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I really think that driverless cars are a good idea and a bad one I think many accedints would happen with driverless cars because humans wouldn't have control over the cars. Im against driverless cars although its a very cool idea. I wouldn't mind driverless cars because of the fact of how cool it would be to have a car that drives on its own in the future. Im against it because I think it would cause many accedents. People would get injured. Google says that there driverless cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. This is a good thing that they have driven this much without getting into a crash but i would still need more information to convince me that this car is safe. I would personally prefer the old steering wheel because i would like to have full control and because I dont know if i could trust a car that drives on its own. I think many of the laws would have to be strict. If the driverless car who would be responsible the car manufacturer or the person in the car. This driverless car in the future should not be allowed in my opinion its just not safe to have them around because no one is in control of the car. So i would not buy this car i would stick to the steering wheel where i will have control of me vehicle.
Dear Senator, In the year 2000, a great injustice was made in our country. The president who the people voted for was unfairly defeated because of the electoral college. Our government says that it is by the people and for the people, but the electoral college is against this whole ideal. The electoral college is unfair, undemocratic, and outdated. To begin with, the electoral college is unfair because we aren't actually voting for the president, which is a constitutional right. We are voting for a group of people, who by human nature, have their own opinions and agendas. It is quite possible that they would go against us and vote differently like the 2000 election. In addition, the electoral college is not democratic. The people, who are supposed to decide who becomes president, are in fact, not deciding at all. The voters are a piece of unnecessary government. The popular vote should always be the way presidents are chosen according to the constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Finally, the electoral college is a very outdated idea. Maybe, in our country's beginning when people didn't have media or fast-traveling news, it may have been a good idea to have informed voters, but now, everyone has the chance to be informed. Our country doesn't need an electoral college because we can think for ourselves. Thank you, PROPER_NAME.
As I know from images and researches that aliens could possibly exist by the looks of it . Not so Postive about it , but why would there be an human face on mars when people aren't on Mars everyday of there lives. Also that by seeing pictures of hwo aliens look there similar too us in a way , but the mouth is weird shping like it's not a human mouth that people think it may be . Makes you have second thoughts and makes you want to investigate more on the " The Face On Mars " . Each year we have something new on this face of mars. So we investigate more on these pictures to see exactly what were trying to find out because it doesn't add up how would I big hu,man face be on mars. doesn't make since too me. Yeah and like " Garvin " says we don't pass over a human face very often so something isn't right here. The scientist put there all into this to figure out what there dealing with. So finally in 2001 we've came to an conclusion and find out from all our investigations that it's really just a ' mesa ' It's an Middle Butte in the Snakwe River Plain of Idaho It's the same height of as " Face on Mars ".
Have you ever been sitting in class wondering what emotions the students around you are feeling? Have you ever wondered how to make things less boring and confusing in the classroom? Well now you can with the all new Facial Action Coding System. It's a system that can figure out the emotions that you are feeling just from your facial expressions. I feel as if this could help in the classroom but not as much as Dr. Huang thinks. I think that yes it would help with making class less boring and/ or confusing but it can also just lead to even more frustation or sadness. It also isn't going to help if you are sitting in front of an actual human teacher and not a computer. If a student if feeling strong emotions such as saddness or fear; they need to talk to a friend about it, someone they can trust, not a computer. So in conclusion, I give this system about a 50% chance of it helping in the classroom like Dr. Huang says it will. Theres just not really anything you can do to make school fun for someone that doesn't think its fun. I think it could help with other activities though, such as playing video games or watching videos.
The machine by Thomas Huang and Nicu Sebe is very helpful in the classroom in many ways, as the article helps explain. It can help to determine what lesson plans are working for the students and what lesson plans are not working as well. Also, it can help how another student is feeling about something non-school related. The machine, as said in the text, uses the 44 major muscles to understand how a student or any other person is feeling. An example is when it says in paragraph 6 that, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." This is significant because this can tell if a student fully understand what the teacher is teaching and if he or she is learning. Also, it can tell what kind of lessons or lesson plans the students will react to the most. Another way the machine is significant is because if a student is getting bullied or getting made fun of. The machine will know and that can further help and get the help the student needs without saying anything. This could prevent stuff going too far and prevent further cases of this type of thing happening. In conclusion, there is many ways the machine by Thomas Huang and Nicu Sebe can be a significance for students and teachers in the classroom. Two of those examples are to understand how to make a lesson plan work for the students and also to help students that aren't showing that they need help in school or out of school.
"Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too." The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" supports their claim with factual evidence. The author states both pros and cons about the article. The author does support their idea. "Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." There may be material on Venus that will better the lifes of people on earth. Though traveling to venus can be very dangerous or even fatal with temperatures average of eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit. "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." The author informs the readers with factual evidence but also puts in their own opinion. The author seems to have done research before creating this article. In conclusion the author does have enough factual evidence to support their own claim. "Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." Noticing that the autor has done their reasearch on NASA and space helps the article. Not only does the the author give pros on why we should risk going to Venus, the author also gives cons about going to Venus. The author well supported the idea with factual evidence in the article.
My position on driverless cars is i think that this is a good idea. I yhink this is a great idea, and could help a lot. It could help a lot with mothers on the go with a lot of kids, the simple fact of a major improvments on cars for the future, and people that like to text and drive or put on make up while driving. The driverless car concept could help a lot in the future. It would help those mothers that need to turn around or reach back to give there child something while she is driving. It would help because she could just put it into driverless mode and do what she needed to do. It would be a major help for those people that happen to text and drive, or put on make up while driving. The driver could then put the car into driverless mode, and send that last text or finish their make up before work, and prevent them from crashing. The overall concept of driverless cars is a big acomplishment and could bring us closer to bigger, and better things for cars in the future. The concept of driverless cars is far from being a every day thing, like it says in paragraph 10. Once driverless cars are finished, and everyone will use them it will be a whole new thing for driving on the road.
How would you feel knowing that everytime you went to class to simply get your education that you were being monitered and scanned to see how you were feeling that day? Would you feel like your privacy was invaded? Would you feel judged? I know I personally would feel threatened and exposed. I beleive that the Facial Action Coding System, a computer program that can identify human emotions, would have no value in a classrom because, it has no practical use in a learning enviorment such as a classroom, it would be an invasion of students privacy, and while it may not be of use in a calssroom, it could be put to use in other fields of work. I think that this emotion identifing technology would have no practical use in a learning classroom enviorment becasuse teachers have to ensure the material is digested by students no matter what emotinal state they are in. While recogonizing a students emotions could expalin why they may be uninterested in the material it does not change the fact that they still must learn it if they want to further their own education. Therfore, I beleive that this technology would be of no use to both the student and the teacher. I also beleive that this technology would have no practical use or value in a classroom due to its nature, its a blatant invasion of privacy. Its unfair to the student to be subjected to this indentification of emotion everyday. Some students may feel like their privacy is being invaded just so a teacher could know how they were feeling at that exact moment. Furthermore, students may not want their emotional state to be regonized due to personal reasons such as not wanting others to know they are feeling sad or depressed becasue they don't want others to know becsause they would attempt to reach out and that alone could result in unwanted conflict. This leads me to beleive that this technology holds no value in a classroom. Finally, I beleive that while this technology may have no practical use or value in a calssroom, it could be put to great use in other fields of work and other aspects of life. For example, in the article researchers use this technology to decipher the emotions of the famous Mona Lisa. This helps them get an understamding of how much the artist knew about facial muscles and expressions, which is useful in learning about how artist learned thier techniques in the past. This technology would be amazing in the enteratinment industry. Futhermore, it could be used for more acurate CGI, which would be useful for movies, tv shows, and video games. Next, I beleive that this technology would be useful for scientific studies. It could help reseraches understand how emotions work and formulate which could help people who have issues with muscles in their face, technology could be developed that could help them express themselves better. Anothe reason why I believe this technology could be put to more practical use in a diffrerent enviorment then a classrom is the applications and uses it could have in solving crimes. Police could use this tech to help decpiher how a criminal is feeling which could bring more evidence to a case. While this amazing technolgy has many applications outside the classroom, I believe that it has no practical use inside a classroom becaue it has no effect on learning the subject matter in a more efficent manner, and it be an invasion of privacy to the students and possibly the teachers as well. We area already studied and invaded enough by higher ups and people beyond and in the goverment, do we really need our students emotions in a classroom to be put under a microscope as well?
In the article"Driverless Cars Are Coming," autonomous cars are being developed by car companies across the world. Most companies believe that these self-driving cars will be a good influence on the world, however I disagree. I am aganist the development of these cars because of the copius amount of money it will use and the unessecary addition of new driving laws. In the 1950's, a company created a car that could run on a special track whose usage developed as the years went on. Researchers have found that, "These smart-road systems worked suprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be pratical." Smarter roads required too much money to develop and lead to the creation of smart cars. Smart cars have a lot of beneficiary components, but are not completly self-driving. This idea of self-driven cars is too complex to create; even the "smartest" cars with the latest and high technology cannot be fully self-driven. The money used for these unrealistic cars can be used for other important things in the buisness world and in the real world. Better cars that require driving should be developed or the money should go to the governement to fund other things. Overall, the large sums of money being drawn to create self-driven cars is a negative development. If self-driven cars are created, many new lawsuits will be filed regarding the new cars. The biggest question that will stand will be, "if the techonology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" Autonomous cars will bound to have accidents and if the car is driving, lawyers will not know who to blame and take charges. if a person was not driving the car and it crashed but was stil inside, would that person be charged? Unnecessary actions that the government does not have time for will have to be taken- new laws regarding the creation of self-driving cars will be made so that parties will not be at fault. Laws containg the legality of accidents and the questionable safety of the car. The "human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when situation requires" which goes aganist a self-driven car, the car has to be the one to be ready to drive and do what humans would do when driving. This raises questions on whether people can truly be safe inside a self-driven car. In conclusion, the development of self-driving cars is a negative addition for the world because of the copius amounts of money needed and the addition of new driving laws.
Saving The World, One Car At A Time In country like Germany,Paris, and Colombia, they limit the use of cars due to carbon emission. I think that this is a great idea. Limiting car usage means less pollination, which would benefit us greatly. "If this patterns persists" says Elisabeth Rosenthal, we could turn this problem around. Take Paris for instance, they issued a ban against driving on specific days. Though "almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Robert Duffer's article, the"congestion was down 60 percent. You can't tell me that is not remarkable. We could just take a day and walk or ride our bicycle to work/school, and  make a difference, so let's try. I know some people think that driving less is an inconvience and won't stop carbon emission, but I think the opposite is true. There will be "gray clouds" like Andrew Selsky says, but we CAN save the world, even if it just one car at a time.
In this article we are talking about the FACS ( Facial Action Coding System) and how it could read students' emotional expression. At first this article was talking about the Mona Lisas' facial expression and how she's 83 percent happy, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. This would benifit the classroom by letting the teachers know what makes them instrasted in the classroom. When you look tierd and about to sleep the teacher will try and do something different to help you pay attantion. Just like speaking in a different tone or walking around the classroom to get someone's attantion. Us humans do the same thing as-well just like easily looking at someones face on a date or in a classroom to she either they like you or they don't like the way your expressing yourself. It would also help if your in a room full of strangers and wanting to get to know them but you can't really know what to say or if they would like the conversation. What the computer does when they are calculating a face is that they compare it with a neutral face. Just by using video imagery, the new emoion- recogition software to track the facial movements. There are facial expressions for each emotion on your face but even tho individuals often show varying degrees of expression. All in all this invention would be amazing to have. You can use it on students and see if there instrasted in a subject and how well the teacher's behavior effects them as well. You can use it on some painting to see what they were feeling while they were getting drawn.
Dear Senator The electoral college is not a fair way for citizens to vote in the untied states. the popular vote system would work at so much more better for citizen. It would give them more of a say in the vote and more people would vote First reason I think popular vote is better than electoral college is because it gives citizen more of a say in what goes on in the voting process. the reason for this if the popular vote was the system they used you will be voting on a actual president. not voting for someone to pick your president for you. so this clearly shows that voting using the popular voting syste gives people more of a say in the voting process. yes it might be unfair to smaller states who have less people but still. Second reason i picked this thing was because well more people would vote. the reason more peole would vote is because they will feel theyhave more of a say in things. for instance if someone told you you can have more freedom or none you will pick freedom. so clearly this shows that more people would vote if they we used the popular vote system instead of the other one. yes the other one still lets you vote but not for a president So in conclusion popular vote is way better than regular voting because you have more freedom anf you vote for a actual president
Driverless cars are coming out really close to use! I think they will be a really good advantege because they can be helpful for disabled people, they can help get around serority(old) people and a really good advantege for people that hate driving during the night part of the day and even for long trips. I wouldn't consider myself as a person agenst or with the driveless cars, because in my point there are good and bad things about these cars. Would you trust a driveless car to drive you around? Places like Florida, Nevada, California, and direct columbia have let people drive these cars around there city because they believe that they would be able to work and would like to be know for were the car was used at. Acorrding to the book it says that "The law belives that more states will follow as soon as the cars are aproved and safe." Automakers are continuing on fixing the problem that are willing to be solved be for they are aproved. The BMW company has tried to make a driveless car but can out different from what they expected. The driveless cars are not that bad, i mean the help you drive around. They icluded a GPS, a Dubbed LIDAR for a 3-D car surrounding. The have also reduced the engine power and applyed brakes on the individual wheel which allows better respones and contral then a human diver could. The BMW company made a car close being to the driveless car, the car can function up to 25mph but has a sersor made to make sure that the driver keeps hold of the wheel. In fact the car can steer, it can accelerate and brake by its self but it is also desigined to navigate the road ahead to tell the driver when it requires human skilld, it will navigate working zones and even accidents. So most of these cars still requiere human skills and are not ready yet have earned the driveless car name. Some cars have considered using carmeras to watch that the drive is focued on the road. The GM has requested vibrating seat's for the driver, which could be a bad idea to put in a driveless car that they dont even know if it is ready to work on it's own without kill or having someone injurd yet. Most of the thing included to the cars can be displayed but something not avalible to the drive is texting will drive that is a system featured of the safty. Driveless cars sound like a fun thing to try out but we'll never find out if its really safe to use, even when they announce it and say it is. I still think there is a good side and a bad side to it because the only word to know about something and to test it is if its same for us to trust. Most companys like Nissan, Mercedes, Benz, Audi have said that they would have a car that can drives themselves by 2020, but i would belive that Mercedes would have a driveless car ready by 2020, but would behard to belive in right? We just have to wait and find about till car companys have more progress and information for us about the cars, which i hope soon because i would really like to try out this drivelss car, wouldn't you like to try it out?
Machines get smarter everyday. It's something most of us see, but may not take into consideration. Think about it. Your search history, your GPS destinations, even your Wifi hotspots. The machines gather information about us to make our lives easier. Most of the times, it's a good thing. They help us by reminding us of things and let us connect to the rest of the world with just a few keystrokes. However, this FACS, would have a major impact in the school system. It would be a terrible decision to implement FACS into the school system. Don't get me wrong, I love technology. It's improved and become what many consider just a dream. It always us to do many things that we could not do physically. I'd go as far to say that they're smarter than us in a few ways. They give results and they learn more and more about us. To some, that's concerning. To think that machines are secretly learning about human behavior and plotting plans to take care of the world. Most don't care or don't mind. Either way, people have different views on this. Which brings me to my new point, implimentation of the Facial Action Coding System in schools. The Facial Action Coding System, or FACS, is a profiler. Profilers monitor how a subject works, thinks, acts, and even feels. Scary, huh? Put that into a school system and you may just have found treasure trove of blackmail. Now, I know what some will say. "This system will help us help the students", or "FACS will help decrease school shootings". Those individuals make good points, but there's one thing you have to consider. Human behavior. People don't just cough up how they feel most of the time. To have an eye watching them and judging them will only make them hate it more. It may make people feel worse off than they originally were. I'll end with this. Yes, the system could be beneficial, as long as it's in the right hands. Privacy is a critical part of people's lives and most like it not to be broken into. To have this system in the school system would be a bad call. Especially high schools. Those are some seriously tough times for some, and pushing those people could result in an event. A very bad event.
Do you think you could live without your car, even just for a day? Well, in Vauban, a German suburb near the French and Swiss borders, they dont just live without them, they thrive. Vauban is the result of a test that proves planning a city in a way that compacts it improves life for everybody, from reducing the stress of drivers who fear collisions, to downright making cars undesireable. Heidrun Walter, mother of two says "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." After it's completion in 2005 Vauban began it's happy path to showing the world that cars are not a neccessary or even good thing. Automobiles are the main source of emission from familys that live in suburbs, this is because they don't have many options of transportation, and that is said to be a great impediment on efforts to greatly reduce greenhouse emissions. In the U.S. it seems as though the car culture is coming to a close, as the number of miles driven hit it's peak in 2005 and dropped 9 percent per person by april 2013, equal to where the country was in 1995. According to Professor Michael Sivak at the University of Michigan's TR institute, car ownership per household per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn. If the pattern follows throughout the coming years, and many believe it will, the impact on carbon emission reduction would be outstanding. But how would this affect the car industries? Well, as stated by Ford and others, they've already started rebranding themselves as mobility companies, and no longer focus entirely on personal vehicle production, so you need not worry about their futures. And with the decrease in personal vehicle sales comes a decrease in the next generations interest in personal transportation, as a large drop is taking place in the amount of registered drivers, between the ages of 16-39. Mr. Sivak (mentioned earlier) says his two children have yet to get their licenses, even though they live in places where one could benefit them. This shows promise for the future and how we handle the health of our world and plan our futures better, as less and less people pollute it. But many say this trend coud just be a small thing. Perhaps only time will tell if the culture of cars will end.
The author did well on supporting the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers becasue there might be some new stuff that we havn't yet explored on Venus. In the article it mentioned that Venus has still has some features that are similar to Earth, like valleys, mountains, and craters. " Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth." ( paragraph 4) " The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters."( paragraph 4) The artical also mentioned that Venus might acturally be a planet that us humans or other types of life forms could possibly be able to live on Venus because the temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to the sea level on earth. " Temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth." ( paragraph 5). Scientist belives that long ago, Venus could have possibly contained oceans, which could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth does. Scientists are problably questioning on what happend to Venus oceans. I know that if us humans were to go Venus without a spacesuit, we would problably get crushed becuse of the air pressure, just like the water pressure could crush a submarine, depending on how deep down you go into the oceans. If Venus had Earth-like features wouldn't that me that Venus once had air that us humans could breath, water that we could actually drink, etc. In the articel talked about how Venus didn't have different kinds of light because the light couldn't penetrate through the dence asmosphere. Us humans and other types of life forms need sunlight to survive, So how could life possibly be found on Venus if there is hardly any type of light coming through. The mystery behind Venus, has yet to be unsolved, but I feel like some day we will get to bottom of this mystery and when we do get to the bottom of this mystery, the mystery will be solved and all of our questions will be answered. Im hoping that some day we do solve this mystery. Venus could actually be another planet that us humans and other types of life form could live on, but until we solve this mystery, we're going to have to keep trying, don't give up, keep gathering new type of information and when we do gather some new information, we keeping closer and closer to solving this mystery. So lets just keep pushing forward and hopefully reach this goal. So lets just keep our heads up high and just hope for the best. If we all work together, we might actually solve this mystery.
The Value of Emotions "Many teachers cannot tell when a student has something emotionally wrong with them," my mom, OTHER_PII, stated. My mom is friends with many teachers and talks to them about their students and how they can tell when something is wrong with a student. In today's society many teachers throughout school corporations struggle with knowing if their is something wrong with their students. The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is valuable in the classroom because it can help the teachers understand the students, help know when a student is emotionally not stable, and help the students not get too bored or confused during a lesson. The FACS is valuable in the classroom for many reasons, including the fact that it will help the teacher understand their students. From a student point of view, many teachers do not understand their students fully when something is wrong. While many kids come to school and look fine, there may be more going on in their home life than a teacher knows about. If the Facial Action Coding System was in place in schools, teachers would be able to find out what emotion the students are feeling and see if they can help them in any way. In Paragraph 4, Dr. Huang states, "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal." This explains how the computer will recognize any emotion that the student may have, even if it is not the same as everyone else. The computer system can read your emotions and come up with different advertisements on the screen to make a person happier which would also benefit many people. In paragraph 6, the author states, "Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad. For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." These computers can read your emotions and change the content on your screen just based on how you reacted to it. The FACS would be valuable in schools because it would help the student be happier while in school and help the teacher recognize what is going on with the student and understand them more. The Facial Action Coding System would be valuable in the schools because it can help the teacher know when a student is not emotionally stable. Many teachers do not realize when their is something wrong with a student and the FACS could help with that. Thousands of students throughout all the schools in America have issues at home and show that at school with how much work they do not participate in and how they treat others at school. There is an underlying issue within the school system because many teachers are not able to recognize when these students have problems and issues like this could lead to more school violence acts. In paragraph 4, the author says, "Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements--in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa." The FACS can track any emotion in any person which can be helpful in school because there are many different kids throughout the schools that have different emotions. The computer system can recognize these emotions with the facial movements of a student. In Paragraph 3, D'alto states, " Eckamn has classified six basic emotions--happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness--and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles." Depending on what emotions the students have and how they convey that with facial muslces, the computer can read this and help the student get on the right track and fix that emotion if it is a negative emotion. The Facial Action Coding System can help recognize if the students are bcoming confused or bored. Many student get distracted, confused, or bored when they are working in class. In Paragraph 6, Huang says, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." This would help the student and teacher because when a student gets bored they automatically stop paying attention and do their own thing, but with the FACS the computer could help them not be confused or catch their attention so they are not bored. In Paragraph 6, the author states, "It could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." The computer system could act as a teacher and help the students if maybe the teacher is busy which would be an advantage to both the teacher and the student. While many people think this would not be valuable because it has no place in the school and would not help anyone, the Facial Action Coding System would not only help many students, but many teachers as well, while not being too invasive. The Facial Action Coding System would be valuable in schools because it could help the teachers understand their students, it could also help the teacher know when a student is not emotionally stable, and it could help the student with not getting too bored or confused with a lesson. This would be very valuable in schools because of the daily emotions students go through in a school day!
Many people believe that the 'Face on Mars' was formed by aliens. What do you think? If you were told that the face on Mars was created by aliens, what would you do? What would you say? I know what I would do. I would call them crazy and explain to them that aliens do not exsist and that it was a fact of science. The 'Face on Mars' is a natural landform. The light from the sun is shone across the landform to make it look like it has two eyes, a nose, and a mouth like a human person, but, if you were to create an exact copy of Mars, put on a different scale, hold it still, and shine light at the exact angle of the sun, you would see that the sun is what really causes the 'Face on Mars' to appear to look the way it does. Aliens, if they exsisted, could not have created something so magnificent and perfect that at that angle it would look like a face. Scientists have studied the geography of Mars for years and have had nothing to say about aliens. They have prooven their facts and have given us reason to believe that this was simply the way Mars was stuctured and that the rays of the Sun are the cause of it looking like a face. If aliens did create the 'Face on Mars', why would our scientist have not discovered them? Why havent we ever then seen one before? For those that believe that it was aliens that sculpted Mars, I am sorry, but you are wrong. Mars was naturally formed and can never and will never be changed by aliens because aliens simply do not exsist. So, for all of those out there in our lovely world that think that aliens do infact exsist and that they somehow, over millions of years created a 'Face on Mars', I would like to say one last thing on my behalf, aliens do not exsist and could not have created something so mindblowing.
There are many advantages of limiting car usage. Some include less smog or pollution, stores would be places in walking distance, it saves time because there is less traffic, and it improves safety. In Vauban, Germany, residents of this upscale comunnity are surburban pioneers, going where few soccer moms or commuting executives have ever gone before: they have given up their cars. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor. Basic precepts are being adopted around the world in attempts to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation, with less space for parking. In this new approach, stores are being placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway. After days of near record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog. The smog rivaled Bejing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. In Bogota, Columbua, there is a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of Columbians hikes, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily deviod of traffic jams. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. President Obama proposed partnering with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety."
The positive of driverless is the car can be use until it crash or the owner doesn't wanna to use it anymore. The negative of driverless car are accident, and broke down middle of the road. I agreed with the systems that they put on GPS receiver because many people that are using car have got lost in many places or get into an accident, and does people could get help if they have that on their car. The danger about driverless more advanced to detect and respond the danger out of control skids or rolloevers. The good thing about driverless are inidividual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. Further improvements in computer software to help driver safer and also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving task on their own. I don't agreed with the driverless some people won't notify the danger until they really see or get into one. I don't think it a good thing that people can drive and text at the same because they won't don't be able to control the wheel and it could end up with a big accident. I don't agreed with the automakers about who fault if the car and the owner was in accident, I think both have a problem with their own or the car was not working because the wheel couldn't turn and boom it crashed. In the conclusion, I think it bad and good at the same time but the car could help people get to places where they wanna go without walking. The bad it people could get in a big accident or broke down in the middle of road.
Venus is just like earth but the venus really hold some lives in earth like some animal and some other thing. Venus is a good planet but on big problem we dont know how the life is over there and we really know if it could hold all lifes. Thats why scientist are gonna send a drone or a spaceship to go check it out the venus life. People think that sound crazy but in reality is not is a good thing cause what if some thing happens to our earth and we have no where to go. Scientist said that the planet venus had live so many years ago and the scientist also think there were living things in that planet. Thats why scientist want to go and see if venus is worth living over there and if it could have a big empact to our lives and also if it could hold lives there with no problem. I think we should give it a shot and see if the planet venus could hold any lives and if its not dangerous to go and make other home like earth and make it better. I think everyone will be happy to see if venus will be our next home planet. It will be wired if we find any lives over there like not human related different spices.
Why should we keep the Electoral College? Because its what we've done from the start. Sometimes its fine just to keep things the same. There is nothing wrong with change but I  beleive that this is the right choice. If we demolish the Electroal College then voting really wouldn't be fair. Because some states have more people than others. I dont think we really need to change this rule. Because sometimes its best to keep things the same. Its been going on for about 200 years. There hasn't been too many things that have gone wrong with it. Yes there has been troubles in the past. But were all human no matter what we do we can't be perfect. So we will just have to learn from our mistakes an approve on them. We have to belive we have the right people for the job and hope they will make sure things run smoothly for electing a president or any other official we use it for. If we get rid of the Electoral College then the voting for office wouldnt be fair. Some states are a lot bigger than others. So once its gone then the bigger states would have more effect on the votes than the smaller ones. Example: if we do get a new way to vote and its off popular vote then what if New York has 40,000,000 people and Nevada has only 10,000,000 people. New Yorks votes would have a more effect than Nevadas. This may lead to long debates over the voting arrangement because the smaller states would be mad that they wouldn't get as much of a fair vote. Just like how it was when the founding fathers made this arrangement. These are my reasons I think that keeping the Electoral College is a better than having just popular vote.      
In todays society pollution levels are higher than they have ever been. This is because of cars; every time u start up ur car you are polluting the earth . You may not can see it but it happens. There is a way to stop this though but it will take alot of time  and convincing, becasuse who would wanna give up their car it is such a easy source of transportation and some people couldnt go without it. There is also a possibility that we wouldnt have to go completely without cars. We could go to electric or just find a totally different resource to run a car. I am sure there has to be something else than just gas that could run a car. It amazes me how we make all these crazy futuristic inventions but we cant make another substance to run a car. I think we should stop worrying about just stopping car usage completely and try to make something else that will run a car. Some people may say "you now how difficult it actually is to find something as precise and accurate working as gasoline?" Well yes i do understand that but if we all got the best brains inn the world together and tr to figure this out i most definitely think we can do it. Maybe we wouldnt have to just get the smartest people to help us, we could get everyone in the world to help us. Some may also ask "well how do you expect to do that?" well its simple you have to do the same thing we would to stop smoking SPREAD AWARENESS. Doing this would help a huge amount. I think alot of people take the whole no car thing the wrong way, cause lets face it there no way we could go without cars.
Senator, I argue in favor of changing to election by popular vote for the president of the united states. I argue in that favor because not everyone get's to vote for an electon. If keeping the Electoral College the same, the there will never be a way where when everyone will get the chance to vote. The Electoral College is very unfair for not letting everyone vote. Those people that work that process just go to places that they know they will get a vote. Also, the Electoral College should change the election by poplular vote for the president of the United States because, when choosing your's elctors when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors. The people do not vote for president, the electors are who vote for president. When people think they are voting for president candidate, they are actually voting for slate of electors. There's five reason to where the Electoral College should be retraining. Thse five main reasons are because 1) Certainy of Outcome, dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible. 2)Everyone's President, requires a presidential to have trans-regional appeal. 3)Swing States, the winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates. 4)Big States, restores the weight in political balance that loose by virtue. 5)Avoid Run-Off Elections, avoides the problem of election in which they have no candidate. They just go to states where they will get votes, they know that other states will have no affect to them when getting no vote. Im guessing that they get their hopes up? They dont give other people a chance to vote.
Hello! My name is Luke and Iam taking part in the "Seagoing Cowboys Program." It is amazing to see how awesome God's nature can be. It feels really good to go to different places and see cool things but know that you are serving God by helping others. I joined the program for many reasons. I joined because I have a really good friend named Don Reist. He talked to me about how they do things there and how much fun it is. So I thought, if I went and was serving people and helping them survive, would it be good for me, and then I knew that God was calling me to do this and I wanted to do what was right in the eyes of the Lord, so I said, "Yes." Once I got there, I heard that there were 44 nations and that we were going to form UNRRA, wich meant, (the United Nations Relief nd Rehabilation Administration). Don and I had signed up for the "Seagoing Cowboys," where you take care all of the animals. It wasnt what I had expected, but it was still something that I could serve God for. I had served for many years and I am very happy that I chose to do this. If I haden't then I would be stuck working a bank and grocery store. So that is my story and my many reasons why you should join our group and make the world a better place! In conclusion, I think that you should totally join. If you are thinking about it then that is just fine. Just think quik!
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and supports this idea very well by explaing different aspects of Venus that make it highly worth studying. when the author explains why we should explore Venus one of the statements that i was most intrigued by was was when the author stated that "long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like earth", the reason i think this is a very good reason on why we should explore venus is because it could help give us a better understanding of our universe, mabye human like creatures lived on venus at one time, maybe there were buildings on venus, the possibilities are endless. This is why i think that the author makes a great claim about exploring venus and why i think we should further explore venus.
This technology to read the emotional expressions of studnets in a classroom is valuable because a computer can make your day better by showing you funny ads or just cherring you up. This technolgy is very useful becuase it can help you whenever your tired it can wake you up. When you smile about an ad the computer can show you a cooler ad. Also the computer can show faces toward you just to show you that it knows how you feel right now. How can you tell when sombody sad or happy or not this type of technogly can help us show how sad they is or how mad they is. The Mona Lisa is an example of happiness because the painting is to make you smile by the way Mona Lisa smiles on the painting. For instance,you probably tell how a friend is feeling simpyl by the way they face look or how they body type is. Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human emotion to help paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specificemotion. Da Vinci is the first person to decribe soembody emotion of the way they look,the example of the Mona Lisa was to show how Mona Lisa was felling when he was painting the way she looked inside. The facial feedback theory of emotion,just moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions but also may even help produce them. The way people are now of days don't like to show how they feel because they feel like they can't tell nobody nothing of how they feel. These computers can help us show how they feel,the compurters can help them with there day. This type of technolgy can help us when a teacher looks at how we feel about how confused we is when he tyring to teach us a lesson. These type of computers can help evrybody out in the world that needs some cheering up or just wanna be happy. If these computer go viral a lot of people can get help or just feel happy and our killing can go down and our depression wouldnt have to exise no more.
You should be a Seagoing Cowboy. What are Seagoing Cowboy's? Seagoing Cowboy's are the people that take care of animals that have to be shipped over seas. After World War II was over in Europe, many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals,and more, 44 nations joined together to form the UNNRA. UNNRA hired "Seagoing Cowboy's" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. . . Why should you be one? Think of all the good things you are doing. Helping animals is a very nice thing indeed. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is being a wonderful, caring, and awesome person. . . What are benefits from being a Seagoing Cowboy? Oh, there are plenty. one benefit of being a Seagoing cowboy is that you get to sight see. Seagoing Cowboy's travel to a lot of places. Another benefit of being a Seagoing Cowboyis helping animals. Helping animals might not sound so fun,but it is because it makes you feel good. . . . You should definitely be a Seagoing Cowboy. Think of all the reasons I just gave. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is something you should definitly want to be.
I will be taking about the Unmasking the Face on Mars. I believe that the aliens did not find the face on mars. I say people found it on mars. Mars is now Famous for the face. The face was on mars. The face was a pop Icon. The evidence I have that it says that it was in Movies books Haunted grocery store. Thatfor I know it is a pop Icon. To Mars because nothing ever has been found on Mars because it is super hot to do anything on it and ut is made out of sand. So that for I know the face was there before the aliens found it. The Face was on mars because the title of the article is Unmasking the Face on Mars. If you read the Article you would now that. The face is important to Mars and to the scientist Becaus e this is the fist thing found on Mars. The Face will Stay on Mars as long as it does not get damaged some how or disform I conclued that the face will be there forever and ever. The Aliens did not fine the face. I am so mad that the you think that the aliens found the face but they did not The scientist found it so think again because if the Aliens did found out that they did find it then we should say sorry to the Aliens for thinking that we found it. I say That we should discuss with our own sicentist to find out who found the face on mars.
I think that driverless cars should be accepted. Theses cars arent really much dangerous. The cars can since when its in danger so it sends vibration to the seats and also, has blinking lights. They also, state that drivers have to stay alert and they have cameras to make sure that the driver is paying attention so, furthermost these cars should be acceptable. I also,think that the driverless cars are a bad idea because everyone isnt as alert as others. If the car has to pull into the driveways and out of them this is very safe you will be focused on paying attention to your surroundings. If your not paying attention to your surroundings others would be alert of whats going on due to your lights blinking. Alll of these things makes it really safe to drive a driveless cars. When your backing into something the car will alert you and your seat will vibrate that is really getting you more alert. The car also announces when its time for your part so people will be notified that its there time to take the will. There's also some bad about driverless cars. What if a person who buys a driverless car is death and cant hear? What if someone who buys a driverless car cannot feel? Those are some negative affects. What if someone getsinto the car not knowing that you will have to know how to drive and get into a car wreck beacuse they dont know whats going on? These cars can really be a positive and negative affect on peoples lives. I personally think that the person who buys a driverless car should have a drivers license and be aware of whats going on. I think that everyone with this car should be tested with the car also so people can know whats going on in the cars and when your not paying attention. These cars can really change hidtory and be a positive impact on peoples lives and also negative depending on how you treat your authority with this car. I think this car should be a privledge.
venus is in a solar planet their is no life just a evening star they say its bright and you can look at it in the sky when you have the chance to see it. sometimes its right in the corner of outer space and the plane has no human life or vegtagion no trees no life nothing only brightnes and hot the red planet is very ordanary and very beutifull at the same time.not any human has steped inside venus. researchers say that the planet may not be possibli to be make human go theri since its very hot and coud just burn. they say that venus use too look like earth with oceans and trees maby life too. i think the planet might looked like earth and because we see dried up water in the planet they think the planet might have cause something with the water and might gone under the planet maby. nasa is working on venus for more studiyng they want to know how the water dried up and what caused it to dry up. chemicals might have gone in the water and done something to the water and messed it up. maby the preassure might have done something with it or other forces. we shoudl expand and visit other planets and go explore and see what they are like. i woul like to go to jupiter one day and visit it and just jump and play and just chek the planet out and see what thing might had happend to it i guess the planets in our solar sistem ares trange but the planest might be dangerous too but who knws maby the planet might hvae somehting new or maby life that just hides around and we dont know it .
Citizens of the united states should participate in the "Seagoing Cowboys" program. First off they are sending animals such as horses, young cows, and mules to the coutries that were debistated from world war 2. Also they get the benfit of seeing Europe and China. Last they are serving for the orginazation of UNRRA. And this people is why you should join the "Seagoing Cowboys" program. To support the reason that they get the benifit of seeing Europe and China. They see most of Europe. They see most of China too. And they see what most ordinary people don't get to. This shows why people should join the "Seagoing Cowboys" program. And to support the reason that your serving for the orginazation of UNRRA. They are part of the UNRRA . The UNRRA stands for (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration). And so they are helping the debistated countries of Europe and China from world war 2. Last to support the reason that they are helping others in need of animals from the debistation of world war 2. They are giving people animals. They are also giving people their needs. And from those animals they are getting people the products they need. And I see why people do not want to join the program. maybe they want to stay with their families, or they get sea sick, or the fact that they just don't like animals. In conclusion this is why people need to join the "Seagoing Cowboys" program. Like I said, they are sending animals to the countries that were debistated from world war 2. They also get the benifet of seeing Europe and China. They are also serving for the orginazation of the UNRRA. Now I recomend you should join the "Seagoing Cowboys" program.
Some think that driverless cars are in our future. Others think that driverless cars are, and should stay, merely a product of science fiction. I believe that driverless cars are not a good idea. Driverless cars are not a good idea for several reasons. The first and most obvious reason is safety. A second reason is the large cost of manufacturing these cars. And finally, a third reason we do not need driverless cars in this day and age, is people would forget how to drive a regular car or neglect to even learn if the car drove itself. The first reason that society does not need driverless cars is safety. Of course, people can argue that if a car were to drive itself, there would be less accidents. It is true that driverless cars could reduce accidents from drunk driving and other impaired states, or just simple driving errors. However, some of these problems are easy to prevent now. It is illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The simple solution is not to do it. Most crashes caused from simple driving mistakes could be prevented as well. The problem is the driver, not the car. In addition, driverless cars would be at an increased risk for technolgical malfunctions causing potentially fatal crashes. As of right now, the technology in driverless cars is only experimental and theoretical. It would take many years to iron out all the bugs, so to speak, to make these cars function properly all the time. As mentioned paragrpah nine of the article, in most of the Unites States, it is illegal to test drive driverless cars. It is illegal for these very reasons. It is illegal because experimenting with that kind of technology is dangerous. A second reason that driverless cars are not necessary is the unimaginable cost it would be to manufacture these cars. In addition, millions of dollars would be spent first to research and perfect the workings of the driverless cars. Not to mention, driverless cars would probably cost a larger sum of money than regular cars because of the time and cost of manufacturing them. In the past few years, in the United States has been going through a financial crisis. While our economy is now doing better, where would the money to fund these cars come from? In the article, the author mentions building smarter roads for cars. If that was the case, it would cost even more to fund this grand scheme. So much money is spent on paving and repairing roads every year, it would cost so much more to have to change or rebuild all of the roads in the country. In addition, if cars were to drive themselves, many laws would have to be changed for the new cars. Right now in the United States, one in five children will go hungry, there are clearly more important things to spend money on right now than to fund driverless cars. A third and final reason that we do not need driverless cars is if we did, people would forget how to drive a regular car, or neglect to even learn. The article mentions that cameras might be needed to ensure people pay attention to the road. There are already enough distractions for drivers to worry about. Texting and driving has become a major issue in recent years. Imagine how easy it would be to be distracted by a phone or other device if the car you were in were driving itself? This is a slippery slope. It starts out with relatively small things, such as not paying full attantion to the road if the car drove itself. But soon, if people did not have to worry about traffic laws and safety, then they would soon forget them. Hypothetically speaking, what if someone who had been driving a driverless for a period of time one day had to go back to driving a regular one. This person may still have their liscense, but would they be able to pass a test for it now? Problems like this would make the road more dangerous than it already is. In addition, that same person who is now driving a regular car, may forget that he or she is controlling the car, being that they were so used to the car driving itself. There is enough reckless driving, that we do not nead people operating vehicles with no memory of how to do it! Or people might even neglect to learn how to drive a regular car at all if they depended on a driverless car all the time. If society allowed this to happen, the results could be catastrophic. In conclusion, driverless cars are not a good idea. Maybe in the distant future if more problems that we are currently dealing with are resolved, but not at this time. Driverless cars are not currently safe, and will not be for many years to come. They would cost a significant amount of money, money that can be spent elsewhere for better causes, especially when we already have cars that work perfectly fine. Finally, driverless cars are not a good idea because they could cause people to forget how to drive a regular car, which could lead to a very dangerous and potentially deadly situation. There are benefits of driverless cars, however there are even more downfalls to the idea that certainly outweigh the benefits.
Hello, my name is Luke and I am a former "Seagoing Cowboy." What is a "Seagoing Cowboy", you ask? It is a member of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA.) Our job is to keep an eye on the cows and horses that go overseas. If you ever get a chance to become a Seagoing Cowboy, trust me, you will NOT want to miss it. One of the reasons I enjoyed being a member of UNRRA so much is that it gave me a chance to build friendships and communities with other countries. I think that is a very important thing to have because without that bond, you might beome enemies and go to war. Another thing that I enjoyed was just life as a Seagoing Cowbiy in general! For starters, I LOVE farm animals so I had no problem with watching a bunch of cows and horses all day. Not to mention that the scenery is absoloutly gorgous! I got to see plenty of astounding sights such as the Panama Canal and the Acropolis in Greece. In conclusion, being a member of UNRRA is and oppertunity you don't want to miss. You get to spend time with animals, see epic scenery, and most importantly, build a bond with other communites. I had so much fun as a Seagoing Cowboy, and I know ypu will too.
You may think being in the Seagoing Cowboys program would offer nothing to you. You may think that this is not a thrilling or intresting program. If you are one to think these things, you are wrong! The Seagoing Cowboys program has a whole lot to offer. It is a great opportunity. It is a exciting program for you to be apart of. It is not a program that will stick you in boring towns. This program has so much to offer you just cannot say no! You can create great memories while on your boat ! Think of all the memories other people will be creating. Why would you not want to be a part of that? You could sign up with a friend or even make new friends along the way! You could tell your family great stories of honor and travel that you would have experienced. Think of how left out you would feel you feel if you did not join this amazing program! Creating memories is not the only thing this program has to offer! With this program you can even visit unique and famous places. You could visit China, Italy or even see the Panama Canal by joining this program. Just think of all the amazing sights you will see if join this program. You could be taking gondola rides in Venice, Italy! This program has so many exciting things to offer. Just think of all the endless possibilities you would have if you joined the program! Last but defenitily not least this program also offers you free time during your visit in an exciting town or city. You would have time to tour fascinating places or even tour the local area. You would have time to yourself for enjoyment. This program would offer enough time to go sightseeing or to take in the beautiful city or town that you are visiting. Do not go off and get hired for some other traveling business or program that gives you no time to enjoy your stay. Do not work at a place that takes you to horrible non-exciting places, go the happy and sensible route, join the Seagoing Cowboys program. I have gaven you more than enough reason to join this program! It is just not sensible to join another program with all this one has to offer. Do not settle for okay when you can settle for amazing at the Seagoing Cowboys program. The Seagoing Cowboys can offer so many things that are all amazing and are very benefitial! You should join this program because it has so much to offer and sitting in a run down town while working for another business or program is not going to make you happy so come to the best of the best and gain a whole lot of new memories that will last a lifetime by joining the Seagoing Cowboys!
The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by explaining the similarities between the Earth and how we can overcome our differences as well. The author believes it is worthy of a shot because of the ways to avoid major problems, such as flying at a high altitude to evade the extreme pressure of the atmosphere and dangerous sulfuric acid clouds. The text states, "Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans." This piece of evidence shows how clever the author is willing to get to investigate Venus and just how possible this may actually be. The text also states, "...not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equallty intimidating endeavors." This evidence goes to show that not he is not interested in exploring the planet to purely learn about the planet itself, but it is also human curiosity that pushes us as a race to adventure and discorver things that are of the unknown. In conclusion the author strongly supports the idea of pursuiting the exploration of Venus despite the dangers it presents. Although as the author stated, it is better to think of these "dangers" as challenges, as we can overcome them and reach our goal. We have the potential and technology to get there, we just need to put our heads together and do it.
it is a vote qualified by the citizen and the founding fathers established it in the constitution. all of the votes have to go to the electors and to the congress and then they pick the president and the vice president. the election is held every four years on the same month and day. the governor lists all of the people who ran for presidentin your state. the winner takes all system that awards all electors to the winning presidental canididate. the governor prepares a cerificate of ascertainment. the certificate of ascertainment also declares the winning presidental candidatein your state and shows which electors are representing your state. the 60 percent of the voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. you would have to vote for a slate if you want to vote for john kerry. not always do the voters control whom their electors vote for. seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all,including rhode island and south carolina. but each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee. in a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state. the popular vote was really close in florida in 2012.
The Seagoing Cowboys, which included Luke Bomberger, had helped many people due to the effect of the Word War II. The Cowboys were known to help others, beat records from past Seagoing Cowboys, and meeting new people. The Cowboys were a huge help after Word War II. They joined with 43 other nations to form UNRRA (The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administratation), which was to help countries recover animals, food suplies, and more. The UNRRA also hired the "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the young cows, mules, and horses that were shipped overseas. When joining any club or, for example, the "Seagoing Cowboys", records are to be broken. When Luke was 18, he had made nine trips, which was the most any Cowboy has made. This was a big acomplishment for him, because it showed everybody what he could do. Entering a club is a chance to meet new people. For example, when all the animals were unloaded, it was time to bring out your game side. Luke and the cowboys would play baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where the animals had been housed. Joining the Seagoing Cowboys is a wonderful experience, because you have the oppertunity to see new places, help others in need, and of course meet new people. The cowboys are more than just Seagoing Cowboys, their people helping people.
The venus is this issue explains why is not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Numerous factors contributed to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study , despite its proximity to us . In the space they are looking for the plants whats they have on the planted like the earth is beging the sun like the Mart and Venus is beging the sun too. The atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus . Even more challeging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface,temperatures average over 80 degrees Fahrenhei, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planets.The conditions for far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; Also notable , Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planets in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Beyond high presssure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like eruptions , erupting volcanoes , powerful earthquakes, and frequent ligthning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface's.Today , venus still has some features that re analogous to those on Earth .The planet has a surface of rocky sediments and includes familiar feautures such as valleys , mountains, and craters. Furthermore , recall that venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit , a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. The value of returning to venus seems indisputable , but what are the options for making a such of mission in both safe and scientifically productives in venus.
I think the driverless cars are a bad idea. For example, when you are in an accident, you blame the other person if it is their fault. But with the Driverless cars, who are you going to blame the car or the driver? As in the passage states; "If the technology fails and someone is injureed, who is at fault - the driver or the manufacture?" Laws are always changing with speed limits, and all kinds of road laws, how will the cars get programmed to go by these new laws. Cars has been around since then 1900s and always been a drive. It could prevent accidents with cell phones, but in most states, you are not supposed to have a mobile device out in the first place. I think that is just common sence not being an idiot having a cell phone out. Manufactures like truck manufatures, may even make this. What are truck drivers going to do who make money hauling goods? Kenworth, Feightliner, Petebuilt, Man, Daf, Scania, and other truck manufactures. What are the truckers going to do when they do this for a living? Trucking companies make money from their drives, are they going to go down. Not just trucking either, bus transporations, trams, taxis etc. All of these road transportaion may go down. If people start adding it to civilion vechiles, companise might want it they don't have to pay their divers. Then drives lose their jobs. I honestly, don't think this is a good idea. People love to drive. Now, you can still take control but it's going too much with the technogly in cars. It may prevent the stupid drivers on road with no common sence what so ever. But basically, that is also just common sence, know the laws, and follow them. There is constuction on roads all the time how will the car know when to slow down. Also, if you put too much on a computer it gets overwelmed and it stops and has issues which could happen. What about a police officer directing traffic? I don't think that it can do that. Is the police going to blame the car or the driver? Most likely the driver because they are the one behind the weel. The driver will then say somthing like; "Oh my car did it". But police also will not want this I believe for many safety reasons. School zones, how will cars know if kid's are crossing? It could jus go dtright threw and hit someone. If someone is jay-walking which is illegal, but people still do they could get hit tool. What if someone is traveling and then falls asleep then the car's compuers beak down what's going to happen next? An accident is goin to happen. In m opinion, this is a bad idea and this should no be devloped into the roads of all these hazards and that takes a lot of thinking.
The use of this technology would be very valuble to students in a classroom. This software has many benefits that could help a teacher know when a student is struggling with his or her work. While this technology is still new, it opens up a ton of new benefits in the world of education. With this technology, it could be a lot easier for a child to learn when the computer knows what the child is struggling with. The data collected from the computer could be a crutial part in a students education. This new technology would be very valuble in a classroom. The article says, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." If a computer could see how a student feels, the computer could adjust the work to make it easier or even harder for the student. "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication." Computers can use this technology to see when a student in a classroom understands what he or she is doing and adjust the work so that he or she can learn better. This new technology can revolutionize the world of education. This new technology could be extreamly valuble in a classroom. The benefits of this technology can change the way that students learn for the better. In a classroom, the teacher doesn't always know if the student understands their work or not, but now the computer can do it for the teacher. The computer can tell if the student is confused or bored, so it can adjust the questions to fit the students needs. This technology is revolutionary and can change the world of education for the better.
The era of personal mobile transportation may be coming to an end. Many cities all over the world have taken part in a "car-free day". Residents of an experimental suburb in Vauban, Germany have given up their cars to participate in a movement called "smart planning", a developing trend in Europe. The goal is to reduce greenhouse gases. With countries all over the world taking part in the percentage of greenhouse gases in the air, it is vital we all unite to clear up the air for our future generations. In Bogota, Columbia, people are ending their car-dependent lives and participating in events such as the "Day Without Cars". The goal of this event is to "promote alternative transportation and reduce smog," according to Andrew Selsky's article in the Seattle Times. Businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza stated: "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,". So what are the advantages of limiting car usage? According to Selsky's article, the city of Bogota, Columbia have replaced "uneven, pitted sidewalks" with "broad, smooth sidewalks"; "rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic"; "and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up". But what exactly does that mean for the world and our everyday lives? "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," according to Heidrun Walter from Vauban, Germany, featured in an article by Elisabeth Rosenthal in the New York Times. Citizens like Heidrun Walter may feel less tense and happier. Also, smog and traffic will be cut drastically if citizens gave up their car-dependent lives. In a way our lives may be more simple and healthy if we walked, rode a bike, or even rollerbladed to school/work. The smog would clear up and our everyday lives would be greater than before.
Reasons Why We Shouldn't Use This Technology! The idea in which we can read human emotions is not an easy thing to do. The amount of time, technology, and effort is extraordinary. The fact that we achevied this goal in technology is outstanding! However to most this feat as great as it is could seem actually pointless with only some good things about it. I personally believe that its not something society really needs at this time. Sure this technology advancement can be used in some situations. In fact one of the biggest things this could be used for is to basiclly replace the polygraph system. The Polygraph test could be obsolete compared to this technology.+ This technology breakthrough can be used by law enforcement to determine whether or not someone is telling the truth. This could make procicutions faster and even hopefully more efficent. Humans instinctivly hide away from their emotions. They divert them by thinking of other things. But for one to hide their expression is not that simple however. To some this tecchnology could possibly come off as a breach of privicy. No matter how great this opurtunity could be. The flaws that thing thing could have are quite emense if you think about it. To have something be able to read you like a book almost just by a facial expression must be difficult. The algorithms are extremely complex as stated in paragraph 7. One simple misread of this algorithim could sevearly change the outcome. This technology could truly be revolutionary for man kind. However this may only truly have one use. And that is to replace the Polygraph Test. Otherwise there may truly be no use for it besides for curiosity. That is why I stand against this technology. That as well as it could possibly be a breach of privicy. This technology could invade simeones personal life. That is truly the main reason I disagree with this.
In todays society new inventions are constantly being produced. For example, driverless cars, a new model of car that no longer requires as much hands on driving. Some may agree that what the world needs are driverless cars, but in my opinion driverless cars aren't the safest technology to rely on for our transportation. Driverless cars can either benefit or negatively impact our world today. To begin, I worry that people will not take safety as serious as they currently do. If we have a car that drives itself, people may get too comfortable with not having to be alert on the roads. Studies have shown that driverless cars still need human assistance when, "naviagting through work zones and around accidents" (paragraph 7, line 7). If a driver is too busy on their phone because the car is doing all the driving, then they may miss what's ahead of them which can put them at risk of causing a wreck. In these situations legal standards may become a problem. If the car wrecks, "who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" (paragraph 9, line 12). Drivers may become less aware of the fact that technology sometimes fails and you will always need to stay alert. Furthermore, how smart will these cars really be. For example, how will they know when the speed limit changes? If the speed limit is 40 and suddenly you are in a school-zone then it changes to 25, there is no way the car is able to read the street signs. The passage states that, "they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves" (paragraph 7, line 5), informing me that the cars are smart enough but only in certain situations. This could cause major problems with traffic cops and wheather they should give you the speeding ticket or the car. Looking back on the legal issues, "who is at fault", (paragraph 9, line 12). In conclusion, there is always room for improvement when it comes to driverless cars. New technology still needs to be produced in order to get these cars working right. We need to keep in mind if these cars are safe enough to rely on. New technology isn't always the best option, driverless cars may impact our lives in ways we never thought they would.
Is it possible to explore Venus? Venus is known for having some of the harshest surface conditions of any planet in the solar system, so most would think exploring it would be impossible. That is not what the author of ¨The Challenge of Exploring Venus¨ believes. The author does not believe it will be easy to explore Venus, but does believe it is possible and worthwhile. Additionally, the author provides multiple reasons for exploring Venus with information to support them. The author of ¨The Challenge of Exploring Venus¨ goes into great detail about the conditions and history of Venus. They explain everything from how Venus was nicknamed ¨Evening Star¨ to why it is so difficult to send probes to the surface that can function for long periods of time. They even delve into the theories that Venus was once an ocean planet, like early earth. They list some of the many natural disasters that can occur on the surface of Venus, such as earthquakes and eruptions. There are many hardships that would need to be faced in order to explore Venus, but according to this article it is not only possible but worthwhile. The author also explains in ¨The Challenge of Exploring Venus¨ many of the possible methods that would need to be used to explore Venus safely. The author discusses many possibilites, such as having scientists float above the surface in a blimp. It may also be possible to send probes with more simplified electronics built with silicon carbide. Of course, all of these pathways would require a great deal of research, effort, and resources. So is exploring Venus even worthwhile? The author explains many reasons for why exploring Venus is a good decision. First of all, Venus is the closest planet to Earth in the solar system. It would make sense for humanity to begin it´s exploration of space with Earth´s closest neighbor. It is also possible that Venus could have contained life at one point, since it likely once had vast oceans. Venus has a vey similar topography to Earth as well. The author supports all of these reasons with factual evidence in their article. Exploring Venus would no doubt have many major hardhips to overcome, but the author of ¨The Challenge of Exploring Venus¨ explains perfectly why it is worth the effort. Venus holds many secrets, and if humanity can discover them, who knows what could be possible? In their essay the author has many arguements for why Venus should be explored with factual evidence to back them up.
Have you ever felt like your opinion dident matter? There is lots of contriversey over the popular topic of the Electoral College,and wheter its good or bad. The electoral college is not an actual college, in fact its not a place at all. The founding fathers wrote it in the constitution as a comprisie between the election by the people or by congress for president. Some of Americas most iconnic people even agredon abolishing the Electoral College,and i agree. In the system of the Electoral College the voters are not truley voteing for the pesident,but for there states elctors. The state electors are the ones who then vote for president. The electors can be anyone who does not hold public office. In simple terms the Electoral College is not fair to voters. The reson behind this is the winner take all system that each state has in place. So the canidates dose not waste time in states they know they have no support or chance of winning the popular vote. A dispute over the Electoral College's final decision is possible,for example it happened in 2000. However it is less likely than an arughment over the popular vote. This is because the winning canidate's share of the Electoral College undoubtably execeeds the share of the popular vote. With the Electoral College in place some people dont even see the point in voteing. Overall the Electoral College does more harm than it does good. America is supposed to be about the people, and we are a democracey. We should be the ones picking our own President by popular vote. With the Electoral College in place we are takeing more power away from the people and giving it to the goverment. It may be written in the constitution but its a new generstion and its time for change.  
Driverless cars are a futuristic dream for many people. But now that they are becoming a reality some people support driverless cars and some do not support driverless cars. Driverless cars can be dangerous and could fail and hurt someone. Driverless cars should not be sold or used until they fix the danger involved. Making them safe for the public to drive. Danger is a big worry to the world, understandably to because many people die in automotive accidents. Some beleive that driverless cars can solve that danger involved in driving. But in truth it could be more dangerous than a human driving. The technology involved in everyday life can be troublesome and does not want to work all the time, so the technology involved in driverless cars could easily behave the same way. Most people have had a problem with their wifi or their phone acting up and not working before. The technology in driverless cars could just as easily do the same thing, and that could indanger millions of people. Driverless cars take away human control and human error, but it gives control to technology and computers, in turn giving way to technology errors. Many people dont want their families getting hurt do to a technology error when they could of had control and been fine. Human control is very important when talking about families and friends. So until they can be absolutly sure the technology wont fail and can maintain control driverless cars should not be driven for everyday use.
Through the development of driverless cars, there are many postive or negative aspects that can be contributed to their manufacturing. Overall, I beleive that with these developments and engineering that has gone into the manfucaturing of driverless cars, we have improved the safety of regular automotive vehicles and the standards that safety should be set at. While the development of accessories that are created for safety are commonly used in these driverless car, these safety measures can be used in development of everyday vehicles. When creating the idea of driverless cars, many furutrists have come upon the idea that we do not need smarter cars; we need smarter roads. The development of roadways that General Motors and engineers at Berkeley tried to use were incredibly advanced. The roadways at General Motors provided the invention of an electrical cable that was to be embedded in the track, this would send radio signals to a receiver that was on the front end of the car. The engineers at Berkeley used magnets that had alternating polarity. With this new-found developments, these people created smart-road systems that worked incredibly efficently. With these developments that were made, the realization that smarter roadways may not be the correct option, but smarter cars truly hold the future. This lead to a new wave of developmental ideas. With the development of smarter cars, automakers had come upon the manufacturing of accessories that would help everyday cars. While smart cars really do need an abundance of sensors, often times regular cars can be improved with these added. With the development of anti-lock brakes, the sensors were able to exhibit a better response and control compared to that of a human driver. The development of smarter cars has lead to furthering the improvements in sensors and the computer software and hardware that makes driving safer. In 2013, BMW had annouced the devlopment od "Traffic Jam Assistant." This vehicle was able to drive partially by itself, but int he event of work zones and accidents, it needed the assistance of human drivers. Soon, automotive companies realized that it was a necessity to have a way for a car to gain a driver's attention. Some of these companies had seat that would vibrate, an announcement system, and flashing lights on the windshield and other displays. Through this abrupt realization, manufacturers have begun the merging of these concepts into everyday vehicles. Through the creation of driverless cars, we have made everyday cars safer and more reliable. They are now less liekly to cause accidents. If we further the development of driverless cars, who knows where the roadways will be in twenty years? We could have the ubiquitous use of driverless cars, perhaps they could become further assimilated, maybe laws will change for safer roadways. Perhaps our everyday cars will be the safest as can be. We really don't know, but so far, the develp,ent of driverless cars has seemingly revolutionized the automaking world and planted a new seed in everyone's minds about the future which only we can change. In conclusion, because of the devlopment of driverless cars, we have made roadways safer with the creation that have come about through their manufacturing. Without the thought of using driverless cars and making vehicles and roadways smarter, there would be a lack of development in the technological safety of vehicles. There would be far more accidents because of the lack of ability to brake, which has been stopped since of the perfection of anti-lock brakes, and there would be a lack of ability for driver's to remain focused on the roadways without the development of vibrating seats in order to gain a driver's attention when they are veering off the road. They have truly revolutionized the car manking industry and the future that we will hold.
In the passage "Driverless Cars are Coming", cars are shown to be "futuristic cars" , that can run, drive, steer, and basically do everything a normal car would be able to do, except, it is "driven" by a computer. Arguments have been shown as some say it is dangerous, and as others say it is a good thing. These cars are, i believe, a bad thing, becuase cars are not safe at all to be automatically driven by themsleves. A human, is the safest and most effective way possible, to drive a car, not driven by a computer created so it makes driving "fun" or "safer". In fact, this is a very dangerous act, that should not be invented. Evidence and details from the passage, in paragraph 9, it states that "most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers.", and this is saying, that, basically, a computer, or automatic self controlled car is not safe to drive, and that the safest way to drive a car is to have an alert human behind the wheel driving. I highly agree with this, becuase driving a car is much more safer and effective towards pedestrians, passengers, the driver of the vehicle, and other drivers, unlike an automatic- computer self controlled car, which is not safe or effective at all, and it is actually very dangerous. It also says that the car will be able to detect when it is too close, going too fast, or is about to wreck . As stated in paragraph 7, it states that "the car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel.", also, "they can steeer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to noltify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents.", etc.... Futuristic cars ARE NOT SAFE TO DRIVE. at all. simply, becuase, more accidents could occur, drivers are not contolling the car at all, it is all the computer controlling it, even though the car has cameras inside it, watching the driver, making sure they are focused on the road, paragraph 7. This is not only safe and somewhat dangerous in a wya, but is also creepy. Imagine you were inside a computer controlled car that has cameras inside watching you. Based on the evidence and details from story, it is proven that these cars are both safe and dangerous to drive. So, should we drive these cars, or no? I believe the answer is no, myself. Because, yes these cars are somewhat safe to drive, but they are also very dangerous to drive as well. All of this depends on how the driver and the car respondto certain things while driving thopugh, in way, but is still dangerous and they should not be created or permited fro a driver to drive.
Although Venus has a reputation for being difficult to study, scientists have tried numerous times with unmaned spacecrafts. Each time, however, the spacecraft has not survived on Venus for more than a few hours. The author of the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," suggests that Venus is a worthy puruit despite its many dangers. The author does this by describing the planet's similarities to Earth, Venus's location in the solar system, and by describing the vast differences between Earth and Venus. Venus is often referred to as Earth's twin due to its many similarites. Both planets have similar sizes and distances from the sun. Scientists also believe that Venus was once a hospitible planet due to its similarities to Earth. Scientists have discovered that Venus has some features that are similar to those on Earth, such as land formations. Even though Venus is so hospitable, it is the closest planet to Earth and is the quickest travel throughout space. If Venus were to once again become hospitible as it was before, humans could potentially travel there. Venus has a similar distance from the sun as Earth, meaning that it should be similarly hospitible. However, Venus has high temperatures and pressure which does not add up to the distance from the sun. The temperature on a planet is determined by the planet's distance from the sun and how much heat and light is able to travel to the planet. Since Earth is hospitible at a similar distance as Venus, then why is Venus plagued by severe temperatures? This and other mysteries about Venus are being questioned by scientists, but without the ability to get close to the planet, most exploration is impossible due to the thick atmosphere. Although Earth and Venus have many similarities, their living conditions vastly differ. Due to Venus's acidic atmosphere and severe heat, living on Venus is impossible, while Earth is currently populated by a variety of creatures. Venus has temperatures that average over eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit, while the pressue is about ninety times greater than that on Earth. Venus also has the hottest surface temperature of any of the other planets, even hotter than Mercury. Venus is also plagued by volcanos, earthquakes, and frequent lightning. These differences may seem confusing because Mercury is closer to the sun and should, in theory, be the hottest planet in the solar system. Venus should also have a surface temperature and pressure similar to that of Earth. If scientists were able to figure out more information about Venus, it may provide more information about the solar system and about Earth. Since evidence suggests that Venus was once more similar to Earth, studying the planet may provide insight as to why Venus was turned into such an inhospitable planet, and if it could happen to Earth. Scientists could also potentially develop a way to live on Venus or turn its living conditions back to how it once was in the past. In conclusion, the author uses this evidence to support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite its many dangers.
Cars have always been known for their efficiency, and speed at which they bring their driver to his or her desired destination. Although, many people are aware of the causes of driving and the negative effects of a car, most never look at the possibilities. They don't know what they are being deprived of due to the simple, solvable problem of driving cars. As countries of the world experience a cultural shift in their daily lives, people are becoming aware of the significant advantages of limited car usage, including lower emissions, increased physical activity, and decreased stress, which in turn would increase overall pleasure. With a change in one's daily life, the linear relationship between car usage and carbon emmissions, means that as car usage decreases so does pollution. In "The End of Car Culture," Elisabeth Rosenthal comments on the scientific opinion regarding this cause and effect relationship in America: "If the pattern persists-and many sociologists believe it will-it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment." Cars are a large contributor to the increasing amount of waste and toxins that make one's air water polluted. Therefore, with a drop in the usage of cars, people and land will be become healthier and cleaner. Emissions are also a problem in Europe where the "Day Without Cars" was used to promote "alternative transportation" in order to reduce "smog."(Selsky) Cars are often used get to specific places such as work or school. So why would two people drive two seperate cars if they're going to the same place? By using public transportation such as a bus or subway, one is killing two birds with one stone by using a smaller amount of gas and fossil fuels to delivery two people to their desired locations, a smarter and cleaner choice. The limit on car usage has also caused an increase of physical activities within a society. The lack of cars has created the desire for outdoor involvement as Andrew Selsky suggests in "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" when he informs people of the "improvement caimpaign in Bogota" that has enouraged the "construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths." Since space is no longer needed for the creation of parking lots, people now have ample room to create the resources needed for activities such as bike riding. Just having things such as trails visible to the public, motivates people to be active. The possibilities of physical activity areas are also encouraged by a change in the transportation bill. In current years, a drastic "80% has gone to highways" whereas only "20% went to other transport."(Rosenthal) With a decrease in the demand for cars and similiar ways of private transportation, there won't be a need for large highways. Since more money is now available to be used elsewhere, oppurtunities for parks and sports centers are opening up. Although many may not be aware, a decrease in cars also brings a decrease in stress. This is even hinted at by "Businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza" when he says "'It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress..."(Selsky) Although people depend on cars for quick transportation, it can become a hastle when traffic comes into play. It also costs people lots of money when it comes to paying for gas, so an overall reduction of cars would fix all problems regarding stress. As a result of the reduction in car usage, several "new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up," as Andrew Selsky informs the public in "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota." With an increase of space to build malls and social places, people have a better chance of staying relaxed and stress-free. Not only do these places enourage relaxation, but they provide a place for one to spend time with friends and family. From driving hazardous and waste-producing cars to saving money, riding bikes, and hanging with friends at the mall, limiting car usage not only creates a healthier community but provides people with oppurtunities to be better. All around the world people are working to change their daily habits that have created the dirty world one lives in today. Limiting car usage creates an overall happier environment to live in and an endless amount of possibilities.
If you think that the mask on the fave of mars is reall? Well im here to prove you wrong and to show you that there is a scientific reason why there is somtheing like that on mars. First, I'll talk to you about how it is that it got to be like that. Secondly, i will explain how it was made. Lastly, I will show you how and prove to you with facts of how it was proven to not be aliens who built this face on mars. First, I am positive of what you said about the aliens creating this face and then the government taking them to area 51, is a lie. The alines weren't the ones to create this face because it was what we like to call the mesa or you can also call it the butte. Anyway, the mesa is like a lot of landforms that we have here in western part of America, just as it states in paragrph 12. Secondly, when people started to make assumptions it was because NASA had not been able to take a clear image. So you can not say that it was the aliens because the rest of the world was sayng it. Thirdly, we really couldnt find it whenever we wanted because it was hard to find. As it states in paragraph 9. ''We have to scan the planet like a fax machine in narrow 2.5 km-wide strips'' said Jim Garvin. so this are some small but really to the point facts so you can have and understanding about the face of mars and so you can stop thinking that it was aliens who created this face.
Do you think that a computer can read how u feel? Can it be some sort of help to you in school? My answer is yes it can, enhancement in technology is happening sooner and sooner. They started with a system called " FACS". FACS is known for "facial action coding system". The creator of FACS is Dr. Paul Eckman, Dr. Huang had many predictions based off video imagery and how it would work. The FACS system was created for sensing emotions from imagery. Eckman classified six emotons happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. He then tried to associate them with facial muscles getting different facial expressions. Each facial expression tells how a person feeling, " for example, your frontalis pars lateralis muscle raises your eyebrows when your're suprised". This means that when your feeling a certain way your muscles react. So creating this code system helps them with trying to figure out how others are feeling in there facial expressions working torwards facial emotion expressions while in front of a computer. Dr. Huang made a few predictions and conclusions based off the work of psychologists. One of the psychologists was Dr. Paul Eckman, Dr. Huang states that " the facial expression for each emotion are universal". He also states that " even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression". Meaning it happens all the time even though there are all types of forms of expressions. While using video imagery it can sense the facial movements in a still image or a real face. We create these thoughts about others daily. you can tell whether a person is happy, sad, mad etc. the text states" you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face". They use " Mona Lisa" to show how these things work from a computer. Dr. Huang also predicts " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confuse or bored". Computer facial recognization would be great for the society who knows it just might improve others on doing there work. Yes it maybe be a hassle to get everything together but in do time everything will fall in place. Technology improves as the days go by , that technology will imact the world. Just by one facial expression could tell it all.
Turning 16 is one of the best times of your life because you get your license, your own new car and you dont have to rely on your parents to take you every where but, instead of getting a new car, why not get a brand new stylish bike? Millions and millions of people drive their car to provide them transportation to get to work, errands, school and little did they know much car usage really effects not only our planet but, ourselves too. Limiting car usage is a very effective way to eliminate stress, lower air pollution, reduce traffic, and save money to make the world a better and healthier place to live. Two of the many advantages of limiting car usage is it eliminates stress and lowers air pollution. Being stressed is very unhealthy and a simple way to limit your stress is by limiting car usage. A media trainer named Heidrun Walter stated, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way(Source 1)." If having a car is stressful, then ride a bike, or take a bus that still takes you from point A to B, just like a car does. Car usage is bad for our planet when it comes to air polution. "...Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States(Source 1)." Using other options besides taking a car would reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Limiting car usage is a happier life and healthier living. Saving money and reducing traffic are other advantages of limiting car usage. Traffic is always a problem when trying to get where you need to go. "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog...[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world(Source 2)." There's always so many people rushing to get to work in the morning and your car only moves a couple feet per minute from all the backed up traffic but, if there wasn't so many cars on the road, that would never be an issue. Saving money is always an advantage especially in today's economy, and all you have to do is limit your car usage. "As of April 2013, the number of miles drive per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995(Source 4)." The reasoning behind that is because people "could not afford new cars, and and the unemployed weren't going to work anyway(Source 4)." Riding with a friend is always a way to save money and limit traffic too. Car usage is a big problem in today's society. Eliminating stress, lowering air pollution, reducing traffic, and saving money are all advantages of limiting car usage that will lead our planet to a healthier and better living. When your parents surprise you with that pimped out bike instead of a car on your birthday, just remember all the beneficial reasons of limiting car usage and plus, you won't have to pay car insurance.
The Electoral College is broken, and with another election on the way, here is why the voting should be changed to popular vote for the president of the United States. Voters cannot control whom their electors are, in the chance that those electors are replaced with new electors so the votes may be rigged, as well as "faithless" electors may refuse to vote for their party's candidate and could cast a deciding vote for whomever they please. Voters don't actually vote for the president, instead, they vote for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. In the case that you vote John Kerry in Texas, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to Kerry. In the case those electors won the statewide election, they would go to Congress and Kerry would get 34 electoral vote. Who are the electors? They could be anyone, even if their not holding office. Who even picks these electors in the first place? Sometimes it state conventions, other times it's the state's central committee, sometimes the presidential candidates themselves. Can we, citziens of the United States, control whom their electors vote for? Not always, and that shouldn't be. In the 1960 election, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature almost succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy and make it seem that a popular vote would have not gone to Kennedy. What would happen if their was a tie in the electoral vote? The case would be thrown in the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. Becasue each state counts for only one vote, a single representative from Wyoming would represent 500,000 voters, 55 representatives from California who getto represent 55 representatives would have as much say as the one from Wyoming. This cannot represent the will of the people. Now when have you changed your mind about something? Electors can do the same. Electors can refuse to vote for their party's candidate and vote for whomever they please. That can't be right, yet it has happened plently of times before. It's even unfair to the people, who sometimes don't even get to see their electors. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, they don't focus of states they know they cannot win, aiming towards "swing states." In the 2000 campaign, 17 states didn't see their candidates at all, as well as 25 of the largest media markets who didn't get to see not one campaign ad. The Electoral College dosen't hear the voice of the people, hardly plays by the rules, is something that should be erased. Even people like Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dale, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO agree, give the voice back to the people and abolish the Electoral College!
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" the author tells positive and negative outcomes of drivers . Which leaves me to think that there could be complications with these cars. Yes, it would be cool to see the world evolve before my eyes and see what more the future has to bring but, is this dream even possible? These cars could maunfunction and someone could get seriously hurt. These cars could also completly change traffic laws . Not only that but how would the future of the world be prepared to take action if they were to mounfunction no one by then would know how to drive a car and wont have a drivers license. is it possible that they could even forget the basic traffic laws ? Like putting your seatbelt on or stopping at a stop light. Questions like these worry meand dont convice me that these cars would be safe. In the other hand making these cars can advance technology and be a start of changing the world .These cars would be so much easier and wouldnt cause many acccidents if they were to work. Plus who doesnt want a self driving car? It would be so much easier for transpertation. You wouldnt have to wait for the senior citizen to get out of the lane because your in a hurry or wait for the guy ahead of you to notice the traffic light is on green. If anything I would say i stand in both positions. I am concerned about the safety of theses cars but, wouldnt it be so cool to have your own choffer thats not even existing. To just hang out at he back of the car and final catch up with social media or change the song without having to be cautios of where you are going. These cars could be the start of something new and could change us all. Making these cars could be the path way to our future. We could all be teleporting next or flying. If they where to work who knows what else we can come across of and make happen. The world is full of possiblites you just have to take the right path and drive through it.
Using the Facial Action Coding System in a classroom setting for students is valuable because it can enhance how humans can express and analyze emotions to and from each other. A valuable skill to learn is being able to express ones thoughts and emotions to others well. Learning this is school is essential for students in the classroom and wherever else they go in life for a better knowledge of how to listen to others and also communicate a message with a certain tone to others. Humans unconsciously convey through their face what they are feeling, but completely knowing how a person is feeling from their facial expression is not always possible. With this accurate technology, the software can translate "anatomical information as electronic code." Examining the way that one reveals emotion through their face can help that person to fine tune their expressions to convey or even conceal their thoughts and emotions. Through this technology students would be able to have a better understanding of how to express emotions and messages to others in addition to analyzing what others communicate to them.
The Facial Action Coding System also is calles the FACS is a interesting solfware. The can be use for great things, but human emotions are complicated. The system emotion need to be bigger cause human have more emotions then happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. I think that the FACS is bad for student to use right now. The thing I do like abot the the solfware is that it can help alot of kids that wasn't tought right or just don't get certain things. For a solfware that can change the learning process just for you to make it more challenging or make it easier just for is amazing. This the way I look at the solfware will give everybody a better chance cause it not so straight forward as you read this and you have to understand or you can't pass on. Now It can find interesting things you like to read and it make people want to read. This machine also help the teachers cause they can't help every student if they have a class of 30 student. This is were this solfware go wrong human have way more then six emotions. These emotion we have is very complicated to the point that we don't understand them some times. For a machine to change how we learn on facail expresion is bad because we can be sick and it change the actical cause it thing we are bored or disgusted. That might really like that artical. The same can be said if a person is in pain it can say that person is angry or sad. This is the big flaw with this machine even if it is rightthe teacher or someone can go look back at that and see everything you are feeling. that can be alittle to personal for some people. This is my thought aboot the solfware. It is very great, and can be very helpful for a lot of people. The big flaws with it is that itcan be to personal for some people. The other big flaw with it the emotion part it vision it to narrow it need to be widen up cause it emotion people it might cagorize it under something it might not be.
Luke think you should join the seagoing cowboys program because you can travel all around and see some pretty nice things like Luke it said in the passage that you take nine trips to things like Greece,China,you will past the Atlantic Ocean and also you can make the world a better place and you can be a hero for being nice. Also so if you want to you can help out animals in the passage it said, the animals had to drink two or three times a day also a way you can help you could clean the stalls on the ship and they will give you jobs and other stuff and so you won't think it is boring you can have fun onboard to they got a lot of things like baseball,and volleyball and the house it is table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling,and the games make time go fast and that's why I think you should join the seagoing Cowboys program.
Many students will benefit from this software if it can truly sense emotions. If the software is truly like it suggests, students in the classroom could improve grades significantly. If students grades improve, their moral would improve, their stress levels would decrease dramatically, and they would have a better learning experience because of personalized lessons. This software could be a major benificial tool in future schools. If the software can automatically improve the learning experience of students it would be for the better all of the way around. The aritcle provides a quote from Dr. Huang that states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." It seems like the software in schools would not abolish teachers, but merely help them with a students learning experience. Each student learns in a different way, and the software is intended to fix that problem in schools. Therefore diminishing confusion and improving grades, and in conclusion, improving the moral of students. With grades improving, students would be able to focus more quickly and more often. It would also provide a sense of comfort and provide a significant decrease in stress. As long as personalized lessons are in place, students would become more comfortable with the topics that they are learning and that ultimately improves test scores which goes back into improving moral. With the Facial Action Coding System in effect, students would have an overall better learning experience. Students that are able to learn and understand the material tend to do better on tests. If the software is in place, it will change the learning experience to that particular person so they are able to understand that particular topic, which causes better test scores, which causes a moral boost, and decreases stress levels. If the Facial Action Coding System is placed in full effect in schools everywhere, students would improve their grades dramatically purely on the foundation of personalized lessons. If students grades improve, they will see an improvement in their moral, as well as having decreased stress levels, and most importantly have a better learning experience. This software could provide major benefits to schools around the world, and one may not understand why it is not in effect in schools today.
Luke bomberger was just a normal high school graduate, Until his friend Don Reist asked him to go with him to Europe on a cattle boat. He was just given the opportunity of a lifetime. Luke and his friend Don had reasons to sign up for being a " Seagoing cowboy". World war II had now ended and many countries were left destroyed, to help the countries recover from war they will need things such as food, animals, and many other things. To help the people in those countries 44 nations united to form a group called UNRRA ( the united nations relief and rehabilitation administration). The " Seagoing Cowboys" were hired to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped over seas. In August 1945, they got orders to report to New Orleans. Luke and his friend arrived on August 14th, the same day the Pacific war ended. There was 335 horses to take care of. Before arriving in Greece Luke turned 18, which means that he is now eligable to be drafted for the military service. In 1947 Luke had made nine trips, more than any seagoing cowboy. Luke ended up touring many places around the world. Luke was doing his job chcking on the animals, but this time was different it was raining, Luke accidentally slid down a ladder and almost fell into the deep dark ocean but a piece of metal stopped him fromm falling. Luke was lucky to be alive but he still was injured with some cracked ribs. Although it wasn't always fun, Luke found things to do like baseball, volleyball, tennis, and many more things. Luke had an amazing adventure being a Seagoing Cowboy, he discovered the world and was given a once in a lifetime opportunity.
In the article, the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers it presents. The author explains why throughout the article, and tries to persuade readers into thinking that Venus is a planet we should not give up on. But the question still remains, why are scientist still researching this planet if it's so dangerous? In paragraph one, the author explains that Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. This may bring an interest to astronomers and stargazers that enjoy studying and watching the sky at night. This may be a worthy cause for some people to continue studying Venus. In paragraph two, the author explains how Venus is sometimes referred to as "Earth's twin". Venus is almost the same size and density of Earth and it also close in distance. Some people may find this interesting because people on Earth are always looking for other forms of life and other places to go besides Earth. If Venus is like Earth, in physical and other ways, there may be life on Venus that we haven't discovered yet. One of the most important things to know is that Venus once could have been the most Earth-like planet in the entire solar system. I believe that this information is very important and more people should keep studying that. In paragraph four it says that Venus "was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." If it held life back then, why wouldn't it now? If Venus was once like Earth why couldn't Earth be like Venus now? Some people may worry that Earth will turn out like Venus, with high temperatures and crazy atmospheric pressures. If scientists and astronomers find more information about this planet, we could have almost every answer we need for all our questions. Traveling to Venus is a very difficult and dangerous process. In the article the author states that NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has an idea for sending people from Earth to study the planet, Venus. They are trying to create a vehicle that hovers the planet instead of going directly on the surface of Venus. NASA is also working on different methods of studying Venus besides the hovering vehicles. They made some "simplified electronics made of silicon carbide," and they have been tested in a lab. If they are able to find a way to Venus, they will be able to find out so much more information about it. They also went back and are trying an old techology called "mechanical computers." The mechanical computers were used in the 1940s during World War ll. I believe that using old technology may be a good thing for some people and a positive thing to look at. Some people look at technology nowadays and believe it is a bad thing, but if we are using older technology from a different generation people might think different of it. Also, as stated in the article, modern technology is very quick and efficient, but do not come to much use in extreme conditions. For example, if you put a modern day cellphone or laptop in a very hot condition , it will most likely melt because of the material used to make it. If we used older technology, the technology would be made by different materials and could come more in handy. I think this may be another reason to keep exploring Venus because you could create so much technology and invent ways to go to Venus succcessfully. You could also find new ways to explore other planets and go to other planets. Creating this technology would lead to many great discoveries about our planets and our solar system. In paragraph 7 it mentions that they could build mechanical parts that can be more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. If these parts of made, there may be a benefit to the scientists and every day people. These products can be made around the world and can be a benefit to everyday society. In my opinion, I do believe that going to Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers it presents. You could find out many new things, see new things, and learn new things. I think that scientists and astronauts have a good idea of how to do it and I think they will eventually go to Venus one day, or at least figure out a lot about it. People on Earth should take risks and be able to expand their knowledge about the world and about the other planets in the solar system, besides Earth.
The technology in today's world just keeps getting crazier and crazier! What do you think about Driverless Cars? Driverless Cars shouldn't be developed. The thought of this idea just sounds dangerous. Driverless cars shouldn't be develeoped for many reasons such as; saftyness, expenses, and lazyness. Safetyness is a big issue when it comes to cars. Just think about all of the rules that we have today reguarding safety with cars. Driverless Cars could cause accidents and many new laws to be made just because of the safety issues. As stated in paragraph 7, "In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless." By saying this, who knows if they ever will really have a completey Driverless Car. Without being completely driverless, something could go wrong at any time and that isn't a good or safe thing. The expenses of cars today are outrageus, but think about the cost for a Driverless Car. The prices of a driverless car will cost the inventors and the buyers. The inventors have to pay billions of dollars to complete a car that functions all by itself, which is going to be very expensive. All of the parts and technology are already high in todays vehicles, so a Driverless Car is definitely going to be high in price. The money being put into Driverless Cars could be going into more important things. Driverless Cars will cause a lot of lazyness in today's world. Many people already text and do other things while driving, so imagine what they would if they didn't have to drive at all. The population of texting in driving would increse. People would probably fall asleep while driving, which can result in car accidents. This invention also involves people being lazy because they wont even have to learn how to drive anymore. The less people don't know about driving the lazier they can be, because they won't have to do anything when it comes time to drive. Driverless Cars shouldn't be made due to safetyness, expenses, and lazyness. The car could mess up and cause an accident at any time, which isn't safe. Expenses for the Driverless Car would be very pricey and a waste. Lazyness will increase, because people won't have to learn to drive.
There is a new software the has been developed that improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of other. The Facial Action Coding System. They put a imagine of Mona Lisa Smile. In the applications called FACS knows how she is like how happy you are or angry. But with her they got a 83 percent happy, 9 percent disguested, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. In the software is the latest innovation from prof. There is Thomas Huang, of the beckman institute for Advanced Science at the University of illinois, working in collaboration with prof. Also they actually calculate emotions like math homework and how a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express , and how we feel. The computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the faces. And the facil expressions for each emotion are universal, observes Dr. Huang. Even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression like not smiling as broadly. With Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much the computer can do. They are 3 things while you are looking in the mirror 1 is raise your lips at the comers of your mouth, 2 is squinting yours eyes slightly, to produce wrinkling at the comers of your eyes and 3 is holding that raise the outer parts of your cheeks up. Towars your eyes. The facial feedback theory of emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. Empathy feeling someone else's emotional state may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions. All that is about science or technology. I think the application is smart because it show's you how you are in the moment.
Imagine being on a plaet so hot that metal would melt just from the touch of it. Imagine being on a planet that has 80 times the atmospheric pressure of the Earth. Now imagine being on it. You would think that it's imppossible and that it's too risky. Well, that's only half true because scientist have now started studying on how to explore this planet. They've even gone as far as thinking of ways to allow humans to go there and study the planet themselves. A planet where metal melts by the touch and where submarines built to go to the deepest part of the ocean would get crushed, "is it worth it?" you may ask. Well in the short article "The CHallenge of Exploring Venus" the author states that it may be worth it. In the last paragraph line 1-4, he states "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." This statement is basically saying that we will be on our way to even more discoveries if we manage to study Venus. Other reasons why it may be worth it to study Venus is that, there may have been life on it before earth! It has similar features that the earth has like rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, and craters. Scientist believe that Venus long ago could've had oceans just like the Earth. This planet could've been home to various life forms just like the Earth. Scientist from NASA have also discovered that if we were to ever launch humans into space to go study the planet, there would be a safe way for them to study it as stated in paragraph 5, "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles aboce the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." This means that humans could study the planet but away from the burning heat of the ground on Venus and the storms. Although, exploring Venus has it's challenges and it's dangers. Exploring this planet would work in the benefit of the Earth that we live on. Not only will it allows us to find ways to travel to other planets but to also travel safely. As the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus." said "human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." Exploring this planet will prepare the human race for future endeavors. "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation."
Driverless cars are an astounding idea that can be modified and fit to meet the needs of any individual. These cars in the future could help transport people, they solve more problems than they cause. These futuristic automobiles coule help transport people. Say when you become old, too old to drive yourself safely, if you want to go out somewhere you just call up one of these driverless cars and they take you where ever you want to go. This also could help to prevent accidents like with long drives, if you fall asleep, no problem the car drives on its own and can prevent a terrible crash from occuring. If you choose to go out drinking and then try to drive the car brings you back home safely. So in conclusion driverless cars are an intellegent idea. They can prevent drunk driving accidents and transport people who can otherwise not transport themselves,as well as stoping accidents from happening. There should be no question in if we should or should not have these advanced contrebutions in our society.
With the future that we see and what we are bound to see ahead of us the Evolution of technology is happening and is closer than you think. The modes of transportation now are much more advanced than what they were 20 years ago. In the past we have seen vehicles that back in the day were the next big thing, but now every year that goes by a big car company shows of the latest model of a new luxurios, sport, or even a family vehicle with the newest technological features such as sensors and cameras that will warn the driver of any danger ahead or behind the vehicle. Many people have only dreampt of seeing the future of transportaion as driverless and inexpensive such as Google cofounder Sergey Brin who believes that this would fundamentally change the world. Google has indeed made cars that have driven independently, but are still under development. Sebastian Thrun, cofounder of the Google Car project believes that technology has finally begun to catch up to the dream of driverless, safe, and advanced car technologies. With futuristic technology advancements in vehicles such as the Google modified Toyota Prius that uses position-estimating sensors, mounted video cameras, automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an internal motion sensor we can only imagine what we will see in the near future. Antilock brakes, and motion sensors have been around for quite some time, since the 1980s, but further improvements in sensors and in computer hardware and software are what is leading in making driving safer and allowing driverless vehicles to do more driving tasks on their own. Antilock brakes and driver assistance isnt quite the driverless vehicles we dream of but it is one step closer to achieving that dream. BMW has been developing "Traffic Jam Assistant" which with special touch sensors the vehicle makes sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. Many cars can steer, accelerate, and brake by themselves, but all still need human skills in areas such as work zones and around accidents. The future is near and much closer than anyone has imagined with technological advancements in transportaion technology and newer vehicles being under development with much more advanced tech. By 2020 Mercedes Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that will be driverless and independent. What we see now is just a glimps of what we will see in the future.
Have you ever had the oppritunity of a lifetime? Luke found his oppritunity of a lifetime; the UNRRA was Luke's oppritunity and experience of a lifetime. The UNRRA helped Luke out tremeandosly; UNRRA helped Luke understand the situations people were in; the program helped Luke recognize and make him more aware of people's needs and problems that they are having to live with. This program opened up the world for Luke, and Luke used his experience in is lifetime after he was done being a Seagoing Cowboy; Luke housed many international students and exchange visitors for many years. Luke has helped many lives; Through this experience Luke has made himself a better person, too. One of the most memerable parts about this experience was the sights Luke was allowed to see; Luke loved the destinations he was allowed to view, for the price he paid to help other people. Lucas was allowed to view Venice, Italy by taking a gondalo ride; China; Europe;and the Panama Canal on his way to China. If you are in the wrong demeanor or you are melancholy all of the time, join the UNRRA program. This program will help you out tremendously; it helped Luke out a great amount. Even if you aren't the most gregarious person... this program could help you become more of a people person. The program will give you an I-feel-like-I-know-everyone feeling. This experience could help you be a better,more exuberant person. UNRRA is an amazing way to meet new friends; those new friends could end up being your best friend for the rest of your life. Don Reist was probably Luke's best friend for the rest of Luke's life; Don was the one who engadged Luke's intrest into the UNRRA program. If it wasn't for Don ever inviting Luke on the trip, Luke might not of ever transfromed into a greater, helpful person. Luke wouldv'e never transferred the knowledge he learned over to his family; Luke wouldn't of been elligable to house students or visitors; those people would never have gotten the chance to have their own experience of a lifetime. You could be like Luke and help many people have their own amazing experience; you could be like Luke and set a new record for the most trips. It's all up to you whether you want to help change a person or animals life. The UNRRA is an excellent program;the program could help change you and your families life, or it could help you change a person and a families life. The decision is all up to you; the decision is to help make the world a better place or to just not take your part in helping families and other people. Everythig is up to you and your decision to join the UNRRA.
The Mona Lisa is a very impressive mix of emotions painted by the human artist Leonardo Da Vinci. However, is using a computer program that uses coding to analyze someone's feelings effective? There are two sides to every story, sometimes one may sound good, while the other bad; other times, we may see ourselves approaching both sides and seeing the pros and cons of each. Having a computer read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom can be both effective, and ineffective for several different reasons. Some of these reasons may include: emotional state, lesson planning, facial structure, critical thinking, puberty, and more. The emotional state of most kids in school can vary on a day to day basis. Not every kid is always happy, and not every kid is always sad. By having a computer that can read and detect emotions, people might not feel the need to try and read each other's emotion. This would lessen their contact with their peers and lessen their ability to comprehending and understand other people's emotions and situations. Teachers might also worry if they detect that a student is sad, or angry. On the other hand, having a machine that can detect emotions may be helpful to some students. As stated in the article, If most, or all, of the class is confused, this machine would help the teacher detect the confusion and help him or her explain in a way that the student's can understand. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." In this quote, we see how this computer could help adapt a better lesson plan for confused or uninterested students. If a student is depressed, anxious, or something of the like; the teacher can pull them off to the side and send them to a counselor to talk about it and help them feel better. However, we may wonder if the student is actually feeling this way. If a technology like this is used, it will obviously have loads of coding in it. Sometimes there can be flaws in coding, or someone that can hack into it and change it. To have such a sensitive thing in a classroom may be dangerous for some students. Another point is that not everyone has the same facial structure. Some people even have deformities or problems that make their appearance different than other people's. If this is the case, how would the program know to seperate these people with the facial recognition of everyone else? People express themselves differently, and most have different facial expressions, if people begin to depend on a computer to detect emotions, how will they be able to identify different emotions themselves? This leads to the point of critical thinking. As stated previously, students who rely on a program to detect their classmate's feelings may not try to interpret these feelings themselves. These students would go off into the real world without knowing how to identify if someone is feeling angry, sad, annoyed, or more. This lessons their social and critical thinking skills that are needed in day to day life. Perhaps this program could work on kids of certain age groups instead of every classroom. In late middleschool and early highschool, most kids are turning into teenagers. This means that they start going through puberty. Puberty is a stage in life where kids start "growing up" and maturing. Mood swings are constant, as well as several other feeling and emotions that are caused by hormones in their bodies. In a classroom full of teengers going through hormonal changes all at once, the computer may detect many negative emotions, or mix of several different emotions that are caused by mood swings. Teachers may again become worried if their students are all anxious, sad, annoyed, bored, etc.. There are many other reasons as to why this machine might be useful and why it may not. These are some of things that can be positive or negative about a system that can detect emotions in a classroom. There are definitely many more which could be debated back and forth. In my personal opinion, I do not think schools need a machine that detects emotions. I feel that it is creepy, and instead of showing my emotions, I would try to conceal them from everyone. If I feel this way, how would millions of others feel? The emotional state, lesson planning, facial structure, critical thinking, puberty, are all things that are factors of, or may be affected by this machine. Some are positive, some are not so positive. All in all, if this were to ever come to our schools, we would need a long and difficult discussion to put an end to the debate.
The Development of the Driverless Car Throughout the development of self-driven cars, we have seen them evolve from only being able to be developed on specialized tracks that use reverse polarities to guide the car on the track to having them prevalent in some cities where they are test driven in the world around us. Although some may say that these cars are a long way from becoming completely driverless, their use of evolving technology, their ability to use the drivers in unprecedented ways, and their evolving acceptance all contribute to the idea that they are the future of transportation for the world. They may be controlling themselves but they also control the world that will some day evolve to the heights of driverless cars. The cars of today have evolved from using minimal sensors to having rear-view cameras and anti-lock braking sensors, which driverless cars are definitely a part of. The driverless cars of today have been produced on the fact that car-making companies have evolved to provide these high-tech gadgets, which are equipped on their cars. "Google's modified Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors..." The inclusion of all of these sensors and cameras on the modified Toyota Prius is evidence to the fact that car companies are embracing the move towards technology to better equip their cars for the future, which is moving towards the idea of driverless cars. Proximity sensors and cameras allow for the driverless car to essentially find it's footing on the road and move in the direction that it needs to in order to avoid other vehicles and to carry out it's objective. This can be used on the streets of any city in any part of the world, and shows that this could some day used as a "public-transport taxi system" which corresponds with Sergey Brin, the cofounder of Google who has dreams on the subject of the progression of driverless cars in the future. These driverless cars also use the humans inside of the car to drive, which is a vital importance to the success of the driverless cars so that one day they may become completely driverless. "BMW announced the development of 'Traffic Jam Assistant.' The car can handle driving functions...but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." This shows that driverless cars can handle most city driving situations up to 25 miles per hour, crediting the progression of driverless cars, but also use the human inside the car to control the car when the car needs help navigating through the construction sites or crashes. Eventually as driverless cars develop, they will base the driverless cars habits through a construction site to those of a human accomplishing the same task. This helps develop the car and also gives the driver an opportunity to drive. Furthermore, these driverless cars are still being researched today in cotext that some day they will be used as the premier mode of transportation for most people."Automakers are continuing their work on the assumtion that the problems (of technology failure and it's accordance to the law) will be solved. Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time." The anticipation to get these cars rolling on the road by Tesla and others shows that they believe that this will be the future of transportation and they are unrelenting in the fact that they will make driverless cars a hundred percent of the time happen some day, with Tesla already having a projected release date for the driverless car for most of time, which again shows the development of these cars. To conclude, driverless cars have come a long way, from being mere thoughts of the imagination, to being able to drive only on a specialized test track to becoming something that already has a release date planned in 2016. Their use of developing technology with the use of sensors and cameras as well as their use of the driver as someone with the skill to drive through a contruction site or accident have also contributed to it's prominence in the automobile industry. One of the most important parts of the driverless car's road to success is it's acceptance, and that is something that it has improved on with it's release coming up and the legislation that it will and has already affected. The driverless car will someday be the top form of transportation for many people and will only grow from there.
The author suggest that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because.In the passage it talks about how no space craft has survived landings. on paragraph 2 it says "Each previous missions was unmanned, and for good reasons, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades."The author also explains how Venus's weather condition wouldnt cooporate with us humans needs. On paragraph 3 it states."On the planet's surface, temperatures avarage over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth".The author is trying to explain to the audience that Venus is a facinating place to do research on or exploar but very dangerous and Venus's conditions would kill a human because of its dangers.
Driverless cars should be a thing of the furture because our technology isnt advanced enough. Our cars aren't fully driverless yet but they are on their way. If the car still needs a human driver then their is still more work to be done. The driverless cars are a good idea but if we continue production instead we will have semi-autonomous cars instead of fully autonomous cars. The positive side of having these cars is that it will cut down on accidents by a good amount. Although if the car malfunctions or has a fail or fault then it could lead to an accident. Not to mention that what if its not even the car's fault, what if it is another drivers fault. The other thing is that it could cut down on human distractions such as being tired or something else of that nature. It could eliminate law violations such as speeding or reckless driving. The negative side is the thought in the back of your mind going "I hope this car doesnt malfunction" or instead the car may have a feature to if you want to drive you can turn the self driven option off and just drive normally. The cars do have a lot of safety feature already such as automatic braking, automatic steering and automatic acceleration. Will the car know what to do if a deer suddenly jumps out in the road, or if an accident happens in front of them will the car stop in time or will it become part of the incident? Manufacturers claim the cars have automatic steering and braking and acceleration. What if the unexpected happens. You cant program a car how to react for the unexpected if you dont even know what the unexpected is yourself. Driverless cars are a invention that is nearly complete but manufacturers still have some innovating to do. The cars have their ups and downs, but the question is will they be able to stand the test of time, wear and tear? A lot of factor play in on a driverless car and the manufacturers have to know everything about these cars before they send them out for consumer use. It is kind of hard trusting my life with a car that doesnt have a driver.
NASA is over reacting over this face on mars because they think aleins did it, they been taking alot of photos, and they been showing it to the public. NASA should stop this because it could be just a natural landform. NASA thinks aliens made the face because it looks like a face. Studys show that it could be a natural landform like a butte or a mesa just like we have on planet Earth. NASA argues that aliens could be hiding their markings behind a haze. Critics argue that it could be a natural landform. NASA took a photo of the face and it appeared to look like a butte or mesa. NASA should stop taking photos of the face because they already have enough pictures of the face to look at. In 1976 the took a photo of the face by using Viking 1. Nasa argues that they can get better views when take new photos. critics argue that you dont need that much of photos to figure out what the face is. In 2001 they used the Viking to take a photo of the face and they got back a good photo. It showed that it was a natural landform and it looked like a butte or a mesa. NASA should stop showing it to the public because they know what the face is, and people dont need to worry about it. The face starred in a Hollywood film, and appeared in books. NASA argues that they need to get the information out to people. Critics argue that people dont need to worry about it and get freaked out about it. The face was on talk shows, checkout lines for 25 years, and in magazines. This shows that the face was out in the public for people to see. In conclusion NASA is over reacting over this face on mars because they think aliens did it, they been taking alot of photos, and they been showing it to the public. I think NASA should stop taking photos and reasearching the face because its a butte or a mesa.
Venus is dangerous to human just like many other planets. This author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers that it presents. Should this author really study planet Venus? Some people look at Venus as Earth's "twin", because Venus is the closest planet to Earth in density and size, and sometimes closer in distance as well. Since Venus is so close to the Earth they have sent multiple spacecrafts tp the planet but no spacecraft survived for more than a few hours. A spaceship has not touched Venus in over three decades. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide covers Venus, that is even more dnagerous for humans to survive on. On Venus surfce it is over 800 degrees fahrenheit, the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what ours is on planet Earth. Astronomers are fasinated by Venus because a long time ago the planet could have once been just like planet Earth, today Venus still has some features but not many. In this article NASA has discovered a compelling idea for sending humans to Venys to study the planet. To study Venus the scientists would have to float above the fray, which is 30 or so miles above planet Venus. At 30 miles or so above the surface the temperature is still 170 degrees fahrenheit. Scientoss can not take very graphic pictures, get samples of rock, or gas from a distance, therefore the scientists have to get close and personal no metter the risks of he planet. NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus. Even though there are many dangers on studying thid planet this author still wants to. There are many reasons s to why this author wants to study this planetand they are all great, but i think that it is still dangerous.
The Seagoing Cowboys are a groupe of cowboys that haft to work on ship. take care of the animals and shipping them to countrys that need cattle. The UNRRA needs more Seagoing Cowboys these are the reason why you should be one. As a Seagoing Cowboy you would get to see new plases and meet new people. Help people that dose not have cattle the Seagoing Cowboys deliver young cows, horses, and mules. Having fun after the animals are gone they play basketball, vollyball, table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, and reading to past the time on the boat. Luke loves being a Seagoing Cowboy they give people cattle. The cattle boat trips were unbelievable opportunity for a small town boy. One benefit was seeing Europe and China. But the Acropolis in Greece was special,he says. Helping on aunt Kates farm help prepare him. Everyone of the Sea going Cowboys gets to play games like basketball and vollyball. These are the reason why you need to be a Seagoing Cowboy to help people that neeeds cattle, food and work horses, and mules. Jone the Seagoing Cowboys you will make a diffrents for the people.
I do not think driverless cars should be a "thing of the future". Many things could go wrong if you let technology take over your driving. Drivers and passengers could get injured, the technology could malfunction, and the cars are not completely driverless. The car would not be completely safe for the drivers or anyone else in the car. First, people in the car could be seriously injured. If there is no way of knowing who's responsibilty it is that someone is injured there could be many problems. Someone could be injured in the car because they don't have as much control over the car as a regular car would. A person who is hurt in this car could end up with a lot of problems. People in the driverless car could be injured. Second, the car could malfunction. Malfunctions of the car could lead to many problms.The driver could be driving down the road and something happens with the technolgoy and the driver loses control of the car. If the car is about to hit something and it doesnt let the driver know it needs to take over, the car could crash. The driverless car could malfunction and cause wrecks or injuries. Third, the car is not completely driverless. The driver still has to control the car if needed. The driver may not be paying attention when they need to take over. This could cause the driver to not be fully ready to stop the car. They may not stop fast enough and crash into another car or object. Not being a completely driverless could be a big issue for not only the owner, but the manufacturers as well. Driverless cars should not be used in the future. They could cause injuries, the car could malfunction, and the car is not completely driverless. It may not be completely safe for the driver or the passengers in the car. Many problems can occur from using the driverless car.
In the prompt, the author supports his idea poorly. The author is trying to prove his point that Venus is worth our time and resources to explore for some further insight to a planet close to us. While this topic is interesting, it is unlikely. The author immediately tells you how harsh the planet is, not introducing it in a way that would make you think it is possible to explore. Then, after explaining the conditions, the author describes a few ways that we could try to research it, and these few ways are inefficient. By telling us how the planet's surface is harsh and unforgiving immediately, the author presents the idea that it would be too hard to explore. The author even describes how not a single mission had lasted more than a few hours on the planet. After this description, they then try to prove to the audience that it is reasonable to research the planet further. Their argument is that since the planet is closest to us, it should be explored. While the planet does happen to be close and similar to earth, that gives us no reason to explore it. As said in the author's previous paragraph, the planet's conditions are inhabitable. The planet may at one point have been relatively similar to earth, but over time it has become completely different. This gives us a large reason to not want to further research this planet. The other argument that the author makes is how there are certain ways we could research the planet. One of said techniques of research is to have a "blimp-like vehicle" hover around 30 miles above the planet. While this idea sounds interesting in thought, there are many problems with it. In this paragraph, they describe why they think their idea would work. They think that we could develop this vehicle to resist the 170 degree temperature and air pressure similar to that of the ocean, not to mention radiation. With our current technology, it is plausable that this vehicle could be created. Plausable, however, does not mean we can. We would not only have to develop a type of airship that could resist temperatures of 170 degrees and keep it's crew from overheating, but we would also have to make it resistant to high pressure comparable to the ocean, something we see with submarines. The reason why this alone is a huge problem is because we only see submarines underwater, not 30 miles above the surface of a planet. To be able to make something that can resist high pressure, high temperature, and be able to have enough fuel to stabalize itself, is beyond our current technology. The author has reason to want to explore Venus. As a race, we naturally want to explore, but some things we just can not. If conditions were to better over years, this idea may be considered once again, but as of now, it does not seem to be possible.
In this essay there will be details and examples of technology where you can tell emotions of a character that tries to hide it in pictures. In text it says she is not fully happy she is 83% happy , 9% disgusted, 6% fearful, and 2% angry. Using this techonology would be good, because in pictures you could figure out emotios from the picture. In the text it say imagine being able to detct exactly how other people are feelings, even when they are trying to hide their emotions. It says that we humans use the same caluculations everyday when we can tell the emotions and feelings of our peers. This technology would be like a emotion calculator for pictures and paintings. In this essay I gave details on what the 3D tecnology does , it showes a picture emotions when want not to be seen. All paitings show emotions and some of the emotions are hard to see, but this technology could help you see it better. It could help you calculate the exact percentage of all the emotions in a picture.
Driveless cars shouldn't be countinued because they are dangerous, cost more, and only go to 25 mph. Currently, driveless cars is that they shouldn't be aloud because they are dangerous.(paragraph 7.) " this means the human must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." this shows that you do have to be alert but what happens when you are in a situation when it doesn't give you that notification that something wrong happens? that is going to show that the system is unreliable and would need more work. Secondly, they are way too expenisve.(paragraph 3.)These smart - road systems worked suprisingly well, but they require massive upgrades to exsiting roads, something that was simply too expenisive to be practical. This shows that not only are the cars are a lot but it shows that a lot of work has to be done to make it availible to the highways which costs a lot of money which a whole lot of companies don"t have. Finally, it says that it can only go 25 mph.( paragraph 7.) " the car can handle driving functions at speeds of 25 mph, but special touch senors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. This shows that the car is very slow and won't work well on highways which have a speed limit of 55 or even higher. In conlusion, driveless cars shouldn't be continued because they are dangerous, they are too expenisve, and they are too slow.
Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. In paragraph 3 the anthor include the dangers in Venus. The author stated the atmosphere is thick and cover 97 percent of carbon dioxide, Venus's suface temepatures is over 800 Fahrenheit, which the hottest in the solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Even thought it's dangerous, Venus can be fascinated plant to explored. In paragraph 4, the astronomers are fascinated by how Venus is closely ralated to Earth. They even says Venus was once a Earth like planet. Long ago Venus was probably covered with a largre oceans and may have some form of life, just like Earth. This may be a great oppituneited for Astronomers to land on to discover more about Venus. In paragraph 5, the author stated NASA is trying to find a solution to send human to study Venus. By studing the suface of Venus they will build a vehicle hovering 30 or miles above the landscape. NASA is also working on other appoaches to studying Venus. They are doing simplified electronics made of silicon carbide, and looking back to old technology. The author give details about the old technology which gave a better understand on what they are capable of. For example, It play a big part in World War ll. The author also stated the mechanical parts in the modern time has more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. In conclusion, the author gave the reader a great supporting idea about Venus being a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. Even mention how dangerous Venus can be, so the reader can have the better understanding the dange it can be.
I will be telling you about a story called "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves." I think it is a good story. In the story it tells about a boy who signs up with his friend to be in a cattle boat job in the passage it said " The UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys to take care of cows,horses,mules,and more over seas. Luke and Don signed up for the job." Luke got to go all around the earth and deliver cattle. Lukes job on the boat was to check the cattle every hour. Luke got to go all around the world and see amazing places they had allot of free time so they visited many places. Luke visited greece luke got to see the Acropolis. They saw China,Europe,Italy,and more. Luke got to stay in these places and got to see many things. Luke liked the job working as cattle delivers. In conclusion Luke had allot of fun and Luke got to see allot of things in other countrys. I think it was a good story. At the end of the story Luke says "I'm grateful for the opprotunity. It mad me aware of people in other countrys." I hope that you saw Lukes point of view and it convinced you to be in the Seagoing Coyboy in the program.
Imagine a car driving it's self. Seems like a fatasy doesn't it. Well, it may not be that far from today of having cars that do drive themselves. A lot of car manufacturers have been experimenting with self-driving cars. Most cars today are close to self-driving but they still need a human present for simple tasks like going around a wreck or navigating through construction. There are good and bad sides to self-driving cars, but I think that they my one of the worst ideas that car manufacturers have today. Self-driving cars may seem like an awesome future, but there is a lot that can go wrong with this idea. A lot of people would become reliant on the self-driving feature that the may even forget how to drive. Even if that person has been driving for 30 plus years. On the upside though, even if they forgot how to drive they don't even need the skill if the car is going to drive itself. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" it says that even with the self-driving cars they still need some human assisstance like navigation around potholes or going around the wreck because the cars can't be programed to follow the human traffic signaler. This may be possible in the future because as time goes on, the worlds technology advances and these future advances may enable the driverless cars to do such things as interacting with human orders from outside the car. One last thing I feel how driverless cars can be a bad idea is that without a human reaction, if there is an accident, no one will know who to blame. Would it be the manufacturers fault for apparently making a faulty car or is it the drivers fault for not making sure the car is doing and working how it's supposed to. The only way this would most likely be settled is if it went to court with the driver of the car and the car manufacturer. Somthing that could prevent this though is if there is a signing for these kind of thing that says the buyer of the car won't sue the company of the car unless is for other reasons other than the selfdriving car. There are many bad things with these self-driving cars, but there is almost always a solution or a way around these types of situations. With them being unpredictable, dangerous, and hard to figure out, I still think that self-driving cars are still a bad idea. They could possibly screw up internally and might injury someone or even kill them. I think that car companies should stick how there cars are now. They help you instead of doing all the work. Most cars have parking assist or braking assist and I feel that's better than the car doing all the work. In conclution, do you still think self-driving cars are a good idea?
I think we should keep the Electoral College because i think it is fair majority rules one person has just as much chance as winning the votes as another. The electoral College will help with votes because the people that don't vote the person that gets the electoral votes still get the same amount of votes even if some people didn't vote at all it won't change. But if it was by popular vote then the people that don't vote will make a big impact because you will need more votes to win the election. I also see it as unfair because the people that voted for one person and the majority is for another person their votes won't have any affect and will be pointless. All the people that vote for one person are useless if the other person wins the majority. With the Electoral College some electors could defy the will of the people and vote for the opposite of what most people voted for. Say the 35 million people in california and 15,000,001 million people vote for one person and 14,999,999 people vote for the other those 14 million peoples votes are pointless with the electoral college and its not fair that the canidate doesn't even get one of those votes. In conclusion i say just get rid of the electoral college because of all the votes that won't count and all the people that voted and not a single one of their votes goes to who they voted for. If it was by popular vote one person could get majority of the electoral votes but less of the popular votes and if there was no electoral college some of the presidents might not have been president.        
studying venus could lead to more scientific break throughs. studying this hot plantet is not a bad idea as long as it is done right and safley. it was as close to earth as it could be and could may as well had life on this planet so studing the planet is not a bad idea at all. the national aeronautics and space adminstation has already found diffrent ways to study the planet venus more clearly. if this could actully be done studying the planet would have a big effect on the tole of science and other forms of are solar system. the text states venus would allow scientists to float above the fray imagine a blimp like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian landscape. this shows what could be done to studying this planet and what is could do for scients scientist have found many diffrent ways to study the planet. by using siple electronics mad of silicon that can last weeks in the chaos of venus's surface. this could make the studying of a new planet possible one day and sometime in the future venus may be studyed in alott better way. althogh there are many things that goes against exploring venus the dangors or even expensis. If one day in are future we could have the tecnollogay and the expensis that traviling to venus one day is not impossiple. traving to venus is not a bad idea in many ways it could be good for use to see and find out more about are solar system and if there is or was other life on diffrent planets.
The face on mars is a natural landfrom im my opinion. This is because They stated that the shadows were what was causing it to resemble a human face. It many have some featrues that are similar to a human but they are not identcial. Meaning if a living species such as a alien did create this it would be more semetrical. Many diffrent things could have causes the rock to form a human like resmeblence,such as a peice of debri hitting the surface of the rock causing indentations. As you can see in the first picture of the face from 1976 there are small feature that resmble eyes and a nose. As the years progress the pictures look less and less like a human. In the picture from 2001 you can barley tell what the rock is. The scientist even stated the camera has such high quality that you could see a air plane on the gorund, so if they were any signs of a aliens making this we would have been able to see them. In the pictue it acually shows that the face is the same as a Butte or Mesa which are landform commonly found around the American West. Its even stated that the rock on mars is smillar to the butte found on Snake River of Idaho. The lava dome (Butte) is even the same height of the face on mars. There fore coming to the conclusion that the same natural occurence that formed on the Snake River in Idaho aslo fromed on mars causing what looked to be a human face.
Is it a really a good thing to read someone emotions? well it is, if you see someone who's mad, sad, fearful, you can help them to calm down, to feel better, or to feel less scare. emotions really lets someone to show everyone how they feel. But using the Facial Action Coding System (or FACS) on classroom full with students could be a good/bad idea. One teachers can see if students are confuse or lost, two they see if there's something wrong with one of the students, three some students don't want their's teachers to be in their's problems. Before I explain more about why it's a good idea for teachers, I want to talk about how i feel about FACS. It something that i never heard about and i think it's somewhat a good idea, but i dont recommaning it to put it in a A.I. It would get a bit weird and creepy if it's in a robot, but that's how i feel about it. Back to the topic, if a teacher is given out a lesson and some students don't get it they use the FACS to see if they get it or don't. They can even use it as they teach and see what they in to work on long until they understand the lessons or topics. You know how some teachers would ask the class how are they doing before they start the lesson? well there are some teachers who don't ask that but do care for their's students. If they use the FACS before they start class and see someone depress or sad they can wirte their names down on a note or peice of paper and after class or school they talk to them one on one to see whats wrong or if there ok. they can even try to help them or make them feel better. There are some students who need help or need to talk with someone, but they chose not to get help because they feel like it's gonna make it worst for them. I know some people who really need some help but they dont want to get help, but we had they FACS in my school they get help faster. than again they would get mad with teachers fast becuase they don't teachers to help them with their problems. Thats what's I got to say about the FACS being a classroom. It would be really helpfull for teachers, but some students would be annoy by it easily or would think that teachers are trying to be apart of there personal lives.
Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions, the use of this technology to read the expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. Schools are already incooperating technology into schools so much more these days. If were going to be doing more online learning it should at least be taught as a real person would teach it. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.... then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor" this could help alot with online learning especially if your doing work at home and dont have a teach there present with you to further explain something. "most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication... So computers need to understand that too" Technology is becoming a part of our lives more and more everyday. We see it eeverywhere we go now. Most people probably interact more with devices than with an actual human being. So why not make it easier for people to learn online with the use of Facial Action Coding System's We should incooperate face analysis devices into a schools to make it easier for students to learn online.
This article is about an author explaining why studying Venus is a worthy puraauit despite the dangers that come with it. Although studying Venus is a big thing for NASA, their are still many risk and things to know before making such a discovery. In this acticle it says that Venus may have been another copy of Earth thousands of years ago. This may be true but some scientist are still not sure. But they have prove, in pictures of Venus it is shown tha this plant has mountains and other features earth has. We all know earth is mosly covered in water, but many scientist thing that Venus may have had water like earth thousands of years ago. In the article it say "venus is somtimes referred as earth's twin', and many scientist think that is true since both plants have some of the same features. But scientist still want to have a closer look deeper into venus so see if they are really twins or they are completly the oppsite of each other. Next the paragraph talks about how many scientist have already sent various objects to venus but really didnt last that long cause of the density and tempature of venus. And since no spaceship has survived landing for more than a few hours, this explains why scientist are working reslly hard to get on venus. The author alson states that "spaceship have not touch venus in over three decades" which is a really long time. That saying that the author said is really powerful casue it shows how much time it has been and probaly how much time NASA has been working on this project. lastly in the article it says that scientist have reveled one of their projects that they have an impact in this discovery. NASA has reveled that they have been working on a computer that as they say" can take the heat and the denisty of venus", which they say can becasue it was tested ina stimulation of venus. Scientist have also said that this device can last up to three weeks in this weather which is a hige impact and accomplishment. The awesome thing about it is the device makes caluation from the gears and levers. And the aouther alsosaid that they used this type of technology in WWII which is very hard to think to have such high technology at such time. The author did an amazing job explaining why scintist should expolore venus more. He/she also did a good job explaing the details and facts about venus. He/she also did a good job showing the simlar and different features earth and venus had. But the important part part is how he/she supported their answer. After reading this article many people will agree with the descoveries that should be made in venus.
It might be hard to study a planet that isn't letting people explore it because how hot it is, or the different weather it gets on certain days. It will bring dangers from studying it but that is what make you want to study the planet even more. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The three reasons i'm going to give is to why Venus is a good planet to study. The first reason why the author should keep on studying the planet Venus is because their might be a shot possiblity humans could survive on the planet. It might be a big struggle to have any form of life, but we won't know if no one studies it. In the text it states, " Solar powers would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans." I used this sentence from the text because it's explaining how we could have life! This is a huge deal to find this out. The temperature on the planet would be toasty around 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Our sea level on this Earth to close to the air pressure on Venus. Another reason is the similarity between Earth and Venus. Astronomers are fascinated on how Venus may have been like Earth a long time ago. They predicted that is was probably covered with large oceans and could possibly be available to the thought of form of life. In the text paragraph 4 it states, "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,mountains,and craters." This is a good sentence because it's saying everything that is similar to Earth. This is also another reason why the author should study this planet becuase without studying and looking for clues for this planet, nobody would know about Venus.He needs to do his research to find out if this mission is both safe and scientifically productive. Last but not least on why the author should continue is becuase he needs to find out more about the planet and how to get rock, sandrocks, anything about Venus. The author and NASA cannot find out more because everything they have built, it get destroyed after a few hours being on the planet. In the text it says, "Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us." It may seem hard to fully understand why Venus is super hot that keeps distroying NASA's spacecraft. They understand why not another single spacecraft has touched for more than three decades. Therefore, the author should keep going and continue his research about planet Venus. I like this quote from the passage and it says "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination" The reason I like this is becuase the author is right, no one should be limited on what they want to do because of the dangers. It might be dangerous to study about planet Venus, anything could happen and go wrong, but thats why he should keep studying to be prepared. In the end I think he should keep going, to find out more about this planet even if the dangers is there to presents itself.
Is the Electoral College fair and right? This system is composed of the selection of the electors, the meeting of electors, and the counting of congress. This systen includes various methods like the "winner take all" system that gives the presidency to the winning candinate of the eletors votes. One very important thing in this system is trust, you have to trust the electors that you voted for to make the right choice. This system of eletor votes is very useful for picking the country's leaders. The winner take all method is very intresting indeed. The electoral votes decide who wil get what, who will win. Popular vote in no longer in "session" or popular, the electoral votes decide it now. For example, in the 2000 election, when Gore had a lot more popular votes than Bush, but Gore had less electoral votes, it was a shocking suprise for the nation, it seemed to be like more people liked Gore than Bush. One very important thing to consider is ... the reason why Bush won, there is a huge diffrence between making a good choice, aka Gore, and and making the right choice, aka Bush! Trust, its possibliy one of the most hard things to do in life, but in this system its necessary. Its very significant that you put your trust in the slate of people's hands that you and a whole variety of woried people selected. Trust should not just be handed oveer like anything, its should be earned just like respect, vote in the candinate that you trust. Popular vote is kind of fair in a way because we can all vote like independent citizens. Sometimes the electoral candinates vote against the people that elected for them and go for what they think is right which in no case is incorrect but a hudreds of citizens were counting on them to make their choice. We all have a voice, we have to use it in the fair way, and the righthous way is mostly a popular vote, but popular vote is not as efficent as eletoral votes. The Electoral College is right but not fair, althought it has its benifets, its has its defaults as well. In the end we all decide our own fate, but together we must work together to rebuild what has been broken. We must decide on the correct, on the right leader, the leader that will make great choices for us, the leader that will lead this unique, beautiful, and magnificent country to greatness like never befroe seen, and we must be there with that leader every step of the way. Not everyone will expericence greatness but we sure will be part of it!!
This article is abaut the platent of venus that are sometimes called Evening Star this is the secon planet from our sun,this planet is one that tje people can see from a large distance it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. this is the most dangerous for the people because the sun is like the fire the people can`t see and touch this in a short distance the sun and they light can be beautiful but is it most thing that is dangerous in the universe. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size ,and occasionally the closest in distance too, venus is a planet visit for the people,venus have many things that are interesting the people vistit this place for know somethings that they don`t know but they need know venus is one planet that are close with mart and earth venus is study for the humsn science. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon blankets venus. On the planet the temperatures average can be over a 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is like 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet,the conditions of the this planet can be more extreme than anything humans encounteron the planet earth venus is the only planet that have hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system,the other planet that are closer to the sun is mercury , beyond high pressure and heat. Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting of volcanes powerful earthquakes and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to a lang on its surface. venus have nomerous factors that contribute reputation as a challenging platent for humans to study,despite its aproximity to us, venus should have a sulfuric acids in the venus atmosphera In all of this we have a question Why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface.? Venus is a fascinated planet for the astronomers because it may wellonce have been mthe most Earth like planet in the solar sytem venus is a planet know for the rocks and gas that there is.
I think he does a fantastic job at talking about studying Venus. For one, he does state that yes, of course it is very dangerous studying Venus and it's suroundings due to all of the risky factors on the plantet; Though he talks about how it could be helpful to learn about it. He talks about how it could have been Earth like in nautre, it could bring us to new discoveries, and how we as people are hungry for more knowledge and that Venus is a good start off challenge for exploring. At first, he states that one,Venus is stated to be called our "twin" when it comes to terrain;Along with stating that,"Venus is the closest plantet to Earth in terms of density and size." He then talks about how Venus would have likey had oceans of water just like Earth, and could have housed life such as us. Clus being that it's terrain is very simair to urs, with moutain and caverns and so forth. Why this is a such a fasinating thing is because we as humans are currently looking for life on other planets and if we had ever found out a way to get samples from Venus, we could maybe find idems,clues, and or evidence that Venus was like our plantet today, that it housed some form of lifeform and would maybe be able to give us evidence that maybe we or weren't alone in the universe. It also gives us the chance to explore our bounderies with science and technology. We learn that Venus is far from a life housing plantet today. As the author goes into detail. We find that quoted from the article, "surface tempertures average over 800 degrees." "such an environment would crush evena submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our ocean.". We can clearly see that nothing we have currnetly could master the terrain of Venus. He starts going into how this could challenge what we have now and how maybe if we can overcome this bounderie, then we can advance more and more into the field of space travel. Scientists are already coming up with new ways to study Venus without having it's furture people abroad killed in the process of stuying the surface or having the technolgy we send melted upon impact. The author lastly goes into how not only exploring Venus wil give us insight on what the plantet has to offer, but how the "human curiosity will likey lead us into many equally intimidating endevors."He feels that Venus is a great start to our already curious fasination about space and our neighboring plantets and that it will give us a chance to not be afraid of our limits and the unknown. Overall, I think he has done a good job of convincing us, the reader, to say to ourselves, "maybe going to Venus isn't a waste of time." With explaining why Venus is a good canidate to study, I feel as the Author has convidenced me to look deeper into the studying of Venus and space travel and why it is important to study Venus.
The auther is intsted in learnig was venus once a planit like ours. he also clamis the venus long ago was a planit covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life and that venus shas features that are analogus to those on earth. travling to venus can be hard espusaly sence there is a thick could srounding the surface of the planet and you cant see the surface of the ground and none of the air crafts have ever maniged to stay alive long enoff. The Nasa is working on other approches that could help out in studing venus for example some simplified elctoncs made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos venus's surface and lasting for three weeks in such a condition. They are also looking into using old technology called mechanicl computers these devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and payed an important role durning ww ll. These cumputers actualy dont need eletroncs at all. Modern comuters are enormously powerful, flexible and quick but tend to be more delicate. By using these old computers that use mechanic parts can be made more resistant to pressure heat and other forces.
Dear, Senator Let the people vote for the person they want to not the electoral collage. I agree that the electoral collage should be change. This is because some people vote for a president that they are not voting for. People wish that the person that they are voting should be president. Yes we should follow the constitutuion but something we should not follow at all. On paragragh 10 it says that when you vote you don't vote for the president you vote for the slate of electors. Then they pick who should be the president. People have the chance to vote for who should be the president. For,example, when something happen in 2000 gore and bush. Gore had the upper hand and was going to will but then instead of gore winning bush on. The electoral collage is good but not that good. The electoral collage has to choose the president and the vice president. That is not right. many people thought that the U.S is doing the right thing but they are not. During this time in 2000 campaign,17 states did not see the candinates at all. if anyone has a good arguement for putting the fate of predsidencey in the hand of a few swing vater in ohio they have not taken there move yet. the electoral collage is unfair, outdated, and irrational. the best argument in fovor of it are mostly assertion without much basis. mr. ob dole was right that we should abolish the electoral collage. i beleive and it my oppion that this is not right but the candinates think so. Like On paragragh 18 the same thing happen with obama and romney to . obama received 61.7% for the elector vote compared to the electoral collage should not be a constitution because that if we let it keep on going then is will not be fair to anyone at all. And it also not fair for a winner tom take all.  
To drive or not to drive? That is the question. In the article, "Driverless Cars Are Coming", both positions are explored whether automatic cars would be good or bad in our world today. In my opinion, I believe that these automatic cars are doing wonders on today's technology. Automatic cars are making it much more safer to drive on the road and adding a lot less accident risks in there. There is a lot of potential, and I say why not take it? Advances in technology have usually made everything better. It's history and amazing how much our society has evolved with technology and machines to help us make our lives much easier, like how farming used to just be planting a seed and picking it when it's ready and sweet enough. It's the same with electronics and cars in that kind of sorts. You used to have to learn everything about being on the roads with your car, learn how to drive and navigate it, and not that long ago, you had to learn to tame horses to make travel easier. This automatic car thing is just an extension of that and the potential is extraordinary. It's more assisting than actual driving at the moment, but we're almost there to see it in our futures. It's very similar like a person going from struggling on a crutch to finding much more ease using a wheelchair while you rest up. This potential can help us drive a lot easier without many risks except technology failing on us, but that can easily be managed. If you htink about the outcome, people who can't drive like disabled, struggling teenagers and shaking elderly can finally drive again with more ease. Now it's easy to believe why take the risk if it can end up worse, but that's just being paranoid about the bad possibilities rather than wanting to explore all of the good that can from this. Like the article argues, If technology fails and some is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?". It is arguable, but there are human errors and technology mistakes. This also has some potential for job opportunities, like specializing in automatic cars and troubleshooting them. Stated in this article, it says sixteen years ago there was no potential to create a driverless car, but now that the technology to do so has evolved, why not do it? It's not like you're trying to take over the human race doing so, it's almost a breakthrough in science if you think about it. No more having to rely on people itself to keep you safe in the car and having extra assurance that the car itself will keep you safe if you mess up is a huge relief in my opinion. It's something cool that was always thought of in movies to have hovercrafts and spaceships, and creating a driverless car is a baby step in that direction. Driverless cars will do a lot more good than bad in my opinion. There is a lot of support in this article, including my own that should show that driverless cars will be something tech savy in the foreseeable future. You have to take a risk to continue moving forward and growing, and isn't that what everybody wants to do? Move forward from yesterday? We drive today, but tomorrow, it's one less thing to think about in our busy lives.
You may think living without a car would be impossible. But just take a moment and think about if your life would be easier? Most of you are thinking most likely no. But I will show many examples on how living without a car would only make your life easier. In all honesty. There wouldn't be any more car acidents. Which means there would be less deaths and injuries. Another advantage would be having more money because you wouldnt have to buy a car and pay for car insurance. You may be reading and now are starting to think that this isn't bad at all. It may be a hasle to get around but you'd be saving so much money. In our eoconomy saving money is everything. So if people don't use cars. And they save up all their money. Then they'll be set and more happ with life. Mostly because they're not fed up with multiple car payments every month. And one more additional thing is that it will make the enviorment more safe and not as air polluted as once was. &nb
There are many pros and cons against driverless cars. Even though the gadgets are quite useful, they could also lead to many malfunctions. To imagine a world with driverless cars is futuristic and almost unthinkable. America is the fattest country in the world. To have driverless cars would be one more reason for obesity to sky rocket. America has become so lazy and unhealthy it is ridiculous. Not that driving burns tons of calories, but it is much more beneficial than just sitting back and allowing the car to do all of the work for humans. Another reason driverless cars would not be beneficial is because what if somebody had gotten into an accident by chance and was not able to get out of the car, or even out of their seatbelt? The doors could be locked and cause great danger to one's life. If by chance someone was to happen to get into the accident, who would get in trouble? The driver or the manufacturer. It would cause a great deal of trouble to figure all of that out. New laws would have to be set in place
The use of cars around the world are having an impact on the envoirnment today.  Being able to limit the use of cars would be benifical to your wellbeing and the enviornment. In Vauban, Germany there is a suburb that doesn't have any cars. People are allowed to own cars but there are only two places to park, which are the two large garages at the edge of the development. Also the owner must pay $40,000 for a space, along with a home. The majority of the residents do not own cars and say they are happier this way. This community is an example that is trending throughout Europe, and is trying to kick start a movement called "smart planning". "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States"(Rosenthal 5). The air is becoming very polluted and there are efforts being made to try and fix the issue. In Paris, there was a day of near-record pollution. They decided to enforce a law banning certain cars on certain days to try and help clear the air. On Modays, people with even-numbered licence plates had to leave there cars at home or pay a fine of 22-euro or $31. About 4,000 people were fined that day. The congestion was down 60% in paris as well, and the smo cleared up enough monday for the French to decide on the banning of odd-numbered plates on Tuesday also. Aslo in Bogota, Colombia there is a day without cars. There goal is to promotes alternative transportation and reduce the amount of smog. Anyone who violated this law was fined $25. " It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said buisinessman  Carlos Arturo Plaza(selsky 24). This trend is spreading, with other Colombian cites joining the event. The end of car culture is among us in the United States. Studies have shown that people are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licences as the years go by. The number of miles driven in the United states peaked in 2005 and is steadily dropping . As of April 2013, that number has dropped by about 9% and is equal to where the United states was in January 1995. The new generation are not finding drivin or even etting a licence a priorty anymore. They plan there work and social life by were they can walk or use a alternative  transportation. Bills are being made to help with the amount of pollution made by cars and are trying to gie the people more opportunities to use alternative transportations. The amount of pollution created by cars are effecting our envoirnment. As shown in the example of paris, that by limiting the amount of cars o the road you can prevent some of the air pollution increasing the quaility of the air. Also not having to worry about driving has decreased stress in some cases. Overall limiting car usage would be beneficial to your wellbeing and the enviornment.
The process that undergoes during the election of the President of the United States, is unfair. "It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational."(Source 2) We should change the process that undergoes today which is known as the electoral college to something that would actually reflect the people's thought on who should lead our country, and I think that we should decide our elections based on popular vote. If we stick with electoral college, voters won't recieve for what they've asked for, some may find it confusing, the people have no power over their electors, and they have no loyalty to us. That is why we need justice and see that our voting system should be change to popular vote. Voters and electors are both the same thing, they're both human beings, and that means we have our own ideas and they have theirs. Once the electors go to vote to whom we would like for president, the voters no longer have power over them. "Electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's canidates."(Source 2) So why should we trust someone who won't even keep their word that they would vote for our likings, the people's likings. We should trust ourselves with our own decisions and outcomes. Not some bafoon that won't even stay loyal to their state. Sure if we allow every single person's vote to be counted, it would take probably months to find out the outcome. But the result would actually be true for once. The peoples words and actions actually matter in the government. Changing the procedure that elects our president should be changed to popular vote so that our words and actions can be heard everywhere around the country and change what needs to be changed. Like I said, our electors won't do what we ask them to do, sometimes. They may, sometimes, defy us. "Electors could always defy the will of the people."(Source 2) They have their own minds that can think and act, and when they have the power of the people of a state, they can use that power for their wants and needs. But we the people of the United States do not need some person to look after us. We defied Great Britain, the greatest country in the world back then and your saying that when we are liberated, the people still need someone to look after our wants and desires, like they're babysitting us? Well I think that's mahogany. When we give the electors our votes, they have the power, and we don't. "Voters can't control whom their electors can vote for."(Source 2) So why bother voting when our votes don't even count? The electors should become the people of this country since our judgement don't even matter to affect the country that we live and protect. When the states were created, some were made to bigger and sustainanble than others, those larger states may have a greater impact on our government than the smaller states. But size doesn't matter, numbers matter. If three small states have the same idea, they may over come a large state. That result would show the real outcome of our people's desire for our country. That's why we should change electoral college vote to popular votes. With such a complicated system to bring our favored canidate for president in, some people don't understand how the process works and may end up voting for the wrong canidate. Voters somtimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong canidate." (Source 2) With popular vote in play, people could just vote to whom ever they desire and done, you're finished voting. That would be a simpler way to process things that everyone could understand. Why do we need complicated systems anyways? Sure with such a simple system many things things could happen, but we just need to change the procedure for voting, not it's security. I think if the country would be a lot simpler if we changed electoral college voting to popular voting. Justice would finally be served to the United States of America. In conclusion, I think that we should change elcetoral college voting to popular voting so that it would make electing a new presindent simpler, have a true result that reflects the states wishes, and voters can actually have control over their votes.       
Luke's point of veiw if you wanna join or participate the saegoing cowboys is he said it was an opportunity of a lifetime, so you get to do it once. Another reason that Luke thought you should join or partcipate is you can take care of horses,young cows,and mules that are being shipped overseas. You also get to feeed the horses.When you have time on the ship you can play baseball,volleyball,table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling,and games to pass the time. It even opens up the world for you to discover. When Luke was discovering the world he was grateful for the opportunity and it also made him aware of people of other countries and their needs. Luke also made 16 trips around the Alantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean 2 times to help people who were affected by World War ll. Another reason to join the Seagoing cowboys program is you can see the people in needs who got their houses destroyed in World War ll. When Luke was in the Seagoing Cowboys program he visited many unique places like New Orleans,Greece,Europe,China and he also took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy and also toured a excavated castle in Crete. You should be careful while being a watchman in the dark because Luke slid on a slippery ladder on his backside. A small strip oh metal stopped his slide from flying overboard. He was happy to be alive but he couldn't work for a couple days of his cracked ribs. Also Luke travled on the Charles w. Wooster and as heading to Greece. It will take 2 weeks to cross the Alantic Ocean. Also what he did on the ship is he cleaned stalls which you might have to do.The last thing he did was help out in the kitchen. You have to help cook in the kitchen.