. Which Will Smith film is your favorite?", "Oh yeah he is", "I thought he was great in @151670 and @151102 .", "Of course yes. I have not seen them though. Thanks for the chat. I have to go now", "Thanks for chatting with me about Will Smith and all his great movies.", "Ok Good bye" ]
[ 480, 466, 480, 466, 480, 466, 480, 466, 480, 466, 480, 466, 480, 466, 480, 466 ]
[ [], [ "27224" ], [ "575", "27224" ], [ "30229" ], [ "575" ], [ "424", "27224", "30229" ], [], [], [], [], [ "30229" ], [], [], [], [ "30229" ], [] ]
[ [ "8445" ], [ "30457" ], [ "30457" ], [ "10397" ], [ "30457" ], [ "23115" ], [ "23115" ], [ "27856" ], [ "14394", "14128" ], [], [], [], [ "21137", "26511" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "184001", "108137", "187028", "184418", "79968" ]
[ "Michael Jackson's Thriller (1983)", "Red Dragon (2002)", "It (2017)", "Get Out (2017)", "Split (2017)" ]
[ "Hi!", "anyone need some movie recommendations?", "hi", "are you looking for a movie to watch?", "how about horror or a good thriller?", "yeah! always good choices!", "cool bring them on", "Have you seen @79968 ?", "kinda combo horror and thriller", "yeah pretty good", "There is also academy award winner @184418", "very innovative approach to new horror", "what is?", "@184418 won for best screenplay and it's about a man going home to visit his girlfriend's family", "can't tell you too much move without ruining the plot", "oh ok i guess i will have to see it then haha", "yeah if I tell you more you might guess the twist", "@184001 is a classis", "okay so old fashioned crime/horror is @108137", "ahhh ok i understand", "it's part of the Hannibal Lecter series", "yeah its pretty good", "you saw it?", "yeah it was good", "I thought it was pretty good too", "ok and then if you haven't seen it, @187028", "it's Hannibal!! hahaha", "horror clown story", "another great remake", "really good.", "turned it up a notch too", "clowns and cannibals!", "can never go wrong with them lol", "lol", "i think i am good with those choices", "you are?", "ok, some oldies and newbies", "yeah, im going to go netflix them to watch now, thanks", "ok great, hope you enjoy the ones you haven't seen!", "nice chatting with you", "you too. bye", "i will, thanks", "bye" ]
[ 462, 462, 629, 462, 629, 462, 629, 462, 462, 629, 462, 462, 629, 462, 462, 629, 462, 629, 462, 629, 462, 629, 462, 629, 462, 462, 629, 462, 629, 462, 629, 462, 629, 462, 629, 462, 462, 629, 462, 629, 462, 629, 629 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "575", "57" ], [], [], [], [ "575", "57" ], [], [ "21880" ], [ "575" ], [], [ "14799" ], [], [], [], [], [ "19419", "575" ], [], [ "26763" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "25264" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "21463" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "16012" ], [], [], [ "16012" ], [], [], [], [ "18022" ], [ "21698" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "6727" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "86619", "84007", "131147", "161723", "162882", "154189", "201027" ]
[ "The World According to Garp (1982)", "Castaway (1986)", "Saving Mr. Banks (2013)", "The Godfather (1972)", "Forrest Gump (1994)", "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)", "Secondhand Lions (2003)" ]
[ "Hello!", "Hi, how are you tonight?", "What type of movie would you like to see?", "Doing well! I am interested in some good dramas.", "A couple of my favorites are @161723 and @162882", "Have you seen @201027?", "I have not, what is it about?", "Basically has Tom Hanks in it.", "A runion with two friends", "Sweet, that's enough for me. Tom Hanks is the best.", "Yes he's so funny.", "He's great in everything, I especially loved @84007", "Have you seen @131147?", "Yes @84007 was a good movie", "No I have not but I have heard good things!", "Have you seen @154189?", "Yes, that was a great one.", "Or have you seen @86619?", "I have not seen that one, is it good?", "Gene Siskel notes the similarity of "Forrest Gump" (1994) to this movie.", "Oh nice, I will for sure have to watch it then.", "Thank you for the suggestions, I have a lot to check out.", "I hope I telped tonight!", "Have a great night!", "You did! You as well!" ]
[ 755, 553, 553, 755, 755, 553, 755, 553, 553, 755, 553, 755, 553, 553, 755, 553, 755, 553, 755, 553, 755, 755, 553, 553, 755 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "8836" ], [], [], [], [ "6447" ], [], [ "6447" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "30764" ], [], [], [], [], [ "27878", "27878" ] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "29073", "30764" ], [ "13162" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "15442" ], [ "25749" ], [ "15442" ], [], [ "21055" ], [], [ "6686" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "105289", "140749", "83552", "143946", "78874" ]
[ "The Diary (1974)", "Moana (2016)", "Jumanji (2017)", "Ninja Kids!!! (2011)", "Click (2006)" ]
[ "Hello how are you", "can you recommend a great family movie", "hi, fine and you?", "im great thanks", "i recommended @83552", "have you seen it", "I have heard mixed reviews about that one sorry I dont think i want to see that one.", "Can you recommend another family movie maybe something along the lines of @140749. Our family really enjoyed that one", "I can recommend you @78874 and @143946", "ok great I will check those out sounds like a plan", "have a great day bye", "and @105289", "bye!" ]
[ 717, 717, 686, 717, 686, 717, 717, 717, 686, 717, 717, 686, 686 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "17447" ], [ "7663", "14344" ], [], [], [ "16591" ], [] ]
[ "143062", "202190", "203761", "86831", "204998", "195004" ]
[ "Child's Play (1988)", "The Shining (1980)", "1922 ", "Bride of Chucky (1998)", "The Langoliers", "Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)" ]
[ "Hey how is it going? What kind of movie are you looking to watch?", "Hello. Horror movies please.", "Past or present is fine", "Hmm. Do you like cheesy horror movies like @195004 or good, serious horror movies like @202190", "I love The Shining and all Stephen King books turned into movies.", "I was sort of disappointed in @203761 that just got released on netflix that's based on a Stephen King book.", "Oh I have to check it out...even if I'm disappointed. lol", "It was kinda cheesy and the special effects were bad, but one of my favorite Stephen King based movies is a sleeper called @204998. It might have been a mini series but it's only like three hours long and it scared the crap out of me", "What's your favorite non-Stephen King horror movie?", "I remember that one. They were on the plane.", "Child's Play. because it's hilarious now. I watch it almost daily.", "@143062 . because it's hilarious now. I watch it almost daily.", "Haha that' is a funny movie. I like how absurd some of the sequels are like @86831 . Anyways, good talking to you. Goodbye!" ]
[ 810, 752, 752, 810, 752, 810, 752, 810, 810, 752, 752, 752, 810 ]
[ [], [ "575" ], [], [ "575", "575" ], [ "23502", "12227" ], [ "21463", "12227" ], [], [ "12227" ], [ "575" ], [], [ "13044" ], [], [ "5253" ] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "23502", "23865" ], [], [ "19767" ], [], [ "19397" ], [], [], [], [ "25682" ], [ "23606" ] ]
[ "109424", "106233", "83552", "180899" ]
[ "National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)", "Jumanji (1995)", "Jumanji (2017)", "National Treasure (2004)" ]
[ "Hello", "Hello, are there any genres or movies you like?", "Yes I like action movies, what about you?", "what genre do you like", "I love all sorts of movies", "action", "adventure", "mystery", "Ok, can I recommend a great adventure movie then?", "sure", "I recently watched @83552", "which was pretty good", "@180899 and @109424 are great movies", "Yeah I have seen both of those and enjoyed them", "I loved @83552 also liked the older version @106233", "A timeless classic", "yeah the Robin WIllians version was pretty good", "totally different style", "Yeah totally different, I guess thats how movies are now a days", "I think we have things covered", "not what they used to be", "thanks for the suggestion", "goodbye", "ok great", "have a nice day", "bye" ]
[ 368, 406, 368, 368, 406, 406, 406, 406, 368, 406, 406, 406, 368, 406, 368, 368, 406, 406, 368, 406, 368, 406, 406, 368, 368, 368 ]
[ [], [], [ "29330" ], [], [], [ "29330" ], [], [ "16948" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "22595", "13796" ], [], [ "26190" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "141928", "93515", "138962", "83552", "81075" ]
[ "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006)", "Moms' Night Out (2014)", "Bad Moms (2016)", "Jumanji (2017)", "We're the Millers (2013)" ]
[ "Hi.", "How are you?", "Hi, I am good and you?", "Any good action movies you could suggest to watch tonight?", "I'm looking for movie suggestions too.", "What kind of movies are you interested in?", "I like comedies like @138962", "Have you seen the new @83552 ?", "I haven't seen that one yet.", "I've heard it's good, but I'm looking for something more with adult comedy.", "How about @93515", "I've seen that and really like it.", "Any other suggestions?", "@141928", "That's another good one. I've seen that one several times!", "@81075", "I haven't seen that one.", "I really enjoyed all those movies.", "I'll have to check that one out.", "Thanks!", "You are welcome. Hope I was a help.", "You were thank you.", "Have a great night.", "Bye." ]
[ 423, 423, 330, 330, 423, 330, 423, 330, 423, 423, 330, 423, 423, 330, 423, 330, 423, 330, 423, 423, 330, 423, 423, 423 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "29330" ], [], [], [ "2734" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "27878" ], [ "27878" ], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "9342" ], [], [], [], [ "12036" ], [], [], [ "15979" ], [], [ "14398" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "188218", "123331", "203907", "109082", "105589" ]
[ "Jackie (2016)", "Léon: The Professional (1994)", "V for Vendetta (2005)", "Black Swan (2010)", "Annihilation (2018)" ]
[ "Hello.", "What's up there", "I'm looking for stuff starring Natalie Portman", "She's the best", "@109082", "More recent is preferred", "you're welcome lol", "Yeah, @109082", "Have you seen @203907 ?", "She was in @123331 when she was a kid", "she is in that movie as well", "I haven't seen @203907 yet, but I'm going to.", "She was in that. Young kid version of her, yeah.", "What's she done recently", "Didn't she play Jackie Kennedy in something", "She was in that movie @188218", "she's also in a new movie about an alien annihilating things", "Yeah, that's the one.", "@105589", "I think", "Wasn't she in that movie about the guy who's head went boom? Oooh!", "Thanks, you've been helpful.", "Bye.", "No problem!" ]
[ 67, 562, 562, 562, 67, 562, 67, 562, 67, 562, 67, 562, 67, 562, 562, 67, 67, 562, 562, 562, 67, 562, 562, 67 ]
[ [], [], [ "28211" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "13044" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "2198" ], [], [], [ "2198" ], [ "15898" ], [ "30359" ], [], [ "15898" ], [], [], [], [ "1841" ], [], [], [ "12121" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "77293", "205557", "204974", "107370", "205698", "150887" ]
[ "A Wrinkle in Time ", "Red Sparrow (2018)", "Black Panther (2018)", "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)", "Tomb Raider (2018)", "Ender's Game (2013)" ]
[ "Hello, I am looking to pick a movie for date night this weekend. Something for a guy and a gal.", "Are you streaming?", "Or are you guys going to the theater?", "I want one in a theater.", "That's awesome", "We saw @150887 and liked it.", "@205698 just came out", "It's a remake of @107370", "Many have enjoyed @204974", "I wouldn't be that in to those.", "There is also @205557", "Did @204974 get good reviews?", "It's a good drama", "You guys may enjoy the fantasy adventure film @77293", "Is @205557 the one with Jennifer Lawrence?", "Yes it is", "I saw @77293 and loved it.", "Give it a try, you'll like it", "Enjoy your time at the theater", "Maybe I will try @205557", "Thanks for the help.", "No problem have a great day", "bye", "bye" ]
[ 550, 279, 279, 550, 279, 550, 279, 279, 279, 550, 279, 550, 279, 279, 550, 279, 550, 279, 279, 550, 550, 279, 550, 279 ]
[ [], [], [ "30632" ], [ "30632" ], [], [ "12081" ], [], [], [], [], [ "21880" ], [], [ "8836" ], [ "27878", "3767", "18786" ], [ "3360" ], [], [], [], [ "30632" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "1479" ], [ "18508" ], [ "27898" ], [ "5019" ], [], [ "12269" ], [ "5019" ], [], [ "20545" ], [ "12269" ], [], [ "20545" ], [], [], [ "12269" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "133249", "80188", "160772", "190458", "162647", "182522" ]
[ "Up (2009)", "Planes: Fire & Rescue (2014)", "The Good Dinosaur (2015)", "Planes (2013)", "Finding Dory (2016)", "Storks " ]
[ "Hi", "what can I help you find", "Hi!", "I'm looking for something similar to @133249. I've watched everything Pixar has already.", "ok", "@162647 was excellent too.", "Yes it was how about @160772", "That was excellent.", "@190458 , @80188 are my sons favorites", "I personally loved @182522", "I will have to check that one out.", "Thank you so much, have a great night! bye.", "bye" ]
[ 615, 615, 696, 696, 615, 696, 615, 696, 615, 615, 696, 696, 615 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "1605" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "8869" ], [], [ "22440" ], [ "4335" ], [], [ "398", "23563" ], [ "10511" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "127919", "140749", "94078", "122604", "123210", "193446" ]
[ "Home (2015)", "Moana (2016)", "Trolls (2016)", "Coco (2017)", "Frozen (2010)", "G.I. Joe " ]
[ "hello!", "Hi there.", "Can you help me think of a animated film ?", "what type of movies are you into?", "Something good for kids like @123210", "kid friendly or more adult?", "have you seen @122604", "No, but that is still in the theaters. Let's think of something I can watch at home.", "hmmm... what abou @140749", "We love that one.", "We sing along all the time.", "my twins like @94078 ls and @127919", "I haven't seen @127919 , but we loved @94078", "I think I will check out @127919", "The also like @193446", "I am going to stick with @127919", "Thanks for the help.", "np", "Have a good weekend." ]
[ 190, 4, 4, 190, 4, 190, 190, 4, 190, 4, 4, 190, 4, 4, 190, 4, 4, 190, 4 ]
[ [], [], [ "25409" ], [], [], [], [], [ "30632" ], [], [ "12081" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "5416" ], [], [ "26821" ], [], [ "17447" ], [], [], [ "1701", "8765" ], [ "1701", "8765" ], [ "1701" ], [ "11603" ], [ "1701" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "205738", "204478", "93115", "83976", "204292" ]
[ "Jim Gaffigan: Obsessed (2014)", "Daddy's Home 2 (2017)", "The Magnificent Seven (2016)", "The Magnificent Seven (1960)", "Star Wars" ]
[ "Hello", "Hi there!", "Are you looking for a movie recommendation?", "yes please, some good movies that I can watch tomorrow , either action or comedy", "Sounds good! If there are no children watching, I would recommend @83976 the original or you could watch @93115 for a comparison.", "Now for a true comedy - I just watched @204478 PHENOMENAL!", "awesome", "those are very nice selections", "I'm not much for action movies, but the hubster and kids drag me to watch every @204292 and Marvel movie.", "I like the the magnificient Seven and the fact that there is an old and a newer version", "Would you like a few more recommendations?", "one more and I am sure I have enough already for a marathon :)", "Alrighty - how about changing it up a bit and watch an HBO special? @205738", "Amazing!", "Amazing!", "WAY FUNNY and generally very clean", "That will be all, Thanks for the recommendations", "Cool! Well have a fun Saturday vegging out!!", "Have an amazing Night and a great weekend ahead", ":)" ]
[ 599, 611, 611, 599, 611, 611, 599, 599, 611, 599, 611, 599, 611, 599, 599, 611, 599, 611, 599, 611 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "15159", "29330", "2734" ], [], [ "12392" ], [], [], [ "29330", "15159" ], [ "139" ], [], [], [ "4893" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "1389", "5064" ], [ "17083" ], [], [], [ "17117" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "201091", "79811", "184464", "83552", "80208" ]
[ "Mean Girls (2004)", "Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco (1996)", "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993)", "Jumanji (2017)", "The Devil Wears Prada (2006)" ]
[ "hello", "Hello. Are you here to help me with a movie", "yes", "Great. Me and my kids are looking for movies to watch together.", "My son likes animal shows, something like @83552 while my daughter loves girlie shows and loves the movie @80208", "have you ever watch @184464 , or @79811 , there older but I think they would like them", "Your daughter might like @201091", "Oh yes, all three sound great. Thank you very much.", "you are very welcome", "Goodbye", "bye" ]
[ 401, 339, 401, 339, 339, 401, 401, 339, 401, 339, 401 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "13174", "13174" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "16847" ], [ "26760", "25166" ], [ "7381" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "133128", "205435", "118762", "138081", "101081", "83552" ]
[ "22 Jump Street (2014)", "Game Night (2018)", "21 Jump Street (2012)", "Date Night (2010)", "Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)", "Jumanji (2017)" ]
[ "hello!", "what kind of movies are you looking for tonight?", "Hi! Im looking for suggestions on new movies to watch.. I like comedies most", "Watched @83552 yesterday, it was pretty funny", "Some of my favorites are @101081, @138081, and @118762.", "I LOVE @118762 I gotta watch that again!!", "I also really like @133128 and @205435", "It's SO funny", "I havent seen the other ones. @205435 recently came out right? I was interested in watching that", "Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised by it!", "If you like @118762, you gotta watch @133128. It's a sequel that's actually really good!", "I will have to watch it!! I didnt know there was @133128 . Im going to try finding it this weekend!!", "Thanks for the recommendations :)", "You're welcome! Have a great night! :)", "Bye" ]
[ 396, 396, 709, 709, 396, 709, 396, 396, 709, 396, 396, 709, 709, 396, 709 ]
[ [], [], [ "2734" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "20856", "8965", "3137" ], [ "20856" ], [ "13681", "18242" ], [], [ "18242" ], [], [ "13681", "20856" ], [ "13681" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "163024", "82569", "83814", "114109", "153939", "151777", "184101", "130660" ]
[ "True Grit (1969)", "The Wild Bunch (1969)", "True Grit (2010)", "The Hateful Eight (2015)", "The Shootist (1976)", "Rooster Cogburn (1975)", "Stagecoach (1939)", "The Quiet Man (1952)" ]
[ "Hello", "Howdy! Do you like westerns?", "Love 'em from @184101 to @114109", "Good ones! Have you seen both @83814 and @163024 ? I can't decide which I like better!", "Glen Campbell was in the 2nd one......", "lol, love the Dude, but the Duke rules all.", "wasn't", "I think John Wayne wins everytime though!", "always.", "I don't think his sequal, @151777 did him justice though.", "@153939 was a good one for him to go out on though.", "You are so right! I think my favorite JW movie was @130660 , though.", "Big fan of Sam Peckinpaw's westerns too, @82569 is one of my all time favorite movies.", "I'll have to check that out! Gonna go see if I can find it right now! Have a good night! Bye.", "That's the one where JW's an Irish boxer?", "you tool", "too" ]
[ 785, 859, 785, 859, 785, 785, 785, 859, 785, 859, 785, 859, 785, 859, 785, 785, 785 ]
[ [], [ "1273" ], [], [], [ "25532" ], [], [], [ "22320" ], [], [], [], [ "27878" ], [ "1553" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "11227", "7897" ], [ "628", "1331" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "9799" ], [ "20972" ], [ "2882" ], [ "26963" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "115612", "194608", "155661", "92882", "147934", "162794", "114759" ]
[ "28 Days Later (2002)", "Planet of the Apes (1968)", "The Road (2009)", "I Am Legend (2007)", "Blade Runner (1982)", "War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)", "Mad Max (1979)" ]
[ "Hello there.", "Hi. I can help with The Films.", "I am recommender. Also, english is first language.", "Alright, so what do you need, G?", "The kind of stuff I like is apocalyptic sci-fi, stuff like @147934 and @114759", "Do you know of films such as these?", "Yeah. You could watch @92882 with Will Smith", "@115612 is post apocalyptic as well, it has zombies", "I seen that one and Ioved it. Also @115612, both great recommendations.", "Try @155661 . That one is more depressing and real.", ""We got food on the truck"", "" aint got no food on that truck"", ""bring the boy" ....", ""uhuhuh"", "I will try @155661 many people seem to like that one.", "lol", "Any more.", "Well, @162794 is post-apocalyptic", "apes will rise....", "I love the original @194608. Its campy but in a good way.", "Great recommendations.", "thanks, good luck", "Nice chat?", "Goodbye." ]
[ 562, 67, 67, 67, 562, 562, 67, 67, 562, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 562, 67, 562, 67, 67, 562, 562, 67, 562, 562 ]
[ [], [], [ "1711" ], [], [ "27224" ], [], [ "27878", "30229" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "2643", "12981" ], [], [ "17942" ], [ "25207" ], [ "25207" ], [ "3216" ], [], [], [], [], [ "3216" ], [], [], [ "17344" ], [], [ "18932" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "204794", "187028", "125431", "204334", "144779" ]
[ "It (1990)", "It (2017)", "Annabelle (2014)", "Happy Death Day (2017)", "Annabelle 2 (2017)" ]
[ "Hi!", "What are you favorite types on movies.", "I like horror.", "hi i love horror movies", "whatcha got for me?", "@125431 and @144779 were both good.", "@187028 was fantastic!", "nice they were both good i loved them too", "I liked it better than @204794 .", "yeah it was great and better than the original", "@204334 was alright.", "Nice chatting. Bye" ]
[ 534, 534, 534, 629, 629, 534, 534, 629, 534, 629, 534, 534 ]
[ [], [], [ "575" ], [ "575" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "15458" ], [ "6727" ], [], [ "20029" ], [], [ "26257" ], [] ]
[ "148871", "90950", "135485", "169085", "134355", "151102" ]
[ "Armageddon (1997)", "Avatar (2009)", "Back to the Future (1985)", "Independence Day (2000)", "Battleship (2012)", "Men in Black (1997)" ]
[ "Hi. I heard you might be interested in some movies", "What type of movies do you like?", "hi!", "I like sci-fi what do you recomend?", "@135485 or @169085 are good", "I love @135485", "There is also @148871 or @151102", "I just saw a movie of the same name fom the '70s in the list", "Those are good too!", "@134355 was pretty good too", "What do you recommend for a sci fi movie of recent years?", "I liked @90950", "I haven't seen @134355 I'm going to look for that one. thanks!", "Yep. Have a good day! Bye!", "Bye!" ]
[ 743, 743, 814, 814, 743, 814, 743, 814, 814, 743, 814, 743, 814, 743, 814 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "27224" ], [], [], [ "21880" ], [], [], [], [ "27224" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "24052", "10397" ], [ "24052" ], [ "19777", "26511" ], [], [], [ "27195" ], [], [ "3248" ], [ "27195" ], [], [] ]
[ "168617", "100070", "86449", "157454" ]
[ "Red 2 (2013)", "The Mechanic (2011)", "The Net (1995)", "Red (2010)" ]
[ "Hello, I am looking for Action Adventure movies please", "I really liked @100070", "Ok I don't believe I have seen that.", "Or if you like action adventure with a little comedy maybe @157454", "OH that sounds good", "I enjoy comedy", "@157454 or @168617 were both good", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Sorry you would have to see 1 before 2 though", "ok", "makes sense", "Do you havea favorite actor", "Sandra B", "How about @86449", "Older but good twisted story", "Oh very good movie" ]
[ 615, 627, 615, 627, 615, 615, 627, 627, 627, 627, 627, 627, 627, 627, 627, 627, 627, 627, 627, 615, 615, 627, 615, 627, 627, 615 ]
[ [ "29330", "16228" ], [], [], [ "29330", "12392" ], [], [ "2734" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [ "24383" ], [], [ "17383" ], [], [], [ "3350", "17383" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "19063" ], [], [] ]
[ "178927", "131313", "130042", "92106", "144167", "137023", "146872" ]
[ "Minority Report (2002)", "The Maze Runner (2014)", "Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015)", "Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018)", "Nerve (2016)", "Divergent (2014)", "Eagle Eye (2008)" ]
[ "Hello.", "What kind of movies do you like?", "Hi, I{m looking for some action fiction movie", "Sure.", "like @92106", "I like action movies.", "Or @144167", "@92106 was great. Did you see @130042 ?", "I also liked @144167 .", "Yes and @131313 , the first one", "something like that, futuristic/ adventure/action similar to @137023", "You might like @146872", "Or @178927", "Yes! something like that, I have watched @146872", "that last one not, what is about?", "Ot", "It has Tom Cruise and is an action thriller set in 2054 in Washington DC where police utilize a psychic technology to arrest and convict murderers before they commit their crime.", "Woah", "Ok, that sounds great. I will watch it!", "Great.", "Glad I could help.", "Thank you,", "bye" ]
[ 423, 423, 444, 423, 444, 423, 444, 423, 423, 444, 444, 423, 423, 444, 444, 423, 423, 444, 444, 423, 423, 444, 444 ]
[ [], [], [ "3184" ], [], [], [ "29330" ], [], [], [], [], [ "3036" ], [ "27878" ], [], [], [], [], [ "16906", "29330", "27261", "19419" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "1977" ], [], [ "8353" ], [ "5447", "1977" ], [ "8353" ], [ "10047" ], [ "21005" ], [ "12949" ], [ "4489" ], [ "12949" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "204974", "192020", "159700", "79935", "176326" ]
[ "Black Panther (2018)", "Fifty Shades Darker (2017)", "Submergence ", "Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)", "Fifty Shades Freed (2018)" ]
[ "Hello how are you?", "Hi, I'm looking for a good date night movie", "Ok great are you looking for action like @204974 that is a great one or are you looking for something more along the romantic side?", "More on the romantic side", "ok", "How about @176326", "I have not seen that yet but I have seen @79935 and @192020", "those were really good", "@159700 will be out April 12, 2018 you should check that one out as well.", "I will, thank you", "you are very welcome", "hope those work for you have a great day bye", "Bye" ]
[ 717, 690, 717, 690, 717, 717, 690, 717, 717, 690, 717, 717, 690 ]
[ [], [], [ "29330", "26295" ], [ "26295" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "5019" ], [], [], [ "14260" ], [ "10044", "6151" ], [], [ "9979" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "166243", "85036", "163899", "99583" ]
[ "Patema Inverted", "The Matrix (1999)", "The Shadow (1994)", "Iron Man (2008)" ]
[ "Hi.", "Hello, how are you today? I'm you're (unqualified) movie recommender!", "Funny, I'm good. How are you?", "Is there anything in particular you are looking for, or should I just start naming movies I like and why?", "Go for it.", "Well, to start, I'd like the recommend @85036 for it's sci-fi themes, though it's better to think of people as computers as it was originally intended.", "One of my favorites.", "If you're looking for some action @99583 has perhaps the best mix of music and action with it's Black Sabbath scene.", "@166243 is an animated feature that is great for questioning your own biases.", "I have never heard of that one.", "@163899 is a great (corny) film if you want to watch Alec Baldwin as a "dark" superhero.", "I remember that one. I had completely forgotten about that. Alec is great, I loved him as Jack Donaghy on 30Rock", "He's a great straight-man kind of comedic actor.", "So true", "Well thanks, this is a great list.", "Have a great day!", "Well, that's a list that should get you going. Have a nice day!" ]
[ 608, 653, 608, 653, 608, 653, 608, 653, 653, 608, 653, 608, 653, 608, 608, 608, 653 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "27224" ], [], [ "29330", "29330" ], [ "25409" ], [], [ "14097", "18832" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "6394" ], [], [ "19239" ], [ "12692" ], [], [ "18066" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "175096", "87864", "95813", "111099", "94056" ]
[ "Titanic (1997)", "Miracles from Heaven (2016)", "Heaven Is for Real (2014)", "Catch Me If You Can (2002)", "Psycho (1960)" ]
[ "hey! what kind of movies do you like?", "I like to watch movies based on real life events", "can you suggest a good one please?", "@175096 was a good one", "I really liked that one I also liked @111099 , both movies with Leonardo Di Caprio as lead actor", "@94056 is also a good one", "catch me if you can is a good movie as well", "I havent heard of that one, what is @94056 about?", "seems a bit old", "was based on the 1959 novel of the same name by Robert Bloch. The film centers on the encounter between a secretary, Marion Crane (Leigh), who ends up at a secluded motel after stealing money from her employer, and the motel's disturbed owner-manager, Norman Bates (Perkins), and its aftermath.[4]", "Im not sure,..... It seems like a good movie, but do you have any other suggestions? maybe something newer?", "have you seen @95813", "No, I havent,", "whats @95813 about?", "what about the main actors", "Four-year-old Colton Burpo (Connor Corum) is the son of Todd Burpo (Greg Kinnear), pastor of Crossroads Wesleyan Church in Imperial, Nebraska. Colton says he experienced Heaven during emergency surgery. He describes to his incredulous family about having looked down to see the doctor operating, his mother calling people to pray in the waiting room, and his father in another room yelling at God not to let him die. He also speaks of meeting his great-grandfather, who died long before he was born, ", "Ok sounds great I like the mistery that seems to be involved in the movie.", "I will watch it this weeked", "thanks", "also another must see is @87864 it was so good, i cried lol", "bye", "np thanks for talking to me! bye" ]
[ 7, 368, 368, 7, 368, 7, 7, 368, 368, 7, 368, 7, 368, 368, 368, 7, 368, 368, 368, 7, 368, 7 ]
[ [], [ "15159" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "27558" ], [ "139" ], [], [], [], [], [ "13507", "18092" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "13111" ], [ "16615" ], [ "27249" ], [], [ "27249" ], [], [], [], [ "7918" ], [], [ "7918" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "230" ], [], [] ]
[ "116894", "126924", "81162", "135571", "176692" ]
[ "Masterminds (2016)", "The Campaign (2012)", "Friday (1995)", "The Hangover (2009)", "Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016)" ]
[ "Hello", "Hi,", "What kind of movies do you like?", "Comedies", "Have you seen @116894 ?", "@176692 was pretty funny too.", "no", "I liked that one", "I will see @116894", "If you liked Keeping up with the Joneses you also might like @135571 movies or @126924", "Seen @135571 . Like it.", "Did not see @126924", "It has Will Ferrell and Zack Galiianakis.", "Have you seen @81162", "Yes that's a funny movie.", "Ok I will check it out", "Did I give you enough ideas for new movies to watch?", "Yes you have, thanks!", "You're welcome. Have a good night." ]
[ 351, 423, 423, 351, 423, 423, 351, 351, 351, 423, 351, 351, 423, 351, 423, 351, 423, 351, 423 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "2734" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "11943", "15845" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "4106" ], [ "28138" ], [], [], [ "4106" ], [ "16192", "23657" ], [ "23657" ], [ "16192" ], [], [ "1596" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "85036", "101264", "197213", "86245" ]
[ "The Matrix (1999)", "Inception (2010)", "Interstellar (2014)", "District 9 (2009)" ]
[ "Hi", "Hey there.", "What tyoe of movies do you prefer", "What sort do you like to watch?", "Maybe you can show me some new ones", "I likn", "I like war and sci fi movies", "Me too!", "Sci-fi is my top genre.", "How about @197213", "And @101264", "I have seen that one, I liked it.", "I have seen them both and enjoyed.", "What about @85036", "That is the best series ever made.", "@86245", "I have not seen that one.", "You will enjoy it I guarantee", "Well, I think I am all set now. Thank you!", "Good bye!" ]
[ 261, 220, 261, 220, 220, 261, 261, 220, 220, 261, 261, 220, 220, 261, 220, 261, 220, 261, 220, 220 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "27224" ], [], [ "27224" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "26763" ], [], [], [ "27878" ], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "533" ], [ "10371" ], [], [], [ "6394" ], [], [ "7902" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "107751", "78670", "124708", "205557", "141648", "102954" ]
[ "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", "They Live (1988)", "Dazed and Confused (1993)", "Red Sparrow (2018)", "Salt (2010)", "Falling Down (1993)" ]
[ "Hey there, how can I help you find some movies today?", "Hello!", "Well, I'm looking for some lesser known movies, if possible. I just stumbled upon @78670 last night, and loved it. I'm looking for something new now!", "I also loved @102954 which I hadn't heard of until recently.", "Okay sure thing.. hmm lesser known movies", "How about @124708 it's a 90s movie set in the 70s", "But I really would take any suggestions, I have a large evolving list of movies to watch at this point.", "Oh yeah, that's going in the right direction!", "It's a great movie, highly recommend", "About high school life and just the usual delinquent kind of stuff", "I've seen @124708 and loved it, but it's been a bit. Reminds me of @107751 for some reason", "Yeah that's true", "Another movie that I loved, it was just neat.", "Well check out @141648 which is going in a different direction. Have you seen it?", "No, I cannot say that I've even heard of @141648 but it sounds intriguing, by the title alone", "Angelina Jolie is in it", "I'll have to look into that, thanks!", "Okay cool, I enjoy her roles quite a bit usually", "I think that's pretty good for me, unless you had anything else handy that you wanted to pass along.", "Well also check out @205557 if you want something new. I enjoyed that one", "Okay, will do, that's another that I haven't heard of either! :)", "Is @205557 in theaters still?", "I think so", "I'm not 100% certain on that", "Okay, cool, I'll keep an eye out! thank you for all of the great suggestions. I'll look online to be double sure about the theater...varies from locale to locale anyhow", "Absolutely, you have a great day then!", "Goodbye!", "You as well, take good care!" ]
[ 765, 205, 205, 205, 765, 765, 205, 205, 765, 765, 205, 765, 205, 765, 205, 765, 205, 205, 205, 765, 205, 205, 765, 765, 205, 765, 765, 205 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "15159" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "26094" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "30632" ], [], [], [ "30632" ], [], [], [ "27878" ] ]
[ [], [], [ "15796" ], [ "28209" ], [], [ "6967" ], [], [], [], [], [ "30243", "6967" ], [], [], [ "22340" ], [ "22340" ], [], [], [], [], [ "12269" ], [], [ "12269" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "81792", "75881", "135250", "185671" ]
[ "Zootopia", "Toy Story 2 (1999)", "Mulan (1998)", "500 Days of Summer" ]
[ "Hello!", "Hey. I'm looking for some good romance movies. Have any suggestions?", "@185671 is wonderful", "any suggestions on horror films?", "I haven't seen @185671. Do you have any similar suggestions? I don't know horror movies.", "I'm not a that into romance movies. Sorry.", "Do you know any kids movies?", "@75881 is amazing!", "I just recently saw @81792 too!", "I loved @75881. Was @81792 good?", "it was actually really good.", "do you have any favorite kids movies?", "I like @135250 a lot.", "@135250 is great!", "well thanks for chatting!", "nice talking to you.", "Have a good day. :)" ]
[ 289, 838, 289, 289, 838, 289, 838, 289, 289, 838, 289, 289, 838, 289, 289, 289, 838 ]
[ [], [ "26295" ], [], [ "575" ], [ "575" ], [ "26295" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "14640" ], [], [ "14640" ], [], [], [], [ "9831" ], [ "9831" ], [], [], [ "19493" ], [ "19493" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "76012", "136636", "164001", "200438" ]
[ "The Exorcist (1973)", "Evil Dead (2013)", "Cabin Fever (2016)", "The Exorcist III (1990)" ]
[ "Hi.", "Can I recommend a movie?", "Hi. I'm looking for a good horror movie.", "Have you seen the @136636 remake?", "No I have seen that one. Was it good?", "There is also @164001", "Evil dead remake was great", "I liked @164001 . It was pretty good.", "Any of the @76012 movies are frightenting", "I haven't seen those. I'll have to check it out", "@200438 is also good", "Well have a great day", "Thanks for the recommendations. I'll check them out.", "Have a great day", "Bye now." ]
[ 563, 563, 478, 563, 478, 563, 563, 478, 563, 478, 563, 563, 478, 478, 478 ]
[ [], [], [ "575" ], [], [], [ "21880" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "6653" ], [], [ "17931" ], [], [ "17931" ], [ "4116" ], [], [ "4889" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "151111", "105612", "77045", "80074", "119667" ]
[ "Father Xmas (2001)", "My Wishes (1999)", "Christmas in Love (2004)", "Home for Christmas (2010)", "The Lake House (2006)" ]
[ "hi", "how may i help you today", "Hi I love Romantic Comedies.", "ok", "have you seen @105612", "I have not seen that movie.", "also @80074 is very sweet", "even though its a holiday one", "I have not seen that one.", "I love Christmas movies.", "i really liked @77045 they are my favorite as well", "I have not seen that one either.", "You are giving me some good suggestions.", "@151111 is somerthing to check out too", "anything else i can help with", "I have not seen that one either. But thanks for the suggestions!!", "I hope you have a good night.", "oh wait", "have you see @119667", "yes I'm still here", "last but not forgotten", "Yes I love the @119667!! One of my favorites.", "oh good i enjoy it too...ok have a good day", "bye :0)", "Have a great night also!!", "Bye!" ]
[ 496, 496, 553, 496, 496, 553, 496, 496, 553, 553, 496, 553, 553, 496, 496, 553, 553, 496, 496, 553, 496, 553, 496, 496, 553, 553 ]
[ [], [], [ "3089", "2734" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "27878" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "27876" ], [], [ "18344" ], [], [], [], [ "6688" ], [], [], [ "1502" ], [], [], [], [], [ "9997" ], [], [], [ "9997" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "99276", "101081", "124142", "124485", "184605", "180926", "201366", "181090" ]
[ "Star Wars (1977)", "Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)", "Elf (2003)", "Spaceballs (1987)", "The Jerk (1979)", "The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005)", "Get Smart (2008)", "A Madea Christmas (2013)" ]
[ "Hi there. What kind of movies do you like?", "Hi! Could you recommend some comedies?", "I know a few. Like @181090 ?", "Or something like @124142 ?", "Or even @184605 ? It is older.", "I don't really like goofy comedy movies. I've seen @124142 thought. It was cute.", "I think it is very funny. Well what comedy did you enjoy? I can think of something similar.", "I like comedies like @180926", "That was a good one. Have you seen Carrel in @101081 ?", "No, I haven't. I'll have to watch it! I like Steve Carrel.", "I do too. He was funny in @201366 .", "Do you like classic comedy?", "I haven't seen that one either. I'll give it a shot.", "I like some.", "If you like classics, @124485 is a smarter byt funny comedy.", "Oh, I love @124485 ! So funny.", "I think so too! It is a very good spoof of @99276", "Thanks for the recommendations!", "Goodbye!" ]
[ 220, 119, 220, 220, 220, 119, 220, 119, 220, 119, 220, 220, 119, 119, 220, 119, 220, 119, 119 ]
[ [], [ "2734" ], [], [], [], [ "2734" ], [ "2734" ], [ "2734" ], [], [], [], [ "2734" ], [], [], [ "2734" ], [], [ "25969" ], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "25684" ], [ "15030" ], [ "22395" ], [ "15030" ], [], [ "24843" ], [ "3137" ], [], [ "26491" ], [], [], [], [ "17973" ], [ "17973" ], [ "28367" ], [], [] ]
[ "149389", "89839", "204870", "80699", "81162", "83552", "78340", "181715" ]
[ "Kevin Hart: Laugh at My Pain (2011)", "Ride Along (2014)", "Deadpool 2 (2018)", "Anaconda (1997)", "Friday (1995)", "Jumanji (2017)", "Deadpool (2016)", "Logan (2017)" ]
[ "hey there", "Hey there! What kind of movies do you like? I can make some recommendations for you.", "Sweet. See any good comedies lately?", "Personally no but I have heard great things about @83552 and @78340 and there is also a new @204870 coming out next year if you enjoy/enjoyed the first one.", "I personally think you would enjoy Kevin Hart's @149389 its hilarious.", "Yes deadpool was awesome! I love this new era of R rate super hero movies. @181715 was great too", "Yes @181715 was amazing!", "That's a great pic. I love kevin hart in @89839 and haven't seen that comedy special yet", "@89839 is so funny! Ice Cube is so serious but funny in every movie he acts in lol", "lol yes! Ice cube can do anything from funny @81162 to serious @80699", "I totally agree lol I hope I was able to provide some good recommendations for you! I hope you have a great rest of the day!", "Thanks a lot for your suggesstion! I'll have to check out that stand up special tonight", "Have a good one, pal!" ]
[ 286, 17, 286, 17, 17, 286, 17, 286, 17, 286, 17, 286, 286 ]
[ [], [], [ "2734" ], [], [ "20519" ], [], [], [ "20519", "2734" ], [ "29290" ], [], [], [], [ "29904" ] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "24198", "28004" ], [ "15370" ], [ "1424" ], [ "1424" ], [ "13225" ], [ "13225" ], [ "18499", "1596" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "204932", "190999", "170037", "150802", "129416" ]
[ "Everybody Loves Somebody (2017)", "Without Permission (2012)", "The Big Sick (2017)", "Almost Friends (2014)", "The Fault in Our Stars (2014)" ]
[ "Hi!", "Hello!", "what kind of movies are you interested in today?", "Im thinking a movie for date night", "@204932 is a good romantic comedy. Have you seen it?", "@170037 was a pretty good one too.", "Never heard of either of those", "@150802 is a good one too.", "I liked @129416 but it made me cry", "@190999 is suppose to be good too but I haven't seen it yet.", "I haven't seen that one yet either.", "Thank you for the suggestion now ill have some new movies to try", "Your welcome. Have a good evening.", "bye" ]
[ 330, 627, 330, 627, 330, 330, 627, 330, 627, 330, 330, 627, 330, 627 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "904" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "24173" ], [ "26436" ], [], [ "13650" ], [ "15258" ], [ "9696" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "143220", "141101", "153170", "116784" ]
[ "Dr. Strange ", "The Thing (1982)", "The Beyond (1981)", "Braindead (1992)" ]
[ "Hello", "Hello, can you recomend any movies for me to watch this weekend?", "Do you like action movies? @143220 was really good", "sure", "Have you seen anything good of late?", "I liked @153170", "I'll check it out! I think my favorite movie is @141101", "what's your favorite scary movie?", "@116784 was really good and over the top.", "nice" ]
[ 327, 335, 327, 335, 327, 335, 327, 335, 327, 335 ]
[ [], [], [ "29330" ], [], [], [], [], [ "3874" ], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "19476" ], [], [], [ "5697" ], [ "10760" ], [], [ "754" ], [] ]
[ "204477", "111776", "116976", "140335", "88487" ]
[ "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist", "Super Troopers (2001)", "Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)", "Knocked Up (2007)", "Juno (2007)" ]
[ "Hey, how are you?", "Hi, I am great! what kind of movies do you like.", "HOw are you?", "I like funny ones.", "Or maybe romance.", "What would you say is good?", "A great romantic comedy I can suggest in called @88487", "I seen that one!", "I loved it.", "Do you have any more like it?", "Or @140335 and @116976 are great one for sure", "I not seen either!", "Are they funny?", "Yes, both are hilarious. If you have not seen them then you must cancel all your appointments today and prepare yourself for a sore belly from all the laughter you will be having", "Ok, I think I will.", "Maybe you have a couple more?", "@204477 is a good one but I don't remember how funny it is. But reminded me of @88487 because Michael cera is in it", "Since I will be free all day.", "@111776 is another one you should try", "Ok, that one sounds good.", "Great! Happy to help! Have a great day!", "Thank you, good bye!" ]
[ 220, 253, 253, 220, 220, 220, 253, 220, 220, 220, 253, 220, 220, 253, 220, 220, 253, 220, 253, 220, 253, 220 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "10090" ], [], [ "904" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "13391" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "29832" ], [], [], [], [ "1323", "18736" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "4670", "29832" ], [], [ "29437" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "184022", "110529", "165281", "100070" ]
[ "Transporter 3 (2008)", "The Italian Job (2003)", "Kiss of the Dragon (2001)", "The Mechanic (2011)" ]
[ "Howdy, Anyone here?", "Hello, DO you know of any crazy driving movie like @184022", "Have you seen @165281 ?", "No i have not what is it about?", "It's a conspiracy movie involving a prostitute and CIA agent of sorts. Have you seen @110529 ?", "No but i have heard a lot of good reviews about it. I think i should see it", "@100070 is about a hitman if you like those types", "It seems that the same actor is common in most movies of this type.", "You may like them all", "Hmm, Yes it really sounds lie somehing i will really like. Thanks so much for your suggestions", "I really appreciate them", "You're welcome", "so long for now" ]
[ 35, 466, 35, 466, 35, 466, 35, 35, 35, 466, 466, 35, 35 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "27878" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [ "21912" ], [ "20014" ], [], [ "2367" ], [], [ "24383" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "204334", "177160", "187028", "169419" ]
[ "Happy Death Day (2017)", "Justice League (2017)", "It (2017)", "Thor: Ragnarok (2017)" ]
[ "How are ya?", "im ok. seen any good movies lately?", "I saw @177160 last night with the gf. Pretty dope! It got bad reviews but we liked it.", "oh ok. cause i heard it sucked. liked @169419 lol", "no, @Thor Ragnarok was pretty good. You must not be a superhero fanboy.", "im not. cant much get into them. im more into psych-thrillers and horror. did you see @jigsaw?", "I didn't but the gf did. she liked it okay. What about @204334 ?", "oh god no! worst horror of 2017 by far! @wish upon from this summer was better", "I didn't see that. What about @187028 ? Seen it?", "ya I did. loved it! respected the original is what i liked most about it.", "me too! the submit button is lit. should we submit?", "ya cool talkin with you bro", ";)" ]
[ 21, 20, 21, 20, 21, 20, 21, 20, 21, 20, 21, 20, 21 ]
[ [], [ "15159" ], [], [], [ "25023", "27878" ], [ "25264" ], [], [ "575" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "24118" ], [ "25023" ], [], [], [ "26257" ], [], [ "6727" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "202190", "108024", "148114", "128757" ]
[ "The Shining (1980)", "Devil (2011)", "Rosemary's Baby (1968)", "The Dark Half (1993)" ]
[ "Hello.", "Is there a specific genre you are interested in?", "Hi. Yes.", "I'm sorry it took me so long to get with you. But yes I do have a certain type of movie in mind.", "It's all good. I'm sure we all have things that catch our attention. What do you normally like to watch?", "I like thrillers. @202190 and @148114 are two of my favorite.", "Yeap. We do. Haha. MIne is a 2 year old boy who was supposed to be in bed.", "Don't think he would care too much for a thriller movie", "Those are both great movies. Have you ever seen @128757 ? I believe it is stephen King as well. No I don't imagine a 2 year old would enjoy such movies. They might have nightmares.", "Exactly. Yes I"ve seen @128757 and enjoyed it immensely.", "You probably know most of the Stephen King movies. Have you seen @108024 ? It's a thriller with a great deal of psychological aspects.", "No, i hadn't even heard of that one. That will do!", "Awesome.", "Thank you. I'm gonna try to find it now. Goodbye", "Thank you. I'm gonna try to find it now. Goodbye" ]
[ 39, 39, 339, 339, 39, 339, 339, 339, 39, 339, 39, 339, 39, 339, 339 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "57" ], [ "10546" ], [ "57" ], [ "12227" ], [], [ "27878", "12227", "57" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "23502", "22787" ], [], [], [ "14966" ], [ "14966" ], [ "20901" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "177112", "204870", "187028", "200228", "153346", "78340" ]
[ "Wedding Crashers (2005)", "Deadpool 2 (2018)", "It (2017)", "Van Wilder (2002)", "Insidious (2011)", "Deadpool (2016)" ]
[ "Hello, are you having a good day?", "Have you seen @187028 . Yes i am are you?", "I have not seen it, clowns terrify me.", "Me too my fiance made me.", "What kind of movies do you enjoy?", "I am more of a fan of movies like @153346 or @177112", "I have seen @177112. What bout @200228 ?", "That is a clasic.", "I agree. I was thinking of watching that and then @78340", "Oh i do love @78340 cant wait to see @204870", "Thank you for the chat and hipe you have a great night bye.", "no problem!" ]
[ 285, 880, 285, 880, 285, 880, 285, 880, 285, 880, 880, 285 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [ "6727" ], [], [], [], [ "10697" ], [ "10697", "27137" ], [], [ "28004" ], [ "24198", "28004" ], [], [] ]
[ "180926", "135571", "83552", "140335", "178096" ]
[ "The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005)", "The Hangover (2009)", "Jumanji (2017)", "Knocked Up (2007)", "There's Something About Mary (1998)" ]
[ "Hello", "hi what kind of movies are you looking for?", "I would like to see something really funny.", "have you seen @178096 that is hilarious", "I really liked @135571 and also @140335", "I've seen that and loved it.", "oh yeah those movies are great ones", "you will definitely enjoy @180926", "Do you know any like those?", "That was very funny too.", "I would like something that's new. I've seen all those.", "do you like comedy and adventure? the new @83552 movie is awesome", "Okay, I will check that out. I saw the old one, but not the new one.", "Bye now!" ]
[ 451, 395, 451, 395, 451, 451, 395, 395, 451, 451, 451, 395, 451, 451 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "2734" ], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "6639" ], [ "23657", "18736" ], [], [], [ "24843" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "99715", "117907", "99583", "114932" ]
[ "Zombieland (2009)", "Natural Born Killers (1994)", "Iron Man (2008)", "Braveheart (1995)" ]
[ "Hi!", "Hi. What sort of films do you like to watch?", "I am looking for any good movie. Don't care about the genre.", "I have liked @99583", "I have liked @114932", "I liked both of those. Have you seen @117907?", "Oh no i have not.", "It's an intense movie, but it's a bit violent.", "I have heard of it but not seen it!", "Is it good?", "Yes. It has Woody Harrelson in it.", "I like him I will have to take a look at that movie", "Have you seen @99715 ?", "Yes I loved that movie!", "He was in that movie too, with Micheal Cera.", "I did too. It was a funny and smart flick.", "Yes definitly", "Well thanks for the suggestions!", "@117907 isn't nearly as funny, but it makes up for it in intensity.", "I hope I was helpful!", "I will add these to my list to watch.", "Have a good day!" ]
[ 505, 474, 505, 505, 505, 474, 505, 474, 505, 505, 474, 505, 474, 505, 474, 474, 505, 505, 474, 474, 505, 505 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "13177" ], [], [], [ "15159" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "19239" ], [ "10026" ], [ "22553" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "18365" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "22553" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "98527", "108934", "163973", "181715" ]
[ "Dumb and Dumber ", "Thor ", "Captain America (1990)", "Logan (2017)" ]
[ "Hi!", "Hey!", "Do you have anything that is similar to @163973?", "I've never seen @163973 sorry! Is that one you like?", "I do. It was great.", "We are more into comedies like @98527 have you seen that?", "I don't care for those kinds of movies.", "I'm really wanting something similar to @163973", "Okay, have you seen @181715 ? My husband loved it, and likes @163973 also", "Yes, we have seen @181715. It was great.", "@108934 is another that he really ejoyed in the same genre!", "I think I will try @108934", "Thank you for your help", "Bye, now.", "Hope you enjoy!! Bye" ]
[ 696, 709, 696, 709, 696, 709, 696, 696, 709, 696, 709, 696, 696, 696, 709 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "12081", "2734" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "23384" ], [ "23384" ], [], [ "4475" ], [], [ "23384" ], [ "23384", "1424" ], [ "1424" ], [ "23912" ], [ "23912" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "112069", "119144", "118762", "197589" ]
[ "Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)", "Wonder Woman (2017)", "21 Jump Street (2012)", "Kingsman: The Golden Circle" ]
[ "hi happy new year", "Happy New year!", "What kind of movies do you like to watch?", "I like comedies and action movies.", "have you seen any in those genres lately", "yes, I recently saw @119144 and thought it was good. Have you seen it?", "Yes. It was surprisingly good.", "Yes, I also like @112069. This was good and had lots of action.", "I liked that also.", "I recently saw @197589 it was really good also", "I liked @118762. I thought this was funny!", "Yes that was hilarious", "I haven't watched that one yet but have been seeing ads for it on tv.", "Thank you for the good suggestions!", "you too. Some really good recommendations", "have a great day", "bye", "Ok Bye!" ]
[ 143, 140, 140, 143, 143, 140, 143, 140, 143, 143, 140, 143, 140, 140, 143, 143, 143, 140 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "29330" ], [], [], [], [ "29330" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "6675" ], [], [ "23227" ], [], [ "30335" ], [ "20856" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "183121", "90120", "99583", "99896", "119144", "204974", "109211", "78418" ]
[ "X-Men (2000)", "Doctor Strange (2016)", "Iron Man (2008)", "Spider-Man (2002)", "Wonder Woman (2017)", "Black Panther (2018)", "Avenger (2006)", "The Avengers (2012)" ]
[ "Hello!!!", "Hello", "Hello", "How can I help you tonight?", "What kind of movie genre do you prefer?", "Do you know of any Marvel Story like @99896 That you can introduce to me", "Sure! Did you see @99583", "How about @90120", "@78418 did you see these already?", "Oh yeah i have seen @99583 and it was great", "The @109211 was one of my favourite", "Do you like any of the @183121 ?", "What i am planning to see now is the @204974 but i dont know if it is interesting", "Oh good.", "I'm sure it will be if you like the others.", "Okay. Thanks for your suggestion. I really appreciate.", "What about @119144 ?", "I heard that was very good.", "bye", "No because i dont like the theme of the story for @119144" ]
[ 451, 451, 466, 451, 451, 466, 451, 451, 451, 466, 466, 451, 466, 451, 451, 466, 451, 451, 451, 466 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "9662" ], [ "19239" ], [ "4329" ], [ "14068" ], [ "19239" ], [ "7319" ], [ "7645" ], [ "5019" ], [], [], [], [ "6675" ], [], [], [ "6675" ] ]
[ "175096", "94219", "170170", "171106" ]
[ "Titanic (1997)", "Shakespeare in Love (1998)", "Letters to Juliet (2010)", "Romeo and Juliet (2007)" ]
[ "hello", "hi I'm am willing to watch anything but horror. What are some of your favorite movies?", "I love romance, stuff like @175096 is always fun because it's so cheesy", "I have seen @175096 and love it.", "I love romance also!", "doesn't everyone?!", "Have you seen @171106 ?", "I have not seen that one.", "it's so good. it really brings Shakespeare to a contemporary audience.", "@94219 is great as well for that", "nice I have not seen that one either.", "Judi Dench won an Oscar for that when she was only on screen for about 10 minutes :D", "@170170 was a great one!", "I've never even heard of that one, I'll have to check it out", "Yes it was a good one.", "if you like Shakespeare", "yes, I'm a big fan", "Thank you for chatting", "You too", "Have a great night!" ]
[ 694, 553, 694, 553, 553, 694, 694, 553, 694, 694, 553, 694, 553, 694, 553, 553, 694, 553, 694, 553 ]
[ [], [ "575" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "11022" ], [], [], [ "19424" ], [], [], [], [ "11022" ], [], [], [ "27878" ], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "13111" ], [ "13111" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "8522" ], [], [], [ "18074" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "201259", "107335", "177764", "115908", "110858" ]
[ "You've Got Mail (1998)", "Leap Year (2010)", "The Wedding Planner (2001)", "50 First Dates (2004)", "Home Sweet Home (2016)" ]
[ "Good evening.", "Hey there!! What types of movies do you like?", "I like love/comedy movies.", "Me too!!", "Have you seen @107335", "Two movies I have seen and liked have been @115908 and @110858", "LOVED BOTH MOVIES!", "Yes, I seen Leap Year last week and loved it.", "All three of these movies have been awesome.", "What about @177764", "I've heard of that one but haven't seen it. It does sound good!", "What about @201259 its old but good", "I haven't seen that one either. I will check out these last two because I have heard they are good!", "I appreciate all of your help!", "Enjoy!!", "Happy to help!", "I will. Goodbye!" ]
[ 339, 45, 339, 45, 45, 339, 45, 339, 339, 45, 339, 45, 339, 339, 45, 45, 339 ]
[ [], [], [ "2734" ], [], [], [ "5228" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "3962" ], [ "13691", "30594" ], [], [], [], [ "1536" ], [], [ "17979" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "77293", "205435", "83552", "204895", "92117" ]
[ "A Wrinkle in Time ", "Game Night (2018)", "Jumanji (2017)", "Peter Rabbit (2018)", "Gnomes " ]
[ "Hi", "Hi! What kind of movie are you looking for?", "I want to take my Grandma to a movie.", "She is in her eighties, so nothing too violent or sexy.", "Something tame like @92117?", "Is that the animated one?", "What about @204895?", "I think she would like that.", "we already saw @77293.", "Does she like animated movies?", "She liked that.", "I bet she might like @83552 too.", "@204895 is one we talked about last time and she wasn't into seeing it.", "There's also @205435", "I hadn't thought about @83552. did it get good reviews?", "@83552 has great reviews!", "Okay thanks. Now I have a couple options to present her with.", "Good! Have fun.", "Bye." ]
[ 550, 699, 550, 550, 699, 550, 699, 550, 550, 699, 550, 699, 550, 699, 550, 699, 550, 699, 550 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "25409" ], [], [], [], [ "25409" ], [], [], [], [ "21880" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "5776" ], [], [ "29463" ], [], [ "20545" ], [], [], [], [ "29463" ], [ "18242" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "190024", "92106", "204974", "83552", "182858", "205305" ]
[ "Labyrinth (1986)", "Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018)", "Black Panther (2018)", "Jumanji (2017)", "The Witch (2015)", "The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)" ]
[ "Hello, what kind of movie are you interested in?", "Hello.", "Normally I am interested in science fiction or fantasy movies.", "Have you seen @204974 yet?", "I'm not against other suggestions though. I recently watched @182858", "Not yet but its in the schedule", "I can not miss a Marvel movie. It has to happen. I haven't missed one yt.", "Did you like @182858?", "Yes. It wasn't that great though. I liked the idea of it more than the movie.", "Did you see @92106?", "I really liked @190024 with David Bowie. It's a favorite.", "No I haven't.", "I'll check that one out. It sounds good", "Thank you for the suggestions. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.", "Did you see @83552?", "No. I forgot about it.", "I'll have to make sure I watch it though.", "Did you watch @205305 on Netflix?", "No. I had not even heard of it. Is it related to the moves that were in theaters?", "Yes.", "Cool. I liked those a lot so I will look into the one you mentioned too.", "Thanks a lot. You've been very helpful.", "No problem, havea good evening.", "You too." ]
[ 432, 39, 39, 432, 39, 39, 39, 432, 39, 432, 39, 39, 39, 39, 432, 39, 39, 432, 39, 432, 39, 39, 432, 39 ]
[ [], [], [ "27224", "3767", "15159" ], [], [], [ "424" ], [ "15159" ], [], [], [], [ "12324" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "21463" ], [ "30632" ], [], [], [], [], [ "27878" ] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "5019" ], [ "13684" ], [], [], [ "13684" ], [], [ "1977" ], [ "7259" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "29185" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "103957", "124142", "163616", "113262" ]
[ "A Christmas Story (1983)", "Elf (2003)", "The Toy (1982)", "Toys (1992)" ]
[ "Hey there!", "oh no", "i'm sorry", "i'm left here so long keep zoning out", "No problem.", "I'm looking for a funny movie", "like @163616", "or @113262", "have to run for like 30 seconds but i'll brb feel free to make your suggestions", "I can recommend @103957 because it has toys in it and is very funny.", "oh, i love that one", "what a great idea", "I will watch it again", "can you recommend something newer?", "I also liked @124142 which is about making toys.", "oh, what is that, I never heard of that?", "It is about a oversized elf who thinks he is one of santas elves (I believe he was mistakenly left in the north pole).", "what a great suggestion, I love it, thank you so much. Have a great day. good bye." ]
[ 912, 72, 72, 72, 912, 72, 72, 72, 72, 912, 72, 72, 72, 72, 912, 72, 912, 72 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "139" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "16554" ], [ "9196" ], [], [ "16150" ], [], [], [], [], [ "15030" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "195979", "177160", "78418", "181715" ]
[ "Baby Driver (2017)", "Justice League (2017)", "The Avengers (2012)", "Logan (2017)" ]
[ "hello", "hello! happy new year", "same to you!", "i really like action movies!", "Have you seen @177160", "no but I definitely want to see that one", "me too. I really liked @78418", "have you seen @181715", "yes i love all the superhero movies!", "yes. it was ok. I like the superhero movies too but ben affleck is a terrible batman", "I also like comedies", "lol", "you might would like @195979", "I fell asleep during that movie lol", "i have heard good things though", "yes i still have to watch it", "thanks for the chat!", "bye" ]
[ 140, 143, 140, 140, 143, 140, 143, 140, 140, 143, 143, 140, 140, 143, 143, 140, 140, 143 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "11865" ], [ "2734" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "24118" ], [], [ "14068" ], [ "1424" ], [], [], [], [], [ "21878" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "84854", "107514", "153450", "132728", "198004", "163708" ]
[ "Beauty and the Beast (2017)", "Aladdin (1992)", "Manhattan (1979)", "When Harry Met Sally... (1989)", "Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)", "Beauty and the Beast (1992)" ]
[ "Hi. How are you today?", "hey", "I am looking for some good romantic movies", "Really? I think @132728 is a good romantic movie.", "Have you ever seen it?", "I have not seen @132728", "any other ones that you recommend?", "If you like Disney movies, @163708 is good. I prefer the original animated one over the recent live action version @84854 .", "@107514 is also a great movie.", "I have seen the original, @163708 it was ok", "and also @107514", "but not @84854", "I might watch @132728 then", "@198004 is a classic. have you seen that one?", "no I have not seen @198004", "but thank you for the recommendations", "Can you recommend any romantic movies for me to watch?", "yes, have you heard of @153450 ?", "it is really good and a classic Woody Allen film", "No I haven't. Thank you for the recommendation. I'll check it out.", "ok good bye" ]
[ 876, 883, 883, 876, 876, 883, 883, 876, 876, 883, 883, 883, 883, 876, 883, 883, 876, 883, 883, 876, 883 ]
[ [], [], [ "26295" ], [ "26295" ], [], [], [], [ "6834", "25409" ], [ "15159" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "26295" ], [], [ "20314" ], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "13421" ], [], [ "13421" ], [], [ "2641" ], [ "4899" ], [], [ "4899" ], [ "2641" ], [ "13421" ], [ "20372" ], [ "20372" ], [], [], [ "20034" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "119144", "89770", "185171", "135508", "165710", "157190" ]
[ "Wonder Woman (2017)", "The Number 23 (2007)", "The Conjuring (2013)", "The Babadook (2014)", "The Boss Baby (2017)", "Arrival (2016)" ]
[ "Hello", "Hi I am looking for a good new movie to watch", "Have you seen @119144 ?", "Any genre is great I am just bored watching Netflix", "I have seen that it is one of my favorites", "The best movie in recent years is @157190", "I just watched @165710 and really enjoyed that as well. I have not seen @157190 yet", "It makes you think a little, if that doesn't bother you.", "No I like movies like that. Thrillers are in my top three genre picks. @89770 is a movie I can watch over and over", "The scariest movie in recent years is @135508", "@185171 is good too", "I haven't seen that movie yet I may like it I really liked @185171", "Cool.", "I will watch the two you suggested thanks for the help.", "You're welcome. Have a nice evening.", "Thank you you too. Goodbye" ]
[ 18, 1, 18, 1, 1, 18, 1, 18, 1, 18, 18, 1, 18, 1, 18, 1 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "21463" ], [], [], [], [], [ "4187" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "6675" ], [], [], [ "6775" ], [ "7151", "6775" ], [], [ "23307" ], [ "3949" ], [ "9495" ], [ "9495" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "160038", "185139", "84798", "132728" ]
[ "Casablanca (1942)", "The Notebook (2004)", "Pretty Woman (1990)", "When Harry Met Sally... (1989)" ]
[ "Hi, need a good movie recommendation?", "Hi, Can you recommend a good romantic movie?", "I liked @160038", "Also, @185139 was supposed to be pretty good", "@84798 is always a classic", "Then there's @132728", "I have seen The Notebook...But I haven't seen Casablanca..", "I'd recommend @160038", "Good classic movie", "memorable lines, etc", "@160038 - Is it a good movie?", "Yes, very good", "Humphrey Bogart is the star", "an all time classic", "Actually I am interested in romantic movies with melodious movement....will it suit my requirement?", "I think so", "Hopefully this was helpful", "It should be felt in our heart. I like such movies. Will @160038 satisfies my requirement?", "yes", "I think so", "okay, have a good night" ]
[ 183, 376, 183, 183, 183, 183, 376, 183, 183, 183, 376, 183, 183, 183, 376, 183, 183, 376, 183, 183, 183 ]
[ [], [ "26295" ], [], [], [], [], [ "19512" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "831" ], [], [ "26295" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "23908" ], [ "19512" ], [ "25278" ], [ "13421" ], [], [ "23908" ], [], [], [ "23908" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "23908" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "196336", "161723", "143198", "146771", "86428", "124848" ]
[ "Scarface (1983)", "The Godfather (1972)", "Goodfellas (1990)", "Memento (2000)", "The Departed (2006)", "No Country for Old Men (2007)" ]
[ "hi", "Hello how are you? What types of movies do you enjoy", "crime are my favorite", "I love crime movies, too!", "you like @143198", "Have you seen @124848", "I honestly have not seen @143198 , is that one of your favorites", "I love no country for old men!!!!", "that was goooooood and different", "Yeah I really liked it too! It was weird and quirky and awesome", "good fellas is a 10!", "u must see it", "One of my favorites of all time is @146771 , have you seen that", "Yeah I have always meant to see @143198 , not sure how I've missed it", "@161723 u saw?", "I really didnt like Memento that much", "Believe it or not I have missed @161723 too, I know I know", "WHA!!!!!", "I DID see @196336 e, did you like that", "LOL", "WHY!!! kidding", "if u off work today.. pls watch it with popcorn and enjoy", "Scarefac!! oh yay!!!", "ok. buddy take care :)", "and pls go watch godfather today lol", "Yeah I seriously do need to watch it. you should watch @86428", "saw it and love it... thanks" ]
[ 142, 144, 142, 144, 142, 144, 144, 142, 142, 144, 142, 142, 144, 144, 142, 142, 144, 142, 144, 144, 142, 142, 142, 142, 142, 144, 142 ]
[ [], [], [ "19419" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "21250" ], [ "27930" ], [ "21250" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "2570" ], [ "21250" ], [ "29073" ], [], [ "29073" ], [], [ "29106" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "11558" ], [] ]
[ "176499", "101799", "130811", "197888" ]
[ "The Way He Looks (2014)", "The Kids Are Alright (1979)", "Blue Is the Warmest Colour (2013)", "Boys Don't Cry (1999)" ]
[ "Hello!", "Hello", "I'm interested in seeing a LGBT film", "I really liked @101799", "and @130811", "Have you seen @197888? It's really great.", "@176499 is not well known and newer. Also very good!", "I haven't seen either one", "I;ll have to check them out", "thanks for the suggestions" ]
[ 431, 421, 421, 421, 421, 431, 431, 421, 421, 421 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "139" ], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "29679" ], [ "1203" ], [ "3237" ], [ "27792" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "140066", "83552", "178502", "136983" ]
[ "Bridesmaids (2011)", "Jumanji (2017)", "Ted (2012)", "Ghostbusters (1984)" ]
[ "Hi there.", "Hello, I'm looking for a comedy.", "What movies are you into?", "How about @140066", "I haven't seen that one yet", "Or a classic like @136983", "I haven't seen that one, either", "There’s the new @83552 movie out now.", "Or @178502", "I've seen the original but I haven't seen the new one.", "I haven't seen Ted.", "Thanks for the suggestions. Bye!" ]
[ 64, 53, 64, 64, 53, 64, 53, 64, 64, 53, 53, 53 ]
[ [], [ "2734" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "21880" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "26016" ], [], [ "1492" ], [], [], [ "1131" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "149519", "122278", "112346", "175522", "188057" ]
[ "Prometheus (2012)", "Alien: Covenant (2017)", "The Fifth Element", "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)", "Mission: Impossible (1996)" ]
[ "Hi. I'm looking for some good action movies", "You want sci-fi action like @122278 or action-hero/adventure like @188057", "Both, but I heard @122278 wasn't that good", "Hmm.... Did you see @149519 ?", "Yeah, I liked it okay.", "Then you'll love @122278 they are similar but one deals mroe with the Xenomorphs themselves", "Sweet!", "Also, Have you seen @175522 ? It's similar to @112346", "No I haven't but I will check it out. Thanks!" ]
[ 21, 20, 21, 20, 21, 20, 21, 20, 21 ]
[ [ "29330" ], [ "27878", "27224", "29330" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [ "13855", "4137" ], [ "13855" ], [ "25637" ], [], [ "13855" ], [], [ "3940", "19286" ], [] ]
[ "76012", "187028", "131382", "81135" ]
[ "The Exorcist (1973)", "It (2017)", "Hellraiser (1987)", "It Comes at Night (2017)" ]
[ "Hi! How may I help you?", "Hello. I am looking for a good horror film like @131382", "Have you seen the new @187028 ?", "No, I'm not really into that", "Ok, what about @81135 (2017)?", "I saw that one. I thought it was really bad", "I prefer horror films like @76012", "Oh, I see.", "Thank you for the recommendations", "No problem!", "Bye" ]
[ 163, 37, 163, 37, 163, 37, 37, 163, 37, 163, 37 ]
[ [], [ "575" ], [], [], [], [], [ "575" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [ "6899" ], [ "6727" ], [], [ "3156" ], [], [ "4116" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "145723", "198977", "148904", "140316", "94771" ]
[ "The Foreigner (2016)", "Batman Begins", "John Wick (2014)", "2046 (2004)", "Cloud Atlas (2012)" ]
[ "hello! how are you!", "Hello!", "what movie are we talking about", "Seen any good action movies lately?", "i just re-watched @198977", "nolan is a good director", "I love most of the Batman movies so I will rewatch it! I also like Christian Bale. Any others?", "I finally saw @94771", "it was different", "not exactly an action movie", "I have never seen that. I will try it out thanks!", "I did not like it for about 30 minutes, then I finally understood the story, and now I think it's great", "I like different so I will try it out. Any other good action movies I can check out?", "have you seen the @148904 movies?", "they are pure entertainment", "No I have not but love those type of movies. Thanks will look at that one as well.", "Any others?", "do you mind subtitles? @140316 is a great movie", "it is not action, at all", "I have not but not so into subtitles. Which is odd since I love having the captions on. Any other movies you have watched? I like horror as well.", "but if you like jackie chan, @145723 is good, almost great", "it is full wuxia but also topical", "I love Jackie Chan so I will watch that! I haven't seen it yet. I really have only seen the Batman begins one you suggested.", "Ok I will check those out. Thanks! Bye." ]
[ 926, 912, 926, 912, 926, 926, 912, 926, 926, 926, 912, 926, 912, 926, 926, 912, 912, 926, 926, 912, 926, 926, 912, 912 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "29330" ], [], [ "2350" ], [ "22773" ], [], [], [ "29330" ], [], [], [ "29330" ], [], [], [], [], [ "15159" ], [ "29330" ], [ "575" ], [ "9483" ], [], [ "9483" ], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "28933" ], [], [], [ "11538" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "18718" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "117840", "171552", "204794", "187028", "145925", "169305" ]
[ "Pet Sematary (1989)", "The Dark Tower (2017)", "It (1990)", "It (2017)", "Carrie (2013)", "Dark Tower (1987)" ]
[ "Hello!", "Hi! How are you?", "I'm good. Can I help you find a movie?", "I'd like a movie that's a little scary but not a ton gory.", "I like older movies like @117840 & @204794 .", "Also @145925 .", "Have you seen the new @187028 ?", "it is new, but if you liked the early one you might like the modern one.", "I have . It was good but not quite as good as I thought it was going to be.", "Do you have any other suggestions?", "Stephen king did other movies too.", "He did @171552.", "The book was also done earlier in @169305.", "I haven't seen that one yet.", "I think I will try that one!", "The new one didn't get great reviews.", "Though it did okay at the box office.", "Glad I could help.", "Okay I will try the older one then. I appreciate it! I am willing to give that one a shot. Have a good day! Bye." ]
[ 550, 793, 550, 793, 793, 793, 550, 550, 793, 793, 550, 550, 550, 793, 793, 550, 550, 550, 793 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "12227" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "7286", "20029" ], [ "22042" ], [ "6727" ], [], [], [], [], [ "3705" ], [ "23793" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "204334", "185851", "120948", "169601", "88751", "153733", "187879", "83192", "107407" ]
[ "Happy Death Day (2017)", "What a Lie", "Groundhog Day (1993)", "Scream ", "The Ring (2002)", "Saw (2003)", "The Blair Witch Project (1999)", "What Lies Beneath (2000)", "I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)" ]
[ "Hello!", "hey", "What type of movies do you enjoy?", "horror", "got any good ones?", "@83192 was one I liked. Also @88751", "those are both great", "@187879 was also widely enjoyed", "have you seen @204334", "No I heard it was very scary!", "oh yeah @187879 is a classic for sure.", "nah @204334 isnt scary at all. its like a horror comedy", "the horror version of @120948", "@107407 is one I liked. I havent seen a lot of recent horror movies", "@153733 is another good one", "oh yeah reminds me of @169601 good slasher flims", "Yeah I think some of these are good to watch over and over! I liked to watch @185851", "@83192 (sorry)", "I hope I suggested one that you might wnt to watch again!", "yes! i really like that reccomendation", "Have a great day!" ]
[ 250, 177, 250, 177, 177, 250, 177, 250, 177, 250, 177, 177, 177, 250, 250, 177, 250, 250, 250, 177, 250 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "575" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "575" ], [ "575" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "28954", "14170" ], [], [ "4547" ], [ "26257" ], [], [ "4547" ], [ "26257" ], [ "28949" ], [ "19428" ], [ "2691" ], [ "1787" ], [ "15907" ], [ "14170" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "85036", "161313", "144347", "132107" ]
[ "The Matrix (1999)", "Die Hard (1988)", "Taken (2008)", "The Island (2005)" ]
[ "Hi there!", "Hello", "What kind of movies do you like?", "I like action movies", "Any suggestions ?", "What are some of your favorites?", "Well , @161313 , @144347 and @85036", "Have you seen any of them ?", "They are really good", "Yes! I've seen them all! They are pretty good.", "Have you seen @132107 with Scarlett Johansen?", "Nah , but i love her", "so i will check it out for sure", "Thanks", "have a nice day", "bye", "She's good. It's a pretty good movie. It's exciting with a unique story.", "Have a good day too. Bye!" ]
[ 803, 825, 803, 825, 825, 803, 825, 825, 825, 803, 803, 825, 825, 825, 825, 825, 803, 803 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "29330" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "6394", "17007", "26294" ], [], [], [], [ "30480" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "178813", "145997", "104180", "205557", "187102", "78418", "124745" ]
[ "Fury (2014)", "Chicago (2002)", "La La Land (2016)", "Red Sparrow (2018)", "Mary Poppins (1964)", "The Avengers (2012)", "Blue Moon Rising (2010)" ]
[ "HI there", "what movies do you like?", "Have you seen @205557 yet?", "I like them all from @78418 to @124745", "haven't seen that one", "any more suggestions?", "Or @178813 that was a good movie", "what is your favorite genre?", "musicals", "any suggestions?", "Did you know that @187102 will have a remake come out this year?", "I'm excited for that", "whoa no I didn't know", "that should be good", "I still haven't seen @104180", "Do you like musicals like @145997 ?", "but I thank you for your recommendations", "me either", "I LOVE chicago", "i'm going to check out your picks and let you know what I think", "take care", "bye", "bye" ]
[ 35, 35, 35, 279, 279, 279, 35, 35, 279, 279, 35, 35, 279, 279, 279, 35, 279, 35, 279, 279, 279, 35, 279 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "25750" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "25750" ], [], [], [ "29277" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "12269" ], [ "14068", "4833" ], [], [], [ "14659" ], [], [], [], [ "356" ], [], [], [], [ "2400" ], [ "6037" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "204455", "122172", "115908", "78340", "204478", "95199", "93013" ]
[ "A Bad Moms Christmas (2017)", "Office Christmas Party (2016)", "50 First Dates (2004)", "Deadpool (2016)", "Daddy's Home 2 (2017)", "Home Alone (1990)", "Daddy's Home (2015)" ]
[ "Hello!!", "hi!", "merrrrry christmas!", "what type of movies do u like", "Merry Christmas!", "I am looking for some good comedy movies", "have u seen @204455", "I love @78340 and @115908 I love rom coms as well", "or @122172", "how about @93013", "I have It was really good! I want to watch @204478", "or the best one ever @95199", "Because I never saw the sequel", "yes me too!!", "True that is such a classic movie", "they should make an MTURK movie", "mturk is the best invention ever", "I have never seen @122172 is it any good?", "yesss it is so good!!", "Who is in it?", "jennifer aniston and some other less famous people, but its about a wild christmas party", "its non stop hilarious", "ok have happy new years and dont drink and drive!!!!!", "Thank you!Goodbye" ]
[ 31, 56, 31, 31, 56, 56, 31, 56, 31, 31, 56, 31, 56, 31, 56, 31, 31, 56, 31, 56, 31, 31, 31, 56 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "2734" ], [], [ "28478" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "5544" ], [ "23446" ], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "18427" ], [ "13691", "28004" ], [ "24886" ], [ "28911" ], [ "17083" ], [ "25170" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "24886" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "85637", "196336", "147970", "150957", "107671", "86428", "86246", "143198", "171249" ]
[ "American Gangster (2007)", "Scarface (1983)", "American Hustle (2013)", "Casino (1995)", "Road to Perdition (2002)", "The Departed (2006)", "Godfather (1991)", "Goodfellas (1990)", "The Professional (1981)" ]
[ "Hello", "What movies are you looking for?", "Hi", "hi", "Any good Mafia Movies?", "Like @86246", "And @150957", "Okay @196336 is a good mafia movie with Al pacino, it's a classic", "If you like somewhat new then @86428 is a great movie with a great cast", "Loved that movie. "Say hello to my little friend".", "Saw the departed.", "It's a classic!@85637 is another great movie.", "Saw that one.", "If you like tom hanks then @107671 is a great gangster movie with Jude Law which is pretty intense with a lot of drma", "Or a newer movie would be @147970", "Seen them both and liked them both.", "I also like @143198", "Joe Pesci is amazing in it.", "That one is a good movie, I liked that one as well.", "Have you ever seen @171249 ?", "With Natalie Portman, it's a little older, but that one is so good, it is one of my favorites.", "Saw that a while back. Enjoyed but might have to watch it again. Thanks.", "You should watch it again, it's really good. Hope you enjoy. Merry Christmas and have a great day!" ]
[ 56, 56, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 56, 56, 64, 64, 56, 64, 56, 56, 64, 64, 64, 56, 56, 56, 64, 56 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "15159" ], [], [], [ "21854" ], [ "15159" ], [ "8920" ], [], [ "15159" ], [], [ "6447", "27875" ], [ "139" ], [], [], [ "13938" ], [], [], [], [], [ "27878" ] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "29199" ], [ "15706" ], [ "29106" ], [ "11558" ], [], [], [ "7674" ], [], [ "16735" ], [ "9973" ], [], [ "21250" ], [], [], [ "15231" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "141648", "142933", "107370", "180029" ]
[ "Salt (2010)", "Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)", "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)", "Wanted (2015)" ]
[ "Hi", "Do you have examples of a type of movie you are looking for?", "Hello there, sorry about that", "No problem!", "Absolutely I love a movie like @141648", "Angelina Jolie was great in it", "So either a movie like that or other moves with Angelina Jolie", "Oh perfect.", "Then you must see @142933", "Absolute classic", "Absolute classic", "After that , watch @107370 and @180029", "She is excellent in both of them!", "I have seen @142933 and liked it", "I also saw @107370 and actually used to own the games a long time ago.", "Did not see @180029 I'll have to check that out!", "Sounds good!", "I hope I helped :)", "Have a good day", "Bye now" ]
[ 719, 719, 765, 719, 765, 765, 765, 719, 719, 719, 719, 719, 719, 765, 765, 765, 719, 719, 719, 719 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "26094" ], [ "26094" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "22340" ], [], [], [], [ "2769" ], [], [], [ "27898", "30292" ], [], [ "2769" ], [ "27898" ], [ "30292" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "125591", "140066", "130870", "138962", "156698" ]
[ "How to Be Single (2016)", "Bridesmaids (2011)", "Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016)", "Bad Moms (2016)", "White Chicks (2004)" ]
[ "Hi", "hello", "I'm interested in seeing a comedyu", "I really liked @140066", "and @138962", "Hmm i think we just talked... @156698 @125591 or @130870", "lol I think we did too", "white chicks was alright and I will check out the other two", "sounds good", "thanks for the suggestions" ]
[ 519, 421, 421, 421, 421, 519, 421, 421, 519, 421 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "22926" ], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "26016" ], [ "9342" ], [ "29453", "13408", "22926" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "177112", "125280", "111918", "122385", "181301", "150451" ]
[ "Wedding Crashers (2005)", "Mr. Deeds (2002)", "Step Brothers (2008)", "Dumb and Dumber (1994)", "Billy Madison (1995)", "Happy Gilmore (1996)" ]
[ "Hello", "What type of movie are you looking for?", "Hi there!", "I like comedy", "my favorite is @177112", "You", "You\r\n?", "Any particular style of comedy?", "Ah @177112 was excellent", "How about @150451", "I like many. Some of my favorites are @111918 @181301 and @122385", "Ya i love @150451 !", "Or @125280", "OO ya that was also good.", "Oh cool - glad you enjoyed those", "Have a great day!", "You too!" ]
[ 406, 406, 505, 505, 505, 505, 505, 406, 406, 406, 505, 505, 406, 505, 406, 406, 505 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "2734" ], [], [ "27878" ], [ "27878" ], [ "12392" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "27878" ] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "10697" ], [], [], [], [ "10697" ], [ "22879" ], [ "7643", "4475", "8462" ], [ "22879" ], [ "19993" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "204334", "168719", "190267", "83586", "150628", "204644" ]
[ "Happy Death Day (2017)", "House of Wax (2005)", "Hard Candy (2005)", "The Amityville Horror (1979)", "The Amityville Horror (2005)", "Mother! (2017)" ]
[ "Hi how are you doing?", "Hello there.", "I'm doing good, how about you?", "i'm doing well", "what kinds of movies do you like", "It's very rainy and I'm looking for some good horror movies to watch.", "I really liked @204334 did you see that?", "have you seen @168719 ?", "no any good?", "No, I didn't see that one, but I will check it out.", "Oh yes, it was very good.", "oh wow. how about @190267 ?", "I also liked @204644", "I've never heard of that one, but will be sure to check it out.", "oh with Jennifer lawrence", "have you seen @150628 ?", "Yes did you see it?", "that's very creepy", "No I have not", "I loved the original @83586 I'm not sure if I've seen the one you mentioned.", "Thanks for your suggestions.", "glad to help. have a great night" ]
[ 440, 451, 451, 440, 440, 451, 451, 440, 440, 451, 451, 440, 451, 451, 440, 440, 451, 440, 440, 451, 451, 440 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "575" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "3360" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "26257" ], [ "30614" ], [], [], [], [ "8607" ], [ "8755" ], [], [], [ "21711" ], [], [], [], [ "24360" ], [], [] ]
[ "134032", "147165", "128167", "167746", "152847" ]
[ "Sweet Home Alabama (2002)", "Just like Heaven (2005)", "Legally Blonde (2001)", "The Holiday (2006)", "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)" ]
[ "Hi there!", "Hi! What kind of movies are you looking for?", "Could you recommend any good chick flicks? I really enjoyed @152847 and @128167 !", "Those are both great movies! If you liked Reese Witherspoon in @128167, have you seen @134032?", "I have, but it's been a long time! It was a really cute movie though!", "I also love her in @147165 with Mark Ruffalo.", "Oh I've never heard of that one! What is that one about?", "Have you seen @167746? That's one of my favorites.", "Yes! That one was really good too!", "@147165 is about a girl "ghost" whose apartment has been subleased by a male tenant. It's really cute!", "Oh that sounds funny! Thank you for the suggestions!", "No problem, have a great night!", "You as well! Take care!" ]
[ 319, 355, 319, 355, 319, 355, 319, 355, 319, 355, 319, 355, 319 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "10293" ], [], [ "3493" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "27878" ] ]
[ [], [], [ "22303", "2321" ], [ "16542", "22303" ], [], [ "8341" ], [], [ "23849" ], [], [ "8341" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "142910", "95660", "111776", "114341" ]
[ "The Other Guys (2010)", "Central Intelligence (2016)", "Super Troopers (2001)", "Baywatch (2017)" ]
[ "Hey there!", "Hello, What type of movie are you looking to see?", "Could you recommend a good comedy?", "I really like buddy cop films like @111776 and @142910 !", "I haven't seen those, so let me try my best. What about ?Central Intelligence (2016) or Baywatch (2017) ?", "I have seen @95660 and it was really good!", "I haven't had the chance to see @114341 yet though!", "I've heard mixed things about @114341 Have you seen it? Was it any good?", "Yes I liked. There is also Snatched (2017) or Kingman The Golden Circle? (2017).", "I haven't seen either of those! I'll check them out!", "Thank you for the suggestions.", "Take care!" ]
[ 319, 385, 319, 319, 385, 319, 319, 319, 385, 319, 319, 319 ]
[ [], [], [ "2734" ], [ "15159" ], [ "22636" ], [], [], [], [ "21880", "21712" ], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "17782", "29437" ], [], [ "22636" ], [ "29456" ], [ "29456" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "129676", "160038", "205336", "187253", "176184" ]
[ "Atonement (2007)", "Casablanca (1942)", "A Royal Family Holiday (2012)", "Roman Holiday (1953)", "Pride and Prejudice " ]
[ "Hi.", "Love Pride and Prejudice, can you recommend other similar romantic movies set in that era?", "sure give me one sec", "how about @160038", "I've never seen it. Heard about it though.", "Isn't it set in the 1900s? Was hoping for older stuff?", "it was great, also @187253 was really good", "hmm okay let me find you some", "Thanks I'll add that one to my list. Is it the one with Elizabeth Taylor?", "yes", "and @205336 it's newer buy was set in the 1800's", "Thanks these are good suggestions. @176184 continues to be my all time favorite. Just a Jane Austen fan. LOL", "Never heard of @205336", "lol me too", "it's really good, you should check it out", "Thanks", "@129676 was really good too", "Well thanks for giving me something new to add to my Friday movie list.", "awesome, glad I could help", "Hope we chat again soon.", "goodbye", "me too" ]
[ 426, 426, 365, 365, 426, 426, 365, 365, 426, 365, 365, 426, 426, 365, 365, 426, 365, 426, 365, 426, 365, 365 ]
[ [], [ "26295" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "6817" ], [], [ "139" ], [ "24873" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "23908" ], [], [], [ "24581" ], [], [], [], [], [ "28719" ], [], [], [], [], [ "27148" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "137293", "127328", "103896", "112277", "190814", "187028", "111776", "93310" ]
[ "Running Scared (2006)", "Hairspray (2007)", "House of 1000 Corpses (2003)", "Rent (2005)", "Pitch Perfect (2012)", "It (2017)", "Super Troopers (2001)", "The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)" ]
[ "Hello!", "hello!", "Can I help you find a good movie?", "What genres do you enjoy", "yes, I am looking for something with action, or horror.", "two of my favorites", "I can help you find something", "have you seen @137293 that has action and thriller in it", "or how about the new @187028", "I have not seen it sounds good!", "The New IT I have seen", "Did you like that one?", "yea it is pretty good I also like paranormal", "I can also suggest maybe @103896", "that is a good one,what about any comedy films?", "like @190814", "oh about @111776", "I liked @190814 also", "Super troopers is cool but something likea musical like @112277", "Sure, how about @93310 that has comedy and horror", "or better yet @127328", "that is a good movie I hear", "with Tim currey", "That's a good one too.", "Yep! well enjoy!", "have a good one", "thank for,you too!", "thanks!" ]
[ 14, 57, 14, 14, 57, 14, 14, 14, 14, 57, 57, 14, 57, 14, 57, 57, 14, 14, 57, 14, 57, 57, 57, 14, 14, 14, 57, 14 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "29330", "575" ], [], [], [ "29330", "57" ], [], [], [ "24272" ], [], [], [], [ "12392" ], [], [ "2734" ], [], [ "29437", "582" ], [ "2734", "575" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "26060" ], [ "6727" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "17732" ], [ "29437" ], [ "17732" ], [ "13772" ], [ "19043" ], [ "17735" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "91076", "123071", "151595", "79978", "125575" ]
[ "Teenage Cave Man (1958)", "Cheaters (2000)", "The Smell of Us (2014)", "Bully (2011)", "A Girl Like Her (2012)" ]
[ "hi", "hello", "what kind of movies do ypu like?", "Hi.", "I like movies with thoughtful plots.", "I like movies like @123071 and @79978, which were both based on true events.", "Do you like movies like that?", "what about movies like @151595 and @91076", "I've seen @151595. I liked it.", "@91076 is probably too old for me.", "I like stuff from the 1990's and onward usually.", "what about @125575", "What is that movie about?", "two girls prove who is the best in the school and a guy bully them both", "That sounds interesting. Is it based on a real event?", "no not based on true story", "but it is good", "It sounds good. Is it intense?", "I might give it a watch.", "hope you'll like it", "good bye" ]
[ 502, 502, 502, 474, 474, 474, 474, 502, 474, 474, 474, 502, 474, 502, 474, 502, 502, 474, 474, 502, 502 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "7728" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "27214", "15387" ], [], [ "12314" ], [ "12314" ], [], [], [ "9459" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "119144", "177160", "78418", "181715" ]
[ "Wonder Woman (2017)", "Justice League (2017)", "The Avengers (2012)", "Logan (2017)" ]
[ "Hi there", "can you suggest a good super hero movie?", "hi happy new year", "@177160 was good", "@181715 was good as well", "If you haven't seen @119144 it was surprisingly good. I thought it would be cheesy", "I didn't see either of those. are they as good as @78418 ?", "I do enjoy strong female leads", "Yes. The avengers was good", "they are all along the same lines", "I think I will check out @119144", "thanks so much for your help.", "have a great day.", "thank you bye" ]
[ 4, 4, 143, 143, 143, 143, 4, 4, 143, 143, 4, 4, 4, 143 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "24118" ], [ "1424" ], [ "6675" ], [ "14068" ], [], [], [], [ "6675" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "84798", "102329", "204651", "132728", "153918" ]
[ "Pretty Woman (1990)", "Pearl Harbor (2001)", "The Greatest Showman (2017)", "When Harry Met Sally... (1989)", "On Golden Pond (1981)" ]
[ "hI", "Hi, I have some movie ideas for you.", "d you like some recommendations?", "I am looking for romantic comedies..", "yes please", "Okay, great! I woudl suggest @102329 .", "It is an oder movie but great one,", "I did not liek that, not into war movies.", "I also thought ti was badly acted.", "I loved @132728", "Okay, I would also recommend @153918 . It also is older though.", "That I don't know", "will have to check it out.", "anyone famous in it?", "I know that @84798 was a cute movie.", "It is a classic", "but i am curious still who si in golden pond?", "I have suggested some throw back movies today.", "me too", "Henry Fonda is in @153918 .", "Ah okay, cool, good choice.", "Any others?", "@204651 is in theaters now. Thank you! Have a great day.", "I want to see that. it looks great.", "you too , bye", "Great deal." ]
[ 76, 521, 521, 76, 76, 521, 521, 76, 76, 76, 521, 76, 76, 76, 521, 76, 76, 521, 76, 521, 76, 76, 521, 76, 76, 521 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "904" ], [], [], [], [ "15159" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "30632" ], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "3524" ], [], [], [], [ "13421" ], [ "29266" ], [], [], [], [ "25278" ], [], [], [], [], [ "29266" ], [], [], [ "8285" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "204974", "77293", "204895", "205698" ]
[ "Black Panther (2018)", "A Wrinkle in Time ", "Peter Rabbit (2018)", "Tomb Raider (2018)" ]
[ "Hello, I am looking to go to a movie theater this weekend with some younger teens.", "hello", "@204974 is really hot in theaters now.", "Do you know the ratings for that? Is it an R?", "I want something with out much sex and violence.", "Something the parents of younger teens will be okay with.", "Some might also like @205698 .", "Is that good for young teens?", "Both of these are pg-13.", "@77293 is supposed to be good for kids.", "I'll have to check out the trailers to see if they seem okay.", "@77293 seems good.", "My kids want to see @204895 even though they are a bit older so that is an option as well.", "I have heard all good things about all these movies.", "Thanks for the suggestions.", "No problem, have a great day!", "I will have to check out the trailers and see what the kids want. I hope they pick @77293.", "Thanks. Bye.", "Bye" ]
[ 550, 10, 10, 550, 550, 550, 10, 550, 10, 10, 550, 550, 10, 10, 550, 10, 550, 550, 10 ]
[ [], [], [ "30632" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "5019" ], [], [], [], [ "18508" ], [], [], [ "20545" ], [], [ "20545" ], [ "29463" ], [], [], [], [ "20545" ], [], [] ]
[ "94189", "96646", "181299", "146640", "78480" ]
[ "Prison Break: The Final Break", "Ghost (1998)", "The Shawshank Redemption (1994)", "Prisoners (2013)", "The Green Mile (1999)" ]
[ "Hello!", "Hello", "I am looking for movies about prison.", "I love @181299 and @78480", "@146640 is a good movie.", "Ah yes, I have seen that one. Great movie!", "The Green Mile is excellent.", "I am looking for romance movies like @96646", "Do you know any other prison movies?", "@94189", "Cool, I have heard good things about that one.", "I will check it out!", "Thank you", "Your welcome.", "Have a good night", "Enjoy your night and weekend." ]
[ 366, 330, 366, 366, 330, 366, 330, 330, 366, 330, 366, 366, 366, 330, 366, 330 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "15159" ], [ "20872" ], [ "26295" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "2634", "20872" ], [ "13123" ], [], [], [ "14205" ], [], [ "22058" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "99276", "130347", "201085", "175522", "90950", "200523", "112346" ]
[ "Star Wars (1977)", "Dark City (1998)", "The Signal (2014)", "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)", "Avatar (2009)", "Ready Player One (2018)", "The Fifth Element" ]
[ "Hello", "hello", "could I get some good sci fi movies?", "I liked @201085 and @130347", "If you haven't already seen them", "something like @99276", "I have never seen either of those", "Have you seen @175522 ?", "no I haven't", "It has the epic scope like @99276", "A little like @90950 as well", "ooh I'm definitely interested", "@90950 was ok I did not like it that much", "@175522 was by Luc Beson who did @112346 , I believe", "I never saw that either", "You may enjoy them. Not exactly like @99276 , but nothing really seems to be", "@99276 was groundbreaking", "I have to get going though thank you for the recommendations", "I did see @200523", "Good film", "I hope you enjoy", "Goodbye" ]
[ 832, 901, 901, 832, 832, 901, 901, 832, 901, 832, 832, 901, 901, 832, 901, 832, 901, 901, 832, 832, 832, 832 ]
[ [], [], [ "27224" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "27878", "424" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "16216", "6636" ], [], [ "28367" ], [], [ "19286" ], [], [ "28367" ], [ "3248" ], [], [ "3248" ], [ "19286", "3940" ], [], [ "28367" ], [ "28367" ], [], [ "13129" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "178711", "197322", "134643", "195012", "172264", "135090" ]
[ "Sleepless in Seattle (1993)", "Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)", "American Pie (1999)", "10 Things I Hate About You (1999)", "Steel Magnolias (1989)", "While You Were Sleeping (1995)" ]
[ "Hi. How are you?", "hello!", "good how are you?", "I was wondering if you could give me some movie suggestion. I'm good.", "What would you like to see more about?", "I like dramas like @197322", "Or Romantic Comedies like @135090", "have you seen @172264 ?", "ok how about @178711 ?", "Those are both good ones", "Definitely! I miss '80s movies like those!!!", "and '90s", "Yeah. I also liked @195012", "That's a good one!", "Do you have any others you like?", "@134643 is similar I guess", "Oh, I haven't seen that one.", "I think I might try that.", "it's funny!", "Enjoy and have a good night! Bye!", "Sounds good. Thanks for the suggestions.", "Bye" ]
[ 743, 814, 814, 743, 814, 743, 743, 814, 814, 743, 814, 814, 743, 814, 743, 814, 743, 743, 814, 814, 743, 743 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "8836" ], [ "3089", "2734" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "11464" ], [ "21177" ], [ "13161" ], [ "17225" ], [], [], [], [ "19691" ], [], [], [ "23240" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "183056", "161983", "155989", "187028", "178502", "84273", "163398", "157394" ]
[ "The Big Lebowski", "Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)", "Just Go with It (2011)", "It (2017)", "Ted (2012)", "Pineapple Express (2008)", "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)", "The Wedding Singer (1998)" ]
[ "Hey", "how is it going", "doing well.", "I am looking for a good movie that will make me laugh", "Okay will try and find you one", "something like @183056 or maybe @161983", "thanks!", "@157394", "love big lebowski", "@178502", "I do love that one! Adam Sandler is one of my favorite actors. I loved him in @155989", "I haven't seen @ted yet! lol", "@163398", "me I like sandler", "eh, I did not like Scott Pilgrim. I tried haha", "Ted was pretty good then?", "Maybe I will try that one", "yeah scot pilgrim not too funny but great idea", "@84273", "I love this movie", "That was a good one too! Those guys make me laugh", "THanks for the suggestions. I will go with @187028", "awesome dude", "oops, I meant @178502", "nice chatting", "haha", "you too!" ]
[ 14, 14, 64, 14, 64, 14, 14, 64, 64, 64, 14, 14, 64, 64, 14, 14, 14, 64, 64, 64, 14, 14, 64, 14, 64, 14, 14 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "1569" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "22131", "23055" ], [], [ "29963" ], [], [ "1131" ], [ "14441" ], [], [ "1373" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "12773" ], [], [], [ "6727" ], [], [ "1131" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "195012", "166729", "84798", "178096" ]
[ "10 Things I Hate About You (1999)", "Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)", "Pretty Woman (1990)", "There's Something About Mary (1998)" ]
[ "Hi", "Hello what type of movie would you like to see.", "I like comedies and romantics.", "OK. How about @84798", "One of my favorites.", "Or @195012", "I haven't seen that one", "How is it?", "It was based on The Taming of the Shrew", "Sounds good, what else can you think of?", "It's good. I liked it. @178096", "I liked that one also", "And @166729", "I think you have a good amount now, unless you would like more suggestions.", "Another good one, I think I will try @195012", "Ok. good.", "thank you for your help", "bye", "Good bye" ]
[ 254, 352, 254, 352, 254, 352, 254, 254, 352, 254, 352, 254, 352, 352, 254, 352, 254, 254, 352 ]
[ [], [], [ "2734", "3089" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "25278" ], [], [ "19691" ], [], [], [], [], [ "6639" ], [], [ "28940" ], [], [ "19691" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "205932", "124485", "170376", "147934", "198772", "101794" ]
[ "2036: Nexus Dawn (2017)", "Spaceballs (1987)", "Blade Runner 2049 (2017)", "Blade Runner (1982)", "Total Recall (1990)", "Lethal Weapon (1987)" ]
[ "hi", "Hello how are you today?", "great thank you, youself?", "good!", "What can I help you find today?", "looking for scifi movies", "like @147934 or @124485 lol", "ok great!", "I liked the new @170376 too", "and", "I was just going to ask if you'd seen the new one1!", "sorry", "no worries at all!", "I like action or comedy too, especially combined like @101794", "I like just about anything. :)", "how about @205932 Dawn?", "no I haven't. I'll check it out. thank you for the recommendation.", "have a great day! good bye", "or @198772 ?", "Bye!" ]
[ 785, 814, 785, 814, 814, 785, 785, 814, 785, 785, 814, 785, 814, 785, 785, 814, 785, 785, 814, 814 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "7877" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "29330", "2734" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "17973", "2643" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "26682" ], [], [], [], [], [ "4120" ], [] ]
[ "107174", "140066", "193309", "177112" ]
[ "Christmas with the Kranks (2004)", "Bridesmaids (2011)", "Fred Claus (2007)", "Wedding Crashers (2005)" ]
[ "hi can i help you find maybe a good drama or comedy today?", "what movies do you like", "Comdey", "have you seen @193309 with vince vaughn", "a good comedy for this time of year", "Yes I have", "or maybe @107174", "No I did not watch this movie", "that is funny with tim allen and Jamie lee Curtis", "Yes they are funny to me", "its really good if you like holiday movies", "i will suggest something not holiday too", "Yes", "@140066 is another good one", "Yes this was a good movie", "ok, how about one more then so you have some options. did you see @177112", "Yes I did see this movie. I thought it was okay movie", "ok, well maybe try @107174 if you like. can i help with anything else", "I will try this movie. No that is it for now. Thanks", "youre welcome bye" ]
[ 14, 14, 26, 14, 14, 26, 14, 26, 14, 26, 14, 14, 26, 14, 26, 14, 26, 14, 26, 14 ]
[ [ "8836", "2734" ], [], [], [ "12676" ], [ "2734" ], [], [], [], [ "26666", "564" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "3123" ], [], [], [ "13775" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "26016" ], [], [ "10697" ], [], [ "13775" ], [], [] ]
[ "82894", "80067", "159885", "84854", "169819" ]
[ "Frozen (2013)", "Toy Story (1995)", "The Incredibles (2004)", "Beauty and the Beast (2017)", "Explorers (1985)" ]
[ "Hi!", "Can I recommend you a movie to watch?", "Hi", "What kind of movies do you like?", "What kind of movies do you like?", "And yes that would rock. I need kid movies", "How about @82894 it's a really good movie for kids.", "Or you could watch @80067 with Tom Hanks.", "It's really cute.", "Oh yes he dosnt like frozen but I did", "Also another good film is @159885 it's so hilarious.", "@80067 is great", "Have you ever seen @84854 with Emma Watson?", "It's so magical.", "Oh we will rent that one next", "okay great!", "I'm glad I could help you!", "Any thing for a boy?", "He's 9", "I would recommend @169819 it's a classic!", "I would highly recommend that.", "Ok awesome.", "Great!", "Thanks", "Bye!" ]
[ 781, 781, 496, 781, 781, 496, 781, 781, 781, 496, 781, 496, 781, 781, 496, 781, 781, 496, 496, 781, 781, 496, 781, 496, 781 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "19002" ], [], [ "6447" ], [], [], [], [], [ "30754" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "23820" ], [ "29859" ], [], [], [ "22309" ], [ "29859" ], [ "2641" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "11622" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "193168", "95660", "118762", "148904", "198707", "127115" ]
[ "Rush Hour (1998)", "Central Intelligence (2016)", "21 Jump Street (2012)", "John Wick (2014)", "Kick-Ass (2010)", "Hot Fuzz (2007)" ]
[ "Hi!", "Hi Happy New Year!", "Happy new year to you as well!", "I love movies! My top favs are Comedy, Thriller and Action", "I like @193168", "it has comedy and action", "how about you?", "What about @148904", "That was nice, I just saw part II recently goood movie", "Keaau is good", "A very similar movie is @127115 which I really enjoyed and was very well done.", "Also @198707 if you're into comic book movies and @118762 was pretty good", "Oh gosh.. that was crazy funny and good hahah", "I like @198707 I but not II", "didnt like 21 jump street to much", "Yeah I felt the same way. @95660 was amusing as well.", "yea that was good.", "I think we have our 4. Thank you Hi Happy New Year!", "All right. Have a great day!" ]
[ 32, 142, 32, 142, 142, 142, 142, 32, 142, 142, 32, 32, 142, 142, 142, 32, 142, 142, 32 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "2734", "57", "29330" ], [], [ "2734", "29330" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "15159" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "9061" ], [], [], [ "18718" ], [], [], [ "18055" ], [ "20856", "18821" ], [], [ "18821" ], [], [ "22636" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "115612", "96316", "182960", "116784" ]
[ "28 Days Later (2002)", "Night of the Living Dead (1990)", "Shaun of the Dead (2004)", "Braindead (1992)" ]
[ "Hello!", "Hello!", "Hello!", "How may I help you?", "I have a hankering for a zombie movie", "I have a hankering for a zombie movie", "do you know any?", "that i might like", "that i might like", "Have you seen @182960 ? It is such a good movie.", "@115612 had zombies that scared me awake for awhile.", "I missed that one.. I should check it out.. I planned to see it but couldn';t find it on my movie service later.. now I have a new one so I 'll look again", "I missed that one.. I should check it out.. I planned to see it but couldn';t find it on my movie service later.. now I have a new one so I 'll look again", "actual scary zzombies sounds good", "Have you seen the classic @116784 ?", "It is very gory.", "no, I should check that out. @96316 .. was the same era and I loved that", "not the original though", "That was a great movie.", "great I'm up for some gore..thank you for your suggestions.. they were good..good night!", "", "You are welcome!", "Goodnight" ]
[ 327, 483, 483, 327, 483, 483, 483, 483, 483, 327, 327, 483, 483, 483, 327, 327, 483, 483, 327, 483, 483, 327, 327 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "15159" ], [], [], [ "27878" ], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "15866" ], [ "25207" ], [], [], [], [ "754" ], [], [ "17582" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "135571", "180926", "174475", "124142", "156589" ]
[ "The Hangover (2009)", "The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005)", "Anchorman ", "Elf (2003)", "Kicking & Screaming (2005)" ]
[ "HI", "Hi! How are you?", "Good thanks", "and you>", "Is there any specific genre of movie \r\n you love?", "Great! I like funny movies- like @156589 or anything with Will Ferrell!", "have you seen @124142 ?", "It is super cute", "or @174475 ?", "Yes! I love @124142 ! Any other recommendations?", "I have not seen @174475 ! Does it have Will Ferrell in it?", "yes! and it is great!", "you will love it.", "I will have to see that!", "Have you seen @180926 ?", "No will but steve carell, and is funny.", "No but I have heard it is good! Is it like @135571 ? Like that type of humor?", "somewhat.", "the hangover is funny too.", "I will have to check that out too then!", "Thanks for your help!!", "I hope you like them, no problem", "bye" ]
[ 76, 269, 76, 76, 76, 269, 76, 76, 76, 269, 269, 76, 76, 269, 76, 76, 269, 76, 76, 269, 269, 76, 76 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "15845" ], [], [], [], [], [ "15845" ], [], [], [], [], [ "8943" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "15976" ], [ "15030" ], [], [ "19919" ], [ "15030" ], [ "19919" ], [], [], [], [ "24843" ], [], [ "23657" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "150941", "120092", "204651", "163215" ]
[ "Moulin Rouge! (2001)", "The Shape of Water (2017)", "The Greatest Showman (2017)", "Wonder (2017)" ]
[ "Good afternoon!", "hey.", "Have you seen @204651 it is really good", "I haven't seen that one.", "Is it a musical?", "Yes it is.", "Any other suggestions of recent movies?", "@150941 is another good musical if you are into those.", "I like musicals sometimes, but i was thinking drama.", "@120092 is really good as well", "@120092 is a good one", "that is a recent drama", "Also @163215 is another one", "I haven't seen that one, but I've heard I saw the movie trailer and it looked good.", "I haven't seen Wonder either.", "THanks for the suggestions, I'll try one of those.", "Great! Have a great day and I hope you enjoy them", "Have a good one. Bye." ]
[ 250, 423, 250, 423, 423, 250, 423, 250, 423, 250, 250, 250, 250, 423, 423, 423, 250, 423 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "25750" ], [], [], [ "25750" ], [ "25750", "8836" ], [], [], [ "8836" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "8285" ], [], [], [], [], [ "19165" ], [], [ "30013" ], [ "30013" ], [], [ "5034" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "198707", "78418", "99715", "108389" ]
[ "Kick-Ass (2010)", "The Avengers (2012)", "Zombieland (2009)", "Stand by Me (1986)" ]
[ "Hi!", "I am looking for something I can tolerate while a bunch of teen boys are in the room with me.", "Any suggestions?", "Hello. Let me think.", "It depends on your tolerance level. How about @108389 ?", "We have watched that, it's too...girly for these guys.", "Ok, how about @198707 ?", "There is also @99715 or @78418 ?", "Oh. I forgot about @78418!", "Thank you, we will go with that.", "Have a wonderful day.", "Good bye.", "Ok, great. Its one guys of all ages like", "Bye" ]
[ 696, 696, 696, 681, 681, 696, 681, 681, 696, 696, 696, 696, 681, 681 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "12081" ], [], [ "21880" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "21248" ], [], [ "18821" ], [ "14068", "18365" ], [ "14068" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "185171", "146771", "182709", "203424", "77066", "83766" ]
[ "The Conjuring (2013)", "Memento (2000)", "Seven (1995)", "The Silence of the Lambs (1991)", "Identity (2003)", "Primal Fear (1996)" ]
[ "Hi.", "hello how are you", "Whats you taste?", "I like thrillers, suspense, some scary movies, anything that's a real nail biter", "I'm great an happy new year.", "I really liked @77066 and @146771 and @185171 for example", "good, glad to hear it", "How about @182709", "Oh yeah, I saw that a long while back and enjoyed it. I should watch it agian", "Or @203424", "That's a great one, I just re-watched that a few months ago.", "@83766 is okay.", "I have not seen that one, is it worth checking out", "Yes. It definitely is.", "Ok good, then I will try to find it and watch! Thanks for the ideas, I hope you enjoy your new years day", "I hope you enjoy it. Bye." ]
[ 64, 144, 64, 144, 64, 144, 144, 64, 144, 64, 144, 64, 144, 64, 144, 64 ]
[ [], [], [], [ "57", "57", "15159" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "9495", "2570", "25469" ], [], [ "14923" ], [], [ "11401" ], [], [ "12082" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "140749", "205129", "169419", "122604" ]
[ "Moana (2016)", "Den of Thieves (2018)", "Thor: Ragnarok (2017)", "Coco (2017)" ]
[ "Hey", "Could recommend any great movies in theaters now?", "The last movie i watched was @169419 and it was awesome.", "it was a good all around movie for all ages.", "Hello, have you seen @205129", "Is that the new one with Gerald Butler?", "Maybe @122604 would be better for all ages", "I love any movie with that man. lol", "yeah, he's good", "I heard really good things from friends about that movie.", "Is it a Disney movie?", "yeah, like @140749", "I think my kids will enjoy it. I'm taking them tomorrow!" ]
[ 275, 275, 275, 275, 335, 275, 335, 275, 335, 275, 275, 335, 275 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "6834" ], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "25023" ], [], [ "12548" ], [], [ "26821" ], [], [], [], [], [ "17447" ], [] ]
[ "78559", "175102", "116328", "195012", "157425", "191798", "146618", "140986" ]
[ "Much Ado About Nothing (1993)", "The Merchant of Venice (2004)", "Hamlet (1990)", "10 Things I Hate About You (1999)", "Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (1990)", "She's the Man (2006)", "A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999)", "Romeo and Juliet (1968)" ]
[ "hello!", "what kind of movies are you looking for tonight?", "Hi!", "Hi!", "I would like to see a great shakespeare movie!", "Yes! You've come to the right person!", "great", "My personal favorite is @78559", "Nice. I haven't seen that version", "@140986 is good, as is @146618 .", "wow, you do know a lot", "I like zeferelli and I haven't seen that version of the midsummers night dream so I will", "I was and English major and acted in Shakespeare plays as a kid through highschool :)", "It's a good one.", "ahh.. well you know a lot", "@116328 is good too.", "Wow.. I have seen @157425 but not that hamlet.. I will watch it", "Wow.. I have seen @157425 but not that hamlet.. I will watch it", "If you're looking for modern adaptations, @191798 is based off Twelfth Night and @195012 is based off The Taming of the Shrew.", "@175102 is good too. I totally forgot about that one.", "I love 10 thing s I hate about you.. great film. I will watch she's the man though thank you so much for your suggestions .. they were great", "My pleasure! It was fun to remember all my old favorites!", "Have a great night!", "good night!", "good night!" ]
[ 396, 396, 483, 483, 483, 396, 483, 396, 483, 396, 483, 483, 396, 396, 483, 396, 483, 483, 396, 396, 483, 396, 396, 483, 483 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "11022", "15159" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "1711", "11022" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "5561" ], [], [ "19778", "17541" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "31095" ], [ "9701" ], [ "9701" ], [ "19691", "27692" ], [ "17021" ], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "152242", "196668", "122126", "188057", "86428" ]
[ "Enemy of the State (1998)", "Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011)", "Jason Bourne (2016)", "Mission: Impossible (1996)", "The Departed (2006)" ]
[ "Hello", "How can I help you with tonight?", "I like action movies like @188057, any suggestions?", "Do you like all sequels?", "I did! @196668 was my favorite of them all", "How about the @86428 ?", "Thats a good suggestion! I saw it a while ago", "Really liked it", "And @122126 ?", "I havent seen any of the bourne. You recommend them?", "What about @152242 starring Will Smith?", "Bourne movies are amazing!", "That sounds interesting too! I havent seen that movie", "If you are into MkUltra and government mind control stuff.", "@152242 is like the early intro into NSA and government spying. Awesome film!", "Thats an interesting time to pick up that topic because its before the NSA really blew up into a scandal", "You've been a big help, Thanks", "Have a good one!", "Bye!" ]
[ 800, 280, 800, 280, 800, 280, 800, 800, 280, 800, 280, 280, 800, 280, 280, 800, 800, 800, 280 ]
[ [], [], [ "29330" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "27878" ], [ "30229" ], [ "20353" ], [], [], [ "15159" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "4137" ], [], [ "27566" ], [ "11558" ], [], [], [ "6234" ], [], [ "24606" ], [], [], [], [ "24606" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ "204334", "140749", "94056", "185171", "127673", "133035", "188780", "184418", "101153", "187028", "204863", "183184", "122604", "153346" ]
[ "Happy Death Day (2017)", "Moana (2016)", "Psycho (1960)", "The Conjuring (2013)", "Paranormal Activity (2007)", "The Woman in Black (2012)", "Tangled (2010)", "Get Out (2017)", "The Croods (2013)", "It (2017)", "Ferdinand (2017)", "Mama (2013)", "Coco (2017)", "Insidious (2011)" ]
[ "hello!", "Hello! how are you today?", "what kind of movie are you looking for today?", "i'm doing well! how about yourself? :)", "I love horror movies I am always looking for more because I feel like I have seen them all!", "And I am doing well thanks!", "Hmmm... have you seen @187028 and @184418 ? Those are both awesome.", "Or @94056 , which is one of my personal favorites.", "some of my favorite horror movies are @183184 @187028", "@204334 looked good, too.", "I have not seen @94056 what is that about?", "Ooh, that's like the original horror film!", "Also I have seen trailers for @204334 but I wasnt sure if it would be worth it, it looked poor quality.", "It's an Alfred Hitchcock film about some very strange goings on at the Bates Motel, including an owner who's a devoted mama's boy.", "It's a great movie.", "@133035 is pretty scary too.", "I'll have to look into that one it seems interesting!", "I love the @133035 ~ so good", "I like mainly paranormal movies though they are really interesting to me", "Yeah, I agree. They scare me more haha. @185171 was pretty good too.", "such as @127673 and @153346", "I had to watch @153346 for a class in college and the whole classroom was screaming at certain parts... it was hilarious. @127673 really freaked me out.", "Really? I wish I had a college class that would allow us to watch scary movies! Also @127673 is very scary I agree, at first I heard it was bad but after watching all of them it is crazy and scary how all of them connect", "There is also another movie coming out soon related to the conjuring about the nun in it I am so excited!", "Yeah it's insane!", "Oh really? That's crazy!", "The Warrens are actually real, I know someone who knows the priest who blesses their "artifacts" room", "Wait really? that is actually so cool!", "I have always wanted to visit their museum but am scared to be cursed or something", "Yeah, I think Lorraine is still alive? And ahh I know it's so creepy to think about", "I also really love family movies like @140749", "and the @101153", "Me too. @140749 and @188780 are my favorites.", "Oh yeah I love @188780 such a great take on Rupenzel sorry dont know how to spell her name", "I know its so great. I love how gutsy and spunky she is!", "Do you have any other good family movies to recommend?", "Have you seen @122604?", "No I havent, what is that about? I havent even heard of it!", "Ok so it looks and soudns weird, but it's actually really good. It's about a boy who wants to learn more about his family and ancestors and travels to the land of the dead to interact with them. It's surprisingly touching and lovely. Also a tear jerker.", "I've also heard really good things about @204863 , but I haven't seen it yet", "That actually sounds great I'll have to write that down, seems like my kind of movie!", "It is SO good. I was really surprised by it.", "Well anyways thanks for the chat, some really great suggestions and I am definately going to watch @122604 Thanks so much for the chat! Always love hearing about new movies!", "Me too! Have a great day!", "You too!" ]
[ 396, 583, 396, 396, 583, 583, 396, 396, 583, 396, 583, 396, 583, 396, 396, 396, 583, 583, 583, 396, 583, 396, 583, 583, 396, 396, 396, 583, 583, 396, 583, 583, 396, 583, 396, 583, 396, 583, 396, 396, 583, 396, 583, 396, 583 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ "575" ], [], [], [], [ "575" ], [], [], [ "575" ], [], [ "21386", "15159" ], [ "15159" ], [], [], [], [ "15159" ], [], [], [], [], [ "21880" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "18092" ], [], [ "15159" ], [], [], [], [ "27878" ] ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "16012", "6727" ], [ "27249" ], [ "6727", "1727" ], [ "26257" ], [ "27249" ], [], [ "26257" ], [], [], [ "7015" ], [], [ "7015" ], [], [ "9495" ], [ "13601" ], [ "13601" ], [ "13601" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "17447" ], [ "23452" ], [ "17447", "12124" ], [ "12124" ], [], [], [ "26821" ], [], [], [ "1091" ], [], [], [ "26821" ], [], [] ]
[ "139333", "160915", "198562", "94510" ]
[ "Anger Management (2003)", "Bedtime Stories (2008)", "Grown Ups (2010)", "Grown Ups 2 (2013)" ]
[ "Hello", "what would you like to watch./", "I'd like to watch an Adam Sandler movie", "such a good actor! Have you watched @198562 ? The cast is absolutely amazing! It's about the group of high school friends who met again", "I haven't I should watch that thanks", "@160915 is a very nice family movie", "Oh maybe another time I'm in the mood for a more adult one", "If you like @198562 you should definitely check out @94510 . It's not as funny as the first one but still very good", "Another movie i like is @139333", "Great I'll watch @94510 if i like the first", "Thank you very much", "sure! I hope you will enjoy these movies", "Goodbye" ]
[ 789, 789, 826, 789, 826, 789, 826, 789, 789, 826, 826, 789, 826 ]
[ [], [], [ "1569" ], [], [], [], [ "5581" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [], [ "17005" ], [], [ "7246" ], [], [ "17005", "8432" ], [ "11902" ], [ "8432" ], [], [], [] ]
[ "127019", "166377", "91277", "184261", "154252" ]
[ "The Fly (1986)", "Thy Womb (2012)", "Gattaca (1997)", "Splice (2009)", "Womb (2010)" ]
[ "Hi", "Hello there", "I LIKE SCI-FI genetic modification movies like @184261", "That's a very specific preference.", "Have you ever seen @91277?", "no haven't seen that, is it like @184261 ?", "It's about genetic modification and it's sci-fi. In those ways, yes. But it's a horror film like @184261 .", "You might would like @127019 , which is a genetic modification film that is also sci-fi and horror.", "I heard about @166377 I want to see that", "not @166377 , but @154252 , soory", "I'll have to see @127019 , thanks so much nice chatting good bye", "That does seem interesting, and seems to fall within your interests." ]
[ 931, 948, 931, 948, 948, 931, 948, 948, 931, 931, 931, 948 ]
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "27224", "10733", "575" ], [ "27878", "27224", "575" ], [], [], [], [] ]
[ [], [], [ "25415" ], [], [ "8975" ], [ "25415" ], [ "25415" ], [ "29095" ], [ "12268" ], [ "12268", "14583" ], [ "29095" ], [] ]